
henomc44: Ben will build it, so check his download area in a bit12:24
mc44heno: ok,, thanks12:25
TheVaultAnyone experiencing this problem. When your in your home directory or someplace, and you double click something, it just sits there and does nothing. No matter how many times you click, it does not do anything. Anyone experiencing that?12:25
BluesKajsingle click is the deault in linux12:26
henoTheVault: just happened to me in fact (then I changed the batteries in my mouse and now it works :) )12:26
TheVaultheno: I am on a laptop using a touchpad. I just plugged in my USB mouse and its doing the same thing12:27
TheVaultHeck, I just restarted my computer thinking it would fix problem12:27
TheVaultBlueKaj: Not when your clicking on a folder. Single click only works on the desktop when your clicking something in the panels or whatnot12:28
TheVaultNow thats strange, now it works after I changed the double click timeout. I had it set on 100 instead of 400. Whats the difference?12:29
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TheVaultGot another question. I have beryl installed. Does anyone else get a a 6 sec hang after you enter your master password(if you have that enabled)?12:33
TheVaultFor Firefox12:33
hikenbootgreetings all...I am wondering if there is a boot time reducing add in for ubuntu +112:33
TheVaulthikenboot: Did you just now install feisty?12:34
hikenbootno i just updated packages12:34
TheVaulthikenboot: Did you install all the updates?12:34
hikenbootboot is real slow but internet seems extremely fast12:34
hikenbootyes i installed them all12:34
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TheVaulthikenboot: Hmmm. Well my boot times are alright. When I had first installed feisty, the loader would hang for about 1 minute, like half way, then it would finally load completely. But since I installed updates, that was fixed and boot time was fast to12:35
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hikenbootthere is a couple different parellizer and other method projects for reducing boot time I was wondering which one is  meant for ubuntu12:36
penguin42has anyone else had problems with md/dm/lvm/evms on feisty in the last few weeks - mine is getting more and more confused each time I reboot (I'm running 2.6.20-15)12:36
=== penguin42 has a simple md raid but it's getting damn confuse
penguin42evms and /proc/mdstat are disagreeing with what is actually in the raid12:37
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penguin42and something is blatantly ignoring the mdadm.conf where I tell it which devices I want12:38
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linux_kidWhere can I find an old-er version of network-manager-gnome??12:38
penguin42linux_kid: Have you looked on the ftp site that you normally get your ubuntu packages from in the same directory in pool/main/n/network-manager-gnome ?12:39
linux_kidpenguin42, good idea, i'll check... How do I find which repo to use?12:39
penguin42linux_kid: Try main and if that doesn't work try the others :-)  But you can find out from a dpkg -s I think or apt-cache show12:40
linux_kidpenguin42, thank you again :)12:40
andre_pldoes anyone here use gnome-osd at all? I've been using it for a while, but in the past couple of days its stopped working on my second display, if DISPLAY=":0.1" i get a dbus error, but if its :0.0 it works fine.12:43
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misfit_toywhat's a good generic terminal besides gnome-term?12:48
penguin42xterm is basic but works12:48
misfit_toyoh yeah, couldn't remember, thanks12:49
penguin42konsole is similar to gnome but from the KDE camp12:49
penguin42(works under gnome)12:49
k`ubuntuwell, not sure how it works now but I don't think using KDE stuff under Gnome is a too smart idea12:50
k`ubuntuat least KDE stuffs installed LOADS of plus packages12:50
k`ubuntuin 5.0412:50
PWilljust saw that feisty might be delayed12:50
andre_plI hope so. its broken pretty bad right now12:50
PWillandre_pl: works for me :)12:51
andre_plPWill: you got lucky. alot of people are having serious problems.12:51
PWilli heard about them12:52
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penguin42It's been looking really good except for the last few days12:52
penguin42hmm I like the captcha replacement on that page12:52
PWilli have pentium d dual core with an ATA drive and a SATA drive12:52
k`ubuntuthats sad. soooo sad. I wanted my Feisty installed next weekend :'(12:53
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k`ubuntupenguin42, yes, not bad but it will be matter of weeks and bots will learn it kinda fast I think, was same with the email addresses on pictures and stuff12:54
misfit_toywhat's the name of that package that now comes with feisty for eye-candy compiz stuff? desktop-"something"12:56
penguin42misfit_toy: effects12:56
misfit_toyah yes, thx12:56
misfit_toyI'm having a weird beryl issue and want to compare12:56
penguin42I think desktop_effects is just a front end for compiz isn't it?12:56
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misfit_toyI'm hoping it might fix the window-dec issue12:56
misfit_toyberyl is good but unpredictable and I had compiz on edgy and it was rock stable solid12:57
yoasifanyone know of an issue where the screen gets like 20 copies of it, skewed?12:57
yoasifand nothing works, not even ssh?12:57
starzmisfit_toy oo thats good to hear12:58
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse01:04
misfit_toyI'm thinking beryl is just pushing this laptop too hard, and compiz won't give me window-decorations, time to cut it back to just metacity until all that stuff stabilizes.01:06
misfit_toyit's cool stuff, but I suppose unnecessary in the long run.01:06
FalstiusSo is linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic the 2.6.20-15.25?  Because my bootup is broken and I'm trying to update from a chroot, but it isn't finding any updates new kernel. (it is trying to boot -15-generic)01:07
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atselbywhens this kernel fix supposed to happen?01:10
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FylkIs there any point to these extra headers in grub?01:14
penguin42extra headers?01:15
atselbyCan anyone here help me upgrade my kernel to the one listed in the topic of this channel?01:15
crdlbatselby, dpkg -l|grep linux-image01:16
atselbycrdlb: what're the odds.01:16
atselbycrdlb: uhm, it shows im on the said kernel actually... but thats the problematic one.01:16
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atselby Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on i3801:17
atselbyii  linux-image-2.6.20-15-386              2.6.20-15.2501:17
=== fenrig [n=matthias@d54C2DA6C.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu+1
fenrigubuntu is still broken01:18
fenrigi cant boot and i have the 2.6.20-15.2501:18
atselbyfenrig: i hear ya.01:18
atselbyfenrig: same problem.01:18
atselbyfenrig: what're you in now?01:19
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rm_youI thought feisty was going to use network-manager 7.x, but it looks like only 6.4 is available right now... Is it going to be added at release or did I hear wrong?01:28
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misfit_toyif you're having problems with that latest kernel, I might suggest getting an older one to boot to, I'm using 2.6.20-14-38601:32
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darkogreetings :)   Can i disable VDSO support while compiling the kernel > 2.60?01:37
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tattersAnyone running mythtv found that the weather is failing to update after latest update?01:39
atselbyWhen's the kernel update gonna be?01:41
atselbyany est?01:41
FylkAre we still on for a release next week?01:43
tattersthat reminds me my grub menu is getting overloaded,,,01:43
tattersis it ok to remove old stuff in gru or advised to keep?01:44
crdlbtatters, you should always keep a couple01:45
atselbyfylk: if the kernel is how it is now id hope not...01:45
crdlbbut other than that, you can remove the really old ones01:45
tattersk, thnx will do,,,,I got me xp, n vista on there as well, it is starting to get pretty full01:46
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FylkI agree with atselby. This current version has too many glitches for a major release.01:47
BluesKajhmm, strange ...editing old kernels out of the boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't remove the kernels in the grub menu at boot up01:48
soothsayBluesKaj: Is there a reason you are doing that instead of removing the kernel packages themselves?01:49
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BluesKajok, soothsay where are they stored so i can remove them ?01:53
soothsayBluesKaj: What do you normally use to add/remove packages?01:54
tattersI got 2 network card cable n wireless and still the option to disable wireless eludes me from the GUI, if I disable it re-enables itself at reboot01:54
soothsayBluesKaj: Synaptic works fine....01:54
BluesKajfor kernels ?01:54
tattersThe only option is roam or ep01:54
soothsayBluesKaj: Search for linux-image packages01:54
misfit_toyBluesKaj, yeah, go into synaptic and uncheck the ones you don't want.01:54
misfit_toyBluesKaj, if you do it that way it will also update grub.01:55
BluesKajok, looking01:55
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ChetwinHi all.  I can not figure out the PAM (auto keyring password) instructions for networkmanager, so i installed knetworkmanager in gnome because it doesn't need to use the keyring and the kwallet doesn't require a password at all.  But now I can not get it to autostart with gnome.  I have already tried to configure the autostart setting in knetworkmanager, but no luck.  I still have to start it manually at every boot.  Any suggestions?02:02
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177677663.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu+1
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about breakage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:05
BluesKajok, thx gents ...grub is now officially 2.6.20-15.2702:05
=== BluesKaj hides the eggs
soothsayHow quickly ubotu forgets02:07
penguin42unfortunately disc access is still unstable on my system with 2.6.20-15.2502:08
penguin42does anyone know how to read ata errors?02:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brekage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:09
jkimball4It was spelled wrong before02:09
ChetwinAlright everyone, I'm gonna repost one more time before I run.  If anyone has any suggestions, please private message me02:10
ChetwinHi all.  I can not figure out the PAM (auto keyring password) instructions for networkmanager, so i installed knetworkmanager in gnome because it doesn't need to use the keyring and the kwallet doesn't require a password at all.  But now I can not get it to autostart with gnome.  I have already tried to configure the autostart setting in knetworkmanager, but no luck.  I still have to start it manually at every boot.  Any suggestions?02:10
mcarrollthe breakage factoid was deleted, but can still be read here: http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi?search=breakage02:10
|NewUser|jkimball4: so what does it mean ? if the breakage link is remove in the bot so its mean now that is fixed?02:10
jkimball4|NewUser| there is no longer breakage afaik02:11
jkimball4My system updates properly today02:11
jinmy printer is not working in feisty02:11
jinit does work on edgy02:11
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|NewUser|jkimball4: okie thanks for keep updating me with new updates :) now i m going to update my some upgrade packages.02:12
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=== penguin42 rolls back to 2.6.20-11
|NewUser|well is there any help to install IRCD server in ubuntu?02:15
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pedroI have just added a new user. And it has no sound at all. Any help?02:23
pedroswitching to older user, the sound is okay02:24
void^add him to the audio group02:24
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pedrovoid^: there is no 'audio' group02:25
void^pedro: how unusual. which group do your device nodes in /dev/snd belong to?02:26
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pedrodunno... How to check that?02:26
void^ls -l /dev/snd02:26
Dana1915resolution REEEEEally should be installed by default on systems that need it.02:26
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
pedrovoid^: it is 'audio'. But there is no 'audio' in Group Manager. How to add pedro to audio group?02:28
void^pedro: usermod -a -G audio pedro02:29
pedroshould I reboot?02:30
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Ace2016Hi all02:30
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|NewUser|void^: is there any help to install IRCD server in fiesty?02:30
Ace2016has anyone noticed that synaptic now takes longer to apply updates02:31
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DanaGOh yeah, I heard the upstream Debian had a new release.  If I already have Feisty, should I bother with it?02:31
DanaGLast time I tried Debian, I tried "stable" because I didn't know any better, and I found everything to be really old.02:32
DanaGThat was 2 or 3 years ago.02:32
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Ace2016DanaG: well try debian sid02:32
Ace2016thats all the latest packages02:32
void^debian etch is probably around dapper (?)02:32
Ace2016and its always the latest stuff, the very very latest02:32
Ace2016and its updated very frequently, which is nice02:33
Ace2016however it is unstable, new packages tend to have undetected bugs02:33
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Ace2016but it wasn't that bad the last time i tried it02:33
void^yes. if you use ubuntu+1 because you enjoy frequent updates and breakage you'll feel at home on sid. :)02:33
mister_robotodoes anyone know if truecrypt will ever be part of ubuntu's repos? any plans?02:34
DanaGI like being on the cutting (but not quite bleeding -- I leave that to my cheap desktop case that I no longer use -- ouch, that thing was sharp)02:34
DanaG..oh, I digress.02:34
Ace2016sid wasn't that bad, i just had to watch out for updates to nvidia and the restricted modules when the kernel was updated02:34
DanaGI like being on the leading edge in software, but NOT in hardware.02:35
penguin42DanaG: Sticking with the latest 'stable' ubuntu isn't bad - it's normally no more than 6 months out and if you feel brave you can always move up to the current testing02:35
DanaGI did Edgy when it was in testing, and I started Feisty when I found out it had 2.6.20 kernel.02:35
=== penguin42 finds that a 2.6.20-11 manages to copy 6GB of data off this machine but the 2.6.20-15.25 is dying after about 500MB
=== Ace2016 wishes ubuntu had something like sid from which versions branch off from and get polished up for release
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concept10For some reason ubuntu puts a wacom tablet input device in my xorg.conf and I have never touched one in my life.  Anyone else see this problem?02:45
lupine_85concept10: it's a feature, not a bug ;)02:45
lupine_85just remove it02:45
gnomefreakhasnt it been like that since edgy02:45
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concept10gnomefreak: I think so.  It's been there for awhile.  I thought it was just another one of those GNU/Linux compatibility abstractions :)02:46
concept10sort of like libata02:47
concept10and scsi for everything else :)02:47
Lunar_Lampwacom is there in case you want to use a wacom. It's been in at least since dapper.02:47
crimsunit's there because a significant user has wacom tablets. It's part of the usable by default mantra.02:47
=== gnomefreak doesnt remember yesterday please dont ask me to remember dapper :)
Ace2016bye all02:47
concept10I hate these kitchen sink installs modules and extra stuff everywhere :)02:48
crimsunconcept10: then default Ubuntu really isn't for you.02:48
crimsunnot to mention it's trivial to remove what you don't want.02:48
concept10Im trying to narrow down what is causing GDM to lock up.02:48
penguin42talking of input devices - what is the right way to set up touchpads?  GSynaptics looks like a pretty front end for this but says I need something special in my xorg.conf (a SHM enable for the device) - but I don't think there is actually a specific entry for touchpad in the xorg.conf anyway02:49
crimsunpenguin42: there is on mine.02:49
=== penguin42 thinks he wants to turn the 'tap' off
penguin42crimsun: I seem to have a mouse and a bunch of wacoms02:50
crimsuna clean install of 20070414 shows a synaptics entry.02:51
crimsunit goes without saying that I have a synaptics touchpad on this pavilion dv6205us.02:51
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Ace2016I'm back02:52
Ace2016 "Large parts of feisty were broken, Including booting, and a 403 on the kernel.  2.6.20-15.25 fixes these02:52
|NewUser|Is There any help to install ircd server in my local machine?02:52
Ace2016Can someone put a time stamp on all these02:52
Ace2016i just don't know how up to date this info is02:52
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larsbarshi: i'm running feisty on a core duo laptop and speedstep-centrino fails to load (it worked twice). anybody else experience this problem?02:53
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gan|y|medpls, does anybody know why the fglrx-driver package does not install fglrx.ko??02:53
crimsunAce2016: the topic has a timestamp.02:54
crimsun20:54 -!- Topic set by tonyyarusso [n=anthony@ubuntu/member/tonyyarusso]  [Sat Apr 14 12:49:06 2007] 02:54
crimsunAce2016: furthermore, if you're testing Feisty, you should at least be subscribed to the feisty-changes mailing list02:55
crimsunnot to mention ubuntu-announce, ubuntu-devel-announce02:55
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Ace2016crimsun: nope, never knew there even was a mailing list02:58
gnomefreaktheres a ton of them :(  lists.ubuntu.com02:59
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!02:59
Ace2016thanks i see the timestamp02:59
Hidanfeisty-changes mailing list? there IS one?02:59
Ace2016gnomefreak: i know i just updated them, took forever02:59
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martallifor some reason, tab autocompletion isn't working in my konsole03:00
crimsunmartalli: for bash or a particular application over and beyond bash_completion?03:00
martalliIt was working before...I just did a big upgrade (to the 20-15)03:00
martallicrimsun, in bash03:00
concept10could someone help me out and paste /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop?  I think my copy is borked.03:00
gnomefreakmartalli: in bash type dis <tab> <tab>03:01
gnomefreakdo you get a list of words03:01
martallinow its working03:02
martallibizarre...it wasn't working just a second ago!!!!!!03:02
martalliWell, thanks for your magic help lol03:02
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concept10my current /usr/share/xsessions/gnome.desktop looks like this: im not sure is this is freezing my system: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15718/03:04
concept10someone please paste a clean one03:05
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starzmmm interesting ;)03:09
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crimsunconcept10: that's legit.03:11
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nixnoobhow do i remove xdmcp?03:11
concept10crimsun: thanks.03:12
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crimsunnixnoob: err, more precisely?03:14
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nixnoobwell foro some reason its giving me xdmcp screen when i boot intsead of login03:15
nixnoobi want to login normally03:16
nixnoobi had to remove the network-manager package because it was causing x to crash on boot i think it messed something up in the init scripts03:16
nixnoobnvm i fixed it03:17
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tagfeisty is still broken?03:18
tagoh, "were"03:18
crimsunit's still broken for some people03:19
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@66-169-234-227.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
crimsuna 2.6.20-15.26 has been uploaded which fixes it03:19
crimsunyou'll see it in 12-ish hours03:19
DanaGThat's odd: every once in a while my ACPI temperature will randomly jump to and stick at 66, 72, or 78 C.03:19
DanaGBut that's a bogus reading -- it never gets that hot during the most intense CPU and GPU and I/O usage in Windows.03:20
DanaGI'll also see APIC error on CPU 0 (40)03:20
DanaGAPIC error on CPU1: 40(40)03:20
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-152-229.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1
Ace2016unless windows is wrong.....03:21
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1
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DanaGNope, it's Speedfan and RMCloc.03:22
Hidanhmmh i can't wait for it to reach RC status.03:22
DanaGIt's a BIOS bug -- the CPU span will fin up to a higher speed.03:22
DanaGEr, fan will spin up03:22
tagthe ubuntu mirrors are really slow for me03:23
Ace2016maybe lots of people are updating now03:23
tagthey've been being really slow for the last few days03:23
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DanaGHow can you tell how recently a mirror has been updated?03:24
DanaGoh, and s/RMCloc/RMClock/03:24
fb33how do you manually make a user have sudo power?03:25
dystopianrayfb33: put them in the admin group03:25
fb33thank you03:25
DanaGtry http://san1.csc.calpoly.edu/ubuntu/03:25
DanaGCal Poly, SLO.03:25
=== tag always just used visudo
DanaGUpdated 6:18; likely AM.03:26
=== fb33 switched to slackware
fb33and tired of always asking questions there03:26
fb33I miss kubuntu03:26
tagfb33: heh, then use visudo.  Also quit asking questions here.03:26
fb33it was so much easeir03:26
tagtry #linpeople or something03:26
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Ace2016fb33: any good points of slackware which you like more than kubuntu?03:27
fb33for 64 bit I can run 32 bit  without chroot03:27
Ace2016that it?03:28
fb33rpm2tgz is nice03:29
fb33better then alien03:29
fb33I just started using it03:29
fb33ill come back next week03:30
fb33but using wine near natively in 64 is nice03:30
Ace2016fb33: ever tried gentoo?03:31
fb33I mean. ubuntu without a doubt is easier to use03:31
fb33no. not going that bleeding edge...yet03:31
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fb33plus I like the slackware community03:32
wordDid anyone else lose all the options in kmix? :-/03:33
fb33ubuntu grew to big for me03:33
wordwhen they switched to feisty that is...i also switched my motherboard but it wouldn't make much sense for that to take away the "+20 db mic" option..which i reallly need.03:33
fb33and after trying backtrack2 I saw slackware might be nice03:33
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DanaGDoes kmix hide options like the gnome thingy does?03:34
fb33of another nice thing about slack03:34
DanaGI know the gnome thingy hides controls by defaults.03:34
fb33ndiswrapper works better03:34
fb33I had a bitxh of a time compiling it on ubuntu03:34
=== DanaG is glad to have ipw3945.
=== meff [n=meff@adsl-69-150-57-133.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
fb33but I got my wireless working in 5 minutes03:35
DanaGAlthough my screen may be ridiculously dim, I do have Intel Pro {Wireless 3945abg, 1000 [ethernet] }03:35
DanaGinstead of Dell (Broadcom) or Realtek.03:35
DanaGI cast FORCEDETH upon ye all! (sounds like a curse, rather than a driver)03:36
wordDanaG: how would you get it to show options? :-/03:36
DanaGedit -- preferences  (in gnome).03:36
DanaGFor kmix, just dig around in the menus.03:36
fb33I miss apt-get...03:36
DanaGaptitude FTW!03:36
fb33and that03:37
wordyah aptitude +1...and DanaG it doesn't seem like it hides anything :-/03:37
DanaGWhat's the sound card and driver?03:37
wordonboard, VT8237A, hda-intel is the driver for it...pretty sure that's what it's using o.O03:38
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DanaGHah, knetworkmanager thinks my disconnected Intel Pro ethernet is 65535Mb/s.03:38
`sam`i never could get a mic to work with hda-intel03:38
`sam`so i just put in my old c-media card03:39
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DanaGAnd my 10 megabit USB ethernet card I'm using for the sake of having only two cables (USB and power) claims to be at 100 megabits.03:39
wordmy mic works, but on vent, people need to set my sound to 800%03:39
DanaGI have hda-intel, and I have nonworking mic, also.03:40
DanaGBut I don't currently have a need for working microphone.03:40
DanaGI guess Intel HD Audio, despite being supposedly standard, has individual quirks.03:40
DanaGFor example, Dell makes their headphone jack NOT mute the onboard speakers!03:41
DanaGGateway uses an "old-style" hardware disconnect -- there's no way to get the headphone jack AND speaker output simultaneously.03:41
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crimsunwe can fudge it, but it's highly annoying, and it's codec revision-specific.03:42
crimsunoh, and did I mention it's annoying?03:42
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crimsunHDA is, disturbingly, a pile of manure.03:43
=== DanaG wishes he had a notebook-compatible C-Media card to use.
crimsunit doesn't help that all the major codec manufacturers like to inject their own quirks.03:43
DanaGToo bad I can't use Realtek drivers on my Sigmatel codec, in XP.03:43
DanaGooh, /me is glad C-Media exists to create competition for ""Creative"" -- http://www.cmedia.com.tw/03:44
DanaG!info kvm03:45
DanaG!info kvm-api-903:45
wordhmm... any idea what this means - ALSA lib pcm_dsnoop.c:606:(snd_pcm_dsnoop_open) unable to open slave03:45
ubotukvm: Full virtualization on x86 hardware. In component universe, is optional. Version 18-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 475 kB, installed size 1444 kB03:45
ubotuPackage kvm-api-9 does not exist in feisty03:45
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viowhen the f*** is feisty rc gonna come out?03:47
=== DanaG is now working in C, for classes.
linux_kidIf I install the package "kubuntu-desktop", will gdm and the splash screen be changed? And if so, could I stop it from doing that?03:47
DanaGDude, don't be rude.  Hey, that rhymed!03:47
DanaGto vio.03:47
linux_kidvio, sometime in the next 1-3 days03:47
viosweet :)03:47
viois the kernel bug-fixed?03:47
vioim not rude.. just honest03:48
linux_kidvio, thats is a change of attitude, and i never had a kernel bug...03:48
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DanaGI tried the beta feisty installer on a Dell E1405.  It couldn't start X, even with VESA.03:48
dystopianraylinux_kid: he's referring to the topic03:48
vioruning beta now.. its stable ..03:48
vioworks great03:48
DanaGBut I dist-upgraded the system directly from dapper, and installing 915resolution worked.03:48
DanaGHowever, what would make a system fail to start consoles at all?03:49
linux_kiddystopianray, i know, but were there "really" BIG problems?03:49
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dystopianraylinux_kid: yes, many people could not boot03:49
DanaGNone of the TTYs get set up on that system.03:49
linux_kiddystopianray, thats not good, im glad i didn't update03:49
`sam`which kernel would not boot?03:49
crimsun`sam`: any of the currently available ones, depending on your SATA hardware03:50
pi-mesonI just installed the current-build feisty on a new intel box with a 8800 GTS, and I can get  x working with nv  by booting into "single" and running startx. When I just boot normally, the display goes blank and stays blank. Where should I look to begin debugging this?03:50
`sam`i'm running 2.6.20-1403:50
`sam`it isntalled the -15 but ever since upgrading from edgy to feisty it doesn't automatically add the entries to grub03:51
concept10pi-meson: im having a similar problem... I been working on this all day long03:51
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`sam`also something about hotkey-setup won't install, it's always on the update list and it never does install03:51
concept10pi-meson: is it a ubuntu-desktop?  (gnome)03:51
crimsunyuriy: ok, sudo modprobe -r $(lsmod |grep ^snd |awk '{print $1}') && sudo modprobe snd-hda-codec && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop03:51
pi-mesonconcept10: I also can't get it to run x at all with the proprietary nvidia driver, but I figure that's my own damn fault03:51
linux_kidHow's KDE in feisty??03:52
crimsunyuriy: make sure you close/kill all apps using audio first.03:52
pi-mesonconcept10: yea, it's a ubuntu desktop03:52
pi-mesonconcept10, (that is, the default gnome)03:52
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dystopianraylinux_kid: what do you mean?03:52
concept10pi-meson: im thinking this is a problem with GDM.  I think that this problem creeped in after the GNOME update to 2.18.103:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugreport - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:52
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots03:53
linux_kiddystopianray, well... i want to run kde along gnome while leaving gdm and the splash alone03:53
viois there a known problem that the log-in/out sound doesn't get turned off?03:53
concept10pi-meson: because like you, I have no problem using startx in recovery mode03:53
crimsunvio: more precisely?03:53
DanaGOne thing I wish the Ubuntu devs would do: swap the default login and logout sounds.03:53
pi-mesonconcept10, I thought it might have to do with the framebuffer device or something -- I have to admit that I'm somewhat out of my league here :)03:53
DanaGIt sounds MUCH better that way to me.03:53
DanaGTry it yourself and see.03:54
crimsunDanaG: filed a bug?03:54
noisymouseI'm trying to connect to my wireless network using iwconfig, but I get "[ 551.551280]  ubuntu/wireless/at76/at76c503.c: 1784: assertion dev->curr_bss == NULL failed03:54
concept10pi-meson: and this is on the same kernel.  Your problem may be different that mine, but I think it's pretty similar.03:54
viocrimsun: system->pref->sound turned all of them "off" still i get the same anoying sound every time i log-in/out03:54
crimsunvio: do you mean the login and logout sounds?03:54
pi-mesonconcept10, what happens when you run "gdm" from the console / recovery mode?03:54
crimsunbecause I certainly don't get them on a clean install of current 2007041403:54
linux_kidvio, mute it before you shut down03:55
pi-mesonconcept10, my GDM starts, lets me log in, complains about no HAL, and goes on as normal03:55
concept10pi-meson: X is a complicated beast.  Today, I have read the history of X, wikis, man pages, bugzillas and all other types of crap03:55
vioit says "no Sound"?03:55
DanaGThat's not a solution -- though Apple would have you think otherwise for their bootup sound.03:55
DanaGthe "mute before you shut down".03:55
pi-mesonconcept10, yea, I know, I suffered through a lot of this back when I was doing GL stuff (the only reason I've got a stupid nvidia card!)03:55
concept10pi-meson: are you talking about when you log out of startx and then start gdm?03:55
pi-mesonconcept10, well, let me try this again03:56
vioDanaG: that's a bug..03:56
pi-mesonconcept10, just to be sure03:56
concept10im going to do it too pi-meson03:56
concept10if this doesnt work, im going to get a six pack and say the hell with GDM03:57
crimsunsounds like a gnome-session state issue03:57
pi-mesonhey ubuntu devs, thank you for making a distro awesome enough that I'm willing to fight with it :)03:57
crimsunpi-meson: per note, most of us don't frequent this channel03:57
DanaGOne thing I think is odd:03:57
`sam`the names of the sounds don't make sense to me, boing doesn't sound like a boing, and the siren doesn't sound like a siren03:58
pi-mesonconcept10, okay, I reboot into recovery mode, run "gdm" and it works and lets me login, run x normally, etc.03:58
DanaGcontrols are orange, wallpaper is light orange-brown, yet the metacity theme is DULL brown.03:58
pi-mesoncrimsun, that's okay, it was faintly damning praise :)03:58
yuriycrimsun: having some trouble figuring out what snd_hda_intel is in use by03:58
DanaGyuriy: fuser -kv /dev/snd/*03:58
crimsunyuriy: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*03:58
DanaGoh, same idea.03:58
pi-mesonIs there some way to tell ubuntu to not run the little graphical start-up thingie, but do everything else normally?03:58
vioyuriy: the hda from intel has been hacked.. lots of "extra" stuff you can turn on.. DD etc etc03:59
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yuriycrimsun: that outputs nothing03:59
crimsunyuriy: what is modprobe -r returning?03:59
crimsuni.e., which module is still in use?03:59
yuriycrimsun: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.04:00
crimsunyuriy: you don't happen to be /in/ /proc/asound, do you?04:00
crimsuni.e., cwd04:00
DanaGDD?  What DD?04:00
pi-mesonconcept10, I think I've got it04:01
yuriycrimsun: no, but i was in there in yakuake before i logged out..04:01
yuriyi'm on a vt now04:01
pi-mesonawww, he left04:01
pi-mesonwell, for the logs, if you replace "quiet" and "splash" in gdm with "verbose", everything boots up fine04:01
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crimsunyuriy: then just use echo options snd-hda-intel model=laptop|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base04:01
noisymouse_Any ideas on my problems with iwconfig?04:02
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crimsunyuriy: when we test additional models, you'll need to edit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base manually, then reboot.04:02
yuriycrimsun: what does the above command do?04:03
=== DanaG remembers seeing a grub splash theme, where the person who made it gave instructions to "echo something > /boot/grub/menu.lst" -- note that ONE > is overwrite! TWO is append.
crimsunyuriy: because you can't use sudo echo blah >>, you use tee04:03
vioDanaG: usplash theme?04:03
crimsunof course, alternately you can use sudo su -c 'echo blah >>' or whatever, but I don't care what you use as long as the change is made04:04
yuriycrimsun: ok, now what?04:04
crimsunsync && reboot04:04
crimsunI hate ASUS laptops.04:05
=== wizard [n=wizard@ip72-200-103-253.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
wizardis there going to be a RC of feisty or is it going straight from beta to final?04:06
dystopianraywizard: there will be an RC04:06
wizardany dates yet?04:07
dystopianraywizard: no04:07
=== RAOF [n=chris@60-242-199-65.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu+1
yuriycrimsun: they're nice as a user.. not so nice as a dev?04:07
crimsunwhichever perspective you wish to take.04:08
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wizardcrimsun: hopefully my soudn will work in feisty's final04:08
yuriyof course without all the hard dev-work it wouldn't be so nice04:08
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crimsunRAOF: I'll look at your source package in a bit; I've been away most of the day for a friend's medical emergency.04:08
wizardotherwise, i think i'v taken up too much of your time with it and i'll end up leaving ubuntu :-(04:08
RAOFcrimsun: Thanks.  Hope they're alright.04:09
crimsunshe's better now, thanks.04:09
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-165-142.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
crimsunwizard: can you point me to your lspci -vvn and /proc/asound/card0/codec* ?04:09
=== esstone [n=esstone@c-24-19-6-182.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
wordDanaG: i've been running feisty since the 2nd flight or whatever they're calling it this time ;p04:10
crimsunword: "Herd".04:10
yuriycrimsun: rebooted, still not working04:10
crimsunyuriy: now try 6stack in place of laptop04:10
wordwow...that's what i get for being scrolled up :-/ responding to something 10 minutes ago..04:10
=== pwuertz [n=pwuertz@dslb-084-058-013-251.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
concept10pi-meson, my system works if I run the recovery kernel and then start gdm as root04:10
concept10I thought I would never see my sweet, sweet setup again04:11
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DanaGhere's where that bad instructions thing I found was:04:11
concept10What is the difference between the recovery kernel and the normal one?  Is it the runlevel that it starts?04:11
yuriycrimsun: changing the model also made the options in alsamixer change04:12
crimsunconcept10: yes, among splash and erbose options.04:12
crimsunyuriy: yes, expected.04:12
crimsunconcept10: verbose, even.04:12
DanaGrecovery disables framebuffer.04:12
concept10I like this runlevel, it has fewer processes running04:12
=== PMantis [n=pmantis@cpe-74-65-53-178.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
pi-mesonconcept10, have you tried disabling "quiet" and "splash" in the grub config and instead using the "verbose" keyword? that fixed it for me04:13
pi-mesonI mean, of course then the restricted-modules installer totally barfed on me and I had to dl the latest driver from the nvidia site, but really that's my own damn fault for having proprietary stuff04:13
crimsunpi-meson: that simply means your graphics driver, nvidia, is at fault.04:14
pi-mesoncrimsun, for which part, the boot?04:14
concept10pi-meson, I _always_ disable quiet and splash, but I get tired of doing it because every new kernel update puts it back04:14
crimsunthe binary Nvidia drivers have infamously not cooperated with vesafb (or rivafb back in the day) for years04:14
RAOFconcept10: Then fix your menu.list.04:14
pi-mesoncrimsun, this is with the x.org "nv" driver, not with the proprietary "nvidia" one04:14
RAOFconcept10: Rather than editing the boot options for each kernel, change your default boot options04:14
DanaGI wish NVIDIA would, at the very least, make a WORKING accelerated framebuffer driver.04:15
pi-mesoni.e. I had this with a fresh 0-day feisty build04:15
concept10RAOF, thats where I change it.04:15
concept10RAOF, you mean make them permanent (update-grub style)04:15
crimsunpi-meson: have you removed all traces of l-r-m?04:15
crimsunconcept10: see the KOPTS= line.04:15
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pi-mesoncrimsun, this was all before I had -any- of l-r-m installed04:16
RAOFconcept10: Yes.  You change the line "# defoptions=quiet splash" and then everytime update-grub is run, you won't get quiet spash appended.04:16
DanaGyou need to keep it at04:16
DanaG# defoptions=04:16
=== dystopianray [n=dystopia@adsl117-124.dyn.koalatelecom.com.au] has left #ubuntu+1 ["Kopete]
DanaGwith nothing after it -- don't remove the line.04:16
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concept10RAOF, thanks.. I need that04:16
`sam`i think you'd want to remove the # at the beginning04:17
crimsun`sam`: no, the comment delimiter is required.04:17
=== |NewUser| [n=greek@] has joined #Ubuntu+1
crimsunDanaG: yes, defopts is correct04:17
|NewUser| sudo apt-get update04:17
|NewUser|E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:17
|NewUser|E: Unable to lock the list directory04:17
concept10I guess when GDM was updated to 2.18.1 and the gdm.conf was installed, it hosed my system.  Im never answering "y" to that debconfig question again!04:18
crimsunpi-meson: have you reported this on the X.Org bugtracker?04:18
pi-mesoncrimsun: well, 1. I wasn't sure whose fault it was and 2. i'm not sure what to report!04:18
=== taggie [n=taggie@c-68-61-96-91.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
|NewUser|well whts is this ? when i try to update?04:19
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yuriycrimsun: 6stack didn't work04:20
pi-mesoncrimsun: okay, i'm going to do a reinstall to verify04:20
pi-mesoncrimsun: should I submit a ubuntu bug and let you guys worry about pushing it upstream, or what?04:20
crimsunyuriy: now try 3stack, then try ultra, then try laptop-eapd04:20
crimsunpi-meson: whichever is more convenient for you.04:21
crimsunX.Org is not my responsibility04:21
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crimsunwizard: I'm still waiting on your `lspci -vvn` and `cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*` pastebinned04:22
wizardcrimsun: i need to boot to linux04:22
wizardcrimsun: im sorry, i was out of the room for a moment. Girlfriend giving me some earsmack04:22
crimsunpoor thing. He's worried about sound when he should fear for his life WRT his girlfriend.04:22
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=== ToHellWithGA [n=ryan@s1-125-rt-bras.sm.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
`sam`is there a logfile for update manager?04:24
crimsunstupid people and technology. People are far more important than a shiny new laptop.04:24
crimsunI'm not calling anyone stupid, just saying that people are obsessed with the wrong priorities.04:24
=== wizard [n=wizard@ip72-200-103-253.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
wizardcrimsun: okay bud, what did you need me to do?04:25
=== yuriy will go to the party even if sound isn't fixed before it starts
crimsun22:22 < crimsun> wizard: I'm still waiting on your `lspci -vvn` and `cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*` pastebinned04:26
|NewUser|how can i check build-essential package is in my system or not?04:27
wizardcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15727/04:28
=== Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe1af900-42.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Ubuntu+1
crimsun|NewUser|: dpkg -l build-essential|grep ^ii04:28
wizardcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15728/04:29
wizardcrimsun: there they are04:29
|NewUser| dpkg -l build-essential |grep ^ii04:29
|NewUser|No packages found matching build-essential.04:29
DanaGDo you usually want -vvnn (2 of 'n' means name-and-number04:29
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
|NewUser|crimsun:  that means the package is not in my system?04:29
yuriy|NewUser|: or just go into synaptic and see if it's checked off as installed, and install it if need be04:29
crimsunwizard: that's yuriy's precise issue.04:30
yuriysaw that coming04:30
|NewUser|yuriy: now just going to use cmd mode :) i like terminal..04:30
crimsuncf. bug 10666904:30
wizardcrimsun: whats going on?04:30
ubotuMalone bug 106669 in Ubuntu "No sound after update to 2.6.15-28-386" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10666904:30
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crimsunwrong bug04:30
yuriybug 10558204:30
ubotuMalone bug 105582 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sound inaudible for certain ASUS laptops using AD1986* HDA codec(s)" [Low,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10558204:30
wizardcrimsun: so theres hope that it'll be fixed before a final feisty release?04:31
=== ShackJack [n=nate@c-65-96-48-74.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
crimsunwizard: absolutely not.04:31
DanaGOh, ASUS has Analog-Devices audio?  Sweet, I'll have to remember that next time I go looking for a laptop.04:31
crimsunwizard: we're less than a week away from final release. Our kernel lead is not going to push untested code at the last minute.04:31
crimsunDanaG: ASUS uses several HDA codec manufacturers, and all of them require quirks. It's joyous.04:31
yuriycrimsun: ultra and 3stack don't work04:32
wizardcrimsun: so i am gonna have to leave ubuntu eh?04:32
crimsunyuriy: and laptop-eapd?04:32
ShackJackHi - Any other Feisty users notice that Python is being a little CPU piggy?04:32
yuriycrimsun: haven't gotten there yet04:32
crimsunwizard: I'm not sure why one would leave Ubuntu simply because the sound doesn't work.04:32
crimsunif it doesn't work in Ubuntu, it won't work in a current Linux distribution.04:33
crimsunyou can try an older Linux distribution release that doesn't have these quirk entries04:33
DanaGHeck, the Feisty kernel is newer than a stock newest (not masked) Gentoo.04:33
wizardjust bums me out that i cant upgrade to the latest version04:33
DanaGYou CAN -- just download and compile alsa-driver yourself.04:34
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crimsunwizard: there's absolutely nothing wrong with not running the latest and greatest.04:34
crimsunDanaG: it's broken there.04:34
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wizardDanaG: i've already compiled alsa from source04:34
crimsunwe ship the absolute latest code that I've merged04:34
`sam`hda is being worked on a lot recently, just look in the kernel changelogs... there's still a lot of stuff that doesn't work, but it's probably being worked on04:34
crimsunmost of the time it's even newer than what Novell/SuSE has.04:34
DanaGOh yeah, what is the HG ALSA?04:34
wizardDanaG: its this simple: kernel -14, -15 are both kinda... well.. they're crap.04:35
wordi got mic decent volumeage to work with hda intel O.O04:35
wizardDanaG: at least for me they are04:35
ShackJackKernel 14 FTW!!!04:35
wizardDanaG: and i am going to be forced back to -12 or sooner04:35
yoasifanyone seeing issues with hard drives not mounting?04:35
yuriycrimsun: hmm... ok i was playing around with the alsamixer (well, kmix) switches with "ultra", and i clicked "external amplifier" several times in frustration and the sound came on04:35
crimsunDanaG: it's the version control system that we use upstream.04:35
crimsunyuriy: ok, so ultra /does/ work?04:35
crimsunman, I love this conflicting information.04:36
wizardcrimsun: should i switch mien to ultra then?? lol04:36
`sam`is there a log of the output from update manager somewhere?04:36
crimsunwizard: can you wait a second, please?04:36
yuriycrimsun: i had played around with the switches with the other models but it didn't help04:36
DanaGI've heard that kmix is buggy.  Try alsamixer in console.04:36
wizardcrimsun: im just kiddin bro..04:36
wizardcrimsun: just kiddin.04:36
yuriycrimsun: i guess ultra does work, but it's quirky04:36
yuriyi don't really know what i did04:36
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crimsunyuriy: "quirky"?04:36
yuriycrimsun: i mean, at first it didn't work, and i tried the "external amplifer" switch and it didn't help. then i turned it off and on like 3 times and it worked, and now that switch consistently enables/disables the sound04:37
crimsun/you/ have the laptop. I can't reach across the Internet and mess with your hardware.04:37
crimsunyuriy: ok, can you at least verify from a cold boot (i.e., power down for 2 minutes, then power back up) that model=ultra works consistently?04:38
yuriycrimsun: i'll still try laptop-eapd and see if that works since that's the default. and i'll try ultra again too, ok04:39
yoasifcrimsun: you seem to know what you're talking about04:39
crimsunyuriy: you also need to test that jack sense works.04:39
crimsunyoasif: I'm the alsa maintainer.04:39
yuriycrimsun: jack sense?04:39
yoasifi think my problem is related to... xorg or something :/04:39
crimsunyuriy: speakers mute when headphones are plugged in; speakers unmute when headphones are unplugged04:40
wizardcrimsun: laptop-eapd probably wont work at all tho04:40
yuriycrimsun: yup, that works04:40
crimsunyuriy: ok, I'm awaiting your cold boot verification04:40
crimsunwizard: have you modified /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base at all?04:40
wizardcrimsun: i have before, but as of right now its clean and empty, say fro mtis defeaults04:41
=== DanaG thinks Dell is lame for using software-based speaker-muting.
DanaGAt least Gateway made the hardware pins hardware-mute the speakers.04:41
crimsunwizard: ok, try this:  echo options snd-hda-intel model=ultra|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base04:41
crimsunwizard: then, `sync` and reboot04:41
wizardby "sync" you mean?04:42
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crimsunwizard: a literal command.04:42
crimsun$ sync04:42
`sam`doesn't reboot sync automatically?04:42
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crimsun`sam`: there's no guarantee the journal will flush correctly04:43
wizardcrimsun: you want me to reboot the system now?04:43
crimsunwizard: well, yes, hence the "reboot" :)04:44
wizardokay :-)04:44
darkowhy does lspci say i've an ISA bridge? http://pastebin.ca/440501 (line number 14) i need to know if I need to enable ISA to compile kernel? please help04:44
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crimsundarko: because all i386-based machines do. Welcome to legacy support.04:44
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yuriycrimsun: laptop-eapd does not work04:45
crimsunyuriy: and "ultra"?04:45
=== yuriy is starting to think rebooting is supposed to be faster
DanaGActually, that ISA is LPC -- look LPC up on wikipedia.04:47
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wizardcrimsun: no difference04:47
darkocrimsun: hmm.. thats odd.. mines a laptop and and its fairly new.. can you please elaborate? please let me know if i have to enable both PCI and ISA?04:47
wizardabslutely no sound04:47
yuriywizard: now check alsamixer, esp. try playing aroudn with the external amplifier switch04:48
wizardwtill nothing.04:48
ShackJackOn a semi-unrelated note - does anyone know if a plug-in is available for Rhythmbox that displays your currently playing song in your GAIM status message?04:48
RAOFdarko: Why are you trying to build a kernel, anyway?  Why not just add ISA support anyway?04:48
crimsunwizard: you have to do it multiple times until it succeeds.04:49
crimsunthat's a codec bug.04:49
bipolarShackJack: it would probbly be a Gaim plugin rather then a rythmbox one. I use kde, so I'm no other help for you.04:49
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yuriycrimsun: no sound on cold boot with ultra04:49
yuriyand not able to get it to work yet..04:50
ShackJackbipolar - On Amarok it was a amarok plugin script that used DBUS (I think) to push the information... Amarok (python specifically) is being a lil' memory pig, so I'm considering using RBox...04:50
wizardcrimsun: heh yeah this isn't workin bruh04:50
darkoRAOF: i've got trouble with frequency scaling.. so i'm trying to build eveything from default04:50
yuriycrimsun, wizard: actually, right now headphones are working, speakers aren't04:51
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ShackJackbipolar - makes more sense to push than pull in that situation I would think :)04:51
bipolarShackJack: kopete has a plugin to do it.04:52
darkoyuriy: poke around with the sound mixer,, it has specific controlls for headphones and speakers04:52
wizardcrimsun: this doesn't work any lol04:52
RAOFdarko: Perhaps there's a better way to debug your frequency scaling than rebuilding a kernel with an entirely different configuration :)04:52
misfit_toyShackJack, try exaile04:52
crimsunwizard: / yuriy: I'll have another patch for you to test in several hours.04:52
ShackJackbipolar - thanks - trying to avoid K apps on my GNOMEage... that's interesting though they have it going both ways...04:52
wizardcrimsun: okay.04:52
crimsunright now I need to return to the hospital.04:52
wizardcrimsun: good luck04:53
yuriythere are switches for line, cd, phone, aux, mono, mix but i don't know what they're supposed to do04:53
yuriycrimsun: thanks, hope your friend gets better!04:53
darkoRAOF: I've been searching for weeks and I finally decided that i need to know how the whole thing works.. what better way then getting down and dirty :)04:53
wizardcrimsun: i may just do the inevitable and drop to egdy and deal with bad wireless support.04:53
bipolarShackJack: I think the python script is more of a 'hack' where the kopete plugin is done the kde way04:53
ShackJackmisfit_toy: ShackJack - exaile ... is that an IM proggie or the name of the plugin(?)04:53
=== ShackJack googles...
RAOFdarko: Has anyone tried to help you on IRC?  What have you done on the debugging front?04:54
darkowizard: you could script your way out if your interfaces are working04:54
misfit_toyShackJack, it's like amarok but no kde needed, it's the gnome of amarok04:54
wizardi may just drop back to edgy and deal.04:54
ShackJackErp.. sorry I found it - just slow on the response... is that what you'r using?04:54
yuriywizard, crimsun, ok now it works again, still not quite sure what i did04:54
yuriywizard: try using headphones and try playing around with the switches and muting/unmuting things04:55
darkoRAOF: I don't know how to debug and stuff.. I'm not a programmer.. I've been to the IRC and everytime I did I ended up helping rather than being helped.. Lack of patience maybe04:55
ShackJackmisfit_toy - that looks just like Amarok - complete with those dumb side tabs :)04:55
ShackJackmisfit_toy - If it uses python though, it's a non-starter...04:55
misfit_toyShackJack, it's way less a pig than amarok and way less libs04:56
darkoRAOF: *Not a good programmer that is04:56
RAOFdarko: I didn't mean debugging in the programming sense.  What have you done to try and fix it, or to find out why it's not working?04:56
ShackJackmisfit_toy - you use that yourself? My problem seems to be with python specifically...04:56
ShackJackmisfit_toy - and do you happen to know if it has the aforementioned plugin? (GAIM now playing)04:57
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darkoRAOF: I couldn't get documents on how frequency scaling is implimented. All I know is the the shown frequencies were only a subset of the supported frequencies..04:57
InnerFIRE_does anyone use democracytv?04:58
RAOFInnerFIRE_: No, but I fixed it for Feisty.04:58
InnerFIRE_i get an error04:58
RAOFdarko: Ok, (1) How do you know what frequencies are shown, and (2) how do you know what the supported frequencies are?04:58
InnerFIRE_something about, python 2.5 is needed04:58
InnerFIRE_mozilla-psm and dev04:59
InnerFIRE_but 2.5 is already installed04:59
InnerFIRE_so when it loads up, it takes forever and closes04:59
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misfit_toyShackJack, I used to use amarok, but I also thought it was bloated, but it used all those kde libs, I use exaile only now, but haven't tried any plugins.04:59
RAOFInnerFIRE_: The *exact* error message is really required for me to have a good idea of what's going on, but it seems that you're not using the Ubuntu package anyway.  How are you trying to install it?05:00
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InnerFIRE_im using the ubuntu package... i did this install by following the instructions from ubuntuguie.org05:00
InnerFIRE_The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:00
InnerFIRE_  democracyplayer: Depends: python (< 2.5) but 2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed05:00
InnerFIRE_                   Depends: mozilla-dev but it is not installable05:00
InnerFIRE_                   Depends: mozilla-psm but it is not installable05:00
ShackJackmisfit_toy - thanks much for the suggestions - I think I will try it, though I also found my plugin (same guy that made the AMarok one - duh!) http://jon.oberheide.org/projects/gaim-rhythmbox/05:01
darko(1) cat "the frequencies file" (2) documents and cpu-z on windows05:01
RAOFInnerFIRE_: You're *not* using the Ubuntu packages.  The *correct* way to get democracy player to work is to go "sudo aptitude install democracyplayer"05:01
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InnerFIRE_ok, let me do it over05:02
misfit_toyrhythmbox is just so....stilted, so um ordinary...dunno, but anyway, exaile is very nice.05:02
ShackJackmisfit_toy - yeah, I heard that.... do you know if they have the GAIM plugin thing?05:03
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misfit_toyShackJack, no idea, I just listen to music with it.05:03
DanaGAnother cool thing for Windows:05:03
DanaGgo to forums and find the latest version.  Be aware there was a negative version "increase".05:04
RAOFdarko: Ok, so it's not going down as far as you think it should be able to?05:04
darkoRAOF: nope.. 798mhz is the lowest it would go.. 600mhz is the lowest spec05:05
RAOFdarko: Well, probably the best thing to do is to file a bug.05:05
InnerFIRE_same thing..05:05
darkoRAOF: I will..05:05
DanaGMy system gives 3 frequencies under Linux: 1.00GHz, 1.33GHz, and 1.83GHz.05:05
RAOFdarko: Since you're not a hard-core kernel hacker, it's unlikely that you'll be able to do anything useful with the kernel source :)05:06
InnerFIRE_WARNING: feed update for: http://del.icio.us/rss/representordie/system:media:video too slow (0.443 secs)05:06
InnerFIRE_WARNING: feed update for: http://rocketboom.com/vlog/prodigem.xml too slow (0.127 secs)05:06
InnerFIRE_WARNING: feed update for: http://www.videobomb.com/rss/posts/front too slow (0.298 secs)05:06
InnerFIRE_gtkAsyncMethod: <function initRenderers at 0x867aed4> took too long: 5.48105:06
InnerFIRE_downloader: connection closed -- quitting05:06
InnerFIRE_Shutting down downloaders...05:06
InnerFIRE_Segmentation fault (core dumped)05:06
DanaGRMClock gives me 1.1-something, 1.5, 1.66, and the rest.05:06
DanaGOr 1.5 and 1.6, at the very least.05:06
RAOFInnerFIRE_: So, that's (1) Not the same thing, and (2) should have been pastebinned05:06
InnerFIRE_ok, it should have been pastebinned, but even with the other installation.. it did the same thing05:07
darkoRAOF: I think it has something to do with acpi and not the kernel itself.. Then again I might be wrong.. and it was working fine under linux a couple of months ago..05:07
yoasifwho knows how to report problems well?05:07
yoasifive had an issue with my onboard video for a while now05:08
RAOFdarko: Even better, regressions are easier to fix.  *File a bug*05:08
yoasifand updates havent fixed it05:08
darkoRAOF: right away..05:08
crdlbyoasif, what kind of onboard video?05:08
`sam`i've had a problem with updates and updates haven't fixed it :)05:08
RAOFInnerFIRE_: Firstly, you're actually running Feisty, right?  Secondly, what version of democracyplayer is installed (you can get that with "aptitude show democracyplayer | grep Version"05:08
yoasifcrdlb: any way to tell easily from the terminal? ;)05:09
InnerFIRE_i'm running feist05:09
crdlbyoasif, lspci|grep VGA05:09
yoasif00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100]  (rev a2)05:09
crdlbyoasif, is it working with nv?05:10
crdlbjust not with nvidia?05:10
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wizardif i order an ubuntu cd05:10
yoasifive tried with nv, i've had issues working with that -- but the issue pervades over nvidia and vesa05:10
yoasifit's a crashbug05:10
wizarddo i get a tshirt? or a hat? or a plaque? or... a hot blonde?05:10
wizardor any sort of incentive to not just download it?05:10
yoasifthe screen gets "snowy05:11
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yoasifwith a skew, and multiple images of my screen right before it crashed05:11
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic05:11
yoasifand ssh doesn't work05:11
=== BrMiHi08 [n=IceChat7@c-69-242-128-12.hsd1.mo.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
RAOFInnerFIRE_: Oh, that's odd.  That is the version that worksforme.05:11
InnerFIRE_is there an alternative?05:12
BrMiHi08I am having trouble connecting to my wireless network, I put in the encryption code and everything, and I cannot connect05:12
iXneonXiUpdate Manager has tons of updates. Which ones should I steer clear of?05:12
wizardBrMiHi08: what type of encrpytion is it?05:12
yoasifany ideas05:12
wizardBrMiHi08: wep key with hex 128 bit?05:13
RAOFInnerFIRE_: Can you try with a fresh database/config/etc?  Try "mv ~/.democracy ~/democracy-backup" and then run democracyplayer.05:13
wizardif so make sure you're network manager of choice doesn't have it set to "Wep passkey" but rather "wep hex" or "wep 128bit"05:13
crdlbyoasif, no, but you said it crashed with vesa?05:13
BrMiHi08wizard- yes it is05:13
yoasifcrdlb: yes05:13
crdlbthat's really odd05:13
yoasifand the thing is, i don't know what is at fault05:13
wizardBrMiHi08: then make sure its set to use wep Hex not wep passphrase.05:13
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yoasifyeah, it's very very odd, and i don't know how to report it05:14
ConstyWhat's the best utility application to configure network interfaces?  Should I just edit the files directly in /etc/interfaces?05:14
InnerFIRE_it says05:14
BrMiHi08wizard- I am pretty sure that is what I had it set for, but I will try again05:14
InnerFIRE_DTV: Warning: Can't process cookie expiration: Sun, 15-Apr-07 03:17:51 GMT05:14
wizardBrMiHi08: wireless is an iffy monster on linux still though. i have the same issues with certain encrpytion.05:14
InnerFIRE_and the same thing i pasted before happens05:14
BrMiHi08wizard- 6.06 has worked fine for me, but this is different05:15
InnerFIRE_could it be the channels ?05:15
InnerFIRE_i dont know why its saying its to slow of all things05:15
iXneonXiAre all updates "safe" now?05:15
InnerFIRE_and even if it is to slow, why would it just close05:15
yoasifthe 27 kernel fixes the weird PATA bugs thankfully05:16
BrMiHi08wizard: how much of a difference would it make if I just installed it instead of running off of the live DVD?05:16
RAOFInnerFIRE_: Well, it finishes with a segfault.  Which means something is seriously wrong.05:16
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DanaGConsty: use networkmanager or wifi-radar05:16
LukianWhat device would I find my palm pilot under in Feisty?05:17
BrMiHi08is the live DVD much different than running off of my hdd?05:17
InnerFIRE_with the software of the configuration of my system?05:17
LukianBrMiHi08, it's slower, as expected :)05:17
BrMiHi08lukian- but other than that?05:17
InnerFIRE_i did go from, breezy to dapper to edgy to feisty05:17
LukianBrMiHi08, from my experience, it's pretty much the same05:18
BrMiHi08ok, thanks, I will let you guys know if I get on from linux :)05:18
ConstyDanaG: Isn't that an Gnome app?  I'm using server here.05:18
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InnerFIRE_what about a different version05:19
philip_I know that feisty is still in beta (RC now) and all but breakage this late in the release cycle?05:19
Lukianwhat's breaking philip_ ? :D05:20
philip_no idea :)05:20
=== Lukian updates to the latest kernel and nvidia drivers in the repos and prays they work. brb, I hope... :/
Lukian^ That usually breaks me :(05:20
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wizardall this talk about upgrading05:21
wizardmakes me nervous05:21
wizardi just want ubuntu to work with sound :-(05:21
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feistymancan anyone suggest a good photo printing program, that lets you print multiple copies of, for example, 4 x 605:23
crdlbHow common is the sound problem?05:23
philip_feisty was good to me until network-manager started breaking, and now more reports of things breaking05:23
crdlbI'm having it too with 15.2505:24
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Lukiansuccess! :o05:25
DanaGOh, what would make realloc say "invalid next size"?05:26
DanaGI'm working on a program, and I'm getting that error. GDB doesn't tell me what line, but I do already know which line it is.05:26
InnerFIRE_penguintv does it05:26
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InnerFIRE_it shuts down too05:26
dystopianrayDanaG: is the new size 0?05:26
DanaGI don't think so, but it is likely smaller than the old size.05:27
InnerFIRE_this is so dumb, everything on my system works besides democracytv and penguintv05:28
dystopianrayInnerFIRE_: they crash?05:29
InnerFIRE_RAOF.. is there any dependencies that I may not have05:29
InnerFIRE_well, they dont start up05:29
InnerFIRE_they try, but i get a seg fault05:29
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crdlbInnerFIRE_, they both use the same feedparser.py05:29
InnerFIRE_which means?05:30
crdlbjust an observation05:30
crdlbconsidering that's where democracy at least seems to be crashing05:30
InnerFIRE_what does that mean crdlb05:31
InnerFIRE_is there something that can be done?05:31
philip_my kernel is still 20.5-15.20, how come the topic says 20-15.25 is the newest?05:31
dystopianrayInnerFIRE_: feedparser.py is a python script05:32
macdphilip_, you didnt update yet?05:32
philip_macd, it's fully updated05:32
InnerFIRE_its obviously working for some people, why wouldnt it work for mine.05:32
macd20-15.27 is in the repos, I dont know why you cant upgrade.05:32
dystopianrayphilip_: is that the linux-image package version you are giving?05:32
philip_ok nevermind I see it now :)05:33
philip_I was looking at the restricted modules05:34
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BrMiHi08Well 6.06 works with my wireless but not 7.0405:40
crdlbBrMiHi08, what chipset is it?05:41
BrMiHi086.06 is saying TI I think05:42
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dystopianrayBrMiHi08: are you using ndiswrapper?05:42
BrMiHi08I wasn't in 7.04, is it installed on it or do I need to get it?05:43
dystopianrayBrMiHi08: what driver does the card use?05:43
BrMiHi08where it says "info.linux.driver" it says acx_pci05:44
dystopianrayBrMiHi08: in what way does the wireless not work?05:48
philip_I'm planning to wipe my current feisty install and reinstall it. Should I wait til it's officially released or should I just download the RC now?05:48
dystopianrayphilip_: there is no RC05:49
philip_what? there's always an RC05:49
philip_let me read the roadmap real quick05:49
dystopianrayalways? currently there is no feisty RC05:49
dystopianraythe roadmap is irrelevant05:49
dystopianrayit doesn't change the facts05:49
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dystopianrayphilip_: the RC will probalby be availalbe within a few days05:50
philip_the RC was supposed to be released on April 12th05:51
dystopianrayit is not yet released05:51
dystopianrayyes I know, but that doesn't reflect reality05:51
philip_hmm strange05:51
dystopianraynot strange at all05:52
dystopianraythe RC will be ready when it's ready, not when some wiki page says it's ready05:52
philip_but there are partitions to wipe the CDs to download05:52
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voidmageheh, the whole time I thoguht the rc was out05:58
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voidmagesince lsb-release was updated, removing the 'development version' from it05:58
Hobbseevoidmage: no.  but there are testing images, if you wish to test05:59
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macdHobbsee, and the kernel works now too ;P06:01
macdthanks to kyle and ben06:01
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
dystopianraymacd: does it work for intel-hda yet?06:02
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : Welcome to #ubuntu+1 - the support channel for feisty (only) | Release candidate needs testing - see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-April/023578.html | Release date is the week of April 19 | Kernel is fixed - Update to -15 if you havent already
Hobbseemacd: indeed!06:02
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu+1:Hobbsee] : Welcome to #ubuntu+1 - the support channel for feisty | For dapper/edgy support, see #ubuntu | Release candidate needs testing - see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-April/023578.html | Release date is the week of April 19 | Kernel is fixed - Update to -15 if you havent already
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== macd loves the fact this isnt gentoo channel and people dont keep ops all the time.
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mon^rchsez the 15 kernel is fixed.... mine stinn won't boot x :/06:03
Hobbseemon^rch: filed a bug?06:03
dystopianraymon^rch: at what point does it fail?06:03
macdmon^rch, are you on -15.27 ?06:03
mon^rchright now I'm on 14 blah, blah06:04
macdmon^rch, then dont expect it to work ;)06:04
mon^rchdystopianray: fails while loading gdm06:04
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mon^rchmy 14 kernel works fine, actually06:04
dystopianraymacd: I think he means that he has to use 14 now becuase 15 won't boot06:04
=== mon^rch nods
mon^rchboots okay, just no x06:05
macdmon^rch, so -14 works, -15 doesnt, make sure your on -15.27 and reconfigure restricted modules then mkinitramfs06:05
macdthat sould solve that06:05
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mon^rchand I tried reconfiguring :/06:05
macddid you rebuild initramfs ?06:05
mon^rchdon't even know what that is...06:06
mon^rchplease explain06:06
dystopianraymon^rch: if you boot into recovery mode does 'startx' work to get into X?06:06
mon^rchhavn't tried...06:06
mon^rchin fact, I've never used recovery mode even once :P06:07
d00dthis is my first time using  Feisty06:07
macdmon^rch, 'sudo mkinitramfs /boot/06:07
macdI got cut off06:08
macdone sec06:08
Hobbseed00d: is it working for you?06:08
d00d353 updates then ill reboot and get nvidia runing06:08
d00dHobbsee, so far so good06:09
Hobbseed00d: yay :)06:09
mon^rchso ther is a 15.27? I only see 15.25 :/06:09
macdmon^rch, yes, apt-get update and dist-upgrade.06:10
macdunless your in some far away land, the repos should have it there06:10
d00dHobbsee, at 212 :p06:11
d00dpackge #06:11
dystopianraymacd: I cannot see 15.27 either06:11
mon^rch0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:12
macdmon^rch,  cd /boot then06:12
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macdsudo mkinitramfs 2.6.20-15-generic -o initrd.img-2.6.20-15-generic06:12
macdunless your amd64 then replace generic with amd6406:13
=== macd thinks since he doesnt have amd64 in front
mon^rchI'm not using the generic kernel, I'm using the i386 kernel06:13
macdthen replace generic with 38606:13
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dystopianraywhich repo currently has 2.6.20-15.27 ?06:15
CarlFKI am doing a feisty alternate netboot install against a local mirror06:15
mon^rchmacd: so what does that "do"?06:15
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CarlFKit errors with [Couldn't download package laptop-detect] 06:16
macdmon^rch, fixes your gdm.06:16
mon^rchthink it'll work now?06:16
macdI do06:16
mon^rcheven from doing it from inside the 14 kernel?06:16
CarlFKand yet I see: Jan 31 11:20:59 debconf: --> SUBST base-installer/debootstrap/info/retrieving SUBST0 laptop-detect06:17
macdmon^rch, yes, since we specifid the build the map opff the 15 kernel.06:17
CarlFK192.168.1.93 - - [14/Apr/2007:22:31:24 -0500]  "GET /ufa/pool/main/l/laptop-detect/laptop-detect_0.12.1-ubuntu4_i386.deb HTTP/1.1" 200 3002 "-" "Wget"06:17
CarlFKthe syslog from that install: http://dev.personnelware.com/carl/temp/Apr14/b/log/syslog06:17
=== mon^rch goes and tries.... noo-nee-noo
CarlFKanyone have a clue why it errored ?06:17
balster_nebhi, is feisty overall much faster than edgy in doing everything?06:18
dystopianrayCarlFK: did the download complete succesfully?06:18
macddystopianray, I now only see -15.2506:18
macdyet in var/cache/apt/archives I have -15.2606:18
CarlFKdystopianray: how could I tell?06:18
balster_nebI just did an edgy to feisty upgrade, and I'm pretty surprised to see how much faster applications launch in particular06:18
dystopianrayCarlFK: I don't know06:19
macddystopianray, http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels/feisty-release/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.26_i386.deb06:19
macdyou can download and install that.06:19
dystopianraymacd: what about -15.27?06:19
balster_nebbut I couldn't find any mentions of speed improvements anywhere, so is my imagination?06:19
dystopianraybalster_neb: probably06:20
macdI suppose I made a mistake.06:20
macd so many kernels today06:20
dystopianrayhehe, i did think it a bit strange that you mentioned .27 but I'd not seen any .2606:20
dystopianraymacd: is this kernel supposed to fix the intel-hda issues?06:21
macd.27 was just a version from kyle06:21
macd.26 was a version from ben06:21
balster_nebI especially noticed that OO.o starts up about twice as fast now06:21
macd.25 is in the repos.06:21
dystopianraybalster_neb: twice as fast? I'm sure you're just imaging it06:21
macddystopianray, I dont see a bug on intel_hda, can you link me to it on launchpad06:21
macddystopianray, http://people.ubuntu.com/~kyle/kernels/feisty/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.27_i386.deb06:23
macdIts upto you if you want to use a kernel not in the repos.06:23
balster_nebdystopianray: I'm less sure about the other apps, but I'm quite certain about openoffice06:23
balster_nebright after a reboot, opening the same .rtf file on my desktop takes a bit less than 5 seconds06:23
dystopianraymacd: hrrm I'm not sure if there is a bug report, but every 15 minutes somebody comes in here complaining that their intel-hda has no sound06:24
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balster_nebI initially thought that Feisty had OO running in the background like in Windows06:24
mon^rchokay... that did NOT work... noe this is myfirst time using bitch06:25
macddystopianray, well with no bug report, IM not sure how its supposed to get fixed ;)06:25
mon^rchmacd any other ideas?06:26
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macdmon^rch, on another TTY crtl + alt + f2 ) type 'cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep EE'06:26
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macdthen to switch back to this one crtl alt + f# # = the tty your on now.06:27
dystopianraymacd: from a quick check there seem to be about half a dozen or so bugs reporting the same problem of intel hda not having sound after upgrading from -13 to -1406:27
coreyis it normal for fiesty to take up 95% memory usage at around a day uptime on a 2GB ram system?06:28
macddystopianray, does it show up in 'lspci' and it the module loaded 'lsmod | grep intel'06:28
macdcorey, your prolly not reading the usage correctly06:28
dystopianraymacd: I don't currently have intel hda06:28
coreymacd: what do you mean?06:28
CarlFKdystopianray: glad you asked. wget that .deb form a normal box is freaking out: 23:27:42 (0.00 B/s) - Connection closed at byte 0. Retrying.06:28
dystopianraycorey: most of that is probably disc cache06:28
coreywhere can i read more on this?06:28
CarlFKlaptop-detect_0.12.1-ubuntu4_i386.deb.4 has sprung into existence.06:29
dystopianrayCarlFK: ah cool, now you need to find out why that is happening06:29
macdcorey, some of it is committed charge, meaning its not used but its committed to be used.06:29
macdcorey, google 'iunderstanding memmory usage in linux'06:29
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coreyok, so it is normal06:29
mon^rchmacd ok, I did that...06:29
macddid you get any results?06:29
otixcorey: virtual memory systems are designed to use nearly all system memory06:29
mon^rchforgot something06:30
coreyotix: ok, so just because i'm showing 1900+MB memory used, doesn't mean it's really being used, only "slated" to be used eventually?06:30
otixcorey: if your application needs it, then the system will take it back from some less important function06:30
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dystopianraycorey: it's being used for disc cache06:30
coreyon a low pririty06:31
CarlFKdystopianray: seems I shouldn't mount -o loop an .iso before the iso is completely copied. umount/mount fixed it.06:31
coreywell, that's good to know06:31
mon^rchmacd: failed to load the kernal module06:31
coreythanks for the information06:31
Vuen_hey guys, i just noticed, apport no longer drives me completely insane by crashing all the time06:31
macdmon^rch, and you have nvidia graphics?06:31
Vuen_did they fix it? or was it removed for the release?06:31
otixcorey: it is actually being used for various things: disc cache, applications, other internal system functions etc06:31
dystopianraycorey: if you run 'free -m' the 'used' column in the '+/- buffers/cache' row is your application memory usage06:31
macdmon^rch, dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy depending on your card.06:32
coreyok, cool06:32
mon^rchok, will try06:32
macdand linux-restricted-modules if you already havent06:32
macdthen you need to rerun the mkinitramfs command from earlier06:33
otixcorey, you can also run top , then enter F m to sort be memory usage06:33
CarlFKanyone have a preeseed file for edgy that will 'just do it" ?06:34
LoneShadowoh new kernel is out :D06:34
mon^rchmacd: failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module06:34
aldinhi, cant connect on FTP to public IP... 500 Illegal PORT command06:34
aldinftp: bind: Address already in use http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15732/ but i can connect it from localhost06:34
macdmon^rch, when you just tried to reconfigure nvidia-glx ?06:34
macdaldin, localhost is a unix socket, IP address are TCP sockets.06:35
aldinmacd, how do i solve this06:36
d00dHobbsee, i did all the updates and reboot its taking a longtime to boot up the loading bar is  taking ages :S06:36
mon^rchmacd: yes06:36
aldinmacd, btw i am behind router but forwarded ftp port06:36
dystopianrayaldin: is your isp blocking ftp access?06:37
mon^rchwhat the numbers at the end of "restricted-modules"06:37
d00dWhy do i get BusyBox v.1.1306:37
d00dwhen i rebooted from the updates06:37
dystopianrayd00d: did you boot into recovery mode?06:37
aldindystopianray, no, i just tried on windows with ftplite server06:37
macdmon^rch, i386? or generic?06:37
d00ddystopianray, no06:38
d00dshould i?06:38
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K`zanTrying to install drivers for my multi-function printer/scanner/etc. (Brother MFC-3820cn) and trying to install it I get a "can't find package", is there some way to find out what apt-get can't find?  I'm using: apt-get install ./mfc3820cnlpr-1.0.4-1.i386.deb (and the .deb IS there).  TMIA!06:39
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K`zansays: E: Couldn't find package06:40
d00dall i did was the updates then rebooted06:40
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macdK`zan, did you download that package from somewhere?06:41
crdlbK`zan, you're using apt-get when you should be using dpkg06:41
macdthat was my next response ;P06:41
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d00danyone know any idea ?06:42
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K`zanmacd: Yes, from Brothers linux driver page.06:44
macdK`zan, yeah you just need to sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb'06:44
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d00dwhen i reboot i get some weird busybox err06:45
K`zancrdlb: Found the right command (RTFM'd) :-), it seems to want lpd (I think?!?) but the next step is to use a cups wrapper, don't know if lpd and cups can coexist on the same system!???06:45
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macdK`zan, I dont see why not06:46
carutsu_Hello guys, for some reason Kate wants to open near everything in konqueror, I'm trying to download a .deb and Kate wants to open it06:46
carutsu_i just can't stop it06:46
K`zanmacd: lpd and cups?06:46
carutsu_it's a download.php so that it starts automatically and Kate opens it06:46
dystopianraycarutsu_: right click on the link and go to 'save link as...'06:46
macdK`zan, I dont see why you couldnt06:47
dystopianraycarutsu_: oh, that sounds ilke the webserver is sending the wrong mimetype06:47
carutsu_might be06:47
carutsu_but can't be worked around?06:47
K`zanmacd: Ok will install lpd (already have cups working) when I get back from dinner, thanks very much!06:47
dystopianraycarutsu_: use a different mirror06:47
macdmon^rch, good luck, I have to get going, its late.06:48
carutsu_impossible, there's only that mirror u_u, try it for yourself, www.frostwire.com06:48
macdmon^rch, if its still njot fixed, file a bug plz. http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu06:48
joshua_Where should I look for debugging more on the system immediately waking up and giving me the error "HAL failed to hibernate" on a hibernate attempt?06:49
dystopianraycarutsu_: i'm getting a timeout on that server06:50
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joshua_ /var/log/user.log tells me: Apr  9 10:02:42 rebirth gnome-power-manager: (joshua) An unknown error occured code='32' quark='g-exec-error-quark'06:50
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carutsu_dystopianray: weird, should i send you the link again?06:50
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ShaddoxHello everyone, I am having a bit of a problem with my wireless internet.06:51
dystopianraycarutsu_: err.. no, you only just sent it to me 10cm ago06:51
carutsu_dystopianray: sorry06:51
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carutsu_dystopianray: try it I again i have no problems accesing it06:51
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mon^rchwell THAT no gui experience was fun :)06:56
mon^rchbut it still wont boot x06:56
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dystopianraycarutsu_: ok i can access it now, it looks like the server is sending the wrong mimetype06:57
K`zanI'm running /bin/bash but need csh, is there some way to get a script (deb install for my printer driver needs it) to use csh?06:57
K`zan****** ERROR: csh is required. ******06:57
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FOADChange your own shell, run it, then change your own shell back?06:58
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K`zanFOAD: Yep, have to install it first though, just execute /bin/csh and do the dpkg -i and then just exit?07:00
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K`zanFOAD, that seems to work :-) thanks.07:02
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=== mon^rch goes to try the k7 kernel...
carutsu_dystopianray: so, I'm totally lost07:06
dystopianraycarutsu_: right click and go to 'save link as' and change the filename to whatever.deb, it should work07:07
carutsu_even if is a .php?07:07
carutsu_it's weird, why does konqueror trust the mime instead of the *.whatever07:08
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K`zanHow does one unpack a .deb, Brothers engineers have a LOT to learn about linux :-(.07:10
mon^rchok, now I can boot to x with the "generic" kernel... no SATA though (still?)07:11
dystopianraycarutsu_: it's not a php file07:12
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mon^rchMounting /media/sdb1 failed.07:12
mon^rchFailed to access '/dev/disk/by-uuid/9EB09578B095581B': No such file or directory07:12
carutsu_dystopianray: sorry to ask again but how do I install a .deb?07:12
dystopianraycarutsu_: dpkg -i blah.deb07:12
carutsu_dpkg or something07:12
RaubkopiererIch hab ein Problem mit Ndiswrapper und dem WG111T von Netgear...07:12
dystopianraycarutsu_: or I think you can right click on the file and it'll install it through synaptic or something, i don't know07:13
Raubkopiererojoh... english >.<07:13
mon^rchshoul bI be filing a bug if I still cant mount one of my drives?07:13
carutsu_dystopianray: if for any reason is corrupted, is there a any risk?07:13
dystopianraycarutsu_: it wont install if it's corrupted07:14
=== Skuller [i=skullers@Broadband-Dynamic-Central868.connect.com.fj] has joined #ubuntu+1
carutsu_dystopianray: that's what i though but better safe than sorry, thank you07:14
RaubkopiererI can install the drivers with Ndiswrapper but then i don't have wlan0 at ifconfig :(07:15
Skulleram sorry for 'all time favourites' question, but around when will feisty final be out? (range of dates or which week)?07:15
dystopianrayRaubkopierer: is the ndiswrapper module loaded?07:15
dystopianraySkuller: it'll be released sometime in april07:15
Raubkopiererdystopianray: yes07:16
jttSkuller: april 19th is projected date07:16
Raubkopiererdystopianray: at usb_core it's listed at lsmod07:16
Skullerdystopianray: oh...thanx..i am quite anticipating it07:17
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wizardwhat option would you add to fstab for it to auto-remount shares if they disconnect or get lost when off the network?07:20
mon^rchstill cant see one of my sata... anyone got a hack?07:21
carutsu_dystopianray: it says is installing it, configuring... then just stops07:23
dystopianraycarutsu_: it hangs?07:23
carutsu_it seems07:23
carutsu_no, just stops doesnt hang Konsole07:23
dystopianraycarutsu_: it exists without error?07:23
carutsu_dystopianray: yes07:23
dystopianraycarutsu_: that is normal07:24
carutsu_dystopianray: oh!, i tried runing it in konsole, is something releated with the package....07:24
dystopianraycarutsu_: pardon?07:24
carutsu_it needs a newer JRE07:24
carutsu_thank you!07:25
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UnluckyManDoes anyone know why my installer won't give me any option to change boot options for feisty?07:29
RaubkopiererI can install the Drivers with Ndiswrapper but I haven't wlan0 in the ifconfig an the led at the Stick don't blink...07:29
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dystopianrayRaubkopierer: are you sure you have installed the correct driver? what does 'ndiswrapper -l' say?07:29
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Raubkopiererdystopianray: yes i'm sure... -l says there are the drivers installed i need...07:31
Raubkopiererhardware present07:31
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sonoftheclayrHello everyone! I'm having some partitioning problems, I can't move sda4 (Feisty partion) back into what is empty space07:43
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mon^rchstill not seeing my one SATA... I get a "device does not exist" error... :/07:54
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mon^rchand x isn't starting with the 15 kernel, but the 15-generic one does... just cant see the SATA still...07:56
`sam`i thought they said -15 is the one that people were having problems with, but now it says to update to it07:58
`sam`i'm using the -14 and it's working fine07:58
mon^rchagreed... 15 is causing me  some probs :)07:58
`sam`i haven't tried it, it's installed, but i still booted the -1407:59
mon^rchbut I understood that thewy fixed it.... so I messed around a bit, but was unable to make it work08:00
Hobbsee`sam`: -14 was the mostly problem one08:01
`sam`i think maybe it was 2.6.20-15.25 that was a problem and now they have 2.6.20-15.27 or something08:01
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`sam`Hobbsee, well i haven't had any problems booting it, and everything seems to be working ok, what problems were there other than people having problems booting?08:02
mon^rchyeah, that's what I heard.... but I dont see it in the repos' :/08:02
=== Shaddo1 [n=archon@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
Shaddo1Hello everyone08:03
mon^rchI can't get it to see my HD for starters.... and no x08:03
Shaddo1Can omeone tell me how to upgrade my Kernel?08:03
`sam`oh well, don't take my word for anything, i just had oral surgery and am on pain killers lol, so i might be confused08:03
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Shaddo1I need to know how to update my kernel to -15, can someone walk me through it?08:05
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shirishhi guys, is there a  ubuntu cd-testing channel somewhere? I wanna find out some things08:06
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mon^rchI can tell you if you want...... but I upgraded my kernel and have probs Shaddo108:06
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Shaddo1What problems?08:07
Shaddo1And how do I ghost my primary IRC nick again?08:07
mon^rchcant get it to see my sata, and I have no x08:07
crdlbShaddo1, /ns ghost nick pass08:07
Shaddo1/ns ghost Shaddox wobehfo1108:07
Shaddo1now i need to change it.08:07
crdlblol why didn't that work?08:07
crdlbtry /msg nickserv08:08
`sam`try /msg nickserv instead of /ns08:08
gilsfor the first time ever.  my update manager is completely locked up, cant close it. its stuck....is that common08:08
`sam`gils, i'm having problems with mine right now too08:08
`sam`might be the update to update manager08:08
gilsmine is total KO'ed08:09
mon^rchgils: open a term and type "xkill" moove the skull over the window aND click08:09
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gilsthanks i know how to kill it. i want to know why its hanging....!!08:09
ShaddoxEverything's fixed, password changed08:09
ShaddoxStupid IRC. lol08:09
mon^rchmaybe ppl are working too hard...08:11
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gilswhat does it mean for there is another synaptic running in 'non-interactive' mode08:12
gilswhat does it mean if there is another synaptic running in 'non-interactive' mode08:13
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robinlinththe week of april 19?08:15
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robinlinthyou mean this week?08:15
Hobbseerobinlinth: yeah.  probably end of08:16
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pavs_i have this error when trying to install updates how do i fix this? E: dovecot-common: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 8908:17
pavs_E: dovecot-imapd: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:17
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wordHi um..every time I run any sort of graphics intensive program...i.e. games... after a random period of time (2 minutes to 4 hours) X crashes, this is the end of the Xorg.0.log file - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15747/08:23
=== dougb [n=Doug@cpe-75-85-82-114.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
dougbhave most of the kinks been worked out of feisty?08:27
=== Sebastian [n=sb@p50884906.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
robinlinthIs it safe to remove totem-mozilla? I mean, it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop which causes problems with the upgrade to Feisty.08:29
`sam`i'm having problems updating hotkey-setup and problems with update-grub, i get this every time i do any updates: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15749/08:29
carutsu_see you all08:30
Thib_GHas someone a problem with his intel HDA soundcard ?08:30
`sam`i think everybody has problems with hda intel sound cards08:30
Thib_GI mean, new problems, with recent kernels08:30
Thib_GI'm trying to fix it, so I need information08:31
`sam`i don't know, i have onboard hda intel, but i gave up on it and put in my old c-media card08:31
Thib_GI think I've found the bug, but I'm not sure08:31
`sam`i'll try the onboard again in a couple years lol08:31
crimsunThib_G: more info, please08:31
meffis there a metapkg for all of feisty's x fonts? need to find one for my 32bit chroot08:31
robinlinthIs it safe to remove totem-mozilla? I mean, it uninstalls ubuntu-desktop which causes problems with the upgrade to Feisty.08:32
Thib_Gcrimsun: Jack sensing has recently been added to 1986A chipstes08:32
Thib_Gbut I think it's card dependend, not chipset dependend08:32
Thib_GSo, it works on a special card, and break others which uses the same chipset08:32
crimsunThib_G: err, you mean codec revision?08:34
crimsunthere's no concept of specific cards08:34
Thib_Gcrimsun: patch_analog.c08:34
crimsunThib_G: yes, I know. I maintain it.08:34
Thib_Gcrimsun: I think the breakage is about the jack sensing on A1986A cards08:35
Thib_GHave to disable it or check the specific card for what it has been added08:35
crimsunThib_G: "breakage" being?08:35
Thib_Gno sound output at all08:36
Thib_Gbut sound input08:36
crimsunThib_G: I can back it out, but not for feisty.08:36
crimsunit'll have to be for feisty+108:36
=== yuriy notices Thib_G has also commented on the bug
crimsunwe can apply it for feisty-updates, of course08:37
crimsungive me a second to log into my git branch08:37
Thib_GSo, Feisty will break something working since dapper beta ? :/08:37
yuriyheh poor crimsun08:37
crimsunThib_G: it's not a critical regression.08:38
Thib_Git's a quite used onboard chipset...08:38
crimsunThib_G: I know that, and it's annoying, but it is /not/ critical.08:38
yuriyThib_G: that's what i was thinking too, but heck, we'll live with it08:38
yuriyannoying for demoing with the live-cd though i guess08:39
yuriynot that i've actually had a chance to do that08:39
=== setanta [n=a@lns-bzn-40-82-251-154-69.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
crimsunas I stated earlier, at this stage, a critical bug is your machine not booting because your kernel fails to drive the SATA controller08:39
Thib_GI tried to compile the module and replace the old binaries, but there is version mismatch. So, I can't be sure08:40
DreamThiefat least the fixed nvidia sata driver now works correctly and my machine boots.08:42
crimsunThib_G: that's 7c726dbd0d2dd4237d9a4c9a64c41821956d8901, correct?08:42
wordHi um..every time I run any sort of graphics intensive program...i.e. games... after a random period of time (2 minutes to 4 hours) X crashes, this is the end of the Xorg.0.log file - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15747/ using beryl seems to accelerate the problem..which would make sense since it is graphics intensive as well...any ideas? :-/08:43
Thib_Gcrimsun: hum ? Please give me the full URL, I am not familiar with the git08:44
shirishguys anybody here who knows how to work with rsync?08:44
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crimsunThib_G: http://hera.kernel.org/git/?p=linux/kernel/git/bcollins/ubuntu-feisty.git;a=commitdiff;h=7c726dbd0d2dd4237d9a4c9a64c41821956d890108:45
Thib_Gcrimsun: yeah, it's08:45
crimsunI can see how it would fail for older 1986A08:45
Thib_Gultra implementation and mic boost should'nt cause anything08:46
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-29-148.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
DreamThiefis there any workaround to get the nvidia-driver (no matter if glx-new or glx regular) working again with the newest kernel and its corresponding restricted modules?08:46
crimsunsince 0x1a is used not just for input08:46
Thib_Gbut jack sensing is used for _all_ 1986A_LAPTOP_EAPD08:46
crimsunon the other hand, 0x1a should be flipped unconditionally regardless08:46
Thib_G( I'm using a 1986A_LAPTOP_EAPD on my ASUS laptop )08:47
crimsunThib_G: yes, but only for a certain revision of that codec08:47
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crimsunI can revert that commit, and it'll break others08:47
crimsunso the question is - who wants his sound to work out of the box?08:47
=== word raises hand
Thib_Gme :P08:48
Thib_GI don't say you have to revert it08:48
crimsunthis is intractable for feisty08:48
meffis there a metapkg for all of feisty's x fonts? need to find one for my 32bit chroot please08:48
Thib_Gbut test the exact soundcard for the jack sensing thing08:48
crimsunI simply do not have time and authority to push a kernel out with everyone's pet bug fixed08:48
wordis feisty going to be an LTS?08:49
dystopianrayword: no08:49
crimsunword: no, neither will feisty+108:49
wordah, ok08:49
crimsunThib_G: I'll revert it in a local branch and generate modules against -15.27. Please wait 10 minutes.08:49
shirishdystopianray: crimsun: either of you know how to setup rsync for downloading the diffs. of latest feisty images?08:49
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dystopianrayshirish: is there a server holding images that has rsync facilities?08:51
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budluvaanyone here having a problem burning a disc in dvdauthor?08:51
shirishdystopianray: I downloaded the 14/04/07 image from cdimage.ubuntu.com08:51
shirishdystopianray: i wanna just set it up, so I can download the updated version when ubuntu updates it to the next thing.08:52
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shirishthe next live cd08:52
dystopianrayshirish: does the server you downloaded the livecd from provide rsync services?08:52
Thib_Gyuriy: can you say me the exact model of your soundcard ?08:52
shirishdystopianray: seems so, just a moment, I'll give u the page08:52
crimsunThib_G: his /proc/asound/card0/codec* is available in bug 10558208:54
ubotuMalone bug 105582 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sound inaudible for certain ASUS laptops using AD1986* HDA codec(s)" [Low,Needs info]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10558208:54
shirishdystopianray: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=201 see there is this nice sample script, but do not understand the details08:54
Thib_Ghm ok08:54
dystopianrayshirish: link to the thread08:55
Thib_Git's the same08:55
shirishdystopianray: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38626908:55
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dystopianrayshirish: looks like he just has it as a cron job08:56
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dystopianrayshirish: change the directories to what you want and modify the url to get ubuntu instead of kubuntu if you want08:57
shirishdystopianray: is there some way I can do it so I can call it, as there are times when I may be doing updates08:57
dystopianrayshirish: yeah turn it into a shell script08:58
shirishdystopianray: ok how do i do that, can u help me with that?08:58
dystopianrayshirish: i'm not sure why you'd bother with all this, those images will only be updated once per day at most08:59
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dystopianrayshirish: the second post in the thread has a script you can use09:00
dystopianrayshirish: copy it into a text file and chmod it executable09:00
shirishdystopianray: ok I am trying to do it, first lemme change the stuff to what I think is appropriate, pastebin it & then run it by you so u can tell me if I am doing anything wrong , is that ok09:01
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crimsunThib_G: / yuriy: http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/snd-hda-codec.ko and http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/snd-hda-intel.ko09:01
crimsun$ sha1sum *.ko09:01
crimsun30296823b2e995c4deafdc5dad21a1944b0704ad  snd-hda-codec.ko09:01
crimsund26c67c9d6d2f1177dfa36575c2150dc305359a1  snd-hda-intel.ko09:01
dystopianrayshirish: ah yeah i guess09:02
wordEvery time I run any sort of graphics intensive program...i.e. games... after a random period of time (2 minutes to 4 hours) X crashes, this is the end of the Xorg.0.log file - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15747/ using beryl seems to accelerate the problem..which would make sense since it is graphics intensive as well...anyone? :-/09:02
crimsunThib_G: / yuriy: replace the versions in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/sound/pci/hda/ with the above09:02
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dystopianraycrimsun: that module fixes the no sound issue?09:03
crimsunThib_G: / yuriy: kill all apps using the audio device, unload snd-hda-intel and snd-hda-codec, depmod -e, and modprobe snd-hda-intel09:03
yuriycrimsun: should i then remove the model= line in /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base?09:03
crimsunyuriy: please remove that line before loading the new snd-hda-intel09:03
Thib_Gcrimsun: it's now working fine09:04
crimsunThib_G: thanks for your feedback09:04
Thib_Ginserting this modules instead of the official ones cause sound output to work fine09:04
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crimsunnow I get to listen to people scream that their newer AD1986As don't work, but whatever09:05
yuriycrimsun: you mean you're uploading this version?09:06
crimsunyuriy: I'll push it to our kernel lead, but whether it's applied for feisty final is not my decision09:06
yuriycrimsun: well _my_ (biased) reasoning to have support for the older rather than the newer is just that i didn't realize that new drivers can even be added that late in the release cycle09:07
wordcrimsun: know anything about why mic input might be horridly quiet with hda-intel? :-/09:08
crimsunword: your SSID needs a quirk added?09:08
shirishdystopianray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15755/ an effort09:08
crimsunword: essentially, your codec manufacturer sucks.09:09
yuriywhich is intel or s/o else?09:09
crimsunyuriy: it's not an entirely new driver. It's a specific hack for a newer revision of that codec.09:09
shirishdystopianray: this is the path http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/09:09
dystopianrayshirish: yeah it looks ok09:09
shirishso how do I do it now?09:10
crimsunyuriy: no, Intel just happens to have its name attached to the /spec/ . Manufacturers like Realtek, Analog Devices, Sigmatel, Conexant, etc., are to blame.09:10
dystopianrayshirish: refresh the pastebin09:10
wordcrimsun: well...following a mix of 40 or so suggestions...i managed to get it working great...until memory leak of doom froze X....09:10
shirishdystopianray: refreshed09:11
dystopianrayshirish: copy that into a text file then chmod it +x09:11
dystopianrayshirish: then you can run it09:11
shirishdystopianray: so i should say make it rsync.txt or rsync.sh & do chmod+x09:12
dystopianrayshirish: yes09:12
=== `sam` [n=sam@CPE-75-81-234-51.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
yuriycrimsun: the replaced modules work :) thanks for all your help09:13
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Thib_Gcrimsun: Just deleting the jack sensoring thing will work for newer cards too09:17
Thib_Gbut the specific card won't be able to switch easily from jack to internal speaker09:18
crimsunThib_G: it doesn't work for newer hardware, but I'm not concerned about that right this moment.09:18
crimsunI'm attempting to avoid regressions as much as possible09:18
Thib_Gthe patch contained not only jack sensing additions, but ultra model support too09:19
crimsunno it didn't09:19
Thib_Gre-enabling this one should'nt cause any problem09:19
crimsunit only added a codec revision-specific hack for newer revisions09:19
crimsunI've just been told by the release manager that it's too late for feisty.09:21
crimsun03:19 < Mithrandir> crimsun: too late, but it should go into an SRU09:21
crimsun03:20 < crimsun> Mithrandir: whatever you guys [have]  decide[d] 09:21
crimsun03:21 < Mithrandir> crimsun: sorry. :-/09:21
crimsunI'll leave those modules posted until the SRU kernel is available.09:22
Thib_GSRU ?09:22
crimsunstable release updates.09:22
Thib_Gok, so, it won't be include into Feisty at the starting, but it'll be added with an upgrade ?09:23
yuriygood night, thanks again crimsun for working on it09:23
Thib_Gthanks alot crimsun, that's good :)09:23
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crimsunI apologise that it won't work out of the box (OOTB) for everyone, but this one's beyond my control.09:23
`sam`who was having problems with the -15 kernel detecting their drive?09:24
`sam`mon^rch, you there?09:27
harrisonycan someone tell me why the RC was delayed.09:28
Thib_Gharrisony: network manager and kernel bugs09:29
dystopianrayharrisony: kernel problems09:29
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harrisonyahh...hmm...does anyone have a link to the specfic kernel bugs09:31
crimsun!breakage >harrisony09:31
meffquestion.. does the install dvd (before i download one) have install methods for desktop, alternative AND server?09:31
harrisony<ubotu> Sorry, I don't know anything about breakage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi ...the topic says tha kernel is fixed which makes me wonder if the issues with the kernel are resolved09:32
dystopianrayharrisony: yes they are resolved09:33
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`sam`i think some people were having problems with the -15 kernel detecting their SATA drives09:34
harrisonyhmmm.....although i do have a SATA drive which makes me a bit worried09:34
`sam`the version in the repos is 2.6.20-15.25 but i found this on the ubuntu-devel list: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-April/023555.html09:35
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`sam`and that link on that page has 2.6.20-15.26 for testing09:35
meffim on a p-d 830 3ghz dualcore, asus p5ld2 w/ intel chipset, two WDC SATA (500, 320) .. no kernels yet have broken on me09:35
benhfeisty powerpc64-smp kernel blows up when moving the mouse in console mode09:35
benh(no X not gpm loaded)09:36
benhweird thing is that apt won't get me anything newer than while archives/pool contains apparently something much more recent09:36
dystopianraybenh: you're looking at the wrong package09:37
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benhdystopianray: I'm always confused with the kernel packages in debian based distro :-)09:37
benhdystopianray: what should I be looking at ?09:37
dystopianraybenh: 2.6.20-15.25 is referring to the linux-image package09:37
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benhdystopianray: doesn't that contain the kernel ?09:37
dystopianraybenh: yes09:38
crimsunbenh: apt-cache policy linux-image-2.6.20-15-powerpc-smp09:38
crimsunright, that's the placeholder package09:38
benh  Installed: 2.6.20-15.2509:39
benh  Candidate: 2.6.20-15.2509:39
benhI see09:39
crimsunbenh: please repeat in -kernel09:39
crimsunalthough BenC's likely asleep09:39
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dystopianraywhen does development on gutsy gibbon start?09:43
harrisonydystopianray: any time now09:44
harrisonyit should be09:44
rsthreeis that the name?09:44
rsthreefor real?09:44
dystopianrayrsthree: yes09:44
rsthreeoh my.09:44
rsthreethe names just get more and more...exuberant09:45
crimsundystopianray: well, feisty has to release first...09:46
meffim still waiting for junky jakalope09:46
meffor something09:46
crimsun'h', 'i', 'j'. So at least three releases away, meff.09:47
meffhorny hare09:48
=== meff stretches
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Lynoureever since the last kernel my WPA problems seem to also cause link up and link down on my wired connection10:01
LynoureThat's kind of absurd...10:01
=== `sam` [n=sam@CPE-75-81-234-51.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
LynoureLet's see if disabling wireless helps with that...10:03
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tapasis there a way to rate limit the downloads of apt-get?10:04
tapas[so that i can make the network stay usable while doing apt-get upgrade ;)] 10:05
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Lynourehmm, disabling wireless seemed to help. annoying new developement.10:05
zaggynlIs there something like freeware Acronis for Linux? I made a backup with acronis, and I want to put back individual files10:06
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zaggynltapas, try trickle10:06
shirishis anybody having trouble with gnome-terminal. Typing 'x' without the quotes causes the gnome-terminal to open another instance of itself10:06
zaggynlzaggynl@AMD3200L:~$ x \n bash: x: command not found10:07
shirishzaggynl: how can I know what is causing this then?10:07
tapaszaggynl: having a look10:07
zaggynlshirish, no clue, sorry :(10:07
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shirishanybody has any idea how i can find out which terminal/bash I am using10:08
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dougbi have a question. if a bug fix is committed, how long does it usually take for the fix to show up in the system updates?10:08
crimsunshirish: err, well, `tty`10:08
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs10:09
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:09
crimsunshirish: as for shell, check `getent passwd $USER|awk -F: '{print $7}'` to start10:09
valehrushirish, nope10:10
valehrushirish, and im on a fresh install with all the updates10:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about breakage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:10
zaggynlhow should I obtain codecs in feisty? add repo and install? or is there a frontend for it10:10
tapas~$ sudo trickle -d 100 apt-get dist-upgrade10:10
tapastrickle: Could not reach trickled, working independently: No such file or directory10:10
tapasoh well10:10
zaggynltapas, that's normal :), you can ignore it10:10
dystopianrayzaggynl: when you play a file it should bring up a dialog allowing you to install the necessary codecs10:10
tapaszaggynl: ok.. i might send a mail about this to the author. highly confusing10:11
shirishcrimsun : what was that "getent passwd $USER|awk -F: '{print $7}"10:11
shirishcrimsun: I am on the gui, and doing chsh showed me I am running /bin/bash10:11
tapaszaggynl: hah, it kinda works.. thanks a bunch :)10:11
zaggynldystopianray, I tried adding my music folder in rhythmbox, but it didn't show anything10:11
tapaszaggynl: this solves quite a few problems for  me10:11
zaggynlI hope it works out :)10:11
dystopianrayzaggynl: did you try playing one of the music files?10:11
rsthreezaggynl, i found trying to open an individual file in totem works fine10:12
rsthree(for prompting codec installation that is)10:12
shirishcrimsun: any ideas which files can influence bash's behaviour?10:12
zaggynlI found something in the wiki10:12
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shirishzaggynl: for me, did u find something?10:13
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zaggynlshirish, the wiki told me I could add them codecs etc with add/remove :)10:13
shirishzaggynl: yup, somebody was asking about them but not me10:14
zaggynlubuntu became easier indeed :o10:14
crimsunshirish: to what are you referring?10:14
crimsunshirish: ~/.profile, ~/.bash* - that sort?10:14
shirishcrimsun: yes10:14
crimsunshirish: ok, the bash man page lists those.10:14
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotkeys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hotkey - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:17
zaggynlI'm looking at 'Keyboard Shortcuts', and I don't understand what 0xae means and all that10:18
zaggynlIsn't that hexidecimal?10:18
dystopianrayzaggynl: yes it is10:19
dougbanyone know how long it takes to see the effects of a bug fix that has been committed?10:19
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dystopianraydougb: which bug?10:19
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dougboh wait, it might not be the same fix10:20
dougbi have lost all sound in feisty, and i'm using an nvidia HDA card.  sndstat calls it "0: Conexant CX20549 (Venice)"10:21
dystopianraydougb: there is a known issue with intel-hda that will be fixed in an update after feisty is released10:22
crimsundougb: eh?10:22
dougbmy mobo is ati, but it's an nvidia chipset10:22
crimsundystopianray: no, that's only for AD1986A-driven HDA.10:22
dougbalsa calls the sound card "nvidia HDA"10:23
crimsundougb uses a Conexant HDA codec, not an Analog Devices one.10:23
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dougbit shows two.  the alsa is "HDA NVidia" and the OSS is "Conexant CX20549 (Venice)"10:23
dystopianraywith the amount of people complaining about intel-hda i thought they were all broke10:23
dougbif i switch it to Conexant CX20549 (Venice), i get the same issue, but i dont know if I have to restart my computer to restart alsa if i make those changes10:24
crimsundystopianray: heh, it's easy to think that.10:24
crimsundougb: no, that's only a perspective difference. There's no actual change.10:24
crimsunthe former is the ALSA perspective, the latter is the OSS emulated perspective (also provided by ALSA)10:24
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dougbi'm surprised that the bug hasn't been brought up before though10:25
dougbits not like my laptop isn't rare, it's a Compaq Presario v3000 series10:25
crimsundougb: I'm still waiting on a precise definition of the bug you're seeing10:25
dougbthe bug i'm seeing is that ubuntu detects the hardware as it should10:25
dougbbut i'm not hearing any sound whatsoever10:25
crimsunso - "inaudible sound".10:26
dougbin the earlier versions of feisty, and any other distro, i would hear sound10:26
crimsunpastebin your /proc/asound/card0/codec*10:26
dystopianraysounds exactly the same as all the other intel-hda issues that people have been complaining about10:26
crimsundystopianray: except it's most definitely not the same.10:26
crimsunit's the same /symptom/, but the causes are very different.10:26
=== Ilokaasu [n=matti@dsl-aur-ff27c000-33.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu+1
crimsunit's pretty apparent once you see how alsa works.10:27
dougbcrimsun: what exactly do you want me to run?10:27
=== RAOF unenvys crimsun
crimsunyour sound chipset has a codec and a dsp. The dsp is rather uninteresting. We care about the codec.10:27
crimsunGuess where the quirks are?10:27
crimsundougb: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*10:27
crimsundougb: then pastebin that output10:27
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zaggynlMy time is all wrong, I set it up to sync with internet servers, but it's still wrong10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about time - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:30
dystopianrayzaggynl: is your timezone correct?10:30
dystopianrayzaggynl: have you been dual booting with windows?10:30
zaggynlIt's set to Europe/Amsterdam10:30
zaggynlI am dual booting10:30
dystopianraywindows is screwing up your clock10:31
zaggynlhmmkay, but why won't ubuntu sync then?10:31
dystopianrayzaggynl: by default it syncs the time everytime a network interfaces is started10:31
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zaggynlI can't click the 'sync now' button as well10:32
dystopianrayzaggynl: if you are running ntp-server, try stopping it and running $ sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org10:32
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MolePrinceIs Feisty stable enough to run from the beta now or should I wait for the release next week?10:32
crimsundougb: you need a quirk added, probably.10:32
zaggynldystopianray, apparently I'm not10:33
dougbcrimsun: something to note is that when i plug my headphones into the jack, i hear the electric feedback10:33
dystopianrayMolePrince: wait for the release10:33
crimsundougb: sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel10:33
MolePrinceDo you know anything about its Zydas [zd1211]  support?10:33
MolePrinceDebian Etch's is a bit sketchy right now.10:33
=== zaggynl is away:
crimsundougb: after that completes successfully (it should just return you to a prompt), sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop10:34
dougbeven though its not an intel chipset?10:35
dougbnot even an intel proc?10:35
dougbbrb, i need to get into CLI to do this10:36
crimsunok, as I stated earlier, Intel's name is attached to the specification. The company has (un)surprisingly very little to do with the various manufacturers' implementations.10:37
dystopianraydoes any intel-hda hardware work properly?10:37
RAOFdystopianray: Yup, mine does.10:38
=== RAOF got in early :)
dougbwhenever i try it, it says its in use10:38
crimsunso - you will have a Realtek codec (ALCxxx, in sound/pci/hda/patch_realtek.c), an Analog Devices (AD*, in sound/pci/hda/patch_analog.c), an Conexant (in sound/pci/hda/patch_conexant.c), a Sigmatel (STAC92xx, in sound/pci/hda/patch_sigmatel.c), or various others10:38
dougbeven when i go to CLI by doing ctrl+alt+F310:38
crimsundougb: so close whatever's using it.10:39
dougbi'll try closing gaim10:39
crimsunkill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*)10:39
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dougbthat didn't do anything10:40
dougbclosing gaim i mean10:40
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jmhodgesanyone else have the title bars of their gnome apps disappear in the last update?10:40
crimsun04:39 < crimsun> kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*)10:40
dougbok thanks10:41
=== busfahrer [n=busfahre@p57B56BCF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
dougbit was the volume control haha10:41
dougbthank you10:41
crimsunso - sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=laptop10:42
dougbthat didn't do anything10:42
mefftry your sound again10:43
dougbi did10:43
dougbi still get absolutely nothing10:43
meffalot of nix commands dont return anything unless there is an error.. :)10:43
crimsundougb: did you check the mixer controls?10:43
crimsununless you have a /severe/ codec bug, the levels should be reset to 010:43
meffin term try alsamixer10:43
meffunmute master10:43
meffjack master and pcm up10:44
dougbeverything is up10:44
crimsundougb: pastebin ``amixer -c0''10:44
jmhodgeshunh, even gnome-keybinding-properties segfaults10:44
jmhodgesnautilus works, gnome panel works..10:45
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jmhodgesfor the life of me i cannot figure it out10:47
jmhodgesah, it looks like its dumping right after it opens /var/lib/defoma/fontconfig.d/D/DejaVu-sans.ttf..10:48
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atiredmachineHey, if I did something stupid like delete my /etc/apache2 folder, is there anything I can do to get apache to work again?10:50
crimsundougb: which Pavilion is this?10:50
crimsundougb: and are you running the latest bios for it, if necessary?10:50
dougbi am running the latest bios10:50
jmhodgesif i move the dejavu link away, it still crashes on BitStream Vera10:50
LegolasVatiredmachine: I guess a backup or reinstall apache2?10:50
dougbi guess it could have something to do with it...10:50
RAOFatiredmachine: Reinstalling apache should work :)10:50
jmhodgeseither it doesnt like TTF files, or well.. i dont know10:50
atiredmachineLegolaxV, that's what I had hoped would solve it, but it never recreates that folder or the files that are supposed to go in it.10:51
dougbmaybe i have an executable of the older bios versions, but i dont think wine can pull off something as big as running a program that edits my bios10:51
crimsunoh, compaq.10:52
dougbthe betas used to work10:52
crimsunI wonder just how different that is. You have the exact same codec I do.10:52
dougbdapper works, any other distro i put on this thing works10:52
LegolasVatiredmachine: even when you force it to reinstall it completely? (which command did you use?)10:52
crimsunmeaning we have precisely identical sound hardware10:53
atiredmachineLegolaxV, I've used sudo apt-get install apache210:53
dougbthe last time under feisty it worked was when i upgraded from edgy to feisty10:53
atiredmachineand i've done sudo apt-get remove apache2 first10:53
crimsunoh wait10:53
dougbcrimsun: did you upgrade from edgy?10:53
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RAOFatiredmachine: You can "sudo aptitude purge apache2", follwed by installing it.  That *should* recreate the config, I think10:54
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crimsundougb: no, I installed clean.10:54
crimsundougb: It doesn't matter for a fresh load, though.10:54
dougbok just making sure10:54
LegolasVRAOF: isn't there also something like "sudo aptitude reinstall apache2"?10:55
crimsundougb: so, we have the same codec but different dsps.10:55
dougbit must have broke after 2.6.20-1310:55
crimsundougb: can you get me /proc/asound/card0/codec* output for a broken kernel and a working one?10:55
crimsundougb: make sure the amixer settings between the two are /identical/10:55
RAOFLegolasV: Yup, but he's already tried that.  Purging all knowledge of the package should make sure it gets reconfigured.10:55
dougbi dont think i could, i just installed fresh tonight10:55
dougband the kernel it came with had broken sound as well10:56
LegolasVRAOF: ah, I see.10:56
LegolasVRAOF: thought reinstall used purge10:56
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jmhodgesokay, i've narrowed it down to a problem in the font code11:00
jmhodgesand i know there was a font-related package that was updated last night11:00
dougbi'm lost of what to do11:01
dougbi guess i could always try another distro.  it's a shame to leave ubuntu though11:01
DreamThiefRAOF,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure apache2 should help, too11:01
dystopianrayooh, 2.6.20-15.26 and .2711:01
jmhodgeshey, i cant seem to google up the mailing list that all of the feisty upgrades are posted to. anyone have a link?11:02
dystopianrayjmhodges: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2007-April/date.html11:02
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jmhodgesthanks dystopianray11:03
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=== jmhodges can't even switch between windows... the alt-tab is broken as well
stevethepirateplease help!! i just sudo apt-get'ed nvidia-glx [according to a guide i found on teh interwebs...]  but when i restarted x it crashed and says "FATAL (EE): NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!11:05
atiredmachineRAOF and LegolasV, thanks, that totally worked!11:05
dougbstevethepirate: it looks like the kernel-restricted package wasn't installed for the kernel11:06
dystopianraystevethepirate: do you have the correct restricted-modules package for your kernel?11:06
stevethepirateyeah.. my card is on the non-legacy list.11:07
jmhodgesdamn, i just cannot find the package11:07
dystopianrayjmhodges: what package?11:07
jmhodgesi remember my update before my last reboot involved some font package11:08
jmhodgesnow, a lot of gnome apps are segfaulting when they reach the ttf files11:08
dystopianrayjmhodges: look in /var/log/dpkg.log11:08
stevethepirateThe other error i get is [after the one listed above] : (EE): NVIDIA(0): Aborting!" and "(EE): Screens found, but none have a usable configuration"11:09
jmhodgesah, i was just looking for that .11:09
stevethepiratei think thats as a result of the first error tho.11:09
stevethepirateplease could some1 assist.. i can't even open firefox to google the shizzel11:10
crimsundougb: use a prior milestone cd11:11
crimsundougb: say, beta 4 or beta 511:11
dougbmaybe i will tomorrow11:11
jmhodgeshmm.. maybe one of the gtk2-engines pacakges..11:12
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crimsundougb: well, it's up to you. If you help, we can maybe get it sorted for an SRU11:13
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dystopianraystevethepirate: 'shizzel'?11:17
LegolasVdystopianray: isn't that a cool way to say "thing", related to the english word "shi." (not typing it complete, I'm afraid of an auto-kick :P)11:18
jmhodgesbrb, trying after moving away .gtkrc-1.2.gnome211:19
soniumI heard of people using valgrind for providing aditional crash information to the ubuntu developers. Could someone tell me how to use it?11:19
stevethepiratedystopianray: huh?11:19
gourdinsonium: how to use valgrind ?!11:20
soniumis this question so uncommon?11:20
stevethepiratedystopianray: its a friendly way of saying 'shit'11:21
=== jmhodges [n=jmh@cpe-24-210-178-220.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
jmhodgesthat didnt do it11:21
gourdinsonium:  to debug abcf11:21
gourdinvalgrind abcf11:21
gourdinthen, you got _plently_ of option11:21
jmhodgesit seems that on boot, the last thign to pop up on the splash screen that shows whats loading is nautilus11:22
gourdinand, sorry, man valgrind :)11:22
jmhodgesanyone know what usually loads after that?11:22
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jmhodgesafter nautilus, that is11:23
stevethepiratebye ppl.. gotta startx11:23
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jmhodgesif i run gnome-keybinding-propreties in valgrind, it runs fine11:24
jmhodgeswithout it, it segfaults11:24
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jmhodgesthere is a memory leak detected, however11:24
jussi01do i need vmware player to make server run?11:25
gourdinsonium: personaly, I use " valgrind --tool=memcheck --trace-children=yes --track-fds=yes --num-callers=20 --error-limit=no --show-below-main=yes --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes --leak-resolution=high " to debug apps, be warned, this is awfully verbose11:25
jmhodges"definitely lost: 15,946 bytes in 52 blocks.\"11:25
soniumk, thx11:26
jmhodgesrargh.. and when the keybinding menu comes up a lot of the keybindings have hex values11:26
soniumit's awfully slow, too11:27
jmhodgesokay, moving away all of the .gnome* and .gconf* directories11:27
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InfamousManyone alive?11:30
=== jmhodges [n=jmh@cpe-24-210-178-220.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
jmhodgesnope, that didn't do it11:30
jmhodgesi cant even use my mouse to switch between or move windows11:31
InfamousMare you decent with ubuntu?11:31
jmhodgesfairly decent11:31
InfamousMi have a noob question11:31
InfamousMhow do you install programs? =/11:31
jmhodgesthis is on Feisty?11:32
InfamousMyeah, i just ordered a cd11:32
jmhodgesSystem->Administration-Synaptic Package Manager11:32
InfamousMneed any command line stuff to do it?11:32
jmhodgesSystem is a menu in the bar along the top of your screen11:32
jmhodgesInfamousM: nope11:32
InfamousMdoes anything need command line?11:33
jmhodgesInfamousM: you can always use "sudo apt-get install packagename" but Synaptic is easier11:33
jmhodgesnot much11:33
dystopianrayInfamousM: are you scared of the command line?11:33
InfamousMonly 2 reasons i stuck with windows were11:33
InfamousMcommand line and gaming11:33
InfamousMif wine gets good11:33
InfamousMand the gui stuff gets better11:33
InfamousMill be linux-high11:33
InfamousMand yes11:33
dystopianrayInfamousM: you enjoyed using cmd.exe? :/11:33
InfamousMim scared of command line11:34
InfamousMim decent with cmd.exe11:34
InfamousMbecause i do C++11:34
InfamousMbut linux's command line11:34
InfamousMis just harder11:34
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dystopianrayyou can barely do anything in cmd.exe11:35
InfamousMlots of commands11:35
InfamousMand all the....11:35
Tomghey all, who know where fesity stores the ppp config?11:35
InfamousMi cant think of the name11:35
InfamousMall the stuff at the end11:35
InfamousM-q +r11:35
InfamousMall that stuff11:35
LegolasVInfamousM: win32 has it too11:36
jussi01!enter | InfamousM11:36
InfamousMi dont use it though11:36
ubotuInfamousM: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:36
jmhodgesokay, so anyone know what kind of segfault would disappear when the app is run in valgrind?11:36
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InfamousMall i use are cd and then running .exe's11:36
Tomganyone? who know where fesity stores the ppp config?11:37
jmhodgesTomg: gconf?11:37
dystopianrayTomg: is it being done through network-manager?11:37
InfamousMso, can anyone tell me how linux folders are? like /root and /home?11:37
dystopianrayInfamousM: can you be more specific as to exactly what you want to know?11:38
InfamousMabout the folders and logins11:38
dystopianraywhat do you want to know about them?11:39
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InfamousMwhat is in the main folders, and the difference between a user and root11:39
dystopianrayInfamousM: user and root are like, user and administrator on windows11:40
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InfamousMcan you make a different account an admin?11:41
jmhodgesInfamousM: in ubuntu you don't even log in as admin11:42
jmhodgesInfamousM: you might want to check out the ubuntu site and look for the stuff on sudo11:42
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.11:42
InfamousMwhat's chown? i've heard it before11:44
=== setanta [n=a@lns-bzn-40-82-251-154-69.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
dystopianrayI'm not sure that this channel is intended for educating users on the basics of linux, this channel is for feisty support11:48
jinfirefox start slower on feisty if I compare it to won xp :\11:48
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dystopianrayjin: how much slower?11:50
jin3 to 4 seconds slower11:50
InfamousMdys: where can i get educated?11:51
dystopianrayInfamousM: I have no idea11:51
jinI hope you guys won't release feisty this month11:51
jmhodgeshm.. okay, can't figure this one up11:51
concept10man chown11:51
dystopianrayjin: why?11:51
jmhodgesjin: eh?11:51
jinalot of things seems broken11:51
jmhodgeshm.. okay, anyone know when the next update is scheduled?11:52
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Lynourejin: same amount of plugins and all? Same load on the computer?11:53
InfamousMwhen i submitted of the cd they said it wouldnt be ready for shipping til june 14th i think11:53
dystopianrayInfamousM: so you don't actually have ubuntu installed right now?11:53
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InfamousMnope, i just need to learn it before i get it11:54
InfamousMi have no cd-rs11:54
jinLynoure, firefox on linux only has one plugin more than on windows11:54
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setantahello all after having installed feisty i cannot mount ntfs-config, i can only do it by going in nautilus and double clicking on my ntfs drive, but then I have not got the writting permission anyone knows how to solve this please?11:54
jinbut a few days ago it was slow already with the same plugins11:54
InfamousMNote that these CDs will only be shipped after Ubuntu 7.04 is released (April 19th).11:54
jussi01!ntfs-3g | setanta11:55
ubotusetanta: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)11:55
dystopianrayInfamousM: http://www.google.com.au/search?q=linux+for+beginners11:55
jussi01InfamousM, you should think of getting the ubuntu book11:55
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InfamousMis it free?11:55
setantathank you guys but ntfs-3g is aleardy installed11:56
jussi01InfamousM, no, but there are excerpts on the ubuntu website11:56
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olimpicoWhat happens to all my applications and configuration if I update to Feisty11:57
olimpicoI'm using Edgy now.11:57
dystopianrayolimpico: they should be preserved11:57
dystopianrayolimpico: updater shouldn't touch anything in your home dir11:57
olimpicoBut all the applications that were working under Edgy will still work under Feisty?11:58
dystopianrayolimpico: why wouldn't they?11:58
olimpicodystopianray: I don't know, i'm just asking11:58
LynoureI do not think there are any promises on software outside the standard repositories...11:59
olimpicodystopianray: because many applications are not yet released for Feasty11:59
dystopianrayolimpico: from third party repos?11:59
olimpicoLynoure: Exactly, the applications I have installed from other repositories, that's what worries me11:59
dystopianrayolimpico: there is no guarantee with regards to any of those11:59
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Lynoureolimpico: what kind of stuff you have installed? If they were .debs, most likely the sources will come up with updated versions for feisty soon12:00
fenrigthe -15.25 kernel didn't fix anything for me12:01
dystopianrayfenrig: what error are you getting?12:02
fenrigalways something different12:02
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fenrigbut it always have to do with my sata harddisk12:03
xipietotecanyone know of a repository for Etoile in feisty?12:03
fenrigno wait i have an update12:05
fenrigfor the kernel12:05
dystopianrayfenrig: -25.27?12:05
dystopianrayerr -15.2712:05
dystopianrayok, well try that12:05
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olimpicoLynoure: I have lots of repositories12:10
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Lynoureolimpico: then chances are something will not work afterwards. If it is business critical, maybe stick with your current version until you are sure those work in feisty12:17
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fenrignew kernel works but12:19
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setantadystopianray thanks for the link it does not help me that much, i know what nfs-3g is12:19
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fenrigi have problems with starting the nvidia module12:19
dystopianraysetanta: i gave you a link?12:19
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setantalol i thought it was for me actually it was not nevermind, misread your message12:20
fenrigand the restricted manager12:21
fenrigsays that i dont have hardware that needs restricted drivers12:22
fenrigwhat is happening12:22
setantaubotu actually my previouys message was for ubotu, i know what ntfs-3g is but it does not help me12:22
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setantaok ubotu is a bot, didn't know that12:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hello - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:23
dystopianraystupid bot12:23
dystopianrayfenrig: i don't know anything about the restricted driver manager, but what video card do you have?12:23
aldinanyone knows which package provides this header 'kconfigskeleton.h'12:24
fenrignvidia geforce 7900 gt12:24
olimpicoWhat do i need the update script for? I though I inly needed to change the repositories to feisty12:24
dystopianrayfenrig: try installing nvidia-glx-new12:25
fenrigwhy is that changed?12:25
fenrigit used to have a nvidia-glx12:25
fenrigwhat is the difference12:25
dystopianraynvidia-glx = 96xx, nvidia-glx-new = 97xx12:25
dystopianrayi think both should work for your card12:25
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juliuxhi all12:26
juliuxcan somebody make a test on his feisty system?12:26
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dystopianrayjuliux: what test?12:27
juliuxopen a terminal and run time gcalctool12:27
JedHey, i have an update notification here and it includes a new kernel but i heard there was some bugs with it that stops your system booting to it12:27
dystopianrayJed: is it 2.6.20-15.27 ?12:27
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juliuxdystopianray, my system is very very slow gcaltool need 9secs so start12:28
dystopianrayjuliux: it shouldn't be slow?12:28
jinhas any one done prelinking on Feisty before?12:28
dystopianrayJed: what is the version of the linux-image package it wants to install?12:28
asad2005ls /dev/ttyS* shows only ttyS0 to 3 how can i add ttyS4 ?12:29
juliuxdystopianray, if i run time gcaltool and then close gcaltool it says it need 9secs to start, i have a amd athlon xp 2400+ with 768mb ram and an nvidia car12:29
=== Malum [n=malum@cpe-66-68-150-28.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
MalumWHICH repository do I add that will let me access non-free programs such as OPERA browser etc?12:29
LegolasVMalum: multiverse12:29
dystopianrayisn't multiverse enabled by default?12:29
LegolasVdystopianray: no12:29
dystopianrayJed: you're looking at the wrong package, what is the 'linux-image' version?12:29
MalumIts a snyaptic option?12:29
dystopianrayLegolasV: since when?12:29
LegolasVdystopianray: it has never been, but in synaptic and apt there is a select box for it12:30
dystopianrayLegolasV: having universe and multiverse was a major feature of feisty12:30
Jedlinux-image-generic   Version
MalumI cant find Opera?12:30
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MalumI search for Opera in Synaptic doesnt come up12:31
LegolasVdystopianray: really?on edgy I didn't have multiverse on too12:31
MalumSHould I try adept?12:31
dystopianrayLegolasV: it's only for feisty12:31
juliuxdystopianray, any ideas why my system is so slow?12:31
dystopianrayLegolasV: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/enabling-additional-components12:31
LegolasVdystopianray: (I've edited my sources.list to have multiverse and universe on)12:31
dystopianrayjuliux: no idea12:31
DarkSpiritI am about to install the RC but I wanted to ask when the Final does come out do I got to download it fully or when an updated RC Comes out ?12:31
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dystopianrayDarkSpirit: the RC has not been released12:32
DarkSpiritI mean like 700MB File download or within Ubuntu itself.12:32
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dystopianrayDarkSpirit: the final will probaly be released next week12:32
DarkSpiritfeisty-desktop-i386.iso - Whatever that is12:32
MalumIm having some kind of memory problem with Firefox12:32
Malumit hangs all the time12:32
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MalumAm I alone?12:32
Jeddystopianray: my linux-image-generic version is Version
LegolasVdystopianray: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine?highlight=%28multiverse%2912:33
dystopianrayJed: what is the version of linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic ?12:33
dystopianrayLegolasV: that does not cover feisty12:33
Jeddystopianray: where do i find that, im kinda new to ubuntu, i used other distros in the past though12:34
dystopianrayJed: it should show you in the list of updates you're installing12:34
LegolasVdystopianray: for me it did, but I've updated to feisty from edgy, maybe that makes a difference?12:34
dystopianrayLegolasV: possibly12:35
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Jeddystopianray: what package name am i looking at?12:35
dystopianrayJed: linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic12:36
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MooiHello, I would like to install Ubuntu Feisty into a USB Flash drive that I'd like to boot later from. How can I do this from a Debian system? Should I use debootstrap for this?12:36
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Jeddystopianray: i dont have a package called that in update manager12:36
MalumI CANT close my Firefox?12:37
dystopianrayJed: hrrm, I don't know anything about the graphica package managers I always use apt-get12:37
MalumWhat is the KILL command?12:37
MalumSudo Kill Firefox?12:37
dystopianrayMalum: don't need sudo12:37
Malumjust Kill Firefox12:37
dystopianrayMalum: what is the name of the firefox process?12:37
Malumhow would I determine that?12:37
Eruantalonyou could use killall firefox12:37
dystopianrayps, top, etc.12:37
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Eruantalonyou could use killall firefox-bin12:38
LegolasVMalum: ps aux|grep firefox12:38
Mooican someone provide me with the ubuntu debootstrap script for feisty?12:38
LegolasVMalum: then kill <number>12:38
dystopianraykill -912:38
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xipietotec....I just use system monitor, select firefox, and kill it12:38
dystopianrayyou can use xkill as well12:39
dystopianrayrun xkill and click on firefox12:39
Malum3 lines generated from that command12:39
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Malum ps aux|grep firefox  generated 3 lines12:39
mrvanesIs macd there?12:39
LegolasVEruantalon: personally I'd never use killall, because someone I know wanted to kill a crashing ssh session and just killall's sshd, but that's my personal preference ;)12:40
dystopianrayxkill is the easiest to use12:40
LegolasVMalum: the upper two lines have a PID, kill it ;)12:40
EruantalonLegolasV: I live life on the edge12:40
Mooigot it myself...12:41
dystopianrayxkill has a skull and crossbones, like a pirate12:41
LegolasVEruantalon: well the experience did learn us how to get ssh up using PHP5 and Apache2 ;)12:41
Jeddystopianray: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15770/     its what apt-get says its gonna update12:41
EruantalonLegolasV: lol12:42
dystopianrayJed: use the -V flag12:42
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fenrignvidia problem still not fixed12:42
dystopianraywhat error messages do you get?12:43
fenrigit doesnt load the "wfb module"12:43
Jeddystiopianray: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15771/12:43
fenrigand the fatal server error is12:43
fenrigno screens found12:43
dystopianrayfenrig: ah, others have had that problem, I don't know what the fix is12:43
dystopianrayJed: -V12:44
fenrigcan u give me a link12:44
=== yooluca [n=fddf@host-84-9-15-252.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
yoolucahi all12:44
dystopianrayfenrig: try searching in launchpad12:44
yoolucashould i install beta or wait for the final release ?12:44
dystopianrayyooluca: wait for the finale12:44
dystopianrayyooluca: or at least the RC12:44
Jeddystopianray: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15772/12:45
dystopianrayJed: $ sudo apt-get -V dist-upgrade12:45
yoolucadystopianray 19th april isnt it ?12:45
dystopianrayyooluca: maybe, probably will be delayed12:45
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dystopianrayyooluca: the RC has not yet been released12:46
Jeddystopianray: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15773/12:46
yoolucaohh, which means that the final will be delayed12:46
yoolucaok thanks12:46
dystopianrayJed: ok, that kernel should be fine12:47
Jedok, thanks12:47
dystopianrayJed:    linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic (2.6.20-15.27)12:47
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fenrigi cant found a bug12:48
fenrigin launchpad12:48
dystopianrayfenrig: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/9091512:48
ubotuMalone bug 90915 in update-manager "xserver can't load 'wfb module error' after feisty install. " [Undecided,Rejected] 12:48
dystopianray2 seconds of google12:48
dystopianraydoesn't look very helpful though12:49
dystopianraymaybe the forums have info12:49
toodlesHi all, anyone have any suggestions what log files I need to check to figure out why my mouse stops responding when I "Switch User"? If I go back to currently logged in user with Ctrl+Alt+F7 then I have my mouse back. I just can't log in as a new user.12:50
Mooihttp://rafb.net/p/VGeKL589.txt < how to solve this problem?12:50
dystopianraytoodles: why can't you login? keyboard doesn't work?12:50
LegolasVshouldn't this (/usr/share/doc/grub/NEWS.Debian.gz) be done automatically by apt?12:51
dystopianraytoodles: what sort of mouse do you have?12:51
toodlesdystopianray: Sorry, actually I can login - my mouse just no longer works.12:51
toodlesdystopianray: Touchpad :-/12:51
toodlesdystopianray: It's a laptop (dell inspiron 640m)12:51
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dystopianraytoodles: what about if you plug in a usb mouse?12:51
toodlesdystopianray: I'll check. brb12:51
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Korgmatoseis 2.6.20-15.27 generally regarded as safe to upgrade to? Using 2.6.20-15.25 with no issues atm12:53
dystopianrayWhat could I have done to get this in shipit? "The Ubuntu community would like to thank you for your contributions to the Ubuntu project. In recognition of this, we offer you an expanded set of options for your ShipIt request."12:54
toodlesdystopianray: If I plug in a usb mouse it works, and the touchpad also works again. Any idea where the problem might lie?12:55
dystopianraytoodles: hrrm, not really12:55
Mooihow can I whipe out a hard drive fully?12:55
toodlesdystopianray: ok, thanks though :-) .  I'm a step closer to figuring it out.12:55
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dystopianrayMooi: $ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/deb/blah bs=1M12:56
webwolf_27anybody else having trouble with feisty together with ndiswrapper?12:56
_Neildystopianray: I get that too12:56
_Neildystopianray: All ive done is submit bugs12:56
dystopianray_Neil: yeah me too12:56
webwolf_27when I bootup with the old edgy kernel everything works great, when I bootup with a feisty ketnel the system freezes as soon as I load the ndiswrapper12:57
Mooithanks, dystopianray12:57
_Neilinteresting, the CDs you get are feisty fawn??12:57
_Neilis feisty going to be LTS then?12:57
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dystopianray_Neil: no it is not12:57
dystopianray_Neil: I guess they realised that people dont' really want crappy old dapper12:58
_Neilyeah lol12:58
webwolf_27dystopianray, LTS is still better for the server12:58
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MooiLTS = ?01:01
_4strO!lts | Mooi01:01
ubotuMooi: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.01:01
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fenrighow do i halt the x session01:01
MooiI see, coolness01:01
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dystopianrayfenrig: ctrl-alt-backspace01:01
Mooifenrig: ctrl+alt+backspace01:01
fenrigno thats too restart01:01
_4strOdystopianray: tou dont halt, you restart it01:02
Mooifenrig: kill -9 <x process>01:02
tatters running "sudo m-a update,prepare" gives me command not found error, do I need to install something to get this to run?01:02
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dystopianrayfenrig: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:02
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_4strOsudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop01:03
Mooican I somehow stop dd from running now? it is taking a while :|01:03
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Mooithe guy clearly said to halt his X session, not the Gnome desktop manager?01:03
Kevlar_Soulhow do you make x-sys work?01:03
dystopianrayMooi: well it seems like he wants to stop X alltogether01:04
_4strOMooi: dont understand01:04
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MooiI tried kill -9 <dd process>, but it is still running?01:04
dystopianrayMooi: ctrl+c01:04
Kevlar_SoulX-sys plugin01:04
Mooidystopianray: lol, did that ;-)01:05
Mooiabsolutely no reaction01:05
dystopianrayMooi: press it a bunch of times repeatedly01:05
Mooidid that already01:05
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Kevlar_SoulHow come OPERA doesnt show up in Synapitc?01:05
MooiI just unplugged the drive ;-)01:05
Kevlar_Souloh you know what  I mean01:06
MooiKevlar_Soul: is Opera open source?01:06
Kevlar_SoulIts not in the Multiverse01:06
Mooibecause they have their own repositories01:06
Kevlar_Soulyou dont know it do you?01:06
Mooijust google it01:06
webwolf_27Mooi, no it's not01:06
_4strO!opera | Kevlar_Soul01:06
ubotuKevlar_Soul: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:06
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fenrigthe nvidia problem is fixed01:07
Mooiwebwolf_27: ah, I was wrong then :|01:07
Kevlar_SoulOh thanks!!!01:07
fenrigi just downloaded the driver from nvidia.com01:07
fenrigand im ready to game01:07
dystopianrayfenrig: that's not fixing it, it's just hacking around it01:07
Kevlar_SoulNvidia has Ubuntu drivers?01:07
fenrignot really i just download a script01:08
fenriga .run file01:08
webwolf_27Mooi, one can install opera though, I'd only use it for testing website (sam as IE)01:08
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webwolf_27Kevlar_Soul, no, Ubuntu has nvidia drivers01:08
dystopianrayOpera has ubuntu downloads on their home page, but only up to edgy01:09
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dystopianrayon their website i mean01:09
Kevlar_SoulI just searched my Add/Remove no OPERA01:10
gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: opera is not in the repos01:10
webwolf_27Kevlar_Soul, Ubuntu, as a linux distrobution doesn't need a driver, Nvidia as a hardware does01:10
=== Kaplan_ [n=chaplan@89-180-135-250.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu+1
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:11
Kevlar_SoulSo, that is wrong?01:11
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: is 'show commercial applications' checked?01:11
Kevlar_SoulWell, there is no "show commercial applications" first of all, so that is wrong.01:12
Kevlar_SoulBut, I set it o "All"01:12
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: that text probably only applies to edgy01:13
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Kevlar_Soulwell, regardless the answer is commercial applications are being shown01:14
dystopianraythey are?01:14
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Kevlar_Soulhow could I verify that?01:15
Kevlar_Soulwhich program could I only see if commercial applications are being shown?01:15
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Cheetahhello :D01:16
Cheetahis there a way to fine-tune the desktop effects? :)01:16
Kevlar_SoulDesktop effects manager01:19
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CheetahKevlar_Soul, are you refering to the settings dialog that is installed by default or an additional software package?01:20
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Hidanerrr one thing... the very latest updates. they don't break the pc, do they?01:22
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Mooiwhat disklabel should I put for a USB device that I'll want to boot? msdos does or not?01:23
dystopianraydisklabel? this ain't bsd :S01:25
MooiI'm using gparted :)01:25
dystopianrayah, just use msdos01:26
Mooidid ;)01:26
SkrotffsI don't think the label of the disc will matter at all01:26
dystopianrayi think by label it is referring to the partition table type01:26
Cheetahis there something like Expose on Mac available in Feisty?01:29
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dystopianrayCheetah: beryl and compiz should provide that functionality01:29
dystopianrayalthough expose is retarded anyway01:30
JedHey, im having a problem with azuerus where I open it but it closes again a second later01:30
Cheetahdystopianray, i will check that out01:30
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dystopianrayJed: is there an error message?01:30
dystopianrayJed: have you tried starting it from the terminal?01:30
dystopianrayJed: have you looked in ~/.xsession-errors ?01:31
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Jedjust tried starting from terminal, i get an error message which im gonna put in the paste bin now01:32
Kevlar_SoulIm pretty sure commercial applications are NOT showing up in my repository01:33
Jeddystopianray: http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/15783/01:33
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gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: thats good since there isnt a commercial repo for feisty01:34
dystopianrayJed: hrrm that isn't good, no idea what is causing that01:34
dystopianrayJed: something wrong with your ajva01:34
Kevlar_Soulso, do I use the one for edgy?01:34
Jedreinstall java?01:34
dystopianrayJed: hrrm that might help, I don't know01:34
HobbseeKevlar_Soul: there's not one for edgy either.  regardless, no01:34
gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: what are you looking for?01:34
Kevlar_Soulmultiverse is a lie01:34
Kaplan_why is multiverse a lie?01:34
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Kevlar_SoulMultiverse is supposed to have things like Opera01:35
Kevlar_Soulit doesnt01:35
gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: no it isnt01:35
Kevlar_Soulno non-free stuff01:35
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: Opera provide ubuntu debs01:35
Kaplan_it used to have01:35
gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: never has had it01:35
LynoureKevlar_Soul: It is not supposed to have binary only non-free stuff.01:35
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ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:35
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: opera probably disallow redistribution01:35
Kaplan_maybe a feisty opera has not yet been included01:35
Kaplan_but it sure will01:35
Kaplan_you can always install it yourself01:36
Kevlar_SoulWhich is the repository with all the good nonfree stuff?01:36
Hobbsee!opera is <reply>opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:36
ubotuBut opera already means something else!01:36
Hobbsee!no opera is <reply>opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser01:36
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee01:36
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=linux01:36
HobbseeKaplan_: no new extra packages for feisty, by now01:36
Kevlar_Soulnot in Add/remove01:36
Jeddystopianray: reinstalling java helped, thanks01:37
Kevlar_SoulThanks but gosh, wouldnt a repository make things easier?01:37
dystopianrayJed: cool01:37
HobbseeKevlar_Soul: sure.  make one, and maintain it.01:37
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: Opera may disallow redistribution of their browser01:37
Kaplan_Hobsee, how do you highlight my name when talking to me?????????01:37
Kaplan_i'm new @ irc01:37
Kevlar_SoulIf I install the edgy version will it work?01:37
HobbseeKaplan_: by mentioning your nick.  also, most irc clients have tab completion, so you can type hob<tab> and it becomes Hobbsee01:38
HobbseeKevlar_Soul: i answered that.01:38
Kevlar_SoulIs there another good browser?01:38
Kaplan_but you really should wait for the feisty release01:38
HobbseeKevlar_Soul: firefox, konqueror01:38
Kevlar_SoulFirefox keeps hanging01:38
HobbseeKaplan_: sorry?01:38
Kaplan_Kaplan_: i see01:38
Kaplan_Hobbsee:  like this?01:38
Kevlar_Soulokay I'll find that one01:38
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HobbseeKaplan_: yep, that's it :)01:38
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Kaplan_Hobbsee: what did you mean01:39
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antohttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15784/ can somone help me with this boot error??01:39
Hobbsee[21:38]  <Kaplan_> but you really should wait for the feisty release <-- who did you mean that to?01:39
Kaplan_Hobbsee: won't new packages come into multiverse?01:39
HobbseeKaplan_: no.  no new packages as of at least a month ago01:39
HobbseeKaplan_: evertyhing's frozen - bug fixes only01:40
_4strOanto : impossible to boot exact ?01:40
Kaplan_Hobbsee: strange, i meant that opera for edgy will work, but you will have an edgy repo on your sources that really should not be there01:40
lazkaKevlar_Soul: i think the commercial repo is down right now. should be "http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu feisty-commercial main"01:41
anto_4str0: what do you mean?01:41
HobbseeKaplan_: ah.   true.  the commercial repo was never done for anything other than dapper though.01:41
Kevlar_Soullazka ahhhh01:41
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_4strOanto: you have this message before enter a session01:41
Kevlar_SoulThat explains it01:41
antowhen i try and boot up...01:41
antoi only got the basic built in commands01:42
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Kevlar_SoulHow do you list applications to kill?01:42
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: ps01:42
Kaplan_Hobbsee: i use firefox on all SO's i use, but i had opera installed on edgy01:42
_4strOKevlar_Soul: ps aux01:42
Kevlar_SoulIsnt there a GUI for this yet?01:42
HobbseeKaplan_: true, but you didnt get thta from the commercial repo - you probably got that from the opera site01:42
Kaplan_Hobbsee: from the repos, epiphany is a good browser to, and it is on the repos01:42
_4strOanto: what kernel are u using ?01:42
Kevlar_SoulIsnt there a GUI for process managment, *sigh*01:42
HobbseeKaplan_: indeed.  Kevlar_Soul, try epiphany01:42
PriceChildKevlar_Soul, system monitor01:43
Kevlar_Soulfeel like its 10 years ago with all this commands01:43
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: probably, if you're in kde press 'ctrl+esc' I don't know about gnome01:43
PriceChildKevlar_Soul, have you looked?01:43
gnomefreakKevlar_Soul: htop01:43
PriceChildKevlar_Soul, system > administration > system monitor01:43
dystopianrayKevlar_Soul: the gui managers are all horrible compared to the CLI tools01:43
PriceChildor something like that01:43
Hobbseegnomefreak: does ncurses count as gui?01:43
lazkahtop is nice01:43
Hobbseegnomefreak: but i do like htop01:43
gnomefreakHobbsee: sure ;)01:43
anto_4str0: i'm using ubuntu kernel 2.6.20-13-386 because when i tried to run the Ubuntu kernel 2.6-15-386 my computer crashed-..01:43
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Hobbseegnomefreak: so aptitude's a graphical manager.  cool :P01:44
gnomefreakfor something your gonna spend all of 30 seconds in what is the use of drawing a gui?01:44
lazkaanto: what was the error message?01:44
mc44anto: "crashed"? you mean it wouldnt boot?01:44
Hobbseegnomefreak: because if it doesnt do pointy-clicky then it's outdated and not worth using!  duh!!!!!01:44
Kaplan_Hobbsee: i have opera on synaptic01:44
gnomefreakHobbsee: really ncurses is not gui or the d-i would be gui installer ;)01:44
mc44Hobbsee: typing is hard, dammit01:44
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Hobbseegnomefreak: *grin*01:45
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Hobbseemc44: very.    mc44 likes pointy-clicky01:45
gnomefreakKaplan_: it will show up in synaptic if you have installed it before01:45
thesilentwfinally it starts!!!!!!!!! the today kernel update fixed the nvidia drivers or was it a kernel problem the whole time ?01:45
=== mc44 points at Hobbsee and clicks
Kaplan_Hobbsee: i'ts from non-free01:45
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yellow_chickenhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/herd-5/   <--- that the RC?01:45
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antoyeah it didn't boot so i went back to a older version of the ubuntu kernel then i got a some block device error on my hardisk.    and it forced me to do a fsck that took a few hours, then after that i tried to start a older kernel up again. but i got the problem off the grub menu not existing. so i copyed over a old copy of my grub for my server then changged the menu.01:45
gnomefreakthesilentw: assuming kernel since restricted modules nor nvidia were upgraded01:46
HobbseeKaplan_: want to pastebin the result of "apt-cache policy opera" ?01:46
Hobbseeyellow_chicken: see the /topic01:46
gnomefreakyellow_chicken: yes01:46
mc44thesilentw: probably just the restricted drivers packlage caught up witht he kernel01:46
_4strOanto: your pb (the error you paste) is on 2.6-15-386 kernel ?01:46
gnomefreakno upgrade for that either.01:46
Kaplan_Hobbsee: it's from medibuntu01:46
antono its on 2.6-13-38601:46
HobbseeKaplan_: that's why, then.01:47
=== Hobbsee wonders if opera's distributable anyway
yellow_chickenHobbsee: yes, topic points me to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/01:47
HobbseeKaplan_: do they do acroread too?01:47
gnomefreakHobbsee: i spent best paret of a day looking for source01:47
HobbseeKaplan_: (adobe reader)01:47
dystopianrayacroread cannot be redistributable so was removed for feisty01:47
yellow_chickengnomefreak: thank you01:47
gnomefreakHobbsee: still never found it or i would have packaged it01:47
Hobbseedystopianray: yeah, i know01:47
anto_4str0: any idea??01:47
Hobbseegnomefreak: oh, of opera?01:47
Kaplan_Hobbsee: yep, i have it installed here01:47
_4strOanto: possible :p01:47
Hobbseegnomefreak: coulda just unpacked the deb01:47
HobbseeKaplan_: interesting.  so they're violating the law01:48
anto_4str0: greate i have spent hours trying to fix this--01:48
=== [gen2] niki [n=niki@p5090B558.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Hobbsee wonders if the lawyers have gone after them yet, or if they're in some exotic part of the world
[gen2] nikihi01:48
[gen2] nikii need help, its very urgent01:48
Hobbsee[gen2] niki: ....01:48
[gen2] nikimy nvidia card doesnt seem to be covered anymore01:48
Kaplan_Hobbsee: really, didn't know about that?01:48
Hobbsee[gen2] niki: that's nice - uh, it'd sure help if you'd tell us what was wrong...01:48
gnomefreaki normally host the devel versions of opera ;)01:48
[gen2] nikiits a nvidia gf4ti420001:48
antouse the legact drivers?01:48
Kaplan_Hobbsee: am i vaiolating it to????01:48
[gen2] nikiso the nvidia-glx drivers should work01:49
[gen2] nikinow, too new for legacy01:49
[gen2] niki*no01:49
HobbseeKaplan_: no - you're not redistributing it01:49
_4strOanto: try to : sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-13-generic.bak /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-13-generic01:49
[gen2] nikibut nvidia-glx says its too old?01:49
[gen2] nikio.O01:49
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mc44Hobbsee: canonical had some explicity agreement to distribute it then?01:49
yellow_chickengnomefreak: according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyReleaseSchedule , it should be herd CD 6 ...01:49
antoon live cd?01:49
gnomefreakyellow_chicken: herd 6 was cancelled01:49
Hobbseemc44: no idea.01:49
gnomefreaklike 2 weeeks ago01:49
[gen2] nikii now that nvidia-glx-new doesnt cover my version anymore, but why nvidia-glx?01:50
dystopianraymc44: no they didn't, if adobe requests it ubuntu will have to remove it from every repo01:50
_4strOanto: on the HD01:50
Hobbsee[gen2] niki: nvidia dropped support for a whole lot of cards01:50
Kaplan_Hobbsee: so i can have it installed, no problem.... cause when i think about linux i always try to have everything clean, without piraty01:50
antohow do i do that???01:50
yellow_chickengnomefreak: ah.. ok, but why?  no enough time?01:50
gnomefreakgeforce4 cards01:50
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HobbseeKaplan_: yes, of course.  it's just a problem with redistributing it01:50
dystopianrayKaplan_: you're not pirating anything01:50
_4strOanto: are you on the liveCD ?01:50
antono on my server but i'm starting the computer with my live cd01:50
gnomefreakyellow_chicken: correct. there wre some issues we had to take care of and ended up a little behind01:50
HobbseeKaplan_: ie, if you decide to publish it so others can get at it01:50
[gen2] nikiwell but the version nvidia-glx-legacy wants to install is ancient01:50
[gen2] nikiand i used official drivers just a month ago01:51
mc44dystopianray: I thought we were talking about opera. Never mind me then :)01:51
gnomefreakdoesnt anyone running devel subsribe to mailing lists?01:51
[gen2] nikiwhy shouldnt nvidia-glx work?01:51
dystopianrayI thought we were talking about acroread?01:51
mc44gnomefreak: hahaha01:51
_4strOanto whenn your'on liveCD, make a dir (sudo mkdir temp)01:51
Hobbsee[gen2] niki: yes.  they dumped support less than that time01:51
=== Kaplan_ rebooting to see how the update for the new kernell went
[gen2] nikishould i maybe try to just install the nvidia drivers by myself?01:51
Hobbsee[gen2] niki: go for it01:51
[gen2] nikiuumm01:51
antoyeah i know how to mount my hardisk01:51
[gen2] nikiso what to do01:51
[gen2] nikilegacy? =/01:51
dystopianray[gen2] niki: you only need to install nvidia-glx01:51
_4strOanto: and then mount your hard drive in it01:51
[gen2] nikidystopianray: wrong.01:51
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antomount /dev/sda1 /mnt01:51
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gnomefreakgo to nvidia.com look up what driver supports your card and tell us01:52
_4strOanto: yep if you already sudo mkdir mnt ;)01:52
gnomefreakwe can than tell you what package to use01:52
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antois there a feisty live cd you can download??01:52
gnomefreakanto: desktop cd01:52
antoOkej ill ask my father to download for me later...01:52
MooiHey, if type 83 for Linux is ext2, what is for ext3?01:53
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llutzMooi: 83 too01:53
gnomefreakext3 is ext2+journeling01:53
gnomefreakonly spelled right01:53
antoi beg to god that this works now01:53
Mooimeh, so what do I do in fdisk to define it as ext3? 'cause mounting it as ext3 doesn't do. Do I have to do mke2fs?01:53
[gen2] nikiaccording to http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_32667.html iam not legacy01:53
llutzMooi: you have01:54
dystopianrayMooi: all linux partitions are 8301:54
dystopianrayMooi: it has nothing to do with the filesystem01:54
_4strOlol anto01:54
MooiI see01:54
Mooiok, mkfs`ing now01:55
dystopianrayMooi: fdisk has nothing to do with formatting a partition01:55
antok computer has loaded the live cd give me another 30 seconds01:55
Mooidystopianray: I figured, ;-)01:55
dystopianrayMooi: fdisk defines the partitions, then you run other programs to create the filesystem on those partitions01:55
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[gen2] nikii have an idea01:55
[gen2] nikidoes the restricted modules install a too new version?01:55
[gen2] nikishould i just leave it out and just take nvidia-glx?01:56
[gen2] nikior is that not possible01:56
=== Kaplan_ just came back from rebooting
dystopianray[gen2] niki: just install nvidia-glx01:56
dystopianray[gen2] niki: $ sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx01:56
[gen2] nikiiam not that dumb. thanks.01:56
antonow i have mounted my hardisk what should i do???01:56
anto_4str0: now i have mounted my hardisk what should i do???01:56
[gen2] nikican the restricted modules be a reason for the problems?01:56
_4strOanto: try to : sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-13-generic.bak /boot/initrd.img-2.6.20-13-generic01:57
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TheSilentWhello, what is the name of that package that lets you run kde programs on gnome?01:57
RAOFTheSilentW: There isn't one, because you can just do it.01:57
[gen2] nikiyou just need to instal kdelibs and qt01:57
antoshould i do it in /mnt/boot/ or /boot ??01:57
MooiEXT3-fs: unable to read superblock01:57
RAOF[gen2] niki: Which any package will do for you.01:58
TheSilentWraof, my friend told me, cause i cant run amarok, crashs01:58
_4strOanto: /mnt/boot/...01:58
MooiI'm gonna have to re-partition again ^_^01:58
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RAOFTheSilentW: Then that's a bug, which should be filed.  There is no reason KDE programs shouldn't run on Gnome.01:58
TheSilentWraof, i didnt install it right away cause my ubuntu was down01:58
gnomefreakTheSilentW: amarok runs fine in gnome01:58
dystopianraythesilentw: run it from a terminal and pastebin any error messages01:58
anto_4str0: that was succesfull atleast no error01:59
RAOFTheSilentW: I know this, because *I* (and many others) have used Amarok on gnome.01:59
_4strOanto: reboot01:59
gnomefreakTheSilentW: sudo apt-get install amarok it will pull everything you need in01:59
=== gnomefreak does
_4strOand select the 2.6.20-13 kernel :)01:59
TheSilentWraof, are u sure? cause, he told me about a package that had KDE on it, and was for gnome01:59
dystopianraythesilentw: installing amarok gives you everything you need01:59
RAOFTheSilentW: Yes, I'm sure.01:59
gnomefreakTheSilentW: install it and run it. it works fine.01:59
[gen2] nikiwhy do the damn restricted modules want to uninstall my kernel if i plan to delete them?02:00
TheSilentWgona try again02:00
[gen2] nikithat just makes no sense02:00
dystopianraythesilentw: run it on a terminal and pastebin any error messages02:00
tatters  Been following aome howto for lirc and "sudo m-a update,prepare" gives me command not found ...do I need to install something to get this to run?02:00
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: your removine the meta package for the kernel02:00
dystopianraytatters: what is m-a ?02:01
tattersno idea but it is in all the howtos02:01
gnomefreaktatters: link please?02:01
mc44tatters: module-assistent02:01
llutzdystopianray: module-assistant02:01
[gen2] nikignomefreak: so what to remove? i think they cause the problems id only need the nvidia outa it. i think it installs a too new version for my gfxcard02:01
mc44yay for command-not-found on feisty :)02:01
anto_4str0: same error....02:02
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: ok start from beginning what are you trying to remove kernel for, what are you atempting to do?02:02
mc44tatters: sudo apt-get install module-assistant02:02
_4strOanto: :/02:02
[gen2] nikignomefreak: my nvidia card does not work with nvidia-glx, though it should.02:02
antogen2 have you updated your kernel latly ??02:03
[gen2] nikignomefreak: and iam searching for a reason for that. restricted modules might be one.02:03
tattersmc44: thnx man been bugging me for hours02:03
[gen2] nikiyeah02:03
TheSilentWraof, ok, it crashed again, gona run it from console02:03
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: what card is it?02:03
[gen2] nikiiam on 2.6.20-1502:03
[gen2] nikigf4ti420002:03
antothen you must reinstall the driver from nvidia.com again02:03
[gen2] nikinot legacy, not new, just nvidia-glx fits02:03
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[gen2] nikio.O?02:03
gnomefreak4200 iirc is legacy but i will check nvidia.com ;)02:03
[gen2] nikinope gnomefreak02:03
[gen2] nikiits new legacy02:03
anto_4str0: what should i do :(02:04
[gen2] nikiand new legacy is just nvidia-glx now02:04
_4strOdo,nt know02:04
[gen2] nikithe new cards are covered by nvidia-glx-new now02:04
[gen2] nikiso that shouldnt be the problem02:04
antoo well going to eat02:04
[gen2] nikikk hf02:04
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TheSilentWok, i got :  Very strange! got a DCOPReply opcode, but we were not waiting for a reply!02:06
TheSilentW and then, i got no mp3 support when i clicked on the close button02:06
pollyoLooking for information on setting up phpgedview for use with ubuntu (feisty) and apache2.02:06
TheSilentWdidnt show any reply02:06
pollyoAnyone know a good howto site?02:06
robinlinthAre there any new features in Feisty since 1/2 weeks ago?02:07
dystopianrayrobinlinth: yep, intel-hda doesn't work02:07
robinlinththat's not a feature..02:07
dystopianrayit's new02:07
robinlinthanything else?02:07
mc44[gen2] niki: did you try nvidia-glx-new?02:08
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dystopianrayprobably not, most things have been finalised for a while, just bug fixes now02:08
mc44dystopianray: pah, it works for me :)02:08
dystopianraymc44: you're one of the lucky ones02:08
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mc44dystopianray: hardly, intel-hda never used to work for me :)02:09
[gen2] nikimc44: that wont work02:09
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: what is the error you are getting when trying to start X02:09
mc44[gen2] niki: did you try?02:09
[gen2] nikignomefreak: not x, but modprobe makes problems02:10
[gen2] nikiand dmesg tail says that my gfx card is too old02:10
[gen2] nikihow can i see where the module comes from, if its glx or the restricted modules?02:10
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: than what makes you think nvidia-glx is what you need?02:10
robinlinthwhen is it safe to upgrade to feisty?02:10
mc44[gen2] niki: why dont you try new02:11
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TheSilentWdystopianray, ok, i got :  Very strange! got a DCOPReply opcode, but we were not waiting for a reply!02:11
[gen2] nikiargh, dont you read?02:11
TheSilentW and then, i got no mp3 support when i clicked on the close button02:11
gnomefreakmc44: its too old for new02:11
[gen2] nikibecause glx is 96xx02:11
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: so?02:11
robinlinthI could do it now but as I have experienced that is not so good because this is a PC, a working PC, and i would like to KEEP it working02:11
[gen2] nikigf4ti is supported by 96xx02:11
[gen2] nikibut not by 97xx, aka glx-new02:11
pochuHi all. I have a little question: If I remove a file from the command line, does it go to any place? (such as the trash)02:12
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robinlinthpochu, no, it disappears right away.02:12
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: glxinfo | grep direct02:12
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: what is the output of that02:12
[gen2] nikiiam on nv now02:12
pochurobinlinth: ok, thanks02:12
robinlinthpochu, np02:12
[gen2] nikithere cant be any output02:12
robinlinthIs it safe to upgrade to Feisty? I could do it now but as I have experienced that is not so good because this is a PC, a working PC, and i would like to KEEP it working02:12
robinlinthThere's still that risk.02:12
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: ok and you get no errors when you attempt to start x with nvidia?02:12
robinlinthIt could break anytime02:12
[gen2] nikignomefreak: you dont listen, do you? its hard to start x with nvidia if the module doesnt load.02:13
[gen2] niki-.-02:13
mc44robinlinth: then dont upgrade02:14
TheSilentWdystopianray, u there?02:14
robinlinthmc44, I'm just asking: Is it safe, right now, for a working PC?02:14
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: you said " i dont get any errors"02:14
robinlinthfor a PC for everyday use? your OWN home pc?02:14
mc44[gen2] niki: sorry, I misread what card you have02:14
dystopianraythesilentw: so a window actually appeared?02:14
robinlinththe only PC in my room?02:14
mc44robinlinth: dont upgrade then02:14
dystopianrayrobinlinth: wait till the final release02:14
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: i want the xserver errors not dmesg02:14
[gen2] nikimc44: no problem. any idea what might be the reason? i think the restricted modules. how can i get rid of them02:15
robinlinthdystopianray, alright. What do i get when i upgrade?02:15
dystopianrayrobinlinth: you get feisty...02:15
TheSilentWdystopianray, yes, but crashs when i start a music file02:15
mc44[gen2] niki: restricted modules provide the driver, so getting rid of them wont help02:15
robinlinthdystopianray, and?02:15
dystopianrayrobinlinth: what else do you want?02:15
robinlinthwell, i get feisty and with that i get what?02:15
[gen2] nikignomefreak: sry ill ignore you for now. thats just dumb what you say. you need a loaded module to start it if you use nvidia. thats just bullshit02:15
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[gen2] nikimc44: so what might be the reason?02:15
mc44robinlinth: read the release information when it comes out02:15
[gen2] nikinvidia-glx should be fine according to its version02:15
dystopianraythesilentw: is amarok using the xine engine?02:15
mc44[gen2] niki: did you install drivers from nvidia.com?02:16
robinlinthmc44, no i mean what do i get when i get feisty? what new features, bugfixes, speed boosts...02:16
[gen2] nikinope, i only had envy installed once, but it fucked up my system so i got rid of it02:16
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: you should get an error that states module could not be loaded .....02:16
[gen2] nikisry.02:16
mc44robinlinth: yes, Im not about to list all the features for you. Read about it when it comes out or research on the web now02:16
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: watch your language02:16
robinlinthmc44, research.. okay, where? I'd search google, but i tried a few weeks ago and not many information was to be found. Is there an official page for Feisty info?02:17
[gen2] nikidont try to help if you have no idea.02:17
mc44!feisty | robinlinth02:17
uboturobinlinth: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! http://www.ubuntu.com/news/Ubuntu704Beta Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/feisty - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu)02:17
dystopianrayrobinlinth: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/feistybeta02:17
robinlinththanks :)02:17
robinlinthOne thing that attracts me, though, is the #ubuntu+1 channel. It doesn't get flooded and your messages are seen and responded to, unlike in #ubuntu, where i have to use #ubuntu-offtopic as backup :P02:18
TheSilentWdystopianray, hmmm dont know, i am new to linux, sorry for the wait didnt see window flashing02:18
gnomefreak[gen2] niki: look ok you want to find out what drivers you need use the official build. im seeing you know no clue what drivers you need because i already searched and since nvidia has made major changes to their drivers do you know what cards ubuntu added to support for the -glx drivers?02:18
mc44robinlinth: ubutu-offtopic isnt backup for support. Please stop asking support question in there02:18
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dystopianraythesilentw: in amarok's configuration screen you can select the engine to use, it should be using xine02:19
gnomefreakubuntu did not add all geforce4 cardds to the -glx package02:19
robinlinthmc44, not support questions, but fairly offtopic. Like, a question on  how to do a thing. In #ubuntu such things don't get noticed, because their priority is fairly low.02:19
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TheSilentWdystopianray, ok, i have some kind of problem here, cant open any windows02:19
TheSilentWlet me just restart the pc02:20
dystopianraygnomefreak: ubuntu can't add anything, only nvidia have source code access02:20
gnomefreakdystopianray: are you sure about that?02:20
gnomefreakdystopianray: than how do we have -glx-new02:20
gnomefreaksince its ubuntu only change02:20
dystopianraygnomefreak: it's from nvidia02:20
dystopianraygnomefreak: it's just the 97xx driver02:20
Bonez56hey guys, im having major problems with the nvidia driver (the 1.0.9577 .run package from nvidia.com) - every time I reboot, I have to re-install the driver, or X will not start. Has anyone come across this before? Strange thing is, it happens on two different Feisty machines, my laptop and desktop.02:21
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia-glx = 96xx, nvidia-glx-new = 97xx02:21
gnomefreakBonez56: we dont support the run package from nvidia02:21
gnomefreakdystopianray: how did they end up that way since ubuntu only made the change02:21
gnomefreakdystopianray: we made that package02:21
Bonez56gnomefreak, is there any differences between the one from nvidia and the one from the repos? I don't know enough about it so i've always just used the nvidia ones, hehe. do you think it would be worth installing the ubuntu one?02:21
gnomefreakto help upgrades02:22
dystopianraygnomefreak: 96xx and 97xx support different hardware so both are available in ubuntu02:22
gnomefreakBonez56: yes we support one from repos and it uses our l-r-m not nvidia built ones02:22
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok what is the package called for the latest nvidia/ubuntu driver?02:22
gnomefreakdystopianray: point being we had to change them to made them work nvidia did not change them for us.02:22
gnomefreakBonez56: what card?02:23
dystopianraygnomefreak: ubuntu didn't change anything02:23
dystopianraygnomefreak: they're exactly the the same drivers from nvidia02:23
dystopianraygnomefreak: ubuntu is simply providing a choice between the two02:23
Bonez56gnomefreak, the laptop has a Nvidia GO 6600 and the desktop has a Nvidia 5700 LE02:23
gnomefreakdystopianray: ok go to nvidia.com find me nvidia-glx-new02:23
mc44dystopianray: well they did change the name :)02:23
gnomefreakBonez56: nvidia-glx-new is the package you want02:23
dystopianraygnomefreak: the 9755 driver is nvidia-glx-new02:23
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok thanks, i'll try and install it now. once installed, do I need to update xorg.conf or will the package do it for me?02:24
gnomefreakdystopianray > gnomefreak: ubuntu can't add anything, only nvidia  have source code access  <<< not true as we changed it on our own. we had to build a new package for it and hence can change the drivers it supports02:24
dystopianraygnomefreak: ubuntu changed nothing with the drivers02:24
dystopianraygnomefreak: all ubuntu has done is provided 97xx under a different name, it's still exactly the same driver from nvidia02:25
gnomefreakdystopianray: oh ok i see so nvidia supports geforce4 cards in -glx package. no they dont but we do02:25
dystopianraygnomefreak: no, nvidia supports geforce4 in the 96xx drivers, which is what ubuntu's nvidia-glx is using02:25
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia's 97xx drivers do not support geforce4, so ubuntu provides that as nvidia-glx-new02:26
Bonez56gnomefreak, i've installed the package, but nothing has happened. do i need to update xorg.conf?02:26
gnomefreakdystopianray: nvidia doesnt have the 96xx drivers for geforce4 cards they have the legacy drivers (not sure what version legacy is but iirc its 7xxx drivers)02:26
gnomefreakBonez56: yes02:26
dystopianraygnomefreak: no they have 96xx drivers02:26
Bonez56gnomefreak, what do I change the driver to?02:27
dystopianraygnomefreak: 7xxx is for very old cards, like tnt2 and geforce 202:27
gnomefreakBonez56: nvidia02:27
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia supply both 96xx and 97xx under the same name, but they have very different hardware support02:27
Suurorcawhat, no we have 3 different versions of the nvidia driver...02:28
dystopianraygnomefreak: so ubuntu provides 97xx as nvidia-glx-new to differentiate it form the 96xx driver02:28
Bonez56thanks gnomefreak  just testing it now02:28
dystopianraySuurorca: that is right02:28
dystopianraySuurorca: 7xxx, 96xx and 97xx02:28
gnomefreakdystopianray: the full point was your comment about nvidia only has source. than how did we build the -new drivers?02:29
dystopianraygnomefreak: $ mv nvidia-glx nvidia-glx-new02:29
dystopianraygnomefreak: it's only a change in the package name, it's still exactly the same driver from nvidia, ubuntu changed nothing02:29
gnomefreakdystopianray: than seeing as that was done and was 9755 drivers where did they get nvidia-glx to support 96xx drivers?02:30
dystopianraygnomefreak: from nvidia02:30
dystopianraygnomefreak: all of these drivers come from nvidia.com02:31
gnomefreakdystopianray: in one package02:31
gnomefreakbut nvidia doesnt support geforce4 cards so that got moved to legtacy02:31
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia-glx is just the 96xx driver straight from nvidia02:31
dystopianraygnomefreak: no, they suppor them in the 96xx driver02:31
dystopianraygnomefreak: geforce4 is not supported in the 97xx driver02:31
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia-glx = 96xx, nvidia-glx-new = 97xx02:32
gnomefreakdystopianray: so thier package nvidia-glx contains what driver?02:32
gnomefreakthier == nvidia02:32
dystopianraygnomefreak: they have several drivers available for downlaod02:32
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gnomefreakonly the 97xx drivers02:32
TheSilentWdystopianray, back02:32
gnomefreakdystopianray: they would be under older drivers than.02:32
dystopianraygnomefreak: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_archive.html02:33
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dystopianraygnomefreak: 7xxx, 96xx and 97xx are all in ubuntu to maximise hardware support02:34
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gnomefreakdystopianray: we are gonna have to drop 96xx soon maybe in gutsy02:34
dystopianraygnomefreak: why?02:34
Bonez56gnomefreak, i have now installed the nvidia-glx-new package but when I reboot X will not start, and it says No Screens Found02:34
gnomefreakdystopianray: too old no longer supported02:35
dystopianraygnomefreak: nvidia still support the 96xx driver02:35
gnomefreakdystopianray: they are old drivers read the date on them02:35
gnomefreakdystopianray: they no longer update them02:35
dystopianraygnomefreak: yes they do, but not with new features, just like the legacy drivers02:35
gnomefreakwhen was thier last update for the 96xx drivers?02:36
dystopianrayprobably late last year02:36
gnomefreakdec. 0602:36
gnomefreakdystopianray: no updates since but there were problems that needed to be fixed and they didnt update the 96xx drivers02:37
gnomefreakhence 9755 drivers02:37
dystopianraygnomefreak: which problems?02:37
dystopianraygnomefreak: 97xx support different hardware02:37
gnomefreakdystopianray: go to thier forums02:37
dystopianraygnomefreak: the forums are full of problems in all their drivers02:37
dystopianraygnomefreak: 97xx supports 8800 cards02:37
dystopianraygnomefreak: all 97xx does is obsolete old hardware and introduce support for the latest cards02:38
gnomefreaksure it has the glx fix that 96xx never got. iirc they fixed glx issue in 96xx but there was another one shortly after and it was never fixed so they added that fix into the 97xx driver02:38
Bonez56gnomefreak, could you please look at this and see if you can tell what is wrong? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15787/02:38
dystopianraygnomefreak: the drivers are updated at nvidia's discretion02:39
gnomefreakBonez56: did you ever install the drivers from nvidia or never got that far02:39
Bonez56gnomefreak, yes I used to have the nvidia driver, but I just uninstalled that, and then installed the nvidia-glx-new package02:40
gnomefreakBonez56: did you run the script to uninstall it?02:40
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Bonez56gnomefreak, yes i ran sudo sh NVIDIA-blahblah.sh --uninstall02:40
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Bonez56sorry .bin02:40
gnomefreakBonez56: ok can you pastebin the output of lspci -v02:41
Bonez56gnomefreak, sure stand by02:41
gnomefreakBonez56: and open you xorg.conf file in edit mode. while your doign this ill go get coffee02:41
Bonez56gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15788/02:41
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok thanks02:42
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pollyoAnyone know how to resolve this error: 25 DB Error: extension not found02:42
pollyoI'm attempting to setup phpgedview on apache202:43
pollyoI'm thinking it might be a module missing02:43
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TheSilentWLOLOL got amarok working02:46
TheSilentWdont really know how tho02:46
TheSilentWi think it was cause of kino02:46
gnomefreakBonez56: what does the section under device say BusID line02:47
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Bonez56gnomefreak, do you want me to pastebin my xorg.conf?02:47
gnomefreakBonez56: no just need that line02:48
Bonez56gnomefreak, i'm not sure which section to look in, when i search for BusID it returns nothing in the whole file02:48
gnomefreakBusID           "PCI:2:09:0"  should look like that. scroll down to the section labled device02:49
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gnomefreakthere should be 3 lines in an un touched xorg.conf02:49
Bonez56gnomefreak, all I have is Identifier and Driver, then endsection02:49
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gnomefreakBonez56: ok run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:50
`sam`so after the final release of feisty will feisty users go to #ubuntu for help ?02:51
gnomefreak`sam`: yes02:51
Bonez56gnomefreak, it asked me if i wanted to autodetect hardware, i said yes, then it says no X server found for your hardware.02:51
gnomefreakBonez56: do it again dont say yes02:51
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok, then just select nvidia?02:52
gnomefreakBonez56: yes02:52
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gnomefreakwhen you get to the busid part let me know02:52
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok it says PCI:1:0:002:53
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gnomefreakmake it read PCI:1:00:002:53
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok, done, now do I just continue as normal and answer the rest?02:54
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gnomefreakBonez56: you want to use framebuffer when it asks02:54
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Bonez56gnomefreak, ok just rebooting (needed to do it anyway)02:56
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gnomefreakme too :(02:57
shirishguys can anybody help me, I have filed a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10671402:57
ubotuMalone bug 106714 in gnome-terminal "whenever press x gnome-terminal opens another window, instance" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 02:57
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zak_how do i get mono-classlib-2.0?02:58
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stefgHmmm, it seems not very likely that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/105196 will be fixed before release. To be able to watch TV this means (once again) building my own kernel. Has anyone a clue why v4l (1) devices don't work with ubuntu-kernels? not even recompiling from the /ubuntu/-sources helped, needed to get vanilla sources.02:58
ubotuMalone bug 105196 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Regression: Terratec Cinergy 1200 DVB-T Card is no more working in Kernels 2.6.20-13 and -14" [Undecided,Confirmed] 02:58
zak_it's a dependancy of a .deb designed for edgy... i don't think i actually need it though [i guess it just wraps a bunch of mono packages] ...02:58
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shirishcan anybody help me in fixing my gnome-terminal https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10671402:59
ubotuMalone bug 106714 in gnome-terminal "whenever press x gnome-terminal opens another window, instance" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 02:59
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:00
Hobbsee!repeat | shirish03:00
ubotushirish: please see above03:00
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:00
Bonez56gnomefreak, x still did not start :(03:00
gnomefreakBonez56: can i have the errors log please03:00
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Bonez56gnomefreak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15794/03:02
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stefgAns could any well informed operson tell me if my impression, that the linux-source package indoes /not/ hold the actual sources of which the recent kerenl (-14) is built from?03:03
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lupine_85linux-source does hold the source03:04
fryfrogis "sudo aptitude show linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic" showing me what is currently installed?  or what is available?03:04
lupine_85linux-headers does not03:04
nboundokay ive finally got my kernel in a bootable state, how do i reinstall nvidia drivers from the command line03:04
gnomefreakBonez56: i have this strange feeling either you not using the right l-r-m or the nvidia built modules are not completely gone03:04
Bonez56gnomefreak, it's possible that the nvidia modules aren't gone, the installer does warn you that it may not be able to remove them all03:04
gnomefreakBonez56: yeah i know03:04
gnomefreakdrop to tty and please run the uninstall again03:05
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gnomefreaki want to make sure they are gone. and i cant remember where they are placed after built03:05
Bonez56gnomefreak, maybe I should just go back to using the nvidia driver for now, and once feisty comes out in final release i will rebuild my system and use the ubuntu package03:05
stefglupine_85: i just build a kernel out of the ubuntu-source package, but found that a lot of bugs which were fixed in the last week reappeared...03:05
`sam`nbound, are you going from the nvidia kernel modules from nvidia.com to the ones in lrm?03:06
gnomefreakBonez56: thats fine. i dont think there is any other kernel updates planned at this point until after release03:06
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lupine_85!info linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic03:06
ubotulinux-image-2.6.20-15-generic: Linux kernel image for version 2.6.20 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.20-15.25 (feisty), package size 23259 kB, installed size 69672 kB03:06
nbound`sam`, the ones that are installed by rdm03:06
Bonez56gnomefreak, ok thanks very much for the help :)03:06
lupine_85!info linux-source-2.6.20 feisty03:06
ubotulinux-source-2.6.20: Linux kernel source for version 2.6.20 with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.20-15.25 (feisty), package size 46691 kB, installed size 46824 kB03:06
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gnomefreaklupine_85: info in here is feisty03:06
gnomefreaksorry !info in here is feisty03:07
lupine_85good stuff03:07
lupine_85they're the same version03:07
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gnomefreakthat is the latest03:07
elrob2.6.20-15.25 is wrong, i'm just getting 2.6.20-15.27 via aptitude03:08
`sam`i've been using the nvidia from the .bin file on nvidia.com, but i want to switch to the lrm so i won't have to manually reinstall every time there is a kernel update03:08
gnomefreaki though uname gave the point releases in info but i cant seem to get it to show that03:08
lazka.27 is the newest03:08
gnomefreakelrob: that is todays03:08
gnomefreaksorry forgot about that03:08
nbound.27 has all the fixes :P03:08
gnomefreakthe bot will run its scan sooner or later and update it03:08
elrobgnomefreak: ah, okay :)03:08
=== stefg cries out: why is it *always* that two kernel versions before release some stupid decision is made that keeps the released kernel to work with my hardware.... aarrgh! -12 worked with the TV-card, -13 -14 -15 does not .... AARRRRGHHH.
elrobi was just wondering03:09
chopp2010hi, I have altered a users account and now am unable to do anything in ubuntu. looks like the window manager is not loading can anyone help03:09
gnomefreakelrob: we do that on purpose to you ;)03:09
lazkaelrob: which card?03:09
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elrobgnomefreak: no need for that, but thanks :)03:09
elroblazka: me?03:10
gnomefreakchopp2010: did you make a backup beofr eediting anything?03:10
chopp2010:( nope03:10
nboundso back to my original question: ive finally got my kernel in a bootable state, how do i reinstall nvidia drivers from the command line (installed using restricted drivers manager) -- HELP! :'(03:10
chopp2010did it through the users and groups menu but am not able to access that with the root account as well03:10
gnomefreakchopp2010: than ther eisnt much you can do that im aware of. there maybe a way to rebuild it by default but booting ubuntu would help in that03:10
elrobstefg: it seems you card is working, but the permissions on the device are wrong03:11
stefgnbound: Do you have the corresponding nvidia-glx module for your running kernel?03:11
elrobstefg: are you in the group 'video'?03:11
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gnomefreakchopp2010: sounds like you change the user settings. it should have made a backup for you. but i havent changed user info in a long time so if you find the file it should have a ~ after it03:12
stefgelrob: even if i set them right manually, i don't get data from the card. Some mispatched or misconfigured kernel03:12
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1128712855.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu+1
chopp2010gnomefreak: where would I find that file?03:12
gnomefreaklong time == sunce hoary03:12
nboundstefg, ill check03:12
gnomefreakchopp2010: off hand really not sure somewher ein /etc/ i would imagine03:13
stefgelrob: something prevents all the stuff which needs video4linux ver.1 support from properly working, and i would like to know wht it is...03:13
nboundstefg, apparently its -15.20 i run -15.2703:13
chopp2010gonemfreak: I will have a look.. thanks !!03:13
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stefgstef@alpha:~$ uname -a03:14
stefgLinux alpha 2.6.20-15-lowlatency #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 14 00:57:08 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:14
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elrobstefg: well, and you're sure no data is passing from the adapter?03:14
elrobstefg: have you tried a 'scan' for dvb-channels?03:14
stefgelrob... ok, let me try that again03:15
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penguin42is anyone else having problems with the clock being +1hour? I'm wondering if its a resume thing not understanding DST03:16
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nbounddst should have ended ages ago03:16
penguin42no, dst *started* recently03:17
penguin42i.e. +1 hour in the UK03:17
stefgelrob, nbound: wait, i'm not a member of video... just added myself03:17
nboundohhh haha, sorry, im an aussie :P03:17
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nboundstefg, eh? video? :S03:17
elrobstefg: btw, which apps did you use to test? only vlc?03:17
nboundso can anyone tell me how the hell i reinstall my drivers so they damn work03:18
pollyo-25 DB Error: extension not found03:19
penguin42is there anything swish that integrates nicely with gnome to do encrypted filesystems ?03:19
BluesKajnbound, which drivers ?03:19
pollyoAnyone know what that error would be?03:19
pollyoAm I missing a mod on apache?03:19
elrobnbound: well, first i'd fix /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get X working again :)03:19
nboundBluesKaj, nvidia ones installed with the restricted drivers manager, ive finally got my kernel bootable again, but it cant find the nvidia module, if i set my video mode to vesa i cant get usb, which happens to be my kb and mouse03:20
elrobnbound: usually it would be a substition of 'nvidia' with 'nv' (or contrary)03:20
=== thompa [n=thom@c-68-53-84-214.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
nboundhaha yeah... any ideas?03:21
pollyonbound: Did you make sure you have your modules match up with your kernel type?  generic with generic  or whatever you have/03:21
nboundyeah, i havent changed my kernel type03:21
FOADnbound: if you're sure of all of the above, try03:21
FOADsudo /etc/init.d/linux-restricted-modules-common start03:22
FOADsudo depmod -a03:22
thompai just upgraded (latest kernel upgrade)  now desktop cube dont work (was working with ctrl + alt) on macbook03:22
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stefgfor testing purposes i use :tzap -r -a0 "RTL" /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0, then  cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 > test.mpg. This gives me a 0 byte file.... so no data from the card :-(03:22
=== Sebastian [n=sb@p50886A0C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
FOADIt worked for me after the recent boot troubles.03:22
FOADI also had to go to nvidia-glx-new03:23
nboundFOAD, then restart and all is well?03:23
FOADOr at least, that worked for me.03:23
BluesKajnbound . you may have to update your xserver-xorg file ...try synaptic after doing the sudo apr-get update ibn a terminal, and look for xserver-xorg-glx, or similar03:23
thompai want the cube and filmstrip back03:23
FOADnbound: then try if startx starts x03:23
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BluesKajsorry sudo apt-get update03:23
nboundBluesKaj, my packages are all upto date03:23
nboundwooooo X started!03:24
nboundi love you FOAD :P03:24
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FOADCheers. ;)03:24
BluesKajwell not all drivers are included in updates03:24
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a81-14-201-204.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
thompaanyone know what happened to certain key bindings after kernel update, its a recurring issue03:27
stefgelroy, nbound: vlc throws, main input error: no suitable access module for `dvb:' although frontend is there. So can someone explain to me wtf is going on? I *hate* rolling my own kernel and caring for nvidia and vmplayer and stuff myself.... pleaaaasssseee, ubuntu-gods, give me just a working kernel, as it was in breezy, even early dapper kernels worked....03:27
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thompai cant believe how good macbook is running in ubuntu03:29
chopp2010hi, I have altered a users account and now am unable to do anything in ubuntu. looks like the window manager is not loading can anyone help03:30
thompachopp2010: can you create a new account then fix it?03:31
elrobstefg: hm, strange, honestly your dmesg doesn't look suspicious to me.03:31
penguin42chopp2010: Do you know what you changed about the user account?03:31
chopp2010penguin42: changed it to root :()03:32
penguin42anyone use cryptsetup?03:32
penguin42chopp2010: Hmm - what exactly do you mean by that?03:32
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elrobstefg: i wouldn't guess that mplayer would work, but it could be worth a try03:33
chopp2010penguin42: changed added root as one of its groups but it is not allowed to load the window manager and now logging in as root I am not allowed to open the users and groups03:33
elrobstefg: you just have to copy your channels.conf to ~/.mplayer/03:33
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thompais anyone running the desktop effects (compiz) on a notebook, How do you cube?03:33
elrobstefg: and then do a mplayer dvb://0@RTL03:34
penguin42thompa: Yes I am03:34
penguin42thompa: ctrl-alt-left03:34
thompapenguin42: and fimstrip?03:34
thompa*filmstrip is it down arrow03:34
stefgelrob: yeah, the setup /looks/ alright.. i'm quite seasoned with getting TV-cards to work . I vaguely recall a mailing list posting of one of the kernel devs that there was some problem with v4l 1 devices, but couldn't find it again. If i know, what the problem is, i could fix it myself03:35
thompalike a filmstrip view maybe03:35
penguin42thompa: Ah yes - ctrla-lt-down - but it doesn't quite work as I expect03:35
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thompapenguin42: i get with ctrl alt arrow , only up arrow works and it brings windows to front03:36
essohi there03:36
essosomeone who now where to download codec..audio and video03:36
thompapenguin42: latest kernel upgrade changed it,03:36
penguin42thompa: I've got 9 work spaces in a 3x3 arrangement on the normal workspace manager - the windows don't seem to appear in the places corresponding to the workplaces03:36
`sam`filmstrip view is ctrl-alt-tab maybe03:36
penguin42thompa: The kernel upgrade changed a key binding??!!03:36
=== stefg would prefer just to be able to use the stock kernel... going for the vanilla-kernel imposes so much admin overhead
thompapenguin42: yes, twice now03:37
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penguin42thompa: *weird*03:37
thompapenguin42: a few days ago same, then back again03:37
thompapenguin42: well its a macbook03:37
chopp2010esso: http://www.getautomatix.com/ this should get everything you need03:37
penguin42thompa: Ah ok :-)03:37
chopp2010hi, I have altered a users account and now am unable to do anything in ubuntu. looks like the window manager is not loading can anyone help03:37
LjL!automatix | chopp2010, esso03:37
ubotuchopp2010, esso: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:37
essotried Automatix03:37
essoRythmboz and other applications still won't play MP3 and so...03:38
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thompapenguin42: maybe ill just wait a while, rather than mess around03:38
elrobstefg: actually i'm not sure that is has anything to do with v4l, you're accessing your frontend via /dev/dvb/adapterX03:38
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.03:38
elrobstefg: of course you can try to access it with v4l, but you'll need to tell it vlc: vlc v4l://...03:39
_4strO!adduser | chopp201003:39
ubotuchopp2010: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo03:39
xipietotecSome weird behavior from nautilus now.... using search on / doesn't search all the sub directories correctly. Also, in my places List I no longer have Filesystem, Instead I have /dev/03:39
elrobstefg: that's my understanding (haven't done much neither with v4l nor with dvb)03:39
essoisn't it something I can run in the terminal to get codecs?03:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:40
elrobstefg: this is why i would use mplayer to do another test03:40
_4strOesso: apt-get ?03:40
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thompaanyone else running macbook, need some keybinding advice?03:41
stefgelrob: the card won't give me any data! So vlc is generally clever enough, i'm trying xine now. But afaics it's a stupid kernel bug, because some ubuntu-patch does not work right03:41
thompastill works better than osx. even touchpad movement is better in ubuntu which is weird03:41
chopp2010ubotu: dont wish to add user wish to change a users groups as one is damaged03:42
penguin42thompa: Tha'ts pretty surprising!  So what keys are you having problems with - and which language macbook do you have?03:42
=== HorizonXP [n=HorizonX@libnaa176.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #ubuntu+1
chopp2010hehe got had by a bot :()03:42
HorizonXPi'm seeing a kernel update for Feisty Fawn03:42
HorizonXPis this ok to install?03:42
stefgelrob: xine works...1 :-)... just got it working.03:42
thompapenguin42: im in us mode, ctrl + alt do nothing, touchpad works with 3-4 finder tap for right click (i like that)03:43
elrobstefg: well, as i said, i wouldn't trust vlc fully03:43
elrobstefg: but i don't know why the cat wouldn't give any data either03:43
`sam`HorizonXP, the 2.6.20-15.27 should be ok to install03:43
LjLchopp2010, define "altered"03:44
stefgelrob: obviously.... hmmmm..... tim to /j #videolan, i guess,03:44
elrobstefg: anyway, it must be vlc then that's not working correctly ;)03:44
thompapenguin42: in keyboard layout from sstem: pref, i set to macbook, but no change03:44
HorizonXPsam: I'm seeing
penguin42thompa: Lack of ctrl+alt is pretty odd; when you say you are in us mode, is it a us macbook or a diffrent one?03:44
chopp2010Ljl: changed group to root03:44
_4strOchopp2010: can you paste your /etc/passwd03:44
thompaus macbook, i only use english on this also03:44
aaroncampbellEvery time I try to update, I get this error E: The package magicolor2430dl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.03:44
HorizonXP`sam`: I'm seeing
=== Hidan [n=lucifiel@187.210-193-15.adsl.qala.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu+1
penguin42thompa: OK, out of them all you would think a US one had the best chance!   Does ctrl work at the console or is it just an Xism ?03:45
aaroncampbellThat's unfortunately a package that I built from a .tar.gz that had a /debian dir03:45
stefgelrob: i wqas convinced it's a kernel bug, coz kaffeine didn't do it either... but kaffeine is picky about TV-cards anyway03:45
LjLchopp2010: why?! well, change it back, should be doable easily from the terminal i suppose03:45
aaroncampbellHowever, I get the same error if I try to remove or purge that package03:45
aaroncampbellWhat can I do to get rid of it?03:45
essothank you for links...I think I've got MP3-support now..bye03:45
HorizonXPis Kernel update ok to install?03:46
Hidanmmmm... so Release date = Release Candidate date, huh? Oh that's good. :)03:46
thompapenguin42: ctrl works like enter key in console03:46
xipietotecanyone know why I do not have Filesystem anymore?03:47
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chopp2010LjL: whatever I do I could not mount a disk.03:47
`sam`HorizonXP, do you see the linux-image package?03:47
shirishguys is IDE & SATA same or different?03:47
Hidanshirish : hey! :D03:47
HorizonXP`sam`: linux-image-generic, yes... same version03:47
Hidanshirish: what? IDE is different from SATA... SATA gives you faster speeds and is a hardware design, if i'm not wrong.03:47
LjLchopp2010: are you member of the "cdrom" and "floppy" groups? (type "groups")03:47
thompapenguin42: the layout function map blinks correctly when i push ctrl or alt03:47
elrobstefg: yeah, that's why i tend to use mplayer for such stuff, it let me never down :)03:48
elrobstefg: and if it's not working, it's very talkative on the console03:48
=== mode/#ubuntu+1 [+o LjL] by ChanServ
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`sam`HorizonXP, somebody was reporting seeing it as taht last night too...03:48
penguin42thompa: if ctrl isn't working right in console then that's where I would start03:48
`sam`HorizonXP, where are you looking and seeing that version number?03:48
_4strOshirish: google is your friend ...03:48
penguin42thompa: I don't kno wif it is still the same but have you tried a dpkg-reconfigure console-data    ?03:49
thompapenguin42: what should it do03:49
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penguin42thompa: It should ask you for your keyboard type03:49
HorizonXP`sam`: update-manager popped up saying i have 26 updates, and it's saying from Version to for those packages03:49
penguin42thompa: Then set it up to load that map at boot03:49
stefgelrob: to be honest i can't really stand the mplayer-ui :-).... but i think i'll have to live with that, or with xine, if i want TV with feisty03:49
thompapenguin42: ill maybe try that03:49
`sam`HorizonXP, does it also say something like "from version 2.6.20-15.something to 2.6.20-15.27" ?03:50
_4strO<chopp2010> LjL: whatever I do I could not mount a disk. ....03:50
penguin42thompa: I just think the best way is to get the console right first and then convince X of the right thing03:50
thompapenguin42: console data not installed, so i guess i need that03:51
LjL_4strO: ?03:51
`sam`HorizonXP, the is "a placeholder package" or something (quoting crimsun's reply to this last night)03:51
elrobstefg: i've to admit that the GUI isn't very usable, too, but the hope will die last (that it will some day be a bit "polished") :)03:51
=== limetang [n=ircwhore@80-45-90-17.static.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
_4strOthink chopp2010 understand anything03:51
thompapenguin42: i got console setup though03:51
HorizonXP`sam`: Linux-libc-dev has -14.23 to -15.2703:52
thompapenguin42: its asking for keyboard model03:52
`sam`yeah ok03:52
Lunar_Lamp<stefg> elrob: to be honest i can't really stand the mplayer-ui :-).... but i think i'll have to live with that, or with xine, if i want TV with feisty <== I used Kaffeine, which worked very nicely in gnome.03:52
`sam`HorizonXP, so it's most likely the -15.27 kernel03:52
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thompapenguin42: it says its on gneric 105 intl03:52
penguin42thompa: ah well it ain't is it!03:52
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shiris1sorry guys keep getting disconnected03:53
`sam`HorizonXP, i don't get the "placeholder package" thing, but that was what somebody was saying last night03:53
penguin42thompa: Does it give you any choices?03:53
shiris1so where was I, is IDE & SATA same or different?03:53
HorizonXP`sam`: ok, i'm just going to go with it03:53
limetangI can't get fglrx to work at all. I had it working, tried to reconfigure it due to some XGL problems, it didn't work. I then reverted back to an old xorg.conf that worked and now big desktop doesn't work and direct rendering = no.03:53
HorizonXP`sam`: Here's hoping it doesn't mess anything up03:53
_4strOshiris browse google ...03:53
thompapenguin42: lots, just like in preferences keyboard. there is macbook03:53
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penguin42thompa: Sounds worth a go03:53
thompapenguin42: in the preferences i have macbook set, in console its the 105 intl,03:54
shiris1_4strO: thnx for the suggestion03:54
thompaill try that03:54
_4strOshiris1: you're nor on #wikipedia :p03:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about breakage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:54
thompapenguin42: thanks again. everything works, wireless even now too, i dont care about isite03:54
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...03:55
penguin42thompa: Hey no problem - enjoy03:55
shiris1not related, but what is the command to change nick /nick <nickname> right?03:55
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
LjLshiris1: right. also keep !nickspam in mind.03:55
Lunar_Lampshiris1, correct.03:55
=== penguin42 stares at cryptosetup and assumes that somewhere there is a pretty front end
shiris1LjL: I lost my nick as got disconnected early on.03:56
Hidan|Afkshirish: shirish: what? IDE is different from SATA... SATA gives you faster speeds and is a hardware design, if i'm not wrong.03:56
shiris1LjL: I know there is something like 15 mins. or something when u can recover the nick03:56
Hidan|Afkshirish: SATA is the format for most new hdds now, besides SCSI and a few other formats.03:57
_4strOshiris1: block until your old nick still connected ;)03:57
shiris1Hidan|Afk: yes, you are right, I was just confirming, there is a bug which I have subscribed to, and given details03:57
limetangI can't get fglrx to work at all. I had it working, tried to reconfigure it due to some XGL problems, it didn't work. I then reverted back to an old xorg.conf that worked and now big desktop doesn't work and direct rendering = no.03:57
richbHey all:-)03:58
shiris1_4strO: could u please elaborate what do u mean by that?03:58
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_4strOshiris1: you cant get your old nick while is still connected03:58
Hidan|Afkshiris1: your original nick needs to time out first or be kicked off the server.03:59
shiris1_4strO: Hidan|Afk: exactly so just have to wait03:59
Hidan|Afkshirish: if your nick is registered... you can ghost your nick.03:59
richbshiris1: You can use ghost.03:59
richbBut this is offtopic:-)04:00
Hidan|Afkshirs1: huh bug, huh? :P Oh well, good luck on that. i need to get back to my work. :x04:00
LjLshiris1: /msg nickserv ghost shirish yourpassword, followed by /nick shirish04:00
shiris1ok this is cool04:01
=== shiris1 is now known as shirish
shirishok back to being who I am04:01
aaroncampbellEvery time I try to update, I get this error E: The package magicolor2430dl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.04:03
aaroncampbellThat's unfortunately a package that I built from a .tar.gz that had a /debian dir...However, I get the same error if I try to remove or purge that package.  What can I do to get rid of it?04:03
Hidan|Afkgrrrr that's it... i need some Converge... some hard, screaming music but that's all off-topic.04:03
shirishok can somebody help me in finding out what is wrong with my gnome-terminal , whenever I hit the letter 'x' (without the quotes) a new instance of the gnome-terminal opens up04:04
shirishHidan|Afk: you need much more than (dryly) but that's all offtopic04:04
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DreamThiefanyone inhere got 32bit java working inside a 64bit firefox?04:05
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Pimp1984Hi guys - I have a major problem. I'm using Feisty and had set up a software RAID 1. The problem is that the installer failed at the 'select and install software' stage. Now I just want to get rid of the RAID setup and start over. How do I do that?04:06
Pimp1984TheHard disks were blank before I started this too.04:07
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`sam`you need to pimp that drive!04:09
Pimp1984Not funny sam. All I want is some constructive help.04:10
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Hidan|Afkshirish: humph... whatever. :p04:10
=== Hidan|Afk goes back to work.
`sam`it was a little bit funny, you can't be serious all the time and stress out, you'll never solve problems that way04:12
aaroncampbell`sam`: however, I have to agree...when someone IS stressed, making a lame crack like that is annoying.04:13
chopp2010hi for some reason i am not able to access the users and groups menu as the root user in recovery mode can anyone help?04:13
aaroncampbellas for Pimp1984 ...I haven't used software RAIDs in any remotely current linux...so I have no Idea how to help you04:13
penguin42Pimp1984: OK, so what stage are you at - back at the installer?04:14
`sam`lame is replying with "so i have no idea how to help you"04:14
=== aaroncampbell slaps `sam`
aaroncampbellgo away04:14
Pimp1984I was at the select and install software stage, but as that failed and a restart of that stage didn't work, I rebooted and tried again. That didn't work. As I've found that some files on the disc are faulty, I just want to remove what I've done so far (the software RAID and partitions). The computer is currently turned off.04:15
chopp2010hi for some reason i am not able to access the users and groups menu as the root user in recovery mode can anyone help?04:15
penguin42Pimp1984: OK, so put the install CD back in and repartition it04:16
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shirishok guys, I am getting disconnected after every 5 minutes, what could be the reason for this?04:18
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[miles] afternoon guys...04:19
shirishafternoon miles04:20
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Pimp1984Ok - the partitions are deleted and it just shows the contents of the disks as 'FREE SPACE'. Shall I just select 'finish partitioning and write changes to disk'?04:22
penguin42yes - but it should then complain you haven't got a  / - but if it's written the empty lot then you can go back and tell it to do something sensible04:22
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Enselic`Is anyone able to run cinelerra on AMD64?04:23
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Pimp1984Ok - it gave me that problem with the no root. I selected 'Go Back'. What do I do now?04:24
[miles] hello shirish04:25
shirishhi miles, whats up?04:25
[miles] guys.... I bought a new laptop (Samsung R20) the other week04:25
[miles] ALSA was dead...04:25
[miles] now, I've just built from kernel.org ...04:25
[miles] and it works04:25
[miles] shirish: I've been going la-la with out sound :-)04:26
[miles] actually, I'll check if the BT is supported now too04:26
shirishwell I have sound, but thousands of other problems abound04:26
[miles] jeje04:27
[miles] ok, BT does not work, but sound does now04:27
[miles] shirish: is 2.6.20-15 ubuntu's patched version of 2.6.20 ?04:27
shirish[miles] : it has gone through many a grind, 2.6.20 series04:27
[miles] hi Toma-04:27
[miles] mmm so I need to track what the problem is04:28
[miles] cos I only did a straight copy of the 2.6.20-15 config04:28
[miles] and built it04:28
penguin42Pimp1984: Can you now at this point just tell it to automatically partition - or create yourself a / and a swap patition04:28
[miles] damn it :-|04:28
=== [miles] grumbles
Toma-[miles] : its basically .20 with all the security patches and bug fixes that are in the more current kernels04:28
shirishToma: can u help why my gnome-terminal starts another instance of itself when I press 'x' (without the quotes)04:28
Pimp1984Do you mean I should try the guided partitioning option?04:29
Toma-shirish: open gnome-terminal and change the keyboard shortcuts?04:29
shirishToma-: I have not done any keyboard-shortcuts, is there a way to look at what keyboard-shortcuts are?04:29
Toma-shirish: ummm Gnome-terminal > Edit > Keyboard shortcuts... look for New Tab and New Window04:30
Toma-make sure its SHIFT CTRL T and N04:30
shirishToma-: ah, ok thnx04:30
penguin42Pimp1984: Well you can do guided or just create yourself a / and swap by hand04:31
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[miles] has the kernel been frozen yet?04:31
shirishToma-: silly me, I made a bug for it, although i had not known the existence of the shortcuts till you told me.04:31
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Toma-[miles] : frozen for final?04:32
penguin42[miles] : It seems they are having some driver problems over the last few days04:32
[miles] ah04:32
[miles] so if I report a bug..04:32
Pimp1984Ok, I've created root and swap on both disks and configured all the partitions for RAID. There's a lot of free space left on both, but should I try writing the changes now, or should I configure the software RAID?04:32
shirishToma-: do u remember me going ga-ga for I was not getting usplash04:32
[miles] there is a chance of getting it upstream?04:32
penguin42Pimp1984: Hang on - I thought you said you wanted to get rid of the RAID?04:33
Toma-shirish: nope :)04:33
Pimp1984Yes - and start over. I want RAID eventually though.04:33
penguin42ah ok - do you want to raid / and swap or just a data partition?04:33
shirishToma-: well, I just solved it, it seems usplash needs more than 1 MB VRAM, somehow in my BIOS VRAM was set at 1 MB, when I changed to 8 MB the usplash is there.04:33
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Toma-oh right04:34
=== thekorn [n=thekorn@a81-14-201-204.net-htp.de] has joined #ubuntu+1
Pimp1984I want RAID for all four partitions - root, usr, swap and home.04:34
yagcan using ubuntu on a network cause problems in a windows machine on the same network?04:34
penguin42Pimp1984: Ah OK, so it's best to create those now04:34
shirishToma-: although it worked for windows (the usplash) even though it was 1 mb. Should I reject the bug I had written about it? or what do u think?04:34
yagi've got feisty installed and it can access ICS on the windows machine- i know- it probably is a windows bug- nonetheless, i jjust want to make sure its not ubuntu-related04:35
Toma-shirish: you mean windows splash screen?04:35
shirishToma-: yup I meant the boot splash screen, in windows it works on 1 MB VRAM for ubuntu apparently it requires 8 mb VRAM. On 1 MB I get strange errors.04:36
Pimp1984Ok - all partitions have been created on both disks. Should I write try to write the changes or configure the software RAID?04:36
penguin421MB is probably a bit tight04:36
penguin42Pimp1984: Configure the RAID now04:36
Toma-shirish: windows boot splash is like.... 640x480 in resolution. its terrible. usplash is usually about 4 times that res :)04:36
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Pimp1984Got to the Create Multidisk stage. Do I want to try and create those, or see if there are any left over from my previous attempt that I should delete?04:37
=== penguin42 would delete any old ones
shirishToma-: do not know that, but it looks cool,  couldn't ubuntu also make so that if the hardware does not have 8 MB VRAM then it should dumb down to 640*480 usplash ? Just a curiousity04:38
Pimp1984It's thrown up an error about 'deleting the multidisk device because it may be in use'.04:39
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Toma-shirish: could do, but thats more a usplash usability bug04:40
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shirishtoma: yup, hence have filed it.04:41
Toma-shirish: fair enough04:42
penguin42Pimp1984: damn - can you drop to a shell?04:42
shirishToma:- can u look at the bugs, the one which I have self-rejected as well as the one which I have filed?04:42
Pimp1984Do I press Continue or go back for that?04:43
Toma-sure, just give me the links04:43
penguin42Pimp1984: How comfortable are you at a shell?04:43
Pimp1984If you give me the commands I'll have a go. I've played around with the shell when I've used Slackware in the past.04:44
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shirishToma:- ok here u go, bug #102378 is the one which I self-rejected04:44
ubotuMalone bug 102378 in usplash "Not able to boot with usplash" [Undecided,Rejected]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10237804:44
penguin42Pimp1984: So what are your two discs? sda & sdb ?04:44
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penguin42Pimp1984: OK, I'm just going to wipe the partition tables by hand - ok?04:45
penguin42Pimp1984: do ctrl-alt-f2 and you should get a shell04:45
shirishToma-: the other one which I have filed, bug #106769 about usplash unable to work at 1 MB VRAM.04:45
ubotuMalone bug 106769 in usplash "usplash does not work at 1 MB VRAM" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10676904:45
penguin42one thing feisty fixed for me was the splash which on this laptop was monochrome04:46
Toma-shirish: there are other boot splash options you cn install from the repos04:46
Pimp1984Ok, I'm in ash.04:47
shirishToma:- I was not aware of that, can u please tell me?04:47
penguin42Pimp1984: ok, this will write 0's over your disc04:47
Toma-yeh hang on a tick04:47
soniumis it normal that the partitions on my system are not automaticaly mounted?04:47
shirishToma:- sure04:47
penguin42Pimp1984: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda  bs=1024k04:47
[miles] erm, so is there still a chance I can log a bug report and possibly get it fixed and upstream?04:47
penguin42Pimp1984: Give that 30s or so and then hit ctrl-c04:47
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
Toma-[miles] : whats the bug? and sure. most bugs endup getting fixed upstream anyway04:48
[miles] Toma-: my sound in the laptop. ...04:48
penguin42Pimp1984: then do the same with sdb instead of sda04:48
[miles] Toma-: as I said, i compiled  from kernel.org, and sound works04:48
penguin42[miles] : None - or just very very quiet?04:48
[miles] penguin42: none.04:49
[miles] penguin42: I rebuilt alsa the other week04:49
[miles] penguin42: did various tests with the guys in #alsa04:49
penguin42ah not the same problem as this one04:49
[miles] nothing04:49
penguin42Report the bug04:49
Pimp1984Done that04:49
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@216.Red-88-20-41.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
[miles] Pimp1984: if you want to kill your HD look at dban.sf.net04:49
soniumcan someone give me the link to the feisty bugreport site?04:49
penguin42Pimp1984: Now reboot into the installer again - and then just create the RAIDs etc - there shouldn't be anything left on it04:50
soniumI don't find it anymore04:50
Toma-[miles] : yeh file a bug. mention in the report that compiling .20.7 fixes it, and attach the config files you used too04:50
penguin42[miles] : Just trying to remove the partitioning etc rather than securely04:50
Pimp1984Do I do the same command for sdb, or should I just go to reboot the installer?04:50
penguin42do the same for sdb04:50
[miles] Toma-: config file was copied from 2.6.20-15 in /boot04:50
shirishsonium: bugs.launchpad.net04:50
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shirishsonium: you will have to register there though04:51
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soniumand what package should I choos for multimedia keyboard keys bugs?04:53
[miles] Toma-: I'll prepare a bug report later, but g/f has got laptop atm .. I'll make sure it fully details modules, etc04:54
[miles] bbl guys, thanks for the info btw! ciao04:54
shirishsonium:- look if there is some package called gnome-keybinding-properties04:54
shirishsonium:- if you used keyboard shortcuts from System > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts then it would be that one04:55
soniumyes, that's it04:56
soniumbut there is a similar bug for a package called banshee04:56
[BTF] Chm0dis there a graphical way of making an iso from your cdrom?04:57
shirishsonium: you can usually find which program it is by generally using the right-click on the menu item, throwing the shortcut to the desktop or panel & right-clicking & finding the properties of it04:57
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Pimp1984Ok - there are no partitions or 'FREE SPACE' shown on the partition disks screen. Do I assume that the multidisks are gone aswell, or should I check that?04:57
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penguin42Pimp1984: They'll have gone04:58
shirish[BTF] Chm0d: there is k3b which is supposed to do that, have not used it to make .iso's hence no idea04:58
Pimp1984Nice one - cheers. If you lived in Hull i'd buy you a beer right now!04:58
Pimp1984I guess all I should do is abort the installer and go and find a disk image that works properly.04:59
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dystopianray[BTF] Chm0d: what sort of isos do you want to make?04:59
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[BTF] Chm0ddystopianray, ive tried k3b on gnome and it doesn't like it.  It froze pooter up completely had to hold pwr button down to reboot05:01
penguin42Pimp1984: I don't think I've been that far east :-)05:01
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Pimp1984Where do you live?05:01
dystopianray[BTF] Chm0d: hrrm, might be something with how it's interacting with the drives now that things are using libata05:01
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[BTF] Chm0dim want to make an .iso of my gaming cd that has a bunch of flash games on it05:01
soniumthere is no packaged called gnome-keybinding-properties05:01
dystopianray[BTF] Chm0d: you want to copy the cd to an iso on your hdd?05:02
[BTF] Chm0dyes05:02
dystopianray[BTF] Chm0d: $ dd if=/dev/cdrom of=games.iso05:02
[BTF] Chm0dthats it?05:03
dystopianray[BTF] Chm0d: yes05:03
llutz_[BTF] Chm0d: pure data-cd, not protected? then: cat /dev/cdrom >/tmp/disk.iso05:03
[BTF] Chm0dLOL05:03
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shirishsonium: then the best way would be to describe your problem hopefully you will see a list where keyboard shortcuts is written, read a few of those on other tabs & you will know which package they depend on05:04
FFIXXXhi i really cant get my printer to work, it was working fine before though...05:04
jarleWhen I have linux-image installed, would also need linux-restricted-modules, and not just So I just have to hang tight until linux-restricted-modules hits the repos??05:05
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k`ubuntuim experiencing a kinda strange thing, altho its not even sure its connected with Feisty but I will write it down05:06
dystopianrayjarle: no that is the correct restricted-modules package05:06
LupinZXhi, i'm using the feisty beta and i'm having this problem where my keyboard and mouse suddenly just lock up, why it do this?05:06
dystopianrayi wonder how likely the april 15 daily livecd is to be the RC05:06
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jarledystopianray: hmmm "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"05:07
dystopianrayLupinZX: does the whole computer lockup? or only input?05:07
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k`ubuntuso, my problem is, when I boot to Ubuntu, and realising I wanted to use Windows, im just Restart-ing from the login screen. then choose Windows from Grub menu. then the Windows loading Freezing TOTALLY. that means, CTRL ALT DEL not even working. complete freeze, with the progress bar frozen aswell. and ONLY when restarting from Feisty05:07
penguin42Pimp1984: Mancychester05:07
gnomefreakthey are spinning the ISO's now05:07
misfit_toyjarle, that's what I get with all the new kernels for the last 3 days, I'm back on 14-38605:07
jarledystopianray: I thought the nvidia-legacy driver was supposed to be working by now?05:07
dystopianrayjarle: it should be05:07
gnomefreaki would say expect it monday/tuesdayish05:07
Pimp1984lol - when you said 'that far east', I thought you meant America!05:07
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: so if you powerdown and then go into windows it is fine?05:08
Pimp1984How long have you used linux then?05:08
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jarlemisfit_toy: Have been there for a week too.... using "nv" until it is fixed, I was hoping the the new kernel would fix it...05:08
LupinZXsorry bout that05:08
k`ubuntudystopianray, yes, perfect. if I choose the Windows from Grub menu first it works 100/100 cases (I believe happened the same with the 6.10 stable aswell)05:08
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: ok, well the question is... is this a problem with ubuntu.. or a problem with windows?05:09
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: can kubuntu boot if your restart from windows?05:09
misfit_toyjarle, it's something in the way the nvidia drivers interact with the kernel, or likely the headers...but I am using nvidia-glx just fine with the 14-386 kernel.05:09
shirishk`ubuntu: also is it xp or Vista?05:09
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k`ubuntuXP ofcourse. I wouldnt even call Vista a Windows, so bad that is05:10
k`ubuntudystopianray, using Ubuntu not Kub, but yes, ONLY happening if I restart from the Ubuntu loginscreen05:10
k`ubuntuI think it works altho when I reboot after login into ubuntu05:10
=== penguin42 has seen quite a few machines Linux won't reboot properly
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: well I don't know if it's the fault of windows or ubuntu05:10
k`ubuntunot 100% sure about this05:10
misfit_toyso what's the story on this 15.27 kernel?05:11
dystopianraymisfit_toy: what do you mean?05:11
jarlemisfit_toy: I have to use the nvidia-legacy driver, Haven'nt been able to get it working on any kernel after upgrading to feisty...05:11
misfit_toydystopianray, is it fixed or not?05:11
dystopianraymisfit_toy: should be05:11
misfit_toyjarle, what nvidia card?05:11
shirishguys are there any minimum specs written to run ubuntu 7.04?05:11
k`ubuntudystopianray, was working with the 5.14 perfectly. then I switched to 6.10, then this problem appeared, and still available in Feisty. using a notebook if it helps, but dont even know how could I track it out, whats buggy :)05:12
jarlemisfit_toy: GForce 2/Pro05:12
dystopianraymisfit_toy: .26 and .27 have a single libata related fix each05:12
k`ubuntushirish, a P3 1000mhz with a lowcost VGA (geforec2 or so) should work well with 256+512 ram. dont know about official req-s05:12
misfit_toyjarle, remove nvidia-legacy and try nvidia-glx now, it supports older cards like yours and mine, then there is the nvidia-new for newer cards.05:12
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: hrrm well I have no idea, maybe try to find out if other people are having the same problems05:12
shirishk`ubuntu: there should be some official specs somewhere05:13
jarlemisfit_toy: You sure my card is supported in nvidia-glx? You have a link?05:13
misfit_toyjarle, this nvidia-glx is new as of last week and works on my geforce4 440 go.05:13
k`ubuntudystopianray, how? :) google failed, but it might be about changing other keywords. Should I try posting at launchapd?05:13
dystopianrayk`ubuntu: yes that might help05:13
misfit_toyjarle, don't have a link but I'm sure there is one somewhere.05:13
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k`ubuntushirish, http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/ch02.html maybe05:14
jarlemisfit_toy: I'll check the readme...05:14
k`ubuntushirish, more of: http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/dists/warty/main/installer-i386/current/doc/manual/en/ch03s04.html05:14
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shirishk`ubuntu: warty was before dapper?05:16
Hobbseeshirish: yes05:16
k`ubuntuwarty was 5.04 I believe05:16
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shirishso the docs. perhaps need to be updated05:16
Hobbseeshirish: yes05:16
Hobbseequite likely05:16
=== Hidan|Afk mooes at shirish :D i hope your bug fixing is going well... moooo xD
k`ubuntuyes sorry, google found this :) but I found Feisty's gnome interface running faster than ever05:16
Toma-warty was 4.1005:17
Hobbseek`ubuntu: warty was 4.10, by my calculations, hoary was 5.0405:17
=== shirish mooes to Hidan|Afk , trying to create a feature specification on the wiki, hard work
Toma-no wait..05:17
=== Hobbsee actually used hoary
k`ubuntuYou might be right, only remember my first Ubuntu was the warty warthog, maybe 4.10, cant remember it was so long ago :)05:18
Toma-Hobbsee: thats when i converted :)05:18
HobbseeToma-: :)05:19
shirishyup its 4.10 so the docs either have been updated or are in dire need of updation05:19
Toma-Hobbsee: what did you use prior to that?05:19
HobbseeToma-: XP05:19
Toma-oh gosh! :D05:19
Hobbseeshirish: feel free to update them...05:19
misfit_toyok, trying a reboot to 15.27 but I'll bet a dollar to a dime it still won't fire up X...biab.05:19
Toma-i was a redhat fan from rh9 all the way thru fedora up to fedora 305:19
=== Hobbsee must have a hoary cd here somewhere
Hobbsee+ a kubuntu hoary live cd05:19
k`ubuntushirish, what conf you have? or why do you need _exacty_ system req? it might be more about req, not even sure its compatible with that hw (high chance of working)05:19
Hobbseek`ubuntu: what are you asking about?05:20
misfit_toyshoot, can't reboot yet, copying an iso to a pc upstairs...hum de dum de dum...05:20
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k`ubuntuHobbsee, just interested why shirish needs exact numbers about the system req :)05:21
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Hobbseek`ubuntu: ahh05:21
Hobbseeubuntu will run on most things, although xubuntu's better for low end systems05:21
Hobbsee(mind you, that doesnt include ubiquity requirements)05:22
k`ubuntuI think its a much more difficult question, it might depend on hundreds of things, especially on what that ubuntu gonna be used for05:22
=== Hidan|Afk mooes to shirish, oh, keep up the good work. :D
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=== Vessquire [n=Vessquir@cpe-24-166-22-249.indy.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
shiris1sorry got disconnected, do not know whether its my isp issue or some new bug with ubuntu05:24
VessquireIs there going to be a feisty RC?05:24
Toma-Vessquire: yep. its delayed tho05:24
=== Hidan|Afk mooes to shiris1, oh, keep up the good work. :D
VessquireAny date?05:25
k`ubuntushiris1, using gaim for irc aswell?05:25
Toma-Vessquire: when its ready05:25
k`ubuntuwell I have very, very bad experiences with the Gaim in Feisty05:25
shiris1till yesteday it was working fine05:25
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Toma-gaim is working fine here05:25
Vessquireok... so if I want to get rid of my freebsd home server that just acts as a gateway/fileserver/etc. should I install edgy and wait or get the latest daily on feisty?05:26
Hidan|Afkgaim is working well here.05:26
Toma-tho i do hate it so.05:26
k`ubuntuit keepds DC'ing, crashing for me (using MSN and ICQ protocols)05:26
shirishI just use it for IRC05:26
Toma-Vessquire: cant wait a week? :(05:26
Hidan|Afkhowever, i really wish i could change the skins of Gaim.05:26
BluesKajcan anyone recommend an ISO converter ...AcetoneIso seems buggy on my setup ...installation utility doesn't see the required kommander files ...dunno why but it's messy to work with.05:26
Vessquireno, not really... if I'm gonna switch, its gonna be today... otherwise I'll keep freebsd probably05:26
k`ubuntuVessquire, I suggest you to get the 6.06 LTS for this kind of server05:26
shirishok can anybody point me to some documentation about making feature specifications?05:27
Toma-Vessquire: well feisty beta works for now. with all updates its kinda cool05:27
=== Pimp1984 [n=Pimp1984@adsl-87-102-36-199.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu+1
Toma-Vessquire: but for stablility, id stay stick with freebSD05:27
Vessquirehmmm... I like stability but I like to tinker too :)05:28
BluesKajToma-, heh nice advice on a Kubuntu support chat :(05:28
k`ubuntuToma-, I have very good experiences with the LTS server both in stability and secure (BSD is better for sure but ubuntu is easier to config and maintain)05:28
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Toma-BluesKaj: this isnt #kubuntu...?05:29
Pimp1984The RC of Feisty is supposed to be out this month. Does anybody think it'll be right at the end of the month or are there no clues at all?05:29
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k`ubuntuPimp1984, matter of days05:29
BluesKajok , split hairs then if want ..ubuntu+105:29
k`ubuntuPimp1984, final was about to come out april 19 (or that week)05:29
HobbseePimp1984: should be today/tomorrow/day after/ or something05:30
Hidan|Afkhmmm nick collision?05:30
Toma-Just saying, FreeBSD is a rock solid server. where as ubuntu is a little more geared towards moving ahead and ease of use05:30
mc44Hobbsee: put "RC will be out when its ready" in the topic :p05:30
Toma-yeh :D05:30
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Hobbseemc44: heh05:31
k`ubuntuyea Toma- got the point, altho its matter of what the server is being used for :)05:31
mc44Hobbsee: because everyone reads the topic. obviously05:31
Hobbseemc44: of course, yes.05:31
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jarleI remember reading something about turning off composite to get the nvidia driver working?05:32
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Pimp1984Sounds promising. If it's that close to being released then I might as well wait for that instead of finding a fully working iso of the beta.05:33
misfit_toyjarle I can give you my xorg.conf for an older nvidia card if you like, and yes, if you turn off that "composite" true line I saw a lot of howtos saying to put IN, it fixes a lot of things.05:35
k`ubuntuPimp1984, im waitinf for the final aswell, updating the beta messed up 1-2 minor things FOR ME (1-2 icons mainly)05:35
yaganyone use realvnc to connect to XP machines?05:35
jarlemisfit_toy: You have nvidia-glx working now with the latest kernel?05:36
jhutchinsyag: NT, XP.05:36
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k`ubuntuused to work with that, yag05:36
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misfit_toyjarle, not the 15, I haven't had any luck with that this week, but I am about to reboot to the 15.27 and try it.05:36
jarlemisfit_toy: and it seems you were correct about nvidia-legacy now supporting my card, I did not get any message about card not supported anymore..05:36
reynis kde4 usable ?05:36
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Pimp1984If you were following my problem that I was talking about on here earlier, you'll understand why I got frustrated with the beta.05:37
jarlemisfit_toy: Please let me now if you get it working (I didn't)05:37
Hobbseereyn: not really05:37
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jarlemisfit_toy: I'm running a straight from the scratch config file so I think it should be OK, no fancy stuff there at the moment..05:38
penguin42so one last time before I reboot and sees what happens; has anyone done LUKS/cryptsetup stuff?05:38
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misfit_toyjarle, in case you want to get effects working, here's my xorg, http://pastebin.ca/44118405:38
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jarlemisfit_toy: If I could just get the driver working I could always add more effects afterwards..05:41
misfit_toyjarle, that is from literally 2 weeks of trying every howto I could find, line by line, putting them in, taking them out, etc...05:41
misfit_toyjarle, install the 14-386 kernel, it works fine, then you can wait for the newer ones to catch up.05:41
jarlemisfit_toy: thnx!05:42
philip_can I boot into the LiveCD, delete all directories except /home then reinstall, thereby saving /home?05:42
misfit_toyand jarle you did say you're going to use nvidia-glx now, not legacy right?05:42
misfit_toyas of a week ago I could get rid of legacy and go straight to glx05:43
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jarlemisfit_toy: yeah, seems like my card is supported in nvidia-glx now..05:43
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misfit_toyok, great05:43
DarkSpirit2I am using 7.04 and I need help on it. I guess more of a program problem.05:43
misfit_toyjarle, I'm going out for a little cigar, then maybe my iso copy will be done and I can reboot this box and see if 15.27 is working with glx...back in about 10 minutes.05:45
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=== Arianna [n=chicken@C-59-100-239-69.per.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu+1
AriannaD-LINK Airplus DWL-G630 PCIMA card... fresh install of Xubuntu 7.04 Beta... Network manager, configure it, says configuring interface and crashes... Card flashes and seems to be totally recognised during the configuration, and then when it crashes it switches off.05:45
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jarlemisfit_toy: Good luck, You'll need it :)05:46
AriannaAny advice05:46
AriannaI saw another case (with 6.06) on the forum with the same card, same problem05:46
HobbseeArianna: got linux-restricted-modules-generic installed?05:46
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=== Hobbsee wonders if that's a ralink card, or an atheros one
`sam`i don't think lrm is updated yet05:47
AriannaHobbsee: nothing add-on installed as I have no connection?05:47
HobbseeArianna: it's on the cd05:47
AriannaHobbsee: ok what must I do?05:48
AriannaHobbsee: newb user.05:48
Arianna:] 05:48
HobbseeArianna: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic05:48
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Ariannaapt-get will require the net unless the package is already active?05:49
Hobbseeit wont, it'll only look on the cd05:49
`sam`for geforce 7300le do i need to install linux-restricted-modules-generic and nvidia-glx ?05:50
AriannaHobbsee: says the newest version is already installed.05:51
HobbseeArianna: right.  want to pastebin lspci (from your terminal?)05:51
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`sam`wasn't there a problem with network-manager that was fixed in one of the most recent updates?05:52
Ariannai hope you understand that I can't pastebin it without a net connection, lol05:52
Hobbsee`sam`: yes05:52
`sam`maybe she downloaded it with the bad version05:52
HobbseeArianna: ah.  point.  :P05:52
usher_I'm having some strange problem, it's happened yesterday and the day before and it will probably happen again in a bit - my monitor will go into off-mode.. while I'm using the PC? is that a Feisty bug ?05:52
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HobbseeArianna: can you paraphrase what "lspci | grep Network05:53
Arianna`sam`: i thank you for the hypothetical, but as I was saying others have had the problem with this card on previous versions of xubuntu and ubuntu alike.05:53
misfit_toyjarle, what version of restricted-modules do you have? I don't even know how to find that out...05:53
=== [BTF] Chm0d [n=rich@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
`sam`does anybody know about the geforce 7300le? i was using the .bin installer from nvidia but wanted to try the linux-restricted-modules and was wondering if i also need to install nvidia-glx05:54
BluesKajmisfit_toy, it'll be listed in synaptic05:55
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AriannaHobbsee as you know, lspci | grep Network returns nothing ;)05:56
Ariannaother than05:56
HobbseeArianna: darn.  try lspci | grep Atheros05:56
AriannaNetwork Controller: RaLink RT2561/RT51 rev B 802.11g05:56
misfit_toyaha, and I'll bet that's why the 15 kernel doesn't fire up nvidia, I only have the 14-386 restricted loaded.05:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:56
mc44misfit_toy: yeah you might want to change that :)05:57
`sam`misfit_toy, do you also have nvidia-glx installed?05:57
AriannaHobbsee: I understand this, but you're not understanding me ;)05:57
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HobbseeArianna: yeah, looking now.  i'd hoped it was an atheros card...05:57
`sam`misfit_toy, also it might not work right now anyway because lrm is version 2.6.20-15.20 and kernel is 2.6.20-15.27, don't these have to match?05:57
mc44only the 15 has to match05:58
`sam`mc44, ok thanks05:58
AriannaHobbsee: the card is being read, native drivers exist, the network device update of interface (when it tries to load the driver, or enable the device, i suppose) crashes the comp05:59
HobbseeArianna: argh.  that.05:59
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misfit_toymc44, if I have nvidia checked in lrm right now, after I get the newer lrm will I need to recheck that or will it keep that setting?05:59
Vodalu1Anyone know if installing logitech mice in Feisty is the same in 7.04 as 6.10?06:00
HobbseeArianna: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/97499 <-- that it?06:00
ubotuMalone bug 97499 in network-manager "[Feisty]  System crash when NetworkManager tries to activate Wifi" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 06:00
mc44misfit_toy: nope, should just work06:00
AriannaHobbsee: `sam`: i thank you for the hypothetical, but as I was saying others have had the problem with this card on previous versions of xubuntu and ubuntu alike.06:00
Ariannaso surely it isnt the network man bug?06:00
`sam`so by installing the lrm it is my understanding that i won't have to manually reinstall nvidia driver each time?06:00
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HobbseeArianna: could be.  i'm not sure.06:01
=== cables [n=chatzill@bas7-montreal02-1177734480.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu+1
=== Hobbsee doenst know much about ralink cards
misfit_toy`sam`, that should be correct06:01
=== Hobbsee knows that htey sometimes crash networkmanager though
cablesrc is out?06:01
AriannaHobbsee: so what's the solution? this page06:01
mc44cables: no, its not06:01
HobbseeArianna: no idea, sorry06:01
AriannaHobbsee: so what's the solution? this page wants me to do what to solve it06:01
`sam`ok... i think i might still have to manually update lirc though06:01
cablesah, so that's just saying that when it's out, we should test it06:01
=== cables feels sheepish
mc44its for testing the release candidate candidates06:02
Vodalu1anyone know if installing logitech mice is the same in 7.04 as 6.1?06:02
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Ariannaoh christ.06:02
Ariannaso can anyone actually offer me a solution lol06:02
Ariannathanks for the help tho Hobs.06:03
Lunar_LampWhere can I find what software is available for feisty? (e.g. thunderbird version)06:03
lazkaLunar_Lamp: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/06:03
Lunar_Lamplazka, thanks.06:04
Vodalu1Lunar: Have you tried synaptic?  It's also available there06:04
=== atselby_ [n=adam@pool-71-96-77-131.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
atselby_What broke this time?06:04
HobbseeLunar_Lamp: same thunderbird as in edgy06:04
Lunar_LampVodalu1, only if you have feisty installed ;-)06:04
DarkSpirit2How can I get a program to be the default for an extension ?06:04
Lunar_LampHobbsee, no upgrade to 2.0 then? Pity, but I guess it's still beta.06:04
=== concept10 [n=concept1@ppp-70-247-165-142.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
mc44DarkSpirit2: right click, properties06:04
jrib!defaultapp > DarkSpirit2    (DarkSpirit2, see the private message from ubotu)06:04
`sam`Arianna, you might want to wait for the next daily build or for the RC, that will definately have the network-manager bugfix, and then see if that fixes your problem... sorry i know it's not the answer you want06:04
atselby_Session manager/properties is broken in Feisty.06:04
atselby_Can anyone offer help?06:04
HobbseeLunar_Lamp: RC in hte next few days, or something.  maybe06:04
jribatselby_: broken how?06:05
Hobbsee`sam`: NM bugfix is already in...06:05
atselby_jrib: it won't load.06:05
Lunar_LampHobbsee, anywhere I could check to be sure?06:05
Vodalu1I'm about to start going through the effort of installing my logitech mouse. wondering if the install is the same on 6.1 as it is in 7.04.. anyone know?06:05
atselby_jrib: when i run it in terminal i get an error. leme pastbin it.06:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:05
DarkSpirit2Wow that was easy06:05
HobbseeArianna: guess you could sudo killall NetworkManager, apt-get remove --purge network-manager and use dhclient to manage the interface...06:05
mc44DarkSpirit2: welcome to gnome :)06:05
Hobbseelike you would need to in previous releases06:05
`sam`Hobbsee, oh ok sorry i probably missed part of the convo because i was installing stuff06:05
DarkSpirit2Another question06:05
Ariannadhclient can be installed without net?06:05
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BluesKajVodalu1, it should ...depends how fancy it is tho06:06
HobbseeArianna: dhclient's installed by default06:06
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HobbseeLunar_Lamp: mozillazine.org06:06
atselby_jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15809/06:06
=== TheVault [n=TheVault@cpe-24-209-11-142.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
DarkSpirit2I need a Usenet Binary Program. So I can download emm Distro off Usenet. I need 1 that can also connect to 2 Different Network use 1 as Master (If file is not there) and then use another one06:06
TheVaultWhats with all these kernel updates. Every update I have been getting, one has to be the kernel06:06
DarkSpirit2Also anyone know the name of that Music Player which looks like WinAmp ?06:06
mc44TheVault: there were some kernel bugs06:07
Lunar_LampDarkSpirit2, xmms06:07
[BTF] Chm0dDarkSpirit2, xmms06:07
[BTF] Chm0dhehe06:07
[BTF] Chm0d;P06:07
TheVaultmc44: Oh, I see06:07
mc44TheVault: should be fixed now06:07
AriannaHobbsee: sudo killall NetworkManager you get no process killed06:07
[BTF] Chm0dalthough I have yet to get kofol to work on xmms in ubuntu06:07
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu+1
Arianna--purge network-manager, E: couldnt find package network-manager06:07
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: and beep-media-player is not bad too06:07
jribatselby_: this happens every time you login?06:07
DreamThiefor audacious06:07
HobbseeArianna: right, so try a sudo ifup ra0 && sudo dhclient ra006:07
TheVaultmc44: Yeah, i'm now downloading kernel updates right now. Downloading 6 updates06:07
Hobbseeand you should be connected06:08
Hobbseemay have to play with essid's, etc06:08
TheVaultmc44: Will there be anymore kernel updates?06:08
atselby_jrib: yes. i have been needing to access the session manager to resolve another problem with startup.06:08
Xanthus35I just installed ubuntu 7.04 and at the end it said grub installed but when I reboot it goes into xp and grub does not come up06:08
DreamThiefaudacious is the most advanced winam clone06:08
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=== Hobbsee --> bed. 2am
mc44TheVault: there shouldnt be, but there is always a chance06:08
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mc44Hobbsee: sweet dreams of sheep06:08
TheVaultmc44: Thanks for the info06:08
DreamThiefxmms is not updated anymore and so is bmp ...06:08
[BTF] Chm0di like to be able to change skins in media players06:08
jribatselby: what is the other problem?06:08
Hobbseemc44: mmm..sheep...06:08
DreamThief[BTF] Chm0d, that's posssible with every winamp clone06:09
[BTF] Chm0dnot just the skin but like kofol in xmms06:09
AriannaHobbsee: how do I add the WEP and ESSID through this command06:09
atselbyjrib: the error output is usually different but it is related to various things not loading correctly at startup. All of it I believe goes back to GnomeUI-WARNING.06:09
[BTF] Chm0dis that possible?06:09
TheVaultmc44: So how exactly make the changes from Edgy to Feisty? Do they re-write everything or something?06:09
DreamThiefaudacious is able to load winamp 2.x and xmms skins06:09
atselbyjrib: most recent output is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15810/06:09
jribatselby: warning usually don't matter06:09
DarkSpirit2How can I stop MP3 from playing when I go over them with my mouse ?06:09
Ariannaoh; and the computer just crashed on this command, so clearly its not the program NETWORK MANAGER (just as I was suggesting, lol)06:09
mc44TheVault: no06:09
atselbyjrib: Well then I don't know what the exact problem is.06:10
TheVaultmc44: How does it all work?06:10
Xanthus35I just installed ubuntu 7.04 and at the end it said grub installed but when I reboot it goes into xp and grub does not come up06:10
mc44TheVault: how does what all work?06:10
jribatselby: I guess you are trying to disable compiz correct?06:10
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: thats like a preview of the file done by nautilus06:10
atselbyjrib: the thing i need to fix first, i think, is to get to edit the sessions to remove pretty much everything from startup to see if it helps.06:10
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@71-34-245-210.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu+1
morbidoneXanthus35: did you install grub to the master boot record?06:10
jribatselby: ~/.config/autostart/06:10
atselbyjrib: yes compiz or beryl whichver one is set in startup since that's probably related.06:10
atselbyjrib: ah. thats where its stored?06:10
DarkSpirit2<PresuntoRJ: Can I disable it ?06:10
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: you must then set the nautilus propreties not to preview mp3 (or ogg) files anymore06:10
TheVaultmc44: Like, most people still either have Dapper or Edgy on their computer. Now that Feisty fawn is in development and almost complete, how do they change the codeing and things?06:10
Xanthus35it said it installed master boot record hd006:10
[BTF] Chm0dis there a media player that can change shapes like winamp?06:11
RawSewagewill Feisty Final be released this week06:11
mc44RawSewage: possibly06:11
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: my ubuntu is in portuguese right now, let me see if I can remember the program in english06:11
morbidoneRawSewage: between the 19th and 28th of april i believe06:11
atselbyjrib: however i dont see anything in here except for beagle and things I set myself.06:11
mc44TheVault: its rather complicated. I cant give you an easy answer06:11
atselbyjrib: that are not related to compiz or beryl.06:11
RawSewageRC hasnt come out though06:11
lazka[BTF] Chm0d: XMMS06:11
mc44RawSewage: nope06:11
RawSewagedoes there have to be an RC06:11
[BTF] Chm0di can't get kofol to work in xmms06:11
[BTF] Chm0dit crashes06:11
mc44RawSewage: probably06:11
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: try this: gksudo gconf-editor06:12
lazka[BTF] Chm0d: i think mplayer has skinns too06:12
[BTF] Chm0dnever been able to get it working in ubuntu at all both gnome or kde06:12
lazka[BTF] Chm0d: but i've never tried it06:12
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: it will open a bunch of settings, much similar to regedit.exe under Windows06:12
RawSewageAudacious has skins06:12
[BTF] Chm0dyea it has skins but I want to be able to change it completely like you can winamp or wmp06:13
misfit_toyok, here goes the reboot to 15 with the proper lrm, back in a few I hope with a new kernel.06:13
DarkSpirit2I am good with Windows.06:13
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DarkSpirit2Just tell me where it is.06:13
jribatselby: hmm well I'm not sure how compiz sets itself up but for beryl, beryl-manager needs to be added to the startup06:13
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: be careful, cause you can set up something worng and mess up your system06:13
DarkSpirit2I sort of knew that. lol06:13
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: but it is actually very straight forward06:13
Xanthus35jrib it said it installed to master boot record06:13
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=== lazka doesn't get why music players have to look good..
atselbyjrib: it does? alright.. so its not odd that compiz doesnt show up at all in /autostart?06:13
DarkSpirit2lol Sound-Juicer06:14
jribatselby: I haven't really used compiz06:14
jribatselby: try dpkg -L compiz   and look for anything interesting06:14
atselbyjrib: ah. okay. i lll give it a shot.06:14
DarkSpirit2<PresuntoRJ>So where is it ?06:14
DarkSpirit2or you still writing06:14
TheVaultmc44: Alrighty, don't worry about it then if its complicated06:14
atselbyjrib: just stuff under usr/share/doc/compiz06:14
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: in the list?06:15
mc44TheVault: if you look on the development section of the ubuntu wiki, it should answer your questions06:15
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jribatselby: check ~/.gnome2/session too then06:15
atselbyjrib: no such folder.06:15
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
atselbyjrib: wait... missed it.06:16
DarkSpirit2you never told me where within natulias it is06:16
atselbyjrib: session is not showing.06:16
DarkSpirit2I am a newbie when it comes to Linux06:16
jribatselby: how are you trying to view it?06:17
atselbyjrib: via nautilus.06:17
atselbyjrib: nothing via terminal line either...06:17
jribatselby: nano ~/.gnome2/session06:18
DreamThief[BTF] Chm0d, xmms-kjofol is in the repositories06:18
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DreamThiefI think, it should work06:18
[BTF] Chm0dyes i know06:18
[BTF] Chm0dbut it doesn't work06:18
atselbyjrib: just tried. nothing.06:18
[BTF] Chm0di haven't yet have it work in ubuntu at all06:18
jribatselby: no error?06:18
[BTF] Chm0dit just closes when you run it06:18
DreamThiefbut I wouldn't use xmss, it's just to old06:18
jribor just empty?06:18
atselbyjrib: just its blank.06:18
[BTF] Chm0di use amarok06:18
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: in the desktop session06:18
jribatselby: k, then that's not it then06:18
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: browse down looking for gnome06:19
jribatselby: delete it06:19
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: browse further for thumbnailers06:19
atselbyjrib: delete what?06:19
jribatselby: the empty file06:19
atselbyjrib: k. done06:19
jribatselby: see if you get new errors now06:20
atselbyjrib: i dont think there was one to begin with..06:20
atselbyjrib: on login?06:20
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atselbybrb then06:20
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: there you have several preview engines (thumbnails is the nick name for picture preview)06:20
atselbyjrib: and if it matters, i'm runing in failsafe gnome.06:20
misfit_toywell, 15 works now, but wifi is wacked out, LOL06:20
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: a few of those are for audio (ogg-vorbis, mp3, wav, au, ...)06:20
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PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: try clicking on the "enable" box for at least one unselecting it and check if the preview is disabled...06:21
|thundertoday is the start if the week of april 19. assuming weeks start on sunday, not thursdays.06:21
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: if should work06:21
misfit_toyalways somethin'...it wants to force my WEP key to hex, I change it to ascii, it is changed back to hex when I go look.06:22
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atselbyjrib: smaller error message thistime.06:22
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: sorry... press Alt-F206:22
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:22
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: then type the command gksudo gcof-editor06:22
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: then type the command gksudo gconf-editor06:22
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: did you find it?06:23
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: still there?06:23
DarkSpirit2I am in Config Editor06:24
DarkSpirit2Under Root its Desktop06:24
DarkSpirit2Am i correct ?06:24
jrib!enter | DarkSpirit206:24
ubotuDarkSpirit2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:24
jribatselby: yes?06:24
DarkSpirit2Will do bot06:25
atselbyjrib: smaller error output but still errors none the less with the GNOMEUI-Warning.06:25
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atselbyjrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15815/06:25
guerbyhi, is there any repo with olsrd for feisty?06:26
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jribatselby: does it happen with a new user?06:28
misfit_toyok, wifi working, sheesh.06:28
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atselbyjrib: i have not tried... but if i were to make a new user for myself would there be a way for me to move my files easily to the new user? i can always reset settings etc.06:28
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jarlemisfit_toy: got nvidia-glx working?06:28
misfit_toyjarle, yup in 15.2706:29
jribatselby: yeah, you could just move them but lets see if it matters first06:29
misfit_toyjarle, didn't realize I didn't have lrm for 15-generic installed.06:29
misfit_toyjarle, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic06:29
philip_can I boot into the LiveCD, delete all directories except /home then reinstall, thereby saving /home?06:29
jarlemisfit_toy: lrm ?06:30
misfit_toyjarle, linux-restricted-modules06:30
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misfit_toynvidia has to have that06:30
misfit_toyfor each kernel it uses06:30
atselbyjrib: okay.06:30
defendguinwhere can i submit feature requests for feisty+106:30
misfit_toyso I had it for 14-386, that's why it was working06:30
AriannaXubuntu 7.04 Beta with D-Link Airplus G DWL-G630 (H/W Ver: E1) PCIMA Wireless Card.06:30
AriannaAfter a fresh install, the card is recognised in NetworkManager. After configuring the card and enabling it, the card starts flashing, meanwhile NetworkManager is doing something with the network interface and crashes, the cards lights go off.06:30
AriannaI asked for some support, most people said it was a NetworkManager problem, but the same occurs when I use dhclient instead. Additionally, the same problem has occured for somebody running Ubuntu 6.06 with the same hardware version.06:30
AriannaThis card has been known to have varied success with different versions, with A1 not working properly and C1 running out of the box.06:30
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atselbyjrib: brb than. i've got another user setup already in such event that my profile dies so leme test in there.06:31
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atselbyjrib: works perfect in other profile.06:33
DarkSpirit2Thank god for Automatix06:34
atselbyjrib: not a single problem and beryl is set to startup too.06:34
jribatselby: try moving all of ~/.gnome2 and ~/.gconfd/ then06:34
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:34
atselbyjrib: from the working to the broken?06:34
jribatselby: argh, I mean ~/.gconf*06:34
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atselbyjrib: so move working .gconf* to non working right/06:35
jribatselby: nah, just rename it on the broken, the defaults should get recreated06:35
atselbyjrib: so do what? sorry, i'm lostl06:35
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jribatselby: mv ~/.gnome2 ~/.gnome2.broken   and teh same for ~/.gconfd/ and ~/.gconf06:35
ScarFreewillis it possable to use a rsync-mirror as my apt mirror?06:36
atselbyjrib: done.06:36
atselbyjrib: logout/in.06:36
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atselbyjrib: still got an error...06:37
jribatselby: how about stuff in /tmp, think that may be messed up?06:38
atselbyjrib: home/tmp?06:38
jribno, /tmp06:38
atselbyjrib: what would i do in there? delete it all or what?06:39
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gradinanybody know why i'm getting pgp key errors when tryin gto apt-get update?06:42
poningrugradin: happens from time to time06:43
poningrujust wait till the error goes away before you update06:43
poningruso just wait till tomorrow06:43
=== ratshell [n=ratshell@74-128-163-120.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu+1
ratshellHi all06:43
mc44gradin: you have non-ubuntu repositories enabled?06:43
ratshellQuestion what real difference between edgy and feisty?06:43
gradinapril 19th as a release date wow, its so not ready... :P06:43
gradinmc44 yeah06:43
mc44ratshell: its newer06:44
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ratshellbesides that specifics please??06:44
mc44gradin: it is probably to do with them06:44
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gradinhas anyone else experianced acpi bugs?06:44
poningruratshell: www.ubuntu.com/testing/herd106:45
atselbyjrib: what would i look for in/tmp?06:45
poningruratshell: take a look at herd 1 through herd 506:45
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olimpicoHow can I install the madwifi, do I need a special kernel?06:45
poningruolimpico: it should have installed by default06:45
BluesKajgradin, I'm running feisty without any probs sofar , except the shutdown procedure is buggy .06:45
poningruwhat chipset do you have?06:45
jribatselby: stuff owned by your broken user06:46
jribatselby: I'm just throwing this out there, I have no idea if will help you at all06:46
olimpicoMy Atheros card is seen by  lspci: 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5212 802.11abg NIC (rev 0106:46
olimpicoBut is not recognized06:46
gradini've got this issue whenever i boot the kernel without acpi=off & noacpi and the box goes to stand by mode the hardrive shuts off and the box crashes06:46
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Lukianwhat package would a find the 32bit esound library in?06:47
atselbyjrib: tehres a gconf-d-adam, orbit-adam, virtual-adam.ky7SMc, .exchange-adam, .ICE-unix, .X11-UNIX, and some fiels owend by this profile.06:47
poningrugradin: boot it with acpi then?06:47
olimpicoI got it working with Edgy by installing some kernel with apt-get install ??????06:47
poningruoh hmm06:47
olimpicoBut now I installed Feisty and I dont remember06:47
poningruolimpico: go to restricted driver manager under system->admin06:47
poningruif its there it should have it06:47
KazzHas anyone been having trouble with nvidia cards in the last couple of days?  This one's fine, but the computer next to me with a 6800GT won't load the drivers anymore...is it a problem with the latest drivers?06:48
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gradinponingru thats what happens when i boot it with acpi06:48
PresuntoRJDarkSpirit2: any luke?06:48
jribatselby: have you rebooted since this happened?06:48
atselbyjrib: yes.06:49
poningrugradin: oh!06:49
atselbyjrib: i was forced to just shut downl ast night when hibernate and standby would not work06:49
olimpicoI found it: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-38606:49
poningrugradin: does it throw some error like high temperature or something like that?06:49
gradinKazz there was a driver confict, sudo apt-get install nvidia-new or something like that06:49
gradinponingru nope06:49
gradinjust says hd failed to respond06:49
enycHrrm... hows this libata driver hassle?06:49
gradinlet me grep my log files06:49
olimpicoponingru: Thankx any way06:50
enycthe latest ubuntu kernel  disables libata for another controller I understand...06:50
enycdoes this mean I can get RC disk to test now?06:50
jribatselby: then /tmp probably isn't related.  Try moving all of the .* files in your ~ to see if one of them is the culprit06:50
atselbyjrib: move what? all the hidden items in my home directory?06:50
mc44enyc: rc isnt out yet, but you can test the latest isos at cdimage.ubuntu.com06:51
jribatselby: yeah06:51
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shirishguys can somebody look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/ and tell me whether they see an apport related spec?06:51
atselbyjrib: okay. ill give it a try.06:51
Kazzgradin: nvidia-glx-new is the right one?06:51
enycmc44: I see...06:51
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gradinKazz i belive thats correct06:51
jribatselby: it has to be some kind of config issue since the other user works, but I have no idea where it would be06:51
atselbyjrib: after that i have to leave so...06:51
shirishguys I need help06:51
robertjhrmm, network manager requiers a gksudo nm-applet to get going after every boot, whats wron?06:52
atselbyjrib: would it be possible for me to, if this does not work, simply move my files to another profile's home directory and just basically reconfig thigns from there?06:52
Kazzgradin: Alright, thanks, I'm trying it. :)06:52
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flowhat is the name of the gnome screen capture program? the one that maks a video file not just a screenshot06:52
jribatselby: yeah, just move all the stuff that doesn't start with a . to the other one.  Then you could slowly start moving settings over to see what caused the problem06:53
poningrushirish: whatsup?06:53
=== ghostdog [n=daniel@c-67-191-172-254.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screencaps - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:53
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shirishponingru: i was just going to ask u , can u look up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Spec/ and tell me what u see there?06:53
ghostdogthis nvidia legacy card, pain in the butt, cannot enable direct rendering06:54
atselbyjrib: moved all .* to a seperate backup folder in the home dir. reboot now or what?06:54
ghostdogglxinfo http://pastebin.ca/44130606:54
jribatselby: yeah reboot or just try to log out and back in06:54
poningrushirish: yes https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apport06:54
ghostdogXorg log http://pastebin.ca/44130606:54
atselbyjrib: okay. after that i have to go so... thanks for the help. if this fails ill just do as you suggested and move settings over one at a time.06:55
ghostdoglspci 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300] : nVidia Corporation NV5M64 [RIVA TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro]  [10de:002d]  (rev 15)06:55
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shirishponingru: so you are getting the whole thing with the use case & all ?06:55
ghostdogit is reported as working06:55
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poningrushirish: yep06:55
shirishok cool thanx06:55
Arwenquick question, how do I do a video recording of my screen?06:55
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ghostdoganyone has a similar card that could provide me with their xorg.conf ?06:56
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Arwenpreferably in uncompressed video?06:56
gradinghostdog what driver package you using?06:56
adam__jrib: it worked. not an error just no settings. i can deal with this from here. thanks so much.06:56
ghostdoggradin, the legacy drivers for the repository06:56
atselbythanks agian jrib06:56
ghostdog+ nvidia-glx-legacy06:56
jribatselby: np, glad it worked06:56
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ghostdogI am missing one setting, but do not know what, there are no errors relating to direct rendering on the logs06:58
Ramunasthere's an issue with -14 kernel freezing?06:58
gradinghostdog there should be a nvidia-glx command that allows you to autoconfig the xorg.conf06:58
ghostdogI have tried that, but no luck, wanna take a look at my xorg.conf?06:58
Ramunasfor some reason my -15 kernel doesn't like nvidia-glx drivers, X doesn't load06:58
gradinghostdog yeah06:58
gradinRamunas what does the error message say when you attempt to?06:59
ghostdoggradin, http://pastebin.ca/44132706:59
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Ramunasgradin: I can't remember the exact message, but it fails to load it, and then it says no screens found07:01
gradinghostdog xorg.conf looks good, whats the output when you start X07:01
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KazzRamunas: I'm having that problem on one of our computers with a 6800GT.07:01
Ramunas6600 here07:01
Dr_WillisHmm. using a 6800 here.07:01
gradinRamunas pastebin your xorg.conf07:01
ghostdoggradin, it starts normally, I can run X in 2D mode07:02
KazzRamunas: I just installed the nvidia-glx-new package, but that doesn't seem to have fixed it.07:02
Ramunasgradin: just a sec07:02
Dr_Willisthe default nvidia-glx setup. dident set up the videores pci 1:0:0 thing right.07:02
KazzDr_Willis: Everything up to date?07:02
Dr_Willisso  i tweaked it.07:02
Dr_WillisKazz,  as of 10 min ago.. yes. :)07:02
ghostdogno errors07:02
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Dr_Willishad some issues with the xorg.conf file. but that was it.07:02
ghostdogXorg log http://pastebin.ca/44130607:02
gradinghostdog so where are you getting problems at?07:02
Ramunasgradin: http://ramunas.paste.lt/paste/a36e76c0ff5c037eb76b388e6ad7784107:03
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ghostdogdirect render=no07:03
ghostdogglxinfo http://pastebin.ca/44130607:03
ghostdogit worked great on edgy07:03
KazzDr_Willis: I don't think that the config file changed, I just upgraded the drivers, but the only thing that was wrong in yours was the PCI location?07:03
Kazzghostdog: This one's been working good on Feisty too, it just stopped working when it was rebooted yesterday...07:04
Dr_WillisKazz,  yea. i found that odd. the initial xorg.conf file had it right. then i installed the nvidia-glx and ran that command to update the xorg.conf and it got confused.07:04
Ramunasgradin: so, is there anything wrong with it?07:04
Dr_Willisi  then fixed the pci: 0:0:1 line, and the res was wrong.. so i ENDED Up using the original xorg.conf file and just changed nv to nvidia07:05
gradinghostdog join #ubuntu-effects07:05
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gradinRamunas nothing i can see07:06
z3firboys I have a problem with the 7.04 I can ask to you?07:06
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Ramunasgradin: it works just fine with -14 kernel07:06
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Ramunasand not with -15 :/07:06
Kazzgradin: I dunno' about ghostdog, but in the extra info you can get when X fails to start it says "Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"07:06
gradinKazz is that all it says?07:07
gradinKazz does it say why?07:07
Xanthus35I am totally flustrated I just reinstalled ubuntu said it saw both itself and xp told it yes and still not grub boot went directly into xp07:07
ghostdogKazz, reinstall linux restricted modules??07:07
ghostdogthat worked for me07:07
mc44Ramunas: do you have the 15 version of linux-restricted-modules?07:07
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=== Ramunas checks
Kazzgradin: No, but that seems to be the important part...it goes from "Support for GLX with the Damage and Composite X extensions is enabled" to "Failed to load..." to "*** Aborting ***", then it unloads nvidia, ramdac and fb modules and says "Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration."07:08
mp_i have edgy would like to upgrade to feisty, is this possible thru apt i dont wanna hurt my other partitions07:08
Ramunasmc44: it seems I didn't!07:08
z3firmy laptop has a video card geforce go 7600 and a card audio intel with codec by conexant, before with the 6.10 the audio didn't now work with the 7.04 the audio it works but only if I start with the option acpi=off. only that there is a problem: to the start it suits me to crash the server x. how can I resolve?07:08
Kazzgradin: Finally "Fatal server error: no screens found"07:08
mc44Ramunas: that might help :)07:09
Xanthus35I am totally flustrated I just reinstalled ubuntu said it saw both itself and xp told it yes and still not grub boot went directly into xp07:09
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Ramunasmc44: yeah, lol :)07:09
gradinKazz oh i was just dealing with that issue last week07:09
Xanthus35can someone please helpme07:09
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gradin*tries to remember07:09
finn_I tried to upgrade from edgy to feisty with apt-get dist-upgrade after editing every "edgy" to "feisty" in the sources.list07:10
finn_now the system won't boot anymore07:10
z3firdoes nobody know how to help me?07:10
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finn_all I have is this knoppix 3.3 CD to run a system from07:10
finn_is there any way to restore the edgy system, or make feisty work?07:10
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mc44finn_: what error do you get on booting?07:11
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mc44finn_: also you shouldnt use dist-upgrade to upgrrade, you should use the update-manager07:11
finn_don't know the exact words, but it's two lines with something like: please wait...   loading...07:11
gradinok now that is odd... apparently i'm running compiz on the nv driver...07:11
z3firmc44: do you have idea on as to resolve my problem?07:11
finn_mc44, I was following a guide I found a couple of weeks ago07:12
Kazzfinn_: I used the easier way to upgrade from the graphical update software...unfortunately I don't know if it did anything different from what you did or not.07:12
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mc44finn_: well the guide was incorrect07:12
poningruz3fir: whats wrong?07:12
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mc44finn_: however, I think your best bet is to reinstall from a cd07:12
Kazzgradin: You've been using a different driver for the last week and you didn't notice?  I guess hopefully that means that the nv driver is getting better at least... :)07:12
sohumthat's odd07:13
finn_reinstall meaning "losing all my data" ?07:13
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sohumi just got a proxy error 502, error reading from remote server07:13
poningrufinn_: not if you back it up07:13
ScarFreewillrsync rsync://mir1.ovh.net/ubuntu/07:13
ScarFreewill@ERROR: chroot failed07:13
ScarFreewillrsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1383) [receiver=2.6.9] 07:13
sohumand i'm definitely not using a proxy07:13
z3firbut do you read what I write?07:13
gradinAIGLX seems to be running beryl...07:13
=== gradin is confused as hell
assasukasseanyone knows if squid has delay pool enabled?07:13
assasukassethe package in feisty i mean?07:14
assasukassewhat about squid 307:14
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gradinKazz try changing the driver "nvidia" to driver "nv" then run X and see what happens07:14
Kazzfinn_: You should be able to keep your home dir and stuff if you reinstall...07:14
z3firtra la la la la07:14
z3firyou treat only badly me because I am Italian... :PPPP07:15
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mc44!patience | z3fir07:15
gradinz3fir sounds fair :PPPP07:15
ubotuz3fir: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:15
z3firubotu you give I was joking...07:16
Kazzgradin: It starts with the nv driver.07:16
poningruz3fir: I still dont know what your trouble is dude07:16
gradinKazz well then i'd say you got basic functionallity and refer you to #ubuntu-effects for glx issues07:17
Kazz<z3fir> my laptop has a video card geforce go 7600 and a card audio intel with codec by conexant, before with the 6.10 the audio didn't now work with the 7.04 the audio it works but only if I start with the option acpi=off. only that there is a problem: to the start it suits me to crash the server x. how can I resolve?07:17
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z3fir*audio = sound07:18
Kazzgradin: Alright, I'll see if they can help me out after breakfast.  Thanks for helping me get it this far at least. :)07:18
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z3firhave also written on the Italian forum but nobody knows whether to help me!07:19
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gradinKazz no prob :)07:20
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MrKeunerwi-fi driver security hole07:20
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sohumok, anyway, i just had the freeze bug again. I've updated bug 106522 with dmesg and kern.log from time of failure.07:21
ubotuMalone bug 106522 in Ubuntu "Root processes hang after computer has been on for a while" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10652207:21
z3firdoes a way exist for correcting the problem that concerns the acpi?07:21
shirishguys how do I change the shell?07:21
Turms_ubui have feisty, a graphic card nvidia geforce3 TI500 , i have 3d+beryl on edgy on another partition, but now i cannot find the right driver, the right choise should be nvidia-glx but it doesn't seem to support the gpu, nvidia-glx-legacy works but i have 800x600 only, is it a bug or what?07:22
MrKeunershirish: look at /etc/passwd07:22
shirishMrKeuner: thanx07:22
ahumanshirish, chsh07:22
Turms_ubui have feisty, a graphic card nvidia geforce3 TI500 , i have 3d+beryl on edgy on another partition, but now i cannot find the right driver, the right choise should be nvidia-glx but it doesn't seem to support the gpu, nvidia-glx-legacy works but i have 800x600 only, is it a bug or what?07:22
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shirishahuman: I have already done that, but that does not seem to have any effect07:22
MrKeunershirish: that's temporary07:23
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MrKeuneryou can run c shell and do things with it07:23
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MrKeunerbut next time you login it will be the default shell you'll be logging in07:23
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ahumanshirish, .. editing /etc/passwd makes it permanent07:23
fillet54does anyone know how to get temperature readings from a core 2 duo?07:23
KazzTurms_ubu: Some of us are having problems with nvidia-glx right now...I don't know what the problem is yet.07:23
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shirishahuman: what. where should I be editing to get another shell?07:24
Turms_ubuKazz, ok then, i'll wait until the problem is fixed, thanks07:24
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ahumanshirish, the last field in the /etc/passwd file07:24
ScarFreewillrsync://mir1.ovh.net/ubuntu/ does not work07:25
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shirishahuman: there are lot of things here, should I edit the entry of the user say shirish?07:25
KazzTurms_ubu: I can't tell you for sure that it'll be fixed just with an update of the package, but that's my guess right now...if you're around whenever I get it working (if I do) I'll try to remember to tell you, or at least tell the channel.07:25
aaroncampbellEvery time I try to update, I get this error E: The package magicolor2430dl needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.07:25
aaroncampbellThat's unfortunately a package that I built from a .tar.gz that had a /debian dir...However, I get the same error if I try to remove or purge that package.  What can I do to get rid of it?07:25
KazzTurms_ubu: Temporarily you could us the nv driver instead of the nvidia driver, which should at least get you into X.07:26
Turms_ubuKazz, many thanks :-)07:26
KazzTurms_ubu: Just change nvidia to nv in xorg.conf07:26
shirishahuman: for e.g. I have done this shirish:x:1000:1000:shirish,,,:/home/shirish:/usr/bin/fish is that ok?07:26
KazzNo problem. :)07:26
Turms_ubuKazz, obviously, i did :-D07:26
ahumanshirish, that looks ok07:26
shirishok cool, now should i reboot to make the changes or what?07:26
Turms_ubuKazz, the problem is this is my son's pc :-D07:27
KazzTurms_ubu: Well, you could be using another computer or a text IRC client... ;)07:27
ahumanshirish, log out07:27
ahumanor open another term07:27
thorkilddoes anybody know if there are outstanding issues on installing when it comes to resizing ntfs-partitions etc? I usually use dapper/edgy, but I'd like to go directly to feisty-beta on a new laptop.07:27
Turms_ubuKazz, do not worry, i have been using debian for the last 9 years, i know what to do, i prefer ubuntu on my son's pc because for certain their conf are more user friendly than mine :-D07:28
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:28
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AaronMTWhat is the URL to the latest build?07:28
KazzTurms_ubu: gradin (who was helping me try to fix this) said I should ask in #ubuntu-effects, so you may want to try that because before I work on it more I need to go eat and do a few other things.  If you find a solution first, please let me know. :)07:29
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Turms_ubuKazz, ok :-)07:29
z3firI have written a topic on the forum we see07:29
mcarroll!daily > AaronMT07:32
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sohumhey guys, how would I use NetworkManager in, say, ion3?07:37
shirishdoes anybody know how I can set up a rsync thing?07:38
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Lynoureshirish: "a rsync thing"? rsync what?07:38
Lynoureshirish: mirroring, backups, something else?07:39
sohumshirish: i think you might be looking for this; http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/07:39
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shirishLynoure: rsync, the last day's live cd .iso to todays .iso07:39
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sohumshirish: oh. not that then07:39
sohumhey guys, how would I use NetworkManager in, say, ion3?07:39
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shirishLynoure: sohum: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=20107:40
shirishLynoure: sohum: there is this rsync script given at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38626907:40
Lynoureshirish: you tried it already?07:41
sohumshirish: i don't know much about rsync, that link is one i've kept and meant to read up on07:41
shirishLynoure: yup I have tried it, doing it manually but something is an issue07:41
sohumLynoure, do you know how I would use NetworkManager in, say, ion3?07:42
Lynouresohum: I do not use ion307:42
shirishLynoure: lemme pastebin it, perhaps u can find something07:42
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sohumLynoure, in a non-graphical terminal then07:42
bur[n] erwee... kernel is fixed :)   time to download07:43
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shirishLynoure: here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15824/07:43
philip_can I boot into the LiveCD, delete all directories except /home then reinstall and have /home unchanged?07:44
sohumhey guys, how would I use NetworkManager in, say, ion3?07:45
Lynouresohum: you did not find anything when searching?07:45
sohumLynoure: nope07:45
Lynouresohum: you repeat that a lot...07:45
sohumLynoure: then again, i was looking specifically for ion307:45
shirish!repeat | sohum07:46
ubotusohum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:46
sohumLynoure: sorry, but its 3am here and I need some sleep07:46
sohumi'll leave you guys alone07:46
slytherinsohum: what is ion3?07:46
shirishsohum: perhaps try a little l8ter, you might get lucky07:46
shirishyup what is ion3?07:46
sohumslytherin: a non-graphical terminal07:46
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sohumsay i booted my comp into recovery mode. How would I use networkmanager there, is basically what I was asking07:47
shirishsohum: then what issue are u having? not able to get net or what?07:47
shirishsohum: why do u want/need network manager there?07:47
askarwill feisty be in time? what do u think?07:47
sohumshirish no, sudo NetworkManager appears to have no effect if I'm not in gnome of kde07:47
sohumshirish... for internet?07:48
slytherinsohum: network manager daemon is always running I think. Only thing is that you will have to find it's command line options07:48
Lynouresohum: try this for starters: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?p=61775&sid=f0a32bfe9fca4c3c9281337aa011331907:48
shirishsohum: you do not need network manager it would be /etc/interfaces I guess07:48
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sohumLynoure: i'll check that, thanks07:48
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sohumshirish: NetworkManager does not play well with /etc/network/interfaces07:49
shirishsohum: ok cool didn't know that07:50
misfit_toysohum, I'm finding that out now...should I clear out /e/n/interfaces and let NM do all the work?07:50
shirishLynoure: any progress on my issue?07:50
sohummisfit_toy: everything but the loopback interfaces07:50
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shirishmisfit_toy: are u also on terminal or what?07:51
misfit_toysohum, lemme try that then, so just the first lines about loopback and lo, nuke everything else07:51
slytherinsohum: misfit_toy: Most of the problems are solved with latest version.07:51
misfit_toyslytherin, my NM still says "manual configuration"07:51
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misfit_toyshirish, no, I'm in gnome07:51
Lynoureshirish: sorry, did not look at it yet...07:51
shirishmisfit_toy: that is being done by design, its a fix for the moment07:51
slytherinmisfit_toy: Is your card configured statically?07:52
shirishLynoure: ok cool07:52
misfit_toyslytherin, it is in /e/n/interfaces, but I"m taking that out right now and will stop and start networking to test.07:52
misfit_toyhere goes07:52
slytherinmisfit_toy: you will have to stop and start NM also.07:53
Lynoureshirish: the pastebin shows 4 chopped lines... no errors or any results07:53
misfit_toyslytherin, is that in /e/init.d ?07:53
sohumyes, stoppign and restarting NM did the trick!07:53
shirishLynoure: that was just the script, do u think its ok07:53
Lynoureshirish: it's chopped07:53
slytherinmisfit_toy: no. /etc/dbus-1/event.d/07:53
shirishLynoure: what do u mean chopped, what else should be there?07:54
Lynoureshirish: are all the lines supposed to end with $, really?07:54
shirishLynoure: I lifted it straight out of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38626907:54
slytherinmisfit_toy: first stop NMdispatcher and then NM07:54
shirishLynoure: I have no idea07:54
Lynoureshirish: then it was chopped there too...07:54
misfit_toyslytherin, command please? I don't seem to be getting that right, sorry.07:54
shirishLynoure: I see what u mean, lemme check07:55
Lynoureshirish: no, not chopped there, only in your paste07:55
sohummisfit_toy: /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop07:55
slytherinmisfit_toy: 'sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher stop' then 'sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager stop'07:55
sohummisfit_toy: waht he said07:56
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Lynoureshirish: it looks ok, no hurt it giving a go if you have the disk space07:56
sohumslytherin: what does the Dispatcher do?07:56
shirishLynoure: look at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15828/07:56
misfit_toyslytherin, got it, and start dispatch back up first then?07:56
slytherinmisfit_toy: reverse order perhaps.07:57
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Lynoureshirish: if you did not modify the commands, same applies07:58
sohumanyway, good night, all , from a gmt +10 timezone07:58
=== sohum yawns
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shirishLynoure: what do u mean modify commands?07:58
misfit_toyslytherin, sure enough, that fixed it.07:58
misfit_toyTHANK YOU07:58
shirishLynoure: I get what u are saying, I did not modify the commands, only the places07:59
misfit_toyholy smokes I think that was the last feisty issue of the day!07:59
Lynoureshirish: you said you lifted it directly off the other page, in that case, the comments I gave about those lines on that other page apply. :)07:59
misfit_toynow what do I do?? LOL07:59
slytherinmisfit_toy: Don't you have any card reader? Or perhaps you can try writing CD and see if you get any issue ;-)07:59
Lynoureshirish: it's a good starting point, worth trying yourself and seeing where you want to take it.07:59
misfit_toyslytherin, oh yes, I did have a burning cd/dvd issue, haven't tested that in a week...08:00
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Turms_ubuKazz, what i've been told in #ubuntu-effects is: install nvidia-glx (which should be the right driver for my graphic card) and then purge and reinstall linux-restricted-modules`uname -r` because it seems the wrong kernel module is chosen at start08:01
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misfit_toyI still wonder why NM wants to call my wifi card eth1 instead of wlan008:02
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shirishLynoure: in order to use the script, I need to make it executable right?08:03
finalbetamisfit_toy: that's not network managers doing, but the kernels I believe.08:03
slytherinmisfit_toy: I am not not sure how it decides names, on my dad's laptop it is eth0 and wired NIC is eth1 :-)08:03
slytherinmisfit_toy: It is not NM who names the cards.08:03
shirishslytherin: finalbeta: misfit_toy: it seems it takes the first card/connection which is functional/connected to ethernet or up at that moment as eth0 or something like that08:04
=== bur[n] er finds it trivial what it's called as long as it works ;)
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Lynoureshirish: when experimenting, you can just run one line at a time. for real use it can be a function or a shell script08:04
DarkSpiritAnyone here know a Linux Usenet Program? Binary one08:05
shirishLynoure: ok thanx08:05
bur[n] erDarkSpirit: doesn't Pan do binaries?08:05
finalbetaOh my god, rhythmbox should be the default player, it's so incredibly horrible. Great fast database, al the rest is lousy.08:05
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DarkSpiritI just had it08:05
bur[n] erDarkSpirit: or thunderbird?08:05
DarkSpiritI dont think so08:05
DarkSpiritI think only text08:05
misfit_toyfinalbeta, try exaile08:05
=== bur[n] er likes rhythmbox
DarkSpiritI dont know about Thunderbird08:06
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slytherinshirish: I don't think that is the case. Then card names would change on every change in connection, right. :-D08:06
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misfit_toyright, and my wifi is *always eth1*, whether I'm hard wired also or not.08:07
DarkSpiritI think there is an extension ofr Thunderbird08:07
DarkSpiritThis is why I love Open Source stuff :D08:07
slytherinfinalbeta: you think rhythmbox 'should be' or 'should not be' default player?08:07
robertjanyone ever seen  nma_dbus_init (): nma_dbus_init() could not acquire its service.  dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection ":1.34" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file'08:08
shirishslytherin: at the time of install, one of network cards (which should have been eth1) was up, while the one which is not used (not connected, although is etho) were taken as eth0 (connected) and eth1 (not connected) respectively08:08
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slytherinDarkSpirit: Thunderbird should support binary newsgroups by default.08:08
jarleMy linux-box has been restarted more times the last week than the total number of restarts over the last couple of years, just trying to get nvidia-glx working again...08:08
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finalbetaJust had 100 errors because 50 songs didn't want to copy to my usb disk while in fact there is 500MB left. The last FM plugin is buggy and starts playing the streams in cracks when you skip a song. It does no crossfading, no equalizing, it doesn't detect the lenght of songs correctly, it crashes randomly, the visualisations don't work are are lousy, cover art keeps showing the first album I play.  Tagging doesn't actually work work.08:08
finalbetaSry, But it feels good to vent now and then :p08:08
FFIXXXXhi which packages do i need to get the nvidia driver working i have restricted, nvidia-new and linux-headers but they still dont work08:09
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bur[n] erjarle: odd becuase you should only have to restart X :)08:09
DarkSpiritIf you say so slytherin (Doctor Who) ?08:09
bur[n] erFFIXXXwhat kind of card?08:09
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slytherinrobertj: Go to System -> Preferences -> Sessions. Find NM in startup programs, edit it and add --sm-diable at the end of command.08:09
jarlebur[n] er: After a kernel update you need to restart..08:09
bur[n] erjarle: true08:10
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robertjslytherin: I tried running it like that, same problem08:10
FFIXXXXusing low-latency kernel it works on generic08:10
bur[n] erFFIXXX: nvidia ... geforce4, FX 6200, 8900XT?08:10
FFIXXXXdont know what i am missing08:10
slytherinfinalbeta: are you on fiesty? Because I never had problem on tagging. I don't know about rest of the things.08:10
slytherinrobertj: Then I don't know the solution.08:11
finalbetaslytherin: I'm on Feisty. But tagging is the one thing I didn't test in here.08:11
bur[n] erFFIXXX: nvidia-glx-new should be all you need... did you run "sudo nvidia-xconfig enable" after it was installed?08:11
slytherin!tell FFIXXXX about nvidia08:12
bur[n] erdoes X start at all FFIXXX?08:12
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FFIXXXXno it says module wfp or something is missing08:12
FFIXXXXnever heard about it08:12
TheSilentWhello guys, i wanted to play a windows game on ubuntu, how to? it doesnt run under wine08:12
bur[n] erFFIXXX: sure you're dist-upgraded?08:12
bur[n] erTheSilentW: cedega possibly08:12
TheSilentWFFIXXX, had that problem, update kernel and nvidia-glx-new08:13
bur[n] erTheSilentW: what game?  you can check cedega's repository08:13
TheSilentWlineage 208:13
=== bur[n] er shrugs at FFIXXX, works here on a GX6200
TheSilentWcedega is free?08:13
bur[n] erTheSilentW: it is not08:13
TheSilentWis there a trial version?08:13
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bur[n] erTheSilentW: http://cedega.com/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=3272  <--looks like it works in cedega... check cedega.com for the trial08:14
TheSilentWthx mate08:14
=== ankit [n=ankit@adsl-75-61-72-25.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
FFIXXXXbur[n] er: don' t understand either....08:15
bur[n] erFFIXXX: try the nvidia-glx driver instead of -new?08:16
FFIXXXXno but it works under -generic08:16
FFIXXXXjust not -lowlatency08:17
TheSilentWFFIXXX, what card08:17
bur[n] eroh oh oh... got me08:17
=== bur[n] er knows crap about low-latency
KazzI've been having trouble with a 6800GT too.08:17
KazzNeither -glx nor -glx-new are working for me right now.08:18
shirishfinalbeta: I have issue with linearity, I am using exaile & it uses shuffle (random) while I would want them to play as they are listed. Do not see anyway how it can be.08:18
FFIXXXXoh wait i see i had the header metapackage installed but not the current headers....08:19
bur[n] erKazz: FFIXXXX's works in the normal -generic kernel though08:19
finalbetashirish: no idea, rhythmbox random/queue has been broken a long time. But they don't have the manpower to fix it. In my opinion it was a bad idea to write a media player in C like they wanted to.08:19
bur[n] errandom question, can anyone verify that Intel 950 cards can do beryl effects?08:20
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shirishfinalbeta: you might want to check out exaile, it works quite cool in fact, I like the mini-mode it has, just few quirks & its perfect for me.08:20
Kazzbur[n] er: Huh...I'm pretty sure the one over here is -generic too...08:20
bur[n] erfinalbeta: exaile doesn't handle ipods as well as rhythmbox htough08:20
shirishfinalbeta: or maybe I am the quirky one08:21
bur[n] erKazz: that's what I'm saying, yours should work ;)  FFIXXXX's does08:21
Kazzbur[n] er: *Should*, yeah...but it doesn't. <laugh>08:21
finalbetabur[n] er: doesn't matter, the only media player that handles usb media players well seems to be windows media player. I can have it fill the player with random songs from a genre or a playlist. That's what I really need.08:21
KazzThe nv driver works, but that's lacking in 3D capabilities I believe...08:22
lolmanFor media players I prefer banshee myself08:22
bur[n] erfinalbeta: you're kidding?  rhythmbox works wonderfully well with my usb mp3 player08:22
FFIXXXXooops maybe i didnt hit apply last time -headers-lowlatency wasnt installed either08:22
hyljelololol banshee08:22
hyljei use it too08:22
finalbetabur[n] er: you can have it randomly fill the player?08:22
=== bur[n] er just misses the browse feature when trying to use banshee
FFIXXXXanyway lowlatency kicks ass, really gives the snap back to your desktop08:23
bur[n] erfinalbeta: no, you're right... but amarok can :)08:23
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slytherinfinalbeta: I have tried felling iPod with rhythmbox and it works.08:24
finalbetabur[n] er: yeah, i'm starting to like amarok. Weird playlist handling though. But I might get used to it.08:24
=== Hidan [n=lucifiel@187.210-193-15.adsl.qala.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu+1
finalbetaOne thing is for sure, amarok is the one player that can compete with players on "propretary platforms"08:24
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lolmanIs lowlatency really as good as it's meant to be?08:24
Hidanshirish: heya :)08:25
slytherinfinalbeta: as long as the song is in library or playlist :-)08:25
shirishhey Hidan :)08:25
Hidanshirish: how goes your work? :)08:25
finalbetaslytherin, the new one should fix that I think.08:25
shirishHidan: I finally managed to write the specification08:25
Hidanshirish: great!!!! good job! :)08:25
shirishHidan: I don't know https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apportexpanded check it out & lemme know08:26
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slytherinfinalbeta: anyway, I have seen many players these days come with MTP support for which you need Windows Media Player 11 which is available only for Windows XP :-)08:26
lolmanAnd the evil Vista08:27
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finalbetaWindows media player 11 is the best player ever though :p. Love the library, options, it's insane how good it is :p08:27
finalbetaWish I could run it inside wine. lol08:27
slytherinfinalbeta: personally I don't like players which maintain some database of songs and which don't support Free formats. And that is the reason I still don't have a portable music player :-)08:27
Hidanshirish: looks interesting but seriously, i can't give much feedback. I don't know much about Ubuntu applications and commands. :p08:27
lolmanPart of the reason I installed OggPlay on my phone ;)08:28
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slytherinlolman: which phone?08:28
lolmanNokia N7008:28
finalbetaslytherin: wmp can do any format you want. Install a codec ;)08:28
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shirishHidan: understand, actually apport came out just a while ago. check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport08:28
bcstvWill I need to install the feisty final release even though I have kept up to date?08:28
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Hidanshirish: cool... hang on. oh you mean that crash report tool, huh?08:29
slytherinfinalbeta: I have cleaned Windows from my PC almost 3 years ago and there is no reason I am going back. ;-)08:29
shirishHidan: right on the money :)08:29
bricasperhaps someone can help me get tomcat 5.5 working in feisty. I have it installed, and i started it (shows up in ps ax|grep tomcat), but "tomcat status" says it's not running, and localhost:8180 doesn't respond.08:29
=== FFIXXXX [n=opera@212-182-137-116.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu+1
mcarrollCan someone explain the final release process for feisty to me? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2007-April/023578.html implies 20070414 is RC, but https://www.stgraber.org/ubuntu/isotesting says "20070415 are Candidates". I need to do a clean install of ubuntu on one machine and am happy to test the RC, but want to make sure i'm testing the appropriate iso.08:29
slytherinbcstv: of course not.08:29
lolman1 reason I still use XP, and that's a game I play...WINE runs it like turd08:29
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slytherinbricas: shouldn't the port be 8080?08:29
finalbetaslytherin: I have many reasons to keep it around. But I've been running ubuntu as my main OS since dapper. And there is not a day I don't think about going back to windows. Only the initial hassle is keeping me from it. hehe08:30
Hidanshirish: i found it half useful and half useless. often, the bug report would be really large and take a while to send and sometimes, it sent me to a launchpad "file bug report" page.08:30
slytherinmcarroll: Is there any particular reason you need to test RC?08:30
bricasslytherin: not according to /etc/tomcat5.5/server.xml -- 8080 isn't responding either though, fyi.08:30
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Hidanshirish: and on that launchpad "file bug report page", the data from the crash report never went through.08:30
slytherinbricas: what do you get when you do \ps -ef |grep tomcat'08:31
shirishHidan: if you are there, then usually it does get sent, lemme find couple of my bug-reports which reflect that08:31
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DarkSpiritIt seems PAN can download Binaries08:31
DarkSpiritSilly me :(08:31
slytherinbricas: 'ps -ef |grep tomcat' I mean (without quotes08:31
Hidanshirish: really? it never said anything so I assumed the data didn't go through.08:31
mcarrollslytherin: i could use the beta release now, or wait for final release, but since i need to do an install now, and am reasonably ok with dealing with any issues that arise, it would seem useful to test the RC - the more tests the better, no?08:31
FFIXXXXweird now i really installed headers and restricted and still no nvidia on lowlatency08:32
shirishHidan: look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/10323808:32
ubotuMalone bug 103238 in usplash "[apport]  usplash crashed with SIGSEGV in memset()" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] 08:32
bricasslytherin: http://scsys.co.uk:8001/729308:32
lolmanFFIXXXX, I'll try installing lowlatency, see if it's just you08:32
slytherinmcarroll: ok. then ask on #ubuntu-desktop. Perhaps they will be able to tell you for sure.08:32
mcarrollslytherin: thanks08:32
shirishHidan: look at all those gz. & .txt after the report ends, that was apports work08:32
FFIXXXXcool thanks08:33
lolmanIt'll be a few minutes :)08:33
FFIXXXXme too i installed backports, now everything lowlatency is installed but debug...08:34
slytherinbricas: have you checked logs. I haven't yet run tomcat on Ubuntu but I run it daily on Win 2k. So I am not promising much help.08:34
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slytherinshirish: that page needs some better english :-)08:35
shirishslytherin: I know, I am not a native english speaker08:35
shirishslytherin: feel free to edit it yourself if you can make it more presentable08:36
slytherinshirish: It is midnight here. So I will be probably do it tomorrow.08:36
shirishslytherin: sure, thanx :)08:36
slytherinshirish: by the way, I am also not native English speaker. :-D08:37
defendguinwhere can i view the goals for gutsy?08:37
DarkSpiritHow can I do the PAR2 in Linux ?08:37
Hidanshirish: ah i see...08:37
slytherinDarkSpirit: what is PAR2?08:37
lolmanDarkSpirit, sudo aptitude install gpar208:37
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bricasslytherin: for whatever reason, 8180 is responding now -- but it's just blank.08:38
lolmanpar2 is a file integrity checker commonly used on usenet :)08:38
slytherinbricas: check the logs08:38
bricasslytherin: aye, brb.08:39
[miles] grr whats wrong with the ubuntu gpg key server?08:39
shirishslytherin: even in that case, feel free if you can clean it more, make it presentable or have something to add. I do have a local copy so not an issue.08:39
DarkSpiritDamn I went from having all programs "borrowed" too all free. lol08:40
shirishHidan: it is a very useful tool, just not been given enough love/priorty08:40
slytherinshirish: you are Indian, right?08:40
[miles] I keep getting an error when trying import my key to launchad08:40
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shirishslytherin: yup, 100%08:40
slytherin[miles] : ask in #launchpad08:40
slytherinshirish: me too :-)08:40
shirishslytherin: I had a sneaky feeling of that when u said midnight08:41
=== misfit_toy found a new issue to deal with...keyboard shortcuts on a multimedia keyboard, a couple of them work, most don't, they all did in edgy...
DarkSpiritThank you lolman08:41
FFIXXXXand lolman does lowlatency w/ nvidia work for you?08:41
=== anto [n=anto@c-3cb5e655.54-5-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu+1
[miles] ok08:41
Hidanshirish: huh quite true... brb, this smartctl tool is pissing me off...08:41
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antoDose feisty fawn 64x affect games ??08:41
slytherinshirish: are you currently in India, or out of India?08:41
shirishHidan: what smartctrl tool?08:41
shirishslytherin: in India, pune actually08:41
antobecause i could run tibia in 32x but not 64x i get a segementation fault08:41
slytherinshirish: same here.08:41
Hidanshirish: it's some S.m.a.r.t monitoring tool and claims that my hdd is failing... lol.08:42
slytherinanto: which games?08:42
dzer0|LaptopI just started up my install disk for 7.04 and it started going into it's livecd thing, showing the ubuntu bootscreen, and then my display became blue with white lines on it08:42
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slytherinmisfit_toy: which keyboard?08:42
antoslytherin: Tibia08:42
dzer0|Laptopand it's completely unresponsive08:42
shirishHidan: u mean while POST is running (at the very start) or where?08:42
jarlemisfit_toy: Which gfx card have you got?08:42
shirishslytherin: based where?08:42
slytherindzer0|Laptop: is yours a widescreen monitor?08:42
shirishslytherin: wait, lemme guess bangalore or iit calcutta?08:43
dzer0|Laptopyes slytherin08:43
Hidanshirish: but the funny thing is that my Pata hdd is the one that's been getting noisy lately... not my Sata hdd. Oh no, i installed these s.m.a.r.t. monitoring tools and ran it off Terminal.08:43
slytherinshirish: Pune. That's why I said same here.08:43
shirishslytherin: lol, that's really cool08:43
slytherindzer0|Laptop: that might be the problem although I am not very sure.08:43
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dzer0|Laptopok, im trying again in safe graphics mode08:44
DarkSpiritFile Roller - How can I set it to DRAG and Drop and it will extract instead of me clicking EXTRACT08:44
shirishHidan: no idea about SATA hdds sorry08:44
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Hidanshirish: huh it's okay... just wondering why i never received any smart failure warnings before...08:44
shirishHidan: one never knows, it could be a genuine thing, that the hdd might be failing, but then it could be a software glitch08:45
DarkSpiritDont you lot have a Ubuntu newbie channel ?08:45
slytherinDarkSpirit: looks like file roller doesn't support dnd extraction08:45
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shirishHidan: look for S.M.A.R.T on wikipedia & see what u come up with08:45
DarkSpiritAny other program I can use ?08:45
slytherinDarkSpirit: no idea.08:46
dzer0|Laptopwow, not only did safe graphics mode work, but my soundcard worked when it started08:46
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shirishDarkSpirit: there is #ubuntu channel also08:46
slytherindzer0|Laptop: looks like my wild guess helped you08:46
DarkSpiritOkay I also need to make NBZ files open with PAN but in the OPen WITh its not there08:46
xipietotecgrr.....I've got about 5 annoying bugs in 5 different places...08:46
lolmanThis channel is for the development version :)08:46
DarkSpiritI need to the command line for it08:47
DarkSpiritI am using 7.04 thought08:47
DarkSpiritGuess I will go there now08:47
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lolmanThey won't help with 7.04 there08:47
dzer0|Laptopyes thanks slytherin :)08:47
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DarkSpiritSo how can I make NBZ files open with PAN ?08:48
lolmanNBZ files?08:49
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someothernickDarkSpirit, right click nzb > properties > open with08:49
DarkSpiritIts not there08:49
dzer0|Laptopwhat FS should I use?08:49
shirishDarkSpirit: for those less evolved, what is NBZ & what is PAN?08:49
dzer0|Laptopext3 right?08:49
xipietotecnautilus search tool doesn't work right, the Filesystem unremoveable bookmark in the global gnome "places" metaphor broke and now points to dev...which I can't remove, deskbar allways crashes on startup, is fixed by killing gnome panel and reloading, hibernate causes the window manager to break alltogether at seemingly random08:49
shirishdzer0|Laptop: right08:49
DarkSpiritNBZ is a file extensiopn and PAN is the program for it08:49
lolmanI assume you mean NZB08:49
DarkSpiritI am trying to make NBZ files open in PAN08:49
DarkSpiritLooks weird for me. lol08:50
dzer0|Laptopok so I have a 20GB ext3 partition now I need to make a swap partition right?08:50
dzer0|Laptophow big does that need to be?08:50
xipietotecdzer0|Laptop: how much ram do you have08:51
slytherindzer0|Laptop: double the size of RAM08:51
Hidanshirish: yeah i've been reading up on SMART . Finally, I figured out why it's telling the hdd is failing lol. :P It seems that most hard disk manufacturers set a certain value once your hdd is kinda old and this value is usually read as "hdd is failing"... when it just means that the hdd is ageing, that's all. :P08:51
slytherindzer0|Laptop: wait, if you have 2 GB of RAM you will not actyually need swap ever.08:51
xipietotecslytherin: ....I have 1 gb of ram and I never use more than 17mb of swap08:51
dzer0|Laptopoh ok08:51
hyljeslytherin: unless you want to hibernate08:51
shirishHidan: ok cool, so nothing to worry, they just want u to buy a new hdd & make them happy.08:51
lolmanI've never used any swap with 1gb RAM08:51
dzer0|Laptopso aside from my ext3 partition, that's all I need right?08:51
Hidanshirish: pretty scary actually since how many users know about this, eh? :P08:52
lolmanAs for the pan issue...let me install said program :P08:52
Hidanshirish: in fact, i got kinda freaked out and worried.08:52
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shirishHidan: see that is why wikipedia or google is so cool :p (although wikipedia is far far cooler)08:53
DarkSpiritWhere do programs get installed normally in Ubuntu ?08:53
Hidanshirish: actually i got that info from the ubuntu forums. Some thread in 2005 where the developers were discussing certain things.08:53
dzer0|LaptopBTW this installer is so much better than the text based one08:53
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shirishah cool :p08:53
dzer0|Laptopand this migration thing is awesome08:53
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shirishdzer0|Laptop: some people think its not enough, but yes expectations do soar over time08:54
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dzer0|Laptopthe only thing it didn't catch was my GAIM settings08:54
dzer0|Laptoperr, "pidgin" :P08:54
ferret_0568How do I set up nm-applet so that I don't have to type my keyring password to get on wireless networks?08:55
bricasslytherin: i restarted tomcat, and it's not responding again. i guess that was a bad idea :) -- i'm going to restart my machine. bbl.08:55
ferret_0568It was something with pam08:55
ferret_0568I think this is a general Ubuntu question08:56
ferret_0568I'll go to #ubuntu08:56
misfit_toyany idea why *some* mm keyboard shortcuts would work and others won't?08:56
=== shirish thinks seems pam is some sort of authorization thing
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slytherinferret_0568: Theere was some thread on forum or some page on wiki that solves your problem.08:57
xipietotecWhere would I submit a bug related to Hibernate mode?08:57
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catidis there anything like Turbotax for linux?08:58
lolmancatid, you mean money handling stuff?08:58
ferret_0568Launchpad bugs08:58
xipietotecferret_0568: I mean what *package*08:58
catidseasonal tax program08:58
DarkSpiritCan you do SendTo Desktop as Shortcut ?08:58
ferret_0568xserver-xorg, I believe08:58
catidthe laws change year to year so i don't have high hopes but maybe there is a free software alternative?08:58
xipietotecferret_0568: ....thankya :)08:59
slytherinxipietotec: submit it without package. Bug Squad will take care of finding right package08:59
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lolmancatid, I'm looking now :)09:00
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ferret_0568The bug might be due to the NVIDIA module09:00
blizzis it possible to install unsatisfied dependencies which have been discovered by `dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot` via apt-get or aptitude?09:01
Kazzcatid: Turbotax has an online version which you could hopefully use in Linux, or you could see if anyone's had success running it in wine.  I don't know of any similar open source projects, but they may be out there.09:01
ferret_0568It breaks suspend too09:01
ferret_0568How is the nv module progress going?09:01
catidKazz: thanks, looking to see if it will run in WINE now09:01
Kazzcatid: I think people would be afraid of doing that kind of project though because one little bug can cause a lot of serious problems for a lot of people.09:01
ferret_0568I want to use it instead...09:01
catidKazz: are you saying open source developers aren't up to that challenge?09:02
catidi would disagree09:02
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lolmancatid, I can't find any Linux ones, one is in development, but it's not anywhere near done09:03
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Kazzcatid: No, just that I don't think most developers would want to take on a relatively boring project that requires absolute perfection in all of its results every time and has to be significantly changed every year...09:03
jmhodgeshey, could someone help me debug my weirdly missing title bars, inability to switch between windows and some apps that keep segfaulting, but not if they are run in valgrind?09:03
jmhodgesi can't figure this one out.. gnome-keybinding-properties segfaults, like i expect something esle major is, but if i run valgrind around it, it works fine09:03
catidwine's appdb says turbotax 2005 will work09:03
Kazzcatid: I'm sure some people would do it, but it would be a tough job.09:03
blizzor is there maybe a command to build unmet dependencies of deb-source packages?09:04
catidguess it's time for a trip to office depot!09:04
lolmancatid, that's worth a shot if you want to go buy a copy09:04
gourdinin feisty, using /sbin/cryptsetup command activate my dvd drive, it is really annoying09:04
Kazzcatid: I would still try the online version if that's an option for you, or see if anyone has had success with it.09:04
gourdinwhy using this command would wake up my cd drive ?09:04
catidKazz: good idea09:04
ferret_0568jmhodges, are you using unoffical repos?09:04
blizzah. build-dep.09:05
slytherinblizz: Yes there is. I don't remember it right now.09:05
DarkSpiritWhat Media Players do you lot use?09:05
blizzwas it build-dep in your mind?09:05
DarkSpiritI want something like Media Player Classic09:05
blizzmhm, that's a nice feature actually.09:05
blizzDarkSpirit, vlc?09:05
slytherinblizz: I think so09:05
DarkSpiritI got VLC09:06
slytherinDarkSpirit: how about mplayer?09:06
slytherinDarkSpirit: I use totem more often though.09:06
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budluvaanyone here have problems converting xvid to dvd in tovid with feisty?09:06
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slytherinbudluva: what problem?09:07
concept10Anyone know where the gnome panel keeps those .desktop launchers?09:07
misfit_toybudluva, haven't tried that yet, but they are very  helpful in #tovid09:07
budluvawell on 2 separate xvids, they both play for a couple minutes on the dvd and then they stop...they play fine on the computer, and tovid doesn't spit out any errors09:08
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misfit_toybudluva, you mean they play on the computer from a file but not once burned to dvd?09:08
slytherinconcept10: I would recommend devede is a tool to generate DVDs. It uses mplayer/mencoder as backend.09:08
misfit_toybudluva, dvd in the computer or one attached to a tv somewhere?09:08
budluvaim not aware of any other tools to convert xvid to dvd so i dont know if its me, feisty, or tovid or what09:08
budluvain my standalone dvd player09:09
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misfit_toybudluva, my standalone dvd player won't play half the stuff I burn to it, I think it's just the way it is...09:09
dzer0|Laptoppaaah! my install just stopped at like 99% because GRUB wouldn't install!09:09
concept10nevermind I found them09:09
DarkSpiritMedia Player Classic is Open Source right ?09:09
slytherinconcept10: .gnome2/panel2.d in your home directory09:09
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concept10they use weird names like eek-0xf2a09:09
blizzthanks, bye09:10
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budluvamisfit_toy: no this thing plays anything i throw at it, but those discs were are burned in *cough* windows *cough*09:10
dzer0|Laptopwhat could be causing grub to not install?09:10
slytherinbudluva: I would recommend devede is a tool to generate DVDs. It uses mplayer/mencoder as backend.09:10
dzer0|LaptopI was SO CLOSE to finishing the install too!09:10
lolmandzer0|Laptop, no /boot partition?09:10
dzer0|LaptopI needed one?09:10
slytherinlolman: that is not a requisite.09:10
lolmanslytherin, I know, but I've found that it helps :)09:10
dzer0|LaptopI thought all I needed was my ext3 partition and I would be ready to go09:11
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slytherindzer0|Laptop: you created a /, right? /boot is not required to be separate09:11
dzer0|Laptopyes I made a /09:11
dzer0|Laptopif it helps diagnose the issue, I'm attempting to dual boot with XP09:11
dzer0|LaptopXP is already on my HD09:11
dzer0|Laptopshould I make a /boot partition?09:11
slytherindzer0|Laptop: Actually last time I used installer (which was text mode) was when installing hoary. So I don't have any idea how a graphical installer looks like.09:13
lolmanIt's not a requirement, but I did and it worked...when I didn't it failed for some reason...might not have anything to do with that though :P09:13
dzer0|Laptopok well I'll make one09:13
dzer0|Laptopwhat FS?09:13
dzer0|Laptopand how big?09:13
lolmandzer0|Laptop, mine is ext3, 50mb09:14
dzer0|LaptopPrimary or Logical?09:14
lolmanShouldn't matter09:14
shirishguys I have just downloaded the java-gcj-compat & tried to set it  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/15844/09:15
shirishbut some issue seems to be there, can somebody check it out?09:15
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johnficcais the RC out yet?09:20
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Kazzlolman: 50 megs is kinda' small, don't you think?  Mine was 100 and I was running out of space if I didn't keep up with removing most of the older kernels whenever there was an update.  (Now it's too big at 500m, but that was just a requirement of my kinda' weird setup.)09:20
shirishjohnficca: nope, the RC RC candinates are out though09:20
DarkSpiritHow can i get Kaffine to play h264 files ?09:20
johnficcawhere do I download them?09:21
lolmanKazz, I tend to have at most 2 kernels installed, never had any problems with it so far09:21
robertjdoes anyone here know how to troubleshoot dead-keys not working? some dead keys work in gr polytonic but others dont09:21
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robertj;o =  but 'o doesn't produce anything09:21
Kazzlolman: I was letting it grow to a few more than that before cleaning it up, which isn't too hard with a new kernel build coming out pretty much daily right now in Feisty. ;)09:22
kapputujust installed feisty. still on the live CD. Cannot connect to a Windows share. I'm not being authenticated, I guess09:22
lolmanKazz, true :)09:22
johnficcashirish: do you know where I can download them from?09:22
shirishjohnficca: absolutely go to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com & download them09:23
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shirishjohnficca: there is also a place where u can give the test reports if u want09:23
slytherinkapputu: How are you trying to connect to windows share on your network?09:23
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lolmanbrb :)09:24
johnficcaso they are only beta ?09:24
slytherinkapputu: yes, I know that. but form where GUI?09:24
shirishjohnficca: you just need to dig a little deep09:24
kapputuI was reading about a possible bug in Nautilus in feisty09:25
slytherinjohnficca: you can download latest 'daily' cd09:25
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johnficcaok I see it now09:25
slytherinkapputu: what bug? I tired it yesterday on a friend's machine and didn't see any problem.09:25
shirishjohnficca: ok & if u feel like post the test reports at https://www.stgraber.org/ubuntu/isotesting/ of whichever or whatever u used09:25
kapputuhmm, lost that link09:25
mmartinHi all. i run kubuntu feisty beta on my laptop, although his problem also happened in edgy. if i leave it a few hours and walk back to see the screensaver it takes a long time to become responsive again and a "top" then reveals a process from haldaemon using 100% cpu. ideas?09:26
kapputuok, this is a little interesting09:26
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kapputuI have 2 shared folders and I had 4 showing up in Nautilus for that machine09:27
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kapputue.g. both K and K$ showed up. K$ couldn't be authenticated whereas K opened without any authentication09:27
slytherinkapputu: Are the other two named C$ and D$?09:27
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kapputuwhat's the difference?09:27
kapputuno permissions for any folder when I open K09:28
slytherinkapputu: Is the shared folder on netf file system?09:28
slytherinkapputu: I mean NTFS09:28
ryanakcaErrors were encountered while processing:09:28
ryanakca /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic_2.6.20-15.27_amd64.deb09:28
ryanakcaE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:28
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ryanakcawhen running 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'... (from feisty box)09:29
slytherinkapputu: you may need to install ntfs-3g but now sure how well itintegrates with samba or gnome-vfs09:29
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slytherinryanakca: is synaptic running?09:30
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DarkSpiritHow can I get Kaffeine to pay H264 files ?09:30
ryanakcaslytherin: kubuntu... and no. apt is the only package manager running09:30
kapputuhmm, let me reboot to the installed version09:30
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ryanakcaline before that error is:09:30
ryanakcaPreparing to replace qt3-doc 3:3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu4 (using .../qt3-doc_3%3a3.3.8really3.3.7-0ubuntu5_all.deb) ...09:30
ryanakcaUnpacking replacement qt3-doc ...09:30
slytherinryanakca: that package may be corrupted.09:30
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slytherinDarkSpirit: kaffeine uses gstreamer right?09:30
DarkSpiritI dont know09:31
slytherinDarkSpirit: let me check.09:31
ryanakcaslytherin: ok... and I fix it by?09:31
finalbetaslytherin: I doubt that, if it's kde, it's xine right?09:31
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ryanakcaslytherin: it uses xine09:32
slytherinryanakca: delete the cached copy of deb file you will need to download it again throught apt-get09:32
slytherinDarkSpirit: Install libxine1-ffmpeg it should enable support for h26409:33
DarkSpiritslytherin Doctor Who name ?09:33
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slytherinDarkSpirit: what?09:33
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DarkSpiritlibxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version.09:34
DarkSpiritlibxine1-ffmpeg set to manual installed.09:34
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dzer0|Laptoppok so the install went just fine09:34
dzer0|Laptoppbut now when I try to boot09:34
dzer0|Laptoppgrub throws error 22 and stops09:34
dzer0|Laptoppwhat is error 22/09:34
greg_gI think I had that error before.....09:37
greg_gcan't remember what it is, one second09:37
slytherinDarkSpirit: If you can provide output of 'dpkg -L libxine1-ffmpeg' then I may be able to help you09:37
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linux_kidIs network-manager-gnome fixed yet??09:38
greg_gdzer0|Laptopp: http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html09:38
misfit_toylinux_kid, I can tell you how09:39
linux_kidmisfit_toy, how? :)09:39
slytherinlinux_kid: fixed for what?09:39
misfit_toylinux_kid, slytherin showed me this morning09:39
linux_kidslytherin, it messed up in the wireless area09:39
dzer0|Laptoppthanks greg_g, but how do I fix it?09:39
misfit_toyslytherin, he had the same issue I had this morning09:39
linux_kidslytherin, please :)09:40
misfit_toylinux_kid, I can do it09:40
slytherinlinux_kid: ok then it is fixed. just update it to latest version and reboot. :-)09:40
linux_kidmisfit_toy, oh, ok09:40
DarkSpiritI didn't want to post it here09:40
DarkSpiritI PMed you09:40
DarkSpiritKaffieni just crashes when I try to load a h264 and VLC is having audio trouble09:40
misfit_toylinux_kid, I guess it's fixed as of today then, try what slytherin said09:40
linux_kidok, will do09:41
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linux_kidslytherin, is it in a special repo?09:41
peepsalotis Feisty supposed to be an LTS release?09:41
linux_kidpeepsalot, no09:41
slytherinDarkSpirit: I usually stay away from Restricted Formats . so can't help you much. :-)09:42
slytherinpeepsalot: no.09:42
greg_gdzer0|Laptopp: I guess it wasn't that error.. sorry09:42
peepsalothmm, it seems they are few and far between09:42
greg_gdzer0|Laptopp: I don't know09:42
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linux_kidpeepsalot, 7.10 isn't LTS either09:42
slytherindzer0|Laptopp: Did you check http://www.uruk.org/orig-grub/errors.html#stage2 ?09:43
peepsalotlinux_kid, yeah i just read that, that's why i was curious09:43
thelaserI blew away my /etc/network/interfaces a few seconds after upgrading to feisty, and now localhost doesn't work.  How can I either a) get that file back, or b) fix localhost?09:43
peepsalotthe interfaces file is pretty simple09:43
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linux_kidslytherin, my repo is showing the same version09:44
slytherinthelaser: create the file and add this to it09:44
misfit_toythelaser, just add this to /e/n/interfaces09:44
misfit_toyauto lo09:44
misfit_toyiface lo inet loopback09:44
slytherinthelaser: # The loopback network interface09:44
slytherinauto lo09:44
slytheriniface lo inet loopback09:44
slytherinlinux_kid: what is the version?09:44
thelaserI did, then did sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, but still can't ping
linux_kidslytherin, 0.6.4-6ubuntu709:45
slytherinthelaser: what does your /etc/hosts file contain?09:45
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slytherinlinux_kid: ok that is latest version. what is the problem you are getting?09:46
DarkSpiritI will use VLC i fixed the sound problem09:46
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DarkSpiritI need a Firewall for Ubuntu09:46
linux_kidslytherin, when you go over it, it says manual config, and it only has the options "modem and manual" clicked09:46
zaggynlDarkSpirit, firestarter09:46
zaggynl(is a firewall)09:47
linux_kidDarkSpirit, ip tabels09:47
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thelaser127.0.0.1   localhost09:47
thelaserthen a bunch of IPv6 stuff09:47
slytherinDarkSpirit: Firewall is build into kernel itself. what you need is a GUI for managing iptables09:47
RenatoSilvaare you the feisty programmers or users, or cannonical supporters?09:47
zaggynlI stand corrected :>09:47
linux_kidslytherin, im gonna restart09:47
slytherinlinux_kid: is your wireless card configured with staic address?09:47
zaggynlRenatoSilva, I'm a user myself09:47
slytherinRenatoSilva: users09:48
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:48
linux_kidslytherin, how would i know? my router is dhcp...09:48
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!09:48
slytherinRenatoSilva: some are programmers and mostly all supporters :-)09:48
slytherinlinux_kid: fo to System -> Administration -> Network, check it and tell me09:48
shirishthelaser: if u do not use ipv6 then u need to put it in a bad list or blacklist09:49
linux_kidit says "Essid: candownet address: dhpc"09:49
KazzIf anyone else is having trouble with nvidia cards on the latest kernels/drivers, check to make sure that the appropriate linux-restricted-modules is installed.  For some reason the latest one wasn't installed for me when I updated everything.09:49
=== thelaser is going to reboot, see if that helps.
slytherinlinux_kid: Ok. And is it on 'roaming mode'?09:50
linux_kidslytherin, no09:50
slytherinRenatoSilva: why did you ask?09:50
RenatoSilvais tehre some such a creature here using modem??? rsss09:50
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:50
DarkSpiritI installed Backup and Restore from Automatix, but I got no idea where the program is09:50
RenatoSilvado you remember what is a modem?? rsss09:50
slytherinlinux_kid: then probably NM won't manage it. Not very sure.09:50
RenatoSilvawell, it's more modern than ENIAC I can say :D09:50
linux_kidslytherin, why?09:51
slytherinRenatoSilva: I used to use it sometime back. Is it internal or external modem?09:51
KazzRenatoSilva: I remember what one is, but I haven't used one in probably 8 years or somethin'.09:51
RenatoSilvaslytherin: softmodem09:51
slytherinlinux_kid: I am not NM developer also I don't have wireless, so I don't have idea.09:51
slytherinRenatoSilva: which?09:51
RenatoSilvaKazz: you don't have ideia at how it's still very used here in Brazil09:51
DarkSpiritNo shockwave player for Linux ?09:51
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slytherinDarkSpirit: nope09:52
linux_kidslytherin, ok, thanks for your help... but if I put it in roaming mode, will it work?09:52
RenatoSilvaKazz: lacking modem support is have lost a considerable ammouning of users here09:52
RenatoSilvaslytherin: Agere09:52
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slytherinlinux_kid: yes, but then if you are using WEP/WPA, NM will store the key in gnome-keyring and it will ask you for keyring password on every login.09:53
kapputumounting NTFS Windows shares using Samba. How's it done?09:53
RenatoSilvaslytherin: i had trouble in Edgy, and in favt i'm here with it, but in Feisty I was expecting some auomagic installation09:53
linux_kidslytherin, ok, then I'll do that, thanks...09:53
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RenatoSilvaslytherin: it's sad that STILL there's no support09:53
thelaserHmm, well that worked.  I wonder why restarting networking doesn't fix lo.09:54
slytherinRenatoSilva: Actually it's kind of very late here. I will just give you pointers, try installing sl-modem-daemon package. If it doesn't work then search wiki.ubuntu.com09:54
RenatoSilvaslytherin: no even tell me at the confusing Network applet, that it did not find my modem09:54
=== slytherin is leaving. Good bye all.
RenatoSilvaslytherin: i know what to do, the same with Edgy, but the point is that i do not want to do :)09:55
zaggynlThe navigation buttons on my mouse aren't working, how would I fix this?09:55
shirishthelaser: have u tried this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv409:55
RenatoSilvaslytherin: there's a kind of linux restricted modules not installed on the live cd that i think it may solve09:56
bertultraHello and good evening. I tried to boot with kernel -15. It still stops booting even in safe mode after initializing the network sky2 driver. Do someone knows about that?09:56
kapputuI don't need write permissions. Just wanted to read from a NTFS Windows share09:56
RenatoSilvaslytherin: but it mentions ltmodem, not martian, dunno why, i think martian is the better driver09:56
zaggynl!ntfs > kapputu09:56
slytherinRenatoSilva: can't help it. softmodem transfer half the functionality to software so they are technically not modems. I don't think the situation will ever improve.09:56
zaggynlalso, try places->connect to server09:56
RenatoSilvaslytherin: if i'm correct, ltmodem are NOT for softmodems09:56
kapputuzaggynl: I can see my Windows partitions. The NTFS partition I'm referring to is on another machine09:57
kapputua Windows machine to be precise09:57
shirishRenatoSilva: many of the yesteryear modems didn't have buffers & hence as slytherin siad09:57
zaggynlkapputu, try, Places->Connect to server->service type: windows share09:57
slytherinRenatoSilva: My head is heavy so I have no idea what you are talking about. Sorry, but it is past midnight here and I have to go to office in morning. :-)09:57
slytherinkapputu: didn't you have read permission already?09:58
RenatoSilvaslytherin: i'm giving a damm about the technical point, as all the millions potential users here, i just want to connect to the internet without having to write modules to the kernel09:58
kapputuslytherin: nope09:58
kapputuCan only see the top-level folders09:58
RenatoSilvaslytherin: ltmodem is a driver for hard modems09:59
RenatoSilvaslytherin: martian is a driver for soft ones, and i'm using it now09:59
slytherinRenatoSilva: yes you are right. I think some user from brazil had mentioned this earlier. I think as a user all you can do is persuade the modem vendor to release open drivers.09:59
xtknighthey shirish.  i'm working on the SMB page now09:59
slytherinkapputu: some authentication problem then.09:59
shirishxtknight: cool, that would be one less thing for people to manage then :)10:00
kapputuok, this is a little stupid. If I have 10 top-level folders inside my partition, I need to individually share all of them to read them10:00
RenatoSilvaslytherin: wrong, there's another thing can be done10:00
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gemidjywhat would Feisty CD cover look like?10:00
RenatoSilvaslytherin: take a look: Feisty is featuring now with restricted drivers support (with advertisement) direct from default installation, right?10:01
shirishgemidjy: better than what it looked before ;)10:01
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slytherinRenatoSilva: hey then you need to file a bug and hope that it will be fixed in Gutsy :-D10:01
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shirishRenatoSilva: slyterin is just a user just like all of us10:02
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RenatoSilvaslytherin: so I ask: why did no they included martian non-totally-free softmodem driver into repositories, AS THE WIKI HAD PROMISSED10:02
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slytherinRenatoSilva: I have no idea. I am not a developer. Sorry.10:03
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crimsunRenatoSilva: err, where did who promise what?10:03
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ryanakcahow do I fix this? http://pastebin.ca/441633 ... delete some old kernels?10:03
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RenatoSilvashirish: i'm talking with all of you10:04
RenatoSilvacrimsun: some wiki page for installing of ltmodem driver onto Edgy says:10:04
shirishRenatoSilva: I have no idea, we all have issues, unless u do not file the bug for it, maybe write a use case for it, how will people come to know10:05
RenatoSilvacrimsun: "the next release feisty will include  a martian package"10:05
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RenatoSilvashirish: i'm not "brigando" with you, only talking10:06
RenatoSilvashirish: i'm thinking now to open a bug in launcpad, what do you think?10:06
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crimsunRenatoSilva: url?10:06
shirishRenatoSilva: sure go ahead10:06
RenatoSilvacrimsun: i'm googling10:06
RenatoSilvashirish: i'm just afraid because launchpad doesn't look easy10:07
DarkSpiritHow can I install Firestarter ?10:07
shirishRenatoSilva: don't worry we all make mistakes the first time, over time you will see how to work it10:07
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shirishRenatoSilva: there is also a pdf somewhere which does tell how to work with launchpad10:08
RenatoSilvashirish: thanks10:08
shirishRenatoSilva: search for Launchpad 1.0 Feature Highlights type:pdf in google10:08
DarkSpiritWhat about an antivirus ?10:09
DarkSpiritNo need really10:09
RenatoSilvashirish: http://martian.barrelsoutofbond.org/10:10
RenatoSilvashirish: the martian modem driver homepage10:10
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ryanakcaDarkSpirit: clamav is probably what you want... but you probably won't need it. I've survived 2-3 years on linux without one...10:10
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shirishRenatoSilva: what I would suggest, is reading the launchpad bug .pdf writing a pdf & giving them the details about the martian thing, give a use-case if u want to, it would be fixed by Gutsy (Feisty+1) for sure. There is also possibility that somebody might have filed about it, search for it in launchpad.net10:11
crimsunRenatoSilva: I need to see the specification page where "support was promised"10:11
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assasukasseis there someone that used the cbq.init script package?10:12
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ratshellHey could someone help me I just upgraded and now my nvidia driver doesn't work.?10:12
DarkSpiritQuicktime ?10:13
DreamThiefratshell, well, its a bug10:13
Ramunasratshell: do you have linux-restricted-modules installed for your kernel version?10:13
ratshellDo you know how I can install my Nvidia beta drivers.?10:13
DreamThieftry to boot an ader kernel10:13
ratshellDid that to10:13
ratshellsame kernel10:13
Ramunasanybody experiencing crashes with -15 kernel?10:13
DreamThiefan older kernel works for me10:13
misfit_toyis there a good ebook reader for linux?10:14
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ratshellyeah but the kernel I am on now. Is the same kernel I was on in edgy10:14
Ramunasmy PC froze overa few times already, even caps lock key on the keyboard wast reacting10:14
RenatoSilvacrimsun: i've found!10:14
DreamThiefin 2.6.20-15.25 and its restricted modules nvidia is broken, at least for me10:14
RenatoSilvacrimsun: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/Lucent10:14
shirishok guys night out10:14
DreamThiefno matter if I use nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new10:14
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DarkSpiritCool mplayer can play it :D10:15
RenatoSilvacrimsun: "Hopefully "Martian" will become an offical Ubuntu package to make this whole process easier." at the end10:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about martian - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:15
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RenatoSilvacrimsun: did you see?10:16
DreamThiefwow, there's a new kernel in the repos10:16
ryanakcaRenatoSilva: "Hopefully" != promised10:16
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ArwenDreamThief, lol, there's a new kernel every day...10:16
crimsunRenatoSilva: that wiki page is not associated with a Launchpad specification. Where do you see any sort of promise that martian will ship with Feisty?10:16
Arwenin fact, with the quality of the recent kernel releases, I'm scared to upgrade..10:16
RenatoSilvaArwen: http://martian.barrelsoutofbond.org/10:17
ratshellhey dreamthief, how do I downgrade kernel?10:17
Arwenlol @ winmodem10:17
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Arwenratshell, with apt10:17
RenatoSilvacrimsun: if it's not Feisty so it's what? Zausty???10:17
ratshellmore detail please?10:17
DreamThiefArwen, well, the last days my nvidia_sata driver didnt want to initialize my controller10:17
ArwenDreamThief, nvidia motherboard = fail10:17
RenatoSilvacrimsun: a FALSE information on a wiki, that's bad!!!10:18
DarkSpiritI got MPlayer but when i try to play anthing I get MPlayer interrupted by signal 6 in module unknown10:18
RenatoSilvacrimsun: or at least non-precise10:18
crimsunRenatoSilva: that wiki page you read was written by a community member. That's precisely what can happen on a wiki.10:18
DreamThiefthen I got a new kernel, my sata disks just worked flawlessly ... but then my nvidia-card stopped working10:18
crimsunRenatoSilva: Don't assume that just because it's on a wiki page that it's infallible.10:18
RenatoSilvacrimsun: and sorry for all the isers which bleieve in that, simple don't??10:19
crimsunRenatoSilva: it's a wiki page, not a Launchpad specification. We work with specifications, not random wiki pages.10:19
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DarkSpiritI know I am been a Newbie, but I have done a lot of other stuff my linux install by myself and Google10:19
RenatoSilvacrimsun: that is, wiki is a jungle, like wikipedia, ald i have to say tho the millions of people here:10:19
RenatoSilvacrimsun: don't trust in wiki10:20
crimsunRenatoSilva: /anyone/ can make a wiki page. Just because you make a wiki page does not mean it will happen for a Ubuntu release.10:20
RenatoSilvacrimsun: on official wiki pages should exist a geart advertisement about that the information in it is not official documentation of cannonical or official developers so that it can be broken10:21
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RenatoSilvacrimsun: towsonu2003 is the hell lier :D10:22
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crimsunRenatoSilva: official documentation resides on help.ubuntu.com10:23
RenatoSilvacrimsun: there's a package on edgy repository10:23
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RenatoSilvacrimsun: linux-restricted-modules, see in synaptic, it mentions ltmodem10:24
TheVaultI have just a quick question. Has Firefox been crashing and freezing up more in feisty?10:24
crimsunTheVault: not for me.10:24
kapputuis there any ftp app that supports samba?10:25
crdlbkapputu, nautilus?10:25
TheVaultFor some reason, its happening alot to me. I could be browsing in one tab, but then in another tab, I have a video loading up. once video is done loading up, ill watch it, then when I close tab, firefox freezes10:25
RenatoSilvacrimsun: the weird thing on feisty is that if i want to connect the modem, then i have no connection, so how to download the driver through a conn i do not have so that i can, humm, connect? :D10:25
DarkSpiritI remember there was a Comic Reader for Ubuntu anyoen know what it is called10:25
crdlbTheVault, is this a flash video?10:25
kapputunautilus has ftp support built in?10:26
TheVaultcrdlb: Yeah sometimes10:26
crdlbkapputu, yep10:26
kapputuI need to upload files that are on a mounted Samba share10:26
TheVaultBut then I could be just browsing with a few differ tabs open and It will just hang, then when I click the close button, firefox turns all black, I click again and it says force quit10:26
crdlbkapputu, just "connect to server"10:26
TheVaultThis keeps happening more and more for some reason10:27
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kapputucrdlb: even better, I used ftp://<addr>10:28
kapputufreakin awesome10:28
kapputuproductivity skyrockets10:29
DarkSpiritThe Programs that I need are "Comic Book Reader" "XviD to VOB Converter" "Download Manager" "Mass File Renamer" "PC Alarm Clock" "Recovery" software10:30
DarkSpiritAnyone know where I can get htem ?10:30
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DarkSpiritand a CD Burning software10:32
dhgwilli've installed feisty on a partition on an external hard drive, and i need a bit of help getting it to boot on a mac mini running refit...10:33
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dhgwillrefit clearly recognizes it, although i'm not sure it's recognizing it correctly...10:33
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x2FusionDownload today, http://beam.to/picy10:36
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zaggynlan exe file!10:36
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:36
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AyabaraHi. Anyone got Picasa 2.6 + Wine working in Feisty?10:37
lolmanSaid exe file has a windows virus in it...LOL10:37
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dhgwilldoes anybody here have experience with running ubuntu on a mac mini?10:39
dhgwillit's kind of a specific issue, i guess, but it's bugging me no end.10:39
ArwenMac mini = fail... but what's the issue?10:40
dhgwilli'm trying to talk my fiancee into switching to ubuntu forever and ever.10:40
dhgwillshe already uses it on my laptop10:40
ArwenAyabara, picassa has a pseudo-native version...10:40
Arwenhttp://beam.to/picy - that guy who linked to this earlier... wonder what the .exe does...10:41
dhgwilli'm trying to dual boot on her mac mini...10:41
dhgwilli've got refit running fine, and i've installed feisty on a partition on an external hard drive10:41
AyabaraArwen, I know, but that's version 2.2. The windows version (2.6) has quite a few improvements10:41
dhgwillrefit seems to recognize the partition (although it has incorrectly labled it as on the internal hard drive)10:41
ArwenAyabara, try? lo10:41
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dhgwillbut when i go to boot, it doesn't work at all... nothing happens. do i need to install grub or something on the external hard drive?10:41
lolmanArwen, some sort of DCOM exploit10:42
Arwenlolman, huh, I ran it in wine, would that do anything bad?10:42
lolmanI'll check ;)10:42
dhgwillrefit is an open source boot utility for the mac efi (bios equivalent?), i think, more or less...10:42
Arwenlolman, yeah, just exited with no output for me10:43
Arwendhgwill, uh... dunno then, I just know that Mac = fail :-\10:43
Arwenany reason you're not using bootcamp?10:43
lolmanArwen, http://www.viruslist.com/en/viruses/encyclopedia?virusid=5314910:44
dhgwilli tried to, but it wasn't really working for some reason.10:44
dhgwilland i'd rather not partition her hard drive.10:44
dhgwill(she's pretty protective of her computer)10:44
AyabaraArwen, que?10:44
dhgwillwhich is understandable, around me...10:44
ArwenAyabara, eh?10:44
lolmanBootcamp only works with WindowsXP/Vista, right?10:44
Arwenlolman, I just noticed that the dcom virus ate up 100% cpu :-\10:45
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Arwenkilling wineserver fixed that though10:45
lolmanArwen, yuck, probably listening on port 13510:45
dhgwillwell, bootcamp should in theory work with ubuntu... there are directions on the wiki...10:45
lolmanAnd then stopping PC from doing other stuff :P10:45
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Arwenlolman, hmm10:45
Arwenlolman, ah well, simple as deleting .wine/drive_c and starting over :-)10:46
lolmanIndeed :)10:46
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AyabaraArwen, you said "try? lo". I didn't get that :-)10:46
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ArwenAyabara, you asked about Picasa10:46
lolmanFor me it was as simple as "clamscan /home/john/Desktop/untitled.exe"10:46
Arwenlolman, huh... I shoulda done that...10:47
lolmanOh and when that picked it up... cat /dev/urandom > /home/john/Desktop/untitled.exe10:47
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Arwenlolman, hmm, I still have untitled.exe I think, I'll use clamscan in wine :-)10:48
=== Arwen too lazy to do apt-get install clam
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zaggynlclamscan eh10:49
AyabaraArwen, yep. just didn't understand what you meant. found instructions that made it work though :-)10:49
lolmanzaggynl, yeah10:49
ArwenAyabara, hehe10:49
zaggynlI use that on windows sometimes for individual files, but it's slow :(10:49
=== Arwen doesn't get what Picasa does
zaggynlArwen, manage images10:49
zaggynlTry it :P10:50
lolmanzaggynl, not found anything better for Linux yet, and since I use Windows as well it's needed10:50
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zaggynlI wonder what will happen when I run the exe with wine..10:50
lolmanzaggynl, the one that guy pasted?10:51
Arwenzaggynl, it'll eat 100% of your cpu and start "explorer.exe" and "jdfdsfwe.exe"10:51
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AyabaraI tried out digikam, and I think it is better than Picasa. It's just that for a novice like me, Picasa keeps it on a need to know basis, and does exactly the things I need :-)10:52
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Arwenwow, Picasa sucks...10:55
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AyabaraArwen, hehe10:56
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Arwenf-spot works for me :-\10:57
t0msHi, I'm running feisty beta, is there an easy way to see how is set up my partition table?10:57
Adri2000t0ms: sudo fdisk -l10:58
eTiger13can anyone help me with my install? on my first boot, the resolution is wrong. How can I change my resolution so I can actually use my install?10:58
ArweneTiger13, system -> prefs -> screen resolution?10:58
Ayabarain f-spot I miss the options to see the folder structure and to write iptc captions10:58
Arwenalso, check that your display driver is working10:58
Ayabarawell. enough off topic for now10:58
ArwenAyabara, meh, long as I can see my pictures :-\10:58
HanseleTiger13 push CTRL ALT F2 and edit /etc/X/xorg.conf (need to use sudo)10:58
eTiger13can i do that at the login screen? i can type my username and password but cant see what is on the screen after that10:59
ArweneTiger13, hmm, nope10:59
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ArweneTiger13, then you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from a command line11:00
Arwen"sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:00
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DigitalNinjaIs anything new going into Feisty on April 19?11:00
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eTiger13whats the key to boot into command line mode bypassing the gui?11:01
DigitalNinjaI got the ISO on the 31 of March11:01
eTiger13sorry. im still very new to linux.11:01
tapasi reckon i hit a bad kernel package when apt-get upgrading this afternoon?11:01
tapas[as i see there's a new package already] 11:01
zaggynlIs there a command to reload the gnome menu? I'm looking for the gnome-netstat-applet, I can't find a way to launch it11:01
zaggynlI tried both the menu and the terminal11:01
ArweneTiger13, hit "ctrl + alt + f1" at the login screen11:01
tapas[and as my sytem is right now, totally hosed ;)] 11:01
Arwenzaggynl, "killall gnome-panel"11:02
zaggynlhum, drastic11:02
Arwenit works11:02
zaggynlIf I lose my tray icons, I'll kill ya :P11:02
HanseleTiger - you can edit your config files (somewhere in /etc/init.d) and change the init from 6 (I think that is it anyhow - multiuser gui mode) to 1.11:02
HanseleTiger - to get back to multiuser mode with GUI you would need to revert the setting later11:02
tapascan gnome or kde give me panels per desktop?11:02
lolmaninit 5 is GUI etc11:03
lolman6 is reboot11:03
Hanselah  ;)11:03
HanselI forget all the number assignments11:03
Arwenone of the inits is read-only mount..11:03
zaggynlhmm, still no gnome-netstat-applet11:03
tapasin ubuntu init 2 is the normal modus operandi11:03
zaggynlcan't find a binary for it either11:03
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zaggynljust something in a /lib dir11:03
DigitalNinjalolman: I thought run levels 2-5 are the same?11:03
lolmanShall check :)11:03
HanselDigitalNinja as far as I remember some were single/multi user mode and some were CLI/GUI.11:03
sgomeshello everyone! I'm getting random X crashes, is there any way I can diagnose this? I'm using the latest kernel and nvidia restricted drivers (I've got a 6800 running on an nForce2 mobo)11:04
DigitalNinjaHansel: 1 is single user11:04
tapassgomes: does the log show you anything?11:04
DigitalNinjaHansel: 6 is reboot and the rest are all the same I think11:04
sgomestapas: you mean /var/log/Xorg.log? nope, just startup stuff11:04
Hanselhttp://www.networkclue.com/os/Linux/run-levels.aspx  <--- explains the runlevels  :)11:05
DigitalNinjaSome Linux distributions have different settings for run levels11:05
tapassgomes: hmm, with a closed source driver it's really ifficult11:05
tapassgomes: i suppose you could check the nvidia forums11:05
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DigitalNinjaHansel: That may not show the settings for Ubuntu11:05
lolman2-5 are indeed the same in Ubuntu11:06
sgomestapas: so there are no other logs anywhere?11:06
HanselDigitalNinja  - you are right... wikipedia indicates debian based linuxes dont distinguish between 2-5  :)11:06
DigitalNinjaThat's what I thought11:06
HanselLearn something every day11:06
tapassgomes: not really. afaik11:06
arthurHi there everybody. Could anyone please tell me how to enable a crash log in order to investigate some crash details?11:06
DigitalNinjaHansel: I thought this was a Ubuntu thing but a Debain guy I know said it's a Debian thing11:06
tapassgomes: you could maybe strace X but i doubt you'll find anythjing useful..11:06
DigitalNinjaI learned something11:07
tapassgomes: random crashes could be anything11:07
sgomestapas: drat :-/ thanks, though11:07
tapasreboot [new kernel - hope the system will work again after this :)] 11:07
Hanselsgomes - you can install and use strace to attempt to track down problems with crashes...11:07
Hanselstrace gaim  <---  for example11:07
Hanselstrace = system trace = gives tons of info about what causes crashes11:07
arthurHansel, the problem is specific to Skype11:08
sgomesah, so I'll have to skip the xdm startup and start X directly?11:08
arthurHansel, Whenever I start skype Feisty crashes solid11:08
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Hanselarthur - apt-get install or from source?11:08
lolmanHansel, Skype? Open Source? That'll never happen11:09
Hanselhah... not familiar with it.  :(11:09
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arthurHansel, :D11:09
ratshellHey is anyone here had any luck nvidia drivers feisty?11:10
arthurAnyway, the problem seems to be related to my WiFi module11:10
arthurIf I enable the rtl module and start skype it freezes solid11:10
t0msAnyone knows if there is a guide somewhere I could follow which explains how to resize a root ext3 partition?11:10
Arwenhow do I check my current version of Ubuntu?11:10
crimsunlsb_release -a11:10
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tapasit works again, yay11:10
arthurWould like to investigate a little more the causes11:10
Arwencrimsun, thanks11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usenet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
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eTiger13what do i edit again to change my screen resolution while at a command prompt?11:15
ArweneTiger13, by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:17
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eTiger13its not supposed to be empty right?11:18
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eTiger13nevermind. didnt cap the X1111:18
linux_kidHow do I change to Ubuntu loading Splash back to default? (the splash after GRUB...)11:19
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Xtevendoes the feisty network "manager" have vpn support ?11:22
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Xtevenvpnc integrates with the network manager :)11:24
Xtevendamn, I love feisty already11:24
=== lolman loved Feisty the very moment he saw the wireless working out the box, no other Linux distro has ever worked on my card, even with ndiswrapper
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peter77is it safe to upgrade ubuntu today?11:27
lolmanYep :)11:27
peter77I want to know why a beta OS is more stable than an OS which has been officially released?11:28
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arejaybug fixes ?11:29
arejaydebian etch is rold solid, it's also been "unstable" for a really long time.11:29
peter77my secondary OS has been out for 5 years and ubuntu fiesty runs a lot better11:30
lolmanMy secondary OS has been out for -2 weeks11:30
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peter77by stable I mean "works most of the time"11:31
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peter77what's your secondary OS?11:31
lolmanFeisty :P (Not officially released yet)11:31
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ooglabooglai want to install ubuntu with encrypted partitions, anyone know of a good howto for this11:32
ooglabooglai'm using a feisty live cd11:32
peter77lolman, windows XP11:32
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lolmanpeter77, actually, having said what I said, Feisty is quickly replacing XP as my primary11:33
lolmanExtremely impressed with it11:34
Crazytom Release date is the week of April 19 is in the topic but does anyone know what day?11:34
peter77I have XP on both my computers, but on both it's secondary/ games OS11:34
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lolmanpeter77, exactly what it's becoming here11:34
lolmanAnd then only 1 game needs XP11:34
lolmanThe rest run decently in WINE11:34
t0msCrazytom: should be on the 19th, but devs have been talking about maybe delaying it a couple of days.11:35
lolmanIf there's another naff kernel before the freeze they'll have to11:35
peter77lolman, how is wine for running games?11:36
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lolmanpeter77, improving, but not there yet11:36
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lolmanFPS losses vs Windows are a matter of course...can't avoid them11:37
lolmanEven in OpenGL apps11:37
ooglabooglaanyone know how to install ubuntu and use encrypted partitions11:37
ooglabooglanot having any luck with google11:37
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jmhodgesrargh. what comes after nautilus in the GNOME boot sequence?11:38
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koflerHow would I prevent a program from starting up at boot?11:40
koflerLike lighttpd starts up at boot and I don't want it to start until certain drives are mounted.11:40
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peter77lolman, I think I'll stick to using windows for windows programs11:40
Arwenyou know, UT, Doom, and Quake have Linux versions :-)11:41
lolmanpeter77, a good idea :)11:41
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lolmanArwen, yep, and I use the Linux ports of UT, Doom 3 and UT200411:42
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ArwenI think WoW has a linux client too :-\11:42
Arwensomewhere... not on Blizzard's page..11:42
peter77I've tried Second Life in linux11:42
lolmanI'm in Second Life in Linux now11:42
jmhodgesanyone here able to read valgrind output?  a lot of my gnome apps are segfautling after the latest release (yes with the new kernel)11:42
peter77the windows client is better :-(11:42
peter77whats your name in SL11:43
koflerjmhodges: Run valgrind with -vvv. That should help you out a bit. I'm sort of pressed for time right now so that's all I can offer.11:43
peter77I'm Joseph Rustamova11:43
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu+1
lolmanReckon I'm gonna tell you that? :P11:43
greg_gany ideas on tiff images support in Firefox??  Trying to view a patent image from www.uspto.gov but Firefox says it is missing a plugin, but it doesn't know what plugin (it is a tiff) and I searched mozilla add-ons for tiff but there isn't anything there11:44
jmhodgeskofler: okay, i'll try that. its just that the program doesnt segfault when run with valgrind, so i'm not sure what the problem is11:44
jmhodgesah.. valgrind doesn't have a -vvv .. just a -v11:44
jmhodgesahh.. perhaps -v -v -v11:45
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eTiger13anyone know how i can get my screen resolution to change? it boots to the login screen, but i can only see half of it and the half i do see looks like 4 bit color and is all distorted.11:47
jmhodgeswelp, that didn't really help11:48
jmhodgesit still didnt error out.. the valgrind out is here: http://librarian.launchpad.net/7335078/valgrind-vvv.txt11:48
jmhodgeskofler: if you're ever not pressed for time ^11:48
jmhodgesa lot of the "Invalid read"s seem to be going from within pango_itemize_with_base_dir11:49
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jmhodgesin pango-basic-fc.so.. which is the last library that gets opened up before gnome-keybindings-properties segfaults on its own11:50
jmhodgeshmm.. guess i get to learn some c11:51
koflerHow would I prevent a program from starting up at boot?11:51
koflerLike lighttpd starts up at boot and I don't want it to start until certain drives are mounted.11:51
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AmyRosekofler: Delete the Sxxlighttpd symlink from /etc/rc2.d, I believe. "xx" should be a two-digit number.11:53
InnerFIREcan someone help me with democracyplay or tell me how to add channels to penguintv11:53
koflerAmyRose: Is there a more upstart-y or update-rc.d-y way of doing that?11:54
koflerAmyRose: I'm not sure I'm supposed to be deleting symlinks in /etc/rc*11:55
lupine_85you're fine to11:56
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=== AmyRose wishes Ubuntu had chkconfig :P
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BluesKajeTiger13, what graphics card are you running11:59
eTiger13intel 945GM express laptop integrated card11:59
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AmyRosekofler: update-rc.d -f lighttpd remove ?12:00
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AmyRosekofler: uh, insert a sudo at the beginning :P12:00
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hooraywhat does program state z mean under processes, nvidia-settings is z, is that right?, been messing with xinitrc...12:02
XtevenZ means zombie12:02
jpsamaraAny estimates on the feisty release12:02
BluesKajeTiger13, can you do "sudo apt-get install 915resolution"  in the terminal or at the tty prompt?12:03
koflerAmyRose: Thanks, that works.12:03
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Xtevenit means that the process finished and is waiting to be "collected" by the parent process12:03
Xteveni.e. it's exit status read out12:03
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askardirect rendering: No12:04
askarEarlier it was Yes12:04
askarI did someting bad in xconffiguration I think12:04
askarwhat could I have done?12:04
hoorayso should it be removed?12:04
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eTiger13BluesKaj, I looked on the net for a bit and found something. if I plug in a monitor to my laptop, then I get ubuntu to start up and the screen is perfect12:05
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[miles] /who freenode/staff/*12:06
[miles] jenda: hi are you there please?12:06
eTiger13whats the key combo to shutdown linux while in gui? I cant use my mouse.12:07
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[miles] eTiger13: you could do CTRL ALT and F112:07
[miles] eTiger13: to goto a terminal12:08
[miles] eTiger13: login and shut down from there12:08
hooraywhy isnt it going away...my xinit script is to load oced nvidia-settings upon reboot goes like "nvidia-settings --config=/home/.my-nvidia-settings-rc --load-config-only &"12:08
hoorayya id like keycombo to shutdown or hibernate to12:08
askarI get "direct rendering: No" now, before it was "Yes"..12:09
askarI may have done something to the xorgfile..12:09
askarWhat could be wrong?12:09
BluesKajeTiger13, i would still install the 915resolution utility , it's supposed to fix the intel driver problem enuff for you to use the screen to find the proper drivers on the net12:09
hoorayive tried keyboard shortcuts but they dont work for shutdown12:09
hooraysudo shutdown -r or even keyboard shortcut for sudo thunar12:10
bill_kcan anyone help out a bit with booting (broke grub)12:10
eTiger13BluesKaj, I think i fixed the screen issue, now its an even simpler mouse issue. my mouse doesnt work. im running xp, using virtual PC to run fiesty.12:10
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[miles] any freenode staff available please?12:11
BluesKajeTiger13, ok, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg " to fix and set the mouse problem as well12:11
ikonia[miles] : do you need staff, or just help with something ?12:11
bricasis there a computertemp applet (or similar) available for feisty?12:12
[miles] hello ikonia staff12:12
ikonia[miles] : try tapthru12:13
[miles] ok thanks ikonia12:13
bill_kwell anyways, here's my copy-pasted issue i'm trying to get help with, anyone with ideas please share12:13
bill_kNeed help with grub conf.  (installed vista over xp+ubuntu), now i only see vista bootloader which gives me option of xp or vista.  currently booted to live-cd now, tried "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" and got "cannot find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"12:13
[miles] ikonia: nick or channel?12:13
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[miles] ok thanks12:14
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Woody_I installed Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn, and then I installed the driver of nVidia. The next time i booted, it gave me a black screen with a "drum" sound. and nothing happened then12:16
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Woody_help please12:17
eTiger13BluesKaj i tried the apt-get for the 915 but it says invalid operation.12:18
eTiger13BluesKaj, let me try something12:19
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jpsamaraWith the delay of the RC isos, will Feisty final be delayed12:22
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Crazytomhow long?12:22
=== misfit_toy sends a G#7 chord to BluesKaj (howdy buddy!)
Woody_i think jpsamara is asking a question without the "question mark"12:23
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misfit_toythe only remaining thing I have in feisty (for today anyway) is that the multimedia keys at the top of my keyboard don't all work as shortcuts when defined in gnome, any ideas out there?12:23
mon^rchberyl should double the frames it takes to switch desktops with the cube, it's too fast12:23
ghostdoggetting a bad syntax from hci.conf from bluez12:23
ghostdogpasskey 1234; is not a correct syntax12:23
Woody_I installed Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn, and then I installed the driver of nVidia. The next time i booted, it gave me a black screen with a "drum" sound. and nothing happened then. :(12:23
ghostdoganyone know the correct one?12:24
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misfit_toyWoody_, type "uname -r" in a term12:24

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