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moowiz2020does anyone here think that the doc team should have another meeting?04:57
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nixternalmoowiz2020: in the past year I think there was one meeting05:11
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flaccidhey guys05:24
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nixternaloi flaccid05:28
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flaccidnixternal: ?05:32
nixternaljust sayin' hi05:39
CIA-7Ubuntu Documentation: nixternal * r4121 /trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): spring cleaning - don't worry, unused is in branch if we need it - makefile will build - converted release name, version, and date05:40
flaccidhehe hi there05:40
flaccidanyone see my mail on the mailing list?05:40
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Annn0nym0usdoes anyone ever talk in here?06:28
Annn0nym0usjust checking06:29
Madpilotit's been quiet lately, but there really is activity here aside from the bot sometimes.06:30
Annn0nym0usMadpilot, why are there people in here if no one talks at all?06:34
Madpilotwe lurk06:35
=== tonyyarusso moos
flaccidid like to talk about the lack of a handbook07:07
flaccidtoo many doco resources07:07
flacciddisadvantages of community based w/ too many cooks in the kitchen07:07
nixternallurking is fun07:10
nixternalwe talk during the dev cycle in here big time07:10
nixternalwe are finished, taking a break, enjoying life07:10
nixternalfor about 3 more months, thenn all hell will break loose once more07:10
Admiral_Chicagonothing more than a few odd bugs a couple times a week07:17
flaccidnobody would like to discuss my topic?07:17
nixternaldidn't you post to the ML?07:18
nixternalI think I already answered it07:18
nixternalnobody reads them07:18
nixternaltopic based is the way of the future07:19
nixternalGNOME and KDE are both migrating there now as we speak07:19
flaccidi disagree07:22
flaccidtopic based allows for many entries on the same topic07:22
flaccidnot exactly a concise way07:23
flaccidan official wiki with many user's opinions on how to do something07:23
nixternaltopic based makes it easier to pinpoint an answer07:24
nixternalthe handbook is find for a webpage, but not for a shipped document07:25
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flaccidtopic based with a wiki makes it harder to find. you have to search.07:39
flaccidand then go through all the results to find one that works07:39
flaccidhave a look at the freebsd handbook. everything you need is in the TOC07:40
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flaccidi also don't know what you mean by topic based. a handbook with TOC is topic based07:48
flaccidi dont know what you mean that its not ok for a shipped document other OSs/distros go well07:49
nixternalwell those will eventually change with the topic based help systems that KDE and GNOME are working on07:50
flaccidwhat are these topic based systems? can you show me?07:51
nixternalI wonder if the FreeBSD handbook could be anymore cluttered07:51
nixternalI forgot what the GNOME one is called, but there is a spec and implementation detail at freedesktop.org07:51
nixternalKHelpCenter will change with the strigi implementation07:51
flaccidwell freebsd has different kinds of users to ubuntu, so i can understand why some interpret it as cluttered07:52
nixternalI have been using FreeBSD for a long time and this is a first that I have really looked at it07:52
flaccidcan you provide me any links to check it out, or is it just a pipe dream atm?07:52
flaccidthats weird because the handbook is like a bible to most freebsd users07:52
nixternalif you follow some of the links in there you will find more info nt he topic based help07:54
nixternalalso you have to remember that Ubuntu is focusing on accessibility and surveys and field studies have shown that topic based is better for the majority of the users07:55
nixternaltopic based help still has all of the info that the desktop guide had, just structured better07:55
nixternalthat is the gnome project, dunno if they have updated that page in a while07:55
flaccidwell i am a main helper in #kubuntu and its a mess07:56
nixternalbut last I heard it is no longer vaporware07:56
nixternalwhat is a mess?07:56
nixternalhow hard is it for a user to hit "Kubuntu System Documentation" in KHelpCenter?07:56
nixternalthere they pick the topic they are looking for07:56
nixternalif it isn't there, there are links to other locations to search07:56
flaccidis this in existance yet?07:57
nixternalseeing as I did the entire Kubuntu setup which was aided by KDE usability developers07:57
nixternalflaccid: in Feisty yes07:57
flaccidwell nobody knows about it..07:57
flaccidhow do i do it07:57
nixternalit is in KHelpCenter, just like the old dekstop guide was07:58
nixternalthe only difference you will see is the index layout07:58
=== flaccid goes to test
flaccidseems like application manuals are missing07:59
nixternalfor what?07:59
flaccidfor KHelpCenter08:00
nixternalthey are here for me08:00
flaccidit says index creation finished, yet it failed08:00
nixternalsounds like you have boog08:00
nixternaldon't use the search feature08:00
flaccidand the index doesn't look very easy to navigate anyway08:00
nixternalit is supposed to use htdig, but since that is a security nightmare, we don't have it implemented08:01
nixternalKHelpCenter and the index is KDE08:01
nixternalthe one link up top for Kubuntu documents08:01
nixternalthat is us08:01
nixternalKHelpCenter will be rewritten for KDE 408:01
flaccidthis thing is pretty much a guide or handbook anyway08:01
flaccidcept its offline08:02
nixternalif someone can navigate the internet, then they can navigate KHelpCenter08:02
flaccidthe internet is not an easy thing to navigate08:02
nixternalgranted I don't think most people care to read about kioslaves ;)08:02
flaccidwell the TOC needs to be logical08:03
nixternalwhich one?08:03
nixternaldid you take a look at the Kubuntu System Documenation?08:03
flaccidso kubuntu 7.04 system documentation is basically what i wanted08:03
flaccidright im' glade we got to at least that point08:03
nixternalit has been there since Warty :)08:03
flaccidnow let me find the issues with this :p08:04
flaccidand the community has never known....08:04
nixternaloh, there are plenty of issues08:04
nixternallike modems, wifi, and binary blobs08:04
nixternalI refuse to document that information because 1) it isn't free, and 2) it is all over the wiki and the internet08:04
flaccidis there any reason why you didn't suggest in your reply email for me to add to this doco ?08:04
nixternalwell there is no more adding to Fesity docs, what you see is what you get until October 200708:05
flaccidlike vnc can just go in networking section..08:05
mptnixternal, no use it being all over the wiki and the Internet if people can't get on the Internet in the first place :-)08:05
nixternalmpt: you realize it would take us a year to document modems08:05
nixternalI spoke to the linmodems people and they said point to us, don't waste your time documenting it08:05
nixternalthere are over 5000 pages for modem installation (winmodems)08:06
flaccidso can i just create some new docs go in there for next release?08:06
nixternalfeel free to write something up, yes08:07
nixternalbut there is of course no guarantee08:07
nixternalprobably wiki-fy it first08:07
flaccidis this offline doco system going to be accessible online?08:07
nixternalalso remember that with the topic based system, we went with the most frequent issues or help topics people searched for08:08
nixternalflaccid: already is08:08
nixternalit will eventually make its way to https://help.ubuntu.com under the 7.04 tab08:08
flaccidis it possible to provide someone with an offline link?08:08
flaccidThe requested URL /kubuntu/C/index.html was not found on this server.08:09
nixternalthey can type that in Konqui, or if they want they can setup firefox to to do help:/ links, which is under help:/kubuntu/internet I believe08:09
nixternalor maybe help:/kubuntu/getting-help08:09
flaccidhelp:/kubuntu/ There is no documentation available for /kubuntu/index.html.08:10
flaccidand how to get the link of the offline page to give to someone?08:11
nixternalright click the link in KHelpCenter and copy it or in Konqueror you can get he help index by going to help:/kubuntu/sysdocs-index08:11
nixternalwhich I am glad you just did the help:/kubuntu08:11
nixternalI will do something different for 7.1008:12
flaccidcan't work out how to get link of current page08:12
flaccidie. no link08:13
flaccidand http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/08:13
nixternalthat is the staging server08:13
flaccidso its not live yet?08:14
nixternalya, probably no docs there yet since I just set that up today08:14
nixternallive will be located on help.ubuntu.com08:14
nixternaldoc.ubuntu.com is a great way to follow development08:14
flaccidand the docs will be for free stuff only?08:15
flaccidie. no doc for non-free like mp3 - that would be on the wiki?08:15
nixternalflaccid: there is mp3 stuff in there that carried over from the old docs08:16
nixternalwhen I say non free I mean like NVidia and ATI08:16
nixternalthat is another documenting nightmare08:16
flaccidhmm ok08:17
flaccidthere is a lot of nightmares08:17
nixternalyup, and the wiki makes them worse, and so does the internet, but I am pointing them to it08:17
nixternalNVidia and ATI documenation on our wiki is so bad I don't even look at it08:17
flaccidat this point im thinking what i want excludes a lot of things you guys dont want08:18
nixternaland I have gone through in the past and fixed it just to have some moron go back and change it just because it works "that way" for his card08:18
nixternalexclude like what?08:18
flaccidyeah this another reason why i dislike wikis08:18
nixternalI want to build on what is already there08:18
flaccidthings like non-free and video08:18
nixternalseeing as Gusty (7.10) is going to be about free, I would have to rethink it08:19
nixternaljust because I don't support it and I won't document it, doesn't mean that you can't :)08:19
nixternalplus, 7.10 is going to be the last of KDE 3.5.x, so all of the documentation will be rewritten for gusty+108:20
flaccidat this point im thinking of making my own complete handbook and make the information free to share. we just don't have the same direction and requirements08:20
nixternalyou of course are free to do that08:21
nixternalalthough reinventing the wheel is never the best thing to do08:21
flaccidthis is not reinventing the wheel, because the wheel does not exist08:21
nixternalyou can't go by personal direction in a community project either, it is tough to do08:21
nixternaljust ask mdke and mpt about how much jjesse and I argued about how silly topic based help was :)08:22
flaccidi know, but nobody has made what i want to make08:22
nixternaloh the wheel exists, it is just in 404382084 locations08:22
flaccidhehe yes exactly my point08:22
flaccidoptions is not a good thing. 1 reliable solution for a problem is.08:23
nixternalwe are supposed to be looking into a single help portal as well in the near future from what I have been told, so that should be interesting08:23
nixternal1 reliable solution for Linux is damn near impossible08:23
nixternallook at the Linux documentation project, they can't even get it all08:23
nixternaland by the time you have it, it has changed once or twice08:23
nixternalplus our system documentation is geared more towards someone who is newer to the Linux world08:24
nixternalsomeone that knows how to search a wiki or the internet never hits the help button anyways08:24
nixternalalrighty, my pillow just hollored my name ;)08:27
nixternalflaccid: I would love to work with ya for 7.10 on documentation if you are up to it08:27
nixternalcome up with a proposal like thing and we can see what we can do08:28
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flaccidyeah im still thinking about my approach08:38
flaccidbut i believe that myself can write a good handbook08:38
flaccidthing is i know that if someone else works on it as well or the community does, it won't work08:38
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nixternalflaccid: that isn't the right mindset for free and open source development. it isn't about 1, it is about the community08:43
nixternalevery document you read pretty much had community involvement08:43
nixternaloh well, the pillow is yellng my name again08:44
flaccidwell the community won't stick to the goals of this and i don't have faith in the community to be able to accomplish it, i also don't have time to moderate this kind of project08:44
flaccidthis would be 1 of those nightmares08:45
flaccidand this isn't development its documenation08:45
Burgundaviaflaccid: I have no idea who you are and I have to say, I don't really like your attitude08:47
flaccideveryone is entitled to their opinion08:48
Burgundaviahowever, I missed the first part of your statement08:49
flaccidits about management, Burgundavia08:49
Burgundaviawhat exactly were you trying to say?08:49
flaccidim trying to say projects are not simple to manage to ensure their goals are met08:49
Madpilot...and this is news how, exactly?08:49
Burgundaviathis is not a terribly shocking finding08:49
flaccidjust quality control itself is a lot of time and process08:49
BurgundaviaMadpilot: hmm, we think alike. Are we related? :)08:49
flaccidi never said it was new08:50
flaccidi am just saying how it relates to what i want to do08:50
Burgundaviaand what exactly do you want to do?08:50
flaccidwrite a handbook for kubuntu with a closed UoD08:50
MadpilotBurgundavia, you missed the best bit just before you joined here: "<flaccid> thing is i know that if someone else works on it as well or the community does, it won't work"08:50
Burgundaviaagain, not terribly shocking08:51
flaccidi don't really care what you think08:51
flaccidi am just stating my opinion. this is freenode last time i checked08:51
Burgundaviathat you can08:51
Burgundaviabut I am wondering what your point was08:51
flaccidlike i said management08:52
flaccidi don't have time to manage a project08:53
flaccidi need to make sure it doesn't get out of control08:53
Burgundaviawhich, this project?08:53
flaccidso its easier to do it myself and then share that with the community then it is to collab with the community..08:54
flaccidwell there is no project08:54
Burgundaviaare you talking about this Ubuntu Documentation Team?08:54
flaccidi think you missed my conversation from early.08:54
Burgundaviawhat was that about?08:55
flaccideh im not repeating myself sorry08:55
MadpilotBurgundavia, the shortcomings of current user docs, and how a single-handed project will provide far better docs. Or something similar.08:56
BurgundaviaMadpilot: umm, ok08:56
flaccidno that is incorrect Madpilot08:56
Burgundaviaah, the great consistency argument08:56
flaccidwell yes consistency is lost with lots of cooks in the kitchen all doing their own thing08:56
Burgundaviayou have never managed any volunteer projects before, have you?08:57
flaccidyes i have, but like i said i don't have the time with this one08:57
flaccidand me and the doc project have different direction08:57
Burgundaviahmm, heard that one before08:57
BurgundaviaMadpilot: I think it was I who said it08:57
Burgundaviaand I am still here08:58
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Burgundaviahey willvdl, long time no chat08:58
willvdlBurgundavia, indeed08:58
willvdlI've been on a long leave in S.America08:58
Burgundaviayou still working for Canonical?08:59
willvdlcoming to UDS?08:59
Burgundaviathanks to your employer, yep08:59
flaccidbecause what i want is different from what this project is doing, i think i will do my fork. thanks for the chat.08:59
Burgundaviaflaccid: have fun08:59
Madpilotflaccid, have a forking good time.08:59
flaccidi surely will, you might thank me one day08:59
willvdlBurgundavia, great. UES as well?09:00
Burgundaviasadly no09:00
willvdlpity, I could do with some marketing/doc folks09:00
Burgundaviaconvince your employer :)09:00
flaccidhaha, never say never, especially when flaccid is involved!09:00
Burgundaviamy Edubuntu work has been very limited09:00
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Burgundaviawow, he must have been high09:01
Madpilot"This is your brain. This is your brain on docs. Any questions?"09:02
willvdlnope. maybe that's the point...09:04
Burgundaviayou missed the fun part09:05
BurgundaviaI mostly did too09:05
Madpilotnight all09:19
mptWow, harshness09:20
Burgundaviahey mpt09:20
mpthi Burgundavia09:22
mptI don't think "too many docs" is a problem09:22
Burgundaviaunless they are bad docs, no09:22
mptyes, depending on what "bad" means09:23
Burgundaviadid you see that techalign/pioneerlinux is now promoting and funding automatix?09:23
mptNever heard of either of them09:24
Burgundaviathey do a version of kubuntu09:25
mptLet the lawsuits begin!09:25
mptActually I've never seen Automatix before, I'm just giggling at the screenshot in <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Automatix>09:32
mptIt really has a toolbar with only one button, and a set of tabs with only one tab?09:33
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ubotuNew bug: #106594 in xubuntu-docs "Xubuntu Desktop have examples files that shouldnt be there" [Undecided,Unconfirmed]  https://launchpad.net/bugs/10659405:20
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jonomdke: ping05:24
mdkejono: (In case I'm not around at the moment, please provide a bit of information about what you want and I will respond when I get back)05:24
jonoany core docs people here?05:26
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bdmurraythe copyright in the kubuntu hanbook at least doesn't have 200705:56
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shirishhi all, I have couple of questions about the wiki if somebody can respond?07:24
shirishIt's to do with how the wiki is written, there are no time-stamps so its difficult to know when somebody wrote something07:29
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nixternaljono: what's up?08:11
nixternal10:26:02 [      jono]  any core docs people here?08:11
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