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ubotuNew bug: #104039 in ubuntu-docs (main) "broken link in (Dutch) main page the link for free support" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10403911:59
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MehdiHassanpourhi :-)12:56
MehdiHassanpourjust saw the WikiLicensing page. what are the benefits of using CC-By-SA license over GnuFDL ?12:57
mdkeMehdiHassanpour: the reasons for the choice of license are explained on the page. GnuFDL has lots of well documented problems, maybe do a search on debian legal or something for that01:48
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Burgundaviahey jjesse10:46
Burgundavialong time, no chat10:46
jjessehiya Burgundavia how are you?10:47
Burgundavianot bad10:47
jjesseyeah things are a little crazy for me, i've been on the road for the last 5 weeks and have two more to go10:47
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CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r4071 /ubuntu/ (896 files in 18 dirs): updating translations from Rosetta11:03
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=== Susana_ is now known as Susana
CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: mdke feisty * r4072 /ubuntu/ (1102 files in 825 dirs): updated translated xml12:03
mdkethat's a lot of files in a lot of dirs12:04
mdkeyay translators12:04
mgalvinhey guys12:07
mgalvinany chance someone could me a hand real quick and update me feed on planet?12:07
mdkemgalvin: you can do that no?12:09
mgalvinmdke: i can't seem to find my svn password :-/12:10
mdkemgalvin: ??12:10
mdkeplanet isn't related to our svn12:10
mgalvinso i don't think i can do it myself... um... i thought i heard that some where...12:11
mgalvinhow can i change it?12:11
mgalvindo you know?12:11
mdkeyeah, it's described on wiki:PlanetUbuntu12:11
LaserJockmdke: I noticed there wasn't a template on Rosetta for the packaging guide12:12
mgalvinah, yes, i just looked and noticed that on planet... i should have actually looked first12:12
mgalvinmdke: thanks, i will follow that12:12
mdkeLaserJock: that's true I think. It's certainly not in ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs12:13
mdke(because it's not shipped in that package)12:13
LaserJockI see the server guide in there though12:13
mdkeoh damn, you're right. It *is* shipped in that package12:14
mdkeI missed it out :(12:14
LaserJockit *should* go by source12:14
LaserJockanyway, no biggie12:14
LaserJockI've been too big of a loser lately to do anything with it12:14
LaserJockso I doubt there's been much for string changes12:14

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