
crimsunnewz2000: that changeset hasn't been merged yet12:25
crimsunnewz2000: that's why it's still marked "Fix Committed" instead of "Fix Released"12:26
crimsunnewz2000: furthermore, although the changesets I've been emailing to Ben have been trivial, they don't exactly fix critical regressions, so I don't know if they'll make it into Feisty.12:27
maks_crimsun: is it a known trouble that after suspend of an intel ich6 audio controller the micro is no longer working?12:34
maks_that is since 2.6.18 for sure until latest linus12:35
maks_have seen it on a dell inspiron and on a ibm x4112:35
crimsunmaks_: audio on my x41-2527 works fine across suspends-to-* and resumes01:08
crimsunmaks_: I'm running the latest bios on the x41-252701:08
maks_ok that might make the diff01:12
crimsunI can provide you with a diff that reverts the "aggressive power saving" commit for AC'97-based codecs01:13
maks_no idea if it ever worked crimsun?01:14
maks_didn't use the mic back then01:15
crimsunit definitely worked on the system I mentioned above01:15
maks_mine is not far off x41-252501:16
maks_shall i test boot 2.6.17 or older to test?01:16
maks_have almost any kernel up to 2.6.14 installed01:16
crimsunactually, CONFIG_SND_AC97_POWER_SAVE isn't even enabled, so it's definitely not the audio subsystem's fault01:17
crimsunnot to mention even when it is enabled, it defaults to "off" (although it can be enabled via sysfs)01:18
maks_"(Fix) The LCD display may not turn on after the display off/on operation."01:22
maks_i guess i do want latest bios crimsun :)01:22
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rmjbHello, I'd like to get someone's input on a possible kernel bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9765503:15
rmjbit's related to the dmraid package, to enable use of fakeraid arrays03:15
rmjbI want to find out if the bug makes sense, i.e. is true, and if it is I guess dmraid is broken in feisty for raid5 arrays03:16
rmjbif not then it can still be fixed since universe is not yet frozen03:16
rmjb... anyone here tonight?03:20
crimsunonly in rare circumstances, since many people will be observing the Good Friday holiday03:20
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rmjbI'm observing it too... by bug fixing :)03:21
crimsunit's funny how regardless whether there's a holiday, people still expect us to fix bugs. :-)03:22
rmjbI don't want it fixed... just some advice on it03:22
rmjbshould I email some list if no one is here?03:22
crimsunI have no such configuration, so you'll need to get more details from the original reporter.03:24
crimsunapparently he wants someone else to do the work, which is fine, but it likely won't happen for feisty.03:25
rmjbI know, the kernel is frozen solid...03:25
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rouzicsacater: hi10:13
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mreccan anyone have a look at: http://mcentral.de/pipermail/em28xx/2007-April/000213.html11:28
anikrashowto i can have interface http://newbiedoc.sourceforge.net/system/kernel-pkg.html11:28
mrecis there any special patch in that ubuntu kernel regarding sysfs?11:28
anikrasi have kernel 2.6.2011:29
mrecthe same works with a vanilla kernel11:29
mrecthe problem seems to occure when calling request_firmware()11:30
sacaterrouzic: hi, 11:33
sacaterrouzic: check your email11:33
sacateri translated into espanol using google translate11:33
rouzicsacater: you speak spanish?11:33
sacaterrouzic: nope11:34
sacateri only know 2 words11:34
sacateruno momento11:34
sacaterim better in french11:34
rouzicuno is one11:34
rouzicmomento is momment11:34
sacateri know!11:34
sacaterje parle parfait francais pour a 11:35
sacaterpoissons 11:35
sacateri speak perfect french for a fish*11:36
rouzicno :(11:36
rouzici don't speak frech11:36
sacaterim looking at that video now11:36
sacaterrouzic: after reviewing you video, i have come to a conclusion11:38
sacateri dosnt like your wifi11:38
sacaterit even complains in boot-up11:39
sacateroh, and like the poster11:39
rouzicsacater: Wanted! :p11:39
rouzicClippo :p11:39
sacatersimple what you have to do11:40
sacaterdisable your wireless adaptors11:40
=== sacater adds video to his blog
rouzicsacater: But already it is deactivated 11:41
sacaterthats pooey then11:41
sacaterrouzic: my blog dosnt support indexing, can you put that video on youtube for us11:42
rouzici don't have account in youtube11:42
sacatergoogle videos?11:42
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rouzicsacater: youtube11:45
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rouzicsacater: i don't use youtube :(11:49
rouzicWhat do you think about the problem of the sound and the earphones?11:49
crimsunthe what?11:51
rouziccrimsun: http://rouzic.net/files/sacater.tar.gz11:57
rouziclook this video ;)11:57
crimsunI can't play video here11:57
crimsuntext files work best.11:57
stgraberrouzic: I've also had this bug, it's quite easy to fix12:03
rouzicstgraber: :p12:03
sacaterWho controls the nvidia-glx development12:04
stgraberSimply a broken /etc/network/interfaces, at boot time the networking script try to ifup all the interfaces and then start dhclient on an interface without anything connected, that takes a while till the timeout make the system continue booting12:05
stgrabercleaning the /etc/network/interfaces and removing everything but "lo" fix it12:05
rouzicremove all?12:05
stgraberstgraber@laptop:~/sacater$ cat /etc/network/interfaces 12:06
stgraberauto lo12:06
stgraberiface lo inet loopback12:06
stgraberNetworkManager now takes care of the rest, so simply keep those two lines is enough12:06
rouzicthanks stgraber12:08
rouzicrebooting :)12:08
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rouzic_ausentestgraber: THANKS!!! :)12:12
stgraberno problem :)12:12
rouzicstgraber: i have a problem with a sound12:13
rouzicwait a moment12:13
rouzicstgraber: http://rouzic.net/?q=node/3712:15
rouzicappears a red light where the earphones connect, and is not listened on 12:16
rouzichaving had the earphones put12:16
stgraberDid you try updating bootcamp ? (I've just read from a website talking about this issue with Windows)12:19
stgraber"I noted that the red light was also coming out when I used windows (bootcamp). I wasn't able to listen through my earphones, but after one of the bootcamp updates it was gone."12:19
rouzicstgraber: Only it spends to me in the kernel 2.6.20-14, before he was using 2.6.20-9 and was working correctly12:20
stgraberoh, I've maybe got a solution12:22
stgrabercheck if you can mute something like IEC95812:22
stgraberusing alsamixer and the "m" key12:22
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rouzicplease, disabled the touchpad in the macbook :(01:06
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hyper_chhiho, I'm trying to setup dm-crypt and LUKS following a guide for debian but I already fail at step 6 (which I think is related to step 2 - altering the kernel options). It says to enable a few things if they aren't already but I don't know how to do that. Can anyone help me on that issue? Here's the guide:  http://www.hermann-uwe.de/blog/howto-disk-encryption-with-dm-crypt-luks-and-debian04:50
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hyper_chsorry, I just closed Kconversation :)04:54
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hyper_chhelp :)05:40
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