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CIA-7Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal feisty * r4116 /kubuntu/debian/ (changelog postinst rules): <drumroll>TRANSLATIONS ARE IN</drumroll> - updated debian directory07:42
=== nixternal does the happy dance!!!
nixternalunless something terrible happens between now and release, Feisty dev work is done for me07:51
=== nixternal is building qt4, kdelibs4, kdebase4, kdepimlibs4, koffice2, and more to hook up to KDevelop for KDE 4 work
jsgotangcobring on the crack07:52
nixternaltaking a break and heading upstream for a bit07:52
jsgotangcowe will miss you? :P07:52
nixternaloh, I will still be here helping Kubuntu man07:53
nixternalI will be doing KDE4 and going through Ubuntu devel mentoring at the same time07:53
jsgotangcogood for what its worth!07:53
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nixternaldon't even finish the conversation07:53
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