
=== Monk-e [n=guido@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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sharmsis there any reason why gnome-terminal sets the TERM type as xterm, and not xterm-color12:48
dsxterm is in color12:50
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sharmsoooh look a new hot spec: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/EnhancedBash02:00
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romuloubuntuI would like to know how can I help on ubuntu development02:13
romuloubuntuI can code in C C++ and Java02:13
romuloubuntuand have a limited knowloedge about linux and ubuntu02:13
romuloubuntui dont know much, but want to help02:13
sharmsromuloubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers02:14
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dstanekis there a good official set of instructions for upgrading to feisty? all i can find is forum posts with bits and pieces of information06:20
LaserJockdstanek: #ubuntu+1 is probably a better channel to ask, are you wanting to upgrade now?06:23
Burgundaviadstanek: there will be soon, via a set of release notes06:24
dstanekLaserJock: yep - i saw some interesting bugs that i would like to take a look at06:25
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ra21viis there any performance enhancements in Feisty08:50
ra21vieverybuddy must be sleeping :)08:51
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janimocjwatson: please let  thunar-volman-plugin through when you're around. thank you10:37
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cjwatsonjanimo: grrr stop disappearing when I want to talk to you11:22
=== cjwatson mails
cjwatsonhate drive-by IRC though11:24
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elkbuntuhmm... is it normal for mailing lists to have 170 people unsubscribe at precisely the same moment?11:33
mdkeI've had something similar on ubuntu-it11:33
poningrunothing on marketing like that11:34
elkbuntumdke, -users had 170 an hour and a half ago11:34
mdkeoccasionally we have mass unsubscriptions caused by excessive bounces from one particular provider11:34
mdkesame provider?11:34
elkbuntumultiple providers11:34
mdkemaybe related to these problems we've been having with the list recently11:34
elkbuntuhmm.. maybe not11:34
elkbuntuapologies, all gmail11:34
mdkeexcessive bounces?11:35
mdkemaybe gmail had some downtime11:35
elkbuntuno indication of bounces, no11:36
mdkegiven the traffic on -users, it probably doesn't take much downtime to get a lot of undelivered mail11:36
mdkewhat's the reason given for the unsubscription?11:36
elkbuntuim not admin, only mod, i dont get the reason11:36
mdkeoh, right11:36
elkbuntu"#####@gmail.com has been removed from ubuntu-users."11:36
elkbuntuis all i see11:36
mdkebest grab an admin, I guess11:37
mdketalking of bounces, I've had 800 so far from that wiki licensing email I just sent out... did anyone actually get it?11:40
mdkelet's hope my provider isn't spam blocked or something11:40
elkbuntui got it11:40
elkbuntusome people do change email addresses like underwear though11:41
cjwatsonI got it11:42
elkbuntucjwatson, who's around i can poke to investigate this mass unsub?11:42
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mdkea lot of these bounces seem to be related to me being blocked... oh well. Hopefully the majority are getting it11:45
elkbuntumdke, i'm sure it will be blogged about, reposted, etc. the message will get out11:45
mdkeyes, I've blogged it now and I'll use a few mailing lists too11:46
mdkelooks like I was on spamhaus pbl, damn11:50
mc44mdke: i didnt get it at gmail11:50
mdkewhat's your address?11:51
mc44mdke: markc.lists etc11:52
mdkeyou're not in my list :)11:53
mc44oh i thought it was to a mailing list :)11:53
mdkeshould be anyone who has edited documentation on an ubuntu wiki, more or less11:54
=== mdke goes for a shower
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sacaterwho controls the nvidia-glx development?12:06
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Fujitsusacater: NVIDIA, perhaps?12:07
sacaterbut who adds nivida-glx to universe?12:07
FujitsuIt's in restricted, and I'm not sure who.12:09
poningruI thought it was in multiverse12:09
sacaterponingru: Fujitsu any way i can find out?12:09
FujitsuNo, restricted.12:10
Fujitsusacater: It'll be the kernel team.12:10
poningruUbuntu Kernel Team12:10
poningruMaintainer: Ubuntu Kernel Team <kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com>12:10
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rouzicstgraber: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/9405512:54
ubotuMalone bug 94055 in xorg "MacBook Pro touchpad too sensitive in Feisty - kernel-2.6.20-12" [Undecided,Confirmed]  12:54
rouzicplease, disabled the touchpad in the macbook :(12:54
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gervAny boot process hackers about?02:12
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makomdke: did you get your issue handled?02:30
elkbuntuhi mako02:33
makoelkbuntu: hola02:33
elkbuntumako, PM ok?02:34
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mdkemako: yes thanks02:47
makoawesome, thanks02:48
=== poningru waves at gerv
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=== gerv waves back, belatedly
=== gerv 's laptop is still hosed
poningrugerv: whats wrong?03:05
gervI installed the Feisty beta.03:05
gervIt decided that my single-disk laptop needed mdadm03:05
poningru-> #ubuntu+1 ?03:05
gerv(which is a RAID thing)03:05
cjwatson_mdadm ?!03:05
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gervI tried in there.03:05
cjwatson_gerv: which installer?03:05
gervI had some cluebie telling me to reformat my hard disk.03:06
poningruhmm thats weird03:06
gervLater on, it emerged that he didn't even run Ubuntu.03:06
cjwatsongerv: (LTNS)03:06
gervmdadm doesn't work, and my laptop won't boot.03:06
gervcjwatson: Not sure how to answer your installer question.03:06
cjwatsongerv: live CD-type installer, or text mode?03:06
gervI did an apt-get dist-upgrade.03:06
cjwatsonoh, I see03:06
cjwatsongerv: originally installed pre-dapper?03:07
gervI'm happy to take this elsewhere; I just came in here to try and find someone with a clue.03:07
cjwatsonsorry, dapper or earlier, I mean03:07
gervOriginally installed with dapper, yes.03:07
cjwatsonright, dapper installed mdadm regardless03:07
gerv(I think.)03:07
cjwatsonwe took it out in edgy03:07
gervI can boot the laptop with a liveCD.03:07
cjwatsonyou should just be able to boot a live CD, mount your normal filesystem, chroot in, apt-get --purge remove mdadm, and eboot03:08
gervUsing that, I updated to the latest version of lots of stuff, as SJR asked me to do in the bug I filed.03:08
gervI removed mdadm, but it still won't boot.03:08
cjwatsonok, so we can skip mdadm as the cause then03:08
gervWell, it was an mdadm error which was the last thing the console printed.03:08
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=== gerv shrugs
gervBut you are right, perhaps it's not that.03:08
cjwatsonwhat does it do, drop you to an initramfs prompt?03:08
gervI have a bug filed:03:08
ubotuMalone bug 102148 in mdadm "Machine won't boot; mdadm says "no device listed..."" [Undecided,Confirmed]  03:08
gervYes, it eventually times out to an initramfs prompt.03:09
gervOr, I can get one quicker using the boot option break=mount03:09
=== gerv is booting his Live CD again
gerv(it takes about five minutes)03:09
cjwatsonI think Scott missed the bit where you said you didn't actually have a RAID array03:10
gervAh :-)03:10
gervI suspected that might be the case.03:10
gervI did also say I had a laptop...03:10
gervHow many laptops have RAID arrays?03:10
cjwatsonthere are some freaks, but anyway03:10
gerv(Not including yours.)03:10
cjwatsonmine doesn't. :-)03:10
gervThose two messages were typed at the same time!03:10
cjwatsonhave a look in /sys/block from the initramfs prompt to see if your hard disk is there03:11
gervOne second.03:11
cjwatson/sys/block/hda or /sys/block/sda or whateveer03:11
gervWhat should it say?03:11
gervCan I use break=mount or must I wait for timeout?03:11
cjwatsonif it's not there (as I suspect), then the kernel isn't detecting your disk03:11
cjwatsonbreak=mount is fine03:12
gervOne sec...03:12
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-227-252.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gerv /sys/block/sda is present.03:12
cjwatsonthe other possibility with a reasonably good probability attached to it is that your bootloader is pointing to the wrong root filesystem; there's a particularly good chance of this if you're using lilo03:12
gerv(My disk, for some reason, shows up as SCSI when I'm pretty sure it's IDE.03:12
gervI'm using GRUB.03:12
cjwatsonmost disks are sd* now, due to libata03:13
gervso sda is there.03:13
cjwatsonok, is /dev/sda* there?03:13
gervI try:03:13
gervmkdir /tmp/hd03:13
gervmount /dev/sda1 /tmp/hd03:13
gervand it says:03:13
gerv"Mounting /dev/sda1 on /tmp/hd failed: Invalid argument"03:13
gerv(Helpful, huh?)03:14
cjwatsonso that's the kernel saying EINVAL03:14
cjwatsonif you're lucky, dmesg might have more information03:14
gervI have /dev/sda, /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5.03:14
gervWhich I believe is correct.03:14
gervdmesg: Not found.03:14
cjwatsonargh silly busybox-initramfs03:14
gervNeither is there a /var/log03:14
poningrugerv: can you try sda2?03:15
cjwatsontry 'mount -t FSTYPE /dev/sdaWHATEVER'03:15
gervponingru: Same problem.03:15
gervAnd with 5.03:15
cjwatsoner ... /tmp/hd03:15
gervAnd with just /dev/sda.03:15
gervIs it "-t ext" for ext3?03:15
cjwatson-t ext303:15
gervThat works.03:15
cjwatsonok, now, sounds like your grub configuration is wrong03:15
gervI can see my root filesystem.03:15
cjwatsoncheck /boot/grub/menu.lst in the root fs to see what root= says03:16
gervOne practical problem.03:16
gervHow do I view it?03:16
gervbusybox has no editor, and no "more".03:16
cjwatsonchroot, editor-of-choice03:16
gervIt scrolls off the screen.03:16
cjwatson'chroot /tmp/hd' will work now ...03:16
gervOne second, then.03:16
StevenKcjwatson: Do you have a moment to discuss a bug?03:17
poningrucjwatson: I can take over here if you want03:17
cjwatsonStevenK: sure03:17
cjwatsonponingru: *shrug*, I'm here for a little while03:17
gervThere are loads of stanzas.03:17
gervThe first one has:03:17
gervroot     (hd0,0)03:17
gervIn fact, that all do.03:18
poningruwait thats it?03:18
poningruthere isnt anything more?03:18
cjwatsonno, he means that all the stanzas have that03:18
gervNo, there's lots.03:18
gervdefault    003:18
StevenKcjwatson: bug 96464 has had the 7.04 milestone added to it - my opinion is that it's a user error, a hard problem to solve and we should ignore it until Feisty+1. I just wanted to see if you (or someone else from -release) concurs.03:18
ubotuMalone bug 96464 in twiki "Twiki package: /usr/sbin/apachectl is not executable, exiting... " [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9646403:18
cjwatsonthis is not surprising, I'm looking for the root= on the kernel line03:18
gervWhich is also true for all of them,03:19
gerveven the Edgy kernels.03:19
StevenKgerv: There's a groot option03:19
cjwatsonkick evms in the nuts, change that to /dev/sda1 throughout, probably purge evms from your system, and reboot03:19
=== gerv readies his boot
gerv!trout evms03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trout evms - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
StevenKkopt, that is03:19
cjwatsonevms is another of the things we kicked out of standard post-dapper03:19
=== gerv thinks you need a better class of bot
StevenKkopt=root=/dev/mapper/system-root ro03:19
poningrugerv: hey its better than firebot trust me03:20
StevenKAnd then run update-grub03:20
gervcjwatson: Are you able to update the bug with a proper description of the problem?03:20
StevenK(Change your line to suit)03:20
poningruStevenK: he isnt on grub prompt03:20
gervI would hate to think of lots of people upgrading from dapper having this issue.03:20
StevenKponingru: That's in menu.lst03:20
gervcjwatson: How do I purge evms?03:20
gervAs in, dpkg --purge remove evms?03:20
cjwatsonStevenK: can't we just check whether /usr/sbin/apachectl etc. exist? Checking for conffiles is well-known to be wrong.03:20
cjwatsongerv: apt-get --purge remove evms03:20
cjwatsongerv: sure, I'll update it. Did you upgrade straight to feisty from dapper, or via edgy?03:21
gervVia edgy.03:21
gervFor quite a while, I ran edgy.03:21
poningruStevenK: oh did not know that03:21
StevenKcjwatson: That error (which I find I can't reproduce to blow up) is from invoke-rc.d apache.03:21
gervAm I supposed to ignore StevenK? That's another problem, right? :-)03:21
cjwatsonStevenK: sure, but you can [ -x /usr/sbin/apachectl ]  or whatever independently03:22
cjwatsonI don't think "package removed but not purged" counts as user error03:22
gervI can't purge evms - dpkg complains about not being able to find install-info and update-rc.d.03:22
cjwatsonthough I'm also not entirely convinced it's release-critical03:23
gervIs it compulsory, or can I do it once I've booted.03:23
cjwatsongerv: ok, don't worry about purging it just yet03:23
=== gerv changes root= lines and reboots
gervcjwatson: You can say in the bug that I'm available to help with any further debugging I can do.03:23
cjwatsonI reassigned the bug to grub03:24
gervIt doesn't boot, but that's because I've just realised I removed evms but didn't change hda1 to sda1.03:24
=== gerv goes through process again
cjwatsonnote /dev/sda1 not /dev/evms/sda103:24
cjwatsonthe evms is a bogus remnant of slightly-dodgy UUID detection03:25
gervIs a bogus remnant anything like a not-carefully-reading scott james remnant?03:25
StevenKcjwatson: Right, I have a slightly dodgy fix for the other open twiki bug, I will only restart apache* if apachectl is executable03:25
cjwatsonI suspect Scott was frantically trying to get through triaging about a million boot bugs before release03:26
gervNo blame, just amusement :-)03:27
gervI'm sure he's a busy guy.03:27
=== gerv has seen a little of his frustration in some comments
StevenKgerv: Oh my God, can we keep you?03:27
StevenKA bug happens and you show amusement, not blame or frustration.03:27
=== gerv would be much more upset if his laptop was his only machine
=== gerv is very glad he tried it there first
StevenKcjwatson: I seem to recall evms being installed on my bosses Feisty machine ...03:28
StevenKI also recall having to take it out the back and neuter it.03:29
cjwatsonindeed, if he upgraded from dapper or before03:29
=== gerv waits for his root filesystem to do the "30-mount fsck"
StevenKNo, fresh install, which is what worries me03:29
gervIn fact, 32-mount.03:29
cjwatsonStevenK: no code that'd do that to my knowledge03:29
gervThanks everyone!03:29
cjwatsongerv: thanks for the help tracking it down03:29
gervGotta run now, but will clean everything up and get it working properly later.03:29
gervNo problem.03:29
gervThanks for being the guy with a clue :-)03:30
StevenKHrm. I suspect it's been reinstalled since.03:30
cjwatsonI'm not certain we can do anything about it for feisty, but can certainly look at it for the LTS-to-LTS upgrade problem that we need to sit down and solve at some point03:30
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StevenKConflicts: are fun. Although it smacks of 'killing a fly with a 30-pound sledgehammer'03:30
gervcjwatson: My problem or his?03:31
cjwatsongerv: yours03:31
=== gerv sincerely hopes it's possible to do something about machines becoming unbootable before Feisty is released.
cjwatsonI'd like to, but it's just so close to RC and with public holidays ... I did set the milestone though03:31
gervI upgraded using the applet thingy.03:31
cjwatsonand bumped priority03:32
gervIf this happens to a significant number of people, this could be Really Bad(TM).03:32
cjwatsonso it is on the list, if it can be crammed in03:32
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-115-227-252.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
gervI'll wait and see what happens :-)03:32
=== gerv really goes now
cjwatsonright answer might be to try to transition stuff of the form /dev/evms/hda1 to UUID but not /dev/evms/<otherstuff03:34
cjwatsonit's a slightly thorny problem - really a case of working around edgy's bugs03:34
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cjwatsonbut edgy's bugs have become relevant now that /dev/hda => /dev/sda for you03:34
StevenKcjwatson: I wonder if sd* get sucked into that as well, such as /dev/evms/[sh] d*03:35
cjwatsonI'd be surprised if they didn't - but we can't guarantee exactly how the hd* -> sd* transition will work from userspace, hence UUIDs03:35
=== StevenK nods.
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cjwatsonok, I have a very tentative patch for that03:42
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StevenKcjwatson: Do you want to see a debdiff for this twiki bug fix?03:53
cjwatsonStevenK: sure03:54
StevenKcjwatson: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/twiki.debdiff03:55
cjwatsonStevenK: it's /usr/sbin/apachectl, not /usr/bin/apachectl03:56
=== StevenK finds a rock to hide under.
cjwatsondoesn't apache2 need to be restarted?03:56
cjwatsonin which case you should check apache2|apache2-*) if [ -x /usr/sbin/apache2ctl ] ; then continue; fi ;; or whatever03:56
StevenKOkay, I'll also check for apache2ctl03:57
cjwatsonI'd use grep -q -- -b03:57
cjwatsonthough dunno, maybe -e is more portable after all, I just don't trust it to terminate options03:58
cjwatsonlooks ok otherwise03:58
cjwatsonin my own packages I often prefer to stick a trivial portable-shell version of which(1) at the top of the script and use it as a function rather than hardcoding paths03:59
cjwatsonbut YMMV03:59
StevenKcjwatson: I've never had any problems with grep -e03:59
StevenKcjwatson: That part of the patch strikes me as really dirty. I blame mini-httpd03:59
cjwatson/usr/bin/which is more or less my code aside from some crackful and wrong option parsing that somebody stuck in there, so I use a reduced version of that04:00
cjwatsonyou can see it e.g. in base-passwd.postinst04:01
StevenKcjwatson: debdiff updated.04:02
cjwatsonyup, looks fine04:04
cjwatsonargh, which -a was added due to Dan Jacobson04:05
=== cjwatson sighs
cjwatsonas I wrote it, which intentionally had no option parsing whatsoever in order that you could safely use it on any string without having to care about escaping04:06
cjwatsonthough I suppose at least you can now put -- in front04:06
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StevenKcjwatson: twiki uploaded. Thanks for your help.04:13
Adri2000cjwatson: I would like to do an update of devscripts. I need a sponsor and I need your approval (since it's main), the debdiff is at http://adrishost.homeip.net/~adri2000/ubuntu/devscripts_2.9.27ubuntu13.debdiff04:18
Adri2000cjwatson: currently requestsync doesn't work because of "distros/ubuntu": example: "Failing command: affects distros/ubuntu/mantis" "There is no project named 'distros' registered in Launchpad."04:20
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Mirvuh oh, Gaim is now Pidgin.04:29
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cjwatsonAdri2000: I would change 'tla | bazaar' to 'bzr | tla | bazaar' rather than 'tla | bzr' - there's code in devscripts that legitimately does use baz04:34
cjwatsonAdri2000: aside from that your changes are fine, but please find another sponsor as I'm trying not to spend too much time on work today04:34
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Adri2000ok, thanks04:36
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Adri2000debdiff updated, if any core-dev is available: please upload it04:43
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tan_Hi, does anyone know who I could contact regarding the google SoC?05:15
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dotwaffleAnyone seen Keybuk recently?05:38
dotwafflere: Upstart.05:38
Hobbseehe's on holidays for a copule of days, iirc.05:39
cjwatsonhe was in our London office Tue-Thu, and is now on holiday until next Tue05:39
cjwatson(UK public holidays)05:39
dotwaffleAh, ok, no worries. Demoscener here was interested in chatting to him re: getting CPU intensive/Low IO load graphical startup. Will chat to him when he return ;005:40
dotwaffleBack to the demoparty ;) www.demoscene.tv if people care...05:40
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gervcjwatson: I've now booted successfully, and run update-grub, which stuck UUIDs into my menu.lst, and now it boots on its own fine.06:34
gervThanks :-)06:34
cjwatsonah yes, update-grub would have done that once you put /dev/sda1 there06:36
cjwatsongreat, thanks, trying to set up an environment such that I can test my possible fix now06:36
=== gerv presumes mangling your menu.lst will do the trick?
cjwatsonprobably, but I'd rather have a genuine dapper->edgy system to work with06:37
gervAh. But that might take some time :-)06:37
cjwatson"About 1 hours 18 minutes remaining"06:37
gervIs there free software that does virtual machines and disk imaging and rollback and so on?06:37
cjwatsonthat's ok, the computer will do it while I do something more interesting06:37
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cjwatsongerv: I'm afraid I'm still using VMware, but I keep hearing good things about VirtualBox06:38
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sharmsVirtualBox works good for me using windows guests07:14
sharmsWouldnt work with openbsd guest07:14
sharmsAnd couldn't install virtualbox-tools on a suse 9 guest07:14
jdongsharms: I've got VB to kernel-panic my host on several occasions....07:18
jdongespecially when running certain apps within the VM07:19
superm1cjwatson, Virtual box has worked wonderfully on all ubuntu guests i've tried07:30
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tormodtepsipakki: does your savage segfault at logout? bug #10418808:16
ubotuMalone bug 104188 in xorg-server "[apport]  Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy() on logout" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10418808:16
jdongbhale: has the beagle log verbosity thing been decreased yet?08:19
jdongbhale: it seems to produce like 5MB of logs per day for me still...08:20
jdongand like a big 700MB log on the initial index08:20
bhalejdong: no, it hasnt08:20
bhalewe are in hard freeze08:20
jdongis that still planned for release?08:20
bhaleit would be nice08:20
jdongyeah, definitely it'd be nice08:20
bhalei will ask tollef if i see him08:21
jdongawesome, thanks bhale08:21
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sharmsanyone else on the newest update get multiple usplash progress bars?08:23
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Saiedhi all, i have problem with pngtobogl command10:06
Saiedthe content of C source output file is "too many colors (256)"10:06
Saiedwhat can i do to solve this problem?10:06
Mithrandirreduce the number of colours?10:06
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SaiedMithrandir: how many colors?10:07
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SaiedMithrandir: i examined with 128 colors but problem exists10:08
Mithrandiryes, bogl only supports 16 colours.10:08
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SaiedMithrandir: 16 colors? i think default kubuntu or ubuntu usplash-theme has more than 16 colors? are you sure?10:10
MithrandirI don't believe it has, no.10:10
SaiedMithrandir: i use it for usplash customization according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto10:11
SaiedMithrandir: is there a link to kubuntu or ubuntu usplash images to find out number of colors?10:12
Mithrandirapt-get source usplash-theme-ubuntu ?10:13
SeveasMithrandir, bogl supports more than 16 colors10:13
SeveasMithrandir, vga16fb (one of the bogl backends) does not10:14
SaiedMithrandir: in that customization tutorial you can see "The image you use should have max. 256 colors"10:14
Seveasbut the backend used on ppc (the only platform where usplash uses bogl now) supports more 10:14
SeveasSaied, you should still include a 640x400x16 theme as fallback10:14
SaiedSeveas: but i have "too many colors (256)" error. without any output10:15
SeveasSaied, which versio of ubuntu are you using? Dapper?10:15
SaiedSeveas: feisty10:16
SeveasSaied, are you using pngtobogl?10:16
SaiedSeveas: yes10:16
Seveasthen you are reading the wrong tutorial10:16
Seveasand since this has nothing to do with ubuntu development, come to #ubuntu-offtopic :)10:17
SaiedSeveas: which tutorial is correct? please guide me10:17
sharmsSaied: he just guided you to ubuntu-offtopic, go there.10:18
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WhiteFlysomeone can tell how can i localize my custom app?11:29
WhiteFlysome tutorial about it...11:29
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