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chaddy | evening all | 02:19 |
ajehuk | evening | 02:19 |
chaddy | http://www.ubuntu.com/news/spotlight link here to sign up with Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter redirects to an O'Reilly registration page | 02:19 |
chaddy | which wasn't really what I was after | 02:19 |
chaddy | s/weekly news/newsletter | 02:20 |
chaddy | *sigh*, /me is overtired | 02:20 |
ajehuk | no that doesnt look right... | 02:20 |
ajehuk | give me a moment... | 02:21 |
chaddy | it's not really a problem, just added an RSS feed to the fridge | 02:22 |
chaddy | that'll get me all the info I need, I'm sure | 02:22 |
ajehuk | nah it is right, once you sign up you get to choose what you would like in the way of news letters, the ubuntu live one is listed there... | 02:22 |
chaddy | ahh, ok, just looked wrong | 02:23 |
chaddy | thanks a lot, ajehuk | 02:23 |
ajehuk | chaddy - its not that obvious - I ended up searching for ubunut... | 02:23 |
ajehuk | chaddy - way down at the bottom.. :) | 02:23 |
ajehuk | right Im out of here for a while - g'night all | 02:25 |
chaddy | ahh, I see what the problem is, the link doesn't specify that it's the "Live" newsletter for the conference | 02:27 |
chaddy | pebcak at this end, mainly, though | 02:28 |
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chaddy | s/cak/kac | 02:33 |
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Burgwork | chaddy: that is clearly just the newsletter for Ubuntu live, not the UWN | 02:44 |
chaddy | yeah, you're right, Burgwork; /me should sleep and consider more | 02:44 |
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elkbuntu | omg it's a John Little | 05:13 |
=== elkbuntu pokes johnlittle | ||
johnlittle | Hey ;) | 05:25 |
johnlittle | Sorry our new Houston LoCo ppl were chatting me up | 05:25 |
johnlittle | elkbuntu | 05:26 |
elkbuntu | oh? on irc or release partay? | 05:26 |
johnlittle | irc | 05:27 |
johnlittle | How have you been? | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | good, busy, yourself? | 05:27 |
johnlittle | Same..still plugging away at ubuntu stuff just not on IRC much | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | :) | 05:28 |
elkbuntu | been keeping up to date on us all then i suppose | 05:28 |
johnlittle | I try..mostly focused on ubuntuvideo but I monitor everything and blog a lot. Writing something tonight for the Houston paper's tech blog. | 05:29 |
elkbuntu | nice | 05:29 |
johnlittle | Still haven't been to any events so I'm not jetting around like some people ;) | 05:30 |
elkbuntu | : | 05:30 |
johnlittle | I just toil away in the basement | 05:30 |
elkbuntu | have you spoken to dinda/belinda recently? | 05:30 |
johnlittle | Nope..about? | 05:30 |
elkbuntu | whether she's going to be in spain or not | 05:31 |
elkbuntu | she seemed to have a potential work conflict but i didnt hear how it ended up | 05:31 |
johnlittle | No idea | 05:31 |
johnlittle | But if you run into her record me a video :p | 05:32 |
elkbuntu | hehe | 05:32 |
elkbuntu | i have not the facilities for that :( | 05:33 |
elkbuntu | i have video in my camera, but no sound | 05:33 |
johnlittle | I still need one from Jono | 05:33 |
johnlittle | I'm hoping release party vids show up. You hitting any parties? | 05:34 |
elkbuntu | nope unfortunately | 05:35 |
elkbuntu | if there were to be one in my area, i'd like have to organise it, and well... i havent | 05:35 |
johnlittle | Same here :) | 05:35 |
johnlittle | I've been cutting back on projects lately. Not all the way back but I'm not taking on new ones anytime soon. | 05:36 |
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johnlittle | Hows the freelancing thing going? | 05:38 |
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Burgundavia | nixternal: http://blog.lobby4linux.com/archives/145-Tux500-Where-are-we-now.html | 06:10 |
nixternal | I can only imagine | 06:11 |
nixternal | did he sell me out? | 06:11 |
Burgundavia | nah, just more blather | 06:11 |
nixternal | ya, I have been in communication with the REAL people behind the Tux500 campaign about that guy and the threats he sent me | 06:12 |
Burgundavia | oh? | 06:12 |
nixternal | I provided them the entire conversation and told them he is the reason I will not support the project was well as thousands of others | 06:13 |
nixternal | I told them people know him as the "idiot on digg" and the "moron on slashdot" | 06:13 |
nixternal | ya, I was on the phone with them this week, they are cool people and are dead serious about the project | 06:13 |
Burgundavia | ah, interesting | 06:13 |
nixternal | I wish them luck, but as long as that idiot is apart of their team, they get no monetary support from me | 06:13 |
Burgundavia | well, they are not communicating very well | 06:14 |
Burgundavia | nor did they get anybody to sign on | 06:14 |
Burgundavia | they also have a history of announcing their projects as if they are the only ones that will ever market Linux well | 06:14 |
nixternal | I told them they need to do something, as I have spoken to a few people who are aggregated on a few planets, and all it takes is one of us to blog about this guy and you are through | 06:14 |
nixternal | but I told them that they are safe as long as they control this guy, otherwise they are a sinking ship with him | 06:14 |
nixternal | well, they couldn't market linux if their lives depended on it | 06:15 |
nixternal | you don't market Linux to a bunch of toothless drunks at "Americas" race | 06:15 |
nixternal | people go to Indy for 1 or 3 or 4 things | 06:15 |
nixternal | 1) get drunk | 06:15 |
nixternal | 2) watch girls get naked | 06:15 |
nixternal | 3) listen to the loudest crap ever for 3 hours and see these little blurs fly by you | 06:16 |
nixternal | 4) get drunk | 06:16 |
boredandblogging | i see nothing wrong with 1, 2, and 4 | 06:16 |
Madpilot | nixternal, 5) hope for large messy high-speed car crashes | 06:16 |
boredandblogging | ;-) | 06:16 |
nixternal | I have only missed 2 races in the past 25 years | 06:16 |
nixternal | Madpilot: yes, forgot about that one | 06:16 |
nixternal | oh, and the driver they got, he will be in a messy car crash | 06:16 |
johnlittle | Just think of the "Linux crashed" jokes | 06:19 |
Burgundavia | johnlittle: long time, no see | 06:22 |
johnlittle | I only come out of my basement for releases..canonical orders | 06:22 |
johnlittle | how you doing? | 06:22 |
Burgundavia | not bad | 06:23 |
Burgundavia | going to be on the road for tomorrows release | 06:23 |
johnlittle | Any marketing team activity going down? | 06:23 |
nixternal | johnny!! | 06:24 |
johnlittle | are we putting nixternal in a tux suit or something? | 06:25 |
nixternal | johnlittle: I already told that joke, and pissed that Helio idiot off | 06:25 |
johnlittle | :p | 06:25 |
nixternal | I am wearing a Tux suit on Sunday thank you very much | 06:25 |
johnlittle | awesome | 06:25 |
johnlittle | get me some video | 06:25 |
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nixternal | everyone in my lug is to broke to own a camera | 06:25 |
nixternal | and I am not about to let them use mine | 06:26 |
johnlittle | I hope release party footage shows up - i cant bear to watch another beryl demo | 06:26 |
nixternal | lol | 06:27 |
nixternal | Ya, Ubuntu chicago is doing their thing on Saturday, but I won't be there | 06:27 |
nixternal | I have a LUG event to get setup, and for some reason they don't want to listen | 06:27 |
nixternal | I have space to hold 250+ people, projectors, computers, podiums, workstations, you name it | 06:28 |
nixternal | all free | 06:28 |
johnlittle | nice | 06:28 |
nixternal | no, they would rather go and sit in a church basement | 06:28 |
Burgundavia | wierd | 06:28 |
Burgundavia | people are very wierd | 06:28 |
johnlittle | now just get someone to shoot me some video :) | 06:28 |
nixternal | ya, we need to do that | 06:28 |
johnlittle | oh that is weird | 06:28 |
johnlittle | are ya'll gonna handle snakes or something? :p | 06:29 |
nixternal | well, the video for this weekend will be LUGish and not Ubuntu'ish | 06:29 |
nixternal | although 90% of the LUG is Ubuntu/Kubuntu | 06:29 |
johnlittle | I do LUG videos...whatever | 06:29 |
nixternal | one of the guys is a church leader, so he has the space to hold a few people | 06:29 |
nixternal | OK, I will have some flourish video of me spaning the Red Hat teams ass in a battle of the distros | 06:29 |
nixternal | s/spaning/spanking | 06:29 |
johnlittle | Tell him you can't go...Ubuntu is a cult and it just isn't right | 06:30 |
nixternal | oh, and I hugged Tom "Spot" Callaway too, so that might be on video as well | 06:30 |
nixternal | haha | 06:30 |
johnlittle | hey I put up video of jono dancing...I will run anything | 06:31 |
nixternal | I have the Subversion developers giving a talk this weekend at my LUG, and then we have a couple of the original apache devs from back in the day coming out to talk | 06:31 |
johnlittle | cool | 06:31 |
nixternal | and then it is hackathon 2007 | 06:31 |
johnlittle | you see the michael dell story making the rounds today? | 06:33 |
nixternal | ya, whoopy | 06:33 |
nixternal | Jesus uses Ubuntu as well, and he is a hell of a lot more powerful | 06:33 |
nixternal | now if we could get Gates or Ballmer to say they use Ubuntu | 06:34 |
nixternal | then we are talking | 06:34 |
johnlittle | good luck with that | 06:34 |
Madpilot | what I found more interesting that "Mr. Dell has one Ubuntu machine" is "Mr. Dell has *no* Vista machines"... | 06:34 |
johnlittle | Gates will roll out a blu themed Warty and call it innovation | 06:34 |
nixternal | Dell used to be a big Linux and Oracle guy back in the day, it does surprise me to see him only running one machine with it | 06:34 |
johnlittle | blue | 06:34 |
nixternal | it being Linux | 06:34 |
nixternal | Madpilot: which I find funny because on CNBC, they interviewed him in his office and he had a Vista machine on his desk | 06:35 |
nixternal | he was showing it off and the dell xps stuff | 06:35 |
nixternal | could have just been for promotional use only though | 06:35 |
Madpilot | evidently it was only there for the interview ;) | 06:35 |
johnlittle | I don't think for a minute that it's his primary machine...but it is interesting that they chose to mention it like that. | 06:35 |
nixternal | ya exactly | 06:35 |
nixternal | well he used to talk highly of Debian back in the 90's and early 2000s | 06:36 |
johnlittle | It's going to be an interesting year. Lots of the old school types will probably end up jumping out of windows | 06:37 |
Burgundavia | well, there was much made of Mark using Kubuntu on his desktop | 06:38 |
johnlittle | Yeah I remember that | 06:38 |
Burgundavia | what most people didn't realize is that Mark uses his Laptop as his primary machine | 06:38 |
Burgundavia | his desktop is rarely used | 06:38 |
Burgundavia | so he had a Kubuntu machine, he just uses Ubuntu primarily | 06:39 |
nixternal | It would be fun though...but it wouldn't be fair. Windows gets to restart after a crash. | 06:39 |
nixternal | gahahahahahahahahahaha | 06:39 |
johnlittle | We all dabble here and there | 06:39 |
nixternal | that is talking about Linux vs. MS at the Indy 500 | 06:39 |
nixternal | that is one of the comments from that lame dudes blog | 06:40 |
johnlittle | how about "at least when windows crashes the driver doesn't die a fiery death" | 06:40 |
nixternal | ermm, did you mean Linux | 06:41 |
nixternal | because when Windows crashes the only answer you get from Microsoft is reinstall | 06:41 |
johnlittle | no..talking about that silly linux car blasting into a wall at 200mph and becoming the laughing stock of the tech world | 06:42 |
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johnlittle | I worked for NASA..trust me people only remember things that crash. It's wasted money. | 06:44 |
Burgundavia | given the insane cost too | 06:44 |
johnlittle | 350k? | 06:44 |
nixternal | johnlittle: that is because they bought the worst driver money could buy | 06:51 |
nixternal | dude finished 8th by a stroke of luck years ago | 06:51 |
nixternal | other than that, he started 33rd and finished either 28th or 33rd, or hell he didn't even qualify | 06:51 |
nixternal | I will pee myself if he doesn't even qualify | 06:51 |
johnlittle | I haven't followed it - seemed doomed from the start | 06:51 |
nixternal | ya, they won't make the money because they have pissed off the leaders of every Linux community | 06:51 |
nixternal | CEOs of Red Hat, Novell, Canonical, and more | 06:51 |
johnlittle | If you're going to spend a ton of money to sponsor something stick a logo on of of branson's space rockets or something | 06:51 |
johnlittle | Even that would be a waste really | 06:51 |
johnlittle | those deals are for megacorps with money to burn | 06:51 |
johnlittle | we could go the goldenpalace route and fund streakers ;) | 06:51 |
johnlittle | It only costs 10,000 to get someone to paint an Ubuntu logo on their back and run through the superbowls 50 yard line | 06:51 |
johnlittle | naked | 06:51 |
Burgundavia | hmm | 06:51 |
Burgundavia | not certain we really want to be associated with such things :) | 06:51 |
johnlittle | No it wasn't a proposal..I'm just saying | 06:52 |
Burgundavia | then again, Linux for (Naked) Human Beings | 06:52 |
johnlittle | Well..that's how we started | 06:53 |
johnlittle | Remember the porn distro comments? | 06:53 |
Burgundavia | indeed | 06:53 |
johnlittle | I thought those wallpapers were a cool idea. No chance of those coming back | 06:54 |
Madpilot | pity, that | 06:55 |
johnlittle | they didn't exactly scream "enterprise distribution" | 06:55 |
nixternal | Burgundavia: why not associate with nakedness, I seem to remember a wallpaper that showed a nipple. what's so bad about some super fat drunk dudes ass running across the field? | 06:58 |
Burgundavia | yep | 06:58 |
johnlittle | ubuntuvideo.com just passed the 600,000 page view mark (98% of those views being videos) | 06:59 |
nixternal | ya, I keep putting on the walls of bathroom stalls at truck stops "FREE PORN AT UBUNTUVIDEO.COM" | 07:00 |
nixternal | guess it is working out | 07:00 |
johnlittle | just over 100,000 unique IPs - 53% windows | 07:00 |
johnlittle | whatever works ;) | 07:00 |
nixternal | hehe | 07:00 |
johnlittle | the geekier you are the truer that is | 07:01 |
nixternal | haha | 07:01 |
johnlittle | so what time does 7.04 official go live? | 07:01 |
Madpilot | when it's ready | 07:02 |
johnlittle | why did I know someone was going to say that | 07:02 |
Mithrandir | johnlittle: before I go to bed. :-P | 07:02 |
Madpilot | or sometime after the ops in #ubuntu completely loose it and kickban everyone there | 07:02 |
johnlittle | welcome to the jungle | 07:02 |
johnlittle | I hope ubuntu ops have a jar of happy pills..it's going to be a fun week or so | 07:04 |
johnlittle | Burgundavia are you working on any more books? | 07:08 |
Burgundavia | currently working on the revision to the official book | 07:09 |
Burgundavia | in fact, as we speak I am reviewing a cpater | 07:09 |
johnlittle | bad omen...hope you aren't looking for typos | 07:10 |
johnlittle | "cpater" | 07:10 |
Burgundavia | for edgy they had to quiet the whole channel | 07:10 |
Burgundavia | whatever | 07:10 |
johnlittle | I imagine it will only get worse with each release | 07:10 |
boredandblogging | isn't it a nice problem to have? | 07:11 |
johnlittle | There are worse problems to be sure. | 07:12 |
Burgundavia | channel is jsuta bout as busy and NA has not yet hit the 19th | 07:13 |
johnlittle | 19th +14 minutes here | 07:14 |
johnlittle | you are on the east coast right? | 07:14 |
Mithrandir | #ubuntu or some other channel? | 07:15 |
Burgundavia | the former | 07:16 |
johnlittle | I've been watching it for a while. It's like watching one of those video compilation shows full of explosions and car wrecks. | 07:17 |
johnlittle | I think Madpilot just booted a troll | 07:23 |
Madpilot | a very minor troll. | 07:23 |
johnlittle | stop them before they get started | 07:23 |
Madpilot | something like that | 07:23 |
Madpilot | we haven't even broken 1200 yet on #ubuntu - I was excpecting that a while ago | 07:23 |
johnlittle | Is there a known record? | 07:24 |
Madpilot | I suspect we might be at a record right now - 1175 | 07:25 |
johnlittle | I bet the www stats are interesting | 07:28 |
tonyyarusso | Madpilot: I believe we hit 1200 last time | 07:29 |
Madpilot | for Edgy? can't recall | 07:29 |
Burgundavia | hmm, the website seems to be doing better | 07:29 |
johnlittle | nixternal did you do the template change for chi? | 07:30 |
nixternal | yup | 07:30 |
johnlittle | How difficult was it? | 07:30 |
Burgundavia | Mithrandir: did the tour end up on the website? | 07:30 |
Mithrandir | Burgundavia: not yet, but it will. | 07:31 |
Burgundavia | ok, no worries | 07:31 |
Mithrandir | I'll wait for newz2k to wake up and get him to move it. | 07:31 |
Burgundavia | I will bug newz2k post-release to get the communtiy access back up and running | 07:32 |
Mithrandir | yeah, it's easier if you work directly with him about how to do that. | 07:37 |
Burgundavia | given the timeframe between the new website and the release, it is understandable access for the communtiy fell to the side | 07:38 |
Mithrandir | yeah; I doubt it's intentional. Just so much to do, so little time. | 07:39 |
johnlittle | i still need to wrap that new template around ubuntuvideo ..it isn't going to be trivial | 07:41 |
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elkbuntu | Mithrandir, do you need sanity hugs yet? | 09:01 |
Mithrandir | elkbuntu: no, I'm quite enjoying #ubuntu, #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-release-party. | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | Mithrandir, :) | 09:02 |
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elkbuntu | the party channel has really calmed the others, tonyyarusso is a clever man | 09:02 |
tonyyarusso | :) | 09:02 |
Mithrandir | indeed. | 09:03 |
elkbuntu | congrats on another good job though tollef :) | 09:04 |
=== tonyyarusso wonders if he would miss the fun if he went to bed for a while, nuts | ||
Mithrandir | tonyyarusso: what's a while? | 09:06 |
Mithrandir | elkbuntu: cheers. It's fun. | 09:06 |
tonyyarusso | Mithrandir: Depends whether the alarm works ;) With no alarm I'd probably sleep 10 hours. With, I can do anything 30 minutes on up (although my family might think it odd) | 09:07 |
Mithrandir | then I'd cut myself a couple of hours of sleep. | 09:09 |
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tonyyarusso | Sounds like a plan. | 09:09 |
juliux | good morning | 09:11 |
elkbuntu | ooh.. #ubuntu's broken 1200.. nice | 09:13 |
johnlittle | a new record | 09:15 |
elkbuntu | i think so | 09:17 |
elkbuntu | cant remember the tops from last release | 09:17 |
juliux | jenda_, i have here 3 mc murphy fourth edition books;) | 09:47 |
Mithrandir | elkbuntu: you're doing a great job in #u-r-p, btw. | 09:54 |
elkbuntu | Mithrandir, thanks :) | 09:54 |
elkbuntu | tony's a genius for thinking of it :) much easier than dealing the same shit in 3 channels | 09:55 |
Mithrandir | indeed. | 10:11 |
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juliux | http://www.dell.com/content/topics/global.aspx/corp/biographies/en/msd_computers?c=us&l=en&s=corp michael dell runs ubuntu;) | 10:58 |
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juliux | hi mindspin | 11:12 |
MenZa | Awesome, juliux | 11:20 |
MenZa | I'm surprised they haven't stuffed Linux in their products earlier then | 11:20 |
jenda | juliux: pong | 11:21 |
jenda | awesome! :) | 11:21 |
juliux | jenda, i will wait for more;) | 11:21 |
juliux | #ubuntu 1316 user;) | 11:22 |
jenda | sweet | 11:25 |
jenda | on both accounts | 11:25 |
jenda | juliux: how quick do you need to get rid of them? | 11:25 |
jenda | because if you're in no hurry, I'll keep ordering till at least 10 accumulate... | 11:25 |
juliux | jenda, do what you want;) | 11:25 |
jenda | the more books, the less the trip will cost me :) | 11:26 |
jenda | ok, cool :) | 11:26 |
juliux | jenda, if the snow comes back i will use them to make some fire here;) | 11:26 |
jenda | chances are, even, that we'll both save a lot of money shipping on the next batch of stickers and shirts :D | 11:26 |
jenda | hahhaaha :) | 11:26 |
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jenda | Cnl_Delta: welcome | 11:53 |
Cnl_Delta | ty jenda | 11:55 |
Cnl_Delta | how ya doing jenda? is Fesity Fawn officially releades | 11:55 |
Cnl_Delta | *released | 11:55 |
Mithrandir | Cnl_Delta: not yet. | 11:55 |
jenda | Not just yet, but soon! :) | 11:56 |
juliux | hmpf the bittorrent tracker is not working for feist | 11:57 |
juliux | y | 11:57 |
Cnl_Delta | i hope all the sources are complete. wouldn't want a d/l to be currupted | 11:57 |
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johnlittle | ubuntu-release-party is turning into a riot | 03:16 |
tonyyarusso | You could say that | 03:16 |
nixternal | jenda: do you do cloak configs for people? | 03:21 |
elkbuntu | johnlittle, but at least it's a riot in only 1 channel :D | 03:22 |
jenda | nixternal: yep | 03:23 |
jenda | johnlittle: aloha! :) | 03:23 |
johnlittle | yeah we have the confined to the square. Hiya jenda | 03:23 |
nixternal | jenda: ScottK has been waiting for one. It seems Seveas already set it up and what not via the LP cloak account | 03:23 |
nixternal | is it #ubuntu-release-party? | 03:24 |
johnlittle | yeah | 03:24 |
jenda | nixternal: yeah right | 03:25 |
jenda | nixternal: 15:23 <+Seveas> jenda, pretend you're nalioth and set the cloak | 03:26 |
jenda | That's how he sets it up ;) | 03:26 |
nixternal | hahahaha | 03:26 |
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Burgwork | Mithrandir: is there a reason the static page doesn't link to our Tour? | 05:44 |
Mithrandir | Burgwork: not that I know of; ask newz2000? | 05:46 |
Burgwork | ok | 05:46 |
poningru | Burgwork: ping | 05:49 |
poningru | do you know where the thing is? | 05:49 |
poningru | the tour I mean | 05:49 |
Burgwork | poningru: on the wiki | 05:50 |
poningru | where? | 05:50 |
poningru | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FeistyFawn/RC | 05:50 |
poningru | disappeared | 05:50 |
poningru | nm | 05:51 |
poningru | Burgwork: [11:51:05] <newz2000> poningru: when traffic dies down, we'll get rid of the static page and the tour is featured prominantly on the homepage | 05:51 |
Mithrandir | poningru: it was move to the web site at the request of Burgwork, iirc. | 05:53 |
poningru | ah gotcha | 05:53 |
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sid | elkbuntu: Are the poll statistics up somewhere? | 09:21 |
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tonyyarusso | Did Canonical come through on the non-tech-press release? | 10:59 |
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jenda | juliux: sweet... I can get to dresden for... well... the price of a shirt :) | 11:03 |
jenda | in fact, I can almost get there and back for the price of a business shirt :-D | 11:03 |
juliux | jenda, cool | 11:04 |
juliux | jenda, by car? | 11:04 |
jenda | no, no - bus | 11:04 |
juliux | ah | 11:04 |
juliux | with rvd? | 11:05 |
jenda | Student Agency and Eurolines have similar prices... | 11:05 |
jenda | what's rvd? | 11:05 |
juliux | a company from dresden | 11:05 |
jenda | nope - it's the two I named. | 11:05 |
juliux | they are also driving by bus to prag every day | 11:05 |
jenda | cool | 11:06 |
juliux | but i think they more expanisve | 11:06 |
jenda | I'll Czech out their site ;) | 11:06 |
jenda | But gargh, both SA and EL only offer such lines that I'd either need to spend the night there, or arrive at some crazy time like 3 AM | 11:07 |
jenda | juliux: wow, actually, their prices are comparable. | 11:10 |
juliux | ah | 11:10 |
jenda | There are three items there... what does " | 11:11 |
jenda | Dresden bis Possendorf" | 11:12 |
jenda | mean, compared to "Dippoldiswalde und Schmiedeberg" | 11:12 |
jenda | and "Kurort Kipsdorf und Altenberg" | 11:12 |
jenda | (looks like place names to me...) | 11:12 |
juliux | this are cities in germany | 11:12 |
jenda | ah | 11:12 |
jenda | and 'bis' is 'or'? | 11:12 |
juliux | yes | 11:13 |
jenda | Dresden is the most expensive of the three options, then :) | 11:13 |
juliux | dresden bis possendorf == from dresden to possendorf | 11:13 |
juliux | so bis is not or | 11:13 |
jenda | (26 return ticket) | 11:13 |
jenda | aah, ok | 11:13 |
jenda | I wonder where I'd buy a Prague-Dresden-Prague ticket with them... | 11:13 |
juliux | i have no idea | 11:14 |
juliux | i arrived at an central bus station in prag | 11:14 |
jenda | I know which one... I'll try asking there. | 11:14 |
jenda | Now all that remains is finding a morning route to Dresden and an evening one to Prague.... and not too late because I'll have a very, very heavy backpack :-D | 11:16 |
juliux | hehe | 11:18 |
juliux | i was 2004 for one day in prag | 11:18 |
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jenda | cool | 11:20 |
Tm_T | hi kids | 11:20 |
jenda | I could also try hitchhiking... | 11:20 |
jenda | hello Tm_T | 11:20 |
jenda | ...or ask for a sponsor who'd pay me a luxury hotel on one of Dresden's beaches 'just becaues'... | 11:21 |
jenda | you've got beaches, don't you? ;) | 11:21 |
=== jenda topples down to bed | ||
tsmithe | jenda, you really should learn german | 11:32 |
tsmithe | it's a really nice language | 11:33 |
tsmithe | juliux kann nicht jedesmal ubersetzten | 11:33 |
tsmithe | i always mess up the genders :'( | 11:33 |
juliux | jenda, we don't have beaches here | 11:35 |
juliux | jenda, i have a guest bed here;) | 11:35 |
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