[12:12] Mabye medibuntu.sos-sts.com would have some information? [12:13] this is the part where Window$ has the edge over Linux [12:13] Can anyone help me fix my Adept? [12:13] or apt0get? [12:13] apt-get, even [12:14] Anyone use MythTV? It's saying it can't connect to the backend, how can I start the backend so it can connect? === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-241-95-203.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] didnt know that mythtv was linux compatable [12:15] it's linux and osx i think [12:15] tougth they were still working on it === dewprism [n=elijah@pool-72-91-68-73.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] oh ok === utnubuk [n=pete@h-69-3-217-124.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] archangel_: Mythtv. I have it installed on my machine. [12:16] McFrosty: Do you have mysql installed? I think you need that. [12:16] where do i get packets/codecs for restricted movie types? avi,mkv,ogg,etc [12:16] pollyo: i just did the adept install of MythTV [12:16] McFrosty: I'm still working on getting MythTv setup on my machine. [12:16] cool, that is internet based tv right? [12:16] adept is telling me there is a new version of kubuntu available, but it wont let me upgrade [12:16] i thought the new version wasnt coming out till around the 20th [12:17] McFrosty: You might have to start mysql and mythbacken... [12:17] McFrosty: There are some setup and config files to work on. === anipy_ [n=anipy@p57adda25.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["root@Universe:~#] [12:17] McFosty: It isn't just a click and run type of application. [12:17] pollyo: not sure how I do that.. I get the error that it can't connect to the back end === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === georg [n=georg@p57B53AB0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] pollyo: yeah I figured that out :P [12:17] McFrosty: From what I see. Let me look at it for a min. [12:18] still needing help with the whole watching dvd movies on the old desktop === Alonea [n=chatzill@24-117-195-16.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu === grispa72 [n=grispa72@host51-117-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [12:20] ok, I am STILL confused. I did the first section and when I did the find thing it spit out hd1,1 and I used that, and then on the setup I did just hd1 === jaume [n=jaume@133.Red-80-26-65.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14dfc.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:20] I've had apt-get complaining about console not being setup for >1 week now [12:20] anyway to fix it? === sayers is now known as mrsayers === lekloyd [n=lekloyd@90-225-102-21-no27.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] arch: here is the easiest way. Goto www.automatix.com, click on install button and choose the version you are using. I sugest using option 4 if you are using 6.10 edgy. It will take care of all the repos and everything. Very easy to use. [12:21] that was supposed to be www.getautomatix.com sorry [12:21] troll: thanks === lumulumu [n=dev@dslb-084-056-091-190.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] I use it and it works great for more than just dvd playback as well, you will love it === IceMON [n=icemon@] has joined #kubuntu === IceMON is now known as IceMONG === Sanne [n=Sanne@p548d9fbd.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] I have the following problem: E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) [12:22] E: Unable to lock the list directory [12:22] for apt-get [12:23] !adept fix [12:23] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a [12:23] !apt-get fix [12:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-get fix - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:23] !apt-get broken [12:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about apt-get broken - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === hoora_191143 [i=ariel@gateway/tor/x-50532cc80bdaa40e] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] !lock [12:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:23] !locked [12:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about locked - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:23] !adept fix [12:23] If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a [12:24] I tried that [12:24] sudo apt-get -f install [12:24] Take a look at medibuntu.sos-sts.com for some multimedia information and ubuntu === IceMONG [n=icemon@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:25] Thank you geggam! === Photon [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:25] i want to download debian but there is 3 DVD's DVD-1 DVD-2 and DVD-3 should i download them all? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] what does each have? === emoXcore [n=screamo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] get the net install iso and go from there [12:26] do a simple debian install [12:26] where do i get packets/codecs for restricted movie types? avi,mkv,ogg,etc [12:26] i want the DVD's [12:26] then download them all [12:27] i am now on windows [12:27] dewprism, ubuntu restricted extras through adept [12:27] i rebooted and came in windows [12:27] dewprism: www.getautomatix.com Follow the install procedure for your install version. [12:27] !automatix [12:27] automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe [12:27] McFrosty: I need alot of work to get my Mythtv running as well. [12:27] should i download them all? [12:27] can get dvd playback and other usefull programs from it [12:27] !debian [12:27] Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [12:27] troll, ty [12:28] should i download all the DVD's? helloooooo [12:28] no Photon but u said u want too [12:28] so go right ahead === AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] automatix as uboto points out is not a ubuntu supported program, use at own risk [12:28] Photon: you might also ask in #debian [12:29] with that said, I and my friends have never had an issue with it [12:29] thx Sanne and geggam anyway === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === Photon [n=chatzill@] has left #kubuntu [] === m0ns00n_ [n=m0ns00n@] has joined #kubuntu === m0ns00n_ [n=m0ns00n@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:30] Medibuntu (Multimedia, Entertainment & Distractions In Ubuntu) is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons (copyright, licens@ [12:31] http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ [12:31] !medibuntu [12:31] medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ === jorik [n=jorik@] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] 1k9copy [12:31] er [12:31] geggam: I tried : sudo apt-get -f install [12:31] it goes a little ways, then gives me the following error: [12:31] Unpacking volumeid (from .../volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb) ... [12:31] dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb (--unpack): [12:31] trying to overwrite `/sbin/vol_id', which is also in package udev [12:31] Errors were encountered while processing: [12:31] /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb [12:31] E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [12:31] !k9copy [12:31] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [12:31] heh [12:31] figured [12:32] try dpkg -i | grep udev [12:32] salut ! [12:32] er with a sudo on front [12:32] or su [12:32] my bad [12:32] dpkg -l [12:32] L little [12:32] Il y a un Franais ? [12:32] !pastebin | WillLuongo [12:32] WillLuongo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [12:32] jene parle pas francais [12:33] !fr | jorik [12:33] jorik: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. [12:33] ou si peu surement ! et mon anglais pas terrible ! [12:33] WillLuongo: do u notice this line that states /var/cache/apt/archives/volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb [12:33] OK ! [12:33] :) [12:33] BBL === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [12:33] geggam: I see it === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === gabrield [n=gabriel@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] geggam: I don't know what to do about it though... :( [12:34] that is the pkg it is breaking on [12:34] geggam: what can I do about it? === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14d71.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] well u have a package installing the same thing some other package installed WillLuongo [12:35] pick one and uninstall the other [12:35] or uninstall them both and let apt argue it out [12:36] udev and volumeid_093-0ubuntu18.0edgy2_i386.deb are the two packages === gabrield [n=gabriel@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:36] How can I do that? My adept is gone, and my apt-get isn't working. [12:36] dpkg [12:37] dpkg -r removes the package [12:37] dpkg -l lists all the packages [12:37] so dpkg -l | grep udev [12:38] WillLuongo: what does your sources.list look like? I'm a newbie, but maybe that could be it. [12:38] and depkg -l | grep volumeid will show which === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === mikko [n=mikko@adsl-82-141-88-45.kotinet.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] is installed... [12:38] remove them both [12:38] then do the apt-get -f install [12:38] again === sebo24 [n=sebo24@p85.212.62.228.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:39] sorry if i am a bit choppy in replies ... im trying to get this thing to jump from dapper to feisty [12:39] and i have to pay attention to it [12:40] archangel: my sources list should be fine, it just has universe and multiverse uncommented [12:41] ok ... i have to go do things... later [12:41] geggam: It is giving me an error message: [12:41] geggam [12:41] thanks [12:41] what error ? [12:41] for a minute [12:41] Errors were encountered while processing: [12:41] udev [12:41] will@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ sudo dpkg -l | grep volumeid [12:41] ii libvolumeid0 [12:42] geggam: I wasn't being sarcastic, I did mean thanks for your time [12:42] dpkg -r libvolumeid0 === mauricio [n=mauricio@] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] kaffiene does to play dvd and then crashes === rodrigo [n=rodrigo@c9519570.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] it gives me three lines of errors like that [12:42] i know [12:42] geggam: thanks [12:42] ii = installed iirc [12:42] man dpkg would help u alot [12:42] not to be a smartass [12:42] i do have to go [12:43] geggam: ok. thanks again for oyour time and help === superbear [n=matthias@p50911e8f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === edulix_ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === manuel_ [n=manuel@] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] a [12:46] a [12:46] a [12:46] sa [12:46] hello? [12:46] a [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] [12:47] === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54b58f3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === DivA [n=Nina@102-55-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu === manuel_ [n=manuel@] has joined #kubuntu === DivA is now known as Compleja === Etrange [n=candy@rny93-6-82-245-164-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] !es [12:48] Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. === arafat [n=arafat@pd9e1f426.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] hello, why must I update the kernel? === Compleja [n=Nina@102-55-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has left #kubuntu ["Connection] === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@m41.net81-66-7.noos.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:50] hello, why must I update the kernel? [12:50] hello, why must I update the kernel? [12:50] hello, why must I update the kernel? === edulix__ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@57.pool85-60-102.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === pingLUCE [n=paolo@host-84-223-170-159.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === bzwingzero [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu === sayers_ [n=sayers@] has joined #kubuntu === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #kubuntu === bzwingzero [n=chatzill@] has left #kubuntu [] === sailor_ [n=sailor@220-245-201-183.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] === n8k99 [n=nathan@dsl254-078-190.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === gabrield is now known as penba === ||arifaX_ [n=||arifaX@p54b58f3f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === mrigns [n=mrigns@ACAD37B9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === rifea [i=HydraIRC@cpe-24-209-108-28.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === ||arifaX_ is now known as ||arifaX === neil__ [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === spurcell_portabl [n=scott@adsl-67-67-223-235.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === spurcell_portabl is now known as texastwister === Kubuntero [n=dani@197.pool85-58-24.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === schmid [n=schmid@cpe-74-70-2-144.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === bronze_1_9 [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === tackat_ [n=tackat@p5490E28C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === jgunn [n=jgunn@CPE-75-86-143-229.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === antares_ [n=antares@host-85-237-38-150.dsl.sura.ru] has joined #kubuntu === gabrield [n=penba@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === dthacker [n=dthacker@ip68-107-233-209.om.om.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === pauljw [n=paul@pool194.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu === hateyla [n=freaky@] has joined #kubuntu === penba [n=gabrield@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === tackat_ is now known as tackat === ace is now known as Ace2016 [01:11] i m using fiesty with up-to-date updates.. i just install kubuntu-destkop package and using it.. all things working fine.. but there is no quit or reboot option there.. just log out And Lock Screen Option there? is anyhow can i add reboot and shutdown option there? === marsje [n=anonymou@mrcl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === yurimxpxman [n=yurimxpx@pool-71-120-105-11.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:13] hi... I want to use a bitmap font in Konsole, but when I select Settings -> Font -> Install Bitmap... it will tell me it can't install into fonts:/Personal: [01:13] I'm using kubuntu 7.04 beta === ehc [n=x@wall.pacinfo.com] has joined #kubuntu === squall [n=squall@host16-77-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === Fred59 [n=weichelt@pd9e74b17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:16] is someone here for help? [01:16] hateyla: I'm using Kubuntu 6.06 LTS, so there may be some differences but you can right-click on your kicker panel and choose add applet to panel, then... one moment... === evolvingjerk [n=evolving@host-85-237-38-150.dsl.sura.ru] has joined #kubuntu [01:18] yes, hateyla -- wanted to interupt my typing so you didn't go away.... using IRC for support requires some patience. Give someone time to a) notice your question b) possibly investigate and c) type a reply or further questions.... [01:19] texastwister: sorry.. for that. [01:20] irc can be a bit like fast email at times [01:20] ... as I was saying... you should find an applet for lock/logout buttons. The "Logout" button is a red button that then gives you "End Session", "Turn Off", and "Restart" options. === Morbo [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [01:20] texastwister: yeah but there is just 2 buttons.. logout and lockscreen.. not any others [01:21] Right. The Logout gives you the option to shutdown. === Hasserfuellt [n=Fuckya@xdsl-81-173-191-136.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:21] Do you want to go straight to shutdown without any intervening steps? === Hasserfuellt [n=Fuckya@xdsl-81-173-191-136.netcologne.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === penba_ [n=gabrield@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === spirit_ [n=spirit@] has joined #kubuntu [01:21] texastwister: in logout tab there. is just logout button. [01:22] texastwister: yes.. want to go straight. with shutdown or reboot. === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu === Fred59 [n=weichelt@pd9e74b17.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu [] [01:25] hateyla: then try right-clicking the "K-menu" button and choose menu editor. Then add a new item. Call it "Shutdown". And in the "command" field, type: "sudo shutdown -h now". [01:25] The "sudo" may not be necessary, and there may be other easier variants, but that should work. [01:26] texastwister: okie let me try [01:26] Gotta go... back later === voidmage [n=voidmage@adsl-068-209-120-161.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === anderson [n=anderson@201-69-18-235.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus [n=tol@0x50a14ded.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === bort [n=bort@] has joined #kubuntu === bill [n=bill@70-41-67-216.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu === bill is now known as bill57785 [01:31] sooo === soulrider [n=mauro@] has joined #kubuntu [01:31] !info scilab [01:31] scilab: Matrix-based scientific software package (a la Matlab and Xmath). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.0-2 (edgy), package size 4103 kB, installed size 48288 kB [01:32] I have kubuntu, and I want to upgrade to edgy.. I've typed kdesu "update-manager -c" and it gives me the error "can t find DistUpgradeViewGtk [01:32] my computer cannot read this CF card, because it uses a special partition table that only a palm Life Drive can read [01:32] !upgrade [01:32] See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [01:32] and I need to reinstall the Palm OS manually [01:32] but to do that, I need to erase the card === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:32] but I can't access the card or mount it because of the custom partition tables [01:33] is there a way for me to just completely wipe the card? [01:33] when I fletch Updates in adept, no repositories are visible, help! === rossco [n=ross@C-61-69-188-109.syd.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@v-163.dsl.mhtc.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] whats the manual partition sizes for kubuntu? === freelancer317 [n=bfledder@pool-71-251-145-95.hrbgpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] ubuntu: what do you mean? [01:36] what size is boot [01:37] I'm really not getting your question [01:37] anybody here that understands linux partitions? [01:37] you should know that there are 3 partitions.. boot, swap, and root [01:37] guys I don't see any repositories anymore...I cannot fletch updates. [01:38] boot=???? swap=2xRAM root=Remainder [01:39] ubuntu: there's not necessarily a boot partition, that was necessary in former times. AFAIK, Kubuntu doesn't make a boot partition by default, only swap and root. I don't know exactly because I always used manual partitioning. === christophe [n=christop@chb28-1-82-240-151-86.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:39] ok Sanne thanks, i'll try it out [01:40] ubuntu: wait [01:40] I was gonna say, mine never made 3 === borogx [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:40] and I recently (within the last 6 months) began using linux [01:40] ubuntu: I would recommend, though, to make at least a separate /home partition, so you can keep your user configuration easily in case of a reinstall. === conanm4 [n=conanm16@dhcp-0-13-d3-a-e1-1a.cpe.mountaincable.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] so does anyone have any idea how to fix my problem mentioned above? [01:41] I need to have the repositories back. How can I do that? === Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B37B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:42] thats the only thing I find annoying about the *ubuntu installers, it doesnt have a simple "Create Seperate Home Partition" option === evolvingjerk [n=evolving@host-85-237-38-150.dsl.sura.ru] has left #kubuntu [] === evolvingjerk [n=evolving@host-85-237-38-150.dsl.sura.ru] has joined #kubuntu [01:42] Linux_Galore: maybe suggest it on Launchpad? I think that#s an exellent idea. [01:43] many of the other distro do now. some do it by default === Neil____ [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] Sanne: got a url for that [01:44] Linux_Galore: sec === ed1 [n=ed1@ool-4579813b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === tulio_ [n=tulio@] has joined #kubuntu [01:45] often installing a system is easy, recreating the users settings can be painfull [01:46] Linux_Galore: Lauchpad recently redesigned, I can't find a feature request function. But here's the url to the ubuntu pages, maybe you can help searching: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu === penba [n=gabrield@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:47] if I uninstall and then reinstall kaffiene, do I need to reinstall the lib's too? [01:47] Linux_Galore: ah, I think you just file a bug report and tell that it's a wish. See this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmms-status-plugin/+bug/90529 [01:48] it crashed everytime I try to play a dvd [01:49] Sanne: yeah, seems to be the way === Gartra2 [n=gareth@adsl-75-33-78-159.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] hey, my kde is broken === amateur [n=marco@] has joined #kubuntu === amateur [n=marco@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === matri [n=matri@] has joined #kubuntu [01:51] help [01:51] my kde init isnt working [01:53] tps://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 'Powered By' images at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PoweredBy | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please". [01:53] Gartra2: sec. [01:53] sec? [01:54] kaffiene crashes everytime I try to play a dvd [01:54] and everyting is up to date === logan [n=logan@cpe-72-177-54-243.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:54] do I reinstall? === nkayhan [n=nathan@c-67-161-14-72.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:55] archangel_: Try xine or mplayer, see if they don't work better. === sailor_ [n=sailor@220-245-201-183.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:56] I have a simple question: Does anybody know if the "restricted drivers" app will come with kubuntu? [01:56] Gartra2: what did you do? [01:56] hmm how can i stop x? ive tried sudo init 3 and it does nothing. [01:56] i tryed to update it... and it brok [01:56] nkayhan: For various reasons, you will probably always need to install it manually. [01:56] Gartra2: Update to Feisty or what? === logan [n=logan@cpe-72-177-54-243.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] no [01:57] just a normal update [01:57] vlc doesnt crash, but just stops playing as soon as it sees the dvd in the drive [01:57] HaSH: Welcome to the debian side of the force. Runlevels are meaningless unless you set them up. [01:57] jhutchins: It seems like a pretty simple ui port, but I'm probably wrong [01:57] HaSH: /etc/init.d/kdm stop === bort [n=bort@] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] nkayhan: It has to do with their licensing. [01:57] archangel_: you need dvdcss2 [01:58] jhutchins, ahh. ive used *ubuntu b4 ....its just been a while . thank you =) === conanm4 [n=conanm16@dhcp-0-13-d3-a-e1-1a.cpe.mountaincable.net] has left #kubuntu [] [01:58] !dvd [01:58] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [01:58] nkayhan: Some people need to avoid the tainted licenses. [01:58] !fixres | Gartra2 [01:58] Gartra2: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [01:58] Gartra2: Have you tried that? [01:58] how do i check my dist version?? [01:58] bort: cat /etc/lsb-release [01:59] bort: in a console [01:59] jhutchins: I know, but ubuntu feisty is going to come with something called "Restricted driver installer" I was wondering if this would come with ubuntu? [01:59] *kubutnu [01:59] nkayhan: Most likely, unless it's very gnome specific. [01:59] im in gnome... everytime i try to run KDE it comes up with a window in the corner of my screen that says "kde-init faild" [01:59] nkayhan: Feisty is in #ubuntu+1 === hendaus [n=hendaus@] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] jhutchins: is there a kubuntu+1? [02:00] somebody help please! [02:00] Gartra2: sudo aptitude -f install maybe [02:00] no... tryed [02:00] ive even COMPLETELY uninstalled kde and reinstalled it [02:00] Gartra2: Are you on edgy? [02:01] 6.10 yea === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14ded.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] Gartra2: Well, there are the usual methods, install kdm, start x from console, run startkde from console, look for errors, check /var/log/messages, check /var/log/X* === |Iwonder| [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] helper!!! [02:02] !dvd | archangel_ [02:02] archangel_: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [02:02] !ask | hendaus [02:02] hendaus: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) [02:03] hendaus: what's your question? [02:03] We need a "don't panic" factoid... [02:03] LOL [02:04] Possibly "Inability to run a pirated Windows game is not an emergency" factoid as well. [02:04] jhutchins, thanx, but i make lock session,then my friend i dont he click a button and a black screen appears, it says login [02:04] hendaus: try ctrl-F7 [02:05] hey is there anyway to make the pc version of halo play on linux? [02:05] hendaus: Nope, sorry, it's alt-f7 [02:05] what can u type to enter kubuntu graphic [02:05] hendaus: does alt-f7 work? [02:05] yes [02:05] can anyone help me with this problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14640/ [02:06] jhutchins, thank u,but is there any word to type to return back to kubuntu>? [02:06] hehendaus: ctl alt bkspace ? [02:06] hendaus: Don't be afraid of that black screen, it's your most powerful friend. [02:06] clt alt escape ? [02:06] hendaus: What you have is six plain, non-graphics desktops that you can reach with the function keys. [02:06] jhutchins, sometimes needs the root [02:07] hendaus: Ok, language problem here. Alt-F7 does not put you back in kde? [02:07] jhutchins: hey man, i still cant upgrade to edgy, i also followed this guide https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade,but there were no packages to upgrade, what do you recommend me? [02:07] jhutchins, no [02:08] jhutchins, i am on other pc [02:08] bort: Your not on edgy yet? [02:08] bort: The basic process is to update your sources list to edgy sources, then run apt-get (or aptitude) dist-upgrade [02:08] hendaus: clt alt backspace [02:08] jhutchins, i have kubuntu edgy , kde [02:08] bort: Oh, apt-get update first. === mrigns [n=mrigns@ACAD37B9.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] hendaus: Ok, log in as a regular user, sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart [02:09] nkayhan, thanx, now works :), now how can i enter another time to the black screen? [02:09] hendaus: It will ask for your password, regular user password. [02:10] hendaus: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, but it's also available at ctrl-alt-F1 [02:10] jhutchins: that is just what i did, but there were 0 packages to upgrade [02:10] hendaus: ctrl-alt-F[1-6] [02:10] hendaus: ctl alt escape does the trick === mrigns is now known as mrigns|Zzz [02:11] ok ty === matysek is now known as MATYSEK [02:11] nkayhan, jhutchins thanx [02:11] bort: Ok, you updated, right? (loads the new lists) === HaSH [n=free@unaffiliated/blazed] has left #kubuntu [] === HaSH [n=free@unaffiliated/blazed] has joined #kubuntu [02:11] bort: try apt-get upgrade [02:12] nkayhan, ctrl + alt + f1 doesnot show me the black screen [02:12] Sanne: done [02:12] jhutchins, i mean u :) [02:13] hendaus: ctrl alt esc will [02:13] jhutchins: it says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded" when i type apt-get upgrade [02:13] Linux_Galore: nice one :) Mind giving the url? [02:13] hendaus: It should if the system is running properly. [02:13] hendaus: You may need to restart. === neptunepink [n=neptunep@adsl-75-62-110-120.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:13] nkayhan, it opens the process table kde [02:13] hendaus: I've had it fail a few times. === snerge [n=kvirc@bas9-quebec14-1168087154.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:14] Sanne: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ticket/4810 [02:14] Linux_Galore: thanks... reading [02:14] hendaus: opening a console and stopping kdm will get you back to the "black screen". [02:14] nkayhan: oh, that's weird umm, I know there's an easy way by default [02:14] any use a Linux OS and able to listen to Sirius radio online? [02:14] jhutchins, restart from the begining or return back to desktop graphics? [02:14] it runs off WMP embedded in a webpage [02:14] hendaus: I'd do a full shutdown -r now === ahmed_ [n=ahmed@cpe-24-90-127-191.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] ScottLij: I've been able to listen to a lot of windows streams with amarok. [02:15] ScottLij: get the mplayer pluggin, it should work [02:15] Linux_Galore: nice and short and to the point. I will keep an eye on this one. [02:15] hendaus: Make sure all the packages got updated cleanly. [02:15] mplayer pluggin to FireFox? [02:16] jhutchins, ok i open the konsole.now how can i get back to the black screen? === rpedro__ [n=rpedro@87-196-65-42.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [02:16] hendaus: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop [02:16] ScottLij: yea sudo apt-get install mplayer-mozilla [02:17] Sanne: to be honest its a personal thing because I usually muck around with the installs and add a few customer odds and ends to a install, as you can guess this makes the standard update method turn into a mess so a clean install is easier [02:17] jhutchins: it says "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded" when i type apt-get upgrade === jay_ [n=jay@c-71-235-110-42.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] E: Couldn't find package mplayer-mozilla [02:17] bort: cat /etc/lsb-release === opeth115 [n=matt@pool-70-21-199-187.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] Linux_Galore: heh, yeah, I can imagine. I think it can be an advancement for everybody, so it would be cool if it were presented especially to beginners at install time. [02:18] Sanne: Ive been doing this with SuSE and Mandriva for years now with very few issues [02:18] jhutchins: "distrib_release=6.06 , DISTRIB_CODENAME=dapper, DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS" [02:18] hendaus: sudo dpkg --configure -a [02:19] ah, its mozilla-mplayer :) [02:19] Good Evening. Seeking advise with a problem I'm having in Feisty... should I ask here or is there a better channel for this release? === manchicken [n=manchick@adsl-75-37-101-105.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:19] bort: Use source-o-matic to generate a new apt sources.list [02:19] !easysources | bort [02:19] bort: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic [02:19] jay_: #ubuntu+1 [02:19] jay_: Fiesty's still officially in #ubuntu+1 [02:20] ScottLij: sorry, I messed up [02:20] Ok. :) Thanks... I suspected it might have its own channel. [02:20] its installed now, will FireFox recognize it without any other configuration? === dauoalagio2 [n=joe@73-24.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:20] ScottLij: it's the beauty of packaging [02:21] ScottLij: Yes [02:21] still doesn't work :( [02:21] Sanne: also its faster than an update, updates in Mandriva can take 3 hours, when a normal clean install leaving the /home partition untouched can take 40-60 minutes === frood [n=glinty@cpe-72-226-195-64.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:21] ScottLij: Did you restart firefox? [02:22] yes [02:22] jhutchins: i have genereted the sources.list, how do i use it? [02:22] Firefox wasn't open when I installed it [02:22] How can I tell what video card I have in my system? info center doesn't tell me and there are no markings on the card. [02:22] ScottLij: Does it show an mplayer window? === neptunepink [n=neptunep@adsl-75-62-110-120.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:22] bort: Copy it to /etc/apt/sources.list [02:22] I don't see mplayer anywhere [02:22] Linux_Galore: cool... but we're getting a bit offtopic here, I guess... :) === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] Sanne: true [02:23] weird: have you installed mpayer its self? === aib [n=aib@pdpc/supporter/basic/aib] has joined #kubuntu === jay_ [n=jay@c-71-235-110-42.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === david [n=david@CPE-124-178-118-196.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] yeh, I installed it using Adept and mplayer was installed at the same time [02:25] Firefox recognizes that a plugin is missing but it doesn't know which plugin it is === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === penba [n=gabrield@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:27] Anyone using a mceusb remote with irkick? [02:27] jhutchins: i did it, and typed apt-get upgrade, but it said the same, 0 upgraded...... === hendaus [n=hendaus@] has joined #kubuntu === xtavaresx [n=michael@60-241-180-153.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:28] bort: Very strange. === pynsa [n=overlord@i3ED6D0B8.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:28] jhutchins, ok the command u gave me it opens the black screen [02:28] jhutchins: any suggestions?? [02:29] jhutchins, but alt + f7 doesnot do anything :< === vio [n=valent@] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] bort: Beyond my knowledge. I think we already established that you do have old versions of the software. [02:29] I just downloaded fglrx from adept for my ati card and installed it. how can I set up my resolution to 1280x800 now? [02:29] it clear the commands [02:29] yeah, I have 6.06 [02:29] bort: try apt-get install aptitude [02:29] where is the Firefox home folder in Kubuntu? === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54B58F3F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] hendaus: If you have stopped kdm, you must restart it for graphics. [02:30] jhutchins, but i make restart ctrl+alt +del [02:30] hendaus: When the system is running normally, you have ten different desktops. Four graphical in KDE, accessed with Ctrl-f[1-4] [02:30] yes [02:31] jhutchins: it said "aptitude is already the newest version" [02:31] im wondering if there is a more upto date list of sources for edgy... i get this http://pastebin.ulteo.us/498 [02:31] hendaus: You also should have six consoles in the background. Usually you can get to them with Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] . [02:31] bort: apt-get clean === nybble [n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble] has joined #kubuntu [02:31] jhutchins, like tty1 tty2 tty3 ... [02:32] jhutchins, is it? [02:32] hendaus: Yes, exactly. [02:32] jhutchins: done, now what? [02:32] hendaus: Normally those all run along with kde. [02:32] bort: try to upgrade again. [02:32] jhutchins, ok but for example how can i open xchat or amsn and konqueror === nybble [n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble] has joined #kubuntu [02:32] jhutchins: still the same, nothing to upgrade === Shahid [n=MadSci@cpc3-heck3-0-0-cust702.hudd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:32] hi xorg goes to 100%cpu load when i am idle, on a centrino duo processor [02:33] hendaus: You need to have kde running for those, although you can run irssi and lynx from the consoles. === dougtx [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:33] bort: Anything suspicious about apt-get update? Should have talked about fetching the lists. === ace [n=ace@80-47-119-225.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:33] bort: I presume you have pretty much everything enabled. === chemicalvamp [n=chemical@v-163.dsl.mhtc.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] bort: It's like update didn't overwrite the package lists with the new ones. [02:34] jhutchins, so i type on the black screen: run irssi [02:35] hendaus: Probably not installed, sudo aptitude install irssi +lynx === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === Ace2016 [n=ace@80-47-119-225.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === Swift [n=chatzill@82-40-104-17.cable.ubr01.dunb.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [02:36] jhutchins, i mean when i am on the black screen , is there a command to return u back to the normal desktop kde [02:36] hendaus: If you used the F-keys to switch, then just switch to tty7 [02:36] hendaus: If you stopped kdm, start it. === noiesmo [n=noiesmo@unaffiliated/noiesmo] has joined #kubuntu === snikker [n=IRC@host32-69-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] jhutchins: btw mind to help testing one thing? === ScottLij [n=scott@66-227-218-192.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] Tm_T: Hang on a sec... [02:37] jhutchins, yes if i stopped kdm how can i start it? [02:37] bort: sudo cp /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin . [02:38] hendaus: /etc/init.d/kdm start [02:38] bort: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin [02:38] guys I don't know what to do after installing fglrx for ati. I need to configure my resolution to 1280x800 and I don't want to mess up the boot like it happened twice! [02:38] bort: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [02:38] hendaus: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start [02:38] hendaus: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start [02:38] thanks snerge [02:38] Tm_T: What's up? [02:38] jhutchins: :) [02:38] jhutchins: call ops with test here === railman99 [n=tim@pool-72-81-128-5.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:39] jhutchins, wao thats wonderful using kubuntu lunix [02:39] You mean "!ops"? === snikker [n=IRC@host32-69-dynamic.60-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Exit"] [02:39] Tm_T: You mean "!ops"? [02:40] hendaus: Pretty standard for most distributions of linux. [02:40] jhutchins: yes [02:40] jhutchins: ths man, i will try some other day [02:40] hendaus: Only kubuntu thing about it is you have to do that first restart. === Luft [n=eric@c-67-183-203-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] !ops [02:41] Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal [02:41] jhutchins, now if i type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, so it goes to black screen right? [02:41] jhutchins: yes? [02:41] jhutchins: thanks [02:41] Tm_T: yes? [02:41] nalioth: Thank you for the quick response - Tm_T Wanted to test. [02:41] jhutchins: Tm_T what did you need? [02:41] nalioth: hilight test, now I get hilighted here === jhutchins considers not poking any more dragons. === Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has left #kubuntu [requested] [02:42] jhutchins: don't let him lead you into evil [02:42] Anyone know of a website that does a review of the various application for linux? For example: Kontact and/or Evolution comparison? === deep [n=deep@c-a52a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === dirtyd_ [n=dirtyd@pool-70-107-187-112.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] what is the command for upgrading to the next or newest version from dapper? [02:43] pollyo: Not an objective site. You can find reviews comparing individual apps sometimes. [02:43] !upgrade | archangel_ [02:43] archangel_: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [02:44] thanks [02:44] Where can i add filetypes defaults? [02:44] nalioth: We had someone here who had updated his sources.list, but apt said nothing to upgrade. [02:44] my .msg-files counts as .nfo-files for some reason [02:44] nalioth: Any idea how to fix that? [02:44] nalioth: I was going to have him move pkgcache.bin and try a new update. === Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu [02:45] jhutchins: did he use "apt-get dist-upgrade" ? [02:45] jhutchins, sorry i am F and i am newbie on this friend and i am learning many things :) === freet15 [n=freet15@] has joined #kubuntu [02:45] nalioth: Yes, dist-upgrade and upgrade reported zero packages. He's gone now. === ni3w4zn3 [n=ni3w4zn3@kri1-1x-dhcp270.studby.uio.no] has joined #kubuntu [02:45] jhutchins: i'm sure it was operator error [02:45] hendaus: What's your native language? [02:46] nalioth: Could have been, but could have been a munged package list too. === lelik [n=Miranda@] has joined #kubuntu [02:46] jhutchins, arabic espanish english, why u are understanding me :( === bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [02:46] *you are not [02:47] When you edit the list file do you have to sudo to write to the file? I heard editing the list was different in versions before feisty. [02:47] hendaus: there is a #kubuntu-es channel if that's any easier for you. Yeah, I'm following you ok so far. [02:47] hendaus: are you not* [02:47] Oooh! [02:48] Anyone got any answer for my filetype question? [02:48] !arabic | hendaus [02:48] hendaus: For the Arabic language or Saudi Arabia you are invited to join #ubuntu-sa [02:48] hendaus: But you're always welcome here too. [02:48] jhutchins, so first i open konsole and then i type sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, it goes to the black screen right [02:48] deep: I usually try right-clicking and hope "Open With" will offer "Rember...". [02:49] jhutchins, no i love english [02:49] :) [02:49] hendaus: Right, you've stopped the graphical server. [02:49] hendaus: you could use restart instead [02:49] hendaus: THis is runlevel 3 in SysV compliant systems. [02:49] jhutchins: yeah, that will make the problem go another way. As is it now, .msg = .nfo. And if i change, .nfo = .msg [02:49] jhutchins, ok thanx, then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start <-- it returns back to here or not [02:49] jhutchins: so i have to add one [02:50] deep: just within konqueror, or all of kde? [02:50] hendaus: Should be. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart should just restart it, as should Ctrl-Alt-Backspace. [02:50] Umm, i guess just withing konqueror. I haven't really seen the extensions anywhere else. [02:51] In kde-apps-way, ofc. [02:51] within [02:51] * [02:51] jhutchins, oh so without restart u cant start kdm fastly? [02:52] deep: In kcontrol, it's under KDE components, file associations, don't know where that is in kubuntu. [02:52] hendaus: No, restart's another option, stops then starts. === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [02:52] hendaus: you can also use ctrl+alt+backspace but I had situation where only a restart seemed to work (might only be my impresion) [02:53] ah ok [02:53] back later. [02:53] later jhutchins [02:53] jhutchins: i'm using ubuntu, i've installed kde afterwords, so (: [02:53] jhutchins, now if i have stop the kdm, can i open xchat or any program? [02:53] hendaus: nope === robert__ [n=robert@AMarseille-157-1-37-21.w90-15.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] well not X programs [02:54] hauhauha cool snerge [02:54] OK................ how do i stop konqueror from blocking a needed pop-up? [02:54] It would be nice if the various mail programs all shared the same data. [02:54] does it possible to write on NTFS harddrive over lan ? [02:55] You could go between Evolution and Kontact to try out the various features. [02:55] erz-: samba (: [02:55] pollyo: you could always setup an IMAP server .... === Hrontore [n=rod@adsl-159-212-201.bix.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:55] deep: have samba =) [02:55] snerge: How would that then work? [02:56] erz-: and ntfs-3g, ofc. :) [02:56] snerge: I have evolution pulling my mail from gmail at this time. [02:56] deep: ahem ! apt-get install ntfs-3g =) ? [02:56] pollyo: with an imap server, your mail are kept on the server ... yeah I'm not so sure how it could work with your gmail [02:56] erz-: exacly. :) [02:56] snerge: I can pop into my gmail. [02:57] snerge: I do not believe they support imap. === gone|win [i=gone|win@gateway/tor/x-cd073d162cc50bdc] has joined #kubuntu [02:57] pollyo: yeah but no imap for gmail [02:57] zserzsrastrzse [02:57] that was just a test [02:57] now the real question [02:57] how do i use subpixel hinting _without_ any antialiasing (i.e. without blurring the font)? (kde, gnome, whatever) [02:57] okay quiky question, what would i do if i had a broken install? [02:57] I don't know if some kind of fetchmail that would store your email in your own imap server could be setup ... [02:57] snerge: Do they have someting that I can use to grab mail from other sites and store it in a server on my machine for the mail program to imap into locally? [02:58] snerge: I see. You aren't sure at this time either. [02:58] nope [02:58] jhutchins, ok bye [02:58] I have not tested such setup myself === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-58-164-65-230.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] pollyo: but I would give a try to something like fetchmail + imap [02:59] snerge: I'll look at it. [02:59] deep: have i to configure ? === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu [02:59] snerge: Perhaps in the future they will make the email information an object that any application can access through the wallet. [02:59] erz-: just remount the drive with type "ntfs-3g" :) === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu === vio [n=valent@] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] does it goin to be in conflict with samba ? [03:00] kget used to ask me what folder I wanted to download to when I downloaded something from akregator. However now it just downloads to the same folder. How do I change it back to asking me everytime? [03:00] erz-: nope (: === juano__ [n=juano@r190-64-211-208.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] hiya guyes :DD [03:00] Perhaps, I only use my gmail online .... [03:01] how do i use subpixel hinting _without_ any antialiasing (i.e. without blurring the font)? (kde, gnome, whatever) [03:01] snerge: I may go back to that. I was just looking around at the mail apps. === neuton [n=dave@ool-4356aaf6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #Kubuntu === neuton [n=dave@ool-4356aaf6.dyn.optonline.net] has left #Kubuntu [] [03:02] pollyo: unless I need advanced feature, I don't think I will ever go back to desktop mail software [03:02] deep: erk have an error .. fstab doesnt like ntfs-3g ? [03:03] erz-: doesnt like ntfs-3g? What does it say? [03:03] snerge: Do you use firefox to look at your email on gmail? [03:03] pollyo: yup [03:03] deep: fstab wont mount my drive =) [03:03] erz-: ubuntu doesn't like ntfs-3g. it's too unstable. [03:03] snerge: I noticed a little odd behavior in the display with firefox. [03:03] =))))))) [03:04] pollyo: really ? where ? [03:04] erz-: when you do a "sudo mount -a", what does it say? :) [03:04] he said failed to mount [03:04] snrege: When viewing the mail. On the left side of the screen there is a list that extends into the mail headers. [03:04] i put cifs instead of ntfs and it works =) [03:04] erz-: at least this is the reason why it's not default *even* in feisty [03:04] how do i dissable the pop-up blocker on konqueror === tulio_ [n=tulio@] has joined #kubuntu [03:05] snrege: It blacks a small area on a few lines. [03:05] erz-: with ubuntu, stability comes first! [03:05] gone|win: maybe one day we could write on ntfs disk easily .. [03:05] pollyo: hum I don't see, this, you tryed with opera ? [03:05] erz-: Have you added ntfs-3g to your system? [03:05] snrege: No, I have not. [03:06] pollyo: just apt get install ntfs-3g [03:06] snerge: I do not have opera installed. === sdlnxgk [n=sdlnxgk@ip68-7-22-185.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:06] how do i dissable the pop-up blocker on konqueror [03:06] kk, I have both, uses ff all the time but sometime with broken webpage ... I try opera [03:06] erz-: I have it installed and it wasn't very difficult to make the changes to the fstab. [03:06] erz-: use mint. it's not as amazingly stable as ubuntu is (because it has ntfs-3g), but at least you can easily write on ntfs === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@127.red-217-217-167.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as _Thoth_ [03:07] erz-: I do not write much to my ntfs though. [03:07] hehe, I don't trust ntfs writing on linux, I use ext3 drivers on windows instead, === _Thoth_ [n=ubuntu@127.red-217-217-167.user.auna.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:08] or a fat partition [03:08] gone|win: mint? gonna search on google [03:08] but like, I don't use windows anymore so ... [03:08] snerge: I installed ext3 driver on windows it appears slow though.. [03:08] erz-: "linux mint" or search distrowatch.com [03:09] pollyo: maybe, I don't transfer lots of stuff [03:09] I only game under windows [03:09] snerge: The trouble with ext3 in windows is that it opens the partition to virus attacks from within windows. [03:09] gone|win: dont want to change my dist =) [03:09] that's why [03:10] I only mount it as needed [03:10] and I never mount / [03:10] only my data partition, not even my backup partition/disk [03:10] erz-: linux mint *IS* ubuntu! [03:10] snerge: Ok. Though while it is mounted in windows a virus can access the drive and/or write data. [03:10] yeah probably [03:11] snerge: From what I read the Ext3 does not make use of permissions. === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === snerge touches wood, I've never had a destructive virus in my whole computer file [03:11] life [03:11] snerge: The Ext3 driver for windows (does not make use of permissions) === ToyMan [n=Stuart@user-12lcqol.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === duck_ [n=duck@c-24-129-213-76.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] but, like I said, the only thing I do on windows is gaming, I barely browse for game patches and such ... === pvhs [n=pvhs@pool-138-89-177-206.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === rpedro__ is now known as rpedro [03:12] gotta love feisty [03:13] snerge: I've started to get my uncle and his family to browse in ubuntu/linux for the most part. [03:13] snerge: If I could find a lexmark driver for them they would hardly have the need for windows [03:13] yeah, so you don't have to clean spyware every month :P [03:14] and/or format [03:14] hi question about wine. i have version 0.9.5, i need to upgrade to the latest, but i need to save all configs. im a noob. somebody else told me to do cp ~/.wine ~/.wine.backup and then upgrade and then rename the backup as ~/.wine. [03:14] snerge: I had to wipe the entire system for them. I ran anti-spyware and the count was in high and then a virus scan over 150 infections. [03:15] it would be a problem if my programs stopped workign with a newer version of wine. === TheDebugger [n=algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:15] pvhs: I don't think upgrading wine make you lose your settings, but yes, you can backup ~/.wine and restore it only if needed ..... === bzwingzero [n=chatzill@] has joined #kubuntu [03:16] pvhs: I would imagine it that it would have to be a major upgrade to break the settings in wine. A backup of settins is always suggested when upgrading anything. [03:16] snerg: thanx. it just worries me, because im running breezy. i need to update. but i really cant right now. but i need to update wine. and sometimes my apt-get installations dont work quite right...so yea. === LastMall [n=here@adsl-70-232-46-17.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] pvhs: like pollyo said, a backup is always a good thing [03:18] ok [03:18] thanx [03:18] I wish I would backup stuff more often myself ... [03:18] haha [03:18] lol [03:18] snerge: Isn't it one of those do as I say not what I do type of things. [03:18] im kinda new with kubuntu. i run gentoo on my desktop. [03:19] heheh indeed [03:19] yea.. [03:19] and i use cedega there [03:19] pvhs: gentoo is nice too [03:19] yea [03:19] i like the portage [03:19] I'm not very familiar with the various distros. [03:19] but I like apt-get better (nothing scientific her, personnal opinion) [03:20] here [03:20] ah [03:20] (K)ubuntu is the only modern distro I've used. (Last time I looked at Linux was about 10 or more years ago) === kpascutti is now known as pascutti === delight [n=delight@bchm-4d0917bb.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] I've had less problem with apt-get than portage but I haven't used gentoo in at least a year [03:20] pollyo: running feisty ? [03:21] snerge: Yes. I'm very happy with it so far as well. I installed RC5 if I recall correctly. [03:21] k [03:21] same thing here [03:21] snerge: I've had it running a few days shy of a month. === sayers__ [n=sayers@] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] grr === JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] its not letting me copy it. === joe_ [n=joe@modemcable130.189-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] been running linux as my primary desktop for months now [03:22] won't go back [03:22] who can help me [03:22] about key [03:22] pvhs: wine running ? === nael_ [n=nael@ppp-71-139-195-5.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] joe_:If I was a mind reader I would be retired. What are you looking for help with friend? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] snerge: no, im trying to make a backup of it. but it refuses. [03:23] W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com dapper Release: Les signatures suivantes n'ont pas pu tre vrifies car la cl publique n'est pas disponible: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 [03:23] pvhs: what does it says ? (you can query me) === nael_ is now known as NeoChaosX [03:23] or use pastebin [03:23] How do I remove what Guarddog set up? === dubatera [n=dubatera@201-68-11-58.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] snerge: cp: omitting directory `/home/pvhs/.wine' [03:24] any clue [03:24] pvhs: you need to use cp -R [03:24] pvhs: cp -R .wine .wine_backup [03:24] what is the driver for intel video cards? [03:24] how do i use subpixel hinting _without_ any antialiasing (i.e. without blurring the font)? (kde, gnome, whatever) [03:24] joe_: I can not understand the error. I have trouble enough with english. [03:24] ok [03:24] Mmm [03:25] joe_: Have you looked at the mediabutu.sos-sts.com website? I believe it has some information on it. [03:25] i will try to translate [03:25] snerge: it shouldnt be cp -R .wine .wine.backup? or does it not matter === Petey1971 [n=Matt1010@cpe-065-184-187-052.ec.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:25] joe_: I think you are not getting the right key for the right distro === Petey1971 [n=Matt1010@cpe-065-184-187-052.ec.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:26] joe_: Did you put the right information in for the distribution? [03:26] ok === cool_gamer8119 [n=cool_gam@24-247-243-185.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] i feel retarded. lol [03:26] # Appears as EggRobo.http://smwstuff.com/tiptup300/EggRobo.AVB [03:26] pvhs: not sure I understand you correctly ... ?? [03:26] lol [03:26] nvm === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] lol, ok :) [03:26] im just being stupid. [03:27] its copying now [03:27] joe_: What version of (K)ubuntu are you running? [03:27] we all do === cool_gamer8119 [n=cool_gam@24-247-243-185.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu [] === fe_cha [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] how do you cehck the version in KDE? === gone|win [i=gone|win@gateway/tor/x-cd073d162cc50bdc] has left #kubuntu [] [03:27] how do I reverse what Gaurddog screwed up? [03:27] what is the driver for intel video cards? [03:27] ScottLij: help -> about KDE [03:28] joe_: Have you looked at: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php [03:28] what is it, apt-get install wine? [03:28] ScottLij: In prety much any K app === hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:28] sayers__: What did guarddog screwup? [03:29] pvhs: don't you have it already installed ? [03:29] pollyo: now the internet doesnt connect and most IRC doesnt connect === holastickboy [n=holastic@ESS-p-144-138-87-86.mega.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] i need to upgrade [03:29] how can i change my PC name [03:29] ?? [03:29] snerge: ive never really used wine. [03:29] ok [03:29] Kite_DH: Umm I know you can change /etc/hostname but there must be a less geeky way [03:29] well that should do the trick, sudo apt-get install wine [03:29] snerge: ok. thats what i thought. [03:30] you need have have enabled universe repository .... [03:30] DaSkreech: and whats the less geeky way xD [03:30] head over to ubuntuguide.org and check out that site [03:30] Kite_DH: I'm trying to find out :) [03:30] thats just gonna upgrade. or should i do it some other way [03:30] DaSkreech: thx! [03:30] tells u how to install everything u think u will ever need for unbuntu/kubuntu [03:31] sayers__: You have to make sure a few settings are on. I believe it was you have to make sure you have ICPM redirect and DNS permitted for most things to work. === ranjan [n=ranjan@netblock-208-127-59-180.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu === jag_ [n=jag@12-214-107-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] pvhs: it should upgrade to the latest version [03:31] sayers__: You might want to check those in the Protocol and Network Protocol area. === BlueLoonie [n=justin@dhh-237-20.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] snerge: yea wow. im a noob. :P === thoth [n=thoth@127.red-217-217-167.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] pvhs: no problem, so am I [03:32] pollyo: how? === thoth is now known as _Thoth_ [03:32] sayers__: Start up Guarddog. [03:32] snerge: crap. yea. it failed the install [03:32] pollyo okay [03:32] snerge: and apt-get update doesnt work either [03:32] sayers__: Click on the Protocol tab. [03:32] If i had a broken install would i have to start from scratch? [03:32] pvhs: paste me the output on pastebin [03:33] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [03:33] yea. hold on [03:33] pollyo: alright [03:33] sayers__: Ok. Did you click on the protocol tab? [03:33] pollyo: yes [03:33] sayers__: Look in the Network PRotocol portion of the window. [03:33] sayers__: Expand the "Network" section. === Gartra2 [n=gareth@adsl-75-33-78-159.dsl.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] [03:34] pollyo: alright [03:34] snerge: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14657/ === delight [n=delight@bchm-4d0916b2.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] sayers: Do you have a check in the DNS - Domain Name Server box? === prxq [n=prxq@C5f2c.c.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dpc674626074.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu === _neopc [n=neopc@200-147-87-64.tlm.dialuol.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] pollyo: no [03:34] pollyo: I put one [03:34] pvhs: wine is already the newest version. [03:34] sayers__: Ok. Add one and then make sure you have one in the ICMP Redirect box. [03:35] snerge: no. its at version 0.9.5 [03:35] pvhs: the other errors are caused by bad/old repositories [03:35] hello === ubuntu is now known as HessiaNerd [03:35] pvhs: are you using 5.10 ? [03:35] hi === sayers__ is now known as Sayers [03:35] sayers__: Now click Apply at the bottom of the window. [03:35] snerge: of wine or kubuntu [03:35] can someone help me with a Grub/Install problem? [03:35] *ubuntu [03:35] of kubuntu [03:35] sayers__: Did you apply the changes? [03:35] pollyo: Alright, I think I can add the other ones. Any other rare ones? [03:36] snerge: no...im running breezy. lol. its very old. but i cant spend time to update that. [03:36] Sayers: Lets test the webbrowser and irc first. Those should get you running. [03:36] Im getting an Error 15: file not found from grub... === kiwi__ [n=kiwi@pool-71-255-72-138.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] Sayers: The apps you were having trouble with. [03:36] <_neopc> alguem fala portugues [03:37] snerge: im kinda stuck because its for my schoolstuff. im on a robotics team as the main programmer. and i cant worry about that right now. unless there is an easy way up updating kubuntu [03:37] pvhs: packages are built for each version of ubuntu in the repository, the wine package for breezy might be old [03:37] how can i upgrade my kernel? [03:38] pollyo: I still cant connect to one IRC server [03:38] pvhs: you might want to try http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb [03:38] Sayers: Does the web work now? [03:38] snerge: its very old. but ive been able to install other things. do you think im missing something in my repository === tulio__ [n=tulio@] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] pollyo yes [03:38] yeah, you might want to add wine own repository [03:38] no idea if that will work .... === AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] lol [03:39] but since you have backuped you settings [03:39] snerge: You could also check the Chat section under protocols. [03:39] you can always go back to the old version [03:39] !kernel [03:39] kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel. You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild [03:39] it wont even let me do apt-get update === HessiaNerd is now known as HessiaNerd|needG === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] pollyo: url ? === os2mac [n=jim@ip68-230-203-5.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === HessiaNerd|needG is now known as Hessin|needGrubh [03:40] snerge: Sorry.... Wrong name. [03:40] k [03:40] snerge: where is the repository [03:40] I was wondering that you were talking about, hahahaha [03:40] ranjan: ok...? [03:40] snerge: i cant remember [03:41] Sayers: Now go back and check the Chat section under Protocol. It discussess AOL, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN....etc... [03:41] Kite_DH: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will install latest kernel in repos [03:41] i did that [03:41] i have 2.6.17-11 [03:41] pollyo: I did all that but it still cant connect to the IRC [03:41] Did I miss the sopranos?!? [03:42] Sayers: You are on the irc now. Perhaps that server is down? [03:42] Uggg.... [03:42] pollyo I dont think it is [03:42] I'll have to catch it ondemand. === unkn0wn2u [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu [03:43] pollyo: I guess it is, thats a first [03:43] Sayers: Are you using another application to connect to the irc? [03:43] pollyo: no its amazingly down [03:43] My kdesettings display module has gone psycho ...can someone help? [03:44] Kite_DH: ithink thats the latest in Edgy [03:44] ranjan: ok === _neopc [n=neopc@200-147-87-64.tlm.dialuol.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:45] Anyone in the usa know the HBO schedule for sopranos? [03:45] Is it only on one hbo channel or do they replay it on a few channels tonight? [03:46] its like after my recent upgrade my kdesettings has lost its mind and went completely psycho it says an error has occured with the last kde upgrade leaving orphanes === blazer34i [n=Jason@] has joined #kubuntu === Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B37B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:46] Error 23: Error while parsing number [03:47] snerge: i need a version newer than .22 so...idn if the breezy ones are gonna work. the highest it has is .19 === Hessin|needGrubh is now known as Hessin|helpGrub [03:47] pollyo: thank you :) === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu [03:47] Sayers: Glad to be able to help. [03:47] pvhs: I really can't tell you, you will have to try it for yourself if you can't afford to upgrade [03:47] okies === Cosmo_ [n=cosmo@] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] snerge: thanx for the help anyways. if anything i have learned a bit more about wine and kubuntu [03:48] always a pleasure [03:48] when you have time [03:48] have a look at feisty [03:48] it's awesome [03:48] I guess I'll be staying up untuil midnight to see if I can catch it ondemand tonight. [03:48] lol. okies [03:48] xorgs 7.2 really worth it [03:49] and I can't wait for kde 4 === jerry [n=jerry@cpe-66-91-245-251.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] mmmmm, kde 4. [03:49] snerge: i am using feisty kde core not kubuntu with feisty, much better, faster [03:49] BBL... [03:49] I think it started on HBOHD at 9:45 mytime. === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [03:50] ranjan: installed ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop and it is WAY faster than 6.10 was with kubuntu-desktop [03:50] ranjan: the real deal for me seemed to be xorg 7.2 [03:50] ranjan: what is kde core [03:51] how can i upgrade from edgy to feisty? [03:51] Does anyone know if they fixed the audio issues for gateway laptops in 7.04? === Alimah [n=chatzill@pool-71-166-151-150.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] snerge: kde core is only basic kde packages, you then add any others u want selectively [03:51] yeah === Alimah [n=chatzill@pool-71-166-151-150.washdc.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu [] [03:51] snerge: cuts out a lot of kubuntu-desktop bloat [03:51] blazer34i: Have you checked the testing results for laptops? [03:51] but I wanted all the "basic" desktop apps [03:51] snerge: Is that a yes to the audio question? [03:51] Kite_DH: Lookit the topic [03:52] i looked for it, where may that be? [03:52] not much bloating in kubunt-desktop for me ... [03:52] snerge: haha [03:52] I've got, firefox, amarok, kvirc, kopete, konsole, mplayer and a load of 0.28 over 15 min [03:52] snerge: i use the server cd (450MB) the install kde-core, then upgrade kernel and then only packages i need or use [03:52] how can i add something to the repos? [03:53] snerge: bloat = all these extra packages you will never use [03:53] blazer34i: nope, I did not read your question === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [03:53] snerge: ok disregard then [03:53] unkn0wn2u: I know === DaSkreech [n=skreech@katapult/ninja/daskreech] has joined #kubuntu [03:53] snerge: no you dont [03:53] blazer34i: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam [03:54] dthacker: thanks! [03:54] yeah, you probably know better then I do about what I know, that make sense [03:54] blazer34i: scroll down for results, better yet test yours and report..... [03:55] dthacker: yeah, sure will: It seems a common problem [03:57] can somebody help me with https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade === jorge_ [n=jorge@adsl-065-006-130-035.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === dazza [n=dazza@] has joined #kubuntu [03:59] Kite_DH: after you read the page, what was your question? [03:59] dthacker: that thing with the repos... === Andrio [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] Kite_DH: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/03/upgrade-ubuntu-610-edgy-eft-to-ubuntu.html [04:01] Kite_DH: do you have adept running on your current install? [04:02] yes === nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] anyone know what I need to feed grub> setup (???) [04:02] ubuntu upgrade is that isnt it? [04:02] does it work with kubuntut oo [04:03] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto === dazza [n=dazza@] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] I think I got it.... >setup (hd0,0) [04:03] Kite_DH: argh, My kubuntu computer is tied up at the moment. Have you enabled the repository? [04:03] i dunno how [04:04] Hessin|helpGrub: make sure you setup it correctly or you might not boot === sc0tch [n=sc0tch@12-227-172-64.client.mchsi.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:04] too late [04:04] lol [04:04] we'll see ... === CYX [n=CYX16054@122-137.ro.cgocable.ca] has joined #kubuntu === CYX is now known as Kansi [04:04] Kite_DH: stand, by please..... [04:05] dthacker: ok === penba_ [n=gabrield@60-241-250-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] Kite_DH: read the topic === Kansi [n=CYX16054@122-137.ro.cgocable.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:05] my laptop is overworked..... [04:05] DaSkreech: yes i saw, but i dont know how to do that with the repo stuff.. [04:05] hmmm I have uninstalled and reinstalled aquamarine and it still is not showing up [04:06] Kite_DH: Want help? [04:06] of course [04:07] Kite_DH: View--->Manage Repositories === utnubuk [n=pete@h-69-3-217-124.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:07] Kite_DH: What are you running currently? [04:07] Edgy? [04:07] Sysinfo for 'Kubuntu': Linux 2.6.17-11-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)4CPU3.06GHz at 3059 MHz (6126 bogomips), , RAM: 441/503MB, 116 proc's, 2.29h up === rolnyzx [n=rolnyzx@c-67-183-144-129.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === don [n=don@] has joined #kubuntu [04:07] yes edy === don is now known as don_jr__ [04:07] edgy* [04:08] Kite_DH: did you read the upgrade page in the topic? [04:08] don_jr__: How's the update? [04:08] DaSkreech: yes-- === billytwowilly [n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] Hello there. I'm on edgy and would like to know how to open a tar.bz2 in terminal please? [04:08] Kite_DH: Ok well then open adept [04:08] DaSkreech: ok [04:08] DaSkreech: did [04:09] don_jr__: tar -xjvf file.tar.bz2 === anniee [n=anniee@75-166-16-221.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:09] DaSkreech thanks alot for all the advice last night, got edgy up and running just great!! =) [04:09] Kite_DH: adept -> manage repositores [04:09] and thanks for that command [04:09] DaSkreech: ok [04:09] i am having a problem installing [04:10] Kite_DH: The line that says if you have kde 3.5.6 on the web page? Copy it [04:10] anniee: What kind of problem === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] DaSkreech: deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/archive-edgy-dist-upgrade-kde356-i386/ ./ [04:10] DaSkreech: ok and next? [04:10] when im installing i try manual drive pratitioning and it crashes when trying to view the drive i have vista installed on [04:10] Kite_DH: Right paste it in the line at the bottom of the adept manage repositores window [04:10] and click add [04:11] DaSkreech: ok and now? [04:11] Okay DaSkreech time to help me get this clean edgy install working properly, trying to compile and I'm being told lot's of stuff is missing....g++, c++ gpp, acc CC to name a few. [04:11] Kite_DH: Click apply and then close [04:11] anyone have this problem? [04:11] sorry, must run errand. bbl [04:11] Kite_DH: You should be able to foloow the page after that [04:11] !b-e | don_jr__ [04:11] don_jr__: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) [04:12] DaSkreech: it says there was an error [04:12] thanks for the page [04:12] anniee: I've had the same problem, I used the alternate cd with feisty RC5 (Might not be for newcomer ... I don't know your level of knowledge) [04:12] Kite_DH: What error? [04:12] Man this edgy rocks [04:13] don_jr__: then wait till you try feisty :P [04:13] only thing I've found so far that's not that great is that I cannot change my screen res from within KDE, it appears I have to alter the xorg.conf manually === inade [n=inade@] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] DaSkreech: There was an error downloading updates. === xtavaresx [n=michael@60-241-180-153.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:14] don_jr__: what are you compiling? [04:14] Kite_DH: Which one had an error? [04:14] adept [04:14] all [04:14] fail [04:14] Kite_DH: All had an error? [04:14] a couple of styles from kde-look.org want the 1, but have to have the other 2 first for the 1 I want to work! lol [04:14] Oh my === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-068-209-089-174.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:14] it didnt DL anything [04:14] now i cant open it [04:14] That was when you pressed reload? [04:14] yes, Fetch Updates [04:15] checking for X.....can't find X libraries, please check your install and add correct paths....how do I fix this? =) === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@ppp-70-128-180-161.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] don_jr__: apt-get the x dev libs [04:16] you used feisty RC5 do install grub? or just to partition? [04:16] DaSkreech thanks. sonoftheclayr were you asking about getting nvidia drivers to work yesterday? [04:16] anniee: I used rc5 to install the whole thing [04:16] kubuntu? [04:16] Kite_DH: You can't open anything? [04:16] don_jr__: yeah, it's no biggie i just wanted to check out compiz (can i still say beryl?) [04:16] DaSkreech: i deleted the line from the sources.list [04:17] DaSkreech: now it works again [04:17] is it a different distro? [04:17] anniee: I think I used ubuntu then installed kubuntu-desktop [04:17] Kite_DH: paste the line back in here let me see something [04:17] sonoftheclayr I've gotten my nvidia drivers working perfectly 3 times in 2 days, if ya want the help? lol [04:17] ya, i hust downloaded the amd64 kubuntu dvu [04:18] it can see all other drives but the one with vista on it [04:18] DaSkreech: deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/archive-edgy-dist-upgrade-kde356-i386/ ./ [04:18] don_jr__: yeah okay, so far what happens is i install the drivers as it says on the wiki page and x just won't start === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@ppp-70-128-180-161.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] anybody know when the next feisty release is? [04:19] Kite_DH: you have KDE 3,5,6 right? [04:19] DaSkreech: right [04:19] sonoftheclayr: There is only one feisty release [04:20] sonoftheclayr alrighty, we'll get her runnin sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [04:20] DaSkreech: i know, but when is the next beta or rc coming out? === esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-202-162.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] Kite_DH: When you add that Adept bugs out? [04:20] DaSkreech: yup === hgklmnrs [n=math@modemcable121.102-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] after nvidia-glx is installed sudo nano /tec/X11/xorg.conf and change what ever the driver is there to nvidia === joe_ [n=joe@modemcable130.189-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:21] Kite_DH: try it again [04:21] ok wait [04:21] who can help me === mortici [n=mortici@c-67-176-154-118.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu [04:21] don_jr__, i see you figured it out:) [04:21] don_jr__: hang on, i'm just apt-getting something else right now and thanks for asking if my card is supported by the latest drivers or the legacy driver :) [04:21] joe_: No one till you ask a question [04:22] sonoftheclayr well...if it's not then thereis nothing anyone can do atm, but if it is this will work, I"ve done it a few times! lol [04:22] W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com dapper Release: The following signatures could not be checked because the public key is not available NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 [04:22] DaSkreech: same error again [04:22] Kite_DH: Ok My mom just called with a emergency [04:22] hitmanWilly thanks to DaSkreech there, my second install yesterday got me up to edgy kubuntu and yes the nvidia install worked flawlessly [04:22] Hobbsee: can you help Kite_DH? [04:22] don_jr__: don't worry it is, just making sure you remember to ask someone who hasn't tried this before === geggam [n=geggam@24-182-137-58.static.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:23] don_jr__, outstanding [04:23] DaSkreech: no no its ok, i stay with edgy <3 [04:23] sonoftheclayr alrighty...never thought of it...I just do what I know works for me! lol I'll try to remember it though. [04:23] Kite_DH: ok :) [04:23] See you soon [04:23] !k9copy [04:23] For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs [04:23] DaSkreech: cya! [04:23] DaSkreech: thx for ur help [04:23] hitmanWilly the only problem I have right now is that I cannot change my screen res from within kde, I've been told all I can do is alter the xorg.conf manually to change it. [04:23] don_jr__: good work, don't want some complete noob to end up with a non-functional system [04:23] Bye guys!! [04:24] W: GPG error: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com dapper Release: The following signatures could not be checked because the public key is not available NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A2783 [04:24] don_jr__, i always do it that way anyway [04:24] anyone know the package name for the x dev library? === mariano [n=mariano@205-72-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] joe_: Thats a third party repo Find the GPG key they signed it with [04:24] don_jr__, xorg-dev? [04:24] hitmanWilly yeah, I'm just not sure exactly what I want...lol I know what I have now is a bit too large though === nael_ [n=nael@ppp-71-139-172-250.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] what I am supposed to make === mariano is now known as m4ri4nox === m4ri4nox [n=mariano@205-72-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:25] where i can find it [04:25] hitmanWilly that seems to be working...gotta get all the compiling tools I need ready...heh === blazer34i [n=Jason@] has left #kubuntu [] [04:26] is there any tools that will automatically convert mp3's to wav and burn them [04:26] and later tonight or tomorrow gonna have to go over the #winehd and figure out why my program isn't running on wine.....so much to do, butr I have to figure wine out or I"ll have to add a winblows partition and I don't want to do that [04:26] sorta like windws media player 11? [04:26] don_jr__, there used to be a metapackage that automatically got all that stuff for you, can't remember the name off the top of my head [04:26] what I am supposed to make [04:26] hitmanWilly I got build-essentials === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === philphoto [n=philphot@c-76-99-46-86.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === nael_ [n=nael@ppp-71-139-172-250.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:27] if that's what your lookin at there, but it didin't come with the xorg dev files and i"m trying to compile a couple of styles from kde-look.org [04:27] so im reading qtparted crashes when installing ubuntu and trying to see the HDD with vista on it? [04:27] don_jr__: now i have to restart X? [04:27] what is the command to search apt through terminal? apt-get cache ? [04:27] hey daskreech [04:28] what I am supposed to make [04:28] !mp3 [04:28] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [04:28] sonoftheclayr if you have altered the xorg.conf file manually and ran the sudo nvidia-xconfig? [04:28] don_jr__, apt-cache search [04:28] anniee: had similar behavior with ntfs/fat32 partitions that's why I installed using alternated cd [04:28] ah [04:29] don_jr__: all but the second step, and one other thing, how do you change your nick in irssi so i'm still with you when konversation closes [04:29] hey where i can find key [04:29] ./nick [04:29] don_jr__: thank you, nvidia-xconfig done === vio [n=valent@] has left #kubuntu [] [04:30] restart X, I don't remember the command I sued...../etx/something/kde restart [04:31] is there a prefference anyone has here between qt3 or 4? [04:31] .. /usr/bin/startkde [04:32] Linux_Galore thanks, but need to shut it down before starting it with what we're doin. [04:32] how would ya go about doing that? [04:32] don_jr__: okay, i'll be back real soon [04:32] where do you get the alternated ISOs === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:32] don_jr__: it's like everything, people move to the latest [04:32] don_jr__, ctrl-alt-bksp is one way:) [04:33] don_jr__: logout and there is a terminal session option in the drop down menu in the login [04:33] /etc/init.d/kdm restart [04:33] init 3 [04:34] geggam thanks you, that's the one I used yesterday! [04:34] heh [04:34] dont do init 3 === shadowhywind [n=shadowhy@user-0c93gca.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] don_jr__: i restarted X and now i have the usplash on ctrl+alt+7, at least now my tty's aren't weird [04:34] amazes me how far linux has come [04:34] sonoftheclayr usplash?? [04:35] geggam, i know, ive been using it off and on since 99 [04:35] new question, with qt4 I see 2 different sets, one as is and the other appended with -kdecopy. do I need the kdecopy running kubuntu? [04:35] don_jr__: yeah, the one that comes up when you shutdown or start up, it's not there now, i can't even get to ctrl+alt+f7 [04:35] hay all, going to be install kubuntu onto a new computer in the next day or two. I was wondering if anyone knew what day feisty comes out. Or if i should stick with windows for a few days, or go a head and download the beta cd and upgrade [04:35] sonoftheclayr okay, it's doing what it did to me, runs through that then goes back to console? [04:36] don_jr__: yeah [04:36] in console type startx and see if it gives you the (EE) No devices found [04:36] /join #ubuntu [04:36] doh! [04:36] don_jr__: on tty2 i have a grey screen [04:37] that's new..you running fiesty or edgy? === dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:37] feisty === borogx_ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === members [n=members@] has joined #kubuntu === bob_ [n=bob@pool-71-172-47-40.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] don_jr__: i got no devices found, no screens found and an io error, something about X not connecting and the connection being reset by peer [04:38] well sheesh...it must come with a whole new list of problems.....crap......I guess you'll have to wait to get someone else better than me with fiesty then, cause what you just did worked like a charm for me 3 times yesterday.....hmmmmmm === SilentDis [n=alex@wdwi0pool0-a221.wi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu === hitmanWilly [n=hitman@66-190-176-18.static.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:39] hello :) [04:39] don_jr__: okay then, you still can't help? if worst comes to worst i'll just reconfigure X [04:39] sonoftheclayr yep, that's what it was doin to me too.....but then I got it running, but I had forgotten to run the sudo nvidia-xconfig [04:39] sonoftheclayr not just yet, try this [04:39] sudo nvidia-glx-config enable === litbang [n=litbang@] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] don_jr__: done, no output so i'm guessing no errors, now what? === litbang is now known as dha3n [04:40] try to start x once more [04:41] you say you are running the legacy drivers?? === dthacker [n=dthacker@ip68-107-233-209.om.om.cox.net] has left #kubuntu [] [04:41] don_jr__: same error, and no not the legacy drivers [04:41] ok [04:42] at least that's what it says on the nvidia website and other sources === blazer34i [n=Jason@] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] don_jr__: remember how i told you tty2 is grey, it is but it's still usable === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] sonoftheclayr okay, reconfigure x, leave the nvidia driver in use and when it asks for kernl frame buffering, tell it yes and reboot === inade [n=inade@] has joined #kubuntu [04:44] hate to interject... after reconfiguring x, you can -- to just restart the x server usually === natham [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu === bethuel [n=bethuel@] has joined #kubuntu === Daisuke-Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === gost [n=gost@75-45-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] SilentDis: and if x isn't running in the first place? [04:45] sonoftheclayr: sudo kdm start === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] sonoftheclayr: or, if it's gnome... sudo gdm start :) [04:46] okay, i'm rebooting i'll be back soon with some good or bad news [04:46] buenas noches ... [04:47] nachos? [04:47] somebody ...speak spanish ...my inglish its bad [04:47] !es | bethuel [04:47] bethuel: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. === mpietz [n=mpietz@pool-71-111-44-48.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] ok...gracias ... [04:47] bethuel: :) === yada [n=yada@c-68-62-91-68.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === bethuel [n=bethuel@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:49] hello is don_jr standin by on here? [04:49] don_jr__: no luck [04:49] sonoftheclayr damn. one more thing you can try [04:50] don_jr__: yeah? [04:50] maybe not...sorry dude, have you checked with #ubuntu+1? lol I thought sure that would work. [04:50] okay, irssi, more than one window how do i do it? === dougtx [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] hello don_jr....this is Caveman from yesterday afternoon with the nvidia display problem....i'm on the kubuntu box talkin to ya now... === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] sonoftheclayr I"m not sure, go to another term? [04:52] yada okay, what version are you running? edgy or fiesty? [04:52] edgy [04:52] i'm the guy suck with 800x600 on my 1280x720 tv [04:52] stuck not suck hehehe [04:53] Ahhhh, you got the nvidia drivers installed though? [04:53] yessum [04:53] i get the quick splash screen for nvidia during startup too [04:53] what is the command to install a .deb? [04:53] dpkg [04:54] WillLuongo: sudo dpkg --installl file.deb [04:54] snerge thank you [04:54] and don jr [04:54] thanks [04:54] yada have you manually changed the xorg.conf file to the resolution you want? [04:54] np [04:55] no matter what i tried to change it didn't add any more res's andif i changed the wrong thing would not allow me to start x [04:55] you asked yes-day for my xorg.conf file....if you still want to see, how can i send it to you? [04:56] Hello everyone, could you say to me how one adds a key starting from the console === pereira [n=pereira@201-1-49-76.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] yada put it on pastebin.ca [04:57] afflicted for my poor English [04:57] how do i do that? [04:57] I'm trying to figure this out, every time I try to install or uninstall anything the synaptic keeps trying to install vmware, the player I think it it keeps having errors [04:58] yado copy the xorg.conf file, then go to www.pastebin.ca and paste the file in there and hit submit, then give me the website it redirects you to. [04:58] Hello everyone, could you say to me how one adds a key starting from the console [04:58] i have the file open in Kate and know how to copy/paste...but where from there? [04:58] okay great === compilerwriter [n=keith@ppp-69-208-149-101.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] !rar [04:58] rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free [04:59] it is what the command to add a key [04:59] ?? [05:00] okay don, the url is http://www.pastebin.ca/430598 [05:00] #ubuntu [05:01] yada opening and looking now, give me a sec to look it over [05:01] !info unrar-free [05:01] unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (edgy), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB [05:01] okay great....thanks don === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:03] yada you know how to edit your xorg.conf file right? [05:03] yes [05:05] yada okay first off in the monitor section, take out the model name line [05:05] Does anyone know where I can get libwxgtk2.6-0 [05:05] ? [05:05] try commenting out the ModeLine stuff, i dont think you need that === dazza [n=dazza@] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] who are ya talkin to hitman? [05:05] joe_: gpg --import file.key [05:06] yada: you, sorry [05:06] no prob....what may that do for me hitman? === jtmoney [n=jtmoney@ip72-196-124-106.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] oh okay don_jr....then what.... [05:07] yada: i think its trying to force the monitor into specific rez's at specific freq's. [05:07] #ubuntu+1 sent me to beryl and so far i don't have any luck, the folks here are always so much more helpful === acamargob [n=acamargo@] has joined #kubuntu [05:09] hitmanWilly take a look at his xorg.conf file, then look here at the end of mine, I think he could transfer his entire screen section to what I have? check mine here http://www.pastebin.ca/430603 [05:09] with no modelines and the screen section like mine it should fix it shouldn't it? [05:09] don_jr__: #beryl said to check out my x logs and download the driver from nvidia === fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:10] sonoftheclayr give it a shot? where is chemical, he showed me how to do that the other day and I dind't write it down [05:10] anyone here running compiz? i'm loading plugins using gconf-editor and putting them in the correct order (ex: cube before scaler, etc.), but they are not loading when i restart compiz [05:10] don_jr__, maybe if his monitor supports 1920x1440. but otherwise should work. === gost [n=gost@75-45-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === superman [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === ranjan [n=ranjan@netblock-208-127-59-180.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu === zours [n=zours@lns-bzn-39-82-255-60-127.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:12] yada go to the pastebin site I posted above and copy that entire thing, erase everything in your 'screen' section and paste what is on mine there, I would suggest making a backup copy of xorg.conf before doing this!!!! === CaptainApathy2 [n=mschaadt@] has joined #kubuntu [05:12] don_jr__, also, should probably make his monitor section something like this http://www.pastebin.ca/430606 === Kumaro [n=moi@dyn-91-168-101-232.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Cosmo_ [n=cosmo@] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] yep, that's almost identical to mine, though I think I have 1 more line in mine. and I cna't change my res from within kde right now...maybe I should change my moniter section to that...lol [05:14] hitmanWilly how do I make a backup of xorg.conf...lol should know this but can't remember how === Ace2016 [n=ace@80-47-119-225.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] don_jr__, just cp to xorg.conf.bak or some such thing [05:14] hitmanWilly right on === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] crap, I keep getting a qt error when I try and ./configure [05:15] just to reiterate to all again, i've been running two winxp comps on this same hdtv analogue input for over two years now at 1280x720 (max res of hdtv) [05:15] yada we should be able to get it to work [05:15] don how do i backup my xorg,.conf file? === os2mac [n=jim@ip68-230-203-5.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Chainu127 [n=a@adsl-75-21-206-58.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:16] yada: just save it as xorg.conf.bak [05:16] i using the graphical Kate prog right now and when i tried it said i couldn't save the file === ks3 [n=ks3@cpe-24-29-21-247.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] yada: you have to run it as sudo [05:17] yada: If you don't have su privileges then you can save it in your home directory === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === rcarr [n=robb@pool-71-163-244-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] yada to do it in graphical click the k start and click on run then kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf that will put you on it as su [05:18] don_jr__, you know the alt-f2 shortcut, right? [05:18] oops nevermind guys, i did it using terminal and nano prog [05:19] hitmanWilly I keep forgetting it, that works [05:19] yada, that works too === bill [n=bill@70-41-67-216.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:19] so now i have my org.conf saved as xorg.conf.bak [05:19] either way folks, hitmanWilly help yada if you don't mind, I've got to get to bed, work tomorrow [05:19] don_jr__, ok, ill take it [05:19] thank you very much for your help don :) === marius_ [n=marius@89-34-112-142.sn4all.ro] has joined #kubuntu [05:20] my pastebin for my screens is at http://www.pastebin.ca/430603 Ya'll have a good night [05:20] don_jr__, night [05:20] you too don :) === brett [n=brett@nv-69-34-97-8.sta.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu === blazer34i [n=Jason@] has left #kubuntu [] [05:21] okay Willy, could ya recap what i need to change in xorg.conf? [05:21] Hi all... i am having a little trouble getting this java game to work... in the settings it is asking me for the frame rate... how do i find out the correct number to put here? [05:21] yada: ok, scroll down to where it says ModeLine and comment out all three [05:22] ## at start of each line right? [05:22] yada: or just # works too === ref [n=ref@] has joined #kubuntu === ref is now known as reff === reff is now known as reffff [05:23] anyone have any idea? === dogmatism [n=dogmatis@] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] brett: 30 is a norm for games [05:24] hmm i tried that one [05:24] brett: I can't tell you anything for sure for that, but 10 is where it gets painful [05:24] maybe it is something else that is wrong [05:24] yada: got it? [05:25] it is giving me this error, unable to find requested screen display mode [05:25] yeah sorry Willy....i have all 3 lines under monitor commented out.... === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] brett: it sounds like it means resolution or rate [05:26] what about don's suggestion to remove the "model name" line" [05:26] don_jr__: the folks at #beryl said to use the legacy driver but my card is listed as supported by the legacy and latest drivers [05:26] yada: now add this under Monitor: Option "DPMS" [05:27] yada: at the end [05:27] WillLuongo: hmm... there are only a few options i see that seem important.... frame rate, scrolling speed, graphics quality, and color depth [05:27] any way at all to get creative x-fi support in ubuntu? [05:27] brett: it might be color depth [05:28] has anyone seen problems with Kubuntu recognizing USB wireless ethernet cards? [05:28] yada: yeah, try commenting out the model name too [05:28] i have color depth at 16 right now... the lowest setting... i tried it on the highest before [05:29] brett: you could check what your desktop color depth setting is [05:29] wait... i found a faq on the site that might help... brb === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] okay Willy, i didthose last two things also [05:31] yada: ok, now go down to where it has all the resolutions and add in the rez you want in quotes [05:31] Willy does it matter specifically which line i put the Option "DPMS" between under the monitor section? [05:32] yada: i don't think so, but put it at the end just in case [05:32] brb [05:32] so just add a new line and type "1280x720@60" ? Or do i need to preface that with modeline or anything? [05:32] yada: nope, just put it in [05:32] okay thanx === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === Yorokobi [n=Yorokobi@mail.yorokobi.us] has joined #kubuntu [05:33] Hello [05:33] yada, just be careful, X sometimes doesn't like non-standard resolutions [05:33] I just download last.fm beta and went to insatll it and my system said something was attempting to take controll of my mouse. [05:33] Anyone encounter this before? [05:34] pollyo, uh, no. [05:34] pollyo, that's in the repos, you know === chemicalvamp [n=chemical@v-163.dsl.mhtc.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] hitmanWilly: I'll download it from the repo... [05:35] pollyo, probably a good bet:) [05:35] hitmanWilly: I'm curious to know where it went. It did not install. [05:35] soo im guessing k3b doesnt work well with duel layer DVD+r's? [05:35] pollyo, was it a deb? [05:35] Willy, so what would a standard res be the is close to but now above "1280x720@60" ? i haven't seen a list in either manual so far.. === AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] yada: either 1280x1024 or 1024x768 are the two closest [05:36] hitmanWilly: Yes but it mentioned ubuntu [05:36] pollyo: The aliens have them in your influence. [05:36] Oh my.. === tomr [n=tomr@] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] anyone here do any color calibration of thier monitors? [05:37] what do i have to get to format this DVD+R DL RW? === bentonnaz [n=bentonna@adsl-074-247-130-047.sip.owb.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] pollyo, probably just a glitch, but be careful [05:37] hitmanWilly: Yes. If this wasn't just a machine for me to play with I would be worried. [05:38] hitmanWilly: I'm eventually going to load this on a decent computer. [05:38] hitmanWilly: All from a fresh install. [05:38] N6REJ: you avail? === |Iwonder| [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:39] pollyo, and a worst case scenario you get on slashdot for being the second linux user with a virus ever [05:39] :) [05:39] okay Willy thanks, the 4x3 res's above 800x600 just overscan off of my screen justa letcha know. Default install res was 1024x768 which cutoff top and bottom of desktop, hence my quest :) [05:39] hitmanWilly: I'll be famous... === nonuda [n=nonuda@] has joined #kubuntu [05:39] hitmanWilly: I don't want to be famous that way thoug. [05:40] are there any more changes you think i need to xorg.conf or am i ready for a restart? [05:40] yada: just a thought, did you try your monitor's auto adjust? [05:40] yes [05:40] yada, ok, just checking. [05:40] cool no prob :) [05:41] !gambas [05:41] Sorry, I don't know anything about gambas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:41] yada: non-standard rez will work, but it might look a little weird [05:41] so Willy were those the mods to try before restarting X with revamped xorg.conf? [05:41] Does the proccesstab have anything to tell you how long an application has been runinng? [05:42] yada: you have to restart X whenever you change xorg.conf === gost [n=gost@75-45-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] !logger [05:42] Sorry, I don't know anything about logger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:42] yada: yeah, try a restart [05:42] yup okay then i will hopefully be back quick....crossin my fingers :-D [05:42] !worm | pollyo [05:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about worm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:43] !virus [05:43] A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [05:43] !dvd>chemicalvamp [05:43] if i'm not back Willy, thank you very much for your help :) [05:43] yada: np === gost is now known as gost87 [05:43] hitmanWilly: Is last.fm considered a fairly safe source for the application? [05:43] pollyo, i would hope so [05:44] hitmanWilly: I hope so. [05:44] Does a command logger exist? [05:44] anybody here have n experience dvd burning? [05:45] not that i know of [05:45] but somewhere probably [05:45] got a problem with wine. when i'm configuring wine, I get all these regedit: ERRORs, is this normal? === krups [n=arthomps@pool-72-75-55-210.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === jordan_ [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-7-102.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === eflavoie [n=eflavoie@bas5-montreal02-1096552889.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu === the-erm [n=erm@the-erm.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [05:48] can anyone help me set up my WMP54Gv4 card (uses RT2500 driver) for wireless with WPA? [05:48] well, must be off, work in the morning [05:48] everything i burn with k3b.. cds...dvds.. all come out as coasters..... whats wrong with it? [05:49] jordan_: funny I was coming in here for wireless help myself. Try running wlassistant [05:49] chemicalvamp: what do you mean? === ubuntu is now known as icecruncher [05:49] the-erm: that one doesn't do WPA unfortunately [05:50] My problem is I can't get a wusb54gc to connect *at all* scans just fine, finds my network no problems at all. === grayghost [n=marv@64-135-217-135.FoxValley.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] ubuntu tried burning a dvd+r dl (for drivers for my other machine) and it failed to verify burn, tryed again on a cdr same result === jordan_ is now known as luckyone [05:50] chemicalvamp: that's wierd, try reinstalling it === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu [05:51] sudo apt-get remove k3b? [05:51] yeah [05:51] could i mount an ntfs xp hdd and move files to there? [05:51] jordan_: are you sure ... I was under the impression that you could set it in the security tag. [05:51] s/tag/tab [05:52] chemicalvamp: yes [05:52] how do i mount it? === Dasnipa` [n=Dasnipa@limaeight.stev193.eiu.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] oid [05:53] and will i be able to write to it correcty? [05:53] hey what is the official release date for the latest version of kubuntu? === |Iwonder| is now known as Iwonder|too [05:53] April 19th is when feisty is released [05:53] ty [05:53] yeah, fing wht it's called then sudo mout /dev/drivename [05:53] *find [05:53] mount [05:53] ? [05:53] can someone tell me the command line of smbfs using username and password to mount a shared folder? [05:54] lol [05:54] where do i look === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] [05:54] im assuming its hda1 === grayghost [n=marv@64-135-217-135.FoxValley.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [05:54] maybe I should just wait to see if feisty runs with the wifi card I have. [05:54] dmesg I believe [05:54] !mount [05:54] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter === rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-179.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] icecruncher: do you run wireless? [05:55] sorry, no, but i wish i did [05:55] You gotta love when it says system -> admin -> disks and it's for *ubuntu* not kubuntu. [05:55] :) [05:55] I'd love it if I could get my wireless to run ... === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] if anyone should need to know i've got ralink2600 wireless working with linux modules [05:56] !wireless | the-erm [05:56] the-erm: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs [05:56] Iwonder|too: I would like to know how you did it [05:56] icecruncher i mounted it, but its got a lock on it, and it says i dont have permission to access it [05:57] Iwonder|too: I have a WMP54Gv4 which uses RT2500 [05:57] hmm, dunno abou the lock, sorry [05:57] i downloaded a module.tar.gz from online and follow the instructions,if you want i'll send providing my dcc work [05:57] uses rt61 module [05:58] anyone know how to unlock a mounted drive? [05:58] hmm, I use the rt2500 module that is in breezy [05:58] unlock? === nonuda_ [n=nonuda@] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] let me clarafy,mine is pcmia [05:59] chemicalvamp mounted a drive with win xp on it but it's locked. lol [05:59] !smbfs [05:59] Sorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:59] the rt61pci module gives me 2 interfaces === john_ [n=john@] has joined #kubuntu [05:59] Iwonder|too: wmaster and wlan0 [05:59] icecruncher: what type drive? [05:59] im having major issues [05:59] yeah [05:59] those two luckyone [05:59] Iwonder|too: did you modify your /etc/network/interfaces file? [06:00] this module i have gives you just ra0 [06:00] Iwonder|too: ask chemicalvamp [06:00] nope [06:00] Iwonder|too: when I run iwconfig I get just ra0 [06:00] brb [06:00] Iwonder|too: I will create a pastebin [06:00] i get segmentation fault,lol [06:00] !smbfs [06:00] Sorry, I don't know anything about smbfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === fowlduck [n=nate@24-183-45-79.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] then ifconfig locks console down [06:01] !info smbfs [06:01] smbfs: mount and umount commands for the smbfs (for kernels >= than 2.2.x). In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.22-1ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 389 kB, installed size 920 kB === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:01] i have a dvd rw drive, k2b recongnises blank DVD but not blank CD, any ideas [06:01] k3b [06:01] Hm [06:01] w00t, t-minus 11 days till release. [06:01] !sigsegv [06:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about sigsegv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [06:01] Lame [06:01] lol [06:01] i had the module laying around ,i had downloaded it about a year ago for my other laptop,works greatr here === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:02] !info sigsegv | Minataku [06:02] minataku: Package sigsegv does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas [06:02] can someone tell me the command line of smbfs using username and password to mount a shared folder? [06:02] !upgrade > icecruncher [06:02] man mount [06:02] !WorksForMe [06:02] Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. [06:03] Iwonder|too: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14668/ [06:03] ubotu, sigsegv is Signal 11: Segmentation Violation. The program in question attempted to access memory that did not belong to it, and was terminated as this is almost always an error in the program which recieved it. [06:04] I hope they accept that one [06:04] hopefully [06:04] I wanted to see if the bot had it, guess it didn't === Minataku tunes in (via VLC) to 78.9 Shonan Beach FM [ Hayama, Japan ] === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu === Agrajag` [i=Agrajag@c-67-186-9-39.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu === superman [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [06:10] yeah! install is almost done!! lol === jimmy_ [n=jimmy@adsl-068-209-089-174.sip.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@ABordeaux-256-1-32-31.w90-11.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === jimmy_ is now known as jimmy__ === natham [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] hmm, anyone, is it better to update a system before a upgrade or reverse? === unix_infidel_ [n=blue@adsl-68-94-3-59.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:14] What is TTY=pst/3 [06:15] you google it? === Lurkan [n=agsm@] has joined #kubuntu [06:17] icecruncher: TTY=pst3? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:17] sorry, dunno === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:17] icecruncher: Is it a terminal like the ALT-1 etc? === word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] i don't think so, [06:18] I think it's more among the lines of a device in /dev === borogx_ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] i thought pst=someone remoting in === gustavo [n=gustavo@] has joined #kubuntu === chris [n=chris@r74-195-173-115.chk1cmtc01.chckok.ok.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu === chris is now known as comodo [06:19] !tty [06:19] To get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). [06:19] local is tty and remote is pst === john_ [n=john@] has joined #kubuntu === michael [n=michael@cpe-76-188-39-88.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:19] Ok so it was local. === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] I'm looking at logs. [06:20] cual es el canal en espaol? [06:20] I really have no idea what I am looking at yet. [06:20] pollyo: what kind of logs? where? === Shinigami [n=Shinigam@c-71-227-164-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] icecruncher: /var/log [06:20] !es > gustavo [06:21] name? [06:21] !es | gustavo [06:21] gustavo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. [06:21] pollyo: type last === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] who and lastlog are also informative [06:21] Let me open a terminal. I was using an applicaton === gustavo [n=gustavo@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Shinigami [n=Shinigam@c-71-227-164-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["So] === freexqf is now known as Freexqf-Visitand === Freexqf-Visitand is now known as Freexqf [06:22] Iwonder|too: What am I looking for? [06:23] nothing in particular,just 3 handy tools for security checking === grayghost [n=marv@64-135-217-135.FoxValley.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] What is the "last" command? [06:23] Iwonder|too: isn't there another command to do that? [06:24] last should show the time,name and console last logged in [06:24] Ok [06:24] What is pst/2 ? [06:25] One second connection. Did you say it was a connection from outside? [06:25] i believe pst/2 means pseodo terminal === v0taguz_reply [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu [06:25] yes like a ssh connection === MistaED [n=mistaed@] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] or more exactly not from your keyboard === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] I wanted to look at my logs because I downloaded last.fm player from the last.fm website and when I was going to install the .deb file I got a message that said something was attempting to takeover my mouse or take control or something like that. [06:26] I thought they might tell me something more. [06:26] don_jr__: i had ome luck with the legacy drivers, it says it can't find the nvidia kernel modules but it does say it found a screen, any ideas? [06:26] weird [06:27] I did notice that the .deb file was for an older version of ubuntu. Perhaps that was the problem? [06:27] ya wierd indeed === icecruncher is restarting after live cd install [06:27] perhaps a vnc? [06:28] Looks like the lastfm_1.1.3.0-0edgy1_i386.deb was the file. I need a feisty file. I did notice that they have it in the repos though. [06:28] When I go to start the last.fm the program crashes or bombs. Anyone have success with it? [06:29] so, nvidia kernel modules, anyone? [06:29] i've only used used lastfm in amarok,i dunno the details as to which packages it uses,i assume its a amarok plugin === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:30] Iwonder|too: I may have to unblock a port on my firewall. [06:30] Iwonder|too: Yes. I used it in Amorok as well. [06:30] are serving or client? === grayghost [n=marv@64-135-217-135.FoxValley.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:31] I have gaurddog installed [06:31] as a client(just listening) no need to port forward as far as i know,at least not in NAT router [06:32] what url are you trying,i'll give it a whirl,i have no rules in guarddog and 2 routers i'm behind === firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-234-220.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === AnAirMagic [n=AnAirMag@CPE001346d290bf-CM000a73a164a9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] Iwonder|too: I'm attempting to use the last.fm radio software. === icecruncher [n=icecrunc@] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] Iwonder|too: I wonder if I messed it up attempting to install that old .deb file. [06:34] Iwonder|too: I ended up installing the one from the repository. === snarfer [n=ubuntu@unaffiliated/snarfer] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] !update > icecruncher === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] weird [06:35] i can't access anything on the web [06:35] you got a firewall or proxy? [06:35] yeah but it just started] [06:36] which? fw or prox [06:36] ? [06:36] Iwonder|too: You using guarddog? === cvrse [n=ben@ppp83-30.lns2.mel3.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] fw [06:36] and 2 routers [06:36] lol [06:36] Hello, I know that ubiquity has issues and constantly crashes. is there some way I can install kubuntu onto my external HD on a partition i made earlier? [06:36] strange i can ping google but konqueror won't [06:36] Iwonder|too: Do you have permission set for DNS and ICMP ? [06:37] Iwonder|too: configure under settings, [06:37] guarddog isn't the issue,its been working for days [06:37] well i say its not [06:38] Anyone? === _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-9-238.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === susan [n=susan@] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] !install | snarfer [06:38] snarfer: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate [06:38] test.... [06:39] test...test...test...test... [06:39] susan: yes we read you [06:39] that is hilarious [06:39] thanks [06:39] Iwonder|too: figure it out yet? [06:39] ^_^ [06:40] !automate [06:40] knetworkmanager sux,because it failed to dhcp my cards my browser refused to work === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:40] 0.o [06:40] Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning [06:40] i killed it and everything works,lol [06:40] lol === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:40] Strange [06:41] ? [06:41] help.ubuntu.com can't be reached [06:41] o.o [06:41] lol [06:41] lemme check [06:41] damn i forget my lastfm user/pass [06:41] snarfer: problems somewhere on your side [06:42] Odd [06:42] Unkown host? [06:42] snarfer: you have a firewall or proxy inplace? === honkzilla [n=honkman@208-123-8-36.dsl.arvig.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] Awww... no tabs in the terminal? [06:43] icecruncher: Nope [06:43] wierd, try ping it yet? [06:44] Oooohhh [06:44] This is very strange [06:44] ping: unkown host google.com [06:44] haha [06:44] check your network settings === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] OK === ubuntu is now known as kayo [06:45] heavy metal is playin paranoid,cool song === p [n=p@ip24-251-246-160.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] kubuntu nice [06:45] kayo: yeah [06:45] snarfer: cat /etc/resolv.conf [06:45] is my firts use [06:46] ;) === Minataku listens to 76.2 Sankakuyama FM [ Sapporo, Japan ] [06:46] I love the internet [06:46] there should be at least 2 nameserver entrys not your router/modem ip [06:46] kayo: hope you enjoy it... lol [06:46] !paste [06:46] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [06:46] lol [06:46] I "watched" 1.15GB of Japanese QVC over the past day [06:46] lol [06:46] Minataku: good for you [06:47] search ggravesphoto.com [06:47] nameserver [06:47] nameserver [06:47] i love my external volume keys [06:47] Sorry about the flood [06:47] np [06:47] http://www.simulradio.jp/ << If anyone else wants to listen [06:47] k snarfer,looks good if they are actually dns [06:47] Shonan Beach FM plays pretty much all American music, BTW XD === john_ [n=john@] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] check route -n [06:47] o.o [06:47] install not open.. [06:48] load, load, load and close. [06:48] kayo: please wait [06:48] how to join in channel?what channel what? [06:48] click once [06:48] make default entry is ok [06:48] ok [06:48] susan: file > join channel [06:48] Kernel IP routing table [06:48] Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface [06:48] U 0 0 0 eth0 [06:48] U 0 0 0 ath0 [06:48] UG 0 0 0 ath0 [06:48] UG 0 0 0 eth0 [06:48] type /join #channel name [06:49] kayo: it takes quite a while === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:49] !paste > snarfer [06:49] /j ftw [06:49] snarfer why 2 gateways? [06:49] yes, i see, now open, but, i`m cliked 2 :) [06:49] lol === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:49] Iwonder|too: I don't know nonuda_: I can't access anything [06:50] What's help.ubuntu.com 's ip addr? [06:50] snarfer: YOU FOOL! Don't you realize that with this information I CAN DO NOTHING TO YOU! NOTHING I SAY! MWAHAHAHA! [06:50] kubuntu in 7.04? [06:50] Sorry. Bored === nanousr [n=nanousr@c-67-172-216-15.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:50] [00:50:36] help.ubuntu.com has address [06:50] kayo: in beta now, official in 11 days [06:50] Minataku: :P [06:50] Thanks [06:50] np [06:51] ok [06:51] i have 6.06 === anees [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu === hgklmnrs [n=math@modemcable121.102-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] kayo: me too [06:51] !upgrade | kayo [06:51] kayo: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [06:51] tkz [06:51] snarfer: Wait, do you have internet access but just can't use hostnames? [06:52] If that's the case then you have a DNS problem [06:52] Yes [06:52] DNS is having issues [06:52] I don't know why [06:52] snarfer: is this a new issue? === Ryiel [n=resident@183-20-22.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu [06:52] snarfer: Does your router act as a DNS server? [06:53] i mean did it just happen or since you installed? [06:53] Here's mine as an example, with the router middlemanning DNS [06:53] nameserver [06:53] domain EdNet === gdiebel [n=gdiebel@ppp-70-226-159-40.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:53] No [06:53] your isp dns may be down [06:53] and no [06:53] Well [06:53] This just happened now [06:53] snarfer: Perhaps your ISP's DNS just exploded === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:53] what location are you? [06:54] Has it been out long? [06:54] i've had mine drop for 16 hours [06:54] I'd give it some time, it could be that your ISP has just puked on itself [06:54] are you in US? [06:54] In the mean time you can use a temporary resolv.conf with a backup DNS server like [06:55] you can use any nameserver,however greater distance from you will slow resolving times,but you are welcome to use mine,i'm from southern us [06:55] I'm in California [06:55] And like I said [06:55] just now [06:55] want mine? [06:56] I'm fine [06:56] just comment yours and add my 2 [06:56] I'll just pester you guys to give the IPs :p [06:56] lol === fe_cha [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [06:56] i generally use others,my isp's are slow [06:57] but they work [06:58] Hmmm === susan [n=susan@] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] There's a bunch of tutorials on booting from USBdrives [06:58] But I've been having issues with installing grub on it [06:58] And ubiquity has issues [06:59] how would you tell your bios to boot from the usb first? === Cobalt [n=Cobalt@ool-182face4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] I'm not on Windows, and I wouldn't want to boot from USB first [07:00] then why put grub on usb? [07:00] !grub | snarfer [07:00] Not sure, but the installer says I need to/should [07:00] snarfer: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto === superman is now known as name === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-241-95-203.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === danny500 [n=danny500@d150-222-133.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] hello === name is now known as echa [07:01] interesting [07:01] Yes [07:01] can someone help me with an issue i'm having? i'm a linux noob [07:01] Hm === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] !sigsegv [07:01] Sorry, I don't know anything about sigsegv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:01] Cobalt: SHOOT [07:01] hello, question how do I give my user account root privleges? [07:01] Cobalt: just ask your question, sure [07:01] danny500: You don't [07:01] Cobalt: ask [07:01] no damnit [07:01] Your user account lacks them for a very good reason [07:01] ok i setup kubuntu on my ps3 and have been learing installing deb files etc.. === sonoftheclayr [n=root@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] danny500: use sudo [07:02] Hahaha [07:02] I just used the command qemu -kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-11-generic -initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.17-11-generic myharddisk.img and it hangs on "Begin: Waiting for root file system... ..." Does this mean I have to format my img file, and if so, how? [07:02] ok how do I get privledge to change certaint files that need the root to do that? [07:02] danny500: sudo [07:02] i installed snes9express and already used jscalibrator to setup my controller [07:02] sudo command arguments [07:02] !languafe > danny500 [07:02] lol [07:02] lol [07:02] but when going into snes9express and going to map the buttons i get an error that states [07:02] Damn is not bad language [07:02] Blarg [07:03] you mis spelt that hehe [07:03] !langugae > danny500 [07:03] So, I don't need grub on my external? That's what I though [07:03] t [07:03] pffff [07:03] did it again lol === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:03] !language > danny500 [07:03] !language [07:03] Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. [07:03] what do you mean watch my language? [07:03] what did I say? [07:03] the error says /dev/input/js0 Permission Denied [07:03] "Damn" [07:03] OOOOOOOOOO === jtmoney [n=jtmoney@ip72-196-124-106.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] How would I flag the installer not to use grub [07:04] Cobalt: Weird. How did you calibrate it in the first place? [07:04] is there anyway to kill a process by its name as opposed to it's ID? [07:04] with jscalibrator === Shinigami [n=Shi_no_K@c-71-227-164-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] or could i do some craft ps | grep | kill or something? [07:04] jtmoney: kill `pidof processname` [07:04] killall [07:04] If that fails kill -9 [07:04] ok I'm totally stumped, I don't know how to use sudo [07:05] danny500: sudo command arguments === snarfer wishes there were a GNU autoconf-like setup, then I could do something like ./configure --without-grub [07:05] but to use jscalibrator i had to sudo before the program in the command prompt [07:05] sudo command u want arguments [07:05] XD [07:05] f [07:05] Cobalt: I figured as much [07:05] is there a command built into the kernel to format a disk? [07:05] sudo make install ? [07:05] Minataku: thank you, sir [07:05] Cobalt: chmod/chown the js0 device [07:05] yes [07:05] jtmoney: np [07:05] i don't know what to put [07:05] all I need to do is give my user account total acess to a certaint file [07:05] Hmmm [07:06] I need to install the bootloader? No, I don't want that [07:06] chmod a+x file [07:06] Cobalt: I don't think there's a considerable security risk so... sudo chmod o+rw /dev/input/js0 [07:06] chmod u+x file [07:06] put sudo infront of that [07:06] man sudo [07:06] whats with the u+x ? [07:06] ok thanks :) [07:06] Which should give everyone on your system access to /dev/input/js0 [07:06] i'll try it right now [07:06] !man sudo [07:06] u is user + xexecuting permissions [07:06] Sorry, I don't know anything about man sudo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:06] XD [07:07] oh ok [07:07] i just started fiddleing with linux today so i'm still learning [07:07] Not too secure, but I don't think anything dangerous can be done with the js0 device [07:07] lol [07:07] brb [07:07] Soooo [07:07] danny500: a+x = a for all [07:07] Is there like a custom install thing I can do? [07:07] If you feel it's unsafe you can change it back after or tune it differently [07:07] Especially w/o ubiquity [07:08] Like sometimes I'll chown my devices to root:wheel [07:08] ok [07:08] Since my user account is a member of the wheel group [07:08] !chmod | danny500 [07:08] danny500: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux [07:08] danny500: You can also type "man chmod" and read that [07:09] oh ok [07:09] thanks [07:09] damn it [07:09] Almost every command in Linux has a manual [07:09] chmod 0777,lol,let everyone take a whack at them [07:09] i did that, lol [07:09] If you're not sure, "man lalala" [07:09] restarted the snes9express [07:09] Minataku: except for most bash commands [07:09] and its still giving me permission denied [07:09] Well [07:09] I wish there was just a program that would give the system admin a point and click way of doing this lol [07:09] bash-specific stuff === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:09] Cobalt: In that case, chmod o-rw /dev/input/js0 [07:09] Cobalt: ls -l [07:09] sudo chmod [07:09] sudo that first [07:09] Sorry [07:10] After that, sudo chown root:users /dev/input/js0 [07:10] no wonder i'm not going to erase my HD [07:10] lol [07:10] o.o [07:10] Then sudo chmod g+rw /dev/input/js0 [07:10] for some reason everytime I click on an internet link on here it open it with bluefish [07:10] danny500: click properties, there you can change with what you want to poen it [07:10] This is assuming that Kubuntu has you in the users group and not staff but that's typically just in hereditary Unixes [07:10] crap all this going quick. can you please retype that in a PM? [07:11] ............... [07:11] Seriously, why is my DNS f0rked up? [07:11] what? [07:11] properties for what? === hardlife [n=hardlife@cm-] has joined #kubuntu [07:11] The file! [07:12] right click [07:12] snarfer: I said, it could be that your ISP's DNS servers are down [07:12] I'll ask my guest if her interblag is working [07:12] I know but it won't let me change anything [07:12] cause I'm not root lol [07:12] danny500: That's why you use sudo === netuser [n=netuser@] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] I know I'm getting there === hakanceng [n=hakancen@] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] Yup, her DNS is resolving, so it's local [07:13] selamlar [07:13] so do I type "sudo chmod a+x usr/share/amsn" ? === Shinigami [n=Shi_no_K@c-71-227-164-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Time] [07:13] eyah [07:13] ok [07:13] WOAH NOW === icecruncher is off to lunch [07:14] You do NOT want to do a+ANYTHING === dplab [n=dplab@] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] For most files o needs no more than read permissions [07:14] arkadalar trke yardma ihtiyacm var [07:14] danny500@Netkiller:~$ sudo chmod a+x usr/share/amsn [07:14] Password: [07:14] chmod: cannot access `usr/share/amsn': No such file or directory [07:15] danny500: Put a / before usr [07:15] is it me or is Ubunut retarded? [07:15] External and USB yeild no results here: [07:15] /usr/share/amsn [07:15] yardmc olacak arkada varmdr ben yeni kubuntu kullancsym [07:15] oh ok nm [07:15] lol === hanofist [n=marc@rno-pppoe1a-059.gbis.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] And change a+x to ug+x [07:15] Not a+x [07:15] what will that do? [07:15] [07:15] I thought a = all === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] User and Group add execute permission [07:16] and whats wrong with a? === bronze_0_1 [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:16] a is User, Group and Other [07:16] Anyone? [07:16] Other doesn't need permissions [07:16] D: [07:17] kimse yokmu [07:17] oh ok [07:17] trke bilen [07:17] ENGLISH! [07:17] !fi | hakanceng [07:17] hakanceng: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi [07:17] I think [07:17] Oh [07:17] Turkish [07:17] !tr [07:17] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [07:17] What? [07:17] what ever [07:17] I think that's it [07:17] gobble gobble gobble ther did that help? [07:17] Pero, solo hablo expanol! [07:17] lol sorry [07:17] :( [07:17] danny500: Other means "Anyone who isn't part of the file's user and/or group" [07:18] oh well I'm the oly one with acess to this computer [07:18] danny500: That's what you expect [07:18] Anyway, I have to pee really bad [07:18] bbiab [07:18] ok nice to know === linuxbomb [n=mark@] has joined #kubuntu [07:18] Uuuhhh [07:18] TMI [07:18] lol [07:18] want someone to hold your hand? [07:19] hehe [07:20] Blah === snarfer goes to do the dishes [07:20] I still don't have permission to put files into the folder [07:20] danny ls -l the folder [07:21] permissions are as followed drwxr-xr-x [07:21] ubotu orda kimse yokki kime soracam burda yardm edecek yokmu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] do what? [07:21] user and other can't write to it [07:21] lol === nick_ [n=nick@71-9-138-62.dhcp.mdfd.or.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] no user can write, it just won't let me [07:21] look at permissions [07:21] so how do I do this ls -l thingy/ === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] owner can === lancer285 [n=lancer28@71-208-244-135.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] user can't [07:22] Back [07:22] I'm the owner [07:22] !tr | hakanceng [07:22] hakanceng: Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [07:22] hey guys [07:22] hey all, how do I enable SMP support on edgy? [07:22] ls -l gives permissions] [07:22] so what do I type? [07:22] you allready have the permissions [07:22] for /usr/share/amsn [07:23] ls -l (list long listing) [07:23] lancer285: I believe the default kernel has such by default === raffytaffy [n=raf@user-0cdf5dr.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:23] An SMP kernel will run on either SMP or UP [07:23] adept giving me "waiting for headers" is automatix2 down again guys? [07:23] then? [07:23] Minataku: so it should already be set up?? [07:24] all it did was show me a list of permissions [07:24] lancer285: Correct [07:24] Verify with cat /proc/cpuinfo [07:24] Minataku: okay, thnx [07:24] If it lists more than one you're running SMP [07:24] are they correct? === pingon [n=pingon@77-33-21-190.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] !automatix | raffytaffy [07:24] raffytaffy: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe [07:24] what do you mean? === hgklmnrs [n=math@modemcable121.102-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:25] oh wait, I'm not the owner lol [07:25] thats gay, why not? [07:25] ya verdiiniz yerlerde ve adreslerde trke bilen yok ok yardmc oldunuz vallaha [07:25] oops [07:25] Minataku: it's listing one, but this is a P4 w/ Hyperthreading. should it be listing 2 for an HT CPU? === home_ [n=home@d54C153A0.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === unix_infidel [n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] you created it as a different user or a script did and root owns it?\ [07:26] kubuntu camias bylemi zyor sorunlar [07:26] Minataku: I'm sorry, it lists two, 0 and 1 [07:26] chown [07:26] saolun [07:26] hakanceng: This channel is ENGLISH ONLY. [07:28] o zaman kubuntuyuda verin ingilizler kullansn o zaman niye trkler kullanacak diye trkiyede yaynladnz o zaman ingilizce yapaydnzx madem === orient2000 [n=orient20@CPE00e018fe7049-CM0014f85e8fb0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] hakanceng: I'm sorry, but I do not know what language you are speaking. If you can tell me in English, I can point you to the proper place. === lunar-raven [n=lunar-ra@71-37-35-249.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === danny500 [n=danny500@d150-222-133.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] man ya'll need a translator [07:30] sorry I'm back computer frozz up [07:31] is that guy still here? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] which guy? [07:31] the weird talkig one [07:31] hakanceng: ? [07:31] ya [07:32] looks like it [07:32] Leave it, I'm handling it as best as I can [07:32] you understand him? [07:32] Unless you know what language he's speaking, just leave him/her alone === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@68-185-67-28.dhcp.trlk.ca.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:32] polish maybe [07:32] what language? [07:32] czesc [07:32] Oye, puede leer usted esto? [07:32] [01:28:31] hakanceng o zaman kubuntuyuda verin ingilizler kullansn o zaman niye trkler kullanacak diye trkiyede yaynladnz o zaman ingilizce yapaydnzx madem [07:33] does his host give a hint? [07:33] I have no clue what language that is [07:33] hem ynlendiriyorsunuz hemde kimse cevap vermiyor nebiim bir yardmlamadr anlamadm birde dalga geiyorlar [07:33] It's an IP [07:33] not german or dutch [07:33] So no, no clue [07:33] whois [07:33] more like spanish [07:33] nah [07:33] russian? [07:33] I think its hungarian [07:33] not russian [07:33] not hungarian [07:33] does anyone here running kubuntu who can help me? [07:34] try bablefish [07:34] icecruncher: That also requires we know the language === afkRush [i=krush@f049171028.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] can anyone help me add a second keyboard layout to my system? [07:34] you can experiment till you get the right onw, make educated gueses [07:34] *one === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === nonuda [n=nonuda@] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] hakanceng: language? [07:34] Not to mention that I'm fairly certain whatever he's speaking isn't supported [07:35] Is there a CLI program for managing the firewall like guarddog? [07:35] google a translator [07:35] ? [07:35] trke [07:35] turkey [07:35] ok hold on [07:35] Close to hungarian [07:35] !turkish [07:35] Sorry, I don't know anything about turkish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:35] Sooo [07:35] i know it's supported [07:35] but... [07:35] Can I install Kubuntu and specify not to install grub? === miu [n=miu@] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] I think there was an option for that with the text install [07:36] snarfer: how do i get the text install? [07:36] It is tr [07:36] At boot [07:36] IIRC [07:36] Turkish is a Turko-Uralic language along with finnish and hungarian and a bunch of smaller languages [07:36] when I go into the Regional Language Settings, and try to add another keyboard layout, there aren't any additional layouts to choose from. [07:36] hakanceng: We cannot help you here. Please ask in #kubuntu-tr or #ubuntu-tr === peaker [n=peaker@] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] oralara girdim [07:36] I pointed him there half an hour ago [07:36] kimseyokki [07:37] Ummm [07:37] OK [07:37] ne yapacam [07:37] eytanlarlam konuacam [07:37] hakanceng: english please [07:37] How can I open a port from the CLI [07:37] bilmiyorum [07:37] bilsem herhalde uratrmam [07:37] anyone running more than one keyboard layout? [07:37] martalli: How do you mean? [07:37] sizleri [07:37] You can open a port from anywhere? === mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ [07:37] lancer285: no [07:38] http://www.lingvosoft.com/English-Turkish-Dictionary/ [07:38] ): [07:38] sorry [07:38] Hm [07:38] One sec [07:38] martalli: It depends on what you want to do... try to be more specific [07:38] ne yapacagim ne ne [07:38] hakanceng: you really should speak english if you wish to stay here [07:39] iptables [07:39] I want to open port 6600 on a comp which I am ssh'g into [07:39] Tm_T: He can't understand us [07:39] hmh [07:39] icecruncher: can you open Regional & Language settings under System Settings, then check Keyboard Layouts and see if it lists any additional layouts? [07:39] martalli: What? Do you want to run ssh over 660 ? [07:39] someone should help him to understand [07:39] sure [07:39] Tm_T: Nobody here speaks Turkish [07:39] You need to do that in /etc/sshd.conf or similar [07:39] or [07:39] o zaman kubuntu ubuntu xubuntuyu siz trkesini iptal edinki insanlar kullanmak istiyorlarsa ingilizce renip kullansnlar insanlar yokua srmenin anlam yok [07:39] icecruncher: cool, thx [07:39] I know how to do it in python [07:39] no, I want to open the port for mpd [07:40] Minataku: so, that means there's no point to him be here, right? [07:40] That has to do with your router, I think [07:40] Tm_T: we can't kick him [07:40] Tm_T: If you want to be a dick about it, sure, that's the case [07:40] icecruncher: who's we? [07:40] martalli: Or, you could tell mpd to use that port; this is not a Kubuntu issue. [07:41] hakanceng: ; [07:41] danny500: That's not Turkish [07:41] none of us are mods, as far as i know [07:41] I know but It might be close [07:41] danny500: Not anywhere near close [07:41] icecruncher: I am wearing funny hat [07:41] Hey, anybody had a problem with DRU-810A Sony DVD? [07:41] snarfer, well, its more a iptables/netfilter issues, i suppose [07:41] greek [07:41] lancer285: ok , check what? [07:41] Sure [07:41] it's by turmey [07:41] I guess [07:41] Minataku: I repeat, if he doesn't understand us and we doesn't understand him, how does we help him? [07:41] turkey oop [07:41] Just not kubuntu specific, martalli [07:42] icecruncher: see if there are any additional layouts listed under Keyboard Layouts [07:42] Tm_T: Find someone who speaks Turkish and English [07:42] :P [07:42] ya, i have a lot [07:42] !tr [07:42] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [07:42] ok komiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkkkk :))))))))))))))))))))))))) [07:42] icecruncher: and you installed it as qwerty I assume? Maybe that was my prob. [07:42] lol === Shinigami [n=Shi_no_K@c-71-227-164-110.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] There's nobody in there [07:42] I looked XD [07:42] o.o' [07:42] yup [07:42] lancer285: qwerty?? [07:42] i found a turkish>english dictionary on google but it could take forever at one word a time [07:42] No wonder he stayed here [07:43] babelfish FTW [07:43] snarfer: not possible [07:43] Iwonder|too: Just say "Sorry, we can not help you because we do not speak any Turkish" [07:43] did he understand me? [07:43] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. KMSE YOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK O VERDNZ ADRESTE [07:43] icecruncher: I installed kubuntu with the Dvorak layout, but now I don't have anything listed on that screen. I can't ADD qwerty so that my wife can use the computer. [07:43] cuase he's flipping out like he did lol [07:43] He needs to find someone who knows english [07:43] hmm [07:43] martalli: XD === fannagoganna [n=islam@c-76-104-98-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:43] Easier than us trying to find somneone who speaks turkish, unfortunately [07:43] Apparantly there are no actual Turkish channels on this network [07:44] Let me try on Rizon [07:44] minusta meidn kaikkien pitisi puhua selke suomea, turhaa hienostella [07:44] Works for me! [07:44] Isn't there a few turkish-specific distros? Maybe they have chanels here? [07:44] you think you could just go on google and look up english to turkey but you get nothing [07:44] thats stupid [07:44] what about turkish? [07:44] Nothing [07:44] instead of turkey? [07:44] yeah that it [07:45] Usually networks like that have at least one Turkish channel [07:45] lancer285: i don't have no qwerty layout [07:45] Or maybe I'm thinking back in 1997 again [07:45] ska vi brja tala svenska? === Tm_T hides [07:45] http://www.linux.org.tr/ [07:46] hakanceng: hi anlamak [07:46] icecruncher: okay, thanks. looks like I may have to re-install. I don't have ANY additional layouts listed on that screen. No one has been able to help. [07:46] sorry [07:46] icecruncher: np, thanks for checking. [07:46] lancer285: what are u trying? [07:46] isn't there a xkbd [07:47] !tr [07:47] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. [07:47] conf file [07:47] EN YS SLEYM KUBUNTUYU OLSUN BTSN [07:47] martalli: there is nobody on those channels [07:47] Iwonder|too: too add a second layout? [07:47] Turk ubuntu kullanicilari, turkce yardim yada geyik icin #pardus hizmetinizde. [07:47] Maybe they speak turkish int he Pardus channel [07:47] There are people there [07:47] you want an alternate layout? or the ability to switch keyboards? [07:48] martalli: these lingual issues are always difficult [07:48] Iwonder|too: to switch layouts. I installed as dvorak, but I need to be able to switch back to qwerty so my wife can use the comp. [07:48] Iwonder|too: he want an alternate languagem, but there aren't any [07:48] Iwonder|too: yeah, there aren't any listed. [07:48] no kidding - nange muur varshe ayeetu, innuu chenig kannada gotilla [07:49] no idea unless you set Xorg conf with 2 and manually comment theem and restart X' [07:49] martalli: I write (badly) 3 different languages and somewhat understand ~10 but turkish is not one of them [07:49] lol [07:49] Nobody has Turkish [07:49] Google, Babelfish [07:49] No Turkish [07:50] Bablefish has no turkish!! [07:50] google too? [07:50] normal policy here, I had this ready for long -> /kick hakanceng this channel is english only, thanks [07:50] That's probably why google has plenty of professional agencies for turkish translation [07:50] Iwonder|too: I know how to do it w/ gnome pretty easy. I think the prob was that I installed w/ Dvorak instead of qwerty. [07:50] reckon he thinks we are stupid,all this chatter and it makes no sense [07:50] lol [07:50] martalli: sure, professional, that means expensive [07:50] lancer285: what DE are you using? [07:51] joo suomi olis aika pop [07:51] MuJ: jooh [07:51] Iwonder|too: Edgy [07:51] kde? [07:51] Tm_T, Oh yeah. The Hungarian ambassador was recently quoted as saying only a genius could learn Hungarian. I suppose the same might be said for Turkish, too =) [07:51] Oh well [07:51] Iwonder|too: yes, KDE [07:51] Here goes, a full erase of the HD [07:51] MuJ, Now that's Finnish [07:51] Luckily I backed everything up [07:51] martalli: I know [07:51] :D [07:51] Maybe the Finns could talk to him a little [07:51] martalli, Minataku: this turkish fellow did hit finnish channels too :p [07:52] in the clock you can change locales to some degree,i dunno if this will suffice [07:52] lol === xushi [n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi] has joined #kubuntu === trotek [i=tro@pwned.biz] has joined #kubuntu === martalli knows how to write Suomi in Finnish [07:52] martalli: btw I am finnish ;) [07:52] <- too [07:52] lol [07:52] any german/swiss? [07:52] lol [07:52] Finnish will take over the freenode soon ;) === Tm_T kicks MuJ's but [07:52] butt [07:52] hey! >:| [07:53] oh well, this is offtopic [07:53] Is Turksih completely incomprehensible to Finns? [07:53] Espanol? [07:53] imdi seni kutula kalk bu? Sen herhangi bir dier dil biliyor musun? [07:53] Para las ninas [07:53] chears - egeshegedre [07:53] Actually, the Finns created irc back in 1987 or 1988 [07:53] haha [07:53] unfortunately, that doesn't change the language, [07:53] hakanceng: imdi seni kutula kalk bu? Sen herhangi bir dier dil biliyor musun? [07:53] martalli: it takes only one crazy finn [07:53] wouldn't a ? to him get the point across? [07:53] I rmember back when there was aonly one irc network, without named channels, only numbers. The Finns were always on channel 42 [07:53] danny500: he's gone [07:53] oh ok lol [07:54] oops [07:54] Tm_T, Are you referring to Star Wreck? =) [07:54] err, no pun intended [07:54] why does everybody think that we're crazy? :( [07:54] shows you how long it took to find a freakin translator lol [07:54] MuJ: you are [07:54] true [07:54] lancer285: is there a i18 seeting in apedt that will work? [07:54] danny500: thanks <3 [07:55] I went through about 200 things on google to find that thing [07:55] !offtopic === josh_ [n=josh@c-67-182-201-116.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! === kayohf [n=kayohf@] has joined #kubuntu === kayohf is now known as kayo === dha3n [n=litbang@] has joined #kubuntu === alexicon [n=alexis@zero.gotroot.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] !noonetalkingabouttopic === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] Iwonder|too: not to sound too much like a noob, but what's apedt? [07:55] theres a tricky one,is trying to provide support for a turkish speaking gent really off-topic? === posingaspopular is now known as Admiral_Chicago [07:55] no [07:55] lol [07:55] lancer285: he meant adept :p [07:56] !adept | lancer285 [07:56] lancer285: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto [07:56] adept package manager,sorry for my typing [07:56] lol [07:56] Iwonder|too: helping is on topic, very [07:56] i had no luck with the nvidia drivers :'( i just got a blank screen and couldn't do anything [07:56] anyone here have myspace? [07:56] danny500: go to #gallup if you're just counting [07:56] Iwonder|too: no, but myspace is [07:56] Well, I'ma go relax XD [07:56] OH GOD NO, NOT MYSPACE [07:56] ;( [07:56] danny500: pls that is oftopic. lol. [07:56] help [07:56] i'd agree [07:57] sorry === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] #kubutnu+1 [07:57] oh wait, I'm still working on that file permissions lol [07:57] ? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] haha [07:57] snarfer: ? [07:57] hi [07:57] For off topic [07:57] ok whats with that ls -l thing again? [07:57] !offtopic [07:57] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [07:57] That's the ubuntu offtopic [07:57] snarfer: look that one [07:57] all it did was give me a list of permissions [07:57] Ah [07:57] my bad [07:58] danny500: ls -l will tell you owner and attributes of the file [07:58] snarfer: #ubuntu+1 is for "next release" [07:58] Opps [07:58] oops* [07:58] this will let you know what you must do/alter to accomplish your goal [07:58] Iwonder|too: I'm not seeing one. [07:58] oh ok [07:59] dunno lancer285 was just a guess [07:59] well I already know the permissions, and I'm not in them lol === snarfer doesn't want to insall grub on the external [07:59] Here goes, again. [07:59] man, what a pain in the butt. Those jerks at digg frontpaged automatix, and now it's down because they are ddossing it. === icecruncher is angry that the update is taking forever [07:59] well, thanx for trying guys. I'll try and fix it on the Fiesty update. [07:59] how do I make a file open it's permissions to everyone and everything? [07:59] danny500: to write to the file,either assume ownership with sudo or su,or sudo chown it or sudo chmod it === DarkED [n=darked@015-989-014.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] chmod 0777 [08:00] so that will let anything change the file in anyways? [08:00] that would be sudo chmod 0777 [08:00] oh ok thanks brb [08:00] that makes it totally open to everyone and thing [08:01] and is generally a bad unsafe idea [08:01] it's only amsn [08:01] its your file [08:01] not like I have bank statements on it lol [08:02] lol [08:02] danny500: if you installed it, it already should be accesible to everyone [08:02] oh amsn lets hack it lol [08:02] nope [08:02] only to root [08:02] I can only use it [08:02] can't change it [08:02] can now though :0 [08:02] :) [08:02] danny500: how did you install it? [08:02] the idea,they say,is that if a file in it has access to another file you've just compromised more than 1 [08:03] maybe it should be suid [08:03] that way the person starting it owns it === support [n=support@support-8.eunet.yu] has joined #kubuntu [08:05] internet === mortici [n=mortici@c-67-176-154-118.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu [08:05] it was an autoinstaller [08:05] who owns it? [08:05] root [08:05] did it have a s in permissions? [08:06] like I said, everything on this computer is under root ownership so I can't change it, I can only use it [08:06] didn't look [08:06] usually it will be like root:users [08:06] oh and while I'm at it [08:06] all members of users group can use it [08:07] I need help reading a NTFS HD === mortici [n=mortici@c-67-176-154-118.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Kubuntu [08:07] look in adept for ntfs utilitys [08:07] i forget their name [08:07] cause my Windows XP drive messed up (no really) and I need my Ubuntu o read it [08:07] so look up NTFS Utilitys === kripl [n=cs@BSN-77-91-204.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] its possible if the drive is not broken,writing to ntfs is a pain though [08:08] yeah [08:08] let me see if i can find the name [08:08] no it's good I just can't get Windows to work right [08:08] some viruses kicked in [08:08] ain't that a surprise [08:08] !launchpad [08:08] launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [08:08] !bug [08:08] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots [08:09] !Windows [08:09] For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents [08:09] once you get it mounted scan it with clamav [08:09] HAHAHAHAHAHAHA [08:09] lol [08:09] please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute === nikita [n=nikita@] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] mental institute lol [08:09] oh yeah, definatly [08:09] AHAHAHAHAHA thats a pretty good rip on Windows [08:10] i love linux,my brother kills xp bi-weekly,mine is still kicking === tyler [n=tyler@ESS-p-144-138-87-116.mega.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] yeah search in adept for ntfs,i found several ntfs3g looks promising [08:10] Windows is easy to use bug crashes all the time and Linux is hard to use but never mess's up, I think a Windows user interface and a Linux kernal and that would be one really good OS [08:11] danny500: no, not for me [08:11] danny500: please stay on topic. This is a Kubuntu support channel [08:11] sorry [08:11] goes for the rest of the room [08:11] ok someone start talking about something n topic [08:11] i can't complain about kubuntu,i've had two issues common with all binary distros [08:12] Iwonder|too: I had to reinstall kubuntu 4 tiems this week [08:12] I frez once and a while but thats from loading to many things at once lol [08:12] missing libs and headers for source installs and missing modules(on 5 i've tested so far) === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:12] I'm running a 550MHz P3 with 320MB SDRAM :D [08:13] icecruncher: why ever reinstall linux,its fixable [08:13] oh wait can't forget the awe inspiering 8MB graphics card [08:13] lol [08:13] no, rebooted in safe mode, couldn't fix dependaces, decide to reinstall [08:13] sounds like a source error [08:14] danny500: 333 Mhz P8 192 mb ram [08:14] danny500 try delilinux or damn small linux [08:14] lfs [08:14] Ubuntu runs really fast [08:14] then you will love kubuntu [08:14] and it's pretty easy to us [08:14] I'm good [08:14] try gentoo cli install [08:14] Kubuntu and Ubuntu are almost the same lol [08:15] whats the difference between ubuntu and Kubunut? [08:15] kde [08:15] I believe taht ubiquity could use a lot more development! [08:15] How do I find my router's IP address? [08:15] gnome and kde [08:15] route -n [08:15] cause I can use the Kubuntu desktop when ever I want [08:15] snarfer: usually it's [08:15] or [08:15] I pinged it, and that's not it [08:15] yes it's [08:16] well [08:16] especially if its isp supplied [08:16] what type of router you have? [08:16] Ah [08:16] 254 did it [08:16] nm lol [08:16] use that as your default gw [08:16] depends on brand [08:16] what is the command to see the last few lines of a file? [08:16] alot of the time the router willhave the address right on it [08:16] tail [08:17] Thank you. [08:17] like tail -20 some file [08:18] my router address are, [08:18] gets a bit confusing at times [08:18] Iwonder|too; why do you have 3 routers? [08:18] book mark them on your browser lol [08:18] first is a nat enabled dsl modem set to bridge mode [08:19] I'm thinking about hacking into my Wii through the router lol by pinging it [08:19] second is a b band router to my servers,one cat 5 feeds my g band wirless i use for laptop browsing [08:19] need to find it's IP though [08:19] ahh [08:19] D-Link? [08:19] danny500: do you have access to you router? [08:19] yep [08:20] linksys [08:20] it's right beside me lol [08:20] Mine's in front of me [08:20] look in the dhcp routing list === snarfer is using etherblag [08:20] it will have the address of everything thats attached to it [08:20] it should show everything that recieved an ip automatically [08:20] oh ok then that wil help [08:20] how do I find that again/ [08:20] ? [08:21] usually in logs or adminastration area [08:21] oh ok [08:21] i type http :// in my browser [08:21] Thanks all [08:21] My install is up and running [08:21] <3s all around === livenicely [n=livenice@] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] I have a D-Link WBR-1310 :) [08:22] <# all around to === firecrotch [n=nick@adsl-69-210-64-67.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] <3 [08:23] I forgot how to log into it though [08:23] lol [08:23] Okay... what's up with Adept telling me that there is a new distribution version available? [08:23] most have preset passwords [08:23] I know === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] konqueror is not browsing and kppp is the badest for modem connectin ubuntu is best for internet through modem [08:23] I got to get that === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] hah [08:23] need to find my user manual first though [08:24] in linksys its no user admin [08:24] danny500: google it === firecrotch [n=nick@adsl-69-210-64-67.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu [] === dxdt [n=mrw@69-23-135-217.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] google what? [08:24] oh nm [08:24] your router [08:24] I'm trying to add another panel to the bottom of my screen, but it won't resize! How can I make it "tiny" like my original panel at the top is? [08:24] unless u changed it [08:25] open control panel [08:25] go to panel there should be a drop down box that lets you choose between panel and main panel [08:25] so you can adjust each indepently [08:26] awe forget it I'll do it later lol [08:26] it's an ok router but my cordless phone kicks it off all the time lol [08:26] danny500: you could just ping all 253 possibiltys [08:26] Iwonder|too, how do I reach that--I haven't seen a drop down box liek that anywhere === justin__ [n=justin@pool-71-165-184-168.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === tony__ [n=tony@] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] it's ok cause I never really use the connection anyways [08:26] let me look === tony__ is now known as tinyx [08:27] hey [08:27] I only use the wireless internet for my Wii's update and stuff lol [08:27] I accidentally changed my display size to 640x480 === justin__ is now known as Imamoomoocow [08:27] HAHAHA [08:27] oops [08:27] can somebody help me get it back to 1024x780 [08:27] kmenu,settings,desktop,panel [08:27] go to your screen resolution settings lol [08:27] tinyx: try ctrl+alt+plus key [08:28] #kubuntu [08:28] WOW sry [08:28] hehe [08:28] it isnt working [08:28] the highest it will go up to is 640x480 [08:28] Iwonder|too, sweet, thank you [08:29] lol everything is super huge.. [08:29] then perhaps you only have one mode avaiable because of error in xorg.conf [08:29] thats sucks 0_0 === nikita [n=nikita@] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] konqueror is not browsin plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help [08:29] wrong driver,etc === ismael [n=ismael@] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] Well, when I use Konquer it kinda lags when I scroll [08:29] livenicely: in console type ping www.google.com [08:30] I just upgraded to 4.07 from Ubuntu 6.06 [08:30] can anyone reasonably experienced with linux help me out with video (open gl) errors? [08:30] 7.04** === ismael is now known as ismael_ [08:30] tinyx: sounds like you messed xorg up,no rendering === ismael_ is now known as ismael [08:30] how can I fix it? === dubatera [n=dubatera@200-232-184-175.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] tinyx: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [08:31] i really dunno what is the accepted way on kubuntu [08:31] that way [08:31] Well, I love the interface of Kubuntu.. regular Ubuntu feels like... not natural for me [08:31] anyone here know what i should do to set up WoW on linux using Wine? [08:32] !wow [08:32] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org [08:32] you can't [08:32] does that help at all Imamoomoocow [08:32] you need cedega [08:32] even still I doubt it'll work [08:32] does cedega really work? [08:32] sorta but i already looked at all the wow threads on the forums [08:32] plus you need to pay for cedega [08:32] Admiral_Chicago: what about Kubuntu? lol [08:32] Imamoomoocow: it will work with Wine [08:33] my problems aren't addressed on any thread [08:33] wine will only get simple windows apps working, like msn [08:33] lol [08:33] what about it. wine works on Gentoo, Ubuntu, Fedora, DSL [08:33] it's all Linux [08:33] i've loaded civilizatiin in wine,but thats not graphic intensive' [08:34] yep [08:34] i can boot WoW from wine but my graphics are sketchy [08:34] it probably doesn't ues direct x right [08:34] what driver do you use Imamoomoocow [08:34] anyone know of a freecell in kubuntu sources? [08:34] but i have seen screens of wow running perfectly on wine [08:34] Umm i don't know about my driver ? [08:34] Imamoomoocow: how are your graphics in linux? [08:35] tell WoW to run the graphics using OpenGL [08:35] cause most likely it's trying to initiate directX [08:35] on fiesty fawn kubuntu looks sexy but [08:35] Imamoomoocow: type this. cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] ok i copy pasted that into terminal but it came up with nothing [08:36] Imamoomoocow, get OpenGL working on your machine then tell Wow to use that for graphics [08:36] ok what should i do for pen gl === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === tony__ [n=tony@] has joined #kubuntu [08:37] never used it but look it up on google for Linux [08:37] hmm, what is the location of Xorg? [08:37] hey [08:37] this is tiny [08:37] in /etc/X11/ === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [08:37] I was wondering, why does my Konqueror kinda lag when I scroll through a page? [08:37] cause from what I see WoW is trying to use DirectX which is the main graphics center in Windows but since Linux doesn't have it you can get WoW to use Open GL which Linux does have === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [08:38] All programs lag when I move them..lol [08:38] tony__: small machine or lack of rendering in video [08:38] Imamoomoocow: did you capitalize X11? [08:38] Is there anyway I can fix this? [08:38] let me see [08:38] type glxinfo \grep rendering [08:38] tony_: what do you have in your machine? [08:38] oops [08:38] specsc wise [08:38] |grep [08:38] yes i typed cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep driver [08:39] It's a pretty basic e-machine.. umm I still have windows on it under dual boot [08:39] isn't it DRIVER [08:39] what is your specs? [08:39] RAM, graphics power, cpu speed [08:39] I really don't know.. lol === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:39] are you running windows right now? [08:39] I just use Kubuntu as an alternative to Windows.. because I hear its much better [08:40] I'm running Kubuntu [08:40] tony__: Main menu > system > kinforcenter [08:40] tony__: type glxinfo|grep rendering in console [08:40] ok go into Windows, open the run from the start menu and type "dxdiag" and press ok look at what you have and come back and tell me [08:40] if it says rendering no,then that will cause buggy video [08:42] direct rendering comes back yes [08:42] where is rendering? [08:42] in WoW [08:42] it says it's using direct rendering? [08:42] no in terminal [08:42] oh ok nm [08:43] i can make wow use open gl easily but then it says WoW.exe could not initiate 3d graphics [08:43] do you have OpenGL on your machine? === DeMolay [n=migui@] has joined #kubuntu [08:43] im not sure [08:44] lol [08:44] is it standard with kubuntu ? [08:44] no [08:44] it's an add on [08:44] hold up I'll see if I can find a download site [08:44] ok then what should i do? [08:44] ok thank you very much [08:44] i cannot live without my wow === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:45] here you go [08:45] please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute [08:45] oops [08:46] lol === rpedro__ [n=rpedro@87-196-108-38.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] i ddddon't have a problem i swear [08:46] why does it keep doing that? [08:46] I copied and pasted a url and it keeps pasting "please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute" [08:46] !windows > Imamoomoocow [08:47] what ever [08:47] go here [08:47] danny500: go to Klipper, change there [08:47] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t+176636 [08:47] danny500: at bottom of screen you clickl on the text you wann paste... [08:48] the clipboard i mean [08:48] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t+176636 === gerhard [n=gerhard@p54958db6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] go there and read on how to use OpenGL :) === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [08:49] ok thank you [08:49] your welcome === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [08:49] O yea i have annother question [08:49] anyone reply to knowing of a freecell solitare avaiable on kubuntu? [08:49] what is freecell? is that a game? [08:49] nm [08:50] look up solitare on Adept lol [08:50] there is, forgot what it's called [08:50] kgames, maybe [08:50] think so [08:50] got that,no freecell [08:51] i've got xfreecell on gentoo [08:51] apt-cache search freecell :b [08:51] hmm. used to have it... dunno [08:51] or go into Adept and look up Freecell Solitare [08:51] tried that [08:51] or use Synaptic Package manager and do the same thing === crazy_penguin [n=crzp@] has joined #kubuntu [08:51] i get freecell solver [08:51] did you try Yelp? === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:51] danny500: it's alled somethimg else [08:52] yelp? [08:52] nm [08:52] did you google it? [08:52] *called [08:52] Looks like last.fm radio does not like my KDE setup. [08:52] It is running fine when I startup in Gnome. [08:52] hey you usethat to? lol [08:53] anyone have a clue how i can use the aoss command to load the file "/home/justin/World of Warcraft/WoW.exe"? [08:53] wine fielname [08:53] *file [08:53] i got aceof penguins,description says it has freecell [08:53] wine /home/justin/world of .............. [08:54] right click the file,open with,type in wine [08:54] i use "aoss wine /home/justin/World of Warcraft/WoW.exe but it turns up "cannot find /home/justin/World" [08:55] use \as in world\ of\ warcraft [08:55] why are you so worried about Freecell anyways? [08:55] i love the game [08:55] play it online [08:55] i spose,just prefer at home play [08:55] ok so "\" represents a space? [08:55] or you can use _ as a space [08:56] its a delimiter === billytwowilly [n=chris@S01060016b649355d.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:56] ok [08:56] or you can "quote" it [08:56] or just get rid of the spaces all together lol [08:56] thanks i will bother you no more [08:56] its ok [08:56] thats what we are here for lol [08:56] its a pain to access program Files without \ [08:56] ill porbably be back later in the week or day [08:57] ok [08:57] oh you know what I want, I want a computer that can run as if it were two computers === jarrod [n=jarrod@user-12-163-235-82.tvscable.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:57] huh? [08:57] does anybody know if gmail supports pipelining? [08:57] so if you wanted to you could have to screens and have windows running on one and Linux on the other [08:58] vmware [08:58] two keyboard and two mouses [08:58] forget VMware [08:58] two pcs and a kvm switch [08:58] I mean fully functioning seperate OS's === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === xardias [n=xardias@xdsl-87-78-68-150.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] no one pc that can run like two I'm mean they can, they have dual core pu's now, why not [08:59] check out tiger direct,they have a device,i forget the name but will do that === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] I want one computer, not two, one, that can run like its two computers [08:59] run 2 os on same box(not at the same time) it pauses one when u are in other [08:59] danny500: you should be in #kubuntu-offtopic [08:59] but resumes with a keystroke [08:59] I know but I want someone to make a computer that can run as if it were two computers lol [09:00] danny500: virtual machine :P [09:00] AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu [09:00] I know this is off topic but I'll stop talking about this when someone actually needs help or actully start's talking about this topic [09:00] they have hardware vt engines now, make use of them. [09:01] you'r not understanding me [09:01] danny500: i dont think your request is even possible [09:01] I want a company to make a computer that you can use as if there was two computer there at the same time [09:02] Anyone here running feisty? [09:02] that's a virtual machine [09:02] it can be done, just noone has done it yet [09:02] pollyo: yes [09:02] posingaspopular: Does lastfm work on your machine? [09:02] i'm on feisty [09:02] danny500: trust me that it is being done in fedora core 7 as i talked to one of the core developers about it yesterday [09:03] pollyo: i duno, i havent tried it yet [09:03] no I mean I want the hardware to get split into two segment so that the computer thinks that it's two seperate computers [09:03] Anyone with feisty install lastfm? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c83-250-75-24.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] I'm not talking about the OS's or software, I'm talking about the hardware it self [09:03] danny500: yes, that's correct. i understand. [09:03] i'm listeninmg to it in amarok right now [09:03] Does it run on your machine? I can only get it to work when I boot into the gnome desktop. When I boot into the KDE desktop it bombs on me. [09:03] the heavy metal === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@c83-250-75-24.bredband.comhem.se] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:03] pollyo: my brother got it working to amarok [09:03] Iwonder|too: Yes. That works for me as well. [09:03] in fesity [09:04] I can not get the standalone lastfm radio program to run. [09:04] Unless I start in Gnome. [09:04] pollyo: file a bug please [09:04] haven't tried it,let me see if i can find it [09:04] posingaspopular: Already did. [09:05] so lets say you have a 2GHz dual core cpu, when your running only one OS your using the whole cpu, when you run both OS's at the same time, the one cpu core is used to run the one OS and the other for the other OS [09:05] pollyo: like I said, I can try to confirm your bug if you file it. [09:05] pollyo: and if you tell me where it is... [09:05] danny500: how is that different than virtualization? [09:05] Lynoure: I did report it. [09:05] cause you need one of the OS's to run the other OS [09:05] Lynoure: Launchpad I can get you a link. [09:05] pollyo: url? [09:06] the way I'm talking about is no virtualization what so ever [09:06] !bug [09:06] If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots [09:06] Let me get a direct link. [09:06] danny500: why not install 2 mbds and all the stuff in one box? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [09:06] I know, that's one way of doing it but I want the ability to do that using only one mobo [09:06] danny500: im sorry i have no clue what you are saying. you want to run one OS at a time, or two at a time? the ability to suspend/turn off one OS withouteffecting the other? === nikita [n=nikita@] has joined #kubuntu [09:07] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lastfm/+bug/104675 [09:07] I wanna be able to run 2OS's at the same time and they have absulutely no connection to each other what so ever [09:08] the only thing they can do with each other is send files back and fore, other then that they are seperate === SSJ_GZ [n=SSJ@host-87-74-128-15.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] ahhh hmmm [09:08] yea [09:08] i dont know if that's possible [09:08] if it is, that would be pretty interesting to do [09:08] and very usfull [09:09] you could use Windows to play games then instantly switch to Kubunut for everything else lol with now waiting to boot up or anything === S-Angeli [n=Spiro@host74-198-static.48-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] they can do it but like I asid, no one has even thought about doing it [09:10] Hi, I am having terrible experience with my external hd. [09:10] all you would need is a special bios for you motherboard [09:10] whats up? [09:10] I have a Lacie hd connected first with firewire then with usb [09:10] yep [09:10] I connect it and it gets mounted [09:10] and? === neversfelde [n=chrman@nrbg-4db44429.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:10] then I try to cp or do anything on it and it freezes up [09:10] it is fat 32 [09:11] hm [09:11] if I use console I can see inside [09:11] is there anything on it right now? [09:11] what do you mean right? [09:11] do you have anything on the E-HD? [09:12] S-Angeli: is there anything on the e-hd presently? [09:12] ... [09:12] ok [09:12] it seems now something has happened [09:12] let me try [09:12] do you have anything on your hard drive? [09:13] or is it blank? === kyral_ [n=kyral@] has joined #kubuntu [09:13] Lynoure: Did you have any luck with lastfm? [09:13] it is blank [09:13] now I am able to copy my data [09:13] have you tried reformating it? [09:13] 'morning all! :) [09:13] ok ok [09:13] thks [09:14] I do not know what happened [09:14] so your good now? [09:14] pollyo: I'll check after breakfast (in 30min or so) [09:14] maybe you have a power problem [09:14] or maybe just the connection [09:14] morning, or should i say afternoon [09:14] Lynoure: Take your time. [09:14] I'd rather use USB for that ut w/e === hussni [n=hussni@] has joined #kubuntu [09:16] wow this room just went dead lol [09:16] I mean WoW [09:16] lol [09:16] lol [09:16] icecruncher: it's night [09:16] xD === bertsbug [n=bertsbug@] has joined #kubuntu [09:17] :) [09:17] guess what I have to fix [09:17] posingaspopular: for me it's 14:17 [09:17] a Windows 98 computer lol [09:17] icecruncher: is that am or pm? [09:17] im am [09:18] danny500: what? a bathroom? [09:18] a 400MHz 64MB RAM Windows 98 P2 lol [09:18] lol, used to run 95 [09:18] yep prety much [09:18] posingaspopular: pm [09:18] icecruncher: nope! guess again, am [09:19] I need to get drivers for the graphics card, the ethernet card and a couple other things lol [09:19] what's oh, guess, 3 am? [09:19] I'm 2:20am lol [09:19] don't feel like sleeping === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] posingaspopular: same? === anees [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu [09:20] hi [09:20] I'm using MSN rihgt now and I have a contact for the phone book that looks up people and tells you their address ok [09:20] dang we are down to 326 people, wonder what the highest was [09:20] hi [09:20] icecruncher: im super tired, but i haven't done any work in a week or so, or today at all. [09:20] anybody help me how to install and configure postfix mail server === _sledge_ [n=chris@CPE0013107772c4-CM001225dffd6e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:20] I like telling it to look up crap like Yo Momma lol [09:21] anybody help me how to install and configure postfix mail server on kubuntu [09:21] posingaspopular: lol, ya, am suposed to study for my ap stat test too, but heck... [09:21] um [09:21] anees: no, sorry === Iwonder|too is now known as Iwonder|too|NotH [09:22] icecruncher: nah i just didnt want to do work during spring break === tony__ [n=tony@] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] try this, open your terminal and type "sudo config filename" [09:22] hi [09:22] or "config filename" === crazy_bus [n=philip@CPE-58-164-65-230.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] hi [09:22] lol [09:22] ok icecruncher...thanx anyway [09:23] or even cf filename [09:23] Quick question: How do I write an .iso to a CD? [09:23] hello [09:23] anybody help me how to install and configure postfix mail server [09:23] use K3b [09:23] k3b === Iwonder|too|NotH is now known as Iwonder|too [09:23] I know how to using Windows, but I'm not sure sure about Ubuntu. [09:23] tony_: use K3b [09:23] use k3b,it works like nero [09:23] !K3b [09:23] k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto [09:23] is there anyway to get kaffeine to repeat a video over an over from point a to point b? === Simeon_H [n=notakewl@wikipedia/tehkewl1] has joined #kubuntu === sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc1-stok5-0-0-cust513.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] similar menus/interface' [09:24] !ubuntu | tony__ [09:24] tony__: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome [09:24] or i think nero/linux supports burn image also === nikita [n=nikita@] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] would any of you guess guess that I'm a noob at Linux lol [09:25] Iwonder|too: yeah, but K3b is nicer, for me anyway [09:25] danny500: we are all linux noobs [09:25] ok thank you12 [09:25] lol [09:25] =] ] [09:25] danny500; no, you told us earlier [09:25] yeah i like k3b === eXistenZ [n=existenz@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] yeah K3b is nice easy to use and really fast [09:25] you could posibly get Nero 7 to run using Wine lol [09:26] you know they have a nero version for linux [09:26] but you should just use K3b [09:26] occasiionly i have write issues and must start it as root,dunno why [09:26] they do [09:26] Give dvdshrink (windows) a try. [09:26] oops haha [09:26] nerolinux [09:26] cool this is workin for me [09:26] It is fast and will shrink the dvd to a single layer. [09:26] dvdshrink woprks in wine,lol [09:27] hey, I burned an windows iso to disc but it won't boot, how come/ [09:27] Iwonder|too: Yes. I've been told that as well. [09:27] I used K3b [09:27] pollyo: nice, do they have an equivilant [09:27] danny500: did you burn it as a bootable disk? [09:27] ? [09:27] danny500: I suppose it needs some type of boot block setting. [09:27] how do I do that? [09:27] are you using an old cdrom? [09:27] nope, brand new [09:28] icecruncher: On Linux? They have a list of dvd backup utilities. [09:28] here's something funny.... === tux [n=tux@] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] ya === ^TuX^ [n=^TuX^@] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] How much of a difference is there between 7.04 and 6.06 using Kubuntu? [09:28] faster boot up [09:28] tony__: lots.. [09:28] tony__: 1.02 [09:28] lol [09:29] AHAHAHAHA [09:29] Opps.. I've been up way to long.. [09:29] I can't even do the math. [09:29] I asked my friend to download a kubuntu iso, and he said that he had extraced the folder and burned the contents, not as bootable. lol [09:29] I'm sticking with dapper for the full 5 years [09:29] I like Dapper much better [09:29] with which program I can record an X session for making an Youtube video? [09:29] be back in a bit =] ] [09:29] xvidcap [09:29] I'm sticking with my 6.06 untill it's not able to be used no moe lol [09:29] that was aimed at you tux [09:30] Does last.fm have comercials? === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] whats with the 0.6 anyways? === tarelerulz [n=tareleru@] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] dunno, stable? [09:30] thx [09:30] what ever happened to 6.1 or 6.1 or 6.05? === jurek [n=jurek@088156096069.stk.vectranet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] su [09:30] danny500: the name refers to the month/year of release [09:30] 6.06 to 6.10, they missed some numbers lol [09:31] I want to make mplayer my default play for all my media though firefox ? [09:31] 7.04 is the new release this month, 7.10 is the next relase, since they are done every 6 months [09:31] Simeon_H: I can't find it [09:31] I didn;t know that it's 2010 lol [09:31] oh what the 7 for? [09:31] E: Impossibile trovare xvidcap [09:32] the year, 07 [09:32] minus the 0 [09:32] ok then, Linux is good when it comes to the number but how does Windows have to explain it's self? lol it got numbers like 654326432.6863846328432647 [09:32] http://sourceforge.net/projects/xvidcap/ [09:32] last year's releases were 6.10 and 6.06. the first release was 5.1 iirc [09:33] theres a deb package in there [09:33] ugh [09:33] 4.10 i was wrong [09:33] they'll be like this is version 7889.7654321 then the next version that comes out they'll be like this is version 8 [09:33] lol === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] hey [09:34] stupid Microsoft [09:34] thx [09:34] for whoever asked lastfm standalone player works great [09:34] yo === ubuntu is now known as tony__ === tony__ is now known as tinyx [09:34] there [09:34] lol === kenws [n=ken@dslb-088-067-025-013.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] hehe === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-18-181.w82-122.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:36] mssoft, codename vienna... what kinda name is that? [09:36] guess what movie I downoaded and burned yesturday lol [09:36] 300 - Frnk Miller [09:37] lol [09:37] uhh, i got vienna running, aint that sweet?....HAHA rotfl [09:37] pollyo: Worked fine for me... [09:38] you mean Vista? [09:38] no vienna is nexxt [09:38] *next === vecco [n=vecco@abry227.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] oh, thats a stupid name [09:39] mmmm [09:39] pollyo: can you play other audio fine? [09:39] yeah [09:39] vienna ice cream cake is all I can think of [09:39] !welcome | ubuntu [09:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about welcome - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [09:39] hmmdid that person leave? [09:39] Hi,,,, How to run Kate or other app with 'Sudo' (administrator mode) [09:39] lol [09:39] why don't they just go ahead and do what everyone thinks, call the next version "stupid" lol Windows Stupid [09:39] you could go into konsole and type sudo kate [09:39] sudo kate [09:39] !sudo [09:39] sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. [09:39] it doesnt work [09:39] Windows Stupid Pro [09:39] lol [09:40] or you could alt+f2 and then choose the advanced tab [09:40] Windows Stupid Media Center [09:40] pick run as different user [09:40] kdesu kate [09:40] put in root and the password [09:40] and it should run [09:40] Windows Stupid Home [09:40] vienna, "'Viruses.. Infections..' Eh.. No Not Again!" ? [09:40] i recently read a news story where a guy sued mssoft because the FBI craked into his comp [09:40] !windows [09:40] For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents === kripl [n=cs@BSN-77-247-161.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:40] lol [09:40] then Microsoft should just give you the Viruses as a bundle package for free lol [09:40] pre installed [09:41] lol === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [09:41] sudo Konqueror [09:41] yeah [09:41] doesnt work [09:41] of course not === ^TuX^ [n=^TuX^@] has left #kubuntu ["I] [09:41] Windows Stupid, now comes with all the great worms and Trojians you could ever want lol [09:41] why? [09:41] kdesu konqueror [09:41] K != k [09:41] What is good gui tool for samba [09:41] lol.. [09:42] ;p [09:42] I forgot [09:42] thx [09:42] smb4k [09:42] :P [09:42] or kamba2' [09:42] i prefer smb4k [09:42] danny500: http://qdb.us/82983 [09:42] What i am trying to do is share my linux files with windows? I can't seem to get that working windows xp as for password and I did not set that up [09:43] !samba [09:43] samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT [09:43] did you share it in windows without a opassword? [09:43] HAAHAHAHAHA [09:43] thanks lol [09:43] Yes no password in windows ? [09:44] awesome [09:44] Lynoure: It works fine for you? [09:44] i mean rightclick directory,share? [09:44] i just can't get at my linux shares [09:44] thanks posingaspopular :D [09:45] http://qdb.us/82983 === Ryiel [n=resident@183-20-67.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] everyone go vote :) [09:45] search in windows by linux ip [09:45] i already did [09:45] lol [09:45] lol === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] Lynoure: Strange... It only works for me in Gnome. I can not get it to run correctly when I log in under KDE [09:46] actually can that thing be redone? [09:46] in ubuntu 6.10 I shared my linux files easy I did not have to do anything other then pick what I wanted to share [09:46] It should say [09:47] Should Microsoft give you a Viruse bundle package right of the bat? [09:47] Wait. I just changed stations and it bombed on me in Gnome. [09:47] lol [09:47] ? [09:47] nah [09:47] nm [09:47] it's good === airmagic [n=AnAirMag@CPE001346d290bf-CM000a73a164a9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:48] M$ should. it'd be faster [09:48] I heard that they are thinking about charging people by the month to use Windows [09:49] like $5 a month [09:49] yeah [09:49] do you know how many people would switch to Mac and Linux lol [09:49] or you update your status with some card so you can buy more time [09:49] yeah but think about that $5 a month is alot [09:50] especially if you have to pay that for ever [09:50] microsoft is just stupid.... [09:50] i agree [09:50] thats $60 a year [09:50] i'm pretty sure that letting your children use it is akin to childabuse [09:50] lol [09:50] I'm teaching my kida to use Linux right off the bat === x-factor [n=x-factor@] has joined #kubuntu [09:51] not Mac though, I hate Mac and Apple [09:51] Apple is an extremely cocky company [09:51] running their mouths off about how they are perfect and everyone else sucks [09:51] I I have seen mac and i was inpressed with them [09:51] I'm not [09:51] you can port many programs from linux to it [09:51] i kinda like mac too [09:52] they are horrendously expensive for no reason [09:52] that sucks [09:52] that is the main reason [09:52] the programing is good just the hardware sucks === kyral_ [n=kyral@] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] danny500: their software is mostly free, or as free as possible (while still being proprietary). they are mostly a hardware company [09:52] you can bye a computer 3 times faster then any mac for like 1/6 the price [09:53] that is true [09:53] I like the command line acton and porting of linux [09:53] I'm making a computer right now that will cost me about $1000 and a mac with equal power will cost over $3000 [09:53] programs [09:53] thats sad [09:53] that is [09:53] danny500: that's not 1/6 of the price... [09:54] That is why most of us do linux. [09:54] 1/3 [09:54] can't beat free [09:54] 1/3 is half of 1/6 iirc [09:54] posingaspopular: yes. [09:54] what's makes it even sadder is the fact that they are slowly moving everything over to computer hardware anyways lol [09:54] I know lol [09:54] tarelerulz: good luck getting free hardware... [09:54] google the word open source lol === Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu [09:55] Haha posingasppopular [09:55] never mind thats software lol [09:55] lol [09:55] could you imagine if all computer stuff was free [09:56] Could some konqueror user do me a favour and see if https://bugs.launchpad.net/kdebase/+bug/93081 can be confirmed, and if so, confirm it upstream? === danny500 drools [09:56] sure === edgy [n=edgy@] has joined #kubuntu [09:56] i just saw a talk by peter t. jackson from the free software foundation yesterday. basically the FSF and GNU/RMS want software/technical manuals to be free. [09:57] actually 1/6 is half of 1/3 ;) [09:57] they could care less about hardware, literature, etc. [09:57] free manuals? [09:57] posingaspopular: FSF is doing a bad job at it with their 'free' documentation lisence [09:57] who wants manuals> [09:57] ? [09:57] that is more creative commons type stuff [09:57] that be nice [09:58] danny500: stallman wanted to release a path for an HP printer bug he found and they wouldn't let him because they wanted to keep all the information inside [09:58] manuals included with the software would fallunder that [09:58] Lynoure: what do you mean? [09:58] Lynoure: Go to a site than has an incorrect SSL certificate? [09:58] The Linux, Mac and Windows should get together and make one really good super OS === david [n=david@dslb-084-058-028-203.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [09:59] were anything will work on it and viruses are impossible to make for it [09:59] or lest learn to play together better [09:59] please note that i dont release any of my own work under the GPL, but Creative Commons. [09:59] yeah [09:59] icecruncher: I have been using https://lynoure.org [09:59] danny500: thats not plausible, feasible, legal or realistic at all [09:59] why not? [09:59] icecruncher: but any site with expired or mismatch certifice is ok [10:00] They could do if they really wanted to [10:00] k [10:00] they would make far more money to [10:00] you think microsoft stock holders will ever want to? [10:00] posingaspopular: that is is too free for some, and not free enough for e.g. Debian === veganri [n=veganri@ip68-9-170-242.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] The stock holder would not care if they go money [10:00] they all hate each other, different license types, different ways to handle the calls, architecture issues in general, monopoly issues/regulation [10:00] true [10:01] tarelerulz: gpl/copyright conflicts [10:01] where do they get money if not from updates and bad software that needs support? [10:01] well I'm off, need to sleep lol [10:01] Lynoure: what do you mean by not free enough? [10:01] cya guys === david is now known as Goliath23 [10:01] Well, you could have software the would work with copy righted stuff ,but not be copy right itself [10:02] bye [10:02] posingaspopular: see: http://www.debian.org/vote/2006/vote_001 === soon [n=soon@0x5550ec2e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] What I would like to see [10:02] is linux I could get to do all I want [10:03] is there any way to make it so i never have to enter passwords [10:03] So far gotten share files with windows , read ally my media and next is something like yahoo === stivani [n=stivani@d5152A75F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:04] veganri: for what? [10:04] Lynoure: Looks like that was confirmed by at least one person. [10:04] why would you NOT want to authenticate? [10:04] like when adding/removing programs or doing things in terminal [10:04] because i am the only user and its a pain === luke_ [n=luke@] has joined #kubuntu [10:04] veganri: no [10:05] that sucks [10:05] Lynoure: Unless I am reading that wrong. [10:05] well the GFDL and the GPL are difference licenses [10:06] what do I do with a PKGBUILD fild? [10:06] file* [10:06] and the GPL/GFDL does allow modification/redistribution. that is kinda the point === anees [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu === CharlesHKG [n=CharlesH@] has joined #kubuntu === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] Why would a windows computer ask for a password if you did not add anything like that === jurek [n=jurek@088156096069.stk.vectranet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === didier [n=didier@AMontpellier-158-1-46-206.w90-37.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] Lynoure: how is "You may not use technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further copying of the copies you make or distribute." an issue? === david [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === nonuda [n=nonuda@] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] posingaspopular: translate that to english [10:11] posingaspopular: did it say that was the issue? invariant sections was the issue. [10:11] the gpl says you can't drm to stop copying/use [10:11] I need help, tried to load kubuntu into USB external HDD connected to an IBM think pad. When the installation was done, I rebooted but grub crashed out with error 21 Can anyone help??? [10:12] posingaspopular: if that was an example of an invariant section, just think how understandable that is to a chinese person. [10:12] !grub [10:12] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [10:12] help... my kubuntu boot halt at : "Begin : waiting for root file system" [10:12] posingaspopular: not at all understandable, and because it is invariant, not translatable. [10:13] Lynoure: im not sure if i understand what invariant means... can we take this somewhere else so we aren't OT though [10:13] CharlesHKG: error 21 means "cannot find hard disk" where did you install grub to the MBR of the main hard drive? [10:13] nonuda: dunno, I would reinstall [10:14] icecruncher: hmm...does it mean it lost root file system? [10:15] there si obviously an eror, but i wouldnt know how to recover it [10:15] posingaspopular: invariant sections are sections allowed by the 'free' documentation lisence which you are not allowed to change or remove === nikolaus [n=nikolaus@Ldc46.l.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:15] ahh [10:15] hmm === stdin_ [n=tez@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #kubuntu [10:15] i dont really know, i use CC license mostly, not GPL or copyright or w/e. software is GPL of course, but that's about it === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] i don't write software or anythign so im free from those arguments [10:16] *is === nikolaus [n=nikolaus@Ldc46.l.pppool.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === alleyoopster [n=alleyoop@d90-144-30-246.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:18] is there a way to update or install an app from another kubuntu box? rather then update and download from the net [10:18] posingaspopular: I was just explaining why I think FSF is not being as good for free documentation as one would assume. Which CC variant do you use? [10:18] non commercial === tmske [n=thomas@dD57671FC.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === Oleswen [n=marin@AAnnecy-152-1-185-56.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] Lynoure: i can talk to you more about license later, i need to lay down for a few hors [10:19] !install | nonuda [10:19] nonuda: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate [10:19] hours [10:19] posingaspopular: I think that would not be considered free by Debian either. [10:19] hello === chell [n=chell@i577A0CC2.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p549f2197.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] tell me, I've got a movie WMV and I can't read it [10:20] icecruncher: i do know how to install, have installed kubuntu in a lot of winblodze machine ;) [10:20] I must do what ? [10:21] nonuda: and it cant find the root stucture [10:21] ? === pereira [n=pereira@201-1-9-87.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [10:22] nonuda: ? [10:22] !grub | nonuda [10:22] nonuda: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [10:22] icecruncher: yes, it seems it can't find dev/hd === nailz [n=nailz@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust315.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:22] icecruncher: i know grub too.. [10:22] hm === Mena [n=smart@] has joined #kubuntu [10:23] anyone?? [10:23] nonuda: this is kinda out of my range, i'll try though === Iwonder|too is now known as Iwonder|too|NotH [10:24] i missed the eror? === Iwonder|too|NotH is now known as Iwonder|too === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@p549f2197.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] icecruncher: i was installing kubuntu from aother machine, but when after the installation and booting grub is hang === Shafto [n=chris@cpc2-oldh6-0-0-cust827.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Shafto [n=chris@cpc2-oldh6-0-0-cust827.manc.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === edgy [n=edgy@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:25] does it post a error number?' [10:26] http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-grub/2004-07/msg00113.html === intelikey [n=root@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] That is what one of the bugreports concerning the error suggested. [10:27] ok..thanks === kinus_ [n=kinus@] has joined #kubuntu [10:29] nonuda: You might also want to check your computer bios to make sure the drive is setup right. === linux_ [n=linux@] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] nonuda what issue ? === nrg88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === nikita [n=nikita@] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] pollyo: well, boot is halt at "Begin : waiting for root file system" [10:33] then after a couple of minute it dropped to a shell with iniframs prompt [10:33] it seem that kubuntu can't find my hdd [10:33] nonuda is that after an upgrade or an install ? [10:33] after install [10:34] i installed it using another pc [10:34] what hardware is linux installed on ? [10:34] drive ^ [10:34] 200mmx 64mb of ram === samir [n=samir@] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] 2.5 gb hdd [10:35] ide 0 master ? === livenicely_ [n=livenice@] has joined #kubuntu [10:35] i guess so, i let bios detect hdd automatically [10:35] hello i can browse international webs through my konqueror browser on local sides are browsed === TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@pd950fff4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:35] nonuda ok and you are at the busybox shell now ? === hannesduck [n=daniel@] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] hi [10:37] nonuda in that busybox shell do ls /dev === johan [n=johan@90-224-8-161-no124.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] bios detect my hhd as hardisk drive 2, not as 0 [10:37] ok. [10:37] Error 21 means "Selected disk does not exist. This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system." === hajo [n=hajo@L631e.l.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] pollyo is he getting a grub error ? or is initramfs failing him ? [10:38] intelikey: I though he mentioned grub earlier. Unless I am crossing messages here. === mdeggs [n=kvirc@] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] intelikey: no grub error, grub seems works fine [10:39] i can't scroll and check i just got here. === blippe [n=blippe@1-1-11-41a.f.sth.bostream.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] nonuda: Ok. You didn't note a grub error 21 earlier. I must have picked it up from someone elses conversation... [10:40] nonuda ok. can you get it to the busybox prompt again and do ls /dev/ [10:40] nonuda: I scrolled back. I appologize. It was someone else. === maxx_k [n=max@kons-590e73db.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] On that note... I'm going to bed. === Iwonder|too is now known as Iwonder|too|NotH [10:41] intelikey: i'm booting it u right now, after it failed and give me initframs promt i will do ls /dev/ [10:41] pollyo: np [10:41] BBL [10:41] pollyo don't run off mad :) [10:41] intelikey: No... I should have been in bed atleast 5 hours ago. === david_ [n=david@212-41-97-166.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [10:42] pollyo k gooday mate. === _Johny|away is now known as _Johny [10:42] intelikey: [10:42] TTYL... Goodday everyone! === S-Angeli [n=Spiro@host74-198-static.48-88-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:42] intelikey: the system still waiting the root file system === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] === koen93_ [n=koen93@84-53-94-215.wxdsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:43] yeah it thinks it's a network drive and it's waiting for the response. [10:43] what is the console command to copy an entire folder and subfolders from one hd to another? Source path is /home/user/Mail Destination path is /media/sdb2/data [10:43] cp /home/user/Mail /media/sdb2/data -R [10:43] cp -a /source /destination [10:44] thks [10:44] read the man cp and check the -a option [10:44] (-a = archive) [10:44] intelikey: ls /dev/ give a lot of result (ptyc1, 2, 3 and so on) [10:44] ok [10:44] S-Angeli the -R is recursive but -a also preserves ownership and perms. [10:45] nonuda ok ls /dev/hd? === rado_ [n=rado@ttx05.ttx-net.sk] has joined #kubuntu [10:45] intelikey: ok wait [10:45] caute!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [10:45] Lol [10:45] je tu niekto zo slovenska? [10:46] intelikey: it said no such file or directory [10:46] !sl [10:46] Sorry, I don't know anything about sl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:46] haloooooooooooooo [10:46] nonuda ok. that's what i figured. nonuda do you know the partition number for the linux system ? [10:47] I have a hardware question (but I use kubuntu, so it okay :-) : my KISS dvd player is network aware and has a regular old RJ-45 network socket. I have a functioning LAN with wireless and wired dhcp clients (and a router obviously). The KISS player is too far away for a wired connetion - how do I connect it wireless? [10:47] nonuda oh one more test first. ls -l /dev/root [10:47] soon, by typing "cp Mail/ /media/sdb2/kubuntu/sangeli/ -R" will it create the folder Mail or will it install under sangeli root? === luke_ [n=luke@] has joined #kubuntu [10:47] intelikey: thats what i don't know, but i will try to move the hardisk cable, so bios detect it as hardisk drive 0 [10:48] intelikey: ok..wait === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:48] intelikey, by typing "cp Mail/ /media/sdb2/kubuntu/sangeli/ -R" will it create the folder Mail or will it install under sangeli root? [10:48] S-Angeli it will copy you /Mail folder into /media.../sangeli [10:48] nonuda moving the cable will only compound the problem. [10:48] everybody vote on this http://qdb.us/82983 [10:48] so it will not create Mail folder first. This men that I have to create it first? [10:48] S-Angeli it will create the folder [10:49] ok, it iwll [10:49] thks [10:49] the best thing S-Angeli is to create a testfile in a testfolder and give it a shot! [10:49] just to try things out for yourself [10:49] yes [10:49] intelikey: ls -l /dev/root said no such file or directory [10:49] how to connect my KISS player - anyone? === mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-119-164.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] nonuda ok. lets see what i can do with minimal information. [10:50] intelikey: ok [10:50] why I get errors when cp files, like this error "cp: impossibile creare il file normale `/media/sdb2/kubuntu/sangeli/Mail/.Linux.directory/.KDE.directory/KDE - Pim-users/cur/1163738372.5097.BaDni:2,S': Argomento non valido" === Kubuntero [n=dani@242.pool85-58-8.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === neil [n=neil@81-179-118-194.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu === NielsE [n=Niels@5351BB29.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:51] nonuda mknod /dev/hdb1 b 3 65 === neil is now known as neil__ === olid [n=olid@82-69-88-239.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === neil_kubuntu [n=neil@81-179-118-194.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] nonuda when we get this thing mounted for you the fix is pretty easy. one command to generate a new initramfs.img file and you should be good to go. it's getting to that point the will be slow. so be patient. k === erikja [n=chatzill@0x57314066.abnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:53] intelikey: ok..done mknod.... [10:53] anyone else had knetworkmanager disapear in fesity? stopped using fwcutter and now i have wlan up but manager wont load [10:53] nonuda ok. mount /dev/hda1 /root (it will probably error out, don't be alarmed) === mathias [n=mathias@user104.85-195-24.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] ooops mount /dev/hdb1 /root [10:54] k [10:54] sorry. [10:54] it's hdb not hda i'll try to keep that in mind.... [10:55] ah ok === voicu [n=voicu@] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] nonuda does " mount /dev/hdb1 /root " give errors yes or no ? [10:56] intelikey: done, and it said no such file.....btw ls /dev was showing me hdc, hdc1 snd soon [10:56] oh ok. === samir_ [n=samir@] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] i thought you said no hd? on that. sorry. we'll move on. === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] nonuda ok. mount /dev/hdc1 /root what does it say ? [10:57] sorry, ok wait === xtavaresx [n=michael@60-241-180-153.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] hi, configure - kdesktop doesn't work... it doesn't change the wallpaper at all. this happened with all versions of kde up to 3.5.6 at some point. any idea why? [10:58] voicu beryl ? === ScarFreewill [n=sff@] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] well i did install compiz but then removed it because it doesn't support my card [10:59] voicu: did you update? === |infinity| [n=TheInfin@pd950fff4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] everything is up to date [10:59] !release [10:59] Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases === vyse [n=vyse@dslb-084-063-001-121.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Rumo_ [n=Rumo@dslb-084-056-069-033.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:00] i also had two monitors for some time. it was working then, not sure when stopped working [11:00] nonuda did it mount ? (oh and just to help you simplify things the up arrow key works in the busybox shell to recall command history just like it does in bash) [11:00] intelikey: ls /dev give me a lot of result and at the last line i saw disk, hdc, hdc1 and soon but ls /dev/hd said no such file ...., and mount /dev/hdc1 /root said "mounting /dev/hdc1 on /root failed: invalid argument" [11:00] hi how can i stream audio off smb (can amarok?) [11:01] when opening the config window the settings i put are there just that they don't affect the desktop [11:02] nonuda yes " ls /dev/hd " would fail, but " ls /dev/hd? " should match all hd disks. maybe you omitted the question mark. it's a wild-card for the ls command. [11:02] intelikey: oh i see, ok...whats next === soulburner [n=soulburn@lns-bzn-46-82-253-197-1.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:02] nonuda ok mount /dev/hdc2 /root [11:03] ok [11:03] we are stepping through the partitions to see if we can mount any of them. [11:04] is there a media player that can stream over smb? [11:04] nonuda one more quick question. do you happen to know the fs type that linux is installed onto ? ext3 maybe ? [11:04] !upgrade > icecruncher [11:05] !worksforme > icecruncher [11:05] :) [11:05] lol [11:06] !patience > intelikey [11:06] intelikey: ls /dev/hd* show me hdc5, hdc2, hdc1, hdc and hdb1 i have try mount on them but it said invalid argument, except hdb1 said no such device [11:07] intelikey: yes i know..ext3 [11:07] nonuda ok. modprobe ext3 [11:07] ok [11:08] nonuda try again, mount /dev/hdc2 /root [11:08] intelikey: done, no error === ant_ipop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] i need help reporting a bug: its a problem about kde freezing, what package/product should i choose for the report ? [11:08] and mount /dev/hdc5 /root === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:09] ant_ipop the one causing kde to trip out beryl maybe ? [11:09] intelikey: EXT3-fs: unable to read superblock [11:09] nonuda ok and on hda5 ? [11:10] hdc5 still said invalid argument [11:10] intelikey: nope its when downloading, and i get the freeze only if i download several large files the same time, and i get it with KGet, Firefox Download manager and other [11:11] ant_ipop network releated then. io error most likely [11:11] intelikey: which package, kernel ? [11:12] intelikey: hdc5 still said invalid argument [11:12] nonuda let me look into that error message and get back to you. === m0ns00n [n=m0ns00n@] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] intelikey: i'm running out of time, my wife has calling me !!! === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu === m0ns00n [n=m0ns00n@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:13] intelikey: can we continue it tommorow? [11:13] nonuda indeed. === sergei [n=sergei@dhcp-84-52-6-60.cable.infonet.ee] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] intelikey: but i have figure it out now, if we succed mounted it,i guess then we edit the grub right? === Ryiel [n=resident@183-20-43.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu === ant_ipop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [11:15] nonuda no we make a new initramfs.img file and it mounts it correctly when you boot. the problem is not grub. it is initramfs [11:15] nonuda wait [11:15] intelikey: ah..ok i see... [11:15] ok [11:16] nonuda before you leave try mount /dev/hdc1 /root [11:16] ok [11:16] it just dawned on me that the hdc5 is swap. === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [11:17] ah..it seems ok, got no error the last line said "mounted file system with ordered data mode" [11:17] nonuda ok type exit [11:17] intelikey: ok [11:17] how do i extract a tar.gz to a specified directory === LjL [n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] ubuntu_ that is covered in the manual page, man tar [11:18] this is how i tried it tar -cvvzf /media/usbdisk/pkgs/afrspell.tar.gz ~/.openoffice.org2/user/wordbook/ === smile [n=smile@] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] intelikey: i usually first go read man pages before i ask on irc [11:19] intelikey: ALERT! /dev/hda1 does not exist, droping to a shell === espenbe [n=espenbe@135.84-48-48.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:19] intelikey: what next, i hope my wife would wait..hehehe [11:19] nonuda ls /root is it full of folders like /bin /root /boot ? [11:20] intelikey: yup === max_ [n=max@host93-67-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] nonuda ok cat /root/etc/fstab [11:21] does it list /dev/hdc1 / ext3 .... ? [11:21] ok [11:21] ubuntu_: tar -xzvf /media/usbdisk/pkgs/afrspell.tar.gz -C ~/.openoffice.org2/user/wordbook/ [11:21] cvrse: thx will try now [11:22] ubuntu_ i'm glad you usually do... don't know why this was the exception... === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === plukin [n=kai@dslb-084-056-120-092.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:22] intelikey: no..its hda5 as ext3 and hda1 as swap [11:22] nonuda there is the problem [11:23] Hi! do any of you know how to make gnome-programs get focus in KDE? when I start a e.g. gimp, the program does not get focus. If I however start a native KDE-program it gets focus... [11:23] ahh..ok then how do i fix it? === espenbe is now known as EspenBe === nonuda ignoring his wife [11:23] nonuda you'll have to edit it nano /root/etc/fstab [11:23] ok === adi [n=adi@212-41-90-249.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] chagne it to hdc? === hhlp [n=hhlp@cm-83-97-140-120.telecable.es] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] yes hdc1 === icecruncher [n=icecrunc@] has joined #kubuntu [11:24] the swap to? [11:24] /dev/hdc1 / ext3 defaults 0 0 [11:24] !upgrade [11:24] See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [11:24] or make the last 0 a 1 [11:24] has anyone followed this link succesfully? http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade [11:25] /dev/hdc1 / ext3 defaults 0 1 [11:25] anyone has ideas on how to make dhcp not overwrite my /etc/resolv.conf with its own nameservers? [11:25] need to force checking on that mount. [11:25] damn...nano not found !! [11:25] nonuda vi ? [11:25] ok wait [11:25] m [11:26] intelikey: not even vi !! [11:26] nonuda: pico [11:26] ok [11:26] nonuda then it may have to be dont from a live CD [11:27] nonuda one other idea. chroot /root/ if that works you are affectively in the real system. [11:28] all normal commands work. [11:28] ok [11:29] it said cam't access tty, job contriol turn off [11:29] nonuda that's fine [11:29] nano etc/fstab [11:29] ok [11:31] intelikey: done..edit it and save it [11:31] better check boot/grub/device* and boot/grub/menu.lst also make sure it says root=/dev/hdc1 [11:31] ignore the boot/grub/device* [11:31] ok [11:31] that was a trnsent thought. [11:31] check boot/grub/menu.lst === Mr_Pan [n=marcopan@host5-150.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] my A key is sticky.... [11:32] what is the best way to update your system to edgy? === cyber_brain_mfkg [n=cyber_br@] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] don't give me !update [11:33] wait two weaks and dl the feisty cd and install it. [11:33] lol [11:33] me don't got empty cd's [11:33] What about that upgrade page is hard to understand? === matri [n=matri@] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] intelikey: done..should i reboot now [11:34] ? === ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] the one they give you, i dont know if it works, wanna be shure because i upated yesterday and got lot's of problems [11:34] it should release by then and everyone will be telling you 'you got to upgrade, cause this is so much better...' of course it wont be. it will have it's full share of bugs just like all other releases [11:34] nonuda exit [11:34] nonuda exit again === Betzefer [n=kobie@] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] intelikey: all I wanna do is upgrade to edgy [11:35] ice: don't worry, it's all a matter of updating a lot of packages. === desti_T2 [n=desti@p5b01a74f.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] So follow the leads on that page. [11:35] which one, the one i posted? [11:35] or !update ? [11:35] Yeah, the one you pasted. [11:35] intelikey: i still got the ALERT! hda1 [11:35] k === ffffu [n=deathnot@bb121-7-188-225.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu === ffffu is now known as nbcb === moo [i=moo@kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu [11:36] icecruncher change the word dapper to edgy in /etc/apt/sources.list (all of them) do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [11:36] yeah yeah [11:36] nonuda umount /root [11:36] know how === gemidjy__ [n=gemidjy@] has joined #kubuntu [11:36] lol [11:36] intellikey: he knows that but he's a bit afraid (I can imagine why) === EspenBe [n=espenbe@135.84-48-48.nextgentel.com] has left #kubuntu ["Gikk] [11:36] I'm not updating to Feisty beta yet because I'm chicken. [11:36] lol [11:37] icecruncher that's how. you asked i answered [11:37] thanks [11:37] !debian [11:37] Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! [11:37] intelikey: done [11:37] intelikey: done..its unmounted now [11:37] nonuda now you can ctrl+alt+del [11:37] ubuntu is not debian? [11:38] ubuntu is _based_ on Debian. [11:38] But indeed, they are different distributions. [11:38] nbcb no it's not. it is a debian dirivative [11:38] intelikey: ok..thanks === akrus [n=akrus@] has joined #kubuntu [11:38] Cugel: you think i can put the commands on that page into a script (except for the text editor part) ? [11:38] ice: of course you cna. === ScarFreewill [n=sff@] has joined #kubuntu [11:39] It's only a list of relatively simple commands, so yeah. [11:39] just paste them, name it .sh give it +x and run it? [11:39] any1 knows a nice charater map type of app? [11:39] That might work. [11:39] intelikey: its boot up and running .... thanks [11:39] !distro [11:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about distro - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:39] gtg now...bye guys [11:39] Cugel, how would you do it? [11:40] !charatermap [11:40] Sorry, I don't know anything about charatermap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:40] I'd use a bash script, probably, so similarly. [11:40] icecruncher: thank you for the confirm on that bug :) [11:40] Lynoure, np [11:41] is ubuntu consider a distro ? === koita [n=koita@4va54-2-82-224-228-16.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === _dennis_ [n=dennis@d51A4FEAE.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] icecruncher if you want to make sure that it does upgrade you can do something like for Q in `dpkg -l | grep '^ii' | cut -d' ' -f3` ;do sudo apt-get remove --purge -y $Q ;done before the upgrade then install kubuntu-desktop after.... convoluted i know. but i have done that and upgraded from hoary to dapper skipping breezy completely [11:43] !kwordquiz [11:43] Sorry, I don't know anything about kwordquiz - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [11:43] and yes that will remove "ALL" non-essential packages. meaning you could loose network connectivity in the process.... it's not for the novice not the faint of heart [11:43] i'm looking for some thing like http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdeedu/kwordquiz/kwq-dlg-characters.png === matysek [n=333@] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] what's the difference between installing debian and kde, and installing kubuntu itself ? [11:48] nbcb: debian+kde != kubuntu [11:48] <_dennis_> and debian+gnome is ubuntu [11:49] lenscape: does that answer my question? === anees_ [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu === matri [n=matri@] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] nbcb: your question is pretty open. I don't have time to write a book about it === iamcalvo [n=manom@225.pool85-56-192.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] !info kcharselect [11:52] <_dennis_> nbcb i think kubuntu is a streamlined version of kde + debian, if you just install both it might be less user friendly etc (i guess) [11:52] kcharselect: character selector for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 71 kB, installed size 340 kB [11:52] kubuntian: is based on debian, meaning that file locations, tools and update processes are common but kubuntu has many refinements [11:53] nbcb: Kubuntu is based on debian, meaning that file locations, tools and update processes are common but kubuntu has many refinements [11:54] that's better [11:55] how can I check which java jre eclipse is using? === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === Stormzoeker [n=Storm@cc1075059-a.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [11:55] nbcb: Kubuntu also has a bit of a 'nannying' approach, trying to simplify for new users. This aspect sucks. === michael_ [n=michael@p57adf2b9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tanuva [n=marcel@p5B109D53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:56] I am having serious problems installing and running the ati drivers on my laptop. because of that I had to reinstall Kubuntu 3 times since yesterday. Help! [11:56] "refinements" heh [11:58] intelikey: well, some people like them [11:58] :) [11:59] lenscape i know. some people like M$ windows [11:59] :) [12:00] If I say I like Msoft would I get help? === delight [n=delight@bchm-4d0916b2.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] intelikey: no, I don't think so [12:00] :-) [12:00] tuco probably not. but you'd need it lol [12:00] anyway i need serious help! [12:01] tuco had to reinstall kubuntu because of issues with a vidio driver tisk tisk.... [12:01] running on a laptop, reso is 1024x768 but it needs to be 1280x800, and I have an ati x1400 card installed. === iamcalvo [n=manom@225.pool85-56-192.dynamic.orange.es] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:02] basically after I installed the driver I changed to fglrx in the display control panel, kubuntu froze completely at boot. === [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === michael_ is now known as michael [12:03] yeah I know intel it is funny. But I am a beginner here, not Intel the Grey like yourself mate :-) === bernhard_ [n=bernhard@d213-102-122-249.cust.tele2.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:04] "grey" now am i ;/ === max_ [n=max@host93-67-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:05] tuco i wish i could help you on that. i know nothing of the ati drivers other than they are propritary and i don't want nothin to do with propritary krap. sorry. [12:06] tuco but as to being "Grey" familearize yourself with the console, magic SysRQ keys and you too will be "Grey" === plhardy [n=philippe@d90-144-121-43.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu === ihope_ [n=ihope@c-71-205-100-59.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === ihope_ is now known as ihope === jurek is now known as jurek_ [12:09] tuco in fact, you get that ati thing streightened out without reloading and you will be much 'greyer' than i am. you'll be pale white :) === PriceChild [n=pricechi@ubuntu/member/pricechild] has joined #kubuntu === Tanuva [n=marcel@p5B109D53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === michael_ [n=michael@p57adf2b9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === _eMaX_ [n=emax@] has joined #kubuntu === michael_ is now known as michiwend [12:13] believe me mate, Kubuntu froze three times on me after I installed the drivers and change to fglrx. I am getting tired of reinstalling. === Ilokaasu [n=matti@dsl-aur-ff27c000-33.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] hi linuxians .. can I upgrade my dist on many times ? === Eruantalon [n=hans@5634185c.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] smile yep === michael [n=michael@p57adf2b9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] right now my biggest concern is: getting the ati drivers to work, getting the webcam to work and adding more repositories [12:14] intelikey: I mean devide the operation on many times [12:14] and oh having my audigy card running by default too! === zumsuk [n=zumsuk@] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] smile the dl portion yes. === chrismhampson [n=chris@cpc3-ruth4-0-0-cust104.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] intelikey: dl ? === ^palolo^ [n=paolo@host13-99-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] smile " sudo apt-get -d dist-upgrade " that's the command you are looking for. === michael [n=michael@p57adf2b9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:16] intelikey: than ? i can type ctrl+c when I want [12:16] yep === chrismhampson [n=chris@cpc3-ruth4-0-0-cust104.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:16] hi linux mint very good === spinz8r [n=spinz8r@host217-34-138-177.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] please someone help before I blow a fuse! === delight [n=delight@bchm-4d0916b2.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === Alda [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:19] tuco you can ask in #ubuntu also. the answers will be more gnome oriented "editors, menu listings..." but the actual drive and xorg are not de specific so.... [12:20] intelikey: -d is for download only !! so apt-get will not install the new packs ! [12:20] driver ^ [12:20] smile correct not until you issue the command without the -d then it will install them. [12:20] But I am running KDE Intel. Geez what it is so hard to install those drivers? [12:21] intelikey: what u mean exactly ? === thedick [n=thedick@] has joined #kubuntu === ^palolo^ [n=paolo@host13-99-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] tuco Geez but you are running xorg and that's where the driver is used not in kde. [12:21] intelikey: i must use -d or no ? [12:22] So I should use Gnome? === opsidao [n=opsidao@] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] smile yes use -d to "fetch" the packages, you can interrupt it at any time. [12:22] intelikey: and what to do to install the after ? === arnewolf_ [n=arnewolf@p5484236a.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] Recommend to me please, a program to list all IP's on my LAN (a sniffer?) === iamcalvo [n=manom@225.pool85-56-192.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === palolo^ [n=paolo@host13-99-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] tuco no. the driver is not used by gnome either. it's used by xorg the x-window-system on your machine. and whether you use gnome or kde or xfce or blackbox/fluxbox doesn't matter it's all running in an X window === tom_ [n=tom@static-76-160-10-215.dsl.cavtel.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:24] What a sucker! === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:24] Ah well at least you can tell me how to add more repos, to get more packages. :-) === borogx_ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:25] Aegis found a virus in the wine directory. Amazing how fast anything to do with windows turns up these critters. [12:25] Well under not the wine directory but the working directory for windows programs. [12:26] I had more packages available from the US then GB. But of course lost the list, anybody has a decent list source? === opsidao [n=opsidao@19.red-217-217-33.user.auna.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] that i can. add " universe multiverse " without the quotes, to the lines that say " main restricted " in your /etc/apt/sources.list and update the package database. " sudo apt-get update " === galathalion [i=Larynx@arthur.mirkksladd.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:27] tuco you can kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list to edit it. [12:27] or sudo nano /etc...... === pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] === fideas [n=fideas@] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] can I change gb to us? [12:28] yes === pjcrosier [n=pjcrosie@] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] by keeping the default list I have since the install? === gemidjy_ [n=gemidjy@] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] or remove the country code altogather it will work without it as well [12:29] I want to have more packages that I have now that's all. [12:29] add " universe multiverse " without the quotes, to the lines that say " main restricted " in your /etc/apt/sources.list and update the package database. " sudo apt-get update " === snooze [n=snooze@Ya220.y.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:30] all done, but I don't seem to find firefox in adept! === ant_ipop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:30] so says "intel the Grey" ! [12:30] and fglrx ati drivers [12:30] tuco did you update the database ? === thedick [n=thedick@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:30] is it possible to make the taskbar only shows tasks from the current desktop ? [12:30] At the moment you are in single core mode :-) [12:31] yes sir === livenicely_ [n=livenice@] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] ant_ipop right click the taskbar configure === opeth115 [n=matt@pool-70-21-199-187.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:32] it's in there. show only windows from the current desktop === iamcalvo [n=manom@225.pool85-56-192.dynamic.orange.es] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:32] when i play .dat file in kaffine i can hear sound but only movie [12:32] ? === vprints [n=laur@213-35-241-82-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] when i play .dat file in kaffine i can hear sound but only movie [12:33] !repeat [12:33] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [12:33] intelikey: i dont see that option :/ [12:33] intelikey: there are more graphical servers than just x11 right? === lenscape [n=lenscape@dale.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] Intel I have some error messages, where can i paste them to show you please? [12:34] hyper_ch xfree xorg and glx as far as i know [12:34] or xgl [12:34] :) thx === intelikey seems lisdexic === ylrahc [n=charly@fny94-1-82-67-168-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] intelikey: because someone installed ubuntu-base and then gnome and wonders why x isn't a dependency... hence I thought there must be more than one to choose from [12:36] hyper_ch xserver-xorg [12:36] intelikey: i see a menu where i can configure my 3 mouse buttons and on top some options about grouping and others [12:36] that's the *buntu default [12:36] thx intelikey [12:36] Intel do you mind having a look at the error message? [12:36] !pastebin | tuco [12:36] tuco: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) === mrigns|Zzz is now known as mrigns [12:37] tuco i'll gladly look at it. but you are playing in someone elses sandbox i know nothing of ati.... [12:37] no it is only about my repos right now [12:37] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14692/ [12:38] tuco oh. you can comment out the line that begins with cdrom [12:39] remove it you mean? [12:39] tuco comment prepended # means comment [12:39] #this is a comment [12:39] when i play .dat file in kaffine i can hear sound but only movie [12:40] this is a command as opposed to a comment [12:40] You are getting greyer now! [12:40] you want me to comment that line is that right? === ant_ipop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [12:41] tuco yep [12:41] well I have no idea :-) [12:41] you are the expert dude not me [12:42] meaning make the line that says "cdrom:....." say "#cdrom:... [12:42] in your /etc/apt/sources.list you know. === comp01 [n=comp01@host-86-106-221-137.moldtelecom.md] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] you know. [12:42] you can do it. [12:42] yes I am in there now [12:43] should it be like that: deb # cdrom:[Kubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release i386 (20061025)] / edgy universe multiverse [12:43] intelikey: did you read? your da man! [12:43] (shhhh let him think that damn it) [12:43] see you are getting greyer as we go [12:43] mrigns ? === mahboob [n=mahboob@c-01aee253.325-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] just bored [12:43] when i play .dat file in kaffine i cant hear sound but only movie [12:43] when i play .dat file in kaffine i cant hear sound but only movie [12:43] only that line Intel Core? [12:44] !repeat [12:44] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience [12:44] tuco only that one line. [12:44] #orhei [12:44] ok sir [12:44] !codecs | livenicely_ [12:44] livenicely_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [12:44] that's the only error you were getting. [12:44] soryna_ [12:44] got that: E: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI) [12:45] tuco: you need to put the # at the beginning of the line, before "deb" === blekos [n=blekos@ppp151-101.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu === borogx_ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] I told you you see ;_) [12:45] yeah first char. did i mis inform ? === intelikey scrolls up [12:46] ok it worked now :-) === intelikey stays scrolled up and doesn't see any new posts, thinks all is quiet [12:46] so if I change gb to us I should get more packages...like firefox and fglrx etc? === comp01 [n=comp01@host-86-106-221-137.moldtelecom.md] has joined #kubuntu [12:47] tuco: [12:47] yo [12:47] http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/ [12:47] look at that [12:47] tuco no. changing the mirror should "not" affect the number or version of packages. adding the other repos will the universe multiverse [12:48] so something needs to be added up then! mmmm === comp01 is now known as soryna [12:48] you did that didn't you ? === anees__ [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] I want to have firefox and fglrx in adept...simply! === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] sal [12:48] Yes boss I did === ylrahc [n=charly@fny94-1-82-67-168-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] and in 10 days when Feisty comes out, it will be the same upgrade circus! Tadah! [12:49] oh wait. i see you don't have main. add this whole line. without quotes. "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu edgy main restricted universe multiverse" [12:50] heh === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79c43.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === geggam isntalls xchat === ylrahc [n=charly@fny94-1-82-67-168-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === anton [n=anton@dsl-tregw2-fee8df00-119.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [12:50] intelikey: how can I boot ubuntu into a shell and not into x11? [12:50] Ah you see...you see you misguided me hey! [12:50] i am on feisty tuco [12:51] hyper_ch: at the grub menu select recovery mode [12:51] tuco no i deny that. main should have been there already. maybe it's commented out. === geggam [n=geggam@24-182-137-58.static.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:51] hyper_ch append 1 or single to the kernel line at boot time. [12:51] tss tss tss [12:52] Linux lappy2 2.6.20-14-386 #2 Mon Apr 2 20:34:35 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux [12:52] intelikey: how to do that? [12:52] much nicer [12:52] aaaaaaaaaaaaaah 20205 packages. Now we are talking :-) [12:53] hyper_ch [esc] select the boot option and hit E select the kernel line and hit E add "1" to the end and hit [enter] hit B === soryna [n=comp01@host-86-106-221-137.moldtelecom.md] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:53] tuco see you see see what i'm saying now.... === matysek is now known as MATYSEK [12:53] :) [12:54] intelikey: thx [12:54] np [12:54] ah what...ah [12:54] i wana listen mp3 songs in amarock [12:54] but no sound stream is available [12:54] !fre [12:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about fre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:54] !jre [12:54] Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [12:54] bah ! === knubbe [n=knubbe@h193n7c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:54] !mp3 | livenicely_ [12:54] livenicely_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [12:54] !java | geggam [12:54] geggam: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. [12:55] livenicely_, gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and libxine-extracodecs should help [12:55] All I want now is to deal with the ati drivers. Please somebody help! Intel is pretending not to know...(well we can't blame him for being a bit lazy can't we?) :-) [12:56] ty intelikey .... [12:56] tuco you can ask about that in #ubuntu maybe someone in there can help. as i said eariler it's not kde specific it's xorg specific. [12:57] geggam np === Stormzoeker [n=Storm@cc1075059-a.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [12:57] Will do sir :-) thanks for your help anyway ;-) [12:57] you bet === mamel [n=mamel@52.Red-88-6-151.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === intelikey feel altogather grey now [12:57] :) === thomax_ [n=thomas@217-148-244-10.happymany.net] has joined #kubuntu === chair [n=chair@60-242-164-87.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] (I was just waxing lyrical) [12:58] coming from BSD and debian ubuntu makes me feel like i havent done something because it is so easy ... yesterday i installed dapper and last night i changed sources to feisty and i am on a solid feisty kubuntu this morning [12:59] tuco pay me no mind on that, i do tend to ride things like that way to far. [12:59] Anyone using normalize-audio with K3B in Kubuntu 7.04? [12:59] it doesn't work fo me === comp01 [n=comp01@host-86-106-221-137.moldtelecom.md] has joined #kubuntu === johansalim [i=G3b0ys@ip84-222.cbn.net.id] has joined #kubuntu === comp01 is now known as soryna_ [01:00] Poor Intel ;-) [01:00] pretik la toti [01:00] geggam i agree it leaves some to be desired... === Jonty [n=jadh@82-41-207-190.cable.ubr11.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:01] generally i stay away from the latest fanboy distribution but i had some clients inquire about this... [01:01] i think i will have to start supporting it === raidmax [n=raidmax@125-238-130-138.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] do i know you from irc.chatjunkies.org #linux ? [01:03] prolly [01:03] long time ago [01:03] does anyone here kno any perl coding [01:03] thought so. just call me Christian [01:03] heh [01:03] k [01:04] raidmax there is a #perl channel === ke [n=kenneth@port272.ds1-aboes.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [01:05] is there wat is the address for it [01:05] im new to this IRC stuff [01:05] /join #perl [01:06] hey, what does it mean if I type a command in (such as to update dapper) in terminal and it exepts the command (no error), but does nothing [01:07] means that the command either accepts the agrument but doesn't act on it or is not coded to give error message on bad input [01:08] like apt-get upgrade #reboot those commands render nothing === |mdeggs| [n=kvirc@] has joined #kubuntu [01:08] how do I fix that? [01:08] archangel_ use sudo [01:09] i'm already in root [01:09] and it does nothing ? [01:09] zilch [01:10] tty24 [root@~] apt-get upgrade [01:10] Reading package lists... Done [01:10] Building dependency tree... Done [01:10] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [01:10] just brings up the prompt again as if it carried it out [01:10] which apt-get === belen [n=belen@] has joined #kubuntu [01:10] file `which apt-get` even [01:11] I also get no report ( 0 upgraded, 0 installed etc..) [01:11] file `which apt-get` === Evil_DuDe is now known as Evil_DuDe_ === Evil_DuDe [n=tuutti2k@a88-113-212-44.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [01:11] that would mean it's working then - it is outputting something ;) === MK_Mike [n=mknights@] has joined #kubuntu === ||arifaX [n=||arifaX@p54b5a560.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:11] # apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade | grep ^' ' | xargs apt-get -y install [01:12] (duh, wrong channel) === ebbu [n=ebbu@122-146.adsl.lpoy.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [01:12] that should give me a pretty display, shouldnt it? [01:12] just brings up the prompt again [01:12] why all the extra crap ? [01:13] grep line begins with space ? [01:13] I need a program which can tell me what IPs are available on my LAN ... any suggestions? [01:13] wiki kubuntu (step by step instructions) [01:13] why the xargs [01:13] apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade (as root, should work) [01:13] someone needs to fix that wiki === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] wow, now THAT worked [01:15] soon ... an IP subnet calculater would tell u by using your netmask and IP === marco__ [n=marco@host58-76-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:15] is there a nice GUI that you know of? [01:15] not for ubuntu [01:15] i have one on the PDA === borogx__ [n=borogx@pool-72-68-3-239.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:15] >:] [01:16] gipsc ... === tmbg [i=tmbg@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x3DA923CF] has joined #kubuntu === marco__ [n=marco@host58-76-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === V [n=oh@ADSL-144-78.myt.mu] has joined #kubuntu [01:17] not instalable though [01:17] Hey u damn kdonkeys [01:17] I did those two commands, does that mean I am upgraded ? [01:17] Gnome RULES YOU ASSHOLES [01:17] Nobody rules my arsehole ! [01:17] yep, with the repos you have setup in your /etc/apt/sources.list [01:17] !ops [01:17] Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal === normann [n=alex@lns-bzn-56-82-255-205-165.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:18] I do [01:18] both worked ( however, apt-get dist-upgrade got me "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded." [01:18] GTK does === mode/#kubuntu [+o gnomefreak] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@ADSL-144-78.myt.mu] by gnomefreak === V [n=oh@ADSL-144-78.myt.mu] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o gnomefreak] by gnomefreak === eMaX [n=emax@250-124.1-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has joined #kubuntu === manu_ [n=manu@p54a0c249.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === mrigns_ [n=mrigns@ACB06257.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:18] apt-get update && apt-get upgrade is the other way [01:18] hi [01:18] cant see anything in xawtv, it doeasnt start :( [01:18] though you might just be upto date :) [01:18] http://paste.debian.net/25244 [01:19] upgrade only upgrades installed packages [01:19] hope you can help [01:19] dist-upgrade moves to the next version [01:20] dist-upgrade gives me this ---> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. [01:20] dist-upgrade when used without any change to the sources.list upgrades all packages installed or newly depended upon that are listed in the updates and security repos [01:20] but I am still using dapper [01:21] geggam to run dist-upgrade don't you have to update your sources.list to the next version for it to work? [01:21] i believe so don_jr__ [01:21] upgrade does the same with the exception of base system files [01:21] well, I did, but have no Idea if it worked [01:22] archangel if you want to upgrade from dapper to edgy you would alter your sources.list file and change all dapper to edgy. If you've done that and then ran it, it should have upgraded [01:22] # cp /etc/apt/sources.{list,list.bak}; sed -i s/dapper/edgy/g /etc/apt/sources.list [01:22] btw... unless u know what u are doing dont go dapper to feisty [01:22] is that the right command? [01:22] that was interesting [01:22] this is from the wiki [01:22] archangel_ looks good from here. [01:23] check your sources.list just to be sure it worked [01:23] k [01:23] archangel_ I couldn't get that to work properyly, do it in 2 steps instead of one cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.pack; sed -i s/dapper/edgy/g /etc/apt/sources.list [01:24] does look like it worked === gemidjy__ [n=gemidjy@] has joined #kubuntu [01:24] "doesnt" [01:24] oooo ... the cooliris plugin for firefox is nice [01:24] don_jr__ typo ? cause ; is a command seperator [01:25] backup intelikey [01:25] sed can really hose a file [01:25] is sed -i the start of the second command? [01:25] intelikey there must be a typo in the command on the site with the { brackets} cause it didnt' work for me. pesonally I mannually changed them all with nano [01:26] geggam: cooliris ? [01:26] archangel_ yes [01:26] ok [01:26] page preview [01:26] geggam: cooliris is not a known plugin [01:26] er === mcboozerilla [n=mcboozer@81-208-74-184.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:26] links bad here ? [01:26] no [01:26] hello, all [01:26] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2207 [01:26] thank you [01:27] archangel_ cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak; sudo nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list and then change it all manually from dapper to edgy [01:27] friggin firefsck - an addon search doesnt even find that! [01:27] geggam not as long as they are clean :) [01:27] I need to disable the ctrl-alt switch desktop shortcut for another application but can't find the setting to do so; where is it exactly? [01:27] I mean, ctrl-tab === aprov [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [01:28] to do that just change all refferences? erase dapper and put in edgy? [01:28] anyone else here using nvidia drivers with edgy that cannot change thier screen res wtihin kde? I can't get mine to change [01:29] archangel_ correct === markus [n=markus@kref-4db67fdd.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu === neil [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === markus [n=markus@kref-4db67fdd.pool.einsundeins.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:29] sorry for the dumb ?'s [01:29] lol [01:29] archangel_ only dumb question is the one you don't ask! =) [01:30] hey, it looks like it worked [01:30] don_jr__, i had to run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [01:30] iirc === ylrahc [n=charly@fny94-1-82-67-168-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:30] everything already says edgy [01:30] pjcrosier you did that after installing the nvidia drivers and it didn't screw it up? [01:30] time to do rounds later all. [01:30] don_jr__, why didnt that work ?.... it worked here [01:30] different shell ? [01:30] yeah i think so [01:31] cant find dapper anywhere [01:31] geggam I don't know why it didin't work, but it didin't for me...maybe I typed it in wrong or something, I'll admit I've done that before! lol [01:31] sweet [01:31] heh [01:31] now what do I do? === soon [n=soon@0x5550ec2e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [01:31] good point [01:31] archangel_ if it all says edgy, then it's done. now you can do the apt-get dist-upgrade [01:31] or maybe should sudo apt-get upgrade first [01:31] cool thanks [01:31] oh ok [01:32] i am sort of curious why sudo so much on single user machines [01:32] good habits ? [01:32] geggam what would you prefer? I did a few things logged in directly as su once....it didn't turn out well, I just use sudo now! lol [01:33] i have hosed a few machines but after u do that u tend to pay attention to commands u issue [01:33] 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. === ninHer [n=ninher@6.Red-88-9-92.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:34] Bahhh I cna't get domino to compile..... [01:34] am I already running edgy? === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [01:34] i think i can see the point of appealing to non geeks with something that protects them from hosing things === Assim [i=Burp@d58-105-43-153.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:34] cat /etc/issue <-- that might let you know which kubuntu you're using? :) === Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B37B13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] are there any other dev libraries I can get in bulk other than build-esentials? I have build-essentials and i"m still getting alot of missing things when I ./configure [01:35] grrrrrrr 6.06 [01:35] module-assistant ? [01:36] tbh, i'm not sure if that would change or not, but you'd think it would === flem [n=bjerke@0x3e42b73a.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] gotta run [01:36] I will try again later [01:36] thanks all [01:36] don_jr__, why not build a package via apt from source [01:36] that should get u everything u need [01:36] then do your own [01:38] geggam I'm a bit new here, what ya mean? I"m trying to install the domino-4.0 style off of kde-look.org. but when i configure i get alot of ....no answers to things that should be there like xlf, g77, f77, pgf90 and others === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a14d71.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === Edulix [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:38] does domino need those to compile ? [01:39] don_jr__, [01:39] geggam I would assume so, it finishes configureing then when I make there's errors and it won't finish [01:39] ah === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:40] apt-get -b source $PACKAGE [01:40] geggam it could be a problem with the download I gess...going to download a new one and see, it's saying there are missing declerations, could be bad .h files or something.....I dont' know. I know I got it to install on my laptop though === ninHer [n=ninher@6.Red-88-9-92.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] apt-get install g77 [01:41] don_jr__: install build-essential [01:41] try that don_jr__ [01:41] it will grab everything you need to build [01:42] gnomefreak, it doenst seem to grab g77 [01:42] geggam it's working now, and gnomefreak I have that already, it doesn't have everything by far, I've still had to add 3 or 4 things after that, like the kde dev files and a few others === jeanette [n=jeanette@dsl-aur-ff26c000-28.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === edulix_ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:42] just be happy u dont have to do that for every package don_jr__ [01:42] geggam that g77 appears to have fixed all the 'no' answers [01:42] that was called dependency hell === wayker [n=wayker@] has joined #kubuntu === ninHer [n=ninher@6.Red-88-9-92.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] geggam I'll bet it was, I just started with ubuntu about a year ago. [01:44] i started on mandrake 6.5 [01:44] still have the CDs === manuel_ [n=manuel@] has joined #kubuntu [01:45] hello [01:45] anyone here? === manuel_ is now known as manuel__ [01:45] hello === edulix__ [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === MATYSEK is now known as matysek [01:46] hola [01:46] hola [01:46] hello [01:46] somebody [01:46] here? [01:46] hi [01:47] hi manuel__ [01:47] okey [01:47] thanks [01:47] just ask [01:47] yepe [01:47] how can I run ark as sudo within kde? [01:47] oppen a console [01:47] how can I enter in the console by root [01:47] manuel__: [01:48] manuel__ put sudo in front of the commands that need root permissions [01:48] Alt+F2 and make root yourself [01:48] konsole === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051d86.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === ffd_it [n=blooke@] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] hallo alle zusammen [01:48] and put su [01:49] and then the password? [01:49] is correct that too? === mathias [n=mathias@user104.85-195-24.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:49] ninher Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg ) [01:49] i have that problem [01:50] manuel__ you can su password, but it can be dangerous to your system if you don't know exactly what your doin === johey [n=gunilla@h53n3c1o1044.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:51] ehm, manuel__ are you a registered nick ? [01:51] bitte um einen link fr den chat in deutsch [01:51] danke [01:51] I dont know [01:51] #kubuntu-de [01:51] how can i do it [01:51] I have created a new MSN account using Kopete and my old e-mail address. Now I cannot change my nick, which is my real nick plus (E-mail address not verified). That's strange, because I have verified it. What can I do about this? [01:51] fantasy i guess is kubunto-de [01:51] kubuntu-de sorry === aprov [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [01:52] when I try to compile a style from kde-look it's telling me 'KDecoration has not been declared' does that mena anything to anyone ehre? [01:52] thank you [01:52] ninHer [01:52] :-) [01:52] sorry i am new here [01:53] fine fantasy [01:53] and my english is not so god [01:53] and isn't kconfigure suppose to be a command in kde?? [01:53] How Can I RegIster A NiCK? [01:53] so, better you go to kubuntu-de fantasy [01:53] don_jr__, try installing kdebase-dev? [01:54] manuel__: /msg nickserv help [01:54] thank you [01:54] manuel__ http://es.wikihow.com/registrar-un-canal-en-la-red-Freenode [01:54] bye and the best day for you ninHer [01:54] i suposse you are spaniard.....like me [01:54] same for you fantasy [01:55] pjcrosier thank you. I upgraded to edgy by installing ubuntu dapper server only, then I altered the sources.list to edgy and installed kubuntu-desktop. I seem to be missing much that would come with the kubuntu edgy ISO [01:55] thank's [01:55] bye === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:55] just the -dev packages are normally a manual thing [01:55] easy to miss :) [01:55] lOL i dont want register a channel [01:56] just a nick... [01:56] Okay, kconfigure isn't what I thought it was. Where do I look to change my styles and themes and what not...it was k [01:56] don_jr__: ksystemsettings? === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@user-54453935.lns4-c11.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [01:56] /msg nickserv help register [01:56] ^^ manuel__ [01:56] manuel__ /msg nickserv register [01:56] sonoftheclayr that's not the one I remember, but I'll try it === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:57] <_Johny> hello. It's not Kubuntu related question but I'd like to make my "ping" print all the packets lost during pinging, just like that from windows. Anyone know how to do it? [01:57] _Johny: man ping === manuel__ is now known as _ManUel_ [01:57] <_Johny> just done that [01:57] and? [01:57] <_Johny> It's doesn't seem to ba similair option [01:58] <_ManUel_> hola [01:58] <_Johny> thanks anyway [01:58] _Johny: tried -v ? [01:58] hi in feisty my fstab mounted partitions dont show up under media:/ anymore [01:58] <_Johny> yeah. didn't work [01:59] is this normal, can i fix this? === yamal [n=yamal@2001:618:400:2198:0:0:ffff:641a] has joined #kubuntu === ni3w4zn3 [n=ni3w4zn3@kri1-1x-dhcp270.studby.uio.no] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === gen2 [n=gen2@74-137-179-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] my tty display sort of flickers and it's really annoying [02:00] guys how I can make my audigy 2 card the default one? [02:01] FFIXXX, my unmounted and mounted disks show in media:/ [02:01] !audio [02:01] If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 [02:01] FFIXXX #ubuntu+1 for fiesty questions [02:01] anybody know how i can make it stop flickering? i think it did it after i upgraded he bios [02:01] tuco: switch the order in /etc/modules or summin [02:02] it shows that: [02:02] lp [02:02] sbp2 === TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@dslc-082-082-131-244.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] lol I don't have sound system under my system settings menu....heh [02:02] IRQ conflict... go to the boot bios screen and change the settings [02:04] sudo kate /etc/modules adaptr? === lilalinux [i=e-trolle@langweiligneutral.deswahnsinns.de] has joined #kubuntu === mcboozerilla [n=mcboozer@81-208-74-184.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === mathias [n=mathias@user104.85-195-24.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu === _Johny is now known as _Johny|away === fantasy_ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051db9.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:06] hi all, I resently reformated one of my partitions and now I think my fstab is "broken" [02:06] Strange... Digikam doesn't install any .mo files in this system. On another computer with Kubuntu, it does, and it is the same package version. Why isn't any .mo files intalled on this computer? [02:06] I get an error during boot and the partition doesn't get mounted [02:07] my fstab looks a bit messy anyway (I'll pastebin it) === Daisuke_Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:08] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14704/ [02:09] I tried to "fix" it because I used captive before (it was ntfs) [02:09] now it's (hda3) ext3 [02:09] how can I make my fstab look proper? === Hobbsee shudders at captive breakage [02:10] try in a captive ntfs channel, somewhere === test [n=test@] has joined #kubuntu === kiwi__ [n=kiwi@pool-71-255-72-138.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] ie, it's an "at your own risk" package === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has left #kubuntu [] === fantasy__ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051dcd.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] I need to know how to make my audigy 2 card the default one over the hda intel onboard sound on the laptop please! [02:11] Hobbsee: ? your not reading it right, I'm not using captive atm, I reformated it to ext3 [02:11] system settings -> sound system -> hardware <-- tuco [02:11] ? [02:11] tuco: do you use the intel one at all? if not, disable it from bios [02:11] It is a laptop Chijin [02:12] can't do it [02:12] Hobbsee: but this ext3-partition is set wrogly in mf fstab I guess, I just want my fstab to look neat and working :P [02:12] dromer: ahh. then neaten it up :) [02:12] I have an audigy 2 zs noteboob on the pcmia slot and it is connected. [02:12] notebook sorry [02:12] dromer: looks neat to me - you really should keep the UUIDs there. [02:12] tuco, where do i get a noteboob?!?! [02:13] :-) [02:13] Hobbsee: lemme pastebin the error I get on boot for you [02:13] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14705/ [02:15] dromer: run ls -lh /dev/disk/by-uuid/ | grep hda3 and paste the output in here === test is now known as test_ [02:16] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2007-04-09 14:07 ff0bc75f-9e62-4216-bece-72aa1a9b8cd9 -> ../../hda3 === javila [n=javila@3.pool85-59-65.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy15 [n=fantasy@brln-4d051dd9.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === aprov_ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] ok, s-o I should put that uuid in fstab ? === dbglt [n=dbglt@60-242-135-20.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [02:20] Hobbsee: === aprov_ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy_ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051de7.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] dromer: yes [02:24] ok, and it should get mounted fine then? === andre_ [n=andre@i05v-87-90-175-225.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu === tackat [n=tackat@p5490d4b0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy__ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051df6.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === fl2032 [n=fl2032@p54B1504C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:31] I tried getting japanese input working with skim. Now X freezes as soon as a windows with takes input is opened :( i.e. if I startx openbox everything looks fine. As soon i start a ternimal-emulator/browser/whatever X dies === kaptengu [n=kaptengu@c213-100-60-183.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu === tinyx [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051df6.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:31] Any idea how to fix it? === tom_ [n=tom@p54AEA55B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === superbear [n=matthias@p50912cbc.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has left #kubuntu [] === yaccin [n=yaccin@p57a765ac.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === aprov_ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [02:35] hmz, I just mounted my new partition, but my user can't write anything on it === amdiak [n=amdiak@] has joined #kubuntu [02:35] ddddd === amdiak is now known as amdiak_ === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [02:36] then you don't mount it allowing others to have write permissions === Lurkan [n=agsm@] has joined #kubuntu === jakkass [n=gareth@] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] !mount [02:37] Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter [02:38] er .. hmm, how can I do that apokryphos ? :$ [02:38] dromer: what partition and how did you mount it, with mount or in fstab? [02:38] hello === lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu [02:38] (though the bot has the instructions too) [02:39] s/partition/file system type/ [02:39] apokryphos: it's hda3 and I mounted it with $ sudo mount /dev/hda3 /media/hda3/ [02:39] what fs type? [02:39] Hello, I'm a new commer on Kubuntu === superbear is now known as superbear_afk [02:39] apokryphos: aperantly during boot fstab was wrong too (wrong uuid) and I fixed that too with the help of Hobbsee [02:40] apokryphos: ext3 [02:40] amdiak_: welcome :) === fantasy__ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e0c.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee [02:40] salut apokryphos [02:41] dromer: make an fstab entry [02:41] apokryphos: should I reboot so the partition gets mounted by fstab correctly ? [02:41] apokryphos: there already is one === francois [n=francois@ADijon-259-1-58-172.w90-33.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] dromer: no need; just sudo mount -a [02:41] apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14704/ < this one exect different uuid now [02:41] you should never have to reboot in Linux unless you want a new kernel to be in place :P [02:41] hehe ok :P === CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu [02:42] but, I have to remount it then? [02:42] if you're not sure about the UUID then just comment it out and enter the partition /dev entry explicitly [02:43] apokryphos: I tsill can't write [02:43] dromer: so comment out line 8, and insert instead: /dev/hda3 /media/hda3 ext3 defaults,user 0 2 === fl2032 is now known as sine === francois is now known as francois_ === francois_ is now known as francois__ [02:44] apokryphos: oh but I should have the right uuid now [02:44] dromer: then: sudo umount /media/hda3 && mount /media/hda3 [02:44] dromer: doesn't matter === abattoir [n=abattoir@cm170.omega16.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [02:44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenCola === francois__ is now known as _B === Fifistef [n=fifi@] has joined #kubuntu === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy_ [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e1f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === ninHer is away: Ausente por ahora. [02:46] apokryphos: I then get: mount: only root can mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/ff0bc75f-9e62-4216-bece-72aa1a9b8cd9 on /media/hda3 [02:46] ninHer: please turn that off [02:46] dromer: so you didn't change the fstab entry like I said :) [02:47] oh, no, I put the right uui in it like Hobbsee said .. but why doesn't this work then? [02:47] ok, I'll change it [02:47] !away [02:47] Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines === jduguay [n=jduguay@blk-138-5-143.eastlink.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] !away | ninHer [02:47] ninHer: please see above [02:47] apokryphos: the away ? === aziz [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [02:47] ninHer: yes [02:47] ninHer: yes === marsje [n=anonymou@mrcl.xs4all.nl] has left #kubuntu [] [02:48] please giv me a chatroom in german thenk you [02:48] ubotu: de [02:48] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [02:48] #ubuntu-de === aprov__ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] apokryphos: I still get an access denied === mamel [n=mamel@52.Red-88-6-151.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] dromer: pastebin me your /etc/fstab === Fifistef [n=fifi@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:49] dromer: and paste the exact error too [02:49] apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14714/ [02:50] er, can't paste the error, it's with konqueror [02:50] dromer: you didn't comment out line 8 like I said (which is now line 9( [02:50] just: "access denied. Could not write to /media/hda3 [02:51] heuh wtf, I thought I did comment it out :# [02:51] my bad [02:51] the wrong one I see :S [02:51] I did line 6 :P [02:51] dromer: then redo: sudo umount /media/hda3 && mount /media/hda3 [02:51] =) === tmske_ [n=thomas@dD5E07693.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [02:52] and again the error [02:52] did the command I gave you return any errors? === JuJuBee [n=jujub@24-105-217-35.cm.mhcable.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:52] no [02:52] just when I try to copy something to the disk [02:52] dromer: so now: touch /media/hda3/test [02:52] touch: cannot touch `/media/hda3/test': Permission denied [02:53] ok, please pastebin your /etc/mtab === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e35.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] I am trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 and when I use update-manager -c -d I get an error... [02:53] Authentication failed [02:53] Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server. === neil_kubuntu [n=neil@81-179-118-194.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14716/ [02:53] ant the link from german chat ? === tmbg [i=tmbg@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x3DA923CF] has joined #kubuntu [02:54] dromer: hda3 isnt really defined in fstab [02:54] hmm, ok [02:54] dromer: doesnt even say what file system type it is [02:55] and the link from thatroom in german ? [02:55] dromer: seems to be a remanant of the previous install === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has left #kubuntu [] [02:55] ok, weird [02:55] and the link from chatroom in german ? [02:55] dromer: weird [02:55] ubotu: de [02:55] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [02:55] dromer: what's on that partition? [02:55] apokryphos: atm nothing, I formatted it 2 days ago from ntfs to ext3 [02:56] dromer: sudo touch /media/hda3/test works, right? [02:56] yes [02:56] !codecs [02:56] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [02:57] apokryphos: yes sude can do it all ;) [02:57] dromer: umount /media/hda3 works? (no sudo) [02:57] apokryphos: yes that works too [02:58] hm, odd === weedar [n=weedar@084202105140.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] dromer: hda3 seems to have been something to do with captive then was moved to hda5 , hda3 is supossed to be ext3 but how can it be when it seems to have been ntfs [02:59] Linux_Galore: I'm not sure what you mean, "moved to hda5" ? [02:59] Linux_Galore: and yes, it was ntfs and I usid captive with it, but now it's ext3 [02:59] dromer: if you look at the second line from the bottom hda3 used to be catpive (ntfs) then it changed it to hda5 [03:00] it didn't "change" hda5 is still using captive and still is ntfs, it's my windowspartition === vadim_ [n=vadim@host-86-106-255-215.moldtelecom.md] has joined #kubuntu === weedar_ [n=weedar@084202105140.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === beels15 [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e3d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] dromer: so whats on hda3 ? [03:01] hi, guys! [03:01] Linux_Galore: nothing, I JUST formatted it === Sanne [n=Sanne@p548db405.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] Linux_Galore: atm only the test file apokryphos made me make with touch === botschaft15 [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e3d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] dromer: aah [03:02] gibts den chatraum in german ? [03:02] where should i put a script if i want it to be executed every time the system is being started and stopped? [03:02] damn, all these germans === dougtx [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] botschaft15: this is an english channel, go ta #kubuntu-de for your native language please [03:03] ubotu: de [03:03] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [03:03] :) [03:03] thank you dromer === iamcalvo_ [n=manom@113.pool85-56-203.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] i can save this link ? [03:04] not sure what you mean [03:04] apokryphos: hey, I can now mount hda3 with my regular user! [03:04] apokryphos: perhaps fstab is now being read properly? [03:04] apokryphos: hmz, weird, I still get the error :S === stuffcorpse [n=rick@60-234-225-122.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === solomon_ [n=solomon@adsl-68-79-58-250.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === antfish [n=antfish2@] has joined #kubuntu [03:06] botschaft15: you might also be interested in http://www.kubuntu-de.org/ and http://www.ubuntuusers.de/ === JuJuBee [n=jujub@24-105-217-35.cm.mhcable.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #kubuntu === rarochelle [n=rarochel@] has joined #kubuntu === rarochelle is now known as rarochelle__ === rarochelle__ is now known as kubuntu_user === bobdhicks [n=bobdhick@] has joined #kubuntu === manom [n=manom@155.pool85-56-203.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu === elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-139-240.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:10] who can help me with a script location? [03:10] Has anyone had trouble upgrading to feisty through adept-manager? [03:10] vadim_: maybe, what's your problem? === tmske_ is now known as tmske [03:11] where should i put a script if i want it to be executed every time the system is being started and stopped? [03:11] vadim_: depends what the script does === LjL [n=ljl@ubuntu/member/ljl] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] mmm, it's a log in script for my ISP [03:12] vadim_: /etc/rc.S/99something will do [03:12] vadim_: user spave or system side [03:12] space* [03:13] Linux_Galore: is it a quetion? [03:13] thank you sanne [03:13] vadim_: do you normally run the script as a user or root ? [03:13] botschaft15: you're welcome :) === henning [i=foobar@p5481cc3f.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] sanne i have problem i install the nvidiadriver automatic can you help me ? [03:14] thanky you [03:14] welcome here in germany [03:14] vadim_: the reason being you can tell gnome/kde to run set things on login and logout as a user [03:15] Linux_Galore: now it is executed as a user, but i'd like it to be executed globaly for any user which starts up the machine [03:15] Sanne wellcome here in germany ( Berlin ) [03:15] botschaft15: I get you instructions in german for that, one moment. [03:15] oky === henning [i=foobar@p5481cc3f.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:16] thank you Sanne [03:16] vadim_: put it in ~/.kde/Autostart/ === Morbo [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [03:17] Linux_Galore: as i understand it will be executed for a specific user, am i right? === hgklmnrs [n=math@modemcable121.102-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:18] vadim_: if you want ti system wide you add it to your init setup [03:18] Linux_Galore: yes, i want it system wide === aprov__ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] vadim_: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/ === zours [n=zours@251.98.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] Linux_Galore: thx, i will read the article === cyberius [n=gabba@dslb-082-083-228-247.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] one more quetion, how to execute a script when the system is shutdowned? [03:20] vadim_: its managed by a tool called update-rc.d [03:21] vadim_: just type man update-rc.d [03:21] vadim_: same way [03:21] Linux_Galore: thx [03:21] botschaft15: here's the link: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Nvidia-Grafikkarten You might want to go to #kubuntu-de or #ubuntu-de (type in the chat window: /join #kubuntu-de) for help with that page. [03:22] thank you [03:22] thank you Sanne === aprov__ [n=aprov@] has joined #kubuntu [03:22] botschaft15: you're welcome :) [03:22] oky [03:23] thank's [03:23] its nice here === mrigns_ is now known as mrigns === ricardo [n=ricardo@ac-217-129-176-254.netvisao.pt] has joined #kubuntu === MarcoPau [n=asd@unaffiliated/marcopau] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] ehm, I'm temporarily without mouse... just wanted to ask you how to quit X with the keyboard [03:25] ctrl + alt + backspace [03:25] is there any shell command or keyboard shortcut to access the menu? [03:25] oh yes, what an idiot [03:25] :D [03:25] thanks geggam [03:25] grr, my regular user still can't copy anything to my hda3 while I _was_ able to mount it without sudo .. [03:25] botschaft15: here's the englisch page for Nvidia from the official ubuntu documentation, uf you're interested: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia [03:26] vadim_: basically you put the script in /etc/init.d then create a link to /etc/rc3.d/ to start it and /etc/rcS.d to run it again at shutdown, thats the manual way [03:26] someone having nvidia problems? sorry I've been in another room === jining [n=jining@CPE0002724fec9c-CM001225d72d78.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051e85.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] lol [03:27] Sanne ? [03:27] vadim_: if you look closely everything in /etc/rc*.d/ is a link to something in /etc/init.d/ === carlos [n=carlos@229.Red-88-24-39.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] Sanne ? nvidia is oky [03:27] Linux_Galore: thanks a lot :) [03:28] vadim_: basically all the script are chucked into /etc/init.d/ then linked up to the different run state folders as needed === tur [n=tur@29.203.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu === superkirbyartist [n=superkir@bas1-ottawa10-1242462373.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] Sanne ? I have 3D ? [03:29] vadim_: ie /etc/rc3.d etc [03:29] fantasy: yes, I know :) I was just trying to help somebody who asked how to install the drivers. [03:29] what is the prefered p2p file sharing program for kubuntu for mp3's? is there a limewire for linux? or am I stuck with emule? [03:29] i have install [03:29] dromer: what file system does your partition have? [03:30] its oky [03:30] don_jr__, ever try gtk-gnutella ? === Tanuva [n=marcel@p5B109D53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] I use kde only, no gnome on my box here, is that gtk at the beginning for gnome? lol and no I havn't ever tried it yet [03:31] don_jr__: you have the god of p2p programs mldonkey the front end is called kmldonkey, its multi protocol === olimpico [n=jaime@F5427.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] !flash [03:31] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [03:31] Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash [03:32] Sanne: ext3 [03:32] !libflash-mozplugin [03:32] Is it possible to install kubuntu remotely through the console? [03:32] no [03:32] dromer: I had to set permissions on the mount point for ext3 for the user, even if it's already mountable as user. === princeodd [n=spowell@] has joined #kubuntu === manom [n=manom@155.pool85-56-203.dynamic.orange.es] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:33] Sanne: ok, where/how did you do this? === malcher [n=malcher@dslb-084-062-023-213.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:33] don_jr__: I think there is a limwire thing called frostwire or something for Linux [03:33] If you put OpenOffice.Org on a live CD and you use it on Pentium MMX 266mhz with 172MB RAM and 172MB Swap then it will run very smoothly. [03:34] dromer: in konqueror, for example, right click, properties [03:34] dromer: sec, be right back === Linux_Galore finds limwire very slow [03:34] after i reinstalled alsa it won't detect my soundcard which is needs the intel8x0 module [03:34] Sanne: ok, so I should run konqueror as root? === superkirbyartist hates piracy. [03:34] can somebody give me an option? === MarcoPau [n=asd@unaffiliated/marcopau] has joined #kubuntu [03:35] Linux_Galore thanks, I'm settin up kmldonkey now [03:35] superkirbyartist: yeah, I better stop downloading Linux images [03:35] pervert! === superkirbyartist thinks LimeWire is a ressource hog. He wonders why people call Mozilla a ressource hog, compared to LimeWire. [03:35] Hi all, Could anyone tell me what's the difference between the update-manager and aptitude dist-upgrade? === adaptr wonders what a ressource is [03:36] cyt: one won't do the other === superkirbyartist would also like to point out, LimeWire automatically shares your files, slowing down your upload and download speed. [03:36] ooh the shame Im stealing Linux === malcher [n=malcher@dslb-084-062-023-213.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu [] [03:36] Sanne: yay, I can write now :] [03:36] adaptr: Do they do the same thing? [03:36] hi === superkirbyartist indeeds knows that upload speed is already slower than download speed in many cases. [03:36] Sanne: I set the write permissions to group now and I can write :) === CaptainApathy2 [n=mschaadt@] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] cyt: I just told you they don't [03:36] Linux_Galore which of the downloads is the core to run it? I need something other than kmldonkey? === ask__ [n=ask@i60-34-174-237.s02.a008.ap.plala.or.jp] has joined #kubuntu === superkirbyartist also points out, go to the Linux distro's official site. There will be ISOs there. [03:37] well I just downloaded nexenta on bt and got 450k === botschaft [n=fantasy@brln-4d051eac.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:37] You don't need LimeWire. [03:37] I use BitTorrent but for Linux only. [03:37] don_jr__: mldonkey === XelleX [n=Compaq_E@084202201015.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] I just want something to get mp3's........I'm told mldonkey is good, I downloaded and installed kmldonkey and it's looking for a core... [03:38] hey all [03:38] The party is at http://www.stepmania.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=2690 [03:38] don_jr__: kmldonkey will trigger mldonkey to be installed === afkRush is now known as kRush [03:38] is there a way tl get Philips SNU6500 Adapter working on kubuntu? [03:38] Linux_Galore if it did, okay, I did a locate for the mlnet file it said I needed to find and I don't have it [03:38] Can someone help me install flash on powerpc please? [03:39] Can someone help me install libflash-mozplugin on konqueror powerpc please? [03:39] don_jr__: locate wont find anything unless you update it right after the install [03:39] is there a way tl get Philips SNU6500 Wireless Adapter working on kubuntu? Please :P [03:40] Linux_Galore how do I update it? [03:40] hmm, my usb2 connection seems to be awefully slow, I'm copying from my usb-disk and it's going at ~20Mb/s === xushi [n=xushi@unaffiliated/xushi] has left #kubuntu ["So] [03:40] don_jr__: run sudo updatedb === mmk [n=mmk@dslb-084-057-255-228.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === predragz [n=predragz@] has joined #kubuntu [03:40] Yo party people how can I install libflash-mozplugin? [03:40] usb2.0 is slow [03:40] prove it [03:40] superkirbyartist: install flashplugin-nonfree [03:41] XelleX: I thought it could get to 400mb/s .. [03:41] XelleX: I usually find usb 2.0 is fast but the hardisk is slow that data is being transfered from [03:41] Hobbsee: Isn't that the Adobe Flash? [03:41] I want the free flash. [03:41] 0$ [03:41] Open source. [03:41] Anyone can edit. [03:41] Any computer can use. [03:41] db updated still no mlnet on my box, and mldonkey is not a package in and of it's self === SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:41] also thumb drivesr are not that fast either, its not USB2 its the device that cant keep up [03:41] Linux_Galore: I'm transfering from a sata-disk (should be 3gb/s ;) ) [03:41] USB 2.0 is slow, i dont know how much but, its serial. Wirefire is much faster :) === superkirbyartist yawns. This is a lame party. [03:42] firewaire or what the heck [03:42] dromer: actually its not devide that by 10 then add in the seek time lag and you get about 1/4 of that [03:42] superkirbyartist: gnash, then. [03:42] Hobbsee: sudo apt-get it? [03:42] meh i hate to not get my Wireless working... [03:43] anyone have snu6500 wireless adapter? [03:43] dromer: back. I see you got your partition writable. You can also set the ownership of the mount point in konqueror to your user, btw. The konsole commands for all this are chmod (permissions) and chown (ownership), type "man chmod" and "man chown" for instructions. [03:43] Password: [03:43] Sanne: ah, kay, thnx [03:43] superkirbyartist: yes. [03:43] Reading package lists... Done [03:43] hi [03:43] Building dependency tree [03:43] Reading state information... Done [03:43] Package gnash is not available, but is referred to by another package. [03:43] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [03:43] is only available from another source [03:43] E: Package gnash has no installation candidate [03:43] dromer: you're welcome :) === pascutti [n=angelo@] has joined #kubuntu [03:43] superkirbyartist: apt-cache search gnash, isntall the most suitable, and learn to use a pastebin. [03:44] !bastebin | superkirbyartist [03:44] Sorry, I don't know anything about bastebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [03:44] !paste | superkirbyartist [03:44] superkirbyartist: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) [03:44] lol [03:44] It wasn't that big, and apt-cache search = no output. === emet [n=emet@unaffiliated/emet] has joined #kubuntu [03:44] superkirbyartist: anything over 2 lines is "too big" [03:45] Hobbsee: What do I do after apt-cache search? I get no input :( [03:45] superkirbyartist: some of us are using tiny terminal-windows for irc .. this is very anoying ;) [03:45] I would like to update my Dapper Drake to Edgy Eft, could some help me? [03:45] !upgrade | amdiak_ [03:45] amdiak_: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [03:45] superkirbyartist: install mozilla-plugin-gnash [03:46] Ok Hobbesee I'm new you know === SuprUsr [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:46] I get the flooded error. === bluefox [n=bluefox@] has joined #kubuntu [03:46] amdiak_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [03:46] amdiak_: repeat until satisfied === KennethP [n=kpo@] has joined #kubuntu === manchicken [n=manchick@ubuntu/member/manchicken] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] There is no mozilla-plugin-gnash === nikkiana [n=nikkiana@c-24-34-69-166.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] Gnash is "referred by other package" [03:47] superkirbyartist: do you have multiverse enabled? [03:48] Hobbsee: I can check [03:48] adaptr, you may be right because I have allready done many things [03:48] superkirbyartist: universe, actually. [03:48] Hobbsee: All the reps for edgy are enabled. [03:49] does that include universe? === mark__ [n=mark@d5152065E.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] Yes. === SuprUsr is now known as Kr4t05 [03:50] I can't get mldonkey to connect.... === ninHer is back. [03:52] superkirbyartist: must nto be in edgy then === Track_ [n=mth@biol102002.oulu.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:53] Hobbsee: I install libflash-mozplugin. === paytreak [n=paytreak@084202089166.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] How do I bypass "flash is not installed" errors? [03:57] YouTube there is an error that forces me to download Flash. === esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-202-162.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === gata [n=gata@89-180-59-28.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] How can I pretend to have flash? === dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === washbear [n=washbear@] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] can rpm's be run in kubuntu? === Shadowtester [i=shadowte@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu === paco_ [n=francois@rsa59-4-82-247-210-170.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] dod_jr__ you will need alien to convert. [03:59] yes you have to convert them into deb files with the program alien [03:59] and then install the deb [03:59] crud, okay.......I've got to find something to download mp3's with [03:59] but the best is to search for an deb version for your kubuntu version [03:59] Yo people I want to watch the cat fight can you help me with Flash please? [03:59] superkirbyartist: get the flash9 deb from edgy-backports and install it [04:00] dystopinary: I am using PowerPC and open source flash. [04:00] or go to http://www.adobe.com/products/flashplayer/ [04:01] So many websites tell me "You need Flash * to view this". I am using open source Flash. [04:01] I am using PowerPC. === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:01] superkirbyartist: oh, well there is not much you can be helped with, the open source flash is just plain crap [04:02] Any other suggestions other than mldonkey for getting mp3's? [04:02] don_jr__: bittorrent [04:02] Isn't there a cheat to pretend you have Flash 9? [04:02] can get mp3's with torrent? I'll have to give that a shot [04:03] don_jr__: i hope you're not talking about illegal mp3 downloads === snerge [n=snerge@bas9-quebec14-1168087154.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] morning === peaker [n=peaker@] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] no I just don't want to go through the hassle of ripping all my cd's! =) [04:06] don_jr__: ktorrent seems pretty good [04:06] so you are talking about illegal downlaods [04:07] just becuase you own the cd doesn't mean it's legal to download an mp3 of it [04:07] Hobbsee I"m playing with it, but I don't know torrent's very well at all, so this is a new adventure. === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] Okay, how do I use alien to convert a file? I have it installed [04:10] dystopianray: this is not illegal in every country === dazza [n=dazza@] has joined #kubuntu [04:11] DeMolay: true, but any talk of warez or similar is not allowed in here AFAIK === mvo7 [n=martijn@cp562554-a.landg1.lb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [04:11] found it, gotta learn to read the man files. [04:11] OK === pauljw [n=paul@pool14.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] dystopianray I meant not to speak of anything I wasn't suppose to, only how to get a program installed on my kubuntu box. I'll leave it at that. === josh_ [n=josh@125-238-90-162.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === johansalim [n=guest@ip84-222.cbn.net.id] has joined #kubuntu === honkzilla [n=honkman@208-123-8-36.dsl.arvig.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tanuva [n=marcel@p5B109D53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:18] does anybody know any virtual real size aquarium software ? === herdi [n=ubuntu@adsl-212-16-102-117.taloyhtioverkot.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] hey all === user__ [n=user@p248n30.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === user__ is now known as amsmith42b [04:19] any way to see the size of a deleted folder? from slocate.db for example? [04:20] ninHer: xfishtank, maybe [04:20] dystopianray: actually there are a lot of legal mp3 (or ogg, for that matter) downloads. Just because it's mp3, it's not necessarily illegal to download. [04:20] no way to do anything to a deleted anything, so no [04:20] Hobbsee: i'll have a glance [04:20] hmm [04:20] thanks [04:21] Sanne: yes I realise that, but all he wanted to do is download mp3 versions of cds he had bought, which would most likely be illegal [04:21] dystopianray: it's not [04:21] adaptr: i was thiking about some file or log which would preserve some info on the directory/file like slocate.db [04:22] herdi: if it's gone from the FS, it's gone, period [04:22] herdi: the only way to look at it would be to firts undelete it [04:22] dystopianray: oh, I see. I don't know then. [04:22] what is the console command for extracting a .tar.gz file? [04:22] don_jr__: tar -xzf foo.tar.gz [04:22] thanks [04:23] adaptr: ext3 undeletion is not possible or is it? [04:23] herdi: ext2undelete should deal with it [04:23] google :) [04:23] :) === anees [n=anees@] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] thanks, ive been googling for about 4 days:) [04:24] ninHer: no idea how it works though [04:24] Hobbsee: i found it.....i am going to install it and will tell you how about [04:24] :-) [04:25] Hi ... I need to play .dat files on kubuntu [04:25] how can i do so [04:25] I want to see movie on kubuntu [04:25] which software should I use? [04:25] hum [04:25] I would try mplayer [04:25] or vlc [04:25] anees: where did this file come from? === SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] it is a vcd [04:26] anyone tell me what package would have the qt3 header files in them? [04:26] movie file [04:26] anees: oh, that's just mpeg, any media player should be able to handle it === crube [n=crube@hoas-fe23dd00-160.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] ok...which one in kubuntu? [04:27] anees: kaffeine is fine, you'll probably need libxine-extracodecs installed [04:27] ok [04:27] plz tell me the command === VeryHF [n=mark@166-70-102-216.ip.xmission.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:27] i have some .avi files too...which need codecs to be installed [04:27] how can i get codecs? === robi_ [n=robi@34-171.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] adaptr: is there any way to read locate's slocate.db besides searching with e.g. "locate xxx"? [04:28] hi all [04:28] herdi: if you figure out what format its in, sure [04:28] anees: install libxine-extracodecs and it should handle most media files [04:28] can somebodz help me? I-m new in kubuntu [04:28] don_jr__: libqt3-mt-dev, maybe also libqt3-headers and libqt3-compat-headers (I don't have that one installed, dunno if you need it to compile apps) [04:29] robi_: we can't help if we don't know what your problem is [04:29] :) [04:29] don_jr__: I'm still on dapper, I should add [04:29] i dont remember when install kubuntu setup root password [04:29] dystopianray.. I m having problem installing libxine-extracodecs [04:29] robi_: it didn't, use sudo [04:29] plz tell me the complete command [04:29] when go to adept he ask me password [04:29] which password? [04:29] anees: you'll need to enable universe and multiverse repos [04:29] robi_: your user's password [04:30] from where I should enable them [04:30] saz incorect password [04:30] !codec [04:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [04:30] !codecs === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:30] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === hgklmnrs [n=math@modemcable121.102-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:30] Sanne hmmm it says I already ahve those. when I try to compile it tells me it can't find the qt headers [04:30] don_jr__: if you know the exact name of a missing file, you can seach for the package which provides this file at packages.ubuntu.com in section "Search the contents of packages" [04:30] don_jr__: oh [04:31] don_jr__: you might need to tell the location of them. It should be /usr/share/qt3, but let me double check. [04:31] whenever I use synaptic to install or uninstall packages it tries to reinstall the vmware player and fails, how do I fix this? [04:31] go to try reset user password [04:32] don_jr__: yup, that's correct. What do you want to compile, and does it use configure? === bobstro-away is now known as bobstro [04:33] anees: ah I just edit the sources file manually, I don't know what is the best way for you to enable universe and multiverse, you can do it through adept I think [04:33] Sanne yes, it's durring configure I'm getting the error, I'm checking to see if maybe it needs qt4 instead or something === amsmith42b [n=user@p248n30.ruraltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === crube [n=crube@hoas-fe23dd00-160.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] don_jr__: you can pass options to configure. Type './configure --help' to see how to tell it the location of qt, mostly it's something like: '--with-qt3=/usr/share/qt3' but please check to make sure, this might bnot be correct. [04:35] Sanne okay, I'll locate the qt3 headers, thank you [04:35] don_jr__: you're welcome === jakkass [n=gareth@213-202-128-70.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] don_jr__: /usr/share/qt3 is correct (at least on dapper), but --with-qt3 might now [04:36] s/now/not === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:37] I found a bunch of .h files in /usr/include/qt3 [04:38] don_jr__: yes, but in /usr/share/qt3 are the links to all those folders a compilation might need. [04:38] don_jr__: just look in there, you'll see === Frost^ [n=sweiss@85-250-244-89.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] Sanne I used that path /usr/share/qt3 still no luck [04:39] don_jr__: what is the exact error message? [04:39] don_jr__: use the pastebin, please === desti_T2 is now known as desti === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] http://www.pastebin.ca/431203 Here is the entire configure output, I did a locate for qt3-ranlib and didn't find it.... === jimwrh [n=jimwrh@] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] woohoo! My library is now running feisty on all the public workstations, netboot and unionfs root :) [04:41] don_jr__: first, "--with-qt-includes= /usr/share/qt3" has a space after =, I believe that's not allowed. Looking some more... [04:41] and I"m on edgy if that helps [04:42] don_jr__: try first without the space === thomax_ [n=thomas@217-148-244-10.happymany.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:42] Sanne that seems to have helped up to this point, the script error wasn't there this time [04:43] and it finished, thank you [04:43] Sanne am runing make now! =) === senwei [n=senwei@] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] don_jr__: cool. I think a space is regarded as qa delimiter in the configure line. [04:43] don_jr__: oh, glad it worked :) [04:43] Sanne now since I'm so new to this stuff, I gotta figure out how to run the program once it installs! lol === crookshanks [n=stephej1@] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [04:44] don_jr__: oh, another thing. You shouldn't use sudo for configure and make, just for make install. [04:44] Sanne it woulnd't configure when I didn't === michael_ [n=michael@p57adf2b9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === mode/#kubuntu [-b *!*@ip24-251-18-169.ph.ph.cox.net] by Hobbsee [04:44] Sanne and thank you very much for the help, I appriciate it === mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [04:45] it told me permission denied when I tried to configure without sudo === qsu is now known as bxnp [04:45] don_jr__: you're welcome (still it's funny you need sudo for that... next time try it without first, shouldn't be needed) [04:45] Sanne I tried without it first, told me permission denied [04:45] where did you extract that files don_jr__ [04:46] bxnp I extracted to /home/don [04:46] don_jr__: hmmm, maybe you extracted the source while being admin? With sudo also? then those files would have gotten the wrong permissions. [04:46] and did you extract those files with sudo === ianc [n=ianc@WNPP-p-203-54-28-36.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] bxnp: ;) [04:46] lol great minds think a like [04:46] +1 [04:46] Sanne yeah, that's probably what did it! lol bxnp thanks I'll have to remember to quit using sudo so much until it tells me to, it's almost habbit now with everything I've been doing yesterday and today [04:47] Sanne Bah got an error on make [04:47] never extract files in your home dir, with sudo [04:47] you dont want files belonging to root in your home dir [04:47] don_jr__: you get to know when to sudo and not sudo after a while [04:47] anyway you can change the permissions with chown yourname.yourname files [04:47] don_jr__: ah, glad we got the reason. definitely don't use sudo all the time, you could mess up hard with a single typo. Better ask here when something doesn't work as expected :) [04:47] anybody help me how to install xine player === CaptainApathy2 [n=mschaadt@] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] aptitude install xine-ui anees [04:48] http://www.pastebin.ca/431212 This is the end of the make output, shows the error, if more is needed I'll copy what's there. === claydoh [n=claydoh@66-252-48-143.dyn-adsl.midmaine.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] ok [04:48] ...thanx === etalli [n=etalli@c-68-43-124-79.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === adridox [n=adridox@134.Red-217-127-19.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:49] anees: say you want to install mplayer you do apt-cache search mplayer |more [04:49] and look wich files you get back and install the ones you need [04:50] ok === nailz [n=nailz@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust315.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:50] thanx again [04:50] if you use aptiude allso the sugested files will be installed apt-get wont do that [04:50] don_jr__: hmmm, I never compiled this app and don't understand the error, so I have to step down helping you now, sorry. Btw, there's also an ubuntu pastebin at paste.ubuntu-nl.org, if you want to have a look. Anybody care to help don_jr__ further? [04:50] when you use apt-cache search is your input after search case sensative? [04:50] k === mathieu [n=mathieu@boi59-1-82-66-129-21.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] don_jr__: I don't think it's case sensitive [04:51] Sanne thanks alot for looking it over at least. I'll figure something out [04:52] don_jr__: you're welcome. I would recommend, though, to start over with configure as a user, just to rule out any possible quirks doing it as root. === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@host206-20-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === sdlnxgk [n=sdlnxgk@ip68-7-22-185.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:52] Sanne alright, I'll give it a shot [04:52] don_jr__: good luck [04:52] hi all [04:52] ciao a tutti === FFIXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has left #kubuntu [] === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === rysiek|pl [n=rysiek@213-238-73-125.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === rag_ [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === rag_ is now known as cristina === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-76-223.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === myEqR|inet2 [n=internet@p549db01b.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] i can refresh the repo list? === soon [n=soon@0x5550ec2e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] and where i can find a new repo list? [04:55] adaptr: still there? === Shadowtester [i=shadowte@dialup-] has left #kubuntu [] === kcoleman [n=kcoleman@] has joined #kubuntu === yonatan_ [n=yonatan@bzq-88-152-100-220.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === david_ [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === david_ is now known as D_Ed [04:56] hi, will ubuntu guides work on kubuntu? === smile [n=smile@] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] yonatan_: yes, but you may have to change one or two words === kcoleman [n=kcoleman@] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] for example gedit -> kate [04:56] gksudo->kdesu [04:56] yea yea i know :) [04:57] but the whole concept is the same? [04:57] ok, other than that the basis is the same [04:57] hi linuxiqns .. hoz cqn i chqnge screen resolution on ubuntu M [04:57] yep === rag_ [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] good, thx [04:57] how about fiesty? is it similar? [04:57] it's just newer versions of everything [04:57] smile: Actually pressing the correct key counts with computers. [04:58] so most likely yes === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] smile: are you using kde or gnome? [04:58] bobstro: gnom [04:58] aye aye, lets get this boardcom chip a try, last time it did alot of troubles [04:58] thx D_Ed [04:59] np, good luck [04:59] you'll possibly find apt-get install linux-restricted-modules gets your wifi working [04:59] it's pretty good in feisty [05:00] herdi: intermittently, yes [05:00] hmm, my usbdisk (sata 200gb) is automounted, but I don't have write-access? (can't delete any files ..) [05:00] dromer: what file system is it? [05:00] dromer: What filesystem is on the disk? [05:00] smile: did you try the resolution setting in the control center. (i'd check the exact name, but i'm in kde right now.) [05:00] adaptr: happen to know what other files hold filesystem information besides slocate.db that could be useful? [05:00] FAT32(lba) [05:00] dromer: you're trying to write as a normal user? === utnubuk [n=pete@dyn246-03.cod.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:00] D_Ed / jhutchins [05:00] bobstro: yes [05:01] bobstro: i want change the resolution on gnome [05:01] dromer: you can specify a UID/GID when you mount it. fat32 will only allow one "owner". === nacer [n=nacer@l.alcolo.a.mpl.pastIX.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:01] smile: yes, have you tried the resolution setting in control center? [05:01] well, my user _is_ the owner [05:01] dromer: so ls -l is showing that? [05:01] smile: This is the kubuntu support channel, which supports the kde version. #ubuntu supports the gnome version, you may find more help there. [05:02] dromer: it sounds like maybe root is. you can write as root or? [05:02] bobstro: what to click M [05:02] smile: sorry, try #ubuntu. i don't have gnome up at the moment. [05:02] bobstro: yes, ls -l gives my user as owner [05:02] and does it give you as having write acces? [05:02] dromer: does mount show it mounted rw or ro? [05:03] rw === knubbe [n=knubbe@h217n4c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === odissea [n=ilianahp@] has joined #kubuntu [05:04] dromer: hmm. can you rw as root user? [05:04] bobstro: dunno, lemme try [05:04] dromer: ok. lets test if you can write. in a terminal run "touch /media/wherever/afile" [05:04] then try the same as root [05:04] touch means "create a file" === adridox_ [n=adridox@134.Red-217-127-19.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] D_Ed: hmm, apperantly I can .. perhaps not all files on the disk have the same permisions [05:05] adaptr: actually i have a file from p2p prog giFT called "shared" which might be helpful but decoding it is lil bit too difficult for me:) Ive checked their project page.. [05:05] dromer: they should all have the same permissions as fat32 does not store unix permissions === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] dystopianray: ok, thnx, wierd I can't delet these specific files then .. [05:06] ok. lets just slap the permissions on there. It shouldn't make a difference but that doesn't stop wierd things happening "sudo chown -r dromer:dromer /media/wherever/ " [05:06] dromer: are you sure it's fat? and not ntfs? [05:07] D_Ed: chown: invalid option -- r [05:07] dystopianray: yes, I'm sure [05:07] -R [05:07] ha :P [05:07] or --recursive if you prefer [05:07] ok, access denied again [05:08] or "still" === natham [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] does anything get set to immutable with fat32? [05:08] you got access denied doing chown? were you root? === knubbe- [n=knubbe@h232n7c1o1036.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:08] perhaps put a sudo in front of that [05:09] bobstro: no I got access denied after chown when trying to delete a file [05:09] bobstro: btw, it's a backup of my old ntfs-disk, mostly films and music, I just placed lots of it back to ext3, and want to delete them from my external disk [05:09] dromer: it sounds like NTFS to me. [05:10] WillLuongo: I'm 95% sure it's FAT32(lba) :P [05:10] dromer: what's it mounted as? [05:10] dromer: that'll tell you. [05:10] dromer: Do you have a windows box? [05:10] WillLuongo: er, dual-boot, but I don't use it [05:11] bobstro: /dev/sda1 on /media/usbdisk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8) [05:11] vfat == fat32 no ? [05:11] dromer: yes [05:11] dromer: if you want to delete everything from the drive try formatting the partition [05:11] I don't want to delete _everything_ just a couple folders [05:12] dromer: If you have PartitionMagic or a similar application you can change the filesystem on the fly (without necessarily losing your data). === natham_ [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [05:12] dromer: Or , you could put it on a Samba share and copy it to an ext3 drive on your linux box [05:12] WillLuongo: the filesystem should be fine as it is, FAT32(lba) so I can use it both on linux as on windows [05:12] dromer: you might also do a chkdsk on it, see if there are fs errors. === mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B27213.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === bbm4n [n=root@ppp125-34.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] dromer: Ah, didn't realize that you wanted to use it on both, sorry. [05:13] dromer: fwiw -- you can get a driver to r/w ext2/ext3 on windows. i did that to get around file size limitations with vfat and lack of rw for ntfs. [05:13] dromer: umount the partition and use dosfsck to check it [05:13] dromer: does it let you delete it in Windows? [05:13] bobstro: there is full r/w for ntfs now using ntfs-3g === Alda [n=tommi@kr-lun-9-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] dystopianray: ah, couldn't think of command name - dosfsck. [05:13] bobstro: I know, but that's not handy, since I want to take the disk with me without any hassle [05:14] dromer: heh, ok. [05:14] WillLuongo: I'm not planning on booting to windows atm :P I got aps running :P [05:14] dystopianray: is ntfs-3g solid? haven't tried it. [05:14] bobstro: it's supposed to be very stable and reliable, I've never seen any reports of problems and it has had quite a few releases [05:15] captive worked fine for as long as I used it, but atm I just want to delete a couple folders on this usb disk :P === Pupeno2 [n=Pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] dromer: umount it and check it with dosfsck [05:15] bobstro: however, I was able to touch and remove that testfile .. [05:15] dystopianray: i'd be using it on a work laptop, so don't want to be too adventuresome. [05:16] bobstro: I've heard nothing but good reports about it and it's supposedly extensively tested http://www.ntfs-3g.org/quality.html [05:16] dystopianray: ah thanks. another one for the "must check out" list. [05:16] dystopianray: ok, runnnig dosfsck atm === Pupeno2 is now known as Pupeno [05:16] dystopianray: $ dosfsck /dev/sda1 [05:16] dosfsck 2.11, 12 Mar 2005, FAT32, LFN [05:16] /dev/sda1: 9035 files, 8955840/12440281 clusters === rysiek|pl [n=rysiek@213-238-73-125.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] dromer: is that it? it's finished? [05:17] yeah === Pupeno [n=Pupeno@154-169-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has left #kubuntu ["http://pupeno.com"] [05:18] hrrm, actally doesn't linux have problem with fat volumes > 120GB ? === supergonzalo [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:18] dunno, it was reccomended to me to use fat32(lba) === akrus [n=akrus@] has joined #kubuntu [05:19] i got bit with fat32 file size limitations, so gave up on it. [05:19] dystopianray: it just seems strange to me that I _can_ make/remove a testfile .. [05:19] i am looking for something i cant do in linux and its starting to annoy me [05:20] geggam: what ? [05:20] so far i cant find anything i cannot do [05:20] geggam: well, it'll annoy us until you tell us what it is! :) [05:20] linux got too easy [05:20] :| [05:20] geggam: oh, you mean something you can't do is what you want! [05:20] challenge bobbyd_ [05:20] geggam: can't play counterstrike. [05:20] er bobstro [05:20] i dont play games [05:20] i work [05:20] geggam: now you're being picky. === plbgnr [n=peto@nat-88-212-20-19.antik.sk] has joined #kubuntu [05:21] geggam: find me something half descent that does drawing like visio .... :P [05:21] geggam: games are only reason i have XP at the house. [05:21] geggam: can you flash your bios in linux? [05:21] visio i have no need for [05:21] geggam: yeah, visio was what i was thinking, though most of what i do in visio probably could be done in existing packages. [05:21] counterstrike could possibly play with wine? === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@nat-88-212-21-1.antik.sk] has joined #kubuntu [05:21] wow does for exemple [05:21] Steam (counterstrike) is Gold in Wine [05:21] even with low fps [05:21] bbm4n: you can kludge games in, but it's tedious and not 100% [05:21] But I haven't gotten wine to work with anything so far in Kubuntu [05:22] i know === ubuntu_ is now known as Blashkowitch [05:22] WillLuongo: i got MSIE going :) === Mena [n=smart@] has joined #kubuntu [05:22] for example wow is like 10-20 FPS lower with wine than in windows [05:22] !libmad [05:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about libmad - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:22] bbm4n: what video card do you have? [05:22] !libmad0 [05:22] Sorry, I don't know anything about libmad0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [05:22] geggam: how about you tell us what you do work in so we can try to find something appropriate to mention? [05:22] bobstro: I tried to get QBasic to work, and it just gives me a couple of pages of errors... [05:23] In k3b i need to install Mp3 plugin HowTo? [05:23] adaptr: thanks for your help. looks like ill just have to move on since i've spent too many days on the issue. === arantxa [n=arantxa@235.Red-80-38-245.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:23] geggam: there are plenty of packages that don't exist simply because nobody wrote them. === poopotootti [n=poopotoo@a84-231-22-241.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [05:23] geggam: no TECHNICAL reason though. [05:23] ok i should qualify this... i do consulting... i have clients that want to be productive at work ... databases email etc etc ... business things... visio is something that marketing guys use to blow sunshine up your ass.... seriously ubuntu is ready for corp support in 90% + of the applications [05:23] bobstro: Did you get 6 or 7 working? [05:23] Mena: install libk3b2-mp3 [05:23] power point is another pointless application [05:23] microsoft visio is this? [05:23] dystopianray, ok thanks :) === Beeema [n=durasan@85-124-149-195.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [05:23] what use do u have for visio ? [05:24] geggam: oh, i do consulting too. agree with you, though visio is handy for quick technical drawings that don't warrant autocad. [05:24] database designs [05:24] datagrams i guess? [05:24] with db connection [05:24] geggam: there's no real reason most of the desktops i see couldn't be converted to linux today. [05:24] in my univ they used it to draw an ARM pipeline [05:24] i can see the application bobstro but i think there is somethign that does what u need in linux [05:24] geggam: the only issue is proprietary software. [05:25] that is the biggest hurdle [05:25] geggam: oh yeah, as i mentioned, there are tools that are close enough for the conceptual level. [05:25] i am competing with delphi as we speak [05:25] small to medium sized business [05:25] geggam: the "need" is usually for some stupid, intentionally incompatible feature. [05:25] geggam: This might not affect you, but one of the main reasons I am keeping a XP box (professionally) is the lack of pro audio support === maxen [n=maxen@] has joined #kubuntu [05:25] i have several XP boxes [05:25] hmm, apperantly the usbdisk doesn't have complete read/write access, at least the folder that I copied into it didn't and after copying still hasn't .. [05:26] one of which is my TV .... mce 500pvr and gbpvr [05:26] i tryed vista and the suck [05:26] :D [05:26] how do i add programs to run on startup? === fowlduck [n=nate@] has joined #kubuntu === pete_ [n=pete@dyn246-03.cod.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] i have a duo core 1.8 something that has an nvidia 7300 and 1 gig of ram... vista uses 25% of system surfing [05:26] geggam: i'm afraid linux is ready. sorry to disappoint. :) [05:27] im in agreement bobstro .... i hadnt tried ubuntu till yesterday [05:27] anyone? [05:27] installed dapper and upgraded straight to feisty [05:27] yonatan_, startup as user ? [05:27] geggam: i'm starting to push virtualization, so they can run those "essential" windows apps in a virtual sandbox. [05:27] yonatan_: you mean when you launch kde? [05:27] i want to convert them [05:27] exactly [05:28] like in ubuntu u have sessions [05:28] what does kubuntu has? === Ryiel_ [n=resident@183-20-10.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu [05:28] yonatan_: there may be a better way, but i copy the .desktop file to ~/.kde/Autostart [05:28] cant u put that in ~/.kde/autostart or some such ? [05:28] yonatan_: you can put scripts and symlinks in ~?.kde/Autostart/ [05:28] heh [05:28] guess so [05:28] hello, pls how can i find out which version of kubuntu do I have? [05:28] there is a session setup, but honestly haven't tried it myself. [05:28] no gui for this? :) [05:28] yonatan_: I believe there is a kcontrol module in the repos that can configure autostarting apps for you [05:29] cat /etc/lsb-release === roconnor [n=roconnor@vhe-540354.sshn.net] has joined #kubuntu === espa_ [n=espa@diz102.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:29] geggam: thanks [05:29] lets try to see if it works [05:29] brb [05:29] yonatan_: if you launch something and leave it running, the session manager can run it for you [05:29] btw for everyone reading unless u are very comfortable in debian do NOT upgrade dapper straight to feisty [05:30] it was interesting [05:30] geggam: not going to until it's released anyhow. === carl_ [n=carl@ti0010a380-0391.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] its nice === carl_ is now known as Filthpig [05:30] all pretty and crap [05:30] im too much a console junkie [05:30] hi all [05:30] geggam: for a biz, you'd probably want dapper with the LTS. [05:30] definently [05:31] geggam: unless they "need" eyecandy. :) [05:31] change sucks in business [05:31] uhm, I can't start kubuntu with the latest kernel (2.6.20-14) === cyberius [n=gabba@dslb-082-083-178-073.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] geggam: yeah. thin is getting more and more attractive. [05:31] When starting the normal mode it just stops === alan__ [n=alan@83-216-147-118.matthe876.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] geggam: yes, but on the other hand incremental changes every 6 months might be easier to deal with than the jump there will be in 4 years. [05:31] bobstro: and Geggam: I just read that women actually tend to perform better in computing environments with the eye candy and stuff. [05:32] but why would u have to change LeeJunFan [05:32] keep repositories and keep it protected from the net === alan__ is now known as sourcejedi [05:32] WillLuongo: strangely, men tend to perform less effectively int he presence of women! [05:32] i had a BSD box running for 2 years [05:32] and when I start with recovery mode it states something about kernel panic and attempting to kill init after some ext3 error [05:32] bobstro: LOL [05:32] geggam: yeah, if you can do that, that works as well. [05:32] is this a know issue? [05:32] WillLuongo: some eyecandy is fine, but a lot of it is definitely "not business related". === andy_ [n=andy@80-218-245-125.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:33] Filthpig: it works ok with the older kernel? [05:33] yep [05:33] yeah, and having beryl crash 5 times a day isn't really cool either. [05:33] running 13 now [05:33] Even though it's easy to restart and doesn't cause lost work. [05:33] Filthpig: did you get the restricted drivers too? [05:33] bobstro, I guess so [05:33] beryl ? [05:33] !beryl [05:33] Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects [05:33] ew [05:33] I've been using Feisty since fabruary or something [05:34] gimme a console and a good framebuffer [05:34] >:] [05:34] and upgraded kernel every time there was a new one available [05:34] gimme a console w/o framebugger [05:34] pron ? === sudoman [n=sudoman@] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] tsk tsk === kufus [n=kufus@81-172-35-216.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] geggam: no need. === mattis1 [n=mattis^@p54bd5ab1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] WillLuongo: there was a cartoon in the paper recently that had a bunch of guys standing around looking at basketball scores, and a manager commenting that the women actually do an extra month's work for the same pay. [05:34] I hate framebuffer, mostly beause of the distortions it seems to cause every time I leave it enabled. [05:34] haha [05:35] Not to mention it breaks suspend to ram. [05:35] Filthpig: you might check make sure you've got those drivers for both. [05:35] why turn the machine off ? === herdi [n=ubuntu@adsl-212-16-102-117.taloyhtioverkot.fi] has left #kubuntu [] [05:35] geggam: laptops, and for general saving of energy. [05:35] geggam: hah. my laptop battery isn't THAT big. [05:35] bobstro: lol That reminds me of the chip commercial with the bunch of guys watching the construction === dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [05:35] laptop is acceptable === kkerwin [n=kris@isu154235.ilstu.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] I suspend my laptop to go from place to place at least 5 times a day. [05:35] bobstro, but everything has been flawless until now [05:35] i use X on lappy [05:36] Filthpig: well your X may use one of those restricted drivers for video. [05:36] i rarely shut machines off... they always break during that cycle === wapiserv1000 [n=wapiserv@u13-7.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu === Ryiel_ [n=resident@183-20-10.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu === senwei [n=senwei@] has joined #kubuntu === Morbo [n=michael@dyn-66-244.uwnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] geggam: I do as well, I've got beryl on feisty running on my lappy now, but if I enable frambugger I can't suspend to ram. [05:36] still have a working 180mhz ppro [05:36] LeeJunFan: suspend to disk seems to be working on my dell now with edgy, so i can do that more often now. [05:36] what does beryl do ? [05:36] geggam: eyecandy maximus [05:36] now i am gonna have to play with it [05:37] geggam: yeah, like that mailserver with the 1 year uptime I've got, when I reboot that - any changes I might have made in the last year and forgotten about will come back to haunt me. [05:37] LOL LeeJunFan [05:37] i hate that [05:37] no code comments ? [05:37] geggam: go check for beryl on youtube.com [05:37] bob: but the issue is with ext3, not X o_O [05:37] Filthpig: ok suit yourself === cyberius [n=gabba@dslb-082-083-178-073.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu [] === matysek [n=333@] has joined #kubuntu === natham__ [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] erh [05:38] geggam: I've not heard many good things about beryl and stability or usefulness [05:38] geggam: yeah, I try to keep up comments and notes, but there's always those things that you "thought" you setup to come back right after reboot that dont. [05:38] no need to get mad === yonatan_ [n=yonatan@bzq-88-152-100-220.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] root@morningstar:/etc/postfix/virtuals# uptime [05:38] 11:38:14 up 357 days [05:38] Filthpig: i'm not mad. you're just not interested in what i'm saying! [05:38] getting real close :) [05:39] the autostart worked great :) [05:39] ok ... i would get motion sickeness or something with beryl [05:39] geggam: yeah, it doesn't strike me as "essential" [05:39] geggam: hehe, that's what my wife says. === elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-139-240.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:40] bobstro: of course I am, I just commented that the kernel panic message is because of something with mounting the ext3 disks, nothing graphical [05:41] Here's my explanation of beryl for people who don't get it: Beryl is like Girls, when you were 5 you were like eeew girls have cooties! Then you were 13 and it was - ooh! girls have ____ies, and then you are hooked. [05:41] Filthpig: when you say "start kubuntu", do you mean the system or KDE spefically? [05:41] the system [05:41] Filthpig: i thought you meant KDE from your description. [05:41] aha [05:41] LeeJunFan: Beryl does not have boobies. [05:41] well, no === sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-159-206.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] Filthpig: so it's dying on boot? [05:42] it's about 1 or 2 secs after I hit enter on the selected kernel in grub [05:42] WillLuongo: no, but it does have something that once you've played with it - you can't stop. === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu [05:42] yep [05:42] Filthpig: does everything look same in grub menu.lst? [05:42] is there somewhere I can find a log file for the 20-14 kernel? [05:42] LeeJunFan: lol Maybe, but unlike boobies, the investment of time and energy to get to play with it doesn't seem like it pays off enough. [05:42] LeeJunFan: which is a problem for business productivity! [05:42] bobstro, yes [05:43] WillLuongo: LOL! yeah. === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === rag is now known as adri_ [05:43] WillLuongo: then again, apt-get install beryl can be eaiser than getting to the other mentioned "package [05:43] bobstro: Which is why women shouldn't be... oh wait, you were talking about beryl? j/k [05:43] WillLuongo: well, i played with that stuff and got screwed in the end so... we're probably taking this analogy too far. [05:44] bobstro: I don't know that we are... lol === rag_ [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:45] WillLuongo: go hang two of those ergonomic squeeze balls on the front of your monitor. tell everyone it's to reduce your carpal tunnel. === katano [n=katano@d005239.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu === pauljw_ [n=paul@pool151.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:45] bobstro: LOL I don't know if my wife would buy that one. [05:45] as long as u dont talk about women basketball players u havent crossed the line === geggam hides [05:46] imus fan, are we? [05:46] how can u avoid it [05:46] WillLuongo: borrow some victoria's secret gear to hold them. === jzb [n=chatzill@c-67-176-96-19.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:46] bobstro: That will help for sure! lol === mattis2 [n=mattis^@p54BD4A80.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:47] is there somewhere a KDE Feature tour? === sankula [i=sankula@nat/google/x-66d54cd300a12cc3] has joined #kubuntu [05:47] See now, most of my work is in public view, so strapping some victorias secret to my computer with some saline melons isn't going to bode well. [05:47] LeeJunFan: Secretary for a church? lol [05:48] instead of eye candy it'd be hand candy. [05:48] WillLuongo: no, I do a lot of contract/consulting type stuff. [05:48] like right now I'm sitting at the library where I setup linux on their public workstations. [05:48] WillLuongo: I was just kidding. [05:48] Dangit. I hate it when that happens... [05:49] LeeJunFan: I was just kidding === zoltan [n=zoltan@ABordeaux-256-1-157-22.w86-207.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] WillLuongo: heh, I think that was implied by the entire content of this conversations we've been having :) [05:49] LeeJunFan: how are they liking the linux at the library? [05:49] actually very well. === mattyx [n=mattyx@] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] LeeJunFan: Ok. I didn't want it to seem like a slam or anything. [05:50] LeeJunFan: i was always hoping to get my kids' schools on linux, but they're nearly graduated now... [05:50] It's funny, I've been a linux guy for about 10-11 yrs now, and I was against it because I was afraid it'd be a support nightmare. But I have to give people more credit I guess, as long as they can get to firefox and google it doesn't matter what the OS is. === harmental [n=ricardo@AGrenoble-152-1-57-25.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] LeeJunFan: i think a lot wouldn't know the difference! [05:51] speaking of work... i better get focused. later guys. [05:51] LeeJunFan: That has been exactly my experience as well. For the non-power user, once it Linux is setup and they can do their email, pictures, and occasional webmovies, Linux is completely transparent to them. [05:51] email web browser and printing === poningru [n=poningru@adsl-074-245-140-197.sip.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:51] there's a little confusion when it comes to burning CD's, using flash drives, etc, but very minor stuff. And I put a help html shortcut on the desktop so they can get to a FAQ of sorts, for things like working with linux devices, and openoffice, printing, etc... [05:52] and the nice thing is they dont have to worry about the pop ups on spam spyware antivirus and marketing crap [05:52] windows is simply a marketing platform [05:52] for everything [05:52] Windows makes my head hurt sometimes. [05:52] i thinkthey wrote loops in vista to make it use hardware === zerbero3 [n=kvirc@p213.54.44.205.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] there is no reason for that kind of usage === killer [n=killer@host86-151-196-230.range86-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] geggam: yeah, that's the thing. A little over a year ago they had 8 Windows systems, I was in at least twice a week to service them, The linux system has been up for over a year now w/o a single service call issue. === clemyeats_ [n=clem@] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] and now there's 24 linux workstations. [05:53] heh [05:53] geggam: What do you mean they wrote loops to make it use the hardware? Vista doesn't use hardware... ;) [05:53] :| [05:54] ok i must accomplish something today [05:54] And they are all Thick Clients, so if I need to change anything I only need to make 1 change and all the workstations are affected. [05:54] geggam: I tried it on a couple of computers, and there was always at least one piece of important hardware that wouldn't work. Not to mention the software I couldn't use. [05:54] geggam: Have a good day! [05:55] yeah, I guess, things are going well enough here that I don't need to be here. I gotta run to the bank and post office, etc... later guys. [05:55] everything's been working fine since I found that damn line in fstab with audo instead of auto :) [05:57] I'm having a strange Samba error. On a CentOS server, I have 2 shares...set up IDENTICALLY, but sharing different directories. From windows I can see both, and access both. However, from Kubuntu (konqueror), I can see both, but only access one [05:58] The other says "The file or folder smb://ezd3/db_backups does not exist." === dannyj [n=danny@h76n3.gothnet.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === natham_ [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [06:01] aaroncampbell: That is strange. Usually my SAMBA problems are on the windows boxes not on my Linux boxes. [06:02] Me too [06:02] aaroncambell: Did you try restarting? === stuq [n=Stuart@user-12lcqol.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === deep [n=deep@c-a52a71d5.017-19-626c671.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === sudoman_ [n=sudoman@] has joined #kubuntu === jordilin [n=jordilin@80-42-242-248.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === mattis^ [n=mattis^@p54BD4B61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === tue [n=tue@dhcp-130-225-237-243.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #kubuntu === Silveira_Neto [n=silveira@201008246041.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] === tinyx [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] Hello everybody. I tried following the feisty upgrade guide (from edgy), but aftere having added edgy-proposed to my sources list and restarting the package manager, the "upgrade wizard" does not pop up. instead it propose about 1100 packages to upgrade in the usual manner. Should i just do that, or is there a way to start the wizard manually? === barman__ [n=barman@bbq152.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === driver [n=driver@h460bd888.area7.spcsdns.net] has joined #kubuntu === andy_ [n=andy@80-218-245-125.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x57326c4e.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === paaul [n=paul@] has joined #kubuntu === aluno12 [n=aluno12@] has joined #kubuntu === wapiserv1000 [n=wapiserv@u13-7.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu === wapiserv1000 [n=wapiserv@u13-7.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu === natham__ [n=natham@] has joined #kubuntu [06:19] how can I configure my taskbar so that when an application has a "message", that the font gets bold. [06:19] in the taskbar that is === _roconnor [n=roconnor@vhe-540354.sshn.net] has joined #kubuntu === wapiserv1000 [n=wapiserv@u13-7.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu === jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-netcache2-o.oracle.com] has joined #kubuntu === magez_ [n=magez@cable-roi-fffddd00-87.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] can someone help me with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405137 [06:22] !feisty | jetsaredim [06:22] jetsaredim: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) === HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@sge91-2-82-229-242-217.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kite_DH is away === Kite_DH is now known as Kite_DH|away === soporte [n=soporte@] has joined #kubuntu === m1sha [n=misha@] has joined #kubuntu === Spammer [n=Spammer@] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] Cedega full without neding transgamin account http://www.addict.66gh.com === mode/#kubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@] by nixternal === mode/#kubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ === Kite_DH|away is back === Kite_DH|away is now known as Kite_DH === mode/#kubuntu [+o nixternal] by ChanServ === Spammer [n=Spammer@] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o nixternal] by ChanServ [06:27] silly script === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@lns-bzn-56-82-255-224-192.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheDebugger [n=algorith@modemcable128.61-80-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x535c8e75.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === smile [n=smile@] has joined #kubuntu === luapv [n=enkna@] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] hil linuxians ... i have only 64Mo memory .. what linux can i install ? === mariann [n=mariann@062016246181.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === mattis^ [n=mattis^@p54BD4B61.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:35] smile: look at DSL (Damn Small Linux) or Slax (Slackware and KDE small footprint distro) === linuxsys [n=linuxsys@host98-37-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] nixternal: u r sure it works on a weak comp ? [06:36] yup [06:36] nixternal: thx [06:36] slax is nice [06:36] it isn't graphically intense for one, and is only like 50mb in size as well [06:36] hi [06:36] never really tryed dsl === mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by ChanServ [06:37] snerge: it contains openoffice and other softs ? [06:37] hi linuxsys [06:37] linuxsys: hi [06:37] I dont speak english === m1sha [n=misha@] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] !it | linuxsys [06:38] linuxsys: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! === qsu [n=xnp@h8441203130.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #kubuntu === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] I want to have my audigy 2 zs notebook card as the default one. What is the command in the terminal to make sure of that? === ninHer [n=ninher@6.Red-88-9-92.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] the command is rip out whatever other soundcard you have === _roconnor is now known as roconnor === jetsaredim [n=jgreenwa@inet-netcache2-o.oracle.com] has left #kubuntu [] === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a45022.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === andre_ [n=andre@fctnnbsc16w-156034237014.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu === Smooph [n=Smooph@p54a76b30.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === christophe [n=christop@248.148-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu === andre_ is now known as flafla === Fire_ [n=mario@i59F7194C.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-241-95-203.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === _kenws [n=ken@dslb-088-064-135-112.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === gr-cn [n=g@host42-60-static.13-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === bruno_ [n=bruno@62-101-126-209.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === LegolasV [n=Legolas@84-53-73-98.adsl.unet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === satya [n=satya@] has joined #kubuntu === enzo [n=enzo@host-84-221-177-166.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] hi === v0taguz [n=votaguz@] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === sebi_ [n=sebi@dslb-088-067-019-232.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] Hello everybody. I tried following the feisty upgrade guide (from edgy), but aftere having added edgy-proposed to my sources list and restarting the package manager, the "upgrade wizard" does not pop up. instead it propose about 1100 packages to upgrade in the usual manner. Should i just do that, or is there a way to start the wizard manually? [07:00] tue: yes, you should first install the packages from proposed these include the wizard === enzo [n=enzo@host-84-221-177-166.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] okay. so i just install all 1000 then. === kebu [n=kebu@c83-249-211-109.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] this will be fun. [07:01] LegolasV: it shouldn't be over 1000 === dejan [n=dejan@89-212-105-109.dynamic.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] tue: no, wait. [07:01] tue: hang on for a second. [07:01] sorry M1sha. I don't understand what you said? [07:01] its 1015 to be exact. === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79c20.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] tue: that many? [07:01] how are you checking ? [07:01] tue: you added edgy-proposed, did you change all entries from edgy to feisty in your sources too? === mohammad [n=mohammad@auth2-61.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #kubuntu === sppt [n=sppt@ip51cdd8d6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] fdoving: it seems to have done that automatically. [07:01] hello [07:02] I remember using a command in the terminal to have the audigy 2 card the default one. Forgot that command! [07:02] tue: then change it back to edgy, and re-run the updater. [07:02] check only relevent updates === PupenoR [n=pupeno@] has joined #kubuntu [07:03] fdoving: should i remove feisty-proposed? [07:03] make it edgy-proposed [07:03] could anyone tell me why i get this kind of errors when i try to run beryl, glxinfo or my favorite java game? http://rafb.net/p/fDtmqI45.html im not sure what it is and how to fix :\ [07:03] nup [07:03] tue: change it back to edgy-proposed [07:04] tuco: I spent aages trying to reliably set the default soundcard and the only way I found was to take out the one I wasn't using [07:04] sppt: what video card? [07:04] nvidia 6600gt === ninHer is away: Ausente por ahora. [07:05] sppt: what nvidia drivers? [07:05] the binary ones i believe [07:05] from nvidia.com [07:05] No it works I know. I have a laptop with intel onboard sound and an audigy 2zs using the pcmia slot. I want the audigy to be the only one, and I can't choose in the bios! [07:05] Does anyone know what's the highest resolution that nvidia-glx-legacy supports? [07:05] sppt: have you updated your xorg.conf? [07:06] CarinArr: the installer of the drivers did that i believe [07:06] sppt: can you !pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf [07:06] !pastebin [07:06] pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) === supernix [n=steve@adsl-147-40-155.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] CarinArr, you only wanna know the driver in xorg.conf? [07:06] fdoving: thanks. changed it all back to edgy, and pressed "fetch updates". Now its not proposing to download any extra packages, but still no wizard. restarting adept manager does not change this. [07:06] Hiya gang === luapv [n=enkna@] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === sebbar [n=sebbar@] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] CarinArr, driver = nv [07:07] somebody gave me a link once on the web, and I lost it :-( === blekos [n=blekos@ppp151-101.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [07:07] I updated to Kubuntu 6.10 now when I open Konqueror all I see are the home folder and the mount folder cant get to the root / anymore [07:07] tue: did you upgrade some adept packages? [07:07] tue: hmm. it's some time since i did this, can you hang on for a few min? i'll try to find a machine with edgy on. [07:07] supernix: I have the same problem [07:07] CarinArr, http://rafb.net/p/vvRLYC62.html [07:07] sppt: well i was more after having a quick look at your xorg.conf.. but yeah your driver should say "nvidia" and you should have a "Load "glx"" in the Module section [07:07] supernix: I think it is protecting the / directory from non superusers [07:08] LegolasV: when i followed the upgrade guide, it initially updated adept yes. [07:08] oic [07:08] fdoving: sure, thanks a lot of the effort. [07:08] hmmm how to open konqueror in superuser mode then ? [07:08] sppt: your driver line should definitely say "nvidia" rather than "nv" [07:08] sudo konqueror would that due ? [07:08] so that should do it? [07:08] tue: then it should give an update notice when you restart the update manager and look for updates === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@CPE-143-238-150-123.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:08] fdoving: the only thing "non-standard" about my distribution (iic) is that i have kde 3.5.6 installed. [07:09] supernix: It is worth a try. [07:09] don't use sudo to run gui kde apps. [07:09] !kdesu [07:09] In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Do *not* use sudo ; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo [07:09] LeeJunFan: Thanks! [07:09] tue: ah.. then you might need some other repository, not just edgy-proposed. [07:09] sppt: from a quick glance, yes === nrg88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [07:09] alright [07:09] ill try restarting the x server then [07:09] WillLuongo: sorry to say that didn't help much [07:10] shows more folders but still no / [07:10] fdoving, tue: second proposed line here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade [07:10] tue: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade [07:10] fdoving: indeed. i think there is a problem with the extra kde-3.5.6-to-feisty repository. it did downgrade kde well enough though. [07:10] as legolasv says :) [07:10] supernix: It didn't work for me either. [07:10] Hi to all, i upgraded to feisty 1 month ago and it was ok, today i fetch upgrade from adept and it told to me there is a new version upgrade but upgrade wizard doesn't work. Anyone know why? [07:10] hmmm if I find a resolution I will chime back in [07:11] why would sudo muck up your permissions? === sppt [n=sppt@ip51cdd8d6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:11] thanks CarinArr, it works :D [07:11] fantastic:) [07:11] gr-cn: Someone in the Feisty support channel might know - #ubuntu+1 [07:12] gr-cn: known bug;) === Carnage``` [n=carnage@host81-129-225-219.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] CarinArr: because sudo keeps your envrionment vars, like $HOME in tact, but runs as root, so you end up with tmpfiles kde apps makes being owned by root. You loose ownership of them. === arafat [n=arafat@pd9e1f426.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] LeeJunFan: aha, didn't know that [07:13] gr-cn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adept/+bug/102782 [07:14] LeeJunFan: Do you have advise for the viewing of / directory in KNoqueror? [07:14] Konqueror even [07:14] and advice === XelleX [n=Compaq_E@084202201015.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] While you are at it can you teach me to type? lol === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #kubuntu === LegolasV is now known as Legolas === Pensa`MIA [n=pensacol@135.61-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] WillLuongo: there's a .hidden file in / - if you remove that you should be able to see it. [07:15] some one here that has installed snu6500 from philips on kubuntu [07:15] hehe [07:15] okay. tried to comment the kde-3.5.6-to-3.5.5 stuff out and reran apept. still not showing that wizard. [07:15] !hidden [07:15] Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles . This will be removed in Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) [07:15] How windowsish of Ubuntu [07:15] Thank god that's gone in feisty. [07:15] WillLuongo: yeah, I agree. [07:15] LeeJunFan: no kidding. [07:15] indeed [07:16] I feel like part of me just died. [07:16] lol [07:16] !hidden | willluongo [07:16] willluongo: Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) has implemented a new feature that hides most of the filesystem. For more information: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuHiddenFiles . This will be removed in Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79c74.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === CarinArr wonders where her adept_updater's gone [07:16] WillLuongo: I've been getting fed up with those types of changes more and more, customizing the OS is just asking for confusion. [07:16] i use kopete [07:16] the .hidden bug is removed in feisty. [07:16] er wrong widnow [07:16] noone has any knowalge of philips snu6500? [07:17] fdoving: I don't think it is a bug, I think it is a feature borrowed from Microsoft. === regeya [n=shane@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu [07:17] WillLuongo: MS only has bugs to offer, so I guess it IS a bug. [07:17] WillLuongo: yeah, i call it a bug on purpose, though i know it was introduced on purpose. [07:17] ms is one big virus [07:17] LeeJunFan: Touche. lol === stivani [n=stivani@d5152A75F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [07:18] that would linux be too if it was the most popular OS so [07:18] i dont think so... [07:18] i do [07:18] offtopic and useless to discuss anyway. [07:18] not so many use linux so why make virus on them [07:18] thats ok :) [07:18] sure thing [07:18] well, microsoft itself is a virus, that is what i meant [07:19] ubotu: offtopic [07:19] #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! [07:19] brb going to boot up kunbutu === zrosmar [n=zrosmar@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@p549f42e0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === aris [n=aris@athedsl-203956.home.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] is it possible to get the back/forward buttons on a logitech mx1000 to work in kubuntu? i tried xmodmap'ing it, but it didnt work out === intEx [n=intex@0x50c538c2.hrnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] j [07:22] sppt: here's a good guide: http://dev-loki.blogspot.com/2006/04/mapping-unsupported-keys-with-xmodmap.html [07:22] does anyone know what the name of the update manager is in kubuntu? update-manager seems to identify itself as a gnome application. [07:22] tnx jhutchins i'll look there [07:22] Tue: Adept [07:22] tnx CarinArr too [07:23] apt-get ftw === intEx is now known as intex__ === intex__ is now known as intEx [07:23] apokryphos, does that also work with the accents like é and è? i'd like to have those :) [07:23] WillLuongo: i mean the application for upgrading from edgy to feisty. Adept is having some issues starting that program. [07:23] anyone ever setup a vpn client for example pptp or openvpn [07:23] tue: Oh, sorry. [07:23] anybody using a 3d desktop with feisty [07:24] !vpn [07:24] From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD [07:24] tue: apt-get is it then. [07:24] sppt: everything === fowlduck [n=nate@] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] tue: but when my adept broke updating it took apt-get with it. I had to reinstall from a newer disk. [07:24] cool [07:24] gtg for now [07:25] I'm having some trouble with installing Nvidia drivers for my graphics-card. It says I don't have any libc header files installed. Anyone can help? === busfahrer [n=chris@unixboard/user/busfahrer] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] WillLuongo: Im also becoming inclined to just add feisty to my sources list and let it install it all. But i have an idea it will give a headache later on :-). === SSJ_GZ [n=SSJ@host-87-74-128-15.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === cosmin [n=cosmin@] has joined #kubuntu === cosmin is now known as comosicus === D_Ed [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [07:27] Excuse me, when maximising a window, I still have the windows border around it. On my system at home this is not the case (as, I think, it should be). What's wrong? (I am not currently, but have, using Beryl on that system) [07:27] tue: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDistUpgrade === david_ [n=david@static-business-212-101-24-163.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu [07:28] busfahrer: it's a setting in appearance on kde, just a sec. [07:28] jhutchins: been there. came to the second last step, but adept is not putting up the upgrade wizard. looking into why not and how i can manually make it start. === plukin [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-211-113.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] kopete channel is strange... [07:29] :))))) [07:29] busfahrer: under window behaviour, advance - allow moving and resizing of maximized windows. [07:29] what is happend in kopete channel.......anybody know [07:30] !pptp [07:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about pptp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [07:30] !openvpn [07:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about openvpn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === kayo [n=k2h@] has joined #kubuntu === calamari [n=calamari@ip72-200-73-175.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] hi [07:30] damn I can't find it! [07:31] LeeJunFan: Cheers mate [07:31] calamari: hello [07:31] is there a text based mail client (if i want to use putty for eg)? === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x57326c02.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] helo!!! from Poza,Rica,Veracruz, Mexico...north america:D [07:31] hi WillLuongo, how are you? === daniAlfa [n=dani@] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] calamari: I am good, and you? [07:31] not too bad! :) === magical_trevsky [n=magical@80-45-41-53.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:32] actually got 9 hours of sleep last night, that helped [07:33] having a weird problem.. hopefully someone has seen this before [07:33] hmmmmmm [07:33] what i have to do to set kopete sound [07:33] calamari: what is it? === Wilde_Sehnsucht [n=Sehnsuch@] has joined #kubuntu === cultura [n=cultura@] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] when I boot up, my screen colors are slightly corrupted, (screenshot) http://kidsquid.com/monitor2.jpg (original) http://kidsquid.com/monitor1.jpg When I switch to, say, terminal 1, then back to terminal 7.. it fixes it === plukin [n=Miranda@ppp-62-216-211-113.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu === Drooling_Sheep [n=kopec@dhcp20699.granville.unc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] calamari: that is weird. I've got nothing. lol [07:35] WillLuongo: that's okay.. maybe someone else has seen it :) === marcus_notebook [n=mholthau@53539D38.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === arafat [n=arafat@pd9e1f426.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:37] calamari: That kind of thing is pretty hard to track down and fix. === wapiserv1000 [n=wapiserv@u13-7.dsl.vianetworks.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:38] can i connect to ubutnu from xp machine? vpn ? [07:38] Please someone. How can I make my audigy 2 the card by default? === daminator [n=daminato@dslb-082-083-177-196.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] what i have to do to set kopete sound? [07:39] can i connect to ubutnu from xp machine? vpn ? with VNC [07:39] comosicus: I couldn't get the sound to work correctly in Kopete at all, so I went back to Gaim (now called pidgin) [07:39] hi! i installed kubuntu 7.04! my wlan card works, but which driver does it use now? madwifi? where can i see it? === eXistenZ [n=existenz@unaffiliated/eXistenZ] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] thanks === Goliath23_ [n=david@dslb-084-058-088-194.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === todz [n=shawn@CPE0018f86cc0b1-CM0019474d23dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === vyoman [n=andre@80-195-189-100.cable.ubr05.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === marcin [n=marcin@chello089076144066.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu === neil__ [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:45] How can I extract as SU? [07:45] (in the GUI) === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79cbb.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] WillLuongo: you can use kdesu [command] === alex__ [n=alex@] has joined #kubuntu === sankula [i=sankula@nat/google/x-66d54cd300a12cc3] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Legolas is now known as LegolasV === Topsun [n=Topsun@] has joined #kubuntu === raidy [n=raidy@] has joined #kubuntu [07:47] LeeJunFan: Is there a way to do it from Konqueror? [07:47] hi! i installed kubuntu 7.04! my wlan card works, but which driver does it use now? madwifi? where can i see it? === Oleswen [n=marin@AAnnecy-152-1-185-56.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [07:47] hola [07:48] WillLuongo: not that I know of. you can do kdesu ark from a terminal. Unfortunately kubuntu removes the open terminal from the tools menu of konqueror :( === linux__ [n=linux@] has joined #kubuntu [07:49] F4 still will open konsole though === sungam [i=sungam@dhcp-35175.fa-s.ntnu.no] has joined #kubuntu === |Osiris [i=Bas@82-217-2-215.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:49] in konqueror === kayo [n=k2h@] has left #kubuntu [] === tony__ [n=tony@] has joined #kubuntu === magez_ [n=magez@cable-roi-fffddd00-87.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === tony__ is now known as tinyx [07:50] hey [07:50] Anyone here use kmldonkey that can help me get it to run? === principo [n=principo@pd9e5dee0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:50] Thank you. [07:50] im trying to install the flash player in konqueror [07:50] Excuse me, how can I setup the ripping parameters for Konqueror's audiocd:/ protocol? === jordilin [n=jordilin@80-42-242-248.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:50] could someone help me with this error i get when i try to run beryl? http://rafb.net/p/ornGM794.html === cattail [n=cattail@] has joined #kubuntu [07:51] hello === palolo^ [n=paolo@host13-99-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === asincrono [n=asincron@cm2215.red91-117.mundo-r.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:53] guys when I type alsamixer and press F2, there are three choices: 0 for intel, 1 for my webcam (?) and 2 for my audigy. How can have the 2 by default instead of 0? === manu_ [n=manu@p54A0C114.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === intEx [n=intex@0x50c538c2.hrnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] What exactly is beryl? === x_ [n=x@] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] hi [07:54] How does one bind a key to a command in Kubuntu? [07:54] its that desktop cube thing ;) http://www.beryl-project.org/ [07:55] settings -> configure shortcuts, intEx === bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:55] i wanted to create a xawtv configuration file in my $HOME, i made a new file with the name .xawtv and the start message disappeared, but my settings arent chosen for color so i think theyre wrong, someone knows how the file should look like? [07:56] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/104596 [07:56] allready have seen man xawtvrc [07:56] anybody know how i can get around this? [07:56] are you sure about pidgin...maybe the spelling......i can't find him.......in repositoares,automatix,package manager [07:56] my system hangs on resume from suspend to ram [07:56] comosicus: You have to look for Gaim [07:56] manu_: Maybe the xawtv homepage? [07:56] Ermn... Exactly where do I find that, Drooling? (I'm noob!) [07:56] aaaa [07:56] comosicus: they just changed the name, it isn't in the repositories yet. === esaym [n=user@cpe-72-183-202-162.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] comosicus: you also may have to make sure you have universe and multiverse uncommented [07:57] do you have a version === poopotootti [n=poopotoo@a84-231-22-241.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] aha [07:58] comosicus: I have 2.0 beta 3 which is directly from Adept [07:58] gaim what version? [07:58] aha [07:58] thanks [07:58] comosicus: no problem. === revolution [n=revoluti@80-218-220-31.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] elcuco you! === udrescu [n=udrescu@] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] zrosmar: hi === udrescu is now known as AFaith === heinkel_111 [n=thomas@ti400720a342-0690.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === Yorokobi [n=Yorokobi@ip67-88-113-150.z113-88-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] jhutchins: nope :( i need it only for the color/brightness settings === darktears [n=darktear@lan31-6-82-238-147-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === justin [n=justin@pool-71-165-184-168.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] guys when I type alsamixer and press F2, there are three choices: 0 for intel, 1 for my webcam (?) and 2 for my audigy. How can have the 2 by default instead of 0? === justin is now known as Imamoomoocow [08:01] hello everyone === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a4507b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [08:01] How can I tell a konsole app to open full screen rather than pressing Alt Enter? [08:01] From a shortcut. [08:01] anyways, is there any way to get flash working with opera on 64 bits kubuntu? [08:01] jhutchins: do you know how to give the device a name cause my xawtv window is "???" named, webcam would be fine :) [08:02] hello everyone ... [08:02] i have a problem with wine & on winehq channel [08:02] no one is online [08:02] tuco: isnt it possible to store changes with alsamixer via "alsactl store" and "alsactl restore" for loading a stored file? [08:02] yea [08:02] whats your wine problem? [08:03] [20:02] i have a problem with wine <-- sounds funny :D [08:03] hello guys i have a little problem on my kubuntu version : i use feidgy and when i install all was great but when i update with adept i have a problem with my sound card it's an intel HDA my laptop is ASUS A8JR and i hear a big noise abd sometimes no sound i serach on the web but nothing work (same problem on eidgy and dapper) [08:03] manu & Imamoomoocow : i'm having a problem with utorrent emulated in wine === mae__ [n=mae@cswireless-0-d-88-28-c8-d5.dhcp.csub.edu] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] why not use ktorrent? [08:04] it crashes everytime I hit the update tracker [08:04] its pretty much the same [08:04] ktorrent sucks ... it doesn't connect on the other peers [08:04] don't know about alsactl store Manu [08:04] Anyone know what could cause my system to hang on resume from standby? [08:05] how can i find out which version of the madwifi drivers i have? === wolverine [n=wolverin@] has joined #kubuntu [08:05] so........gaim is ok [08:05] There was once a command to do to make the audigy the defualt card [08:05] now what [08:06] I did lspci but the audigy isn't displayed there, but it shows in kmix. I am confused. === cattail [n=cattail@] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] plug in action....not availabel [08:07] to gaim [08:07] so....... [08:07] comosicus: You installed gaim but it doesn't work? [08:07] williongo............... [08:07] no [08:07] heloooooo... no one is seeing my cry for help :(( ? [08:07] gaim is working fine [08:08] but now what? [08:08] comosicus: to configure the sounds you can go to tools --> Preferences --> SOunds tab === cattail [n=cattail@] has joined #kubuntu === mastertsunami [n=masterts@unaffiliated/mastertsunami] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] hey i'm new to kubuntu and was wondering how i can get images in konqueror to not automatically resize? [08:09] s/kubuntu/kde === sppt [n=sppt@ip51cdd8d6.speed.planet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === uciu [n=uciu@abwb195.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === leafw [n=Any@] has joined #kubuntu === Lam_ [n=Lam@] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] any clues on how to make "detailed list view" be default in konqueror [08:10] it's driving me nuts [08:10] there is no obvious way to set it === don [n=don@] has joined #kubuntu === Goliath23 [n=david@dslb-084-058-020-210.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] leafw: can't you just open your ~ folder set to detail, then save view profile? [08:11] how do i test the sound now === don is now known as don_jr__ === cattail [n=cattail@] has joined #kubuntu === palolo^ [n=paolo@host13-99-dynamic.58-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:11] i don't have anyoane online in my buddy lists [08:11] You can give me your screenname and I'll IM you? === michael [n=michael@] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] hi === marcus_notebook [n=mholthau@53539D38.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === vaeren [n=vaeren@d83-186-129-215.cust.tele2.be] has joined #kubuntu === zhapod [n=zhapod@p54964a8c.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] I NEED HELP [08:13] with kubuntu === AFaith [n=udrescu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:13] jai besoin daide pour kubuntu [08:13] a guy here who can help me to create a xawtv config file? :( [08:13] i need help to use beryl [08:14] jai besoin daide pour beryl === udrescu [n=udrescu@] has joined #kubuntu === yacoob [i=yacoob@hell.pl] has joined #kubuntu === gangien__ [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === yacoob [i=yacoob@hell.pl] has left #kubuntu [] === jacek [n=jacek@] has joined #kubuntu === rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@p54975654.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Zambezi [i=Hideit@bnc.from.tx-shells.com] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79c6c.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === klaus_ [n=klaus@e176217211.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === Imamoomoocow is now known as imamoomoocow[awa === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === Goontz [n=kevin@cpe-24-174-128-185.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] hy guys, I need to add the boot parameter "acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode" into grub, how do I do this? === mastertsunami [n=masterts@unaffiliated/mastertsunami] has left #kubuntu [] [08:19] neil__, find the line in /boot/grub/menu.lst that starts with '# kopt' and add that option there (leave the '# ') then run update-grub [08:19] thanks [08:19] neil__, '# kopt acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode' is how it should look [08:19] i need help for beryl or compiz using aigl x on kubuntu [08:19] how do i remove it again if it fails? [08:20] just delete and run update again? [08:20] neil__, yep [08:20] LeeJunFan : thanks, I was not expecting it where it actually is. [08:20] somebody can help me? [08:20] michael, http://www.beryl-project.org/ [08:20] i know this [08:20] michael, check out the setup instructions in the wiki [08:20] i just installed it [08:21] Yorokobi: I already have this: [08:21] # kopt=root=UUID=ea65d240-73a2-4980-b536-45e1acc16bc4 ro [08:21] # kopt_2_6=root=/dev/sda3 ro [08:21] how should i slot the above parameters in? [08:21] neil__, add anothe # kopt [08:21] I have Kubuntu 7.04! I think I have the madwifi_ng driver, but i NEED the old normal madwifi drivers (to make kismet work). How can i remove madwifi_ng ? === hhlp [n=hhlp@246.Red-81-37-90.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] guys please how can I make the audigy 2 zs card the default one in alsamixer, at the moment it is only hda intel! [08:22] daminator: kismet works with madwifi_ng now. [08:22] So I now have 3 lines, with this after the 1st: === freechelmi_ [n=freechel@peh13-1-82-235-100-231.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] neil__, correction to previous post: '# kopt=acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode' is how it should look (I forgot the =) === rob__ [n=rob@pool-71-126-14-57.bflony.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] # kopt acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode [08:22] ah ok [08:23] so I just stick in that line below the 1st one ?:) === mholthaus [n=mholthau@53539D38.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] neil__, or find the blank # kopt that should be there and add it there [08:23] no blank one :) [08:24] thanks a lot for your help mate, will try it now [08:24] neil__, [08:24] yup? === _dennis_ [n=dennis@d51A4FEAE.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] anyone have a clue how to get open gl working on a kubuntu feisty fawn dist [08:24] does kopete have an option for voice conferences like microshit messenger= [08:24] update-grub merged the 2 lines actually Yorokobi [08:24] so I have one long one now [08:24] ah, okay [08:24] :D [08:24] @leejunfan hm i have installed the newest version of kismet but when i start it i get a warning === dougtx [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] WARNING: Found a non-master non-monitor VAP wifi0::ath0. Madwifi-ng has historically had problems with normal-mode VAPs combined with monitor-mode VAPs. You may need to remove them. [08:25] and it doesn't find my network === freechelmi_ [n=freechel@peh13-1-82-235-100-231.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === michael [n=michael@] has joined #kubuntu === imamoomoocow[awa is now known as imamoomoocow === Ryiel_ [n=resident@183-20-26.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu [08:26] ok does anyone know how to install open gl on a linux machine? [08:27] imamoomoocow: It should be on there already === robi_ [n=robi@34-171.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #kubuntu === Ryiel_ is now known as Ryiel [08:27] really? [08:27] imamoomoocow: what graphics board do you have and what distribution? [08:27] anybody have dvb-t on ubuntu? [08:27] imamoomoocow: yeah. [08:27] robi_: yes, me [08:27] usb or pci? [08:27] im running kubuntu feisty fawn beta with a intel extreme graphics card [08:28] I put fw on /lib/firmware === kubuntian [n=andrea@d207-81-161-238.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:28] after kaffeine found signal [08:28] then kaffeine dont respond === soulrider [n=mauro@] has joined #kubuntu [08:28] latest two line when manual run kaffeine is [08:28] Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". [08:28] video_out_opengl: compiled for BGRA output, but missing extension. [08:28] imamoomoocow: if that's a fairly up to date intel card it should be there already. what does "glxinfo |grep Direct" show you if you type it in a terminal? [08:29] have ATI card [08:29] robi_: try using another video output driver in the kaffeine xine settings [08:29] hmm glxinfo |grep Direct returns nothing [08:29] no anwser at all [08:30] sorry: glxinfo |grep dir [08:30] lowercase [08:30] ok [08:30] robi@ubuntu:~$ kaffeine [08:30] ERROR: Communication problem with kaffeine, it probably crashed. [08:30] comes back yes === flo [n=flo@host216-131.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] so direct rendering is enabled. that means you have opengl running [08:31] 3d screensavers and so on should work === michael [n=michael@] has joined #kubuntu === srecko [i=srecko@cmung4121.cmu.carnet.hr] has joined #kubuntu [08:32] ok then why can't WoW initialize 3d graphics when i run in opengl mode? [08:32] imamoomoocow: probably a wine problem [08:32] i don't know [08:32] yes. to play WoW on linux you have to use the latest wine version afaik [08:32] everyone seems to think that its a opengl issue [08:33] is there any way to get flash working with opera on 64 bits kubuntu? === leileilol [n=Hsi@c-75-68-37-174.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === mholthaus_ [n=mholthau@53539D38.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === zhapod_ [n=zhapod@] has joined #kubuntu === binks [n=binks@82-38-226-77.cable.ubr03.wake.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:34] imamoomoocow: can you run "glxgears"? === max_ [n=max@host120-140-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:34] sppt: don't know about opera, w/o chroot, but maybe this'll help: [08:34] hi [08:34] !flash64 | sppt === antonio_ [n=antonio@host-84-220-148-116.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:34] sppt: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava [08:34] how can i add new channel to Konversation? === geggam [n=geggam@24-182-137-58.static.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:34] yes glxgears runs fine [08:34] max_: /join #channel [08:34] ok... playing with beryl is sort of fun [08:34] geggam: hehe, I told ya. [08:35] imamoomoocow: that means your opengl is working. its probable a problem with your wine setup [08:35] do you have the latest wine version installed? [08:35] ok [08:35] thanks LeeJunFan, ill try it ;) [08:35] how can I get macromedia flash to work in konqueror? [08:35] I know there are some extra repositories to get the latest wine., [08:35] i have what was standard on feisty fawn === ProvoliK [n=ReZucca@host72-248-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] don_jr__: if you have it installed you probably just need to add the dir where it can be found to the list konq looks for plugins. [08:36] http://www.winehq.com/site/download-deb <- you could try adding those repos in your package manager (synaptics on ubuntu or adept on kubuntu) [08:36] ok [08:36] this whole flippy around in a square thing is kinda annoying when i do it by accident via the touchpad tho [08:37] I have it installed, the website I look at shows that I don't have an up to date version that it wants === tuco is now known as tuco_ [08:38] geggam I just put beryl on my box....not sure about it just yet... === eri [n=eri@djk154.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] ran sudo apt-get install wine and returned "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove" === soon [n=soon@0x5550ec2e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] i just did something i cant figure out how i did again [08:39] all the windows sort of were small on the desktop [08:39] LeeJuanFan I have a version of flash player, but the site I"m looking at tells me that it's not up-to-date enough [08:39] imamoomoocow: did your add the new repository and ran a sudo apt-get update? [08:39] geggam yeah I"d like to learn how to do that too! lol if ya figure it out, let me know [08:39] i just did it [08:39] :| [08:39] !flash9 [08:39] Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash [08:39] all i did was run sudo apt-get install wine [08:39] hell if i know how [08:39] thanks [08:40] !beryl [08:40] Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects [08:40] imamoomoocow: you have to add the repository as explained on the wine url I gave you [08:40] gah ill use firefox for my flash needs then === kervel [n=kervel@cable-87-244-182-91.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu [08:41] ok just ran repository and install returned the same 0 added, 0 upgraded [08:41] is knetworkmanager broken currently ? [08:41] since last update it refuses to connect to any WEP encrypted wireless network [08:41] me too === rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@p54975654.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === K`zan [n=vw@c-76-22-74-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === voicu [n=voicu@] has joined #kubuntu [08:42] i always get this: nm_dbus_get_user_key_for_network_cb(): dbus returned an error. (org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown) The name org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo was not provided by any .service files [08:42] when i google for that error i find almost nothing [08:42] imamoomoocow: sorry, if there's no newer version for wine that might help you, I don't know what might be wrong. [08:43] kervel, I get that even when knetworkmanager works. [08:43] ok thanks for the help ill google it again [08:43] Yorokobi, ah, so that's not the error [08:43] Yorokobi weird, next line in my syslog: "Deactivating device eth1." [08:44] that's why i tought it was the fault [08:44] Okay I enabled the backports and did a search for flash...came up with alot, how do I know which package works with konqueror? [08:44] Yorokobi is knetworkmanager broken for you too atm ? [08:44] kervel, knetwork monitor has some issues with wifi still. I use WPA2/TKIP and 3/4 times have to reboot my wireless router in order for knetworkmanager to actually work. [08:44] ow ... === Ropetin [i=user100@] has joined #kubuntu [08:45] kervel, or play with knetworkmanager/kwalletmanager/dhcp until it works. Its easier for me to pull the power on the router :) [08:45] Yorokobi .. i am using network manager for 6 months without problems now. suddenly it stopped working, seems it immediately cancels after trying to set the ESSID and so [08:45] ok don_jr__ [08:45] I think I found it [08:45] put the mouse all the way in the top right corner [08:45] Yorokobi your router ain't an airport by any chance === gemidjy__ is now known as gemidjy [08:46] kervel, negative. I have a dlink router [08:46] geggam top right corner, in or out of a window or does it matter? === stryjan [n=stryjan@avx140.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] Yorokobi because we have airports at work (WEP) and we need to reboot them all the time too [08:46] wow, just put it there! lol [08:46] that's cool, thank you [08:46] and here is another don_jr__ .... go to an empty desktop .... press crtl and alt then click the dessktop and move the arrows around === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50c79cd3.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] kervel, I didn't have to reboot it previous to switching from WEP to WPA2 *and* using knetworkmanager instead of wlassistant [08:46] or mouse [08:46] strange === remy [n=remy@] has joined #kubuntu [08:47] ok i'll try again after deleting knetworkmanagerrc [08:47] kervel, if you're on a WEP network you may as well use wlassistant. It works. [08:47] ctrl +alt .. left mouse ... click on a desktop and hold left mouse... then move it around [08:47] geggam I'll do that later, gotta go for a job rientation. Thanks alot for showing me that!! [08:47] good luck [08:47] wow, that's odd! lol === kekko__ [n=kekko@87-194-59-38.bethere.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] haha ! now i found the real error i think: Error requesting name, org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.14" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file === sysadmin [n=sysadmin@ppp85-140-89-0.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu === Yorokobi [n=Yorokobi@ip67-88-113-150.z113-88-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:49] hello, I'm trying to make my adept start dist upgrade manager. Until recently after each "fetch updates" it showed me a window asking if I wanted to upgrade, but about two days ago the window stopped appearing? [08:49] does anybody have a clue why? === inteliwasp [n=inteliwa@cpe-76-189-94-34.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === WillLuongo [n=will@adsl-75-45-74-206.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === pascutti [n=angelo@] has joined #kubuntu [08:53] Damn it the audigy now has sound! But the laptop doesn't shut down normally I have to press hard reset to switch it off. Happened twice...help! === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@s208-180-132-153.gvllcmtc01.gnvlnc.ab.sta.suddenlink.net] has joined #kubuntu === AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === letynsoft [n=letynsof@cl-lnx-klamta-dubina.blue4.cz] has joined #kubuntu === kervel_ [n=kervel@cable-87-244-182-91.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu === koita [n=koita@4va54-2-82-224-228-16.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:55] hooray, i fixed my networkmanager [08:55] it seems that at_console in dbus is not working === busfahre1 [n=chris@p57b57654.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === tinyx [n=tony@24-178-111-194.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:56] Hi, when using the kpf applet (easy file sharing), it tells me the zeroconf daemon isnt running, how do I start and/or install it? [08:56] knetworkmanager only gets to own the NetworkManagerInfo service when it is at_console. when i change the at_console to context=default, everything works [08:56] hi i have problem... i want run my Kubuntu with 3D support... i'm running Radeon X1600... and i don't know, how to install it [08:56] busfahre1 i think in recent kubuntu you can do it in the system settings [08:56] i've got the same problem === inade_ [n=inade@] has joined #kubuntu [08:57] under "network settings" [08:57] kervel_, where is at_console set? [08:57] with beryl [08:57] I'm trying to make my adept start dist upgrade manager. Until recently after each "fetch updates" it showed me a window asking if I wanted to upgrade, but about two days ago the window stopped appearing [08:57] !ati [08:57] To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto === voicu [n=voicu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:57] Yorokobi in /etc/dbus-1/system.d/knetworkmanager.conf there is a [08:57] [08:57] busfahre1: do you speak german? === zhapod_ is now known as zhapod [08:57] thank u [08:57] in that policy everything is allowed [08:58] below that there is a [08:58] with everything deny'd [08:58] when i change the deny to allow in context="default" everything started working [08:58] zhapod: yes === szymek_ [n=szymek@host160.mosar.pl] has joined #kubuntu === sppt [n=sppt@ip51cdd8d6.speed.planet.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Ik] [08:58] Yorokobi so dbus doesn't detect i'm working at console for some reason [08:59] kervel_, cool, I'll have to try that on my laptop when I get a chance. [08:59] Yorokobi it could be related to your WPA problem too. the error we got means network manager is unable to retrieve network keys === julia_ [n=julia@212-123-162-228.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:59] from your kwallet [08:59] heh... my "glxinfo |grep direct" writes "Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"" [08:59] busfahre1: gut. ich kann dir sagen, wie man 3d fr radeon installiert [08:59] kervel_, I've considered that as knetworkmanager doesn't try to open the wallet 100% of the time === plhardy [n=philippe@d90-144-121-43.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:00] zhapod: Sorry, I did not ask that === justin [n=justin@pool-71-165-184-168.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === erz- [n=server@ax113-4-82-239-158-139.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] oh.. i see. === justin is now known as imamoomoocow [09:01] Yorokobi offcourse, i really wonder why dbus doesn't see me as a console user. i'd prefer at_console to work instead of that "no security at all" workaround === kervel_ is now known as kervel [09:01] wrong line... === corey [n=corey@as-crbknf01-18-142163013042.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:01] OK im back === reagleBRKLN [n=reagleBR@cpe-74-65-195-139.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] anybody experienced a problem with feisty where windows aren't clickable anymore and the screen is not updated correctly? [09:02] WoW still says "WoW.exe could not initialize 3d acceleration" [09:02] kervel, dunno. You may need to ask one of the developers that question. [09:02] Goliath23: not here. You aren't running beryl are you? === fraco [n=fraco@] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] LeeJunFan: no [09:03] Goliath23, yeah, I have. === tanghus [n=tol@0x535c8e5a.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] LeeJunFan: its my brother, I installed feisty amd64 on his box [09:03] I'm trying to make my adept start dist upgrade manager. Until recently after each "fetch updates" it showed me a window asking if I wanted to upgrade (but back then, I didn't do that ), but about two days ago the window stopped appearing (unfortunately, now I want to upgrade). Help === soon_ [n=soon@0x5550ec2e.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [09:03] Yorokobi: really? what setup do you have? [09:03] Goliath23, ah, I missed LeeJunFan's message. I only have that problem with Beryl. Sorry. [09:03] !upgrade | stryjan [09:03] ok [09:03] stryjan: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) [09:03] yeah, I've read that [09:04] but id doesn't work [09:04] stryjan: hrm, sry - I never use adept, I use comand line apt-get. === xtknight [n=ubuntu@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] "apt-get dist-upgrade" does nothing [09:05] i find beryl suprisingly stable [09:05] how do i access the restricted manager in Feisty? [09:05] (kde) [09:05] change the sources stryjan [09:05] well, I wanted to avoid that [09:05] !vmware [09:05] VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers [09:06] how can u upgrade without changing the source to the next version ? [09:06] u can update === geggam fiddles with beryl [09:06] I wanted to upgrade with adept === bomber [n=bomber@c-71-233-8-127.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Yorokobi [n=Yorokobi@ip67-88-113-150.z113-88-67.customer.algx.net] has left #kubuntu ["Bonum] [09:07] also why does kde print so many errors to stdout/err? Like X Error BadDevice, etc? not used to it in gnome === rysiek|pl [n=rysiek@213-238-73-125.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === fraco [n=fraco@] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] it appears feisty changes edgy default of mounting external drives sync https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hal/+bug/104241 any idea on how to reverse? [09:08] stryjan, i am unsure how to change adepts settings as it seems to read apt sources [09:09] geggam: I smoothed out my beryl quite a bit by installing schedutils, and chrt -p 1 `pidof X`, as well as compiling my own kernel with desktop latency and preempt. [09:09] the new tool is suposed to check "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development" and change sources.list by itself === visik7 [n=visi@host96-108-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] buand I think it used to do so (back then, when it showed me the window) [09:09] LeeJunFan, it seems quite smooth without any tweeking === thomax [n=thomas@217-148-245-9.happymany.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:10] im not used to eye candy tinkering LeeJunFan [09:10] geggam: realtime priority makes my beryl run smooth as silk even while I'm compiling a kernel at the same time openoffice is loading :) [09:10] but now it seems as it checks only "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release" [09:10] ah === rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@p54975654.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === luapv [n=enkna@] has joined #kubuntu === dougtx [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _S0cKeT- [i=Dalila@] has joined #kubuntu === D_Ed [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === Cantthinkofname [n=dave@pix584.eastdorm.uic.edu] has joined #kubuntu [09:12] one thing i dont like about beryl LeeJunFan [09:12] i cant move things from one desktop to another === xtknight [n=ubuntu@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:13] geggam: should be able to drag them || ctrl-alt-shift-arrow key [09:13] :| [09:13] holy pass the dramamine === blekos [n=blekos@ppp151-101.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [09:14] i think i went all the way around twice === anti_pop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] !beryl [09:15] Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects [09:15] i want to control my desktop via a bluetooth mobile phone, is there a good kde app for that ? === domus [n=domus@ye238.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Jim-Knopf [n=jolt@p54b87313.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === anti_pop [n=anti_pop@p54b0bcfe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === ToyMan [n=Stuart@74-32-55-210.dsl1.mdl.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:19] so it means that the whole adept dist upgrade is quite broken? === dougtx_ [n=doug@cpe-76-185-64-158.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === carlosamp [n=carlosam@] has joined #kubuntu === sstchur [n=sstchur@c-24-16-29-65.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] my adept told me there was a version upgrade after i updated just now stryjan === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] are You on edgy or feisty geggam? === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] fesity [09:23] I'm on edgy === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@lichte.ctcis.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@lichte.ctcis.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === myTB|Tanuva [n=marcel@p5B109D53.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:26] ok, I surrender. I'll go and mess around with my sources.list. I hope I won't break anything === cjdmax [n=cjdmax@] has joined #kubuntu === xtknight [n=xtknight@c-68-43-122-102.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] see you round === gemidjy_ [n=gemidjy@] has joined #kubuntu === myTB|Tanuva is now known as tanuva === reldruh [n=reldruh@adsl-69-230-202-90.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === DaSkreech [n=chatzill@dial-207-254-131-54.dyn.infochan.com] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@host96-108-dynamic.56-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] is there a way to set a global shortcut for opening a new email message from kontact? Like digikam does when you email pictures? [09:28] don_jr__: ping === ylrahc [n=charly@fny94-1-82-67-168-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === tuco [n=tuco@bb-87-80-19-112.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === mrheadfirst [n=elevenis@rrcs-24-172-161-83.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === antonio__ [n=antonio@201-221-212-34.bk12-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] Managed to install my logitech webcam oh yeah (help found here: http://scottabbey.org/node/12 good luck. === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === fowlduck [n=nate@] has joined #kubuntu === clau85 [n=clau@rx41592.cip.uni-regensburg.de] has joined #kubuntu === ProvoliK [n=ReZucca@host72-248-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Sto] === nebi [n=nebi@] has joined #kubuntu === Ace2016 [n=ace@80-47-119-225.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-062-048.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ace2016 [n=ace@80-47-119-225.lond-hex.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has left #kubuntu [] === mrheadfirst [n=elevenis@rrcs-24-172-161-83.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] reldruh: The call [09:35] reldruh: dcop kmail KMailIface openComposer "" "" "" "" "" 0 false [09:36] reldruh: will open up a new window. Just add it to the global shortcuts thingy. [09:36] SSJ_GZ: trying it now. Thank you [09:36] reldruh: You can see the syntax of the call by exploring in kdcop === sigge [n=sigge@81-236-217-186-no25.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] SSJ_GZ: I've tried, but kdcop always freezes right after I open it :-( === mae___ [n=mae@mae-laptop-0-13-2-e0-84-6c.dhcp.csub.edu] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] reldruh: There's usually a pause when kdcop opens. How long do you leave it for? [09:37] SSJ_GZ: 5 minutes or thereabouts [09:37] reldruh: Ah :) [09:38] reldruh: Yeah, that's not good :) [09:38] SSJ_GZ: I'm in system settings > Keyboard Shortcuts but I don't see a place to add new shortcuts === adam__ [n=adam@host86-143-45-167.range86-143.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu === Dark_Sun [n=Black_@host8-83-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] reldruh: "Input Actions" === mpf [n=pascual@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === remy [n=remy@] has joined #kubuntu [09:40] Anyone uses chatzilla? [09:40] DaSkreech: :E [09:40] some problems? [09:40] Dark_Sun: How do you do a whois ? [09:41] ? [09:41] eh? [09:41] what? [09:41] :D [09:41] Ha ha never mind then :) === aib is now known as alteregoisback [09:41] DaSkreech: /whois $$1 :E [09:41] no? :E === aib [n=aib@pdpc/supporter/basic/aib] has joined #kubuntu === bill_k [n=bill@pcp032080pcs.odonnell.mu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === aib [n=aib@pdpc/supporter/basic/aib] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [09:42] DaSkreech: i don't understand O_o === elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-139-240.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu === jhutchins [n=jonathan@64-151-34-11.dyn.everestkc.net] has joined #kubuntu === sebbar [n=sebbar@] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] Dark_Sun: Right click on someone in the user list and under user commands look for whois === velle [n=velle@ip-26-252.bnaa.dk] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] It gives you more info on the person === letynsoft [n=letynsof@cl-lnx-klamta-dubina.blue4.cz] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] DaSkreech: T_T i know [09:44] ._. === TheDebugger [n=unknown@bas1-montreal02-1096726397.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] Dark_Sun: I wanted to know how to do that without being in the same channel [09:45] <_S0cKeT-> mon amour [09:45] <_S0cKeT-> oops.. sorry [09:45] DaSkreech: /whois nick [09:45] :D === Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [09:45] Dark_Sun: Yeah I just found out iit returns nothing if the person isn't on which is confusing [09:46] it feels like the command failed [09:46] very un Unix [09:46] unix? [09:46] nick = unix? :E [09:46] unix is n=majerigo@unixtriad.com * unixtriad.com rocks [09:46] unix using irc.freenode.net http://freenode.net/ [09:46] unix End of /WHOIS list. [09:46] :E [09:46] Ha ha :) [09:47] XD [09:47] X [09:47] XD === alteregoisback is now known as googleisyourfrie === berna [n=berna@228.Red-81-36-136.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === googleisyourfrie is now known as ineedafriend === posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-49-166.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === makuseru [n=makuseru@] has joined #kubuntu === liviux [n=liviux@d83-181-231-162.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu === tof [n=tof@lns-bzn-60-82-254-193-52.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] where can i get a system moniter that isnt in superkaramba? === mauricio [n=mauricio@] has joined #kubuntu [09:50] makuseru: one is built into Kicker I think [09:51] i looked [09:51] couldnt find it [09:51] it is in Xubuntu [09:51] not Kubuntu tho === neil__ [n=neil@cpc1-oxfd8-0-0-cust114.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:53] Where did you look? === Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [09:54] kde system monitor is installed by default no? [09:55] nvm thats log === rexbron [n=rexbron@complex1-372-179.resnet.yorku.ca] has joined #kubuntu === PhinnFort [n=martin@unaffiliated/phinnfort] has joined #kubuntu [09:57] i'm on feisty, and adept asks if I want to upgrade to a new distribution [09:57] wtf? === Shadow-wk [i=shadowte@112.chicago-02rh16rt-03rh15rt.il.dial-access.att.net] has joined #kubuntu === Shadow-wk [i=shadowte@112.chicago-02rh16rt-03rh15rt.il.dial-access.att.net] has left #kubuntu [] [09:59] i have some bugs in snapshots of xawtv, big errors in the created snapshot :/ but in the xawtv window all is fine someone can help? [10:00] DaSkreech: right clicked, clicked add applet to pannel [10:00] PhinnFort: It means do you want to update to the new updates [10:00] DaSkreech: no, after installing updates, Adept said a new distribution was available [10:00] makuseru: and you don't see A Ksysguard applet? [10:01] !info globulation2 feisty [10:01] Package globulation2 does not exist in feisty === nrg88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [10:01] !info globulation [10:01] !find glob2 [10:01] Package globulation does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas [10:01] Found: glob2 === edgar [n=edgar@] has joined #kubuntu [10:01] !info glob2 [10:01] glob2: innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.21-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 9531 kB, installed size 27192 kB [10:02] !info glob2 feisty [10:02] glob2: innovative state-of-the-art Real Time Strategy (RTS) game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.21-4build1 (feisty), package size 879 kB, installed size 2264 kB === BluesKaj [n=Wyliecoy@bas1-sudbury98-1177675166.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] damn :-( [10:02] There's a new version out === home_ [n=home@d515248F8.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] ;) [10:02] globulation is cool [10:02] howdy all [10:02] howdyhowdy [10:03] what's the cool word today ? [10:03] w00t [10:03] Smakking [10:03] \o [10:04] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows a very good article [10:04] cntb: i don't use windows === u0731910 [n=u0731910@] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] I still use so I can help my daughter who is totallly new to computers after being denied access for 9yrs of married life ..finally divorced the control freak husband and trying to catch up [10:06] windows [10:06] BluesKaj: teach her linux;) [10:06] gotta walk pretty slow to catch up with windows [10:07] I hear it's much easier to learn for computer "illiterates" than Windows [10:07] BluesKaj: wow i feel sorry for her :-/ === elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-153-139-240.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] kturtle.... teaching the 6 and 8 year old how to code... === mindspin [n=mindspin@p54b27213.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:09] how can I use socks? [10:09] !socks [10:09] Sorry, I don't know anything about socks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:09] PhinnFort: one gnome foot at a time? [10:09] as in the socks proxy? [10:09] :P [10:10] ole === ash211 [n=andrew@user-11216kd.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] well, she'll figure it out...right now she's trying to unfreeze the cursor [10:11] BluesKaj: On Windows? [10:11] yup [10:12] Alt+ctrl=delete? [10:12] + === Camaxtli [n=Anton@h177105.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu === kubuntu [n=kubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === arek [n=arek@] has joined #kubuntu === Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:17] !proxy [10:17] The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer. [10:17] Attention tor users. You may think you are anonymous, but you are not. Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself. Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc. If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks === makuseru [n=makuseru@] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] that link is dead [10:19] can someone explain to me why having amaroks music collection window open fullscreen rather than minimized would make a 30% difference on my cpu load ( http://i12.tinypic.com/2wcp2s2.jpg picture of system analyzer") [10:19] !proxy [10:19] The #ubuntu channel and related channels ban users joining from anonymous gateways like tor/silenceisdefeat/cgi:irc because the abuse:useful ratio is close to infinity:nothing -- project cloaks will let you join, otherwise you should simply not use an anonymizer. [10:19] Attention tor users. You may think you are anonymous, but you are not. Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself. Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc. If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks [10:20] makuseru: ask in #amarok ? [10:20] makuseru: because of the music analyes [10:20] *ser [10:20] zer [10:20] makuseru: try clicking on it 'till it disappears === jkjk [n=joe@dslb-084-056-247-138.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] makuseru: esp. if you use Beryl (or siblings) === dannyj [n=danny@h76n3.gothnet.ias.bredband.telia.com] has left #kubuntu [] [10:21] beryl isnt open [10:21] makuseru: tried clicking away the analyzer? [10:22] yes [10:22] and? [10:22] I have blocked http port on router, the most others are open. Have you any idea how can I connect to www? (proxy, tunelling etc.) [10:23] !tunneling [10:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about tunneling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi === kriodeco [n=kriodeco@adsl-68-125-143-182.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:23] !tor | arek [10:23] Sorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:23] arek: install tor [10:23] arek: overkill, but it should work;) [10:24] ubotu: unfortunately I can't use www for searching as I said. === alex____ [n=alex@p54910680.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:24] arek: he is a bot [10:24] arek: install TOR [10:24] !tor [10:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about tor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:24] !tunneling [10:24] Sorry, I don't know anything about tunneling - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi [10:25] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR [10:25] arek: are you able to read it? [10:25] not === xfeed [n=xfeed@c83-252-173-152.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === grgs [n=grgs@runcom.static.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] is tor on the standard kubuntu cd? [10:26] arek: i will send it to you as a WAR archive [10:26] arek: i'm not sure [10:26] arek: try opening it, though [10:26] great [10:26] arek: it's HTTPS [10:26] it uses port 443, afaik [10:26] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR [10:26] https works fine [10:27] well, then, I don't have to send you that file;) [10:27] !info balazar [10:27] balazar: 3D adventure and roleplaying game. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.3.ds1-1 (edgy), package size 12494 kB, installed size 28796 kB [10:27] DaSkreech: it's great, made in python [10:27] just crashes here, though [10:27] PhinnFort: played it> [10:27] Yeah I hear that a lot [10:28] PhinnFort: What's up with Ubuntugames? [10:28] DaSkreech: have no idea;) [10:28] !feisty [10:28] The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) [10:28] can anyone help me force xorg to use 60 hrz refresh rate?...i know it can be done but i forget how and i cant find it on google. but you had to add llike _60 to a line in the xorg.conf === Ryiel [n=resident@183-20-26.ip.adsl.hu] has joined #kubuntu [10:29] !xorg.conf [10:29] The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto [10:29] PhinnFort: It's an official Canonical site but it's all in Portuguese [10:30] wtf === blizzzek [n=blizzz@p57B501EB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] sounds wrong:S === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] hmm that link didnt have what i was looking for [10:30] tell me about it [10:30] Check it out in Launchpad === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051526.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === Alpha_Cluster [n=nikkun@bsu195102.bemidjistate.edu] has joined #kubuntu === bobdhicks [n=bobdhick@] has joined #kubuntu === jarn [n=jarn@12-218-2-109.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:31] gibts den chatraum in deutsch ? [10:31] !de [10:31] Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de [10:32] I know I can set KDM to automatically log in but is there a way to set it to automatically log in and then lock the session? That way I wouldn't have to wait for programs to load because they could do it while still keeping the security of needing to login. [10:33] jarn: look harder [10:33] what i was looking for was Modes "1280x1024_60" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480" [10:33] jarn: I have it exactly like that [10:33] notice the _60 [10:33] :-) [10:33] HaSH: ah, ok;) === pfanne [n=pfanne@p548738a5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:33] HaSH: add it to the wiki page, if you feel like it;) [10:33] PhinnFort: How? [10:33] jarn: in the KDM settings === ninHer is back. [10:34] ninHer: good to know [10:34] PhinnFort, hmm ive never edited a wiki b4. [10:34] !away [10:34] Please don't use public away messages or change your nick to 'someone|away'. We know you're away when you don't respond to messages. Also see !guidelines [10:34] well i need to restart x [10:34] brb' [10:34] gl [10:34] ok [10:35] PhinnFort: Oh, is it just "Enable Auto-login" then the "Lock session" checkbox? [10:35] jarn: System Settings -> Advanced -> Login Manager -> Convenience -> Enable Auto login & Lock session [10:35] yes [10:35] :D [10:36] i have an ntfs partition which is mounted to my fs, i want to restrict access to it for all users except me, but in the same time there must be created few links to some folders from this partition which could be accessed by all users. is this possible to do? [10:37] PhinnFort: Do you know any ftp server with tor's .deb package? I cant install it by apt-get becouse the path is http also [10:37] vadim_: i believe so [10:37] PhinnFort: Thanks. :D [10:37] How do I make commands run on startup? [10:37] jarn: put .desktop-links to them in the ~/.kde/Autostart folder [10:37] jarn: drag them out from the KDE menu [10:37] the links, that is === stdin_ [n=tez@unaffiliated/binary2k2] has joined #kubuntu === xardias [n=xardias@xdsl-87-78-110-221.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] (just copy and paste the path to the folder) [10:38] PhinnFort: What if it's a terminal command and not a desktop link? [10:38] what's wrong with amarok, when I put the name of the song in the search panel it foinds nothing... === hansen [n=hansen@hrhansen.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:38] jarn: make it into a .bash script [10:38] and make it executable (right-click, properties) [10:39] jarn: basically put it in a file, which has #!/bin/bash on the first line, and ends in .sh [10:39] PhinnFort: So it just runs any executable in there? [10:39] jarn: I believe so [10:39] what's wrong with amarok, when I put the name of the song in the search panel it foinds nothing... | it only search in current folder and not deeper. Any ideas how to force amarok to search depper? [10:39] in the sub folders? [10:39] PhinnFort: Cool, thanks. :d [10:39] jarn: but you might want to try, you might have to create a .desktop link to it [10:39] jarn: but that's rather easy [10:39] ;) === Gopherx [n=Gopherx@p54a72b01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] hi all === velle_ [n=velle@ip-26-252.bnaa.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] can anyone help me (noob) configure my network interface? get "host unreachable" error? [10:41] please :-) [10:42] !games [10:42] Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org === moparisthebest [n=FBI@cpe-69-133-96-111.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:43] i have system clock problem === Morbo [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [10:43] any experience for it ? [10:43] has anyone upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04 beta? [10:44] how can i make tab auto compleate work with sudo ....in dapper i could do "sudo apt-ge" and it would make it sudo apt-get ... [10:44] someone want to send me /usr/share/applications/kde/keys.desktop, displayconfig.desktop, keyboard.desktop ? [10:44] this seems to have stopped working in edgy [10:44] moparisthebest: many many people === nocturnal_ [n=nocturna@c-de47e253.754-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:44] i accidentally deleted mine === josep [n=josep@d83-191-74-8.cust.tele2.es] has joined #kubuntu === tokyrn [n=tokyrn@bro69-1-82-232-9-27.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508F3D90.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:45] chijin, I was just wondering how well the update tool worked and 7.04 itself? [10:45] I don't mind working around a few things, I just don't want to hose my system === tokyrn [n=tokyrn@bro69-1-82-232-9-27.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === unix_infidel [n=unxinfid@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745] has joined #kubuntu [10:45] moparisthebest: i upgraded in terminal with aptitude, 7.04 seems to work just fine [10:47] chijin, how do you upgrade in the terminal? all I see is a GUI upgrade tool === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #kubuntu === luapv [n=enkna@] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [10:48] sudo apt-get update [10:48] sudo apt-get upgrade [10:48] or [10:48] sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [10:48] change the repos from edgy to feisty, run aptitude update and then aptitude dist-upgrade === vprints [n=laur@213-35-241-82-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu [10:49] dist-upgrade, ok thanks === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@236.Red-83-56-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === PhinnFort [n=martin@unaffiliated/phinnfort] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] !info dolphin [10:52] dolphin: File manager for KDE focusing on usability. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 238 kB, installed size 932 kB === sigge [n=sigge@81-236-217-186-no25.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === edgy [n=edgy@] has joined #kubuntu [10:53] now i have "su is unsuccesfull" warning err... === edgy [n=edgy@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:54] how can i make tab auto compleate work with sudo ....in dapper i could do "sudo apt-ge" and it would make it "sudo apt-get" ... this doesnt seem to work anymore and it makes it a pain in the butt to do stuff using sudo...which is what *ubuntu uses [10:54] What programs are available that tell computer info? Processor, slots, etc.? [10:54] jarle, cat /proc/cpuinfo [10:55] jarle, free -m [10:55] * jarn [10:55] jarn: type /sysinfo here [10:55] Sysinfo for 'legion': Linux 2.6.17-11-generic running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3200+ at 2009 MHz (4024 bogomips), HD: 97/206GB, RAM: 950/1011MB, 132 proc's, 25.40min up [10:56] But I would like more detailed things than just that. Motherboard information, that sort of thing. === blackdevil [n=blackdev@host45-46-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === blackdevil [n=blackdev@host45-46-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === gmendez [n=gmendez@] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] can anyone get t lxer.com > [10:57] ? === emet [n=emet@unaffiliated/emet] has joined #kubuntu === SheaTara [n=shannon@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B35C3A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === tang^ [n=tang@S01060011d849d10f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === dug [n=dug@ip24-251-19-10.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === eilker [n=eilker@] has joined #kubuntu === _czessi is now known as Czessi [11:00] i try to open adept it gives me an error such as "su calling is unsuccesfull" [11:00] any idea for it ? === {Black_Devil} [n=blackdev@host45-46-dynamic.8-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu === jthomas [n=jthomas@hotel.sierrabravo.net] has joined #kubuntu === manu__ [n=manu@host239-234-dynamic.54-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:01] hello! can any one help my install pcAnywhere 12.1 beta? [11:01] hello! can any one help me to install pcAnywhere 12.1 beta? It cannot find my JVM but I have Java5 and Java6 both installed [11:01] All kde-su commands do fail [11:02] jthomas: does it has a version for linux too ? [11:02] *have [11:02] yes there is a 'crossplatform' for Linux and Mac; it says only RHEL and SuSE or the free versions of those two === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [11:02] but its just a Java thing I think === jose___ [n=jose@] has joined #kubuntu [11:03] ! [11:03] !restricted [11:03] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats === rguadelis [n=rguadeli@] has joined #kubuntu [11:04] anyone here know how to change my default browser to firefox. so when i click a link in here...it opens firefox? [11:04] HaSH: In kcontrol [11:04] are you in konqueror? [11:04] its in the settings [11:04] you have to explicitely define firefox [11:04] ubuntu: ? [11:05] konversation, sorry.. [11:05] jarn, ok thanks ill check it out [11:05] HaSH: It's in KDE Components -> Default Applications -> Web Browser [11:06] vadim_ [11:06] eilker http://www.symantec.com/home_homeoffice/products/overview.jsp?pcid=pf&pvid=pca12 [11:06] jarn: I had to specify konversation seperately [11:06] ahh killer thanks again jarn [11:06] !ru [11:06] #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke === dug is now known as mrdlouisd [11:06] eilker you have to give some info to get the Beta [11:06] neil__: Hrm... I don't think I did. [11:06] DaSkreech ! [11:06] what is the best terminal software to rdp to a win32 server? [11:06] HaSH: You might have to specify it specifically in konqueror. I don't think I did, but neil__ says he had to. And I could just be remembering wrong. [11:07] hi everyone [11:07] ubuntu. Russian isn't that good [11:07] Or I could be wrong :D Either way, doing both will sort you out HaSH :) [11:07] hmm xchat is still opening konqueror [11:07] !ru | ubuntulog [11:07] ubuntulog: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke [11:08] i'm new to using linux and it's my first experience in ubuntu [11:08] HaSH: XChat may need to have it set in the options. [11:08] eilker i untarred it and made the Linux.bin script executable; I tied running it as user and as root in both my /home and in /usr/local and /user/bin and none of them worked; it does a little "Looking for JVM" dance then fails, but I have both JRE5 and JRE6 installed [11:08] i can't reach my other disks [11:08] HaSH: Did you try Konversation? [11:08] what should i do [11:08] ubuntu: ... [11:09] jarn, im a die hard xchat user :-) [11:09] i guess i need to do mount command [11:09] but i don't know to how? [11:09] <{Black_Devil}> hi guys [11:09] can you help me? === Morbo [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [11:09] vadim_: you speak russian? [11:10] DaSkreech: yes [11:10] vadim_: Whats s/he saying? === _rysiek|pl_ [n=rysiek@213-238-68-38.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu [11:10] HaSH: Ah. I used XChat for awhile, but I wasn't too fond of it. [11:10] HaSH: Is it still updated? [11:11] DaSkreech: do you have administrative rights here? === jose___ [n=jose@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:11] jthomas: i have no idea for it sorry [11:11] how to close vim in console ? === Edulix [n=edulix@153.Red-81-44-4.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:11] no but if needed I can get someone [11:11] <{Black_Devil}> im a newbie to the linux world and i wan't to learn more and more about this o.s, ahh,, im'italian, is there any italian here? [11:12] !it | {black_devil} [11:12] {black_devil}: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! === ultraslankarizma [n=ultrasla@] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] what is the best terminal software to rdp to a win32 server? === asoldier [n=asoldier@doc-24-32-162-74.leesville.la.cebridge.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] <{Black_Devil}> i want to speack english, isn't a problema === runix [n=runix@0x535c2f3c.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [11:12] vadim_: Why? [11:13] HaSH: Hrm, xchat opens it in Firefox for me. [11:13] mrdlouisd: krdc === francisco [n=francisc@pcsp168-49.supercabletv.net.co] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] DaSkreech: if he won't repeat it himself in english in next few minutes i think he must be banned for unrespect... [11:13] Help, how do I use WINE, I installed the package from the repository, how do I use it? [11:13] HaSH: And I know I didn't put any settings because I just installed it. :P [11:13] mrdlouisd: and just put in rdp://remotehostaddress [11:13] asoldier: wine [11:13] hmm [11:13] !info rdesktop [11:13] rdesktop: RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1.1 (edgy), package size 98 kB, installed size 388 kB === fowlduck [n=nate@] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] eilker thanks! to close vim, hit [esc] [:] [q] to quit; [wq] to write and quit [11:13] vadim_: Get him to join the right chan [11:13] eilker [esc key] [:wq] [11:14] vadim_: Might just be confused [11:14] how do I disable the pc-speaker on my laptop without doing a recompile of the kernel? (luckily it's easy to remove in kde, but when i'm running console mode) [11:14] hi aseigo [11:14] mrdlouisd: krdc needs rdesktop to do remote desktop to windows, but I don't think it's a dependancy that will automatically be installed. [11:14] LeeJunFan: can i use rdesktop allso with windows 2003 server [11:14] thank you [11:14] DaSkreech: yo === SilentM [n=dennis@c-67-163-119-228.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] qsu: yes [11:14] DaSkreech: he left already... i don't see his nick anymore [11:14] cool, [11:14] jthomas: yeah it is :q thanx :) [11:15] aseigo: How goes kde4 logout screen? [11:15] hi guys i need your help....i need a sniffer for bluetooth but the software must have spectral analisys [11:15] and does it works as good as the windows rd client [11:15] <{Black_Devil}> i've got a problem!! katapult dont't start, and i don't know why? [11:15] DaSkreech: hopefully better soon [11:15] aseigo: ok :-0 [11:15] francisco: good luck, there isn't even any sprectral for 802.11 === Gopherx [n=Gopherx@p54a72b01.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu [] [11:15] my mouse often freezes, and I can only disconnect and reconnect it to the usb port in order to wake it up [11:15] !realplayer [11:15] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [11:16] francisco: save your pennies (lots of them) and get a real SA, works better than any software one anyway. [11:16] from the latest upgrade, anyway, it seems it won't even wake up after a few reconnections [11:16] jarn : I need a bit more help. When I do ( wine ) it searches the system32 directory [11:16] what can it be? [11:16] no the for bluetooth 802.15 [11:16] eilker i got it, if you wanna know... i just ran the included Jar with the command [11:17] francisco: yeah, I know. I'm saying it's very unlikely you'll find anything. :( [11:17] :( [11:17] jthomas: now it works right ? [11:17] asoldier: You have to do it in the directory the program is in. Or supply the path to it. [11:17] eilker actually... nope, after the install at 100% it still says "JVM not found" [11:18] asoldier: Say for example I had Gw.exe in ~/games/Wine/Program\ Files/Guild\ Wars/ [11:18] asoldier: I would need to either cd to that directory or type 'wine ~/games/Wine/Program\ Files/Guild\ Wars/Gw.exe' === rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === D_Ed [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] jthomas: let me install it ? and we try to connect to our computers ? what do u say ? === yaniv [n=yaniv@] has joined #kubuntu === smoalne [n=smoalne@c-68-83-114-203.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:19] lol sure [11:20] so... [11:20] i tried linking /etc/jvm to /usr/bin but it still didn't work [11:20] hello === Yorokobi [n=Yorokobi@ip67-88-113-150.z113-88-67.customer.algx.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:21] jthomas: now registering :) === rich__ [n=rich@] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] jarn [11:23] darnit === JohnFlux [n=JohnFlux@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] jarn : the program I'm trying to run is not in the same directory as my ubuntu installation. I am a newbie I'm sorry. [11:23] asoldier: ? [11:23] ^^ [11:23] asoldier: Where is the program you are trying to run? [11:23] Bye bye === rich__ [n=rich@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:24] i'm looking for a good irc chat server - any suggestions? [11:24] C:/program files/voodoo/ [11:24] jarn^ === darktears [n=darktear@lan31-6-82-238-147-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:25] sorry I'm not registered on the server so /msg doesn't work for me atmo. [11:25] can anyone help me out with the tab auto compleate not working. i cant find any info on google and no one seems to anser me on here about it it works if i dont use sudo like i can type "systems" and have it auto compleate to systemsettings but if i put sudo in front of it ...auto compleate doesnt work. [11:25] asoldier: Are you truing to run it off a Windows partition? [11:25] jarn : yes [11:25] btw i have problem with clock settings, how to solve it ? i wanna make it default === fannagoganna [n=islam@c-76-104-98-245.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:26] asoldier: Well, I wouldn't recommend that... but if you really want to you would need to mount your windows partition and then provide the full path. === darktears [n=darktear@lan31-6-82-238-147-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === aziz [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [11:27] HaSH, the tab auto complete only works for files/binaries in your $PATH variable. The $PATH variable for your regular user and sudo/root is different (though I doubt $PATH changes when bash sees sudo ) [11:28] HaSH: yeah, have you tried in #bash? [11:28] Yorokobi, on dapper it worked great ... === mrubinstein [i=mrubinst@nat/google/x-4997dc46f966c1cf] has joined #kubuntu [11:28] LeeJunFan, i dont think a coding channel will help with a os related prob [11:28] HaSH, is your $PATH the same as it was in Dapper? Probably not. [11:29] Yorokobi, nope. but last time i even used edgy it worked. [11:29] why cant u just do "set autolist" [11:29] na maila? [11:29] or is that a cshell specific thing [11:29] anyone have experience with ntfs-3g pm me [11:30] Yorokobi, also it doesnt work even when the path is the same...ie pin auto completes but sudo pin doesnt [11:30] jthomas: what is OS sevice pack ? [11:30] HaSH: it's always worked for me from breezy on thru feisty, but the problem is pretty specific to bash, so I was thinking folks in #bash might know. === Drooling_Sheep_ [n=kopec@dhcp21563.granville.unc.edu] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] eilker what do you mean? i just downloaded a tarball, nothing about service pack [11:30] jarn : full path being ( wine ~/winxp/program files/program ) ? [11:30] HaSH, how about pin? I have 3 possibilities for pinXXXX [11:31] jthomas: it asks about service pack [11:31] HaSH, type "set autolist" in the shell u are wanting to have autocomplete [11:31] Yorokobi, i do too when just "pin " but "sudo pin " shows nothing [11:32] jarn: how do I direct wine to another partition? [11:32] haha [11:32] hm.. i don't know, service pack is for Windows usually [11:32] geggam, it does it as normal user ....should i do sudo set autolist ? === darktears [n=darktear@lan31-6-82-238-147-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] asoldier: Have you mounted it? [11:32] yes [11:32] sudo isnt part of the shell thus it wont have auto complete [11:32] jthomas: could you give the link for tarball ? [11:32] asoldier: Where did you mount it to? [11:32] sorry HaSH [11:32] o.o [11:32] geggam, what?. === benbread [n=benbread@] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] sudo is a wrapper HaSH [11:33] jarn : I do not understand the question. The drive is mounted and is viewable from my desktop [11:33] geggam, ive used sudo pin and it auto complets. [11:33] eilker http://www.symantec.com/home_homeoffice/products/download.jsp?pcid=pf&pvid=pca121beta [11:33] asoldier: What folder do you access the drive from? [11:33] because your user shell has those permissions HaSH [11:33] The Desktop [11:33] i am assuming here [11:33] jarn: the desktop [11:33] HaSH: are you sure you have bash_completion enabled? try running this '. /etc/bash_completion' <- note the . [11:33] so if i am wrong do correct me [11:33] HaSH: then try sudo 'command' [11:33] asoldier: What is the folder called? [11:34] err sudo whatever === ks3 [n=ks3@cpe-24-29-21-247.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] Local-WinXP [11:34] jarn : sorry I keep forgetting highlight [11:34] LeeJunFan, WOOOHOO thanks :-) that fixed it...where did ya find this helpfull info? [11:34] jarn : Local-WinXP [11:34] asoldier: So, in the termina, can you cd to '~/Desktop/Local-WinXP/'? [11:34] asoldier: It's not that big of a deal. [11:35] HaSH: just knew it. Didn't dawn on me that your bash_completion was actually off right away. [11:35] heh === darktears [n=darktear@lan31-6-82-238-147-227.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:35] LeeJunFan, well again thanks...it was driving me *nuts* [11:35] Missing bash_completion is a bit unusual [11:35] HaSH: edit ~/.bashrc and uncomment the lines to do with bash_completion. [11:35] jthomas: lets see, if it works here... [11:35] LeeJunFan, will do === kgx [n=kgx@] has joined #kubuntu [11:36] jarn : the format is ( cd ~/desktop/Local-WinXP ) correct? [11:36] jthomas: they had no linux support as i know, this is so new , right ? [11:36] asoldier: If it is indeed mounted to the folder you told me. [11:36] eilker i think so [11:36] eilker but i cannot get it no matter what [11:36] eilker I GOT IT [11:37] eilker run [sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun /usr/] [11:37] before running the installer [11:37] ok [11:37] jarn : I believe it is actually mounted in Media [11:37] asoldier: Okay, which folder in /media ? === paran [n=paran@cust.fiber-lan.snet.lk.] has joined #kubuntu [11:38] jthomas: i have new version for it as "java-6-sun" [11:38] eilker: libXm.so.3 is missing now... [11:38] LeeJunFan, i can tell u use bash more than c shells like tcsh [11:38] i tried that also but this was the first that i got to install... [11:39] now this, though [11:39] jarn : media/local-winxp/ [11:39] geggam: yeah, I don't really use anything else. I'm pretty good with bash scripting, so familiarity keeps me close to bash. [11:39] jthomas: i have this j2se/1.4/jre/lib/i386/libXm.so.3 [11:40] where is that? [11:40] are you able to run pcAnywhere? [11:40] jarn : the ubuntu navigation system is kicking my arse [11:40] jthomas: usr/lib [11:40] jthomas: still downloading [11:40] asoldier: Okay. So then it's probably in /media/local-winxp/"Program Files"/Vodoo/ so you should be able to do 'wine /media/local-winxp/"Program Files"/Vodoo/' === marve [n=marve@ti211310a081-11585.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] asoldier: Assuming that's the way that it is capitalized. === wsjunior [n=wsjunior@] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] i didnt realize bash had a separate feature for autocomplete LeeJunFan [11:41] heh [11:41] geggam: yeah, it's a more souped up autocomplete, it has basic autocomplete built in, but bash_completion adds a lot more functionality. [11:42] i don't have that in my /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/lib/i386 === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:42] asoldier: Or you can cd in to the directory that it is in and just do 'wine ' [11:42] geggam: like with bash_completion I can type ssh root@morn and it'll parse my known_hosts file and fill in the rest of the host, it also works for ping, mtr, and a lot of other things. So it completes a lot more than just filenames. [11:43] geggam: it also autocompletes apt, dpkg, etc.. apt-get install linux- will give me a list of all packages starting with linux- [11:43] i use aliases for that LeeJunFan === Pollywog is now known as pollywog_ === Iwonder|too [n=Iwonder@adsl-068-209-223-091.sip.jan.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu === fantasy [n=fantasy@brln-4d051526.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #kubuntu === pollywog_ is now known as Pollywog [11:45] ok... i have to go again... contract is looking 99% signed.... cross fingers... this one will keep me busy manufacturing plant database migration to ubuntu ... hopefully we can get some workstations moved to it as well [11:45] 6 months of work [11:45] 70k [11:45] geggam: wtg:) good luck. === ash211_ [n=andrew@user-1121ofb.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:46] geggam: I may have a big one at some libraries who want the same setup I've done for my local library. [11:46] Detroit public I understand is interested. [11:46] jarn : I finally figured out how to navigate and launch the program and it turns out it won't run due to an ole error [11:46] we will infiltrate them all [11:46] later [11:46] !realplayer [11:46] For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats [11:46] later === david_ [n=david@] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] asoldier: What program is it? [11:47] http://voodoochat.com === The [n=matt@static-195-248-97-191.adsl.hotchilli.net] has joined #kubuntu === The [n=matt@static-195-248-97-191.adsl.hotchilli.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:48] asoldier: You could try installing it in Wine. === The is now known as The_BlobX [11:49] asoldier: Hrm... you may want to take a look at this: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=5657 === LordOfHeat [n=lordofhe@static-85-94-94-244.rev-addr.voljatel.hr] has joined #kubuntu [11:50] hello [11:50] what to use for DVB-S viewing on kubuntu [11:50] other than kaffeine === jacob_ [n=jacob@dslb-084-058-152-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === jacob_ [n=jacob@dslb-084-058-152-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === user1220 [n=jacob@dslb-084-058-152-003.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === andremarte [n=andremar@host186-243.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === [Ag0ny] [n=kaz@n128-227-137-237.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #kubuntu === mikm [n=michael@kron2-46-125.resnet.wisc.edu] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@adsl-68-250-190-6.dsl.wotnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-14-231.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu === fowlduck [n=nate@] has joined #kubuntu === qsu is now known as bxnp === peaker [n=peaker@] has joined #kubuntu === runix [n=runix@0x535c2f3c.slnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has left #kubuntu [] [12:01] anyone using kde? i need /usr/share/applications/kde/keys.desktop, keyboard.desktop, displayconfig.desktop, mouse.desktop i accidentally deleted mine [12:02] jthomas: how to install it ? ./linux bin ? [12:03] eilker you can try that; i was more successful with java -jar Setup....jar -console [12:03] Lam_: sudo apt-get --reinstall install kcontrol [12:03] eilker i forgot the whole name [12:03] Lam_: That should restore at least some of them. [12:03] eilker SetupLinuxMac.jar maybe [12:03] SSJ_GZ: ah great. thanks so much [12:03] Lam_: np - let me know if it works :) [12:04] eilker i still haven't got it and i have to stop for now but i'll be here to see if you get it working [12:05] 'night to all! [12:05] jthomas: what should i type in conslole ? SetupLinuxMac.jar [12:05] ? [12:06] java - jar SetupLinuxMac.jar [12:06] ? [12:06] Unrecognized option: - [12:06] Could not create the Java virtual machine. [12:07] eilker type: java -jar SetupLinuxMac.jar -console === gemidjy2 [n=gemidjy@] has joined #kubuntu === migue [n=migue@] has joined #kubuntu [12:07] the - has to touch the jar: -jar [12:08] SSJ_GZ: thanks. it worked for the most part. i'm still missing a displayconfig.desktop though [12:08] many errors [12:08] SSJ_GZ: that one might be part of a different package [12:08] let me try as root [12:08] eilker i know [12:09] eilker sure try.... [12:09] Lam_: kde-guidance [12:09] Lam_: and/ or app-install-data [12:09] SSJ_GZ: i'll give that a shot [12:09] jthomas: what is for linux.bin ? [12:09] e === dreamsguardian [n=dreamsgu@] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] we should use it too === aziz [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] eilker it is a script for JVM checking and some other stuff, not sure but maybe it'll work for you [12:10] SSJ_GZ: yep that worked. :) you're pretty good. thanks a bunch :) [12:10] Lam_: No problem :) [12:11] eilker i always get 'No Java Runtime Environment(JRE) was found on this system.' === peaker is now known as Peaker [12:11] jthomas: it is cause of that script === frequency_ [n=frequenc@] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] jthomas: it has only till jre 1.4.1 [12:12] eilker its wrong but it won't install on my system with ./Linux.bin; if i run it how I told you, I can install, but still not run the actual program [12:12] jthomas: it does not have 1.4.2 [12:12] <[Ag0ny] > does anybody have some spare time to help me get my usb and 2nd display working?