
=== kbrooks [n=kbrooks@d235-141-58.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== Generation [n=professo@c-24-0-251-222.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Generationok here12:25
jribGeneration: hello12:26
Generationjrib, hey12:26
GenerationIm such a noob12:26
Generationin all things12:26
jribGeneration: ok, what are you trying to do exactly?  Are you just curious about what is in there?12:26
GenerationI want to really learn the command line12:26
jribit's ok, it's just new to you.  Everyone started that way12:26
GenerationSo I am trying to get into files to explore12:26
jrib!cli | Generation12:26
ubotuGeneration: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands12:26
jribGeneration: the link at the bottom of that page, to linuxcommand.org is excellent12:27
jribGeneration: but lets figure out what's going wrong with what you are doing now12:27
jribGeneration: ok, so I can know where you are at, what does this command return:  pwd12:28
Generationits says home and professor12:28
jribGeneration: it's best if you just copy and paste exactly what it says12:28
kbrooksGeneration, He wants you to copy and paste what it says.12:28
bodhi_zazendo you mind if I insert a link ?12:28
kbrooksbodhi_zazen, go on... but it better be good.12:29
Generationman I am so lost lol12:29
Generationit wont let me copy it12:29
jribGeneration: right click > copy12:30
Generationctrl c wont work in command line12:30
jribGeneration: if you want to use the keyboard, you can use ctrl-shift-c12:30
Generationohhhhhh ok12:30
jribGeneration: also, you Linux lets you just highlight something to copy it and then use middle click to paste it somewhere else, really convenient12:30
jribGeneration: ok, so what did you do last time to try to get to "games"?12:31
Generationwell it is a file folder12:31
Generationcalled Thief deadly shadows12:31
jribGeneration: is it on your Desktop?12:32
jribGeneration: ok, what do you want to do with it?  Is this a windows game?12:32
GenerationYea IT is12:32
GenerationI just wanted to open it up and see what is in side12:33
jribso where is it located?12:33
Generationok if I type in "ls" it shows up12:33
jribok, so now you should be able to type this:  cd Thief12:33
jriband then press the TAB button twice and it should complete the rest12:34
Generationok here is an example12:34
GenerationI have a books called oriellys12:34
Generationand if I do cd I cant get into them12:34
Generationnope didnt work12:34
jribwhat does it say when you try?12:34
Generationcommand not reconized12:35
jribGeneration: paste the command you used12:35
Generationok wait I got it12:36
Generationgot into file12:36
Generationmy next question is this12:36
GenerationHow do I go into a program, like a game, and change something12:37
GenerationI have this game on linux12:37
Generationracing game and I want to change the time limit of the race so I can beat it12:37
GenerationHow  do I get into the txt file12:38
Generationand how do I change it12:38
jribGeneration: depends how the time limit is set.  If it is some kind of setting, you can edit the configuration files for the game.  These are probably somewhere in /etc or if it's something your user can configure they might be in ~/.name_of_game where "~" means "/home/professor"12:38
jribif it's hard coded, then you would have to edit the source code...12:39
jribGeneration: what game by the way?12:39
Generationok that is another thing, sorry I am throwing quesitons at you12:39
GenerationI beat it once12:39
Generationand I want to see what I can do with everything else12:40
GenerationI tried the "find" still nothing12:41
jribOh I like this game, let me see...12:41
Generationand where is a good place to get linux games, most of them are sinple12:42
jribGeneration: I'm guessing somewhere in /usr/share/trigger-data12:42
jribGeneration: yeah, for example /usr/share/trigger-data/maps/desertstorm/storm.level is an xml file with what seems to be some time info12:43
jribhmm trigger just locked up X for me on feisty, and since there is some strange bug in feisty I was trying not to reboot... I may not return :)  Any last minute questions?12:44
GenerationI got in12:45
Generationand there is no xml file12:45
Generationedit and when I find it how do I edit it12:45
jribstorm.level is the file12:46
jribI would make a backup copy first and then edit like this: gksudo gedit /usr/share/trigger-data/maps/desertstorm/storm.level12:46
Generationthanks man12:46
Generationit has been fun12:46
Generationok got a quick question, my graphics are going real slow12:48
Generationlike bit by bit12:48
Generationhow do I fix that12:48
jribwhat kind of video card do you have?12:49
Generationit worked fine before12:49
jrib!ati | Generation12:49
ubotuGeneration: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:49
GenerationI must of did something12:49
GenerationI got wine working last night12:50
Generationwas so excited12:50
GenerationHow do I reload drivers for ati card12:50
jribGeneration: you'll have to follow the guide on the wiki, I've never had the pleasure of setting up an ati card on linux12:50
Generationok thanks12:51
Generationhave a good onne12:51
jribGeneration: or try asking in #ubuntu, if the wiki doesn't help12:51
jribyou too12:51
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=== Lbawinowns [n=chatzill@c-3e1672d5.08-80-73746f22.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
LbawinownsSo jrib, what field in what application?01:58
jribLbawinowns: ok, lets take a step back01:58
jribLbawinowns: you have formatted the partition as ext3 using gparted?01:59
LbawinownsI think so, I unmounted it with gparted and then i took format to ext301:59
jribLbawinowns: ok, now open up fstab with:  gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:02
jribpaste the line for /dev/hda2 here02:02
LbawinownsI think i get some error02:02
Lbawinownsit says:02:02
Lbawinowns(gedit:15392): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:02:03
LbawinownsAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.02:03
naliothLbawinowns: you'll always see that sort of stuff when using the terminal02:04
LbawinownsOk, should I use other?02:05
jribLbawinowns: gedit doesn't open?02:05
Lbawinownswait, i think it's alredy open02:06
Lbawinowns#Added by diskmounter utility02:06
Lbawinowns/dev/hda2 /media/hda2 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 002:06
Lbawinownssorry, it was alerdy open02:06
jribLbawinowns: ok, change it to: /dev/hda2 /media/hda2 ext3 defaults 0 202:07
Lbawinownsall those lines?02:07
jribLbawinowns: just the one for /dev/hda202:07
Lbawinownsshould i save it?02:08
LbawinownsOK done02:08
jribsudo mount -a02:08
Lbawinownsshould i write in terminal?02:09
Lbawinownshmm... nothing happens, is that right?02:09
jribyep, now see if you can write in /media/hda202:09
LbawinownsNope I can't, but it is a folder called lost+found there witha red cross in top right of it02:10
jriboh right we need to setup permissions.  Are you familiar with permissions?02:11
Lbawinownshmm... not when it comes to linu02:11
jrib!permissions | Lbawinowns02:11
ubotuLbawinowns: The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux02:11
jribtake a coupl of minutes to read through that second link, ask here if you aren't sure what to do afterwards02:11
LbawinownsThanks :)02:12
Lbawinownshmm... should i give /media/hda2 permission rwx?02:18
jribLbawinowns: well it depends how you want to set it up02:19
jribLbawinowns: you can give just your user the ability to write or you can give everyone that ability or you can setup a group so that only users in that group can do it02:19
Lbawinownswhat does the user@host mean?02:19
jribLbawinowns: that's just what you see at your command line, you see your_username@your_hostname02:20
Lbawinownshmm, 755 seems reasonable :), i can do it all while  other users can run and read, right?02:20
Lbawinownsso if i write in terminal "/media/hda2 chmod 755" Will it result in that I can write to that partition?02:23
Lbawinownslol i tried, and it just says that /media/hda2 is a catlouge XD02:25
Lbawinownserm, jrib, I hope I'm not impatient. But can you assist me?02:31
jribLbawinowns: now that I have you hooked, each additional help will be $5 :)  j/k, what's up?02:32
LbawinownsWell, /media/hda2 chmod 755 doesnt do anything, it probably has a good reason for it tough :p02:33
jribLbawinowns: sudo chmod 755 /media/hda202:33
jribbut then you will want to be the owner of /media/hda2, so you should also do:  sudo chown -R $USER: /media/hda202:34
LbawinownsHaha you're such a nice person jrib :D, and smart!02:35
LbawinownsI don't know what keeps up your aiding spirit. But I guess some people just are noble :)02:36
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sorcererwat happens in this room10:09
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=== NewbieBaba [n=NewbieBa@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
NewbieBabajrib baba r u there ?02:17
jribNewbieBaba: I am, but it is best if you just ask in #ubuntu, plenty of people can help there02:18
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=== NewbieBaba [n=NewbieBa@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
NewbieBabahi jrib :D02:43
jribhi again02:43
NewbieBabau should remember me from last days i had problem with Live cd n downloaded the alternate cd as u said02:43
NewbieBabai tried to install it n then yea i did i guess02:44
NewbieBaban desktop didnt show up02:44
NewbieBabait says Ubuntu 6.10 ubuntu -- ubuntu login :02:44
NewbieBabaafter i log02:44
jribright, you went straight to a login prompt02:44
jribno errors right?02:44
NewbieBaban then i did02:44
NewbieBabaapt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop | grep -i installe02:44
NewbieBabaapt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop | grep -i installed02:44
NewbieBabanothing show up02:45
NewbieBabai think nothing will show up with that command anyway02:45
jribok, you are going to get a quick irssi primer so we can talk while you are on ubuntu, ok?02:45
jribor do you know how to use irssi?02:45
NewbieBabano :/02:45
NewbieBabai dunno what is irssi either02:45
jribok, first when you press ctrl-alt-f2  you will get a new login prompt02:46
NewbieBabaor something02:46
jribright, and ctrl-alt-f1 brings you back to tty102:46
jribok, so when you get on ubuntu, install irssi with this command:  sudo apt-get install irssi02:46
jribhopefully that will work...02:46
NewbieBabababa i cant get on ubuntu02:46
jribyou can do this at the command line you are in02:47
jribthe user@ubuntu$ thing02:47
jribok, then this is how you use irssi:02:47
NewbieBabaso i'll use that command on my command line "sudo apt-get install irssi"02:47
NewbieBabano NET connection needed right?02:48
jribyes, you need internet02:48
NewbieBabaits like something coming with my install files02:48
jribNewbieBaba: does ubuntu have no net access?02:48
NewbieBabababa i cant use Desktop of ubuntu02:48
NewbieBabait makes me go that command line02:48
NewbieBabawhen i reboot my computer02:48
NewbieBabai can never get on Desktop02:49
NewbieBabai can only get on that command line02:49
NewbieBabaits like02:49
jribNewbieBaba: that's ok, you probably still have access to the internet on the command line, assuming ubuntu set it up correctly02:49
NewbieBabaStarting Up...02:49
NewbieBabaok i'll try02:49
jribif not, you'll find out when you issue the install command.  Make sure you copy any errors you get02:49
NewbieBabashould i use "apt-cache policy.." again ?02:49
NewbieBabaok only sudo apt-get install irssi02:50
jribI'll tell you how to start irssi in a second, let me create a new user02:50
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jribso to start irssi, you can issue this command:  irssi -c irc.ubuntu.com02:51
NewbieBabais it like a chat program that i can use ?02:51
jribNewbieBaba: then once irssi starts and is connected, you can join this channel with:  /join #ubuntu-classroom02:51
NewbieBabagoin to try that02:52
NewbieBababbl baba02:52
=== jrib needs to find who decided to remove irssi from a default install...
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NewbieBabano im still on XP :(03:00
NewbieBabajrib : i think that command line doesnt support NET connection thing03:00
jribNewbieBaba: what error did you get03:00
NewbieBabaE : couldnt find package03:00
NewbieBabasudo apt-get install irssi03:01
NewbieBabathats the command right ?03:01
jribNewbieBaba: do you remember which option you chose when you loaded the install disk?03:02
NewbieBabai tried all options03:02
NewbieBabaall way makes me go that command line03:02
NewbieBabano desktop03:02
NewbieBabai'll try to explain like its like Windows03:02
NewbieBabai install Windows n a desktop shows up right ?03:03
NewbieBabathat desktop doesnt show up03:03
NewbieBabai see only CMD03:03
jribI understand03:03
NewbieBabalike i should start "setup"03:03
jribNewbieBaba: ok, on your next reboot we are going to try two things03:04
NewbieBabaok <303:04
jribfirst, we'll see if you have internet access, enter this command:  ping www.google.com03:04
jribIf it keeps throwing out output, then you are connected to the internet.  To stop it, you press ctrl-c03:05
NewbieBabanow im goin ?03:05
jribnot yet03:05
NewbieBabaroger :D03:05
NewbieBabaif i have net connection i am able to get irssi yea?03:06
jribNewbieBaba: yes03:06
NewbieBabaif not ?03:06
jribyou are in for many reboots :)03:06
jribok, then you can try this: sudo sed -i 's/^# deb/deb/' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:07
NewbieBabaon the same command line ?03:07
jribok, see you in a bit03:08
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jribI wonder if he is stuck pinging google03:29
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NewbieBabajrib : i love u man something finally happpen :D03:41
NewbieBabayea i dont have net connection on command line03:41
NewbieBabaafter i see that i type that command that u just gave me03:41
NewbieBabait wanted to make me put a CD03:42
NewbieBabai put Alternate CD03:42
NewbieBaban it installed too many things03:42
NewbieBabaafter %100 it said03:42
NewbieBabaFailed to fetch cdroom : ...... /pool/main/s/shared.mime.info/shared-mime-info-0.18_0ubuntu1_i386.deb MD5Sum03:43
NewbieBabaE : Unable to fetch some archives,maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?03:43
jribNewbieBaba: ok, so I guess it didn't continue to install ubuntu-desktop?03:44
NewbieBabait wanted to me put cd rom :/03:44
jribNewbieBaba: did you put it in?03:44
NewbieBabayea that Alternate CD03:44
jribok, so on reboot it still takes you to command line?03:45
jribNewbieBaba: were you able to ping google?03:45
NewbieBabaunknown host03:45
NewbieBabano connection :)03:45
jribok, we'll just use the cd then03:45
NewbieBabai did ?03:46
NewbieBaba<NewbieBaba> i put Alternate CD03:46
NewbieBaba<NewbieBaba> n it installed too many things03:46
jribbut we'll fix it so it doesn't try to connect to the net03:46
jribhere is what you do:03:46
jribsudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup && sudo touch /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update03:47
jribthen put the alternate cd in your drive03:47
jribthen do this command:  sudo apt-cdrom add && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop03:47
NewbieBaban then i'll throw the computer from window03:49
jribheh :)03:49
NewbieBabait will stop me bothering u sorry man :/03:49
jribit's ok, I'm reading stuff at the same time03:49
NewbieBabaok so im goin to do those things now yea?03:50
jribyep, this should work03:50
NewbieBabaok bbl :D03:50
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NewbieBabahere i am jrib i know u were waiting for me ^^04:15
NewbieBabawhy those developers of Ubuntu make an Easy install thing.. ahh04:16
NewbieBabaw/e i did everything that u told me04:16
NewbieBabatheres still no desktop04:16
jribNewbieBaba: did you get any errors?04:16
NewbieBabaFailed to fetch cdrom :04:17
NewbieBabaE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fixmissing?04:17
jribNewbieBaba: did you verify the cd?  It should be an option when you boot from the cd04:18
NewbieBabayea its the exact cd04:18
NewbieBabao wait04:18
NewbieBabashould i reboot comp with the CD?04:18
NewbieBabaAlternate CD i mean04:18
jribyes, and then look for the option that lets you verify the cd04:18
NewbieBabaok probably i'll see a window of setup options04:19
NewbieBabawhich one should i chose ?04:19
NewbieBabaor i wont?04:19
jribNewbieBaba: when you boot from the cd, you get a list of options04:19
jribI think there is an option that says something similar to "verify the cd"04:20
NewbieBaban then?04:20
jribsee if it is verified04:20
NewbieBabacya in a bit04:20
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NewbieBabathe List "Install in text mode04:23
NewbieBabaInstall in oem mode04:24
NewbieBabaInstall a command-line system04:24
NewbieBabaCheck cd for defects..04:24
NewbieBabanothing about verifying CD04:24
jribNewbieBaba: "check cd for defects" sorry04:24
NewbieBabayea i was thinkin about to choose that one04:24
NewbieBabawell w/e04:24
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NewbieBabak jrib04:34
jribNewbieBaba: what did it say?04:34
NewbieBabathe error im gettin "./pool/main/l......  file failed the MD5 Checksum...."04:35
NewbieBabawant to me burn one more Alternate CD?04:35
jribNewbieBaba: then you need to burn a new cd, yeah.  Burn it slow at like 2x04:35
NewbieBaba4x also cool yea?04:36
jribNewbieBaba: ok04:36
NewbieBabawell burning04:36
NewbieBabawhy those developers wont make the installation easy as Windows of Ubuntu?04:37
NewbieBabajust curious04:37
jribNewbieBaba: it usually is, you are probably just having problems because of the bad burn04:37
jribyou should be able to just install and then go straight to the Desktop04:37
NewbieBabawhy do i need Alternate CD what is it for ?04:37
jribNewbieBaba: well the normal installer sometimes has problems on some hardware, so the alternate install is there as a backup04:38
NewbieBabaif i solve those problems n able to get on Ubuntu i'll name my son as ur name :D04:39
NewbieBabai have nothin to pay to u to taking ur time with my problems hehe04:39
jribNewbieBaba: heh, name him "ubuntu" :)04:39
NewbieBabaUbuntu means 'I am what I am because of who we all are'04:42
NewbieBabais that ?04:43
NewbieBabaas South Africa ppl things : compassionate,merciful,benevolent04:45
NewbieBabanice name isnt it :D04:45
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NewbieBabakk goin to install that CD jrib04:57
NewbieBabawhich option i'll choose04:57
NewbieBabain text mode04:57
NewbieBabaoem mode04:57
jribNewbieBaba: k, use "in text mode"04:57
NewbieBabaok ty04:58
NewbieBabahope cya with irssi :)04:58
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NewbieBabajrib that doesnt work :(05:30
jribNewbieBaba: what happens05:31
NewbieBabai burnt new cd05:31
NewbieBababooted with that cd05:31
NewbieBabainstalled in text mode05:31
NewbieBabait wanted to me reboot computer05:31
NewbieBabaso i did05:31
NewbieBaban then i came to CMD line again05:31
jribno errors?05:31
NewbieBabayea while setup i got an error like some archives cant install05:32
jribdid you verify the new cd?05:32
NewbieBabaok i'll05:32
NewbieBabaif its bad record05:32
NewbieBabawhat will i do?05:32
NewbieBabaone more new cd ?05:33
NewbieBabano.. :(05:33
NewbieBabano error while burning cd05:33
NewbieBabado u think should i re-download it ?05:33
NewbieBabait will take 4 hours for me :S05:34
jribok lets check the .iso you downloaded first then05:34
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:34
NewbieBabawhich link should i go to?05:34
NewbieBabawhat is "\path\to\cddir"05:37
NewbieBabasystem cant find the way of folder05:38
NewbieBabaif i use that with "cd"05:38
NewbieBabajrib :)05:39
jribNewbieBaba: it is the path to wherever your .iso is05:39
NewbieBabaits in D:\Yedekler\05:40
NewbieBabaso ?05:40
jribso instead of typing \path\to\cddir type D:\Yedekler\05:41
NewbieBabamd5sum -c filename.md505:42
NewbieBabaubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso is file name05:43
NewbieBabawhen i replace filename with ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso05:43
NewbieBabait says no such file or directory05:43
jriboh you need to download the .md5 file05:48
jribone sec05:48
NewbieBaba549ef19097b10ac9237c08f6dc6084c6  ubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso05:49
NewbieBabawant to me save that page as something.md5 ?05:50
NewbieBabaor what05:50
NewbieBabajrib :/05:52
jribNewbieBaba: yes05:54
jribsave the file and then that is file you pass to md5sum -c05:54
jribsave it in the same place as your .iso05:54
NewbieBabasave as TXT?05:54
NewbieBabait wont let me to save as .md5 :/05:55
NewbieBabaNo such file or directory05:55
NewbieBabawow im tryin to install ubuntu for 4 hours already i could installd 100 x XP till now :D05:58
NewbieBabaplease baba if i cant solve that problem i'll cry05:58
jribNewbieBaba: save as txt06:00
NewbieBaban then?06:00
jribrun the md5sum command06:00
NewbieBabaubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386: FAILED md5sum WARNING : 1 of 1 computed checksum did NOT match06:03
jribNewbieBaba: well that's good, at least now we know why it isn't working.  But now you need to download again06:05
jribafter you download again, check the md5sum06:06
NewbieBabai'll throw that s..t from the window now06:06
NewbieBabacan u give me the exact link to download the file please ?06:07
jribNewbieBaba: heh, leave it downloading and go for a walk so you can relax a bit :)  I would be a little frustrated too06:07
NewbieBaba%1 baba -.-06:08
NewbieBabaahh well06:08
NewbieBabaim goin out06:08
NewbieBabalike u said (LOL)06:08
NewbieBabacya soon baba06:08
NewbieBabathank you for everything06:08
jribyou're welcome06:08
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NewbieBabajrib r u awake ? :)09:58
jribNewbieBaba: hi09:59
NewbieBaba:) hows u baba10:00
NewbieBabababa = a saying in Turkish like "buddy"10:00
jribah, good to know10:00
NewbieBabawell baba i DL/ed it again n burnt a cd (after checking with md5sum). i installed it in Text mode. finally desktop show up10:01
NewbieBababut!... after i log nothing happens10:01
NewbieBabai think still some files are missing10:01
jribhaha, of course.  Because taht would be too easy!10:01
jribok, but you got a nice colorful login screen right?10:01
NewbieBabaok what now baba! :D10:01
NewbieBabayea the orange one10:01
NewbieBaba slm xD10:02
NewbieBabathat one10:02
jribok, when you login what happens exactly10:02
NewbieBabanothing :)10:02
jribso you stay at the login screen?10:02
NewbieBabait passes login secreen10:02
NewbieBaban then nothing10:02
jribso you have a solid color on the screen?10:02
NewbieBabaonly orange window10:02
NewbieBabayea exactly10:02
NewbieBabaactually nothing happened after installing in text mode so i tried those command that u teachd me10:03
jribok, no internet though?10:04
NewbieBabaso finally i got on login window(with desktop)10:04
NewbieBabayea no internet10:04
jribhow do you connect to the internet?10:04
NewbieBabawith DSL modem10:04
jribhmm ok, no experience with those10:05
jribNewbieBaba: so when you see that solid color screen, does it just stay there until you reboot?10:05
NewbieBabai tried to relog10:05
NewbieBabalike pressing "ctrl+alt+backspace"10:06
NewbieBabaits still same10:06
jribby "still same" you mean the screen stayed there right?10:06
jribhmm weird, what video card do you have?10:06
NewbieBabaATI EAX55010:06
NewbieBabaremember i installed it before everything was fine..10:06
jribNewbieBaba: you had ubuntu edgy eft installed before without problems and you didn't need to do any strange configuration?10:07
NewbieBabababa i used 2 cd to get on that desktop i want to tell u that i am missing some files for desktop i guess10:07
jribNewbieBaba: I don't understand what you mean10:07
NewbieBabayea i didnt need anything to do before10:07
NewbieBabaok look10:08
NewbieBabai installed in text mode10:08
NewbieBaban then i got on command line again10:08
NewbieBaban then i type those commands10:08
NewbieBabasudo apt-cdroom add && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop10:08
NewbieBaban then it gave me an error like10:08
NewbieBabaFailed to fetch cdrom : .../pool/main/e/ekiga/ekiga_2.0.3-0ubuntu3_i386.deb10:09
jribyou verified this cd?10:09
NewbieBabait said OK10:09
NewbieBaban then that error >.<10:09
jribif it gave you that error when you tried to verify it, there is probably something wrong10:10
NewbieBabacan u tell me how can i get that file from other cd to copy where should i copy it to10:10
NewbieBabai verified it10:10
NewbieBabanothing was wrong10:11
NewbieBabaafter installing10:11
NewbieBaban that command "sudo apt-cdroom ...."10:11
NewbieBabait gave me that error10:11
jribNewbieBaba: ok, if you do 'apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop' now it says it is installed?10:11
NewbieBaba" apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop | grep -i installed "10:12
NewbieBabai tried that one10:12
NewbieBabanothing showed up10:12
jribdid you try it after installing ubuntu-desktop?10:13
NewbieBabayea nothing showed up10:13
NewbieBabaeither nothing happen10:14
jribNewbieBaba: is your ubuntu in english?10:14
NewbieBabadoes it matter?10:14
jribah ok, just do "apt-cache policy ubuntu-desktop"10:14
jribyes, because it will say "installed" in turkish10:15
NewbieBabaok baba10:15
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NewbieBabajrib : Installed : (none) Candidate : 1.30 Version Table 1.30 0  500 Cdrom://Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ Release edgy/main packages10:22
jribNewbieBaba: ok, so now when you do 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' you must get some errors.  Can you copy down the important ones? or save them to a file and then grab them later when you are on windows10:22
NewbieBabahow to save in a text file or something ?10:23
jribNewbieBaba: sudo echo hi && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop &> ~/errors10:24
jriboh, actually you don't need that hi part... just do:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop &> ~/errors10:25
jriberm, never mind.  You *do* need the hi part!10:26
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NewbieBabak jrib i'll type u the error im gettin10:34
NewbieBabaFailed to fetch cdrom : [Ubuntu 6.10 _Edgy Eft_ - Release.. 20061025.1] /pool/main/e/ekiga_2.0.3-0ubuntu3_1386.deb10:36
NewbieBabaE: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?10:36
jribit's a problem with the cd then10:37
NewbieBabaman im just tryin to say if i had problem with an XP cd (if any file doesnt work) i was using any other cd for that file u know what i am saying ? i have 3 different cd so i think i can copy that file from other cd's..10:38
NewbieBabahelp me with that maybe it'll help to my problem10:38
jribok, maybe you can go to packages.ubuntu.com and download the .deb package for _edgy's_ ekiga and drop it in /var/cache/apt/archives/10:40
jribbut it's unlikely this is the only problem10:40
NewbieBabaworth a try! why not yea?10:40
NewbieBabaC:\Downloads>md5sum -c md5sums.txt10:42
NewbieBabaubuntu-6.10-alternate-i386.iso: OK10:42
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jribright, and then you need to check the burn too10:42
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NewbieBabai burnt it in 4x mode10:43
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NewbieBabai have no less selection than that one10:43
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NewbieBababtw can u help me to find ekiga_2.0.3-0ubuntu3_1386.deb :/10:44
jrib"check cd for defects" when you boot from the cd, you ran this too?10:44
jribNewbieBaba: packages.ubuntu.com, then just search for ekiga in edgy.  There is a search box on the page10:44
NewbieBabait passed10:44
NewbieBabausr/bin/ekiga    gnome/ekiga10:44
NewbieBabausr/share/menu/ekiga    gnome/ekiga10:44
NewbieBabawhich one ?10:45
jribat the bottom, click on i38610:45
jribhope that works, but try #ubuntu if not.  I'll be afk for a bit10:49
NewbieBabahow to drop it in /var/cache/apt/archives/10:49
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org10:49
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