[12:11] hi Burgundavia, ajmitch [12:11] sorry was away :) [12:11] now back [12:11] me from Dunedin ajmitch [12:11] so you're at otago uni? [12:11] yep [12:11] yeah, I saw the discussion in -motu earlier [12:11] and my project is on Linux Server Management (LDAP Domains) [12:11] interesting [12:11] info science? [12:11] so want to start that as a contribution to ubuntu [12:12] no, comp science [12:12] ah fun [12:12] chaks: got a linky? [12:12] nope, i havent posted anywhere :) [12:12] who are you working under? [12:12] Dr.Zhiyi, you know him? [12:12] yeah, I know him quite well [12:12] hey, where are you from? same dept?? [12:12] :) [12:12] I was doing computer science [12:12] oh, kewl [12:13] you haven't happened to do tele301 or 402 in the last couple of years, have you? :) [12:13] where are you in dunedin? [12:13] heriot row [12:13] well me doing my Masters by Research [12:13] but i took a lecture for Tele301 :) [12:13] heh [12:13] ok [12:14] so what are you planning for your project? [12:14] its called Linux Domain Management Server which would take care of , [12:15] 1) Asset Management (h/w & s/w & Users & groups) [12:15] 2) Software Distribution [12:15] 3) Reporting [12:15] and yes, the application shold be made easier to write still more plugins as features [12:16] ok, and how do you propose to go about it? [12:16] using LDAP with some custom schemas? [12:16] LDAP would be there as for the Domain Concept [12:16] and would extract info from them and have a small db to manipulate them [12:17] i can pass on the presentation to you now, if u r free to see them [12:17] sure [12:17] which wold make u clear a bit [12:17] where are you at the moment? [12:17] Me at my room [12:17] Arana Hall (hope you know :D) [12:17] yep, I know it === ajmitch was at st margarets college in 1st year [12:18] oh, thats the next building! :D [12:18] dcc won't work [12:18] send to ajmitch@ubuntu.com [12:18] oh [12:18] ok [12:19] what's the timeframe for this project? something to get finished by the end of the year? === ajmitch guesses feature freeze for feisty+1 will come around early august/late july [12:20] yes, its one year [12:20] and it needs lots of work :( [12:21] well, release early, release often [12:21] but as a team, we could implement it :) [12:21] get a website setup and get something into my hands [12:21] sure :) [12:21] I have a small live setup I can play with [12:21] kewl [12:21] sure, I think Zhiyi would be ok with it being done with non-uni people [12:21] you'd have to talk to him about it though [12:21] ajmitch, email sent [12:22] thanks [12:22] Zhiyi is pretty ok with it [12:22] and he wants me to do this [12:22] ok [12:22] atleast the prototype, becoz he thinks its good [12:22] and i told him that i am gonna start collaborating with ubuntu team === ajmitch is flatting with someone who teaches in tele [12:23] you may have met cameron kerr [12:24] to work on stuff in ubuntu, there needs to be specifications written & agreed on === chaks doesnt teach tele301 , just one lecture [12:24] i havent met yet [12:24] yea, i saw in the website [12:25] ok [12:25] have a look at my presentation and woud love to get ur views [12:25] just waiting for the email to arrive [12:25] oh [12:26] ok, got it [12:26] :) [12:27] from the first few pages, it looks ambitious for a 1 year project [12:28] :) === ajmitch wonders how much of the client agent could be borrowed from code that's already written [12:29] eg authtool, which I wrote for configuring network authentication on the client, and is quite modular [12:29] I've also been packaging stuff like fedora directory server for ubuntu [12:30] oh...fds!...it was crap for me...and i was nt able to make clients authenticated against fds :( [12:30] seeked their help, irc, none helped [12:30] and later i switched to openLDAP [12:30] and in one hour i had my setup [12:30] heh [12:30] that's why I'm trying to make it easy to use :) [12:30] authtool can be used for authentications and not sure what other features authtool has ;) [12:31] plus I like a mix of LDAP & Kerberos, though using pam-ldap over SSL/TLS isn't so bad [12:31] since I wrote authtool, I know it can be extended easily :) [12:31] i haven gone to the Security stuffs like SSL/TLS yet :) [12:31] *havent === ajmitch has it on the laptop [12:31] ajmitch, me going to department now [12:32] ok [12:32] want to throw away fedora setup [12:32] heh [12:32] and bring in ubuntu openldap up :D [12:32] yeah, all the workstations there using fedora.. === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu-directory [12:32] i told zhiyi i cant ;d [12:32] for my project :D [12:32] you can't? === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has left #ubuntu-directory ["Ex-Chat"] [12:32] i told him, i am gonna use ubuntu in my assigned machines [12:33] he'd probably have no problem with that [12:33] he was ok with it [12:33] yea [12:33] chaks: i threw away a fedora setup for ubuntu [12:33] it was glorious [12:33] thats the spirit Burgundavia ;) (lol) === Fujitsu defects to Fedora. [12:34] ok, me leaving, will be online soon [12:34] see you soon [12:34] chaks: ok [12:34] send ur views though :) === ajmitch should wander down to university sometime [12:34] since I'm only 10 minutes away :) === chaks welcomes ajmitch === ajmitch is meeting parents at lunchtime, so I don't know if I'll have time right now to get to university [12:37] kewl [12:37] my number is 0212656464 [12:37] feel free to ring up if you are nearby :) [12:37] we could also discuss regarding prject :D [12:38] alright [12:38] maybe this afternoon then [12:38] sure :) [12:38] bye for now === ajmitch will send you a text message if that's the case [12:38] bye [12:38] nice small world, isn't it? === Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-directory === wasabi [n=wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi] has joined #ubuntu-directory === vpol [n=vpol@vpol.lanck.net] has joined #ubuntu-directory === Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-directory === MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-directory === vpol [n=vpol@vpol.lanck.net] has joined #ubuntu-directory === MagnusR [n=magru@c83-252-237-96.bredband.comhem.se] has left #ubuntu-directory [] === chaks [n=chaks@yoper/team/Chaks] has joined #ubuntu-directory [12:48] hi ajmitch [12:48] the upgrade was successful, so far no problems [12:51] excellent :) [03:07] ajmitch: is another commit of authtool coming soon? do you anticipate it will get AD setup before feisty? === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu-directory === nkinder [i=nkinder@nat/redhat/x-6228dad930219e9b] has joined #ubuntu-directory === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu-directory [05:45] can someone please go over https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSambaIntegrationSpec and give me your first impression? === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu-directory === vpol [n=vpol@home.vpol.org.ru] has joined #ubuntu-directory === robertj [n=rcaskey@cai17.music.uga.edu] has joined #ubuntu-directory === Toadstool [n=jcorbier@cl-266.bru-01.be.sixxs.net] has joined #ubuntu-directory