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CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: philbull * r4085 ubuntu/about-ubuntu/C/about-ubuntu.xml: Changed RedHat > Red Hat, should resolve 10453412:45
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JisaoNo translatable templates available02:40
JisaoFeisty xchat does not have any strings to be translated through Rosetta. If you think this is incorrect, please send an email to the Rosetta mailing list or file a bug in our bug tracking system so we can look into the problem. Thanks.02:40
JisaoWhat would be required for translation?02:40
LaserJockhmm, a .pot file I think02:41
JisaoAnd how is a .pot file provided?02:42
LaserJockusually in the package02:42
LaserJockhmm, that could be do to xchat going from Main to Universe02:43
Jisaook. but then how is the translation being tracked, like who does what?02:43
LaserJockI don't think Universe packages are automatically translated02:43
LaserJockJisao: for Main packages it's put into the lang packs02:43
JisaoI don't know. I know that xchat-gnome comes with Ubuntu, but I don't like it at all. So I use xchat02:43
JisaoWell, it's getting complicated.  They had a nice simple invitation to translate, but the >how<  gets involved.02:45
LaserJockwho had an invitation? ubuntu?02:46
JisaoThat link was available from the help menu of the xchat app.02:46
LaserJockso xchat doesn't have any translatable material in Rosetta right now02:47
JisaoDoesn't look like it.02:47
nixternalxchat is translated upstream02:51
nixternalthe xchat developers have translation completed by them or their translators02:54
nixternalUbuntu doesn't translate for them02:54
Jisaooh. I see.02:54
JisaoThank you for the information.02:55
nixternalno problem02:56
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ubotuNew bug: #104764 in kubuntu-docs (main) "Kubuntu-docs: Incorrect strings in games.  " [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10476401:51
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CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4086 kubuntu/games/C/games.xml: closes 10476404:48
CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4087 /kubuntu/firefox-startpage/kindex-ku.html: Kubuntu FF Kurdish translation04:56
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CIA-12Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4088 /kubuntu/firefox-startpage/kindex-ar.html: Kubuntu FF Arabic translations05:37
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