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mrmondayim sure i recognise your name from somewhere12:30
boredandbloggingi've posted on the magazine thread12:32
mrmondaythats probably where i've seen you then12:32
boredandbloggingyou are working on that, right?12:32
boredandbloggingvery cool12:32
boredandbloggingi try to work on the UWN12:32
mrmondayive got an article up now on a wiki12:33
boredandbloggingvery cool12:33
boredandbloggingwere you part of the team that tried to do this the last time?12:33
Burgworkhey mrmonday12:33
boredandbloggingUbuntu Weekly News12:33
Burgworkmrmonday: nice installing software article, btw12:33
mrmondaywhat do you think?12:33
Burgworkit is exactly the level of detail an average users magazine needs12:34
mrmondayI have to go now12:34
Burgworkno worries, come back soonish12:34
boredandbloggingthat is pretty good12:35
boredandbloggingwhats up mu12:39
boredandbloggingmuxecoid, 12:39
muxecoidOfftopic, but... It'd be cool to organize DDOS-like e-mail attacks on support of web-services that fail to work in Firefox.12:40
muxecoid50% of local eShops work improperly in Firefox12:41
Burgworkmuxecoid: no, that is illegal12:41
Burgworkplease don't discuss illegal things in publicly logged channels12:42
muxecoidIs it really illegal?12:42
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Burgworkyes, ddos' are illegal12:43
muxecoidOne posts s "flashmob request" in high-traffic FF place. Each person who decides to support just sends a couple of FF-related e-mails to shop's or bank's support e-mail.12:44
muxecoidNothing is illegal here yet, e-mail is public and people are asking for support12:44
muxecoidDDOS on human support "component", not just overloading server hardware12:45
Burgworkright, that is not a ddos12:45
muxecoidIt is DDOS-like12:45
Burgworkthat is consumer action, a totally different thing12:46
Burgworkdo not conflate them12:46
muxecoidConsumer action is when consumers send mails. When you encourage non-consumers to join it is more like DDOS12:49
Burgworkno, again, don't conflate the two12:50
Burgworkddos is an illegal action12:51
muxecoidWho cares about legality outside Japan and USA anyway? ;)12:51
Burgworkif want to change somebodies mind, illegal actions or appearances therein are not the way to do it, for the most part12:51
Burgworkok, you are not seeing the point12:52
muxecoidRIAA is the greatest fan of "legal actions"12:52
Burgworkyou really are not seeing the point12:52
muxecoidChinese Internet is the least Linux-friendly, I guess it would be cool to pick one Chinese bank, find their support and webmaster e-mails and do something. Just as proof of concept. Would "Ask Slashdot" section editors agree?12:54
Burgworklook, I don't disagree with sending emails to a bank12:54
Burgworkjust quit calling it a ddos12:54
Burgworkit isn't and using the term is only going to land you in hot water12:54
muxecoidConsumer action, OK.12:54
muxecoidAre you American?12:55
Burgworkno, Canadian12:55
muxecoidLet's call it CND which is "CND is Not DDOS"12:56
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=== muxecoid did not want his joke to be offensive.
nixternalanyone know if they are going to recreate the magazine using an open source solution instead of adobe? that doesn't look good if you ask me01:07
Burgworknixternal: what do you mean? using scribus?01:08
nixternalwell in the magazine, beta 2 I think it is, there is an adobo acrobat image saying it was used to create the magazine01:08
boredandblogginglol, really?01:08
Burgworkthey actually used acrobat?01:08
nixternalBurgwork: that is what they say01:09
BurgworkI merely thought that was the reader01:09
nixternalI emailed the list and nobody commented01:09
nixternalNope, says Adobe Acrobat 501:09
nixternaland it is posted in forums and elsewhere01:09
nixternalI noticed it the other day, emailed the list about it, and today quite a few people in other communities have been poking huge fun at it01:09
nixternaland even if it was the Reader, doesn't the creator know about evince, xpdf, kpdf, ghostview and such?01:13
boredandbloggingi posted to the thread about it01:15
nixternalI did too, but..01:15
boredandbloggingwell, if they keep ignoring it...01:15
nixternalnobody answers my emails anyways01:15
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Burgundaviabeuno: you around?05:23
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boredandbloggingjenda, ping08:43
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mrmondayhello all10:03
mrmondaysorry i had to rush off last night10:04
Burgundaviano worries10:05
BurgundaviaI am about to head to bed myself10:06
mrmondayI have just finished the screenshots for another article...10:09
mrmondaythat took ages10:09
mrmondayi think i have 22, which I had to crop10:09
mrmondayi be i don't use all of them10:09
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mrmondayhello all02:04
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ukubuntuDoes anyone know who wrote the beta invitation page http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta ? It may interest them to know that Great Britain IS part of Europe :)05:12
mrmondaythats terrible:D05:14
mrmondayRest of the world: (Great Britain)05:15
mrmondayRandom fact: Great Britain includes asia, north and south america!05:17
ukubuntuHehe, glad I am not the only south american polynesian with Russian britishness in me LD05:19
mrmondayWe have to find the author of that article... 05:21
ukubuntuI was just typing up to the wbmaster of ubuntu.com, is this the best to get?05:21
boredandbloggingmaybe email the marketing mailing list?05:22
ukubuntugood point b&b05:22
juliuxukubuntu, are you sure that great britain is a part fo europe?05:23
mrmondayyeh it is05:23
ukubuntuYes I live there :D05:23
juliuxmrmonday, but they are driving on the wrong side, they don t have the  ;)05:23
juliuxmrmonday, and there is a queen left;)05:23
ukubuntuSome suggest it is America's 53rd state but its not :)05:23
juliuxmrmonday, and they went to the irak, the rest of "old" europe not;)05:24
mrmondayyou've got me thinking now...05:25
mrmondaydam you.. i've not done that in years05:25
juliuxukubuntu, i heard all this things if i was in london last year for two month;905:25
juliuxmrmonday, hehe05:26
ukubuntuhehe, yes there are still a number of countries within Europe that do not have the Euro. the map will confirm though :) Also, within Grat Britain, there is the United Kingdom and Ireland, then within the United Kingdome there is England, Wales Scotland and Northern Ireland!05:30
mrmondaywow... you're good with countries05:31
ukubuntuHehe mrmonday, no, just politically correct :)05:35
ukubuntusorry, daughter cloed laptop mid sentence!05:36
ukubuntuAutism is a bummer when you are on the laptop05:37
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mrmondayhello again ukubuntu 07:05
ukubuntuHello again mrmonday :D07:05
mrmondayhow are you07:05
ukubuntuWell I do not have a day to reveal all, so I'm fine ;)07:05
ukubuntuAnd you?07:06
mrmondayI'm OK07:06
ukubuntuI am writing an article for the mag on GRAMPS, but it need not go in on the first issue :D07:07
mrmondayI got bored writing an article, so now i'm doing the rubik cube...07:07
ukubuntuKewl, can you finish them?07:07
ukubuntuI can get the top two layers but the third is a beach!07:08
mrmondayabout 3/4 of the way07:08
mrmondaythen i use a cheat book that came with it07:08
mrmondayI can't memorise the last 3 sequences07:08
ukubuntuno, its quite tricky that last bit07:09
ukubuntuwere you around when they first came out?07:09
ukubuntuhehe showing my age :D07:09
mrmondaywhen did they first come out?07:09
ukubuntuabout 25 years ago07:10
mrmondayno then07:10
mrmondayi think my best time was 4mins07:11
ukubuntunice (y) need to fly07:11
mrmondayI'll say bye for me also07:12
=== mrmonday waves goodbye
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