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BobSongs | Good evening (well, it's night time here in Canada). | 05:11 |
Madpilot | evening | 05:12 |
BobSongs | I was cleaning up my computer station when I noticed a pile of Microsoft Quick Start guides. I was ready to toss them in the trash (seeing I have little need for MSFT Quick Start guides) when a thought hit me. | 05:13 |
BobSongs | What if I took the time to create an Ubuntu Quick Start guide? I know there's documentation out there for Ubuntu. But what about a guide that followed roughly what MSFT has designed for new users? | 05:13 |
BobSongs | Would such a thing be considered one too many among a set of already established tomes? Or does this sound like it might fill a need? | 05:14 |
BobSongs | These Quick Start guides are the type you'd find in an OEM box, one that contains a setup CD and a thicker manual on how to run Windows, for example. | 05:15 |
Madpilot | would this be designed for print, or as an onscreen doc? | 05:15 |
BobSongs | I am truly torn between the two. I guess I could put a rough draft together and submit it as a PDF file. | 05:16 |
BobSongs | The format is not 8 1/2 x 11. It's about half that size. It makes an ideal booklet. | 05:17 |
Madpilot | get a basic proposal/outline together, and fire it off to the docteam mailing list | 05:17 |
BobSongs | Excellent. | 05:17 |
BobSongs | I was looking at it and thought it might be a good idea. | 05:17 |
BobSongs | I kinda got a bit excited (as I am the excitable type) and did a cover for it in Inkscape. I wanted it to faintly resemble the Windows XP Pro Quick Start guide ... without being a complete rip off. | 05:18 |
Madpilot | got the image up on the web somewhere? | 05:19 |
BobSongs | Ooo. I should, eh? Lemme get that done. It'll take about 5 minutes. Cool? | 05:20 |
BobSongs | I'll stay connected here and get that done immediately. | 05:20 |
BobSongs | http://ubuntulinux.50webs.com/FrontCover.png | 05:26 |
BobSongs | :-) | 05:26 |
BobSongs | Done. | 05:26 |
BobSongs | It's not an amazing resolution. But you get the drift. | 05:26 |
BobSongs | While I have become less and less a fan of Microsoft I must admit their manuals are nicely laid out. And while I do not wish to tread on copyright issues I still think a booklet that covers the same essentials they cover would not be a bad idea. A printed copy would be uber cool. But a supplied PDF file would be just as good. | 05:28 |
BobSongs | The text on the PNG file is not final. It's just a mock up for the black background. | 05:29 |
BobSongs | I was going for a kind of "Ubuntu Ultimate" look. ;-) | 05:29 |
Madpilot | black isn't really an Ubuntu colour | 05:30 |
Madpilot | I like the basic layout, but go with tan/brown/etc, or just white | 05:30 |
BobSongs | Is there a link where I can get the Hex colours? | 05:31 |
BobSongs | I don't want to approximate the necessary colours. | 05:31 |
BobSongs | :-) | 05:31 |
Madpilot | just a sec, there are palettes available on the official artwork page | 05:31 |
Madpilot | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Official | 05:32 |
BobSongs | Okay. Cool. I prefer to work with hex when it comes to colors. | 05:32 |
BobSongs | Thanks for the reference. I'll begin the outline and rough draft and submit it to the docteam mailing list. | 05:33 |
Madpilot | I did the covers for the printed Lulu-published versions of the Dapper docs. I'll package up the SVG files if you want something to work from. | 05:35 |
BobSongs | Excellent. Any references you've got I'll gladly take and work with. | 05:36 |
Madpilot | give me a few minutes to tar.gz everything. | 05:36 |
BobSongs | No problem. | 05:36 |
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nixternal | http://www.nixternal.com/kwww/announcements/7.04-release.php | 05:52 |
nixternal | anyone up for proofing? | 05:52 |
nixternal | hiya mpt | 05:52 |
Madpilot | BobSongs, http://dev.wirelizard.ca/Lulu_Covers_SVG.tar.gz | 05:54 |
nixternal | LULU!!! | 05:54 |
BobSongs | Merci beaucoup as they say here in Montreal. | 05:55 |
nixternal | gracias as they say here in Chicago | 05:55 |
nixternal | haha | 05:55 |
BobSongs | Madpilot, I'll give the brown a try. Hope it looks good. I've got the palette in SVG format (yay!) so I'll continue to tweak the cover page. | 05:56 |
Madpilot | BobSongs, did you do that first draft in Inkscape? | 05:56 |
BobSongs | nixternal, Gracias in Chicago, eh? lol I guess Spanish is becoming very influential in the US. | 05:57 |
nixternal | at least here in Chicago it is | 05:57 |
BobSongs | Madpilot, Yep. I really like it since the 0.45 release. | 05:57 |
BobSongs | A big "thanks" to Google for the "Summer of Code" support. That resulted in blur added to the software. A very useful addition. In my opinion it bumps Inkscape up into 'professional' levels. | 05:58 |
BobSongs | Sorry: slightly off topic. | 06:00 |
BobSongs | However, I can always submit any graphics in SVG format. | 06:00 |
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Madpilot | evening Burgundavia | 06:01 |
Burgundavia | hey Madpilot | 06:02 |
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Burgundavia | need anything from Imperial Hobbies?\ | 06:02 |
Madpilot | need, maybe. can afford, no. You doing NWLinuxFest via Vancouver, then? | 06:02 |
Burgundavia | no, going tomorrow for BCLA | 06:04 |
Madpilot | cool. have fun. | 06:05 |
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nixternal | mdke: h.u.c needs the 7.04 tab, and the Edubuntu handbook :) | 02:37 |
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shirish | can somebody help me in understanding https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnPageCreation | 04:49 |
nixternal | CONGRATULATIONS DocTeam! Great job this release, now it is time to start thinking how to one up Feisty with Gutsy! | 04:50 |
nixternal | shirish: I would love to, but I am late to the uni from all of my Feisty release partying! | 04:50 |
shirish | nixternal: I just need 2 minutes, thats all | 04:50 |
shirish | I just need to know how to add the wikiname | 04:50 |
nixternal | ok make it quick :) | 04:50 |
nixternal | oh | 04:50 |
nixternal | OK, say I want to make a wiki page called ShirishRocks | 04:51 |
shirish | I don't want to over-write anybody's page | 04:51 |
nixternal | I would do it like so | 04:51 |
nixternal | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ShirishRocks | 04:51 |
shirish | ok go on | 04:51 |
nixternal | if the page is not yet created, it will offer you with a link to create the page | 04:51 |
shirish | ah ok that's how u do it | 04:51 |
nixternal | so you really don't have to worry about writing over someone elses page | 04:51 |
nixternal | if you click that link I posted with ShirishRocks you will see the page and the link to create a new page | 04:52 |
shirish | that makes it easy, that should be actually added to the wiki mentioned, is it ok if I add that bit to it | 04:52 |
nixternal | sure, if it helps out feel free | 04:52 |
shirish | thnx for your time :) | 04:52 |
nixternal | no problem | 04:53 |
nixternal | time to go be bored in school ;) | 04:53 |
shirish | dang thats an immutable page, the help on creation | 04:54 |
nixternal | ah, ya I guess the help pages would be | 04:55 |
shirish | anyway, would drop that on the mailing list somebody might be able to do something about it | 04:55 |
shirish | thanx again :) | 04:55 |
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nixternal | how important is using the '--xinclude' flag when building HTML now if we aren't using xi:includes at all in our docs now? | 07:00 |
nixternal | reason being, pbuilder seriously hates the '--xinclude' flag causing the build time for translated kubuntu-docs to go for 8 hours | 07:01 |
somerville32 | When is the 7.04 desktop guide going to be published? | 07:35 |
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nixternal | there is no desktop guide :) | 07:46 |
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