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sesany good links for installing nvidia drivers12:12
ffmWhold my Konsole issues be a Bug, or a Crash?12:13
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ffmOn KDE Bug tracker.12:13
mrigns!nvidia | ses12:13
ubotuses: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:13
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sesi'll give it a try now i know how to get back my desktop :)12:17
felzixffm: bug12:18
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Arwenand here I am trying to explain to a blockhead in ##windows that open source and free software are not the same thing...12:20
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dwidmannhas anybody in here (by chance) played with pdnsd before? I'm having a bit of difficulty configuring it (properly)12:21
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ericssonbuhu...[01:22]  [Error]  #my_own_little_retreat_for_conflicting_thoughts is currently unavailable.12:23
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makiany how-to for removing the loading screen12:33
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felzixmaki: Do you mean the splashscreen?12:35
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makibut not on kde12:35
Daisuke-Idosystem boot12:36
makiyes the system boot screen on kubuntu12:36
Daisuke-Idoboot up manager?12:38
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makiwhat you mean12:38
Daisuke-Idoone minute, i'm going to check something :)12:38
tritonhow do you disable the startup feedback (aka bouncing cursor) in feisty?12:38
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Daisuke-Idofind a way to keep usplash from running and you've got it12:40
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felzixI'm not sure if this is what you want, but in System Settings and Splash Screen, one can select None12:42
makithat is for kde12:42
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makitriton in look and themes you have startup information12:43
KillGoreHi, does anyone know whether kaffeine 0.8.4 will make into the feisty repo ?12:43
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makiKillGore:wait litle12:44
makitill it is stable12:44
tritonmaki: not really12:44
makii use kcontrol12:45
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tritonmaki: ok, i see. Never thought that there is a difference between the "system settings" and kcontrol12:46
tritonmaki: thanks for pointing me in the right direction12:46
makino problem12:46
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intelikeyBE QUIET !12:51
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stickCan anyone in here help with a ALUT issue?12:57
intelikeyi wonder how i did this.....   i have a script that ^C  doesn't kill.     the scrip calls  sox  and if i hit ^C it kills sox and moves to the next song......12:57
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Arwenthere's 376 people in this channel, does that mean Kubuntu has lots of issues?01:02
Powerking89670Not neccissarily, it could mean that it just has alot of caring people :D01:02
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intelikeysure.    that's one interpretation of the fact.01:03
Dasnipa`Arwen, the main ubuntu channel has 106601:03
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Arwenlol, I know :-\01:03
Powerking89670how do I check my current version of (Ubuntu, yes I know this is a Kubuntu channel, but there was no one in #ubuntu)01:03
intelikeyPowerking89670 lsb_release -a01:03
intelikeyor is it -01:03
ArwenPowerking89670, by looking at your CD?01:03
Powerking89670thank you01:04
Minataku[19:04:12]  Poku ah, some kids made a practical joke at my school, they took the esc keys from lots of computers and make one all-esc keyboard01:05
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Arwenhow many disks do I need to use RAID 5?01:05
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intelikeyso why does ^c  kill the playing song but not the script ?01:05
dwidmannArwen, I think it can be done with 3 .... can't recall, might take 401:05
Arwenthis channel ain't too helpful..01:05
Arwendwidmann, thanks01:05
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:05
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ArwenI wonder how I enable fakeraid...01:06
Powerking89670see, im trying to install beryl, but I have Dapper01:06
ArwenPowerking89670, upgrade? lol01:06
dwidmannarwen, look up RAID on tdlp.org a wealth of information over there01:06
Arwendwidmann, an ad farm?01:06
dwidmannas for fake raid, take a look at the FakeRAIDHowto on the ubuntu community docs01:06
dwidmannt be o.O01:07
intelikeythe linux documentation project  tldp01:07
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Arwensay, my motherboard's sata controller supposedly allows for raid operation... that's fakeraid, right?01:09
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Powerking89670If I wanted to upgrade...I wouldnt know how01:10
intelikeythat's hardware raid   i'd think.01:10
intelikeydo you want to ?01:11
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Powerking89670yes, I want Beryl :p01:11
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Powerking89670is there any way to upgrade w/o burning another disk01:11
intelikey!upgrade | Powerking8967001:11
ubotuPowerking89670: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)01:11
Arwenintelikey, well, it's an Intel 925XE chipset, so I have my doubts that it has real raid circuits...01:13
Arwenwhat do you think?01:13
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seswell its not software raid so it must be proper01:14
intelikeybeets me.01:14
Arwenhmm... because I can't figure out how to configure it for raid...01:14
sesdoes it require a driver01:15
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Arwenses, no idea, think so though...01:15
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sessometimes they are set in bios and are transparent to the operating system01:16
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Arwenses, yeah, no luck here... I think it's AHCI/RAID01:16
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MinatakuArwen: If it's hardware RAID then configs should be in the BIOS Settings01:17
ArwenMinataku, the BIOS has a section for SATA operation... "RAID if signed, RAID, ATA"01:18
Arwenno idea how to specify stripe size, RAID level, etc, so I think it's soft01:18
MinatakuSet it to RAID instead of SATA/ATA, that should give you the options01:18
gemidjythere was an option to make Konsole/Terminal not show the path where the user currently is, i.e. gemidjy@gemidjy-desktop:~/Video$ where ~/Video is the path I am talking about01:19
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ArwenMinataku, meh... better not try, Intel's site says it doesn't do RAID 5 anyway01:20
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MinatakuIn which case just use it as a regular controller01:20
sesno mirror them :)01:20
ArwenMinataku, :-\01:21
Arwenyeah, RAID 0 = scary, RAID 1 = waste of a hard drive01:21
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MinatakuRAID without redundancy isn't RAID. It's stupid.01:21
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sesstupid but faster01:21
Arwenmaybe I could try it into using RAID 10? but that's a waste of 2 hard drives..01:21
MinatakuYou're always going to have at least 1 HDD used for the redundancy application01:22
Arwenyeah, but RAID 1 uses half of em, so..01:22
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intelikeybeing network illiterate, in the cherokee.conf file should i uncomment  # chroot /var/www     or no ?01:24
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intelikeywhat i'm asking, is there any advantage; and, would i have to actually setup a chroot there ?01:25
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Swifthey guys quick troubleshooting question01:29
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SwiftI'm running kubuntu. Just stuck a set of headphones in to use them....01:29
Swiftbut the sound is still coming out of the tiny latitude D420 speakers01:30
Swiftwhat might be wrong?01:30
Swiftand how do I go about fixing it?01:30
Swiftall help appreciated :)01:30
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Swiftno1 any ideas? :-/01:31
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:33
dtfanSwift: I have seen this happen before with dells01:33
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but ping tonyyarusso to inquire about packages.  See also !html.01:33
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Swiftthanks dtfan01:35
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Swiftnot sure if the standard sound troubleshooting will hack it word...01:35
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Swiftthe problem isn't a lack of sound01:35
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Swiftit's sound in the wrong place...I'm at an absolute loss for what could cause it short of the speakers being broken or something.01:36
Swiftor the port01:36
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Swiftanyone got any other ideas?01:36
dtfannot really... try the latest ubuntu beta livecd to see if it was fixed01:37
dtfani guess it has nothing to do with alsa but with the kernel... but i have no clue, sorry01:37
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ulmonixcan someone please help me compile siag?01:53
dwidmannCan't say I've ever heard of siag, but I suppose I could help01:54
intelikey!b-e | ulmonix01:55
ubotuulmonix: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about siag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:56
intelikey!find siag01:56
intelikeyi doubt it01:56
ubotuPackage/file siag does not exist in edgy01:57
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ulmonixif there was a debian package for it, could I install it?01:58
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intelikeypossable  but it may not work correctly.  ubuntu != debian01:58
intelikeyif you are comfortable trying    sudo dpkg -i package.deb01:59
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intelikeyor  sudo dpkg -i /full/path/package.deb01:59
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Daisuke-Idowhat is siag?02:01
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ulmonixan office suite; it's lighter than ooffice, and hopefully, less bugy than abiword http://siag.nu/02:03
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Daisuke-Idohave you given koffice a shot?02:05
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abiword - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:06
ulmonixintelikey: that proves it, abiword is buggey. :b02:06
Daisuke-Ido!info abiword02:06
ubotuabiword: WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK2. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.5-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 2458 kB, installed size 6876 kB02:06
intelikeyubotu you sir are a bot.02:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about breakage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:06
Daisuke-Idoi personally like abiword, but just use it for smaller tasks02:07
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Daisuke-Idoif i were, say, writing a book...  well, if i were doing that i'd probably use TeX, but for papers and such, OOo, even though it tends to be a little heavy02:07
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ulmonix!info tetex02:09
ubotuPackage tetex does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas02:09
intelikeyulmonix too many matches.   apt-cache search tetex02:09
intelikeyhehhe i had forgoten about    wv - Convert and preview Microsoft Word documents02:10
Linux_Galoreif you want to play with LaTex install kile02:10
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Linux_Galoreit makes life allot easier02:11
Daisuke-IdoLinux_Galore: no argument there02:11
Daisuke-Idokile is pretty nice02:11
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intelikeyvile - VI Like Emacs - vi work-alike02:12
ksnipahey not really a kubuntu specific question, but I coded a small little app in python and was wondering how I could make it so that whenever i typed appname it would run rather then having to execute it by python appname from anywhere like all other executables02:12
Linux_Galorewasnt vile some vim hack with its own really annoying version of clippy02:12
Daisuke-Idoksnipa: create a shell script to execute it02:12
intelikeyLinux_Galore :)  i think so02:12
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Linux_Galoreits was created after someone joked about about it (vile) from memory02:13
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angasulecan someone tell me why some multimedia keys seem to be hardcoded? I can't change it from the shortcuts part of the settings02:13
ulmonixksnipa: you could put it in /usr/bin/; chmod +x filename02:13
Linux_Galoreangasule: install keytouch02:14
intelikeyksnipa a shell wrapper   or maybe the "intrepter line"   #!/usr/bin/phthon02:14
ulmonixif I disapear, blame kword :b02:14
intelikeykword is bad to casper ya huh ?02:15
dwidmannif you disappear, I'm going to try to steal your invisibility potion, right out of your invisible hands.02:15
ksnipathanks guys, let me try it out02:15
Linux_Galorekword only sux if you dont have kword-latest  setup in your sources.list file02:15
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dwidmannLinux_Galore: I don't know, I still manage to crash it a fair amount of the time, albeit, not as much.02:16
=== intelikey peers
Linux_Galoreallot of fixes in the last few releaseses02:16
Linux_Galorelast one was for annoyances with the ODF stuff02:17
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intelikey 404 Not Found  The requested URL / was not found on this server.     Cherokee web server Port 80       ok what have i done wrong ?02:17
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Linux_Galorethe next release should be really good they are adding lots of nice features to make editing ODF easier02:17
angasuleLinux_Galore: that program seems to be used to /use/ the keys at all. My keys work, but a few seem to be hardcoded (for example, XF86Mail is tied to kmail)02:17
Linux_Galoreangasule: keytouch allows you to edit your keylayout, none of the keys are hard coded02:18
ulmonixLinux_Galore: how does one get this koffice-lastest?02:18
dwidmannLinux_Galore: Are they still working with 1.6? I thought by now they'd surely abandoned it in favor of 2.0 development?02:18
intelikeycome on    some body here knows what i missed02:18
Linux_Galoredwidmann: yep their on 2.0 now02:19
ksnipaperfect, thanks intelikey, ulmonix, daisuke-ido02:19
dwidmann2.0 promises to bask in QT4 awesomness, and fix a jillion bugs. I hope it deliverse :D02:19
Linux_Galoreulmonix: add this line to your sources file  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-latest edgy main02:20
Linux_Galoreulmonix: beware thats for edgy02:20
=== ulmonix is on fiesty, actually
ulmonixerr, wait....02:20
dwidmannThen you've certainly got the latest then ulmonix02:20
Linux_Galoreulmonix: wrong room for feisty heh02:20
Linux_Galoresorry channel*02:21
dwidmannclose enough ... #ubuntu+1 is full of Gnomes, can't have that02:21
Linux_Galoreulmonix: yeah feisty already has the latest02:21
intelikey 404 Not Found \n\n The requested URL / was not found on this server. \n\n    Cherokee web server Port 80     ......  ok what have i done wrong ?02:22
ulmonixK-Dragons eat gnomes02:22
intelikeyanyone ?02:22
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ulmonixintelikey: not specified webroot?02:22
dwidmannintelikey: you punched in a url of a page that didn't exist?02:22
intelikeyulmonix /var/www02:22
intelikeydwidmann i punched in
dwidmannOh goody, that's even better02:23
Linux_Galoreanyone who wants a no brainer method to setup their sources list try this link -> http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:23
Linux_Galoremissed a bit should be a /  on the end http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/02:24
ulmonixLinux_Galore: so there's no point in adding koffice-latest on fiesty?02:24
dwidmannwhich reminds me, I guess I *should* update02:24
Linux_Galoreulmonix: not now but after its released there will be02:24
intelikeyLinux_Galore here's my sources.list     deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse02:24
ulmonixintelikey: mine's slightly more intimidating than that : b02:25
Daisuke-Idointelikey: no source repos?02:25
intelikeyDaisuke-Ido no02:25
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Linux_Galoreulmonix: wait a few weeks then use that link I just posted to create a new sources list02:25
dwidmannintelikey: perhaps will work better?02:25
intelikeydwidmann so do you have another clue for me ?02:25
intelikeydwidmann exact same thing02:26
dwidmannI'm out of ideas for the moment then02:26
Linux_Galoreintelikey: ??,  I make my sources.list setup manually02:26
dwidmann(assuming anyway that an index.html file actually exists in /var/www/02:26
intelikeyLinux_Galore heh yeah me too.02:27
BenPAdoes anyone know of a work around for the wireless assist problem in edgy?02:27
intelikeydwidmann yes it does02:27
Linux_Galoreintelikey: fewer lines to check at later dates02:27
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intelikey                                 404 Not Found02:27
intelikey   The requested URL /error.php was not found on this server.02:27
intelikey   Cherokee web server Port 8002:27
intelikeyoh crap02:27
Linux_Galoreintelikey: the automatic stuff is nice but produces tone of lines02:27
Linux_Galoretons *02:28
Daisuke-Idohmm...  once i'm running the feisty beta, do i still need feisty-proposed?02:28
intelikeydeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse02:28
intelikeythat's what it thought i was pasting ^^02:28
Linux_GaloreDaisuke-Ido: only if your a dev or like goofy packages in testing02:28
Linux_Galoredeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy-proposed main restricted universe multiverse02:29
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Daisuke-Idobecause right now i have feisty, feisty-updates, feisty-proposed, feisty-backports and feisty-security02:29
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Daisuke-Idoseems a bit overkill02:29
BenPAdoes anyone know of a work around for the wireless assist problem in edgy?02:30
ubuntuhow do i mount a hdd?02:30
sstchurHow come sometimes, I'll start an application like Firefox, and the little FF icon will bounce like apps loaded in KDE do, but it will keep on bouncing for what seems like forever, long after the app had loaded and is being used?02:30
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter02:30
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soulrideror you can type02:30
intelikeyubuntu   sudo mount /dev/hdd /mount/point02:30
soulridersudo mount <device> <where to mount>02:30
Linux_GaloreDaisuke-Ido: for a normal user it is for people like me who compile and write code it isnt, dont laugh i still have to manually build from source because its not available in the repo's02:30
dwidmannubuntu: well, one way is to type mount /dev/[insert device name here]  (example: mount /dev/hdb5)02:30
dwidmannoh yes, I forgot the mountpoint, bah02:30
Daisuke-IdoLinux_Galore: so what parts are overkill?02:31
orac7000I noticed this morning, with the new 2.6.20-15-generic kernel, that my /dev/hdb1 is now to be called /dev/sdb1, is this common now?02:31
dwidmann(well, technically that would work if it was in the fstab :))02:31
soulriderkubuntu should ahve somethign similar to Arch's AUR02:31
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Daisuke-Idoobviously i need feisty, and should keep security at the very least02:31
intelikeydwidmann true da02:31
soulriderorac7000: i thinkt he new kernels dont use h anymore, its s for all drives02:31
Linux_Galoresoulrider: feisty-proposed  often some of the packages are broken02:31
hitmanWillyorac7000, same for me and yes, its intentional02:31
soulriderLinux_Galore: int he AUR you just downlaod scripts thatw ill compile stuff in your machine02:32
orac7000soulrider, willy, thanks02:32
intelikeysoulrider all scsi emulation ?02:32
Linux_GaloreDaisuke-Ido: feisty-proposed  often some of the packages are broken02:32
hitmanWillyintelikey, i guess02:32
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soulriderintelikey: dunno, i heard someone here saying that now theyc all or hard drives sd02:32
soulriderin arch i got a 2.6.20 kernel and my ATA drive shows as sda02:33
soulriderin kubuntu i have sda and hdb, in Arch i got sda and asb02:33
Daisuke-Idoso updates backports and security should be alright02:33
Daisuke-Idosoulrider: what kernel in kubuntu?02:33
intelikeyi heard that the kernel team was moving that way some time ago....   i guess as long as you don't care what the disk is it's fine.    i kinda like knowing what is mounted.02:34
Linux_Galoresoulrider: I dont mind *ubuntu but Im finding Gentoo a bit easier for developing code if you want the latest libs02:34
dwidmannLinux_Galore: could always just use a gentoo chroot for that couldn't you?02:34
Daisuke-IdoLinux_Galore: that's a difference in philosophy between the two distros.  [k|x] ubuntu is geared toward the desktop user, gentoo isn't.02:35
intelikeybut i also have 8 drives in this box  so i don't need to make a mistake on what i do where.02:35
dwidmann8 drives? impressive02:35
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intelikeynot really.   anyone in here has more room on 1 drive than i do on all 8...02:36
dwidmannHow's that?02:36
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intelikeywhat's your smallest drive ?02:37
intelikey40G ?02:37
dwidmannerm, 250gb :D02:37
Linux_Galorealthough I must admit there are a few dev's that use *ubuntu02:37
intelikeyall 8 add up to 14G02:37
soulriderLinux_Galore: i couldnt manage to isntall it, besides, i think id kill myself if i had to compile EVERYTHING02:37
dwidmannintelikey: that's just sad, my first computers hard drive held almost that much ...02:37
Linux_Galoresoulrider: there is actually an easy install version of Gentoo02:37
soulriderlol intelikey02:38
Daisuke-Idomy first computer had a 20mb hard drive02:38
Daisuke-Idoand we LIKED IT.02:38
soulriderhow about you save a bit and buy a bigger drive ?02:38
intelikeydwidmann my first computer predated internal fixed disk drives02:38
dwidmannmy first had something like a 10gb drive. That was about, oh, 9 years ago02:38
Daisuke-Idointelikey still has me beat on age, apparently (unless you count the Tandy CoCo i had when i was little)02:38
intelikeyDaisuke-Ido C6402:39
Daisuke-Idoso we're pretty close in there :)02:39
Daisuke-Idoyou had the popular computer02:39
soulriderintelikey is so old school i wouldnt be surprised if he still uses tape drives02:39
intelikeybut i wasn't "little"  :)02:39
Daisuke-Idoi had its redheaded stepcousin02:39
Daisuke-Idoi was 402:40
orac70005 meg fixed / 5meg removable Wren drive in NCR 910002:40
intelikeyi was 2002:40
Daisuke-Idoyou win!02:40
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Linux_Galoresoulrider: http://www.sabayonlinux.org/02:41
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hitmanWillybah, commodore vic 2002:41
Linux_GaloreGentoo made easy02:41
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Daisuke-Idosabayon's neat02:41
orac7000still have a plus402:41
soulriderLinux_Galore: ill tyr it when i get tired of Arch :P02:41
intelikeyhitmanWilly i couldn't afford a vic02:41
dwidmannLinux_Galore: but I thought the whole pain in the ass part was one of its selling points?02:41
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hitmanWillywell, i got it about the time the 64's were out02:42
intelikeythe C64 cost a small fortune back then02:42
Linux_Galoredwidmann: well the pain in the ass (tm) stuff is still there if you want to use it02:42
hitmanWillyand i was like 802:42
intelikeyback when.    food02:43
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hitmanWillygentoos great, if you have hours to spend compiling stuff02:44
hitmanWillyand no life02:44
gan|y|medhonestly, why isn't it possible, after 4 or so ubuntu releases, to get fglrx support right (i know, the ati guys have done their share, but i mean the deb package)02:44
Daisuke-Idothe ati guys have done their share on the driver?  what fantasy world are you living in?02:45
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gan|y|medtheir share in preventing this to go smoothly much more quickly.02:46
hitmanWillyati and nix just don't get along well, due in large part to ati02:46
Linux_Galorereview of Sabayonlinux for those who just want to do some window shopping -> http://techgage.com/article/sabayonlinux_33/02:46
VSpikesinclair was better than commodore anyways02:46
gan|y|medwell, at least this way i get some attention to my problem02:47
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=== darweth doesn't really understand Sabayon.
gan|y|medfglrx worked fine with feisty debs, but now, out of the sudden, the module disappeared (i suspect some update), my problem is, fglrx-driver is installed02:48
gan|y|medso any ideas? i'd really appreciate it02:48
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orac7000it also looks like cdroms/dvds are mounted as /media/<disk name> instead of /media/hdd etc now!!02:50
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orac7000sorry if this is old news, but I only upgraded last night, this is new to me02:51
Ace2016Hi all02:51
compilerwriteranyone have any luck getting Ubuntu, or for that matter any flavour of linux, to work with and adsl modem via usb interface?02:52
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gan|y|medpls, does anybody know why the fglrx-driver package does not install fglrx.ko??02:52
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:53
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Linux_GalorehitmanWilly: Gentoo made easy and fast -> http://techgage.com/article/sabayonlinux_33/02:54
SchuenemannI have the following problem. I get a Fatal Server Error and X crashes when I use Blender. What could I do?02:54
darwethLinux_Galore: I do not really understand Sabayon. =(02:54
darwethI also disagree with the "Gentoo made easy and fast" part.02:55
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darwethBut I don't know what the mini version of Sabayon is like.02:55
darwethThe DVD is nothing like Gentoo though since it is bloated beyond all hell and no Gentoo box would ever be like that. :)02:55
Linux_Galoredarweth: lol, your complaining about a single DVD, don't use SuSE then02:56
intelikey"no Gentoo box would ever be like that"  heh  right02:56
darwethLinux_Galore: I use Arch.02:56
darwethI just think it is offensive to call Sabayon Gentoo.02:57
darwethIt is bloated, it is hard to remove stuff you do not want...02:57
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darwethJust use Gentoo. :)02:57
SchuenemannI get a Fatal Server Error and X crashes when I use Blender. What can I do?02:57
intelikeyi use gentoo.   i did  apt-get install gentoo   :)02:57
darwethGentoo is not meant to be a release-distro.02:57
Linux_Galoredarweth: I do but before I used Gentoo I used RR4 (now called Sabayon)02:57
hitmanWillydarweth i would, i just don't want to compile EVERYTHING from source02:57
darwethhitmanWilly: I would suggest Arch then. :P02:58
hitmanWillydarweth, and yes, i have tried it out before02:58
darwethThe benefits of Gentoo ARE compiling your own stuff.02:58
darwethI do not understand Sabayon and never will.02:58
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Linux_Galoredarweth: emerge works as normal in Sabayon02:58
hitmanWillywell, from what i see, it gives you the option to do that if you want, or do it the sabayon way02:59
intelikeydarweth i think you nailed it.  "<darweth> The benefits of Gentoo ARE compiling your own stuff."     no other real benefit,  just that you get to compile everything....02:59
Schuenemanncome on, I need help with these video stuff :/02:59
hitmanWillyand im assuming all the gentoo stuff ie use flags are still implemented02:59
darwethWell, I've read many accounts of troubles with using emerge and keeping Sabayon rolling.02:59
darwethLots of encouragement to not do that and use it as a release distro.03:00
darwethAnd do Sabayon-updates.03:00
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: could be anything really going from the scant details you have given us03:00
ulmonixSchuenemann: the help I could give you would to be to have it start in window instead of fullscreen w/ the commandline03:00
intelikeySchuenemann blender is a real top priority for you ?03:01
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, Fatal Server Error: Caught Signal 11. Server Aborting. Xinit: Connection to X Servet lost03:01
Linux_Galoreyeah, dont use Blender on a basic machine it just wont be able to cope03:01
SchuenemannI wouldn't say real top priority but yes, it is important03:01
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Schuenemannthe graphic card is a geforce 256 32 MB03:02
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: that is a generic error, its just saying X crashed03:02
Schuenemannwell, that's the message I get when I use blender03:02
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ulmonixLinux_Galore: Blender runs perfectly fine on my old laptop :b03:02
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: like saying "my car wont start"03:02
Schuenemannwhat else you need besides the message and the situation that happens? :p03:03
hitmanWillydarweth, from what i see, sabayon is to gentoo what ubuntu is to debian03:03
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: do you have the binary Nvidia drivers ?03:03
ulmonixSchuenemann: this happens every time you start blender?03:03
darwethhitmanWilly: I understand that. :)03:03
Schuenemannstart and use it a bit03:03
darwethBut to me, using Gentoo in that manner doesn't make as much sense as Ubuntu.03:04
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, I don't think so... there was a sis before03:04
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: use the binary Nvidia drivers they are more stable03:04
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, can you tell me how? since I changed I don't have the graphical login anymoe03:04
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: also they have proper 3D support the FOSS ones dont03:05
hitmanWillyhonestly, i just like my kubuntu, and ive tried a lot of what else is out there03:05
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darwethI think most Ubuntu users would do well enough sticking with Ubuntu.  There is no need to switch to Debian.03:05
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
darwethWith Sabayon, I feel that people will eventually just want to go pure.03:05
darwethAfter learning emerge or something.03:05
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hitmanWillydarweth, maybe03:05
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Linux_Galoredarweth: its a nice intro though for Gentoo for people who want to get something a bit more mature03:06
hitmanWillybut at least the more user friendly distros help in pulling casual users into the linux world03:06
darwethI agree there. :)03:06
darwethI just don't think it is a long-lasting distro.  Perhaps these stepping stones have their place too.03:06
Linux_Galoredarweth: you dont even have to install it03:06
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Linux_Galoredarweth: well no, I would say its more a path to Gentoo distro03:07
felzixot: does anyone here know how to setup planner for emacs?03:07
hitmanWillyand thats what i love about nix, theres more flavors than baskin robbins03:07
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darwethhitmanWilly: true, but I wonder if there are more flavors than Cold Stone. ;)03:07
Linux_Galoredarweth: it was for me anyway03:08
hitmanWillythat would be interesting to test03:08
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darwethAh.  I went from Ubuntu - Gentoo - Zenwalk - Arch.03:08
Linux_Galoreyeah, every week I see a new distro, last week it was LinuxMCE03:08
darwethI think I am set now though.  Arch for my main box and Ubuntu for all other ones.03:09
Linux_Galorefor Ubuntu users who want and easy path for a mythbox03:09
hitmanWillydarweth, i went from debian-> red hat -> slack -> fedora -> back to slack -> kubuntu03:10
Schuenemannsigh... with this graphic it seems I have smooth scrolling enabled03:10
Schuenemanngraphic card03:10
unix_infidelanyone know of a tool like google reader?03:10
hitmanWillydarweth, with a brief 1 week gentoo stopover03:10
ulmonixDSL (qemu) > GoblinX (livecd) > mandrake > ubuntu > kubuntu03:10
intelikeyslack > rh > mdk > dsl > ub03:11
darwethAh.  :)  I have always wanted to use Slack... just to say that. :O  I guess I am a nerd.  It seems like slackware has some special mystique about it.03:11
darwethBut I guess Zenwalk is close enough for now.03:11
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hitmanWillydarweth, slack still installs with a 2.4 kernel last i checked03:12
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darwethThere is a -current.03:12
Linux_Galoreunix_infidel: ?? eer google reader works in Linux last I looked03:12
intelikeyand that doesn't mention the versions and repeted steps. ^03:12
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, what is the name of the package manager? adept?03:12
hitmanWillydarweth, and every time i tried it it broke my system03:12
intelikeyhitmanWilly debian does too03:12
Linux_Galoreunix_infidel: so you just want to read RSS feeds ?03:12
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hitmanWillyand thats why i use kubu03:13
hitmanWillyplus rpms just suck03:13
darwethI am actually new to KDE.  Only been using it for 3 days.03:13
intelikeyhitmanWilly 2.4 ^   deb stable does too   but you can select 2.603:13
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unix_infidelLinux_Galore: well, most sites i view dont have RSS feeds.03:13
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: the GUI or the command line ?03:14
Schuenemannthe gui03:14
unix_infideli want to be able to read and keep track of entries on multiple blogs and news sources.03:14
Schuenemannshouldn't I have it installed?03:14
intelikeyhitmanWilly i have had more trubble out of dpkg/apt  than i ever did out of rpm/urpm? .03:14
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: well from the command line you use apt-get03:14
hitmanWillyintelikey, really? exact opposite for me03:14
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: in the desktop is  adept_installer03:15
=== intelikey </shurgs>
Schuenemannoh... silly me03:15
hitmanWillymaybe its just fedora03:15
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intelikeymaybe,  i never tried fc03:15
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Linux_Galorefc 6 is very nice03:16
Linux_Galorelot of thought gone into the release03:16
Linux_Galorestill nutty as a fruit cake though03:16
intelikeyand early fc's were a fork and that generally means issues for the first release or two.   warty had it's bumps03:17
compilerwriterintelikey that problem we were working on last night.  gdm did not start up automatically on restart.03:17
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Schuenemannsorry, how do I find out which kernel version I have?03:17
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: uname -a03:17
intelikeycompilerwriter hmmmm  ;/03:17
compilerwriterintelikey worse I manually started it and then couldn't get my XDMCP client to connect.03:17
bipolarSchuenemann: run 'uname'03:17
compilerwriterintelikey I had manually fire up kdm again.03:17
bipolarSchuenemann: 'uname -r' will print just the version03:18
Schuenemannk, got it03:18
compilerwriterI suppost if that is the worst thing that happens fine03:18
intelikeycompilerwriter i started to ask you last night if you enabled remote login in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf03:18
intelikeybut you were gone.03:18
=== Dr_Willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_WillisHowdy all03:19
ubotuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)03:19
Linux_Galoredam these new Vista fonts look nice in Kubuntu03:19
Schuenemannhmmm... what is a generic kernel?03:19
Dr_WillisNew fonts? heh - guess they had to include somthing to make up for vistas other 'issues'03:19
intelikeycompilerwriter did you get it streight or are you still having issues with it ?03:20
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: its the general purpose kernel, I use it too03:20
Schuenemannwhat could be a non generic one?03:20
compilerwriterintelikey It is still a mess.03:20
intelikeyhate to hear that03:20
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compilerwriterjhutchins tried to point me in the right direction, but got called away for some reason before I could ask the newb questions to make his instructions clear.03:21
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: there are a few, i386 and server03:21
compilerwriterintelikey give me a second to cat my /etc/gdm/gdm/conf03:22
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: and server-bigiron  for machines with lots of ram etc03:22
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Schuenemannso I should get linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic03:23
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: for a laptop/PC that not too old the generic kernel is fine03:23
Schuenemannactually I already have it03:23
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: yep03:23
intelikeycompilerwriter less /etc/gdm/gdm.conf       hit / type XDMCP and hit enter03:24
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: you might find all you have to do is edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and change Driver "nv"  to Driver "nvidia"03:24
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SchuenemannLinux_Galore, it says I should install nvidia-glx-legacy03:24
intelikeycompilerwriter this way at least you learn some neet tricks  like searching in less  and so forth03:25
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: only for old cards03:25
Schuenemannmine is old03:25
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: what is the model03:25
Schuenemannit is in the legacy list03:25
compilerwriterintelikey are you thinking that I need to reenable all that stuff again?03:25
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: ?? 256 isnt a model03:25
SchuenemannGeForce 25603:25
intelikeycompilerwriter i think you never did   in gdm.conf    it was kdm.conf   wasn't it ?03:26
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: aaah GF 2, yep install the legacy drivers package03:26
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intelikeybut that doesn't explain why it didn't autostart....03:26
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: no wonder its crashing, GF 2 with the FOSS drivers would barely be coping03:27
intelikeyLinux_Galore you have feisty right ?03:27
compilerwriterI probably never did do it in gdm.conf.03:27
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, I don't even have a graphical login hehe03:27
intelikeyLinux_Galore how to enable gdm on startup ?03:27
Linux_Galoreintelikey: no edgy but with lots of new packages compiled from scratch03:27
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compilerwriterIt probably was done in kdm.conf03:27
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: usuaully there is a file that allows you to define the default  ie Desktop=kde Gnome  hmm03:28
intelikeydoes update-rc.d work with upstart ?03:28
Dr_WillisI thought kubuntu/ubuntu used the gdm/kdm services03:29
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Dr_Willisintelikey:  i belive it does.03:29
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:30
Dr_Willisamazing how big a change upstart was.. and how few problems ive heard of with it.03:30
Linux_Galoreintelikey: aaah found it edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager  and change /usr/bin/kdm to  /usr/bin/gdm03:30
hitmanWillyupstart is great, just have to learn to do without the inittab file :)03:30
compilerwriterWell I found the references to XDM intelikey.  I am just trying to figure out what to uncomment.03:31
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compilerwriterI had a tutorial before me the last time I did it.03:31
Schuenemannbrb, restart X03:31
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: edit /etc/X11/default-display-manager  and change /usr/bin/kdm to  /usr/bin/gdm03:32
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intelikeycompilerwriter this command should fix the non-starting problem. >>>    sudo update-rc.d gdm start 90 2 3 4 5 . stop 01 0 1 6 .03:32
intelikeyLinux_Galore we were there last night.03:32
Linux_Galoreintelikey: yeah, thats doesnt change the splash stuff though as you know03:33
compilerwriterintelikey said that they already existed.03:33
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compilerwriternow off to the /etc/X11 stuff ?03:34
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SchuenemannLinux_Galore, damn, I couldn't see the nvidia splash screen as I don't have the graphical login03:35
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compilerwriterHow does one tell less that they want to edit the file they are viewing?  I have forgotten.03:35
intelikeycompilerwriter i've done every thing i know to do to it then.     maybe someone with fresh insite will hit what ever you and i missed. Linux_Galore maybe.03:35
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: also need to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm03:36
intelikeydid that too03:36
intelikeyand gdm still is not starting on boot for him03:36
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Linux_Galoreintelikey: I have a feeling he is booting gdm, just he doesnt know the difference03:37
soulrider_!ingo gcj03:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ingo gcj - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:37
compilerwriterIt may be, but not having the XDMCP login allowed It may not have allowed the xserver to be connected to.03:37
intelikeyLinux_Galore and it's not trying to start and failing cause he starts it manually03:37
soulrider_!info gcj03:37
ubotugcj: The GNU Java compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.1-6ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 1 kB, installed size 48 kB03:37
intelikeyLinux_Galore no ?dm starting03:37
Linux_Galoreintelikey: aaah so it doesnt start gdm and goes straight to the command line ?03:38
compilerwriterThat may be what is happening linux_galore.03:38
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intelikeycompilerwriter see Linux_Galore and lets cut out the middle man here. (me)03:38
Linux_Galoreintelikey: in that case it tells me there is an init problem03:39
compilerwriterThere is the complication that I am working with a headless *nix box.03:39
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, man, my current graphic card is marked as generic vesa03:39
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compilerwriterthanks for trying intelikey.03:39
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, if I change to geforce and click test, I get a gray screen with an X cursor and that's all03:39
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: just edit the xorg.conf file manually and change Driver line to Driver "nvidia"03:40
SchuenemannI don't have that line with the generic visa03:40
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: thats normal03:40
compilerwriterlinux_galore it seems that my current default path is /usr/sbin/gdm.  Should I change that to /usr/bin/gdm?03:40
intelikeycompilerwriter don't give up.     and can you ssh into it?  if so you can    ps -A x | less    and see what is running and what's not.03:40
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: if you dont see the X its not working03:40
SchuenemannIdentifier"Generic Video Card"03:41
intelikeycompilerwriter   which gdm    it will tell you where it is03:41
compilerwriterintelikey that is how I have been logging in to start kdm.  ssh.03:41
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Schuenemanneven though I changed to geforce03:41
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: is the gdm binary in  /usr/sbin/gdm, because thats the normal path03:41
intelikeycompilerwriter i knew that. but thought i'd play dumb.03:41
compilerwriterI think that is where it is linux_galore.03:41
intelikeywhich gdm03:42
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: can you start X manually with startx ?03:42
compilerwriterlinux_galore I don03:42
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, can I replace that whole section with the nvidia one?03:42
compilerwriter't know03:42
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: you just need to edit that one line03:42
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SchuenemannI don't have that one line03:42
Schuenemannnot Driver "nv"03:43
compilerwriterI don't start it on a monitor connected to my machine.  I just forward the x-session to xming on my XP pc.03:43
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: you have to have a "Driver" line or it wont work at all03:43
SchuenemannI do03:43
Schuenemannchange that and leave the identifier?03:43
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: then change it to Driver "nvidia"03:43
compilerwriterintelikey how do I find out which gdm ?03:43
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: the rest is rubbish03:43
intelikeycompilerwriter type   which gdm03:44
compilerwriterintelikey /usr/sbin/gdm03:44
intelikeycompilerwriter 'which' is a command used to locate executables03:44
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: ctrl alt backspace  will restart X (or kill it)03:44
intelikeyso now you know.03:44
compilerwriterI will try to remember that.03:45
compilerwriterI remember whence from the college days, but am not sure what it found.03:45
Schuenemannok, brb03:45
compilerwriterIt seems that whence will work as well.03:45
intelikeynot here.  bash: whence: command not found03:46
compilerwriterI think zsh is my login shell.03:46
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intelikeytype blahblahblah   and it should tell ya03:47
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: dont set it as the system shell03:47
intelikeyyou mean  as /bin/sh ?03:47
intelikeythat would be bad03:48
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compilerwriterlinux_galore I don't think it is.  I think I just changed it to my login shell for terminals and such.  I was trying it out.03:48
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: in the user space its fine03:48
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dsmith_question: Once kubuntu is installed and is showing full resolution, whats the best way to install nvidia drivers so glx works?03:48
compilerwriterI remembered using it and the tcsh from the school days.  Thought I would play around with it, but now that you have brought it up how do I check?03:48
=== intelikey tries ln -s /usr/bin/csh /bin/sh
Linux_Galorezsh is very nice but Linux usually default to bash like goofyness03:49
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compilerwriterMy machine did default to bash.  I changed my login shell, but now you have me afraid I might have changed the system shell.03:50
compilerwriterHow do I check linux_galore?03:50
intelikeyls -l /bin/sh03:50
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linux_kidCan I add KDE to GNOME without changing the login window or splash screen?  (note, im running feisty)03:51
Linux_Galoreyeah ls -l /bin/sh03:51
compilerwriterlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2006-12-13 18:39 /bin/sh -> dash03:51
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intelikeydash   that's default03:51
compilerwriterWhat the hell is dash?03:51
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SchuenemannLinux_Galore, it wasn't able to restart, I had to change to the previous value03:51
intelikeyman dash03:51
ubotu/bin/sh links to the DASH shell in Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to  #! /bin/bash 03:51
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, Failed to load nvidia-kernel module03:51
Dr_Willissystem shell is by default 'dash' the default USERS shell is normally bash.03:51
SchuenemannI guess I have to modprobe03:51
compilerwriterIs dash more secure than bash?03:52
Dr_Willisthat factoid about dash is a little missleading.03:52
Dr_Willisdash is 'posix' complient. Bash is the one with the 'issues' :)03:52
intelikeyanyone know why this script would not die when ^C is pressed ?    http://pastebin.ca/44030503:52
intelikey^C only kills the running app03:52
intelikeynot the calling script03:53
Dr_Willisbash when called as 'sh' is supposed to be compatiable with the sh/posix  stuff. but it dosent work that way. From what i recall of my research into this a few months ago.03:53
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:53
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: it will help you set it up the way you want03:53
intelikeyDr_Willis that is correct.03:53
Dr_Willisintelikey:  yea. it seems like the whole issue to me - is that ages ago. bash never reported any sort of error/warning that if called as 'sh' it was being told to use non 'sh' features. :) i guess.03:54
Dr_Willisbut all the ranting/flamwars ive read about the bash/dash issues.. never seem to mention that.03:55
Linux_Galoreintelikey: thats normal03:55
intelikeywell it should fail when called as sh and told to use non-posix functions Dr_Willis03:56
intelikeybut it doesn't03:56
Dr_Willisintelikey:  i agree it sould at least spit out some warnings03:56
intelikeyLinux_Galore normal ?      ^C should kill the script and all it's children03:56
Dr_Willisthen again - i barely under stand all this posix-obsession :)03:56
Linux_Galoreintelikey: no C^ wont03:56
intelikeyLinux_Galore i can hold ^C down and let it repeat  but it doesn't ever kill the script.03:57
Linux_Galoreintelikey: especially if you not using builtins03:57
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, wow, that keyboard part is very boring... I guess I should've refused it03:57
unix_infidelposix obsession?03:57
unix_infidelyou switched back to win32?03:57
compilerwriterNow linux_galore, or, intelikey how do you tell less to open the file you are viewing in an editor?j03:58
Linux_Galorecompilerwriter: never tried that03:58
intelikeycompilerwriter   sudo nano /etc/gdm/gdm.conf     assuming that's the file.03:58
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:   im more of a 'get the job done' sort of guy. less of a 'lets debate how it should be done from a 'perfectioninsts' point of view i guess. :)03:58
unix_infidellol, so you did switch back?03:59
intelikeycompilerwriter cause you'll have to be root to save it anyway03:59
compilerwriterI know there is a way to do it.  I used to do it back in the day.03:59
=== Linux_Galore is a vim junky
Dr_Willisbut then again thers the whole "dont break the old stuff.. vs the 'lets fix it right for the future' arguments"03:59
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  been playing MMORPGS under windows lately. :) ssh/irssing from my MythTV box at the moment.03:59
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unix_infidelDr_Willis: you know they have irssi native for win32 right?04:00
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, done... now restart X?04:00
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: yes run startx see how it goes04:00
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  so the docs for irssi ive been rereading mention. :) but they also imply it dosent work very well.04:00
unix_infidelDr_Willis: it works perfectly here.04:00
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  ill stick with sshing to the linux box + screen + irssi  for a while. Untill my kubuntu iso downloads04:00
unix_infidelDr_Willis: you downloading the beta?04:01
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  the  statement of 'windows + works perfectly' is a Impossibility. :)04:01
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  yea, got a spare hd on the windows box now to install to.04:01
Dr_Willisgiven up on MMORPGS for now.04:01
unix_infideli stopped playing games a while back.04:01
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Dr_WillisIn case anyone wants to know.. VANGUARD sucks badly.04:02
unix_infideljust cold turkey. i play like chess on os x now and that's it.04:02
Dr_Willis The New Lord Of the Rings MMORPG is at least fun to play :)04:02
Linux_GaloreI just got a console04:02
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, same error -> Fatal: Error running install command for nvidia04:02
Dr_WillisLinux_Galore:  been playing with your Wii :)04:02
Linux_GaloreDr_Willis: no, got an XBOX, it was a good year04:02
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Dr_WillisI need to fire up Paper Mario some time.. I never did finish it.04:03
Dr_WillisI did see a new relese of that PS2 emulator for Linux the other day.04:03
dwidmannThis is an adventure :( stupid alsa04:03
=== dwidmann kicks alsa
Linux_Galoreto be honest I play with my Nitendo DS more than anything04:04
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, what now? any ideas?04:04
Dr_WillisI gave my DS to my brother. he has 2 kids who were fighting over his one ds. :)04:04
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: so you installed the nvidia-legacy package correct ?04:04
Dr_Willisneed to get another one of those some day. He wants to swap me his GP2x thing (thats running linux) for my PSP now.04:04
Dr_WillisGetting to be more and more handhelds and other gizmos running Linux. WHich is a good thing.04:05
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: aah, have you rebooted04:05
Schuenemannwhat? the whole system?04:05
=== Dr_Willis thinks IRC is the Ultimate MMORPG.
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: yes so the kernel loads all the new modules04:05
Schuenemannthe guide does not say that... sigh04:05
Dr_WillisSchuenemann:  its often not needed.. but is a good idea :)04:06
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: usually you dont have to but sometimes I find it fixes it04:06
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Schuenemannok, brb then04:06
Dr_Willisive had issues with ati and a reboot kicked them in the head many a time.04:06
Dr_Willisit may be more of an issue of the wrong/conflicting modules being loaded.04:06
Linux_GaloreDr_Willis: I suspect the package manager has changes the kernel or the modules and now it wont load anything04:07
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compilerwriterok enabled xdmcp in gdm.conf  linux_galore what next?04:07
JackPhilwhere is the digital camera be mounted?04:07
Linux_Galore!digital camera04:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about digital camera - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:08
compilerwriterDo I need to do anything else linux_galore, intelikey04:08
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intelikeyremote login enabled ?04:09
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intelikeyi think i saw a line for that as well04:09
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Linux_GaloreJackPhil: all media devices are usually mounted under /media/  but you can view them in the file browser by just type /media  in the address04:09
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Linux_GaloreJackPhil: install Digikam  that will allow you to manage your Digital Camera pictures04:10
SchuenemanLinux_Galore, k, now it's back to vesa... should I change it and restart X?04:11
Schuenemanthis time I had the graphical login04:11
JackPhilLinux_Galore, nothing in /media. but konqueror use something like: camera://USB PTP Class Camera@[usb:003,003] /04:12
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JackPhilI want to know can I access it with konsole?04:12
Linux_GaloreJackPhil: aah, its not mounting the device at all in your case04:12
Dr_Williscamera:// is accessing the device without mounting it?04:13
JackPhilehh? but sudo fdisk -l show nothing (to mount)04:14
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Linux_GaloreDr_Willis: it direct accessing the device, I suspect the device doesnt do fs emulation04:14
JackPhilwhere to found the device i should mount?04:16
SchuenemanLinux_Galore, hey... I had the graphical login this time, but it's back to vesa @ xorg.conf. What should I do? Change to nvidia and try restarting X?04:16
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Linux_GaloreSchueneman: yes, but for some reason it cant load the nvidia driver. I suspect you are booting the wrong kernel04:17
Schuenemanwhat do you mean wrong kernel? I only have one... or not?04:17
SchuenemanI mean, there are some boot options but I'm using the one I always do04:18
Schuenemanit's the latest04:18
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: the nviia-legacy package installs against a set kernel version (see adept_installer for details) and you must be running the same kernel04:18
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Schuenemanlet me see04:18
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: the package doesnt install the driver for "all the kernels"04:18
Linux_Galoreyou have on the machine04:19
jagerfeisty fawn so far 0 problems04:19
jagerwell one small one but wtf we'll call it 004:19
Schuenemandude, this sucks04:19
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: remove the old kernel04:19
SchuenemanI think I selected the wrong package04:20
d00d_jager, how is it ima about to try it04:20
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: heh04:20
SchuenemanI'm not used with the GUI package manager04:20
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Linux_GaloreSchueneman: yeah, bet you have the wrong kernel version of the nvidia-legacy package installed so the kernel cant find the driver04:21
SchuenemanI should've noted it downloaded faster than it should04:21
jagerworks good, i'm still pulling updates04:21
jagermy cd is a week old or so04:21
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jagerberyl is up and running, it was trivial04:21
jagerthe wifi manager is really swett04:21
Schuenemanactually I don't have any nvidia-legacy package04:21
jagersweet i mean04:22
d00d_sounds good isnt it livecd04:22
sideycan I bug someone about the command(if thats actually what it is) CVS?04:22
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Linux_GaloreSchueneman: that answers that question lol04:23
jagerhad to blacklist a couple of modules to get my intersil prism wifi card to work but that took like 5 minutes to google for and 30 seconds to fix04:23
jagerfeisty has a livecd install yar04:23
Schuenemanahh, now I understand04:23
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: if you dont see the package it tells me you dont have your sources.list setup yet, you still have the default04:23
Schuenemannvidia-glx-dev automatically removes nvidia-glx-legacy04:23
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dsmith_when I type " sudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf ", I get this:04:24
dsmith_X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 15704:24
dsmith_  Major opcode:  14604:24
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dsmith_it takes kate 15-20 sec. to open04:25
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: here you will need this its a ACME "Kick Myself"04:25
Dr_Willisdsmith_:  thats 146 is due to the touchpad/wacom tablets being enabled by default. - harmless message04:25
Dr_Willisthats not slowing down kate.04:25
jagerholy shit the beryl water effect is crazy04:25
dsmith_ok willis, thx04:25
dsmith_haha water effect04:25
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Dr_Williswonder if thats been 'altered' in the next release. its a bit of an eyesore i agree04:25
SchuenemanLinux_Galore, a what?04:25
dsmith_Dr_Willis: yep04:26
Dr_Willisdsmith_:  about time. :) heh heh.04:26
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dsmith_kate doesnot load now04:26
_chocoboHey I installed FreeNX and I don't know how to execute it04:26
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: you never watched Road Runner04:26
Dr_Willis'beep beep' ? :)04:26
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dsmith_I tried FreNX, could not get it to work04:26
Dr_WillisClassic Cartoons.04:26
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Linux_GaloreSchueneman: all the weird stuff the coyote purchases came from a company called ACME04:27
SchuenemanI guess I did04:27
_chocoboHow do u execute any prog after u install it?04:27
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Schuenemanahh, ok04:27
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  depends on how you isntalled it.. and the program.04:27
dsmith_ACME was owned by Road Runner04:27
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Dr_Willisit pays to read the programs docs. :)04:27
SchuenemanI thought he was the test pilot or something04:27
sideyok. tryng to follow instructions on ubuntu forums link, but it states I can get sources via CVS - D etc.. and I am getting command not found04:27
sideyeven using sudo04:27
sideyi trying to do this via konsole04:27
Dr_Willissidey:  you did install the cvs packages first?04:27
unix_infidelDr_Willis: you downloading the beta fiesty iso?04:28
sideyno, were do I get them. I am totally new to linux. and trying to learn04:28
unix_infidelor downloaded.04:28
unix_infidelor edgy/04:28
Dr_Willisunix_infidel:  its downloaded.. transfering to this box to burn to cd.. then installing it.04:28
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dsmith_grrr glx is still not running04:28
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Dr_Willissidey:  you may want to spend a few hours reading some linux basics.. messing with cvs on day one.. is a bit like.. err... i cant think of a good analogy04:29
Dr_Willissidey:  in short. 'use the package manager' :)04:29
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/04:29
Linux_Galoresidey: you should not be using   CVS unless you seriously know how to use Linux04:29
SchuenemanLinux_Galore, omg... now that command he tells me to type is not found -> sudo nvidia-xconfig04:29
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sideyI am only trying to get a basic DCC client working.. its the reason I scraped working in linux last time. there was no active development of any linux based dcc apps04:30
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)04:30
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: yeah, try  sudo apt-get install nvidia-xconfig04:30
Dr_Willisits in  /usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig here.04:30
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: its optional04:30
Dr_Willissidey:  the use of the letters 'dcc' is rather vague. :) and used for a dozen differnt things I think. heh04:31
sideyahh direct connect community04:31
Schuenemanthis time I have an output04:31
Schuenemanappearently it is ok04:31
Dr_Willisyou refering to the 'dcc' transfering of files with irc clients?04:31
sideyi run a entire network there but not on linux04:31
Linux_GaloreSchueneman: once you run nvida-xconfig  then run startx04:32
SchuenemanI'll test and come back (hopelly)04:32
Schuenemanctrl alt backspace, right?04:32
_chocoboSOMEONE HELP ME!04:32
_chocobohow do i execute something after i've installed it?04:32
sideyi can post the link to our website. but that wont help. one of our clients is windows based, the haveoffered $260 in donations to port the project to linux so far04:33
sideyI just want something so I can run linux on this machine. native04:33
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  it depends.. if it isntalls a binary to the normal path you type the commands name.04:33
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_chocoboDr_Willis: Whats the normal path?04:33
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Dr_Willis_chocobo:  echo $PATH04:33
Schuenemannit worked!04:33
dsmith_ok would someone mind looking at my xorg.conf?04:33
zenekkkkco tam obwiesie?04:33
Dr_Willis~$ echo $PATH04:34
SchuenemannI never thought I'd be so happy to see the nvidia logo04:34
zenekkkkkurwa ale nik durny mam04:34
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dsmith_i want 1440x900 res.04:34
dsmith_and I have it set at 1260x76804:34
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: well it would have worked if you hadnt removed the package by accident04:34
dsmith_wont go higher04:34
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Schuenemannit was adept04:34
Schuenemannthat tutorial tells you to select 2 conflicting packages04:35
_chocoboWhat do i do with this path?04:35
Dr_Willislast tutorial i read said 'install one or the other'04:35
SchuenemannI don't have that irritating smooth scrolling anymore04:35
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, thanks for your patience04:35
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Dr_Willis_chocobo:  im thinking you are trying 'too' hard on this. normally a program isntalls its binary (or a binary) into one of those default directories. so you can just type its name.04:36
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  thats not to say that EVERY progarm does that. but normally they do.04:36
SchuenemannLinux_Galore, well, now blender should not crash X, right?04:36
_chocoboso if i wanted to execute freenx04:36
_chocoboi'd just type freenx04:36
_chocobointo terminal04:36
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: you only go down this path once then you have the horror scoured into you brain04:36
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: we can but hope04:37
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  i would guess somthing like that.. but it is proberly a very good idea to read the docs on using freenx.04:37
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dsmith_anyone look at my paste?04:37
Dr_Willis_chocobo: it may need some configuration. ive never used freenx - but ive heard of it.04:37
Schuenemannwhat horror you're talking about?04:37
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_chocoboDr_Willis: do u know a better remote desktop04:38
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: accidentally stuffing up your packages04:38
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  'better' is relative. I tend to use 'vnc' or the X 'xdmcp' features04:38
Schuenemannbut it wasn't my fault :p04:38
Schuenemannwhen I selected the second package, it disabled the first04:38
sonoftheclayrdsmith_: in system settinngs go to monitor and display (or something similar) and under the hardware tab in the monitor section change the hardware to whatever res you want04:38
Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: yes but it shows that in the package manager04:38
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  what sort of remote machine are you trying to access?04:39
Schuenemannyeah... I was just following the wiki and didn't pay enough attention04:39
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Linux_GaloreSchuenemann: Im always wary of Wiki entries, they are a guide but not a literal04:40
dsmith_sonoftheclayr: I already placed it at 1440x900 (widescreen)04:40
_chocoboDr_Willis: Just mine from school... I am running edgy here and I want to access it through a window client04:40
SchuenemannI'll remember that04:40
sonoftheclayrdsmith_: restarted X?04:40
Schuenemannthe horror is scorched into my brain now04:40
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dsmith_once already04:40
dsmith_let me try again04:40
Schuenemannnow let me try blender04:40
Schuenemannto make sure it was worth all that04:41
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  vnc can do that very nicely.    I normally 'ssh' into the remote linux box. run a vncserver, then vnc into it. (I set it up to use a veyr light weight desktop in vnc also)04:42
Dr_Willis_chocobo:  vnc is a very flexable and powerfull tool04:42
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dsmith_sonoftheclayr: ok I have two higher resolutions but not 1440x90004:43
Dr_Willisplus you can use vnc to spy on what the kids are doing. :)04:43
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sonoftheclayrdsmith_: did you go into the hardware tab and change the hardware settings?04:44
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dsmith_it picks up the generic geforce card04:44
dsmith_nvidia driver04:44
dsmith_monitor #1 says flat panel 1440x90004:44
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dsmith_i must be missing something04:45
sonoftheclayrdsmith_: and you can't change it? have you tried nvidia-settings?04:45
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dsmith_one sec04:45
ShuenemannLinux_Galore, now blender doesn't even start... I see the hourglass in the task bar, then it goes away and nothing else04:45
dsmith_i can change the res. to higher but the not 1440x900; the highest res. on this panel04:46
Dr_WillisShuenemann:  try running blender from a terminal. may see some error messages.04:46
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ShuenemannXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:47
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dsmith_when I start nvidia-settings, it shows blank04:47
ShuenemannDr_Willis, I see that message all over 'glxinfo'04:48
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mathersalandoes anyone here have a Toshiba lappy running a radeon 9000 IGP ??04:48
dsmith_Dr_willis: same here04:48
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lettuceWheneve i want to open a torrent, I have ot download it to the desktop and THEN open it with the program i use. How do i set it up so that firefox just opens up the torrent with the program?04:49
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dsmith_lettuce: I just download torrents to the desktop04:49
Dr_Willislettuce:  depends on the torrent client also.04:49
dsmith_then drag drop04:49
Dr_WillisI find it MUCH easier to keep all my .torrents in some dir. for later access.. then letting the torrent client start them automaticially04:50
Dr_Willissome torrent clients can auto 'watch' a specific dir also.04:50
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dsmith_yep, I have one for incompelete and complete04:50
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SchuenemannDr_Willis, you have any ideas on what to do?04:51
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Dr_WillisSchuenemann:  not even sure what the exact problem is.04:51
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Dr_Willisabout to reboot to install kubuntu  beta soon. :)04:51
Schuenemannwell, I installed the nvidia drivers and now blender does not start04:51
Dr_WillisSchuenemann:  ive not messed with the nvida stuff since the last install. and not touched blender in ages.04:52
Schuenemannerror message is: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:52
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Schuenemannthat is not just for blender, for any glx stuff04:52
dsmith_Schueneman: thats what I am seeing04:52
Dr_Willisthat could be just a 'warning' and dosent matter.. or you may need to edit the xorg.conf to load some glx/other module04:52
Dr_WillisId have to say check the ubuntu/kubuntu forums. its proberly a common 'issue'04:53
Schuenemannthere is Load "glx" in my xorg.conf04:53
dsmith_same for me04:53
dsmith_I just checked04:53
Dr_WillisI was thinking the nvidia stuff needed you to REMOVE that glx line. :)04:53
lettucewell I use azures (or however yo spell it) would I be able to make it the default? I think I did it before on xubuntu04:53
cskjis there a version of ares peer to peer that works on linux?04:53
Dr_Willissince it had its own.. but i forget.04:53
Dr_Williswell i am rebooting/installing.. be back in about an hr.04:53
Dr_Willisunless the live cd installs REAL fast. :)04:54
dsmith_Schueneman: what driver are you using?04:54
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dsmith_no I mean the verson04:55
Schuenemannthe card?04:55
dsmith_version of the driver04:56
SchuenemannI don't know04:56
SchuenemannI only know I just installed it04:56
dsmith_did you pull it off the nvidia website?04:56
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dsmith_hmmm ok04:57
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SchuenemannLinux_Galore, are you still there?05:02
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alex_d_655321i see your shwarts is as big as mine....... now lets see how well u handle it05:06
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Schuenemannmy what?05:06
alex_d_655321spaceball madness05:06
alex_d_655321download spaceballs!!05:07
orac7000mel brooks humor05:07
alex_d_655321the best movie05:07
alex_d_655321thats right05:07
orac7000parody of star wars........shwartz=force05:08
alex_d_655321so does anyone have feisty kubuntu i can download?05:08
alex_d_655321star wars copied spaceballs.......... hehe05:08
Schuenemannfeisty will be released 19th I believe05:08
Schuenemannnever heard of space balls05:08
alex_d_655321hmmm...... someone just sent me here to get it ..... ah well05:08
sonoftheclayrSchuenemann: the week of the 19th05:08
Schuenemannwell, we're on that week05:09
alex_d_655321i feel dirty using xp05:09
Schuenemannat least on my local time05:09
alex_d_655321i feel like a corporate stooge05:09
orac7000gksu "update-manager -c -d"05:09
sonoftheclayrfair chance it won't be released on the 19th because of all the kernel problems it's been having recenly (friday the 13th luck)05:09
alex_d_655321friday the 13th is a golden day.......05:10
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alex_d_655321all hail mr voorhees05:10
SchuenemannI'll hail whoever solves my glx issue05:10
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alex_d_655321jason voorhees solves all05:10
alex_d_655321with his machette!!!05:10
Schuenemannwhat is his e-mail?05:10
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Schuenemannahh, I realized who is that guy05:11
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SchuenemannLinux_Galore_, hey!05:12
SchuenemannLinux_Galore_, can you give me a last help?05:12
alex_d_655321anyone here use linux/kubuntu for audio producion?05:13
compilerwriterlinux_galore gdm did fire up automatically, but could not get the xdmcp session to occur without firing up kdm.  I must not have something configured correctly somewhere.05:13
alex_d_655321lousy wireless keyboard........05:13
alex_d_655321guess not05:14
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soulrider_oh lol, im watching SNL and they are making fun of windows!05:16
Schuenemannwhat is SNL?05:16
soulrider_saturday night live05:16
soulrider_it son right now where i live05:16
Schuenemannthat dave something show?05:17
hitmanWillySNL's always on somewhere05:17
soulrider_yeah lol05:17
Schuenemannthat guy is stupid05:17
soulrider_no, saturday night live, no dave nothing show :P05:18
Schuenemannthe person that leads the program05:18
soulrider_theres allways a new host05:19
hitmanWillySchuenemann, are you thinking of Dave Chappelle?05:19
soulrider_allways celebrities05:19
Schuenemanndavid letterman05:20
hitmanWillyoh, ok05:20
hitmanWillydifferent show05:20
Schuenemannnevermind my comment then05:20
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Schuenemannwell, good night05:21
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cskjhey can anyone help me with an edonkey problem?05:29
cskjsorry amule problem05:29
sonoftheclayr!ask | cskj05:30
ubotucskj: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:30
osirishow would i find out what /dev a usb device is ?05:30
osirisa logitech usb headset to be exact05:30
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cskjwhen i try connecting to amule is says error connecting to (/home...05:30
cskjand i cannot read the rest of the path05:30
cskjplus it just doesn;t connect05:30
osirisi figure its /dev/dsp something, but /dev/dsp1 doesnt seem to be working05:31
osirisand i know the OB soundcard is /dev/dsp05:31
stdinosiris: in /dev/, a usb device is under /dev/bus/usb/<bus>/<device> (lsusb will show you the bus and device numbers)05:32
stdinosiris: but that's just raw device access, not what the kernel/udev gives it05:32
osirisok, so what does teamspeak want.  =)05:33
osirisprolly not the bus id05:33
stdinosiris: look at the output of dmesg when you plug it in, it may give some clues05:33
cskjcan't anyone help me with my amule prob?05:34
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cskjok well now when i try to connect to amule it says no valid servers found in server list05:39
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cskjhow can i fix this problem??05:39
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Dr_WillisGotta love it when Linux installs and gets your WideScreen Resolution Monitor Correctly.05:41
_chocoboI need help with my sound...05:41
hitmanWilly_chocobo, what's wrong05:42
dmerciehi i am new to linux and ubuntu05:42
_chocoboI get sound through browsers, aim conversations and other stuff but not when I play a movie or use any movie/audio applications05:42
hitmanWilly_chocobo, do you have the necessary codecs installed?05:43
_chocoboi don't think so05:43
_chocobohow can i go about doing htat05:43
hitmanWillydmercie, welcome aboard!05:43
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hitmanWilly!codecs _chocobo05:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codecs _chocobo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:43
hitmanWilly!codecs | _chocobo05:43
ubotu_chocobo: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:43
dmerciethanks hitmanWilly05:43
hitmanWillydmercie, former windows user?05:43
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hitmanWillyyou'll like linux then05:44
dmerciejust installed Kubuntu on my acer laptop05:44
hitmanWillydmercie, it takes awhile to get used to, but it makes sense once you figure it out05:45
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dmercieWell for the first time I got internet access from wireless05:46
dmercietook me a day...or two05:46
hitmanWillyyou're already ahead of the game then05:46
dmercieYeah and i like it05:46
hitmanWillya lot of folks can't get wifi in linux at all05:46
dmerciewhat about you hitmanWilly05:46
hitmanWillynix user since 9905:47
hitmanWillyback in the dark ages05:47
dmerciewow that means lots of experience05:47
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hitmanWillynix changes fast05:47
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dmercieI tried Fedora dist and Freebsd for server side but now trying kubuntu for desktop...05:48
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hitmanWillyused Fedora for a while, didn't like RPM's05:49
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=== korrx [n=korrx@roc16-1-82-240-216-87.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisive had issues with all package managers and all distros..:) some more then others.. heh heh.05:49
dmercieany pref05:50
Dr_WillisPackage Management is just such an Interesting and complex 'area' :)05:50
hitmanWillythey don't call it RPM hell for nothing05:50
Dr_WillishitmanWilly:  i find the term rpmhell to be rather... well.. closed minded.. ive also had apt hell, and source hell, and  you name-it-hell05:50
Dr_Willisabout any disrto and any package manager.. i can manage to break it seems. :)05:51
dmerciejust used Adept gui interface... well for newbies like me05:51
hitmanWillytrue enough, apt just seems to work better for me05:51
Dr_Willisthe apt system is veyr well done.. but very very.. well.. overly complex? i guess.. but the task it does is a complex one..05:51
=== aegis [n=aegis@c-71-63-154-29.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisits such an interesting 'area' of computer ussage.05:52
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hitmanWillypackage management is the one thing that windows users seem to have the hardest time getting their heads around05:52
aegis17Hey, I need some help... actually a lot of help... I can't for the life of me get wireless to work05:52
Dr_Willisa tug of war in ways between 'reliability' and 'flexability' walking the tight rope they are using in the tug of war. :)05:52
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hitmanWillyaegis17, what brand of card?05:52
Dr_Williswindow  could really USE some better package manageing.05:53
aegis17I was able to connect earlier this afternoon, to a WEP encrypted wifi, but I have since switched to WPA, and the network no longer shows up05:53
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hitmanWillywindows could use a lot of better things :)05:53
aegis17lspci shows Atheros Communications, AR5005G05:53
hitmanWillyso the card does work, at least partially?05:54
aegis17It <did>05:54
aegis17well, as far as I know, it still does... the problem lies elsewhere05:54
hitmanWillywifi isnt really my area05:54
hitmanWillyi prefer a hardline05:54
Dr_Willisive ran wires in all my ductwork. :)05:54
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hitmanWillyyeah, i can splice ethernet in my sleep now05:55
aegis17For some reason, I think Knetworkmanager is stuck on manual configuration... any ideas why it would do that?05:55
hitmanWillyaegis17, you could always reconfig the package05:56
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hitmanWillyit might work05:56
aegis17I did purge it and reinstall, to no avail05:56
dmerciefor wpa, don<t you need something called wpasupplicant?05:56
aegis17It is installed05:57
pirothezeroanyone know the command for choosing the xfs filesystem when you are formatting in fdisk?05:57
aegis17When I try to manually configure my wifi card in knetworkmanager, there's no option to switch from WEP to WPA05:57
aegis17in fact, no networks show up in knetworkmanager to begin with05:57
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aegis17If I right click the menu icon, select Options > Show Networks, no networks show there05:58
hitmanWillyaegis17, try installing kwlan05:58
hitmanWillyits a frontend for wpasupplicant05:58
Dr_Willispirothezero:  you dont normally 'format' from fdisk. You use 't' to set the filesystem type however. (l will give a list of the #'s)05:59
pirothezeroya i meant mkfs =/05:59
Dr_Willismkfs.xfs - i THINK perhaps?05:59
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dmercieif you understand french =>http://www.grafactory.net/blog/2005/12/26/111-le-wpa-en-5-minutes-sur-ubuntu-ou-debian05:59
Dr_Willisi cant recall ever using xfs05:59
hitmanWillyaegis17, or xsupplicant05:59
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N6REJanyone around that can help me get vmware server working?06:00
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  whats the exact problem?06:00
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hitmanWillyaegis17, actually, install xsupplicant, i think its req'd for wpa networks06:00
Dr_WillisIve installed vmware server dozens of times. :) but not under  the latest fawn yet...06:00
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eamssomeone knows what dsmod is?06:02
N6REJDr_Willis: I did the install following these instructions http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183209 and yes, I'm using fiesty, and it complained about some modules missing during the config ( 2nd part ) so I looked and found the module package but its still complaining about the same thing when I run /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl06:02
eamsshort description please06:02
hitmanWilly!info | dsmod06:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:02
hitmanWilly!info dsmod06:02
ubotuPackage dsmod does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas06:02
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Dr_WillisN6REJ:  hmm.. i will have to try it some time soon. it 'should' build the propeer modules from souce. assuming you got the build-essential and kernel source installed.06:03
eamsThank you!06:03
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  may want to test out 'Virtualbox' if you cant get vmware going.06:03
N6REJDr_Willis: lets not assume anything at this point LOL... perhaps I need the opensource vmware server?06:03
Dr_Willisbut i find vmware works better for my stuff.06:03
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N6REJwill virtualbox photoshop and stuff lik ethat?06:03
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  i always  use the 'free' one.06:04
Dr_Willisif it can run the OS - it should.06:04
N6REJok, perhaps, I had to have those modules installed BEFORE I did the first vmware part?06:04
Dr_Willisbeen testing virtualbox under windows to run linux live cd's - its had a few issues.  not tried it to run wndows  in it yet.06:04
N6REJcan I remove it and reinstall clean?06:04
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  not sure - depends on which/what modules its refering to.06:04
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N6REJlet me show the error.06:05
Dr_Willisthe vmware source/installer normally builds several modules.06:05
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N6REJok, perhaps I should just reinstall like its new?06:05
N6REJcan I do that?06:05
Dr_Williscan you.. :) heh.  should be able to..06:05
KikkomanIf I did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, does that mean I am running Kubuntu?06:05
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Dr_Willislets see.. my feisty is now uopdates.. getting build-essential.. lets track down that vmware package..06:06
aegis__Hey, I think kwlan worked!06:06
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N6REJDr_Willis: I hear yeah... I'm never quite figured out how to remove non-"packaged" programs06:06
aegis__Sec, pulling out landline...06:06
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aegis__If you can read this, hitmanwilly, I love you.06:06
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Dr_WillisOh good grief. feisty dident auto-mount my ntfs   partitions.. grrr06:07
dsmith___ok I got 1440x900 to come up06:07
dsmith___however, when I reboot i get a API mismatch06:07
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dsmith___what is a API mismatch06:07
N6REJDr_Willis: hey, thats slick, telling it to install automatically made it uninstall itself first!06:08
hitmanWillyall i did was a synaptic search for wpa06:08
aegis__Okay, Problem #2.  How do I get dual-monitor support? I have been hacking away at my xorg.conf all afternoon, and have had varying degrees of success, but have yet to get the second monitor working properly06:08
Dr_Willisaegis__: what video card?06:08
aegis__I have a Radeon 9800, Dell 2005FPW (20.1" widescreen, 1680x1050) and Dell Suck (17" d-sub)06:08
N6REJDr_Willis: its asking me where to put the binary, and is prompting /usr/bin06:09
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Dr_WillisN6REJ:  yep  - i just use the defaults for all that06:09
KikkomanOk, my question06:09
KikkomanHow do I open ports 6667,7000, and 50000?06:09
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N6REJDr_Willis: ##n6rej06:10
aegis__Dr_Willis: Do you have a dual monitor setup, or any advice how I could configure mine?06:10
aegis__I would like 3D support, so I'm guessing I need proprietary ATI drivers06:10
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Dr_Willisaegis__: yes most likely you will need the actual ati/fglrx drivers06:12
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  igs going to take 10+ min for me to download the vmware package06:12
billaegis__: Do you also go by the name Salo?06:12
aegis__I tried the fglrx drivers, but haven't been able to get to KDM login window yet; bill: nope06:12
billlol ok06:12
N6REJDr_Willis: I've got plenty of time.  I'll just pause06:12
aegis__I go by the name aegis17, but I got disconnected when I installed kwlan06:12
billok, what can I use to rip CD audio to mp3? I need to add some songs to my mp3 player06:13
KikkomanOk #kubuntu, What is the sudo apt-get command to install the KDE  iptable frontend?06:13
N6REJbill k3b06:13
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N6REJKikkoman: do you know how to search adept?06:14
mikeygawd having a bad time with debian06:14
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N6REJmikey: why?06:14
mikeyand their room ovef there <-------- is not too friendly06:14
KikkomanN6REJ: I don't know for certain06:15
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mikeywell, I should assume debian is not for the un-initiated06:15
mikeybut I thought I'd give it a whirl06:15
billK3b is for burning06:15
billI need to rip to mp306:15
ranjanKikkoman: sudo apt-cache search [package name, eg: amarok]  to search for a package without adept06:15
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mikeyfor starters, no-sound, cannot mount internal ide's06:15
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mikeyswitching from gnome to kde, maybe I'll have better luck06:16
cadooKikkoman try using firestarter06:16
N6REJKikkoman: ok, here's how adept works in a nut shell, if you use kde and go to "system then adept" you have a nice gui.  else you have basically 4 commands.  apt-get install, apt-get remove, apt-cache search & lastly apt-cache show.  Does that help?06:16
livenicelyi cant lisaten sound when i play vcd or .dat file in keffiene. help me06:16
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:16
aegis17Does anyone have a dual-monitor setup that could help me configure my xorg.conf file?06:16
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:16
Dr_Willisthers some add on for the default kde file manager. that shows a cd audio as a series of dirs. with .mp3 and other format dirs for the songs as well.06:16
KikkomanN6REJ: I believe it does06:16
N6REJbill sorry, my bad, use amarok then06:16
=== peanutb [n=paul@c-71-197-218-63.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisdont forget the  'apt://' thing in konqueror.06:17
flaccidalso http://packages.ubuntu.com06:17
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N6REJflaccid: I was supposed to remember to tell you something and I forgot LOL06:17
Dr_Willisoops its apt:/06:17
_chocoboHEY whats a prog thats equal to Dreamweaver for Linux?06:17
=== Dr_Willis wonders what dreamweaver even is...
N6REJ_chocobo: quantas06:18
flaccid!info nvu > _chocobo06:18
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lettucedoes ktorrent have a pause feature?06:18
_chocobok i got quantas and nvu06:18
_chocobowhich one is better06:18
Dr_Willislettuce:  you can pause torrent downloads and resume them later.. yes.06:18
flaccid_chocobo: personal preference06:18
N6REJ_chocobo: which is better, chocolate or vanilla :D06:18
N6REJflaccid: get out of my head LOL06:19
flaccidthey are both promising projects. i think i found nvu to be more logical06:19
Dr_WillisDarkChocklet-Mocha is best! it has caffine!06:19
=== flaccid jumps out of someones head
N6REJflaccid: what were we working on last night do you remember?06:19
hitmanWillyDr_Willis, actually, i usually use apt:\\06:19
lettucewell it only lets me stop them, so that whenever I just want to tell it to resume all, it starts to seed all of my torrents06:19
flaccidno idea06:19
Dr_WillisHowever thers a lot to be said for a GOOD vanilla06:19
_chocoboso i could just downlaod the .deb package and install it?06:19
flaccidi can't even remember my penis size06:19
=== N6REJ rotflmbo!
flaccid_chocobo: install the package06:20
=== N6REJ *hides eyes*
Dr_WillishitmanWilly:  that one aint working for me under feisty.. i 'think that ' a single \ is supposed to be a local thing/service and 2 \\ is for remote services06:20
flaccid_chocobo: adept or apt-get06:20
lettuceis there just a regular pause feature instead?06:20
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_chocoboflaccid: what do u mean adept or apt-get06:20
hitmanWillyenter is not tab :)06:20
ubotuadept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto06:20
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:20
=== ziko [n=ziko@mtg91-1-82-234-103-71.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyDr_Willis, works fine for me06:21
hitmanWillyDr_Willis, in feisty06:21
anadgoudaHas anyone tried to upgrade to Feisty Fawn beta with the upgrade tool?06:21
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Dr_Williswell i enter 'apt://' here - on this new shiny install. and it dont work. it goes to /media06:21
hitmanWillyDr_Willis, i think your slashes are backwards06:22
N6REJok guys, OT help!  need to convert ml to cc's anyone got a clue?06:22
N6REJgot sick kittens06:22
N6REJanadgouda: yep, works great06:22
=== zombiedog [n=zombiedo@bas2-stcatharines10-1168062943.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
hitmanWillyN6REJ, i ml = i cc06:22
zikohello all06:22
dmercieHi I just tried sudo apt-get install vmware-player, but got E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). Got any idea ?06:22
Dr_Williswell / works. :) \ does and \\ does.. // dont06:23
billhow can I make KAudioCreator encode to mp3?06:23
N6REJhitmanWilly: really?  cool!06:23
N6REJhitmanWilly: why did they just say that.06:23
zikoif there someone who can help me to configure my local network? (pc2pc windoz/linux) please =)06:23
_chocobohow do i find a repository that has nvu06:23
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hitmanWillyi dunno06:23
_chocoboor quantus06:23
ranjantype ml to cc in google search bar06:23
stdindmercie: post the whole errors not just the last one06:24
zombiedogQuick question, can anyone recommend a system monitor with SMART reading and fan speed controls?06:24
Dr_Willisziko:  configure it to do what exactly?06:24
=== N6REJ heheheh stupid doctors just have to make stuff difficult
ranjanbill: if you have k3b 1.0 use that instead for mp3 encoding06:24
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bill1.0...I have 0.12.1706:25
zikoDr_Willis: so, i try to connect from this pc (linux kubuntu) to my laptop (winxp home)06:25
Dr_Willis1 cc of water (a cubic centimeter) is equilivent to 1 mililetter of water.06:25
=== stdin just used k3b 1.0 to rip a cd :)
billdid it really jump that much?06:25
zombiedogAnyone, just quickly?06:25
Dr_Willisziko:  and... conect how? seeing the desktop? file shares?06:25
dmercieStarting VMware services:06:25
zombiedogJust the name of a package anyone could recommend.06:25
flaccidzombiedog: not sure on the monitor thing, but for smart there is smartmontools06:26
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Dr_Williszombiedog:  try apt-cache search smart06:26
dmercie   Virtual machine monitor                                            failed06:26
zombiedogHow about fan speeds?06:26
dmercie   Virtual ethernet                                                   failed06:26
Dr_Willisfanspeeds are normally part of the lm-sensors stuff06:26
stdindmercie: if it's multiple lines, use pastebin (or you'll got kicked)06:26
zikoDr_Willis: i configure my samba to everyone (without paswrd), start samba server, goin to samba networks & dunno see anything06:26
dmercieinvoke-rc.d: initscript vmware-player, action "start" failed06:26
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:27
zombiedogFair enough, I'll look into that06:27
ranjanbill: if u are on edgy, thats the version, feisty has 1.006:27
premier_hello, I have an ati graphics card and the fglrx drivers seem to fail for no reason.  This has happend before, but I don't remember what I did to fix it.  Can someone help me debug it?06:27
=== dsmith_ [n=dsmith@c-68-33-164-177.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
zikoand now, KNetworkManager don't seeing my first ethernet card (eth0 = my connexion to my freebox (internet)) & second connected with eth1 to my laptop by RJ45 cable06:27
=== N6REJ hates ati cards
_chocoboK here is my next question06:28
_chocoboWhat is a good ftp client for linux06:28
ranjanbill: or check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3848606:28
flaccid!info kftpgrabber06:28
ubotukftpgrabber: KDE FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0beta1-0ubuntu4 (edgy), package size 989 kB, installed size 2792 kB06:28
Dr_Williskonqueror can do ftp06:28
billso I just sudp apt-get update k3b then?06:28
stdin_chocobo: konqueror is great for ftp06:28
flaccid!info krusader06:28
ubotukrusader: twin-panel (commander-style) file manager for KDE (and other desktops). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.70.1-1 (edgy), package size 2547 kB, installed size 6940 kB06:28
dsmith_well I solved my problems06:28
N6REJ_chocobo: whish I knew.... I don't like any that I've seen yet.06:28
dsmith_got 1440x900 running and no x crashes along with api mistaches06:28
flaccidi recommend kftpgrabber and krusader for ftp06:29
_chocoboare there any must have porgrams for linux06:29
premier_N6REJ: yeah, I bought this dell before I moved over to linux.  It has $2500 worth of hardware in it, (and the hardware is actually worth that much, I'd say) but because its dell, its really like a $1000 computer at best.  Especially in Linux06:29
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flaccid_chocobo: not really. its all optional06:29
dsmith_I removed the restricted files and reinstalld nvidia driver06:29
dsmith_works fine06:29
stdin_chocobo: mostly the "must have" apps are pre-installed for yoy06:30
premier_does anyone know how to check if my graphics card is working correctly?  I 3D screensavers have about 5 fps, so I know somethings wrong06:30
dsmith_chocob: amarok is a must, but thats preinstalled06:30
ranjanbill: or check this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3848606:30
stdinamaroK rocKs06:31
_chocoboAnybody know how to chmod a file? How can i get into the directory of my website server through terminal06:31
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  it LOOKS liek the vmware script is having some issues compiling the modules.. not sure what the deal is..06:31
dsmith_chocob: thunderbird/firefox, but those have to be installed06:31
=== ziko is now known as ZiKO
N6REJflaccid: my major problem with the packages I've tried for ftp is in their properties handling.  Like when you want to chmod a set of directorys.  That are in parrallel, not recursive.  I haven't found any that will do it well yet.06:31
zombiedogpremier, the ati drivers aren't installed06:31
dsmith_stdin: yes06:31
=== ZiKO is now known as meuhlol
Dr_WillisIn file included from /tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:80:06:31
Dr_Willis/tmp/vmware-config0/vmmon-only/./include/compat_kernel.h:21: error: expected declaration specifiers or ... before compat_exit06:31
N6REJDr_Willis: did you install the vmware kernel mod for fiesty?06:31
hitmanWillypremier_, glxinfo | grep direct06:31
flaccid_chocobo: chmod for chmod and use ftp or ssh for your website remote access06:31
zombiedogpremier_ I had that problem up until recently06:31
N6REJDr_Willis: yeah, same thing06:31
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  ive just gotten the vmware source. and build-essential, and kernel sources06:31
premier_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:31
premier_direct rendering: No06:31
premier_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:31
Dr_Willisnot sure if anything else that needs to be done06:32
flaccidN6REJ: i think krusader can maybe. i use sh for that kind of operation06:32
hitmanWillypremier_, that means no06:32
premier_in other words, fail06:32
_chocoboflaccid: how can i ssh06:32
premier_yeah, lol06:32
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Dr_Willisi like 'mc' for my file manager06:32
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flaccid_chocobo: ssh host.com06:32
billcool beans, thank you loads06:32
flaccid_chocobo: use konsole06:32
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Dr_Willisbrb - lets see if i got the nvidia stuff instaled right06:32
billI'm just gonna use konqueror06:32
stdin_chocobo: or "ssh user@host.com"06:32
_chocoboflaccid: terminal06:32
premier_hitmanWilly: what should I do?  Is there anything that doesn't involve reinstalling my drivers (again)?06:32
N6REJflaccid: I'll try that.06:32
flaccid_chocobo: yes a terminal06:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
flaccid!info konsole06:32
ubotukonsole: X terminal emulator for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.5-0ubuntu3.4 (edgy), package size 711 kB, installed size 2192 kB06:32
hitmanWillypremier_, did you edit your xorg.conf for the fglrx drivers?06:33
flaccidyou can also use ssh -l flaccid host.com06:33
meuhlolso if someone can help me to configure my local network please? (pc2pc linux2windoz)06:33
_chocoboflaccid: whats the difference between ssh and ftp?06:33
dmercieok here it is for vmware => http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15731/06:33
the_hammeranyone here have problems with kubuntu beta reading dvd +R?06:33
flaccid_chocobo: alot.06:33
aldinhi, cant connect on FTP to public IP... 500 Illegal PORT command06:34
aldinftp: bind: Address already in use http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15732/ but i can connect it from localhost06:34
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_chocoboflaccid: when i do ssh user@host.com it just gives me nothing and its blank06:34
premier_hitmanWilly: no, and they were working perfectly until recently. I don't know why the fail all the sudden, I don't remember doing anything that would break them06:34
stdin_chocobo: ssh is a full shell, ftp is just for transiring files (file transfir protocol)06:34
flaccid_chocobo: the remote ssh server is not responding most likely or you cannot get to it06:34
hitmanWillypremier_, try reinstalling the drivers first06:34
ranjanthe_hammer: yes http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40340306:34
N6REJwhere'd dr go06:34
_chocobodo i need to enable ssh06:34
_chocoboor osmething06:34
flaccid_chocobo: the remote server needs to support ssh06:34
N6REJdmercie: here's the error I get06:35
_chocoboflaccid: what if tis godaddy06:35
stdin_chocobo: change "user" to a username and "host.com" for a REAL hostname you have access to06:35
flaccid_chocobo: ask them, i doubt it06:35
flaccidheh this aint godaddy support chan..06:35
_chocobobut what if i want to ssh a computer?06:35
_chocobodo i ssh <ip adress?06:35
flaccidyou cannot ssh a computer06:35
_chocobowhat if i want to get shell access of a computer06:35
flaccidyes you can do ssh
N6REJ_chocobo:  ssh user@computername06:36
_chocobodo i have to foward some ports in my router?06:36
flaccid_chocobo: probably. port 2206:36
the_hammeri have a dvd +R data disk and it wont read at all...but yes in edgy i had no problems at all reading or burning dvd +R06:36
stdin_chocobo: no, only if you want to connect TO your computer FROM another one06:36
_chocobobut then that would give access to ppl that want to screw my comp06:36
Cosmo___lol I have now spent at least 6 hours customizing Kubuntu, not because it was hard but because there was so much stuff I could customize =)06:36
meuhlolso if someone can help me to configure my local network please? (pc2pc linux2windoz)06:37
flaccid_chocobo: not if you have secure passwords06:37
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the_hammerword on the web is the new release for kubuntu is sometime next week i hope this issue is resolved before hand06:37
stdinCosmo___: you can make KDE look like anything you want, that (one reason) why it's so great :)06:37
hitmanWilly_chocobo, maybe, but ssh is pretty secure, at least as secure as your password06:37
Cosmo___stdin: exactly06:37
ranjanthe_hammer: is your drive SATA?06:37
_chocobohitmanWilly: so its ok for opening prot 2206:37
flaccidroot account for ssh is disabled by default iirc06:37
the_hammermy hard drive is sata yeah06:38
flaccid22 is open on my servers ..06:38
hitmanWilly_chocobo, yeah, more or less06:38
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ranjanthe_hammer : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=242655806:38
Cosmo___been playing with applets, color schemes, icons, etc06:38
dmercieN6REJ : did you recompile a custom kernel ?06:38
hitmanWilly_chocobo, they can't get root through it anyway06:38
_chocoboso if i wanted to connect to my comp from school aka windows machine could i access my comp with a graphical interface through a browser?06:39
hitmanWilly_chocobo, at least not as far as i know06:39
N6REJdmercie: nope06:39
_chocobohow bout through a client program06:39
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:39
hitmanWilly_chocobo, nope, ssh is text only06:39
Cosmo___although I haven't quite found a icon set I really like06:39
flaccid_chocobo: use vnc / xvnc06:39
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dmercieyou sure you have a compatible gcc version for your kernel ?06:39
stdin_chocobo: there are windows SSH clients (eg Putty), but if you want to use GUI apps on it, you'll need a windows X server06:39
N6REJdmercie: no, how do I check?06:40
flaccidstdin: he does run an X server already :)06:40
ranjanthe_hammer: its been fixed in latest feisty as per launchpad comments06:40
stdin_chocobo: and it's SLOW over a internet connection06:40
_chocoboso how would i go about getting ssh from a windows machine to a linux machine06:40
stdinflaccid: on windows?06:40
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ranjan_chocobo: install putty on windows06:40
flaccidxorg is an X server06:40
premier_hitmanWilly: I'm following the instructions, it says to apt-get the drivers, but I already have them, can I go ahead to the configuration step?06:40
stdin_chocobo: install putty in windows06:40
dmerciegcc -v06:40
hitmanWillypremier_, yeah, probably06:41
stdinflaccid: like i said, on windows?06:41
the_hammeri got the beta for now cant wait for the finaly to come out06:41
flaccidstdin: he wants to access his ubuntu desktop from windows06:41
N6REJdmercie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15734/06:41
the_hammerhehe i always have 1 problem or another hardware related...in edgy i couldnt get the right drivers for my vid card and now in the beta my video is fine just cant burn or play dvd+r06:41
the_hammerSysInfo: Linux 2.6.20-15-generic |  Dual Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6300  @ 1.86GHz 2047.538 MHz | Bogomips: 8195.11 | Mem: 852/1011M [||||||||||]  | Diskspace: 72.29G Free: 64.17G | Procs: 114 | Uptime: 49 mins 28 secs | Load: 0.08 0.06 0.07  | Vpenis: 64.2 cm | Screen: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GS]  (rev a1) @ 1280x1024 (32 bpp) | eth0: In: 6.41M Out: 0.66M06:42
stdinflaccid: yeah, so a GUI interface over ssh in windows means you need to install a X server on windows06:42
flaccidno it doesnt06:42
flaccidvnc client06:42
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flaccidto xvnc on ubuntu06:42
flaccidthrough ssh06:42
stdinflaccid: well, not vnc over ssh, just pure ssh :)06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about beyrl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:42
flaccidpure ssh does not give a desktop06:43
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects06:43
Cosmo___I think one of the sensors on this one applet is reading wrong, it says it is 261.5 ferenhight06:43
ranjanthe_hammer: does the drive work on any other machine?06:43
stdinflaccid: flaccid it can, I've done it06:43
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_chocoboHwo bout FReeNX06:43
flaccidwtf do you mean by pure ssh06:43
stdinflaccid: ran "startkde" over shh (on local net)06:43
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the_hammerdrive as in dvd burner right?06:43
N6REJdmercie: did you get that?06:43
dmercieN6REJ: should be ok06:43
flaccidthats not pure ssh06:44
N6REJwell, as you can c its not working :(06:44
the_hammerits brand new less then 2 months old worked in every distro so far exect this one the beta of kubuntu06:44
flaccidand he wants to access the existing desktop i beieve06:44
flaccidso xvnc it would be06:44
flacciddisplay 0 not a new x server06:44
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dmercieThen I don t think i can help you... i am quit new here.06:44
Dr_WillisHmmm  Setting up libsexy2 (0.1.11-0ubuntu1) .       - Now thats a... interesting name for a Library06:44
stdinflaccid: ahh, well yeah, a that would be the answer then :p06:44
ranjanthe_hammer: file a bug06:44
Dr_Willis!info libsexy06:44
ubotuPackage libsexy does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas06:44
ranjanthe hammer: https://bugs.launchpad.net06:45
_chocoboSO I AM DOING XVNC k?!06:45
Dr_Willis!info libsexy206:45
ubotulibsexy2: collection of additional GTK+ widgets - library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.10-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 41 kB, installed size 132 kB06:45
N6REJDr_Willis: you ran out on me :(06:45
Dr_WillisN6REJ:  had to reboot to try the nvidia stuff.. then had to haxor the xorg.conf manually06:45
N6REJDr_Willis: I'm at this point right now... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15734/06:46
stdinDr_Willis: reboot? what's that? :P06:46
flaccid_chocobo: don't shout06:46
_chocoboflaccid: k06:46
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_chocoboflaccid: how do u make it red?06:46
dmercieSo anybody had a chance to look at vmware install output =>  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15731/06:46
N6REJdsmith_ failed06:46
stdin_chocobo: anyone saying your name in there message makes the text red06:47
_chocobostdin: lol06:47
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flaccid_chocobo: red what?06:47
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dsmith_I am modifying konversation colors06:47
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_chocobo<chocobo> is htis red06:47
_chocoboflaccid: is this red06:47
flaccid!info x11vnc06:48
ubotux11vnc: VNC server which uses your current X11 session. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-1 (edgy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1104 kB06:48
flaccidi don't care about colours06:48
flaccid_chocobo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=237992106:48
Dr_WillisI find it much 'nicer' to have a hidden desktop that i share with vnc. :) with a nice light weight window manager06:48
_chocoboflaccid: o06:48
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_chocoboflaccid: so i should find a repository wiht xvnc and install it on my linux machine then use a client to access it from a windows machinge06:49
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flaccidyes choco06:49
Dr_Willis_chocobo,  there are several vncservers for linux. i tend to use the 'tightvnc' one06:49
flaccidas ubotu advised above06:49
Dr_Willisor the vnc4server one i think06:49
flaccidnow you're just confusing him further..06:49
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flaccidbut its freedom of choice06:49
Dr_Willisvnc4server - Virtual network computing server software - seems a bit better done.06:50
flaccidwell in that case06:50
Dr_Willisbut vnc is a pwoerfull and flexiable tool. so its worth reading about06:50
flacciduse freenx it will kill them all in performance06:50
dsmith_i never got freenx to function06:50
dsmith_but on the demos06:50
flaccidor maybe do remote xdcmp as suggest before06:50
Dr_Willisdepends on what the other os's are :)06:51
flaccidmy poit is we confused a new user06:51
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Dr_Willis'educate' :)06:52
premier_hello, I followed the instructions and it didn't work06:52
N6REJDr_Willis: I think I found the problem... I think it has to do with the kernel-headers package.  I wonder if the generic kernel is messing things up.  What would happen if I told apt to install the k7 kernel?06:53
premier_hitmanWilly: you still there?  I did the thing on the troubleshooting and that didn't work either06:53
Dr_Willispremier_,  dident work as in The pc blew up? or dident work as in it spits out some error message?06:53
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  i was thinking they had a generic kernel and a gernic source pakcages now. should not have to be doing such things.06:53
flaccidif you got to a doctor and said im sick, hes going to ask why...06:53
premier_Dr_Willis: I didn't get any error messages, but at the end, it says, you "fglrxinfo" should look like this, and it didn't06:54
_chocoboIs xvnc the client06:54
N6REJDr_Willis: there is another version, perhaps we are trying the wrong one?06:54
_chocoboand vnc server tehe server part?06:54
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  now if you had different kernel versions, and dident have the same version/source installed.06:54
flaccid_chocobo: its the server06:54
_chocoboflaccid: xnvc?06:54
flaccidxvnc is the x server and vnc server in 106:54
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  but i got the proper ones installed. its failing on the compile.06:54
N6REJDr_Willis: I don't have the source installed I think06:54
hitmanWillypremier_, try glxinfo | grep direct again06:54
N6REJDr_Willis: cc same here06:54
flaccid_chocobo: did you actually read the link i pasted?06:54
premier_Its supposed to say, "OpenGL vendor: ATI", but it says, "OpenGL vendor: Mesa project"06:54
_chocoboflaccid: u posted a link?06:55
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premier_Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:55
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premier_direct rendering: No06:55
premier_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:55
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flaccidi've posted many06:55
N6REJpremier_: have you rebooted?06:55
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_chocoboflaccid: can you post em another06:55
hitmanWillyhmm, that's strange06:55
flaccid[2007-04-15 14:48]  <flaccid> _chocobo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=237992106:55
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flaccidplease read what the helpers msg..06:55
hitmanWillypremier_, i have an nvidia card, so im kind of at a loss06:56
premier_N6REJ: I rebooted after the installation.  then There was some trouble shooting instructions which I followed, and I restarted X.06:56
N6REJpremier_: I'm with hitmanWilly, I use nvidia.  I know the ati cards are problematic06:57
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  using the 2.6.20-12-generic  kernel and source files..   there is a newer one.06:57
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N6REJDr_Willis: I think I'm using 20-25 let me check06:57
hitmanWillyN6REJ, probably 20-1506:58
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premier_unrelated to my video driver: I'm using 2.6.17-11.  Show I upgrade?06:58
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hitmanWillyN6REJ, that's the newest06:58
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  search for vmware in the package manager.. thers some vmware kernel modules in there.. those may be prebuilt perhaps06:58
N6REJhitmanWilly: I've got a amd semperon 2800 X64 should I use the k7?06:58
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  i dont think so,.06:59
N6REJDr_Willis: yeah, I installed the one for our kernel I'm pretty sure, let me double check.06:59
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hitmanWillyN6REJ, the ubuntu kernel is compiled with support for just about everything07:00
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ForgeAusVMware imho isn't as great under a Linux host as a Windows one currently07:00
hitmanWillyN6REJ, so just about any 32 bit version should work07:00
N6REJhitmanWilly: ok, I don't know what the diff between the older k7 kernels and the new generic ones are.07:00
ForgeAusbut there are plans to correct some of the issues like mounting disks with fuse...07:00
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  no go - same error. :(07:01
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ForgeAusright now the mounting didn't work for me at all its a .pl perl script07:01
Dr_WillisI found vmware works better for me running under linux, then it does with windows.07:01
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Dr_Willisbut i guessit depends on wha tyou are running07:01
N6REJI wonder if I need the vmplayer kernel modules installed?07:01
hitmanWillyN6REJ, the old k7 kernels were compiled with just AMD k7 support, where the generics are compiled with support for pretty much everything07:01
ForgeAusDr_Willis interesting, performance wise you may be right, I havn't really taken much notice of that aspect07:01
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  i never have had to mess with them befor.07:01
N6REJhitmanWilly: OIC07:01
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ForgeAusbut its more the extended things you can do with the server version that concern me... ie mounting virtual disks, etc...07:02
N6REJwell, the only other thing I can think of is to search vmware and try the other version.07:02
Dr_WillisForgeAus,   heh - on the wifes pc. i got it running XP + vmware  and HER own personal win95 copy inside vmware.. just so she cant trash anything.07:02
hitmanWillyN6REJ, it takes a small performance hit, but not enough to be noticeable on a modern machine07:02
_chocoboflaccid: hey when i try to save a file it says there is an error07:02
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ForgeAusit also seems fickle when you upgrade/modify your kernel...  it needs reconfiguring07:02
flaccidwhat error? we can't read minds either :)07:03
dsmith_Dr_Willis: Teach her about kubuntu07:03
Dr_Willisits using kernel modules to get the best speed i guess.07:03
ForgeAusit aslo doesn't upgrade (on either linux or windows) you need to install the full new version)07:03
N6REJhitmanWilly: all I'm trying to do is be able to run my photoshop and swishmax and a few other tiny things in windows, things that I just can't seem to find a comfortable replacement for.07:03
Dr_Willisvirtual box - is an alternative.. but i found it lacking in some ways07:03
_chocoboflaccid: WARNING **: Hit unhandled case 1 (File not found) in gedit_unrecoverable_saving_error_message_area_new.07:03
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hitmanWillyN6REJ, you could always try qemu07:03
flacciddon't know what that is07:03
flaccidare you using gedit? this is #kubuntu07:03
N6REJdah hwho?07:04
MinatakuHey, Dr_Willis, is it warmer there yet?07:04
N6REJ!info qemu07:04
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 3630 kB, installed size 9860 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390)07:04
_chocoboflaccid: ya i am using kubuntu07:04
Dr_WillisMinataku,  it was snowing today,, warmer tomorrow07:04
_chocoboor ubuntu07:04
_chocobowhat am i using?07:04
_chocoboon startup it says i am using kubuntu07:04
flaccid_chocobo: omg.07:04
N6REJ_chocobo:  you are using linux :D07:04
MinatakuDr_Willis: Heehee, I haven't forgotten about those Amigas X307:04
=== Dr_Willis puts on his Helm of ESP.
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flaccid_chocobo: oh the howto says to use gedit. don't use gedit07:05
Dr_WillisMinataku,  heh - i havent been on irc for like a month. :) good thing you reminded me.07:05
Minatakunp ^^07:05
_chocoboflaccid: use what07:05
flaccid_chocobo: use kdesu kate instead of sudo gedit07:05
_chocoboflaccid: k07:05
hitmanWilly_chocobo, kate ~ gedit07:05
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hitmanWilly_chocobo, for kde systems07:05
N6REJhitmanWilly: do you know if virtualbox will run photoshop?07:05
Dr_Willisvirtualbox runs the whole OS.. :) so if it can run windows.. it should be able to07:06
hitmanWillyN6REJ, that i don't, i dont run any virtual machines07:06
ranjanN6REJ: wine will run CS207:06
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N6REJranjan: I couldn't get it to.  I can't get it to run any of them fully.07:06
ranjanN6REJ: did u check winedb07:07
_chocoboflaccid: still won't work07:07
flaccid_chocobo: why07:07
_chocoboflaccid: won't let me save to /etc/xinetd.d/x11vnc07:07
flaccidi will always ask why07:07
flaccidwhy - provide the error message aways pls07:07
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N6REJranjan: I don't know.  I checked a thing that said CS2 won't work in ubuntu and that CS would well.  But I couldn't get it to do more then start.  Could click on anything.07:07
Dr_Willis$ glxgears --> 60570 frames in 5.0 seconds = 12113.862 FPS07:08
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ranjanN6REJ: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=2631&iTestingId=933607:08
billwhen a download a tar.gz for a program, how do I install it?07:08
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression07:08
hitmanWillybill: tar.gz = zip07:09
_chocoboflaccid: i provided the error mesage last time and u siad u couldn't understand it07:09
Dr_Willisbill,  step #1 would be to read the programs docs.. just in case theres some things to  also have installed first.07:09
N6REJbill: a tarball is not an installable file its a zip07:09
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html07:09
_chocoboThe document could not be saved, as it was not possible to write to file:///etc/xinetd.d/x11vnc.07:09
_chocoboCheck that you have write access to this file or that enough disk space is available.07:09
Dr_Willis_chocobo,  thats a system file. so you need root access to do it, thus the use of sudo, or kdesu07:10
flacciddid you run it under kdesu07:10
ranjanbill: use kompile for automating tarball installs http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=3022307:10
_chocoboflaccid: ya i ran it under kdesu07:10
_chocoboi ran it under kdesu07:10
N6REJranjan: yeah, see they gave it a garbage rating07:10
ranjanN6REJ: yeah, so i see :(07:11
flaccid_chocobo: run this in konsole: sudo touch /etc/xinetd.d/x11vnc then open it in kdesu kate07:11
Dr_WillisN6REJ,  heh heh - i was about to say how stuff like those tools rarely work07:11
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Dr_Williswell its ZZZzzz... time for the Dr.07:12
Dr_WillisNight all.07:12
N6REJlol well they claim cs works well, but I've been unsuccessful07:12
flaccidyou also need to replace gdm with kdm in that howto, _chocobo07:12
ranjanbill: kompile is in the repos07:12
_chocoboit says it cannot touch07:12
ranjan!info kompile07:13
ubotukompile: interface for compilation automation for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3~beta2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 170 kB, installed size 904 kB07:13
flaccid_chocobo: what does file /etc/xinetd.d return?07:13
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_chocobothere is no such file and directory07:13
flaccidsudo mkdir /etc/xinetd.d07:13
_chocobocuase  teh point of it is that we are making a file called x11vnc it hink07:13
flaccidneed to make the directory first before you can save it07:13
hitmanWillywell, see y'all later, work tommorrow07:13
flaccidnice rule of thumb that :)07:14
_chocoboflaccid: k made directory now should i try it out07:14
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korrxhi folks07:15
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Skullerhey giys when can i expect feisity final ready for download in as kubuntu 7.04?07:17
flaccid!info xinetd07:17
ubotuxinetd: replacement for inetd with many enhancements. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.3.14-1 (edgy), package size 127 kB, installed size 356 kB07:17
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)07:17
flaccid_chocobo: might need to do a sudo apt-get install xinetd07:17
_chocoboflaccid: lol true dat homie07:17
billwhat do you mean in the repos?07:18
_chocoboflaccid: should i delete the directory xinetd07:18
stdinSkuller: final release is sceduled for April 19th07:18
korrxlittle question : my logon kdm screen gives me a Qwerty prompt but as a froggy user I'll prefer Azerty ; any idea how I could fix that ?07:18
stdinkorrx: reconfigure the X server "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"07:19
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Skullerstdin: nice, i hope it goes as planned07:19
flaccid_chocobo: um shoudnt' need to chico07:19
korrxthx stdin07:19
korrxonly way ?07:19
Skullerwait..thas this thursday07:19
stdinkorrx: kdm takes it's settings from the X server, so yeah07:20
korrxthx a lot07:20
stdinSkuller: yeah, it's soon :)07:20
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flaccid_chocobo: that was step 1 in the howto, you skipped that?07:20
_chocoboflaccid: must've i guess :(07:21
_chocoboflaccid: hey so now how do i edit it to require a passwd07:21
flaccidoh no it wasn't07:21
flaccidheh no i misread and look like boob07:21
flaccidreplace 'gedit' in step 2. with 'kdesu kate'07:22
billwhat do you mean kompile is in the repos?07:22
flaccidthe package kompile is in the repos available to install07:23
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stdinflaccid: edit the doc and add the "or, if you use kubuntu...." parts (I do it all the time)07:23
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_chocobok i did every step flaccid07:23
_chocoboand now i am on step 407:23
billso what do I need to do then?07:23
flaccidi'd rather get it off the forum, which i would do if i had time.07:23
jttbill: whoever answered your means for you to execute   apt-get install kompile  to obtain kompile package07:24
flaccid_chocobo: make sure you replace gdm with kdm07:24
stdin* sudo ^07:24
_chocoboflaccid: how do u do that?07:24
billwell that was what I thought07:24
jttbill: your= your question07:24
billbut when I did that it said the package could not be found07:24
flaccidreplace the word gdm in that how to with kdm. ie. change 1 letter g to k07:24
_chocoboah srry07:25
stdinbill: you need to enable the universe reop, read...07:25
flaccidthis is why kubuntu needs a handbook07:25
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stdin!reop | bill07:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reop - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:25
stdin!repos | bill07:25
jttbill: i am seeing it in my list so your  souces.list (repos)  must not be correct07:25
ubotubill: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu07:25
flaccidhmm there is a desktop guid07:26
_chocoboflaccid: k now i am done wiht installing in on the linux machine now i download vncviewer onto the windows machine and then connect?07:26
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jttstdin: how does one tell with apt-get search package   what  repo the pacakge was found in07:27
billI just reinstalled kubuntu today, so everything is default07:27
flaccid_chocobo: yeah07:27
fyrmedicWhat kernal packages should I use for AMD Turion 64x2. Currently only one processor is working.07:27
_chocoboflaccid: do u know how to setup a pass for loggin into it07:27
stdinjtt: I use apt-cache policy <package>07:27
jttstdin: thanks :-)07:28
flaccid_chocobo: its in the howto as well07:28
stdinfyrmedic: the -generic kernel07:28
flaccideg. -rfbauth /home/aaron/.vncpasswd07:28
flaccidset vncpasswd with the command vncpasswd07:28
fyrmedicstdin; I tried that. What repo is it in?07:28
stdinjtt: if all else fails, there is packages.ubuntu.com too07:28
jttstdin: yes I also go there from time to time07:29
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billwell, I found it there, but it has forty billion things it relies on07:29
TaladanGroping Gibbons?07:29
makuseruis there any way to download embedded flash videos?07:29
stdinfyrmedic: edgy+ it's in main07:30
Taladanmakuseru: yes, just don't remember the proggy name.07:30
jttbill: if you apt-get install  kompile   it should handle all the dependancies for you and down load them07:30
stdinfyrmedic: if in dapper, you may need the -smp-686 pakage07:30
fyrmedicstdin; it's the one just listed as "linux"?07:30
makuseruTaladan:  thats not much heko then >>07:30
Taladansearch aptitude for 'flash' or maybe it'll hit on 'youtube'...can't remember07:30
TaladanBut I know I've seen it.07:31
stdinfyrmedic: just install the "linux-generic" package, that will take care of it all for you07:31
TaladanIsn't it though?  Confirmation that something you're looking for is out there, that another person has at least seen it should be some help.  At least now you know it exists ;)07:31
fyrmedicstdin; I did exactly that and it said it couldn't find the package using apt-get install linux-generic07:31
=== Taladan queues the music as Fox Mulder walks through and says "The truth is out there!"
stdinfyrmedic: what version of kubuntu ate you on?07:32
fyrmedicstdin; I originally installed on 6.06 but have upgraded I think. not sure exactly.07:33
ranjanbill: what is your question?07:33
_chocobohow do check my local ip adress?07:33
billjtt: I know, that's why I'm trying to get the repos to work07:33
stdinfyrmedic: use "lsb_release -r" to find out07:33
Taladan_chocobo: ifconfit07:33
stdin_chocobo: ifconfig07:33
jttbill: how are the repos failing you07:34
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stdinfyrmedic: in 6.06 I think you need the -smp-686 version, let me just check07:34
fyrmedicstdin; I am totally up to upgrading. How do I do it? It would solve a lot of issues I think07:34
stdin!upgrade | fyrmedic07:35
ubotufyrmedic: See http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuUpgrade for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft)07:35
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billwell it just tells me the package doesn't exist07:35
billso I must not have the right repos07:35
billhow do I open it in konsole again?07:36
fyrmedicstdin: I'll try that out and see how it goes. Thanks for your time.07:36
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billmy sources.list07:36
stdinfyrmedic: no problam :)07:36
wolferinehow do I check my USB devices, so I know they are installed/working, and can I set it up in VMware?07:36
ranjan!paste > bill07:36
premier_does anyone know if there is a linux boot option that causes dual core processors to synch up better?  I had one before but my grub config file got overwritten, and I don't remember what the command was.  I'm using a intel centrino duo.  If I don't disable acpi sometimes linux locks up on boot07:39
billI know about pastebin  ^_^07:40
billhow do I open my sources.list?07:40
stdinbill: in kate07:40
ranjanbill: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list07:40
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wolferine!usb | wolferine07:41
billis kompile in universe?07:42
stdinbill: yes07:42
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ranjanbill: which package do u want to install using kompile?07:43
Skullerhey guys, will Kubuntu be released the same day as Ubuntu Feisty?07:43
ranjanSkuller: yes07:43
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billthe LAME source07:43
stdinSkuller: same distro, different GUI that's all07:44
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unix_infidelwoot, 4 days till fiesty :P07:44
Skullerstdin: yes, I was a 2 month user of kubuntu edgy07:44
ranjan!info liblame007:44
ubotuliblame0: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 182 kB, installed size 452 kB07:44
stdinSkuller: I've been using feisty since december :p07:45
Cosmo___hmmm I messed something up, when I go into konqueror now it only shows the icons, no text07:45
ranjanbill: see its in multiverse already, u don't need to compile07:45
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stdinbill: enable universe and multiverse, also what version of kubuntu are you on?07:47
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stdin!info lame07:48
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 260 kB, installed size 696 kB07:48
ranjanbill: after enabling universe and multiverse, sudo apt-get install liblame007:48
stdin!info kompile07:48
ubotukompile: interface for compilation automation for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3~beta2-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 170 kB, installed size 904 kB07:48
billlol, ok07:49
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billI was gonna say, I did just enable07:49
ranjanafter enabling : sudo apt-get update07:49
ranjanthen sudo apt-get install whatever07:49
billok, cool07:50
billwell, I just learned something today07:50
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ksnipaI was wondering if its possible to find out how much cpu a process is using?07:51
flaccidksnipa: ksysguard or top for terminal07:52
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stdinksnipa: use "top" or "ps aux|grep <pid>|<process>"07:52
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JohnFluxksnipa: or press ctrl+esc07:52
ranjanksnipa: Kmenu >> Systems >> Ksysgueard07:52
billwhy is kdesu not installable?07:53
v0taguzAnybody know how to install Kde 3.5.6 in Edgy ?07:53
stdinas always with linux, there are many ways of doing the same thinf07:53
stdin!kde | v0taguz07:53
ubotuv0taguz: KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.07:53
v0taguzstdin: THNX07:53
JohnFluxbill: um07:53
ranjanbill: kdesu comes pre installed!07:53
stdinv0taguz: direct link: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-356.php07:54
billwell that was what I thought! but this is being stupid07:55
flaccid!find liblame07:55
ubotuFound: liblame-dev, liblame007:55
Skullerstdin: lol, but i think i wont risk using anything other than feisty final07:55
flaccid!info liblame007:55
ubotuliblame0: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-2 (edgy), package size 182 kB, installed size 452 kB07:55
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flaccidim not sure that you have mutiverse enabled07:56
stdinSkuller: as development versions go, feisty has been very stable07:56
stdinbill: post your sources.list to pastebin07:56
Skullerstdin: glad to know, makes me feel more secure when switchin to it07:56
stdinSkuller: and faster too :)07:57
Skullerstdin: hehe, yea07:57
Skullerlaterz and enjoy all07:57
stdinthe 2.6.20 kernel is nice07:57
shawn_hey I was trying to beat little venice in the castle in the SVN version but after I beat it I could still not go past it... is there something else I have to do or is it possible to beat?07:57
billalready working on it ^_^07:58
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shawn_lol wrong channel07:58
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:58
shawn_thought I had clicked on the supertux channel allreadt07:58
shawn_it's too late lol07:59
flaccidbill: are these in your sources.list: http://pastebin.ca/44067207:59
billwhat is super tux anyways?07:59
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stdinbill: use this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15742/08:00
flaccid!info supertux08:00
ubotusupertux: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.3-1.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 228 kB, installed size 548 kB08:00
Cosmo___hmmm I messed something up, when I go into konqueror now it only shows the icons, no text anyone know how to fix it?08:00
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ranjanCosmo: Settings>Preferences>Apperance08:01
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billthank you all08:04
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malik__hi..........how do i turn on adept auto updater?08:14
ForgeAusturn on?08:15
ForgeAusum malik its normally on by default08:15
ForgeAusbut if you go to your /usr/bin/ directory there shoudl be an adept_updater (or something very similar)08:15
ForgeAusrun that08:15
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ForgeAus(I actually suggest you quit it and explicitly tell it to run next time you start)08:15
ForgeAusahh yes thats the one...08:15
malik__thanx guys08:16
ForgeAusit should show up as an icon in the system tray08:16
malik__yes its workin now08:16
premier_I'm trying to configure an ati driver.  right now the thing is using MESA for 3D accel.  fglrxinfo says so.  I'm looking here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Problems_with_fglrx#Perpetual_Mesa_GLX_Indirect_on_Debian  and doesn't help.08:16
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ForgeAuspremier I gave up on ATI for my system... I just use a default desktop08:17
premier_it says to go to /usr/X11R6/lib and type "ls -la *GL*"08:17
ForgeAusbesides the only thing that really workso n it is some games and beryl/compiz...08:18
premier_It then says your supposed to get... something... but I have nothing in that folder08:18
ForgeAusberyls fairly buggy in some aspects...08:18
ForgeAusso unless your looking to play games its not worth the hassle imho08:18
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flaccidati binary is faster08:18
ForgeAusum premier you probably have it just find where it is and make a symlink?08:18
flaccidi've fixed this problem before. need to remove the mesa package and re-config xorg.conf08:19
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:19
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xstI use knetworkmanager to handle my wireless connections but every time I reboot I have to reenter the WPA password. Why doesn't it remeber passwords itself?08:23
premier_flaccid: how do I unistall mesa?  what are the package names?08:23
premier_also, how do I reconfigure xorg?  I don't remember the commands08:23
flaccid!find mesa08:23
ubotuFound: libgl1-mesa-dev, libgl1-mesa-dri, libgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-swx11, libgl1-mesa-swx11-dbg (and 15 others)08:23
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premier_is there a meta-package?08:23
flaccidmesa-glx i think08:23
pl0xy"E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)"08:24
pl0xyWhat gives?08:24
flaccidhave a look what packages are in your system with mesa in it08:24
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premier_flaccid: how do I do that?08:24
flacciddpkg -l *mesa*08:24
flaccidi think08:24
flaccidor dpkg -l | grep mesa08:25
premier_ri  libglu1-mesa      6.5.1~20060817-0u The OpenGL utility library (GLU)?08:25
premier_ii  libgl1-mesa-dri   6.5.1~20060817-0u A free implementation of the OpenGL API -- DRI mod?08:25
flaccidmaybe both of them08:26
premier_theres about 15 others08:26
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flaccidi can't remember hey its on a forum post somewhere08:26
flaccidi'm not on ubuntu atm sorry08:27
premier_flaccid: If I unistall those, I lose my operating system, or at least everything thats graphiccal08:27
premier_I've been sent to that page 4 times08:27
ForgeAusthats the one ubotu suggests flaccid08:27
ForgeAus(just use !ati)08:27
flaccidthen its not the right post08:27
ForgeAusactually premier you don't08:27
ForgeAusyou just drop back to standard video drivers08:28
premier_well, apt-get seems perfectly happy to uninstall everything with a k in from of it08:28
premier_The following packages will be REMOVED:08:28
premier_  adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier adept-updater08:28
ForgeAus... I think08:28
flaccidtahts not good08:28
premier_and so on08:28
flaccidpremier_: pastebin your xorg.conf08:28
ForgeAuscorrect tahts not good08:29
premier_ForgeAus: I want to fix my drivers because I'm programming in java and I think my programs are slowing up because of the broken drivers08:30
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premier_ForgeAus: besides, I'd like to have compiz or beryl, and i think my OS in general is running slower because of broken drivers08:31
flaccidi dont see the dri module in there08:32
premier_should there be?08:32
lettucehow the hell do i run a .pl file?08:32
stdinlettuce: .pl = perl08:32
lettuceuhhh ok08:32
lettucehow the hell do i run a perl file08:33
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premier_lettuce: its like a program, shouldnt you be able to run it from the command line?08:33
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premier_not familiar with perl08:33
lettucehow would I do that though?08:34
stdinlettuce: perl -w fileneme (I think )08:34
lettuceok I'll try that08:34
stdinor just "perl filename"08:34
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premier_flaccid: what can I do to get a dri module in there?08:34
clowniusis anyone able to help with a Fiesty problem?08:34
lettucecommand now found08:35
stdinpremier_: put: Load "dri"08:35
clowniusI had the broken kernel first adn upgraded to 2.6.20-15 now08:35
premier_stdin: where?08:35
clowniusnow no xserver08:35
stdinpremier_: in the "Section "Module"" part08:35
stdinlettuce: huh, you don't have perl?08:36
flaccidp       Load  "dri"08:36
flacciddo you have wacom tablet, premier_?08:36
lettuceit says I have perl08:36
lettuceis there any other package I need?08:36
premier_flaccid: whats a wacom tablet?08:36
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premier_like, the pointing device?08:37
stdinlettuce: not unless the perl script calls an app from another package08:37
_chocoboHey so anybody know how to execute gcc?08:37
premier_I don't have a tablet08:37
stdin_chocobo: gcc file.c -o app (simple example)08:37
premier_just a mouse and a touch pad08:38
jason_can someone help me with some audio problems?08:38
_chocobostdin: o its comamnd line08:38
premier_so, should I try it with this new xorg.conf?08:38
_chocoboHow do i compile08:39
_chocobowith gcc08:39
_chocobogcc file.c -c app?08:39
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stdin_chocobo: you'll usually get a Makefile with a package you need to compile, or a configure script08:40
flaccidum yeah08:40
=== BenPA [n=abritesu@pool-71-240-56-114.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidyay hes gone ah well08:40
flaccidwaste of time08:40
stdin_chocobo: you need use either run "./configure" or "make" then08:40
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_chocobostdin: what if i want to compile my own code... like if i were to make a program08:41
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premier_hey, didn't work08:41
stdin_chocobo: then you'd use (as a SIMPLE example) gcc code.c -o program08:41
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flaccid^^^^ try that one08:41
=== BenPA [n=abritesu@pool-71-240-56-114.pitt.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu []
premier_I delete a file called libGL.so.1 while I was trying to fix this...08:42
premier_how can I replace it?08:42
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:42
stdinpremier_: reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx08:42
stdinpremier_: "sudo apt-get --reinstall install libgl1-mesa-glx"08:42
flaccidhe doesn't want mesa glx08:43
flaccidyou need to have fglrx for driver on each vid08:43
flaccidcan you please confirm if this new xorg.conf works, premier_: http://pastebin.ca/44070308:43
stdinthe flglx driver will replace it if it's installed right (and if it works with your card)08:44
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stdinati tend to drop support for some "older" cards08:44
stdin"older" sometimes meanding 2-3 years old08:44
dsmith_whats the pkg name for java?08:44
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier.08:44
dsmith_duh thx08:44
stdindsmith_: sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre08:45
stdindsmith_: (for the JRE)08:45
premier_flaccid: does the order of the items in Section "Modules" matter?  Otherwise, yes it works08:45
dsmith_i dont like downloading from websites08:45
dsmith_apt-get does all08:45
premier_so, what should I reinstall?08:45
flaccidyou said it works?08:46
flaccidwhy do you need to reinstall anything08:46
premier_flaccid: well, I'm not getting 3d (i don't think)08:46
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premier_and fglrx info displays an error08:46
flaccidpastebine output of fglrxinfo08:46
premier_fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:47
premier_flaccid: thats the only line of output08:47
flacciddid you install the binary driver fully08:47
flaccidand have you googled the error yet?08:48
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premier_flaccid: yeah, but since I installed it I deleted that file08:48
premier_I remember deleting that file08:48
premier_I did it because it was part of a troubleshooter08:48
flaccidapt-get install nvidia-glx08:48
premier_so, I can just reinstall something, or reinstall the driver?08:48
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dsmith_how does one create a symbolic link?08:49
flaccidwrong thing08:49
flacciddsmith_: ln -s08:49
stdindsmith_: ln -s target link-name08:49
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_chocoboanybody know the line for downlaoding nmap08:49
_chocobosudo apt-get install nmap?08:49
stdin_chocobo: yeah08:50
despilgood morning everyone08:50
dsmith_so it would be like ln -s etc/x11 something?08:50
dsmith_just using that as an example08:50
_chocobostdin: how bout netcat08:50
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stdin_chocobo: sudo apt-get install netcat08:50
flaccid_chocobo: correct08:50
stdin_chocobo: both are in main08:50
flaccid_chocobo: you can search for packages at http://packages.ubuntu.com08:51
premier_magically fixed08:51
flaccidpremier_: all good now?08:51
dsmith_im rying to install java plugin for firefox08:52
premier_hold on, let me check 3d08:52
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stdinpremier_: you did install xorg-driver-fglrx?08:52
flaccidisn't that the free one08:52
premier_3d seems to work08:52
stdinpremier_: then reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx to bring back the libGL.so.1 file08:52
flaccidwhat is the output of fglrxinfo now premier_?08:53
flaccidstdin: its working..08:53
premier_flaccid: nah.  the free one is radeon08:53
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premier_OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.08:53
premier_display: :0.0  screen: 008:53
stdinwell that's even better :p08:53
flaccidi mean mesa free08:53
flaccidyou now have a perfect xorg.conf if it all works correctly08:53
=== jason_ is now known as Jason_
ranjandsmith: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin08:54
flaccidback it up08:54
flaccidthis is the fastest driver available for ati/radeon08:54
premier_now that I got that fixed, I'm going to either reinstall my broken beryl install, or install compiz08:54
premier_what do you guys think?08:54
ranjankubuntu and beryl... no question of compiz08:55
stdinpremier_: well compiz and beryl are being merged, so it doesn't matter in the long term :p08:55
flaccidand just fyi - here is reason for confusion heh im still confused: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=+libGL.so.1&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=edgy&arch=i38608:55
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flaccidpremier_: which ubuntu is it08:55
premier_6.10 kubuntu08:55
despilhm.. anyone here with a successful beryl+kubuntu install?08:56
flaccidcompiz should be fairly stable for ati i think08:56
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flacciddespil: try #ubuntu-effects08:56
premier_I'll prolly upgrade to feisty next week.... I'd rather get beryl done now, even though I'm going to upgrade soome08:56
despilthank you08:56
flaccidpremier_: i would wait as feisty is xorg7 ..08:56
dsmith_thx ranjan08:57
stdindespil: yeah, but my graphics driver is open source anyway, so no need for installing binary drivers08:57
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ranjandsmith: np08:57
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premier_flaccid: I know feisty is still in beta, but is it really going to be all that much different in a week?  Can I try upgrading now?08:57
flaccidati prop. drivers are way faster than the open ones and glx actually works..08:58
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stdinpremier_: it's not still in beta08:58
flaccidpremier_: you can do now, but then you'll want to update again. np if the you are fine with the d/l and time.08:58
premier_stdin: I thought It came out on the 19th08:58
flaccidits not in prod yet08:58
stdinpremier_: it's in release candidate now08:58
flaccidyea RC might as well be beta imo08:59
dsmith_ranjan: must I restart firefox? or do I have to reboot?08:59
flaccidits pre-release either way, not final08:59
stdinpremier_: 1 step after beta, and 1 step before final08:59
dsmith_ranjan: nm, its working08:59
dsmith_thanks much08:59
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)08:59
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases09:00
stdinfeisty release candidate was out since April 12th09:00
Jason_I just installed Kibuntu. Question: my audio device is present, but the acutal audio does not work. Can someone help me?09:00
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dsmith_heh, its funny they do releases so quickly; they will blow away windoze09:00
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stdinFeisty Release Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule09:00
premier_"Be sure that you have all updates applied to Ubuntu 6.10 before you upgrade" : how do I make sure I'm in compliance with this?09:01
_chocoboHey so what type of vnc viewer should i use for linux?09:01
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stdinpremier_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"09:01
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TusellI am sorry to disturb you guys, could anybody help me with a problem installing Kubuntu 6.10?09:02
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flacciddist-upgrade before changing sources i think they mean09:02
flaccidis that right stdin?09:02
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_chocobois there a "netsend " for linux machines?09:03
stdinyeah, before you try upgrading to feisty or anything09:03
premier_this seems to be ubunutu (as in not kubuntu) oriented... is there any difference?09:03
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premier_okay, I ran dist-upgrade, anything else?09:03
stdinpremier_: no, after that you should be up-to-date edgy, then you can try to upgrade to feisty09:03
TusellI am sorry to disturb you guys, could anybody help me with a problem installing Kubuntu 6.10 on SATA drives?09:04
stdinnote the word "try" :P09:04
clowniusI can try09:04
clowniusits only 7.04 killing me at the moment lol09:04
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premier_clownius: you're having trouble with 7.04?09:05
premier_btw, it says 12 packages are going to be removed... anyway to see which packages?09:05
premier_lol, its going to remove beryl09:06
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premier_and apt-index-watcher, which caused a certian well know error09:06
flaccidprobably coz it will do new beryl in next release?09:06
clowniusyeah i killed 7.04 lol last 22222222222222222222222 rnel updates and i cant load x any more09:06
stdinpremier_: apt-index-watcher was removed in feisty a while ago, no longer needed09:07
clowniusim waiting for a new CD to download before i bash away any longer09:07
premier_wait, clownius, what do you mean? Is this something I should be aware of?09:07
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clowniusyes its beta expect to have things die lol09:07
clownius6.10 has been stable on all my machines a while though09:08
flaccidi've found them all to be unstable in different things09:08
=== stdin sleeps
ranjanOnly 244 Copies of Vista Sold in All of China http://www.gearfuse.com/genuine-windows-vista-sold-only-244-copies-in-whole-of-china/09:08
premier_ranjan: lol09:08
despilone thing, anyone could explain me the "CPU Overflow" error ?09:08
despilit happened while setting the timezone09:09
despilwas really weird09:09
premier_Is it wrong for me to want windows to produce mediocre products so that people use alternative software?09:09
ranjan244 out of 1/3 world population...09:09
despilnope, not wrong09:09
Admiral_Chicago224 out of 16 world population09:10
ranjansorry 1/609:10
=== despil wonders why is it going to get into microsoft bashing every time?
TusellI am sorry to disturb you guys, could anybody help me with a problem installing Kubuntu 6.10 on SATA drives?09:10
flaccidTusell: if someone can help they will09:10
clowniusgo ahead tusell09:11
clowniusabout half my machines use SATA disks09:11
TusellI have a 250 GB SATA drive with two partitions, in the first partition I have NTFS files I cant loose, second partition is not even formated09:12
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Tusellhow can I install the OS there?09:12
TusellI am at the part that ask me to choose09:12
clowniuswhich version of the installer are you using?09:12
clowniusLive CD?09:12
TusellI downloaded kubuntu 6.10 and burn it into a cd09:13
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Tusellnot so sure about your question :S09:13
clowniusOk Live CD would be my guess then09:13
clowniusIt should let you choose which partition to install in09:13
Tuselllol, I guess I did it09:13
clowniusIts going to want 2 actually09:14
clowniusOne for OS one for swap09:14
Tusellin about 10 minutes I will see if I f*cked the info :s09:14
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Tusellthe main problem I was having09:14
Tusellis that took 30 minutes to load the installer09:14
Tusellgiving me a lot of errors09:15
Tusellhda: huh? expected NULL09:15
Tusellsomething like that09:15
TusellI thougth it was because of the SATA drive09:15
Tusellsince it didnt let me intall Mandriva :S09:15
clowniusNope Ubuntu works on SATA09:16
=== posingaspopular [i=eddie@adsl-69-209-77-238.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tusellnow I know that09:16
ForgeAusMandriva should work on sata too09:16
ranjantry with ide=nodma option09:16
Tusellforgeaus it asks me for the driver, I try every of them and no go09:17
Jason_How to i get to the Terminal?09:17
Tusellranjan did that09:17
posingaspopularJason_: click the k menu09:17
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posingaspopularshould be under system?09:17
ranjanwhat speed did u burn your cd in?09:17
posingaspopularknown as konsole in kubuntu though09:17
ForgeAustussell you might want to check how your bios is set up for sata and what raid settings are enabled/disabled09:17
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ForgeAusthey may fix that issue09:17
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TusellForgeAus RAID is off09:18
bkudriamy keyboard layout is all screwed up - i have to (re)set some individual keys with xmodmap.  what could be wrong?09:18
ForgeAusTussell just because raid is off doesn't mean the bios isn't set to use sata from the raid controller or not...09:18
Tusellunderstand that09:18
ForgeAusI had trouble reorganizing mine to get it to work too once...09:19
ForgeAus(I have a diff board now so easy)09:19
Tusellsata drives are on, raid is off, sata drives are not raid configured, ide drives are off because they are not09:19
ForgeAuseventually I found out how to do it09:19
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Jason_thanks for answering my question man.09:19
Tusellwell, I will install kubuntu09:19
Tuselland then will add beryl09:20
ForgeAusTussell I know it sounds weird but have you got a legacy mode? like sata + pata?09:20
Tusellyou lost me09:20
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pollyoI have a TNT2 (nvidia) still having trouble getting beryl to run on it.09:20
Tusellsata (Hard Drive) pata (DVD ROM)09:20
pollyoI'm just about done attempting for a while.09:20
ranjanTusell: look at this thread, turned out to be a cd drive problem http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-186115.html09:21
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icecruncheranyone know how to install the equive to wamp? as in lamp?09:21
dsmith_gn all, thx for the help once again.09:22
dsmith_oh, one thing09:22
dsmith_anyone ever use freenx?09:22
Tusellranjan but there the problem is hdc09:22
Tusellmy problem was hda09:22
Tusellnever mind09:22
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TusellI dont have ide drives, so my dvd rom is hda :$ sorry09:23
dsmith_whats a good vnc client for linux?09:23
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Tuselldo you know when they will release kubuntu 7.04?09:23
posingaspopularTusell: the 19th09:24
icecruncher!ping > icecruncher09:24
posingaspopularbut it might be delayed a few days09:24
ranjanTusell: quote from thread: hdb:ide_intr: huh? expected NULL handler on exit09:24
dsmith_nm I found one09:24
dsmith_ultravnc works in linux09:24
Tusellposingaspopular thanks09:25
Tusellranjan (Y)09:25
bkudriamy keyboard layout is all screwed up - i have to (re)set some individual keys with xmodmap.  what could be wrong?  it is reset anytime i run setxkbmap09:25
ranjanTusell: try the alternate cd09:25
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Tusellranjan is installing kubuntu right now09:26
Tusellif it does succesfully... I dont mind09:26
Tusellof ot crashes I will09:26
ranjanTusell: cool!09:26
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Tusell50% downloading language packages09:27
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Tusellyou've been a great help09:28
Tusell85% downloading language packages09:29
icecruncherto install lamp, do you need php4 and 5?09:32
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:33
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icecruncherposingaspopular: they give you both 4 and 509:33
=== posingaspopular doesnt use either
icecruncherthnks anyway09:34
=== icecruncher uses php5
Tusellit worked!!!!!!09:34
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Tusellthanks so much guys09:34
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Tusellposingaspopular thanks09:34
Tusellhave a great night!09:35
ranjanTusell: great!09:35
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=== insmod writes dear kubuntu --- Dear assholes why have no root pass but everytime i do something you ask for it
=== insmod signed debian
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insmod assholes why have no root pass but everytime i do something you ask for it09:37
sonoftheclayrinsmod: it is asking for your password! not the root one, and please keep it PG :)09:38
insmodsonoftheclayr: no when i enter it it incorrect password -- or perhapes you don't have permision09:39
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insmodthis is sooo gay can i get a root or no09:40
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korrxnot exactly insmod09:41
insmodkorrx: ? gay09:41
korrxnot so09:41
insmodkorrx:  i can do it as root09:41
korrxsudo su09:41
orient2000"sudo -i" in konsole for superuser09:41
insmodkorrx: i just need to edit /etc/network/interfaces09:42
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korrxbut sudo is enough09:42
insmodwtf is sudo -- i am going to kill sudo09:42
korrx(root password is generated for security purposes)09:42
insmodwhy have it on the f** panel if u can't fu** use it09:43
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korrxsudo and your command may eexcute your command with administrative privileges (root way if you mild)09:44
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CompleteShiftCan someone help me troubleshoot my wireless ^^?09:44
korrxinsmod : just need to edit /etc/network/interfaces09:45
korrxso $sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces in konsole ?09:45
korrx:$kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces ?09:46
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insmodkorrx: this sucks now i am root but i still can not apt-get - wtf09:47
korrxsudo apt-get ??09:47
insmodkorrx: did sudo xterm -- then apt-get09:47
hak5fanHi. I've installed flash player 9 and I'm using opera. In firefox flash player 9 works on all pages where it's required. In opera It only works on some pages09:48
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korrxand don't work...09:48
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korrxbetter way is konsole && sudo09:49
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insmodkorrx: this is gay09:49
korrxok ok09:50
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insmodkorrx: wtf i sudo to sudo to sudo09:50
insmodkorrx: i just want to edit the file man -- not kill someone09:52
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korrxtext editor ?09:53
korrxmanually ?09:53
insmodkorrx: not enough perms09:53
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CompleteShiftIf you need root permission to edit the file then you're not going to be able to edit the file without your root password =\09:53
ranjaninsmod: sudo -i09:54
korrxnormal user (you) ; then sudo /etc/network/interfaces09:54
insmodCompleteShift: that is my piont asswhole09:54
korrxno need to be logged as user ROOT09:54
jageranyone overclock?09:55
korrxCapslock on ??09:55
insmodi just need to add wep to /etc/network/interfaces09:55
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korrxinsmod : understood09:55
wolferinehow do I check my USB devices, so I know they are installed/working, and can I set it up in VMware?09:55
insmodkorrx: does not work -- i don't have permission09:56
korrxok ; whats your terminal says ?09:56
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insmodkorrx: unable to lock the admin... dir..09:57
korrxWhy don't you have permission ??09:57
insmodkorrx: htfsik09:57
korrxpastebin your console messages ?09:58
insmodof what fault -- everything i do is a fault09:59
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insmodwtf --- why change it so much09:59
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insmodkorrx: i know root etc .. why f** it up10:00
pollyoinsmod: Why not just create a root account and log in if you want to use it so bad?10:00
insmodpollyo: please tell how10:00
korrxif you're used with other distros, root acount is "special" under *buntu10:01
insmodpollyo: passwd?10:01
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pollyoinsmod: I thought you said you know how to use a root account?10:01
insmodpollyo: solrais linux bsd etc -- not this10:02
insmodpollyo: do you10:02
pollyoinsmod: I'm 30 days into linux10:02
pollyoAnyone know if it is possible to ignore someone on irc?10:02
insmodpollyo: not the real stuff then lol10:02
flaccidpollyo: depends on client. konversation has the feature10:03
pollyoinsmod: Actually... I'll let you get back to your ranting.10:03
pollyoinsmod: Good luck with what you are doing.10:03
pollyoflaccid: I found it.10:03
pollyoflaccid: Thank you.10:03
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insmodpollyo: going 13 yrs with linux :) thaught i would try it lol10:04
korrx=] 10:04
insmodpollyo: i wrote a neet console dvd apt for it10:06
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insmodpollyo: shrinks dvd etc10:07
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pollyoAnyone know if there is a way to ensure a computer gets a specific network IP on your local network?  Do routers generally have such a function?10:14
flaccidpollyo: static dhcp10:15
flaccid!info dhcp10:15
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5-19.4ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 108 kB, installed size 308 kB10:15
flaccidie. dhcpd10:15
Lynourepollyo: yes, routers usually let you do that, too, if they do dhcp to start with10:16
flaccidand it doesn't have to be a router box, any lan computer can do it10:16
flacciddhcpd.conf configure for mac address binding10:16
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Lynoureyes, but two dhcp servers at the same time can be trouble or at least annoyance, so makes sense to pick one and use that.10:17
flaccidunless they server different subnets10:18
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flaccidi don't think anyone suggested two dhcp servers anyway..10:18
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pollyoMy router can work with dyndns.org I'm not sure how that would work.10:20
flacciddyndns is for external IPs10:21
flaccidnot private subnets like, and
insmodhow do i edit /etc files or even use apt-get?10:21
pollyoflaccid: Why would a linksys router have the option to setup for use with dnydns?10:22
flacciduse a text editor to edit /etc/* files and apt-get to run apt-get10:22
insmodflaccid: i have no permision10:22
flaccidso people can use the dyndns.org service10:22
flaccidinsmod: under sudo10:22
flaccid!sudo > insmod10:23
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insmodflaccid: i am a debian guy -- know idea of it -- just can't do jack10:23
pollyoflaccid: So the setup in the router would simply replace ddclient?10:24
insmodflaccid: why not just use root?10:24
flaccidinsmod: nothing stopping you if you really want to10:24
flaccidpollyo: yes10:24
insmodflaccid: then how10:24
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:24
flaccidinsmod: can i ask you why you need root?10:25
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naught101does it seem odd that apache2 installs without a httpd.conf file from a ubuntu .deb?10:25
flaccidnaught101: no thats how they intended it10:25
flaccidapache2.conf i believe10:25
naught101apache2.conf replaces httpd.conf?10:26
naught101is that a ubuntu only thing?10:26
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flaccidsomething like that. they have a modular system that i dislike in terms of conf includes and naming conventions of files10:26
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=== naught101 looks at debian more closely
flacciddebian is 10x better for server10:27
fdovingnaught101: i belive ubuntu and debian are very similar in that manner.10:27
fdovingflaccid: why?10:27
=== JohnFlux_ [n=JohnFlux@cpc3-brig10-0-0-cust96.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
flacciddebian doesn't have that sites-available sites-enabled system10:27
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flaccidits more static includes in the httpd.conf commented out10:28
insmodflaccid: can't find mozilla wt hell10:28
flaccid!find mozilla10:28
ubotuFound: mozilla-firefox-locale-ar, mozilla-firefox-locale-bg-bg, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-bd, mozilla-firefox-locale-bn-in, mozilla-firefox-locale-ca (and 127 others)10:28
pollyonaught101: I was looking for a httpd.conf as well but it appears to have an entire directory of configuration files somewhere.  I had to activate the webdir by creating some symlinks.10:28
flaccidyou want mozilla suite?10:28
naught101pollyo: painful..10:28
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flaccidpollyo: that shouldn't be the case. /etc/apache2 and /var/www10:28
naught101did you find any good instructions on the net?10:29
fdovingflaccid: you can easily change the config to whatever you like.10:29
flaccidfdoving: yes but thats not the point.10:29
insmodflaccid: i want't anything apt-get doent go10:29
naught101so is it the case that things that should be put in httpd.conf CAN be put in apache2.conf?10:29
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fdovingflaccid: if you have more than one virtualhost it's much better to have separate files anyway.10:30
flacciddepends what you call things, naught10110:30
flaccidfdoving: yes but not in this system10:30
fdovingflaccid: what system?10:30
naught101"RewriteBase /" for example10:30
insmodflaccid: this is so gay nothing works root can't connect to 0:0 ----10:30
pollyoflaccid: What is var/www?10:30
flaccidits a pain in the arse to manage this way with symlinks sites available/enabled10:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apache2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:31
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:31
pollyoflaccid: Isn't that the default web?10:31
flaccidstart reading10:31
flaccidpollyo: yes10:31
flaccidi think /var/www/default or something10:31
fdovingflaccid: no it's not. it's very convenient. but you need to understand how it works, of course. like everything else.10:31
pollyoflaccid: To get domain.com/~username I had to activate the userdir.conf10:31
flaccidfdoving: thats your opionion. i understand exactly how it works! i just don't like it all and neither does the apache project10:32
pollyoflaccid: In the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled10:32
flaccidpollyo: correct10:32
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pollyoflaccid: I'm more or less in the dark on the subject.  At this time it is working.  I'm quite happy for being just a month into using linux.10:32
pollyoflaccid: I hope to expand my understanding over time.  I do not just want to know that I could get it working.  I want to have an idea about how and why it works.10:33
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flaccidpollyo: thats what documenation is for :)10:33
flaccidbut i don't see a doco on the ubuntu apache2 heir10:33
pollyoflaccid: True. <grin>10:34
pollyoWhat is the scoop on apache and apache2 anyway?10:35
pollyoDo they still develop both of them?10:35
flaccidthey maintain apache10:35
flaccidand they develop apache210:35
flaccidapache is still very much active and in production10:35
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pollyoflaccid: I see.10:35
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flaccidhowever there is no reason to use apache110:35
flaccidunless its on a server that does not require an upgrade which is very common10:36
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=== flaccid drinks guiness
_chocoboif a port is filtered10:43
_chocoboits basically closed right?10:43
=== fdoving drinks coffee
flaccidnot necessarily10:44
fdovingflaccid: just as a sidenote, debian got the same apache2 config as ubuntu. :)10:44
flaccidit can depend on the firewall rule if it opens or closes the connection10:44
flaccidfdoving: really10:44
fdovingflaccid: yep, http://packages.debian.org/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?searchmode=filelist&word=apache2.2-common&version=stable&arch=i38610:45
flaccidfdoving: thats weird coz the two fresh debian servers i was given to admin had a different heir / config10:45
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jagerhttp://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KCometen3?content=30313  <-- coolest screensaver ever10:45
jageromg so sweet10:45
flaccidfdoving: ah but thats mods10:45
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flaccidi'm talking about sites-available  / sites-enabled symlink concept10:46
fdovingflaccid: etc/apache2/sites-available/default10:46
ZPMwould anyone know why my screensavers all dissapeared out of the control center? i just realized today that my screensavers werent working so i went in the center to see if it somehow got turned off and they are all gone, theres not one in the selection box10:46
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flaccidfdoving: can you show me that in the pkg contents on debian like the last paste?10:48
fdovingflaccid: it's in the first paste, you just need to click 'all' pages.10:49
_chocoboWhats the point of setting up apache?10:49
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fdoving_chocobo: if you want to host an website, it's handy.10:50
flaccidfair enough10:51
flaccidsorry then fdoving they must of installed a dif apache package on these servers10:51
fdovingflaccid: or changed the config somehow. :)10:52
flaccidyeah but it was meant to be untouched install10:52
=== dumbkiwi [n=matt@125-238-34-70.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidit had a httpd.conf with most of the global directives and just a range of includes, but the header comments said debian10:53
flaccidso must not of been apache2.2-common10:53
fdovingi belive ubuntu and debian changed to the "new" way, with the apache2-inclusion.10:54
fdovingapache1.3 had the one-file setup.10:54
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flaccidmyself i prefer a traditiona httpd.conf style as per the official documenation like freebsd - there was no need to go to that extent considering there is no interface to manage the sites available/enabled feature10:55
smilehi linuxians ... I will make dist-apgrade in Dapper .. is there any advice before i do it ?!10:55
flaccidfdoving: ok maybe my memory served me wrong and it was apache110:55
smileis there anything to check ?10:55
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flaccidis there anything that can admin the new system. ie. a front end ?10:56
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flaccidcoz it seems pointless without it. its actually more commands to create a new site10:56
flaccidthan a simple include..10:56
fdovingflaccid: there is 'a2ensite' and 'a2dissite'  - 'a2enmod' and 'a2dismod'10:56
fdoving /is/are10:56
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flaccidthats hectic10:56
flaccidok cool10:57
=== Kubuntero [n=dani@147.pool85-58-139.dynamic.orange.es] has joined #kubuntu
flaccidthats not really in any support doc10:57
_chocobocan i host an ftp server with apache?10:57
fdovingi think it's nice, i can disable site.domain.com with a simple command 'a2dissite site.domain.com'10:57
fdoving_chocobo: no, you need separate software for that.10:57
_chocobofdoving: do u know the software?10:58
flaccidi guess it is cool10:58
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flaccidbut a2dssite weird command10:58
ZPMhey guys, would any of you know why screensavers would disappear from KDE?10:58
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flaccidi guess you get used to it10:58
fdoving_chocobo: vsftpd, proftpd, wzdftpd, twoftpd, pure-ftpd, muddleftpd, among others.10:58
flaccidbut they only need to make it rename the conf file so its not included10:58
_chocobofdoving: any recommended10:58
fdovingflaccid: it's sort of an acronym for 'apache2disablesite'10:59
flaccidie. include *.conf but not *.disabled or whatever10:59
flaccidfdoving: i realised that its just weird imo10:59
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flaccidand forking it a bit much10:59
flaccidbut thats cool10:59
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fdovingflaccid: they include everything in the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ folder, those are symlinks to /etc/apache2/sites-available/10:59
flaccidi know10:59
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flaccidyou can conditional/wildcard include11:00
fdovingand commenting one line in apache.conf disables the system.11:00
fdovingInclude /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/[^.#] *11:00
flaccidthats right11:00
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flaccidim just saying you don't need the symlinking11:01
flaccidbecause of the regex capability11:01
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fdoving_chocobo: for simple setups i use vsftpd, more complex i go for proftpd. because i know them. i've heard pureftpd is good if you want virtual users.11:01
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fdovingflaccid: sure, it can probably be done in multiple ways.11:02
premier_hey guys, I just upgraded to feisty from edgy, first of all, is there anything that needs to be done post-reboot?11:02
dettoaltrimenti I'm using firefox on ubuntu, and firefox is not encoding some characters (mainly cyrillic) and every time I go to a page that has these characters, I get an error message for each character (sometimes many thousand)- is there any way to remove these error messages/11:02
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fdovingpremier_: check that everything works, if it does, no :)11:03
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premier_secondly, I had a script that modified my keymap when X started, but now its gone.  How can I get it to run everytime X Starts?  I don't mind a mad hack11:03
crazy_penguinHi all!11:04
premier_fdoving: everything seems to work... A couple programs crashed and I got that window to send the information to the developers, but otherwise its fine11:04
fdovingpremier_: ok. good.11:04
fdovingpremier_: what kind of script was this you used?11:05
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premier_well, it has three lines, i think11:05
premier_the first is xmodmap /home/me/keyswap, which swaps caps lock and backspace11:05
premier_the second and third change the repeat rates of those two keys11:06
fdovingpremier_: do you have it?11:07
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premier_although, I think I might have fixed it.  See, my computer confused capslock and shiftlock, so I wrote two different scripts, but I just renamed them, so now it will work.11:08
premier_I know this because the second and third lines ran correctly11:08
premier_fdoving, do I have beryl or compiz installed now that I have feisty?11:08
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fdovingpremier_: no, not by default.11:09
premier_fdoving: if I install beryl or compiz now, will I have to reinstall it next week when the final version comes out?11:10
fdovingpremier_: no, just install the regular updates.11:10
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premier_fdoving: why is aigx enabled by default if neither beryl nor compiz are? whats the point?  (not trying to be critical, I really do want to know)11:19
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flaccid!find runescape > flaccid11:20
fdovingpremier_: the point is to make it easier for users to enable compiz/beryl when they want to.11:20
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citynovachiedere un aiuto?11:22
premier_fdoving: how do I figure out what version of kubuntu I have installed?11:22
fdovingpremier_: in a konsole you can write 'lsb_release -c'11:23
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premier_fdoving: anyone with more information?  that just say "fiesty"11:23
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fdoving!feisty | premier_11:23
ubotupremier_: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)11:23
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=== ubuntu is now known as sli
fdovingpremier_: you can replace the -c with -a for more info on the commandline.11:24
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slisa tu polacy ?11:26
premier_fdoving: how do I know if I have AIGX running as-we-speak?  I mean, if I install and run beryl, will it work or will I have to restart x?11:27
_chocoboanybody know how to use11:27
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fdovingpremier_: 'grep -i aiglx /var/log/Xorg.0.log' that will tell you.11:27
premier_I guess not11:28
premier_(**) Option "AIGLX" "off"11:28
premier_(**) AIGLX disabled11:28
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fdovingpremier_: that is because there is an option set to "off" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you can set that to 'on' if you want to enable it.11:29
premier_fdoving: last time I played around with this stuff, unless beryl was up and running (and correctly) the desktop was very slow and behaved strangely... is that still true?11:29
shovidoes anybody know good howto for configuring radeon 9600 tv-out?11:29
fdovingpremier_: not for me, or anyone i know. i need to go. bye.11:29
premier_that is, when AIGLX was running but not beryl11:30
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premier_Hi, fdoving told me a couple of minutes ago to do something on a console... started with grep...  could you guys repost what he said?  I had to restart11:36
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Ilokaasupremier_: 'grep -i aiglx /var/log/Xorg.0.log'11:39
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premier_what does this mean: (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering11:40
premier_(EE) AIGLX error: dlsym for __driCreateNewScreen_20050727 failed (/usr/lib/dri/fglrx_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driCreateNewScreen_20050727)11:40
premier_that looks... bad...11:40
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premier_theres one package that is not downloading correcty when I update11:46
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frojndhow can I disable password for XP user in samba??11:48
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flaccidwhat do you mean frojnd11:50
frojndflaccid: I can't disable password for XP user.11:51
flacciddo you mean anonymous access?11:51
frojndflaccid: even if I go to  K system and settings sharing and I give there simple sharing11:51
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frojndand I've also created samba user with the same username and password as XP11:52
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frojndalso unix user11:52
frojndflaccid: yes11:52
frojndflaccid: I wanna everyone to share...11:52
flaccidpastebin smb.conf11:52
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frojndflaccid: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15768/11:53
premier_flaccid: do you know anything about beryl?11:53
flaccidpremier_: no11:54
flaccidfrojnd: i'll edit for you11:54
frojndflaccid: muchas grazie11:54
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frojndflaccid: I have workgroup, and XP user has MSHOME11:56
flaccidok MSHOME it is11:57
frojndmaybe that's the reason11:57
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flaccidpastebin /etc/samba/smbusers11:58
frojndflaccid: strange I don't have any smbusers,,11:59
flaccidmap unix user = smb user12:00
flaccidflaccid = flaccid12:00
frojnd/etc/samba  ls -> gdbcommands  smb.conf  smb.conf~  smb.conf.original  smb.conf.original~12:00
flaccidadd your user entry to smbusers12:00
frojndsorry fIaccid12:00
frojndflaccid: how12:01
frojnddon't know the drill12:01
frojndI mean what do I have to put in smbusers..12:01
flaccidwith a text editor12:01
flaccidflaccid = flaccid12:02
frojndflaccid: just that?12:02
frojndwhat about password12:02
flaccidfor smbusers yes just that12:02
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flaccidits a map12:02
flaccidunix user = smb user12:02
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flaccidhere is the new smb.conf : http://pastebin.ca/44083612:03
frojndwhere do I have to put this unix user = smb user12:03
flaccidin /etc/samba/smbusers12:03
flaccidso what is the username on the xp machine and what is the username on the ubuntu machine?12:03
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=== Arami waves at Flaccid.
flaccidhey Arami12:04
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frojndflaccid: it's the same: kelso12:05
frojndit's not my username..12:05
flaccidkelso = kelso12:05
flaccidthats what should be in there12:05
flaccidthen save the new smb.conf12:05
flaccidthen run smbpasswd under the user keso12:05
flaccidthen restart samba12:05
flaccidthen try12:05
frojndflaccid: can u paste it in paste.ubuntu-nl.org12:05
frojndsince there is alot of paragpraphs..12:06
flacciduse kdesu kate /etc/samba/smb.conf12:06
flaccidcopy from browser and then paste in there overwriting12:07
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flaccidi would probably also add this to smbusers12:09
flaccidnobody = guest pcguest smbguest nobody anonymous12:09
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smilehi .. I upgraded my Dapper to edgy, can i upgrade again to feisty ?12:22
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makismile;you have an instaler in adept12:23
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aldinanyone knows which package provides this header 'kconfigskeleton.h'12:24
smilemaki: what u mean ?12:24
makiit will ask you if you like to upgrade to feasty12:24
makii upgrade to feasty that way12:25
flaccidwas that of choice , maki ?12:25
flaccidwas dapper to edgy successful?12:25
aldinanyone tried to complie KTrafficAnalyzer?12:26
pollyoIf you want to remove a symlink do you just delete it like a file?12:26
flaccidyes pollyo but if it is a dir symlink make sure you remove /dir and not /dir/12:27
pollyoflaccid: Ok.  Thank you.12:27
flaccidpollyo: this is using rm right?12:28
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pollyoflaccid: Yes.12:29
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cox377Hello all12:30
cox377i\m wondering if someone can make me a recommendation12:30
cox377i'm after an application that will convert a batch of JPG images into a smaller size12:31
cox377rathert than having to edit each one12:31
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makiwhere can i add autostarted comands12:32
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ubuntuhey guys, im in a bit of a fix.. i booted off the kubuntu cd (6.10, edgy, 64bit for AMD) and hit the install thing on the desktop when it appeared and everything went well until about 95% where it hanged and kde windows stopped updating etc, so12:32
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ubuntui then booted and installed in oem mode12:32
ubuntuall the configuring etc worked great but it then hanged on 6% of copying files.. cd is moofed.  but, its overwritten my mbr somewhere, i cant boot xp anymore.  im on the live again, question - can i install lilo from here?12:33
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ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.12:33
makiubotu :i need to make net conection at boot12:35
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flaccidwhat sort of net connection12:36
makipon dsl-provider makes the adsl connection12:36
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flaccidpon dsl-provider?12:36
makibut i need to write this in terminal every time i boot up the pc12:37
AramiI'm off to sleep folks! Been an interesting read, as always, Flaccid ;)12:37
flaccidcool cia0 Arami12:37
pollyohow do you access a hidden directory in a terminal?12:37
flaccidcd ./.hiddendirectory12:37
Sephnrothreally need help with this :/12:38
pollyoIt was a typo.12:38
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frojndflaccid: if I do smbtree in konsole there is still a workgroup: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15776/  and heare is the output of smbusres as I edited as nano: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15768/12:53
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tarelerulzany of you us moblock or other ipblocker ?12:59
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tarelerulzI installed moblock and  I get wierd erorr when I try to ping some of the blocklst01:22
tarelerulzknow host01:22
tarelerulzunknow host I mean01:23
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rafaguapGood sunday everybody... here's my issue: the only way to have wireless card work on my kub', is to set acpi=force to kernel... but this disables the recognized of my usb disks! Same issue on 6.06 or last beta 7.04. Packard bell laptop, atheros, using madwidi.01:38
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ses_anyone suggest a method or link of installling nvidia drivers on 2.6.17-11-generic kernel or how to go back to 2.6.170-generic01:39
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pollyoIs there anyway to figure out why my harddrive is so active?01:42
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rafaguappollyo: use command 'top'01:43
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ratulangihello all01:56
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ratulangiis there imq patched kernel for kubuntu, so we don't need to patch and compile kernel from source?01:57
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pollyoAnyone know where I would find a guide on how to setup phpgedview with (k)ubuntu and apache2?02:04
jovanhello today i have do an update but everything goes wrong with fonts cannot write to cache have anybody a workaround (feisty)02:04
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KillGoreHi, anyone here using kooldock 0.4.6 ?02:08
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giuseppesomeone have a link to know how to do a .deb package from a compilated file?02:10
KillGoreguiseppe: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html02:12
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solemnwarningWhenever I try playing an mp3 I hear no sound and he track finishes in seconds02:23
solemnwarningWhat should I do?02:23
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giuseppethanks killgore :D02:24
giuseppehave you installed the codec mp3?02:25
solemnwarningThere's an mp3 codec to install?02:25
solemnwarningI don't see one in apt-cache search mp3 codec02:26
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giuseppesole read this http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php?topic=47620.002:28
giuseppeis italian but is easy to understand :)02:29
giuseppeif have any problem say here02:29
_4strO!mp3 | solemnwarning02:29
ubotusolemnwarning: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
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Mangust-arunning edgy-eft, and suddenly swap space dissappeared??02:30
Mangust-aonly 1 hard drive in machine, can reinstate it with mkswap /dev/hda3 but it doesn't appear to use it?02:31
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Mangust-aany ideas?02:31
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Mangust-aI'd keep googling, but the machine slows to a crawl with FF02:31
solemnwarningThere's no libxine-extracodecs package :|02:32
castarcoIt's secure using debian repositories in place of ubuntu repositories?02:32
_4strOsolemnwarning: you need w32codecs02:32
solemnwarningMangust-a: swapon /dev/hda302:32
solemnwarning_4strO: I already have it installed02:33
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castarcohello aldin02:33
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Mangust-asolemnwarning: did that, but on reboot was gone again?02:33
giuseppesolemn have you add multiverse and univers repository?02:33
Mangust-athis started after last round of updates02:33
castarcohay alguien espaol por aqu?02:33
solemnwarningYou need to add it to /etc/fstab, Mangust-a02:33
aldincadoo, hello02:34
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aldincastarco, hello02:34
castarcoone question02:34
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aldincastarco, go ahead02:34
solemnwarninggiuseppe__: Multiverse?02:34
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castarcodo you know if is secure using debian repositories in place of ubuntu repositories?02:34
Mangust-aI have: UUID=a7a065ea-0229-4120-80af-e40376ac7a46 none swap sw 0 002:34
_4strOcastarco: i dont think so02:35
HymnToLifecastarco, don't do that02:35
solemnwarningMangust-a: Add this:02:35
Mangust-ashould that be: UUID=a7a065ea-0229-4120-80af-e40376ac7a46 /dev/hda3 swap sw 0 002:35
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aldincastarco, i dont see any reason of doint it... ubuntus are good02:35
Mangust-aok, thanks, will try02:35
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solemnwarningWithout the quotes, replace <tab> with tabs02:35
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castarcothe problem is : the spanish repositorie doesn't connect :( and i can't update02:37
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Mangust-aah, I see problem, the UUID has changed, why would that change?02:37
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aldincastarco, u can switch on general repos... instead es.archive.ubuntu.com u type only archive.ubuntu02:38
solemnwarningMangust-a: Probably because you formatted it with mkswap02:38
solemnwarningBut /dev/hda3 is better then a UUID anyway02:38
Mangust-aok, thanks02:38
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aldincastarco, !sources.list02:38
Mangust-aok, rebooting to test, thanks muchely solemnwarning02:39
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hyper_chsolemnwarning: why do you think /dev/hda3 is betther than UUID?02:43
pollyo Anyone know how to resolve this error: 25 DB Error: extension not found02:44
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pollyoI'm attempting to setup phpgedview on apache202:44
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_4strOhyper_ch: because if you change the hardware /dev/sda1 could become /dev/sda202:49
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_4strOoups mistyake02:49
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_4strOit was for solemnwarning02:50
hyper_ch_4strO: well, if you use the UUID then it will always be the same partition as long as you don't change the partitions... so you can add drives and switch them around as you want, the UUID will work...02:50
_4strOyes hyper_ch02:50
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hyper_ch_4strO: e.g. upgrade from edgy to feisty... sata is now /dev/sd.. and not anymore /dev/hd..02:51
hyper_chthat gave me some headaches as I didn't hve UUIDs back tehn02:51
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hyper_chbut then I still wait for solemnwarning's response02:52
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ses_is it possible to install nvidia drivers on 2.6.17-11 without it failing to boot into X02:53
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hugetaho bro what the name java development in linux cause to many java dev in adept02:57
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hugetahi anyone can help me02:58
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hak5fanHi I'm trying to set up my ubuntu box as a printer server with samba so that my windows machine can use the printer connected to the ubuntu box. Here is my cupsd.conf and smb.conf files: http://p.rc6.org/index.php?id=eab0c44d63. And I followed this guide: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-110931-postdays-0-postorder-asc-start-0.html?sid=57467f929badcd1e45e152bece731935. I have created a user to use when printing, but when I try to connect to03:06
hak5fanthe printer windows comlains about insufficiant priviligies what's wrong03:06
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pollyoAnyone familiar with apache2?03:22
pollyoAm I missing a mod having this error come up: -25 DB Error: extension not found       03:23
adaptreverybody in #apache, for starters :)03:23
adaptrpollyo: where is that error ?03:23
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pollyoadaptr: I'm attempting to setup phpgedview03:23
adaptrpollyo: okay, so you're talking about PHP, not apache03:23
adaptragain, *where* is the error ? if it's the apache logl, then that is NOT the complete error03:24
pollyoadaptr: it is when I go to mydomain.com/phpgedview03:24
pollyoadaptr: IT comes up in the page.03:24
pollyoadaptr: I also get: Your current database configuration is bad.  Please check your database connection parameters and configure again.03:25
pollyoDB Error: extension not found  [DB Error: extension not found]  ** Array03:25
adaptrpollyo: then it's a PHP error, you don't have the mysql module loaded03:25
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adaptrmost likely, anyway - what is the apache version, php version, what did you install03:25
pollyoadaptr: Is that something easy to do?03:25
pollyoadaptr: It was in the repository03:25
pollyoadaptr: for feisty03:26
MK_MikeHey, does any one if theres away i can make kde start a script at start up?03:26
adaptrpollyo: it would be loaded by default if you used a standard buntu install03:26
adaptrMK_Mike: there are many ways03:26
pollyoadaptr: php would have been or the database part?03:26
adaptrpollyo: php 5 comes with the mysql module pre-loaded and configured03:26
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pollyoadaptr: I copied the conf and load to the enabled modules though.  Was that wrong/03:27
adaptrpollyo: do this: echo "<?phpinfo()?>" > /var/www/info.php03:27
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galathalionanyone help me with my wlan plz?03:27
aaron__I just wasted 4 hours looking for a modem that is known to work with linux... I couldn't find anything but "use a hardare modem"03:28
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adaptrindeed, any old usrobotics on a serial cable works fine03:28
pollyoadaptr: I have that setup.03:28
adaptrpollyo: you have what setup ?03:28
pollyoadaptr: A page to give me the php information03:28
pollyoadaptr: PHP 5.2.103:28
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aaron__even though there are lots of  sites saying that certain software modems work, they NEVER say which ones?!03:29
adaptrpollyo: and mysql is there ?03:29
pollyoadaptr: What should I look for?03:29
adaptraaron__: did you look at linmodems.org yet ?03:29
aaron__unfortunately I don't have a serial port :(03:29
aaron__adaptr: yes... It only lists chipsets03:29
adaptraaron__: do you have USB >?03:29
pollyoadaptr: Would that be additional .ini files parsed?03:29
adaptraaron__: the chipset is easy to determine - if you already have the hardware :)03:30
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pollyoadaptr: or would it also be in another area?03:30
aaron__And the stores don't say what chipset the modem has!03:30
pollyoadaptr: It does show in additional .ini files parsed.03:30
adaptrpollyo: we can go 2 ways: either you do what I tell you, and we get somewhere, or you go off on your own tangent and I will stop trying to follow you03:30
aaron__and I'm not going to buy a modem that I don't know if it will work03:30
adaptraaron__: agreed, it sucks something fierce03:30
adaptraaron__: the goo dshops do though03:31
pollyoadaptr: mysql is located in many areas.03:31
aaron__So, on the ubuntu wiki I put up a " working conexant modems" page and a "working lucent modems" page etc, in the dial up networking how to03:31
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adaptrpollyo: I have no clue what you're talking about, but I'm quite sure I was clear03:32
aaron__anybody here have a working modem that I can add to thelist?!03:32
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pollyoadaptr: You asked if mysql was there.03:32
adaptrhell no, I ever only got ISDN modems working - they'rre easy03:32
pollyoadaptr: It is in many parts of the page03:32
adaptrpollyo: *what page* ?03:32
aaron__er...it's a wiki so anybody can add to it.  I just really really really need to go to bed03:32
adaptrpollyo: if you're talking about the phpinfo page, do you even understand what it tells you ?03:33
adaptrbecause it simply describes loaded modules, and there will be ONE (1) section for the mysql extension; either it's there or it isn't03:34
pollyoadaptr: When I type in what you said in a terminal I get Permission denied03:34
adaptrpollyo: then do it as root03:34
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pollyoadaptr: sudo echo "<?phpinfo()?>" > /var/www/info.php03:35
pollyoadaptr: Same thing.. Permission denied03:35
aaron__-- turns into a tuber so he too can become root03:35
adaptrpollyo: that should not happen - did you alter any permissions on those directories ?03:36
pollyoadaptr: bash: /var/www/info.php: Permission denied03:36
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pollyoadaptr: The only thing I changed was making links from mods-available to mods-enabled03:37
pollyoadaptr: Under apache203:37
adaptrpollyo: what does ls -l /var/www say ?03:37
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pollyoadaptr: I did add one link in /var/www as well03:38
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adaptrwell, now03:38
pollyoadaptr: That was wrong I take it.03:38
adaptrwho knows ? *what* did you do ?03:39
pollyoadaptr: I couldn't find installation instructions for this.03:39
adaptrpollyo: for what ?03:39
pollyoadaptr: Ok.  I creaeded a link phpgedview -> /urs/share/phpgedview03:39
adaptrthat should work fine03:39
adaptrbut phpgedview is a ubuntu package ? then it also modifies apache accordingly, count on it03:40
adaptrand you should not do this manually03:40
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pollyoadaptr: I have three items in the ls ..  apache2-default , mythweb -> /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb , phpgedview -> .usr/...03:40
adaptrodds are apache does it with an alias03:40
volgotronhallo evrybody03:40
pollyoadaptr: I installed it from the repository and it did not appear to do so.03:40
adaptrpollyo: did you just go to the page after installing the package ?03:40
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adaptrwell, what it appears to do and what actually happens are two very different things03:41
pollyoadaptr: Yes and got nothing.03:41
pollyoadaptr: There is something in /etc/phpgedview03:41
adaptrespecially if they "appear" to do so to a n00b :)03:41
pollyoadaptr: an apache.conf03:41
adaptryes, and it will be linked to apache2/conf.d03:41
adaptrand loaded once apache is restarted, which the package install would have done03:41
adaptrread that conf file03:41
adaptrthat will tell you what you need to know03:42
pollyoadaptr: It is not linked to it.03:42
pollyoadaptr: there are three files under /etc/phpgedview none are linked03:42
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pollyoadaptr: the apache.conf does have an alias line in it.03:43
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cox377 I've been trying to mount a SMB drive and now when i run DF-H I've got the same drive mounted in the same location lik 6 times03:43
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pollyoadaptr: Would it be better to use that and remove the link I created under www03:43
cox377does anyone know the file where these mounts are listed so i can delete them03:43
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adaptrpollyo: yes, it would be better03:45
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pollyoadaptr: Ok.  I removed the link.03:45
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pollyoadaptr: Where does apache usually place alias information?03:45
pollyoadaptr: I have apache.conf  config_gedcom.php  config.php03:46
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pollyoadaptr: All under /etc/phpgedview03:46
pollyoadaptr: Do the packages come with any type of install information that I could keep an eye out for?  Everything that I have found for phpgedview is for people who are paying for webhosting services.03:47
adaptrln -s /etc/phpgedview/apache.conf /etc/apache2/phpgedview.conf03:47
adaptrany package worth your time has install instructions03:48
adaptr /usr/share/doc/<packagename> is the usual location03:48
pollyoadaptr: Would that be with or without sudo?03:48
adaptrwhatever works, perhaps ? time for you to get to work03:48
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pollyoadaptr: Had to use sudo03:49
pollyoadaptr: Ok03:49
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pollyoadaptr: Anything need to be done with the other two files?03:50
adaptrpollyo: no, they will be referenced from the php site itself03:50
pollyoadaptr: Ok. Thank you.03:50
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adaptrpollyo: but perhaps, if no symlinks were made during installation, your installation was bad03:50
adaptrmy first thought would be to fsck it and reinstall03:51
pollyoadaptr: Does that check my file system?  I'm 30 days into linux.03:51
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adaptrno, it doesn't - I mean ditch it, drop it, uninstall it, FUCK IT :)03:52
adaptrthen re-install03:52
adaptraptitude remove phpgedview && aptitude install phpgedview03:52
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pollyoadaptr: Ok should I run fsck first?03:53
adaptrand perhaps delete any and all references to it in between03:53
shawn34Will KleenSweep run correctly on ubuntu/gnome?03:53
pollyoadaptr: Oh..03:53
pollyoadaptr: Sorry.. I got it ...03:53
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pollyoadaptr: Junk it and reinstall it.03:53
adaptrand make sure nothing is left hanging03:53
pollyoadaptr: Ok.  I'll remove that link that we created uninstall it and then reinstall it.03:54
pollyoadaptr: I'll note the link incase I need it after the reinstall03:54
pollyoadaptr: Will I have to restart the apache2 after install or should that handle and changes as well?03:54
adaptrthe package should take care of all that03:55
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adaptrbut it won;t do any harm to stop apache before uninstalling03:55
intelikeyok initramfs is totally stupid.    and i'm unanamus about it.03:55
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cox377i once was able to pull up a kubuntu boxes files using shh on konqueror however i've forgotten how to access it03:55
cox377can anyone remind me?03:56
intelikeythis kernel initramfs.img pair will boot from one drive but not from another.    that should not happen.   who ever wrote initramfs needs to go back and lick their calf over03:57
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adaptrcox377: sshfs03:58
cox377adaptr: n103:59
adaptrcox377: X.2503:59
intelikeywait.  i may be too hasty in judging which part is at fault.  it could be grub that is stupid i guess.    but i'm convinced it's initramfs03:59
cox377adaptr: lol?04:00
cox377this samba mounting business is doing my head in04:00
adaptrwhat is it, ssh or samba04:00
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cox377wll i'm trying to mount a samba share that i have on one linux box to another linux box04:02
cox377i run this command04:02
cox377sudo mount -t cifs -o user=,pass= //server /store04:03
cox377it all seems to go through ok but i cant actually edit any of the files on the store from this kubunu machine it just says access denied04:03
adaptrmount it where ?04:03
intelikeyok all the details.   i have a kernel + initramfs.img pair in /boot  and copied to another disk in /boot on that disk.    lilo boots the one on the system root /boot  and grub boots the one in the other disks /boot   (note the pair are exact copies)  the grub menu.list has all the correct boot information and works with a special kernel + initramfs pair   but the pair that i copied from the system root /boot only get to a bui04:03
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cox377i'm trying to mount the drive of the file server to my kubuntu desktop that i'm on now04:03
intelikeyand that of course means that initramfs did not make the device node for the system disk.04:04
_4strOcox377: smb://yourWorkGroup/04:04
cox377_4strO: what about it mate?04:04
adaptrintelikey: initramfs only knows about your current partition setup; if you want it to point somewhere else you'll have to explicitly tell it that04:04
intelikeyadaptr yes and it should work no matter where it was stored and loaded from.04:04
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_4strOcox377: i dont understand your pb, want u acces a samba share ?04:05
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adaptrintelikey: not so04:05
intelikeyadaptr ok why ?04:05
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adaptrintelikey: I just told you - you run intramfs and it makes an initrd *for your current disk layout*04:05
compilerwriterintelikey: mission accomplished.04:05
cox377_4strO: yeh i want read/write access to a samba share from this kubuntu machine04:05
adaptrintelikey: if you try to boot that from another partition then the layout has changed, right ?04:05
intelikeyadaptr no.04:06
adaptrwell, yes04:06
intelikeylayout is the same.04:06
intelikeyroot=/dev/sda   did not change04:06
intelikeycompilerwriter congrats  :)04:06
adaptrI don't think you understand what "layout" means here.. I am referring to the order and numbers of the partitions as seen by the kernel; this has nothing to do with any physical layout04:06
cox377_4strO: do you know what I'm saying?04:06
_4strOcox377: i think04:07
cox377_4strO: thus i ran the command04:07
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cox377sudo mount -t cifs -o user=,pass= //server /store04:07
intelikeyadaptr you saying that initramfs is using bios info ?04:07
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compilerwriterintelikey:  took me forever to figure out how to enable xdmcp in gdm.  I finally found a tutorial that told me how to do it.04:07
_4strOdont have to use mount04:07
adaptrintelikey: I am saying it is dependent on the exact location of the *image* for referring to the filesystem04:08
_4strOcox377: just go to smb://WORKGROUP/04:08
compilerwriterIt is much easier to do in gdm than kdm.04:08
cox377_4strO: i do but i dont get read write access04:08
cox377_4strO:  it says access denied04:08
adaptrintelikey: this should not normally be a problem, but I have no idea what you have loaded in your initrd04:08
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_4strOcox377: so the pb is on the box who share the files04:09
cox377_4strO: ok, so how do i go about making it read / write04:09
cox377_4strO: i've SSH'ed into it04:09
adaptrcox377: no, the pb is with the Qt that's rather OT for this particular 41104:09
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cox377adaptr: sorry mate what do you mean?04:09
_4strOadaptr: ??04:10
intelikeyadaptr ok are you telling me that the initramfs will load drivers only for the disk it is on.   reguardless of what the root=  is ?04:10
cox377the QT rather than the OT?04:10
adaptrtyping people - look into it04:10
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adaptrintelikey: isn't the function of the initrd to load drivers ?04:10
intelikeyadaptr cause i have another initramfs that works from that drive and from this one.04:10
adaptrintelikey: then I suggest you investigate the differences between those images :)04:10
compilerwriterNow, intelikey, I wonder if it is advisable to, have the box listening for tcp?04:10
adaptrbecuase there will be differences - and at least one significant one...04:10
cox377adaptr: was that response to typing people for me?04:11
adaptrintelikey: also, you don't have an "inmitramfs" - you have an *initrd*, which is the output of the *command* "initramfs"04:11
adaptrcox377: yes, sorry, I probably meant _4strO04:11
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intelikeyadaptr no i dont have an initrd04:12
intelikeyi have an initramfs.img04:12
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adaptrintelikey: yes you do, because that's what the initramfs /mkinitrd command outputs - an INITial RamDisk04:12
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adaptrthe name hardly matters04:12
pollyoadaptr: The uninstall/reinstall didn't do it.  I'm going to post a message one of the websites.  Thanks for the suggestions and help.04:13
adaptrpollyo: try the forums, they're good04:13
intelikeyheh  actually it generated an initian ram file system image    but as you say that's not improtant04:13
adaptrpollyo: or mail teh author04:13
_4strOcox377: testparm04:13
sesis there a fix for nvidia drivers on 2.6.17-1104:13
adaptrintelikey: that's what the format of the file is, yes - but the file itself is a ram disk image, ergo initrd04:13
cox377_4strO: -bash: testpalm: command not found04:13
_4strOcox377: on your server ?04:14
cox377using ssh04:14
intelikeynot disk  file system.04:14
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intelikeyno disk needed to have a file system.04:14
_4strOcox377: testparm not testpalm :p04:14
cox377Loaded services file OK.04:15
cox377WARNING: passdb expand explicit = yes is deprecated04:15
cox377Server role: ROLE_STANDALONE04:15
cox377_4strO: lol ok worked that time04:15
cox377_4strO: the drive i want is set read only = no04:16
_4strOcox377: ok04:16
cox377_4strO: but yet access denied04:16
_4strOcox377: guest ok = Yes ??04:17
cox377_4strO: yup04:17
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_4strOcox377: smbpasswd -a account04:18
cox377_4strO: account being the account i use or just account?04:19
_4strOwhere account is the log you use on the cleint station04:19
aaroncampbellEvery time I try to update, I get this error E: The package magicolor2430dl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.04:19
aaroncampbellThat's unfortunately a package that I built from a .tar.gz that had a /debian dir...However, I get the same error if I try to remove or purge that package.  What can I do to get rid of it?04:19
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cox377_4strO: am i running that command as root?04:20
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_4strOcox377: i think you dont have choice ;)04:20
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cox377_4strO: right created user with new password04:21
_4strOcox377: and after reboot the samba server : /etc/init.d/samba restart04:21
_4strO(with sudo)04:21
SchuenemannI get this error whenever I try to start blender: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". What can I do?04:21
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cox377_4strO: restarted04:22
_4strOtry to connect now04:23
cox377refreashed the mount point and still access denied04:23
intelikeywell your theory don't hold watter.04:23
_4strOnot use the mount point04:23
cox377or smb://server?04:23
intelikeybut i'm more convinved that grub is involved now.04:23
_4strOjuste put smb://yourWorkGroup04:23
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intelikeywhere did abator go ?04:24
cox377_4strO: oooo i'm getting an internal error when i try and modify files not04:24
intelikeyoh well we'll discuss it later.04:24
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cox377_4strO: it gabe some internal error please report bug04:25
cox377but now back to access denied04:25
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cox377_4strO: lol stuck?04:27
_4strOcox377: lol04:27
SchuenemannI get this error whenever I try to start blender: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". What can I do? That error started after I changed my video card.04:28
_4strOcox377: you're sure you are using the good url ?04:28
visik7Schuenemann: you haven't 3d accel04:28
cox377_4strO: the good url/?04:28
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visik7Schuenemann: what video card is and was ?04:29
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_4strO(with your workgroup)04:29
Schuenemannvisik7, Geforce 256. The previous was a SiS04:29
cox377i'm connecting and reading the files fine04:29
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visik7you need to enable nvidia legacy driver04:29
SchuenemannI did04:29
cox377i just cannot delete04:29
Ahmuckdoing a dist-upgrade is safe?04:30
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_4strOok ok04:30
SchuenemannI get the nvidia logo when X starts04:30
cox377_4strO: one thing, i can actually write to the drive from the intial point of entry, it's all the stuff been put on by other ppl i'm having probs with04:30
visik7Schuenemann: do you have Load "glx" in Section "module" of your xorg.conf ?04:30
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visik7Schuenemann: weird04:30
Daisuke_Idohi, it's official, god hates me.04:30
SchuenemannLoad           "glx"04:31
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visik7Schuenemann: do you use XGL ?04:31
Schuenemannyeah, it's werid04:31
Schuenemannwhat is XGL?04:31
_4strOcox377:  the intial point of entry ???04:31
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visik7if you don't know what is it you aren't using it04:31
visik7btw let me try to run blender04:32
visik7ok here works04:32
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gsashaI have a problem with printing under KDE, is this the right place to ask?04:32
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cox377and the first point when i enter the drive i can write to, however any folders that have been created by other computers is where the problem is04:32
Ahmuckgsasha: ask04:32
Schuenemannit used to work with that crappy video card I had04:32
visik7Schuenemann: other 3d apps works ?04:32
Schuenemannalthough crashing04:32
_4strOcox377: not really sure i understand your pb04:33
Schuenemannvisik7, which other can I test? I changed the card yesterday04:33
visik7one that use GLX module04:33
Schuenemannglxinfo and glxgears don't work04:33
visik7actually I can't remember04:33
visik7let mese04:33
Daisuke_Idomy main hdd got hosed...  fortunately i don't store anything that needs to be permanent on there04:33
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Schuenemannvisik7, which display is this ":0.0" ?04:34
cox377_4strO: thats alright mate04:34
cox377_4strO: cheers for trying04:34
doopi have darkstat and i get a pcap_lookupdev() no suitable device found error when running04:34
visik7Schuenemann: the first X you have started04:34
doopany ideas04:34
_4strOcox377: you can do everything (create and delete files ) by using konqueror but04:35
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_4strOcant do it with another application ?04:35
eihnathow can i burn audio CD from mp3 on kubuntu?04:35
cox377_4strO: no i can create and delete in everything, i just can edit/delete/write to any files / folders that have been put on that drive by another person04:36
doopisn't there a command to meet dependencies?04:36
doopfor installed programs04:36
visik7Schuenemann: what is the output of   glxinfo | grep direct04:36
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gsashaAfter a recent update of Kubuntu Feisty, printer has stopped working... just nothing appears. Please help!04:37
Schuenemannthe same error lots of times plus this one: Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual04:37
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AhmuckDaisuke_Ido: fiesty ?04:38
Ahmuckeihnat: k3b04:38
visik7Schuenemann: a silly question: was Load "glx" present before the current X session ? or you add it right now ?04:38
Daisuke_IdoAhmuck: yep04:38
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Schuenemannit was already there :)04:38
pagan0neeihnat: you need to enable software restricted multiverse in your apt client, and install libk3b2-mp304:38
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AhmuckDaisuke_Ido: so your disk error was caused by fiesty you think?04:39
Ahmuckcause i was just thinking about doing a dist upgrade04:39
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Daisuke_Idono, my disk crash was caused by the drive dying04:39
Daisuke_Idoit wasn't exactly new04:39
eihnatpaganOne: thanx. just didnt know what plugin i needed, cuz it told me mp3 is not supported.04:39
Daisuke_Idofeisty is just fine04:39
Schuenemannvisik7, help I found on google told me to add that line but it was alwyas there04:39
pagan0neeihnat: thats what i figured, i had to do some digging when i first set it up to figure it out myself04:39
gsashaFeisty is 7.0404:40
gsasha'tis currently beta04:40
visik7Schuenemann: I supose that legacy driver has some issue with glx04:40
visik7let me check04:40
Daisuke_Idothank you captain obvious04:40
cox377gsasha: is heremuch change/04:40
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Daisuke_Idoso now, since i didn't have the foresight to get a feisty beta cd, i'm reinstalling edgy on a spare drive04:40
Daisuke_Ido30gb :(04:40
pagan0neanyone here have any expirence installing thunderbird 2 beta ontop of thunderbird 1.5 from the apt repos?04:40
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visik7Schuenemann: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and look for a (EE) about GLX04:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about socket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:42
Schuenemannvisik7, (EE) GLX is not supported with the Composite extension04:42
pagan0neDaisuke_Ido: i just went through that myself, my WD 120 died after 5 years of pretty much continious use, and all i had that i could transfer data on was a 40Gb, because the system wouldnt reconize both 120's at the same time on the bios level, so i was going 120 > 40 > 120 a couple times to get everythung transferd04:42
visik7Schuenemann: remove the composite extension04:42
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Schuenemannwhat is a composite extension?04:42
visik7try to add this option to section Screen04:43
visik7Option         "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"04:43
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visik7but I dunno if it works with legacy drivers04:43
shawn34is KDE faster than GNome?04:43
Schuenemannsection screen of xorg?04:44
visik7shawn34: is a ferrari faster than a lamborghini ?04:44
visik7Schuenemann: yes04:44
jovanhow to use de default kde profile not the kubuntu once?04:44
pagan0neshawn34: thats spectulitive, but if your looking for fast, try fluxbox or windowmaker04:44
shawn34nah not really just curious04:44
shawn34im think of making a switch to kde from gnome04:44
visik7Schuenemann: yes04:44
shawn34just looking for some convincing evidence lol04:44
pagan0neshawn34: i did the switch 3 years ago, and a LOVE kde, best thing i ever did04:45
visik7shawn34: try and buy04:45
Daisuke_Idoshawn34: there's no evidence that gnome is faster than kde, unless you compare a stripped gnome to a loaded kde04:45
shawn34Daisuke_Ido, thats not really what i ment04:45
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shawn34just looking for reasons to switch to kde04:45
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Daisuke_Idoplus kde doesn't make it a pain to adjust settings04:46
pagan0neshawn34: because its fast and easy to switch, give it a try, get it all comftrable to work with, youll like it, im sure04:46
shawn34why do you guys prefer kde over gnome04:46
Schuenemannvisik7, ok, done.04:46
visik7and ?04:46
Schuenemannrestart X?04:46
shawn34pagan, can i switch without reinstalling ubuntu?04:46
visik7do it04:46
pagan0neshawn34: i think its a more user friendly enviroment04:46
pagan0neshawn34: yeah04:46
SchuenemannI have a feeling I won't be able to restart it :p04:46
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visik7Schuenemann: don't worry04:47
visik7Schuenemann: at least the option will be ignored04:47
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/04:47
Schuenemannok, brb04:47
Daisuke_Idoshawn34: install "kubuntu-desktop"04:47
Daisuke_Idowhich is what you get with a default kubuntu install anyway04:47
shawn34Daisuke_Ido, can i then remove 'ubuntu-desktop'?04:47
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shawn34or will i then have both04:48
Daisuke_Idoit's just a meta package04:48
Arwenshawn34, yes, but you'd still have all the packages in Ubuntu if you remove ubuntu-desktop04:48
Daisuke_Idoyou'll have both04:48
pagan0neshawn34: you can do either, remove it, or keep both04:48
shawn34then at the gdm just choose kde session?04:48
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shawn34maybe i will try that after i backup04:48
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Schuenemannvisik7, dude, it worked... I can start blender04:49
Schuenemannbut it looks very buggy04:49
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visik7I can't help you about this sorry04:49
Daisuke_Idoisn't almost everything in medibuntu already in universe/multiverse?04:49
Schuenemannvisik7, what was the other option you suggested besides adding that line?04:49
visik7remove the Composite04:50
Schuenemannwhat is that?04:50
pagan0neanyone know of a good place to get help with mozilla-thunderbird?04:50
shawn34Daisuke_Ido, whats medibuntu?04:50
ArwenDaisuke_Ido, yes04:50
visik7an extension of Xorg04:50
Schuenemannpagan0ne, they have a forum04:50
Arwenbut their libavcodec has lame and faac support..04:50
Arwenwhich is good...04:50
Schuenemannvisik7, how do I do that?04:50
Arwendunno why they bothered statically linking amarok to lame though...04:51
Daisuke_Idoi hate reinstalling04:51
visik7Schuenemann: do you have a section called extension ?04:51
Daisuke_Idoespecially when i've got everything just how i want it04:51
visik7Schuenemann: probably at the bottom of the xorg.con04:51
Daisuke_Idothen BAM.  head crash and kerblooie04:51
Schuenemannvisik7, I don't04:52
visik7ok create it04:52
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visik7Section "Extensions"04:52
visik7Option         "Composite" "Disable"04:52
shawn34I used ndiswrapper for my wireless and it was a really easy, will this work in kubuntu as well?04:52
Daisuke_Idohow can you not have an extensions section04:52
doopi get a Fatal error: WWW: Problem binding socket to port < 1024 using darkstat.  does anyone know what this is04:53
visik7Daisuke_Ido: it's common04:53
Daisuke_Idoshawn34: of course, it's still the same OS04:53
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Schuenemannvisik7, ok, I'll try again04:53
visik7Schuenemann: and comment out the line about GLX with Composite that you previously added04:53
Schuenemannvisik7, should I remove the line I added?04:53
Schuenemannahh ok04:53
eihnatshawn34: ndiswrapper works on kernel level. got nothing to do with GUI04:53
Daisuke_Idolord only knows how flaky this drive is04:54
Schuenemannvisik7, I don't know if that matters, but the log says all font directories weren't found04:54
Daisuke_Idoold 30gb seagate04:54
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shawn34Anyone know if they worked out the damn Legacy GLX issue with the nvidia drivers? I want to update to 7.04 but want to run glx apps and beryl as well04:57
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soulrider__hi everyone04:57
visik7shawn34: try the livecd04:57
Schuenemannvisik7, worked the same (buggy) way04:57
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visik7Schuenemann: so the only place where you can ask is on the blender forum/ml/channel04:58
soulrider__shawn34: why not just wait a week and you can upgrade to feisty safely?04:58
shawn34visik7, i already installed 7.04 like 2 weeks ago but glx wasn't working with the legacy drivers04:58
Arwenshawn34, the legacy glx issue?04:58
soulrider__shawn34: i suggest you wait04:58
shawn34Arwen, yes04:58
visik7shawn34: Schuenemann is using glx with legacy driver04:58
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Dr_Willishmm.. any video card that needs the legacy glx stuff - wouldent that imply its a bit under powered for Beryl?04:58
Daisuke_Idomorning soulrider04:59
soulrider__hi Daisuke_Ido04:59
SchuenemannI'm not using beryl04:59
shawn34Dr_Willis, no, im using beryl right now with no issue04:59
Schuenemannif that was meant to me04:59
shawn34but im on edgy04:59
Daisuke_Idopray for me04:59
ArwenDr_Willis, well, the nvidia 4xxx series is *still* fast enough for beryl...04:59
shawn34Dr_Willis, using beryl with legacy card on edgy04:59
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visik7obviously depend on the amount of enabled plugins05:00
=== francois [n=francois@modemcable043.41-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
kaneknowsHey, i just set up RSA ssh keys with a server and in the cli it works correctly, but konq still prompts for the password.  is there a way to correct taht?05:01
Arwenvisik7, dunno, the only tricky plugin I know of is blur05:01
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mcgregorhi all05:02
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=== tux [n=nico@ip25-237-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu
Daisuke_Idoso far so good05:03
tuxhello all05:03
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Daisuke_Idonow to start the avalanche of updeates05:03
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tuxwhere can i find a good and easy tool to monitor and kill processen05:03
mcgregori have valknut and i can't download from others hubs05:03
mcgregorwhat i need to do05:04
Arwentux, "ps" and "kill"05:04
Arwenthat should cover it?05:04
fdovingtux: ctrl-esc05:04
=== qsu [n=xnp@h8441203130.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #kubuntu
tuxthat's the tool im looking for fdoving05:05
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@host-148-244-235-11.block.alestra.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu
tuxmy laptop is constandly blowing to cool down05:05
tuxand my processor is constantly at 100%05:06
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fdovingtux: do you have kde-guidance-powermanager installed and running?05:06
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mcgregorwho's answer to my Question05:07
tuxno, but my powermanagement also has a problem05:07
tuxi cant see my actual battery status05:07
shawn34how is kde's browser compared to firefox when it comes to java/flash and other stuff like that?05:07
imagineit's good05:07
imaginesame thing05:07
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:08
=== sierra-x [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
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spawn57is there away to change the icons for usb mounted devices, my phone's usb drive shows up as a god damn ipod05:09
mcgregori have valknut and i can't download from others hubs05:09
soulrider__hi, ubuntu do you mind changing your nick ?05:09
Daisuke-Idok, got that part going05:09
mcgregorwhat i need to do05:09
tuxmy system is using 928.040kb, i dont think that's good05:09
Daisuke-Ido!ohmy | spawn5705:09
ubotuspawn57: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.05:09
tuxmemory btw05:09
soulrider__ubuntu: type "/nick <new nick>05:10
soulrider__no "05:10
=== ubuntu is now known as acamargob
=== imagine [n=imagine@modemcable150.200-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willismcgregor,  i would say check the valknut homepage/docs for troubleshooting guides.  Never used that program. No idea what it is.05:10
=== austrojedi [n=damien@M3619P006.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu
spawn57ubotu: =| sorry hehe05:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry hehe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
Dr_Willis!info valknut05:10
ubotuvalknut: graphical client for Direct Connect. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.7-2.1ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 863 kB, installed size 3040 kB05:10
soulrider__!es | acamargob05:10
=== soulrider__ is now known as soulrider
ubotuacamargob: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.05:10
Dr_Willismcgregor,  its possible its a router/firewall issue.05:10
soulriderbbl, lunch! :D05:11
tuxhow much memory are your systems running05:11
tuxhow much in use?05:11
Dr_Willistux,  linux uses all the ram thats not needed as disk 'cache' freeing up the cache when other programs want the memory05:11
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Dr_Willislinux's memory management system is very well done. and  proberly not somthing to worry about.05:12
tuxso using 93.000 kb is normal?05:12
Dr_Willis930mb out of howmany?05:12
mcgregorit's my sister05:12
tux2gb Dr_Willis05:12
mcgregormy sister ride theat05:12
tuxbut my laptop is getting verry warm and cooling down all the time05:12
Dr_Willistux,  and what all are you runnung.05:13
jay__If you were getting segfaults while running Beryl under Xgl (ati) how would you go about trying to find the problem?05:13
tuxwich is not so nice when it's 28 degrees celcius outside05:13
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tuxjust KDE, ktorrent and one terminal05:13
fdovingjay__: ask in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects before doing anything else.05:13
fdovingtux: ktorrent eats memory.05:13
Dr_Willistux,  its being used as disk cache then - would be my guess.05:13
Daisuke-Idofirst i'd start by buying an nvidia card :)05:13
Arwentux, uh, no, you got problems then05:13
Dr_Willisyea ktorrent can snarf a bit of ram also.05:13
sivajiwhat is ktorrent05:13
acamargobhow can i repair kubuntu? it wont go through half the boot procces05:13
Dr_Willis!info ktorrent05:14
ubotuktorrent: BitTorrent client for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.3+dfsg1-0ubuntu1.1 (edgy), package size 1154 kB, installed size 5032 kB05:14
Daisuke-Idoacamargob: which half?05:14
tuxi thaught so, even windows XP with the default spyware is using half of that memory05:14
Dr_Willistux,  next time under windows.. notice that it takes HALF the ram - and then has a huge swap file also....05:14
mcgregorabout KTorrent05:14
Dr_Willislinux wont be using any swap file - if it can help it.05:14
Daisuke-Idomcgregor: what about it?05:14
tuxbut there wont be a next time under windows :p05:14
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tuxbut i dont want my laptop to get so warm05:15
sivajii got one partition for kubuntu and three for xp , when i work in kubuntu i cant open xp partitions why ?05:15
tuxit's blowing air out all the time and it is so anoying05:15
Arwentux, liquid cooling?05:15
TaladanGrunty Gomer!05:15
Dr_Willispowersaving/apci/apm/other things  may be tweaked some.. theres also some 'laptop' related packages you may want to install05:15
mcgregori forget one time to close my torrents05:15
MK_MikeHey, How can i complete remove a program with apt-get?05:16
mcgregorthen i do that think with kill torrents05:16
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TaladanMK_Mike: apt-get remove <package>05:16
Daisuke-IdoGreasy Gopher05:16
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:16
Daisuke-Idoand that's all i have to say on the subject05:16
tuxArwen:  i can use that also for myself right now, 28 degrees celcius outside and one laptop heating it up to 35 degrees in here05:16
mcgregordaisuke-ido:what i need to do05:16
TaladanGalluping Gerbils05:17
Daisuke-Idomcgregor: i dunno05:17
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sivajiwhy i cant xp partition when i work in kubuntu ?05:17
Dr_Willissivaji,  care to rephrase that?05:17
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:17
sivajiwhy i cant open xp partition when i work in kubuntu ?05:17
Dr_WillisYou need to mount the ntfs partitions.05:17
mcgregordaisuke-ido:to get in to my ktorrent again05:17
ubotusivaji: please see above05:17
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=== Dr_Willis wonders if Feisty Fawn did anyhing new in that area...
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mcgregorcan someone answer to my question05:19
greg_gwhat is your question?05:19
ArwenDr_Willis, Feisty ships with ntfs-3g :-)05:20
Dr_WillisArwen,  well the desktop install here - dident put anything in the fstab about my ntfs drives05:20
imagineArwen: any date on Feisty RC release?05:20
Dr_Willislets check the Media:// thing :)05:20
=== bobbyd [n=rob@80-192-61-220.cable.ubr01.dund.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
mcgregorgreg_g:i forget one time to close my torrents05:20
Arwenimagine, the RC is already out05:20
jhutchins!ntfs | Dr_Willis05:20
ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)05:20
ubotuDr_Willis: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse05:20
=== strake [n=strake@pha75-1-81-57-98-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Arwenthe final will be out 1 week from now05:20
greg_gmcgregor: you forgot to close a torrent, and???05:21
TaladanAround the 19th is the date I've heard bandied about.05:21
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Dr_Willisjhutchins,  that wasent the question i was asking. :) i was wonderinfg IF fiesty did somthing like.. say.. auto-setting up this aparently asked 100times a day question. :)05:21
mcgregorgreg_g:then i open my computer and i do that think with kill torrents05:21
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greg_gmcgregor: do what thing?05:21
jhutchinsDr_Willis: You're aware of the general background on it?05:21
mcgregorgreg_g:what i need to do to get in Ktorrent again05:22
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  been fighting with it for ages. :)05:22
jhutchinsDr_Willis: I never had any trouble with the original native drivers, but then again that's how it goes.05:22
greg_gmcgregor: to use ktorrent, open a torrent file05:22
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  noticeing that hda1 and hda5 are in media: and a user still cant read them.  - wich is all i want to do.. read my mp3's off my C:05:22
jhutchinsDr_Willis: 99% have no trouble, 1% loose all data.  That was considered unacceptable.05:22
mcgregorgreg_g:i gone to try that05:22
jhutchinsDr_Willis: Protecting us from ourselves is part of the Gnome ethic, and ubuntu was Gnome before it was KDE.05:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:23
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  im not asking about Writing to the stuff. Id just be happy if the installer mounted the things read only, where users could get to their data.05:23
greg_gmcgregor: btw, what was the "gay" comment for?05:23
jhutchinsDr_Willis: I'm satisfied with an OS that gives me the ability to do things rather than taking the decisions away from me and doing what it thinks I want for me.05:24
=== vaschielle [n=vaschiel@host139-126-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  you are totally missing the point of my question however.05:24
jhutchinsDr_Willis: Which is whether ntfs-3g will auto-configure in Feisty, right?05:25
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Dr_Willisjhutchins,  no.. i was DOES fiesty at least 'setup/mount the ntfs partitions where users can read the drives' basicially.05:25
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ArwenDr_Willis, no?05:25
Dr_Willisno writing. :)05:25
jhutchinsDr_Willis: I'm sure someone in #ubuntu+1 would know.05:26
Dr_Willisaparently it dosent Arwen.05:26
=== gothotta [n=gothotta@ip70-180-109-144.no.no.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchinsDr_Willis: So, no big, set 'em up yourself.05:26
Dr_Willischecking it out now..  of course once i copy the data over from the ntfs drives.. they be getting reformated...05:26
ArwenDr_Willis, what's the big deal? edit fstab and set them up...05:27
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  except for the fact that that exact 'problem/question' gets asked about 20 times a day in here.05:27
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7] has joined #kubuntu
TaladanDr_Willis: You can set it up so that whatever your current version is automounts them in the fstab.05:27
Dr_Willisits such a 'common question'  for the begeinners that it would be nice if it did set them up.05:27
Dr_Willisand yes. i allready have set up the fstab. befor i even started asking about it.05:27
=== joey__ [n=joey@c-75-73-210-145.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Arwenis there an italian channel?05:28
jhutchinsDr_Willis: Linux as a whole is evolving to deal with the NTFS question.05:28
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!05:28
TaladanDr_Willis: There are legality issues with it doing that I think.  Not sure if they still apply, but I'm pretty sure that's why it doesn't automatically do that.05:28
=== tux [n=nico@ip25-237-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu
joey__what's up?05:28
Dr_Willisheh.. legally they cant  put a line in the fstab. :) but they can include the drivers/modules to do it.. THAT i could belive...05:28
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tuxwhere can i manage the programs that start with KDE05:28
Dr_Willisgiven the oddball nature of the legal/software stuff.05:29
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ArwenSchuenemann, thanks05:29
jhutchinsTaladan: I think it was more a question of reliability.  Nobody wanted to set up something by default that had a slight chance of destroying data.05:29
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jhutchinsTaladan: They wanted to make sure you understood the risks and took responsibility upon yourself.05:29
mcgregorgreg_g:it's not work05:29
Taladanjhutchins: That may be true too.  I know that there /used/ to be legality issues about it, but I don't know if it applies anymore.05:29
Arwenalso, making your Windows partition globally-read/write is a pretty big security hole...05:29
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  you are saying by default its using ntfs-3g and not the old safe 'read only' ntfs drivers?05:29
jhutchinsTaladan: They wanted you to MAKE BACKUPS before you set it up.05:29
=== Taladan nods
greg_gmcgregor: btw, what was the "gay" comment for?05:29
Arwenthat's like letting people edit /etc/shadow05:29
Taladanthe real answer is:  Stop running windows05:29
=== joey__ is now known as gamerguy
=== Taladan snickers
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ArwenTaladan, that's not a productive comment...05:30
tuxTaladan:  so true05:30
kaneknowsi dont think there has been a case of the NTFS-3g really failing yet has there?05:30
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jhutchinsTaladan: As far as I know all of the ntfs drivers for linux have always been completely legal, they were reverse engineered or used licensed software within the license.05:30
mcgregorgreg_g:my little sister write that05:30
Arwenkaneknows, well, iirc, it fails with Vista05:30
=== gamerguy101 is now known as Bloodytux
tuxkaneknows: vista is ONE BIG faliuere05:30
tuxand i even fail to write that05:30
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greg_gmcgregor: ahh05:30
=== Cremo^ [n=tommi@a83-245-231-172.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
kaneknowsOf course i meant with what is supports05:30
Bloodytuxvista is just xp with a new look05:30
TaladanArwen: It was supposed to be slightly amusing, nothing else.  No one said we couldn't have fun while helping others ;)05:30
Schuenemannvista = viruses intruders spyware trojans adware05:31
Dr_WillisPackage: ntfs-config Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices05:31
=== pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
tuxBloodytux: and more errors05:31
vajkyou guys have any idea why the video playback in full screen mode is slower , I've tried a few media players but it didn't help05:31
greg_gso, what EXACTLY are you trying to do,  re-download a torrent, finish a torrent, what?05:31
Arwenall right, enough with Windows-bashing, it's not productive and only makes #kubuntu look like a pack of zealots...05:31
Dr_Williscool -->  This program allow you to easily configure all of your NTFS devices to allow write support via a friendly gui.05:31
mcgregorgreg_g:it's not work05:31
Arwenvajk, your video card doesn't have hardware scaling?05:31
pollyoDoes www.cartoonnetwork.com lock up firefox for anyone else/05:31
jhutchinsDr_Willis: I have heard a rumor that feisty has ntfs-3g included by default, but not having ntfs storage on a Feisty box I don't know what it does.05:31
Arwenor because for some reason you're using x11 as an output module?05:31
tuxwhere can manage the programs that start up05:31
greg_gmcgregor: what do you mean it doesn't work. what doesn't work and what is it doing or not doing that makes it not work05:31
mcgregorgreg_g:that think about KTorrent05:31
Arwenpollyo, no? but Cartoon Network = fail?05:31
sivajiwhat is the use of startx command?05:32
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greg_gmcgregor: what about it, you weren't clear before, I just guess what the problem was05:32
Schuenemannto start X05:32
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  aparently its 'there' in the repos - and that tool lets you configure it.. :) so thats a much better answer to tell the beginners in a week or so 'to use ntfs-config'05:32
fdoving!autostart | tux05:32
ubotutux: To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.05:32
TaladanI just wanna find out  why my KDE session restarts every time I try to view something that uses OpenGL05:32
vajkI might have a codec problem, but I don't know for sure05:32
Arwensivaji, to start X if you don't use GDM or KDM05:32
fdovingtux: also, by default the programs you left running when you loggeed out will be restored.05:32
jhutchinspollyo: Loads fine in konqueror for me.05:32
mcgregorgreg_g:you told me to open a KTorrent file05:32
sivaji!sivaji | start x05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sivaji - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:32
ArwenTaladan, your video card driver sucks?05:32
TaladanArwen: The nvidia driver in the repo?05:33
tuxi want to make less programs autostart, but they are not in that directory05:33
jhutchinssivaji: It's just startx.05:33
pollyojhutchins: let me try konqueror.05:33
greg_gmcgregor: I know, I am asking what is your problem, please restate your problem and what you want to do05:33
ArwenTaladan, then your system is misconfigured?05:33
Dr_Willistux,  what progrms are autostarting?05:33
tuxto many i guess05:33
fdovingtux: make sure they are closed the next time you logout.05:33
TaladanIt was working fine until I replaced my mobo and proc.  Same video card05:33
Dr_Willistux... how vague.05:33
tuxand also, my battery manager is not working too05:33
=== j_rippel [n=jason@c-67-165-97-219.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
jhutchins!not working05:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about not working - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:34
tuxperhaps re install05:34
jhutchins!doesn't work05:34
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.05:34
Dr_Willistux,  you may want to clarify the whole problem you are having..05:34
TaladanHow could it be misconfigured?  And if so, how do you reconfigure it when it's the same video card that was working before?05:34
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Daisuke-Idoit's holding out for a better contract05:34
Dr_Willistux - if you are wanting to use a lighter window manager. you could install xfce, or some other ones. Theres also some laptop tools that are not isntalled by default05:34
vajkcan you help me why the video playback is slow in full screen mode with any video player I've tried ?05:34
mcgregorgreg_g:friday i forget to close my torrents05:34
tuxmy system is running to many things that i dont know of, the result is that it's warming up all the time and sometimes causing my video playback to stutter05:35
Ginja_NinjaIs it possible to assign audio devices to a particular X session ?05:35
tuxand my system should be able to run KDE05:35
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tuxCore duo 1.73ghz with 2gb RAM05:35
greg_gmcgregor: yes, so you forgot to close your torrent.  so what is the problem05:35
greg_gmcgregor: you said you restarted your computer correct?05:35
pollyojhutchins: Does it load some type of flash screen?05:35
=== matrix [n=matrix@c-69-142-112-120.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
greg_gmcgregor: which means that it should be closed05:36
jhutchinspollyo: I guess.  Says loaded 100%.05:36
Daisuke-Idoi think i'll go ahead and wait for the official feisty launch to re-upgrade...05:36
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pollyojhutchins: It locks for me right after the 100%.05:36
Dr_Willistux,  for a start you may want to fire up the package manager and search for 'laptop' theres several powersaving/other laptop specific tools in there that may let you tweak things.05:37
Dr_Willis!find laptop05:37
ubotuFound: laptop-detect, laptop-mode-tools, education-laptop, klaptopdaemon, kpowersave (and 4 others)05:37
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=== greg_g leaves to go eat brunch
soulridermy dad bought a core 2 duo processor i think05:38
mcgregorgreg_g:sunday i open my computer and my kubuntu work very hard05:38
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soulrideri installed ubuntu in his machien in under 10 minutes05:38
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vajkmplayer plays video to slow , could be this a codec problem ?05:38
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soulrideris anyone here using Conky on KDE ? im using the smae script i used in GNOME, it worked fine, but in KDE it shows in a black square05:39
fdovingsoulrider: i'm waiting for one of those, excited to install kubuntu on it :)05:39
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Bloodytuxdoes anyone know if beryl runs on a ati 3d rage pro?05:39
soulriderfdoving: im gonna try and persuade him to give that computer to me :P its just SO fast!05:39
soulriderand i will give it better use than he will05:40
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Bloodytuxughhhh wine needs to support game maker...05:41
Bloodytuxor byond05:41
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Bloodytuxis anyone here???05:42
soulridermaybe theres a fix Bloodytux05:42
soulriderdid you check winehq ?05:42
sivajiis there any why to replace dapper by fiesty05:42
sivajiis there any way to replace dapper by fiesty05:42
Bloodytuxi checked the guild for linux on the byond site, winehq and various others05:42
Daisuke-Idowhat's the tool people are using to install binary drivers?05:42
Daisuke-Idoi've heard it mentioned here...05:43
mcgregorbloodytux:i have a problem with my KTorrent05:43
Bloodytuxsivaji: no you have to upgrade to edgy first05:43
soulridersivaji: you can upgrade to edgy and then to feisty, but feisty is still beta!05:43
Daisuke-Idoand i thought i'd go that way instead of using nvidia's installer05:43
Bloodytuxwhats the problem?05:43
=== tux [n=nico@ip25-237-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu
sivajiis there any way to replace dapper by edgy05:44
mcgregorbloodytux:friday i forget to close my torrents05:44
soulriderDaisuke-Ido: envy05:44
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Bloodytuxmcgregor: so what happened?05:44
soulridersivaji: upgrade to edgy then upgrade to feisty, but feisty is still beta!05:44
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tuxw00t  nice feature in linuuux05:44
Daisuke-Idoah HA!05:44
Daisuke-Idothat's the one05:44
tuxi kill a process and its using MORE memory05:44
sivajiis there any way to replace dapper by edgy05:44
mcgregorbloodytux:when i open my computer the kubuntu work very hard05:44
bfreexxxhi, i have fresh kubuntu installation.  When i try to filebrowse in konqueror, it opens (or attempts) everything in vlc05:44
soulridertux: RAM isnt used like in windows05:44
Daisuke-Idotux: it's using the memory as a faster replacement for disk caching05:44
Daisuke-Idoit's O. K.05:45
=== shawn34 [n=shawn@c-68-36-36-22.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
mcgregorbloodytux: i do that thinkwith kill all torrents05:45
tuxwell it's working to hard05:45
Skrotffstux: Try to learn how memory usage works in linux before you whine about it ;)05:45
soulriderSkrotffs: dont be rude05:45
tuxwhy is my laptop constantly working hard05:45
mcgregorbloodytux:that work but i want to open my KTorrent again05:45
Daisuke-Idomcgregor: what is your native language?05:45
tuxit should be easy to run05:45
shawn34if i already have berly istalled and running, and i install kubuntu-desktop, will berly run on the kde side when i log in?05:45
Skrotffssoulrider: Sorry05:45
Daisuke-Idoit's not english.05:45
mcgregorbloodytux:what i need to do05:46
soulridershawn34: yes05:46
soulridershawn34: it should05:46
Bloodytuxsivaji: try opening it, deleting the torrents on the list, closeand restart the program05:46
Daisuke-Idoyou have asked the same nonsensical question of several people now, and no one knows what you're talking about.05:46
=== Daisuke-Ido needs a stiff drink
tuxoh and the power manager shows me the processor is using the full mhz05:46
mcgregordaisuke-ido:it's romanian05:46
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sivajiPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:46
sivajiThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:46
sivajiis only available from another source05:46
sivajiE: Package wine has no installation candidate05:46
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro05:46
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soulridertux: maybe you have some ecil process :P05:47
Skrotffstux: The more memory (RAM) you use, the better. That way your computer won't have to swap between virtual memory (stored on the much slower hard drive) and your RAM which is many times faster. Also, try checking your memory with `free` rather than `top` for instance..05:47
tuxOsama is taking over my PC05:47
soulrideropen a console and type top, maybe somehting is eating all your cPU05:47
sivajiBloodytux : i cant get u05:47
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bfreexxxi am trying to find why konqueror wont open folders-- it always starts vlc05:48
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soulridertux: that more ram is being used doesnt mean it will be slower, if you go to kinfocenter, you can see how it is being used05:48
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tux2.1 gb free memory Skrotffs05:48
jhutchinsIf the power manager is _running_ the CPU at full speed, that's not an indication that anything is USING 100% of the processor.05:48
Bloodytuxtux: how much is swap?05:48
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bfreexxxi loaded view profile "file manager"05:49
sivajiwhether this process id are random no or fixed05:49
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tuxif i remember well i made a 5GB swap partition Bloodytux05:49
Daisuke_Idoooh, need to install wine05:49
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bfreexxxunder konqueror's 'settings' i load view profile "kubuntu file manager" but it just tries to open everything with vlc05:50
soulridertux: thats a lot, how much ram do you have?05:50
Skrotffstux: Run 'free' from a console and check what it says under free and -/+ buffers/cache05:50
soulridertux: its not bad that its a lot, its just it wont really be used05:50
Bloodytuxtux: usually it's unsafe to have over 1-2 gbs of swap05:50
jhutchinssivaji: PID's are sequential.  Lots of processes come and go.05:50
tuxMem:       2074512     535928    1538584          0      16156     35777605:51
SkrotffsSeems like you have lots of free memory05:51
tuxgot to go05:51
tuxsee you05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:51
Daisuke_Ido!info envy05:52
ubotuPackage envy does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas05:52
bfreexxxthis a fresh installation, i can't see why konqueror is being so retarded, i don't think i changed any settings regarding this05:52
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: lol05:52
soulriderneed help installing the drivers ?05:52
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Bloodytuxwhat do you need drivers for?05:52
Daisuke_Idono, i usually just do it from the file straight from nvidia's site05:52
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Daisuke_Idobut if there's an easier way, i'd love to give it a shot05:52
Bloodytuxgraphics card?05:52
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: what i do is install nvidia-glx and then edit xorg05:53
soulriderits very easy actually05:53
Daisuke_Idomanually reinstalling to recompile the kernel module every time a kernel update comes down the pipe is ridiculous05:53
Bloodytuxdoes anyone know if i can run beryl with a ati 3d rage pro?05:53
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: you dont ahve to do that05:53
soulriderit will downlaod allt he modules and stuff05:53
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Daisuke_Idosoulrider: never has for me05:53
soulriderso you install it once and dont touch it again05:53
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Daisuke_Idoalways says it can't find the appropriate kernel module05:54
bfreexxx3drage lol05:54
Bloodytux8 year old pc....05:54
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: what card do you ahve? =/05:54
Lunar_LampHow can I get firefox to subscribe to rss feeds in akregator?05:54
ubotuUbuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Edgy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseNotes05:54
soulridermayeb you need legacy drivers? =/05:54
Bloodytuxhad to rescue it from windows cause it was eating it up05:54
Daisuke_Idofor a 7600?05:54
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soulriderlol, yeah, definately not05:54
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ubotuThe next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)05:54
OlliKHi! Can anyone help me with a small problem in kmyfirewall?05:54
OlliKI'm trying to open a certain port for incoming connections, but I haven't found any ways to do that. I only see list of pre-defined ports that I can open but I don't see option where I could type in a port number to open05:55
sebbarhi, is it true that edgy users will automatically be asked if they want to upgrade to feisty once it's out?05:55
Daisuke_Idoand the painful thing is that the driver version in the repo is 877605:55
Hobbseesebbar: yes05:55
mikeyquestion about bootloaders..any takers?05:55
Bloodytuxmikey: what's up?05:55
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Daisuke_Idosoulrider: because of the Great HDD Crash of 2007, i'm back on edgy :\05:56
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mikeyinstalled debian on a spare ide hd.  It has taken over the boot process.  I would prefer this install of Kubuntu to be default.  It exists on a dif. hd than debian05:56
Daisuke_Idogoing to have to do it the usual way05:56
soulriderDaisuke_Ido: what were you using ?05:56
Bloodytuxthe Great HDD Crash of 2007... never heard of it...05:56
Daisuke_IdoBloodytux: my hdd crashed this morning05:57
Bloodytuxso what are you running off?05:57
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Daisuke_Idojust the system drive, which was fairly old05:57
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Daisuke_Idoi dropped in an old 30gb seagate :)05:57
bfreexxxkonqueror hates me...  i'm not a linux-noob, but this is my first kubuntu installation05:57
BluesKajreally Daisuke_Ido , mine doesn't crash on feisty , but it won't shutdown when commanded :)05:57
Daisuke_Idoi'm already reinstalled, and everything's smooth, just getting everything back to the way i demand it05:57
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soulriderbfreexxx: dont get discouraged, linux is awesome! remember, we were all newbies once!05:58
Daisuke_IdoBluesKaj: no, feisty didn't crash05:58
Daisuke_Idothe drive head crashed05:58
Daisuke_Idoit had nothing to do with my OS.05:58
BluesKajeeeuuuw Daisuke_Ido :(05:58
Bloodytuxmikey: if you re-install kubuntu on the hardrive when the debian drive is in with it. it should set up grub to allow you to boot both05:58
Daisuke_Idobut it's okay05:58
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)05:58
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mikeybloodytux: thx. any way to do it without a fresh install?05:59
Bloodytuxmikey: just reinstall grub to MBR on either debian or kubuntu when they are both in the pc05:59
BluesKajI just assumed Feisty was the culprit , since there seem to be some crashes associated with the new kernel as well05:59
bfreexxxsoul:  i need to get konqueror to file browse, not attempt to open every folder i click on in vlc06:00
Bloodytuxvlc? isn't that a media player?06:00
mikeyhow do I re-install grub?06:00
Bloodytux... try editing the default applications for opening certain file types06:00
Bloodytuxmikey: i have no clue06:00
bfreexxxfile type for a folder?06:01
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Bloodytuxmikey: i used to use mepis and it had a option to so idk06:01
Bloodytuxsometimes it messes up06:01
mikeywell then I like your previous suggestion :\06:01
soulriderBluesKaj: its said, it seems like feisty is having some last minute issues06:02
mikeynow that I know a small bit about linux, I think I'll figure out my partitions and set things up proper on all ide's06:02
Bloodytuxbfreexxx: you could try uninstalling vlc and install something else06:02
Bloodytuxmikey: good luck06:02
BluesKajsoulrider, I'm on feisty and the new kernel and all seems well so far ...(knocks on wood)06:02
sebbardo you think feisty+1 will have kde4.0?06:02
sivajiif i upgrade from dapper to edgy packages will be replaced or added06:03
soulriderbfreexxx: i think that you may be able to reconfigure konqueror or something, hold on06:03
bfreexxxmikey: reinstall grub:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435106:03
bfreexxxjust make sure harddrive is mounted06:03
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soulriderlol BluesKaj06:03
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Skrotffssebbar: I think feisty+1 is a LTS-version, so I doubt it, as KDE 4 will be bleeding edge at that time06:03
mikeybfreexxx: thanks06:03
Bloodytuxsebbar: maybe if it comes out in time.06:03
Skrotffssebbar: But you'll probably be able to install it via apt when its out06:03
sebbarok cool tnx06:04
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BluesKajaren't the KDE4 devs looking for ginea pigs to run it ?06:04
SkrotffsNot quite yet06:04
Tm_TBluesKaj: not really yet06:04
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Bloodytuxi thought they were06:04
SkrotffsWait for june-august06:04
Bloodytuxi'm thinking of 3.8 sorry06:04
Tm_TBloodytux: if you don't know how to test libs, then no ;)06:05
SkrotffsSure, they want developers to test it, but its not ready for end users yet06:05
bfreexxxi solved my problem i believe06:05
Tm_Ttest libs as using them in your apps06:05
soulriderbfreexxx: i dont know if this is a good idea, but it might fix your problem, i would use it as a last resort... but it might be possible to purge konqueror and reinstall it06:05
Tm_T!fi | OlliK06:05
ubotuOlliK: Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi06:05
Bloodytuxhas anyone tried kde 3.8 with kubuntu yet?06:06
Tm_TBloodytux: sure, and newer stuff06:06
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felzixbloodytux: if it comes with feisty, I'm currently using it06:06
Tm_TBloodytux: I have been fooling around with KDE4 over a year now I think :p06:06
Bloodytuxso is 3.8 stable enough for a complete install?06:06
Bloodytuxover 3.506:07
Tm_TBloodytux: no for users06:07
Tm_TBloodytux: and won't be until release06:07
Cosmo_so what are the big differences in KDE4?06:07
soulriderbfreexxx: try this: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure konqueror'06:07
Tm_TCosmo_: new crashes atleast ;)06:07
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Tm_T!kde4 | Cosmo_06:07
ubotuCosmo_: For information on KDE 4 (not to be released for quite some time yet), see: http://www.canllaith.org/svn-features/kde4.html. Also worth checking are: appeal/phonon/plasma/solid.kde.org06:07
bfreexxxyes i did... i right clicked on a folder in konqueror, clicked 'open with', selected konqueror, and had to edit the command to use the filemanager profile isntead of webbrowser profile06:07
=== julianito [n=julianit@weg38-2-82-233-112-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
soulriderim runniong kde 3.5.606:07
sivajisoulrider: what that command will do06:08
julianitoubuntu_fr please06:08
SkrotffsCosmo_: Mostly new cool libs and a newer, much improved version of Qt.06:08
Ace2016hi all06:08
soulrideri think i heard something about it being released on octiber this year or somehting06:08
Bloodytux!kde 3.806:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde 3.8 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:08
Tm_Tsoulrider: yes06:08
Ace2016anyone been to digg today? ;D06:08
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julianitohow to go to ubuntu.fr06:08
compilerwriter!fr | julianito06:08
ubotujulianito: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:08
soulridersivaji: reconfigure konqueror, but its for bfreexxx not for you06:09
Tm_Tjulianito: /join #ubuntu-fr06:09
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Tm_TAce2016: I wonder how that has to do with channel topic06:09
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ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)06:09
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sivajiwhat is bfreexxx06:10
sivaji! bfreexxx06:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bfreexxx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
Bloodytuxthats a guy on this irc channel....06:11
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ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:11
Bloodytuxhahahaha i love that06:11
Ace2016Tm_T: want to try linux? don't have an xp cd to go back with? get the disk off a torrent, say what? u have no key? well gogle can help :D thus its very well suited to the topic06:12
Schuenemann!doesn't work06:12
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:12
=== blizzzek [n=blizzz@p57b519ea.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
Schuenemannthis one is better06:12
Tm_TAce2016: it's not06:12
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BluesKajKDE 4 Release schedule : http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule#KDE_4.006:12
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tremulous - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:12
Ace2016well at least i now have a working key i can use06:12
Bloodytuxdude that's illegal06:13
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about illegal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:13
sivajiis there any command to halt system after sometimes06:13
sykehas anyone else using wifi with WPA noticed that while it mostly works, iwconfig reports Tx invalid crypt packets?06:13
Tm_Tsivaji: shutdown06:13
Schuenemannmy university gives me windows for free06:13
felzixis it illegal to get a keygen and use it if windows decides to lock you out of your system because you switched harddrives between two computers?06:13
uboturms is Richard Matthew Stallman, founder of the GNU project. See !gnu and also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Stallman06:13
Schuenemannacademic license06:14
Ace2016Bloodytux: just saying, i don't even have windows installed06:14
felzix(yeah, I know that it probably is)06:14
SchuenemannmsdnAA = MS developer network academic alliance06:14
BloodytuxAce2016: good06:14
=== bfreexxx doesn't do windows
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Bloodytux!Windows | Ace201606:14
ubotuAce2016: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:14
bfreexxxeven maids have their pride06:14
soulriderohmy, wat happened to freenode ?06:14
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Tm_They, kids, cut that windows talk and get back to business, ok?06:14
soulrideri couldnt connect at all06:14
Tm_Tsivaji: nothing06:14
vinces1979ALL:Why is windows being discussed ( YUK)06:14
Schuenemannso I have windows 2000, xp, vista, sql server, visual studio and other crappy microsoft stuff06:14
Ace2016Bloodytux: good idea, they'd want some keys06:14
soulriderwho cares about crappy windows, we got linux06:15
sivajiwhat nothing06:15
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ
Bloodytuxfelzix: keygens are illegal. if you lost your key you have to buy another key or it is considered illegal06:15
Bloodytuxjust saying06:15
sivajiTM_T:what nothing06:15
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Schuenemannbut some people say linux is good only because it's free (in money)06:15
Tm_Tsivaji: sorry, my bad ;(06:15
SchuenemannI have windows for free and I don't use it06:15
felzixAh.  Probably best that they were all viruses, then.06:15
soulriderSchuenemann: no way06:15
soulriderSchuenemann: i never payed for windows and what do you see me using?06:16
Bloodytuxfelzix: you need to know where to look for them06:16
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!06:16
Ace2016i thinks windows needs a better user base, some people don't understand the concept of a cd key06:16
=== Daisuke_Ido [n=sierra-x@pool-71-97-155-28.aubnin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Schuenemannsoulrider, I know... that's what I say: the university gives it for free (not pirate) and still I don't want it06:16
Tm_TAce2016: warn you, continue offtopic here and you'll be out06:16
Bloodytuxvista got smart because now they actually register the keys so you can't use them twice!!!!06:17
Ace2016oh ok no more offtopic stuff06:17
Tm_Tthanks :)06:17
=== BluesKaj hides the whip from Tm_T :)
bfreexxxthis is my friend's machine, he upped to vista a couple months ago, now i've made it dual-boot with kubuntu06:17
soulriderlets go to offtopic and bash there :P06:17
bfreexxxso he can compare06:17
bfreexxxand vista is definitely slow doing some things06:17
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bfreexxxso i get to do linux support for him so he doesn't go 'this sux, i'm deleting it.'06:18
bfreexxxbut its better than doing windows support  XD06:18
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Bloodytuxmy friend said it sucks and deleted ubuntu because he didn't know how to change his password....06:19
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Bloodytuxhes a noob06:19
bfreexxxmy mom's smarter than yer friend06:19
bfreexxxshe can start linux and web-surf-- wowzor06:19
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soulridermy mom actually looked for and opened Opera by herself on my linux machine, and my panel placement is not like default KDE06:19
Bloodytuxmy friend can delete it and go get a copy of XP pro for $100 oh beat dat06:20
bfreexxxso where do i go for good kde skinning ideas?06:20
Daisuke_IdoBloodytux: that's a case of the typical windows user mentality - unwilling to learn something even remotely different06:20
soulrider$100 is a lot of beer and pizza06:20
Tm_Tbfreexxx: kde-look.org06:20
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SchuenemannBloodytux, only $100 ?06:20
Tm_Tyou're still talking about xp, aren't you?06:20
soulriderBloodytux: let me say your friend is a moron06:20
Bloodytuxand a lot of kubuntu installations... oh wait you can have millions for free!!!!06:20
soulriderguys, lets talk in offtopic06:21
Bloodytuxsoulrider: i agree06:21
soulrideror ops are gonna go berserk :P06:21
soulriderhi jame06:21
Tm_Tjame: hello06:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:21
Tm_Tproblem is, all support talk disappear to this noise06:21
jameIm trying to setup Samba network with virtually ran XP06:21
jamewhat determines username and password to get access06:22
Tm_T!samba | jame06:22
ubotujame: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT06:22
jamefollowed nice HOWTO on ubuntu forums06:23
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Tm_Tjame: look those, might give new hints06:23
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jamethanks for links06:28
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:29
Tm_Tjame: works?06:30
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yonkeltronwhere can i request packages?06:32
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/New for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources - See also !backports06:32
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:32
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xanithIs there a good walkthrough for making a Dual-Boot for Kubuntu and WinXP06:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:36
Skrotffsxanith: 1) Install windows xp, 2) Install ubuntu which will autodetect windows and put in grub (the boot loader)06:36
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:36
Tm_TLjL: =)06:36
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xanithThanks everyone06:37
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ScarFreewillis there any rsync mirrors for apt?06:41
jamenot yet - even if I set ( atleast I think I do) it to allow guests (w/o password)06:41
LynoureScarFreewill: you mean repositories you can rsync from?06:43
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ScarFreewillLynoure: ye06:43
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LynoureScarFreewill: see http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror06:45
ScarFreewillta Lynoure06:45
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sykehas anyone else using wifi with WPA noticed that while it mostly works, iwconfig reports Tx invalid crypt packets?06:46
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sykewhen using skype, I get 'skipping' sometimes and I think it may be related06:46
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davidsTrying to get m06:47
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davidseless networks (Open)06:47
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davids posted 1 hours ago by  Rastloser in Source Package "knetworkmanager" in Ubuntu (Normal)06:47
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davids  can totem load external subtitles ? (Open)06:47
davids posted 3 hours ago by  Mihai Niculescu in Source Package "totem" in Ubuntu (Normal)06:47
soulriderhola christian_06:47
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davids  uderstanding unknown i.p.visitors (Open)06:47
davids posted 3 hours ago by  alan in AWStats (Normal)06:47
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Ace2016hi all06:47
davids  Problem ubuntu spreading in the third world due to offline internet connection (Open)06:47
davids posted 4 hours ago by  Support educational through ubuntu in Ubuntu (Normal)06:47
davidsLatest questions solved06:47
davids  Creating bzr branch from scratch (Solved)06:47
davids posted 6 hours ago by  LCID Fire, answered by  LCID Fire in Source Package "bazaar" in Ubuntu (N06:48
Ace2016how do you shutdown ubuntu from the command line?06:48
Daisuke_Ido!paste | davids06:48
ubotudavids: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:48
Tm_Tdavids: err06:48
Daisuke_IdoAce2016: sudo shutdown06:48
soulriderAce2016: shutdown :P06:48
soulriderdavids: where was that 3rd world post at ?06:48
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davidsJust loaded the beta version and trying to get my broadcom wireless working. I currently have it enabled, but it is not connecting to the router? Any Ideas?06:49
davidssorry, hit wrong keys06:49
Ace2016shutdown never works06:49
Daisuke_IdoAce2016: sudo shutdown no06:49
Ace2016it says to try shutdown --help06:49
Daisuke_IdoAce2016: sudo shutdown now06:49
soulriderdavids: where was that 3rd world discussion posted at ?06:49
Dr_Willisdepends on what you mean by 'never works' also.06:50
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davidsNot sure, was all over the net trying to get my wireless working06:50
Daisuke_Idoi'm guessing it worked :\06:50
Tm_T!feisty | davids06:50
ubotudavids: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)06:50
bobstroAce2016: I do "sudo shutdown -h now" but tell us what you see06:50
davidsfigure out how06:50
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davidsI am on beta now06:51
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Dr_Willisdavids,  me also. :)06:51
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davidsbut cant get wireless working06:51
schizmim on 6.10 and when I try to use KDE as a session I get "Xsession: unsupported arguments passed" and it bails to Gnome.  Nothing really out there on google on it and I'm not familiar enough with ubuntu's setup to debug it nicely.  I'm upgrading to 7.04 beta right now so we'll see how that goes and if it still exists06:51
bobstroi guess shutdown worked. :)06:52
Dr_WillisI dont mess with wireless any more. so cant help ya there.06:52
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Dr_Willisschizm,  try just using the console and 'startx' and see if any error messages show up.06:52
schizmi did, nothing06:52
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schizmits only from GDM that it happens06:52
Tm_Tschizm: and how KDM reacts?06:52
Ace2016Thanks it worked06:53
schizmI poked around at /etc/X11/Xsession but didnt see anything out of the ordinary, this is a vanilla 6.10 install (or so i think)06:53
Tm_TAce2016: =)06:53
schizmhaven't tried KDM, good point06:53
bobstroAce2016: you did seem to go away.06:53
Dr_Willisi find that if using KDE - you are better off using KDM.06:53
bfreexxxschizm, u tried to start kde with gdm?  lol06:53
schizmshouldnt matter06:54
Tm_Tbfreexxx: why not, should work just fine06:54
jhutchinsbfreexxx: Which works fine to start KDE.06:54
bobstroi launch kde all the time with gdm06:54
Dr_Willisive never had any issues with using KDE from GDM, or gnome from KDM. the only thing ive noticed is that some of the extra 'login/logout/change user' features may not work properly if mixxing the 206:54
schizmany init loader should be able to handle spawning any sort of desktop06:54
schizmim just using what Kubuntu installed by default, which seems to be GDM06:55
bobstrothat is sort of the point of the feature, no?06:55
Tm_Tschizm: nope, KDM is Kubuntu default06:55
Dr_Willisschizm,  Kubuntu did not install gdm. :)06:55
bobstroschizm: for wht it's worth, i do have both installed.06:55
Dr_Willisif you installed ubuntu-desktop it may of set up to use gdm instead.06:55
jhutchinsYeah, it doesn't bother to duplicate the function.06:55
schizmdefault install of ubuntu, then upgraded to kubuntu, then 6.10 beta...and it seems to run GDM06:56
jhutchinsbfreexxx: FYI there's also xdm, which is generic X.06:56
Tm_Tjhutchins: yup, XDM is nice and light one :)06:56
jhutchinsschizm: Right, it already has GDM from Gnome, and it doesn't bother to replace it.06:56
bobstroschizm: it'd probably be worth trying kdm to make sure that works, then debugging gdm issues you're having.06:56
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schizmaye, ill do that after the upgrade.  im upgrading to 7.04 the manual command line way since I can't get into KDE, will I need to do anything special afterwards to ensure that it's 7.04 Kubuntu?  I assume so06:57
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Arwenis there a tool I can use to record my screen?06:57
Ace2016Arwen: xvidcap06:57
ArwenAce2016, where?06:58
Ace2016Arwen: or beryl-vidcap06:58
chijinwhere what?06:58
Arwenif you're too lazy to provide a link to packages NOT IN THE REPOSITORY, don't bother answering..06:58
Ace2016Arwen: you can install it from the repos if its there or you can get it from their website, it has a deb06:58
jhutchinsArwen: Unable to reach google are you?06:59
Dr_Willisaparently googling is too hard...06:59
jhutchins!find xvidcap06:59
Arwenjhutchins, I asked a question... if I wanted to find it myself, I wouldn't be here06:59
ubotuPackage/file xvidcap does not exist in edgy06:59
schizmthe other issue is that I can't go into the system->admin->login screen setup...just dies as gconf bails....06:59
schizmmy installation is botched up somehow i think06:59
jhutchins!find beryl-vidcap06:59
ubotuPackage/file beryl-vidcap does not exist in edgy06:59
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jhutchinsBe nice if the bot did google, but then that's how it would spend all it's time.07:00
jhutchinsArwen: Do you have the URL for every non-standard package you know of?07:00
Dr_Willisjhutchins,  who needs google when you got us chained to the desks..07:00
Arwenjhutchins, no, but I'm decent enough of a person to link to them when people ask me about them...07:00
=== Dr_Willis finds some logical thinking lacking in irc channels at times.
Ace2016Arwen: you can get it from Trevios Ubuntu Repository07:01
jhutchinsI think the name of a package, even without it's URL, is a useful bit of info.  Sometimes just suggesting a different way to ask a question solves a problem.07:01
jame already07:01
james*ck - I give up - Ill use DC to move stuff - atleast I can do that07:01
ArwenAce2016, which doesn't have a feisty edition? and is svn no less?07:01
Ace2016Arwen: i run feisty too, i got the deb from xvidcap's sourceforge site and it worked07:02
Arwenand that site is where?07:02
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=== Arwen sughs...
=== Dr_Willis sighs
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bfreexxxtranscode is moving towards using vnc protocol to capture desktop activity...  http://community.ofset.org/wiki/Desktop_video_capture07:03
Ace2016Arwen: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=81535&package_id=8344107:04
bfreexxxthere was some stuff on transcode developer maillist about it recently07:04
ArwenAce2016, much better... will it record uncompressed video?07:04
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Ace2016Arwen: well you can pick the format, size and fps and stuff in the settings07:05
=== Dr_Willis sighs
bobstroi'm looking for a good cross-platform (winxp, linux) password manager. any recommendations?07:06
Ace2016Dr_Willis: why are you sighing?07:06
Dr_Willisi got to go to work...07:06
Dr_Willisand its finially getting nice weather.07:06
ArwenAce2016, um, how can I record my entire desktop?07:06
Arwenbobstro, keepassx07:06
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bobstroArwen: thanks07:07
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Ace2016Arwen: select the entire desktop?07:08
ArwenAce2016, um, when I try that, it just crashes?07:08
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Dr_WillisDevelopment Status : 4 - Beta07:09
KingJereHow does KDE decide the placement of new windows? i.e. I use a dual head setup and would like new windows to avoid the center where the two screens meet07:09
Ace2016Arwen: run it in konsole, might be missing something07:09
Dr_WillisKingJere,  what video cards ya got?07:09
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ArwenAce2016, says something like "bad color, X Window Error"07:09
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KingJereFX 5200 PCI07:09
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Ace2016strange, never seen that07:09
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Dr_WillisKingJere,  nvidia - you proberly want to enable twinview and xinerama - that should fix mist of the 'showing up in the center of the monitors/edges' issue07:10
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KingJereisn't twin view and xinerama two different things07:10
Ace2016KingJere: #kde might know more07:10
KingJereI'm using twin view now. and good idea ace.07:11
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Dr_WillisKingJere,  nope. they sort of work togeher for the best effect. Twinview I think sort of can 'replace' xinerama. but i found they work best when used together.07:11
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Dr_Willissome programs are Still badly written and will still do that "on the edges" opening..07:11
Dr_Williseven with twinview/xinerama07:12
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ArwenAce2016, never mind, I just specified my geometry from the command line07:12
ArwenAce2016, lol... 2 fps capture rate..07:12
KingJereThanks, Ill  check out xorg.conf07:12
Dr_WillisKingJere,  theeres a lot of twinview docs out, and the nvidia official docs are worth reading also. thers a lot of good info and tweaks that can be done with it.07:13
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KingJereI've acutally read that. It was very thourough. There was a time when that was the only way to do twin view07:14
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Dr_Willisi found some very good examples on the gentoo forums/wiki pages07:14
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Dr_WillisNvidia/twinview/xinerama has matured greately in the last year or so,07:14
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KingJereI also might just blame it on poorly written software because most windows open very intelligently.07:15
KingJereIts just a few dialogues and such07:15
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KingJereThanks again, bye.07:16
Dr_WillisKingJere,  i know that vmware has an issue like that.07:16
Dr_WillisKingJere,  and some java apps do also.07:16
Dr_Willisbut those are the only 2 programs that ive noticed the  problems with07:16
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stevethepiratehow would i see an external harddrive?07:17
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:17
Schuenemanncome on07:17
Dr_WillisSchuenemann, ?07:17
stevethepirateSchuenemann: rather just get the .run off nvidia.com07:18
smilehi .. when i open any application i get this message (can't find MIME type application/octet-stream )07:18
Schuenemannwhere's the bot?07:18
smileanyhelp plz ?07:18
Dr_WillisIve heard of some issues with using the latest  nvidia drivers and their .run installer.07:18
stevethepiratesomeone1!!! external drive!! howto?07:18
Schuenemannthere he is07:18
stevethepirateDr_Willis: works for me..07:18
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SchuenemannDr_Willis, I used apt-get07:18
Dr_Willisstevethepirate,  look in media:/ ? or mount them manually. what kind of drive is it. what filesystem..07:19
Ace2016smile: thats a kde problem, caused by messing with filetypes and icons, #kde might be able to help more07:19
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stevethepirateDr_Willis: its a ntfs07:19
Dr_Willisstevethepirate,  then you proberly want to check the !ntfs factoid/forum/wiki page/info and mount them manually07:19
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse07:19
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Dr_WillisHmm. i gotta get my old url listings some time.. had a few nice links to that exact info at one time.07:20
Dr_Williswork time for me. bye07:20
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Schuenemannstevethepirate, that .run is for new cards only?07:21
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bobstroi'm after a good "virtual kvm" that will let me access my 2nd machine's console (GUI), keyboard and mouse (and maybe audio) remotely. rather than a "remote session" like vnc, i would like access to the actual console. any recommendations?07:21
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bobstro(both machines a ubuntu/debian)07:22
ranjanbobstro: search for synergy07:22
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bobstroranjan: that's what got me started, thanks. but i understand it still requires two displays, only sharing kb & mouse, no?07:23
ranjanbobstro: yes07:24
ranjanbobstro: what about okvm?07:24
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bobstroranjan: hmm. looks like it requires a pci card. promising, but a bit more than i need right now. thanks though! i was thinking along the lines of some of the "dual head" solutions that use two systems, but i can't seem to find anything.07:27
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ScarFreewillrsync://mir1.ovh.net/ubuntu/ does not work07:28
ranjanbobstro: thats still a limitation with software KVMs as far as i know07:28
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bobstroranjan: ok, thanks again. i'll play around more with a vnc-type solution.07:28
stevethepiratewhy in god's name would i be getting 1meg a second copying to external drive?07:31
stevethepirateSchuenemann: no..07:31
Schuenemannstevethepirate, I won't need it anymore07:32
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bfreexxxstevethepirate, do an hdparm on the drive?07:33
schizmstefan__:  USB 1.0?07:35
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stevethepiratebfreexxx: fixed it.07:38
stevethepiratehad to use ntfs-3g07:38
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Schuenemannearlier version means newer or older?07:39
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stevethepiratewhats that good wireless cracking app?07:44
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aegisonly works for WEP thoguh07:44
stevethepiratei'm looking for a WPA one...07:44
aegiswell, I think it brute-forces WPA07:44
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stevethepiratei'm hoping to a GUI one..07:46
stevethepiratea n00b has to use it..07:46
squidyhi guys.. i have a little question.. if a new feature is applied in ubuntu, like codec management in Feisty Fawn, this same feature is applied in kubuntu too? Is it always?07:46
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intelikeyinitramfs relies too heavily on bios information.07:48
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Ayabaraanyone know of a good and simple app to write iptc captions to photos?07:53
bfreexxxanyone understand the kmenu hierarchy and .desktop files?07:54
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bfreexxxi installed wine and it installed some .desktop files, but they dont show up in any menus07:54
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bfreexxxbfreexxx@DaShiZniT:~$ locate wine | grep desktop07:54
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bfreexxxi am trying kappfinder but it is not locating anything wine07:57
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jhutchinsbfreexxx: Why would desktop files show up in your menu?  They would show up on your desktop if anywhere.07:59
intelikeyhmmm i figured that .desktop files were supposed to be,  ummm  desktop files !      not menu files07:59
jhutchins!paste | bfreexxx08:00
ubotubfreexxx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:00
mikeycan't remember the name of the windows utility that you guys recommended to assign my linux share a drive letter in windows.  The utility suggested allowed read/write access too08:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:01
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ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT08:01
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bfreexxxjhutchins, no, a file with .desktop extension is a meta-file for menu items08:03
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jhutchinsbfreexxx: According to what?08:03
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peepsalotAnyone here using tomboy in KDE?08:03
jhutchins!info tomboy08:03
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ubotutomboy: desktop note taking program using Wiki style links. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.1-0ubuntu3 (edgy), package size 413 kB, installed size 2416 kB08:03
mikeynot samba.  I've got two internal ide's in my pc.  When booted in windows, I launched a small utility that recognized my lunix partition and allowed me to assign a free drive letter to it.  Now, everytime I boot into windows, I see my linux partition08:04
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peepsalotwhen i load tomboy, it makes a space in the system tray for it, but the icon is invisible.08:04
peepsalotit worked in Gnome08:04
mikeyworks awesome, but I can'tremember the utility and I think I deleted it.08:04
mikeyoh? maybe that's it.  Lemme have a look.  TY08:04
bfreexxxjhutchins, http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/08:05
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peepsalotdo others have this problem with tomboy, or is it just my messed up computer08:05
intelikeymikey there is another  explorer2fs.exe  or some such.   they are simular but different08:05
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mikeyok. found one last night but it was not free...the one I used was :)08:06
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intelikeymikey there is also a package to mount real file systems under windows,   but i've never used it.    i don't do windows any more.08:06
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peepsalotso no one here uses tomboy?08:06
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mikeyok ty08:07
intelikeypeepsalot ! i08:07
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intelikeyimo grub is week and lame and not worth much.   why did they make it the default ?08:08
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bobstrointelikey: what do you prefer?08:09
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bobstrointelikey: the prefer the interactive capabilities of grub.08:09
bobstrointelikey: er, *I* prefer08:09
ranjanpeepsalot: basket over tonboy08:10
intelikeylilo is as interavtive if not more so08:10
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bobstrointelikey: i got "locked out" of lilo a few too many times, and got tired of having to boot rescue cds.08:10
mikeyhmm... Explore2fs is one but this one only allows read-only08:10
bobstrointelikey: maybe they've added to lilo.08:10
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bobstrointelikey: don't you still have to make changes, then install the mbr with lilo?08:10
jhutchinsSomeone pointed out yesterday that with grub you can boot to kernels that aren't in the menu, and you can remove options from the kernel command line.08:10
bobstrojhutchins: yeah, i've used the interactive editing more than once recently.08:11
jhutchinslilo allows you to set the boot options for the next boot so you don't have to try to catch the boot menu, which I HATE havign to do.08:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about basket - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
bobstromy recollection with lilo was that if i *forgot* something, recovery required a rescue cd.08:12
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intelikeyjhutchins well let me point out that moving you hd to a different cable will leave grub helpless because the initramfs depends on info passed to it  and doing the same with lilo has no affect you can still boot.08:12
ranjan!info basket08:12
ubotubasket: User-friendly way to run programs and manage links in KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-6 (edgy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1176 kB08:12
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peepsaloti don't get it08:13
bobstrointelikey: i guess i fat-finger config files more than i toss drives around.08:13
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intelikeybobstro heh.08:13
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jhutchinsintelikey: Unless you move the boot drive...08:14
unmanarci have some problems with my Intel 945GM....08:14
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bobstrointelikey: i installed to a usb drive recently using grub, and have been able to move that around.08:14
unmanarcon Feisty kubuntu 7.04 live cd...08:14
bobstrointelikey: (can't say it's thoroughly tested though)08:14
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intelikeyjhutchins no.   it can still boot ok.08:14
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bobstrointelikey: er, it can boot lilo menu, but won't pointers to root partition etc. still require edits?08:15
unmanarci want to start with vesa drivers, but it doesnt work...08:15
darktearsHello!!!!I need a generous help ;) I have installed feisty (but the problem is the same in eidgy) and i have a little problem with my sound card HDA_intel i try lot of things : changing configuration file like modprobe ... and install last release candidate of ALSA... my sound card do'nt work i hear a big noise or no sound (it's random)08:15
bobstrointelikey: i suspect a lot depends on whether using ide, sata or usb drives.08:15
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bobstrodarktears: stupid question, but is your user a member of the audio group?08:16
darktearsbobstro: how can i verify this (i'm a little bit noob :p)08:16
bobstrodarktears: your default user should be, but i've wasted a lot of time "fixing" that problem withmor than one user.08:16
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bobstrodarktears: if you only have the user account you created at install, that should work.08:17
darktearsbobstro: one user on computer (main user)08:17
bobstrodarktears: ok, use regular troubleshooting then. others can probably help more than i with that sound setup.08:17
mikeybobstro: thanks from another nOOb...maybe that's why my recent debian install has no sound ;\08:18
darktearsbobstro: i try to post on ubuntu forum but no response (i know that the problem is know but i try lot of things lot of things lol)08:18
bobstromikey: heh. i finally tried my default user and was surprised when it worked.08:18
josepalguien de espaa08:18
bobstrodarktears: and again, stupid things. mixer volume is turned up?08:19
intelikeybobstro well my bigest gripe is that grub is week.    in the first place it can only boot things that bios can read.   unlike lilo.    in the second place one kernel + initramfs.img pair  will boot this system from any disk if lilo does it but not if grub does it.      and last of all i haven't found a way to reorder the drives with grub.08:19
josepalguien habla en espaol08:19
darktearsbobstro: yes ;) it was the first thing i look08:19
darktearsbobstro: i hear a big noise :( (no noise if i mute the sound)08:20
bobstrointelikey: i suppose it depends on the problems you expect to encounter most. again, i'm not moving hardware around so much these days as trying to keep what i've got moving along smoothly after upgrades and such.08:20
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bobstrodarktears: does it work when you boot the livecd?08:20
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Daisuke_Idommmkay, so i've got everything more or less running again08:22
darktearsbobstro: no same noise08:22
bobstrodarktears: what audio hardware do you have?08:22
darktearsbobstro: when i use dapper same thing no sound i try to add modprobe snd_hda_intel model=stack3 and i works (execpt when the sound stop ramdomly) but in last versions i never hear good sound08:24
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intelikeyi guess i'm just too lazy to hand configure and hand build a new initramfs.img, specally for grub use, to find the root fs when grub kicks it off.  seeing that the pair has no problem finding the root fs when lilo kicks it off.08:25
bobstrodarktears: ah, sorry i don't know enough about that hardware to help much. do you have that driver? is it possibly in restricted modules?08:25
mikeyok, found the utility.  Allows read/write of ext2 and ext3 shares in windows.  http://www.fs-driver.org/08:26
darktearscarte  0: Intel [HDA Intel] , priphrique 0 : AD198x Analog [AD198x Analog] 08:26
darktears  Sous-priphriques: 1/108:26
darktears  Sous-priphrique: #0: subdevice #008:26
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darktearssorry for the c/c08:26
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bobstrodarktears: you might just search for tips using that hardware with non-ubuntu distros. i often find hints on the other lists.08:27
bobstrointelikey: as i said, probably depends on what you do. i've never had to do such.08:27
bobstro(not manually)08:27
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darktearsbobstro: yes i'm little bit depserate i search i search bu no solution :(08:27
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TonrenHow can I get k3b to burn m4a files?08:28
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mikeyanybody have an opinion of koffice vs. openoffice?08:30
soomonhi i got some problem with my ubuntu egy (kernel .. i first installed the nvidia from automatix and now wanted to update to the latest version, but now my kernel sais: api mismatch, kernel module 1.0-7184 and X module 1.0-9755, how do i solve this?08:30
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soomonanybody got an idea?08:33
qsueverybody is gone, soomon08:34
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qsueverybody is away from there computer, the went over to the darkside08:34
qsuwich is, eating pizza and drinking cola08:34
bobstrois automatix a good way to do such things if you're planning on upgrading?08:35
bobstrosoomon: have you gone through the forums?08:35
soomonwell i didn't plan to upgrade, but seems i have to :/08:35
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soomonnot yet08:35
bobstrosoomon: i've read enough about automatix to make me hesitant to use it for exaclty that sort of reason.08:35
bobstrosoomon: but there's plenty of nvidia info on the forums to be found.08:35
bobstrosoomon: you have the restricted drivers installed?08:36
soomonwell, the nvidia driver didn't want to install itself as he didn't find a matching kernel and also couldn't download one08:36
soomonso i took the one from automatix as i knew this one worked08:36
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renewipHi all!08:37
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renewipI've installed my Feisty Fawn system08:37
bobstrosoomon: FWIW - my nvidia is working on 2.6.17-11-generic with no problems.08:38
renewipAnd I can't understand why it found my IDE hard disk is /dev/sda08:38
renewipany help?08:38
bobstrosoomon: but i didn't use automatix, so not sure what it forces in.08:38
intelikey!automatix | soomon08:38
ubotusoomon: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:38
renewipit's normally /dev/hda (in Edgy)08:38
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intelikeyrenewip they are using scsi emulation    every hd is now an scsi device08:39
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renewipintelikey, and it is not wrong or error ?08:40
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renewipand I still can use DMA?08:40
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intelikeywell it was intentional.    i think it's an error   but it was done on purpose08:41
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intelikeyrenewip dma works yes08:41
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renewipok, thank you, intelikey08:42
intelikeythat is to say.   i disagree with the logic behind the move.   ^08:42
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bobstrointelikey: i know that was a thing years ago getting cd burners to work. i didn't realize it was coming back in vogue.08:46
CreationistOkay, I'm trying to get some cheap eGames working for my mother, but have failed so far.  I've tried using Cedega and Wine and apparently they don't support these games.08:47
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CreationistI've tried installing Windows under VirtualBox (which works fine), but NO games will run in XP without a graphics accelerator, which the emulators don't support.08:47
CreationistDo I have any other options here?08:47
bobstroCreationist: and there aren't equivalent native linux games?08:48
Creationistbobstro: Nope.08:48
bobstroCreationist: which games?08:48
BluesKajget an xbox08:48
CreationistBluesKaj: No Microsoft for me, thanks ;)08:48
bobstroBluesKaj: not exactly a *cheap* answer.08:48
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Creationistbobstro: Doesn't necessarily even need to be cheap... but my mom bought herself 4 games last night and I really want her to be able to play them.08:49
brianre001Hello everyone08:49
bobstroCreationist: we keep windows around here for the high-end games,b ut that's about it.08:49
CreationistI figured running Windows XP from within Linux would be doable, but nope... that's pointless.08:49
brianre001I need some help with something if someone has some time08:49
bobstroCreationist: ah. that may be an interesting support challenge.08:49
bobstrobrianre001: just post away.08:49
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brianre001For some reason my taskbar went away and I dont know how to get it back... help08:50
bobstroCreationist: looks like you'll be dealing with microsoft, like it or not!08:50
bobstrobrianre001: the kde kicker?08:50
brianre001thats it....sorry for the misnaming08:50
soulrideris there a way to increase icon size in the desktop?08:51
brianre001use to win... well you know08:51
soulriderbrianre001: press alt+f2 and type kicker08:51
soulridersee if somethign appears08:51
pollyoAnyone setup phpgedview from the repositories?08:51
brianre001Thank you I08:51
brianre001ll try it now08:51
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mikeyhow can I get to the config file for virtual consoles?  I tried /etc/inittab with no luck08:52
intelikeymikey what are you trying to change ?08:53
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bobstrosoulrider: in systems settings->apprearance-> icons you can08:53
brianre001I justtried alt+f2 and nothing happened08:53
mikeywas going to reduce the amount of consoles to free up some resources08:53
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intelikeymikey upstart doesn't use an inittab file.08:54
mikeywhat is upstart?08:54
peepsalotinit replacement08:54
intelikeymikey read up on upstart.     and 6 getty's  don't use much resources.08:54
bobstrobrianre001: right-click on destkop and select "run" perhaps?08:54
mikeyok will do08:55
intelikeypeepsalot SysVinit replacement.08:55
intelikeyupstart is another init08:55
brianre001Nada bobstro08:55
brianre001how do you access the themes manager... that might be it08:56
bobstrobrianre001: no run option when you right-click on desktop or nothing happened when you ran kicker?08:56
brianre001i tried to run kicker and nothing08:56
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bobstrobrianre001: if you restart your session does it come back?08:57
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brianre001Ill try an restart the session brb08:57
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brianre001okay I just restarted my session... now heres the thing... when it starts its there but then it goes away09:00
jhutchinsOf course, if you have an inittab, and you're using init, you still have to re-read the file to apply changes.09:00
intelikeyinit Q09:01
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brianre001okay I just tried to run kicker in term but it says its already running09:03
intelikeyhiding ?09:04
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intelikeyberyl ?09:04
intelikeyfeisty ?09:04
jtti have always had problems finding kde documentation. can anyone outline the steps to finding say information about kde autostart once the kde help menu is displayed09:04
brianre001beryl.... I think that may be the culprit... let me try something be right back09:04
BluesKajbrianre001, press alt and the left mouse button and move the cursor up , does the panel show ?09:05
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intelikeyassuming panel at bottom09:06
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=== intelikey has habbit of putting pannel left
BluesKajthinking his res is prolly 640x480 or some such09:07
intelikeyBluesKaj yeah.   i think beryl is the issue.09:07
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intelikeywell i fixed my grub issue.    i pitched grub out.09:09
blackboeI'm having some trouble with WINE09:09
blackboeReally? Grub worked fine for me09:09
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intelikeyyeah it does on most default setups09:10
blackboeAnyway, question. There's CD protection on this program I'm installing09:10
blackboeIf it doesn't identify the CD as the original, it won't run09:11
=== intelikey figures default is the starting point on the long road to right.
intelikeyblackboe is it the origenal ?09:12
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brianre001okay Im back... to no avail was I able to get my kicker back...09:16
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BluesKajbrianre001, press alt and the left mouse button and move the cursor up , does the panel show ?09:17
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brianre001one moment09:20
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brianre001It shows when I log on... but as soon as I do it goes away09:22
intelikeyhmmmm at some point in the past i seem to have made some symlinks to /bin/true.   this is the list of them.  http://pastebin.ca/441568      i wonder if that will hurt anything ?09:22
intelikeybrianre001 open a konsole and type   sudo killall kicker ;kicker09:23
mmartinHi all. i run feisty beta on my laptop. if i leave it a few hours and walk back to see the screensaver it takes a long time to become responsive again and a "top" then reveals a process from haldaemon using 100% cpu. ideas?09:23
intelikey!feisty | mmartin09:24
ubotummartin: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)09:24
mmartinwell i had the same problem on edgy09:24
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intelikeyyes but help and support for feisty is in #ubuntu+109:24
mmartinok ok even tho its bound to be the same problem ill hop over there09:25
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gansinhoplease, how do I set adept to not look for upgrades in a particular package?09:26
intelikeymmartin my idea would be to "not use hal"09:26
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mmartinwhat does hal actually do09:26
mmartincan i safely kill it09:27
=== intelikey doesn't like automatic krap.
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:27
intelikey!info hal09:27
ubotuhal: Hardware Abstraction Layer. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 347 kB, installed size 1112 kB09:27
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intelikeymmartin if you want to test you can    sudo /etc/init.d/hal* stop09:28
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intelikeymmartin errr maybe not hal*   that would get halt too09:30
intelikeyuse the tab key.09:31
mmartini think its some hardware interaction thing09:31
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intelikeyHardware Abstraction Layer < ^09:31
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intelikeyan Abstract of the hardware.09:32
mmartinhalt is the only script in init.d09:32
intelikeyhal has an init script.09:32
mmartini might just disable the screensaver and tweak power options to alwyas on.09:32
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Cosmo_I downloaded the .debs for my brother printer since it is not on the list that comes up when adding a printer, but when I install the .deb it still doesn't come up on the list. What am I doing wrong?09:34
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greg_gdoes your brother know you are trying to use his printer?09:35
greg_gbut, to answer your question, sorry, I do not know09:35
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intelikeyCosmo_ using a brother printer ?       i got this brother mfc-3360c to print but never did get it to scan or fax  ....09:36
intelikeyand that was with the drivers from the site.09:36
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brianre001okay... I am at my wits end here... I have no idea how to get kicker back09:37
Cosmo_intelikey: I have a brother fax-1840c I can't even get it to print09:37
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intelikeyCosmo_ the driver from the site     the printer driver and the cups driver   you need both.09:38
Cosmo_intelikey: yeah I downloaded both09:38
intelikeythe site has a how to09:38
newtokubuntuI have a question. I am running a nvidia 6600 with a dvi and analog out on it. My windows sees both monitors and works great but when I load into kubuntu it borks hardcore. Anyone know of a fix for this?09:39
intelikeyit actually works for the printer  on the  3360  can't gurantee  any other.09:39
intelikey!nv | newtokubuntu09:40
ubotunewtokubuntu: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:40
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intelikeynewtokubuntu that's supposed to work.  ^    failed for me.09:40
intelikeybut then hey.   i'm not any good at following instructions.09:41
intelikeymy idea of instructions is.     "do this this and this."   "no i don't want to do that, i'll do this and this."     "that wont wor*    how did you do that?"     " ok next "09:43
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intelikeylike i have a system that doesn't allow suid, on a disk that has no partitions.   which doesn't allow any logins.09:45
intelikeylinux;    the non-confomist's * dream.09:46
kalorin_that's mac09:47
kalorin_all those folks that want to dink thiffernt!09:47
=== intelikey doesn't dink thifferently, he just does differently.
kalorin_I think mac is for those that are all like those kids I see in highschool that want to all be nonconformists09:48
kalorin_and they do it all by looking and acting the same!09:48
kalorin_black hair, black fingernails09:48
kalorin_bunch of metal through their faces09:49
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kalorin_pale and unhealthy lookin09:49
intelikeyclaydoh:   not the HS non-con.   the real world non-con.09:49
intelikey! claydoh    stupid nick completion09:49
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intelikeykalorin_ you mean those walking dead kids....   yeah not that.09:50
kalorin_they're like mac users09:50
kalorin_all so worried about not being main stream and different taht they're all the same09:51
intelikeygeneration  x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x09:51
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intelikeyall alike.09:52
kalorin_nah, generation zzzzzzz09:52
intelikey"same diff"   my daughter would say09:52
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intelikeydifferance = same         odd statement imo09:53
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intelikeyQ what is the differance in a duck09:53
intelikeyA one leg is both the same09:53
korrxnothing, except in the middle09:53
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intelikeythat's  ^   a good definition of "same diff"09:54
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intelikeyit's lion the richard harted     run for you lives09:55
intelikeyok boardumb has prevailed against me like giant.   i'll go break something now.09:56
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ergomezhola sabeis si hay algn messenger para linux10:01
dawsonHello, I have installed VMware and have successfully installed windows Vista upon a virtual computer, I am having an issue, every time i reboot i have to run the vmwares configuration file again, otherwise it won't start. Any suggestions ? Thanks.10:01
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ZmaxHi all10:04
ZmaxI tried to install Kubuntu 6.10 but I got some problems:10:04
Zmax1) After the blue progress bar my notebook monitor turns off10:04
Zmax2) I tried using vesa driver10:05
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Zmaxbut nothing10:05
vinces1979Zmax: what kind of laptop10:05
ZmaxASUS A7D10:05
Zmaxwith ATI Radeon X70010:06
kalorin_you have to install the xorg-drivers-ati package10:06
Zmaxkalorin_, yes10:06
vinces1979Zmax: did you try booting recovery kernel?10:06
kalorin_I've got an x700 and had the same problem on my desktop10:06
kalorin_notebook still has the directions on it10:06
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kalorin_ok you want to edit the boot menu10:07
kalorin_adn remove the silent and splash options on the kernel, then boot it10:07
kalorin_(write this down)10:07
kalorin_then sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx10:07
kalorin_sudo aticonfig --initial10:07
kalorin_sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv10:08
kalorin_then type startx10:08
kalorin_that'll get you to a graphical installer, then you'll need to do the exact same thing again after it installs10:08
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kalorin_cause it'll boot off the live cd after you install all the drivers, but it wouldn't install those drivers when it does the install10:08
kalorin_there was some webpage that I found that laid that all out10:08
kalorin_total PITA10:09
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ZmaxI'll try that, thank you10:09
kalorin_had to look it up like 3 times10:09
kalorin_cause I did an xubutnu install10:10
kalorin_then eventually decided I wanted to run kubuntu10:10
kalorin_and then nuked the machine to redo the partitions at one point and had to use it again10:10
=== kalorin_ hsrugs
kalorin_but it'll boot, and run the ASCII xconfigurator10:10
kalorin_and complain it can't find a driver, just exit there and it'll drop you to a command line10:10
kalorin_then you can grab the right driver and startx when you've got it configured10:11
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voidmageI'm working on migrating from firefox to konqueror10:18
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voidmageHow can I import cookies, passwords, bookmarks, and history?10:18
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kalorin_firefox >>>10:19
voidmageBecause I want to try konqueror.10:19
voidmageAlso, how can I make gmail use ssl in konqueror?10:19
kalorin_I wasn't very impressed with it for the first couple of days so I just nixed it10:19
kalorin_I use it for local file system exploration and that's about it10:20
voidmageI'm getting fed up with firefox being a resource hog and crashing every so often10:20
voidmageOr worse, not crashing but failing to render pages unless I reload it several times10:20
kalorin_can't say that I've noticed htat but I've heard that from other folks10:20
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linux_kidCan I install Kubuntu on top of GNOME without messing with gdm or the splash screen?10:23
ewgeni90why linux dont use the exe files?10:23
Daisuke_Idoewgeni90: because it isn't windows10:24
kalorin_ewgeni90: because it's not windows?10:24
Daisuke_Idolinux_kid: yes10:24
kalorin_*high five*10:24
voidmagelinux_kid: Yes, just apt-get install kubuntu-dekstop10:24
voidmagelinux_kid: Yes, just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop10:24
Daisuke_Idowhoa, deja vu10:24
ewgeni90and how i did install programs with .exe?10:25
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kalorin_like which program with .exe?10:25
ewgeni90the google sketchup10:25
kalorin_sounds like you want to install windows software on linux10:25
kalorin_you'll either need to use an emulator like WINE10:26
wordgoogle usually has linux versions...10:26
kalorin_or a virutal machinee like vmware10:26
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kalorin_sorry no linux version10:26
wordonly windows and mac versions...you'll have to use wine10:26
linux_kidDaisuke_Ido, voidmage, thank you10:26
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kalorin_looks neat though10:27
ewgeni90:( i dont like windows10:27
kalorin_picassa does linux with wine10:27
ewgeni90i like only linux!10:27
kalorin_it might work10:27
_chocoboanybody know a repository that i can get freenx from?10:27
_chocoboI have tried almost everythign10:27
Daisuke_Ido!info freenx10:27
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ubotuPackage freenx does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas10:28
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kalorin_what is it?10:28
_chocoboi heard u could use the one fro LTS for edgy10:28
ewgeni90in new version of ubuntu linux ,the programs install automatically?10:29
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kalorin_yes, ewgeni90, you just think about them and they automagically install10:29
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Daisuke_Idoewgeni90: as in all versions, you install programs from the repositories10:29
kalorin_and even configure correctly for you10:29
s0nixHi, is there a way to synchronize ALL Kontact information (including all plugins, note, read mail, todo list, contacts) ? cause i want to use this wonderful software on my home pc AND on my laptop. thx for ur answer10:30
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents10:30
wordkalorin_: shush10:30
kalorin_(my answer was more fun)10:30
dodolehm .. its working :D10:30
dodolmy first kubuntu box :D10:30
ewgeni90ah, i understand10:30
dodolsorry :D10:30
ewgeni90so i wait the new version of ubuntu or kubuntu10:30
Daisuke_Idododol: welcome to the cult :D10:31
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Daisuke_Idoewgeni90: the new version is coming out in a few days10:31
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ewgeni90the kubuntu version have a new version but is it BETA version, i dont like BETA versions10:32
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wordewgeni90: depends on what you use it for, i've been using feisty since alpha, it's had it's share of problems.10:34
dodolhi all... i can't hear anything from my kubuntu (KDE), what should I do? any links? (help me pleas :| )10:34
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Arwencan anyone here me?10:34
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Arwenok, good, net send flood is over,,,10:35
x2FusionDownload today, http://beam.to/picy10:35
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kalorin_do you think it'll run under WINE?10:36
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Daisuke_Idothink what will run under wine10:37
kalorin_[16:37]  <x2Fusion> Download today, http://beam.to/picy10:37
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kalorin_why, untitled.exe of course!10:37
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Daisuke_Idodunno what it is, i don't click unsolicited links, especially not beam.to, sling.to shoot.to, whatever's new this week10:38
wordMy x server randomly restarts....the problem usually happens while running a graphics intensive program like a game..but it's also happened without it...this is the last section of my xorg.log - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15747/ any ideas?10:39
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ewgeni90my english its dont corect :(10:40
kalorin_signal 11 is an overflow isn't it?10:40
Daisuke_Idowell, it's something about the keyboard it doesn't like10:40
kalorin_do you hae the correct keyboard set up in the xconfig?10:40
kalorin_er xorg.conf10:40
kalorin_you didn't select some wacko specialized keyboard that sort of matched what you have did you?10:41
sgomeshello everyone! I'm getting random X crashes, any way I can diagnose this? /var/log/Xorg.log seems useless10:41
wordkalorin_: um..i don't 'think' so...i have a qwerty us keyboard :-/ let me look in my xorg.conf..10:42
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wordkalorin_: adding section for the keyboard config in the xorg.conf to pastebin..refresh in a few seconds...10:43
kalorin_driver kbd for the generic keyboard10:43
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kalorin_word, I don't see any update10:44
shawn34just installed kubuntu/Edgy, have nvidia geforce 440 go 64m, how do i install the nvidia drivers?10:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:45
wordkalorin_: yah...for some reason the pastebin thinks i'm a spammer...i'm gonna have to use a different one10:45
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Cosmo_I downloaded the .debs for my brother 1840c printer since it is not on the list that comes up when adding a printer, but when I install the .deb it still doesn't come up on the list. What am I doing wrong?10:45
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kalorin_I had that deal at some point as well10:46
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wordkalorin_: http://pastebin.us/2445810:46
kalorin_it'd be nice to just have the ability to just make a channel here nad chat or dcc chat10:46
dsmith_kalorin_: you can make your own roooms10:46
kalorin_um... try this10:46
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kalorin_ok refresh it10:48
wordThis is gonna be crazy to figure out if any fix is working...because sometimes it takes 4 hours of a graphics heavy game for it to crash >< others..2 minutes..10:48
kalorin_guess your'e going to have to spend some time killin' things10:48
kalorin_so I changd your model to a 105key deal10:48
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kalorin_and I'm not sure what the option XkbOptions is for but it does something with that 105th key I'd guess10:49
_chocoboHey anybody use FreeNX before?10:49
kalorin_Id' just comment what you've got and put in those 3 lines I changed10:49
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=== word counts keys
kalorin_that's what I've got in my config10:49
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kalorin_I've got 2x windows keys + 1x menu key on the right side between the space and CTRL10:50
kalorin_thus 10510:50
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kalorin_wondering if you're hitting that key and it doesn't know what to do with the input and blows up10:50
wordi counted 104 :-/10:50
word...and i just counted 105...lol..10:52
shawn34i have a amd, should i install the k7 kernal or the 386 kernal? the generic kernal is installed currently10:52
kalorin_uncross your eyes :)10:52
kalorin_shawn34: I've got an athlon64 3200+ and it runs great iwth the generic stuf10:52
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rjbhow's wifi support coming along in feisty?10:55
wordkalorin_: 90% sure it's 10410:55
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rjbshould i expect upgrade trouble with my broadcom 43xx?10:55
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wordkalorin_: >.> i suck at counting..10:56
wordkalorin_: so..if you're right..then i could press all the buttons and theoratically crash right?10:58
sgomesI'll guess I'll try asking again... I'm getting random X crashes in feisty, any way I can diagnose this?10:59
jhutchinsshawn34: They've incorporated support for pretty much any chip in the generic kernel.  It auto-selects the best options for your chip.10:59
jhutchinssgomes: You'd probably have better luck in the feisty channel, #ubuntu+110:59
sgomesjhutchins: thanks10:59
jhutchinssgomes: Make sure you tell 'em what chipset you've got and what drivers you're running.11:00
kalorin_word, well it could be a combination of buttons or something11:00
kalorin_like you said it's random11:00
sgomesjhutchins: will do :)11:00
kalorin_but I would think it's possible yes11:00
wordi've been sitting back watching it and it's happened :-/11:01
wordbut i suppose it could take a few seconds for it to explode :-/11:02
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kalorin_I hate to say good luck with blowing up your system11:03
kalorin_but um... good luck :)11:04
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voidmageIs there a way to set up konqueror to have ctrl+enter add .com to a url?11:06
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jhutchinsvoidmage: Interesting thought.  Might ask in #kde, or submit it as a feature request.  Maybe you could cycle through .org and .net by repeating.11:09
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jhutchinsvoidmage: (Submit to kde, not kubuntu.)11:09
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jack_hi, using cups how can i use economic printing settings?11:12
jack_it offers me in the properties sth but the pahes still come out with full ink11:14
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jhutchinsjack_: Have you used the settings with something other than cups where it came out differently?11:15
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Cosmo_ I downloaded the .debs for my brother 1840c printer since it is not on the list that comes up when adding a printer, but when I install the .deb it still doesn't come up on the list. What am I doing wrong?11:17
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wordkalorin_: well restarting x and gonna...play a game for awhile lol i'll let you know how it goes11:18
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jack_like generic unix lpd printings system, no, but i will..where would i find the option print economically ? in the properties tab, directly before i print?11:19
jack_jhutchins:  like generic unix lpd printings system, no, but i will..where would i find the option print economically ? in the properties tab, directly before i print?11:20
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jack_jhutchins: it only offers in the graphics resolution dialog 360 x 120 dpi economic, would that be the right thing to choose cos i see nothing else related11:22
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ma_[R] _cohey11:23
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ma_[R] _couna mano su un hard disck fat3211:23
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jhutchinsjack_: With a lot of printers there doesn't seem to be any difference.11:24
jhutchinsma_[R] _co: Sorry, english?11:25
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jhutchins!es | ma_[R] _co11:25
ubotuma_[R] _co: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:25
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jack_jhutchins: how would you force your printer to print economically cos its the epson dx5050 i'm glad that it even prints atall cos its pretty new11:26
jhutchinsjack_: Like I said, on a lot of printers it doesn't make any difference.11:27
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jack_ok, so it just would work?do you know how to add a blan out x for deleting the interent address bar like in the konqueror to the firefox?11:28
jack_blank out sorry11:28
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Stardoguhm... howto do a screenshot in terminal with delay?11:29
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philphotoevening folks.  I'm trying to set up my epson scanner & would like to know what this means: "You also need to set up the environment variable SANEI_EPKOWA_FIRMWAREFILE to point to the firmware file esfw54.bin."11:30
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ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.11:31
ubotuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr]  button or the File -> Acquire menu in the GIMP.11:32
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chijinor by running ksnapshot11:34
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philphotoanyone here use vuescan?11:35
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dsmith_question: How can I stop a runaway process?11:38
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hitmanWillydsmith_, kill <PID>11:42
hitmanWillydsmith_, or killall <process name>11:42
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dsmith_thx willy11:43
philphotohitmanWilly: I'm trying to find out what this means: You also need to set up the environment variable SANEI_EPKOWA_FIRMWAREFILE to point to the firmware file esfw54.bin.11:43
dsmith_superkaramba is freaking out on me11:43
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, do you know what an environment variable is?11:44
philphotoI just don't get the "setup environment profile to point to" part.11:44
philphotostill learning this OS.  I'm trying to get my scanner set up11:45
hitmanWillyphilphoto, all it is is a varible that the system shell sets11:45
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koflerHow would I prevent a program from starting up at boot?11:45
koflerLike lighttpd starts up at boot and I don't want it to start until certain drives are mounted.11:45
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, you can set them manually yourself like ENVIRONMENT_VARIBLE="/usr/local/" or something else to that effect11:46
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philphotohitmanWilly: this is why I have this question.  in vuescan:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15868/11:47
hitmanWillyphilphoto, what you need to do is find where the file its looking for is and set the required env var to that path11:47
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caffeinismSooo... I got the newest live CD from kubuntu... My computer freezes up when the little bouncy loading bar comes up.11:48
caffeinismI googled it and searched the forums.11:49
hitmanWillyphilphoto, its actually pretty easy, what i would do is write a quick shell script to do it then launch the program with that11:49
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, you could also set it up on boot, but im not sure how ubuntu does that11:49
philphotohitmanWilly: so would that look like "sudo SANEI_EPKOWA_FIRMWAREFILE=esfw54.bin"  ??11:49
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, that should work11:50
philphotoI can't write scripts.  I just started this arcania a few weeks ago11:50
koflerHow would I prevent a program from starting up at boot?11:50
koflerLike lighttpd starts up at boot and I don't want it to start until certain drives are mounted.11:50
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, scripts are easy, its just a series of commands for the os to run with #!/bin/sh at the top11:51
philphotodo I have to put in a file path for the env var to properly see where the file is lcated?11:51
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, yeah, it'll need the full path11:51
hitmanWillyphilphoto, actually, the package might set that up for you when you install it, maybe...11:52
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philphotono, it didn't set that up11:52
hitmanWillyoh, ok11:52
hitmanWillyhard way then11:52
philphotoI'm a little confused about the last part of that pastebin entry I sent.11:53
philphoto"For newer versions of iscan, set up ISCAN_FW_DIR instead."11:53
hitmanWillyphilphoto, newer versions of the program will read that environment variable instead11:53
philphotois that the name of the env var instead of the longer one in this case?11:53
hitmanWillyphilphoto, probably11:54
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philphotohitmanWilly: ok, so first, i find esfw54.bin, then remember the full path to the file, then setup the env var11:55
hitmanWillyphilphoto, yup11:55
philphotohitmanwilly: like this  "sudo ISCAN_FW_DIR=/filepath.../.../esfw54.bin"11:55
hitmanWillyphilphoto, you don't need sudo for that11:56
hitmanWillyphilphoto, also, put the path in quotes11:56
philphotook, but for the most part that command looks viable?11:56
philphotoquotes, huh?11:56
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hitmanWillyshould work, yeah11:56
philphotoexcellent.  thanks11:57
hitmanWillyphilphoto, also, look into shell scripting, it makes things SO much easier11:57
hitmanWillyjust a suggestion11:58
philphotohitmanWilly:  ok,  now those quotes are like these:  "..."  ?11:58
hitmanWillythe path is a string, which needs the quotes11:59
philphotowell, I ran it in shell & then it just went to the next command line.12:00
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philphotoI was expecting something to happen.  is it that simple?12:00
hitmanWillyphilphoto, try typing this echo $<name of env var>12:00
hitmanWillyphilphoto, it should show what you just put into it12:01
philphotoI got command not found.12:01
hitmanWillyecho??? not found????12:01
bill_kanyone have experience with grub conf?  (installed vista over xp+kubuntu), now i only see vista bootloader which gives me option of xp or vista12:01
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philphotook, perhaps I'll use the longer version previously mentioned in setup util text12:01
hitmanWillyhow is echo not found?12:02
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, type echo in konsole right quick12:02
bill_kbooted to kubuntu with live-cd now, tried "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" and got "cannot find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"12:02
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philphotonothing happens12:03
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, try "echo $ISCAN_FW_DIR"12:04
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hitmanWillywith the $12:04
philphotohitmanWilly: I got "/usr/share/iscan/esfw54.bin"12:05
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, you scared me for a minute there, echo is pretty important12:05
philphotoI have no idea, so thanks12:05
hitmanWillyphilphoto, i thought you might not have it on the system12:05
hitmanWillythat's BAD12:06
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, did you literally type in <nameof env var>?12:06
hitmanWillyphilphoto, generally speaking, whenever someone puts something in <> it means "don't literally type this"12:07
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philphotoI didn't just copy/past the whole thing12:08
hitmanWillyphilphoto, ok, nevermind then12:08
philphotoI typed in the env variable that I thought I'd changed12:08
philphotoright, right.12:08
hitmanWillyphilphoto, probably a typo someplace12:09
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philphotook so I'm still getting the error that I do not have the proper driver installed, though I do.12:09
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hitmanWillyphilphoto, try the other env variable then12:09
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philphotoI think the problem lies in this: "make sure you have /usr/lib/libesint54.so from..."12:10
piemanis there anyway i can run a php script from the commnad like i can with perl/java ?12:10
philphotoI have that file, but it is not in exactly that location.12:11
=== shawn is now known as shawn34
hitmanWillyphilphoto, do you know how to make a symbolic link?12:11
philphotoit's in the /usr/lib directory, but it has it's own folder.12:11
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