nixternal | I am going to do it, that will save space, and it seems that every doc that is less than 25% translated only has 1 to 5 lines of translated text | 12:19 |
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Daskreech | Well I'm off | 12:29 |
Daskreech | Good day guys | 12:30 |
nixternal | OK, maybe I won't | 12:40 |
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nixternal | does the 2.6.20-15 kernel work fine? | 01:02 |
kwwii | thinkpads rock - since buying one I am totally happy | 01:08 |
kwwii | sorry, wrong channel, time for bed | 01:08 |
nixternal | hehe | 01:09 |
firephoto | nixternal: I rebooted to 15-24 when X wouldn't restart for me. seems ok, but they're doing a 15-25 now it looks like. | 01:09 |
nixternal | ya, that is what that lazy guy crimsun told me, he actually made me join a channel just to read a topic | 01:10 |
crimsun | deity forbid we use those third-grade skills. | 01:10 |
nixternal | lol | 01:11 |
nixternal | mmmm food time | 01:11 |
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nixternal | 1hr 15min building Kubuntu docs translated package, and it is about 10% complete | 02:54 |
nixternal | crazy | 02:54 |
nixternal | err, 2 hours | 02:54 |
ryanakca | ouch | 02:54 |
ryanakca | soo... in about 18 hours... 2PM tomorrow, it'll be done building :) | 02:55 |
nixternal | well hopefully in a few hours, because I shut my laptop off when I go to bed | 02:58 |
nixternal | what command can i use to find out when a file was created? | 02:59 |
jsgotangco | shutting laptops off? *gasp* | 03:02 |
nixternal | heh | 03:02 |
ryanakca | ls -lash filename | 03:03 |
ryanakca | oops, ls -lsh filename | 03:03 |
ryanakca | but, the a won't hurt :) | 03:03 |
jsgotangco | yeah lashing a filename might be fun even | 03:04 |
nixternal | nah, it doesn't tell me when it was created initially | 03:04 |
ryanakca | oh, initially... dunno | 03:05 |
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nixternal | kubuntu-docs has been building for 3 hours and it might be 50% complete if I am lucky | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | yay :) | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | well you've had a couple of extra days with the kernel buggery | 07:56 |
nixternal | we need to seriously rethink our doc setup, this building to HTML for all of the translations as well is mad | 07:56 |
Hobbsee | and the fact that you're hte main translation man, so if you dont get your stuff ready, ti doesnt go in | 07:57 |
nixternal | it would go quicker, but it seems the xslt configs don't have 1/2 of our translation codes | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | urgh | 07:57 |
nixternal | how did I get tasked with "main translation man"? | 07:58 |
nixternal | just for more translations..I don't want to see anymore | 07:58 |
nixternal | I don't want to see a .po, .mo, or .pot | 07:58 |
Hobbsee | well, you apepar to be the one who's doing most of them for kubuntu | 07:58 |
Hobbsee | sorry, docman | 07:58 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:58 |
nixternal | At least Gutsy doc work won't be so hectic | 07:59 |
nixternal | but KDE 4 and KOffice 2 work is getting ready to get hectic, so that should be fun | 07:59 |
nixternal | speaking of which, I am building on my brand new shiny etch build | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | :) | 07:59 |
nixternal | shh, but debian gnome is prettier than ubuntu gnome | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | wouldnt surprise me | 08:00 |
nixternal | I think we have the best lookin' KDE ootb though | 08:01 |
nixternal | Fedora has been taughting this super duper KDE implementation with Fedora 7, and I was appalled to see that Fedora 7 KDE looks like Red Hat 2 KDE, nothing has changed, and I hate the Red Hat icons | 08:02 |
nixternal | they make me want to jump out of tall building | 08:02 |
crimsun | Vista, OTOH... | 08:02 |
Hobbsee | heh | 08:02 |
nixternal | ya crimsun you would definitely know vista | 08:02 |
nixternal | I will admit to have 20GB XP install though, which I only use to play Battlefield 2 on | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | mmm...pointy clicky... | 08:03 |
nixternal | lol | 08:03 |
crimsun | I keep windows around for bios updates | 08:03 |
nixternal | otherwise I am running an all Kubuntu shop | 08:03 |
Hobbsee | no point having vista for games - hte games appear to have very low framerates, from what i've heard | 08:03 |
nixternal | I don't mess with bios updates unless it is a matter of life and death | 08:04 |
crimsun | I have an HP laptop. bios updates are the norm. | 08:05 |
nixternal | well I do have a Debian Etch install now, Slackware, and one FreeBSd box | 08:05 |
nixternal | all of those are on the same machine though | 08:05 |
crimsun | I wowed our interim chancellor today with Kubuntu Feisty 20070412 desktop | 08:08 |
nixternal | woohoo | 08:10 |
nixternal | good deal | 08:10 |
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nixternal | it is cool man to see how much Kubuntu has matured since Hoary | 08:11 |
Hobbsee | indeed! | 08:13 |
nixternal | you know, while we have matured, I think others I used prior have gotten worse | 08:14 |
nixternal | Mepis, aweful now | 08:14 |
nixternal | PCLinuxOS, windows 95 called and said they want their theme back, oh and all of the proprietary formats | 08:14 |
nixternal | these docs aren't even 50% complete | 08:18 |
nixternal | they are about to get canceled until tomorrow | 08:18 |
Hobbsee | lol | 08:19 |
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nixternal | without translations, kubuntu-docs builds in just a coupld of minutes | 08:20 |
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fdoving | Riddell: because it handles the X acl too. | 08:41 |
Hobbsee | hi fdoving :) | 08:43 |
fdoving | hi hobbsee. | 08:43 |
Hobbsee | yay, you got your patch in :) | 08:43 |
fdoving | yeah, i'm not 100% happy with it though. | 08:44 |
fdoving | i made a 4-line shellscript that does the job better. :) | 08:44 |
fdoving | .. it appears instantly. | 08:44 |
fdoving | but it's still better than nothing imho. | 08:44 |
Hobbsee | :) | 08:45 |
Hobbsee | true | 08:45 |
fdoving | and in the process i've figured out that the error-message people see sometimes is a d-bus timeout. | 08:46 |
fdoving | haven't been able to make that timeout longer, appears to be 60s.. but that can't be true if it appears during a sync. i've never experienced a 60-second removable-device umount-sync. | 08:47 |
Hobbsee | must be copying something very long for it to take over 60 seconds... | 08:48 |
fdoving | yes. | 08:48 |
nixternal | CMake Error: ERROR: Could not find KDE kde4-config | 09:12 |
nixternal | ^^ I get that when I go to cmakekde kdepimlibs | 09:13 |
nixternal | any ideas? | 09:13 |
fdoving | is kdelibs finished? | 09:16 |
fdoving | do you have the kde-devel user-setup? | 09:16 |
nixternal | yup | 09:17 |
nixternal | to both | 09:17 |
fdoving | does ~/kde/bin/kde4-config exist? | 09:17 |
nixternal | nope | 09:18 |
fdoving | then something failed during kdelibs install. | 09:19 |
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fdoving | does it exist in ~/build/KDE/kdelibs/bin/ ? | 09:20 |
nixternal | no bin/ dir | 09:20 |
fdoving | ouch, did it compile at all? | 09:20 |
nixternal | cmakekde went through and said complete | 09:20 |
fdoving | run it again. | 09:21 |
nixternal | CMake Error: KDE Requires Qt to be built with SSL support | 09:22 |
nixternal | that is a new one now | 09:22 |
fdoving | did you compile qt? | 09:22 |
nixternal | yup | 09:22 |
fdoving | did you install libssl-dev first? | 09:22 |
nixternal | says it is installed | 09:23 |
fdoving | not sure how to figure out if that is true. | 09:24 |
fdoving | hang on. | 09:24 |
fdoving | .. if qt is buildt with ssl support.. that is. | 09:25 |
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jsgotangco | glatzor: you are lost! | 09:30 |
glatzor | jsgotangco: well, I thought the same about you yesterday ;) | 09:31 |
jsgotangco | hahaha | 09:31 |
glatzor | jsgotangco: are going to do a trans-China-flight again? | 09:33 |
jsgotangco | nah...i am skipping spain this time | 09:33 |
jsgotangco | but i will plan for boston | 09:33 |
fdoving | nixternal: in qt-copy/config.tests/unix/openssl/ you can try to run 'make clean;make' | 09:34 |
nixternal | k | 09:34 |
fdoving | does it compile? | 09:38 |
nixternal | it is compiling away | 09:38 |
fdoving | inside qt-copy/config.tests/unix/openssl/ ? | 09:39 |
fdoving | that should be finished in a breeze. | 09:39 |
fdoving | it's the ./configure -openssl test. | 09:39 |
nixternal | ya it went through and spit out a ton of openssl stuff | 09:40 |
fdoving | so it failed. | 09:41 |
nixternal | I didn't see anything saying that it failed | 09:41 |
fdoving | it shouldn't spit out a ton of openssl-stuff. | 09:41 |
fdoving | kde-devel@dark:~/qt-copy/config.tests/unix/openssl$ make | 09:41 |
fdoving | g++ -c -pipe -O2 -Wall -W -I../../../mkspecs/linux-g++ -I. -I/usr/include -I. -I/usr/include -I. -o openssl.o openssl.cpp | 09:41 |
fdoving | g++ -o openssl openssl.o | 09:42 |
fdoving | that should be it. | 09:42 |
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ScottK | atypic: I saw your comment on Bug #105714. | 09:54 |
ubotu | Malone bug 105714 in klamav "KlamAV crashes if software auto-update service is enabled" [Low,Confirmed] | 09:54 |
ScottK | I don't have a strong opinion myself, but would lean towards removing the option entirely (but don't forget to update the documentation too). | 09:54 |
ScottK | atypic: I think the other crash bug is more important. | 09:55 |
=== ScottK can't fix either one... | ||
fdoving | isn't it just to disable/gray out the options? | 10:01 |
fdoving | atleast 105714 | 10:01 |
nixternal | fdoving: sorry, same issue | 10:02 |
ScottK | That's one option. I think it'd be better to remove it entirely. | 10:02 |
fdoving | i think not. | 10:02 |
fdoving | nixternal: ok. then i have no clue. | 10:02 |
ScottK | It's argueable. | 10:02 |
ScottK | Grey out the box and you get bugs "Box greyed out". | 10:03 |
fdoving | remove it and you get "missing option" | 10:03 |
fdoving | do nothing and you get "crash on.. " | 10:03 |
fdoving | our clamav is already out of date. it says. | 10:05 |
atypic | I'd go for removal. But anyway: Are you guys able to reproduce the other bugs? | 10:05 |
ScottK | atypic: I have not been able to reproduce it. | 10:07 |
ScottK | But they have all come since the update to the new version, so something's up. | 10:08 |
fdoving | how does debian handle this? | 10:17 |
fdoving | they do not ship 0.41 | 10:18 |
ScottK | fdoving: It's in experimental in Debian. That's where we got it from. | 10:20 |
ScottK | It's the same as here. | 10:20 |
fdoving | | 10:21 |
fdoving | it says 0.40-1 | 10:21 |
ScottK | Hmmm | 10:21 |
fdoving | | 10:22 |
fdoving | the mirrors do not have 0.41 either. | 10:22 |
ScottK | Sure enough. Our changelog says Hobbsee got it straight from the upstream source. | 10:25 |
Hobbsee | hm? | 10:25 |
ScottK | klamav | 10:25 |
Hobbsee | did i merge that, or package it? | 10:25 |
fdoving | Hobbsee: you broke klamav :) | 10:25 |
Hobbsee | fdoving: it was already broken. | 10:25 |
fdoving | ok :) | 10:25 |
ScottK | It's less broken now. | 10:25 |
ScottK | BTW, klamav won't work in Debian Testing/Unstable since they have the new (0.90 series) clamav and the old 0.3 series klamav. | 10:26 |
=== Hobbsee wonders her other shoe is... | ||
ScottK | Hobbsee: atypic is going to fix klamav. | 10:26 |
ScottK | So fdoving and I are arguing while atypic fixes. | 10:27 |
fdoving | i'm trying to find a fix for the crash. | 10:28 |
ScottK | OK. Then I'm here talking while fdoving and atypic are fixing. | 10:29 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: great | 10:29 |
=== ScottK does wonder why we've never taken klamav from Debian. We always get it direct. | ||
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=== Hobbsee notes that strappless dresses are annoying! | ||
=== ScottK wouldn't know. | ||
Hobbsee | heh | 10:34 |
ajmitch | hehe | 10:34 |
ajmitch | dressing up for something? | 10:34 |
Hobbsee | ajmitch: em's 21st | 10:34 |
Hobbsee | (best friend) | 10:35 |
ajmitch | ah yes | 10:35 |
ajmitch | fun | 10:35 |
Hobbsee | yep :) | 10:35 |
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crimsun | incriminating photos to be stashed far away from computer. | 10:37 |
=== ajmitch should remember to take camera to UDS | ||
Hobbsee | crimsun: heh :P | 10:38 |
=== Hobbsee notes to demolish ajmitch's photos | ||
ajmitch | one reason why having instant upload to flickr & the like is useful | 10:46 |
Tm_T | launchpad down | 11:11 |
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ScottK | Cool. | 11:12 |
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atypic | argh | 11:26 |
atypic | clean box, fresh install of feisty, no crash. ah well.. | 11:33 |
atypic | fdoving: got anything at all? | 11:34 |
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ScottK | If you are testing on fresh installs, there is a tough postinst problem in clamav-base that only happens the first time you install. Please keep an eye out for it. LP is down or I'd give you the bug | 11:37 |
fdoving | atypic: building with a few fixes from opensuse. | 11:38 |
fdoving | i'll upload the package when it's ready. | 11:38 |
fdoving | i did not disabel the update actions. though. | 11:38 |
fdoving | don't want to step on your toes, atypic :) | 11:39 |
atypic | not a problem, my toes ain't big enough to be stepped on. lemme know what patches you threw in afterwards... | 11:44 |
fdoving | are you familiar with building debian packages? | 11:46 |
fdoving | atypic: if not, i think might give you some clues. | 11:47 |
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mhb | morning | 11:50 |
fdoving | morning mhb. | 11:50 |
ScottK | fdoving/aytpic - When you test your new klamav, please use the version of clamav (0.90.2) that we are about to upload if you can. For i386 you can get .debs here: | 11:56 |
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fdoving | ScottK, atypic: | 12:24 |
fdoving | atypic: if you want to see the changes, fetch the .dsc, orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz put them in a separate directory and run 'dpkg-source -x *.dsc' | 12:25 |
fdoving | atypic: that will unpack and make a klamav-version/ directory | 12:26 |
fdoving | atypic: in klamav-version/debian/changelog you can see the changes, it says i added a patch, the patch can be found in klamav-version/debian/patches | 12:26 |
ScottK | fdoving: Works here with the new clamav. | 12:30 |
ScottK | Finds the virus test files and everything. | 12:30 |
fdoving | no crashes? | 12:30 |
ScottK | Not yet, but it didn't crash for me before either. | 12:30 |
ScottK | You know the process for getting the fix uploaded, right? | 12:31 |
ScottK | Once you and atypic are done testing? | 12:31 |
ScottK | fdoving: ^^^? | 12:31 |
fdoving | yes, i won't be able to do much testing. busy with other things. please take the fix and get it uploaded if it works for you. | 12:42 |
ScottK | OK. WIll do. | 12:43 |
ScottK | Thanks for working on it. | 12:44 |
ScottK | atypic: Do you have anything to add to the update? | 12:44 |
fdoving | I did not add bugs it might close to the changelog. | 12:45 |
ScottK | OK. I'll look at that. | 12:45 |
ScottK | Do you have suggestions about which? | 12:45 |
fdoving | not really, you can post links to the .deb in the bug reports and have the users with the problems test it. | 12:51 |
ScottK | Will do. I'm going to do some consolidation and will add that. | 12:52 |
ScottK | fdoving: Submitted. | 01:01 |
ScottK | Bug #106357 | 01:01 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106357 in clamav "UVFe for clamav 0.90.2" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 01:01 |
ScottK | Whoops | 01:01 |
ScottK | Bug #96090 | 01:01 |
ubotu | Malone bug 96090 in klamav "[apport] klamav crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] | 01:01 |
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goldenear | I just upgraded to feisty but my audio (intel HDA doesn't work anymore... | 01:59 |
goldenear | many bugs about it seems to have been reported and fixed | 01:59 |
goldenear | but I still don't have audio | 01:59 |
Tm_T | #ubuntu+1 for that | 01:59 |
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goldenear | Tm_T: yes you're right, it's a general ubuntu problem, not just kubuntu :) | 02:00 |
Tm_T | and also user support, not real devel stuff ;) | 02:00 |
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lykkebo | ls | 05:09 |
lykkebo | aaa | 05:09 |
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marseillai | Riddell: i'm currently trying to patch kopete with this patch and i'm trying to do something clean to learn packaging! i have some questions so if you could help me a little ?? | 05:28 |
fdoving | we might be able to help you too.. if riddell isn't around. | 05:31 |
marseillai | fdoving: right | 05:31 |
marseillai | :) | 05:31 |
marseillai | so i've apt-get source kopete | 05:31 |
marseillai | and now i've all kdenetwork ... | 05:31 |
fdoving | yes. | 05:32 |
marseillai | i'll try to patch kopete | 05:32 |
fdoving | ok hang on a little. | 05:32 |
fdoving | i'll apt-get source kdenetwork to walk you though this the way i mean is correct and clean :) | 05:32 |
marseillai | oki | 05:32 |
marseillai | fdoving: i'm using this tuto to help me : | 05:33 |
fdoving | ok. | 05:34 |
fdoving | you''ve apt-get sourced kopete. | 05:34 |
fdoving | now you want to make your changes a patch to kdenetwork in the package part of the source. | 05:35 |
fdoving | that means your changes should be done under debian/ | 05:35 |
marseillai | fdoving: i thought i had to make the change then do a debdiff ??? i'm wrong ? | 05:35 |
fdoving | no, that is correct. | 05:36 |
marseillai | ok | 05:36 |
marseillai | so | 05:36 |
fdoving | but that part comes later. | 05:36 |
fdoving | the package part of the source is what's inside the .diff.gz | 05:36 |
marseillai | for the moment i've done a temp directory in kdenetwork directory! | 05:36 |
fdoving | yes. | 05:36 |
fdoving | you have a .dsc file, a diff.gz and a orig.tar.gz right? | 05:36 |
marseillai | then i've copy kopete directory in it in kopete/ and kopete.orig/ | 05:37 |
marseillai | yes for kdenetwork | 05:37 |
fdoving | .diff.gz is the package part of the source, orig.tar.gz is the upstream kdenetwork tar.gz | 05:37 |
fdoving | the debian directory is inside the package part, so, it's all in diff.gz | 05:37 |
fdoving | and that what we consider clean. | 05:38 |
marseillai | slowly i try to understand you by reading at list twice what you write .... | 05:38 |
marseillai | oki | 05:38 |
marseillai | understood | 05:38 |
fdoving | good. | 05:38 |
fdoving | sorry the delay. | 05:41 |
marseillai | fdoving: so now i apply my patch to kopete/ directory, then i will diff -Nru <package>-<version>.orig <package>-<version> > patch-file am i right ? | 05:41 |
fdoving | ok, you don't need to copy the kopete directory anywhere. | 05:41 |
fdoving | marseillai: yes, that's correct, but you have tools that does most of the job for you. | 05:41 |
fdoving | marseillai: do you have cdbs installed? | 05:41 |
marseillai | yes | 05:41 |
fdoving | ok, now cd into kdenetwork-3.5.6/ | 05:42 |
marseillai | yes | 05:42 |
fdoving | check what patches are already included 'ls debian/patches' | 05:42 |
fdoving | now you see that the latest kubuntu patch is kubuntu_07_fileshare.diff | 05:42 |
marseillai | so in debian/ | 05:43 |
marseillai | ? | 05:43 |
fdoving | hang on. | 05:43 |
fdoving | so, your patch should be named kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff or something like that, right? | 05:43 |
fdoving | now, we have a tool named cdbs-edit-patch | 05:43 |
marseillai | fdoving: wait wait | 05:44 |
marseillai | my patch is a .patch | 05:44 |
marseillai | only | 05:44 |
marseillai | it's this file : | 05:44 |
fdoving | yes, that's cool, what we're about to do, is to apply the patch, in a temp environment, and make our nifty tool cdbs-edit-patch make the debian/patches/kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff patch for us. | 05:44 |
marseillai | oki | 05:45 |
fdoving | so, while still in the kdenetwork-3.5.6/ directory run: cdbs-edit-patch kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff | 05:45 |
fdoving | what happens is that cdbs-edit-patch makes a clean copy of the kdenetwork source package somewhere in /tmp/ | 05:46 |
fdoving | and executes a shell there for you to work inside. | 05:46 |
marseillai | ah oki | 05:46 |
fdoving | all changes you make will be added to kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff when you exit the shell with a 0 exit code. | 05:47 |
marseillai | it do what i was doing by hand in fact ... | 05:47 |
fdoving | yes, now inside the subshell apply your patch. | 05:47 |
marseillai | oki | 05:48 |
marseillai | i try but that's something i've never done | 05:48 |
fdoving | when you're done 'exit' | 05:48 |
marseillai | oki | 05:48 |
fdoving | apply the patch? | 05:48 |
fdoving | did you apply the patch? | 05:48 |
marseillai | not yet | 05:48 |
fdoving | ok. | 05:48 |
fdoving | don't exit yet then. | 05:48 |
fdoving | i'll fetch the patch too. | 05:48 |
marseillai | trying currenty but that's new for me | 05:48 |
fdoving | patch -p1 < /tmp/kopete-emoticons-manager.patch | 05:49 |
fdoving | did it for me. | 05:49 |
fdoving | i saved the patch to /tmp/ first, | 05:49 |
fdoving | then i applied it from inside the subshell. | 05:50 |
marseillai | in kopete directroy isn't it ? | 05:50 |
fdoving | no, i did it from the toplevel kdenetwork-3.5.6 directory | 05:50 |
fdoving | if you open the patch in an editor you can see where the patch will look for the files. | 05:51 |
fdoving | *** kdenetwork-3.5.6/kopete/kopete/chatwindow/chatmessagepart.cpp 2007-01-15 12:23:52.000000000 +0100 | 05:51 |
marseillai |$ patch -p1 < /home/cyril/kopete.patch | 05:51 |
marseillai | can't find file to patch at input line 5 | 05:51 |
marseillai | and then it ask me File to patch: | 05:51 |
fdoving | hmm.. are you on feisty? | 05:52 |
marseillai | yes | 05:52 |
fdoving | ok. wget the patch again, inside the subshell. | 05:53 |
marseillai | oki | 05:53 |
fdoving | then try again with that patch. | 05:54 |
marseillai | patch -p1 < /tmp/kopete-emoticons-manager.patch | 05:54 |
marseillai | bash: /tmp/kopete-emoticons-manager.patch: Aucun fichier ou rpertoire de ce typ | 05:54 |
marseillai | arf | 05:54 |
marseillai | sorry mystake | 05:54 |
fdoving | wrong path? | 05:54 |
fdoving | :) | 05:54 |
marseillai | fdoving: what is your path ? | 05:54 |
marseillai | cyril@ubuntu1:/tmp/cdbs-new-patch.NW3990/$ | 05:54 |
marseillai | or /temp | 05:54 |
fdoving | yeah, where did you wget to? | 05:55 |
fdoving | cyril@ubuntu1:/tmp/cdbs-new-patch.NW3990/$ wget .... | 05:55 |
fdoving | you should use: | 05:55 |
marseillai | yes | 05:55 |
marseillai | done! :D | 05:55 |
fdoving | cyril@ubuntu1:/tmp/cdbs-new-patch.NW3990/$ patch -p1 < kopete-emoticons-manager.patch | 05:55 |
marseillai | patch -p1 < /tmp/cdbs-new-patch.NW3990/ | 05:55 |
fdoving | or that.. yes :) | 05:56 |
marseillai | lol | 05:56 |
marseillai | yours is faster yex | 05:56 |
fdoving | ok, now you need to remember to delete the downloaded patch. | 05:56 |
fdoving | we don't want that to make our patch dirty. | 05:56 |
marseillai | done | 05:56 |
fdoving | ok. | 05:56 |
fdoving | now we're done, let's make kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff | 05:56 |
fdoving | 'exit' | 05:56 |
fdoving | from the subshell | 05:56 |
marseillai | done | 05:57 |
marseillai | /usr/bin/cdbs-edit-patch: 114: cannot create /home/cyril/kopete/kdenetwork-3.5.6/debian/patches/kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff: Permission denied | 05:57 |
fdoving | NOTE: if you don't want to save your changed, 'exit 123' or something not 0. | 05:57 |
marseillai | arf | 05:57 |
marseillai | :'( | 05:57 |
fdoving | ouch. | 05:57 |
fdoving | did you apt-get source as root? | 05:57 |
marseillai | i've apt-get source in root ........ | 05:57 |
marseillai | :s | 05:57 |
fdoving | ouch. | 05:57 |
fdoving | ok. | 05:57 |
marseillai | fdoving: | 05:57 |
fdoving | practice makes perfect. | 05:57 |
marseillai | let me 2 minutes i restart from beginning | 05:57 |
fdoving | now apt-get source as your user. | 05:57 |
marseillai | alone ..... | 05:57 |
fdoving | yes, just ask if you have any questions. | 05:58 |
fdoving | and tell me when you're done, and i'll explain debdiffs etc. | 05:58 |
mhb | fdoving: is there a tutorial like that on the net? | 05:59 |
fdoving | mhb: no idea. | 05:59 |
fdoving | mhb: feel free to make one :) | 05:59 |
mhb | fdoving: your discussion seems to be useful for newcomers, so a tutorial like that would be handy | 05:59 |
fdoving | mhb: there is | 06:02 |
fdoving | it's mostly dpatch though. | 06:02 |
fdoving | that's more advanced than cdbs-edit-patch | 06:02 |
ScottK | fdoving and atypic: Bug #96090 | 06:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 96090 in klamav "[apport] klamav crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Fix committed] | 06:02 |
fdoving | ScottK: nice, i saw it :) | 06:03 |
=== ScottK had to go sleep after he was here las, just woke up. | ||
marseillai | fdoving: i'm currently exiting! it takes time but it just works | 06:03 |
ScottK | Thanks again. | 06:03 |
ScottK | fdoving and mhb: For different methods of patching, there is | 06:04 |
mhb | fdoving: and time-s | 06:15 |
mhb | fdoving: sorry | 06:15 |
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marseillai_ | fdoving: sorry my network crash | 06:17 |
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marseillai_ | fdoving: am i right if i tell i've to debuild -us -uc ? | 06:24 |
mhb | kdevelop doesn't have a bzr plugin, does it... | 06:26 |
mhb | sorry, trying #kubuntu instead | 06:27 |
fdoving | marseillai_: yeah, or 'debuild -S -sa -us -uc' is what i use to only build source. then i use 'pbuilder build file.dsc' with the new version. I recon you used 'dch -i' to increment the version number and make a changelog entry explaining that you added the patch and what it does? | 06:29 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: i don't understand your last sentences : "I recon you used 'dch -i' to increment the version number and make a changelog entry explaining that you added the patch and what it does?" | 06:30 |
marseillai_ | i should have done dch -i ??? | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | *would | 06:31 |
fdoving | marseillai_: before debuild -us -uc, yes. | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | arf | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | too late | 06:31 |
fdoving | marseillai_: 'dch -i' is a command that will modify debian/changelog and increment the version number. | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | what it does ? | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | oki | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | so | 06:31 |
marseillai_ | dch -i then debuild -S -sa -us -uc then pbuilder build file.dsc ? | 06:32 |
fdoving | marseillai_: yes, before pbuilder build you can use 'debdiff oldversion.dsc newversion.dsc > debdiff.diff' | 06:34 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: oki | 06:35 |
marseillai_ | a question | 06:35 |
fdoving | yes? | 06:35 |
marseillai_ | before building if i need some special dependency ton compile is there a way to install them simply ? | 06:35 |
fdoving | you don't need to if you just build source. 'debuild -S -sa -us -uc' | 06:36 |
fdoving | and pbuilder installs them if you build with pbuilder | 06:36 |
marseillai_ | oki | 06:37 |
marseillai_ | so let's go for making a debdiff and test this patch | 06:37 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: done like this can i submit this patch to kubuntu ? | 06:37 |
fdoving | you can submit the .debdiff to kubuntu. | 06:37 |
marseillai_ | oki | 06:38 |
marseillai_ | oula | 06:38 |
fdoving | but it's always good practice to compile yourself and test, before submitting patches or debdiffs. | 06:38 |
marseillai_ | i've done dhc -i | 06:38 |
marseillai_ | yes | 06:38 |
marseillai_ | i'll | 06:38 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: i've done dhc -i what should i do! i'm in changelog.dch? ^X to quit? change something? | 06:39 |
marseillai_ | i've add this too lines | 06:41 |
marseillai_ | * Add kubuntu_08_emoticons_editor.diff | 06:41 |
marseillai_ | - adds emoticons aibility to kopete | 06:41 |
fdoving | Spelling is very important in changelog files, we try to be picky on that, and capitalization. | 06:41 |
marseillai_ | it's enough ? | 06:42 |
marseillai_ | i can quit ? | 06:42 |
fdoving | So, '- Adds an emoticon editor to kopete' and maybe a link to the page you found the patch? | 06:42 |
marseillai_ | i've just make this modifications | 06:42 |
ScottK | You'll also need the bug number this affects. | 06:42 |
fdoving | it's also often nice to thank the author of the patch. | 06:42 |
ScottK | If you don't have a bug yet, write one as you'll need it to get the patch in. | 06:43 |
marseillai_ | for patch editor i've only is nick | 06:43 |
ScottK | Write your bug and then put (LP: # zzzz) at the end of the changelog entry. | 06:43 |
marseillai_ | oki | 06:44 |
marseillai_ | let's go for that | 06:44 |
ScottK | Oops, but without the space between # and zzzz, i.e. #zzzz | 06:44 |
fdoving | marseillai_: with a link to the kde-apps/kde-look page you found the patch and his nick i belive it's enough. | 06:44 |
marseillai_ | oki | 06:45 |
nixternal | ??: if I run 'make all' in the docs svn right, it runs so smooth and fast. Now when I run that same Makefile with the kubuntu-docs package, pbuilder initiates it, and it runs so damn slow. any ideas as to why? | 06:47 |
nixternal | fdoving: have you experienced that before? | 06:47 |
fdoving | pbuilder is dead slow. | 06:47 |
fdoving | i use cowdancer to make it slightly faster. | 06:47 |
marseillai_ | ScottK: i must name my bug with [packages need] ? | 06:47 |
nixternal | dude, 8 hours for the kubuntu-docs to build, oh and fail out at the very end because of a typo by me | 06:47 |
ScottK | No. | 06:47 |
ScottK | Describe the problem your patch solves. | 06:48 |
fdoving | nixternal: nice. don't you use debuild? i only use pbuilder once or twice to check dependencies. | 06:48 |
ScottK | marseillai_: Think as if you are a user with a problem, not the developer with the solution. | 06:48 |
nixternal | well I use pbuilder to test, especially now with the translations | 06:48 |
ScottK | A good problem description will help make it clear why this should be approved. | 06:49 |
marseillai_ | ScottK: arf oki | 06:49 |
marseillai_ | bug : #106586 | 06:49 |
ScottK | Also, even if it's not approved, if someone comes along with the same issue, they will find the bug and the patch. | 06:50 |
ScottK | bug #106586 | 06:50 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106586 in kdenetwork "kopete emoticon manager" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 06:50 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: oki modification to changelog done i just have to quit? i don't see any saving options | 06:50 |
marseillai_ | or ScottK | 06:51 |
ScottK | bug #106586 | 06:51 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106586 in kdenetwork "kopete emoticon manager" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 06:51 |
fdoving | marseillai_: save and quit, yes. | 06:51 |
marseillai_ | how can i save fdoving ? | 06:51 |
ScottK | You need to write out the changes. | 06:51 |
ScottK | I think ctrl O | 06:51 |
fdoving | marseillai_: is that nano? | 06:51 |
ScottK | dch usuall dumps you in nano | 06:52 |
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marseillai_ | oki | 06:52 |
ScottK | There is a list of commands, check it. | 06:52 |
marseillai_ | now let's make .dsc | 06:52 |
fdoving | ScottK: if you don't change your editor, it does. yes, i use vim for everyhting. | 06:52 |
=== ScottK tries to too. | ||
ScottK | I need to remember to change my editor. | 06:53 |
ScottK | The only time it ever comes up for me is dch. | 06:53 |
marseillai_ | Now running lintian... | 06:54 |
marseillai_ | W: kdenetwork source: changelog-should-mention-nmu | 06:54 |
marseillai_ | W: kdenetwork source: source-nmu-has-incorrect-version-number 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu10 | 06:54 |
marseillai_ | Finished running lintian. | 06:54 |
marseillai_ | it's my fault ? | 06:54 |
ScottK | That's expected | 06:54 |
ScottK | nmu is a Debian thing. | 06:54 |
marseillai_ | hwo should i call my debdiff ? | 06:56 |
marseillai_ | debdiff kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu9.dsc kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu10.dsc > .......... ??? | 06:56 |
fdoving | marseillai_: yes, debdiff kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu9.dsc kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu10.dsc > nameofnew.debdiff | 06:57 |
fdoving | you redirect the output of debdiff file1.dsc file2.dsc to nameofnew.debdiff | 06:57 |
marseillai_ | yes but how should i call it ? | 06:57 |
marseillai_ | is there a rule for this names ? | 06:58 |
fdoving | i ofen name them something like kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu9-0ubuntu10.debdiff | 06:58 |
fdoving | not really. | 06:58 |
fdoving | i like the names to reflect what version of the package it's made from. | 06:58 |
marseillai_ | i've no GPG key .... | 06:59 |
fdoving | in my example case that would be easy to read as 'it's kdenetwork version 3.5.6-0 ubuntu version ubuntu9 and it results in ubuntu10' | 06:59 |
fdoving | marseillai_: you don't need one. | 06:59 |
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nixternal | alrighty, trying to build kde4 all over again. started fresh, hopefully this time it won't break on kde4-config | 07:27 |
fdoving | lets hope so. | 07:27 |
fdoving | the new dolphin is so nice. | 07:27 |
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nixternal | well it crashed out on kdelibs | 07:30 |
nixternal | says I need to build qt with session management support | 07:30 |
fdoving | did you compile qt-copy from kde svn? | 07:31 |
nixternal | yup | 07:31 |
fdoving | what does qt-copy/config.status say? | 07:31 |
nixternal | one sec, I have to help the neighbor load her truck | 07:32 |
nixternal | k | 07:36 |
nixternal | whew, that was tiring | 07:36 |
nixternal | config.status doesn't say much | 07:36 |
fdoving | it should say what commandline options were used to configure qt. | 07:37 |
nixternal | looks like the commands I ran to build it | 07:37 |
nixternal | yes, it shows the options from the KDE4 wiki page | 07:37 |
fdoving | correct. | 07:37 |
fdoving | are your paths correct? | 07:37 |
nixternal | yup | 07:38 |
fdoving | did you get the .bashrc from the usefull-scripts page? | 07:38 |
nixternal | yup | 07:38 |
nixternal | well, I added the script to my .bashrc | 07:38 |
nixternal | at the bottom | 07:38 |
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fdoving | what does 'echo $QTDIR' say? | 07:39 |
nixternal | it says the right place ~/qt-copy | 07:40 |
fdoving | then i don't know. | 07:41 |
fdoving | ask in #kde4-devel maybe? | 07:41 |
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fdoving | nixternal: do you have libsm-dev ? | 07:48 |
nixternal | yes | 07:48 |
nixternal | 1.0.1-3 | 07:48 |
nixternal | ok, this time it shows Session Management support in the ./configure of qt-copy | 07:49 |
fdoving | -sm | 07:49 |
fdoving | ok. | 07:49 |
fdoving | good. | 07:49 |
nixternal | showed openssl as well, which was an issue last night | 07:49 |
fdoving | it's -sm but it's on by defaults. | 07:49 |
fdoving | same goes for openssl. | 07:49 |
nixternal | am I going to have to redo strigi, or is it fine? | 07:50 |
fdoving | you can compile it, to be sure. | 07:50 |
fdoving | it's rather small. | 07:50 |
nixternal | yes it is | 07:50 |
fdoving | better to just do it, instead of kdelibs failing again, at 98 percent.. in 5 hours :) | 07:51 |
nixternal | I would really like to know what platform they wrote those instructions for. I haven't had any luck with Kubuntu or Debian. Slackware had no problem that I can remember | 07:52 |
nixternal | then again, there is no telling what kind of bugs they have introduced since that writing either that may have changed up some stuff | 07:52 |
fdoving | it worked flawlessly for me some time ago. | 07:53 |
fdoving | then again, i had other qt-copy issues. | 07:53 |
nixternal | it seems qt-copy is the root of all problems I have had so far | 07:53 |
fdoving | it made problems for me too, or all powerpc users, to be exact. | 07:54 |
fdoving | but that issue is fixed now. | 07:54 |
nixternal | hrmm, I still need a video card for my powerpc | 07:54 |
nixternal | ebay has some for like $ way. if it isn't free or less than $10, I don't want it | 07:54 |
fdoving | i'm buying a x86 | 07:54 |
nixternal | I am only going to use just to install an os to | 07:54 |
nixternal | then set it away and use it as a server | 07:54 |
fdoving | ppc is so damn annoying on the desktop. | 07:54 |
nixternal | so I have heard | 07:55 |
fdoving | i'll re-install osx and give it to my girlfriend. | 07:55 |
nixternal | heh, that will work | 07:55 |
fdoving | not because of codecs and flash and those regular things, i'm happy with that. but the issue is i can't compile stuff on my superduper servers and use it on the laptop. | 07:55 |
fdoving | i need to compile everything on the lapotp.. and that's timeconsuming. | 07:56 |
nixternal | hahah, you have to compile on the laptop, and wait forevah! | 07:56 |
fdoving | yes. | 07:56 |
nixternal | speaking of which, I fixed the docs typo and it is happily building away 1 section every 30 to 45 minutes | 07:56 |
nixternal | and there are 18 total, not including the firefox pages, which are only a few | 07:57 |
fdoving | heh.. is the source huge? | 07:57 |
nixternal | 22MB | 07:57 |
fdoving | i can test-compile for you if you want. | 07:57 |
nixternal | hrmm, it is only 10MB | 07:57 |
mhb | crash during compilation is not the worst thing | 07:57 |
nixternal | I swore last night it was bigger | 07:58 |
mhb | the worst thing is when kdevelop crashes while saving your work | 07:58 |
nixternal | I did remove some country codes that had no translations | 07:58 |
fdoving | mhb: use kscope or vim then :) | 07:58 |
fdoving | kwrite is nice too. | 07:58 |
fdoving | but i'm too addicted to vim. | 07:58 |
nixternal | I am addicted to Kate | 07:58 |
fdoving | it's all about the small things. | 07:58 |
mhb | fdoving: there isn't anything like KDevDesigner | 07:58 |
nixternal | I do however like vim at the cli more than I do emacs | 07:58 |
mhb | fdoving: for KDE UI design | 07:59 |
fdoving | mhb: i don't do designing in gui, i do it in code :) | 07:59 |
=== nixternal makes sure manchicken isn't around | ||
nixternal | create a TOE, the code it :) | 07:59 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: it takes SO MANY TIMES to compile on my little configuration | 08:00 |
fdoving | marseillai_: it does. pbuilder is slow, especially on slow hardware. debuild -us -uc is a little faster. not much, but alittle. | 08:02 |
fdoving | marseillai_: and, you're compiling the complete kdenetwork module of kde now, not only kopete. | 08:02 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: an estimation of times to compile kdenetworks ? | 08:02 |
fdoving | marseillai_: no idea. it's been a while since i compiled it. | 08:02 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: i didn't i was able to compile only kopete | 08:02 |
fdoving | marseillai_: yes, but not if you're building the packages. | 08:03 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: a question! now i'll have only a kdenetwork.deb or kopete.deb and kdenetwork*.deb .... ? | 08:04 |
fdoving | marseillai_: a bunch kdenetwork*.deb | 08:04 |
marseillai_ | oki | 08:04 |
marseillai_ | nice | 08:04 |
marseillai_ | and to test i've just to dpg -i *.deb or only kopete.deb ? | 08:05 |
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fdoving | you can just do kopete, iirc. | 08:06 |
fdoving | if that somehow fails, do them all. | 08:06 |
marseillai_ | oki | 08:06 |
fdoving | bbiab. need to do something else for a while. eyes needs some off-screen time. | 08:07 |
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nixternal | ahh, now it is going, 89% on kdelibs | 08:42 |
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ScottK | fdoving: Looks like your update fixed the problem where klamav crashes if you try and update it or clamav, so that's definite progress. | 08:55 |
fdoving | ScottK: good :) | 08:56 |
fdoving | thanks to suse for those fixes. | 08:56 |
ScottK | Thanks to you for knowing how to find them. | 08:56 |
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=== ScottK is going to have to ask you for a tutorial on that when we both have time... | ||
fdoving | | 08:57 |
ScottK | Ah. | 08:57 |
ScottK | Enough said. | 08:57 |
fdoving | is nice too. | 08:57 |
ScottK | Actually it's thanks to opensuse we got the clamav update too. I used to run opensuse and never unsubbed from their security list. I saw it mentioned there. | 08:58 |
fdoving | and kmenu -> run command -> ' klamav' is also nice. | 08:59 |
fdoving | suse rocks. | 08:59 |
fdoving | i can't stand using it though. | 08:59 |
fdoving | as it's rpm. | 08:59 |
ScottK | Right. | 08:59 |
ScottK | I also got tired of being a beta (or alpha) tester for SLES. | 09:00 |
ScottK | I wanted to run a distro where what I was using was considered the final product. | 09:00 |
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marseillai | fdoving: i'm a little bit afraid | 09:06 |
marseillai | i've made sudo pbuilder build kdenetwork_3.5.6-0ubuntu10.dsc and can't find any .deb files .... | 09:06 |
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fdoving | marseillai: they are in /var/cache/pbuilder/results i think. | 09:10 |
marseillai | fdoving: pfiou thanks | 09:10 |
marseillai | :) | 09:10 |
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ScottK | Looks like we aren't entirely out of the woods on knetworkmanager yet, Bug #86680 (see the latest comments). | 09:54 |
ubotu | Malone bug 86680 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager stops kde applications from accessing the network" [High,In progress] | 09:54 |
nixternal | fdoving: installed!!! | 09:55 |
nixternal | now I just need to set it up for kde-devel user to start KDE on login | 09:55 |
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mhb | what is the current KDE way of displaying informational messages? | 10:01 |
=== mhb is too lazy to read the UI guidelines (again) | ||
ash211 | mhb: I don't think it's optimal, but kdialog can be used | 10:03 |
mhb | I have to obey the KDE guidelines, I guess | 10:05 |
mhb | you can either do a pop-up or show it dynamically in the window | 10:05 |
mhb | I prefer the latter, but that's more Vista-ish (and I'm not sure if that's allowed in the KDE UI Guidelines) | 10:06 |
ash211 | Amarok displays things in-window | 10:07 |
ash211 | an informational bar and also a sort of in-window scrolling popup notification | 10:07 |
Tm_T | vista-ish? | 10:08 |
=== Tm_T don't get this | ||
Tm_T | suddenly almost everything has something to do with vista | 10:08 |
ash211 | something that microsoft windows vista would do | 10:08 |
mhb | Tm_T: it's vista-ish because the "Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines" recommend that | 10:09 |
mhb | ash211: you're right | 10:10 |
mhb | Tm_T: perhaps Apple Human Interface Guidelines recommend the same, I have to check | 10:10 |
Tm_T | mhb: and if KDE recommends same or similar, can we just _forget_ that vista already? | 10:11 |
Tm_T | ash211: like use doubleclick? | 10:11 |
ash211 | if it's between popups or in-line info bars, I'd go for the less-obtrusive informational bar | 10:12 |
nixternal | OSD :) | 10:12 |
ash211 | hopefully google can turn doubleclick around :) | 10:12 |
=== mhb would go for the info bar too | ||
ash211 | but I chose to keep the OSD - I don't have Amarok up 100% of the time | 10:13 |
ash211 | (even though it's that great of a program ) | 10:13 |
mhb | but I'll probably wait on a UI expert to review the UI | 10:13 |
ash211 | mhb: what's this going to be used in? | 10:14 |
mhb | ash211: my soc2007 project, | 10:14 |
nixternal | his QtPr0nWidget | 10:14 |
nixternal | ;p | 10:15 |
ash211 | if it's goatse, I'd prefer the popup! | 10:15 |
nixternal | gahahahah | 10:15 |
ash211 | cover the image ... | 10:16 |
mhb | ash211: a KDE frontend for gdebi, the graphical .deb installer | 10:16 |
ash211 | mhb: see Notifications at | 10:16 |
mhb | ash211: thanks so much | 10:17 |
ash211 | I think I'm actually already subscribed to your spec :0 | 10:17 |
nixternal | mhb: if you need doc help on that, feel free to bug me | 10:17 |
nixternal | if gdebi-gtk has docs though, it can be easily implmented | 10:18 |
nixternal | my lord, apidox for KDE4 are still going | 10:19 |
nixternal | I think they are outlasting the kdelibs and kdebase installs | 10:19 |
mhb | ash211: sadly the KDE page "recommends" pop-ups | 10:19 |
ash211 | really ?! | 10:19 |
mhb | ash211: | 10:20 |
ash211 | what's your popup going to inform the user of? | 10:20 |
ash211 | it also has this line, though: "It is irritating for the user to have notification dialogs popping up for expected events. Messages like Printing completed or Mail sent should be avoided. Instead, the application might show these messages in the statusbar." | 10:21 |
mhb | ash211: the same thing the GNOME pop-up does, stuff like "this package is present in the repositories with an older version" | 10:21 |
ash211 | I've never used the gnome version, so I'm not familiar with it | 10:21 |
ash211 | if I've downloaded a package to install, then I probably already know that the repo version is older, wouldn't I? | 10:22 |
mhb | ash211: this pop-up appears when gdebi checks the repositories and finds a package with the same name | 10:22 |
mhb | ash211: true, it's nothing critical ... | 10:23 |
ash211 | I'd put it inline with the text, maybe a status bar or something, if it were me | 10:24 |
ash211 | "A notification dialog should be used only when users need to be notified of an event which they did not specifically ask for, or were not necessarily expecting." | 10:24 |
mhb | ash211: "not necessarily expecting" fits here, they don't have to expect that | 10:25 |
mhb | ash211: but it's a broad definition | 10:25 |
mhb | ash211: thanks for the discussion and opinions | 10:26 |
fdoving | nixternal: congrats. | 10:27 |
ash211 | you welcome | 10:27 |
ash211 | s/you/you're/ | 10:27 |
nixternal | I think I am just going to run Xephyr | 10:27 |
mhb | ash211: I should still wait for the UI review | 10:28 |
ash211 | what's that? | 10:28 |
ash211 | mhb: how do you submit something like that for review? and to whom? | 10:28 |
mhb | ash211: I usually make a mockup, write some more information about the UI in the specification and then ask Jonathan (R.) which Kubuntu UI-skilled person to ask for help. | 10:31 |
ash211 | thanks, I was just wondering | 10:32 |
mhb | ash211: are you creating a UI application for gutsy? | 10:33 |
ash211 | no, I'm just observing the process | 10:33 |
ash211 | I'll be gone for most of the summer doing stuff... | 10:34 |
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giangy | 'evening | 11:07 |
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marseillai_ | fdoving: where can i find a complete howto to create package from scratch using cdbs ? | 11:29 |
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fdoving | marseillai_: don't know if such exists. | 11:29 |
fdoving | marseillai_: you can ask in #ubuntu-motu | 11:29 |
marseillai_ | i'll | 11:30 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: really a great thanks for your help this afternoon | 11:30 |
fdoving | you're welcome. | 11:30 |
marseillai_ | it was my first packages with something else than ckeckinstall and i'm a little bit proud of it! :) | 11:30 |
fdoving | always happy to help new contributors :) | 11:30 |
marseillai_ | fdoving: i've post a comment on kde-look for a bug on this patch kopete crash when i try to edit an emoticon theme but this apps seems great and i'll update my debdiff if a new patch is done.... | 11:31 |
fdoving | good :) | 11:32 |
marseillai_ | and tomorrow morning or afternoon (depends on my homework) i'll try to package smplayer or rekordmydesktop, so perhaps i'll ask some help again... | 11:32 |
marseillai_ | if i succeed i would be happy to conribute to kubuntu by packaging | 11:33 |
fdoving | sure, i'm not sure i'll be around, but someone either here or in #ubuntu-motu will most likely be around to help answer your questions. | 11:33 |
marseillai_ | oki | 11:33 |
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nixternal | QDBusConnection issues trying to start up KDE4 (startkde or startkde-modified) in Xephry :( | 11:47 |
nixternal | oh well, have to work on it later, back in a bit | 11:48 |
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