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alleeMhmm, I vaguely remeber there was a plan to add user notification when a reboot is necessary (e.g. kernel update).  I've not seen such a msg yet.  Is this feisty+x?12:45
yuriyi'm reading the dot article on strigi, and somebody's comment mentioned kio-fuse as a solution to kio slaves with non-kde apps. has that been considered for kubuntu?12:49
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nixternalwell, I would love to have a package done, but the Spanish translations for the KDE Games section is severly broken, so I had to remove a majority of that. I am going to see about getting this fixed. Which kind of stinks considering the time difference01:22
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nixternalWOOHOO! I got everything to finally validate for translations01:26
Tm_Tok, so Herd 6 is cancelled, does this affect to release date?01:26
nixternaljust need to fix the Spanish translations for games.xml which I don't think I can do, and I need to find out why Rosetta didn't like sl.po file for keeping-safe01:27
nixternalTm_T: not that I have heard01:27
nixternalthat is why I am running around trying to get the docs package translated and packaged01:27
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Tm_Tanyone with few moments to spare?02:14
Tm_TI need some help with launchpad02:15
RiddellTm_T: ask02:17
Tm_Tabout importing openpgp gey, there's mention about uploading it to keyserver, but my gpg asks keyserver02:18
Tm_Tso, hum, I'm kinda lost here02:18
Tm_Thate these depressive seasons, nothing works02:20
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RiddellTm_T: I don't understand02:23
RiddellTm_T: for launchpad can you just paste your key in no?02:23
Tm_TEnsure the key has been uploaded to a keyserver. To do this:02:23
Tm_Tgpg --send-key key-id02:23
Riddellto upload to a keyserver set keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com in ~/.gnupg/options02:23
Tm_Tah, yes, just found that too from wiki02:24
Riddelland obviously replace "key-id" with the actual hex number02:24
Tm_Tofcourse :(02:24
Tm_T:) I meant02:24
Tm_Toh well, I think I generate new key for this purpose02:25
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Tm_Tyup, time ti sign CoC02:45
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asydhello Tonio_10:28
Tonio_hi ;)10:31
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hunger_tWho is packaging kontact?11:04
Tm_Tnot me!11:04
=== Tm_T hides
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=== hunger_t is just curious as he is trying to build the enterprise kontact branch just now.
Tm_Thunger_t: er? enterprise?11:06
hunger_tTm_T: There is a branch of kontact for enterprises...11:06
hunger_tTm_T: More stable, bla bla...11:06
Tm_Thunger_t: and that is what branch?11:07
hunger_tTm_T: CHeck tags/kdepim/*enterprise* in kde SVN.11:07
Tm_Toh, haven't seen that before11:08
Tm_TI'm mostly fiddling with kdepim-3.5.5+ branch11:09
hunger_tTm_T: the enterprise branch is from the kolab server guys afaik. It is kde 3.5.x based as well.11:09
hunger_tTm_T: Anyway: I do not envy your job:-) That beast is not the nicest to build.11:11
gnomefreakguys whats with the versioning of libqt3-mt?11:13
gnomefreaki like it but never seen that used before ;)11:13
Tm_Tgnomefreak: let me check11:14
Tm_T  * Revert to Qt 3.3.7.  3.3.8 was not showing a lot of characters11:16
Tm_T     from CKJ languages.11:16
gnomefreakbut isnt every other lib 3.3.7?11:17
gnomefreaklooks like 3.3.611:17
=== gnomefreak is confused. kdebase 3.3.6 and libqt3-mt is 3.3.8 but reverting to 3.3.7
gnomefreakshouldnt they all match versions for the most part?11:19
gnomefreakkdebase yes it isnt a lib but i was thinking it would bring in the libs needed to run kde and i just assumed they would all match11:20
Tm_Tkdebase: Installed: 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2011:20
alleegnomefreak: no kdebase and libqt are independent (beside kdebase requireing a min verion on libqt)11:21
gnomefreakoh ok ty11:21
Tm_Tgnomefreak: you're confusing me a lot11:21
Tm_Teven for bein gnomefreak11:21
gnomefreakits around 5am please forgive me11:21
alleeTm_T: I know how you feel.  I felt it 6 hous ago ;)11:22
=== gnomefreak has made my way over to kde but shhhh dont tell anyone ;)
Tm_Tallee: yup, but this has been going on last two years basically :(11:22
alleeTm_T: oh!11:23
Tm_Tallee: how otherwise I would be hanging here?11:23
alleeTm_T: good excuse :)11:24
Tm_Tand very true at most part11:24
Tonio_allee your digikam reached the repos11:28
Tonio_hunger_t: very interesting for gutsy11:29
alleeTonio_: yeah, seen it.  Thx!11:29
Tonio_hunger_t: we should give love to company material and packages in the next dev cycle11:29
Tm_Tallee: anything interesting to see in digikam ?11:30
alleeTm_T: is the things you see in digikam are interesting depends on your photos :)11:30
LongPointyStickhi Tonio_11:30
Tonio_hi LongPointyStick :)11:31
Tm_Tallee: true there11:31
Tm_Tallee: just haven't used digikam ever11:31
alleeTm_T: We'll I like it a lot :)11:32
RiddellLongPointyStick: are you hobbsee?11:32
Tm_Tallee: you mean "well" ;)11:33
ajmitchwho else could it be?11:33
Tm_Tallee: I11:33
Tm_T'll test it11:33
RiddellLongPointyStick and others, could you test the fix at the bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/10479411:33
ubotuMalone bug 104794 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager shows dischanging if battery full" [Undecided,Fix committed] 11:33
LongPointyStickRiddell: yes11:33
LongPointyStickRiddell: will in a sec, when i reboot11:34
Tm_TRiddell: hmm, does it need laptop for testing?11:35
RiddellTm_T: yes11:35
RiddellTm_T: well, it wouldn't do any harm to test on as much hardware as possible really11:35
Tm_TRiddell: ok, will give it a try :)11:36
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Riddellsebas: still travelling?11:39
Hobbseeyay, back :)11:39
RiddellTonio_: able to test too?11:40
Tm_TNo battery found.11:41
Tm_TThis is not a laptop, quitting ...11:41
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Tonio_Riddell: sure11:42
RiddellTm_T: perfect :)11:42
Tm_TRiddell: that's before patch, now trying with it :p11:42
Tm_TI remember it doing something even in this machine before11:43
Tm_Tso I ended up removing it all the time11:44
HobbseeRiddell: yep, that's fixed it for me11:45
RiddellHobbsee: great11:45
Hobbseewill have to wait for the battery to discharge a bit, to see if it keeps dropping, of course11:45
Tonio_Riddell: what to test ?11:45
Tm_Tand nothing changed here ofcourse :)11:45
Tonio_ho guidance11:45
Tm_Tso for non-laptops its ok ;)11:46
RiddellTonio_: bug 10479411:46
ubotuMalone bug 104794 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager shows dischanging if battery full" [High,Fix committed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10479411:46
Tm_Thmm, line numbering in that patch is wrong?11:46
Tm_Tnot that it would matter much11:47
sebasRiddell: In London right now11:48
sebasBack in NL on Saturday night11:48
Tonio_Riddell: seems to work as expected....11:49
Tonio_Riddell: I must say I never had the problem before, so maybe my test isn't efficient11:49
Tonio_Riddell: but the patch at least doesn't seem to break anything :)11:50
Tonio_Riddell: playing a bit more....11:50
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Riddellsebas: if you can comment on the sanity of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/104794 comment 7 that would be good11:52
ubotuMalone bug 104794 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager shows dischanging if battery full" [High,Fix committed] 11:52
Tonio_Riddell: reports "fully charged" when my battery level is 98% only......11:53
Tonio_Riddell: I'm discharging a bit to make tests11:53
RiddellTonio_: even with that patch from comment 7?11:54
Tonio_Riddell: yup11:55
Tonio_Riddell: same at 96%...11:55
Tonio_Riddell: yep still the issue here...11:56
Tonio_Riddell: hum my problem seems to be different...12:00
Tonio_Riddell: no issue on discharging for me, works perfectly here12:00
Tonio_Riddell: my issue is on "charging"12:00
Tonio_Riddell: reports fully charged whatever is the battery level12:00
Tonio_Riddell: seems to go to normal state avec about 20 seconds.... now it says me "blabla time to charge"12:01
Tonio_Riddell: seems okay then ;)12:01
Tonio_Riddell: everything is okay reguarding to discharging12:02
Tonio_and when the battery is fully charged, it doesn't say "discharging", so I'd say the patch works12:02
RiddellTonio_: ok, phew12:03
Tonio_just those 20 seconds when pluging the cable are a bit strange :) but not a problem btw12:03
Riddellthat's just how it's done, a port to qt 4 should fix the delay somewhat12:04
Tonio_Riddell: have a question, I'm trying to upload digikam to edgy-updates, and whatever I do, I get a:12:04
Tonio_SHA1 sum of uploaded file does not match extant file in archive12:04
Tonio_Riddell: I tried with debuild -S or debuild -S -sa (uploading the tarball, untouched)12:05
Tonio_I don't understand what the problem is12:05
Riddellis your .orig correct?12:05
Tonio_Riddell: yep, downloaded on packages.ubuntu.com, untouched...12:07
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Tonio_Riddell: when I just debuild -S, the orig isn't even uploaded12:07
Tonio_looks like it doesn't like the dsc or diff change..... nonsense12:08
Tonio_Riddell: I'll ping mithrandir12:08
RiddellTonio_: have you gone through the whole -proposed process?12:08
Tonio_Riddell: yes12:10
Tonio_Riddell: everything is supposed to be done12:10
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Lurehello all12:39
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Riddell10:52 < Riddell> sebas: if you can comment on the sanity of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/104794 comment 7 that would be good12:48
ubotuMalone bug 104794 in kde-guidance "guidance-power-manager shows dischanging if battery full" [High,Fix committed] 12:48
RiddellLure: ^^12:48
LureRiddell: will look into it12:48
=== Lure has been offline for a week due to dead laptop
Riddellah, thought you'd been a bit quiet :)12:49
Riddellwelcome back12:49
Tm_TLure: lured back? ;)12:51
LureRiddell: yep, current version (if rate: ) is completely wrong12:52
LureRiddell: if self.onBattery() is safe to apply12:52
LureRiddell: so last patch is correct12:52
LureTm_T: yep, they replaced motherboard and now it is much cooler12:53
RiddellLure: great, thanks12:53
LureTm_T: it looks like that my laptop was overheating for some reason and I though that this was normal temperature12:53
RiddellLure: do you know what happened to the network manager behaviour where konqueror couldn't connect to websites if you use /etc/networks/interfaces instead of NM?12:56
Riddellit seems to have fixed itself12:56
LureRiddell: no, tollef and scott fixed the n-m12:56
LureRiddell: scott's upload today is the way to go12:56
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LureRiddell: I am just concerned as some fixes are also in nm-applet and if this is required also in knm12:57
RiddellLure: yes, that's what I'm working on12:57
Riddellbut the konqueror refusing to connect unless network manager was being used seems to have changed12:57
LureRiddell: main problem was in debian backend which dropped most of interfaces and made them not known to n-m12:57
LureRiddell: yes, as not knm has proper status and does not say "no network" anymnore if there are interfaces not managed by n-m12:58
Tm_TLure: heh, you should've seen my "new" 3d-card, over 120'C and someone said "it's normal for that model"12:58
LureRiddell: like static config12:58
LureTm_T: this is really insane - good that I have 3-year warranty12:59
Tm_TLure: result: now it has new cooling, but d'oh doesn't work =)12:59
Tm_Twarranty is good12:59
LureTm_T: yep, particually for shitthy HW12:59
=== Lure is really not happy with latest HP laptops our my company is buying...
LureTm_T: we have 2-3 laptops on service per week :-(01:00
Tm_Twell that's quality01:01
LureTm_T: no, they are known for "hp invent" ;-)01:02
Tm_Tsure it's not H(ard)P(ressure) Invert?01:03
Tm_Tok, I lost the point there, changed it 3 times on the fly01:03
sebasRiddell: Should be fixed with the patch Robert sent01:06
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sebasSo I agree to Lure01:06
sebashack, rate is not even initialised.01:06
=== sebas did a very bad job reviewing that.
Luresebas: it is in line 18501:07
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Luresebas: so it was at least consistent behaviour ;-)01:08
sebasLure: Good point01:08
Luresebas: and consistent bugs are always easier to find than random ones ;-)01:09
sebasHehe :)01:09
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HobbseeRiddell: so when will that guidance patch get committed/01:15
RiddellHobbsee: I've uploaded, will need release dude to accept01:17
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HobbseeRiddell: right.  what about the charging, which tonio was mentioning?  i can confirm that now01:18
RiddellHobbsee: what's the problem?01:20
HobbseeRiddell: g-p-m reports the battery fully charged, but it's still charging01:21
LureHobbsee: is there bug opened?01:21
LureHobbsee: would need lshal output to debug01:21
HobbseeLure: dont think so, i've just noticed it.  Tonio_ did too01:21
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HobbseeLure: http://buntudot.org/people/~hobbsee/lshal ?01:22
LureHobbsee: is this lshal from the time it wrongly reported as "fully charged"?01:23
HobbseeLure: yes01:23
HobbseeLure: (was that what you wanted?)01:23
LureHobbsee: it is strange as it reports properly as "battery.rechargeable.is_charging = true"01:24
HobbseeLure: well, it is charging, so that bit's reporting right :P01:24
Hobbseebut yeah...that is weird01:25
HobbseeLure: it appears to think it's discharging, according to the next line01:26
HobbseeWarning: While setting SystemPowerManagement to  False :  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.SystemPowerManagement.NotSupported: No powersave method found01:27
RiddellI can't recreate that01:29
=== Hobbsee wtf?
=== Hobbsee checks something
Riddelltry this http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde-guidance-powermanager_0.8.0-0ubuntu5_i386.deb01:31
Hobbseethat's the new one?01:32
HobbseeRiddell: appears a rebuild fixes it, for some reason...01:32
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HobbseeRiddell: as in, the standard version was working when i made changes, so it'd recompile.  i dunno01:33
HobbseeTonio_: ^01:33
Tonio_Hobbsee: ? :)01:34
HobbseeTonio_: try that deb, see if it fixes the problem01:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: okay01:34
Tonio_Hobbsee: discharging for 5 minutes to see what happens01:36
Tonio_Hobbsee: hum, when repluging, just took 5 seconds from fully charged to "... to charge"01:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: that's acceptable :)01:50
HobbseeTonio_: cool :)01:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: we won't call that a bug, but a lag to calculate the time to charge :)01:50
Riddelltesters needed for knetwork manager  http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/knetworkmanager_0.1-0ubuntu12_i386.deb01:51
RiddellLure: ^^01:51
Riddellalso http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/knetworkmanager_0.1-0ubuntu12.debdiff01:52
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RiddellHobbsee, Tonio_ ^^01:54
Tonio_Riddell: sure ;)01:55
ScottKRiddell: Anything in particular you want us to look for?01:55
Tonio_Riddell: I don't approve the "manual configuration"....01:55
Tonio_Riddell: can confuse the users as you can also "manually" set hidden wireless networks01:56
Tonio_Riddell: in my opinion, static is more clear..... but maybe it is just because I know what "static" IP settings are :)01:56
LureScottK: static IP config should not confuse knetworkmanager01:56
Tonio_Riddell: but that's just my opinion btw01:57
LureScottK: i.e. switch to wireless or konqueror or kmail thinking that there is no network01:57
=== ScottK tests
Riddelltest that it works01:58
Riddellthen if you can test that it works when you have a static config in /etc/network/interfaces01:58
Riddellwhere work means it has a tooltip of "manual config" and a connected icon01:59
HobbseeRiddell: appears to work here, but i dotn do static01:59
Tonio_Riddell: about the "manual configuration" no change here, still "static" after package upgrade...01:59
=== Tonio_ restarts network-manager
ScottKIf I disable wireless using knetworkmanager, ath0 still shows enabled in the KDE Control Module.  It is, in fact, not enbabled.02:04
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Riddellknetworkconf is like that02:04
ScottKOK.  Just wanted to make sure that wasn't a suprise.02:04
=== Lure_ is now known as Lure
LureRiddell: otherwise it works fine (better for the case where all interfaces are static)02:05
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Tonio_Riddell: patch works, I can see a "connected" icon02:08
Tonio_Riddell: but it shows a "cable" connection icon02:08
Tonio_Riddell: btw that works02:08
Tonio_Riddell: but "static connection" isn't renamed.... I guess there is a problem there02:09
ScottKRiddell: I think I have either replicated the problem with the new knetworkmanager, or found another similar one02:11
LureRiddell: I have noticed another (minor) issue: if you change interfaces back from static to dhcp with knetworkconf, n-m/knm does not notice this :-(02:11
ScottKCurrently I have a static connection in /etc/networking/interfaces that I started using /etc/init.d/networking start02:11
Tonio_Lure: yes that's why I restarted to let network-manager restart02:12
LureRiddell: you have to restart n-m to make it detect dhcp config back...02:12
RiddellTonio_: that's my fault, fixed02:12
ScottKI can ping sites, but the knetworkmanager tooltip if offline mode is currently active.02:12
Tonio_Riddell: okay02:12
RiddellLure: yeah, blame n-m for that :)02:12
ScottKKonqueror can't find the network.02:12
Tonio_Riddell: we should/could patch kentworkconf to restart network-manager when applying changes no ?02:13
ScottKRiddell: Is that the situation you were trying to recreate?02:13
LureScottK: cat you post your /e/n/i?02:13
Tonio_Riddell: but that looks big change for feisty :)02:13
LureScottK: are all interfaces static or just some of them?02:13
ScottKLure: ??02:13
LureScottK: sorry: /etc/networking/interfaces02:13
RiddellScottK: it should show the wired icon with a tooltip of "manual config"02:14
LureScottK: sorry again: /etc/network/interfaces ;-)02:14
RiddellTonio_: maybe, but not for feisty02:14
Tonio_Riddell: sure02:14
ScottKRiddell: Nope.02:14
RiddellScottK: what do you have?02:14
Tonio_Riddell: well hopefully next version of nm will be available soon :)02:14
Tonio_handling static settings by default, so that we can get rid of knetworkconf....02:15
Riddellthat would be nice02:15
ScottKRiddell: The regulart disconnected tooltip and icon02:16
RiddellScottK: restarted network manager?02:16
ScottKRiddell: I stopped/started with etc/init.d/networking, but didn't restart network manager.  Let me try that.02:18
ScottKLure: e/n/i is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15360/02:19
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LureScottK: do you have network-manager 0.6.4-6ubuntu702:20
LureScottK: according to this config, you should see new "Manual config" on tray icon tooltip...02:20
ScottKThat's the one that keybuck asked people to build and test yesterday, right?  If so, yes.02:20
=== ScottK is restarting the laptop networking ATM.
LureScottK: yes02:21
ScottKRiddell: Now that I restarted network manager it comes up as expected.02:22
ScottKLure: Thanks, I think it's as expected now.02:22
=== ScottK will go try and break it some more.
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ScottKHow long is it supposed to take before it notices that the manual connection is not longer there?02:24
ScottKOr is it supposed to detect the loss of the connection at all?02:25
ScottKLure: So I pulled the ethernet cable (and the wireless card is out) and waited a few minutes and I still have the wired icon and the manual network configuration tooltip.02:26
ScottKThen I did etc/init.d/networking stop and the wired icon is still there, so to the casual user it looks like I'm connected, but I'm not.02:27
ScottKIs that expected?02:27
ScottKRiddell: ^^^^  ?02:28
ScottKI put the wireless card in and it does not automatically try and connect (I would guess that's expected), but will connect via wireless when I tell it to with proper icon/tooltip.02:30
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ScottKSo the only thing that seems odd in the manual configuration is that knetworkmanager never notices the static/manual network connection going away.02:31
RiddellScottK: it won't, it only checks for manual config on n-m startup and then you're stuck like that02:34
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ScottKOK.  If that's by design then I think it needs to be boldly noted in the documentation because usually people would associate that icon with actually having a network connection.02:36
Tonio_latest kernel refuses to boot on apple machines again :'(02:36
ScottKSo far I think the new one is good then.02:36
ScottKNow on to important things like my new fix for pysol works :-)02:37
HobbseeScottK: :)02:40
HobbseeScottK: did that get accepted already?02:40
ScottKAnd it even works with the yet another python update I just sucked down.02:41
LureTonio_: there is fixed kernel ready for testing02:41
LureTonio_: ping BenC02:42
Tonio_Lure: sure02:44
nixternalRiddell: you need to remove all of the pr0n links from your Debian wiki page :)02:47
ScottKnixternal: You coordinate tranlsation stuff, right?02:48
nixternalnope, I just implement it into the kubuntu-docs package02:49
Riddellnixternal: where?02:49
ScottKAh.  OK.  Thanks.02:49
nixternalat the botton of your wiki page, debian wiki02:49
Riddellnixternal: URL?02:49
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Hobbseeoh dear02:51
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Tonio_spam is hillness...02:56
Riddellnixternal: done, although really it needs to be removed from the database by an admin02:56
nixternalhehe, k02:56
Tonio_I'm always surprised those guys can take month to code scripts to spam anything............02:57
nixternalso network-manager will allow my wifi to work once again right?02:57
nixternalI can't go mobile, I have to stay plugged into the wall ;p02:57
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ScottKRiddell: I had to reboot to get knetworkmanager to forget about the manual configuration, but I can't break it.  I think it's good.03:08
ScottKIdeally there would be a different icon for manual configuration.03:08
Riddellideally yes, but this is a quick fix needed today, and is the same as gnome has03:09
ScottKRiddell: Understand. I think it's a significant UI issue for Gutsy.03:11
ScottKi.e. for fixing in Gutsy03:11
=== ScottK will file a bug unless you'd rather I didn't.
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jeroenvrpis there a list somewhere with the best wificards/sticks you can use for feisty?03:12
ScottKjeroenvrp: There is information on wiki.ubuntu.com.  Do a title search for wireless.03:13
jeroenvrpScottK: thanks03:13
RiddellScottK: go ahead, although it might be spec material03:14
ScottKRiddell: Will do.  I'll get it written down and people can argue did I fill out the right form later.03:14
nixternalwo0t, and the update to networkmanager fixed my wifi03:15
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ScottKOK.  It's reported.  Bug #10621203:31
ubotuMalone bug 106212 in knetworkmanager "Manual config icon is the same as wired connection icon" [High,Confirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10621203:31
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RiddellScottK: you should report that it also affects network-manager03:32
ScottKRiddell: I did, but ubotu doesn't pick that up for some reason.03:32
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ScottKI've used Dapper --> Edgy --> Feisty with wireless on Kubuntu and the experience gets significantly better with each release.03:34
=== ScottK got two hours sleep last night, so he's off for more coffee.
HobbseeScottK: indeed!03:37
jsgotangcogoodness my neighbor is probably watching Borat..i can hear that blasted national anthem03:41
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Tonio_kwwii: ping ?04:02
kwwiiTonio_: hi04:02
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Hobbseehi bddebian04:13
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alleeHolAny core dev care to upload exiv2?  See bug 10594704:45
ubotuMalone bug 105947 in digikam "portrait CRW files (EOS 300D) are upside down" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10594704:45
alleeHol^^^ Tonio_, Riddell04:45
Tonio_alleeHol: Have to go get a truck....04:46
Tonio_alleeHol: I'm leaving my appartment tomorrow...04:46
Tonio_Riddell: can you handle this ?04:46
alleeHolTonio_: hey cool04:46
RiddellalleeHol: you're editing the file directly04:46
alleeHolRiddell: exiv2 has no patch sys.04:47
nixternalanyone else having issues trying to upgrade the 2.6.20-14-generic image today?04:48
alleeHolRiddell: and MOTUs just added a suggestion to the wiki eto not add a patch system to keep diff to debian minimal.   Makes sense for core pkgs too IMHO04:48
nixternal403 forbidden for me04:48
alleeHolnixternal: no worked here04:49
RiddellalleeHol: that's crazy talk, you should always use diffs04:49
Tonio_alleeHol: as long as it is merged upstream, this is no big deal having the changes in diff.gz right ?04:49
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just doing the patch04:49
Hobbseenixternal: known.  it's called bug: 'zomg, this kernel broke the world'?04:49
Hobbseenixternal: https://launchpad.net/bugs/10606304:50
ubotuMalone bug 106063 in linux-source-2.6.20 "MASTER: Computer will not boot after 2.6.20-14.24 kernel upgrade" [Critical,Fix committed] 04:50
RiddellTonio_: for exiv?04:50
alleeHolRiddell: debian kde extra is NMUing exiv2 for quite some time.  I'll apply there too04:50
Tonio_Riddell: yep04:50
alleeHolTonio_:  ah, in alioth cdbs is used already for exiv2.  I'll add the patch there ...04:57
nixternalHobbsee: haha04:58
Tonio_alleeHol: okay ;)04:58
RiddellTonio_: pusling said he had extracted a bunch of patches for kdepim to stop crashes in kmail, recon it's worth looking at?04:58
Tonio_alleeHol: I didn't change the packaging, just added  patch entries to rules04:58
alleeHolTonio_: thx!04:59
Tonio_Riddell: yes I already heard about that04:59
Tonio_Riddell: people reported it was better with those patches04:59
Tonio_Riddell: deserves a look :) but I'll not be there to do that this WE...04:59
Tonio_I should already be gone......04:59
nixternalis there a way to fix guidance locally so it will detect my cpu speed?05:00
ScottKRiddell: I can build/test kmail patches this afternoon/tomorrow if needed.05:00
Riddellwho uses kontact enough to test?  I hardly use it05:00
ScottKnixternal: Got a hammer?05:00
RiddellScottK: ah hah, a volunteer :)05:00
nixternalRiddell: I use it all the time05:00
nixternalI live by Kontact05:01
nixternalthere isn't a feature I don't use05:01
ScottKRiddell: I've built kdepim before too.05:01
kwwiiRiddell: which mail client do you use? ummm...mutt or pine?05:01
ScottKJust point me at a list of the patches you want me to build/test with.05:01
nixternalkwwii: mutt I believe05:02
Riddellkwwii: mutt.  it's horrible05:02
nixternalafter using Kontact now for over a year, I can't go back to mutt or pine05:02
kwwiiI used mutt for years, but since I have been doing kubuntu I have used kontact05:03
Tonio_alleeHol: building exiv205:03
alleeHolTonio_: whoa05:04
Tonio_Riddell: I'll upload and let you ping archives admin ok ? I really should have gone :)05:04
RiddellTonio_: ok05:04
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Riddellnixternal: what happened with the docs translations?05:14
nixternalRiddell: I have them all but 1, Slovenian translations for the keeping-safe doc05:14
nixternalnobody seems to have an answer or a response to it, nobody from Rosetta has contacted me yet about05:14
nixternalso there will probably be no Slovenian translation for 1 doc05:15
RiddellLure might be able to help?05:15
Riddellis it a technical issue or a language one?05:15
nixternalif he can get it for me, he is my hero05:15
nixternaltechnical issue05:15
Riddellah, maybe not then05:15
nixternalRosetta encountered problems exporting the files you05:16
nixternalrequested. The Rosetta team has been notified of this05:16
nixternalproblem. Please reply to this email for further assistance05:16
Riddellnixternal: ping carlos05:16
nixternalI have replied, you name it05:16
Tonio_Riddell: upload for bug 10594705:20
ubotuMalone bug 105947 in digikam "portrait CRW files (EOS 300D) are upside down" [Undecided,In progress]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10594705:20
Tonio_now I'm gone, seya on monday :)05:20
nixternalhave a great weekend Tonio_!05:20
RiddellTonio_: thanks05:20
Tonio_nixternal: hard WE, I asume :)05:20
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ScottKHi soulrider_05:40
soulrider_hi ScottK, do you know if there are any ISOs newer than the beta? for feisty that is05:40
ScottKYes there are.05:41
Hobbseesoulrider_: they're broken at the moment, see #ubuntu+105:41
soulrider_oh, where can i get them ?05:41
soulrider_oh :(05:41
ScottKThis is not a good time for updating.05:41
ScottKIf you can install the Beta, go with that for now.05:42
soulrider_well, i needed to install kubuntu on 2 machines, so i thought feisty would be a good idea05:42
ScottKBeta + latest updates gets you to current.05:42
soulrider_do you think feisty is gonna be delayed ?05:42
ScottKI don't know enough to have an opinion.05:42
Hobbseewho knows.  maybe, maybe not.  by a couple of days, maybe05:42
soulrider_ok, i think im just gonna install edgy then :)05:42
Hobbseedepends how many people test the cds, etc05:43
soulrider_i see, thanks for the hwlp :)05:43
ScottKsoulrider: Or wait a day or so and install the release candidate when it's announced.  Depends on how rushed you are.05:44
soulriderrushed as in it needs to be done today :P05:45
soulridermy dad asked me to install linux, i wanna get it done ASAP, he needs to leave that windows crap05:45
soulrideri still dont know what to install, if kubuntu or Arch, but i think ill go for kubuntu05:46
ScottKsoulrider: Install Edgy05:47
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
soulrideryeah, i think im gonna go for edgy05:48
ScottKIf you're leaving it in the hands of someone who isn't experience with Linux, install the released version.05:48
soulriderare they changing the decoratons in feisty ?05:48
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soulriderthe one sin dapper ownt he ones in edgy05:48
Hobbseesoulrider: what's there now, in terms of decoration, is final05:48
soulrideroh, ok Hobbsee05:49
soulrideri havnt seen you in a while :)05:49
=== Hobbsee has been doing other things
Hobbseeand working, and such05:49
soulrideryeah.. me too >.<05:49
=== Hobbsee is australian, as well
soulridercollege, suchs all the time out of me05:50
soulrideroh :)05:50
soulriderits midnight right ?05:50
soulrider13 hours ahead of me :P05:50
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Riddellnixternal, ScottK, kwwii: testers needed for kmail http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdepim/06:37
Riddellmhb: ^^06:37
kwwiiRiddell: I'll install that when I get back from grocery shopping06:38
mhbkmail only?06:40
mhbRiddell: kmail installed, anything specific to try?06:42
Riddellmhb: imap I guess06:45
Riddellmhb: I added a load of patches that debian kindly had to fix various crashes06:45
mhboh, my imap provider is down at the moment, pop/gmail seems to work fine06:47
ScottKRiddell: Can we get the changelog so we know what to look for?06:50
RiddellScottK: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/508  those kde svn revisions06:51
ScottKRiddell: Thanks06:53
firephotoRiddell: tested kmail, no imap here, haven't found any problems with my normal usage or clicking through the settings.07:02
Riddellthanks firephoto07:03
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=== ScottK has imap. It's installing now.
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nixternalRiddell: what is the extreme latest I can have the docs package complete? Slovenian translation error has been found, but carlos and them can't do anything until the db admins respond. they said they would contact me as soon as the issue is fixed07:30
nixternalotherwise I can package now and we skip that one translation file07:30
Riddellnixternal: I'd say package now, it can be updated if the fix comes in time07:31
Riddellno fixed time set for release at the moment so I can't give you must of a deadline07:31
ScottK-laptopRiddell: IMAP is not a happy camper.07:35
ScottK-laptopI last tried IMAP in Feb and this is worse.07:36
=== ScottK-laptop gathers specifics
ScottK-laptop1.  Inbox is not updated.  Even when I check for new mail, the old mail is still there.  I had this problem before.  If you can suggest where this is stored, maybe if I kill the stale store it'll be better.07:37
\shScottK-laptop: you mean kmails imap?07:37
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ScottK-laptop2.  New a phantom ~/ duplicate set of mail folders that appear as a sub folder.07:38
\shScottK-laptop: the problem is more the imap stack in kmail...07:38
ScottK-laptopI always try kmail imap and get disgusted in about a minute and give up.07:39
\shit's just crap right now...I tried sylpheed-claws with my imapd from cyrus, and it's working even with a 4gb mailbox07:39
Riddell\sh: he's testing some new packages with patches07:39
fdovingimap patches?07:39
nixternalRiddell: all I need to do with that tmp/ for kdepim is wget * and dpkg -i * correct? nothing tricky with it07:39
Riddellnixternal: yes07:40
Riddellfdoving: testers welcome07:40
\shRiddell: hmm...I'll test it too, when I'm back home and have highspeed internet again07:40
fdovingRiddell: do you have a debdiff or a link to the patches? - i'm on ppc.07:40
ScottK-laptopThere's the file structure strangeness I'm seeing.07:43
ScottK-laptopIt's displaying a duplicate folder structure under ~/ and pulling in an FTP directory from I have no idea where.07:44
fdovingcmake is so nice, can't wait for kde4 to become usable as a main desktop :)07:44
ScottK-laptopIt didn't do that before (as in a month or two ago), so that's some kind of regression.07:45
=== ScottK-laptop needs coffed. Back in a sec. Riddell^^
=== ScottK-laptop is back
ScottK-laptopNote the dates on all but the first message in the inbox.07:46
Riddellfdoving: hang on07:47
ScottK-laptopThe good news is ksnapshot works great with the installed print screen key.07:47
Riddellfdoving: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kdepim_3.5.6-0ubuntu7.debdiff07:48
fdovingRiddell: thanks.07:48
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ScottK-laptoppop3 and smpt seem fine.07:57
ScottK-laptopI guess that's smtp08:02
ScottK-laptopSTARTTLS and SMTPS SSL are both good with SMTP Auth08:02
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ScottK-laptopWell I rm -Rf ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail and I got rid of the stuck messages in imap, but still have the directory configuration issue I showed in the screenshot08:05
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ScottK-laptopThunderbird IMAP does not have any trouble with my providers IMAP directory structure, so I'm definitely going to blame kmail for this one.08:08
fdovingwhat server is that?08:08
ScottK-laptopDo you mean what IMAP server do the use?  Don't recall.  I'll check.08:09
fdovingwhat imap-server-software.08:10
fdovinguw-imap is broken in most cases. even if a few clients are trying to work around its brokenness08:11
fdovingonly pine can handle that server properly. as it's written mainly by the same man.08:11
ScottK-laptop* OK [CAPABILITY IMAP4REV1 LITERAL+ SASL-IR LOGIN-REFERRALS AUTH=LOGIN]  kitterman.com IMAP4rev1 2004.357-p2k server ready at Fri, 13 Apr 2007 14:12:56 -0400 (EDT)08:13
ScottK-laptopTheir web site doesn't say.08:13
ScottK-laptopAccording to Mr. Google that's uw-imap08:14
ScottK-laptopIn may be broken, but kmail is dealing with it even less well now than it did before.08:15
ScottK-laptopRiddell: Anything else you want me to look at while I'm here?  I have some actual paying work I need to get back to soon.08:15
RiddellScottK-laptop: no, that's all thanks08:16
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ScottK-laptopOK.  I'll leave the packages installed in case you think of something else.08:16
nixternalso everyone is testing kdepim and imap it seems, good, I have the POP3 covered then08:19
ScottKIf by everyone you mean me, then yes.08:19
nixternalall seems well so far with the kdepim updates08:31
nixternalthere were dependency errors with kleopatra that were easily fixed, other than that, it seems OK for me08:31
nixternalanything specific that should be tested?08:31
ScottKnixternal: I've run into an issue you might try to reproduce...08:38
nixternalwhat is that?08:38
ScottKI don't store passwords on the test box, so when I open Kontact it pops open a window to ask for the password.  If I leave Kontact open and reboot, when it pops that extra window open I get the "You appear to have more than once instance of Kontact" warning.08:39
ScottKWhen I say not to start the "second" instance, I get no Kontact at all.08:39
ScottKThe password window shouldn't be tripping that check I wouldn't think.08:40
nixternalya, that has happened with releases prior to this one iirc08:40
nixternalI use a password from kwallet08:40
nixternaland I know if I don't auth first and then reboot, like after an upgrade or fixing my system, I will get that same warning iirc08:41
ScottKOK.  I don't see a bug, so I'll file one.08:42
ScottKIt's a real problem though.  When I don't say no to the dialog I actually get two instances running.08:46
ScottKRiddell: Another issue for you ^^^08:47
Riddellnixternal: how's the docs?09:02
nixternalcreating the makefile now09:02
nixternalslow process of testing thats for sure09:02
ScottKRiddell: Bug #16305 with a backtrace (I installed the debug packages).09:04
ubotuMalone bug 16305 in openoffice.org2 "Importing pyuno raises SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly" [Medium,Fix released]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/1630509:04
ScottKBug #10630509:04
ubotuMalone bug 106305 in kdepim "Kontact SIGSEGV in kdepim_3.5.6-0ubuntu7 when clicking "Configure Kmail"" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10630509:04
Riddellmm, I'm thinking I might not want to upload kdepim09:04
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atypicAhem. This is a poke to whomever it might concert. I would like to help out on the development of kubuntu.09:24
goldenearI'm trying to update from edgy to feisty as explained in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades09:33
goldenearbut it doesn't work...09:34
goldenearThe full upgrade button in Adept is disabled (grey)09:34
goldeneardo I have to test the update methode for server (update-manager) ?09:36
Daskreechseele: You are talking about giving basic CS Uni training to all users of the Live CD09:39
firephotogoldenear: it's just grey because your system is up to date, you should be able to continue on with the instructions.09:39
atypicI hate to nag, but should I perhaps show my interest some other place, like on the mailing list; as opposed to here?09:43
goldenearIf your system is up to date, the upgrade wizard will be offered it via the Version Upgrade button <-- where's that button ?09:43
Riddellgoldenear: follow the beta instructions09:45
goldenearok I was on the wrong instruction page :)09:46
goldenearfound it now :D09:46
firephotoScottK: I don't get that crash you mention in 106305. i tried it on on a new user too.09:47
ScottKI didn't get it after I restarted either.09:47
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ScottKAt the time I was replicating the multiple instances at startup problem I discussed above with nixternal.09:48
ScottKIt may be a legacy of having previously had two instances running at the same time.09:49
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nixternaltalk about a tedious makefile09:59
fdovingdocs makefiles?10:00
nixternalI saved a little time by doing 'ls $$doc/ >$$doc/lang'10:00
nixternaland then reading that in with `for cc in `cat $$doc/lang`; do10:01
nixternalwhich makes future editing a little easier10:01
nixternaltesting it now, seems to be building just fine10:01
nixternalit makes the html file pretty quickly10:02
nixternalit is doing it quicker than the $(KBASE)%: junk10:02
fdovingRiddell: might want to change from sudo to kdesu when executing the dist-upgrader at the FeistyUpgrades page, beta section.10:03
=== nixternal hopes fdoving isn't the one who created those in the original Makefiles :)
fdovingdidn't work for me with sudo.10:03
fdovingnixternal: i don't remember. probably sean wheller.10:03
nixternalwhew ;p10:03
fdovingi think i did only packaging.10:03
fdovingmy name should be somewhere in there :)10:04
nixternalya, it was I think10:05
nixternaldunno if it made it into the new makefiles or not10:05
fdovingdoesn't matter anyway. :)10:05
nixternalya, the new make files is tbh: and clean:10:05
nixternalthat is it10:05
fdovingthe new dist-upgrader is nice.10:05
nixternals/is/are tbh:/10:05
nixternalthat is to upgrade from edgy > feisty correct?10:05
=== fdoving upgrades dads laptop to feisty.
seeleDaskreech: if average users can't install Kubuntu, how are they ever supposed to use it?10:06
nixternalOK, I am gonna have to install edgy on a box and dist-upgrade them10:06
nixternalseele: remember, most Windows users do not know how to install Windows :)10:06
seelenixternal: thats not true10:06
fdovingmost computers come with windows preinstalled.10:07
fdovingthey usually don't need to.10:07
seeleyou basically put in the Windows CD and click next10:07
nixternalfdoving: correct, but when it comes time to reinstall or what not, most "typical" users are stuck10:07
ScottKseele: Try to do that with Vista...10:07
seelemessing with harddrive space is always going to be difficult, but that doesnt mean it has to be as hard as it is10:07
nixternalhowever I think most oems fix that though and make it a "click once" exprience10:07
nixternalScottK: that is cheating!10:07
=== nott2 [n=eric@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalI remember installing via LiveCD recently, I was lost at that part, so I downloaded the alternate CD instead. The LiveCD partitioning is/was kind of nuts10:09
fdovingi always use the alternate installer, i like d-i. then i don't consider myself an average user either.10:09
=== ScottK wonders how many people actually install using the live CD. I always end up on the alternate too.
fdovingi have tried the livecd a few times, it's OK. i just like d-i better.10:11
Daskreechatypic: What do you want to help with?10:12
nott2have they upload the fix for kernel 2.6.20-14 yet ?, note: there seem to be a error with the website "403"10:13
fdovingnott2: yes, it's in progress afaik.10:13
Daskreechseele: True but how many of the users you tested understand what a hard drive was?10:14
DaskreechScottK: Loads I would bet :)10:14
nott2fdoving: thanks, for the heads up10:15
DaskreechI always have an alternate CD but I mostly use the Desktop since a) it's much faster and b) it's fun to be able to do stuff like hang out here while installing10:16
atypicThat is the question I was hoping you(or someone) could help me answer. I'm basically a uni.student with a bit of time on my hands and knowledge of C, perl and a few other languages. I need somewhere to start - Now, I realize of course that I can run around trying to track bugs and the like, but in the end that sounds rather discouraging. I'd much rather help out on something a bit more specific...10:16
ScottKatypic: Do you have any experience with KDE programming?10:17
Daskreechseele: I think that if people know what a hard drive is then it's just explaining the term partition10:17
=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-1121ofb.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Daskreechatypic: Choose something you like/ you think needs help10:17
ScottKatypic: There is also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU10:18
fdovingatypic: anything special you like to do? most of KDE is C++ and qt, there are also a few python programs.10:20
atypicI've coded QT and found it enjoyable, it's basically the reason I use kubuntu.10:23
ScottKatypic: klamav is in need of some love at the moment.  Interested in looking at it?10:25
atypicYeah, that looks interesting. I'll start looking at it right now.10:28
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=== nott2 [n=eric@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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seeleDaskreech: they know what a hard drive is.. but "partition" is degrees higher in understanding11:12
Daskreechseele: How?11:13
DaskreechIf you can understand volume you must be able to grasp putting volume aside for a purpose11:15
ScottKIIRC Apple uses the term slice of a hard drive in their documentation.11:17
DaskreechYeah which doesn't make much more sense :)11:18
seeleScottK: and that doesnt do much better of a job of getting the point across11:20
seeleunderstanding the concept of a partition is much different from understanding a "folder"11:21
seeleit requires some understanding how the computer works11:21
seeleits not in the average users vocabulary11:21
seelethey dont talk about it on the news or tech shopper guide11:22
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@p54977F41.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
seeleyou assume that every user with even high level computer understanding is familiar with partitions11:22
seelebut i tested a guy who had two years of a uni computer science program who didnt know what was going on11:23
seeleand hes more advanced than what we typically classify as "average"11:23
rbrunhuberthere is a problem with update in feisty:11:23
rbrunhuberErr http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main linux-image-2.6.20-14-generic 2.6.20-14.2311:23
rbrunhuber  403 Forbidden [IP: 80] 11:23
nixternalrbrunhuber: it is known, it will eventually work itself out11:24
rbrunhubernixternal: permission problems are normally not the kind of problems that works themselfes out (my experience)11:24
Daskreechseele: That is true. I know people who can install hard drives but don't know the concept of a partition11:24
ScottKrbrunhuber: It's on purpose to keep you from downloading a known bad kernel11:25
nixternalrbrunhuber: they have done that to temporarily disallow people from downloading the broken kernel upgrade11:25
Daskreechseele: My point is that it is not a vast jump once you know what a hard drive is different from a mouse11:25
seeleDaskreech: and you would expect someone who can install a hard drive be able to install an operating system.. yet if they dont know what a partition is theyre going to fail11:25
seeleDaskreech: i disagree, it is a very big jump11:25
marseillai_nixternal: but 14.24 is avalaible so why apt-get still want download the 14.23 too ?11:25
rbrunhuberScott, nixternal: I see.11:26
seelei'm not saying that partitions are bad, but we are finding ubiquity is doing less than an effective job of supporting users who dont have enough information to deal with them11:26
nixternalmarseillai_: dunno, haven't looked much into it, I am just regurgetating what I was told earlier11:26
marseillai_continue to wait11:26
seeleand knowing how a partition works exactly should not be a prerequisite to installing an operating system11:26
ScottKmarseillai_: Is it in that repository for the correct architecture yet?11:26
rbrunhuberThe other question is why want i download this image if it downloaded 2.6.20-15-generic in the same run?11:27
marseillai_ScottK: dunno11:27
=== ScottK guesses not.
rbrunhuber/me kicks out the old -14 kernel and all should be fixed11:27
nott2I try to update, but the keep getting "403", kernel 2.6.20-14 cash the sys11:29
nixternalthis docs package will be building forever11:29
Daskreechseele: I agree it's not being brought across properly but I think that if you can get the concept that your hard drive is a space for you to store things (like having a cabinet) then you can understand putting aside space for a purpose (like having a room to put the cabinet in)11:31
Daskreechseele: We just need to figure out a nice little mascot that explains it. Like Get Perpendicular :)11:33
Daskreechseele: Well ... I guess not knowing what a partition is shouldn't be a requirement. But doesn't ubiquity have a handle this for me button?11:34
Daskreechseele: Oh one question11:39
DaskreechAre you looking at people who don't understand what a hard drive is or people who understand but are confused by partitions?11:40
atypicI don't really see how anyone can fail to "get it" when they see a pizza-slice diagram and a little explanation that says "this is all the room your computer has for programs and files"  - "this is a part we are reserving for this and that, this is another..."11:45
seelei am looking at people who have experience installing and configuring applications on their computer and or (re)installing windows11:46
seeleatypic: you know how it works so its easy for you to understand11:46
seelethe problem is "partition" isnt even in their vocabulary11:46
seeleso even after you explain it, its not clear11:47
seelewhich.. thats ok if they can get it enough to figure out where they want to install something11:47
seelebut the problem is compounded when the tools to interact with the partition do not support users who do not have intimate knowledge of how they work11:47
seelethen you start to see some serious conceptual problems -- as we are seeing in ubiquity11:47
Daskreechseele: Yeah. I was trying to sort out the interface11:48
Daskreechone of the problems  is that Windows users are comfortale with thining of partitions as a nwe drive11:48
Daskreech new11:49
Daskreech I think there is only one place in the Windows Ecosystem that it is shown otherwise11:49
seelewell they dont know of it as a partition11:49
seelethey see it as a drive11:49
seeleand most of the times.. it *is* a new physical drive11:49
Daskreech and even there it's split to show the "true view" and the view they are used to working with11:51
Daskreechseele: Yeah but the point is they don't know the difference11:51
Daskreecha partiton is the same as DVD burner11:52
DaskreechOk seeing your dillema11:52
DaskreechIs canonical averse to question mark buttons11:52
seeleno idea11:53
Riddellfdoving: why kdesu?11:55
DaskreechI could see a pretty detailed (but light) explanation of partitions on a button tied to the word12:00
seelein addition to fixing the interface so the user doesn't have to rely on the knowledge as much? :)12:02
Daskreechseele: I don't know how fast that's going to happen :-D but yes of course in addition to that12:05
nixternalRiddell: should we skip translations that are less than 25% complete like ubuntu-docs does?12:11

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