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mrmondayhello all12:38
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ronnietuckernow then... someone promised me a Feisty Fawn article...   :)04:01
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elkbuntudont know how he expects to get anything if he only waits 4 minutes04:11
boredandbloggingbeuno, ping04:29
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boredandblogginghey adamant1988 05:12
adamant1988hello boredandblogging 05:12
boredandblogginghow are things going?05:12
adamant1988Fairly well05:13
adamant1988I've been monitoring the magazine's progress, they've moved really quick to meet this deadline. 05:13
boredandbloggingyeah, its been impressive05:14
adamant1988Well I think most of it is the owner05:14
adamant1988Right now he's doing almost all of the work, so we'll have to see how the group's first real issue turns out. 05:14
boredandbloggingthink a lot of people just want to join a project if there is some activity already, if he didn't do it, it would probably wouldn't get off the ground05:16
adamant1988Which is exactly right05:17
adamant1988I'm glad he's doing it, honestly, I'm preparing myself to be a CS student, and It's just work figuring out what I want to know.05:18
boredandblogginggood for you, where are you planning on going to school?05:21
adamant1988Still working that out05:36
adamant1988In pittsburgh, I know that much05:36
adamant1988or at least, I'll physically be in Pittsburgh. 05:36
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boredandblogginghey linuxgeekery- 07:06
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Burgundaviaboredandblogging: are you around?10:03
boredandbloggingyeah, whats up10:03
Burgundaviacare to work on the uwn?10:03
boredandbloggingyeah, definitely10:04
Burgundaviasounds good10:04
Burgundavialet me finish this bit and then I will dump some stuff to be written10:04
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: ok, all yours10:15
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: you still working away?10:36
Burgundavianixternal: you around10:36
boredandbloggingBurgundavia, sorry, yeah, but you can use it10:48
Burgundaviaboredandblogging: keep working10:48
BurgundaviaI am working on the RC stuff10:48
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boredandbloggingBurgundavia, i put in the feisty frozen and archiver issues10:57
Burgundaviahey beuno, boredandblogging is working on the UWN and myself on the RC stuff10:58
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beunoBurgundavia, hey11:00
beunoI've been following it by email11:00
beunoI was just about to plunge in and help a bit11:01
Burgundaviasounds good11:01
BurgundaviaI am about to head out for a bit11:02
boredandbloggingbeuno, can you look at the bottom article in In The Press?11:02
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