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n00tz | /exit | 12:18 |
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knix_ | How do you rescue a broken system with a iso? | 02:52 |
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knix__ | I upgraded my dapper server to edgy, then to feisty, and now when it boots it hangs on "running local scripts etc/rc.local and just hangs there. I have no idea how to fix this. any help is greatly appreciated | 03:11 |
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sahafeez | i am looking at a replacement for a w2k3 box for a windows network. i have looked at rhle5 and sles10. both have have left me a bit underwelmed. | 03:15 |
sahafeez | sles10 has very nice ldap-samba-user controller. is that something i can find in ubuntu | 03:20 |
knix__ | sahafeez, go with Ubuntu server - its rox | 03:20 |
knix__ | sahafeez, I would search the forums for that | 03:20 |
sahafeez | hum, not what i hoped to hear. i have looked and it looks like a bit of jumping thru hoops. the nice thing about the sles10 is the integration is out of the box. if i have too do a lot of work, i would be inclined to just use gentoo | 03:20 |
knix__ | Kewl, we thats what you get when you pay for sles10 | 03:20 |
ajmitch | right, ubuntu server is lacking some of that integration still, but it's a definite focus for the next release | 03:20 |
sahafeez | question, i see that the desktop is at 7.x but server is at 6.10? | 03:20 |
Burgwork | nope | 03:20 |
Burgwork | 7.04 is out tomorrowish, for both desktop and server | 03:20 |
Burgwork | what do you do with that 2k3 box? | 03:20 |
ajmitch | hi Burgwork | 03:21 |
Burgwork | hey ajmitch | 03:21 |
sahafeez | file, print, AD, exchange. | 03:21 |
knix__ | anyone feel llike helping with a server ish? | 03:21 |
Burgwork | the full gammit, eh? | 03:21 |
sahafeez | i have settled on opengroupware for the exchange replacemnet. | 03:21 |
sahafeez | should i wait for 7.04 to test? | 03:22 |
Burgwork | hmm, I would use 6.06 for that, as you need longer term suppor | 03:23 |
Burgwork | t | 03:23 |
Burgwork | don't need, but it is nice to have | 03:23 |
sahafeez | so there will be no support for the 7.04 release? | 03:23 |
ajmitch | there will be the standard 18 months support | 03:24 |
Burgwork | no, there is support, just not as long | 03:24 |
ajmitch | 5 years for 6.06 server | 03:24 |
sahafeez | what is the kernel on 6.06/6.10 - i ask because one of the big issues i have had with sles is that my new 9650se is not supported out of the box. it was easy enough to install the driver in the install, however the yast update to anew kernel, which says it has the support, did not and now i have an unbootable box that is not easy to fix | 03:25 |
sahafeez | btw, i am looking for a list of the difference between desktop and server on the ubuntu site. cannot seem to find it. | 03:26 |
Burgwork | in what way? | 03:26 |
Burgwork | they have similar kernels, with the same low level userspace stuff | 03:26 |
sahafeez | sorry what did the in what way question apply to? the difference? | 03:27 |
Burgwork | the desktop and server for a specific Ubuntu version share the same package respositories | 03:28 |
sahafeez | btw, thanks for answering the questions. it is always a good sign when the irc group is responsive and polite. | 03:28 |
Burgwork | setting up what you have will take a bit of work | 03:28 |
sahafeez | ok, but what makes server = server and not desktop | 03:28 |
Burgwork | the default server install is basically the bare minimum to get the computer up | 03:29 |
Burgwork | the default desktop is GNOME plus some bits | 03:29 |
Burgwork | you can see what they contain via looking at the seeds | 03:29 |
Burgwork | just a sec for the url | 03:29 |
Burgwork | http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.feisty/files | 03:30 |
sahafeez | looking....thanks | 03:31 |
sahafeez | i see that the support company is in the postgres biz. that is good as opengroupware is postgres only for the most part. | 03:33 |
sahafeez | i see the bit about the support diff between 6.06 and 6.10. will there be support offerd for 7.04 | 03:34 |
Burgwork | yes | 03:36 |
Burgwork | all versions of Ubuntu are supported for 18 months | 03:36 |
Burgwork | 6.06 is unique in that it is supported for 3 years on the desktop and 5 on the server | 03:37 |
sahafeez | can you buy support past that? | 03:37 |
sahafeez | i think i will wait for 7.04 as i have had major issues with the others on the hardware i am useing as it is very very new | 03:38 |
Burgwork | for that you need to contact Canonical | 03:38 |
Burgwork | the support I mentioned is for security and is free | 03:39 |
Burgwork | actual somebody-on-the-phone support costs money | 03:39 |
sahafeez | ok. thanks for your help. i will try it out. | 03:41 |
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hirs | hi | 12:13 |
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hirs | he guys | 12:26 |
hirs | i have a little problem with installing the vmware-server on ubuntu 6.10 | 12:26 |
hirs | Trying to find a suitable vmmon module for your running kernel. | 12:27 |
hirs | None of the pre-built vmmon modules for VMware Server is suitable for your | 12:27 |
hirs | running kernel. Do you want this program to try to build the vmmon module for | 12:27 |
hirs | your system (you need to have a C compiler installed on your system)? [yes] | 12:27 |
hirs | then i type yes, or only enter, its equal | 12:27 |
hirs | then the install script asks me | 12:28 |
hirs | What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] | 12:28 |
hirs | and there is my problem | 12:28 |
hirs | there is no folder | 12:29 |
hirs | or any other folder with includes | 12:29 |
hirs | ok fine | 12:31 |
hirs | i havent installed linux-headers | 12:31 |
hirs | lool | 12:31 |
hirs | sorry | 12:31 |
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eikke | will ubuntu-server feisty include Xen support? if so, which version? | 03:51 |
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gubluntu | anyone here have any experiance setting up software raid on ubuntu server with SATA ? | 04:06 |
ivoks | yes | 04:07 |
gubluntu | can you point me in the right direction? | 04:11 |
ivoks | put server install CD and start installation | 04:11 |
ivoks | on disk partitionig create linux raid partitions and then configure software raid | 04:11 |
ivoks | and... that's it | 04:11 |
gubluntu | oh | 04:12 |
gubluntu | okay | 04:12 |
ivoks | you can't miss | 04:12 |
gubluntu | if i have 2 500gb sata drives | 04:12 |
gubluntu | and i have already installed the server onto one | 04:12 |
ivoks | and you want mirror? | 04:12 |
gubluntu | using the guideed partition | 04:12 |
gubluntu | but left the other unpartitioned.. can i do it now? | 04:13 |
ivoks | eh, then it's manual work | 04:13 |
ivoks | yes, you can, but... urgh :) | 04:13 |
gubluntu | lol | 04:13 |
ivoks | you want mirror, right? | 04:13 |
gubluntu | what would you suggest.. its a mial server | 04:13 |
gubluntu | mail* | 04:13 |
gubluntu | striping or mirror? | 04:13 |
ivoks | mirror | 04:13 |
gubluntu | k | 04:13 |
mralphabet | http://knowledge76.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Server_Install_With_Software_RAID | 04:13 |
mralphabet | http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+software+raid+install | 04:13 |
gubluntu | ubuntu server install with raid | 04:14 |
gubluntu | oops | 04:14 |
gubluntu | ignore that | 04:14 |
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gubluntu | what should i use? | 04:27 |
gubluntu | parted? | 04:27 |
gubluntu | is there any console gui i can use? | 04:29 |
gubluntu | qt parted looks like it wants to installover100mb of kde junk | 04:29 |
gubluntu | lol.. console gui | 04:30 |
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[miles] | oh guys | 04:55 |
[miles] | check this | 04:55 |
[miles] | www.milesbarry.info/bugger.png | 04:55 |
mralphabet | oO | 04:58 |
eikke | will ubuntu-server feisty include Xen support? if so, which version? | 04:59 |
ivoks | 3.0.3 | 05:01 |
ivoks | it's in universe | 05:01 |
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eikke | cool | 05:06 |
eikke | is it the same package as the debian etch one? | 05:06 |
[miles] | haha | 05:06 |
[miles] | ubuntu+1 has dissaperared | 05:06 |
[miles] | :D | 05:06 |
ivoks | eikke: Version: 3.0.3-0ubuntu10 - so, that's a no | 05:10 |
eikke | right | 05:11 |
eikke | any idea which kernel version? | 05:12 |
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mgalvin | has anyone used Ubuntu Server (preferably dapper) on a Sun Fire X2100? | 08:00 |
fabbione | mgalvin: let me check... i think we have one of those | 08:01 |
mgalvin | it's not "officially" supported but a quick look at the specs seems to indicate it should work... just wondering if anyone knows for sure | 08:01 |
mgalvin | fabbione: oh, cool thanks for looking | 08:01 |
fabbione | i just need to make sure about the model | 08:01 |
fabbione | i don't recall if we have that one or the bigger one | 08:01 |
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fabbione | mgalvin: no sorry we had a bigger model | 08:09 |
fabbione | i guess it should work with that one too | 08:10 |
mgalvin | fabbione: ok, thats anyway for looking... it does seem like it will work... i guess i will find out ;) | 08:11 |
fabbione | mgalvin: in case let us know :) | 08:11 |
mgalvin | i sure will! | 08:11 |
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[g2] | is there a way to get a ubuntu-server from a debootstrapped feisty ? | 09:57 |
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[g2] | meaning can I use apt-get to get something very close to a server install ? I specifically would like to run in a chroot without an install | 09:58 |
lionel | [g2] : yes | 10:01 |
lionel | just do a classical deboostrap and install ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-standard meta packages | 10:02 |
=== [g2] hugs lionel | ||
lionel | :) | 10:02 |
[g2] | :) | 10:02 |
[g2] | lol | 10:02 |
[g2] | so just those 2 are all that's needed ? | 10:02 |
[g2] | and do you know if the same kernel will be used as desktop ? | 10:03 |
lionel | no, it is not the same kernel | 10:03 |
mralphabet | [g2] : that's one of the only differences, server uses a slightly different kernel | 10:03 |
lionel | server kernel is suffixed by "-server" | 10:04 |
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[g2] | I could probably just install linux-image-..... | 10:04 |
[g2] | apt-get that is | 10:04 |
[g2] | mralphabet, I'm guessing the headers used are all the same, meaning I could chroot from a desktop to a server chroot and there wouldn't be any issues | 10:06 |
mralphabet | [g2] : shouldn't be for an experienced user | 10:08 |
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sahafeez | hum, i am installing server and i am having issues with the partition tool. is there an expert mode or something. this ncurse interface is driving me nuts | 10:22 |
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JavaGeek | hello, ubuntuers | 10:24 |
lionel | Hi JavaGeek | 10:25 |
sahafeez | so no one on a differnet partition tools | 10:26 |
sahafeez | i am going nuts trying to setup this up... | 10:27 |
JavaGeek | I was trying to upgrade an ubuntu server installation following the instructions from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 10:28 |
JavaGeek | they mention something about installing update-manager-core, but that package is only on feisty, not on edgy | 10:28 |
Nafallo | JavaGeek: edgy-updates | 10:29 |
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ratshell | Hello all | 10:31 |
JavaGeek | Nafallo: I have edgy-updates on my sources.list | 10:32 |
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Nafallo | JavaGeek: hmm. try edgy-proposed then. | 10:34 |
ratshell | hey | 10:34 |
ratshell | nafallo can you help me | 10:34 |
JavaGeek | Nafallo: I just wish that was in the documentation :) | 10:34 |
Nafallo | ratshell: no idea. you haven't asked a question yet. | 10:35 |
Nafallo | JavaGeek: agreed :-) | 10:35 |
Nafallo | JavaGeek: or pushed to -updates ;-) | 10:35 |
ratshell | Lol during my install of Ubuntu Server I didn't have a network card | 10:35 |
ratshell | After install of server, I installed one | 10:35 |
ratshell | how do I get ubuntu server to detect and use it | 10:35 |
ratshell | what command? | 10:35 |
Nafallo | ratshell: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces | 10:38 |
Nafallo | ratshell: so two commands. maybe man interfaces aswell :-) | 10:38 |
ratshell | I will go try now | 10:39 |
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sacater | anyone know where i can get admin on a server for free? | 10:50 |
mralphabet | you really aren't back to asking that are you? | 10:50 |
sacater | yeh | 10:50 |
sacater | Lighty was very nice | 10:50 |
sacater | let me have a space on his server for blog | 10:51 |
sacater | and i like ALOT | 10:51 |
sacater | but ni indexing | 10:51 |
sacater | and no admin | 10:51 |
=== mralphabet shakes his head | ||
JavaGeek | sure, you can have admin on my server for free... the IP is | 10:52 |
theacolyte | IM GOING TO HACK THAT IP NOW | 10:53 |
theacolyte | theacolyte has quit IRC | 10:54 |
sahafeez | what packages should i install if i want to put a min gnome gui on the server | 10:58 |
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sahafeez | why does the installer insist on formating things between changes. seems dumb. how about waiting until you say go and install | 11:11 |
sahafeez | seriously. how do you stop that. i want it to let me lay everything out before it formats.. | 11:21 |
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