=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p5495749A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== Arby [n=richard@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | http://www.nixternal.com/kwww/announcements/7.04-release.php | 12:33 |
nixternal | ^^ PROOFERS NEEDED | 12:33 |
instructor | sed 1d | 12:38 |
instructor | nixternal: It's coming out next Friday? | 12:38 |
nixternal | didn't I change the date | 12:38 |
nixternal | k, fixed :) | 12:39 |
nixternal | I swore I changed that earlier | 12:39 |
=== gnomefreak trying to open it | ||
Riddell | nixternal: the winfoss screenshot is out of date, I can do that if you don't have a windows machine | 12:42 |
nixternal | Riddell: I have one, but won't be able to hit it until later tonight | 12:42 |
lnxkde | nixternal, nice | 12:42 |
nixternal | lnxkde: thanks | 12:42 |
nixternal | I forgot to bring a CD with me to school. I was going to do it here | 12:43 |
=== instructor grins as he snapshots the page showing a snapshot of a snapshot | ||
instructor | nixternal: You neighbour on last.fm ? | 12:46 |
Arby | nixternal: misspelt apologises and development in WinFOSS section | 12:47 |
nixternal | that means they were wrong in Edgy as well then | 12:47 |
nixternal | Arby: that is supposed to be Localisation, but for some reason I forgot the <h2> | 12:48 |
instructor | Why don't you have FOSS Free open source software? | 12:49 |
Arby | I understand the s|z thing but development is missing an e and apologise is only one p isn't it? | 12:50 |
nixternal | wow, there were quite a few typos ;) | 12:51 |
nixternal | fixed them with a spell check | 12:51 |
nixternal | instructor: where? WinFOSS? | 12:51 |
nixternal | WinFOSS is the name of the actuall app we are using | 12:51 |
Arby | nixternal: so you got the ones under requirements as well? | 12:52 |
nixternal | and if you read the paragraph in that section, FOSS is defined | 12:52 |
nixternal | 64 or fam? | 12:52 |
nixternal | haha | 12:52 |
Arby | yes that | 12:52 |
nixternal | ya, got that one | 12:52 |
Arby | also availabel | 12:52 |
nixternal | yup | 12:53 |
nixternal | speeeeel checker got it | 12:53 |
Arby | cool :) | 12:53 |
nixternal | refresh for the fixed version | 12:53 |
instructor | nixternal: Yes but it means Free Open source Software | 12:53 |
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
instructor | You just have Free Software | 12:53 |
instructor | it looks strange to me | 12:53 |
nixternal | read the paragraph | 12:53 |
instructor | Yeah I guess | 12:54 |
instructor | Still feels funny but it is a long phrase | 12:54 |
instructor | Should translations have a heading? | 12:54 |
instructor | It looks like part of WinFOSS | 12:54 |
nixternal | refresh | 12:54 |
instructor | proxy cached :( | 12:54 |
instructor | vitalization | 12:56 |
instructor | Is that a word? | 12:56 |
Arby | nixternal: will KubuntuFeistyKnownProblems exist by tomorrow, currently returns page does not exist | 12:56 |
nixternal | virtualization, good catch instructor | 12:56 |
nixternal | Arby: will create it, yes | 12:57 |
nixternal | there should be one more page that doesn't exist yet as well | 12:57 |
Arby | haven't tried all the links yet | 12:57 |
instructor | nixternal: You have it more than once | 12:58 |
nixternal | then again if the page doesn't exist, that means there are no problems ;) | 12:58 |
nixternal | instructor: you know why, stupid spell checker took virtualise and did that | 12:58 |
nixternal | I was just fixing those right as you said that | 12:58 |
Arby | err, yeah :) | 12:58 |
Arby | ah, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/ KubuntuFeistyComments is the other missing page | 12:59 |
Arby | is the url supposed to have a space in it | 12:59 |
Arby | ? | 12:59 |
nixternal | Kate irritates me with the line breaks and adding a silly space | 12:59 |
nixternal | that is Kate doing that | 12:59 |
nixternal | that is interesting | 01:00 |
=== nixternal switches to emacs | ||
instructor | ^^ | 01:00 |
nixternal | OK, all of those spaces should be fixed now | 01:05 |
=== nixternal heads to my next class, well my only considering I ditched the first just for Kubuntu :) | ||
=== lnxkde wonders if someone cuold hand him a mirror with 7.04 ;) | ||
nixternal | back on later to do more tweaking as you add the notes | 01:08 |
Arby | nixternal: 'The alternate CD allows you perform custom' - missing 'to' | 01:10 |
Riddell | lnxkde: https://www.stgraber.org/ubuntu/isotesting/ | 01:11 |
lnxkde | Riddell, thankx, that is final right? | 01:14 |
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Riddell | no, we don't release until tomorrow | 01:19 |
lnxkde | Riddell, ok nice will be downloading rc in minutes | 01:19 |
lnxkde | :) | 01:19 |
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Riddell | nixternal: I'm off to bed, I expect the release to be early european morning so make sure to push your changes to your repository and we'll be all set | 02:26 |
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ryanakca | Weee! April 19th! well, part of the world is... | 03:23 |
ryanakca | when is feisty released? and when does work on gibbon start? | 03:23 |
jjesse | i think feisty is released tomorrow | 03:23 |
seele | imbrandon: ive seemed to fallen off planet ubuntu? | 03:24 |
ajmitch | ryanakca: work on gutsy has already started | 03:25 |
jjesse | really? | 03:25 |
ryanakca | ajmitch: really? well... when is there something that /I/ can do to help out... I can't really build kernels and X11, etc... that's taken care of by the genius | 03:28 |
ryanakca | s/genius/genius' or those on the canoncial payroll, or those who've been using linux for 7-8 years | 03:28 |
jjesse | i wasn't aware that the builds were open | 03:28 |
ajmitch | I'm sure there's some small thing you'd like to see packaged, that you could do & put on REVU for universe | 03:28 |
ajmitch | jjesse: they're not, but I've still got stuff queued for gutsy | 03:29 |
jjesse | oh | 03:29 |
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ScottK | ryanakca: Bug triaging and getting fixes in the hopper for when the gutsy repos open is good. | 03:30 |
=== Jucato [n=jucato@ubuntu/member/Jucato] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== ajmitch has a few packages that will be ready to go in soon | ||
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=== ScottK is now known as ScottK2 | ||
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK | ||
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | ScottK: kk | 03:57 |
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nixternal | scribus is still on the WinFOSS CD | 04:56 |
nixternal | so there is Scribus, Firefox, and Thunderbird | 04:56 |
ScottK | Open Office? | 04:57 |
nixternal | nope | 04:59 |
nixternal | just 3 apps | 05:00 |
nixternal | break time | 05:00 |
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imbrandon | seele, ping | 08:30 |
imbrandon | seele, yea Riddell pulled the RSS feed because you werent a member yet ( ubuntu/kubuntu member ) and I dident realize | 08:30 |
imbrandon | soooo its my job now to encourage you to go for membership | 08:31 |
giangy | hi imbrandon | 08:31 |
imbrandon | hello giangy | 08:32 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | hi all | 08:50 |
ScottK | Good morning. | 08:51 |
Hobbsee | :) | 08:51 |
giangy | hi Hobbsee | 08:51 |
Hobbsee | hi giangy :) | 08:51 |
Jucato | hi Hobbsee!! :) | 08:51 |
Hobbsee | hi Jucato! | 08:51 |
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | kwwii: you there ? :) | 09:41 |
_StefanS_ | hi all | 09:41 |
Jucato | oh hi _StefanS_! long time :) | 09:41 |
_StefanS_ | yea :) | 09:41 |
_StefanS_ | taking care of family and work.. stuff takes most of your time | 09:41 |
_StefanS_ | bought a new car aswell | 09:41 |
Jucato | wow | 09:42 |
Jucato | :D | 09:42 |
Riddell | nixternal: waa, you didn't push your changes | 09:48 |
Riddell | ah hah, his branch is also at http://www.nixternal.com/kwww/ | 09:49 |
Riddell | arg, that's not up to date | 09:57 |
Riddell | aah, maybe it's all my fault | 10:00 |
Riddell | why yes it is | 10:01 |
=== Jucato is entertained by the monologue :) | ||
_StefanS_ | brainspill.. | 10:05 |
_StefanS_ | :) | 10:06 |
Jucato | :D | 10:06 |
Riddell | now, if only someone would being me some irn-bru I could release feisty | 10:08 |
=== hunger [n=tobias@pd95b0676.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | que? | 10:25 |
_StefanS_ | irn-bru ? | 10:25 |
_StefanS_ | Riddell: what about that guy complaining on the networkmanager issues ? | 10:25 |
_StefanS_ | Riddell: and thunderbird 2.0 ? :) | 10:26 |
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Riddell | _StefanS_: many people complain about network manager, but it's mostly been fixed | 11:16 |
_StefanS_ | Riddell: yes, I see that... I myself haven't had issues since about 2 months ago | 11:16 |
_StefanS_ | Riddell: guess its minority of the users | 11:17 |
Jucato | hi Riddell! just a quick question: how/from where will the dist-upgrade tool be made available on edgy? | 11:17 |
jsgotangco | change the sources? | 11:17 |
jsgotangco | heh | 11:17 |
Jucato | er? | 11:17 |
Jucato | the dist-upgrade tool will do that automatically | 11:18 |
jsgotangco | yeah, but you're smarter to use that right? :) | 11:18 |
Jucato | question is how will edgy users get the dist-upgrade tool | 11:18 |
Jucato | oh not for me :P | 11:18 |
=== Jucato has been on feisty already | ||
jsgotangco | there's a swich | 11:18 |
Jucato | since last..um.. can't remember | 11:18 |
=== jsgotangco can't remember | ||
=== jsgotangco doesn't know much how it works in kde, but in gnome, update manager tells you there is a new release and you just click on a shiny button | ||
Riddell | Jucato: if it all goes to plan it should magically appear | 11:19 |
=== jsgotangco will try later in his edgy kubuntu | ||
Jucato | Riddell: ah from the -updates repository | 11:20 |
jsgotangco | yep | 11:20 |
Riddell | Jucato: no, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release will be updated and that points to where to download the upgrader | 11:20 |
Riddell | so Adept should go, aha a new release | 11:20 |
jsgotangco | wow | 11:21 |
Jucato | jsgotangco: until this release, there was no dist-upgrade/upgrade manager for kubuntu so it's very new | 11:21 |
Jucato | aah I see | 11:21 |
Riddell | but we need people to test it since the final thing has not been tested before | 11:21 |
jsgotangco | Jucato: yep familiar with it | 11:21 |
jsgotangco | so adept had an update to accomodate it huh? | 11:22 |
Jucato | I guess so. Adept keeps getting better and better :) | 11:23 |
Jucato | (hopefully) | 11:23 |
Riddell | jsgotangco: yes, in edgy-updates | 11:23 |
=== jsgotangco will check it before the day ends | ||
_StefanS_ | ah thats sweet.. michael dell runs ubuntu on his home laptop :) | 11:32 |
=== stivani [n=stivani@d5152A75F.access.telenet.be] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation] | ||
viviersf | Riddell, ping | 11:38 |
viviersf | Riddell, who does the artwork for kubuntu | 11:38 |
Riddell | hi viviersf | 11:38 |
Riddell | viviersf: that'll be kwwii | 11:38 |
viviersf | Riddell, especially usplash | 11:38 |
viviersf | kwwii, PING | 11:38 |
Riddell | yes, kwwii | 11:39 |
viviersf | Riddell, thx bud | 11:39 |
kwwii | viviersf: pong | 11:43 |
=== kwwii has a bloody nose...be back in a while | ||
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Not far to go | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | test KDE 4 "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main" | ||
\sh | Riddell: do you have packages for feisty? | 11:47 |
\sh | Riddell: or are they already in feisty? | 11:47 |
Riddell | \sh: of what? | 11:48 |
Riddell | KDE 4 is in feisty universe | 11:48 |
viviersf | kwwii, can you help me with sumthing plz | 11:49 |
apokryphos | nearly 400 in #kubuntu 8) | 11:51 |
apokryphos | just don't look at the #ubuntu amount :o | 11:51 |
Jucato | just 3 more persons | 11:51 |
=== Jucato brings in 3 clones | ||
=== alleeHol [n=ach@lapex-mcallee.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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Jucato | Riddell: hm... so you mean the dist-upgrade tool will be available same time that feisty is released (when the changelog file is updated)? | 12:19 |
Riddell | Jucato: yes | 12:20 |
Jucato | ah thanks :) | 12:20 |
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=== Rum0 [n=pehses@wep5121.physik.uni-wuerzburg.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | Jucato: have you tried thunderbird 2.0 ? | 12:33 |
Jucato | _StefanS_: no... I don't use thunderbird (and barely use firefox on Linux)... | 12:34 |
_StefanS_ | mkay | 12:34 |
_StefanS_ | you like konqueror? | 12:34 |
Jucato | for most of my browsing needs? yes | 12:34 |
=== MidMark_ [n=marco@host-84-220-171-113.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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mhb | hi folks | 01:04 |
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ryanakca | hmmm.... irn-bru | 01:13 |
=== marseillai [n=cyril@AMarseille-156-1-69-214.w90-28.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
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=== \sh is now known as \sh_away | ||
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh | ||
\sh | Riddell: kde4 is not starting up on feisty... | 01:39 |
\sh | (on my laptop at least) | 01:39 |
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=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK | ||
=== ded__ [n=ded@lor34-1-82-240-239-109.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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nixternal | Riddell: did you get it? I pushed/committed my changes :) | 02:34 |
Riddell | nixternal: yes thanks | 02:35 |
Riddell | all going great | 02:35 |
nixternal | groovy | 02:35 |
nixternal | WinFOSS still has Scribus | 02:35 |
nixternal | KDE-PIM was removed though | 02:35 |
Riddell | yes, I forgot that | 02:35 |
jsgotangco | even my edgy update is darn slow | 02:36 |
nixternal | haha | 02:36 |
Riddell | don't use the london data centre now | 02:37 |
nixternal | heh | 02:38 |
nixternal | I use the Indiana University FTP repos | 02:38 |
nixternal | they are super fast | 02:38 |
jsgotangco | crazy | 02:38 |
Riddell | anyone with access to elite university type bandwidth should start torrenting | 02:38 |
jsgotangco | the last time i saw something like this crazy was just before dapper | 02:39 |
nixternal | Riddell: I will setup a couple of boxes as soon as I get there this morning | 02:39 |
jsgotangco | but this tops them all | 02:39 |
nixternal | I need to do it here as well | 02:39 |
nixternal | are the torrents ready? | 02:39 |
Riddell | the kubuntu ones are | 02:39 |
jsgotangco | and people would rather believe at digg than the official annoucement | 02:39 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jsgotangco | they are? | 02:40 |
nixternal | Hobbsee: HAPPY RELEASE DAY!!! | 02:40 |
nixternal | HAPPY RELEASE DAY TO EVERYONE!!! | 02:40 |
jsgotangco | wee | 02:40 |
nixternal | if I could figure out the CLI torrent client I would rock it, but I don't have time | 02:41 |
nixternal | so I will fire up KTorrent here and start torrenting | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | woo! | 02:41 |
Hobbsee | hey nixternal, nospam | 02:41 |
nixternal | heh | 02:42 |
jsgotangco | where is the torrent? | 02:42 |
=== jsgotangco is now known as greenegssnospam | ||
Hobbsee | :) | 02:43 |
Riddell | btlaunchmanycurses . | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: hm? | 02:43 |
Riddell | Jucato: any of the mirrors http://kubuntu.org/download2.php | 02:43 |
Riddell | that should have been jsgotangco | 02:44 |
nixternal | or releases.ubuntu.com | 02:44 |
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Riddell | if you like being slow | 02:44 |
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | jsgotangco: any of the mirrors http://kubuntu.org/download2.php | 02:44 |
nixternal | well I have the 4 torrents opened in KTorrent now | 02:44 |
nixternal | only 1 is going, now 2 | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | thanks | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | hmmm i guess there's no jigdo for desktop because of squashfs? | 02:45 |
Riddell | yes | 02:45 |
jsgotangco | k im gonna seed amd64s | 02:46 |
=== Riddell twiddles thumns | ||
nixternal | wow, I have them all seeded :) | 02:46 |
Riddell | maybe I should just rebel and announce it before ubuntu :) | 02:46 |
nixternal | haha | 02:46 |
=== jsgotangco doesn't care for x86 heh | ||
nixternal | get slashdotted first | 02:47 |
nixternal | jsgotangco: me either, but others do :) | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: why not. your website still exists :P | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: sounds great to me | 02:47 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 02:47 |
Riddell | we already had screenshots done for us by linuxquestions | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | nice! | 02:47 |
=== sebas wonders if Kubuntu will also be officially announced by Canonical. | ||
jsgotangco | sebas: its usually 1 annoucement for all 4 | 02:49 |
sebas | Yes, all called Ubuntu, KDE mentioned nowhere. | 02:49 |
sebas | I'm not a huge fan of this umbrella branding. | 02:49 |
jsgotangco | me too actually | 02:49 |
nixternal | sebas: they kind of were, 3 days ago :) | 02:49 |
sebas | Kubuntu could have a much stronger brand of its own. | 02:49 |
Riddell | the problem is the lack of actual umbrella branding | 02:49 |
nixternal | err, s/they/we/ ;) | 02:50 |
sebas | Right, Riddell. | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | bah. just release kubuntu first. it's about time we got some recognition | 02:50 |
sebas | In fact it is none. | 02:50 |
nixternal | Hobbsee: +1 | 02:50 |
sebas | Let's discuss that again in Sevilla. | 02:50 |
nixternal | what are they gonna do? fire you? I doubt it ;) | 02:50 |
sebas | We talked about separating releases in Paris, and IMO it still makes sense. | 02:50 |
nixternal | you will just get 50 lashings | 02:50 |
Riddell | sebas: jono was talking about it too | 02:50 |
sebas | We could also get closer to KDE's release cycles. | 02:50 |
nixternal | that would be cool | 02:51 |
sebas | Riddell: I discussed that with him over a beer in Mountainview, actually. | 02:51 |
sebas | Today or tomorrow might be a good day to blog about this. | 02:51 |
Riddell | separate releases I still don't like the idea of | 02:51 |
sebas | Same reasons, still? | 02:51 |
mhb | is it even technically possible? | 02:51 |
mhb | I mean the core is the same | 02:51 |
Hobbsee | particularly as it messes freezes, etc | 02:52 |
sebas | mhb: Yes. | 02:52 |
mhb | my point, Hobbsee | 02:52 |
jsgotangco | its pretty much a different community even | 02:52 |
nixternal | I guess it would be kind of a pain, because we would either be behind, or it would be difficult trying to dev a revision ahead of the other | 02:52 |
jsgotangco | not so different, but its there | 02:52 |
Riddell | delaying a week or so might be possible, entirely separate releases are less so | 02:52 |
sebas | We could sync with KDE's release cycle (as soon as there is one) and release Kubuntu with the .1 and get more bugfixes. | 02:52 |
sebas | We've got to be behind, that's *much* safer. | 02:53 |
mhb | if KDE synced its' release cycle with GNOME ... | 02:53 |
sebas | Also, you don't want to be too far off, imagine dev summits where the previous one is not released yet | 02:53 |
sebas | mhb: Don't hold your breath :-) | 02:53 |
jsgotangco | good point | 02:53 |
=== sebas wants a wii, btw. | ||
mhb | sebas: that would solve our problem, and not only ours ... other distros ship both DEs, too | 02:55 |
=== nixternal too | ||
=== jsgotangco has one weee | ||
sebas | mhb: It's simply not going to happen. | 02:55 |
mhb | sebas: because one group hates the other? :o) | 02:55 |
=== luis_lopez [n=jabba@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
sebas | Although I *do* think that KDE should release bi-annually. | 02:55 |
sebas | Fixed cycles make enterprise adoption easier. | 02:55 |
jsgotangco | we could wish its just that reason heh | 02:55 |
nixternal | hahaha jsgotangco | 02:55 |
sebas | mhb: No, because the release team really has other things to care about. | 02:56 |
Riddell | sebas: I agree with that | 02:56 |
Riddell | but it'll never happen | 02:56 |
sebas | And frankly, I don't think that GNOME's releases are something KDE should work towards to. | 02:56 |
sebas | The stuff that GNOME gets once in a half year is about the same amount KDE gets in a bugfix update lately. KDE's development is much more active and probably completely different. | 02:57 |
jsgotangco | interesting..i don't get that much bug reports now hahaha people are dying in anticipation rather than file bugs | 02:57 |
nixternal | wow, these torrents have degraded my network badly | 02:57 |
sebas | Riddell: Well, last time we talked about that we postponed it to KDE4 time :) | 02:57 |
nixternal | 5.09s lag according to irssi | 02:57 |
sebas | Right now, this discussion doesn't make sense, we first need to see how stable KDE4 pans out. | 02:58 |
sebas | If we can easily stabilise stuff within a month at any point in time, it would work IMO. | 02:58 |
Riddell | sure | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: i'm starting to think that freenode isnt coping under the load, atm | 02:58 |
kwwii | Riddell: so is one of those pics good enough for the release pic or not | 02:59 |
kwwii | ? | 02:59 |
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | Hobbsee: I wouldn't doubt it, have they ever coped under any load though? | 02:59 |
Riddell | kwwii: yes, see http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-release.php | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: some, yes | 02:59 |
mhb | Riddell: is there anything in pyqt/pykde the French fellow who contacted me recently can do for gutsy? | 02:59 |
mhb | Riddell: have you found anything? | 02:59 |
nixternal | it is definitely network degragration here though, my email is taking forever to download | 02:59 |
nixternal | 34%, 58 messages, and stuck | 03:00 |
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=== sebas sends nixternal 400 emails now. ;-) | ||
nixternal | haha | 03:00 |
nixternal | sebas: I think that is what I am waiting for. I responded to a rapidly growing post on the Ubuntu forums last night | 03:01 |
nixternal | and it wouldn't let me "unsubscribe" from getting replies to it | 03:01 |
sebas | Hehehe. | 03:01 |
ScottK | nixternal: IRC latency here is 76ms, so I think you're right. | 03:01 |
nixternal | 1.97s here for me | 03:02 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: oh just go and release it... | 03:02 |
Hobbsee | 25 sec here for me, i keep almost dropping out | 03:02 |
nixternal | ScottK: have you even gone to sleep yet? | 03:02 |
ScottK | +1 for Hobbsee | 03:02 |
ScottK | Yes | 03:02 |
ScottK | Slept for about 3 hours. I have insomnia sometimes | 03:02 |
nixternal | like me, just a quick nap ey :) | 03:02 |
nixternal | haha same here | 03:02 |
ScottK | Not on purpose. | 03:02 |
giangy | 'afternoon guys | 03:03 |
nixternal | interveniously on a pot of coffee now | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | hiya giangy | 03:03 |
nixternal | hiy giangy | 03:03 |
ScottK | Reminds me I need to go get coffee. brb | 03:03 |
nixternal | hiya rather | 03:03 |
kwwii | wow, my torrent download speed is reaching over 500KB/S | 03:04 |
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_StefanS_ | kwwii: hey ... any luck on the logo ? | 03:05 |
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nixternal | kwwii: that will only last a little bit :) at least it did here | 03:10 |
nixternal | mine started out fast like that, now they are either stalled or 4k and lower | 03:10 |
=== ScottK [n=ScottK@static-72-81-252-22.bltmmd.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jsgotangco | me too | 03:12 |
jsgotangco | im just grabbing at 20KB/s now | 03:12 |
Riddell | nixternal: 14:12 <@mdz> Seveas: there is no dev team meeting today; if you could update the calendar I would appreciate it | 03:13 |
nixternal | got it | 03:13 |
=== laur [n=laur@213-35-242-11-dsl.end.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | everybody in feisty release mood? ,-) | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 03:17 |
Hobbsee | waiting... | 03:17 |
=== ScottK is in a needs more coffee mood. | ||
nixternal | I am in a Venti Caramel Macchiatto mood | 03:18 |
jsgotangco | eww starbucks | 03:19 |
nixternal | mmm Starbucks | 03:19 |
=== ScottK learned to drink coffee on Navy shipboard coffee. ANY coffee he had these days seems good. | ||
ScottK | had/has | 03:19 |
nixternal | they have a low fat bacon and swiss breakfast sammich that is out of this world | 03:19 |
ScottK | If there's anyone that has a moment and remembers the details on setting up with a new cloak, I'd appreciate a pointer in the right direction. I've gone through the freenode FAQ and made sure I'm an identified user. Seveas has added me to the cloaked users group. What next? | 03:20 |
jsgotangco | how much is a venti $3? $5 jeez | 03:20 |
ScottK | nixternal probably gets it with an extra shot too. | 03:20 |
ScottK | That costs more. | 03:20 |
nixternal | 2 extra shots | 03:20 |
nixternal | ScottK: Freenode has to add the cloak | 03:21 |
ScottK | Ahh. | 03:21 |
ScottK | So I need to ask an op or just wait? | 03:21 |
nixternal | I just asked one of the guys who I think does cloaks | 03:21 |
=== ScottK will go look for an op then. Thanks. | ||
\sh | is seveas not doing the cloaks or the communication with freenode? | 03:22 |
jsgotangco | yeah i thought its all automatic | 03:22 |
nixternal | he does, but it is on freenode to add the cloak | 03:22 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: will try to pull some strings, but staffers arent here | 03:22 |
Hobbsee | as usual | 03:22 |
nixternal | ya, the staffers are afk from what I can tell | 03:22 |
ScottK | Hobbsee: Thanks. I'll drink more coffee and not worry about it. | 03:23 |
\sh | I'm glad that I did remove my cloak | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | oh? | 03:23 |
nixternal | one sec ScottK I have one on the line | 03:23 |
ScottK | Cool | 03:23 |
\sh | Hobbsee: I had problems in some other channels when I came with ubuntu cloak ... | 03:23 |
Hobbsee | \sh: ahhh. i deauth for that sort of thing | 03:24 |
laur | sebas, any new thoughts about the second monitor problem ? | 03:24 |
\sh | btw..does anyone has problems with kde4 on feisty? | 03:26 |
Hobbsee | ScottK: done | 03:26 |
sebas | \sh: Yes, some lib is too old | 03:27 |
nixternal | all the cool people have ops in the release-party-page huh | 03:27 |
sebas | laur: Dunno, which? | 03:27 |
Hobbsee | nixternal: of course | 03:27 |
ScottK | Thanks | 03:27 |
\sh | sebas: ah...segfault right? | 03:27 |
nixternal | amaranth is working it | 03:27 |
nixternal | hahaha | 03:27 |
sebas | \sh: No, just older than the minimum required. | 03:27 |
=== ScottK is officially one of the cool kids now... | ||
sebas | I wouldn't think that a segfault in kde4 is a feisty problem :-) | 03:27 |
\sh | sebas: hm..at my place it's segfaulting when I start it via kdm or .xinitrc | 03:27 |
sebas | Didn't try that, I only used Xephyr and startkde | 03:28 |
\sh | sadly I don't see what component is segfaulting :( | 03:28 |
sebas | Tried startkde? | 03:28 |
nixternal | ScottK: you are cloaked btw | 03:28 |
laur | Bug #105125 | 03:28 |
ubotu | Malone bug 105125 in kde-guidance "After enableing second monitor guidance crashes on every startup and graphical display manager crashes immidiately when launched" [Undecided,Needs info] https://launchpad.net/bugs/105125 | 03:28 |
\sh | sebas: yepp... | 03:28 |
ScottK | nixternal: Thanks. | 03:29 |
nixternal | yup | 03:29 |
nixternal | no problemo | 03:29 |
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\sh | sebas: /etc/init.d/kdm stop ; startx and in .xinitrc /usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde with the exports added | 03:29 |
sebas | Hm, can't help, \sh. Sorry | 03:29 |
sebas | laur: Is the xorg.conf bad? | 03:31 |
ScottK | Now here's an interesting bug... Bug #99939 | 03:31 |
ubotu | Malone bug 99939 in ubuntu-bots "!x > y works even if y is not in any channel" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99939 | 03:31 |
laur | sebas, explain 'bad' =) | 03:32 |
\sh | sebas: no...on my laptop it fcks up because of xinerama | 03:38 |
\sh | sebas: or just because I don't use the default xorg.conf | 03:39 |
nixternal | haha, I want to start trolling so bad in the party channel :) | 03:39 |
\sh | nixternal: please don't there are enough trolls around ;) | 03:39 |
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nixternal | \sh: but I am a much better troll | 03:39 |
nixternal | I do the reverse trollology | 03:40 |
nixternal | they don't know what to do | 03:40 |
=== TheInfinity [n=TheInfin@p508f1b35.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
sebas | laur: Broken as in X does not start | 03:41 |
nixternal | OK, I will stop telling people that digg has pointed you to the fake releases we made to relieve the stress for the real release :) | 03:42 |
sebas | nixternal: Hehe | 03:42 |
nixternal | they should just go ahead and post the announcement. hell everyone is already downloading it | 03:42 |
laur | sebas, x starts, only with totally wrong settings | 03:43 |
sebas | Where, ubuntu.com is broken all the day :-) | 03:43 |
sebas | laur: So it's really displayconfig-restore that does things wrong? | 03:43 |
Riddell | ta da http://kubuntu.org/ | 03:43 |
nixternal | Riddell: did you do that prematurely :) | 03:44 |
sebas | Riddell: Congrats to the release. | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! | 03:44 |
Hobbsee | congrats on the release everyone | 03:44 |
nixternal | CONGRATS TO EVERYONE!!! | 03:44 |
=== nixternal hears the music and fireworks going off | ||
Riddell | nixternal: maybe :) | 03:44 |
nixternal | haha, awesome!!! | 03:44 |
nixternal | happy release day manchicken__ | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | Riddell: -release-party has just picked it up, immediately | 03:45 |
manchicken__ | Thank you nixternal, happy release day to you too :) | 03:45 |
manchicken | There's a -release-party? | 03:46 |
nixternal | finally, k.o is finally loading :) | 03:46 |
nixternal | #ubuntu-release-party | 03:46 |
Hobbsee | yes. has been all day | 03:46 |
stivani | At the bottom of the page in kubuntu.org there is a wrong last modified date | 03:46 |
stivani | probably someone could change it :) | 03:46 |
laur | sebas, i don't know what does it wrong, for start the guidance fails to set the resolution | 03:47 |
sebas | Yes, but *when* | 03:48 |
manchicken | ubuntu.com still says the release is tomorrow. heh | 03:48 |
sebas | Let me explain: displayconfig changes the xorg.conf to enable dualhead, but also does some settings during X login (user setting, so to speak). | 03:48 |
sebas | For the latter, xinit runs a tool called displayconfig-restore. | 03:48 |
sebas | Without trace and not knowing where to look, it's impossible to debug from here. | 03:49 |
laur | but still, it should be the displayconfig that writes the resolution of the monitor to xorg.conf ? | 03:51 |
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | lovely | 03:51 |
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nixternal | Riddell: the release is linked to 7.04-beta.php | 03:53 |
=== danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
danimo | heya! | 03:53 |
Hobbsee | hi danimo! | 03:54 |
danimo | congrats everyone involved! | 03:54 |
nixternal | ahh manchicken is cooler than me, not fair! :) | 03:54 |
manchicken | Says who? | 03:54 |
nixternal | you are on the top of the totem poll in party central | 03:56 |
nixternal | argh the lag | 03:56 |
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | 09:00:54 [@ Seveas] apparntly even kubuntu.org was premature | 04:01 |
nixternal | hahahaha | 04:01 |
=== acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== yveslu [n=yves@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Hobbsee | bah. pulled. | 04:08 |
nixternal | heh | 04:08 |
ScottK | Well I just found 4 more dupes of Bug #97507. That makes 22 now... | 04:09 |
ubotu | Malone bug 97507 in kde-guidance "[apport] displayconfig-restore.py crashed with ImportError in <module>() - ixf86misc" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97507 | 04:10 |
nixternal | manchicken: ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/7.04 | 04:10 |
=== yveslu [n=yves@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] | ||
nixternal | Rock on USSG has the ISO's already | 04:11 |
manchicken | Nice. | 04:11 |
nixternal | and at 2MBps | 04:11 |
=== glatzor [n=sebi@host-82-135-29-2.customer.m-online.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
\sh | danimo: thx to you guys from kde :) | 04:13 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm235.epsilon48.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
danimo | \sh: tnx | 04:14 |
\sh | danimo: will you be at froscon? | 04:15 |
danimo | \sh: next stop: make (k)networkmanager and guidance-power-manager not fuck up after resuming from suspend :} | 04:15 |
danimo | \sh: sure as hell! I'm organizing it, dude :) | 04:15 |
\sh | danimo: cool...:) | 04:15 |
danimo | \sh: there'll be a KDE/Kubuntu Room again | 04:15 |
\sh | danimo: will be there for a talk with mrfai (officially) | 04:16 |
danimo | \sh: who? | 04:16 |
\sh | danimo: thomas lange | 04:16 |
danimo | \sh: ah | 04:16 |
danimo | cool | 04:16 |
\sh | danimo: we decided to do a talk together :) | 04:16 |
danimo | \sh: cool | 04:21 |
danimo | (again :) | 04:21 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Feisty Out! http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-release.php | Bugs! https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | test KDE 4 "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.3/ edgy main" | ||
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=== fritsch [i=SQFxYPWZ@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | thanks danimo | 04:28 |
Riddell | anyone want to do a dot story? | 04:28 |
manchicken | Nobody anticipated all 15 million users hitting kubuntu.org at the same time, eh? heh | 04:28 |
danimo | Riddell: does kubuntu also have the migration assistent? | 04:28 |
Riddell | no, not yet | 04:29 |
danimo | Riddell: it's so sad that whatever the ubuntu community does, kubuntu is one step behind :( | 04:30 |
nixternal | I can't keep up with what they are saying in the party channel | 04:30 |
nixternal | the lines go by so fast, I feel like I am on Acid watching a Stones concert | 04:31 |
ScottK | nixternal: Which channel? I'm game for a look. | 04:31 |
nixternal | #ubuntu-release-party | 04:31 |
=== ScottK looks | ||
nixternal | Riddell: what are you looking for on te dot story? | 04:31 |
nixternal | none of my stories make it, maybe this will be a first ;) | 04:32 |
Riddell | nixternal: 1 paragraph, release is out, give it a KDE angle | 04:32 |
_marseillais_ | Riddell, could you come on #kubuntu-fr to op me to change the title? i'm not at home and can not op me.... | 04:32 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | anyone have edgy installed? | 04:34 |
ScottK | Riddell: I have to swap hard drives in my laptop, so give me a minute, but yet | 04:36 |
ScottK | yet/yes | 04:36 |
ScottK | What do you need? | 04:36 |
Riddell | testing that adept really runs the upgrader and that it upgrades | 04:37 |
=== ScottK wanders off for coffee. Back in a sec. | ||
ScottK | Sure. Tell me which things to click and I"ll do it. | 04:37 |
ScottK | I almost never use adept... | 04:37 |
fritsch | Riddell: i made a test upgrade to feisty beta from edgy and it went fine ... | 04:37 |
Riddell | follow kubuntu instructions for https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades | 04:37 |
ScottK | Will do | 04:37 |
Riddell | fritsch: but now I need it tested for the final thing :) | 04:38 |
fritsch | Riddell: oki :-) sorry, but cannot revert it that easy | 04:38 |
kwwii | Riddell: I will test it as well | 04:40 |
nixternal | Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16403/ <- there is a base for a dot kde story | 04:41 |
ScottK | Riddell: That's an Ubuntu link, not Kubuntu? | 04:42 |
ScottK | Riddell: Nevermind | 04:43 |
nixternal | Riddell: I gotta roll to school, so if you can't use that little write up, then you either have to wait, or you can rock it out, or someone else in here :) | 04:43 |
nixternal | man I am late | 04:43 |
nixternal | this hoopla has killed my morning :) | 04:44 |
abattoir | hi everyone, congratulations on the release! | 04:46 |
ScottK | Only 101 upgradeable packages... (this is to get Edgy up to date before the upgrade) | 04:48 |
=== hunger hopes work on the next release will start soon:-) | ||
=== nixternal too | ||
nixternal | I am ready to dist-upgrade | 04:49 |
nixternal | I hate stability! | 04:49 |
=== hunger hates stable ubuntu releases... those tend to break horribly for me:-( | ||
abattoir | ScottK: you see the 'Version Upgrade' button? | 04:49 |
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hunger | About 2 weeks before a new ubuntu release is about to hit the streets my boxes tend to stop working properly:-| | 04:50 |
ScottK | abattoir: Still getting my 219 mb of Edgy updates. | 04:50 |
abattoir | ScottK: oh ok, there are a couple of users over at #kubuntu saying they don't see it | 04:50 |
danimo | hunger: I am already waiting for the time I get "upgrade to gutsy" when asking for updated libs | 04:50 |
danimo | or apps | 04:51 |
ScottK | The good news is the us repo is quick. | 04:51 |
ScottK | BTW, I had the Edgy 3.5.6 packages installed, so you might want someone who didn't have this if there are any... | 04:51 |
kwwii | I did not have it installed | 04:52 |
kwwii | but the download is taking forever | 04:52 |
ScottK | That's good then | 04:52 |
hunger | danimo: Will happen soon enough:-) | 04:52 |
hunger | danimo: Well, it will be slow going for the next couple of weeks till the devs get over their meeting thingy:-) | 04:54 |
ScottK | No reason you all can't go triage or fix bugs in the meantime... | 04:59 |
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
imbrandon | hahah nice | 05:03 |
imbrandon | kubuntu is far more downloaded than the others | 05:03 |
imbrandon | since i started seeding this morning | 05:03 |
imbrandon | ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso (100.0%) seeding - 59 peers 84 seeds 7.999 dist copies - 0 B dn 1.7GiB up492.4MiB 0 B/s346.4KiB/s | 05:03 |
imbrandon | ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso (100.0%) seeding - 149 peers 113 seeds 15.999 dist copies - 0 B dn 1.9GiB up697.9MiB 0 B/s243.1KiB/s | 05:03 |
imbrandon | kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso (100.0%) seeding - 153 peers 77 seeds 11.999 dist copies - 0 B dn 2.5GiB up694.1MiB 0 B/s673.1KiB/s | 05:03 |
imbrandon | Riddell, ^^ | 05:03 |
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=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pd950a00e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
freeflying_ | Congrats all, feisty out :) | 05:18 |
Lathiat | imbrandon: heh | 05:18 |
Lathiat | imbrandon: im pushing 3M/s of ubuntu-desktop-i386.iso atm | 05:18 |
Lathiat | my link doesn tgo any faster :/ | 05:18 |
Lathiat | in fact azureus is having a hard time keeping it on 3M/s | 05:18 |
Lathiat | keeps wining up to 3.2M/s | 05:19 |
=== Kuhrscher [n=jannick@] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | imbrandon: fancy submitting an article to the dot? e.g. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16403/ | 05:20 |
=== apachelogger [n=me@N847P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
acidBURN | nothing as of yet for updates | 05:21 |
Riddell | acidBURN: what are you trying? | 05:21 |
acidBURN | sudo apt-get update | 05:22 |
acidBURN | nothing | 05:22 |
ScottK | Riddell: So far Adept hangs at the end of my attempt to have an up to date Edfy | 05:22 |
ScottK | Edgy | 05:22 |
ScottK | Wait | 05:22 |
apachelogger | btw, will feisty be available via shipit or only next LTS release? | 05:22 |
ScottK | NVM - Just VERY slow | 05:22 |
acidBURN | so, when are the updates coming....for feisty beta | 05:24 |
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abattoir | apachelogger: from what i read, it should be available | 05:25 |
abattoir | IS available, i should say. https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ | 05:25 |
apachelogger | Oo | 05:25 |
apachelogger | huh | 05:25 |
apachelogger | arrsome :D | 05:25 |
abattoir | sorry, https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ :) | 05:26 |
=== elcuco [n=elcuco@bzq-88-154-39-19.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
bddebian | Heya | 05:27 |
abattoir | hi bddebian :) | 05:27 |
bddebian | Hello abattoir | 05:27 |
=== stivani [n=stivani@d5152A75F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
freeflying_ | I will have a presentation at May. 8 for Kubuntu/ubuntu on beijingLUG | 05:30 |
ScottK | Riddell: My edgy is now up to date, but I'm not being offered the upgrade wizard until I stop adept and restart it. Then I get it. | 05:33 |
abattoir | ScottK: yeah, i think adept is upgraded too, so you need to run the newer version to see it | 05:33 |
imbrandon | Riddell, sure, give me one sec | 05:33 |
ScottK | That's probably worth a mention in the procedure. | 05:34 |
=== acidBURN [n=rn@cpe-72-184-186-31.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | ScottK: it does say you need to quit and restart adept | 05:37 |
ScottK | No it did not | 05:37 |
=== ScottK looks | ||
ScottK | Riddell: OK. Got it. | 05:38 |
ScottK | So I'm following the process then | 05:38 |
ScottK | Upgrader's running now | 05:39 |
imbrandon | Riddell, submitted | 05:39 |
imbrandon | :) | 05:39 |
ScottK | Sorry - only had about 3 hrs sleep last night and am a bit fuzzy. | 05:39 |
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ScottK | Well at 120kb/s it's gonna be a while... | 05:43 |
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@2001:6f8:392:1:213:2ff:fe4a:53a7] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | nixternal: your kubuntu-docs update breaks english docs | 05:50 |
Riddell | there's en_GB and some en_CA but no en | 05:50 |
Riddell | danimo: fancy publishing that dot story? | 05:51 |
ScottK | Riddell: It's going to be many hours until I know if this upgrade works or not... | 05:53 |
Riddell | ScottK: if it's started fine then chances are it'll continue fine | 05:54 |
manchicken | Do we have any trackers other than torrent.ubuntu.com? | 05:54 |
ScottK | OK. It's started | 05:54 |
Riddell | manchicken: that would kindae defeat the purpose | 05:55 |
manchicken | Riddell: Having redundant trackers? | 05:55 |
danimo | Riddell: just do it | 05:56 |
danimo | :) | 05:56 |
manchicken | I keep getting timeouts from the tracker. | 05:56 |
Riddell | yes, a torrent should only have 1 centre | 05:56 |
Riddell | danimo: conflict of interest if I publish it | 05:56 |
manchicken | Riddell: That makes sense, but it seems like the ubuntu tracker is just getting hammered so hard it can't keep up. | 05:57 |
giangy | Ubuntu CD i386 http://linuxtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=3978 | 05:59 |
giangy | Kubuntu CD i386 http://linuxtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=3980&hit=1 | 05:59 |
giangy | Xubuntu CD i386 http://linuxtracker.org/torrents-details.php?id=3984&hit=1 | 05:59 |
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-220-171-113.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
giangy | manchicken: ^ | 05:59 |
manchicken | Naw, just hitting the update button in ktorrent fixed the problem it seems. | 06:00 |
ScottK | Bug #107727 ... | 06:00 |
ubotu | Malone bug 107727 in update-manager "Upgrade Tool crashed upon Feisty Ugrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107727 | 06:00 |
manchicken | The kubuntu i386 iso isn't doing too well. | 06:00 |
ScottK | The crash is in adept-manager | 06:00 |
MidMark | hi, I had this problem during distro-upgrade: 2007-04-19 17:51:45,244 ERROR got an error from dpkg for pkg: '/var/cache/apt/archives/samba_3.0.24-2ubuntu1_i386.deb': 'il sottoprocesso nuovo script di post-removal ha restituito un codice di errore 134 | 06:01 |
MidMark | what I have to do? | 06:01 |
apokryphos | heh, keb 1.0.1 released already :o | 06:01 |
Hobbsee | MidMark: give us an english translation, first off... | 06:01 |
MidMark | subprocess of the new script post-removal returned error code 134 | 06:02 |
giangy | Hobbsee: "the subprocess of the new script post-removal returned error code 134" | 06:02 |
Hobbsee | wooo | 06:02 |
giangy | ops :-) | 06:02 |
MidMark | seems bug #102011 | 06:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 102011 in samba "Update to feisty beta fails with samba installed" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102011 | 06:02 |
MidMark | problem now dist-upgrade is stopped :( | 06:03 |
ScottK | Thanks. Confirmed the bug... | 06:03 |
nixternal | Riddell: I will take a look when I get free time | 06:03 |
MidMark | ScottK: thanx now can you say what can I do? :) | 06:04 |
ScottK | I'd suggest doing what they suggest in the bug | 06:04 |
Hobbsee | find out what the post-removal code 134 is, too | 06:04 |
ScottK | uninstall samba first and then reinstall after the upgrade | 06:05 |
MidMark | ScottK: ok but then I close dist-upgrade and then? open adept? | 06:05 |
nixternal | heh, they have taken down all of the ubuntu servers | 06:06 |
Riddell | ? | 06:06 |
ScottK | MidMark: I'd stop the upgrade and then remove samba, yes. No guarantees. | 06:07 |
nixternal | I can't connect to them from school | 06:07 |
nixternal | ubuntu.com and kubuntu.org are working now | 06:07 |
nixternal | planet is dead | 06:07 |
MidMark | ScottK: mmm weird | 06:08 |
MidMark | try | 06:08 |
MidMark | anyway dist-upgrade should continue to finish work and not stop at the first error :( | 06:08 |
ScottK | Right. You can't cancel out in the middle of it, can you.. | 06:09 |
MidMark | anyway not there isn't other solutions ...... | 06:10 |
imbrandon | danimo, publish me hehehehe | 06:10 |
MidMark | yeah adept cannot uninstall nothing, another process is running over the database | 06:12 |
MidMark | feisty!!! | 06:12 |
MidMark | any suggestion? | 06:12 |
Jucato | !adeptfix | MidMark | 06:13 |
ubotu | MidMark: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 06:13 |
MidMark | Jucato: yes but the rest of the installation? | 06:14 |
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kwwii | Riddell: apparently adept manager died while it was updating | 06:22 |
=== manchicken_ [n=manchkn@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | erk | 06:22 |
kwwii | Riddell: erm, wait...it was simply stuck on something, now the download is continuing | 06:22 |
Riddell | phew | 06:22 |
nixternal | lol | 06:23 |
ScottK | Bug #107727 is the only adept related bug I've seen come in so far. | 06:24 |
ubotu | Malone bug 107727 in update-manager "Upgrade Tool crashed upon Feisty Ugrade" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107727 | 06:24 |
nixternal | Riddell: would it be OK if I built the HTML outside of the updated docs package to 1) make it smaller and 2) make it build quicker? or should we just continue running a Makefile in the rules? | 06:24 |
=== elcuco_ [n=elcuco@bzq-88-154-39-19.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
Riddell | nixternal: that would seem inelegant | 06:25 |
Riddell | how would it make it smaller? | 06:25 |
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nixternal | well, it wouldn't really make it smaller, strike that one, but we wouldn't have to run the Makefile which is what takes forever (8 hours) during the build | 06:26 |
Riddell | you'd still have to build the html from the docbook, which would take just as long | 06:26 |
Riddell | if there's a faster way to do it, change the makefile to do that | 06:26 |
nixternal | not locally | 06:26 |
nixternal | I can build all of the HTML in less than 5 minutes just by running 'make all' | 06:27 |
nixternal | pbuilder is what takes forever on the makefile | 06:27 |
Riddell | what is it doing different? | 06:28 |
nixternal | I have no clue | 06:28 |
nixternal | it is doing nothing different | 06:28 |
nixternal | debian/rules sends kdeb to the Makefile which is the same as 'make all' | 06:28 |
nixternal | but for some reason pbuilder does it so slow | 06:29 |
Riddell | is it the lack of internet connection? | 06:29 |
nixternal | you know, it very well could be | 06:29 |
nixternal | because of the --xinclude flag | 06:29 |
nixternal | I think that is what I pinpointed the issue to | 06:29 |
nixternal | I need to study that flag a little more and see just how necessary it is | 06:30 |
nixternal | because 50% of our translation don't even have a $$cc.xml in the xml includes anyways | 06:30 |
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
jdong | so.... shall k3b 1.0.1 be attempted as a "SRU"? | 06:30 |
jdong | :) | 06:31 |
nixternal | haha | 06:31 |
nixternal | jdong: you are an SRU freak! | 06:31 |
jdong | lol | 06:31 |
jdong | why thank you :) | 06:31 |
Riddell | SRU is for specific bug fixes only, not new releases | 06:31 |
Jucato | btw, about K3b... it has a sort of misleading error message if libk3b2-mp3 isn't installed | 06:31 |
jdong | there's an interesting list of bugfixes | 06:31 |
nixternal | Jucato: don't try and use the mp3 stuff then ;) | 06:32 |
nixternal | I mean they call the encoder lame for a reason | 06:32 |
jdong | nixternal: spoken like a true GNU citizen :) | 06:32 |
nixternal | haha | 06:32 |
Jucato | nixternal: even with LAME installed | 06:32 |
nixternal | hahah, I have people believing the Gutsy toolchain is good to and they can dist-upgrade from feisty | 06:32 |
jdong | Jucato: does RMS pop up goatse style? | 06:32 |
Jucato | er I just misinterpreted your message | 06:32 |
nixternal | Chicago people are going to hate me | 06:33 |
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Jucato | nixternal: I meant, the error message/popup always shows up when you start K3b, and it talks about libmad when what we use for burning mp3's to audio cd is libk3b2-mp3 | 06:33 |
jdong_ | ow! my ipw3945d! | 06:34 |
=== jdong_ throttles his torrent to 1.5MB/s up.... | ||
nixternal | orly | 06:34 |
nixternal | I haven't noticed the error at all, but then again I don't burn audio to cd anymore | 06:35 |
Jucato | nixternal: you don't get a popup when you run k3b? | 06:35 |
nixternal | nope | 06:36 |
Jucato | MP3 Audio Decoder not found... when in fact it's looking for an encoder afaik... | 06:36 |
nixternal | and I ran K3b all day so far | 06:36 |
Jucato | weird... :( | 06:36 |
nixternal | I was running it this morning on a fresh install of Feisty as a matter of fact and never noticed it | 06:37 |
Jucato | ah ok.. must be me :) | 06:37 |
nixternal | of course it is you ;p | 06:37 |
=== Jucato borrow the LongPointyStick for a while :) | ||
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | lol | 06:39 |
nixternal | http://www.axiotron.com/index.php?id=modbook | 06:40 |
nixternal | I gotta have that! | 06:40 |
nixternal | imaging that running Kubuntu | 06:40 |
Jucato | wth!?!?! I want that!!! | 06:40 |
yuriy | heh. | 06:41 |
nixternal | that thing is sleek | 06:41 |
Jucato | hm.. do we have a wiki page with instructions on how to upgrade to feisty using the dist-upgrade tool? | 06:41 |
nixternal | holy cow man | 06:42 |
nixternal | Ubuntu mirror at the uni has the network so bogged down | 06:42 |
nixternal | lol | 06:42 |
yuriy | is that holy cow-man or holy cow, man? | 06:42 |
nixternal | all of the above | 06:42 |
jdong_ | nixternal: well I'm seeding the torrent at 1MB/s or so :D | 06:44 |
=== stivani [n=stivani@d5152A75F.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
nixternal | we have 4 seeds going at 3MB/s right now and we can't do anything else in the lab | 06:46 |
jdong_ | nixternal: lol | 06:46 |
nixternal | ooh, 6, someone decided to seed Ubuntu | 06:46 |
Lathiat | the torrents getting bigger :/ | 06:46 |
nixternal | haha, I run the shop, so I told them get the KUbuntu seeds going | 06:46 |
Lathiat | when i started it was 400 seeds 2500 peers | 06:46 |
Lathiat | nwo its 2000 seeds 4600 peers :/ | 06:46 |
jdong_ | yeah | 06:46 |
Lathiat | at least the seed/peer ratio is going up | 06:46 |
=== Lathiat is pushing 2.5M/s from down under | ||
nixternal | err, our seeds died out when using Piratebay as an extra announcer | 06:47 |
nixternal | Piratebay pulled it | 06:47 |
=== jdong_ should swithc over to a wired link | ||
jdong_ | wonder if it's obnoxious to be seeding at 1MB/s over student center wifi | 06:47 |
nixternal | lol | 06:48 |
nixternal | damn, you get that for campus wifi? | 06:48 |
jdong_ | yeah | 06:48 |
nixternal | dude, we get 40k on a super good day | 06:48 |
jdong_ | lol | 06:48 |
Lathiat | haha | 06:48 |
jdong_ | we also get all public IP's on wifi | 06:48 |
jdong_ | so.... | 06:48 |
jdong_ | hmm.... | 06:48 |
jdong_ | :) | 06:48 |
nixternal | but we have 4 dedicated OC3 lines to our lab | 06:48 |
Lathiat | its liek that in .au cept only traffic within our city is free | 06:48 |
Lathiat | intl traffic is like | 06:48 |
Lathiat | 3c/MB | 06:48 |
=== jdong_ has no idea how big the MITNet backend is | ||
nixternal | but I think the campus only uses a single OC48 sonet | 06:48 |
Lathiat | but i used to seed local traffic at 1M/s over wifi | 06:48 |
Lathiat | with a live ip | 06:48 |
Lathiat | that was great :) | 06:49 |
nixternal | oh lord, I have people thinking they know what the toolchain is and that it is out | 06:50 |
nixternal | now that is scary | 06:50 |
Lathiat | hahaha | 06:50 |
apokryphos | Riddell lists his mobile number on the release page :O | 06:54 |
=== apokryphos wonders how many hundreds of calls he's received so far | ||
Riddell | surprisingly few | 06:55 |
Riddell | a couple of journalists, a few companies wanting to sell CDs or machines and wondering about trademarks, a magazine wanting to put it on their cover and three or four calls for help | 06:56 |
Jucato | not everyone has the money to make international calls to the great Riddell-man :) | 06:56 |
=== mbiebl [n=michael@e180070143.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== nixternal calls Riddell and says "I want to buy the farm" | ||
_Sime | congrats everyone on the Feisty release! | 06:58 |
Jucato | oh yeah, late congrats! :) | 06:59 |
nixternal | haha | 07:00 |
Riddell | _Sime: :) | 07:00 |
_Sime | Riddell: thanks for the article BTW | 07:00 |
_Sime | feisty is a good solid release IMHO | 07:01 |
Riddell | lets make feisty LTS and go with KDE 4 for gusty | 07:01 |
nixternal | ooh | 07:04 |
nixternal | Gutsy! | 07:04 |
nixternal | it isn't a flatulent gibbon ;p | 07:04 |
_Sime | Gutz | 07:07 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:08 |
_Sime | bit of a bummer that Thunderbird 2.0 came out today. | 07:10 |
nixternal | haha, Ubuntu did the button to install fglrx and what not, and it is freezing everyones boxes here | 07:10 |
ScottK | Isn't that what it's for? | 07:12 |
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apokryphos | Riddell: just remembered that mandriva released (yesterday?), which had k3b 1.0 (for that dot story) | 08:20 |
apokryphos | awesome about the calls though; happy magazines are putting kubuntu out there and not just ubuntu :P | 08:22 |
=== grail [n=mmaurer@pD9E5D1B9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
apokryphos | mmm, food :). /me out for a bit | 08:25 |
nixternal | actually K3b in Mandriva is 1.0.1svn | 08:25 |
nixternal | interesting | 08:26 |
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nixternal | so they have one upped us | 08:27 |
nixternal | grrr | 08:27 |
nixternal | let's attack! | 08:27 |
gnomefreak | nixternal: where is the upgrade to feisty page for kubuntu? | 08:29 |
kwwii | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades | 08:29 |
kwwii | the update on my machine is still running :p | 08:30 |
kwwii | the servers appear to be a *bit* slow today for some strange reason | 08:30 |
gnomefreak | hmmmm | 08:30 |
nixternal | it is there somewhere | 08:30 |
nixternal | oh ya, linked to the wiki | 08:30 |
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gnomefreak | ty kwwii | 08:32 |
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=== TimArmstrong [n=TimArmst@rrcs-72-43-53-171.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
TimArmstrong | Hey everyone | 08:36 |
danimo | kwwii: using a mirror? | 08:36 |
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=== _StefanS_ [n=sfs@cpe.atm2-0-90156.0x5734b54a.naenxx14.customer.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
_StefanS_ | wow.. there's some activity on the ubuntu.com repos :) | 08:39 |
Riddell | apokryphos: it did? | 08:39 |
apokryphos | Riddell: so says distrowatch, though nixternal says 1.0.1svn, which seems a little crazy (what are their release schedules like) | 08:41 |
apokryphos | mmm, very nice kubuntu.org release image though 8) | 08:41 |
apokryphos | Riddell: are you going to attend the party in London? | 08:42 |
Riddell | apokryphos: not sure yet | 08:42 |
apokryphos | it's pretty soon, but sabdfl's gonna be there it seems; might go 8) | 08:43 |
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nixternal | apokryphos: it is on the mandriva release notes page | 08:45 |
nixternal | for spring 2007.1 | 08:45 |
=== apokryphos just reading about their new shareholder | ||
rbrunhuber | Does the xorg ati driver support xrandr 1.2? | 08:46 |
apokryphos | I guess they're not on the way out | 08:46 |
apokryphos | nixternal: thanks | 08:46 |
nixternal | rbrunhuber: yes it does, I was using it to flip my lcd the other night | 08:46 |
rbrunhuber | nixternal: so why is xrandr on my up to date feisty box reporting xrandr 1.1? | 08:47 |
lucas_ | nixternal: Is there any package of xserver1.3 for feisty ? | 08:47 |
nixternal | err, oh I don't know about the version | 08:47 |
nixternal | I just know that xrandr on feisty with ati works :) sorry | 08:47 |
lucas_ | rbrunhuber: xrandr 1.2 comes with xserver 1.3 | 08:47 |
lucas_ | and is schedeuled ofr may | 08:48 |
nixternal | !info krandr | 08:48 |
lucas_ | for may | 08:48 |
ubotu | Package krandr does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 08:48 |
nixternal | I install the kde thing with xrandr and it pulls in everything for me | 08:48 |
lucas_ | ubotu: yes but it is installed anyway | 08:48 |
Riddell | apokryphos: tomorrow surely | 08:49 |
nixternal | I have 1.0.2 actually listed for feisty | 08:49 |
lucas_ | nixternal: me too and only xrandr 1.2 is ready for output hotplug | 08:49 |
nixternal | ahh | 08:50 |
nixternal | OK, class time | 08:50 |
apokryphos | Riddell: the event? Yeah | 08:50 |
lucas_ | nixternal: good time then | 08:50 |
apokryphos | or do you mean you're certainly going to tomorrow's? | 08:50 |
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rbrunhuber | the servers are really really busy. apt-get update takes ages ... Seems feisty is a real succes ... | 08:52 |
Riddell | apokryphos: not certain at all, depends on mood of girlfriend | 08:52 |
apokryphos | heh, I know exactly what you mean 8) | 08:53 |
gnomefreak | expensive dinner by candle light and you should have few problems ;) | 08:53 |
rbrunhuber | Or not in mood -> no longer girlfriend. :-) | 08:54 |
=== gnomefreak had to do that to make up for big mistake so i know it works | ||
rbrunhuber | nixternal: Do you have a development version of x then? | 08:56 |
=== marseillai_ is now known as marseillai | ||
_StefanS_ | heh archive.ubuntu.com is so busy I can't even download the kubuntu release announcement :) | 08:57 |
=== ScottK is trying to get a patch done for security and can't even get the source.... | ||
Riddell | try launchpad | 08:59 |
ScottK | Good point | 08:59 |
ScottK | Will do | 08:59 |
_StefanS_ | maybe someone should have rented some extra bandwidth .. | 08:59 |
rbrunhuber | is there no single x11proto package without -dev? | 08:59 |
marseillai | Riddell: and you guys have done a good job for this release. I'll try to contribute more for next release and really appreciate your work. | 09:02 |
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Riddell | marseillai: formidable | 09:15 |
marseillai | Riddell: i've already package smplayer | 09:16 |
marseillai | and we'll try to work for REVU | 09:16 |
marseillai | Riddell: can i just troll a little and say that i would be more happy if cannonical take more attention on Kubuntu .... | 09:17 |
Riddell | marseillai: like your government do you mean? :) | 09:18 |
marseillai | lol | 09:18 |
marseillai | more than that | 09:18 |
marseillai | our governement just "give" a job to tonio | 09:18 |
Riddell | well they have to do something about these unemployed people sponging off the state :) | 09:19 |
marseillai | several else people could work for cannonical and make kubuntu greatest | 09:19 |
marseillai | Riddell: i'm just saying that Kubuntu is doing as well as ubuntu does with less people payed by cannonical! of course it's because kubuntu guys are better! ;) | 09:20 |
Riddell | we like to think so :) | 09:21 |
kwwii | Riddell: not sure why (time out or so I guess) but the updater complained about not being able to download a file | 09:21 |
marseillai | so! going to package manslide and learn CDBS | 09:22 |
marseillai | :) | 09:22 |
Riddell | kwwii: what did it do? | 09:22 |
kwwii | Riddell: it said it could download a file in a pop-up and said I should start the update again, then it quit | 09:23 |
kwwii | Riddell: and now when I tried again it says it cannot download the release announcement | 09:23 |
kwwii | but that pop-up allows me to retry (doing so now) | 09:23 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pd950a00e.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
kwwii | archive.ubuntu.com seems to take to long to reply | 09:24 |
=== Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
kwwii | the third time I tried it, it found the release announcement | 09:24 |
kwwii | this sounds like more of a server problem than the updater itself | 09:25 |
kwwii | the file that it failed on the first time was #34 of 37 | 09:26 |
kwwii | this time it is actually doing the upgrade though...I'll let you know if it worked when it is done | 09:27 |
Riddell | yes, it's a server issue, but it would be good if it could recover better | 09:27 |
kwwii | Riddell: the release notes part had a retry button but the other one did not | 09:28 |
kwwii | lol, it says it will take another 4 hours and 55 minutes | 09:30 |
_StefanS_ | Riddell: do you know if thunderbird 2.0 be available as an update in the future ? | 09:32 |
Riddell | _StefanS_: I expect it'll be in backports at some point | 09:32 |
_StefanS_ | uhm ok | 09:32 |
ScottK | kwwii: It's time estimate is pretty optimistic based on my experience. | 09:46 |
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kwwii | ScottK: yeah, it jumps around a lot depending on the current speed as well | 09:48 |
kwwii | if I was a newbie I probably would have given up a long time ago | 09:48 |
ScottK | I'me about 6 hours in and it says 3 to go yet. | 09:49 |
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toma | congrats on the release guys. well done! | 09:58 |
_StefanS_ | kwwii: hey, its okay if you dont have time to do that graphic :) | 09:59 |
_StefanS_ | I just hate being ignored :) | 10:00 |
kwwii | _StefanS_: sorry about that, I was busier than expected these last weeks | 10:00 |
_StefanS_ | kwwii: yep I understand, just say so - thats okay :) | 10:00 |
kwwii | _StefanS_: I might still have time to do it on the weekend | 10:01 |
kwwii | I'll definitely let you know | 10:01 |
_StefanS_ | kwwii: I would be really glad if you could. | 10:01 |
=== rbrunhuber [n=rbrunhub@highway.mvi.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
soulrider | hello! grats to everyone for the release!! | 10:14 |
=== _czessi [n=Czessi@dslb-088-073-007-090.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
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=== ash211 [n=andrew@user-1121lcl.dsl.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-72.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
marseillai | fdoving: i have an apps wich depends or xine OR mplayer i want it to depends on xine i have to add libxine1 in Depends ? | 10:34 |
marseillai | find | 10:38 |
=== apacheLAGger [n=me@N924P019.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
ryanakca | hmm... we can only ask for 3 kubuntu CDs from shipit, but 10 for ubuntu? | 10:54 |
=== manchicken__ [n=manchkn@74-134-94-223.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
marseillai | is there someone who can help me for my first CDBS package ? | 11:00 |
marseillai | fdoving: :$ | 11:02 |
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=== neversfelde [n=chrman@nrbg-4db44441.pool.einsundeins.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== jdong__ [n=jdong@SIMMONS-EIGHTEEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #kubuntu-devel | ||
=== jdong__ is now known as jdong | ||
manchicken__ | Do I have to do anything fancy now that feisty has been released? | 12:00 |
manchicken__ | I'm thinking not. | 12:00 |
ajmitch | dance around in circles? | 12:00 |
manchicken__ | ajmitch: Drink to my heart's content is more along the lines of what I had in mind. | 12:00 |
ajmitch | there is that option | 12:00 |
Riddell | bug triage! | 12:05 |
Riddell | nixternal: I see a lack of feisty story on fridge, might be a gap in the market for a "Kubuntu Feisty Released" story | 12:13 |
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