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ploum | ello | 02:03 |
ploum | hello, sorry | 02:03 |
ploum | I read that universe and multiverse are enabled by default in feisty | 02:04 |
ploum | but they are not if I install the beta version | 02:04 |
ploum | can someone confirm me this information ? | 02:04 |
dsas | ploum: they should be enabled by default yes | 02:04 |
ploum | dsas: that's great, IMHO | 02:05 |
ploum | so there's no need anymore to document how to enable them ;) | 02:05 |
dsas | ploum: no | 02:05 |
dsas | ploum: well, I'm not sure what happens on upgrading.... | 02:05 |
ploum | yes, but here I'm writing an article for fresh installation | 02:06 |
ploum | I will talk about universe/multiverse but in an shorter way | 02:07 |
dsas | ploum: there's a bug on them not being enabled by default, see bug 105511 I'm not sure how many systems it effects | 02:08 |
ubotu | Malone bug 105511 in Ubuntu "Universe and Multiverse not enabled by default on the livecd" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105511 | 02:08 |
dsas | reading that bug maybe it only effects the live cd though | 02:08 |
dsas | ploum: see also https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/enabling-additional-components | 02:09 |
dsas | ploum: out of interest what article are you writing? | 02:09 |
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ploum | I'm writing an article for a french newspaper | 02:10 |
ploum | well | 02:10 |
ploum | a magazine | 02:10 |
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ploum | they want to publish a special Feisty Fawn release | 02:10 |
ploum | and they called me | 02:10 |
dsas | ploum: sounds tres cool | 02:11 |
ploum | well, we will see what it will looks like ;-) | 02:11 |
ploum | but it's a good way to promote Ubuntu | 02:11 |
ploum | it will be delivered with an Ubuntu DVD | 02:11 |
poningru | ploum: wanna join #ubuntu-marketing ? | 02:11 |
ploum | so they asked me what packages they should put besides officials ones | 02:12 |
ploum | poningru: now ? | 02:12 |
poningru | just a general invitation | 02:12 |
ploum | thanks :-) | 02:12 |
ploum | I'm really interested in that ! | 02:12 |
ploum | for now, I've little time | 02:12 |
poningru | hehe true | 02:13 |
ploum | but I will consider in my article that universe and multiverse are enabled ! that's cool :-) | 02:13 |
ploum | thanks for the info | 02:14 |
ploum | and thanks for the invitation | 02:14 |
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poningru | ploum: actually in feisty universe and multiverse are enabled | 02:27 |
ploum | thanks ! | 02:28 |
ploum | :-) | 02:28 |
poningru | anyone know what the page is that describes all the install methods? | 02:36 |
poningru | I thought it was anyinstall but I guess its not | 02:37 |
poningru | I also tried install method | 02:37 |
poningru | also how does one comment large sections in wiki? | 02:38 |
poningru | /* doesnt seem to work | 02:39 |
poningru | halp | 02:39 |
dsas | poningru: I don't know that you can, afaik you have to use '#' infront of everything | 02:44 |
poningru | >:( | 02:44 |
nixternal | poningru: # or ## | 02:48 |
poningru | nixternal: that wont take down an entire section will it? | 02:48 |
nixternal | nope, there is no multiline comments with MoinMoin | 02:49 |
nixternal | at least none that I know of | 02:49 |
poningru | grr | 02:52 |
poningru | nixternal: know who packaged beryl? | 02:52 |
nixternal | no I don't, but I think I made him/her made a couple of weeks ago though ;) | 02:52 |
nixternal | s/made/mad a couple... | 02:53 |
poningru | hmm? | 02:53 |
poningru | whatchu do? | 02:53 |
dsas | poningru: uhm, maybe pricechild, I think there was another guy too | 02:53 |
poningru | fixing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BerylOnFeisty | 02:53 |
poningru | need help for the ati and intel section | 02:53 |
poningru | see i tested on nvidia system | 02:54 |
poningru | but for the other two it needs random stuff added to xorg.conf | 02:54 |
poningru | so not sure if the restricted driver manager or beryl-manager package does that for you | 02:55 |
dsas | no idea, I think I read something about r-m not working for some ati stuff, though I might not have, and it was a while ago | 02:57 |
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gabe | hi | 04:13 |
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nixternal | BUILD START: 22:00 | 05:00 |
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nixternal | mdke_: --xinclude, that tries to hit up a bunch of common/${cc}.xml in the nwalsh dir under /usr, and it causes the no localization warning. | 08:21 |
nixternal | at 4 hours, kubuntu-docs aren't even at 50% complete | 08:21 |
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CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: bhuvan * r4113 generic/serverguide/C/vcs.xml: | 09:19 |
CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: * generic/serverguide/C/vcs.xml | 09:19 |
CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: Add the section for Bazaar version control system. | 09:19 |
CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: Patch by: Ian Clatworthy <ian.clatworthy@internode.on.net> | 09:19 |
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_42_ | Hello | 10:06 |
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mdke_ | nixternal: huh? | 11:16 |
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CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4114 /kubuntu/Makefile: fixed Makefile typo | 06:42 |
CIA-7 | Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4115 /kubuntu/Makefile: Makefile cleaner | 06:45 |
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ubotu | New bug: #106624 in ubuntu-doc "VNCOverSSH font fix has X11/fonts not fonts/X11" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106624 | 10:06 |
nixternal | go elsewhere with your bugs you bot! | 10:20 |
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