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superm1keescook, ping?10:35
superm1hi keescook .  happy feisty release :)10:36
keescookthanks! same to you!  :)10:36
superm1any ideas who is presenting this: http://www.ubuntulive.com/cs/ubuntu/view/e_sess/13454?10:36
superm1http://www.ubuntulive.com/cs/ubuntu/view/e_sess/13454 ? (no question mark in url)10:36
superm1or since there is no name yet, its to be determined?10:37
keescookI don't, I saw that too; I'm quite curious.10:37
superm1because if there is no one signed up yet, i am all over putting in a time off request and getting some friends to road trip up there10:37
superm1and host that session10:37
keescookhehe, that'd be cool.  I'll see if I can figure out who's giving it.10:38
superm1i'm assuming if you host a session, you dont pay the entrance fees for the event?10:38
superm1because its a bit pricey otherwise...10:38
keescookif it's anything like OSCon (which is the week after), that's correct.10:38
superm1you live up around that area don't you?  or am i mixing you up with the other coast?10:39
superm1well that area being relative, up on the northwest coast i mean10:40
keescookyup, I'm local.  (I'll be speaking at least during OSCon, and maybe during ULive)10:40
superm1there's definately some stuff i'd like to sit in on during ULive10:40
=== keescook nods
superm1how do the sessions work, are they like booths? or rooms assigned for a day?10:41
superm1or multiple days?10:41
keescookI'm less clear on u-live, but again, if it's like OSCon, there are "tutorials" and "sessions".  tutorials are a half-day, and sessions are 45 minutes.  both are in rooms.10:42
keescookthere is usually a "vendor area" which is entirely booths10:42
superm1the "exhibition" hall i take it10:42
superm1from what i read - the "free" option10:42
keescookyeah, that's the free part.10:43
superm1well its roughly a 27 hour drive from where i'm staying this summer, so if i'm gonna come it will be for the sessions/tutorials then10:44
=== keescook nods
keescookgenerally a speaker gets free tutorials too; it's a good deal.10:45
superm1i doubt that my friends would get in free though too would they....?10:45
superm1only if they spoke/hosted with me i'd take it10:45
keescookright, that's my understanding.  I used to cheat: the OSDL (also local) used to get a few "free passes".10:46
keescookso co-workers could come listen to the stuff we spoke on.  :)10:47
superm1oh but theres student pricing too 65 percent off, thats not nearly as bad - especially if i make the weekend a little vacation exploring portland saturday and then enjoying this event sunday and monday, drive back tuesday10:48
superm1i'll talk this over with my buddies then and see how up for it they will be10:48
superm1any ideas who to contact then about who is hosting the mythtv session?10:48
superm1Derek Chase?10:48
keescookI sent email to ubuntu-ideas@, but if I don't hear back soon, I'll ping around internally to see if I can find out.10:49
superm1neat thanks10:49
=== majoridiot says "spam 'em all" LOL
superm1keescook, i was just thinking - maybe imbrandon suggested that MythTV be added to the sessions - he is on the list of registered guests11:17
keescookah, cool.11:18
superm1i'll ask him next time i see him if we dont here back from the orielly guys first11:18
=== majoridiot hopes for a midwest function sometime in the future
=== Rtax [n=n@dsl-244-109-92.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rtaxanyone here to give me a little help?12:07
majoridiotwhat's up?12:07
RtaxI just installed feisty, then mythtv, and I broke it already12:07
majoridiotbroke it how?12:08
Rtaxeverything was installed, and then I did a dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common to change the mysql password and now I can't seem to get into mythtv-setup12:08
Rtaxor run frontend or backend12:08
majoridiotyou needed to change the mysql pasword?12:09
RtaxI think the password wasn't changed in mysql, and the original password was one of those random ones12:09
majoridiotor just wanted to?12:09
Rtaxjust wanted to12:09
=== Rtax kicks himself
majoridiotand you made that change with dpkg-reconfigure?12:09
majoridiotwhich installation did you do?12:10
majoridiotcombined or separate backend?12:10
Rtaxhmm, I think combined12:10
majoridiotall one one machine?12:10
majoridiotwith or with desktop?12:11
Rtaxone machine12:11
majoridiotregular desktop or alternate12:11
Rtaxboth mythtv-backend and mythtv-backend-master packages are installed12:11
majoridiotedit your ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt file12:12
majoridiotput the new password in the DBPASSDWORD=12:12
Rtaxi don't have a mysql.txt file12:13
Rtaxin my .mythtv dir ther is channesl, mythphone and themecache12:13
superm1Rtax, which password did you want to change?12:14
superm1the mythtv mysql password?12:14
superm1or the root mysql password12:14
Rtaxit may be more serious because backend doesn't seem to be starting12:14
majoridiotcp /etc/mysql/mysql.txt ~/home/mythtv12:14
Rtaxmysql root is blank i think12:14
Rtaxmythtv mysql password is what I was changing12:14
superm1Rtax,well.  Don't ;)12:15
RtaxI know that NOW...12:15
Rtaxtried running dpkg again, didn't fix it12:16
superm1it generates a new password12:16
superm1if you try to again12:16
superm1so, here is your best bet12:16
superm1purge the mythtv-database and mysql-server-5.0 packages12:16
superm1rm /etc/mythtv12:16
superm1and ~/.mythtv12:16
superm1and just install mythtv-backend-master again12:16
Rtaxhmm, ok12:17
superm1you'll get a fresh database install, and all the passwords will be setup appropriately12:17
Rtaxthat will mean more downloads? or does it keep the deb file/?12:18
superm1the debs are still there12:18
superm1unless you did apt-get clean12:18
Rtaxi'll use synaptic12:18
Rtaxcomplete remove option12:19
Rtaxby the way, the install on feisty was super easy12:20
Rtaxthats pretty cool.12:20
superm1Rtax, had to go and muck around with passwords though didnt ya....12:20
RtaxI had a running system, then made the mistake of trying linuxmce12:21
=== majoridiot told ya it would happen LOL
Rtaxthat came out too soon12:21
superm1Rtax, how is it, i've only heard "of it"12:21
superm1but no usage or anything12:21
RtaxIt took me a week to install12:22
Rtaxand then it was so confusing to configure, I thought 'screw it'12:22
superm1well at some point i'll sacrifice a VM session to take a look at it, and give it a fair analysis12:23
Rtaxi wouldn't bother till it gets an update. Unfortunately I think they have released version 1.0 too soon without the support structure12:24
RtaxPluto was just as bad12:24
superm1its just pluto repackaged for debian though isnt it?12:25
superm1and yes majoridiot you were right....12:27
Rtaxpretty much, seems like a branch. But pluto was all commercially driven, making it obvious they preferred not to release their source code12:27
Rtaxhey superm1, I know you from ubuntuforums, you the lirc expert?12:27
Rtaxhehe, you gonna be pestered by me shortly...12:27
superm1i dwelve all over things related to pvr's lately12:28
superm1ivtv, lirc, mythtv12:28
Rtaxi am trying to get a home brew transmitter working, but that is for another day12:28
superm1Rtax, serial transmitter?12:29

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