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ronnietuckerhi all... unless anyone has any other niggles with fullcircle #0, i'd say its ready to go...01:05
ronnietuckerSamyel - thanks for the proofread, i've replied to your email   :)01:05
Samyelsounds good :)01:06
ronnietuckeri'll be starting work on #1 from the end of this month (after I install Feisty) and I expect #1 to be released by the end of May01:07
Samyelfeel free to give me a poke to call my attention to things you want looked at01:08
ronnietuckerthanks Samyel, will do...   :)01:09
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rhk_Is it too late to add stuff to UWN #36?01:54
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boredandbloggingargh, where is beuno when you need him?08:35
boredandbloggingjenda, I see we haven't made much progress on the DIY howtos08:36
jendaYep, true08:37
jendaI've been a little busy08:37
boredandbloggingi'll try to take another stab at this week08:37
jendaDan and I have been planning a session of work on the site today08:37
jenda(in about 2-3 hours, as soon as he wakes up.08:37
boredandblogginga little worried about the UWN, don't see beuno or Burgundavia around08:39
Madpilotburg is on a business trip08:39
Madpilotnot sure when he's back, but harassment via email should work08:39
jendaboredandblogging: don't worry, only good things should be coming to the UWN now :)08:41
boredandbloggingthats a good idea, I was just wondering if we wanted to list every new derivitive distro that comes along...someone place a link to linuxmint...and the UF council meeting summary is long...not sure we want every team to have such lengthy notes08:42
jendaI believe beuno is still on the job, and we hope to have some new traffic from the forums soon.08:42
rhkfinbeuno answered my mail about UWN so I'd guess he's around..09:57
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Samyelboredandblogging: Burg is back tomorrow10:06
boredandbloggingSamyel, thanks10:09
Samyelhis hotel doesn't even have wifi, poor guy10:09
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rhkfinAt what time UWN is being released, does anyone know?10:25
jendarhkfin: quite irregular, usually weekends10:25
jendabeuno is probably asleep now, but otherwise active.10:26
rhkfinok.. It says it'd be today (15th), that's why I asked. But ok, thanks!10:26
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boredandblogginghi beuno 07:29
beunohey boredandblogging07:29
beunohows it going?07:29
boredandbloggingnot too much, putting some stuff into the UWN07:30
beunoI can see  :D07:30
beunoI'm going to start review all that's on their and then do whatever needs to be done to get it released07:31
boredandbloggingshould I go ahead and do the bug stats?07:31
boredandbloggingi added a blurb about apport for the community news, couldn't think of anything else07:32
beunoah, ok, I'll finish that up then07:33
beunoping me when you're done with bug stats07:34
jendahello :)07:35
beunomornin  :D   (it's not morning here either, but I just woke up)07:36
jendahehe :)07:36
jendaActually, so did I :)07:36
beunoand you are like a million hours ahead of me07:37
jendaI'm known for taking afternoon catnaps ;)07:37
beunoI should of partied hareder...07:37
jendano parties here, I do that every day ;)07:37
jendaI found it gives me a lot more awake-fresh-and-ready-to-work time every day.07:38
beunoaaah, I only do that when I have some sort of female over, and not specificallt for the sleepin...07:38
beunoany news on diy?07:39
beunoI saw dan playing around with it a lot07:39
jendayep, we had a session today07:40
jendaa short one, but still a session07:40
jenda(he came late and I left early :-D)07:40
beunohow's the material gathering?07:41
jendahasn't budged07:41
beunowe're going to have to do some recruiting there, won't we?07:42
jendawe should!07:42
jendaI'll be busy this next week, and am not sure what'll come after that (exams drawing near)07:43
jendabut as soon as I know I can handle it, I'll try.07:43
boredandbloggingbeuno, bugs are done07:48
boredandbloggingi'm gonna get some lunch, bb in about 45 minutes07:48
beunogreat, I'll do some editing on it then07:48
beunook, have fun07:49
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beunowho's around and wants to proof read the UWN?08:30
beunojenda, poningru?08:30
beunotonyyarusso?  :D08:31
adamant1988beuno: Ping me when you want it dugg. 08:31
tonyyarussobeuno: I'm on my way out in a second here08:31
adamant1988I'll be AFK for a few though08:31
tonyyarussowell, on my way /away08:31
beunotonyyarusso: np08:31
beunothanks anyway  :D08:31
tonyyarussoone of these days..08:32
beunoadamant1988: great, I'll ping you as soon as I release08:32
beunosunday may not me be best day to release08:32
beunoit works for me though08:32
jendabeuno: I might in a few minutes08:34
jendathat is <2 hours08:34
beunoI might release before that08:34
beunoas in  < 15 minutes   :p08:34
jendaI won't make it then.08:35
beunonp. I just wanted to triple check08:35
tonyyarussobeuno: Herd 6 was cancelled.  RC != Herd 6.08:35
beunobut wasn't herd 6 cancelled, and the RC delayed?08:36
poningrubut rc was going to exist even if herd 6 was there08:36
poningruI'm going to read it in like 5 mins08:37
tonyyarussobeuno: correct, but 36 says Herd 6 may be out later this week.08:37
beunothanjs poningru08:37
tonyyarussobeuno: In the Press, second to last, Shuttleworth is not ShuttleWorth.08:37
beunotonyyarusso: you're right, removing that08:37
poningruhehe I always found his name ironic08:38
tonyyarussoThose are the only two a quick skim shows08:39
beunogreat, thanks tonyyarusso!08:40
beunoI just updated the last bits08:40
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beunoI'll keep the UWN up for a while so anyone can go through it08:42
=== beuno winks at jenda
beunoit's the last release before Feisty's out, so...08:43
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jendakk :)08:44
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somerville32Make sure to put in the next UWN that I'm now free! :D08:45
beunohey there!08:45
=== poningru hugs somerville32
=== beuno jumps up and down
=== somerville32 is finally out of the hospital (hopefully) for good! :)
beunosomerville32: we're releasing in a few minutes, so if you want, you can take a crack at it08:46
beunoit needs proof reading08:46
beunoand, well, whatever you'd like to add   :D08:46
somerville32Welp, I'm just about to go for a shower actually.08:46
somerville32I'm redoing my room and I have paint all over me.08:46
beunoah, right, np08:46
beunoit's going to be up there a while08:47
poningrumake sure to shower with turpentine08:47
somerville32Once I get back, we can start cracking on UWN 3708:47
somerville32(and I'll approve #36 in the ml queue)08:48
beunothat's great, cause Corey isn't around08:48
beunowe can do a great post-Feisty edition08:48
somerville32Ok, I'm off to my shower. I look forwarding to seeing #36 :)08:51
somerville32Thanks for keeping things going while I've been gone.08:51
beunomy pleasure  :D08:51
jendasomerville32! :) Hello08:52
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #35 is out, UWN #36 is in progress to be released Sunday April 15th | "My marketing efforts will dominate your face" :P | somerville32 is back!
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno
adamant1988and his marketing efforts will dominate our faces08:55
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beunounless someone starts screaming at me09:25
beunoI'm releasing UWN09:25
beunosomerville32: email is in ubuntu-news queue09:30
beunojenda: what's up witht he forums?09:30
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [+o beuno] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-marketing:beuno] : Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #36 is out, UWN #37 is in progress to be released Sunday April 15th | "My marketing efforts will dominate your face" :P | somerville32 is back!
=== mode/#ubuntu-marketing [-o beuno] by beuno
jendabeuno: everything seems fine...09:40
jendaerm, you mean the UWN thing, right? :)09:40
beunoweren't we going to open up a thread?09:41
jendai'll push it, I promise :)09:41
jendaa thread is already in place09:41
jendabut there'll be a subforum09:41
jendaand we'll have mod access to it09:41
jendawell, you will, that is ;)09:41
beunoaah. great09:41
jendadoes somerville32 have a forum account?09:43
jendaROFL: http://www.mightywombat.com/toons/numbers.gif09:44
jendabeuno: I msg'd Ryan about it, it should be done soon.09:44
somerville32I suck :(09:46
somerville32I haven't even gotten into the shower yet, lol09:47
somerville32jenda: somerville3209:49
jendahaha :)09:51
somerville32jenda: What does the lp profile link thing do?09:54
jendait links to your LP profile :)09:54
=== jenda runs
somerville32I don't see it when I post09:55
somerville32And why was it kept such a big secret. There is more to this, I know it!09:55
jendait's in the profile09:55
jendait's no secret :)09:55
somerville32It was a secret.09:56
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beunojenda: who is ryan?   :p10:06
jendabeuno: founder of Ubuntu Forums :)10:06
jendaR. Troy10:07
beunoaah, yes, that guy who doesn't answer my emails10:07
=== beuno grins
jendaIf my surname was Troy... I'd name all my kids Troy.10:08
jendabeuno: :)10:08
jendabeuno: he is a bit of a scatterbrain, but at times, he can be really cool ;)10:08
beunoyes, before that he'd been nothing but nice and helpful to me10:08
jendaHe's a man of action - impulsive, kinda - sometimes you suggest something and he just does it the same day, after 5 minutes of thought and deciding it's a good idea - and usually does it much better than you ever expected. And at times you can be prodding him for a year and still get nothing done :)10:09
poningruthat works soo well10:10
poningruI can understand that working in a small company10:10
poningrubut when you have to work with other people10:10
poningruit sucks arse10:10
poningruI know many people who work like that10:10
beunowell, I'm not going to prod him for a year, he's the only person who can actually implement it10:10
poningruand I hate working iwth them10:10
beunoI went through all the trouble of actually coming up with a way to do it almost trvially10:11
beunospent hours talking to launchpad devs10:11
beunophp coding10:11
beunoat least a "it doesn't seem like a good idea right now" would of been super10:11
beunook, it's out of my system again10:12
beunosomerville32: can you get stuff into the fridge too?10:12
jendawhee, I'm off10:13
beunocya jenda!10:13
jenda10:13 PM and I'm going out with my best friend :)10:13
jendanothing better than Prague at nigt.10:13
=== ronnietucker [n=ronnie@AC8D7A72.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
boredandbloggingbeuno, is the UWN officially out?10:27
beunoboredandblogging: yes it is10:34
beunooh, and btw, somerville32 is going to be around again10:38
beunohe was the editor before me10:38
boredandbloggingbeuno, sounds good10:41
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