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lapohi there02:30
andreasnman, I was looking for you the other day, I think I was going to ask you something regarding icons02:32
andreasnbut now I forgot what it was02:32
lapoeheh, you're too busy man :-)02:33
andreasnand have a memory like a goldfish02:33
lapotomboy is your friend :-)02:33
andreasna thing I could ask you though is if you have any special plans for icons in gnome during the 2.20 development02:34
andreasnI've made a small want-to-do list for myself, but if we could have a more steady roadmap, that would be cool02:35
lapoandreasn: same ol plans, complete the whole thing and tangoify apps02:35
andreasnsame as always then :)02:35
lapoandreasn: I have more or less all the emotes ready, anly waiting for the naming specs to settle down in that field02:35
lapoandreasn: the spec is missint stuff like :-P02:36
lapomissing even02:36
andreasnI added a bunch of hbons emotes to g-i-t the other day02:36
andreasnthe ones he did for whatever gaim is called these days02:36
andreasnbut if yours are better, we can go for those instead02:36
lapoandreasn: the hbons one are a bit boring compared to the tango ones, I did something sligtly different02:37
andreasnthe gossip dudes really want a base set of emotes in git, and I'm sure evolution would want some as well02:38
lapoandreasn: http://xoomer.alice.it/bat/tmp/smileys.png02:39
lapoandreasn: I was working on these ones when I got pissed off...well... you know the story02:40
andreasnthese looks great02:40
lapodevil-sad should probably die and :-P should be added to the specs tho02:42
andreasnyeah, that is used a lot02:42
lapois that guy still "in charge" for the naming specs?02:43
andreasnjust some rough ideas scribbled down02:43
andreasnare you logged in on freenode?02:43
lapoandreasn: we need icons (or better emblems) for stuff like bluetooth, usb, ieee1394 and the like02:44
lapoandreasn: yes I am02:44
=== lapo [n=bat@host196-158-dynamic.59-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
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