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williammandaanyone awake?01:35
williammandaget this message trying setup slave backend...01:36
williammandaQSqlQuery::exec: database not open01:36
williammandaQSqlQuery::exec: database not open01:36
williammanda2007-04-06 18:24:34.489 DB Error (KickDatabase):01:36
williammandaQuery was:01:36
williammandaSELECT NULL;01:36
williammandaNo error type from QSqlError?  Strange...01:36
williammanda2007-04-06 18:28:15.214 Unable to connect to database!01:36
williammanda2007-04-06 18:28:15.214 Driver error was [1/1045] :01:36
williammandaQMYSQL3: Unable to connect01:36
williammandaDatabase error was:01:36
williammandaAccess denied for user 'mythtv'@'' (using password: YES)01:36
majoridiotdid you copy /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt to the slave?01:42
majoridiotfrom the master?01:42
majoridiotor just give it the proper address and pw in mythtv-setup on the slave01:42
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williammandagot it fixed....02:39
williammandaredid password for mythtv is mysql02:39
williammandagot rid of that database problem.....re-installed mythtv :)02:40
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majoridiotLOL i wondered which window that went into.06:35
majoridiotpackage progress or still buried in schoolwork and workwork?06:36
superm1i just got back from work work about 30 min ago06:36
superm1i'm tryign out lots of ideas for this package06:36
superm1but so many things wouldn't fly with -motu06:37
superm1my buddies want me to go out and drink tonite, i dont think thats even a good idea given being sick... so good opportunity to work at this some more06:37
majoridiotbooz is about the last thing your system needs atm06:38
superm1i'm gonna run and grab a bite at least then while this next build kicks off06:38
superm1be back in a few06:38
=== majoridiot is so glad to have WOL working again
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majoridiotsuperm1: drop me an email if there is a package for testing tomorrow08:56
majoridioti'm dun.08:56
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billbraskyi was getting an error during mythtv installation on feisty, specifically during mysql configuration05:55
billbraskythis common?05:55
billbraskyi didn't dig up anything in reported bugs05:55
williammandaanyone see this?   http://linuxmce.com/06:13
gardengnomewilliammanda: yes.06:14
billbraskyyup i've seen it. haven't had an install complete for it yet.06:15
superm1billbrasky, what was happening?06:17
billbraskyon feisty?06:22
billbraskyi used synaptic06:22
billbraskyduring the install, there is a point that mysql is being configured06:22
billbraskyit hung there06:22
billbraskyCTRL-c to kill that and the install continued06:23
superm1during mysql installation?06:23
billbraskyi was gonna re-do it to see if the problem was caused by me selecting mythtv, -frontend, -backend etc all in one stroke06:23
superm1as in mysql-server-5.0??06:23
superm1oh thats not good.06:23
superm1u used the "mythtv" metapackge?06:24
billbraskyhold up, lemme go jump on my other pc and i can re-do the installation on that image06:24
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billbraskyi finally got my hardware working for the new media center, so i'll have to decide if i wanna use feisty06:26
superm1well i hope so, we want these good for feisty :)06:27
billbraskyi'm doing the install now06:28
billbraskyon a vm06:28
billbraskyi hope i kludged something up again :-)06:29
billbraskymay have gotten past it... it was during the point where it stops/starts mysql during install06:31
billbraskyfont install eh06:31
billbraskyntp is setup as part of it too eh06:31
billbraskythere is an error at the end of install:06:32
superm1you like all the extras it does for you now?06:32
billbraskystarting mythtv server: mythbackSession management error: authentication rejected, reason: none of the auth protocols specified are supported and host-based auth failed.06:33
billbraskyyea very nice06:33
superm1thats no worry06:33
gardengnomesuperm1: is it possible to suppress that error message?06:33
gardengnomepeople are worried about it06:33
superm1keescook and i havent nailed it as of yet06:33
superm1we dont know the true cause of it06:33
superm1i'd like to supress it though06:34
superm1i wonder if just a 2 > &1 would do it06:34
billbraskyif you aren't doing a desktop machine, can that meta package be used?06:34
superm1i'll experiment later on06:35
superm1billbrasky, there are other ones for non desktop machines06:35
superm1but most people who install on a desktop will just use that06:35
superm1for simplicities sake06:35
gardengnomesuperm1: i think it's a qt error message.06:35
superm1since it should pretty much do a lot of the pia stuff for you06:35
superm1gardengnome, yes it is06:35
billbraskywhat wm is included?06:36
superm1does automatic login and such too06:37
billbraskynifty x206:37
billbraskyis the medibuntu the best way to do restricted formats with ubuntu-myth?06:41
superm1i havent had a need honestly06:42
superm1so dunno :)06:42
billbraskyyou don't play any other formats or dvd's?!06:43
superm1well dvds06:43
superm1but i got dvdcss2 ages ago06:43
superm1but everything else is handled in ffmpeg06:43
superm1including wmv306:43
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billbraskyi assume if i install the beta feisty release, doing update/upgrade will bring everything up to date once there is a final release...06:48
billbraskydumb question, i just wanna settle on something stable06:49
billbraskyi'm sure there will be some updates06:49
billbraskyhmm, i wonder if anyone has wii controllers working with myth in a seamless fashion06:50
superm1well myth wise i am hoping to get one last one in06:50
superm1but it will be a little tight06:50
billbraskywhat needs updating?06:50
superm1regards to some postinst script06:50
billbraskyah, nothing major06:51
billbraskyman mythmusic needs to be revamped06:53
superm1i just use amarok instead on my tv06:58
billbraskyi like a clean simple UI07:00
billbraskydevs could really take some hints from apple07:00
billbraskyhmm feisty is still broke when trying to install on a macbook pro....  damn07:02
billbraskyxorg updates no good07:05
billbraskyearly releases were ok apparently07:05
superm1that sucks07:07
superm1well i'm happy with my thinkpad07:07
billbraskyyea i wasn't planning on a MBP, but ran across a deal on 'em07:09
billbraskyfor a new core duo (early release MBP)07:09
williammandawill the ubuntu lirc setup work for firefly rf remote?07:21
williammandaor can i find another driver to use it with the computer?07:22
billbraskyhmmm i saw a link somewhere saying it had some kernel support, via ati_remote maybe07:24
superm1williammanda, not sure if its supported by lirc07:24
superm1but i'll be interested to find out :)07:24
billbraskythat looks promising07:27
billbraskyit does look like it's using the ATI remote wonder code basically07:27
billbraskywonder what that remote goes for on ebay07:28
billbraskytho it has a lot of buttons07:28
billbraskyi need to find something simple for my parents  :-)07:28
billbraskyi'd much rather use RF than IR07:29
superm1if you go IR, i'm a fan of the mceusb2 based stuff07:30
superm1you take apart the remote and pull out the windows logo. print out a tux and put him there07:30
superm1and your set07:30
billbraskyi bought a dell/hp IR receiver (MCE based) and use a harmony remote07:31
billbraskyexpensive solution, but i can control all my crap with it07:31
billbrasky10 different devices07:31
billbraskysuper - you said you setup an IR blaster to turn off your tv?07:32
superm1well one of my TVs07:32
superm1and one receiver i control with it07:32
billbraskyhow hard was that to setup?07:32
superm1but my sammie LCD doesn't agree with it07:33
superm1well "setting it up" wasn't hard07:33
superm1but getting IR codes that worked was a pain07:33
billbraskythe new MS MCE remote does have a programmable power button i believe...could use that to turn on/off the tv too..hmm07:33
superm1yes i use that on my mceusb2 remote for hte TV that doesnt work with the IR blaster07:33
superm1but i still cant switch sources07:33
superm1so when i want to play wii, i have to use the regular remote to switch sources07:33
superm1i even experimented with making a 1/8th inch to serial adapter to control the TV via serial07:34
superm1with some info i got from samsung07:34
superm1but that ended up not working right for me and i couldn't nail the issue07:34
superm1billbrasky, the serial module in use has a bad bug too that i've had open with debian for ages07:36
superm1so serial transmitters broke for me and several other people last year07:36
billbraskyso passed downstream to ubuntu eh07:37
superm1i think its their longest outstanding lirc bug too now07:37
superm1295 days old.07:38
superm1debian bug 37387107:38
ubotuDebian bug 373871 in unknown "IR Transmitting broke (ubuntu dapper pulling debian package)" [Important,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/37387107:38
superm1as of feisty we aren't using their package anymore, but rather a cvs snapshot that I helped k eescook with07:44
superm1i havent tested it yet with that package to see if its any better, but i'm fairly doubtful07:44
superm1gardengnome, i think i discovered something useful about that authentication error07:58
superm1if the file /home/mythtv/.ICEauthority exists and is owned by "mythtv" the issue doesn't happen07:58
superm1well let me take that back for a second.  if a VALID .ICEauthority exists07:59
superm1eg if you copy yours from ~ and chown it07:59
superm1i'm not sure what the .ICEauthority file actually does though08:01
superm1it appears to be created by KDE (and hence QT apps)08:02
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williammandagot firefly rf remote working with mythtv11:13
=== tgm4883 [n=thomas@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
tgm4883anybody run dapper in here?11:52
tgm4883or feisty?11:52
williammandahey majoridiot.....if I want to use the remote for other programs...11:53
williammandado i just create the lircrc file for that program?11:54
williammandai use dapper11:54
williammandaactual mepis 6.5 which uses ubuntu dapper11:54
tgm4883What is the latest kernel on that? is it like edgy, cause that seemed to stop around 2.6.1711:55
tgm4883i ask because my feisty backend server crashed again,11:55
williammandamepis is
tgm4883and im thinking about going to dapper since it's LTS and supposed to be more stable11:55
williammandai use mepis (dapper) on 3 computers with mythtv11:56
tgm4883i was trying to get edgy installed on this same hardware awhile ago and with 2.6.17, it was a real pain with the hardware, never got it to work11:56
tgm4883but the hardware is built into the 2.6.18 kernel11:57
tgm4883and the manufacture website wasn't alot of help if I remember correctly11:57
williammandawhat hardware?11:57
tgm4883it's the motherboard chipset.  Motherboard is a gigabyte ga-m61vme-s2, the chipset is nForce 40011:58
tgm4883the nvidia website has drivers for up to around 2.6.12, but claim that its built in after that11:59
williammandanot sure...11:59
williammandatry mepis11:59
williammandathat is what they are know for.....easy setup with hardware12:00
tgm4883how does it compare to ubuntu (since that's what im famaliar with) although, since it's a frontend/backend only I guess it doesn't matter12:00
williammandabasically the same but better12:00
tgm4883and I guess before I switch I would want to know (not really possible to know for sure i guess) if I was going to have the same issue's over there?  Majoridiot was helping me the other day and came to the conclusion that mysql had crashed.12:02
williammandait has been the best one i have used so far12:02
tgm4883live cd? cause then i would atleast know if it recognized the hardware off the bat12:02
williammandayes live cd12:02
tgm4883it's a real pain to have to install another NIC to update12:03
williammandai have 2 computers using 64 bit12:03
williammanda2 using 32 bit12:03
tgm4883do you see performance gains running 64 bit?12:03
tgm4883I suppose that could be my problem too, running a 32bit OS on 64bit hardware12:03
tgm4883i just have a laundry list of problems12:03
williammandasome not much...since there aren't to many 64 bit programs12:04
williammandatry mepis....i was surprised12:04
tgm4883for a backend/frontend only setup I would see better transcoding times though12:04
williammandamot sure what you mean?12:05
tgm4883it seems to be the consensus that (as long as the transcoding program is written for 64bit hardware) that transcoding a video takes less time on 64bit than on 32 bit.12:06
tgm4883there's some hard data somewhere, but it is something like 1.5 times faster12:07
williammandaok....i don't transcode any12:07
tgm4883is it just a 1 cd download?  im looking at it, but a little confused12:09
tgm4883I think i want this SimplyMEPIS-CD_6.5.00_64.iso12:09
williammandayes for 64 bit12:10
tgm4883there was a b5 and b6 too12:10
tgm4883assumed beta12:10
williammandayes...final is 6.512:10
tgm4883well if my d/l rate stays up i should be able to test it in about 30 min12:11
williammandaok...i'll be around12:12
tgm4883now when i do install this, is there a way to save my recorded shows?  I would need to save the seperate partition and the database.  But since im having problems with the backend crashing would I be better to do a clean install12:15
williammandai would do a clean install..12:17
williammandastart off fresh12:17
tgm4883ok, well do then12:18
tgm4883another question then12:18
tgm4883through mythvideo, could I watch the shows if I transfered them to my fileserver first?  I can currently watch all my avi's and iso's.  I know that I would have no show data available, but atleast I wouldn't miss anything.  I think i only need a couple anyway12:20
williammandaif you do a clean install...you will lose the database....12:21
williammandathus you will only be able to play the videos through some other media player....xine, mplayer, kaffeine12:22
tgm4883yea, but if I copy over the show files only12:22
williammandaoutside of mythtv12:22
tgm4883so i would at least be able to watch them12:22
tgm4883that acceptable12:22
williammandai just did the same thing ...12:22
williammandai did a clean install of mepis...then mythtv12:23
williammandasaved my videos somewhere else....12:23
williammandawatched the videos on kaffeine12:23
majoridiot(you can watch the videos via mythvideo if the files are local to that frontend or on a networked drive available to that frontend)12:24
williammandai don't use mythvideo12:24
majoridiotk. would simply it all into one interface, tho.12:25
williammandaso majoridiot would be better to answer that12:25

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