=== infinity2 [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === madc [n=d@adsl-156-75-197.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === marcin_ant [n=marcin@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === infinity [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === infinity2 [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === persia [n=ubuntu@p1033-ipbf37marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:07] linux-image-2.6.20-15-lowlatency 2.6.20-15.25 fails to boot on my hardware. Are there still known issues with drive detection (at which you are all hard at work), or should I file a bug? [03:08] Please file a bug, especially if you can reproduce it with the non-lowlatency kernel [03:08] mjg59: OK. Thanks. === persia [n=ubuntu@p1033-ipbf37marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === infinity [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === TheMuso [n=luke@ubuntu/member/themuso] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === zul [n=chuck@ubuntu/member/zul] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === persia [n=ubuntu@p1033-ipbf37marunouchi.tokyo.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === infinity2 [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [04:10] publishing -15.25/i386 now; ETA half an hour or so [04:12] cjwatson: I hope you get to have some sleep soon? [04:12] it's a point of view [04:13] oops, meant to publish d-i source at the same time [04:13] oh well, more runs needed anyway === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:cjwatson] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded - If you have a BUG, it's too late to get it in for release. [04:19] I kind of need to test alternate/ps3 too which means waiting for d-i to be available [04:19] might do that tomorrow though [04:21] cjwatson: You got a work PS3? [04:21] Man. I don't get the cool hardware any more. [04:23] it's less cool when you don't have an HDTV [04:24] and have to hook it up to vlc in tiny-resolution mode ;) [04:24] hehe [04:27] You need a work HDTV [04:28] I do [04:28] me too? :P [04:28] though i'd rather a 30" dell kthnxbye [04:28] :) [04:43] -15.25/i386 up and on all archive.ubuntu.com mirrors [04:46] cjwatson, thanks so much. [04:47] hey, you guys did the real work ... [04:47] You're the one awake at 3AM [04:47] now it's just language packs and hotkey-setup and then I can build livefses [04:47] when I've kicked that off I'll almost certainly crash [04:48] won't take all that much longer with three buildds munching on it === infinity [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === defendguin [n=supertux@ip70-180-86-93.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:12] mjg59: i think that last kernel update today fixed my issue [05:12] defendguin: Excellent [05:12] It /should/ fix all of them [05:13] i thought yesterday's update was the one with the patch? [05:16] mjg59: did something change in hal that made the original update not work properly? [05:18] No [05:18] But the first upload yesterday may have been missing that line [05:18] heh [05:20] i remember reading the changes in the update manager and seeing the patch was in. needless to say i was disappointed when the card didn't work [05:21] http://librarian.launchpad.net/7325843/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-ia64.linux-source-2.6.20_2.6.20-15.25_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [05:21] argh! [05:23] -15.24 is there === cjwatson is kinda tempted to ignore this for release now [05:24] -14 kernels removed === BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:40] i think you guys cleared up all the issues i had with this laptop being supported under linux this cycle === purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-71-141-90-16.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:42] BenC: 04:21 http://librarian.launchpad.net/7325843/buildlog_ubuntu-feisty-ia64.linux-source-2.6.20_2.6.20-15.25_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [05:42] BenC: I propose to ignore that for release, but FYI [05:42] looks like the ABI-ignore hack failed === infinity [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === purpleposeidon [n=poseidon@adsl-71-141-90-16.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["/dev/null'd!"] === infinity2 [n=adconrad@cerberus.0c3.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jml [n=jml@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jml [n=jml@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === alessio [n=alessio@host-84-222-111-33.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === lfittl [n=lfittl@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jml [n=jml@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:27] cjwatson: Yeah, I mentioned earlier, it's fixed in git now that I have the ABIs from -15.24 [06:27] fix it first update [06:38] BenC, cjwatson it will still make ia64 uninstallable because of the ABI change in d-i [06:38] would be much easier to keep it in sync [06:39] oh actually ABI is the same [06:39] just version [06:39] hmm [06:39] yeah [06:39] can work === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === orangey [n=orangey@bas3-london14-1096778599.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:02] hey all! [07:04] I'm trying to figure out a bug that appears to be a regression in the kernel. [07:05] the sound on this NC6230 used to work after suspend, but stopped working around the -13 mark? [07:06] However, I'm honestly not even sure a) if it was intentional that the bug was fixed; or b) how to track down which kernel module broke it. [07:11] orangey: boot into the kernel with working suspend; check out upstream hg alsa-{driver,kernel}; execute hgcompile from alsa-driver; install it; confirm that it's still working with current upstream alsa === defendguin [n=supertux@ip70-180-86-93.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:12] crimsun: stupidly, I wiped the old kernel ; ) I'll remake it and go from there. Thank you. [07:12] the hotkey-setup update that got released does it include those bugs mjg59 fixed the other night? [07:12] crimsun: what do you mean by hg alsa-driver ? [07:13] i remember BenC said they could be included [07:16] orangey: do you know how i can view the changelog of the hotkey-setup update? [07:16] defendguin: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2007-April/008524.html [07:16] defendguin: also, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2007-April/008483.html [07:17] perfect [07:18] i just wanted to make sure i didn't screw it up with the update :-) [07:18] orangey: what's unclear? [07:18] orangey: also, this discussion is veering into support instead of development. Contact me in #ubuntu+1 if you have further questions. [07:18] thanks crimsun [07:22] crimsun: pretty much the whole workflow. upstream hg alsa-driver ? I'm actually not sure what that is, other than that possibly I should get the deb from debian unstable and install it or some such.. [07:23] crimsun: I'm on +1 now. === ThiefOfBaghdad [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === gnomefre1k [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-54-53.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:40] zul: have you gotten a new packages exception for openvz? [08:41] heh, it's 3am for him. [08:41] sleep is for the weak [08:41] :P [08:41] weak from exhaustion, yes. [08:42] so openvz is going to be in the archive? [08:42] or might* [08:42] joejaxx: I didn't say that. === ajmitch would guess he hasn't got an exception - first I've heard of it === _ion [i=johan@kiviniemi.name] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:33] <_ion> benc: linux-source-.../debian/firmware/ipw2200/LICENSE says "Your rights to redistribute the Software shall be contingent upon your installation of this Agreement in its entirety in the same directory as the Software". Should the license be installed to /lib/firmware/...? [09:38] <_ion> Also, considering the limitations the license seems to put to the redistribution of the firmware, would restricted be a better place for it? I might be wrong, i didn't read the license carefully. === doko [n=doko@dslb-088-073-111-226.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === gurke_ [n=gurke@e178010117.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@stream.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@stream.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === heno [n=henrik@ubuntu/member/heno] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jml [n=jml@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === pmjdebruijn [n=pmjdebru@pmjdebruijn.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === afflux [n=k@pentabarf.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Kopete] === bdgraue [n=bdgraue@dyndsl-080-228-221-247.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:08] I installed the kernelupdated to 2.6.20-14.23 yesterday, which broke my system (something with ata)... but I removed the older kernels that were still installed for cleaning up. [12:08] now i'm in a livecd [12:08] chrooted into feisty and updated to -15.25 [12:08] and I still have the same ata error (revalidation failed, n_sectors mismatch) [12:10] same here updated and now http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9217/ [12:11] another confirmation here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106063/comments/80 === mvo [n=egon@p54A654C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:23] if someone need more specific, please ask--- [12:26] I expect the kernel devs are still asleep, but please hang around until they return [12:27] BenC, kylem, mjg59: ^ still problems with 15.25 it seems === m0rg0th [n=manugarg@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:44] bdgraue: could you try putting libata.ignore_hpa=0 on the kernel command line, please? [12:45] afflux: you too [12:47] going to have a try, will be back in about 10-20 minutes [12:49] cjwatson: ok, i'll try, moment please === ivoks_ [n=ivoks@38-10.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:50] if that works, dmesg and lspci -vvnn would be greatly appreciated [12:50] possibly a new bug each to avoid confusion === cjwatson <- not a kernel developer, merely a manager of kernel developers, but since most of them are asleep right now ... [12:51] http://librarian.launchpad.net/7329378/00001.jpg is interesting, definitely suggests libata.ignore_hpa=0 should work, but seems to be applying the wrong hpa_sectors size [12:53] doesn't work for me [12:54] going to have a shower, will be back in 20 mins [12:54] a photo of the error would be good [12:54] cjwatson: doesn't work for me too [12:55] just to be clear, http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9217/ is just a consequence, not the real error [12:55] we need the sort of ata debugging messages you see in http://librarian.launchpad.net/7329378/00001.jpg [12:55] might have to boot without 'quiet' on the kernel command line to get that [12:55] probably without 'splash' too [12:56] could 'debug' help? [12:56] no [12:56] looks like the module parameter stuff isn't working right :-/ [12:58] lspci -vvnn from a live CD might help [12:58] cjwatson: i'll give u the photo [12:58] gimme some time please :-) === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [01:00] kylem: why don't the ata_set_native_max_address* functions set ATA_TFLAG_LBA? [01:00] (not sure if that's relevant though) [01:11] cjwatson: http://phpfi.com/226658 [01:11] cjwatson: will make a photo later [01:14] cjwatson: lspci -wnn give me an lspci: invalid option -- w [01:15] bdgraue: twice a v, not a w please [01:15] lspci -vvnn [01:15] ok, afflux is using sata_nv [01:15] cjwatson: http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/5466/pict0002cs9.jpg there is the photo === mrec [n=mrechber@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === cjwatson has to go out now; if you could hang around until actual kernel developers show up, that'd be good [01:16] i'll leave in 30 mins too... [01:17] hi, I'm really curious I upgraded my notebook to ubuntu, also recompiled the kernel but it's not possible to start Xgl the whole screen just starts to flicker around ... so I guess the livecd includes some specials for that device? [01:19] bdgraue: hmm, there don't appear to be any of the hpa handling messages I was expecting; that just looks like normal boot [01:19] possibly you have enough disks that it scrolls off [01:20] cjwatson: so whats then the problem? [01:21] cjwatson: the cdrom-drives are ide [01:23] cjwatson: http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9222/ hte lspci -vvnn [01:24] is there any documentation about the ubuntu i855gm setup available? for any reason I suspect that some intel engineers did some specials there [01:25] bdgraue: like I say, I'm not a kernel developer, I'm just trying to gather as much information as possible [01:26] the problem for afflux is that the HPA suppression logic appears to be setting the drive size to the wrong value on NVIDIA ATA chipsets [01:26] i hope my informations could help to solve the problem [01:26] it's not entirely clear that yours is the same problem, although you're also using NVIDIA [01:26] haven't heard any concrete non-NVIDIA reports yet [01:28] cjwatson: an other photo is here: http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict0004gr3.jpg [01:28] kylem: converting the sector counts to hex in http://librarian.launchpad.net/7329378/00001.jpg is very interesting [01:28] kylem: it's 0x0D00000E instead of 0x0DF94BB0, and 0x2E00002F instead of 0x2E9390B0 [01:29] seems like an obvious pattern === ivoks [n=ivoks@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [01:31] mrec: No, we don't have any special 855 code [01:32] bdgraue: thanks, that's more useful [01:33] that's exhibiting the same pattern of corruption [01:33] I see, I booted from the CD and started the local X, I have the same effects [01:33] 0x1D1C5970 -> 0x1D00001E [01:33] seems like the upgrade wasn't clean [01:33] looks like sata_nv is very consistently buggering the sector count [01:35] bdgraue: could you try booting with sata_nv.adma=0 on the kernel command line? [01:35] i can [01:35] mom please [01:38] cjwatson: don't work [01:39] hmm, what exactly was your kernel command line? === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [01:39] mom [01:39] and could you take photos of the output with hpa messages in it again? I'd like to confirm that it's the same problem === mdz [n=mdz@ip-81-1-98-32.cust.homechoice.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [01:40] ok I manually removed the xorg directories and reinstalled them, now it seems to work [01:42] cjwatson: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=UUID=01b05012-0b6d-4ac6-8c72-cb146fd64f9f ro locale=de_DE sata_nv.adma=0 [01:44] cjwatson: sata_nv and libata are modules - do we have sensible code in initramfs-tools to deal with that? (I remember it being wishlist, I don't remember whether we did or not) [01:50] cjwatson: http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pict0007ro7.jpg [01:51] That's very weird. [01:53] with -15 everything is sd?. thanks :-) [01:59] cjwatson: Exactly the same pattern with bdgraue's drive [02:00] Something's squashing most of the bits [02:01] i wish i had an older kernel left on the sys :-( [02:02] (Oh, sorry, you'd already commented on that) [02:02] :-) [02:13] ah === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:15] mjg59: initramfs-tools> I'm not sure [02:17] bdgraue: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/2.6.20-14.22 - "Builds of" drop-down in the top-left, you can get old packages from that [02:19] mjg59: can you tell whether it's sata_nv or pata_amd in use? I couldn't quite tell [02:21] I think it's sata_nv in bdgraue's case at least [02:21] BenC: could you push the various -15 git branches? [02:24] mjg59: I don't quite know how module options work. What would initramfs-tools need to do? [02:26] mjg59: the way that the top three bytes are being consistently copied to the bottom three bytes (kernel code then adds one to it) is particularly suspicious [02:27] I'm assuming it's LBA48 since at least some of the sizes in question exceed 28 bits [02:28] it says "lba48" in the screenshot too === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:33] shouldn't there be a 0x0f masking in the set_native_max_address_ext? That bit looks suspicious. [02:33] Mithrandir: where? [02:33] libata-core.c [02:33] no I mean where 0x0f [02:33] tf.lbah = new_sectors, etc [02:34] I thought lbah would only get four of the bits set there? [02:34] or is lba48 sane? [02:34] Mithrandir: the reason set_native_max_address has a 0x0f mask is because it's the top 4 bits of the LBA28 [02:34] but LBA48 divides exactly by 8 [02:34] ok, false alarm then. [02:34] I still very strongly suspect adma here [02:35] quite tempted to build a kernel with adma disabled [02:35] in fact, yeah, why don't I kick that off on ronne === zul [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:35] try that, then? You have the ccache from yesterday, so it should be fast enough? === Mithrandir goes out for a little bit. [02:35] I'm not sure it was ccached unfortunately === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:36] one build shouldn't take all that long even from scratch though === cjwatson looks suspiciously at nv_adma_tf_to_cpb === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [02:40] cjwatson: hoe can i get the old kernel in the chrooted system? [02:40] how [02:41] get => download or get => install? [02:42] download and install with dpkg or something else or install via apt if possible, cjwatson [02:44] find URL, use wget to fetch it, dpkg -i [02:45] ok, thx [02:47] bdgraue: would you be able to help out with testing unofficial fixes at some later point? [02:47] hmm I noticed that ubuntu feisty doesn't support the highest resolution on my notebook, how about trying to detect the notebook and patching the bios to get it work? [02:48] cjwatson: if i have time, yes [02:48] (I tested it with the temporary biospatch, and it seems to work fine.. and it looks way better) [02:48] i would be an honor to help [02:49] I'm still trying to figure out what the hell's going on, and I'm planning to be out this afternoon [02:49] kylem may stand a better chance once he wakes up [02:51] 3 ours from now i have to go... then i have no more time :-( [02:51] then only tomorrow [02:56] cjwatson: do i have to install some of the modules too, or only image and headers? [02:57] from the older kernel... [03:02] bdgraue: just the image, and you may need to go and hunt down a matching linux-restricted-modules too if you rely on non-free video drivers or whatever [03:04] hunt down a matching linux-restricted-modules? [03:05] cjwatson: what does that mean, i have to find one, somewhere? === ThiefOfBaghdad [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Keybuk [n=scott@wing-commander.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === rpereira [n=rpereira@ubuntu/member/rpereira] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === bdgraue_ [n=bdgraue@dyndsl-080-228-221-247.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [03:38] cjwatson: thx, i have the old 2.6.20-14.22 running [03:42] cjwatson, test kernel building [03:58] kylem: cool, what are you trying? [03:59] cjwatson, what you pointed out above (setting TFLAG_LBA) [03:59] ok [03:59] I've got a build running that turns off adma [03:59] (in sata_nv) [03:59] we're still seeing issues there? [04:00] the only bug i saw in my mbox in this dumping was the dude lying about running 15.25 :/ [04:00] kylem: yes, consistently with sata_nv [04:00] bug#? [04:00] something is blatting the high-order-bytes of the LBA48 over the top of the low-order three bytes [04:01] er dunno about a bug number, but see e.g. http://librarian.launchpad.net/7329378/00001.jpg [04:01] ok. [04:01] it's all in scrollback here [04:02] there was another example as well - in both cases LBA48 0000AABBCCDD was transformed into 0000AA0000AA (+1) [04:03] in the middle of ata_exec_internal so presumably by the driver [04:03] hm, ok. [04:03] I've only heard of it with nv so far [04:04] but I'm not fully up to date on bugs [04:06] ergh. [04:08] I also think module options passed on the kernel command line just plain don't work in feisty [04:17] damnit, my build failed for no obvious reason [04:17] + xargs strip --strip-debug [04:17] make[1] : *** [install/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic] Error 1 [04:17] + xargs strip --strip-debug [04:17] make[1] : *** [install/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic] Error 1 [04:17] (sorry for dup) [04:17] ok, screw this, I'm going out. call me if it's urgent === ubeyde [n=ubeyde@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ubeyde [n=ubeyde@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === EtienneG [n=etienne@ubuntu/member/EtienneG] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === defendguin [n=supertux@ip70-180-86-93.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ivoks [n=ivoks@ivoks.grad.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === reitblatt [n=mark@resnet-50-180.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === macd [n=d@adsl-156-75-197.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Aikurn [n=aikurn@155.Red-88-2-203.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:22] hi === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:28] kylem: do we have an issue with -15.25? [05:28] still reading scrollback [05:30] looks like it [05:31] and it looks like libata.ignore_hpa isn't making it to the module in some cases. [05:31] how does the kernel handle cmdline opts to modules? [05:32] no clue. it didn't change. [05:32] I thought module.XXX would only work for built in modules [05:32] that was fixed in 2.6, AIUI. [05:32] i thought the modprobe handled it by inspecting /proc/cmdline [05:33] at least I remember rlove and rusty claiming so at LCA 2004 during the kernel hacking tutorial. [05:33] Module parameters for modules that are built into the kernel image [05:33] are specified on the kernel command line with the module name plus [05:33] '.' plus parameter name, with '=' and value if appropriate, such as: [05:34] I don't think cmdline for actual modules is supported [05:34] It used to be you couldn't pass options to built-in modules, and that's probably what they fixed [05:35] there's more than two ways you can do it, i have no idea how universally stupid it is if they haven't implemented it. [05:35] kylem: so what's the extent of this bug? [05:36] BenC, some controllers (nv apparently?) are reporting bogus sizes back from ata_set_max_address{,_ext} [05:37] what's with these 1Meg HPAs [05:38] appears to be fairly common on sata disks. [05:39] it's weird, the size shows in "native size increased" is not the same size as the one read in ata_hpa_resize [05:39] which means it's not the one set in n_sectors_boot [05:39] the native sized increased size is the one returned value read out of the taskfile [05:40] whatever size it was increased to is the one we need to put in n_sectors_boot [05:40] then we need to use that value to store the n_sectors_boot [05:40] err, I mean the n_sectors [05:40] not until we figure out why it's all friggity fucked. [05:41] Not sure why we are getting a different result than what we ask for [05:41] kylem: maybe we should fail to change n_sectors if the results for the set isn't what we asked for? [05:42] colin pointed out that the code wasn't setting ATA_TFLAG_LBA [05:42] in set_max [05:42] I thought you said that was ok because of 0x40? [05:42] i know. [05:42] worth a try I guess [05:43] I wish I had a drive with HPA to test this better [05:43] my guess is that some of the taskfile dispatch paths are setting it, and some aren't depending on the value in that field [05:43] which is why it works fine on so many systems [05:45] well the set obvious works...the n_sectors mismatch shows that ata_id_n_sectors() is returning the value of the size we did in set [05:45] yeah. [05:50] kylem: Is it ever possible that if our set succeeds we should get a different value that what we asked it to set? [05:50] or I mean, should it be possible === ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:51] can we assume that since the set succeeds, and from these reports we can see that it succeeds, could we just set n_sectors to the value we set instead of relying on this return value? === johanbr [n=j@blk-224-156-151.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [05:52] ew [05:52] assuming this TFLAG_LBA doesn't work [05:52] that sounds risky. [05:52] i don't think so, perhaps we should set it to the value in ata_id_n_sectors afterwards [05:52] kylem: Does that get updated immediately? [05:52] aside from setting the max sectors limit, that's all that really changes [05:52] yes [05:52] then that might be best [05:53] the only thing we've seen not to be reliable so far is the return value from the set call...it seems we can definitely rely on everything else [05:53] yeah, the 0x40 definitely is the bit needing set unless some deeper bit is unsetting it based on the value of tf->flags [05:53] I don't like it, but it may be the way to go, if we can't find the problem with the return value of set [05:54] oh. [05:54] we have to re-identify the drive of course. [05:54] since the id is cached. [05:54] that's why we used the return value. [06:03] that's what I thought....else the whole n_sectors_boot thing is pretty bogus :) [06:04] what's the call to id the drive? [06:06] rc = ata_dev_read_id(dev, &dev->class, ATA_READID_POSTRESET, [06:06] dev->id); [06:16] builds almost done (concurrently for i386 and amd64) [06:16] Do we have testers? === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === lazka [n=lazka@85-124-173-127.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === heno tries to round up some testers in the Feisty section of the forums === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:30] I was told to check in here if I was having problems with the 2.6.20-15 kernel [06:31] only if it's -15.25 === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:31] It is [06:31] me2.. [06:31] cat /proc/version_signature [06:31] or dpkg -l linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic [06:32] heya, just responding to a call for sata_nv users with 2.6.20-15 kernel problems come here [06:32] ii linux-image-2. 2.6.20-15.25 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on x86 [06:33] amd64 or i386? [06:33] what's the problems you are having? [06:33] amd64 [06:33] Haven't been able to boot since upgrade from -13 to -14 [06:33] ditto [06:33] do you have screenshots of the problems so we can make sure it is the same thing? [06:33] well, i can boot into the -13 kernel still [06:33] or maybe gain more info? [06:34] sertmann: do you have the latest -15.25? [06:34] Get ata2.00:qc timeout(cmd0xef) [06:34] trejack: is this macbook? [06:34] the latest one available from apt anyway [06:34] Then ata 2.00: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4) [06:34] do you guys need anyone with "failed to set xfermode"? no nv_whatever here :P [06:34] No its ASUS P5NSLI [06:34] sertmann: please make sure it is -15.25, so we don't waste time on a bug that may already be fixed [06:35] Finally get to busybox shell [06:35] BenC: that's what it says menu.lst anyway [06:35] sda and sdb are listed in /dev [06:35] but not sda1,sda2,etc [06:35] sertmann: menu.lst shows -15, it doesn't say it's -15.24 or -15.25 [06:36] sertmann: please check, it's very important [06:36] transcribed this from recovery mode: from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106063/comments/88 [06:36] /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic [06:36] how do i check the exact version? [06:36] sertmann: I gave you two commands already :/ [06:36] sertmann: dpkg -l linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic [06:38] my drives are ide, not SATA, but motherboard does have SATA controllers. === jpon [n=jpniane@neu67-3-82-239-80-181.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:39] BenC: from that output it does look installed, it lists it anyway [06:39] sertmann: can you paste it please [06:39] sertmann: I need to see the version, not whether it is installed or not [06:39] Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold [06:39] | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed [06:39] |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad) [06:39] ||/ Name Version Description [06:39] +++-==============-==============-============================================ [06:39] ii linux-image-2. 2.6.20-15.25 Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on x [06:40] ok, that's the info we needed [06:40] thanks, so you have the latest and are still having problems [06:40] yes [06:40] yes [06:41] can you guys pastebin dmesg from the last kernel that worked for you [06:41] and also your lspci -vvn output [06:41] http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/kernels/feisty/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.25_amd64.deb [06:42] that's for anyone having "mismatch" messages in your dmesg [06:42] please test kyle's images [06:42] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106418 has it the dmesg, hang on while I do lspci [06:42] sertmann: see http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ === felip1 [n=felipe@host28-99-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:44] trejack: please test kyle's kernel image(s) [06:44] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15606/ [06:44] i have a sata_nv controller in this box, but it's not used, and my ide hd are being seen as sd* [06:45] felip1: then you don't have a bug [06:45] ok BenC :) [06:45] I wish I had a SATA so I could help debugging :-) [06:45] except my feisty isn't booting [06:45] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15607/ for my lspci [06:46] bah, lspci output is to long for the terminal === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:46] should i just paste the lines i do get? [06:46] felip1: then let's get down to the real bug [06:46] BenC: do you already know of any issues with edgy->feisty and non-sata hd? [06:46] felip1: if your drives show up, why aren't they mounting [06:46] BenC: I'm not using amd64, try it anyway? [06:46] sertmann: send it to a text file with > output.txt [06:47] trejack, no [06:47] felip1: does your root= in /boot/grub/menu.lst shows /dev/... or UUID=...? [06:47] http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/kernels/feisty/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.25_i386.deb [06:47] trejack: No, use the one kyle just pasted [06:47] BenC: UUID [06:47] trejack, ^-- i386 image is there [06:47] OK - I'll report back [06:47] felip1: does your /etc/fstab reference any /dev/hdX devices? [06:48] uhm good point, i guess so... let me check ;) [06:48] felip1: they should use UUID= as well [06:48] yes theys are [06:48] sertmann: lspci -vvn > lspci.txt, and post that [06:48] got it here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15608/ [06:50] BenC: how are we doing? [06:50] sertmann: Please try kyle's images [06:50] I've just had to spend the past several hours buying a new laptop because mine has quit [06:50] BenC: they use UUID in fact === lazka [n=lazka@85-124-46-101.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:50] felip1: Boot to recovery mode and see if you can get a digital photo of the final screen === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [06:51] BenC: ok === felip1 [n=felipe@host28-99-dynamic.7-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [06:51] mdz: white smoke and blue flames? :-) [06:52] mine did, was kind of scary :-P [06:52] ok; downloading now [06:52] no, the display is failing [06:53] ouch [06:53] mdz: we are chasing more sata_nv bugs :/ [06:54] mdz: I'm almost to the point of saying that sata_nv just doesn't get hpa resize rights [06:54] heh, it's *not* the driver [06:54] that's not how these things work... [06:54] it's the controller that is giving us bogus info during hpa workaround [06:55] kylem: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/libata.diff [06:55] that's my initial patch for updating id and using it to get the set size [06:55] I actually like it better than what we have now because it detects these sorts of problems and reports them and continues along happily === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [06:56] kyle's kernel gave me same problems [06:56] trejack, are you booted into the machine now? [06:56] in these cases it will either ignore hpa, or will resort to the original sectors [06:56] Package installer said I already had same version installed, but I installed it anyway [06:56] I'll do some builds with this patch [06:56] trejack, edit /etc/modprobe.d/options and append the line "options sata_nv adma=0" [06:57] trejack: the installer was right, but that's not what matters [06:57] trejack, and try again please. [06:57] Yes, booted int -13 [06:57] trejack, is your disk sata or pata btw? [06:57] pata [06:57] alright. [06:58] I'll try the modprobe thing and report back === kylem goes to look in his closet for a pata disk === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [06:59] kylem: you forgot to tell him to run update-initramfs :) [06:59] doh. [07:00] haha [07:00] BenC: you just had to wait until he rebooted ;-) [07:01] aha. sata_nv and pata_amd :-) [07:01] that explain things :-) [07:01] BTW, anyone here helping to track down these problems, we really appreciate your time [07:02] if we sound short, or aggrevated, it's only because we've been chasing problems for 3 days now, and we're delaying RC/release because of them [07:02] well RC for sure, don't know about release [07:02] pretty much 3 straight days... there's not been much sleep. :P === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:03] kylem, BenC: you guys rock! :-) [07:03] Kylem's kernel didn't work for me either.. [07:04] ok, hold up for a few minutes, I have a kernel building to test [07:04] sertmann, you're also sata_nv? i forgot to tell you to update-initramfs :/ [07:04] yeah, im on sata_nv === gordon_ [n=chatzill@cpe-76-183-250-45.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:05] update-initramfs -k ? [07:05] or what option? [07:05] -k 2.6.20-15 -u [07:05] right? [07:05] yeah... [07:06] so ill try that and reboot === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:07] Cannot find /lib/modules/2.6.20-15 <-- eh? [07:07] sudo update-initramfs -u [07:07] that'll do it [07:07] Still same after editing modprobe.d/options [07:07] trejack, sorry, forgot to tell you to sudo update-initramfs -u [07:07] trejack: try "options libata ignore_hpa=0" [07:07] so it didn't take effect [07:08] oh, and that :) [07:08] removed added line now [07:08] trejack: no no, do the adma line, but run update-initramfs -u then reboot [07:09] where to I put the options libata ignore_hpa ? In the same options file (someone suggested I do this earlier, & I couldn't figure it out...) [07:09] trejack: try that after just adma [07:09] one at a time so we know which one works === gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:09] OK, give me the adma line again, I deleted it. [07:10] I'll do it first, then the libata [07:10] options sata_nv adma=0 [07:10] Then sudo update-initramfs -u [07:10] then reboot [07:11] got it. thanks === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:12] back, that didn't do it either :-/ [07:12] so let me know when the new build is done :) [07:13] should be 20-30 minutes, so if you have a southpark episode to catch up on, now's a good time :) [07:13] BenC: if you want me to build anything, I have machines which are a) bored and b) eight-core amd64. [07:14] hehe [07:14] tell elmo to buy a few of those... [07:14] Mithrandir: I'm doing the builds on 2xquad-core right now with ccache, so it should be quick === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:14] yes, they have primed ccaches too. :-P [07:14] unf. unf. [07:15] Mithrandir: ah, ok, I'll keep that in mind :) [07:15] but your machine appears to be of the same class, so I'll leave it to you fttb. [07:16] I need to add linux-debug and linux-headers to the list of things not to build when NOEXTRAS=1 [07:16] yes, for gutsy. :-) === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Ex-Chat"] [07:17] hehe === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:17] Mithrandir, wuss. ;-P [07:17] I'm still trying to get used to my new world the next six months ;-) [07:17] btw, out of curiosity, why am i having issues with a SATA controller drivers, when I'm on a ATA disk? [07:18] Hi guys, i'm still having problems with 15.25 kernel - it spits out something about ata sectors mismatch. Is there anything I can do to help you to debug? [07:18] because clearly i was a bad man in a past life. [07:19] john_brown_jr: stick around, there's a new kernel building for testing [07:19] okey [07:19] kylem: a past life? [07:19] BenC, this is a bad bear [07:19] ok, this is a good bear === kylem cracks up. [07:20] lol [07:20] bear? [07:20] inside joke from our allhands meeting this year [07:20] defendguin: your sanity depends on you not pursuing this further [07:20] s/this/last/ === ivoks_ [n=ivoks@22-196.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:20] lol [07:21] you guys all done bug fixing for this release? [07:21] unfortunately, no [07:21] mostly it's regressions now. [07:21] ^- severe [07:21] I think this patch will work around them nicely, let's just hope it doesn't introduce new ones [07:22] wonder if pitti and dholbach are around [07:22] this HPA shit is fucking tetchy. [07:22] bummer [07:22] it took me a long time to get it to work properly. [07:23] anyone else here having problems returning from suspend? [07:24] at some between now and herd 3's release my touchpad stopped working when returing from suspend [07:25] s/returing/returning === capiira [n=capiira@dslb-084-056-052-172.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:27] hi === tau [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === dorath [n=dorath@74-60-58-121.lew.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tuxmaniac [n=aanjhan@unaffiliated/tuxmaniac] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded | URGENT: Currently debugging sata_nv and HPA related problems in 2.6.20-15.25 (do not report problems unless you have -15.25). Test kernels coming shortly, will be posted here. === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:31] Still nothing [07:32] Hello, I saw a post from Henrik on ubuntuforums asking people who had problems with 2.6.20-15 to come here. I've had such problems. [07:32] trejack: the ignore_hpa=0 didn't work for you? [07:32] I tried sata_nv adma=0, then update-initramfs [07:32] trejack: just hang a second till I get this test kernel built [07:32] trejack: you can remove that line now [07:32] then libata ignore_hpa=0, then update-initramfs [07:33] you included the "options " part too, right? [07:33] yes [07:33] sorry bout the shorthand [07:33] ok. [07:33] should I remove the sata line also? === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Ex-Chat"] [07:34] hmm do i need to do something special to compile the kernels that comes with diff.gz extra? the orig one get auto patched but i always get a build make error on final === mdz [n=mdz@yttrium.canonical.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:35] hehe i guess i'll drop my current problem for the time being :-P [07:35] capiira: right now we are working on some serious issues with the kernel, please take general questions like that to #ubuntu [07:35] BenC: does someone on staff have access to sata_nv hardware? [07:35] mdz: Kyle and I both [07:35] oh, good [07:35] ok :) no problem [07:35] but neither of us has an HPA drive [07:35] neither do these people [07:35] well [07:35] (some of these) [07:35] some of them do, they have a 1Meg HPA :) [07:36] as it happens, I just bought this new laptop, and I bet it has one [07:36] but I don't think that helps [07:36] BenC, do you have a pata disk you could toss onto the pata_amd controller? [07:36] i don't appear to have *any* ide disks left alive :/ [07:36] mdz: if it has an hpa then you may have inadvertently volunteered for testing :) [07:36] the vmware server here use sata_nv [07:36] BenC: I don't think I have the necessary hardware to plug the laptop HDD into the sata_nv box though [07:37] ah, I thought you meant the laptop had sata_nv [07:37] laptop has HPA, server has sata_nv [07:37] kylem: I have a 20G drive on my pata_amd already :/ [07:37] and it works just fine [07:37] it's my rootfs...the 300G sata is a data partition [07:37] ok. [07:37] good datapoint then. [07:38] is there anything I can do to assist with tracking down the problem? [07:38] builds almost done [07:38] mdz: Test boot the kernels when I get them done [07:39] mdz: we have about half a dozen people in here that are having the problem, but it'd be nice to know we don't regress anything too [07:39] this box is running Dapper, but I guess I can swap the kernel onto a live cd === dorath [n=dorath@74-60-58-121.lew.clearwire-dns.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [07:39] BenC, it's worth mentioning that drivers/ide just slurps the return value out of the taskfile. [07:40] kylem: yeah, I've seen that... [07:40] kylem: My patch doesn't ignore the return value, it just uses it to sanity check with what we wanted, what it returned and what the value is after re-id [07:41] yeah. [07:41] maybe we should just revert to drivers/ide and let fedora deal with this in two months... === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:43] joy. [07:43] kernel just crasched. [07:43] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15625/ [07:44] Nafallo: you're using ipv6? [07:44] 571f6b2b29d01c3572d43a8058af1e9f linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.25_amd64.deb [07:44] b9c8608567b386aecb4e94378da244c4 linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.25_i386.deb [07:44] mdz: yes [07:45] http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ [07:45] Everyone please try those kernels [07:45] BenC: are you sure those are finished uploading? [07:46] BenC: for my bug to? :-) [07:46] if it succeeds, pastebin dmesg so we can sanity check, please [07:46] mdz: yes [07:46] wait no, i386 still uploading [07:46] it was only 9M when I downloaded it, and different md5sum [07:46] 40 seconds till complete, sorry [07:46] <_ion> You can wget already, just use -c and rerun it when it finishes. :-) [07:47] done [07:48] please remember to boot WITHOUT quiet and splash on the kernel command line [07:48] so if it fails you can get an immediate look at why [07:49] downloading now [07:49] any commands I/We need to do after/before installing this? === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded | URGENT: Currently debugging sata_nv and HPA related problems in 2.6.20-15.25 (do not report problems unless you have -15.25). Test kernels: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ [07:49] sertmann: just dpkg -i, and reboot [07:49] oki [07:49] remove _any_ modprobe.d options you've added before dpkg -i [07:49] so we get a clean test [07:50] <_ion> benc: I don't have anything sata_nv or HPA and the current kernel in feisty works correctly. Should i test the kernel, too? [07:50] sorry, i hate to be useless, but i've no clue as how to that :/ [07:50] _ion: yes please, so we get regression testing [07:50] <_ion> benc: Alright. [07:50] _ion, yes, we don't ... what ben said [07:50] sertmann: how to do what? [07:50] BenC: what's changed relative to current feisty? just sata_nv? or does this need regression testing on other hardware as well? [07:50] BenC: remove _any_ modprobe.d options you've added [07:50] mdz: I added some sanity checks in ata_hpa_resize() so it's all devices [07:51] ok [07:51] I'm doing an install on the new laptop and will test once that's done [07:51] sertmann: did you add any options to /etc/modprobe.d/? If not, ignore that part [07:51] mdz: thanks [07:51] ok:) [07:52] <_ion> benc: Did you see the question about the ipw2200 firmware, btw? [07:52] BenC, http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.25_i386.deb works fine on sata_vs nvidia nforce2 chipset FYI. [07:52] sata_nv* === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [07:52] macd: did you have a problem prior to that? [07:53] yes, 2 days ago. === tau [n=david@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [07:53] macd: does the -15.25 in the archive work for you? [07:53] I think that box is on its last leg, but I can grab the last kern.log and dmesg's from each boot === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [07:54] I can't get the one from the repos, I'm still getting a 403, the proxy here is horrible with expiry [07:54] so Im not even getting an apt-get update properly atm. [07:55] BenC, appears to work here. [07:55] macd: Ok, thanks for the report, but if you could verify (when possible) that the -15.25 in the archive does or doesn't work for you, I'd appreciate it [07:55] BenC, sure, you want me to leave that on LP? [07:55] ^if your not around [07:55] macd: just ping kyle or myself here [07:55] k. [07:56] Anyone else getting ready to test this, please tell me if -15.25 in the archive worked or didn't work for you when posting about the -15.25 I have built [07:57] Is the kernel in the repos on the daily iso build? === FelipeLerena [n=felipe@17-32-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [07:57] macd: should be [07:57] check the date, if it's older than 12 hours, probably not [07:57] macd: it is, yes. [07:57] on the 20070414 isos [07:58] yeah I just peeped it, thx. [07:58] I think all my domU's use sata_nv [07:58] hi, I have the sata_nv problem. can anybody help me? [07:59] FelipeLerena: topic === ahirreddy [n=ahir@c-24-5-212-105.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:00] BenC: oh, i'm really sorry. Didn't see it. [08:00] Just installed the -15.25 kernel up from -12. I have sata_nv, and nforce 400 chip set [08:00] ahirreddy: topic [08:01] I can't boot up [08:01] What is the latest stable kernel i can use [08:01] ahirreddy: can you boot to an older kernel? [08:01] yes [08:01] ahirreddy: use the kernel in the topic [08:01] what would that be? [08:01] the one marked "Test kernel" right after describing the sata_nv problems [08:01] you mean boot in to -15.25 [08:01] thanks [08:01] i'll do that and be back [08:01] I mean boot the kernel you download from the URL in the topic === tau650 [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:02] is it available in generic [08:02] <_ion> benc: Seems to work fine, http://johan.kiviniemi.name/tmp/dmesg.2.6.20-15-generic [08:02] I have an x2 and need smp [08:03] ahirreddy: going to the link will review answers to your questions [08:03] s/review/reveal/ [08:03] _ion: but you didn't have a problem before, right? [08:03] _ion: so it just doesn't break anything new? === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:03] <_ion> benc: Nope, had no problem at all earlier. [08:03] _ion: ok, thanks === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:03] sertmann: success, failure? [08:03] not working for me [08:03] sertmann: screen shot? [08:04] Still no luck here, but different error messages at the end this time - see the pic uploaded at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106418 [08:04] sertmann: or at least copy the output you see [08:04] took one with my camera phone, can't read the text, so im looking for a usb wire for my digital camera === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:05] just hold on [08:05] how long until the fixes get integrated in to the one in the main repo [08:05] sertmann: ok, thanks [08:05] ahirreddy: never if we don't get testing [08:05] cool [08:05] it's a test kernel, which means we don't know if it fixes the problem or not [08:05] i see, [08:05] does anyone know what the exact changes are [08:06] BenC: do you want me to try the modprobe options with this kernel? === ahirreddy [n=ahir@c-24-5-212-105.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [08:06] trejack: I'm really only interested in getting this fixed without additional options, but you can try the "options libata ignore_hpa=0" [08:07] kylem: looks like the re-id might be causing some foobar... [08:07] http://librarian.launchpad.net/7330784/IMG_2979.JPG [08:07] hard to tell with that run-off [08:08] applied the new kernel (simply clicked on deb file and chose to overwrite) - still does not boot. screenshot - http://librarian.launchpad.net/7329378/00001.jpg === cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:08] BenC, i was afraid of that. [08:08] the state machine probably isn't expecting it [08:08] john_brown_jr: are you sure you are booting the new kernel? [08:08] there's some expected output there that I don't see [08:09] actually, no you aren't [08:09] I'm sure of that === tau650 [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:09] john_brown_jr: download the .deb to disk, and run "sudo dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_*.deb" [08:09] well, yes, the errors were so similar (to me) that I pointed to the old screenshot. should I take a new one? [08:09] (sorry ) [08:10] john_brown_jr: yes [08:10] http://librarian.launchpad.net/7330784/IMG_2979.JPG === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:11] trejack: eventually you should get to a busybox prompt (3 minute wait), do you have a USB disk/keychain? [08:11] sorry dropped out by mistake [08:11] yes picture is just before it dropped into busybox [08:12] trejack: If so, can you (at the busbox prompt), mount the usb drive, and dd if=/proc/kmsg of=/mnt/dmesg.txt bs=1 & [08:12] I do have a USB disk [08:12] then unplug the device, and get me that file after rebooting === FelipeLerena [n=felipe@17-32-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Kopete] [08:12] wait about 10 seconds before unplugging [08:14] Ok. (scrambling for drive, writing down commands) === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [08:14] trejack: thanks [08:14] BenC: fwiw, today's cd image works in qemu (two days before it didn't work) [08:15] (that would be; disk and cdrom are detected) [08:15] ivoks: great, I had tested it myself, but good to know it works for others [08:15] oh... ok :) [08:15] I'll be back === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [08:16] if anyone wants to review the patch I am building with, it's at http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/libata.diff [08:16] would be good to get some eyeballs on it [08:20] BenC: I just tried to clone a git tree, and got: receiving file list ... rsync: link_stat "/scm/linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-2.6.git/objects/." (in pub) failed: No such file or directory (2) [08:21] mdz: you need to re-parent to ubuntu-feisty.git === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:21] ubuntu-2.6 only exists on rookery right now, and it's just a prep area for gutsy [08:21] BenC, Im not sure why you changed the function from ata_hpa_native_size to ata_hpa_get_native_size, or is that for readability? [08:21] BenC: oh, KernelGitGuide is out of date then [08:22] macd: because I added ata_hpa_set_native_size [08:22] that's just a readability change...the main portion to worry about is in ata_hpa_resize() [08:23] yeah, Im looking in there now [08:23] fuck === BenC hits his head some more === acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:24] please put your downloads/boots on hold till I get some new images up [08:24] BenC, what did you break? :) === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:24] I broke patch apparently [08:24] because I didn't build with the libata.diff [08:24] oh. [08:25] sorry for wasting everyone's time [08:25] sorry, i can't bloody find my usb-wire, isn't there anyway to make a log to txt file from boot? [08:25] ah [08:25] never mind i see :) === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded | URGENT: Currently debugging sata_nv and HPA related problems in 2.6.20-15.25 (do not report problems unless you have -15.25). Last test kernels were bad, new ones being built. [08:25] sertmann: hold off, I have new images building [08:25] ill just watch some discovery channel till the new ones are build :) [08:26] so Im safe to assume the problem I had was fixed in the repos version of -15.25 [08:26] BenC, do you have the diff from -14 to -15? [08:27] macd: yes, that was probably the -15.25 fix [08:28] reverting a patch to sata_nv to fix bad lba48 nodata junk [08:28] k. === anibal [n=anibal@debian/developer/anibal] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:36] Forgive my ignorance, I'm having difficulty mounting the USB drive from busybox [08:37] trejack: No need now, the images were no good [08:37] trejack: should have new ones in 15-20 [08:37] ok [08:38] I'm on a windows box now, I'll exit and reboot into -13 on my other === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:45] builds are just about done === tijsco [n=matthijs@cc237736-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [08:50] I have problems with the 2.6.20-15.25 kernel and have the sata_nv i think. I reported my problem here (as Matthijs): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106418 === mcarroll [n=mc@S010600134642ba3b.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:52] tijsco: topic, test kernels being built now to see if we can fix it === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:52] i386 -generic kernel is uploading now, amd64 to follow [08:52] okay, thanks! === bleinmono [n=toffel@ppp91-76-75-93.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [08:54] 864d9379b79e9430178412a3b84be9fd linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.26_i386.deb === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded | URGENT: Currently debugging sata_nv and HPA related problems in 2.6.20-15.25 (do not report problems unless you have -15.25). Last test kernels were bad, new ones at: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ [08:55] So download from http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ [08:55] these are marked -15.26 to avoid confusion === FOAD [n=dok@dinah.blub.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === BenC turns on the go-go feature to get this done quicker === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [09:01] bc6ed30b95aecdc2369bd65394aba0f3 linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.26_amd64.deb [09:01] that one is still uploading [09:01] 100 seconds to completion === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:02] 15.26 works for me! (had to switch from nvidia to nv, though) [09:02] john_brown_jr: yay, can you pastebin your dmesg please? === tau650 [n=david@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [09:02] pastebin? [09:03] john_brown_jr: you should be able to get the linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15 and nvidia-glx packages for this kernel [09:03] http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org [09:03] john_brown_jr: paste the resulting link here [09:04] mdz: test kernels up [09:04] sertmann: test kernels upload [09:04] BenC: downloaded [09:05] BenC: do you suppose this kernel would work on dapper, sufficient for testing purposes? [09:05] installing feisty on the box with sata_nv isn't a good option right now [09:05] mdz: eesh, probably wont like initramfs-tools and module-init-tools [09:05] http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15637/ [09:06] kylem: sweet, the patch worked as expected [09:06] mdz, yeah I tried that yesterday, init system is diff b/t 2 [09:06] john_brown_jr: gracias, it worked as I had hoped [09:06] :) === doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-119-210.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === keir_ [n=keir@colinhorne.plus.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tau650 [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:07] amd64 image is done for anyone needing that [09:08] Still a no-go for me [09:08] hello, i cant boot into the newest fiesty kernel, it think it's the sata_nv issue [09:08] I'm in my busybox session on other computer - if you can help me mount that usb drive, I'll get dmesg [09:09] keir_: topic, please test the kernel in that URL [09:09] trejack: should just be able to plug it in [09:09] trejack: check "ls /dev/sd*" and tell me what is listed for that command [09:10] see if we can figure out which device it is [09:10] Be right back [09:10] its sda1 [09:10] BenC, will do [09:10] trejack: mkdir /mnt; modprobe vfat; mount /dev/sda1 /mnt === tau650 [n=david@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [09:10] keir_: thanks, please report success/failure === keir_ waits for download [09:11] modprobe vfat's what I'm missing === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === sertmann_ [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:11] FATAL module vfat not found [09:11] err...shouldn't be === tijsco [n=matthijs@cc237736-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:12] trejack: any way to get an ext3 partition on there? [09:13] either that or add vfat to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and rerun "sudo update-initramfs -u" [09:14] I think so on the ext3 question. It'll take me a few minutes, though... === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [09:17] anyone else able to test yet? [09:17] not yet [09:17] really hoping trejack's problem is different [09:17] i can test the now === keir_ reboots === tau650 [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:19] BenC, if that box would get past POST I will [09:20] kylem: the other cool thing about the re-id is we don't perform resize twice now [09:20] BenC: my install in vmware is taking *ages* now, it used to run quite quickly [09:20] BenC, that kernel works for me :) [09:20] keir_: so you had the problem with -15.25 prior to this kernel, right? [09:20] i hope this doesn't blow our feet off, but ok [09:20] mdz: check dmesg for the messages Scott was seeing? [09:20] Mithrandir: did, nothing [09:21] BenC, correct, -15 and -14 wouldnt boot for me [09:21] I'm going to restart the whole thing and see what happens [09:21] keir_: excellent, thanks [09:21] -15.26 works for me too:) Thanks! [09:21] mdz: is this with -15.26 or -15.25? [09:21] BenC, is there anything else you need? [09:21] tau650: excellent [09:21] keir_: dmesg output please [09:21] ok [09:22] BenC: -15.25 [09:22] tau650: if you could pastebin dmesg for me too, I'd appreciate it [09:22] mdz: check your host dmesg [09:23] mdz: I seem to be getting rtc boogers while running virtualization on jus tthis one machine [09:23] slows things up [09:23] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15640/plain/ [09:23] paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15643 [09:23] BenC: the usual spew of 'host clock rate change request's [09:23] BenC: I think it got confused because I was doing a lot of I/O outside of vmware [09:24] tau650, keir_: thanks, looks good [09:24] mdz: possible that vmmon is doing whacky things...do you have paravirt enabled? [09:24] BenC: no, this is a dapper host [09:24] mdz: even on dapper host, the guest paravirt works [09:25] for feisty kernel guest that is [09:25] BenC: I don't know then; I'm just booting the desktop CD [09:25] latest feisty daily [09:25] mdz: if you didn't enable it in vmware prefs then it's disabled [09:26] but it's easy to check, it's in the vm pref window [09:26] this is workstation 5.5.2 [09:26] oh, then definitely not :) [09:27] a beta VM seems to run more reasonably, which is worrisome [09:27] are you installing off actual CD, or a CD image on disk? === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:28] sertmann: good news or bad? [09:28] good :) [09:28] yay === keturn [n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:28] sertmann: can you pastebin your dmesg please? [09:28] sure, momento [09:28] BenC: iso on disk, this is my standard test setup I've been using since edgy === ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam | 2.6.20-15.25 Uploaded | URGENT: Currently debugging sata_nv and HPA related problems in 2.6.20-15.25 (do not report problems unless you have -15.25). Kernel that should fix it: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ | Please report success/failure along with dmesg output via pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org [09:29] mdz: is the guest using piix.ko or ata_piix.ko? [09:29] BenC: current feisty daily desktop iso === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:29] is the disk hd or sd? [09:30] SCSI disk, IDE CD-ROM [09:30] I'm going to reboot the machine to make sure nothing is funny with vmware [09:30] hmm...is it possible to blacklist piix and modprobe ata_piix? [09:30] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15644/ [09:31] I've been wondering if the lba48 thing will fix the ata_piix exceptions [09:31] dmesg output [09:31] SET of native returned 218103822, expected 234441648 [09:31] sertmann: excellent, shows as expected. Thanks for your help [09:31] Winning. [09:32] Nvidia, your hardware is made of cheese [09:32] this should be ok for feisty i think [09:32] mjg59, sis too [09:32] Really? Score. [09:32] yeah and probably uncommon ones too [09:32] definitely a bandaid...a good quality one, but still one non-the-less [09:32] and my FAT32 formatted usbdisk is working aswell (Treetog wrote something about a fatal vfat crash) [09:32] BenC, we can break a shell prior to loading libata right? [09:33] kylem: yeah, I think just "break" stops before any module loading [09:33] so that could be a workaround as well for ignore_hpa=0 [09:33] break=top stops pre-udev [09:33] good. we might need a workaround for that. [09:33] i have a patch to strsep command_line[] and pass options if mod->name matches [09:34] I think this current patch will win in almost any situation, but it's good to have a fallback [09:34] kylem: sweet [09:34] but it needs heavy testing [09:34] yeah, we can include it for 2.6.22 merges [09:34] I don't recall if there's any real options that include a period in them === mxpxpod [n=bryan@unaffiliated/mxpxpod] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === keturn_ [n=kevint@c-24-21-141-200.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:35] doubt they'd match a module name [09:35] and it wouldn't break that anyway, the module code would just fail the compare, no big deal [09:36] let me get an upload prepared...being optimistic about this patch so far [09:36] trejack seems to be the only one so far having issues [09:37] I'm hoping it's not related, especially since ignore_hpa=0 in his modprobe.d didn't help to start [09:38] Is booting here also with 2.6.20-15.26, only nvidia-glx driver is not working now. Here dmesg: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15647/ [09:39] tijsco: do you have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic? [09:39] tijsco: dmesg looks good, thanks [09:40] yes, i have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic [09:41] tijsco: I don't see any nvidia output in your dmesg, odd [09:41] My mistake I think, I'll try again [09:43] right back === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:45] just a quick side note - nvidia glx fails here too [09:45] probably not you guys handling that, but now you know :) [09:46] -15.26 fixes the sata hang... nvidia I'm still confused about, since I had to back out nvidia-glx-new for a bit [09:46] (on amd64) [09:46] I know we don't have an ABI change...guessing it's a quirk in the same ABI update [09:47] keturn_: do you got it working? [09:47] sudo /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common start [09:47] sudo depmod -a [09:47] then restart gdm/X and see if that resolves it === tijsco [n=matthijs@cc237736-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [09:50] BenC: that did it - nvidia glx working now also [09:50] Here's a new dmesg: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15650/ nvidia-xgl is installed, but driver seems not be recognised by restricted drivers manager [09:50] sertmann: Ok, thanks [09:51] tijsco: try these commands: [09:51] sudo /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common start [09:51] sudo depmod -a [09:51] then restart gdm/X and see if that resolves it === tau650 [n=david@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [09:52] okay, i'll try === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === tau650 [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:00] BenC: ok, everything seems to be back in order now. thanks for being on top of things. [10:00] keturn_: np, thanks for testing [10:03] new kernels are booting on all my machines [10:03] sata_nv/pata_amd machine as well === heno goes to rally some more testing volunteers [10:05] BenC, 2 people in #ubuntu+1 had success as well. [10:05] macd: excellent, thanks === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:06] back [10:07] (had to take a lunch break) Here is my dmesg from the failed boot. http://librarian.launchpad.net/7331014/dmesg.txt [10:08] hello? [10:09] trejack: reading... [10:10] trejack: your problems seems completely different from what we are working on [10:11] trejack: what was the last kernel that worked for you? [10:11] I know pata_amd is not broken in general, since I'm using it [10:11] 2.6.20-13 === _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-70-31.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:12] <_4strO> heno: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15655/ [10:12] I was starting to be afraid it was different [10:12] _4strO: thanks, BenC ^ [10:13] _4strO: can you install the above kernels and test them? (URL in topic) [10:13] s/kernels/kernel/ [10:13] trejack: Not sure of anything that changed between -13 and now that would cause the problem you have [10:14] <_4strO> BenC: yep === tijsco [n=matthijs@cc237736-a.groni1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:15] I would try a reinstall, but when I boot to a build that uses the 2.6.20-14 kernel, it can't see my partitions either... [10:15] <_4strO> BenC: I dpkg -i download and install a new test kernel from here ??? is that right BenC or heno ? [10:15] trejack: try a ISO from today, it has -15.25 kernel [10:16] ok [10:16] <_4strO> BenC: I dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.26_i386.deb is that right BenC or heno ? [10:16] _4strO: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/ [10:16] _4strO: yes === moodydeath [n=moody@pD9ED6310.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:16] then reboot [10:16] <_4strO> ok$ === tau650 [n=david@] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [10:16] ok [10:17] thanks for your help... [10:17] trejack: thank you for sticking through all this tedious testing :) === keir_ [n=keir@colinhorne.plus.com] has left #ubuntu-kernel ["Leaving"] === _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-70-31.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:21] <_4strO> BenC: looks fine === keturn [n=kevint@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/keturn] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:21] <_4strO> BenC: you want my lspci -vvn ? [10:21] _4strO: dmesg output is what I could use [10:22] <_4strO> ok === trejack [n=tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [10:23] <_4strO> BenC: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15657/ [10:24] _4strO: great, thanks [10:24] <_4strO> pleasure to be helpfull :) [10:26] <_4strO> if you need something else ... === jan_ [n=jan@proxy-4.kliksafe.nl] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:29] is booting fine now but nvidia-glx is not working with it, x-server not starting anymore: failed to initialize nvidia kernel module, mismatch between nvidia (1.0-9755) and x module (1.0-9631) === lazka [n=lazka@83-65-233-16.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:32] BenC, .26 broke the ivtv driver... is this normal? [10:35] http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15659/ [10:36] also cdrom drive still isn't working :( [10:41] hi ... still issues with .26 ... dmesg: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15660/ (boot process is stuck from line 320 to 328) - and lspci: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15661/ === sertmann [n=sertmann@26-63-150-213.static.dsl.webpartner.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === bleinmono [n=toffel@ppp91-76-75-93.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === jpon [n=jpniane@neu67-3-82-239-80-181.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === johanbr [n=j@blk-224-156-151.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === macd [n=d@adsl-156-75-197.msy.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === defendguin [n=supertux@ip70-180-86-93.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:42] @lazka: they built it without additional module support, maybe that's the cause ? [10:42] jan_, ok thx === _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-70-31.w90-26.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-kernel === acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:45] I don't want be anoying... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/103410 have you guys tried the linked patch? I really wold like to have my drive back :( [10:50] <_4strO> lazka: did you try this ? [10:50] <_4strO> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2453122&postcount=256 [10:51] _4strO, is the extra initramfs needed after install? [10:52] lazka: hm, that looks troublesome. [10:53] kylem: do you have any ideas about lazka's bug? [10:53] its the same trexjack had, i think === cox [n=cox@client-81-107-200-114.glfd.adsl.virgin.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [10:55] the patch in there doesn't help you if you have pata_amd... === john_brown_jr [n=andris@balticom-130-178.balticom.lv] has left #ubuntu-kernel [] [10:56] i'll see what we can do. [10:56] kylem, thx, you are my heros :) [10:57] it's the slight problem of if people's CD drives are non-working they can't reasonably install [10:57] i concur [10:58] shit. [11:01] BenC, ping? [11:02] call him, he's attending his birthday party. [11:02] hmm. it's ok. [11:04] lazka, amd64 or i386? [11:04] kylem, i386 ... nforce 2, pata [11:05] mmh, would there be a way to downgrade linux-image, restricted modules, etc. to 2.6.20-12 ... it's not in the repos anymore :( [11:05] moodydeath, it's in launchpad [11:05] kylem, there are 2 more patches: http://lkml.org/lkml/2007/2/27/157 [11:06] ah, right, thx :D [11:07] yes, i'm about to spin you new packages to test [11:07] ok, i'll be there all night if you want [11:08] should only take ~10 mins to build === mxpxpod [n=bryan@unaffiliated/mxpxpod] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:13] building now [11:33] kylem: ? [11:33] kylem: the pata_amd problem seems different, but for me it doesn't reproduce [11:33] kylem: according to the one report I saw, it seemed to regress between -13 and -14, which didn't make sense [11:34] yeah [11:34] fix building [11:34] is there a way I can build just a single module instead of all of them? [11:34] based on -15.26 upload? [11:34] BenC, i pinged you to get ahold of your sources, but i just repatched with what you had in your ~ [11:34] kylem: I'll push -15.26 real quick === reitblatt [n=mark@rrcs-24-153-196-197.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:34] BenC, is there more diff? [11:35] No, but it'll be easier to base on for an Ubuntu-2.6.20-15.27 branch [11:35] either way works, I just want to push it anyway [11:35] just a test kernel, i'll toss you the patch once lazka tests it [11:35] on modpost now [11:35] Ok, I'll start a .27 branch [11:36] trejack had the problem too, but I guess he's gone [11:36] i recommend cp master to $rand and blatting it over master [11:37] i think lazka's fix is a 1-liner, i hope === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:45] hi! [11:45] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15674/ [11:45] can someone tell me what's happening? :-) [11:46] this is with -15.25 [11:46] "badness" [11:46] someone held interrupts off for too long. [11:46] hmm [11:47] hmm. [11:47] noapic and irqpoll are used on the kernel commandline. [11:47] should I try to removing irqpoll maybe? :-) [11:48] that may help, yes [11:49] oki. I'll try that then :-) [11:50] if your computer doesn't lock up, then it was simply a critical sectoin taking too long [11:50] not a deadlock [11:51] lockup and lockup... kept spawning the different messages over and over again until I pressed restart :-P [11:52] odd. [11:52] you'd think it would deadlock, heh [11:56] lazka, ping [11:57] k, i see it [11:57] lazka, wait five minutes, then try this kernel, http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/kernels/feisty/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.27_i386.deb [11:57] it's still uploading === Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/Amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [11:58] will this new image fix specially lazka's problem, or some other issues, too ? [11:58] just lazka's it hink [11:58] moodydeath: the ones in the topic will fix sata_nv and HPA issues [11:59] kind of depends on what the other issues are. ;P [11:59] already installed it [12:00] http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2453833&postcount=265 === Nafallo [n=nafallo@ubuntu/member/nafallo] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:00] ata2.00: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4) [12:00] moodydeath, could be the same. [12:00] since that is the error i get [12:01] ok, it's uploaded [12:01] please try it [12:01] just dpkg -i? [12:01] moodydeath: it is the one that kyle's kernel should fix [12:01] moodydeath: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/kernels/feisty/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.27_i386.deb [12:01] i'll try it anyway ^^ ... nothing to lose on my testsystem :D [12:02] kylem: I have a tree ready for -15.27, so just ping me when you get a patch [12:03] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15677/ [12:04] BenC: I haven't accepted .26 yet. [12:04] hehe. got that instead, but that's better I guess :-) [12:04] BenC, if it works patch is at rookery/~kyle/force-setfeatures-polling.diff [12:04] Mithrandir: easier for me to just make a .27, so no biggy [12:04] ok, brb [12:04] installed kyle's .27 .... [12:05] oh fuckin gchrist. [12:05] yeah [12:05] works :D+ [12:05] yeah? [12:05] cdrom works? [12:05] uhm [12:05] dunno [12:06] but this is the first kernel today, that doesn't stuck at the ata2 stuff [12:06] ok [12:06] mom [12:08] dvd and cdrom drives work now, too [12:08] BenC: sure, whatever works for you. [12:08] good [12:08] i'm glad [12:08] with the older versions, only the asus drive works for me ... my liteon did'nt [12:08] maybe they'll let me sleep tonight ;P [12:08] kylem: let me try on my pata_amd to make sure it doesn't regress there [12:09] k [12:09] kylem: can we get a bit broader testing of it? I'm reluctant to bring in a patch which has been so lightly tested. [12:09] Mithrandir, i completely agree [12:09] it *should* be harmless === lazka [n=lazka@85-125-223-193.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:09] soo [12:09] since PIO is the default ATA mode ;-) [12:09] boot was smooth [12:09] well, "should" being the operative word. :-P [12:09] I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just trying to play defensively here. :-) [12:09] good thing is, it's restricted to pata_amd [12:10] Mithrandir, yeah, i completely agree with you [12:10] just saying, is all [12:10] bad thing is it's restricted to pata_amd, which makes finding real testers hard [12:10] BenC, what's that? [12:10] Oh, wait, no, it's in libata-core.c [12:10] I have pata_amd [12:10] seems -15.25 works for me though. [12:10] BenC, can you respin with that patch for amd64 on your quadcore/ [12:11] yeah [12:11] i'll boot it on my pata_amd too [12:11] <-- pata_amd [12:12] kylem, http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15678/ [12:12] kylem: what exactly is the result of this patch? [12:12] BenC, afaict some drivers respond to SETFEATURES_XFER too slow [12:12] BenC, this forces use of polling mode [12:12] instead of interrupt mode [12:13] lazka, does your drive work [12:13] kylem: just for setting xfer mode? [12:13] BenC, yeah === trejack [n=Tre@24-119-246-56.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel [12:14] it doesnt automount, do i need an entry in fstab? there is nothing in there