
Adri2000crimsun: hi, could you upload something to main for me please?12:22
FujitsuIsn't main incredibly frozen?12:22
Adri2000yeah, but I got the approval from cjwatson12:23
crimsunAdri2000: yes, url12:23
crimsunAdri2000: could you amend that debdiff to state unequivocally in debian/changelog that you have approval from Colin, please?12:24
crimsunthat way there's no question12:24
Adri2000"* Freeze exception approved by Colin Watson" ?12:25
crimsunyes, that's sufficient12:25
crimsun  devscripts_2.9.27ubuntu13_source.changes: done.12:30
crimsunSuccessfully uploaded packages.12:30
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LaserJockhmm, so Etch seems like it's really going to happen :-)01:14
theCorethat's funny: http://www.ubuntu.com/node/601:14
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theCoreit seems they're using drupal01:18
theCoremaybe they should block public access to /blog/* and /node/* URL ...01:19
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FujitsuLaserJock: I know! It's incredible. The release notes are even frozen, I believ.e01:32
=== bddebian2 [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockFujitsu: they're even getting release parties ready01:39
FujitsuI noticed, they all seem to be the 13th.01:39
FujitsuI'm unable to find a reason why that day was chosen.01:40
theCorehmm... Friday 13th, Etch released? That sounds reasonable01:41
LaserJockwell, it'll be good to get it out01:41
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LaserJockI've actually got a fair amount of work that's been waiting since November or so01:41
FujitsuIt's only 4 months since the probably release date.01:42
LaserJockyou can't rush genius ;-)01:42
LaserJockthat's interesting01:42
LaserJockso we basically did a whole release (edgy) in about the amount of time they delayed Etch01:43
LaserJockit's fascinating01:43
crimsunwell, to be fair, at least Etch's packages will be installable...01:43
=== Fujitsu works on the RC bug list.
LaserJockI'm not saying it in a negative sense01:44
LaserJockthe work they do is amazing01:44
LaserJockI just think it's interesting comparing the two distro's development styles01:44
LaserJockwe basically work on the same packages01:44
LaserJockbut do so differently01:44
LaserJockI think I'm more of the Debian model myself01:45
FujitsuAre you saying you'd prefer to have a stable release? Impossible!01:46
LaserJockI'm saying I don't really care about releases much01:46
LaserJockI'd rather have a slow-n-steady, focused, release when it's ready, release01:47
minghuaI believe the targeted release date is tomorrow01:47
Fujitsuminghua: Which means it probably will be the 13th.01:47
minghuaFujitsu: huh?  how so?01:47
minghuadelay is of course a possibility01:48
FujitsuSince when does Debian release on a targeted release date?01:48
LaserJockwell, eventually it does01:48
LaserJockit just gets "modified" several times as the time narrows01:48
minghuawell, in the past releases, when the RMs and the CD guys say "we'll release _tomorrow_", they usually do01:48
FujitsuEventually... It was meant to be released on the 2nd.01:49
minghuait's the "we'll release in two month" promises that are usually broken01:49
LaserJockyeah, once *everything* is frozen there's not a lot you can do but release :-)01:49
FujitsuThere was the 20 day warning saying April 2nd.01:50
minghuaalthough sarge did have a brown paper bag release after one day01:50
FujitsuI guess a week after that isn't too bad.01:50
LaserJockit's interesting though, we were expecting a flood of new upstream versions midway through Feisty01:51
LaserJockbut we almost released Feisty before Etch01:51
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minghualesson: don't make assumptions based on Debian's release plan? :-)01:54
FujitsuFeisty+1 will be interesting as we get an enormous amount of new stuff from Debian.01:55
LaserJockhow do I find the list of package maintained by a particular maintainer in Debian?01:59
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minghuaaptitude should be able to do that, ~m or something02:00
LaserJockI figured it out02:01
nrg88when etch is out, testing will be stable, and unstable will be testing?02:03
nrg88i mean the repos get relabeled?02:03
LaserJocknot exactly02:03
LaserJocktesting will become etch02:04
minghuanrg88: no, stable, testing and unstable doesn't change at all02:04
minghuahmm, scratch that02:04
minghualet me think02:04
LaserJockunstable is always unstable02:04
LaserJockthen testing will become lenny02:05
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minghuastable will point to etch, lenny will be created as a copy of etch and testing will point to that, unstable doesn't change at all and unstable still points to that02:05
minghuaI think I am correct this time02:05
FujitsuI believe minghua to be correct.02:05
LaserJockyeah, that makes sense02:06
nrg88so, ubuntu get's it's packages from testing?02:06
FujitsuAnd sarge will become oldstable or something.02:06
Fujitsunrg88: unstable02:06
LaserJocksometimes experimental02:06
FujitsuOr experimental sometimes.02:06
nrg88this means feisty will have somewhat newer packages than etch?02:07
LaserJockwell, it might have some newer and some older02:08
LaserJockgenerally they should be pretty close02:08
crimsuncrap, I completely missed the newer hugs source package02:11
crimsunoh well, at least it'll be a sync in feisty+102:11
LaserJockanybody got much experienec with tex packages?02:12
bddebianYes, they are freakin' scary :-)02:12
nrg88i heard about something like Grumpy Groundhog, as it would be the ubuntu version of the debian unstable pool, are there any plans to realise it?02:13
FujitsuThat's waiting on Soyuz being competent... not for a long time yet.02:14
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minghuaLaserJock: using, yes; hacking, no.02:15
minghuait seems to me grumpy is becoming duke nukem forever of ubuntu...02:16
zulheh you get what you paid for02:17
FujitsuI don't think it's going to happen within the next couple of years.02:17
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FujitsuWhen's the DPL election happening?02:23
LaserJockI had a completely crazy idea today of taking over tex maintainership in Ubuntu02:23
FujitsuLaserJock: You're insane.02:23
LaserJockFujitsu: well, it's going on right now02:23
FujitsuI had that idea once.02:23
FujitsuI looked at the packages and decided against it.02:23
=== bddebian shudders
FujitsuThey could do with a maintainer, though.02:23
zulLaserJock: you are quite sane02:24
LaserJocktex's isn't maintained in Ubuntu02:24
LaserJockhas several Main packages02:24
minghuaFujitsu: I just got the DPL result email02:24
LaserJockand there's a pretty good upstream (Debian)02:24
LaserJockminghua: oh, who won?02:25
Fujitsuminghua: result?02:25
minghuaSam Hocevar is the new DPL02:25
crimsunThe winner of the election is Sam Hocevar.02:25
crimsunhe maintains the vlc packages, among many others.02:25
minghuazul: exactly my first impression as well...02:26
crimsunhe also wrote a very cool input fuzzer for testing various media players' tolerance of bad input02:26
crimsunwe'll finally be getting that with the sync from Debian02:26
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crimsunmy software engineering sections in the fall will be using it to validate input02:27
nrg88what's a DPL?02:27
crimsunDebian Project Leader02:27
crimsunthere are far too many bugs on the beryl-related source packages02:31
StevenKOh, wah02:32
FujitsuYou don't say.02:32
DktrKranzany UUS still awake?02:32
=== StevenK wonders where he placed Sam in his vote.
FujitsuWhen I checked a week ago, they made up more then 3% of the {un,mult}iverse bugs.02:32
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StevenKHrm. 7. Where 4 was None of the Above02:32
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FujitsuWhat does the DPL actually do?02:33
minghuapoor StevenK the minority02:33
StevenKFujitsu: That's a loaded question. :-P02:34
minghuaFujitsu: I suggest you read Debian constitution is you are truly interested02:34
StevenKYes, but that doesn't help much at all.02:35
LaserJockthe DPL does Debian stuff :-)02:36
=== Fujitsu grumbles at Debian politics.
crimsunwell, regardless of what Debian politics may do, we still draw the vast majority of our source packages from Debian. I'd better get cracking on this alsa-lib issue.02:37
nrg88it's 3:41 am here, so i better get some sleep ;)02:41
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jdongLOL ash-fox02:43
jdongjoining the XP key club :)02:43
jdongXP Pro 32-bit preactivation key, IIRC :)02:44
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ScottKLaserJock: Still waiting for that e-mail from you...03:00
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rmjbhello, is anyone here on a Saturday night?03:09
rmjbor are all the MOTUs out partying?03:09
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tonyyarussoI'm here, but mostly useless.03:10
tonyyarusso(and not a MOTU)03:10
rmjbguess ubuntu has some happening MOTUs03:11
jdongrmjb: and I'm here too, playing how many ways can one panic his computer while virtualizing game03:11
rmjbI think the answer is 106 jdong :)03:12
jdonglol I think I passed that :)03:12
rmjbit's changed since I last tried then03:12
=== Fujitsu hides.
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jdongok, laundry machine is pinging me; time to go put clothes in dryer....03:14
Burgundaviajdong: literally?03:16
jdongBurgundavia: actually I am fingering the machine at a cmdline and inotifying me when it's done03:17
jdongBurgundavia: but same basic concept ;-)03:17
rmjbjdong: you'll have to let us know how you got an icmp stack on a washing machine03:17
=== Burgundavia has a bridge to sell somebody
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jdongrmjb: lol don't ask me, they hooked up a computer to it and put a finger daemon on it03:21
rmjboh right, you're at MIT03:22
jdongjdong@severance:~$ finger @laundry03:23
jdong Frylock (Washer 1) has been off for 50 minutes.03:23
jdongand so on03:23
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crimsungood ole alsa-lib madness. Glee!03:50
crimsundoes anyone here running current Feisty have a USB Audio device?03:51
BurgundaviaI can have one in my hands for tomorrow03:51
crimsunok, I'm trying for tonight (i.e., within the next couple hours), though, so I can ping cjwatson for a freeze exception03:52
bddebiannot I, sorry03:52
Burgundaviacrimsun: if you want, I can get one easily, just need to go to teh office03:52
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ScottKbddebian: Up for a look at a merge?03:53
bddebianPossibly, I'm doing some work, work atm :-(03:53
ScottKIt's Bug #104215 if you (or someone else) has time...03:54
ubotuMalone bug 104215 in python-numpy "python-numpy: Merge new debian version 1.0.1-8 from debian sid" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10421503:54
crimsunBurgundavia: it's really up to you. Don't put yourself out for it, though. :)03:54
BurgundaviaI want to go biking anyway03:55
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crimsunI'll test the changes locally in about an hour, too, when I get back to the office.04:02
crimsunBurgundavia: bug 10413004:03
ubotuMalone bug 104130 in alsa-lib "USB-Audio.conf uses the card_name function, which is not defined" [High,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10413004:03
Burgundaviacrimsun: pretty much all I need to do is to dump that conf file in?04:05
crimsunBurgundavia: yep, replace the existing file with the one I linked to04:05
crimsunBurgundavia: then attempt to use the USB Audio device04:05
crimsunoffline for coffee. This is going to be a strenuous 12 days.04:06
StevenKScottK: Has anyone looked at your merge?04:07
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RAOFHeya Hobbsee04:08
ScottKStevenK: Not that I know of.04:08
ScottKStevenK: bddebian said he might get to it later, but that's it.04:08
bddebianI'm working on it, sheesh04:09
ScottKStevenK: I take that back.  He's working on it.04:09
Hobbseehey RAOF 04:09
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bddebianScottK: I'm a little confused.  We currently have -1, the bug asks for -8 from Debian and your merge says -5 ??04:13
ScottKbddebian: Seems I was a little confused too.  I didn't check closely enough what the merge script gave me.04:17
ScottKNo wonder some things didn't make sense.  I'll go do it over with the current version.04:17
jdongdoes the gdebi satisfydepends not check build-dep version?04:20
jdonghmm yeah, seems like it's that way04:21
jdongI just bumped up kdelibs-dev to >= 9999:9999 and it built :D04:21
bddebianScottK: NP, thx04:25
LaserJockScottK: argg, sorry. Busy with Easter. I'll send it soon04:34
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ScottKLaserJock: Understand.  I'm waiting for the kids to be asleep, then I'll be busy too.04:36
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ScottKbddebian: I uploaded a revised debdiff.  I'm still test building the binary, but at least it's a diff of the correct version now.04:50
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LaserJockScottK: sent04:57
ScottKLaserJock: I didn't get it yet, but I use greylisting, so it's no suprise.  I'll keep an eye out for it.04:59
rmjbI have a question about upstream source05:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:00
rmjbif they only provide it in a .zip file is that ok?05:00
LaserJocksure, either repack it as a tar.gz or unpack it in rules05:00
rmjbso i'll just modify the packaging of their source, but not the source, because the zip file also contains one folder called <package>, i.e. without the -<version>05:02
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ScottKbddebian: Looks like the revised debdiff for Bug#104215 is good to go if you have time for another look.05:10
BurgundaviaHobbsee: you around?05:11
HobbseeBurgundavia: yes05:11
BurgundaviaHobbsee: want to write a couple of sentences on ubuntu women for the UWN?05:11
HobbseeBurgundavia: not overly.  i'm not terribly involved, tbh.05:11
Burgundaviaok, just wondering05:12
Hobbseei'm not sure i could say something as a representative of the group, hardly being involved05:12
Hobbseeelkbuntu: might, though05:12
Burgundaviashe promised stuff but has not delivered. Isuspect an attack of RL05:12
crimsunHobbsee: nice work on #104328 :-)05:19
Hobbseecrimsun: that the PEBKAC OMG A COOKIE!!!! bug?05:20
=== Hobbsee thinsk that the "report a bug" link needs to be harder to find. or removed. NOW.
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ScottKHobbsee: I think you were remarkably restrained in your response on that bug.05:29
HobbseeScottK: hehe05:29
LaserJockit's almost gibberish05:29
=== Hobbsee has finally gotten sick of the "is x going to change in feisty?" and so has said that it's almost final in the topic.
crimsunI'm not sure how ~/.mozilla/ is incredibly hidden, but maybe I'm just obtuse.05:30
bddebianScottK: Building now (had to play Easter bunny) :-)05:30
Hobbseecrimsun: hehe05:30
Hobbseecrimsun: but it's a hidden file!  it's very hidden!05:31
ScottKbddebian: Great.  I'm going to go take care of that (Easter bunny) soon.05:31
LaserJockwell, we could always send it to /dev/null05:33
LaserJockthat's kinda hidden05:33
Hobbseethat'd be nice05:33
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ScottKhttp://www.paulgraham.com/microsoft.html - The headline is "Microsoft is Dead".05:45
rmjbScottK: I skimmed that article... he didn't mention open source... afais05:49
ScottKNo, it was corporate oriented, but interesting none the less.  Google wouldn't be Google without Free Software.05:50
bddebianGoogle killed Microsoft? heh05:54
bddebianI wish I was that kind of dead05:54
bddebianScottK: Uploaded05:55
ScottKCool.  Thanks.05:55
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ScottKLaserJock: Just sent you a reply.  How's that?06:02
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rmjbin bzr it says 'you can use revert to "undelete" a file by name'06:08
rmjbbut when I try I'm getting: bzr: ERROR: Path(s) are not versioned: docs06:09
bddebianGnight folks06:10
rmjbg'night bddebian06:10
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RAOFrmjb: Well, bzr revert will only work for things which you've previously "bzr add"ed to your branch.06:11
RAOFAlthough, on reflection, your question's probably a bit more sane than I though.06:11
rmjbyeah I had them in... they're in the diff of the last commit... just can't get it back06:12
rmjbguess I had to bzr remove before deleting the file??06:12
RAOFNo, I don't think so, from memory.06:13
RAOFYou should be able to just "bzr revert" on its own to get rid of all local changes since your last commit.06:13
rmjbwant to keep those changes, just want back a file I deleted before the last commit...06:14
rmjbthere's not good scenario documentation for bzr I've found06:14
RAOFOk, so "bzr revert -r 1 bar" works.06:15
rmjbnot that I've looked extensively, but I've looked06:15
rmjbr 1 being the revision number06:15
RAOFSo, what happens is: "bzr revert bar" works if that's a part of the changes in the working tree.06:15
rmjbthat last line was a question06:15
LaserJockScottK: great thanks06:15
RAOFOh, yes.  r 1 is a revision.06:15
rmjbbzr revisions 0 count or start from 1?06:16
RAOFrmjb: And if you've *committed* the delete of "bar", you need to specify the revision in which bar exists06:16
RAOFbzr log tells me they start at 106:16
ScottKLaserJock: I should have asked before...  Where does that get published?06:16
jdongrmjb: the first committed revision is 106:16
LaserJockScottK: planet.ubuntu.com06:16
jdongrmjb: IIRC revision 0 is understood as the Blank Revision (tm)06:16
ScottKLaserJock: Would you please let me know when it's up.06:17
rmjbI call the first committed version "Initial versions" :)06:17
rmjbthanks RAOF it worked06:18
=== RAOF likes bzr :)
=== rmjb still has to get accustomed to revision control systems
rmjbthere's something afoot with bzr and packaging?06:20
rmjbwill that documentation be out soon?06:20
RAOFThere's bzr-builddeb.  I'll have to look into that06:21
ubotubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.06:23
Hobbseebah.  w.u.c/BZR is useful06:23
micahcowan!seen doko06:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen doko - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:24
Hobbseemicahcowan: /msg seenserv help06:24
sharmsI hate it when I get "fanboys" so to speak06:25
micahcowanHuh. Didn't ubotu used to have that feature, at some point?06:25
sharmsit is kind of creepy when you don't know someone and they try to just talk to you forever06:25
Hobbseemicahcowan: it used to, ages ago06:25
Hobbseesharms: make sure you never do ops here.06:25
Hobbseeit's annoying when they do what you said06:26
Hobbseeit's creepy when they do that, and try to hit on you.06:26
micahcowanomg, sharms? Is that you! Oh /wow/! Big, BIG fan! ^_^06:26
sharmsno this guy started pm'ing me, and I made the mistake of responding06:26
sharmsHobbsee: yeah but atleast you are friendly.  I am a troll06:26
crimsunenough people hate the sound subsystem that I never have fans :-D06:27
sharmsas to why someone would entertain a conversation with me is beyond me06:27
sharmscrimsun: I am a fan06:27
Hobbseesharms: i just ignore people eventually.  06:27
crimsuncrap, better change my nick06:27
sharmsno its ok, I am outside of your house06:27
crimsunlies, I'm at my office.06:27
micahcowancrimsun, as if you had actually /written/ the sound subsystem, not just maintaining it on Ubuntu (I'm assuming, anyway...)06:27
crimsunmicahcowan: if I had written it, it'd be much more poorly written /and/ maintained06:28
Burgundaviasharms: you might want to lay off on some of your blog posts, they tend towards too trollish at times06:28
micahcowanHeh, now I'm curious.06:28
sharmsBurgundavia: I appreciate your constructive criticism :)06:28
Burgundaviasharms: if they cause me to wince, I will let you know06:29
sharmsI have some weird opinions since I am a bit radical when it comes to offending people, and my views on free software licenses06:29
crimsunmyriad opinions are good.06:29
rmjbis apache1 to be deprecated in feisty? like php4?06:29
jdongsharms: I usually love your blog posts, but I felt a bit uneasy by your one-liner link to the BCM thing....06:30
crimsuncrimsun@Box:~$ apt-cache madison apache{,2} |grep Sources06:30
crimsun    apache | 1.3.34-4.1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Sources06:30
crimsun   apache2 | 2.2.3-3.2build1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Sources06:30
crimsunrmjb: answer your question?06:30
jdongsharms: you did explain yourself to a slight degree in the comments; would've been more appropriate if you started by making the blog post a paragraph reflection on the incident, adding a bit more insight than just a link :-/06:31
rmjbcrimsun: yes, my real question is, php5 available for apache1? I don't see a libapache-mod-php506:32
crimsunrmjb: no binaries currently06:32
sharmsjdong: I could not intelligently compose my argument at that time so I figured I would just link it.  It is all relative though; almost everyone in the Ubuntu community was against my view on that, and everyone in the BSD community was for it06:32
crimsunrmjb: whether there are sources requires a bit of legwork into the NEW queue (I doubt there are)06:33
rmjbcrimsun: well I guess that means anyone that wants php5 webapps in feisty will *have* to use apache2... no probs I guess06:33
RAOFHm.  Is there any way to *unsubscribe* u-u-s to a bug?  A second bug has a new debdiff which fixes both bugs?06:33
HobbseeRAOF: you cant.  i can.06:34
HobbseeRAOF: bug #?06:34
RAOFbug #9858706:34
ubotuMalone bug 98587 in specto "[apport]  specto crashed with NameError in update()" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/9858706:34
Hobbseeor otherwise reject it, so it'll go off the listing06:34
jdongsharms: That's cool; I'm just saying my first assessment of the post was trying to fuel the flames, and it doesn't seem like I'm alone in that.06:34
HobbseeRAOF: and where's the fixable one?06:34
RAOF(And the new bug #103722)06:34
ubotuMalone bug 103722 in specto "specto crashes when monitoring file changes" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10372206:34
sharmsjdong: gotcha06:34
HobbseeRAOF: you're confident this fixes the bugs?06:35
jdongsharms: thanks for listening to my opinion on it :)06:36
sharmsjdong: The less I bug people the more everyone can focus on bugs06:36
RAOFHobbsee: Yes.  The first one is trivial, the second one I've tested as thoroughly as I can.06:36
HobbseeRAOF: cool.  i'll just upload it, then06:36
jdongsharms: haha, that's a good thing then :D06:37
RAOFHobbsee: Ta muchly06:37
=== Hobbsee installs dpatch, and tries again.
HobbseeRAOF: error.06:40
Hobbseedpkg-source: error: Version number suggests Ubuntu changes, but Maintainer: does not have Ubuntu address06:40
Hobbseeplease update the diff06:40
jdongah, everyone's favorite :)06:41
RAOFArgh!  Why has it been building locally then :(.06:41
HobbseeRAOF: you've got a script fixing it?06:41
RAOFNone that I've made myself.  Unless devscripts has one that automatically gets run, or something.06:42
Hobbseemotutools does06:42
Hobbseedidnt think devscripts did06:42
RAOFHm.  rm'ing a mono tree takes some time.06:42
RAOFOk, I can't even *see* a motutools package :)06:43
ScottKRAOF: You didn't happen to build the source package on an Edgy box did you?06:43
RAOFFeisty box, and a feisty pbuilder06:43
ScottKHmmm.  If they're current, it should have caught that one.06:43
HobbseeRAOF: it's not in ubuntu :P06:45
=== Hobbsee wonders if one can just remove one of the binaries from the archive...
Hobbseeand if amd64 for a package doesnt build, why not use arch all without amd64 (whatever the syntax is)06:46
=== RAOF wonders what Hobbsee is talking about
ubotuMalone bug 32460 in supercollider "Please remove stale AMD64 supercollider binaries." [Medium,Confirmed]  06:47
jdongHobbsee: I think it's a soyuz bug that the only removal that can be done is a total source+bin removal06:48
RAOFHobbsee: Attach a fixed debdiff to the bug again?06:50
Hobbseejdong: true, but every time that the source is built, it attempts to build an amd64 version, which is silly06:50
HobbseeRAOF: yep06:50
=== RAOF double-checks that it builds in a Feisty pbuilder
rmjbg'night everyone06:52
ScottKHobbsee: I looked at the control file for supercollider and it looked to my untrained eye like some of the binary packages were still for all architectures.06:53
=== Hobbsee waits
HobbseeScottK: that's what i would have thought.  i'm wondering why06:53
RAOFI suppose the "control contains no Original-Maintainer field" warning can be ignored, as there *is* no original maintainer.06:53
Hobbseebut the later error cant06:53
=== Hobbsee notes that you could be the maintainer of that, if you wanted
=== RAOF plans to.
FujitsuHobbsee: You need to talk to an archive admin about getting Packages-arch-specific or similar updated, to exclude amd64 for that...06:54
ScottKHobbsee: It seems to me that the premise of that bug "This binary has not been built from the source (by direction from debian/control) since..." is incorrect.  It's only true for some of the binary packages.06:55
HobbseeFujitsu: i thought you could specify which arches to build in the control06:55
Hobbseebut that would stop it's autosync from debian06:55
FujitsuI don't believe you're meant to.06:55
ScottKTime for me to go play Easter bunny and go to bed.  Good night all.06:55
FujitsuNight ScottK.06:55
RAOFHobbsee: New debdiff uploaded06:56
HobbseeRAOF: done06:59
Hobbseeyay, less bugs for u-u-s06:59
RAOFThinking of maintaining packages in Debian, a bunch of the motu are DD's as well, right?07:00
RAOFWhat do you use to actually *test* your packages?  A Sid chroot?  A full Sid install?07:00
=== RAOF hopes he's using the right terminology :-/
elkbuntuBurgundavia, i said to go to pleia2 in my email07:01
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: hmm, ah07:02
HobbseeRAOF: either.  both.07:02
=== Hobbsee isnt a DD
RAOFBut you maintain upstream packages?  I suppose my question is really: "is a Sid chroot enough to properly test packages?"07:03
FujitsuI maintain one package.07:03
elkbuntuBurgundavia, keep in mind this is easter weekend, so people are not necessarily available. i myself have hardly touched my pc the past 3 days07:03
FujitsuI generally try it in a chroot, but I have a VM of sid too.07:04
RAOFI suppose I could check out how to get KVM running on this C2D :)07:04
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LaserJockScottK: ok, well it's published, will probably take a few minutes to hit planet07:30
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ajmitchLaserJock: yay, another round of Behind MOTU!08:20
=== jussi01 [n=jussi@dyn3-82-128-188-131.psoas.suomi.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunhey, when is ajmitch going to appear on B.M.? :-)08:25
joejaxxwhat is bm?08:26
crimsunsee the line directly above your "lol"08:26
joejaxxohh lol08:26
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: pah, RL08:30
crimsunyeah, I much prefer the alternate reality of Launchpad and angry users08:31
LaserJockcrimsun: don't worry, I'll get to him ... and you08:36
crimsuncrap, better run away then.08:37
LaserJockthey aren't that bad08:38
joejaxxwhat does the versioning for a backport look like?08:41
LaserJockI think it usually has a ~<release> in it08:43
joejaxxoh ok08:43
LaserJocklike 1.2-3ubuntu4~edgy5 or something like that08:43
LaserJocki could be totally wrong though08:43
RAOFNo, that's the versioning scheme on the backports I've seen.08:44
crimsunajmitch: how do you feel about syncing libipoddevice and ipod-sharp from Debian experimental (part of the stack for a Banshee 0.12.1 merge)?08:55
=== RAOF excitedly goes to check whether 0.12.1 fixes any bugs he cares about
=== micahcowan [n=micah@adsl-75-63-17-34.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee jawdrops
=== Hobbsee picks up her jaw off the floor again
=== Hobbsee dusts it off, and declares it as good as new...
RAOFNot that I'm against dusting off jawbones.09:04
RAOFBut I'm with LaserJock here.  What? :)09:04
=== Hobbsee had no idea that ScottK was that old
crimsunIRC is the great age equaliser ;-)09:05
HobbseeScottK: about the spec @ S/MIME support for kmail out of the box - if you figure otu what it requires, etc, email me09:05
=== LaserJock thinks Hobbsee needs to sweep the floors so she doesn't get any dirt in her mouth
=== Hobbsee is not the sweeper lady
=== Hobbsee keeps teasing her supervisor about that :P
=== RAOF thinks a bit of dirt is good for the immune system
LaserJockI'm the sweeper dude in my house09:05
=== Hobbsee keeps having to avoid the end of the broom, too :D
=== RAOF is wondering how finding the roots of a real quadratic can be worth 30% of a first year algebra test
LaserJockbut yeah, I need to interview some young'ins next time or people will think we are just a bunch of old farts09:06
crimsunwilliam seems as good a candidate ;-)09:07
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HobbseeRAOF: heh.  that's....odd...09:09
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-motu
RAOFThe first set of papers I marked, I followed the marking scheme, which said "2 marks".  However, the test itself says 3 marks :(09:09
RAOFI had to go back and... I just don't know how to award a mark between 1 and 3 :(09:10
jussi01morning motu's!09:10
Hobbseehi jussi01!09:10
=== RAOF slinks off to the back of the room
=== Hobbsee pulls RAOF back into the limelight
HobbseeRAOF: fixed democracyplayer yet?09:11
=== jussi01 waves to Hobbsee
=== Fujitsu drops something on crimsun.
RAOFHobbsee: :P09:11
crimsunis that a shiny new laptop on my feet?09:12
Hobbseeno.  it's an echidna.09:12
FujitsuOf course.09:12
crimsunoh crap, it has HDA.09:12
RAOFLast time I checked, fixing the dbus problem merely exposed a problem with their python extension modules.09:12
Hobbseeis ti worth fixing that much?09:12
crimsunRAOF's definitely in the limelight; he's listed on Banshee's contributors.09:13
=== Fujitsu shall be 16 in 13 days. Yay!
RAOF*I* don't use it.09:13
FujitsuI'm almost not stupidly young!09:13
HobbseeRAOF: heh09:13
RAOFYeah, that was a very simple patch.  I like cdparanoia :)09:13
RAOFHobbsee: I only started touching democracyplayer because I thought that dbus error should be trivial to fix :(09:14
RAOFWell, that and all the bugs were obviously duplicates. :)09:14
crimsundo we need a new checkout from upstream to fix them [if they're fixed upstream] ?09:15
crimsunquite a few people seem to try to use it09:15
RAOFI think upstream *may* have fixed it.09:15
jussi01bug 102675 anyone know if it will be fixed for release?09:15
ubotuMalone bug 102675 in netbase "Feisty boot hangs on "Configuring network interfaces"" [Undecided,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10267509:15
FujitsuI'd certainly hope so.09:16
jussi01so would i... :D09:16
RAOFAaah, of course.  Why *should* there be a version between 0.9.2 and 0.9.5 :(09:16
ajmitchcrimsun: I'm fine with banshee stuff09:16
FujitsuIt isn't milestoned, strangely.09:16
=== rexbron [n=rexbron@CPE001310b2d1d1-CM0012256e816a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch has touched those packages enough to know they won't break much
=== RAOF tries building the newest upstream release
crimsunajmitch: ok, shall I file UVF exception requests for those three source packages (incl. banshee), or will your ACK and mine here on IRC suffice?09:17
crimsunignore that, I'm a dufus.09:18
crimsun(the former two need UVFes anyhow because of syncs)09:18
ajmitchbesides, slomo is the maintainer in debian, so I know they should work ok on feisty09:21
jussi01are there any ops in here... I want my factoid changed dammit!!! :P09:29
joejaxxjussi01: no that is #ubuntu-ops09:29
jussi01ok...thanks joejaxx 09:29
joejaxxyou are most welcome :)09:30
ajmitchcrimsun: do what you wish, I'm fine with ACK by IRC09:32
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LaserJockcrimsun, ajmitch: what do you guys think of turning MOTU Mentors into a mailing list?09:43
crimsunI'm fine with that09:43
micahcowanwhat is it now?09:43
micahcowanOh, the "sign up for a mentor" thing?09:44
crimsunOTOH, does it really lower the bar for increased community involvement?09:44
LaserJockI'm just thinking it might be a better place to encourage learning09:44
jussi01could someone remind me how to install pbuilder correctly?? I just reinstalled and need to get everthing working again...09:45
crimsunjussi01: ``aptitude install pbuilder''?09:45
crimsunLaserJock: it seems like a viable venue, certainly09:45
jussi01crimsun, isnt there more extra config than that?09:45
LaserJockI was thinking a MOTU School/MOTU Mentors ML combo might be good09:45
LaserJockit just seems like people aren't asking packaging questions on ubuntu-motu09:46
LaserJockjussi01: http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/pbuilder-ubuntu09:46
Hobbsee!pbuilder | jussi01 09:46
ubotujussi01: pbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto09:46
crimsunLaserJock: not very much, no. Will creating an extra mailing assuage that?09:47
jussi01LaserJock, thank you!!!!!09:47
Hobbseecrimsun: what's OTOH?  09:47
crimsunon the other hand09:47
LaserJockcrimsun: I think it might if it's understood that that is the place to ask packaging questions09:47
Hobbseecrimsun: ahhh09:47
LaserJockI'm assuming that a lot of people just think they'll get flamed or something -devel'ish09:48
LaserJockjussi01: you need to put that in your path somewhere and rename it pbuilder-feisty or whatever09:48
jussi01ok, what exactly does it do?09:49
Hobbseethe school seemed good09:49
ajmitchLaserJock: a list is fine by me09:49
HobbseeLaserJock: +1 at the lack of packaging questions on -motu ML09:49
=== ajmitch looks for new blood to flame
LaserJockjussi01: it's just a script that runs pbuilder. You can copy it to pbuilder-<release> to have multiple pbuilders09:50
jussi01LaserJock, when I first started coming here I didnt want to ask cause I was scared I would sound *really* stupid...now I know I do...:P09:50
=== Hobbsee flames ajmitch
=== ajmitch grabs some marshmallows
LaserJockwell, it's ok to sound stupid I guess, as long as you're trying09:50
ajmitchI manage to sound stupid 95%+ of the time09:51
ajmitchso don't feel like you're alone09:51
LaserJockI'm certain that I sounded like I wasn't the brightest crayon in the box ;-)09:51
crimsunthat is, "trying to learn", not "trying to sound stupid" :-)09:51
Hobbseejussi01: you're pretty much OK as long as you're actually willing to do some work, not expecting to get spoonfed all the time (which you dont, dont worry), and not coming in here just to go "when will you put $mypetapp in the repos, and fix $mypetbug OMG I REPORTED IT A MONTH AGO, AND IT'S STILL NOT FIXED!!!  UBUNTU SUX@@@!!!!eleventyone!!!09:51
LaserJockyes, sorry 09:51
joejaxxHobbsee: LOl09:52
LaserJockbut the -motu traffic is certainly not representitive of what goes on here09:52
Hobbseesome people dont seem to get that wand waving doesnt work here...09:52
ajmitchjoejaxx: that's sadly only a minor embellishment on reality09:52
Hobbseejoejaxx: i've seen a whole group in here, in the past week, doing that09:52
LaserJockor of the number of packages we're responsible for09:52
PF-Awayomg, why isn't bug #1 fixed???eleventyone UBUNTUSUX09:52
ubotuMalone bug 1 in ichthux "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/109:52
joejaxxajmitch: Hobbsee wow :\09:52
jussi01Hobbsee, yeah, I know what you mean, its funny cause I feel stupid when someone tells me something and Im like huh? what? I still dont understand... where do I put that command?09:53
Hobbseejussi01: but you're still trying, adn we can see that.  rather htan just trolling09:53
ajmitchwhereas I just merrily troll :)09:54
jussi01btw, I need a "how to" for chroot in feisty - I tried to follow a dapper one but i got all confused. 09:55
minghuaajmitch: still better than bitterly trolling, I suppose :-)09:55
joejaxxjussi01: you want to create a chroot?09:55
ajmitchminghua: oh I can do bitter if you want09:55
ajmitchI've had *lots* of practice09:56
LaserJockbitter is ajmitch's middle name09:56
jussi01joejaxx, yeah... so I dont screw up my system again...09:56
ajmitchLaserJock: yep09:56
minghuawouldn't that make him abmitch?09:56
=== Fujitsu fails to think up a domain name.
joejaxxjussi01: here is the basic syntax09:56
joejaxxsudo deboostrap <release> /path/to/put/chroot09:57
joejaxxso if you wanted a feisty chroot09:57
=== RAOF_ [n=chris@60-242-199-65.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
joejaxxsudo debootstrap feisty /home/joejaxx/feisty09:57
LaserJockminghua: darn it, when I read that my mind just transposed the "b" and "m". that's no good09:58
joejaxxthen you want to mount the important stuff09:58
joejaxxsudo mount -t proc none ~/feisty/rpco09:58
ajmitchLaserJock: bad09:58
joejaxxsudo mount -t proc none ~/feisty/prof09:58
joejaxxsudo mount -t proc none ~/feisty/proc09:58
joejaxxsudo mount -t sysfs none ~/feisty/sys09:59
LaserJockajmitch: I know :(09:59
joejaxxsudo mount -t devpts none ~/feisty/dev/pts09:59
minghuaLaserJock: don't read too fast :-P10:00
jussi01joejaxx, thats all?10:01
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joejaxxjussi01: then the finally command to enter the chroot is10:02
joejaxxsudo chroot ~/feisty10:03
jussi01joejaxx, thank you very much!!!!!!!10:03
joejaxxjussi01: oh btw10:03
=== jussi01 saves this conversation...
jussi01joejaxx, yea?10:03
joejaxxjussi01: once you are in the chroot you probably want to do10:03
joejaxxexport HOME=/root10:04
joejaxxexport LC_ALL=C10:04
joejaxxit will save you trouble later :P10:04
joejaxxjussi01: you are most welcome :)10:04
jussi01anyway, got to go, thanks again motu's talk later. 10:05
geserjussi01: you might want to look at schroot which helps you with starting your chroot (mounting the necessary parts, etc.)10:06
jussi01geser, do I have to do those commands everytime I want to use it?10:07
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joejaxxi would love to have a System z9 mainframe10:08
joejaxxthat would be great10:08
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DarkMageZwhere would be the best place to talk about the kde4 packages?10:08
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elkbuntunew launchpad is mean.. i cant see where to submit specs for the UDS :(10:09
geserjussi01: if you keep the parts mounted after you leave the chroot, you only need to do it once10:09
=== Fujitsu watches the angry hordes trample DarkMageZ.
geserschroot mounts it for you and unmount it after use10:09
jussi01geser, is there a reson I should unmount them? also what about after a restart, I asume they dont automatically mount...10:10
joejaxxelkbuntu: you are right10:11
joejaxxelkbuntu: i cannot see where to add them either10:11
DarkMageZFujitsu, why exactly would that happen?10:11
PF-AwayDarkMageZ: in the future10:11
elkbuntujoejaxx, was i hallucinating, or was it possible with old launchpad?10:11
=== jussi01 got distracted and is still here :D
geserjussi01: there is no reason besides keeping the mount output clear, and you need to do the mounts after a reboot or you put them in /etc/fstab10:12
DarkMageZPF-Away, hmm, there are new packages available in universe for kde4 test release.10:12
joejaxxelkbuntu: it was definitely possible10:12
elkbuntujoejaxx, ok... maybe they added a 'shutoff' option? :(10:12
Fujitsuelkbuntu: Is there a `Propose for sprint' link in the actions portlet of the spec? That's where I'd expect to do it.10:12
jussi01geser, ok, can you tell me how to set up this schroot thing?10:12
elkbuntuFujitsu, no10:13
joejaxxelkbuntu: i do not know but this is weird10:13
elkbuntuFujitsu, that's where i looked, and i've examinated all pages linked there for any way, but no10:13
geserjussi01: you created your chroot with debootstrap?10:13
=== elkbuntu wonders if there's anyone awake in #launchpad to harass
LaserJockelkbuntu: I think there might be a bug report about that but i'm not certain10:13
jussi01yeah, as joejaxx said10:13
=== jussi01 points up
geserjussi01: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14547/ is my schroot.conf (without the comments)10:15
geserI can change with "schroot -p" into my chroot I use for package building or with "schroot -p -c ubuntu-i386" into the chroot with firefox in 32bit and flash10:17
jussi01geser, ok, except for the user, I could use that, is that correct?10:17
geseryes, and the path to your chroot (location)10:17
jussi01and where does the schroot.conf hide...10:18
LaserJockin /etc/shchroot/ I think10:18
elkbuntuLaserJock, cant find such a bug10:20
imbrandonello all10:20
LaserJockelkbuntu: hmm, better report it then :-)10:20
jussi01hmm.. I dont seem to have that...10:20
LaserJockjussi01: did you install schroot?10:20
elkbuntuLaserJock, how do we know they just didnt disable it?10:20
LaserJockwhy in the world would the disable specs?10:21
imbrandonmmmm pidgin, what a name10:21
LaserJockyeah, odd10:21
joejaxxthat might be the case10:21
joejaxximbrandon: yeah that is what i thought10:21
LaserJockI seriously doubt they disabled specs, especially now10:21
elkbuntuit's an appropriate name10:21
=== imbrandon looks at who's gonna make the transition , since its a leagle thing we should probably do it for feisty
LaserJockreally? I wouldn't think so10:22
=== jussi01 fells dumb..again...
LaserJockcan they go back in time and rename already released stuff?10:22
FujitsuI would think that we should change it...10:23
FujitsuPidgin does fit well, if you look up the meaning.10:23
elkbuntuFujitsu, yep10:23
elkbuntuon both counts10:23
FujitsuIdeally we'd get 2.0 final, although I find that very unlikely this close to release.10:24
imbrandonLaserJock, not really, but with AOL leagl woes it might be good for us to change it too10:24
FujitsuVery, very unlikely.10:24
imbrandoni see that as much more sane than the whole ice*10:24
elkbuntuFujitsu, but, we do have to go through 6 months of 'why is it still called gaim? it's supposed to be pidgin now'10:24
crimsunthen again, seb would probably touch it. And it's part of desktop. And seb's on the archive team. ;-)10:25
imbrandonelkbuntu, 18 months10:25
elkbuntuimbrandon, i was thinking in terms of until the next release10:25
elkbuntuonce the next release comes out with it as pidgin, people would get oover it pretty quick10:25
Fujitsucrimsun: You are using real names a bit these days!10:26
crimsunit's a ploy, someone has stolen the real crimsun.10:26
imbrandoncrimsun, think seb is the one to touch it mostly? i was just looking at what all it would take to rename the libs etc, i dunno what other IM's would have to be rebuilt that use it, i know btlbee uses the libs right off not sure what else10:27
LaserJocksounds like an awefully bad idea this close to release10:27
crimsunI'm pretty comfortable with the status quo for gaim10:28
FujitsuMaybe if it were a couple of weeks earlier, but not now.10:28
crimsun[for feisty] 10:28
imbrandonLaserJock, true, it is very very close to be s/libpurple/libgaim + rcs snapshots10:29
LaserJock"Ubuntu maintainers, do you check anything what is submitted??!?!?!"10:29
imbrandonwhere is that from ?10:29
FujitsuLexical parsing failed.10:29
LaserJocka bug report10:29
FujitsuLaserJock: Which?10:30
ajmitchLaserJock: no, we just vomit up packages into the archive10:30
PF-AwayLaserJock: sounded like a jolly good fella10:30
LaserJockthe Debian TeX maintainer triaging our bugs again :(10:30
ajmitchah, exciting10:30
LaserJockit really stinks10:30
LaserJockhe's right10:30
ajmitchyes, we should just remove all his packages from ubuntu10:30
crimsunor we could convince the sabdfl to bring him on board to maintain 'em. Hmm...10:30
LaserJockit'd almost be worth it ... almost10:31
ajmitchgood luck there10:31
LaserJockit's pretty sad for Main packages10:31
LaserJockwe've had RC bugs sitting there for months before10:31
ajmitchthat's one reason I tried doing that RC bugs list10:31
ajmitchso that we wouldn't have quite as many problems with universe10:32
ajmitchhowever there's still a large pile10:32
LaserJockfixed in Debian, and Dapper didn't get the fix because nobody paid attention10:32
imbrandonfor all the good thinga about large group maintainership like MOTU thats one of the downfalls "i dunt wanna touch it"10:33
FujitsuI'd think that LP should have something to deal with that sort of thing.10:33
FujitsuTeX shouldn't be our problem... but nobody wants to touch it anyway.10:34
crimsunI'd love to touch TeX - if so I think I'd better find someone else to pick up the slack on alsa*.10:35
LaserJockwell, the problem isn't that TeX itself is necessarily the problem10:35
LaserJockwe are just doing an aweful just of keeping in sync with Debian10:36
LaserJockall they are asking for is if they do RC fixes that we pick them up10:36
LaserJockI'm looking at bugs that are several months old with not so much as 1 response10:37
Fujitsuajmitch's list should help that.10:37
LaserJockthey are Main packages10:37
FujitsuEspecially if a comments field is thrown in.10:37
FujitsuWell, ajmitch's list for main packages.10:37
FujitsuWhich doesn't exist, but could easily I'm sure.10:37
FujitsuHaving a mailing list of RC bugs being fixed in Debian might be nice, but the list is pretty good.10:38
ajmitchFujitsu: sure, fairly trivial to change for main10:38
jussi01hi motu's...again. bug 67429 is fixed, can we clear it from the list?10:39
ubotuMalone bug 67429 in mrename "mrename breaks due to wrong shebang" [Medium,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/6742910:39
LaserJockwell, it might help, but the fact remains that nobody wants to touch TeX10:39
ajmitch& yes, I really was going to do a comments field, one day10:39
Fujitsujussi01: That's not fixed.10:39
jussi01Fujitsu, it says fix uploaded in the comments...10:40
Amaranthooh, yay10:40
Amaranthi just remembered GNOME point releases get an automatic UVFe10:40
Fujitsujussi01: But it's not yet closed.10:40
Amaranthso i can fix a couple alacarte bugs today without hassle10:40
sacatermorning everyone10:43
imbrandonello ScottK 10:43
imbrandonerr sacater 10:43
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jussi01grrr, Im trying to find a bug to fix thats within what I can do. but all of the ones i think i might be able to do already have debdiffs attached...10:47
jussi01maybe its time to learn something new..10:47
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crimsunyay, wxwindows2.4 looks like a sync.10:51
crimsunstrike one more from the RC list10:52
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crimsunhmm, I seem to have missed supper altogether10:52
imbrandonnot good, infact its time for me some food too10:52
RAOF_I *use* texmacs, I should really look at that what I can do to help the sync request on.10:52
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LaserJockoh, btw, I think I'm going to do a "MOTU Launchpad needs" spec for UDS11:00
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HobbseeRAOF_: where are you?11:01
LaserJockI'll probably need to get lots of good feedback before I go11:01
Hobbseeaustralia, obviously11:01
LaserJockHobbsee: geeze, even *I* figured that one out ;-)11:01
RAOF_Hobbsee: You mean, geographically?  Sydney.11:01
HobbseeLaserJock: indeed.11:01
HobbseeRAOF_: where abouts?11:01
RAOF_I roam between Rose Bay and UNSW.11:02
crimsunshe'll come and poke you with a stick of doom.11:02
=== Hobbsee attempts to figure out where abouts that is
HobbseeRAOF_: were you at LCA then?11:03
jussi01Hobbsee, where are you?11:03
RAOF_No, I was busy PhDing11:03
RAOF_I should've been.  :(11:03
Hobbseejussi01: sydney as well11:03
HobbseeRAOF_: ahh.  pity you didnt come to the open day and/or i didnt meet you11:03
jussi01Hobbsee, Im in finland, but I was born and raised in oz...11:03
RAOF_Yeah, I was feeling rather needing to work, work, work on that day.11:04
Hobbseejussi01: ahhh11:04
RAOF_Amazingly, English *is* my first language :(11:04
Hobbseeyes, but irc seems to be an excuse to be lazy11:04
jussi01i moved to finland because...well "the woman made me do it"!!!11:04
Hobbseeblame the woman.  it's always the woman's fault11:04
LaserJockit is ;-)11:05
jussi01:P well she is finnish...11:05
LaserJockthey have us wrapped around their little fingers11:05
Hobbseeyup.  it's great11:06
LaserJock"resistence is futile"11:06
crimsunyes, my little lady sure has me wrapped around her finger.11:06
crimsunblasted HDA. :(11:06
jussi01crimsun, what model is she :P11:07
LaserJockcrimsun: at least mine goes to sleep at night11:07
crimsunLaserJock: mine does, too, but sometimes she doesn't resume.11:07
LaserJockcrimsun: that would be a problem for mine :(11:08
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imbrandonso will etch actualy make it out the door today ?11:20
crimsunvery, very soon.11:20
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imbrandonso is etch released but not published or .... seems a bit confusing11:49
FujitsuNot released yet.11:51
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LaserJockhmm, so in Debian's BTS if I'm filing a bug can Package: be either binary or source package?11:55
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LaserJockand the anser is yes12:01
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LaserJockoh crap, it's 3am12:02
imbrandonhehe yea12:03
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LaserJockok, well I went through the 11 tetex-base bugs12:04
LaserJockand closed/rejected 3 and forwarded 112:04
imbrandondamn 100/1000 NIC isnt working12:06
imbrandonwell not in 1000 mode12:07
LaserJockargg, how do I add a bugwatch?12:08
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imbrandonnot sure, i need to get down and dirty and learn their bts better12:09
crimsunmore context, please.12:09
imbrandoni just hate email12:09
crimsunDo you want to add a Debian BTS entry to a Launchpad bug report?12:09
LaserJockI have a debian bug #, I need to add  bugwatch for it in LP12:10
crimsunAlso affects: Distribution12:10
crimsunin the text drop-down, choose Debian12:10
crimsunthen paste the URL for the Debian BTS entry in the URL text entry field12:11
Laser_awaygood night12:12
Laser_awaythanks crimsun 12:12
imbrandonbbiab , offline to get this darn 1000 mode working 12:13
crimsunI should eat breakfast, since apparently I skipped all six meals over the past two days12:13
crimsunstupid work12:13
Fujitsucrimsun: EAT!12:14
sacatercrimsun: if thats true im amazed you CAN work :P12:17
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ivokscrimsun: take a break12:20
sacaterther are other motus12:22
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siretartimbrandon: the images still need to propagate to their mirrors. the release team is asking not to download them yet12:39
Fujitsusiretart: Where's this being discussed? I've seen very little talk of anything on #debian-devel.12:43
geserFujitsu: #debian.de has something about it in the topic12:53
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RAOFHobbsee: Right, democracyplayer is officially a lost cause.01:35
RAOFBy pulling in the latest upstream version, and applying a patch to that, you can get it to show a window, then segfault.01:36
RAOFIt seems that to get it to work right, we'll need to pull in a new version of pyrex, too.01:36
FujitsuShall we get rid of democracyplayer, then?01:38
RAOFIt absolutely fails to work, at all.01:38
FujitsuSounds ideal.01:39
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RAOF*I* don't use it, so it's no loss to me.  Except that the work I've put into it will be wasted :)01:40
geserwe definitely shouldn't ship a software with a bug with over 60 dupes01:42
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FujitsuWe're not going to lose anything by removing it.01:48
Fujitsu(other than 5 bugs)01:48
ivoksDemocracy. The only video player you need. - this doesn't sound like democracy :D01:48
sacatertoo true01:49
sacatershould be Democracy. Use it if you wisg01:49
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Monk-ejussi01, boo.01:52
Monk-eUh sorry, wrong channel...01:53
Monk-eHm, suppose a program is packaged in universe. And later it's being packaged into debian and merged to Ubuntu. What happens to the universe package?01:55
Adri2000it is replaced by the debian one01:56
Monk-eAnd the maintainer of the universe package gets yanked?01:57
sacatererm, whats the command to find out which freenode staffers are online01:58
Hobbseesacater: /stats p01:58
sacaterthank you hobbsee of doom-stick :D01:58
HobbseeMonk-e: sorry?  if it's a merge, it's taking the best of the ubuntu and debian packages01:58
HobbseeAdri2000: that's a sync01:58
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sacaterno staffers online :(01:58
Adri2000yes, it's either merged or synced01:59
Hobbseeargh.  that was supposed to be raof:  ugh.01:59
Monk-eHobbsee, then perhaps I meant a sync.01:59
sacateri seek a shiny ubuntu cloak..01:59
Monk-eEither way, what happens to the package maintainer?01:59
HobbseeMonk-e: the package maintainer for ubuntu does the merge.  or is inactive01:59
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Monk-eOk, that's what I wanted to know thanks. :D02:00
FujitsuOr they're the maintainer in Debian too.02:00
Monk-eSo in that sense it would be smarter to get a package into Debian first..02:01
HobbseeMonk-e: for a merge.  for a sync, they just get replaced02:01
Monk-eHobbsee, can one package for debian with the scripts in ubuntu?02:03
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sacatergrr, i wish more people would mark their bugs as bitesize02:03
HobbseeMonk-e: i think your'e missing some words02:03
Monk-eHobbsee, maybe.02:03
Hobbseesacater: work on the unmet deps bugs, if you like02:03
HobbseeMonk-e: oh wait, no you're not.  um, sort of.  there are a few that are ubuntu specific02:03
Hobbseelike, devscripts has some ubuntu specific stuff, and some stuff common to debian/ubuntu02:04
Monk-eI see.02:04
=== Hobbsee isnt the one to ask
Hobbseewhite: poke.  recruit for you02:04
Monk-eThanks anyway. :)02:04
sacaterHobbsee: got a link for me02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about utnubu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:04
HobbseeMonk-e: there's a group with that name.   goolge it, and check them out02:05
Nafallogajim is Ubuntu specific in the case of not wanting Debian packaging :-)02:05
Nafallomplayer aswell02:05
Hobbseesacater: apt-cache unmet -i | grep Package02:05
HobbseeMonk-e: yes.  ubuntu backwards02:05
Hobbseesacater: no problem02:05
Monk-eHobbsee, thanks.02:06
sacaterHobbsee: it will download them all?02:06
Hobbseesacater: no.  try it02:06
Hobbseetry it without the grep too, if you like02:06
sacatermake a new folder for it?02:06
Hobbseethat'll show you why it's failing, not just what is failing02:06
Hobbseethen you can try install, figure out where the problem is, fix it.02:06
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Hobbseewould help, yeah02:06
sacateror dependencys02:07
Hobbseedepedencies..., i think02:07
=== Hobbsee wonders if it's dependancies or dependencies
=== Hobbsee will have to google that, but thinks it's the latter
sacaterare all those packages on my machine?02:08
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Hobbseethey're packages from everything in your sources list02:09
sacaterwell thats a lot of packages02:09
=== sacater gets started
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ apt-cache unmet -i | grep Package | wc -l02:09
sacaterdo i remove the dependancies or what?02:09
Hobbseefix them02:09
Hobbseeoften tehy're old, or foo3 has moved to foo4 or whatever02:10
Hobbseewhich has happened with mysqlsomethingorother before02:10
sacaterive got 10302:10
gesersacater: there should be a bug open for every unmet deps02:10
Monk-eHobbsee, the utnubu thing. Seems dead. Last update was november last year. Also www.utnubu.org now points to www.ubuntu.com02:10
geseryou might want to look there too02:10
Hobbseesacater: wonder if you've got extra repos there or something.  oh well02:10
sacatergeser: k02:10
sacateri have02:11
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HobbseeMonk-e: ahh.  white's pretty active, he's a debian dev02:11
Monk-eAh wait yes.02:11
=== Monk-e 's bad
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sacaterim gonna try..02:12
sacaterunmet x 202:12
Hobbseeargh.  that's a php4 thing02:12
Hobbseethat'll either work with php5, or die.02:12
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember what we do fi it dies
HobbseeThe following packages have unmet dependencies:02:12
Hobbsee  tikiwiki: Depends: php4 (>= 4.1.0) but it is not installable02:12
Hobbsee            Depends: php4-mysql but it is not installable or02:12
Hobbsee                     php4-pgsql but it is not installable02:12
Hobbsee            Depends: libphp-phplayersmenu but it is not going to be installed02:12
HobbseeE: Broken packages02:13
geserhalf the unmet deps we have are php4 related02:13
sacaternow what do i do, remove those deps from the packages dependancie list, or add them?02:13
Hobbseesacater: php4 got removed in feisty02:13
gesersacater: replace the php4 deps with the php5 equivalents and test if the package still works02:13
sacaterso remove a dep, then add one02:13
sacatersimple enough02:13
sacaterapt-get source tikiwiki02:14
Adri2000what are the tags for a .desktop file bug?02:15
FujitsuAdri2000: desktop-file02:15
sacaterAdri2000: i just search .desktop02:15
sacateror 'no .desktop'02:16
Adri2000Fujitsu: and packaging bitesize too?02:16
FujitsuAdri2000: Not packaging.02:16
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sacaterHobbsee: this is one of the dependancies02:20
sacaterphp4 (>= 4.1.0)02:20
sacaterhow do i find the latest version02:20
sacaterof php502:20
Hobbseejust say it's php5, i dont think you need to version that02:20
sacaterill try02:21
geseronly add a version if you know that you need a specific version02:21
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sacaterDepends: dbconfig-common, apache2 | httpd, php5, php-pear | php4-pear, php-date, php-db, php-http, php-http-request, php-net-socket, php-mail, php-xml-parser, php4-mysql | php4-pgsql, smarty (>= 2.6.7), libphp-adodb (>= 4.61), libphp-phplayersmenu02:22
sacatergot a few more to go02:22
sacaterguys, how do i change my email address in my gpg key02:27
geseryou can't, add a new uid and revoke the old02:28
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sacatergeser: how?02:30
sacateri have no clue..02:30
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gesersacater: gpg --edit-key yourkey02:34
DarkSun88Hi all02:34
gesersacater: with adduid you can add a new one02:35
sacatergeser: na, i just want to change the email of this one.. know the command?02:35
Fujitsusacater: You must create a new one.02:36
geseryou can't, the keyservers don't allow to change something, they only merge new key data02:36
whiteany etch party in melbourne?02:36
sacaternew key it is02:36
Fujitsuwhite: Not as far as I know.02:36
sacaternew key command?02:36
FujitsuGood to see it has propagated to most mirrors :)02:36
Fujitsusacater: Why not just a new UID?02:36
gesersacater: not necessarily, you can mark your old uid with revuid as non-use and add a new one02:37
Fujitsuadduid, as geser said.02:37
whiteFujitsu: make one happen ;)02:37
sacateryoure losing me..02:37
Fujitsusacater: A key has one or more UIDs.02:37
gesersacater: gpg --edit-key yourkey02:37
FujitsuUIDs have the name and email address.02:37
sacateri did that02:37
geserthen adduid to add a new one02:37
sacateri have a new UID02:38
sacaternow what02:39
geserselect the old with 'uid number'02:39
geserand 'revuid'02:39
geserwhen everything is like you want 'save'02:40
sacaterit didnt get rid of it02:40
sacateri still have 202:40
sacaterone old one new02:40
geseryou never get rid of it02:40
geseryou can only mark the as old (revoke)02:41
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geserthe keyservers never delete02:41
sacatergot it02:41
sacaterall done, thanks02:41
geserthere is a deluid command but does it only for your copy02:41
geserdon't forget to upload your changed key02:41
sacaterhey, does this mean i have to resign the code of conduct?02:41
sacaterupload command?02:42
geserif you would deluid your old uid your would get it back when you fetch your key from a keyserver02:42
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gesergpg --send-key keyid02:42
chaksanybody here to discuss regarding Academic Involvement ?02:42
imbrandonchaks, as in?02:42
chaksimbrandon, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AcademicInvolvement02:43
chaksam a Masters Student in University of Otago02:43
sacatergeser: sacater@neo:~$ gpg --send-key 6127680A02:43
sacatergpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)02:43
sacatergpg: keyserver send failed: bad URI02:43
sacatersacater@neo:~$ 02:43
chaksand currently proposed a project and got approved02:43
gesersacater: the most keyservers have a web interface where you can look like your key looks on the keyservers02:43
imbrandonchaks, ahh one sec02:43
chakssure :)02:43
gesersacater: have you uploaded your key to a keyserver already?02:43
sacaterthat number02:44
gesergpg --keyserver blackhole.pca.dfn.de --send-key 0x6127680A02:44
geseror use an other keyserver02:45
geserthat's the one I use02:45
imbrandonchaks, well we can point you to the right direction if you have questions, but as far as specifics dholbach ( not here atm ) would be the one to poke02:45
Nafallokeyserver.ubuntu.com is a good guess :-)02:45
imbrandonor Laserjock / crimsun possibly02:45
chaksoh...i have few doubts imbrandon, can we have second window?02:45
sacaterim using ubuntu.com for key...02:45
imbrandonchaks, sure02:46
gesersacater: the keyserver exchange the keys between each other02:46
=== Hobbsee gives flash the boot
Hobbseewhy, when i have v7 and v9 installed, does firefox decide to use the earlier?02:47
sacatergeser: erm, gajim only sees my key as my old email still02:47
gesersacater: if you don't want to specify the keyserver each time you can add it to .gnupg/gpg.conf as "keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com"02:48
Nafallosubkeys.pgp.net is roundrobin IIRC02:48
ScottKHobbsee: I'll definitely let you know when I get the S/MIME stuff figured out.  I'd hoped to do it for Feisty, but ran out of time.02:48
HobbseeScottK: cool02:48
Nafallosacater: gajim uses your local file on-disk...02:48
sacaterbut i changed it02:49
ScottKHobbsee: re your comment about my age....  I have a hard time believing it too.02:49
sacatergeser: do i need to resign the code of conduct with my new details?02:51
geserno, as you signed it with your key which is still the same02:51
gesersacater: once you get an @ubuntu.com address you can add it as an additional uid to your key if you want02:53
FujitsuMission accomplished, it would appear!02:54
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imbrandonajmitch, your in Dunedin correct ?02:58
imbrandonchaks, Fujitsu and Hobbsee and a few others are down your way too ( in AU )02:59
chakshi Fujitsu, Hobbsee02:59
chaksme from dunedin02:59
FujitsuHi chaks.02:59
imbrandonStevenK also iirc, and others i'm sure i've missed02:59
chaksUniversity Of Otago03:00
Hobbseechaks: met ajmitch yet?03:00
chaksno, only now i knew he is from DD03:01
imbrandonHobbsee, nope, i was just telling him about ajmitch , because he is wanting to touch some LDAP stuff for school03:01
imbrandona DD from DD lol03:01
imbrandonhrm trash must go out, brb 03:01
imbrandonwhy isnt there a rightclick empty trash IRL ?03:02
sacatergeser: yeah, but when..03:08
sacateronly when*03:08
\shmoins...from belgium ;)03:10
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imbrandonheya \sh 03:11
sacatergeser: whats the easiest way to get an @ubuntu.com email :P03:12
\shguys, do you think it's too late for a wine UVF report? ;)03:12
imbrandonsacater, the only way is to become a member03:12
sacaterimbrandon: hmm03:12
imbrandon( and thats not hard )03:12
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sacaterimbrandon: ive fixed one package, some answers, and plenty of additions of edits to bug reports, thats not good enough is it ;(03:13
imbrandonsacater, sure for a ubuntu membership , it should be03:14
sacaterimbrandon: oh, then i will apply03:14
sacaterive already tried03:14
sacater'pending approval'03:14
Nafallohehe. my ex became a member cause she MIGHT join the artwork team :-P03:14
imbrandonhave you been to the CC meetign ?03:14
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Nafallobut then again. she translated a bit too :-)03:15
sacaterimbrandon: was that to me?03:15
sacaterimbrandon: what room03:15
imbrandonyou have to goto the CC meeting when you apply03:15
imbrandon#ubuntu-meeting, not sure when the next one is03:15
DktrKranzsacater, look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto :)03:15
sacaterim already in there too03:16
sacaterdo you get a freenode cloak when you become an ubuntu member03:16
imbrandonright, but actualy attend the Community Council meeting ;)03:16
imbrandonsacater, yes03:16
DktrKranznext meeting will be on april 1703:16
DktrKranzif you want to apply, add yourself to the list and prepare some info about you03:17
imbrandonsacater, and when you do add your self to the agenda for membership, just like the wiki says etc etc etc03:17
imbrandonthen goto the meeting and they will ask you a few questions etc03:18
DktrKranzand, possibly, find some sponsors who can help you03:18
imbrandonthen your hopefully be welcomed03:18
sacater2 months sustained and substantial#03:18
imbrandonubuntu membership is much less hard than MOTU or Core03:18
sacaterme nervous03:21
sacatereven though its a while away03:21
sacaterjust over a week..03:21
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zygasorry for being ignorant but can someone remind me how to build a package having debian/rules and debian/control03:21
DktrKranzsacater, if you worked hard and your contribution is visible, you haven't to worry too much03:22
DktrKranzzyga, if debian/ directory is fully populated, you can try with dpgk-buildpackage03:22
imbrandondebuild -us -uc03:23
sacaterDktrKranz: ill work even harder now03:25
DktrKranzgood :D03:26
DktrKranzanyway, it's just a startup03:26
DktrKranzonce you become a member, you can contiune working with MOTUs and, hopefully, become one of them :)03:27
sacaterthat was my original intention03:27
\shwe need some more motus ;)03:27
sacaterthough for this meeting, i dont have much of a 'fanclub'03:27
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imbrandonone or two current members will be fine03:27
imbrandonsacater, ^03:28
sacaterwhats with the ^03:28
DktrKranzdunno which requisites you must have do become a MOTU, though03:28
sacateradded myself03:28
imbrandonDktrKranz, basicly you work on packages and have sponsors, once you have worked with sponsors a bit , one will invite you to mail the MOTU council and ask for membership03:29
imbrandonthe the process starts03:29
imbrandonsacater, ^ is an up arrow in that context03:29
sacateroh ok03:30
imbrandone.g. pointing to the line before03:30
DktrKranzuhm, is there a minimum amount of work to be done?03:30
sacaterme need fanclub03:30
=== \sh needs more jupiler beer ;)
imbrandonDktrKranz, 6 months of working on packages and having sponsors is a normal timeframe, though it can vary widely03:31
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zygathanks 03:31
\shre zyga03:31
zygaI'm trying to rebuild cnf 03:31
zygaand I frankly forgot how to do that without mvo around :/03:31
DktrKranzunderstood, thanks03:31
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\shis anybody working of getting rid of all unmet-deps regarding php4 deps?03:35
DktrKranz\sh, I was working on them some days ago03:36
sacaterimbrandon: can i see your wiki page, so i can get an idea on how to structure mine03:37
\shDktrKranz: thx :) if you need a sponsor you can write an email to me :)03:37
DktrKranz\sh, if you have a little time, I've got some ready for review03:37
imbrandonsacater, sure http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BrandonHoltsclaw ( rember mine is much more info because i'm a Core Dev , and also hasent been updated in 4 or 5 months )03:37
sacaterill look anyway03:38
\shDktrKranz: I'm reviewing them on tuesday..when I'm back at work..ok?03:38
DktrKranznp, thanks :)03:38
\shoh my GF is just coming back from her bike-ride03:38
\shDktrKranz: my internet connection is stolen from a neighbor right here03:39
DktrKranzhere in italy is illegal, sue him!! :D03:39
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\shwhy? right now I'm in belgium03:39
DktrKranzokok, it's only our matter03:40
DktrKranzfoneros will have hard times ;)03:40
DktrKranzany U-U-S to ACK bug #104433?03:41
ubotuMalone bug 104433 in libembperl-perl "Please sync libembperl-perl 2.2.0-1.2 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10443303:41
Nafallomy connection haven't been shared for a long time, neither my ex-girlfriends. none of us have heard a word from FON :-)03:41
imbrandoni just got my FON the other day, installed dd-wrt on it :)03:42
Nafallomight be related to my mail demanding that they put some efforts into security :-P03:42
Nafalloimbrandon: but you probably got a fonera, right? ;-)03:42
NafalloI got a WRT54GL :-)03:43
imbrandoni have 3 matter of fact, all with dd-wrt on them :)03:43
Nafallohehe, oki03:43
imbrandonNafallo, just flash it with open-wrt/dd-wrt or the original linksys firmware03:43
geser\o/ it happend: Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 released03:43
Nafalloehrm... I've already flashed mine some times to many :-P03:43
NafalloI have to poke with JTAG now :-P03:44
imbrandongeser, official now?03:44
Nafalloand I haven't got around to do that yet :-)03:44
geseryes, I got it from a mail to debian-announce03:44
ScottKDktrKranz: http://lists.debian.org/debian-announce/debian-announce-2007/msg00002.html03:48
DktrKranzlet's go party!!!03:49
DktrKranzI'm not aware of news from Debian03:49
DktrKranzis Dunk-Tank still involved?03:49
geserthis experiment is already completed03:50
\shwow...etch released03:51
DktrKranzuhm, it seems lists.debian.org is archiving emails quicker than we do...03:51
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=== imbrandon welcomes lenny to the family ( the current Debian "Testing"
DktrKranzlenny? who is it?03:55
imbrandonlenny is the current version of debian testing now since Etch is released03:56
sacaterimbrandon: if I made a change to the 'tea' package, and created a team for it on launchpad, does that make me the maintainer?03:56
lupine_85etch was a better name than lenny :D03:56
DktrKranzi know :)03:56
imbrandonsacater, psudoly yes, but ubuntu there isnt "maintainers"03:56
DktrKranzi was referring to "toy story 2" :D03:56
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geserDktrKranz: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Toy_Story_characters#Lenny_the_Binoculars04:00
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imbrandonlooks like debian.org is updated too04:00
DktrKranzi don't remember who it is04:01
=== DktrKranz is going to visit a blockbuster soon
lupine_85300? ;)04:02
imbrandon300 isnt on dvd yet ( unless its from a torrent )04:02
lupine_85as if I'd illegally download movies ;)04:02
lupine_85but yeah, a pretty good-quality torrent actually04:03
imbrandonheh yea i seen it a few days ago, not that i would either04:03
lupine_85So; where are we dining tonight?04:04
imbrandonbtw if your local mirror is slow , i've put the netinstall here : ftp://voyager.imbrandon.com/mirror/debian/debian-40r0-i386-netinst.iso04:09
Nafallose.archive.ubuntu.com has 4Gbit and a cluster that can handle it... :-)04:09
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imbrandonthey dont have a debian mirror though do they ?04:13
Nafalloehrm. ftp.se.debian.org04:15
Nafalloand they are master CD-mirror :-)04:15
Nafalloso yes. that's where isos are produced... :-)04:15
=== lupine_85 loves dist-upgrade sooo much
Nafalloetch seems a bit outdated for me though :-P04:16
lupine_85heh, I know what you mean04:16
lupine_85I'll be tracking unstable04:16
NafalloI track feisty on all my boxes now :-)04:17
\shse.{debian,ubuntu} is maswans responsibilty...right?04:20
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\shhmmm..30mins ETA to shutdown :(04:21
\shlaptop powers04:22
\shgetting powercable now ;)04:22
\shah....new electrical power is flowing through this thing04:25
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geserpower-over-wlan :)04:48
\shnope...power from the house via a very long cable to my place now ;)04:49
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jdonggeser: I've seriously contemplated several times if I should me an induction-based wireless power brick for my laptop :D04:56
jdongit's always ended with some worry about cancer04:56
jdongor planetary alignment04:56
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\shjdong: forget cancer...we will cure cancer very soon ,-)05:03
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=== sacater has fresh cookies
=== sacater hands out cookies
=== jdong begins Debian torrent
\shno cookies, it clashes with my belgium beer ;)05:06
sharmsLaser_away: you gotta post pictures of their desktop with the blog entries05:08
sacater\sh: if you want, you can dip them in your beer, thus the result is beer-cookies :D05:10
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\shsacater: gg05:11
\shok....going back to holiday mode...cu tuesday05:11
sacaterimbrandon: how does this look so far https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater05:11
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imbrandonsacater, looks like a good start, now just rope a ubuntu member that can vouch for you at the meeting and you both attend05:18
imbrandonbrb , headed to the store05:18
sacaterimbrandon: doubtful, but can i rope you?05:19
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jdonghey imbrandon, how are you?05:25
sharmshaha... since my last entry in my blog, if you google "giving a bad name to linux developers" my blog comes up05:26
sharmsas first result05:27
jdongsharms: congratulations? :D05:28
sacateri will google it up05:28
sharmsI just find it hilarious that when people google bad linux developers they will find me05:28
jdongsharms: lol05:29
sharmsone interesting thing so far is, the main problem with my latest blog entry is there are ALOT of people who dont understand IRC05:29
welpimbrandon: ping05:29
sacaterhi welp05:30
sacaterwelp: read up05:30
sacaterabout 12 lines for me05:30
Lathiatubuntus screwed, debian 4 releases05:31
Lathiatfor the next 6 months until its out of date again :)05:31
welpsacater: i already have, silly05:31
sacaterwelp: good good...05:32
sacaterand hows this look for a starter https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater05:32
sharmssacater: I think it would help if you get your name on more packages and kick that karma on launchpad up05:34
sacateri tried05:34
sacateri did some answers05:34
sacateri thought they got them up fast?05:34
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sharmshere was mine: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StevenHarms05:35
sharmsand I *barely* got in'05:35
sharmsthey have changed the karma system so I dont think you can achieve that level of karma anymore05:35
sharmsbut triaging some bugs definitely wont hurt05:36
sacaterme will do05:37
sacateri have until...05:37
sacaternot this tuesday, but the next one05:37
sharmsalso if you have any community work with marketing / locos post that in your profile05:37
sharmsor advocacy 05:37
sacateri got some ubuntu cds, and gave a few out05:38
sacatergot my parents friends using kubunta05:38
sacatergot my parents friends using kubuntu*05:38
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@SIMMONS-FIVE-SIXTY-THREE.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacaterim gonna get started on this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcolor2/+bug/7038605:44
ubotuMalone bug 70386 in gcolor2 "doesn't have a desktop entry" [Undecided,In progress]  05:44
sharmssacater: yeah that is a great one05:45
sacatersharms: for 2 reasons05:45
sacaterand esay05:45
sacaterdont get me wrong05:45
sacaterits not like me to slack :D05:46
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sacatersharms: erm there is a slight problem, i just compiled the source into a .deb and installed it, the .desktop file works fine05:51
sacaterand works05:51
sharmsthen atleast you resolved the bug :)05:52
sharmsMark it as rejected05:52
sacateri didnt fix it..05:52
sharmswith a friendly explanation05:52
sacateri have05:53
sacatercheck it out again05:53
sharmslooks good05:54
sharmsone more thing that is a good way to help / get karma05:55
sharmsdo a bug search, advanced, for bugs that are unconfirmed or need information05:55
sharmsif they need information and nobody has been able to provide information in a long time, reject it 05:55
sharmsand if they are unconfirmed, but vague on information, ask for more information05:55
sharmsand switch status to needs info05:55
=== sacater reads sharms explanation again
sharmscheck out this real quick: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Diaries/fmartinez05:56
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sacatersharms: is this ideal? https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/perl/+bug/6834, how much karma would it get me?06:02
ubotuMalone bug 6834 in perl "has issues with tying read only arrays (DB_File,O_RDONLY)" [High,Rejected]  06:02
sacaterignore that06:02
sacateri looked at debian rather than ubuntu06:03
sacatersharms: how about this, reject it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/3212306:05
ubotuMalone bug 32123 in initramfs-tools "initramfs not generated correctly on upgrade to Dapper" [High,Needs info]  06:05
sharmssacater: leave a comment saying "Is this still an issue in Feisty?"06:06
sacatersharms: just that?06:07
sharmsyeah and if nobody answers for awhile we can close it06:07
sacaterso how to I remember it :|06:08
sacaterto close it after a while06:08
sharmsclick the button "subscribe to any changes" or email me changes06:09
sharmsthen it may pop back up06:09
sharmsor when you are doing the same "needs info, unconfirmed drill" you will come across it again06:09
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so1whats the status of gaim/pidgin in feisty?06:11
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@c-71-224-172-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sacatersharms: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/localechooser/+bug/26536 shall i do 'needs info'06:12
ubotuMalone bug 26536 in localechooser "Chinese language selection orders" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  06:12
so1will the legal hassle with aol conflict with our schedule?06:13
bddebianHeya gang06:13
sacaterbddebian: hi mate06:13
bddebianHello sacater06:14
sharmssacater: yeah just ask if this bug is still present in feisty06:15
sacaterwelp: you dont have an old PC case i could have do you, socket A size at least06:17
Adri2000so1: I think we will keep gaim beta6, and will have pidgin in feisty+106:18
Adri2000so1: but the better person to ask is seb128, we (the MOTUs) don't maintain gaim06:19
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so1aol should be shot ...06:24
sacatersharms: reject? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/4006006:25
ubotuMalone bug 40060 in update-manager "update-manager doesn't understand gtk changelog" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  06:25
so1if gaim really came out with "aim" before aol, they should sue the hell out of them06:25
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sharmssacater: reject saying "This bug appears to be fixed in recent releases.  If you can reproduce this in feisty, please open a new bug"06:29
sacaterwill do06:30
sacaterwhen does karma get updated06:31
sacaterive marked a few things and it hasnt budged06:35
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imbrandonsacater, yes if i am not sleeping you can rope me06:45
imbrandonwelp, pong 06:45
welpimbrandon: mind if i /query you?06:46
imbrandonwelp, sure ( might be a bit slow right now, but yea )06:55
sharmssacater: it updates at night06:57
jdong_imbrandon: since I am in a really awesome mood today, I'll resist a comment based on your last statement ;-)06:58
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imbrandonjdong_, lol07:00
imbrandonhows it goin07:00
jdong_pretty good, busy, but still keeping my sanity07:00
jdong_and you?07:00
jdong_gonna side-track from my todo list and try out Debian etch today :)07:01
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joejaxxGood Afternoon Everyone07:24
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sacaterjoejaxx: afternoon07:36
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danohuiginnI'm looking at ajmitch's missing fixes page from the topic. Is there a way to remove a package from the list if the bug doesn't apply to ubuntu?08:07
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BlakeMI'd like to learn how to package and contribut to the Universe repo, could some one PM me with some information on how to get started?09:54
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geser!packaging guide09:56
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports09:56
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sacaterif i get another cloak, can i get an ubuntu one later, or can i tie them together or something10:08
geserI'd guess you can have only one10:09
geserwhy would you need two cloaks to hide your ip?10:09
LaserJockgeser: because it's cool ;-)10:13
geseryou could also hide your ip by a cloak which itself is hidden by another cloak :)10:14
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sacatergeser: i have a colchester LUG cloak, ill replace with ubuntu if i get it10:23
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corevettewhere do you learn how to add a project into the repositories?10:32
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports10:32
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU10:33
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LaserJockcorevette: do those links ^^ help?10:38
corevetteyes thanks LaserJock10:38
sacaterSeveas: can i ask you about the cloaks, i have a colchester lug one, but im applying for ubuntu members so i can get @ubuntu as well, can i have both?10:40
Seveassacater, no10:42
=== superm1 [n=superm1@12-226-238-227.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianHeya gang10:44
geserHi bddebian10:44
bddebianHi geser10:45
LaserJockhola bddebian 10:45
Lutinhi bddebian 10:46
bddebianHi LaserJock, Lutin10:46
=== Monk-e [n=guido@c529dd229.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== curado [n=curado@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhi ajmitch 10:50
=== ajmitch sees there was some student from otago uni in here earlier
ajmitchI wonder if I know that person10:51
bddebianHeya ajmitch10:51
LaserJockis otago in NZ?10:51
ajmitchwell yeah10:51
=== ajmitch is about 10 minutes walk from otago uni
ajmitchwhich is where I studied10:52
LaserJockoh, cool10:54
ajmitchhm, almost 9AM10:54
ajmitchI should have a beer tonight to celebrate etch release ;)10:54
minghuaotago somehow sounds Japanese to me...10:56
LaserJockI'd need more than 1 to install it ... ;-)10:56
minghuaoh I see10:56
ajmitchLaserJock: bah, it's simple to install, I've done a couple of etch installs in the last week :)10:56
LaserJockI suppose Etch doesn't have a 2.4 kernel?10:56
jdong_haha no.10:56
LaserJockajmitch: no, it's not the installing that's the problem10:57
LaserJockI need a 2.4 kernel for the only Debian machine I run10:57
ajmitchI'll have to check if you can install with a 2.4 kernel10:57
ajmitchI *think* it's still possible10:57
minghuainstall sarge and upgrade to etch then10:57
minghuaajmitch: I believe not, all 2.4 kernels are dropped in etch IIRC10:57
LaserJockminghua: will that take out my kernel though?10:57
minghuaLaserJock: of course not, but make sure you read http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/i386/release-notes/ch-upgrading.en.html#s-upgrade-from-2.4 first10:58
ajmitchminghua: oh well10:58
minghuaLaserJock: or better, the whole release note10:58
ajmitchLaserJock: why do you need 2.4 in this case?10:58
LaserJockajmitch: umm, proprietary instrument drivers10:59
LaserJockit's my data acquisition machine10:59
jdong_sounds like fun :)11:00
LaserJockI'm probably better of not messing around with it11:00
jdong_how long is oldstable supported for?11:00
ajmitch1 year11:00
jdong_that's not bad at all....11:00
LaserJockright now I can actually build my data acquisition app on top of it11:00
minghuaI thought 18 months?11:00
jdong_gives plenty of time for the vendor to write 2.6 drivers... oh who am I kidding :)11:01
LaserJockoh they have one11:01
LaserJockit just doesn't work with the app I wrote for it11:01
ajmitchminghua: afaik it's always been 1 year 11:01
LaserJockbut we just dropped about $3000 in Windows hardware/software with them :/11:02
curadodoes anyone knows about the motu-school project?11:02
minghuaajmitch: you are correct, one year it is11:02
LaserJockcurado: sure11:02
curadoas I red the last post at the wiki was in the middle of last year11:02
minghua(or until next stable release, whichever is sooner, but as we all know...)11:03
ajmitchminghua: don't make me laugh11:03
minghuasorry, forgot you are having beer :-)11:03
curadoLaserJock: I'm looking for a mentor to start helping with packaging11:03
ajmitchnah, it's monday morning, too early to have beer yet :)11:03
LaserJockcurado: yes, we haven't had a School session for a while. We'd like to get that going again11:04
LaserJockcurado: well, we are here to help11:04
LaserJockcurado: if you have specific questions you can ask here11:04
LaserJockor if you're not comfortable with that email one of the people on the wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentors page11:04
ajmitchbug 10449911:04
ubotuMalone bug 104499 in f-spot "PC Crash when I import data into f-spot" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10449911:04
ajmitchlots of helpful info there11:04
curadoLaserJock: Thanks! I'll study the documentation and I'll look for help here if I need11:05
LaserJockcurado: awesome, thanks for the interest :-)11:06
=== LaserJock kills off more TeX bugs
=== jdong_ files "\finishwritingmypaper causes error"
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LaserJockjdong_: lol11:12
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sacaterLaserJock: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sacater#preview hows that look for a member application11:15
AstralJavaLaserJock: Hi. :) Can you take a look at UbuntuStudio packages, they're fixed according to your comments now? First up ubuntustudio-icon-theme http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=479711:16
AstralJavaubuntustudio-sounds http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=479911:17
LaserJocksacater: you need more specifics as far as time. How long have you been contibuting? What specific things have you contributed (with links and dates, etc.)? thinks like that. But it's a good start11:17
sacaterwill do11:18
AstralJavausplash-theme-ubuntustudio http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=479811:18
sacatertime... time...11:18
ajmitchsacater: saying that you've helped out in "a few different ways" & then only mentioning one package..11:18
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LaserJockAstralJava: on it11:19
stgrabersacater: Have a look at this one for example : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RichardJohnson11:19
LaserJockstgraber: you're just going to give nixternal a big head ;-)11:20
stgraberLaserJock: yep, but I didn't want to give mine :)11:21
sacaterajmitch: , ok11:21
sacaterstgraber: k11:21
bddebiandon't look at mine, that's for sure11:21
stgraberand nixternal's one isn't that bad :)11:21
nixternalI have been meaning to redo that. I have noticed the past 5 or so CC meetings, mako always gets the "I stole that from nixternal" :)11:21
LaserJocksacater: mine is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JordanMantha11:21
sacaterLaserJock: okies11:22
ajmitchnixternal: well it's way better than my seriously outdated page ;)11:22
LaserJockwhich I suppose I should update if I want to go for core-dev :/11:22
ajmitchthough I haven't done any work on ubuntu since putting my wiki page up11:22
stgraberand mine at : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/stgraber (stolen a little bit from LaserJock and nixternal) :)11:22
nixternalI have a /Beta on there I started, and never came close to finishing11:22
superm1can anyone think of a good example of a package that queries the status of another package in its debian/config or debian/postinst scripts?  eg finds out if its been configured yet or is installed yet?11:23
nixternalthis strnicmp with gnu is killing me11:23
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stgraberLaserJock: Will have to update it as well if I want to apply for being a MOTU :)11:23
=== ajmitch is going off to get some breakfast, back later :)
=== stgraber didn't work on it since he's a member
LaserJockI haven't done anything with mine for a year11:24
LaserJockalthough I think they use them less and less as they get to know you11:24
stgrabersure, the LP activity also help a lot. If you haven't done anything on Launchpad and only worked on LoCo then you really need a good wiki page11:26
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=== LaserJock trys to see if he can get his karma above 2000
stgraberLaserJock: work on some specs, that's the best way to earn Karma :)11:36
=== geser tries to not drop below 12k and get back to over 13k
bddebianI was at some million now I'm at like 2000 :'-(11:37
stgraberit's 3740 of my 4474 :) with only having worked on say 2-3 specs11:37
LaserJockstgraber: well, that's how I have 1000 of the 1500 I have :(11:37
stgraberbddebian: yep, too bad they fixed that bug :)11:37
bddebianWell I was in the top 5 contributors for Edgy.  Now, I suck :'-(11:38
stgraberwell ~2000 only working on bugs is quite good :)11:38
geserover 10k in bug management :)11:39
=== bddebian pokes geser in the eye ;-P
geserbddebian: have you seen the karma of alan pope?11:40
bddebianNah, I rarely even check my own11:40
stgrabergeser: You aren't human, that's all11:40
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geserbddebian: alan pope has over 113k in support tickets11:41
stgraberSeems support tracking is like specifications, a good way to earn karma (but finally who cares about karma ? :))11:42
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=== geser wants karma for uploads
LaserJockyes, I have it on my Top 511:42
LaserJockalthough anymore it's almost redundant with bug karam11:43
bddebianWTH is a support ticket?11:44
geserbddebian: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/11:45
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geseraccording to http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/ I've updated over 370 packages, that would give much karma :)11:46
crimsunooh, karma chasing11:47
crimsunI'm glad to not be in the top 5011:47
=== bddebian just doesn't do shit
=== mr_pouit [n=mrpouit@ubuntu/member/mrpouit] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunno, that's called "having a life"11:48
=== ColonelKorn [n=jrisover@ip68-4-88-222.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ColonelKornHey all11:48
bddebiancrimsun: I wish that were my excuse11:48
geserbddebian: promote Ubuntu in second life :)11:49
crimsunbddebian: well, you could be like me - not have a life, not have much karma, not do much in Ubuntu :-)11:49
bddebiancrimsun: Yeah right, like you don't do much11:49
ColonelKornI kinda new to all this, any good places to help get me started in developing for ubuntu?11:49
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crimsunColonelKorn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment11:50
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ColonelKornThank you11:52
LaserJockAstralJava: done, all acked11:52
LaserJock_MMA_: ^^11:52
AstralJavaLaserJock: Whee! Thanks a million! :)11:52
AstralJavaSo, now TheMuso's ACKs aren't showing up in the REVU listing, since the package's been updated. Does that matter, or can I now file the exception bugs?11:54
crimsunyou can file them, but generally you should get him to recheck11:54
AstralJavacrimsun: Okay thanks.11:54
crimsunto be strict, you /must/ get another MOTU to check11:54
LaserJockyeah, they should be trivial, as my only complaints were debian/copyright related11:55
=== _MMA1 [n=mma@cpe-071-070-203-016.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
superm1LaserJock, can one package's debconf section query variables and information from another (already installed) package?11:56
crimsunit can query anything in the debconf db.11:56
superm1oh very good11:57
crimsunnote that can be nasty11:57
=== _MMA1 is now known as _MMA_
crimsunit essentially adds a Dependency if you don't already have it11:57
superm1well but in a case of a package that needs to setup a mysql database, but needs the root password to do it11:57
superm1it can query that from mysql-server/root_password11:57
superm1rather than ask the user11:57
LaserJocksuperm1: hmm, what if the person has changed the root password?11:59
superm1well if they changed it via dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 its updated in debconf11:59
superm1but i guess if they changed it via mysql console that case wouldnt be covered12:00
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minghuasuperm1: I think you want to look at package dbconfig-common12:01
minghuasuperm1: (and the packages that are using it12:01
superm1k thanks minghua 12:02
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AstralJavaOkay I've got UVF exception bugs filed. bug #10457112:03
ubotuMalone bug 104571 in ubuntustudio-icon-theme "[UVFe request]  ubuntustudio-icon-theme in REVU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10457112:03
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AstralJavabug #10457312:04
ubotuMalone bug 104573 in ubuntustudio-sounds "[UVFe request]  ubuntustudio-sounds in REVU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10457312:04
AstralJavabug #10457512:04
ubotuMalone bug 104575 in usplash-theme-ubuntustudio "[UVFe request]  usplash-theme-ubuntustudio in REVU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10457512:04
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AstralJava...and bug #10322512:04
ubotuMalone bug 103225 in ubuntustudio-look "[UVFe request]  ubuntustudio-look in REVU" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10322512:04
AstralJavaIt'd be super-great if someone could take a look and tell me what's needed more in the bug report.12:06
crimsunwell, first of all, they're not UVF exception requests12:07
crimsunthey're Feature Freeze (FF) exception requests12:07
AstralJavaNice, good start. :)12:07
ajmitchthey're "ZOMG NEW PACKAGE!" requests12:07
ajmitchso they're basically just branding packages?12:08
ajmitchartwork & sounds?12:08
ajmitchI see you recycled the bug description for each one12:08
ajmitchthey all seem to be "one of the most important artwork packages for the project."12:08
LaserJockof course :-)12:09
AstralJavaajmitch: Yes, that's true. Isn't it? ;)12:09
AstralJavaYeah I suppose I should have changed that a bit.12:09

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