
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@dslb-084-057-035-121.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddellmanchicken: get my e-mail?12:54
nixternaldid it have any money attached?12:54
manchickenThe one about it killing the indicator icon?12:55
manchickenYeah, I've been trying to shoot that one down for an hour or so  now.12:55
manchickenI'm sure that as I get more comfortable with C++ it will be easier, but the semantics of the language are just biting me in the ass.12:55
Riddelladept is more difficult than most because it uses stl stuff rather than nice Qt12:56
manchickenRight now I'm trying to figure out how to get the overridden pixmap method to call a parent pixmap method, but due to constness it's proving to be more trouble than I thought.12:56
manchickenI totally agree.12:56
manchickenthough this problem is 100% a weirdness in how the Qt stuff is done.12:56
Riddellyes, qt 3 list views are curious things12:56
manchickenOverriding the virtuals in Qt seems to cause headache sometimes.12:56
Riddelladept takes it to the limit really12:56
manchickenCurious is an exceptionally polite term for them :)12:57
manchickenI wish I could tell the compiler "yes, I know it's a const.  I'd like to treat it like a const as well... but you're bitching about nothing"12:58
manchickenBut I can't... because it's only a program.12:58
manchickenAnd no matter how much you'd like to, you can't slap the sense into a program.12:58
Riddellconsts are crazy things01:09
Riddellit means about 10 different things in c++01:10
nixternalheh, I know named constants, and you mean there are more? ;p01:10
giangyRiddell: have you see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/102345 ?01:13
ubotuMalone bug 102345 in kde-guidance "kde guidance does not display cpu frequency" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 01:13
nixternalheh, I just noticed that, my CPU is 0mhz01:14
Riddellgiangy: lure or sebas might respond faster to that than me01:16
giangyokey, I'll ping lure or sebas tomorrow01:16
yuriywhat's stl?01:29
nixternalstandard template library01:29
yuriyi wonder how adept 3 is going and whether it'll be less complicated dev-wise01:31
=== Jucato is amused at how adept is complicated both dev-wise and user-wise :D
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@207-172-67-143.c3-0.frm-ubr3.sbo-frm.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
yuriywth i just randomly got logged out. and lost my session :-\01:47
manchickenRiddell: It took a while, and it's a little hacky, but I got it done.01:49
Riddellmanchicken: ooh!01:51
yuriydoes qt4 listview allow for these things without being hacky?01:51
=== Riddell hugs manchicken
=== yuriy hugs manchicken too
Riddellyuriy: qt 4 treewidget seems pretty flexible01:51
manchickenAnd now I'm going to try to do it without creating separate objects for each item :)01:51
=== manchicken hugs const pointers...
Tm_TRiddell: kde4admin  - graphics applications for KDE 4 testing01:52
Tm_Tthat seems bit funny01:52
manchickenRiddell: Disregard that previous patch altogether.01:52
manchickenRiddell: This one is quite different from it.01:53
manchickenI hate not having a bzr branch to go off of though.01:53
manchickenI have to clean up the patches manually due to conflicts.01:53
yuriyi don't see a kde4admin..01:54
Jucatoneither do I...01:56
Riddellit'll still be in NEW02:00
RiddellalleeEdgy32_: "ach@mpe.mpg.de has been removed from kubuntu-devel"02:00
manchickenmornfall will probably yell at me for this patch.02:04
manchickenRiddell: Enjoy your patch.  I'm off to drink beer and eat spicy chicken fried in only God knows what.02:09
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Riddellmanchicken|away: enjoy the beer02:15
jjessemmmm beer02:15
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manchickenSo did we roll back the tabbed interface for kde-systemsettings?06:37
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Riddellallee: "ach@mpe.mpg.de has been removed from kubuntu-devel"11:24
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alleeRiddell: oh, why?11:51
Riddellallee: no idea, that's all I got11:55
Riddella number were unsubscribed at the same time11:55
alleeRiddell: no, info about it in my mailbox.  I'll resubscribe again.  Thx for the hint11:55
=== larsivi [n=larsivi@062016230103.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu-devel
larsivifinally! KNetworkManager is usable!12:22
larsivi(it was the WPA support that did it, btw)12:25
mhblarsivi: has there been an update recently?12:26
larsivimhb: with feisty I suppose?12:27
mhblarsivi: you said that it is usable ... network-manager with wpa support fails to connect for some chipsets12:28
mhblarsivi: so I wondered if there has been an update in Feisty recently that fixes bugs or something12:28
larsiviwpa_supplicant has been working fairly well for me, but something with feisty has made it unstable (networkdeamon,avahid or similar) so I decided to test knetworkmanager again12:28
larsiviwpa_supplicant has been working for me for 2 years (having the ipw2200 chipset)12:28
larsivisocalled WPA personal setup (which confused me a bit, since it is not what is commonly used elsewhere)12:29
larsivialso, on Windows I don't think passkey protected networks are differentiated between at all (WEP or WPA)12:30
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@230.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: want me to upload adedpt with the patch ?12:36
larsividid the kdm login graphics change for feisty? I think I didn't get them because the install thought I had made local changes12:37
RiddellTonio_: no, I'm onto it12:52
Riddelllarsivi: they didn't, check Theme=/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc12:52
Tonio_Riddell: okay ;)12:52
larsiviRiddell: thx, what I have12:54
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Hobbseeanyone seen https://launchpad.net/bugs/103607 ?01:36
ubotuMalone bug 103607 in adept "Adept-updater announces new version of Kubuntu but does not allow it to be installed (dup-of: 102782)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 01:36
ubotuMalone bug 102782 in adept "Cannot upgrade Kubuntu - 'next' button is disabled" [Low,Fix committed] 01:36
Hobbseeah, fix committed01:36
=== Jucato has been talking about that since yesterday...
Jucatoimho, it's a "false" notfication though...01:37
HobbseeJucato: i've been looking at MOTU-type documentation stuff, btw.  i'd be interested to see what you thought of it, at some point01:40
JucatoHobbsee: resuming MOTU studies on Monday or Tuesday :)01:40
Jucatoloooong holiday :)01:40
Jucatonot that I don't want to "work"... just that I can't...01:40
Hobbseebah.  this wont be done anytime soon01:40
Jucatojust 2 general preliminary comments though: info/link overload (for the wiki) and probably too high an entry level (for the packaging guide). emphasis on the "probably" there01:41
=== Jucato will be comparing the Debian and Ubuntu guides to get a better overview
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@dslb-082-083-130-233.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoI think I came across a MOTU page about cleaning up and organizing the MOTU docs though. MOTU/Documentation/TODO iirc01:43
Hobbseeyeah.  it's all pretty bad01:43
=== Hobbsee sorts plane tickets nad the like first
Jucatoheh :)01:43
=== Hobbsee wondres where her passport is
=== Jucato wonders when he wil have need of one :D
=== Hobbsee panics
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== Hobbsee ARRRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hobbsee</end panic>01:57
=== Hobbsee notes that putting things in a very safe place where they wont get lost usually means that she'll never find them again1!!
Jucatoheh :)02:00
=== rouzic [n=rouzic@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shCzessi: when you are online, please login into your jabber account ;)02:01
rouzicHobbsee: Hi02:04
Hobbseehi rouzic :)02:05
rouzicHobbsee: 2 days ago actualiz the packages avahi - *, and from this moment the take-off me is late almost 2 minutes when the message appears " start the configuration network "02:06
Hobbseerouzic: sorry?02:07
rouzicKubuntu's take-off is late 2 minutes since I updated the paquetea avahi-02:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'll patch dolphin to support urls02:17
HobbseeTonio_: nice02:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: there is an issue in the desktop file so that you get an error message when opening trash:/ or remote:/ with dolphin02:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: the famous s/%f/ ;)02:17
Tonio_simple exec command in the desktop file that doesn't consider urls02:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'l propose the patch upstream but I'm pretty sure that's already fixed, du to kde4 inclusion by default02:18
JucatoTonio_: URLs? as in http:/ O.o02:18
Tonio_Jucato: no, ioslaves02:19
Jucatoaaaaah :)02:19
Jucatofor a moment there, I thought... :D02:19
Tonio_Jucato: for example if you set dolphin as the default file manager, it'll complain when you try to open the trash02:19
Tonio_because the ioslave url isn't parsed02:19
Tonio_Jucato: ioslave == protocol somehow :)02:19
Jucatothat reminds me...02:20
=== Jucato checks something
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Hobbsee: bah that's pretty easy to patch btw, just that nobody seems to use dolphin by default here :)02:20
=== Hobbsee wondrs hwo well it works here
Tonio_Hobbsee: I want to force myself for it now, as it'll be the kde4 default :)02:20
Tonio_this is something we should have consider for feisty or feisty+1 in order to make the kde3 -> kde4 less disruptive for the user02:21
Tonio_at least that's my opinion ;)02:21
=== Jucato tries to install Ubuntu's dolphin...
Tonio_Jucato: if you do so, do the following :02:21
=== larsivi likes Krusader better in any case ...
Jucatoanother thing we'll have to consider will be the Kate vs KWrite thing02:22
Tonio_edit kmenu and change exec for dolphin to : dolphin02:22
Tonio_Jucato: then go in kcontrol, components, file associations02:22
Tonio_choose inode and then directory02:22
Tonio_and add dolphin by default instead of konq02:22
Tonio_Jucato: if you don't do that the integration will be really bad02:22
HobbseeJucato: why would we go with kwrite?02:22
Tonio_bt with those settings, it is pretty nice02:22
JucatoHobbsee: because Kate has been removed from kdebase02:23
Jucatokwrite will be the default and only text editor for KDE 402:23
Tonio_maybe I should patch the desktop file to handle directory by default02:23
HobbseeTonio_: wouldnt you need both dolphin and konqi?02:23
Jucato(actually kwrite is the default text editor on kde 3 afaik)02:23
HobbseeJucato: but kate seems to have mroe stuff, and work better02:23
Tonio_so that the user would only have to choose which is the default in fact, instead of adding dolphin...... let's do that02:23
JucatoHobbsee: I agree with you. but apparently, upstream guys in charge don't :(02:23
JucatoTonio_: that was what I was going to ask btw. when I compiled dolphin 0.8.2 from source, there wasn't a Dolphin entry added to File Associations02:24
Tonio_Jucato: I'm patching this right now02:24
JucatoTonio_: ah ok. so it was a known bug02:25
Tonio_lot of users might test it in the future so we have to get it correctly integrated02:25
Jucato(btw, there's no entry for kmplayer also)02:25
Tonio_Jucato: not a bug, but annoying missing feature, yes02:25
JucatoTonio_: so I change dolphin %i %m -caption "%c" to plain "dolphin" in the K Menu entry?02:26
Tonio_Jucato: dolphin02:28
Tonio_Jucato: dolphin ""02:28
Tonio_dolphin 'percent U'02:28
Tonio_% U02:28
Jucatohehe %U02:28
Tonio_without a space....02:28
Tonio_what's that bug ?02:28
Jucatohaving troubles with Konvi? :P02:28
Jucatono it's not a bug. %Uword%U = word02:28
Tonio_Jucato: hehe, look like yes02:29
JucatoTonio_: you have to put % twice to "escape" the %02:29
Tonio_so dolphin %U02:32
Tonio_or wait for my update to go in the repos :)02:32
Jucatook :)02:32
Jucatohm... does your update also update Dolphin to 0.8.2? :D02:32
JucatoI have a few "topics" in mind too btw02:33
Jucatoer sorry wrong window lol02:33
Jucato(wrong tab sheesh!)02:33
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Tonio_Jucato: no02:37
Tonio_Jucato: requires uvf exception, I'll look at that later02:37
Tonio_maybe this we02:37
Tonio_Jucato: depends if the new version changes many things02:37
Jucatohm... it's the last release for KDE 3.5.x, so I thought it would be in Feisty. just realized now that it wasn't :)02:38
Tonio_Jucato: hum, it dissapeared from kde-apps02:39
Tonio_Jucato: have a url ?02:39
JucatoI guess nothing changed much anyway02:39
Tonio_Updated German translation (thanks to Jannick Kuhr)02:39
Tonio_Updated Polish translation (thanks to Piotr Malinski)02:39
Jucatojust translations02:39
Tonio_yup, no need to go with uvf for this02:39
Tonio_Jucato: better patching the current for good integration02:40
Tonio_Riddell: can that be a topic for the UDS ?02:41
Tonio_Riddell: provide dolphin as the default file manager for smooth transition to kde4 for the user ?02:41
=== Erunno [n=matthes@stgt-590e26a7.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellTonio_: what?02:41
=== Jucato wonders if Kubuntu will stick with Kate too...
RiddellTonio_: hmm02:42
Tonio_Riddell: I'd like to consider and discuss this02:42
Riddellcould do02:42
Tonio_Riddell: as long as there is a very easy way to switch back to konqueror as the default for those who would like too :)02:42
Tonio_Riddell: thanks :) I'll prepare a little speech for the uds then02:43
Jucatohow about a patch to default applications kcm? adding a File Manager entry? wouldn't that be a better way than going through File Associations?02:43
rouzicTonio_, Riddell, Jucato: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10341302:44
ubotuMalone bug 103413 in linux-source-2.6.20 "(Feisty) During boot, configuring network interface is very slow" [Undecided,Confirmed] 02:44
Tonio_yep, confirmed here02:44
Tonio_booting takes about 5 minutes for I'd say 3 or 4 days02:44
=== Jucato hasn't rebooted yet O.o
rouzicTonio_: when there can be a solution for this bug?02:46
Tonio_rouzic: better ask #ubuntu-devel on that point02:46
rouzicThanks Tonio_02:46
Tonio_or #ubuntu-kernel02:46
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ErunnoHappy Eastern all :) Does anyone here know if the kxdocker packages have been fixed in Feisty ?02:48
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HobbseeErunno: what's broken with them?02:49
ErunnoHobbsee: There seems to be a configuration file missing and without it kxdocker refuses to start. I'll install the package and tell you which one.02:51
ErunnoHobbsee: It's kxdocker_conf.xml02:53
=== Hobbsee bashes flash against a brick wall. repeatedly.
Hobbseewhy oh why must flash instantly die when i try to show it to someone?02:57
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@230.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
larsivican the Java plugin that Firefox use be easily integrated in Konqueror?02:58
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Hobbseelarsivi: not at this point02:59
larsiviJucato: hmm, maybe I've not tried well enough03:00
Hobbsee(feature freeze)03:00
Jucatoit's in the repos03:00
=== Jucato goes for dinner
HobbseeErunno: does it work if you ".kde/share/apps/kxdocker/kxdocker_conf.xml" ?03:00
ErunnoHobbsee: Not sure what you mean, but the directory is empty.03:04
HobbseeErunno: does it work if you "touch .kde/share/apps/kxdocker/kxdocker_conf.xml" ?03:04
ErunnoHobbsee: No, still the same error message.03:05
Hobbseethought it might.03:05
=== Hobbsee wonders what's *supposed* to be in hte xml file
Hobbseeoh, ick.  i remember this03:06
=== RadiantFire [n=ryan@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ErunnoHobbsee: It works (kind of= when you get the xml file from the source package, but there seems to be some problems with the redrawing of the background image.03:07
Hobbseethe one of length 0?03:07
ErunnoHobbsee: Err, no ;-) Might be that I got a semi-working xml file from the debian package. It's been a while since I last tried to get the thing working.03:11
Hobbseewell, if you do, please come in here and tell us :)03:11
ErunnoHobbsee: O.o03:13
HobbseeErunno: ?03:15
Hobbseehrm.  i guess we'd have to make a default kubuntu config file or something for it03:17
HobbseeErunno: argh.  this config file is messy, and is going to be distro-specific03:23
ErunnoHobbsee: Yeah, I'm looking at it right now. Kxdocker got discontinued by the way.03:24
Hobbseei thought it did, yeah.03:25
Hobbseemay well be why debian hasnt updated it03:25
=== Hobbsee found the slackware config files
Hobbseehi nixternal03:25
nixternaldo we have anything that needs 64bit testing at all, I can finally help out :)03:25
nixternalmy new system worked oob with Kubuntu Beta03:26
nixternalI need to get pbuilder rolling on it as well03:28
Tonio_honnestly, Dolphin rocks once correctly configured....03:29
nixternalI will agree to that, it is nice, but I just can't seem to get away from "alt + space -> konqu -> enter"03:31
manchickenOh happy day.03:33
nixternaloh happy days03:33
manchickenOh happy daaay.03:33
=== nixternal pictures a southside church when I hear "Oh happy daaay"
nixternalI knew it was coming03:33
manchickenThat's what I'm singin' brother.03:33
manchickenSing with me!03:33
=== Hobbsee aint singing :P
nixternalmy church does not do that song justice, the south side baptist churches rock that song out03:34
manchickenWhen Jesus walks, and rescues me from this jerk at DoubleClick and brings me to a new job that will suck just a big less.03:34
=== Hobbsee missed church today :(
manchickenDude, Dacia and I went to a SERIOUS Holy Rollers church here in Champaign.03:34
Hobbseework was too late last night for me to make it03:34
manchickenIt was called the "Glory Center"03:34
manchickenLike, the drummer and the bass player kept playing all the way through the sermon.03:35
nixternalmanchicken: omg, my x-girlfriend, her granny lives down there, and is a whicked christian, to the point she almost called me the devil. I went to a couple of those churches down there03:35
manchickenMy ears were ringing the rest of the day.03:35
manchickenI've never been called evil.03:35
nixternalI have to make it on Saturday night Hobbsee, or my family will throw me away03:36
manchickenThough my mother-in-law was scared that I was an alcoholic because I keep beer in my house.03:36
Riddellfabo: how does /etc/rcS.d/S60displayconfig-hwprobe.py get created?03:36
manchickenRiddell: Did that fix do better this time?03:38
Riddellmanchicken: yes thanks, works great, uploaded03:39
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=== Tonio_ cleans his keyboard and doesn't want to reboot ;)
Tonio_Hobbsee: note that <> is the most dirty key :)03:58
Tonio_to much php ;)03:58
Hobbseeso it seems :P03:59
=== Hobbsee hands Tonio_ a "lock screen"
Tonio_Hobbsee: no lock screen key on a mac :)03:59
manchickenMornin' Tonio.04:00
manchickenI can't stand running only windows on this machine.04:00
manchickenIt makes my heard ache.04:00
manchickenThis looks like a job for vmware.04:00
HobbseeTonio_: ahh04:01
Tonio_manchicken: eventually, yes :)04:01
Tonio_hum there is something I'd like to get fixed for feisty....04:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: can you confirm this ?04:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: launch systemsettings, kdeprint04:04
Tonio_then select "server", "configure"04:04
Tonio_you'll get a nasty prompt about unknown options04:04
Tonio_we should patch to remove the message I guess...04:04
nixternalTonio_: I can confirm it04:04
Tonio_the point is I don't understand why he doesn't recognize those options04:05
HobbseeTonio_: yep04:05
manchickenTonio_: You weird Europeans and your "time zones"04:05
nixternalhaha yes04:05
Tonio_they are very old in cups04:05
faboRiddell: kde-guidance.init (dh_installinit)04:05
nixternalrequire = user @OWNER @SYSTEM04:05
nixternalorder = deny,allow04:05
Tonio_same for me04:05
nixternaland then some04:05
Tonio_that should be "unrecognized"04:05
nixternalya, I noticed it the other day actually04:05
Tonio_they are in cups forever04:05
Tonio_so what to do ?04:06
nixternalfound the cout and - it04:06
Tonio_patch to remove the prompt sounds a bit hackish, but well......04:06
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Tonio_nixternal: I'll try to get that patched this WE if I have time for this04:06
Tonio_but there is a bug behind that... better to fix it04:07
Tonio_I don't want to spend 3 days searching on kde bts, as there are about 50000 kdeprint related bugs :)04:07
Tonio_I already tried to sync with svn, doesn't help04:07
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Tonio_nixternal: yeah kdeprint is a nightmare for this......04:08
Tonio_impossible to filter for a specific issue on that bloated kde bts04:08
nixternalI am looking at it now04:08
nixternal28.8mb sounds bloated to me04:09
Tonio_nixternal: wish tou good luck :)04:09
nixternalCUPS isn't even that big04:09
=== manchicken hugs CUPS...
nixternalkdeprint == kdebase which means nixternal == dumbie!04:11
manchickenPssht.  Can't even spell "dummy" what a dummy.04:12
Riddellfabo: I'm quite confused by this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/8738104:14
ubotuMalone bug 87381 in kde-guidance "[apport]  displayconfig-hwprobe.py crashed with ImportError in <module>()" [Medium,Confirmed] 04:14
Tonio_nixternal: kdeprint is divided in kdelibs and kdebase04:14
Riddellfabo: I don't see how they can have displayconfig-hwprobe.py but not  ScanPCI.py, they're part of the same package in the same directory04:14
nixternalwhat package is system-settings apart of?04:15
=== Tonio_ out for a moment, brb
nixternalfoudn it04:17
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Riddellnixternal: kde-systemsettings04:28
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Riddellfabo: looks like it's from the old dapper install, that's the only place it can be04:35
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manchicken_Riddell: Did we roll the tabs out of kde-systemsettings?04:38
manchicken(on purpose)04:39
Jucatoroll out how?04:40
manchickenAs in I don't see that tabbed interface I did in kde-systemsettings anymore.04:40
Jucatohm... unless you update from a different source, I still see them here...04:41
=== Jucato runs update again
Riddellmanchicken: nope04:42
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nixternalmanchicken: I still have the tabbed interface04:42
manchickenI know why I wasn't seeing them.04:43
manchickenI was ssh -YC'ing to my edgy box.04:43
manchickenI suppose that would explain it :)04:43
manchickenI hear that nexenta is running with dpkg and apt-get...04:47
manchickenThat could make life easier.04:47
Riddellfabo: is there any way to tell dh_installinit what init number to install at?  I seem to remember it has to be 60 and not 20 because it uses /var04:49
Jucatomanchicken or Riddell: the column sorting in Adept is still not fixed with the latest updates. dunno if it's a bug or a feature or a side-effect04:52
RiddellJucato: mm, I noticed that too04:52
Riddellwith much the same conclusion :)04:52
Jucatohehe :)04:52
manchickenDoes it sort incorrectly or not at all?  I can't remember04:53
Jucatonot at all04:53
manchickenLet me look at it today.04:53
manchickenRiddell: Is there an up to date branch?04:53
manchickenEwww, nexenta is running gnome04:54
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Riddellmanchicken: not at all05:00
Riddellmanchicken: my repository is up to date05:01
Riddellfabo: another infrastructure one, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/72233, the prerm script from powermanager removes all the python-support links for kde-guidance too05:06
ubotuMalone bug 72233 in kde-guidance "Unable to remove powermanager w/o making displayconfig-restore unuseable" [Low,Confirmed] 05:06
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manchickenTime to look into the nexenta chan.05:18
asydinterest by create a new version with kde ?05:19
asyd(I'm a member of OpenSolaris community)05:19
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ryanakcaIs anybody working on http://www.kubuntu.org ?08:33
=== ryanakca thinks it needs a makeover...
Riddellryanakca: there's a testbed drupal setup that mhb has access to, I scheduled a session at UDS to discuss ideas for it08:35
ryanakcaRiddell: yeah, I have the link to it...08:36
ryanakcaWhen/where's the next one?08:36
=== ryanakca googles
ryanakcaah, spain08:37
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Riddellryanakca: link to which?08:38
=== mhb shoots ryanakca
=== ryanakca dies
ryanakcamhb: I'm not that... 'dense'.08:45
=== ryanakca points ubuntulog out to mhb.
mhbRiddell: kwwii has not yet decided how the page should look, so I havent made much progress on it08:47
nixternalI think it should look like.... are you ready?08:47
nixternalI have no clue either, but I got you lookin' didn't I :P08:47
nixternalI am currently developing a university wiki for our school. and boy does this stink08:48
mhbnixternal: Ken surely has a clue, he is just way too busy to find the time for that08:48
nixternalweb development is fun...sometimes08:48
nixternalWikimedia is "a lot"08:48
nixternalcustozing the monobook theme isn't fun either, drupal, plone, joomla, zope, they are easy08:49
ubotuMalone bug 102544 in kdegraphics "Firefox uses not fully functional Kghostview to open PDF's in KDE instead of the system default KPDF" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 08:49
nixternalmodifying a wordpress theme is like using a coloring book08:49
vprintscould you comment on that08:49
nixternalcomment like "if you want embedded you use Konqui" :)08:50
vprintsif you nixternal make conqueror eat estonian ID cards and digital signatures, honestly i will08:51
nixternalthat is a good idea actually out of the box, I change ff first thing though to point to kpdf08:51
vprints* mabe vprints's english is so bad he understood nixternal wrong :)08:52
ryanakcawhere would that be fixed? k-d-s?08:53
vprintsquestion to me ?08:54
vprintsi actually don't know where the mailcap entries are :D08:56
vprintscould somebody support that?08:58
Riddellit's kghostview.mime and kpdf.mime in kdepim source09:01
Riddellthey're broth priority 5 but I guess kghost view is alphabetically first so it is the choice09:01
Riddellvprints: edit the priority in /usr/lib/mime/packages/kpdf to 6, run sudo update-mime and see if that helps09:03
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ryanakcahey allee09:09
alleehi ryanakca09:09
vprintsRiddell, yes it helps09:13
manchickenOoh, I didn't know that gnewsense-kde used adept, too.09:22
Riddellit has to use something09:22
Riddellquestion is how to do stuff like the supported column and dist upgrader for deriviatives like that09:23
manchickenWe should probably try to compile adept without KUBUNTU defined and see if it actually compiles.  heh09:23
manchickenI haven't even tried that.09:23
RiddellI suspect it doesn't09:24
manchickenI'll try09:24
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manchickenheh, the about ubuntu package exists for gnewsense09:28
manchickenI wonder which distro it sprung from....09:28
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mhbmanchicken: and Ubuntu uses debian-installer, for example. That's the way it goes...09:30
Riddellmhb: fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/103394 in rosetta, although I'm still not sure what the actual cause is.  let me know if it works on sunday09:31
ubotuMalone bug 103394 in kdelibs "broken translations in Kubuntu Feisty (daily langpack)" [Critical,Fix committed] 09:31
mhbRiddell: I've heard, will try09:32
manchickenmhb: Yeah.  Good fun though. :)09:38
giangyRiddell: can't your hint above "resolve" this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/+bug/10254409:40
ubotuMalone bug 102544 in kdegraphics "Firefox uses not fully functional Kghostview to open PDF's in KDE instead of the system default KPDF" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed] 09:40
giangyI'll try :-)09:40
Riddellgiangy: it does09:41
Riddellthat's what we were talking about09:41
giangyokey, I'll paste it to this bug and close it09:42
giangyis it okay?09:42
giangyah damn09:42
giangyit's the same author.09:42
giangyvprints, Riddell: sorry heh.09:43
=== giangy have to sleep.
mhbhmm, one big stupid mhb-like question: is having "automatic updates" as in "user doesn't have to do anything except maybe issuing a password" against the K/ubuntu way?09:47
vprintsRidell, who is the maintainer of the mime system?09:52
Riddellmhb: where do you see that?10:04
Riddellmhb: but no it wouldn't be10:04
Riddellvprints: nobody, it's per package10:04
mhbRiddell: neither in ubuntu nor in kubuntu is a system which would allow for 100% automatic updates, so I thought it is not desired maybe10:05
vprintsRiddell, can you support it ?10:06
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mhbwhen I open systemsettings the Monitor & Display icon is blurred ... does somebody experience that too?10:47
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vprintsYes, i was thinking about reporting that10:51
vprintsbut i thought then i'll get too annoying :)10:52
nrg88hi guys, i made a patch which fixes bug #57102 on launchpad, and attached the diff file to the bugreport ( for kubuntu-default-settings ), can anyone apply it and check it out?10:52
ubotuMalone bug 57102 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu Package Manager problem: package doesn't get installed when it is in a directory with spaces on its name" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5710210:52
vprintsit seems as it is just lower resolution than the others10:52
fdovingnrg88: diff looks good :)10:56
fdovingnrg88: tonio_ is the k-d-s man. poke him or mail him.10:58
nrg88yep, though i was working quite a bit on it, because i don't really know Shell scripts, only Pascal, PHP and HTML code ;)10:58
fdovingit's all about the "" around variables when it comes to spaces and weird chars.10:59
nrg88exactly :)11:00
fdovinggreat work.11:00
nrg88thanks... but how do i find out Tonio_'s email address? :D11:00
giangynrg88: https://launchpad.net/~tonio11:01
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nrg88thanks :)11:01
nrg88next time if i have a patch, should i contact the package maintainer or the package uploader?11:12
mhbwhy does system settings have a menu bar?11:15
mhbit's really kind of useless and the usability review mockups don't have it, either11:16
Riddellmhb: you can set updates to install automatically in software-properties-kde11:21
mhbRiddell: nice11:23
mhbRiddell: thanks .o)11:24
nrg88shouldn't there be a Report a problem menu entry in the KDE Menu?11:26
nrg88in System?11:26
nrg88with an exclamation mark on yellow background?11:26
fdovingi don't have that.11:28
fdovingprobably rebortbug or something.11:28
nrg88i've installed two copies of feisty in vmware11:28
nrg88and i upgraded one11:29
nrg88and it dissapeared from the menu11:29
nrg88did the kubuntu developers want this Report a problem or Report a bug menu entry be present in only the beta version?11:29
nrg88or is this a bug?11:29
fdovingfind it in the menu, right-click and 'edit' or what it's named.. then find out what the binary is named.11:30
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fdovingthen use dpkg -S /usr/bin/yourresult11:31
fdovingthat will tell you what package it belongs to.11:31
nrg88looks like i found it in the changelog11:34
nrg88  * debian/apport-{gtk,qt}.install: Do not install .desktop files for now, until we get a proper guided bug reporting.11:34
manchickenI found a nasty bug.11:36
manchickenIn kontact, when you click links on the summary page sometimes it segfaults.11:37
nrg88you mean links created when you have mail or to-dos?11:41
nrg88i'll check it out...11:42
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nrg88did click on a specific category of links (for example mail), or it segfaults no matter what link you click on?11:42
manchickenI think it's done it for akregator stuff, too.11:44
nrg88i think i'll do some tests11:48
nrg88if it can be reproduced, a bug report should be filled in LP11:48
fdovingfile it with upstream instead.. or first anyway.11:50
fdovingmost bugs that are not packaging related should be filed upstream.11:51
fdovingan LP-bug with links to the upstream BTS doesn't hurt though.11:51
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