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zYe_ | jrib, | 01:02 |
jrib | zYe_: hi, what does happen with the side buttons? | 01:03 |
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zYe_ | jrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16325/ | 01:04 |
jrib | zYe_: kill imwheel before running this | 01:05 |
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zYe_ | ok it gives me an output of button 6, and 7 | 01:07 |
zYe_ | btw im on feisty O_o | 01:07 |
zYe_ | beta | 01:07 |
jrib | k, so what kind of mouse is this? | 01:07 |
jrib | do you have sidescroll? | 01:07 |
zYe_ | intellimouse | 01:08 |
zYe_ | optical | 01:08 |
zYe_ | wired | 01:08 |
zYe_ | i have 1,2 buttons and a scroll | 01:08 |
jrib | what does wheel down and wheel up give? | 01:08 |
zYe_ | 4,5 | 01:08 |
zYe_ | 1=left button, 2=scroll pushed down, 3=right button, 4-5 scroll, 6-7 side buttons | 01:09 |
jrib | weird, maybe the docs are wrong or imwheel is doing something different than what the docs indicate | 01:09 |
zYe_ | the setup i am currently using is this. | 01:10 |
jrib | not a big deal, just learn that Down is button whatever and use it that way | 01:10 |
zYe_ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=388161 | 01:10 |
zYe_ | that down is side button 6? | 01:11 |
zYe_ | vice versa? | 01:11 |
jrib | what do you mean by vice versa? | 01:12 |
jrib | button 6 is Down and Down is button 6 | 01:12 |
jrib | ? | 01:12 |
zYe_ | yea | 01:12 |
zYe_ | in imwheel | 01:12 |
jrib | right, that's what I would suggest | 01:13 |
zYe_ | except button 6 would be refereed to as thumb1 i guess | 01:13 |
jrib | but you are saying it isn't right? | 01:13 |
zYe_ | nope | 01:13 |
zYe_ | but what i am trying to fix is the fact that thumb1 equals thumb1 | 01:13 |
jrib | according to your imwheelrc you should be able to go back and forward in your browser with some mouse button, does that ahppen? | 01:13 |
zYe_ | yes | 01:13 |
jrib | k | 01:14 |
zYe_ | when i bind my thumb1 in a game is binded as alt | 01:14 |
zYe_ | and i want it to be binded as MOUSE6 or w/e | 01:14 |
zYe_ | because it isnt working correctly | 01:14 |
jrib | how do you bind it? | 01:15 |
zYe_ | you press the tab and it tells you to press the key to bind... | 01:15 |
jrib | but how does it end up in your imwheelrc | 01:16 |
zYe_ | it isnt in my imwheelrc | 01:16 |
zYe_ | lol | 01:16 |
jrib | hmm | 01:16 |
zYe_ | im guessing that alt_r | left | 01:16 |
zYe_ | in firefox | 01:17 |
zYe_ | goes back | 01:17 |
jrib | right | 01:17 |
zYe_ | so i need to change the 'null' section to something that the game will recognize for my side button? | 01:17 |
jrib | null lets you specify a modifier key for the mouse, like making alt-click do something | 01:18 |
jrib | so null means no modifier | 01:18 |
jrib | erm not null, "None" | 01:18 |
jrib | the "(null)" for the window name just lets you bind windows that don't get a window name | 01:19 |
zYe_ | There is one special header noted as "(null)" which matches windows that have a null string in the three attributes. This makes it possible to assign actions to even Quake3 | 01:19 |
zYe_ | this is where i am getting my idea, | 01:19 |
jrib | ok so what do you want to do? | 01:19 |
jrib | make the side button press g? | 01:19 |
zYe_ | i guess that would work | 01:19 |
zYe_ | but would it affect anything else? | 01:20 |
zYe_ | like when im not playing the game? | 01:20 |
jrib | it would affect any window that's (null) I guess | 01:20 |
zYe_ | so any window that is 'in front' would be affected | 01:20 |
zYe_ | i guess? | 01:20 |
jrib | I don't think so, most windows have some kind of identification, like "firefox". quake just doesn't comply with that | 01:21 |
jrib | so the .* will match firefox first | 01:21 |
zYe_ | what determines if a window is considered 'null' | 01:22 |
jrib | zYe_: the developers of the application that spawns the window I imagine. You may be able to see the info using xwininfo or xprop | 01:23 |
zYe_ | WM_CLASS(STRING) = "gaim", "Gaim" | 01:25 |
zYe_ | so this is the identification tag i guess | 01:25 |
zYe_ | and quake would be WM_CLASS(STRING) = "" | 01:25 |
zYe_ | ? | 01:25 |
zYe_ | thus making it null? | 01:25 |
jrib | must be | 01:26 |
jrib | is quake open source? | 01:26 |
zYe_ | im not playing quake, was just using it as an example | 01:26 |
zYe_ | this will be for starseige tribes | 01:27 |
zYe_ | starsiege* | 01:27 |
jrib | oh | 01:27 |
jrib | if it's open source there is always the solution to fix the app so it does give itself a name | 01:28 |
zYe_ | well this doesn't look good | 01:29 |
jrib | zYe_: what's that? | 01:30 |
zYe_ | and this game isnt open source | 01:30 |
zYe_ | WM_NAME(STRING) = "Tribes" | 01:30 |
jrib | ah that's very good | 01:30 |
zYe_ | WM_CLASS(STRING) = "Tribes.exe", "Wine" | 01:30 |
jrib | just match Tribes then | 01:30 |
zYe_ | oh? | 01:30 |
zYe_ | so i just change null, to tribes? | 01:30 |
jrib | zYe_: you know regex? | 01:30 |
zYe_ | nope | 01:31 |
jrib | k, well basically . means "any character" and * means "0 or more" | 01:31 |
jrib | so the ".*" thing basically matches any window | 01:31 |
jrib | just put a new section at the top that starts with "Tribes" | 01:31 |
zYe_ | "(tribes)" | 01:31 |
zYe_ | k | 01:32 |
jrib | no () | 01:32 |
zYe_ | ok | 01:32 |
jrib | and capitalization may matter | 01:32 |
zYe_ | None, Down, Shift_L|Left | 01:33 |
zYe_ | so that would make my button 6 left shift | 01:33 |
zYe_ | because my down scroll is my side button for some weird reason | 01:34 |
jrib | it should | 01:34 |
zYe_ | what is the |left for? | 01:34 |
zYe_ | i know the _L indicated left shift | 01:34 |
jrib | Shift_L|Left should be your left shift button AND your left arrow button | 01:35 |
jrib | at the same time | 01:35 |
zYe_ | so if i take out the arrow button then i can also take out the | correct to just make it Shift_L | 01:35 |
jrib | hmm you can try | 01:35 |
zYe_ | and if i want to make one of the buttons 'g' | 01:35 |
jrib | it may have problems using modifier keys like that but it's worth a shot | 01:36 |
zYe_ | what should i press | 01:36 |
zYe_ | lol | 01:36 |
zYe_ | or type | 01:36 |
zYe_ | O_o | 01:36 |
jrib | try just g | 01:36 |
zYe_ | they should of just assigned 7 buttons into the os | 01:37 |
zYe_ | -_- | 01:37 |
zYe_ | or did they | 01:37 |
jrib | not sure what you mean | 01:37 |
zYe_ | well without imwheel my other buttons where not recognized at all | 01:38 |
zYe_ | even after messing with xorg.conf | 01:38 |
jrib | well they are recognized, they just don't do anything | 01:38 |
zYe_ | which mean there is no support for more than 5 buttons in the os | 01:38 |
zYe_ | well where is the file that assigns mouse buttons | 01:39 |
jrib | it's more of an application thing. For example firefox is able to detect me tilting my scroll wheel with no configuration | 01:39 |
jrib | zYe_: assigns mouse buttons to what though? | 01:39 |
zYe_ | hmm | 01:39 |
jrib | you press your side button and it generates button6 lets say. What do you want to assign it to? | 01:39 |
zYe_ | yea | 01:39 |
zYe_ | well ive been here in linux for about 2 months, and in windows i would just say this button will now do something if the program supports it | 01:40 |
zYe_ | err | 01:40 |
zYe_ | or did it auto assign itself? | 01:41 |
zYe_ | like in firefox it worked right away, did it autoassign the alt arrow configuration? | 01:41 |
jrib | no I don't think so | 01:41 |
zYe_ | well then how could it 'suddenly' work? | 01:41 |
jrib | firefox just uses knows what to do with the button in windows I guess | 01:42 |
zYe_ | hmm | 01:42 |
zYe_ | ok | 01:42 |
jrib | I mean the app knows "hey button6 was pressed!". It's up to the app to do what it wants with it | 01:42 |
zYe_ | well i have to eat, brb if your still here | 01:42 |
zYe_ | i know | 01:42 |
zYe_ | :) | 01:42 |
jrib | I'm going to do the same, cya | 01:42 |
zYe_ | bye | 01:42 |
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kiamorningslx | hola a todos | 04:02 |
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NewbieBaba | jrib hey baba ! :) | 05:27 |
jrib | NewbieBaba: hi, how are you? | 05:27 |
NewbieBaba | im ok thanks and you ? | 05:28 |
NewbieBaba | downloading Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn | 05:28 |
NewbieBaba | i'll upgrade 6.10 to 7.04 also | 05:28 |
NewbieBaba | what do u think if i install it by CD or upgrade the current system? | 05:30 |
NewbieBaba | jrib | 05:31 |
jrib | NewbieBaba: upgrade if you want to keep your old settings | 05:31 |
NewbieBaba | how long it takes u think | 05:32 |
jrib | a couple of hours at most, but you can use your system while it fetches the upgrades | 05:32 |
NewbieBaba | btw i installed xwinwrap to use screenshots as desktop wallpaper | 05:32 |
NewbieBaba | glmatrix ftw :P | 05:32 |
jrib | cool | 05:32 |
NewbieBaba | screensaver* | 05:33 |
NewbieBaba | but the things in ss goes on my pages | 05:33 |
NewbieBaba | hmm u know what im saying | 05:33 |
jrib | pages? | 05:34 |
NewbieBaba | on pages that im using | 05:38 |
NewbieBaba | like chat window | 05:38 |
NewbieBaba | browser | 05:38 |
NewbieBaba | terminal | 05:38 |
jrib | oh, I see | 05:41 |
jrib | must be buggy then | 05:41 |
NewbieBaba | kk bbl | 05:41 |
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NewbieBaba | !alt gr | 06:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alt gr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:03 |
NewbieBaba | a.q | 06:03 |
NewbieBaba | !alt+gr | 06:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about alt+gr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:03 |
LjL | !alt-gr-#ubuntu-effects | 06:03 |
ubotu | To have your AltGr working run: xmodmap /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.<language> | 06:03 |
NewbieBaba | how can i make it permanent ? | 06:03 |
NewbieBaba | should i add it on session? | 06:04 |
LjL | no idea | 06:04 |
NewbieBaba | well i'll add it on session | 06:04 |
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NewbieBaba | # | 06:05 |
NewbieBaba | jrib, r u using xwinwrap? | 06:06 |
jrib | NewbieBaba: nope | 06:06 |
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GaiaX11 | I had to shutdown my pc and I was downloading feisty with bittorent. Do you think if I resume the download it will work or i will have problems with broken packages? | 11:41 |
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