
rtg_kylem: I have 3 that all load i2c_ec, but nonoe of them oops.12:17
mjg59On the vast majority of machines, i2c_ec will never bind12:17
mjg59So loading it is uninteresting12:17
maks_BenC we can easily write a blacklist dir in /dev/.initramfs12:21
maks_some m-i-t would need to pick that up12:22
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BenCis i2c_ec autoloaded somehow?12:28
rtg_Well, maybe. I'm not sure.12:28
rtg_I think its a result of sms12:28
rtg_sms --> sbs12:30
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mjg59_rtg_: Uh. http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-feisty.git;a=commitdiff;h=82580efcd0224a29a9bef1b4ce53f7a4d4611b09 is really, really not a good idea.01:08
mjg59_Oh, wait, hang on.01:09
mjg59_Sorry, I see what you were doing there.01:09
maks_BenC qemu test complain about not beeing able to write to ${rootmnt}/etc/modprobe.d/initramfs as ro mounted01:11
maks_can post the patch if you want01:12
BenCmaks_: Ah, right, it's mounted ro until after the init scripts run fsck and such01:12
BenCso maybe there should be a dangling symlink for /etc/modprobe.d/initramfs-blacklist -> /some/tmpfs/initramfs-blacklist01:13
BenCinitramfs could create /some/tmpfs/initramfs-blacklist01:13
mjg59_BenC: It looks astonishingly likely that db2f0f088a056c4ccf9054747169802db2f9ae9a is what broke the i2c_ec stuff01:14
mjg59_Any idea what dragged that in?01:14
maks_BenC currently we like to write usplash stuff into /dev/.initramfs so there could be the modprobe.d blacklist there01:15
BenCmjg59_: right, rtg found that out too...that got dragged in either by devres stuff, or to fix some other bug, but I can't recall which now01:15
BenCI should really edit cherry-picks as to why they got picked, especially ones like that01:16
mjg59_Well, just lose that line 01:16
BenCwe are still seeing a bug with HPA patch, even reverted back to original ABI breaking code01:17
BenCreverting it just covered up the ata_dev_same_device() failure01:17
mjg59_BenC: Well, that's not the fix that he committed01:17
pkl_BenC: is there a reason why c25cfc3ad3cb8cac3474febfe66cff8ee0bfba18a was applied reverting the tifm driver from 0.8 to 0.7?01:18
BenCmjg59_: I'll look at that in a second...if it works with the i2c change reverted, I can maybe get it in01:18
BenCI need to get HPA working01:18
mjg59_BenC: I can't guarantee that it works, and I recommend not reverting the entire thing01:18
BenC[   67.208231]  ata1.00: ata_hpa_resize 1: sectors = 234441648, hpa_sectors = -134261665601:18
mjg59_Just change that one line01:19
mjg59_It certainly can't make anything worse01:19
BenCmjg59_: which line?01:19
mjg59_+       smbus->adapter.dev.parent = &device->dev;01:19
mjg59_Delete it01:19
BenCfor i2c_ec?01:19
mjg59_You can't legally do that with the acpi in 2.6.2001:19
BenCmjg59_: back to HPA, there seems to be some 64-bit issue with the lba to sectors code01:20
BenCI can see it on my xeon now01:20
BenCI need to check the values in that function01:20
mjg59_I'm unlikely to have a 64-bit install done in time to help you01:21
BenCmjg59_: be around for general poking if I find anything?01:23
BenCnow that I can reproduce it, I can at least find out where it's coming from, but if I get any ata questions, I'm at a loss for quick answers01:24
BenC        printk("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x: %016llx \n",01:36
BenC               tf->hob_lbah, tf->hob_lbam, tf->hob_lbal,01:36
BenC               tf->lbah, tf->lbam, tf->lbal, sectors);01:36
BenC[   67.124009]  f9 4b af f9 4b af: ffffffffaff94baf 01:37
BenCprints that01:37
BenCthat can't be right01:37
BenCthis is what gets printed for another drive01:37
BenC[   67.112044]  00 00 00 f9 4b af: 0000000000f94baf 01:37
BenCthe f94baf looks awful familiar :/01:37
BenCthe first read is from ata_read_native_max_address_ext()01:46
BenCthe second is from the return value of ata_set_native_max_address_ext()01:46
BenCI think I see the problem with this01:47
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cjwatsonBenC: what's the status? I see scrollback ...02:15
BenCcjwatson: things are working, I just have a slight problem of 64-bit ness it seems02:30
BenCcjwatson: it's a problem I can reproduce so just a matter of figuring out the thinko that is hiding in here somewhere02:31
cjwatsonok, I'm going to doze here,02:32
cjwatsonif you phone my landline it stands some chance of waking me up02:32
BenCcjwatson: Ok, elmo said he'd be around to process an upload, unless you prefer I contact you02:32
cjwatsonuse me as a first resort and elmo as a backup, please02:34
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BenCcjwatson: will do02:44
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jml(sorry, ultra-tappy touchpad)04:07
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defendguinhey how do i mount the mmc device?06:19
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defendguinnow my mmc card wont work in -12 and it used to and my camera doesn't connect as a mass storage device06:35
Mithrandirdefendguin: please try the absolute latest kernel, it should fix it.06:38
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defendguinMithrandir: what is the latest? -14?06:38
defendguinor did they release something else with the mmc fix?06:38
fabbionedefendguin: yes. about 8 hours ago and should be in the archive.ubuntu.com as we speak06:40
fabbioneprobably the mirrors didn't catch it up yet06:40
defendguinahh i see it in update06:40
defendguini hope that fixes the issue with the camera too06:41
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defendguindoesn't look like it is working06:50
defendguinhow can i tell that im in .23?   it just says generic06:51
Mithrandirmake sure uname -a says 2.6.20-14-generic06:51
defendguinLinux houston 2.6.20-14-generic #2 SMP Thu Apr 12 22:53:19 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux06:52
Mithrandirand neither your camera (which I presume is mass-storage) nor your mmc reader works correctly?06:52
defendguinit is most probably mass storage but i can't guarantee that06:55
defendguini wish i had gotten a chance to test this fix out a few days ago06:57
MithrandirI think it's too late to fix this now, we might be able to do it in a post-release update06:58
defendguinMithrandir: i really need to mount this disk07:02
defendguini used to remember my fstab stuff but its been so long since i needed to 07:03
defendguinwhat sucks is that it used to work in -12 but now that doesn't even work07:08
cjwatsonBenC: this isn't sounding good. What's up?07:12
Mithrandirwhat breaks if we just blacklist that i2c-ec driver?07:21
Mithrandirhm, the smart battery module breaks then..07:23
Mithrandirugh, it's 1:30 for Ben, a bit on the late side to call him.07:27
fabbionei don't think he will mind too much if you call him07:45
fabbioneprobably the wife will mind more07:45
MithrandirI've sent him an SMS and will send him an email too, hopefully he'll see either if he's up08:09
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mc44the new kernel seems to be broken for me12:07
mc44should I file a bug?12:07
Mithrandirthere are about five hundred zillion dupes filed already12:08
mc44ok sorry12:08
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Mithrandirthe SD/MMC reader on my x40 seems to work again, at least.01:38
KeybukI've yet to find a use for the SD/MMC reader01:53
Keybuksince every single device I own has a different profile card01:54
MithrandirI wish I had a CF reader instead.  SD is one of the few I actually don't have.01:54
zdzichuBGso I must be lucky. card reader in my z61t is compatibile with my sistet's Minolta camera01:55
Keybukthe 770 takes a little card that's half the size of the cards the N800 takes01:55
MithrandirzdzichuBG: my camera uses CF cards, since it's a tad more expensive than the cheap ones you can get.01:55
Mithrandirat least I don't know of any prosumer DSLRs which use !CF.01:56
Keybuksuccessive sony phones have left me with a small pile of Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick Pro Duo and now Scandisk M2 cards01:56
Keybuknone of which fit in any other device01:56
Mithrandiryes, I have MS Pro Duo as well, for my old camera.01:56
Mithrandirit's easier just to chuck a 250-thousand-different-kinds-of-cards reader in the bag and use that01:57
KeybukI just use bluetooth01:57
Keybukor USB01:57
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JanCMithrandir: 1000-in-1 usb card readers are cheap  :)03:01
Mithrandirthey cost about 2.5 cents, so yes.03:01
=== JanC just bought one
JanCI don't understand why they don't just cram one of these in laptops instead of all those things that need special drivers03:05
JanCwould probably be easier to support for manufacturers too03:06
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:cjwatson] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.24 Uploaded - If you have a BUG, it's too late to get it in for release.
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mjg59_Keybuk: The ones in the N70 (RSMMC) are electrically compatible with MMC and SD03:35
mjg59_There's a little adapter that clips on03:35
Keybukdon't have one of those03:36
KeybukI have a 770 and N80003:36
mjg59_770, rather03:36
Keybukthe ones in the N800 are bigger versions of the ones in the 770, right?03:36
mjg59_The N800 comes with SD, not MMC03:39
mjg59_SD readers can read MMC, but not vice-versa03:39
BenCzul: ping03:44
zulBenC: pong03:44
zulwhats up03:44
BenCzul: are you able to do anything with openvz? I sort of need to give Malc a heads up on what may or may not happen03:44
zulyeah I have x86 kind of working kind of broken on amd6403:45
zulI keep timing out when Im trying to upload it with dput03:45
BenCIMO, just apply the patches and getting it building if you can03:45
BenClet them worry about whether it works or not03:45
BenCzul: could you reply to the email they sent?03:46
BenCzul: great thanks. I know you got a lot of other things going on more important, I'm just trying to follow up and make sure the communication doesn't go stale03:47
zulnot a problem, thanks03:47
zulIll try to upload the kernel to the archive again03:49
zuland get the userland stuff uploaded at lunch03:50
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Keybukmjg59_: all I remember is that I tried to put the 770 card into my laptop04:19
Keybukand couldn't get it out for weeks04:19
mjg59_Yes. You need the clip-on adapter.04:21
kylemwtf, could not resolve us.archive.ubuntu.com04:22
KeybukI don't think I got an adapter04:24
Keybukthe M2 thing in the W880i is damned nifty though04:24
Keybukit's 1GB and smaller than a thumb-nail04:24
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mjg59_Keybuk: The 770 ships with the card in an adapter04:28
mjg59_You have to unclip it before you can put it in the machine04:28
Keybukwonder where I put that then04:28
Keybukprobably threw it away :)04:29
gnomefreakKeybuk: thank you for the n-m fix it worked great :)04:37
EtienneGhey guys ... I'm getting 403 Forbidden when trying to install linux-image-2.6.20-14-generic 04:41
EtienneGbefore I look for someone to bug, am I th eonly one that noticed this ?04:42
stgraberEtienneG: this kernel is buggy, so the access is currently blocked04:42
EtienneGha, ok then04:43
stgraberEtienneG: some people have crash with it another one is being built at the moment04:43
EtienneGthanks for the info, I'll be waiting for the next upload04:43
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zulBenC: ping bu05:06
zuler... openvz-kernel-2.6.20_2.6.20-1_source.changes is NEW 05:06
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BenCmjg59, kylem: We need to figure out the correct fix for this05:51
BenCI'm leaning toward just not doing hpa if the driver is sata_nv...if it's even possible to do that check05:51
mjg59Not trivially.05:52
mjg59What other code paths are there that execute ata_exec_internal?05:52
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mjg59Ah, hang on. Alan at one point suggested doing the resizing after the drive/controller timing had been set up.05:53
mjg59Can you move the call to...05:53
mjg59(Let me find this)05:53
BenClet me check...05:53
BenCwe should do this for ATAPI, right?05:54
mjg59Ok, after the call to ata_set_mode() in ata_eh_recover()05:54
mjg59No, ATAPI isn't a problem05:54
mjg59Or, rather, I don't think ATAPI devices can implement HPAs05:55
kylemdoing HPA on ATAPI devices is illegal.05:55
BenCthey should report no hpa support though right?05:55
kylemit won't claim ata_id_hpa_enabled05:55
kylem- Mandatory when the Host Protected Area feature set and the 48-bit Address feature set are05:55
kylem  implemented.05:55
kylem- Use prohibited when the Removable Media feature set is implemented.05:55
kylem- Use prohibited when PACKET Command feature set is implemented.05:55
mjg59kylem: Can you give that a go?05:55
BenClet me try mjg59's suggestion05:56
mjg59There's two codepaths where ata_set_mode() gets called, depending on whether the eh code is in use or not05:56
mjg59It may need adding to both05:56
mjg59Actually, yeah, it needs adding to both (if it works)05:57
mjg59But I guess we'll find out05:57
kylemmjg59, i've moved it somewhere myself trying.05:57
BenCmjg59: maybe put it in ata_set_mode?05:57
mjg59BenC: Could do, but no real need05:57
mjg59It's trivial to add to both05:58
kylemmjg59, didn't fail that time.06:00
kylemah. didn't fail because it didn't execute, fun.06:01
kylemohhhh. hmm. maybe because hpa_id_enabled wasn't true there.06:02
mjg59kylem: Where did you add it?06:02
kylemmjg59, after ata_set_mode in bus_probe.06:02
mjg59kylem: That won't be executed if there's an error handler06:03
mjg59Put it in ata_eh_recover()06:03
BenCI've put it in both places, rebooting06:03
kylemi still think we should add an avoid_all_hpa_code flag.06:05
mjg59Does it execute?06:05
BenCbut I want to put a printk back in there to make sure it is getting called06:05
BenCkylem: I changed the ignore_hpa=0 to actually do that06:05
kylemat least that way, we don't brownpaperbag the pressed cds completley and utterly.06:05
mjg59I can sort of understand sata_nv getting upset if you're executing ata commands before actually making sure the disk and controller timings agree06:06
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BenCit's not getting called06:09
BenClet me post my diff06:09
BenCI'm thinking about moving the checks for (ata_ignore_hpa && ata_id_hpa_enabled(dev->id) to the top of ata_hpa_resize to clean things up a bit06:12
mjg59Would also work06:13
mjg59BenC: It's not obvious why it's not getting called. You rebuilt the initramfs as well, right?06:13
kylemi have an idea.06:13
kylemwe buy everyone scsi disks.06:13
kylemand pretend ATA doesn't exist. :)06:13
kylemi think ata_dev_revalidate is the right place to put it.06:19
kylemsince it's called from both the _eh and bus_probe paths.06:19
mjg59After set_mode?06:20
cjwatsonBenC: (is that another ABI bump, BTW?)06:21
BenCok, it's getting called now06:21
BenCcjwatson: No06:21
cjwatsonok, just checkin'06:21
cjwatsonI'm not going to say no if that's what it takes06:21
mjg59BenC: Getting called and breaking?06:22
BenCmjg59: I need to check that it is actually going down the code path06:22
BenCbut the function got called06:23
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nottssorry to jump in, but there a major bug with the new updated kernel this morning06:25
nottsgot error message: error loading os"06:26
mjg59notts: Yes, it's broken for various people06:26
mjg59It's being worked on06:26
kylemhey hey.06:28
kylemgarzik to the rescue.06:28
nottsmajor thanks, any word on when06:28
mjg59When it works06:30
kylemI WIN06:32
rpereirahi everybody.06:32
BenCmjg59: neither of my drives says they support hpa when ata_resize_hpa() is called06:33
kylemBenC, boot with sata_nv.adma=006:33
BenCkylem: with old patch?06:33
kylemata4.00: ata_hpa_resize 1: sectors = 390721968, hpa_sectors = 39072196806:33
mjg59BenC: Hm. Odd.06:33
kylemBenC, yeah06:33
kylemwant my defconfig'd kernel instead of rebuilding?06:34
mjg59kylem: Figures.06:34
kylemfuck nvidia.06:34
kylemright in the skull.06:34
BenCit doesn't take me long to rebuild libata.ko06:34
BenCkylem: so should we disable adma by default?06:34
kylemi think so.06:34
mjg59Fine. Dropping adma just costs us ncq06:34
mjg59But it's clearly broken in some respect06:34
BenCkylem: can you do a patch for that, and I'll include a patch so that ignore_hpa steers clear of all hpa code?06:35
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BenCemail it to me and I'll test it and prepare a -15.2506:36
kylem1sec, trying to figure out if we can shortcircuit adma mode so we can leave it on.06:36
BenCkylem: just default the module param to 0 :)06:36
BenCif people want it they can enable it manually06:36
kylemNCQ is fairly hit or miss too.06:36
BenCdo you think making module parm adma=0 by default is enough?06:37
BenCif that's all that's needed I can do that locally06:37
kylemit's static int adma_enabled06:38
BenCok, I'll rebuild a kernel and see if danielk is still around to test06:38
cjwatsonany idea when sata_nv.adma was turned on?06:38
kylemcjwatson, recently.06:38
kylemcommit 382a6652e91b34d5480cfc0ed840c196650493d406:39
kylemAuthor: Robert Hancock <hancockr@shaw.ca>06:39
kylemDate:   Mon Feb 5 16:26:02 2007 -080006:39
kylem    sata_nv: use ADMA for NODATA commands06:39
kylemturning it off wholesale is fine for now. i'll look into a real fix when we have some idle cycles.06:39
cjwatsonhmm, git-blame says 2006-10-2706:39
cjwatsonoh, it's only one bit of adma?06:39
kylembasically instead of transitioning from adma mode to normal mode, they decided to submit NODATA with ADMA.06:40
cjwatsongit log drivers/ata/sata_nv.c doesn't show the commit above?06:41
cjwatson(just trying to find it)06:41
kylemprobably came in one of our imports06:41
BenCit was a chunk patch to sync with libata06:41
cjwatson$ git diff-tree -p 382a6652e91b34d5480cfc0ed840c196650493d406:41
cjwatsonfatal: bad object 382a6652e91b34d5480cfc0ed840c196650493d406:41
BenCcjwatson: git-diff-tree -p --pretty SHA06:41
kylemcjwatson, git show06:41
BenCcjwatson: ah, you don't have upstream in there06:41
BenCshould we just revert that one patch?06:42
cjwatsonah, I have a different tree for that06:42
kylemBenC, testing.06:42
BenCif we can leave adma on for default transactions we can avoid the "my driver performance sucks" crew06:42
kylemreverts cleanly, testing now.06:42
cjwatsonit does say it fixed some timeouts ...06:43
cjwatsonoh, no, maybe not06:43
kylemyeah, the language is murky.06:43
BenCcjwatson: it fixes some previously fixed ones in a different way06:44
BenCfrom the sound of it06:44
mjg59Well, worst case is that we revert back to edgy levels of support for that hardware06:44
cjwatsoncan we bonnie++ the resulting system or something? :)06:44
mjg59BenC: The i2c_ec patch went in, right?06:44
kylemNCQ isn't always a win.06:45
BenCkylem: so reverting that patch with current code works?06:45
cjwatsonbit concerned that just booting might be a weak test there06:45
BenCmjg59: yes06:45
mjg59Excellent, thanks06:45
cjwatson(I don't care about performance, more that it doesn't fall over under load)06:45
kylemBenC, yes in my testing tree (which is .21-rc6) building ubuntu images now06:45
cjwatsonmjg59: anything else you know about?06:45
cjwatsonof the release-critical ohmygod kind06:45
mjg59Nothing from me06:45
cjwatsonI thought it might be worth an explicit check :)06:46
mjg59Yeah, I forgot about that one because it got downgraded to medium for some reason06:46
mjg59Basic problem was just that something we'd ended up pulling in expected the ACPI device semantics from 2.6.2106:47
cjwatsonit was critical when I first saw it06:47
mjg59I bumped it back up yesterday06:47
cjwatsonkylem: can you arrange for as many people on the team as possible who use sata_nv to try this out?06:47
kylemcjwatson, just ping them in #c?06:48
kylemor check the hw db?06:48
cjwatson#c, #distro, distro-team@06:50
BenCI'll have kernels built with this in about 30 minutes06:51
BenCi386 and amd6406:51
kylemBenC, this should be a suitably large hammer for now. I'm going to try and snoop the taskfile and unset ADMA for these commands and submit the patch upstream when i get a bit of free time.06:55
BenCkylem: ok06:55
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BenCkylem, mjg59: thanks for the time...maybe we get a suitable kernel for release06:56
BenCat least -15.24 is almost done building to free up the buildd's06:57
BenCbuilds started06:58
cjwatsonlet me know when it's ready (by whatever means necessary) and I'll contact Tollef if he isn't around06:59
cjwatsonso we can make sure it builds on palmer again06:59
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BenCis palmer the faster machine?07:08
kylemBenC, patch hitting your mailbox.07:10
kylemalternate fix, reverting that commit is fine too though.07:10
BenCI've already got the revert in here and building/preparing :)07:11
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kylemi fired the fix upstream since it was so simple to filter.07:12
BenCkylem: your fix will filter into gutsy, so for feisty we'll stick with edgy type performance07:12
=== kylem nods.
kylemBenC, worst case scenario is we fix it right in -updates, with this, everyone should be able to at least boot.07:14
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cjwatsonsounds like the right decision07:16
kylemwith ben's ignore_hpa patch, if this crops up in another controller we aren't able to test on, we should can at least tell them to disable it to get it installed.07:17
kylembut from a cursory glance, i don't think it will be.07:17
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lfittlkvm, seems broken (kvm-api-9 dependency can't be fulfilled), any time when this will be fixed?07:31
cjwatsonsomebody oughta fix that, I agree; is it just a rebuild?07:33
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cjwatson* refs/heads/Ubuntu-2.6.20-12.20: fast forward to branch 'Ubuntu-2.6.20-12.20' of git+ssh://rookery/srv/kernel-team/private/ubuntu-feisty old..new: 3ffd70d..3ffd70d07:39
cjwatsonerror: Ref refs/heads/Ubuntu-2.6.20-12.20 is at 3ffd70ddba9d846eefd2d201404ad4c8a99d2899 but expected d02602542ef5ceb2af1765a179a9af6224136afe07:39
cjwatsondoes anyone know what I'm supposed to do about that?07:39
rtg_cjwatson: I just edited .git/refs/heads/Ubuntu-2.6.20-12.20 and made it d02602542ef5ceb2af1765a179a9af6224136afe. It was happy after that.07:47
cjwatsonhuh :-)07:48
cjwatsonnope, two git pulls later and it's unhappy again07:49
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rtg_cjwatson: Yeah, it does it to me too. Serious git training is something I'm going to extract from Ben and Kyle at UDS so I can understand some of these bizarre problems.07:54
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kylemwe could do a git bootcamp at uds if you wish? i could make slides07:55
rtg_Man, I would hug you for that, but it might wig you out :)07:55
cjwatsonbootcamp> I'd like that, if I have any time07:56
kylemi suspect a few other people in the company would like it too07:56
kylemi'd like someone to give me a bzr boot-to-the-head heh07:56
kylemcjwatson, are any of our bzr team coming?07:56
cjwatsonnot sure, but plenty of distro are very capable with bz07:57
=== kylem wants to bug them about the backend too, hehe
zulbug or annoy?08:14
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PhinnFortwhere can I find a list/download the patches that are applied against the ubuntu kernel?08:56
PhinnForti'm especially interested in the usplash patch08:57
=== PhinnFort notices that the special thing about usplash is that it is completely userspace
cjwatsonthat's one of the things the "u" stands for, yes :-)09:15
PhinnFortthat means I won't have to worry about ck stepping on other patches' toes09:19
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nott2have they up loaded the new fix for kernel 2.6.20-14 ?10:10
cjwatson21:10 <cjwatson> -15.24 is in the archive and built everywhere10:25
cjwatson21:11 <cjwatson> except possibly ia64, and if not that's on its way10:25
cjwatson21:11 <cjwatson> -15.24 should work for everyone except people using sata_nv10:25
cjwatson21:11 <cjwatson> for sata_nv, -15.25 has been uploaded10:25
cjwatson21:11 <cjwatson> but it has not yet built10:25
cjwatson21:11 <cjwatson> (in progress, hamsters running as fast as they can)10:25
cjwatson21:12 <cjwatson> so sata_nv users should stay on -13 until -15.25 is available, and everyone else should use -15.2410:25
cjwatson21:12 <cjwatson> and REPORT REGRESSIONS ASAP10:25
cjwatsonnott2: ^--10:25
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nott2cjwatson: so the new kernel is uploaded ?11:12
nott2got a error "403" from the website when trying to update about hour ago....11:13
nott2just try to get a update, nothing YET....11:17
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