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nixternalyou guys see that Linux Mint has a KDE release now04:36
nixternaland not the sanest selection of default apps04:37
nixternalKOffice 1.6.2 replaces OO.o, default browser FF, using KPowersave (which is pretty decent)04:37
nixternal802mb dvd iso04:38
nixternalwhy don't they just span across 2 cds, no they make me waste gigs of an expensive dvd disc :/04:38
nixternalthat was probably one of the worst engineering flops I have witnessed I think04:42
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robotgeekdamn, looks like i have become too stupid. i can't get the upgrade manager to launch, even06:20
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DaSkreechRiddell: ping06:21
robotgeekhello nixternal06:21
nixternalhiya robotgeek! how is life treatin' ya?06:21
robotgeekpretty good. work and school keep me really busy06:21
nixternalI hear you, school has me very busy, and trying to get in my Kubuntu work as well06:22
nixternaland giving more and more open source talks in the chicago area06:22
robotgeekwhatever is left is spent on the girl :)06:22
nixternalin my case, my girl is Kubuntu, unless it is a guy :)06:22
nixternalhell, if Kubuntu was a guy, then I guess I am...well you know06:23
crimsunwe already know. You're a Vista user.06:23
nixternalI can't get away from this guy06:23
=== Hobbsee gives nixternal the boot back to vistaland
nixternalevery channel, I get the "nixternal, are you really using Vista?" because of crimsun06:24
robotgeekis the package to install update-manager? cause that says gnome06:24
Hobbseenixternal: well, are you?06:24
Hobbseerobotgeek: see /topic06:24
robotgeeknixternal: are you really using vista?06:24
nixternalHobbsee: I haven't used a Windows product in about 7 years now06:24
nixternalrobotgeek: ^^06:25
robotgeekHobbsee: yes, i've been there06:25
crimsunexcept for yesterday, in which he was using Excel 2007.06:25
robotgeekthe update manager wont launch :)06:25
Hobbseerobotgeek: so you'd have seen that it was inside adept?06:25
Hobbseeor, usually is?06:25
DaSkreechrobotgeek: I get that a loot06:25
nixternalI had XP running on my box to use this silly Visual Logic app for one of my classes06:25
nixternalthat machine has since been replaced with Kubuntu6406:25
DaSkreechnixternal: that so sounds like a Console06:26
nixternalheh, it does06:26
=== nixternal hurries and grabs a patent!
DaSkreechI already have it on PS3 Muhwahahaha06:27
robotgeekHobbsee: yes, it does not launch automatically as it says it should, i am trying to see if there is some kind of a cli command that can bring it up in that mode. plus, the apt-cache show update-manager says its a gnome app06:27
DaSkreechis there a Kubuntu playstation3 iso?06:27
robotgeekpage listed on /topic links to update-manager bug page06:27
DaSkreech I saw one for Ubuntu06:27
Hobbseerobotgeek: kubuntu one's called something else.  i think it's a part of adept, actually06:27
Hobbseerobotgeek: there may be - i think you run hte /tmp/kubuntu-dist-upgrade * .py to run it06:28
robotgeekadept_updater, maybe. that did not work either :(06:28
=== robotgeek bites. does manual upgrade. prays
DaSkreechrobotgeek: You do know that the upgrader is the manual upgrade anyway :-)06:50
robotgeekDaSkreech: i tht it does some funky foo, manual upgrades will crash and burn your system, the page states :)06:51
robotgeekanyways, been doing this since breezy, so not too worried :)06:51
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DaSkreechmanchicken: ping07:39
HobbseeDaSkreech: pong07:40
DaSkreech How do I get adept_updater to not check07:41
DaSkreechessentially to disable it07:41
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Hobbseefdoving: you here?11:33
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fdovingHobbsee: yes.11:38
Hobbseefdoving: that unmount thing looks good.  you might even want to make ti sleep for 1 second, and then show the 2/3's11:39
fdovingyeah i considered that, but it won't be sitting there for that long in most cases.11:39
fdovingit's more a quick hack to somehow tell users not to remove the device until it's gone.11:40
fdovingthere is no way i can think of to get the real status, i can of course make it show pseudo progress.11:41
fdovingthough it will be a bigger diff.11:41
fdovingHobbsee: did you try it?11:42
Hobbseehavent yet11:44
fdovingi have a compiled binary at http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kio_media_mounthelper11:44
fdovingchmod +x and put it in the path.. or replace with /usr/bin/kio_media_mounthelper11:44
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fdovingless timeconsuming than to re-build kdebase11:45
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=== Hobbsee looks for her USB stick
Hobbseefdoving: neat11:50
Hobbseestill my USB is lit up, though11:50
Hobbseefdoving: you may want to go from first to second immediately then11:51
fdovingfrom first to second what?11:51
=== naught101 [n=naught10@c11.108.135.144.satellite.bigpond.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingshow more progress?11:52
fdovingtell me what you want and i'll change it.11:52
Hobbseeadd ++            info->progressBar()->setProgress(2); below ++            info->progressBar()->setProgress(1);11:53
Hobbseeseeing as it's so fast anyway, you can probably fudge the entire progress bar11:53
Hobbseedepending how fast it redraws :P11:53
fdovingit's very very fast.11:53
fdovingi can set it to 60% or something.. from the start.11:53
=== Hobbsee would just say go 1/3, 2/3, window vanishes
Hobbseeand then it appears to properly go thru - even though it doesnt11:54
=== Hobbsee likes, though
fdovingbut then i need timers.. gah.11:54
Hobbseenah, dont bother.  just fudge it :P11:55
Hobbseeseeing as we know it's instant on most machines, all that the 1/3, 2/3 will do will just flash past11:55
fdovinghow long do you want it to take from 1/3 to 2/3 ?11:55
fdovingi need to set a fixed time.11:55
fdovingon that.11:55
Hobbseequarter of a second? half a second?11:55
Hobbsee0.25 seconds would be good :P11:55
Hobbseethat works11:55
fdovingi'll try that.11:55
Hobbseethat'll *appear* to make it faster, too11:56
Hobbseeeven though it doesnt11:56
=== Hobbsee tries to figure out how one knows that the unmount has ended, to close the dialogue box
=== Hobbsee doenst know
=== naught101 [n=naught10@c11.108.135.144.satellite.bigpond.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
fdovingHobbsee: kio_media_mounthelper -s /dev/sdb111:58
fdovingwhere /dev/sdb1 is your removable device.11:59
fdovingthe command exits when it's finished.11:59
Hobbseevery clever :)11:59
fdovingand the dialogbox dies with its parent, which is kio_media_mounthelper12:00
Hobbseeahhh, i see :)12:00
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fdovingHobbsee: what about making it 10 parts increasing 10 percent every 25ms or something?12:35
fdovingthen make it stop at 90% in any case.. we don't want it to close before it's all finished.12:41
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Hobbseefdoving: that works01:08
Hobbseesounds like a good idea to me :)01:08
Hobbseehi giangy01:08
giangyhi Hobbsee =)01:09
giangywhat about having The fourth development snapshot for KDE 4 for Feisty?01:11
Hobbseewhen's it due?01:11
Hobbseegiangy: ^01:12
giangyHobbsee: I'm asking this because I'm writing an article about KDE 4 and I want to know (the article will be published in may) if a new snapshot would be available01:13
Hobbseegiangy: who are you writing for?01:13
giangyHobbsee: Linux&C, Italian magazine leader in Linux-related contents01:13
giangyheh =)01:14
Hobbseegiangy: that mostly depends on when kde upstream actually releases the next snapshot of kde401:14
Hobbseeand iv'e forgotten where the schedule is01:14
giangyHobbsee: mh, true..01:14
giangyaccording to http://dot.kde.org/1174481326/ , an alpha release will be available the 1st of May01:15
Hobbseeit appears may 1, then.01:16
giangyokey :-)01:16
Hobbseeunless we get the manpower, etc, to do daily kde4 builds01:16
Hobbseewell, every tuesday or something, i guess01:16
giangyit sounds interesting :)01:17
fdovingHobbsee: will you be around in ~5 min? i have a new test-case for you if you're available.01:18
Hobbseefdoving: not in 5 - but i'll be back in 20, id' guess01:19
=== Hobbsee --> dishes
fdovingok. i'll just give you the url to the binary.01:19
fdovingwhen it's ready.01:19
fdovingHobbsee: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kio_media_mounthelper01:22
fdovingwith a timer and all.01:22
fdovingchmod +x and replace /usr/bin/kio_media_mounthelper01:24
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Hobbseefdoving: great, thanks :)01:59
Hobbseefdoving: now i dont even see it.  *g*02:01
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Hobbseefdoving: i wonder if you want the total of that to be 1 sec long...02:01
Hobbsee(giving you enough time to read what this flashing thing is(02:02
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Pupeno_I've just installed Feisty and it is failing to open my cryptsetup encrypted FS. I've run a Edgy livecd and the FS is still there, openable and readable. Is this an incompatibility problem? a bug? any ideas?02:42
HobbseePupeno_: try #ubuntu+102:44
Pupeno_Hobbsee: thanks.02:44
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fdovingHobbsee: what about waiting some ms before showing the dialog at all?02:54
fdovingHobbsee: then if it finishes before that minimalDuration the dialog won't show at all.02:54
Hobbseefdoving: then people dont know it exists, is the only thing02:54
fdovingnothing would be better.02:55
fdovingi'd like to see those who manage to unplug the removable device 100ms after clicking 'safely remove'02:56
fdovingthey are in a hurry.. imho.02:56
Hobbseefdoving: true02:59
Hobbsee100ms is 0.1 seconds, right?03:00
Hobbseeso not that long anyway03:00
Hobbseetrue, i get your poitn03:00
fdovingi'll make a binary with that set to 150, for you to try.03:00
fdovingmy computer is too slow to actually test this.03:00
tomawhy does it give that ugly warning about not being able to eject the thing? it's not a big secret that usb thingies can not be ejected, right?03:02
fdovingtoma: does it do that for you?03:02
fdovingit should not.03:02
fdovingmaybe i changed something.03:02
fdovinghang on.03:02
fdovingit should shutup.03:03
fdovingit's probably kdeeject03:03
fdovingbut kio_media_mounthelper is set to run it with the -q flag.03:03
fdovingi don't see that error, though.03:04
fdovingHobbsee: http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kio_media_mounthelper03:04
fdovingwith 150ms delay.03:04
fdovingi'll have to run again..03:05
=== Hobbsee doesnt see that
tomai used a zaurus for testing, probably something weird with that then.03:06
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neutralossanyone know how I can get console-setup to stop throwing errors?03:39
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fdovingneutraloss: what errors?04:30
Hobbseefdoving: still too quick to see.  i'd psot that on the ML, and see what people say04:31
Hobbseeit's really a critical bug, so i ssupect it might get accepted04:31
fdovingi'll have a look at the possibility to make it stay for a second or something whatsoever.04:32
\shhappy easter hobbsee04:36
Hobbsee\sh: you too :)04:36
Hobbsee\sh: coming to UDS?04:36
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\shHobbsee: nope, can't make it to spain...but I will be at linuxtag :)04:37
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Hobbsee\sh: pity04:38
\shHobbsee: right now, my GF and I are planning to move to karlsruhe, and the mov+work+linuxtag in berlin is a big load of work04:39
\shHobbsee: yepp, I'll try to make to next UD somewhere in this world04:39
\shhopefully with good news that my company changed from SLES to ubuntu or so ;)04:39
Hobbsee\sh: fair enough04:39
\shHobbsee: but I promise, you will have fun with the guys at UDS ;)04:41
Hobbsee\sh: heh.  hopefully04:42
\shbut where is my GF now? I wonder what she's doing04:42
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Hobbsee\sh: you'll probably make it to one i wont be at04:49
\shHobbsee: we will see...if not, I'll have to come down under ;)04:50
\shactually I have to plan a vacation to new zealand to visit my ex04:51
\shsomething on my todo list for next year04:51
fdovingHobbsee: please test http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kio_media_mounthelper04:55
fdovingit's updated again.04:55
fdovingdoes it stay for 1 sec now?04:55
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Hobbseefdoving: still stays there for a very small amount of time.  *shrug*04:57
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fdovingHobbsee: can you fetch it again and test?05:24
fdovingit should wait for a second before quitting now.05:33
=== Hobbsee will check in the morning
=== Hobbsee is going to bed...
fdovingi can increase that time if it's still too little.05:33
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pupenoDoes anybody know any other tests I could run to provide a good report of the problem before re-installing? [about bug 88213] 06:27
ubotuMalone bug 88213 in gnome-mount "Feisty does not mount encrypted partition" [Medium,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/8821306:27
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nixternalRiddell: http://www.nixternal.com/tmp/downloads.php.diff  <- fixes the Kubuntu website download page to start to look somewhat consistant07:41
giangyhi nixternal :)07:43
nixternalhi giangy07:43
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mhbRiddell: looks fine08:31
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mhbRiddell: the translations of "file" and such are now present in langpacks again08:32
larsiviIn general, why are package updates held back by apt? the adept update thingy constantly says not updated due to several OOo and linux-header, etc updates08:47
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_StefanS_evening :)08:48
fdovinglarsivi: in general, missing dependencies, and when new pacakges needs to be installed to statisfy depends.08:59
larsivifdoving: thanks - probably not the answer I looked for :P09:03
claydohcould it be the needed packaeg are not in the servers just yet?09:04
fdovingcould be.09:04
claydohpackages rather09:04
fdovingthat's what i mean by 'missing dependencies'09:04
larsiviI saw the linux-header packages and such were held back earlier and were installed after a couple of days, but this time they've been around for quite some time09:05
fdovingand there is a difference 'apt-get/aptitude upgrade' vs. 'apt-get/aptitude dist-upgrade' - where upgrade will upgrade currently installed pacakges. and dist-upgrade allows to install new packages in addition to upgrading the currently installed packages. this includes installing new dependencies for held packages.09:06
larsivifdoving: dist-upgrade did the trick, it seems :)09:07
fdovinggood :)09:07
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Riddellmhb: hoorah10:46
mhbRiddell: indeed hooray for you10:53
fdovingRiddell: what do you think about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/61946 and my proposed solution?10:58
ubotuMalone bug 61946 in kdebase "[Edgy Data Loss]  umount progress dialog missing" [High,In progress] 10:58
fdovingif you trust my precompiled binaries, you can test with http://ubuntu.lnix.net/misc/kio_media_mounthelper  - replace /usr/bin/kio_media_mounthelper and chmod +x it.10:59
fdovingthen safely remove something.10:59
mhbmmm, testing11:15
nixternalhow do I do strnicmp with gcc?11:18
mhbfdoving: it works here, but that's probably not exactly the input you wanted11:23
fdovingmhb: all feedback is good feedback. great. what do you think about it? better than nothing?11:24
mhbthat is true; somehow I dislike pop-ups in the middle of the screen but it is understandable11:25
fdovingme too, but it's there for a reason.11:27
fdovingi thought about making it it's own switch to kio_media_mounthelper, -k or something, to safely remove.11:28
fdovingthat way when we change our safelyremove.desktop to use -k, users that hate the popup can simply switch back to -s (current safely remove switch), and it's back to edgy behavior.11:29
fdovingbut, i didn't do that.11:29
mhbfdoving: it's still useful11:40
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=== asyd [n=asyd@kaoru.asyd.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== larsivi is now known as larsivi|Zzz
Riddellfdoving: it's pretty well too late to include new code in feisty11:56
fdovingok. too bad.11:56
Riddellfdoving: but we'll look at this at UDS for feisty+111:57
fdovingmight be able to get an UVF with that fix, as the severity of the bug is High.11:58
fdoving.. and the diff is small.11:59
fdovingi of course mean, SRU.12:04
=== dandel [n=dandel@pool-71-96-79-153.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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