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TheMuso | c/c | 12:58 |
TheMuso | arg | 12:58 |
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_Enchained | hi | 01:01 |
TheMuso | Hi _Enchained | 01:13 |
_Enchained | I have a question with packaging with java dependencies | 01:17 |
_Enchained | about* | 01:17 |
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TheMuso | I don't know a lot about packaging java apps, but fire away anyway. | 01:22 |
_Enchained | TheMuso: I'd like to put in binary dep (in control) "any java virtual machine" | 01:33 |
_Enchained | free, sun-java5 or 6 ...) | 01:33 |
_Enchained | I've made a package with sun-java5-bin in bin-dep | 01:33 |
TheMuso | _Enchained: There is probably something you can depend on to do that, but I don't know what it is without having a serious look. | 01:34 |
_Enchained | and there is a problem while instaling sun-java6-bin : | 01:34 |
TheMuso | And I don't currently have time to do that I'm affraid. | 01:34 |
TheMuso | Whats the problem? | 01:34 |
_Enchained | it removes sun-java5-bin and so, remove the software | 01:34 |
TheMuso | ah right | 01:34 |
_Enchained | DO you now I can I solve it ? | 01:35 |
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_Enchained | how* | 01:35 |
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TheMuso | Not without having a good look, which as I said, I'm not currently in the position to do so. | 01:35 |
_Enchained | ok | 01:35 |
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RAOF | slomo: If you're available, I'd like to get your opinion on the banshee merge I'm helping crimsun with. | 04:12 |
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aanderse | hmm | 05:03 |
ScottK | TheMuso: Thanks for taking care of updating the clamav/klamav bugs. | 05:07 |
bddebian | You two-timer! ;-P | 05:10 |
ScottK | What? He's actually uploading stuff for me. | 05:12 |
bddebian | :-) | 05:12 |
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just | http://www.codigolibre.org/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdownload&cid=1 | 05:29 |
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harrisony | what is the command to extract a deb package | 06:11 |
Hobbsee | harrisony: dpkg-source -x foo.dsc | 06:12 |
harrisony | err i have a deb and i wana get the get to all the files and such | 06:13 |
minghua | dpkg-deb | 06:15 |
harrisony | ahh thx | 06:15 |
minghua | dpkg-deb --extract and --control IIRC | 06:15 |
=== Hobbsee looks up dpkg-deb | ||
Hobbsee | oh, interesting | 06:21 |
harrisony | is there a rule in MOTU that packages must have an english version because bug 106678 has a person complaining that the package isnt in english | 06:21 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106678 in gmountiso "It's in french (I think), I prefer English." [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106678 | 06:21 |
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tuxmaniac | Any idea when RC will be out and whether this would affect the final release of Fawn? | 06:30 |
harrisony | tuxmaniac: the RC should of been out before as it comes out 1 week before the release | 06:31 |
tuxmaniac | harrisony, It has been delayed. thats what cjwatson has mailed to the devel announce list on April 12th | 06:32 |
harrisony | tuxmaniac: ahhh, | 06:32 |
=== jmg 's media center is working pretty well | ||
Hobbsee | tuxmaniac: see #ubuntu+1 topic | 06:38 |
tuxmaniac | Hobbsee, hallo | 06:38 |
tuxmaniac | Hobbsee, how are you. Long time no see? | 06:38 |
tuxmaniac | Hobbsee, I just got the answerfrom watson | 06:38 |
Hobbsee | tuxmaniac: good. fixing bugs, etc. | 06:38 |
Hobbsee | yes, i saw | 06:38 |
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welshbyte | good morning / $part_of_day | 09:14 |
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crimsun | neat. closing one bug reopens another. | 09:30 |
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tuxmaniac | crimsun, heh | 09:53 |
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RAOF | crimsun: You seem a bit busy :). Have you had time to check the banshee source package? Shall I just (try to) file a merge bug, attaching the debdiff, or wait for you? | 10:41 |
crimsun | it's on revu, correct? | 10:41 |
RAOF | Yes. | 10:41 |
crimsun | please do go ahead and file a merge bug | 10:41 |
crimsun | I'll try and find a few moments away from being swamped by these audio bugs | 10:42 |
RAOF | :( | 10:45 |
crimsun | sorry, I'm not ignoring you, promise. | 10:48 |
crimsun | I've been swamped this dev cycle by alsa issues. | 10:48 |
stgraber | crimsun: About : bug 85640, are we going to have this patch uploaded or not ? (Just to be able to answer people asking) | 10:49 |
ubotu | Malone bug 85640 in cryptsetup "[Feisty] crypted root doesnt mount on start (cryptsetup)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85640 | 10:49 |
stgraber | if we don't I can still make an update afterwards or they can continue using my fixed package | 10:50 |
RAOF | crimsun: Oh, I'm not worried about that *at all*. That was a "sorry you're swamped by crappy hardware bugs" :) | 10:50 |
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stgraber | but as I can see, nobody is complaining about introduced bugs, some aren't fixed for sure but it helps for the others at least | 10:50 |
crimsun | stgraber: looking now, sorry for the wait. | 10:56 |
stgraber | no problem for me, just that we are coming really close to the release date ... | 10:57 |
crimsun | god, do I know. | 10:57 |
crimsun | but please, I'm swamped ATM. | 10:57 |
crimsun | stgraber: um.. | 11:00 |
crimsun | $ apt-cache madison cryptsetup | 11:00 |
crimsun | cryptsetup | 2:1.0.4+svn26-1ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Packages | 11:00 |
crimsun | cryptsetup | 2:1.0.4+svn26-1ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/universe Sources | 11:00 |
crimsun | what is there to apply? | 11:00 |
stgraber | :) seems someone uploaded it ? | 11:01 |
stgraber | Didn't receive the mail in feisty-changes | 11:01 |
stgraber | (the list is laggy ?) | 11:01 |
crimsun | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/2007-April/008535.html | 11:01 |
siretart | stgraber: I uploaded your patch | 11:02 |
crimsun | right, please check $release-changes first next time, thanks. | 11:02 |
stgraber | ok, sorry ... | 11:02 |
stgraber | siretart: thank you | 11:02 |
crimsun | np | 11:02 |
siretart | I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I fell asleep :( - (I'm not feeling that well this weekend) | 11:02 |
crimsun | hope you feel better than I do, siretart | 11:03 |
siretart | crimsun: get well soon! | 11:04 |
crimsun | you, too! | 11:04 |
siretart | I'm indeed feeling better today. oh well. | 11:04 |
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crimsun | RAOF: I take it there was objection to the Stop mmkey addition? | 11:13 |
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\sh | moins | 11:24 |
geser | Hi \sh | 11:25 |
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\sh | hey geser | 11:25 |
\sh | siretart: ping wine 0.9.34 , I'll closed UVF for 0.9.34, and there will be a 0.9.35 ;) | 11:26 |
\sh | siretart: and no..backports is not a solution for feisty...0.9.35 will fix some serious bugs and we should try to get it in...regardless of the diffstat ;) | 11:26 |
\sh | .oO(a SRU is a better solution) | 11:27 |
\sh | DktrKranz: hey, thx for your work on php4 unmet deps | 11:29 |
siretart | \sh: could you perhaps name some of the serious bugs which are RC for feisty? | 11:29 |
DktrKranz | hi \sh, thank you for your time and patience :) | 11:29 |
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siretart | \sh: I just need some arguments for persuading my concience | 11:30 |
\sh | siretart: arts crash in winecfg | 11:30 |
DktrKranz | I've got some of them ready, I'll send you for review once they are all done | 11:30 |
\sh | siretart: and one bug in xrender.c | 11:31 |
\sh | http://www.winehq.org/pipermail/wine-devel/2007-April/055637.html | 11:31 |
\sh | and more improvements in directx | 11:31 |
\sh | and vista support options ;) | 11:32 |
\sh | siretart: and as always: wine's a b*tch | 11:33 |
siretart | \sh: I fully agree, but since we are this close to release, we'd need pretty good arguments for an upgrade. and the changelog isn't that convincing, you know? | 11:34 |
siretart | it reads like half a rewrite to me | 11:35 |
\sh | siretart: yepp I know :( | 11:36 |
\sh | siretart: and sometimes I think it is a rewrite :( | 11:36 |
Fujitsu | With the number of regressions they seem to be able to introduce in one release, it must be pretty close to it. | 11:37 |
siretart | and to be honest, I'd rather have known bugs than unknown ones | 11:38 |
siretart | \sh: are you the only one working on wine? | 11:38 |
\sh | Fujitsu: the problem of a emul^h^h^h^h^hsimul^h^h^h^h^hsoftware which tries to implement something really stupid..instead of forcing the software companies to write their software as well for linux...:( | 11:38 |
crimsun | the question I'd ask is: does .35 fix any current regressions from dapper or edgy? | 11:39 |
Fujitsu | \sh: True. | 11:39 |
\sh | siretart: regarding ubuntu, I'll do my best...scott is doing it on winehq side | 11:39 |
crimsun | correct me if I'm wrong, but winehq doesn't seem to release bugfixes only | 11:39 |
\sh | siretart: regarding apport bugs which are coming in when user X tries to start commercial software Y and wine fcks up...they are useless, retraced reports are useless too, without having the software and see what someone can do to reproduce | 11:40 |
siretart | perhaps we can talk to scott about having some 'stable release series' branch or something | 11:40 |
\sh | crimsun: no...they are doing the same as me | 11:40 |
\sh | siretart: there are no stable releases...weekly to 2-weekly releases are now the stable ones | 11:40 |
siretart | \sh: I fully agree. however, your arguments persuade me rather to not ship wine at all in ubuntu, you know.. | 11:41 |
\sh | what someone needs to know: wine is not stable and never will be | 11:41 |
crimsun | right, so with wine and UVFe, I suppose we can't follow the standard guidelines | 11:41 |
\sh | siretart: oh...it wasn't my idea to package wine for ubuntu, think about breezy when sabdfl wanted to have scotts packages | 11:41 |
siretart | crimsun: how do you think about this: Let's trust \sh and scott's opinion on wine, and include .35, and rediscuss it for gutsy | 11:42 |
\sh | siretart: but wine is a vital package for all linux distros..but I would never file a main inclusion report ,) | 11:42 |
siretart | crimsun: we should really find some way of dealing with wine | 11:42 |
siretart | \sh: I strongly disagree that wine was 'vital' | 11:43 |
crimsun | siretart: that's acceptable by me. | 11:43 |
\sh | siretart: I think when we start to do a popularity contest, you will see wine in the top 50 or so ,-) | 11:43 |
siretart | \sh: are you familar with wine's code? | 11:44 |
crimsun | would be nice to discuss a new approach for it at UDS | 11:44 |
siretart | as in familiar enough to cherry pick patches/fixes from upstream? | 11:44 |
\sh | siretart: hell no...I had last time a nice debugging session with wines code, because on all ubuntu distros wine is not behaving like e.g. on gentoo or redhat | 11:45 |
\sh | siretart: oh for this, yes...the problem right now, releases are coming so fast, that cherry picking patches is useless | 11:45 |
siretart | \sh: I'm asking because for cherrypicking upstream patches/fixes, you don't need any exception at all, which would simplify the process | 11:46 |
slomo | RAOF: merge with the debian version? just take the debian version and throw in the multimedia keys patch, everything else is fine (and you need new libipoddevice and ipod-sharp) | 11:46 |
crimsun | slomo: I filed sync requests for both build-deps, which have been processed. | 11:46 |
\sh | siretart: you mean git diff from head and pushing them into e.g. 0.9.33 ? | 11:47 |
slomo | crimsun: cool | 11:47 |
crimsun | slomo: I'm compiling 0.12.1 now and will test it with my iPod to verify | 11:47 |
crimsun | (the merged 0.12.1) | 11:47 |
slomo | crimsun: ok... what's the delta? | 11:48 |
crimsun | slomo: here -> http://librarian.launchpad.net/7332922/banshee-merge.debdiff | 11:48 |
slomo | crimsun: looks good, thanks to you two :) | 11:49 |
imbrandon | moins everyone | 11:49 |
crimsun | slomo: thank /you/ :) | 11:49 |
\sh | siretart: if you see the changes in git 0.9.35 to 0.9.34...(http://www.winehq.org/?announce=latest) it's frightening me even more to cherry pick patches :( | 11:50 |
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ajmitch | hi imbrandon | 11:52 |
\sh | hey imbrandon, ajmitch | 11:53 |
ajmitch | hello \sh | 11:53 |
imbrandon | ello ajmitch \sh | 11:53 |
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=== Fujitsu awakens. | ||
ajmitch | "Wine's bi-weekly snapshots are exactly that - snapshots of the git repository. There's no extra care given toward a release, no regression testing done (other than the usual process of running the regression test suite), and certainly no applications checked for compatibility." | 11:57 |
ajmitch | so comforting | 11:57 |
imbrandon | he | 11:59 |
imbrandon | h | 11:59 |
\sh | ajmitch: if wine would be a stock option...."don't buy" would be my advise ,-> | 12:01 |
imbrandon | i use wine all the time :) heheh only for WoW :) | 12:01 |
\sh | imbrandon: ubuntus version? | 12:02 |
imbrandon | yes | 12:02 |
\sh | wow | 12:02 |
\sh | I didn't even know that this works ,-) | 12:02 |
imbrandon | yea wow has worked in wine for a LONG time | 12:02 |
imbrandon | even in ubuntus version | 12:02 |
\sh | and far cry? ,-) | 12:02 |
imbrandon | havent tried that one | 12:02 |
\sh | please do ;) | 12:02 |
imbrandon | k, i will this evening | 12:03 |
=== \sh needs a new computer with super duper high end graphics card and dual core what have you crap | ||
imbrandon | lol | 12:03 |
\sh | and more money for buying all these nice little addicting windows games | 12:03 |
imbrandon | i onyl have a GForce 6200 LE, bottom of the line "good cards" | 12:03 |
imbrandon | its was like $40 USD | 12:04 |
imbrandon | but it runs the one or two games i play well, so i dont mind :) | 12:04 |
\sh | well, I just need a computer for ircing, jabbering, and compiling software and burning cds for my GF...that's all...right now, no gaming | 12:04 |
=== ajmitch has a geforce 6600, but plays no games | ||
ajmitch | all that power, just for compiz ;) | 12:05 |
imbrandon | hehe | 12:05 |
\sh | ajmitch: you're vista ,-> | 12:05 |
ajmitch | compiz with no effects, that is | 12:05 |
imbrandon | lol | 12:05 |
\sh | Even the product of my company doesn't work with wine | 12:06 |
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imbrandon | 6 minutes left on EXCH2003_ENT.iso ( legit ) , wonderfull | 12:07 |
=== \sh screams | ||
\sh | kmail is so buggy | 12:09 |
\sh | even sylpheed-claws is more stable right now | 12:09 |
\sh | (regarding imap) | 12:09 |
imbrandon | yea kmails imap is shitty | 12:09 |
\sh | kmail doesn't even crash when IMAP is broken... | 12:09 |
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\sh | so I can't reproduce the crashhanger | 12:10 |
\sh | fck | 12:10 |
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jekil | hello | 01:37 |
Hobbsee | heya jekil | 01:37 |
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\sh | siretart: 0.9.35 fixes a scim problem http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6547 | 01:44 |
ubotu | Wine bug 6547 in wine-binary "wine versions newer than 0.9.22 hang" [Blocker,Resolved: fixed] | 01:44 |
sacater | how often is this page updated? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors | 01:47 |
Fujitsu | sacater: Whenever the karma is, which is about every 24 hours. | 01:47 |
sacater | oh, well if you look at support trackers, then my support karma, i should be in there | 01:48 |
sacater | but im not :( | 01:48 |
=== Hobbsee wonders why people insist on asking the same question, at the same time, in multiple channels | ||
finalbeta | Hobbsee: Because 1+1=2 | 01:50 |
Hobbsee | finalbeta: and 2+2 =5, for sufficiently large values of 2. | 01:51 |
TheMuso | Evening all. | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | hi TheMuso | 01:53 |
=== TheMuso is off duty until he has moved. | ||
Hobbsee | awww | 01:54 |
TheMuso | Hobbsee: Especially since I have been doing packaging for the UbuntuStudio project, which has involved ugly hacks, which took a while to get the intended behavior. | 01:55 |
Hobbsee | ah | 01:56 |
RAOF | TheMuso: Good luck with the move, incidentally. | 01:56 |
TheMuso | RAOF: Thanks. We move Tuesday, and are going offline tomorrow some time. | 01:56 |
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kofler | I hate this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/64695 , why hasn't it been assigned to anyone yet? | 01:59 |
ubotu | Malone bug 64695 in meta-kde "KDE logout dialog is missing shutdown and restart options" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 01:59 |
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kofler | It'd be kind of nice if ubotu also reported when the bug was submitted for clarification: Bug #64695, first reported on 2006-10-08 by lcampagn | 02:00 |
ubotu | Malone bug 64695 in meta-kde "KDE logout dialog is missing shutdown and restart options" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64695 | 02:00 |
kofler | So the bug was first seen roughly around when Edgy came out it appears. I've confirmed that the Feisty Beta has the same problem. | 02:00 |
kofler | It's funny, I don't remember it being a problem in Edgy though. | 02:00 |
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bddebian | Heya gang | 04:07 |
geser | Hi bddebian | 04:07 |
bddebian | Heya geser | 04:08 |
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defendguin | michael bienia? | 04:46 |
Nafallo | defendguin: geser | 04:46 |
defendguin | ahh | 04:47 |
defendguin | thanks Nafallo | 04:47 |
Nafallo | :-) | 04:47 |
geser | defendguin: How can I help you? | 04:49 |
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defendguin | you were requesting information on a bug i submitted earlier | 04:50 |
defendguin | about trying to scale down a core duo processor to 800 mzk | 04:50 |
defendguin | mhz | 04:50 |
defendguin | bug 106629 | 04:51 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106629 in Ubuntu "Centrino core duo needs to scale each core to 800 mhz instead of 1.0 GHz" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106629 | 04:51 |
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ivoks | hm... | 04:56 |
geser | defendguin: have you tried google to find out which cpu frequency are supported by the cpu? | 04:56 |
ivoks | are you sure it's capable doing that? | 04:56 |
defendguin | i've been reading the intel specification's document | 04:57 |
ivoks | Centrino isn't the name of procesor | 04:57 |
defendguin | sorry | 04:57 |
defendguin | thats what the sticker says | 04:57 |
defendguin | lol | 04:57 |
ivoks | defendguin: could you point me on those documents? | 04:57 |
defendguin | sure one moment | 04:57 |
defendguin | http://processorfinder.intel.com/details.aspx?sSpec=SL8VR this is my specific processor | 04:58 |
ivoks | tou know that not all processor have same scaling? | 04:58 |
defendguin | i do | 04:58 |
ivoks | s/tou/you/ | 04:58 |
ivoks | there is nothing here about scaling | 04:59 |
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defendguin | one moment | 04:59 |
defendguin | http://developer.intel.com/design/mobile/datashts/309221.htm | 04:59 |
defendguin | there is a pdf available there | 05:00 |
defendguin | from reading that document i could not find any set levels for the core duo processors | 05:01 |
defendguin | it did mention some defined levels for the core solo processors though | 05:01 |
ivoks | i have core duo and it can't go lower than 1GHz | 05:01 |
defendguin | is that something with the hardware or is that a limitation of the kernel? | 05:03 |
ivoks | hardware | 05:04 |
ivoks | it's speedstep technology, built in processor | 05:04 |
defendguin | right | 05:04 |
defendguin | i wonder why i see the battery life can be significantly greater using windows | 05:05 |
ivoks | there are a lot of reasons | 05:06 |
ivoks | speedstep is not one of them :) | 05:06 |
defendguin | heh | 05:06 |
defendguin | ivoks: it has more to do with hard drive activity? | 05:08 |
ivoks | i think yes, disk is most guilty one... | 05:09 |
fdoving | windows might spinndown the disk more often. | 05:09 |
ivoks | but I never studied this in details | 05:09 |
ivoks | ext3 is 'nervous' FS | 05:09 |
defendguin | lol | 05:09 |
ivoks | it always does something with disk :) | 05:09 |
defendguin | i'd really like to give zfs a try | 05:10 |
ivoks | try xfs | 05:11 |
defendguin | xfs? | 05:12 |
ivoks | jer, xfs | 05:12 |
ivoks | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XFS | 05:13 |
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defendguin | yeah that was my first stop | 05:13 |
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fdoving | xfs is nice. | 05:14 |
fdoving | even nice when it breaks. | 05:14 |
fdoving | greate recoverytools. | 05:15 |
fdoving | -e | 05:15 |
ivoks | yes | 05:15 |
defendguin | ext3 sucks at recovery | 05:15 |
ivoks | and you can enlarge it online :) | 05:15 |
Lathiat | speaking of filesystems | 05:15 |
Lathiat | EXT3-fs error (device dm-4): ext3_free_blocks_sb: bit already cleared for block 53928702 | 05:15 |
Lathiat | Aborting journal on device dm-4. | 05:15 |
=== Lathiat grumbles | ||
Lathiat | for /home on a relatively busy web/mail/shell server | 05:15 |
Lathiat | why does this always happen at midnight on sunday when i have work the next day! | 05:15 |
geser | defendguin: have you checked if the cpu is using also other power states (!= scaling)? | 05:16 |
geser | defendguin: cat /proc/acpi/processor/CPU1/power | 05:16 |
fdoving | defendguin: as for writing to the disk every 5 seconds, you can mount ext3 with the 'commit=X' where X is number of seconds between commits to the journal. | 05:16 |
defendguin | fdoving: what is a sensible default? | 05:17 |
ivoks | for xfs on ubuntu: | 05:17 |
ivoks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/37435 | 05:17 |
ubotu | Malone bug 37435 in linux-source-2.6.15 "XFS leaves garbage in file if app does write-new-then-rename without f(data)sync" [Medium,Confirmed] | 05:17 |
Lathiat | awesome | 05:17 |
defendguin | could the ubuntu installer detect what type of computer the person is installing and suggest a file system that would be best for that persons particular needs? | 05:18 |
defendguin | it's a bit much for Joe user to have researched file systems and pick on that is best for him. | 05:19 |
Hobbsee | ext3's the default, anyone who doesnt like that can pick what they like | 05:20 |
defendguin | thats not very forward thinking | 05:22 |
fdoving | defendguin: 5sec is the default, decide for your self on your system. i stick with 5 on my laptop.. not for any good reason, but i either use it or suspend it, so it's never really sitting there waiting for me to do anything. | 05:23 |
fdoving | defendguin: ext3 is always the best for joe user. | 05:23 |
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fdoving | users with special needs know what they need and what they want. | 05:24 |
fdoving | .. and how to get it. | 05:24 |
=== Nafallo agrees with fdoving | ||
defendguin | well just sitting here using xchat i'm still working but not writing anything to the disk any yet the hard drive is still journaling | 05:24 |
defendguin | why is increased battery life a special need? | 05:25 |
fdoving | nothing is commited to the journal if you don't change anything on the disk. | 05:25 |
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Nafallo | defendguin: ehrm. have you even tried tuning ext3? :-) | 05:26 |
defendguin | Nafallo: no i have not | 05:26 |
Nafallo | there you go then | 05:27 |
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defendguin | it was just a suggestion that when installing ubuntu the installer could make some intelligent assumptions based on your hardware and help the user | 05:29 |
Nafallo | it does | 05:30 |
Nafallo | it uses ext3 | 05:30 |
fdoving | with the default 5 sec commit interval. | 05:31 |
Nafallo | and that is normally fine when you're on AC. it still runs laptop-mode when you disconnect AC AFAIK | 05:32 |
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Nafallo | and I think that has sane default, even though I normally tweak it for heavier savings myself :-) | 05:33 |
defendguin | is ntfs a journaled file system? | 05:34 |
Nafallo | IIRC yes | 05:34 |
Nafallo | atleast the one in XP | 05:35 |
imbrandon | wikipedia says from version 1.0 on it is | 05:38 |
imbrandon | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NTFS | 05:38 |
imbrandon | ( e.g. NT4 ) | 05:38 |
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Hobbsee | imbrandon!!!!!!!!! | 05:40 |
imbrandon | Hobbsee!!!oneone!!11eleventyone!!1111 | 05:40 |
imbrandon | :) | 05:40 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:40 |
ivoks | defendguin: open /etc/default/acpi-support | 05:40 |
defendguin | k | 05:40 |
ivoks | defendguin: on the end is ENABLE_LAPTOP_SUPPORT | 05:40 |
=== highvoltage wishes he could get such an enthusiastic hello one day | ||
ivoks | defendguin: make it true | 05:40 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 05:41 |
imbrandon | heya highvoltage | 05:41 |
highvoltage | howdy imbrandon | 05:41 |
defendguin | "off by default as it causes odd hangs on some machines" | 05:42 |
ivoks | try :) | 05:42 |
ivoks | works for me | 05:42 |
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defendguin | ivoks: this wont interfere with any program like gnome power manager settings will it? | 05:43 |
ivoks | no | 05:44 |
defendguin | i remember reading this file up and down a month ago and decided against editing it for that reason | 05:44 |
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damko | ciao! | 06:00 |
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defendguin | geser: i guess you can close bug 106629 | 06:20 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106629 in Ubuntu "Centrino core duo needs to scale each core to 800 mhz instead of 1.0 GHz" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/106629 | 06:20 |
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ScottK | defendguin: If you are the reporter, you can mark it rejected/fix released as appropriate. | 06:26 |
defendguin | ah ok | 06:26 |
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_Enchained | hi | 07:09 |
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_Enchained | anyone to help me with a package nedding java ? | 08:03 |
_Enchained | needing* | 08:03 |
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welshbyte | _Enchained: i couldn't help you myself, but have you read the debian java policy? | 08:04 |
_Enchained | yes welshbyte | 08:04 |
damko | _Enchained: what's the difference with another package ? | 08:04 |
_Enchained | My problem is that the soft need java in binary dependencies | 08:05 |
_Enchained | In the java policy | 08:05 |
_Enchained | it's said : | 08:05 |
_Enchained | Programs must depend on java-virtual-machine and the needed runtime environment (java1-runtime and/or java2-runtime). | 08:05 |
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_Enchained | I put java-virtual-machine and java2-runtime in dependencies | 08:05 |
_Enchained | but lintian reports me : | 08:06 |
_Enchained | virtual-package-depends-without-real-package-depends depends | 08:06 |
_Enchained | so I put "gcj" too and it's the same... | 08:06 |
damko | _Enchained: i don't know | 08:06 |
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\sh | if someone wants to test wine 0.9.35...I'll put some test packages on archive.linux-server.org | 08:46 |
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imbrandon | \sh, sure | 08:48 |
imbrandon | i cant for a few hours, but i will tonight | 08:49 |
\sh | give me a few , then the upload is finished :) | 08:49 |
imbrandon | kk | 08:49 |
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\sh | done | 08:50 |
\sh | thx for your patience ;) | 08:50 |
\sh | some of the bugs this release will fix, you can find here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wine/+bug/106745 | 08:51 |
ubotu | Malone bug 106745 in wine "[UVF Exception report] wine 0.9.35 " [Undecided,Unconfirmed] | 08:51 |
=== siretart hugs \sh | ||
\sh | siretart: I hope you are ok with this UVF report...but diffstat is more hmmm strange ;) | 08:52 |
imbrandon | heya siretart | 08:52 |
imbrandon | how goes it today | 08:52 |
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\sh | siretart: btw...I'm moving to karlsruhe ... | 08:54 |
\sh | siretart: completly | 08:54 |
siretart | \sh: based on our chat earlier today, I've approved your UVFe | 08:54 |
siretart | \sh: cool! :) | 08:54 |
\sh | siretart: thx :) | 08:55 |
\sh | siretart: and yes, I agree, that we need to find a new way for wine | 08:56 |
\sh | everyone is welcome to work on this | 08:56 |
siretart | \sh: my current most favorite solution would be to move the package to a PPA maintained by some ubuntu-wine team | 08:56 |
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siretart | I'll write a spec for this for sevilla with several possible options | 08:57 |
\sh | siretart: as you remember, we asked scott for doing the packages actually as well for ubuntu (the official way...) | 08:57 |
\sh | damn, I won't be in sevilla | 08:57 |
siretart | \sh: well, the package in the current form are not really suitable for ubuntu, since it makes us big pain regarding our freeze deadlines | 08:58 |
\sh | siretart: the plan was to have a 1.0 release for feisty | 08:58 |
siretart | \sh: I really appreciate your and scott's work on this. really. | 08:58 |
siretart | k, dinner.now. cu later | 08:59 |
\sh | siretart: I don't , just because wines source is a nightmare, and without the right knowledge someone can break wine much more as now | 08:59 |
\sh | anyways...finishing for today...tomorrow more...good nights ladies and gentlemen :) | 08:59 |
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marcin_ant | hi all | 11:34 |
marcin_ant | can someone tell me how to configure scripts to _drop_ new empty database during package installation (I use dbconfig-common) ? | 11:35 |
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kofler | How would I prevent a program from starting up at boot? | 11:40 |
Nafallo | sounds like a question for #ubuntu :-) | 11:41 |
ajmitch | morning | 11:45 |
bddebian | Heya ajmitch | 11:45 |
Nafallo | morning ajmitch, bddebian | 11:45 |
bddebian | Heya Nafallo | 11:46 |
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TheMuso | Hey MOTUs. | 11:51 |
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illovae | hello =) | 11:52 |
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