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Flannelso, you want /boot on it's own partition? or did you just get recomended that by whomever?08:32
kelsey435I just was doing what someone else was telling me today08:32
kelsey435had me doing a boot, a swap and a home08:32
FlannelEr... no root?08:32
Flannelthat would be /08:33
kelsey435....at this point i just push buttons08:33
FlannelHeh.  Ok08:33
FlannelAre you dualbooting?08:33
kelsey435when i was trying to install it but myself i set the boot flagged partition to '/'08:33
kelsey435yes my desktop has xp as well08:33
kelsey435on separate hd's tho08:34
FlannelOk.  A separate boot will be handy because it means that if youdecide to remove linux later, you don't necesarily need to reinstall the windows bootloader to be able to boot, /boot will still be there, and still allow you to boot to windows.08:35
FlannelBut, if you have a windows CD handy, and don't mind fixmbr if you decide to ditch linux, then it won't matter08:35
FlannelUsually, you'll find in a few months you'll want to tune your HDs a bit differently anyway, now that you know what you're doing.08:35
FlannelOr, I did anyway.  Went through a few installs just because I wanted to shuffle stuff around08:36
kelsey435right, i see what you saying08:36
Flannelespecially when /home is on it's own partition, reinstalling around it becomes increasingly easy08:36
kelsey435In the next few months i thinking of building a second comp, and making my second machine the straight linux box08:36
Flannelso, we'll need a root (/) partition, which will hold all of our stuff, except /home (all our personal stuff)08:37
FlannelHow big is the HD?08:37
kelsey43580 gb08:37
Flannelare you going to be running anything on this machine?  apache or whatnot?08:38
kelsey435do not know about such things yet08:38
kelsey435i am wanting to learn something new, but i hate macs, so i am diving in here08:39
FlannelWe'll go ahead and give you 10GB (or thereabouts) for /, 70GB for /home08:39
kelsey435no swap?08:39
Flannelbut first, a 512MB /boot08:39
Flanneloh right.08:39
Flannelgood call08:39
kelsey435; ] 08:39
FlannelHow much RAM do you have?08:39
kelsey435erm i believe 1 gb08:39
kelsey435yeah 1 gb08:40
FlannelThis is a desktop?08:40
Flannelalright.  Um, Well, 'traditionally' you double the RAM for swap.  Although, I don't personally ever see a reason for more than 1GB of swap (well, with 1GB of RAM), but That might just be me.  Unless you're hibernating, then you need at least te size of your RAM in swap08:41
FlannelSo, we'll first make a 512MB /boot, then make / then /home then swap08:42
Flannelhowever big you want08:42
kelsey435ok so i am going to manuelly edit table08:43
Flannelum, oh.  right, yeah.08:43
FlannelLet me... find a photo walkthrough of the install, so I'll knwo what you're talking about ;)08:43
kelsey435i assume just delete the 3 partitions i have in here ?08:43
FlannelUh, yeah.  Ditch everything08:44
kelsey435ok new partion...512mb  created as primary and ext3?08:45
Flanneland, round to cylinders, if it's unchecked08:45
kelsey435how big for /08:46
Flannelsomethign around there.08:46
kelsey435primary ext3 rounded?08:46
Flannelall of these ext3, what are the otheroptions besides primary?08:47
Flannelall of these will be rounded as well.08:47
kelsey435then logical is not selectable08:47
Flannelyes primary08:47
FlannelWe'll deal with that now08:47
Flannelso, / is pimary08:47
Flannelnow, make a partition with the rest of the space, set it to extended08:47
kelsey435no swap?08:48
FlannelThat'll go inside this one08:48
kelsey435o ok08:48
Flannelswap and /home will be logical partitions08:48
kelsey435ok i have 3 partitions all ext3 512, 10 gb and 65ish gb08:49
Flannelright.  Um, now... new partition08:49
FlannelLogical should be available, I hope08:49
kelsey435i can make logical drives from extended partitions08:50
kelsey435i dont know if i can from primary08:50
FlannelRight.  We want to do that.08:50
Flannelno, only extended08:50
Flanneland you can only have one extended08:50
FlannelHowever we end up doing that.  Like I said, Ive never used the liveCD installer08:51
Flannelso, make your last two (swap and /home) as logical08:51
kelsey435so the first logical partition should be the swap with a size of 1 gb? etx3?08:51
Flannelswap is swap filetype, not ext308:52
Flannelthere should be a swap thing08:52
kelsey435had i optioned the options window i woulda figured it out08:52
kelsey435; ] 08:52
kelsey4351 or 2 gbs?08:52
Flannelwhatever you want08:52
kelsey435you said i never need over 1 gb?08:52
FlannelI've never used my swap... period08:53
Flannelbut, I don't do a whole lot of memory stuffs08:53
kelsey435the rest will be logical ext3?08:53
Flannelyeah, ext3 for all non-swap ones08:53
kelsey435neither do i, i just like to kill people on counterstrike08:53
FlannelIf you do 2GB swap, it just means 1 less GB for /home, which isn't a big deal, all things considered08:53
FlannelMake /home first08:54
Flannelthen swap08:54
Flannelswap last thing08:54
Flanneland make swap 2gb08:54
Flannelif you want to shrink swap later, you'll be able to.08:54
Flannel(and expand home).  If you did it the other way around, you wouldn't08:54
kelsey435i have 3 partitions with one spilt up08:55
Flannelthen, once that's done... hit forward08:55
FlannelOr next08:55
Flannelor whatever08:55
kelsey435whatever makes me go onward haha08:55
kelsey435all operations successful...ima press close08:56
kelsey435do i need to have the mount points in a specific order?08:56
FlannelUm, I don't think so.  I'd do them in order that they're on the disk08:56
kelsey435_/  /boot   /home swap?08:57
Flannelso, /boot / /home swap08:57
Flannelbut, I don't think it matters08:57
kelsey435ok going forward08:57
Flannelit'll take a bit, to format everything and stuff08:58
Flanneloh, wait.08:58
Flannelone more screen.08:58
kelsey435the one that has install on it?08:58
FlannelYou want to install grub to hd0.08:58
FlannelThere's ONE button, albeit a smidge hidden08:58
Flannelit should already say hd008:59
Flanneljust confirm, then hit install08:59
Flannelthis will overwrite the windows bootloader, so GRUB can do it's thing.08:59
kelsey435i alrdy hit install, i didnt check to make sure it was set right, but usually it is on  hd008:59
Flannelyeah.  thta's default.  otherwise we'd have to tweak a few files and some other stuff.08:59
kelsey435I have gotten to this step like 345654034 times, but i ahve finally gotten past 15 %09:00
kelsey435so when i start my pc will it ask me which os i wanna run? or so i have to set the hd's to the right boot sequences?09:00
kelsey435or do i**09:01
FlannelGRUB is installing to hd0, which is primary master.  So, it'll boot.  There will be a menu regarding which.  Um, it *might* be hidden by default, I don't know.09:01
Flannelif it is, it's trivial to make it not hidden.09:01
kelsey435yay trivial things09:02
Flannelbut yes, grub will ask which OS you want to boot, with a timer of N seconds09:02
kelsey435ok,  i am excited to actually be able to play around with linux outside of live cd09:02
FlannelOh, remember to take the liveCD out when rebooting.  Mhmm.  Or, whatever.  When the liveCD prompts you (if it's still in; again, I don't know how the liveCD does it), boot to HD not the CD09:03
kelsey435do you know by chance if windows' remote desktop can go into a linux box?  I found programs that will let me into a linux box from a pc, but you know it isnt going to be on all desktops i have in the future09:04
kelsey435yeah ill take out the cd09:05
FlannelThere are RDP things for linux09:05
kelsey435right.  but if i am at a buddies house, he will not have it. you know what i am saying?09:05
Flannelthere are RDP servers for linux09:06
kelsey435is there a reason as to why the / was to 10 gb?  is that just the amount of space needed for the os?09:17
Flannelabout 2GB is needed by the OS09:18
Flannelbut, you'll be installing more stuff (still won't take a lot)09:18
kelsey43510 just for expasion?09:18
Flannelbut, / has ... lots of stuff in it, like, if you were hosting apache (to serve files to your LAN or whatnot), that'll go in /var/www09:18
Flanneland that'll be inside of /09:18
Flannelso yeah, 10GB is most likely more than you'll EVER need.  But, it's better than running out09:19
kelsey435simple enough09:19
kelsey435can i see the files on my other hd's?09:19
Flannelthere are other things that deal with this issue, like allowing you ro resize on the fly (without even rebooting), but that's... a bit more complicated.09:19
Flannelyeah, you'll... have to mount it.09:19
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse09:19
kelsey435you have been totally awesome i am so thankful09:20
FlannelI'm just glad we didn't run into that random error you were having earlier.  Since I had no idea what was causing it.09:21
kelsey435now that i am not "completly clueless" i can see my partitions were no where near set up right09:22
kelsey435i am sure that is was trying to write to something that wasnt even set up09:23
kelsey435no root and a 10 gb boot ;x09:23
Flannelyeah.  no root was sort of odd09:25
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)09:28
kelsey435is this sketchy? and i should worry about being able to read um?09:28
Flannelread is fine.  You don't need to worry about ntfs-3g if you just need to read NTFS09:31
Flannelreading is builtin.  writing was only recently stabalized (that factoid used to say "its still beta software" instead of the "extensively tested" bit09:31
kelsey435i ran the diskmounter, but i cannot seem to locate them09:33
Flannelkelsey435: No idea.  You'd probably be better served asking in #ubuntu.  I've never dealt with mounting NTFS.09:34
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iKsYop  tous :)11:44
iKsVous qui  priori tes au jus de l'aide sur Internet, via diffrents forums et mailling-lists11:45
iKsPourriez vous lire et critiquer cet article crit de ma main : http://iks279.net/comment-bien-demander-de-l-aide-sur-internet ^^11:45
iKsToute critique, remarque, ide, etc.. est la bienvenue ;)11:45
iKsSorry >_<11:46
iKsWrong channel...11:46
iKs#ubuntu-classroom != #ubuntu-fr-classroom......11:46
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sacateri wish to learn about bash08:41
sacaterand bash programs08:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands08:42
sacaternalioth: please try and talk to a guy called welp (#gentoo-dev), hes been wanting to talk to you for ages :|08:43
naliothsacater: ? i'm here every day08:44
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sacaterwell, its his name he was after really08:50
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MoShaHola, cmo les va?11:48
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