kalikiana | Grey_Loki, To add new programs to the menu, just create desktop files in ~/.local/share/applications :) | 12:34 |
Grey_Loki | kalikiana, i think that would be the best course of action, if I knew what the executable name was. | 12:37 |
Grey_Loki | According to the site, it's 'kmuddy', but it doesn't 'go' for me. | 12:37 |
Grey_Loki | Iono. Too late to be doing tech support - bedtime for me :P | 12:38 |
kalikiana | Well, either inspect the Makefile or do 'find -name / kmuddy' :) | 12:38 |
kalikiana | Actually 'find / -name "*kmuddy*"' would be better... | 12:39 |
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Grey_Loki | It was from a .deb, so no makefile. | 12:49 |
Grey_Loki | Either way, it's too late to be doing stuff like this - mistakes happen | 12:50 |
Grey_Loki | Thanks anyways :) | 12:50 |
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knw | hi is there a RDC that will connect to a Windows 2003 SBS for ubuntu | 01:16 |
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somerville32 | rdesktop? | 01:18 |
knw | won't connect to a 2003 SBS | 01:18 |
knw | TLS authentication/encryption enabled for client connections | 01:18 |
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wavez | does xubuntu have an apt-get front end? | 01:19 |
somerville32 | synaptics | 01:20 |
Arkh | synaptic :p | 01:20 |
Arkh | synaptics is the touchpad thingy | 01:20 |
somerville32 | lol | 01:21 |
wavez | ah ha, thank you | 01:21 |
wavez | it's been quite a while since I've used linux, and I've never used ubuntu. Is there a simplied, dumbed-down process to mount my media card reader, in xubuntu? | 01:22 |
Arkh | is it a sd card reader? | 01:23 |
wavez | ya | 01:23 |
wavez | and others, but the card is SD | 01:23 |
Arkh | well do a lspci first | 01:24 |
Arkh | anything that looks like the card reader? | 01:25 |
wavez | I don't see it yet | 01:25 |
Arkh | mm | 01:26 |
Arkh | dmesg | grep -i sd | 01:26 |
Arkh | http://rafb.net/paste | 01:26 |
Arkh | can youpaste the output there and give me the link? | 01:26 |
wavez | almost everything in the list from lspci is AMD or nVidia | 01:26 |
wavez | sure | 01:26 |
Arkh | wavez, out of curiosity what laptop do you have? | 01:27 |
wavez | it's a desktop... | 01:27 |
Arkh | oops :p | 01:27 |
wavez | custom built by a local shop =) | 01:27 |
Arkh | nothing then :P | 01:27 |
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wavez | Arkh, http://rafb.net/p/Aqrp0b91.html | 01:28 |
Arkh | mmhm | 01:29 |
Arkh | do you have a sata hard disk? | 01:30 |
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wavez | I think so | 01:31 |
wavez | it's not ide | 01:31 |
wavez | ya, it is | 01:32 |
wavez | I couldn't remember what the other kind was | 01:32 |
rici | scsi | 01:32 |
Arkh | it doesn't seem that the system sees the card reader though | 01:32 |
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wavez | I'm trying to get firefox 2.0 installed. I have 1.5 atm | 01:38 |
wavez | Arkh, I'm planning on running VMware, so I can use windows to get at the card reader | 01:38 |
Arkh | which xubuntu do you have wavez ? | 01:38 |
wavez | 6.06.1 | 01:38 |
Arkh | oh I see | 01:39 |
Arkh | on 6.10 there is FF 2 by default | 01:39 |
wavez | I tried marking firefox 1.5 for upgrade, but it stayed as 1.5 | 01:39 |
wavez | it doesn't even list 2.0 when I bring up the force version dialog | 01:42 |
Arkh | mm let me see | 01:42 |
wavez | and I did a download changelog | 01:42 |
Arkh | I see | 01:43 |
Arkh | on 6.06 latest version is 1.5 | 01:43 |
wavez | someone told me there is a tool to convert rpms into debs (?) | 01:43 |
Qew | wavez: alien | 01:44 |
Qew | *yeah, that's what it's called | 01:44 |
wavez | ah, thanks | 01:44 |
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knw | how do I enable dual monitors with 2 different vid cards | 01:51 |
knw | agp/pci | 01:52 |
wavez | I guess FF 2 is only available as a tarball. What would be the best way to install this and not create issues on my system? | 01:52 |
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wavez | I want to remove firefox 1.5 so I don't have multiple browser versions, but when I try to remove it in Synaptic, it says it also have to remove xubuntu-desktop O_o | 02:01 |
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pengua1 | Are you going to use the automatic update facility? | 02:03 |
wavez | I can't. Firefox 2.0 is available for 6.06.1 | 02:03 |
wavez | isn't | 02:03 |
pengua1 | if not, xubuntu is non-critical, it's just there to hold the packages together for updates | 02:04 |
pengua1 | sorry, in general will you be using it? | 02:04 |
wavez | for most things like gaim, yes | 02:05 |
wavez | but other things, like Blender, no, because they aren't current enough | 02:05 |
pengua1 | do you go through synaptic and update every so often? | 02:05 |
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pengua1 | or just let it do it itself? | 02:06 |
wavez | I just got xubuntu installed today, so I'm not sure what I'll do | 02:06 |
pengua1 | right, just update firefox, don't worry about removing that package | 02:06 |
pengua1 | it's common to all of ubuntu | 02:07 |
wavez | ok, thnx | 02:07 |
pengua1 | it just means your auto-update will be broken | 02:07 |
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_3oo3 | can someone tell me some big differences between xubuntu and slackware? | 02:49 |
Arkh | xubuntu is ubuntu, aka debian based | 02:51 |
Arkh | slackware is just slackware | 02:51 |
Arkh | they are different Gnu/linux distros :p | 02:51 |
_3oo3 | ok, well that was pretending to answer....can someone tell me some fundamental differences between xubuntu and slackware? | 02:51 |
_3oo3 | i know xubuntu is primarily x11 based.... | 02:52 |
_3oo3 | and slackware has a similar option....im concerned that basic setup might be differnet | 02:52 |
Arkh | x11? | 02:53 |
_3oo3 | jesus. is there a #xubuntu-development or something similar on this server? | 02:53 |
Arkh | slackware is more complez to learn | 02:53 |
Arkh | xubuntu is only ubuntu with xfce | 02:54 |
Arkh | nothing more. | 02:54 |
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_3oo3 | are you saying I should ask in #ubuntu? | 02:54 |
Arkh | if you want to know the differences between ubuntu and slackware | 02:55 |
Arkh | go ask in ##linux | 02:55 |
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_3oo3 | what is the boot option for text only install? | 03:20 |
_3oo3 | anyone?! | 03:22 |
pengua1 | try #ubuntu | 03:23 |
pengua1 | i'm afraid I don't know | 03:23 |
_3oo3 | it should be a boot option for a GRAPHICAL install, not the other way around | 03:23 |
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Arkh | _3oo3, there is the alternate install cd for text install | 03:26 |
Arkh | you should have read the description of the cds "before" downloading it | 03:26 |
_3oo3 | Arkh...I assumed the developers were using their heads ^_^ | 03:27 |
Arkh | well if you want it to be simple | 03:28 |
Arkh | graphical installer is the way | 03:28 |
_3oo3 | well, that's not what I asked, now is it? | 03:29 |
pengua1 | but you need 512mb ram really | 03:29 |
_3oo3 | it's an older laptop | 03:29 |
Arkh | good for you | 03:30 |
Arkh | you should have used your eyes | 03:31 |
Arkh | and read these two lines | 03:31 |
pengua1 | been there, done that, graphical is impossible. try text install and hop you have an internet connection because you won't find verything you want on the CD | 03:31 |
Arkh | This type of CD is what most people will want to use. | 03:31 |
Arkh | :P | 03:31 |
Arkh | I installed it once through graphical and it works pretty bad | 03:32 |
Arkh | anyways I am used to debian install so I use the alternate everytime :) | 03:32 |
_3oo3 | pengua1: no cd's....no boot option on the graphical install disc? | 03:33 |
pengua1 | can you get a text install CD? | 03:34 |
_3oo3 | grr....do I communiate badly? Or is english not the preferred language in here? I'm always clarifrying.....I said I don't have a blank cd. | 03:35 |
pengua1 | Ah. | 03:36 |
pengua1 | Sorry.I can't help. | 03:36 |
Arkh | _3oo3, shit happens | 03:36 |
_3oo3 | idiots. stop pretending to be smart. if you don't know, say you don't know-- don't drag it out. I'm not some newbie linux wannabe. All I asked was if there was a god damn boot option to not use x11 to install! Stop trying to be smart. | 03:37 |
Arkh | lol | 03:37 |
Arkh | there isn't a boot text option idiot. | 03:38 |
Arkh | use the alternate cd next time . | 03:38 |
Arkh | can you get the differene between | 03:38 |
Arkh | Desktop CD | 03:38 |
Arkh | You will need at least 128MB of RAM to install from this CD. | 03:38 |
_3oo3 | Good. Now had you *said* that, you fucking moron, you wouldn't have wasted my time. Ya know what? you owe my company money. do you have a public billing addy? | 03:38 |
Arkh | Alternate install CD | 03:39 |
Arkh | installs on systems with less than about 128MB of RAM. | 03:39 |
Arkh | my system works, yours not. | 03:39 |
_3oo3 | are you stoned? | 03:39 |
Arkh | that's the main difference | 03:39 |
Arkh | ;) | 03:39 |
pengua1 | is Arkh personally responsible? | 03:39 |
Arkh | am I pengua1 ? | 03:40 |
pengua1 | and it's in the documentation. you want me to find it? | 03:40 |
Arkh | :P | 03:40 |
_3oo3 | no, but you don't drag shit out if you just don't fucking know-- this stupid-- don't pretend like you have experience when you don't. | 03:40 |
icicled | what kind of name is _3oo3 :o | 03:40 |
posingaspopular | icicled: that's some old hater-ade | 03:40 |
icicled | i see :P | 03:40 |
Arkh | _3oo3, how can't you be a newb if you don't know the difference between xbuntu and slack | 03:41 |
Arkh | lol | 03:41 |
_3oo3 | Arkh: because ubuntu is a joke in the linux community, but I had a client request it. | 03:41 |
Arkh | that's why I use gentoo :p | 03:41 |
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Arkh | annd xubuntu :P | 03:41 |
_3oo3 | lol so is gentoo, now that I think about it. you guys let your machines think for you-- that's why the support sucks so bad. | 03:42 |
Arkh | anyways _3oo3 I think you'll get some precious support here | 03:42 |
Arkh | good luck :P | 03:42 |
icicled | he needs a time-out :o | 03:42 |
Arkh | _3oo3 , nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu | 03:42 |
Arkh | :P | 03:42 |
icicled | omg hacks! | 03:42 |
_3oo3 | HAHAHA zomg! you did a /whois on IRC! you must be a leet haxxor! | 03:43 |
Arkh | rofl login xchat fault :P | 03:43 |
icicled | OMG you responded to that | 03:43 |
icicled | :P | 03:43 |
Arkh | O:) | 03:43 |
Arkh | and so I didn't do a whois XD | 03:43 |
icicled | n00b | 03:43 |
icicled | you know what's messed up, i'm sitting here in #xubuntu but i'm running gnome | 03:44 |
Arkh | lol | 03:44 |
icicled | i installed xubuntu, used xfce4 for a few months | 03:44 |
icicled | then tried out gnome, and i liked the deskbar applet so much i switched :P | 03:44 |
icicled | but the keyboard shortcuts are a pain to configure | 03:45 |
Arkh | deskbar? | 03:45 |
icicled | >:( | 03:45 |
Arkh | isn't there a xfce panel plugin that let's you use gnome applets? | 03:45 |
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Arkh | lets* | 03:45 |
icicled | yea, http://raphael.slinckx.net/deskbar/ | 03:45 |
icicled | yea to the deskbar thing | 03:45 |
icicled | not sure about the gnome applets | 03:46 |
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Arkh | [03:46:16] <_3oo3> before you try to be smart, look in your /var/log/sshd | 03:47 |
Arkh | [03:46:27] <_3oo3> And be humble. | 03:47 |
Arkh | [03:46:42] <_3oo3> You'll only be warned once. | 03:47 |
Arkh | [03:46:58] <Arkh> lol I don't have ssh enabled | 03:47 |
Arkh | [03:47:05] <_3oo3> Yes. You do. | 03:47 |
Arkh | [03:47:08] <Arkh> rofl | 03:47 |
Arkh | :D | 03:47 |
icicled | he queried you? | 03:48 |
icicled | he/she | 03:48 |
Arkh | yepp | 03:48 |
icicled | is there anything less than n00b? | 03:48 |
icicled | :P | 03:48 |
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Arkh | [03:49:05] <_3oo3> ok, kid. i hope you've got a dynamic IP. | 03:49 |
Arkh | lol | 03:49 |
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hoto_ | bu | 03:52 |
icicled | rp | 03:52 |
Arkh | hoto_, too late | 03:52 |
Arkh | :P | 03:52 |
samarkand | hello | 03:52 |
Arkh | * _3oo3 (i=0@nicholas-applebee.roaming.usm.maine.edu) ha abbandonato #xubuntu ("Konversation terminated!") | 03:53 |
Arkh | :D | 03:53 |
Arkh | hi sacater | 03:53 |
Arkh | samarkand, * | 03:53 |
Arkh | oops :) | 03:53 |
samarkand | I must say this distro runs pretty well on this oold PII 350 ;) | 03:53 |
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Arkh | lol pengua1 you missed the best | 04:02 |
Arkh | http://rafb.net/p/F9pdnH78.html | 04:02 |
Arkh | ;P | 04:02 |
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_G_N_A_A | i tink sum1 haxxored my ssh :( | 04:15 |
_G_N_A_A | i did not even have it enabulled. | 04:16 |
_G_N_A_A | kan sum1 help? i am an expert but dont know how to fix my ssh | 04:17 |
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_G_N_A_A | kan sum1 help? i am an expert but dont know how to fix my ssh | 04:21 |
_G_N_A_A | i did not evem have it enabulled but sum1 got in and they not show up in who | 04:22 |
somerville32 | How do you know they got in via ssh if they don't show up in who? | 04:22 |
_G_N_A_A | they say 'watrch this' and move files and fill my scripts with junk | 04:23 |
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tprice | hey | 04:23 |
_G_N_A_A | i not even have it enabled | 04:23 |
tprice | I could use some help with ubuntu server, can anyone help | 04:24 |
_G_N_A_A | tprice windows server 2003 is easy. | 04:24 |
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tprice | yeah but it costs money | 04:24 |
somerville32 | _G_N_A_A, How did they communicate with? | 04:24 |
_G_N_A_A | tprice: you have to pay money not to think and still be functional. | 04:24 |
_G_N_A_A | somerville32 talk | 04:25 |
tprice | I was going to experiment with the LAMP server | 04:25 |
somerville32 | _G_N_A_A, What do you mean by "they fill my scripts with junk"? | 04:25 |
_G_N_A_A | samer all my rc.local and module files....everything....some guy on irc i mouthed off to him and he fuck me up real bad | 04:26 |
_G_N_A_A | boy, I should watch what I say to people on here, huh? | 04:26 |
somerville32 | Simply disconnect your computer from the network to end the attack. | 04:26 |
tprice | lol | 04:27 |
somerville32 | What operating system are you running? | 04:27 |
_G_N_A_A | somerville32: xubuntu | 04:27 |
somerville32 | And you don't have any applications with open ports on your computer? | 04:27 |
_G_N_A_A | i dont even know man...im just gonna reinstall.... | 04:28 |
somerville32 | What network was this person on? | 04:28 |
_G_N_A_A | but if you guys see a guy named _3oo3 in here watch out | 04:28 |
_G_N_A_A | that guy no playin | 04:28 |
somerville32 | What channel did you mouth him off in? | 04:29 |
_G_N_A_A | #nsa | 04:29 |
somerville32 | What that person is you. | 04:30 |
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somerville32 | _G_N_A_A, It is very easy to hack yourself. | 04:31 |
tonyyarusso | _G_N_A_A: Could you change your nick please? | 04:31 |
_G_N_A_A | tonyyarusso why | 04:31 |
tonyyarusso | _G_N_A_A: You know what it refers to, no doubt, and it's not a group we're fond of here. | 04:32 |
_G_N_A_A | tonyyarusso: are you an american? | 04:32 |
tonyyarusso | yes | 04:32 |
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tropicana | hello | 04:33 |
tropicana | can i manually edit the start up programs for another account ? | 04:33 |
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_G_N_A_A | tonyyarusso then by all means, allow my name to be whatever I choose for it to be, in all circumstances without exception. | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | _G_N_A_A: Um, what? | 04:36 |
tropicana | help? | 04:36 |
tonyyarusso | tropicana: I'm not sure how to other than logging in as them, though it must be possible | 04:36 |
tropicana | rats | 04:37 |
=== _G_N_A_A snickers | ||
_G_N_A_A | somerville32 is _3oo3? | 04:38 |
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_3oo3 | BOOM STICK! | 04:42 |
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odat | hey everyone | 05:06 |
odat | did anyone notice that openoffice with the openoffice-gtk add on does not display icon buttons in the toolbar | 05:07 |
odat | ? | 05:09 |
odat | anyone here? | 05:15 |
BFTD | yeah | 05:16 |
odat | did anyone notice that openoffice with the openoffice-gtk add on does not display icon buttons in the toolbar | 05:19 |
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odat | ? | 05:22 |
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tropicana | hello | 05:53 |
tropicana | a little help? | 05:53 |
maxamillion | !ask | 05:54 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 05:54 |
tropicana | how do i add windows xp to my grub list? | 05:54 |
maxamillion | tropicana: should just be able to run "sudo update-grub" | 05:54 |
tropicana | oh | 05:55 |
tropicana | let me try | 05:56 |
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cycro | maxamillion, it didnt work | 06:01 |
maxamillion | hmm... | 06:01 |
cycro | mm | 06:02 |
cycro | any ideas? | 06:02 |
maxamillion | !dualboot | 06:03 |
ubotu | Dual boot instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh) | 06:03 |
maxamillion | i think in the first link there is info about the grub config | 06:03 |
maxamillion | brb | 06:03 |
cycro | k | 06:04 |
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odat | anyone here? | 06:08 |
cycro | i need help :P | 06:09 |
odat | with ? | 06:10 |
odat | cycro, with ? | 06:10 |
cycro | odat, grub | 06:10 |
cycro | odat, how do i add windows xp as an entry? | 06:11 |
cycro | to the grub menu | 06:11 |
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odat | cycro, it should have done it automagically when you installed linux | 06:11 |
cycro | odat, it did, but i recently did something that removed it for some reason | 06:12 |
odat | hmmm | 06:13 |
odat | google it | 06:13 |
cycro | odat, i did, im tryin sometin, brb | 06:13 |
cycro | odat, if i dont come back, ull know it worked | 06:13 |
odat | anyone in here able to help with openoffice-gtk it doesn't seem to be working on a fresh install | 06:14 |
odat | anyone here? | 06:16 |
odat | anyone here? | 06:24 |
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steve__ | anyone here? | 06:38 |
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neptunepink | what sorts of apps does xforce use? | 07:15 |
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TheDarkKiller | How do I install JDK6 on Xubuntu? | 10:36 |
crimsun | for feisty? | 10:37 |
crimsun | with multiverse and universe enabled, sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk | 10:37 |
TheDarkKiller | I did that already. Getting some errors about duplicate sources.list entries. | 10:38 |
crimsun | pastebin your sources.list(5) | 10:40 |
TheDarkKiller | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15502/ | 10:45 |
TheDarkKiller | Small correction in the error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15504/ | 10:47 |
TheDarkKiller | Any ideas? | 10:49 |
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Maximilian1st | Hi, I'm trying to use a new app for wireless but it requires wpa_supplicant 5.7. Yet the package in feisty is supposed to be 5.7 but when you the command line -v for wpa_supplicant shows 5.5... Is there something I am missing here? | 12:49 |
h3sp4wn | Maximilian1st: backport the version from in sid | 01:01 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: you know bash well? ^^ | 01:02 |
h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: I never use it why | 01:02 |
Maximilian1st | Well is a big word | 01:02 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: I still have some windows coded filename which display as "?" instead of "" and I thought you may know how to replace that | 01:03 |
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h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: What codepage is windows | 01:25 |
hyper_ch | iso8859-15 | 01:25 |
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h3sp4wn | have you tried just using rename ? | 01:29 |
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hyper_ch | well, it's more than one file :) | 01:31 |
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h3sp4wn | rename -v 'y/\?/\/' * | 01:32 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: it's not a "?" in the filename I learnt :) ls -b | 01:33 |
hyper_ch | someone said to use confmv --> altering the filename encoding :) that worked | 01:33 |
h3sp4wn | hyper_ch: I didn't think it was (I found a few cases where the above wouldn't work) | 01:34 |
hyper_ch | h3sp4wn: sorry, convmv :) it worked for me so far | 01:34 |
hyper_ch | next ist Mylne Farmer :) | 01:35 |
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kbrooks | boo | 02:16 |
Merchelo | urns? | 02:17 |
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frankabel | anybody know when the Feisty release candidate will be delivered? | 02:54 |
frankabel | It have two days of delay | 02:54 |
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frankabel | anybody know when the Feisty release candidate will be delivered? | 02:58 |
frankabel | It have two days of delay | 02:58 |
sioux | As far as I know it will be releseade next 19th of april | 03:00 |
frankabel | that is the Final Release, but the release candicate must be released two day ago, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule | 03:05 |
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frankabel | the problem is that that is that release candidate is the release that want to teach xubuntu due to have all the traslation and is very similar to the final release | 03:06 |
sioux | where can i get some info for a better xubuntu desktop effect, icons sound ecc | 03:08 |
Arkh | xfce-look.org ? | 03:09 |
grazie | frankabel: I don't know the full details, but there a number of broken packages in the feisty repos. I'd imagine the release candidate will be delayed a few more days at least. | 03:18 |
grazie | there are* | 03:18 |
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kbrooks | hi all | 03:24 |
sioux | hi | 03:28 |
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mhb | hi xubuntu folks ... what password grantig does xubuntu use? gksudo or a custom one? | 03:31 |
mhb | password granting dialog | 03:31 |
frankabel | grazie: Thanks | 03:32 |
grazie | frankabel: np | 03:33 |
grazie | mhb: not sure what you mean by password granting. To get admins privs for a cli app use sudo and for a gui app use gksudo or gksu | 03:34 |
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mhb | grazie: yeah I get confused with words sometimes | 03:35 |
mhb | grazie: admin granting dialog | 03:35 |
mhb | grazie: so the default graphical one in Xubuntu is "gksudo" ? | 03:36 |
grazie | mhb: no default. They're the same thing effectly. Use whichever you prefer | 03:38 |
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mhb | grazie: true, they do the same thing, but my question was not about which one to use ... I wondered which one pops up usually in Xubuntu | 03:40 |
mhb | grazie: but I guess gksudo is the one, same as in Ubuntu | 03:40 |
mhb | grazie: thanks for the information | 03:41 |
h3sp4wn | I wonder whether they patched sux to work with sudo | 03:41 |
h3sp4wn | !info sux | 03:42 |
ubotu | sux: wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-3.2 (edgy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB | 03:42 |
h3sp4wn | sudo sux would work also | 03:42 |
h3sp4wn | and sets HOME=/root | 03:43 |
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orheiMOLDOVA | hello | 04:24 |
orheiMOLDOVA | my problem is that when i run apt-get install <anything> from console i get a segmentation fault | 04:25 |
orheiMOLDOVA | and synaptic doesn't load so... | 04:25 |
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orheiMOLDOVA | any help would be greatly appreciated | 04:26 |
orheiMOLDOVA | (and of course i'm a noob) | 04:26 |
h3sp4wn | running feisty ? | 04:26 |
dadan_x | hello to everybody, i got a little problem while installing xubuntu | 04:27 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: checked your ram recenty? | 04:27 |
dadan_x | how do i get help form somebody? | 04:27 |
dadan_x | i', new... | 04:27 |
grazie | !ask | dadan_x | 04:28 |
ubotu | dadan_x: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:28 |
dadan_x | ok | 04:28 |
dadan_x | when i press install xubuntu i get a blinking screen | 04:28 |
dadan_x | a blue blinking screen | 04:28 |
dadan_x | then i tried to install ubuntu ont the same machine | 04:29 |
dadan_x | same | 04:29 |
grazie | dadan_x: using desktop cd? | 04:29 |
dadan_x | live | 04:29 |
dadan_x | cd | 04:29 |
grazie | dadan_x: how much ram? | 04:29 |
dadan_x | 128 | 04:30 |
grazie | dadan_x: not enough...really need 192mb | 04:30 |
dadan_x | it's an old machine, that's why i would like to install xubuntu | 04:30 |
orheiMOLDOVA | i have 2gb | 04:30 |
orheiMOLDOVA | of ram | 04:30 |
dadan_x | thanks! i'll try to put some ram | 04:31 |
grazie | dadan_x: you can download the alternate cd or try some workarounds | 04:31 |
dadan_x | alternate cd? | 04:31 |
grazie | !download | dadan_x | 04:31 |
ubotu | dadan_x: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 04:31 |
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orheiMOLDOVA | grazie... | 04:32 |
dadan_x | me too: grazie Gratie! | 04:32 |
orheiMOLDOVA | so i realized that this is probably not the right chan for me | 04:32 |
orheiMOLDOVA | i'm using xfce but a different distro | 04:32 |
grazie | dadan_x: that's not what I wanted..the alternate cd should be on the same webpage as the live cd | 04:32 |
h3sp4wn | orheiMOLDOVA: Why not ? | 04:32 |
h3sp4wn | orheiMOLDOVA: I have 2gb of ram | 04:32 |
orheiMOLDOVA | but maybe you can help anyhow | 04:33 |
orheiMOLDOVA | how does one go about repairing apt-get? | 04:33 |
orheiMOLDOVA | /synaptic package manager? | 04:33 |
orheiMOLDOVA | my distro, btw, is samlinux2007 | 04:33 |
Arkh | !paste | orheiMOLDOVA | 04:33 |
ubotu | orheiMOLDOVA: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:33 |
Arkh | paste the error :) | 04:33 |
h3sp4wn | orheiMOLDOVA: What is samlinux2007 ? | 04:34 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: we don't know whether those are broken yet. seg faults can be caused by many things...often ram failure | 04:34 |
orheiMOLDOVA | ok,sorry | 04:34 |
Arkh | it is derived from PCLinuxOS if I am not wrong.. | 04:34 |
orheiMOLDOVA | tis | 04:34 |
orheiMOLDOVA | it was working fine until today | 04:35 |
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grazie | yep] | 04:35 |
h3sp4wn | orheiMOLDOVA: If its based on debian testing it would be quite likely to break | 04:35 |
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grazie | no it pclinuxos based | 04:35 |
orheiMOLDOVA | pclinuxos | 04:35 |
orheiMOLDOVA | it runs really well, i just can use synaptic | 04:35 |
h3sp4wn | is pclinuxos not rpm ? | 04:36 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: it stopped working after an update | 04:36 |
orheiMOLDOVA | yup | 04:36 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: yes, but uses apt-get + synaptic | 04:36 |
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orheiMOLDOVA | basically i can open it, put the root pass, then it closes right away | 04:36 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: what happened between working and not working? | 04:37 |
orheiMOLDOVA | i added a repository, reloaded, downloaded updates | 04:38 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: then tried to restart | 04:38 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: and it didn't work | 04:38 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: you tried removing the added repo? | 04:39 |
=== grazie doesn't think that is likely to help though | ||
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: i can't, it doesn't let me load synaptic... it crashes before i can do anything | 04:40 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list directly....but as I said ^^ | 04:41 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: how can i do that as root? | 04:41 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: i'm a nOOb | 04:41 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: you know how to get root terminal? | 04:42 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: yup | 04:42 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:42 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: 'bash: nano: command not found' | 04:43 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: whatever editor you use then | 04:44 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: mousepad if you're not sure | 04:45 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:45 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: it opened with kate, i changed the sources, then saved... should i try to run synaptic now? | 04:47 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: you can try, but I think you'll still have the problem | 04:47 |
orheiMOLDOVA | graze: it opened! | 04:47 |
grazie | good | 04:47 |
orheiMOLDOVA | grazie: you are a god | 04:47 |
grazie | you must have put a bad repo in | 04:48 |
grazie | wouldn't have thought that would crash synaptic on launching though | 04:48 |
orheiMOLDOVA | it had one with RPM-distro | 04:48 |
orheiMOLDOVA | instead of RPM | 04:48 |
orheiMOLDOVA | as the header | 04:48 |
grazie | orheiMOLDOVA: have fun :) | 04:49 |
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=== grazie is only god at the weekends :) | ||
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Grey_Loki | I'm trying to get imts to run, but it keeps coming up with an error, asking me to define a port to listen on - anybody got an idea what's up? | 05:04 |
Grey_Loki | imts.sf.net | 05:04 |
Grey_Loki | Just pastebinning a link to the output. | 05:08 |
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Grey_Loki | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15593/ | 05:09 |
Arkh | Grey_Loki, | 05:14 |
Arkh | I seem to remember that ports between 1 and 1024 can be used only by root | 05:14 |
Grey_Loki | Really? | 05:15 |
Grey_Loki | Most interesting... | 05:15 |
Arkh | try using 12345 as port | 05:15 |
Grey_Loki | Alright, gimme a sec | 05:15 |
Arkh | I'm not sure but I think that it happened me once.. | 05:15 |
darrend | you do need to be root to bind ports < 1025 | 05:15 |
Grey_Loki | I still get the same error, regardless of port | 05:16 |
Arkh | mmm | 05:16 |
Arkh | try running it as root? | 05:16 |
Arkh | mmhmm Grey_Loki I think the error is because "No ports to listen on! Define at least one." | 05:16 |
Arkh | because of * | 05:17 |
Grey_Loki | I jsut ran sudo ./bot -p 3245, same thing | 05:17 |
Arkh | in the bot help | 05:17 |
Arkh | is there a way to tell him to listen on some port? | 05:18 |
Arkh | do you still get "Init_socket: bind: Cannot assign requested address." by the way? | 05:18 |
Grey_Loki | Yeah | 05:19 |
Arkh | can't you run it as root? | 05:20 |
Grey_Loki | Same error when I sudo it | 05:20 |
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Arkh | netstat | grep 3245 ? | 05:20 |
Grey_Loki | Nothing | 05:20 |
Arkh | uff.. | 05:21 |
Arkh | more random port? | 05:21 |
Arkh | like 50000 ? | 05:22 |
Arkh | :D | 05:22 |
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Grey_Loki | Haha | 05:26 |
Grey_Loki | One sec then | 05:26 |
Grey_Loki | Nope | 05:36 |
Grey_Loki | Still the same error | 05:36 |
Arkh | crap sorry then :( | 05:38 |
Arkh | gotta run good luck :) | 05:39 |
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illu45 | hello | 05:41 |
Grey_Loki | 'lo | 05:41 |
illu45 | I've got a newbie-ish question. I can't seem to install any new themes on XFCE | 05:42 |
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alleyoopster | illu45: have you seen this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2409617 | 05:45 |
illu45 | alleyoopster, No, not yet. But I think I've figured it out. Just a bad extraction on my part | 05:46 |
alleyoopster | ok, the one it links to looks informative also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=377397 | 05:47 |
illu45 | Ah, all right. Will take a look at those if it doesn't work out | 05:47 |
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Grey_Loki | Anyone else had any thoughts on the error with imts? - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15593/ | 05:56 |
alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: I think I can't help you | 05:59 |
Grey_Loki | Unusual combination of negatives there :P | 06:00 |
alleyoopster | what is imts anyway? | 06:01 |
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alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: its not something simple like localhost not mapping to your ipaddress is it? | 06:03 |
Grey_Loki | alleyoopster, i'm not sure. How would I chek? | 06:06 |
Grey_Loki | IMTS is the Imperian Modularised Trigger System. it's a helper for a MUD called Imperian | 06:06 |
alleyoopster | ping localhost | 06:06 |
alleyoopster | it should reply with | 06:06 |
flox | hello | 06:07 |
alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: that's in a terminal of course | 06:07 |
flox | i hv seg fault when i run sunbird 0.3.1 on xubuntu edgy | 06:07 |
Grey_Loki | alleyoopster, yeah, it is. | 06:08 |
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flox | i followed these steps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=278206 | 06:09 |
flox | but does not work | 06:09 |
alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: ok that's not the problem then. It's saying that it listening on port 123 and then at the end says no port to listen on, that's a bit weird | 06:10 |
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Grey_Loki | alleyoopster, I thought so too | 06:11 |
alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: I am guessing it is some kind of service running on your machine it is looking for? | 06:11 |
flox | if i launch "sudo sunbird", it works | 06:12 |
Grey_Loki | alleyoopster, not as far as I now | 06:12 |
Grey_Loki | know, rather | 06:12 |
grazie | !sunbird | 06:14 |
ubotu | Mozilla Sunbird is a cross-platform calendar application, built upon Mozilla Toolkit. Our goal is to bring Mozilla-style ease-of-use to your calendar, without tying you to a particular storage solution. | 06:14 |
alleyoopster | Grey_Loki: ok, just that it is listening on port 123 of localhost so that is your machine, but I am not familiar with IMTS so not sure I can help further | 06:14 |
Grey_Loki | Alright, well, thanks anyways :) | 06:14 |
alleyoopster | welcome | 06:15 |
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kbrooks | ping. | 06:35 |
Grey_Loki | Pong. | 06:38 |
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Grey_Loki | Erm | 07:23 |
Grey_Loki | I just ran ifconfig | 07:23 |
Grey_Loki | And I have no 'lo' | 07:23 |
Grey_Loki | This is...weird, yes? | 07:23 |
Grey_Loki | lo=loopback device, right? | 07:23 |
Grey_Loki | Hrm | 07:27 |
Grey_Loki | Well, it's back. I wonder why it went :S | 07:27 |
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concept10 | what display manager does xfce use by default? | 07:35 |
rici | xubuntu comes with xfwm4; i don't think xfce has a default strictly speaking, but it's a related project at least. | 07:44 |
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ochosi | hi, for some reason my thunar (0.4.1) doesn't do video-thumbnails at all, anyone an idea why that is? | 07:54 |
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concept10 | rici: thanks | 07:55 |
TheSheep | ochosi: you need a thumbnailer installed, thunar doesn't come with one for video by default | 07:56 |
TheSheep | ochosi: in ubuntu/xubuntu the thumbnailer is packaged together with totem, I think | 07:56 |
concept10 | GDM login locks up on me and I need to replace it asap | 07:56 |
ochosi | TheSheep: oh, i see. i'll check it out, thanks man | 07:56 |
TheSheep | concept10: I think I've seen "slim" mentioned somewhere on xfce wiki | 07:56 |
TheSheep | concept10: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SLiM | 07:57 |
concept10 | TheSheep: yeah, im looking at slim now.. doesnt look like its maintained anymore. | 07:57 |
TheSheep | concept10: the wiki page might be old :) | 07:57 |
TheSheep | concept10: there is also xdm | 07:58 |
concept10 | TheSheep: I was looking at the developers pages | 07:58 |
concept10 | http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2663 | 07:58 |
concept10 | fwiw | 07:58 |
concept10 | looks nice though | 07:59 |
TheSheep | fwiw? | 07:59 |
TheSheep | ok, sorry | 07:59 |
concept10 | I posted the link for you to see, for what its worth (fwiw) | 08:00 |
TheSheep | yes, thanks | 08:01 |
PiTcReW | hey guys | 08:02 |
concept10 | when you startx in xubuntu, does this start xfwm4? | 08:02 |
PiTcReW | whats a good batch audio conversion tool? | 08:02 |
TheSheep | concept10: I think you need to put xfce4-session into your .xsession | 08:03 |
h3sp4wn | You shouldn't need to | 08:05 |
concept10 | TheSheep: I'd rather use my gnome session, but GDM locks up | 08:05 |
h3sp4wn | the x-window-manager alternative should sort it out | 08:05 |
grazie | concept10: or use startxfce4 (iirc) | 08:05 |
concept10 | Im trying to figure out how this goes | 08:05 |
TheSheep | concept10: you can put gnome-session into .xsession too and start X with xtartx | 08:06 |
TheSheep | startx | 08:06 |
grazie | 08:06 | |
grazie | 08:06 | |
TheSheep | concept10: or, to start xfce directly, you can use startxfce4, it will run x and then xfce | 08:06 |
concept10 | TheSheep: the root or user .xsession? | 08:06 |
TheSheep | concept10: the user for which you want to run the X | 08:07 |
grazie | /me has sticking keys (sorry) | 08:07 |
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concept10 | Im confused on how that works. Because when the system boots, im assuming it using the roots .xsession | 08:08 |
PiTcReW | whats a good batch audio conversion tool? | 08:08 |
h3sp4wn | PiTcReW: I have used sox | 08:08 |
concept10 | h3sp4wn: how do you have your desktop setup? Are you using GDM? | 08:09 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: I use startx | 08:09 |
concept10 | so startx launches what? xfwm4? or xdm? | 08:09 |
h3sp4wn | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 2007-04-14 19:06 x-window-manager -> /usr/bin/xfwm4 | 08:09 |
concept10 | so root is running xfwm4 but you login as regular user | 08:10 |
h3sp4wn | I try to avoid using a .xsession if I can because it overrides some of the stuff in /etc/X11/Xsession.d/ | 08:10 |
h3sp4wn | that line is from /etc/alternatives | 08:10 |
concept10 | layer upon layer im going to break this stuff down today :) | 08:11 |
PiTcReW | h3sp4wn, is it command line based? | 08:11 |
h3sp4wn | PiTcReW: batch is commandline isn't it ? | 08:11 |
concept10 | h3sp4wn: yeah, do you type startx everytime or you have a script do it? | 08:11 |
PiTcReW | by batch i meant multiple files at once | 08:12 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: I just type startx (often I am not in X anyway) | 08:12 |
h3sp4wn | PiTcReW: Just use a script with sox or another command line application | 08:13 |
concept10 | I guess I have to find the init script that runs brings up GDM | 08:13 |
concept10 | and redirect to another login manager | 08:13 |
concept10 | since they changed to upstart, im confused as hell on the boot processes | 08:14 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: Actually I have x-session-manager set to /usr/bin/xfce4-session also) | 08:14 |
concept10 | I think im going to backup my /home and switch over to gentoo on the desktop this weekend | 08:18 |
TheSheep | concept10: the mechanism didn;t change, it's still all in init.d | 08:19 |
TheSheep | concept10: and rc.d | 08:19 |
concept10 | I rather stay with a debian based system, but feisty is buggier and buggier closer to release | 08:20 |
TheSheep | that's a norm | 08:20 |
concept10 | TheSheep: yeah, I know they have that sysvcompat package | 08:20 |
concept10 | I thought they were supposed to change it completely over this release | 08:20 |
TheSheep | concept10: but the actual scripts that bring up deamons are the same | 08:21 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: gentoo is fine (fonts are not messed up for xfce - at least if you use the xeffects overlay) | 08:23 |
concept10 | h3sp4wn: you also have a gentoo system? | 08:23 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: I did have prior to reinstalling feisty | 08:23 |
concept10 | why did you move back? | 08:23 |
h3sp4wn | thought by now because of all the make it beautiful thing it would all be perfect no messing around | 08:24 |
h3sp4wn | No sensible reason really - (I was using paludis instead of portage though - portage does suck) | 08:24 |
concept10 | Thats the package manager from the guy that was fighting with d.robbins? | 08:25 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: quite possibly but it works a hell of alot better than portage | 08:25 |
h3sp4wn | (or refuses to do stupid stuff where portage messes up your system) | 08:26 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: If I had realised I wouldn't have switched back (but wanted to spend less time messing with my pc and more messing with openwrt) | 08:27 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: however the opposite is true | 08:27 |
concept10 | I just want a distro that works. Debian is fine on the servers.. no change there. I beginning not to like Ubuntu. Stuff like bcm43xx works one month, next one it doesnt. Also, ubuntu is adding a whole bunch of stuff I don't need. | 08:27 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: Just use sid | 08:28 |
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concept10 | On a regular ubuntu-desktop, they have a whole bunch of daemons running that don't provide me any value, just take up memory and cycles. Since I can't log into my system, I see xfce running with 40 less processes and its even better. | 08:29 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: I know - I reinstalled after installing the default xubuntu - after realising just how much junk is started by default (cli only install) | 08:30 |
concept10 | h3sp4wn: so you built up from minimal install? | 08:30 |
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h3sp4wn | concept10: Yep but its getting to the point where I am rebuilding too much stuff | 08:31 |
concept10 | h3sp4wn: why are you rebuilding (to make smaller) or have a certain config? | 08:32 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: get rid most of the customisations it seems | 08:33 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: have you not tried Arch? | 08:33 |
h3sp4wn | grazie: No should I ? | 08:34 |
grazie | h3sp4wn: if you haven't you must | 08:34 |
h3sp4wn | What I want is the debian equivalent of fedora rawhide | 08:34 |
h3sp4wn | but I don't think one exists | 08:35 |
h3sp4wn | there was supposed to be grumpy groundhog ubuntu at one point | 08:35 |
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concept10 | h3sp4wn: its seems that (k/x)ubuntu uses a kitchen sink approch these days. When something comes out they integrate it. For example avahi, networkmanager, pulseaudio. The integration is poor sometimes. Some of it doesnt add much value. I can remember way back to 2005 that Ubuntu was trying to integrate NM, and its still not 100%. I don't know if it's upstream or the packagers or the specs or what. | 08:37 |
h3sp4wn | concept10: network manager is a flawed design in my opinion | 08:38 |
PiTcReW | h3sp4wn:how do i get started writing a script to use with sox | 08:38 |
grazie | i don't know fedora rawhide, but if you want to configure a system just how you want it, but don't want to compile everything from source I think Arch is the answer and pacman is really. I like xubuntu for convience but... | 08:38 |
PiTcReW | for mass audio bitrate conversion | 08:39 |
concept10 | At this point, I just want a minimal install that works. Hell, CLI works without all of these extra daemons running, I just want a light X above that. Maybe fluxbox or xfce. | 08:39 |
concept10 | grazie: maybe I will try Arch this weekend. | 08:40 |
h3sp4wn | PiTcReW: just read a shell scripting guide | 08:40 |
PiTcReW | alright | 08:40 |
concept10 | he can also use gstreamer for this | 08:40 |
h3sp4wn | grazie: I thought about crux (I heard arch had bad quality control) | 08:40 |
h3sp4wn | or vector linux | 08:41 |
grazie | yeah but crux compile from source too | 08:41 |
grazie | something put me off vector - I can't remeber what | 08:41 |
h3sp4wn | I am not really anti source based - (I honestly thought feisty would be perfect in terms of its fonts and general rendering) | 08:43 |
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superkirbyartist | I've been trying to enable Direct Rendering on my iMac forever. Can anyone help me please? | 08:48 |
h3sp4wn | superkirbyartist: What make of video card ? | 08:48 |
superkirbyartist | ATI Rage. | 08:48 |
h3sp4wn | ppc ? | 08:48 |
superkirbyartist | Yes. | 08:48 |
superkirbyartist | "ATI Technologies, Inc. Rage 128 PR/PRO AGP 4x TMDS" is what it says in xorg.conf | 08:49 |
h3sp4wn | What have you tried | 08:49 |
superkirbyartist | I have tried changing default depth, reading forums... | 08:50 |
superkirbyartist | Changing my xorg.conf many times, once even crashing my iMac. | 08:50 |
superkirbyartist | It's to play StepMania. | 08:50 |
superkirbyartist | Any clues? | 08:51 |
superkirbyartist | !ati rage | 08:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ati rage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:51 |
superkirbyartist | !ati | 08:51 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:51 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 08:52 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: I've got an old mac with a rage 128...I think DRI work without problems from initial install. lemme check... | 08:52 |
superkirbyartist | Incoming small flood. | 08:52 |
superkirbyartist | superkirbyartist@iMac:~$ glxinfo |grep direct | 08:53 |
superkirbyartist | direct rendering: No | 08:53 |
superkirbyartist | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 08:53 |
superkirbyartist | superkirbyartist@iMac:~$ | 08:53 |
superkirbyartist | So, right now, my xorg.conf is not correctly configures. | 08:53 |
h3sp4wn | is the kernel module loaded ? | 08:53 |
superkirbyartist | I believe so. | 08:54 |
superkirbyartist | I have an X and all. | 08:54 |
superkirbyartist | I am using Konversation/Konqueror/Konsole on it. | 08:54 |
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hackmiester[LT] | hi | 08:54 |
superkirbyartist | Hi there. | 08:54 |
superkirbyartist | When I do a "glxinfo |grep direct" I get "Direct rendering: No" | 08:55 |
superkirbyartist | I tried changing the xorg.conf many times. | 08:55 |
superkirbyartist | h3sp4wn any clues? | 08:56 |
superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] any clues? | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | hrm... | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | pastebin your configuration file | 08:56 |
superkirbyartist | What does "OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect" mean? | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | it means you're using the Mesa renderer, which is a software renderer | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | not what you want | 08:56 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: what version of xubuntu? I could give you my xorg.conf if that helps? | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | doing 3D in software is slow as hell | 08:56 |
hackmiester[LT] | grazie: that won't help | 08:57 |
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grazie | hackmiester[LT] : ? | 08:57 |
hackmiester[LT] | grazie: unless of course you have identical hardware | 08:57 |
superkirbyartist | Grazie: Sorry, not Xubuntu, but Kubuntu 6.10 | 08:57 |
h3sp4wn | hackmiester[LT] : doesn't have to be (look at e17 with the software renderer) | 08:57 |
superkirbyartist | Grazie: Snow iMac? iMac DV? | 08:57 |
Nathyd | ryt | 08:57 |
h3sp4wn | hackmiester[LT] : Is most of the time though | 08:57 |
hackmiester[LT] | h3sp4wn: well generally. for most cards you don't want mesa. | 08:57 |
hackmiester[LT] | yeah | 08:57 |
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Chil1 | What does firefox show up as in the processes manager? | 08:58 |
superkirbyartist | I would like StepMania working, I don't care about Berly. | 08:58 |
hackmiester[LT] | superkirbyartist: but yeah put your xorg.conf on http://pastebin.ca/ or your favourite pastebin | 08:58 |
hackmiester[LT] | Chil1: firefox-bin | 08:58 |
hackmiester[LT] | superkirbyartist: love that game :D | 08:58 |
superkirbyartist | Speaking of Beryl, it crashes on Ubuntu every time I click something. | 08:58 |
Nathyd | Please can somebody help me, I'm trying to get Xubuntu to boot from a USB Pen Drive but I keep screwing up, what should I do? Is there a video or something? | 08:58 |
superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] any stepfiles? | 08:58 |
hackmiester[LT] | I'm sure it does. it's meant for hardware accelerated cards. | 08:59 |
h3sp4wn | Nathyd: are you using isolinux ? | 08:59 |
hackmiester[LT] | not that I can distribute | 08:59 |
=== superkirbyartist thinks Nathyd is a daredevil. He also has a lot of benjamins if he has a big USB. | ||
hackmiester[LT] | naah big USB disks are cheap lately | 08:59 |
superkirbyartist | hacknuester[LT] for generic brands yes. | 08:59 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: I don't have that model no, but it does have a rage 128 RE/SG which may help you sort the problem | 08:59 |
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Nathyd | yup | 09:00 |
Nathyd | im using isolinux | 09:00 |
h3sp4wn | Nathyd: Have a look at http://grml.org/scripts/grml2usb | 09:00 |
Nathyd | thanks | 09:00 |
superkirbyartist | http://pastebin.ca/440043 | 09:00 |
concept10 | where do I configure which display manager to use? I guess im looking for the xdm config. Sorry if it was pointed out earlier. | 09:00 |
h3sp4wn | Nathyd: You might be able to just use it straight from the livecd but I haven't tested it | 09:00 |
superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] you have no CC songs? | 09:01 |
hackmiester[LT] | probably not | 09:01 |
superkirbyartist | Anyways, everyone, the party is at http://pastebin.ca/440043 | 09:01 |
hackmiester[LT] | I work for a skating rink on the side as the tech guy. there is a StepMania machine there, I write steps for popular songs. | 09:01 |
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superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] ITG ressembles StepMania too. | 09:02 |
hackmiester[LT] | wow it looks like you have all the good stuff in that config file | 09:02 |
hackmiester[LT] | can I see your xorg.log? | 09:02 |
=== superkirbyartist opens Kate... | ||
superkirbyartist | Where is that file? | 09:03 |
hackmiester[LT] | I think it's like, /var/log somewhere | 09:03 |
hackmiester[LT] | I don't know where it is in Ubuntu | 09:03 |
superkirbyartist | Xorg.0.log? | 09:04 |
hackmiester[LT] | yeah | 09:04 |
superkirbyartist | http://pastebin.ca/440049 | 09:05 |
superkirbyartist | I think some stuff in the file I oughta delete. | 09:06 |
superkirbyartist | Any news? | 09:08 |
hackmiester[LT] | I have no idea, to be honest. | 09:09 |
superkirbyartist | You can't help me? | 09:10 |
superkirbyartist | Anyone? | 09:10 |
superkirbyartist | It's for a gathering that I need to set up this iMac for. | 09:10 |
superkirbyartist | Anyone at all? | 09:11 |
superkirbyartist | Grazie? | 09:12 |
hackmiester[LT] | hey check this out superkirbyartist | 09:12 |
hackmiester[LT] | http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/ATI_Radeon_%26_Kernel_2.6#Open_Source_ATI_Drivers | 09:12 |
superkirbyartist | Do I need to setup a driver? | 09:12 |
hackmiester[LT] | this is my distro's page about getting that working with teh open source drivers. you might want to make sure all of that is in your conf and also try the tweaks listed. dont' do the stuff for the non open source driver though. | 09:12 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: like I said before your welcome to your driver setting to mine. I've never had problems | 09:13 |
hackmiester[LT] | looks like you're not loading the drm module in the Section "Module" superkirbyartist | 09:13 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: to compare* (sorry) | 09:13 |
superkirbyartist | And in section DRI it says mode 0666, but it should be mode 0660 | 09:14 |
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superkirbyartist | Yes. | 09:17 |
superkirbyartist | I cannot install the open source driver. | 09:18 |
superkirbyartist | !ati | 09:19 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:19 |
superkirbyartist | What driver do I use? | 09:21 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: ati | 09:21 |
superkirbyartist | What will changing the DRI mode do? | 09:21 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: other than your dri problem what else is wrong? | 09:22 |
superkirbyartist | Nothing, just StepMania won't load. | 09:22 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: then your driver is at least partially working (and hence loaded) | 09:23 |
superkirbyartist | Should I use 16 bit or 24 bit depth? | 09:24 |
superkirbyartist | Which one supports DRI? | 09:24 |
superkirbyartist | I am actually using Konversation from it. | 09:24 |
superkirbyartist | I am actually using Konversation from iMac. | 09:24 |
grazie | iMacs can be tricky to sort the hardware with driver and correct config | 09:25 |
superkirbyartist | I tried 16. | 09:25 |
superkirbyartist | Now I'm doing ctrl-alt-backspace. | 09:25 |
grazie | well changing depth isn't going to sort your dri | 09:26 |
hackmiester[LT] | actually it could | 09:26 |
=== andy_ [n=andy@80-218-245-125.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #xubuntu | ||
andy_ | hello there, how can I manage my existing "sessions"? I wanna edit my sessionss. | 09:29 |
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=== superkirbyartist [n=superkir@bas1-ottawa10-1242462373.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #xubuntu | ||
superkirbyartist | Still not working krazie. | 09:33 |
superkirbyartist | Still not working grazie. | 09:33 |
superkirbyartist | Grazie any help please? | 09:33 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: why don't you post your xorg.conf | 09:35 |
superkirbyartist | I already did, grazie. | 09:35 |
=== grazie boots his old powermac again | ||
superkirbyartist | http://pastebin.ca/440043 | 09:35 |
superkirbyartist | Thank you grazie. | 09:35 |
superkirbyartist | It's for a gathering, which is in less than a month. | 09:36 |
superkirbyartist | Do you have a PowerMac, grazie? | 09:36 |
superkirbyartist | Are you looking at the PasteBin? | 09:36 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: got an old and a not so old PowerMac | 09:37 |
superkirbyartist | Grazie: any suggestion? | 09:37 |
grazie | give a couple of minutes | 09:38 |
hackmiester[LT] | superkirbyartist: Did the bit from the Arch wiki not help? | 09:39 |
=== grazie_ [n=grazie@host81-158-186-104.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] that was for a Radeon. | 09:40 |
hackmiester[LT] | That's what you're using :) | 09:40 |
superkirbyartist | I'm not sure, I think it's a Rage. | 09:40 |
hackmiester[LT] | Well, no, it's a Rage, you're right. But they use the same driver, ati. | 09:40 |
superkirbyartist | direct rendering: No | 09:40 |
superkirbyartist | OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect | 09:40 |
hackmiester[LT] | :( | 09:41 |
superkirbyartist | :( it's for a gathering | 09:41 |
=== superkirbyartist has just sent a nudge! | ||
superkirbyartist | Can we do GLX direct and it works? | 09:42 |
superkirbyartist | Can we just switch it to direct? | 09:42 |
superkirbyartist | That's all I need. | 09:43 |
superkirbyartist | hackmiester[LT] | 09:43 |
hackmiester[LT] | http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/IBook_G3_12%22 is another one you might try, superkirbyartist | 09:43 |
superkirbyartist | Yes but I have an iMac not an iBook. | 09:44 |
hackmiester[LT] | Same card. | 09:44 |
hackmiester[LT] | Well, a similar one. | 09:44 |
superkirbyartist | What do I do with these instructions? | 09:45 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, mine loads GLcore, i2c, bitmap, ddc, int10, type1 and vbe | 09:45 |
superkirbyartist | grazie_ do you have Direct Rendering? | 09:45 |
superkirbyartist | Can you play StepMania? | 09:45 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, of course ...I've got dri set | 09:46 |
superkirbyartist | grazie? | 09:46 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, is StepMania a game? | 09:46 |
superkirbyartist | Yes. | 09:46 |
grazie_ | in the repos? | 09:47 |
superkirbyartist | Some place told me to disable bitmap. | 09:47 |
superkirbyartist | StepMania not in repos, but open source. | 09:47 |
=== soweto76 [n=jack@d226-43-189.home.cgocable.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
superkirbyartist | What does bitmap do? | 09:47 |
superkirbyartist | Will I get direct rendering by loading everything you load? | 09:48 |
superkirbyartist | !bitmap | 09:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bitmap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:48 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, Would prolly take a while to build form source if the there's no deb7 | 09:48 |
grazie_ | .deb* | 09:48 |
superkirbyartist | grazie_ are you using PowerPC too? | 09:48 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, of course :) | 09:49 |
superkirbyartist | Could you try something like planetpenguin-racer, please? I can't make an archive right now, sorry. | 09:49 |
superkirbyartist | Yes, if you can run planetpenguin-racer, you have direct rendering. | 09:51 |
grazie_ | superkirbyartist, downloading | 09:52 |
superkirbyartist | sudo apt-get | 09:52 |
=== SULT is now known as sultanovich | ||
grazie_ | like I said dri works ago...doesn't mean the game will... I don't play games but I know tuxracer doesn't work | 09:53 |
superkirbyartist | Penguin racer is awfully slow. | 09:53 |
superkirbyartist | Does that mean StepMania will be slow? | 09:54 |
superkirbyartist | Anyone? | 09:54 |
superkirbyartist | If planetpenguin-racer is slow, will StepMania be? | 09:55 |
grazie | superkirbyartist: planetpenguin (which is just like tuxracer to me) works fine but is slow | 09:55 |
=== grazie tut tut | ||
TheSheep | ok, I've tested xfburn, graveman, brasero and gnomebaker, and only the last one has a hint of meaningful error messages | 10:02 |
TheSheep | that give any clue on which files have wrong names and prevent burning | 10:03 |
grazie | TheSheep: did I miss something earlier? | 10:03 |
TheSheep | grazie: no, I'm just ranting now, please ignore ;) | 10:04 |
h3sp4wn | use k3b (it is the best) | 10:05 |
TheSheep | I'd have to install half of kde :/ | 10:05 |
TheSheep | and I'm allergic to it ;) | 10:05 |
TheSheep | 'sides, k3b is too complicated | 10:06 |
h3sp4wn | I should build myself a minimal kde | 10:06 |
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h3sp4wn | well the libs - then prelink it - just enough for amarok and k3b | 10:07 |
=== grazie thinks kde should build a minimal kde :) | ||
=== TheSheep thinks gtk should have good apps | ||
=== rexbinary [n=rexbinar@unaffiliated/rexbinary] has joined #xubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | Its perfectly possible - that is the fault of the distro's | 10:08 |
h3sp4wn | the source has loads of stuff that doesn't need enabling | 10:08 |
=== TheSheep thinks the kde devs should drop kde and start developing good gtk apps ;) | ||
=== grazie the better solution | ||
h3sp4wn | gtk is nasty | 10:08 |
grazie | what? | 10:08 |
TheSheep | h3sp4wn: it has its traps | 10:09 |
TheSheep | h3sp4wn: kde has some too | 10:09 |
h3sp4wn | TheSheep: c++ is nasty also though | 10:09 |
h3sp4wn | so neither can win | 10:09 |
TheSheep | isn't xfce written in gtkmm? | 10:10 |
TheSheep | that's both nasties in one ;) | 10:10 |
h3sp4wn | I haven't looked at the code of xfce - e17 is written in nice clean C though | 10:10 |
TheSheep | I've seen nice clean C several times only in my life | 10:11 |
TheSheep | otoh I have never seen nice clean c++ | 10:11 |
h3sp4wn | I haven't seen it often (e17 has the advantage for me of even though I am incapable of writing such code it is completely obvious how it works) | 10:13 |
TheSheep | I've heard TeX source code is nice to read | 10:14 |
=== sc0tt_ [n=sc0tt@cpc1-stok5-0-0-cust150.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hyper_ch | TheSheep: what's the best way of setting ntp in xubuntu? | 10:33 |
TheSheep | hyper_ch: the official one is through the system->time and date dialog | 10:35 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: thx :) | 10:37 |
hyper_ch | TheSheep: btw, would it be possible to have this list sorted according to country names and then cities? | 10:38 |
TheSheep | no idea | 10:39 |
hyper_ch | would make it simpler for selecting the ntp server | 10:40 |
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Grey_Loki | Hooray for netsplits! | 10:55 |
slow-motion | n8 | 10:58 |
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dadan_x | i have a problem regarding installation of xubuntu | 11:07 |
dadan_x | i get a blinking image and after that i see the empty only the blue screen of xFce | 11:08 |
dadan_x | any ideas? | 11:08 |
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dadan_x | during installation i get a blinking image (as if it would be a resolution autosetting) and after that i see only the empty blue screen of xFce, so i cannot install xubuntu, any ideas? | 11:11 |
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dadan_x | ? | 11:12 |
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grazie | dadan_x: are you using the alternate cd? | 11:22 |
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=== skirk [n=skirk@ip-103-163.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #xubuntu | ||
hooray | how many instances of gdm do i need running? i have 2 can i just have 1? i dont need 6 instances of getty running, i tooks those out by deleteing tty2-6 in etc/event.d . i saved a whopping 2 mbs of ram... | 12:04 |
hooray | *took | 12:04 |
=== hhlp [n=hhlp@182.Red-83-32-9.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #xubuntu | ||
h3sp4wn | does it not use one and then fork | 12:07 |
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hooray | i want my system to boot in a lil over than a nano second, any tips? tweaking readahead- is that possible?, dunno what setting bios cacheable does except slowing my boot time, and ive messed with sysv-rc-conf as well as just leaving dbus on through system>services | 12:20 |
=== Qew [n=qew@82-69-126-225.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #xubuntu | ||
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