
=== zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockI just realized I was talking in -devel12:57
LaserJockI thought I was here12:57
nixternalthere you go thinking again12:58
nixternalman that is so dangerous12:58
LaserJockbad habit12:58
nixternalhaha, I know the feeling12:58
nixternaleverytime I think, something gets destroyed12:58
LaserJockbtw, edubuntu-docs got uploaded12:58
LaserJockI think it'll be the last for Feisty12:58
nixternalgood job bro! you rocked that one out hardcore, and quickly I might add12:59
LaserJockunless I put translations back in12:59
LaserJocknixternal: we even got some screenshots, TCM, and 2nd CD stuff01:00
tonyyarussognomefreak: So, is that like pre-nvu composer, or what?  (not familiar with seamonkey)01:04
gnomefreakits composer after nvu since its 1.1.1 )hasnt been out long 01:05
tonyyarussognomefreak: Developed by who?01:06
gnomefreakperson dont know01:06
tonyyarussoTrying to figure out where in the bugfix progression it lies01:10
=== gnomefreak goes out for a bit.
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LaserJockok, what exactly is last.fm supposed to do?01:35
PhinnFortLaserJock: find music that suits your taste01:36
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PhinnFortand find friends with similar taste in music01:36
LaserJockhmm, ok01:37
tonyyarussognomefreak: I'll have to look into that and make sure nobody's duplicating work01:39
gnomefreakhmm why is it the patches i need cant be applied :(01:43
gnomefreakoh well lets see if it builds01:43
_MMA_LaserJock: http://www.last.fm/group/Ubuntu+Studio I just use it to see what the guys are listening to.01:43
=== LaserJock is confused but maybe this social networking stuff just is beyond him
=== _MMA_ just likes to see what people listen to.
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bddebianHeya gang03:17
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
chillywillybddebian: you liar03:22
bddebianAbout what?03:23
chillywillymy channel numbers shifted and I thought this was #fsf ;P03:23
chillywillymy bad yo03:24
bddebianI can honestly say I have never been in FSF.  I have been in #gnu once or twice in my life03:24
LaserJockhmm, I haven't been in either03:25
LaserJockI can't imagine what I'd need there03:26
LaserJockand I'd probably get tarred and feathered anyway03:27
bddebianA good lecturing? :)03:27
LaserJockhmm, I wonder what would happen if I jumped in #fsf and said "Is this the place for Open Source"03:28
crimsun"chemists hate GPLv3 draft 2!"03:29
LaserJockmaybe, "I've heard Emacs OS is better than Windows, is that true?"03:32
bddebianJust tell them you use OSX, that should be enough :)03:33
LaserJockbddebian: oh, excellent03:36
LaserJock"I'm glad OS X uses Free software"03:37
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LaserJockcrimsun: do you do any upstream development?03:47
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bddebianLaserJock: heh, you were serious, they only gave me another year :-)04:23
LaserJockbddebian: yeah04:25
LaserJockMarks was like "boy, I don't know about this guy. I think I better only give him 1 year" ;-)04:25
bddebianfair enough04:26
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LaserJockbddebian: I guess he's just doing 1 year renewals04:30
LaserJockthat's going to be kind of a pain04:30
LaserJockhi Hobbsee 04:31
Hobbseehi LaserJock 04:32
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Hobbseehas anyone uploaded https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty/+source/bzr/+bug/92432 ?05:06
ubotuMalone bug 92432 in bzr "index.html contains mainly broken links" [Undecided,Needs info]  05:06
Hobbseesomeone's marked it as fix released, and i suspect it hasnt been uploaded05:06
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Hobbseeoh, it has been, nvm05:08
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joejaxxi just found out one reason selinux-policy-default is failing :)05:32
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jdongbecause it saw apparmor in the same repositories?05:33
=== jdong ducks
joejaxxjdong: i really do not want to start  selinux vs apprmor debate lol05:35
jdongjoejaxx: nor do I :D05:37
jdongVIM RULES!!!!!!05:37
joejaxxLOL that is worst05:37
bddebiannano r0x j0005:38
joejaxxapparently selinux-policy-default is looking for setfiles in /usr/sbin05:40
joejaxxand setfiles is actuall05:41
joejaxxajmitch: are you around?05:42
joejaxxthe funny thing is in edgy setfiles is in /usr/sbin/ but in feisty it is in /sbin/05:44
=== jdong puts on forum hat
jdonglet's just make a symlink!05:45
=== jdong takes off forum hat
joejaxxi do not think any selinux files have a ubuntu# version05:46
joejaxxi wonder if there is a debian-selinux channel05:46
=== joejaxx goes to look at changles
crimsunLaserJock: yes05:49
joejaxxi wonder what the best way to go about this is05:50
=== coniferous [n=arthur@CPE00d059b51486-CM00111adf5f5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacaternano r0x mi wurld05:53
sacaternano r0x mi w0rld05:53
tonyyarussonano has syntax highlighting - that was my cool discovery05:53
joejaxxcrimsun: are you knowledgable with selinux specific packages?05:54
sacaterdont laugh, its 4am, and im only on here cause i hacked my dads router restrictions, to keep me OFF at these times05:54
joejaxxor anyone else too :)05:54
crimsunjoejaxx: no, andrew may be05:54
joejaxxyeah that is what i was thinking05:54
joejaxxi think he is sleep :)05:54
crimsunhe's likely at work05:55
jdongsacater: you bad boy.05:55
joejaxxcrimsun: oh ok05:55
crimsunbeing in .nz and all05:55
sacaterjdong: :P05:55
=== joejaxx does not know what timezone nz is in
sacaterjdong: its easy, he is doing it on MAC, so i just change my MAC and the router sees my as any old user05:56
jdongsacater: you're awful :D05:56
sacaterand he uses my new MAC05:56
sacateri just change again!05:56
sacaterBORN FREE05:56
sacatermore time to fix bugs!05:56
coniferousHaha.. Mac filtering. So useless.05:56
sacaterwhich is the main reason im up :D05:56
crimsunjoejaxx: either +11 or +12 UTC, don't remember precisely05:57
jdongconiferous: heh that is an understatement05:57
jdongconiferous: I wrote an automatic wayport AP hacker based on MAC identity theft05:57
sacaterif anyone cares i am GMT, not sure what that is it UTC05:57
crimsunthat is UTC.05:57
sacater :D05:57
sacaterthen i am UTC+005:58
tonyyarussoNo, GMT does daylight savings, UTC does not, iirc.05:58
tonyyarussomight be wrong05:58
sacaterthink you are05:58
coniferousJdong: Very cool. Wish i had the skill to do that. 05:58
jdongconiferous: http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~jdong/barnacle/barnacle.dev/files05:58
sacateras i have done my daylight shift05:58
jdongconiferous: it defeats the pay-to-surf public hotspots by locating another user on the subnet and assuming his MAC and IP05:59
coniferousJdong: Yeah, i just read the readme.. Brilliant! I'm holding on to this little gem. 05:59
joejaxxthat is so wrong05:59
coniferousAh, man. I need to get myself a real wireless card. Ndis wrapper just dosent do the job..06:00
jdongjoejaxx: haha I've kinda shoved the moral side of it on the backburner :D06:00
sacateroh, great, in the time it takes me to say a few lines, ive given people ideas....06:01
joejaxxjdong: Lol06:05
coniferousSo, i have a question about MOTUs, I don't mean to sound noobsih or anything, but i was kinda wondering how to contribute to ubuntu. I've been using debian for a while so i know the format of a debian package fairly well, am i wrong in assuming this channel is for the package maintainers?06:12
tonyyarussoconiferous: You're correct about that.06:12
tonyyarussoI don't know exactly how one becomes a MOTU, but becoming a maintainer for a particular package is pretty simple.06:13
tonyyarussohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU has lots of info06:13
coniferousOh, thats even in the topic.. thanks alot. I'll look that over. 06:13
crimsunyou may wish to snoop https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment , too.06:13
coniferousi'll look at that too. thank you.06:14
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=== ScottK is drinking Scotch and coding in Python. Hard to beat that.
LaserJockdarn it06:20
=== bddebian is playing Oblivion again.. w00h00
joejaxxwhat is the Maintainer line once again?06:21
joejaxxfor ubuntu modified packages?06:21
bddebianXSBC-Original-Maintainer, you mean?06:21
bddebianOr what we put in it?06:21
joejaxxMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Development Team <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> ?06:21
joejaxxbddebian: yeah what we put06:21
ScottKjoejaxx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField06:21
coniferousFunny you should mention that, Drinking cider and working in a cisco router simulator here. 06:22
coniferousMind you, i'm sure your having more fun then me..06:22
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bddebianWell, looks like I expired from ubuntu-dev anyway06:31
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ScottKbddebian: Kinda takes the pressure off a week before freeze though?06:32
bddebianHonestly without trying to sound like a whiny bitch, I'm a little bit offended06:35
ScottKAre you the first one to come up for renewal under the new policy?06:36
joejaxxbddebian: oh that is the motu team on launchpad06:36
bddebianI don't think so but I don't know < ScottK06:37
Burgundaviabddebian: likely a mere oversight06:37
joejaxxwell that setfiles error was only one problem06:38
Burgundaviawe really have no procedures in place for any sort of renewal yet06:38
StevenKI thought ubuntu-dev was going to be killed?06:38
=== joejaxx looks to solve the next
StevenKAnd I thought the renewal procedure was to ask the techboard really nicely?06:38
=== hoora_191143 [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-f58b9c326938f06f] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianStevenK: I'm not sure about u-d, I had thought that also06:39
ScottKOf course bddebian's no less screwed just because if it was a mistake.06:39
crimsunbddebian: it's intentional that you are no longer part of ubuntu-dev06:39
crimsunbddebian: see https://launchpad.net/~MOTU/+members06:39
crimsunMOTU is a member of ubuntu-dev, so your upload privileges are preserved.06:39
bddebianScottK: I'm not saying that I'm screwed and I don't mean it to sound that way06:40
ScottKAll I meant was intentional or not, the impact is not affected.06:42
crimsunagain, ~ubuntu-dev is deprecated in favour of ~MOTU06:42
crimsunyou were reactivated in the correct group.06:43
bddebiancrimsun: Understood thanks, that wasn't really what I meant06:43
crimsunoh, are you referring to the term length?06:44
bddebianI guess just a little of the overall process.  I realize that I'm no you or LaserJock, etc but I put a lot of my free time in to trying to help out where I can with just some blind e-mail telling me I'm expiring and to begging to the TB.06:45
crimsunthe silliness of the "you or LaserJock" comment aside ;-), you and Jani are the first to go through the procedure IIRC06:46
bddebianWhy is that a silly comment?  I realize that I'm not as intimately involved as you folks are.06:47
ScottKNo, he's saying you are overboard with being self-deprecating.06:48
bddebianWell that's a personality quirk but it makes the comment no less valid06:49
joejaxxevery motu gets upload rights?06:51
bddebianFor Universe, yes06:51
crimsunhmm, there sure are a lot of Deactivated people06:51
crimsun(under ~MOTU)06:51
joejaxxoh ok06:51
StevenKcrimsun: Including two Daniel Holbach's06:53
Hobbseebddebian: LP never was into personalized email, much.06:53
Hobbseebddebian: didnt you see the MOTU ML, which was where msot of the stuff went on?06:53
bddebian13?  Yeah and why is dholbach de-actived, because he's a core-dev?06:54
joejaxxcrimsun: looks like more selinux fun06:54
joejaxxcrimsun: changing the path to setfiles fixed one problem06:54
joejaxxcrimsun: now i am looking into the next :)06:54
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crimsunbddebian: yes, he's in core-dev06:55
bddebianHobbsee: Yes, most of them, though it's been hard to keep up lately with RL job :-(06:55
Hobbseebddebian: same here06:56
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joejaxxLaserJock: what is wrong? :\06:58
LaserJockI hate networking06:58
LaserJockI can't wpa_supplicant to work06:58
crimsunwhich wifi chipset?06:58
LaserJockI tried wpagui but it can't connect to wpa_supplicant06:59
LaserJocka AR521206:59
crimsunare you using madwifi or wext?06:59
LaserJockmadwifi I think07:00
crimsunopen, WEP, or WPA{,2} AP?07:00
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LaserJockI went from open to WPA07:01
ScottKLaserJock: I have ARS5212 and it works in Feisty with linux-restricted-modules and network manager.07:01
BurgundaviaLaserJock: I have madwifi and I use wap no problems07:02
LaserJockwell, sure, network manager works07:02
crimsunerr, wait, what?07:02
LaserJockI'm just trying to get rid of network-manager07:02
crimsunoh, so you're trying to use interfaces(5)?07:02
ScottKOh.  OK.  It just worked for me, so I didn't mess with it further.07:02
crimsunok, is your /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf configured correctly?07:03
ajmitchjoejaxx: you wanted something?07:03
LaserJockwell, I *think* so, there was a HOWTO on the forums and a wiki page07:03
crimsunLaserJock: also, pastebin your interfaces(5) stanza07:03
LaserJockbut it doesn't look like it's working very well07:04
joejaxxajmitch: ah yes07:04
joejaxxajmitch: i figured out one part why selinux-policy-default does not install07:04
joejaxxajmitch: in the makefile it references setfiles as being in /usr/sbin/setfiles07:04
joejaxxajmitch: when in the newest policycoreutils it is in /sbin/setfiles07:05
ajmitchprobably because you're using the wrong policy07:05
ajmitchand selinux-policy-default should be removed07:05
LaserJockcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14143/07:05
crimsunLaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14144/07:05
joejaxxajmitch: but is the makefile referencing /usr/sbin/setfiles still a problem?07:06
LaserJockgeeze, that's completly different07:06
ajmitchjoejaxx: just use selinux-policy-refpolicy-targeted07:06
crimsunLaserJock: kel & reinhard spent a while making it interfaces(5)-compliant07:06
crimsunthis was back in breezy or dapper, don't remember07:07
joejaxxajmitch: ok07:07
ScottKMy query object cache is implemented and appears to be working, so I'm going to bed.  Good night all.07:07
joejaxxGoodnight ScottK 07:08
joejaxxlooks like i need to manually relabel the files07:09
=== Hobbsee pokes imbrandon
Jucatohm.. poking...07:12
bddebianAh well, gnight gang07:15
Jucatobye bddebian07:16
joejaxxajmitch: may i pm you?07:17
joejaxxGoodnight bddebian07:18
LaserJockcrimsun: slightly better, but it won't connect, it just keeps trying07:18
crimsunLaserJock: can you sanitize and pastebin the foregrounded wpa_supplicant output?07:21
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sacateranyone seen any bugs in xmms lately :(I07:29
LaserJockcrimsun: yes, on sec07:30
LaserJockcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14145/07:33
LaserJockcrimsun: it was doing a lot of reconnects,  now it just sits there, so I'm assuming it's sort of working07:34
LaserJockbut I get no network07:34
ajmitchjoejaxx: if you need to07:34
crimsunLaserJock: does iwconfig show you're associated?07:36
crimsun(there's not enough output there to see)07:36
sacaterhey, because it comes with source, i dont suppose anyone would like to help me make a debian install for sauerbraten http://sauerbraten.org , i would need a lot of hand-holding though07:36
LaserJockone sec, I have to turn off and on N-M between tests07:37
sacaterLaserJock: was that to me?07:39
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LaserJocksacater: no, it was for crimsun 07:49
LaserJockcrimsun: so maybe my /etc/network/interfaces is messed up?07:51
crimsunLaserJock: you should definitely be using interfaces(5) syntax with wpa_supplicant07:53
crimsunbut does iwconfig show association?07:54
LaserJockiwconfig shows the same with wpa_supplicant as with n-m07:56
LaserJockit has my ssid, etc.07:56
LaserJockwhen I try to ping a computer on the same network I just get: connect: Network is unreachable08:00
crimsunLaserJock: well, do you have an IP [IPv4] ?08:06
LaserJockI assume so yes08:07
LaserJockor wait08:07
crimsun`ip a'08:07
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LaserJockcrimsun: nope, no IP08:09
crimsunright, that explains the error above08:09
crimsunnow, which iface is that, ath0?08:10
crimsundoes ``sudo dhclient ath0'' give you a lease?08:10
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-68-167-206-110.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-188-131.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcrimsun: wahoo, success08:12
LaserJockI've never used dhclient, now I kinda feel like an idiot :/08:12
jussi01morning motu's08:13
LaserJockdo you have to do dhclient everytime you want to get on the network?08:13
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@37-55.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunI use the interfaces(5) format that I pastebinned08:14
crimsunwpa_supplicant does the magic for me08:14
crimsun(see /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz for more info)08:15
LaserJockwell, I used yours08:15
LaserJocklet me try something real quick08:16
crimsunI see that "Madwifi supports both the 'wext' and 'madwifi' driver backends. 'wext' is referred, however 'madwifi' may work better in some circumstances."08:16
crimsun(that's a typo for "preferred")08:16
LaserJockcrimsun: sorry, I'm an idiot, I accidently didn't do s/eth0/ath0/ in one spot in interfaces08:18
LaserJocknow ifdown ath0 and ifup ath0 work like magic08:18
LaserJockbut I did have my wpa_supplicant and interfaces wrong08:19
LaserJockso thanks08:19
LaserJocknow I can be N-M free08:20
=== LaserJoc1 [n=mantha@adsl-75-14-218-86.dsl.renocs.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJoc1phew, made it08:30
joejaxxapt-get -o "Dir::State::Lists=$TARGET" -o "Dir::etc::sourcelist=$TARGET.list" -o "Dir::State::status=$TARGET.status" -o "Dir::Cache=cache" update08:31
joejaxxdoes anyone see anything i am missing in that command? :P08:31
LaserJoc1unfortunately, Feisty seems to not be going downhill for me in terms of hardware stuff08:32
joejaxxLaserJoc1: that is good :)08:32
joejaxx :\08:32
ivoksLaserJoc1: what doesn't work?08:32
LaserJoc1resume/suspend seem to have gone south08:32
LaserJoc1and I just rebooted and it stalled on some hardware loading08:33
LaserJoc1took at least twice as long to reboot08:33
ivoksit stalled for me on setting up network08:33
LaserJoc1at this point I think Edgy was better, hardware wise, for me08:34
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poningrupackaging request: lives08:57
poningrudoh on the phpsession id08:57
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@a88-114-229-220.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
poningruwhats the package request official method?09:03
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StevenKponingru: Later. Like, after we've released Feisty.09:07
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poningruI thought here was a decision made re: packaging requests09:08
poningrusomething along the lines of going through launchpad and tagging it as such09:08
Hobbseethere are.  it's documented on the ubuntu-motu ML 09:09
poningrupretty please link?09:10
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=== Hobbsee only has the email version, not the link to it
Q-FUNKWhat would be the best way to catch a command's stderr and stdout to ensure that if that comand alone fails, the whole preinst won't fail?09:21
=== afflux [i=k@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x6E18D3C4] has joined #ubuntu-motu
poningruHobbsee: can you just tell me what the official method is?09:26
=== poningru thinks this should be made readily available to people who might want to request the packaging and not hte people who are doing the packaging
=== Hobbsee wonders why the mailing list archvies are so impossible to find, but goes to look them up
sacaterinteresting statistic, but who has the most Karma in launchpad?09:28
Hobbseeguess if you didnt knwo the month...09:28
=== Fujitsu doesn't. Does that help?
Hobbseemmm okay.  *looks harder*09:29
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Fujitsusacater: Probably popey, as he does the support requests.09:30
sacaterFujitsu: ok, thank you :D09:30
FujitsuSorry, they're "Answers" these days, and get incredibly high amounts of karma.09:30
sacaterim on 140 something09:30
sacateri need to do answers :D09:30
Hobbseeponingru: argh.  i cant seem to find it.09:31
poningruHobbsee: I've been searching too09:31
poningrucant find it09:31
=== poningru thinks about downloading the whole thing and grepping
poningruits fracking 7MB09:32
sacaterFujitsu: i cant find a popey launchpad page09:32
poningruand its opening in firefox :(09:32
=== poningru is sure he is about to get pwnt
Fujitsualanpope, sacater.09:33
Hobbseeponingru: i wonder if it was in a meeting log instead09:33
FujitsuBe warned, he has 116k karma.09:33
sacaterFujitsu: :D09:34
=== poningru <3 egrep
poningruHobbsee: found it09:34
sacaterFujitsu: ill see how he earned it09:34
poningruHobbsee: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/599009:35
Hobbseeponingru: ah, yep, that's it.09:36
Hobbseehttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-March/001480.html yep09:36
poningruthanks I will be adding it to teh wiki's09:36
=== Hobbsee was looking for new, or packages
sacaterFujitsu: https://launchpad.net/~alanpope/+packages09:37
sacaterFujitsu: not a single package :D09:37
Hobbseeponingru: great :)09:37
Hobbseeponingru: clean it all up while your'e at it :P09:38
Hobbseeponingru: it's already there, but a couple of links down09:39
poningruit is?09:39
poningruwhich wiki page?09:39
Hobbseeit *all* needs a redo09:45
=== Hobbsee contemplates a few blog posts askign what people would like to see, etc, on the MOTU page, and doing a mockup, to work on in spain
=== Monk-e [n=guido@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
BurgundaviaHobbsee: the UWN is also covering such things, so if want something in it, feel free to ping me09:48
=== Q-FUNK [n=q-funk@cs27009116.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu-motu
HobbseeBurgundavia: good point09:49
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1every time that a package is updated, what is the order that its debian scripts get called?  say you have package A with both a postinst and a config script09:55
superm1are they both called on the package update?09:55
sacateris there anything i can do to increase boot speed?09:57
superm1crimsun, thx09:59
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@144.16-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Hobbsee looks for people. perhaps someone like crimsun
Hobbseeif i've got package a, and package b, which both have an identically named file, but are completely different, what should i do?10:19
Hobbseeshould i use a conflicts for that, or something else?10:20
gesersuperm1: http://women.debian.org/wiki/English/MaintainerScripts shows the order of script execution as diagrams10:20
geserHobbsee: should both package be installable?10:21
geserat the same time10:21
Hobbseegeser: it's https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/basket/+bug/10347610:21
ubotuMalone bug 103476 in basket "[can-not-install]  file overwrite error" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  10:21
Hobbseeno reason why they shouldnt be10:21
geserthen one of the both packages need to install this file with an other name10:23
=== Hobbsee notes that one probably doesnt want to have 2 executable basket files anyway
Hobbsee        ( cd debian/gcpegg/usr/share/man/man1 ; \10:26
Hobbsee                ln gcpegg.1.gz basket.1.gz ;\10:26
Hobbsee                ln gcpegg.1.gz eggsh.1.gz ;\10:26
Hobbsee                ln gcpegg.1.gz regtest.1.gz )10:26
=== Hobbsee wonders what would happen if she changed that to basket.2.gz
geserplease don't do it10:28
Hobbseewhat happens?10:29
=== Hobbsee hasnt tried it
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu-motu
gesersection 2 is for "System calls (functions provided by the kernel)" (see man man for the other sections)10:30
=== Hobbsee wonders why she didnt realise that there'd be a man page for mans....
=== Hobbsee wonders why not...
=== TLE [n=kenneth@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Fujitsu hopes merges.ubuntu.com will be back up soon... The downtime is flooding my INBOX.
=== Hobbsee didnt think any merging was beign done nwo anyway
sacaterIve been told how to make boot time, and many other things extreamly fast, gentoo's done it10:41
FujitsuMy MDT cron jobs look there.10:41
sacaterWe need to change all bash to C/C++10:41
=== geser merged wordpress yesterday
sacaterfaster than bash by far10:41
Fujitsusacater: We don't use bash during bootup.10:42
sacaterlet me relay that to my mate10:42
sacateractually hang on10:42
=== welp [n=welp@gentoo/developer/welp] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacaterexplain the bash thing10:43
geserHobbsee: so rename basket.1.gz to something like gcpegg-basket.1.gz and make basket conflict gcpegg < fixed_version10:43
welpbash is slower than C10:43
welpgenerally RC is coded in bash, therefore init is relatively slow10:43
sacaterwelp: but Fujitsu says we dont use bash at bootup10:43
welpsacater: "generally"10:43
welpnot always...10:43
FujitsuWe use dash.10:43
welpFujitsu: what does ubuntu use for RC10:43
FujitsuWhich is substantially faster.10:43
welpdash? what's that?10:43
gesersacater: /bin/sh -> dash10:44
welpi've never heard of dash...10:44
sacaterwelp: C faster than sh10:44
sacateranybody got any idea how long it would take to replace all sh and bash with C10:44
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-254-028.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseegeser: right.  do i need to change anything else than the name of the manpage for gcpegg-basket.1.gz?10:45
sacaterwelp: thanks, 10:45
Fujitsusacater: A few eternities.10:46
welpi can get through init (ie after kernel load -> login) in 2 seconds with a "warm boot"10:46
sacaterFujitsu: what welp said10:46
sacaterive seen his laptop10:46
sacaterand its an old laptop too :10:46
welpand that's my laptop... 700mhz, 386mb ram10:46
sacaterFujitsu: is it possible to do it bit by bit, and maintain a working system, eg. remove a piece of bash and replace with C, but remain working10:47
geserHobbsee: what about the bin name? /usr/sbin/basket and /usr/bin/basket don't strictly conflict but having two executable with the same name but in different dirs doesn't sound good10:47
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sacatergnomefreak: can you please tell welp the name of the guy who gave me +u10:50
Hobbseegeser: exactly10:50
sacaterwelp: Fujitsu says eternity, is that true, if it is true how did gentoo manage it?10:52
sacatereser: exactly10:53
welpthe guy who did it has "Uber" in his nick... really, he does10:53
sacaterwelp: oh him :D10:53
sacaterwelp: what one person did it...10:53
welpsacater: nod, one person.10:53
welphe also wrote the latest version of dhcpcd10:54
sacateruber he is..10:55
sacaterFujitsu: after hearing that are you sure it would take an eternity, fast boot would look great for ubuntu :D10:56
sacaterand BE great10:56
welpbut you don't want ubuntuians to have a ricer image, like us gentooians :P10:56
crimsunboot loader -> tty in 2 seconds can be done, but that's not our approach. boot loader -> gdm is.10:57
crimsunnote that's significantly more complex.10:57
sacateri still think its a great idea10:57
welpcrimsun: you can get the kernel loaded in <2 seconds?10:57
crimsunwelp: I'm using your example.10:57
sacaterwelp: i keep telling people, neither is better, they are just different, gentoo is more difficult, and some people go for that, whilst other like user friendly10:57
crimsunanyhow, we're straying off-topic.10:58
sacatercrimsun: no way hose'10:58
=== welp checks the topic
sacaterwe are right on topic :D10:58
sacatermaybe not :(10:58
sacaterwelp: dont laugh...10:58
sacatershall we continue this on another channel10:59
welpthat's the ubuntu equivilant to gentoo's bugdays, isn't it?10:59
welp(i'm talking about hugday atm(10:59
sacaterwelp: no, its just a laugh really 'hug for a bud day10:59
welpso it's like gentoo's bugday.11:00
sacaterwe still love it :D11:00
sacaterwelp: yes, but they are more often than gentoo11:00
sacaterabout once every 2 weeks at least11:00
welpevery fortnight11:00
sacateri think we have an 'official' bugday in the year, but its mainly hug days11:00
sacateri havnt been doing linux that long though :(*11:01
=== pochu [n=emilio@ubuntu/member/pochu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== sacater waves at pochu
pochuhey sacater11:01
=== welp waves in pochu's general direction
welpever manage to get that laptop sold?11:02
pochuwelp: not yet :(11:02
sacaterwelp: i still need 18011:02
welpi'm still broke. :(11:02
sacaterokay,...... pound sign makes a ?11:02
sacaterwelp: what did you do to my xserver yesterday11:03
sacaterthe other keys work11:03
welpsacater: i probably haven't got UTF-8 sorted on descartes11:03
sacaterthats it11:03
sacaterworks fine locally11:03
welpTerminal on gentoo/freebsd hates utf-8 for some mucked up reason :(11:03
sacatermeh, porting like that, theres bound to be a few conflicts :D11:04
sacaterwelp: how much ram does descartes have again?11:05
sacaterwelp: hmm, well i know little C++ and smaller Bash, 11:14
sacateri wonder if i could get someone else to look into it11:14
sacateryoure jabber is on the fritz again too11:14
welpi know11:14
welpnot it's not11:15
welp*no it's not11:15
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mneptokdanger will robinson!11:27
=== mneptok waves his claws
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=== Hobbsee throws mneptok into a pool of hot lava. yes, danger!
sacateris there a way to clear out or 'flush' the ram cache11:40
mneptokgtk-gnutella she eez broken11:40
=== mneptok will do an LP bughunt in a bit
=== jpon [n=jpon@neu67-3-82-239-80-181.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacatermneptok: espanol?11:41
zorglu_sacater: "sync" will do, if what you want is to be sure the ram cache is written on disk11:41
sacaterzorglu_: thanks11:42
sacaterworks :D11:42
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=== Hobbsee plays with what should be on the MOTU page...
danohuiginnQuestion: is xxx@ubuntustudio.com acceptable for a maintainer field in control?01:23
danohuiginn(debuild doesn't like it, but it seems reasonable to me)01:24
azeemwhat's the error message?01:25
Hobbseedanohuiginn: doubt it.01:26
Hobbseeneeds to be a @ubuntu.com email address01:26
geserdoesn't it only check for ubuntu in it? so it should be happy with @ubuntustudio.com01:27
FujitsuThat's acceptable, but the implementation of the policy is bad.01:27
danohuiginnazeem: actually now I look again, the only warning I get is about not having an original-maintainer field (dpkg-source: warning: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but there is no XSBC-Original-Maintainer field)01:29
pochudanohuiginn: create it with the Debian Maitainer01:29
danohuiginnpochu: yep, that makes sense. thanks01:30
geserdanohuiginn: only it it has a Debian maintainer01:31
geserif it's a new package you're packaging for UbuntuStudio I'd ignore the warning01:31
danohuiginnnah, it's been in debian in the past. I'll add in the field01:33
=== Hobbsee wonders why people are working on new packages at the moment
StevenKThat's a good question.01:33
StevenKHobbsee: You whip them, I'll wave the grindstone01:34
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HobbseeStevenK: heh01:35
=== Hobbsee doesnt think most of them would *like* to be whipped...
danohuiginnnot a new package, Hobbsee, put away the whip ;)01:36
Hobbseedanohuiginn: even an update.01:37
danohuiginnHobbsee: bug 10350701:38
ubotuMalone bug 103507 in om "Script 'launchomsynth' brings up two instances of om_gtk" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10350701:38
=== EtienneG [n=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-motu
enycBah! feisty universe "qemu" 0.8.2+dfsg-0ubuntu1 does not work with the feisty "kqemu-source" built on 2.6.20-14-generic on i386 .. ;-( -- "Version mismatch between kqemu module and qemu (00010300 00010200) - disabling kqemu use"01:50
enycThe odd thing is -- kqemu is now GPLv2 license... but the kqemu-source package is in "multiverse" rather than "universe"01:51
enycI'm confused01:51
Fujitsuenyc: Is this the new kqemu from about 24 hours ago?01:52
FujitsuHi \sh.01:53
enycFujitsu: not sure...01:53
enycFujitsu: its 1.3.0-pre1101:53
enycNote that debian "kqemu-source" is no longer "non-free" in 1.3.0-pre11  but ubuntu's "kqemu-source" is still in multiverse01:54
Fujitsuenyc: That's the new one, and it should be moved to universe when pitti gets around to it.01:54
Fujitsu(I filed the bug, he was just waiting on it to build and stuff)01:54
enycFujitsu: okay... excellent ;-)01:55
enycFujitsu: bug # ?01:55
zorglu_enyc: how come ? kqemu has changed its license ?01:55
enyczorglu_: it has...01:55
enyczorglu_: author has... not sure why01:55
Fujitsuzorglu_: Yep, GPL now.01:55
enyczorglu_: gone to GPLv201:55
enyczorglu_: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/kqemu-changelog.html01:55
zorglu_cool :)01:55
enychowever... there is a realy usability problem in feisty given that  feisty qemu and feisty kqemu-source  do not appear to work together01:56
zorglu_my guess is "all the new virutalization stuff made him do the work needed to pass it gpl" :) he talked several time about this01:56
zorglu_in anycase this is cool :)01:56
\shmoins Fujitsu01:56
\shoh a new experience...umts while travelling in a car01:57
Fujitsuenyc: Bug 83539 and bug 102244.01:57
ubotuMalone bug 83539 in kqemu "Update to GPL'ed version 1.3.0pre11" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8353901:57
ubotuMalone bug 102244 in kqemu "Please sync kqemu (multiverse) 1.3.0~pre11-4 from Debian Sid (main), and promote it to universe" [Low,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10224401:57
\shenyc: mobile internet connection up to 2mbit (not wlan)01:58
StevenKOh yes, UMTS is GPRS on steriods.01:59
\shright ;)01:59
geserenyc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umts01:59
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enycbah! I was doing someting silly... I had an older /usr/local/bin/qemu I had compiled in the past!!!02:07
enycerror in enyc!02:07
enycqemu-0.9.0-1 from debian experimental works fine...02:08
enycmust test fiesty 0.8.2-whatnot02:08
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enycThis is my 'testing' machine so I don't mind breaking it... I have done something potentially dangerous... made /dev/sda accessible to my qemu... and booted qemu in 'snapshot mode' off the running hard disk.. I recognize the virtualized machine may not acutally write to the real hdd.. and it may easily crash when accessing the same mounted filesystems due to real-changes in the host machine ;-)02:16
enycbut it is, actally, working ;-)02:17
jdongmounting a live filesystem again actually does work02:17
jdongbut either (1) it'll kernel-panic from unexpected changes, once in a while02:17
jdongor (2) The next mount, or next time you run fsck, you won't be happy.02:17
enycnote that this is running a vm in snapshot modes... i.e. it keeps changes to itself... not affecting the real FS02:18
jdongenyc: how can you be so sure it's not writing to a filesystem?02:18
enycbut it will still get confused due to 'upstream' changes ;-)02:18
jdongYou know, ext3 replays journals even on read-only mount....02:18
enycjdong: well nothign is for certain... using qemu -snapshot mode02:18
enycjdong: i.e. qemu is keeping changes in ram/tempfile of  block data changes.. not changing real device02:19
jdonglol I'm glad it works for you, but it's definitely not something that I would say will work _reliably_ :)02:19
enycjdong: thats interesting.... given that i now have /dev/sda  mode '664' (readonly blockdevice to my user running qemu)... I can boot DOS from the running hdd ... and it 'ignores' writes to the disk.. you can DEL a file.. and its still there.. qemu must not be passing up the errors at INT 13 level....02:22
enycwhereas if I boot in -snapshot mode, it does indeed show the files deleted correctly... as qemu is caching changes inside that running qemu session... restart and  back to square-1 etc.02:23
jdongenyc: ha, that's interesting. Now, after witnessing that behavior, think it's time to stop trying that reckless approach? :D02:23
enycjdong: dont quire understand what you trying to say?02:23
jdongenyc: it's probably not a great idea (ok, fine, it's reckless) to use a block device twice like this02:25
jdongenyc: find a safer way :)02:25
enycjdong: i do understand this..02:25
enycjdong: i do appreciate that 'normal' filesystems are not designed for simultaneous mounts where any "r/w" mounts exist....02:26
jdongbut I'm not gonna stop you from having fun :D02:27
enycjdong: i.e. many R/O are okay... but r/w+r/o or multiple-r/w  is bad02:27
jdongI've done really reckless things like this in the past before.... but anyway, it's fun and you should try it :)02:27
enycthere are fileystems designed for such thigns however but that gets more complex ;-)02:27
jdongjust be sure you're not putting any valuable data at stake02:27
=== enyc boots 3vil win32 and sees if it crashes ;-)
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=== enyc deletes everything inside the snapshot!
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enycoops.. NTLDR is missint ;-)02:49
enycno matter ;-)02:49
enycall sorted now ;-) (closes qemu)02:49
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sacaterguys, as some of you know, i compiled xfce onto ubuntu, but im getting updates for it :| whats going on, can it handle source now?03:26
Hobbseeuh, what?03:27
pochuhey motus! I have a little problem while packaging a new version of listen. When I do "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot", it fails with "/usr/bin/fakeroot: 152: debian/rules: Permission denied". Any idea? :)03:27
Hobbseepochu: yep.  chmod +x debian/rules03:27
StevenKpochu: debian/rules needs to be executable03:27
=== StevenK glares at Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee can type quicker :P
pochuoh, cool :)03:28
pochuthanks Hobbsee and StevenK :)03:28
Hobbseesacater: likely someone in ubuntu uploaded later versions of xfce than the ones you compiled.03:28
sacaterHobbsee: weird i know, i just checked with synaptic, and while xfce4 isnt ticked, some of the librays are03:28
sacaterHobbsee: nope, im using xfce4.403:28
Hobbseenot a new upstream version - a new ubuntu revision03:29
sacaterbut if i compiled from source, how come synaptic dedtects it03:29
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Hobbseedepends which source you compiled it from / how you compiled it03:30
StevenKIf you bumped the version when you did so.03:32
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sacaterHobbsee: i compiled the source packages i obtained from xfce.org03:33
sacaterpretty official03:34
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DarkSun88Hi all03:39
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pochuhi jekil04:00
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sacaterive been helping a newbie04:03
sacaterbut there may be a glitch in the ahavi/204:03
sacaterhis wireless refuses to work04:04
sacaterthe output of 2 commands i gave him are here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14190/04:04
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geserwhich interface are there?04:06
geserwhich interfaces are configure in /etc/network/interfaces?04:07
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joejaxxGood Morning MOTU :)04:14
pochuhey joejaxx :)04:15
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joejaxxpochu: wmfishtime and bubblefishymon are some funny dock apps04:22
sacatergeser: the guy cant get his wifi0 to work, the errors are conclusive, look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14190/04:28
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gesersacater: I see there 4 interfaces mentioned: eth1, eth2, wlan0 and wifi004:36
geserwhich one is the real one?04:36
sacaterhold on..04:37
lupine_85wifi0 would be the control interface (that you feed to wlandev)04:37
lupine_85I think :)04:37
sacaterthis is his full ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14193/04:38
sacaterhes coming anywa04:38
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lupine_85eh, ath0 then04:39
rouzic_Hi everybody04:39
sacaterlupine_85: talk to rouzic_ 04:39
sacaterhes the one with dodgy wifi04:39
rouzic_Hi lupine_8504:39
lupine_85ath0 is the device that needs configuring :)04:39
lupine_85ath0:avah is.. umm. No idea, but the IP address it's got suggests zeroconf or something (so it can be ignored)04:39
geserI'd guess it got truncated as should be ath0:ahavi04:40
rouzic_This problem I have it since I updated avahi-daemon04:40
sacaterlupine_85: did you see the output of my getting him to restart his networking in init.d04:40
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sacaterthis is the bug in question https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10344004:41
ubotuMalone bug 103440 in Ubuntu "[feisty beta]  boot takes much too long" [Undecided,Confirmed]  04:41
lupine_85I did now04:41
lupine_85wifi0 is not the device to be playing with :)04:41
rouzic_sacater: wifi :)04:42
sacaterath0 then.....04:43
sacaterlupine_85: do you know the command that will kill of ath0, at least until its wanted again04:43
sacaterifconfig ath0 down?04:45
sacaterbut it needs to be turned off permenantly04:45
lupine_85unload the module04:46
sacaterlupine_85: erm, ok, any idea what the module name is?04:47
lupine_85no, sorry. just lsmod and see which modules are using the 80211 module; though it should be pretty obvious from teh name anyway04:49
lupine_85you'll need to ifconfig ath0 down before you can unload the module, of cours04:49
sacaterlupine_85: can i unload him onto you :P, this is where my knowledge gets limited04:49
lupine_85eh, if somweone pastebins the output of lsmod, I might be able to point it out04:50
lupine_85but I've never actually used an atheros card under ubuntu ;)04:50
sacaterrouzic_: please paste the output of 'lsmod'04:51
rouzic_sacater: oks, wait a moment04:51
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sacatertalk to lupine_85 a bit more now, because he knows more,04:51
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sacaterDarkSun88: ello!04:52
lupine_85curses, beat me to it :p04:53
lupine_85yeah, ath_pci is the one04:54
=== StevenK smirks
=== lupine_85 plots world destruction
sacaterlupine_85: care to join me :D04:55
=== Hobbsee notes that this will conflict with her plans of world domination.
lupine_85Hobbsee: you can dominate whatever's left :)04:55
jussi01hello Hobbsee 04:55
StevenKWhich isn't the world.04:55
lupine_85I'm no very good at destruction, so it probably will be04:55
sacaterHobbsee: you will domintae with THE STICK!04:55
StevenKIt seems the point fell off.04:56
=== Hobbsee will dominate WITH EVERYTHING!
=== Hobbsee pokes StevenK with the very Long and Very Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=== StevenK is poked
=== sacater snatchs the point stick of doom from Hobbsee, sacater administers pokings to jussi01 and pochu :D
sacaterrouzic_: how is it going04:58
Hobbseeheh.  you cant.04:58
Hobbseeit's my stick.04:58
sacaterer hem04:58
rouzic_sacater: erh?04:58
jussi01ouch sacater why?04:58
=== sacater snatchs
sacaterrouzic_: did lupine_85 not help?04:58
rouzic_sacater: yes04:59
=== sacater yells!!! LUPINE!! git ur a** bak ere!
lupine_85don't negative me04:59
rouzic_But the problem of the take-off has not been solved04:59
lupine_85I answered all the questions asked04:59
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sacaterhelp the padawan!04:59
lupine_851. make sure ath0 is all set up with iwconfig 05:00
lupine_852. sudo dhclient ath005:00
lupine_853. ???05:00
lupine_854. PROFIT :D05:00
rouzic_Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.405:01
rouzic_Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.05:01
rouzic_All rights reserved.05:01
rouzic_For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/05:01
rouzic_wifi0: unknown hardware address type 80105:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:01
rouzic_wifi0: unknown hardware address type 80105:01
rouzic_Listening on LPF/ath0/00:16:cb:bd:34:3e05:01
rouzic_Sending on   LPF/ath0/00:16:cb:bd:34:3e05:01
rouzic_Sending on   Socket/fallback05:01
rouzic_DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 705:01
rouzic_DHCPDISCOVER on ath0 to port 67 interval 1305:01
rouzic_ups, sorry :s05:01
lupine_85but step 1 needs completing first05:02
lupine_85(which is mostly to do with associating to the AP)05:02
rouzic_sorry lupine_8505:02
lupine_85yep, no dhcp offers because the DHCP server isn't reachable (because you're not associated to the AP)05:03
lupine_85Umm. isn't networkmanager meant to do all the grunt work these days?05:03
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sacaterrouzic_: im gonna leave you in the 'capable' hands of lupine :P05:03
sacaterrouzic_: byeee05:04
rmjbhey guys05:04
rouzic_bye sacater05:04
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rmjb_hi guys, i want to fix a bug in dmraid before feisty, bug #10297305:16
ubotuMalone bug 102973 in dmraid "dmraid looking for raid45 when kernel uses raid456" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10297305:16
rmjb_I can just patch the source where it asks for kernel module raid45 and change it to raid456 and everything will be peachy?05:17
sacaterrmjb_: no more bug fixes are being accepted for fesity , unless they are crucial05:17
rmjb_this one is, people updating from edgy, using raid5 on their onboard raid will not be able to access their disk05:18
sacateryoull need to fix it for the next edition, but i dont know what its gonig to be called05:18
gesersacater: that's main05:18
=== sacater hushes
geseruniverse is still open till April 12th05:18
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jekilslomo: hello06:20
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jekilslomo: i am searching a mentor, are you available?06:26
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rmjbin the changelog, urgency is usually set to low, what happens if I set one to high?06:38
geserafaik it's ignored in Ubuntu06:43
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rmjboh... was hoping it would help get my update in sooner06:45
rmjb... because it's an important update06:47
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ScottKrmjb: Make a debdiff for the version with the fix and attach that as a patch to the bug.  Then subscribe Ubuntu-Unverse-Sponsors to the bug.  If you are in a big hurry, come here and ask someone in UUS to look at it.  That's how you get it done quickly.07:00
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rouzic_Already there is solution to the bug?07:03
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rmjbScottK: thanks, I want the bug reporter to test the package first though... I just hope they respond quickly07:09
ScottKSure.  Makes sense.  Just wanted to make sure you knew the "quick" process.  Urgency has nothing to do with it.07:09
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gnomefreaksacater: hint if vlc needs framebuffer than it will use your xorg.conf07:55
sacatergnomefreak: but thats one problem, another is that i cant launch gui apps within a root terminal07:56
sacaterwhat is going on07:56
gnomefreaksacater: gui apps will use your xorg.conf no matter how you launch them07:56
sacateri upgraded to feisty and now its baaaad07:56
gnomefreaksacater: not all drivers need fb.07:56
gnomefreaksacater: geforce4 card?07:57
sacatergnomefreak: let me check07:57
sacatergnomefreak: shall i paste my xorg.conf to you?07:57
sacateror ubuntu paste07:57
gnomefreaksacater: no just need to know what geforce version your card is. is it nvidia?07:57
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sacaterhttp://rafb.net/p/KWj6v357.html] 07:58
gnomefreaklspci -v will give you the output you need just look at it tell me what it says geforce *07:59
sacatergnomefreak yes07:59
gnomefreaksacater: use the nvidia-glx-legacy drivers07:59
sacater01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200]  (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA] )07:59
gnomefreakand i dont think fb will work with the legacy drivers07:59
sacatergnomefreak: i tried legacy, and my screen went dark07:59
gnomefreakthats not a geforce4 card and that is one of the problem cards iirc08:00
sacaterwhat can i do...08:00
gnomefreaksacater: you need the nvidia-glx package but the 6xxx and 7xxx cards seem to be a pain to set up08:00
gnomefreaksacater: that i dont know, ask in #ubuntu+1 maybe someone else knows08:00
sacatergnomefreak: hmm, that is a right PITA08:01
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micahcowannrg88: Most debian packages have a "debian/patches" directory, does kubuntu-default-settings?08:23
nrg88it has a debian directory inside alright08:24
nrg88but no patches there08:24
micahcowanOh, wait: that probably doesn't apply to kubuntu-default-settings... I'ma download it so I can check it out08:26
micahcowanDebian packages that /do/ have a patches directory, generally want you to make your changes in there: the idea is to leave the unpacked tarball totally pristine, except for debian/, isolating all changes into there.08:26
micahcowanUsually, this means using dpatch-edit-patch, but there are various different methods for using patches :/08:27
micahcowanObviously, in cases that are Debian/Ubuntu-specific, this does not apply (no true original tarball)08:27
micahcowanThat would probably apply to this package.08:28
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micahcowanOnce you've made the changes you desire, you need to first be sure to update debian/changelog. You can do this using a special tool, whose name has just escaped me (and I actually need to use it myself, right now, as I too am preparing a debdiff).08:29
nrg88i'll be right back... 10-15 minutes i guess08:30
nrg88sorry to leave you here, but my mother needs some help :|08:31
rouzicGoodBye!!! :)08:31
show_now_oni get a message like this  [W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/d/drivel_2.0.2-Subuntu1_i386.deb]  when i tried to fetch this package08:31
micahcowanWhat's the name of the tool to add an entry to the debian/changelogs?08:31
micahcowanjekil, thanks very much08:32
show_now_onif anyone can help...i would be greatly appreaciative08:33
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jekilshow_now_on: simple.. you cant get the package08:35
show_now_onyes...can't get this package or any other that i've tried08:35
jabracan someone sync a package from debian unstable 08:38
jabraI updated the debian package and I want to make sure the updates gets into feisty08:38
nrg88micahcowan: back :)08:39
nrg88what tools do i need to install?08:39
nrg88dch and debdiff?08:39
micahcowannrg88, yup08:39
geserjabra: which package?08:39
nrg88nrg88@nrg88-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install dch debdiff08:40
nrg88Reading package lists... Done08:40
nrg88Building dependency tree08:40
nrg88Reading state information... Done08:40
nrg88E: Couldn't find package dch08:40
gesernrg88: sudo apt-get install devscripts08:40
jabrageser: pbnj08:41
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micahcowanPeanut Butter N' Jelly? :)08:41
nrg88got it, thanks geser08:41
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nrg88(excuse me for asking so many question, i want to learn to make patch-es and deb files)08:42
micahcowannrg88, since you've already made your changes, invoke dch -i, which will help you add a new entry in debian/changelog (thanks jekil for reminding me of the name)08:43
nrg88i change the path to kubuntu-default-settings-7.04 first?08:43
micahcowannrg, yes08:44
micahcowanMake sure to correct your name, email address, since you probably don't have the config/env vars set up to fill those automatically.08:45
micahcowannrg88, btw, you may find https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics quite helpful to go over.08:46
micahcowanIt walks through the creation of a debdiff.08:46
geserjabra: found your bug and ACKed the sync request08:47
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nrg88nice, thanks :)08:47
geserjabra: the next time subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug and someone from the team will ACK it08:48
geseradditionally you can ask here for an ACK to speed up things (and mention the bug number)08:49
jabraoops forgot to send you the bug number08:49
jabrament to do that08:49
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jabrafigured you would ask08:49
jabracool thanks08:49
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show_now_onHi...now trying in terminal to connect to the archive....and still not connecting to [us.archive.ubuntu.com (]  08:51
gnomefreakshow_now_on: remove the country code08:56
gnomefreakjjust use archive.ubuntu.com08:56
gnomefreakus mirrors have been known to have issues08:56
micahcowanIn the patch I'm preparing, dpatch apply-all is failing on my patch; however, it appears to have made the actual changes successfully...09:01
micahcowanI notice the other patches in the directory have some shell-script stuff at the top checking for -patch|-unpatch as arguments, whereas mine lacks that. Did I do something wrong in how I used dpatch?09:02
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theCoremicahcowan: how did you create the patch?09:04
theCoremicahcowan: diff?09:04
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micahcowanvia dpatch-edit-patch (and then appending the name to 00list)09:04
theCoremicahcowan: ah, good09:04
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theCoreI wonder why it's failing, then09:05
micahcowanAh, one hunk failed (finally found -v in the manpage: should've just tried it out anyway).09:07
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micahcowanYay! That gawk segfault bug is finally squashed. :)09:37
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show_now_onhelp...[E: Type 'archive.ubuntu.com' is not known on line 44 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list] ...now...update doesn't even load09:57
show_now_oni can't save to /etc/apt...what can i do09:57
LaserJockwhy can't you save to /etc/apt/ ? no permissions?09:59
show_now_oni mean....that i can't just pull up the doc...correct and save to replace in /etc/apt10:00
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LaserJockwell, /etc/apt/sources.list has got a problem10:01
LaserJockso if you can't change it you'll need to get somebody who can10:01
show_now_onahha...figured that much....corrupt mirror @ us.archive10:01
show_now_onhow can i pull it up to change..through terminal10:02
LaserJocksudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list10:02
show_now_onahha...thanx a bunch10:03
jdongLaserJock: there's a typo in your command... I think that's supposed to say "vi"10:06
=== jdong ducks
LaserJockjdong: umm, sure, that would be the "easy" way to do ;-)10:06
nrg88micahcowan: now i'm really confused :D10:06
nrg88i was trying to make the diff file with kompare (a kde tool)10:07
nrg88if i have 2 directories with files10:07
nrg88how do i make a diff file?10:07
nrg88(so it only contains the modifications)10:07
micahcowannrg88, you're talking about the debdiff?10:07
nrg88i used a tool: kompare10:08
nrg88now that used diff10:08
micahcowanYou actually just build a source package from the changes you made, and then use debdiff between the original and your new one.10:08
nrg88i need a diff for the sources10:08
micahcowanI don't know anything about kompare; but I suspect it just does normal diffs.10:08
LaserJockI think so10:08
micahcowanOpe, got to go.10:08
nrg88so first i need to make the deb packages? :?10:09
LaserJocknrg88: once you have the new package just run debdiff <old package>.dsc <new package>.dsc to get the debdiff10:09
LaserJockjust a new source package10:09
LaserJockyou don't *have* to build the .debs to get a debdiff10:09
nrg88i just tar.gz it?10:09
LaserJockhmm, no10:09
LaserJockhave you built an Ubuntu/Debian source package before?10:10
nrg88i've used the file kubuntu-default-settings_7.04-38.tar.gz10:10
LaserJockare you making a lot of changes?10:10
nrg88no, i did modifications in two files and the changelog file10:11
LaserJockok, well, lets go through how to make a new source package out of it10:11
LaserJockdid you get a .dsc file when you got the .tar.gz ?10:12
nrg88yes i did10:12
LaserJockok, those 2 files together are the source package10:12
LaserJockso you unpacked the .tar.gz and made you changes10:13
LaserJockthen you added a changelog entry10:13
nrg88that's right10:13
LaserJockok, what's the version in your changelog entry?10:13
nrg88kubuntu-default-settings (1:7.04-39) feisty; urgency=low10:14
nrg88so it's 7:04-3910:14
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LaserJockok, excellent10:14
LaserJocknrg88: try running debuild -S in the source directory10:15
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nrg88it failed10:19
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nrg88but do you know any other service like pastebin?10:19
nrg88pastebin doesn't work right now10:19
nrg88LaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14271/10:21
LaserJocknrg88: do you happen to have a gpg key?10:21
nrg88no, i don't10:22
nrg88is it necessary?10:22
LaserJockit's helpful if you want to do more contributions in the future, like package a new app10:22
LaserJockfor now just run debuild -S -us -uc10:23
LaserJockthat tells it to not sign anything10:23
nrg88Finished running lintian.10:23
nrg88great :)10:23
LaserJocknrg88: ok so if you cd .. you'll see a new tar.gz and .dsc there10:24
LaserJockwith the -39 version10:24
nrg88yes, i see it10:25
LaserJockcongrats, you made your fist source package :-)10:26
LaserJocknow you need to make the debdiff10:26
nrg88now i do the debdiff stuff?10:26
LaserJockas uploading the whole thing is a bit overkill10:26
LaserJockwe just want a patch that  will turn the current version into your version10:27
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sacaterLaserJock: would you be my MOTU mentor?10:29
nrg88LaserJock: where does it dump the diff file? :?10:29
nrg88simply on the screen?10:30
LaserJocknrg88: yes10:30
LaserJockjust add a > tmp_diff to send it to a file10:30
nrg88LaserJock: is this what i'm supposed to get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14274/ and i just attach it to the bug report in lauchpad as a "patch" ?10:33
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=== micahcowan [n=micahcow@adsl-75-63-16-165.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
micahcowannrg88, did you get what you needed?10:37
nrg88hi micahcowan, yes i got the diff file :)10:37
nrg88it looks like this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14274/10:37
micahcowanCoolness. I got mine, too. :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gawk/+bug/5825610:37
ubotuMalone bug 58256 in gawk "length() memory error " [Undecided,In progress]  10:37
nrg88now i just attach the diff file as a "patch"?10:38
LaserJocknrg88: beautiful, yes10:39
LaserJocknrg88: just a sec though10:39
=== ScottK quits typing since LaserJock was quicker.
LaserJockthis fixes a bug on Launchpad, right?10:40
nrg88this one :)10:40
ubotuMalone bug 57102 in kubuntu-default-settings "Kubuntu Package Manager problem: package doesn't get installed when it is in a directory with spaces on its name" [Undecided,Confirmed]  10:40
nrg88this one is present in both edgy and feisty too10:40
LaserJocknrg88: generally you want to mention the bug # that's getting fixed in the changelog10:41
LaserJocknrg88: add something like (LP: #57102)10:41
nrg88all done :)10:43
sacaterlaserjock, will you?10:45
nrg88LaserJock: now i can attach the diff file to the bugreport?10:45
LaserJocknrg88: just upload it as a patch10:46
LaserJocksacater: well, I think the MOTU might want to set up a mentoring mailing list10:46
LaserJocknrg88: excellent10:48
nrg88thank you LaserJock, and now we wait for the package maintainer to check it out?10:48
micahcowanLaserJock, what a terrific idea!10:48
LaserJocknrg88: well, you'll probably want to ping somebody in #kubuntu-devel10:49
ScottKnrg88: You might want to check in #kubuntu-devel and see if anyone there is interested in uploading the patch.10:49
micahcowanI still love the MOTUSchool.10:50
LaserJockyes, we need to get that going again10:50
LaserJockprobably try to tie them all together10:51
micahcowanLooks like I missed a few good ones, like those "maintaining an Ubuntu package" ones ;-) ...I kinda dropped activity the last 6 mos10:52
LaserJockit's just hard to take time to prepare a lesson10:52
LaserJockand work on documentation, etc.10:52
sacaterLaserJock: hmm, is that a yes or no :P10:52
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LaserJocksacater: it's a sorta ;-)10:52
LaserJocksacater: you can always ask here. If you aren't sure or don't want to ask here, email me.10:53
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=== ScottK wonders when someone will fix Bug #56125?
ubotuMalone bug 56125 in apt "doesnt look like a cow" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/5612510:54
LaserJockI kinda like the idea of setting up a ubuntu-motu-mentors list10:54
LaserJockso people can get info from more than one person10:54
ScottKLaserJock: I'd sign up for it.  IRC here works well when people are around the same time I am, but that's sometimes hit or miss.10:55
micahcowanMe too.10:55
nrg88that would be a great idea10:55
LaserJockyeah, for me I think we'd bee doing really well with a combination of several things:10:55
LaserJock1) -mentors mailing list10:55
LaserJock2) MOTU School10:55
LaserJock3) Ubuntu Packaging Guide10:56
LaserJock4) MOTU wiki documentation10:56
LaserJockthat way we have IRC, ML, guide docs, and easy to change docs :-)10:56
nrg88do you guys know this tool: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Debian+Package+Tools+FE?content=49723 ?10:57
nrg88it seems like an easy alternative to packaging10:57
LaserJockI've seen a few tools like that10:59
LaserJockpersonally I don't know that they're much help10:59
LaserJockthere is way too much "art" to packaging10:59
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LaserJockso far we have items 1-411:02
LaserJockwe just need to make them better11:02
LaserJockand get them fired up11:02
micahcowanItem 1 exists?11:07
micahcowanI find 3 (plus Debian's own dev docs) to have been very helpful.11:08
micahcowanand 411:08
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=== DktrKranz [n=Luca@ubuntu/member/dktrkranz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1is there any way for a package to be aware of other packages being installed at the same time?  say if package_a is being installed right now too, lets run this script.  if package_b is being installed right now, run that script?11:12
LaserJocksuperm1: not currently no11:14
superm1k thx LaserJock 11:14
superm1what is the best way to handle something like that then?11:15
LaserJocksuperm1: perhaps a predepends11:15
superm1can you do a predepends with an or?11:15
LaserJockwhich means that the other package has to be installed *before*11:15
superm1like a PreDepends: Package A || Package B11:15
superm1sort of thing?11:15
superm1and if you did the or on the predepends, it wouldn't necessarily install both right?11:17
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LaserJocksuperm1: I really don't know. Predepends don't seem to be very smilied upon11:23
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sacaterhmm, feisty and the devs have been insulted for being incomplete in our xserver, wifi, and firefox11:28
sacateri say he can go back to n00by windows11:28
=== sacater wrings his keyboard dry of the evil word
sacaterLaserJock: is feisty a bit behind in deadline?11:29
LaserJocksacater: what do you mean?11:32
LaserJockwe have deadlines and we haven't shifted them11:32
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sacaterLaserJock: well i have a noob in #ubuntu complaining that we arnt 'meeting the deadline with good packages'11:34
LaserJockwell, that's their opinion11:35
sacaterlousy opinion...11:35
LaserJockas with all releases, there's probably more we could get done with more time11:35
sacaterof course11:36
LaserJockbut this is a time based release, we get done what we can in the time we have11:36
sacaterbut still, we all work had with stuff, 11:36
sacaterand then get someone like him saying we arnt working hard enough :@11:36
LaserJocksacater: get used to it ;-)11:36
=== sacater realises that Hobbsee has left her stick behind, sacater picks up the sitck, and switches it to doom mode, sacater marches with stick to #ubuntu
nrg88so? we have a hell lot of packages, and we do our best in a matter of months, wereas M$ needs years to bring out releases (oh... and are they bringing out stable os-es? i don't think so)11:39
nrg88sacater: then tell the guy to use LTS releases...11:41
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sacateramen to that!11:42
zorglu_sacater: a possible answer to that could be 'if you think we are not doing enought, come help us and we will do more together'11:43
sacater22:44 jack_deltrino : a) When something goes into Beta, I expect it to work with a lot more things than if it was in Alpha.  It supposedly means that developers have fully tested it. Feisty is seriously crapping out on my box  and other distributions of Linux as well as Windows perform just fine, so there's a reason for me to 11:44
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-188-131.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacater believe that the dvelopers aren't doing as well as I think they could be . b) I submit packages to  REVU after asking wher11:44
sacaterzorglu_: i dont think he wants to help, 11:44
zorglu_sacater: me neither, but it would be a lot harder for him to complain once he denied to help :)11:45
joejaxxsacater: well tell him to help or be quiet :P11:45
sacatershall do!11:45
joejaxxsacater: we are volunteers11:45
nrg88i think he is confusing ubuntu with a commercial product he paid good bucks for...11:46
zorglu_for the 'i gonna come back to window' threat, i usually answer "ubuntu want you to be happy, if you feel happier with window, we are glad you found a software that fit your need"11:47
zorglu_i was good at discarding people gently :)11:47
=== sacater high-fives joejaxx
sacaterzorglu_: im 14.... and i think that is illogical...11:48
=== joejaxx ^5's back
sacater22:50 jack_deltrino : Okay, talking behind my back like that is pretty low dude. I never said anything about "i gonna come  back to window" [sic] . I just said that it works on other distributions, and the latest Beta doesn't  work. Considering that it is getting close to the final deadline, I don't see how the project has time  to fix all the bugs in time.11:49
sacater22:51 jack_deltrino : If the core developers can't handle the pressure, they can delegate work to more volunteers that are  willing to do some work.11:49
sacateri call that person11:49
zorglu_ok lets handle this guy :)11:49
=== jack_deltrino [n=jack_del@adsl-68-126-212-54.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacater22:51 jack_deltrino : How can anyone become a core developer if REVU isn't being actively reviewed.11:50
sacaterzorglu_: hes all yours11:50
joejaxxreally the the developers are not doing enough complain is like a citizen of a fortress complaining that the defensive walls or too weak while people are building it and not helping out11:50
sacaterjoejaxx: hear hear!11:51
jack_deltrinoI _am_ helping out, no one is reviewing REVU.11:51
sacaterjack_deltrino: what sort of shiz are you proposing to the community11:51
joejaxxjack_deltrino: did you talking to someone about reviewing our package?11:51
nrg88isn't launchpad the place for making a release stable? like bugreporting and stuff? :?11:51
jack_deltrinosacater: I don't need to take abuse. I merely told you how I felt and _you_ relayed it to a bunch of other people to start a flamefest.11:51
joejaxxjack_deltrino: i do not know if people look at revu constantly11:51
sacaterwe arnt abusing11:52
joejaxxjack_deltrino: you can always ping someone here11:52
sacateryou complained11:52
jack_deltrinoThat was never my intent. I like Ubuntu. If there are some flaws, I believe that it should be improved.11:52
sacaterwe are commity11:52
sacatertalk to us11:52
jack_deltrinosacater: If we are a community, why are you trying to incite arguments?11:52
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jack_deltrinosacater: I don't believe your goal was honest at all.11:52
joejaxxjack_deltrino: and if they are not busy they can review your package :)11:52
sacaterjack_deltrino: its not arguing, its contradiction11:52
zorglu_jack_deltrino: what are your proposal for improvement ?11:52
jack_deltrinosacater: I merely mentioned that Feisty was not coming along so well in some channels.11:52
joejaxxjack_deltrino: i had to do the same thing with my packages that are currently in universe11:52
jack_deltrinojoejaxx: And?11:53
=== sacater double high-fives zorglu_ and jack_deltrino
sacaterno way11:53
joejaxxjack_deltrino: ?11:53
=== sacater highfives joejaxx
_MMA_sacater: Please take this to PM. This really isnt needed in the channel.11:53
jack_deltrinosacater: What? You seem like a troll. The others seem to actively understand what Ubuntu is about.11:53
zorglu_jack_deltrino: what are your proposal for improvement ?11:53
sacater_MMA_: fine, all those who wish to continue this discussion, make for #sacater11:53
jack_deltrinozorglu_: If I tell you they won't go under review. All I will say is that REVU needs to be reviewed. There are a lot of packages that haven't gotten a single comment.11:53
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jack_deltrinosacater: As far as I'm concerned, my discussion with you ends here.11:54
sacaterin the words of catherine tate11:54
zorglu_cool :)11:54
sacateram i boffered?11:54
zorglu_thus it is no more bothering ubuntu people :)11:54
sacateranother high five is in order11:54
=== sacater offers high-five to zorglu_
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sacaterfinalbeta_: what is with your quit message?11:55
finalbeta_which one?11:56
finalbeta_Smoking grass one are lyrics from songs.11:56
sacaterok, now i understand11:56
nrg88jack_deltrino: but if you want feisty to be stable for release, isn't launchpad the place to discuss stability issues and bugs?11:57
finalbeta_And my high school philosophy ;).11:57
sacaterfinalbeta_: if you dont mind me asking, age?11:57
sacaterim 1411:57
sacaterand shiny...11:57
finalbeta_I'm 22. And the philosophy got left behind in high school ;)11:58
jack_deltrinonrg88: I usually ask on IRC first. If other people suggest that I post on Launchpad, then I do so. I was asking around in #ubuntu and #ubuntu+1 for issues others may have and the general consensus was that wireless and X was broken in a lot of instances.11:58
sacaterfinalbeta_: aha11:58
sacaterjack_deltrino: that is true, my wireless and xserver are broken, it annoys me, but i dont break down into a hissy fit11:58
jack_deltrinosacater: Who said I broke down into a hissy fit?11:59
zorglu_nrg88: jack_deltrino: it was over. lets not relaunch it :) if you wish too, you can pm or go on another channel as previously proposed11:59
jack_deltrinoYeah, true.11:59
sacater#sacater is open for arguement!11:59
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sacatermeh im going now...11:59
sacaternight all12:00
=== _MMA_ shakes head.
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ScottKLaserJock: Is there a mentors mailing list already?  I'd like to sign up if there is.12:05
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