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sacaterthis may be relevenet to ubuntu kernel, but is there anything i can do to increase boot speed10:06
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aboganiHi All, Why CONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_TARGET_CONNMARK option is not compiled as module in the kernel?12:26
aboganiCONFIG_NETFILTER_XT_MATCH_CONNMARK is compiled! 12:28
aboganiWht TARGET isn't?12:28
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rouzicHi everybody02:51
rouzici have a problem with a boot in Feisty02:56
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salty-horsehi. can someone from the kernel team please ask people to stop comment needlessly on this item please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/9643003:27
salty-horsepeople should know if it's being worked on. most of the comments don't add much information03:27
sacatersalty-horse: im on it03:37
salty-horsemuch appriciated03:37
salty-horseappreciated - bah03:37
sacatersalty-horse: check it now03:39
sacaterrouzic: ill have a look for you :D03:39
salty-horsegreat. hope it will quite things down. thanks again!03:39
rouzicHi sacater03:39
sacaterim looking at your boot troubles :D03:40
rouzicSacater: this failure I have it for 2 days, and it is very inconvinient03:40
sacaterrouzic: i had something similar once, but not on feisty03:41
sacaterit got fixed in an update03:41
sacaterbut im still looking :D03:41
rouzicI use a Macbook, and the failures related to the kernel03:41
sacaterrouzic: please run ifconfig eth003:42
sacaterif that is the port you are using03:42
sacaterif its eth1, use eth1 :D03:42
rouzicrouzic@kubuntu-es:~$ ifconfig eth003:42
rouziceth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:CB:CD:13:C003:42
rouzic          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
rouzic          inet6 addr: fe80::216:cbff:fecd:13c0/64 Scope:Link03:42
rouzic          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:103:42
rouzic          RX packets:17231 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:003:42
rouzic          TX packets:15915 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:003:42
rouzic          collisions:182 txqueuelen:100003:42
rouzic          RX bytes:16460796 (15.6 MiB)  TX bytes:2118506 (2.0 MiB)03:42
rouzic          Interrupt:1703:42
sacaterlooks fine03:43
sacaterlocal bound...03:43
sacaterSURE you IP is correct, 03:43
sacaterare you at home, or a small business?03:43
sacateror big :D03:43
rouzicin Microsoft :p xD03:43
rouziccorporation :p03:43
sacaterare you on that laptop now?03:43
sacateri have an idea03:44
sacatertry turning off the internet03:44
rouzicsudo rm -fr / :p03:44
sacateron the computer03:44
rouzicAlready I have done it03:44
sacaterdisabe it03:44
sacaterturned off internet, and rebooted into a web-less enviroment?03:44
rouzicThe problem is that the net recognizes me well, but the configuration is late very much in the take-off of the system03:45
rouzicSlow me same the take-off without Internet03:45
sacateri could recommend something...03:45
sacaterbut im not the expert on it...03:45
sacaterand it MAY be faster at boot, but a manual command would be needed when you load up03:46
sacateri could suggest MOVING your web start-up in init.d, and executing it manually, when the computer has finished loading up03:46
rouzicoks :)03:46
sacaterhold your horses03:47
sacaterinit.d is dangerous place03:47
rouzicsacater: But is it a failure of the kernel?03:47
sacateri doubt it03:47
sacaterif everything else runs fine03:47
sacateroh wait03:47
sacateryou dont need to risk your machine to find out03:47
sacaterjust disable web with my command...03:47
sacaterthen re-enable03:47
sacaterand see how long it takes to turn on03:47
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rouzichttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/103440 The problem him appears to many users03:48
sacaterrouzic: listen03:48
sacaternote this down on paper please...03:48
sacateras it will kill your web temporarily03:48
sacateri make no guarentees either03:49
sacaterright, we arnt going to turn off a port03:49
sacaterwe are going to kill your network daemon...03:49
sacaterthen give it CPR03:49
rouzicsacater: works correctly my web03:49
sacaterbring it back03:49
sacaterrouzic: you will be offline during this03:49
sacaterready for the commands?03:49
rouzicSacater. have tried to reinstalling the packages avahi, network-manager03:50
sacaterthat wont do it03:50
sacaterit may be the daemon03:50
sacaterwe 03:50
sacatersudo /etc/init.d/networking03:50
sacaterhold that03:50
sacatersudo /etc/init.d/networking stop03:51
sacaterthat is a good command03:51
sacatersudo /etc/init.d/networking start03:51
sacaterthose 203:51
sacaterin that order :D03:51
sacaterrouzic: k?03:51
sacatersee how long it takes to restart the web daemon03:52
sacaterrouzic: do it when you want03:52
sacateri only want to see how long it takes to bring the web back03:52
sacaterrouzic: *poke*03:54
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rouzic_sacater: :)03:54
sacateryou didnt kill your first irc03:54
sacaterhence the _ in your name03:55
sacaterrouzic_: how long did it take?03:55
sacaternot sure anyone minds a tiny bit of spam03:55
mjg59Given that this has nothing to do with the kernel, would it be possible for you guys to discuss this elsewhere?03:56
rouzic_The load of/etc/init.d/network has been very slow03:56
sacatermjg59: good point, rouzic_ please join #sacater03:57
sacatercontinue in my channel03:57
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newz2000Hi, just got -14... still having three problems. I'm happy to help diagnose or gather info if I can...04:21
newz2000bug #53923 (sd card problem, worked in Edgy)04:22
newz2000mjg59: bug ##96679 (suspend problem) is changed, works like it did in edgy (can suspend only once) but is a regression from -12, since it worked fine there04:22
newz2000crimsun: bug #92171 (sound incredibly quiet) no change, but the workaround you gave me does work still04:23
newz2000ping me if any extra details will be helpful on any of these04:23
mjg59BenC: Softmac and network-manager don't seem especially enthusiastic to get along04:47
mjg59BenC: (Aren't we supposed to have a wireless guy now?)04:47
BenCmjg59: we do, but he's low level...this userspace stuff interaction is all new :)04:48
BenCmjg59: do you mean the mac80211/nl80211 based drivers?04:48
mjg59No, softmac04:49
mjg59bcm43xx and zd1211rw both exhibit this04:49
mjg59Haven't hit it with any other drivers04:49
mjg59The card associates, n-m doesn't seem to notice04:50
mjg59The issue may actually be in wpa_supplicant, but from the user viewpoint that's basically the same thing04:51
mjg59(Though this is an open network, so...)04:52
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rmjb_hello, I need a little advice on fixing a bug in a package that depended on a module that's no longer in the kernel05:13
rmjb_it's bug#10297305:13
fabbionermjb_: you want to talk to people in #ubuntu-motu05:15
fabbionethe pacakge is in univers05:15
kylemer, it's a one line patch. ;-)05:15
fabbionekylem: yeah i know.. 05:15
rmjb_cool, I can just patch the source where it asks for raid45 to raid456 and everything will be peachy...05:15
rmjb_just thought I should get someone from the kernel team's input05:16
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BenCbecause a lot of our discussion revolves around some NDA stuff, it seems to have migrated to the canonical IRC channel05:27
BenCmuch like that statement should have05:28
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mjg59rtg: why did you reject #94859?05:35
rtgmjg59: A momemt while I refresh my memory...05:35
BenCshitty...I installed a dual-boot ubuntu on a vista machine, and now it wont boot vista...just hangs and the lovely Microsoft progress bar05:37
rtgBenC: Sucks to be you.05:38
mjg59kylem: I'm testing Alan's new HPA patch now05:38
kylemmjg59, thank you.05:39
BenCnot that I mind ditching windows, but I think this is a common test case with bad results05:39
rtgmjg59: Maybe I was just cranky that day. I should have reassigned it to another group 'cause its not really a kernel bug. More of a configuration thing.05:40
mjg59rtg: ?05:40
mjg59rtg: The issue appeared to be that the device-id isn't listed in zd1211rw05:41
mjg59That sounds pretty definitively like a kernel problem05:41
mjg59zd1211-mac80211 has the device id, but we removed the modalias export05:41
rtgmjg59: I guess I'd better reread this one for content.05:42
mjg59So the choices would either be add it to zd1211rw (which seems to work), or add a selective set of modaliases for zd1211-mac80211 (that is, use it for devices that it claims to support but zd1211rw doesn't)05:42
BenCmjg59: When you say "which seems to work", have it been tested? I didn't see that in the bug report05:43
mjg59BenC: Based on the link he gives, yes05:43
BenCAh, so yeah, just add the ID's05:44
BenCrtg: Probably best if you check the linux-2.6.git for zd1211rw updates for the device table05:44
BenCmight be more than this one05:44
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BenClooks like we'd still benefit from some of the aliases in zd1211rw-mac80211 being active05:48
BenCWell, the list in 2.6 git matches the one in mac80211 version05:51
BenCThey seem to have removed 2 devices, and added 405:51
mjg59I'd go with that, then05:51
BenCwondering about the ones that got removed05:51
rtgTwo questions: 1) How did zd1211rw register this adapter if it doesn't have the ID in its table?  2) Why don't we migrate toward the more modern (and wireless-dev supported) driver  zd1211rw-mac80211?05:53
rtgDid 2.6.20-12 still have the ID in zd1211rw?05:54
mjg59Because softmac works05:54
mjg59mac80211, less so05:54
rtgmlg59: It looks like 083a:4505 is OK to add to zd1211rw/zd_usb.c, but I'm still confused about how this driver got loaded in the first place.06:06
rtgmlg59 --> mjg5906:07
BenCrtg: he probably manually loaded it to show it wasn't working06:07
mjg59kylem: Alan's new patch seems good06:08
mjg59Except its debug spew is broken06:08
mjg59Though that might actually be my debug spew06:09
rtgBenC: there are several upstream ID additions, but I don't think we want to pull all the zd1211rw updates because of dependencies on wireless-dev stuff, right?06:09
kylemmjg59, hmm?06:09
BenCrtg: the driver in current git isn't using mac8021106:09
mjg59kylem: Eh, whatever. Go with Alan's code.06:10
kylemand not blacklist apple?06:10
kylemit works with piix?06:10
BenCrtg: but there are a lot of changes in the driver which may be needed for the other ID's, so yeah, leave them out06:10
mjg59kylem: Works with piix, yeah06:10
mjg59kylem: Some slightly worrying output, but that might be due to my tree being slightly weird. I'm looking into it, but it seems basically correct06:11
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mjg59By worrying, I mean "ata_hpa_resize 1: sectors = 234441648, hpa_sectors = 1633784006:11
kylemok, i'll keep the ahci reprogramming then.06:11
kylemi think that's your output?06:12
mjg59Which, uh, isn't what I'd like it to do06:12
mjg59I'll play some more06:13
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mjg59kylem: Oh, needs ata_ignore_hpa setting to 106:15
kylemmjg59, yes. although with your output that doesn't look happy.06:16
mjg59Well, if we don't set it then we still have a broken kernel06:16
mjg59kylem: Ok, boots, but clearly not right06:21
mjg59I'll mail06:21
kylemif you put the pci quirk thing to program to ahci, does it work?06:23
mjg59Where's the latest version of your quirk?06:23
mjg59kylem: Ha. Fine with ahci.06:29
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mjg59kylem: Mail sent06:37
mjg59rtg: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/103768 is pretty significant06:39
mjg59The only thing that springs to mind is that softmac must be sending association messages to userspace slightly differently to anything else06:40
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Zennorhej hej06:43
rtgmjg59: I have a bcm43xx. Lemme give it a try in a bit. I'm still reading through upstream updates to see if its OK to add some of these other zd1211rw ID's.06:44
Zennormaybe someone can look at bug #96639, cjwatson send me06:44
mjg59Zennor: Do you have the logs for when it probed your CD drive?06:46
mjg59(Not from when it's trying to mount the CD)06:46
mjg59It could be marginal media that some drives will read but others won't06:46
mjg59There's no hardware commonality between the two failing systems, as far as I can tell06:47
Zennorwell I can get them in the next few minutes if you wish06:47
Zennormfg59: what special log you want?06:47
cjwatsonthe screenshot looks like it should be sis551306:47
mjg59cjwatson: Yeah, but it also fails on a via system06:48
mjg59Zennor: There should be something mentioning the CD drive06:49
Zennorin earlyer versions of ubuntu cddrive was at /dev/hdd and had nothing todo with sata drivers06:49
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ZennorI'm now uploading pics of syslog07:05
Zennorhope you meant that07:06
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DB42what is the latest offical kernel ver for 6.06 ?07:15
BenCDB42: whatever's in dapper-security07:24
DB42which is..07:24
BenCapt-cache search linux-image-2.6.1507:25
DB422.6.15 ? k07:25
rtgmjg59: with regard to bug #103768, I just removed/inserted a bcn43xx PCMCIA about a dozen times, 2.6.20-14, Linksys WAP54G, WPA/PSK. What is different about your setup?07:26
rtgbcn43xx --> bcm43xx07:26
rtgPCMCIA --> Cardbus07:26
mjg59rtg: What do you mean by removed/inserted?07:26
mjg59And what did you then do?07:27
rtgmodeprobe -r/modprobe and hard remove/insert.07:27
mjg59Ok, because that's not the situation I was talking about...07:27
rtgIt appeared to associate the first time.07:28
mjg59I click on the network-manager icon, select my network, it ponders for a minute (failing to have noticed that the card has associated) and then times out and tears down the interface07:28
mjg59I'm on an open, unencrypted network07:28
rtgOK, I'll futz around some more.07:28
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sacaterhow do i go about disabling the framebuffer on ubuntu kernel07:51
mjg59How did you enable it?07:51
sacaterit comes enabled as default07:53
sacaterwhen installing07:53
BenCsacater: no,  it doesn't07:53
BenCsacater: unless you're on something like powerpc where framebuffer is the only way to driver the display in console, then it isn't enabled by default07:53
sacaterer hem, what if i added a request for its usage in the xorg config, and vlc wanted it07:54
BenCthen you're in the wrong channel :)07:54
sacaterwhat should i go to then?07:55
BenCmost likely you want #ubuntu07:55
gnomefreaksacater: see -motu for fast simple answer07:56
sacaterand you for a question07:56
rtgmjg59: I think I'm doing the same as you and I'm not seeing any problems. What kind of AP is 6bFair? Are there any differences from default setup values, especially in advanced wireless settings?07:57
mjg59rtg: This is a clean installation. It's a Linksys WRT54GS running OpenWRT.08:00
mjg59The card associates absolutely fine, but wpa_supplicant doesn't appear to notice (and hence n-m doesn't either)08:00
mjg59While it's attempting to associate, if I click on the icon again and trigger another association, it works fine08:01
mjg59Let me try this with another Broadcom machine08:01
mjg59rtg: Ok, just booted a different machine and logged in. network-manager is displaying two grey circles, which means it hasn't associated.08:04
mjg59Oh, wait, sorry - this has come up with the wrong driver. Let me deal with that first.08:04
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mjg59rtg: Ok. Completely different hardware to the one I used to report the bug.08:12
mjg59rtg: Logged in, nm is showing grey circles.08:13
mjg59rtg: iwconfig says that I'm associated08:13
mjg59So it doesn't appear to be machine-specific08:14
mjg59(One's a bcm4311, one's a bcm4318)08:14
rtgmjg59: Neither does it appear to be adapter specific since you said it would happen w/zd1211rw08:15
mjg59Right, but those are the only two softmac drivers08:15
mjg59(As far as I know)08:16
rtgmjg59: Well, I'm gonna have to dive into the soft MAC eventually. In the meantime, since this has an easy workaround, do you really think this deserves to be 'Critical' ? That is generally reserved for faults and exploits.08:19
rtgBenC: I pushed the zd1211rw device ID changes.08:31
mjg59rtg: It doesn't have any sort of user-discoverable workaround08:39
mjg59From the user perspective, this hardware just isn't going to work08:39
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kylemhas anyone used the "linux-source-$foo" binary package to build a kernel recently?10:01
kylemkees was commenting that it was broken in edgy...10:01
johanbrkylem: I did about two months ago, not sure if that counts as recently. That was soon after the 2.6.20 Feisty packages were released.10:04
kylemjohanbr, yeah, thanks.10:04
kylemgood to know it's fixed in feisty then.10:04
johanbrI used make-kpkg, didn't try any of the other methods.10:05
kylemah, ok.10:05
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stgraberAnyone heard of problem using some new HP Pavillon with NForce chipset + NVidia gfx card. Seems to have a buggy bios (kernel recommend pnpbios=off), IRQ conflict (on irq7), ACPI (unknown symbol messages) and freeze once X started (~30s freeze every 5 minutes)11:07
stgraberI don't have enough information to make a bug report yet as it's on one of my teachers' laptop11:07
stgraberand he's to reinstall Vista to have to work during his holidays11:08
stgraberbut I'd like to have a way to fix it afterwards. I tried nearly all kernel parameters applying to such situation11:08
stgraberacpi=off, acpi=ht, noapic, irqfixup, irqpull, pnpbios=off and nearly all mix of them11:08
stgraberin the best case -> no a lot of kernel errors (mean pnpbios error no more displayed) but still the IRQ conflict and the freeze ...11:09
stgraberI've a "dmesg" and "lspci -vvn" if someone want to have a look11:09
stgraberbut nothing more till the end of the holidays (ending the 23th)11:10
johanbrstgraber: My (older) HP requires "noapic nolapic". Worth a try, I guess...11:15
stgraberjohanbr: what serie was it ?11:34
johanbrstgraber: An nx6125, which I think is fairly different from the pavilions...11:35
stgraberI've forgotten the nolapic one, I'll add it in the list of things to try next time I'll be in front of this laptop11:36
stgraberIt seems this BIOS is really buggy (phoenix one it seems) but the latest version doesn't fix anything :(11:37
_ionI keep getting hilights, but it's the other Johan being talked to. :-)11:37
stgraber_ion: sorry :(11:39
_ionHaha, no need to be sorry.11:39
stgraberSame thing with me on #canonical-sysadmins with another guy called Stephane :)11:40

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