cafuego | Panzer_: Yeah, but thsoe are irrelevant parts. | 12:01 |
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EmxBA | foug: check out vertical and horizontal refreshing in xorg.conf | 12:01 |
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r4v5 | EmxBA: it was a hhos-type joke | 12:01 |
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Panzer_ | laugh. still no pony for you. | 12:02 |
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EmxBA | pl ten r4v5 :) | 12:02 |
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salty | any shoutcast client apps out there that doesn't use jack? | 12:02 |
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mc44 | salty: just to listen to shoutcast streams? | 12:03 |
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Treedude | hey, i need some help getting a PCMCIA Wireless network card to work with ubuntu, i just installed Ubuntu a couple of hours ago and ive never used it before :P | 12:03 |
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salty | no...broadcast | 12:03 |
jchs | Anyone know how to get streaming audio working (e.g. BBC website) for Feisty Fawn? | 12:03 |
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kbrooks | Treedude, does it work? | 12:03 |
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vafada | what time does 7.04 gets released ?:D | 12:03 |
robdeman | neoj: yes | 12:03 |
kbrooks | vafada, dunno | 12:03 |
PriceChild | vafada, #ubuntu+1 | 12:03 |
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hayesben | Treedude - which card is it? | 12:04 |
foug | EmxBA: vertRefresh and HorizSync | 12:04 |
mc44 | jchs: copy the location and open with xine or amarok is my technique | 12:04 |
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roland_ | if i want to have webserver serving my webpage and i bought domain name as and i need to have do i need to set the hostname of the server machine to www ? | 12:04 |
salty | mc44, no...broadcast | 12:04 |
Panzer_ | ok that is a tease though. with them saying tomorrow. | 12:04 |
Treedude | not sure | 12:04 |
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neoj | robdeman: does it work? if not, what is the errormessage? (logs in /var/logs/apache2/) | 12:04 |
Treedude | it was the cheapest i could find :P | 12:04 |
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Panzer_ | don't they know tomorrow never comes | 12:04 |
EmxBA | Treedude: which card? | 12:04 |
kbrooks | Panzer_, talk in #ubuntu+1 | 12:05 |
EmxBA | foug: yes | 12:05 |
mc44 | salty: sorry, icecast is the only one I know. dunno if that is jack | 12:05 |
SonicChao | I am getting a very strange message. A very strange one. :| After installing Kubuntu-desktop via aptitude, I got this message about 'Postfix Configuration'? | 12:05 |
SonicChao | What does that mean? | 12:05 |
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hayesben | Treedude - You don't know if it's working or you don't know what type of card it is? You gotta be joking?! | 12:05 |
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rubso | lol guys, got Power Management Fixed in Kubuntu? | 12:05 |
Treedude | i dont know what type it is | 12:05 |
Panzer_ | just making a joke. I am still running dapper. | 12:05 |
robdeman | neoj: TracError: The environment options "TRAC_ENV" or "TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR" or the mod_python options "TracEnv" or "TracEnvParentDir" are missing. Trac requires one of these options to locate the Trac environment(s). | 12:05 |
foug | EmxBA: should i just double them, or what? i'm not so good at linux yet | 12:05 |
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hayesben | Treedude - what did the box say it was? | 12:06 |
Panzer_ | hoping that treedude will look up the pcmcia card | 12:06 |
Zambezi | Anyone runing a FTP with vsftpd? | 12:06 |
salty | mc44, icecast doesn't use jack...but i need to broadcast to a shoutcast server..thnx anyway | 12:06 |
Panzer_ | and see what chipset is there | 12:06 |
robdeman | neoj: I did set SetEnv TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR "/var/lib/trac" | 12:06 |
Panzer_ | I am running vsftpd | 12:06 |
Dante123 | hey, when can a person download feisty.......I know the 19th.....but the 19th in what time zone......Europe, South Africa, NYC??? | 12:06 |
gon4o |;640 | 12:06 |
EmxBA | check this, foug : | 12:06 |
PriceChild | Dante123, #ubuntu+1 please | 12:06 |
hayesben | Treedude - what does the ifconfig bring back (as well as the lspci command)? | 12:06 |
Treedude | hayesben, i bought it 2 years ago, i cant remember what it said on the box and the card has no writing on it at all | 12:06 |
EmxBA | Dante123: UTC, it'll be released during 19th april | 12:07 |
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jchs | mc44: Tried xine and it gives message: Error loading library | 12:07 |
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PriceChild | EmxBA, if it is ready... | 12:07 |
zYe_ | is anyone here really familiar with imwheel? | 12:07 |
SonicChao | !postfix | 12:07 |
ubotu | postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: or here: | 12:07 |
Dante123 | how close are we to 19th UTC??? | 12:07 |
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neoj | robdeman: I have set DefaultInitEnv TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR /var/www/trac/ in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fcgid.conf | 12:07 |
SonicChao | MTA? What?!?! I just use GMAIL D: | 12:07 |
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jchs | mc44: Maybe I'll try amarok | 12:07 |
mc44 | jchs: what version of ubuntua re you running | 12:07 |
SonicChao | Can I just select 'No configuration'? | 12:07 |
EmxBA | it is, PriceChild | 12:07 |
mc44 | jchs: that uses xine as a backend | 12:07 |
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EmxBA | (from what I've experienced as daily updater :) ) | 12:08 |
neoj | robdeman: also notice its DefaultInitEnv and not SetEnv | 12:08 |
jchs | mc44: Feisty Fawn daily build from a couple of days ago | 12:08 |
PriceChild | EmxBA, we hope | 12:08 |
zYe_ | is anyone here really familiar with imwheel? | 12:08 |
mc44 | jchs: well amarok works on feisty for me doing streams | 12:08 |
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mc44 | jchs: try sudo apt-get libxine-extracodecs | 12:09 |
mc44 | jchs: *install | 12:09 |
neoj | robdeman: and restart apache when you change something (just saying, I dont know how advanced you are:) | 12:09 |
dutch | how do I prevent Konqueror from opening when I click on a link...neeed FF to open instead | 12:09 |
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hayesben | Treedude - if you run the lspci command, can you see your wireless card listed? | 12:10 |
robdeman | neoj:what about ScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.cgi ? | 12:10 |
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salty | dutch, system>preferences>preferred applications | 12:10 |
Treedude | how do i run that? | 12:10 |
robdeman | neoj: I mean ScriptAlias /trac /usr/share/trac/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi | 12:10 |
dutch | salty, thanks | 12:10 |
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EmxBA | open gnome terminal and type lspci, Treedude | 12:10 |
salty | yw | 12:10 |
Treedude | ty | 12:10 |
hayesben | open up a terminal console (Applications -> Terminal) and type in lspci | 12:10 |
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robdeman | neoj: oh w8 it works! | 12:11 |
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neoj | robdeman: nice \o/ | 12:11 |
robdeman | neoh: nice thanks! im off to bed! | 12:11 |
neoj | np | 12:11 |
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zYe_ | is anyone here really familiar with imwheel? | 12:12 |
foug | EmxBA: have you changed yours? | 12:12 |
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Death_Sargent | what do I edit to make the noacpi command default when I boot | 12:13 |
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Treedude | hayesben, there's a cardbus controller, that what im looking for? | 12:13 |
jchs | mc44: Thanks, I'll try that once amarok has finished downloading | 12:13 |
EmxBA | no; horiz refresh is 28.0 - 51.0 and vertrefresh 43.0 - 70.0 | 12:13 |
Death_Sargent | anyone | 12:13 |
EmxBA | foug, | 12:13 |
Death_Sargent | it sais grub.conf but I can't find that | 12:13 |
hayesben | Treedude - if your wireless card is working, you should be able to run ifconfig and see if it's acquiring an ip address. If ubuntu isn't loading it up, you will need to get the vendor codes for the hardware and do a search. Once you find the hardware, you can download the windows drivers and install ndiswrapper and install the drivers that way to get it working. | 12:13 |
mc44 | jchs: send me the link you are trying? | 12:13 |
foug | EmxBA: my vert is 60, hmm | 12:13 |
EmxBA | Death_Sargent: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 12:13 |
liz_ | Treedude: try iwconfig too it should tell you various wireless info | 12:13 |
foug | EmxBA: it just lags a lot when i resize windows, dragging them around not so much | 12:14 |
hayesben | liz - yeah, i forgot about the iwconfig command. | 12:14 |
Death_Sargent | that's what I edited | 12:14 |
zYe_ | !paste | 12:14 |
EmxBA | I've experienced such problems with bad driver (vesa) and small rates | 12:14 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:14 |
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Death_Sargent | but when I looked at it while booting it was not there | 12:14 |
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Treedude | ok, ty all, ill get on that | 12:14 |
Treedude | i may be back :P | 12:15 |
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Death_Sargent | where would I put the command ? | 12:15 |
Death_Sargent | before or after boot | 12:15 |
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EmxBA | after, Death_Sargent | 12:15 |
Death_Sargent | thast where it is | 12:15 |
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Death_Sargent | how come it does not show up in grub? | 12:15 |
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shoot^ | anyone have any experience with uswsusp? i'm getting an odd error when i resume a hibernated suspend. gnome fires up alright, but repeatedly presents me with the shutdown menu; i click cancel, it reappears. eventually it vanishes, then gnome doesnt respond, even after a ctrl + alt + backspace restart. | 12:16 |
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salty | !anyone | 12:16 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:16 |
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zYe_ | can anyone explain this imwheel file to me? | 12:16 |
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Death_Sargent | we have a rule in the e107 chat | 12:16 |
Death_Sargent | just state the problem | 12:16 |
n00tz | see ya guys tomorrow | 12:17 |
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Otter | Hi everyone. I work in a corp type enviroment. I need to add a Toisha printer to my Edgy machine. I can hit it from my VMWARe session but can't get it working quite right with linux.. anyone have any pointers? | 12:17 |
EmxBA | Death_Sargent: maybe you've editing the wrong sections. e.g. you have two ubuntus on your pc, and you've edited parameters for one of them | 12:17 |
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n00tz | !cups | 12:17 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 12:17 |
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n00tz | /logout | 12:17 |
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scamboy | helo everyone!!! | 12:17 |
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Otter | Cups can talk to a Samba shared printer? | 12:17 |
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hayesben | Treedude - Two more areas to look at. If you go to System -> Device Manager & System -> Networking, you should be able to visually see if the card is loaded properly. The Device Manager will give you more info about the card in question to help you in your search. | 12:18 |
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Death_Sargent | nope | 12:18 |
Death_Sargent | this is the correct session | 12:18 |
Death_Sargent | actually I have 4 avail | 12:18 |
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salty | Otter, have ya tried the toshiba site? | 12:18 |
scamboy | can someone get me the driver for SAMBA 75 edge usb card? | 12:18 |
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Death_Sargent | 2.6.17-11 and .17-10 | 12:18 |
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hayesben | Otter - Yes, it can talk to a shared printer. | 12:18 |
Death_Sargent | plus the respective recovery modes | 12:18 |
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Death_Sargent | should I just add to all? | 12:19 |
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odix | i need some major help | 12:19 |
Otter | salty: just drivers, and edgy comes ith the correct drivers | 12:19 |
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salty | oh ok | 12:19 |
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Dante123 | 10:18 PM UTC | 12:19 |
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odix | my directly connected computer running ubuntu to my wireless router takes a minute or two to load a page on a 6mb line whereas my laptop computers using wireless download much faster | 12:19 |
odix | wtf ? | 12:19 |
punktux | how to create a shortcut command for a 'long' command with lots of arguments | 12:20 |
jchs | mc44: Link is | 12:20 |
zYe_ | explain imwheel file to me.... | 12:20 |
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Slike | hi, can anyone explain me what kernel headers actually do, what's their use? i know what the kernel image does, i understand what the source code is, but these "headers" are rather vague... | 12:20 |
Kaur | punktux: write a script | 12:20 |
Death_Sargent | not session boot thing | 12:20 |
EmxBA | punktux: alias | 12:20 |
Death_Sargent | brains failing | 12:20 |
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smcmurray | I can't find Wine in synaptic under Feisty... | 12:21 |
odix | can anyone help me | 12:22 |
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Zorlin | Hello odix | 12:22 |
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Zorlin | what do you need help with? | 12:22 |
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EmxBA | smcmurray: sudo apt-get install wine should do the job | 12:22 |
odix | my directly connected computer running ubuntu to my wireless router takes a minute or two to load a page on a 6mb line whereas my laptop computers using wireless download much faster | 12:22 |
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Zorlin | hmmm. peculiar. | 12:22 |
hayesben | smcmurray - have you added the universal & multiverse repos? | 12:22 |
mc44 | jchs: no you want the link in the popup which says : Listen to this in a standalone player | 12:22 |
neoj | Slike: simplified, when you compile programs that want to "talk" to the kernel, they need to know how to do it. The headers tells them how :) | 12:23 |
odix | ya i know | 12:23 |
Zorlin | odix, is your network card configured properly | 12:23 |
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odix | yes ? i think so.. im online on my directly connected now | 12:23 |
Zorlin | oh okay | 12:23 |
odix | i get the bar at the bottom on firefox looking up....waiting for... and it just takes forever | 12:23 |
Slike | neoj: great, thanks: *.h files i suppose? | 12:23 |
neoj | yeah | 12:23 |
Zorlin | try google-searching for 'oz speed test' | 12:23 |
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zYe_ | please, explain imwheel file to me.... | 12:24 |
Zorlin | try performing that test, see the results. | 12:24 |
Zorlin | its basically a download speed test. | 12:24 |
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smcmurray | hayesben: package wine is not available | 12:24 |
jrib | zYe_: have you taken a look at imwheel's man page? | 12:24 |
Zorlin | if you get near full speeds on it then its a firefox problem | 12:24 |
mc44 | jchs: i.e. | 12:24 |
jchs | mc44: I've installed the FireFox MediaPlayer Connectivity extension which seems OK with this link but ... | 12:24 |
odix | i have done those | 12:24 |
Zorlin | near full-ish speeds? | 12:24 |
Zorlin | what you'd expect? | 12:24 |
zYe_ | jrib, nope | 12:24 |
odix | well it seems like when i reload a page it goes faster | 12:24 |
mp_ | i install xubuntu-desktop, id like to remove gnome and everything in ubuntu-desktop | 12:24 |
jchs | mc44: ... here is the other link: | 12:25 |
Slike | neoj: if a kernel module has to be compiled, does it both need the headers and the source or is one of these sufficient? | 12:25 |
mp_ | whats an easy way to do that? | 12:25 |
jrib | zYe_: I'm reading through it now, take a look at sections about imwheelrc | 12:25 |
odix | the first time it went 324, the second 782 and on my laptop the first time being wireless it went 1.3mbps | 12:25 |
Zorlin | MP, google "puregnome" | 12:25 |
mc44 | jchs: yeah thats what i just said above :p | 12:25 |
mp_ | k | 12:25 |
odix | its weird | 12:25 |
mc44 | jchs: and does that link work? | 12:25 |
jchs | mc44: sorry - posts overlapped! | 12:25 |
ricardator | pls... i can't check my emails (gmail and hotmail) through ubuntu-feisty... i have enabled cookies and javascript in browser... | 12:25 |
mp_ | ty | 12:25 |
Zorlin | have fun mate | 12:25 |
ricardator | anyone can help me? | 12:25 |
Zorlin | glad to help | 12:25 |
Zorlin | yes ricard? | 12:25 |
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neoj | Slike: the headers. | 12:25 |
jrib | ricardator: other web pages work ok? | 12:25 |
Zorlin | Hmm. | 12:25 |
ricardator | jrib, yes | 12:26 |
Zorlin | try logging onto a site like the ubuntu forums? | 12:26 |
Zorlin | that uses cookies and Jscript etc? | 12:26 |
jrib | ricardator: what happens when you visit gmail? | 12:26 |
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Zorlin | if that works it might be a problem with hotmail | 12:26 |
Zorlin | or gmail, maybe you dont accept cookies from them | 12:26 |
Slike | neoj: so the source is only needed if you'd like to rebuild the kernel on your own? | 12:26 |
Zorlin | i dont know =_= | 12:26 |
hayesben | smcmurray - see if there is a feisty repo for : deb feisty main. There is for edgy. | 12:27 |
EmxBA | and build-essential, Slike | 12:27 |
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Death_Sargent | hey when will fiesty be avail | 12:27 |
Death_Sargent | none of the DL mirrors are working | 12:27 |
ricardator | in fact, i can enter on main page... i put my info to log , and the connection with email server lost | 12:27 |
EmxBA | check #ubuntu+1, Death_Sargent | 12:27 |
Dante123 | Death_Sargent...not damn soon enough for me. | 12:27 |
ricardator | i can log in in forum | 12:27 |
ricardator | s | 12:27 |
jchs | mc44: The external player link launches the MediaPlayer Connectivity extension's window and clicking that link launches xine, which fails as before. | 12:28 |
neoj | Slike: yes | 12:28 |
Zorlin | Death sargent | 12:28 |
mc44 | jrib: add avail to the regex :p | 12:28 |
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combatmode | what is Debian? | 12:28 |
Zorlin | Fiesty will be released at 6:00 am GMT | 12:28 |
Zorlin | or Grenich Mean Time | 12:28 |
combatmode | ubuntu debian? | 12:28 |
Slike | build-essential is a package that installs all the the basic compiler tools like gcc, or is it something kernel-specific? | 12:28 |
smcmurray | hayesben: universe is heaywire right now. I'll wrestle a bit | 12:28 |
EmxBA | Linux distribution, combatmode | 12:28 |
Zorlin | !debian | 12:28 |
ubotu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 12:28 |
mc44 | jchs: try running xine from a terminal with that link | 12:28 |
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EmxBA | that first, Slike | 12:28 |
mc44 | jchs: ie xine | 12:28 |
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Zorlin | darn that bot is useful | 12:28 |
EmxBA | Zorlin: really? | 12:29 |
EmxBA | 6:00? | 12:29 |
Slike | thx very much, learned a lot in a very short timespan | 12:29 |
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Zorlin | Apparently so | 12:29 |
Slike | got to go, bye and thanks again! | 12:29 |
Zorlin | Its 6:30am here, and i'm GMT+08 | 12:29 |
ricardator | anyone? i know is kind a weird... but simply i just don't know what to do | 12:29 |
grayman | is overloaded? | 12:29 |
Zorlin | so it should be released in roughly 7 and a half hours | 12:29 |
EmxBA | yes it is, grayman :D | 12:29 |
grayman | heh | 12:29 |
salty | GMT-5 here | 12:29 |
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Zorlin | 7.5 hours to Fiesty Fawn Launch, basically | 12:29 |
grayman | guess that people are waiting for feisty | 12:29 |
Wikzo | How long is it gonna take for a torrent to come out? I mean, someone have to download it first, before he/she can seed it, right? | 12:30 |
EmxBA | utc+2 here. | 12:30 |
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odix | it just takes forever to "looking up X" | 12:30 |
scamboy | !samba | 12:30 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 12:30 |
EmxBA | yes Wikzo , someone with pretty fast connnection shall do that :) | 12:30 |
scamboy | !drivers | 12:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about drivers - try searching on | 12:30 |
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Zorlin | Wikzo, they would probably just host it themselves | 12:30 |
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Zorlin | As in, seed it themselves for the first while | 12:30 |
scamboy | !pcmia | 12:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pcmia - try searching on | 12:30 |
Zorlin | until people could seed stable-ly | 12:30 |
EmxBA | !pcmcia > scamboy | 12:30 |
Zorlin | !pcmcia scamboy | 12:31 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia scamboy - try searching on | 12:31 |
grayman | heh | 12:31 |
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Zorlin | o.o? | 12:31 |
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Zorlin | !pcmcia | 12:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on | 12:31 |
grayman | i bet that repositories will be overloaded too | 12:31 |
Zorlin | !pcmcia | 12:31 |
EmxBA | !PCMCIA | 12:31 |
EmxBA | damn bot | 12:31 |
scamboy | thanks guys | 12:31 |
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Zorlin | evil thing. | 12:31 |
Zorlin | !pcmcia | 12:31 |
ompaul | !enter | 12:31 |
ubotu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 12:31 |
swedekid | can anyone help me install wine on fiesty fawn? | 12:31 |
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harry | when exactly is feisty being released? | 12:31 |
Zorlin | harry | 12:31 |
ompaul | the bot will not reply to repeated requests for the same word | 12:31 |
Zorlin | 7.5 hours to go | 12:31 |
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Zorlin | oh ok | 12:31 |
scamboy | i am looking for samba 75 edge driver or software | 12:31 |
Wikzo | | 12:31 |
Zorlin | !samba | 12:32 |
ubotu | samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 12:32 |
salty | !jackd | 12:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jackd - try searching on | 12:32 |
Zorlin | !pcmcia | 12:32 |
Wikzo | 1 left :D | 12:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pcmcia - try searching on | 12:32 |
jchs | mc44: OK. Tried running from terminal -> same error as before about | 12:32 |
ompaul | !msgthebot | Zorlin | 12:32 |
ubotu | Zorlin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 12:32 |
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swedekid | !wine | 12:32 |
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ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 12:32 |
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mc44 | jchs: :(, works for me | 12:32 |
Zorlin | huh? | 12:32 |
hayesben | swedekid - have a look at your system now. Wine is installed for you! | 12:32 |
mc44 | jchs: no idea, sorry | 12:32 |
Zorlin | No, apparently its at 6AM gmt | 12:32 |
swedekid | erallY? | 12:32 |
Zorlin | not midnight GMT. | 12:32 |
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hayesben | :) | 12:32 |
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EmxBA | it's 22:33 utc | 12:33 |
Zorlin | Oh okay | 12:33 |
ompaul | @now gmt | 12:33 |
uvercinka | hi. when will be feisty fawn will be released | 12:33 |
Zorlin | Guys, know what this reminds me of? | 12:33 |
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ricardator | jrib, so? any idea...? | 12:33 |
Zorlin | !now gmt | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about now gmt - try searching on | 12:33 |
EmxBA | uvercinka: check #ubuntu+1 | 12:33 |
Zorlin | !now | 12:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about now - try searching on | 12:33 |
swedekid | hayesban: i cant find it | 12:33 |
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Madpilot | @now gmt | 12:33 |
Zorlin | know what this reminds me of | 12:33 |
EmxBA | Zorlin: please stop playing with bot and use it privately by messaging it (/msg) | 12:33 |
ompaul | Zorlin, please don't mess with the bot thanks | 12:33 |
thoreauputic | @now utc | 12:33 |
ubotu | Current time in Etc/UTC: April 18 2007, 22:33:57 - Next meeting: Development Team in 16 hours 26 minutes | 12:33 |
uvercinka | thanks emxba | 12:33 |
zYe_ | zorlin stfu | 12:33 |
zYe_ | thx | 12:34 |
hayesben | lol! :) (only joking mate) | 12:34 |
Zorlin | sorry... | 12:34 |
Zorlin | god, lol. | 12:34 |
ompaul | !noob | zYe_ | 12:34 |
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ubotu | zYe_: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 12:34 |
salty | swedekid, try typing 'whereis wine' in your terminal | 12:34 |
jrib | ricardator: yes, that's kind of strange. Have you tried a different browser? Does it happen on windows if you have it? | 12:34 |
Madpilot | thoreauputic, odd that the bot knows 'utc', but not 'gmt' as a timezone | 12:34 |
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Zorlin | hooray for ubotu :O | 12:34 |
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Zorlin | i hate those words. | 12:34 |
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thoreauputic | Madpilot: well, I guess utc is the canonical designation ( pun intended) | 12:35 |
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Antioch | Judging by the official website is not responding - Im assuming 7.4 was released? | 12:35 |
frederific | is down, or is it just my internet being dodgy? | 12:35 |
jchs | mc44: Thanks anyway. | 12:35 |
Zorlin | This reminds me of the time when the xbox 360 was launched. | 12:35 |
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cables | frederific, it was up five minutes ago | 12:35 |
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combatmode | Is it possible to drag files to a external harddrive | 12:35 |
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Madpilot | thoreauputic, heh. 'gmt' and 'zulu' should both be aliased to 'utc' | 12:35 |
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Zorlin | Everyone queueing outside the stores to buy one | 12:35 |
thoreauputic | frederific: it's a great disturbance in the force | 12:35 |
cables | combatmode, yep | 12:35 |
swedekid | salty: it says 0 items found when i search for it | 12:35 |
combatmode | But it say i can't | 12:35 |
Jordan_U | frederific, Down here too | 12:35 |
Antioch | frederific - yes it down for me too | 12:35 |
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ompaul | !offtopic | 12:35 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 12:35 |
EmxBA | frederific: you're right, site's down. | 12:35 |
thoreauputic | Madpilot: "zulu" is *so* American... | 12:35 |
salty | swedekid, then it's not did you try to install it? | 12:36 |
frederific | OK, thought so. Are there any chanops around that could put it in the topic? | 12:36 |
Madpilot | thoreauputic, civil aviation uses it to, not just American & not just military | 12:36 |
=== rolando2424 gasps at the number of users online | ||
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thoreauputic | Madpilot: ah, Ok then I sit corrected :) | 12:36 |
combatmode | cables. Error while copying to "/media/usbdisk". | 12:36 |
ompaul | frederific, give me a source for the information | 12:36 |
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combatmode | cables. You do not have permissions to write this folder | 12:37 |
swedekid | salty: i downloaded the 0.9.35 one, its a file | 12:37 |
jchs | mc44: I've just installed amorak but it gives the message: There is no available decoder | 12:37 |
Dani | hy if i install edubuntu for my little sisters but i want the full power of ubuntu which should i download edubuntu or ubuntu | 12:37 |
combatmode | cables. how do i fix that | 12:37 |
cables | combatmode, i don't know. | 12:37 |
combatmode | cables. usually it works? | 12:37 |
MLimburg | hmmm, running the native neverwinter nights client .. getting a nasty crackling through the sound .. nothing else seems to be causing it | 12:38 |
salty | swedekid, i've found the best way for me to get wine installed is to apt-get it | 12:38 |
Zorlin | Dani: You can install the ubuntu-desktop after installing edubuntu | 12:38 |
cables | combatmode, for me, yes. | 12:38 |
frederific | ompaul: the fact that I and several others are unable to access it. Or did you mean something else? | 12:38 |
Jordan_U | Dani, I would say download regular Ubuntu, edubuntu is more targeted for schools running thin clients | 12:38 |
Zorlin | You can upgrade it through apt-get if needed | 12:38 |
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swedekid | i did that | 12:38 |
ompaul | frederific, now you have me confused what do you want in the topic | 12:38 |
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Dani | zorlin so i download and install edubuntu and i can use the update program to get ubuntu packages | 12:38 |
frederific | ompaul: that seems to be down | 12:38 |
Jordan_U | Dani, Regular Ubuntu is also much easier to install | 12:38 |
Zorlin | if you wanted to yes | 12:38 |
Zorlin | but regular would be better. | 12:39 |
swedekid | salty: i did that | 12:39 |
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salty | swedekid, look in your home directory and look for .wine | 12:39 |
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combatmode | How to make a external harddrive able to write or drag files into it | 12:39 |
cafuego | Dani: You can simply install 'ubuntu-desktop' on an edubuntu machine to grab all of Ubuntu. | 12:39 |
Dani | is down right now i can't access it | 12:39 |
swedekid | salty: i think its installed, all the stuff in the applications i can open up | 12:39 |
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Madpilot | Dani, I just got thru, but it's slow | 12:39 |
combatmode | It would say i don't have permission | 12:39 |
Dani | k thx | 12:39 |
EmxBA | ompaul: people should know that sites are down | 12:39 |
EmxBA | ATM | 12:39 |
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jpsamara | Wow! ubuntu is down!! Release is comming | 12:40 |
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salty | swedekid, ok...then all of your files will be in a directory called '.wine' | 12:40 |
Madpilot | EmxBA, it's not. is slow, but there, and it still responds to pings. | 12:40 |
Zorlin | No, I don't think its down. | 12:40 |
Zorlin | Its just under massively heavily load. | 12:40 |
ompaul | EmxBA, if I put it in and the topic and it lasts 20 seconds I will be devoured | 12:40 |
Madpilot | 6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5004ms | 12:40 |
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Zorlin | holy cow | 12:40 |
Zorlin | 5 seconds ping?! | 12:40 |
jchs | mc44: Giving up for now. Thanks again for the ideas. | 12:40 |
Dani | when is the next release due | 12:41 |
swedekid | salty: ok, do i need to check that or something? | 12:41 |
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Zorlin | today | 12:41 |
mc44 | jchs: it really should be working | 12:41 |
ompaul | EmxBA, I can get some packets back from it | 12:41 |
mc44 | jchs: sorry :) | 12:41 |
leonov | Dani, tomorrow! | 12:41 |
peepsalot | tomorrow i think | 12:41 |
Zorlin | either in 1 and a half hours, or 7 and a half | 12:41 |
ompaul | EmxBA, html packates at that | 12:41 |
EmxBA | I can ping it too, but the site is really slow. | 12:41 |
Zorlin | not entirely sure | 12:41 |
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Dani | oh man | 12:41 |
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salty | swedekid, no...that's just where they'll be if you need to look for them later | 12:41 |
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beattech | Can anyone help me get my ac'97 onboard souncard to work? | 12:41 |
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frederific | I've jsut got the homepage up after 3mins :) | 12:41 |
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ompaul | thoreauputic, Madpilot so mabe +m the channel and have a script tell things :) | 12:42 |
sahafeez | so i have had it with SLES 10 and are thinking about getting ubuntu. seems there is an issues with the website? | 12:42 |
NZheretic | If got a slight problem with the network-manager-applet not showing the ppp0 connection. Dial up works fine but the applet still shows "no network connection" | 12:42 |
swedekid | salty: well, what do i need to do to install WoW? | 12:42 |
mc44 | ompaul: thats what I said! :) | 12:42 |
Zorlin | anyone need help with anything? | 12:42 |
Zorlin | Swedekid: If you wanted to install WoW | 12:42 |
Madpilot | Zorlin, that slow ping might also be my landlord's junk router - I get similar times to right now :| but is slow to load. | 12:42 |
Zorlin | You'd need drivers for your graphics card | 12:42 |
cafuego | NZheretic: Luckily there are mirror sites everywhere. | 12:42 |
Zorlin | as well as wine, and a copy of WoW | 12:42 |
NZheretic | s/If/I've/ | 12:42 |
thoreauputic | ompaul: repeating at 5 second intervals " Feisty will be released when it is ready" ? *grin* | 12:42 |
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salty | swedekid, try right clicking on the file and choose wine to open it with | 12:43 |
Zorlin | Madpilot, I'm getting terrible times loading too | 12:43 |
Zorlin | But 5k ms ping time is absolutely appalling | 12:43 |
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leonov | loaded in about 20sec from here in New Zealand. Slow, but not fatally... | 12:43 |
swedekid | Zorlin: so it doesnt automatically install the drivers? | 12:43 |
sahafeez | i need to get to to get a list of mirrors | 12:43 |
[sTeReo] | was feisty fawn released yet? | 12:43 |
cafuego | Quick! Everyone hit to see if it's slow! | 12:43 |
NZheretic | cafuego : "Mirror sites?" | 12:43 |
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beattech | Brand new linux user needs help with setting up sound card. | 12:43 |
Madpilot | cafuego, heh | 12:43 |
cafuego | NZheretic: iso mirrors | 12:43 |
peepsalot | i get 136ms ping | 12:43 |
twobrandys | Yo! peeps! | 12:43 |
Zorlin | Swedekid: It installs some open source drivers | 12:43 |
thoreauputic | cafuego: :)) | 12:43 |
Madpilot | ubotu, sound | beattech | 12:43 |
ubotu | beattech: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:43 |
=== cafuego rolls his eyes at Madpilot | ||
twobrandys | fellow Ubunteros! | 12:43 |
sahafeez | 5k is bad - i get 1200 on sat link | 12:43 |
Zorlin | However they arent the official ones. | 12:43 |
EmxBA | no, [sTeReo] | 12:43 |
NZheretic | cafuego : I did not ask that. | 12:43 |
swedekid | Zorlin: so what do i need to do? | 12:43 |
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twobrandys | its nearly midnite | 12:44 |
Zorlin | !graphics | 12:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about graphics - try searching on | 12:44 |
[sTeReo] | ok, EmxBA | 12:44 |
Zorlin | oh darn. hang on | 12:44 |
twobrandys | is Feisty ready from midnite on? | 12:44 |
EmxBA | 8.96 ms here :) | 12:44 |
sahafeez | ubotu mirrors | 12:44 |
ricardator | jrib, i've installed konqueror... and i could check just once gmail | 12:44 |
ubotu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at | 12:44 |
beattech | ok.. i cant read anything in here.. anyone help me in private chat? | 12:44 |
sahafeez | cool. | 12:44 |
thoreauputic | twobrandys: no | 12:44 |
ompaul | twobrandys, whose midnight? | 12:44 |
jrib | ricardator: after that it failed just like firefox? | 12:44 |
NZheretic | I stated "I've got a slight problem with the network-manager-applet not showing the ppp0 connection. Dial up works fine but the applet still shows "no network connection"" | 12:44 |
cafuego | NZheretic: Wepll, the rest of the site is of no partoicular use (especially at the moment) | 12:44 |
Zorlin | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 12:44 |
twobrandys | ompaul: gmt's midnite | 12:44 |
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[sTeReo] | it's 1 hour 15 minutes to utc midnight | 12:44 |
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ompaul | twobrandys, that I doubt | 12:44 |
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cafuego | NZheretic: Oh, you weren't the one saying you tried SLES and wantd ubuntu now.? | 12:44 |
savetheWorld | wow - its later than I thought...... :-) | 12:44 |
twobrandys | man i can't wait anymore | 12:45 |
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ompaul | twobrandys, 10 or 11 am uk time I would imagine | 12:45 |
zYe_ | how can i configure my imwheelrc to just recognize my 2 side mouse buttons as thumb1 and thumb 2 instead of Alt_L|Left, Alt_L|Right | 12:45 |
rambo3 | comon people where can i download feisty??? one !! | 12:45 |
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NZheretic | <cafuego> : NO | 12:45 |
cafuego | NZheretic: No, indeed you weren't. | 12:45 |
twobrandys | ompaul: ok, I'll have to try and wait somehow | 12:45 |
ompaul | twobrandys, going by some previous things | 12:45 |
savetheWorld | no common people here. all elite geeks! | 12:45 |
Littlebob | is there anyway to initiate an ubuntu installation with a floppy disk? i dont have a cd writer and the comp does not support usb booting. | 12:45 |
jrib | zYe_: what do you mean by "thumb1" and "thumb2"? | 12:45 |
Zorlin | swedekid: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 12:45 |
ricardator | jrib, yup 'connection lost' or 'connection broken' | 12:45 |
beattech | Anyone willing to help me with my sound card in private chat or something... Cause i cant figure this out | 12:45 |
sahafeez | on the site i saw the other day a server version and a desktop version. looking at a mirror i see one disk. are there 2 distros? | 12:45 |
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jrib | ricardator: hmm it's really strange that it worked once though. What if you clear the cache and try again? | 12:45 |
=== thoreauputic would scream the next time he sees " when will fesity be released" - but he's too jaded | ||
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thekidrio | littlebob, look up netboot | 12:46 |
savetheWorld | Littlebob: its should be doable. sww for any guides on creating a bootable floppy | 12:46 |
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Zorlin | Ubuntu automatically installs opensource graphics drivers, but not the official ones which have graphics [hardware] acceleration. | 12:46 |
PriceChild | thoreauputic, is feisty released yet? | 12:46 |
savetheWorld | heh or netboot | 12:46 |
ricardator | jrib, ive tried that | 12:46 |
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NZheretic | <beattech> : what's the hardware? | 12:46 |
thoreauputic | PriceChild: *yawn* | 12:46 |
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thoreauputic | ;p | 12:46 |
Zorlin | You need the right ones for WoW, like FGLRX or the nvidia drivers | 12:46 |
Slick | hey, whats the channel for | 12:46 |
Littlebob | hmm | 12:46 |
Zorlin | probably #ooo | 12:46 |
Zorlin | or #oo.o | 12:46 |
frederific | Slick: #openoffice? | 12:46 |
beattech | ac'97 onboard with my asus k8v or something like thgat | 12:46 |
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jrib | ricardator: I don't know then | 12:46 |
disasm | Littlebob: can you get a hold of any linux live cd? (need wget and network) | 12:46 |
zYe_ | jrib, | 12:46 |
frederific | something like that anyway :) | 12:46 |
Littlebob | would an ms-dos boot floppy be usable | 12:46 |
ricardator | jrib, even, cause other reasons i've had to reinstall all system and i get the same problem | 12:46 |
kneeki | hmm, how can I go about making the font size of my Panels a bit bigger? | 12:47 |
Paul_UK | can anyone try | 12:47 |
jrib | !openoffice > Slick (Slick, see the private message from ubotu) | 12:47 |
Zorlin | ahh | 12:47 |
sahafeez | uboto server | 12:47 |
jrib | ricardator: how do you connect to the internet? | 12:47 |
Zorlin | the channel for openoffice | 12:47 |
Zorlin | is | 12:47 |
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ricardator | jrib, adsl | 12:47 |
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Slick | cheers | 12:47 |
zYe_ | jrib, it says on that paste that thumb1,2 is recognized as the side buttons | 12:47 |
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thoreauputic | Paul_UK: yes, if all 11300 of us try it at the same time it will get *much* faster! | 12:47 |
swedekid | Zorlin: the page isnt loading | 12:47 |
jrib | zYe_: but that is just syntax for imwheelrc as I understand it | 12:47 |
jrib | ricardator: you have a router? | 12:48 |
Paul_UK | thoreauputic: no need to be like that, i just came on and asked a question | 12:48 |
disasm | Paul_UK: you aren't the same Paul from the UK I hosted with are you? | 12:48 |
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ricardator | jrib, yes | 12:48 |
thoreauputic | Paul_UK: I was kidding | 12:48 |
EmxBA | the fact is that feisty is much more stable than edgy? | 12:48 |
thekidrio | Paul_UK, heh I hit it a few mins ago | 12:48 |
DVS01 | hehe | 12:48 |
ricardator | jrib, a chinese one :p | 12:48 |
DVS01 | i named my cat cat;su | 12:48 |
Paul_UK | disasm: yeah and im sleeping with your misses | 12:48 |
jrib | ricardator: well just to troubleshoot, I would see if it happens when you skip the router and connect directly | 12:48 |
Zorlin | Swedekid: It may take a while. Ubuntu's servers are getting raped by all the requests. | 12:48 |
twobrandys | I have IBM lenovo R60e - would Ubuntu or Kubuntu run and look better on there? | 12:48 |
disasm | Paul_UK: that's fine, I'm single and my ex is a lesbian ;-) | 12:48 |
Zorlin | They are under massive load, so they may be a bit unresponsive | 12:48 |
kneeki | !panels > kneeki | 12:48 |
swedekid | Zorlin: it says its done, but the page is blank | 12:49 |
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Zorlin | hmmm. | 12:49 |
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disasm | /backontopic | 12:49 |
zYe_ | jrib, as in syntax are you not saying the rules in which imwheel abides by? | 12:49 |
Zorlin | let me have a look | 12:49 |
Madpilot | twobrandys, Ubuntu will always look better - but then, I might just be a Gnome fancreature. | 12:49 |
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Paul_UK | disasm: hehe she brought her friend along, so it was all good! | 12:49 |
Zorlin | | 12:49 |
spork | I'm trying to get compiz running in eft via the ubuntu faq/guide. I'm on the step where you update the gpg key for the apt repository, but the key server keeps timing out. | 12:49 |
Zorlin | it loads for me | 12:49 |
IGxMyzt | Zorlin: I'm on ubuntu. | 12:49 |
disasm | twobrandys: none of the above, you need fluxbox to make it look better | 12:49 |
{uX}l`VampyrCeil | Upon fixing this issue you will NOT automatically be allowed to rejoin #ubuntu if you have been temporarly forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. You will need to alert an op to the situation and he will assist you in rejoining #ubuntu. | 12:49 |
Zorlin | Igx, it worked? | 12:49 |
ricardator | jrib, i don't think router is the problem, 'cause when i had windows i didn't have this problem | 12:49 |
{uX}l`VampyrCeil | ^=- not true (apparently) | 12:49 |
EmxBA | spork: check it few hours later | 12:49 |
{uX}l`VampyrCeil | :x | 12:49 |
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IGxMyzt | Zorlin: Yes, is the other chat still open? | 12:50 |
Zorlin | igzor it | 12:50 |
LjL | {uX}l`VampyrCeil: that's because you changed your nickname, i'd suppose | 12:50 |
disasm | twobrandys: out of curiosity, what graphics card in that laptop? | 12:50 |
twobrandys | disasm: LOL, yoiu cant be serious ^^ | 12:50 |
{uX}l`VampyrCeil | oh | 12:50 |
Madpilot | spork, if it's Ubuntu's keyserver, it might be down/slow under the general hammering the release is giving all of Ubuntu's servers | 12:50 |
Zorlin | igzor-temp | 12:50 |
andy_ | where are the Places from gnome stored? I want to browse such a place that I have connected to from a normal file dialog. | 12:50 |
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PriceChild | {uX}l`VampyrCeil, join #pricechild for me please | 12:50 |
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{uX}l`VampyrCeil | i had my sleeping nick when i was banned | 12:50 |
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sahafeez | is there 2 different distros - one desktop and one server? i am looking for a mirror that has the server dvd iso | 12:50 |
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twobrandys | Madpilot: hello gnomefancreature ^^ and performance/functional wise they are the same? | 12:50 |
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jrib | zYe_: yes, for you to tell imwheel, "do this when I press my side button" you use the "thumb1" string. So the rules you had before were saying, "when I press my side button, I want imwheel to press alt-left" | 12:51 |
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LjL | !eserver > sahafeez (sahafeez, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:51 |
vio | hi :) | 12:51 |
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sahafeez | ok, thanks... | 12:51 |
EmxBA | wow I can't track this channel anymore. | 12:51 |
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twobrandys | disasm: intel 95...something | 12:51 |
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sahafeez | LjL: Sorry, I don't know anything about eserver | 12:51 |
Madpilot | twobrandys, pretty much. Assuming you've got a modern(ish) machine with a decent amount of RAM, either will run fine. Kubuntu/KDE might be a bit heavier on RAM usage, that's all. | 12:51 |
Hoag | Hey. Strange question, but... I copied two albums from the same band onto one CD, and for some reason it named the CD "Folk Megamix 2003" and gave the songs names from what appears to be a European language. What gives? o.O | 12:51 |
LjL | !server > sahafeez (sahafeez, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:51 |
disasm | twobrandys: ah k, so by better looking you don't mean compiz or whatever it's called | 12:51 |
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Joebu23 | i need an nvidia twinview master | 12:52 |
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twobrandys | disasm: no, i didn't, although i wonder whether beryl would run on it or not | 12:52 |
carlosfs | Does anyone can help me enable wpa on ubuntu? | 12:52 |
sahafeez | thanks. cept | 12:52 |
rambo3 | ubotu is the master | 12:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is the master - try searching on | 12:52 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | joebu32: I may be able to help | 12:52 |
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spork | Madpilot: no it's: hkp:// is there a different keyserver I can use for the compiz stuff? | 12:52 |
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disasm | twobrandys: i doubt it, I don't think intel cards have 3d accelerated drivers yet | 12:52 |
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{uX}l`VampyrCeil | \o/ | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | disasm: some do actually | 12:53 |
Madpilot | spork, not sure, haven't yet messed with compiz/beryl myself. | 12:53 |
rambo3 | !twinview | Joebu23 | 12:53 |
ubotu | Joebu23: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See - See also !DualHead | 12:53 |
Joebu23 | Benjamin, i have twinview enabled, and both work, but I want to maximize windows across both monitors | 12:53 |
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combatmode | Which torrent program in ubutu actually let u choose what torrent files to download?> | 12:53 |
Felix765 | hi, I am struggling with ltsp (in feisty) can anyone help? | 12:53 |
LjL | combatmode: ktorrent does | 12:53 |
zYe_ | jrib, well when i am in a game say my grenade key is 'g' how would i go about making my "null" section use my side key on the mouse for a grenade? | 12:53 |
disasm | thoreauputic: which ones? I've hard about development, didn't realize they were actually making progress | 12:53 |
thoreauputic | combatmode: azureus is one | 12:53 |
combatmode | thx | 12:53 |
EmxBA | you can try using utorrent with wine, Felix765 | 12:53 |
Hoag | Can anyone help me? | 12:53 |
LjL | !helpme | 12:53 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 12:53 |
EmxBA | what's your problem, Hoag ? | 12:54 |
Hoag | I copied two albums from the same band onto one CD, and for some reason it named the CD "Folk Megamix 2003" and gave the songs names from what appears to be a European language. What gives? o.O | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | disasm: i don't know, but I've read that some intel chips are doing 3d | 12:54 |
disasm | Felix765: doing a net boot? | 12:54 |
salty | !anyone | 12:54 |
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carlosfs | Does anyone can help me enable wpa on ubuntu? | 12:54 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 12:54 |
jrib | zYe_: the null in your rule means there is no modifier. Basically, it's like this: modifier, mouse button, action. So I think you would want something like null, thumb1, g | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | disasm: people are using beryl/compiz with them | 12:54 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | I have found so far only the ability to stretch across both. | 12:54 |
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Hoag | It's nothing too deadly, but it's a bit confusing | 12:54 |
disasm | carlosfs: apt-get install wpasupplicant is the first step | 12:54 |
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jrib | zYe_: by modifier, I mean keys like ctrl and alt | 12:54 |
thoreauputic | !wifi | carlosfs | 12:54 |
ubotu | carlosfs: Wireless documentation can be found at | 12:54 |
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vio | ok i need help with a pcmcia sound card, can does anyone know how to install it? (using feisty)? i can wait, just need to know if some1 can help.. | 12:54 |
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disasm | thoreauputic: good to know before I buy another laptop (probly a year down the road still) | 12:55 |
Joebu23 | Benjamin: I cannot get windows to stretch across both. They all want to maximize into their respective window only | 12:55 |
jpsamara | carlosfs: install network-manager | 12:55 |
LjL | !feisty > vio (vio, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:55 |
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carlosfs | disasm: i've already, but i'm facing some problems. | 12:55 |
thoreauputic | disasm: I don't think they compare with nVidia etc though | 12:55 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | unmaximize the window, then stretch | 12:55 |
jpsamara | carlosfs: it will take care of WPA... just add it to gnome panel after | 12:55 |
zYe_ | jrib, this is what my null section says currently, and it doesnt even state thumb1 yet it works, i dont understand... "None, Down, Alt_L|Right" | 12:55 |
ricardator | jrib, thnxs for your time anyway | 12:55 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | There has to be a better way though, I'll look into i. | 12:56 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | it | 12:56 |
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Hoag | Why would Serpentine seemingly grab a random tracklist from god knows where and use it for a CD I made? | 12:56 |
Felix765 | I am trying to connect to ltsp on edubuntu server using Terminal Server Client on edubuntu desktop, but I just get 'connection refused'. | 12:56 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Hoag... Yes | 12:56 |
jrib | zYe_: well down is supposed to be mouse wheel down | 12:56 |
Joebu23 | Benjamin: Or, better yet, a way to have mplayer play one video on one screen and another video on another screen. Right now, mplayer will only play out to the SVIDEO screen | 12:56 |
disasm | carlosfs: if you're using gnome you probably want to listen to anyone in here other than me ;-) I tend to do networking the "hard" way | 12:56 |
Jordan_U | vio, First off I would plug it in, it may "just work" | 12:56 |
carlosfs | jpsamara: the icon on panel shows "no network connections" | 12:57 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Joe: Use vlc | 12:57 |
thoreauputic | Hoag: probably some of the metadata matches | 12:57 |
Joebu23 | Benjamin: will try vlc | 12:57 |
Madpilot | Felix765, try #edubuntu for questions about it | 12:57 |
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zYe_ | jrib, well it works for my side button and doesnt effect my mouse wheel at all... | 12:57 |
Paul_UK | oh well, heres hoping ubuntu 7.04 is released when i wake up!!!! | 12:57 |
carlosfs | disasm: hehe, ok, tnks | 12:57 |
jrib | zYe_: your mouse probably generates a different button# than it expects then | 12:57 |
vio | Jordan_U: it's plugged in (and worked gerat with XP) but xp sxs.. | 12:57 |
Felix765 | Madpilot: I am also on #edubuntu but there are 30 times as many people here | 12:58 |
zYe_ | jrib, but my side buttons are 'sticking' in game becasuse of the alt+right combination | 12:58 |
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vio | i can try to unplug + replug | 12:58 |
zYe_ | jrib, so right now my mouse 4 is really supposed to be my mouse 6? | 12:58 |
ceil420 | Felix765, there's over twice as many people here as there are in ##linux itself :p | 12:58 |
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jrib | zYe_: run xev, and see what you get | 12:58 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Joe: I can get one fullscreen and the other only window maximized | 12:58 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | In vlc | 12:59 |
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zYe_ | jrib, xev? | 12:59 |
vio | nothing happened | 12:59 |
Jordan_U | vio, look at alsamixer to see if you can see the channel at least | 12:59 |
kendwork | (just asked in #kubuntu, but...) Does anyone know if Canonical might have Ubuntu 6.10 discs left over that they can ship? | 12:59 |
Hoag | thorauputic: Ah, so I'm just unlucky? Well, hopefully next time it'll grab a more appropriate track list. Cheers. :P | 12:59 |
jrib | zYe_: yep, just type 'xev' in a terminal | 12:59 |
kendwork | Ship-It only lists 7.04 | 12:59 |
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MLimburg | you know, i wish synaptic had the ability to directly link to the homepage of a package .. sometimes, you just need more information | 12:59 |
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ceil420 | MLimburg, i agree :x | 12:59 |
zYe_ | jrib, you want me to pastebin all this stuff? | 12:59 |
kendwork | (we'd need discs in Davis, Calif before May 11th) | 12:59 |
mcphail | kendwork: were 6.10 disks shipped at all? | 01:00 |
carlosfs | I've done all steps of but the icon on panel shows that no network interface was found. | 01:00 |
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ceil420 | some of the descriptions are just like "this is a <one-word description>" | 01:00 |
Felix765 | ceil420: he he ... I am sure that somebody know something about ltsp (pleading look) | 01:00 |
jrib | zYe_: no, that will let you know what button# each button on your mouse generates | 01:00 |
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Jordan_U | kendwork, 6.10 was never shipped for free | 01:00 |
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kendwork | mcphail - oh, i didn't know that | 01:00 |
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ceil420 | Felix765, i don't even know what it stands for ^^; | 01:00 |
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ceil420 | 6.04 was shipped free | 01:00 |
pherring | phew | 01:00 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Kendwork: When I ordered edgy discs, I got them in like 2 weeks, even though it says much longer | 01:00 |
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pherring | I am here | 01:00 |
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Jordan_U | kendwork, You can buy them and get them expedited | 01:01 |
kendwork | well, with a new vers. coming out TOMORROW, i asusme there WILL be a wait | 01:01 |
ceil420 | yeah same here, BenjaminJohnsto1 | 01:01 |
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kendwork | yeah, we can burn them, too | 01:01 |
ceil420 | i was pleasantly surprised | 01:01 |
vio | Jordan_U: how can i check the alsamixer? | 01:01 |
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kendwork | which would be cheaper, but not look as nice | 01:01 |
kde185 | is anyone else having trouble viewing ? | 01:01 |
kendwork | this is for a LUG (NPO) event | 01:01 |
RichiH | kendwork: it is 19th in europe ;) | 01:01 |
kendwork | kde185 - yes | 01:01 |
kendwork | timed out | 01:01 |
kendwork | RichiH - D'OH! | 01:01 |
Jordan_U | vio, run "alsamixer" in the terminal | 01:01 |
=== kendwork runs home to hit "aptitude upgrade" :) | ||
vio | roger | 01:01 |
Auron0 | kde185 Yes | 01:01 |
spork | I"m out of the loop, is Fiesty about to be release or something? | 01:01 |
Auron0 | It is very slow | 01:01 |
kendwork | anyway, thanks. will need to burn :) | 01:01 |
ceil420 | RichiH, assume that Ubuntu is based in Hawaii and don't worry about it til it's the 19th there :p | 01:01 |
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zYe_ | jrib, ok i have all my button numbers, but my side buttons have no numbers | 01:02 |
ceil420 | spork, yes, tomorrow | 01:02 |
Jordan_U | vio, Use arrow keys to change volume / channel and the "m" key to mute / unmute | 01:02 |
RichiH | ceil420: i don't. i use debian | 01:02 |
jrib | zYe_: can you join me in #ubuntu-classroom? | 01:02 |
kde185 | ah ok it's not just me | 01:02 |
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disasm | ubuntu-classroom? we're doing lectures now :-P | 01:02 |
ceil420 | lol | 01:02 |
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vio | Jordan_U: the problem is that i have an internal sound card aswell (realtek crap) and an addisional SB2 notebook pcmcia (i can only see the realtek in alsamixer) | 01:02 |
Auron0 | I pose another question: I have a wireless network and I intalled the Wifi Radar and setup my my wireless network, but I am going to assume that I need drivers for my wifi card. I have a Linksys WMP54G. | 01:03 |
RichiH | ceil420: i am just here to monitor the channel, is all | 01:03 |
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ceil420 | RichiH, oh, I see. | 01:03 |
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carlosfs | When i installed the network-manager-gnome, is installed another icon on panel. The first icon connects normally using WEP, and shows all network interfaces... | 01:03 |
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Jordan_U | vio, I have never used a pcmcia card so I am basically trying to figure this out along with you, just so you know :) Have you tried booting with it in? | 01:04 |
disasm | oh wow, there really is a class schedule, that's pretty slick | 01:04 |
Jordan_U | *pcmcia sound card | 01:04 |
vio | yeah.. i have.. | 01:04 |
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vio | :S | 01:04 |
pyr0000 | i need help!!!!! i just did a fresh install of edgy on my laptop for the 4th time.. when i run the 160 or so updates and it restarts i cant see my wireless network card anymore, which is strange becouse right now (on fresh install no updates) it works! so what is happening that kills my wifi ? | 01:04 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | Anyone: I've been on feisty for a while now at home, but I want to upgrade to it at work too (from edgy) But the developers in my office will be pissed if i use that much bandwidth(we share a single T1). Can I find an ISO anywhere yet? Or should I stop being impatient and just wait... | 01:04 |
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Auron0 | pyr0000: what kind of wifi card do you have | 01:05 |
Auron0 | I am having issues getting ubuntu to see mine | 01:05 |
grayman | BenjaminJohnsto1, stable will be in few hours for download | 01:05 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | Great to hear. | 01:05 |
vio | Jordan_U: its a known bug? | 01:05 |
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Lord_Vader | BenjaminJohnsto1, you wouldn't want to install a beta OS at your work, you might get fired. as far as waiting goes, feisty is released today | 01:06 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | I would not be fired, haha | 01:06 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | trust me | 01:06 |
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grayman | well, you can download beta iso now | 01:06 |
pyr0000 | Auron0 : i have a Atheros AR5212 which is working now but when i do the updates it stops and is gone. it is instade of the laptop non pcmcia | 01:06 |
Lord_Vader | lol k | 01:06 |
smcmurray | why does the 7.04 beta want the install cd to do updates? | 01:06 |
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Auron0 | Oh, i have a linksys that doesn't help me | 01:06 |
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dj-fu | smcmurray: that's how you have it configued | 01:06 |
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grayman | yeah | 01:06 |
Auron0 | I pose another question: I have a wireless network and I intalled the Wifi Radar and setup my my wireless network, but I am going to assume that I need drivers for my wifi card. I have a Linksys WMP54G. | 01:07 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Gray: I thought so, I just couldn't find it. | 01:07 |
pyr0000 | i think they are the same chip set | 01:07 |
grayman | remove it from sources.list | 01:07 |
carlosfs | jpsamara: don't you know why network-manager-gnome do not shows any network interfaces? | 01:07 |
musya | is there a driver i can install to make my computer support the correct resolution i need? | 01:07 |
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grayman | BenjaminJohnsto1, yeah. they hide it well ;) | 01:07 |
grayman | well not really, just not link to it from the front page | 01:07 |
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grayman | *don't | 01:07 |
thekidrio | musya, umm update to the most recent display driver and then edit the xorg.conf for your res if its not set correctly | 01:08 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | Could you, oh I don't know, lend me a hand in finding such gold? | 01:08 |
thekidrio | i have to edit my xorg.conf on install to get my widescreen working | 01:08 |
Jordan_U | vio, Does asoundconf-gtk work for you? | 01:08 |
grayman | BenjaminJohnsto1, let me see, but i suggest to get the stable one in few hours | 01:08 |
musya | thekidrio: how do i update my driver? apt-get update? and where is xorg.conf located do you konw? | 01:08 |
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vio | Jordan_U: haven't tested it out yet, i should do this right "sudo apt-get install asoundconf-gtk" right? | 01:09 |
TheCreationist | I'm trying to upgrade from Kubuntu Edgy to Feisty using update-manager but after the "checking package manager" phase, I get this error: "Could not calculate the upgrade" Any ideas? | 01:09 |
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Auron0 | pyr0000: is your wifi chipset ralink? | 01:09 |
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Jordan_U | vio, correct | 01:09 |
Lord_Vader | feisty is now released folks! congrats | 01:09 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: according to what? | 01:09 |
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Lord_Vader | according to | 01:09 |
DrNic1 | \o/ | 01:09 |
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Lord_Vader | mc44 ^ | 01:10 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | musya, sudo nano (or gedit) /etc/x11/xorg.conf and add your resolutions just like the others down near the bottom. make sure you have a backup of that file before doing anything to it though, ive crashed x like a million times. | 01:10 |
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TheCreationist | is down for me. | 01:10 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: doesnt say that here | 01:10 |
DrNic1 | that's if you can get onto - its dead from this end :/ | 01:10 |
vio | Jordan_U: *installing* i'll come with feedback | 01:10 |
Lord_Vader | k | 01:10 |
hype_ | is down here :p | 01:10 |
Lord_Vader | mc44, refresh the page, empty cache and cookies | 01:10 |
pyr0000 | no ar5212 | 01:10 |
ceil420 | yeah i can't get to either | 01:10 |
TheCreationist | Lord_Vader: So what are you talking about? | 01:10 |
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combatmode | Ktorrent doesn't run at all | 01:10 |
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musya | BenjaminJohnsto1: ok,thanks | 01:10 |
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BenjaminJohnsto1 | grayman: I'll just wait | 01:10 |
combatmode | only bittorrent work. | 01:10 |
Auron0 | pyr0000: is that your chipset or your brand? | 01:10 |
Lord_Vader | TheCreationist, feisty is released now | 01:10 |
carlosfs | Does anyone can help me with WPA on Ubuntu? | 01:10 |
ceil420 | oh there it goes | 01:10 |
combatmode | what else ubunutu has | 01:10 |
thekidrio | musya, first find what video card you have installed, ATI or NVIDIA or other, then do what BenjaminJohnsto1 said | 01:10 |
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ceil420 | it's just very slow | 01:10 |
vio | Jordan_U: i'll try to logout + in and see if there is any difference.. | 01:10 |
Jordan_U | musya, Do you have the correct drivers for your GFX card ( I would check this before messing with xorg.conf ) | 01:11 |
vio | brb | 01:11 |
ceil420 | prolly traffic on the site for some reason | 01:11 |
ceil420 | :p | 01:11 |
hype_ | ^^ | 01:11 |
DrNic1 | its normal. people should expect servers to die when they get about 500 new connections a minute for people all wanting fiesty. | 01:11 |
smcmurray | dj-fu: how do I change the setting? | 01:11 |
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ceil420 | i wanna see the distrowatch "hits per day" for ubuntu after today :p | 01:11 |
DrNic1 | haha yeah | 01:11 |
TheCreationist | So, I've been trying to update to feisty, but the "official" instructions are useless and incomplete... and using update-manager gives me a vague error.... any ideas? | 01:11 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | I agree with jordan_U | 01:11 |
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dj-fu | smcmurray: /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:12 |
dj-fu | .lst rather | 01:12 |
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dj-fu | comment out the cdrom lines | 01:12 |
kde185 | meh if someone happens to find a link to the torrent then perhaps they should paste it so we don't kill finding it | 01:12 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, What error? | 01:12 |
J-_ | Should I download fiesty now, or wait? | 01:12 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: "Unable to calculate upgrade" | 01:12 |
grayman | hmm | 01:12 |
combatmode | what else ubunutu has torrent programs | 01:12 |
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DrNic1 | kde185: is already dead. my commiserations. | 01:12 |
ZERO_SHIFT | is feisty out? | 01:12 |
J-_ | =0 | 01:12 |
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mc44 | No | 01:12 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Do you use any third party repositories? | 01:12 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: Yes. | 01:13 |
Skyhook | does anyone have a link for the torrent for feisty? | 01:13 |
grayman | feisty is not out yet | 01:13 |
musya | BenjaminJohnsto1: im not using a card just my motherboard to display | 01:13 |
Skyhook | why not! | 01:13 |
ceil420 | yeah the site says the Beta's out | 01:13 |
ceil420 | not final | 01:13 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | combatmode: I use Ktorrent after trying a bunch of different ones. It's a kdesk app but it works great | 01:13 |
grayman | because it will be in few hours | 01:13 |
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ZERO_SHIFT | why cant i enter the ubuntu site? | 01:13 |
musya | and i dont have the file /etc/x11/ | 01:13 |
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Skyhook | thats lame why not now | 01:13 |
vio | Jordan_U: no good.. | 01:13 |
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[sTeReo] | ZERO_SHIFT: nobody can | 01:13 |
ceil420 | ZERO_SHIFT, because there's 100s of other users trying as well | 01:13 |
ceil420 | :x | 01:13 |
grayman | ZERO_SHIFT, because people are murdering it | 01:13 |
carlosfs | When i've installed network-manager-gnome and wpasupplicant the newtwork interfaces isn't show. Does anyone can help me? | 01:13 |
grayman | people can't wait for the images to get there | 01:14 |
Jordan_U | ZERO_SHIFT, * thousands of users | 01:14 |
ZERO_SHIFT | more like thousadnds | 01:14 |
ZERO_SHIFT | !! | 01:14 |
kenneth_ | is down. | 01:14 |
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ceil420 | indeed | 01:14 |
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hype_ | <Skyhook> thats lame why not now --> omg you'll have to wait till tomorrow | 01:14 |
grayman | it is not | 01:14 |
hype_ | -_- | 01:14 |
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grayman | it's just very slow | 01:14 |
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ceil420 | kenneth_, it's not down as in server crash, it's just slow for the traffic | 01:14 |
thoreauputic | kenneth_: not down, just melting :) | 01:14 |
kenneth_ | is this due to the 7.04 release? Overload or updating the webpage? | 01:14 |
DrNic1 | you know what annoy's me is when people expect things to be ready within 2 seconds of the clock striking midnight, i mean that's just totally unreasonable. vista was 2 years late, and people moan when ubuntu is 2 minutes late. | 01:14 |
Skyhook | its still lame | 01:14 |
ceil420 | lol DrNic1 | 01:14 |
mwe | someoneadd that to the topic please ;) | 01:14 |
Lord_Vader | I still can't find a mirror to download the fawn | 01:14 |
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grayman | yeah | 01:14 |
ceil420 | who said it was to be released when the 19th hit in Europe? :p | 01:15 |
Lord_Vader | but it's released lol | 01:15 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: Does the update not work with 3rd party repos? | 01:15 |
hype_ | DrNic1 , fortunatelly he doesnt represent the majority of people (not kids) | 01:15 |
hype_ | :) | 01:15 |
Jordan_U | Lord_Vader, Use bittorent | 01:15 |
grayman | ceil420, who said that not? | 01:15 |
thekidrio | DrNic1, I think people setting exact release times is silly, not that people expect the release time to be honest | 01:15 |
mc44 | Lacerta: no its no | 01:15 |
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ceil420 | Lord_Vader, i see "Beta released" on the site | 01:15 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: No its not | 01:15 |
kde185 | There's still one more hour to go until it's the 19th GMT time | 01:15 |
Lord_Vader | Jordan_U, I can't even find the feisty download page, it's not there | 01:15 |
DrNic1 | mhmm. | 01:15 |
ceil420 | Beta != Final | 01:15 |
Stoffer | in the synaptic package manager, what does the little ubuntu logo next to a package mean? | 01:15 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: because its not released | 01:15 |
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Lord_Vader | mc44, yes it is | 01:15 |
thekidrio | its very weird that people still expect release times to be accurate though | 01:15 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Third party repos ( poorly maintained ones ) can break upgrades | 01:15 |
Lord_Vader | I'll show u | 01:15 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: it really isnt. Please stop saying it is | 01:15 |
grayman | well | 01:15 |
grayman | they're accurate | 01:15 |
hype_ | Lord_Vader , ok you won | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: supported packages ( main and restricted I guess) | 01:16 |
grayman | +/- few hours | 01:16 |
kenneth_ | Q nr1: Are the final iso files ready? Q nr2: If the iso files are ready, does there exist any torrent files? | 01:16 |
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vio | Jordan_U: when i do a "tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat" i get 0. Realtek ALC202 rev 0 and 1.1: Silicon Laboratory Si3036,8 rev | 01:16 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: So if I disable them, then run the upgrade, it should work fine? | 01:16 |
ZERO_SHIFT | I cant get to ubuntu site, man people must really be going crazy!!! | 01:16 |
combatmode | love linux pwn winos | 01:16 |
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Lord_Vader | | 01:16 |
Lord_Vader | mc44, | 01:16 |
Lord_Vader | I win | 01:16 |
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mc44 | Lord_Vader: no you dont | 01:16 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, you lose | 01:16 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, No, you will need to remove the packages you installed from those repos first | 01:16 |
ceil420 | that's BETA released | 01:16 |
ceil420 | not FINAL | 01:16 |
Lord_Vader | check the link | 01:16 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 01:16 |
combatmode | any way i love linux X win | 01:16 |
kde185 | that says beta | 01:16 |
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Lord_Vader | no it isn't | 01:16 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: You are wrong. Please stop | 01:17 |
ceil420 | dude | 01:17 |
TheCreationist | ...also would like to note how stupid it is for an UPGRADE to force me to reinstall on the "default" applications that I have uninstalled by choice.... | 01:17 |
ceil420 | are you blind? | 01:17 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: so what would be the advantage of using the supported xchat vs the un-supported one? | 01:17 |
musya | BenjaminJohnsto1: hello? | 01:17 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: Are you serious?? wow... | 01:17 |
ceil420 | Stoffer, you get support ;) | 01:17 |
ceil420 | :p | 01:17 |
Stoffer | ic | 01:17 |
Lord_Vader | mc44, no cause I'm right, look at the link I posted | 01:17 |
kde185 | haha saying that it's released is just cruel in here | 01:17 |
Stoffer | as in from this channel? | 01:17 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, you look at the link again | 01:17 |
DrNic1 | TheCreationist: try 'upgrading' windows and watch things break. | 01:17 |
mc44 | Lord_Vader: I did. Its not released. | 01:17 |
Stoffer | and such? | 01:17 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, you see that red bit in the corner? | 01:17 |
ZERO_SHIFT | I will probably wait till tomorrow morning to get ubuntu on my university network with +2000KB/Sec download rate :-) !!! | 01:17 |
vio | Jordan_U: (Preferences>Sound) does not properly switch sound cards, is there another way to do this? | 01:17 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, where it says BETA | 01:17 |
Pelo | mc44 Lord_Vader take it to ubuntu-offtopic | 01:17 |
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mwe | TheCreationist: well an upgrade is per definition new versions of your programs | 01:18 |
Lord_Vader | ceil420, in my shot? | 01:18 |
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grayman | Lord_Vader, the final images are not compiled yet | 01:18 |
Lord_Vader | u kidding right | 01:18 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, yes | 01:18 |
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ceil420 | Lord_Vader, i'm looking at your shot now | 01:18 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, it says Beta | 01:18 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 01:18 |
TheCreationist | mwe: Right. MY programs... I don't need new versions of the programs I don't have installed. | 01:18 |
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thoreauputic | Stoffer: the unsupported one is better ;) | 01:18 |
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mwe | TheCreationist: no | 01:18 |
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thoreauputic | Stoffer: xchat-gnome is crippled | 01:18 |
deserteagle | hello all, how do i update the nvidia drivers from command line | 01:18 |
Lord_Vader | ah well | 01:18 |
TheCreationist | DrNic1: This is supposed to be superior to Windows ;) Not inferior. | 01:18 |
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mwe | TheCreationist: what does it want to install? | 01:18 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: I figured as much... | 01:18 |
ceil420 | Lord_Vader, do i need to edit your image in GIMP and paint bright orange arrows pointing to the word "Beta"? | 01:18 |
thoreauputic | !nvidia | 01:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 01:18 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package it is required to pull in the correct upgrades to all your packages in a dist-upgrade | 01:18 |
Lord_Vader | ceil420, eh, no? | 01:19 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: btw, support from who, exactly? | 01:19 |
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Lord_Vader | I'm tired.. gawd can't see straight | 01:19 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: Canonical | 01:19 |
ZERO_SHIFT | amzing | 01:19 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: And yet now I need to figure out which programs I installed from other repos and uninstall them? That's crazy. | 01:19 |
mwe | TheCreationist: when I upgraded to feisty a few month ago I didn't get much I didn't already have | 01:19 |
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ceil420 | Lord_Vader, that's what you get for waiting up for Feisty past your bed time :p | 01:19 |
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Stoffer | thoreauputic: which is.... (I just installed ubuntu 10min ago) | 01:19 |
Lord_Vader | ceil420, lol true | 01:19 |
TheCreationist | mwe: I uninstalled a LOT of default programs that I've never needed... | 01:19 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: htey can only support a subset of the more than 17 000 packages | 01:19 |
TheCreationist | they're all back again. | 01:19 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: the company behind Ubuntu | 01:20 |
DrNic1 | they loved you too much. | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: Mark Shuttleworth's company | 01:20 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Yes, it is, I really with that people would not suggest extra repos so quickly, there is a reason they are not there by default | 01:20 |
thekidrio | TheCreationist, did you save a list of what you had installed on your system? | 01:20 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: oh ic... well I doubt I'd be asking them for help anyway | 01:20 |
thekidrio | apt can create that fairly easily eh | 01:20 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, *wish | 01:20 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: right - it's mostly for corporate customers etc ( peace of mind and all that) | 01:21 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: Uhm, the official Ubuntu guides pointed me to websites that suggested adding 3rd party repos. Beryl, for example... | 01:21 |
thoreauputic | Stoffer: universe and multiverse are community supported | 01:21 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: ok thanks | 01:21 |
pherring | guh | 01:21 |
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Amaranth | TheCreationist: official? | 01:21 |
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pherring | I'm trying to figure out how to add a server to xchat | 01:21 |
Amaranth | TheCreationist: isn't official, it's a wiki :) | 01:21 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, is not official, is | 01:22 |
TheCreationist | Amaranth: Well, links I followed from | 01:22 |
kde185 | TheCreationist: If you want the most recent version of beryl you need to install a seperate repository, however I'd just wait a few hours until feisty is out and use the official repos | 01:22 |
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Amaranth | kde185: Ubuntu has the latest beryl | 01:22 |
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DrNic1 | pherring: don't like xchat-gnome that much. i just use Gaim now. although you can still get 'normal' xchat :) | 01:22 |
Jordan_U | Amaranth, It is official community documentation | 01:22 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: ok, while I"m here. Any idea why my wireless connection (which very impressively was auto detected by the latest beta) has a 50% lower connection strength than in windows? | 01:22 |
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Amaranth | kde185: And ubuntu will always have the latest beryl because there won't be anymore beryl releases :) | 01:22 |
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thoreauputic | Stoffer: umm - no, I'm not psychic, sorry ;P | 01:23 |
thekidrio | beryl and compiz joined up right? when is that gonna be? | 01:23 |
TheCreationist | kde185: I'm not just talking about Beryl... I'm trying to upgrade to Feisty, but apparently I need to remove any programs I added that weren't part of the official repos in order to do so. | 01:23 |
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TheCreationist | much for freedom lol | 01:23 |
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vio | Jordan_U: it worked !!! just needed a proper restart | 01:23 |
Shiner_Man | I have a question about the partitioner | 01:23 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, That is just my guess, I may be wrong | 01:23 |
Amaranth | thekidrio: gusty should have some release from the combined project | 01:23 |
Stoffer | thoreauputic: is Canonical psychic? :P | 01:23 |
thoreauputic | TheCreationist: you are free to break your system if you wish :) | 01:23 |
Shiner_Man | I have a laptop that is dual booting edgy and Windows | 01:23 |
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grayman | TheCreationist, erm, no you don't | 01:23 |
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Amaranth | TheCreationist: It's because the people that run those 3rd party repos are generally stupid | 01:23 |
grayman | TheCreationist, why would you need to do that? | 01:23 |
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thoreauputic | Stoffer: probably Mark Shuttleworth is ;) | 01:23 |
TheCreationist | thoreauputic: I consider it "breaking" my system by being forced to uninstall my essential apps just to upgrade. | 01:24 |
Amaranth | TheCreationist: So they break upgrades | 01:24 |
makuseru | how can i resize a partition if i cant get on a live cd to use qtparted? | 01:24 |
Shiner_Man | sda1 has windows; sda2 has the edgy ext partition and sda5 has the swap | 01:24 |
thoreauputic | TheCreationist: *shrug* | 01:24 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Try installing ubuntu-desktop then trying the upgrade again | 01:24 |
grayman | i didn't need to remove any of my 3rd party stuff to upgrade | 01:24 |
Pelo | TheCreationist, this is the first time that I have heard someone say you need to remove programs before updating, that kind of defeats the purpose of updates, you might has well install from scratch, I would verify that info in #ubuntu+1 if I were you | 01:24 |
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TheCreationist | grayman: I've been trying to use update-manager to upgrade to Feisty, but it gives an error... Jordon_U suggested I try removing any software I installed from 3rd part reps. | 01:24 |
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Pelo | ah | 01:25 |
grayman | that's a bit wrong i believe | 01:25 |
Amaranth | Pelo: No need for #ubuntu+1, I'm here telling you right now. :) | 01:25 |
grayman | what error it gives? | 01:25 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: what the error? | 01:25 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: I already installed kubuntu-desktop (which I didn't WANT to do because it included 20+ apps that I had manually removed already) | 01:25 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: "Could not calculate upgrade" | 01:25 |
calliope | hey there, yesterday I installed ubuntu 6.10 from cd and it just finished running all the updates and the kernel (but I havent rebooted yet) what is the best way to upgrade to Ubuntu 7 ?? | 01:25 |
Pelo | Amaranth, you are telling me what , that it is true ? or false ? | 01:25 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: Is that what synaptic says or from the command line? | 01:25 |
Amaranth | Pelo: It is true that 3rd party repos are a common reason for failed upgrades | 01:26 |
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Pelo | Amaranth, just the repos, not the programs | 01:26 |
TheCreationist | Pelo: That's exactly what I thought... why UPDATE if it installs/uninstalls all the stuff I didn't want/DO want? | 01:26 |
makuseru | how can i resize a partition if i cant get on a live cd to use qtparted? | 01:26 |
grayman | calliope, update-manager | 01:26 |
Amaranth | Pelo: The packages | 01:26 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, And you can easily remove them after the upgrade by using apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop | 01:26 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: Not command line... | 01:26 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: The command line doesn't mention any errors. | 01:26 |
thoreauputic | TheCreationist: blame the broken 3rd party apps | 01:26 |
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retarded | jol there?? | 01:26 |
hype_ | makuseru , gparted usb version | 01:26 |
Amaranth | makuseru: try an alternative CD | 01:26 |
grayman | actually | 01:27 |
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Pelo | hmmm | 01:27 |
TheCreationist | Jordan_U: But wouldn't that remove all the programs within kubuntu-desktop that I DO use? | 01:27 |
vio | Question: Can anyone help me "select" my proper sound card coz the pref->sound doesn't manage to do this | 01:27 |
grayman | it -comments- all 3rd party repos during upgrade | 01:27 |
auridius | Hi,does someone know if it is possible to have transparent menus in Gnome, like in KDE? I don't find anything on the web about it. | 01:27 |
retarded | jol think it would be : go to places > computer > then right click on your cd drive and select "mount" when the cd is in | 01:27 |
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kneeki | Anyone know if the Emerald theme manager is working well with Feisty? I cannot seem to get it loaded. I can select a theme, but it's not being applied | 01:27 |
carlosfs | Does anyone can help me with WPA on Ubuntu? | 01:27 |
musya | anybody konw of a good IDE for c/c++? | 01:27 |
gleesond | anyone know how to get s-video working with the open source radeon driver? | 01:27 |
Amaranth | auridius: You can do that with compiz/beryl | 01:27 |
grayman | musya, gui? | 01:27 |
musya | yea | 01:27 |
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thoreauputic | TheCreationist: you are free to use 3rd party apps - but don't blame Ubuntu if they break your system :) | 01:27 |
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grayman | eclipse or anjuta | 01:27 |
Shiner_Man | In the guided partioner during the install, if you choose resize, does it resize the current edgy install? | 01:27 |
kde185 | musya: emacs | 01:27 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, No, it wouldn't, unless whenever you use apt-get you see a message saying "these packages were automatically installed but are no longer needed : ... " | 01:28 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: can you try running the command through terminal and tell me the output? | 01:28 |
grayman | kde185, eh, not so GUI | 01:28 |
makuseru | Amaranth: i can do that on an alternitive? | 01:28 |
musya | kde185: isnt emacs hard to use? | 01:28 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: I return. I have sucessfully installed ubunut, after figuring out that i had to disable my SLI on my video cards. My question is now getting wireless working. After reading the forums I am at a stand still. I have installed wifi radar. I am using a Linksys WMP54G wireless card. | 01:28 |
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TheCreationist | thoreauputic: No, my system works just fine right now... just the way I want it to. But apparently I customized it too much in order to upgrade to Feisty. | 01:28 |
grayman | i myself prefer vim | 01:28 |
auridius | Amaranth: Thx, i will do some research about beryl. | 01:28 |
Amaranth | makuseru: the alternative installer disc can resize partitions | 01:28 |
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XBehave | how to i get my ubuntu box to act as a dns for a win xp machine | 01:28 |
thoreauputic | TheCreationist: read carefully ... | 01:28 |
makuseru | Amaranth: i didnt know that | 01:28 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: I do run update-manager through the terminal. But it doesn't show any errors... only the GUI does. | 01:28 |
ceil420 | auridius, there's a channel called #beryl for more info | 01:28 |
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Lord_Vader | anyone know when exactly feisty will be released today then? | 01:28 |
kde185 | musya: it has a fairly steep learning curve but once you figure it out it's incredibly powerful | 01:28 |
Shootfast | Auron0: Thats excellent, shame SLI doesnt work. | 01:29 |
thoreauputic | TheCreationist: as Amaranth said, 3rd party rrepos are known to sometimes cause upgrade issues | 01:29 |
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Jordan_U | TheCreationist, And if you do see that message just run apt-get install whatever those were to set them as manually installed | 01:29 |
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grayman | Lord_Vader, when it will be ready | 01:29 |
NZheretic | If got a slight problem with the network-manager-applet not showing the ppp0 connection. Dial up works fine ( connects | disconnects ) but the applet still shows "no network connection" | 01:29 |
alteroo_ | Lord_Vader, nope | 01:29 |
auridius | ceil420: Thx man, i appreciate this. ;-) | 01:29 |
kitche | XBehave: setup named by default it's setup as a local cache server | 01:29 |
ceil420 | auridius, no problem o/ | 01:29 |
TheCreationist | man, a clean install would be so much easier and do exactly the same thing... | 01:29 |
Lord_Vader | grayman, lol don't sound like 3d realms on me | 01:29 |
wtdb | is down are they uploading ff? | 01:29 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Yes, I hope there is support soon, I don't want to keep taking out and putting the card back in for use in windows. | 01:29 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: The third party repos cause problems where they have different versions of the same programs to the official ones | 01:29 |
Skyhook | hey is there much differemce between the beta and the official? | 01:29 |
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ceil420 | wtdb, is slow because of high traffic | 01:29 |
wtdb | nevermind | 01:30 |
ceil420 | it's not "down" | 01:30 |
makuseru | Amaranth: how do i resize form an alternate? | 01:30 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: So wouldn't just removing the 3rd party reps from my sources.lst be sufficient? | 01:30 |
Lord_Vader | Skygge, yes | 01:30 |
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Lord_Vader | .. | 01:30 |
Shootfast | ceil420: I noticed that :( | 01:30 |
Amaranth | Skyhook: Yes, about 200-300MB worth of updates | 01:30 |
XBehave | kitche: where do i set that? | 01:30 |
Lord_Vader | Skyhook, yes | 01:30 |
Skyhook | i see | 01:30 |
Amaranth | makuseru: go through the install up to the partitioning | 01:30 |
grayman | Lord_Vader, it is not. Didn't you think that people might still be doing final tests and fixes before the release? | 01:30 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Or just run apt-get install kubuntu-desktop copy and paste the packages it adds then run apt-get remove and paste those in after the upgrade | 01:30 |
Skyhook | thanks | 01:30 |
grayman | *don't | 01:30 |
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makuseru | Amaranth: ahhhh | 01:30 |
makuseru | ok | 01:30 |
Lord_Vader | grayman, and they waited til the release day for that? lol | 01:30 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: that should hopefully fix it, or just comment the lines you dont want out | 01:30 |
Zorlin | 29 minutes till fiesty launch apparently | 01:30 |
kitche | XBehave: sudo apt-get install bind it's called named really but bind is what most people call it | 01:30 |
jo1 | i put a cd on the pc but the progam wont run to install ...what can i do ? | 01:30 |
grayman | Lord_Vader, you will be surprised how much stuff there's to do | 01:31 |
Shiner_Man | How do you upgrade to 7.04 using the install cd? | 01:31 |
Shootfast | Auron0: what was your card again? | 01:31 |
mc44 | Zorlin: according to whom? | 01:31 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: Well, I was told I would have to actually remove the packages that were installed from the 3rd party reps. | 01:31 |
Amaranth | jo1: Is it a windows program? | 01:31 |
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swedekid | i need helpgetting my sound to work | 01:31 |
calliope | grayman: well i just ran all the updates from synaptic package manager and the update-manager just ends up loading synaptic again. so what am i missing here? perhaps there has been some user-guide or faq for upgrading to ubuntu 7 | 01:31 |
DrNic1 | Lord_Vader: write your own software project, even a very small one, then come back and say that ;) | 01:31 |
Lord_Vader | grayman, yeah, but isn't it poor planning to to these things hours before it's going public? | 01:31 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Linksys WMP54G, with a Broadcam BCM4306 chipset | 01:31 |
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Lord_Vader | do* | 01:31 |
grayman | Lord_Vader, not really | 01:31 |
Skyhook | when the official release comes out will it be put on bittorrent right away? | 01:31 |
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jo1 | um i dont know its an mp3 program so i think its for my mp3 | 01:31 |
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Amaranth | calliope: If you upgrade right now you'll get the final Ubuntu 7.04 | 01:31 |
grayman | calliope, hmm, well the upgrade is not officially available yet | 01:32 |
musya | does anybody know what compiler anjuta uses? | 01:32 |
Amaranth | musya: gcc | 01:32 |
musya | ncie | 01:32 |
Shootfast | TheCreationist: I would hope you didnt have to remove the programs, so try just commenting out the non official repos | 01:32 |
musya | nice* | 01:32 |
Lord_Vader | grayman, lol ok | 01:32 |
grayman | musya, same like every other | 01:32 |
grayman | gcc | 01:32 |
samk | My stupid camera only exports in mp4 does anyone know how to convert it into avi or dv | 01:32 |
TheCreationist | Shootfast: Yeah, I would hope that too... trying that now. | 01:32 |
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musya | not nessearily | 01:32 |
Shootfast | Auron0: I'm just looking to see if it has drivers | 01:32 |
jo1 | amaranth: umm i htink so | 01:32 |
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grayman | well, it does | 01:32 |
Amaranth | jo1: windows apps don't work on ubuntu | 01:32 |
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Lord_Vader | DrNic1, give me a little time and I might actually take you up on that | 01:33 |
Amaranth | jo1: what mp3 player do you have? | 01:33 |
musya | huh | 01:33 |
musya | ? | 01:33 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Alright, in SuSE i tried using ndiswrapper and that was a terrible failure, considering i couldnt find instructions to save my life. | 01:33 |
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jo1 | amaranth | 01:33 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv | 01:33 |
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jo1 | i have creative | 01:33 |
DrNic1 | Lord_Vader: good for you, let us know how you get on :) | 01:33 |
Lord_Vader | sure will | 01:33 |
Amaranth | jo1: creative what? | 01:33 |
Amaranth | jo1: it'll probably work with banshee | 01:33 |
jo1 | nomad jukebox zen xtra | 01:34 |
jo1 | whats banshee ? | 01:34 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv | 01:34 |
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jStefan | A power cut, caused me to have a failed upgrade, what's the best way to recover? | 01:34 |
Amaranth | jo1: a music player | 01:34 |
kitche | jo1: it's gnomes version of amarok pretty much | 01:34 |
jo1 | oh | 01:34 |
Jordan_U | Auron0, If you have a broadcom card and are planning on upgrading to Feisty I would simply use bcm43xxfwcutter instead, from Feisty | 01:34 |
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samk | jo1: are you talking to me? | 01:34 |
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nikitis | I got a question. I installed sun-java6 packages but i go to run java programs I get a "java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object" error. I do a "which java" and it points to /usr/bin/java. how do I get my paths to point to the new java? | 01:34 |
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Jordan_U | Auron0, Instead of NDIS wrapper that is | 01:34 |
Auron0 | Jordan_U: Thats great, but i have no internet to start with | 01:34 |
Amaranth | nikitis: sudo update-alternatives java | 01:35 |
TheCreationist | Okay, I've autoremoved beryl, and removed all my 3rd party reps, but the upgrade tool STILL just says "Could not calculate upgrade" | 01:35 |
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samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv | 01:35 |
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Jordan_U | Auron0, Ok, do you have a thumb drive? | 01:35 |
jo1 | should i go install banshee? | 01:35 |
Shootfast | Auron0: unfortunately its still NDISWrapper for you, but heres a complete guide for your card | 01:35 |
Amaranth | TheCreationist: Try doing a manual upgrade | 01:35 |
jStefan | A power cut, caused me to have a failed upgrade, i get a busy box, what's the best way to recover? | 01:35 |
Auron0 | Jordan_U: Yes i do have an upgrade | 01:35 |
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DrNic1 | well, has gone back to saying the release is due tomorrow for me lol | 01:35 |
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nikitis | Amaranth, says update-alternatives: unknown argument `java' | 01:35 |
Auron0 | Jordan_U: err thumbdrive | 01:35 |
kitche | samk: use a converter but mp4 might have drm stuff in it so it might not convert | 01:35 |
Lord_Vader | DrNic1, same here | 01:35 |
Amaranth | nikitis: oops, i forgot a part of the command, hang on :) | 01:35 |
DrNic1 | it might have fallen back to an older copy of the site on another server due to excessive load | 01:36 |
samk | I asking what converter and all of tem ive found are shareware for windows | 01:36 |
Lord_Vader | DrNic1, it even changed to different fonts on the red release banner before it changed back, it was nice | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | nikitis: sudo update-alternatives --config java | 01:36 |
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Amaranth | nikitis: sudo update-alternatives --set java /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java | 01:36 |
jStefan | could i use a livecd to recover from a failed upgrade? | 01:36 |
DrNic1 | it might have fallen back to an older copy of the site on another server due to excessive load, that's what i'd guess | 01:36 |
ceil420 | how do you autoremove? | 01:36 |
Lord_Vader | yeah | 01:36 |
thoreauputic | Amaranth: --config is easier ( just a choice) | 01:36 |
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nikitis | ok i selected java 6 | 01:36 |
kde185 | hey isn't melting anymore | 01:37 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: well I hope i can get this working...i am going to download the files off that site, as well as NDISwrapper | 01:37 |
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Amaranth | jStefan: you can boot a desktop CD and chroot into your system to complete the upgrade | 01:37 |
Lord_Vader | lol kde185 | 01:37 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: And give it another go | 01:37 |
samk | melting? | 01:37 |
Amaranth | jStefan: it's not a simple thing though | 01:37 |
ceil420 | kde185, maybe the people that were flooding it got frustrated :p | 01:37 |
samk | how was it melting | 01:37 |
jStefan | Amaranth, any wiki on that? | 01:37 |
nikitis | Amaranth, i still get a javaClassLang Def error | 01:37 |
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Amaranth | samk: 100000 people trying to upgrade at once :) | 01:37 |
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thoreauputic | samk: thousands of eager people hitting the server | 01:37 |
kde185 | samk: what Amaranth said | 01:37 |
Amaranth | nikitis: then i'll need more details :) | 01:37 |
Jordan_U | Auron0, OK, you can try just getting the firmware and putting it in /lib/firmware from the thumb drive, but this will work better from Feisty and only if you have a broadcom card | 01:37 |
Shootfast | Auron0: id get the ndiswrapper from the ubuntu repos though | 01:37 |
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samk | has the uprage it the server yet? | 01:37 |
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samk | upgrade | 01:38 |
DrNic1 | out of interest, does anyone know what fakeRAID support is like in feasty? as in, dmRAID support, is it loaded by the installer now, or does one still have to set it up yourself? | 01:38 |
Stoffer | does anyone here know why my wireless network strength is 50% lower in ubuntu than windows? | 01:38 |
kde185 | samk: nope | 01:38 |
Amaranth | Stoffer: broadcom? | 01:38 |
jo1 | question if i have an ipod theres no way i can use it ? | 01:38 |
Jordan_U | DrNic1, You need to use the alternate install CD | 01:38 |
samk | then y are people flooding the servers | 01:38 |
Auron0 | Jordan_U: The card is Linksys, not broadcam, the chipset is broadcam however. | 01:38 |
Stoffer | Amallya, dlink | 01:38 |
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kde185 | jo1: use gtkpod | 01:38 |
Stoffer | Amallya, it was automatically detected | 01:38 |
XBehave | kitche: ive setup named/bind but his computer still wont see mine both cards are working and its a straight conection using a normal cable? | 01:38 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Ok...i am going to have to find that | 01:38 |
jo1 | oh ok | 01:38 |
Amaranth | jo1: iPod support is great, you can use it from Ubuntu's default music player | 01:38 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: Considering i dont know where to look xD | 01:38 |
jo1 | oh i see | 01:38 |
nikitis | Amaranth, ok, sure, i'm trying to run groupwise on ubuntu. (I have my reasons) I go to run it and I receive this error "Error occurred during initialization of VMjava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object" | 01:38 |
jo1 | alright cool | 01:38 |
Jordan_U | Auron0, Ok, I will get some firmware for you to try, just a second... | 01:39 |
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DrNic1 | Jordan_U: yeah i'm not talking about md soft raid, i'm meaning SATA / ATA RAID controllers which aren't true RAID cards | 01:39 |
Lord_Vader | I'ma get the feisty iso with wget to ease the pain for the servers, that way I get it faster and the servers can serve the rest | 01:39 |
Amaranth | jo1: When you plug the iPod in the music player app should start automatically | 01:39 |
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kitche | XBehave: well it's due to his windows settings need changed for networking so the dns setting points to your computer he will need a second dns though also | 01:39 |
AneurismCrew | i configured an print server with cups/samba, but only windows xp see the shared printers, why win98 machines don't see ={ | 01:39 |
Auron0 | Jordon_U its ok i have files to use | 01:39 |
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Amaranth | jo1: and you can drop things on to the iPod or delete them | 01:39 |
AneurismCrew | and sorry, my english is bad, i'm from brasil | 01:39 |
TheCreationist | Why are the instructions for updating to Feisty on the Ubuntu site wrong? They claim to use Adept and it's supposed to offer a choice to upgrade? But there is no such indication. | 01:39 |
Amaranth | jo1: sadly no sync or playlist support though | 01:39 |
Jordan_U | Auron0, You have the firmware? | 01:39 |
jo1 | oh i see | 01:39 |
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Amaranth | TheCreationist: Because feisty isn't officially released yet | 01:40 |
Auron0 | Jordan_U i have the drivers and files needed for the card | 01:40 |
Madpilot | ubotu, br | AneurismCrew | 01:40 |
TheCreationist | Amaranth: Ah. | 01:40 |
XBehave | but what will the ip of my computer be for him? should i fix mine in my settings and then tell him to look at me? | 01:40 |
ceil420 | AneurismCrew, you're asking for Windows support in an Ubuntu channel; just sayin', I don't know how helpful people here will be | 01:40 |
jStefan | Amaranth, how would i chroot, any guide/wiki ? | 01:40 |
Shootfast | Auron0: start up synaptic and then enable the universe and multiverse by clicking manage repositories | 01:40 |
Jordan_U | TheCreationist, Because it hasn't been released yet | 01:40 |
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ubotu | AneurismCrew: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 01:40 |
Amaranth | jStefan: let me look | 01:40 |
jo1 | im installing banshee right now to see if it works. | 01:40 |
Shootfast | Auron0: then update the lists and you should be able to find it | 01:40 |
nite613_ | !ati | 01:40 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 01:40 |
kitche | XBehave: ip should tell you your ip think that's what ubuntu uses | 01:40 |
Madpilot | AneurismCrew, there's a good Ubuntu-BR group, try the channel the bot just suggested | 01:40 |
[Al] | Since I am exceptionally lazy to a fault, and also incredibly curious, can anyone tell me how to get my KDE computer to come out of power-saving mode using SSH? | 01:40 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: umm lol, you lost me there. I am not a linux genious by any means | 01:40 |
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jStefan | Amaranth, i think i found one: | 01:41 |
kde185 | jStefan: the gentoo installation good instructions on chroot-ing the environment | 01:41 |
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Jordan_U | Auron0, You need the _firmware_ extracted from those drivers, and to extract it you need to install a program, from the internet :) | 01:41 |
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Amaranth | jStefan: that's what i was about to paste :) | 01:41 |
kde185 | jStefan: *has good | 01:41 |
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jStefan | kde185, if this fails i'll check into it | 01:41 |
jStefan | thx | 01:41 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv? | 01:41 |
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Auron0 | Jordon_U i am going to assume you are talking about NDISwrapper | 01:42 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: thats ok, just click system>>>administration and click on Synaptic Package Manager | 01:42 |
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Amaranth | jStefan: No need to look at the gentoo guides. If that doesn't work you'll have to do a clean install | 01:42 |
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Jordan_U | Auron0, No, I am not, I am talking about native Linux drivers | 01:42 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv? | 01:42 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: OK i am going to go try that, getting help from two sources is confusing me XD | 01:42 |
Shootfast | Jordan_U: Are there native drivers for his Broadcom card? | 01:42 |
Amaranth | samk: Some long complicated mencoder command | 01:43 |
Jordan_U | Shootfast, There are native drivers for all broadcom cards AFIK | 01:43 |
samk | does anyone know it? | 01:43 |
genii | bcm43xx | 01:43 |
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Shootfast | Jordan_U: I thought there were NO drivers for broadcom cards, and everyone had to use NDISWrapper | 01:44 |
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NoOne | hi | 01:44 |
Amaranth | samk: | 01:44 |
samk | ubuntu page is slow | 01:44 |
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Lord_Vader | samk, no kidding? | 01:44 |
Amaranth | samk: but instead of dvd://2 put in the path to the mp4 file | 01:44 |
Shootfast | Auron0: Anyways, what im telling you is useful as it will also make sure your software is all up to date | 01:44 |
samk | it says url not found | 01:44 |
darkhack | Hey all | 01:44 |
Lord_Vader | yeah | 01:44 |
Jordan_U | Shootfast, Nope, just no firmware, and until Feisty, the drivers weren't as good as the windows drivers, now they are | 01:45 |
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Amaranth | samk: yeah, broken copy :P | 01:45 |
DrNic1 | samk: I think you'd be slow if you were doing the webserver's job.... | 01:45 |
Amaranth | samk: | 01:45 |
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samk | no kidding what? | 01:45 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Ok, I am attempting to get the correct packages installed | 01:45 |
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Shootfast | Jordan_U: Awesome, but isnt Auron0 running edgy? | 01:45 |
jStefan | Amaranth, seems i'm on the right path, doing dpkg --congure -a, to resume from where it was | 01:45 |
Lord_Vader | samk, that the site is slow | 01:45 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 01:45 |
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Amaranth | jStefan: cool | 01:45 |
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samk | the link u posted is 404 not found | 01:45 |
deserteagle | baaaah :( | 01:46 |
deserteagle | x won't start at all | 01:46 |
Jordan_U | Shootfast, Yes, I am hoping that the older drivers work well enough to upgrade, I used them for a few years sucessfully on my PPC mac | 01:46 |
deserteagle | even reconfiguring xserver-xorg | 01:46 |
deserteagle | :( help | 01:46 |
darkhack | Tell me, has everyone experinece problem with azureus when download and notice the download download keep dropping to 0 in a few min or sec? | 01:46 |
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Lord_Vader | darkhack, yes | 01:46 |
deserteagle | darkhack: bittornado :D | 01:46 |
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TheDragon_ | what is a good kazaa-like program for ubuntu? | 01:46 |
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TheDragon_ | or soulseek | 01:46 |
Lord_Vader | darkhack, solution = rtorrent | 01:46 |
Lord_Vader | :D | 01:47 |
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kde185 | TheDragon_: Frostwire | 01:47 |
Lord_Vader | TheDragon_, gtk-gnutella | 01:47 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv | 01:47 |
Lord_Vader | and frostwire as kde185 said | 01:47 |
jo1 | amaranth: i tryed to import them n it said banshee ecountered a fatal error: copying tracks from NJB devices not possivle | 01:47 |
deserteagle | help! i'm stuck in command line mode | 01:47 |
Shootfast | Jordan_U: awesome | 01:47 |
[Al] | Hey what's the KDE equivalent of gnome-screensaver? | 01:47 |
Amaranth | jo1: hrm, that should have worked | 01:47 |
deserteagle | startx keeps crashing | 01:47 |
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Jordan_U | Auron0, Can I send you the tar.gz with the firmware? | 01:47 |
XBehave | kscreensaver | 01:47 |
Shootfast | Amaranth: kscreensaver | 01:47 |
calliope | samk you should have a look to see if the VideoLan Project can make that happen | 01:47 |
[Al] | It is not what I would expect! | 01:47 |
[Al] | orly | 01:47 |
kde185 | TheDragon_: gtk-gnutella is in my opinion unnesecarily complex and ugly to use | 01:47 |
[Al] | Surely you jest :/ | 01:47 |
jo1 | aww man | 01:47 |
TheDragon_ | k im d/ling frostwire thx | 01:47 |
darkhack | Any altenative to azureus and so far, I got a few | 01:48 |
Amaranth | Shootfast: ? | 01:48 |
samk | Im new and clueless what is that | 01:48 |
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Auron0 | Jordan_U i am going to get my help from shootfast, sorry but thanks | 01:48 |
TheDragon_ | im also trying to get into C programming but not sure where to begin | 01:48 |
Shootfast | Amaranth: yes? | 01:48 |
[Al] | hm that is not running | 01:48 |
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AaronM | :O | 01:48 |
hype_ | darkhack transmission | 01:48 |
[Al] | why did my screen turn off then? | 01:48 |
Amaranth | darkhack: uTorrent under WINE :) | 01:48 |
[Al] | Is there something else that controls that? | 01:48 |
sumair | everytime i load beryl manager, i get an error and it doesn't work. i followed all the instruction, don't know what im doing wrong | 01:48 |
Amaranth | Shootfast: why do i need to know about kscreensaver? | 01:48 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: I cant find what you are talking about in synaptic | 01:48 |
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kde185 | TheDragon_: there is a problem with it not starting if you use beryl/compiz but that's just a quick google search and fix | 01:48 |
[Al] | darkhack: btdownloadcurses in a terminal | 01:48 |
[Al] | :> | 01:48 |
froyd | hi peps, can anybody help with FQDN | 01:48 |
hype_ | :> | 01:48 |
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hype_ | transmiton is light tho | 01:48 |
Amaranth | sumair: #beryl | 01:48 |
Shootfast | Amaranth: haha, your name was under the one i meant to type :P | 01:48 |
froyd | i need to know how do i set my FQDN in my ubuntu | 01:48 |
Lord_Vader | Auron0, It's... released? | 01:48 |
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Amaranth | froyd: for? | 01:49 |
Shootfast | everything scrolled up to quick :P | 01:49 |
deserteagle | could someone help with an x server problem? | 01:49 |
sumair | thanks | 01:49 |
genii | sumair Try the channel #ubuntu-effects for stuff dealing specifically with beryl and themes etc | 01:49 |
deserteagle | brownie points for whomever can help me :D | 01:49 |
froyd | Amaranth: well, my apache works fine, but everytime it starts or restarts, it tells me that i dont have a FQDN | 01:49 |
darkhack | thanks for the recommendation | 01:49 |
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froyd | i tried the hostname file | 01:49 |
Amaranth | froyd: oh, that's an apache configuration issue | 01:49 |
deserteagle | i miss firefox and xchat and my pretty wallpaper and ROX... | 01:49 |
dj-fu | froyd: do you? | 01:49 |
hype_ | darkhack | 01:49 |
hype_ | :) | 01:50 |
froyd | i did | 01:50 |
samk | does anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dvdoes anyone know how to convert mp4 to avi or dv | 01:50 |
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Amaranth | froyd: but i don't know what config option in apache to change | 01:50 |
Shootfast | Auron0: ok, click settings>>>Repositories | 01:50 |
deserteagle | i'm stuck with bitchx and lynx and ASCII art :( | 01:50 |
froyd | but apache keeps telling me that i still dont have | 01:50 |
Amaranth | froyd: I would just ignore if it apache works | 01:50 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Ok then what were the two i was doing... | 01:50 |
Amaranth | samk: i just gave you a link that said how | 01:50 |
froyd | so i have to tell apache through a config that i have a FQDN | 01:50 |
[Al] | darkhack: if you do screen btdownloadcurses [file] you can use ctrl-a then d to detatch it from the terminal | 01:50 |
Amaranth | froyd: yeah | 01:50 |
Shootfast | Auron0: then enable the universe and multiverse | 01:50 |
[Al] | That's what I do | 01:50 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: OK, let me do that | 01:50 |
TheDragon_ | FrostWire won't load | 01:50 |
froyd | i know, its just that im in my MCSE class now and we sparked the conversation about the FQDN | 01:50 |
samk | Amaranth: the link was broken | 01:50 |
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Amaranth | samk: | 01:50 |
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froyd | and my teacher is buggin me telling me that i need dns server to set my FQDN | 01:51 |
kde185 | TheDragon_: ok well I can give you the fix that worked for me | 01:51 |
froyd | and i dont agree :D | 01:51 |
Amaranth | samk: I repasted a working link twice now :) | 01:51 |
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froyd | everything is possible in linux land right :D | 01:51 |
[Al] | yep | 01:51 |
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[Al] | Except corporate sellout | 01:51 |
Amaranth | froyd: you probably set ServerName to something other than localhost :) | 01:51 |
deserteagle | except getting x server to work | 01:51 |
tigh | So, I am having lots of trouble compiling things with ubuntu | 01:51 |
deserteagle | :( | 01:51 |
Shootfast | Auron0: then when you close it, it will tell you to update your lists, so to do that, click reload | 01:51 |
Amaranth | froyd: Otherwise you can run a DNS server on your ubuntu machine | 01:51 |
froyd | ill try Amaranth :D | 01:51 |
froyd | Amaranth: ill would conflic the whole college network :D | 01:51 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Do i need to load the LiveCD...i dont see anywhere to load universe and multiverse? | 01:51 |
[Al] | I am going to go before someone asks a question I can nearly but not quite answer. Bye! | 01:51 |
Amaranth | froyd: hehe | 01:52 |
locolbd | !beryl | 01:52 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:52 |
samk | Amaranth:Thats pretty complex Ill just deal with finding a free converter | 01:52 |
froyd | wich would be cool hey :D | 01:52 |
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froyd | but thx guys | 01:52 |
jo1 | amaranth i think i got it thanks ..^_^ for ur help | 01:52 |
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darkhack | thanks alot | 01:52 |
Amaranth | samk: that is a free converter | 01:52 |
froyd | so i probably have my FQDN its just that the apache prob is unaware of it | 01:52 |
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Amaranth | samk: and it's two lines you can copy and paste | 01:52 |
Shootfast | Auron0: are you running edgy or feisty? | 01:52 |
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Skyhook | can I download from here: | 01:52 |
Amaranth | samk: all you have to do is change dvd://2 to the path to your file | 01:52 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: edgy | 01:52 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: and your in gnome right? | 01:52 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: correct | 01:52 |
Lord_Vader | I just wish all the dudes with a 56K modem would stop bothering the site right now | 01:52 |
deserteagle | please heeeelllppp ubuntu doesn't show anything! | 01:53 |
Jordan_U | Auron0, If you want to try the native drivers just unzip this to /lib/firmware and restart | 01:53 |
Amaranth | samk: and 'converter' you find will just be a GUI wrapper around those lines | 01:53 |
deserteagle | i'm stuck in black and white land | 01:53 |
Shootfast | Auron0: well it when you click on repositories, there should be a bunch of check boxes | 01:53 |
kitche | froyd: well you do need a DNS server | 01:53 |
apecat | Skyhook: the final feisty isn't there yet | 01:53 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: need more details | 01:53 |
darkhack | people still using 56k connection | 01:53 |
darkhack | Oh boy.. | 01:53 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: x server crashes horribly | 01:53 |
AneurismCrew | i configured an print server with cups/samba, but only windows xp see the shared printers, why win98 machines don't see ={ | 01:53 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: There isnt there...but when i go back to the main screen i see a whole bunch of packages that are either ticked or not... | 01:53 |
bruenig | Auron0, there is a very fast way to add repos with a single command | 01:53 |
apecat | deserteagle: which ubuntu release? | 01:54 |
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Lord_Vader | darkhack, at least some dumb... people here in sweden I think | 01:54 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 01:54 |
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deserteagle | apecat: 6.10 | 01:54 |
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phr0z3n | is down? | 01:54 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: that'll reset the xorg config to what it was when you install ubuntu | 01:54 |
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phr0z3n | iiiiiiiinteresitng. | 01:54 |
Amaranth | phr0z3n: high traffic | 01:54 |
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tigh | how can I remap keys? | 01:54 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: but i got a new monitor | 01:54 |
tigh | please? | 01:54 |
deserteagle | that's the thing | 01:54 |
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Jordan_U | phr0z3n, No, just verrrrrrry slow :) | 01:54 |
phr0z3n | Amaranth, whats going on :O | 01:54 |
darkhack | <Lord_Vader> lol | 01:54 |
tigh | I don't have a down button or a pipe. | 01:54 |
apecat | deserteagle: ok. take a look in your /etc/X11/ and rename some old backup to xorg.conf | 01:55 |
Lord_Vader | :P | 01:55 |
smo | hi it seems i have some problems with dbus ( edgy/2.6.17-10 generic ) for burning for exemple libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Failed to open session DBUS connection: Did not receive a reply | 01:55 |
Shootfast | Auron0: well lets get your wireless up first, download that package from Jordan_U and unzip it to /lib/firmware | 01:55 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: i ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and gave it the correct hsync and v rates but nothing | 01:55 |
smo | any idear | 01:55 |
tigh | I miss my pipe button | 01:55 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: reset to how it was on install is the wrong wording, what it really does is reset the config to how it would be if you did a fresh install | 01:55 |
tigh | how can I remap keys | 01:55 |
samk | what tars do I need to install beryl | 01:55 |
deserteagle | apecat: does nothing :( | 01:55 |
smo | already tried to reinstall dbus but no effects... | 01:55 |
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bruenig | !beryl | samk | 01:55 |
ubotu | samk: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 01:55 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: do it with -pcritical | 01:55 |
apecat | deserteagle: ah, k missed the part with the new monitor | 01:55 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: it won't ask any questions, it'll just go | 01:55 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: ooooh ok i see | 01:55 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: ok let me get my thumbdrive and do that | 01:55 |
deserteagle | :D | 01:55 |
deserteagle | yey! | 01:55 |
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=== deserteagle crosses fingers | ||
AneurismCrew | i configured an print server with cups/samba, but only windows xp see the shared printers, why win98 machines don't see ={ | 01:55 |
Jordan_U | Shootfast, If NDIS wrapper works there is no need to get the firmware, I just prefer to use native drivers | 01:56 |
deserteagle | wait | 01:56 |
deserteagle | crap | 01:56 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 01:56 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: can you say the command i'm supposed to run again? | 01:56 |
deserteagle | i don't know how to scroll in bitchx | 01:56 |
deserteagle | :( | 01:56 |
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Amaranth | AneurismCrew: win98 must not support the version of the SMB protocol samba uses | 01:56 |
Lord_Vader | such a bitch | 01:56 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 01:56 |
Amaranth | !ohmy | Lord_Vader | 01:56 |
ubotu | Lord_Vader: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 01:56 |
deserteagle | thanx! | 01:56 |
darkhack | beryl are awesome but when playing certain video file, it look sluggish | 01:56 |
concept10 | deserteagle, page up | 01:56 |
adder1973 | Waiting for 7.04 anyone? 3 mins left | 01:56 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, lol I know but that client name is so funny | 01:57 |
AneurismCrew | Amaranth, is any method to make win98 support? | 01:57 |
ksluder | anyone ever experience "stale NFS file handle" while trying to mount a FUSE volume in an NFS home directory? | 01:57 |
Amaranth | adder1973: Where are you getting that info? | 01:57 |
bruenig | adder1973, they don't roll it out at midnight or anything | 01:57 |
Amaranth | ksluder: NFS and FUSE probably don't get along too well | 01:57 |
RxDx | is website down? | 01:57 |
Amaranth | RxDx: It's getting hammered | 01:57 |
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Lord_Vader | RxDx, on and off | 01:57 |
darkhack | I got mine already | 01:57 |
RxDx | tnx :) | 01:57 |
darkhack | lol | 01:57 |
RxDx | i want feisty final =X | 01:57 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Ok, going to load the firmware | 01:58 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: nothing! O_O | 01:58 |
deserteagle | >_< | 01:58 |
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=== Amaranth already has feisty final ;) | ||
RxDx | how? | 01:58 |
ksluder | Amaranth: is there a FUSE channel that might have more info on a work-around? i *really* need FUSE and i need it to run on machines I don't control (final project for operating systems class :( ) | 01:58 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: alright, one last thing | 01:58 |
Shootfast | Jordan_U: : Native drivers are always better than NDISWrapper | 01:58 |
Amaranth | !fixres | deserteagle | 01:58 |
deserteagle | ok | 01:58 |
ubotu | deserteagle: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 01:58 |
RxDx | did u upgrade your beta version? | 01:58 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, and will you plz share the info on how to get it | 01:58 |
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bruenig | get the rc, I would be willing to gamble that there is no difference | 01:58 |
Shootfast | Auron0: awesome, after youve done that you have to restart | 01:58 |
Amaranth | Lord_Vader: I've been using feisty since the day the repos opened | 01:58 |
darkhack | boy, I need to get myself a new dvd burner | 01:59 |
Amaranth | Lord_Vader: I'm fully up-to-date so I have the final version | 01:59 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, ahh I see | 01:59 |
Lord_Vader | my beta broke | 01:59 |
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Lord_Vader | updates killed it completly | 01:59 |
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Lord_Vader | wouldn't even log into a terminal session | 01:59 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: nothing :( | 01:59 |
Amaranth | yeah, that happens sometimes | 01:59 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: hrm | 01:59 |
Lord_Vader | yeah | 01:59 |
mjr | ksluder, how about mounting your fuse dirs under /tmp/$USER or something as a workaround? | 02:00 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: any way you can pastebin the xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log? | 02:00 |
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darkhack | which plat form is everyone running? | 02:00 |
deserteagle | still says xserver crashed | 02:00 |
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darkhack | 32 or64? | 02:00 |
Lord_Vader | 32 | 02:00 |
bruenig | !offtopic | darkhack | 02:00 |
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ubotu | darkhack: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:00 |
Amaranth | darkhack: 64-bit ubuntu is generally not good | 02:00 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: ok, its telling me I dont have permission to write to /lib/firmware | 02:00 |
Stoffer | for my wireless network there anything I could do to make it connect once I get it configured? | 02:00 |
Amaranth | darkhack: Unless you don't want any closed-source software/codecs | 02:00 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: lemme check | 02:01 |
yeason | I'm new at setting up webservers and I want to be able to update the files remotely from an XP machine, can someone point me in the right direction to get some info on this | 02:01 |
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carlosfs | Does anyone can help me enable wpa in ubuntu? | 02:01 |
Shootfast | use sudo | 02:01 |
yeason | I'm using ubuntu-server | 02:01 |
Amaranth | yeason: Install openssh-server | 02:01 |
ksluder | mjr: well, that'll work, but i don't think that's a good idea | 02:01 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: umm... | 02:01 |
Amaranth | yeason: Then you can use WinSCP to copy files to the machine and PuTTY to login remotely | 02:01 |
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Shootfast | what unzipping program did it open? | 02:01 |
ksluder | i mean i guess it might work if i created the filesystem there and then symlinked the desired directory to the /tmp one | 02:01 |
yeason | amaranth: and that would be the most highly recommended method | 02:02 |
Shootfast | (I've not used gnome for ages) | 02:02 |
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mjr | ksluder, well, it's a worse idea than fixing fuse/nfs interaction and a better idea than not having fuse. | 02:02 |
Amaranth | yeason: Yeah | 02:02 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: it basically tries to run each resolution but keeps saying that they are not supported | 02:02 |
DrNic1 | ok, nite all, 1AM's bedtime i think. | 02:02 |
Shootfast | Auron0: is it Ark? or some other unzipping program? | 02:02 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: not supported by what? the monitor? | 02:02 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Well i didn't use an unzip program...i extracted them to my thumbdrive and tried to drag and drop the files to /lib/firmware | 02:02 |
darkhack | <Amaranth> that true and seem like any many 64 app yet, plus I can't get flash working | 02:02 |
deserteagle | "The requested configuration of display devices is not supported in the hardware" | 02:02 |
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ksluder | mjr: that makes sense :) | 02:02 |
Amaranth | darkhack: try configuring xorg to use the vesa driver and 800x600 resolution | 02:03 |
shoot^ | is there a way to get trash from a mounted volume (ntfs) to appear in the same 'bin' linked to from the desktop? | 02:03 |
Lord_Vader | wireless electricity would be sweet | 02:03 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 02:03 |
yeason | Amaranth: thnx, I'll prolly be back around later with problems for you to help me with =P | 02:03 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: "AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for driver 0" | 02:03 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: oh ok, well open the terminal and use "sudo cp /path/to/thumbdrive /lib/firmware | 02:03 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: ouch | 02:03 |
ksluder | thx Amaranth and mjr | 02:03 |
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mwe | Lord_Vader: it exists | 02:03 |
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Amaranth | yeason: alright, i'll probably be here :) | 02:03 |
Lord_Vader | mwe, lightning? | 02:03 |
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Lord_Vader | or wat | 02:03 |
Agalmatophiliac | how do you setup the dial up account with a modem ? | 02:03 |
mwe | Lord_Vader: only for very short distances, though | 02:03 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: ok, lets see if i can figure that out then | 02:03 |
Amaranth | mwe: and very low power | 02:03 |
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Lord_Vader | mwe, nice, have any article on that? | 02:04 |
mjr | Lord_Vader, just run RFC 3251 over WLAN ;P | 02:04 |
Jordan_U | darkhack, | 02:04 |
Lord_Vader | lol | 02:04 |
mwe | Lord_Vader: hmm. I stumbled upon it. didn't bookmark it | 02:04 |
Amaranth | This is a _really_ bad time for any kind of offtopic chatter in here though | 02:04 |
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Lord_Vader | mwe, k :P any ideas what I should google for then | 02:04 |
Lord_Vader | keywords | 02:04 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: but the error output in the terminal actually says something more: " continue to have problems, Please try reinstalling the NVIDIA driver. The requested configuration of display devices is not supported by the hardware" | 02:04 |
darkhack | thanks Jordan | 02:04 |
Amaranth | hey it's 7:04 pm :) | 02:05 |
mwe | Lord_Vader: it's OT :) | 02:05 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: that's why i said to switch to the vesa driver to test :) | 02:05 |
Lord_Vader | mwe, off-topic? | 02:05 |
deserteagle | you did? i'm sorry | 02:05 |
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deserteagle | must've missed that | 02:05 |
mwe | Lord_Vader: yeah | 02:05 |
Lord_Vader | .. | 02:05 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: irssi is hard :) | 02:05 |
[BTF] Chm0d | hwo do i create an .iso file from my cdrom? | 02:05 |
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deserteagle | lemme check | 02:05 |
Amaranth | !offtopic | Lord_Vader | 02:05 |
ubotu | Lord_Vader: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:05 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, he's using bitchx | 02:05 |
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deserteagle | yeh | 02:05 |
Amaranth | Lord_Vader: even worse | 02:06 |
[BTF] Chm0d | i just slipstreamed my os with my drivers on it | 02:06 |
deserteagle | can't pm :S | 02:06 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, I know | 02:06 |
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genii | cat /dev/hd# /someplace/file.iso hd# = cdrom | 02:06 |
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Amaranth | [BTF] Chm0d: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=foo.iso | 02:06 |
deserteagle | k so to try it with vesa, just put Driver "vesa"? | 02:06 |
[BTF] Chm0d | ty | 02:06 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: yeah | 02:06 |
regress | is there a specific time that Feisty will be released? Like, 00:01, or 23:59? | 02:06 |
deserteagle | how 'bout "nv" instead? :D | 02:06 |
Amaranth | regress: no | 02:06 |
genii | dd good too | 02:06 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: I tried to wing it typing the commands but i couldn't do it. My thumbdrive is called ZOMGWTFBBQ! | 02:06 |
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_Raldz_ | it's out | 02:06 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: nv is generally terrible | 02:06 |
deserteagle | oic | 02:07 |
regress | alright, just some time tomorrow then? | 02:07 |
_Raldz_ | | 02:07 |
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m4st3r | hi all | 02:07 |
Lord_Vader | _Raldz_, that's beta my friend | 02:07 |
sishgupta__ | Just because you can dl the ISO it doesn't make it officially out. You have been able to get the final iso for a few days now... | 02:07 |
rever | Good Evening all I am having issues logging into Gnome from GDM. GDM starts up but when I log in it sits for a minute then GDM restarts. After that I then can log into my Gnome session. | 02:07 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!1111 shift one | 02:07 |
deserteagle | it worked :D | 02:07 |
_Raldz_ | nope.. it's final.. | 02:07 |
Bones | |CD|Away| ReAway after disconnect:|Auto away after 15 Mins| - duration:|17mins 18secs| | 02:08 |
Agalmatophiliac | !dialup modem | 02:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dialup modem - try searching on | 02:08 |
_Raldz_ | they are the first mirrors to have it | 02:08 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: well, that's a start :) | 02:08 |
deserteagle | so all i gotta do is update nvidia drivers? | 02:08 |
Lord_Vader | _Raldz_, it says final? Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Beta | 02:08 |
regress | heh, I'm be curious to see what changes between now and the official release though | 02:08 |
Amaranth | <--empty dir | 02:08 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: try reinstalling them | 02:08 |
m4st3r | is ubuntu 7.04 release? | 02:08 |
Lord_Vader | ah well | 02:08 |
Amaranth | m4st3r: no | 02:08 |
_Raldz_ | the headers says Beta.. but the ISO is final | 02:08 |
Lord_Vader | k | 02:08 |
m4st3r | thanks I can't join | 02:08 |
Lord_Vader | will get it | 02:08 |
rever | Ixrdb: Connection refused | 02:08 |
rever | xrdb: Can't open display ':0' | 02:08 |
rever | /usr/bin/xmodmap: unable to open display ':0' | 02:08 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: lol | 02:08 |
regress | yeah, it looks like the iso is final | 02:08 |
Lord_Vader | _Raldz_, hey do you know where I can get the dvd-iso? | 02:08 |
sishgupta__ | the 20070415 daily is final isnt it? just get it there... | 02:08 |
rever | That is what I see in xsession-errors | 02:08 |
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Amaranth | We're in the final stages before release | 02:09 |
smo | libgnomevfs-WARNING **: Failed to open session DBUS connection: Did not receive a reply anyone have an idear about this error please??? | 02:09 |
_Raldz_ | no torrents yet | 02:09 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: um, im not sure where abouts usb devices are mounted | 02:09 |
regress | great, thanks _Raldz_ | 02:09 |
Amaranth | Kubuntu is ready, Edubuntu is ready (i think) | 02:09 |
[BTF] Chm0d | Amaranth, once I do that where does it put the iso file? | 02:09 |
m4st3r | i cant join or I dont join ? what is right? | 02:09 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: how could i tell openbox to launch from TTY1? | 02:09 |
regress | is there any news that it's finished? | 02:09 |
Amaranth | If Ubuntu is ready we'll have a release within the hour | 02:09 |
Shootfast | can you copy the files to your desktop? | 02:09 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: yeah i dont know either...can i take the winzip archive, put it on the desktop, then try it from there? | 02:09 |
Auron0 | SHootfast: I will try | 02:09 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: I dunno | 02:09 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, that's great news, thanks man | 02:09 |
moDumass | hey all, Im using kaffeine in ubuntu and i watched a movie last night with audio but this morning its muted and i dont have an unmute option, any ideas? | 02:09 |
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_Raldz_ | the mirrors needs to update the headers.. but there is a lot of job getting the ISOs sync.. | 02:10 |
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mwe | !sound | moDumass | 02:10 |
ubotu | moDumass: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:10 |
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Lord_Vader | _Raldz_, makes you think if there isn't a better way to do it | 02:10 |
mstrzele | _Raldz_: ISO from is really daily-live 20070415 | 02:10 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: what about the environment variable for display? (wasn't it $DISPLAY?) | 02:10 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: DISPLAY=:0 command | 02:11 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: I have them on the desktop now | 02:11 |
deserteagle | :D ty! | 02:11 |
_Raldz_ | then perhaps the daily live made it to the final | 02:11 |
Lord_Vader | well torrents lol | 02:11 |
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kiba | torrent__ | 02:11 |
Shootfast | Auron0: is it a series of files or just one folder | 02:11 |
chistoph | so how many hours exactly to 7.04? It seems like it's been saying tomorrow for 2 days from here. | 02:11 |
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Auron0 | SHootfast: series of files | 02:11 |
Lord_Vader | chistoph, he said one hour just a minute ago | 02:11 |
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_Raldz_ | check the fridge ate the lower right>> | 02:11 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: ok cool, open the terminal and type sudo nautilus | 02:12 |
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chistoph | Lord_Vader "he"? | 02:12 |
Lord_Vader | chistoph, Amaranth said it | 02:12 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Ok, then what | 02:12 |
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apecat | does ubuntu have biarch support in amd64? | 02:12 |
Shootfast | then browse to the files and copy them | 02:12 |
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Agalmatophiliac | can some one helpe me please with enabling my dialup eth1 conenction ? | 02:12 |
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Amaranth | Lord_Vader, chistoph: That's just a guess | 02:12 |
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Amaranth | I'd go for 2-3 hours to be safe | 02:12 |
thoreauputic | Agalmatophiliac: a dialup connection would be ppp0 not eth0 | 02:12 |
Shootfast | theyll be in /home/YOURNAME?Desktop | 02:12 |
chistoph | *begins hitting refrech over and over* :P | 02:13 |
Lord_Vader | Amaranth, yeah I know but a valid one | 02:13 |
thoreauputic | Agalmatophiliac: or eth1 | 02:13 |
hewitt | Hey Dude | 02:13 |
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jStefan | Amaranth, i'm booting now, thanks | 02:13 |
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Amaranth | jStefan: awesome | 02:13 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: I knew that...lets see if i figure this out...brb | 02:13 |
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Agalmatophiliac | ok once it's set up in networking, is there like an icon or somethign to click to dial ? or do i simply click the enable button ? | 02:13 |
hewitt | any public UNIX Server | 02:13 |
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jStefan | bye all, and thx | 02:14 |
kiba | ther is no torrent_ | 02:14 |
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kiba | ? | 02:14 |
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Lord_Vader | Agalmatophiliac, don't tell me you're still on dial-up internet? | 02:14 |
bearwash | out yet? | 02:14 |
bearwash | :) | 02:14 |
bearwash | can't wait | 02:14 |
Agalmatophiliac | where my uncle live, he can not get cable or del, and is stuck with dial up for now | 02:14 |
Lord_Vader | k | 02:14 |
Nubbie | lord_vader: not everybody lives somewhere with good infrastructure. | 02:14 |
Agalmatophiliac | i've NEVER set up a dial up modem, so i'm asking for him | 02:14 |
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chistoph | #join gentoo | 02:14 |
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Lord_Vader | Nubbie, those who do, however. should get cable :P | 02:15 |
Nubbie | agalmatophiliac: is it a winmodem? | 02:15 |
cry0 | I'm having a problem with my synaptic... I just recently updated to breezy and I tried updating to dapper, but screwed over my sources.list... what can I do? | 02:15 |
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Nubbie | lord_vader: you're very uneducated... not everywhere has cable either. | 02:15 |
Lord_Vader | Nubbie, did I insult you? | 02:15 |
Agalmatophiliac | ubuntu found it and set it up, we just need to know how to "click" to make it dial | 02:15 |
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cry0 | I tried using sources.lists I found on the web, but none of them work. | 02:15 |
Nubbie | lord_vader: and by that i didn't mean to insult you, i meant uneducated about the situation <-- | 02:15 |
Lord_Vader | k | 02:15 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: I have the firmware placed in /lib/firmware should i put it in the next folder /lib/firmware/2.6... | 02:15 |
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Nubbie | lord_vader: my bad if i sounded like an ass there. | 02:16 |
Lord_Vader | np | 02:16 |
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cry0 | meh, synaptic hates me | 02:16 |
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Nubbie | agalmatophiliac: it should be in Networking. you're lucky it was detected no problem too. | 02:16 |
phr0z3n | yeah, Im not really down with it neither :-/ | 02:16 |
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ramin | guys, i just installed phpnuke on my ubuntu box and I registered., but I did not recieve a vertification email | 02:17 |
Agalmatophiliac | Nubbie : so go to networking.....then what ? | 02:17 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: yeah, i think thatd be right | 02:17 |
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Nubbie | ramin: so ask the phpnuke people???? i don't understand how anybody here can help you with that. | 02:17 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast: ok, going to do that | 02:17 |
Death_Sargent | need help | 02:17 |
Shootfast | Auron0: Althought that also means that when you update the kernel, those drivers wont cary accross | 02:17 |
Death_Sargent | changes I make to my boot have no effect on boot | 02:18 |
Agalmatophiliac | so just highlight it ? and activate it ? and it dials ? | 02:18 |
ramin | fine, dont be a bitch about it lol | 02:18 |
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Death_Sargent | menu.list makes no change | 02:18 |
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Shootfast | so you might want to keep a copy of those files in your home directoey | 02:18 |
Alien_Invader | /leave | 02:18 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: I can re-add then afterward | 02:18 |
Death_Sargent | boot splash makes no change | 02:18 |
kiba | | 02:18 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: Should i restart now | 02:18 |
webcrawle | anybody have the time of the 7.04 release? | 02:18 |
kiba | shit!! | 02:18 |
Nubbie | agalmatophiliac: set up the modem connection, set it as the default route to internet, make sure it's enabled. | 02:18 |
Death_Sargent | I shut down and I see changes | 02:18 |
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Death_Sargent | boot and they are gone | 02:18 |
Agalmatophiliac | and it will dial when i do what ?? | 02:18 |
Lam_ | how do i find out what /dev my ipod is connected to? | 02:18 |
Nubbie | ramin: thanks. | 02:19 |
Death_Sargent | please | 02:19 |
PriceChild | kiba, watch the language. That is the Rc. feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 02:19 |
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Death_Sargent | the delay is old news | 02:19 |
Death_Sargent | its coming out tomorrow still | 02:19 |
Shootfast | Auron0: did you just add the folder or the seperate files | 02:19 |
Death_Sargent | seriously though | 02:19 |
kiba | tomorrow lol | 02:19 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: the seperate files | 02:19 |
Death_Sargent | I can't effect my boot | 02:19 |
Death_Sargent | at all | 02:20 |
Shootfast | Auron0: ok cool, restart and i shall see you soon :P | 02:20 |
Agalmatophiliac | Nubbie : the question is how to make it dial once everything is set up. or, by enabling it, does that make it dial ? ( i'm lost) | 02:20 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: hope so lol | 02:20 |
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Death_Sargent | changes from this side don't do anything | 02:20 |
ramin | your welcome | 02:20 |
kiba | i need to sleep | 02:20 |
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Death_Sargent | anyone? | 02:20 |
cry0 | Hey, anybody know how to put breezy sources.list back to default? I forgot to back it up... | 02:20 |
Flankk | So it will be released within the hour? | 02:20 |
Nubbie | agalmatophiliac: just enabling it should make it dial. | 02:20 |
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PriceChild | kiba, feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 02:20 |
Agalmatophiliac | so to kill it, makes it disconnect? | 02:20 |
Agalmatophiliac | err | 02:20 |
PriceChild | whoops | 02:20 |
Agalmatophiliac | disabling it | 02:20 |
Zorlin | Gday guys | 02:20 |
Nubbie | cry0: breezy is not supported any more. you really should upgrade. | 02:20 |
Death_Sargent | well I gues tommorw their time | 02:20 |
PriceChild | Flankk, feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 02:21 |
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cry0 | I was trying to upgrade... I'm in the process. Thats how I screwed over my sources.list | 02:21 |
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Death_Sargent | help? | 02:21 |
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Death_Sargent | anyone | 02:21 |
m4st3r | what time is ubuntu release? | 02:21 |
Nubbie | cry0: upgrade with update-manager. | 02:21 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, Did you save the file after editing it? | 02:21 |
Death_Sargent | yes | 02:21 |
darksoule | OK, so I tried to install kaffeine... it says dependency kaffeine-xine... kaffiene-xine says dependency kaffeine... what do I do? | 02:21 |
Death_Sargent | every god damn time | 02:21 |
cry0 | Tried that, it wont do anything | 02:21 |
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cry0 | Update-manager just says there is nothing to update | 02:22 |
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cry0 | er, actually now it just errors | 02:22 |
tbuss | I'm having a problem with apache2, I've set up a username and password for my site but I'm able to access the site if I click Cancel three times in the dialog box, Page also loads w/o css support? | 02:22 |
piao | is ubuntu feisty open for update? | 02:22 |
Jordan_U_ | cry0, It hasn't been released yet | 02:22 |
Jordan_U_ | piao, No | 02:22 |
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Death_Sargent | please help | 02:23 |
piao | waiting... | 02:23 |
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Nubbie | jordan_U_: he's using breezy. | 02:23 |
ramin | nvm, can anyone help me set up a SMTP server | 02:23 |
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cry0 | It has a lot of Couldn't stat source package list breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) errors | 02:23 |
darksoule | kaffeine says dependency kaffeine-xine... kaffiene-xine says dependency kaffeine... what do I do? | 02:23 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, What are you trying to change in your menu.lst and how? | 02:23 |
Agalmatophiliac | Nubbie : the question is how to make it dial once everything is set up. or, by enabling it, does that make it dial ? ( i'm lost) | 02:23 |
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lonran | i cant see the trash can in the desktop. trash in /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor is set as visible but it doesnt change anything. Any posible reason? | 02:24 |
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Death_Sargent | using gedit im trying to add the "noacpi" command | 02:24 |
ramin | anyone? | 02:24 |
Nubbie | agalmatophiliac: it should. are you sure it's working? | 02:24 |
cry0 | Failed to fetch | 02:24 |
cry0 | Could not connect to localhost:80 ( - connect (111 Connection refused) | 02:24 |
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Agalmatophiliac | it says it installed | 02:24 |
Agalmatophiliac | how would i check ? | 02:24 |
Jordan_U_ | lonran, I have the trash at the bottom right panel | 02:24 |
ramin | christ killers! | 02:24 |
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Agalmatophiliac | is there like a grep command or something ? | 02:24 |
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Death_Sargent | and using sudo update-alternatives --config im trying to use ubuntu no kubuntu splash | 02:24 |
ramin | christ killers! | 02:25 |
Nubbie | ramin: whatch it.. | 02:25 |
ramin | lol | 02:25 |
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lonran | Jordan_U, it can be also set as visible on the desktop with gconf-editor | 02:25 |
ramin | what what | 02:25 |
ramin | watch what | 02:25 |
darksoule | How do I get kaffeine? | 02:25 |
ramin | it is a joke | 02:25 |
Nubbie | ramin: how you present yourself in here. | 02:25 |
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piao | are you want remove trash? | 02:25 |
Toyd | Hello how do i install an sshd server under ubuntu? | 02:25 |
Zorlin | sudo apt-get install kaffeine shuould do it? | 02:25 |
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Zorlin | Toyd, not sure | 02:25 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: many MANY thanks | 02:25 |
ramin | well you know, nobody seems to be helping and I got bored | 02:25 |
Auron0 | Shootfast: I am now online | 02:26 |
cry0 | How can I update breezy without update-manager or a working sources.list? | 02:26 |
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Shootfast | wireless working? | 02:26 |
Patrick_ | could anyone tell me why the my laptop hangs when I choose to log out??? annoyingly I have to hold down the power button to turn it off then restart! | 02:26 |
Auron0 | SHootfast: Yes, i am on ubuntu | 02:26 |
Nubbie | ramin: have patience and try not to be rude then. | 02:26 |
piao | click with right button,to pop the menu,click the lock,and then click remove | 02:26 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, GRUB reads the menu.lst at boot, so I don't see how it is possible that it doesn't change | 02:26 |
tbuss | Toyd: this looks like it might help | 02:26 |
ramin | fine | 02:26 |
ramin | nvm, can anyone help me set up a SMTP server | 02:27 |
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Death_Sargent | you and me both | 02:27 |
Shootfast | id thank Jordan_U too :P | 02:27 |
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darksoule | can't apt-get | 02:27 |
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Auron0 | Yes, jordan_u many thanks | 02:27 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, Can you pastebin your menu.lst? | 02:27 |
Auron0 | Now to get SLI working, lol | 02:27 |
jack_deltrino | Hi, I don't have an extra machine to be working with. How big, would you all say, is the command line install of Ubuntu? | 02:27 |
ramin | the SMTP server is for getting confirmation emails | 02:27 |
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dc | only my wireless card works; my network card is always disconnected. anyone know what gives? | 02:27 |
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cry0 | So... what do I do if I screw over my sources.list? Its trying to download from localhost... | 02:27 |
Death_Sargent | paste /boot/grub/menu.lst right? | 02:27 |
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Shootfast | Auron0: the only bad part is, now when we run synaptic, we're probably going to be updating the kernel, so you'll have to re-copy the files when thats donw | 02:27 |
njee | cry0: here is a site where you can generate a new one | 02:27 |
tommytom | !smtp | 02:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smtp - try searching on | 02:27 |
dc | cry0: just edit it? | 02:28 |
Death_Sargent | paste /boot/grub/menu.lst right? | 02:28 |
Enverex | Does Ubuntu have a "rolling version" release rather than the fixed releases like Edgy and Dapper? | 02:28 |
Toyd | thanks | 02:28 |
Shootfast | Auron0: So, lets fire up synaptic and give it a whirl | 02:28 |
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cry0 | I redid my sources.list I dont know how many times... it just gets worse every time | 02:28 |
Nubbie | enverex: what? | 02:28 |
Jordan_U_ | jack_deltrino, Depends on how much you want to install, anywhere from ~10 meg to ~700 meg :) | 02:28 |
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Auron0 | Shootfast, that is fine, I am so happy that i can get online now | 02:28 |
dc | cry0: what build are you using? | 02:28 |
Enverex | Nubbie, What to which part of it? | 02:28 |
dc | only my wireless card works; my network card is always disconnected. anyone know what gives? | 02:28 |
Nubbie | enverex: dapper and edgy are ubuntu. | 02:28 |
jack_deltrino | Jordan_U_: The command line installation? That's just a command line install... it's one size.... | 02:28 |
Enverex | Nubbie, ... yes I'm aware of that | 02:29 |
dxdemetriou | the upgrade to Feisty must be "update-manager -c -d" ? | 02:29 |
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Nubbie | enverex: ubuntu uses fixed releases, every 6 months. | 02:29 |
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ramin | ubotu, that did not help | 02:29 |
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Jordan_U_ | jack_deltrino, Sorry, I thought you meant the command line install CD, not a command line only install. | 02:29 |
Nubbie | enverex: just like everything. | 02:29 |
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darksoule | OK, Since noone can help me install kaffeine, how can I get DVDs to play on Totem? | 02:29 |
Death_Sargent | Jordan_U_: | 02:29 |
Enverex | Nubbie, I know they do, I was asking if there was a rolling release aswell | 02:29 |
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dc | ramin: you do realize thats a bot? | 02:29 |
Nubbie | !restricted | darksoule | 02:29 |
ubotu | darksoule: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 02:29 |
piao | use cmd: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:29 |
Enverex | PriceChild, I didn't need that | 02:29 |
jack_deltrino | Jordan_U_: Regardless, how big do you think it is? | 02:30 |
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ramin | dc: I know, I was thinking it would give me some links | 02:30 |
Death_Sargent | Jordan_U_: | 02:30 |
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Death_Sargent | the noacpi is what I added and what never shows up | 02:30 |
PriceChild | Enverex, that channel is not for support. would have been fine in here. That ubotu factoid gave you information on ubuntu's release based system. | 02:30 |
xorg62 | hi everybody! | 02:30 |
cry0 | dc: I am using Breezy | 02:30 |
NanaQ | Hi,stupid question,is there any way to update ubuntu 6.1 to7.0 without reinstall? | 02:30 |
dc | my network card cant enable. the connection is working on other machines, just not this one. | 02:30 |
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cyris | does anyone know if my isight camera on my macbook will be supported by feisty ? | 02:30 |
PriceChild | !upgrade > NanaQ (see pm from ubotu) | 02:31 |
sarastro_w_m | hi xorg62 | 02:31 |
xorg62 | =D | 02:31 |
dc | cry0: did you look for a sources.list to start fresh from, entirely replacing the old one? | 02:31 |
Patrick_ | does anyone know how I can fix Log Out, It just hangs on a blank screen until I hold down the power button | 02:31 |
sarastro_w_m | quite more active then on our channel | 02:31 |
Nubbie | cyris: is it supported in dapper? | 02:31 |
Enverex | PriceChild, I'm not asking for support and I asked there as they are more likely to know than the hordes of eegits in here | 02:31 |
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dc | my network card cant enable. the connection is working on other machines, just not this one. anyone know how to fix it? | 02:31 |
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Nubbie | patrick_: ctrl alt F2, log in, type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart | 02:32 |
darksoule | what do I do about dependency loops? | 02:32 |
Jordan_U_ | jack_deltrino, I don't know how much more you need to download during install to get the ubuntu-minimal packages. | 02:32 |
PriceChild | Enverex, I don't think you even asked here? And please read the CoC if you're going to call people eegits. | 02:32 |
XBehave | i have 2 ubuntu boxes conected by ethernet cables directly to eachother but its the laptop wont connect to me | 02:32 |
dxdemetriou | I'm going to start the upgrade. I hope the repos to be up to date for 7.04 :) | 02:32 |
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cry0 | I tried both. I dont think its my sources.list, its trying to get all the data from the localhost. | 02:32 |
Patrick_ | Nubbie, nothing responds as in hangs, so ctrl + alt + f whatever doesnt work | 02:32 |
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Scombr0_ | hi all | 02:32 |
Enverex | PriceChild, I did ask here and got some silly responses, I'm in a lot of pain and can't keep my eyes open hence why I can trying to get a quick answer | 02:32 |
xorg62 | hi | 02:32 |
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dc | cry0: send me your sources.list? | 02:33 |
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Nubbie | everex: i told you ubuntu releases every 6 months. what else do you want to know? they do release candidates before hand. | 02:33 |
dc | my network card cant enable. the connection is working on other machines, just not this one. anyone know how to fix it? | 02:33 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: still there? ^_~ | 02:33 |
sontek | whats the command for finding what file a package is in? | 02:33 |
PriceChild | Enverex, maybe its time to step away from the computer for a short while then and take a break? We don't use rolling releases. | 02:33 |
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cry0 | I feel like a noob, but I dont know how to sent my sources.list... | 02:33 |
Scombr0_ | guys.. i'm having problems while trying to install nvidia unix drivers on my edgy | 02:33 |
ffm | I NEED SOME reasons to convince my IT at my school to switch to ubuntu. Got any ideas? | 02:33 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: yep | 02:33 |
cry0 | send* | 02:33 |
Nubbie | cry0: | 02:33 |
Scombr0_ | i tried all things i thought could fix.. but my options are goe now :S | 02:33 |
saosin | Please help. I was wondering if my wireless card work while using the liveCD | 02:33 |
Death_Sargent | ffm: yeah for one its free | 02:33 |
dc | cry0: do you have gnome or kde? | 02:33 |
Death_Sargent | ffm: bring in a computer with beryl and show off | 02:33 |
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Nubbie | ffm: give him a live cd. | 02:33 |
Enverex | PriceChild, Stepping away wouldn't help, it's not screen related. Anyway, thanks for the "no" I only asked because someone told me they did. | 02:34 |
dc | cry0: do you know which you have? | 02:34 |
piao | is anybody can give a full source.list | 02:34 |
piao | ? | 02:34 |
cry0 | gnome | 02:34 |
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ffm | Nubbie: The computers in there hang when I try to install. | 02:34 |
Amaranth | !sources.list | 02:34 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See also !EasySource | 02:34 |
PriceChild | !easysource > piao | 02:34 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: why is it that when i try to upgrade the nvidia-glx package it says it has unresolvable dependencies with nvidia-kernel-1.0something | 02:34 |
Death_Sargent | Jordan_U_ : any help? | 02:34 |
Crazytom | saosin, do lspci -v | grep Wireless | 02:34 |
ffm | Nubbie: They just freeze on partitioning. | 02:34 |
Nubbie | enverex: insulting people won't help either. | 02:34 |
dc | cry0: type this in terminal: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list. copy and paste that into the site nubby sent you | 02:34 |
dc | well | 02:34 |
Nubbie | ffm: just to demo it for them. | 02:34 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: you were using a 3rd party nvidia 9xxx repo and your kernel got upgraded | 02:34 |
sarastro_w_m | piao: u can find them in the ubuntu documentation on the site | 02:34 |
dc | no sudo | 02:34 |
piao | i update again and again.but no news.i cann't belive my source.list | 02:35 |
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Enverex | Nubbie, No but it makes me feel better and I'm pretty sure they didn't notice nor care | 02:35 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, I don't know the syntax of the menu.lst very well but it looks like noacpi should go after " quiet splash" | 02:35 |
dc | cry0: dont use sudo unless it doesnt open | 02:35 |
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Lam_ | how do i figure out what /dev a usb device is assigned to? | 02:35 |
Nubbie | ffm: to show them that all hardware is supported, that there is full office installed by default, that there is screen viewing, etc. | 02:35 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: oh crap :( | 02:35 |
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cry0 | | 02:35 |
Nubbie | enverex: you have your answer, please leave. | 02:35 |
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Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, But that will only work until the next kernel update | 02:35 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: downgrade the nvidia-glx package to the edgy version | 02:35 |
ffm | Nubbie: Well, I cant seem to get beryl working on a live CD. Also, their wifi isnt supported, and neither is their graphics, iirc. | 02:35 |
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Enverex | Nubbie, Sir Yes Sir | 02:35 |
cry0 | It never opens unless I use sudo | 02:35 |
saosin | crazytom, i'm using liveCD right now and i want to see if wireless works. so you're saying wireless works without having to install? | 02:35 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: in synaptic select nvidia-glx and press ctrl-e | 02:35 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: but the version shows that it's actually prior to the one available | 02:35 |
Nubbie | ffm: are you sure about that? and why would a school need beryl installed? | 02:36 |
Patrick_ | can anyone recommend another Linux distro that works very well | 02:36 |
spykid | hi | 02:36 |
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Scombr0_ | guys.. i'm having problems while trying to install nvidia unix drivers on my edgy | 02:36 |
Scombr0_ | i tried all things i thought could fix.. but my options are goe now :S | 02:36 |
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Crazytom | saosin, sure it could. you'd just have to reinstall or fix everything once you install | 02:36 |
Death_Sargent | does anyone know how to help me | 02:36 |
ffm | Nubbie: Well, I was just trying to show it off to him. And yes, I thinks | 02:36 |
ffm | so | 02:36 |
Death_Sargent | any body | 02:36 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: Dunno what to tell you, just downgrade it to the 8776 version | 02:36 |
Scombr0_ | now i can see the screen but is all grey and dark :S | 02:36 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: so i should force an upgrade? | 02:36 |
Death_Sargent | please | 02:36 |
Nubbie | ffm: what kind of wifi/wifi adapters do they use? | 02:36 |
Scombr0_ | im on the console thru SSH with my laptop | 02:36 |
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darksoule | Why does Ubuntu rely on the internet for everything. If you can't get online, screw you, huh? It's set up for everyone who has internet connection to be able to just put in a simple command but if you don't have internet connection, none of those commands work because there's no alternative. Oh and everyone here doesn't know how to do half the stuff without an internet connection. You guys are a bunch of sheep and Im GLAD I use Gentoo! | 02:36 |
Death_Sargent | arg | 02:36 |
apecat | Patrick_: depends on what you want | 02:36 |
saosin | crazytom, thanks.. i'm going to try lspci -v | grep Wireless | 02:36 |
darksoule | It's easier! | 02:36 |
Nubbie | !patience | death_sargent | 02:37 |
ubotu | death_sargent: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also | 02:37 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: boot in recovery mode and edit xorg.conf to use the vesa driver | 02:37 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, It looks like to make it perminent you need to edit the line #defoptions=quiet splash ( line 83 ) | 02:37 |
apecat | Patrick_: this is a ubuntu channel, youfh ;) | 02:37 |
dc | cry0: no clue man, sorry | 02:37 |
Shootfast | Scombr0_: did you try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 02:37 |
munki | Patrick_ gentoo | 02:37 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: no, you want a downgrade | 02:37 |
apecat | *though | 02:37 |
dc | my network card cant enable. the connection is working on other machines, just not this one. anyone know how to fix it? | 02:37 |
cry0 | thanks anyway | 02:37 |
Scombr0_ | Amaranth i can edit it from here from the console right? im on SSH | 02:37 |
ffm | Nubbie: DELL ones that are embedded int he laptops. | 02:37 |
dc | cry0: good luck | 02:37 |
Crazytom | saosin, that will just tell us what chipset it is | 02:37 |
netdiggerxxx | ik zou graag alles met VLC afspelen, hoe doe ik dit t'gemmakelijkst? | 02:37 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: select the package in synaptic, press ctrl-e, select the 8776 version | 02:37 |
Scombr0_ | shoot^ i directly installed it from the nvidia website | 02:37 |
Scombr0_ | downloaded the .run files | 02:37 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: yeah, that works too | 02:37 |
Nubbie | ffm: have you tried ndiswrapper? | 02:37 |
Scombr0_ | first the common and then the legacy | 02:37 |
Patrick_ | munki, one that doesnt destroy you trying to get basic things to work | 02:37 |
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munki | Patrick_ show me where that happened | 02:38 |
Scombr0_ | with the common didnt work.. then i used the legacy and now it looks all greyed and dark | 02:38 |
ffm | Nubbie: Yes, dosnt seem to want to work | 02:38 |
munki | it's never done anything even close to what you described to me | 02:38 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: what video card? | 02:38 |
Patrick_ | munki, where what happened | 02:38 |
Crazytom | ffm what chipset do you have? | 02:38 |
munki | everything basic works if you rtfm and follow it :) | 02:38 |
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Death_Sargent | rebooting to test | 02:38 |
Scombr0_ | nvidia GeForce 6200 | 02:38 |
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munki | where it "destroy you trying to get basic things to work" Patrick_ | 02:38 |
Scombr0_ | now installing the nvidia-glx | 02:38 |
Scombr0_ | to see if it works | 02:38 |
Scombr0_ | with apt | 02:38 |
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Amaranth | Scombr0_: should work great with the nvidia-glx package | 02:39 |
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Scombr0_ | trying it now :) | 02:39 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: unless installing the .run file broke something | 02:39 |
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Scombr0_ | when it finishes ill let you know | 02:39 |
patzlaff | Hi ... | 02:39 |
munki | Patrick_ i think you're just spreading fud that you heard on the internet :) | 02:39 |
Crazytom | saosin, you don't have it running now? | 02:39 |
Scombr0_ | but after the .run i had a backup of the xorg.conf file so i copied it back and worked | 02:39 |
Patrick_ | munki, oh the community for one are no help and secondly I couldnt even get it to recognize sound nor net card | 02:39 |
ffm | Crazytom: Depends on the laptop. They have about 12 different kinds. | 02:39 |
Patrick_ | munki, dont be silly | 02:39 |
royel | how can I set apache to block a visitor from access to parent directories? | 02:39 |
munki | Patrick_ that's not the distro's fault, that's your improper compilation of the kernel :) | 02:44 |
munki | and the community sucks | 02:44 |
munki | so what | 02:44 |
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munki | it's not hard just read the docs | 02:44 |
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piao | when i cat /etc/issue if show no development chars | 02:44 |
Crazytom | ffm, are we talking about your laptop or in general? do you need help? | 02:44 |
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patzlaff | I've one problem with my NVIDIA card. I've installed the nvidia-glx and when I enable Desktop Effects my screen was blank. Do anyone have one idea? | 02:44 |
munki | you'll be a pro in no time if you do ;) | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: do you use beryl? | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | munki, well I dont want to compile an entire os just want an alternative to windows | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | ok Amaranth just installed the nvidia-glx and didnt work.. looks grey and dark .. | 02:44 |
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Amaranth | patzlaff: feisty? | 02:44 |
piao | if what i now using is the release edition | 02:44 |
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patzlaff | yes | 02:44 |
patzlaff | feisty | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | Amaranth, no I do not | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 02:44 |
munki | Patrick_ oh yeah emerge system is such a hard command | 02:44 |
ffm | Crazytom: No, just in general. I am trying to pitch it to my school, and they dont like how each type will need to be recompiled. Their ITs are lazy. | 02:44 |
munki | it's like | 02:44 |
munki | 2 whole words | 02:44 |
Amaranth | patzlaff: blank white? | 02:44 |
=== Journyman is now known as Journeyman | ||
Journeyman | 7.04 releases tomorrow right? | 02:44 |
munki | i can see it being difficult for someone like you | 02:44 |
patzlaff | yes | 02:44 |
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patzlaff | blank white | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | may I paste the error in here? is just one line | 02:44 |
Amaranth | patzlaff: desktop effects doesn't work with nvidia-glx-legacy | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | maybe 2 | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | munki, oh yeah as if emerge system is the command to be used ;) | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: yeah | 02:44 |
Pelo | does anyone know of an app that would display what prog is using the internet in a symilar way to how the system monitor displays what prog is using memory and cpu ? | 02:44 |
ffm | Journeyman: Who knoes. | 02:44 |
munki | it is | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: as long as it's less than 3 | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | xserver-xorg postinst warning: not updating /etc/X11/X; file has been | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | customized | 02:44 |
munki | Patrick_ just download the stage tarball, extract, and run emerge system. | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | munki, no it aint | 02:44 |
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Shootfast | Scombr0_: now run nvifia-xconfig | 02:44 |
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bruenig | I have a script that runs every minute to check if feisty is out, so I will notify | 02:44 |
munki | Patrick_ i've done the gentoo install >15 times i know what the command is. | 02:44 |
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royel | Pelo: Wireshark ?? maybe | 02:44 |
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Crazytom | ffm, if it's broadcom try and get a 4306 | 02:44 |
Shootfast | Scombr0_: *nvidia-xconfig | 02:44 |
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Patrick_ | munki, yeah well must have been the same comp | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | yep no effect | 02:44 |
patzlaff | Shootfast do I have run nvidia-xconfig? | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | none what so evre | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. | 02:44 |
Pelo | royel, thank you I will check it out | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | whop de fuckin doo | 02:44 |
ffm | Thanks, Crazytom! | 02:44 |
munki | funny Patrick_ | 02:44 |
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munki | but alas, untrue | 02:44 |
munki | once again | 02:44 |
munki | just fud you hear on the internet | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | spam | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: don't use nvidia-xconfig | 02:44 |
saosin | Crazytom, if you're still there.. i know what my chipset is.. but what do i do now? | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | spam | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | spoam | 02:44 |
Shootfast | Scombr0_: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:44 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
Shootfast | patzlaff: Whats your problem? | 02:44 |
Crazytom | saosin, what chipset is it? | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | munki: spma | 02:44 |
jrib | !offtopic | munki, Patrick_ | 02:44 |
munki | 'omg u haf to comile it all!!!1 what's a kernel anyways///??' | 02:44 |
ubotu | munki, Patrick_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | I hate this so much | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | well all ok | 02:44 |
royel | Pelo: dont hate me if thats not what you want, I'm guessing at what you need. | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 02:44 |
saosin | Crazytom, it's Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05) | 02:44 |
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patzlaff | I executed nvidia-xconfig | 02:44 |
Scombr0_ | so now should work? | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | Amaranth, do you have any idea | 02:44 |
patzlaff | I need restart my X. | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | its like there is a boot ubuntu and a OS ubuntu | 02:44 |
Crazytom | saosin, are you running ubuntu now? | 02:44 |
Amaranth | !stop | Patrick_ munki, Death_Sargent | 02:44 |
ubotu | Patrick_ munki, Death_Sargent: NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 02:44 |
Shootfast | Scombre: now just ctrl-alt-bckspce | 02:44 |
saosin | i'm running it now on a livecd | 02:44 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, It didn't work? | 02:44 |
patzlaff | I come back later..Tks.. | 02:44 |
Pelo | royel, I just get bandwith usage that is not consistent with running applications, I just want to check it out | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | nope | 02:44 |
patzlaff | I will restart my X | 02:44 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: do you have an nvidia driver | 02:44 |
Crazytom | saosin, and it's not working? | 02:44 |
patzlaff | yes | 02:44 |
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Scombr0_ | Shootfast im on mIRC now controlling my computer from SSH connection | 02:44 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: I didnt seee your problem | 02:44 |
Patrick_ | Amaranth, discussion has stopped ages ago??? | 02:44 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: sounds like the crappy fglrx or nvidia driver | 02:44 |
moDumass | haha, sorry it seems the little mute circle was over the volume ctrl but the volume was still up, confusing interface for kaffeine though\ | 02:44 |
Death_Sargent | hey ubuntu we are on topic | 02:44 |
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Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, Can you pastebin your current menu.lst ( with the recent changes )? | 02:44 |
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patzlaff | my problem is that i don't enable Desktop Effects with my NVIDIA | 02:44 |
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benanzo | If anyone here is running Feisty on a macbook core duo, have you had trouble with the i810 driver and DRI after the latest updates? | 02:44 |
Shootfast | Scombr0_: well you wont see the nvidia splash screen that comes up than :P | 02:45 |
patzlaff | no | 02:45 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: are you trying beryl? | 02:45 |
Patrick_ | Amaranth, anyway I have used both the open source ati driver and the restricted one so not to sure | 02:45 |
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saosin | Crazytom, no. it doesnt seem to detect any wireless network.. this problem started in windows a couple weeks ago. and i thought it was a windows thing. that's why i'm tyring ubuntu.. maybe my wireless card is broken? | 02:45 |
Jordan_U_ | benanzo, #ubuntu+1 | 02:45 |
patzlaff | no I'm not tried beryl | 02:45 |
benanzo | oh ok, thank you | 02:45 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: Then I dunno, there is nothing I can think of that would cause a complete lockup | 02:45 |
patzlaff | and I don't see splash video of nvidia | 02:45 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: what desktop effects are you activating | 02:45 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: except a hardware problem | 02:45 |
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Nubbie | !patzlaff: #ubuntu-effects for support about that. | 02:45 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: the default ones for feisty? | 02:45 |
patzlaff | yes | 02:45 |
patzlaff | de default ones for feisty | 02:45 |
Death_Sargent | | 02:45 |
Jordan_U_ | patzlaff, | 02:46 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: ok, first "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" | 02:46 |
Death_Sargent | and still the same freekin boot splash | 02:46 |
Jordan_U_ | patzlaff, Did you use the restricted driver manager? | 02:46 |
Death_Sargent | god forbid that one change | 02:46 |
Patrick_ | Amaranth, na its split new and win xp and vista recognizes and works perfectly | 02:46 |
patzlaff | I already made this command | 02:46 |
Death_Sargent | no really I just love the fact what should work does not | 02:46 |
Crazytom | saosin, sounds like it or you don't have your wireless router set up right or your wireless switch on your computer is off | 02:46 |
Scombr0_ | Amaranth after i did that nvidia-xconfig now my console looks with no brightness | 02:46 |
patzlaff | no I didn't see restricted driver | 02:46 |
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=== Pelo thnks this might not be the right time to try and install any new packages, dl speed 3217 B/s | ||
Crazytom | saosin, it's an internal card right? | 02:46 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: Then I'm stumped, there is nothing in the logout I can think of that would cause that | 02:46 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: ok, now type sudo nvida-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals | 02:46 |
Death_Sargent | thank you so much linux for being so very fickle | 02:46 |
saosin | crazytom. it's an internal card. and i | 02:47 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: unless you have gdm setup to restart X when you logout | 02:47 |
Nubbie | pelo: everybody jumped the gun and is upgrading lol. | 02:47 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, You didn't change what I told you to | 02:47 |
kitche | Death_Sargent: if you want to take the splash away then remove splash from menu.lst | 02:47 |
Amaranth | Patrick_: ATI hardware/drivers are touchy about X restarts | 02:47 |
saosin | crazytom, i'm living at a dorm, so there's also wireless internet here | 02:47 |
Pelo | Nubbie, my thought exactly, I decided to wait a week before doing it | 02:47 |
Death_Sargent | line 83 | 02:47 |
Journeyman | how do you tell what version of ubuntu you have installed? | 02:47 |
Death_Sargent | yes I did | 02:47 |
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Death_Sargent | I uncomented it | 02:47 |
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Nubbie | pelo: i was smart and upgraded a month ago :) | 02:47 |
jrib | !version > Journeyman (Journeyman, see the private message from ubotu) | 02:47 |
Death_Sargent | and put in the command I wanted to add | 02:47 |
Death_Sargent | you said line 83 | 02:48 |
Death_Sargent | right? | 02:48 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: did you type sudo nvida-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals | 02:48 |
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Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, That is to make it work after upgrades, and it should NOT be uncommented, you still need to edit the kernel parameters further down | 02:48 |
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patzlaff | Using X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf". | 02:48 |
patzlaff | Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" added to Screen "Default Screen". | 02:48 |
Death_Sargent | thanks for telling me that part | 02:48 |
patzlaff | Backed up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup' | 02:48 |
patzlaff | New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 02:48 |
Nubbie | !paste | patzlaff | 02:48 |
ubotu | patzlaff: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:48 |
Death_Sargent | well no use bitchen if im not try'n | 02:48 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, Sorry | 02:48 |
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T0uCH | hi all.. ive got a little problem with minimized windows.. i cant see them in the panel board... i cant see any programs in the board... someone can help me? | 02:49 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: awesome, now just click ctrl-alt-backspace to reset xserver and you should see the nvidia logo, then activate desktop effects | 02:49 |
patzlaff | i come back | 02:49 |
Nubbie | touch: did you remove the window list from your panel? | 02:49 |
XBehave | i have 2 ubuntu boxes conected by ethernet cables directly to eachother but its the laptop wont connect to me? why is this both have static ips, i shouldnt need a dns | 02:49 |
Pelo | T0uCH, you need to re add the windows list, right click the pannel and add to pannel, select from the list provided | 02:49 |
Scombr0_ | Amaranth after the nvidia-xconfig what so I have to do? | 02:49 |
Nubbie | xbehave: is it a cross over cable? | 02:49 |
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T0uCH | ok thanks... and about feisty.. are it gonna be in the update manager? | 02:50 |
XBehave | no, is there a way around that? | 02:50 |
Shootfast | XBehave: you need cat6 cable "crossover" if you dont have a hub | 02:50 |
pollyo | Anyone here use clamtk? | 02:50 |
Nubbie | touch: depends on what version you're running now. | 02:50 |
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Amaranth | Scombr0_: I told you _not_ to run nvidia-xconfig | 02:50 |
Death_Sargent | wait what the hell | 02:50 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, I would just edit it for you put pastebin thinks I am a spammer for some reason and won't let me | 02:50 |
Death_Sargent | all my changes are gone | 02:50 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: hey! since we're still on the subject of nvidia drivers :D | 02:50 |
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Amaranth | Scombr0_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 02:50 |
Pelo | T0uCH, distro updates are different then package updates | 02:50 |
T0uCH | nubbie im running on 6.10 | 02:50 |
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Amaranth | Scombr0_: that should at least give you a working X | 02:50 |
Nubbie | touch: i think you'll be able to upgrade no problem then. | 02:51 |
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Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, Did you save the file ? | 02:51 |
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T0uCH | how could i get distro update? | 02:51 |
Nubbie | touch: it should be in update-manager. | 02:51 |
Death_Sargent | yeah | 02:51 |
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ypSami | Ok, something seriously wrong is goin' on with Beagle. It spiked my CPU in an infinite loop, which was why my CPU kept overheating | 02:51 |
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Death_Sargent | so I don't unn comment or I do | 02:51 |
patzlaff | Hi guys... It doesn't work with driver "nvidia". I need put driver "nv" on my X | 02:51 |
Nubbie | ypsami: are you running feisty? | 02:51 |
saosin | :) Crazytom, thank you for your help. it's probably a hardware issue | 02:51 |
blazemonger | 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R) AC'97 Audio this supported in ubuntu? | 02:51 |
ypSami | Nubbie: Nope, Edgy | 02:51 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: i downgraded the nvidia-glx but now it says the x kernel has ver. 1.084something as opposed to the 8774 version | 02:51 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: what happened? | 02:51 |
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T0uCH | am i able to get feisty distro update right now? | 02:52 |
blazemonger | Feisty is released? | 02:52 |
Scombr0_ | Amaranth, it works.. but looks all grey.. with a really really poor definition and very dark | 02:52 |
Nubbie | ypsami: sudo killall beagle to stop it. | 02:52 |
patzlaff | The X doesn't works... | 02:52 |
Scombr0_ | i cant read the screen | 02:52 |
apecat | ypSami: in my experience beagle is just that bad | 02:52 |
kitche | T0uCH: probably but not sure | 02:52 |
ypSami | Nubbie: Yeah, I killed it. I just don't know how it got on my system to begin with | 02:52 |
patzlaff | The X doesn't works... | 02:52 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: err | 02:52 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: This is why 3rd party repos are bad :) | 02:52 |
jeanmarcmelchior | anyone here that uses debian or only ubuntu users here? | 02:52 |
Jordan_U_ | Death_Sargent, You don't, you just add noacpi after "quiet splash" basically everywhere in the file, you can just do a find and replace all | 02:52 |
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Nubbie | ypsami: it came with edgy? | 02:52 |
patzlaff | Do you understand Shootfast ? | 02:52 |
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Shootfast | patzlaff: the nvidia-xconfig configures it precisely for your card | 02:52 |
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Amaranth | deserteagle: but it probably says something like "X is version 8776, kernel is version 7xxx" | 02:52 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: i'm sorry :$ i followed some tutorial i found somewhere | 02:52 |
deserteagle | 'xactly | 02:53 |
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patzlaff | but it doesn't work | 02:53 |
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knix_ | any one here know how to use "Rescue Mode"? | 02:53 |
ypSami | Bah. I am totally starting off bare-bones with fiesty. | 02:53 |
Shootfast | patzlaff: try just running sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:53 |
jeanmarcmelchior | anyone here that uses ubuntu on a thinkpad? | 02:53 |
patzlaff | ok | 02:53 |
Nubbie | !anyone | knix_ | 02:53 |
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ubotu | knix_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:53 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: downgrade linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-##-generic to the edgy version | 02:53 |
knix_ | ha | 02:53 |
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pagej97 | jean: I use ubuntu on a thinkpad | 02:53 |
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Pelo | royel, wireshark might do what I want but it seems a bit more complex then expected | 02:54 |
nrayever | hi everyone | 02:54 |
Pelo | thanks for the try | 02:54 |
jeanmarcmelchior | which thinpad do you have? | 02:54 |
harry_ | is it possible to make the top gnome bar thinner than 23 pixels? | 02:54 |
pagej97 | t40 | 02:54 |
knix_ | How do you use Rescue Mode? | 02:54 |
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knix_ | Better? | 02:54 |
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Pelo | harry_, you can always hide it | 02:54 |
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Nubbie | jeanmarcmelchior: jusk tell us your problem. | 02:54 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: both? | 02:54 |
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jeanmarcmelchior | i was thinking about picking up a x40 on ebay | 02:54 |
pollyo | I can not seem to get clamtk to recognize the virus datafiles. Anyone familiar with the program? | 02:54 |
Nubbie | knix_: is there a problem with your system... | 02:54 |
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nrayever | this question may sound stupid but is feisty fawn final release out?? | 02:54 |
jeanmarcmelchior | does hibernate and suspend to ram work for you? | 02:55 |
Nubbie | nrayever: probably not yet. | 02:55 |
progrock | I can't get the correct resolution on my desktop.. tried both ati and fglrx drivers.... ati wont get past 800x600, fglrx wont go past 1024x768.... can anyone help | 02:55 |
jeanmarcmelchior | also do you run gnome? | 02:55 |
deserteagle | Amaranth: one is 2.16-7-10 and the other -11 | 02:55 |
harry_ | Pelo: I want to see it, but just a bit thinner. I guss that's not really an option then? | 02:55 |
pagej97 | Yes. Everything works out of the box with Edgy. | 02:55 |
knix_ | Nubbie, absolutley | 02:55 |
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pagej97 | Yup. | 02:55 |
harry_ | *guess | 02:55 |
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Nubbie | knix_: so tell us..... | 02:55 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: make sure you have the one for the kenrel you're booting | 02:55 |
deserteagle | progrock: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? | 02:55 |
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Pelo | harry_, you can try looking in gconf-editor | 02:55 |
jeanmarcmelchior | everything out of the box? | 02:55 |
ypSami | Complete uninstall! Take that, Beagle! | 02:55 |
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harry_ | Pelo: How do I do that? | 02:55 |
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pagej97 | Yeah... I didn't have to look for drivers or fight with anything. It just works. | 02:55 |
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jeanmarcmelchior | that sounds impressive, does the t40 have a mic? | 02:55 |
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knix__ | Nubbie, I upgraded my dapper server to edgy, then to feisty, and now when it boots it hangs on "running local scripts etc/rc.local and just hangs there | 02:56 |
Pelo | harry_, terminal, type gconf-editor | 02:56 |
progrock | deserteagle: tried a bunch of times.. no luck... been editing by hand.. but still cant get 1280x960 which si the only thing that loosk good on my LCD | 02:56 |
pagej97 | I don't know.... not that I know of. | 02:56 |
Nubbie | jeanmarcmelchior: check out google? | 02:56 |
firstru7h | hello | 02:56 |
jeanmarcmelchior | did you try other window managers besides gnome? | 02:56 |
leon_x | HI | 02:56 |
Nubbie | knix__: did you remove anything from /etc ? | 02:56 |
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deserteagle | Amaranth: can't :( | 02:57 |
firstru7h | i was wondering if any1 could help me with my networking problem on edgy | 02:57 |
pagej97 | Not yet. Just gnome. Nubbie's right, check out google (or try | 02:57 |
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deserteagle | progrock: don't know what to tell you on that, having LCD issues and driver issues myself | 02:57 |
blazemonger | is it bad to use proprietary software? | 02:57 |
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firstru7h | tht sux | 02:57 |
Nubbie | blazemonger: probably. | 02:58 |
deserteagle | blazemonger: only if you're not paying for it :P | 02:58 |
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Pelo | firstru7h, you need to ask a specific question, no one will volunteer, we're all busy, we answer questions as they come | 02:58 |
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ypSami | Does GKrellm work off of gnome-system-monitor, or is it redundant to run both? | 02:58 |
Nubbie | blazemonger: if anything ever happened where you relied on it, and it suddenly ceased to exist, you'd be screwed. | 02:58 |
dayi1 | I know that PowerPC support "stopped" at Dapper Drake ... anyone know if I can safely do an aptitude upgrade to Edgy on my PowerPC machine? (as I'm moving all my 386 machines to Edgy as well) | 02:58 |
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blazemonger | true | 02:58 |
dayi1 | ypSami: I believe redundant, as gkrellm you can use on non-gnome systems | 02:58 |
ypSami | thanks =) | 02:58 |
firstru7h | i have a xircom pcmcia card tht wont be recognized on edgy | 02:59 |
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Pelo | firstru7h, look up your model in the forum | 02:59 |
firstru7h | kk | 02:59 |
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ypSami | So I uninstalled beagle, and I ran sudo killall beagle, and beagled-helper and beagled are still sucking up my CPU | 03:00 |
_ds_ | I've just been looking through various gxine bug reports on launchpad, and I've noticed that several different bug reports have crash dumps with suspiciously similar backtraces... anybody prepared to help out a little by getting some backtraces with full debug info from them? (Starting with the allegedly DVD-related bugs would be best.) | 03:00 |
Pelo | brb | 03:00 |
Nubbie | ypsami: so kill beagled ? | 03:00 |
default-user | sup ppl | 03:00 |
deserteagle | is it a good idea to remove the linux-restricted-module version you're kernel is not? (gotta -10 and a -11 but running kernel -10) | 03:00 |
ypSami | sudo killall beagle* doesn't work? | 03:00 |
=== _ds_ grumbles about the uselessness of crash dump files to non-Ubuntu users | ||
XBehave | is there anyway to get ubuntu to crossover the connections itself, using a special driver or something? | 03:01 |
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Nubbie | xbehave: if your network card doesn't do it automatically, it's impossible. | 03:01 |
default-user | anyone know how to fix 'gconf-2.0' not found some features are disabled? i have gconf | 03:01 |
piao | how to simple check is feisty but not update && upgrade | 03:02 |
XBehave | can many network cards do it? | 03:02 |
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knix_ | Nubbie, any thougths? | 03:02 |
Amaranth | deserteagle: you should be running the -11 kernel | 03:02 |
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deserteagle | :D | 03:02 |
deserteagle | so no problems with removing the other one? | 03:02 |
Nubbie | piao: check update-manager? | 03:02 |
piao | how to simple check is feisty release but not update && upgrade | 03:03 |
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piao | yes | 03:03 |
default-user | has anyone successfully installed gnofract4d on Ubuntu? | 03:03 |
Nubbie | piao: i just told you. don't repeat questions, theres lots of people who need help in here. be patient. | 03:03 |
piao | i use cmd: update and dist-upgrade | 03:03 |
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piao | ok | 03:03 |
Scombr0_ | Amaranth is not working ok X server.. looks all grey and dark.. so I have to go back to my old xorg.conf? Or you can give me some more tips? | 03:03 |
Nubbie | piao: you should use update-manager to upgrade your system. | 03:03 |
Amaranth | Scombr0_: I don't know what you've done to your system | 03:04 |
Scombr0_ | lol | 03:04 |
default-user | lol | 03:04 |
=== _ds_ points about... 37000 lines above at a backtrace help request | ||
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richiefrich | piao: you wanna know what ver ubuntu your on ? | 03:04 |
progrock | these desktop effects are looking amazing. . now if only it was not in 800x600... then i would be happy | 03:04 |
Scombr0_ | i know how to fix it.. (i guess) | 03:04 |
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Nubbie | !resolution | progrock | 03:04 |
ubotu | progrock: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 03:04 |
piao | no | 03:05 |
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default-user | help! | 03:05 |
Nubbie | default-user: ask a question. how can we read minds? | 03:05 |
knoppix | hello? | 03:05 |
progrock | thanks... hope i can find something that works | 03:05 |
richiefrich | piao: cat /etc/*-release | 03:05 |
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Scombr0_ | Amaranth i fixed it.. i mean.. I had to go back to my old xorg.conf (cp /var/backups/xorg/xorg.conf.2007-04-18-19:49:40 /etc/X11/xorg.conf) | 03:05 |
Shootfast | hello koppix | 03:05 |
Nubbie | progrock: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 03:05 |
Scombr0_ | now XServer is working ok.. but not upgraded :( | 03:05 |
Shootfast | !help | default-user | 03:05 |
ubotu | default-user: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 03:05 |
progrock | Nubbie: done that many a time.. no luck | 03:05 |
default-user | im being told gconf2.0 is missing... but i have a gconf installed | 03:05 |
Nubbie | progrock: did you read every step | 03:06 |
default-user | ubuntu 6.10 | 03:06 |
knix_ | I upgraded my dapper server to edgy, then to feisty, and now when it boots it hangs on "running local scripts etc/rc.local and just hangs there. I have no idea how to fix this. any help is greatly appreciated | 03:06 |
Shootfast | default-user: do you have gconf2.0 installed though? | 03:06 |
jrib | default-user: what is telling you that it is missing? | 03:06 |
Nubbie | progrock: the part where you can choose new screen resolutions? | 03:06 |
_ds_ | Anybody with the relevant packages and sources.list entries to help out with acquiring some backtraces? | 03:06 |
darksoft | whats everyone up to tonight? | 03:06 |
forham | Hello how do i install the codecs for amarok to play radiostreams? | 03:06 |
progrock | Nubbie: haha, no.. tho i beleive tho only ones i didnt were the input ones... and yes i did the new resolutions | 03:06 |
piao | thank you! i check over and over to know is the feisty release | 03:06 |
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Nubbie | !restricted | forham | 03:06 |
ubotu | forham: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 03:06 |
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default-user | i'm trying to install the .py for gnofract4d | 03:06 |
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richiefrich | piao: that helped? | 03:06 |
default-user | i've followed several forum tips | 03:06 |
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darksoft | not working? | 03:07 |
forham | Nubbie i went to that site i dont understand what to do with it | 03:07 |
Nubbie | progrock: and you restarted xorg? | 03:07 |
default-user | and "synaptic" to make sure i have gconf | 03:07 |
jrib | !debug > _ds_ (_ds_, see the private message from ubotu) | 03:07 |
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phix_ | hey, is it possible to burn a cd with data tracks and audio tracks? if so, how? | 03:07 |
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dc_ | can someone help me install a .py in exaile? | 03:07 |
vimalg2 | is feisty final out? | 03:07 |
progrock | Nubbie: yeah... both full comp resarts, and ctrl-alt-backspace | 03:07 |
piao | what? to cat /etc/issue? | 03:07 |
Nubbie | forham: you install those things to make stuff work. | 03:07 |
suselol | espaol? | 03:07 |
_ds_ | jrib, that would require an Ubuntu chroot environment. | 03:07 |
Hairulfr | piao: You can get an almost finaly daily already, and you'll be helping testing the installer | 03:07 |
richiefrich | phix_: you can .. | 03:07 |
suselol | espaol? | 03:07 |
_ds_ | Or an Ubuntu pbuilder login environment. | 03:07 |
jrib | _ds_: what would? | 03:07 |
Nubbie | !es | suselol | 03:07 |
ubotu | suselol: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:07 |
default-user | maybe i should try a restart | 03:07 |
verb3k | what happned to Feisty? why is it not out yet? | 03:07 |
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dc_ | suselol: hablo un poco | 03:07 |
piao | testing the installer? | 03:08 |
default-user | thats the only thing i havent tried | 03:08 |
phix_ | richiefrich: cool, I've been searching google for a long time - how do you do it? | 03:08 |
default-user | lol | 03:08 |
suselol | grax | 03:08 |
darksoft | I am a bit new to ubu but I've noticed that restarts make a differnece. | 03:08 |
dc_ | can someone help me install a .py in exaile? | 03:08 |
Hairulfr | piao: YEah, does it install at all? | 03:08 |
duelboot | verb3k, cause it comes out tomorrow | 03:08 |
phix_ | richiefrich: that kde burning thng? | 03:08 |
Nubbie | verb3k: there are 24 hours in a day, nobody said it would be released at 12:01AM. | 03:08 |
_ds_ | jrib, thing is, I'm running etch and am gxine upstream... | 03:08 |
default-user | thanks dark | 03:08 |
darksoft | np | 03:08 |
Hairulfr | piao: | 03:08 |
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dc_ | suselol: hablo un poco | 03:08 |
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_ds_ | ... actually, I tell a lie, lenny... | 03:08 |
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tjcarter | I wonder, is anyone else having ivtv issues in feisty? | 03:08 |
richiefrich | phix_: the only thing i know is you can make a media-cd like what sony had with there root-kit | 03:09 |
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default-user | anyone know if eterm or aterm is compatible with UB? | 03:09 |
tjcarter | jumpy picture, maybe? | 03:09 |
Nubbie | tjcarter: tell us your problem. | 03:09 |
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suselol | [ dc_ ] ---`,'.- no hay problema ya encontre la del ubuntu en espaol grax | 03:09 |
progrock | well, maybe its a sync problem... ill have to research the xorg log... which im not too familiar with | 03:09 |
tjcarter | PVR500/150s | 03:09 |
Redemption042 | Could someone help me? I'm running Fiesty and I can't mount usb thumb drives with the desktop icon. If I try it gives an error message "you are not priveleged to mount this volume | 03:09 |
darksoft | has anyone had trouble pulling down a copy of beryl? | 03:09 |
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darksoft | I can't seem to locate it. | 03:09 |
piao | thank you | 03:09 |
forham | Nubbie this one: libxine-extracodecs ??? | 03:09 |
tjcarter | Nubbie: I don't know if I have a problem yet =D | 03:09 |
jrib | _ds_: you read ? | 03:09 |
forham | for mp3 | 03:09 |
default-user | hey dark try using 'synaptic' | 03:09 |
darksoft | thanks :) | 03:09 |
duelboot | darksoft, yes I have it on several computers | 03:09 |
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default-user | in terminal | 03:09 |
tjcarter | Nubbie: Might be "Comcast SUCKS!" | 03:09 |
darksoft | will do now.. | 03:09 |
Nubbie | darksoft: #ubuntu-effects or #beryl for help with beryl. | 03:09 |
duelboot | darksoft, google beryl and you'll find it | 03:09 |
Hairulfr | piao: You should probably read this first: | 03:10 |
_ds_ | jrib, seen it, still needs a chroot or pbuilder login env. | 03:10 |
darksoft | working, many thanks friends :) | 03:10 |
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Redemption042 | I've reinstalled Hal and gnome-mount to no avail. | 03:10 |
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piao | ok. read is now ;) | 03:10 |
default-user | is Beryl heavy on ram? | 03:10 |
Redemption042 | I think it's some weird permissions thing. | 03:10 |
jrib | _ds_: so what is your question? | 03:10 |
dc_ | can someone help me install a .py in exaile? | 03:10 |
phix_ | richiefrich: ok. I was thinking more like the Total Annihilation cd, where track 1 contains the game data, and the rest are straight up audio tracks you could hear in a boom box | 03:10 |
tjcarter | default-user: Yes. | 03:10 |
forham | Xine Nubbie? | 03:10 |
default-user | awww | 03:10 |
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dc_ | suselol: no comprende... no estas una problema? | 03:11 |
tjcarter | default-user: It's heavy like MacOS X is, for similar reasons (3D compositing) | 03:11 |
Nubbie | redemption042: that means your user doesn't have priveleges to do that. go to system > administration > users and edit your user to be able to mount removable media. | 03:11 |
_ds_ | jrib, I just need some backtraces. For one thing, I have a suspicion that several reported gxine bugs have the same root cause... | 03:11 |
jrib | _ds_: oh you are actually looking for a volunteer... I misread your question | 03:11 |
default-user | thanks everyone i'll be back to chat again | 03:11 |
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Nubbie | dc_: try #exaile | 03:11 |
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richiefrich | phix_: well i know you can make .. if i can just remmeber what its called the proper name | 03:11 |
dc_ | Nubbie: thanks :) | 03:11 |
DagonX | Would someone recomment a dvd burner that works | 03:11 |
suselol | [ dc_ ] ---`,'.- nada | 03:11 |
phix_ | richiefrich: I think it's called mixed mode | 03:11 |
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Redemption042 | Nubbie: I'm using Xubuntu, is there a cli command I could run? | 03:12 |
phix_ | DagonX: go to newegg | 03:12 |
Nubbie | dagonX: pretty much all dvd burners work. | 03:12 |
dc_ | suselol: :) | 03:12 |
Nubbie | redemption042: i don't know. | 03:12 |
combatmode | Something wrong with my Ktorrent | 03:12 |
DagonX | I can't get gnome burn or K3b to burn disk | 03:12 |
sldkfj | K3b works, or does it not? | 03:12 |
analogue_ | whats the most bang for the buck dual head dvi video card for ubuntu w/ good drivers? I'm sick of crap ATI | 03:12 |
combatmode | how do i fix it | 03:12 |
combatmode | reinstall it?> | 03:12 |
combatmode | its not loading | 03:12 |
Pelo | combatmode, utorrent on wine | 03:12 |
Hairulfr | analogue_: Geforce 7600GS/GT? | 03:12 |
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combatmode | Where i get wine? | 03:12 |
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combatmode | ubuntu have wine install or i have install it | 03:13 |
analogue_ | hairulfr: any personal experience w/ it? | 03:13 |
Hairulfr | combatmode: Synaptic? | 03:13 |
Nubbie | !wine | combatmode | 03:13 |
Pelo | combatmode, repos | 03:13 |
ubotu | combatmode: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See for more information. | 03:13 |
wastrel | "ubunto" | 03:13 |
dc_ | combatmode: you can get it through synaptic | 03:13 |
dc_ | combatmode: i use wine | 03:13 |
DagonX | k3b fails every time I try to burn a dvd | 03:13 |
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piao | sudo apt-get install wine | 03:13 |
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Hairulfr | analogue_: No, but planning on ordering one tomorrow, as far as I can read, you can get some pretty nice ones really cheap | 03:13 |
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Nubbie | dagonx: so why don't you tell us the error it fails with. | 03:13 |
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richiefrich | phix_: k3b | 03:13 |
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richiefrich | phix_: install that and it is mixed mode | 03:13 |
sldkfj | Hairulfr, I got that GS 512megs AGP | 03:13 |
analogue_ | hariulfr: how much is it going for in $$$? | 03:14 |
phix_ | alright! thanks | 03:14 |
DagonX | It doesn' | 03:14 |
blazemonger | why doesn't rms like ubuntu or debian? | 03:14 |
combatmode | yea i in synaptic | 03:14 |
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combatmode | what about it | 03:14 |
sldkfj | 8x | 03:14 |
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dc_ | combatmode: just use terminal: sudo apt-get install | 03:14 |
Nubbie | blazemonger: what is rms. | 03:14 |
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dc_ | combatmode: just use terminal: sudo apt-get install wine | 03:14 |
pagej97 | Richard Stallman? | 03:14 |
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Hairulfr | analogue_: Ahmm, I have no idea, but a quick conversion tells me below 160USD | 03:14 |
jrib | !offtopic | blazemonger | 03:14 |
munki | blazemonger because he's a douchebag, he thinks that any distro that allows non-free packages in their repositories is bad etc | 03:14 |
ubotu | blazemonger: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 03:14 |
Hairulfr | sldkfj: Any good? | 03:14 |
richiefrich | pagej97: also xcdroast | 03:14 |
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DagonX | It doesn't give an error. I just says it failed and plays a little song | 03:14 |
Redemption042 | Nubbie, thanks for trying to help me. | 03:14 |
Nubbie | !language | munki | 03:14 |
ubotu | munki: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:14 |
analogue_ | sdlkfg: any rants about the 7600? | 03:14 |
combatmode | Package wine is not available | 03:15 |
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analogue_ | hair: nice. right aroun dmy price point | 03:15 |
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munki | !thanksforthecopypasta | Nubbie | 03:15 |
sldkfj | yeah, no problems | 03:15 |
Nubbie | !wine > combatmode (read this) | 03:15 |
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analogue_ | sldkfj: you got a dual head dvi setup? | 03:15 |
dc_ | combatmode: do you have the proper repository in your sources.list? | 03:15 |
sldkfj | nope, just a single | 03:15 |
richiefrich | pagej97: opps | 03:15 |
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Mike22e | hey, can someone help me out? i just installed ubuntu on a new partition but kept my windows vista partition. someone in here told me that when it was done, there would be a grub bootmenu allowing me to choose vista or ubuntu. there is a bootmenu but it only allows me to use ubuntu, and for some reason there is 3 of them, one is safe mode i beleive. is there anyway that i can edit the grub menu to make it (ubuntu, ubuntu (safe), vis | 03:20 |
analogue_ | ok..time to do some research on dual head dvi w/ the geforce 7600 | 03:20 |
combatmode | nope | 03:20 |
sldkfj | I got it at the local micro center down the street | 03:20 |
tjcarter | okay, it's settled. ivtv with pvr500 (NTSC) with current kernel in feisty has "jumpy" picture. | 03:20 |
combatmode | dc_ how can i tell | 03:20 |
analogue_ | ooh..microcenter only 10 mins away | 03:20 |
Nubbie | mike22e: what version of ubuntu did you install? | 03:20 |
Hairulfr | analogue_: | 03:20 |
Pelo | Mike22e, vista doesn't like grub , check the forum for a fix, you can have vista on the menu but you have to work for it | 03:20 |
analogue_ | hair: tnx mon | 03:20 |
Hairulfr | That's one, but there are a million | 03:20 |
tjcarter | Cause unknown. Fix unknown. Haven't gotten that far yet. =) | 03:20 |
_ds_ | jrib, exactly. | 03:20 |
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Mike22e | Nubbie: 6.06.1 | 03:20 |
dc_ | combatmode: what build do you use? | 03:20 |
=== tjcarter doesn't even have enough info yet for a decently useful bug report =p | ||
Nubbie | mike22e: apparently vista doesn't work with grub, pelo knows more about it than i do. | 03:20 |
forham | Nubbie its not working can you please tell me which codecs i need to install for mp3 for radiostreams that site isnt helping me i tried to install xine but it didnt work i keep getting this error: No suitable demux plugin. This often means that the file format is not supported. | 03:20 |
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combatmode | When i check my about | 03:20 |
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combatmode | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 03:20 |
dc_ | combatmode: is it edgy, dapper, fiesty, etc..? | 03:20 |
Nubbie | forham: what kind of stream are you trying to play? | 03:20 |
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Pelo | Nubbie, I just know that vista wonT' be added automaticaly, there is probably a fix in the forum or he can ask in #grub | 03:20 |
forham | just a radiostream in amarok | 03:20 |
tjcarter | current workaround: 2.6.17-11-generic from edgy with current ivtv for that kernel from source. | 03:20 |
Pelo | Mike22e, you can also try asking in #grub | 03:20 |
Nubbie | forham: what kind of stream. | 03:20 |
Mike22e | Pelo: thanks, ill ask in there | 03:20 |
erpo | I have a program that on older versions of linux would run like this: LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 programname ... but now that I'm using 7.04, it doesn't work any more. It gives me the error message: "/bin/sh: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" | 03:20 |
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erpo | What should I do? | 03:20 |
sldkfj | analogue_, hahahha, I can't stop laughing | 03:20 |
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erpo | I'm using ubuntu 7.04. | 03:20 |
_ds_ | A web interface for getting full backtraces (and possibly local variables, parameters etc.) from reported crash dumps would be very useful... | 03:20 |
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sldkfj | how can I draw a picture for you? | 03:20 |
Nubbie | pelo: do you think that was intentional? as windows pwns grub, that grub is getting even? | 03:20 |
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PenguinistaKC | msg Nickserv identify direwolf | 03:20 |
combatmode | dc_ For Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) | 03:20 |
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Nubbie | _ds_: there is an interface: its called apport | 03:20 |
munki | PenguinistaKC now i know your pass | 03:20 |
munki | haha | 03:20 |
sldkfj | or read about it.... | 03:20 |
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Pelo | Nubbie, no idea, but I wouldnT' be surprised if ms made it purposefully difficult | 03:20 |
dc_ | combatmode: ok go to terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:20 |
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betts1 | How do you set up a computer lab with Ubuntu that has one login server? | 03:20 |
_ds_ | Nubbie, URL? (And don't point me at | 03:20 |
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dc_ | combatmode: wait exit that, my fauly | 03:20 |
Nubbie | betts1: as in thin clients? | 03:20 |
dc_ | combatmode: wait exit that, my fault | 03:20 |
Hairulfr | Pelo: As far as I can tell they've blocked MSN transfers of JPEGs that been edited in GIMP... Weird | 03:20 |
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m4st3r | when is ubnute supposed to be released in local time in Korea? | 03:20 |
combatmode | k | 03:20 |
Nubbie | _ds_: | 03:20 |
_ds_ | How useful. | 03:21 |
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dc_ | combatmode: type this into terminal: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:21 |
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Nubbie | _ds_: it is very useful. try it out. | 03:21 |
dc_ | combatmode: then this: | 03:21 |
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dc_ | sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 03:21 |
Lord_Vader | isn't tomorrow today? | 03:21 |
peepsalot | not yet | 03:21 |
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Nubbie | lord_Vader: somewhere in the world, probably. | 03:22 |
dc_ | combatmode: tell me when you are done with that | 03:22 |
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Lord_Vader | Nubbie, it is here | 03:22 |
m4st3r | When will ubuntu be released in korea? | 03:22 |
piao | quit | 03:22 |
Nubbie | Lord_vader: i would assume it's being released april 19th south african time. | 03:22 |
combatmode | dc_ it say "wget: missing URl" | 03:22 |
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Nubbie | m4st3r: on april 19th. | 03:22 |
Lord_Vader | Nubbie, when is that? I don't keep track on south african time | 03:22 |
combatmode | nvm | 03:23 |
combatmode | wait | 03:23 |
Nubbie | lord_vader: some time soon? | 03:23 |
m4st3r | today is 19th ... | 03:23 |
pollyo | Do they have a gnome proccess list program? | 03:23 |
Lord_Vader | I guess | 03:23 |
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tjcarter | m4st3r: 30 seconds after it is released in the United States ;) | 03:23 |
Nubbie | m4st3r: so you think people know exactly what hour and minute it will be released. | 03:23 |
combatmode | dc_ done | 03:23 |
tjcarter | 30 usec maybe? | 03:23 |
combatmode | what now? | 03:23 |
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NanaQ | Hi,is there some radio program on ubuntu? | 03:23 |
dc_ | combatmode: u got it past the wget thing? | 03:23 |
Nubbie | nanaq: banshee <-- :D | 03:23 |
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pavs | is this channel officially open to feisty questions? | 03:24 |
NanaQ | Ok,thanks nubbie,I'll try it. | 03:24 |
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Death_Sargent | noacpi worked | 03:24 |
dc_ | combatmode: type sudo apt-get update | 03:24 |
Death_Sargent | boot splash is still screwed | 03:24 |
dc_ | combatmode: then sudo apt-get install wine | 03:24 |
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=== _ds_ finds a posting about launchpad-crash-digger, usefully hidden away in a corner | ||
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NanaQ | Hi,any body try using "aptitude install fvwm" to install fvwm? It doesn't work! | 03:25 |
Malachi | Serious question, guys. I failed when trying to install Edgy (which was my fault, I had to remove some peripherals and I guess that screwed it up, no biggie), but now it's not recognizing the hard drive. | 03:26 |
bbb | hi | 03:26 |
Malachi | Any way I can reformat it? | 03:26 |
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Nubbie | machi: gparted | 03:26 |
combatmode | dc_ i got this sources list txt | 03:26 |
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dc_ | combatmode: what do you mean? | 03:27 |
_ds_ | Nubbie, I'd previously seen mention of apport-retrace, but nothing about a launchpad service which runs it. I'd therefore reasonably assumed that it had to be installed locally... | 03:27 |
bbb | How can I create a file in here: /etc/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc I'am the root! But cannot make folder and file here.. . | 03:27 |
dc_ | combatmode: did it just open it up? | 03:27 |
combatmode | dc_ i typed in sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:27 |
Nubbie | _ds_: of course it has to be installed locally. | 03:27 |
dc_ | combatmode: exit that | 03:27 |
dc_ | combatmode: we dont need that | 03:27 |
combatmode | dc_ and pop out | 03:27 |
Mike22e | anyone know why i cant login as root in a terminal? i just installed linux, and i set a password. but when i type in the password i get "Authentication Failure. Sorry". any ideas? | 03:27 |
Nubbie | _ds_: thats how it gets the trace. | 03:27 |
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combatmode | dc_ which one we need | 03:27 |
_ds_ | Nubbie, not according to | 03:27 |
Nubbie | mike22e: use sudo. | 03:27 |
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dc_ | combatmode: what do you mean? i told you earlier to exit that and do all of the terminal commans | 03:27 |
munki | Mike22e ubuntu doesn't have a root user by default | 03:27 |
munki | for reasons unknown | 03:28 |
Mike22e | alright. thanks | 03:28 |
NanaQ | sudo pwd root | 03:28 |
Nubbie | munki: its so newbies don't do a rm -r / | 03:28 |
Nubbie | munki: theres your reason. | 03:28 |
munki | okay Nubbie sudo rm -r / | 03:28 |
munki | how about that :) | 03:28 |
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NanaQ | munki,too bad. | 03:28 |
Nubbie | munki: it wouldn't happen accidentally if you had to enter your password beforehand. | 03:29 |
RawSewage | I think Feisty was just released | 03:29 |
NanaQ | Not yet. | 03:29 |
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Nubbie | munki: and also its more secure as nothing the user runs will have root privileges. | 03:29 |
munki | Nubbie i think this distrust of users is a huge violation of open source policy | 03:29 |
Mike22e | so do i need to type sudo infront of ever command that required root? | 03:29 |
munki | tbh | 03:29 |
combatmode | dc_ im confuse now i did all terminal comands i just copy paste | 03:29 |
Nubbie | munki: explain how? | 03:29 |
Stoffer | I'm only getting 50% signal strength with the default driver for my wireless card (vs 100% in windows). Would changing the driver help? And if so, how do I do so? | 03:29 |
NanaQ | no mike22e. | 03:29 |
sldkfj | to help stave off the world hatred for ol' Glory, I'd like to make it known that there isn't anyone I know of in the US that has emphatically insisted that the new release of Ubuntu stay off the net and out of the hands of anyone anywhere else in the world, til it's the 19th 12:00:01 edst US. | 03:29 |
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NanaQ | su root can do what you think. | 03:29 |
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munki | i think the user should be able to do what they want, to arbitrarily restrict them is kind of pointless | 03:29 |
combatmode | dc_ and the last comand gave me a "sources.list" | 03:30 |
Nubbie | munki: by being more secure, it's violating a policy. what policy says all systems must be able to log in as root? | 03:30 |
munki | stupidity has no bounds :) | 03:30 |
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sahafeez | what kernel level is 7.04? | 03:30 |
Pelo | sldkfj, that's what GWB said, I didn'T beleive him either | 03:30 |
Pelo | ;) | 03:30 |
wastrel | munki: there's no restriction, if you want a root password you can set one | 03:30 |
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sldkfj | :) | 03:30 |
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Lord_Vader | sahafeez, 2.6.20 | 03:30 |
combatmode | dc_ last one u gave me was type this into terminal: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:30 |
Mike22e | NanaQ: i tried su root, and i get the same thing | 03:31 |
dc_ | combatmode: i gave u more after that | 03:31 |
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combatmode | dc_ then sudo wget | 03:31 |
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progrock | Ok, i found out my problem...its because my DVI was goign to my TV... now can soemoen help me figure out how to set up dual monitor?.. or jsut point me to the how to if there is one | 03:31 |
munki | why is it that on my gentoo boxen, and really on every single linux distro that i have ever in my life installed an possibly will ever install ebsides ubuntu there is no troot pass | 03:31 |
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Nubbie | mike22e: what are you trying to do | 03:31 |
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wastrel | Mike22e: the root account is disabled by default | 03:31 |
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munki | s/is no/is/ | 03:31 |
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Nubbie | munki: this is ubuntu support channel. try #gentoo. | 03:31 |
wastrel | munki: you can set one if you want one | 03:31 |
HYPOCRISY | hi | 03:31 |
dc_ | combatmode: i have noc lue what you did, this is what i told you: | 03:31 |
cyberfr0g` | sup | 03:31 |
NanaQ | You must set a root password first,type "man sudo" | 03:31 |
wastrel | munki: this is offtopic for a support channel, try ranting on #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:31 |
munki | Nubbie i'm not looking for support for gentoo | 03:31 |
jrib | !root > munki (munki, see the private message from ubotu) | 03:31 |
bbb | hey guys...plz help me! How can I make a file in a root folder? | 03:31 |
dc_ | combatmode: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 03:31 |
combatmode | ok got it | 03:31 |
munki | plus #gentoo sucks | 03:31 |
bbb | sudo make ??? | 03:32 |
Clarrisa_2008 | from the bash prompt how do I find out what groups I am a member of ? | 03:32 |
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combatmode | dc_ got it | 03:32 |
dc_ | combatmode: sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 03:32 |
Nubbie | munki: then don't compare the two. i'll continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like. | 03:32 |
jrib | bbb: what file are you making exactly? | 03:32 |
Lord_Vader | bbb, sudo? | 03:32 |
HYPOCRISY | ? | 03:32 |
munki | i know what sudo is jrib tyvm | 03:32 |
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cyberfr0g` | investigating | 03:32 |
dc_ | combatmode: sudo apt-get update | 03:32 |
sahafeez | thanks! | 03:32 |
jrib | munki: what is your question? | 03:32 |
Lord_Vader | bbb, sudo touch filename? | 03:32 |
wastrel | Clarrisa_2008: groups | 03:32 |
bbb | jrib: I try to configure xubuntu for kisok mode | 03:32 |
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dc_ | combatmode: sudo apt-get install wine | 03:32 |
Toyd | Clarrisa_2008, :P | 03:32 |
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dc_ | combatmode: thats it | 03:32 |
bbb | And i need to make /etc/xdg/xfce4/kiosk/kioskrc | 03:32 |
kitche | munki: it explains why ubuntu uses it instead of just plain root | 03:32 |
jrib | !sudo > bbb (bbb, see the private message from ubotu) | 03:32 |
Lord_Vader | bbb, sudo touch filename? | 03:32 |
Lord_Vader | ... | 03:32 |
bbb | Okay! Thank you! | 03:32 |
combatmode | Install these packages without verification | 03:33 |
combatmode | y | 03:33 |
gnomefreak | jrib: he was just complaining that ubuntu is only one that does use su | 03:33 |
_ds_ | jrib, Nubbie, now I'm getting somewhere - need-i386-retrace | 03:33 |
munki | jrib i was jsut wondering why it was that every single distro ever, literally, besides ubuntu, has a root user[by default] and ubuntu doesn't | 03:33 |
munki | taht's all | 03:33 |
dc_ | can someone help me install a .py in exaile? | 03:33 |
Clarrisa_2008 | wastrel, thank you... I haven't messed with my linux box for a while and have forgotten some things | 03:33 |
jrib | _ds_: cool, didn't know about that either | 03:33 |
Puppy_ | I am copying 4G.B. | 03:33 |
kitche | munki: ubuntu does have one it's just locked | 03:33 |
NanaQ | python. | 03:33 |
Puppy_ | oopss, just a sec | 03:33 |
Lord_Vader | munki, maybe africans don't like root-access or something | 03:33 |
Nubbie | _ds_: is the application outright crashing? apport only works with crashes i believe. | 03:33 |
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munki | Lord_Vader that's what i thought | 03:33 |
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Lord_Vader | lol | 03:33 |
munki | and realized it's the only logical explanation | 03:33 |
Lord_Vader | yeah | 03:33 |
likefists2heaven | does anyone know why (and other major websites) would appear to be down? I know they are up I can check them on my desktop | 03:33 |
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munki | besides 'we don't trust the users' | 03:33 |
likefists2heaven | but I can browse to | 03:34 |
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Lord_Vader | :P | 03:34 |
likefists2heaven | and it's fine | 03:34 |
_ds_ | Nubbie, I see crash reports in launchpad... | 03:34 |
dc_ | combatmode: does wine work? | 03:34 |
wastrel | munki: there's a list of reasons on that rootsudo wikipage you refuse to read | 03:34 |
Nubbie | munki: you should come in more often and tell users they can't retrieve the files they accidentally deleted from /etc more often then. | 03:34 |
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NanaQ | how about i686 kernel parkage?I install it ,but doesn't know it work or not. | 03:34 |
combatmode | waiting | 03:34 |
munki | Nubbie i've been doing support for systems for a while [*nix, windows] and i've never had a user delete something 'accidentally' that is both irrecoverable and key | 03:34 |
lalala | waiting | 03:34 |
munki | but you know | 03:35 |
combatmode | dc_ waiting | 03:35 |
munki | 10 years aint shit | 03:35 |
munki | :) | 03:35 |
dc_ | combatmode: waiting for headers? | 03:35 |
dc_ | can someone help me install a .py in exaile? | 03:35 |
wastrel | offtopic and you can't say "shit" in here | 03:35 |
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wastrel | please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:35 |
munki | my B | 03:35 |
dc_ | !language | 03:35 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:35 |
Nubbie | munki: like 3 times yesterday i've seen people come in here, either deleting something in /etc or deleting the root of their webserver or something. | 03:35 |
wastrel | Nubbie: you too | 03:35 |
P_Kable | How can I remove a user in commands ? | 03:35 |
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Nubbie | munki: all were logged in as root. | 03:35 |
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P_Kable | adduser add one but to remove ? | 03:35 |
lalala | userdel | 03:35 |
Nubbie | wastrel: k i'm done. mah bad. | 03:35 |
jrib | P_Kable: deluser | 03:35 |
P_Kable | yeah thx | 03:35 |
combatmode | dc_ its download / fetching | 03:36 |
adultswim | Nubbie, thats why you take away their sudo rights :P | 03:36 |
lalala | combatmode: what is? | 03:36 |
dc_ | combatmode: ok cool | 03:36 |
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Nubbie | adultswim: no you just make it more difficult to delete key system files. | 03:36 |
dc_ | lalala: i got him; walking him through wine install | 03:36 |
paradoxx | !tex | 03:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tex - try searching on | 03:36 |
paradoxx | !latex | 03:36 |
bbb | I've read the page, but i dont' know how to make a folder now? | 03:36 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about latex - try searching on | 03:36 |
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lalala | dc_: c00l | 03:36 |
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jrib | !cli > bbb (bbb, see the private message from ubotu) | 03:36 |
paradoxx | Does any know of any good tex editors? | 03:36 |
livinded | paradoxx: vim | 03:37 |
adultswim | paradoxx, i like latex | 03:37 |
sldkfj | likefists2heaven, I get cnn | 03:37 |
livinded | 06:29:25 -!- Bales [] has joined #ubuntu | 03:37 |
combatmode | dc_: Setting up wine ... | 03:37 |
=== Nubbie is allergic to latex :l | ||
Jh00 | uhh, simple question: how do I see the list of people that are connected to this channel, just like mIRC? | 03:37 |
paradoxx | adultswim: There is an linux client for latex? | 03:37 |
lalala | i dont like latex, but there isn't a 2nd option... | 03:37 |
combatmode | dc_ its unpacked | 03:37 |
bbb | Ah! Great! Thanks! | 03:37 |
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lalala | latex | 03:37 |
combatmode | dc_ done i guess | 03:37 |
adultswim | paradoxx, i thought so | 03:37 |
paradoxx | livinded: How does vim do latex? | 03:37 |
dc_ | combatmode: sweet | 03:37 |
combatmode | dc_ so now how or where do i run this winehq | 03:37 |
mike1 | where is Fiesty? | 03:37 |
Jh00 | I'm using Xchat | 03:37 |
livinded | paradoxx: I thought you said, text not tex | 03:38 |
sldkfj | Jh00, what are you using? | 03:38 |
Nubbie | jh00: look above the users | 03:38 |
lalala | paradoxx: ctrl+w | 03:38 |
dc_ | combatmode: what are you running? what type of file? | 03:38 |
dc_ | combatmode: installing a cd or what | 03:38 |
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jrib | paradoxx: vim with vim-latexsuite is nice. You may also want to look at kile and winefish | 03:38 |
wastrel | Jh00: /names | 03:38 |
Nubbie | jh00: "1 ops, 1140 total" | 03:38 |
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likefists2heaven | sldkfj: I seem to be able to access, and others. When I do get through to it looks like a very stripped down version | 03:38 |
likefists2heaven | almost text only | 03:38 |
Jh00 | very nice the one who told me to ctrl+w | 03:38 |
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lalala | mike1: I want to know it too. where is feisty | 03:38 |
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Jh00 | Feisty = RC 20070415 | 03:38 |
lalala | Jh00: it was me | 03:38 |
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sldkfj | Jh00, pull the nicklist panel out from the right margin | 03:39 |
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_gtt_ | can anyone help me with a Samba problem? | 03:39 |
peepsalot | mike1, lalala, on a server somewhere | 03:39 |
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combatmode | dc_ my ktorrent not loading so | 03:39 |
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paradoxx | jrib: What abotu it is nice? | 03:39 |
Jh00 | Oh thank you sldkfj , now I found it (finally!) | 03:39 |
blazemonger | synth device: not enabled in config, midi device: virtual raw midi | 03:39 |
lalala | peepsalot: the latest appears to be 0418 | 03:39 |
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_gtt_ | it worked one day, and now it's read only. | 03:39 |
combatmode | dc_ i think someone told me get utorrent | 03:39 |
blazemonger | is that bad if i want to use rosegarden | 03:39 |
dc_ | combatmode: what does ktorrent have to do with wine? | 03:39 |
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mike1 | lalala: I have it installed but the 'final' must be soon | 03:39 |
dc_ | combatmode: ohh | 03:39 |
dc_ | combatmode: thats dumb | 03:39 |
_gtt_ | i've only got one share, and i use the built in interface. | 03:39 |
dc_ | combatmode: dont use wine for that | 03:39 |
mike1 | (*_*) | 03:39 |
sldkfj | Jh00, good deal... | 03:39 |
_gtt_ | it just doesn't make sense to me. | 03:39 |
dc_ | combatmode: just use azereus, its native | 03:39 |
IowaDave | gtt: what's happening with samba 4 u? | 03:39 |
mike1 | use beer | 03:39 |
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Jh00 | sldkfj, I wonder why thats not default | 03:40 |
whitebunny | is there final work being done to prepare the final ISO? | 03:40 |
_gtt_ | i see the shares, but it's read only | 03:40 |
jrib | paradoxx: a lot of macros are setup. And you can compile and view documents with a couple of key presses. If you like vim, then it's the way to go imo. If you google for vim-latexsuite, there is a short guide that describes how it works | 03:40 |
sldkfj | likefists2heaven, I get cnn just like ever before, I don't know what's up | 03:40 |
combatmode | Dam i dropped my ZEN VISION M | 03:40 |
combatmode | >,< | 03:40 |
_gtt_ | i want it to not ask for a username/pw | 03:40 |
Toyd | How do i run an app from putty? | 03:40 |
_gtt_ | and it was fine. | 03:40 |
combatmode | dc_ azereus? | 03:40 |
Toyd | does anyone know | 03:40 |
paradoxx | jrib: kk, thx | 03:40 |
likefists2heaven | sldkfj: alright, thanks | 03:40 |
sldkfj | Jh00, ask in #XChat | 03:40 |
combatmode | dc_ the default? | 03:40 |
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Jh00 | I will do, thanks again! | 03:40 |
firefly2442 | Toyd, commandline app? | 03:41 |
_gtt_ | everything's controlled by the smb.conf right? | 03:41 |
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whitebunny | what is everyone looking forward to in the new release? | 03:41 |
_gtt_ | hrmm. | 03:41 |
wastrel | _gtt_: pretty much i believe | 03:41 |
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firefly2442 | whitebunny, compiz | 03:41 |
Toyd | firefly2442, which putty is the commandline app? | 03:41 |
firefly2442 | Toyd, what application are you trying to run? | 03:41 |
whitebunny | firefly2442: same for me! and hoping it runs good on AMD64 | 03:41 |
Hairulfr | firefly2442: Why are you looking forward to compiz? | 03:41 |
Mike22e | im trying to install my graphics driver, and it says i need binutils package installed, any idea how to do that? (sorry im really new to using linux) | 03:42 |
IowaDave | ok. u'r going to hate me for saying this. most likely a permissions issue or a samba config setting. best to ask in the forums. consider posting your smb.conf file there and asking for suggestions to get r/w going | 03:42 |
_gtt_ | i might have a back up of one that worked before i reinstalled (even though it worked for a bit AFTER a reinstall)... i could try copying that unless you're skilled enough to gaze over my smf.conf and tell me what's goofed. | 03:42 |
sldkfj | 2 hrs 19 mins til the 19th | 03:42 |
Toyd | i am trying to use putty with xmaing to get a linux app to run | 03:42 |
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firefly2442 | Hairulfr, Beryl didn't work for me (white screen) | 03:42 |
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Toyd | xming* | 03:42 |
combatmode | dc_ how do i install azereus? | 03:42 |
Jh00 | combatmode, just use ADD/REMOVE... | 03:42 |
bbb | One more question: How to create a textfile: sudo mk???? | 03:43 |
combatmode | jh00 i kno but when i search | 03:43 |
_gtt_ | i thought it might be a permissions issue, but i haven't changed any..i only used chmod once when i created the home folder for vmware_machines | 03:43 |
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combatmode | jh00 i don't see it | 03:43 |
Jh00 | let me see | 03:43 |
Hairulfr | firefly2442: Oh, harsh and bother, compiz is like the retarded younger brother. Too bad. Maybe Beryl will work for you now. A lot has happened since it first came out. | 03:43 |
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IowaDave | gt: touch <filename>.txt | 03:43 |
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spikeb | beryl is ceasing to exist. | 03:43 |
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combatmode | jh00 i don't see it azereus? | 03:43 |
Hairulfr | spikeb: I know | 03:43 |
_gtt_ | i guess i can look at it. and try the forums too. | 03:43 |
Jh00 | combatmode, strange, I see it. Which version are you using? | 03:43 |
_gtt_ | thanks dave. | 03:43 |
Nubbie | spikeb: damn beryl is a much nicer name than compiz :l | 03:43 |
Hairulfr | spikeb: Or, merging | 03:43 |
h3h_timo | hey all, what is the best way to do a dist upgrade?? | 03:44 |
_gtt_ | was hoping to get an immediate solution here... it was worth a shot./ | 03:44 |
wastrel | compiz is a terrible name | 03:44 |
firefly2442 | Toyd, just do ./location/program to execute it in putty | 03:44 |
spikeb | Hairulfr, yes,t hey're becoming the main plugin developers for compiz | 03:44 |
wastrel | !upgrade | h3h_timo | 03:44 |
ubotu | h3h_timo: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 03:44 |
Pelo | did beryl/compiz pick a new name yet ? | 03:44 |
h3h_timo | and should i wait till feisty, or go ahead and upgrade to edgy?? | 03:44 |
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Nubbie | h3h_timo: update-manager | 03:44 |
_gtt_ | i might try restoring that old smb.conf too. | 03:44 |
IowaDave | gtt: it's not much help, sorry. what you gain in the forums is that the responses accumulate until somebody gets to the bottom of it. | 03:44 |
Stoffer | how do I change a device driver? | 03:44 |
combatmode | jh00 ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 03:44 |
bbb | Thank you, IowaDave! | 03:44 |
h3h_timo | Nubbie, everytime i use the update manager it screws something up | 03:44 |
spikeb | h3h_timo, you need to upgrade to edgy before you can upgrade to feisty anyways. | 03:44 |
Pelo | will there be a LTS of feisty ? | 03:44 |
combatmode | jh00 is there update that i miss? | 03:44 |
=== sldkfj feels like he should stay up and watch the nightly local news to see Mark Shuttleworth in his sleigh | ||
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spikeb | Pelo, no. next LTS isn't until next year. | 03:44 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, you are not alone | 03:44 |
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_gtt_ | right, thanks for that tip. | 03:44 |
kitche | Jh00: don't go into #xchat and ask since ubuntu by default doesn't use xchat it uses xchat-gnome | 03:44 |
_gtt_ | gonna go post now :) | 03:45 |
Toyd | the linux location of the app ? | 03:45 |
Nubbie | pelo: are you kidding :O editing sources and using dist-upgrade is dirty. | 03:45 |
combatmode | jh00 i don't see it azereus? | 03:45 |
_gtt_ | what should i look at as far as the permissions? | 03:45 |
sldkfj | bring all the kiddies their toys | 03:45 |
analogue_ | dual dvi geforce 7600 only $80 @ tiger direct..wowoza | 03:45 |
GeekChick| | I have gnome-desktop and xubuntu-desktop installed, how do i change the system boot splash screen from ubuntu to xubuntu? its just a preference of mine. | 03:45 |
_gtt_ | just go to the folder contaioning the shared folder and do an ls -aFl ? | 03:45 |
firefly2442 | I'm surprised, I thought there would be more people on IRC before the release... | 03:45 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, is there a better way? | 03:45 |
combatmode | anyone i recevied a update should i update "libx11-6 " | 03:45 |
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wastrel | firefly2442: 1.1k isn't enough for you? | 03:45 |
_gtt_ | that way i can post it with the message and my smb.conf so that readers will already have it | 03:45 |
Pelo | Nubbie, sorry I don't get the comment | 03:45 |
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IowaDave | gtt: first, is the read-only happening on your linux machine or another? | 03:46 |
firefly2442 | wastrel, I was thinking 1.5k ;) | 03:46 |
wastrel | tomorrow | 03:46 |
Toyd | yay it work | 03:46 |
Toyd | s | 03:46 |
Toyd | thanks | 03:46 |
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combatmode | i don't see it azereus? | 03:46 |
_gtt_ | pretty sure the linux machine's fine, but it's from two windows boxes. | 03:46 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, make a list of the extra packages you have installed, move your /home folder ot a seperate partition and install the new distro from scratch | 03:46 |
Nubbie | pelo: upgrading with apt-get dist-upgrade is dirty. it doesn't flush abandoned packages, or anything. | 03:46 |
combatmode | in the add/remove app don't have it | 03:46 |
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Toyd | kewl | 03:46 |
combatmode | azereus? | 03:46 |
|Jason8| | Hey all. When Ubuntu grabs a package off the 'net, does it save the file and stuff on the hard drive, and then install it, keeping the install package? | 03:46 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, you can make a script to sudo apt-get install all your extra packages in one go | 03:46 |
IowaDave | gtt: so... you see the windows shares but they are read-only? | 03:46 |
_gtt_ | lemme vnc to it and test it. | 03:46 |
Nubbie | combatmode: use synaptic | 03:46 |
Pelo | Nubbie, gtkorphan | 03:47 |
Nubbie | !ntfs-3g | iowadave | 03:47 |
ubotu | iowadave: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy) | 03:47 |
combatmode | Nubbie then search for what | 03:47 |
_gtt_ | yes. | 03:47 |
firefly2442 | |Jason8|, /var/cache/apt/archive/ | 03:47 |
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bruenig | combatmode, to add all the extra official repositories and install azureus, make sure synaptic, update-manager, or any other package managers are closed, open a terminal (applications>accessories>terminal) and copy and paste the following all at once: | 03:47 |
bruenig | sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/universe$/universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install azureus | 03:47 |
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Nubbie | combatmode: "wine" | 03:47 |
jason_ | hi all how is it going | 03:47 |
bruenig | oh for wine? | 03:47 |
Toyd | hey can i also run mac osx apps through putty? | 03:47 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, you wanna explain a little more? | 03:47 |
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bruenig | just replace azureus with wine at the end | 03:47 |
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IowaDave | ubotu: good point, and gtt: i am not an expert on file systems. note that writing to ntfs from ubuntu is not officially supported for reasons given here. read-only may be a good idea! | 03:48 |
_gtt_ | think i tested it last night, but double checking now. | 03:48 |
Toyd | this is kewl | 03:48 |
bruenig | !thanks | IowaDave | 03:48 |
ubotu | IowaDave: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 03:48 |
Nubbie | iowadave: ubotu is a robot. | 03:48 |
firefly2442 | |Jason8|, check that directory, that's where apt stores packages | 03:48 |
|Jason8| | firefly2442, thanks! | 03:48 |
Nubbie | lol. | 03:48 |
_gtt_ | it's hosted on the linux box's ext3 drive. | 03:48 |
MLimburg | here's a question outside of left field | 03:48 |
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bruenig | MLimburg, so in the stands? | 03:48 |
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Toyd | MLimburg, nog wakker of al wakker? | 03:48 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, nevermind | 03:48 |
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IowaDave | can i buy a robot like that? | 03:48 |
Nubbie | iowadave: ntfs-3g is very stable from what I hear. back up your data anyways. | 03:48 |
h3h_timo | but you think i should just install it from scratch eh? | 03:48 |
MLimburg | how do i permanently change the size of the "save" dialog in gnome .. | 03:49 |
bruenig | !info eggdrop | IowaDave | 03:49 |
Toyd | MLimburg, nog wakker of al wakker? | 03:49 |
ubotu | iowadave: eggdrop: Advanced IRC Robot. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.6.17-3 (edgy), package size 459 kB, installed size 1144 kB | 03:49 |
jared_ | Can anyone help me with an error I'm having with PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu? | 03:49 |
Nubbie | iowadave: send your money to Nubbie in canada, i'll hook you up. | 03:49 |
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_gtt_ | i think it works a lot better that way... and then you don't have to worry about the ntfs3g | 03:49 |
Nubbie | damn you toyd! | 03:49 |
wastrel | you don't use ntfs-3g to read/write smb shares | 03:49 |
Toyd | Nubbie? | 03:49 |
Toyd | wat is wrong? | 03:49 |
|Jason8| | firefly2442, if I were to burn that directory to a CD, would I be able to use those packages and reinstall them in a new install? | 03:49 |
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Nubbie | toyd: :D i was trying to scam some money off him jokingly when you did !info eggdrop :) | 03:49 |
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bruenig | Nubbie, me | 03:49 |
Nubbie | toyd: you foiled me :) | 03:49 |
_gtt_ | i heard smb->ntfs was flaky anyway, so I'm totally avoiding it by hosting the files on ext3. | 03:49 |
Toyd | i didnt do that | 03:50 |
firefly2442 | |Jason8|, are these Edgy packages for the new Fiesty release? | 03:50 |
Toyd | bruenig, did it | 03:50 |
_gtt_ | which like any person with common sense would do. | 03:50 |
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Nubbie | toyd: !!!!!!1 i'm sorry, i'm an idiot. | 03:50 |
Stoffer_ | how do I change a device driver? | 03:50 |
MLimburg | any ideas on where the size of the dialog is stored? | 03:50 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, you can mount your /home folder to a different partition so that if you have to reinstall your os you wonT' loose any data, second, you can make a script using apt-get to install all the extra progs taht are not part of the default install that you use, so you can install a new distro from scratch to have all your settings reload from the /home partition and you only have to reinstall the extra progs and do what ever bit | 03:50 |
Pelo | fo config you needed to to get your hardware to work if any | 03:50 |
IowaDave | there might be a misunderstanding. i was responding to gtt about his samba question. not trying to write to ntfs myself. but thanks anyway! | 03:50 |
Toyd | MLimburg, nog wakker of al wakker? | 03:50 |
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Nubbie | a delayed damn you sent out to bruenig | 03:50 |
_gtt_ | haha | 03:50 |
bruenig | Toyd, what are you doing? | 03:50 |
|Jason8| | firefly2442, nah, I just want to reinstall edgy. | 03:50 |
Nubbie | lol. | 03:50 |
_gtt_ | right | 03:50 |
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Toyd | doing??? | 03:50 |
MLimburg | i think the technical term is being a dick | 03:50 |
_gtt_ | me and iowadave are on the same wavelength | 03:50 |
=== GeekChick| LOVES "sudo modprobe -r pcspkr" | ||
_gtt_ | we know what's up. | 03:50 |
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bruenig | |Jason8|, reinstall edgy? feisty comes out in hours | 03:50 |
firefly2442 | |Jason8|, yep, that should work, just copy them into that directory and do a sudo apt-get update | 03:50 |
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bruenig | Toyd, nog wakker of al wakker? that thing, you keep repeating it | 03:51 |
firefly2442 | |Jason8|, yeah, might wanna just wait a few hours... ;) | 03:51 |
_gtt_ | so what do you think about proving the permissions? ls -aFl ? | 03:51 |
=== Stoffer_ just realized that this is the same channel as the Freenode server..... | ||
_gtt_ | that's what you're meaning right? | 03:51 |
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firefly2442 | |Jason8|, gotta go, South Park is on ;) | 03:51 |
|Jason8| | firefly2442, thanks :) Later | 03:51 |
kitche | Stoffer: this is the freenode network | 03:51 |
|Jason8| | bruenig, I would, but I'm on dialup, lol | 03:51 |
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jared_ | Can anyone help me with an error I'm having with PHPMyAdmin on Ubuntu? I can't seem to get past the blowfish secret error. | 03:51 |
_ds_ | jrib, Nubbie, done (for now). Now all that I need to do is to wait for launchpad-crash-digger to do its job... | 03:51 |
IowaDave | gtt: it's beyond my noobie brain at this point. sorry :( | 03:52 |
moDumass | mornin all | 03:52 |
combatmode | bruenig failed | 03:52 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, can you send me a link for help writing scripts?? or is it pretty self explanitory?? | 03:52 |
_gtt_ | yeah dave, i can totally write to it from the linux box with no problem. | 03:52 |
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Nubbie | !shipit | |jason8| (get your feisty cds shipped to you!) | 03:52 |
ubotu | |jason8| (get your feisty cds shipped to you!): shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See and and - Shipit will not send Edgy (6.10) CDs, but only Dapper (6.06) CDs, as Dapper is a !LTS release. | 03:52 |
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bruenig | combatmode, how | 03:52 |
_gtt_ | ok, gonna hit the forum. | 03:52 |
combatmode | bruenig failed to install half way sudo sed -e 's/# deb/deb/g' -e 's/universe$/universe multiverse/g' -i.backup /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install azureus | 03:52 |
IowaDave | gtt: great! what did you change? | 03:52 |
bruenig | combatmode, what did it say? | 03:52 |
Nubbie | |jason8| ignore that, they are sending feisty cds. | 03:52 |
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_ds_ | Hmm. says "launch tomorrow" and the corresponding news page says "launch on Thursday". One of them's wrong :-) | 03:52 |
IGxMyzt | hi guys | 03:52 |
Stoffer | kitche, yeah, but I joined the channel too, it's the same | 03:52 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, check the forum there was a thread on it | 03:52 |
moDumass | in Firefox in ubuntu is browser.cache.memory.capacity known as browser.cache.disk.capacity? | 03:52 |
_gtt_ | nothing... and i still can't write to it from the windows machines... | 03:53 |
IGxMyzt | how do you setup a second monitor on a different video card? | 03:53 |
_gtt_ | :( | 03:53 |
|Jason8| | Nubbie, okay, I'll check it out :) | 03:53 |
bruenig | _ds_, depends where you are, it is wednesday here | 03:53 |
_gtt_ | what a bummer. | 03:53 |
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Stoffer | kitche, assumed different servers would have separate channels | 03:53 |
jared_ | anyone? | 03:53 |
IowaDave | gtt: oh, the lunux share is read-only from the windows side? | 03:53 |
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_ds_ | bruenig, Thursday here. That was my point... ;-) | 03:53 |
kitche | Stoffer: well it's the same network | 03:53 |
Stoffer | kitche, yeah, I realize that now :P | 03:53 |
absum | adultswim, thanks for the tip but i dont think it worked... i did something that made it work but i wouldnt be able to repeat it. | 03:53 |
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=== _ds_ wanders off | ||
combatmode | bruenig wait | 03:54 |
IGxMyzt | how do you setup a second monitor? | 03:54 |
Puppy_ | I'm transferring 4 gigs of data from my ubuntu hd to my windows hd. Both are SATA, but the transfer is going slower than Paris Hilton doing a Suduku puzzle. I've transferred 20 Gig of data faster than this before (it was a IDE to SATA)... Any ideas? | 03:54 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, should i search for it or is it recent? | 03:54 |
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Nubbie | lol @ puppy_ | 03:54 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, not realy recent | 03:54 |
whitebunny | Puppy_: LOL Paris | 03:54 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, hold on a minute | 03:54 |
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bettsp | Puppy_: What's your filesystem? | 03:54 |
_gtt_ | yes... files hosted on the linux box using samba can't be written to (read's fine) from across windows shares. | 03:54 |
bettsp | On the target | 03:55 |
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combatmode | bruenig | 03:55 |
_gtt_ | puppy - DMA ? | 03:55 |
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Nubbie | _gtt_: they are if you give correct permissions to the folder. | 03:55 |
Puppy_ | I'm using NTFS I think. | 03:55 |
jason_ | when is the new ubuntu comeing out | 03:55 |
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Nubbie | !dma | puppy_ | 03:56 |
bettsp | Puppy_: ntfs-3g is really slow because it's in userspace | 03:56 |
ubotu | puppy_: dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see | 03:56 |
_gtt_ | nubbie - what do i need to make for the permissions ? | 03:56 |
IowaDave | gtt: first thing i'd try is modifying the share settings using System > Administration > Shared Folders | 03:56 |
combatmode | bruenig | 03:56 |
Nubbie | _gtt_: it has to be writable by others. | 03:56 |
IGxMyzt | anyone? Second monitor? | 03:56 |
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wastrel | _gtt_: try adding read only = no in the [global] section of smb.conf | 03:56 |
BHSPitMonkey | hey all. | 03:56 |
wastrel | _gtt_: or in the section for that share, either way :] | 03:56 |
Puppy_ | thanks Nubbie and bettsp! | 03:56 |
BHSPitMonkey | is there an apt command that will spit out a full list of my installed packages? | 03:56 |
Hairulfr | IGxMyzt: Dual monitors? Yewah, it's real easy | 03:56 |
Nubbie | np puppy_ | 03:56 |
_gtt_ | that was what was obvious to me, and i did it and no chamnge | 03:56 |
IGxMyzt | Hai: On seperate vid cards? | 03:56 |
bruenig | combatmode, your third party repos are giving you some problems | 03:56 |
bettsp | puppy_: It's a hack, but boot into Windows, then start VMware and load Ubuntu, then use Samba | 03:56 |
kitche | BHSPitMonkey: dpkg -L I believe | 03:56 |
Hairulfr | IGxMyzt: No, on a dual dvi vid. card | 03:56 |
bettsp | Much faster | 03:57 |
IowaDave | gtt: Nubbie is right, and needs set for parent folders as well? | 03:57 |
_gtt_ | wastrel - didn't try it in global, but i have read only = no and writable = yes (why are there two?) | 03:57 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, can you resend that? | 03:57 |
combatmode | how i fix that | 03:57 |
MLimburg | so .. nobody knows if/where to alter the default dimensions of the gnome save dialog | 03:57 |
lloy0076 | Does the Linux "lo" interface attached to the loopback address respond to ALL loopback addresses and not just the one shown by ifconfig lo? I can ping despite that fact that my lo says it's | 03:57 |
IGxMyzt | Hairulfr, not possible on 2? | 03:57 |
combatmode | its ok as log i can run wine | 03:57 |
bettsp | lloy0076: lo responds to 127.* | 03:57 |
combatmode | thx | 03:57 |
wastrel | _gtt_: they're synonyms. afaik you only need one or the other | 03:57 |
bruenig | combatmode, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:57 |
combatmode | Nubbie | 03:57 |
Hairulfr | IGxMyzt: I have no idea, but it probably bothersome | 03:57 |
BHSPitMonkey | kitche, that lists the files owned by a packages :/ | 03:57 |
_gtt_ | i know, but when one didn't work i tried both. | 03:57 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, thanks alot | 03:57 |
Toyd | what is the kubuntu webbrowser called? | 03:57 |
_gtt_ | lemme try the global section | 03:57 |
IGxMyzt | Hairulfr, know if there's a way with an ATI Radeon 9250 to get full 3D? | 03:58 |
combatmode | bruenig what mean | 03:58 |
lalala | konqeuror | 03:58 |
bruenig | Toyd, konqueror | 03:58 |
Toyd | thanks | 03:58 |
combatmode | bruenig which one | 03:58 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, that is just a copy of mine, you can add your own packages, modified them , etc, play around with the wget and stuff | 03:58 |
BHSPitMonkey | --get-selections works... cool. | 03:58 |
Toyd | can i install it on unbuntu? | 03:58 |
bruenig | combatmode, /etc/apt/sources.list pastebin the whole thing | 03:58 |
_gtt_ | and look at the permissions | 03:58 |
lalala | Toyd: yes | 03:58 |
h3h_timo | okay | 03:58 |
Toyd | ubuntu* | 03:58 |
lloy0076 | bettsp: Oh. I thought it only responded to just te single address. | 03:58 |
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h3h_timo | Pelo, thanks alot, so if i wanna do my video card drivers and stuff i can just do it in there | 03:58 |
h3h_timo | just like i would type in the terminal? | 03:58 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, pretty much anything you did command line when setting up you can probably make a script for it or add it to that one | 03:58 |
Toyd | sudo apt-get install konqueror <-- like that | 03:58 |
Stoffer | I want to change the driver for my wireless card to madwifi. Can someone tell me how to do this? | 03:58 |
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combatmode | that was only thing that i have | 03:59 |
lalala | Toyd: sure, along with maybe 200mb of dependencies | 03:59 |
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Nubbie | toyd: it's already installed if you're using KDE. | 03:59 |
Toyd | shit | 03:59 |
bruenig | combatmode, do "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and pastebin it | 03:59 |
Toyd | i am not using kde | 03:59 |
Toyd | gnome | 03:59 |
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Nubbie | toyd: then why install konqueror? | 03:59 |
Puppy_ | bettsp: ok thanks! | 03:59 |
Nubbie | toyd: KDE apps in gnome = ugliness. | 03:59 |
Toyd | i want to putty into konqueror in vista but its not installed in gnome | 03:59 |
lalala | Toyd: khtml is c00l, we should get used to it before firefox officially dump us | 03:59 |
bruenig | Nubbie, kde apps in gnome are fine | 03:59 |
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Toyd | i am using them in vista through xming and putty | 04:00 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, more or less, check the man pages of the commands you use for special swithes like default to yes answer and stuff but unless you start and interactive thing you can do it in a script | 04:00 |
Nubbie | bruenig: yes, but they look ugly <--- as in not like gnome apps. | 04:00 |
moDumass | grr, how do i set text colour that i place and text with my name in it so that its bright and red or something, because i cant find jack | 04:00 |
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Hairulfr | Oh, Well, IGxMyth needs Xinerama | 04:00 |
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bruenig | Nubbie, they look the same as they do in kde | 04:00 |
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combatmode | bruenig | 04:00 |
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IowaDave | gtt: i believe that your smb.conf file needs to grant write access to the share, and the folder needs write permission. both. | 04:00 |
Nubbie | bruenig: which is my point ;) | 04:00 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, if you just add -y to it doesnt that make it say yes? | 04:00 |
Toyd | i dont mind 200 mb | 04:00 |
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bruenig | Nubbie, so then you mean to say kde looks bad | 04:00 |
Pelo | h3h_timo, depends on the command | 04:00 |
Nubbie | toyd: just install a ssh server | 04:00 |
Toyd | it'll be downloaded on my system in less than 10 seconds | 04:01 |
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Toyd | i already did Nubbie | 04:01 |
combatmode | bruenig | 04:01 |
Toyd | its running in vmware | 04:01 |
BHSPitMonkey | bruenig, that's my stance ;) | 04:01 |
cactusbin | what time and time zone is 7.04 being released? | 04:01 |
Nubbie | bruenig: yeah i would've said that if he said he was installing KDE, but he isn't :) | 04:01 |
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bruenig | combatmode, did you edit that yourself? you have mixed dapper and breezy? | 04:01 |
Toyd | i cant putty in otherwise | 04:01 |
=== MLimburg sighs | ||
Toyd | heh | 04:01 |
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Toyd | MLimburg, nog wakker of al wakker? | 04:01 |
lalala | cactusbin: top secret (i speculate) | 04:01 |
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Nubbie | cactusbin: probably between 12AM and 11:59PM in south african time. | 04:01 |
jason_ | i just requested to get the 7.04 | 04:01 |
IowaDave | gtt: i'm assuming you know how to see the permissions using ls -al? | 04:01 |
bruenig | well that is strictly an opinion whereas I thought you were talking about the inability to integrate | 04:01 |
cactusbin | should i stay up 'till midnight-1 est time? | 04:01 |
MLimburg | Toyd, wtf .. | 04:02 |
combatmode | bruenig i just copy what i see in sources.list | 04:02 |
lalala | cactusbin: I am doing it! | 04:02 |
_gtt_ | yeah.... so it should be what 667? | 04:02 |
Toyd | :P | 04:02 |
Nubbie | bruenig: yeah its an opinion lol. | 04:02 |
bruenig | combatmode, what are you using? | 04:02 |
Toyd | MLimburg, | 04:02 |
Toyd | :P | 04:02 |
Nubbie | lalala: greetings. | 04:02 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, aight thanks for the help | 04:02 |
Pelo | np | 04:02 |
lalala | Nubbie: greetings! | 04:02 |
bruenig | combatmode, breezy or dapper? | 04:02 |
_gtt_ | oops | 04:02 |
MLimburg | where's that damn ignore function when I need it .. | 04:02 |
locolbd | hello will feisty fawn be available as soon as midnight? | 04:02 |
_gtt_ | accidentally powered it down instead of rebooting | 04:02 |
_gtt_ | brb | 04:02 |
lalala | locolbd: this is a good question, I want to know too | 04:03 |
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MLimburg | does anyone know where the default dimensions are stored for gnome dialogs? | 04:03 |
cactusbin | lalala: your downloading the stable? | 04:03 |
cactusbin | lalala: where? | 04:03 |
_gtt_ | (that reload command's success has been "questionable" at best.") | 04:03 |
bruenig | locolbd, not necessarily, I do however have a script checking every minute, so I will try to notify the channel as soon as it alerts me | 04:03 |
lalala | cactusbin: will be doing it | 04:03 |
combatmode | bruenig when i go system about ubuntu is say dapper drake | 04:03 |
cactusbin | lalala:oh | 04:03 |
lalala | cactusbin: i dont know, i wish I know | 04:03 |
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IowaDave | gtt:667 would work, think all 6's would, too. it's the last one, _ _ 6, that matters, because that's the "world" permission setting | 04:03 |
jason_ | if i already got ubuntu on my computer will it automatic update to the 7.04 | 04:04 |
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combatmode | bruenig | 04:04 |
combatmode | bruenig | 04:04 |
bruenig | combatmode, wow, your system has to really messed up. do "sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' -e '/cdrom/d' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update" | 04:04 |
Toyd | MLimburg, nog wakker of al wakker? | 04:04 |
lalala | permission 667? that sounds very odd | 04:04 |
lloy0076 | - my source is but I don't know WHY... | 04:04 |
spikeb | jason_, it will ask you if you want to upgrade | 04:04 |
wastrel | 667 is odd | 04:04 |
lloy0076 | Anyone got any clues? | 04:04 |
Pelo | jason_, no it won't distributions donT' upgrade automatilcay | 04:04 |
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IowaDave | gtt: for folders, needs to be 7 in order to be able to open the folder and see inside. | 04:04 |
Toyd | MLimburg, i thought you were dutch | 04:04 |
Toyd | i am sorry | 04:04 |
MLimburg | Australian ... | 04:05 |
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lalala | what node is it for? | 04:05 |
jason_ | so when does the update come out | 04:05 |
lalala | a file? | 04:05 |
Toyd | oh your nick is dutch | 04:05 |
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MLimburg | Yes, my dad is dutch .. anyway .. | 04:05 |
lalala | my nick is teletubbies | 04:05 |
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Toyd | i just asked : nog wakker=still awake of=or al wakker= awake already | 04:05 |
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_gtt_ | testing the global setting now... | 04:05 |
combatmode | failed | 04:05 |
IowaDave | gtt: 7 enables the "execute" bit, which, for folders, is the "browse" permission. | 04:05 |
Toyd | i thought you were in Holland its 4:05 am here | 04:06 |
_gtt_ | thanks :) | 04:06 |
combatmode | bruenig failed | 04:06 |
combatmode | bruenig | 04:06 |
_gtt_ | nope, didn't work on global.. so trying permissions now | 04:06 |
wastrel | lloy0076: you're asking why source is localhost? | 04:06 |
wastrel | when you're pinging from localhost to localhost | 04:06 |
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IowaDave | gtt: you know how to chmod, of course? | 04:06 |
admini1 | #bookz | 04:06 |
locolbd | oh wait | 04:06 |
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bruenig | IowaDave, they don't necessarily have to be 7, the just need to be executable, so they could be 5 3 or even 1 | 04:07 |
locolbd | so once you have ubuntu 7.04 beta it updates to the stable automatically | 04:07 |
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combatmode | bruenig | 04:07 |
wastrel | locolbd: you have manually use the update software | 04:07 |
jo1 | is there a way i can reboot to my window xp again ? | 04:07 |
cafuego | locolbd: Yeah, same for in you have 6.10 or 6.04 | 04:08 |
combatmode | should i reinstall again | 04:08 |
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bruenig | combatmode, paste your new sources.list, just the sources.list | 04:08 |
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IowaDave | bruenig: right. exactly. for browsing purposes. what about read/write for contents? wouldn't folders need to be 7? | 04:08 |
locolbd | ok | 04:08 |
smo | hi all i have a big problem with cdr sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -scanbus give nothing just block | 04:08 |
combatmode | bruenig code rite: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:08 |
bruenig | 5 works for browsing | 04:08 |
combatmode | wait | 04:08 |
_gtt_ | thank ya'll! | 04:08 |
bruenig | combatmode, good enough | 04:08 |
_gtt_ | permissions | 04:08 |
smo | i have some strnage message about dbus too | 04:08 |
locolbd | !locolbd | 04:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about locolbd - try searching on | 04:08 |
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_gtt_ | i did chmod 777 foldername | 04:08 |
_gtt_ | and it worked | 04:08 |
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IowaDave | gtt: very good. glad to hear it. | 04:09 |
smo | Unable to get session bus: Did not receive a reply | 04:09 |
lalala | _gtt_: why not just give it a sticky bit? | 04:09 |
h3h_timo | Pelo, is there a way to unmount the partition i am on now and create a smaller one, remount the big one and small ones, and then put my home directory on the small one?? | 04:09 |
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_gtt_ | sticky bit? | 04:09 |
smo | sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -scanbus report dvd fine... | 04:09 |
lalala | like 1777 | 04:09 |
bruenig | smo, why sudo? | 04:09 |
Wicks | is feisty final up yet? | 04:09 |
lalala | ro something like that | 04:09 |
_gtt_ | what's that? | 04:09 |
lalala | or | 04:09 |
smo | or not same thing | 04:09 |
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Pelo | h3h_timo, boot the live cd and use gparted | 04:09 |
lalala | like a user specific 777 | 04:09 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, You shouldn't repartition a drive with any of it's partitions mounted | 04:10 |
smo | ~$ cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc -scanbus | 04:10 |
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smo | and nothing happen... | 04:10 |
lalala | man chmod for detail | 04:10 |
bruenig | smo, are you trying to do a dvd? | 04:10 |
smo | no a cd | 04:10 |
smo | won t burn | 04:10 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, I cant unmount this one while im on it?? | 04:10 |
combatmode | bruenig sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:10 |
bruenig | smo, well where is the file? | 04:10 |
IowaDave | gtt: there is probably a wiki for sticky ;) | 04:10 |
wastrel | _gtt_: when the "sticky bit" is set for a directory, only the owner of the file can delete it | 04:10 |
_gtt_ | how'd that benefit me? | 04:10 |
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combatmode | bruenig | 04:10 |
_gtt_ | ah | 04:10 |
wastrel | _gtt_: even if it's world-writable | 04:10 |
h3h_timo | cant i just use the swap and ram to run my session? | 04:10 |
_gtt_ | hrmm | 04:10 |
smo | were on edgy and tried manyyy thing so decided to try fesity dbus and some packages cdrecord | 04:10 |
smo | but still same thing | 04:10 |
dc_ | combatmode: sorry i had to run, did you get it all working? | 04:10 |
combatmode | bruenig | 04:10 |
smo | boring me | 04:10 |
_gtt_ | i think i'll be the owner all the time, and i'll want to be able to delete when i need. | 04:10 |
_gtt_ | it's just me and my wife. | 04:10 |
bruenig | combatmode, you must not have run that command I gave you | 04:10 |
combatmode | its ok | 04:10 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, Not easily, and if your swap is on the same drive as the partition you want to resize then no | 04:11 |
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_gtt_ | and she's using the vm machines. | 04:11 |
wastrel | _gtt_: some people like to set the sticky bit for samba public shares. i personally don't see much difference between a 0 lenghth file and one that's gone completely | 04:11 |
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wastrel | but "meh" | 04:11 |
combatmode | oo. i ran it | 04:11 |
bruenig | combatmode, "sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' -e '/cdrom/d' /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update" | 04:11 |
combatmode | what ran what i was told | 04:11 |
_gtt_ | me either | 04:11 |
IowaDave | gtt: wastrel makes a good point. protect yourself with sticky bit when you are giving the whole world write permission | 04:11 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, Why not use a LiveCD to do the repartitioning? | 04:11 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, my swap isnt on the same partition | 04:11 |
calliope_ | so any word on the current status of 7.04 ? is there a RC at the moment or a Full Release at the moment | 04:11 |
lalala | IowaDave: that was me! | 04:11 |
bruenig | combatmode, that command should replace all of those breezy's with dapper's and it appeared to not have, so either the command is failed, or you didn't run it. I am pretty sure the command is good | 04:11 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, But is it on the same *drive*? | 04:12 |
IowaDave | lalala: i'm eating humble pie here. sorry | 04:12 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, takes too muc time and is too easy | 04:12 |
h3h_timo | yes | 04:12 |
_gtt_ | ok... might consider that if i have other users join the work group but for now i'll leave it as is.. thanks for the info on it though | 04:12 |
bruenig | combatmode, oh my fault | 04:12 |
bruenig | combatmode, I forgot the -i | 04:12 |
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bruenig | combatmode, "sudo sed -e 's/breezy/dapper/g' -e '/cdrom/d' -i /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update" | 04:12 |
combatmode | bruenig | 04:12 |
nn-laptop | who wants a rssh server login | 04:12 |
_gtt_ | i'm so friggin' happy about being able to write to the darn folder again | 04:12 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, So you are trying to do this as a challenge ? | 04:12 |
_gtt_ | wonder how it got read only set. | 04:12 |
whitebunny | calliope_: RC is out | 04:12 |
_gtt_ | that's really bizarre./ | 04:12 |
bruenig | combatmode, run that one I just did above, it should set it straight, that is my fault | 04:12 |
combatmode | wait | 04:13 |
combatmode | let me try again | 04:13 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, i guess, i just wanna see how to do it so i knwo how | 04:13 |
whitebunny | calliope_: but Final still aint! | 04:13 |
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_gtt_ | doesn't matter./.. but it'd be nice to know to prevernt/expect it if i had to do it again | 04:13 |
artooro | Hello folks, I have a question regarding getting the latest alsa 1.0.14rc3 as I need it for line input support. What might be the easiest way to get it? | 04:13 |
smo | any idear on my cdrw problem? | 04:13 |
Jordan_U_ | h3h_timo, Do you mind having to restart? | 04:13 |
calliope_ | whitebunny: when did it come out ? today? what hour? ive herd conflicting rumors | 04:13 |
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wastrel | _gtt_: your pain is my gain, i'm trying to learn samba... :] now i won't have your problem when i go to set things up | 04:13 |
_gtt_ | i guess i should just remember to check the perms | 04:13 |
somafm | anyone know the time and timezone feisty fawn is officially out? | 04:13 |
beattech | Help | 04:13 |
smo | hdc: drive not ready for command dmesg | 04:13 |
beattech | i cant get my FRACKING SOUND to work | 04:13 |
h3h_timo | Jordan_U, yes, horribly, plus it takes years to boot up into the live cd | 04:13 |
combatmode | It works | 04:13 |
Jordan_U_ | calliope_, He is talking about the release candidate, not the Final | 04:13 |
bruenig | somafm, it doesn't come out at a specific hour necessarily, they use the utc to define the day, so it is past mindnight utc | 04:14 |
=== Toyd helps beattech | ||
smo | hdc: status timeout: status=0x88 { Busy } | 04:14 |
smo | [17179785.456000] ide: failed opcode was: unknown | 04:14 |
smo | .......... | 04:14 |
wj32 | why isnt feisty released yet? | 04:14 |
wj32 | its april19 | 04:14 |
bruenig | midnight* | 04:14 |
Airforce5555 | My openoffice if frozen | 04:14 |
_gtt_ | that's fine.. ya'll got me through it in record time which is exactly what i was needing | 04:14 |
somafm | ok thanks | 04:14 |
Airforce5555 | whats the command to kill it | 04:14 |
Airforce5555 | ? | 04:14 |
combatmode | bruenig it works . but one problem | 04:14 |
_gtt_ | wish i could pass ya a virtual beer. | 04:14 |
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IowaDave | gtt: way to go! | 04:14 |
Airforce5555 | anybody know? | 04:14 |
Tarkus | anyone know how to get widescreen resolution in ubuntu? (1680x1050)? | 04:14 |
Lord_Vader | ok I'm getting tired of waiting now | 04:14 |
Jordan_U_ | wj32, Patience young grasshopper | 04:14 |
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bruenig | Airforce5555, do ps -A | grep open | 04:14 |
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Lord_Vader | Airforce5555, killall processname | 04:14 |
beattech | can anyone help me get my sound working? | 04:15 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Install the correct drivers for your card | 04:15 |
calliope_ | Jordan_U so I heard, and would like to verify if there was some useful 7.04 update or problem fix in the last 24 hours | 04:15 |
combatmode | bruenig error in the end | 04:15 |
wj32 | Jordan_U_: I can't stand not having Feisty!!! ahhh!!! | 04:15 |
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Airforce5555 | whats the nme for openoffice? | 04:15 |
wastrel | Airforce5555: try xkill from terminal window then click the ooffice window | 04:15 |
combatmode | bruening | 04:15 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: i did apt-get nvidia-glx or whatever, and it said it installed them.. | 04:15 |
iSeriesTech | Feisty is almost here | 04:15 |
nn-laptop | beattech, Get a newer kernal | 04:15 |
Jordan_U_ | wj32, Then install the Release Candidate | 04:15 |
dhtechs | what time is feisty released? | 04:15 |
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iSeriesTech | 00:01 GMT | 04:15 |
wj32 | Jordan_U_: ok, i meant final feisty | 04:15 |
nn-laptop | beattech, or mod probe it | 04:15 |
_gtt_ | since that was my download folder that was read only, i need to go see what's available for download :) | 04:16 |
Airforce5555 | k it worked | 04:16 |
bruenig | combatmode, that is not even in your sources.list, try "sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* && sudo apt-get update" | 04:16 |
beattech | nn-laptop, how do i get a newer kernal? Completly new to linux and ubuntu | 04:16 |
wj32 | here its already 12:16pm! | 04:16 |
iSeriesTech | if you are putting on Nvidia Driver just use ENVY | 04:16 |
beattech | ya | 04:16 |
beattech | envy works | 04:16 |
beattech | i used it | 04:16 |
iSeriesTech | ENVY is cool | 04:16 |
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blanky | is ubuntu out yet | 04:16 |
iSeriesTech | nope | 04:16 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, You need to enable them also, run this command and choose "nvidia" ( not "nv" ) when it asks what driver to use: sudo dpkkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 04:16 |
nn-laptop | beattech, apt-cache search kernal image | 04:16 |
blanky | nvm guess not :( | 04:16 |
IowaDave | gtt, lalala, and all: i gotta go feed the chickens. g'nite! | 04:16 |
blanky | iSeriesTech: will it be delayed after all? | 04:16 |
dhtechs | is it the RC or Final? | 04:16 |
_gtt_ | g'night.. thanks again | 04:16 |
iSeriesTech | i don't think so | 04:16 |
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iSeriesTech | RSYNC was replicating it out today to mirrors | 04:17 |
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blanky | iSeriesTech: okay thanks | 04:17 |
iSeriesTech | FINAL!!!!! | 04:17 |
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iSeriesTech | that is what I was reading | 04:17 |
dhtechs | tnx | 04:17 |
iSeriesTech | NP | 04:17 |
bruenig | rc is probably going to be the same as final | 04:17 |
nn-laptop | g2g bye | 04:17 |
dhtechs | upgrading now | 04:17 |
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sfalordkratos | Hello | 04:17 |
combatmode | bruening | 04:17 |
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wj32 | the guy who posted that rsync trick said that you shouldnt do it. it will overload the servers. | 04:17 |
beattech | nn, what does that mean? | 04:17 |
sfalordkratos | I have a few questions regarding partitions. | 04:18 |
iSeriesTech | pretty close with lots of fixes. You should have read the change logs over the past week | 04:18 |
iSeriesTech | it's been busy | 04:18 |
spikeb | busy busy busy | 04:18 |
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iSeriesTech | RSYNC to MIRRORs not to your PC | 04:18 |
bruenig | combatmode, did that command I gave you above work? | 04:18 |
iSeriesTech | i saw that | 04:18 |
combatmode | YEs | 04:18 |
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combatmode | bruening it said done | 04:18 |
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bruenig | combatmode, it didn't give you that wine.budgetblahblah error? | 04:18 |
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combatmode | bruening work perfect | 04:18 |
combatmode | wait | 04:18 |
Anarch | `modprobe iptables` => not found. This Kubuntu was built by my not-very-technical boss, and I haven't put it on the net yet. | 04:19 |
Anarch | I'm not sure it was fully patched. | 04:19 |
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Anarch | Security suggestions for a new Kubuntu with no iptables? | 04:19 |
artooro | where can I get very recent alsa releases? Or do I have to compile them myself? | 04:19 |
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beattech | Can anyone spend a few minutes helping a linux newb figure out how to get sound? | 04:19 |
sfalordkratos | When making the "swap" partition, should I change the file system to "linux-swap"? | 04:19 |
iSeriesTech | that was odd | 04:19 |
Jordan_U_ | Anarch, As long as you have no daemons listening to anything you should be fine | 04:20 |
iSeriesTech | it just logged me out of Ubuntu | 04:20 |
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combatmode | bruening sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* && sudo apt-get update | 04:20 |
bruenig | combatmode, yes | 04:20 |
combatmode | bruening this command | 04:20 |
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beattech | please... I'm getting desperate now.. been a week | 04:20 |
Jordan_U_ | beattech, Have you tried to see if it is just muted using alsamixer? | 04:20 |
combatmode | work before | 04:20 |
combatmode | no error | 04:20 |
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bruenig | combatmode, ok do sudo apt-get install wine | 04:21 |
combatmode | but rite now i can't do it any more | 04:21 |
bruenig | combatmode, or were you getting azureus? | 04:21 |
bruenig | I forgot | 04:21 |
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beattech | No, its like it detects it in device manager, but it doesnt work or show up in sound properties | 04:21 |
combatmode | both | 04:21 |
RenatoSilva | is this channel for support? what about ubuntu-offtopic? | 04:21 |
bruenig | combatmode, yeah then do it for both | 04:21 |
spikeb | offtopic is for whatever, and this is for support. | 04:21 |
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vdavidoff | i'm trying to install ubuntu server 6.10 with preseeding and for the life of me i can't get expert_recipes working. i see lots of reports of this being broken but no real answers. is this a know issue? it seems like depending on how i order the partitions, sometimes the installer decides i'm doing a guided partition, and other times it just doesn't create them all, and other times it fails. tia. | 04:21 |
Jordan_U_ | beasty, What do you see when you run the command alsamixer? | 04:21 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: it didnt work. | 04:21 |
|Jason8| | What program do I use to rip CD's and what would be the best format to rip them into? | 04:21 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, In what way didin't it work? | 04:21 |
bruenig | |Jason8|, flac | 04:21 |
RenatoSilva | really this is for support? | 04:21 |
wastrel | it really is | 04:22 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: it returned this.. | 04:22 |
RenatoSilva | well | 04:22 |
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Tarkus | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 04:22 |
Tarkus | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070418222107 | 04:22 |
sfalordkratos | Can someone please help me? I have yet to install Ubuntu. I have questions regarding partitions. | 04:22 |
|Jason8| | bruenig, lol, I meant lossy formats. | 04:22 |
RenatoSilva | does anybody uses modem here? | 04:22 |
combatmode | It said wine is already the newest verision | 04:22 |
Pelo | sfalordkratos, just ask it | 04:22 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, That is normal | 04:22 |
sfalordkratos | Ok. | 04:22 |
beattech | sfal, i might be able to help | 04:22 |
|Jason8| | compatable with MP3 players 'n stuff. | 04:22 |
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sfalordkratos | When making the "Swap" partition, should I change it to "linux-swap" file system? | 04:22 |
bruenig | |Jason8|, all my stuff is in ogg, but it depends on what you are going to do with it, if you just intend it to sit on the pc, then ogg is fine, if you want it to be portable to mp3 players, then mp3 obviously | 04:22 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: is it? sorry im really new to linux. first day using it :D | 04:23 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Now just restart X ( the GUI ) by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:23 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: k | 04:23 |
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RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: yeah | 04:23 |
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sfalordkratos | Should I leave it as a Primary Partition? | 04:23 |
beattech | Anyone willing to Private IM support with me... With the sound issue... I'd really appriciate it. | 04:23 |
bruenig | combatmode, ok so you already have wine | 04:23 |
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combatmode | bruening umm is the package for is azureus is 69.5 mb | 04:23 |
sigger_ | so can anyone tell me why lately when I reboot my laptop I have to ifconfig eth1 up then run dhclient. | 04:23 |
RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: I think it's not necessary | 04:23 |
Pelo | sfalordkratos, it will be changed by ubuntu when you install, just make an extended partition for it and the linux partition will be nested in there | 04:23 |
bruenig | combatmode, you probably are having to install java too | 04:24 |
RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: leave it logical | 04:24 |
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marvinalone | isn't 704 supposed to be out right around now? | 04:24 |
sigger_ | i don't recall that I used to have to do that. | 04:24 |
wastrel | sigger_: do you have auto eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 04:24 |
bruenig | marvinalone, not necessarily | 04:24 |
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sfalordkratos | It doesn't let me chose Logical. | 04:24 |
vdavidoff | anyone know about issues with preseeding expert_recipes with 6.10? | 04:24 |
kneeki | Anyone know how I can browse my Windows shared folders? | 04:24 |
marvinalone | bruenig: when is the time? | 04:24 |
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stian2 | marvinalone: we don't know | 04:24 |
s0nix | Bonsoir tlm, j'aimerais savoir....... install vous toujours les logiciels (COMPILER MANUELLEMENT) en root ou vous les install dans votre home ? | 04:25 |
sigger_ | wastrel, nope, eth0 and eth2 (which doesn't exist). will fix. thanks :) | 04:25 |
iSeriesTech | it's 3 AM GMT right now | 04:25 |
RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: maybe because you have to create an extended partition? | 04:25 |
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bruenig | marvinalone, sometime thursday, my script has yet to go off, when it does I will be happy to notify | 04:25 |
iSeriesTech | not sure | 04:25 |
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beattech | Help, cant get my SIS ac'97 sound card to work... will anyone help me?! | 04:25 |
Rex | hey there... I had to install KDE because my gnome was hooped. Now I tried to remove it completely. All kubuntu packages are removed with apt-get, however the splash screen at bootup is the kubuntu one. Also, I have noticed that gnome is really slow now. It never was before. I am using Fiesty. Any thought? | 04:25 |
marvinalone | bruenig: it's already thursday in london | 04:25 |
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jo1 | is there a way i can go back to my normal windows | 04:25 |
sfalordkratos | Ok. What size do I create this Extended partition? | 04:25 |
marvinalone | bruenig: so i thought ... | 04:25 |
bruenig | marvinalone, is it friday yet? if not then calm down | 04:25 |
iSeriesTech | the clock has changed every night @ 8 or 9 PM MST and it's 8 PM MST now | 04:25 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: alright. done. is there anything else? cause its still not letting me choose widescreen res | 04:25 |
Jordan_U_ | kneeki, Go to Places -> Network -> Windows network | 04:25 |
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RenatoSilva | begin your messages with "RenatoSilva: " to talk to me | 04:25 |
iSeriesTech | jol yes you can | 04:25 |
Pelo | s0nix, tu les compile en root et ils vont s'installer ou ils ont besoin | 04:26 |
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jo1 | how ? | 04:26 |
jo1 | if u be kind to tell me | 04:26 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Did you see an Nvidia Logo when you restarted X? | 04:26 |
kneeki | Jordan_U_: Did that, but it says I cannot browse the folders | 04:26 |
jo1 | ^_^ | 04:26 |
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effie_jayx | Pelo, #ubuntu-fr | 04:26 |
beattech | Renatosilva: can u help me with my sound card? | 04:26 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: no | 04:26 |
RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: begin your messages with "RenatoSilva: " to talk to me | 04:26 |
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iSeriesTech | jol private window | 04:26 |
LordLimecat | so, im a little curious,....what happens in here tomorrow? | 04:26 |
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iSeriesTech | jol: I started a private window | 04:26 |
RenatoSilva | beattech: ask everybody, it's better | 04:26 |
LordLimecat | does #ubuntu+1 stage a coup? | 04:26 |
bruenig | LordLimecat, breezy becomes unsupported, dapper edgy and feisty come here for help | 04:27 |
spikeb | yes | 04:27 |
RenatoSilva | sfalordkratos: ? | 04:27 |
wastrel | LordLimecat: they'll forward #ubuntu+1 here | 04:27 |
spikeb | LordLimecat, there's a glorious revolution. | 04:27 |
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LordLimecat | i like my way better | 04:27 |
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wastrel | also a million people will be here talking about how their feisty download is going | 04:27 |
LordLimecat | and we all get bumped to #ubuntu-1 | 04:27 |
LordLimecat | :D | 04:27 |
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spikeb | haha | 04:27 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Ok, can you pastebin the your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and the output ( if any ) of this command: sudo modprobe nvidia-glx | 04:27 |
bruenig | #ubuntu+1 gets put back up in a month or so when gusty gets going | 04:27 |
LordLimecat | gusty? | 04:27 |
LordLimecat | thought it was grumpy | 04:27 |
wastrel | gusty gopher | 04:27 |
LordLimecat | lol | 04:27 |
s0nix | Pelo: ok , et tu desintalle comment? | 04:27 |
bruenig | gutsy ghibbon right | 04:27 |
moDumass | hey all, i have lost mouse pointer happyness, how do i open the config file to remove the current mouse pointer i just added? | 04:28 |
Jordan_U_ | !paste | Tarkus in case you don't know | 04:28 |
ubotu | Tarkus in case you don't know: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 04:28 |
bruenig | gibbon* | 04:28 |
Hairulfr | Gutsy Gibbon? | 04:28 |
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bruenig | gutsy* | 04:28 |
LordLimecat | ubuntu names make me chuckle | 04:28 |
beattech | How can I get my SIS ac'97 integrated sound card to work in volume thing, it shows up in lsmod and device manager... but it says The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. | 04:28 |
beattech | You can remove the volume control from the panel by right-clicking the speaker icon on the panel and selecting "Remove From Panel" from the menu. | 04:28 |
beattech | and | 04:28 |
beattech | No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. | 04:28 |
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Pelo | s0nix, rejoin moi dans #ubuntu-fr | 04:28 |
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LordLimecat | whatever happened to grumpy groundhog? | 04:28 |
LordLimecat | (also, whats an eft) | 04:28 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: how do i see the xorg.conf and the output? | 04:28 |
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bruenig | grumpy groundhog was already released, it was some developer release or something | 04:29 |
wastrel | eft -> immature newt | 04:29 |
mischko | How do you restart a service on Ubuntu? i.e. apache web server after you've changed the config. | 04:29 |
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LordLimecat | ah | 04:29 |
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wastrel | mischko: /etc/init.d/apache restart (or apache2, whichever) | 04:29 |
Hairulfr | Overripe Oaf | 04:29 |
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bruenig | I want to see what they do wtih x | 04:29 |
moDumass | or what is the keyboard shortcut to open console | 04:29 |
bruenig | with* | 04:29 |
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bruenig | moDumass, have to set it in system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts | 04:29 |
beattech | How can I get my SIS ac'97 integrated sound card to work in volume thing, it shows up in lsmod and device manager... but it says The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. | 04:29 |
combatmode | If i install ubuntu cd v 5.10... What are the code or comand to update to lastest version and install wine | 04:29 |
LordLimecat | wastrel, isnt there a shortcut for that? | 04:29 |
wastrel | moDumass: there's not one by default . alt-f2 pops up a "run" dialog however | 04:29 |
bruenig | !upgrade | combatmode | 04:29 |
ubotu | combatmode: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:30 |
combatmode | Or it have to be separted commands | 04:30 |
moDumass | Bruenig, i have no mouse | 04:30 |
mischko | wastrel, thanks. I was thinking it had a different init method. | 04:30 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, in a terminal run: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then sudo modprobe nvidia-glx | 04:30 |
bruenig | combatmode, you will have to upgrade, three times | 04:30 |
yurimxpxman | do any of you know where I can find the original vi for download? | 04:30 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: i entered that command and it returned: FATAL: Module nvidia_glx not found. | 04:30 |
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Doughy | Anyone know if Ubuntu 7.04 installs directly using an Intel 965 motherboard and IDE CDROM? | 04:30 |
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spikeb | Doughy, should. | 04:30 |
LordLimecat | doughy, are those the mobos with no pata? | 04:30 |
spikeb | intel stuff should be well supported | 04:30 |
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wastrel | yurimxpxman: it's closed source, you can set vim to compatible mode, or try nvi maybe | 04:30 |
Doughy | I know that 6.10 did not work with intel 965 | 04:30 |
yurimxpxman | wastrel: I use vim, but I'd like to find the original vi just so I can see it :-) | 04:31 |
LordLimecat | oh....i remember >_< i had a 965 | 04:31 |
Doughy | lordlimecat, I think they have only 1 IDE port | 04:31 |
MTecknology | does anybody in here use BitlBee? | 04:31 |
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beattech | How can I get my SIS ac'97 integrated sound card to work in volume thing, it shows up in lsmod and device manager... but it says The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. and No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. Please... I dont know what to do here... | 04:31 |
LordLimecat | doughy--if it has 1, then its thru an addon board | 04:31 |
=== spikeb has a motherboard with nvidia stuff on it, it all works like a charm | ||
LordLimecat | i have one, its thru jmicron controller | 04:31 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, I may have the name wrong ( I don't use nvidia ) try just nvidia without the -glx | 04:31 |
Doughy | so, spikeb, everything intel is pretty much now supported? | 04:31 |
combatmode | bruenig what version i'm now? | 04:32 |
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spikeb | Doughy, it should be, but i dont know of any issues in particular, so i could be off | 04:32 |
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Doughy | There was an issue with the intel 965s and IDE cdroms | 04:32 |
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bruenig | combatmode, you said you are dapper, so that is 6.06, from there you would have to upgrade twice, if you install 5.10 that would be three upgrades | 04:32 |
Lord_Vader | I remember that | 04:32 |
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tonyyarusso | !language | Random reminder of the day #1 | 04:32 |
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ubotu | Random reminder of the day #1: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:32 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: i typed "sudo modprobe nvidia" and it didnt do anything. no message | 04:32 |
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Madpilot | tonyyarusso, botspammer ;) | 04:33 |
moDumass | awesome i fixed it through run, all command line, i feel geeky | 04:33 |
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Lord_Vader | lol | 04:33 |
beattech | How can I get my SIS ac'97 integrated sound card to work in volume thing, it shows up in lsmod and device manager... but it says The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. and No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. Please... I dont know what to do here... | 04:33 |
fjasonf2 | anyone here have wifi bridging experience? | 04:33 |
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fjasonf2 | pm me | 04:33 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, That is good, now can you pastebin the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf? | 04:34 |
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Doughy | Another question, what's the best photo management software for linux? | 04:34 |
bruenig | thunar is good | 04:34 |
bruenig | nautilus too | 04:34 |
beattech | Please... somebody help | 04:34 |
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wastrel | never heard of thunar, i use f-spot it is adequate | 04:34 |
tonyyarusso | Doughy: Don't know what's !best, but F-Spot is pretty decent. | 04:34 |
LordLimecat | f-spot is nice | 04:34 |
Madpilot | Doughy, f-spot is well thought of | 04:34 |
bruenig | the terminal does well | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | thunar is a file manager, i thought? | 04:35 |
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Doughy | fspot keywords and exif data kind of sucsks | 04:35 |
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wastrel | what's exif | 04:35 |
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Madpilot | LordLimecat, it's xfce's file manager | 04:35 |
fjasonf2 | after using brctl to create a bridge and add devices, network traffic stops (ping, traceroute, etc) what would cause such issue? | 04:35 |
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richw | cd /j #ubuntu+1 | 04:35 |
Doughy | I want to be able to tag my photos really quickly and easily | 04:35 |
richw | oops | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | yep :) | 04:35 |
Derek__ | Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's an easy way to upgrade my 6.10 install to feisty | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | i have all desktops @ home | 04:35 |
LordLimecat | just in case one gets roasted | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | Doughy: Personally, I organize my photos via the file manager, creating sensible directories and such, but that's not really a "photo management" solution. | 04:35 |
bruenig | Derek__, not out yet | 04:35 |
Derek__ | bruenig: I meant once it's out | 04:36 |
bruenig | tonyyarusso, what I was going for | 04:36 |
Doughy | tony, but do you tag your photos with exif keywords? | 04:36 |
bruenig | Derek__, it should show up in the update-manager | 04:36 |
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Madpilot | Doughy, gthumb does tagging & such too | 04:36 |
Jordan_U_ | Derek__, Yes, when it is released you just need to open Update-manger and it will ask if you want to upgrade | 04:36 |
tonyyarusso | Doughy: Not yet (but I should tag stuff..just lazy) | 04:36 |
Derek__ | bruenig: that's awesome. Does beryl come with feisty? | 04:36 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: | 04:36 |
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bruenig | !feisty | Derek__ not by default no | 04:36 |
ubotu | Derek__ not by default no: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 04:36 |
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xarquid | You can get Beryl but it's not as supported yet, it's still very buggy thus far. | 04:36 |
Jordan_U_ | Derek__, COmpiz is installed by default | 04:36 |
corevette | how do i get write access to a folder......chmod??? | 04:37 |
fjasonf2 | Hi everyone, after using brctl to create a bridge and add devices, network traffic stops (ping, traceroute, etc) what would cause such issue? | 04:37 |
bruenig | Jordan_U_, no | 04:37 |
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spikeb | but not turned on. | 04:37 |
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xarquid | Compiz is installed originally and even it's still buggy :P | 04:37 |
jo1 | is there a way i can reboot and have my window xp back > | 04:37 |
bruenig | corevette, chmod +w folder | 04:37 |
Derek__ | Jordan_U_: what is Compiz like? I haven't seen it, I don't think | 04:37 |
bruenig | Derek__, it is not enabled by default | 04:37 |
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beattech | nobody can help me with my sound issue? | 04:37 |
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kneeki | ugh, is there any way to browse my windows network through a file browser? | 04:37 |
Jordan_U_ | bruenig, Hence why I said "installed" | 04:37 |
xarquid | And Compiz will remain to be buggy until people work the bugs/kinks out as reported on the Compiz bug site. I'm looking into a few but it's a broad range of crashes and we need more data. | 04:37 |
combatmode | What irc progrma is better | 04:37 |
fjasonf2 | nobody wants to help my bridging quesiton either. | 04:37 |
combatmode | is Konversation good? | 04:37 |
bruenig | the specifications state very clear composite by default is not implemented | 04:37 |
tonyyarusso | !irc | combatmode | 04:37 |
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ubotu | combatmode: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (, gaim (, Konversation (, irssi (console) ( - Also see and !guidelines | 04:37 |
Rex | can anyone help with my kde prob? | 04:37 |
bruenig | Jordan_U_, it is not installed, unless you mean it is in the repos | 04:38 |
smartman | guyd help plase in LAMP | 04:38 |
xarquid | kneeki: Check out Samba | 04:38 |
beattech | ok... how about this... Why is my login text so HUGE. To the point to thwere i cant even read it | 04:38 |
jo1 | how can i reboot n have my old windows back | 04:38 |
Jordan_U_ | bruenig, It is a dependency of ubuntu-desktop, or was a few days ago | 04:38 |
sparr | I need to view a lot of jpeg images and delete or skip each one. I need it to pre-load the next image so that I don't have to wait after each one (there are thousands). Suggestions? | 04:38 |
jason_ | my internet lost some speed a min agon so i restarted my computer and rebooted my sb5100 with the computer shut down and i notice the activity like keep blinking when the computer was off even when i restarted it what could be wrong | 04:38 |
kneeki | xarquid: I have samba installed, but I'm still unable to browse | 04:38 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: | 04:38 |
xarquid | kneeki: Are all of your domains/work groups the same on the computers and setup in Samba properly? | 04:39 |
richw | What you guys like best.. Beryl or Compiz? | 04:39 |
wastrel | kneeki: places > netwok servers | 04:39 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Are you sure you chose "nvidia" and not "nv"? | 04:39 |
bruenig | the specifications list and shuttleworth has said that they aren't going with composite this time, unless they had some major stuff happen the past week or so | 04:39 |
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kneeki | wastrel: tried that | 04:39 |
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jo1 | how can i reboot n have my old windows back | 04:39 |
xarquid | kneeki: Make sure you enable sharing in your Windows machine(s) for folders and/or drives for the network so it can see them. | 04:40 |
kneeki | xarquid: I'm not sure, is there some GUI for samba? | 04:40 |
gravemind | hey does anybody have any k3b xp | 04:40 |
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kneeki | xarquid: And yeah, there are shared folders | 04:40 |
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bruenig | jo1, are you dual booting? | 04:40 |
Jordan_U_ | bruenig, Yes, you have to go to desktop effects to enable it, but it is _installed_ by default | 04:40 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: i typed this exacly "sudo modprobe nvidia" | 04:40 |
xarquid | kneeki: Yes it has a GUI. Are you in gnome? | 04:40 |
gravemind | I have a question about burning cds in mixed mode | 04:40 |
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kneeki | xarquid: yep | 04:40 |
Epic720 | do you think I could find the actual release of feisty tonight at 12? | 04:40 |
shnastybiznastic | okay, I have an audacity compilation that I want to export to an mp3, but audacity needs where exactly is that file located? | 04:40 |
Derek__ | Does Compiz work well? | 04:40 |
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Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, I meant when you ran: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh | 04:40 |
jo1 | i dont know im like new at this n i couldnt get this so i just like wana go back to old windows... i have ubuntu and berly | 04:40 |
xarquid | Derek: It's nice :) It works. | 04:40 |
bruenig | Epic720, I am monitoring the main mirror, it isn't up yet | 04:40 |
Derek__ | xarquid: it isn't slow? I have an ATI graphics card, that's my concern | 04:40 |
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Doughy | What are the key diffs between compiz and beryl? | 04:40 |
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bruenig | Epic720, oh and it is past 12 at least ubuntu's 12, GMT | 04:41 |
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sparr | Doughy: beryl is cooler. compiz is more stable. but they are un-forking as time goes on | 04:41 |
sldkfj | wastrel, exif is data in jpg files regarding technical info of the device, shutter speed, light settings, shooting mode, photo effect and many others. | 04:41 |
xarquid | Derek: I am running on a 64Mb MB Intel built-in card atm and it's working fine. How much RAM? | 04:41 |
fjasonf2 | anyone here ever used bridging with linux? | 04:41 |
Epic720 | cool | 04:41 |
xarquid | Aye, sparr | 04:41 |
Derek__ | xarquid: 2 gigs | 04:41 |
krunc | has anyone been able to get correct 720p output to a HDTV? | 04:41 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U_: ok, so i run that. and then i pastebin the xorg.conf? | 04:41 |
Doughy | why is beryl "not stable" does it crash a lot? | 04:41 |
gravemind | can anybody help me make mixed mode cds with k3b? I just have one question about isos | 04:41 |
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Derek__ | xarquid: my video card is an ATI Ratheon x1900 w/512mb memory | 04:41 |
xarquid | Not stable with Ubuntu. | 04:41 |
Jordan_U_ | Derek__, If you are using fglrx you need XGL, if your card is supported I would go with the open source drivers | 04:42 |
fjasonf2 | gravemind: shoot | 04:42 |
wastrel | fjasonf2: that's not the type of problem i'd generally expect to find help with here. try the forums maybe | 04:42 |
xarquid | It will run fine, Derek. | 04:42 |
Derek__ | xarquid: pentium core 2 duo E6400 | 04:42 |
xarquid | For the most part | 04:42 |
imbecile | ok guys I tried installing freeBSD on my ubuntu box.. couldnt get through bsd install now when i try to reinstall edgy i get kernel panic before i actually boot up | 04:42 |
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imbecile | any ideas? | 04:42 |
Jordan_U_ | Tarkus, Yes, and when it asks you what driver to use be sure to scroll to "nvidia" | 04:42 |
Gumby | imbecile: sounds like grub didnt get rewritten | 04:42 |
xarquid | Compiz is more built into Ubuntu as far as stability goes with the rest of the distro | 04:42 |
fjasonf2 | what kind of help channel is this! | 04:42 |
Derek__ | Jordan_U_: I tried open source drivers but the only ones I could get to work came straight from ATIs website | 04:42 |
gravemind | fjasonf2: the data part of the cd I have in an iso. do I just drag the iso, or do I have to extract it somehow | 04:42 |
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gravemind | fjasonf2: I'm making a mixed cd, part data part audio. | 04:43 |
imbecile | gumby, any ideas on how to fix it? | 04:43 |
Jordan_U_ | Derek__, Then you need XGL also, which is a hack IMO and not installed by default in Feisty | 04:43 |
jugo | Anyone know at what hour feisty will be released? | 04:43 |
fjasonf2 | gravemind: probably extract, if you tried to burn the iso, the rest of the cd wouldn't get burned. | 04:43 |
Jordan_U_ | jugo, no | 04:43 |
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fjasonf2 | gravemind: unles that's what you want | 04:43 |
bruenig | jugo, within 21 hours | 04:43 |
Derek__ | Jordan_U_ how would I go about installing XGL? | 04:43 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: it doesnt let me scroll down to nvidia, all it does is display this: | 04:43 |
Tarkus | xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration | 04:43 |
Tarkus | file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070418224305 | 04:43 |
gravemind | fjasonf2: how do I extract it? | 04:43 |
Gumby | imbecile: boot from the ubuntu CD. chroot yor root drive as well as /dev and then run grub-install | 04:43 |
bruenig | jugo, keep it glued, I have a script monitoring, the script works I hope and so I will try to notify as soon as possible | 04:43 |
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fjasonf2 | gravemind: the iso? | 04:43 |
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hajiki | "OpenSSL: missing, using built-in SHA1 implementation" how do i fix that... im trying to install transmission... | 04:43 |
combatmode | Anyone saw the news | 04:43 |
jo1 | :-/ how to reboot everythin n have ur old windows any help i need it . do u have it ? | 04:43 |
combatmode | released | 04:44 |
combatmode | Virginia gunman sent final video | 04:44 |
Jordan_U_ | Derek__, | 04:44 |
gravemind | fjasonf2: yeah. I could mount it, but I know you lose stuff if you just drag and drop | 04:44 |
Derek__ | Question for anyone that knows: what time is feisty being released? Is it going to be out in the next few hours? | 04:44 |
xarquid | kneeki: In Places / Network, do you see Windows Network? | 04:44 |
bruenig | !offtopic | combatmode that is old anyways | 04:44 |
combatmode | | 04:44 |
ubotu | combatmode that is old anyways: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 04:44 |
Doughy | jo1, do you want to dual boot windows and Ubuntu? | 04:44 |
combatmode | How are we able see this | 04:44 |
combatmode | | 04:44 |
fjasonf2 | gravemind: gzip | 04:44 |
kneeki | xarquid: Yeah, can you not recieve my PM's? | 04:44 |
jo1 | yes | 04:44 |
sldkfj | combatmode, yeah, saw that | 04:44 |
fjasonf2 | gravemind: or tar | 04:44 |
imbecile | gumby, it wont let me boot :( i get the kernel panic before booting | 04:44 |
kneeki | xarquid: I'm there now btw | 04:44 |
bruenig | Derek__, next 21 hours, I am monitoring via script, I will notify | 04:44 |
jo1 | just everythin like start it like a fresh new computer | 04:44 |
sparr | kneeki: you have to be identified to send PMs on freenode | 04:44 |
xarquid | kneeki: One sec. I need to get out of irssi :P | 04:44 |
Gumby | imbecile: like I said, boot from the ubuntu livecd | 04:46 |
kneeki | sparr: I am identified =) | 04:46 |
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corden | guys how many hours left before 7.04 will be released? | 04:46 |
combatmode | Azureu . showing warinng "if u have a router/firewall please check that you have port 16506 udp open | 04:46 |
bruenig | corden, >21 | 04:46 |
gravemind | how can I use gzip or tar to extract an iso and not lose any information? | 04:46 |
bruenig | <21 | 04:46 |
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fjasonf2 | 13 hours 2 mines 342 milliseconds | 04:46 |
imbecile | gumby, it wont boot up | 04:46 |
combatmode | how i fix that | 04:46 |
NickGarvey | gravemind: I don't think you do | 04:46 |
NickGarvey | gravemind: just mount it | 04:46 |
NickGarvey | !iso | gravemind | 04:46 |
ubotu | gravemind: To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 04:46 |
Gumby | imbecile: if you were able to install from the livecd then you should be able to boot from the livecd | 04:46 |
bruenig | gravemind, yeah just mount it and then copy everything off of it | 04:46 |
fjasonf2 | !bridge | fjasonf2 | 04:46 |
gravemind | NickGarvey: I want to burn a mixed mode cd. I have the data part in an iso, and I have the audio part in .wav files | 04:46 |
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corden | i think i can download it tomorrow | 04:46 |
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jo1 | CAN ANY1 HELP | 04:46 |
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fjasonf2 | LOL, this channel is not very helpful | 04:46 |
bruenig | jo1, I asked you a question and you didn't answer | 04:46 |
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NickGarvey | jo1: ask your question, in lowercase | 04:46 |
jo1 | I DID | 04:46 |
Doughy | jo1, you need to defrag your windows drive, then use the ubuntu installer | 04:46 |
jo1 | sorry | 04:46 |
bruenig | !prefix | jo1 | 04:46 |
ubotu | jo1: If you prefix your lines with the nickname of the person you're talking to, you have a greater chance that that person reads your messages | 04:46 |
fjasonf2 | all about ubuntu, nothing about the modules | 04:46 |
fjasonf2 | !bridging | 04:46 |
imbecile | gumby, live cd = not working when trying to boot up i get the kernel panic | 04:46 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bridging - try searching on | 04:46 |
bruenig | !fishing | fjasonf2 | 04:47 |
ubotu | fjasonf2: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 04:47 |
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Doughy | the installer will allow you to create new partitions to put your linux system on | 04:47 |
NickGarvey | fjasonf2: this channel, being about ubuntu, big surprise there.. | 04:47 |
jordan__ | Tarkus, Strange, try running: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 04:47 |
jordan__ | Tarkus, It will ask a lot of questions, use the defaults except when it comes to resolutions and what driver to use | 04:47 |
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fjasonf2 | no one can help me with my bridging question | 04:47 |
corden | is the update of 6.10 to 7.04 fix? | 04:47 |
fjasonf2 | via brctl-utils | 04:47 |
bruenig | fjasonf2, appears not | 04:47 |
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NickGarvey | fjasonf2: then try google again | 04:47 |
bruenig | !english | corden | 04:47 |
ubotu | corden: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 04:47 |
fjasonf2 | lol, why google when there's 'support' channels. | 04:48 |
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NickGarvey | bruenig: what.. does that have anything to do.. with not being in english? | 04:48 |
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|Jason8| | Hello, is there a way in ubuntu that I can make my own hotkey commands? | 04:48 |
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Madpilot | fjasonf2, everyone here is a volunteer. | 04:48 |
jo1 | doughy: how do i do all that cuz i just installed everythin but im really new at all this ans now i just want to go back to my old window xp | 04:48 |
bruenig | NickGarvey, that was directed at corden | 04:48 |
bruenig | hence the | | 04:48 |
fjasonf2 | i'm sure someone has tried bridging with linux before. | 04:48 |
stinger05 | hi there, which package should i install to play mp3 on ubuntu ? ? ? | 04:48 |
fjasonf2 | someone here in specifici | 04:48 |
NickGarvey | bruenig: was he speaking in other languages though? | 04:48 |
corden | im speaking in english | 04:48 |
corden | :) | 04:48 |
Doughy | oh so you installed ubuntu and now you want to uninstall it and re-install windows? | 04:49 |
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NickGarvey | fjasonf2: 2 reasons, one, because it saves the volunteers wasted time, two, because apparently, no one knows the answer | 04:49 |
Madpilot | fjasonf2, probably, but that person isn't here right now. hang around, ask again in half an hour. | 04:49 |
Matir | corden, what upgrade problems? | 04:49 |
bruenig | NickGarvey, does "is the update of 6.10 to 7.04 fix?" make sense to you? | 04:49 |
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NickGarvey | bruenig: um, kind of, its english at least, poor though :) | 04:49 |
fjasonf2 | should have these bots post archvies irc logs | 04:49 |
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NickGarvey | bruenig: I think he meant "fixed" | 04:49 |
fjasonf2 | archives* | 04:49 |
jo1 | doughy, yea i installed ubuntu and berly ... n now i just wana go back to window xp like normal windows | 04:49 |
wastrel | it's all logged and posted | 04:49 |
bruenig | until someone puts an !incoherent factoid, I use !english | 04:49 |
wastrel | !logs | 04:49 |
ubotu | Channel logs can be found at | 04:49 |
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NickGarvey | jo1: put in your windows XP cd and reinstall, more help can be found in ##windows | 04:50 |
jordan__ | Tarkus, Did you get those last comments? | 04:50 |
bruenig | fixed still doesn't make sense | 04:50 |
corden | to avoid removing the 6.10. i ready that 6.10 is capable of updating it self to be 7.04 | 04:50 |
stinger05 | hi there, which package should i install to play mp3 on ubuntu ? ? ? | 04:50 |
Doughy | well, did you set it up to dual boot? or did you install ubuntu over the entire drive? Do you get a menu to boot either windows or ubuntu when you start your computer? | 04:50 |
bruenig | !codecs | stinger05 | 04:50 |
NickGarvey | corden: the full release will be sometime tomorrow | 04:50 |
ubotu | stinger05: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 04:50 |
NickGarvey | corden: wait until then | 04:50 |
combatmode | corden how u do that 7304 | 04:50 |
NickGarvey | corden: what is your native language? | 04:50 |
combatmode | corden how u do that 7.04 | 04:50 |
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combatmode | ubuntu? | 04:51 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: yes. sorry i was afk. ill do it now | 04:51 |
NickGarvey | combatmode: wait until tomorrow, then do the upgrades | 04:51 |
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fjasonf2 | lets see if anyone has tried anything constructive with this distro... | 04:51 |
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bruenig | feisty is not yet out, so upgrades, downloads, none of that will be happening yet | 04:51 |
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corden | Filipino | 04:51 |
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=== bruenig called it, nonnative speaker | ||
matt__ | Can anyone help with desktop issues? | 04:51 |
combatmode | How would i set my ubuntu to remote desktop | 04:51 |
NickGarvey | matt__: if you ask your question :) | 04:51 |
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NickGarvey | combatmode: do you mean xdmcp? | 04:52 |
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gpoo | hi, I trying to report a bug of 'cvs' package, but launchpad tell me "CVS does not use Malone as its bug tracker." Where may I report a cvs bug in ubuntu packages? | 04:52 |
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combatmode | to let someone help me | 04:52 |
combatmode | yea | 04:52 |
bruenig | !bugs | gpoo | 04:52 |
ubotu | gpoo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 04:52 |
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NickGarvey | combatmode: perhaps vnc then? | 04:56 |
ricardator | need a very specific help... | 04:56 |
matt__ | I had to reinstall the whole Ubuntu process after installing a viod card | 04:56 |
Rictoo | | 04:56 |
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ricardator | pls... i can't check my emails (gmail and hotmail) through ubuntu-feisty... i have enabled cookies and javascript in browser... | 04:56 |
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Rictoo | can someone tell me why ndis is just plain-out not working? =/ | 04:56 |
Rictoo | | 04:56 |
bruenig | !feisty | ricardator | 04:56 |
ubotu | ricardator: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 04:56 |
ricardator | in fact, i can enter on main page... i put my info to log , and the connection with email server lost | 04:56 |
meal3837 | is it official? | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | corden: is that spanish? | 04:56 |
samk | ow do I change the window manager | 04:56 |
combatmode | its ok | 04:56 |
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combatmode | bruenig thx for everything | 04:56 |
matt__ | When I upgraded to Edgy, the system menu has no preferences or administration dropdowns. | 04:56 |
matt__ | Can you help? | 04:56 |
DPic | How many hours until Ubuntu is released? | 04:56 |
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bruenig | combatmode, I am surprised your system is not just totally destroyed | 04:56 |
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NickGarvey | matt__: this is edgy and not feisty right? | 04:56 |
bruenig | DPic, < 21 | 04:56 |
combatmode | lol | 04:56 |
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matt__ | edgy | 04:56 |
jordan__ | Rictoo, Because NDIS is a hack and native drivers are better :) | 04:56 |
scorcher | exit | 04:56 |
ricardator | any? | 04:56 |
samk | how do you change your window manager | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | samk: do you want kde? | 04:56 |
corden | Nop - tagalog | 04:56 |
Gumby | Rictoo: does iwlist wlan0 scan return anything? | 04:56 |
Rictoo | jordan__: Any native drivers for BCM4306 ? | 04:56 |
combatmode | combatmode ^^ is the best ubuntu user ever | 04:56 |
Half-Left | Why does Ubuntu STILL not come with a firewall by default, security not a priority? | 04:56 |
bruenig | samk, during login, you change the session options | 04:56 |
jordan__ | Rictoo, Yup | 04:56 |
corden | but im a bisaya from davao | 04:56 |
bruenig | !firewall | Half-Left it does | 04:56 |
ubotu | Half-Left it does: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 04:56 |
samk | I just downloaded and installed enlightenment wm | 04:56 |
Rictoo | JORDAN_<<<<< REALLLY!?!?!? | 04:56 |
Rictoo | SHOW ME | 04:56 |
Rictoo | PLASEEE | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | !caps | Rictoo | 04:56 |
ubotu | Rictoo: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:56 |
bruenig | !caps | RichiH | 04:56 |
samk | I ave gnome right now | 04:56 |
ubotu | RichiH: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 04:56 |
wastrel | Half-Left: there's no sevices running by default. there's a firewall by default but nothing blocked. | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | bruenig: beat you | 04:56 |
combatmode | Nite everybody. | 04:56 |
bruenig | NickGarvey, and I mistyped too | 04:56 |
Half-Left | bruenig, iptabes is useless by default | 04:56 |
matt__ | Nick... it is a edgy | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | bruenig: 1 nick 0 bruenig | 04:56 |
Vuen_ | feisty release t-1hr! | 04:56 |
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meal3837 | gnome != window manager | 04:56 |
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bruenig | Half-Left, configure it, it is there | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | matt__: yes, let me look into it | 04:56 |
jordan__ | Rictoo, bcm43xx, you just need the firmware* for your card | 04:56 |
ricardator | ppfff pls.. any idea? | 04:56 |
fjasonf2 | can someone walk me thru on how to use aireplay to inject 802.11 frames? | 04:56 |
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wastrel | Half-Left: what is there to block in a default install? | 04:56 |
meal3837 | gnome can actually use enlightenment (although i feond it wasn't very seemless | 04:56 |
Gumby | !bcmfwcutter | 04:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bcmfwcutter - try searching on | 04:56 |
matt__ | thanks, Nick | 04:56 |
Rictoo | Can someone point me to a native BCM4306 driver? | 04:56 |
bruenig | Vuen, what are you talking about? | 04:56 |
fjasonf2 | i want to use my friends internet and he won't tell me his password | 04:56 |
Half-Left | wastrel, pings | 04:56 |
spikeb | i hated using E with gnome back in the day heh | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | !info bcm43xx-fwcutter | Rictoo | 04:56 |
ubotu | rictoo: bcm43xx-fwcutter: Utility for extracting Broadcom 43xx firmware. In component universe, is optional. Version 20060501-5 (edgy), package size 20 kB, installed size 108 kB | 04:56 |
Gumby | ah, thats the one | 04:56 |
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Vuen | bruenig: isn't the feisty release tomorrow? | 04:56 |
jordan__ | Rictoo, It is already installed, you just need to use the utility bcm43xx-fwcutter | 04:56 |
bruenig | Vuen, it is already thursday in ubuntu land, | 04:56 |
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Vuen | so it's out? | 04:56 |
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wastrel | remote root exploit via ping ? :] | 04:56 |
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Gumby | jordan__: dont forget that he needs to use the right module (if he has now set it to use ndiswrapper) | 04:56 |
bruenig | Vuen, no, it released on thursday, not at the beginning of thursday | 04:56 |
bruenig | releases* | 04:56 |
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Half-Left | wastrel, come on man, if you know what i'm talking about just admit it | 04:56 |
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samk | I have gnome already I want to get enlightenment\ | 04:56 |
NickGarvey | matt__: ok, right click the "system" menu, and hit "Edit Menus" | 04:56 |
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Vuen | oh. i assumed it would be released at midnight. the release schedule says all dates refer to the start of the day, i guess it implied only freezes / deadlines | 04:56 |
=== bruenig hopes his feisty detector script works | ||
wastrel | Half-Left: i genuinely don't. ping of death? nmap ping scan? | 04:57 |
NickGarvey | matt__: scroll down to "System" and select it, then check both the preferences and admin boxs | 04:57 |
NickGarvey | matt__: hit ok, and there you go | 04:57 |
meal3837 | samk: the window manager you are actually using right now is metacity | 04:57 |
jordan__ | Gumby, I have never used NDIS wrapper, what does he need to blacklist or is there more to it? | 04:57 |
Wiseguy | hey guys, does anyone know how i use my s-video out on my radeon 9600 vid card? | 04:57 |
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matt__ | Nick, you're the man! | 04:57 |
boris55 | is it out yet? | 04:57 |
NickGarvey | matt__: did it work? | 04:57 |
gravemind | k3b is being weird - it's saying determining maximum writing speed, and alternating really quickly between 0 and 100 % | 04:57 |
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samk | yes | 04:57 |
samk | I want to use elnightenment | 04:57 |
matt__ | Nick, yes it did... | 04:57 |
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samk | ow do I change it | 04:57 |
NickGarvey | matt__: glad to hear it :) | 04:58 |
gravemind | this is the first time I've used k3b | 04:58 |
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fjasonf2 | can someone walk me thru on how to use aireplay to inject 802.11 frames? | 04:58 |
fjasonf2 | i want to use my friends internet and he won't tell me his password | 04:58 |
Half-Left | wastrel, are you telling me that if someone scans you and pings your machine you will not get a response? | 04:58 |
NickGarvey | fjasonf2: illegal activities are not supported here | 04:58 |
Xenguy | heh | 04:58 |
fjasonf2 | hehehehe | 04:58 |
Gumby | jordan__: if he uses ndiswapper he needs to blacklist the bcm43xx module. If he has already been instructed to do so by a README or HOWTO while setting up ndiswapper then he'll need to "unblacklist" it in order to use the bcm43xx + bcm43-fwcutter method | 04:58 |
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wastrel | Half-Left: i'm telling you that i don't care if someone pings my machine | 04:58 |
meal3837 | samk: well, for this (and only this) session, you can hit <alt> + f2 | 04:58 |
wastrel | Half-Left: they can't anyway i'm behind NAT | 04:58 |
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Half-Left | thats not good security | 04:58 |
samk | then... | 04:58 |
meal3837 | samk: and then enter enlightenment | 04:59 |
jordan__ | Gumby, ahh | 04:59 |
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NickGarvey | fjasonf2: freenode is a service of Peer-Directed Projects Center, an IRS 501(c)(3) (not-for-profit, tax exempt) organization in Texas, USA. As a legal entity, PDPC cannot condone or support behavior which is clearly unlawful. | 04:59 |
meal3837 | samk: i think that's the command | 04:59 |
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fjasonf2 | using aircrack suite is unlawful? | 04:59 |
samk | yup | 04:59 |
wastrel | remember when you could finger a user on any internet host? | 04:59 |
richw | Just some research for a future linux software project.. how many of you use lirc here? | 04:59 |
fjasonf2 | need to audit the network, makre sure it's secure... | 04:59 |
NickGarvey | fjasonf2: if used for malicious purposes, of course | 04:59 |
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wastrel | now people disable ping. | 04:59 |
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bruenig | Half-Left, it is much better to leave it open (not like much damage can be done anyways) than to close it and include mindboggling documentation to some of the lower skilled people who use ubuntu as to how they can get it open. Those who need it closed will already know how to do that | 05:00 |
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Stoffer | which package is better for ntfs access: libntfs9 or libntfs-3g0? | 05:00 |
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wastrel | i wonder how many hours cumulatively i spent on my .plan | 05:00 |
bruenig | !ntfs-3g | Stoffer | 05:00 |
ubotu | Stoffer: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy) | 05:00 |
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Tarkus | Jordan_U_: how do i select the resolution. (if i press enter it will skip and go to the next Q.)? | 05:00 |
jordan__ | Stoffer, For RW, ntfs-3g | 05:00 |
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fjasonf2 | and it's awesome you pulled up all that blah blah because i posted some wifi stuff | 05:00 |
jordan__ | Tarkus, Space bar | 05:00 |
Tarkus | thanks | 05:00 |
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meal3837 | samk: then to make it permanent, create usr/bin/ | 05:00 |
Stoffer | do I have to edit the kernel to use it? | 05:00 |
fjasonf2 | the dedicated helper you are | 05:01 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: nope | 05:01 |
Stoffer | awesome, thanks | 05:01 |
Half-Left | bruenig, just include firestarter, iptables is just very basic security | 05:01 |
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sheri_rao | can anyone tell me at what time (exact) fesity fawn will be released ? | 05:01 |
bruenig | Half-Left, firestarter configures iptables | 05:01 |
jordan__ | sheri_rao, No, nobody can | 05:01 |
bruenig | Half-Left, it is nothing more than a front-end | 05:01 |
MarkFeathers | I'm having trouble with my kernel. If i type in sudo apt-get install -f, i get errors configureing "linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic". "Failed to find suitable ramdisk generation tool for kernel version". How can I fix this | 05:01 |
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xarquid | jordan__: Pretty bold statement! :P | 05:01 |
Half-Left | yes but by default it done do much | 05:01 |
Stoffer | Gumby, do I have to restart to have it recognize my ntfs partition? | 05:02 |
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NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: try "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" first | 05:02 |
Half-Left | dont* | 05:02 |
bruenig | Half-Left, then configure it | 05:02 |
MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: I did. Everything works I just want to get rid of the error | 05:02 |
meal3837 | samk: you have to creat that file as root, from the prompt | 05:02 |
bruenig | Half-Left, what are you afraid of exactly, this is linux | 05:02 |
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Half-Left | bruenig, Ubuntu is no better than WIndows XP was pre SP2 | 05:02 |
bruenig | sheri_rao, <20 hours | 05:02 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: could you paste the output of "uname -r" ? | 05:02 |
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imbecile | can anybody recommend a bootable disk tool that i can completely wipe a disk with? I tried installing freebsd and now i cannot get ANY os to install... I just want my ubuntu back :( | 05:02 |
bruenig | Half-Left, except the permission setup | 05:02 |
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NickGarvey | Half-Left: | 05:02 |
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NickGarvey | Half-Left: I think you are in the wrong channel | 05:02 |
sheri_rao | bruenig, any idea at what time ...exactly | 05:02 |
fjasonf2 | imbecile: disklabel it | 05:02 |
Jordan_U | imbecile, The Ubuntu LiveCD can do that if you already have it | 05:03 |
Gumby | Stoffer: If my memory is correct, you just need to edit /etc/fstab if you have the entry for that partition there and instead of ntfs use ntfs-3g | 05:03 |
bruenig | sheri_rao, less than 20 hours is all we can be sure of | 05:03 |
sheri_rao | bruenig, EST time? | 05:03 |
fjasonf2 | imbecile: go with freebsd, it's alot SIMPLER | 05:03 |
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bruenig | sheri_rao, 20 hours from now is the same regardless | 05:03 |
sheri_rao | bruenig, ok hope so | 05:03 |
xarquid | Wouldn't <20 hours fit any time zone? | 05:03 |
MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: 2.6.17-11-generic. I am running the kernel fine right now | 05:03 |
imbecile | ubuntu live cd wont boot :( I get a kerenel panic | 05:03 |
Half-Left | bruenig, no SELinux, no ICMP filtering | 05:03 |
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Ubuntu7 | hey! | 05:03 |
xarquid |'re on another planet? omg | 05:03 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: you just need to umount and then remount with the proper filesystem (ntfs-3g instead of ntfs) | 05:03 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: and thats the binary correct? you didn't compile yourself? | 05:03 |
Ubuntu7 | its been tomorrow for some time | 05:04 |
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MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: correct, it is the binary | 05:04 |
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Jordan_U | imbecile, For a small download go with DSl | 05:04 |
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meal3837 | samk: got it? | 05:04 |
=== bruenig sounds troll alarm | ||
wastrel | Half-Left you're getting boring, aand this is offtopic. | 05:04 |
Gumby | Ubuntu1: its never tomorrow :) | 05:04 |
Ubuntu8 | HA i'm number 8! | 05:04 |
MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: I am using an altered initramfs image, but that shouldn't hurt it, i can still change the ram image | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | haha | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | hahahaha | 05:04 |
Ubuntu8 | MUAHAH | 05:04 |
Toyd | !countdown | 05:04 |
Half-Left | really, this is ubuntu right? | 05:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about countdown - try searching on | 05:04 |
imbecile | Jordan_U thank you | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | sup my brotha | 05:04 |
wastrel | -> #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:04 |
Stoffer | Gumby, so put ntfs-3g under "type" | 05:04 |
Gumby | Stoffer: correct | 05:04 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: | 05:04 |
Toyd | !countdown feisty fawn release | 05:04 |
drew | is 7.04 gonna be on FTP servers in an hour? | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | 999 | 05:04 |
bruenig | Toyd, stop | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | 998 | 05:04 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U: | 05:04 |
Tarkus | done | 05:04 |
Ubuntu7 | 997 | 05:05 |
Ubuntu7 | jk lol | 05:05 |
gravemind | hey can someone help me with k3b - I try to burn something but it says detecting maximum burn speed forever | 05:05 |
sheri_rao | whereisubuntufesityfawn | 05:05 |
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bruenig | drew, in less than 20 hours | 05:05 |
Toyd | bruenig, ?? | 05:05 |
Madpilot | Ubuntu7, Ubuntu8 - #ubuntu-offtopic, thank you | 05:05 |
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Ubuntu7 | no! | 05:05 |
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boris55 | 20 hours? | 05:05 |
Ubuntu7 | k | 05:05 |
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sheri_rao | whereisfesityfawn | 05:05 |
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Tarkus | it shows 1680x1050 in the xorg.conf. but i still dont see it available in my screen res. | 05:05 |
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Toyd | Humans how many hours till feisty fawn will be released? | 05:05 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: /me flexes googling powers | 05:05 |
Jordan_U | Tarkus, That ought to do it, now just restart X | 05:05 |
Half-Left | So sounding off about security is a troll in Ubuntu? | 05:05 |
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boris55 | we want feisty | 05:05 |
imbecile | i saw that coming ;P | 05:05 |
jturek | msg nickserv ID 1johntom1 | 05:05 |
drew | bruenig, k thank u | 05:05 |
Toyd | bruenig, how many hours till feisty fawn will be released? | 05:05 |
progek | I created a user in ubuntu remotely with adduser but now I need to change that users password too. How can I do this in terminal? | 05:05 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: this is a support channel, not a complaint channel | 05:05 |
xarquid | You guys and gals ARE feisty :P | 05:05 |
Madpilot | jturek, time to change your password | 05:06 |
nAREN | is there any one who was successfull in using google talk in ubuntu | 05:06 |
bruenig | Toyd, less than 20 | 05:06 |
Toyd | :P | 05:06 |
MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: I can't use that though because in my initramfs I have a script to decrypt my luks root | 05:06 |
kitche | progek: sudo passwd user | 05:06 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U: alright, thanks alot man. appreciate it :D | 05:06 |
imbecile | lol | 05:06 |
progek | perfect, thanks kitche | 05:06 |
Ufuktu | Ufuktu, an operating system written by people who are just plain fed up with software that creates chaos. Try it for 30 days and you WILL be pulling your hair out. | 05:06 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: geez, are you layback? | 05:06 |
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kitche | jturek: might want to change your pass | 05:06 |
gepatino | nAREN: i use it with gaim | 05:06 |
gravemind | hey could you feisty people go to like offtopic or somewhere that's not here? like ubuntu+1 or something | 05:06 |
Gumby | Half-Left: no, complaining about something that is developer related is. Mostly cause 99% of people here arent devels and cant help you one darn bit :) | 05:06 |
xarquid | nAREN: I just use it from gMail in Firefox or from their new applet provided at -- not sure if anyone else found a way. | 05:06 |
Toyd | bruenig, thanks for the info :) | 05:06 |
Jordan_U | Tarkus, Did it work? | 05:06 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: almost the exact same thing he said | 05:06 |
imbecile | just dropped docs on himself...ouch | 05:06 |
Toyd | bruenig, thanks for the info :) | 05:06 |
xarquid | Or plugins in gaim? | 05:06 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U: im trying now, brb | 05:06 |
Half-Left | NickGarvey, Useless, millions of different channels for each topic, it's like a friggin support line | 05:06 |
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jturek | changed ;) thanks guys | 05:06 |
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MarkFeathers | NickGarvey: lol no i'm not, but I did do the exact same thing it would seem | 05:07 |
jturek | wouldn't have caught that! | 05:07 |
nAREN | gepatino: i want to use talk function | 05:07 |
samk | every1 remind me enlightenment is bad.... | 05:07 |
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nAREN | i want to use gtalk talk option. | 05:07 |
xarquid | GAIN uses a seperate plugin (not distributed with its base files) for gTalk, yes? | 05:07 |
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kitche | samk: e16 is bad e17 not so much | 05:07 |
xarquid | gAim* | 05:07 |
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gepatino | nAREN: afaik, thats nto implemented yet, sorry | 05:07 |
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Half-Left | Gumby, complaining?, it's a simple statement, someone has not yet directed me to where to go about it | 05:07 |
xarquid | Ah, I must need an update? | 05:07 |
gravemind | I'm trying to use k3b but it hangs on detecting maximum burn speed. what should I do? | 05:07 |
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samk | ow do I tell what version I have | 05:07 |
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xarquid | I didn't think it was in current gAim | 05:08 |
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froyd | does anybody here has experience with kiba-dock ? | 05:08 |
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Gumby | Half-Left: my comment was pretty much a joke. :) | 05:08 |
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nAREN | any one successfull in making calls with jabbin | 05:08 |
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Half-Left | :p | 05:08 |
meal3837 | Half-Left: you could make you own distro, that would be a goo place to start if you're usatisfied with everyone else's hard work | 05:08 |
kitche | samk: by the look of enlightenment | 05:09 |
Stoffer | Gumby, ok they're both mounted. I'm not sure if they were mounted before, because it's not showing up in the file browser | 05:09 |
nAREN | any one successfull in using talk function using jabbin | 05:09 |
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Jordan_U | !bugs | Half-Left | 05:09 |
ubotu | Half-Left: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 05:09 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: | 05:09 |
kitche | samk: if you don't have a iconbar at the bottom then you are on e16 | 05:09 |
Half-Left | meal3837, is that supposed to be a answer? | 05:09 |
Ufuktu | !bridge | 05:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bridge - try searching on | 05:09 |
Ufuktu | !osi | 05:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about osi - try searching on | 05:09 |
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NickGarvey | nAREN: best way I would think, is it to try it | 05:09 |
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samk | kitche:mine has two boxes on the lower left hand and 1 on the right | 05:09 |
NickGarvey | !fishing | Ufuktu | 05:09 |
ubotu | Ufuktu: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 05:09 |
xarquid | Aye, I do not see gTalk as supported by gaim currently under accounts/add accounts, nAREN | 05:09 |
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kitche | samk: it's e16 then | 05:09 |
Terramel | Hello | 05:09 |
Ufuktu | !wep | 05:09 |
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ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 05:09 |
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Terramel | How much till the release of Feisty? | 05:09 |
Ufuktu | !wpa | 05:09 |
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kitche | xarquid: jabber | 05:09 |
samk | were do I get e 18 | 05:09 |
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Terramel | I'm just waiting in the site | 05:09 |
Ufuktu | i'm so lost, they don't help me, they just give me links! | 05:09 |
Gumby | Half-Left: I guess you cant create a distro that is 100% perfect for 100% of the population. For most that are concerned with security they'll know how to setup a decent firewall or at least learn how to | 05:10 |
NickGarvey | Ufuktu: read the factoid ubotu just said please, you are abusing the bot | 05:10 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, it's not a bug, just addressing simple security | 05:10 |
Stoffer | anyone here know if ath_pci IS a/the madwifi driver? | 05:10 |
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kitche | samk: it's in the repos let me see get the exact name | 05:10 |
meal3837 | Half-Left, basically, i'm tired of you bitching about everything . . . no this isn't window, yes, some things you actually have to get your hands dirty on, but stop ripping on everyone else just because you're lazy | 05:10 |
xarquid | Oh, jabber as the method. Use a google chat server (?) as the server and screen name = gmail address? | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | i'm not abusing the bot, i'm asking it quesitons | 05:10 |
samk | ok | 05:10 |
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NickGarvey | !ohmy | meal3837 | 05:10 |
ubotu | meal3837: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | !ifconfig | 05:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ifconfig - try searching on | 05:10 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U: yep, its working now on 1680x1050 | 05:10 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, What is the issue exactly ( I missed it )? | 05:10 |
Madpilot | Ufuktu, how about actually reading some of the links you've been given? Especially the !msgthebot one... | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | wtf? ifconfig isn't listed? | 05:10 |
NickGarvey | Ufuktu: man you are going to anger the ops even more | 05:10 |
Half-Left | meal3837, what?, are you for real? | 05:10 |
pepo | time for release? | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | man, i don't give a shit. | 05:10 |
Gumby | Half-Left: firewalls are a not so great idea for default setups as each users network is different and the newb end user will be pulling their hair out trying to figure out why they cant receive files over gaim when using ubuntu but they can in windows | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | just bots | 05:10 |
Ufuktu | like they do any | 05:11 |
visualnets | Anybody waiting for the Release? | 05:11 |
imbecile | here we go | 05:11 |
Ufuktu | work | 05:11 |
witless | how can i set up a directory group permissions so that all files created in it are accessible read/write by all members of the group? | 05:11 |
Madpilot | Ufuktu, then leave. Before you get removed. | 05:11 |
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nAREN | nickgarvey xarquid: i used jabbin but i could not talk. i was not getting what could be the problem. but i could use normal chat with jabbin | 05:11 |
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Ufuktu | oh! i'm so scared! i'll be banned for 15 mins! ohh! | 05:11 |
Half-Left | Gumby, lol, I got to say | 05:11 |
meal3837 | Half-Left, yeah, I'm for real, get a life, man! If you want a "magic-box" solution go crawling back to windows | 05:11 |
kitche | samk: guess it's not in the repos | 05:11 |
rcp | waiting for the release, yes . . . | 05:11 |
Ufuktu | you bad cyber bully! | 05:11 |
Tarkus | Jordan_U: strange though when i have a transparent terminal window, and i drag/move it, it gets all jumpy with updating the BG image into the transparency Background, like its slow responce. i though that having proper graphics drivers would fix that. is it normal for it to do that? | 05:11 |
CD_Ubuntu_ | Ufuktu: you an ass period | 05:11 |
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Ufuktu | i'm gonig to tell my mommy | 05:11 |
Gumby | Stoffer: if you open up a gnome terminal and type mount you will see where things are currently mounted. | 05:11 |
NickGarvey | CD_Ubuntu_: don't feed the troll | 05:11 |
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xarquid | nAREN: And I guess you followed the steps on for gaim? | 05:11 |
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CD_Ubuntu_ | ok your right | 05:12 |
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Half-Left | meal3837, I dont use Windows, i've used Linux for 6 years so watch who your talking to | 05:12 |
NickGarvey | nAREN: oh I understand, I do not believe there is voice conferences in the current gaim | 05:12 |
froyd | im having problems installing kibadock , does anybody have any experience with that | 05:12 |
froyd | ? | 05:12 |
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NickGarvey | CD_Ubuntu_: :) no prob | 05:12 |
rcp | who is going to kick these children off the channel? | 05:12 |
Toyd | froyd extreme moviez froyd? | 05:12 |
NickGarvey | froyd: whats your problem? | 05:12 |
Stoffer | Gumby, yes, I realized that both my ntfs partitions are mounted exactly where I wanted them to be. I'm just curious as to why the gnome file browser can't see them | 05:12 |
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samk | where do you get e18 | 05:12 |
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meal3837 | Half-Left: what, are you gonna beat me up or something? If you've been using linux for so long, then why is it such a big deal to run sudo apt-get install firestarter? | 05:12 |
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froyd | its not really installing i added the repos n did the apt-get | 05:13 |
Gumby | Stoffer: not sure. maybe you have them mounted so only root can see them. | 05:13 |
froyd | but when i run kiba-dock i get segmentation fault | 05:13 |
froyd | core dumped | 05:13 |
NickGarvey | meal3837: stop feeding the troll please | 05:13 |
froyd | :( | 05:13 |
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beattech_ | CANT WAIT FOR FEISTY! | 05:13 |
bayziders | Same | 05:13 |
coulix_ | when when | 05:13 |
Half-Left | meal3837, You missed the point didn't you, it's not about me | 05:13 |
meal3837 | NickGarvey: *sigh* sorry | 05:13 |
Madpilot | ubotu, enter | froyd | 05:13 |
ubotu | froyd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:13 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, interesting.... any idea what the lauch command for the gnome file browser is? | 05:13 |
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bayziders | I don't even know whats new, I just like the name. | 05:13 |
bayziders | XDDD | 05:13 |
meal3837 | Half-Left: yes it is . . . otherwise, you would just get over it and move on | 05:13 |
richdurhm | hey guys will 7.04 be released 12 am est usa | 05:13 |
Gumby | Stoffer: no idea. never use it :) | 05:13 |
coulix_ | any pronostic on the time it will be out | 05:14 |
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NickGarvey | Stoffer: nautilus I believe | 05:14 |
Gumby | richdurhm: yes | 05:14 |
bayziders | Whoa one more hour | 05:14 |
Stoffer | Gumby, NickGarvey yeah, nautilus | 05:14 |
samk | were did you get e 18 | 05:14 |
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rcp | 45 minutes? | 05:14 |
Gumby | richdurhm: actually, I have no idea. hehe | 05:14 |
Jordan_U | Tarkus, That is because it isn't true transpareny, install Compiz ( or upgrade to Feisty ) and it will be instantaneous | 05:14 |
paradon | Stoffer: nautilus --no-desktop | 05:14 |
bayziders | Epic win | 05:14 |
richdurhm | werd i guess i have to stay up u think the servers will go down ? | 05:14 |
bayziders | Do they list the upgrades on the ubuntu site? | 05:14 |
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Jordan_U | richdurhm, They are always slow around release time | 05:14 |
NickGarvey | MarkFeathers: I am sorry, I can't seem to find an answer to your question, it appears to be a debian problem also, perhaps you could try one of their support channels, very sorry | 05:15 |
Gumby | richdurhm: I'd wait until the mirrors get it. its going to be awfully slow for the first day until it trickles down to other mirros | 05:15 |
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Gumby | mirrors | 05:15 |
paradon | I don't think Feisty will be released anytime before about 7am london time, if they last few releases are any indication. | 05:15 |
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samk | kitche | 05:15 |
Half-Left | meal3837, Right so when ubuntu gets hammered by crackers who's going to pick up the pieces?, remember pre SP2 in WIndows, the Linux kernel has SELinux for good sake and they are not using it | 05:15 |
languid | how get i get sar on ubuntu? does anoyne know what packages it's contained in? | 05:15 |
samk | did you find anyting? | 05:15 |
brad__ | . | 05:15 |
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richdurhm | paradon, what time is it now where u are/ | 05:15 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, hehe, found them... they were under their respected names in "Filesystem" thanks anyway :) | 05:16 |
samk | 9:16 | 05:16 |
wastrel | what's sar | 05:16 |
bayziders | Laptop users are going to love the update. | 05:16 |
paradon | richdurhm: 3:16pm :-P | 05:16 |
NickGarvey | languid: what does it do? | 05:16 |
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samk | I have a laptop! | 05:16 |
kitche | samk: yes? it's not in the repos | 05:16 |
witless | how can i set up a directory's permissions so that all files created in it are accessible read/write by all members of the group that owns the directory? | 05:16 |
NickGarvey | samk: then you will love the update ;) | 05:16 |
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richdurhm | lol ouch it is 1115pm here lol | 05:16 |
bayziders | Same | 05:16 |
corinth | Aaah! | 05:16 |
samk | Ok where do you get it then? | 05:16 |
DoubleOSven | yeah i am 11:16 | 05:16 |
languid | NickGarvey: shows stuff like page faults per minutes and such | 05:16 |
corinth | I can't wait for midnight. | 05:16 |
bayziders | W00T east coast | 05:16 |
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Jordan_U | Half-Left, I would say that that is something for a Bug report, misconfiguration / insecure default setups are a Bug, then you can get an answer from the actual Ubuntu devs | 05:16 |
richdurhm | im in new jersey | 05:16 |
NickGarvey | witless: chmod -R 770 directory (or 775 if you want it to be readable by other people) | 05:16 |
samk | joisy | 05:16 |
samk | new joisy | 05:17 |
DoubleOSven | mass. | 05:17 |
richdurhm | fu lol thats norht jersey that alks like that cause of new york | 05:17 |
corinth | When does feisty go live, is it timezone dependant? | 05:17 |
NickGarvey | witless: actually, better yet, chmod g+rwx directory | 05:17 |
DoubleOSven | what time is feisty being released? | 05:17 |
corinth | That's probably a stupid question. | 05:17 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, which channel? | 05:17 |
wastrel | "NO SPECIFIC TIME" | 05:17 |
corinth | Thanks. | 05:17 |
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richdurhm | DoubleOSven, dunno just tomorrow | 05:17 |
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DoubleOSven | i think that edgy was released somewhere around 9:00 AM Eastern | 05:17 |
witless | NickGarvey: doesn't work - if i create a new file in that directory, group permissions are only "r" | 05:17 |
samk | anyone know where to get enlightenment wm e18 | 05:17 |
Stoffer | Gumby, if I want to unmount and then remount my share partition using ntfs-3g, I just type sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdc4 /share??? | 05:17 |
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new_user | I've got a question - or rather a problem. I'm currently running the live ubuntu CD 6.10 and am trying to install to a USB external Hard Drive (Samsung Disk inside a MaPower? Enclosure). The USB disk automatically mounts, but every time I try to use the install app on my desktop I get an error while partioning and the installation cancels. Any ideas/bites? | 05:17 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, #ubuntu-devel, but I meant that you should file an actual bug report | 05:18 |
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kitche | samk: e17 there is no e18 and no package for ubuntu on their site | 05:18 |
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bayziders | I cant wait till till my 2 1 gig sticks of memory get here. =D | 05:18 |
NickGarvey | witless: you need to set the permissions for each file I assume.. I am not sure if there is a way to change the default, I'll look into it | 05:18 |
samk | mmmm | 05:18 |
Stoffer | Gumby, because earlier it said that ntfs-3g was an unknown file system | 05:18 |
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Jordan_U | !bugs | Half-Left | 05:18 |
ubotu | Half-Left: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at | 05:18 |
witless | NickGarvey: ok, thx | 05:18 |
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Half-Left | Jordan_U, ok thanks | 05:18 |
Gumby | Stoffer: something like that yes. you'l probably need to specify that it can be written to by user and is also rw (not sure if rw is default for ubuntu) | 05:18 |
Markfeather | NickGarvey: I fixed it - I told ubuntu to not generate an initramfs image and just did it myself after it generated a bad one. now it works | 05:18 |
mxpxpod | I just upgraded from edgy to feisty and now the kernel (2.6.20) won't boot... can someone help me? | 05:18 |
Wiseguy | hey guys, for some reason i am unable to choose a resolution more than 1024x768 from the resolution list even though i know both my monitor and my video card support much much more than that... is there anyway to fix this? | 05:19 |
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NickGarvey | witless: got it, the program is "umask" | 05:19 |
Gumby | Stoffer: which ntfs-3g package(s) did you install | 05:19 |
NickGarvey | witless: | 05:19 |
Markfeather | mxpxpod: go to ubuntu+1 | 05:19 |
witless | NickGarvey: i'll check it out, thanks | 05:19 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, the one that's not -dev | 05:19 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, from the package manager | 05:19 |
samk | yea there is a ubuntu package on the sitw | 05:19 |
Jordan_U | mxpxpod, How did you upgrade and in what way does it not boot? ( answer in #ubuntu+1 ) | 05:19 |
samk | they have deb packages | 05:19 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: what do you get for output of dpkg -l *ntfs-3g* | 05:20 |
kitche | samk: it's for debian it takes you to debian site | 05:20 |
orbin | !fixres > Wiseguy ... check PM from ubotu | 05:20 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: just the two packages not the full output | 05:20 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, Are they planing on a front end to xorg so resolutions can be configured? | 05:20 |
Stoffer | Gumby, libntfs-3g0 | 05:20 |
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bayziders | 40 Minutes | 05:20 |
Gumby | Stoffer: thats it? | 05:20 |
mxpxpod | Jordan_U: answered ;) | 05:20 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, that's all that listed under "name" | 05:21 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:21 |
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Half-Left | No, I mean a sane one | 05:21 |
samk | whats you guys favorite window manager | 05:21 |
Gumby | Stoffer: apt-cache search ntfs-3g | 05:21 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, I have never seen any person who has had resolution problems with their xorg.conf , it is _always_ a driver problem | 05:21 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: why don't you write one then? | 05:21 |
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samk | ubotu | 05:21 |
scubasteve | can anyone help me turn off my touch to click trackpad...its very annoying | 05:21 |
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NickGarvey | !bot | samk | 05:22 |
ubotu | samk: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 05:22 |
new_user | anyone want to help a semi-new user install to an external disk? | 05:22 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 05:22 |
samk | cool! | 05:22 |
NickGarvey | xarquid: please take off your automatic away message | 05:22 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, And Upstream Xorg is making it so that in the next release you won't need an xorg.conf at all | 05:22 |
Stoffer | Gumby, libntfs-3g-dev, libntfs-3g0, ntfs-3g, ntfs-config | 05:22 |
samk | !bot | 05:22 |
Gumby | Stoffer: apt-get install ntfs-3g | 05:22 |
Half-Left | NickGarvey, Why dont you not answer a simple question with patronising me | 05:22 |
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cactusbin | where can i download 7.04 stable? | 05:22 |
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spikeb | you can't | 05:22 |
stdin | cactusbin: when it's out you can | 05:22 |
wastrel | ask a stupid question... | 05:22 |
phr0z3n | heh | 05:22 |
Jordan_U | cactusbin, It doesn't exist yet | 05:22 |
spikeb | if you could, you'd be able to find a download. | 05:22 |
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Half-Left | Jordan_U, I had to edit the xorg.conf for my resolution and refresh | 05:22 |
stdin | !caps | phr0z3n | 05:22 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: I did answer the question, you complained about my answer | 05:22 |
ubotu | phr0z3n: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 05:22 |
cactusbin | where | 05:22 |
cactusbin | when, tommorrow evning? | 05:23 |
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cactusbin | midnight? | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, What card | 05:23 |
Jordan_U | ? | 05:23 |
krunc | Ok... is there a media (video) player that "works" when desktop effects are enabled? | 05:23 |
boris55 | patience | 05:23 |
Half-Left | n7600GS | 05:23 |
phr0z3n | stdin, sorry, just thinking of whats going to be in mark shuttleworth email tomorrow. | 05:23 |
spikeb | krunc, probably not | 05:23 |
samk | does anyone now wy my fiensty boot screen loads on te bottom left | 05:23 |
cactusbin | i need to start the download so i can go to sleep | 05:23 |
krunc | cactusbin: i jsut installed the daily from today.. its workign quite well and will be stable in a couple of hours, probably | 05:23 |
samk | 'i mean rigt | 05:23 |
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phr0z3n | well.. emails.. | 05:23 |
samk | my h doesn't work | 05:23 |
Half-Left | NickGarvey, Average joe is going to use that, yer great | 05:23 |
krunc | spikeb: too bad... haha.... almsot got everything perfect with this stuff now | 05:23 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: funny, I have the same card and I didn't need to edit mine at all | 05:23 |
NickGarvey | Half-Left: well, you seem to think you are above "average joe" so I don't see how that applies | 05:24 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, I have never tried an ASUS card | 05:24 |
krunc | only thing is, my desktp[ wont stretch all the way across when desktop effecs are enabled... but it makes it threw 1 and a half monitors | 05:24 |
Half-Left | well it's not always down to the card is it | 05:24 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, it's giving me errors, but pastebin's not working... | 05:24 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: try | 05:24 |
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Stoffer | Gumby, | 05:25 |
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Jordan_U | Half-Left, I have helped here a lot and in the past year not one person with a resolution problem has not had it fixed by installing the correct drivers | 05:25 |
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Half-Left | Jordan_U, it's the monitor, I even sent it in the hardware report to ubuntu devs and the hardware device ID, (which they seem to have fixed) | 05:25 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: do you have synaptic open? | 05:25 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: or is apt runnign elsewhere | 05:25 |
dizz | Hidan, i just tried 6.10 dvd boot, but x (possibly) fails to detect a working mode. monitor goes into sleep-mode, but i hear the welcome sound. safe graphics mode fails me too. is there a way to test for more screen modes? intel i845g chipset with internal video adapter. | 05:25 |
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Jordan_U | Half-Left, ahh | 05:26 |
Stoffer | Gumby, the first, i'll close and try again | 05:26 |
dizz | hidan = hi (without nickcompletion) | 05:26 |
Cafe__ | guys, i've just c=switched my video card, how do i force and hardware redetection? | 05:26 |
Stoffer | Gumby, done | 05:26 |
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Gumby | Stoffer: you should be able to mount it now without issues | 05:26 |
NickGarvey | Cafe__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should do it | 05:26 |
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blanky | guys get the torrents up for feisty already! | 05:26 |
dizz | this computer has successfully run linux (gentoo with x) before | 05:27 |
blanky | | 05:27 |
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Half-Left | Jordan_U, Xorg is not going to detect my monitor refresh, the deafult one is useless 60Hz, I had to add my proper V/H refresh | 05:27 |
blanky | It's still 4-18-07 here haha, but hey that's all good | 05:27 |
blanky | where are the torrents for feisty, get them up guys! | 05:27 |
NickGarvey | !feisty | blanky | 05:27 |
ubotu | blanky: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 05:27 |
Cafe__ | i tried, but it asks many thins it didn't ask for my first setup | 05:27 |
krunc | I've been transfering a lot of fiels to my ext3 storage partition threw windows. when i started ubuntu i got a disk error, mainly saying my files were very fragmented.... any easy way to fix that? | 05:27 |
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blanky | NickGarvey: did you see what I posted, | 05:27 |
blanky | it says it's already out, is it or is it not? | 05:27 |
Cafe__ | on device manager i can see the new video card's name, but i want xorg to detect it | 05:27 |
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NickGarvey | blanky: and obviously some blog has the most up to date stuff... | 05:27 |
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Madpilot | blanky, no idea who the author of that blog is, but they've jumped the gun... | 05:28 |
wastrel | blanky: sharkspace is stupid | 05:28 |
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blanky | alright thanks guys, saw it on digg, shouldn't have trusted it :P | 05:28 |
NickGarvey | blanky: <- your best source for a release date | 05:28 |
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blanky | guess I'll wait for tomorrow haha | 05:28 |
Stoffer | Gumby, worked like a charm :) when I type "mount" the type is now "fuseblk" | 05:28 |
Cafe__ | how do i force xorg to detect my new video card? | 05:28 |
BaACkUp | good morning yall | 05:28 |
blanky | damn and I left my friend a message about it | 05:28 |
blanky | oh well | 05:28 |
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NickGarvey | Cafe__: I gave you the command I believe | 05:28 |
diabolix | did everuone read see this?: | 05:28 |
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NickGarvey | Cafe__: did it not work? | 05:28 |
bayziders | I wish ubuntu live would come to NY, I would love to go. =( | 05:28 |
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BaACkUp | !ping me | 05:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ping me - try searching on | 05:28 |
mikefoo | Is two week notice mandatory? I cant remember what my terms stated when I joined company. ANyone have an idea, as in its not legal to state, two weeks is needed. | 05:29 |
Gumby | Stoffer: /dev/hda1 on /media/Vista type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other) looks right I guess. lol | 05:29 |
ricardator | does anyone had problems to check email through web browsers? | 05:29 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, Xorg dont have hotplug yet, they supposed to have it in xorg 7.3, is ubuntu waiting for that instead? | 05:29 |
NickGarvey | !offtopic | diabolix | 05:29 |
ubotu | diabolix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:29 |
Cafe__ | no, it's like a manual configuration | 05:29 |
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BaACkUp | Nubbie: where are u ! | 05:29 |
Cafe__ | i want to force xorg to do what it did on ubuntu installation | 05:29 |
Gumby | Stoffer: never noticed that before | 05:29 |
witless | NickGarvey: i've looked into it, and it seems that i need to enable ACL support on my filesystem in order to do what i want | 05:29 |
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NickGarvey | Cafe__: no, it is not totally manual, it probes around | 05:29 |
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NickGarvey | Cafe__: you can almost always just stick with the defaults | 05:30 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, Basically, they were going to add a GUI config for Feisty until Xorg made their announcement | 05:30 |
HYPOCRISY | Hi | 05:30 |
cyberfr0g` | hey | 05:30 |
Stoffer | Gumby, noticed what? | 05:30 |
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Cafe__ | ok, i'll try it all and come back | 05:30 |
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Cafe__ | can i run it from an xterm? | 05:30 |
Etonix | Anyone know what time Feisty is going to be released? I know it's tomorrow, but any exacts? | 05:30 |
Gumby | "fuse" | 05:30 |
julian_ | is it possible for network manager to connect to your networks automatically | 05:30 |
Stoffer | Gumby, oh, the fuseblk? | 05:30 |
bayziders | 30 Minutes | 05:30 |
Gumby | yeah | 05:30 |
iamalex | hey all, i have a realllly quick question about partitions | 05:30 |
BaACkUp | i want to install vlc | 05:30 |
Gumby | on mine it just says fuse | 05:30 |
BaACkUp | how to do it | 05:30 |
aldin | 7.04, is it out? | 05:30 |
Cafe__ | i'm on init 5 | 05:30 |
HYPOCRISY | I'll soon find out | 05:30 |
Stoffer | Gumby, well, I suppose they threw it in there for fun :P | 05:30 |
Jordan_U | julian_, Yes, that is it's main purpose | 05:30 |
gravemind | can anyone help me with weird k3b error | 05:30 |
iamalex | /boot is the only one that needs the bootflag right? | 05:30 |
Gumby | aldin: type /topic | 05:30 |
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julian_ | well as of now i have to go into network manager and choose the network i want to connect to, ie wireless at home. | 05:31 |
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BaACkUp | !vlc | 05:31 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 05:31 |
Stoffer | aldin, if you don't want to wait till tomorrow, I installed the latest beta today and it's working just fine | 05:31 |
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julian_ | if i go on campus i have to open it up and choose another wireless network | 05:31 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, ok nice, the restricted driver manager is a great addition | 05:32 |
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imbecile | what does "bad EIP value" mean? | 05:32 |
BaACkUp | !vlc player | 05:32 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vlc player - try searching on | 05:32 |
cyberfr0g` | no | 05:32 |
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micahcowan | blanky, it /is/ due to be released today (where "today" is from a UTC perspective: it's 18th here, too), but it's not out yet ( | 05:32 |
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blanky | micahcowan: yeah I got it now haha thanks | 05:32 |
aldin | Stoffer: well i wanta to share that CD with my friends... so i prefer original | 05:32 |
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Stoffer | aldin, ic, well in that case tomorrow :) | 05:33 |
abasin | i want to get a internet wireless card, for my laptop (running ubuntu), but i don't know which ones are compatible? anyone else use wireless cards running linux on their laptop? what is a decent card? | 05:33 |
julian_ | any thoughts on how to make it automatically connect | 05:33 |
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krunc | i love how everythign works, and i've installed like two things :) ......if only my video drivers configured themselves as easily | 05:34 |
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iamalex | anyone? | 05:34 |
aldin | Stoffer: in my country it is 19th whats the problem? | 05:34 |
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iamalex | is /boot the only partition that I need to mark bootable or does / need it too | 05:34 |
graulich | where can I find a changelist for Feisty? | 05:34 |
Etonix | It'll be the nineteenth here in an hour and a half. | 05:34 |
Stoffer | aldin, in my country, it's the 18th. They didn't say at what hour they're gonna release it | 05:34 |
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Anarch | How can I tell which Ubuntu version I have? Is there some /etc/$foo that identifies it as Dapper or Edgy etc? (Not /proc/version it seems.) | 05:34 |
Etonix | Here, anyway. | 05:34 |
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aldin | Stoffer: so they wait 19th for all world? | 05:35 |
wastrel | Anarch: lsb_release -a | 05:35 |
bruenig | I am monitoring the main ftp and http mirrors, I should know within the minute that it is up | 05:35 |
NickGarvey | Anarch: oh boy.. there is a command.. let me try to remember it.. something - what wastrel said.. | 05:35 |
bruenig | it is still 17th here | 05:35 |
bruenig | or I mean 18th | 05:35 |
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aldin | bruenig: 17th?!?!? | 05:35 |
NickGarvey | bruenig: its.. yeah | 05:35 |
aldin | oh oc | 05:35 |
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micahcowan | graulich, ? | 05:35 |
aldin | *ok | 05:35 |
Anarch | wastrel: woohoo, it works. | 05:35 |
Stoffer | aldin, I don't know what they're waiting for | 05:35 |
Anarch | NickGarvey: thanks too | 05:35 |
graulich | thx micahcowan | 05:35 |
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NickGarvey | Anarch: hah | 05:36 |
micahcowan | graulich, er, apparently that's not it | 05:36 |
aldin | i got up so early! it is 05:53 in my time zone ! Europe /Sarajevo hehe | 05:36 |
bruenig | Anarch, grep CODENAME /etc/lsb-release | sed 's/^.\{17\}//' | 05:36 |
graulich | micahcowan: right. meh. | 05:36 |
blanky | micahcowan: that doesn't work | 05:36 |
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aldin | oops 05:36 misstyped | 05:36 |
micahcowan | It was linked from /FeistyFawn... :/ | 05:36 |
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gravemind | I need help with k3b | 05:37 |
krunc | I wonder if much will be changed from todays updates... everything seems rather good.... havent run ubuntu so cleanly on my amd 64bit ever until today | 05:37 |
philip | is there gonna be a launch party? guess we're it | 05:37 |
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NickGarvey | philip: there is for the ubuntu-ny loco!! | 05:37 |
NickGarvey | philip: but I can't go because my mom says I can't go to nyc alone :( | 05:38 |
lnostdal | gief feisty torrents plz, ok-thnx ... :) | 05:38 |
bruenig | hmm | 05:38 |
micahcowan | graulich, gives some good highlights | 05:38 |
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NickGarvey | lnostdal: its not out yet | 05:38 |
graulich | thx micahcowan | 05:38 |
bruenig | I am one of the 5 people who use it in texas so no party here | 05:38 |
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lnostdal | nah, know, NickGarvey :} | 05:38 |
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philip | NickGarvey, get her hooked on Ubuntu and she'll take you herself | 05:38 |
bruenig | !feisty | look for specifications link | 05:38 |
ubotu | look for specifications link: The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 05:38 |
NickGarvey | philip: hehe, got a lot of work to do in 24 hours | 05:38 |
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philip | what comes after Feisty Fawn? any word yet? | 05:39 |
bruenig | philip, gutsy gibbon | 05:39 |
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philip | what the heck is a gibbon? | 05:39 |
wastrel | monkey | 05:39 |
krunc | gibbons are ythe coolest monkeys | 05:39 |
spikeb | goatse gibbon :) | 05:39 |
philip | ok thanks good to know :) | 05:39 |
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micahcowan | :/ | 05:40 |
pingpongboss | lol | 05:40 |
NickGarvey | screeech | 05:40 |
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bruenig | uh oh, you know the CE crowd isn't going to be too happy with the gibbon codename | 05:40 |
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pingpongboss | wonder how many ppl knew what an Eft was | 05:40 |
bayziders | 20 minutes | 05:40 |
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micahcowan | bruenig, why? | 05:40 |
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Black_ | its a newt | 05:40 |
bruenig | micahcowan, well there is that whole sore spot of evolution | 05:40 |
wastrel | people should study more biology | 05:40 |
micahcowan | bruenig, CE=? | 05:40 |
philip | I was a bio major :P | 05:40 |
bruenig | christian edition | 05:40 |
mjbrooks | lol | 05:41 |
Madpilot | bruenig, deeply -offtopic. Amusing, but deeply -offtopic. ;) | 05:41 |
Black_ | screw the christian edition | 05:41 |
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micahcowan | Ah. I still don't see why referring to a gibbon is even remotely a hint at evolution, though; ) | 05:41 |
bruenig | well ubuntu is ever evolving | 05:41 |
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corden | guys what is the shortcut keys of system monitor? | 05:42 |
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Black_ | survey says feisty is where? | 05:42 |
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bruenig | corden, ctrl alt del worked when I was using gnome, I forgot if I had to configure it | 05:42 |
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blazemonger | is 7.04 going to be stable? | 05:42 |
Dr_willis | Black_, its running here. :) i just installed the latest rc and updated. | 05:42 |
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corden | it wont | 05:42 |
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Black_ | bruenig: thats not the default shortcut | 05:43 |
blazemonger | im using gnewsense right now | 05:43 |
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Dr_willis | corden, try ctrl-escape | 05:43 |
corden | currently imhang up now bcause of this game soldat in wine | 05:43 |
micahcowan | blazemonger, imo, it's best to wait a little while after the release, if stability's very important | 05:43 |
iankesterhaney | hello, does anyone know about the uuid's on partitions? I am having trouble with a backup | 05:43 |
Black_ | Dr_willis: i wanted to play with the windows installer | 05:43 |
spikeb | yeah i usually recommend waiting a week then upgrading | 05:43 |
bruenig | iankesterhaney, run blkid to find the uuid | 05:43 |
abasin | i want to get a internet wireless card, for my laptop (running ubuntu), but i don't know which ones are compatible? anyone else use wireless cards running linux on their laptop? what is a decent card? | 05:43 |
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mjbrooks | !uuid | 05:43 |
corden | Drops sorry | 05:43 |
Bales | how come my keyboard won't work in the GRUB screen? I can't choose Windows's a wireless USB keyboard, btw | 05:43 |
ubotu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: blkid (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 05:44 |
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krunc | abasin: most are pretty well supported... jsut find oen you liek. and search the forum/wiki | 05:44 |
bruenig | I recommend upgrading immediately as the advice to not do so is bad when universalized | 05:44 |
micahcowan | I've been running it fine for a month, though, with little-to-no issues. | 05:44 |
meal3837 | micahcowan: i've been using it isnce rc1 . . . no problems w/ stability | 05:44 |
Black_ | abasin: the best buy el cheapo one works fantastically | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | Black_, never seen that. dident notice it on the live cd.. wasent looking either. :) | 05:44 |
Black_ | right out of the box no setup | 05:44 |
abasin | el cheapo? | 05:44 |
iankesterhaney | i restored the partitions onto a different disk, but the system locks up on boot, seems I can't even change the fstab | 05:44 |
dizz | hi again, i'm sorry if somebody already answered me. didn't notice any in that case. i have the i845g onboard chipset video card (i810 driver worked under gentoo). the ubuntu 6.10 dvd will not give me a working x screen mode (monitor goes to sleep, but i hear the welcome sound). is there a way to force the i810 driver for ubuntu install/livecd? | 05:44 |
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Black_ | yep | 05:44 |
Black_ | the dynex branded ones | 05:44 |
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spikeb | no, the advice not to do so is always good advice, even if uneeded. | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | Bales, ive had issues with USB keyboards not working with grub. had to use a ps2 keyboard. OR try enableing the 'usb legacy' support in the bios | 05:44 |
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Black_ | how on for link | 05:44 |
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micahcowan | meal3837, yes: that's not everyone's experience, though (there are still some rare but problematice printer-locking-up issues with ghostscript). | 05:45 |
Bales | Dr_willis alright, I'll give that a try | 05:45 |
D34DL0CK | hello people, could anyone help me, because when i try to install ubuntu 7.04, the installation loads but at the end of the loading, there is no video signal. i've already searched google and the ubuntu site, wiki, etc | 05:45 |
Dr_willis | Bales, i think its a combination of the pc's i got bios's not being done right. | 05:45 |
meal3837 | maicahowen: that's probably why i'm so happy . . . i don't have a printer :) | 05:45 |
Black_ | abasin: | 05:45 |
Dr_willis | Bales, and some issues with grub. :( since the usb keyboards DO work with some live cd's | 05:45 |
abasin | black_ what is 'el cheapo'? cheap ones? | 05:45 |
abasin | ok | 05:45 |
Black_ | abasin: yes | 05:45 |
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Bales | Dr_willis: it worked until a few days ago, and then just stopped all of a sudden | 05:45 |
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Dr_willis | Bales, now thats odd. | 05:46 |
micahcowan | meal3837, heh :) ...well, as I said, only a few people seem to experience it AFAICT. | 05:46 |
Black_ | abasin: i have had none, 0, zip, nada problems with it | 05:46 |
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kernel06 | anyone tried airlink mimo wireless pcmcia card | 05:46 |
Linoleum | yo, when feisty is out ? I can't handle it anymore, I-need-it-nooow ! | 05:46 |
Bales | Dr_willis: I know, and I can't pinpoint doing anything that would've changed that | 05:46 |
meal3837 | dizz: try the alternate install CD, and then after it's installed, boot into rescue mode and run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:46 |
micahcowan | And, feisty does seem a good deal more stable than edgy was when it was first released (but, they only had four months to release it). | 05:46 |
dizz | meal3837: thank you. i'll try that. | 05:46 |
Dr_willis | Bales, ONCE i had a pc that the usb keyboard would only work with grub If the keyboard was in a specific usb port. Dont ask me why. :) | 05:46 |
Black_ | abasin: i had more problems with that card in windows then ubuntu | 05:46 |
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abasin | is feisty out yet? | 05:46 |
meal3837 | dizz, that's how i had to do it when i was booting with and ATi card | 05:47 |
abasin | black_ ok, thanks for your advice | 05:47 |
linuxor | HI, how to configure my wireless connection ipw3945 -driver already installed > | 05:47 |
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Bales | Dr_willis: haha, that's weird. Alright, I'll try the usb legacy thing...if I can find it | 05:47 |
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spikeb | they did manage to completely trash everything around RC time though micahcowan :) | 05:47 |
abasin | black_ wait, i thought you just said you had zero problems with it? | 05:47 |
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iankesterhaney | ok, how do I pass the right parameter to grub, or how do I make sure the UUID is still correct, since I changed to a different disk | 05:47 |
Black_ | abasin: in ubuntu | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | Bales, when i enable usb legacy support.. windows and linux both fail to boot. :( so i got a nice old PS2 keyboard. | 05:47 |
Bales | I dont have one in my entire house.... | 05:47 |
KingPython | hi how can i write to a output stream to pdf?? | 05:48 |
Bales | Dr_Willis:> alright, I'll give it a shot. Thanks | 05:48 |
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abasin | black_ the link you gave me goes to a card for desktops, would it work the same for laptops? | 05:49 |
micahcowan | KingPython, hm... piping it to enscript or a2ps (remembering to specify the filename so it doesn't print, and then converting the resulting postscript) may suit? | 05:49 |
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Black_ | abasin: i believe the laptop card is the same chipset | 05:49 |
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Black_ | abasin: search for it on ubuntu forums.... | 05:49 |
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epimeteo | hi everybody! does anybody has used egroupware with evolution and/or outlook as clients? | 05:49 |
KingPython | micahcowan: can u open a bit?? | 05:49 |
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epimeteo | is it possible? | 05:50 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, my bug report is done and sent | 05:50 |
micahcowan | linuxboy, if the driver's working, you should be able to activate it in your Networking manager. | 05:50 |
bayziders | 10 minutes =DDDDDDDD | 05:50 |
KingPython | i want to this coz i must to print a fie to pdf from Opera Web Browser | 05:50 |
micahcowan | KingPython, hm? | 05:50 |
micahcowan | linuxor, ^ | 05:50 |
KingPython | @wd' | 05:50 |
teb | hi, i have this line: /dev/hda7 /media/shared hfsplus defaults,user,noauto 0 0 in my /etc/fstab but it doesn't mount when i boot, i have to type in mount /media/shared manually anyone know what i'm doing wrong? | 05:50 |
micahcowan | sorry linuxboy | 05:50 |
micahcowan | teb, remove the noauto option (that's what it means) | 05:51 |
fiery_cleric | KingPython: u can setup a pdf cups printer ... | 05:51 |
Jordan_U | Half-Left, Could you give me a link? I am interested in the response. | 05:51 |
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D34DL0CK | hello people, could anyone help me, because when i try to install ubuntu 7.04, the installation loads but at the end of the loading, there is no video signal. i've already searched google and the ubuntu site, wiki, etc | 05:51 |
KingPython | ok how can i do this? | 05:51 |
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teb | micahcowan: thanks! i just copied it from a website, probably should've man 8 mount first rtfm and all | 05:51 |
bruenig | bayziders, you are going to be utterly disappointed if you think you have some countdown | 05:51 |
incorperated | hello | 05:51 |
D34DL0CK | and i want to know how i install ubuntu from shell | 05:51 |
Half-Left | Jordan_U, | 05:52 |
fiery_cleric | KingPython: hold on ive got this setup... ill take a look | 05:52 |
micahcowan | teb, np :) | 05:52 |
bayziders | =/ | 05:52 |
bayziders | They said the 19th | 05:52 |
KingPython | ok i wait | 05:52 |
D34DL0CK | i've looked for this option and i've not found | 05:52 |
bayziders | Which is 8 minutes away | 05:52 |
incorperated | can someone help me convert a movie | 05:52 |
incorperated | ? | 05:52 |
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fiery_cleric | !info cupspdf | 05:52 |
ubotu | Package cupspdf does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 05:52 |
fiery_cleric | !info cups-pdf | 05:52 |
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ubotu | cups-pdf: PDF printer for CUPS. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.2-1 (edgy), package size 39 kB, installed size 240 kB | 05:52 |
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fiery_cleric | like magic... | 05:53 |
NickGarvey | incorperated: "memcoder" is it I believe | 05:53 |
incorperated | yes | 05:53 |
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KingPython | but i use edgy | 05:53 |
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orbin | teb: the noauto option perhaps | 05:53 |
Madpilot | bayziders, hate to break it to you, but there is no set release time for Ubuntu releases. "On the 19th, assuming it's all ready on the 19th" is the closest you'll find | 05:53 |
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Ax4 | wireless isn't working on my new laptop, someone help me please! :D | 05:53 |
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bayziders | =/ | 05:53 |
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micahcowan | bayziders, in some areas, it's already the 19th. They didn't say /when/ on the 19th it'd be released, though... | 05:53 |
teb | orbin: thanks | 05:53 |
fiery_cleric | KingPython: yeah its apackage for edgy | 05:53 |
KingPython | hmm | 05:54 |
Crazytom | Ax4, what chipset? | 05:54 |
bayziders | The interweb lied to me, I have lost all faith. | 05:54 |
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Ax4 | errr | 05:54 |
Ax4 | one sec | 05:54 |
bruenig | bayziders, 19th has already come by 4 hours and 54 minutes anyways | 05:54 |
KingPython | where can i download it? | 05:54 |
teb | alright gonna' go test this | 05:54 |
bayziders | In what time zone O_O | 05:54 |
bruenig | UTC which is what ubuntu uses | 05:54 |
fiery_cleric | KingPython: sudo apt-get install cups-pdf | 05:54 |
micahcowan | Madpilot, last announcement I heard, 19th was still on-target, per the Ubuntu Weekly News? | 05:54 |
KingPython | ok | 05:54 |
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bayziders | =/ | 05:54 |
Crazytom | Ax4, lspci -v | grep Wireless | 05:54 |
bayziders | W/e | 05:54 |
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Ax4 | Crazytom, Broadcom Corp. Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01) | 05:54 |
bayziders | The countdown will continue | 05:54 |
bayziders | 6 minutes | 05:54 |
Jaws | Hi all. Looking for opinions. Is it time to jump to 64-bit or wait longer? | 05:54 |
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bruenig | Jaws, wait | 05:55 |
Madpilot | micahcowan, yes, but bayziders seems convinced he's got the hour down, too... ;) | 05:55 |
mjbrooks | Jaws, wait | 05:55 |
Crazytom | Ax4, did you get that from lspci? | 05:55 |
micahcowan | bayziders, ah yes, well... :) | 05:55 |
Ax4 | yup | 05:55 |
KingPython | and which parameterss can i use for cups-pdf? | 05:55 |
bayziders | 5 minutes | 05:55 |
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Black_ | !ubotu 7.04 | 05:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 7.04 - try searching on | 05:55 |
Ax4 | Crazytom, yup :) | 05:56 |
bayziders | 4 minutes | 05:56 |
Black_ | !ubotu feisty fawn | 05:56 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 05:56 |
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fiery_cleric | KingPython: u just use the print option in the program u are trying to print from ... then select the cups pdf printer to print to ... then the pdf will appear in your home directory | 05:56 |
Black_ | !ubotu schedule | 05:56 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 05:56 |
peanutb | anyone know where shutdown errors are located (such as why a computer shuts down by itself)? | 05:56 |
Jaws | bruenig, wait as in for Feisty or wait for more improvements to be made? | 05:56 |
Crazytom | Ax4, look at this | 05:56 |
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micahcowan | peanutb, did it shut down gracefully, or just power down hard? | 05:56 |
bayziders | 3 minutes | 05:57 |
micahcowan | bayziders, ... | 05:57 |
KingPython | i understand but where can i find this driver? | 05:57 |
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Crazytom | Ax4, but check if your card is supported here | 05:57 |
xarquid | Meow. | 05:57 |
Madpilot | xarquid, got the /away spam fixed? | 05:57 |
KingPython | or onlu i write cupsd? | 05:57 |
fiery_cleric | peanutb: /var/log/messages | 05:57 |
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Half-Left | Jordan_U, buy the way iptables in Linux is pretty poor compared to BSD, I know Ubuntu is not responsible for that but but having things as they are makes it worse. Sorry to go on but it's a important subject | 05:57 |
peanutb | micahcowan, somewhat gracefully (x just quit) but then regulary | 05:57 |
xarquid | Madpilot, you can say that. :P Now I have to fix these eyes, my eyes! | 05:57 |
Half-Left | by* | 05:57 |
NickGarvey | Madpilot: he is working on it, he has been working on it in a pm with me | 05:57 |
bayziders | 2 minutes | 05:58 |
micahcowan | KingPython, in Synaptic | 05:58 |
NickGarvey | Madpilot: I think he switched to xchat and has it all figured out | 05:58 |
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xarquid | Just changed clients...some BX script I was running was apparently taking over the apps. own mind to do toggles. Eh. | 05:58 |
sacmat | when we gonna see fiesty on the mirros ? any specific time man? | 05:58 |
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wastrel | "NO SPECIFIC TIME" | 05:58 |
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abasin | black_ most of the cards i see on sale are for windows | 05:58 |
pavs | is this channel officially open to feisty questions? | 05:58 |
bayziders | 1 minute 20 seconds | 05:58 |
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fiery_cleric | !info packages | KingPython | 05:58 |
ubotu | kingpython: Package packages does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 05:58 |
NickGarvey | I wish I could lart in here :( | 05:58 |
abasin | black_ does that mean i can't use it, for sure? | 05:58 |
xarquid | pavs, what's up? | 05:58 |
fiery_cleric | !package | KingPython | 05:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about package - try searching on | 05:58 |
NickGarvey | pavs: not yet | 05:58 |
D34DL0CK | ! hello people, could anyone help me, because when i try to install ubuntu 7.04, the installation loads but at the end of the loading, there is no video signal. i've already searched google and the ubuntu site, wiki, etc. So, i need to know how i install ubuntu 7.04 by shell | 05:58 |
NickGarvey | pavs: /topic | 05:58 |
fiery_cleric | !packages | KingPython | 05:58 |
ubotu | KingPython: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 05:58 |
iankesterhaney | what does the installer do to create the grub menu? I changed my configuration and am having trouble with the entries | 05:59 |
NickGarvey | D34DL0CK: /topic | 05:59 |
micahcowan | peanutb, it really shouldn't do that unless you've /asked/ it to. You're sure nothing was pressed up against the computer's power button, right? ...if there was an unusual event that would cause that, it'd probably be in /var/log/syslog. | 05:59 |
Black_ | abasin: who says they are for windows? the retailer? | 05:59 |
xarquid | pavs, /msg me | 05:59 |
pavs | ok i didnt have any question was just curious about it/ tnx | 05:59 |
D34DL0CK | !installing ubuntu | 05:59 |
KingPython | fiery_cleric: thanx a lot | 05:59 |
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NickGarvey | D34DL0CK: read.. the.. topic.. | 05:59 |
abasin | black_ on the box | 05:59 |
Black_ | abasin: that means they don't officially support linux, but who does | 05:59 |
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pavs | xarquid had no questions tnx | 05:59 |
xarquid | No problem, have a great day/night! | 05:59 |
bayziders | 0 minutes | 05:59 |
mjbrooks | !alternative > D34DL0CK | 06:00 |
Ax4 | Crazytom, i see it listed :) | 06:00 |
pavs | u 2 :) | 06:00 |
abasin | black_ ok got it | 06:00 |
Crazytom | so can i ask feisty questions in here now? | 06:00 |
NickGarvey | Crazytom: no, read the /topic | 06:00 |
Jaws | lol | 06:00 |
Black_ | Crazytom: no we will have to kill you | 06:00 |
bayziders | Where are the mirrors?? | 06:00 |
pavs | lol | 06:00 |
Crazytom | Ax4, the follow that first link i gave you | 06:00 |
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Madpilot | bayziders, seriously, drop it. there has never been an announced release hour. | 06:00 |
mjbrooks | bayziders, well I ave one in my bathroom and another in.. er.. | 06:00 |
matt__ | Anyone know what I can't install Opera? | 06:00 |
edmondt | hay its 12 here :P | 06:00 |
Ax4 | Crazytom, ok | 06:00 |
wastrel | !opera | matt__ | 06:01 |
bayziders | Fine | 06:01 |
ubotu | matt__: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: | 06:01 |
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edmondt | maybe its out? | 06:01 |
bayziders | Don't let me have any fun | 06:01 |
bayziders | idc | 06:01 |
micahcowan | abasin, you should search for whatever cards you're considering buying, on Google, to see if you can find information about support under Linux. | 06:01 |
bayziders | ;_; | 06:01 |
Crazytom | awww but its the 19th here now... btw i'm just kidding | 06:01 |
NickGarvey | edmondt:, its not | 06:01 |
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wastrel | !enter | bayziders | 06:01 |
ubotu | bayziders: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:01 |
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paradon | My guess is, it won't be released before about 7am London time, if the last couple of releases are any indication. The devs are probably all asleep :-P | 06:01 |
edmondt | can't wait :P | 06:01 |
Trollaxor | Hello, GNU hippies. | 06:01 |
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phr0z3n | gah | 06:01 |
Crazytom | Ax4, i'm going to bed now.... good luck | 06:01 |
Black_ | huh? | 06:01 |
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phr0z3n | I gotta hit the sack. | 06:01 |
tekm8 | sup all | 06:01 |
Trollaxor | We're all sharing in the communist Ubuntu. | 06:02 |
phr0z3n | maybe I will have a suprise when I weake up. | 06:02 |
NickGarvey | Trollaxor: I have a feeling you are going to live up to your name eh? | 06:02 |
aldin | will kubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu be released in same time as ubuntu (7.04) | 06:02 |
phr0z3n | see ya all. | 06:02 |
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fiery_cleric | !hippies | 06:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hippies - try searching on | 06:02 |
Black_ | !enter | ubotu | 06:02 |
ubotu | ubotu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:02 |
GenNMX | Does anyone have a growisofs script that keeps burning dvds until all the selected data is burned? | 06:02 |
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NickGarvey | Black_: I think ubotu knows it's own factoids.. | 06:02 |
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abasin | what's wifi? is it better than internet wireless? | 06:02 |
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Black_ | most likely | 06:02 |
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myself_ | phr0z3n: i've seen you in whats it called | 06:03 |
John2 | So, it's the 19th here... | 06:03 |
John2 | Where is my Feisty! | 06:03 |
John2 | :D | 06:03 |
edmondt | I wonder if I should do a fresh install... | 06:03 |
Maurox | lol | 06:03 |
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myself_ | phr0z3n: or at least someone with your nick | 06:03 |
pavs | john just upgrade from update manager | 06:03 |
phr0z3n | ubuntuforums? | 06:03 |
Sp4cedOut | I'm having trouble getting a Broadcom card to work. iwconfig says the Access Point is invalid. Anyone know what the problem might be? | 06:03 |
Black_ | edmondt: beats a stale one | 06:03 |
John2 | But I thought it's not ready yet? | 06:03 |
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John2 | I need to disc | 06:03 |
John2 | I deleted Edgy | 06:04 |
John2 | the other day. | 06:04 |
mjbrooks | Sp4cedOut, the problem is that it is a broadcom card | 06:04 |
Madpilot | ubotu, enter | John2 | 06:04 |
myself_ | phr0z3n: chat junkies, maybe it was someone else, i don't think they're the linux type | 06:04 |
rocketman768 | Sp4cedOut: which card? | 06:04 |
ubotu | John2: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:04 |
GluE_ | !meeting | 06:04 |
ubotu | Channel logs can be found at | 06:04 |
phr0z3n | yep | 06:04 |
phr0z3n | that was me | 06:04 |
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edmondt | its a shame, I have everything configured nicely on edgy | 06:04 |
dcushman | Is there an IRC channel for Ubuntu music programs? (FLAC, ABCDE, etc) | 06:04 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: are u using ndiswrapper or bcmXX module? | 06:04 |
phr0z3n | CJ.. haha, yeah, everyone in there uses linux about o.O | 06:04 |
Sp4cedOut | 4311 | 06:04 |
pavs | john just download the pre-release or releae candidate from their website. | 06:04 |
Half-Left | Anyone know why Feisty is so slow at booting up, takes 10 seconds just to get to the splash | 06:04 |
John2 | I can't help that I'm a fast typer, Madpilot :p | 06:04 |
Toyd | :P | 06:04 |
Black_ | edmondt: backup your home folder with your prefs in it | 06:05 |
John2 | pavs, I dunno, I feel I need the official public release :p | 06:05 |
rocketman768 | Sp4cedOut: did you install the the bcm43xx stuff? | 06:05 |
Sp4cedOut | I'm using the bcm43xx firmware | 06:05 |
tekm8 | anybody have an idea why it freezes at the splash screen when i log out? | 06:05 |
edmondt | yea for sure I will do that... | 06:05 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: is this ur first time to set up that wireless card with linux | 06:05 |
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Sp4cedOut | yeah | 06:05 |
dcushman | tekm8 - My pc does the same thing | 06:05 |
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pavs | half-left feisty has been the fastest for me of all the distro (other than fedora) i have used so far. IMO feisty is mush mush faster than edgy | 06:05 |
edmondt | I am going to install Feisty on a test machine first just to be safe :) | 06:06 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: have u heard about ndiswrapper | 06:06 |
mjbrooks | !ndiswrappers | Sp4cedOut | 06:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ndiswrappers - try searching on | 06:06 |
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mjbrooks | grrr | 06:06 |
rocketman768 | how are you bringing up the interface Sp4cedOut? | 06:06 |
aldin | !ndiswrapper | 06:06 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:06 |
tekm8 | it's annoying since i have 4 different accounts on here for other people....and i basically have to hard reset the computer to log into a different account | 06:06 |
edmondt | I just want to download, then install it tomorrow :P | 06:06 |
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Sp4cedOut | yes I have, however, I probably should mention my laptop doesn't have another internet connection | 06:06 |
wastrel | tekm8: are you using fglrx? | 06:06 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: look i have this broadcom, and it works with ndiswrapper 02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 06:07 |
tekm8 | wastrel, no | 06:07 |
fiery_cleric | stupid how ubotu doesnt handle plurals well | 06:07 |
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Half-Left | pavs, Not here, very slow, slower than previous versions by a long shot | 06:07 |
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bruenig | ndiswrapper does not have a plural | 06:07 |
m1r | evening all | 06:07 |
aldin | fiery_cleric: why is stupid? | 06:07 |
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aldin | fiery_cleric: hehe | 06:07 |
mjbrooks | is ubotu written in perl? If so I can fix that | 06:07 |
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edmondt | 12:07 already... :S | 06:07 |
aldin | fiery_cleric: program it hehe | 06:07 |
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wastrel | tekm8: mine freezes on logout sometimes too, i thought it was because of my fglrx | 06:08 |
fiery_cleric | bruenig: because the factoid is going to different | 06:08 |
m1r | how to delete ssh rsa fingerprint ? | 06:08 |
aldin | edmondt: which timezone? | 06:08 |
fiery_cleric | s/is/isnt/ | 06:08 |
Sp4cedOut | do I need to be connected to the internet to install ndiswrapper? | 06:08 |
tekm8 | wastrel, not that i'm aware of's just the basic install, and nothing special in the xorg.conf file....doesn't seem to happen with other distro's | 06:08 |
edmondt | Toronto, Canada | 06:08 |
jo1 | can some1 tell why my limewire is not running ? | 06:08 |
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Ablankzin | Hello | 06:08 |
Ablankzin | You they know where I can find driver of the video board VIA for linux? | 06:08 |
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bruenig | jo1, RIAA is mad at you? | 06:08 |
aldin | edmondt: Europe/Sarajevo 06:08 not yet! hehe | 06:08 |
jo1 | why ? | 06:08 |
mjbrooks | aldin, do you know if ubotu is written in perl? | 06:08 |
bruenig | jo1, for all that music you are stealing | 06:08 |
m1r | how to delete local ssh rsa key ? | 06:08 |
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jo1 | yikes. | 06:09 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: no ! do u have ur nstalation CD? | 06:09 |
effie_jayx | mjbrooks, nop... it is a supybot... | 06:09 |
jo1 | what should i do | 06:09 |
Sp4cedOut | yes | 06:09 |
Stoffer | How do I restartX w/out restarting my system? | 06:09 |
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Sp4cedOut | it's on there? | 06:09 |
aldin | mjbrooks: no i dont know sorry | 06:09 |
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micahcowan | Stoffer, ctrl-alt-backspace | 06:09 |
tekm8 | wastrel, i even replaced the original file on here with another xorg.conf file from a different distro i had set up that didn't do that, but it didn't help | 06:09 |
edmondt | oh my aldin! | 06:09 |
locolbd | !emacs | 06:09 |
ubotu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code | 06:09 |
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mjbrooks | effie_jayx, supybot, jeez never heard of that one google time ;) | 06:09 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: yes, do this sudo apt-cdrom add | 06:09 |
fiery_cleric | looks like he found out how to restart x | 06:10 |
wastrel | tekm8: wellsir if you find out let me know. i only see it sometimes because i rarely log out... | 06:10 |
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Sp4cedOut | thanks a lot, I'll try that | 06:10 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: and then 'sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8' | 06:10 |
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tekm8 | wastrel, will do :) | 06:10 |
mjbrooks | ewww python | 06:10 |
mjbrooks | lol | 06:10 |
locolbd | does anyone know if there is an irc chatroom which deals with "C programming" or "GCC" | 06:10 |
edmondt | I saw the torrent here: | 06:10 |
edmondt | but I'm not 100% sure about it | 06:10 |
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bruenig | edmondt, doubt it | 06:10 |
m1r | help with ssh and rsa key | 06:10 |
Madpilot | edmondt, not sure what the heck that is, but there has not been an official final release yet... | 06:10 |
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edmondt | yea true | 06:11 |
paradon | I guess that's the -1day release? | 06:11 |
micahcowan | localbd, well, there's ##c, but that's for pure ISO C. | 06:11 |
myself_ | locolbd: i've never been there, but a list showed me ##c | 06:11 |
imbecile | im trying to install ubuntu but before the live disk boots i get a kernel panic error.. any ideas? | 06:11 |
bruenig | edmondt, pirate bay doesn't even allow external trackers does it? | 06:11 |
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keith | anyone in here play wesnoth? | 06:11 |
keith | :-p | 06:11 |
tekm8 | imbecile, have you ran the disk for errors? | 06:11 |
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micahcowan | locolbd, there is also a #gcc, but I don't know if that's actually meant for programming in it... | 06:11 |
locolbd | okay | 06:11 |
bruenig | so someone would have had to download it and then make a new torrent hosted on pirate bay's tracker, there is no way | 06:11 |
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Ablankzin | You they know where I can find driver of the video board VIA for linux?? | 06:11 |
locolbd | i will try it and see what happens | 06:11 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: then u need to do this: 'sudo rmmod bcm43xx'; echo "blacklist bcm43xx" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist; | 06:11 |
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tekm8 | imbecile, could be a bad image | 06:12 |
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edmondt | no idea bruenig | 06:12 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: are u following me should i continue? | 06:12 |
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imbecile | tekm8, yuppers.. its not just that disk either any linux distro gets the kernel error when trying to install | 06:12 |
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harry_ | is there a way to tell my computer to install feisty while I go to sleep? | 06:12 |
micahcowan | locolbd, actually, depending on who's there, ##c is often tolerant of POSIX/Linux questions; just don't ask gcc-specific stuff (that'd prolly be #gcc) | 06:12 |
micahcowan | hth | 06:12 |
aldin | harry_: LOL | 06:13 |
bluesky | lol@harry | 06:13 |
tekm8 | imbecile, do you have a raid configuration? | 06:13 |
Sp4cedOut | yes, please continue | 06:13 |
aldin | harry_: put it on wish list hehe | 06:13 |
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locolbd | ok | 06:13 |
philwhln | ello. i'm really tryin hard to get photos off my friends sony camera in ubuntu. any tips? | 06:13 |
bruenig | my computer should wake me up as soon as feisty comes out, you could probably modify the script to have it dist-upgrade | 06:13 |
harry_ | yeah, i didn't think so. | 06:13 |
bluesky | harry, it only takes about 30 minutes | 06:13 |
edmondt | anyone use deluge? | 06:13 |
harry_ | not the download | 06:13 |
micahcowan | philip, what model? | 06:13 |
micahcowan | philwhln, ^ | 06:13 |
micahcowan | (sorry philip) | 06:13 |
imbecile | tekm8, i dont believe so.. i think the error may be because i was trying to install freebsd earlier | 06:13 |
bluesky | unless you have an ancient machine | 06:13 |
fiery_cleric | locolbd: just question first and ask questions later.... | 06:14 |
Wikzo | Is this the beta? | 06:14 |
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harry_ | b/c my ISP keeps throttling m | 06:14 |
bruenig | Wikzo, daily-live yeah | 06:14 |
Wikzo | ok | 06:14 |
philwhln | it's a sony cybershot dsc-w1 | 06:14 |
tekm8 | imbecile, so it hasn't happened before, just started? | 06:14 |
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gkelly | Is there a feisty torrent I can jump on to now so it will download as soon as it's available? | 06:14 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: please continue | 06:14 |
imbecile | tekm8, yes after i tried to install freebsd | 06:14 |
bruenig | gkelly, no | 06:14 |
xarquid | philwhln: USB interface? | 06:14 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: after u added Cd to repos, installed ndiswrapper-utils-1.8, and rmmoded old bcm43xx module (and blacklisted it) u need to get ur windows driver to location which u can see from ubuntu | 06:15 |
Agrajag | gkelly: that sould not be possible | 06:15 |
bluesky | harry, are you using bit torrent or standard download? | 06:15 |
Agrajag | s/sould/would | 06:15 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: tell me where u are at moment? | 06:15 |
gkelly | why not? | 06:15 |
philwhln | yeah. I have no card reader so have it plugged into the usb | 06:15 |
Ax4 | 0 | 06:15 |
tekm8 | imbecile, ok...sounds like you need to fdisk from a rescue cd before trying anything else, just wipe the hd clean | 06:15 |
rocketman768 | what GMT did edgy come out | 06:15 |
locolbd | ok | 06:15 |
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edmondt | does anyone need hosting or domain? | 06:15 |
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darkhack | Hey all | 06:15 |
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Agrajag | gkelly: in order to create a torrent, you must have a hash of the file. If the release has not happened, the file does not exist. | 06:16 |
aldin | rocketman768: good question, anyone knows? | 06:16 |
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darkhack | Has anyone install vmware workstation and got it working? | 06:16 |
xarquid | philwhln: You may have to install gPhoto2 and give it a shot. | 06:16 |
T0uCH | hey all... i got a serious problem.. i am runing on the live cd now because its the only thing that is workin now..... i just tried to install nvidia driver... after that i had done Ctlr-Alt-backspace to reset the x... and now i got the blue screen and only the terminal is workin.. i dont know any commands i just want to get my old config... some one can help me please... | 06:16 |
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Ax4 | hey guys, im trying to grab the wireless driver for my laptop, but the HP site directs me to a ____.exe download | 06:16 |
aldin | edmondt: i need if it is free hhehe | 06:16 |
m1r | i cant login over ssh to ubuntu server, any help ? | 06:16 |
Ax4 | how do i handle this? | 06:16 |
edmondt | heheh aldin :P | 06:16 |
locolbd | yeap ##c is for C programming;) | 06:16 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: sorry, I'm a little confused about the CD thing. Do I need to boot from the CD or just put it in? | 06:16 |
tekm8 | imbecile, i believe it might be trying to mount or read the mbr and it's corrupted, so it's kernal panic'ing | 06:16 |
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gkelly | ok. isn't it supposed to be on the 19th? | 06:16 |
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edmondt | I want to see if the signup is smooth at | 06:16 |
aldin | no if u have turned on ur ubuntu | 06:16 |
xarquid | Ax4: Which wireless card are you using? You need to find the base model of what they're using to most likely find the driver. | 06:16 |
philwhln | xarquid cheers. i'll give it a shot | 06:17 |
aldin | and u have got to X (graphical) | 06:17 |
Stoffer | any idea why firefox won't stop alerting me about leaving an encrypted page? | 06:17 |
Ax4 | broadcom dell 1390 | 06:17 |
imbecile | tekm8 which do u like better ultimate boot cd or trinity? | 06:17 |
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Ax4 | brand spanking new lappy | 06:17 |
effie_jayx | gkelly, Ubuntu is debian based ;) | 06:17 |
aldin | u put ur cd in CD/DVD ROM | 06:17 |
Sp4cedOut | i have, Ubuntu's loaded | 06:17 |
aldin | and it will popup but u cancel it | 06:17 |
fiery_cleric | Stoffer: its helping you :) | 06:17 |
aldin | and do what i said i +n terminal | 06:17 |
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micahcowan | philip, does it have the "USB mass storage" symbol on the camera? It should just show up on the desktop when you plug it in. | 06:17 |
Stoffer | fiery_cleric, I don't even think I'm not encrypted pages | 06:17 |
lalala | april 19th now | 06:17 |
Sp4cedOut | the CD will pop up? | 06:17 |
tekm8 | imbecile, hrm, good question....trinity is fine | 06:17 |
edmondt | I may get a tablet pc running on ubuntu :) | 06:17 |
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lalala | where can I find a feisty final cd image? | 06:17 |
xarquid | philwhln: It should open in that by default but some users do not have it installed, just give it a shot first. I believe it uses PTP mode. It either uses that or normal...and by what you're saying it sounds like it requires PTP. | 06:18 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: u will get popup windows whaen u insert cd | 06:18 |
Ax4 | (xarquid) ^^ | 06:18 |
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effie_jayx | lalala, not up yet | 06:18 |
Sp4cedOut | yes, I cancelled it | 06:18 |
wastrel | "no specific time" | 06:18 |
fiery_cleric | Stoffer: lots of sites now just use SSL (encryption) on the login page | 06:18 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: now open terminal | 06:18 |
mellow_bunny | lalala: got to #ubuntu+1 for more info on 7.04 | 06:18 |
Ax4 | xarquid: in case you missed it, since the channel is busy, 1390 dell broadcom | 06:18 |
Sp4cedOut | done | 06:18 |
xarquid | oh | 06:18 |
lalala | hmmm.... | 06:18 |
philwhln | xarquid. cool there is a ptp setting on the camera | 06:18 |
bluesky | does anyone know if any of the mirrors have 7.04 release? | 06:18 |
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lalala | #ubuntu+1 | 06:18 |
mellow_bunny | =.= | 06:18 |
Stoffer | fiery_cleric, ok...well...I want it to shut up and it's not listening | 06:18 |
xarquid | Aye, try PTP and if not that then Normal interface. | 06:18 |
T0uCH | hey all... i got a serious problem.. i am runing on the live cd now because its the only thing that is workin now..... i just tried to install nvidia driver... after that i had done Ctlr-Alt-backspace to reset the x... and now i got the blue screen and only the terminal is workin.. i dont know any commands i just want to get my old config... some one can help me please... | 06:19 |
app | how do I eneble root login, because I want to teach someone "general" unix stuff, not so Ubuntu specific? | 06:19 |
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imbecile | tekm8 i tried the dang gparted live cd but that ot kernel errors too :( | 06:19 |
jbroome | !root | 06:19 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 06:19 |
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mjbrooks | can a mod PLEASE put "no, Feisty is not out yet" in the topic? | 06:19 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: type sudo apt-cdrom add | 06:19 |
bluesky | sudo, not root | 06:19 |
kernel06 | Ubuntu detects my airlink wireless as rt2600 but when i input essid & hexa passwd doesn't work. | 06:19 |
edmondt | I am surprised to see the ubuntu site being up and running with so many people hitting on it... | 06:19 |
aldin | mjbrooks: bravo maestro good point again u read my minds hehe | 06:19 |
app | sudo eill not simulate a non-Ubuntu root logion situation... | 06:19 |
Ax4 | xarquid, i've got ndiswrapper installed, but i can't find the .sys or .inf files cuz the HP manufacturer site only directs me to a .exe file, hope that puts it in improved context | 06:19 |
app | eill/will | 06:19 |
Agrajag | app: just give root a password. | 06:19 |
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edmondt | I wonder if the server can keep up with the download when everyone downloads a copy of the release | 06:20 |
aldin | i wote for mjbrooks suggestion | 06:20 |
app | thanks Agrajag | 06:20 |
micahcowan | philwhln, does it have the "USB mass storage" symbol on the camera? It should just show up on the desktop when you plug it in. | 06:20 |
jbroome | edmondt: it has for all the other releases | 06:20 |
tekm8 | imbecile, just download fdisk onto a cd and run that to wipe the drive | 06:20 |
xarquid | Oh | 06:20 |
Madpilot | edmondt, hopefully, a lot of people torrent it instead of just direct download | 06:20 |
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xarquid | Ax4: That EXE file is just a zipped file. | 06:20 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ? | 06:20 |
tekm8 | imbecile, if you can't seem to get the ultimate boot cd or trinity rescue disk to work | 06:20 |
xarquid | Ax4: Try to unzip it: unzip -a file.exe | 06:20 |
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aldin | *vote | 06:20 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: a pop opened saying: A volume with software packages has been detected | 06:20 |
Ax4 | xarquid, fabulous, thanks will try right now | 06:20 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: cancel it again | 06:21 |
xarquid | Ax4: Then you'll have the INF file -- so sudo ndiswrapper -i *.inf | sudo ndiswrapper -l | 06:21 |
imbecile | tekm8, hehe thats what i was just about to say.. no luck with the disks :( | 06:21 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: and the cd was mounted | 06:21 |
xarquid | But check out the site I sent if you need to, you're on step 4 | 06:21 |
=== Pelo is scared to ask "THE" question | ||
philwhln | micahcowan. no "usb mass storage" sticker. sony don't usually do anything standard | 06:21 |
mellow_bunny | not yet Pelo | 06:21 |
imbecile | pelo, its not out yet | 06:21 |
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mellow_bunny | it will be out when its out | 06:21 |
imbecile | hehe | 06:21 |
mjbrooks | Madpilot, any chance of getting "no, Feisty is not out yet" in the topic? | 06:21 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: nevermind is it finished with scanning cd with add cdrom command | 06:21 |
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Ax4 | xarquid, didn't work, says it's not a zip file :S | 06:21 |
Madpilot | mjbrooks, great minds run in the same gutter. Was just thinking that. | 06:21 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: OK | 06:22 |
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T0uCH | hey all... i got a serious problem.. i am runing on the live cd now because its the only thing that is workin now..... i just tried to install nvidia driver... after that i had done Ctlr-Alt-backspace to reset the x... and now i got the blue screen and only the terminal is workin.. i dont know any commands i just want to get my old config... some one can help me please... | 06:22 |
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mjbrooks | Madpilot, ty sir, I'll take that as a compliment ;P | 06:22 |
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NemesisD | hey guys, im running feisty but i think this should be pretty universal, i can't seem to get my network card working on my laptop | 06:22 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Madpilot] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Information about the next Ubuntu version (7.04, Feisty Fawn) in #ubuntu+1 | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | No, Feisty isn't out yet. Any other questions? | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ | ||
NemesisD | wireless network card* | 06:22 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: tell me when done | 06:22 |
mellow_bunny | thanks Madpilot | 06:22 |
Ax4 | same here NemesisD :P | 06:22 |
rocketman768 | T0uCH: do you know how to use the vi editor? | 06:23 |
wastrel | you have to get rid of all that junk before "No, Feisty isn't out yet." | 06:23 |
aldin | thanks Madpilot too | 06:23 |
tekm8 | Madpilot, hahaha, good job :) | 06:23 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I think it's done, it's ready for another command | 06:23 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ok | 06:23 |
xarquid | Madpilot: Can you explain why Blackholes exist and why they have no weight but a $hitload of mass? And why don't they really suck inwards as sci-fi movies try to explain? | 06:23 |
kernel06 | NemesisD: which card do you've. i've airlink and drirver loaded was rt2600 it sees it but doesn't work. are we on the same boat. | 06:23 |
aldin | try this sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils-1.8 | 06:23 |
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NemesisD | that's not as conforting as you may think | 06:23 |
mjbrooks | Madpilot, how are you tonight btw? | 06:23 |
NemesisD | kernel06, broadcom bcm4318 | 06:23 |
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tekm8 | err, well, gotta get working on some comps...laterz all | 06:23 |
edmondt | I hope Feisty is stable :) | 06:24 |
Madpilot | mjbrooks, sober, which is terrible. | 06:24 |
aldin | wastrel: lol, seems to be only important at the moment hehe | 06:24 |
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mjbrooks | Madpilot, hahaha | 06:24 |
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imbecile | tekm8, thanks for your help | 06:24 |
bluesky | feisty broke the sound for my toshiba satellite | 06:24 |
NemesisD | for some reason iwconfig wlan0 says no such device | 06:24 |
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bluesky | damn upgrades | 06:24 |
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edmondt | market share for linux is still like 10% :S | 06:24 |
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app | how do I disable spell check ion this Gaim? | 06:24 |
tekm8 | imbecile, np...if you still can't get fdisk to work...gonna have to pull the hdd and slave it to a working system to wipe it | 06:24 |
zPacKRat | NemesisD: I have a .deb package that will get that working, however it won't exceed 11mb | 06:24 |
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jason_ | has the new update come out yet | 06:25 |
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aldin | NemesisD: type only iwconfig to see if it changed interface name.. perhaps | 06:25 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: it's done | 06:25 |
NemesisD | zPacKRat, i'd prefer to exceed 11mb :/ | 06:25 |
Nergar | how much time before feisty is released!?!?!?!?!?!? | 06:25 |
edmondt | actually its 2.8 percent on desktop | 06:25 |
nenyalorien | hi | 06:25 |
aldin | edmondt: i saw it is 3.5% ?!?! | 06:25 |
nenyalorien | i need help | 06:25 |
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bluesky | nergar... about 35 minutes | 06:25 |
Nergar | CAN'T WAIT!!! | 06:25 |
edmondt | 28.3% on servers | 06:25 |
digiital | 78% uploaded...... | 06:25 |
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NemesisD | aldin, all i get is lo no wireless extensions; eth0 no wireless extensions | 06:25 |
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nenyalorien | i had come across a site on running viruses on linux | 06:25 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: sudo rmmod bcm43xx | 06:26 |
kernel06 | aldin: mine sees as rt2600 when i input essid & hexa...nothing. | 06:26 |
RawSewage | official Relase Party channel is #ubuntu-release-party | 06:26 |
mjbrooks | Madpilot, I keep meaning to change my nick to my IRC handle and I always forget | 06:26 |
nenyalorien | i need it for an article promoting linux... | 06:26 |
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nenyalorien | i wonder if anyone here has heard of that article? | 06:26 |
bluesky | kernel... are you running wep or wpa? | 06:26 |
xarquid | nen: Article promoting linux/ubuntu? already does that. | 06:26 |
katelan | help my wireless is broken | 06:26 |
katelan | :( | 06:26 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: OK | 06:26 |
fiery_cleric | nenyalorien: ctrl-h in firefox see where u been | 06:26 |
xarquid | Hourly. | 06:26 |
aldin | NemesisD: ok, i had wlan and eth1 mixing from time to time... thats why i said that... | 06:26 |
mjbrooks | Madpilot, now everyone here knows me as mjbrooks lol | 06:26 |
nenyalorien | coz i'm on page 33 of google | 06:26 |
app | Is Gaim the official IRC client? And no automatic sing on on this channel? | 06:26 |
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aldin | NemesisD: perhaps bad driver? | 06:26 |
aldin | *wlan0 & eth1 | 06:27 |
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Madpilot | mjbrooks, your nick where? | 06:27 |
nenyalorien | fiery, does that work for a site i've seen like eons ago? | 06:27 |
NemesisD | aldin, ok how do i wipe the driver and start over? | 06:27 |
nenyalorien | around a month or so? | 06:27 |
nenyalorien | i'm on OS X here. | 06:27 |
Pelo | app, xchat is the official client and there is a direct link to this channel in it | 06:27 |
fiery_cleric | nenyalorien: ok | 06:27 |
xarquid | app: Most likely it's xChat. | 06:27 |
mjbrooks | Madpilot, just the nick I usually use on IRC | 06:27 |
wastrel | is there an official irc client? | 06:27 |
app | xchat is not in menus by default? | 06:27 |
spy | irssi ftw | 06:27 |
Jaws | app, yes under internet | 06:27 |
xarquid | irssi is nice ;) | 06:27 |
imbecile | anybody recommend a good bootable tool like fdisk so i can get ubuntu installed? | 06:27 |
Pelo | wastrel, ok default install client | 06:27 |
molinero | Hi to all | 06:28 |
edmondt | will anyone get rid of OSX for ubuntu? | 06:28 |
wastrel | xchat-gnome i do believe | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | imbecile, bootable tool? clarify that. | 06:28 |
xarquid | imbecile: Don't want to boot to the LiveCD? It's bootable. | 06:28 |
edmondt | seems OSX is pretty friendly... | 06:28 |
app | no xchat in my 6.10 desktop, installed from live CD? | 06:28 |
jason_ | why u need a boot tool | 06:28 |
xarquid | imbecile: Or do you mean you want to partition before installing? Hmm | 06:28 |
wastrel | edmondt: cory doctorow did | 06:28 |
edmondt | if only it can run linux apps | 06:28 |
jundai_ | OSX is pretty not-free | 06:28 |
aldin | u do rmmod it rt... and get one from serial monkey i think it is name of frovider | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | edmondt, i find it pretty.. and pretty useless. :) | 06:28 |
aldin | NemesisD: compile it and insmod it /modprobe it | 06:28 |
fiery_cleric | lol | 06:28 |
nenyalorien | i like OS X. | 06:28 |
Dr_willis | Im looking at getting a mac-mini for my next linux box. :) | 06:29 |
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nenyalorien | i also like Ubuntu | 06:29 |
ny38 | is the release delay announcement a hoax? | 06:29 |
NemesisD | aldin, i have no idea what that means | 06:29 |
jason_ | it u want to install ubuntu on a diffrent portion u can from the live cd i think | 06:29 |
imbecile | Dr_willis whenever i try to boot off a disk i get kernal panic | 06:29 |
Wiseguy | does anyone know anything about using s-video out? | 06:29 |
edmondt | hehe yea I didn't like it much when i tried it out... | 06:29 |
jundai_ | I should talk, though. I just ordered a macbook | 06:29 |
imbecile | kernel* | 06:29 |
nenyalorien | i wanna use both forever | 06:29 |
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nenyalorien | :p | 06:29 |
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Dr_willis | imbecile, could be a badly burnt cd image file | 06:29 |
katelan | i have a broadcom 1390 and my wireless won't function, tried going to the HP site, but i can't use ndiswrapper because the file i download is a .exe and unzipping it doesn't work | 06:29 |
katelan | :\ | 06:29 |
mjbrooks | ny38, it's not a delay, it's just not out yet | 06:29 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: Done | 06:29 |
imbecile | Dr_willis its not.. i get the same error with any os i try to install | 06:29 |
xarquid | imbecile: Yeah, it's badly burnt. Re-burn the CD ISO and boot off of it. Also, redownload it if possible. It may be a corrupted file/ISO somewhere. | 06:29 |
Pelo | jundai_, just out of curiousity is it possible to order a blanck macbook ? | 06:29 |
mjbrooks | ny38, no one ever said at midnight | 06:30 |
Dr_willis | imbecile, even windows? :) | 06:30 |
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Jaws | app, try xchat in terminal | 06:30 |
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imbecile | Dr_willis windows just wont freezes | 06:30 |
cafuego | imbecile: Check the CD's md5sum against the ISOs md5sum and the published md5sum as on the archive. | 06:30 |
xarquid | imbecile: Hmm, and your BIOS is changed to support booting from CD? This sounds weird. | 06:30 |
Wikzo | I know why it isn't here yet! They release 7.10 instead of 7.04 today :D | 06:30 |
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Dr_willis | imbecile, THis sounds like a memory/hardware issue in that case. | 06:30 |
aldin | NemesisD: did it ever worked? is rt2??? name of module u use? | 06:30 |
jason_ | when u put the ubuntu live cd in and boot it up hit install and use the option to use unsed protion of ur drive it will install the ubuntu on a diffrent prtion like that | 06:30 |
xarquid | What cafeugo will tell you for sure. If they're not the same ... well then it's corrupted/bad. | 06:30 |
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spikeb | LOL Wikzo | 06:30 |
imbecile | i tried installing freebsd and it screwed me all up | 06:30 |
kernel06 | aldin: thanks i'll do that | 06:30 |
=== cafuego srednop | ||
aldin | Sp4cedOut: do u have .inf .sys prepared for | 06:31 |
NemesisD | aldin, what's rt2? and actually this laptop has only had windows up to this point, and it did work there | 06:31 |
bluesky | kernel... you still having problems? | 06:31 |
imbecile | it has something to do with my attempted install of freebsd | 06:31 |
ny38 | MJBROOKS: | 06:31 |
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xarquid | Ubuntu LiveCD will be a bit easier than a FreeBSD install ;) | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | imbecile, you may want to try the 'memory test' option on some of the live cd's to check out the system. | 06:31 |
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NemesisD | aldin, i use a broadcom bcm4318 | 06:31 |
topgun553 | ok so how long until fiesty? | 06:31 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: no, I'll have to reboot to get those | 06:31 |
imbecile | Dr_willis ok | 06:31 |
Dr_willis | imbecile, i doubt if any attempted installs of freebsd broke somthing. | 06:31 |
bluesky | freebsd is not hard to install... quite the contrary | 06:31 |
kernel06 | NemesisD: aldin is refering to my question for rt driver. | 06:31 |
topgun553 | ok so how long until feisty is released????? | 06:31 |
NemesisD | lol he said my name | 06:32 |
bluesky | just few minutes away | 06:32 |
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aldin | NemesisD: ok, then... u need to boot live cd on it and to see what is ur wcard; like this: | 06:32 |
aldin | aldin@kapetano:~$ lspci|grep 802 | 06:32 |
aldin | 02:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 06:32 |
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enum | oh | 06:32 |
wastrel | ny38: that article is dated the 13th | 06:32 |
topgun553 | bluesky, do you know like hours or just sometime today? | 06:32 |
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orbin | katelan: are you following a howto? | 06:32 |
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mjbrooks | ny38, show me that on an official ubuntu page and I'll believe it | 06:32 |
fiery_cleric | what a stupid name for nic | 06:32 |
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aldin | NemesisD: after u find out which one is u go for chase of driver perhaps it will work out of the box! | 06:32 |
katelan | orbin, yes on | 06:32 |
NemesisD | no need for livecd, its actually all installed, lemme get that info for you | 06:32 |
bluesky | topgun... midnight est supposedly... i'm wacthing my fave mirror | 06:32 |
clop | hey guys, i'm considering getting a 64-bit x86 machine; is anyone using ubuntu on one of these and does it work pretty well? | 06:32 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: dont! | 06:32 |
NemesisD | aldin, it didn't work out of the box which is why i went after ndiswrapper | 06:32 |
wastrel | blue: topgun553 "NO SPECIFIC TIME" | 06:33 |
katelan | orbin, but im stuck cuz of the .exe | 06:33 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: we can mount ur parttion in ubuntu! | 06:33 |
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bluesky | they just updated the empty dirs, so i'm expecting something soon | 06:33 |
wastrel | ^^ bluesky | 06:33 |
topgun553 | bluesky, midnight is past est | 06:33 |
imbecile | it says bsd is using 100% of the drive | 06:33 |
=== Black_ test | ||
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kernel06 | aldin: did you say rmmod for me then..regarding airlink wireless rt2600. | 06:33 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I didn't | 06:33 |
Dr_willis | imbecile, fire up fdisk and delete the partitions. | 06:33 |
topgun553 | hmm I hope 7.04 > 6.06 | 06:33 |
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ny38 | MJBROOKS : i asked whether it was true or not | 06:33 |
topgun553 | 6.10 isn't running well on my machine | 06:33 |
topgun553 | and i just installed it | 06:33 |
NemesisD | aldin, Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless Lan Controller (rev 02) | 06:33 |
topgun553 | yesterday | 06:33 |
aldin | NemesisD: aha, ok, then u need to tell us what is maker of that wireless card chipset so we look up in here | 06:34 |
wastrel | ny38: that article is dated the 13th | 06:34 |
edmondt | what was the issue topgun55? | 06:34 |
NemesisD | aldin, i appears to be B-2 on that page | 06:34 |
topgun553 | edmondt, 6.10 just runs slow on my comp i don't know why | 06:34 |
aldin | NemesisD: ok, u can watch i am already helping to Sp4cedOut collegue | 06:34 |
orbin | katelan: 4.3.1? personally i'd follow the ubuntu wiki or an ubuntu howto if possible . | 06:34 |
topgun553 | oh well 6.06 ran well so | 06:34 |
topgun553 | bedtime now though | 06:34 |
topgun553 | girlfriends orders | 06:34 |
edmondt | hehe | 06:34 |
mjbrooks | ny38, I doubt it, checking on it now | 06:35 |
ny38 | freebsd is better than ubuntu | 06:35 |
bluesky | katelan... you having wi-fi issues | 06:35 |
topgun553 | plus two exams at university of michigan for eecs tomorrow | 06:35 |
app | How do I disable spell check in Gaim? | 06:35 |
fiery_cleric | apples are better than oranges | 06:35 |
NemesisD | aldin, yes i see that | 06:35 |
kernel06 | ny38: in what sense | 06:35 |
topgun553 | 7.04 lives! | 06:35 |
bluesky | ny38...agreed... far more stable, anyway | 06:35 |
cafuego | ny38: being dead is better then trolling | 06:35 |
Dr_willis | fiery_cleric, we all know that Kiwis rule! | 06:35 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: 'mkdir win'; sudo mount /dev/hda1 win; | 06:35 |
ny38 | i'm not trolling | 06:35 |
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fiery_cleric | Dr_willis: most definitely :) | 06:35 |
cafuego | You sure could've fooled me. | 06:36 |
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Dr_willis | fiery_cleric, but a good Bannannannannannannanna is hard to beat. | 06:36 |
jason_ | how many more mins for the 7.04 update | 06:36 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: sudo su; cd win/location_to_driver; cp *.inf ~; cp *.sys ~ | 06:36 |
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ny38 | 0wn3d! | 06:36 |
Rictoo | guys | 06:36 |
bluesky | bsd is a better written os IMO, but ubuntu is more plug and play | 06:36 |
Rictoo | 'find' finds a file | 06:36 |
wastrel | jason_: NO SPECIFIC TIME | 06:36 |
zulfajuniadi | hey guys, how do you boot off images in a harddrive? is there like a grub command i can use? | 06:36 |
Rictoo | what's the other command to find a command thingy? | 06:36 |
katelan | bluesky, yes :) | 06:36 |
Rictoo | you udnerstand what i'm saying =/ | 06:36 |
ny38 | bluesky is on the level | 06:36 |
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ericu | I'm having a random occurrence of a bug, I was wondering if anyone could help me out. Description, sometimes when I close all programs and try to shut down the main menu does not recognize any clicks on shutdown | 06:36 |
jason_ | i htought someone said 35 mins | 06:36 |
Dr_willis | zulfajuniadi, you mean like a .iso image? | 06:36 |
Rictoo | is it 'list'? | 06:36 |
katelan | orbin: ok i will | 06:36 |
wastrel | jason_: someone was wrong | 06:36 |
aldin | NemesisD: before lodaing (sudo modprobe ndiswrapper) u need to rmmod bcm43xx and blacklist it... | 06:37 |
zulfajuniadi | yes Dr_willis, i've googled around but havent found the answer yet | 06:37 |
jason_ | so there no set time for it | 06:37 |
Rictoo | what's the shell command to find out how to open a program? | 06:37 |
Rictoo | 'find' finds oit | 06:37 |
wastrel | jason_: correct | 06:37 |
Rictoo | but ther's another one to find teh command........ | 06:37 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: ? | 06:37 |
corinth | cya guys | 06:37 |
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bluesky | bsd will not run wi-fi on my laptop because there are not wi-fi drivers for my chipset | 06:37 |
wastrel | Rictoo: which locate apropos | 06:37 |
Rictoo | locate | 06:37 |
Rictoo | that's it | 06:37 |
Rictoo | <3 | 06:37 |
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Dr_willis | zulfajuniadi, ive seen some live cd's be able to boot and then use a .iso image from a usb/hd/ but ive never seen a generic way for grub to just boot a .iso file. I dont think its possible. | 06:37 |
bluesky | otherwise i'd be running freebsd | 06:37 |
nenyalorien | fiery thanks for the web history tip! happy feisty release day y'all! | 06:37 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: hda1 doesn't exist, my harddrive is partitioned. Any idea what it might be called | 06:38 |
Dr_willis | zulfajuniadi, the live cd's do it with some tweaks in their initrd. I think it was puppylinux that could do it that way. | 06:38 |
chaks | hi all, me in NZ and now time is 4.40 pm, when is the release??? | 06:38 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: sudo fdisk -l | 06:38 |
zulfajuniadi | Dr_willis, thanks a lot, i'll try to research that | 06:38 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: litlle L -> l not little I -> i | 06:38 |
mjbrooks | ny38, the source of the rumor is undetermined at the moment, but definately no from official channels so you can relax | 06:38 |
=== Dr_willis rembers with each new release people foooding in here asking when when when!. | ||
Dr_willis | heh heh. | 06:38 |
Flannel | chaks: The release will be when it's released. There's no set time, just sit and be patient | 06:38 |
wastrel | chaks: "no specific time" | 06:39 |
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jason_ | iam ion the usa its 12:39 am still nothing | 06:39 |
cafuego | chaks: A some stage before october | 06:39 |
wastrel | mjbrooks: the article is dated the 13th | 06:39 |
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aldin | Flannel: it reminds me on deban releas when its ready hehe | 06:39 |
ny38 | thanks, i'm pretty relaxed already] | 06:39 |
edmondt | maybe its been delayed | 06:39 |
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mjbrooks | ny38, lol | 06:39 |
aldin | jason_: i am in eurpoe 06:39 and nothing hehe | 06:39 |
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cafuego | yes, it's stuck in traffic. | 06:39 |
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Wikzo | Let's watch geek pics while we are waiting -> | 06:39 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: OK, did it. I've got sda1-sda5 | 06:39 |
NemesisD | how does one uninstall a driver with ndiswrapper | 06:39 |
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edmondt | I'd rather they get it right than rushing things | 06:40 |
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Flannel | Wikzo: #ubuntu-offtopic is the place for that, this is still strictly a support channel | 06:40 |
clop | is there a way to tell if my processor is 64-bit? | 06:40 |
bluesky | some mirrors already seem to have feisty, but i cannot connect because they have too many users... | 06:40 |
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clop | like in /proc/cpuinfo something i should look at? | 06:40 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: just replace.. sudo mount /dev/sda1 win | 06:40 |
Wikzo | Flannel -> Sorry | 06:40 |
cafuego | clop: not really, unless it's an amd chip | 06:40 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: is it located on ur windows c:\ partition | 06:40 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: | 06:41 |
calvarez | is it out yet? | 06:41 |
Sp4cedOut | yes | 06:41 |
clop | dang, because cpuinfo reports it as a pentium d, which apparently is 64-bit, but the outside of the case says pentium 4 ht, which i think isn't ;( | 06:41 |
jason_ | no it isnt out yet | 06:41 |
cafuego | clop: Well, a pentium d is a pentium 4, kinda... | 06:41 |
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cafuego | clop: the easy test would be to boot a 64bit kernel and see if it starts or not | 06:42 |
calvarez | *mumble* | 06:42 |
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aldin | Wikzo: so crazy pics hehe | 06:42 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: say it | 06:42 |
Epic720 | anyone monitoring the feisty mirrors? | 06:42 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: can u find it | 06:42 |
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wastrel | Epic720: i think it is highly likely that someone is | 06:42 |
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zulfajuniadi | Dr_willis, i found a way!... have a look at this | 06:43 |
=== Pelo thinks fiesty is gonna get more downloads in its first 24hrs then vista sold copies the first week | ||
Sp4cedOut | aldin: it won't let me in the win directory, says "Permission Denied" | 06:43 |
mjbrooks | Epic720, nope, we don't care about Feisty here, try #ubuntu+1 ;) | 06:43 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: sudo su | 06:43 |
Epic720 | RUde | 06:43 |
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fiery_cleric | wouldnt it be fastest to just download the beta or what ever and then upgrade to feisty... then you could be the first to send in the bug reports.... | 06:43 |
aldin | now "cd" to it | 06:43 |
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aldin | mjbrooks: i care! hehe | 06:43 |
jason_ | he most recent version, Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), was released on April 19, 2007. | 06:44 |
Flannel | fiery_cleric: yes. | 06:44 |
app | Ok: to disable spell check in gaim go to "Buddy list" window, which (oddly) is the main window. There Preferences menu has an option for not to "highlight misspelled". Ubuntu Help, search Gaim, "manual page" gets you this hint. Same old, same old, nothing is easy... | 06:44 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: bash: cd: win: Permission Denied | 06:44 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: 'sudo su' | 06:44 |
aldin | did that? | 06:44 |
Flannel | Sp4cedOut, aldin, not sudo su. `sudo -i` | 06:44 |
edmondt | if only gaim supports adding emoticon from chat.... | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | zulfajuniadi, thats actually booting an initrd - that then accesses the iso files. | 06:44 |
clop | cafuego, is one of the installers 64-bit? or i guess i could try to just apt-get a kernel like that maybe? | 06:44 |
Dr_willis | zulfajuniadi, from what i am reading | 06:44 |
aldin | Flannel: nevermind same... | 06:44 |
fiery_cleric | i guess there is something about a shiny bit of plastic | 06:45 |
bluesky | never seen more people waiting for a release than this one | 06:45 |
mjbrooks | aldin, I'm in an up-to-date Feisty now, I can wait a few days since there isn't likely to be any changes at least none that affect me ;) | 06:45 |
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Flannel | aldin: no, theyre not the same. Please don't recommend sudo su. | 06:45 |
NemesisD | i think | 06:45 |
bluesky | the feisty beta broke my sound, release better fix it | 06:45 |
aldin | mjbrooks: hehe, well as i said i want to share 7.04 cd... not 7.04 beta... hehe | 06:51 |
zulfajuniadi | Dr Willis, that's exactly what i'm trying to do. \thanks anyways :) | 06:51 |
richw | What time it come out? | 06:51 |
aldin | Flannel: ok if u say so | 06:51 |
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yz79845 | hello, who can tell me what's this about? | 06:51 |
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mjbrooks | richw, no latter than Apr 19 11:59pm | 06:51 |
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NemesisD | maybe not | 06:51 |
tonyyarusso | !ubuntu | yz79845 | 06:51 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ? | 06:51 |
ubotu | yz79845: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see and | 06:51 |
Pelo | yz79845, this is a support channel for a linux distribution called ubuntu | 06:51 |
NemesisD | my wireless card light is lighting up but it seems to have a tough time connecting :/ | 06:51 |
katelan | sudo echo blacklist bcm43xx >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 06:51 |
katelan | bash: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist: Permission denied | 06:51 |
katelan | how do i make this run? | 06:51 |
katelan | i used sudo :S | 06:51 |
bluesky | yz... the rapture is coming... people will disappear from airplanes in midair | 06:51 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I'm looking for them | 06:51 |
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Flannel | katelan: instead of >> use '| sudo tee' | 06:51 |
owen1 | hi all. how do i compress a folder? | 06:51 |
aldin | katelan: do this echo "blacklist bcm43xx" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe/blacklist | 06:51 |
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dicon | what time feisty fawn will be released? | 06:51 |
jason_ | i just wait until i get the 7.04 cd i order | 06:51 |
wastrel | dicon: : "no specific time" | 06:51 |
mjbrooks | dicon, , no later than Apr 19 11:59pm | 06:51 |
aldin | katelan: or sudo -i | 06:51 |
=== Dr_willis waits for the whole channel to shout 'When its done' | ||
Dr_willis | :) | 06:51 |
dicon | lol | 06:51 |
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dicon | tks | 06:51 |
dicon | @_@ | 06:51 |
owen1 | i try zip zipfile folder_to_zip but i get EMPTY folder... | 06:51 |
katelan | ok it returned | 06:51 |
katelan | guess it worked | 06:51 |
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aldin | and after that u echo... but if u have two or more words u type it quoted "blackilst somethin" | 06:51 |
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fiery_cleric | owen1: right click on folder ... then create archive | 06:51 |
katelan | instructions want me to reboot | 06:51 |
katelan | brb :) | 06:51 |
owen1 | fiery_cleric: let me try.. | 06:51 |
Wikzo | "While millions consider whether to pay for Vista, the Ubuntu project releases its secure, high performance, free desktop and server editions." In all this waiting time we all could have bought Vista xD | 06:51 |
aldin | katelan: do cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to see if it is there | 06:51 |
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bluesky | i don't understand why ubuntu broke my sound in the feisty beta, but 6.10 works fine. why dick with something that works.... | 06:51 |
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wastrel | bluesky: i hope you filed a bug | 06:51 |
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bluesky | nope | 06:51 |
NemesisD | ok guys now my card is active, it can actually SEE my access point, but when i connect it just gets stuck connecting then fails, any ideas? | 06:51 |
bluesky | already files by countless others | 06:51 |
bluesky | er, filed | 06:51 |
yz79845 | perfect... | 06:51 |
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Nergar | NemesisD, wait for feisty!! | 06:51 |
Nergar | feisty! | 06:51 |
Nergar | feisty! | 06:51 |
bluesky | nemesis... wep or wpa? | 06:51 |
ubd | hi im looking for a drop down terminal emulator for ubuntu, any recommendations please | 06:51 |
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protocol1 | would it be a good idea to do a clean install once feisty realeases? | 06:51 |
NemesisD | bluesky, unsecured actually | 06:51 |
bluesky | proto... always a good idea to do a virgin install | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | ubd, that yakuake and other tools can work under gnome i belive. | 06:51 |
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Pelo | protocol1, it's not a bad idea | 06:51 |
protocol1 | yeah I think I will do that | 06:51 |
bluesky | nemesis... hex or ascii setting in your wap? | 06:51 |
deoptima | i got a brand new laptop just begging for feistey | 06:51 |
katelan | back! | 06:51 |
=== katelan smiles | ||
deoptima | cant wait to kill vista off | 06:51 |
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NemesisD | oh wait, it just connected | 06:51 |
aldin | | 06:51 |
bluesky | never seen vista, never will | 06:51 |
NemesisD | thats weird.. | 06:51 |
Pelo | protocol1, if it's not done already , consider mounting your /home folder on a different partition | 06:51 |
katelan | they said ubuntu was supposed to be easy! | 06:52 |
katelan | :( | 06:52 |
aldin | katelan: do cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist to see if it is there | 06:52 |
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Pelo | protocol1, it will make clean install easier | 06:52 |
bluesky | ubuntu IS easy | 06:52 |
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NemesisD | bluesky, but a supplemental question, how do i set custom resolutions, my display is 1280x800 and it's only giving me 1024x768 | 06:52 |
aldin | katelan: it is! hehe | 06:52 |
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aldin | if u follow right tutorials | 06:52 |
protocol1 | well......or I can just wait for it to release and decide | 06:52 |
katelan | too much terminal work | 06:52 |
katelan | this isn't good | 06:52 |
katelan | :( | 06:52 |
mjbrooks | ubd, well there's tilda for gnome or Yakuake for KDE | 06:52 |
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aldin | katelan: it is easier to copy/paste ifconfig eth0 up than go to system>networking.>eth0-> hundreds of cliks! | 06:53 |
fiery_cleric | !info tilda | 06:53 |
ubotu | tilda: Linux terminal which behaves like terminals in shooter games. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.3-0ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 32 kB, installed size 148 kB | 06:53 |
mungewell | NemesisD - you could check xorg.conf file to ensure your H/V freq settings are correct and that each mode has the right resolutions set. | 06:53 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ?! | 06:53 |
fiery_cleric | cool | 06:53 |
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owen1 | fiery_cleric: 10x! | 06:53 |
xarquid | Anyone have any recomendations for "typeitforyou" type of programs for Linux/GNOME/XWindows? hehe. There were a few I used on Mac OSX and in Windows at work. | 06:53 |
katelan | katelan@laptop:~/Desktop$ unzip ia R151517.EXE | 06:53 |
katelan | unzip: cannot find or open ia, or ia.ZIP. | 06:53 |
katelan | :( | 06:53 |
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imbecile | hey guys i heard rumor of fiesty having beryl already in there.. any confirmations? | 06:54 |
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fiery_cleric | katelan: whats ia for? | 06:54 |
koshari | compiz not beryl | 06:54 |
aldin | imbecile: i know t has in repos... | 06:54 |
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dicon | i think its AIGLX with some effects | 06:54 |
marco_linux | hi! | 06:54 |
katelan | fiery_cleric, lol typo! thanks | 06:54 |
imbecile | ahh thanks | 06:54 |
bluesky | katelan... still having wi-fi issues? | 06:54 |
dicon | not entire compiz | 06:54 |
ReYaZi | heyy Everyone ! :) | 06:54 |
bluesky | hates 3d desktops | 06:54 |
imbecile | hehe.. i'll just wait for release to find out | 06:55 |
Pelo | bluesky, don'T use it then, it's available , it's not installed | 06:55 |
imbecile | ;P | 06:55 |
bluesky | pelo... not planning on it. it's a CPU killer | 06:55 |
aldin | katelan: try with wine *.exe ! | 06:55 |
T0uCH | how do i set the refreshing of the screen from 61hz to 85 hz??? | 06:55 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, where would xorg.conf be? | 06:55 |
roderic | its installed, but the desktop effects preferences item can turn it on/of | 06:55 |
roderic | off* | 06:55 |
aldin | before that 'sudo apt-get install wine' | 06:55 |
NemesisD | nm got it | 06:56 |
mungewell | NemesisD /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:56 |
zero88 | is there a 3d directory search program out there? | 06:56 |
bluesky | it's in /etc | 06:56 |
aldin | roderic: which graffic card u have? | 06:56 |
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mjbrooks | bluesky, I have it installed so I can turn it on and woo windows users away from the darkside | 06:56 |
xarquid | No one knows about those cool programs that kind of "learn" what you type and can complete sentences/words in most apps.? | 06:56 |
roderic | intel | 06:56 |
katelan | it works! | 06:56 |
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=== katelan does a dance | ||
ReYaZi | Whats the best way to run XP while Ubuntu is On ! no need to log off.. | 06:56 |
ReYaZi | ??? | 06:56 |
aldin | katelan: what works? | 06:56 |
roderic | 915 i think, and ya it works | 06:56 |
katelan | wireless! | 06:56 |
katelan | did sudo iwlist scanning | 06:56 |
mungewell | ReYaZi - VMWare | 06:56 |
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koshari | vm | 06:56 |
katelan | and it finally gave me something | 06:56 |
marco_linux | go for Beryl | 06:56 |
katelan | :D | 06:56 |
bluesky | brooks... lol, but what if their hardware doesn't support it? | 06:56 |
aldin | is ubuntu now good? hehe | 06:57 |
ReYaZi | VMware I've heard alot about it | 06:57 |
katelan | i've gotta run | 06:57 |
katelan | yes it is | 06:57 |
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katelan | thanks for all the help | 06:57 |
xarquid | VMware, ReY | 06:57 |
katelan | be back tomorrow | 06:57 |
ReYaZi | guys have a good easyyy tutorial i could Follow ??????? | 06:57 |
NemesisD | mungewell, all the resolutions in there appear to say 1280x800 which is right | 06:57 |
mjbrooks | bluesky, then at least they're running linux ;) | 06:57 |
ReYaZi | for VMware | 06:57 |
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aldin | roderic: glxinfo|grep direct | 06:57 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: would I use: cp BCMWL6.SYS ~/Desktop | 06:57 |
aldin | roderic: glxgears | 06:57 |
bluesky | better linux or bsd than anything | 06:57 |
ubd | thanks mjbrooks | 06:57 |
mjbrooks | ubd, np | 06:57 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: do u have .inf files thos we nee too | 06:57 |
bluesky | i get out of working remotely from home becoz i refuse to install windows | 06:58 |
Dr_willis | ubuntu forums/wiki had a few threads on vmware. - vmware homepage also has forums/info | 06:58 |
mungewell | NemesisD - check the Monitor device section to ensure that the refresh rates are correct for your monitor | 06:58 |
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Sp4cedOut | I can't seem to copy the .sys file over | 06:58 |
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roderic | aldin: direct rendering: Yes | 06:58 |
RenatoSilva | guys | 06:58 |
RenatoSilva | where are you | 06:58 |
bluesky | mirrors are still quiet | 06:58 |
=== Dr_willis sneaks up behind RenatoSilva | ||
RenatoSilva | what does it mean the "tomorrow" on | 06:58 |
koshari | glxgears -printfps | 06:59 |
RenatoSilva | Greenwittch? | 06:59 |
=== Pelo wishes everyone a pleasant waiting time, he's going to bed | ||
Pelo | g''night folks | 06:59 |
Flannel | RenatoSilva: Thats just because that calendar goes by date. Feisty will be released when it's released. No specific time. | 06:59 |
aldin | roderic: try to ON/OFF it | 06:59 |
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RenatoSilva | I mean the Time Zone, duhhhh!!!! | 06:59 |
ubd | i need to mount partitions. whats the wiki page for it? | 06:59 |
aldin | i had problems with compiz too beryl is better for me | 06:59 |
bluesky | the mirrors are going to get pounded... | 06:59 |
roderic | that works fine, it just doesnt put it on a cube | 06:59 |
mungewell | ReYaZi - | 06:59 |
h3h_timo | hey all, what is the best way to upgrade to edgy?? through the terminal or gui?? | 06:59 |
Flannel | RenatoSilva: right. There is none. Just wait and be patient. | 06:59 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: how come? | 06:59 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I can't seem to copy the sys file over, I tried | 07:00 |
RenatoSilva | Flannel: Time Zone!!! That's what I mean!!!! | 07:00 |
Flannel | !upgrade | h3h_timo | 07:00 |
ubotu | h3h_timo: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 07:00 |
ubd | !ubotu tell ubd fstab | 07:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tell ubd fstab - try searching on | 07:00 |
ubd | !ubotu tell fstab | 07:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tell fstab - try searching on | 07:00 |
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roderic | aldin: like, the windows have the 3d effects, but i'm not able to switch workspaces | 07:00 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: do u have usbstick? | 07:00 |
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ubd | !ubotu fstab | 07:00 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and !Partitions | 07:00 |
NemesisD | brb ima sign on with the affected computer | 07:00 |
bluesky | edgy? feisty is out soon | 07:00 |
RenatoSilva | Flannel: technically that "tomorrow" is today for me!!!!! | 07:00 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: sorry | 07:00 |
h3h_timo | Flannel, i know how to upgrade, i just dont kno which one is safer | 07:00 |
aldin | roderic: aha! | 07:00 |
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h3h_timo | bluesky, cant upgrade from dapper straight to feisty | 07:00 |
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bluesky | h3... terminal is always better IMP | 07:00 |
aldin | roderic: u have default not cube? | 07:00 |
Flannel | h3h_timo: that page tells you. But, if you dont want to read it, update-manager is | 07:00 |
RenatoSilva | what's thew time for you guys??? | 07:00 |
sahafeez | no ppc release of 7.04 yet? | 07:00 |
roderic | aldin: no :) | 07:01 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I tried: cp <filename>.SYS ~/Desktop | 07:01 |
bluesky | install... back up your home and do a virgin install | 07:01 |
RenatoSilva | For me it's 2:00am, Brazil | 07:01 |
h3h_timo | Flannel, i know it says its safer, but update-manager has always screwd up my install | 07:01 |
aldin | u have to enagble it and put more than one workspace hehe | 07:01 |
aldin | AFAIK | 07:01 |
h3h_timo | bluesky, alright thanks | 07:01 |
roderic | aldin: even when i set the option to have it on a cube, it doesnt do so | 07:01 |
ReYaZi | Any ladies in the Channel ?? ? ! | 07:01 |
ReYaZi | heheh curious ! :P | 07:01 |
muchmusic | oh boy | 07:01 |
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aldin | roderic: try to on/off it or logout | 07:01 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: it doesn't say there was a problem, but it's not on my desktop | 07:01 |
Flannel | h3h_timo: well, they both do the same thing upgrade wise, update-maager just does some stuff beforehand (make sure you have the right metapackages, disables your third party crap, etc). | 07:01 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: no stick? | 07:02 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: not with me | 07:02 |
roderic | aldin: i've done all that, if i set multiple workspaces in the gnome applet, it doesn't set up a cube | 07:02 |
spastii | 7.04 is release??????? | 07:02 |
bluesky | the only distro that does not break things with upgrades is gentoo... apt-get uninstalls crap and breaks things constantly | 07:02 |
bluesky | not yet | 07:02 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: ah, u probabbly coppied it to roots Desktop which isnt namde | 07:02 |
sahafeez | installing for 30 mins now - at 25%. why does all sun ide suck ass | 07:02 |
aldin | try cp *.sys ~ | 07:02 |
aldin | roderic: sorry then... i dont know much more | 07:03 |
mjbrooks | !language | sahafeez | 07:03 |
ubotu | sahafeez: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:03 |
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aldin | roderic: go for bery! | 07:03 |
wastrel | bluesky: you are cranky | 07:03 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: ? | 07:03 |
roderic | aldin: thanks anyway, this isnt really a problem :). it worked on a fresh install, and i'm going to do that when feisty's officially released, thanks anyway, heh | 07:03 |
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zaphands | Help. My screen resolution got crazy. On login screen the resolution is 2048x1024 instead of 1280x1024. How do I change the resolution of the login screen? How do I prevent it from changing randomly? | 07:03 |
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bluesky | wastrel... waiting... i need fesity to fix my sound that the beta broke | 07:03 |
aldin | roderic: ur welcome... wasnt that helpfull | 07:04 |
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bluesky | i don't know why they dicked with the sound | 07:04 |
NemesisD | mungewell, alright so im seeing nothing on refresh rate in xorg.conf... | 07:04 |
mjbrooks | !language | bluesky | 07:04 |
ubotu | bluesky: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:04 |
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firefly2442 | Is this the right order in terms of layers? Linux kernel -> X-server -> window manager (gnome) -> Beryl/Compiz | 07:04 |
T0uCH | if i wanna format c drive in windows and linux files (ubuntu and kubuntu).. i just wanna keep "hda5" in linux whicj is "d:" in windows and replace my currents version of windows AND Ubuntu/kubuntu .. what you suggest me to do???? I am really newbie the simple is the right thing.. please help me... Thanks | 07:04 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: nothing in my home folder | 07:04 |
bluesky | ubotu... no four year olds in here | 07:04 |
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aldin | roots folder! | 07:04 |
aldin | hehe | 07:04 |
RenatoSilva | Feisty? Sweet little booooy... where are you? come out!! let's go!! | 07:04 |
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roderic | lol | 07:05 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: ok do cp *.sys /home/$USER/Desktop | 07:05 |
mungewell | NemesisD - HorizSync 24-82 and VertRefresh 55-77 | 07:05 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ok do cp *.sys /home/$USER/Desktop | 07:05 |
roderic | ya, at what time exactly is it being released, does anyone know? | 07:05 |
roderic | gmt* | 07:05 |
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mjbrooks | !feisty | 07:05 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 07:05 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ur username | 07:05 |
wastrel | "NO SPECIFIC TIME" | 07:05 |
roderic | alright, thanks :) | 07:05 |
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enum | -o-'' | 07:05 |
clop | can i just apt-get a 64-bit kernel? | 07:05 |
RenatoSilva | #tail -f / | 07:05 |
yonkeltron | does the alternate install cd support encrypted partitions? debian etch does | 07:05 |
bluesky | waiting for fesity is like soviet women waiting in the bread line at GUM | 07:05 |
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Flannel | clop: nope | 07:05 |
app | So there is some new start up system? No inittab? Which is the best place to learn that? | 07:05 |
marco_linux | does anyone knows a nice software for website designing and php scripting? | 07:06 |
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Flannel | !upstart | app | 07:06 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: it's there, sorry, I'll get the .ini file | 07:06 |
ubotu | app: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 07:06 |
NemesisD | mungewell, theres nothing about sync in there | 07:06 |
roderic | lol | 07:06 |
pppd2007 | some know who is the correctly tuner number for the saa7134(pinnacle pctv stereo) video capture? | 07:06 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: first of all dont confuse windows drive lettering with partition numbering... see !windows on ubotu as too how to figure out windows drive lettering | 07:06 |
RenatoSilva | Flannel: sure | 07:06 |
calliope_ | when is !feisty going to be updated ?;^) | 07:06 |
firefly2442 | marco_linux: might try nvu | 07:06 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: hurry up i need to go to university...classes | 07:06 |
RenatoSilva | Flannel: you can! | 07:06 |
bluesky | calliope soon | 07:06 |
Doughy | anyone know where the gnome keybinding config file is located? | 07:06 |
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mjbrooks | !feisty > calliope_ | 07:07 |
pppd2007 | renatofilho: voce sabe qual tuner da placa de tv da pinacle pctv stereo amigo? | 07:07 |
mungewell | ubotu - check the milestone page - 5 hours ago :-( | 07:07 |
Flannel | RenatoSilva: no, you can't upgrade from 32 to 64bit | 07:07 |
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app | Upstart in not in the Ubuntu installed Help system? Right? | 07:07 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: voce sabe qual tuner da placa de tv da pinacle pctv stereo amigo? | 07:07 |
T0uCH | i just wanna format in ubuntu to get only fiesty running on.. and keep my files... | 07:07 |
RenatoSilva | Flannel: you do can! jsut apt-get it!!! | 07:07 |
T0uCH | but i got kubuntu installed too | 07:08 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: nao | 07:08 |
Doughy | Renato voce e de onde? | 07:08 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, can i message you with the section of my xorg? | 07:08 |
Doughy | Eu morava em ribeirao preto | 07:08 |
mjbrooks | !es | 07:08 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:08 |
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RenatoSilva | Doughy: Rio and you? | 07:08 |
pppd2007 | Doughy: vc sabe cara? | 07:08 |
Doughy | sei o que? | 07:08 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: ok so do u want to keep any os u currently have... or do u just want to keep some files | 07:08 |
mungewell | NemesisD - yes, you got pastebin? or IM? | 07:08 |
bluesky | touch, back up your /home dir and import it later... pita, but you can do that. i always recommend a virgin install | 07:08 |
pppd2007 | Doughy: qual tipo de tuner certo para usar com a placa de captura saa7134 (pc tv pinnacle) | 07:08 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, AIM? | 07:08 |
Doughy | sei la | 07:08 |
vega- | pppd2007: Doughy: english. | 07:08 |
Doughy | tenho idea nenhuma | 07:08 |
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T0uCH | fiery_cleric: can we talk a min in private? | 07:09 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: ok | 07:09 |
RenatoSilva | it's prohibited to speak our wonderful lang here, speak Englich or use the horrible #ubuntu-br | 07:09 |
zaphands | Help. Does anyone know how to configure GDM resolution? | 07:09 |
pppd2007 | Doughy: j tentei varios e s sai chuvisco na tela, ta foda | 07:09 |
pppd2007 | vega- why? | 07:09 |
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marco_linux | boa madrugada para todos os brasileiros, vou saindo por aqui. j so 10:30hs | 07:09 |
mungewell | NemesisD - gaim = mungewell | 07:09 |
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Madpilot | !br | 07:09 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 07:09 |
bluesky | no faz mal | 07:09 |
Zobert | hey is feisty out yet? | 07:09 |
NemesisD | rgr | 07:09 |
MLimburg | 1171 people here .. does ANYONE know anything about altering the size of gnome dialog boxes? i want to either retain the dimensions of a resized dialog, or alter the default | 07:09 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: hahahahah isso ae, wonderful mesmo hahahahaha | 07:09 |
dholbach | good morning | 07:09 |
vega- | pppd2007: because this is and english-speaking channel | 07:09 |
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Sp4cedOut | aldin: OK get the .sys on my desktop | 07:09 |
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vega- | and=an | 07:10 |
bluesky | solo ingles aqui, por favor | 07:10 |
NemesisD | mungewell, you logged in? | 07:10 |
pppd2007 | ubotu: this are not universal? | 07:10 |
RenatoSilva | Zobert: #tail -f / | 07:10 |
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mungewell | NemesisD - yes... just | 07:10 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Where are you from? | 07:10 |
pppd2007 | some peaple there know about how to configure capture card with chipset saa7134????? | 07:11 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: I'm from Rio de Janeiro, the wonderful | 07:11 |
NemesisD | you're not showing as signed in | 07:11 |
Zobert | here would I download feisty when it comes out? is it | 07:11 |
digiital | ta tudo bao? | 07:11 |
NemesisD | ill just pastebin | 07:11 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: I'm from SP (but i'm living now in the parana) :) | 07:11 |
pppd2007 | huahuehuaehuz | 07:11 |
r00tintheb0x | yes Zobert | 07:11 |
Zobert | thanks | 07:11 |
r00tintheb0x | no prob | 07:11 |
locolbd | !feisty fawn | 07:11 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 07:11 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: nov sudo ndiswrapper -i file.inf | 07:11 |
Zobert | =D | 07:11 |
bluesky | a boa vinda do Rnato...... especial se voc gosta do football (Deco a mais melhor!) | 07:12 |
NemesisD | mungewell, | 07:12 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: hey, do you know how to put the icon of xmms in the taskbar? | 07:12 |
Wikzo | Why are YOU waiting for getting 7.04? | 07:12 |
dholbach | | 07:12 |
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windwiny-ubuntu7 | all waiting.... | 07:13 |
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fiery_cleric | right click on icon ->add launcher to panel | 07:13 |
KgirL | Rio de Janeiro, nice place? ... no... SP is much better ... | 07:13 |
pppd2007 | bluesky: deco corinthiano huaehuaehuhua | 07:13 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: you are from sp ?? :) | 07:13 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: "couldn't copy file.inf at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.8 line 144 | 07:13 |
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eifzon | !nviida | 07:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nviida - try searching on | 07:13 |
Flannel | pppd2007, #ubuntu-es please. english only here. | 07:14 |
eifzon | !nvidia | 07:14 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:14 |
eifzon | !nvidia drivers | 07:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nvidia drivers - try searching on | 07:14 |
black-fire | !ati | 07:14 |
pppd2007 | puxa, ta cheio de brazuca na area huahuahueahuea | 07:14 |
pppd2007 | e eu me esforando pra fala ingreis huaehuaeuaua | 07:14 |
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RenatoSilva | bluesky: thank you | 07:14 |
mjbrooks | !br > pppd2007 | 07:14 |
locolbd | hey anybody know if 7.04 finally out, it is the 19 | 07:14 |
NemesisD | mungewell, where'd ya go? | 07:14 |
bluesky | Renato... introduz-me s meninas de Brazial, por favor | 07:14 |
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bluesky | :) | 07:14 |
dholbach | locolbd: | 07:14 |
mungewell | NemesisD - you're right its not there, it's normally in the 'Section "Monitor"'. If you don't know the values you might find them in /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 07:14 |
KgirL | pppd2007: yes | 07:14 |
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pppd2007 | hahahahaha | 07:14 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: what coppying!! | 07:14 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: never say that | 07:15 |
DaveQB | am i missing something or its very hard to run an external monitor off a laptop with a different res ? | 07:15 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, ok ill check there hold please | 07:15 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: i'm from paran ;) | 07:15 |
windwiny-ubuntu7 | pppd2007, hahaha | 07:15 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: where are you from? | 07:15 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: sudo ndiswrapper -i file.inf | 07:15 |
Holmes | hello | 07:15 |
wastrel | DaveQB: you are not missing something :] | 07:15 |
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bluesky | renato... Texas | 07:15 |
DaveQB | wastrel bugger | 07:15 |
Rictoo|SLP | how do I modify an env variable in console? | 07:15 |
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Holmes | finnaly theres somebody to chat wit | 07:15 |
Holmes | lol | 07:15 |
DaveQB | Rictoo|SLP assign it again VAR="something" ; export $VAR | 07:15 |
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asdx | when feisty is going to be out? | 07:15 |
KgirL | pppd2007: good place | 07:16 |
pppd2007 | some know how to put xmms icon in the taskbar? | 07:16 |
Rictoo|SLP | ok | 07:16 |
Em3raldMcSquizzy | LOL | 07:16 |
Rictoo|SLP | thanks | 07:16 |
locolbd | dholbach: Something has gone wrong, the page you're looking for can't be foundSomething has gone wrong, the page you're looking for can't be found | 07:16 |
lsuactiafner | damnit why did i read the topic, wanted to ask a good question | 07:16 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: huahuahueeaa | 07:16 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: nice | 07:16 |
Holmes | wat r ull chatting abt | 07:16 |
firefly2442 | What is Beryl in relationship to Gnome? an addon to the window manager? | 07:16 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: nvm, I ran it again and it said "file already installed" guess I read the wrong thing | 07:16 |
Em3raldMcSquizzy | asdx: soon | 07:16 |
zaphands | Hey all. I want to run some xmodmap commands on a script for every user who logs in. How can I do that? | 07:16 |
dicon | LOL | 07:16 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: whats your city my friend? | 07:16 |
disinterested | hello anyone know anything about kooldock? | 07:16 |
codepoet | is there a brightness/contrast/gamma control applet in gnome? | 07:16 |
mjbrooks | asdx, , no later than Apr 19 11:59pm | 07:16 |
fiery_cleric | sounds kde | 07:16 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: sorry | 07:16 |
Holmes | hello | 07:16 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: i guess you can drag 'n drop it!!! | 07:16 |
asdx | yay | 07:16 |
Holmes | any 1 na chat | 07:16 |
mungewell | 'Are we nearly there...?' or 'Mum, when's dinner' ;-) | 07:16 |
Em3raldMcSquizzy | firefly2442: a 3D desktop replacement for Metacity | 07:16 |
bluesky | Renato... Texas... viveu em Portugal por certos anos | 07:16 |
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Holmes | heloo | 07:16 |
Holmes | i have a macbook | 07:17 |
Holmes | i jus wanna noe | 07:17 |
KgirL | santossss | 07:17 |
dholbach | locolbd: - sorry | 07:17 |
Wikzo | Arg ... can't keep waiting. Have to go to school in an hour | 07:17 |
Holmes | which is better | 07:17 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ok do this ndiswrapper -l (small cap L) to see is it installed and does it says hardware present like mine: | 07:17 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: I love blue sky | 07:17 |
aldin | aldin@kapetano:~$ ndiswrapper -l | 07:17 |
aldin | Installed drivers: | 07:17 |
aldin | bcmwl5 driver installed, hardware present | 07:17 |
aldin | aldin@kapetano:~$ | 07:17 |
mjbrooks | bluesky, ENGLISH | 07:17 |
Holmes | a macbook or a sony vaio | 07:17 |
RenatoSilva | KgirL: really girl?? | 07:17 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: theres an a package that can download with apt-get that put this on taskbar, but i forget this :( | 07:17 |
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firefly2442 | Em3raldMcSquizzy: does metacity sit on top of the window manager or is it the window manager? | 07:17 |
Holmes | a macbook or a sony vaio | 07:17 |
Holmes | which is better | 07:17 |
Holmes | a macbook or a sony vaio | 07:17 |
Holmes | which is better | 07:17 |
Holmes | a macbook or a sony vaio | 07:17 |
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bluesky | ah...Brasil.... lovely women | 07:17 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | Holmes | 07:17 |
ubotu | Holmes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:17 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: santos, good place! nice place!! nice praia :) | 07:17 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | macbook is better | 07:17 |
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T0uCH | 07:17 | |
T0uCH | (01:04:40) T0uCH: if i wanna format c drive in windows and linux files (ubuntu and kubuntu).. i just wanna keep "hda5" in linux whicj is "d:" in windows and replace my currents version of windows AND Ubuntu/kubuntu .. what you suggest me to do???? I am really newbie the simple is the right thing.. please help me... Thanks | 07:17 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: you haven't yes installed xmms?? | 07:18 |
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mjbrooks | !enter | holmes | 07:18 |
ubotu | holmes: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 07:18 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: nice beach huaez | 07:18 |
aldin | Holmes: i would take vaio! | 07:18 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: seach in synaptic and the add/remove apps memnu | 07:18 |
Holmes | hey wat is ubuntu | 07:18 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: Installed drivers: file Invalid driver! | 07:18 |
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fiery_cleric | T0uCH: my advice not good enough :) | 07:18 |
Wikzo | !ubuntu | 07:18 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see and | 07:18 |
Holmes | y a vaio | 07:18 |
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cafuego | Holmes: Sony are far eviller than Apple. | 07:18 |
KgirL | RenatoSilva: why not? hahahahaha ... | 07:18 |
Holmes | wat abt mac? | 07:18 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | ok how come ubuntu doesnt use selinux? | 07:18 |
bluesky | renato... you ever use dreamlinux? | 07:18 |
Rictoo|SLP | Whenever I run mercury (msn client), I get: | 07:18 |
Rictoo|SLP | No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH | 07:18 |
Rictoo|SLP | environment variable. You must install a VM prior to | 07:18 |
Rictoo|SLP | running this program. | 07:18 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: can i search in the apt-get comand line ? or only in the sinaptic? | 07:18 |
bluesky | it's from brasil.... | 07:18 |
Holmes | heloo | 07:18 |
T0uCH | fiery_cleric: i havent receive a message yet??? | 07:18 |
RenatoSilva | Holmes: Ubuntu is the greatest hype when talking about Linux nowadays :D | 07:19 |
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Flannel | pppd2007: apt-cache search [stuff] | 07:19 |
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mjbrooks | !offtopic > bluesky | 07:19 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: both, but use synaptic, it's nice | 07:19 |
Wikzo | I am looking for a good IM/IRC client. Gaim is ok but it crashes somtimes ... | 07:19 |
mungewell | NemesisD - just above that might be some auto detect. See | 07:19 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: then ur .inf isnt correct | 07:19 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: whats your distribution girl? | 07:19 |
bluesky | brooks... that's OK... i'm mentioning it for a reason | 07:19 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | does anyone know why ubuntu doesnt use the security enhanced feature like fedora does? | 07:19 |
kmyst | hey is there a way to use a live cd to instal without booting to the desktop? | 07:19 |
fiery_cleric | Wikzo: gaim is solid as a rock for me | 07:19 |
bluesky | selinux? | 07:19 |
Holmes | but c,mon linux has no games | 07:19 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: open it and click search, the search by name and desription, "xmms" | 07:19 |
Sp4cedOut | OK I'll chekc that again, give me a second | 07:19 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: u should have : | 07:19 |
aldin | Installed drivers: | 07:19 |
aldin | bcmwl5 driver installed, hardware present | 07:19 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: it's easy | 07:19 |
mjbrooks | bluesky, still offtopic | 07:19 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | selinux is security enhanced | 07:20 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: yes | 07:20 |
Holmes | linux suks | 07:20 |
mungewell | NemesisD - you can run through at text config with 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 07:20 |
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mathness | do we have to wait honolulu's 19th??? | 07:20 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | holmes stfu | 07:20 |
Holmes | itz only good for etworking | 07:20 |
Wikzo | fiery_cleric -> in Ubuntu or Windows? If i use IRC + MSN in Ubuntu it crashes sometimes | 07:20 |
KgirL | no ... the beach here is horrble .. if i wanna go, just guaruja, praia grande... | 07:20 |
Holmes | i like windows nt | 07:20 |
Holmes | or mac | 07:20 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: to remove driver use ndiswrapper -e nameOfIt | 07:20 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | Holmes | 07:20 |
ubotu | Holmes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:20 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, ok ill try it hold | 07:20 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | is there a moderator heere? | 07:20 |
Rictoo|SLP | how can I edit environment variable permenantly? | 07:20 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: apt-get have some search engine for looking packages? | 07:20 |
Rictoo|SLP | It's in some file... | 07:20 |
mjbrooks | Jett-AKA-Sparky, because ubuntu is designed to be more user friendly | 07:20 |
bluesky | Jett... all selinux is is rbac/dac/mac... you can get that same thing in Ubunu with some scripts | 07:20 |
fiery_cleric | Wikzo: in linux ... i dont use irc + msn tho i use yahoo | 07:20 |
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roderic | guys lets keep our food to ourselves, trolls can get it elsewhere :) | 07:20 |
elvirolo | hey so feisty is gonna be released today | 07:20 |
crazy_penguin | Good morning! | 07:21 |
Wikzo | Ok, strange. Which chat client do you use? | 07:21 |
aldin | Holmes: like it as much u wish but then u missed channel... | 07:21 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | well jbrooks fedora is friendly too | 07:21 |
pppd2007 | KgirL: noooooo santos is bealtful! the beach, the city, every... | 07:21 |
elvirolo | it's already 6:00 GMT | 07:21 |
digiital | no, it's april 2008 not 2007 | 07:21 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | What is the # channel to discuss ping booting fellows? | 07:21 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | cough holmes | 07:21 |
Rictoo|SLP | how can I edit environment variable permenantly? | 07:21 |
BenjaminJohnsto1 | cough | 07:21 |
mjbrooks | !ops Holmes troll | 07:21 |
bluesky | fedora is not as friendly as ubuntu | 07:21 |
NemesisD | mungewell, ok which driver do i choose.. | 07:21 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: thanxs for help friend | 07:21 |
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owen1 | hi all? is ubuntu 7.04 final version is available? | 07:21 |
tonyyarusso | owen1: no | 07:21 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | you have to edit bash_rc | 07:21 |
mungewell | NemesisD - what card do you have? | 07:21 |
=== Holmes don like ubuntu | ||
bluesky | owen, not yet | 07:21 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | its available tomorrow | 07:21 |
owen1 | tonyyarusso: when will it be ready? | 07:21 |
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aldin | Sp4cedOut: i must go now sorry... | 07:21 |
tonyyarusso | owen1: soon | 07:22 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: apt-cache search, but I preffer synaptic | 07:22 |
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mjbrooks | ty Madpilot | 07:22 |
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NemesisD | mungewell, apparently Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller | 07:22 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: I never used dreamlinux | 07:22 |
KgirL | 5.10 | 07:22 |
owen1 | tonyyarusso: and upgrade is 1 command line? | 07:22 |
aldin | bye bye my ubuntu crew see ya on Feisty soon! | 07:22 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | ok which processor is better made for linux amd or intel? | 07:22 |
bluesky | brasil product | 07:22 |
RenatoSilva | #tail -f / | 07:22 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: cool | 07:22 |
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mjbrooks | Jett-AKA-Sparky, both | 07:23 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: have found it? | 07:23 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: thanx | 07:23 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tonyyarusso] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Support for Feisty Fawn non-final in #ubuntu+1 | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | No, Feisty isn't out yet. - Please do all your waiting in #ubuntu-release-party and keep this channel support-related | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ | ||
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bluesky | i've tried every distro out there... keep coming back to ubuntu | 07:23 |
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tonyyarusso | owen1: /msg ubotu upgrade after it's out | 07:23 |
mjbrooks | tonyyarusso, nice touch | 07:23 |
fiery_cleric | i support feisty :) | 07:23 |
owen1 | tonyyarusso: sweet. thanks | 07:23 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | bluesky i agree ubuntu is the best distro | 07:23 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: I think I'll come back to RWindows | 07:23 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: now i'm in windows, because im searching for help to configure my pc-tv card :( | 07:23 |
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Jett-AKA-Sparky | although i wish they would you portage as there package management | 07:24 |
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bluesky | renato... Windows? | 07:24 |
pppd2007 | meu ingles uma merda huaehhauehuz | 07:24 |
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koshari | bit of i bias place to discuss which is best distro | 07:24 |
mungewell | NemesisD - don't know. Vesa is a safe bet | 07:24 |
Jett-AKA-Sparky | hey pjbrooks | 07:24 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: i am trying to reply to your pm ... do u seem them? | 07:24 |
bluesky | uh...switch to a mac before you do that | 07:24 |
pppd2007 | bluesky: yes, but i have installed ubuntu in the other partition | 07:24 |
bluesky | macs run ubuntu just fine | 07:24 |
roderic | NemesisD: i have that one | 07:24 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: search in google, and ubuntu forums | 07:24 |
NemesisD | mungewell, is there any way i can tell what the current driver is | 07:24 |
roderic | NemesisD: its i810 u want | 07:24 |
T0uCH | no.. are you registered fiery_cleric | 07:24 |
NemesisD | roderic, oh, which driver? | 07:24 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: ask there | 07:24 |
Rictoo|SLP | nawk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 07:24 |
Rictoo|SLP | :( | 07:24 |
KgirL | bye :* | 07:24 |
RenatoSilva | so... | 07:24 |
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roderic | NemesisD: i810 | 07:24 |
RenatoSilva | Brazillian people | 07:24 |
NemesisD | oh ok | 07:24 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: no ... i dont believe in that | 07:24 |
mungewell | NemesisD - its spec in xorg.conf | 07:25 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: i already do it, but i can't find anythink :( | 07:25 |
NemesisD | roderic, so thats better for this card than vesa? | 07:25 |
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RenatoSilva | what are you doing here instead of ubuntu-br? :) | 07:25 |
roderic | NemesisD: i find it better, yes | 07:25 |
pppd2007 | hey folkss | 07:25 |
bluesky | patient;y waiting.... mouth full of skoal, Andy Griffith on the TV... wishing I had T'Pol as my download assistant... roll on Feisty... | 07:25 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: I passed a trouble with mywinmodem | 07:25 |
T0uCH | so we got to talk in the channels fiery_cleric | 07:25 |
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britt | feisty comes out tomorrow | 07:25 |
bluesky | tomorrow is today | 07:25 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: me too, my modem is a hsfmodem | 07:25 |
roderic | NemesisD: i have to use the modsetting version of the driver to get my native resolution though | 07:26 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Ubuntu is not that PERFECT as hype claims | 07:26 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: why cant u pm with unregisterd nick ... ? | 07:26 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: that uses conexant chipset | 07:26 |
mungewell | britt - tomorrow is 24mins away! | 07:26 |
T0uCH | fiery_cleric: i dont know | 07:26 |
bluesky | ubuntu is not perfect, but it's the best linux distro out there | 07:26 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: what is you winmodem model? | 07:26 |
britt | so | 07:26 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: you got to install the modem? | 07:26 |
fiery_cleric | T0uCH: ok i give in how do i register my nick | 07:26 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: I can't find the .inf driver | 07:26 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Lucent/Agere | 07:26 |
britt | any big changes? | 07:26 |
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T0uCH | !register fiery_cleric | 07:26 |
britt | i mean i have 6.10, is it worth moving? | 07:26 |
koshari | gentoo is great for specific hardware, | 07:26 |
bluesky | would prefer to run freebsd , but bsd doesn't support binary blobs like linux does | 07:27 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: my winmodem works fine with the drivers that i downloaded from | 07:27 |
fiery_cleric | !register > fiery_cleric | 07:27 |
=== sahafeez like gentoo loads. hates installing it | ||
NemesisD | roderic, what should i put for amount of memory (kB) to be used by the video card? | 07:27 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: look man, sorry i have to go now... but after u install the right .inf file u need jut to 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper'; iwconfig | 07:27 |
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bluesky | ubuntu kind of worries me with their inclusion of non-free software | 07:27 |
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koshari | why | 07:27 |
mungewell | NemesisD - you can leave that empty | 07:27 |
roderic | NemesisD: sorry, i'm not sure, lemme check | 07:27 |
aldin | Sp4cedOut: ciao, bye, gotta go really ask others u are almost there... | 07:27 |
koshari | you have the choice | 07:27 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: but the freee version only works at 14kbps, its need to hack to work at 56k, i got it on slackware, but in the ubuntu this works only at 14kbps | 07:28 |
Sp4cedOut | aldin: thanks for the help | 07:28 |
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roderic | NemesisD: ya, i didnt have to set that | 07:28 |
bluesky | i'm kind of on the stallman side of the fence when it comes to software | 07:28 |
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NemesisD | use kernel framebuffer device interface? | 07:28 |
pppd2007 | bluesky: good english | 07:28 |
bluesky | all software should be free (as in freedom) | 07:28 |
bluesky | lol | 07:28 |
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T0uCH | !register | 07:28 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 07:28 |
bluesky | obrigado | 07:28 |
koshari | obrigada | 07:28 |
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ubd | how do i mount a fat partition? | 07:29 |
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bluesky | obrigada? you a female? | 07:29 |
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pppd2007 | huahuehuaeaehuhz | 07:29 |
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roderic | NemesisD: not sure, what exactly are you doing by the way? | 07:29 |
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bluesky | obrigado for men, obrigada for women | 07:29 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | 07:29 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:29 |
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koshari | i know, spent some time on the algarve | 07:29 |
NemesisD | nm i chose | 07:30 |
MrMakeveli | hey guys, hows it going? | 07:30 |
pppd2007 | bluesky: where are you from? | 07:30 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: how do I notice the conn rate I'm in? | 07:30 |
koshari | we cant be sexist here can we | 07:30 |
tonyyarusso | nope | 07:30 |
bluesky | pppd texas... lived in Portugal for a few years | 07:30 |
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NemesisD | roderic, i dunno, ask mungewell, lol, basically im trying to get my native resolution of 1280x800 to work | 07:30 |
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tonyyarusso | Chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic, Feisty anticipation in #ubuntu-release-party, support only here please. | 07:30 |
Wikzo | Ok, now I am leaving 'cause I have to go to school. Good luck everyone; I hope you get it soon | 07:30 |
roderic | NemesisD: ah, i wish i'd known that from the beginning :). all you have to do is install the i810 modesetting driver | 07:30 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: the rate is 115k, the default, i think... this is configured in the pppd scripts | 07:31 |
ubd | what the fuck is going on! go to ubuntu offtopic! | 07:31 |
mungewell | roderic - NemesisD is running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to get resolution set | 07:31 |
tonyyarusso | !language | ubd | 07:31 |
ubotu | ubd: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:31 |
NemesisD | roderic, am i on the right path to installing that? lol | 07:31 |
ubd | how do i mount a fat partition? | 07:31 |
britt | i am family | 07:31 |
roderic | mungewell i dont think he had to do that, all i did was install the driver with apt-get and restart x | 07:31 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: /etc/pppd or /etc/ppp .... | 07:31 |
ubd | FAT32! | 07:31 |
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bluesky | if i won the lottery, i'd move to portugal in a heartbeat... take my ubuntu laptop and sit on the balcony with my chorico and watch the ubuntu girls sing ubuntu fado to his ubuntuness on the balcony | 07:31 |
bluesky | ah, i'm offtopic | 07:32 |
bluesky | forgive me, your worship | 07:32 |
tonyyarusso | !mount | ubd | 07:32 |
ubotu | ubd: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 07:32 |
roderic | NemesisD you need to install the "xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting" package | 07:32 |
NemesisD | roderic, do tell, and also how do i cancel this reconfigure, since it's asking me questions that I don't know the answers to | 07:32 |
deng_ | mount -t vfat? | 07:32 |
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mungewell | bluesky - sometimes it's good to dream ;-) | 07:32 |
ubd | no thats not offtopic thats faggotry | 07:32 |
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roderic | NemesisD i'm not sure how to stop that :), only done that once | 07:32 |
koshari | the old dapper disk tool was better than edgys | 07:32 |
ubd | deng_ how will i configure fstab? | 07:32 |
bluesky | mungwell, too true | 07:32 |
NemesisD | ctrl c? | 07:32 |
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NemesisD | nm just closed it | 07:33 |
bluesky | go to portugal... wi-fi everywhere in Lisboa... i was in heaven in 2003 | 07:33 |
roderic | NemesisD, but installing that package and restarting x should fix the resolution problem | 07:33 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: exactly what??? | 07:33 |
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NemesisD | ill try that now roderick | 07:33 |
Flannel | bluesky: #ubuntu-offtopic for chit-chat, thanks. | 07:33 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: not config I want, but the REAL, now | 07:33 |
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koshari | people selling hash eveywhere in lispoa also :-) | 07:33 |
bluesky | lol | 07:34 |
NemesisD | roderic, not seeing that package on synaptic, hmm | 07:34 |
app | If I want to demonstrate bare X server, I can ruin it with "X" or "X :1". How can I give a parameter to run "xterm" as the only client? | 07:34 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: how old? | 07:34 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: how old? | 07:34 |
roderic | NemesisD what version of ubuntu u running? | 07:34 |
bluesky | 38 | 07:34 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: hmmm... i think that it don't know to see... maybe ifconfig, i don't know | 07:34 |
NemesisD | feisty | 07:34 |
pppd2007 | 23 | 07:34 |
pppd2007 | you? | 07:34 |
bluesky | been using linux for 10 years, ubuntu since it came out | 07:34 |
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roderic | NemesisD in synaptic, search "intel, then go to the bottom | 07:34 |
roderic | NemesisD "intel"* | 07:34 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: how old are YOU | 07:35 |
deng_ | /dev/hda0s1/mnt/cvfatrw,noauto00 | 07:35 |
nicholim | So when is feisty going to be released? | 07:35 |
bluesky | 38 | 07:35 |
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RenatoSilva | bluesky: since you've born :D | 07:35 |
tonyyarusso | nicholim: /topic | 07:35 |
pppd2007 | older man huaeuha | 07:35 |
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NemesisD | roderic, xserver-xorg-video-intel ? | 07:35 |
charliesu | is there a countdown timer for feisty? | 07:35 |
roderic | NemesisD that should work as well, yes | 07:35 |
adonis | ./nick Adonis | 07:35 |
tonyyarusso | charliesu: nope, we don't know specifics. Questions in -release-party from now on | 07:35 |
RenatoSilva | charliesu: Zobert: #tail -f / | 07:35 |
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roderic | NemesisD they've probably changed the package name since i installed it or something | 07:36 |
adonis | sry guys | 07:36 |
nicholim | ahhhh, thankyou | 07:36 |
NemesisD | roderic, k and that should be installed alongside xserver-xorg-video-i810? | 07:36 |
koshari | sudo mkdir /mnt/c first | 07:36 |
pppd2007 | nicholim: girl? | 07:36 |
NemesisD | oh i guess not, since it said it will remove it | 07:36 |
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RenatoSilva | take a look | 07:36 |
roderic | NemesisD, for me, it forced me to uninstall i810 | 07:36 |
nicholim | pppd2007: you wish | 07:36 |
Richard_mlk_23 | hi | 07:36 |
Richard_mlk_23 | <Richard_mlk_23> can anyone here teach me how to encrypt my yahoo mail message and attachment | 07:36 |
bluesky | renato, i'm also in #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:36 |
windwiny-ubuntu7 | /nice a-bo-a-bo | 07:36 |
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roderic | NemesisD, but since they changed the name, i think you'll have to manually change your xorg.conf | 07:37 |
nicholim | #tail -f / | 07:37 |
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NemesisD | aww crap | 07:37 |
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roderic | NemesisD but ya, you can have them installed at the same time, it wont make a difference | 07:37 |
bluesky | nothing like waiting for ubuntu | 07:37 |
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NemesisD | alright, it removed the old one, so i shold just need a reboot now? | 07:37 |
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RenatoSilva | (02:27:52) RenatoSilva: BTW, is there a scheduled TIME? | 07:37 |
RenatoSilva | (02:28:06) ajmitch: RenatoSilva: when it's ready | 07:37 |
RenatoSilva | (02:30:28) Mithrandir: actually, I'm just eating breakfast. Can't release without breakfast. | 07:37 |
roderic | NemesisD, its easy to change, dont worry :) | 07:37 |
arooni | how can i find and install this font for ubuntu: Consolas ? | 07:37 |
RenatoSilva | uhauahua | 07:37 |
roderic | NemesisD, just one thing u need to change | 07:37 |
NemesisD | okay | 07:37 |
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jnc | erg, I think I may have spotted a bug, 'libsmbios-bin' on my box does not actually install the executables to /usr/sbin | 07:38 |
roderic | NemesisD dud u install intel? | 07:38 |
NemesisD | yes | 07:38 |
charliesu | nicholim: is that a valid command?? | 07:38 |
jnc | can anyone confirm or dispute this? | 07:38 |
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blazemonger | is 7.04 available yet? | 07:38 |
roderic | NemesisD alright, before you restart | 07:38 |
tonyyarusso | blazemonger: /topic | 07:38 |
nicholim | nope | 07:38 |
blazemonger | oh ok sorry | 07:38 |
roderic | NemesisD do sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:38 |
nicholim | tonyyarusso: might as well just tell people | 07:38 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: why do you said about offtopic? | 07:38 |
nicholim | tonyyarusso: it's the same amount of effort | 07:38 |
bluesky | reanato. i'm in #ubuntu-offtopic room too | 07:38 |
NemesisD | k | 07:38 |
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tonyyarusso | nicholim: In a few minutes it's going to be kicking them for not reading topics, so this is kind ;) | 07:39 |
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bluesky | consolas font is Vista only for now | 07:39 |
AnAnt | !pastebin | 07:39 |
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ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:39 |
roderic | NemesisD alright, now find the section labeled "Graphics Controller" | 07:39 |
pppd2007 | some know configure pinnacle pctv stereo (tv card) on linux? pleaseeee, i need help | 07:39 |
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nicholim | tonyyarusso: change topic for relevence? | 07:39 |
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NemesisD | k, i think i've got it | 07:39 |
jnc | moving on over to #ubuntu+1 for my feisty related question then ;) | 07:39 |
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mungewell | NemesisD - are you Canuck? | 07:39 |
nicholim | tonyyarusso: perhaps add something about where to find the info? | 07:40 |
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pppd2007 | nicholim: why kick me? | 07:40 |
Demented840 | | 07:40 |
RenatoSilva | bluesky: what do you mean??? | 07:40 |
roderic | NemesisD now, on the option labeled "Driver" what does it say beside it? | 07:40 |
NemesisD | mungewell, american | 07:40 |
tonyyarusso | nicholim: The release party channel has as much info as there is (ie, not much) | 07:41 |
bluesky | renato... join the room called #ubuntu-offtopic... | 07:41 |
NemesisD | roderic, Driver"i810" | 07:41 |
nicholim | tonyyarusso: where is that channel? | 07:41 |
tonyyarusso | nicholim: #ubuntu-release-party on freenode | 07:41 |
nicholim | ahhh thankyou | 07:41 |
roderic | NemesisD replace that with intel, keeping the quotes | 07:41 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: a rate of 4600800 | 07:41 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: what does it mean? | 07:41 |
roderic | NemesisD, then just logout and press backspace + alt + ctrl | 07:41 |
NemesisD | roderic, no i810, just "intel" ? | 07:41 |
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roderic | NemesisD yup | 07:41 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: 56Kbps? | 07:41 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: yes | 07:42 |
NemesisD | ok brb then | 07:42 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: CONNECT 48000 V42bis | 07:42 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: its not real | 07:42 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: 56Kbps is not real? | 07:42 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: so I'm fine me and my Agere don't? :D | 07:43 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: 57k, 115k or greater are defaults, and not real | 07:43 |
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NemesisD | brilliant! | 07:43 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: huauhhuaehua | 07:43 |
roderic | NemesisD nice :), good luck hehe | 07:43 |
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RenatoSilva | NemesisD: what? | 07:43 |
NemesisD | thanks mungewell and roderic | 07:43 |
NemesisD | everything looks all crisp and pretty now | 07:43 |
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RenatoSilva | NemesisD: why? | 07:43 |
roderic | NemesisD your welcome | 07:43 |
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RenatoSilva | NemesisD: how? | 07:44 |
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roderic | ya, same reaction i had when i figured out that =P | 07:44 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Curitiba?? | 07:44 |
NemesisD | RenatoSilva, i got my correct resolution working now | 07:44 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: how old? | 07:44 |
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RenatoSilva | NemesisD: of GDM??? | 07:44 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: apucarana-pr 23 you? | 07:44 |
RenatoSilva | NemesisD: HOW? | 07:44 |
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NemesisD | what's gdm? | 07:44 |
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pppd2007 | ^^ | 07:44 |
fiery_cleric | !gdm | 07:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gdm - try searching on | 07:44 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: birthday (23 too) | 07:44 |
roderic | NemesisD this's a common problem for our chipset, you'll probably have to do that on any distro you're on | 07:45 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: :) | 07:45 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Apucarana? WTF? uahuahauhauhauahuauh | 07:45 |
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fiery_cleric | !info gdm | 07:45 |
ubotu | gdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.1-0ubuntu4.1 (edgy), package size 1687 kB, installed size 12300 kB | 07:45 |
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pppd2007 | NemesisD: with gdm you can select what x interface you will use huahua | 07:45 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: huaehuaheuhuaz | 07:45 |
NemesisD | ohh | 07:45 |
pppd2007 | NemesisD: GnomeDesktopManager GDM :) | 07:46 |
RenatoSilva | NemesisD: resolution of what? teh screen??? | 07:46 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: my bithday is 11/ago :) | 07:46 |
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mihal23 | c qualkuno di cremona? | 07:46 |
NemesisD | RenatoSilva, correct, i have a 1280x800 screen and it was using 1024x768 | 07:47 |
keith | I've heard nvidia is better to get for Linux as opposed to ATI... anyone else have an opinion on that? | 07:47 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: going to age 24 :( staying older | 07:47 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: April 7? | 07:47 |
lgc | How safe is it to update from Dapper to Edgy with update-manager? | 07:47 |
blazemonger | whose gonna stick with 6.10? | 07:47 |
Skygge | nvidia have better driver support afaik | 07:47 |
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tonyyarusso | !cz | mihal23 | 07:47 |
ubotu | mihal23: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme. | 07:47 |
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DShepherd | keith i do too | 07:47 |
keith | I have an ati right now | 07:47 |
yonkeltron | does the alternate install cd support encrypted partitions? | 07:47 |
keith | though it's a very low end | 07:47 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: 11 days ago or Augiust 11th? | 07:47 |
Sp4cedOut | I'm trying to install ndiswrapper but i can't seem to find the .inf driver. I'm using a Broadcom 4311 card. | 07:48 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: where is APucarana? | 07:48 |
keith | I think you might be able to use fwcutter? | 07:48 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: 11/08 :) | 07:48 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: its near from londrina-pr | 07:48 |
Skygge | good question. new debian installer support encryped partitions, I've wondered if ubuntu does | 07:48 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: humm | 07:48 |
keith | Sp4cedout, that was directed at you | 07:48 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: at 60k~~ | 07:48 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: whats your city in rj ? | 07:48 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: so you have to respect me, 6th April | 07:48 |
mihal23 | It's here somethyng people from | 07:48 |
Sp4cedOut | xeith: fwcutter? | 07:49 |
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pppd2007 | huaeuaa | 07:49 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: Rio, in Rio :) | 07:49 |
tonyyarusso | Skygge: Depends what version that go put in. Look for it in Gutsy Gibbon for sure I'd say. | 07:49 |
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Sp4cedOut | *Keith:fwcutter? | 07:49 |
Ubuntu7 | join in #ubuntu-release-party | 07:49 |
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Skygge | that's after fawn right? okay. | 07:49 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: you too going for 24 old ? | 07:49 |
keith | sp4cedout, let me look it up... I had to use it for my broadcom 4000 series in my laptop | 07:49 |
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tonyyarusso | Skygge: yeah | 07:49 |
charliesu | RenatoSilva: i'm 23 too.. the 15th was my birthday | 07:49 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: not yet, 23 | 07:49 |
lgc | Hi! How safe is it to update from Dapper to Edgy with update-manager? | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | Offtopic chatter in #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:50 |
keith | spaceout, it basically extracts the firmware from the network card and lets you install the driver using modprobe that way | 07:50 |
spikeb | lgc, pretty darn safe nowadays | 07:50 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: I'm wrong, I do have to respect you!!! | 07:50 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: you're the older!! yuhuahuahua | 07:50 |
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keith | spacedout, that didn't work for me, but it had a script to download the firmware so I could install it, and that worked for me | 07:50 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: I was 23 on 6th this month | 07:50 |
dreamcastjack | hey guys | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | !offtopic | RenatoSilva | 07:51 |
ubotu | RenatoSilva: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:51 |
lgc | spikeb, OK, thanks. Do you know if it also takes kare of the wireless app? | 07:51 |
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vega- | RenatoSilva: your ages are very fascinating, but could you take it somewhere else | 07:51 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: ah. good... :) | 07:51 |
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keith | Has anyone in here tried warcraft III in wine? | 07:51 |
jcole | /j #ubuntu-release-party | 07:51 |
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spikeb | lgc, that i don't | 07:51 |
RenatoSilva | charliesu: nice! so you have to respect me, for just few days :) | 07:51 |
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Skygge | Keith, works fine. | 07:51 |
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tamgo | sup guys | 07:51 |
yonkeltron | so is that a no to encrypted partitions? | 07:51 |
Skygge | I just sometimes have toruble starting the program | 07:51 |
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lgc | spikeb, Oki. | 07:51 |
tamgo | at what time will feisty get released? | 07:51 |
RenatoSilva | vega-: good point uhauauahuahauuha | 07:51 |
keith | Skygge, I got it to install, but it runs very... jumpy... wanted to make sure it wasn't wine | 07:52 |
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Skygge | keith, run it with --opengl after it. | 07:52 |
tonyyarusso | tamgo: /topic | 07:52 |
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RenatoSilva | charliesu: once more the last: where are you from? | 07:52 |
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keith | Skygge, so run wine --opengl War3.exe, or whatever it's called? | 07:52 |
Jarquafelmu | how do i view my mac address? | 07:52 |
Skygge | if the path to the war3.exe has any spaces etc in it, eg, /home/.wine/program files/ then put the path in " ". | 07:53 |
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RenatoSilva | pppd2007: let's move we and our ages and cities and whatever to offtopic uhauahuah | 07:53 |
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letronje | hey isnt fiesty supposed to be released today? | 07:53 |
Skygge | so in the shortcut it'll be wine "path/war3.exe" --opengl | 07:53 |
koshari | you can view your mac address in device manager | 07:53 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: huaehuaehhuaehaz | 07:53 |
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keith | Skygge, thanks, let me try that... I'll be right back | 07:53 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: where are the computer girls? | 07:53 |
tamgo | tonyyarusso, o come on! | 07:53 |
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barny | anyone know what time 7.04 is going to be released? Do they do it early or later in the day? | 07:54 |
barny | waiting for my reinstall ;) | 07:54 |
charliesu | RenatoSilva: texas | 07:54 |
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tonyyarusso | barny: #ubuntu-release-party please | 07:54 |
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sheri_rao | how can i know when fesity is realeased, any method (i am daying for fesity) | 07:55 |
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barny | gotcha.. thanks Tony | 07:55 |
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spikeb | sheri_rao, it'll be announced all over the internet. | 07:55 |
tonyyarusso | sheri_rao: Chill in #ubuntu-release-party and wait for the pandimonium | 07:55 |
oxdot | #ubuntu-release-party | 07:55 |
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oxdot | oops ... | 07:55 |
keith | Skygge, that didn't help :( | 07:55 |
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sheri_rao | tonyyarusso, thanks man :) | 07:56 |
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FlakAttac | Holy moly! | 07:56 |
gtr225 | hello all | 07:57 |
MockY | hey | 07:57 |
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pppd2007 | some here uses 56k in the linux? | 07:57 |
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tonyyarusso | pppd2007: used to | 07:57 |
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gtr225 | im sure this has been asked before, but any idea when ubuntu 7.04 comes out? | 07:57 |
DPic | Apparently, in the first two weeks, Microsoft has only been able to sell 244 genuine copies of their Windows Vista OS in all of China. | 07:57 |
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app | Can you summarize Ubuntu logical disk management? Lvm or raid is done with what packages? On by default? | 07:57 |
tonyyarusso | gtr225: /topic | 07:57 |
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tonyyarusso | !offtopic | DPic | 07:57 |
ubotu | DPic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 07:57 |
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Jarquafelmu | how do i view my mac address? | 07:58 |
keith | ifconfig | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | ifconfig | 07:58 |
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keith | lol | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | Woah.... | 07:58 |
keith | I win | 07:58 |
SeveredCross | I think we broke it. | 07:58 |
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trelayne | hi all, let's say I have two directories of files. They total up to 4 4.7G worth of files. Is there a tool that I can used to separate them into sizes that will fit into more than on DVD? | 07:58 |
gtr225 | thanks | 07:58 |
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SeveredCross | Wait, what trelayne? | 07:58 |
trelayne | instead of having to do it manually? | 07:58 |
keith | can I ask someone a question relating to wine and Warcraft III? Preferably someone who's had success with it. | 07:58 |
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`ph8 | hey guys! i've recently updated to the latest feisty (been using feisty for quite some time, so this was just a routine dist-upgrade) and suddenly ever dialog doesn't have a titlebar anymore! sounds weird i know.. so i can resize windows but not move them or close them with the X (because there's no titlebar) | 07:59 |
`ph8 | any idea what could be wrong? | 07:59 |
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sheri_rao | pppd2007, yes i use 56k | 07:59 |
tonyyarusso | keith: You can try. If no luck, #winehq may work. | 07:59 |
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`ph8 | i've tried a backup tried-and-proven xorg.conf to no avail | 07:59 |
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pppd2007 | sheri_rao: winmodem? | 07:59 |
tonyyarusso | `ph8: /topic, Feisty support in #ubuntu= | 07:59 |
keith | I am running Warcraft III in wine, and it works, but it's very jumpy... | 07:59 |
trelayne | essentially I have a lot of files but don't want to bother figuring out what fits where | 07:59 |
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keith | it works reasonably well in windows. I'm wondering if it's wine, or just that my graphics card sucks in addition to poor driver support by ati? | 08:00 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, yup winmodem lucent | 08:00 |
BaudThief | is there a way to put drive icons ("shortcuts) on the ubuntu desktop? I've mounted a few in fstab | 08:00 |
SeveredCross | keith: Do you have hardware acceleration working? | 08:00 |
pppd2007 | sheri_rao: this use conexant whipset ? | 08:00 |
SeveredCross | (glxinfo | grep -i direct--if you see yes, then you do.) | 08:00 |
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sheri_rao | pppd2007, what do u this asking for | 08:00 |
keith | SeveredCross... I'm honestly not sure. I installed the restricted ATI drivers, but I'm not sure how to check | 08:00 |
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SeveredCross | Keith: Open a terminal, type in | 08:01 |
SeveredCross | glxinfo | grep -i direct | 08:01 |
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sheri_rao | pppd2007, | 08:01 |
keith | direct rendering: Yes | 08:01 |
BaudThief | keith: I gave up on my ATI X700 card and bought a nVidia 7600GS card yesterday lol - spent days trying to get it going with beryl | 08:01 |
SeveredCross | Okay, then it's Wine. | 08:01 |
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pppd2007 | sheri_rao: your linux detected the modem fine and this work correcly? | 08:02 |
SeveredCross | You may want to give Cedega a stab, but it's not free. | 08:02 |
keith | Baudtheif, did you get it to work with beryl? | 08:02 |
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pppd2007 | SeveredCross: ati 9200 drivers work in the dapper 6.06? you know? | 08:02 |
BaudThief | keith: Nope, tried EVERYTHING, every single frickin' tutorial on google, with restricted and open drivers, no luck. The nVidia one I have now worked out of the box though! | 08:02 |
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imbecile | ok guys when i try to run live cd it says "<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" its not the disk.. any ideas? | 08:02 |
keith | for beryl? | 08:03 |
BaudThief | keith: yes | 08:03 |
SeveredCross | Uh, they should? | 08:03 |
keith | SeveredCross, the card is very cheap. I bought it to make do until I decided to get a nice one... someone said WarIII worked fine fore them... so I'm wondering if the drivers just aren't support well enough for my cheap card... | 08:03 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, my ubuntu didnt detect it itself , now it works fine | 08:03 |
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pppd2007 | imbecile: your flat cables and jumpers are set correcly? in the bios setup leave auto in the detection of the hd, and set lba mode to auto | 08:03 |
keith | Baudthief, is Beryl what the Gnome desktop enhancements use? | 08:04 |
Antioch | Does anyone now if there is any software for linux similar to SpeedFan which lets you control the speed of the fans connected to the fan headers on the motherboard? | 08:04 |
cyberfr0g` | Hi | 08:04 |
pppd2007 | sheri_rao: what drivers you are using? | 08:04 |
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imbecile | pppd2007 thank you | 08:04 |
cyberfr0g` | I'll think about it | 08:04 |
BaudThief | keith: it works on KDE too apparently, it's purely eyecandy heh - was worth the $170 I paid for the card :p | 08:04 |
pppd2007 | imbecile: ah.. check if the partition swap have more then 256mb | 08:05 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, using ltmodem-2.6-alk-8.tar.bz2 | 08:05 |
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Jarquafelmu | how do i view my mac address? | 08:05 |
keith | Baudtheif, I meant the option Gnome has to turn on desktop enhancements | 08:05 |
Jarquafelmu | please someone tell me real quick | 08:05 |
keith | ifconfig | 08:05 |
imbecile | pppd2007 I must have messed something up when trying to install freeBSD | 08:05 |
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pppd2007 | sheri_rao: ah, i have downloaded drivers from linuxant and this work only at 14k in the free version, its horrible | 08:05 |
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pipboy_ | #ubuntu | 08:05 |
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pipboy_ | hi when will be the feisty fawn released? it should be already released... is there any delay? | 08:06 |
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spikeb | today. | 08:06 |
pipboy_ | i know that it will be today | 08:06 |
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tonyyarusso | pipboy_: /topic, #ubuntu-release-party | 08:06 |
enaut | wow cool | 08:06 |
pipboy_ | kk thx | 08:06 |
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pppd2007 | imbecile: if you don't have important data in your partitions, try a entire instalation of linux | 08:06 |
asdx | ubuntu ownz | 08:06 |
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keith | Does anyone know if there will be X-Fi drivers any time soon? lol | 08:06 |
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Guest1 | ah its not out yet | 08:07 |
Skygge | keith, sorry, I dunno. | 08:07 |
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Guest1 | okey, we will have to wait | 08:07 |
Antioch | ah! I completely forgot about X-Fi. | 08:07 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, try to find ur driver version n type here | 08:07 |
BaudThief | keith: oh, no then - I think they're entirely different things | 08:07 |
Skygge | keith, what version of wine you got? | 08:07 |
Antioch | I guess Im not installing linux on my desktop. | 08:07 |
pppd2007 | some here got to work ati drivers in dapper 6.06 ? | 08:07 |
Jarquafelmu | thnx | 08:08 |
Cosmo_ | anyone know if dragon naturally speaking will work with wine? | 08:08 |
sahafeez | booting 6.04 on an imac g3. get the nice ubuntu booting logo and such but get a blank screen on the desktop...ideas | 08:08 |
keith | Skygge, I have version 0.9.33 | 08:08 |
pppd2007 | sheri_rao: thanxs for the site friend | 08:08 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, did u check ur wvdial.conf file configuration | 08:08 |
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disinterested | ive got a kool dock question for someone.... where is the icon and how do i get it up on my panel | 08:09 |
keith | Skygge, what graphics card did you get it to work well on? | 08:09 |
sheri_rao | pppd2007, u r welcome | 08:09 |
Skygge | nvidia 6600GT | 08:09 |
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Skygge | that version should be okay. | 08:09 |
keith | Skygge, I have a Radeon X300, think that is why? | 08:09 |
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pppd2007 | keith: hey, you're using ati 3d drivers? | 08:10 |
keith | pppd2007, yes I am | 08:10 |
Skygge | keith, perhaps... try this link for help: | 08:10 |
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keith | Skygge, thanks | 08:10 |
OrTigaS | is there a difference with the beta disk to official release if already beta is installed? | 08:10 |
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pppd2007 | keith: here ati 3d drivers don't work on my dapper 6.06 | 08:11 |
boubbin | how to add apt sources ? | 08:11 |
boubbin | from CLI | 08:11 |
Flannel | boubbin: /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:12 |
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boubbin | thx | 08:12 |
_what_if_ | my soundcards keep randomly swapping (1 to 0) how do I stp this ? | 08:12 |
keith | pppd2007, why don't they? | 08:12 |
OrTigaS | is anyone got my question? | 08:12 |
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pppd2007 | keith: when starting the x-server this fail and returns to text mode | 08:13 |
Flannel | OrTigaS: if youve installed the beta, and keep up with regular updates, you'll have very little to download in updates, to get full feisty | 08:13 |
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tinyx | hello<3 | 08:13 |
pppd2007 | keith: only default drivers works :( | 08:13 |
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pppd2007 | keith: what do you do to make it works? | 08:14 |
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keith | pppd2007: what I did was install the drivers using synaptic and then enable them in the restricted drivers | 08:15 |
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OrTigaS | Flannel: thanks, so that i dont have to Download again :) | 08:15 |
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_what_if_ | !sound cards swapping | 08:16 |
pppd2007 | keith: apt-get install what????? | 08:16 |
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YingFan | variant, 99.5 % back from e2undel yesterday :) | 08:16 |
pir | hi | 08:16 |
_what_if_ | is it possible to add pages to ubutu ?? | 08:16 |
_what_if_ | !add | 08:16 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 08:16 |
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cafuego | hmm | 08:17 |
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keith | pppd2007: try "xorg-driver-fglrx" | 08:17 |
r00tintheb0x | and THEN? | 08:17 |
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pppd2007 | keith: but this is the original fglrx ati drivers? | 08:18 |
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YingFan | if I get an usb device detected, get asked for a response on the unmounted partition (open window or do nothing). I then choose open window and nothing happens. What logfile should I examine why it doesnt get mounted? | 08:18 |
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keith | pppd2007: are they? they had 3d support... | 08:18 |
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keith | Skygge: Warcraft III works fine with opengl, but I had to type -opengl, not --opengl | 08:19 |
pppd2007 | keith: i think the original drivers is from, i downloaded and installed in the slackware and works fine, but in the dapper 6.06 this always fails | 08:20 |
pppd2007 | keith: you are from br too? :) | 08:20 |
Skygge | oh really? weird. | 08:20 |
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Skygge | keith, maybe that's why it's loading so slow for me! | 08:20 |
keith | pppd2007: br? | 08:20 |
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keith | Skygge: works beautifully now... I'm so happy | 08:20 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: hey, how are brazillians here? | 08:20 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: many? | 08:20 |
Skygge | no probs mate | 08:20 |
keith | pppd2007: I'm from US | 08:21 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: let's go to offtopic | 08:21 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: uhahuehuaehuz | 08:21 |
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pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: have msn friend? | 08:21 |
RenatoSilva | pppd2007: sure | 08:22 |
RenatoSilva | !msn | 08:22 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME,, Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 08:22 |
pppd2007 | RenatoSilva: =) | 08:22 |
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bullgard4 | Evolution and Pan show the date of last week not by numbers but by weekdays. How can I change that? | 08:22 |
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MSTK | Hi, can anyone help me with something? | 08:22 |
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MSTK | I'm trying to update Thunderbird. | 08:22 |
tonyyarusso | MSTK: | 08:23 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, tell us something | 08:23 |
MSTK | wow, thanks | 08:23 |
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MSTK | Pretty much, I had previously installed the version from the synaptics package manager (1.5.xx), but I need the functionality of Thunderbird 2 | 08:23 |
Epic720 | feisty release party? | 08:24 |
MSTK | which isn't available on the synaptics. | 08:24 |
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sheri_rao | Epic720, yeah join is channel | 08:24 |
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Epic720 | link me? | 08:24 |
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varka | hi, how to specify one or more cores of a multicore-cpu when starting a program to run on it? | 08:24 |
bullgard4 | Epic720: There will be a Feisty Release Party tomorrow in Berlin. | 08:25 |
sheri_rao | here #ubuntu-release-party | 08:25 |
sheri_rao | Epic720, , here #ubuntu-release-party | 08:25 |
MSTK | thanks, tonyyarusso, but that tutorial is for Thunderbird 1.5.xx | 08:25 |
tonyyarusso | MSTK: should be a similar process | 08:25 |
sheri_rao | MSTK, which version u r using | 08:25 |
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m1chael | i ask here cause i believe one of you must know... in unix you can run programs with switches and put them on a different line like.. exiftool -ImageDescription="vip1" \ | 08:26 |
m1chael | -Artist="vip2" \ | 08:26 |
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m1chael | -Caption-Abstract="vip3" test.jpg | 08:26 |
m1chael | in dos, how can you accomplish that? | 08:26 |
MSTK | I'm using 1.5 right now, but I need the functionality of 2.0. But I'll give the tutorial a more detailed look. | 08:26 |
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mtholdenss | whats the heading say, 'No, Feisty isn't out yet. -Pleasd do all your" do your what? | 08:26 |
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fiery_cleric | !partitions | 08:26 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:26 |
SoulChild | How do i force my W-Lan to always connect on a network with spezific ESSID??? | 08:26 |
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Spo8 | I somehow seem to have messed up my ubuntu install's GRUB boot file. Is there a way where I can not only fix it so it boots again, but also bypass GRUB entirely so it only boots to ubuntu if I physically select that HDD to boot from? | 08:28 |
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sahafeez | any work around for the blank screen on a imac g3 ? | 08:29 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, try this but this is for beta | 08:29 |
MSTK | thanks | 08:29 |
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richw | Im using a launcher gDesklet.. how do I stop a window from overlaying it when i maximise the window? | 08:29 |
MSTK | but...the Mozilla site does offer a stable version | 08:29 |
Flannel | Spo8: you can set the default GRUB entry, just change it to your windows partition | 08:29 |
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MSTK | although it's .tar.gz, which I'm not that familiar with. | 08:29 |
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Nubbie | richw: if thats your only desklet you can have gdesklets on top of all other windows. | 08:30 |
sheri_rao | MSTK, it would be siomilar check the link telling about latest release , tell me specific problem when u get stuck | 08:30 |
MSTK | I'm afraid that if I install it I might lose my e-mails. The program folder is different -- the one I have is mozilla-thunderbird, and the new one is just thunderbird | 08:30 |
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tonyyarusso | mtholdenss: do all your waiting in #ubuntu-release-party and keep this channel support-related | 08:30 |
Flannel | MSTK: just backup your thunderbird files before doing it. You can always back them up | 08:30 |
Flannel | er, restore them later. | 08:30 |
LaNCeloT_RW | The connection was reset | 08:30 |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
Spo8 | Flannel: The problem is GRUB seems to be non-operational now. I get a Error 2 notice whenever I try to boot from ubuntu's HD. | 08:30 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
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LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | 08:30 | |
LaNCeloT_RW | The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. | 08:30 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | ops | 08:30 |
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LaNCeloT_RW | sorry | 08:30 |
sheri_rao | MSTK, do u know installation through deb package | 08:31 |
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Flannel | Spo8: Only when you boot to ubuntu? can you boot to windows? | 08:31 |
MSTK | you mean, .tar.gz archives? | 08:31 |
MadRush | what sound system does ubuntu use | 08:31 |
pppd2007 | MadRush: alsa i think :) | 08:31 |
tonyyarusso | MadRush: alsa, ogg, e-whateveritis, you choose | 08:32 |
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Spo8 | Flannel: Yes, my windows and ubuntu installs are on their own separate disks, and I think GRUB was only installed on ubuntu's. I downloaded the super GRUB disk and it couldn't do any of the recovery/repair options. | 08:32 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, tar.gz mean u r installing from source , deb is precomplied source | 08:32 |
richw | Nubbie: I tried Shift + F12 but i get a big black square.. it would be nice if the background was transparrent | 08:32 |
Flannel | Spo8: You get the grub menu all the time though, right? each time you boot, the option to boot linux or windows? | 08:33 |
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pavs | is there any other word suite like openoffice (free) | 08:33 |
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pir | yes | 08:33 |
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fiery_cleric | !upgrade | 08:33 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 08:33 |
pir | !help | 08:33 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 08:33 |
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yellow_chicken | yo | 08:34 |
Flannel | pavs: abiword is popular | 08:34 |
Spo8 | Flannel: Oh no, one time it just started displaying "Boot Error 2" which, according to the site, means it can't find the target disk, although it never went anywhere. | 08:34 |
imbecile | its probably a bad sign if im running memtest and it freezes up in the middle huh? | 08:34 |
Nubbie | pavs: goffice <-- | 08:34 |
Flannel | Spo8: But you don't get the GRUB menu when you boot normally? | 08:34 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, save the latest .tar.gz archive on ur desktop and unzip it when done | 08:34 |
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pavs | i will check out both thanks guy | 08:35 |
pavs | s | 08:35 |
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MSTK | yeah, I know how to do that. | 08:35 |
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Spo8 | Flannel: No, booting normally just goes straight to Windows. I only get to the GRUB error when I F8 into the disk select screen and boot off the secondary HD. | 08:35 |
tonyyarusso | pavs: Abiword is nice | 08:35 |
keith | I like openoffice | 08:35 |
MSTK | I've installed it...but the packages are inconsistent and now I have two different installations of Thunderbird on my computer | 08:35 |
MSTK | one out-of-date one which has all of my e-mail and settings, and one up-do-date one that's newly installed. | 08:35 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, done? | 08:36 |
pavs | i just installe abi its alot faster too | 08:36 |
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MSTK | the previous one was installed by synaptics to mozilla-thunderbird | 08:36 |
imbecile | its probably a bad sign if im running memtest and it freezes up in the middle huh? | 08:36 |
MSTK | the new one installs as just thunderbird | 08:36 |
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MockY | Playing around with songbird...looks very promising | 08:36 |
clearzen | I'm trying to connect to port 873 with rsync using | 08:36 |
clearzen | rsync | 08:36 |
clearzen | but it tells me port 22 connection refused (I don't have port 22 open) the -port option doesn't work either. How can I get rysnc to connect to port 873? | 08:36 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, If you wish to add the new thunderbird to your menu open alacarte with the command alacarte: | 08:36 |
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Detedagowa | hey all | 08:37 |
xukun | what is your first impression of the new ubuntu? | 08:37 |
Ademan | anyone here use NAnt? | 08:37 |
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app | how do i mount my ntfds partition | 08:37 |
Spo8 | !upgrade | 08:37 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 08:37 |
app | ntfd | 08:37 |
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app | ntfs | 08:37 |
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app | !ntfs | 08:38 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 08:38 |
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mtholdenss | isn't loading | 08:38 |
thespy | is it a wonder | 08:38 |
MSTK | sheri_rao: I've already added it to the menu via alacarte, but the problem still remains that I have one out-of-date version with all of my e-mails and settings, and the new one which has no such. | 08:38 |
Flannel | Spo8: alright. (GRUB can boot windows just fine, by the way). You get an error 2? thats... odd | 08:38 |
Detedagowa | i need help with ubuntu live disk | 08:38 |
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Nubbie | mtholdenss: maybe their editing it for feisty to go live. | 08:39 |
sheri_rao | mtholdenss, use prefix=www | 08:39 |
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Spo8 | Flannel: Yeah, I was using that configuration for a while, but I would just as soon have it boot into windows as if it was the only OS as I'm primarily working in that, and just have ubuntu boot when I select it. is there a way to just do that? | 08:39 |
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mtholdenss | i have been using www, and nubbie, seems like they have just removed the beta, | 08:40 |
Nubbie | sheri_rao: its not just him, it seems down for me as well. | 08:40 |
Flannel | Spo8: yeah. Even with GRUB. Just setup GRUB with the default to be windows. | 08:40 |
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xarquid | it works for me hehe | 08:40 |
Nubbie | i'm in north america | 08:40 |
xarquid | still has countdown graphics | 08:40 |
xarquid | i am also in NA | 08:40 |
Nubbie | :D its going live :) | 08:40 |
Nubbie | :l | 08:40 |
Nubbie | canada? | 08:40 |
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Nubbie | mtholdenss: you? | 08:41 |
xarquid | south carolina heh | 08:41 |
ivoks | only 1182 people? | 08:41 |
ivoks | pih... | 08:41 |
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Spo8 | Flannel: Okay, so how would I go about reinstalling GRUB so it would let me access my ubuntu install again? | 08:41 |
Jordan_U | How do I make VLC open when I insert a DVD instead of totem? | 08:41 |
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Jordan_U | !grub | Spo8 | 08:41 |
ubotu | Spo8: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:41 |
mtholdenss | nubbie, still not loading.. | 08:41 |
Nubbie | jordan_U: preferred applications <-- | 08:41 |
mtholdenss | nubbie, im in australia | 08:41 |
Nubbie | g'day :) | 08:41 |
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Nubbie | sorry lol. | 08:42 |
xarquid | might be a routing issue | 08:42 |
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Jordan_U | Nubbie, I don't see an option for DVD's there | 08:42 |
foug | is the official 7.04 out? | 08:42 |
Nubbie | its working for me now! | 08:42 |
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Nubbie | very slowly. | 08:42 |
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Jordan_U | foug, No, /join #ubuntu-release-party for updates and speculation | 08:42 |
xarquid | aye, it's slow at the moment | 08:43 |
foug | Jordan_U: yea whoops, jsut read topic :) | 08:43 |
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aldin | not yet? 7.04? | 08:43 |
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OrTigaS | here is already 16:42 Apr 19 :) | 08:43 |
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WIImoteKILLA | i know this is a linux channel but canb anyone help me with c++??? | 08:43 |
mtholdenss | well we will know if you refresh this link every now and then to see if its up | 08:43 |
OrTigaS | wheres the feisty? lol | 08:43 |
tonyyarusso | WIImoteKILLA: I think there's a ##C++ | 08:43 |
tonyyarusso | OrTigaS: #ubuntu-release-party , read the /topic | 08:44 |
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aldin | in Europe/Sarajevo 08:44! | 08:44 |
detedagowa | i know but they wont answer any quesitons | 08:44 |
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OrTigaS | tonyyarusso: i'm there :P | 08:44 |
OrTigaS | just excited hehee | 08:44 |
musya | im using my motherboard as a GPU how can i update my driver so it can support the resolution i want? | 08:44 |
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lowfront | how guys how would I join this irc channel | 08:45 |
lowfront | | 08:45 |
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Flannel | lowfront: thats an irc server. And probably `/connect` but depends on the client | 08:45 |
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pir | how long do i have to wait for the new release? | 08:46 |
pir | 7,03 | 08:46 |
pir | +0.01 | 08:46 |
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pir | hi | 08:46 |
tonyyarusso | pir: Read the topic and join #ubuntu-release-party | 08:46 |
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pir | ok | 08:46 |
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pir | tnx | 08:46 |
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MSTK | So I guess my problem seems unsolvable because it might be unique to me. | 08:47 |
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ubd | hello | 08:47 |
ubd | ubuntu uses synaptic? | 08:47 |
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Sp4cedOut | ndiswrapper help please. I found the .sys and .inf files installed it ("ndiswrapper -i <driver name>.inf") confirmed it was installed and the hardware is present ("ndiswrapper -l"), but my wireless device still isn't recognized | 08:48 |
payan | #Gutsy-Release-Party | 08:48 |
spikeb | lol | 08:48 |
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pppd2007 | thanx for all | 08:49 |
YingFan | !automount | 08:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on | 08:49 |
pppd2007 | see ya | 08:49 |
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tonyyarusso | !mount | YingFan | 08:49 |
ubotu | YingFan: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:49 |
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payan | !gutsy | 08:49 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 08:49 |
ivoks | fabbione: welcome :) | 08:49 |
fabbione | hi ivoks | 08:49 |
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payan | #Gutsy-Release-Party | 08:49 |
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tonyyarusso | payan: Don't spam. | 08:50 |
YingFan | !DiskMounter | 08:50 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - See also !fuse | 08:50 |
tonyyarusso | payan: (ie, it's not important yet, so no need) | 08:50 |
CientificoLoco | what hour will feisty be release? | 08:50 |
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payan | tu porque no estas en la fiesta wey | 08:51 |
payan | jeje | 08:51 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, download this script first | 08:51 |
YingFan | My usb device gets detected, then I get asked for a response on the unmounted partition (open window or do nothing). I then choose open window and nothing happens. What logfile should I examine why it doesn't get mounted? | 08:51 |
fabbione | hmmmm | 08:51 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, then cd ~/Desktop | 08:52 |
sheri_rao | mv | 08:52 |
sheri_rao | chmod +x | 08:52 |
sheri_rao | ./ | 08:52 |
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Jordan_U | How do I make VLC open when I insert a DVD instead of totem? | 08:53 |
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spikeb | Jordan_U, system->preferences->removable media and drives (something like that) | 08:53 |
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sheri_rao | MSTK, or u can see whole thing here it sould help u | 08:54 |
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_what_if_ | !feisty | 08:54 |
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ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 08:54 |
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sorl_ | anyone have problems with latest flash9 player? | 08:54 |
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dooglus | how can I find out which device to mount to see my flash memory stick? | 08:54 |
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dooglus | sorl_: yes. it makes firefox lock up about once an hour for me | 08:54 |
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dooglus | sorl_: mostly when alt-tab'ing while watching youtube vids | 08:55 |
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Kream | when I run file on a kernel image, I get, along with the other output, root_dev 0x1646 or 0x803 or 0x801 | 08:55 |
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Kream | what is this root_dev ? | 08:55 |
sorl_ | dooglus, doesnt even show here... | 08:55 |
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dooglus | !thumbdrive | 08:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thumbdrive - try searching on | 08:55 |
pavs | i think the next version of ubuntu should be named "windows yawn" | 08:55 |
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MrSir | How do I get my wireless adapter configured with Ubuntu? I know it requires some driver installation, (ndiswrapper) but I have no idea how to go about it, especially since I can't get any further instruction without gettin on Windows. | 08:55 |
dooglus | !flash | 08:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 08:55 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 08:55 |
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sorl_ | dooglus, did you downgrade? | 08:55 |
sorl_ | dooglus, mine works on youtube but doesnt show on macromedia test site :) | 08:56 |
vega- | MrSir: you searched on ubuntu wiki for ndiswrapper? | 08:56 |
sorl_ | ubotu, ok ill try the backports... | 08:56 |
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pavs | because macro test side are using shockwave mayeb (not flash) | 08:57 |
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vega- | MrSir: as in ? | 08:57 |
calvarez | is it out yet? | 08:57 |
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pavs | yes the cat is out of the box | 08:58 |
pavs | if thats what u mean | 08:58 |
pavs | :) | 08:58 |
dooglus | sorl_: I couldn't find the old version 7 anywhere | 08:58 |
Supaplex | no, cat is in /bin | 08:58 |
xarquid | ;p | 08:58 |
pavs | rm /bin/cat | 08:58 |
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dooglus | sorl_: I think what I did in the end was wait for my harddisk to crash, then start using an old live CD instead. that took me back to flash7. | 08:59 |
hagabaka | is fiesty not in beta any more? | 08:59 |
xarquid | cp /dev/null/cat /bin | 08:59 |
xarquid | It is momentarily still in beta, I guess one could say, hagabaka | 08:59 |
dooglus | xarquid: /dev/null isn't a directory | 08:59 |
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xarquid | dooglus, just pretend for a moment :P | 09:00 |
Supaplex | gzip /sbin/init | 09:00 |
hagabaka | hmm | 09:00 |
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dooglus | how can I mount my usb flash drive? | 09:00 |
sorl_ | dooglus, some beta2 v9 was alright here... | 09:00 |
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MSTK | sheri_rao: The script installs Firefox I'm looking for an upgrade from to | 09:00 |
pavs | rename /bin/cat dog | 09:00 |
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MSTK | *upgrade thunderbird | 09:01 |
MSTK | not firefox | 09:01 |
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sorl_ | cant find flash 9 in the backports... | 09:01 |
sorl_ | !backports | 09:01 |
ubotu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 09:01 |
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julian_ | when is upgrade available | 09:01 |
sheri_rao | MSTK, got it .... let me find for TB | 09:01 |
hagabaka | oh, is there an estimate on how much free disk space is required for upgrading from Edgy to Feisty? is it going to need almost the same size of *installed* packages? | 09:02 |
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pavs | julian in 5 minutes | 09:02 |
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Nubbie | party in #ubuntu-release-party :D w00t | 09:02 |
Flannel | sorl_: don't add the backports repo, just go to, download the flash package from -backports and install it with dpkg (or double clicking) | 09:02 |
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Jordan_U | spikeb, I set the command as vlc %M but vlc just opens without playing thDVDe | 09:02 |
spikeb | hmm | 09:02 |
pavs | hagabaka mine took more than a gig, but it also uninstalled some programmes | 09:02 |
julian_ | cool | 09:02 |
hagabaka | oh | 09:03 |
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hagabaka | i have more than 2G free, but my root partition minus /home is already 8G... | 09:03 |
pavs | i think it also depends on what packages you have and if you are upgrading or just installing from cd | 09:03 |
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pavs | i have a lot of stupid sutff installed that maybe the reason my upgrade was so big | 09:04 |
hagabaka | if it's going to download all the required pacakges and then install them, i probably won't have enough space :( | 09:04 |
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ivoks | hagabaka: you can move /var/cache/apt/archives to other partition | 09:04 |
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candyman | does anyone know i could control my tv and lights from ubuntu? | 09:05 |
ivoks | hagabaka: and create link from it to /var/cache/apt/archives | 09:05 |
pavs | hagabaka it will tell you before it downloads so you will know and i think you can decide to cancel it if you want | 09:05 |
hagabaka | oh | 09:05 |
pavs | candyman i want to know to :) | 09:05 |
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dooglus | how can I mount my usb flash drive? | 09:05 |
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richw | candyman: Yeah bit of electronics.. PIC Controller + Serial port maybe? | 09:05 |
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pavs | even better if you can do it remotely | 09:06 |
ivoks | dooglus: plug it in | 09:06 |
richw | candyman: Need some electronics + soldering skills ;) | 09:06 |
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candyman | richw: is there a GOOD (and i mean non confusing, non technobabble) guide for this? | 09:06 |
apus | anyone know how I could help seed the distro tormorrow | 09:06 |
candyman | soldering is not a problem, we'll learn | 09:06 |
dooglus | ivoks: I plugged it in. a bunch of stuff appeared in the syslog, but nothing about which /dev/* to mount. | 09:06 |
HyperDUDe | how much time left for fiesty release :D | 09:06 |
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sorl_ | its funny how latest flash doesnt work on macromedia site: | 09:06 |
sorl_ | but beta2 i think worked | 09:07 |
ivoks | dooglus: what appeard? maybe something's wrong | 09:07 |
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corevette | what is an advantage of putting '&' over '&' | 09:07 |
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pavs | shockwave and flash is same? | 09:07 |
MSTK | pavs - no, they aren't. | 09:08 |
Flannel | pavs: no. And there's no shockwave player for linux | 09:08 |
dooglus | ivoks: this: | 09:08 |
richw | candyman: Not sure.. PIC is a very popular chip though.. you have to write or download some source code and program it with a programmer | 09:08 |
pavs | thats why it wont work sorl | 09:08 |
richw | candyman: | 09:08 |
icyhot | is the main Ubuntu site down? | 09:08 |
app | how do i switch to finnish keyboard on virtual console? | 09:08 |
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app | loadkeys? | 09:08 |
dooglus | ivoks: it all looks OK, don't you think? | 09:08 |
sadness^ | icyhot: no, but very verrrry slow | 09:08 |
richw | candyman: You could make it switch a relay and turn something off and on | 09:08 |
icyhot | OK, probably overloaded with traffic considering today is feisty release. | 09:09 |
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candyman | richw: where can said "programmers" be bought? Would my local college have them in stock? | 09:09 |
ivoks | dooglus: it didn't print partitiojn table :/ | 09:09 |
candyman | :D | 09:09 |
Korgmatose | I have this "problem" with ipw3945: when I boot with the Radio Kill Switch set to off, I have to reboot with it on to enable the ipw3945 - module properly | 09:09 |
Korgmatose | is there an easier way? | 09:09 |
_what_if_ | !mirrors | 09:09 |
ubotu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from - Mirrors can be found at | 09:09 |
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candyman | !ask |candyman | 09:09 |
richw | candyman: Depends where you live.. USA.. "RadioShack".. UK.. Maplins | 09:09 |
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pavs | candyman | 09:09 |
richw | or some electronics store | 09:09 |
candyman | thanks all | 09:10 |
boubbin | new version is released today ? | 09:10 |
icyhot | anybody know the approx. time fesity will be out today? | 09:10 |
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_what_if_ | who wanted the pastebin mirror list ? | 09:10 |
Flannel | icyhot: no. No one does. | 09:10 |
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xstasi | hi! | 09:11 |
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tonyyarusso | icyhot: boubbin: #ubuntu-release-party | 09:11 |
richw | candyman: This Might be what you want.. serial relay controller? | 09:11 |
Supaplex | _what_if_: the telemarketer on TV wanted it. quick, call now while operators are standing by. | 09:11 |
kestaz | i switch my computer to dual-head mode, how to go back with ati ? | 09:11 |
icyhot | tonyyarusso: cool, thanks. | 09:11 |
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candyman | richw: hold on, can you paste those instructions into a pastebin? im in irssi now and dont have copy ability :( | 09:13 |
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candyman | ima rejoin in a sec | 09:13 |
candyman | brb | 09:13 |
richw | candyman: Google for "pic relay controller" or "serial relay controller" | 09:13 |
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hagabaka | hmm, looks like it only needs to download 47M for me | 09:14 |
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candyman | richw: can you paste those links here again? | 09:14 |
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T0uCH | can we download feisty cd image at the time? | 09:14 |
gordonjcp | T0uCH: you'll be lucky | 09:15 |
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T0uCH | it is today right? | 09:15 |
gordonjcp | yeah | 09:15 |
T0uCH | at what time? | 09:15 |
richw | candyman: Google for "pic relay controller" or "serial relay controller" | 09:15 |
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JanDM | we don't know | 09:15 |
JanDM | yet | 09:15 |
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gordonjcp | which is why is slower than the wits of our IT manager | 09:15 |
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T0uCH | ok | 09:15 |
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JanDM | the forum goes crazy now :) | 09:16 |
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richw | candyman: Ive found plenty of resources on google for what your trying to make | 09:16 |
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JohnRobert | is feisty actually out yet? | 09:16 |
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JohnRobert | It's 8hrs into the 19th here | 09:16 |
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gordonjcp | candyman: if you're really just looking to control TV and lights, you might want to look into X10 for home automation and lirc for controlling your TV via the IR remote | 09:17 |
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disinterested | kooldock question ive installed it but when i try to start it the icons just flash up on the screen and go away how would i fix that? | 09:17 |
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Matir | man i'd love a pic programmer | 09:17 |
YingFan | why are people so interested, how different from the beta can it be? | 09:17 |
Supaplex | I never had a pic programmer. just a water pic. | 09:17 |
spikeb | you realise a lot of people dont run the beta? :P | 09:17 |
Korgmatose | well I at least hope for a better beryl | 09:17 |
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candyman | gordonjcp: you mean via wiimote? | 09:17 |
candyman | maybe? | 09:18 |
richw | gordonjcp: That same thing could be made cheaply with a bit of solder... | 09:18 |
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Korgmatose | and cince there have been no real package upgrades for 4 days, I hope there are some new | 09:18 |
YingFan | spikeb, yes but if they are so eager to get it early... | 09:18 |
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gordonjcp | richw: which same thing? | 09:18 |
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spikeb | YingFan, heh | 09:18 |
asdx | ubuntu releases are always exciting :) | 09:18 |
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richw | gordonjcp: device to swich stuff off and on with a relay | 09:18 |
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gordonjcp | Detedagowa: | 09:19 |
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gordonjcp | oops | 09:19 |
xukun | what is happening with ubuntu web site | 09:19 |
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_max_ | it's the 19th.. c'mon already =( | 09:19 |
gordonjcp | richw: well, you can switch your TV on and off at least to standby with just an IR LED hanging off a serial port line | 09:19 |
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gordonjcp | richw: as for switching lights, you *could* do it with a relay, but if someone isn't very experienced in electronics I'd be concerned about things like electrical safety and mains isolation | 09:20 |
richw | gordonjcp: maybe he wants to turn off and on other stuff too? idk | 09:20 |
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gordonjcp | richw: considering the possibility of someone not *quite* so able as you or I stuffing 240v through their parallel port, or indeed their bodies | 09:20 |
sahafeez | is there anyway to boot into an expert mode with 6.x on a ppc mac? the default boot into xorg is borked and you need to change the refresh rate | 09:20 |
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Supaplex | there are ways to isolate it. :) leave it to the pros. | 09:21 |
jack_deltrino | If I make changes to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf without having cupsys installed and I then ran apt-get install cupsys, would it overwrite files? If it prompted me is there a way to default to it using the configuration file I wrote? Also, is there a way to accept installations of all packages but deny all configuration file overrides? | 09:21 |
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xevox | ubuntu ? | 09:21 |
richw | gordonjcp: 240 through parallel would be entertaining. | 09:21 |
xevox | o.0 | 09:21 |
Supaplex | richw: google etherkiller | 09:21 |
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BaxZzZz | huli vi pizdite burgiu | 09:21 |
BaxZzZz | 09:22 | |
BaxZzZz | 09:22 | |
Nrik | ! | 09:22 |
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BaxZzZz | 09:22 | |
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driz | 'lo | 09:23 |
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mrossow | hi all | 09:23 |
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Supaplex | yay it's ready! | 09:24 |
mrossow | do u know when the ubuntu-downlaod is available? | 09:24 |
Supaplex | er, my soup that is. :) | 09:24 |
JohnRobert | lol | 09:24 |
sadness^ | Supaplex lol;) | 09:24 |
driz | how's the upgrade path? | 09:24 |
driz | :) | 09:24 |
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yell0w | heh is swarmped | 09:25 |
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driz | ya, it's hosed | 09:25 |
dooglus | ivoks: I didn't see a partition table, I don't think. where should it be? in /var/log/syslog? | 09:25 |
driz | i had no idea it was being released...just happened upon the site. | 09:25 |
ivoks | dooglus: yes | 09:25 |
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ivoks | dooglus: right after this part you've pasted | 09:25 |
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dooglus | ivoks: ok, you're right. I was grep'ping for 'usb'... it's /dev/sda and everything's fine now. thanks. | 09:26 |
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yell0w | haha 2 min, nothing shown, they shouldve known | 09:27 |
ivoks | dooglus: np | 09:27 |
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driz | is the upgrade path from edgy smooth? | 09:27 |
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gordonjcp | richw: entertaining-ish, yes | 09:27 |
richw | Supaplex: LOL thats funny.. imagine if someone did that at a college or something :P | 09:27 |
asffw | (3:23:57 AM) goldeagle left the room (quit: Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)). | 09:28 |
asffw | (3:23:57 AM) tenebro [n=jenek@] entered the room. | 09:28 |
asffw | (3:23:58 AM) Keneo [] entered the room. | 09:28 |
asffw | (3:24:02 AM) putridp left the room (quit: "This computer has gone to sleep"). | 09:28 |
asffw | (3:24:05 AM) DPic [] entered the room. | 09:28 |
hagabaka | can I safely remove files from /var/cache/apt/archives/ ? | 09:28 |
Keneo | huh? | 09:28 |
gordonjcp | hagabaka: I think that's what apt-get clean does | 09:28 |
Flannel | hagabaka: sudo apt-get clean | 09:28 |
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hagabaka | oh | 09:28 |
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hagabaka | thanks | 09:29 |
xukun | where can I download the final release of feisty? | 09:29 |
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fr00d | xukun: Did you read the topic? | 09:29 |
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xukun | all I see at beta | 09:29 |
Zues_62 | guys can someone help me wif alsa | 09:29 |
driz | maybe i won't need ndiswrapper :) | 09:29 |
hagabaka | yay, my disk space is back :) | 09:30 |
Flannel | xukun: that's because it's not released yet. | 09:30 |
asdx | Zues_62: whats the problem | 09:30 |
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apus | is it possible for seeders to get ahold of the iso? | 09:30 |
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hagabaka | i think should suggest clearing the cache before upgrading | 09:30 |
dooglus | apus: seeders already have the iso. that's what makes them seeders. | 09:30 |
apus | yes, but they have to get it at some point | 09:30 |
Zues_62 | well each time i adjust the volumes reset | 09:30 |
xukun | wel that is strange the 19th was the release date yes? | 09:31 |
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dooglus | apus: until they get it, they're not seeders, they're leechers. | 09:31 |
jack_deltrino | If I make changes to /etc/cups/cupsd.conf without having cupsys installed and I then ran apt-get install cupsys, would it overwrite files? If it prompted me is there a way to default to it using the configuration file I wrote? Also, is there a way to accept installations of all packages but deny all configuration file overrides? | 09:31 |
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apus | what im saying is that the process can be sped up a lot of a group of dedicated seeders have acess first | 09:31 |
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xukun | Flannel, wel that is strange the 19th was the release date yes? | 09:32 |
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Zues_62 | asdx what do i do | 09:32 |
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dooglus | apus: ubuntu torrents are always plenty fast enough... | 09:32 |
Flannel | xukun: release is sometime on the 19th, yes. | 09:32 |
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sadness^ | where can i get the feisty torrent? | 09:32 |
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xukun | Flannel, ok | 09:33 |
driz | do i have to paypal someone to answer my question? | 09:33 |
apus | im just trying to help, I have an uplink speed of 7.5 mbits | 09:33 |
driz | because i will. i'm rich. | 09:33 |
Zues_62 | does the update auto update thru the update manager | 09:33 |
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Flannel | driz: yeah, the upgrade should be fine. Especially if you only have official repositories | 09:33 |
asdx | Zues_62: you mean when you reboot your computer, the sound configuration is reseted? | 09:33 |
driz | thanks :) | 09:33 |
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asdx | reset | 09:33 |
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driz | how much do i owe you? | 09:33 |
Zues_62 | yep asdx | 09:34 |
driz | my box is pretty vanilla | 09:34 |
driz | the only thing i had to screw with manually was ndiswrapper | 09:34 |
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pavs | i got feisty already :) yay | 09:34 |
Zues_62 | will feisty update thru update manager? | 09:34 |
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Flannel | Zues_62: of course | 09:34 |
MarkCh | the servers seem down | 09:34 |
MarkCh | i cant fetch updates :( | 09:35 |
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kraut | moin | 09:35 |
driz | i wonder if it will work with my wifi card out of the box | 09:35 |
asdx | Zues_62: try #alsa :) | 09:35 |
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Zues_62 | ok | 09:36 |
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mrossow | is down? | 09:36 |
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sharingos | hi | 09:36 |
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Supaplex | richw: yea look, it's here | 09:37 |
Zues_62 | um just another ? is berl included in the update? | 09:37 |
khatahn | what text editor should i use to edit a huge text file? | 09:37 |
Flannel | Zues_62: beryl is included in feisty, yes. | 09:37 |
sharingos | anyone can tell me a good forum of C and programming in general? | 09:37 |
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Zues_62 | hav they fixed the domb issue | 09:37 |
Zues_62 | coz it locks whn i use the magnification | 09:37 |
fiery_cleric | sharingos: whats the question? | 09:37 |
sharingos | I need a non blocking getchar | 09:38 |
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sharingos | I'm 5days in a row with this problem | 09:38 |
sharingos | :( | 09:38 |
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fiery_cleric | sharingos: um u can use select system call to look at a file descriptor to see if its got data | 09:39 |
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sharingos | uhm | 09:40 |
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Abom | hi all, I'm a noob, I just installed ubuntu, everything's running great but I couldn't find my wireless router... | 09:40 |
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wj32 | ??? feisty STILL not released? | 09:40 |
wj32 | 5:40pm april19 | 09:41 |
sharingos | I'll try to search select in google | 09:41 |
lotusleaf | wj32, #ubuntu-release-party | 09:41 |
Abom | my wireless nic says it's installed but I didn't know how to connect to my router, can anyone help? | 09:41 |
jack_deltrino | It's only midnight ish here | 09:41 |
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shab | 5:40pm according to which timezone? | 09:41 |
fiery_cleric | sharingos: look at O_NONBLOCK flag to open | 09:41 |
Tom47 | Abom is it secured with wep or wap? | 09:41 |
Abom | no, no security on it, no password either | 09:42 |
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Tom47 | any essid? | 09:42 |
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Tom47 | !wireless | 09:42 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 09:42 |
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sharingos | ok fiery_cleric thanks | 09:42 |
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Abom | lol, sorry, was playin with my wireless thingy and disconnected myself :o | 09:42 |
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Abom | yea, I'm there ubotu, but I can't find the wireless network searcher tool thing :) | 09:43 |
Abom | Tom47, last thing I saw was: [00:41] <Tom47> any essid? | 09:43 |
jack_deltrino | ubotu: You are aware that it is a bot right? | 09:43 |
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Abom | ^^ essid? there's no security that I'm aware of | 09:43 |
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Abom | o haha, I didn't know :) | 09:43 |
El_Burro | bots have feelings too | 09:44 |
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Abom | :d | 09:44 |
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cpk1 | Abom: to look for a cell try doing iwlist scan | 09:44 |
Abom | lol, good name for a bot too, I totally missed that :) | 09:44 |
fiery_cleric | !versions | 09:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about versions - try searching on | 09:44 |
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fiery_cleric | !version | 09:44 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 09:44 |
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Abom | is iwlist a program or I type that in a shell? | 09:45 |
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jack_deltrino | It's both. | 09:45 |
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cpk1 | in a shell lol | 09:45 |
Ubuntu7 | Hobbsee you abuser! | 09:45 |
dani | has the new version been released yet | 09:45 |
Abom | hehe, ok | 09:45 |
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Supaplex | Abom: yes. :) | 09:45 |
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mdoff | j ubuntu-release-party | 09:45 |
vi3t | what version is ubuntu at now ? | 09:45 |
l2s | You guys know the sites down? | 09:45 |
z987k | so anyone else waiting for the release? | 09:45 |
z987k | lol | 09:46 |
Abom | so I list and then it'll gimme my router's info and then I plug that into my nic settings? | 09:46 |
vimalg2 | are we there yet? | 09:46 |
mdoff | j ubuntu-release-party | 09:46 |
aaaaaaabbbbbbbb | won't there be a directory called OPT in future anymore ? | 09:46 |
msemtd | some problems with at the moment? still says 6.10 is latest | 09:46 |
cpk1 | that's the hope | 09:46 |
pavs | 1227 people inthis channel is this the highest? | 09:46 |
disinterested | how would i set up evolution? | 09:46 |
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vimalg2 | should be out at 1200 uTC | 09:46 |
l2s | whens that | 09:47 |
Tom47 | disinterested: start with a big bang | 09:47 |
PiRANiA | #ubuntu-release-party | 09:47 |
PiRANiA | #ubuntu-release-party | 09:47 |
cpk1 | eek I just realized this is #ubuntu | 09:47 |
z987k | why 1200utc? | 09:47 |
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Flannel | No. It won't be at any particular time. It'll be whenever it ends up happening. | 09:47 |
PiRANiA | #ubuntu-release-party | 09:47 |
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Kazriko | Hmm. I don't suppose anyone knows how to force devfs to add the /dev/md* devices. | 09:47 |
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disinterested | i guess its not possible huh? | 09:47 |
PiRANiA | #ubuntu-release-party | 09:47 |
jack_deltrino | PiRANiA: Please stop spamming. | 09:47 |
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PiRANiA | sorry | 09:47 |
PiRANiA | ;) | 09:47 |
l2s | someone from digg posted a link to final | 09:47 |
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l2s | not sure if tis legit | 09:47 |
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z987k | I've seen a lot of finals that are daily releases | 09:48 |
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Madpilot | l2s, unless it's on an Ubuntu server, then no. And allow me to just remark that Digg is full of idiots. | 09:48 |
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l2s | that was the link | 09:48 |
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apmyp | / #ubuntu-release-party! | 09:48 |
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l2s | that server is almost dead too | 09:49 |
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l2s | so dont bother trying to download | 09:49 |
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foutrelis | It works for me :) | 09:49 |
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=== evilfourzero wants Feisty Fawn | ||
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foutrelis | But it says "Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) Beta" at the top | 09:49 |
Syr0 | guhhh gimme feisty! | 09:49 |
l2s | prob woulda been better to post a torrent | 09:49 |
=== PiRANiA too | ||
l2s | yes but read the file and dir name | 09:49 |
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l2s | says release | 09:50 |
evilfourzero | Is it my connection or is the site almost down? | 09:50 |
jack_deltrino | You know it doesn't make any sense to use non-bittorrent protocols when something major like this comes out. | 09:50 |
l2s | time stamp says a few min ago | 09:50 |
foutrelis | So... Is it up?!!! O.o | 09:50 |
Nubbie | seveas: throw an ubotu over in #ubuntu-release-party :D | 09:50 |
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static | is actually almost down lol | 09:50 |
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evilfourzero | yeh | 09:50 |
l2s | its dead here | 09:50 |
jack_deltrino | It's the only protocol where you will get better speeds with the more people that connect, so quit hitting the HTTP (which is really over FTP) and/or FTP servers. | 09:50 |
imbalanc33 | lol servers almost trashed with so many refreshes | 09:50 |
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evilfourzero | So when can I download it!? | 09:50 |
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ruzkie | evilfourzero | 09:51 |
foutrelis | died :( | 09:51 |
imbalanc33 | they might release at 23:59 | 09:51 |
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T0uCH | no im on | 09:51 |
blackened | hehe | 09:51 |
evilfourzero | thanks ruzkie | 09:51 |
T0uCH | must me to many people on :) | 09:51 |
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wj32 | is very very slow | 09:51 |
blackened | they probably won't release until way later today | 09:51 |
flowolf | ruzkie: could you link amd64 torrent? | 09:51 |
l2s | its 9 50 am | 09:51 |
l2s | in capetown | 09:51 |
blazemonger | ruzkie: :is that final? | 09:51 |
wj32 | its 5:51 pm | 09:51 |
ruzkie | yeah... | 09:51 |
metalforever | | 09:51 |
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wj32 | in sydney australia | 09:51 |
jack_deltrino | You are only making the problem worse by hitting up at all. Use bittorrent. | 09:51 |
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ruzkie | flowolf chek the page, its there | 09:51 |
apus | ruzkie: can you link kubuntu torent | 09:52 |
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ruzkie | apus its on :) | 09:52 |
msemtd | yup - we need the bittorrent links here | 09:52 |
OrTigaS | almost 16:00 here no release yet :) | 09:52 |
T0uCH | im 3:52 am in montreal :P | 09:52 |
Riddell | apus: no, it is not published yet, hold on a bit longer | 09:52 |
msemtd | ta | 09:52 |
l2s | u guys sure? | 09:52 |
apus | I wan to start seeding before I go to sleep | 09:52 |
imbalanc33 | you might have to wait alot longer | 09:52 |
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flowolf | uhm | 09:53 |
flowolf | 0edf767647b838374391a62e8a3393ab855010dafeisty-server-amd64.iso480MiB2231.4GiB | 09:53 |
flowolf | fa48e78d13b60890d01abcc981640ce9e08dbf03feisty-server-amd64.iso673MiB2000B | 09:53 |
flowolf | why are there two of them? | 09:53 |
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ruzkie | one is kubuntu and one ubuntu | 09:53 |
ruzkie | start both | 09:53 |
=== msemtd is going to try and forget about feisty until tomorrow :) | ||
metalforever | | 09:53 |
apus | ruzkie and ridell are confusing me | 09:53 |
ruzkie | it will state what it is in torrent comment | 09:53 |
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ruzkie | :) | 09:53 |
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dani | where is the ubuntu headquarters | 09:54 |
ruzkie | dani all over the place? :) | 09:54 |
T0uCH | africa? | 09:54 |
OrTigaS | London? | 09:54 |
Riddell | dani: there isn't one | 09:54 |
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msemtd | dani: I believe there's a few offices worldwide | 09:54 |
dani | ofcourse there is one | 09:54 |
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Madpilot | dani, London | 09:54 |
dani | let me look it up | 09:54 |
Madpilot | UK, that is | 09:54 |
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jason_ | why u need to know where headquters is at any ways | 09:55 |
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Mithrandir | jason_: needs it to tune the ICBMs correctly. | 09:55 |
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jason_ | whats that | 09:55 |
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crimsun | Mithrandir: are the midgets pedaling fast enough to get the release out before wj32 croaks? ;-) | 09:56 |
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Mithrandir | crimsun: there are a lot of images to release, so it takes time, even on a fast machine. | 09:57 |
blackened | holy crap there's alot of people in this channel | 09:57 |
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wj32 | crimsun: don't worry, i'm happy on #ubuntu-release-party | 09:57 |
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xevox | i need a ubuntu 7.04 iso rite now!!! u_u" '= | 09:57 |
apmyp | /j #ubuntu-release-party! | 09:57 |
imbalanc33 | hehe | 09:57 |
xevox | no | 09:57 |
tankcat | is under DDOS?!?!? we're all gonna die! | 09:57 |
xevox | i need a ubuntu 7.04 iso rite now!!! u_u" '= | 09:57 |
Kazriko | i wonder if the 7.04 will differ at all from the 20070415 snapshot they were having people test. | 09:57 |
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xevox | .-. | 09:58 |
foutrelis | !botsnack | 09:58 |
ubotu | Yum! | 09:58 |
foutrelis | :P | 09:58 |
Goliath23 | is down. | 09:58 |
Syr0 | down! | 09:58 |
lotusleaf | loads | 09:58 |
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imbalanc33 | lol we are doing the equivalent of ddos attacks | 09:58 |
Syr0 | hey how do you register with the server here? | 09:58 |
apmyp | !ubuntu | 09:58 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see and | 09:58 |
apmyp | !version | 09:58 |
ubotu | To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type lsb_release -a in a !shell | 09:58 |
Seveas | !register | Syr0 | 09:59 |
ubotu | Syr0: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at | 09:59 |
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Seveas | !release | 09:59 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 09:59 |
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Syr0 | thankyou | 09:59 |
Seveas | !feisty | 09:59 |
ubotu | The next version of Ubuntu (7.04; codenamed "Feisty Fawn") should be released in April 2007. Beta is out! Schedule: !schedule - Specifications (goals): - Help and support in #ubuntu+1 (NOT #ubuntu) | 09:59 |
wj32 | 1244 people | 09:59 |
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tankcat | Chuck norris is going to kill you all unless he gets an ISO image | 09:59 |
imbalanc33 | is 1244 the highest number of people in this channel ever? | 09:59 |
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wj32 | is this channel going to become #ubuntu-1 when feisty is released? | 09:59 |
Syr0 | !register | Syr0 | 09:59 |
Syr0 | nuh | 09:59 |
Seveas | !feisty is <reply> Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 10:00 |
ubotu | But feisty already means something else! | 10:00 |
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Seveas | !no feisty is <reply> Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 10:00 |
ubotu | I'll remember that Seveas | 10:00 |
Seveas | Syr0, read what ubotu wrote to you | 10:00 |
Syr0 | i have | 10:00 |
Syr0 | i'm going there now | 10:00 |
sahafeez | are they going to release a ppc version at the same time? | 10:00 |
Goliath23 | #kubuntu still has 369 nicks | 10:00 |
theacidking | where can I get some help with SCIM? | 10:00 |
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Seveas | sahafeez, not unlikely | 10:01 |
z987k | 3000 some people on right now | 10:01 |
wj32 | !no feisty | 10:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about no feisty - try searching on | 10:01 |
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wj32 | mm | 10:01 |
sahafeez | i still cannot get 6.x installed on a imac g3. | 10:01 |
Seveas | z987k, let's hope the server won't break :) | 10:01 |
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z987k | Seveas, yeah I was thinking that too | 10:01 |
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=== Nubbie heads over to #ubuntu-release-party, all the cool kids are there. | ||
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Nubbie | seveas: it will break. | 10:01 |
Nubbie | seveas: kids are pining it. | 10:02 |
jason_ | is down why | 10:02 |
Nubbie | seveas: 50% packet loss. | 10:02 |
Syr0 | done. | 10:02 |
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theacidking | list | 10:02 |
Nubbie | jason_: its not down, its just bleeding. | 10:02 |
imbalanc33 | cos poeple are spamming it | 10:02 |
Seveas | jason_, overloaded due to release :) | 10:02 |
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z987k | Nubbie, I got 0% PL from | 10:02 |
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P_i_R_A_N_i_A | not much of a surprise | 10:02 |
z987k | 100ms response | 10:03 |
Nubbie | z987k: what continent are you on? | 10:03 |
wj32 | i got >1000ms response | 10:03 |
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P_i_R_A_N_i_A | 18ms :D > Europe | 10:03 |
wj32 | australia | 10:03 |
z987k | north america, usa, illinois | 10:03 |
Nubbie | lol. | 10:03 |
P_i_R_A_N_i_A | 17.6ms > europe | 10:03 |
Nubbie | woah | 10:03 |
Nubbie | woah | 10:03 |
pavs | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. | 10:03 |
pavs | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=79.6 ms | 10:03 |
Nubbie | page is weird now! | 10:03 |
Xorr0 | Lois, this is not my batman glass. | 10:03 |
z987k | 4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3000ms | 10:03 |
z987k | rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 102.113/109.948/123.631/8.595 ms | 10:03 |
wj32 | "The connection has timed out" | 10:03 |
wj32 | "The server at is taking too long to respond." | 10:03 |
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bgrupe | if you stop ddosing it it'll break less ;) | 10:04 |
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z987k | that is true | 10:04 |
rrichie | hi all | 10:04 |
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blackened | seriously, I've got specto checking every 15 minutes or so | 10:04 |
Syr0 | hey rrichie | 10:04 |
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blackened | we're ddos-ing the hell outta the main servers | 10:04 |
wj32 | maybe someone could implement an irc web page thing | 10:04 |
wj32 | "/get /index.htm" | 10:05 |
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rrichie | i have some problem so connect to my ubuntu server (freenx) from my windows computer, the connection fails at "Negotiating link parameters". Has someone an idea ? | 10:05 |
hawk | Yeah, that would help :P | 10:05 |
wj32 | "/header host" | 10:05 |
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wj32 | wow. ive actually established a connection with after about 2 minutes | 10:05 |
z987k | rrichie, is getting hammered | 10:05 |
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imbalanc33 | ffs stop pinging we all know its screwed | 10:06 |
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rrichie | z987k : already went there but nothing helps me | 10:06 |
blackened | rrichie, are you running open-ssh? | 10:07 |
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T0uCH | do i need to select <full upgrades> in the synactic manager ? | 10:07 |
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P_i_R_A_N_i_A | #ubuntu-party-spillover is alternative | 10:07 |
rrichie | blackened : i installed the package openssh-server | 10:07 |
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blackened | rrichie, do you have putty or winscp installed on your windows machine? | 10:08 |
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rrichie | yes and putty works without problems | 10:08 |
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blackened | what about winscp? | 10:08 |
exs | any css guys in here?.. need help on the unofficial ubuntu installer for windows. thanks | 10:08 |
blackened | and what exactly are you trying to accomplish? | 10:08 |
yellow_chicken | is down? i can't load the webpage | 10:08 |
rrichie | blackened : please wait i'm installing winscp | 10:09 |
hawk | yellow_chicken: yes | 10:09 |
blackened | k | 10:09 |
sword_ | how do i install java? i installed java n plug-in fr firefox but sites still dont open | 10:09 |
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blackened | yellow_chicken, yes ddos | 10:09 |
jason_ | when will be back up anyone know | 10:09 |
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Ginja_Ninja | the ubuntu site is running real slooooooow | 10:09 |
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Ginja_Ninja | :) | 10:09 |
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T0uCH | to get feisty... do i need to select full upgrades in synactic? | 10:09 |
hawk | jason_: When people stop hammering it, I guess... | 10:09 |
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yellow_chicken |'s up now | 10:09 |
JanDM | T0uCH: just use update-manager | 10:09 |
=== vimalg2 struggles to refrain from hitting F5 on | ||
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blackened | it was never down | 10:09 |
JanDM | T0uCH: after release | 10:10 |
blackened | it is being flooded with all of you trying to connect at the same time | 10:10 |
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hawk | Well, yeah, it was just too slow to be usable... | 10:10 |
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rrichie | blackened : WinSCP connects without problems | 10:10 |
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blackened | ok... | 10:10 |
ibb | no ISOs out yet guys? sorry for the probable FAQ ;) | 10:10 |
squeaks | hey, is it easy to get to view a logged in user's console session in real-time as machine admin? | 10:10 |
blackened | so what's your problem then? | 10:10 |
twobrandys | where is the release party? | 10:10 |
superman | hello all | 10:10 |
twobrandys | Hey, superman | 10:11 |
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rrichie | blackened : it's that my nx client under windows doesn't connect to my nxserver | 10:11 |
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twobrandys | wherre is the party? | 10:11 |
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cdomigan | yo yo | 10:11 |
yellow_chicken | blackened: yeah, i supposed it's flooded | 10:11 |
dholbach | twobrandys: #ubuntu-release-party | 10:11 |
ibb | oops sorry just read the channel topic ;) | 10:11 |
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blackened | ah, you're trying to run a freenx frontend on windows? I missed that part. | 10:11 |
rrichie | blackened : it fails at "negotiating link parameters" | 10:11 |
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superman | where can I fine a complete source.list for ubuntu 6.10 edge | 10:11 |
rrichie | blackened : yes | 10:12 |
blackened | hrmm | 10:12 |
P_i_R_A_N_i_A | dddaarrnn | 10:12 |
P_i_R_A_N_i_A | i am banned >< | 10:12 |
P_i_R_A_N_i_A | 10:10:32 -- Error: #ubuntu-release-party You're banned from that channel | 10:12 |
P_i_R_A_N_i_A | lol :') | 10:12 |
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vi3t | stupid ubuntu | 10:12 |
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foutrelis | vi3t: >.< | 10:12 |
rrichie | blackened : i went on several websites from google but found no solution | 10:13 |
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shab | is readahead_1%3a0.20050517.0220-0ubuntu9_i386.deb corrupted. Get error while upgrading from edgy kde to feisty kde. Please help | 10:13 |
superman | where can I find a complete source.list for ubuntu 6.10 edge | 10:13 |
fiery_cleric | banned from the party thats rough | 10:13 |
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shab | some typos. | 10:14 |
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shab | is readahead_1%3a0.20050517.0220-0ubuntu9_i386.deb corrupted???. Getting error while upgrading from edgy kde to feisty kde. Please help | 10:14 |
rrichie | blackened : no idea ? | 10:14 |
JanDM | fiery_cleric, you got banned? | 10:14 |
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fiery_cleric | not me | 10:14 |
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guarraa | olaaa | 10:15 |
blackened | I'm poking around... give me a bit. | 10:15 |
shab | upgrade to feisty hangs while setting up xserver-xorg | 10:15 |
Supaplex | OWE! | 10:15 |
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shab | any idea? | 10:15 |
Supaplex | watch it blackened, that's smarts. ;) | 10:15 |
Ferrixman | sorry people | 10:15 |
guarraa | eee guarritos me ablaois | 10:15 |
Syr0 | hey guys... | 10:15 |
guarraa | en critianooo | 10:15 |
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guarraa | im a bitch | 10:16 |
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guarraa | im a lover | 10:16 |
guarraa | im my mind im my mother | 10:16 |
Syr0 | i burnt an Edgy disk a while ago and when I put it in and it loaded it complained about the GNOME daemon | 10:16 |
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Syr0 | what's up with that? | 10:16 |
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guarraa | fuck meeee | 10:16 |
xevox | guarraa, tu nick lo dice xD | 10:16 |
guarraa | follamewee | 10:16 |
guarraa | ennn | 10:16 |
guarraa | bienn | 10:16 |
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guarraa | please | 10:16 |
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Supaplex | guarraa: that's in #web2,0 | 10:16 |
guarraa | fuck me now | 10:16 |
imbalanc33 | -_- | 10:16 |
guarraa | now | 10:16 |
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guarraa | now | 10:16 |
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squeaks | is it possible to watch the terminal of a user? | 10:17 |
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guarraa | fuck fuyck fuck fuck | 10:17 |
crimsun | guarraa: chill, please. | 10:17 |
guarraa | yeah im very poor | 10:17 |
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jason_ | guarra what ur doing | 10:17 |
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guarraa | i neeed somebody NOW | 10:17 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
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Ferrixman | i know it is an idiot question but... how can i sobstitute the /etc/acpi/ folder with an acpi folder i downloaded? i tried the mv command, but i think it's not the right way | 10:17 |
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Korgmatose | this is very un-ubuntu-like | 10:17 |
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reazn | if its free.. you will wait. | 10:17 |
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andres | #UBUNTU-ES | 10:18 |
OpenTokix | Ferrixman: Why would you ever wanna do that? | 10:18 |
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Ferrixman | OpenTokix, i downlaoded one from a guy who has the exactly the same laptop as mine | 10:18 |
exs | How much difference is there to this release of feisty we're all waiting for and the beta 5 feisty ? | 10:18 |
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jack_deltrino | What would be cooler is if Ubuntu had a GMail like invite system. It would get more publicity out about an already popular operating system bundle :) | 10:19 |
Ferrixman | and who created an acpi dir with files configured for the laptop | 10:19 |
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jack_deltrino | It would also prevent 99% of the dorks out there from clogging the tubes. | 10:19 |
Korgmatose | Ferrixman, it's sudo cp acpi/* /etc/acpi/ | 10:19 |
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Ferrixman | yes, i tried, but id doesn't copy subdirs, it seems | 10:19 |
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OpenTokix | Ferrixman: ok, just copy? | 10:19 |
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blackened | rrichie, what client are you using to connect? | 10:19 |
blackened | nx? | 10:19 |
Korgmatose | Ferrixman, cp -r then | 10:19 |
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Ferrixman | yes... copy/subsitute | 10:19 |
Korgmatose | or -R, don't remember exactly | 10:20 |
OpenTokix | Ferrixman: rsync -avP /home/dl/acpi /etc/ | 10:20 |
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OpenTokix | Ferrixman: or rsync -avP /home/yourname/dl/acpi/* /etc/acpi/ | 10:20 |
OpenTokix | Ferrixman: the last one is more corrent | 10:20 |
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OpenTokix | correct | 10:20 |
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Ferrixman | OpenTokix, Korgmatose, thank you | 10:21 |
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Ferrixman | i'll try | 10:21 |
jason_ | well guys iam off to bed i get the upgrade tomorrow i wait until everthing is better with | 10:21 |
__bmgz__ | are the torrents on the REAL FINAL RELEASE???????? | 10:21 |
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jason_ | have fun guys | 10:21 |
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superman | where can I find a complete source.list for ubuntu 6.10 edge | 10:22 |
OpenTokix | I want an ubuntu that works with my core 2 duo-system on SATA with jmicron | 10:22 |
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visualnets | Core 3 Duo systems? | 10:22 |
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blackened | I always liked the name core 2 duo | 10:23 |
blackened | it's so redundant | 10:23 |
__bmgz__ | Are the torrents on the REAL FINAL RELEASE???????? | 10:23 |
apus | whats jmicron? | 10:23 |
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PiRANiA | no | 10:23 |
apus | no __bmgz__, they will say 7.04 when its final | 10:23 |
Josesordo | how to update to feisty fawn with out format.. | 10:23 |
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__bmgz__ | The million dolar Q: Where can I download 7.04 (torrent) | 10:24 |
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z987k | nowhere ye | 10:24 |
z987k | t | 10:24 |
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blackened | _bmgz_: you can't yet | 10:25 |
sacmat | lol | 10:25 |
sacmat | 1272 peoples here | 10:25 |
sacmat | at this time | 10:25 |
sacmat | nice | 10:25 |
__bmgz__ | What time, timezone? | 10:25 |
blackened | yep | 10:25 |
synthaxx | guess it's release time ;) | 10:25 |
blackened | _bmgz_: nobody knows | 10:26 |
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reazn | its 6:30pm here.. ubuntu is very late.. | 10:26 |
sacmat | well i heard fiesty not gonna release today | 10:26 |
z987k | christmas in april | 10:26 |
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zcat[1] | reazn, 8:30pm here... | 10:26 |
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xevox | 3:26 | 10:26 |
xevox | xD | 10:26 |
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__bmgz__ | Is there a specific time / timezone that the release will occure? | 10:27 |
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lizardmenke | 10.30 in the AM | 10:27 |
blackened | sacmat: you'd figure if it wasn't going to release today, then they would have said so on the main page | 10:27 |
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synthaxx | Pichu0102:27 am here | 10:27 |
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sacmat | whats the time in the ozzie's? | 10:27 |
blackened | _bmgz_: no time was specified, it'll get here when it gets here | 10:27 |
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__bmgz__ | this is purgatory, i woke up particularly bright and "breezy" this morning | 10:27 |
fluxbuntu | hello | 10:28 |
ElllisD | is there a torrent for feisty yet? | 10:28 |
blackened | no | 10:28 |
z987k | no | 10:28 |
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ElllisD | bummer ty | 10:28 |
fluxbuntu | can anyone tell me how i login to the flexbuntu login screen when i start with the installcd? | 10:28 |
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__bmgz__ | there should be a message when you join the channel "...NO NOT YET..." | 10:28 |
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blackened | seriously | 10:28 |
_drumline | My file server woke up this morning all Breezy as well... He might get feisty soon though. | 10:28 |
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_drumline | heh | 10:29 |
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z987k | my bet is going to be on a release at either 1200UTC or whenever the workday starts where ubuntu HQ is | 10:29 |
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fluxbuntu | what is the channel for flexbuntu on here? | 10:29 |
z987k | so probably 9am est? | 10:29 |
z987k | er edt | 10:29 |
__bmgz__ | I doubt that many changes occured over the last 3 days | 10:29 |
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SpiritDrag00n | oO the ubuntu site just speeded up | 10:29 |
pmw159 | anybody else up late pregaming teh new ubuntu? | 10:29 |
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blackened | pmw159: all of us are :) | 10:29 |
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z987k | pregaming, um in my definition of the word no | 10:30 |
pmw159 | hha, sweet | 10:30 |
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reazn | zcat[1] , nz ? | 10:30 |
ElllisD | what are these iso's w/ the "alternate" suffixed on them? | 10:30 |
Keis | Nope, but then again, its only 10.23 in the morning here in Denmark :) | 10:30 |
__bmgz__ | this channel feels like were all camping outside a mall waiting for the release of some geeky game console ;-p | 10:30 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 10:30 |
blackened | EllisD : they're non-live cds | 10:30 |
Annagul | !topic | 10:30 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 10:30 |
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fluxbuntu | it would come in handy :D | 10:30 |
_drumline | ElllisD: they don't use the standard installer and are easier on the hardware on install. | 10:30 |
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blackened | it's the slim version of the installer for older machines or machines with finicky hardware | 10:31 |
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fluxbuntu | so no one can direct me to the flexbuntu channel? | 10:31 |
apus | is there a way to see how many unique users are on the server? | 10:31 |
Flannel | ElllisD: theyre the alternate installers. Insead of a liveCD, it's text based, and just an installer. Above that, provides more options (LVM, OEM, etc) to install, and requires less RAM | 10:31 |
z987k | try #flexbuntu | 10:31 |
ElllisD | sweet- i like that - thx all | 10:31 |
fluxbuntu | i did, but maybe i spelled it wrong | 10:31 |
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ElllisD | i see them on | 10:31 |
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Flannel | ElllisD: on top of that, it has a repository on it, with a lot of additional packages. So you can install them without the need for an internet connection. | 10:32 |
tarzeau | ElllisD: it's out? | 10:32 |
michelson | Hi, is there something like winrar for linux? I've got a giant database that I want to zip up and break into pieces. Thanks | 10:32 |
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michelson | like a command line tool, i mean | 10:32 |
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tarzeau | michelson: use tar/gzip? tar can do splits. split can split files too | 10:32 |
synthaxx | Alternates also work over a network booted pc, used them to install my 500mhz cellie to ubuntu | 10:32 |
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michelson | tarzeau: great, thanks | 10:32 |
ElllisD | yeah- i saw it on digg an hour or so ago | 10:32 |
michelson | tarzeau: that's what i'm looking for | 10:32 |
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tarzeau | michelson: i wouldn't use gzip if the database is not well compressible | 10:32 |
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oem_ | wheres the torrent for feisty? | 10:32 |
Flannel | ElllisD: Feisty isn't out yet. | 10:33 |
michelson | tarzeau: no? why not? | 10:33 |
tarzeau | michelson: waste of time to compress already compressed data | 10:33 |
Flannel | Trust me, you'll know when it's out. Just be patient. | 10:33 |
drumline_ | ElllisD: hey.. did you ever use FreeBSD? | 10:33 |
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reazn | got any aussies in here? | 10:33 |
Riesen | it should be out today sometime, right? | 10:33 |
michelson | tarzeau: oh wasn't sure if mysql already compresses the data | 10:33 |
reazn | AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE ! | 10:33 |
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z987k | should be | 10:33 |
tarzeau | michelson: probably not, i would compress it | 10:33 |
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Riesen | any ideas on file size? | 10:33 |
Riesen | anyone who did beta | 10:33 |
bayziderss333 | Whoaaaa 1281 people | 10:33 |
michelson | tarzeau: great, thanks a lot tarzeau | 10:33 |
z987k | RichiH, 700mb | 10:33 |
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Riesen | oh, normal cd | 10:34 |
fluxbuntu | someone can do me a favour and lookup what i am supposed to login with when i reach the login screen in flexubuntu? | 10:34 |
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fami | bayziderss333: 1281 will hit ? | 10:34 |
Riesen | cool | 10:34 |
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Abom | what's different in the new version? | 10:34 |
ny38 | reazn vs Riesen, FIGHT! | 10:34 |
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bayziderss333 | Fami: what?? | 10:34 |
reazn | SPINNING BIRD KICK! | 10:34 |
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reazn | RYUUUUUUKEN | 10:34 |
Flannel | fluxbuntu: Flexbuntu isn't an official ubuntu project, we have no affiliation with them. I believe it's on their website though. | 10:34 |
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ny38 | C C C C COMBO BREAKER | 10:34 |
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fami | bayziderss333: which name of this laptop ? | 10:34 |
reazn | FINISH HIM | 10:34 |
Flannel | !offtopic | 10:34 |
ElllisD | they're betas on --- | 10:34 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:34 |
synthaxx | FATALITY! | 10:34 |
asdx | lol | 10:34 |
fami | ElllisD: why beta? | 10:34 |
reazn | YOU WIN | 10:35 |
reazn | PERFECT | 10:35 |
reazn | ROUND 2 | 10:35 |
reazn | FIIIIGHT | 10:35 |
Flannel | reazn: please take it elsewhere. | 10:35 |
fluxbuntu | could you do me a favour and look for me Flannel since i dont have a web browser available here | 10:35 |
reazn | is there a street figher channel on freenode? | 10:35 |
Flannel | fluxbuntu: How do you not haveaa web browser? | 10:35 |
z987k | no browser? | 10:35 |
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Mushr0_0m | HI ALL ! | 10:35 |
z987k | not even links or lynx? | 10:35 |
fami | hi | 10:35 |
reazn | Flannel, will you ban me if i continue | 10:35 |
Phoenix34 | will feisty support Atheros chipset ? | 10:35 |
fluxbuntu | i am not able to get into windowsx without a pass | 10:35 |
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Flannel | fluxbuntu: w3m is installed by default in ubuntu. | 10:36 |
fluxbuntu | so i am now in the concole | 10:36 |
Riesen | | 10:36 |
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Riesen | those are betas? | 10:36 |
z987k | fluxbuntu, um lets see, dont use windows! | 10:36 |
ElllisD | drumline_: tried a couple bsd's on an intel L440GX+ (dual slot 1 PIII 850 w/ 133 ram) & they all segfaulted on it- never tried on the laptop tho | 10:36 |
Riesen | or are they final releases? | 10:36 |
fluxbuntu | this is not a installed ubuntu | 10:36 |
synthaxx | fluxbuntu, apt-get install links | 10:36 |
Riesen | says they removed the betas. | 10:36 |
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Abom | so anyone, major new features in v7? | 10:36 |
z987k | fluxbuntu, lynx | 10:36 |
synthaxx | works pretty well for a console i-net browser | 10:36 |
kraut | when will feisty be offcial released? | 10:36 |
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fami | bayziderss333: which name of this laptop ? | 10:36 |
z987k | or links | 10:36 |
ElllisD | The Ubuntu 7.04 Beta has been removed to allow space for mirrors to fetch the upcoming Ubuntu 7.04 release. Please check back soon, or download a daily build of the desktop, server, or alternate images. | 10:36 |
drumline_ | ElllisD: hmm.. your nick looks very familar... | 10:36 |
fluxbuntu | okay ty | 10:36 |
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Flannel | fluxbuntu: #fluxbuntu is the channel | 10:36 |
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blackened | EllisD: it's said that for a few hours now | 10:37 |
fluxbuntu | no lynx here yet | 10:37 |
Flannel | fluxbuntu: theyll be able to tell you what to login with | 10:37 |
z987k | try links | 10:37 |
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ElllisD | blackened: so i guess they're not what we're waiting for? | 10:37 |
fluxbuntu | Flannel: the channel doesn\t contain users | 10:37 |
sacmat | | 10:37 |
z987k | and that is/ | 10:37 |
blackened | nope, not yet | 10:37 |
Flannel | fluxbuntu: did you go to flexbuntu? or fluxbuntu? | 10:37 |
ElllisD | sacmat: is that the official? | 10:37 |
sacmat | yeah | 10:38 |
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Ferrixman | how can i install the Compiz on my laptop? I have an acer 5672 with ati x1400 | 10:38 |
bayziderss333 | Fami: the page wont load like 100 people are pinging it and like a few thousand are refreshing waitng for fiesty... | 10:38 |
fluxbuntu | oh, sorry | 10:38 |
ElllisD | sacmat: sweet, ty | 10:38 |
rrichie | blackened : i found another log | 10:38 |
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Riesen | sacmat | 10:38 |
Riesen | what was the link? | 10:38 |
sacmat | ? | 10:38 |
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pogings | help???plss anyone? | 10:38 |
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pogings | im new to ubuntu | 10:38 |
pogings | how im going to play my mp3 files? | 10:38 |
rrichie | blackened : 105 NX> 1004 Error: nxagent failed to start with: NXAGENT: Fatal IO error on display "nx/nx,options=/home/gerald/.nx/C-lnx-gpo-1000-3E6A3107672562865BFD83528ED9D6C4/options:1000". | 10:38 |
Riesen | another nightly build? | 10:38 |
Flannel | !mp3 | pogings | 10:38 |
blackened | hmmm | 10:38 |
ubotu | pogings: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 10:38 |
sacmat | Riesen, i gave it now i will not give | 10:39 |
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blackened | rrichie: what client are you trying to use to connect? | 10:39 |
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Riesen | .... i don't even know who you are, i jsut saw a torrent link | 10:39 |
borsanian | is ubuntu 7.04 on lupaworld a release version? | 10:39 |
fami | bayziderss333: you are not in? | 10:39 |
mrossow | is this the final release? | 10:39 |
fami | mrossow: its beta | 10:39 |
mrossow | thx | 10:39 |
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pogings | ok thanks | 10:39 |
z987k | | 10:39 |
bayziderss333 | Fami: your giving me a brain fart >=( | 10:39 |
z987k | post says it's delayed | 10:40 |
burzum | i cant wait to get my fingers on the final because im out over the weekend | 10:40 |
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Flannel | Feisty is NOT released yet. Just sit tight (join #ubuntu-release-party if you want) | 10:40 |
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ElllisD | | 10:40 |
mellow_bunny | interesting | 10:40 |
synthaxx | see topic... | 10:40 |
mellow_bunny | the site is down | 10:40 |
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z987k | If I download the daily build and install that will a apt-get upgrade install anything that is newer? | 10:40 |
mellow_bunny | or at least it is for me | 10:41 |
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Flannel | z987k: yes | 10:41 |
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z987k | hmm, so what don't we all just get that? | 10:41 |
drumline_ | haha... these folks just cannot wait for the release. :) | 10:41 |
Phoenix34 | WE WANT FEISTY NOW ^_^ | 10:41 |
Abom | what's new in v7!? | 10:41 |
drumline_ | :) | 10:41 |
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Ferrixman | stupid question here: why do i see blue faces in every movie a watch? | 10:41 |
Ferrixman | *I | 10:41 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 10:41 |
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drumline_ | Abom: It makes french fries in 5 different ways. | 10:42 |
=== mellow_bunny slaps Phoenix34 with a salty tshirt | ||
CrakeHunter | does anyone know if the import-assistent in feisty works well with outlook -> evolution? also in german? | 10:42 |
blackened | blue faces? | 10:42 |
Ferrixman | yes... | 10:42 |
Phoenix34 | xi xi xi | 10:42 |
Abom | drumline :D | 10:42 |
synthaxx | Ferrixman > you're watching smurfs? | 10:42 |
SpiritDrag00n | yea it does CrakeHunter | 10:42 |
SpiritDrag00n | i used it | 10:42 |
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Ferrixman | i don't think so, no... | 10:42 |
drumline_ | g'nite folks | 10:42 |
ElllisD | I dont trust this torrent cuz it has that hacked look- what d'yall thiink | 10:42 |
Flannel | CrakeHunter: #ubuntu-de for german | 10:42 |
Ferrixman | :P | 10:42 |
CrakeHunter | thx | 10:42 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 10:42 |
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Phoenix34 | :P | 10:42 |
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drumline_ | ElllisD: haha... yep. I don't trust torrents anyway... ever. | 10:42 |
synthaxx | Ferrixman, if you're using VLC, try switching to another display, Xvideo for instance | 10:42 |
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Phoenix34 | numa numa numa eeiiiiiiiiiiii :) | 10:43 |
Ferrixman | synthaxx, if i use vlc, everything is ok | 10:43 |
synthaxx | *display method | 10:43 |
imbalanc33 | no should wait for the official torrent | 10:43 |
T0uCH | what is the Alpha version? | 10:43 |
Ferrixman | but if i try other applications, they don't work | 10:43 |
synthaxx | wierd, sounds like an overlay problem, but don't really know why it would do that. Never seen it in linux (yet) | 10:43 |
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blackened | Ferrixman: what sort of files are they? | 10:44 |
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Ferrixman | so, when i open a video on firefox, i can't see them | 10:44 |
z987k | well I guess I should sleep | 10:44 |
Ferrixman | they're avi, mpg and whatever | 10:44 |
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|Z_E_R_O| | does anybody have a samsung 940n | 10:44 |
Ferrixman | i think divx, anyway | 10:44 |
z987k | Ferrixman, I bet they're wmv's | 10:44 |
blackened | did you install mplayer and the mplayer plugin? | 10:44 |
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T0uCH | does anybody knows what is the ubuntu 7.04 alpha?? | 10:45 |
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z987k | I have been trying to view some stuff on various news sites | 10:45 |
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z987k | and nothing works, all their videos are wmv! | 10:45 |
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SpiritDrag00n | enough people in herE? xD | 10:45 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 10:45 |
Riesen | Question (not about FF), trying to get drivers on old release to work | 10:45 |
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Riesen | could really use some help | 10:45 |
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z987k | T0uCH, dont get it | 10:45 |
blackened | I don't have any problems playing wmv | 10:45 |
Ferrixman | T0uCH, alpha are usually the first unstable test releases | 10:45 |
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T0uCH | ok | 10:45 |
T0uCH | :) | 10:46 |
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fami | bayziderss333: oh oh, what's time? | 10:46 |
MasterG | hi, could someone help me fix up grub? (I'm using a live CD to try to get some help) I tried to use gfxboot but something went wrong and it now just comes up with a grub terminal | 10:46 |
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Ferrixman | blackened, but why can i see them fine with vlc? | 10:46 |
Ferrixman | don't they use shared codec? | 10:46 |
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blackened | I dunno | 10:46 |
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blackened | they should yeah | 10:46 |
blackened | you have automatix? | 10:46 |
blackened | err automatix2? | 10:47 |
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Flannel | !automatix | 10:47 |
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ubotu | automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 10:47 |
bayziderss333 | O_O I dont like you fami. | 10:47 |
Riesen | anyone familiar with getting a hp/compaq nc600, or a intel pro wireless 2200 to work with unbuntu 6? | 10:47 |
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MasterG | anyone? | 10:47 |
Ferrixman | amazing... | 10:47 |
Phoenix34 | jesus we REALLY need feisty | 10:47 |
z987k | hmm can I get an alarm to wake me up when it's released? | 10:47 |
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Ferrixman | i will not use automatix, i think | 10:47 |
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OrTigaS | !mntdisk | 10:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mntdisk - try searching on | 10:48 |
mrossow | oh yeah an alarm would be geart | 10:48 |
blackened | heh, I've used it to install tons of stuff and never had any problems | 10:48 |
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Flannel | !worksforme | blackened | 10:48 |
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Neil3 | feisty is out! | 10:48 |
|Z_E_R_O| | i have a problem with my new 19" lcd, when i'm watching a video the image is not perfect, the orrizontal lines are very big, what can i do? | 10:48 |
ubotu | blackened: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 10:48 |
z987k | Neil3, you;re evil | 10:48 |
Neil3 | it was just announced | 10:48 |
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Neil3 | in #ubuntu-release-party | 10:48 |
mc44 | Neil3: no it wasnt | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | no it aint | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | out im in there lol | 10:49 |
blackened | Flannel: you are officially fired | 10:49 |
Neil3 | yeah it was check the topic | 10:49 |
dimebar | busted | 10:49 |
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Neil3 | they just changed it | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | no it wernt | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | lmao | 10:49 |
mc44 | Neil3: no, it really wasnt. | 10:49 |
bayziderss333 | No, I am in there right now, I have alreayd been +b'ed like 5 times | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | it was someone doing /me | 10:49 |
SpiritDrag00n | ROFL | 10:49 |
Neil3 | argh oh yeah the git | 10:49 |
Neil3 | heh | 10:49 |
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MasterG | I'll try to get help on the forums then :( | 10:49 |
[Nige] | hi all | 10:49 |
Neil3 | and there was i getting all excited hahahaha | 10:49 |
Phoenix34 | 1287 peoples w8ing for feisty | 10:50 |
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bostik | asd | 10:50 |
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Phoenix34 | jesus help us :) | 10:50 |
SpiritDrag00n | 1288 now | 10:50 |
blackened | I need a comfier computer chair | 10:50 |
[Nige] | can anyone help me with a ssh problem, where the I generated a key using puttygen, it works fine for windows, but the key doesn't work for linux | 10:50 |
Ferrixman | anyway... any clue about watching divx without let people look like they were Smurfs? | 10:50 |
blackened | this one is killing me | 10:50 |
ra-ma | #ubuntu | 10:50 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol Ferrixman | 10:50 |
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z987k | Ferrixman, have you done a search for it, I think I remember that from somewhere | 10:51 |
xevox | ya hijos de puta ya me canse de esperar shit mother fuckers i'm so bored to wait this fucking shit | 10:51 |
xevox | u_u" | 10:51 |
xevox | sorry | 10:51 |
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Ferrixman | i don't know what to look for.... "smurfy faces" on google??? could it be? | 10:51 |
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Zorlin | Rofl | 10:51 |
z987k | no try it on the forums | 10:51 |
Phoenix34 | we all are w8ing for the release :) | 10:51 |
Zorlin | is being bombarded. | 10:51 |
z987k | | 10:51 |
dcomsa | takes an enormous time to load :-D | 10:51 |
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z987k | | 10:52 |
bayziderss333 | Where did my app go O_O. I just installed GIMPshop with gdebi and I can't find it. >.< | 10:52 |
pmw159 | man, if ubuntu was on facebook, he'd be getting poked to death | 10:52 |
Zorlin | Yeah, thats to be expected | 10:52 |
Tails | i doesnt even load.. lol | 10:52 |
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TooR4u | Hii ... I have a strange problem ... I have installed Bittorrent & my package manages says that I have installed the Bittorrent ... But from command prompt I cant open the bittorrent ...(I can download the file of format *.torrent) | 10:52 |
TooR4u | what i have to do ..? | 10:52 |
reazn | ITS OUT | 10:52 |
reazn | QUICK | 10:52 |
Zorlin | because everyone is scrambling to go there | 10:52 |
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dcomsa | ITS IN | 10:52 |
dcomsa | :D | 10:52 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 10:52 |
bostik | Phoenix34: waiting for updating my mirror :D | 10:52 |
TooR4u | I tried to reinstall the bittorrent | 10:52 |
Ferrixman | z987k, i know those forums, but i don't know what word to look for... | 10:52 |
TooR4u | But failed | 10:52 |
Seveas | !feisty | 10:52 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 10:52 |
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Flannel | TooR4u: bittornado's CLI is "bt*" so type 'bt' then hit tab | 10:52 |
Phoenix34 | xi xi xi | 10:52 |
Phoenix34 | he he | 10:52 |
z987k | look for blue faces | 10:52 |
deepsa | what is meant by feisty | 10:52 |
Seveas | !no feisty is <reply> Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 10:52 |
ubotu | I'll remember that Seveas | 10:52 |
deepsa | and fawn | 10:52 |
deepsa | ? | 10:52 |
z987k | then run it in a terminal and see if there's any out put that can help you there | 10:53 |
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blackened | bayziderss333: did you try alt+F2-->gimpshop? | 10:53 |
Phoenix34 | WE WANT FEISTY NOW :P | 10:53 |
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bayziderss333 | blackend: it dont work =/ | 10:53 |
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Chousuke | Phoenix34: doesn't help. You still have to wait :P | 10:53 |
Phoenix34 | he he | 10:54 |
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synthaxx | vers on irc(0)] (avg. 0 users per server) | 10:54 |
synthaxx | -:- [total channels created(15708)] (avg. 2 users per channel) | 10:54 |
TooR4u | Flannel, no dude .. I have lot of files of the form bt* | 10:54 |
mrossow | is tomarrow today or tomarrow ... just wondering on | 10:54 |
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Phoenix34 | hoping | 10:54 |
TooR4u | But i am not able to find bittorrent | 10:54 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 10:54 |
mc44 | mrossow: its when its ready | 10:54 |
TooR4u | what i have to do ? | 10:54 |
mindcrusher[ro] | WHEN? | 10:54 |
mindcrusher[ro] | :( | 10:54 |
Flannel | TooR4u: right. There's a bunch of interfaces. None of them will be "bittorrent" it'll be like "btdownloadcurses" | 10:54 |
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Flannel | TooR4u: that's a curses interface, to bittornado. | 10:55 |
blackened | bayziderss333: try whereis gimp from the terminal | 10:55 |
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Phoenix34 | i will phone BUSH to help the release | 10:55 |
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z987k | you guys think chuck norris uses ubuntu? | 10:55 |
blackened | bush can't even tie his own shoes | 10:55 |
Zues_62 | how do i update ubuntu | 10:55 |
z987k | or does he have a better distro? | 10:55 |
z987k | lol | 10:55 |
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Phoenix34 | lol | 10:56 |
Jordan_U | !upgrade | Zues_62 | 10:56 |
Woody_ | he will send ubuntu to fight in Iraq Phoenix34 :P | 10:56 |
ubotu | Zues_62: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 10:56 |
blackened | chuck probably uses zenwalk | 10:56 |
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Phoenix34 | :P | 10:56 |
Woody_ | Fiesty isnt released yet? | 10:56 |
z987k | i bet chuck made his own distro | 10:56 |
asdx | chuck norris does his own LFS | 10:56 |
Flannel | !offtopic | 10:56 |
deepsa | lol | 10:56 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 10:56 |
Woody_ | the website isnt opening here | 10:56 |
TooR4u | Flannel, error(s):[14:25:55] rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker | 10:56 |
Zues_62 | is the update out yet | 10:56 |
z987k | actaully, I bet he wrote his own kernel | 10:56 |
Jordan_U | Zues_62, /topic | 10:56 |
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TooR4u | same error is comming even i tried to download the file from ktorrent | 10:56 |
TooR4u | ..... | 10:56 |
blackened | chuck probably made the Walker: Texas Ranger Edition | 10:56 |
Flannel | TooR4u: sounds like a bad torrent | 10:57 |
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TooR4u | Nope | 10:57 |
TooR4u | all torrents are not working ... :( | 10:57 |
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TooR4u | what might be the problem? | 10:57 |
Phoenix34 | GOD help us :P | 10:57 |
z987k | it's OSS, but anyone who tries to read it get a roundhouse in the face by the code | 10:57 |
Flannel | TooR4u: what are you trying to download? | 10:57 |
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Flannel | TooR4u: just random stuff? or ubuntu? or what? | 10:58 |
Phoenix34 | o GOD give us feisty . please :P | 10:58 |
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TooR4u | Flannel, Random stuff | 10:58 |
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TooR4u | & ubuntu | 10:58 |
AlemTurk | Hi | 10:58 |
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TooR4u | all *torrent files are not working | 10:58 |
blackened | k, I'm off to bed | 10:58 |
blackened | night kids | 10:58 |
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Phoenix34 | goodnight | 10:58 |
Woody_ | is working with you guys? | 10:58 |
z987k | Woody_, no | 10:58 |
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Flannel | TooR4u: hmm. Well, Ive no idea. If it were just ubuntu torrents, I'd speculate it was load issues. You might try googling. | 10:58 |
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mntpng | Woody_: no | 10:58 |
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Woody_ | mmm ok | 10:58 |
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TooR4u | :( | 10:59 |
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Symmetria | sup :p | 10:59 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 10:59 |
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Phoenix34 | la la lal | 10:59 |
Woody_ | what are the commands to type in "terminal" to get all the updates? | 10:59 |
Symmetria | so like, who's planning on upgrading to 7.04 today | 10:59 |
mntpng | me me me | 10:59 |
z987k | me if it comes out | 10:59 |
Woody_ | i think we all do Symmetria :P | 10:59 |
Phoenix34 | not me | 10:59 |
Woody_ | Phoenix34: why? | 11:00 |
Phoenix34 | w8ing for stable | 11:00 |
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Woody_ | ah okay | 11:00 |
i-Connect | Hello | 11:00 |
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Phoenix34 | :P | 11:00 |
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mntpng | hmm.. all my tubes are clogged | 11:00 |
Jordan_U | Woody_, You don't need to use the terminal, but if you want to then apt-get install update-manager-core | 11:00 |
Woody_ | its already 19th here, and no update yet :( | 11:00 |
Phoenix34 | atheros chipset is supported by feisty ? | 11:00 |
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Symmetria | heh woody we're all waiting for it | 11:00 |
Woody_ | Jordan_U: what can i use other than the terminal? | 11:01 |
HJ | 11:01 | |
HJ | 11:01 | |
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Jordan_U | Phoenix34, Yes | 11:01 |
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Flannel | !ru | HJ | 11:01 |
ubotu | HJ: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:01 |
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xavickson | Guys I can't load the page, is this also happening to you ? | 11:01 |
Phoenix34 | thanks | 11:01 |
Jordan_U | Woody_, System -> Administration -> Update Manager | 11:01 |
deepsa | madar chod | 11:01 |
Phoenix34 | thank you GOD | 11:01 |
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Woody_ | yes xavickson | 11:01 |
mntpng | xavickson: it's down | 11:01 |
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xavickson | ohh.. | 11:01 |
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__bmgz__ | webserver is flooded | 11:01 |
Phoenix34 | i found a distro that supports atheros | 11:02 |
Phoenix34 | :) | 11:02 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 11:02 |
Woody_ | Jordan_U: ahh okay cool :D | 11:02 |
mntpng | I wouldn't be surprised if feisty breaks record for most download in first day | 11:02 |
mellow_bunny | <.<! | 11:02 |
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catxk | Phoenix34: I thought it was a myth... tell me more! | 11:02 |
xavickson | do you know another mirror that already has the latest version or will have the latest version so I can get it ? | 11:02 |
Woody_ | lol mntpng hahahahaha | 11:02 |
HJ | 11:02 | |
HJ | KAK DELA???? | 11:02 |
Flannel | !ru | HJ | 11:02 |
Zorlin | mntpng: Only if the server survives. | 11:02 |
ubotu | HJ: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:02 |
Woody_ | guys, should we download the full iso and burn it to CD? or just update the fiesty beta? | 11:02 |
T0uCH | lol | 11:02 |
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Zorlin | Its getting truly pounded right now | 11:02 |
asdx | will feisty have thunderbird 2? | 11:03 |
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synthaxx | might be nice to see the download numbers, right next to the total sold Windows vista's ;) | 11:03 |
T0uCH | DA | 11:03 |
Flannel | asdx: no | 11:03 |
mntpng | Zorlin: well.. server died _before_ the release | 11:03 |
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HJ | Flannel YA PISHU PO ANGL | 11:03 |
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HJ | CHE PRICTAL | 11:03 |
Phoenix34 | i tried Debian-Fedora-and other distro but none was supporting Atheros chipset | 11:03 |
xavickson | asdx: check it on | 11:03 |
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mntpng | Zorlin: I'm thinking I'd have trouble getting hold of .torrent fiel | 11:03 |
asdx | xavickson: ok | 11:03 |
HJ | NEHUYA U VAC NARODU!!! | 11:03 |
Phoenix34 | i also tried with ndiswrapper | 11:03 |
Flannel | HJ: english only here. | 11:03 |
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Phoenix34 | nothing happened | 11:03 |
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T0uCH | when it gonna be in the upgrades manager it will be completly release ! | 11:04 |
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ghx-harbinger | At the rate these forum users are trolling around and overloading the site, we might not get a shot at getting a download at the new release. | 11:04 |
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Phoenix34 | i google it and i found that feisty maybe will support atheros | 11:10 |
z987k | Phoenix34, madawifi is the naitive driver for atheros | 11:10 |
Phoenix34 | i tried that too | 11:10 |
synthaxx | ghx-harbinger > that's good for the torrents | 11:10 |
z987k | atheros is the chipset I have | 11:10 |
synthaxx | AND EVERYONE KEEP SEEDING! | 11:10 |
Zorlin | mntpng: Sorry, I can't find 7.04 anywhere | 11:10 |
asdx | what is atheros? | 11:10 |
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z987k | works wonderfully | 11:10 |
Zorlin | mntpng: I don't think its released yet | 11:10 |
Phoenix34 | i will seed for 5 hours | 11:10 |
Phoenix34 | :P | 11:10 |
ghx-harbinger | synthaxx: yes. but you have to be able to download the torrent file first ;) | 11:10 |
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z987k | atheros is a wireless chipset brand | 11:10 |
synthaxx | ;) | 11:10 |
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mntpng | Zorlin: yea.. it's not out yet | 11:10 |
synthaxx | very true | 11:10 |
xavickson | where can we get the ubuntu torrent file ? | 11:10 |
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Riesen | is there an officialy torrent now? | 11:10 |
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z987k | Poenix, if you have the kernel-restriced modules package installed it should work otb | 11:10 |
__bmgz__ | Does anybody have MAek Shuttleworth's phone number? | 11:10 |
ghx-harbinger | | 11:10 |
mntpng | Riesen: no | 11:10 |
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__bmgz__ | Does anybody have Mark Shuttleworth's phone number? | 11:10 |
ElllisD | but i dunno how if the official isnt out the torrent can be official | 11:10 |
ghx-harbinger | final has not been released | 11:10 |
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piksi | why can't people simply wait for a couple of hours or till tomorrow | 11:10 |
z987k | cause were impatient | 11:10 |
Phoenix34 | i posted a thread to neatgear forums and the moderator answer we do not support linux try line with it | 11:10 |
piksi | z987k: well, that's too bad | 11:10 |
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Phoenix34 | *live | 11:10 |
__bmgz__ | becuase we were waiting six months for this day | 11:10 |
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ghx-harbinger | piksi: some of us have been waiting ever since the "feisty available today" graphic went up more than 24 hours ago | 11:10 |
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Phoenix34 | brb | 11:10 |
ElllisD | i just wanna see a hella fast torrent flow- when else are hella peers so guaranteed | 11:10 |
xavickson | does feisty fawn come in a DVD ?... Doesen't it come in a normal CD just like the Beta and other things ?? | 11:10 |
z987k | hmmm, well madwifi is kind of supported by atheros | 11:10 |
Zorlin | yeah, i've been staying up since 2am | 11:10 |
mntpng | piksi: same reason why some people camp outside for a month to watch star wars | 11:10 |
Zorlin | its 5:07pm | 11:10 |
ElllisD | | 11:10 |
z987k | but not by netgear | 11:10 |
Flannel | xavickson: it has a CD and a DVD version | 11:10 |
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xavickson | Flannel, ohh.. thanks for that info | 11:10 |
mntpng | ElllisD: that's daily build not final | 11:10 |
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Zorlin | EllisD, thats not the final build is it? | 11:10 |
piksi | mntpng: i find camping out for star wars simply lame ;-) | 11:10 |
z987k | so try to contact the people who make the atheros chips | 11:10 |
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billy | how can I purge my old backups using sbackup? can I purge them w/ command line? | 11:10 |
mntpng | piksi: I agree | 11:10 |
piksi | nothing wrong with the new release coming out though | 11:10 |
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ElllisD | but its yesterdays version- i guess apt-get dist-upgrade'll update it- but its not really the same | 11:10 |
H3g3m0n | Anyone know approx how many hours until release? | 11:10 |
_bt | wow is down | 11:10 |
z987k | no | 11:10 |
Woody_ | lol 1292 people in room :D | 11:10 |
__bmgz__ | ..I still gotta wait 6 hours for the download then 45 minutes or so for the actuall upgrade | 11:10 |
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ghx-harbinger | _bt: no kidding | 11:10 |
piksi | but i guess the update mgr will be unusable for a day or two | 11:10 |
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imbalanc33 | and increasing | 11:10 |
mntpng | I think they should release just torrent files for first few days | 11:10 |
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gav616 | ITS NOT OUT TILL ITS OUT | 11:10 |
mntpng | well.. maybe first 12 hours at least | 11:10 |
piksi | ITS NOT OUT TILL | 11:10 |
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_bt | ghx-harbinger: i was planning on looking up alternate install methods (network or usb key) , my optical drive is broken | 11:10 |
piksi | sorry | 11:10 |
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Woody_ | guys, should i download the iso? or just upgrade my current fiesty? | 11:10 |
Zorlin | back in a sec | 11:10 |
HJ | 11:10 | |
ghx-harbinger | you'll have a hard time with that | 11:10 |
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gav616 | Woody_ either is fine | 11:10 |
Zorlin | Woody_ Wait for official release | 11:10 |
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HJ | !!!! | 11:10 |
mntpng | Woody_: just wait | 11:10 |
Woody_ | Zorlin: yeah im waiting :( | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | 11:10 | |
__bmgz__ | Woody, download the alternate cd | 11:10 |
HJ | 11:10 | |
mntpng | Woody_: get some coffee | 11:10 |
Flannel | !ru | HJ | 11:10 |
ubotu | HJ: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:10 |
_Rappy_ | haha, 1299 users! | 11:10 |
Woody_ | __bmgz__: why? | 11:10 |
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sN1ckers | 11:10 | |
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HJ | Flannel | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | 11:10 | |
__bmgz__ | Woody - upgrade is easier | 11:10 |
richw | @now London | 11:10 |
Zorlin | Woody_: You may have to wait a little longer after the release | 11:10 |
ubotu | Current time in Europe/London: April 19 2007, 10:09:39 - Next meeting: Development Team in 5 hours 50 minutes | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | 11:10 | |
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HJ | 11:10 | |
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ElllisD | _bt: I'd like to find a way to burn it to usb & install from there, as my burner's on the box that's boxed in a closet somewhere (just moved) | 11:10 |
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HJ | 11:10 | |
Zorlin | Woody_: The ubuntu servers are being rapedas it is | 11:10 |
Zorlin | raped as it is* | 11:10 |
Trist_an | Is Feisty released? The website is so slow.... | 11:10 |
richw | 5 hours 50 mins | 11:10 |
mntpng | well.. while we wait.... What do you guys think of the new scheduler? | 11:10 |
leagris | Woody_, wait till they screw things enough with bad upgrade and can't reconnect ;D | 11:10 |
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xevox | 1300 | 11:10 |
_bt | ElllisD, that would also be ideal | 11:10 |
Zorlin | No trist_an | 11:10 |
HJ | sN1ckers | 11:10 |
xevox | 1301 | 11:10 |
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xevox | 1302 | 11:10 |
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sN1ckers | HJ, ? =) | 11:10 |
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xevox | 1303 | 11:10 |
Woody_ | lol Zorlin | 11:10 |
z987k | 1304 | 11:10 |
__bmgz__ | Can you upgrade from the desktop cd or do you still need alternat?? | 11:10 |
xevox | 1304 | 11:10 |
z987k | 05 | 11:10 |
HJ | sN1ckers | 11:10 |
Trist_an | Website is damn laggy | 11:10 |
Slart | Trist_an: I think feisty is a bit too popular.. =) | 11:10 |
xavickson | Guys, ubuntu hasen't been released yet hasen't it ? it just has the beta here: | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | =) | 11:10 |
mellow_bunny | mntpng: wht sheduclaer? | 11:10 |
H3g3m0n | o_O | 11:10 |
piksi | ..... | 11:10 |
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xevox | 1305 | 11:10 |
ghx-harbinger | i don't think anyone will be doing much of anything (including old versions) until the flood of excitement ceases abit | 11:10 |
HJ | 11:10 | |
mellow_bunny | woot! | 11:10 |
Zorlin | Everyone: The website is simply slow because people are checking it hundreds of times a second | 11:10 |
xevox | 0.0 | 11:10 |
mntpng | | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | America must die ! | 11:10 |
mellow_bunny | we broke the 1300 mark! | 11:10 |
Flannel | !offtopic | 11:10 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 11:10 |
mntpng | that scheduler | 11:10 |
HJ | Zorlin ????? | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | Amerika must die ! | 11:10 |
HJ | 11:10 | |
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sN1ckers | America must die ! | 11:10 |
Chenson | hullo community :) | 11:10 |
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orbin | !ops | 11:10 |
sN1ckers | 11:10 | |
xevox | (\n_n/) 1300+ | 11:10 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok | 11:10 |
Flannel | Guys, take the feisty stuff to #ubuntu-release-party | 11:11 |
Trist_an | Is HJ speaking a an unknow language or do I have a problem with my encoding? | 11:11 |
Zorlin | !spam sn1ckers | 11:11 |
mellow_bunny | sup Chenson | 11:11 |
sN1ckers | 11:11 | |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spam sn1ckers - try searching on | 11:11 |
tankcat | IT'S OUT! | 11:11 |
sN1ckers | 11:11 | |
Zorlin | !spam > sn1ckers | 11:11 |
HJ | Trist_an !!!!!!! | 11:11 |
sN1ckers | gg | 11:11 |
z987k | tankcat, no | 11:11 |
HJ | 11:11 | |
ghx-harbinger | snicker is an american brand i believe :P | 11:11 |
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HJ | ghx-harbinger ????? | 11:11 |
Zorlin | Ohhh thank god | 11:11 |
ElllisD | I'm outie! Goin OVER TO ubuntu-release-party | 11:11 |
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ElllisD | l8r | 11:11 |
H3g3m0n | Theres no way a language has that many accents | 11:11 |
Woody_ | sN1ckers: might be a student from the Virginia Tech | 11:11 |
z987k | HJ = spam | 11:11 |
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z987k | lol | 11:11 |
Trist_an | HJ sorry but would you use occidental letters? I don't understand a dammn thing. It's just weird characters for me | 11:11 |
Zorlin | Everyone: The website is simply slow because people are checking it hundreds of times a second. The server can't take the load and/or its bandwidth is totally eaten. | 11:12 |
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frandavid100 | hello! | 11:12 |
Devaux | Hi | 11:12 |
deepsa | hi | 11:12 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*!#ubuntu-ru] by Seveas | ||
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Woody_ | 1305 ppl! | 11:12 |
Zorlin | sN1ckers, did stx teach you a lesson? | 11:12 |
Seveas | 1304 :p | 11:12 |
H3g3m0n | hell IM checking it hundreds of time a second =) | 11:12 |
piksi | who cares? | 11:12 |
frandavid100 | can you give me a link to feisty's bittorrent seed? | 11:12 |
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Zorlin | frandavid | 11:12 |
sN1ckers | Zorlin, yes | 11:12 |
mc44 | Seveas: only 32 more needed | 11:12 |
Zorlin | its NOT OUT yet | 11:12 |
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frandavid100 | ops, I thought it was | 11:12 |
sN1ckers | newbie | 11:13 |
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Nubbie | !feisty | 11:13 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 11:13 |
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frandavid100 | thanks Zorlin | 11:13 |
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Zorlin | frandavid100: your welcome. | 11:13 |
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xavickson | When do you think other mirrors will have ubuntu ? It will help releasing the presure on won't it ? | 11:13 |
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Woody_ | 1311 lol | 11:13 |
ElllisD | help us get the user count up on ubuntu-release-party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:13 |
sN1ckers | Zorlin, who are you ? | 11:13 |
T0uCH | we re in hell in here | 11:13 |
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Zorlin | sn1ckers? | 11:14 |
sN1ckers | give me translater :) | 11:14 |
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Woody_ | how much can the room (channel) hold? lol | 11:14 |
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deepsa | Woody_, 10k | 11:14 |
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Zorlin | sn1ckers, i'm just a community member who's been in this chatroom for the last 10 or so hours | 11:14 |
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SpiritDrag00n | LOL | 11:14 |
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pain|180a | go for 1337 in this # :D | 11:14 |
Woody_ | ah good deepsa :D | 11:14 |
Zorlin | waiting for release and helping people | 11:14 |
SpiritDrag00n | we need 1337 | 11:14 |
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sN1ckers | Zorlin, what ? i'm not understand :) | 11:14 |
cdomigan | 1337 ftw | 11:15 |
Aramil | 1337 1337 | 11:15 |
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SpiritDrag00n | i dunno if it will hit 1337 | 11:15 |
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SpiritDrag00n | whats the most been in here @one go | 11:15 |
xevox | 1324 | 11:15 |
xevox | :D | 11:15 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 11:16 |
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sN1ckers | who speak russia ? | 11:16 |
sN1ckers | who speak russia ? | 11:16 |
sN1ckers | gg | 11:16 |
Seveas | !ru | sN1ckers | 11:16 |
ubotu | sN1ckers: #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:16 |
Woody_ | is working now!!!!!!!!! | 11:16 |
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SpiritDrag00n | has been for hours | 11:16 |
SpiritDrag00n | just a tad slow | 11:16 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 11:16 |
Woody_ | lol kidding | 11:16 |
mellow_bunny | bahahaha | 11:16 |
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sN1ckers | ! | 11:16 |
xevox | sN1ckers, privet | 11:16 |
Gartra1 | ok, i need help | 11:16 |
sN1ckers | xevox, | 11:16 |
xevox | :D | 11:16 |
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xevox | i don't speak russian :D | 11:17 |
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SpiritDrag00n | i dont speak english | 11:17 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 11:17 |
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xevox | xD | 11:17 |
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sN1ckers | !ru | 11:17 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-ru / Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke | 11:17 |
SpiritDrag00n | i dunno how to speak english | 11:17 |
Woody_ | SpiritDrag00n: but you just did :D | 11:17 |
SpiritDrag00n | xD | 11:17 |
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SpiritDrag00n | no i didnt :P | 11:17 |
cdomigan | Is the latest RC the final? | 11:17 |
SpiritDrag00n | u think i'am | 11:17 |
Gartra1 | i cant open synaptic, and apt-gett gives me this weird mssage | 11:17 |
Seveas | cdomigan, no | 11:17 |
sN1ckers | #ubuntu-ru | 11:17 |
cdomigan | k | 11:17 |
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sN1ckers | jq | 11:17 |
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SpiritDrag00n | apt-gett works fine for me | 11:17 |
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ghx-harbinger | RC = Release Candidate | 11:18 |
Gartra1 | no, its on my system only | 11:18 |
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Woody_ | !ubuntu lebanon | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu lebanon - try searching on | 11:18 |
ghx-harbinger | FINAL = Final | 11:18 |
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sN1ckers | Damn it... | 11:18 |
Woody_ | !ubuntu-lb | 11:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-lb - try searching on | 11:18 |
SpiritDrag00n | Ubuntu does Dallas | 11:18 |
SpiritDrag00n | xD | 11:18 |
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Zoosh | hi, i have a problem with ubuntu feisty and compiz: all seems to work fine, but the window title bars are missing | 11:18 |
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ElllisD | help our user count over on #ubuntu-release-party peeps! | 11:18 |
cdomigan | yeah but sometimes they just rename RC to FINAL if there's no bugs | 11:18 |
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SpiritDrag00n | i dont think ne1 is gonna get help today | 11:18 |
Zoosh | the functions are there.. but i dont see them, can anyone gimme a hint plz? | 11:18 |
SpiritDrag00n | xD | 11:18 |
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Seveas | cdomigan, there were | 11:18 |
billy | would I kill anything if I removed /var/backup/ ? | 11:19 |
cdomigan | k | 11:19 |
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ghx-harbinger | They would have renamed it if it were final then, wouldn't they? | 11:19 |
Gartra1 | i cant open synaptic, and apt-gett gives me this weird mssage | 11:19 |
Zues_62 | hey guys i cant update at all | 11:19 |
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Zues_62 | i do the whole thing the page says but it wont work | 11:19 |
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Seveas | we're at 1313 | 11:19 |
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Seveas | pfew, 1312 again | 11:19 |
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Seveas | 1313 is bad :) | 11:19 |
mrossow_ | lol | 11:19 |
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Zues_62 | can someone help | 11:20 |
sN1ckers | Oh my god... | 11:20 |
Woody_ | im going to wait all day for Fiesty | 11:20 |
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Zues_62 | is there settings i need to change coz i go to the updates thing and it doesnt show up | 11:20 |
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Woody_ | i will lose 24hrs of my life waiting for Fiety | 11:20 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol wolki | 11:20 |
SpiritDrag00n | *woody | 11:20 |
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Gartra1 | E: Problem parsing dependency Depends | 11:20 |
Gartra1 | E: Error occurred while processing konqueror-plugin-gnash (NewVersion1) | 11:20 |
Gartra1 | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages | 11:20 |
Gartra1 | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 11:20 |
Gartra1 | gareth@N-WIRE-O-1-0:~$ | 11:20 |
leagris | get your next Ubuntu release: Crusty | 11:21 |
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sN1ckers | bye bitch's | 11:21 |
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Woody_ | so whats next after Fiesty Fawn? | 11:21 |
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leagris | apt-get remove Gartra1 | 11:21 |
kekkoxxxx | site is down? | 11:21 |
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SpiritDrag00n | i give up waiting for it. im gonna play a bit of Unreal Torny | 11:21 |
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ElllisD | apt-get remove sN1ckers | 11:21 |
Flannel | !gutsy | Woody_ | 11:21 |
ubotu | Woody_: Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 11:21 |
Gartra1 | IM SERUIOS, i cannot install, uninstall, or update ANYTHING | 11:22 |
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ElllisD | Gartra1: whaddya get? | 11:22 |
mntpng | Gartra1: tubes are clogged | 11:22 |
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Seveas | Gartra1, sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*ubuntu* && sudo apt-get update | 11:22 |
Gartra1 | E: Problem parsing dependency Depends | 11:22 |
Gartra1 | E: Error occurred while processing konqueror-plugin-gnash (NewVersion1) | 11:22 |
Gartra1 | E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_edgy-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages | 11:22 |
Gartra1 | E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. | 11:22 |
Gartra1 | gareth@N-WIRE-O-1-0:~$ | 11:22 |
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Zues_62 | ok guys i cant update y? | 11:23 |
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Seveas | Zues_62, server is ovrloaded | 11:23 |
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Zues_62 | oh | 11:23 |
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jtmoney | is feisty final coming out today or was it delayed? | 11:23 |
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Zues_62 | is that y nothing comes up in the update manager? | 11:23 |
xarquid | today | 11:23 |
xarquid | yes, Z | 11:23 |
Angel-SL | wierd | 11:23 |
Woody_ | the server is over-bombarded | 11:23 |
kekkoxxxx | when is disponible release 7.04 stable????????????? | 11:23 |
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T0uCH | to many people on the server... go to sleep! | 11:23 |
ghx-harbinger | jtmoney: stick around and find out like us | 11:23 |
Angel-SL | why is the site timing out? | 11:24 |
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kILLusion-_- | hi | 11:24 |
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xarquid | Bandwidth < | 11:24 |
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rsk | Angel-SL its hammered | 11:24 |
Angel-SL | lol | 11:24 |
Woody_ | people, go sleep let us download Fiesty :( | 11:24 |
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Zoosh | hi, i have a problem with ubuntu feisty and compiz: all seems to work fine, but the window title bars are missing. any tips? | 11:24 |
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kILLusion-_- | i accidentially set my refresh rate to a value my monitor doesnt support, how can i reset those settings in recovery mode? | 11:24 |
ghx-harbinger | dvd release just went up | 11:24 |
ghx-harbinger | | 11:24 |
H3g3m0n | Too bad shipit is only accepting orders with a max of 3 cds :( | 11:24 |
T0uCH | STOP resquesting acces to ubuntus server!!!! | 11:24 |
ghx-harbinger | | 11:24 |
Woody_ | Zoosh: get the final release of Fiesty and then tell us if you still have the same prob | 11:24 |
H3g3m0n | I have none to give away to people | 11:25 |
xarquid | Aye | 11:25 |
kILLusion-_- | i accidentially set my refresh rate to a value my monitor doesnt support, how can i reset those settings in recovery mode? | 11:25 |
Woody_ | Zoosh: ofcourse when it is released, hopefully today | 11:25 |
ghx-harbinger | there it is boys | 11:25 |
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ghx-harbinger | have at it | 11:25 |
H3g3m0n | Although you can get 9 if you also get kubuntu and Edubuntu | 11:25 |
xarquid | And some people, Zoosh, also need to -make sure- other Window Managers are disabled ;) I.E. Gnome's built-in one that may be having a conflict. | 11:25 |
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Zoosh | woody: i upgraded 30 mins ago .. is it the final release? ^^ | 11:25 |
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Woody_ | Zoosh: i dont think so :P | 11:25 |
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xarquid | no | 11:25 |
detectiveinspekt | I just deleted my pannel with all the menus on it how do I get it back | 11:25 |
kILLusion-_- | please help :y | 11:25 |
kILLusion-_- | i accidentially set my refresh rate to a value my monitor doesnt support, how can i reset those settings in recovery mode? | 11:25 |
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Flannel | detectiveinspekt: go to the top/bottom of the screen, right click, "Add panel" then on that panel, right click, "add to panel" and repopulate it | 11:26 |
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ghx-harbinger | the release is up :P | 11:26 |
lotusleaf | #ubuntu approaching 1337! | 11:26 |
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jtmoney | heh | 11:26 |
ghx-harbinger | | 11:26 |
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ghx-harbinger | | 11:26 |
mellow_bunny | eh? | 11:26 |
Pepper | haha | 11:26 |
Pepper | we need to reach 1337 :P | 11:26 |
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kILLusion-_- | plz help me | 11:26 |
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kILLusion-_- | <_< | 11:26 |
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T0uCH | shit i dont have any cds | 11:26 |
kILLusion-_- | i accidentially set my refresh rate to a value my monitor doesnt support, how can i reset those settings in recovery mode? | 11:26 |
lotusleaf | almost there! | 11:26 |
mrossow_ | .... is this the final release? | 11:26 |
twobrandys | What is the name of Feisty Fawn - BAMBI? | 11:26 |
Pooky | 'm having an issue, where my shift key is not working in beryl, but it is in metacity, any ideas | 11:27 |
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gav616 | source dir just added..hmmmmmmmmmm | 11:27 |
frandavid100 | yeah, is it? | 11:27 |
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elkbuntu | twobrandys, that's what i've been telling my mother anyway ;) | 11:27 |
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ElllisD | Killusion- Ctrl-Alt-F3 > logon > sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 11:27 |
anars | mrossow_: I think it is. the beta had "beta" in its filename. also, that page was empty until now :-) | 11:27 |
Openix | - seems "beta" has dropped from fawn | 11:27 |
T0uCH | kILLusion-_-: try : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg | 11:27 |
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twobrandys | elkbuntu: :p hehe... did it work | 11:27 |
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synthaxx | -:- BitchX: Join to #ubuntu-release-party was synched in 7.992 secs!! | 11:27 |
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NevroPus | can anyone tell me why I get this errorcode when i type ./ bash: ./ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied | 11:27 |
synthaxx | ;) | 11:28 |
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twobrandys | elkbuntu: maybe Bambi is not feisty enough | 11:28 |
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NevroPus | it doesn't work as root either | 11:28 |
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SpiritDrag00n | 1337 time | 11:28 |
kILLusion-_- | thx | 11:28 |
gav616 | NevroPus: sudo ? | 11:28 |
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gav616 | ahh | 11:28 |
krinns | hi all | 11:28 |
Seveas | Peanutbutter jelly time! | 11:28 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 11:28 |
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SpiritDrag00n | lol watch everyone take screenies n upload em | 11:28 |
gav616 | sudo sh | 11:28 |
krinns | i want my users in ubutu to change their pass when they login next | 11:28 |
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Pepper | somone bring in clones <_< | 11:28 |
SpiritDrag00n | 6more people | 11:28 |
krinns | what i should do | 11:28 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol yea | 11:29 |
z987k | hmm is the iso on real? | 11:29 |
krinns | its shadow thing | 11:29 |
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piovisqui | do clones! | 11:29 |
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mellow_bunny | make sure to screenshot the 1337 moment | 11:29 |
SpiritDrag00n | :( | 11:29 |
elkbuntu | Pepper, no, not clones | 11:29 |
elkbuntu | piovisqui, no | 11:29 |
SpiritDrag00n | aye will do mellow_bunny | 11:29 |
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SpiritDrag00n | :P | 11:29 |
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mellow_bunny | EYES PEELED PEOPLE! | 11:29 |
Pooky | .o | 11:29 |
Pepper | hah | 11:29 |
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Pooky | gah, no shift . | 11:29 |
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ElllisD | ISO's!!! | 11:29 |
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z987k | hmm is the iso on the thing? | 11:29 |
SpiritDrag00n | people should stop leaving | 11:29 |
gav616 | source file has been added to sneaky sneaky | 11:29 |
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deepsa | mellow_bunny, why 1337? | 11:29 |
SpiritDrag00n | LOL | 11:29 |
NevroPus | gav616: sudo: exec:: command not found with sudo sh ./ | 11:29 |
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mellow_bunny | <_< | 11:29 |
SpiritDrag00n | PMSL | 11:30 |
mellow_bunny | deepsa: you serious? | 11:30 |
SpiritDrag00n | 1337 = leet | 11:30 |
deepsa | ya | 11:30 |
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Nubbie | 5 | 11:30 |
gav616 | drag the file to the terminal | 11:30 |
SpiritDrag00n | 5 | 11:30 |
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NevroPus | gav616, what do you mean drag the file to the terminal? | 11:30 |
Zues_62 | guys y wont ubuuntu update whn i go to the update manager | 11:30 |
Woody_ | ElllisD: its not opening here: | 11:30 |
Trist_an | it's out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 11:30 |
Pepper | Zues_62: The Ubuntu servers are being hammered | 11:30 |
ledemente | I'm still on Dapper... I'm thinking I might upgrade... is edgy stable now? It was having teething issues last I heard. | 11:30 |
SpiritDrag00n | cause servers are busy | 11:30 |
ElllisD | | 11:30 |
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gav616 | been running buntu beta on livecd for 3 days.. lol | 11:31 |
SpiritDrag00n | 3 | 11:31 |
Zues_62 | oh so is that y nothing shows up? | 11:31 |
Slart | Zues_62: it's probably overloaded from all the interest in the new 7.04 release | 11:31 |
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Pepper | I can't exactly get to the server :P | 11:31 |
SpiritDrag00n | 2 | 11:31 |
Zoosh | woody: i upgraded 30 mins ago .. is it the final release? ^^ | 11:31 |
SpiritDrag00n | :( | 11:31 |
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deepsa | ElllisD, i will wait for official annonucement | 11:31 |
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z987k | ok yeah it;s out! | 11:31 |
=== mellow_bunny is rocking out to Jimi Hendrix all along the watchtower! | ||
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Zues_62 | is that y nothing shows up coz server is bizy????? | 11:31 |
kekkoxxxx | IS STABLE NOW? | 11:31 |
Slart | Zues_62: ubuntu's main site hardly works anymore.. try again tomorrow.. I think it'll be better =) | 11:31 |
mellow_bunny | we hit 1336 | 11:31 |
z987k | | 11:31 |
Seveas | kekkoxxxx, no | 11:31 |
Woody_ | Zoosh: i dont know man, nothing is opening here. im not sure if its released or not | 11:31 |
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twobrandys | Its ON! | 11:31 |
ElllisD | deepsa: I saw it posted on #ubuntu-release-party | 11:31 |
lotusleaf | loads fine | 11:31 |
Seveas | Woody_, it's not | 11:31 |
Saelynh | | 11:31 |
kekkoxxxx | IS STABLE NOW? | 11:31 |
Saelynh | go go go | 11:31 |
twobrandys | Last in the water is a mongrel | 11:31 |
xarquid | No, it has not been synced/made live. | 11:31 |
Saelynh | on torrent please :D | 11:31 |
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Seveas | guys, stop | 11:32 |
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Seveas | it's not out until the release announcement is out | 11:32 |
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ElllisD | crap | 11:32 |
z987k | lol | 11:32 |
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juliux | Seveas, thanks | 11:32 |
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ElllisD | bummer | 11:32 |
Zorlin | Seveas? The *release* page has it on it... | 11:32 |
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SpiritDrag00n | we are struggling to hit 1337 | 11:32 |
NevroPus | can anyone help me with my .sh file? it just wont run | 11:32 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 11:32 |
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Zorlin | But yeah, i dont think its been announced yet | 11:32 |
dholbach | Zorlin: wait for an announce on ubuntu-announce | 11:33 |
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Pepper | 2 more! | 11:33 |
Pooky | NevroPus: did you chmod x it | 11:33 |
Slart | NevroPus: what sh-file? | 11:33 |
laichzeit | NevroPus, chmod u+x | 11:33 |
Saelynh | not announce, but it's out ^^ | 11:33 |
gav616 | lol iwant leet!!! | 11:33 |
randi | :( | 11:33 |
randi | one less | 11:33 |
cdomigan | so close | 11:33 |
is_null | gav616: install lfs | 11:33 |
masked_marsoe | 1336... this is ridiculous | 11:33 |
NevroPus | it's on a disk, so I can't chmod it | 11:33 |
SpiritDrag00n | 1334 atm | 11:33 |
laichzeit | hell yeah, it's definately out! | 11:33 |
iseng | fiesty already relase? | 11:33 |
insmod | NevroPus> sure | 11:33 |
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gav616 | 1 op 1334 total | 11:33 |
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SpiritDrag00n | 1 | 11:33 |
Woody_ | | 11:33 |
mellow_bunny | got it | 11:33 |
cdomigan | woohoo | 11:33 |
lolman | 1 more | 11:33 |
foutrelis | Feisty is out :) | 11:33 |
Woody_ | | 11:33 |
NevroPus | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 76 2004-01-09 18:29 <---- that file | 11:33 |
cdomigan | 1337!!! | 11:33 |
Woody_ | | 11:33 |
foutrelis | | 11:33 |
Slart | there.. better? | 11:33 |
z987k | where's a torrent to seed? | 11:34 |
SpiritDrag00n | it aint pit | 11:34 |
SpiritDrag00n | *out | 11:34 |
iseng | torrent | 11:34 |
Woody_ | thats it guys :D | 11:34 |
Woody_ | | 11:34 |
gav616 | 1336 | 11:34 |
iseng | yes, where's torrent :D | 11:34 |
laichzeit | | 11:34 |
Pepper | theres no seed on the torrent <_< | 11:34 |
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SpiritDrag00n | no one allowed to leave | 11:34 |
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SpiritDrag00n | :( | 11:34 |
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Pepper | omg <_< | 11:34 |
z987k | no alternate, the livecd verion | 11:34 |
lolman | DAMNIT | 11:34 |
peepsalot | lol | 11:34 |
randi | ahah | 11:34 |
Pepper | just missed it. | 11:34 |
Nubbie | 1 | 11:34 |
Chenson | lol | 11:34 |
Nubbie | 1 | 11:34 |
piovisqui | 2 | 11:34 |
ElllisD | MAYBE | 11:34 |
Seveas | we had 1337 for a bit | 11:34 |
deepsa | Seveas, is it out? | 11:34 |
toooomawaayyyy | it's out 7.04? | 11:34 |
Pooky | 'll stay if anyone can figure out my shift key problem | 11:34 |
cdomigan | what's difference between "alternate" and "desktop"? | 11:34 |
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Nubbie | | 11:34 |
Nubbie | it is out! | 11:34 |
MistaED | haha | 11:34 |
SpiritDrag00n | we had 1337 for 1sec | 11:34 |
xstasi | yeah | 11:35 |
Pepper | come on! :P | 11:35 |
Seveas | damnit ;) | 11:35 |
neuro_ | gawd, it's actually worse in here than it is in the release party chan :) | 11:35 |
xstasi | 1337 \p/ | 11:35 |
iseng | Problem connecting to tracker | 11:35 |
MistaED | not 1337 enough | 11:35 |
Pepper | did anyone get a shot? | 11:35 |
Flannel | cdomigan: Desktop is the liveCD, alternate is textmode install (only installer), with additional options | 11:35 |
sishgupta_ | I am seeding on the torrent but i am getting a tracker error... | 11:35 |
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SpiritDrag00n | no | 11:35 |
iseng | connection refused? | 11:35 |
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SpiritDrag00n | was too quiclk | 11:35 |
Seveas | 2 more | 11:35 |
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Seveas | 3 more | 11:35 |
NevroPus | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 76 2004-01-09 18:29 <---- this file won't install with $./ or #./ | 11:35 |
cdomigan | Flannel: cheers :) | 11:35 |
lolman | 1 | 11:35 |
iseng | yes me to sishgupta | 11:35 |
deepsa | 28 peers and 0 seeders | 11:35 |
gav616 | gonna wait for the big ITS ouT! | 11:35 |
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Seveas | 1 more! | 11:35 |
SpiritDrag00n | feisty is out | 11:35 |
MistaED | 1337! | 11:35 |
lotusleaf | 1337! | 11:35 |
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randi | yeah ! | 11:35 |
Pepper | 1337! | 11:35 |
Nubbie | GOT IT :D | 11:35 |
Flannel | cdomigan: the desktop is also an installer, but requiers the liveCD | 11:35 |
MistaED | woo | 11:35 |
deepsa | got it | 11:35 |
Pepper | got the shott! :D | 11:35 |
mikal | 1337 | 11:35 |
Chenson | /cheer | 11:35 |
deepsa | woooooooooooooooo | 11:35 |
synthaxx | delight won it | 11:35 |
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gav616 | got the 1337 SS | 11:35 |
MistaED | no more no less | 11:35 |
ElllisD | Seveas: 3 more what? | 11:35 |
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Zues_62 | so it doesnt show up in update manager coz server is overloaded | 11:35 |
Seveas | WOOHOO | 11:35 |
MistaED | bugger | 11:35 |
SpiritDrag00n | \o/ | 11:35 |
SpiritDrag00n | 1337 | 11:35 |
SpiritDrag00n | i got a shot | 11:35 |
Pooky | .o | 11:35 |
=== Seveas has screenshot :) | ||
ElllisD | o | 11:35 |
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z987k | is still getting hammered | 11:35 |
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mc44 | Seveas: me too :) | 11:36 |
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gav616 | bee good for the forums.. "post ur 1337 shot" | 11:36 |
RichiH | Seveas: in case you missed my query, you have a message :p | 11:36 |
peepsalot | woot printscreen ftw | 11:36 |
T0uCH | what is mirror files torrent? | 11:36 |
neuro_ | Seveas: </aol> | 11:36 |
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NevroPus | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 76 2004-01-09 18:29 <---- this file won't install with "$./" or "#./" can anyone help me? | 11:36 |
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mellow_bunny | server hammer X_X CRASH MY SERVER! | 11:37 |
insmod | T0uCH : a mirror | 11:37 |
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delight | synthaxx: whats the price? | 11:37 |
vimalg2 | i do believe the ISO servers are being updated | 11:37 |
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delight | :-) | 11:37 |
Seveas | RichiH, I missed it in th chaos :) | 11:37 |
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RichiH | Seveas: i assumed as much, yah :p | 11:37 |
gav616 | is the date on that soo callled torrent 19th? | 11:37 |
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peepsalot | | 11:38 |
Angel-SL | Seveas: IS IT OUT?? | 11:38 |
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prower | Hello everyone :> Would (Dated april 15th) be final? | 11:38 |
devilz | yes | 11:38 |
tanzib | i see the isos | 11:38 |
SpiritDrag00n | <--------- uk server | 11:38 |
tanzib | how do i update from edgy!!? | 11:38 |
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gav616 | ITS RC not final!!! | 11:38 |
__bmgz__ | IS IT OUT YET??? | 11:38 |
Pooky | so my goodness | 11:38 |
apokryphos | !feisty | 11:38 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 11:38 |
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gav616 | 15th is RC NOT FINAL | 11:38 |
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foka | how do i mount an iso image in ubuntu? | 11:38 |
billy | so if 915resolution can't give me the desired resolution, am I pretty much out of options? | 11:38 |
SpiritDrag00n | feisty is out | 11:39 |
NevroPus | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 76 2004-01-09 18:29 <---- this file won't install with "$./" or "#./" can anyone help me? | 11:39 |
apokryphos | foka: /msg ubotu mount | 11:39 |
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prower | gav616: Ahh, I see...and the torrent for the 19th (today)? | 11:39 |
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sishgupta_ | digg the release: (this isnt my submission fyi) | 11:39 |
neuro_ | | 11:39 |
cdomigan | anyone getting any seeds on that torrent? | 11:39 |
__bmgz__ | IS this the final ??? | 11:39 |
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Seveas | fesity is not officially out yet people | 11:39 |
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apokryphos | Please join #ubuntu-release-party for hype-related activities ;) | 11:40 |
Seveas | what's on the servers now may be final release, but that's not sure | 11:40 |
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apokryphos | So please wait for the final announcement | 11:40 |
Seveas | so if you want to be sure you grab the right iso: wait | 11:40 |
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wangensh | | 11:41 |
Seveas | prower, it's not | 11:41 |
apokryphos | It's out when it's out, so you will all know for sure | 11:41 |
Seveas | the 15th iso is NOT the final release | 11:41 |
NevroPus | -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 76 2004-01-09 18:29 <---- this file won't install with "$./" or "#./" can anyone help me? | 11:41 |
lotusleaf | I notice is being updated with new information re: feisty!! | 11:41 |
wangensh | final | 11:41 |
scott__ | will do, i was wondering because there are 3 dvd isos (festy-DVD-i386.iso) but there all different sizes | 11:41 |
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tanzib | dvds? :/ | 11:41 |
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tanzib | lame | 11:41 |
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rsk | scott__ edu/k/ubuntu | 11:41 |
scott__ | i like to get the dvd releses for sum reason | 11:41 |
Pooky | nevropus you need to make the file exceutable, chmod x | 11:41 |
gav616 | md5 check when its out.. fake torrents will be all around.. | 11:41 |
Woody_ | it is out | 11:42 |
rsk | or one could be xfce | 11:42 |
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Pooky | NevroPus: err, chmod 700 | 11:42 |
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sishgupta_ | fun day to be an irc op (note the sarcasm) | 11:42 |
Pooky | since can't type 'plus' | 11:42 |
gav616 | chown 777 | 11:42 |
Woody_ | im downloading it iwth 32Kb/sec :( | 11:42 |
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Pooky | sory, what gav said | 11:42 |
T0uCH | i got 505 k/s | 11:42 |
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gav616 | either/or i think | 11:42 |
ferronica | ubuntu fiesty fawn Released ???? | 11:42 |
Seveas | ferronica, no | 11:42 |
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NevroPus | Pooky, how can I do that on a cd with read only? chmod: changing permissions of `': Read-only file system | 11:43 |
gav616 | noyes | 11:43 |
ap1 | Is there an official Ubunut tool for generating iptables configurations? | 11:43 |
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laichzeit | 0 day linux distrubutions | 11:43 |
Flannel | !firewall | ap1 | 11:43 |
ubotu | ap1: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:43 |
scott__ | lol | 11:43 |
Seveas | laichzeit, :) | 11:43 |
Pooky | what's the tool to see what your keys are outputting | 11:43 |
ferronica | Seveas: but today is 19th | 11:43 |
Seveas | ferronica, and in 12 hours it's still the 19th | 11:43 |
ap1 | yeah, but I don't find Firestarter in Ubuntu main? | 11:43 |
gav616 | moan moan moan... | 11:43 |
ap1 | is there something else? | 11:43 |
twobrandys | one small step for twobrandys ONE HUGE LEAP for LINUX! | 11:43 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 11:44 |
YoMero | error(s):[03:43:20] rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authoriz | 11:44 |
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z987k | well I got the image an I'm seeding it, hopefully when I get up it will be the same | 11:44 |
PirateHead | Wow... is *slow* | 11:44 |
Flannel | ap1: firestarter is in universe | 11:44 |
Woody_ | lol twobrandys | 11:44 |
ferronica | Seveas: LOL Okay | 11:44 |
gav616 | just wait.. play a game.. do some work.. sleep.. | 11:44 |
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scott__ | not even loading for me | 11:44 |
NevroPus | what do you mean Pooky ? the tool to see what my keys are outputting?:s | 11:44 |
xarquid | you're seeding a 4 day old iso most likely | 11:44 |
tanzib | so can i ask here in a few hours when i get to report my weird crashbug? | 11:44 |
laichzeit | when is mark schuttleworth coming online? | 11:44 |
ap1 | So there is no firewallin with main packages, for grandmas and little sisters? | 11:44 |
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PirateHead | is mark going to chat with us here? | 11:44 |
laichzeit | yeh | 11:45 |
Pooky | necropus it's some x tool, when you type a key, it tells you what the key is, such as metal | 11:45 |
elifed | NevroPus, did anyone answer you yet? | 11:45 |
gav616 | did any1 get that silly "CD-ROM 1" nautilus bug? | 11:45 |
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PirateHead | ap1: actually, firewall is built into the kernel. Just no easy way to configure it, which firestarter provides. Luckily, Ubuntu needs a firewall much less than Windows does. | 11:45 |
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NevroPus | I have no idea what key you are talking about:s | 11:45 |
peepsalot | lol, why can't i change my nick to markshuttleworth. :p | 11:45 |
peepsalot | Erroneous Nickname | 11:46 |
elifed | NevroPus, nm then | 11:46 |
gav616 | ohhhh can't wait for fluxbuntu release! | 11:46 |
T0uCH | to many letters? | 11:46 |
elkbuntu | peepsalot, gee. i wonder | 11:46 |
laichzeit | peepsalot, because mark is god | 11:46 |
scott__ | anyone running ubuntu on a macbook? | 11:46 |
deepsa | is it released peeps | 11:46 |
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NevroPus | elifed, Pooky are trying to help me | 11:46 |
Pooky | scott__: a macbook pro here | 11:46 |
elkbuntu | deepsa, not yet | 11:46 |
T0uCH | no | 11:46 |
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scott__ | how is it? | 11:46 |
elifed | k | 11:46 |
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synthaxx | deepsa > the channel would have collapsed if it was | 11:46 |
scott__ | any big problems? | 11:46 |
gav616 | if it was released we would know about it | 11:46 |
Pooky | scott__: works ok, depending on how much time you want to invest | 11:46 |
billy | PIrateHead, why wouldn't Firestarter be loading my rules on boot? | 11:46 |
NevroPus | but It still won't work:s | 11:46 |
Pooky | scott__: the only annoying problem for me has been the hibernate/suspend stuff | 11:47 |
robbert_t | join #ubuntu-nl | 11:47 |
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NevroPus | is there anyway I can change premisions on files on cd's? | 11:47 |
scott__ | was thinking of getting a macbook and totally ditching osx | 11:47 |
Pooky | NevroPus: copy it off the cd | 11:47 |
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scott__ | oh yeh ive herd about that | 11:47 |
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mtholdenss | does this mean 7.04 is officially out ? | 11:47 |
PirateHead | billy: are the rules permanent? Are they followed even though firestarter does not load them? | 11:47 |
elkbuntu | *** attn *** can people who want to talk about and/or wonder if feisty is released please /join #ubuntu-release-party to await the news | 11:47 |
Pooky | scott__: 'm thinking about giving this macbook back to my work and buying a pc so linux will work right ; | 11:47 |
synthaxx | mtholdenss not yet | 11:47 |
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gav616 | is there any harm in running livecd for over 4 days.. like i have till final is out, then DLin to back HDD then burning..all on memory | 11:47 |
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billy | PirateHead, no. I have to manually start Firestarter in order to stealth my ports. | 11:48 |
Woody_ | 3% here | 11:48 |
scott__ | whats the big prob? just the suspend bug? | 11:48 |
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mtholdenss | then what are all those iso images sitting there for? | 11:48 |
Pooky | scott__: that, and it's an ati card | 11:48 |
synthaxx | gav616 > might be little hard on your cdrom drive, but other then that, shouldn't be a problem | 11:48 |
Pooky | scott__: the camera is kind of flaky | 11:48 |
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=== Phoenix34 back | ||
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apus | US MIRROR | 11:48 |
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PirateHead | billy: you need to write a firewall configuration file in order to make the rules permanent. Then, the kernel will do the firewalling without Firestarter even intervening. | 11:48 |
Pooky | scott__: but, no suspend and such, can get really annoying really fast, when it's a laptop | 11:48 |
mtholdenss | there seems to be images sitting here wonder if final.. | 11:48 |
Sengar | | 11:48 |
gav616 | ppl will be sharing pre-allocated 1's and 0's | 11:48 |
r3c0n | hi | 11:48 |
Pooky | scott__: oh yeah, overheats like a fiend too | 11:49 |
elkbuntu | mtholdenss, they are *not* final yet | 11:49 |
Pooky | scott__: and battery life management is lacking | 11:49 |
insmod | elkbuntuorrect the usplash_down ug?>does it c | 11:49 |
mtholdenss | elkbuntu then what are they then? | 11:49 |
billy | PirateHead, sounds like I need to learn another language. | 11:49 |
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scott__ | yeh i thnk ill w8 untill they release the santarosa based veriants | 11:49 |
Phoenix34 | lets hear a song | 11:49 |
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scott__ | shouldnt be that much longer newho | 11:49 |
__bmgz__ | Is this the final release?????? | 11:49 |
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elkbuntu | mtholdenss, not final | 11:49 |
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Phoenix34 | numa numa numa eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 11:49 |
scott__ | *crosses fingers* | 11:49 |
Pooky | scott__: hrm, haven't heard of that | 11:49 |
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Pooky | scott__: url | 11:49 |
PirateHead | Wait... release tomorrow? Isn't the release today? | 11:49 |
PirateHead | finally loaded, and release tomorrow? | 11:49 |
elkbuntu | mtholdenss, they are not final until the developers declare them so | 11:49 |
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insmod | elkbuntu : does it correct the usplash_down ug?>does it c | 11:49 |
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elkbuntu | insmod, dunno | 11:50 |
xarquid | _bmgz_: It will be once the folder(s) are populated with released files? | 11:50 |
gav616 | when anything is dropped into thats the final no question. | 11:50 |
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pressureman | finals look to be in | 11:50 |
atomiku | How can I set up the ip/default gateway/etc through terminal? | 11:50 |
elkbuntu | gav616, no, it is not | 11:50 |
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Woody_ | anyone already downloaded the final Fiesty? | 11:50 |
scott__ | | 11:50 |
tanzib | . | 11:50 |
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gav616 | elkbuntu: why not? | 11:50 |
Pooky | anyone know why my shift key would not work properly in beryl | 11:50 |
laichzeit | someone reboot | 11:50 |
pressureman | torrent trackers are having a bit of a headache tho | 11:50 |
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elkbuntu | gav616, because the image there may have some corruption | 11:50 |
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Pooky | it works fine for beryl, but not any windows it controls | 11:50 |
elkbuntu | gav616, until it's confirmed as final, it is not final | 11:50 |
Pooky | and it works fine if switch back to metacity | 11:51 |
Phoenix34 | ubuntu or kubuntu ? | 11:51 |
pressureman | elkbuntu, ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso ubuntu-7.04-server-amd64.iso ubuntu-7.04-server-i386.iso are the same as the last daily's | 11:51 |
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Yatzy | urk | 11:51 |
pressureman | md5sums check out ok | 11:51 |
lancaster | is this final? | 11:51 |
Pooky | ubuntulog: | 11:51 |
PirateHead | billy: packet management help in included with the system help files. | 11:51 |
pressureman | i had them downloaded from a couple of days ago | 11:51 |
Pooky | err, ubuntu | 11:51 |
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Phoenix34 | :) | 11:51 |
PirateHead | billy: I have never used firestarter, so I don't know how it works... but it's fairly easy to do package management using kernel firewalling config files. | 11:51 |
mtholdenss | elbuntu, i go with what you say, and play it safe until its announcd... | 11:51 |
Seveas | !feisty | 11:52 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 11:52 |
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Seveas | let's repeat that a bit: | 11:52 |
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Seveas | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 11:52 |
windwiny-ubuntu7 | .... haolei, feisty | 11:52 |
gav616 | OPS will spam the room will "final final final" hopefully | 11:52 |
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Pooky | the bot should just say that to everyone as they join, then we can all ignore the bot | 11:52 |
Seveas | understood? :) | 11:52 |
billy | PirateHead, if it'd load everytime, Firestarter would be perfect. But I'll look into configuring iptables if it never gets resolved. | 11:52 |
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pressureman | <shrug> | 11:52 |
tanzib | Seveas: you are having a wild time of it ;) | 11:52 |
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Phoenix34 | sudo apt-release NOW | 11:52 |
NevroPus | thanks, it worked to install it now, just had to cp all the needed files to the hd | 11:52 |
atomiku | How can I set up the ip/default gateway/etc through terminal? | 11:52 |
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pressureman | i use jigdo to keep daily isos up to date, so whether these are final or not doesn't bother me | 11:53 |
ny83 | torrent tracker broken huh? | 11:53 |
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Seveas | tanzib, meh :) | 11:53 |
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pressureman | if they're not final, they'll only be a few packages different | 11:53 |
Pooky | hate when even google looks at you stupid when you ask it a question | 11:53 |
mtholdenss | so the announcement will be made on here and the homepage of ubuntu that it is final.? | 11:53 |
exs | what's the launch parties irc? | 11:53 |
=== Woody_ is happy | ||
pressureman | i'm not going to download a whole iso again like many people seem to think is the only way | 11:53 |
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PirateHead | billy: I hope you find a better way, since you're happy with firestarter already. | 11:53 |
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Woody_ | pressureman: whats the other way? | 11:53 |
Woody_ | the update isnt working here pressureman | 11:54 |
PirateHead | billy: obviously, it would be best if things just worked the way that you expect them to. :-) | 11:54 |
pressureman | apart from ftp, http and torrent, you can use jigdo | 11:54 |
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Phoenix34 | ^_^ | 11:54 |
pressureman | it amazes me how few people are aware of jigdo... debian community uses it a lot | 11:54 |
billy | PirateHead, well, Firestarter is great. it just doesn't start at boot. worked fine in Edgy. been flaky every since. | 11:54 |
Phoenix34 | sudo apt-get ubuntu | 11:54 |
Phoenix34 | he he | 11:54 |
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pressureman | if you have a daily .iso file sitting around that's fairly recent, just mount it loopback, and tell jigdo to download the latest .jigdo file, and point it at your loopback-mounted directory | 11:55 |
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Phoenix34 | i am so nervous that my mouse is jumping | 11:55 |
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pressureman | it'll grab as many packages as are current from there, build a partial iso, and grab the remaining packages from the repos | 11:55 |
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Phoenix34 | *the | 11:55 |
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PirateHead | I can't figure jigdo out, and that makes me dislike it. :[ | 11:56 |
pressureman | the final iso produced by jigdo is identical to what you can get via http/ftp/torrent | 11:56 |
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pressureman | PirateHead, it's easy | 11:56 |
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elkbuntu | !feisty | 11:57 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 11:57 |
WE | he he | 11:57 |
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=== WE is now known as WE_DEMAND_UBUNTU | ||
PirateHead | pressureman: I tried creating a jigdo file to make an ISO, and I couldn't get it to work. It failed at something or another. Then again, that might have been because I was trying to do it on my windows box. I actually haven't tried it using ubuntu. | 11:57 |
WE_DEMAND_UBUNTU | he he | 11:57 |
atomiku | How can I set up the ip/default gateway/etc through terminal? | 11:57 |
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_bt | atomiku, : man ifconfig | 11:58 |
pressureman | PirateHead, you need to use jigdo-lite to download stuff | 11:58 |
pressureman | the first time you run jigdo-lite it will create a .jigdo-lite pref file in your home dir | 11:58 |
atomiku | _bt: thanks | 11:58 |
atomiku | also, can I use dist-upgrade to upgrade up to 7? | 11:58 |
gav616 | info on jigdo? | 11:58 |
pressureman | edit that and change the "debianMirror" to your usual ubuntu repo | 11:58 |
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pressureman | for example | 11:59 |
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pressureman | then go to the releases dir, copy the url for the .jigdo file you want | 11:59 |
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pressureman | mount your existing iso loopback. eg: mount -o loop existing-daily.iso /mnt | 11:59 |
gav616 | ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent [19-Apr-2007 07:53] interesting... | 12:00 |
MLimburg | everyone run for cover | 12:00 |
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pressureman | run jigdo-lite: jigdo-lite | 12:00 |
MLimburg | it's been released | 12:00 |
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pressureman | when prompted, tell jigdo-lite to scan /mnt | 12:00 |
imbalanc33 | omg its been release :0 | 12:00 |
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pressureman | and the rest is self explanatory | 12:00 |
Seveas | imbalanc33, no it has not | 12:00 |
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imbalanc33 | -_- | 12:00 |
atomiku | _bt: I couldnt seem to find what I wanted in the man page | 12:00 |
PirateHead | Nope, no release yet. Hold your pants already. | 12:00 |
SpiritDrag00n | 1362 people | 12:00 |
SpiritDrag00n | wow | 12:00 |
SpiritDrag00n | most ever in here? | 12:01 |
pressureman | jigdo has saved me many, many megabytes during the testing phase | 12:01 |
Phoenix_G | he he | 12:01 |
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imbalanc33 | did anyone take of screenie of 1337? | 12:01 |
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Pooky | anyone experienced their shift key getting munged by beryl | 12:01 |
Seveas | imbalanc33, yes | 12:01 |
Seveas | several | 12:01 |
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gav616 | is that 19th torrent the final but the team are not releasing it on the tracker yet? | 12:01 |
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Phoenix_G | nope | 12:01 |
pressureman | also, some of the isos share a lot of files - eg, the server and desktop of a particular arch | 12:01 |
imbalanc33 | tok lol | 12:01 |
synthaxx | imbalanc33 > | 12:01 |
MLimburg | yeah .. from what i'm seeing, mirrors are now being pipulated | 12:01 |
Pepper | SpiritDrag00n: and we thought it was awesome with 1337 people here :p | 12:01 |
Phoenix_G | we w8 until we hit 1500 | 12:01 |
MLimburg | beta is being removed from the paths | 12:01 |
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MLimburg | ubuntu forums change | 12:02 |
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atomiku | hmm | 12:02 |
atomiku | damnit | 12:02 |
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SpiritDrag00n | lol i did a screenie with 1337 in ere earlier | 12:02 |
Xintruuder | hi | 12:02 |
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atomiku | _bt: Its that I gotta leave now | 12:02 |
atomiku | but I need this command | 12:02 |
tanzib | Seveas: haha | 12:02 |
Xintruuder | Where can I ask a question related to it, but not to ubuntu ? | 12:02 |
SpiritDrag00n | oO | 12:02 |
fastly | when is feisty released? | 12:02 |
tanzib | !topic | 12:02 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 12:02 |
billy | who cares? | 12:02 |
Phoenix_G | today | 12:02 |
Phoenix_G | i hope | 12:03 |
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billy | answer: nobody. | 12:03 |
Pooky | HAHA | 12:03 |
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r3c0n | is it just me or is experiencing problems? | 12:03 |
gav616 | ddosy | 12:03 |
Pooky | I turned my caps lock into a shift | 12:03 |
Pooky | yay. | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 12:03 |
glooze | ha several visitors :p | 12:03 |
glooze | *has | 12:03 |
gav616 | just a bit.. | 12:03 |
glooze | It may be slow :p | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | yea it has a couple thoudand | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | *thousamd | 12:03 |
kekkoxxxx | site out | 12:03 |
gav616 | spellcheck ^ | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | grr | 12:03 |
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glooze | Nothing unusual :p | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | i know | 12:03 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 12:03 |
gav616 | :) | 12:04 |
SpiritDrag00n | my hands are cold | 12:04 |
Phoenix_G | :)- | 12:04 |
ElllisD | am i muted in here too? | 12:04 |
SpiritDrag00n | i cant type properly with cold hands | 12:04 |
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MLimburg | development forum has shifted to gibbon | 12:04 |
ledemente | ElllisD: Nope... | 12:04 |
r3c0n | lot of tongue emotes, im getting a strange vibe.. | 12:04 |
gav616 | sure...^_^ | 12:04 |
=== r3c0n steps back | ||
ElllisD | ty | 12:04 |
myUserName | feisty is released today isnt it?? does anyone know what time? | 12:04 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 12:04 |
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ledemente | ElllisD: no problem | 12:04 |
MLimburg | doesnt matter *when* | 12:04 |
MLimburg | it'll flow through the mirrors when it does | 12:04 |
SpiritDrag00n | someone gimme 1p for everytime feisty is mentioned | 12:04 |
SpiritDrag00n | the mirrors have it | 12:04 |
deepsa | its released and i am downloading it at 49k | 12:04 |
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ledemente | SpiritDrag00n: How bout no? | 12:04 |
Seveas | it's not released | 12:04 |
ElllisD | how does one earn the +m anyway? did I ask a too-long question or something? | 12:04 |
MLimburg | there ya go | 12:04 |
glooze | myUserName, give some money, maybe you'll get an answer | 12:04 |
JGJones | heh, people should read the topic :) | 12:05 |
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Seveas | !feisty | 12:05 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:05 |
ootm | lancaster, looks like it | 12:05 |
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SpiritDrag00n | ledemente, then what am i d\l from the mirrors which dont have the BETA folder? | 12:05 |
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lancaster | ootm, thxs | 12:05 |
xarquid | Ellis: It is earned by the users in the channel!'s a channel mode a channel operator sets? What are you asking? :P | 12:05 |
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gav616 | any 1 want another 1337 pic :) ? | 12:05 |
twobrandys | Anyone know where the Feisty Bambi party is in London? | 12:05 |
capiira | hehe looks like is overloaded | 12:06 |
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lorsche | how do i determine uuid for a drive? | 12:06 |
ledemente | SpiritDrag00n: that was a no to giving you 1p for every mention. xD | 12:06 |
deepsa | gav616, yeah me? | 12:06 |
gav616 | | 12:06 |
SpiritDrag00n | ooo | 12:06 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 12:06 |
SpiritDrag00n | :P | 12:06 |
myUserName | glooze: i did not ask you specifically so unhelpful comments such as "give me money are just stupid" | 12:06 |
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ElllisD | i asked if the release was really happening today | 12:06 |
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xarquid | Yes, Ellis. But not at this nanosecond :) | 12:06 |
Woody1 | please i want a mirror for the middle east | 12:06 |
ElllisD | and if theres a link between feisty hype for the sake of coffee sales | 12:06 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol just timed out on me | 12:06 |
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xarquid | yes, of course there is! | 12:06 |
glooze | Oh | 12:06 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol ElllisD | 12:06 |
glooze | Some people must learn to laugh a little | 12:07 |
xarquid | Starbucks just saw a +2% increase in their stock | 12:07 |
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xarquid | Well, when the market opens in NYC that is... | 12:07 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by Seveas | ||
xarquid | It will... | 12:07 |
Phoenix_G | :) = | 12:07 |
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SpiritDrag00n | ahhh ELinks ftwe | 12:07 |
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gav616 | buntu should make a phone | 12:07 |
Riesen | need help with intel pro wireless 2200 | 12:07 |
capiira | hmmm release is tomorrow is this banner since yesterday on the site? | 12:07 |
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Riesen | can't get it to work with ubuntu | 12:07 |
deepsa | Seveas, why i am banned in #ubuntu-release-party? | 12:07 |
TimothyP | Hello, I'm using ubuntu on macbook pro, but the keyboard layout is an azerty layout on my macbook, how can I manually edit the keyboard layout, is there a tool I can install ? | 12:07 |
linxeh | #ubuntu-release-party | 12:07 |
linxeh | oops | 12:08 |
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xavickson | Is ubuntu 7.04 released yet ? | 12:08 |
gav616 | yesno | 12:08 |
ledemente | xavickson: Yep | 12:08 |
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imbalanc33 | no | 12:08 |
Seveas | !feisty | xavickson | 12:08 |
glooze | TimothyP, there's an applet in Gnome to do it with a gui | 12:08 |
ubotu | xavickson: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:08 |
xavickson | yes or not ? | 12:08 |
ny83 | no | 12:08 |
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windwiny-ubuntu7 | | 12:08 |
gav616 | yesno | 12:08 |
TimothyP | glooze any idea what the name is? | 12:08 |
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ledemente | ... | 12:08 |
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imbalanc33 | lol | 12:08 |
TimothyP | as I need to configure it from scratch | 12:08 |
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ledemente | It is released... o__O | 12:09 |
xavickson | thanks windwiny-ubuntu7 :D | 12:09 |
TimothyP | as there is no azerty macbook pro layout in gnome | 12:09 |
Symmetria | Hrm | 12:09 |
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Nalleman | is there anyone here that uses picasa? | 12:09 |
Symmetria | Ok, the .za person who is emailing me :) | 12:09 |
Phoenix_G | stop confusing people | 12:09 |
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Symmetria | what nick are they on :p | 12:09 |
Symmetria | so I can talk to them | 12:09 |
imbalanc33 | thats the beta | 12:09 |
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Symmetria | Kiran :p whatever your nick is message me | 12:09 |
Mr_Mirsal | Hey folks ! | 12:09 |
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glooze | On #ubuntu-fr, we have many people saying "it's been released" all the time. | 12:09 |
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Riesen | that's the beta? or it's the final, jsut not officially released yet | 12:09 |
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m4st3r | ubuntu 7.04 is out? | 12:09 |
Evil | no ! | 12:10 |
glooze | I thought you'll have more guys like that | 12:10 |
Zorlin | Anyone need support? Ask me | 12:10 |
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glooze | It seems not :p | 12:10 |
Seveas | !feisty | 12:10 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:10 |
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Seveas | IT IS NOT OUT | 12:10 |
gav616 | daily, herd, beta, RC, downtime, final | 12:10 |
Symmetria | it is out | 12:10 |
Symmetria | definately out | 12:10 |
glooze | ... | 12:10 |
deepsa | Seveas, ? | 12:10 |
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Vuen | windwiny-ubuntu7: what is that a link to? is it the release candidate? | 12:10 |
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pressureman | why are people saying it's not out? | 12:10 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by Seveas | ||
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TimothyP | glooze did you mean the keyboard app in system perferences, because that does not allow me to manually assign keys | 12:10 |
Seveas | because it's not out | 12:10 |
devilz | sure it is out -> | 12:10 |
gav616 | RC on the 19th i suspect. | 12:10 |
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rsk | pressureman cause its not | 12:11 |
tanzib | retard question -- how do i turn off joins and parts on xchat-gnome? | 12:11 |
Seveas | devilz, ffs | 12:11 |
mellow_bunny | because it has not been officially released | 12:11 |
pressureman | what is their evidence that the files are not the official, final release? | 12:11 |
Seveas | IT'S NOT OUT | 12:11 |
glooze | Seveas, be brave, it's a quest. You must stay on the good side of the Force :p | 12:11 |
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Phoenix_G | test | 12:12 |
Phoenix_G | test | 12:12 |
gav616 | everyone dead? | 12:12 |
Phoenix_G | tost | 12:12 |
devilz | yeah | 12:12 |
Seveas | remember: it's not out yet. | 12:12 |
gav616 | lol | 12:12 |
devilz | rofl | 12:12 |
mojojojo_ | how can I attach key shortcut to custom tools in Gnome???? | 12:12 |
windwiny-ubuntu7 | Can see 7.04 is today released. | 12:12 |
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pressureman | guys, remember, the sky isn't blue. you just think it is. | 12:13 |
gav616 | its a fake | 12:13 |
devilz | bob is lying *g* | 12:13 |
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Riesen | It's not officially released, stop yapping people | 12:13 |
Nalleman | Is it possible to get slideshow in picasa in full screen? | 12:13 |
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Slart | oh, please.. go to the release party channel if you want to shout about feisty | 12:13 |
Seveas | windwiny-ubuntu7, it's released when the announcement mail is sent. Until the isos can be replaced | 12:13 |
c_ | If its not out why is it on the realease page? Just wondering... | 12:13 |
Riesen | It may be the right finals, but it's not released, so shut up | 12:13 |
foka | is the new feisty out already? | 12:13 |
ElllisD | why are my gaim url's opening in konq when default browser's defined as firefox in kcontrol? | 12:13 |
Slart | it's right there #ubuntu-release-party | 12:13 |
Phoenix_G | calm | 12:13 |
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windwiny-ubuntu7 | I don't know . | 12:14 |
Riesen | seveas | 12:14 |
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pressureman | right, these are just the RTM ISO's... but it's not official until the fat lady sings | 12:14 |
Riesen | any idea on intel pro wireless 2200? | 12:14 |
Nalleman | I installed feisty this morning with "install-manager" -d | 12:14 |
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deepsa | pressureman, whos the fat lady | 12:14 |
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pressureman | mark shuttleworth's mother in law | 12:14 |
gav616 | the torrent for the final is out, but its not on the tracker yet.. soo wait | 12:14 |
Seveas | pressureman, Mithrandir isn't a fat lady :) | 12:14 |
deepsa | pressureman, lol | 12:14 |
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Bokeh | gav616: it aint official till the fat lady says so. | 12:15 |
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ectospasm | ElllisD: you need to make sure the browser selection in Gaim is set correctly. Preferences/Browser, make sure it's Firefox and not Konqueror | 12:15 |
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ElllisD | ectospasm: thx- I'll inform the redundant settings police immediateley | 12:15 |
jman_ | Can someone tell me how to upgrade to feisty using the command line? | 12:15 |
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ap1 | is stuck? | 12:15 |
=== FatLady begins lengthy aria | ||
gav616 | ddosy | 12:15 |
ap1 | too much load of new version? | 12:15 |
sc00t3r | Hello | 12:15 |
Nalleman | jman_, gksudo "install-manager -d" | 12:15 |
deepsa | FatLady, are you ms mother in law? | 12:16 |
mellow_bunny | !feisty | 12:16 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:16 |
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gav616 | bet vista dodn't get as much hype | 12:16 |
Vuen | hahaha | 12:16 |
ectospasm | gav616: you mean unpaid hype | 12:16 |
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ElllisD | lol @ gav616 | 12:16 |
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FatLady | deepsa, I am every sexist stereotype ever know: I am your mother in law, I am the granny who uses linux | 12:16 |
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predaeus | tanzib, change .xchat2/xchat.conf the line irc_conf_mode to 0 or 1 don't remember which one. Shows 1 here. | 12:16 |
pressureman | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | Mark Shuttleworth's fat mother in law has not sung yet | 12:16 |
Vuen | #ubuntu-release | 12:16 |
jman_ | Nalleman, "command not found" using edgy here | 12:17 |
c_ | !fiesty | 12:17 |
Riesen | seveas | 12:17 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:17 |
Riesen | any idea on intel pro wireless 2200? | 12:17 |
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sc00t3r | Anyone having issues with the torrent? I'm getting "rejected by tracker - Requested download is not authorized for use with this tracker" - the url is "" | 12:17 |
dj015 | are the ISOs on the official feisty? | 12:17 |
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=== FatLady is warming up vocal chords: "do re me fa so la ti" | ||
rambo3 | official fesity will be KDE based ubuntu | 12:17 |
Seveas | dj015, no | 12:17 |
xarquid | hey orby / matty | 12:17 |
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ElllisD | sc00t3r: I heard that torrent's an iso dated the 15th | 12:17 |
dj015 | thten what are they? | 12:17 |
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gav616 | hope the achieve for updates and stuff is not hammed after release | 12:17 |
Phoenix_G | 1366 :) | 12:17 |
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gav616 | <---- 1337 shot | 12:18 |
Phoenix_G | +1 | 12:18 |
Riesen | anyone know anything about getting an intel wireless card working on ubuntu? | 12:18 |
sc00t3r | I already have a copy of the iso dated 15th, can I assume that this build hasn't changed since? | 12:18 |
ElllisD | is there a way to get synaptic to compile everything @ i686? | 12:18 |
Nalleman | jman_, sorry. have a peek at google.. ;) | 12:18 |
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Seveas | sc00t3r, no | 12:18 |
Lbawinowns | Is feisty really coming out today :)? | 12:18 |
Seveas | it has changed | 12:18 |
Xintruuder | is athabasca (Canada) a good online university? | 12:18 |
Seveas | Lbawinowns, yes | 12:18 |
Xintruuder | ops | 12:18 |
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Xintruuder | wrong channel | 12:18 |
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Xintruuder | sry | 12:18 |
Mr_Mirsal | Lbawinowns, Yup. | 12:18 |
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sc00t3r | okidoki - patience is probably the best course then at the mo | 12:19 |
Lbawinowns | won't the servers get overloaded when 100,000 nerds at once will download feisty :p ? | 12:19 |
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MLimburg | happened last time | 12:19 |
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H3g3m0n | The timestamps on are from the 15th :/ | 12:19 |
gav616 | am not a nerd, am a none ms user | 12:19 |
MLimburg | use torrents | 12:19 |
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dj015 | the timestamps on are from the 19th | 12:19 |
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ElllisD | the iso-posting guy's waiting for the room count to get below 50 before releasing | 12:19 |
tom56 | torrents are broken | 12:19 |
gav616 | the torrent is 19th | 12:19 |
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gav616 | its not on the tracker yet | 12:19 |
Morfar2_ | Hi, how do I update from Ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04? 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' don't update for me. | 12:20 |
MLimburg | yeah wait guys | 12:20 |
MLimburg | sheesh | 12:20 |
MLimburg | :P | 12:20 |
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sc00t3r | any ideas on when the torrent tracker issue will be resolved? | 12:20 |
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joshhendo | Morfar2_: Wait until it is released | 12:20 |
Slart | Morfar2_: that's because feisty isn't released yet | 12:20 |
MLimburg | once the tracker is up .. it'll fly | 12:20 |
Morfar2_ | LOL | 12:20 |
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gav616 | me thinks.. anti-climax | 12:20 |
joshhendo | it isn't released until it is announced | 12:20 |
leagris | Morfar2_, sudo update-manager -c | 12:20 |
Morfar2_ | hehe, my bad then | 12:20 |
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Phoenix_G | numa numa eiiiiiiiiiiiii :) - | 12:20 |
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Ferrixman | sorry people... can i ask you for help installing compiz on edgy, on my laptop with ATI X1400??? | 12:21 |
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gav616 | soo wot happened to the old forums then? axed? | 12:21 |
Morfar2_ | leagris: What's that? | 12:21 |
ElllisD | Ferrixman: one word: Envy | 12:21 |
Slart | Ferrixman: ask in #ubuntu-effects instead | 12:21 |
dj015 | how do we know is not the official release, it has the right timestamp? | 12:21 |
reep | Ferrixman: try #ubuntu-effects | 12:21 |
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Slart | Ferrixman: it's what they do in there =) | 12:21 |
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KnowledgEngineer | hello | 12:21 |
Ferrixman | thanks | 12:21 |
deepsa | hi | 12:21 |
Phoenix_G | ma e hoooooooo | 12:21 |
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KnowledgEngineer | i use ubuntu and not kubuntu | 12:21 |
Phoenix_G | ma e hiiiiiiiii | 12:21 |
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Phoenix_G | ma e haha | 12:21 |
KnowledgEngineer | i has install amsn | 12:21 |
sc00t3r | ^Envy for ATi and nVidia support | 12:21 |
KnowledgEngineer | amsn is writed using QT | 12:21 |
KnowledgEngineer | the character on amsn are to small | 12:22 |
Ferrixman | what's Envy? | 12:22 |
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Ferrixman | never heard about it | 12:22 |
KnowledgEngineer | how can i increment the font size? | 12:22 |
c_ | Yay fiesty is at 27 percent | 12:22 |
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glooze | amsn uses tk, btw | 12:22 |
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KnowledgEngineer | a ok | 12:22 |
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ElllisD | Ferrixman: a graphics driver installer- fix-all helper check out the forums for the url | 12:22 |
KnowledgEngineer | is possible increment the amsn font size | 12:22 |
predaeus | !return > KnowledgEngineer | 12:23 |
sc00t3r | It's this: | 12:23 |
KnowledgEngineer | ? | 12:23 |
__bmgz__ | Any working torrents anywhere? | 12:23 |
Phoenix_G | hey | 12:23 |
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Phoenix_G | is a mess | 12:23 |
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joshhendo | __bmgz__: it hasn't been officially released yet | 12:23 |
_Luks | omg | 12:23 |
_Luks | the torrent says | 12:23 |
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gav616 | when enabling "restricted drivers| for ATI, it should do 'sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv' cmd | 12:23 |
Mr_Mirsal | __bmgz__, I think | 12:23 |
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Ferrixman | ElllisD, i have no problem installing drivers, i've already done it | 12:23 |
sc00t3r | atleast the IRC channel hasn't bombed ;o) | 12:23 |
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Slart | Phoenix_G: yes.. because of the next version of feisty.. read topic | 12:23 |
T0uCH | its not ubuntu-linux .com or something like that? | 12:23 |
grout | is there a mirror or anyplace i can download feisty torren? | 12:23 |
_Luks | the FEISTY torrent says: rejected by tracker | 12:23 |
grout | torrent | 12:24 |
__bmgz__ | Mr_Mirsal: naah traker down | 12:24 |
Phoenix_G | ok :) | 12:24 |
Mr_Mirsal | Oh. | 12:24 |
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ElllisD | Ferrixman: owell- that was the hardest part for me on the box i got it to work on- the rest was from how-tos found from | 12:24 |
jman_ | upgrade to feisty has begun! :-D | 12:24 |
jman_ | !feisty | 12:24 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:24 |
XiXaQ | :) | 12:24 |
gav616 | its not been added to the fecking tracker.. because its not been... er.... er......... released! | 12:24 |
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_Luks | gav616: reealy ? | 12:24 |
glooze | just do gksudo "update-manager -c -d" if you want to upgrade. But it's the beta. It has not been released yet. | 12:24 |
_Luks | o_O | 12:24 |
gav616 | o rly? rly | 12:24 |
kulet | hi i'm on live-cd now... is it possible to see/write/read my window partition?...... HOW? | 12:25 |
_Luks | 12:25 | |
deepsa | ): | 12:25 |
ElllisD | kulet: captive-ntfs | 12:25 |
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Slart | kulet: you can read/write ntfs using ntfs-3g | 12:25 |
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ectospasm | is acting slow? | 12:25 |
laichzeit | while you're waiting for the release, watch this: | 12:25 |
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Slart | ectospasm: yes | 12:25 |
dj015 | i bet you're lying to us Seveas, is official and you're telling us it's not so you can be the first to get it :) | 12:25 |
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kulet | i'm in live cd | 12:25 |
Phoenix_G | lets ding | 12:26 |
kulet | and i'm noob :) | 12:26 |
Phoenix_G | sing | 12:26 |
gav616 | 8^() | 12:26 |
Pooky | yay | 12:26 |
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Ferrixman | ElllisD, i've followed instruction on wiki to install proper driver for my ati card, now it works out of the box | 12:26 |
Pooky | I fixed it, I just made a giant xmodmap for the entire keyboard using xkeycaps | 12:26 |
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ElllisD | dj015: Seveas's bonus is tied to bandwidth saving | 12:26 |
Slart | kulet: I don't know how much is included in the live cd.. but ntfs-3g is one thing to look for.. you can read ntfs discs with just plain ntfs... the captive thing I don't know .. haven't used it myself | 12:26 |
reep | when it's released, I guess update-manager will allow the feisty upgrade without the -c or -d options | 12:26 |
Pooky | and now beryl is all, OH, THAT Shift key | 12:26 |
sc00t3r | Can we assume that the "released" version will have a working implementation of Network Manager with decent Wireless support for rt2x00 cards? ---> sharp exit! | 12:26 |
gav616 | Ferrixman: make sure u do sudo aticonfig --overlay-type=Xv | 12:27 |
Pooky | sc00t3r: you can assume anything you like sir | 12:27 |
Ferrixman | gav616, what's that for? | 12:27 |
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sc00t3r | LOL | 12:27 |
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gav616 | overlay for playing video.. if not video sucks anal hairs | 12:27 |
Ferrixman | i'm a newbie, you know | 12:27 |
Morfar2_ | I think 7.04 was released today | 12:27 |
Morfar2_ | think = thought | 12:27 |
Phoenix_G | :)- | 12:27 |
Ferrixman | gav616, if i'm not wrong, i've already done it | 12:28 |
kulet | i'm searching but.... i go here just to make a quick answer :) | 12:28 |
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Slart | Morfar2_: we did too.. and today isn't finished yet | 12:28 |
Ferrixman | how can i check if i did? | 12:28 |
SlimeyPete | Morfar2_: today isn't over yet | 12:28 |
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schwuk | !feisty | Morfar2_ | 12:28 |
ubotu | Morfar2_: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:28 |
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Kim^J | Isn't this the release day for Fiesty? | 12:28 |
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sc00t3r | ^the day hasn't even started for some -- give it until 2pm when the majority of the west coast of the US wake up and start pounding --> worse than the digg effect ! | 12:29 |
gav616 | <--- better then using restricted drivers, in beta version anyways.. maybe fix in final | 12:29 |
Slart | Kim^J: yes, it is | 12:29 |
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Slart | Kim^J: but it isn't out yet | 12:29 |
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Kim^J | Argh! | 12:29 |
Kim^J | Why? | 12:29 |
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phos-phoros | | 12:29 |
Slart | Kim^J: because you didn't eat your veggies.. ;) | 12:29 |
Kim^J | I wanna dump my Fedora for Ubuntu. :( | 12:29 |
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gav616 | well done with the torrent link.. good for ur mother | 12:29 |
Kim^J | Slart: Argh... I love veggies. :) | 12:29 |
Broken_H | Are you guys totally flooded with idiots trying the new release, or do you have patience enough to boot me in the right direction with two problems? | 12:29 |
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deepsa | Broken_H, /join #null | 12:30 |
T0uCH | what are ALL THESE TORRENT!!????? | 12:30 |
Kim^J | Broken_H: Hit it. | 12:30 |
schwuk | Kim^J: but Ubuntu doesn't keep your head warm/dry | 12:30 |
Slart | Kim^J: I guess they have to do stuff.. upload images, update pages etc etc.. | 12:30 |
ElllisD | Broken_H: what? | 12:30 |
Kim^J | Mkay.. | 12:30 |
ep2011 | why isnt the torrent link working? | 12:30 |
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T0uCH | cause its crap | 12:30 |
ep2011 | it says "Bad response (status code=?)" | 12:30 |
Broken_H | Kim: Uhm. Normal boot = black screen and nothing else. VGA mode works _sometimes_ but it won't connect to the wifi network (WEP) so I can't get driver updates. | 12:30 |
Phoenix_G | he he | 12:30 |
gav616 | u will know when its out coz the devs have a backdoor that spams ur ports and gives u a link in ur ear | 12:30 |
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schwuk | ep2011: because it's not out yet? | 12:30 |
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predaeus | People please read the channel's topic: No, Feisty isn't out yet. - Please do all your waiting in #ubuntu-release-party and keep this channel support-related | 12:30 |
ep2011 | oh | 12:31 |
ep2011 | sorry | 12:31 |
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rambo3 | Broken_H, do you have ethernet? | 12:31 |
deepsa | !fiesty | Broken_H | 12:31 |
ubotu | Broken_H: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:31 |
_aLeSD | so who triend 7.04 ? How is it ? | 12:31 |
ElllisD | Broken_H: but normal boot connects? | 12:31 |
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laichzeit | _aLeSD, it looks a bit too much like Vista imho | 12:31 |
Slart | Broken_H: I had some problems booting with USB stuff connected... such as my external dvd drive.. but those problems are gone now... guess they updated something | 12:31 |
Broken_H | ubotu: Why does the ISO I downloaded from the mirror say 7.04 then? | 12:31 |
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deepsa | lol | 12:31 |
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_aLeSD | laichzeit: could I suggest it to windows user ? | 12:31 |
phos-phoros | hehe | 12:31 |
Broken_H | rambo3: In I pinch, I can. | 12:31 |
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Slart | Broken_H: ubotu is a bot | 12:31 |
predaeus | !bot > Broken_H | 12:31 |
Broken_H | Slart: I just figured that out :). | 12:32 |
laichzeit | _aLeSD, yeah | 12:32 |
deepsa | lol | 12:32 |
deepsa | broken is broken | 12:32 |
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Slart | Broken_H: =) | 12:32 |
_aLeSD | laichzeit: I mean people that don't know a console | 12:32 |
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Broken_H | Indeed. I haven't used *NIX since uhm, darn. -93 I think. | 12:32 |
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laichzeit | _aLeSD, definately, ubuntu is for n00bs | 12:32 |
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_aLeSD | ok ... this is why I use gentoo | 12:32 |
_aLeSD | :) | 12:32 |
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laichzeit | _aLeSD, me too, but I like ubuntu cause it's quick and easy | 12:33 |
ElllisD | I think ubuntu is for people who value their time- I like lunar for speed & ubuntu for usability | 12:33 |
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T0uCH | what happens if i install all the package in synactic? | 12:34 |
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Ferrixman | i don't know how to let beryl or compiz to work how they should... can someone help me? | 12:34 |
Phoenix_G | i hope the server support all users :) | 12:34 |
Broken_H | I think Ubuntu is for those that want it, and other distros for those that want those, and I think Hell is the place for people who do prickwaving of one OS/distro over another. | 12:34 |
Ferrixman | nobody answers in #ubuntu-effects | 12:34 |
reep | T0uCH: you run out of disk space? | 12:34 |
_aLeSD | laichzeit: but I love the work that you are doing ... I mean a OS hasn't to be complicated for noobs . I hope ubuntu will reach the scope to kill win | 12:34 |
ElllisD | Ferrixman: sorry dude | 12:34 |
T0uCH | i dont know :P | 12:34 |
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_aLeSD | bye | 12:35 |
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laichzeit | _aLeSD, world wide domination is proceeding as planned | 12:35 |
Ferrixman | the problem is: beryl works well, 3D effects ok, animations ok, everything ok, BUT: my keyboard doesn't work as it should | 12:35 |
T0uCH | there is a tag with : Upgrade all | 12:35 |
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Wicks | macbook pro screens bug never got fixed :( was looking forward to feisty as well | 12:35 |
reep | Ferrixman: that happened to me to, go to system -> preferences -> keyboard and set it up again | 12:35 |
scrimple | hello, i'm trying to get a driver for my chipset on win-modem "Agere.SV2P" does anyone know what the latest news on getting this is? I've searched forums and net but have come to a dead end. | 12:36 |
Phoenix_G | lets hear music | 12:36 |
Ferrixman | i've tried... i'll try again | 12:36 |
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Ferrixman | brb | 12:36 |
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KnowledgEngineer | festy is the new ubuntu release? | 12:37 |
Slart | yes | 12:37 |
Broken_H | Yes. | 12:37 |
piao | yes | 12:37 |
Slart | !feisty | 12:37 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 12:37 |
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Broken_H | How can it be NOT released when it's on the mirrors? | 12:37 |
KnowledgEngineer | is possible update to feisty ? | 12:37 |
T0uCH | its bullshit on the mirror | 12:37 |
KnowledgEngineer | now i'm using edgy | 12:37 |
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elkbuntu | Broken_H, because what is on the mirrors may yet change | 12:38 |
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Slart | Broken_H: there are lots of stuff on the mirrors.. at least check the date on the files | 12:38 |
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T0uCH | wait for upgrade manager you will be sure | 12:38 |
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Broken_H | T0uCH: The image label is Ubuntu 7.04 amd6 for me, that's why I grabbed it. | 12:38 |
laichzeit | date says 15h april for .iso, 19th april for torrents. | 12:38 |
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Seveas | the mirrors don't contain bullshit, but Feisty is not released until the release announcement is sent | 12:38 |
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ElllisD | i need a distro that can track cat-toys around the house out-of-the-box | 12:39 |
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VSpike | can I list the creation date of files with ls? | 12:39 |
predaeus | !language | 12:39 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:39 |
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Slart | ElllisD: all linux distros do that ;) | 12:39 |
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T0uCH | but what does everybody are downloading if feisty is not out yet? | 12:39 |
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ElllisD | Slart: apt-get install cattoylojack | 12:40 |
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Slart | ElllisD: they just don't tell you the results =) | 12:40 |
jrib | VSpike: ext3 doesn't keep track of creation date | 12:40 |
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KnowledgEngineer | how can i upgrade from edgy to feisty ??' | 12:40 |
phos-phoros | You mean, like OSX or Darwin? | 12:40 |
VSpike | jrib: okay, thanks | 12:40 |
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SpiritDrag00n | are we there yet? | 12:40 |
afd_ | hi guys! is there any menu such as tasty menu for ubuntu gnome? | 12:40 |
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glooze | KnowledgEngineer, gksudo "update-manager -c" | 12:40 |
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Seveas | KnowledgEngineer, when it's released, update manager will show you it wants to update | 12:40 |
phos-phoros | 16 minutes and counting. | 12:40 |
SpiritDrag00n | lol | 12:40 |
SpiritDrag00n | people seem to do this every hour | 12:41 |
ElllisD | phos-phoros: really? | 12:41 |
SpiritDrag00n | 16mins n so on | 12:41 |
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reep | VSpike: if you are thinking about ctime, you can list with ls -lc or ls -ltc (man ls) | 12:41 |
phos-phoros | ElllisD: until my torrent is finished downloading, yes. | 12:41 |
ElllisD | that'd be 76 mins as of last hype spike | 12:41 |
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aurel17 | when is final feisty released? | 12:41 |
ElllisD | o | 12:41 |
T0uCH | we need to do that : gksudo "update-manager -c" ??????????????? | 12:41 |
Phoenix_G | where is the clock for the final release :? :) | 12:41 |
No_Way_Out | still not working | 12:41 |
mc44 | Seveas: hmm someone is saying update-manager -d isnt working atm. I wonder if that is a release prep artifact | 12:41 |
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SpiritDrag00n | it's quietend down now | 12:41 |
VSpike | reep: I saw reference to ctime in there, but I'm not 100% sure i know what it is | 12:42 |
SpiritDrag00n | i know there should be a clock | 12:42 |
Riesen | buffer I/O error on device fd0 | 12:42 |
Seveas | mc44, probably | 12:42 |
Riesen | is that a bad burn? | 12:42 |
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Riesen | or is that the files fubared | 12:42 |
jrib | VSpike: | 12:42 |
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Jordan_U | T0uCH, I think you just need to run System -> Administration -> Update Manager | 12:42 |
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T0uCH | there nothing to apgrade | 12:43 |
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DIguana | The website isn't loading for me. Has 7.04 been released, or is that due out later today? | 12:43 |
Jordan_U | T0uCH, That's because Feisty isn't released yet | 12:43 |
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umop | How do I update to Gutsy? | 12:43 |
Riesen | buffer I/O error on device fd0, does that mean i had a abd burn and my cd files got messed up? or the file was corrupt? or what? | 12:43 |
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highvoltage | umop: you don't | 12:44 |
Jordan_U | umop, Gutsy doesn't exist yet | 12:44 |
MaX_ManIc | o MmikeDOMA :D | 12:44 |
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umop | highvoltage, Okay. | 12:44 |
MmikeDOMA | MaX_ManIc, ;) | 12:44 |
DIguana | So, is 7.04 out? | 12:44 |
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ElllisD | I wanna update to caffeinated | 12:44 |
umop | DIguana, No. | 12:44 |
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grout | Digg says it has just been released | 12:45 |
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DIguana | Ah. I thought that might have been why the page wasn't loading, so I was going to ask for a torrent here. | 12:45 |
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highvoltage | grout: ouch. do you have a link? | 12:45 |
grout | here is a mirror | 12:45 |
grout | | 12:45 |
grout | | 12:45 |
umop | Cool. | 12:45 |
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grout | | 12:45 |
ElllisD | any iso got now will be replaced upon the real release | 12:45 |
Riesen | man.. 5th time around, no one answering my question | 12:45 |
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grout | | 12:46 |
grout | go to that link | 12:46 |
ElllisD | Riesen: whazzat | 12:46 |
xarquid | Notice that half of those files on those links are not current by date modified. | 12:46 |
umop | Remember to seed the torrent guys ;) | 12:46 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*] by Seveas | ||
phos-phoros | 7 minutes, and it's mine!!! All MINE!!!1111 | 12:46 |
Ferrixman | i've tried to reconfigure my keyboard under the beryl session, still not working, anyway | 12:46 |
Seveas | stop the nonsense | 12:46 |
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Seveas | feisty was NOT officially released | 12:46 |
Seveas | digg is as premature as ever | 12:46 |
Riesen | ellisd | 12:46 |
Riesen | buffer I/O error on device fd0, does that mean i had a abd burn and my cd files got messed up? or the file was corrupt? or what? | 12:46 |
umop | Of course. | 12:46 |
Phoenix_G | w8ing | 12:46 |
Seveas | if digg were a penis, he'd always do premature ejaculations. | 12:47 |
mellow_bunny | roffle | 12:47 |
defrysk | :/ | 12:47 |
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The-Doc | yo | 12:47 |
ElllisD | Riesen: d'ya have a floppy in there? are you doing grub to it or something? | 12:47 |
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dj015 | ElllisD, how do you know? do you work for canonical? | 12:47 |
H3g3m0n | Just about all companies copy from each other, generally in both directions | 12:47 |
Riesen | naw, it's a laptop, with a bay | 12:47 |
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AmyRose | o.o | 12:47 |
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Riesen | and i'm using a beta install of feisty, trying to get it to isntall off disk | 12:48 |
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MLimburg | sif use digg as a source of timing or truth :P | 12:48 |
H3g3m0n | MS copied UI from Apple who copied it from Xerox | 12:48 |
ElllisD | dj015: no, but common sense would dictate the possibility being strong... | 12:48 |
DIguana | Is there an ETA for 7.04, or is it just some time today? | 12:48 |
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umop | DIguana, Very soon. | 12:48 |
umop | Minutes. | 12:48 |
deepsa | lol | 12:48 |
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Seveas | DIguana, umop: hours is more likely | 12:48 |
boky | few days I'm waiting 19. aprile for new ubuntu, but steel nothing! when it's appeare? | 12:48 |
umop | Seveas, Don't say that :( | 12:49 |
Seveas | boky, in a few hours :) | 12:49 |
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defrysk | hours is also minutes just times 60 | 12:49 |
deepsa | lol | 12:49 |
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Riesen | ellisd | 12:49 |
Riesen | any idea? | 12:49 |
umop | OMFG It's released | 12:49 |
defrysk | one could even say it will be out in seconds | 12:49 |
ElllisD | y? | 12:49 |
antonym55 | some guy give this address | 12:49 |
Seveas | umop, it's not | 12:49 |
deepsa | its fake antonym55 | 12:49 |
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boky | I CAN'T WAIT | 12:49 |
Seveas | antonym55, a release is more than some isos. | 12:50 |
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defrysk | I can wait | 12:50 |
phos-phoros | Seveas: is the latest release? | 12:50 |
Phoenix_G | coffe will help you | 12:50 |
deepsa | no | 12:50 |
reep | only a few million milli seconds left! | 12:50 |
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Phoenix_G | :)= | 12:50 |
DIguana | I'm just eager to get my main desktop off of Gentoo (Ubuntu 6.10 uses the 2.6.17 kernel which doesn't support my motherboard's IDE controller or NIC.) | 12:50 |
defrysk | reep, thats about it | 12:50 |
ElllisD | Riesen: are you doing anything w/ a floppy? maybe installing a bootloader there? | 12:50 |
Seveas | phos-phoros, the latest release is 6.10 so no :) | 12:50 |
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phos-phoros | ha ha | 12:50 |
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Ferrixman | sorry, all of you are talking about the release of 7.04, so if i try to ask for help I can't get any | 12:50 |
umop | DIguana, I know how you feel. | 12:50 |
laichzeit | well everyone on digg thinks it's out | 12:50 |
shab | upgrade to feisty hangs while configuring(postint) xserver-org | 12:50 |
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defrysk | laichzeit, digg-heads | 12:50 |
Ferrixman | i think there is a dedicated chan on here... | 12:50 |
shab | I am using nvidia-legacy driver | 12:51 |
chemaja | digg is retardo | 12:51 |
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Riesen | naw, i don't even have a floppy man | 12:51 |
Riesen | it's jsut the cd i burned. | 12:51 |
ElllisD | #ubuntu-release-party | 12:51 |
Seveas | laichzeit, there's a reason why 'digg' rhymes with a certain bodypart :) | 12:51 |
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Riesen | using the lil install manager, told it to isntall, and it takes forever, then screams an io error at me | 12:51 |
ElllisD | Riesen: what was going on when the error came up? | 12:51 |
defrysk | #ubuntu-not-yet-released-party | 12:51 |
cactusbin | where can i get the torrent for 7.04 stable? | 12:51 |
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devilz | Seveas: so whats there on, is it beta or rc? | 12:51 |
shab | upgrade to feisty hangs at "Setting up xserver-xorg (7.2-0ubuntu11) ..." | 12:52 |
Jordan_U | shab, Make sure that you view the console, it may just be interactive | 12:52 |
ElllisD | Riesen: i dunno what you just said | 12:52 |
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Riesen | it had jsut finished a 5 minute loading of the ubuntu progress screen (blakc boot screen with scrolling orange status bar) | 12:52 |
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cactusbin | where can i get the torrent for 7.04 stable? | 12:52 |
gav616 | | 12:52 |
umop | cactusbin, be patient. | 12:52 |
Ferrixman | cactusbin, nowhere | 12:52 |
Seveas | devilz, something that looks like final, but it's not released until the release manager sends out the announcement. Releasing Ubuntu is more than just building .iso images | 12:52 |
pkundu | do anyone here used sipp in ubuntu | 12:52 |
Ferrixman | just wait | 12:52 |
dj015 | is the torrent from the official release? | 12:52 |
phos-phoros | 53 seconds, and it's mine!!! All MINE!!!1111 | 12:52 |
C-O-L-T | when can I get 7.04? I can not see it? | 12:52 |
shab | Jordan_U: i am running in adept_manager, and seeing the detailed output | 12:52 |
Chenson | | 12:52 |
SpiritDrag00n | ..... | 12:52 |
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Seveas | phos-phoros, in 53 seconds nothing will happen :) | 12:52 |
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ElllisD | Riesen: then it stopped there upon boot? | 12:53 |
Riesen | also.. is there a default user / password for lviecd versions? | 12:53 |
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phos-phoros | Seveas: don't say that. | 12:53 |
pkundu | sipp is here | 12:53 |
umop | Seveas, Something will happen. | 12:53 |
defrysk | Riesen, <enter> | 12:53 |
pkundu | while compiling its giving me error | 12:53 |
glooze | The answer is 42, i think. | 12:53 |
Seveas | umop, yes, another secon will pass by | 12:53 |
phos-phoros | I errrr, haven't backed anything up from 6.10 | 12:53 |
Riesen | heh, not working. | 12:53 |
pkundu | but it dont give error in RH linux | 12:53 |
patizivs | glooze: I agree :D | 12:53 |
devilz | Seveas: sure, but the release manager would wait until the isos where on mirror and ftp. so this CAN be the final stable iso ... | 12:53 |
SpiritDrag00n | whats the meaning of life? | 12:53 |
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umop | Seveas, 5 more people will link the ISO. | 12:53 |
glooze | Could you try to speak about feisty on #ubuntu-release-party ? | 12:53 |
Seveas | umop, ;) | 12:53 |
Riesen | ellisd, after about 6 mintues of idling, i got to a login, seems like live cd booted fine | 12:54 |
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Seveas | devilz, they can :) | 12:54 |
Riesen | but the login isn't accepting a blank login | 12:54 |
phos-phoros | IT'S MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! | 12:54 |
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ElllisD | betting $5 there'll be 500-600 more false urls posted here before the real release | 12:54 |
Riesen | it's requiring a username | 12:54 |
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umop | Haha | 12:54 |
SpiritDrag00n | rofl | 12:54 |
SpiritDrag00n | The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later. | 12:54 |
C-O-L-T | how many time untill release? | 12:54 |
Seveas | C-O-L-T, 42 | 12:54 |
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SpiritDrag00n | never | 12:54 |
SlimeyPete | C-O-L-T: already released. | 12:54 |
SpiritDrag00n | the server is dead | 12:54 |
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whonicca | does 7.04 come with ntfs-3g installed? | 12:54 |
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C-O-L-T | SlimeyPete: where to download? can not see in the official page | 12:55 |
ElllisD | Riesen: Sorry bro- I dunno what youve got goin on | 12:55 |
devilz | Seveas: i'm pretty sure they are ... := | 12:55 |
predaeus | they probably should rename this channel to #ubuntu-support | 12:55 |
anticlockwise | I've installed beryl today, but I can't get my resolution higher than 1024x768 with the opensource driver, anyone knows the solution to that? | 12:55 |
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jrib | whonicca: it is available in the repositories (universe) | 12:55 |
Spilsbury | what driver? | 12:55 |
SlimeyPete | C-O-L-T: go to, find the story about the release and grab the .torrent . The download servers are straining under the load atm. | 12:55 |
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shab | Jordan_U : any hekp | 12:55 |
shab | Jordan_U : any help | 12:55 |
ElllisD | anticlockwise: Driver "vesa" | 12:55 |
Riesen | *so there's no defaulted username / password. | 12:55 |
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anticlockwise | ElllisD: I've got an ATI card, is vesa ok? | 12:56 |
defrysk | Riesen, sudo blah passwd <enter> | 12:56 |
Rei-chan | Has the channeL switched to Feisty support? | 12:56 |
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laichzeit | preferably use a torrent client that supports DHT | 12:56 |
Riesen | wait, what? | 12:56 |
=== SpiritDrag00n is feeling feisty | ||
Riesen | defrysk what? | 12:56 |
=== Zorlin is feeling fiesty too | ||
=== Rei-chan saw the nice digg frontpage about Feisty going to release status. :) | ||
ElllisD | anticlockwise: I was kidding- I gave up on beryl & settled for vesa to get more than 800x600 | 12:56 |
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anticlockwise | Elllisa: I'm currently using the radeon driver in Feisty | 12:56 |
defrysk | sudo <command> then asks passwd <enter. | 12:57 |
Jordan_U | shab, Can you pastebin all the output so far/ | 12:57 |
Riesen | defrysk, i'm not talking in terminal | 12:57 |
anticlockwise | ElllisD: ah, hehe, I can get the resolution to 1280x1024 with fglrx, but I would like to use beryl also | 12:57 |
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Riesen | defrysk, i am talking about actual login. from the live cd. | 12:57 |
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ElllisD | I dont care about graphics really anyway- as long as I can see the dialog buttons | 12:57 |
shab | Reading package lists... Done | 12:57 |
shab | Building dependency tree | 12:57 |
shab | Reading state information... Done | 12:57 |
shab | Reading extended state information | 12:57 |
shab | Initializing package states... Done | 12:57 |
shab | Building tag database... Done | 12:57 |
shab | No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed. | 12:57 |
shab | 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 12:57 |
shab | Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 0B will be used. | 12:57 |
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delire | don't flood | 12:57 |
shab | Setting up xserver-xorg (7.2-0ubuntu11) ... | 12:57 |
anticlockwise | ElllisD: lol | 12:57 |
ghx-harbinger | use | 12:57 |
reep | !paste|shab | 12:57 |
ubotu | shab: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 12:57 |
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ElllisD | anticlockwise: sorry if i got your hopes up for nothing | 12:58 |
ghx-harbinger | pastebin is down | 12:58 |
ElllisD | <--- evil sometimes | 12:58 |
ghx-harbinger | use pastecode instead | 12:58 |
anticlockwise | ElllisD: np :) | 12:58 |
Riesen | defrysk, i am talking about actual login. from the live cd. | 12:58 |
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defrysk | Riesen, did not know there is one | 12:59 |
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laichzeit | heh, everytime someone says "it's out!" the server takes an extra 1000 beatings. | 12:59 |
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=== Phoenix_G w8ing | ||
ElllisD | Riesen: Are you logging in from the livecd on a graphical window or console- if its a console logon from the start, its a safe bet it was a bad burn | 12:59 |
C-O-L-T | hello can I find some screenshots about feisty fawn about latest release | 12:59 |
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anticlockwise | does anyone else know how I can get my resolution above 1024 with the radeon driver? Or can I? | 01:00 |
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Riesen | kk | 01:00 |
bimberi | Riesen: the livecd should boot and login automatically | 01:00 |
Riesen | it didn't | 01:00 |
laichzeit | just waiting for Feisty so I can try out this new Aero interface thing they talk about | 01:00 |
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shab | Jordan_U: I have pasted here and also at | 01:00 |
Riesen | it's giving me a login prompt | 01:00 |
kbrooks | laichzeit, its called beryl | 01:00 |
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anticlockwise | laichzeit: isn't Feisty out today? | 01:01 |
shab | It hangs at posinst script of xserver-xorg | 01:01 |
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laichzeit | anticlockwise, no. | 01:01 |
anticlockwise | laichzeit: it's out here in China | 01:01 |
shab | jordan_u: iam using nvidia-legacy-driver | 01:01 |
=== delire notes and then promptly hides | ||
phos-phoros | IT'S MINE!!! ALL MINE!!! | 01:01 |
shab | jordan_u: any help | 01:01 |
=== mellow_bunny bans delire | ||
mellow_bunny | oh wait | 01:01 |
ElllisD | anticlockwise: it's propaganda to get geeks to buy coffee so the rich get richer on starbucks | 01:01 |
shab | jordan_u: any help?? | 01:01 |
delire | muarharhar | 01:02 |
Zorlin | Guys? | 01:02 |
Jordan_U | shab, "No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed." that doesn't sound right at all | 01:02 |
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anticlockwise | laichzeit: I'm currently using Feisty, but I haven't anything about Aero interface on Ubuntu though | 01:02 |
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Zorlin | Anyone who has downloaded the ISO and verified it works, can you please make an MD5 checksum? | 01:02 |
anticlockwise | ElllisD: lol | 01:02 |
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laichzeit | anticlockwise, then it's not the real Feisty | 01:02 |
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shab | jordan-u: this is because iam executed aptitude dist-upgrade more than once. | 01:03 |
Zorlin | laichzeit, it IS | 01:03 |
glooze | There is no Aero in feisty :p | 01:03 |
Zorlin | you have to enable the desktop effects | 01:03 |
nico38 | hi | 01:03 |
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Zorlin | and aero is gay anyways | 01:03 |
Zorlin | as glooze said, no aero in fiesty | 01:03 |
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anticlockwise | laichzeit: really? Aero's in Vista, not Ubuntu | 01:03 |
Zorlin | but there are desktop effects | 01:03 |
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glooze | Zoooob, oh i know | 01:03 |
shab | jordan: in upgrade all packages are installed , but xserver-xorg did NOT setup ( postinst) properly | 01:03 |
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glooze | i'm on on feisty since two months. | 01:03 |
anticlockwise | glooze: same here | 01:04 |
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glooze | Few bugs, a good release, when it will be released | 01:04 |
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anticlockwise | Beryl works much faster on Feisty | 01:04 |
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Nubbie | !feisty | glooze | 01:04 |
ubotu | glooze: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 01:04 |
defrysk | shab, sudo apt-get install xorg | 01:04 |
spikeb | haha | 01:04 |
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iseng | feisty installed | 01:05 |
iseng | hmm | 01:05 |
nico38 | nobody speak french for help please ? | 01:05 |
Phoenix_G | :) | 01:05 |
glooze | Nubbie, i know. | 01:05 |
defrysk | !fr | 01:05 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:05 |
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nico38 | think's you :) | 01:05 |
shab | defrysk: xorg is already the newest version. | 01:05 |
bruenig | xubuntu is finally up | 01:05 |
glooze | Comme at our home :p | 01:05 |
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Ferrixman | !it | 01:05 |
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Nubbie | glooze: then why bother asking. | 01:05 |
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acuster | nico38, y'a #ubuntu-fr pour le francais | 01:05 |
glooze | Nubbie, i asked nothing. | 01:06 |
acuster | ah, c'est deja pass | 01:06 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:06 |
glooze | Read better | 01:06 |
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acuster | !en | 01:06 |
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ubotu | The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 01:06 |
bruenig | scratch that, the links don't work | 01:06 |
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Nubbie | "Few bugs, a good release, when it will be released" >>when will it be released | 01:06 |
glooze | Nubbie, not a question | 01:06 |
acuster | no multilingual channel? | 01:06 |
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glooze | I'm not english, maybe i made a wrong sentence. | 01:06 |
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Nubbie | glooze: that is a question, just because you forgot to put a ? after it doesn't change anything. | 01:07 |
anticlockwise | Feisty's supposed to be released on 19th April, and it's 19th April over here | 01:07 |
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shab | jordan, defrysk : is there any problem of xserver-xorg (7.2 ) postinst script with nvidia setting in my xorg.conf??? | 01:07 |
masked_marsoe | it should be April 19th everywhere | 01:07 |
glooze | I wanted to say that it will be be a good release at the release time :p | 01:07 |
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AstralSin | maybe not on mars | 01:07 |
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acuster | anticlockwise, as long as it's not the 20th... | 01:07 |
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defrysk | shab, I honestly do not know | 01:08 |
Tokoyoma | What would be the date on Mars? | 01:08 |
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tarzeau | anticlockwise: 0704 can be 2007 april and 3007 april... | 01:08 |
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=== acuster gives a counter to anticlockwise | ||
masked_marsoe | give me 53 minutes and it'll be the 20th... | 01:08 |
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taro_ | hi | 01:08 |
anticlockwise | tarzeau: lol, that's funny | 01:08 |
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Linuxnewbie756 | article on digg mentioning feisty is already out officially. can i have confirmation? | 01:08 |
shab | defrysk: is it good to try to run postinst script manually in shell! | 01:08 |
taro_ | I am Japanese, thank you. | 01:08 |
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mc44 | !feisty | Linuxnewbie756 | 01:09 |
orient2000 | | 01:09 |
ubotu | Linuxnewbie756: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | FEISTY IS NOT RELEASED YET | 01:09 |
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shab | defrysk: Will that help debugging postinst of xserver-xorg | 01:09 |
shab | defrysk: Will that help debugging postinst of xserver-xorg? | 01:09 |
amphet | happy april 19th | 01:09 |
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shamrock_hh | can someone point me in the right direction to upgrade my beta of feisty to the full release? | 01:10 |
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anticlockwise | hmm.. strange, I thought 19th is the date for the release, but on, it says it will be release tomorrow | 01:10 |
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speano | how many hours to feisty? | 01:10 |
jrib | shamrock_hh: you just dist-upgrade after the final release has been made | 01:10 |
mc44 | shamrock_hh: if you have been installing updates you need do nothing | 01:10 |
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shamrock_hh | thanks guyz. I guess its not out yet anyway. | 01:10 |
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Zorlin | speano | 01:10 |
Zorlin | its been released | 01:10 |
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Zorlin | but not announced | 01:10 |
speano | okay | 01:10 |
speano | cheers | 01:11 |
anticlockwise | but anyway, Feisty's development has froze since 16th or 17th, there has been no upgrades since then | 01:11 |
speano | zorlin | 01:11 |
mc44 | Zorlin: no its not released until its announced | 01:11 |
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ghx-harbinger | general question: can a DVD-R be used for a CD image? (i'm fresh out of CD-Rs) | 01:11 |
shamrock_hh | anticlockwise: makes sense. Anyone thinking about going for it - do it. Feisty has been a godsend for me. Stable, reliable - it just rocks. I am its bitch :-; | 01:11 |
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piksi | ghx-harbinger: just make it into a dvd-image | 01:11 |
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AmyRose | Come on, we need more people! | 01:11 |
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Zorlin | mc44, check out then | 01:11 |
acuster | Anyone know how to request CD's for a user group? | 01:11 |
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psst | I am using the gnome network-manager applet to get wireless working on a thinkpad | 01:11 |
ghx-harbinger | piksi: and that's done how? | 01:11 |
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Zorlin | or just | 01:12 |
mc44 | Zorlin: its not released until its announced | 01:12 |
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acuster | shipit seems not to have a link | 01:12 |
reep | ghx-harbinger: a dvd-data-image and cd-data-image are the same thing | 01:12 |
Zorlin | MC44: | 01:12 |
Zorlin | | 01:12 |
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psst | can anyone recommend how to set a static IP? | 01:12 |
ghx-harbinger | gracias, reep | 01:12 |
Zorlin | The page does not state its not the final build | 01:12 |
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Zorlin | And it hasnt appeared on that page until recently | 01:12 |
blackslash | My sound is periodicly going away. Some times i got sound when i boot, but most of the time i dont. Anyone know what can couse that? | 01:12 |
shamrock_hh | psst : do you have a router? | 01:12 |
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psst | shamrock_hh: yes | 01:12 |
asul | soy d argentina | 01:12 |
psst | shamrock_hh: but it's not very bright | 01:12 |
shamrock_hh | if so, you can probably set it to allocate the same IP based on the MAC address. | 01:12 |
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asul | alguien que hable en castellano? | 01:12 |
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__hase | Oh great oracle of Ubuntu, I beseech thee, why is it so seemingly difficult to use edgy. Is there something I need to know before I can watch DVDs? | 01:13 |
AmyRose | asul: #ubuntu-es | 01:13 |
psst | it can't, for example. assign the same IP based on the MAC address | 01:13 |
Zoosh | | 01:13 |
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xarquid | Static IP as in internal network or static IP to the internet? | 01:13 |
tsp | I've heard that ubuntu 7.04 is out. Is down? | 01:13 |
shamrock_hh | __hase: what is the problem? | 01:13 |
verb3k | guys we are now 11 :10 GTM and feisty still didn't appear....what's wrong? | 01:13 |
xarquid | _hase: codecs! | 01:13 |
psst | static on my internal subnet (192.168.1.*) | 01:13 |
acuster | !es | asul | 01:13 |
ubotu | asul: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:13 |
piksi | ghx-harbinger,reep: not all burn applications accept cd-images to be burned to dvd discs, for example infrarecorder based on cdrtools will not accept it | 01:13 |
jrib | !dvd > __hase (__hase, see the private message from ubotu) | 01:13 |
piksi | though it's idiotic | 01:13 |
xarquid | ah, yeah. assign them based on MAC addresses | 01:13 |
asul | hola | 01:13 |
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tsp | asul: cxu vi parolas Esperanton? | 01:14 |
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jrib | __hase: the oracle has answered you in a private message :) | 01:14 |
asul | hola | 01:14 |
acuster | asul: has entendio? hay un otro canal en castellano | 01:14 |
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ghx-harbinger | well atm i am on *censored* and not in linux | 01:14 |
Phoenix_G | | 01:14 |
Phoenix_G | :) | 01:14 |
tsp | asul: hablo Esperanto, no hablo Espanol, tengo los cojones | 01:14 |
shamrock_hh | psst, if you are using the network manager, it clashes with the interfaces file. | 01:14 |
ghx-harbinger | i ran a simulation and seemed to work fine | 01:14 |
whonicca | poro que la baina loco | 01:14 |
ghx-harbinger | i just wanted a second opinion | 01:14 |
blackslash | My sound is periodicly going away. Some times i got sound when i boot, but most of the time i dont. Anyone know what can couse that? | 01:14 |
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acuster | asul; hace /join #ubuntu-es para abrirlo | 01:14 |
ghx-harbinger | from someone that knows what they hell they are talking about | 01:14 |
jrib | !es | whonicca, tsp | 01:14 |
ubotu | whonicca, tsp: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:14 |
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shamrock_hh | how does one send a private message? | 01:15 |
whonicca | no speake english | 01:15 |
tsp | shamrock_hh: /msg someone msg | 01:15 |
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whonicca | wonder how many peeps use ubuntu @_o | 01:15 |
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orient2000 | 1.15 a.m. in Europe, people have to sleep. Office will be open 8.30 a.m. and feisty released from a cage OK? | 01:15 |
sgbirch | is there a shortcut in gaim for adding usernam: to trhe start of a message? | 01:15 |
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psst | shamrock_hh: is there anywhere else to configure networking for network-manager? | 01:15 |
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ep2011 | whats the difference between CD and DVD versions? | 01:15 |
verb3k | we are now 11 :10 GTM and feisty still didn't appear....what's wrong? | 01:15 |
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shamrock_hh | I dont know. I got sick of the whole thing (wireless) and jst bought a decent router. | 01:16 |
reep | piksi: then it must be some other type of cd-image, like an audio or vcd, that won't burn on dvd I think | 01:16 |
laichzeit | verb3k, lazy people | 01:16 |
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sgbirch | verb3k: The day is still young | 01:16 |
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shamrock_hh | the best thing about feisty is that they have finally sorted out the restricted modules stuff so that the latest nvidia drivers just work without crashing X after an upgrade. | 01:17 |
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H3g3m0n | Hmm looks like the isos on the mirror are the livecds from the 15th, same md5sums | 01:17 |
=== psst nods at shamrock_hh | ||
blackslash | is it any way I can get all settings related to sound to default? | 01:17 |
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asul | alguien que hable en castellano | 01:17 |
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Seveas | !es | asul | 01:17 |
ubotu | asul: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:17 |
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Seveas | !cat | 01:17 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Manuals: | 01:17 |
Seveas | !ca | 01:18 |
ubotu | Canadian Ubuntu users can be found in #ubuntu-ca | 01:18 |
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Seveas | hrm | 01:18 |
anku | Has anyone got the new Ipod Nano (generation 2) working in ubuntu? | 01:18 |
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Seveas | I'm sure there is a catalan channel though | 01:18 |
shwetang | hi | 01:18 |
Seveas | !search catalan | 01:18 |
ubotu | Found: | 01:18 |
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ghx-harbinger | anku: mine ws working | 01:18 |
ghx-harbinger | was* | 01:18 |
shwetang | i need webcam to be open | 01:18 |
Ferrixman | !it | 01:18 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:18 |
anku | ghx: How? | 01:18 |
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ghx-harbinger | as was my shuffle and 40gb | 01:18 |
shwetang | hi nice | 01:18 |
Peppery | !nz | 01:19 |
ubotu | nz is the New Zealand LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-nz | 01:19 |
Peppery | <3 | 01:19 |
anku | ghx: But the thing is ubuntu reconizes my old Nano (generation 1), but it doesn't recognize my new one. | 01:19 |
Worrum | !nl | 01:19 |
ubotu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 01:19 |
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Peppery | anku: I've got it. | 01:19 |
ghx-harbinger | using gtkpod? | 01:19 |
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fortitUs | hey | 01:19 |
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anku | ghx: Well the thing is that I then have to mount it manuelly. Can't get it to automatically mount. | 01:20 |
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chemaja | anku, i'm using banshee and linux OR windows wont list files on the ipod, but the files are present on the iPod physically :( | 01:20 |
fortitUs | Is Feisty Fawn out or not >_> | 01:20 |
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Peppery | eh | 01:20 |
fortitUs | Wikipedia says it is out... says no | 01:20 |
iMilad | Is Feisty released?? | 01:20 |
Peppery | Not officially | 01:20 |
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chemaja | anku, first gen Mini here | 01:20 |
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rsk | imbored no | 01:20 |
anku | ghx: And I would like to use Amarok.... | 01:20 |
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fortitUs | Ubuntu: The most recent version, Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), was released on April 19, 2007. Version 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is scheduled for release on October 18, 2007.[2] | 01:20 |
Yeti_69 | !fr | 01:21 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:21 |
fortitUs | from wikipedia | 01:21 |
iMilad | peppery: but this is the final version, right? | 01:21 |
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darkhack | morning all | 01:21 |
psst | ok - another networking question - what do I use to make my ubuntu machine act as a gateway for traffic over a VPN connection it has established | 01:21 |
psst | ? | 01:21 |
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psst | hi darkhack | 01:21 |
Peppery | iMilad: It hasn't been confirmed | 01:21 |
__hase | thanks ubotu! | 01:22 |
Peppery | However, the community says yes | 01:22 |
Betzefer | how do i unrar files in ubuntu ? | 01:22 |
darkhack | so, is anyone able to download the new ubuntu? | 01:22 |
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Peppery | darkhack: at 8mbps ;d | 01:22 |
anku | According to the website, Feisty has not yet been released. | 01:22 |
shinichizio | I have a totally frivolous question. Is there a MUD application that works with Ubuntu? I can't seem to find any that work right. | 01:22 |
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ghx-harbinger | anku: | 01:22 |
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ghx-harbinger | try that thread | 01:22 |
sldkfj | is the next one named hungry hippo? | 01:22 |
psst | shinichizio: a client or a server? | 01:22 |
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sldkfj | or horney? | 01:23 |
qweasdzxc | gutsy gibbon | 01:23 |
shinichizio | psst: Client. Sorry for not being specific | 01:23 |
iMilad | pepperey: file date is april 15th so if this is the final version i think RC is the final version | 01:23 |
anku | ghx: Thanks :) | 01:23 |
Seveas | !gutsy | 01:23 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 01:23 |
darkhack | <Peppery> oh | 01:23 |
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psst | shinichizio: what about 'telnet'? | 01:23 |
fortitUs | will the singaporean server still be hosting? | 01:23 |
bushfire | Is there anyway to search packages using apt-get like man -k? | 01:23 |
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Dell-Net | hi howto upgrade from 7.04 beta to 7.04 ? | 01:23 |
Zorlin | Dell-Net, download the ISO | 01:23 |
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wobs | bushfire: apt-cache search bla | 01:23 |
Zorlin | is a good mirror | 01:23 |
shinichizio | psst: Is that on Ubuntu? \o/ | 01:23 |
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psst | shinichizio: I haven't seen any unix OS without telnet | 01:24 |
darkhack | actually it might of been out now | 01:24 |
Zorlin | Everyone - The checksum for the ISO and a checksum utility can be found at | 01:24 |
shinichizio | psst: Okay, that's fair. I feel dumb now. Thanks | 01:24 |
tombalablomba | Dell-net, it should happen by itself, while apt-getting ;) | 01:24 |
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predaeus | bushfire, probably apt-cache search | 01:24 |
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fami | Zorlin: what good value? | 01:24 |
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psst | shinichizio: but if you want something more MUD-specific, you should be able to find that too | 01:24 |
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mrossow | lol is down | 01:24 |
Dell-Net | tombalablomba: yeah=? | 01:24 |
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qweasdzxc | lol | 01:25 |
qweasdzxc | maybe now | 01:25 |
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fami | mrossow: yes | 01:25 |
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fami | :D | 01:25 |
tombalablomba | Dell-Net: Yeah, if you've got it installed it will update itself from beta to final | 01:25 |
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qweasdzxc | or all of us raid it | 01:25 |
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shinichizio | psst: I can't, for some reason. Telnet should work fine but some of the fancy clients have neat functions. I don't suppose you'd know any that work for Ubuntu? | 01:25 |
mrossow | system overoad | 01:25 |
darkhack | go here | 01:25 |
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Dell-Net | tombalablomba: ok thanks | 01:25 |
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mrossow | 95% :D | 01:26 |
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tombalablomba | Dell-net, so no need to do a reinstall unless you like doing so | 01:26 |
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fami | mrossow: we're trying how good apache | 01:26 |
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psst | shinichizio: just searching for 'mud' in synaptic | 01:26 |
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Dell-Net | tombalablomba: that's good | 01:26 |
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laichzeit | someone should just "touch" heh | 01:27 |
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darkhack | yep it releases now | 01:27 |
mellow_bunny | lol | 01:27 |
darkhack | haha | 01:27 |
kbrooks | laichzeit, erm | 01:27 |
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peepsalot | hi kbrooks | 01:27 |
psst | shinichizio: yup - looks like there's something called gnome-mud | 01:27 |
gon4o | 01:27 | |
gon4o | 01:27 | |
gon4o | 01:27 | |
gon4o | 01:27 | |
gon4o | 01:27 | |
shinichizio | psst: I think I did that already. Perhaps I skimmed overmuch | 01:27 |
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fami | wow | 01:27 |
albert | refused the connection. | 01:27 |
kbrooks | peepsalot, so, this torrent package manager | 01:27 |
fami | ubuntu | 01:27 |
albert | :( | 01:27 |
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=== fami leeching | ||
kbrooks | peepsalot, go on, talk about it... (but i see problems) | 01:27 |
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darkhack | feisty looking good | 01:28 |
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F00BaR` | hey | 01:28 |
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drew | down? | 01:28 |
fami | drew: no | 01:28 |
peepsalot | yeah, well i guess the main purpose would be to alleviate the main servers | 01:28 |
CyberCr33p | hello | 01:28 |
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shinichizio | psst: That looks like exactly what I need. Why isn't it in the games repositories, anyway?! Well, thank you for pointing it out | 01:28 |
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darkhack | I wonder what name will the next version be | 01:28 |
mrossow | ist back again | 01:28 |
CyberCr33p | is website down? | 01:28 |
kbrooks | !gutsy | 01:28 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 01:28 |
CyberCr33p | did they release 7.04 ? | 01:28 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, but maybe they don't really need the help anyways | 01:28 |
kbrooks | CyberCr33p, no. | 01:28 |
psst | shinichizio: have fun | 01:28 |
psst | what muid? | 01:28 |
Dell-Net | is overloaded | 01:28 |
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psst | *mud* | 01:28 |
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CyberCr33p | ok | 01:28 |
darkhack | gutsy? | 01:29 |
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darkhack | hmm | 01:29 |
albert | they will release it this evening? | 01:29 |
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ebbe | Title quote: "Please do all your waiting in #ubuntu-release-party and keep this channel support-related" | 01:29 |
F00BaR` | I have Windows on one hdd and ubuntu on another... but the boot segment is on the windows hdd. How can i remove ubuntu (as i have it on the server now) from my pc without it not letting me boot windows | 01:29 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, you were general in your idea. now you're "ubuntu" in your description. try again :-) | 01:29 |
drew | w00t: | 01:29 |
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shinichizio | psst: I don't remember the name ;_;. It had yo-yos and detailed character creation though. I'll probably end up resubscribing to DragonRealms though | 01:29 |
protocol1 | albert, in the next few hours it should be available | 01:29 |
Oooops | Feisty will be released when it is released. hehe | 01:29 |
tombalablomba | can't wait till the happy hooker release | 01:29 |
Peppery | f000bar: insert the windows cd and go into the advanced recovery console, type fixmbr | 01:29 |
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sldkfj | have Mark's friends and dignitaries have been granted access first? | 01:29 |
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protocol1 | albert, so remain patient | 01:30 |
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reaby | whow... over 1400 nicks | 01:30 |
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CyberCr33p | I can't wait patient damn | 01:30 |
CyberCr33p | :D | 01:30 |
Oooops | stop axel, wait for release | 01:30 |
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Peppery | reaby: :D | 01:30 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, not sure i know what you mean. The idea is just that when you upgrade or install new packages they would download from torrents | 01:30 |
albert | protcol1: ye, i'm just curious | 01:30 |
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drew | it's released Oooops. | 01:30 |
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mrossow | I GOT FEISTY!! .... YEAH | 01:30 |
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Daverocks | drew: but not announced | 01:31 |
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mrossow | how bad i have to wait 4 hour till i come home from work | 01:31 |
albert | even though i'm worried about missing updates in the last week | 01:31 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, probably in most cases it would slow things down from the end-user perspective though | 01:31 |
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albert | were there any beta updates the last three days? | 01:31 |
vimalg2 | Xubuntu images just up: | 01:31 |
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protocol1 | what are the commands to upgrade from edgy? | 01:31 |
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Grexeo | drew: what date do you see beside the ISO files? | 01:31 |
kbrooks | peepsalot, well, the problem is very simple... downloading is one shot, or just feels like that | 01:31 |
reaby | Peppery: loool :D | 01:31 |
kbrooks | peepsalot, ity cannot be upload | 01:31 |
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psyko_x | so is it possible to install ubuntu from windows reliably or is that program that lets you do that still buggy? | 01:32 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, because in my experience torrents take a while to get started, so for many small files it would be bad | 01:32 |
Daverocks | so many people in this channel... is this a record? | 01:32 |
Slart | protocol1: I think "sudo update-manager -c" | 01:32 |
albert | protocol1: guess a fresh install will be the best choice | 01:32 |
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Seveas | Daverocks, yes | 01:32 |
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Daverocks | psyko_x: i would recommend installing the traditional way | 01:32 |
kbrooks | peepsalot, yes | 01:32 |
Seveas | Daverocks, we're now the 6th largest IRC channel on the planet | 01:32 |
protocol1 | albert, I dont have a CD off hand | 01:32 |
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fami | hey tsp | 01:32 |
jy87 | 399 diggs so far... | 01:32 |
Daverocks | Seveas: definitely the largest on freenode | 01:32 |
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tsp | fami: saluton | 01:32 |
tsp | I hope orca works | 01:32 |
Seveas | Daverocks, we've been that for months already :) | 01:32 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, what do you mean downloading is one shot, you mean to have a torrent for every possible combination of packages that someone would ask for? | 01:32 |
fami | tsp: which good mirror | 01:32 |
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Daverocks | Seveas: heh yeah | 01:32 |
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tsp | fami: | 01:33 |
peepsalot | kbrooks, that is impossible | 01:33 |
albert | protocl1: i c, but then you aren't able to backup too | 01:33 |
drew | | 01:33 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, no. | 01:33 |
kane77 | hey, I'm trying to install Racer, according to readme on page i should untar and cd to that directory and run bin/racer, but this tells me "bash: bin/racer: No such file or directory" what could be wrong? (there is executable file in bin directory inside my game directory...) | 01:33 |
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tsp | I'm mostly a bsd, slackware and arch user | 01:33 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, bt would have to equal http d/l in the sense of apt | 01:33 |
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tsp | but I want to know how much orca has improved :) | 01:33 |
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fami | tsp: arch is good, | 01:33 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, there cannot be uploading in a sense at all wrt apt d/l | 01:33 |
Slart | kane77: linux is case sensitive.. sure it's not bin/Racer or something? | 01:34 |
fortitUs | uh. my singaporean mirror isnt working >_> | 01:34 |
protocol1 | or how do I go about upgrading from beta? | 01:34 |
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tombalablomba | @protocol1, it will take care to that by itself | 01:34 |
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SlimeyPete | protocol1: just tell synaptic/adept to update. | 01:34 |
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peepsalot | kbrooks, well, if you wanted to use the bt package manager, there would be an always on daemon for uploading | 01:34 |
kane77 | Slart, no, i tabed it and it completed.. neither bin/racer nor cd-ing into that directory and running ./racer doesnt work.. | 01:34 |
Slart | kane77: or try putting a dot first ./bin/racer | 01:34 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, that would take up bandwith. | 01:35 |
Slart | kane77: is it a free game? | 01:35 |
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fortitUs | | 01:35 |
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fortitUs | T_T | 01:35 |
kane77 | Slart, yes... | 01:35 |
Zorlin | I'm burning the iso! | 01:35 |
Zorlin | yay! | 01:35 |
Slart | kane77: if it is, I can download it and check | 01:35 |
deltaray2 | Haha | 01:35 |
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peepsalot | kbrooks, i think this would maybe not be the best thing for everyone, but if it saved canonical money, I (and hopefully some other) would be willing to use it | 01:35 |
deltaray2 | That's funny, the first thing on here when I login is a link to a place I can get fiesty | 01:35 |
Slart | kane77: latest stable? | 01:36 |
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drew | thats beta fortitUs. | 01:36 |
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peepsalot | kbrooks, i guess the question is if their bandwidth bill is really much of an issue | 01:36 |
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kane77 | Slart, yes, 0.5 | 01:36 |
fortitUs | drew: i know.. why isnt the full thing out T_T | 01:36 |
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albert | holy jesus, this is like mass panic | 01:36 |
kbrooks | peepsalot, it scales up | 01:36 |
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kbrooks | peepsalot, http doesnt | 01:36 |
drew | fortitUs its out | 01:36 |
darkhack | anyone of you going or download 64bit ubuntu? | 01:36 |
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luigi | darkhack: I don't think so | 01:37 |
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notred | dont panic | 01:37 |
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rambo3 | drew, look at iso date | 01:37 |
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ensan | is it out already? | 01:37 |
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Seveas | One moment guys | 01:38 |
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fortitUs | drew: i know.. but its damm bloody slow if not from the singapore server | 01:38 |
fami | Seveas: -m | 01:38 |
Nermal | 15th april torrent link is today | 01:38 |
Seveas | end of announcement :) | 01:38 |
laichzeit | what's the first? | 01:38 |
deg0nz|weq | h3h3 | 01:38 |
fami | Seveas: :D | 01:38 |
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dv5237_ | Yeah ubuntu gets verry populair | 01:38 |
Seveas | first 2 are on dalnet, we'll be third biggest soon ;) | 01:38 |
darkhack | anyone got any champan? | 01:39 |
darkhack | lol | 01:39 |
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apokryphos | it's the largest on Freenode though, of course | 01:39 |
luigi | Seveas: where do you get the stats from? | 01:39 |
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peepsalot | kbrooks, i suppose for the daemon you could set limits to time of day or upload bandwidth allowed | 01:39 |
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Seveas | luigi, (freenode channels aren't on that list though) | 01:39 |
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luigi^ | oh thanks | 01:39 |
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=== fami can't count | ||
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Woody_ | guys, where can we check the number of Ubuntu Fiestys downloads? | 01:40 |
SpiritDragoon | enough people in ere? | 01:40 |
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Ferrixman | !it | 01:40 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:40 |
drew | | 01:40 |
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SpiritDragoon | i would pmsl if we had a net split now | 01:41 |
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PriceChild | Woody_, can't, there's too many different source | 01:41 |
PriceChild | s | 01:41 |
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dieselmusa | anyone know a way to hide the network drives on ubuntu desktop? | 01:41 |
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Woody_ | SpiritDragoon, i mean from the | 01:42 |
PriceChild | dieselmusa open up gconf-editor then go to apps>nautilus>desktop and its an option there if i remember correctly | 01:42 |
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luis | hola | 01:42 |
moDumass | hey all, how do i install and use wine, i think i have installed it, but i have no idea how to add it to a menu or use it, im trying to install skype inside wine because i have heard you can then use the camera and mic | 01:42 |
laichzeit | can anyone verify if the torrent on releases.ubuntu is 7.04 final? | 01:42 |
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moDumass | boom | 01:42 |
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Slart | kane77: bah.. it's giving me all kinds of errors about stuff not being there or here or whatever.. might be becase i'm running 64-bit | 01:42 |
fami | laichzeit: md5sum | 01:42 |
dieselmusa | Thank you PriceChild | 01:42 |
drew | laichzeit i can varify that it doesn't work | 01:42 |
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luis | soy nuevo como va esto | 01:42 |
jrib | laichzeit: it is not final until an announcement is made. Notice the date on the iso's | 01:42 |
sldkfj | darkhack, 64 bit is no good? | 01:42 |
maswan | laichzeit: Once it gets released, we can tell you. | 01:42 |
kane77 | Slart, me too (64)... | 01:42 |
Slart | kane77: you don't get the errormessage? | 01:43 |
kane77 | Slart, no | 01:43 |
apokryphos | sldkfj: please take a look at the FAQ <> as linked to in the channel /topic | 01:43 |
kane77 | Slart, could 64-bit be also cause of not being able to install enemy territory? | 01:43 |
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Slart | kane77: nah.. I have enemy territory working alright | 01:43 |
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kane77 | Slart, I always get ./ 278: /home/kane/.setup9130: not found | 01:43 |
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Woody_ | how can i install the Fiesty Final without losing my older Fiesty Beta settings and files? | 01:43 |
Slart | kane77: don't remember if I had to do something special though | 01:44 |
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AskHL | moDumass, with regards to wine, you can run the commands wine file.exe and winecfg to run things. Generally if you install things through installers using wine, it will add shortcuts | 01:44 |
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fami | how can i install the Fiesty Final without losing my older 6.06 LTS settings and files? | 01:44 |
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AskHL | moDumass, err, wine file.exe to run things, winecfg to configure. | 01:44 |
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fortitUs | how big is the final file in kiliobits? | 01:44 |
tombalablomba | @Woody, it will automagically move from beta to final via synaptic or aptget | 01:44 |
fortitUs | feisty final | 01:44 |
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fami | fortitUs: why bit? | 01:44 |
fami | fortitUs: use MB | 01:45 |
sldkfj | ahh, the ol' Dbootstrap disclaimer | 01:45 |
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imbalanc33 | so has the final come out yet> | 01:45 |
fortitUs | because my download speed is 60kbitsps | 01:45 |
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Woody_ | tombalablomba, can that be done right now? cause i tried many times, and it says there is no updates | 01:45 |
Sarkie | | No, Feisty isn't out yet. - Please do all your waiting in #ubuntu-release-party and keep this channel support-related' | 01:45 |
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imbalanc33 | ok sory | 01:45 |
Sarkie | Anyone got a list of new supported wireless usb with Feisty? | 01:45 |
fami | fortitUs: about 1hour+ for u? | 01:45 |
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tombalablomba | Woody for me as well, i'll assume it will do when it hits the repos | 01:45 |
tombalablomba | maybe it's already the final version | 01:46 |
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Woody_ | tombalablomba, i already downloaded the Fiesty Final.iso file, can i install that without losing my older files/settings? | 01:46 |
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Sarkie | Feisty isnt final though.... | 01:46 |
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fami | how can i install the Fiesty Final without losing my older 6.06 LTS settings and files? | 01:46 |
tombalablomba | Woody_ do you run feisty beta? | 01:46 |
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fortitUs | fami: thanks | 01:46 |
Sengar | /names | 01:47 |
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Woody_ | yes tombalablomba | 01:47 |
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tombalablomba | Then no need to do anything, just wait | 01:47 |
luis | hola alguna espaola | 01:47 |
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tombalablomba | via synaptic it will update itself | 01:47 |
Woody_ | #ubuntu-es | 01:47 |
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Woody_ | luis #ubuntu-es | 01:48 |
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PriceChild | !es | luis | 01:48 |
ubotu | luis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:48 |
Woody_ | thanks tombalablomba | 01:48 |
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luis | hola alguna espaola | 01:48 |
tombalablomba | yw | 01:48 |
fami | !ugrade | 01:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ugrade - try searching on | 01:48 |
Woody_ | tombalablomba, it updates or redownloads the 700MB file? | 01:48 |
fami | !upgrade | 01:48 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 01:48 |
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tombalablomba | Woody, it just updates | 01:48 |
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Woody_ | ah cool tombalablomba | 01:49 |
tombalablomba | no large download | 01:49 |
Woody_ | thank you very much tombalablomba | 01:49 |
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fami | how can i install the Fiesty Final without losing my older 6.06 LTS settings and files? | 01:49 |
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ogra | lol | 01:49 |
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tombalablomba | depends fami | 01:49 |
fortitUs | fami: Install it on a new partition? xD | 01:49 |
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Hooloovoo | Where can i find feisty final? | 01:49 |
PriceChild | fami, feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 01:50 |
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PriceChild | Hooloovoo, feisty in #ubuntu+1 | 01:50 |
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Zorlin | Ooh. | 01:50 |
dcomsa | fami: update-manager -c -d | 01:50 |
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Daverocks | fami: the safest way is to upgrade to edgy (6.10) first, then feisty | 01:50 |
Slart | kane77: I'm downloading the source now.. we'll see if it compiles | 01:50 |
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sldkfj | how long is a dl from that site posted here a few minutes ago? I want to connect with (it's just down the street) | 01:50 |
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IdleOne | !upgrade > fami (fami, see the private message from Ubotu) | 01:50 |
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fami | thanks you | 01:50 |
fami | 6.06 -> 6.10 | 01:50 |
bimberi | !feisty | RichEd | 01:50 |
ubotu | RichEd: Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 01:50 |
RichEd | mmm seems a bit crowded here today ;) | 01:50 |
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fami | but don't see how 6.10 -> 7.04 | 01:51 |
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Woody_ | fami, check this: | 01:51 |
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RichEd | fami: 6.10 = 2006 October | 01:51 |
RichEd | 7.04 is 2007 April | 01:51 |
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dcomsa | fami: 6.04 -> 6.10 -> 7.04 | 01:51 |
sldkfj | RichEd, we're partying. everybody's not going into work today | 01:51 |
bruenig | I wonder if this thing will get over 2000 | 01:51 |
fami | YES, thanks | 01:51 |
shadowroq | hello | 01:51 |
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Kaur | hi | 01:51 |
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RichEd | sldkfj: some of us don't go to work, we stay hone and work ;) | 01:52 |
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ElllisD | how can i burn the iso to a usb flash drive & install from there? | 01:52 |
luis | alguna latina | 01:52 |
Seveas | !es | luis | 01:52 |
ubotu | luis: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 01:52 |
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SpacePuppy | !usb | 01:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on | 01:53 |
PriceChild | luis, /join #ubuntu-es | 01:53 |
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fami | i think would reinstall, coz my /home is on other partition | 01:53 |
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siriusly | downloading feisty final now :-) | 01:53 |
dcomsa | fami: smart move | 01:53 |
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fami | dcomsa: thanks | 01:54 |
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PriceChild | siriusly, please don't kill the mirrors. | 01:54 |
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siriusly | ?? | 01:54 |
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mellow_bunny | its not the final | 01:54 |
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Woody_ | siriusly, nothing its just a meaningless joke | 01:54 |
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Xamusk | what time does the final come out? | 01:55 |
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siriusly | fraid it is | 01:55 |
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PriceChild | siriusly, feisty is not released yet. Copies of it here and there are for mirrors to grab. Please don't increase the collosal load on the mirrors. | 01:55 |
Woody_ | Xamusk it already did | 01:55 |
mellow_bunny | !feisty | 01:55 |
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ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 01:55 |
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Xamusk | I think it didn't | 01:56 |
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n00bie | hello folks | 01:56 |
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Xamusk | there's only that 15th version | 01:56 |
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n00bie | my bluetooth doesn't work in ubuntu | 01:57 |
billy | how can I find the device names of my dvd reader and writer? | 01:57 |
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sivaji | ple someone help me i got this error when i install feisty "" | 01:57 |
ElllisD | billy lspci | 01:57 |
n00bie | unable to read device - while the module is being loaded ? | 01:57 |
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FSGeofs | feisty | 01:58 |
FSGeofs | feisty | 01:58 |
FSGeofs | feisty | 01:58 |
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FSGeofs | feisty | 01:58 |
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billy | ElllisD, sorry. I don't think I was clear. I'm trying to find where it is in /dev/. | 01:58 |
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siriusly | downloading final now | 01:58 |
ElllisD | billy- sorry- dunno | 01:58 |
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PriceChild | FSGeofs, please don't :) | 01:58 |
billy | ElllisD, thanks for response though. :) | 01:58 |
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Woody_ | I think Bill | 01:59 |
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Woody_ | I think Bill Gates is Angry now :) | 01:59 |
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Pakalaka | hi all is it officially released as yet :) | 01:59 |
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n8kraft | anyone having difficulty with the torrent download? | 02:00 |
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PriceChild | n8kraft, feisty isn't released. Read the topic | 02:00 |
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ElllisD | How do i go about putting the iso file onto a usb drive such that it's same as a cd burned? | 02:01 |
Jordan_U | Pakalaka, Depends on your definition of "officially" :) | 02:01 |
sivaji | i got this error when i install feisty | 02:01 |
Jordan_U | ElllisD, | 02:01 |
PriceChild | sivaji, #ubuntu+1 please | 02:01 |
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__bmgz__ | Are there any torrents yet?? | 02:01 |
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ElllisD | Jordan_U: Awesome!! TYTYTY VVM | 02:02 |
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PriceChild | __bmgz__, read the topic please | 02:02 |
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bayziders | !fiesty | 02:03 |
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ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 02:03 |
__bmgz__ | PriceChild: lol I suggested they do that earlier.. LOL | 02:03 |
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n00bie | Is there a text mail client in ubuntu ? | 02:03 |
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rrichie | hi all | 02:03 |
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rrichie | do you know why i can't access website? | 02:04 |
Scapy | is there anyway i can have documentation of exim4 installation and configuration under ubuntu 6.10 etch | 02:04 |
freakynl | n00bie: like pine, mutt? not sure, should be check package manager | 02:04 |
FSGeofs | yeah, feisty is coming | 02:04 |
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freakynl | rrichie: some issue, updates? | 02:04 |
apokryphos | rrichie: release flood | 02:04 |
rrichie | ok | 02:04 |
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Jordan_U | rrichie, I wouldn't whait for all 1445 of us to say hi back if I were you :) | 02:04 |
freakynl | apokryphos: it's released? thought it would be tomorrow? | 02:04 |
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__bmgz__ | I wonder how much traffic has been generated from and all associated sites regarding feisty release.. | 02:04 |
apokryphos | freakynl: today sometime | 02:04 |
ravi_ | ok, how do I upgrade my distribution from beta to final? | 02:04 |
bimberi | n00bie: mailx (very basic) and mutt (not basic) | 02:05 |
Adam1213 | probably heaps of people are checking to see if the release is out yet | 02:05 |
soho | rrichie; dos-attack ;-) | 02:05 |
bayziders | Fiesty out yet =/ ? | 02:05 |
FSGeofs | apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:05 |
Jordan_U | ravi_, Just use Update Manager | 02:05 |
soho | bayziders; yes | 02:05 |
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FSGeofs | uh sorry | 02:05 |
FSGeofs | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:05 |
FSGeofs | ;) | 02:05 |
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n00bie | bimberi, mailx is mail client ?? | 02:05 |
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bayziders | soho: link please | 02:05 |
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larryone | yes it is | 02:05 |
ravi_ | Jordan_u, where is update manager | 02:05 |
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FSGeofs | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dit-upgrade | 02:05 |
larryone | mailx is command line mail client | 02:05 |
FSGeofs | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:05 |
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soho | bayziders; wget | 02:06 |
ElllisD | <<--- outta here till noon est- if its out before that pls seed for me | 02:06 |
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fami | soho: its old | 02:06 |
bayziders | Its not the beta?? | 02:06 |
fami | soho: don't download | 02:06 |
melodos | does anyone know any clone imaging program that can create a full image of my hdd including partitions and the mbr? | 02:06 |
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bimberi | n00bie: yes, it includes the 'mail' command itselv | 02:06 |
freakynl | apokryphos: not yet thus? can't reach the website. my local mirror only has beta images. need to do some linux installs for some testing stuff, would be nice if i could use the new version | 02:07 |
soho | fami; i don't think so, why should this be beta? | 02:07 |
Jordan_U | melodos, dd | 02:07 |
bimberi | *itself | 02:07 |
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apokryphos | freakynl: it hasn't been released yet, no | 02:07 |
ravi_ | FSGeofs: I am on a local mirror, those commands did nothing for me | 02:07 |
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freakynl | thx :) | 02:07 |
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bayziders | Okay. | 02:07 |
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ravi_ | FSGeofs: do you want me to change over to the United States server? | 02:07 |
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fami | soho: time stamp check | 02:07 |
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fami | soho: :D | 02:07 |
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ivan_ | Hi everybody, one quick quesiton.. the torrent that is on the mirrros for 7.04 that has been updated today, is it for the release iso? | 02:08 |
melodos | Jordan_U: will tha include all my partitions both windows and linux ones + the mbr? | 02:08 |
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n00bie | bimberi, how do I recieve mails from mailx | 02:08 |
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FSGeofs | ravi_, just type it in your terminal | 02:08 |
Jordan_U | melodos, Yes | 02:08 |
fami | ivan_: no, wait all mirror sync together | 02:08 |
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fami | :D | 02:08 |
soho | fami; yes, but it's the official release-site and there are no betas in i think | 02:08 |
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kal__ | hi there | 02:08 |
ravi_ | FSGeofs: I have, does nothing at all | 02:09 |
Phoenix_G | hi here | 02:09 |
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Rudd-O | hello there | 02:09 |
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fami | soho: no | 02:09 |
Rudd-O | how can I get in touch with the Upstart author? | 02:09 |
bayziders | is totaly down for me... | 02:09 |
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bimberi | n00bie: type 'mail' and any waiting emails will be readable | 02:09 |
FSGeofs | well, i guess you're totally up to date then ;) | 02:09 |
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delire | bayziders: it's choked. too much traffic. | 02:09 |
ivan_ | darn =).. i just had my hard drive blown away yesterday and i am waiting for 7.04 to get out to install it ... thanks for the info!!! will keep checking | 02:09 |
=== fami waiting to 20-MAR | ||
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DoubleOSven | | 02:09 |
drew | 1452 members in here =\ | 02:09 |
Phoenix_G | we need other 50 users | 02:10 |
bimberi | fami: APR? :) | 02:10 |
Phoenix_G | to break 1500 | 02:10 |
kal__ | i have just recompiled my own kernel, and im wondering how can i get the following paquet for my new kernel : linux-restricted-modules | 02:10 |
rsk | Rudd-O in #upstart perhaps | 02:10 |
fami | bimberi: yippppppppppp | 02:10 |
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kal__ | it seems its just for the official kernel | 02:10 |
fami | Phoenix_G: get 1st? | 02:10 |
ravi_ | FSGeofs: how can I tell that I am? | 02:10 |
soho | fami; also look: | 02:10 |
kal__ | if i compile my own one, then ... i can't use that | 02:10 |
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bayziders | brb | 02:10 |
delire | Phoenix_G: it'll happen when all the kids that used Automatix2 in Edgy come in with their broken upgrades. | 02:10 |
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Phoenix_G | lol | 02:10 |
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fami | soho: i see, | 02:11 |
fami | my 6.06 LTS is supported to 2008 | 02:11 |
mc44 | delire: I blame Micheal Dell | 02:11 |
fami | 2008? | 02:11 |
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melodos | Jordan_U: where is that dd program? | 02:11 |
soho | 6.06 is till 2009 | 02:11 |
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melodos | Jordan_U: is it easy to use it? | 02:11 |
soho | 6.10 till 2008 | 02:11 |
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delire | mc44: well it's a positive place to find blame. | 02:12 |
fami | soho: yes, why worry to move soon? | 02:12 |
ravi_ | hey, how can I tell that I am upgraded to Feisty non-beta? | 02:12 |
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ajeet | how to add keyboard shortcut to system monitor application? | 02:12 |
soho | no worry ;-) | 02:12 |
FSGeofs | there is not a single new packet available for you | 02:12 |
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FSGeofs | congratulations | 02:12 |
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nach0s | where isssss feisty fawn ? | 02:12 |
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FSGeofs | i am feisty fawn | 02:12 |
Zs | can anyone help me on GRUB problem | 02:12 |
larryone | hi, I think I have a problem with my graphics card... my x session keeps hanging intermittantly. does anyone know how I might be able to debug this | 02:12 |
fami | FSGeofs: packages | 02:12 |
Phoenix_G | hiding fro you | 02:12 |
larryone | ? | 02:12 |
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Phoenix_G | *from | 02:12 |
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Thiesen | what about this?? would that be the final version?? | 02:13 |
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ravi_ | fami: packages come in packets to you | 02:13 |
taggie | larryone, do you see anything in ~.xsession-errors ? | 02:13 |
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Zs | Can anyone help me on GRUB problem? | 02:13 |
ajeet | %C10how to add keyboard shortcut to system monitor application? | 02:13 |
fami | lol ravi_ | 02:13 |
larryone | taggie: I'll have a look | 02:13 |
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fami | ravi_: are you at there? | 02:13 |
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leagris | Zs ZullGRUB is pointless sine the BC's out ;D | 02:13 |
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toscan | when does the site will re open? | 02:13 |
ravi_ | fami: what? | 02:13 |
fintler | Zs: don't ask to ask | 02:13 |
ajeet | how to add keyboard shortcut to system monitor application? | 02:14 |
FSGeofs | fami, sorry | 02:14 |
Zs | ## ## End Default Options ## | 02:14 |
Zs | titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386 | 02:14 |
Zs | root(hd1,0) | 02:14 |
Zs | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash | 02:14 |
Zs | initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-28-386 | 02:14 |
Zs | savedefault | 02:14 |
Zs | boot | 02:14 |
ajeet | pls help | 02:14 |
fami | ravi_: no what | 02:14 |
Zs | titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386 (recovery mode) | 02:14 |
FSGeofs | my fault | 02:14 |
Zs | root(hd1,0) | 02:14 |
Zs | kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro single | 02:14 |
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harry | Can I update from edgy to feisty by downloading the .iso of an install cd and then use the cd? | 02:14 |
fintler | *sigh* | 02:14 |
delire | Zs: don't flood | 02:14 |
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jrib | Zs: please use for long pastes, you will be unmuted shortly | 02:14 |
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ajeet | atleast what is the keyboard shortcut | 02:14 |
ravi_ | fami: do you know how I can check that I am not stuck in beta due to a delayed mirror ? | 02:14 |
mc44 | Seveas: ooh look we are 3rd! :) I dont think number two is even a real channel | 02:14 |
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fami | Zs: use pastebin | 02:14 |
leagris | Zs don't paste here, use pastebin (see description) | 02:14 |
taggie | larryone: .xsession-errors gets reset each time you login, so you may have to wait for it to hang, and then flip to a text console (alt-f1) and check out the error file. | 02:14 |
fami | ravi_: join ubuntu party | 02:14 |
delire | mc44: who's first? | 02:14 |
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ravi_ | fami: I am in there | 02:14 |
Phoenix_G | come on people 40 more users to break 1500 | 02:14 |
Seveas | mc44, WOOO | 02:14 |
fami | ravi_: drink one or two or even three tea | 02:15 |
mc44 | delire: zuma | 02:15 |
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Phoenix_G | come back | 02:15 |
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ajeet | %C11how to add keyboard shortcut to system monitor application? | 02:15 |
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delire | mc44: have no idea what that is.. | 02:15 |
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larryone | taggie: there's something there alright - something about gnome-panel | 02:15 |
MarkCh | hi, i am using gaim, and autopounces nickserv and freenode connect at boot. is there a way to ignore nickserv and freenode-connect so that i am not bothered by their messages? | 02:15 |
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taggie | larryone, do you know how to use pastebin? if so, paste it in. | 02:16 |
delire | MarkCh: see #gaim? | 02:16 |
taggie | !paste | 02:16 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:16 |
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nomike | hi | 02:16 |
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MarkCh | thanks delire | 02:16 |
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jrib | Zs: you can talk again now, give everyone the url to your paste at the pastebin site | 02:16 |
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nomike | hi | 02:16 |
fortitUs | hey er.. i have a question | 02:16 |
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larryone | taggie: I know how to use it - but not on a command line =0( if I log in to the graphical session I dont know how long it will last | 02:16 |
nomike | anyone has a clue when feisty will be released? | 02:17 |
fortitUs | does the desktop CD for ubuntu have an option to install straight and not go into Live CD? | 02:17 |
larryone | I'll try log into graphical now | 02:17 |
Phoenix_G | well tired of w8ing i will join later | 02:17 |
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taggie | larryone: okay, what does the error say approximately? | 02:17 |
Zs | ## ## End Default Options ## titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386 root(hd1,0) kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro quiet splash initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-28-386 savedefault boot titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-28-386 (recovery mode) root(hd1,0) kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-28-386 root=/dev/hdb1 ro single initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-28-386 boot titleUbuntu, kernel 2.6.15-26-386 root(hd1,0) kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/de | 02:17 |
fintler | uh | 02:17 |
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hagabaka | has anyone else had problems with fglrx after upgrading from Edgy to Feisty? | 02:17 |
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fortitUs | uh ..? | 02:17 |
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fintler | Zs: like 50 people just told you not to do that | 02:17 |
nizo | hi all | 02:18 |
mc44 | hagabaka: what problems? | 02:18 |
nizo | i have a router in my netwrok | 02:18 |
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larryone_ | ok | 02:18 |
nizo | my question is how to make linux work as internet server | 02:18 |
larryone_ | graphical session kindof working | 02:18 |
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hagabaka | x crashes, in the end of Xorg.0.log there's a backtrace. see . i haven't posted my log, but it looks similar | 02:19 |
larryone_ | I'll quit the terminal session | 02:19 |
larryone_ | brb | 02:19 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b livingdaylight!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by PriceChild | ||
gon4o | nizo, google: lamp | 02:19 |
fintler | nizo: install the server iso with the lamp option | 02:19 |
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nizo | and what next fintler | 02:19 |
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nomike | nizo: You need to start a some service on yur machine, and then configure your router to forward the needed tcp-port to your host or use your host as the default host | 02:19 |
fintler | ...profit? | 02:19 |
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deg0nz | NOW 3rd biggest chan in the world^^ | 02:20 |
larryone | ok | 02:20 |
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ravi_ | for those trying to download iso from http or ftp, do apt-get install axel and then axel LINKTOTORRENT | 02:20 |
laichzeit | all this waiting is getting a bit gay now.. | 02:20 |
ravi_ | for those trying to download iso from http or ftp, do apt-get install axel and then axel LINKTOFILE* | 02:20 |
fami | deg0nz: :O | 02:20 |
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tonyyarusso | !ohmy | laichzeit | 02:20 |
ubotu | laichzeit: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:20 |
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fintler | deg0nz: does that count chans filled with botnets? ;) | 02:20 |
nizo | what services i need | 02:20 |
nizo | ? | 02:20 |
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delire | nizo: lamp == linux-apache-mysql-php. you don't need much to make Ubuntu a decent webserver, though i would go for a headless, X-less Debian machine myself. | 02:21 |
Zs | Grub urgent! Please!:( | 02:21 |
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nizo | i dont want a webserver | 02:21 |
fintler | nizo: when you say "internet server" we're assuming a web server.... | 02:21 |
nizo | i want internet server | 02:21 |
nizo | no no | 02:21 |
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fintler | nizo: what kind of internet server | 02:21 |
delire | nizo: serving what? | 02:21 |
Zs | Grub problem! Please!:( | 02:21 |
taggie | nizo wants a nat router. | 02:22 |
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delire | taggie: oh, i see | 02:22 |
nizo | like the router | 02:22 |
taggie | yep | 02:22 |
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nizo | to make linux give internet to the client computers | 02:22 |
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nebbit | Anyone have success with a consistent Sync using Evolution to a TREO 650? | 02:22 |
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lilgg | Hello, if I use apt-get upgrade. will the kernel get upgraded aswell? | 02:22 |
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larryone | taggie, | 02:22 |
NielsE | yes | 02:22 |
nizo | using squid | 02:22 |
delire | nizo: i'd use something like shorewall for that. a dedicated machine. i've never done this on Ubuntu. | 02:22 |
Zs | Grub problem! Please!:( | 02:23 |
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delire | i have no experience with squid | 02:23 |
delire | Zs: paste it in a pastebin. | 02:23 |
Teres__ | how do i play dvd files on my pc? | 02:23 |
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Zs | how? | 02:23 |
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fintler | Zs: read this | 02:23 |
nizo | from where can i get shorewall | 02:23 |
larryone | taggie, that doesnt look like something that would intermittanly bring my x session and the whold system to a hang | 02:23 |
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fami | Teres__: press play | 02:23 |
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taggie | larryone, yeah, i wouldn't think so. | 02:23 |
jrib | !dvd > Teres__ (Teres__, see the private message from ubotu) | 02:23 |
nizo | its is a linux vesrion | 02:24 |
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Adam1213 | would the live cd version of the new release work with a resolution of 1024*786 on a dell 500m (knoppix did not) , it seams to have been a problem has this been fixed? | 02:24 |
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delire | nizo: oops, before i meant smoothwall, not 'shorewall'. here's a start: | 02:24 |
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taggie | larryone, that looks like a pretty innocuous error | 02:24 |
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HYPOCRISY | Hello | 02:24 |
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nomike | refly | 02:24 |
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larryone | taggie, where alse can i check? /var/log/somethign? | 02:24 |
HYPOCRISY | good | 02:24 |
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Zs | sorry | 02:25 |
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taggie | larryone, i don't think you're going to see anything until it actually hangs unfortunately | 02:25 |
Zs | but can you all help me? | 02:25 |
ajeet | pls help me | 02:25 |
ajeet | how to add keyboard shortcut to system monitor application? | 02:25 |
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fintler | Adam1213: I know the 915resolution package is working amazingly well....not sure about the 855 one tho....I'm thinking that it might be the same people working on both | 02:26 |
ajeet | or what is the keyboard shortcut | 02:26 |
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bimberi | Adam1213: the 7.04 beta works on my Dell Inspiron 500m at 1024x768 | 02:26 |
fintler | Adam1213: there's a good chance it's working | 02:26 |
Adam1213 | nativly? | 02:26 |
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Adam1213 | did it work as soon as you installed / booted it? | 02:26 |
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nebbit | HELP Wireless keyboard, Need to see that the CAP LOCK is on, on the screen. Is there applet to do this? | 02:26 |
bimberi | Adam1213: yep | 02:26 |
tabasko | anyone have integraded s3 graphics? | 02:26 |
fintler | on my hp nc6400 the 915 works natively | 02:26 |
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jrib | ajeet: use gconf-editor: Go to /apps/metacity. Then create a command that runs gnome-system-monitor and then create a keybinding for it | 02:26 |
Crazytom_ | anyway i can get the topic using bitchx? thanks | 02:27 |
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treylsu | anyone know if there is an advantage with upgrading using the dvd vs update manager | 02:27 |
Amaranth | Crazytom_: /topic | 02:27 |
jrib | Crazytom_: /topic | 02:27 |
tonyyarusso | Crazytom_: /topic doesn't work? | 02:27 |
fintler | Crazytom_: type /topic | 02:27 |
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Crazytom_ | thanks | 02:27 |
delire | Zs: i have no idea what your error is. please paste it in a pastebin | 02:27 |
mjcocat | what will the dvd offer that the regular cd versions of feisty won't? | 02:27 |
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ajeet | thx jrib | 02:27 |
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Zs | some unknown problem on my GRUB | 02:27 |
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bimberi | Adam1213: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02) | 02:27 |
delire | Zs: that's not information. | 02:27 |
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delire | Zs: paste error output in a pastebin | 02:27 |
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jim2 | .join #ubuntu-fr | 02:28 |
Zs | how? | 02:28 |
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niran | i have a wireless interface using network-manager, and a wired interface that i want to have a static ip, but if i disable wireless from the n-m menu, i can't look up domain names, i can only ping addresses | 02:28 |
niran | any idea how to fix that? | 02:28 |
treylsu | is there a way to encrypt the whole kernel without reinstalling | 02:28 |
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Zs | delire: what is pastebin, how to use? | 02:29 |
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Seveas | ubotu, please tell Zs about pastebin | 02:29 |
Seveas | ubotu, you goon | 02:29 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you goon - try searching on | 02:29 |
Seveas | !pastebin | 02:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 02:29 |
delire | Zs: paste the output to and describe the error in the same page: | 02:29 |
nicolah | how come here I find three feisty-dvd-amd64.iso with different sizes ? thanks | 02:29 |
VSpike | Can anyone tell me if you can connect Evolution to Google Calendar? | 02:30 |
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VSpike | I see it has CalDAV and webcal protocols ... not sure what they are or if they help | 02:30 |
_P_i_R_A_N_i_A_ | Hi, is 7.04 out yet? | 02:30 |
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Seveas | _P_i_R_A_N_i_A_, no | 02:31 |
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tonyyarusso | nicolah: Not here, read /topic | 02:31 |
rambo3 | how about now ? | 02:31 |
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_P_i_R_A_N_i_A_ | that sucks :( | 02:31 |
VSpike | rambo3: heh | 02:32 |
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nicolah | thanks tonyyarusso I thought that 7.04 was released | 02:32 |
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nicolah | (official released) | 02:32 |
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larryone | would this error cause my x session and my whole system to hang intermittently???: | 02:34 |
larryone | ./Xorg.0.log:(EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7) | 02:34 |
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nomike | could anyone tell me: is this the final release? | 02:34 |
hagabaka | does anyone know if the no longer supported cards include Radeon 9800 Pro? | 02:34 |
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PriceChild | nomike, /topic | 02:34 |
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larryone | nomike, go to #ubuntu-release-party | 02:34 |
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nomike | larryone: thx | 02:35 |
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Feisty_Tumnus | shh | 02:35 |
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Zs | | 02:36 |
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larryone | can anyone help me with my hanging xserver??? | 02:36 |
larryone | ./Xorg.0.log:(EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7) | 02:36 |
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moo^min | any 7.04 torrents out yet? | 02:36 |
Zs | | 02:36 |
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flodine | is there a problem with ubuntu home site | 02:37 |
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richw | Final feisty? | 02:37 |
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Woody_ | flodine, yes | 02:37 |
IdleOne | flodine: probably down from all the hits it's getting | 02:37 |
Zs | | 02:37 |
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Zs | | 02:39 |
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delire | Zs: and what's the problem. what doesn't work? | 02:39 |
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mjcocat | 6cmy torrent is now worling!!!! | 02:39 |
ZombiekE | hello guys, I would like to make a clean install instead of the upgrade so I was thinking of formatting and installing feisty again, but what folders should I back up besides home, so that my programs keep their configuration? (especially F-Spot with all its tags and stuff) | 02:39 |
Zs | nope, but is it normal? | 02:39 |
larryone | Zs do you have boot probs | 02:39 |
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Zs | it scared me! | 02:40 |
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jrib | ZombiekE: /home and /etc should have all of your settings, then just clone your package list: | 02:40 |
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jrib | !cloning | ZombiekE | 02:40 |
ubotu | ZombiekE: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type "dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages", move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type "sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade" - See also !automate | 02:40 |
delire | Zs: that's fine. you have two new kernels when you upgraded, so they were added to grub's menu.lst | 02:40 |
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[H] 3b0R | anyone know about any gui to handle startup scripts? | 02:40 |
Zs | should i delete the old ones? | 02:40 |
finn__ | in how many hours will ubuntu be released? | 02:41 |
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finn__ | oh sorry, didn't see the topic | 02:41 |
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jrib | [H] 3b0R: system > administration > services | 02:41 |
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delire | Zs: each time a new kernel is installed, a new entry will be made in that list. if you don't want the old ones in there, you can remove them, but be very careful and be sure to back up your /boot/grub/menu.1st first. | 02:41 |
ZombiekE | !automate | 02:41 |
ubotu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at - See also !cloning | 02:41 |
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Adam1213 | Finn__ how many hours does it take to visit | 02:41 |
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Adam1213 | because that's how long | 02:42 |
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[H] 3b0R | jrib: that gui doesnt give me the ability to decide if mpd for example should start up when i boot ubuntu | 02:42 |
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finn__ | it already is? | 02:42 |
Zs | thank you! but is it just deleting the lines? | 02:42 |
Teres_ | i have a riped dvd on my computer and i need to play the video_ts.ifo file. how can i play it? | 02:42 |
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finn__ | thank you | 02:42 |
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delire | Zs: i would leave what you have there alone. that's not a long list. on my current (Debian) machine i have about 15 kernels. | 02:42 |
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orbin | Zs: yes, i'd leave them. never know whe you may need to boot into an old kernel if the new one has issues. | 02:42 |
Zs | so is it IT? | 02:43 |
seldon | wow... is the ubuntu website very overloaded, or is it just me? | 02:43 |
delire | Zs: yes all you need to do is delete the lines. remember that for each new kernel added, there is a 'recovery' entry added. you only really have 2 kernels there! that's fine. leave it. | 02:43 |
Adam1213 | very overloaded | 02:43 |
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Teres_ | can any1 help me? | 02:43 |
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Daverocks | seldon: nah, it's getting slammed at the moment | 02:43 |
topato | should connecting to WPA protected WLANs work out of the box in Ubuntu 6x? | 02:43 |
Zs | does it means we should just left it that way? | 02:43 |
roland_ | hi, my ubuntu 6.10 suddenly started breaking down , i cant use windows shares anymore (i used them fine before) and i cant install samba on it because it fails with read-only fs and some other errors | 02:43 |
delire | Teres_: who knows. ask the question! | 02:43 |
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roland_ | and the gnome window hangs | 02:43 |
Teres_ | i have a riped dvd on my computer and i need to play the video_ts.ifo file. how can i play it? | 02:43 |
roland_ | also firefox crashes | 02:44 |
delire | Teres_: sorry, wrong nick. | 02:44 |
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roland_ | and power manager crashes | 02:44 |
Adam1213 | is the reason does not link to because it is being mirrored currently or just not updated yet? | 02:44 |
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seldon | Adam1213, not a bad sign...must be a very popular download | 02:44 |
invisiblepinkuni | just 7 more members to make it 1500 users | 02:44 |
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Zs | does it means we should just left it that way? | 02:44 |
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ZombiekE_ | thanks jrib, my problem is also that the directory etc has some configurations that are the reason why I want to reinstall linux from scratch :s | 02:44 |
jrib | [H] 3b0R: hmm only other gui one I know of is "bum", you could give that a try | 02:44 |
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Teres_ | !dvd | 02:44 |
ubotu | For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 02:44 |
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jrib | ZombiekE_: ah ok, then just don't copy /etc I guess | 02:45 |
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delire | Teres_: normally you rip and encode. anyway, isn't 'ifo' just some sort of palette file? | 02:45 |
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seldon | is 7.04 up yet? | 02:45 |
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_P_i_R_A_N_i_A_ | apokryphos, plz inban me from #ubuntu release party | 02:45 |
delire | Teres_: the data is in the *.vob | 02:45 |
_P_i_R_A_N_i_A_ | unbab ;) | 02:45 |
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Adam1213 | | 02:45 |
topato | should connecting to WPA protected WLANs work out of the box in Ubuntu 6.10, or do I haveto install wpa-supplicant or anything? | 02:45 |
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_P_i_R_A_N_i_A_ | no | 02:45 |
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Zs | thank you! byebye! | 02:45 |
delire | ZombiekE_: just leave it yes. | 02:45 |
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apokryphos | _P_i_R_A_N_i_A_: please choose a less annoying name; it's long, large, and spammy | 02:45 |
seldon | 2 more.... | 02:45 |
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seldon | almost 1500 | 02:45 |
apokryphos | _P_i_R_A_N_i_A_: also, appeal in #ubuntu-ops | 02:45 |
ZombiekE_ | yes, but the problem is... if I dont copy etc will I keep all my f-spot tags? :) | 02:45 |
roland_ | when i start Shared Folder util nothing happens | 02:45 |
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roo7 | say hello to everyone , It is my first time to login here | 02:46 |
pommie_ | 1495 :) | 02:46 |
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ZombiekE_ | that is actually the thing I care most about keeping my settings, I don't care about the rest :) | 02:46 |
jrib | [H] 3b0R: and if that doesn't work, then I suggest using sysv-rc-conf. It's not gui, but it does use ncurses | 02:46 |
delire | hi roo7 | 02:46 |
fortitUs | | 02:46 |
seldon | ah,.. almost there | 02:46 |
fortitUs | rofl | 02:46 |
fortitUs | xD | 02:46 |
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lancaster | O_o | 02:46 |
SpiritDragoon | ..... | 02:46 |
Teres_ | theres 5 vob files. they r the movie but on my old windows machine i could use power dvd open the ifo file and it comes up with the menu and everything | 02:46 |
SpiritDragoon | are we there yet? | 02:46 |
seldon | no one leave so we can hit 1500 | 02:46 |
Adam1213 | so my isp is not the only one to allow the /releases heaps of times and still get the same thing | 02:46 |
seldon | ;-) | 02:46 |
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Adam1213 | and my isp also has the http://ftp | 02:47 |
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roland_ | my ubuntu is fucked | 02:47 |
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entilzha | I guess I'm not the only one coming here wondering when the release will be? | 02:47 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | roland_ | 02:47 |
ubotu | roland_: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:47 |
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Adam1213 | ..... | 02:47 |
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hgilibert | yo | 02:47 |
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invisiblepinkuni | just 3 more users to 1500 | 02:47 |
delire | Teres_: if i were you i'd look at dvdauthor or something to make it into a single DVD image and burn it off. what you have isn't meant to be on a hard disk. | 02:47 |
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predaeus | Adam1213, that must suck if your ISP is modifying tcp packages. | 02:47 |
vimalg2 | can5 to go | 02:48 |
Adam1213 | ? | 02:48 |
Adam1213 | no they are not | 02:48 |
seldon | so close to 1500 | 02:48 |
Adam1213 | that's just their download server | 02:48 |
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predaeus | oh, now I am violating the language rule myself, probably. | 02:48 |
whatspy | how can I send the F10 key through a terminal ? | 02:48 |
seldon | most ever users in this channel | 02:48 |
invisiblepinkuni | i was here when ubuntu touched 1000 | 02:48 |
Adam1213 | they put stuff everywhere so you cant miss it if you want to find it | 02:48 |
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invisiblepinkuni | i think it was during dapper release | 02:48 |
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ZombiekE_ | jrib, will I keep my f-spot album tags if I don't back up etc? that's the only settings I care about in my computer right now :) | 02:48 |
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coz_ | good thing for you support guys that all 1493 logged on are not asking questions:) | 02:48 |
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invisiblepinkuni | come on.... just 3 more | 02:48 |
ActiveOne | !feisty | 02:49 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 02:49 |
seldon | now everyone ask a question | 02:49 |
axisys | is fiesty out? | 02:49 |
Adam1213 | why??? | 02:49 |
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strohi | that would be 'special' :) | 02:49 |
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coz_ | seldon, lol | 02:49 |
Adam1213 | should i ask another | 02:49 |
delire | Teres_: | 02:49 |
The_Jack_of_Club | release the damn thing already! | 02:49 |
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invisiblepinkuni | yes yes yes.... mmmmmmmmm | 02:49 |
jrib | ZombiekE_: yes, you should. Anything that you do without using sudo, HAS to go to your HOME :) | 02:49 |
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invisiblepinkuni | 1500 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 02:49 |
Ankur | 1500 | 02:49 |
seldon | 'join #ubuntu-release-party | 02:49 |
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ZombiekE_ | okay! thank you very much jrib! :) | 02:49 |
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The_Jack_of_Club | whoots | 02:49 |
coz_ | OK EVERYON 1...2....3 ASK A QUESTION | 02:49 |
jd | hi all | 02:49 |
sepelester | hey, anyone know how to set up kernel module dependencies? I get the wrong nvidia module loaded (from /lib/modules instead of /lib/linux-restricted-modules) | 02:49 |
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Feisty_Tumnus | coz_: why? | 02:49 |
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delire | Teres_: maybe mplayer might have a solution for you though. just try 'mplayer /path/to/the/dir/with/the/ifo' | 02:50 |
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coz_ | Feisty_Tumnus, just want to see nearly 1500 question s fly by :) | 02:50 |
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Feisty_Tumnus | coz_: no, "why?" was my question :) | 02:50 |
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nunofgs | topic says feisty isn't out yet ? | 02:50 |
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Amaranth | nunofgs: it's not | 02:50 |
coz_ | Feisty_Tumnus, lol oh sorry | 02:50 |
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delire | sepelester: remove the wrong module, load the good module and try 'sudo depmod -ae'. then reboot. | 02:51 |
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void^ | sepelester: there are unlinked modules in /lib/linux-restricted-modules/ only. those are linked upon boot into /lib/modules/.../volatile. | 02:51 |
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tonyyarusso | nunofgs: #ubuntu-release-party to follow that. | 02:51 |
predaeus | whatspy, what do you mean by sending the key through a terminal? | 02:51 |
coz_ | Feisty_Tumnus, that went completely over my hed :) | 02:51 |
jenda | magicrobotmonkey: you win the 1500th visitor award! | 02:51 |
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void^ | sepelester: fishy way to get around possible gpl violations. | 02:51 |
frandavid100 | hi | 02:51 |
jenda | magicrobotmonkey: maybe not, but I thought so ;) | 02:51 |
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frandavid100 | I guess feisty is not out yet right? | 02:51 |
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Amaranth | Right. | 02:51 |
Adam1213 | a net split would spam the channel so much if it happened now | 02:51 |
TheDeadMan | haha | 02:51 |
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Seveas | frandavid100, you guess right :) | 02:51 |
ActiveOne | frandavid100, see /topic | 02:51 |
whatspy | predaeus: the terminal does not "digest" the keypress, it is interpreted locally. to be more precise, I'm using midnight commander through an ssh session and the F10 key would normally close it... | 02:51 |
frandavid100 | thanks Amaranth | 02:52 |
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harrisony | Adam1213: yeah! | 02:52 |
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Marz` | ciao | 02:52 |
Adam1213 | its +t (only ops can set the topic) | 02:52 |
nunofgs | how will I upgrade from edgy? just update-manager -c ? right now it doesnt show any new packages... will it show them once feisty is released? | 02:52 |
inimesekene | frandavid100, it's out :) | 02:52 |
Amaranth | Ubuntu 7.04 is not yet out. Please don't ask when it'll be released, we don't know either. | 02:52 |
coz_ | Marz`, are you leaving? | 02:52 |
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ActiveOne | Adam1213, please dont give links to the release until it is actualy released | 02:52 |
Slart | whatspy: I had to shut off shortcuts in the terminal application | 02:52 |
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inimesekene | frandavid100, i think, on digg they say it is | 02:52 |
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mellow_bunny_ | seriously | 02:53 |
Adam1213 | i thought it was the proper release | 02:53 |
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mellow_bunny_ | you believe digg but tnot the support channel? | 02:53 |
predaeus | whatspy, ah, do you run something like xterm, gnome-terminal or are you in a terminal without using X? probably try a clean terminal that does not run inside an X application. | 02:53 |
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Marz` | coz_, ? | 02:54 |
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Woody_ | 1500! | 02:54 |
sinppa_ | quite a lot of people... :) | 02:54 |
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whatspy | ah I just found out: F10 is "eaten" by the terminal window only when the menubar is shown... | 02:54 |
predaeus | whatspy, probably the terminal emulator application catches the key press like you said yea. so you might have to config that if possible | 02:54 |
harrisony | Woo 1600 mark\ | 02:54 |
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coz_ | Marz ciao generally is used to say goodbye not hello | 02:54 |
knix_ | When does the ball drop? | 02:54 |
Seveas | 1500 :) | 02:54 |
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coz_ | Marz so I thought you were leaving | 02:54 |
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whatspy | predaeus: yes, you were right | 02:54 |
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IdleOne | knix, /topix | 02:54 |
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IdleOne | knix, /topic | 02:54 |
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Marz` | coz_, ciao is hello in italy | 02:55 |
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sepelester | delire, void: I ran depmod -ae, and it looks like it worked, but now I'm back to my original problem: "FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia". | 02:55 |
Marz` | _ | 02:55 |
predaeus | actually ciao is also a greeting in italian IIRC. | 02:55 |
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mnoir | coz_ - that is only by ppl who do not speal Italian and are trying not to be lame | 02:55 |
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mnoir | speal=speak | 02:55 |
coz_ | Marz`, are you in italy now | 02:55 |
IdleOne | predaeus, it means good bye or see you later | 02:55 |
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harrisony | YAY 1500 PEOPLE! | 02:55 |
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Marz` | coz_, i'm italian | 02:55 |
coz_ | mnoir, well i am italian | 02:55 |
Stump138 | lol | 02:55 |
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mellow_bunny_ | i like pizza | 02:56 |
harrisony | NO GET 1 PERSON! | 02:56 |
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Slart | how can I hide joins/parts from a channel in xchat-gnome? | 02:56 |
mnoir | :) - ok - so I am lame | 02:56 |
coz_ | Marz`, ok been a long time since I have been home I am from Sulmona where areyou from? | 02:56 |
Amaranth | Notice: Offtopic conversations will not be tolerated at all today | 02:56 |
harrisony | i got a screenie of 1500 | 02:56 |
Amaranth | We're going to be _way_ too busy | 02:56 |
mnoir | sticking to 6.06 as well :) | 02:56 |
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predaeus | actually this is totally offtopic but: | 02:56 |
IdleOne | Slart, look in the prefs for xchat | 02:56 |
harrisony | Amaranth: sorry! was a tad to WOOED up! | 02:56 |
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Marz` | i live in bari | 02:56 |
Slart | IdleOne: xchat-gnome.. not xchat | 02:56 |
apokryphos | ubotu: offtopic | 02:56 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 02:56 |
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IdleOne | Slart, it would also be in the prefs | 02:57 |
coz_ | well just thought I would stop in to see the numbers here | 02:57 |
Slart | IdleOne: ok.. I'll check again.. but I don't think I missed it the last time | 02:57 |
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nunofgs | soooo... | 02:57 |
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nunofgs | anyone care to answer my q? | 02:57 |
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IdleOne | ask it | 02:57 |
nunofgs | how will I upgrade from edgy? just update-manager -c ? right now it doesnt show any new packages... will it show them once feisty is released? | 02:57 |
nasso | is there any easy way of seeing what version of ubuntu you have installed? | 02:57 |
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nunofgs | I had already :P | 02:58 |
sumimasen | DCC CHAT "why_hello_there_pipe_broken" | 02:58 |
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fintler | nunofgs: isn't it upgrade-manager -d | 02:58 |
IdleOne | !upgrade > nunofgs | 02:58 |
fintler | ? | 02:58 |
asdfjkloe | what's up with 7.04? | 02:58 |
hagabaka | isn't it possible to search for a bug in *any* project with some text in its description? | 02:58 |
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harrisony | nunofgs: it aint out yet but that is the command | 02:58 |
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gordonjcp | is there going to be a new version of Ubuntu soon? | 02:58 |
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wscott | key sig not valid for edgy-security? Is that just me? | 02:58 |
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harrisony | asdfjkloe: be patient | 02:58 |
hagabaka | (on launchpad) | 02:58 |
nunofgs | ah ok, ty | 02:58 |
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Slart | nasso: uname -a will show you some info.. lsb_release will tell you some other info | 02:58 |
Seveas | gordonjcp, within hours | 02:58 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: ah, is that feisty? | 02:58 |
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=== fintler had no problems at all upgradingfrom edgy to feisty | ||
Seveas | gordonjcp, yes | 02:58 |
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harrisony | gordonjcp: today-next few days | 02:58 |
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asdfjkloe | harrisony: cant see my windows anymore.. ^^ | 02:59 |
nasso | Slart: ok, thx | 02:59 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: mmm, newer than that then... | 02:59 |
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harrisony | #ubuntu-release-party | 02:59 |
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JuJuBee | How do I make a shell script run at boot up? | 02:59 |
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Slart | nasso: you might have to use some options with lsb_release.. but you'll figure it out | 02:59 |
Awperator | !topic | 02:59 |
ubotu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 02:59 |
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gordonjcp | Seveas: or will the real release version of feisty have up-to-date audio packages? | 02:59 |
Zorlin | Apokryphos: What was the kick for before? | 02:59 |
Feisty_Tumnus | jujubee: I usually stick it in /etc/rc.local | 02:59 |
fintler | JuJuBee: take a look at the files in /etc/init.d | 02:59 |
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The_Jack_of_Club | stop randomly banning people | 02:59 |
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hagabaka | that's a lot of kicks and bans... | 02:59 |
Woody_ | how much times does it take you to turn off/boot Ubuntu? | 02:59 |
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wscott | example | 03:00 |
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Seveas | The_Jack_of_Club, people aren't randomly banned | 03:00 |
harrisony | The_Jack_of_Club: there ops, they do what theywant | 03:00 |
The_Jack_of_Club | perhapts but im not paying attention ^_^ | 03:00 |
PriceChild | harrisony, we follow guidelines | 03:00 |
Zorlin | The_Jack_of_Club: + they probably had a reason | 03:00 |
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Amaranth | Woody_: On my machine it turns off in about 10-15 seconds and turns on (to a login screen) in about 35 seconds | 03:00 |
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Woody_ | thanks Amaranth | 03:00 |
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harrisony | PriceChild: yeah, but you can still whip us all! when you want too | 03:00 |
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Amaranth | Woody_: But this is a core duo with a fairly fast HD | 03:01 |
der0b | morning folks, what's the "best" way to find what provides | 03:01 |
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rambo3 | der0b, search pthread dev | 03:01 |
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IdleOne | can I get a +v in -party? | 03:01 |
Rei-chan | No. | 03:01 |
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bushwakko | hi, how do I install and set java 1.4 as default on ubuntu edgy? I have 1.5 installed | 03:01 |
Slart | der0b: I'd go for google.... or or the ubuntu equivalant | 03:01 |
joeljkp | woo, so is today ubuntu day? | 03:02 |
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Rei-chan | IdleOne: Nor should you use the support channel to ask. | 03:02 |
Woody_ | Amaranth: yeah, mine is a one core CPU with almost the same time as yours | 03:02 |
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rambo3 | !info libpthread20 | 03:02 |
ubotu | libpthread20: The GNU Portable Threads (pthread emulation). In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.7-2ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 77 kB, installed size 192 kB | 03:02 |
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leagris | der0b, I use apt-file for searching specific files in not yet installed packages | 03:02 |
albert | harrisony, the moon could just fall onto the earth if he wanted wait..just kidding | 03:02 |
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Zorlin | Hmmm | 03:02 |
JuJuBee | K, looked at some of the files in /etc/init.d... tehy look more advanced in programming than I am. | 03:02 |
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der0b | Thanks all.. leagris that's the route I was looking for, thanks :) | 03:02 |
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IdleOne | Rei-chan, was a joke relax.. besides there is much support going on here right now anyway | 03:03 |
JuJuBee | I have a shell script that sets up iptables and want to run it at startup. | 03:03 |
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edmondt | Feisty out yet? (just woke up) | 03:03 |
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tonyyarusso | edmondt: read the /topic, go to #ubuntu-release-party | 03:04 |
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Zorlin | Edmondt: The iso is available, but its most likely not the final build as they havent released information yet and/or announced it | 03:04 |
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Slart | edmondt: read the topic yet? =) | 03:04 |
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edmondt | right.... good thing I slept instead of waiting all night :P | 03:04 |
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Teres_ | how can i install the libdvdcss | 03:04 |
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ghaaly | hello folks | 03:05 |
jonathan__ | hi | 03:05 |
Teres_ | i downloaded it but dont know wat 2 do? | 03:05 |
delire | JuJuBee: add it to the init scripts. | 03:05 |
ghaaly | Is there a substitution for frontpage in ubuntu ? | 03:05 |
Woody_ | whats the difference between edubuntu, kubuntu, and ubuntu? | 03:05 |
Pelo | Teres_, synaptic | 03:05 |
tonyyarusso | !libdvdcss | Teres_ | 03:05 |
ubotu | Teres_: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 03:05 |
larryone | !? | 03:05 |
larryone | !help | 03:05 |
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ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 03:05 |
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ghaaly | ?? | 03:05 |
Pelo | Teres_, ..deb file just click on it a few times | 03:05 |
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jonathan__ | hola | 03:05 |
ghaaly | I need to use frontpage under linux ? | 03:05 |
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ghaaly | Is there a frontpage in linux or a replacement ? | 03:06 |
tonyyarusso | ghaaly: Wine may be able to do it | 03:06 |
tonyyarusso | ghaaly: Nvu is also nice | 03:06 |
Slart | ghaaly: nvu is one option | 03:06 |
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delire | Teres_: don't download it manually.. that's what people on those _other_ OS's do :) read the above desktop guide and use synaptic to install it. you don't have to do anything more than that! | 03:06 |
larryone | ghaaly, you can run it with wine - but yer better off running something else insteasd | 03:06 |
Edward | hmmm...nvu? | 03:06 |
Pelo | ghaaly, run it under wine or look for an alternate on | 03:06 |
jonathan__ | alguien habla espanol | 03:06 |
tonyyarusso | !es | jonathan__ | 03:06 |
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ubotu | jonathan__: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 03:06 |
Zorlin | !launch | 03:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about launch - try searching on | 03:06 |
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Zorlin | huh? What room is the party in again? | 03:06 |
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jonathan__ | grasias | 03:06 |
Teres_ | synaptic sent me elsewhere...they its not there | 03:06 |
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Amaranth | Ubuntu 7.04 is not yet out. Please don't ask when it'll be released, we don't know either. | 03:07 |
delire | ghaaly: use Nvu or bluefish or quanta | 03:07 |
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saturn04 | Hi! I want to know, when 7.04 will be released? It's 17:06 but the official site still hadn't been updated | 03:07 |
Amaranth | Zorlin: /topic | 03:07 |
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skiingdomo | hi guys. fresh install of 7.04 w/ winxp on the first partition. says that "superblock last mount/write time is in the future" FIXED. then forces a scan/check, which fails and restarts. Doing it a second time. anyone know why? first boot up. | 03:07 |
Amaranth | saturn04: Ubuntu 7.04 is not yet out. Please don't ask when it'll be released, we don't know either. | 03:07 |
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delire | ghaaly: mozilla-composer is also pretty ok. | 03:07 |
Pelo | Teres_, wha is the ending fo the file you downloaded | 03:07 |
Teres_ | tar.gx | 03:07 |
delire | Pelo: he should just use apt, not stuff from elsewhere. | 03:07 |
Adam1213 | can i at least ask what is currently remaining to be done before the release | 03:07 |
Amaranth | skiingdomo: weird clock skew? | 03:07 |
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ghaaly | delire, quanta is an HTML editor | 03:07 |
Amaranth | Adam1213: Mirror the hell out of it | 03:07 |
mellow_bunny_ | !ubuntu+1 | 03:07 |
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delire | Teres_: it's already in Ubuntu, you don't need to download stuff from websites. | 03:07 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 03:07 |
tonyyarusso | Adam1213: You can ask, in #ubuntu-release-party, but the people who know are likely to busy to answer. | 03:07 |
ghaaly | delire, I need a GUI interface | 03:07 |
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Slart | Adam1213: if we knew that we would probably be doing it instead of hanging around here =) | 03:08 |
Hidan | yo Pelo :) | 03:08 |
skiingdomo | hmm weird. 3rd reboot it passed. no worries | 03:08 |
delire | ghaaly: Nvu or mozilla composer is best for you then. | 03:08 |
orbin | planning on doing a feisty install from scratch. can i reuse my edgy /home partition though? or is it wiser to do configs all over? | 03:08 |
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Wikzo | Is 7.04 out yet? won't load | 03:08 |
Pelo | !dvd | Teres_ get your dvd suppor follow these instrutions | 03:08 |
Teres_ | i cant find it in synaptic though | 03:08 |
_max_ | since ubuntu doesn't write "hoard-5" etc in filenames, how the heck do i know that the image im downloaded is the final release and not a beta? | 03:08 |
Pelo | Hidan, what ? | 03:08 |
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ubotu | Teres_ get your dvd suppor follow these instrutions: For playing DVD, see - "libdvdcss2" can be found at - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs | 03:08 |
schueler | hello | 03:08 |
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Adam1213 | ironically tonyyarusso i cant ask in their because of you | 03:08 |
Hidan | pelo : oh just wanted to say thank you for helping me a few weeks ago. | 03:08 |
schueler | pleas someone peak to e | 03:08 |
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hipertracker | anybody knows if beryl will be added to ubuntu 7.0.4? | 03:09 |
schueler | mmeee | 03:09 |
Slart | _max_: check the file date... might give you some clue | 03:09 |
delire | Teres_: you just need to enable the correct repository reading what ubotu says. a few clicks later you're done. | 03:09 |
Teres_ | i must install a new repository? | 03:09 |
tonyyarusso | Adam1213: funny how that works. | 03:09 |
Pelo | Hidan, a little late but you welcome | 03:09 |
asdfjkloe | ubuntu 7.04 ~700mb Kubuntu 6.06.1 3.5 GB ... why? | 03:09 |
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sivaji | dpkg error ple help me | 03:09 |
schueler | i love you | 03:09 |
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IdleOne | tonyyarusso, lmao | 03:09 |
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Teres_ | but i went there prob is im using fiesty and fiesty is not there | 03:09 |
bushwakko | anyone know how to install java 1.4 on edgy ? | 03:09 |
Adam1213 | literally you silenced me | 03:09 |
Hidan | Pelo : oh 'cos i didn't see you online later... I think different timezones. | 03:09 |
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Pelo | Teres_, #ubuntu+1 for fiesty help | 03:09 |
Hairulfr | asdfjkloe: Hehe, because of KDE? | 03:09 |
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Nalleman | anyone here knows why my webtv is extremly bright? | 03:09 |
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_max_ | bushwakko: go to sun, download the one you want, then sudo sh java-1.4.2.bin | 03:10 |
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Pelo | Hidan, probably, I'm not here at this hour usualy I just came in to check on the release | 03:10 |
delire | Teres_: it probably applies to feisty as well, not sure. i don't use Beta releases. | 03:10 |
delire | Teres_: try #ubuntu+1 | 03:10 |
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Hidan | Pelo: ahhh :) Okay. :) | 03:10 |
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Teres_ | thnx | 03:10 |
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Pelo | yeah, anyway i'm off | 03:10 |
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delire | Teres_: np. let me know how you go. | 03:10 |
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tex__ | Hi I'm waiting for the 7.04 release but the Ubuntu site is down :( | 03:11 |
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Adam1213 | is there anyway to try to work out if any sites are starting to mirror the release and if a specific site is beginging to mirror it | 03:11 |
tex__ | what's happened? | 03:11 |
delire | tex__: yes it's being hammered by too many visits. | 03:11 |
aa^way | hello, going to develop some PHP, any webservers in linux? like i could install | 03:11 |
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zorglu_ | i got a kubuntu edgy and his got this 'lets show only part of the root file' i know there is a page about it but i dont remember the name of it, any hint ? | 03:11 |
kambei | Can anyone recommend a system monitor (similar to conky) that runs within a terminal? | 03:11 |
tonyyarusso | Adam1213: we'll tell you, in -release-party | 03:11 |
Slart | tex__: yes.. because everyone is sitting at the desks, refreshing their browsers.. | 03:11 |
Adam1213 | you could try apache | 03:11 |
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Teres_ | sure | 03:11 |
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tex__ | so drupal crashed? | 03:11 |
saturn04 | OK! But I've got one more question: when I pressing "turn off the computer" it unloading system and does nothing (neither turning off nor restarting) and in the recoverty mode after pressing the button "turn off..." it does the same as in the first time and writting "system halted" | 03:11 |
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michaelpo | is feisty released? | 03:11 |
mneptok | no | 03:11 |
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NickGarvey | michaelpo: yeah | 03:11 |
Slart | michelson: read topic | 03:11 |
Slart | oops | 03:12 |
michelson | heh | 03:12 |
NickGarvey | no you guys, it is.. | 03:12 |
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Stump138 | aa^way setting up a LAMP server is really easy and there are instructions all over the internet as to how you can get one going. | 03:12 |
NickGarvey | | 03:12 |
Slart | michaelpo: read the topic | 03:12 |
ShappaShaz | I come to say hello, congrats, and all that good stuff about Feisty. | 03:12 |
GaiaX11 | give us netsplit please! | 03:12 |
Adam1213 | as i said before ironically you suggest to ask in #ubuntu-release-party when i cant because of you | 03:12 |
aa^way | LAMP, sounds weird but eh ill check it | 03:12 |
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ShappaShaz | bye | 03:12 |
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michelson | exit | 03:12 |
Adam1213 | can you at least suggest alternatives to that lol | 03:12 |
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tonyyarusso | Adam1213: You can watch the /topic there. | 03:12 |
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NickGarvey | was I kicked? | 03:12 |
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Ubuntu_Feisty704 | I have arrived. | 03:12 |
NickGarvey | using irssi so.. not really sure | 03:13 |
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tex__ | in my office there are 4 people waiting for Feisty to finally switch from Windows | 03:13 |
Stump138 | aa^way just search for LAMP in ubuntu, you can have one up in going in no time :) | 03:13 |
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aa^way | cool | 03:13 |
tex__ | Ubuntu is getting mainstream | 03:13 |
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_max_ | tex__ we run 300+ dev stations with ubuntu | 03:14 |
delire | aa^way: lamp == Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP | 03:14 |
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tonyyarusso | !lamp | 03:14 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 03:14 |
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spastii | china .7.04 is not release.... | 03:14 |
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aa^way | oh delire good | 03:14 |
tex__ | we have suspended work waiting for feisty | 03:14 |
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Hobbsee | tex__: see the /topic | 03:14 |
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tex__ | it's release party in our office | 03:15 |
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sjoeboo | hmm, is 7.04 technically out? its on teh releases page(s).... | 03:15 |
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tonyyarusso | sjoeboo: read the /topic and go to #ubuntu-release-party, not here | 03:15 |
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b0ng0 | hey does anyone know if the feisty on is the final? | 03:16 |
=== Ubuntu_Feisty704 is available on bit-torrent NOW - tracker: | ||
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Adam1213 | apparently its not | 03:16 |
richw | b0ng0: yes | 03:17 |
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richw | It is | 03:17 |
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Adam1213 | is it | 03:17 |
b0ng0 | cause i have the iso but its just not been updated on the main pagfe | 03:17 |
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tonyyarusso | b0ng0: Read the /topic, not here. | 03:17 |
virdiq | q: how many people are normally in this channel when there isn't a new release? | 03:17 |
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leagris | does anyone know why nearly nobody read the topic? ;D | 03:17 |
richw | its uploaded to site but not released | 03:17 |
ghaaly | Is there something for frontpage substitution it can be downloaded using the apt-get handler system | 03:17 |
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IdleOne | virdiq, anywhere from 700 to 1000 | 03:17 |
Hairulfr | virdiq: 900-1000 I think | 03:17 |
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plb | damn over 1500 people in here | 03:17 |
b0ng0 | topic isnt in a very obvious place ;) | 03:17 |
Slart | ghaaly: nvu again =) | 03:17 |
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b0ng0 | should be in big RED LETTERS | 03:17 |
ghaaly | sudo apt-get install nuv > doesn't work | 03:17 |
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Slart | ghaaly: nvu | 03:17 |
Adam1213 | so is the torrent the final and the site not the final? | 03:18 |
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ghaaly | Slart, doesn't work with apt-get | 03:18 |
zbrown | In regards to Feisty's release, if I have Feisty beta installed, will I need to update any repositories in order to get the full upgrades or will it just be automatic via the update manager? | 03:18 |
IdleOne | !komposer | 03:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about komposer - try searching on | 03:18 |
Slart | !nvu | 03:18 |
ubotu | nvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages. The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes. It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but ping tonyyarusso to inquire about packages. See also !html. | 03:18 |
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Bokeh | zbrown: should work automatically | 03:18 |
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zbrown | Bokeh: ok thats what I thought, just wanted to make sure. | 03:18 |
IdleOne | ghaaly, ask tonyyarusso about nvu | 03:18 |
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Slart | ghaaly: I see it here.. nvu and nvu-dev | 03:18 |
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tonyyarusso | ghaaly: I'll be building Feisty packages soon - hoping for a new version from the bugfix dev any day now. | 03:18 |
aa^way | k | 03:18 |
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spastii | :-* | 03:19 |
aa^way | Lamp download in progress | 03:19 |
aa^way | 98mb =) | 03:19 |
aa^way | why so much | 03:19 |
leagris | is anyone doing obsolete package cleanup? There are still old and unused packages provided like the 3ddesktop. | 03:19 |
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virdiq | thanks idleone/hairulfr | 03:19 |
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atomiku | hmm | 03:19 |
saturn04 | How can I become a channel operator? | 03:19 |
Ubuntu_Feisty704 | Ubuntu Vista | 03:19 |
Slart | aa^way: many big programs.. | 03:19 |
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jlintz | "How can I become a channel operator?" HA | 03:19 |
IdleOne | saturn04, by not asking how | 03:19 |
atomiku | How can I get ubuntu to auto mount home to /dev/hdax? | 03:19 |
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Amaranth | zbrown: automatic | 03:19 |
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ypSami | yeyeyeyey! Fiesty's installing =D | 03:19 |
felixhummel | i have a little dovecot imap server at home and thought about adding a spam filter. can you give me some pointers? | 03:19 |
klm- | how come this channel isn't flooded more than it is? are we just 1500 so organized people | 03:19 |
aa^way | well wow, it was 17MB in linux, all things, phpMyADmin ( more mysql managers ) and stuff like that | 03:19 |
Slart | atomiku: check /etc/fstab | 03:20 |
atomiku | Slart: yeah, I couldnt figure out what to add | 03:20 |
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leagris | saturn04, grow log hairs and bird, then pray the big Tux fluffy evry 42 hours. | 03:20 |
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Hairulfr | aa^way: People are scattered over ubuntu+1 and release party. Maybe that's why... | 03:21 |
atomiku | Slart: any ideas? | 03:21 |
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Slart | atomiku: just add another line.. I don't know the syntax by heart.. you can always look at man fstab | 03:21 |
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jfp | hola | 03:21 |
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rack | feisty is released? | 03:21 |
atomiku | Slart: Okay thanks :) | 03:21 |
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jfp | hi | 03:21 |
Slart | atomiku: you have some lines in there already, don't you? just copy paste one of them | 03:21 |
tonyyarusso | rack: read the /topic, not in here | 03:21 |
jfp | hello | 03:21 |
PriceChild | rack, /topic | 03:21 |
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atomiku | Slart: hmm | 03:21 |
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Ubuntu_Feisty704 | It's released, it's all over | 03:21 |
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USMarine | site downb? | 03:21 |
tonyyarusso | Ubuntu_Feisty704: we'll say when it is. You won't. | 03:22 |
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Slart | atomiku: ok, I'm looking at my setup now.. the drive.. is it ext2? ext3? reiser? | 03:22 |
BrokenLinux | Anyone know if there's a 2.0 thunderbird deb package? | 03:22 |
atomiku | btw | 03:22 |
atomiku | ext3 | 03:22 |
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atomiku | also how do I upgrade to ubuntu 7? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade isnt it? | 03:22 |
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USMarine | !upgrade | 03:22 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 03:22 |
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StFS | congratulations on the new release :D | 03:22 |
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fintler | trac server broke on the upgrade...looks like it didn't upgrade the db from sqlite2 to sqlite3 | 03:23 |
atomiku | Thanks USMarine | 03:23 |
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Slart | atomiku: here is a line from my fstab /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ext3defaults01 | 03:23 |
tonyyarusso | BrokenLinux: If not should work | 03:23 |
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atomiku | Thanks Slart :) | 03:23 |
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BrokenLinux | tonyyarusso: thanks | 03:23 |
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PriceChild | atomiku, not released yet | 03:23 |
StFS | have there been any problem reports with upgrading from 6.10? | 03:23 |
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Slart | atomiku: first thing is the device name of the drive.. next is the mountpoint, next is filesystem.. then there are some options and the numbers are about file system checks and something else I forgot right can probably use the values that are there | 03:24 |
atomiku | Not released yet? | 03:24 |
atomiku | hmm | 03:24 |
fintler | StFS: I upgraded from edgy with only one very minor problem | 03:24 |
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richw | Why dont ubotu have standard replies for frequent feisty questions here? | 03:24 |
atomiku | Thanks Slart :)# | 03:24 |
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zenlinuxNH | Here are some photos from a Feisty release party at work: | 03:24 |
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Jerry | noob here know where i can get Xfi drivers , does linux use drivers | 03:24 |
zenlinuxNH | Donut sculptures! | 03:24 |
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shamrock_hh | anyone have a link for some good quality PNG files for ubuntu linking from my own website? | 03:24 |
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Slart | Jerry: xfi? | 03:24 |
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Jerry | yes | 03:24 |
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Slart | Jerry: what is xfi? | 03:24 |
BrokenLinux | zenlinuxNH: haha, that's great | 03:24 |
richw | Jerry: No, You might have to sell it and get 2 ZS.. or wait... | 03:25 |
Jerry | creatives sound card | 03:25 |
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k1gwb | Feisty delayed? :-/ | 03:25 |
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Jerry | thanks richw | 03:25 |
Kinetic | just slammed i think | 03:25 |
tonyyarusso | k1gwb: Read the /topic, go to #ubuntu-release-party, not here | 03:25 |
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Slart | Jerry: oh.. not sure about support for the newest cards.. perhaps someone else knows | 03:25 |
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richw | Jerry: Creative will release drivers later this year.... can wait if you want | 03:25 |
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Slart | Jerry: but creatives cards are so common so they are usually supported | 03:25 |
M-Shuttleworth | k1gwb: I wanted a feature where clicking on the titlebar closes the window, so it's delays another day | 03:25 |
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dot_j | hi everybody - once you get feisty installed check out my new project at - if you're familiar with growl for OSX - it's similar - if not, check out the screenshots - also join me in #mumbles if you have any questions | 03:26 |
richw | Jerry: Use on board sound for now? | 03:26 |
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k1gwb | Why would clicking on the titlebar close the window? | 03:26 |
Jerry | ill have to | 03:26 |
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Jerry | thanks | 03:26 |
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bushwakko | when I ran the java .bin-file I got a RPM file... | 03:27 |
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Slart | dot_j: plugin driven, dbus based notification system ... *yaaaawn*.. I got sleepy just reading that ;).. what is it for? | 03:27 |
jrib | bushwakko: you want to install the java jre? | 03:27 |
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IdleOne | !java > bushwakko | 03:27 |
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dot_j | Slart: lol - it's a popup notification deal - check out the screenshots | 03:27 |
IdleOne | bushwakko, sudo aptitude install sun-java5-jre | 03:27 |
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Wikzo | Is it normal to download with about 30 kb/s in BitTorrent? I am trying to get 7.04 ... | 03:27 |
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M-Shuttleworth | I hope you enjoy Ubuntu Feisty 7.04, please psot feedback to | 03:27 |
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IdleOne | Wikzo, it is not out yet | 03:27 |
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foutrelis | Seveas: Can you remove my ban from #ubuntu-release-party? | 03:28 |
Wikzo | Indeed it is | 03:28 |
Wikzo | | 03:28 |
Slart | dot_j: ah *looking*.. looks very nice.. | 03:28 |
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rambo3 | Nalleman, Somone ban M-Shuttleworth | 03:28 |
PriceChild | Wikzo, feisty is not released. Out of this channel please | 03:28 |
dot_j | Slart: thanks | 03:28 |
tonyyarusso | Wikzo: not here | 03:28 |
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Wikzo | What do you mean? :S | 03:28 |
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Slart | dot_j: but isn't there something like that available already? or this one is better? | 03:28 |
dot_j | I still have a ways to go, but it's a start | 03:28 |
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dot_j | Slart: I didnt find anything that did quite what I wanted | 03:28 |
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IdleOne | Wikzo, what your downloading is NOT read the /topic and go to #ubuntu-release-party or #ubuntu+1 for support is what we mean | 03:28 |
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foutrelis | PriceChild: Seveas banned me from #ubuntu-release-party for giving this link: What is wrong with it? >.< | 03:29 |
Nalleman | rambo3, ??? | 03:29 |
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Jerry | another question, any good websites that i can read to help familerize myself with how linux works , what is different from linux and windows | 03:29 |
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Wikzo | Ok, sorry | 03:29 |
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Libra102 | hello.. | 03:29 |
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rambo3 | Nalleman, yeah whats webtv you asked about ? | 03:29 |
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IdleOne | foutrelis, gonna get yourself banned from here also | 03:29 |
M-Shuttleworth | Please follow the Ubuntu Philosophy in the channel | 03:29 |
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M-Shuttleworth | someone ban rambo3 | 03:30 |
enry | 7.04 release is really tomorrow?? | 03:30 |
PriceChild | foutrelis, feisty is not released yet. Don't kill mirrors by giving links | 03:30 |
Gangleri | A question. Will we be able to upgrade to Feisty through UpdateManager today aswell, or is it "just" the ISO? | 03:30 |
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Slart | Jerry: there are lots of info out there.. linux isn't very well defined.. there are many many types... | 03:30 |
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foutrelis | PriceChild: There are mirror links on | 03:30 |
Libra102 | 7.04 today.. | 03:30 |
tonyyarusso | enry: Read the /topic, #ubuntu-release-party not here | 03:30 |
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PriceChild | Gangleri, yes to update manager | 03:30 |
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mc44 | M-Shuttleworth: please stop impersonating shuttleworth | 03:30 |
foutrelis | PriceChild: I think that is official. | 03:30 |
PriceChild | foutrelis, and? | 03:30 |
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richw | foutrelis: Dont worry.. Ops in a bad mood today :) | 03:30 |
Gangleri | Tanks PriceChild | 03:30 |
Nalleman | rambo3, oh, I asked why webtv shows to be so bright white | 03:30 |
PriceChild | foutrelis, It is not released yet | 03:30 |
virdiq | pricechild: too late on the spreading mirrors, ubuntu 7.04 mirrors have been dugg | 03:30 |
snowblind | Hi guys. just got ubuntu running for the first time and have to say its flash except for the fonts. they look horrible as in jaggy/un-rounded. anyway i can make them display better? enabling the nvidia display driver didnt fix it/make it look better. thanks for any help with this!@ | 03:30 |
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virdiq | just wait until they're slashdotted as well | 03:30 |
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ectospasm | Jerry: and distros like Gentoo are extremely different than Ubuntu | 03:30 |
rambo3 | Nalleman, yeah i cant find webtv program | 03:30 |
PriceChild | virdiq, yes.... but mirrors aren't ready yet | 03:30 |
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PriceChild | virdiq, don't put extra load till they're ready :) | 03:31 |
virdiq | i know, but 1000's of people think they are | 03:31 |
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k1gwb | Looks like Gutsy Gibbon is gonna be pretty slick, huh??? | 03:31 |
harry | if I put a Feisty Install cd in the drive while I am running Edgy, I can upgrade without having to download all the packages, right? | 03:31 |
Slart | Jerry: here's one page to start with | 03:31 |
foutrelis | PriceChild: And banning me for giving a link from the Kubuntu download page is right? | 03:31 |
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PriceChild | foutrelis, that is offtopic for this channel | 03:31 |
noelferreira | ubuntu 7.04 is already available for download? | 03:31 |
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ma3x | hello can somebody help me setup 3d for my ATI card? | 03:31 |
PriceChild | noelferreira, /topic | 03:31 |
ma3x | or are there instructions somewhere? | 03:31 |
Slart | noelferreira: read topic | 03:31 |
foutrelis | PriceChild: Whatever. | 03:31 |
jamfos | The problem is that there is a release page that looks like it could be the final version. | 03:31 |
Nalleman | rambo3, well. I mean streaming video from the internet (not youtube) | 03:31 |
jrib | harry: if you use the alternate install cd, yes | 03:31 |
Slart | !ati | ma3x | 03:31 |
ubotu | ma3x: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 03:31 |
jrib | !upgrade > harry (harry, see the private message from ubotu) | 03:31 |
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virdiq | if RTFT didn't exist, i just invented it :p | 03:31 |
noelferreira | lol | 03:31 |
Jerry | so what is used in place of , say .exe's, do different linux distros use differenet types | 03:31 |
richw | This place is crazy.. im out of here | 03:32 |
noelferreira | thanks | 03:32 |
harry | thanks. | 03:32 |
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piksi | Jerry: +x flag | 03:32 |
ATi7500 | can somebody help me to setup an internet connection sharing? | 03:32 |
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virdiq | jerry, linux uses "ELF" structured executables | 03:32 |
Slart | Jerry: eh.. kind of =).. there are executable files.. yes.. but they don't have to have the exe extension | 03:32 |
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virdiq | windows uses "PE" formatted executables | 03:32 |
dj-fu | +x isn't technically correct | 03:32 |
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variant | oh my, 1517 users in this channel now.. thats the most i have seen! | 03:32 |
virdiq | the file extension means nothing | 03:32 |
PriceChild | variant, 3rd biggest in the world ;) | 03:33 |
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dj-fu | executable != binary, also | 03:33 |
Slart | Jerry: in linux files aren't defined by how they are named.. a file called myfile could be a program, an image, a text.... | 03:33 |
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piksi | virdiq: from the point of view of a standard user, the executable flag means the most | 03:33 |
variant | Jerry: you can set the executable permission on any file.. whether or not it actualy does anything when you "run" it is annother story | 03:33 |
fami | dj-fu: executable is subset of binary | 03:33 |
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snowblind | Anyone know where I can start to getting the fonts looking not so fuzzy/bad? | 03:33 |
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xukun | it's even much more than debian itself | 03:33 |
_Neil | isnt ubuntu+1 due out now? | 03:34 |
Slart | Jerry: but from a new user point of view.. a windows system that hides file extensions and ubuntu isn't that different | 03:34 |
_Neil | its been on 'tomorrow' for like 2 days | 03:34 |
variant | Jerry: you can make a jpeg executable with chmod +x filename.jpeg but obviously that doesn't make it an actual executable program | 03:34 |
rambo3 | !msfonts | snowblind | 03:34 |
piksi | virdiq: sorry, went to the wrong guy | 03:34 |
ubotu | snowblind: Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 03:34 |
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ATi7500 | can somebody help me to setup an internet connection sharing? | 03:34 |
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virdiq | piksi: understood | 03:34 |
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Jerry | so basiclly it needs to coded to do something | 03:34 |
dj-fu | fami: lol, is that right? | 03:34 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: look to the forum | 03:35 |
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variant | Jerry: ubunut/unix in general decides what sort of file a file is by the contents of the file rather than the extension.. you could rename image.jpeg to image.bin and ubuntu would still know it was a jpeg | 03:35 |
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variant | Jerry: no | 03:35 |
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Slart | Jerry: menues don't look quite the same, some things are named differently.. but basically the handling is the same.. you double click files to open/run them... you have windows that represents folders (as in explorer).. etc etc | 03:35 |
lolocaust | hi, i have a quick question, if I want my home folder to be a subfolder on another partition, can i just make /home/lolocaust a symlink to the new folder? i assume i'll have to delete the original folder first right? | 03:35 |
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ATi7500 | Kaur: i took a look at it, but i have some questions | 03:35 |
elliotjhug | /hoin #ubuntu-release-party | 03:35 |
flodine | how much longer before this final can be downloaded feisty | 03:35 |
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PriceChild | flodine, when its released | 03:35 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: I don't know much of it, but shoot | 03:35 |
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ubd | ee | 03:36 |
ubd | hi | 03:36 |
wastrel | lolocaust: best would be to mount /home on that other partition | 03:36 |
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Slart | flodine: exactly 47.3 minutes according to my calculations.. | 03:36 |
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piksi | i don't quite get it, it's not officially out, but still 7.04 torrents and isos are available? | 03:36 |
wutzeknoll | anyone know how i can open realplayer filetypes with firefox? i have installed realplayer but my firefox dont open realplayer files | 03:36 |
Beliar | i thought final can already be downloaded 0o | 03:36 |
ubd | i forget my user account password/ how can i change or recover it | 03:36 |
ATi7500 | Kaur: first of all, in the "server" pc i have feisty, on the "client" it a problem? | 03:36 |
Beliar | I'm downloading via bittorrent right now | 03:36 |
snowblind | !msfonts | 03:36 |
ubotu | Font installation basics here: - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer | 03:36 |
tdn | How do I see my CPU/System temperature in Ubuntu/Kubuntu? I have a Pentium 4. What do I need to do? | 03:36 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: I don't think so | 03:36 |
Slart | flodine: the people that know are probably busy working on it and not here chatting on irc.. so you won't get any good answers | 03:36 |
variant | lolocaust: if you have for example /media/newpartition/myrealhome you could symlink that to /home/yourusername and it would work exactly the same as if it wasn't a symlink | 03:36 |
dj-fu | tdn: ACPI, lm_sensors and the relevant kernel modules | 03:36 |
jrib | ubd: reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu, then use this command to change the password for your user: passwd USERNAME_HERE | 03:36 |
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piksi | Beliar: me too, and i don't really understand how it could NOT be the final release | 03:37 |
piksi | Beliar: at least it doesn't say beta ;-) | 03:37 |
orbin | planning on doing a feisty install from scratch. can i reuse my edgy /home partition though? or is it wiser to do configs all over? | 03:37 |
tdn | dj-fu, yes. But *how*? Do you know any docs for it? | 03:37 |
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predaeus | tdn, try xsensors or probably there is a panel applet for kde. | 03:37 |
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USMarine | tdn ap-get install ksensors | 03:37 |
dj-fu | tdn: it's pretty painless, I don't have any docs handy | 03:37 |
lolocaust | i already have a partition where i keep my documents, i was just hoping i could make a subfolder there for my home folder so i dont have to make a seperate partition for it | 03:37 |
variant | tdn: apt-get install gkrellm, it's anice graphical way to monitor those kind of things | 03:37 |
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dj-fu | (been a long time since I referred to them) | 03:37 |
lolocaust | variant: ok thanks | 03:37 |
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bushwakko | is there a howto on ubuntu for installin 1.4 on the side with 1.5? I did as someone here said and downlaoded the bin from sun, got an rpm, made a deb of it and installed it, but it doesnt show up on update-java-alternatives! | 03:38 |
tdn | dj-fu, what do I install? What do I exec? | 03:38 |
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ubd | jrib cant i use it now? | 03:38 |
Jerry | ok thanks well im gonna read on this site | 03:38 |
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tdn | USMarine, ok. | 03:38 |
dj-fu | tdn: learn2google | 03:38 |
variant | tdn: if you juts want to check once off you can run: cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THZN/temperature | 03:38 |
variant | dj-fu: thats not really helpfull is it? | 03:38 |
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tdn | variant, I have tried that. thermal_zone is empty. | 03:38 |
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dj-fu | that's very true | 03:38 |
locolbd | does anyone here know how i can set xmms to be my default music player intead of movie player? | 03:38 |
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dj-fu | but sif caring | 03:38 |
Beliar | hmm, but #ubuntu-release-party's topic says: FEISTY IS NOT OUT YET | 03:38 |
ATi7500 | ok, next question is: in the properties of the network card on the "server" there are 3 settings available: Static IP address, DHCP, Local zeroconf network (ipv4 LL)..which should i choose? | 03:38 |
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USMarine | xmms sucks | 03:38 |
IdleOne | bushwakko, you want to install java go to terminal and type sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre | 03:38 |
USMarine | amarok ftw | 03:38 |
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dj-fu | USMarine: mpd + gmpc > * | 03:38 |
variant | tdn: that means that either your system does not have the thermal module loaded or it is not supported properly | 03:39 |
jrib | ubd: use what now? the command? only if you can get into an account with sudo access | 03:39 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: i believe it should be static | 03:39 |
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variant | tdn: if it's a laptop it may not have very good acpi support | 03:39 |
Kaur | ATi7500: but i'm not sure | 03:39 |
nach0s | is this release the final version of feisty ? | 03:39 |
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variant | tdn: run lsmod | grep thermal | 03:39 |
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IdleOne | NO | 03:39 |
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ATi7500 | Kaur: and do i have to set on the server and .2 on the client | 03:39 |
compilerwriter | ati7500 does your machine always have the same ip? | 03:39 |
ATi7500 | ? | 03:39 |
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Slart | USMarine: not everyone want the itunes-experience.. some just want a small music app... | 03:39 |
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ubd | jrib how can i see the list of users? | 03:39 |
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delire | pytone for the world! | 03:39 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: look here: | 03:40 |
ATi7500 | compilerwriter i don't think so, but i am not sure | 03:40 |
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virdiq | iTunes: yuk.. | 03:40 |
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jrib | ubd: ls /home will give you a good idea | 03:40 |
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tdn | variant, I have tried modprobe thermal and then looked in thermal_zone. It is still empty. | 03:40 |
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toolee | feel good here. | 03:40 |
compilerwriter | ati7500 if your machine is not always the same ip then you need to use DHCP instead of static. | 03:40 |
variant | tdn: what kind of laptop is it? | 03:40 |
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ATi7500 | compilerwriter: i am trying to setup a network connection sharing | 03:40 |
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Kaur | compilerwroter: server should have a static | 03:41 |
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ubd | is there any other way/ cuz ' d'dnt format /home wh'le 'nstall'ng | 03:41 |
tdn | variant, no laptop. Its a desktop. It's Pentium 4. | 03:41 |
Kaur | compilerwroter: or not? | 03:41 |
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ATi7500 | Kaur: i read that, but should i do all that in the server or in the client? | 03:41 |
ubd | and u see also my keyboard is out of order// | 03:41 |
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fami | dj-fu: yes | 03:41 |
compilerwriter | ati7500 your router then should let you have a static ip within the network. | 03:41 |
dj-fu | fami: no | 03:41 |
variant | tdn: are you concerned about the temperature or just curious? it may not support the thermal interface in acpi (your motherboard) | 03:41 |
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fami | dj-fu: define no | 03:41 |
tdn | variant, concerned. | 03:41 |
ATi7500 | compilerwriter and Kaur, can you join #ATi7500 | 03:41 |
bushwakko | IdleOne: I have java5 installe | 03:42 |
Kaur | ATi7500: i think that in the setver | 03:42 |
dj-fu | fami: define yes, how did you come to the conclusion that executable is a subset of binary? | 03:42 |
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variant | tdn: what make of motherboard is is exactly? | 03:42 |
tdn | variant, it is a fairly new computer. I think that it would support it? | 03:42 |
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Kaur | ATi7500: I mean that these instructions are for server | 03:42 |
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variant | tdn: possibly, not definatly though | 03:42 |
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bushwakko | IdleOne: Its java 1.4 im having trouble installing | 03:42 |
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dj-fu | tdn: lm_sensors is what you need, and a board with sensors on it | 03:42 |
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=== Slart can think of executables that aren't binary.. perl scripts for example | ||
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dj-fu | that's exactly what I was referring to | 03:42 |
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cevizuser | Hi Everyody | 03:42 |
ATi7500 | Kaur: can you join #ATi7500 ? | 03:42 |
dj-fu | bash, php-cli, python, perl | 03:42 |
dj-fu | ... a myriad of other interpreted executable languages | 03:42 |
Kaur | ATi7500: sorry, but i have to go | 03:43 |
ATi7500 | ok, thanks | 03:43 |
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Slart | what is the definition of binary, btw? | 03:43 |
Kaur | ATi7500: but keep asking once in a while... Someone will help:) | 03:43 |
Slart | non-ascii characters? | 03:43 |
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dj-fu | one would hope binary = [0,1] | 03:43 |
tdn | variant, it is a Soltek. | 03:43 |
Slart | then all files are binary files? | 03:43 |
fami | bash script.. is not binary? :O | 03:43 |
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dj-fu | at some level | 03:43 |
wastrel | hello | 03:44 |
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fami | yes all files 're binary | 03:44 |
gepatino | if you refer to files, usually compiled programs are called binary | 03:44 |
variant | tdn: run lshw | grep Motherboard | 03:44 |
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Slart | then I'd have to withdraw my previous statement.. executables are a subset of binary files =) | 03:44 |
variant | tdn: actualy, thats not that usefull.. just a sek | 03:44 |
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variant | tdn: run lshw | grep -A 6 Motherboard | 03:45 |
gepatino | and also any kind of file that's not human readable | 03:45 |
Suurorca | when people are talking about binaries, they usually refer to a file that is already in the architecture-native machinelanguage and therefore executable without any abstraction layerts | 03:45 |
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bullgard4 | What is the Unicode value of the characters and ? What is their name in Unicode? | 03:45 |
Slart | gepatino: yes.. but is an image file a binary? or it has to be a compiled program? | 03:45 |
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variant | gepatino: what like a plain text file containing garbage.. ? | 03:45 |
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gepatino | images are binaries | 03:45 |
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dj-fu | one could argue that all things non ascii are binary | 03:45 |
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tdn | variant, | 03:45 |
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gepatino | variant: you could call it binary if you want | 03:45 |
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plb | KUBUNTU FEISTY IS OUT NOW! | 03:46 |
bustelo | PNG image files aren't binary, I don't think. | 03:46 |
plb | no ubuntu though | 03:46 |
variant | gepatino: how exactly? it has exactly zero properties of a binary | 03:46 |
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tonyyarusso | Party in #ubuntu-release-party, keep #ubuntu support-related all. | 03:46 |
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tdn | variant, useful? | 03:46 |
variant | tdn: checking | 03:46 |
Suurorca | | 03:46 |
gepatino | well.. to be right, anything inside a computer is binary | 03:46 |
Suurorca | go read that :p | 03:46 |
_Neil | hmm | 03:46 |
_Neil | how come kubuntu is out, but ubuntu isnt :) | 03:47 |
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variant | tdn: yes, your motherboard doesn't support ACPI, it supports the older (obsolete) apm | 03:47 |
Slart | I think I would define a binary as a file containing non-ascii data.. but that's just me | 03:47 |
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gepatino | now... to put it simple, the files that you cant understand using cat/more, or edit using vi are the kind that people call binaries | 03:47 |
variant | gepatino: what, like all those cables and bits of plastic? | 03:47 |
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ubd | i dont have a user account how will i create one | 03:48 |
tdn | variant, hmm.... capabilities says that it supports acpi? | 03:48 |
variant | gepatino: no their not | 03:48 |
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gepatino | variant: yes, they' re binary too :) | 03:48 |
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variant | tdn: sorry, i stopped reading after i saw apm :) yeah your right | 03:48 |
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fami | lol | 03:48 |
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variant | tdn: anyway, do you have _anything_ under /proc/acpi? | 03:48 |
gepatino | Slart: you are quite right, but besides ascii you sould consider utf-8, what about other languages? | 03:48 |
tdn | variant, sure. I have thermal_zone for instance ;) | 03:48 |
Dygear | So, is Ubuntu 7.10 released? | 03:48 |
variant | tdn: but it is empty | 03:49 |
_Neil | apparently not | 03:49 |
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Slart | here's what wiki says | 03:49 |
Slart | A Hexdump of a JPEG image. First column numerates the line's starting address. | 03:49 |
Slart | A Hexdump of a JPEG image. First column numerates the line's starting address. | 03:49 |
Slart | A binary file is a computer file which may contain any type of data, encoded in binary form for computer storage and processing purposes; for example, computer document files containing formatted text. Many binary file formats contain parts that can be interpreted as text; binary files that contain only textual data - without, for example, any formatting information - are called plain text files. In many cases, plain text files are cons | 03:49 |
Slart | idered to be different from binary files because binary files are made up of more than just plain text. | 03:49 |
jrib | Dygear: not for another 6 months | 03:49 |
_Neil | kubuntu site says it is tho | 03:49 |
ubd | HOw can i create a user account/ pls help | 03:49 |
wilykat | does anybody here per chance have an hp nx6125 laptop? | 03:49 |
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PriceChild | Dygear, not for 6 months | 03:49 |
tdn | variant, yes | 03:49 |
UNDERsoN | On this is link on release | 03:49 |
tdn | variant, | 03:49 |
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fortitUs | hey everyone | 03:49 |
Dygear | jrib: Eh, 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 03:49 |
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tonyyarusso | UNDERsoN: #ubuntu-release-party not here | 03:49 |
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variant | tdn: do you have /proc/apm? | 03:49 |
fortitUs | does anyone know if theres an installation interface similar to FC6 | 03:50 |
jrib | Dygear: #ubuntu-release-party then :) | 03:50 |
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fortitUs | for Ubuntu Fiesty Fawn? | 03:50 |
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Slart | gepatino: yes.. utf-8 is a problem... well. I guess you can't make a everlasting definition of a text file either... new formats will come along.. | 03:50 |
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tdn | variant, more useful: | 03:50 |
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ubd | HOw can i create a user account/ pls help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 03:50 |
variant | ubd: useradd username | 03:50 |
jrib | ubd: create a new one? | 03:50 |
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tdn | variant, ls: /proc/apm: No such file or directory | 03:50 |
zach382 | is 7.04 out yet? | 03:50 |
ubd | i dont have any old | 03:50 |
Dygear | Thanks guys :) | 03:50 |
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tdn | zach382, se topic. | 03:50 |
jrib | zach382: #ubuntu-release-party | 03:50 |
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ubd | i just have root only | 03:50 |
wilykat | i've been having issues with fiesty shutting down since installing a few weeks back, the splash with its progress bar flickers and the machine fails to power down, leaving hdd activity led going until i tap power, power down only happening after the 5 second pwr hold... | 03:50 |
Slart | zach382: topic.. | 03:50 |
gepatino | Slart: utf8 is no problem at all... in fact, i need to write mi family name right ;) (Patio) | 03:50 |
Dygear | Sorry to jump in on ya. | 03:50 |
bur[n] er | ubd: system -> administration -> users and groups | 03:50 |
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bur[n] er | zach382: get the torrent :) | 03:51 |
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wilykat | any ideas? | 03:51 |
Amendt | ubd yes | 03:51 |
variant | tdn: lsmod | grep thermal doesn't show anything? | 03:51 |
nelsong | Hello guys, is there a way so that totem-gstreamer plays quicktime files? | 03:51 |
jrib | ubd: log in as root and do: adduser NEW_USERNAME_HERE | 03:51 |
Slart | gepatino: hehe.. only a problem if you're trying to define "text file" | 03:51 |
variant | tdn: if it does, does it say "in use" | 03:51 |
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fastly | will feisty finally allow my laptop to hibernate and suspend ? | 03:51 |
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tonyyarusso | fastly: You'll have to try and see. | 03:51 |
bur[n] er | that's crap... 7.04 is out! | 03:51 |
ubd | i did useradd is that ok | 03:51 |
tdn | variant, | 03:51 |
Slart | fastly: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 03:51 |
variant | fastly: perhaps, edgy fixed my laptops hibernate | 03:51 |
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bur[n] er | fastly: possibly... wokrs on my compaq x1000 | 03:51 |
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gepatino | Slart: if your system supports utf8, its also a text file. the division should be human readable vs human unreadable | 03:51 |
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fastly | encouraging ;-) | 03:51 |
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jrib | ubd: adduser is easier to use | 03:51 |
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bur[n] er | ubd: that's ok, but there's also a gui | 03:52 |
spolyak | happy feisty day all!!!! | 03:52 |
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gepatino | Slart: utf8 is human readable (in a system that supports it) | 03:52 |
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variant | tdn: thats what it should show.. | 03:52 |
fastly | i have a vaio vgn-ar21s | 03:52 |
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variant | tdn: i will have alook for support on your mobo online. back in a momment | 03:52 |
Slart | gepatino: a word file is readable.. if you use ms word.. a utf file is readable if you use a utf-8 capable text editor | 03:52 |
fami | tonyyarusso: which best laptop model is supported by ubuntu? | 03:52 |
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bur[n] er | someone should update the topic witha link to the 7.04 torrent | 03:52 |
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ubd | i have xfce burner | 03:52 |
fastly | thinking about running feisty as my primary OS | 03:52 |
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wilykat | Sorry to double post but scrolls off screen too fast with all this feisty release day gubbins i've been having issues with fiesty shutting down since installing a few weeks back, the splash with its progress bar flickers and the machine fails to power down, leaving hdd activity led going until i tap power, power down only happening after the 5 second pwr hold... | 03:52 |
gepatino | Slart: got me... :( ... anyway.... i love utf8 :P | 03:52 |
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bur[n] er | fami: anything at | 03:53 |
fastly | does anyone here use videoconferencing? | 03:53 |
tonyyarusso | fami: I'd guess the ones. I have a Thinkpad myself | 03:53 |
fami | fastly: i am running 6.06 | 03:53 |
IdleOne | bur[n] er, soon as it is released they will | 03:53 |
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ubd | and my xfce doesnt start automat'cly/ should i create a initrc file | 03:53 |
bur[n] er | ubd: in that case, adduser is cool ;) make sure to put them in the administrators group if you want to give them sudo access | 03:53 |
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Slart | gepatino: yes... it's a good thing... if everyone supports it | 03:53 |
fami | fastly: as main desktop OS | 03:53 |
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larryone | My machine is acting very strangely now. it just rebooted for seemingly no reason | 03:53 |
tdn | variant, cool. Thanks. | 03:53 |
receptor | i'm about to install feisty. i want to put it on sda3 (sata disk) and install bootloader in sda3. what do i specify in installer advanced options? is this grub-compatible entry? | 03:53 |
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Siman | my wireless works out of the box with 7.04 ubuntu, but not xubuntu, what am i missing? | 03:53 |
JebJoya | hey 2 questions, 1 ubuntu related, 1 really not - how much of an improvement will feisty have over edgy in wireless compatibility? and second, does anyone know of that site which allows you to get paid for small programming tasks? | 03:53 |
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ubd | and 3rd where can i configure my keyboard | 03:53 |
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bur[n] er | IdleOne: check out and there's a link to the 7.04 torrent... aslo on :P | 03:54 |
magnetron | does anyone know of a webcam that works natively with ubuntu? | 03:54 |
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variant | tdn: you might want to stop acpi with /etc/init.d/acpid stop and start apmd instead (/etc/init.d/apmd start) | 03:54 |
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Amaranth | Ubuntu 7.04 is not yet out. Please don't ask when it'll be released, we don't know either. | 03:54 |
Slart | ubd: system menu, preferences, keyboard? | 03:54 |
Bokeh | bur[n] er: that one is not final yet | 03:54 |
tonyyarusso | !webcam | magnetron | 03:54 |
ubotu | magnetron: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at - Supported cams: | 03:54 |
=== wilykat crys and stamps his feet, anybody else had shutdown issues with feisty? | ||
variant | tdn: and see if you have any more luck tiwth that. i am still looking though | 03:54 |
IdleOne | bur[n] er, digg is the end all and be all of truth | 03:54 |
ubd | bur[n] er whats difference between adduser and useradd | 03:54 |
variant | wilykat: ASK IN #UBUNTU+1 | 03:54 |
xq | As S said, did have a very premature ejaculation. Digg needs some Horny Goat Weed + More IMO. | 03:54 |
bur[n] er | magnetron: my logitech quickcam does | 03:54 |
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bur[n] er | Bokeh: it doesn't say rc or beta or anything | 03:54 |
wilykat | variant: thanks | 03:54 |
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ubd | slart i dont have gui! tell me a conf file pls | 03:55 |
Bokeh | no, but the release team hasn't approved it yet | 03:55 |
bur[n] er | ubd: Bokeh: takes you directly to the download page | 03:55 |
xq | Also probably Valium would be good for DIGG given its constant "anxious, changing" state of ... mind. | 03:55 |
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Slart | magnetron: there are some lists for hardware that works/doesn't work on linux... find a nice webcam and do a google search for the name+linux | 03:55 |
Bokeh | it didn't say RC 3 weeks ago | 03:55 |
Bokeh | but it was obviously still in beta then | 03:55 |
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devildawg | I can't get the 6.10 livecd to work. I get the menu and see it loading but once the os starts up I just get a black screen with thin yellow lines going down it and after a few seconds I hear like a login sound. Any way to fix the video or is my system not compatible? | 03:55 |
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tdn | variant, stopping *acpi* and starting *apm*? Should that make /proc/*acpi*/thermal_zone/* work? | 03:55 |
xq | Bokeh, look at the date. It most likely says 15 Apr 2007. Which is RC. | 03:55 |
Bokeh | and only the feisty download link takes you to feisty (obviously) | 03:55 |
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Slart | ubd: oops.. sorry.. I have no idea how to do it console -style | 03:55 |
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bur[n] er | Bokeh: which is why it wouldn't say rc if it's beta ;) rc != beta | 03:55 |
Bokeh | if you click the download most recent stable thingy, it takes you to either dapper or edgy | 03:55 |
xq | Bokeh: What is the modified date on the file you are getting/needing in that directory? :) | 03:55 |
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variant | tdn: no, that will get rid of /proc/acpi altogether.. should create /proc/apm though | 03:55 |
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JebJoya | does anyone know of that site which allows you to get paid for small programming tasks? (sorry it's kinda non-ubuntu, it's been bugging me for ages...) | 03:55 |
tdn | variant, ok | 03:56 |
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Bokeh | xq: i don't have any problem with it mate, i already run feisty for ages | 03:56 |
xq | In */release/ -- look at the modified date. | 03:56 |
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Bokeh | it's bur[n] er that thinks 7.04 is already final :) | 03:56 |
tdn | variant, it doesn't though. | 03:56 |
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Slart | JebJoya: there are some auction style sites that do taht.. don't know any names but they do exist | 03:56 |
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tdn | variant, and dmesg says: [17181563.156000] apm: disabled on user request. | 03:56 |
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variant | tdn: lol thats odd | 03:56 |
yanger | if i want a clean install of ubuntu (with the least amount of iso to download), would it be convienent to just grab the server edition and then upgrade? | 03:56 |
variant | tdn: just a moment | 03:56 |
tdn | variant, when *starting* apmd. | 03:56 |
Linoleum | so finely is ubuntu support DMRAID ? | 03:56 |
frandavid100 | hello | 03:56 |
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variant | tdn: you can try "apmd" on the comman dline | 03:56 |
JebJoya | Slart: yeah, I saw it ages ago on /. but haven't found it since... Dangit | 03:56 |
variant | tdn: should start it | 03:57 |
Linoleum | I ve beed trying to install ubuntu on my raid0 system but no... I ve got the error ALERT! does not exist ... that s odd | 03:57 |
Par-Tay | Linoleum, congrats | 03:57 |
Bokeh | Linoleum: software or hardware raid0? | 03:57 |
Par-Tay | you fail! | 03:57 |
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ypSami | Really. Thank you. I am crying tears of joy over this release. I mean, beryl; installed via packages with no configuration... I need tissue. | 03:57 |
JebJoya | Slart: Aha, the word auction helped - thanks :D | 03:57 |
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Linoleum | Bokeh its a fakeraid with bios | 03:57 |
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Slart | JebJoya: first hit from google for "Programming auction" | 03:57 |
Bokeh | brrr fakeraid | 03:57 |
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Bokeh | sorry, not touching fakeraid with a 11 feet pole | 03:57 |
Slart | what is fakeraid? | 03:58 |
JebJoya | Slart: yeah, just found it with that word, thanks :D | 03:58 |
minttea | are there issues with the 7.04 torrents? | 03:58 |
acuster | !pastebin | 03:58 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 03:58 |
acuster | !paste | 03:58 |
Linoleum | I dont understand because it works well with fedora 6 | 03:58 |
tdn | variant, ahh... It says: No APM support in kernel | 03:58 |
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variant | tdn: thats irritating, the ubuntu docs say it is built but disabled. try modprobe apm first | 03:58 |
tdn | variant, but why do I want to use apm, when my cpu/motherboard supports acpi? | 03:58 |
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frandavid100 | so... they say in the forums that the torrent is out already, is that true? | 03:58 |
Linoleum | Slart its a raid , but fake because it is suppose to be hardware but actualy it s software, trhought the bios and drivers in windows | 03:58 |
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tdn | variant, FATAL: Error inserting apm (/lib/modules/2.6.15-27-686/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/apm.ko): No such device | 03:59 |
frandavid100 | and sorry to ask, I know it's not been announced | 03:59 |
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variant | tdn: because your acpi support is either incomplete or not well supported in ubunut. we can try apm to see if that works better | 03:59 |
Linoleum | I would like to know | 03:59 |
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Slart | Linoleum: aaaahh.. just found it on the web.. I had one of those.. it died and took all my data with it into the grave.... grrr | 03:59 |
tdn | variant, ok. | 03:59 |
variant | tdn: jeeze.. lets just stick with acpi then | 03:59 |
variant | tdn: fire it up again | 03:59 |
tdn | variant, done | 03:59 |
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ATi7500 | anyone with a good knowledge of networking can join #ATi7500 please? | 04:00 |
variant | tdn: do you know of any bios updates that are available for your bios? allways worth updating when there is one avail# | 04:00 |
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Linoleum | I think dmraid starts not as the first thing in my initramfs ... any idea on how I can changes the priority in the initramfs, so it s loader in first? | 04:00 |
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Woody_ | is it released yet? | 04:00 |
tdn | variant, nope. | 04:00 |
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tdn | variant, I don't know. | 04:00 |
variant | tdn: ok | 04:00 |
siriusly | kubuntu is released | 04:00 |
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tdn | siriusly, 7.04? | 04:00 |
Woody_ | Ubuntu 7.04 is released? | 04:00 |
tonyyarusso | siriusly: apparently not | 04:00 |
larryone | no it isnt | 04:01 |
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Linoleum | only kubuntu | 04:01 |
larryone | release is tomorrow | 04:01 |
zbrown | Hmmm is there a reason that gnomesword default installs the arabic bible? lol | 04:01 |
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variant | tdn: it's a soltek 85ERV if you want to take a look | 04:01 |
tonyyarusso | All talk in #ubuntu-release-party, only support here. | 04:01 |
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SCipher | I want to uninstall Mozilla Firefox, but the manager shows that it will uninstall ubuntu-desktop. It will remove whole package ubuntu-desktop? | 04:01 |
tdn | Why would Kubuntu be released before Ubuntu? | 04:01 |
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Linoleum | duno | 04:01 |
variant | tdn: they are testing releasees only | 04:01 |
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USMarine | SCipher if it's just that package, its ok | 04:01 |
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Slart | SCipher: ubuntu-desktop is just a meta package | 04:01 |
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TuTuFF | there are images available on not labelled beta (which stuff was previously) so i suspect stuff is out just not officially globally released yet | 04:01 |
tdn | variant, I will Google for updates for BIOS on soltek 85ERV | 04:01 |
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ATi7500 | Woody_: yes it is | 04:01 |
peter77 | is there a program to open .rar files? | 04:01 |
ATi7500 | i will give you the link, wait | 04:01 |
fami | tonyyarusso: system76 is a company? | 04:01 |
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Slart | wow.. actually works now =) | 04:01 |
devildawg | | 04:01 |
SCipher | so it will remowe whole package? | 04:01 |
Seveas | tdn, apparently even was wrong about releasing | 04:02 |
USMarine | peter77 winrar? | 04:02 |
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ATi7500 | devildawg: thanks :D | 04:02 |
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siriusly | | 04:02 |
tonyyarusso | fami: yep,, sound like cool stuff | 04:02 |
Slart | SCipher: it will remove the package but not the applications.. | 04:02 |
SCipher | without consequences for system? | 04:02 |
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tonyyarusso | devildawg: Don't post links here | 04:02 |
USMarine | SCipher no | 04:02 |
tonyyarusso | siriusly: same to you | 04:02 |
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SCipher | thanks | 04:02 |
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peter77 | USMarine, in linux | 04:02 |
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USMarine | there's winrar for linux in case you didn't google | 04:03 |
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JebJoya | Slart: I found the one I wanted - :) | 04:03 |
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Terrasque | USMarine: shouldnt that be called linrar? :p | 04:03 |
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someothernick | lol | 04:03 |
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USMarine | maybe | 04:03 |
Slart | JebJoya: ah.. I remember that name now that you mention it.. | 04:03 |
USMarine | i'm not the coder of it | 04:03 |
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USMarine | win = winner | 04:04 |
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USMarine | :P | 04:04 |
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DShepherd | wow... 1557 nice | 04:04 |
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peter77 | USMarine, RAR for linux is only command line | 04:04 |
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devildawg | My bad. Anyone know the anwser to my question. If the video doesn't work when the livecd os loads your screwed? | 04:04 |
RichiH | hmm | 04:04 |
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Slart | I use file roller.. it handles rar files nicely | 04:04 |
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gubluntu | anyone here have any experiance setting up software raid on ubuntu server with SATA ? | 04:05 |
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variant | apt-get install rar unrar-free unrar | 04:05 |
fami | tonyyarusso: how compare system76 with your thinkpad? | 04:05 |
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variant | tdn: not looking promising, can't find sqat about your motherboard + thermal zone support on linux | 04:05 |
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Slart | devildawg: considering it's linux... you can probably change something.. config something.. download something to make it work.. I don't know what though =/ | 04:05 |
tonyyarusso | fami: pretty similar from what I hear, but I haven't managed to get a system76 yet myself. | 04:05 |
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capiira | unrar non-free supports newer rar format! | 04:05 |
larryone | my X session keeps hanging and I am having serious trouble debugging it. Am I likely to have more success with the prop drivers for my ATI card?? | 04:05 |
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delire | larryone: yes probably. did you look in ~/.xsession-errors? | 04:06 |
larryone | I did | 04:06 |
tonyyarusso | devildawg: The live cd is limited in what graphics setups (card, monitor) it can handle. You may still be able to install a functional system from the !alternate CD | 04:06 |
oyvind | Thinkpad Z61m, ATI X1400, 7.04 livecd => loading animation eventually disappears, I/O stops and screen goes black. dapper and edgy livecds worked fine on same hardware .. :( | 04:06 |
larryone | nothing there seems to look too serious | 04:06 |
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larryone | just a gnome panel error | 04:06 |
tdn | variant, :( | 04:06 |
delire | larryone: ahah.. interesting. | 04:06 |
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larryone | also looked in /var/log/Xwhatever/log* | 04:06 |
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tdn | variant, can't find any BIOS updates either. Can't see .tw domains from here. | 04:06 |
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delire | larryone: try creating a new user and see if it happens when logged in as that user.. | 04:07 |
larryone | but there doesnt seem to be any fatal errors there either | 04:07 |
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variant | tdn: odd, show me the link and i will look if you like | 04:07 |
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eifzon | i just installed the ubuntu 7.04 fiesty version, and i installed nvidia-glx driver, when i tried to start X it just closes, i cant use X now :S | 04:07 |
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variant | tdn: you chekced soltek website? | 04:07 |
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larryone | delire, I'll give it a go | 04:07 |
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zack | hey... just wondering where you can find an ubuntu wallpaper that was of a woman with red panties with the ubuntu logo on them? | 04:07 |
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variant | eifzon: #UBUNTU+1 FOR FEISTY SUPPORT | 04:07 |
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delire | larryone: maybe some panel preference you set has gone awry somehow. does sound very unusual though. | 04:07 |
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tdn | variant, it's .tw. I can't see that from here: | 04:07 |
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tonyyarusso | zack: google images likely. | 04:08 |
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larryone | delire, this is a fresh install... | 04:08 |
tbender_ | hi. | 04:08 |
capiira | why still+1? | 04:08 |
fleas | Is there not a PPC 7.04 port anymore? | 04:08 |
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delire | larryone: oh.. odd. | 04:08 |
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zack | tonyyarusso: tried that... | 04:08 |
variant | fleas: not an official one | 04:08 |
internet_ | hello | 04:08 |
macographer | is there an alternative to logrotate on Ubuntu 6.06? | 04:08 |
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fleas | blah | 04:08 |
variant | macographer: u don't like logrotate? | 04:08 |
larryone | delire, I have been trying to get ubuntu running on this machine for weeks now | 04:08 |
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variant | macographer: it's great :) | 04:08 |
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fleas | variant but there is 'one'? | 04:08 |
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larryone | this hads so far beent eh most successful run | 04:08 |
variant | fleas: afaik | 04:08 |
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macographer | variant: it doesn't look like it's installed on my VPS | 04:08 |
tbender_ | i have a question about the update possibilities of ubuntu | 04:08 |
delire | larryone: odd. what's the machine? | 04:08 |
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tbender_ | : | 04:09 |
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dc | can someone walk me through a dist - upgrade from edgy to fiesty? | 04:09 |
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variant | macographer: so install it.. | 04:09 |
larryone | delire, AMD Athlon | 04:09 |
macographer | variant: is it in a repo? | 04:09 |
larryone | self build] | 04:09 |
jrib | !upgrade > dc (dc, see the private message from ubotu) | 04:09 |
tdn | variant, I have an evil ISP who rewrites DNS (among other tings.). And just has crappy service. Example of how bad it is here: | 04:09 |
variant | macographer: apt-get install logrotate | 04:09 |
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tbender_ | i used gentoo for the last years and installed ubunt now. | 04:09 |
macographer | lol. | 04:09 |
dc | jrib: i cant see private messages | 04:09 |
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macographer | variant: thanks. | 04:09 |
dc | !upgrade | 04:09 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:09 |
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fleas | Also, should I use 'atlernative 64' if I want to dual boot a Mac Pro? | 04:09 |
variant | tdn: ah, an Internet Service Preventer | 04:09 |
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Slart | zack: this one? | 04:09 |
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tbender_ | everybody said, that they released the new ubuntu today | 04:09 |
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tbender_ | !upgrade | 04:10 |
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tdn | variant, hehe. Yes. | 04:10 |
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tezem | !upgrade | 04:10 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:10 |
variant | tdn: i don't seem to be able to connect to soltek site either for some reason | 04:10 |
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internet__ | hey | 04:10 |
larryone | delire, dapper wouldnt install from cd for me - now would Edgy. tried all 64 and 32 bit versions only thing that would install was breezy 64bit | 04:10 |
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delire | larryone: oh.. well i haven't had problems on this arch. perhaps you might want to install the proprietary graphics drivers. before you do though, install openssh-server and i can walk you through connecting to it from another machine. | 04:10 |
larryone | nor* | 04:10 |
Slart | zack: bah.. link didn't work | 04:10 |
delire | larryone: do you have another UNIX machine around? | 04:10 |
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tbender_ | cant i upgrade on the new version without cd? | 04:10 |
Pulani | it possible to upgrade from feisty beta to release atm? | 04:10 |
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tonyyarusso | Pulani: Nope, release not final. It will be possible soon though. | 04:10 |
dc | jrib: it doesnt show how to go from 6.10 to 7.04 | 04:10 |
larryone | I have a dapper machine that never gave me problems but it's a bit slow | 04:10 |
tdn | variant, ok. Then maybe this is not my ISP this time. But often it is. | 04:10 |
variant | Pulani: ask in #ubuntu+! | 04:10 |
variant | Pulani: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:11 |
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larryone | delire, I have a dapper machine that never gave me problems but it's a bit slow | 04:11 |
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dc | can someone walk me through a dist - upgrade from edgy to fiesty? | 04:11 |
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jrib | dc: it does, 7.04 is "feisty" | 04:11 |
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ma3x | where dod i get kubuntu | 04:11 |
ma3x | the site doesnt owkr | 04:11 |
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invisiblepinkuni | how do i add an something to the application menu? | 04:11 |
Pulani | thx tonyyarusso | 04:11 |
variant | dc: no, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 04:11 |
dc | jrib: i know that | 04:11 |
larryone | delire, but I only have one network uplink | 04:11 |
dc | variant: ok thanks | 04:11 |
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Garret88 | when will be released the final? | 04:11 |
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zack | Slart: that's ok :D | 04:11 |
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fleas | Does anyone have Ubuntu running on a Mac Pro? | 04:11 |
delire | larryone: probably hard disk speed related. install openssh-server on the offending machine, note the IP and ssh into it when it hangs. we can find out what's wrong. | 04:11 |
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variant | Garret88: read the topic | 04:12 |
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Slart | zack: | 04:12 |
delire | larryone: ok.. can you get into a console though? eg with CTRL-ALT-F2 | 04:12 |
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almimoni | is ubuntu relased or not. | 04:12 |
guilhermee | ja ta bindo aqui o torrent a 56kb... | 04:12 |
variant | almimoni: ubuntu has been released for years | 04:12 |
almimoni | :) | 04:13 |
almimoni | 7.04? | 04:13 |
variant | almimoni: read the topic if you want to know about feisty | 04:13 |
larryone | delire, I tried the consoles - but when the X hangs so does the whole system | 04:13 |
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jrib | invisiblepinkuni: right click on the ubuntu icon for the menu and then "Edit menus" | 04:13 |
Bokeh | 7.04 is NOT released yet. | 04:13 |
delire | almimoni: no, ignore slashdot and digg. | 04:13 |
capiira | the isos are | 04:13 |
spikeb | heh | 04:13 |
tonyyarusso | almimoni: #ubuntu-release-party, read the /topic | 04:13 |
zack | Slart: awesome, thank you | 04:13 |
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invisiblepinkuni | how do i add an something to the application menu? | 04:13 |
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guilhermee | ops... wrong channel | 04:13 |
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almimoni | thx | 04:13 |
capiira | the isos on their server is dated 19.april | 04:13 |
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variant | invisiblepinkuni: right click it and select edit | 04:13 |
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larryone | delire, I know its a graphical problem because the machine doesnt hang if I leave the X alone and just go console based | 04:13 |
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variant | tdn: sorry mate. do you have any other os instaled? | 04:13 |
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blanky | guys where are the torrents for feisty!?!?! | 04:13 |
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variant | blanky: READ THE TOPIC | 04:14 |
psst | my ubuntu installation keeps shutting down - how can I debug this? | 04:14 |
IdleOne | !feisty | 04:14 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 04:14 |
blanky | what?! damn it's still not out yet?! wtf, even slashdot said it's out yet, variant calm down dude | 04:14 |
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jash | How can feisty not be out when both slashdot and digg state it is? :) | 04:14 |
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linuxactivist | psst, describe what happens | 04:14 |
blanky | jash: EXACTLY! | 04:14 |
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treylsu | trey@trey-laptop:~$ gksu update-manager | 04:14 |
treylsu | warning: could not initiate dbus | 04:14 |
treylsu | current dist not found in meta-release file | 04:14 |
Linuturk | jash, because they jumped the gun | 04:14 |
variant | blanky: you are the one with four ! and ? | 04:14 |
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treylsu | Will that stop me from updating | 04:14 |
tuxub | hi, how can I enable the v4l kernel module in ubuntu? | 04:14 |
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Linuturk | jash, feisty is not out yet. Join #ubuntu-release-party for information | 04:14 |
variant | !v4l > tuxub | 04:14 |
IdleOne | well if slashdot and digg said so .... | 04:14 |
blanky | variant: you take things too literally, perhaps you should get off the computer for a while | 04:15 |
blanky | later guys! | 04:15 |
Crazytom_ | damn | 04:15 |
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capiira | hrrr but isos are out | 04:15 |
tdn | variant, hmm... No. Not on this PC. Why? | 04:15 |
FuzZy | if a resize the partition on which windows is installed, will it affect the windows installation or the files on it(using partition manager) | 04:15 |
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FuzZy | cos i have 60 giga in C:/ | 04:15 |
invisiblepinkuni | jrib: variant : thank you :) | 04:15 |
tuxub | variant, he doesn't know anything about v4l ;) | 04:15 |
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=== fleas is downloading the feisty iso's now. | ||
FuzZy | and i wanna resize to install ubuntu | 04:15 |
fortitUs | hey everyone. is there any reason Ubuntu Live CD lags on my laptop? | 04:15 |
psst | well - my X display blanks out, shows two error windows that indicate two of my eclipse-based apps have just died, then goes black again | 04:15 |
larryone | blanky, it is impossible to get support related stuff done in here if everyone keeps spamming the channel with release related questions. variant and others are getting very frustrated because of this | 04:15 |
variant | tdn: was wondering if it was showing up in *otherOS* | 04:15 |
tdn | variant, I have tried using the newest Knoppix. But that does not give me anything in thermal_zone. | 04:15 |
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BrianBoyko | Fortitus: Yes, you're running off of a LiveCD. | 04:15 |
psst | then, within a few seconds, the machine goes to the off state | 04:15 |
tdn | variant, haven't tried. | 04:15 |
fleas | also if you want ppc .. | 04:15 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*] by tonyyarusso | ||
BrianBoyko | This typically has longer data transfer rates than a hard drive. | 04:15 |
treylsu | No a resize will not do anything to your windows install | 04:15 |
FuzZy | ok | 04:15 |
psst | so it looks like the apps connected to X are getting killed | 04:15 |
fortitUs | BrianBoyko is there a command line to install all the shit straight? like FC6? | 04:16 |
variant | tdn: not much to do about it then i'm afraid | 04:16 |
FuzZy | thx | 04:16 |
linuxactivist | Fuzzy, it shouldn't. Make sure you have backups in windows and a defrag wouldn't hurt. I have done this 5 times now and it work every time. | 04:16 |
psst | then the machine is shutting down | 04:16 |
treylsu | you will just have less space | 04:16 |
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zack | @everybody getting Feisty... at least wait until Envy is updated... | 04:16 |
tdn | variant, and downloading an image will take approx. 24 hours on this sucking ISP :( | 04:16 |
PriceChild | !ohmy > fortitUs | 04:16 |
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moonlite | zack: what is envy? | 04:16 |
bushwakko | please help, I can't get java 1.4 to show up in update-java-alternatives ! | 04:16 |
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tdn | variant, ok. But thanks for your help anyway. | 04:16 |
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Seveas | zack, or just don't use nasty scripts like envy | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | !envy | moonlite | 04:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on | 04:16 |
linuxactivist | psst, what are the eclipse apps? | 04:16 |
variant | tdn: ye | 04:16 |
variant | tdn: np | 04:16 |
bushwakko | How do I need to install it for it to show up there | 04:16 |
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BrianBoyko | Fortitus: Mmm... no, but if you reboot you can choose a non-graphical install from the menu. This will prevent the starting of Xserver and allow you to install right away. | 04:16 |
linuxactivist | psst, what do the errors say | 04:16 |
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b0ng0 | could someone help with with wireless in Feisty? | 04:16 |
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capiira | just because they don't updated their site yet does not mean that the final version cant be downloaded | 04:16 |
tonyyarusso | b0ng0: Feisty support in #ubuntu+1 until it's released | 04:16 |
fortitUs | thanks :D | 04:17 |
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psst | linuxactivist: Sametime 7.5 and IBM Workplace (i.e. Lotus Notes 7.5 in eclipse) | 04:17 |
BrianBoyko | Fortitus: Alternatively, if your machine is already on the Xdesktop, you could double click the install icon, but I'm guessing it's taking a while for that to come up. | 04:17 |
b0ng0 | it is released btw | 04:17 |
zack | moonlite, envy is an auto graphics installer | 04:17 |
b0ng0 | look at the main page | 04:17 |
fortitUs | yes. | 04:17 |
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zack | seveas, i like it cause it just works | 04:17 |
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fortitUs | i tried on eft it took ages... | 04:17 |
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omaaaar | I have a question about launchpad. I used to translate ubuntu to my language, but in every ubuntu new release, I don't find the translations I did. Why? | 04:17 |
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fortitUs | is the non-graphical the same as the alternate CD? | 04:17 |
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linuxactivist | psst, do you know the errors or does anything show up in /var/log/messages | 04:17 |
psst | the errors say "JVM terminated" just as if I had found the Java processes and issued a kill -9 | 04:17 |
apokryphos | ubotu: feisty | 04:17 |
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ubotu | Join #ubuntu-release-party for the celebration of the soon-to-be-released 7.04 version of Ubuntu: The Feisty Fawn | 04:17 |
tonyyarusso | fortitUs: Non-graphical installer, yes. To get a non-graphical system, server. | 04:17 |
moonlite | zack: i don't see why that is needed? | 04:18 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso, time to give in and accept the fact that the ubuntu release team has no clue but digg and slashdot are the all knowing websites of the universe | 04:18 |
psst | messages - let me check | 04:18 |
KillerBunny | Whats the difference between the "non-final" and the final ? | 04:18 |
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tonyyarusso | IdleOne: Heh. Nope. (and not here) | 04:18 |
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capiira | beta cd you mean ? | 04:18 |
tonyyarusso | KillerBunny: #ubuntu-release-party please | 04:18 |
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fortitUs | yay great :) i'll just get the Alternate CD then | 04:18 |
linuxactivist | psst, hmm.. anything in /var/log/messages | 04:18 |
seaGo | feisty which version have of kvirc? | 04:18 |
zack | moonlite: possibly due to annoyances fetching and downloading the latest ati/nvidia installs | 04:18 |
BrianBoyko | Fortitus: I don't know - I haven't used the alternate CD, but you shouldn' tneed it. | 04:18 |
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BrianBoyko | Fortitus: You can do a non-graphical install from the regular ISO. | 04:18 |
seaGo | feisty which version have of kvirc? | 04:18 |
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capiira | heh its so useless to type in here with 1585 people typing at same time :) | 04:19 |
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IdleOne | seaGo, ask in the kunbuntu | 04:19 |
laichzeit | feisty out!!! | 04:19 |
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seaGo | IdleOne kvirc is also | 04:19 |
seaGo | for gnome | 04:19 |
capiira | irc text scrolls like a ls -Rv on root | 04:19 |
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linuxactivist | cat /var/log/messages and see what you get... look for stuff around the time the system hangs | 04:19 |
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IdleOne | !info kvirc | 04:19 |
ubotu | kvirc: KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.4-3ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 2871 kB, installed size 8644 kB | 04:19 |
IdleOne | there | 04:19 |
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IdleOne | !info kvirc feisty | 04:20 |
variant | psst: one thing you can do is run this comman dinside screen while true; do ps aux > test.text ; sleep 1; done | 04:20 |
outlier | Anybody else with edgy having problems with usb mice just quitting after a few minutes? | 04:20 |
omaaaar | it's released | 04:20 |
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omaaaar | | 04:20 |
ubotu | kvirc: KDE based next generation IRC client with module support. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:3.2.4-5ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2949 kB, installed size 8868 kB | 04:20 |
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omaaaar | yeah | 04:20 |
trelayne2 | man the party has started | 04:20 |
psst | linuxactivist: I see a msg from gconfd, saying: Received signal 15, shutting down cleanly | 04:20 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Feisty is out! | ||
capiira | and where is the beer? | 04:20 |
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omaaaar | released | 04:20 |
fortitUs | brian: thanks alot | 04:20 |
PirateHead | PARTY! | 04:20 |
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dusty-work | Hey guys what is a good piece of software in Ubuntu (KDE) that I can use to burn .iso images to bootable disks cd and dvd? | 04:20 |
variant | psst: that way the next time you reboot the last cpu useage and other info before the system hung will be in a file named test.text | 04:20 |
omaaaar | happy feisty | 04:20 |
trelayne2 | forget the beer, here's some lemonade | 04:20 |
strikerdmx | Hi | 04:20 |
linuxactivist | psst, what about before that? | 04:20 |
fortitUs | brian: think i will just get the desktop then :D | 04:20 |
mrossow | PARTY!!! | 04:20 |
Seveas | !no feisty is <reply> FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party | 04:20 |
moonlite | zack: ok ok. I did the install earlier this morning and it worked nicely. The restricted drivers manager popped up and let me chose proprietary nvidia drivers if i wanted to (which i wanted since i wanted to test compiz) | 04:20 |
ubotu | I'll remember that Seveas | 04:20 |
=== capiira accepts the lemonade | ||
linuxactivist | dusty-work, krb | 04:20 |
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moonlite | zack: all worked like a charm. | 04:20 |
fabiim | how to upgrade to feisty ? | 04:21 |
linuxactivist | !krb | 04:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about krb - try searching on | 04:21 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tonyyarusso] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! | ||
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spikeb | !upgrade | fabiim | 04:21 |
ubotu | fabiim: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:21 |
variant | psst: did you see that? | 04:21 |
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linuxactivist | dusty-work, or something like that | 04:21 |
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fabiim | tls | 04:21 |
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fabiim | tks | 04:21 |
plb | almost 1600 people in here! | 04:21 |
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psst | linuxactivist: there's a "-- MARK --" but nothing for 30 mins before that | 04:21 |
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poningru | holy cow | 04:21 |
prower | What do you know, the 15th ISO's were final ;> | 04:22 |
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fami | lol @party chanel | 04:22 |
xairro | #ubuntu-release-party | 04:22 |
zack | moonlite: good for you :) personally envy has saved my ass a couple of times... like when my computer froze and caused nvidia glx to die on me, and after hours of trying i finally opened a terminal, typed in 'envy' and it did its stuff straight away.. | 04:22 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - | ||
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kuba_ | i've got a question: when i copy file using 'cp' what option i have to type if i want to see a status of copying(how much time remaining)??? | 04:22 |
prower | Seveas: Turns out I was right ;> | 04:22 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:tonyyarusso] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party, keep this support only | ||
linuxactivist | the MARKs are just a check mark spot in the logs... letting you know that they are working, but nothing has happened. | 04:22 |
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tonyyarusso | doh, sorry Seveas | 04:22 |
psst | is there a shutdown-now key sequence? | 04:22 |
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RichiH | heh | 04:22 |
Seveas | grr :p | 04:22 |
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zack | moonlite: of course, didn't realise it was nvidia - just gave me a dbus error | 04:22 |
Bicchi | Hurray :) | 04:22 |
hoagie | feisty is out! | 04:22 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:Seveas] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party | ||
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variant | yay, feisty is here :) | 04:22 |
teun | \o/ | 04:22 |
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poningru | guys please read the topic | 04:22 |
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treylsu | is update via update manger working yet | 04:23 |
Amaranth | And so it begins | 04:23 |
fami | good news, i ever read today | 04:23 |
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variant | poningru: feisty IS out now :) | 04:23 |
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dusty-work | Anyone? | 04:23 |
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poningru | dusty-work: whatsup? | 04:23 |
Lbawinowns_ | So is it out? | 04:23 |
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fami | tonyyarusso: yes, looks nice. abit expensive @system76 | 04:23 |
variant | poningru: | 04:23 |
Amaranth | Battle stations! Red alert! Incoming upgrade issues! | 04:23 |
variant | :D | 04:23 |
poningru | variant: the party is elsewhere | 04:23 |
poningru | not here | 04:23 |
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Daviey | Is it out yet? | 04:23 |
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variant | poningru: true true | 04:23 |
tonyyarusso | Daviey: /topic | 04:23 |
linuxactivist | psst, hmm. can you launch your eclipse apps from the command line and redirect the errors to a file... | 04:23 |
virdiq | yes | 04:23 |
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virdiq | #ubuntu-release-party has gone mad | 04:23 |
prower | variant: The torrents that were uploaded pointed to the 15th ISO's, but everyone in here vehemently denied they were final, haha | 04:23 |
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EmxBA | what happened to #ubuntu? | 04:23 |
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hoagie | it's out guys check | 04:23 |
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poningru | linuxactivist: use '> filename' | 04:23 |
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prower | I finished downloading it a while ago | 04:23 |
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linuxactivist | psst, I need to look up how to do that unless someone else here knows off the top of their head... I don't know if java is different | 04:24 |
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stefg | !Feisty | 04:24 |
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virdiq | #ubuntu-release-party is ~20 comments/second all saying "congrats" and "its out!" | 04:24 |
psst | linuxactivist: there's not much point - they will just say that the JVM was terminated | 04:24 |
strikerdmx | dos anybody know why "grub" don't load my windows? | 04:24 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party | 04:24 |
guilhermee | released: | 04:24 |
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IdleOne | :( was hoping that a dist-upgrade was going to bring in a few packages but nothing :( | 04:24 |
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moonlite | zack: by reading around i found out that this envy thing isn't officially supported. hm. i really see no reason to even use it. i always prefer to use the OS the way its intended | 04:24 |
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balster_neb | 1600! | 04:24 |
moDumass | hey all so once i have this cairo clock installed how do i make it go? | 04:24 |
ingo | n1 | 04:24 |
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linuxactivist | psst, what JVM are you using... what's your java version | 04:24 |
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versix | mc44: that worked, thanks a lot for the help | 04:24 |
capiira | wtf happen to ubuntu+1? | 04:24 |
capiira | clear users | 04:24 |
capiira | hehe | 04:24 |
_Neil | anyone see feisty in update manager? | 04:24 |
_Neil | :/ | 04:24 |
Bene17 | anyone who know how to update ubuntu 7.04 Beta to Final Release?! | 04:24 |
_Neil | i dont | 04:24 |
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fami | virdiq: yes, | 04:24 |
prower | Seveas: I guess you didn't want to ruin the release party? ;> | 04:25 |
coNP | capiira: gibbon fans are @ #ubuntu+2 :) | 04:25 |
mc44 | versix: great, thanks for pointing it out | 04:25 |
kuba_ | i've got a question: when i copy file using 'cp' what option i have to type if i want to see a status of copying(how much time remaining)??? | 04:25 |
psst | linuxactivist: an IBM JVM (came with the apps) | 04:25 |
larryone | capiira, ubuntu+1 == ubuntu | 04:25 |
zack | moonlite: na it isn't. i probably won't even use it for feisty in a new install | 04:25 |
zach382 | join the party at #ubuntu-release-party | 04:25 |
sabdfl | Bene17: it should update automatically | 04:25 |
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dgold | everyone went to #ubuntu-release-party | 04:25 |
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capiira | lol | 04:25 |
dgold | everyone went to #ubuntu-release-party | 04:25 |
fami | virdiq: their keyboard is hoting | 04:25 |
sabdfl | just fire up your package manager when you're connected to the net | 04:25 |
strikerdmx | dos anybody know why "grub" don't load my windows? | 04:25 |
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capiira | :) that picky | 04:25 |
psst | kuba_: not sure - try -v for verbose | 04:25 |
hoagie | join the party at #ubuntu-release-party | 04:25 |
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maard | hi, xorg question: (II) VESA(0): Not using built-in mode "1280x1024" (width too large for virtual size) | 04:25 |
virdiq | fami: i increased my scrollback buffer to 50000 | 04:25 |
_Neil | sabdfl: Should that work for edgy too? i see nothing | 04:25 |
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zbrown | In gnome, there's the CPU Frequency Scaling monitor, I know that in another distro I was able to tell the processors what speed I wanted them running out or what profile (ie: usermode, performance, powersave). In Ubuntu Feisty it shows me the speeds but its permanently set to "ondemand" mode. What should I install to enable functionality of controlling the profile of my processor's speedstep capabilities? | 04:25 |
virdiq | to record the party | 04:25 |
strikerdmx | #server | 04:25 |
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fami | virdiq: hehe | 04:25 |
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virdiq | i think i may need to make the scrollback more like 10,000,000 | 04:26 |
MacSlow | Cheers to the people behind putting 7.04 into your hands! | 04:26 |
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cables | zbrown, there's a package that lets you do that. | 04:26 |
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treylsu | is anyone getting dbus error when running 7.04 beta update manager | 04:26 |
variant | virdiq: trye 5,000,000, that might just get it all :) | 04:26 |
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cables | zbrown, but i forget it | 04:26 |
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Bene17 | how do i find out that the final release has been set up? because I didn't recognized an update progress.. | 04:26 |
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zbrown | cables: ya i just don't knjow the package, im not sure what to look for | 04:26 |
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gils | what speed are you guys getting from these mirrors | 04:26 |
zbrown | !scaling | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about scaling - try searching on | 04:26 |
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linuxactivist | psst, what do you see if you type update-alternatives --list java in a terminal | 04:26 |
FlimFlamMan | hello. if i DL fiesty through a torrent, what's the best way to upgrade my edgy system from it? | 04:26 |
zbrown | !help | 04:26 |
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ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at - Usage info: | 04:26 |
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variant | hah, ubunut+1 is gone already | 04:26 |
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larryone | ubuntu+1 == ubuntu | 04:27 |
djm62 | /joi #ubuntu-release-party | 04:27 |
bushwakko | update-manager wont let me upgrade yet? is it normal? | 04:27 |
poningru | zbrown: whatsup? | 04:27 |
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zbrown | poningru: hey, just trying to figure out how to control the scaling of my cpu | 04:27 |
Lbawinowns_ | How Can I download feisty, I see nothing in updatemanager | 04:27 |
disasm | I guess I can't tell feisty users to go to ubuntu+1 anymore ;-) | 04:27 |
plb | | 04:27 |
Sarge | has been updated!!! | 04:27 |
acuster | wow, they took their main site down!? that wierd | 04:27 |
zach382 | - download fiesty | 04:27 |
poningru | zbrown: that should have worked out of the box... what cpu are you using? | 04:27 |
zbrown | poningru: its permanently set to ondemand, but i'd like to be able to control that :) | 04:28 |
fabiim | i'm having problem's updating my edgy , i receive this message linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic_2.6.17.1-11.37_i386.deb: corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive | 04:28 |
zbrown | !find frequency | 04:28 |
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zbrown | poningru: core 2 duo | 04:28 |
zbrown | err core duo | 04:28 |
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zbrown | sorry | 04:28 |
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capiira | now i'm curious to where *ubuntu will be catapulted on distro watch | 04:28 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@wikipedia/Adam1213] by tonyyarusso | ||
FlimFlamMan | yippee :-) | 04:28 |
psst | I have java-1.5.0-sun j2re1.4-sun gij-wrapper-4.1 and java-gcj | 04:28 |
JebJoya | wow, looks scary :) | 04:28 |
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zbrown | poningru: it worked out of box with Mandriva, but i can't control the cpu with the freqency monitor | 04:28 |
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plb | acuster, low bandwidth version | 04:28 |
Seveas | acuster, it couldn't cop with the load I guess :) | 04:28 |
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ubotu | File frequency found in r-cran-zoo | 04:28 |
zbrown | !find cpu | 04:28 |
ubotu | Found: xfce4-cpugraph-plugin, ascpu, cpu, cpuburn, cpudyn (and 17 others) | 04:28 |
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psst | linuxactivist: but there are at least another 5 SDKs on my machine | 04:28 |
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variant | Could not connect to (, connection timed out :E | 04:28 |
poningru | zbrown: what do you mean you want to control? | 04:28 |
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laichzeit | I don't get it... the .iso from the 15th of April is the official release iso? | 04:28 |
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poningru | you want to enable the scaling right? automagic scaling right | 04:29 |
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poningru | laichzeit: yes | 04:29 |
Amaranth | laichzeit: yes | 04:29 |
psst | linuxactivist: I develop SDKs for a living | 04:29 |
PlasmaFox | holy crap | 04:29 |
Lbawinowns_ | If I want download feisty from one of the menioned mirrors. What do I do? | 04:29 |
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PlasmaFox | 1600 users | 04:29 |
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virdiq | get it off a torrent | 04:29 |
zbrown | poningru: well in the past you could control the profile and clock speed | 04:29 |
virdiq | 3000 people leeching now | 04:29 |
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virdiq | and 1000 seeding | 04:29 |
Amaranth | PlasmaFox: The US hasn't even woken up all the way yet, expect 200 more | 04:29 |
linuxactivist | psst, I see. I was just wondering if there was a conflict of some sort? | 04:29 |
poorenglish_ | PlasmaFox: y, lol | 04:29 |
plb | I took a screenshot of 1600 users | 04:29 |
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laichzeit | damnit, I've it's been available the whole day :( | 04:29 |
LjL | !traffic | 04:29 |
ubotu | NOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding! | 04:29 |
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virdiq | (that is i386 btw) | 04:29 |
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poningru | zbrown: you can do that with a config file | 04:29 |
linuxactivist | psst, I don't know why the java vm would cause ubuntu to reboot. Sounds bad | 04:29 |
duanerb | when is gutsy being released? | 04:29 |
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PlasmaFox | Amaranth, I am the US :p | 04:29 |
poningru | but ... | 04:29 |
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tonyyarusso | duanerb: october | 04:30 |
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dalton1976 | Somebody can help me with the following problem?: My mouse stop to click on rdesktop. | 04:30 |
docMuerto | Help to Shared, P2P ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso|731797504|E239215147FA03E5DB3D6C816291BFCA|h=2ZG5NL5GESHFR5NYUXF2AUZDDNICP4CR|/ (aMule or eMule) | 04:30 |
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duanerb | so far waway... | 04:30 |
Slart | feisty is now available using the update manager | 04:30 |
Slart | =) | 04:30 |
moDumass | hmm, when i start cairo-clock in term i get an xml error, and can only have the clock open whilst the term is open | 04:30 |
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duanerb | dalton1976: try rebooting the X-Server if you don't have anything to lose | 04:30 |
duanerb | (ctrl-alt-delete) | 04:30 |
psst | linuxactivist: pretty sure that something is issuing TERM signals to everything. The eclipse apps have a native wrapper that just shows a dialog when the underlying JVM quits in an unexpected way | 04:30 |
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keisha_22f | hell pll :) | 04:30 |
duanerb | NOT backspace | 04:30 |
disasm | when will #ubuntu+1 allow people to join? I like idling in there ;-) | 04:30 |
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_Neil | no feisty displayed on update manager? How can I get it back? | 04:30 |
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_Neil | ooh | 04:31 |
_Neil | nm | 04:31 |
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protocol1 | can I upgrade from this beta? | 04:31 |
_Neil | tis there | 04:31 |
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VincentMX | hi | 04:31 |
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Lbawinowns_ | ok. Yay it worked :), How Come it got downloaded so fast :)? | 04:31 |
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dalton1976 | i know but it happens too often, is anybody have a permanent solution? | 04:31 |
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jrib | protocol1: yes, just do a dist-upgrade | 04:31 |
maddler | hmmm... how am I supposed to access kmilo config? | 04:31 |
zbrown | poningru: aha, i needed to install cpufreqd | 04:31 |
protocol1 | or do I need to get the iso? | 04:31 |
linuxactivist | does anybody know how to increase the logging level of ubuntu? | 04:31 |
megafauna | do i upgrade with the live dvd/cd? | 04:31 |
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flodine | what happen ubuntu+1 room | 04:31 |
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virdiq | [ERROR] Connection to irc://freenode/ (irc:// reset. | 04:31 |
virdiq | anyone else get kicked? | 04:31 |
jrib | flodine: #ubuntu is now support for feisty | 04:31 |
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linuxactivist | maybe we can capture more of what is going on | 04:31 |
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disasm | flodine: it doesn't exist for the next few days | 04:31 |
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linuxactivist | for psst | 04:31 |
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IdleOne | flodine, feisty is supported in here now | 04:31 |
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Bene17 | how do I know, if im using the beta or the final?!! | 04:31 |
keisha_22f | i want to download to download the finale release of ubuntu. when i go to the date is april 15? why is this? | 04:32 |
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chowmeined | wooo | 04:32 |
chowmeined | 1600 people | 04:32 |
Slart | flodine: I think they moved in here.. ubunutu+1 would be gusty g-animal now.. =) | 04:32 |
LjL | virdiq: you were the victim of an IRC exploit, please join #ubuntu-read-topic and read the instructions | 04:32 |
jrib | keisha_22f: | 04:32 |
fami | @party they're talking more drinking | 04:32 |
AlexC_ | holy crap, 1602 users? | 04:32 |
dav7 | wow | 04:32 |
PriceChild | keisha_22f, because that's when it was made | 04:32 |
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prower | keisha_22f: That's the right one, even though they said it wasn't before the official news | 04:32 |
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protocol1 | jrib, done that | 04:32 |
Amaranth | Bene17: if you had the beta and have no updates then you have the final | 04:32 |
_Neil | is it worth using update manager? if its going to go really slow.. | 04:32 |
dav7 | what alot of users | 04:32 |
micahcowan | Bene17, if you've been keeping up-to-date with the update-manager, hyou're running final ^_^ | 04:32 |
protocol1 | I have it then? | 04:32 |
poningru | Bene17: if you have upgraded all the way through then you are running the final | 04:32 |
jrib | protocol1: then you are up to date | 04:32 |
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rage | Hey, I'm way behind on the times, does anyone know where a change log of 7.04 is? I want to know whats changed | 04:32 |
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linuxactivist | psst, perhaps writing a short script to take a regular look (sleep 1 to 5) of the process tree might not be a bad idea. | 04:32 |
micahcowan | 1600 users, yeah: WOW | 04:32 |
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laichzeit | someone should just "touch" that damn .iso to stop confusion | 04:32 |
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dav7 | w00t | 04:32 |
Amaranth | rage: Probably in the release announcement in the topic :) | 04:32 |
AlexC_ | rage: | 04:32 |
poningru | !ohmy | laichzeit | 04:32 |
ubotu | laichzeit: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:32 |
flodine | im down loading april 19 cd | 04:32 |
alex-weej | linuxactivist: "man watch" | 04:33 |
protocol1 | jrib, you mean I had it this whole time since april 15th? | 04:33 |
variant | linuxactivist: what, you mean what i sugested to him about 30 mins ago and was ignored.. | 04:33 |
Slart | laichzeit: perhaps it isn't the right one... | 04:33 |
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linuxactivist | laichzeit, i agree... people are in a tizzy | 04:33 |
prower | laichzeit: There wouldn't be any confusion except for that the channel ops said that the ISO was the wrong one :> | 04:33 |
psst | linuxactivist: ok - thanks for your help so far - you've given me lots to try | 04:33 |
prower | protocol1: Yes | 04:33 |
plb | Keisari, download the image from one of the servers off right now...those are final and are all released on april 19 | 04:33 |
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surface | released! | 04:33 |
dav7 | this is one of the most active channels I've ever seen | 04:33 |
_Neil | maxed out downloading at 4mbit/s | 04:33 |
protocol1 | ok cool | 04:33 |
_Neil | nice server | 04:33 |
linuxactivist | variant, yes. Sorry. | 04:33 |
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jrib | protocol1: pretty much, they aren't going to do radical changes a couple of days before release :) | 04:33 |
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oyvind | Anyone got a problem with black screen and live cd ? 7.04 dislikes my thinkpad z61m very much, think there are som ata-problems, at least everything hangs after progress bar has been running for a while, screen goes black, Alt+Fn no go, Ctrl+Alt+Del works .. | 04:33 |
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poningru | davgo check out #ubuntu-release-party | 04:33 |
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AlexC_ | this is insanely busy, I hope it doesn't stay like this from now on, | 04:33 |
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dav7 | a second won't pass before a new message is in view | 04:33 |
rage | Thanks AlexC_, but those are just release notes :-( | 04:33 |
keisha_22f | power: so you mean this ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso (april 15) is the right one to download? even the date is april 15? | 04:33 |
chowmeined | use the torrents | 04:33 |
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AlexC_ | rage: is that not what you asked for? | 04:33 |
prower | jrib: Still funny how the ops refused to acknowledge that was the fact until the official release though ;> | 04:33 |
linuxactivist | Variant, it was a good idea. I am sorry that I didn't recognize it. | 04:33 |
tsp | wow this hcannel has a lot of people | 04:33 |
Angeluz | oyvind: Try disabling acpi. | 04:33 |
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rage | AlexC_: it doesnt list changes | 04:33 |
prower | keisha_22f: Yes, that's right | 04:33 |
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chowmeined | they go fast and dont stress ubunt's servers | 04:33 |
AlexC_ | rage: woops, sorry I didn't read it | 04:33 |
linuxactivist | variant, my apologies | 04:33 |
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AlexC_ | rage: thats not the link I was thinking of, hold on | 04:34 |
variant | linuxactivist: one thing you can do is run this comman dinside screen while true; do ps aux > test.text ; sleep 1; done | 04:34 |
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variant | linuxactivist: no problem :P | 04:34 |
rage | AlexC_: Np | 04:34 |
linuxor | Hi, what software is used to modify pdf ? thx>> | 04:34 |
prower | keisha_22f: The ops said it wasn't earlier but the 19th torrents linked directly to the iso's, so it was pretty obvious | 04:34 |
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poningru | oyvind: hmm go disable acpi and make sure that you have quite and splash removed | 04:34 |
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rage | AlexC_: I cant find a good list and Google has failed me | 04:34 |
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Slart | linuxor: adobe software, I think | 04:34 |
fuzzy_logic | hello world! | 04:34 |
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AlexC_ | rage: can you read html =D | 04:34 |
oyvind | Angeluz: tried acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, safe graphics mode, none of those help .. | 04:34 |
poningru | linuxor: you can just open it up in openoffice | 04:34 |
Slart | linuxor: don't think there is a pdf editor available for free | 04:34 |
linuxor | Slart : on linux? | 04:34 |
linuxactivist | variant, we're all just trying to help, right. You have good input. | 04:34 |
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Slart | linuxor: well.. perhaps using wine.. nothing native | 04:35 |
linuxactivist | fuzzy_logic, hello, Fuzzy | 04:35 |
fuzzy_logic | are there people that upgraded to feisty? is it worth upgrading? | 04:35 |
variant | linuxactivist: I was not.. oh nm | 04:35 |
_Neil | hey guys.. ubuntu wont run on my 7800gt by default, i had to go to vesa, install nvidia-glx, then reconfigure x.. with updating to feisty keep this? | 04:35 |
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PirateHead | Hello fuzzy_logic! | 04:35 |
_Neil | ie.. will my stuff die mid upgrade? | 04:35 |
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plb | Any of the servers on right now are updated with the FINAL | 04:35 |
prower | plb: Yes | 04:35 |
linuxor | Slart : ok thx | 04:35 |
laichzeit | fuzzy_logic, yeah apparantly it has the Aero interface | 04:35 |
PriceChild | _Neil, should be fine | 04:35 |
poningru | linuxboy: are you trying to make a pdf or edit an existing one? | 04:35 |
linuxor | poningru : thx | 04:35 |
AlexC_ | laichzeit: huh? what does? | 04:35 |
_Neil | PriceChild: Thanks :) | 04:35 |
prower | plb: The final ISO has been there since the 15th, they're just "releasing" it now | 04:35 |
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sarastro_w_m | hi guya | 04:35 |
fuzzy_logic | laichzeit: don't really get that one.. what do you mean? | 04:35 |
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sarastro_w_m | guys | 04:35 |
prower | (Or at least was created on that date) | 04:35 |
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Angeluz | How can I supply another Mirror for the | 04:35 |
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sarastro_w_m | i have a problem | 04:35 |
linuxor | poningru : editing existing and modify it | 04:35 |
tonyyarusso | Party and release talk in #ubuntu-release-party, support here. | 04:36 |
linuxactivist | sarastro_w_m, what's up? | 04:36 |
Saelynh | big up to the ubuntu team, they rock \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ ^^ | 04:36 |
AlexC_ | laichzeit: Ubuntu does _not_ have Aero, though you can easily install/enable Compiz which you could say is *like* Aero, though it's far morepowerful | 04:36 |
plb | Prower hrm I've seen some change from 15th -> 19th throughout the day | 04:36 |
variant | Angeluz: if you have terabytes of bandwidth you mean? | 04:36 |
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linuxactivist | sarastro_w_m, how can we help? | 04:36 |
fortitUs | Beryl o_O? | 04:36 |
plb | I'm grabbing the one from today | 04:36 |
sarastro_w_m | well i was beta tester | 04:36 |
poningru | linuxboy: yeah open it up in OOo | 04:36 |
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Angeluz | variant: Not me, but the University in my city. | 04:36 |
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poningru | sarastro_w_m: whatsup? | 04:36 |
prower | plb: I'm looking at right now, and the ISO is for the 15th | 04:36 |
sarastro_w_m | my last version was the one of april the15 | 04:36 |
sarastro_w_m | ok | 04:36 |
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variant | Angeluz: better ask them if they want to then :) | 04:36 |
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richdurhm | anyone have nay probs with upgrade? | 04:36 |
prower | I would consider that official :> | 04:36 |
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yanger | is the miniiso out yet? | 04:36 |
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linuxor | poningru : I'll do thx | 04:36 |
sarastro_w_m | now i want to upgrade to the official one | 04:36 |
sarastro_w_m | but | 04:36 |
plb | prower, guess it doesn't matter either way seeing as you can upgrade anyway =) | 04:36 |
orbin | fuzzy_logic, AlexC_ : methinks he/she is pulling your legs | 04:37 |
PirateHead | Man, Africans have tons of mirrors to choose from. | 04:37 |
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antonym55 | [ ] ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso 15-Apr-2007 08:52 698M Desktop CD for PC (Intel x86) computers (standard download) | 04:37 |
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Slart | poningru: OOo can edit pdf's now?? | 04:37 |
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bushwakko | help, I can't do anything because apt-get says I need to reinstall j2sdk, because something bad happened! | 04:37 |
poningru | Slart: it always could | 04:37 |
PirateHead | SA, Botswana, Mozambique, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Bosnia. | 04:37 |
bushwakko | and I cant remove it or anything | 04:37 |
prower | plb: Yes, that's true :> The ops just decided that they didn't want to admit it was the right one until the whole release party thing went ahead I suppose | 04:37 |
felixhummel_ | Can you recommend a cd ripper (edgy, gnome)? | 04:37 |
fuzzy_logic | orbin: ok lol | 04:37 |
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sarastro_w_m | if i do sudo do-release-upgrade | 04:37 |
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poningru | felixhummel_: ripper? for audio? or video? or data? | 04:37 |
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sarastro_w_m | i get no new version | 04:37 |
AlexC_ | felixhummel_: Places->CD/DVD Creater | 04:37 |
antonym55 | 15-Apr-2007 08:52 | 04:37 |
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keisha_22f | prower: i have tried this one? | 04:37 |
Slart | poningru: not that last time I checked... I'll have to try again | 04:37 |
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Angel-SL | hey, can I use desktop for a server? | 04:37 |
dystopianray | felixhummel_: cdparanoia | 04:38 |
linuxactivist | felixhummel_, soundjuicer and bansee work pretty well | 04:38 |
poningru | Angel-SL: ofcourse | 04:38 |
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sarastro_w_m | does it meens that the version of april 15th is the last one? | 04:38 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: yes, but why? | 04:38 |
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Angel-SL | AlexC_: its just a home server in my NAT i like to fiddle with | 04:38 |
felixhummel_ | poningru, audio -> ogg (automatic was best) | 04:38 |
felixhummel_ | thanks, ppl | 04:38 |
linuxactivist | felixhummel_, if you want a gui... follow the restricted formats page on the wiki to enable MP3 ripping | 04:38 |
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prower | I don't think people are getting this ;> The 15th ISO is the right one | 04:38 |
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prower | Repeat, the 15th ISO is the right one | 04:38 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: nah I mean why use Desktop for a Server? | 04:38 |
poningru | felixhummel_: just go soundjuicer | 04:38 |
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felixhummel_ | will do | 04:39 |
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Angel-SL | AlexC_: theres only 1 difference right? | 04:39 |
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outlier | felixhummel - depends on what you want to do. Rip one CD or a whole collection? | 04:39 |
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xorg62 | | 04:39 |
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prower | Thanks very much to Seveas and the ops for creating the confusion in the first place ;> | 04:39 |
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sarastro_w_m | my question is how can i be sure to upgrade my version? | 04:39 |
Angel-SL | AlexC_: just it doesn't have the X window right? | 04:39 |
Angel-SL | and gnome | 04:39 |
xorg62 | hi sarastro_w_m | 04:39 |
sarastro_w_m | cos there is no clue about this on the site | 04:39 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: Server comes with no Gnome, no X, no GUI apps and is more server orientated, | 04:39 |
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linuxactivist | sarastro_w_m, not sure. does anyone know? From what they have said in #ubuntu-release-party, feisty isn't actually released yet | 04:39 |
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keisha_22f | prower: have you tried the 15th ISO? | 04:39 |
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Seveas | prower, I suggest you behav instead of dissing people | 04:39 |
poningru | sarastro_w_m: if you have been updating through updatemanager then you are good | 04:39 |
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sarastro_w_m | ok i see | 04:39 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: which you don't need for a server, so you may as well just install Server | 04:39 |
Angel-SL | AlexC_: does it have a smaller size? | 04:39 |
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prower | Seveas: Ahh, now you finally answer | 04:39 |
Tatey | is there a way to tell dpkg to ignore a package? | 04:39 |
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hans | linuxactivist: It is. check the topic | 04:39 |
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sarastro_w_m | but what is the one in the bittorent link? | 04:40 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: smaller install size, yes afaik | 04:40 |
zbrown | poningru: fixed it, needed to do a dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets to get the functionality i wanted | 04:40 |
sarastro_w_m | cos the date is april 19th | 04:40 |
poningru | ah gotcha | 04:40 |
protocol1 | so if I were to download the it...I would get the desktop one not the alternate? | 04:40 |
psst | linuxactivist: FYI - this seems to be relevant - my ubuntu installation keeps shutting down - how can I debug this? | 04:40 |
Seveas | prower, guess what, today is a busy day. I don't have time to immediately deal with all pm's | 04:40 |
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prower | Seveas: You did notice I sent one though, interesting | 04:40 |
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linuxactivist | hans, sorry... been in a while and it wasn't when I came in | 04:40 |
_Neil | does running distribution update disable swap? | 04:40 |
_Neil | mines suddenly gone | 04:40 |
_Neil | lol | 04:40 |
IdleOne | prower, why dont you just get over it download the new iso and install | 04:40 |
Angel-SL | AlexC_: which mirror do you recommend for Singapore (the one listed on the mainpage currently) | 04:41 |
linuxactivist | psst: new installation? | 04:41 |
poningru | !upgrade | neil__ | 04:41 |
ubotu | neil__: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:41 |
poningru | err | 04:41 |
AlexC_ | Angel-SL: closest one do you | 04:41 |
Jump86 | great i just did a dist upgrade and now my pc wont start | 04:41 |
poningru | !upgrade | _Neil | 04:41 |
PovAddict | is there a metalink ( for the final Feisty Fawn .iso? | 04:41 |
ubotu | _Neil: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 04:41 |
sarastro_w_m | any idea poningru? | 04:41 |
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psst | linuxactivist: not very - upgraded to edgy about a week ago | 04:41 |
jrib | Jump86: what happens? | 04:41 |
prower | IdleOne: Because I run Debian :> I'm just calling Seveas on a lie, seeing as how his threats mean nothing | 04:41 |
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poningru | sarastro_w_m: hmm sorry didnt catch that? | 04:41 |
prower | Enjoy your release everyone | 04:41 |
AlexC_ | s/do/to | 04:41 |
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Angel-SL | AlexC_: not always fast.. i got one in SG that was slower than one in China | 04:41 |
_Neil | no i mean its not updated yet | 04:41 |
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_Neil | dist update is running now | 04:41 |
protocol1 | I want the desktop one right? | 04:41 |
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AlexC_ | Angel-SL: I can't say ... just try any | 04:41 |
Jump86 | jrib; black screen after grub, never loads | 04:41 |
AlexC_ | if it's slow, don't use it - simple as | 04:41 |
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poningru | _Neil: dont use dist-upgrade, expect many things to break | 04:41 |
Seveas | weak, the coward ran | 04:41 |
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_Neil | I mean I ran update manager | 04:42 |
variant | indeed | 04:42 |
sarastro_w_m | ok if u go on the website | 04:42 |
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keisha_22f | linuxactivist : so you mean the april 15 ISO is not the right one? :( | 04:42 |
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poningru | _Neil: ah | 04:42 |
Jump86 | im working on a clean install now | 04:42 |
Hairulfr | I want to seed, are there any official torrents? | 04:42 |
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_Neil | poningru: It started 'Distribution Upgrade' the gui | 04:42 |
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sarastro_w_m | u have a torent version that is of 2day | 04:42 |
poningru | _Neil: you should be good | 04:42 |
xorg62 | martin@martin:~$ sudo do-release-upgrade | 04:42 |
xorg62 | Checking for a new ubuntu release | 04:42 |
xorg62 | No new release found | 04:42 |
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animimotus | Adri2000: +1 :p | 04:42 |
Noodlesgc | i'm switching from windowsxp to ubuntu today and i need to know which copy i should download | 04:42 |
sarastro_w_m | date april 19th | 04:42 |
PovAddict | Hairulfr: yes there are, hold on I'll get you link | 04:42 |
linuxactivist | keisha_22f, apparently I was misinformed earlier.. the release party channel says those are the correct ones | 04:42 |
_Neil | poningru: Its running, but appears to have unmounted my swap | 04:42 |
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jrib | Jump86: tried an older kernel? Get anything interesting if you boot into recovery mode? | 04:43 |
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linuxactivist | psst: before the 15th? | 04:43 |
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Hairulfr | PovAddict: Thanks :) | 04:43 |
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poningru | sarastro_w_m: well yeah its just for correct release date purposes | 04:43 |
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psst | linuxactivist: yes - before the 15th | 04:43 |
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linuxactivist | psst: if so, those discs weren't final (my new understanding). It could be related | 04:43 |
poningru | sarastro_w_m: its the same as the 15th | 04:43 |
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PovAddict | Hairulfr: scroll down and you'll see .torrent's | 04:43 |
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psst | linuxactivist: edgy?!? | 04:43 |
sarastro_w_m | but the version aint good ok! | 04:43 |
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sarastro_w_m | great! | 04:43 |
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sarastro_w_m | :( | 04:43 |
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richdurhm | | 04:43 |
linuxactivist | psst, sorry... no | 04:43 |
_Neil | ihave a problem - gparted shows /dev/sda6 as unreadable filesystem | 04:44 |
jrib | Noodlesgc: get the desktop cd for i386 | 04:44 |
psst | linuxactivist: phew | 04:44 |
sarastro_w_m | thx a lot poningru | 04:44 |
linuxactivist | I have edgy on here... getty confused | 04:44 |
_Neil | no wonder I have no swap mounted | 04:44 |
Hairulfr | PovAddict: Thanks a lot | 04:44 |
poningru | sarastro_w_m: yep | 04:44 |
_Neil | can anyone help? | 04:44 |
linuxactivist | s/getty/getting/ | 04:44 |
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exs | Does the DVD version have more drivers?.. or is it just more software? | 04:44 |
poningru | _Neil: thats the swap right? | 04:44 |
variant | _Neil: what do you think it's supposed to be? | 04:44 |
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LjL | exs: more software | 04:44 |
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Noodlesgc | k, thanks jrib | 04:44 |
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_Neil | Yes it is the swap | 04:44 |
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_Neil | but free shows my swap as 0mb | 04:44 |
sarastro_w_m | xorg62: did u get it? | 04:44 |
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variant | _Neil: in that case it's not a problem | 04:44 |
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keisha_22f | can somebody confirm that the april 15 ISO is the right one. i dont want to download lots of update after i install :( | 04:44 |
poningru | _Neil: just go sudo mkswap /dev/sda6 | 04:44 |
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jrib | Noodlesgc: if you have trouble getting the desktop cd to load the desktop, then you can give the alternate cd a try | 04:44 |
linuxactivist | psst: I'm honestly not sure what's going on with your system. Does it shut down if those apps aren't running | 04:44 |
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poningru | keisha_22f: its the same | 04:44 |
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variant | _Neil: run mkswap /dev/sda6 && swapon /dev/sda6 (ONLY if you are sure it is supposed to be swap | 04:45 |
_Neil | poningru: But why has it unmounted? It's defined as swap in /etc/fstab already | 04:45 |
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poningru | _Neil: no clue | 04:45 |
protocol1 | If I am going to be making a disk...I want the desktop one correct? not the alternate | 04:45 |
Doug52392 | Hi, should I upgrade to Ubuntu 7.04? | 04:45 |
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variant | _Neil: you don't mount swap | 04:45 |
psst | linuxactivist: well - It didn't shut down yesterday *with* those apps running | 04:45 |
variant | Doug52392: if you want | 04:45 |
calvarez | we need more DVD torrent seeders! | 04:45 |
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poningru | _Neil: oh yeah forgot to swapon after you do mkswap | 04:45 |
Doug52392 | is it good? | 04:45 |
poningru | what variant said | 04:45 |
_Neil | variant: I mean my swap size is displayede as 0, so something is borked | 04:45 |
keisha_22f | poningru: what do you mean? | 04:45 |
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jrib | protocol1: you can make a disk of each one. The alternate is a text-based install, the desktop cd is a live cd and install cd in one | 04:45 |
poningru | Doug52392: yes go ahead and upgrade | 04:45 |
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Bokeh | i can't seed unfortunately,i'm putting up a http mirror though | 04:45 |
Doug52392 | ok | 04:45 |
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variant | _Neil: yeah, untill lyou do swapon it will not pick it up | 04:45 |
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variant | _Neil: also, mkswap first of course | 04:45 |
_Neil | ok | 04:45 |
protocol1 | jrib, thx | 04:45 |
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_Neil | thx | 04:45 |
linuxactivist | Have you looked around your system to see if you have any core files dumped. That would mean a bigger problem | 04:46 |
exs | Does anyone know if it's wise (or even safe) to upgrade my 6.10 edgy ?... does anyone think it will be totally fine?... I have taken a long time to setup ubuntu the way I want.. I don't want to ruin it now. | 04:46 |
poningru | keisha_22f: april 15th iso is the same as the final release | 04:46 |
disasm | are the release notes still a work in progress? They don't state anything about the release except for problems you may come across in the upgrade | 04:46 |
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variant | exs: if it works fine then don't bother.. edgy is still supported | 04:46 |
aimtrainer | hey I'm havin some trouble getting a newsgroup to work with thunderbird. Can anyone help me please? I can view it, but I cant write stuff. I played a round a bit with the smtp server .. but Im not quite sure what to do | 04:46 |
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variant | exs: unless there is somehting you really need from feisty | 04:46 |
fami | exs: 6.06 is better | 04:46 |
richdurhm | exs, do u really need 7.04 | 04:46 |
_Neil | variant and poningru - ta, fixed it | 04:46 |
richdurhm | ? | 04:46 |
exs | variant: ok thanks | 04:46 |
vince419 | / | 04:46 |
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_Neil | weird it unswapped itself | 04:46 |
exs | Tami 6.06 is better!? | 04:46 |
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exs | richdurhm: not really i guess | 04:47 |
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poningru | disasm: for that you need release walk through | 04:47 |
Suurorca | bah... I see no reason to use older stable :p | 04:47 |
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poningru | disasm: | 04:47 |
fabiim | Can someone take a look at that? | 04:47 |
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josef59 | part | 04:47 |
ksyms | Last release my system identified automatically. This time, the new distro is not appearing in update manager, and I've done what says me to. Any idea? | 04:47 |
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poningru | or not | 04:47 |
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PovAddict | if you want to get the download REALLY fast, get "aria" or "aria2" download manager and use these | 04:47 |
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tarzeau | it's out! it's out! but where's the powerpc images? | 04:48 |
PovAddict | you'll automatically download from a lot of mirrors, and maybe also torrent, at the same time :] | 04:48 |
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RichEd | tarzeau: | 04:48 |
variant | fabiim: run this: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.17-11-generic_2.6.17.1-11.37_i386.deb | 04:48 |
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variant | fabiim: then run the update again | 04:48 |
ikaruga | hi all.... greatk work! | 04:48 |
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loudmouthman | and even the planet is feeling the strain. | 04:48 |
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loudmouthman | oops sorry wrong window | 04:49 |
ikaruga | just wanted to know if in Fiesty, RoseGarden has been fixed. It was "broken" in Edgy... | 04:49 |
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Ragzouken | My upgrade to 7.04 'Fetching file 66 of 68', should I leave it, give up or do something? | 04:49 |
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Sarge | 100% d/l Fiesty FTW | 04:49 |
PovAddict | loudmouthman: what you said applies to the HTTP mirrors hosting Feisty isos anyway | 04:49 |
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PovAddict | Sarge: seed the torrent! \o/ | 04:49 |
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variant | Ragzouken: leave it and make a cup of tea | 04:49 |
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loudmouthman | PoVaddict what did I say ? | 04:49 |
bef | Sarge: downloaded the 15/4 daily iso, no updates meaning no changes, ftw. | 04:50 |
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PovAddict | <loudmouthman> and even the planet is feeling the strain. | 04:50 |
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dungodung | doesn't have 7.04 listed | 04:50 |
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_Neil | doh my download speed just halved :D | 04:50 |
xq | Hmm, still getting a "your system is up to date" by Update Manager. Weird. | 04:50 |
bef | dungodung: just do >_> | 04:50 |
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variant | xq: were you running feisty beta? | 04:50 |
dungodung | me too | 04:50 |
omahn | xq: same here. | 04:50 |
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xq | aye, variant | 04:50 |
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bef | xq: same for me with 15/4 daily iso. | 04:50 |
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xq | The most current beta | 04:50 |
variant | xq: tehn you are already using the final release | 04:50 |
xq | oh | 04:51 |
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Bokeh | if you updated today you should be running final already | 04:51 |
shmeelAway | beta = final release? | 04:51 |
xq | They used RC from 15th? | 04:51 |
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dungodung | I'm running a 6.10 and still don't get the update notice | 04:51 |
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Belutz | have a happy feisty day everyone! | 04:51 |
synthaxx | ffs, i go away for an hour and you guys release without me :/ does anyone have a torrent i can seed? | 04:51 |
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PovAddict | shmeelAway: nothing else needed changing since last beta maybe :) | 04:51 |
variant | xq: if you kept the system up to date then you would have got hte last updates around the 15th | 04:51 |
euxneks | quick question | 04:51 |
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Tomcat_ | shmeelAway: Beta + Updates = Final | 04:51 |
ZombiekE_ | Belutz, and a happy summer day for those in Iceland :) | 04:51 |
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PovAddict | synthaxx: most HTTP mirrors have the .torrents | 04:51 |
xq | ah, ok | 04:51 |
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xq | No problem | 04:51 |
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xq | Works great for me :0 | 04:51 |
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shmeelAway | i didn't get any updates today tho tomcat | 04:51 |
Whisperkiller | ok i hear the new version is out | 04:51 |
synthaxx | PovAddict > you're a doll tnx. | 04:51 |
variant | xq: they were the "testing" updates which are now decided to be a suitable final release | 04:51 |
euxneks | can I upgrade from i386 to x64? | 04:51 |
askar | When is it likely there will be a lot of updates? | 04:51 |
Tomcat_ | shmeelAway: Repos have been frozen yesterday, so no updates. :) | 04:51 |
fortitUs | Where did the singapore sever go daammmmmmmmit T_T | 04:52 |
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shmeelAway | tomcat, then when will that be changed so can update? | 04:52 |
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umop | 04:52 | |
Whisperkiller | should i go with server or desktop? | 04:52 |
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variant | askar: there are only updates when somehitn needs to be updated with stable releases.. maybe 2 or 3 packages a week | 04:52 |
tbender_ | everybody complaining about not beeing able to upgrade with your update manager: go to softwaresources and change the mirror from local(==your countryside) to main | 04:52 |
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Tomcat_ | shmeelAway: If you don't get any updates, you *are* final. | 04:52 |
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Whisperkiller | besides the obvious what are the differences? | 04:52 |
PirateHead | Whisperkiller: if you want a graphical interface, go with desktop. | 04:52 |
variant | Whisperkiller: are you planing to host a server or do you want to use it as a desktop? | 04:52 |
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dalton1976 | My mouse stop to click on rdesktop. is there a permanent solution for that? | 04:52 |
shmeelAway | tomcat_, alright thx | 04:52 |
Tomcat_ | tbender_: Bad idea. ;) | 04:52 |
PovAddict | if you want to get the download REALLY fast, get "aria" or "aria2" download manager, or some other supporting metalinks, and use these | 04:52 |
PovAddict | you'll automatically download from a lot of mirrors, and maybe also torrent, at the same time :] | 04:52 |
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treylsu | is update manager updating yet to 7.04 | 04:52 |
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euxneks | treylsu: yes | 04:53 |
askar | variant: but it isnt a stable release really? there is a lot of bugs.. they have only removed the critical ones? | 04:53 |
PovAddict | tbender_: very bad idea, main will explode if everyone does that | 04:53 |
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Whisperkiller | i might use it as a server at some point | 04:53 |
gubluntu | can someone teach me /step me through using parted on the command line to create a raid mirror for my two 500gb sata drives? | 04:53 |
treylsu | im running 7.04 beta and im not getting anyupdates | 04:53 |
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ikaruga | sorry again, if anyone answered my query--- does rosegarden work in fiesty? | 04:53 |
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variant | askar: from my point of view there are no visible bugs (that i have seen) but of course, all software contains bugs.. | 04:53 |
Bokeh | treylsu: did you update this week? | 04:53 |
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PovAddict | treylsu: you're probably already using the latest version :) | 04:53 |
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Bokeh | if so, you most likely have the final already | 04:53 |
variant | askar: it is the final, stable release | 04:53 |
PirateHead | Can I use the downloaded ISO file to upgrade to Feisty? | 04:53 |
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kane77 | oh, and I cant even install enemy territory :( it says something like: ./ 278: /home/kane/.setup8661: not found. anyone knows why? (I'm running 64-bit feisty) | 04:54 |
variant | PirateHead: yes | 04:54 |
xevox | now can i download some iso called ubuntu 7.04 o.0? or i need kill ppl 0.0 | 04:54 |
fnf | treylsu: the last few days are used for stabilizing, that's normal. | 04:54 |
PirateHead | That is, from Edgy to Feisty? Can I use the ISO as a repo? | 04:54 |
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LjL | PirateHead: not the desktop ISO | 04:54 |
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omaaaar | PirateHead: yes | 04:54 |
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LjL | PirateHead: the alternate - yes | 04:54 |
variant | kane77: because /home/kane/.setup8661 does not exist | 04:54 |
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PirateHead | LJL: darnit, I downloaded the desktop ISO. =D | 04:54 |
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askar | variant: ok.. good for you.. I have like at least 5 different bugs.. maybe its best to go back to edgy cause this is bad for a final release.. I mean im not even able to shutdown my computer :( | 04:54 |
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Hairulfr | I've been running the beta for a while now, do I need to upgrade anything, or has the last weeks of updates made "me" final? | 04:54 |
mrigns | !loco | 04:54 |
ZombiekE_ | askar, you were beta testing, right? | 04:54 |
ubotu | Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at | 04:54 |
kane77 | variant, :/ the number varies each time I run installer | 04:54 |
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euxneks | anyone? alternate install from i386 to amd64? | 04:55 |
tonyyarusso | Hairulfr: today's updates will be all | 04:55 |
askar | ZombiekE_: yeaah | 04:55 |
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variant | askar: indeed, that sounds bad. file some bug reports or update existing ones before you do | 04:55 |
euxneks | possible? | 04:55 |
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treylsu | Im running beta and i have not had updates for a few days | 04:55 |
fnf | Hairulfr: nope | 04:55 |
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ZombiekE_ | In my case I also ended up with some complicated things to fix :) | 04:55 |
fnf | treylsu: the last few days are used for stabilizing, that's normal. | 04:55 |
variant | kane77: is enemy territory supported in 64bit? | 04:55 |
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Angeluz | treylsu: Thats normal. There wasn't much new. | 04:55 |
Noodlesgc | is there an aria for windows? | 04:55 |
variant | kane77: i thought it was a 32bit app | 04:55 |
Bokeh | askar: from what release did you upgrade mate? | 04:55 |
dalton1976 | My mouse stop to click on rdesktop. is 6.10 correct it? | 04:55 |
ZombiekE_ | but I have hope that a fresh install when it comes out officially will help :) | 04:55 |
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askar | variant: I have filed som bugs and the are rated as medium.. | 04:55 |
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variant | kane77: if so then you will have to run it in a 32bit chroot | 04:55 |
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askar | Bokeh: from edgy | 04:55 |
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PovAddict | Noodlesgc: doubt it; but there are other download managers with metalink support | 04:55 |
kane77 | variant, I talked with people that runs it without problems | 04:55 |
Bokeh | i'd recommend doing a clean install | 04:55 |
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tuskernini | HOW can i install text support for albanian letters in firefox? | 04:56 |
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Bokeh | upgrades between releases tend to be tricky sometimes. | 04:56 |
variant | kane77: don't know then, sorry | 04:56 |
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PovAddict | Noodlesgc: I saw an "aria2" (commandline) for Windows, but tried it and it sucked | 04:56 |
Hairulfr | fnf/ tonyyarusso: So what do I need to do? No updates popped up in update manager yet | 04:56 |
kane77 | variant, np | 04:56 |
Bokeh | how did you upgrade? apt-get, aptitute or update-manager? | 04:56 |
ksyms | I am using 6.04. What sources I need to have to upgrade smoothly, since my update manager haven't tell me 7.04 is available. | 04:56 |
calvarez | we need more DVD torrent seeders! | 04:56 |
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fnf | Hairulfr: because there's no updates. | 04:56 |
treylsu | I have been using the beta for a few months with no problems | 04:56 |
umop | Mother fucker I didnt have enough disk space! | 04:56 |
ZombiekE_ | so today I will just download the new iso, burn it, delete my old instalation and install again :) | 04:56 |
krabador | hey people, someone of you have an ati 9600 ? | 04:56 |
tonyyarusso | Hairulfr: possibly nothing | 04:56 |
PovAddict | Noodlesgc: bad port, still not very polished, doesn't work fine with files > 2GB | 04:56 |
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LjL | !language | umop | 04:56 |
ubotu | umop: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:56 |
kitche | ksyms: update to 6.10 then to 7.04 | 04:56 |
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euxneks | wow | 04:56 |
Huffalump | How can I lock a package version via terminal? For me, Synaptic is broken and does not allow me to lock package versions. | 04:56 |
tezem | How does this update thing work exactly? When I look on it seems that it is still the edgy stuff, so how does the update manager realize the feisty update? | 04:56 |
f000bar | why does the download page not list 7.04? | 04:56 |
Zorlin | KSyms: Its 6.06, not 6.04 | 04:56 |
euxneks | I'm doing more upload than download on a torrent | 04:56 |
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gils | where are are the 7.04 dvd iso links... | 04:57 |
PovAddict | f000bar: go to | 04:57 |
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fabiim | variant, tks | 04:57 |
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PovAddict | gils: go to and choose a mirror | 04:57 |
askar | :( | 04:57 |
ksyms | sorry, I am using 6.06! | 04:57 |
jrib | !pinning > Huffalump (Huffalump, see the private message from ubotu) | 04:57 |
treylsu | Thats the same with me i was uploading and 200KB/s and downloading at like 15KB/s | 04:57 |
ksyms | I mean. I am using 6.10! | 04:57 |
kitche | tezem: gksu update-manager -c should tell you that there is a new release | 04:57 |
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ksyms | I am using the latest before 7.04. | 04:57 |
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Hairulfr | tonyyarusso: So I should just shrug and think: Yej, I have the final, or do I need to do a clean install... Not bothered with that | 04:57 |
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docMuerto | gils | 04:57 |
gils | PovAddict: there are no DVD isos there | 04:57 |
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Whisperkiller | whats the minimum specs for the new version? | 04:58 |
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Rkyraccoon55 | connect #ubuntu-release-party | 04:58 |
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f000bar | is there a simple way to grab and start seeding all torrents available for 7.04? | 04:58 |
ksyms | Zorlin: I am using 6.10, any idea? | 04:58 |
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Hairulfr | /#ubuntu-release-party | 04:58 |
Rkyraccoon55 | join #ubuntu-release-party | 04:58 |
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PovAddict | gils: oh sorry... right, no DVD | 04:58 |
PovAddict | :\ | 04:58 |
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ksyms | kitche: I am using 6.10. | 04:58 |
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Huffalump | Thanks, jrib. A little confusing at first glance, but that appears to be the answer so I'll read through it again. Much appreciated! | 04:58 |
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jman_ | help I've just upgraded to feisty and hae lost my sound | 04:59 |
rocksouled | lads, any news on upgrading from 6.10 to Ubuntu Studio? | 04:59 |
josef59 | join #ubuntu-release-party | 04:59 |
kitche | ksyms: gksu update-manager -c should tell you that there is a new release | 04:59 |
brunoUT | when i try updating to 7.04 through update manager i get an error when downloading that problem on my end? | 04:59 |
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tezem | kitche, I guess that the detection of the update heavily depends on the mirror I am using in /etc/sources.list | 04:59 |
krabador | someone with ati9600 and compiz/beryl? | 04:59 |
ksyms | kitche: it's not. that's the problem. any idea? | 04:59 |
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docMuerto | Help to Shared, P2P ed2k://|file|ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso|731797504|E239215147FA03E5DB3D6C816291BFCA|h=2ZG5NL5GESHFR5NYUXF2AUZDDNICP4CR|/ (aMule or eMule) | 05:00 |
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brunoUT | when i try updating to 7.04 through update manager i get an error when downloading that problem on my end? | 05:00 |
jman_ | can you someone please help I;ve upgraded to feisty and lost my sound | 05:00 |
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kishan | hi did any oe upgraded from edgy to ubuntu | 05:00 |
Slart | poningru: I tried opening a pdf with open office.. didn't work | 05:00 |
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Slart | poningru: sure you didn't mean save as pdf? | 05:01 |
firecrotch | brunoUT: Most likely it's because the server is getting pummeled | 05:01 |
kishan | edgy to feisty | 05:01 |
brunoUT | yeah i thought so man | 05:01 |
brunoUT | thanks ill just try later | 05:01 |
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elkbuntu | brunoUT, you could try find a local server to | 05:01 |
calvarez | Please help seed!! | 05:01 |
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PovAddict | calvarez: I'm giving my 10KB/s to the pool! | 05:01 |
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Bokeh | i'm putting up a http mirror any second now, 100Mbit so it should give a reasonable donwload speed as long as it doesn't get hammered | 05:02 |
kishan | i have a query previously i upgraded from drapper to edgy it was running fine till now now can i upgrade to feisty or is it advisable to fresh install | 05:02 |
brunoUT | where could i do that at? | 05:02 |
PovAddict | also downloading it on another remote machine which can give 40KB/s more | 05:02 |
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treylsu | Im maxing my school lan out give 200KB/S | 05:02 |
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tonyyarusso | Please keep release downloading talk in #ubuntu-release-party ; this channel is for support questions only. | 05:02 |
rocksouled | where would I find documentation on upgrading to 7.04 without loosing my current files and having to re-install? | 05:02 |
calvarez | PovAddict, thanks! | 05:02 |
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magnetron | jman_ : check sound settings in system menu | 05:02 |
tonyyarusso | !upgrade | rocksouled | 05:02 |
ubotu | rocksouled: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:02 |
calvarez | i386 DVD | 05:02 |
ksyms | I am using 6.10, it says my system is up to date, but doesn't show the option to upgrade to 7.04. Any idea? | 05:02 |
Bokeh | !upgrade | rocksouled | 05:02 |
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Bokeh | bah tony | 05:02 |
calvarez | AMD64 DVD | 05:02 |
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PovAddict | tonyyarusso: #ubuntu-release-party is full of people showing YAY ITS RELEASED kind of crap | 05:03 |
tonyyarusso | PovAddict: Yeah, but there's useful links too. | 05:03 |
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richdurhm | im d/l ing at 800 kb took me 10 min to d/l here : | 05:03 |
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Runithad | is there a command out there to move from the beta to the new release? | 05:03 |
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Bokeh | richdurhm: don't hammer the main release servers at this time | 05:04 |
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richdurhm | oh sorry | 05:04 |
calvarez | i386 DVD | 05:04 |
calvarez | AMD64 DVD | 05:04 |
Bokeh | get secondary mirrors if possible, and torrents are even better :) | 05:04 |
SuperQ | woo! | 05:04 |
richdurhm | boken sorry | 05:04 |
calvarez | please help seed! | 05:04 |
Bokeh | nps mate | 05:04 |
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LjL | Runithad: not really, just sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade . you won't see many changes | 05:04 |
Tomcat_ | calvarez: I wish I could get anything to seed ;P | 05:04 |
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Slart | what's on the dvd? | 05:04 |
PovAddict | calvarez: is there a metalink for the DVDs? | 05:04 |
SuperQ | now if only I could get the torrent file | 05:04 |
LjL | Runithad: or *any* changes, if you updated regularly.. | 05:04 |
Slart | that isn't on the cd | 05:04 |
Tomcat_ | Slart: main + universe afaik | 05:05 |
calvarez | PovAddict, metalink? | 05:05 |
disasm | poningru: doesn't exist, I'm just looking for a list of all changes (I'm already using feisty, just was curious as to major under the hood changes, like progress with upstart that has been done and the like) | 05:05 |
PovAddict | calvarez: | 05:05 |
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Slart | Tomcat_: ah.. that might be useful | 05:05 |
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hdxx | helo, does someone have feisty and its happy with it?:D | 05:05 |
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rocksouled | thanks uboto | 05:05 |
LjL | hdxx: nobody | 05:05 |
rocksouled | exit | 05:05 |
Bokeh | i've had feisty for months | 05:05 |
disasm | hdxx: been running feisty for a month now, no problems | 05:05 |
jlintz | hdxx: whats feisty? | 05:05 |
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Bokeh | and definetely happy with it :) | 05:05 |
Runithad | LjL: thanks no changes | 05:05 |
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LjL | disaasm: | 05:05 |
krabador | someone with ati9600 and compiz/beryl? | 05:05 |
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disasm | jlintz: latest releast that came out today | 05:05 |
gemidjy | krabador: I am on my lappie | 05:05 |
jlintz | im joking ;) | 05:05 |
hdxx | jleedev, new version ubuntu | 05:05 |
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disasm | jlintz: ah, wasn't sure ;-) | 05:06 |
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jlintz | hehe | 05:06 |
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JebJoya | here's hoping that feisty fixes my wireless card | 05:06 |
Hairulfr | I've uploadede 1.4 gb ubuntu feisty so far. Yej | 05:06 |
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gemidjy | krabador: I mean, I have Beryl Streep on my laptop but I am not working on it right now | 05:06 |
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JebJoya | 7h remaining... | 05:06 |
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Kaloz | cdimage is overloaded... | 05:06 |
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Kaloz | Hairulfr: got a torrent link? | 05:06 |
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Runithad | Boy this Beryl extension is great in gnome | 05:06 |
Draconicus | So... is it safe to do a massive update? | 05:06 |
Draconicus | I'm afraid. | 05:06 |
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jcaceres | hello guys i have troubles trying to use ssh without password, i have copied to the .ssh/ directory in the server and added the lline to autorizhed.keys | 05:06 |
Runithad | Draconicus, my X didn't die :-) | 05:06 |
=== jman_ really regrets upgrading to feisty cause he can't get his sound to work | ||
Draconicus | Runithad: I'm more concerned about Beryl. | 05:07 |
Hairulfr | Kaloz: | 05:07 |
jcaceres | but i the servser still asking for password | 05:07 |
ksyms | I am using 6.10, it says my system is up to date, but doesn't show the option to upgrade to 7.04. Any idea? | 05:07 |
LjL | Draconicus: if you want to wait until things (including things in this channel) have settled down a bit, it sure won't hurt | 05:07 |
Runithad | jman_ i lost my sound to | 05:07 |
jcaceres | i have even make a ling of autorizhed.keys to autorizhed.keys2 | 05:07 |
Kaloz | Hairulfr: thanks.. got the others as well? :) | 05:07 |
JebJoya | beryl is fun - my gf is using it on her old pc with an intel gfx chipset, and it works surprisingly well | 05:07 |
jcaceres | any idea? | 05:07 |
Draconicus | LjL: Okay... but I still need support for my vanishing spca5xx driver. D: | 05:07 |
LjL | ksyms: upgrade instructions right at, first link | 05:07 |
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JebJoya | (at least a lot better than vista would :) ) | 05:07 |
Runithad | jman_ to fix my sound I had to reboot and play with GNOME alsa mixer | 05:07 |
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firecrotch | jcaceres: The file permissions on authorized.keys need to be set properly | 05:07 |
ksyms | LjL: I've read all documents. Now help, that's why I am here. | 05:08 |
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PhilK | jcaceres: is your client sending the right key? | 05:08 |
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buziaczek | hej | 05:08 |
jcaceres | yes i asume that it's doing it | 05:08 |
jcaceres | PhilK, yes i asume that it's doing it | 05:08 |
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delire | jcaceres: try 'ssh-agent bash' and then 'ssh-add' and then try to ssh. | 05:08 |
jcaceres | firecrotch, whitch permision are needed? | 05:08 |
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jash | How to upgrade to feisty official from the beta? Adept_updater states that my system is up to date. | 05:09 |
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jcaceres | delire, in the server or in the client? | 05:09 |
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ikkebr | mmm, i burnt ubuntu 7.04 to a cd and ran it in my windows machine | 05:09 |
bokey | oh good lord! | 05:09 |
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jrib | jash: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 05:09 |
firecrotch | jcaceres: If I recall correctly, 644 | 05:09 |
Huffalump | Here goes nothin' :) | 05:09 |
Dorkstyle | Is anyone having an issue getting "update-manager-core" for Edgy Server? | 05:09 |
delire | jcaceres: try in a terminal on the client machine | 05:09 |
LjL | jash: that's because it is. if you updated regularly, then you have Feisty final. | 05:09 |
bokey | 1500+ people here | 05:09 |
ikkebr | after that I rebooted and for some reason windows won't boot anymore | 05:09 |
ikkebr | any chance 7.04 killed my windows? | 05:09 |
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ravi_ | having trouble connecting to anything but PORT 3389, changed it to 60 in regedit, and can't connect now with rdesktop command or tsclient. | 05:09 |
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mgedmin | the very first link on points to a nonexistent page (http:/ | 05:10 |
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ravi_ | please help | 05:10 |
gils | can someone point to an actual DVD iso that hast todays release....or are they all from the 15th | 05:10 |
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jlintz | ikkebr: what part wont boot, will it not find the partition its on, or is windows spewing errors? | 05:10 |
firecrotch | ikkebr: that's always a possibility. | 05:10 |
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bokey | oh good lord! | 05:10 |
bokey | 1500+ people here | 05:10 |
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Hairulfr | Kaloz: There's a list in the bottom of the page | 05:10 |
ikkebr | jlintz it won't even enter windows boot screen | 05:10 |
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Xore|work | apt-get install bandwagon | 05:10 |
firecrotch | bokey: I expected at least 2000 :P | 05:10 |
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jlintz | ikkebr: errors? | 05:11 |
Draconicus | spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx spca5xx is missing missing missing missing missing missing missing missing missing | 05:11 |
capiira | 1549 to be exactly | 05:11 |
Draconicus | D: | 05:11 |
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bokey | firecrotch: yey! Ubuntu is famous!!!! :) | 05:11 |
PhilK | ravi_: did you reboot? the change doesn't take effect until you restart the remote desktop service | 05:11 |
ikkebr | jlintz no errors, black screen with a _ | 05:11 |
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ikkebr | *black screen | 05:11 |
ravi_ | PhilK: Positive, rebooted | 05:11 |
capiira | i hope it kicks vista in the ass | 05:11 |
asdfjkloe | which file system should i use? | 05:11 |
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capiira | heh | 05:11 |
LjL | !offtopic | 05:11 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 05:11 |
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calvarez | i386 DVD | 05:11 |
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ravi_ | I put in rdesktop -5 -a 24 -f -g 1024x768 and that just doesn't go anywhere after saying Autoselected keymap | 05:11 |
LjL | asdfjkloe: ext3 | 05:11 |
delire | asdfjkloe: ext3 is good | 05:12 |
slackern_ | To wrap it up i will say ext3 also | 05:12 |
ravi_ | PhilK: I also tried on the tsclient | 05:12 |
Dorkstyle | Has anyone successfuly installed the "update-manager-core" on Edgy Server to Update to Feisty? | 05:12 |
jrib | jcaceres: when I use keys, I need to have a file called ~/.ssh/authorized_keys that has the contents of my I noticed that your referred to the file with a '.' instead of a '_', I am not sure if that works | 05:12 |
CapaH | How can I see whether or not I am using Ubuntu 64 bit or 32 bit ? | 05:12 |
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aa^way | hey | 05:12 |
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delire | CapaH: uname -a | 05:12 |
aa^way | people are telling me that i should fix my charset, like they see wrong chars in window | 05:12 |
jcaceres | jrib, | 05:12 |
jcaceres | thanks | 05:13 |
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aa^way | im from estonia and i use "p" can you see them? | 05:13 |
jcaceres | i 'll try it now | 05:13 |
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delire | aa^way: yes, they are fine | 05:13 |
calvarez | aa^way, yes | 05:13 |
calvarez | i386 DVD | 05:13 |
delire | aa^way: for me at least | 05:13 |
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calvarez | please get the DVD torrent and help seed | 05:13 |
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jrib | CapaH: uname -a will list x86_64 in the second last field if you are using amd64 | 05:13 |
ravi_ | philk: is there a way to install mstsc (windows terminal server client) in ubuntu with WINE? | 05:13 |
aa^way | hm some ppl are telling me that they dont see and some are, why so? | 05:13 |
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capiira | hmm does win32codecs exist for feisty? | 05:13 |
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delire | aa^way: i use a standard british english charset | 05:13 |
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LjL | aa^way: the former people are probably using a different encoding than UTF-8 | 05:13 |
slackern_ | I saw p aa^way | 05:13 |
jrib | capiira: they are available through medibuntu repos | 05:14 |
gubluntu | ravi_: is there a reason you do not want to use a linux based rdp program? | 05:14 |
PhilK | ravi_: are you crossing a firewall? can you use a higher port? (I think I remember something about low ports being disallowed) | 05:14 |
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aa^way | hm but where you change charset? | 05:14 |
capiira | ahh thanks | 05:14 |
kitche | calvarez: that link does not work | 05:14 |
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Hoxxin | aa^way: maybe u should u se this one? ISO-8859-15 (Western Europe) | 05:14 |
ravi_ | gubluntu: see my above comments, changed port in Windows to 60 and none of the linux programs work now | 05:14 |
capiira | this one ? | 05:14 |
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LjL | aa^way: i don't know, and i don't think you should | 05:14 |
ravi_ | Philk: nope, within the network | 05:14 |
delire | aa^way: it's not your problem, it's theirs isn't it? | 05:14 |
calvarez | kitche, it works for me | 05:14 |
fwtest | hello, which pacakge can provide ftps both implicit and explicit? | 05:14 |
Alan | how good is ubuntu at automatically configuring for dual montiors? | 05:14 |
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Alan | *monitors? | 05:14 |
Daverocks | ravi_: rdesktop works great | 05:14 |
calvarez | | 05:14 |
kitche | calvarez: I just treid I get webpage can not be found | 05:14 |
LjL | Alan: it doesn't | 05:14 |
gubluntu | ravi_: just swa.. sry.. i would also recommend going higher | 05:15 |
LjL | !dualhead > Alan (Alan, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:15 |
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calvarez | try again: i386 DVD | 05:15 |
ravi_ | Daverocks: with changed ports too? | 05:15 |
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PhilK | ravi_: does netstat -a show anything listening on 60? | 05:15 |
aa^way | delire im not sure.. they dont have problems with otehrs and they didnt have problem with me while i was window user | 05:15 |
calvarez | I just tried | 05:15 |
delire | Alan: not very at this stage. it's a priority for the next rlease AFAIK. | 05:15 |
Alan | thanks LjL | 05:15 |
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Alan | delire, sounds good :) | 05:15 |
calvarez | | 05:15 |
Daverocks | ravi_: yes, you can specify a port to rdesktop | 05:15 |
psusi | has only the dvd image been released or something? where's the cd image? | 05:15 |
jcaceres | jrib, | 05:15 |
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PhilK | ravi_: try port 3390 and up | 05:15 |
Hoxxin | aa^way: are there the o a with the dots on top in estonian? :P | 05:15 |
jrib | psusi: | 05:15 |
PovAddict | psusi: for the CD, go to and choose a mirror | 05:15 |
LjL | aa^way: that is because Windows doesn't use UTF-8 by default. Ubuntu does. other OS's do. whatever charset you choose, you won't make everyone happy. | 05:15 |
PovAddict | psusi: there's torrents there too | 05:15 |
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jcaceres | thankyou so much for notice that | 05:15 |
Siman | hey, can anyone tell me why my wireless works in ubuntu but not xubuntu? | 05:15 |
dalton1976 | Somebody can help me with the following problem?: My mouse stop to click on rdesktop very often. | 05:15 |
Runithad | I dont have a "GNOME CONTROL CENTER" under system? wasnt that supposed to come in feisty? | 05:15 |
psusi | jrib: doesn't list feisty yet | 05:15 |
Nergar | when does xubuntu comes out??? | 05:16 |
psusi | pov: yea, but only for the dvd appearntly | 05:16 |
Dorkstyle | HELP: Has anyone successfully installed the "update-manager-core" on Edgy Server to Update to Feisty? | 05:16 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: you mean sometimes clicking in rdeskop doesn't work? | 05:16 |
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aa^way | Hoxxin yes | 05:16 |
Alan | LjL, i already have a working Xinerama dual-monitor config under Gentoo anyway, so i guess i'll just copy that if i switch | 05:16 |
jrib | psusi: hmm, try clearing your cache of the page. It's *all* feisty :) | 05:16 |
ravi_ | PhilK: ok, will try higher port but netstat -a gives a listening port on 60 | 05:16 |
PhilK | ravi_: can you telnet into the windows machine? (telnet <ip> 3389 | 05:16 |
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aa^way | and LjL, let me test, how i could change charset? | 05:16 |
delire | Alan: yeah that should be fine | 05:16 |
Kaloz | Hairulfr: torrenting both dvds ;) | 05:16 |
Hoxxin | aa^way: ok then u should use the ISO-8859-15 (Western Europe) | 05:16 |
calvarez | psusi, no, there are torrents for Cd images too | 05:16 |
LjL | aa^way: i told you - i don't know | 05:16 |
PhilK | ravi_: or in your case telnet 60 | 05:16 |
calvarez | go to | 05:16 |
psusi | jrib: isn't cached... waited forever for it to slowly load | 05:16 |
aa^way | oh sry lol | 05:16 |
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ravi_ | Philk: ah wait, it might be the stupid windows firewall | 05:16 |
Hoxxin | aa^way: u use xchat? | 05:16 |
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Hairulfr | Kaloz: Torrenting dvd & cd... yeah. Might as well exploit the upload | 05:17 |
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jrib | psusi: what country are you in? | 05:17 |
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dalton1976 | Daverocks: no, anything in rdesktop and after anywhere in xwindows, i need to restart | 05:17 |
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psusi | jrib: US | 05:17 |
PhilK | ravi_: for the love of god disable that thing :( | 05:17 |
Kaloz | Hairulfr: 100Mb/s should do fine :) | 05:17 |
aa^way | Hoxxin yes | 05:17 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: does this problem happen at random? | 05:17 |
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jrib | psusi: I sent you a pm with a mirror | 05:17 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: yes | 05:17 |
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Daverocks | dalton1976: but rdesktop is involved somehow? | 05:18 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: on 3 of my conputers | 05:18 |
ravi_ | PhillK: assumed my normal firewall disabled that stupid thing | 05:18 |
psusi | finally, got the torrent started... heh | 05:18 |
Hairulfr | Kaloz: We're far behind here... 100/100 is avail. a few places, but the still sell 256/64 lines...usch. I have a 20/2 (what a joke) | 05:18 |
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Hoxxin | aa^way: go to network list -> choose the server -> edit -> character set and then choose ISO-8859-15 (Western Europe) | 05:18 |
PhilK | ravi_: nope, Windows XP's firewall is very eager to help...unfortunately | 05:18 |
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ravi_ | PhilK: thanks... shoulda known it was something on windows | 05:18 |
Kaloz | Hairulfr: that's my server.. at home i have 10/1 only | 05:18 |
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PhilK | ravi_: no problem | 05:18 |
dalton1976 | daverocks: this is the software i used each time it happend | 05:18 |
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ravi_ | PhilK: Yeah, this is on Windows x64 Pro | 05:18 |
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davehimself | any links for torrents for ubuntu 7.04? | 05:19 |
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PhilK | davehimself: bottom of page | 05:19 |
Hairulfr | davehimself: | 05:19 |
esmebo | maria | 05:19 |
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davehimself | thanks guys | 05:19 |
LjL | !es | esmebo | 05:19 |
ubotu | esmebo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:19 |
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esmebo | maria | 05:19 |
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KillerBunny | Do i still need to do that alternative trick when installing ubuntu on a x800 ? | 05:20 |
PovAddict | esmebo: wtf? | 05:20 |
KillerBunny | Radeon that is | 05:20 |
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aa^way | thanks Hoxxin <3 | 05:20 |
magnetron | davehimself: | 05:20 |
Hoxxin | aa^way: no problem :D | 05:20 |
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ravi_ | PhilK: btw, do you know how to ensure that I am running Feisty and not Feisty beta? | 05:20 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: Any ideas? | 05:20 |
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disasm | ravi_: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade - if it doesn't install anything, it's not the beta | 05:21 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: did you get rdesktop from the repositories? | 05:21 |
PhilK | ravi_: feisty is feisty AFAIK, as long as you're up to date you're fine | 05:21 |
lungan | wine: creating configuration directory '/root/.wine'... what is the problem if nothing happens after this in terminal :S | 05:21 |
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virdiq | ubuntu torrents are downloading at 4gbps a second now overall :) | 05:21 |
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ravi_ | disasm: PhilK: ok, thanks, did that upd/grade already | 05:21 |
lungan | wine: creating configuration directory '/root/.wine'... what is the problem if nothing happens after this in terminal :S | 05:21 |
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imc_ | I had installed fuse and encfs; now whenever I run ANY sudo command, it attempts to mount encfs, which I have uninstalled. Any ideas? | 05:22 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: excuse-me repositories? what is this word, i'm canadian-french? | 05:22 |
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Daverocks | virdiq: crazy | 05:22 |
LjL | !repositories > dalton1976 (dalton1976, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:22 |
KillerBunny | Anyone thougs on the ubuntu radeon x800 ? | 05:22 |
PhilK | lungan: don't run wine as's bad | 05:22 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: did you use synaptic or apt-get or something similar to get it? | 05:22 |
virdiq | yes, and that doesn't include http mirrors :) | 05:22 |
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PirateHead | What is the command to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty? | 05:22 |
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crdlb | !upgrade | PirateHead | 05:23 |
ubotu | PirateHead: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:23 |
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asdfjkloe | i have windows installed on another partition, what type of partition should i take for the ubuntu partition? primary? | 05:23 |
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asdfjkloe | and what type for the swap drive? | 05:23 |
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imc_ | asdfjkloe WIndows wants the primary partition | 05:24 |
slackern_ | asdfjkloe, just 'swap' | 05:24 |
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imc_ | swap is sawp | 05:24 |
imc_ | s/sawp/swap ;) | 05:24 |
dalton1976 | daverocks: to get rdesktop? i'm sorry, i don't understand well | 05:24 |
PovAddict | imc_: you swapped letters there | 05:24 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: thanks for the link | 05:24 |
imc_ | PovAddict, yes then corrected it | 05:24 |
Dorkstyle | What repository is "update-manager-core" in? I am trying to update Edgy Server and it says "Couldn't find package" from apt-get | 05:24 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: yes, to get rdesktop. was that causing your problem? | 05:24 |
rambo3 | How do i downgrade to edgy?? one!! | 05:24 |
lungan | Philk: I got same msg just diffrent directory :S | 05:24 |
imc_ | Anyone on this bizarre fuse/encfs/ sudo problem | 05:24 |
asdfjkloe | if i choose swap i also got the options primary/logical | 05:25 |
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LjL | !downgrade | rambo3 | 05:25 |
ubotu | rambo3: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system. | 05:25 |
steven_ | Hello all. I"m having a feisty download problem I can't seem to resolve. When I run update manager to get the new distro, i receive the following: Error during update | 05:25 |
steven_ | A problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry. It then proceeds to say: Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 05:25 |
steven_ | Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) Any ideas? | 05:25 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: i didn't give you the link, LjL did ;) | 05:25 |
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jrib | !paste | steven_ | 05:25 |
ubotu | steven_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 05:25 |
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chewed-on | I bet everyone's going crazy about Fiesta Fawn. | 05:25 |
magnetron | asdfjkloe: there is a maximum of 4 primary partitions on a hard drive | 05:25 |
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slackern_ | asdfjkloe, You can have max 4 primary partitons on a harddrive as far as i know, but you can have more logical partitions inside of an extended partition | 05:25 |
PhilK | lungan: ok, it's a step in the right direction anyway :) you're not getting any error messages at all? | 05:25 |
Zorlin | yeah we are | 05:25 |
Zorlin | ;P | 05:25 |
LjL | chewed-on: yes, in #ubuntu-release-party | 05:25 |
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dalton1976 | daverocks: I used the rdesktop from the 6.06 distribution, i did not download it! | 05:25 |
Zorlin | mine's 83% done | 05:26 |
chewed-on | If I try to install Ubuntu, will it overwrite Fedora Core 6 ? | 05:26 |
Daverocks | dalton1976: oh right, it comes with ubuntu | 05:26 |
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LjL | chewed-on: not unless you instruct it to | 05:26 |
Daverocks | chewed-on: depends how you install it | 05:26 |
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Dorkstyle | What repository is "update-manager-core" in? I am trying to update Edgy Server and it says "Couldn't find package" from apt-get | 05:26 |
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chewed-on | Well, Fedora Core 6 uses Logical Volume Management, and that doesn't allow me to partition my hard drive I think. . . | 05:26 |
LjL | !info update-manager-core edgy | 05:26 |
ubotu | Package update-manager-core does not exist in edgy | 05:26 |
steven_ | jrib: thanks! | 05:26 |
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Daverocks | chewed-on: you can | 05:27 |
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lungan | Philk: wine: creating configuration directory '/home/user/.wine' i got that instead but i never got any error msg but nothing happens and i have waited fr like 10 minutes now :S | 05:27 |
drfoz | anybody know of any good how-to's for getting lirc to work on feisty? | 05:27 |
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chewed-on | Daverocks: oh hell yes, please do explain. | 05:27 |
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steven_ | I'm having a feisty download problem. I have it posted @ | 05:27 |
dalton1976 | daverocks: i will try those other version on the link LjL gave me. Thanks | 05:27 |
asdfjkloe | so first i create the swap, 300 mb, type logical, afterward the "root"-pratition mit the mount point "/", also logical, any mistakes? | 05:27 |
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psusi | weird.... more seeds in the amd64 torrent than the i386... | 05:27 |
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ror | does anyone have a torrent for feisty from a reasonably reputable vendor? (not saying I don't *trust* torrentspy, just I'd feel safer grabbing one from a recognised mirror) | 05:27 |
NewbieBaba | Feisty <3 xD | 05:27 |
PovAddict | psusi: wow | 05:27 |
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Daverocks | chewed-on: you could always get the gparted live cd | 05:27 |
LjL | ror: | 05:27 |
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chewed-on | Daverocks: how do I make it so I can have both Ubuntu and Fedora Core 6 co-exist without formating my hard drive ? | 05:27 |
firecrotch | ror: As long as the md5sum is the same, whats's the worry? | 05:27 |
ror | ta | 05:27 |
PhilK | lungan: does it look like it's doing anything or just returned you to a prompt? | 05:28 |
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lollolbg | guys, can someone paste me /etc/environment | 05:28 |
Whisperkiller | what is feistey? | 05:28 |
KoZi | how about an amd one | 05:28 |
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Dorkstyle | ubotu: The upgrade instructions on are incorrect then, it says to install that package on Edgy to upgrade to Feisty | 05:28 |
Hamppari | I have a question.. Does upgrading to Feisty break my 3D acceleration and corrupt my drivers.. I have ATI Radeon Xpress 200M on my laptop | 05:28 |
chewed-on | Daverocks: that's the problem, gparted couldn't partition my hard drive because Fedora Core 6 uses Logical Volume Management. | 05:28 |
LjL | Whisperkiller: the codename for the latest version of Ubuntu | 05:28 |
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Daverocks | chewed-on: make room for another ext3 partition, and tell the ubuntu installer to install to that one. you can use the same swap partition for FC6 and ubuntu, because they won't be running at the same time | 05:28 |
LjL | Whisperkiller: and it's Feisty | 05:28 |
Daverocks | chewed-on: really? | 05:28 |
ror | whoah I just got systemdoctor2006 (spyware) popups in firefox, dang they're getting pervasive D: | 05:28 |
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Angeluz | Hamppari: fglrx or radeon? | 05:28 |
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chewed-on | Daverocks: yeah. . . | 05:28 |
Hamppari | fglrx | 05:28 |
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Whisperkiller | oh so if im downloading 7.04 then im getting feistey? | 05:29 |
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Whisperkiller | feisty | 05:29 |
PovAddict | Whisperkiller: yep | 05:29 |
capiira | yeah | 05:29 |
lollolbg | guys, can someone paste me /etc/environment :/? | 05:29 |
Whisperkiller | cool | 05:29 |
slackern_ | lollolbg, | 05:29 |
lollolbg | aa slackern_ 10x | 05:29 |
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Hamppari | Angeluz FGLRX | 05:29 |
magnetron | Whisperkiller: feisty is the new release of ubuntu, released today | 05:29 |
slackern_ | lollolbg, site was a bit slow so took me some time to get it there :) | 05:29 |
DanaG | Hmm, xfce breaks my keyboard when I try to use it. | 05:29 |
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DanaG | I end up with arrow keys and home/end/pgup/pgdown being japanese input method keys. | 05:30 |
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_Neil | fiesty made my terminal font go huuuge | 05:30 |
piedoggie | having a problem with sudo and running commands as another user without password | 05:30 |
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lungan | tried restart but still "locks" when creating | 05:30 |
chewed-on | Crap, there's only 250+ people in Fedora, yet 1500+ in Ubuntu! | 05:30 |
aubade | piedoggie: Add the user to /etc/sudoers. | 05:30 |
magnetron | Feisty ate my hamster | 05:30 |
dorka | hello everybody | 05:30 |
flodine | can some tell me how to get e17 in fiesty or a link | 05:30 |
Hooloovoo | Umm... my X server wont start up when i try to boot from the CD. | 05:31 |
Skyhook | does anyone have a nvidia 6600LE | 05:31 |
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jrib | piedoggie: what problem? | 05:31 |
fuzzy_logic | dorka: hi | 05:31 |
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mjunx | lol nice number of people in here >_> | 05:31 |
aubade | Should be something like 'username ALL=(ALL) ALL'. | 05:31 |
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stefg | !test | stefg | 05:31 |
piedoggie | all ALL = (www-data) NOPASSWD: /var/akasha/python/ | 05:31 |
Stickymaddness | woah....the chan finally made 1500+ | 05:31 |
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sebastianffx | hi guys | 05:31 |
saxin | \o/ | 05:31 |
mjunx | hey, why did #ubuntu+1 disappear? | 05:31 |
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fuzzy_logic | sebastianffx: hi | 05:31 |
mg___ | chewed-on, 1k gentoo :-P | 05:31 |
LjL | mjunx: because there is no Ubuntu+1. Feisty is released. | 05:32 |
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mjunx | how dare you artificially inflate the user count hehe | 05:32 |
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piedoggie | trying to give all users the ability to execute the command as www-data | 05:32 |
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mjunx | yeah there is; gutsy gibon or something like that | 05:32 |
xtknight2 | !gutsy | 05:32 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 05:32 |
mjunx | I don't know what a gibbon is, so I can't spell :) | 05:32 |
xtknight2 | nothing really done on it yet though | 05:32 |
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LjL | mjunx: yes, it doesn't exist though. nothing to talk about. anyway, there's nothing inflated - look at the topic | 05:32 |
xtknight2 | gibbon=an ape ;) | 05:32 |
ror | firecrotch: I dind't have the md5sum :/ | 05:32 |
chewed-on | Any torrents for Ubuntu 7.04 ? | 05:32 |
mjunx | I know that it's out | 05:32 |
lungan | wine: creating configuration directory '/home/lungan/.wine'... | 05:32 |
chewed-on | (download faster) | 05:32 |
xtknight2 | chewed-on absolutely | 05:32 |
LjL | chewed-on: | 05:32 |
jhaig | mjunx: I know you are joking, but the user count here already inflated long before #ubuntu+1 disappeared. | 05:33 |
mjunx | chewed-on, thepiratebay has one | 05:33 |
maxb_ | Is there documentation about what weird magic goes on inside update-manager? | 05:33 |
dorka | I have a problem of can help | 05:33 |
chewed-on | :) | 05:33 |
lungan | whats wrong if nothing happens after that? wine: creating configuration directory '/home/lungan/.wine'... | 05:33 |
chewed-on | Aren't you guys fast :-P | 05:33 |
chewed-on | with links | 05:33 |
Ferrixman | sorry guys... do you know if ATI Mobility Xxxx are already supported in feisty? | 05:33 |
piedoggie | jrib: see what i was trying to do? | 05:33 |
_Neil | the menus have disappeared from terminal... want to edit my profile to get the font to normal size, any ideas? | 05:33 |
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xtknight2 | maxb_ you mean the changing of sources.list from edgy to feisty and apt-get dist-upgrade? :P | 05:33 |
mjunx | jhaig, well, I got the news about the inflation on /., so I opened up konversation to check | 05:33 |
aubade | There should be a torrent for on just about every mirror. | 05:33 |
maxb_ | I'd rather like to know what it's going to do, other than "apt-get dist-upgrade" | 05:33 |
Daverocks | chewed-on: looks like the alternate ubuntu CD has support for LVM partitioning | 05:33 |
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FunnyLookinHat | Ferrixman, they are, especially with proprietary drivers. see !ati | 05:33 |
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xtknight2 | maxb_nothing else. | 05:33 |
jrib | maxb_: not that I know of, except for the source code itself (it's python) | 05:33 |
aubade | Check on if not. | 05:33 |
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xtknight2 | maxb_ the packages themselves help the migration | 05:33 |
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mjunx | maxb_, I believe it updates your sources.list and does a dist-upgrade basically | 05:33 |
chewed-on | Daverocks: hey ? | 05:33 |
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Ferrixman | FunnyLookinHat, i mean... will i have to install drivers again? | 05:33 |
maxb_ | Given that it just downloaded a mysterious python program, I'd really like some more info | 05:33 |
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mjunx | maxb_, and automates some of the tasks needed after the upgrade (like updating /etc/kernel-img.conf I hope) | 05:34 |
FunnyLookinHat | Ferrixman, if you are upgrading to Feisty, you should not have to. | 05:34 |
magnetron | lungan: the first time it's run it have to create the .wine directory | 05:34 |
FunnyLookinHat | Ferrixman, as long as they are already installed on your current system. | 05:34 |
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_Neil | network montiro is now unreadable in fiesty, any ideas? all the text shows as blocks :/ | 05:34 |
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Zorlin | Welcome | 05:34 |
FunnyLookinHat | Ferrixman, if for some reason they don't install, go to System - Admin - Restricted Manager and just check the box that says "Enable" next to your video card : ) | 05:34 |
lungan | magnetron: therefore it takes over 10 minutes to create it?? | 05:34 |
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Daverocks | chewed-on: the alternate, text-based install CD | 05:34 |
gumpish | So, is it possible to search packages descriptions for more than one keyword using ? | 05:34 |
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Ferrixman | FunnyLookinHat, unfortunately, i've not enough space... i need 70 Mb of free disk and i don't know how to get them | 05:35 |
chewed-on | Daverocks: will it be able to partition my Fedora so I can install Ubuntu ? | 05:35 |
lungan | magnetron: have waited like 15 min now | 05:35 |
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Zorlin | Chewed-on: Its possible | 05:35 |
Daverocks | chewed-on: possibly :P | 05:35 |
PovAddict | gumpish: that never worked for me; maybe they fixed it | 05:35 |
delire | chewed-on: likely | 05:35 |
chewed-on | O.o | 05:35 |
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chewed-on | How sure are you ? | 05:35 |
DanaG | yay, gusty gibbon | 05:35 |
Zorlin | Chewed-on: Boot from the livecd, and then use GParted to edit the partitions | 05:35 |
delire | chewed-on: quite | 05:35 |
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DanaG | (heh, I know it's gutsy) | 05:35 |
chewed-on | Any of you done it before ? | 05:35 |
gumpish | PovAddict: I was hoping there was some magic syntax, like I had to use AND or something, but nothing works. =p | 05:35 |
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Zorlin | Chewed-on: Make sure to back up your GRUB or LILO settings | 05:35 |
Mitsuo | can i go from nfts to linux filysystem without losing data? | 05:35 |
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PovAddict | gumpish: plain broken imho | 05:36 |
magnetron | lungan: maybe the you are running isn't supported in wine yet? | 05:36 |
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gumpish | thanks | 05:36 |
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Betzefer | how can i upgrade from the beta version to the full version | 05:36 |
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Betzefer | ? | 05:36 |
FunnyLookinHat | Ferrixman, you don't have 70 free megabytes?? ouch... um... dang, try to free some up, that's all i can suggest | 05:36 |
Daverocks | Zorlin: that's the thing, it's LVM so regular partitioning doesn't work very well | 05:36 |
Zorlin | Mitsuo: Back it up and copy it to a network location, external hard drive, or across some DVD's in multiple parts | 05:36 |
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FunnyLookinHat | Betzefer, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:36 |
Ferrixman | when i first created partitions, i created a partition of 5 GB with / folder and 25 GB with /home/ | 05:36 |
Zorlin | Mitsuo: Format it and then copy the data back after an install | 05:36 |
KoZi | does this latest version have better support for broadcom wireless cards? | 05:36 |
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magnetron | lungan: maybe the APP you are tryin to run isn't supported in Wine? check | 05:37 |
Mitsuo | what should i use? ext2,3 or reiserfs? | 05:37 |
Zorlin | Daverocks: I don't know what LVM is, I'll look it up and get back to you | 05:37 |
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Betzefer | how can i upgrade from the beta version to the full version ? | 05:37 |
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Shaffox | can you upload to feisty from edgy ? | 05:37 |
Ferrixman | so now i have 20 GB free, but Feisty needs 70 MB free in /etc/ and i don't know how to do | 05:37 |
jrib | Betzefer: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade | 05:37 |
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Shaffox | are there any problems or not ? | 05:37 |
delire | Mitsuo: ext3 | 05:37 |
Ferrixman | Shaffox, yes, go to upload manager | 05:37 |
andy_ | how can I get my digital out working on my soundcard? | 05:37 |
magnetron | Betzefer: run update-manager and you are fine | 05:37 |
Zorlin | Daverocks: You mean like a RAID configuration? | 05:37 |
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Shaffox | but there were problems from dapper to edgy so .. | 05:37 |
Daverocks | Zorlin: kind of | 05:37 |
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Betzefer | it dosent upper there | 05:37 |
delire | Zorlin: logical volume manager | 05:37 |
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Nicke | KoZi: The recent kernels has better support for bcm43xx atleast.. don't know about other models | 05:38 |
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bluefox83 | hey the ubuntu update manager says that 7.04 is out, does that mean it's stable enough to upgrade to without any serious bugs? | 05:38 |
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KoZi | ok thanks | 05:38 |
rubbs | Failed to Failed to fetch 404 Not Found <--is this a server problem or mine? | 05:38 |
xtknight2 | bluefox83 yes | 05:38 |
Zorlin | Daverocks: Have you tried searching the forum? | 05:38 |
KoZi | guess ill find out lol | 05:38 |
Ferrixman | FunnyLookinHat, is it possible to move a folder from one partition of the disk to another? | 05:38 |
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Mitsuo | and final one, will 64 bit edition support my pentium d 2.8? | 05:38 |
_Neil | anyone? network manager isnt readable | 05:38 |
Betzefer | it dosent upper there | 05:38 |
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_Neil | all the letters are boxes | 05:38 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, sure y not? | 05:38 |
Daverocks | Zorlin: heh, it's not my problem, it's chewed-on's :P | 05:38 |
delire | rubbs: server likely. never heard of that repo | 05:38 |
pollyo | Hello | 05:38 |
firecrotch | rubbs: Could be either, really. | 05:38 |
Ferrixman | dunno how to do | 05:38 |
bluefox83 | Ferrixman, as easy as drag and drop O.o | 05:38 |
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PovAddict | ok, lunch time | 05:38 |
pollyo | Anyone here familiar with the ubuntu-live-support package? | 05:39 |
Woody_ | how can i update to 7.04 without downloading the .iso? | 05:39 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, the command you search is mv | 05:39 |
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Zorlin | Daverocks: Oh cr*wp, I wasnt paying attention very well then :P | 05:39 |
Ferrixman | but mv copy one folder to the other | 05:39 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, mv old_location new_location | 05:39 |
xtknight2 | !upgrade | Woody_ | 05:39 |
ubotu | Woody_: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 05:39 |
Mitsuo | and final one, will 64 bit edition support my pentium d 2.8? | 05:39 |
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Ferrixman | don't know anything about partitions | 05:39 |
Daverocks | Zorlin: lol no probs | 05:39 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, no mv moves, cp copies | 05:39 |
xtknight2 | Mitsuo uh is that CPU a 64bit? | 05:39 |
FunnyLookinHat | It's not that easy mg___ ... his root partition is full, so moving it to another partition will effectively put /etc/ in something like /home/etc/ | 05:39 |
chewed-on | *.* | 05:39 |
Mitsuo | yea | 05:39 |
delire | Ferrixman: no it doesn't. that's cp. mv renames (eg moves) | 05:39 |
nick58b | Mitsuo, yeah, i think all pentium D chips are 64-bit | 05:39 |
larryone | have things started to calm down in here yet? | 05:39 |
Daverocks | Woody_: | 05:39 |
chewed-on | I want to try Ubuntu | 05:39 |
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andy_ | I'm using a nforce motherboard and would like to enable the digital out of my soundcard. Anyone got a hint? | 05:40 |
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rubbs | I tried to upgrade using the update manager method and got the above error | 05:40 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, what exactly do you want to do? | 05:40 |
Ferrixman | i have two different partitions; one has / (root) and the other has /home/ | 05:40 |
Mitsuo | it is 64bit, but last time i asked, i was told that only amd chips are supported | 05:40 |
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andy_ | I checked the alsamixer but there, I can't find a digital out-out | 05:40 |
rubbs | Failed to Failed to fetch 404 Not Found <--is this a server problem or mine? | 05:40 |
rubbs | I tried to upgrade using the update manager method and got the above error | 05:40 |
Ferrixman | the disk with /home is much bigger | 05:40 |
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Angeluz | rubbs: Try pinging the server directly. | 05:40 |
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xtknight2 | yes all Pentium Ds are 64 bit | 05:40 |
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Pici | Mitsuo: AMD64 isos are EMT64 (intel) compatible | 05:40 |
Ferrixman | while the one with root is only 5 GB | 05:40 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, as it should ok and what do you want to du? | 05:40 |
Angeluz | If it doesn't respond, it's a server-problem. | 05:40 |
rubbs | Angeluz: Ok I'll try that | 05:40 |
mg___ | -du +do | 05:40 |
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delire | Ferrixman: that's a good thing isn't it? | 05:41 |
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delire | Ferrixman: /home is where user data is which is the most important and generally larger part of a system. | 05:41 |
Ferrixman | of course, but now i have no space on root, so i can't update to feisty | 05:41 |
uh | o fuck! how many people! | 05:41 |
Mitsuo | Pici: the simple answer is yes, right, i fear to get too confused. | 05:41 |
capiira | does already exist a source with newest compiz ? | 05:41 |
nbogdanoff | anyone else have issues with rdesktop with the display gettings blurry, or lines repeating when scrolling. or if i drag a window the contents of that window becomes unreadable. -- the window displays part of the actual contents, but repeated throughout. its all distorted basically. ive got X running just fine with the proper drivers on dual monitor. any ideas? | 05:41 |
Zorlin | Everyone: Well guys, I'm out | 05:41 |
Zorlin | !ohmy > uh | 05:41 |
tukker | even kijken of het werkt | 05:41 |
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DanaG | Any idea why XFCE would break keyboard? | 05:41 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | uh | 05:41 |
ubotu | uh: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:41 |
Zorlin | !ohmy | 05:41 |
Pici | Mitsuo: Correct, the simple answer is yes. | 05:41 |
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DanaG | Oh, and my scroll pad doesn't work when I first log into gnome, | 05:41 |
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delire | uh ;) | 05:41 |
Mitsuo | Pici: Thank You! ^^ | 05:41 |
DanaG | but then about 10 minutes later it randomly starts working. | 05:42 |
rubbs | Angeluz: I'm not getting anything | 05:42 |
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Doug52392 | I just tried to upgrade to Ubuntu 7.02, but had a download speed of 50kb/sec. | 05:42 |
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Zorlin | 7.04* | 05:42 |
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Zorlin | Try using a mirror close to you | 05:42 |
kitche | Doug52392: your point being hte servers are being hammered | 05:42 |
Ferrixman | delire, when i upload from edgy to feisty, it says it needs 70 MB in /etc/ | 05:42 |
Doug52392 | it was going to take over 4 hours. | 05:42 |
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delire | rubbs: try changing your repos to more common ones? the repo that is having problems sounds very uncommon. | 05:43 |
jrib | Doug52392: you can continue to use your system while it upgrades | 05:43 |
Ferrixman | i'm new to linux, i don't know what to do to clean space | 05:43 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, so you want to move your root to another partition? | 05:43 |
stefg | yeah... forget about configuring your fresh feisty install at the moments... the mirrors are overloaded | 05:43 |
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aaroncampbell | I have a strange problem with Kubuntu Feisty. Sometimes when I boot, sda and sdb are switched. sda is my main drive, and sdb is a RAID running on a 3WARE card, and mounting in /home ...In fstab, the main device has a UUID (whatever that is), and it seems to mount properly no matter whether it is hda or hdb. However, the other doesn't...can I set up a UUID for it too? And if so, how? | 05:43 |
Ferrixman | or maybe just to free some space | 05:43 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, is /home another physical hard drive or just a partition? | 05:43 |
xtknight2 | aaroncampbell try the "blkid" command | 05:43 |
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Ferrixman | partition | 05:43 |
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guillem101 | Is it possible to tell the update-manager just to donwload the packages required for the upgrade to Feisty and do not install? | 05:43 |
Whisperkiller | will feisty run on older machines? | 05:43 |
delire | Ferrixman: the fact you don't have enough in /etc is an issue yes. | 05:43 |
Zorlin | First thing i'm going to do with my feisty install... | 05:43 |
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Zorlin | Flash 9 :) | 05:44 |
mg___ | download the gparted live cd and increase your root partition size while decreasing your home partiton | 05:44 |
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chewed-on | :( no one is helping me in Fedora channel. | 05:44 |
aaroncampbell | mg___: physical hard drive (a RAID actually) | 05:44 |
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mandel | hi, can I copy the content of an ubuntu installation disk over to a usb stick and boot it from there? | 05:44 |
aaroncampbell | oops...that wasn't directed to me | 05:44 |
Ferrixman | mg___, does it do it maintaining files untouched? | 05:44 |
xtknight2 | guillem101 i believe so, take a look at "man update-manager" perhaps? | 05:44 |
xtknight2 | !boot | 05:44 |
ubotu | Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 05:44 |
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xtknight2 | !install | 05:44 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See and - See also !automate | 05:44 |
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delire | Ferrixman: don't take my advice just yet, but it may be possible to simply move the contents of /etc into / and remove the /etc/ mount manually from /etc/fstab | 05:44 |
Kitagua | i have a question regarding video playback. iam trying to play a divx vid with different players (totem,vlc) they both have the same effect. i can hear the sound but i do not see the picture. when i am resizing the window of totem or vlc i get the picture but only for a second. after resizing the picture is black again. | 05:44 |
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DanaG | oh, anybody who is on "Internet2" | 05:45 |
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andy_ | Is there a katapult alternative for gnome? | 05:45 |
Zorlin | Hey guys | 05:45 |
DanaG | there's | 05:45 |
delire | mg___: didn't he say he has a partition for /etc itself? | 05:45 |
Zorlin | DanaG, you mean Web 2.0? | 05:45 |
joeljkp | congratulations all | 05:45 |
xtknight2 | internet2? | 05:45 |
beijing | :) | 05:45 |
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xtknight2 | that exists yet? :p | 05:45 |
Ferrixman | delire, no... | 05:45 |
mg___ | delire, i don't know ^^ everyone tells another story *g* | 05:45 |
DanaG | It's a lame name for a network of colleges. | 05:45 |
tukker | test | 05:45 |
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leagris | Kitagua, look like you could try mplayer or vlc with different video outputs. try xv, gl, gl2 ... | 05:45 |
Ferrixman | i have a partition for / and one for /home/ | 05:45 |
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Ferrixman | so /etc/ is where / is | 05:45 |
magnetron | andy_ : katapult | 05:45 |
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magnetron | andy_ : ? | 05:46 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, so two partitions on one physical hard drive? | 05:46 |
Ferrixman | yes | 05:46 |
delire | Ferrixman: ahah ok.. well do as mg___ suggests. i read the "needs 70mb me space in /etc" as /etc being a separate partition. | 05:46 |
beijing | Ferr so you have / and swap only | 05:46 |
Zorlin | Everyone who has the ISO, please seed! :) | 05:46 |
whitehawk | hi | 05:46 |
andy_ | magnetron, doesn't that use alot of resources then when I have to start all the KDE stuff too? | 05:46 |
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Ferrixman | mg___, gparted is a bootable program? | 05:46 |
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Woody_ | im not getting anything in the Update Manager | 05:46 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, yes it is. very straight forward to use, too | 05:46 |
magnetron | andy_ : sorry, i don't understand your question. | 05:47 |
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chewed-on | Guys, this was the problem with Gparted: | 05:47 |
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leagris | Zorlin, already seeded twice the CD amount | 05:47 |
mg___ | Ferrixman, quite like partition magic but with more functionality and more supported file systems | 05:47 |
whitehawk | I set up a wifi connection manually, I set it up for WPA but I want to change it to WPA2, how can I dod that in ubuntu? | 05:47 |
zaggynl | Why was I removed from ubuntu+1? | 05:47 |
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Ferrixman | yes, looking on the site rite now | 05:47 |
andy_ | magnetron, doesn't katapult then have to load some kde libraries? | 05:47 |
acuster | how does one get the name of the release one is running? | 05:47 |
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mg___ | zaggynl, because ubuntu+1 is now ubuntu | 05:47 |
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Ferrixman | tnx mg___ and tnx delire | 05:47 |
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zaggynl | ah okay | 05:47 |
Ferrixman | ^_^ | 05:47 |
mg___ | since 7.04 is realeased | 05:47 |
bododo | Hi folks! | 05:47 |
stefg | ipv6 > stefg | 05:47 |
whitehawk | besides removing the settings from .gconf | 05:47 |
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zaggynl | I have this usb issue | 05:47 |
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stefg | !ipv6 > stefg | 05:47 |
zaggynl | it won't mount my usb case anymore | 05:47 |
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addam1 | if I had the beta version of Feisty, how do I upgrade to the real version ? | 05:47 |
Zorlin | Leagris: Already *Downloaded* twice the CD amount =O I accidentally D\Led from BitTorrent without realising | 05:47 |
zaggynl | says the mountpoint doesn't excist | 05:47 |
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bododo | got a stupid question, why have I to switch to ubuntu? | 05:48 |
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bododo | I'm using FC6 | 05:48 |
chewed-on | Any ideas ? | 05:48 |
zaggynl | bododo, don't have to, you have the choice | 05:48 |
beijing | acuster: cat /etc/issue :) | 05:48 |
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acuster | thanks | 05:48 |
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fuzzy_logic | addaml: that happens automatically :) | 05:48 |
whitehawk | bododo you don't have to | 05:48 |
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chewed-on | bododo: hey, we're in the same boat :) | 05:48 |
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bododo | zaggynl: sorry my english is somehow poor for it's my 4th lge, I meant how can you convince me :) | 05:48 |
zaggynl | dang it's getting crowded in here | 05:48 |
andy_ | magnetron, I found gnome launch box :) | 05:49 |
magnetron | andy_ : i never tried katapult, ask some of the KDE fans here | 05:49 |
rambo3 | bododo, there is nothing wrong with fc | 05:49 |
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Doug52392 | how do you specify a different mirror for the Ubuntu 7.04 upgrade using the Update Manager? | 05:49 |
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bododo | I'm not saying that folks :) | 05:49 |
magnetron | andy_ : great | 05:49 |
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bododo | just that I want to try it out and I'm thinking... | 05:49 |
kitche | bododo: no one can convince you you must convince yourself | 05:49 |
xavickson | Yeyy Ubuntu 7.04 is released :D... but I can't download it now because I'm near my bandwidth limit and I don't want to pay extra... I'll download in the happy ours, that are 4 hours from now... But in the mean time, anyone of you knows where can I find a review of the final release ? | 05:49 |
bododo | I wonder | 05:49 |
Rynoo | Is there an option to upgrade from 6.10 on the 7.04 CD? | 05:49 |
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bododo | you see? | 05:49 |
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zaggynl | bododo, improved hardware support, video drivers and beryl without much effort | 05:49 |
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chewed-on | Hey I have the option to "format to > ext3" will that kill Fedora ? | 05:49 |
kitche | bododo: grab hte desktop cd and go it's a livecd | 05:49 |
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diablo_ | hello | 05:49 |
Daverocks | chewed-on: yes | 05:49 |
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diablo_ | can somebody help me in how can i start my photoshopCS2? | 05:50 |
chewed-on | Daverocks: bah, sucky | 05:50 |
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whitehawk | bododo I'm using gentoo, but I have ubuntu too. It's getting real nice. Ofcourse it's only a birary distro, but one of the best | 05:50 |
Doug52392 | How do you download the Ubuntu 7.04 upgrade from a different mirror? | 05:50 |
kitche | diablo_: wine /path/to/photoshop | 05:50 |
crdlb | Rynoo, you need the alternate cd for an offline upgrade | 05:50 |
chewed-on | Dammit why did they design Fedora Core 6 like this ? | 05:50 |
diablo_ | thanks a lot | 05:50 |
slackern_ | xavickson, here is a little review | 05:50 |
mg___ | Daverocks, shouldn't fedora be able to deal with ext3? | 05:50 |
bododo | kitche: well, fc7 will be a live cd too, I mean is the ubuntu cd well packaged without a lot of hassle | 05:50 |
Rynoo | crdlb: ah. | 05:50 |
xavickson | thanks slackern_ :D | 05:50 |
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Paul_UK | does wine work with office 2003? | 05:50 |
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magnetron | see you, will install feisty now | 05:50 |
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Daverocks | mg___: yes but formatting to ext3 erases it | 05:51 |
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kitche | bododo: umm you just boot it thats how livecd's work | 05:51 |
PhilK | is it possible to make do-release-upgrade use the cd image? I hate to waste Ubuntu's bandwidth if I can avoid it | 05:51 |
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delire | whitehawk: it's not "only a binary distro" at all. you can use apt to download and compile from source as you wish. | 05:51 |
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bododo | zaggynl: beryl isn't a concern, I'm building it from svn | 05:51 |
asdfjkloe | mh :\ error occurred - failed to fetch konnte nicht mit vebinden - connect (110 connection timed out) - is it fatal for the whole installation?? | 05:51 |
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bododo | (I used to) | 05:51 |
chewed-on | Dammit, upload faster guys! | 05:51 |
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chewed-on | :) | 05:51 |
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cables | chewed-on, I'm trying! :) | 05:51 |
andy_ | when I press Alt+Space, I always get a gnome menu, where can I disable that shortcut? I already looked under System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts and that shortcut isn't listed there. | 05:51 |
chewed-on | I'm only downloading at 200KB + | 05:51 |
mg___ | Daverocks,chewed-on, ah formatting ok. but you can migrate as far as i know | 05:51 |
Ferrixman | mg___, gparted is the one which usually starts when installing ubuntu, isn't it? | 05:51 |
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bododo | kitche: I know! got forgives! :) FC7 will be a live one too | 05:51 |
bluefox83 | Paul_UK, you could probably get office 2003 to work in wine, they have done a lot of work to get office apps working in it. but you should try OpenOffice! | 05:51 |
aubade | Paul_UK: | 05:51 |
chewed-on | mg___: hey ? | 05:51 |
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Skyhook | does anyone know where I can find the Md5sums for desktop amd64? | 05:51 |
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kitche | bododo: well they have a live cd but there is prime that they have also | 05:52 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, i don't know | 05:52 |
`sam` | i guess i've had feisty final for a few days now | 05:52 |
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mg___ | i downloaded it and use it on a live cd | 05:52 |
Raeth | Hello, are the Ubuntu servers down? | 05:52 |
JimTB | Is there any chance to get the ATI drivers working in Feisty? Or I will just have to wait until they update them to support xorg 7.2? | 05:52 |
bododo | let's be clearer, I'm wondering if ubuntu will bring the essential packages I want since it's on ONE cd | 05:52 |
Paul_UK | aubade: thanks, cos i couldnt get office 2003 to work with crossover | 05:52 |
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mg___ | Ferrixman, i'm using this one | 05:52 |
bododo | that's my real concern, having a very "shity" connexion | 05:52 |
fuzzy | i have 60 giga in C: in windows. i want to resize the partition but i don't know if resizing will destroy the windows installation. partition manager would handle the free space and won't let me resize over the existing files. | 05:52 |
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Ferrixman | i'm downloading the last release | 05:53 |
fuzzy | in gparted i don't see anything like this. it lets me resize that partitions to 0. if i have 40 giga free on that partition and i'll create a 13 giga partition, will gparted hurt my system? | 05:53 |
virdiq | is holding up very well... with 6000 users on the site! | 05:53 |
Raeth | My Feisty is using and it's not connecting | 05:53 |
zaggynl | I installed feisty beta, can I just keep ugrading? | 05:53 |
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Pici | zaggynl: Yes. | 05:53 |
zaggynl | cool | 05:53 |
dave_ | Hey I'm having a problem with upgrading. I start the software update thing, and it has a "New distrobution release 7.04 is available" with upgrade button... When I click upgrade, it downloads 2 packages then gives an error: "Authentication Failed.. there may be a problem with the network or with the server" Is there a problem? | 05:53 |
chewed-on | What you lazy buggers doing ? Upload FASTER! :-p | 05:53 |
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beijing | fuzzy: backup, backup | 05:53 |
psst | I want to use my ubuntu machine as a gateway, but only to a subnet it can reach via a VPN client | 05:53 |
fuzzy | hmm | 05:54 |
Pici | zaggynl: Just run the update-manager like you're just getting updates, no need to use the upgrade CD. | 05:54 |
kitche | dave_: the servers are being hammered | 05:54 |
fuzzy | oki | 05:54 |
psusi | fuzzy: gparted can resize ntfs partitions, but it shouldn't let you make it smaller than the used space | 05:54 |
psst | can anyone suggest how I get started? | 05:54 |
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bluefox83 | i think i am in need of a new server to get mine to connect to as well, i have a 5mb connection and it wants to download at 11k :X | 05:54 |
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mg___ | fuzzy, gparted shouldn't let you resize your partition to such a tiny amount | 05:54 |
beijing | chewed-on: 200KB not enough ? :) | 05:54 |
leagris | chewed-on, ul speed: 1354.1 KB/s | 05:54 |
mg___ | fuzzy, which file system are you using? | 05:54 |
dave_ | kitche: So it should eventually work? | 05:54 |
Tomcat_ | psst: Google for "arno iptables firewall" and read the stuff there. It's a good script. | 05:54 |
Scunizi | I'm running Fiesty and trying to match my ipod mod #A1136 to one of the models listed in Amarok. I'm not sure which gen this ipod is. White, video, 30gig.. Any ideas or does it really matter? | 05:54 |
bododo | is there any list on the web of the shipped software in ubuntu cd, is there python in the cd? for example? | 05:54 |
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baha-d | hey where can i find 7.04's torrent ? | 05:54 |
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kitche | dave_: yeah probably in a week or so it should eb good | 05:54 |
kitche | baha-d: from | 05:54 |
psst | Tomcat_: thanks | 05:54 |
ubuntu | Fatal server error: Caught signal 11. Server aborting | 05:54 |
dave_ | lol | 05:54 |
ubuntu | Anyone know what that means_ | 05:54 |
nerdygirl_ellie | Hi. Dumb question. Do I need to do anything to go 7.04 Beta -> 7.04 Final? | 05:54 |
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jaras | is it possible to get more plugins for the desktop effects? | 05:55 |
Daviey | nerdygirl_ellie, no | 05:55 |
bluefox83 | Scunizi, video is 5th gen i think... | 05:55 |
TuTuFF | psst: exactly as you would normally except instead of having a default route out the external interface, just route to the subnet the other end of the vpn has | 05:55 |
holycow | guys i'm running ubuntu on core duo cpus and feisty is freezing all machines for 15 seconds intermittently. because the entire system locks top really isn't usefull but i can tell that what its doing is making random apps that i'm using and throwing them into uninterruptible state while the cpu spikes to 100% | 05:55 |
Agrajag | nerdygirl_ellie: yeah, update from the update manager | 05:55 |
psusi | ubuntu: means the program crashed | 05:55 |
Tomcat_ | jaras: Yes, through manually adding them. | 05:55 |
holycow | any tips on tracking down this issue? | 05:55 |
Pici | nerdygirl_ellie: Nope, just use the update-manager to grab the latest updates. | 05:55 |
virdiq | torrents are listed here: | 05:55 |
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Doug52392 | How do you download the Ubuntu 7.04 upgrade from a different mirror? | 05:55 |
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`sam` | nerdygirl_ellie, if there are no updates available then you probably already have it | 05:55 |
fuzzy | ntf | 05:55 |
chewed-on | leagris: why can't I download at 300KB/s then ? | 05:55 |
ubuntu | psusi: Well... can you tell why from that error message? | 05:55 |
chewed-on | That's my max. | 05:55 |
fuzzy | mg___ | 05:55 |
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mg___ | fuzzy ^^ | 05:55 |
fuzzy | in gparted | 05:55 |
psusi | ubuntu: no... figuring out why is up to a developer using a debugger | 05:55 |
chewed-on | Oh right, now we're talking :-P | 05:55 |
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fuzzy | near /dev/sda1 | 05:55 |
jaras | tomcat_ it's using compiz right? | 05:56 |
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leagris | chewed-on, because you have to share bandwidth overall with every downloaders | 05:56 |
nerdygirl_ellie | TY all. | 05:56 |
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fuzzy | i see an exclamation sign in a triangle | 05:56 |
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zaggynl | my usb stick doesn't get mounted anymore | 05:56 |
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Dimensions | Hiya ... how can i check on my ubuntu machine from which ips i have got ssh (remote log in into my machine) | 05:56 |
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Scunizi | bluefox83: I'll give it a go but there is also a listing in the 6th gen catagory as well. Thanks.. | 05:56 |
fuzzy | and it doesn't show me how much used space is there | 05:56 |
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fuzzy | what can i do? | 05:56 |
Paul_UK | bluefox83 : open office is gay sorry to say | 05:56 |
fuzzy | what does that mean | 05:56 |
ubuntu | psusi: Pff... i cant get X started when i boot from the CD. | 05:56 |
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Tomcat_ | jaras: Usually... but you can use beryl as well. | 05:56 |
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psusi | fuzzy: means it can't access that filesystem | 05:56 |
mg___ | fuzzy, usb stick broken? i don't know | 05:56 |
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mg___ | can you mount it? | 05:56 |
fuzzy | nope | 05:56 |
=== bluefox83 is guessing that too many people are upgrading to fiesty at the same time and the server bandwidth is probably being sucked dry | ||
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kitche | Dimensions: chech /var/log/messages and look for all ssh connections in it | 05:56 |
fuzzy | it's a laptop hdd | 05:56 |
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poningru | holycow: ok so what I would do is look in klog | 05:57 |
zaggynl | !usb | 05:57 |
kitche | bluefox83: your correct | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on | 05:57 |
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fuzzy | windows is installed on c | 05:57 |
psusi | ubuntu: try the safe graphics boot option? | 05:57 |
Rebecca | is it possible to setup software raid0 during the normal install process? | 05:57 |
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poningru | or holycow and dmesg and other logs | 05:57 |
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poningru | Rebecca: sure | 05:57 |
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poningru | !raid | 05:57 |
ubotu | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and | 05:57 |
IdleOne | !gutsy | 05:57 |
psst | TuTuFF: I don't know how to do the 'normal' gateway either | 05:57 |
mg___ | fuzzy, you can start windows but you can't mount the partition? | 05:57 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See and | 05:57 |
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ubuntu | psusi: Tried... | 05:57 |
leagris | chewed-on, I'm doing that on a didacted server with enough bandwidth to upload. Bear in mind, most residential broadband users hav very limmited upload capabilities and most do have amount restrictions. | 05:57 |
psusi | Rebecca: from the alternate install cd, yes | 05:57 |
lungan | What is the default windows manager in 7.04? | 05:57 |
Paul_UK | gnome | 05:57 |
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sioux | !sioux | 05:57 |
Rebecca | psusi: okay :) | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sioux - try searching on | 05:58 |
Ferrixman | mg___, do i have to start the autoconfiguration? | 05:58 |
slackern | bah i want gibbon now, how long do we have to wait for it? :) | 05:58 |
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sioux | aridateme la paternit del nik | 05:58 |
holycow | poningru, danke | 05:58 |
`sam` | slackern, 6 months | 05:58 |
psusi | Rebecca: you don't have one of those sata fake hardware raids do you? | 05:58 |
mg___ | ferrixman, autoconfiguration? | 05:58 |
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Ferrixman | at startup | 05:58 |
chewed-on | leagris: :-) | 05:58 |
mg___ | ferrixman, you mean for choosing your xorg settings in gparted? | 05:58 |
chewed-on | I'm just joking with you guys. | 05:58 |
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cramm | doh, .jigdo files for the i386 and amd64 files for the desktop CD are the only missing in the servers | 05:58 |
Ferrixman | yes | 05:58 |
bluefox83 | lungan, to my knowledge all of the default window managers for ubuntu will be gnome... | 05:58 |
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mg___ | how much disk space will 7.04 need? is a 10GiB partition enough (/home will be mouted seperatly) | 05:58 |
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Rebecca | psusi: no, it will be 2 x 8gb CF drives on an IDE bus. | 05:59 |
kitche | cramm: umm there is jigdo files on the servers | 05:59 |
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mg___ | ferrixman, if it works yes just let it auto configure | 05:59 |
piksi | hmm. 7.04 is running pretty nice | 05:59 |
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boubbin | !lamp | 05:59 |
ubotu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 05:59 |
piksi | way better than edgy was | 05:59 |
Ferrixman | tnx | 05:59 |
mg___ | if it doesn't then setup manually | 05:59 |
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Ferrixman | cya later, i hope | 05:59 |
Ferrixman | ^_^ | 05:59 |
mg___ | ^^ | 05:59 |
piksi | especially the laptop extras seem to work better than they used in edgy | 05:59 |
=== disasm idiot ;-) - accidentally changed irssi to #debian and talked about ubuntu ;-) | ||
`sam` | is anybody trying the torrents? might be quicker with so many people downloading | 05:59 |
mg___ | good luck ferrixman | 05:59 |
pollyo | I'm trying to use the "ubuntu-live-support" package and it isn't putting a menu in the System menu and if I attempt to start it in a terminal I get: usr/share/doc/ubuntu-live-support/README | 05:59 |
kleftisx | how can i remove automatix? | 05:59 |
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bluefox83 | mg___, depends on how many packages you already have installed, mine needs just shy of a gig because i have tons of stuff installed | 05:59 |
pollyo | Opp...wrong thing | 05:59 |
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kitche | 'sam': they are as slow also | 05:59 |
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Stoffer | I instalelled the fiesty beta yesterday (the version from april 15th). What do I need to do to update to the version that was released today? | 05:59 |
pollyo | Syntax error: redirection unexpected | 06:00 |
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piksi | kitche: how so? i got 500kB/s | 06:00 |
kitche | Stoffer: that is the final disc | 06:00 |
Angeluz | Stoffer: Nothing. | 06:00 |
fuzzy | mg___ it can be mounted | 06:00 |
psusi | Stoffer: start up synaptic and update | 06:00 |
piksi | Stoffer: nothing, the repositories are the same | 06:00 |
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kitche | piksi: I tried and only got 5 k/bs | 06:00 |
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fuzzy | it has the boot flag too | 06:00 |
neil__ | piksi, which laptop extras in particular? i just installed feisty on my new laptop | 06:00 |
pollyo | Stoffer: Did you update it with adept? | 06:00 |
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cramm | kitche: do you mean in a separate directory? Because they are missing here (the other CDs have they .jigdo files there) | 06:00 |
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pollyo | Stofter: I mean the auto updater? | 06:00 |
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Stoffer | pollyo, no | 06:00 |
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kitche | cramm: it's on other mirrors | 06:00 |
Rkyraccoon55 | !network | 06:00 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 06:00 |
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mg___ | bluefox83, new installtion for my sister's pc. it needs firefox, openoffice, gimp, some media players + codecs | 06:00 |
pollyo | Stoffer: Did it tell you there were updates? | 06:01 |
Stoffer | pollyo, oh, the auto one, yeah, the updated updater...I think | 06:01 |
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piksi | neil__: well, the wifi on intel 2200 works without fighting, also battery acpi monitoring *FINALLY* is not broken | 06:01 |
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neil__ | ah | 06:01 |
piksi | kitche: perhaps you got problems in your ports or connection | 06:01 |
pollyo | Stoffer: You should be good to go until the next batch of updates. | 06:01 |
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mg___ | ferrix, hmm i don't know then. perhaps you should go ask in a gparted support channel | 06:01 |
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Stoffer | pollyo, ok good, thanks | 06:01 |
bluefox83 | mg___, probably half a gig? maybe less... | 06:01 |
kitche | piksi: nope it's the dvd torrent | 06:01 |
neil__ | have had mine plugged in all day so havent checked out the battery monitoring yet | 06:01 |
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delire | disasm: Debian developers can be proud of Ubuntu. Ubuntu entirely depends on them. | 06:01 |
phx669 | pocoto pocoto | 06:01 |
ed_ | are the 15th april feisty isos the final? | 06:01 |
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Zorlin | Has anyone installed VNC on Feisty yet? | 06:01 |
saturn04 | Congratulations with 7.04 | 06:01 |
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mg___ | bluefox83, half a gig? openoffice alone needs about 7GiB to build on gentoo | 06:02 |
kitche | delire: well from the news I found debian depends on ubuntu now | 06:02 |
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bluefox83 | mg___, you aren't building from source, you're installing binaries that have already been compiled | 06:02 |
ed_ | are the 15th april feisty isos the final? | 06:02 |
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tonyyarusso | kitche: It's a two-way street | 06:02 |
Zorlin | Kitche: Really? Debian *depends* on ubuntu!? | 06:02 |
Stoffer | ed_, that's what they're telling me | 06:02 |
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piksi | neil__: yeah, there has been a big fight with some users on the acpi issues and suspend/hibernate, now they seem finally to be history | 06:02 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | 06:02 |
ed_ | ok | 06:02 |
foutrelis | ed_: Yes :) | 06:02 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:02 |
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surviver | zorlin, jup its true | 06:02 |
ed_ | thanks | 06:02 |
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mg___ | bluefox83, oh, then thx :-) i'll make it 5GiB to be sure | 06:02 |
bluefox83 | Zorlin, ubuntu depends on debian... | 06:02 |
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ed_ | so I should have downloaded ages ago | 06:03 |
Whisperkiller | ok im done...sorry i just needed a laugh | 06:03 |
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ed_ | :( | 06:03 |
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delire | kitche: not really. | 06:03 |
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hackle577 | is anyone else unable to ugrade because the GUI hangs on package 62 of 65? | 06:03 |
loconet | this isn't mentioned on the website installation notes and I don't remember but is there a option to upgrade a 6.10 installation using the 7.04 desktop cd? | 06:03 |
delire | kitche: explain that. | 06:03 |
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PriceChild | loconet, no, only alternate disc | 06:04 |
park13 | I am passed 130 packages | 06:04 |
jimwin | hey guys, just about to download 7.04, just wondering if there is any 64bit version for the intel architecture | 06:04 |
LjL | jimwin: sure there is | 06:04 |
IdleOne | !upgrade | loconet scroll down a little | 06:04 |
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ubotu | loconet scroll down a little: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 06:04 |
Pici | jimwin: AMD64 supports EMT64 (intel) | 06:04 |
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jimwin | nice | 06:04 |
jimwin | thanks guys | 06:04 |
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Zorlin | bluefox83: yeah, I knew that | 06:04 |
JosefK | brilliant, Netbeans 5.5 in multiverse ^^ | 06:05 |
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park13 | is there a disadvantage doing an upgrade or a new install | 06:05 |
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m4st3r | on feisty , I am looking for KVM and KVM what's that? | 06:05 |
phx669 | pocoto pocoto | 06:05 |
pollyo | Isn't there a way to add a CD as a repository? | 06:05 |
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Zorlin | bluefox83: but someone just said that debian now depends on ubuntu, which doesnt make sense, lol | 06:05 |
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delire | kitche: this is OT, but if Debian were to drop it's 16000 odd packages overnight then Ubuntu would not be able to exist. Ubuntu however could disappear, but this would have little immediate impact on Debian. | 06:05 |
piksi | park13: sure there is if you've misconfigured your system, the upgrade might be problematic | 06:05 |
LjL | pollyo: not the Desktop CD at least as far as I know. it's possible with the Alternate CD | 06:05 |
Zorlin | M4st3r, do you mean VNC, or KDE? | 06:05 |
hackle577 | trying tio upgrade via GUI, I get this error message: Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 06:05 |
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USMarine | park13 you can always try to upgrade | 06:05 |
loconet | Interesting so the "alternate" CD is an "upgrade" only version? | 06:05 |
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PriceChild | loconet, no. | 06:05 |
piksi | loconet: no it's not | 06:05 |
psusi | no, the alternate cd is the install version | 06:05 |
loconet | oh? | 06:05 |
piksi | i installed from the alternate cd | 06:05 |
surviver | zorlin, debian was there first, ubuntu made a kind of copie of debian so they have more (and better) packages install files ... | 06:05 |
USMarine | what's the differece? | 06:05 |
psusi | the desktop one is a livecd that can copy itself to your hard drive | 06:05 |
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LjL | !alternate > loconet (loconet, see the private message from Ubotu) | 06:06 |
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Pici | loconet: But is also supports upgrade | 06:06 |
surviver | zorlin, but the idea came from debian | 06:06 |
PriceChild | loconet, it allows upgrades whilst in the installed system. It also gives you a text based install | 06:06 |
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psusi | or just run normally | 06:06 |
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park13 | USMarine: i did an new install on 6.10 yesterday :( so i was wondering if i should just do new install or just upgrade | 06:06 |
kerik | hey guys! | 06:06 |
Zorlin | surviver: *I KNOW* DARN IT | 06:06 |
bluefox83 | Zorlin, they had it backwards, the people who do the debian stuff are far more rigid about what goes into debian than the ubuntu folks are. takes almost a year sometimes between releases | 06:06 |
m4st3r | zorlin//I thank it is virtual....I don't know well | 06:06 |
piksi | park13: just upgrade | 06:06 |
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delire | kitche: Ubuntu is one of Debian's greatest complements. Debian's founding charter, as "a universal operating system" was to provide for distributions like Ubuntu. Ubuntu has no such charter. | 06:06 |
Styles | copy of debian = Fork of debian | 06:06 |
USMarine | surviver i doubt ubuntu has more packages than debian | 06:06 |
surviver | Zorlin, thought u didnt understand :p | 06:06 |
kerik | anyone in here who knows a good torrent client? | 06:06 |
park13 | piksi: thanks | 06:06 |
Zorlin | surviver: Yes, thats what I *thought*. | 06:06 |
piksi | park13: should work perfectly | 06:06 |
Pici | !offtopic | 06:06 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 06:06 |
cramm | kitche: well they aren't inthe 4 mirrors I could enter (wow they are being hammered hard) | 06:06 |
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Dimensions | thanks kitche ... but when i checked my var/log/messages it doesn't say any thing except restarting other entries are empty ... is there any other log file i can check for it ? | 06:06 |
surviver | USmarine, think it has .. | 06:06 |
park13 | does 7.10 have the new nvidia drivers? | 06:06 |
holycow | debian is also of a FAR FAR FAR HIGHER quality than ubuntu with each release | 06:06 |
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Zorlin | surviver: They had it backwards :P | 06:06 |
surviver | usmarine, i readed it somewhere | 06:06 |
holycow | for its ENTIRE repository | 06:06 |
LjL | !offtopic | 06:06 |
Zorlin | Park13: the new release is called 7.04, not 7.10 | 06:07 |
loconet | so it's basically just an alternative way of installing . makes sense given its name ;) | 06:07 |
USMarine | surviver debian supports more archs | 06:07 |
surviver | zorlin, :) | 06:07 |
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loconet | Thank you for the info guys | 06:07 |
piksi | park13: just get the binary linux drivers form nvidia, they are very easy to install | 06:07 |
USMarine | so they must have more | 06:07 |
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surviver | USmarine, thats true | 06:07 |
hackle577 | trying to upgrade via GUI, I get this error message: Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 06:07 |
park13 | piksi: ok | 06:07 |
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IdleOne | LjL, may I msg you? | 06:07 |
LjL | IdleOne: yes | 06:07 |
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holycow | whereas ubuntu only has support for a few thousand apps ubuntu ships at current count something like 16 to 18k apps at a very high qu ality level | 06:07 |
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lolman | Hmm BitTorrent clients are killing my net connection | 06:07 |
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zaggynl | Anyone knows why feisty won't automount my usbstick? | 06:07 |
disasm | ok, lets end the offtopicness I didn't mean to start a war by saying I asked about ubuntu in the wrong channel | 06:07 |
LjL | will you move the Debian discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic please? | 06:07 |
Styles | whoa man the repos are hammered right now | 06:07 |
zaggynl | works fine manuall :( | 06:07 |
kunwon1 | Hooray for Feisty! | 06:07 |
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USMarine | zaggynl works fine in kubuntu | 06:07 |
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moktod | kunwon1: cept i'm finding all the mirrors are unreachable | 06:08 |
zaggynl | some info on it: | 06:08 |
slackern | 9755,9631,7184 are the nvidia drivers available in feisty | 06:08 |
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disasm | zaggynl: days like today, I'm glad penn state has the carroll repository on campus ;-) | 06:08 |
etank | does anyone have a good download link to get the final release? | 06:08 |
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Hairulfr | slackern: yeS | 06:08 |
bluefox83 | zaggynl, feisty was just officially released, maybe you should give everyone a chance to upgrade and play with it first before asking how to get stuff workin | 06:08 |
sharingos | hi | 06:08 |
sharingos | I'm using ncurses on linux and System V objects. It seems that getch is under the effect of timeout(0) but I don't use this function ever. The program works properly using pipes or threads but with this system V not. Does anyone knows a possible motive of this situation? THANKS | 06:08 |
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Angeluz | stank, yes. | 06:08 |
Angeluz | Wait a second. | 06:08 |
kerik | Styles: so not only my reposes that act a little weird? | 06:08 |
etank | all the ones that i see are from 4/15 | 06:08 |
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Angeluz | | 06:08 |
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disasm | bluefox83: that seems like an odd response ;-) | 06:09 |
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_Neil | updated seems perfect | 06:09 |
_Neil | thanks all :) | 06:09 |
kerik | nobody in here knows how to download torrentz? | 06:09 |
_Neil | update* | 06:09 |
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zaggynl | bluefox83, I can still ask :P, there are people like me who installed it _before_ it was removed from dev version | 06:09 |
umop | Can I resize partiton while in ubuntu? I dont have space to install apps, and have lots of spare room in /hom | 06:09 |
kerik | I don't buy it ;) | 06:09 |
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defrysk | zaggynl, to get nvidia installed in panel System > administartion >restricted drivers manager (Feisty) | 06:09 |
disasm | zaggynl: are you in the plugdev group? | 06:09 |
Dimensions | Guys ... i have a remote machine i sshed into it from another machine a week ago i need ip that ip i did ssh from loging to this machine now ... where can i check to see which ip has ssh into that machine ? | 06:09 |
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crdlb | umop, not while you're using it | 06:09 |
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zaggynl | defrysk, nvidia works fine | 06:09 |
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USMarine | etank | 06:09 |
PriceChild | umop, you can't resize a partition in use. boot up the live cd and use system>admin>gparted to resize it | 06:09 |
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zaggynl | disasm, how should I check? | 06:09 |
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pollyo | umop: Do you have a live CD or are you doing it on a partion that you can unmount? | 06:09 |
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Gankutsuou | Dimensions, `netstat -t | grep ssh` | 06:09 |
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etank | USMarine: ports are blocked for torrents here where i work | 06:10 |
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USMarine | remove .torrent | 06:10 |
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Angeluz | Anyone knows if there's a VMWare-Player-image for NexentaOS? | 06:10 |
etank | USMarine: i am looking for a good http link | 06:10 |
Davey | Did I imagine a story about a "Made for Ubuntu" piece of software? something that had been verified as working with Ubuntu and ratified as such? | 06:10 |
zaggynl | disasm, 'groups' right? well that claims I'm in the group | 06:10 |
Gankutsuou | etank, your location? | 06:10 |
disasm | zaggynl: vi /etc/group, go to line with plugdev, look for your username, if it's not in there adduser username plugdev | 06:10 |
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umop | crdlb, PriceChild : thanks, damn :) | 06:10 |
zaggynl | My usb case gets mounted just fine, it's just my stick that doesn't | 06:10 |
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etank | Gankutsuou: USA Kentucky | 06:10 |
disasm | zaggynl: errr, Use an editor, not necessarily vi, just kneejerk reaction | 06:10 |
kerik | USMarine: which torrent app do you use? | 06:10 |
ikaruga | hi all, just wanted to know if the kernel in fiesty was fixed so that midi sequencers work (again) | 06:10 |
USMarine | AZUREUS ofc | 06:11 |
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Dimensions | Thanks Gankutsuou | 06:11 |
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zaggynl | disasm, 'plugdev:x:46:haldaemon,zaggynl' | 06:11 |
kerik | USMarine: azureus is a good one? | 06:11 |
USMarine | da best there is out there | 06:11 |
disasm | zaggynl: looks good | 06:11 |
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kerik | USMarine: thanks man | 06:11 |
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Angeluz | BitTornado. :) | 06:11 |
Palantor | following links in the 7.04 announce email goes to download page with only 6.10. Has 7.04 been put on hold? | 06:11 |
disasm | zaggynl: tail -f /var/log/syslog (you may need root) unplug/plug usb stick | 06:11 |
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KalleDK | would love to see utorrent in linux :D | 06:12 |
lolman | Any BitTorrent client I use is killing my net connection on Feisty :( | 06:12 |
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Angeluz | Palantor: No. | 06:12 |
peter78 | I'm using fiesty beta, supposedly when the final release is in the repos I'll just update as usual and don't need to upgrade the distro? | 06:12 |
Angeluz | Its officially released. | 06:12 |
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disasm | Palantor: | 06:12 |
mneptok | KalleDK: what's wrong with BitTornado? | 06:12 |
gkelly | lolman : try turning down your max upload, or even your max download speed | 06:12 |
kitche | peter78: the final release packages are iin the repo | 06:12 |
disasm | Palantor: the official pages are not updated yet | 06:12 |
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Palantor | ok .. Thanks | 06:12 |
lolman | gkelly, I mean actually KILLING it, not just lagging it like mad | 06:12 |
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Angeluz | peter78: If you installed any beta-updates in the last 4-5 days, you're final now. | 06:12 |
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mad | hi@hightlight | 06:12 |
mad | :d | 06:13 |
gkelly | lolman: maybe your ISP sucks | 06:13 |
mad | -t | 06:13 |
sumimasen | DCC CHAT "thisexploithasownedyouall | 06:13 |
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kerik | lolman: which one do you use? | 06:13 |
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IdleOne | !ops | 06:13 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok | 06:13 |
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lolman | gkelly, any other machine on my network is perfectly fine :) | 06:13 |
robinlinth | !feisty | 06:13 |
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robinlinth | has feisty been released? :D | 06:13 |
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peter78 | Angeluz, ok so I've already got the packages? | 06:13 |
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Pici | robinlinth: yes. | 06:13 |
lolman | kerik, any at all, tried Azureus, KTorrent and Gnome-bt | 06:13 |
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Angeluz | peter78: If there are none left in the update manager, then yes. | 06:13 |
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Angeluz | robinlinth: | 06:13 |
zaggynl | disasm, <= that's the output which I get | 06:13 |
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tecta | isn't there a new theme for ubuntu that's purple? | 06:14 |
cBau | I use BitTornado with Feisty beta.... 4 torrents at one time, 50kB upload max per file, no additional lag on my other computer running WoW, no skyrocketing pings. I prefer BitTornado over all the other clients I have used. | 06:14 |
nbogdanoff | anyone else have issues with rdesktop distorting the contents of individual windows -- say if they are moved (dragged) or using the scroll on the mouse ... or say new mail comes in, the lines get all blurry and mangled. | 06:14 |
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robinlinth | I'll go upgrade then. | 06:14 |
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kneeki | !upgrade > kneeki | 06:14 |
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Angeluz | cBau: Yes, it's nice, but it seems to slow down your gnome-environment a lot, if you have multiple downloads. | 06:14 |
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Angeluz | I'm still hoping for a uTorrent-port. | 06:14 |
delire | kerik: some people really like this: i use btdownloadcurses however. | 06:14 |
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slackern | Angeluz, you could try out deluge torrent client | 06:15 |
sumimasen | DCC CHAT "thisexploithasownedyouall | 06:15 |
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kneeki | Hmm, is it worth reformat + install new released 7.04 if you are already using beta? | 06:15 |
KalleDK | mneptok.. utorrent uses 4mb ram at my computer | 06:15 |
mneptok | delire: install BitTornado without the GUI | 06:15 |
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IdleOne | thank you nalioth | 06:15 |
delire | kerik: without doubt azureus is the most famous torrent client | 06:15 |
disasm | zaggynl: hmmm... appears to be something with gnomevfs then, your kernel is pulling it up fine, can you do sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt/? | 06:15 |
rowdog | I really like ktorrent, azureus is good but a resource hog | 06:15 |
slackern | Angeluz, they even got feisty .deb's out for the release | 06:15 |
peter78 | Could not connect to (, connection timed out | 06:15 |
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delire | mneptok: i don't use the gui. it's all ncurses | 06:15 |
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mneptok | KalleDK: same to you, then. use BitTornado from the shell. | 06:15 |
disasm | peter78: it's hammerd, get a different repo | 06:15 |
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teb | whoa it went live already? crazy | 06:16 |
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Angeluz | slackern: Is it in in the repos? | 06:16 |
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mneptok | KalleDK: but i like the GUI feedback. | 06:16 |
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KalleDK | Now we're talking have looked for a cmdline | 06:16 |
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zaggynl | disasm, <= manual mount works fine, automount doesn't | 06:16 |
Angeluz | slackern: Ah, alright, thank you. | 06:16 |
anku | It's in the repos now | 06:16 |
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KalleDK | ... have a ubuntu server ;) | 06:16 |
Angeluz | I'll give it a try. | 06:16 |
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delire | mneptok: eg 'btdownloadcurses.bittornado file.torrent' | 06:16 |
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slackern | Angeluz, only an older version, they never got time to update to latest version and the one in repos blows | 06:16 |
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foka | is feisty out already? | 06:16 |
zaggynl | wine+utorrent works fine as well | 06:16 |
Pici | foka: Yes. | 06:16 |
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mneptok | KalleDK: sudo apt-get install bittornado | 06:16 |
cBau | Angeluz: You are SOOO right, I leave that comp alone when I am torrenting. I am fortunate enough to have a couple comps sitting there. Torrents on one, WoW on the other. | 06:16 |
teb | updatemanager says it is | 06:16 |
slackern | Angeluz, the one in repos can't open a torrent file that you open from a browser | 06:16 |
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foka | what do i have to write in the console to get it? sudo apt-get dist-upgrade? | 06:17 |
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mneptok | delire: "bittornado" is the CLI. "bittornado-gui" adds the GUI bits | 06:17 |
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zaggynl | !distupgrade | 06:17 |
KalleDK | mneptok done :P | 06:17 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade - try searching on | 06:17 |
disasm | zaggynl: if you don't have anything valuable on it (or can back it up) you could try formatting the fs, ie. mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdc1 I think | 06:17 |
Zorlin | ^___^ | 06:17 |
slackern | !upgrade | 06:17 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 06:17 |
disasm | !upgrade | 06:17 |
rambo3 | !pastebin > rambo3 | 06:18 |
larryone | delire, was it you I was talking to about my broken X server??? | 06:18 |
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zaggynl | disasm, why would I? works fine on winxp/ubuntu dapper/ubuntu feisty with manual mount | 06:18 |
Zorlin | Upgrading or reinstalling is up to the end user | 06:18 |
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Zorlin | people say reinstalling is more 'safe' and 'stable' | 06:18 |
Angeluz | cBau: Hehe, I just have an old 266mhz-laptop here, so there's no "letting my main-computer do the download"... ;-) | 06:18 |
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Zorlin | but its up to you | 06:18 |
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aoupi_ | how do I change the resolution on the virtual-terminals(ctrl+alt+F?)? | 06:18 |
Angeluz | slackern: I'm trying the .deb now. :) | 06:18 |
mneptok | KalleDK: man bittorrent-downloader.bittornado | 06:18 |
thansen|laptop | is there such thing as an ubuntustudio download | 06:18 |
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kerik | KalleDK: rent faktisk dansk? | 06:18 |
rycuda | ... it's lag like this that makes me wonder why I'm not running a local repo... | 06:19 |
slackern | Angeluz, okies, all you need to do is to tell your browser to use /usr/bin/deluge when opening torrents | 06:19 |
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winrar | Davs danskere :p | 06:19 |
Angeluz | Any skilled gtk-themers in here? | 06:19 |
Angeluz | slackern: Alright. | 06:19 |
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kerik | hep hey | 06:19 |
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foka | it doesn t show any upgrades | 06:19 |
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kerik | anyone know how to set up xgl in ubuntu? | 06:19 |
Paul_UK | LOL | 06:19 |
Angeluz | pascutti: Go away. | 06:19 |
digitalspaghetti | i've been running tovid and i think the file i was converting was corrupt. but now i have NO free space left on my hd. whats the best way to clear up whats gone wrong?? | 06:20 |
Angeluz | kerik: install xserver-xgl... | 06:20 |
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digitalspaghetti | i've only got 2.8mb free | 06:20 |
KalleDK | kerik Ja | 06:20 |
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disasm | zaggynl: I usually format them when I get them because sometimes from the factory there's something weird about them, like one I had could only have a max of 83 files in a given directory. It could also just be the gnome automount daemon stuff having problems, but if one usb mass storage device works and another doesn't, I'd blame the device over the daemon | 06:20 |
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kerik | Angeluz: that's the package? | 06:20 |
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zaggynl | hmm | 06:20 |
zaggynl | okay | 06:20 |
ricardator | i need a very specific help: i can't check my mails (gmail, hotmail) on ubuntu... i can enter in any other pages, but in mail sites i've just can enter on main page and when i try to log in, system keep waiting mail servers response... and then... 'connection lost' | 06:20 |
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disasm | zaggynl: would be interesting if you tried a different usb disk if you have one | 06:20 |
KalleDK | thx mneptok | 06:20 |
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Angeluz | Damn... | 06:20 |
hansen_ | :) | 06:20 |
KalleDK | In a few sec I'll have a 10/10 server seeding ubuntu | 06:21 |
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winrar | Nice. | 06:21 |
Angeluz | Whats with that "cannot allocate memory"-error when opening programs via gnome-menu? | 06:21 |
kerik | vi er flere end I tror ! :) | 06:21 |
winrar | Det er nemlig rigtigt | 06:21 |
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KalleDK | kerik - ubuntu-dk ;) | 06:21 |
Angeluz | It works with my gdesklets-starterbar. | 06:21 |
zaggynl | disasm, that's funny, other one won't mount either | 06:21 |
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disasm | ricardator: that sounds like a problem outside of your computer... | 06:21 |
winrar | KalleDK: srsrly | 06:21 |
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zaggynl | disasm, by hand it just works | 06:21 |
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mneptok | KalleDK: screen btdownloadcurses.bittornado etc etc etc :) | 06:21 |
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stockfisch | can anyone tell me how to partition a (at this time) unmounted harddrive? best would be in a gui guided way | 06:22 |
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joshjosh | i sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and got 0 I up to date, or is final not ready on update manager yet? | 06:22 |
kerik | KalleDK: are there actually any ppl in there? | 06:22 |
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pppoe_dude | stockfisch, gparted | 06:22 |
ricardator | disasm, strangly, on windows i have no problems :S | 06:22 |
pollyo | Anyone know what a jigdo extension would be? | 06:22 |
KalleDK | kerik .. yep 20 or so :D:D:D:D | 06:22 |
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Angeluz | stockfisch: gpardet as superuser. | 06:22 |
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Angeluz | *parted | 06:22 |
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teb | joshjosh: run update-manager | 06:22 |
Angeluz | gparted. Damn it. :) | 06:22 |
stockfisch | Angeluz: does not seem to be installed | 06:22 |
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stockfisch | mom | 06:22 |
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disasm | zaggynl: hmmm... did you reboot after upgrade? could be a new version of the daemon and it needs restarted (I'm not suggesting rebooting, but killing off gnome*, but for most people where uptime isn't crucial, rebooting is easier) | 06:22 |
kerik | KalleDK: :D yeah...tnkte jeg nok... :) s ve er kun ca. 50x s mange her :) | 06:22 |
Prez | quick question, how do I raise max number of file descriptors on Ubuntu? | 06:22 |
zaggynl | disasm, hm I haven't rebooted in a while indeed | 06:23 |
winrar | !jigdo | pollyo | 06:23 |
ubotu | pollyo: jigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see | 06:23 |
zaggynl | Ill try that | 06:23 |
digitalspaghetti | can anyone help???? i've only got 2.8MB of free space, from 9GB this morning and my /tmp dir is empty. PLEASE HELP ME!!! | 06:23 |
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KalleDK | kerik Hvorfor tror du jeg er begge steder;) | 06:23 |
Angeluz | No one ever had that "cannot allocate memory"-error when opening something via the gnome-menu? | 06:23 |
PriceChild | digitalspaghetti, sudo apt-get clean | 06:23 |
pollyo | Thank you | 06:23 |
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kerik | KalleDK: didn't know you were :) | 06:23 |
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KalleDK | kerik Ja det er skrmmende | 06:23 |
joshjosh | teb, hmm...not recommended doing it in terminal? | 06:23 |
disasm | ricardator: well, in that case... ipconfig /all in windows and route PRINT, get your default route and dns servers, then on linux ip route show, make sure route is identical, also cat /etc/resolv.conf, make sure dns servers are identical | 06:23 |
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digitalspaghetti | PriceChild It's nto an apt-get problem, i think it was tovid that cause it | 06:24 |
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joshjosh | tebupdate manager says my system is up to date also | 06:24 |
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PriceChild | digitalspaghetti, that command will free some space | 06:24 |
mortal5 | Can anyone tell me if java dependent stuff like azureus , OO etc is now bult with the real java instead of that gcj crap? | 06:24 |
Gankutsuou | digitalspaghetti, `df -i` | 06:24 |
Gankutsuou | mortal5, yes, read the slashdot article | 06:24 |
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holycow | !malone | 06:25 |
ubotu | launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see | 06:25 |
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frojnd | hello there, what's the command to format my new usb stick? | 06:25 |
digitalspaghetti | Gankutsuou /dev/sda1 4702208 548313 4153895 12% / | 06:25 |
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flodine | nice to have fiesty and debian rolling so smooth | 06:25 |
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ricardator | disasm, i've tried this... even, i tried to use opendns but mi ISP overrrites resolv.conf file (pppoe) | 06:25 |
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dystopianray | frojnd: which filesystem? | 06:25 |
disasm | frojnd: so it works in windows? | 06:25 |
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Gankutsuou | digitalspaghetti, try restarting the system? | 06:25 |
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disasm | frojnd: either mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdXX or mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdXX | 06:26 |
digitalspaghetti | Gankutsuou i'm worried about booting out and not being able to boot back in | 06:26 |
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frojnd | dystopianray, disasm I have kubuntu, and don't know if it works with windows it's new flas | 06:26 |
Gankutsuou | hehe | 06:26 |
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disasm | frojnd: where XX is the dev letter, and part num you wish to format | 06:26 |
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Frost^ | Hello. | 06:26 |
delire | larryone: yes you were talking to me about it | 06:27 |
Gankutsuou | digitalspaghetti, use `baobab` to analyse disk usage | 06:27 |
disasm | frojnd: do you want it to work with windows? if so, use mkfs.vfat -F32 and if not mkfs.ext3 | 06:27 |
kleftisx | when im trying to upgrade to feisty i get the following error "Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugrepo" anyone knows whats that? | 06:27 |
Frost^ | When I boot ubuntu, what is the first script which starts running? | 06:27 |
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chewed-on | *sigh* I'm stuck with Fedora Core 6. | 06:27 |
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dystopianray | Frost^: init? | 06:27 |
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disasm | kleftisx: di you have apache? | 06:27 |
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Frost^ | And what does init run? | 06:27 |
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bogor | I have amd64 x2 processor, what would you suggest amd64 or i386 ? | 06:28 |
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frojnd | disasm: TNX | 06:28 |
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chewed-on | How much memory does a CD have ? | 06:28 |
chewed-on | 768 MB ? | 06:28 |
kleftisx | disam: how can i find if i have apache installed? | 06:28 |
disasm | frojnd: no problem | 06:28 |
Gankutsuou | bogor, amd64 | 06:28 |
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knt | 702 mb | 06:28 |
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dystopianray | christel: 650MB or 700MB | 06:28 |
disasm | kleftisx: dpkg -l|grep apache | 06:28 |
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Angeluz | bogor: If you do video-editing and other memory-eating stuff, x64. | 06:28 |
digitalspaghetti | ahh thank god! i found the 10.3gb file that tovid created | 06:28 |
stockfisch | Angeluz: gparted was what i am looking for. it works. thanks | 06:28 |
knt | there are some with 800MB aprox | 06:28 |
dystopianray | christel: sorry wrong person | 06:28 |
bogor | Gankutsuou, why, any specific reaasons ? | 06:28 |
Gankutsuou | digitalspaghetti, baobab was helpful? | 06:28 |
preaction_ | Frost^: what do you actually want to do? init runs the things it's told to run to give you a usable system | 06:28 |
kleftisx | disasm: i write this in terminal but nothing happend. | 06:28 |
Angeluz | Otherwise it could save you a lot of trouble, when installing certain stuff, when you use i386. | 06:28 |
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Frost^ | init is a binary file. What's the first script to run? | 06:29 |
Angeluz | stockfisch: You're welcome. | 06:29 |
locolbd | hey people how can i upgrade from 7.04 beta to the full release | 06:29 |
disasm | kleftisx: you don't have apache then | 06:29 |
knt | anyway, the big isos fit in the 702MB cds | 06:29 |
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Frost^ | I want to understand what ubuntu does at boot. | 06:29 |
kleftisx | disasm: i must have it to upgrade to feisty? | 06:29 |
disasm | kleftisx: no | 06:29 |
digitalspaghetti | Gankutsuou eh? i found the output dir on my directory, did a properties on it | 06:29 |
zaggynl | disasm, I rebooted, that fixed it, weirdness | 06:29 |
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mc44 | !final | locolbd | 06:29 |
ubotu | locolbd: If you are running a Herd/Beta versions of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 06:29 |
Angeluz | locolbd: If you installed updates in the last couple of days, you have the final version. | 06:29 |
dystopianray | !upgrade > locolbd | 06:29 |
knt | was the final feisty fawn released today? | 06:29 |
Angeluz | knt: Yes. | 06:29 |
jbnet | congrats on the release to everyone on the dev team! Can't wait to install | 06:29 |
bogor | knt: yes | 06:29 |
Angeluz | | 06:29 |
Gankutsuou | heh | 06:29 |
disasm | kleftisx: there is a bug with apache package and upgrading to feisty | 06:29 |
digitalspaghetti | i panicked because i deleted another directory that tovid creates | 06:29 |
preaction_ | Frost^: this is not the place for that, there are good docs available online. look at Linux from Scratch | 06:29 |
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knt | I'm not updating to any beta, aren't I? | 06:30 |
kleftisx | disasm: any idea what caused the problem i post? | 06:30 |
kerik | Angeluz: once installed xserver-xgl...whats next for actually making it work? | 06:30 |
christel | dystopianray: np :) | 06:30 |
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bogor | knt: sure you are not | 06:30 |
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knt | ok thanks | 06:30 |
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kupesoft | So, PowerPC support was dropped for feisty? | 06:30 |
ladybutterfly | salve a tutti | 06:30 |
Frost^ | Hmmm. | 06:30 |
spolyak | i'll take "obvious ubuntu questions" for 100, alex. | 06:30 |
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bogor | knt: use bittorrent if u can | 06:30 |
PriceChild | kupesoft, its now a community port | 06:30 |
disasm | kleftisx: it appears something failed during the upgrade, I couldn't tell you what, but there is probably a log in that file it mentions, if you post that to pastebin I could look at it for you | 06:30 |
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evandsays | I have a AMD FX-55 (64 bit)... so should i get the 64 bit for sure? | 06:30 |
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knt | I'm already updating it from the 6.10 update manager | 06:30 |
psykidellic | do I get memory information from command line? | 06:31 |
kupesoft | PreiceChild: Link? | 06:31 |
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Shadow_X | wow I knew nothing about Studio! | 06:31 |
kleftisx | disasm: ok i will post it | 06:31 |
dystopianray | evandsays: i'd recommend the 32-bit release | 06:31 |
Terrasque | psykidellic: free -m | 06:31 |
ladybutterfly | pleas i don't speak inglish!!!! | 06:31 |
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evandsays | dystop: any reason why? | 06:31 |
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locolbd | ok | 06:31 |
locolbd | thans | 06:31 |
disasm | spolyak: how do I login? | 06:31 |
Prez | quick question, how do I raise max number of file descriptors on Ubuntu? | 06:31 |
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locolbd | tanx | 06:31 |
bogor | <evandsays>: thats ppl suggestto me | 06:31 |
dystopianray | evandsays: 64-bit has no flash, no java web plugin, etc.. | 06:31 |
Angeluz | evandsays: Use 32bit. | 06:31 |
z3r0ph3wl | hej peoples told me that on Ubuntu 7.04 will be no problems with my HP Compaq nx6310 wirless broadcom card, but now i run Ubuntu and it dosnt work :( | 06:31 |
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Angeluz | It will save you a lot of trouble. | 06:31 |
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ssam | kupesoft, there are still powerpc ISO | 06:31 |
Shadow_X | anyone know when Ubuntu Studio will be finished? | 06:31 |
spolyak | disasm, when does fiesty fawn come out again? | 06:31 |
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evandsays | oh so why would people use 64 bit desktop? i feel like it would only be usefull for server... | 06:32 |
disasm | spolyak: lol ;-) you win :-D | 06:32 |
Terrasque | spolyak: a few hours ago | 06:32 |
guillem101 | evandsays, 64bit is speedier | 06:32 |
Angeluz | z3r0ph3wl: did you try "feisty wireless nx6310" to find out, if anyone had solved the problem? | 06:32 |
psykidellic | Terrasque, Not that. I want to know how much MB of RAM is there. e.g. 256 MB RAm | 06:32 |
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kerik | angeluz once the xserver-xgl is installed...what to do to make it active?! | 06:32 |
disasm | Shadow_X: what's ubuntu studio? | 06:32 |
kitche | spolyak: it's released already | 06:32 |
knt | please, could you tell me how can I uninstall the nvidia package if installed with synaptic? | 06:32 |
Angeluz | In google I mean. | 06:32 |
ricardator | disasm, any other idea? it's kind a weird! :S | 06:32 |
dystopianray | evandsays: 64-bit allows you to use lots of memory | 06:32 |
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PriceChild | guillem101, only marginally... if apps are coded for it | 06:32 |
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Angeluz | kerik: Just a second. | 06:32 |
ssam | see | 06:32 |
knt | not the legacy one | 06:32 |
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PriceChild | evandsays, 4Gb+ machines need 64bit | 06:32 |
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guillem101 | evandsays, codecs, flash, issues, happen | 06:32 |
kleftisx | disasm: want to post main.log or apt.log ? | 06:32 |
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spolyak | dudez, sarcasm. ebrace it. | 06:32 |
disasm | ricardator: hmmm... try lynx | 06:32 |
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sinppa_ | oh my god, I love this new codec-install-thing! That's grrreat! | 06:32 |
Shadow_X | | 06:32 |
disasm | kleftisx: both | 06:32 |
guillem101 | PriceChild, no, about a 15% | 06:32 |
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Angeluz | kerik: I didn't use xgl for quite some time. | 06:32 |
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kupesoft | ssam: Where? | 06:32 |
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evandsays | so it seems that 32 bit has more functionality, but 64 bit has performace.. correct? | 06:33 |
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PriceChild | guillem101, not really, all depends on the app | 06:33 |
ssam | kupesoft, | 06:33 |
eobanb | oh wow, feisty is out. haha. | 06:33 |
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guillem101 | PriceChild, no | 06:33 |
Angeluz | evandsays: No. | 06:33 |
disasm | Shadow_X: oh, my friend jeff told me about that | 06:33 |
eobanb | i just noticed that. | 06:33 |
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kerik | Angeluz: ok | 06:33 |
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kupesoft | evandsays: The performance gain is marginal, | 06:33 |
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PriceChild | evandsays, you may not even see much raise in performance on many apps | 06:33 |
devCy | where i can find graphics drivers to ati? | 06:33 |
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guillem101 | PriceChild, if the app handles large amount of ram, the speedup can be even higher than 50% | 06:33 |
Noodlesgc | how can i get ubuntu faster? im only going 100kb/s | 06:33 |
kneeki|nixbox | /ns IDENTIFY suckysucky1 | 06:33 |
dystopianray | evandsays: not really, 64-bit can have extra performance in some scenarios, but the difference is usually minor | 06:33 |
kerik | anyone here know what to do to make XGL work? | 06:33 |
kneeki|nixbox | lawl | 06:33 |
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phx669 | minha eguinha pocoto pocoto pocoto | 06:33 |
disasm | Shadow_X: I'm looking forward to it myself, probly going to setup a new partition on my dual core to run that (dual core has a M-Audio Delta 1010 /w breakout box) | 06:33 |
PriceChild | guillem101, "can"... doesn't really. | 06:33 |
evandsays | oh ok... thanks for the clarification guys | 06:33 |
Angeluz | evandsays: 64bit is faster with special 64bit-programs that use a lot of memory. | 06:33 |
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Frost^ | preaction_: Isn't there a root script from which the system actually starts doing its magic? | 06:33 |
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knt | so, any spaniards here? | 06:33 |
guillem101 | PriceChild, but simple code show better performance when compiled in 64bit | 06:33 |
PriceChild | Angeluz++ | 06:33 |
devCy | where i can find graphics drivers to ati? I have feisty fawn, private please. | 06:34 |
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Dasnipa` | the !topic in #ubuntu+2 should be changed | 06:34 |
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bogor | thanks for the suggestion guys on 32 vs 64 | 06:34 |
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Angeluz | PriceChild: What do you mean? | 06:34 |
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PriceChild | Angeluz, agreement :) | 06:34 |
thoreauputic | !msg devCy | 06:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msg devcy - try searching on | 06:34 |
hansen_ | hey ! | 06:34 |
Angeluz | Alright. :) | 06:34 |
guillem101 | PriceChild, I've been told that the 64bit logic at CPU is cleaner from retro-compatibility issues... | 06:34 |
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PriceChild | !ati > devCy (see pm from ubotu) | 06:34 |
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thoreauputic | !msg | devCy | 06:34 |
ubotu | devCy: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude. | 06:34 |
hansen_ | im trying to get totem to play XVID-compressed files, anyone with some tip? :) | 06:34 |
preaction_ | Frost^: no, that was considered too inflexible, so init now allows for a directory of scripts in /etc/rc.d (instead of running /etc/rc.conf) | 06:35 |
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PriceChild | guillem101, there's no set rule... only a few things like ssh server will gain from it | 06:35 |
preaction_ | Frost^: again, these are not questions for the support channel, and would be better served in #ubuntu-offtopic, or by using google | 06:35 |
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nobley | anyone have any luck importing video from a handycam that has usb output in ubuntu? from what I can gather it is quite straight forward with firewire but not usb. I have a sony handycam DCR-TRV285E | 06:35 |
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kneeki | !hug | kneeki | 06:35 |
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Frost^ | I see. | 06:35 |
richdurhm | hey guys u have link to torrent fiel so i an d/l and seed for eveyrone | 06:35 |
Frost^ | Thank you. | 06:36 |
kneeki | =( | 06:36 |
PriceChild | !botabuse > kneeki | 06:36 |
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kerik | no one know how to set up xgl? | 06:36 |
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spolyak | wow, there is a dowload mirror in Lesotho. crazy. | 06:36 |
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disasm | kleftisx: got links? | 06:36 |
PriceChild | kerik, #ubuntu-effects | 06:36 |
Frost^ | preaction_: May I PM? | 06:36 |
kleftisx | disasm: | 06:36 |
evandsays | where is Lesotho? | 06:36 |
kneeki | PriceChild: lol, just trying to get some love | 06:36 |
disasm | ricardator: does it work in lynx? | 06:36 |
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guillem101 | PriceChild, but I have made my own benchmarks with CFD crunching numbers and if I access no more than 1Gb RAM, I have a benefit of 15% when compiling in 64bit (single precision!). If I access more than 1Gb RAM the benefits are bigger and bigger. | 06:36 |
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Gankutsuou | richdurhm, has torrent links | 06:36 |
spolyak | surrounded by south africa | 06:36 |
jezz | is linux hard? im sick of windows | 06:36 |
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spolyak | i'll bet all 5 computers there used that mirror | 06:36 |
PriceChild | jezz, linux is not windows. | 06:36 |
jezz | can i make a dual boot with windows | 06:36 |
dystopianray | jezz: anything is hard if you're unfamiliar with it | 06:36 |
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PriceChild | jezz, it will be very wierd/hard switching | 06:37 |
PriceChild | jezz, yes | 06:37 |
psykidellic | Terrasque, dmesg | grep Memory was what I was looking for :0 | 06:37 |
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Angeluz | Still no one here who can help me with my problem concerning the "cannot allocate memory"-errormessage when opening a program through the gnome-panel? | 06:37 |
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Gankutsuou | jezz, since you were accustomed to windows ever since you started using windows you'll need a couple of days to get used to linux -) | 06:37 |
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Amaranth | Angeluz: you're out of memory? | 06:37 |
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Angeluz | It all works fine, when I do it from a starter on my desktop or my gdesklets starterbar. | 06:37 |
ricardator | disasm, i'm on it | 06:37 |
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Angeluz | Amaranth: If nothing would work, I'd think so too. | 06:38 |
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fitipardi_ | RGERH | 06:38 |
peter78 | my dad just told my sister she has to take msn off his computer because they're going to start charging this summer | 06:38 |
disasm | kleftisx: hmm... looks like problems start at 387 of apt | 06:38 |
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nobley | is no one going to tell jezz that they can indeed do dual boot? | 06:38 |
Laizerox | Hello | 06:38 |
hollowsoul | Anyone recommend easiest way to upgrade an offline install & doc on coping packages (have cache in apt-proxy) to another machine (ideally using hd) | 06:38 |
Laizerox | i have problem with ubuntu | 06:38 |
fitipardi | SDG | 06:38 |
hollowsoul | *copying | 06:38 |
Angeluz | But it happens randomly, even 20 minutes after an xserver-restart. | 06:38 |
CokeNCode | hey guys, how do I execute a 'put' command in ubuntu | 06:38 |
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CokeNCode | like, say, i want to upload something | 06:38 |
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Amaranth | peter78: that'd be suicide, they won't do that | 06:38 |
PriceChild | CokeNCode, on ftp? | 06:38 |
peter78 | lol | 06:38 |
Noodlesgc | how can i get ubuntu faster | 06:38 |
chainlynx | CokeNCode: you mean on ftp? | 06:38 |
Laizerox | Xubuntu doesn't find my network card: 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX) | 06:38 |
peter78 | Amaranth, I know, he's an idiot | 06:38 |
PriceChild | peter78, that's just a load of spam emails. | 06:38 |
CokeNCode | PriceChild no, to a website | 06:38 |
Gankutsuou | chainlynx, torrents | 06:39 |
jezz | wait ubuntu, kubuntu xubuntu...? whats the diffirence? | 06:39 |
spolyak | Noodlesgc, buy a new computer | 06:39 |
fitipardi | HAY ALGUNA TIA K ESTE CALIENTE | 06:39 |
peter78 | typical windows user, believes what they get and opens all attachments | 06:39 |
Amaranth | CokeNCode: that's very website-dependent | 06:39 |
disasm | kleftisx: I see you're using automatix repos, that can break things... | 06:39 |
kleftisx | disasm: any idea what i have to do? | 06:39 |
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Noodlesgc | im in a lab | 06:39 |
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Gankutsuou | jezz, ubuntu => gnome, kubuntu => KDE, xubuntu => XFCE4 | 06:39 |
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chainlynx | if you start downloading a torrent, it will start uploading to others automatically... i don't understand what you mean by a "put" command on a torrent | 06:39 |
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Amaranth | !es | fitipardi | 06:39 |
ubotu | fitipardi: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 06:39 |
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nobley | jezz: the windows interface | 06:39 |
Amaranth | err | 06:39 |
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kleftisx | disasm: i have put # in front of automatix reposities | 06:39 |
fitipardi_ | jh | 06:39 |
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spolyak | exit | 06:39 |
jezz | ah ok wich is the best for multimedia? | 06:39 |
CokeNCode | hmmm | 06:39 |
PriceChild | CokeNCode, using what protocol? | 06:39 |
spolyak | heh | 06:39 |
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ricardator | disasm, HTTP request sent; waiting for response. | 06:39 |
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elvirolo | Amaranth: he's asking for hot chicks, i think he should be kicked | 06:39 |
Gankutsuou | jezz, makes no difference | 06:39 |
jezz | or desktop use i mean | 06:39 |
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ricardator | disasm, nothing more | 06:39 |
disasm | kleftisx: yeah, but it does weird configurations that ubuntu might have problems with, lets try this the hard way | 06:40 |
Gankutsuou | jezz, depends on the user | 06:40 |
Amaranth | elvirolo: ah, makes sense then :) | 06:40 |
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Gankutsuou | jezz, your choice | 06:40 |
CokeNCode | PriceChild well, i was reading my web server logs, and i noticed a few put commnads ... so i would say ... using HTTP | 06:40 |
Angeluz | jezz: Whatever your prefer. | 06:40 |
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Zorlin | Kudos to the Ubuntu team! | 06:40 |
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Zorlin | glxgears is putting out 770FPS | 06:40 |
GionnyBoss | are there official torrents for Ubuntu Feisty Fawn? I guess that with torrents I will be able to download it faster... | 06:40 |
disasm | kleftisx: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade; dpkg --configure -a; apt-get -f install; apt-get dist-upgrade | 06:40 |
dystopianray | CokeNCode: probalby just random script kiddies | 06:40 |
Zorlin | more than i've ever gotten on this card | 06:40 |
kitche | CokeNCode: put is part of the http protocol | 06:40 |
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Zorlin | not even with the FGLRX driver! | 06:40 |
Zorlin | =D | 06:40 |
TooR4u | How to download a folder using "FTP" connection ...? mget * not woring | 06:40 |
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PriceChild | GionnyBoss, see | 06:40 |
nobley | jezz: Gnome is simpler, KDE more configurable, they are both fairly equivilant in capabilities | 06:40 |
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TooR4u | what i have to do | 06:40 |
TooR4u | ? | 06:40 |
jezz | can i acces my ntsf partitions? | 06:40 |
CokeNCode | basically like your web browser would use put and get when conversing with the web server | 06:40 |
disasm | TooR4u: wget | 06:40 |
Angeluz | kerik: I can't remember where you had to put the startxgl-file... | 06:40 |
nobley | jezz: yes | 06:40 |
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winrar | jezz: Of course | 06:40 |
elvirolo | it's a shame I still can't use my external USB drive with Feisty | 06:40 |
winrar | jezz: | 06:41 |
PriceChild | jezz, they should automount read-only by default | 06:41 |
kerik | Angeluz: that ok mate | 06:41 |
jezz | ok | 06:41 |
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PriceChild | winrar, ntfs-3g is not required to read | 06:41 |
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GionnyBoss | PriceChild: there are a lot of mirrors, but I can't see torrents... | 06:41 |
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CokeNCode | can i update to fiesty from teh command line ? | 06:41 |
gils | for those of us with beta still, are we getting updates? | 06:41 |
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Gankutsuou | CokeNCode, yes | 06:41 |
PriceChild | !upgrade > CokeNCode | 06:41 |
disasm | CokeNCode: yes | 06:41 |
Luis07 | what's the difference between feisty in CD and DVD? | 06:41 |
kleftisx | disasm: E: Command line option --configure is not understood | 06:41 |
nobley | jezz: you can install KDE afterwards and switch freely between them to find which suits you the best | 06:41 |
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PriceChild | !final > gils | 06:41 |
winrar | PriceChild: Thats right, but it is for writing | 06:41 |
dystopianray | gils: yes | 06:41 |
jezz | oh ok thnx | 06:41 |
Angeluz | kerik: I can't help you with that xgl-problem of yours. Maybe take a look at a ubuntu-wiki and do a search for xgl. It should be working better anyway, as I was using a bad workaround to get it started. | 06:41 |
Shadow_X | can someone please PM me and help me with a Gnome theme issue? | 06:41 |
Gankutsuou | Luis07, DVD takes time to download | 06:41 |
PriceChild | winrar, he n ever asked for that ;) | 06:41 |
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disasm | kleftisx: that should be understood | 06:42 |
Angeluz | Shadow_X: Where's the point?` | 06:42 |
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chainlynx | for HTTP PUT commands, I think you can just use telnet... or try netcat as well | 06:42 |
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Luis07 | Gankutsuou, I want to know the software differences | 06:42 |
TooR4u | disasm, okey ... it can download all the files at a time ...? Because every time i have to enter 'y' to download the file | 06:42 |
Angeluz | Shadow_X: Someone else could run into your problem and miss the opportunity to know how to solve it. | 06:42 |
kleftisx | disasm: i have try the commands one by one...and i get a lot of errors | 06:42 |
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gils | dystopianray: am i supposed to change something with the gpg to get updates now, if i am still on beta. my update manager is stuck | 06:42 |
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Shadow_X | eh, basically, I need help getting Gnome to use this certain GDM theme | 06:42 |
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jezz | 7.4 is stable? | 06:42 |
dystopianray | gils: you shouldn't have to | 06:42 |
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Angeluz | jezz: Yes. | 06:42 |
Gankutsuou | Luis07, DVD comes loaded | 06:42 |
jezz | k | 06:42 |
gils | ok | 06:43 |
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Angeluz | Shadow_X: Thats odd. Which one? | 06:43 |
delire | Shadow_X: more luck in #gnome perhaps? | 06:43 |
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disasm | ricardator: my next test would be if you have shell access on a router, tcpdump and see if it leaves the machine, but that's getting a little advanced, and you have to have the extra machine to do that | 06:43 |
Shadow_X | | 06:43 |
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Fylk | WTH. what happened? I thought the 915 resolution package wouldn't be needed any more. | 06:43 |
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Gankutsuou | Luis07, a default CD install is enough for most people, DVD is more like an partial offline copy of the repos | 06:43 |
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marcster | hi. how do i install the git-clone command in ubuntu? can't seem to find it | 06:43 |
mzaza | Guys, I've been using ubuntu 7.04 beta, I want to know if do I have to do something to upgrade to the final release? Or it's already the final release since I install the system updates? | 06:43 |
yogi | hallo | 06:43 |
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Angeluz | Shadow_X: What's not working? | 06:43 |
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yogi | hallo | 06:43 |
Luis07 | Gankutsuou, now I get it, thanks | 06:43 |
Shadow_X | I just dunno how to get it to work | 06:43 |
PovAddict | who was looking for kubuntu? | 06:43 |
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yogi | hallo | 06:43 |
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disasm | kleftisx: let this be a lesson to not use automatix... what do you get from dpkg --configure -a | 06:43 |
dystopianray | !final > mzaza | 06:43 |
yogi | hallo | 06:43 |
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yogi | hallo | 06:44 |
Angeluz | The easiest way is to take the tar.gz you downloaded and drop it into the list of the gdm-manager. | 06:44 |
Laizerox | grr | 06:44 |
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Laizerox | PPL? | 06:44 |
Shadow_X | I try using the standard theme manager to install it, but it wont work | 06:44 |
disasm | Lebowski_: pastebin the errors | 06:44 |
Shadow_X | ok | 06:44 |
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michael-i | i'm using the ubuntu install cd to recover info from a ufs partition. This isn't working because ufs isn't enabled, is there any way to enable it in the live cd? (i'm a freebsd guy...and a little lost here) | 06:44 |
Laizerox | Xubuntu doesn't find my network card: 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX) | 06:44 |
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guillem101 | mzaza, installing the updates should suffice... | 06:44 |
zaggynl | yogi, hallo :P | 06:44 |
disasm | kleftisx: pastebin the errors | 06:44 |
LaTcH | hallo | 06:44 |
stdin | mzaza: you don't need to do anything, just keep updated, you probably have final now | 06:44 |
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disasm | Lebowski_: can't type, sorry | 06:44 |
Fylk | Hey guys, why is my resolution all messed up now? | 06:44 |
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Lebowski_ | is there PowerPC version of Feisty? | 06:44 |
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mzaza | thanks guys | 06:44 |
yogi | exit | 06:44 |
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ricardator | disasm, do'h ... so...? i'm able to receive any suggests :) | 06:44 |
guillem101 | !final > guillem101 | 06:44 |
Shadow_X | says the file format is invalid | 06:44 |
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kleftisx | disasm: ok wait to paste it | 06:44 |
CokeNCode | oh well, manual command line upgrade (not recommended) | 06:44 |
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stdin | Lebowski_: no official, but community based | 06:45 |
CokeNCode | i think i'll wait till i get home to upgrade | 06:45 |
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stdin | !ppc | Lebowski_ | 06:45 |
ubotu | Lebowski_: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see | 06:45 |
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gils | my update manager in beta cannot seem to contact the security ubuntu site | 06:45 |
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gils | any info on that | 06:45 |
CokeNCode | oh wait | 06:45 |
CokeNCode | i just remembered | 06:45 |
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mzaza | Do anyone have good background with hardware drivers on linux? Cause I'm using lenovo 3000 n100 and it says in the ubuntu wiki that the memory card should work, and it's not working for me. it's ricoh | 06:45 |
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Fylk | Guys, what happened. i can't find the 914resolution package any more. | 06:45 |
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Panzer_ | wow 1497 peeps | 06:45 |
CokeNCode | i'd need to telnet to the site ... use the http protocol, and then enter the put commands manually | 06:45 |
Angeluz | Panzer_: It was 1600 a few hours ago. | 06:45 |
elvirolo | uh, my ISP throttles BitTorrent, and all the mirrors are slow... | 06:46 |
mgedmin | Fylk: perhaps it is not needed any more with the new modesetting Intel video drivers? | 06:46 |
Shadow_X | doh | 06:46 |
CokeNCode | after of course using the right dialogue to initiate an http session | 06:46 |
Shadow_X | nvm Im an idiot | 06:46 |
disasm | elvirolo: wait for it? | 06:46 |
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Shadow_X | I thought it was a Gnome theme, is just the login window :S | 06:46 |
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Angeluz | elvirolo: Try | 06:46 |
evandsays | question: does the i386 version work on intel macbooks? | 06:46 |
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dystopianray | Fylk: it's 915resolution | 06:46 |
PriceChild | evandsays, yes | 06:46 |
PovAddict | elvirolo: are you on *nix? | 06:46 |
Fylk | Mgedmin: Maybe, but then why can't I get to 1240x800 Res? | 06:46 |
disasm | evandsays: yes | 06:46 |
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Angeluz | It's not listed anywhere, so I think it'll be fast enough. | 06:46 |
elvirolo | Angeluz: thanks | 06:46 |
Fylk | I know dsy, synaptic isn't coming up with it at all. | 06:46 |
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guillem101 | Panzer_, me too... :-( will wait until tomorrow | 06:47 |
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elvirolo | PovAddict: yeah, but I need to download it for someone else | 06:47 |
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dystopianray | Fylk: it comes up here | 06:47 |
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XBehave | im lookinng at getting a bluetooth&wireless card, what info should i get to check compatibility and where should i go to check | 06:47 |
dystopianray | Fylk: using apt-get though | 06:47 |
TooR4u | How to download the folder from an FTP site ... I have tried mget * | 06:47 |
TooR4u | but i am failed | 06:47 |
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TooR4u | what is the problem | 06:47 |
TooR4u | is there any other command | 06:47 |
TooR4u | ? | 06:47 |
dystopianray | XBehave: bluetooth on a card? | 06:47 |
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EnsignRedshirt | Fylk: It is in the universe repository. | 06:47 |
kleftisx | disasm: here it is | 06:47 |
Fylk | Ok. so its apt-get 915resolution | 06:47 |
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disasm | TooR4u: wget --recursive http://site/path/to/folder | 06:48 |
XBehave | erm usb | 06:48 |
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dystopianray | XBehave: basically all usb bluetooth dongles work, they all use the same interface | 06:48 |
evandsays | is the kernel in 7.04 different than in 6.10? | 06:48 |
unickk | hey | 06:48 |
elvirolo | Angeluz: hey, that mirror is incredibly fast | 06:48 |
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blahblah556 | hey , what's the best bittorrent client, deluge is crapping out on me | 06:48 |
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bgrupe | evandsays: sure | 06:48 |
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dystopianray | XBehave: for wireless i recommend atheros or intel based cards | 06:48 |
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TooR4u | disasm, Yah ..,.i know that .. But i am downloading from a server .....(Public ip) | 06:48 |
Angeluz | elvirolo: I'm not surprised. | 06:48 |
winrar | blahblah556: Try azureus ^^ | 06:48 |
Angeluz | ;o) | 06:48 |
TooR4u | through ftp | 06:48 |
foka | my update manager can t find the feisty update | 06:48 |
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PovAddict | ugh why people always ask "what's the best ..." | 06:48 |
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chewed-on | blahblah556: don't listen to Mystery what ever you do, Azureus is the best! | 06:49 |
chainlynx | <evandsays>: the kernels change frequently, with minor updates, but it's still 2.6 | 06:49 |
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dystopianray | evandsays: 7.04 has 2.6.20 | 06:49 |
stefg | !best | 06:49 |
ubotu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors. | 06:49 |
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XBehave | erm if its a double pen how can i check if the wireless usb part will work? is there a recomended list? | 06:49 |
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Gankutsuou | !sex | 06:49 |
chewed-on | ubotu: oh yes there is! | 06:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sex - try searching on | 06:49 |
Angeluz | chewed-on: there no "best". | 06:49 |
disasm | kleftisx: dpkg --purge gtk-engines-eazel - do you mind if we open a new channel, a little to busy in here | 06:49 |
PovAddict | if one was better than all the others, there would be no reason for the rest to exist; all have good things and bad things | 06:49 |
blahblah556 | ok, please just help me get rid of deluge then | 06:49 |
dystopianray | XBehave: you'll have to find out what wifi chipset it uses | 06:49 |
LjL | !botabuse | Gankutsuou | 06:49 |
ubotu | Gankutsuou: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops... | 06:49 |
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chewed-on | The best program to F your machine up is Microsoft Windows :-P | 06:49 |
Angeluz | PovAddict: Exactly. | 06:49 |
Angeluz | Okay... maybe not Windows. *eg* | 06:49 |
ravi_ | whrer id 7.04 images to download | 06:50 |
kleftisx | disasm: join #kleftisx | 06:50 |
chainlynx | on the main ubuntu site | 06:50 |
chainlynx | dl from a torrent tho, makes it easier for everyone | 06:50 |
IdleOne | ravi_, use torrent if possible | 06:50 |
ravi_ | chewed-on: u know less | 06:50 |
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ardchoille | chainlynx: I tried a torrent, it said it would take 36 hours. | 06:50 |
blahblah556 | does anyone know how to remove deluge? | 06:50 |
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ravi_ | IdleOne: yes i want torrent, but where | 06:50 |
spaztic_teapot | Anyone here used a Roland CNC vinyl cutter under Linux? | 06:50 |
jamesonhuckaba | Torrent is definitely the best way to go, especially on launch day. | 06:50 |
spaztic_teapot | Mac is making my head hurt. | 06:50 |
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chewed-on | I'm only joking! | 06:50 |
CyberSnooP_ | does anyone use the tools (like ij) going with sun-java6-javadb ? | 06:51 |
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Xore|work | is it just me, or is anyone else having difficulty locating torrents for 7.04? | 06:51 |
PriceChild | blahblah556, depends how you installed it | 06:51 |
IdleOne | ravi_, go to and look for a ftp link close to you then choose the .torrent file | 06:51 |
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spaztic_teapot | So, CNC cutters? | 06:51 |
Noodlesgc | i hate these torrent leechers!! | 06:51 |
PovAddict | it would be great if the HTTP direct download links were hidden until 3 days after release, so people are *forced* to use torrent | 06:51 |
PovAddict | XD | 06:51 |
Abom | Xore|work: I just found one :) | 06:51 |
jamesonhuckaba | There are a bunch of torrent links on the Digg front page | 06:51 |
Angeluz | Noodlesgc: Why? | 06:51 |
Abom | ubuntu-7.04-alternate-amd64.iso.torrent | 06:51 |
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cocacola | server irc | 06:51 |
shirish | guys does #ubuntu+1 exist anymore or not? | 06:51 |
Noodlesgc | why alternate? | 06:51 |
ravi_ | IdleOne: THERE IS OLD IMAGES AVAILABLE | 06:51 |
PovAddict | I'm seeding ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso on a remote machine with 40KB/s up, and here with 10KB/s up but still didn't finish to download | 06:51 |
PriceChild | shirish, no | 06:52 |
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spaztic_teapot | Can anyone even read what I'm typing? I'm using a bloody Mac IRC client, and it sucks. | 06:52 |
shirish | PriceChild: hi , pity all my friends were there :( | 06:52 |
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Angeluz | spaztic_teapot: Sure. | 06:52 |
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spaztic_teapot | Anyone? | 06:52 |
PovAddict | no we can't, spaztic_teapot | 06:52 |
spaztic_teapot | Oh. Good. | 06:52 |
evandsays | im hitting 80 up 98 down on the torrent ATM | 06:52 |
Abom | spaztic_teapot: I've felt that before, yes we can all see you hehehe | 06:52 |
XBehave | once i get a chipset where should i look for compatibility? there seam to be a lot of hcl | 06:52 |
IdleOne | ardchoille, you need to limit the upload speed untill the download is complete then set it back to unlimitted | 06:52 |
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spaztic_teapot | Sorry about that - I'm stuck in laggsville due to stupid mac slowness. | 06:52 |
Noodlesgc | im 29 up 100 down | 06:52 |
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spaztic_teapot | Actually, it's usually not the mac's fault - the coders just suck. | 06:53 |
ardchoille | IdleOne: Really? Ok, thank you. | 06:53 |
dystopianray | XBehave: once you know the wifi chipset ask about it in here | 06:53 |
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spaztic_teapot | @#$@#$@ fancy bubbles, @#$@#$ shiny graphics - I just want efficiency! | 06:53 |
XBehave | ok thaks :D | 06:53 |
chewed-on | I'm going to try my luck guys, see what happens if I try to install ubuntu | 06:53 |
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chewed-on | Bye bye | 06:53 |
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B0g2 | is it recommended to upgrade to feisty fawn now? | 06:53 |
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PriceChild | B0g2, no | 06:53 |
Abom | PriceChild: why not? | 06:53 |
LiquidFiend | gl chewed | 06:53 |
PriceChild | B0g2, if dapper/edgy is fine then there's no reason to | 06:53 |
jezz | and it automaticly makes a dual boot? | 06:53 |
spaztic_teapot | B0g2: Do you have a thinkpad? | 06:53 |
sebrock | could some nice soul tell me what this does: wget -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 06:53 |
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PriceChild | sebrock, it adds an apt-key for a 3rd party repository | 06:54 |
spaztic_teapot | Feisty is freakin' aweseome, but then again, I have a thinkpad - hence, it's compatible. | 06:54 |
dystopianray | sebrock: registers the downloaded gpg key with apt | 06:54 |
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stdin | sebrock: adds the key used to sign the package to apts datebase | 06:54 |
pollyo | Do they have any official what is new in 7.04? | 06:54 |
atomiku | A thinkpad? | 06:54 |
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mrmonday | PriceChild, is the server busy? | 06:54 |
ravi_ | ahh, the Ubuntu download page still not refreshed, it contains ownload option fro 6.10 isos | 06:54 |
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Slart | sebrock: that looks suspicious with that @ in there | 06:54 |
spaztic_teapot | atomiku: Yep. | 06:54 |
mrmonday | i am upgrasing now | 06:54 |
endlessurf | what is the terminal command to update to feisty? | 06:54 |
fire9 | hi | 06:54 |
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umop | what does it mean when i have a directory with '?--------- ? ? ? ? ? ' permissions? | 06:54 |
B0g2 | how's feisty by the way? | 06:54 |
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tonyyarusso | pollyo: it will be up once the web site isn't so hammered | 06:54 |
PriceChild | mrmonday, yes | 06:54 |
Abom | ravi_: do a hard refresh, I had the same thing | 06:54 |
fire9 | who is online ? | 06:54 |
mrmonday | it is going slower than dialup | 06:54 |
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ravi_ | pollyo: yeah, read the whats new on homepage, thre is link. | 06:54 |
atomiku | is there a reason why I shouldnt upgrade to ubuntu 7 now? | 06:54 |
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vlnewbie | hello all, need some info on feisty install | 06:55 |
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zaggynl | atomiku, not having backups ;-) | 06:55 |
LiquidFiend | Do torrents, don't download from the http/ftp servers | 06:55 |
ardchoille | umop: It means you did a chmod -R -x on that directory or the parent. | 06:55 |
zaggynl | _always_ backup | 06:55 |
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Slart | atomiku: because the rest of the world is doing it... =) | 06:55 |
sebrock | tnx, PriceChild m dystopianray , stdin and Slart ! | 06:55 |
atomiku | yeah okay | 06:55 |
spaztic_teapot | atomiku: Feisty should be done in a week and a half, tops. | 06:55 |
blahblah556 | whats the comand for the default ubuntu torrent client? | 06:55 |
linxeh | ravi_: has links to download everything on the front page... | 06:55 |
fire9 | ravi, you may request 7.04 ver | 06:55 |
atomiku | i'll let the server usage go down | 06:55 |
Pollywog | !xming | 06:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xming - try searching on | 06:55 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, will it harm my system if i cancel the upgrade and get it later? | 06:55 |
wiseelben | atomiku: yes, there are so many people trying to upgrade that it's hard to download | 06:55 |
atomiku | yeah | 06:55 |
atomiku | i'll wait | 06:55 |
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PriceChild | mrmonday, depends how far you're into it | 06:55 |
chainlynx | torrent support is in by default with ubuntu | 06:55 |
sebrock | stdin, where is this database located? | 06:55 |
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PriceChild | mrmonday, if its still downloading packages then you should be ok | 06:55 |
KillerBunny | I cant get 7.04 to boot after installment, i have a x800 radeon. And i make it boot with break=bottom. But after it installed i cant get it to boot even with vesa. | 06:55 |
andy_ | anyone knows a good wiki software? | 06:55 |
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Pollywog | !vnc > pollywog | 06:55 |
Nubbie | is the i386 torrent for ubuntu. | 06:56 |
Angeluz_ | Bloody 24h-disconnect. | 06:56 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, preparing the upgrade | 06:56 |
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linxeh | andy_: mediawiki | 06:56 |
umop | ardchoille, I can;t change the permissons | 06:56 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, fetcing file 43 | 06:56 |
fire9 | dual | 06:56 |
ravi_ | Abom: means ok, here is a simple question.. but pl;ease give the right reply.. is there any problem in upgrading from Edgy to Feisty... | 06:56 |
blahblah556 | chainlynx: i mucked up my install a bit, i can fix it, i just need to know the command for the default torrent client? | 06:56 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, *38 | 06:56 |
linxeh | andy_: it is what wikipedia uses | 06:56 |
Stig | Hi all. I would like to upgrade to Feisty from Edgy, but I would like to reformat first, so Edgy is completely erased, because it's full of problems with graphics drivers, Beryl, etc. I think a fresh install would be better. How do I reformat and install Feisty? Do I just download the .iso, but it on a CD and boot it? will there be an option to reformat? or do I need to do something else? Cheers. | 06:56 |
mc44 | KillerBunny: what error do you get? | 06:56 |
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=== Slart has 7 hours left on the upgrade..... stay off the servers.. they are mine.. Mine!! | ||
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jezz | go to usenet if your outside the us lol usenet is 5 times faster then torrent | 06:56 |
Nubbie | andy_: also check out plone, its different but might offer something you like. package is plone-site | 06:56 |
stdin | sebrock: the .gpg files in /etc/apt/ | 06:56 |
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linxeh | jezz: rubbish | 06:56 |
Abom | ravi_: I don't know, I'm a noob, but 7.04 is an official release, it works just fine apparently, I just started downloading it | 06:56 |
andy_ | ok, gonna test it out :) | 06:56 |
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spaztic_teapot | stig: Just format the hard drive using the installer. | 06:57 |
wiseelben | Stig: yes, you can reformat when you are in the Feisty livecd | 06:57 |
ravi_ | here is a simple question.. but pl;ease give the right reply.. is there any problem in upgrading from Edgy to Feisty... | 06:57 |
KillerBunny | mc44, black screen and the monitors dont detect anything | 06:57 |
mrmonday | damn it... | 06:57 |
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PriceChild | ravi_, shouldn't be | 06:57 |
mrmonday | too late now | 06:57 |
Stig | Ok, thank you very much... | 06:57 |
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PriceChild | ravi_, however keep backups always just incase :) | 06:57 |
spaztic_teapot | stig: I reformatted and upgraded to Feisty for more or less the same reasons. | 06:57 |
Rprp | ChanServ Daveym GameServ Global Jolein MemoServ NickServ OperServ Roconda Rprp Wesleysld | 06:57 |
mc44 | KillerBunny: can you boot into recovery mode? | 06:57 |
linxeh | ravi_: no - I did it about 3 months ago | 06:57 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, Broadband speed!!! | 06:57 |
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KillerBunny | Yes | 06:57 |
KillerBunny | That no problem | 06:57 |
sebrock | stdin, is the database customizable, can I open it in any way? | 06:57 |
Stig | Actually, I have another question. How do I burn the .iso to a CD in Edgy? what program do I use? | 06:57 |
zaggynl | Stig, I recommend k3b | 06:57 |
linxeh | Stig: cdrecord, k3b, gnomebaker | 06:58 |
chainlynx | right click on it and it should give you that option stig | 06:58 |
GeekChick| | Why is the network-manager (new one in feisty fawn) such a joke? It requires so much tweaking to get to work with WPA its not funny. How did it ever make it into the final release? | 06:58 |
PriceChild | Stig, right click it and write to cd | 06:58 |
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spikeb | Stig, right click on it, select burn to cd | 06:58 |
Slart | Stig: there's a couple.. gnomebaker, brasero, k3d | 06:58 |
Stig | wow :O | 06:58 |
zaggynl | yeah, right click for the really easy way :D | 06:58 |
ravi_ | linxeh: thanks, u r GOd, no u r GEEK.. look forward who is calling you | 06:58 |
umop | what does it mean when i have a directory with '?--------- ? ? ? ? ? ' permissions? I can't change the permission of the directory. | 06:58 |
linxeh | GeekChick|: it worked straight away for me, it was trivial | 06:58 |
bgrupe | GeekChick|: worked ootb for wpa2 for me | 06:58 |
fire9 | who is use ubuntu7.04 beta desktop system | 06:58 |
Stig | Ok thanks | 06:58 |
stdin | sebrock: it's probably not a good idea to, just use apt-key to modify it | 06:58 |
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delire | Stig: gnomebaker is fine, but K3B is perhaps the best burning app ever. | 06:58 |
PriceChild | finalbeta, what's up? | 06:58 |
Slart | umop: you're not the owner and it's very restrictive | 06:58 |
PriceChild | argh | 06:58 |
PovAddict | umop: if you can't change permissions, then it's not owned by you | 06:58 |
PriceChild | fire9, what's up? | 06:58 |
vlnewbie | I have core 2 duo, want to run desktop but also need virtulization to run that other OS. Do I install server ISO and then desktop package or does desktop ISO kernel supports virtualization? | 06:58 |
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umop | Slart, I have root | 06:58 |
Stig | OK, I might as well try K3B | 06:58 |
mc44 | KillerBunny: try installing the fglrx drivers | 06:58 |
GeekChick| | bgrupe, not for me....and every login or restart i have to enter a WEP/WPA passphrase for the stupid gnome keyring manager | 06:58 |
delire | in Soviet Russia permissions change you. | 06:59 |
stdin | umop: that you don't have permission to read the dir, or that the FileSystem is damaged | 06:59 |
Slart | umop: you're logged in as root? | 06:59 |
dystopianray | vlnewbie: what sort of virtualisation do you want to use? | 06:59 |
gnudoc | Stig: are you using KDE or gnome? | 06:59 |
KillerBunny | mc44, are thouse opensource or ati's ? | 06:59 |
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PovAddict | I'm sick of those Soviet Russia jokes | 06:59 |
umop | Slart, yes | 06:59 |
Nubbie | vlnewbie: just like a little vmware player? | 06:59 |
Stig | gnome | 06:59 |
bgrupe | yeah I hate that nm-applet uses the keyring, too. | 06:59 |
Slart | umop: perhaps someone else is owner and root doesn't have permission to read it? | 06:59 |
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Rictoo | how do I tar a bunch of fiklles? | 06:59 |
gnudoc | then you probably dont have K3B | 06:59 |
Rictoo | tar -c file.tar.gz *.ttf ? | 06:59 |
vlnewbie | vmware free server and then xp on top | 06:59 |
LiquidFiend | can someone link me to the Kubuntu 7.04 i386 torrent please? | 06:59 |
Nubbie | povaddict: miss the old days? | 06:59 |
umop | Slart, thats not it.. | 06:59 |
chainlynx | tar -cf files.tar files | 06:59 |
delire | PovAddict: admittedly, so am i.. | 06:59 |
Rictoo | thanks chainlynx | 06:59 |
leagris | GeekChick|, you could search for the pam_keyring module that helped me | 06:59 |
umop | stdin, Yes i think it may be damaged | 06:59 |
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chainlynx | read the tar manpage | 06:59 |
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linxeh | LiquidFiend: on | 06:59 |
chainlynx | man tar | 06:59 |
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Slart | umop: then I'm out of ideas... | 06:59 |
gnudoc | Stig: just stick in a blank cd, it'll ask you what iso you want to burn automatically | 06:59 |
mc44 | KillerBunny: atis. You could try the opensource drivers. Have you used other drivers on your card before? | 07:00 |
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chewed-on | What the hell? | 07:00 |
stdin | umop: check if it's a mountpoint | 07:00 |
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dystopianray | vlnewbie: vmware should work on any kernel | 07:00 |
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PovAddict | LiquidFiend: | 07:00 |
KillerBunny | mc44 not really | 07:00 |
chewed-on | Why does Ubuntu have a Ubuntu folder that keep going recursively ? | 07:00 |
umop | stdin, it has been in the past | 07:00 |
EnsignRedshirt | Rictoo: If you want compressed: tar czf files.tar.gz *.ttf | 07:00 |
hagen_ | leagris: i tried the pam keyring it didn't work ... | 07:00 |
Stig | OK thanks. I will try it out later, got to download it now. I guess all the download servers are really busy? | 07:00 |
stdin | umop: it happened once to me when some fuse thing was mounted on a dir | 07:00 |
LiquidFiend | Ty PovAddict | 07:00 |
Slart | I thought upgrading using the cd would get stuff from the cd, not from tha intarweb | 07:00 |
gnudoc | indeed | 07:00 |
PovAddict | Stig: use torrents | 07:00 |
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KillerBunny | mc44, i will try it | 07:00 |
chewed-on | What's UP ? | 07:00 |
leagris | hagen_, work well here. Have you followed the setup instructions ? | 07:00 |
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gnudoc | Stig: try and use bittorrent if you can | 07:00 |
KillerBunny | mc44, thx | 07:00 |
vlnewbie | how about that VT technology does it require kernel support? | 07:00 |
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Nubbie | for i386 ubuntu | 07:00 |
mc44 | KillerBunny: | 07:00 |
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umop | stdin, I see, it is really affecting perfromance for me. | 07:01 |
hagen_ | yeah, but it dont't store the key ... | 07:01 |
dv5237_ | hi what i need to install to get both cpu's of my duocore notebook working? | 07:01 |
Christian | HI to all,, i have a problem, download oficial Festy 7.04, but, when boot, show this error | 07:01 |
Stig | I don't really use bittorrent, last time I tried it was incredibly slow (3kbps!) not sure if it was my router or what... :/ | 07:01 |
Christian | BusyBox v.1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-install (ash) | 07:01 |
Christian | /bin/sh: can access tty; jub control turned off (initramfs) | 07:01 |
eobanb | | 07:01 |
umop | stdin, how can i remove it? go to the trouble of a live disc? | 07:01 |
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dystopianray | dv5237: feisty supports dual core by default | 07:01 |
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chainlynx | dual core support by default? pimp! | 07:01 |
sixr420 | Stig: bittorrent is crazy fast | 07:01 |
TheKind | Hello, i know you have so much job to do on this day, but i've just installer Ubuntu and the grub don't start "Error 15" Could someone help me ?? | 07:01 |
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PovAddict | Stig: then use a mirror, please not the main one :P | 07:01 |
Stig | :O | 07:01 |
Woody_ | I am having some trouble with Fiesty Fawn, internet connection seems to be barely working on it. sometimes it takes 2 secs to open a website and sometimes it doesnt work at all. where can i see the packets send/recieve to see whats the problem from? | 07:01 |
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gnudoc | Stig: all the servers are gonna be slow today | 07:01 |
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=== Slart is using bittorrent.. dl at 600kB/s | ||
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stdin | umop: if you're root you can try "rm -r dir" | 07:02 |
Stig | Yeah, I know :( I don't mind waiting :P | 07:02 |
chainlynx | woody, try pinging some site | 07:02 |
evandsays | is there a DVD release or just CD isos? | 07:02 |
eobanb | TheKind, what is your native language | 07:02 |
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=== sixr420 is using bittorrent.. ul at 250kB/s | ||
PovAddict | Stig: this ubuntu torrent is going at 60KB/s for me, that's the max I can get on this ISP plan | 07:02 |
PovAddict | evandsays: there is DVD, yeah | 07:02 |
jezz | im using usenet... 800 kb/s standard speed muahahahha :) | 07:02 |
Woody_ | chainlynx: where can i check the packets? | 07:02 |
Slart | evandsays: there are dvd's going around.. | 07:02 |
SeveredCross | Bah! | 07:02 |
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PovAddict | jezz: screw usenet | 07:02 |
jezz | i mean KB/s | 07:02 |
respa | hey, feisty comes with dual core support? smp? | 07:02 |
rabid | jezz: nzb file by chance? | 07:02 |
umop | stdin, Yes, but it doesnt work, It lags for at least a few minutes then *sometimes* gives an error | 07:02 |
TheKind | The grub don't starts: "Error 15", how can-i fix that ???? | 07:02 |
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=== SeveredCross is trying to dist-upgrade and it's slower than fucking molasses. | ||
ravi_ | ok guys tell me which Torrent client is best other than Azureus.. Actually Azureus is not working on my platform.. some kinda problem with Java | 07:02 |
dystopianray | respa: yes it does | 07:02 |
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winrar | ravi_: Install java. | 07:03 |
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eobanb | !fr > TheKind | 07:03 |
evandsays | i cant find the dvd release... is there a torrent for that also? | 07:03 |
jezz | if im allowed to link nzb files here admin?? | 07:03 |
Stig | Yeah, I did use usenet for a while and got decent speeds, and that was on my own ISP's newsserver... | 07:03 |
stdin | umop: tried restarting, or running fsck ? | 07:03 |
Slart | ravi_: you can run utorrent using wine, or so I've heard | 07:03 |
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void^ | ravi_: to use azureus on ubuntu you need to use sun's java and download azureus from | 07:03 |
PovAddict | evandsays: yes there is! hold on I'll get you link | 07:03 |
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respa | dystopianray on the defaut kernel or is it a parameter? | 07:03 |
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ravi_ | winrar: i said it has some problem, a bug with azureus, got it.. read it twice | 07:03 |
evandsays | pov: thanks | 07:03 |
dystopianray | respa: default | 07:03 |
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jezz | if ur in the usa usenet sucks indeed lol | 07:03 |
umop | stdin, Yeah I guess I'll fsck | 07:03 |
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IdleOne | !java | ravi_ | 07:03 |
ubotu | ravi_: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre | 07:03 |
sixr420 | | 07:03 |
ravi_ | void^: void^ i have sun java installed | 07:03 |
sixr420 | < dvd also | 07:03 |
IdleOne | !ktorrent > ravi_ | 07:03 |
rabid | jezz: how so? but any chance you have an nzb of the download? | 07:03 |
PovAddict | evandsays: what sixr420 said | 07:04 |
hagen_ | by the way, have anybody experience with asterisk? it is possible to use a router after the asterisk server to connect to isdn/pstn? | 07:04 |
jezz | ok im searching through my history | 07:04 |
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void^ | ravi_: and you need to use azureus from, not the ubuntu packaged version. | 07:04 |
Slart | usenet prett much sucks here in sweden too.. I don't think any of the ISP's carry binary groups anymore | 07:04 |
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eobanb | hagen_, join #asterisk | 07:04 |
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evandsays | thanks | 07:04 |
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buhrmi | Hi ;) | 07:04 |
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jezz | it rocks in holland all isps support it and at least 500 KB/s :D | 07:04 |
linxeh | usenet rocks. it was never designed for binaries, and the ISPs dropping all the binary warez/pr0n is a GOOD thing | 07:04 |
adastra23 | anyone with dual-boot windows systems upgrade to fiesty yet? | 07:04 |
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adastra23 | I have a question about grub. | 07:05 |
winrar | adastra23: Why? | 07:05 |
linxeh | plus the fact, bittorrent is a much fairer system | 07:05 |
BrokenLinux | Anyone having a problem using update manager to do the upgrade? Specifically the first step where it says "downloading the upgrade tool" | 07:05 |
eobanb | discussion of usenet not strictly related to ubuntu should go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:05 |
Slart | yes.. I'm sorry.. usenet is good.. but for getting binary stuff it sucks.. | 07:05 |
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Slart | and I know that was never the intention.. | 07:05 |
LoneShadow2 | I am glad I ugpraded a week ago, looks like aptitude servers are getting pounded | 07:05 |
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winrar | adastra23: Oh. What is it? | 07:05 |
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jezz | still uploading: | 07:05 |
buhrmi | Can anyone tell me why I cannot turn the 3D cube when I activate 3d effects... it worked an hour ago :( | 07:05 |
SeveredCross | BrokenLinux, I did--I couldn't even download the tool. | 07:05 |
Slart | never found a good usenet client for ubuntu though | 07:05 |
adastra23 | how it renames drives worries me, my wife needs windows and I can't mess it up again. | 07:05 |
polter | anyone who can tell me why the **** my computer sounds like a tornado after updating to feisty? | 07:05 |
rabid | Slart: hellanzb | 07:05 |
BrokenLinux | SeveredCross, ok, so it's just not me then | 07:05 |
buhrmi | its as if i only have 1 desktop | 07:05 |
eobanb | buhrmi, #ubuntu-effects | 07:05 |
winrar | adastra23: Renames drives? | 07:05 |
buhrmi | ok | 07:06 |
Slart | !hellanzb | 07:06 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hellanzb - try searching on | 07:06 |
lnostdal | Slart, i like Pan .. never tried it for binary-stuff though | 07:06 |
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qos | hey guys | 07:06 |
linxeh | adastra23: renames drives? eh ? | 07:06 |
LoneShadow2 | !nvidia | 07:06 |
Zano | Ehrm.. Where do i find the ATI drivers..? | 07:06 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:06 |
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Zano | thanks | 07:06 |
Zano | XD | 07:06 |
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Slart | I meant for ordinary, text posts | 07:06 |
roadfish | what's a good SVG viewer that supports "onclick" operations? | 07:06 |
adastra23 | all are recognized as sda(1) etc - even | 07:06 |
qos | is there a difference between traceroute and tracert? | 07:06 |
linxeh | Slart: thunderbird ? | 07:06 |
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rabid | Slart: its just a python script, worth installing manually - auto par2verify and unrar | 07:06 |
Slart | thunderbird does usenet?didn't know that | 07:06 |
ravi_ | qos: traceroute works on Linux :) | 07:06 |
linxeh | qos: tracert is the windows exe name | 07:06 |
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zaggynl | <peepsalot>Ok maybe I will throw my own "release" party. | 07:06 |
zaggynl | ahahaha | 07:06 |
billy | I'd like to be able to seed the .iso I just downloaded. Is there a way to convert the file to a .torrent, or something? | 07:06 |
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ardchoille | First time using torrents, this is going fast. I'm going to torrent thing from now on :) | 07:07 |
polter | pleeeeaaase. someone.. tell me why my computer sounds like a tornado after updating to feisty? | 07:07 |
jezz | done uploading: | 07:07 |
qos | ravi_, linxeh :) thx | 07:07 |
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linxeh | billy: try downloading the .torrent file and putting it in the same directory as the .iso | 07:07 |
IdleOne | 30 miutes left for Desktop and Alternate torrents to be done then upload speed gets opened wide | 07:07 |
spikeb | billy, just download the .torrent file and when it asks you where to save it, select the directory the iso is in - it'll check it and then seed it | 07:07 |
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Angeluz_ | zaggynl: Har har. | 07:07 |
adastra23 | polter - resources, some computers turn on the fan when processor is close to max | 07:07 |
billy | thanks linxeh spikeb | 07:07 |
MK_Mike | hey all i cant find the torrent to dowload ubuntu | 07:07 |
frojnd | I have feisty beta, how can I upgrade to final? | 07:07 |
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delire | polter: some problem with ACPI? is the CPU running at maximum? check the thermal zone/temp? | 07:07 |
eobanb | MK_Mike, it's on | 07:07 |
zaggynl | ;) | 07:07 |
adastra23 | why it would change from edgy to fiesty, I dunno. | 07:07 |
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mc44 | !final | frojnd | 07:08 |
ubotu | frojnd: If you are running a Herd/Beta versions of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 07:08 |
polter | no my CPU isn't running on max, according to gdesklets that is | 07:08 |
eobanb | !upgrade | frojnd | 07:08 |
ubotu | frojnd: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 07:08 |
PovAddict | MK_Mike: go to an HTTP mirror, the torrents are there | 07:08 |
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rabid | jezz: thanks for the link | 07:08 |
jezz | np | 07:08 |
linxeh | how do I check what release I'm on from the command line anyway ? :) | 07:08 |
MK_Mike | Ok thanks that really helped btw YAY UBUNTU KICKS ASS! | 07:08 |
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eobanb | lsb_release -a , i think | 07:08 |
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Christian | Can't acces tty... when boot th CD of Festy 7.04, | 07:09 |
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Christian | BusyBox v.1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-install (ash) | 07:09 |
Christian | /bin/sh: can access tty; jub control turned off (initramfs) | 07:09 |
zaggynl | | 07:09 |
polter | delire: it isn't just the fans, it's that "tick-tack" sound that you hear when you load an application | 07:09 |
Christian | some solution ? | 07:09 |
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rabid | jezz, haha thats 6.10 | 07:09 |
eobanb | linxeh, lsb_release -a | 07:09 |
rabid | no feisty nzb? | 07:09 |
jezz | | 07:09 |
stoone | opps... on one of my pc, the upgrader sais: "Not enough free disk space The upgrade aborts now. Please free at least 15.1M of disk space on /boot. Empty your Deleted Items folder and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'." but I have 26M free space at /boot. | 07:09 |
jezz | | 07:09 |
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wickers | hey, is there a torrent for 7.04 out yet? | 07:09 |
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jezz | oh sorry | 07:09 |
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jezz | damn | 07:09 |
Angeluz_ | wickers: Yes. | 07:09 |
linxeh | wickers: yes, in the same places as the isos... | 07:09 |
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jezz | then im downloading for nothing | 07:09 |
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Dlozo | there is~ | 07:09 |
linxeh | eobanb: and that can differentiate between the release candidates and the finale ? | 07:09 |
wickers | all the mirrors are slow... so I'd rather use a torrent and give back a bit of bandwidth. | 07:09 |
peter78 | does anyone use automatix2? | 07:09 |
wickers | ahhh | 07:10 |
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rabid | hehe :) | 07:10 |
Angeluz | wickers: - there's the torrent-file. | 07:10 |
Dlozo | i am seeding now | 07:10 |
mc44 | !automatix | peter78 | 07:10 |
ubotu | peter78: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 07:10 |
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delire | Zano: i haven't upgraded to 7.04 yet, but isn't there a menu item there where you can choose to use the ATI or NVIDIA binary driver? | 07:10 |
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Stig | What usenet client can I use with Ubuntu? | 07:10 |
linxeh | peter78: no - it is quite dodgy imo, and it is unnecessary | 07:10 |
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linxeh | Stig: thunderbird | 07:10 |
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eobanb | !final | linxeh | 07:10 |
ubotu | linxeh: If you are running a Herd/Beta versions of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 07:10 |
linxeh | sigh | 07:10 |
IdleOne | !usenet | 07:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usenet - try searching on | 07:10 |
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mc44 | delire: system -> admin -> restricted driver manager | 07:10 |
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Stig | Oh yeah, thansk | 07:10 |
Stig | thanks* | 07:10 |
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|Osiris | does anyone know how to get the "rmic" program/command working? | 07:11 |
adastra23 | thx mc44 I was wondering too. | 07:11 |
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Angeluz | What's with the DVD-version of 7.04. Not that I need it, but a friedn just asked. | 07:11 |
linxeh | eobanb: I want a way of checking the release, not going against repos because my mirror probably hasn't updated yet (at least, there are no packages to update at the moment, which sounds suspicious to me?) | 07:11 |
delire | mc44: can you tell Zano that? he's reading the which has no support for 7.04 | 07:11 |
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zaggynl | Stig, hellanzb + zussaweb for nzb downloading (replacement for newsleecher) | 07:11 |
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eobanb | linxeh, if there are no packages to update, then you are running the final. | 07:11 |
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zaggynl | klibido is easiest to setup | 07:11 |
dragonmantank | Can I use the Alternate CD to upgrade my distro or do I have to actually boot off of it? | 07:11 |
Malachi | Hey guys. Question. I'm trying to install using the alternate CD, but it still tries to update online. | 07:11 |
linxeh | eobanb: so *every* mirror is up to date? | 07:11 |
] Johnny[ | is there a change log somewhere between the other versions? | 07:12 |
gnudoc | dragonmantank: yes you can use the alternate cd | 07:12 |
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eobanb | linxeh, as far as i know. | 07:12 |
Malachi | dragonmantank: Last time, I used the alt. | 07:12 |
frojnd | can someone help me on this one. I have just updating and some error came: | 07:12 |
Malachi | But I can't seem to now. | 07:12 |
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jezz | no only a beta version on usenet | 07:12 |
=== delire notes that perhaps the BinaryDriverHowto factoid should be adapted to include system -> admin -> restricted driver manager for ATI/NVIDIA support. | ||
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macpo3 | hi, quick question - will the xubuntu 6.10 live-cd mount ntfs / xp disks? | 07:12 |
ssam | dragonmantank, you can upgrade off the disk, see the upgrade notes | 07:12 |
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grayman_ | Malachi, you can skip it | 07:12 |
linxeh | Malachi: change sources.list to use just the cd | 07:12 |
dragonmantank | Malachi: Cool, thanks | 07:12 |
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Malachi | Thanks, grayman_ and linxeh | 07:12 |
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eobanb | frojnd, i think the mirrors are just under a lot of stress right now; try again later | 07:12 |
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clearzen | Does anyone know how I can make ffmepg recursively convert every file in a folder with the same command? | 07:13 |
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ravi_ | how many developers uBUNTU officially has? | 07:13 |
billy | linxeh spikeb : I don't think it found it. I'm getting a "permission denied" error. | 07:13 |
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spikeb | hmm | 07:13 |
frojnd | eobanb: ok :D :D | 07:13 |
Noodlesgc | 8kb/s | 07:13 |
adastra23 | has anyone upgraded to fiesty with a dual boot win-ubuntu system? | 07:13 |
Dlozo | u are better off with a torrent for now | 07:13 |
timmi`nb2 | i could only set a resolution of 1024x786 - how to set it to 1280x1024 then? | 07:13 |
eobanb | !fixres | 07:13 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 07:13 |
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ATi7500 | hi all | 07:13 |
=== khermans <3's ubuntu | ||
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r3m0t | <3 | 07:13 |
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loverboy05 | Microsoft has to be very afraid of this release | 07:13 |
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=== kal_ too | ||
r3m0t | loverboy05: not /that/ <3 I'm afraid | 07:14 |
jezz | im very curious to see whats linux is like | 07:14 |
Noodlesgc | im ditching windows today | 07:14 |
kal_ | <33 | 07:14 |
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ATi7500 | how can i reset the iptables to its default? | 07:14 |
BHSPitMonkey | is upgrading from edgy to feisty a recommended practice? | 07:14 |
ravi_ | loverboy05: not at all, | 07:14 |
eobanb | BHSPitMonkey, yes, go right ahead | 07:14 |
winrar | jezz: Its awesome ^^ | 07:14 |
jezz | any mirror torrents? | 07:14 |
jezz | i hope | 07:14 |
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khermans | ATi7500, iptables -F ? | 07:14 |
eobanb | !upgrade | BHSPitMonkey | 07:14 |
ubotu | BHSPitMonkey: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 07:14 |
r3m0t | BHSPitMonkey: if you see something you want | 07:14 |
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adastra23 | jezz, ubuntu support in the forums is very good if you have any trouble. | 07:14 |
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jezz | ok | 07:14 |
adastra23 | everyone is nice and helpful | 07:14 |
slyfox | Can someone help me with how to limit time for linux users? Say I want a specific user to auto log of at 10pm on weekdays ? | 07:14 |
loverboy05 | ravi: why do you say that? | 07:14 |
kal_ | ubuntu feisty is so fast compared to Vista... | 07:14 |
loverboy05 | r3m0t: why do you say that? | 07:14 |
atomiku | I want to copy my home directory to another partition, what is the best way to do this? rsync -a /src/ /dest? | 07:15 |
BHSPitMonkey | r3m0t, I mean as far as "issues"... distro upgrading via apt used to be problematic | 07:15 |
alex_dinamo | hey... I'm trying to upgrade to 7.04 and I'm having problems | 07:15 |
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ATi7500 | khermans: can you join #ATi7500 ? | 07:15 |
Noodlesgc | whats the difference between edgy and fiesty? | 07:15 |
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billy | jezz, I just made the switch a couple months back. It's sweet. | 07:15 |
eobanb | alex_dinamo, can you be more specific | 07:15 |
ATi7500 | i have to paste something | 07:15 |
stoone | Please help: my upgrader sais that it needs more than 15.1M space on /boot and aborts the upgrade, but I have 26M free. | 07:15 |
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hans | slyfox use a cronjob :) | 07:15 |
spikeb | six months of development | 07:15 |
centyx | hi. | 07:15 |
jezz | ok later all | 07:15 |
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alex_dinamo | the upgrade tool complains that there is too little space on /boot partition! | 07:15 |
] Johnny[ | Is there a comparsion or change log between edgy and fiesty? | 07:15 |
delire | clearzen: something like 'for i in $(ls .); do ffmpeg -i $i [options] out-$i; done | 07:15 |
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alex_dinamo | what can I do? | 07:15 |
centyx | anyone else experiencing a bit of slowness w/ the ubuntu repositories? | 07:15 |
SeveredCross | Bah WTF. | 07:15 |
slyfox | hans: and what will I put into the cron ? what command ? | 07:15 |
SeveredCross | centyx: Yeah, you and the rest of the community. | 07:15 |
hans | init 0 :) | 07:15 |
eobanb | centyx, yes, that is normal for now. | 07:15 |
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winrar | centyx: A lot of people are using them ;) | 07:15 |
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ravi_ | loverboy05: and please forget MS, there is nothing to talk about MS, even Mark, the founder of Ubuntu has said that MS has done great work for Vista.. lets make our Linux like that and more than that, but right now it isnt.. believe in truth, and just forget MS and Linux comparisions | 07:15 |
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grayman | centyx, that's normal right now | 07:15 |
macpo3 | how do I make sure my list of repositories in synaptic is up to date? | 07:15 |
r3m0t | stoone: please paste the result of "df -h | grap boot" | 07:15 |
alex_dinamo | I'm doing a "live" update through my desktop | 07:15 |
SeveredCross | I can't even hit the repos for the package files. | 07:15 |
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alex_dinamo | can anyone help? | 07:16 |
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eobanb | r3m0t, you mean grep | 07:16 |
Nitro | I get the $HOME/.drmc error, how do I set the file to 644 and make the home folder only viewable/writeable for me? | 07:16 |
respa | is there a guide to install nvidia drivers? | 07:16 |
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vsamel | Hi I'm upgrading ubuntu to fiesty...and my n/w speed is around 17mbps. Why does the download manager work at around 25Kbps? | 07:16 |
eobanb | !nvidia | respa | 07:16 |
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ubotu | respa: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 07:16 |
r3m0t | I meant grep, yes eobanb stoone | 07:16 |
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spikeb | vsamel, busy servers | 07:16 |
SeveredCross | Bah. | 07:16 |
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stoone | r3m0t: /dev/hda1 37M 9.3M 26M 27% /boot | 07:16 |
respa | eobanb thanks | 07:16 |
grayman | vsamel, it's overloaded right now | 07:16 |
delire | respa: or system -> admin -> restricted driver manager | 07:16 |
SperMite_ | damn this feisty install is taking forever... | 07:16 |
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SeveredCross | apt-get update hangs at 99%, trying to connect to something. | 07:16 |
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loverboy05 | ravi_: ubuntu will completely dominate distrowatch's top ten! | 07:17 |
delire | eobanb: why not point Feisty users to system -> admin -> restricted driver manager ? | 07:17 |
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grayman | it already does | 07:17 |
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spikeb | actually, only the original is in the top ten | 07:17 |
Nitro | I get the $HOME/.drmc error, how do I set the file to 644 and make the home folder only viewable/writeable for me?, anybody? :) | 07:17 |
spikeb | and ever is | 07:17 |
spikeb | heh | 07:17 |
r3m0t | stoone: in the boot menu, do you have more than one kernel? | 07:17 |
grayman | yes | 07:17 |
grayman | no | 07:17 |
ravi_ | loverboy05: Windowws doesnt come in Distrowatch.. look for what u started | 07:17 |
delire | grayman: oh, i wasn't aware of this. | 07:17 |
eobanb | delire, good point; i | 07:17 |
grayman | kubuntu too | 07:17 |
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=== Slart 's update has "about 1 days 1 hours" left to run =/ | ||
Noodlesgc | are some ports faster than others? | 07:17 |
grayman | i think | 07:17 |
SeveredCross | Whoo, excellent, it loaded. | 07:17 |
brunoUT | when i try to update through the update manager i am getting a 'malformed' software error when tryin to fetch files.....what is going on? | 07:17 |
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eobanb | i'll have to get into the habit of doing that, delire | 07:17 |
brunoUT | any ideas? | 07:17 |
stoone | r3m0t: no I removed the old ones | 07:17 |
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vsamel | i have done a lot of tweaking to make my wireless work....will this be messed up with upgrade to fiesty? | 07:17 |
clearzen | delire: thanks for the tip | 07:17 |
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delire | clearzen: np | 07:18 |
eobanb | vsamel, depends on what kind of tweaking you're talking about | 07:18 |
=== Noodlesgc 's download has over 100 days left | ||
grayman | vsamel, in theory feisty should have a better support for wireless | 07:18 |
dieman | use the torrent | 07:18 |
slyfox | Can someone help me with how to limit time for linux users? Say I want a specific user to auto log of at 10pm on weekdays ? | 07:18 |
dieman | | 07:18 |
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=== Slart is also downloading the feisty dvd... that has only 1 hour left =) | ||
aa^way | hey is there any apt-get module so i could download songs? | 07:18 |
aa^way | in windows i loved limewire | 07:18 |
r3m0t | stoone: I'm afraid I'm at a loss... if it's a bug it has a high chance of being fixed in a few days. Try "fdisk -l /dev/hda | grep hda2" | 07:18 |
GeekChick| | How do you change the ubuntu loading bar to the xubuntu loading bar? | 07:18 |
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eobanb | aa^way, frostwire | 07:18 |
Nitro | So downloading the .iso is quicker than upgrading? | 07:18 |
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SeveredCross | aa^way, apt-get doesn't have modules, apt-get installs packages. | 07:19 |
adastra23 | 100 days? - youll have it in three months!!! | 07:19 |
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SeveredCross | Frostwire will do it. | 07:19 |
jason_ | ho do i do the upgarde | 07:19 |
loverboy05 | aa^way: try amule | 07:19 |
aa^way | yes i meant that, im having problems with english | 07:19 |
aa^way | frostwire vs amule? | 07:19 |
r3m0t | Nitro: at the moment - but I would simply wait a few hours | 07:19 |
Slart | slyfox: I don't know of any automated solutions.. but a script in the crontab should do it | 07:19 |
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delire | aa^way: doesn't limewire work just fine in Linux? also amule, nicotine | 07:19 |
SeveredCross | jason_: update-manager should do it automatically. | 07:19 |
grayman | aa^way, you have a lot of clients for p2p networks if you mean that | 07:19 |
timmi`nb2 | eobanb A configuration page will appear, asking if you want to autodetect video hardware. Select yes, --> i dont get an autodetect option! | 07:19 |
r3m0t | Nitro: unless you need to go to sleep ;-) | 07:19 |
Nitro | r3m0t: ok | 07:19 |
grayman | just need to find one that suits you | 07:19 |
aa^way | oh delire that might be right | 07:19 |
hans | do man skill | 07:19 |
Nitro | r3m0t: hehehe | 07:19 |
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function1 | should i upgrade to feisty? or will it kill itself like dapper -> edgy | 07:19 |
eobanb | aa^way, or gtk-gnutella | 07:19 |
hans | slyfox do man skill | 07:19 |
r3m0t | Nitro: there are special instructions for upgrading from a CD... check the website | 07:19 |
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Nitro | ok | 07:20 |
loverboy05 | aa^way: i've never tried frostwire. amule is really good | 07:20 |
stoone | r3m0t: this is my whole partition table /dev/hda1 1 5 40131 83 Linux | 07:20 |
stoone | /dev/hda2 * 6 1462 11703352+ b W95 FAT32 | 07:20 |
stoone | /dev/hda3 1463 1657 1566337+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris | 07:20 |
stoone | /dev/hda4 1658 4864 25760227+ 83 Linux | 07:20 |
brunoUT | any ideas? | 07:20 |
brunoUT | when i try to update through the update manager i am getting a 'malformed' software error when tryin to fetch files.....what is going on? | 07:20 |
clearzen | aa^way: Use a torrent program limewire has *a lot* of junk files | 07:20 |
IdleOne | !paste | stoone | 07:20 |
ubotu | stoone: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:20 |
ssam | function1, if you are worried wait a few days | 07:20 |
Angeluz | Damn. | 07:20 |
r3m0t | function1: the upgrade process has been tested more carefully since edgy | 07:20 |
slyfox | Slart: Ok, say you set the script to run at 10pm every day, and it logs the user off. But once the cron job is done, the user can easily log back in because the cro nhas finished its 10pm job .... ? | 07:20 |
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SeveredCross | Why not just have the script log the user back in? | 07:20 |
wick2o | is there something wrong with edgy server edition? | 07:20 |
r3m0t | stoone: that means you cannot extend /boot to make it larger | 07:20 |
wick2o | 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] | 07:20 |
Woody_ | dragonmantank: just insert your CD when you are already in your OS | 07:20 |
slyfox | hans: what is the command to manually kill the user off? (I will maybe put it into cron) ? | 07:20 |
eobanb | wick2o, uhm, no? | 07:20 |
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Slart | slyfox: you can disables the users login at the same time... and later reenable it | 07:20 |
Woody_ | dragonmantank: no need to boot from CD | 07:20 |
Woody_ | dragonmantank: just insert and upgrade | 07:20 |
Newbie | Hi all | 07:20 |
Angeluz | A friend of mine is on the way to visit me with his external usb-harddisk, to copy a few movie. | 07:20 |
jason_ | my kernel version is 2.6.15-28-386 is that up to date | 07:20 |
eobanb | wick2o, try another mirror | 07:20 |
wick2o | i keep getting the 403 when i try to apt-get update | 07:20 |
Angeluz | +s | 07:20 |
SeveredCross | jason_: That's fairly old. | 07:21 |
eobanb | wick2o, try again later; the mirrors are under a lot of stress | 07:21 |
Angeluz | I forgot to mention, that I can't write NTFS-drives. | 07:21 |
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mc44 | wick2o: busy servers | 07:21 |
alex_dinamo | what would you recommend to resize the boot partition? anything special? | 07:21 |
alex_dinamo | any ideas? | 07:21 |
Stig | I have setup my ISP's newsserver with thunderbird, now how do I find Feisty and download it? I havent used Usenet for quite a while and when I did I used grabit which was pretty easy. | 07:21 |
hans | just remove the hash of i'ts password hihi | 07:21 |
Slart | slyfox: or, rather.. first disable his login, then log him off =) | 07:21 |
aa^way | ok thanks guys, im getting amule | 07:21 |
ardchoille | Is there a comand line bittorrent app? | 07:21 |
jason_ | it isnt give any new up dates in the update thing | 07:21 |
grayman | yes people, no need to jump on upgrade | 07:21 |
slyfox | Slart: what would I write into cron to log the user off, disbale user login, enable use r login ? | 07:21 |
wick2o | ahhh | 07:21 |
mc44 | archangelpetro: rtorrent | 07:21 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: stoone: are you both getting the same message? | 07:21 |
grayman | it won't disapear | 07:21 |
SeveredCross | ardchoille: rtorrent. | 07:21 |
wick2o | thought maybe i screwed something up | 07:21 |
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grayman | and will be faster a bit later | 07:21 |
stefg | !ntfs | Angeluz | 07:21 |
ubotu | Angeluz: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 07:21 |
ardchoille | SeveredCross: Thank you :) | 07:21 |
stefg | !ntfs-3g | Angeluz | 07:21 |
ubotu | Angeluz: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at (Dapper) and (Edgy) | 07:21 |
loverboy05 | aa^way: you're welcome, just make sure you forward your ports | 07:21 |
stoone | r3m0t: then what to do? just sit and wait? | 07:22 |
archangelpetro | :/ | 07:22 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, the upgrade tool says there is too little space, I have a 55M boot partition, maybe it is too small | 07:22 |
jason_ | can i do the sudo apt0get update will that work | 07:22 |
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Angeluz | Thanks guys. | 07:22 |
Angeluz | But what's with feisty? ;) | 07:22 |
delire | aa^way: check if limewire's in an ubuntu repo first. if it isn't then install java, download limewire, install the program alien using apt and 'alien limewire.rpm' (or whatever it's called) and then 'sudo dpkg -i limewire.deb'. | 07:22 |
r3m0t | stoone: I'm sorry I don't know... check the forums and you might find a fix. alex_dinamo you have the same problem | 07:22 |
BrokenLinux | so you can upgrade from a burned iso CD? | 07:22 |
stoone | r3m0t: ok thx | 07:22 |
delire | aa^way: but yes, amule is really alot better. | 07:22 |
Cryoniq | Anyone updated their egdy to Feisty yet and can tell if there was any issues? =) | 07:23 |
GeekChick| | How do you change the ubuntu loading bar to the xubuntu loading bar? | 07:23 |
r3m0t | BrokenLinux: yes, log into edgy and insert the CD | 07:23 |
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Stig | Can someone help me download Feisty by Usenet using Thunderbird please? How do I search/find feisty .iso and download it? | 07:23 |
SeveredCross | Whoo, I'm finally getting DECENT speeds for apt-get | 07:23 |
SeveredCross | 80 KB/s | 07:23 |
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SeveredCross | Stig: Just use BitTorrent, it's easier | 07:23 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I'm thinkint about resizing the partition, not sure if this can be done reliably | 07:23 |
Angeluz | Cryoniq: I did while in beta-phase... no info on the final version, sorry. | 07:23 |
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slyfox | Slart: what would I write into cron to log the user off, disbale user login, enable use r login ? | 07:23 |
jrib | !usplash > GeekChick| (GeekChick|, see the private message from ubotu) | 07:23 |
BrokenLinux | r3m0t, and it will autostart or something? | 07:23 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, what do you think? | 07:23 |
Slart | slyfox: working on it =) | 07:23 |
r3m0t | BrokenLinux: yes although I haven't tried this myself | 07:23 |
IdleOne | GeekChick|, first install xubuntu-desktop then log out and back in ( at login screen click session and choose xcfe ) | 07:23 |
slyfox | Slart: please. | 07:23 |
Cryoniq | Angeluz, how did it go in Beta for you? =) | 07:24 |
Stig | I might give it a try if I cant get this working. My ISP uses giganews euro servers which should be very quick though. | 07:24 |
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Slart | slyfox: I've never done this before myself.. I'll have to look up the exact procedure | 07:24 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run "fdisk -l /dev/hda" and put it on pastebin | 07:24 |
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BrokenLinux | r3m0t, then I'll let you know how it goes | 07:24 |
r3m0t | !paste | alex_dinamo | 07:24 |
ubotu | alex_dinamo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:24 |
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kneeki | Hmm, anyone know where i can find some nice looking disc lables for my Feisty CD's I'm burning =) | 07:24 |
=== SeveredCross is getting 100 KB/s! Woot! | ||
alex_dinamo | ok | 07:24 |
Noodlesgc | no fair | 07:24 |
eobanb | kneeki, good question! i'd like to know that too | 07:24 |
Noodlesgc | 11 kpbs | 07:24 |
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spikeb | i got it at 330 | 07:25 |
spikeb | heh | 07:25 |
Malachi | I still can't update from the live cds. | 07:25 |
r3m0t | GeekChick|: I think maybe "apt-get install xubuntu-artwork-usplash" | 07:25 |
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kneeki | eobanb: If nobody knows of any, I'll make some ;) | 07:25 |
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delire | 18k here in Germany on a torrent. 10 download hours.. | 07:25 |
mc44 | Malachi: what do you mean? | 07:25 |
r3m0t | Malachi: what have you done and what happens? | 07:25 |
Slart | slyfox: here's one way to log off a user | 07:25 |
respa | how do I disable sudo and set a root password? | 07:25 |
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Noodlesgc | where are you getting these huge speeds? | 07:25 |
jrib | !sudo > respa (respa, see the private message from ubotu) | 07:25 |
cyris | respa:sudo passwd root | 07:25 |
Cryoniq | Sounds like it is better to download iso and update from it, than using update manager to update at the moment thinking of that speed rates people talk about :P | 07:25 |
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Hairulfr | respa: Why would you want to do that? | 07:25 |
mgedmin | just make sure you get the right iso | 07:25 |
stefg | SeveredCross, Noodlesgc , spikeb : how about taking this to irc://freenode/%23ubuntu-release-party ? w | 07:25 |
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slyfox | Slart: let me see | 07:26 |
Malachi | I deselected all of the other sources , mc44 and r3m0t, and just added the CD rom. But it has an error and won't finish. | 07:26 |
respa | Hairulfr to prevent other users on my machine to use root | 07:26 |
Cryoniq | And use time while doing that to backup documents, bookmarks and some stuff in folders before update :) | 07:26 |
Agrajag | respa: if you disable sudo, you will break things like update-manager that usegksudo to gain root privileges | 07:26 |
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Slart | slyfox: to deny a user login you can set his login shell to /bin/false instead of /bin/bash .. I can't remember where this is stored.. in a file somewhere | 07:26 |
freezer | hi | 07:26 |
eobanb | do NOT disable sudo, respa | 07:26 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, | 07:26 |
r3m0t | Malachi: I don't think you should have deselected them. did you get the "distribution upgrade" message? | 07:26 |
Agrajag | Slart: /etc/passwd | 07:26 |
Noodlesgc | thanks stefg | 07:26 |
freezer | has anyone here an old Cingular SIM card he doesn't need anymore? | 07:26 |
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dragonmantank | Hmm. I get almost to the end of the 'fetching files' part of the upgrade and then it restarts fetching files again | 07:26 |
mc44 | Malachi: you need to use the alternate cd not the live cd to do that | 07:27 |
Angeluz | Cryoniq: I had a few problem booting the new kernel, but that got fixed within a few hours. | 07:27 |
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Slart | ah.. thanks Agrajag. slyfox: as he said.. in /etc/passwd | 07:27 |
respa | eobanb ok, then how do I do to ask for root password everytime one user uses sudo? | 07:27 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, that's the output of fdisk -l /dev/sda | 07:27 |
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Malachi | mc44: I am; r3m0t: I didn't get a message. | 07:27 |
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ph8 | hey all, i'm running a postfix setup on an edgy system and i get this when i try to run logwatch: | 07:27 |
ph8 | sendmail: fatal: Recipient addresses must be specified on the command line or via the -t option | 07:27 |
ph8 | postdrop: warning: stdin: unexpected EOF in data, record type 78 length 64 | 07:27 |
ph8 | postdrop: fatal: uid=0: malformed input | 07:27 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: if necessary you can extend your boot partition, I can help with that | 07:27 |
Agrajag | respa: sudo will never ask for a root password, it's always the user's password. | 07:27 |
ph8 | any idea why that is? | 07:27 |
slyfox | Slart: on that forum , they only tell you how to log off the user if you know to where he is logged in. | 07:27 |
mc44 | Malachi: you said you were using the live CD | 07:27 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, is that reliable? | 07:27 |
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jrib | respa: there's an option you can set in /etc/sudoers, read 'man sudoers' | 07:27 |
Malachi | mc44: I did. Sorry, my bad. | 07:27 |
ph8 | i'm pretty sure logwatch is setup properly and i've tried logwatch --mailto | 07:27 |
Angeluz | !paste ph8 | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paste ph8 - try searching on | 07:27 |
Angeluz | Damn. ;) | 07:28 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, can I do it with the machine running? | 07:28 |
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respa | Agrajag so every user on the system can perform root commands? | 07:28 |
r3m0t | Malachi: you should not do a "normal" update - you should get a special message | 07:28 |
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ph8 | !paste > Angeluz | 07:28 |
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DiMiTRiS | Can i use the fiesty cd as a live cd. I have a perfectly working 6.06 beryl installation on and i don't want to upgrade unless i am sure its worth it since edgy didn't do it for me. | 07:28 |
ph8 | *g* | 07:28 |
mc44 | Malachi: did you try running gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 07:28 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: yes, but you'll need to restart after you're done and before you upgrade | 07:28 |
jrib | respa: by default, only users in the "admin" group can sudo | 07:28 |
mgedmin | DiMiTRiS: yes | 07:28 |
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Agrajag | respa: no | 07:28 |
DiMiTRiS | thnx | 07:28 |
Kinetic | Dimitris yes | 07:28 |
Malachi | mc44: r3m0t: I ran the command mc44 just gave me. | 07:28 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, No problem! I also have a spare partition... big enough for sure! | 07:28 |
Slart | slyfox: couldn't you just do a who -u | grep username ... and then some more bash magic to get the pid | 07:28 |
Agrajag | respa: only users in the admin group can | 07:28 |
surviver | End | 07:29 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, so, just point me to tools/procedures, I will do it! | 07:29 |
stefg | DiMiTRiS: that's the reason of existaence for the /Desktop/-Cd's... so yes,you can | 07:29 |
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mc44 | Malachi: and it didnt work? | 07:29 |
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slyfox | Slart: no, as I will not be using the computer at the time this needs to be done. This is for the kids to not use the computer after 10 pm is what I want to do. | 07:29 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: I am looking for the right package to do this easily | 07:29 |
slyfox | Slart: I need it to be autoamtic, timeoutd is good thing if only it worked. | 07:29 |
Nitro | I get this ; Failed to fetch Feil MD5sum | 07:29 |
Malachi | mc44: It works, but it still looks like it connects to the net, and I get speeds like 14k | 07:29 |
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dragonmantank | This stinks. I get MD5 mismatches on some packages coming directly off of the CD! | 07:29 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, thanks! | 07:30 |
respa | Agrajag if I dont want to be a user in the admin group, how do I use root commands? | 07:30 |
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Nitro | Is there a way to fix that? | 07:30 |
Slart | slyfox: you'll have to write a script to do this.. that way you won't have to sit at the computer | 07:30 |
SeveredCross | Bah, fuck! | 07:30 |
jason_ | its not showing any new updates in update manager for em | 07:30 |
mc44 | dragonmantank: re burn the cd | 07:30 |
jason_ | me | 07:30 |
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GeekChick| | jrib, thanks for that tidbit on the built in switcher when you execute "sudo update-alternatives --config" | 07:30 |
mc44 | !ohmy | SeveredCross | 07:30 |
slyfox | Slart: If only I knew how, I am a noob in this. | 07:30 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: install gparted | 07:30 |
ubotu | SeveredCross: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:30 |
PriceChild | !sudo > respa (p m from ubotu) | 07:30 |
mgedmin | respa: why don'y you want to be in the admin group??? | 07:30 |
SeveredCross | Eh, I know, I'm jjust frustrated with apt-get right now. | 07:30 |
SeveredCross | It was going fine, then all of a sudden drops to 0 and times out. | 07:31 |
tomy984 | does anyone here have hp1012 (or any 101x) printer installed on ubuntu. PLIZ HELP | 07:31 |
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respa | mgedmin I dont like the idea to run root commands without password | 07:31 |
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Slart | slyfox: then I think bash scripting will take some learning.. =) | 07:31 |
mgedmin | sudo requires a password | 07:31 |
r3m0t | tomy984: what happened when you tried to use it? | 07:31 |
winrar | mgedmin: Your own | 07:31 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 07:31 |
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stdin | respa: you still need a password to run a command | 07:31 |
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mgedmin | just a different password for every sudo-capable user | 07:31 |
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zer0phewl | does anybody knows why or how to make wirless to work on hp compaq nx6310 with broadcom. everything what was on google dont work for me :((((( | 07:31 |
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Shirmpy_ | there are so many people!!! | 07:31 |
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tomy984 | it works with hplip driver. But it cannot print in duplex | 07:31 |
dystopianray | respa: the only place you don't use a password is the livecd | 07:32 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: now open it and select the disk "sda" | 07:32 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok... installing | 07:32 |
stefg | !wifi | zer0phewl | 07:32 |
ubotu | zer0phewl: Wireless documentation can be found at | 07:32 |
respa | Oh I see, so if I set root password I need this pass to use "sudo anything"? thats what I want | 07:32 |
ravi_ | do any1 know how many official dev are in Ubuntu? | 07:32 |
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Agrajag | respa: no | 07:32 |
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SeveredCross | >:o | 07:32 |
chewed-on | Hi guys :-P | 07:32 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, servers are a bit busy! | 07:32 |
r3m0t | ravi_: there are about 50 paid developers and many volunteers | 07:32 |
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jon__ | hey all, can i ask a dumb question about the feisty server upgrade instructions? i can't seem to find update-manager-core in the edgy repo | 07:32 |
ubuntu_noob | !codec | 07:32 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 07:32 |
Agrajag | respa: if you set a root password, all that happens is you're allowed to use su to change your user to root, or to log in directly as root | 07:32 |
dystopianray | respa: the sudo password is your user account password | 07:32 |
eck | respa: the default behavior is to prompt you for your login password, but sudo uses pam so you can configure it to authenticate any way you like | 07:32 |
chewed-on | I'm back, this time, I'm on Ubuntu :) | 07:32 |
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SeveredCross | respa: Each user eneds to enter their own password when using sudo. | 07:33 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: oh yes, sorry. tell me when it's arrived | 07:33 |
jrib | jon__: you have edgy-updates? | 07:33 |
ravi_ | r3m0t: thanks, r u sure for the no. 50 (official paid) | 07:33 |
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r3m0t | chewed-on: congratulations | 07:33 |
mc44 | r3m0t: hmm, I think its closer to 25 | 07:33 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 07:33 |
jon__ | let me check | 07:33 |
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chewed-on | I'm running from the CD though. | 07:33 |
r3m0t | chewed-on: at least you know internet and chat works :D | 07:33 |
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Agrajag | respa: by default, only the first user you create, when installing the OS, is allowed to use sudo. So it's not like every user gets to be root whenever they want. | 07:33 |
Gralq | eep.. lots of ppl.. =) | 07:33 |
SeveredCross | Anyone else have problems accessing | 07:33 |
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r3m0t | SeveredCross: yes, the servers are overloading | 07:34 |
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theacolyte | Well done guys, well done. | 07:34 |
chewed-on | Yeah but I want to install Ubuntu onto my hard drive but Fedora is in the way. | 07:34 |
Schulze | test | 07:34 |
theacolyte | Congratulations | 07:34 |
Schulze | gut =) | 07:34 |
SeveredCross | It's very strange, I had 100 KB/s a few minutes ago, then all of a sudden everything bit the dust. | 07:34 |
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Shirmpy_ | chewed-on, i'm pretty sure you can delete fedora. if you want ubuntu only | 07:34 |
respa | Agrajag ok, if a regular user wants to use a root command and he knows the password, what does he do? sudo command? then he needs to know the root password or his password will be ok? | 07:34 |
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Gralq | hello.. I've got a slight problem with apache2 and mod_rewrite after upgradeing to fiesty.. has anyone had a similar problem? | 07:34 |
SeveredCross | respa: A regular user generalyl cannot sudo. | 07:34 |
dystopianray | respa: he only needs to know his own password | 07:35 |
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ig | hi all -- quick question | 07:35 |
Random_Transit | hey, i'm trying to upgrade to feisty using update manager...and i keep getting this message: Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 07:35 |
SeveredCross | Like someone said, only the first user you add can sudo | 07:35 |
stefg | !root | 07:35 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for all information. | 07:35 |
dystopianray | respa: there is no root password on ubuntu by default | 07:35 |
Zobert | Hey guys | 07:35 |
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SeveredCross | UNless you add others to the admin group. | 07:35 |
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ig | i've libc 2.4 but my stupid app requires libc 2.3 | 07:35 |
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Agrajag | respa: IF the user that wants to use root is in the admin group, he can use sudo and then his own password. | 07:35 |
timmi`nb2 | cant switch to 1280x1024! :( | 07:35 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: please run "swapon -s | grep sda2" | 07:35 |
HyDraGeN | hey guys trying to update from 6.10 to 7.04 but can't find that "Upgrade" button in the update manager, anyone got a clue? | 07:35 |
chewed-on | Shirmpy_: ofcourse I can, but I don't want to delete Fedora. | 07:35 |
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stefg | !fixres | timmi`nb2 | 07:35 |
ig | whats the proper way to let the app have 2.3 for itself, while the rest of the system continues to use 2.4 | 07:35 |
ubotu | timmi`nb2: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 07:35 |
Schulze | Wer kann mir helfen? Ich habe ubuntu auf einer Platte instaliert und letztens C Formatiert und habe seitdem keinen Grub Bootmanager mehr beim Rechnerstart. Wie kann ich den denn wieder herstellen? | 07:35 |
r3m0t | ig: which app is this that required libc 2.3? | 07:35 |
Agrajag | respa: if the user is NOt in the admin group, sudo will not allow him root privileges, no matter what password he provides. | 07:35 |
ig | tibco designer | 07:35 |
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Random_Transit | HyDraGeN, do a sudo update-manager -c | 07:35 |
Zobert | If anyone is having trouble downloading off the official mirrors, or the torrents, I've set up a mirror: | 07:35 |
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Shirmpy_ | chewed-on: ok, just checking. :) ( know you want ubuntu lol) | 07:36 |
Zobert | feel free =D | 07:36 |
HyDraGeN | ok | 07:36 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, and then...? | 07:36 |
Agrajag | respa: in contrast, if you just give root a password, anyone who knows that password can get root access. | 07:36 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: and paste it here :D | 07:36 |
ig | that's the problem | 07:36 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, gparted installed | 07:36 |
tomy984 | r3m0t: do you know how to make it to print on both sides of paper ? | 07:36 |
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respa | Agrajag thats what I want.. regular user (not admin group) to use sudo, but only if this user knows the root password | 07:36 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, /dev/sda2 partition 506036 0 -1 | 07:36 |
blahblah556 | how do i set the default program to open a file with? | 07:36 |
r3m0t | tomy984: no, sorry | 07:36 |
chewed-on | Shirmpy_: stop teasing me, I really might overwrite Fedora one day if I can't resist. | 07:36 |
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SeveredCross | Wooohoo, finalyl got security to work. :) | 07:36 |
ig | it requires libc2.3 | 07:36 |
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ravi_ | is there any performance increase in Feisty than Edgy? | 07:36 |
winrar | !de | schulze | 07:36 |
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ubotu | schulze: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:36 |
HyDraGeN | <Random_Transit> nothing same | 07:36 |
Agrajag | respa: why wouldn't you just add the users who you want to have root access to the admin group? | 07:36 |
HyDraGeN | + it says: warning: could not initiate dbus | 07:36 |
tomy984 | r3m0t: ok, thnx anyway | 07:37 |
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Agrajag | respa: is this going to be a system used by many people? | 07:37 |
mp3guy | hi, is there a site somewhere what lists the main new parts of feisty ? | 07:37 |
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Schulze | Danke fr den Hinweis | 07:37 |
not_a_k | i hate new release time.. my apt sources are slow as balls | 07:37 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run gparted and select the "sda" disc | 07:37 |
molinero | Hi | 07:37 |
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respa | Agrajag this is my personal computer, but other friends use it sometimes | 07:37 |
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molinero | Feisty Fawn 7.04 is great! :D | 07:37 |
SeveredCross | apt has been up and down for me. | 07:37 |
Agrajag | respa: why would your friends need root access? | 07:37 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ready | 07:37 |
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delire | respa are you worried about someone getting your user password and operating sudo, perhaps remotely? | 07:37 |
Random_Transit | can anyone here help me? | 07:37 |
atomiku | I was wondering if someone could help me, my bios only allowes 8gb max for the boot partition. so I want /boot/ to be on a small partition while the rest of ubuntu on another. if you think you could help join #atomiku please | 07:37 |
not_a_k | i'm not even trying to upgrade.. i just want my edgy packages.. | 07:37 |
Random_Transit | hey, i'm trying to upgrade to feisty using update manager...and i keep getting this message: Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) | 07:37 |
SeveredCross | I was getting 100 KB/s earlier, then dropped to 0 and couln't get through, now I'm back to 75 KB/s | 07:37 |
aLeSD | wow you are 300 more | 07:37 |
HyDraGeN | guyyysss? anyone? | 07:37 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: now you can make changes but they won't take effect until you press the Big Button | 07:38 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ready | 07:38 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok... | 07:38 |
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SeveredCross | atomiku, use the partitioner on the Live CD, manually set up partiitons and make a small one for /boot then just select /boot/ as its mountpoint. | 07:38 |
ravi_ | mp3guy: there you need to go to GNOME 1.18 release notes, that says whats new in GNOME, and its the part of Feisty.. and there is some wireless networking enhancements, compiz-beryl included in Feisty as Dekstop Effects.. | 07:38 |
SeveredCross | Not very difficult. | 07:38 |
zarkyb | is anyone having trouble with connecting to wireless networks in fiesty? i used ndiswrapper with edgy but i did a clean install of fiesty, and thought that its wireless support would be better... but i'm guessing i have to use ndiswrapper again. i don't have a net connection on that machine, is there anywhere i can download the packages to copy over on to it? | 07:38 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I will unmount /boot.. then resize, ok? | 07:38 |
HyDraGeN | hey guys trying to update from 6.10 to 7.04 but can't find that "Upgrade" button in the update manager(tried that sudo update-manager -c didn't work), anyone got a clue? | 07:38 |
alefteris | only 300 seeders for the feisty DVD edition :( | 07:38 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: (1) delete sda2 (labelled "linux swap") (2) go to properties of sda1 and increase the size | 07:38 |
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eck | respa: read the sudoers man page | 07:38 |
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eck | respa: there is an option to have it use the root password | 07:38 |
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atomiku | SeveredCross: lol k | 07:38 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: no, that isn't necessary - gparted will deal with it | 07:38 |
atomiku | bbl then | 07:38 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 07:38 |
respa | eck thanks, thats what I want | 07:39 |
chewed-on | Hey guys, what's the download link for Ubuntu again ? | 07:39 |
chewed-on | My friend wants it as well. | 07:39 |
jrib | chewed-on: | 07:39 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, so, you are thinking on using space from sda2 for sda1? | 07:39 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: (3) now recreate sda2 in the empty space | 07:39 |
ravi_ | chewed-on: | 07:39 |
chewed-on | no, no, someone gave me a link just then for the ISO. | 07:39 |
eck | respa: search for the string 'rootpw' | 07:39 |
emarkd | hydragen: update mgr is a gui -- click System, Administration, Update Manager. Link will be near the top | 07:39 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: yes, you will have a slightly smaller swap partition | 07:39 |
jrib | chewed-on: yes, it's linked on | 07:39 |
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kane77 | oh, and I cant even install enemy territory :( it says something like: "./ 278: /home/kane/.setup8661: not found. ", anyone knows why? (I'm running 64-bit feisty) | 07:39 |
HyDraGeN | emarkd i know it isn't there | 07:39 |
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Random_Transit | can anyone help me with this update problem??? | 07:39 |
winrar | kane77: The file isnt there. | 07:39 |
jrib | chewed-on: or at least | 07:39 |
respa | eck exactly what I want, thanks | 07:39 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, what about this: I will instead use an unused partition that I have here... and left sda2 untoched... how about that? | 07:39 |
ravi_ | Random_Transit: dont update | 07:39 |
Agrajag | respa: if you're going to do that, you'd better make sure root has a password beforehand. | 07:39 |
respa | Agrajag yes, thanks | 07:40 |
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Random_Transit | Failed to fetch Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2) <---i get this from update manager and it quits | 07:40 |
emarkd | hydragen: do you have internet access?? it shows up find in my edgy | 07:40 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: your choice, I'm not sure what you want to do though | 07:40 |
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Moniker42 | hey, you know the info bar next to the clock with the currently running apps (like gaim or azureus) well... i've deleted it somehow... how do i get it back? | 07:40 |
kane77 | winrar, ehm, the number changes every time I run setup... | 07:40 |
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chewed-on | OK, nevermind then :) | 07:40 |
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HyDraGeN | emarkd if i don't have an internet access how would i be speaking to you? | 07:40 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you'de need to copy your current /boot to the new one including all permissions and metadata | 07:40 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, now... what size do you recommend for boot then? | 07:40 |
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Moniker42 | alex_dinamo, you only need about 200MB tops | 07:40 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: 100MB should be more than enough, and small in your 250GB drive | 07:41 |
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r3m0t | OK, 200MB :) | 07:41 |
emarkd | hydragen: sorry ;) been a long day here and i'm obviously getting stupid!! | 07:41 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, no, I will resize /boot, but using space from the unused partition... ok? | 07:41 |
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r3m0t | yes, ok | 07:41 |
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Jove` | Moniker42: Right click the panel, select "Add to panel", choose "Notification Area" | 07:41 |
HyDraGeN | emarkd no np i know what you guys been through =) | 07:41 |
ravi_ | guessing if something interesting would be in Gusty | 07:41 |
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alex_dinamo | Moniker42, thanks! | 07:41 |
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Hairulfr | ravi_: Gutsy | 07:41 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: wait, no - you have to have all of /boot in one place. /boot is in parts 1 to 7 and swap is in parts 8 to 70 | 07:42 |
ubunturos | how do I make edgy eft probe that my UBS port now is connected to a ADSL router? | 07:42 |
emarkd | hydragen i'm not with ubuntu, i just love it and wouldn't go back to windows now for anything | 07:42 |
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dystopianray | ubunturos: lsusb? | 07:42 |
ubunturos | dystopianray: tried it | 07:42 |
r3m0t | ubunturos: run "lsusb" and post it to pastebin | 07:42 |
ravi_ | Hairulfr: yup right | 07:42 |
Puaff | please, Is it possible to upgrade to 7.04 by changing sources.list and running apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade. Does it get the same result as the package manager? | 07:42 |
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ubunturos | r3m0t: ok | 07:42 |
r3m0t | ubunturos: run "lsusb -vv" and post it to pastebin | 07:42 |
Terrasque | emarkd: not even for the next big game? | 07:42 |
HyDraGeN | emarkd same here :) , damn it where is that upgrade button!!! | 07:42 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok, then I'm missing something here... | 07:42 |
Jove` | Puaff: Yes, that should work too | 07:42 |
jrib | !upgrade > Puaff (Puaff, see the private message from ubotu) | 07:42 |
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r3m0t | Puaff: no, it may break. check the instructions on | 07:42 |
ravi_ | is ubuntu team planning to adopt some more color, or rather just Brown | 07:42 |
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spikeb | they already did | 07:43 |
spikeb | blinding orange. | 07:43 |
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CokeNCode | lol | 07:43 |
r3m0t | ravi_: it's taken an orangey feel | 07:43 |
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emarkd | emarkd: well, I do still have an xp partition on one machine, but it hasn't been booted in a while... | 07:43 |
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ubunturos | r3m0t: the device is detected (DLink 502 T) | 07:43 |
winrar | ravi_: You can change it as much as you like | 07:43 |
Shirmpy_ | i like brown but more colors attracts more people!!! | 07:43 |
delire | given that most desktop machines have a single or at least primary user (ignoring root), leaving sshd listening on a sudo=ALL system is a little worrying. sshd_config's ignore root login has little place on an Ubuntu machine.. | 07:43 |
CokeNCode | ubuntu is fine, linux is about customization ... | 07:43 |
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dystopianray | ravi_: feisty should have a non-brown theme included | 07:43 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I understand | 07:43 |
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Puaff | ok, I'll see, thx | 07:43 |
Moniker42 | Jove`, thanks | 07:43 |
ravi_ | winrar: eyah riht, I just do it everytime | 07:43 |
polter | is it safe to remove kernels that I don't use? 2.6.17.. etc? | 07:43 |
Jove` | np | 07:43 |
delire | but anyway, a long RSA key is hard to crack.. | 07:43 |
CokeNCode | if u want colour, change it | 07:43 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I can resize partition only to contiguos space! | 07:43 |
jrib | polter: yes, but I would recommend keep at least one old one that you know works | 07:44 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: that's right | 07:44 |
h0ax | hi does anyone know the sudo apt-get command for xchat ? | 07:44 |
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Moniker42 | hullo PriceChild | 07:44 |
HyDraGeN | ohhhhhhhhhhh | 07:44 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, got it, no problem | 07:44 |
CokeNCode | h0ax sudo apt-cache search xchat | 07:44 |
jrib | h0ax: sudo apt-get install xchat | 07:44 |
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polter | jrib: well the one I used for edgy don't boot up feisty, so I could remove that, right? | 07:44 |
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jrib | !apt > h0ax (h0ax, see the private message from ubotu) | 07:44 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, will use swap space... shoud I turn off swap first? | 07:44 |
r3m0t | h0ax: maybe "sudo apt-get install xchat"? | 07:44 |
HyDraGeN | i see now should have done it like this: sudo update-manager -c -d | 07:44 |
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ubunturos | I'm not able to configure the USB connected device to work with my edgy | 07:44 |
HyDraGeN | thnx anyways guys | 07:44 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I guess so... | 07:44 |
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h0ax | thanks jrib | 07:44 |
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jrib | polter: yeah | 07:44 |
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sergito | server | 07:45 |
dystopianray | ubunturos: doesn't your modem have a ethernet port? | 07:45 |
reaby | is there official cd labels for the disk ? i mean front and back label for normal cd case | 07:45 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: yes, run "swapoff /dev/sda2" to disable swap | 07:45 |
polter | jrib: ok, thanks, but will Grub update its self? | 07:45 |
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ubunturos | dystopianray: yes, it has, and it works with eth0 | 07:45 |
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blahblah556 | how to set the default program to use when opening a file? | 07:45 |
dystopianray | ubunturos: so why aren't you using that? | 07:45 |
jrib | polter: yes, it should if you are using the package manager | 07:45 |
ubunturos | dystopianray: but it doesn't with the USB | 07:45 |
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ubunturos | dystopianray: rather my laptop doesnt | 07:45 |
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ssam | blahblah556, right click on the file and go to properties | 07:45 |
Lunar_Lamp | !beryl | 07:45 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 07:45 |
polter | jrib: k, otherwise I'll just go into grub and change that myself | 07:45 |
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dystopianray | ubunturos: i would just buy a cheap switch | 07:46 |
FantasmaS | Can someone tell me what shell commando I use to add a certain user to a certain group? | 07:46 |
ssam | blahblah556, you can choose in one of the tabs there | 07:46 |
Terrasque | i wonder what the load on the server is now | 07:46 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, Seems like I need to unmount... and somehow, it won't | 07:46 |
h0ax | i have this problem | 07:46 |
h0ax | h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install xchat | 07:46 |
h0ax | Password: | 07:46 |
h0ax | Reading package lists... Done | 07:46 |
h0ax | Building dependency tree... Done | 07:46 |
h0ax | E: Couldn't find package xchat | 07:46 |
dystopianray | FantasmaS: gpasswd -a user group | 07:46 |
ubunturos | dystopianray: I'm connecting my laptop and desktop to the same ADSL router | 07:46 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: if you take a screenshot of gparted with all the changes, I can help you | 07:46 |
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ubunturos | dystopianray: and trying to connect both to the internet | 07:46 |
FantasmaS | dystopianray thankyou very much | 07:46 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you can e-mail me the screenshot at | 07:46 |
HyDraGeN | god damn it feisty PWNS! | 07:46 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, options are disabled | 07:46 |
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ssam | Fanskapet, see man adduser | 07:46 |
dystopianray | ubunturos: yes i realise, i would buy a switch if i were you and connect them both via ethernet | 07:46 |
r3m0t | !paste | h0ax | 07:46 |
ubotu | h0ax: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 07:46 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: what do you get when you run "swapoff /dev/sda2" ? | 07:47 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, no problem for swapoff | 07:47 |
HyDraGeN | <emarkd> : do you play any online games? | 07:47 |
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ubunturos | dystopianray: umm, but do people end up using only it on ethernet? | 07:47 |
IdleOne | h0ax, package is called xchat-commmon or xchat-gnome pick the one you prefer | 07:47 |
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delire | FantasmaS: adduser <user> <group> | 07:47 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, it's sda1 which I can't unmount | 07:47 |
maddler | mgedmin: heya! :D | 07:47 |
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dystopianray | ubunturos: probably | 07:47 |
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FantasmaS | [delire] : thanks man | 07:47 |
h0ax | thanks | 07:47 |
ubunturos | dystopianray: umm | 07:47 |
delire | FantasmaS: hmm.. though gpasswd is probably better | 07:47 |
dystopianray | ubunturos: easiest and fastest way | 07:47 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: what error do you get? | 07:47 |
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DiMoS_BY | ? | 07:47 |
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IdleOne | h0ax, also make sure !universe is enabled | 07:47 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, device busy | 07:47 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, how can I know which process is keeping it busy? | 07:48 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you might have to boot into a live CD - I'm not sure | 07:48 |
tecta | how do i get totem-xine to play files in firefox? | 07:48 |
FantasmaS | what about setting default group for a user? | 07:48 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you should be able to extend sda1 without umount'ing it | 07:48 |
dystopianray | FantasmaS: visudo | 07:48 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: what filesystem is on sda1? | 07:48 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I see | 07:48 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, let me check | 07:48 |
dystopianray | FantasmaS: oor sorry i mean vipw | 07:49 |
ax | how do i disable popup reminders in gnome? [like new packages] | 07:49 |
ssam | FantasmaS, system -> admin -> users and groups | 07:49 |
Xander21c_ | /msg nickserv set hide email on | 07:49 |
tecta | anyone know? | 07:49 |
FantasmaS | ssam my michine has not gnome intalled | 07:49 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, sda1 is boot | 07:49 |
r3m0t | ax: right click on the icon and go to preferences | 07:49 |
dystopianray | FantasmaS: use vipw | 07:49 |
MrMakeveli | have any of you guys know how to get subtitle files like "srt" to work when watching a movie? | 07:49 |
FantasmaS | dystopianray thanks very much for the help | 07:49 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I can resize/move sda2 | 07:49 |
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dystopianray | FantasmaS: vipw -g works for groups too | 07:49 |
ddude | !info mv | 07:50 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, not sda1 (boot) | 07:50 |
ubotu | Package mv does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 07:50 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, it is disabled on gparted | 07:50 |
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FantasmaS | [dystopianray] : alright! \o/ | 07:50 |
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ssam | FantasmaS, ok (sometimes people get given lots of CLI commands when a jobs is simple in the GUI) | 07:50 |
ddude | !info synergy | 07:50 |
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FantasmaS | =] ty | 07:50 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you need to first choose to DELETE sda2 to give you space on the disk | 07:50 |
ubotu | synergy: Share mouse, keyboard and clipboard over the network. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-2ubuntu1 (edgy), package size 593 kB, installed size 1460 kB | 07:50 |
lzap | !load | 07:50 |
tecta | mediabuntu is slooooooow | 07:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about load - try searching on | 07:50 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ah, ok | 07:50 |
ax | it seems as though my headers for opengl aren't the same version as my actual opengl libraries.. any ideas? | 07:50 |
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shaleh | preferences for a pure Linux laptop vendor, i.e. a laptop without the MS license? | 07:50 |
dystopianray | sharp: system76 i think it is | 07:51 |
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spikeb | shaleh, system76 | 07:51 |
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dystopianray | sharp: sorry wrong person | 07:51 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: (1) right click on /dev/sda2, go to delete (2) right click on /dev/sda1, go to resize, make it 200MB and (3) create a new partition, number "2", type "swap", in the space between 1 and 3 | 07:51 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, sda2 deleted... still, I can't seem to resize! | 07:51 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: is it grayed out? | 07:51 |
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shaleh | why system76? good support? nice selection? | 07:51 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, yes... | 07:51 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, seems like *something* is keeping that partition "busy" | 07:51 |
dystopianray | shaleh: comes with ubuntu by default | 07:52 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, and thus, unavailable | 07:52 |
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shaleh | dystopianray, know anyone who has bought from them? | 07:52 |
Gartra1 | why am i downloading ubuntu dist upgrades at dialup speed whn i have dsl? | 07:52 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: please send a screenshot of gparted running full screen | 07:52 |
alex_dinamo | ok | 07:52 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: to me | 07:52 |
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AnRkey | I think we are slowing the net down :D | 07:52 |
dystopianray | shaleh: there are probalby a bunch of people here right now who've bought from them | 07:52 |
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Puppy_ | I'm planning on using the upgrade manager to upgrade to feisty today. I really don't want to have any problems, so I'm downloading the LiveCD to make sure that I won't have any. If the LiveCD works, will I be in the clear for upgrading? | 07:52 |
r3m0t | Gartra1: a lot of people are downloading from the same website at the same time | 07:52 |
BHSPitMonkey | OK, here's a tricky one: I just switched from edgy to feisty, and I want to install all the stuff I used to have installed. I have a list of every package that was installed in edgy. But, I'm afraid if I apt-get [that list] , it'll get a bunch of edgy-specific badness. Will apt weed that stuff out, due to it being missing from the repos or etc? | 07:52 |
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AnRkey | i can hardly browse the repos in uk :) | 07:53 |
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r3m0t | Gartra1: using bittorrent is faster if you know how | 07:53 |
jrib | BHSPitMonkey: how did you create the list? | 07:53 |
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tecta | anyone have any idea why medibuntu is soo slow? | 07:53 |
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max1 | Anybody know how to instal the steam hlds on a pentium there a special file or something? | 07:53 |
silya | I can't download Packages.gz from edgy-security :( | 07:53 |
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Gartra1 | not on my pos comp | 07:53 |
Gralq | does anyone have the time for a (hopefully) quick fix? | 07:53 |
fiveiron | hrm... whats the thing you have to do if the update manager says "could not calculate upgrade" .. you have to do something with gpg i thought | 07:53 |
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BHSPitMonkey | jrib, from some dpkg command, and then I formatted the list so that it's usable. It's just a space-delimited list of -every- package that was installed. | 07:53 |
jburd | I'm trying to run opera, but it just crashes displaying a message on the terminal "segmentaion fault" | 07:53 |
ssam | BHSPitMonkey, try it. it should ask for comfirmation first | 07:53 |
jwooldridge75 | anyone having trouble playing videos in 7.04 | 07:53 |
jburd | It was working fine earlier during the day. What could be the problem? | 07:54 |
jrib | BHSPitMonkey: in the future you may want to do this: | 07:54 |
crolle17 | can somebody please help me with a svn-command? | 07:54 |
jrib | !cloning > BHSPitMonkey (BHSPitMonkey, see the private message from ubotu) | 07:54 |
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h0ax | im having this problem while trying to install kismet "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH" | 07:54 |
ssam | crolle17, what do you need to know | 07:54 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, gone! | 07:54 |
CokeNCode | well, thanks for all the help guys | 07:54 |
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CokeNCode | time for lunch | 07:54 |
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dystopianray | crolle17: what command? | 07:54 |
stdin | !b-e | h0ax | 07:54 |
ubotu | h0ax: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:54 |
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h0ax | thanks | 07:54 |
IdleOne | h0ax, install buld-essential | 07:54 |
BHSPitMonkey | jrib, ah, that's a helpful factoid. That may have been the command I used, and plus, I still have the edgy partition to get back into. Thanks. | 07:55 |
crolle17 | ssam dystopianray i want to set some files to ignore and use svn propedit svn:ignore | 07:55 |
AnRkey | i am on RC1 and it's stable stable stable | 07:55 |
Gralq | Cannot load /etc/apache2/libexec/ into server: /etc/apache2/libexec/ undefined symbol: apr_group_name_get <- anything that rings a bell for someone? got the problem after the upgrade | 07:55 |
malte | whats the url to that page on the ubuntu site (or was it their forums?) where you can see the status of all proposed and currently in-the-works new features and additions? | 07:55 |
IdleOne | h0ax, install build-essential that is | 07:55 |
AnRkey | very very impressed | 07:55 |
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h0ax | how idleone ? | 07:55 |
AnRkey | to all devs thanks very very much!!! | 07:55 |
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dystopianray | AnRkey: which snapshot are you using? | 07:55 |
jrib | BHSPitMonkey: ok, then it's probably easier to do that way | 07:55 |
yell0w | Gralq, #apache | 07:55 |
IdleOne | h0ax, sudo apt-get install buld-essential in terminal | 07:55 |
sdfasdfawef | how do i update from feisty beta to feisty final? | 07:55 |
max1 | Anybody know how to instal the steam hlds on a pentium there a special file or something? | 07:55 |
fiveiron | gah you know what would be nice? if gnome-terminal started a screen session automatically... | 07:55 |
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Tonyo | can somebody tell me how I can change the screen resolution to 1280x1024? | 07:55 |
crolle17 | it is concerning files with extension .aux and are in the directory /home/user/doc | 07:55 |
Gralq | yell0w: thanks | 07:55 |
Crazytom_ | ftp | 07:55 |
IdleOne | errrrrbuild-essential | 07:55 |
AnRkey | 16th i think | 07:55 |
eobanb | !fixres | Tonyo | 07:55 |
ubotu | Tonyo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 07:55 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: I'm going to give up on gparted and continue with the command line | 07:55 |
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HYPOCRISY | Hello | 07:56 |
ssam | crolle17, ok, i am not sure. have you looked at the SVN book. it is quite helpful (google for svn book) | 07:56 |
fiveiron | max1: try #winehq | 07:56 |
Crazytom_ | sorry didn't realize i was still here | 07:56 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 07:56 |
h0ax | Idleone: E: Couldn't find package buld-essential | 07:56 |
BHSPitMonkey | jrib, think the dkpg --get-selections will work in a chroot? | 07:56 |
dystopianray | AnRkey: you're probalby running what is now the final | 07:56 |
Gartra1 | POWER TO THE ALMIGHTY CLI | 07:56 |
IdleOne | h0ax, it's build-essential sorry for my typo | 07:56 |
crolle17 | ssam dystopianray should the command look like this: svn propedit svn:ignore /home/user/doc ?? | 07:56 |
Puppy_ | Will getting the Feisty LiveCD insure I won't have problems upgrading? | 07:56 |
ssam | hoax build-essential | 07:56 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: open "fdisk /dev/sda" | 07:56 |
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krabador | very good | 07:56 |
jrib | BHSPitMonkey: yep | 07:56 |
AnRkey | dystopianray,it's perfect :D | 07:56 |
winrar | Gartra1: it has power enough already ;p | 07:56 |
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Tonyo | thank you | 07:56 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 07:56 |
kane77 | oh, and I cant even install enemy territory :( it says something like: "./ 278: /home/kane/.setup8661: not found. ", anyone knows why? (I'm running 64-bit feisty) (and this file should be created during install, but for some reason isnt) | 07:56 |
krabador | i'm here with feisy final livecd!!!! | 07:56 |
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AnRkey | i can't believe how easy everything is now | 07:57 |
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jrib | Puppy_: you cannot upgrade using the Desktop CD, you can only do a fresh install | 07:57 |
max1 | fiveiron: that's a packet right? | 07:57 |
Gartra1 | i cant belive how SLOW everything is | 07:57 |
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h0ax | sorted idleone thanks | 07:57 |
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AnRkey | dystopianray, it was amazing to see how quickly everyone works while moving from herd to herd to beta and then to rc | 07:57 |
Korgmatose | I see no updates at all in the manager ... Pehaps there are no new packages then ... | 07:58 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: wait, I'm opening it myself | 07:58 |
Puppy_ | Jrib, I'm planning on using the Upgrade manager to acutally upagrade, but I want to make sure I won't have any problems. Will the LiveCD confirm this? | 07:58 |
mgalvin | holy crap 1400+ users, wow! | 07:58 |
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crolle17 | dystopianray ??? | 07:58 |
fuffalo- | is there any reason why my evolution brings up mail messages incredibly slow, sometimes even hanging evolution? I'm connecting to an exchange server and i have "sync locally" checked, and spamchecking on | 07:58 |
mc44 | mgalvin: it was at 1600 for a bit | 07:58 |
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slanning | if anyone's set up jabberd2: I'm following but /etc/init.d/jabberd2 doesn't seem to actually start anything - how do I proceed? | 07:58 |
dystopianray | crolle17: i'm not really sure with that,sorry | 07:58 |
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jrib | Puppy_: I don't see how? You want to do a test-run with the live cd? | 07:58 |
mgalvin | mc44: wow! thats awesome | 07:58 |
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Noah0504_ | Hello all. | 07:58 |
mc44 | mgalvin: or chaos. One of the two :) | 07:58 |
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mgalvin | :) | 07:58 |
Pie-rate | only 1.5k people here? i thought it'd be more | 07:58 |
Noah0504_ | Everyone enjoying Fesity yet? | 07:58 |
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AnRkey | dystopianray, whats so cool that if i am this happy with feisty then i can't wait to see gutsy | 07:59 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: type "d <enter> 1 <enter>" then you should get the prompt "Command (h for help)" | 07:59 |
alleyoopster | errm now why is it so busy on here ? let me think ........ | 07:59 |
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Gartra1 | ohh gawd... its reading BAUD! | 07:59 |
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jason_ | i have 6.06 lts i have to burn 7.04 to disk update like that right | 07:59 |
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Puppy_ | jrib, something like that. I was told that getting the LiveCD working pretty much garuntees that the install will work. Is that true for upgrading too? | 07:59 |
mrmonday | Noah0504_, no :( | 07:59 |
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Noah0504 | mrmonday: Why not? | 07:59 |
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dystopianray | AnRkey: yes hopefully gutsy is an amazing release | 07:59 |
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lorsche | after i reinstalled windows, the drives' entry in fstab became invalid. how is one suppose to fix this? | 07:59 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, gonna delete partition 1? | 07:59 |
IdleOne | !upgrade | jason_ | 07:59 |
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ubotu | jason_: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 07:59 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: if that works, type "n <ENTER> p <ENTER> 1 <ENTER> +200M <ENTER>" and you should get the prompt again | 07:59 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, sda1? | 07:59 |
jrib | Puppy_: oh, well if you can get the live cd to run, then you can be pretty sure that the install will work fine. But as far as having issues during the upgrade process, those may still occur | 08:00 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: yes, don't worry | 08:00 |
mrmonday | Noah0504, the install failed on me. I am going to try again when the servers aren't as busy | 08:00 |
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AnRkey | dystopianray, I think for gutsy i want to make time to work on a gui for the logitech mx mouse setup | 08:00 |
Puppy_ | jrib, Ok thanks. | 08:00 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 08:00 |
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Noah0504 | mrmonday: Ahh. | 08:00 |
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yannick | Hi, what is the default firewall in feisty ? I can't find firestarter... | 08:00 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: now, type "p <ENTER>" and copy the listing onto pastebin | 08:00 |
Pie-rate | is there any risk in updating to feisty? | 08:00 |
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Pie-rate | anyone having problems? | 08:00 |
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dystopianray | Pie-rate: there are problems with intel-hda audio | 08:01 |
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paerez | yannick: by default all ports are firewalled | 08:01 |
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dlinsky | Hi | 08:01 |
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yannick | paerez: I need to ocnfigure it... | 08:01 |
mrmonday | Pie-rate, wait until tommorow... or later | 08:01 |
dystopianray | paerez: on desktop ubuntu? | 08:01 |
Pie-rate | mrmonday: k | 08:01 |
lorsche | after i reinstalled windows, the drives' entry in fstab became invalid. how is one suppose to fix this? | 08:01 |
jrib | !iptables | yannick | 08:01 |
ubotu | yannick: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:01 |
alex_dinamo | | 08:01 |
paerez | Pie-rate: I had trouble because I went dapper->edgy->feisty without reinstalling and my fstab was messed up | 08:01 |
r3m0t | Pie-rate: tomorrow the mirrors will also be faster ;) | 08:01 |
Smaran | !feisty | 08:01 |
] Johnny[ | how do you properly pronounce ubuntu? is there audio somewhere of someone saying the name correctly? | 08:01 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at | 08:01 |
sdfasdfawef | how do i upgrade from feisty beta to the final version? | 08:01 |
jrib | yannick: there are no rules in the firewall by default | 08:01 |
yannick | jrib: c'mon i want a GUI | 08:01 |
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mrmonday | Pie-rate, only because it will go very slow today | 08:01 |
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dystopianray | ] Johnny[: uboontu | 08:01 |
alleyoopster | lorsche: you can still get into ubuntu? | 08:01 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I understand: even if delete the partition, the information remains untouched, right? | 08:01 |
jrib | yannick: ubotu just gave you two gui's | 08:01 |
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Pie-rate | ah, more bandwidth for you then, eh? | 08:02 |
Pie-rate | :) | 08:02 |
mrmonday | Pie-rate, look on the ubuntu site before upgrading | 08:02 |
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dlinsky | Can anybody help me setting up gdm for remoting login? Either via VNC or Xming... query please | 08:02 |
paerez | yannick: then you would need to get a firewall. Firestarter is in the Universe Repository | 08:02 |
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Reliant | alex_dinamo, yes, but good luck recovering the data without specialized tools, hehe | 08:02 |
mrmonday | Pie-rate, yes, and the site has some good advise | 08:02 |
Slash | sdfasdfawef: aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade | 08:02 |
lorsche | yes. i reinstalled grub and all but the windows partition is not aotumounted. | 08:02 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: exactly. now write "w <ENTER>" | 08:02 |
jason_ | ubotu thanks | 08:02 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 08:02 |
crypticreign | i am using nvidia-glx on a fresh install of feisty, when I startx I get a blank screen | 08:03 |
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Smaran | ubotu you rock | 08:03 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, Reliant, do not scare me! | 08:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about you rock - try searching on | 08:03 |
AlbertoP | hello | 08:03 |
lorsche | alleyoopster: yes. i reinstalled grub and all but the windows partition is not aotumounted. | 08:03 |
dystopianray | crypticreign: what card do you have? | 08:03 |
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yannick | !iptables | 08:03 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 08:03 |
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Gartra1 | ubotu | 08:03 |
crypticreign | dystopianray: mx4400 | 08:03 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, done | 08:03 |
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crypticreign | dystopianray: sorry, mx4000 | 08:03 |
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sdfasdfawef | slash: i tried that but it told me that there were no updates available. its been like that for a couple days | 08:03 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, it worked | 08:03 |
paerez | yannick: firestarter is in "universe" | 08:03 |
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Vi1 | hiya guyes | 08:03 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, now what, reboot? | 08:03 |
Gartra1 | ubotu thanks | 08:03 |
ubotu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 08:03 |
benkemper | Could someone help a complete newb with GRUB?? | 08:03 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: NO not yet! | 08:04 |
hylje | hm, my box seems to lose the ability to use wired internet after suspending | 08:04 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok! | 08:04 |
dystopianray | crypticreign: it worked with nvidia-glx in previous releases? | 08:04 |
hylje | (and resuming) | 08:04 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, haha.. waiting.. | 08:04 |
hylje | it used to work some time ago | 08:04 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run "sudo resize reiserfs -v /dev/sda1" | 08:04 |
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crypticreign | dystopianray: yes | 08:04 |
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kneeki | Ubuntu labels download link (I made them myself): ENJOY! | 08:04 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run "sudo resize_reiserfs -v /dev/sda1" | 08:04 |
Pie-rate | alex_dinamo: what the hell do you think this is, windows? we don't reboot that much here. | 08:04 |
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yannick | paerez: don't worry, i'm use to synaptic/apt-get/dpgk... | 08:04 |
Slash | sdfasdfawef: then your machine _is_ upto date.... enjoy your new feisty system (as i am) :) | 08:04 |
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lorsche | alleyoopster: i think the uuid of the drive has changed so the old entry is now invalid? | 08:04 |
Gartra1 | benkemper: whats up? | 08:04 |
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paerez | yannick: ok so you found firestarter then? | 08:04 |
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yannick | paerez: yep, installed yet | 08:05 |
JosefK | are there no other mirrors for | 08:05 |
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sdfasdfawef | Slash: thanks | 08:05 |
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crolle17 | who can help me with my svn:ignore question? | 08:05 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, no option -v available.. it seems: Usage: resize [-u] [-c] [-s [rows cols] ] | 08:05 |
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FantasmaS | how can I protect my files in /var/www/ from uses that connect with ssh so they can not se my php code without compromising my website? | 08:06 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: I meant resize_reiserfs please try again | 08:06 |
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alleyoopster | lorsche: something like "/dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat defaults 0 1" you will need a /media/windows folder of course and assuming windows is /dev/hda1 or sda1 | 08:06 |
jrib | crolle17: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will try | 08:06 |
Korgmatose | are the regional mirrors updated or are we to rely on a single mirror? | 08:06 |
Vi1 | hiya, need help with wlan when any1 is ready, let me know (clean install of feisty) the card doesn't work "out of the box" | 08:06 |
alex_dinamo | Pie-rate, good point! hahaha | 08:06 |
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jburd | Bah. | 08:06 |
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dystopianray | Vi1: is it a broadcom card? | 08:06 |
SeveredCross | Whee. | 08:06 |
jburd | The latest release of x11 broke my older versions of opera. | 08:06 |
Vi1 | dystopianray: yes | 08:06 |
MrMakeveli | hey who was that was helping me w/ the subtitles? | 08:06 |
dlinsky | How do I have to set up Xming and gdm for accessing Linux applications from Windows 2k? | 08:06 |
jburd | i needed opera to run web tests. | 08:06 |
jburd | :| | 08:06 |
SeveredCross | Opera. | 08:07 |
SeveredCross | Bah Opera. | 08:07 |
dystopianray | Vi1: it can't work out of the box, you need either firmware, or a windows driver and ndiswrapper | 08:07 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, out put is: "/dev/sda1 already is of the needed size. Nothing to be done | 08:07 |
alex_dinamo | " | 08:07 |
jburd | Hey, don't blame me. I need to develop and test websites with it. | 08:07 |
valehru | whats the port that needs to be open for ubuntus remote desktop to work? 5900 the same as vnc? | 08:07 |
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crolle17 | jrib did so. | 08:07 |
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mgedmin | valehru: yes, it's vnc | 08:07 |
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dlinsky | I don't get it... :| | 08:07 |
dystopianray | valehru: netstat -tlp | 08:07 |
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jburd | Is there a way I can rollback to the earlier version of x11? | 08:07 |
jburd | libx11? | 08:07 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: please wait | 08:07 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok | 08:07 |
yannick | Can someone point me to how-to flash on feisty AMD64 ? | 08:07 |
jrib | crolle17: just repeat the question then instead of asking if someone knows something about a general topic | 08:08 |
jrib | !flash > yannick (yannick, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:08 |
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colifato | why when i try actualize my ubuntu 7.04 beta, synaptic say me "no new version" ??? | 08:08 |
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crolle17 | jrib how to set files with extension (say .aux) to prpedit svn:ignore? | 08:08 |
Vi1 | dystopianray: can you tell me how to? | 08:08 |
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crolle17 | propedit | 08:08 |
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paerez | yannick: go to a website with flash in mozilla, and it will auto-install | 08:08 |
JosefK | crolle17, svn propset "svn:ignore" "*" [filenames] | 08:08 |
yannick | jrib: thx you | 08:08 |
michael-i | anyone have any ufs mounting tips? I have a "ufs_read_super: bad magic number" that I'm trying to solve. | 08:08 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run "debugreiserfs /dev/sda1" and put the result on pastebin | 08:08 |
dystopianray | Vi1: i'm not sure how to get firmware but ndiswraper is easy to setup, i can help in a pm | 08:08 |
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netmon1 | Would anyone be able to help me fix a lilo.conf to do triple booting (windows, Ubuntu, and other linux distro)? | 08:09 |
yannick | paerez: don't work with amd64 | 08:09 |
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Vi1 | dystopianray: that sounds good | 08:09 |
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JosefK | crolle17, replacing * with the ignore pattern | 08:09 |
paerez | !flash > paerez | 08:09 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, | 08:09 |
crolle17 | JosefK in apostrophe? | 08:09 |
lorsche | alleyoopster: this is what it looks like in my fstab -> UUID=1CE4B966E4B942B6 /mnt/primary ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 | 08:09 |
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jacek | heloo | 08:09 |
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benkemper | Need help configuring grub to boot my third partition... windows vista.... could anyone help me out?? | 08:10 |
Smaran | !feisty | 08:10 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at | 08:10 |
Paul_UK | hey there, running an ati radeon mobility, when i enable desktop effects, my screen goes blank, what am i missing? | 08:10 |
JosefK | crolle17, well, use single apostraphes (') if you don't want bash to expand the pattern | 08:10 |
Paul_UK | also where do i find vpn connectivity with 7.04? | 08:10 |
SeveredCross | LOL @ #ubuntu-release-arty | 08:10 |
ditoa | i cant apt-get lol | 08:10 |
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lorsche | alleyoopster: it will work even if i replace the uuid with with /dev/xxx? | 08:10 |
MrMakeveli | hey guys how can i md5 sum check this thing? | 08:10 |
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ditoa | the servers are pretty much dead hehe | 08:10 |
campelo | ola aguem | 08:10 |
SeveredCross | Paul_UK: Your screen goes blank, sounds like X is crashing. | 08:10 |
dystopianray | MrMakeveli: md5sum thing | 08:10 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: OK - you will need to reboot, BUT FIRST, I forgot something in fdisk :) | 08:10 |
ditoa | MrMakeveli@ what OS u using? | 08:10 |
Rprp | ChanServ Daveym[DJ] Duiv GameServ Global Jolein MemoServ NickServ OperServ roconda Rprp Wesleysld | 08:10 |
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Paul_UK | SeveredCross: yeah most likyely | 08:10 |
SeveredCross | I had the same problem, ATI Mobility Radeon X1400, never got it to wrok. | 08:10 |
MrMakeveli | dystopianray, thats what i was thinking, thanks | 08:10 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, haha.. ok.. what is this? | 08:10 |
colifato | !feisty | 08:10 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at | 08:10 |
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Paul_UK | damn, im sure you can tho | 08:11 |
crolle17 | JosefK then svn is setting all files in this directory with * to ignore. | 08:11 |
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SeveredCross | Seems to be related to the version of X you're using, I seem to recall something about it being fixed in newer releases of X. | 08:11 |
Angeluz | Paul_UK: You can. | 08:11 |
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SeveredCross | Are you using Edgy or Feisty? | 08:11 |
FOAD | #ubuntu-release-party | 08:11 |
Angeluz | You'll need the xorg radeon drivers. | 08:11 |
Paul_UK | ok will resolve that later, where is VPN connectivity with Feisty? | 08:11 |
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MrMakeveli | should i do the online update or just burn the cd i just got? | 08:11 |
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froyd | hi peps, When u install something throught Make and Compile and all that stuff how do u uninstall it ? | 08:11 |
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dystopianray | Paul_UK: what sort of vpn? | 08:11 |
Stoffer | you guys are gonna love this: | 08:11 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: run "fdisk /dev/sda" and put "a <ENTER> 1 <ENTER> " then "w <ENTER>" | 08:11 |
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JosefK | crolle17, indeed, unless they're already in the repository | 08:11 |
psusi | froyd: you can try make uninstall | 08:11 |
Jack3 | holy shit | 08:11 |
SeveredCross | froyd: Open a terminal, cd to the directory where you extracted the sources, first type ./configure, then sudo make and sudo make install once sudo make finishes. | 08:11 |
clearzen | froyd: did you make a .deb file with checkinstall? | 08:11 |
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SeveredCross | Oh, uninstall. | 08:12 |
SeveredCross | Heh. | 08:12 |
SeveredCross | Never mind. | 08:12 |
Jack3 | i thought the efnet channel was the official one | 08:12 |
eifzon | What is the commando to JUST change the resolution? | 08:12 |
Jack3 | 1400 users lol | 08:12 |
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IdleOne | !ohmy | Jack3 | 08:12 |
ubotu | Jack3: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:12 |
SpookyET | Is there an official Ubuntu torrent? | 08:12 |
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Jack3 | oh, sorry :( | 08:12 |
colifato | why when i try actualize my ubuntu 7.04 beta, synaptic say me "no new version" ??? may because i'm from argentina can be? | 08:12 |
jrib | !feisty > SpookyET (SpookyET, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:12 |
froyd | clearzen: i guess so isnt that when u do sometthinh like check make clean or something like that | 08:12 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, bootable flag! ok... done! | 08:12 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: oh, and that isn't all! :) re-open fdisk (I'm so incompetent ;)) and | 08:12 |
froyd | i basically did this: | 08:12 |
psusi | colifato: no.. it's because you are up to date | 08:12 |
Angeluz | "holy sh*t" isn't family friedly? ;) | 08:12 |
IdleOne | !es | colifato | 08:13 |
ubotu | colifato: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 08:13 |
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crolle17 | JosefK svn is asking for an explicite aim? | 08:13 |
colifato | ahahah ,.. thanxs psusi | 08:13 |
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IdleOne | Angeluz, no it isnt | 08:13 |
clearzen | froyd: no, make clean cleans up the binaries from the last make | 08:13 |
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Korgmatose | Beryl is still broken with fglrx in the release. annoying | 08:13 |
Vi1 | dystopianray: check pm | 08:13 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, hahaha... it's ok.. don't worry... restore swap partition, right? | 08:13 |
Paul_UK | Feisty | 08:13 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: do "n <enter> p <enter> 26 <enter> <enter>" | 08:13 |
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dystopianray | Vi1: i've not recieved any from you | 08:13 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: yes :( | 08:13 |
Paul_UK | damn lost connection | 08:13 |
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froyd | clearzen: then i dont know i just followed that page there : | 08:13 |
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benkemper | can someone help me with grub so I can boot my third partition (vista) | 08:13 |
`sam` | michael dell is running feisty on his laptop: | 08:13 |
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Paul_UK | so, guys vpn with fiesty? | 08:14 |
froyd | its kiba dock but it doesnt work properly i guess i have a really old version or something | 08:14 |
froyd | just doesnt work | 08:14 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: then "t <enter> 2 <enter> 82 <enter>" | 08:14 |
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ChrisF | greetings. I have a USB Microsoft USB mouse and I want the left mouse button to go "back" in Firefox. How do I set that up? | 08:14 |
dlinsky | Anybody help me with configuring gdm to log in from a remote windows 2k workstation... please query me | 08:14 |
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Paul_UK | dlinsky, use terminal server client | 08:14 |
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Paul_UK | dlinsky, im using it now lol | 08:14 |
r3m0t | ChrisF: don't you use the left mouse button to click on links? | 08:14 |
dlinsky | like VNC? | 08:14 |
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jrib | ChrisF: you want left click to go back? How would you open links? Take a look into imwheel | 08:14 |
os2mac | !fiesty | 08:14 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at | 08:14 |
ChrisF | sorry | 08:14 |
ChrisF | not left click | 08:14 |
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Paul_UK | yeah like VNC but you use RDP | 08:14 |
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crypticreign | dystopianray: any ideas? | 08:14 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok... wrote table... done! | 08:15 |
ChrisF | I want the button on the far left (I click it with my thumb) to do Back | 08:15 |
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Paul_UK | where can i find VPN, its under network manager, but cant seem to find it | 08:15 |
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ChrisF | it's a side button | 08:15 |
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jrib | !mouse > ChrisF (ChrisF, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:15 |
`sam` | ChrisF, use imwheel | 08:15 |
crypticreign | dystopianray: i can't even alt-ctrl F1 when the screen is blank | 08:15 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: now run the command "sudo mkswap /dev/sda2" and "sudo swapon /dev/sda2" | 08:15 |
ChrisF | is imwheel a package I have to install? | 08:15 |
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dystopianray | crypticreign: pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 08:15 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, a warning, though: WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy. | 08:15 |
`sam` | ChrisF, yes | 08:15 |
Matt82 | i'm having trouble loading a livecd, after restoring a windows computer. now when I put in a livecd (I tried ubuntu dapper and xubuntu) i get a "buffer i/o error on device hdb" error that prevents it from completely loading. any ideas? | 08:15 |
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ChrisF | great, thanks! | 08:15 |
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jburd | Crap. :| | 08:15 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: it's OK... it just means after swapon we will have to reboot (no, really ;)) | 08:15 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, "The kernel still uses the old table. | 08:15 |
alex_dinamo | " | 08:15 |
`sam` | ChrisF, this might help too: | 08:15 |
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Paul_UK | i have to say fiesy rocks so much, much better than 6.10 | 08:16 |
Jack3 | im a rather noob to linux, used a few distros before , but mainly windows XP, is kubuntu 7.04 a good choice? | 08:16 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok, gonna do the swapon | 08:16 |
Paul_UK | is network manager under places? | 08:16 |
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clearzen | froyd: install with sudo aptitude install and it should detect and remove the compiled source version before it installs I believe. | 08:16 |
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r3m0t | Jack3: I prefer ubuntu, but kubuntu it not bad | 08:16 |
jburd | Why is there no way to rollback an installation? | 08:16 |
dlinsky | Paul_UK: maybe you can spend some minutes? | 08:16 |
Horscht | hey, i need help | 08:16 |
vi0 | need help installing my wireless (broadcom) on x64 feisty | 08:16 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, swapon: operation not permitted :( | 08:16 |
lorsche | alleyoopster: trying with /dev/sda1. thanks. | 08:16 |
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flodine | is there a way to remove the ubuntu log and put the footprint back in the menu bar? | 08:17 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I guess this doesn't matter, right? | 08:17 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: that actually makes some sense... hmm | 08:17 |
Thug-N-Me | what should i go for upgrade existing Ubuntu or fresh install ? | 08:17 |
valehru | does anyone have a fix as to why feisty is slow providing a password for a ssh session? | 08:17 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: you'de better reboot | 08:17 |
Paul_UK | dlinsky : use terminal server client to cnnect from linux to windows | 08:17 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, we *are* going to reboot... | 08:17 |
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Horscht | I have a USB drive and am running kubuntu 7.04 beta | 08:17 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: I meant before mkswap :) | 08:17 |
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Stig | hi, this may be a silly question, but whats the difference between alternate and desktop when downloading Feisty?! | 08:17 |
dlinsky | no, I'm trying the other way round | 08:17 |
dystopianray | valehru: that's normal, to discourage dictionary attacks | 08:17 |
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skar | hi, i'm running dapper, how do i upgrade to the latest version? | 08:17 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, mkswap worked ok | 08:17 |
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Paul_UK | can someone tell me where is VPN with fiesty? | 08:17 |
alleyoopster | lorsche: sorry was out of the room, the device name should work | 08:17 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: what sort of vpn? | 08:18 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, mkswap worked ok, and then swapon failed | 08:18 |
r3m0t | Stig: "desktop" is suitable for most people. "alternate" has some special uses (LVM, RAID) | 08:18 |
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Horscht | when i plug the USB drive in, i get a dialog that asks me what to do with the device, wether i want to watch the contents etc. | 08:18 |
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Stig | ah ok | 08:18 |
Stig | thanks | 08:18 |
Mirage | Oh, taken :( | 08:18 |
disasm | Paul_UK: if it's a cisco vpn, try vpnc | 08:18 |
valehru | dystopianray, really? is there a way to minimize the delay, its annoying on a secure lan | 08:18 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: it's OK, just reboot and give me a shout in this chat room | 08:18 |
dlinsky | Paul_UK: I know how to connect from Linux to Windows, I just need it vice versa | 08:18 |
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Paul_UK | dlinksy, then its simple: use vnc as the client and then system > remote desktop | 08:18 |
froyd | psusi: I tryed the make uninstall but i still have the kiba-dock command | 08:18 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: if it fails I hope you have another computer... :( | 08:18 |
dystopianray | valehru: try /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 08:18 |
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Paul_UK | disasm, no its not cisco | 08:18 |
froyd | aparently it still installed the program | 08:18 |
Horscht | but I can not open it at all | 08:18 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: are you in the UK? *grin* | 08:18 |
Paul_UK | and fiesty has the feature | 08:18 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok.. hahaha... let's hope it works | 08:18 |
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z987k | hmmm so is the iso I downloaded last night a 3am the official release? | 08:18 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, tooo far from UK! | 08:18 |
MrMakeveli | are the servers really dead? should i go off cd? | 08:18 |
crypticreign | dystopianray: | 08:18 |
disasm | Paul_UK: ipsec/racoon? | 08:18 |
Paul_UK | its not cisco dont want to install vpnc | 08:19 |
Paul_UK | disasm : pptp/l2tp | 08:19 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: OK, bye then | 08:19 |
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psusi | froyd: does it work or is it just still on the menu? | 08:19 |
dlinsky | Paul_UK: I did, but it does not work the way I want it to | 08:19 |
Paul_UK | fiest has vpn, i cant find it | 08:19 |
froyd | psusi: i just lauched it its here and working | 08:19 |
Paul_UK | dlinksy, no idea then | 08:19 |
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Paul_UK | VPN: Easy VPN access with NetworkManager. | 08:19 |
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psusi | froyd: did the make uninstall work or did it fail? | 08:19 |
froyd | psusi: i mean the dock itself works but i cant really configure it, depending on the configuration it stop working | 08:19 |
JosefK | MrMakeveli, the mirrors I'm using for multiverse/universe are fine, but's dead | 08:19 |
Paul_UK | where is network manager | 08:19 |
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dystopianray | Paul_UK: network-manager-pptp i believe the package is called | 08:20 |
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disasm | Paul_UK: pptpd i think | 08:20 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: should be in your system tray | 08:20 |
froyd | psusi: it worked apparently | 08:20 |
dlinsky | I can connect to the current desktop on the remote machine, but I want to log on to another X session | 08:20 |
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psusi | froyd: ohh, but it is still running you are saying? relog | 08:20 |
froyd | psusi: but the program still runs if i type the command to lauch it | 08:20 |
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MrMakeveli | JosefK, should i just burn the cd then and upgrade from there? | 08:20 |
fucter | crap, its crowded in here | 08:20 |
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psusi | froyd: ohh... then I guess it's makefile doesn't properly uninstall it | 08:20 |
disasm | dlinsky: ah, you mean vnc into a computer and bring up a login? | 08:20 |
dystopianray | crypticreign: sorry i'm not sure how to solve the problem, i've not seen an error like that | 08:20 |
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valehru | MrMakeveli, there are plenty of places to download the torrent, take the strain off of the ubuntu server at least.....thousands are sharing the feisty torrent right now | 08:21 |
dlinsky | yes | 08:21 |
valehru | Im pretty sure that the piratebay was as well, however they might have taken it down when people started telling them that it was free to distribute | 08:21 |
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JosefK | MrMakeveli, I'd say it isn't worth the effort, wait a few hours and try again, besides, if you have packages that weren't installed from CD you could end up with some dependency trouble | 08:21 |
mrmonday | PriceChild, hows the server doing? | 08:21 |
Paul_UK | network-manager-pptp command not found | 08:21 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: you have to install it | 08:21 |
froyd | psusi: i guess not then, is there a hard way to remove it, i mean, i want to try another way to install kiba-dock, but if i still have this one will it conflict or something ? | 08:21 |
disasm | dlinsky: | 08:21 |
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danidanilo | Hey guys, When I installed Edgy I used a small size .iso (around 12 megs in size, if I remember well). That iso would boot and begin the installation but download the rest of files from the internet. Is there .iso like that for ubuntu 7.04? Ty guys ^^ | 08:21 |
MrMakeveli | valehru, yeah i already have the iso, im just debating on whether to use it or not | 08:21 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: run 'nm-applet' to get network-manager up | 08:21 |
MrMakeveli | JosefK, i'll probably just wait a few hours then | 08:21 |
MrMakeveli | maybe go grab lunch | 08:22 |
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lorsche | alleyoopster: it worked. thanks. | 08:22 |
fucter | edgy installed fine, but both feisty desktop and feisty alternative dont. i get a error on the desktop cd "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" | 08:22 |
valehru | MrMakeveli, no point in having it if your not going to use it....thats my reasoning | 08:22 |
alleyoopster | lorsche: no worries | 08:22 |
ardchoille | Do I still need to be doing '!info app feisty' when querying the bot? | 08:22 |
r3m0t | danidanilo: it doesn't matter, because the servers are very slow. it will be faster to download the .torrent and burn the disc | 08:22 |
surviver | hy evry1, ive got a question i use 64 bit ubuntu now my prob is i cant find (or dont know of it exists), a flashplayer or macromedia plugin so i can view webpages .. i search them.. | 08:22 |
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dlinsky | disasm: I did this but I either don't get a stable connection (reset by remote socket) or I only see a blank X surface | 08:22 |
valehru | MrMakeveli, depends on what your reason is for using it... | 08:22 |
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dystopianray | surviver: you need either a 32-bit chroot or nspluginwrapper | 08:22 |
MrMakeveli | valehru, oh i plan on using it. i plan on burning about 10 copies and handing them out like candy to my friends | 08:22 |
jrib | !flash > surviver (surviver, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:22 |
danidanilo | oh ok. Ty r3m0t ^^ | 08:22 |
vi0 | need support on bcm43xx installation on feisty (64-bit) or a "how to" .. plz when you are ready | 08:23 |
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ralph_ | I'm finding bittorrent for i386 desktop iso 7.04 to be slow, ie. 78M down, 243M up, finishing in 27 hours. Any ideas? | 08:23 |
surviver | k :) | 08:23 |
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alleyoopster | lorsche: you can add other options like utf8, check the forums | 08:23 |
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dlinsky | and when logging on locally at the Linux machine the vnc server stops running... | 08:23 |
psusi | froyd: if you install it again it will just replace any existing files | 08:23 |
IdleOne | !bcm43xx | vi0 | 08:23 |
ubotu | vi0: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 08:23 |
valehru | vi0, !ndiswrapper | 08:23 |
r3m0t | ralph_: that's surprising, it's the most popular disc :) | 08:23 |
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Paul_UK | ohh now i see the network manager, its my wireless, but no option for VPN | 08:23 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, guess what? | 08:23 |
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MrMakeveli | valehru, i got it mostly to have a hardcopy incase something should happen or to have incase comp crashes and i dont have internet access | 08:23 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: uh oh... what? | 08:23 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: install network-manager-pptp | 08:23 |
froyd | psusi: thank u my friend ill try it here :D | 08:23 |
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ralph_ | r3m0t: yes, that's what I thought. Presumably lots of people torrent it instead of a straight download? | 08:24 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, sda1 still reports old size | 08:24 |
slytherin | To all those who are downloading iso, try using jigdo-lite. I can reuse any existing packages from previous images or apt cache | 08:24 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, sda2 is broke or something | 08:25 |
ralph_ | slytherin: do you mean HTTP GET or does that apply to bittorrent too? | 08:25 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: what do you mean? post "fdisk -l /dev/sda" to pastebin | 08:25 |
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vi0 | IdleOne: wow.. that didn't work | 08:25 |
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IdleOne | vi0, ??? | 08:25 |
apphack | | 08:25 |
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Paul_UK | dystopinaray: nstall network-manager-pptp | 08:25 |
slytherin | ralph_: jigdo is different from bittorrent. It will download pieces of ISO and then assemble it. | 08:25 |
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vi0 | IdleOne: do you know to use the bcm43xx-fwcutter ? | 08:26 |
Paul_UK | dystopinaray: install: missing destination file operand after `network-manager-pptp' | 08:26 |
nite | Is there a easier way to change permission on usb drive? | 08:26 |
adaptr | can I do distupgrade easily ? | 08:26 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, | 08:26 |
vi0 | IdleOne: "how to" | 08:26 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I think on fdisk seems ok | 08:26 |
IdleOne | slytherin, does it also update existing pieces to newer peices? | 08:26 |
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IdleOne | vi0, sorry I dont | 08:26 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, but on df, it shows previous values | 08:26 |
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alleyoopster | adaptr: you should have the option in update manager | 08:26 |
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adaptr | alleyoopster: thanks | 08:26 |
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slytherin | IdleOne: Yes. Of course it is available only for 'Alternate CD' | 08:27 |
valehru | vi0, don't use the fwcutter package, it only provides speed up to 11mb, the ndiswrapper provides upto 54mbps | 08:27 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, gparted shows new size, and sda2 as "unknown" | 08:27 |
dystopianray | Paul_UK: when i say 'install' i mean, use a package manager to install it | 08:27 |
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dystopianray | Paul_UK: $ sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp | 08:27 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: that is as expected. run "sudo resize_reiserfs -v /dev/sda1" and "sudo mkswap /dev/sda2" and "sudo swapon -a" | 08:27 |
aLeSD | the ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso is a live cd ? | 08:27 |
IdleOne | !jigdo | 08:27 |
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ubotu | jigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see | 08:27 |
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XBehave | which wireless card companies are recomended to buy/avoid ? i no somebody told me earlier but my stupid konversation wont scroll back enough :( | 08:27 |
vi0 | valehru: i, just need one that works, and ndis doesn't | 08:27 |
alex_dinamo | ok | 08:27 |
dlinsky | No more ideas? I don't get it... :| | 08:27 |
dystopianray | XBehave: intel and atheros are great, broadcom suck | 08:27 |
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slytherin | aLeSD: Live cd + install | 08:27 |
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valehru | vi0, what card do you have? | 08:27 |
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aLeSD | slytherin: tx | 08:28 |
r3m0t | aLeSD: yes, since dapper (released 12 months ago) the installation CD and the live CD are... the same CD! | 08:28 |
nite | Is there a easier way to change permission on a usb drive? | 08:28 |
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slytherin | XBehave: Intel always | 08:28 |
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vi0 | valehru: 00:0b.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet (rev 03) | 08:28 |
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mrpoundsign | quick question. I was running EE, then I switched to FF a few weeks ago. Haven't used my umbuntu in a little while -- do I need to update my sources? Or will it happen automagically? | 08:28 |
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Ashex | anyone know how to remote desktop to windows machine? | 08:28 |
r3m0t | Ashex: install "grdesktop" | 08:28 |
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dystopianray | XBehave: zydas are supposed to good too, they have usb wifi devices | 08:28 |
Paul_UK | ashex, use terminal service | 08:28 |
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aLeSD | r3m0t: I'm not a ubuntu user .sorry | 08:28 |
Paul_UK | terminal service client | 08:28 |
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Paul_UK | no need to install anything | 08:28 |
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mrmonday | Is there any reason why the site says feisty is released tomorrow? | 08:28 |
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Ashex | Ah, there it goes | 08:29 |
slytherin | r3m0t: partially wrong. There is a separate installation CD also. It has command line installer and can be used for upgrade. | 08:29 |
infbliss | is there a way to install feisty from the iso in the hard disk | 08:29 |
r3m0t | mrmonday: time zones? | 08:29 |
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infbliss | i am currently using fedora | 08:29 |
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dicon | hum | 08:29 |
Ashex | I need to fix my dns | 08:29 |
zelexus | hi everyone! | 08:29 |
gisela | ola | 08:29 |
IdleOne | mrpoundsign, sources stay the same so boot into ubuntu and you should get a update notification | 08:29 |
dystopianray | mrmonday: nobody has bothered to update it | 08:29 |
SeveredCross | infbliss: You have to install from the CD. | 08:29 |
dicon | anyone else with compiz cube problem? | 08:29 |
SeveredCross | You can't install from a HD to an HD> | 08:29 |
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Ashex | the terminal services client seems to work a lot better then krdc | 08:29 |
sciboy | Hello, any QT developers around? | 08:29 |
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slytherin | infbliss: You should be able to make a boot image for usb disk, boot from it and then install | 08:29 |
infbliss | SeveredCross: no i just wanted to know if i can mount the ISO | 08:29 |
alleyoopster | mrmonday: not here it doesn't, says it is released | 08:29 |
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Malmsdoom | hi...does anyone know, if it's possible to run Xgl/compiz with the nv-legacy-drivers with feisty?...Whe i try to enable the dektop effects, my X freezes .... | 08:29 |
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r3m0t | infbliss: I think you could... interesting | 08:30 |
infbliss | in my linux install | 08:30 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, all done right! | 08:30 |
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dicon | anyone else with compiz cube problem after disable effects? | 08:30 |
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dystopianray | Malmsdoom: desktop effects use aiglx, iirc | 08:30 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, I had to edit /etc/fstab to get rid of UUID for /dev/sda2 though... | 08:30 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: now paste the result of "swapon -s | grep sda2" | 08:30 |
infbliss | and proceed with the installation with grub | 08:30 |
disasm | dlinsky: not sure what to do then, that should just work, do you get any errors on the server in a log somewhere? | 08:30 |
XBehave | what abotu MOTOROLA, ive found a card but waiting for the seller to tell me the chip, why do they make it so hard to find it out ud think its an important part of the card!!! | 08:30 |
r3m0t | infbliss: are you already on edgy right now? | 08:30 |
infbliss | i mean i can add one more option to the grub for the installer | 08:30 |
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infbliss | r3m0t: I am on fedora right now | 08:30 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, /dev/sda2 partition 361452 0 -1 | 08:31 |
dystopianray | XBehave: becuase most people don't care | 08:31 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, wow... I think it is now *actually* working! | 08:31 |
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Malmsdoom | dystopianray: ah ok...then aiglx isn't possible with legacy? | 08:31 |
disasm | XBehave: what kind of card? | 08:31 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: all done right indeed :) | 08:31 |
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matthewwppp | need help. i had to reinstall windows and it overwrote grub. how do I get Grub back? I'm in a livecd right now and I can see that my linux partition still exists | 08:31 |
_Neil | XBehave: | 08:31 |
_Neil | | 08:31 |
dystopianray | Malmsdoom: that's right, xgl is though | 08:31 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, df reports sizes ok! | 08:31 |
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dlinsky | disasm: None that I'd knew about... On Windows side the VNC client sometimes crashes with socket exceptions | 08:31 |
_Neil | good site that, for wireless compatibility | 08:31 |
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r3m0t | alex_dinamo: great, no need to restart from here, just run update-manager | 08:31 |
ZeZu | I installed ssh through breezy desktop cd (live), i can connect but i can't login, it gives me an invalid pwd if i use username "ubuntu" | 08:31 |
ZeZu | anyone know why? | 08:31 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok!!!!! | 08:31 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, thank you very much! | 08:31 |
milaks | Hi. I'm using Kubuntu Edgy Eft AMD64 version, and with new repositories added (suggested by unofficial ubuntu guide at I cannot install "w32codecs" package with "sudo apt-get install w32codecs" , it reports something about not being able to find it or it is obsoleted!? Can someone please tell me how to install "w32codecs" package? | 08:31 |
alleyoopster | !grub | 08:32 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:32 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, now.. please... one more favor would you? | 08:32 |
skaller | anyone help getting Open Office running? | 08:32 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: and fiesty better be worth it ;) | 08:32 |
dlinsky | When connecting to a desktop of an already logged on user it works, but I don | 08:32 |
psusi | ZeZu: probably because there is no password on that account | 08:32 |
XBehave | motorala pci wireless 802.11g, thx and all bluetooth even v2.1 are compatible if theyre usb right? | 08:32 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: of course (I've gone this far ;)) | 08:32 |
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dlinsky | don't want to get into somebody elses work | 08:32 |
jrib | ZeZu: empty passwords are not permitted by default | 08:32 |
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Malmsdoom | dystopianray: ok...thx for the information...then i have to live with it...xgl-performance was always poor | 08:32 |
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alleyoopster | matthewwppp: see post ubotu | 08:32 |
ZeZu | psusi, there has to be | 08:32 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, send me your postal address back on mail... I will send you a couple of postcards from Mexico... | 08:32 |
ZeZu | jrd, i know its not empty | 08:32 |
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ZeZu | jrib* | 08:32 |
r3m0t | alex_dinamo: awesome! ;) | 08:32 |
psusi | ZeZu: why? did you set a password for that account? | 08:32 |
slytherin | ZeZu: Check man ssh to know how to change user | 08:32 |
matthewwppp | alleyoopster: huh? | 08:32 |
SeveredCross | Almost done Edgy updates. Whooo! | 08:32 |
jrib | ZeZu: did you set a password for the ubuntu account on the live cd? | 08:32 |
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ZeZu | yes it asks for a pwd and i set it | 08:33 |
infbliss | my god today the IRC channel is rocking | 08:33 |
alleyoopster | !grub | 08:33 |
ZeZu | i believe | 08:33 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 08:33 |
alex_dinamo | r3m0t, yeah.. I'm about to move to an awesome place... where there are whales and everything... you'll like that! | 08:33 |
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ZeZu | let me change pwd manually and retry | 08:33 |
zelexus | it is so cool | 08:33 |
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psusi | ZeZu: do not confuse setting the password with entering one into the ssh client when trying to connect | 08:33 |
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disasm | XBehave: I'd suggest an ethernet bridge, much less painful | 08:33 |
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Geoffrey2 | my updater keeps timing out...I'm assuming that's due to all the full upgrades to 7.04 happening today? | 08:33 |
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szymon_g | hi | 08:33 |
ixela | has any had problems with their keyboard locking up while typing? | 08:33 |
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alleyoopster | matthewwppp: the message from the bot ubotu, got it? | 08:33 |
mrpoundsign | IdleOne: thanks! | 08:33 |
vi0 | !burn | 08:33 |
ubotu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 08:33 |
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mrpoundsign | 386 updates to go! | 08:33 |
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nite | I need help does anyone know an easier way to change permissions on usb drives , I have a huge music file I need to transfer but the drive won't let me | 08:33 |
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slytherin | Geoffrey2: Why don't you try using different mirror? | 08:34 |
Paul_UK | well installed vpn client now cant connect, any ideas? | 08:34 |
alleyoopster | matthewwppp | 08:34 |
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slytherin | nite: What is the error? | 08:34 |
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alex_dinamo | r3m0t, ok... I'm leaving... thank you very much! | 08:34 |
sciboy | Still hunting around for a developer to make a linux port of this open source traditional animation software: | 08:34 |
r3m0t | no problem :D | 08:34 |
szymon_g | what's is the difference (in Feisty alternate cd) between 'instal command line system' and 'install something-something for manufactures'? | 08:34 |
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szymon_g | could anyone tell me that difference? | 08:34 |
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skaller | skaller@rosella:/work/felix/svn/felix/felix/trunk$ oowriter | 08:35 |
skaller | /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 08:35 |
sou_virgem | alguma gata? | 08:35 |
ixela | has anyone had troubles with their keyboard in feisty? I seem to lose functionality when using my wifi connection. | 08:35 |
nite | no error just tells me I don't have permission it mounts an all but thats it | 08:35 |
ZeZu | ok that worked, how can i change repos. in console mode so i can install vnc server ? | 08:35 |
slytherin | szymon_g: the second option is for OEM install. First is for no_GUI installation | 08:35 |
greig_ | is the ubuntu+1 channel now closed?? | 08:35 |
r3m0t | szymon_g: I think you want "command line system" | 08:35 |
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Geoffrey2 | slytherin, where do you change mirrors? | 08:35 |
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skaller | broke on Edgy, broken on Feisty too | 08:35 |
ZeZu | it can access online repos. but i guess vncserver is not in base repos. | 08:35 |
Enselic__ | greig_: no, it's going to be used for Ubuntu 7.10 :) | 08:35 |
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sou_virgem | alguem me manda um server brasileiro | 08:35 |
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jrib | !br | sou_virgem | 08:35 |
ubotu | sou_virgem: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado. | 08:35 |
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psusi | ZeZu: edit /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:35 |
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alleyoopster | greig_: looks like it | 08:36 |
slytherin | Geoffrey2: you will have to edit /etc/apt/sources.list Please search | 08:36 |
greig_ | Enselic__ : is the channel available just now?? | 08:36 |
ixela | :\ | 08:36 |
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pkl_ | syzmon_g: install for manufacturers is something that allows a manufacturer to install Ubuntu to the hard disk, so that when the end user boots the system he gets asked customisaton questions (like create user etc.) | 08:36 |
greig_ | so the 7.10 channel/beta is now just this ubuntu channel yea? | 08:36 |
sou_virgem | jrib, valeu | 08:36 |
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matthewwppp | alleyoopster: I tried that. it doesn't work. when I type "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says file not found | 08:36 |
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alleyoopster | greig_ 7.10 is no longer beta | 08:36 |
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slytherin | greig_: 7.10 channel is #ubuntu+1 | 08:37 |
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pkl_ | syzmon_g: if you're an end user you don't want to use it :) | 08:37 |
alleyoopster | greig: sorry talking rubbish | 08:37 |
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gordonjcp | heigh-ho | 08:37 |
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gordonjcp | forget about using apt for a day or two | 08:37 |
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=== gordonjcp watches several things totally fail to install as the servers time out | ||
kane77 | I cant install enemy territory :( it says something like: "./ 278: /home/kane/.setup8661: not found. ", anyone knows why? (I'm running 64-bit feisty) anybody can help? | 08:38 |
slytherin | gordonjcp: That iw why I have been doing apt-get for last 3 months ;-) | 08:38 |
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Reichstag | Where can I download free Ubuntu logo from to put it on my page next to the news? | 08:38 |
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frcz | hello | 08:38 |
ubunut_noob1 | hello, how do i fix a slow downloading from repos ? | 08:38 |
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IdleOne | Rei-chan, maybe? | 08:38 |
greig_ | can anyone suggest where do download themes for feisty? | 08:38 |
slytherin | Reichstag: Search for official artwork | 08:38 |
gordonjcp | slytherin: the annoying thing is my system is up-to-date and has been for a while | 08:39 |
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Enselic__ | ubunut_noob1: wait for the 7.04 craze to cool down :) | 08:39 |
IdleOne | Reichstag, | 08:39 |
blueyed | Reichstag: afaik the logos are rather restricted. But I'm not sure. | 08:39 |
frcz | got some questions: | 08:39 |
gordonjcp | slytherin: basically I've been running feisty for months | 08:39 |
jrib | Reichstag: | 08:39 |
slytherin | IdleOne: what themes? | 08:39 |
milaks | Hi. I'm using Kubuntu Edgy Eft AMD64 version, and with new repositories added (suggested by unofficial ubuntu guide at I cannot install "w32codecs" package with "sudo apt-get install w32codecs" , it reports something about not being able to find it or it is obsoleted!? Can someone please tell me how to install "w32codecs" package? | 08:39 |
ixela | Would my mini-pci broadcom card have any reason to take out my keyboard? i've been having problems with activity on it killing keyboard access. i'm using a latitude d505 | 08:39 |
slytherin | gordonjcp: Same here | 08:39 |
ixela | aslong as I use a wired connection everything is fine. | 08:39 |
gordonjcp | slytherin: but *right now* *this very minute* I need to install something and the servers are *crawling* ;-) | 08:39 |
skaller | milaks | 08:39 |
gordonjcp | well, that's the way it goes | 08:39 |
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skaller | that's because they're 32 bit codecs | 08:39 |
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slytherin | milaks: Search for mediubuntu | 08:39 |
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skaller | u need 64 bit codecs and they don't exist | 08:40 |
r3m0t | gordonjcp: maybe change to a different mirror? | 08:40 |
frcz | Can any one here help me? I have a win32 app that runs perfectly on ubuntu with Wine, I need to run it on an Ubuntu network | 08:40 |
ubunut_noob1 | Enselic, I've already installed feisty | 08:40 |
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fiveiron | anyone know how to fix the "Could not calculate upgrade" problem when upping to feisty? | 08:40 |
slytherin | gordonjcp: If you have deb packages cached in apt-cache then you can use jigdo | 08:40 |
r3m0t | frcz: what do you mean by "run it on the network"? | 08:40 |
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eobanb | frcz, what do you mean by 'run it on an ubuntu network' | 08:40 |
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danikhan | any body link to ubuntu fiesty | 08:40 |
r3m0t | fiveiron: did it give any extra messages? | 08:40 |
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Enselic__ | ubunut_noob1: yeah, that's exactly what I was assuming | 08:40 |
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slytherin | gordonjcp: I mean use jigdo to construct 'Alternate CD' iso from packages | 08:40 |
r3m0t | frcz: it would also help to know which program it is | 08:40 |
dlinsky | disasm: Have you dome something like that yet? | 08:40 |
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frcz | I mean that other Ubuntu PCs can access the file and run the application | 08:40 |
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danikhan | torrent or iso for fiesty plz | 08:41 |
fiveiron | r3m0t: only that and it said to file a bug report with the contents of /var/log/dist-upgrade/ | 08:41 |
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ZeZu | hmm, it still can't find it, package name is "vncserver" ? | 08:41 |
Enselic__ | ubunut_noob1: everyone else have too, therefor the slow update connections | 08:41 |
skaller | dang .. they still didn't fix office suite | 08:41 |
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peter_ | Hi Ive just installed beagle under 7.04. Shouldnt it be integreted in the gnome search field in the places menu | 08:41 |
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eobanb | frcz, they will need wine installed also | 08:41 |
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ubunut_noob1 | Enselic, oh ic ic lolz so is there any other repos that I could speed up the updating ? | 08:41 |
frcz | it is an app made with Visual Foxpro | 08:41 |
r3m0t | fiveiron: then please collect the contents of /var/log/dist-upgrade and post them somewhere - e.g. to the forum | 08:41 |
milaks | slytherin: Title Search: "mediubuntu" results of about 18014 pages. (0.36 seconds) | 08:41 |
frcz | runs ok with wine | 08:41 |
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r3m0t | peter_: not sure what search field you mean... it can integration with the deskbar applet | 08:42 |
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eobanb | frcz, if you just put the file(s) on a network share they should be accessible from the other machines | 08:42 |
_what_if_ | has anyone tried installing feisty that has a new nvidia card ? Edgy-desktop would not work and I had to get "alternate-install". Is feisty the same ... | 08:42 |
XPertKnobTwiddlr | if i buy a new 3 GB/s sata hard drive , will it work in a machine with the older, 1.5GB/s sata controller? | 08:42 |
tdn | I am booting up on my new 7.04 CD. Then I get the option to "Install width driver update CD". What does that mean? Is this the famous multimedia codecs? Should I select that one or just "Start or install Kubuntu"??? | 08:42 |
Enselic__ | ubunut_noob1: well, I think most repos are overloaded right now, I doubt it would be worth the effort to even try to find one | 08:42 |
ubunut_noob1 | Enselic,alright thanks | 08:42 |
SeveredCross | Bloody hell. | 08:42 |
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slytherin | milaks: go to there is a link to proper page | 08:42 |
frcz | yes they are accesible, but the .exe files don | 08:42 |
mrpoundsign | why is evolution so unreliable? :( | 08:42 |
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zbrown | XPertKnobTwiddlr: it'll work, but it'll work at 1.5gb/s | 08:42 |
SeveredCross | I can't hit to grab updates. | 08:42 |
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SeveredCross | I'm just missing 2. | 08:42 |
alleyoopster | ubunut_noob1 I have tried a few they all seem busy | 08:42 |
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r3m0t | _what_if_: how new? | 08:42 |
GekiBlue | Is upgrading from Edgy to Feisty more or less a safe bet? :3 | 08:43 |
frcz | do not run | 08:43 |
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Enselic__ | mrpoundsign: if you don't need any particular Evolution feature, I highly recomend Thunderbird instead | 08:43 |
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peter_ | r3m0t: I mean: There is a search for files field, in the places menu. In edgy, when i installede beagle it would be put there | 08:43 |
eobanb | SeveredCross, i'm sorry, but complaining about the mirrors constantly is simply not going to accomplish anything. | 08:43 |
eobanb | try again tomorrow. | 08:43 |
n8wood | is slow for anyone else? | 08:43 |
_what_if_ | r3m0t: 7800 | 08:43 |
XPertKnobTwiddlr | zbrown: thats what i wanted to know.... i am having a hard time finding 1.5 GB/s drives, but if the 3.0 GB/s drives will work with the older controllers, then it's fine enough for me | 08:43 |
XPertKnobTwiddlr | thanks | 08:43 |
fbarcenas | my computer went to sleep during the distribution upgrade and it seems to be stuck on 75 of 1198. What should I do? | 08:43 |
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ubunut_noob1 | Alleyoopster, feisty rocks ^^ | 08:43 |
Enselic__ | n8wood: most repos are slow right now | 08:43 |
GekiBlue | n8wood, it's probably full of people upgrading ;) | 08:43 |
slytherin | n8wood: That mirror is always known to have problems | 08:43 |
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r3m0t | _what_if_: not sure, sorry | 08:43 |
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frcz | r3m0t: folder is shared using smb | 08:43 |
piglit | n8woon try a torrent..... | 08:43 |
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_what_if_ | r3m0t: I'll just get alt... to be safe | 08:44 |
Telep | Help please: how can I send a file via bluetooth to my phone? What packages do I need? | 08:44 |
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eobanb | !bluetooth | 08:44 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see | 08:44 |
zbrown | XPertKnobTwiddlr: Yah they'll work ,just at a slower speed. Its just like memory, if you have 3 pieces of DDR memory at PC2700 and one at PC3200, all of the memory will run at PC2700 | 08:44 |
n8wood | can't use a torrent, I'm running apt-get | 08:44 |
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r3m0t | _what_if_: why not upgrade instead of reinstall? | 08:44 |
richard | Howdy folks, I'm having trouble using the "connect to server..." feature in ubuntu | 08:44 |
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ixela | Has anyone heard of network manager making a keyboard freeze? I've been having trouble using wifi and being able to type. It only seems to happen when I use my wifi connection. | 08:44 |
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_what_if_ | r3m0t: upgrade in place ?? | 08:45 |
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richard | it doesn't want to connect to my SUSE server via ssh | 08:45 |
reevesj | I've had NetworkManager make my whole computer freeze, but not heard of keyboard | 08:45 |
ixela | :\ | 08:45 |
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r3m0t | _what_if_: if you're running edgy, then yet | 08:45 |
ixela | mine is only the keyboard | 08:45 |
richard | it just tells me "opening <folder> on <server ip>" | 08:45 |
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r3m0t | *then yes | 08:45 |
XPertKnobTwiddlr | zbrown: awesome...... and there are no size limits to what the older SATA controllers can handle? I've noticed that I only see 1.5GB/s drives at 400GB or lower. all larger sized drives are 3.0 GB/s | 08:45 |
ixela | then it wont let me shut down | 08:45 |
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ixela | it freezes on halt | 08:45 |
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_what_if_ | r3m0t: and that is on the alt-install... correct ?? | 08:45 |
ixela | all keys die too, not just some of them. | 08:45 |
n8wood | anyone know of other official repo mirrors I can use besides | 08:45 |
n8wood | ? | 08:45 |
r3m0t | _what_if_: let me check | 08:45 |
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zbrown | XPertKnobTwiddlr: there shouldn't be a problem. I've never heard of the speed governing the size that the controller can handle. | 08:46 |
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AForgue | What is the process for upgrading from Feisty Beta to Official? | 08:46 |
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zbrown | AForgue: none, it will do it itself | 08:46 |
alleyoopster | ixela: can you use the mouse and rest of system | 08:46 |
zbrown | AForgue: assuming you're up to date then you are using Feisty :) | 08:46 |
frcz | r3m0t: once shared I can run the app using any winxp running pc | 08:46 |
AForgue | That's what I like to hear! | 08:46 |
slytherin | AForgue: Just upgrade all the packages | 08:46 |
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XPertKnobTwiddlr | zbrown: thanks much! I'm gonna order the 750GB drive, then :-) | 08:46 |
disinterested | help configureing a dial up | 08:46 |
reevesj | Can anyone tell me, how do you check a CD for errors (not at bootup)? | 08:46 |
r3m0t | _what_if_: yes, you need the alt-install. see section "Upgrading using the alternate CD/DVD" | 08:46 |
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_what_if_ | reep: md5sum | 08:47 |
slytherin | reevesj: md5sum | 08:47 |
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RancidLM | can some one please give me the md5 check sum of a official 7.04-desktop iso please! | 08:47 |
ixela | alleyoopster: i can use the mouse however i cannot launch a terminal. The system is only partially usuable when this happens. | 08:47 |
R3d0c_ | I want my feisty.. Zzzzz | 08:47 |
gordonjcp | slytherin / r3m0t : or just go and make a cup of tea while I wait | 08:47 |
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GeekChick| | is there a particular reason xubuntu-desktop is using virtual workspace #2 by default when it is installed ontop of a Ubuntu install? Is workspace 1 reserved for Gnome? | 08:47 |
piglit | XPertKnobTwiddlr: you probably wont get use of the full 1.5GB/s annyway the drive's are much slower than 1.5GB/s | 08:47 |
ubunturules | why does the ISO keep screwing up from update | 08:47 |
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nekohayo | hello folks, did anything change with DMA or something in 7.04? the liveCD takes 7 minutes to boot, whereas the 6.10 one takes 2 minutes 30 secs | 08:47 |
ubunut_noob1 | omg, it take 2 hours just to download truetype font | 08:47 |
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alleyoopster | reevesj: k3b gives md5 checksum, I am sure there is another util floating around | 08:47 |
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ixela | alleyoopster: im going to try to make it happen again | 08:47 |
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_what_if_ | r3m0t: tyvm, that saves me some headaches | 08:47 |
alleyoopster | reevesj that is if you have the md5 sum | 08:47 |
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ubunturules | are the ubuntu servers overloaded? | 08:47 |
jrib | RancidLM: | 08:47 |
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naknomik | I have a JMicron SATA/IDE on my MOBO and the CD/DVD drives are connected to it. I am unable to get the Ubuntu CD booted on my machine. the machine is fairly new with Intel P965 chipset. | 08:47 |
slytherin | reevesj: try command md5sum | 08:47 |
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blueyed | nekohayo: how much RAM do you have? | 08:47 |
GeekChick| | reevesj, mdfsum <isofile> | 08:48 |
RancidLM | jrib: thanks! | 08:48 |
alleyoopster | ubunturules: they are v busy | 08:48 |
nekohayo | blueyed: on this computer 512mb | 08:48 |
reevesj | not an iso, already burned | 08:48 |
SeveredCross | It's the JMicron controller. | 08:48 |
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h0ax | i got this error when i did ./configure with kismet "configure: error: Unable to find libncurses or libcurses | 08:48 |
h0ax | " | 08:48 |
SeveredCross | Blodoy awful. | 08:48 |
skaller | kak -- ubuntu website is under heavy DNS attack from users :) | 08:48 |
reevesj | slytherin: and if it finishes there are no errors? | 08:48 |
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nekohayo | blueyed: I have a friend with 4GB having the same problem over the phone | 08:48 |
blueyed | nekohayo: it's known to be slow with 256 at least. | 08:48 |
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ubunturules | well im trying to upgrade and it keeps erroring out after so long | 08:48 |
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danikhan | guys obviously ubuntu servers are under great stress so stop complaining about being slow | 08:48 |
slytherin | reevesj: Why don't you just try man md5sum ? | 08:48 |
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ixela | ok i just got my keyboard to die when turning off my wifi card. | 08:48 |
jrib | !info kismet | h0ax | 08:48 |
preglow | hey, anyone know why there is no restricted module package for the lowlatency kernel? (amd64) | 08:48 |
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ubotu | h0ax: kismet: Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2006.04.R1-1.1 (edgy), package size 964 kB, installed size 2448 kB | 08:48 |
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naknomik | I did some search on this issue but don't find a clear answer. There is a FAQ on jmicron site which suggest using 'all-generic-ide=1' boot option, which doesn't seem to work. | 08:48 |
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r3m0t | h0ax: "sudo apt-get install libcurses" | 08:48 |
blueyed | nekohayo: yes, maybe a regression then. There has been some discussion about this in #ubuntu-devel a few days ago. | 08:48 |
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ubunturules | mmmmmmmmmmmmmustttt upgrade | 08:49 |
jrib | h0ax: no need to compile, it is in the universe repository | 08:49 |
slytherin | preglow: Why are you using lowlatency kernel? | 08:49 |
alleyoopster | ubunturules you could try another mirror, but I tried a few and they were mostly slow, you may get lucky | 08:49 |
r3m0t | h0ax: then retry "./configure" | 08:49 |
preglow | slytherin: i work with audio | 08:49 |
nekohayo | blueyed: do you have a link I could look at? | 08:49 |
h0ax | thanks | 08:49 |
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XPertKnobTwiddlr | piglit: are they really? then what's the point of the faster 3.0GB/s interface, if the slower one cant even be used to its potential ? | 08:49 |
Angeluz | Anyone knows of a kdetv-equivalent based on gtk? | 08:49 |
R3d0c_ | Overloaded?? I just hit 23kbps.. getting better ;-> | 08:49 |
skaller | heh .. my ISP has a private mirror ;) | 08:49 |
preglow | slytherin: so the step back to a generic kernel from the lowlatency one in edgy was quite a step back for me | 08:49 |
h0ax | i get this jrib E: Couldn't find package libcurses | 08:49 |
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sysdef | hey, anyone seen a feisty fawn running around in here? | 08:49 |
lolman | skaller, what ISP? lol | 08:49 |
peter_ | no one having that problem? | 08:49 |
Ashex | so, anyone know if with the latest release if they improved wireless support? | 08:49 |
Hairulfr | Somehow my torrent stopped seeding and won't restart, can anyone past the url to the list of feisty files and torrents on | 08:49 |
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Peaker | Wouldn't it be cool if the GUI menu had a submenu for "remote apps" that would apt-get them on-demand if clicked? | 08:49 |
skaller | Internode :) | 08:49 |
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Dave2 | There's been one running around my system for months now :( | 08:49 |
slytherin | preglow: I can see restricted modules package for it. | 08:49 |
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frcz | r3m0t: no ideas? | 08:49 |
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lolman | Damn! | 08:49 |
Ashex | I know they improved the network manager | 08:50 |
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r3m0t | h0ax: ignore me, just "sudo apt-get install kismet" | 08:50 |
jrib | h0ax: don't compile kismet. Enable the universe repository and install kismet using your package manager | 08:50 |
ubunturules | Does anyone have a flux capacitor so I can get 7.04? | 08:50 |
r3m0t | frcz: I'm afraid I don't know | 08:50 |
imon9 | hi, can anyone tell me is it SAFE to remove "installed autoremovable" things in synaptic? | 08:50 |
preglow | slytherin: i can see it listed on the packages website, but aptitude does not see it | 08:50 |
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h0ax | thnaks | 08:50 |
verb3k | guys can I burn a CD ISO on a DVD and boot from it normally? | 08:50 |
piglit | XPertKnobTwiddlr: it sell's look up some benchmarks at tomshardware and you'll see | 08:50 |
Marupa | imon9, yes. | 08:50 |
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DrNick1 | hi all. installed fiesty earlier mostly with no problems. however i'm using a 19" LCD screen via a DVI conection, and the colours are all psyco and wierd. before I installed the restricted driver the colours were fine, but it wouldn't go above 1024 x 768, at the native res is 1280 x 1024 :p | 08:50 |
slytherin | preglow: It is in universe repos. | 08:50 |
skaller | mirror all the linux distros -- ISP is run by a geek : | 08:50 |
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h0ax | i get this now lol E: Couldn't find package kismet | 08:50 |
XPertKnobTwiddlr | piglit: ok | 08:50 |
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imon9 | sysdef: yah, i am running feisty xubuntu | 08:50 |
r3m0t | Peaker: most people want to know more about a program than its name... how about a way to install a package by typing its name into deskbar? | 08:50 |
preglow | slytherin: which is enabled and working | 08:50 |
jrib | !universe > h0ax (h0ax, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:50 |
l4lz | Hello! Does UBUNTU 7.04 have the possibility to create and use an encrypted partition during the installation? Debian 4.0 has this (package:partman-crypto) | 08:50 |
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danikhan | has anyone isntalled ubuntu on dell xps i tried the 6.10 but it would but live cd would freeze on the start up page now i am hoping 7.04 has the hardware support | 08:50 |
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savetheWorld | verb3k: probably not. its the wrong shape. (I'm guessing baed on intuition here) | 08:50 |
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savetheWorld | *based | 08:51 |
imon9 | Marupa: meaning, all my other program has no dependency on it? | 08:51 |
slytherin | preglow: Then I don't know what the problem is | 08:51 |
zbrown | danikhan: dell xps laptop? | 08:51 |
r3m0t | l4lz: yes, but you need to get the "alternative" CD instead of the "desktop" CD | 08:51 |
ubunturules | does anyone have the latest Open Office writer? Mine takes up the whole screen and I can minimize it or move it | 08:51 |
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danikhan | zbrown: yes | 08:51 |
lgc | My Opera 9 now refuses to work on my Dapper, even after reboot. It halts with a segmentation fault. What can I do? | 08:51 |
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Peaker | r3m0t: They know more about by auto-downloading & running it and then seeing what it does :) | 08:51 |
l4lz | r3m0t: thank you. | 08:51 |
Marupa | imon9, if it says it's autoremoveable, then it's safe to remove. | 08:51 |
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GeekChick| | is there a particular reason xubuntu-desktop is using virtual workspace #2 by default when it is installed ontop of a Ubuntu install? Is workspace 1 reserved for Gnome? | 08:51 |
skaller | hmm .. oh well lucky my other box is still running 5.04, at least OO work on that | 08:51 |
Peaker | r3m0t: People first browse their GUI menu when they want something done, no? | 08:51 |
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preglow | "aptitude search restricted-modules-lowlatency" gives no hits at al | 08:51 |
singamayya | yay fiesty is here! | 08:51 |
blueyed | l4lz: I don't know about during installation, but there's cryptsetup for example. | 08:51 |
DrNick1 | hi all, if anyone's got a couple of mins to help with a video problem, please message me | 08:51 |
imon9 | ok | 08:51 |
lucas_ | I'm looking for xserver 1.3 packages does anyone has aclue ? | 08:51 |
zbrown | danikhan: a friend of mine got 7.04 on his XPS so I assume it'd work on yours. | 08:51 |
slytherin | ubunturules: Try Alt + Space bar it will give you window menu | 08:51 |
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r3m0t | Peaker: I think it would be more useful to argue on the forum ;-) | 08:52 |
eobanb | danikhan, runs fine on my xps t600r | 08:52 |
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verb3k | savetheWorld: thnkas for replying ....that's becuase my brother's laptop refuses to boot from CDs ...I tried several distros but the same result....but it can boot perfectly from a DVD . | 08:52 |
Peaker | r3m0t: Is there a devel forum as opposed to a user help forum? | 08:52 |
zbrown | GeekChick|: I'm betting its to make everyone wonder why they did it ;)? | 08:52 |
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slytherin | lucas_: Why don't you just install packages from repositories? | 08:52 |
alleyoopster | DrNick1: just ask if someone can help they will | 08:52 |
Marupa | isn't gksu update-manager -c supposed to update me to fiesty? | 08:52 |
danikhan | zbrown: thx nice i can't wait to get it working my friend put it on his hp with beryl which changed my mind from upgrading to vista towards ubuntu | 08:52 |
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savetheWorld | verb3k: there is a DVD iso image, use that. | 08:52 |
lucas_ | slytherin: I would like to test xrandr 1.2 | 08:52 |
verb3k | savetheWorld | 08:52 |
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JediSp4m | do i use the 64 bit version if i have a core 2 duo or not? | 08:52 |
ubunturules | Still doesn't slytherin | 08:52 |
verb3k | savetheWorld: but it is large | 08:52 |
lucas_ | and its ouput hotplug capabilities | 08:52 |
piglit | how do i extract boot.img.gz from a ubuntu cd i cant find it annywhere it can be in a compressed file but i dont know the name of that file (i need the boot.img.gz to install ubuntu *from* a usbstick *onto* a hd on a machine without a cdrom device) | 08:53 |
savetheWorld | indeed. is for a DVD. :-) | 08:53 |
ubunturules | its weird liek there is no menu bar above File Edit | 08:53 |
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imon9 | thanks ppl | 08:53 |
imon9 | nite | 08:53 |
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slytherin | ubunturules: No idea | 08:53 |
savetheWorld | verb3k: use torrent to download. best fastest way | 08:53 |
jrib | JediSp4m: only if you want to, you can use either amd64 or i386. But if you are into multimedia, i386 will make your life a lot easier | 08:53 |
JediSp4m | ah ok | 08:53 |
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JediSp4m | i might as well use i386 then | 08:53 |
ubunturules | I had the previous version and then I upgrade (the font issue) | 08:53 |
JediSp4m | is there a huge performance gain or not? | 08:53 |
skaller | 386 is much slower | 08:53 |
slytherin | ubunturules: Are you in full screen mode by any chance | 08:53 |
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JediSp4m | really? son of a | 08:53 |
ubunturules | lol so now I sacrificed messed up fonts | 08:53 |
jrib | JediSp4m: I don't notice any | 08:53 |
lgc | Hi! My Opera 9 now refuses to work on my Dapper, even after reboot. It halts with a segmentation fault. What can I do? | 08:53 |
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ubunturules | what is that? | 08:53 |
DrNick1 | alleyoopster: yeah i did but things are going so fast i dont think anyone had time to read it :p but anyway, upgraded to fiesty earlier, and after installing the restricted nvidia driver the colours are all psyco. i'm using 19" TFT via a DVI connector. tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and put the res and things in, but still no luck | 08:53 |
kbrooks | JediSp4m, language | 08:54 |
ubunturules | or how do you get out of that | 08:54 |
verb3k | savetheWorld: my connection is 256 kb/s will take me 4 days :) | 08:54 |
eobanb | JediSp4m, there is very little difference in speed. | 08:54 |
ubunturules | NM | 08:54 |
savetheWorld | verb3k: oh, OW! | 08:54 |
slytherin | lgc: Use some other browser :-) | 08:54 |
ubunturules | No | 08:54 |
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ubunturules | im not | 08:54 |
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haffe_ | Hi, I'm having some trouble with desktop effects. I chose to use beryl, but now I only get a white screen, when I log in. How do I resolve this? | 08:54 |
frcz | Hello again: Any idea: I need to run a Win32 program on a ubuntu network | 08:54 |
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savetheWorld | verb3k: um call cheapbytes? | 08:54 |
kbrooks | this channels supports ubuntu fiesty correct ??? | 08:54 |
disasm | frcz: did you try wine? | 08:54 |
eobanb | haffe_, #ubuntu-effects | 08:54 |
disasm | kbrooks: yup | 08:54 |
r3m0t | Peaker: sorry for not replying, I missed the message | 08:54 |
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pipegeek | Howdy, folks. First of all, many congratulations on your successful release of feisty | 08:54 |
slytherin | frcz: what do you mean by run program on network? | 08:54 |
iamelite | Hi everyone. I just installed Feisty | 08:54 |
ompaul | kbrooks, what date is it ? | 08:55 |
Laizerox | 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX) <- ubuntu on install says NOT FOUND! | 08:55 |
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r3m0t | Peaker: in the forum "Development (Gutsy Gibbon)", every thread is an idea to be considered | 08:55 |
iamelite | I cannot connect to the apt line | 08:55 |
lgc | slytherin, there's no better one, but yes, I'm on Firefox, which makes me doze. It doesn't solve my problem, though. Any other piece of advice? Thanks. | 08:55 |
eobanb | iamelite, try again later | 08:55 |
slytherin | iamelite: It is busy | 08:55 |
danikhan | zbrown: is it possible to network ubuntu and windows xp (x64) for file and printer sharing | 08:55 |
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frcz | disasm: wine runs perfrct with this app, but I need to run it from other PCs | 08:55 |
Malmsdoom | hi..i have a problem...i can't unmount my usb-disk, gnome always says that data has to be written...but thats no true...anyone has a clue? | 08:55 |
r3m0t | danikhan: yes | 08:55 |
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verb3k | savetheWorld: it would be easier for me to download the CD ISO ....this will take 7 hours (100 mega bytes per hour) | 08:55 |
kbrooks | so #ubuntu+1 supports fiesty+1 now? | 08:55 |
RancidLM | hey all .. just a suggestion get ubuntu from the australian servers i got the latest ubuntu that matches with the md5 check sum in under a hour | 08:55 |
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slytherin | lgc: Might be related to different versions of gcc while installation and running | 08:55 |
iamelite | well other then the APT issues, Im liking it allready. | 08:55 |
eobanb | kbrooks, not yet | 08:55 |
zbrown | danikhan: you can with samba | 08:55 |
DrNick1 | hey all. I upgraded to fiesty earlier, and after installing the restricted nvidia driver the colours are all psyco. i'm using 19" TFT via a DVI connector. tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and put the res and things in, but still no luck. any ideas? | 08:55 |
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kbrooks | what about a channel that supports dapper, ompaul ? | 08:55 |
eobanb | kbrooks, wait a few hours, and it will | 08:56 |
r3m0t | kbrooks: fiesty+1 hasn't started yet -- and it's called "gutsy" | 08:56 |
skaller | danikhan that's what samba is for | 08:56 |
Laizerox | ompaul | 08:56 |
disasm | ok, so the app needs to run on ubuntu, and windows pc's need to remote in to run the app? | 08:56 |
savetheWorld | verb3k: yeah but it wont work, call cheapbytes or womeone and order a dvd. | 08:56 |
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ompaul | kbrooks, that woule be this one | 08:56 |
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Dasnipa` | kbrooks, that would be this channel | 08:56 |
r3m0t | kbrooks: we support dapper here | 08:56 |
pipegeek | I'm trying to install from the alternate install CD, preserving my existing LVM logical volumes. Only problem is, when the installer attempts to enable my volume group (or when I run vgchange -y a manually), it times out waiting to "Rendezvous" with udev. | 08:56 |
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danikhan | skaller samba ok got it thx i'll read up on it | 08:56 |
savetheWorld | verb3k: or find someone with a hsst conxn | 08:56 |
savetheWorld | *fast | 08:56 |
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Laizerox | ompaul: would you help me? | 08:56 |
pipegeek | Has anyone tried installing onto a system using LVM yet? | 08:56 |
tdn | I thought that it would be possible to install with cryptofs on the rootfs with LUKS from the new CDs. However, I can't find any option for this in the installer. Please shed some light on this. | 08:56 |
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kbrooks | dapper AND fiesty? | 08:56 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: what's the error message? "Timeout rendexcous with udev"? ;) | 08:56 |
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skar | hi, i'm running dapper, how do i upgrade to the latest version? | 08:56 |
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E42 | hi i got a question | 08:56 |
disasm | kbrooks: yeah | 08:56 |
jrib | !upgrade > skar (skar, see the private message from ubotu) | 08:56 |
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slytherin | pipegeek: Have you read release notes? something related to LVM there | 08:56 |
r3m0t | tdn: encypted install is only available on the alternate CD | 08:57 |
iamelite | skar, go to Its plastered there. | 08:57 |
mp3guy | my update manager is hanging when I click upgrade to feisty | 08:57 |
r3m0t | !upgrade > r3m0t | 08:57 |
verb3k | savetheWorld: I will see what I can do ....I can't wait to see feisty running :) ...Thanks for your time | 08:57 |
piglit | how do i extract boot.img.gz from a ubuntu cd i cant find it annywhere it can be in a compressed file but i dont know the name of that file (i need the boot.img.gz to install ubuntu *from* a usbstick *onto* a hd on a machine without a cdrom device) | 08:57 |
SeveredCross | How do you unpin a package in apt? | 08:57 |
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savetheWorld | good luck | 08:57 |
eobanb | mp3guy, try again later | 08:57 |
alleyoopster | skar: from what I remember you have to go to edgy first | 08:57 |
slytherin | mp3guy: serevrs are overloaded | 08:57 |
disasm | DOes no one read topics when they join :-P | 08:57 |
jrib | SeveredCross: how did you pin it? | 08:57 |
E42 | how to make it so , when i insert a cd-r in my cd-burner i get a information what i want to do . When i insert the disc the disc dont get mount | 08:57 |
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pipegeek | r3m0t: I'm sorry; I should have written it down. I'll be happy to reboot and get it right this time. | 08:57 |
skar | jrib: thanks | 08:57 |
E42 | how to make it auto ? | 08:57 |
darx | i've trouble connecting to UK repositories.. whats going on? | 08:57 |
washbear | looks like Feisty is popular - server is down :) | 08:57 |
pipegeek | slytherin: On my way | 08:57 |
mp3guy | ah, well I suppose thats a good thing, for ubuntu anyway | 08:57 |
Laizerox | ANYONE CAN HELP ME? | 08:57 |
eobanb | darx, try again later | 08:57 |
nulix | hello ; I had migrated from edgy to feisty beta so I was now expecting a notice for upgrade to feisty final but nothing is this normal situation ? | 08:57 |
jrib | !helpme | Laizerox | 08:57 |
DrNick1 | hey all. I upgraded to fiesty earlier, and after installing the restricted nvidia driver the colours are all psyco. i'm using 19" TFT via a DVI connector. tried 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and put the res and things in, but still no luck. any ideas? | 08:57 |
eobanb | Laizerox, please dont use caps | 08:57 |
SeveredCross | jrib: It was pinnned automatically for some reason. | 08:57 |
lgc | slytherin, I haven't changed anything or updated anything. Opera was working fine 15 minutes a go, just before I inserted an SD card into my machine's slot, which made everything unstable. After reboot, Opera was the casualty. | 08:57 |
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danikhan | is it possible to install to a usb portable hardrive | 08:57 |
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Angeluz | darx: too many users. | 08:57 |
tdn | r3m0t, damnit. Can you provide a link for the .torrent to the alternate Kubuntu cd? I cannot use HTTP from my connection :( | 08:57 |
capoeirastyle | ragazzi so che avrete mille richieste ma qlc mi caga un secondo per i driver nvidia....quelli ufficiali sono leeeenti | 08:57 |
darx | does ping for you | 08:57 |
r3m0t | tdn: I'll try | 08:58 |
darx | hmmmm | 08:58 |
ubotu | Laizerox: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:58 |
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Angeluz | DrNick1: please stop repeating your question every 60 seconds. | 08:58 |
iamelite | allyoopster, i think feisty can migrate from dapper | 08:58 |
slytherin | lgc: weird | 08:58 |
Laizerox | ;/ | 08:58 |
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tdn | r3m0t, guessed it from the desktop-version url. Nevermind! :D | 08:58 |
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disasm | iamelite: no | 08:58 |
ompaul | Laizerox, you should ask the channel and then whoever knows may help | 08:58 |
skaller | DrNick1 .. hmm i just upgraded, colours are fine | 08:58 |
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Laizerox | 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX) <- ubuntu on install says NOT FOUND! | 08:58 |
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r3m0t | tdn: good URLs are always good ;) | 08:58 |
lgc | slytherin, yiu bet. | 08:58 |
alleyoopster | DrNick1: did it work ok before you installed nvidia? | 08:58 |
eobanb | alleyoopster and iamelite upgrading straight from dapper to feisty is NOT recommended | 08:58 |
darx | pings just fine but apt-get wouldn't update | 08:58 |
jrib | SeveredCross: how do you know it is pinned? | 08:58 |
Malmsdoom | hi..i have a problem...i can't unmount my usb-disk, gnome always says that data has to be written...but thats not true...anyone a clue? | 08:58 |
pjhile | !upgrade > AForgue | 08:58 |
lgc | slytherin, s/iu/ou/ | 08:58 |
dlinsky | disasm: Do I need to run x11vnc on a different display for remote connections? If so, how do I do this? | 08:58 |
eobanb | darx, we already told you, the servers are busy; try again later please | 08:58 |
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darx | ok | 08:59 |
kmaynard | !upgrade > kmaynard | 08:59 |
slytherin | Malmsdoom: what is the file system on usb disk? | 08:59 |
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SeveredCross | jrib: Because apt-get tells me it's holding the package bak. | 08:59 |
danikhan | malmsdoom probably a process is still accessing the usb drive | 08:59 |
skaller | btw anyone know how to set swapon persistently? | 08:59 |
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DrNick1 | ok sorry about that. it just seemed that everytime i typed it, it'd scroll offscreen in about 2 secs :p the colours were ok before i installed nvidia, but it wouldn't go above 1024 x 768 res and the image was centred in the middle of the screen. | 08:59 |
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Malmsdoom | slytherin: hi...ext3 | 08:59 |
jrib | SeveredCross: can you pastebin the entire output? | 08:59 |
pjhile | !upgrade > pjhile | 08:59 |
r3m0t | skaller: by editing /etc/fstab | 08:59 |
washbear | anyone have a .torrent link? | 08:59 |
TheVault | Is there any new current updates as of today or within the few days? | 08:59 |
skaller | yeah except is uses weird codes now | 08:59 |
danikhan | #avast | 08:59 |
AForgue | !quiet > pjhile | 08:59 |
eobanb | washbear, | 08:59 |
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disasm | dlinsky: the stuff in xinetd should start a new display for incoming connections | 08:59 |
jrib | !feisty > washbear (washbear, see the private message from ubotu) | 09:00 |
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washbear | eobanb - yea, but server is down | 09:00 |
slytherin | Malmsdoom: no idea | 09:00 |
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Laizerox | 3Com EtherLink XL 10/100 PCI TX NIC (3C905B-TX) <- ubuntu on install says NOT FOUND! | 09:00 |
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pipegeek | slytherin: I'm afraid I can't connect to Any chance you could fill me in as to the nature of the release notes as they apply to LVM? | 09:00 |
SeveredCross | No need to pastebin, it's 2 lines: | 09:00 |
eobanb | washbear, try a different one, or try again later | 09:00 |
pipegeek | slytherin: sorry | 09:00 |
mrpoundsign | Enselic__: Yeah, me too, but I need to connect to this stupid exchange server. | 09:00 |
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dlinsky | disasm: But without a server running on startup there won't be any incoming connections... so I might have to start the server manually? | 09:00 |
SeveredCross | The following packages have been kept back: | 09:00 |
SeveredCross | linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic linux-restricted-modules-generic | 09:00 |
SeveredCross | when i run sudo apt-get upgrade | 09:00 |
washbear | jrib- that's what i needed! | 09:00 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: to install using LVM, download the alternate CD | 09:00 |
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jrib | SeveredCross: what happens when you do sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic | 09:01 |
danikhan | for download mirrors use this link | 09:01 |
eobanb | this page works: | 09:01 |
eobanb | | 09:01 |
Malmsdoom | slytherin, danikhan: hmm...don't know...when I mount the disk und do nothing an try to umount it: the same error | 09:01 |
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disasm | dlinsky: I don't think you understand inetd, it starts a process when a request is made to use a port | 09:01 |
blueyed | SeveredCross: try "sudo apt-get install PACKAGE" directly. Then you should see the error. | 09:01 |
frcz | Any ideas: How to run a win32 app (locally Wine runs it oerfectly) on an Ubuntu network? | 09:01 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: you can also upgrade from withn edgy. boot into edgy and insert the alternate CD. it should autorun | 09:01 |
alleyoopster | I'm out of here, take it easy | 09:01 |
washbear | !feisty > eobanb | 09:01 |
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r3m0t | !upgrade | pipegeek | 09:01 |
ubotu | pipegeek: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 09:01 |
pipegeek | r3m0t: Did so. LVM support seems to be broken on said CD | 09:01 |
dlinsky | Oh, okay... I see | 09:01 |
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eobanb | washbear, what?? | 09:01 |
Enselic__ | mrpoundsign: well, I tested Evo. for a while, but as soon as I went back to Thundeberbird again, I recalled how much better it is. Unless one needs exchange :( | 09:01 |
veen | ??? I have a toshiba laptop with an s-video output, is there a driver that will allow me to use it ??? | 09:01 |
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Laizerox | great | 09:01 |
Laizerox | :/ | 09:01 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: do you have a working edgy install? | 09:01 |
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skaller | UUID=2007b9fa-c9fc-49e5-b463-6e43392ef6dc none swap sw 0 0 | 09:01 |
Laizerox | no one still helps me :( | 09:01 |
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skaller | i need to change that? | 09:02 |
pipegeek | r3m0t: and I do not. Currently running debian etch | 09:02 |
disasm | Laizerox: 3c905, that's ISA? | 09:02 |
danikhan | malmsdoom other ppl may be against my idea but if ur data is all there and nothing being written i pull th usb plug thats what i do in windows and linux | 09:02 |
blueyed | Laizerox: what's "NOT FOUND"? You have no network?= | 09:02 |
r3m0t | skaller: you might... I'm not sure, sorry | 09:02 |
DrNick1 | do you think downloading the drivers from the nvidia website might be a better idea, as they might be a different version from the one's offered in teh ubuntu repo's? | 09:02 |
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nicolah | I can't find DVD section anymore from | 09:02 |
ompaul | Laizerox, did you do a gnome install? | 09:02 |
nicolah | thanks | 09:02 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: then why move to ubuntu? ;) seriously though, I don't know how to fix the original LVM error. sorry | 09:02 |
washbear | eobanb - just showing what jrib showed me - which was the answer to my Q (as opposed to: try again later via the front door) | 09:02 |
Laizerox | blueyed: i get box filled with red where network card not found :/ | 09:02 |
chi0 | sudo apt-get -a life | 09:02 |
r3m0t | as for the release notes... | 09:02 |
ompaul | Laizerox, have some patience | 09:03 |
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jrib | DrNick1: I'd recommend the ubuntu repos, you get automatic sercurity updates | 09:03 |
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r3m0t | chi0: does it come in brown? | 09:03 |
eobanb | washbear, oh, okay | 09:03 |
disasm | Laizerox: if it's the card I think it is, you need to pass parameters to get it to work | 09:03 |
slytherin | nicolah: | 09:03 |
mathewwppp | !grub | 09:03 |
Laizerox | :/ | 09:03 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 09:03 |
Laizerox | help me? | 09:03 |
nicolah | thank slytherin | 09:03 |
blueyed | DrNick1: there's at least nvidia-glx-new | 09:03 |
yonkeltron | is there a metalink file for ubuntu downloads? | 09:03 |
chi0 | not today sorry check the repos next week | 09:03 |
disasm | Laizerox: is it ISA? | 09:03 |
pipegeek | r3m0t: Well, thanks anyhow. I appreciate the help. I'm moving to ubuntu because I want to be using the distribution that we're installing at installfests. | 09:03 |
skaller | !openoffice | 09:03 |
ubotu | a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install". User help available in | 09:03 |
r3m0t | chi0: no problem | 09:03 |
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frcz | Any ideas: How to run a win32 app (locally Wine runs it oerfectly) on an Ubuntu network? | 09:03 |
danikhan | nice in 16 minutes my download is at 90% (ubuntu 386 iso) | 09:03 |
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jrib | !feisty > yonkeltron (yonkeltron, see the private message from ubotu) | 09:03 |
DrNick1 | jrib: ok, so do you have any idea's what i should do? how about installing the restricted modules etc manually rather than through the restricted drivers manager? | 09:03 |
veen | Laizerox: relax, take a deep breath | 09:03 |
Malmsdoom | danikhan: I do the same at the moment...but it doesnt make a goor impression...if there a problem it needs to get fixed | 09:04 |
eobanb | danikhan, you've already asked that about ten times | 09:04 |
Pollywog | anyone who is having problems with nvidia: use nv driver instead, for now | 09:04 |
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Laizerox | disam: i check | 09:04 |
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frcz | Any ideas: How to run a win32 app (locally Wine runs it oerfectly) on an Ubuntu network? | 09:04 |
eobanb | danikhan, all i can recommend is putting it on a network share and copying it to the other stations | 09:04 |
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slytherin | pipegeek: did you get my messahe? | 09:04 |
chi0 | r3m0t, it does come in a nice redish brown | 09:04 |
danikhan | malmsdoom i agree but it depends | 09:04 |
lbci_irc | i am currently stalling out on auto update to feist... if i close and restart will it pick up at same spot? | 09:04 |
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Masqy | Did somebody install ubuntu on Fujitsu E8110? | 09:04 |
Malmsdoom | danikhan: but supposedly its a problem on my side | 09:04 |
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Laizerox | PCI if i rigt remember | 09:04 |
Pollywog | I think one would also recompile the nvidia drivers from Edgy sources... I am going to try that myself | 09:04 |
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eobanb | er, sorry, danikhan, i meant frcz | 09:04 |
Laizerox | but i have to check | 09:04 |
Ax3 | hey guys my installation wrote over my old /home folder, is there a way to do data recovery? | 09:04 |
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bill | can someone copy/paste the torrent link for feisty? the website is loading too slow... | 09:05 |
Pollywog | is there a way to download source packages with a browser? | 09:05 |
zaggynl | | 09:05 |
eobanb | frcz, all i can recommend is putting it on a network share and copying it to the other stations | 09:05 |
jrib | DrNick1: sure, you can try nvidia-glx-new as someone suggested. When I recommended the repo version, I wasn't aware of your issue. So if that still doesn't work, then the .bin from nvidia's site may be worth a try | 09:05 |
chi0 | r3m0t, ok that might be best | 09:05 |
r3m0t | pipegeek: still struggling to reach the release notes | 09:05 |
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Laizerox | this one | 09:05 |
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slytherin | Ax3: No. Did you choose to format the patrtition while installing? | 09:05 |
disasm | Laizerox: then it's not the one I was thinking of... lspci shows the card right? also, what happens if you try to manaully load the module? ie. modprobe 3c905 | 09:05 |
darx | Ax3: no | 09:05 |
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veen | Anyone know how to get a s-video output working on a laptop, or at all ??? | 09:05 |
eobanb | !tvout | 09:05 |
ubotu | For help with enabling the TV-Out, see (Nvidia cards) or (ATI cards, *untested*) | 09:05 |
ferronica | is fiesty is out??/ | 09:05 |
Ax3 | yes | 09:05 |
julian- | yes | 09:05 |
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piovisqui | Hey, is any admin here? i found mirrors with different md5sums... | 09:05 |
Ax3 | i did | 09:05 |
Ax3 | :S | 09:05 |
pipegeek | slytherin: Must have missed it, and can't find it (other than the original 'read the release notes', to which I responded). Could you repeat it, please? | 09:05 |
eobanb | veen, see that link. | 09:05 |
Laizerox | well disam i enter lspci nothing happens :/ | 09:05 |
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DrNick1 | jrib: ok, thanks for your comments :) | 09:05 |
Toyd | Hello, i am using an ubuntu virtual appliance for vmware but inside i cant change the resolution to 1024x758 only 800x600 and 640x480 how can i make the other resolutions available? | 09:05 |
slytherin | pipegeek: I sent private message | 09:05 |
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Toyd | vmware told me to come here | 09:06 |
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eobanb | !fixres | Toyd | 09:06 |
ubotu | Toyd: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 09:06 |
Ax3 | god | 09:06 |
Ax3 | i can't believe this | 09:06 |
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disasm | Laizerox: lspci has to do something... it should at least show your graphical card | 09:06 |
Ax3 | :( | 09:06 |
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eobanb | Ax3, what is your issue? | 09:06 |
Laizerox | no empty | 09:06 |
z3r0ph3wl | i try all ways to make wireless working on my HP Compaq nx6310 with broadcom card - dosnt work :( and i really want to use Ubuntu but just for this problem i cant :( does really nobodoy knows how to help me? | 09:06 |
Laizerox | my nvidia is AGP :F | 09:06 |
slytherin | Ax3: Did y9ou choose to format the partition? | 09:06 |
Pollywog | is there a way to download source packages with a browser? | 09:06 |
Ax3 | i accidentally formatted | 09:06 |
nicolah | I'm looking for amd 64 dvd .torrent and can't find it | 09:06 |
Ax3 | my /home is gone | 09:06 |
yonkeltron | jrib: kubuntu? | 09:06 |
Pollywog | deb source packages | 09:06 |
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r3m0t | ax3: hold on, data recovery is possible | 09:06 |
eobanb | Ax3, i'm sorry to hear that. when you partition a drive, it erases everything on that device. do you understand that? | 09:06 |
jrib | yonkeltron: no idea | 09:06 |
ferronica | is fiesty fawn is out??/ | 09:06 |
veen | eobanb: yea, i saw the link but i dont have nvidia or ati, i have intel, it's a toshiba laptop | 09:06 |
IdleOne | Ax3, isnt much you can do now.. did you have backups? | 09:06 |
Ax3 | no i thought /home was safe | 09:07 |
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Ax3 | :S | 09:07 |
DrNick1 | wtf, nvidia-glx-new isn't even installed, even though the restricted driver is in use according to the driver manager lol | 09:07 |
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eobanb | veen, i am unsure of whether s-video is currently supported on intel GPUs. | 09:07 |
r3m0t | Ax3: I think that if you download Ultimate Boot CD and boot from it you might be able to get something back | 09:07 |
jrib | yonkeltron: took a guess: | 09:07 |
Samus_Aran | is the Ubuntu server incredibly slow right now, or is that just me ? | 09:07 |
slytherin | Ax3: Admit it. Your stupidity | 09:07 |
r3m0t | Ax3: you need to be competent, though | 09:07 |
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DrNick1 | Samus_Aran: indeed it is :) | 09:07 |
julian- | and the award for the geekiest thing to lol at goes to... ;) | 09:07 |
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dlinsky | disasm: Now the client cannot connect to the service... looks like there is nothing starting up | 09:07 |
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IdleOne | slytherin, no need for that | 09:07 |
joe4444 | are the repos not responding due to traffic overload or something? | 09:07 |
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tv | probably | 09:08 |
r3m0t | slytherin: eobanb: stop being nasty, he has *intones* experienced a great loss (or she) | 09:08 |
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frcz | eoband: done thaT, but I need them to access the data on the "server" | 09:08 |
r3m0t | Samus_Aran: yes, it's slow | 09:08 |
Laizerox | disam: my nvidia is AGP :/ | 09:08 |
Angeluz | _Most_ propably. ;) | 09:08 |
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joe4444 | apt-get can't seem to get a response from | 09:08 |
disasm | dlinsky: have you rebooted since going through all the steps in the page I linked for you? | 09:08 |
eobanb | r3m0t, excuse me, but how was i being 'nasty'? | 09:08 |
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joe4444 | all i wanna do is install curl =( | 09:08 |
Ashex | woo | 09:08 |
Ashex | took me long enough | 09:08 |
slytherin | IdleOne: r3m0t: Was just kidding. | 09:08 |
eobanb | veen, try | 09:08 |
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Samus_Aran | oh, topic says the new version is out... that would explain it, heh | 09:08 |
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Ashex | i completely forgot that I could use the ssh protocol to browse files on my laptop | 09:08 |
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dlinsky | disasm: Yeah, several times | 09:09 |
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Ax3 | does ultimate boot cd have a recovery console of some sort? | 09:09 |
XBehave | is the bcm43xx driver a good option or does it have problems? | 09:09 |
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sdfasdfawef | whats a good program for burning bin/cue in ubuntu? | 09:09 |
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r3m0t | Ax3: many. you may need to try a few tools | 09:09 |
phoenix_G | hello | 09:09 |
Ashex | if you have a broadcom wireless card, I'm sorry | 09:09 |
phoenix_G | :P | 09:09 |
IdleOne | slytherin, jokes on irc are hard to read. not to mention you didnt indicate in any way you were joking. if you are not going to help a person then dont put them down for making a mistake | 09:09 |
ak4t5uk1 | k3b | 09:09 |
disasm | dlinsky: I'm stumped without looking at it, sorry :( | 09:09 |
dystopianray | sdfasdfawef: k3b | 09:09 |
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slytherin | sdfasdfawef: gnomebaker or you can just right click it an dsay write to disc | 09:09 |
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dystopianray | XBehave: bcm43xx barely works, but ndiswrapper works great with it | 09:09 |
pipegeek | r3m0t: Problem solved. slytherin notified me of bug #105623---apparently, the installer stops for 3 minutes per LV. Sadly, I have seven :^( Hopefully, this will get fixed before 7.10. Thanks for your help | 09:10 |
peter_ | ANyone who could help me with the beagle problem? | 09:10 |
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sldkfj | re: installing Feisty. I'm at the step when I 'write to disk' and I'm using the Nautilus CD/DVD Creator. In Gnome/Nautilus do I want to 'create from image' or 'create with file'? | 09:10 |
ferronica | jrib: is fiesty fawn is out??/ | 09:10 |
slytherin | IdleOne: Ok. I admit my mistake. Won't do it again. | 09:10 |
ak4t5uk1 | feisty fawn user,,, eny problems with the system? | 09:10 |
jrib | ferronica: yes | 09:10 |
eobanb | Ashex, actually broadcom is reasonably well-supported now | 09:10 |
dlinsky | disasm: which files you'd need? | 09:10 |
ferronica | jrib: kool | 09:10 |
z3r0ph3wl | why Ubuntu dont fix problem with broadcom... | 09:10 |
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r3m0t | Ax3: thankfully UBCD is not snowed under with a new release ;) | 09:10 |
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Ashex | eobanb, I have yet to get my wireless successfully working on my laptop | 09:10 |
IdleOne | Ax3, there is no way of recovering that data unless you are willing to pay alot of money to someone to do it and even then they probably couldnt save it all | 09:10 |
Ax3 | r3m0t: ok i'll grab right now | 09:10 |
dystopianray | z3r0ph3wl: becuae they can't | 09:10 |
veen | eobanb: THANKS! exactly what i needed! | 09:10 |
ferronica | jrib: site is slow? | 09:10 |
Ashex | it's a broadcom bcm4316 | 09:10 |
Laizerox | disam: you have any solution to my problem? | 09:10 |
z3r0ph3wl | eobanb its not | 09:10 |
disasm | XBehave: if you haven't bought it yet, don't, just find a card that works, or get a bridge and use your existing ethernet port | 09:10 |
jrib | ferronica: yes :) | 09:10 |
frcz | bye | 09:10 |
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Samus_Aran | anyone know if any of the Ubuntu mirrors going at a reasonable speed at the moment ? | 09:10 |
slytherin | z3r0ph3wl: because it needs non-Free firmware to be extracted form Windows drivers which are chipset dependent | 09:10 |
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ferronica | jrib: i clicked download but no response | 09:11 |
pipegeek | Anywho, ta ta | 09:11 |
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adaptr | Samus_Aran: mine are :) | 09:11 |
ak4t5uk1 | Samus_Aran , why not use torrent? | 09:11 |
disasm | dlinsky: I'm a lil' busy right now at work, if you want some help, send an e-mail to and I'll get back to you later | 09:11 |
Ashex | and my wireless config files are all fubar and ndiswrapper is just a mess now, so I'm going to try again when i install feisty | 09:11 |
pipegeek | Thanks again to all | 09:11 |
r3m0t | Ax3: also examine | 09:11 |
Ax3 | IdleOne: really? should i not even try? | 09:11 |
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nicolah | I'm looking for amd 64 dvd .torrent and can't find it | 09:11 |
IdleOne | Ax3, give it a shot wont hurt | 09:11 |
adaptr | Samus_Aran: reaching 600K at the moment, 20 minutes remaining of my 1500MB | 09:11 |
Hor|zon[Away] | Anyone here good with css? | 09:11 |
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dlinsky | disasm: Fine, thanks. :) | 09:11 |
Ax3 | ok :S | 09:11 |
Ashex | nicola, ubuntu feisty 64-bit torrent? | 09:11 |
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jrib | ferronica: you want to download a .iso? | 09:11 |
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ak4t5uk1 | guys,,, any problem on feisty fawn...? | 09:11 |
phoenix_G | torrent downloading :P :P | 09:11 |
slytherin | Ashex: If it is broadcom then you will need formware | 09:11 |
ferronica | jrib: yes | 09:12 |
Ashex | formware? | 09:12 |
eobanb | Ashex, | 09:12 |
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nicolah | Ashex, yes on dvd | 09:12 |
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jrib | ferronica: use teh torrent (see the message from ubotu) | 09:12 |
guerby | hi, I removed by mistake the gnome-controlpanel item in the menu editor, how do I add it back? | 09:12 |
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jrib | !feisty > ferronica (ferronica, see the private message from ubotu) | 09:12 |
slytherin | ekiczek: it depends on the softwares you use | 09:12 |
Ashex | nicolah, gimme a sec and I'll see if i can locate the torrent for ya | 09:12 |
ferronica | jrib: locatio near you Taiwan it will in english | 09:12 |
mips | Does the livecd support XFS ? | 09:12 |
nicolah | thanks Ashex | 09:12 |
ak4t5uk1 | guys,,, any problem on feisty fawn...? | 09:12 |
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eobanb | mips, i dont think so | 09:12 |
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ak4t5uk1 | i would like to know | 09:12 |
r3m0t | ak4t5uk1: plenty, but each one affects only a few people | 09:12 |
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jhaig | I'm following the instructions at to upgrade but I do not see an "Upgrade" button in the Software Updates window. Can anyone help? I have checked that I have update-manager 0.45.2. | 09:12 |
Laizerox | disam: the install also said that i could try install module manually but i don't know which :/ | 09:13 |
slytherin | ferronica: Use IITM mirror if you know. Located in India | 09:13 |
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mips | eobanb, thnx, just wondering if the status has changed | 09:13 |
eobanb | jhaig, i wouldnt attempt to upgrade right now anyway; the servers are too busy | 09:13 |
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themusicgod1 | What are the minnimum system requirements for this feisty thing, or where can I rtfm | 09:13 |
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tonyr1988 | How long should I wait until trying to upgrade? | 09:13 |
tonyr1988 | Tonight? | 09:13 |
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ak4t5uk1 | r3m0t sorry to ask.. but do you have a link so i could take a look? | 09:13 |
jhaig | eoband: I can set it off and leave it. | 09:13 |
slytherin | themusicgod1: Intel PII and 256 MB RAM I guess | 09:13 |
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PriceChild | themusicgod1, not a clue what the minimum requirements are... but minimum for the desktop cd is 192mb ram | 09:13 |
Kinetic | im still in the middle of setting up the dual boot at work | 09:13 |
dystopianray | tonyr1988: wait until things have cooled down and the mirrors are usable again | 09:13 |
eobanb | themusicgod1, most late-model pentium IIIs and pentium 4s, Ds, core duos, athlon 64s, with 256 MB of RAM or more should be fine. | 09:13 |
r3m0t | ak4t5uk1: no, it's all in the collective knowledge of the chat room | 09:14 |
PriceChild | themusicgod1, once on hard drive it'll run on much lower | 09:14 |
ytsestef | Hi | 09:14 |
themusicgod1 | i have lots of ram(512mb); I'm more worried about hd space | 09:14 |
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jhaig | eobanb: I can set it off and leave it. I don't mind it taking too long. | 09:14 |
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sonictwin | how do i start a process in the background from terminal? | 09:14 |
ytsestef | i can't get 7.04 to boot :( | 09:14 |
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sldkfj | I'm at the step when I want to write the Feisty d/l to a disk and I'm using the Nautilus CD/DVD Creator. Should I 'create from image' or 'create with file'? | 09:14 |
r3m0t | tonyr1988: why not return here before you intend to install, and see how things are then? | 09:14 |
ferronica | slytherin: should i click mirror ubuntu | 09:14 |
gpled | anyone know of a torrent download for 7.04? | 09:14 |
ytsestef | can any1 help? | 09:14 |
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dystopianray | themusicgod1: uses about 2GB on a regular desktop install | 09:14 |
jrib | sonictwin: append &, for example: gedit & | 09:14 |
eobanb | sldkfj, image | 09:14 |
slytherin | sonictwin: commandname | 09:14 |
PriceChild | sonictwin, "command &" | 09:14 |
dystopianray | themusicgod1: more required for extra packges, log files, user files, etc.. | 09:14 |
sonictwin | i am doing this with beryl and everytime i close out the terminal beryl crashes | 09:14 |
slytherin | sonictwin: sommand & | 09:14 |
r3m0t | sldkfj: which disc did you download, desktop or alternate? | 09:14 |
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romarishi | hi i have joined ubuntu jut now | 09:14 |
Laizerox | :/ | 09:15 |
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eobanb | themusicgod1, a 10 GB hard drive or bigger should be fine | 09:15 |
sldkfj | alternative | 09:15 |
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ytsestef | 7.04 does not boot.. anyone? | 09:15 |
russo79 | Hello. I would like to know of with apt-get or synaptic, there is a way to find out which packages come from which repository. | 09:15 |
slytherin | sonictwin: beryl should be launched with beryl-manager. Press Alt + F2 and then type beryl-manager | 09:15 |
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eobanb | ytsestef, can you be more specific? are there any error messages | 09:15 |
russo79 | Does someone has a clue? | 09:15 |
aldin | what is this with it is so unordered the menus pictures all??!?! | 09:15 |
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sldkfj | thanks eobanb for the help | 09:15 |
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themusicgod1 | dystopianray: thanks, but damn, I don't have 2gb :( | 09:15 |
pkl_ | sonictwm: to bring it back to the foreground, type fg | 09:15 |
r3m0t | sldkfj: just checking you know you don't need to reboot ;) | 09:15 |
ak4t5uk1 | does anyone tried network upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? | 09:15 |
russo79 | I googled about it, but didn't find anything. | 09:15 |
jrib | russo79: apt-cache policy PACKAGE | 09:15 |
themusicgod1 | oh well maybe next time | 09:15 |
eobanb | aldin, it is a temporary page | 09:15 |
jhaig | ytsestef: I don't know if I can help. How far does it get? | 09:15 |
qaldune | has anybody already tried feisty? is it a worth upgrade? | 09:16 |
eobanb | ak4t5uk1, yes, i did a few weeks ago to the betat | 09:16 |
eobanb | beta* | 09:16 |
Seveas | qaldune, it is | 09:16 |
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Laizerox | disasm: help? | 09:16 |
slytherin | russo79: In synaptic if package has ubuntu logo in front of it then it is in main repository. | 09:16 |
matkam | the Ubuntu server upgrade procedure is inconsistant. The update-manager-core package does not exist! | 09:16 |
sldkfj | r3m0t, nope I didn't know that | 09:16 |
r3m0t | qaldune: it is probably worth your time :) | 09:16 |
qaldune | seveas: is it stable enough? | 09:16 |
Slash | qaldune: it sure is | 09:16 |
Seveas | qaldune, it is | 09:16 |
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Laizerox | k i just waitr | 09:16 |
themusicgod1 | thanks all! | 09:16 |
ytsestef | eobanb and jhaig, no error messages: just after POST i get "GRUB_" and the system hangs | 09:16 |
washbear | for those who can't to the torrent, this worked for me: | 09:16 |
Ashex | nicolah, | 09:16 |
slytherin | russo79: And if you are on feisty then you can click origin button to check | 09:16 |
psusi | I've tried the livecd and was plesantly surprised to find that it does proper 3d acceleration on my radeon x850 using the open source driver | 09:16 |
eobanb | ytsestef, this is right after you installed? | 09:16 |
eobanb | or the liveCD? | 09:17 |
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ytsestef | yeah, just after installation | 09:17 |
russo79 | slytherin: thanks... I'm still not on feisty. | 09:17 |
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Samus_Aran | ak4t5uk1: I wasn't trying to download the newest version at the moment, was just trying to reinstall my Xorg package, but it can't connect to the main server | 09:17 |
_chris_ | is there a torrent link for feisty? | 09:17 |
disasm | Laizerox: I'm at work, can't spend the day helping everyone, sorry :( | 09:17 |
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ytsestef | it's my first try on ubuntu | 09:17 |
eobanb | ytsestef, have you tried installing again? | 09:17 |
eobanb | oh okay | 09:17 |
r3m0t | sldkfj: once it's burned, just eject and reinsert the CD, you should get a helpful message... you have to be running edgy though | 09:17 |
qaldune | ok just another question how can i get a list of packets i've installed to install them all again once i've installed edgy? | 09:17 |
slytherin | Samus_Aran: why reinstall? | 09:17 |
Laizerox | disam: ok but is there any solution to my problem? | 09:17 |
ytsestef | yeah, i have tried 3 times | 09:17 |
qaldune | sorry once i've installed feisty | 09:17 |
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ytsestef | the third time | 09:17 |
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mnatthewoppp | !grub | 09:17 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: | 09:17 |
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slytherin | qaldune: dpkg -la | 09:18 |
eobanb | ytsestef, do you happen to have a sony vaio | 09:18 |
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ytsestef | The third time I created a seperate partition for /boot and still the same | 09:18 |
qaldune | ok slytherin thx | 09:18 |
r3m0t | sldkfj: see the second-last section on | 09:18 |
Samus_Aran | slytherin: because my X crashes constantly within a few seconds of loading, I had a few crashes and figure there might be a corrupt file | 09:18 |
ytsestef | no, I have a desktop system... | 09:18 |
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slytherin | qaldune: by why install again? why not just upgrade from feisty to edgy? | 09:18 |
sid | Is the website down? | 09:18 |
sldkfj | r3m0t, that sounds wild.... this is way different from wimpohs | 09:18 |
slytherin | qaldune: oops the other way round | 09:18 |
eugman | Is there any way to upgrade without adding more strain to the main servers? | 09:18 |
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Samus_Aran | sid: just very slow | 09:18 |
svetelis | hi for all. can anyone say what defaul password is after installation ? | 09:18 |
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qaldune | slytherin i've had bad experience upgrading | 09:18 |
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eobanb | sid, intermittently; many people are downloading 7.04 right now | 09:19 |
sid | Samus_Aran: It doesn't work for me, been 5 minutes | 09:19 |
r3m0t | svetelis: there is no default password - you must have entered one yourself | 09:19 |
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PriceChild | svetelis, its what you set | 09:19 |
slytherin | eugman: no. | 09:19 |
psusi | eugman: yuo can download the alternate install cd via bittorrent and use that | 09:19 |
eugman | k | 09:19 |
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slytherin | qaldune: had when? | 09:19 |
amarillion | is down isn't it? | 09:19 |
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dmg | I upgraded to feisty last week and have now gotten kernel "BUG: soft lockup detected" twice, possibly related to the firegl driver | 09:19 |
r3m0t | qaldune: edgy -> fiesty upgrades appear to be having much less problems than dapper -> edgy | 09:19 |
jrib | eugman: you could grab the alternate cd through a torrent and use it to upgrade | 09:19 |
blitzchecker | does anyone know why in feisty is still gaim and not pidgin? | 09:19 |
kerik | anybody here who can tell me a little about upgrading from Dapper to Feisty? | 09:19 |
qaldune | slytherin when upgrading to feisty from dapper | 09:19 |
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charliesu | blitzchecker: same thing..' | 09:19 |
eobanb | amarillion, yes, intermittently; many people are downloading 7.04 right now | 09:19 |
qaldune | ok r3m0t i'll give it a try | 09:19 |
jrib | kerik: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel topic which you can view at any time by typing: /topic | 09:19 |
PriceChild | blitzchecker, because feisty went into freeze before that change | 09:19 |
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slytherin | qaldune: II agree with what r3m0t says | 09:19 |
amarillion | Does anybody have a torrent so I can download it from there? | 09:20 |
qaldune | ok guys i'll try upgrading | 09:20 |
ytsestef | I don't know if this gives you any clues, but the first time I installed I had a seperate partition for /boot too, but formatted in ext3 filesystem. that got me to the GRUB command prompt... | 09:20 |
amarillion | eobanb, I thought so | 09:20 |
romarishi | hi any can help me to install yahoo messenger for ubuntu 6.10 | 09:20 |
svetelis | If i never in my installation entered password? | 09:20 |
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kerik | jrib: thanks mate... | 09:20 |
LjL | !feisty > amarillion (amarillion, see the private message from Ubotu) | 09:20 |
eobanb | romarishi, gaim will do yahoo IM | 09:20 |
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fbarcenas | Is there a place where you can check real time statistics on how many times the Feist has been downloaded and how many hits on the website today? | 09:20 |
sldkfj | r3m0t, so I don't have to erase the hd or nothing and start fresh? | 09:20 |
amarillion | thx | 09:20 |
psusi | svetelis: the installation asks you to enter one | 09:20 |
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ak4t5uk1 | but it think gyache is better if you doo yahoo on linux it does have webcam support | 09:20 |
sebas_ | hi, i saw that feisty has already been released, but i can't download it with update-manager. Who can help me? | 09:20 |
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eobanb | fbarcenas, not that i know of, since there are so many different mirrors and torrents of feisty | 09:21 |
r3m0t | sldkfj: you don't need to do that. are you running edgy or dapper? | 09:21 |
psusi | svetelis: if you just hit enter then you set an empty password | 09:21 |
eobanb | fbarcenas, i'm sure there will be estimates soon | 09:21 |
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disinterested | i need to know the instructions to install a dial up modem | 09:21 |
eobanb | sebas_, the servers are very stressed right now; try again later | 09:21 |
fbarcenas | eobanb, Yeah, the curiosity is killing me.. | 09:21 |
Samus_Aran | sid: everyone is downloading the new version. for some reason they apparently do not run their main web pages on a separate internet connection | 09:21 |
predaeus | blitzchecker, also pidgin/gaim is still on beta I think, no official 2.0 release yet. | 09:21 |
sldkfj | r3m0t, yes, edgy | 09:21 |
nicolah | thanks Ashex | 09:21 |
slytherin | ak4t5uk1: please don't recommend packages not in repos to new users | 09:21 |
ak4t5uk1 | okies | 09:21 |
ak4t5uk1 | my bad | 09:21 |
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Samus_Aran | file archives should be on a separate web server if they're likely to be hit hard | 09:21 |
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r3m0t | sldkfj: then you can upgrade directly to fiesty using the alternate CD :) | 09:22 |
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tinloaf | hi. i've got some sort of problem: during my dist-upgrade, the computer crashed, and now it "cant guess meta-package" | 09:22 |
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r3m0t | Samus_Aran: I'm sure the web admins will remember that for next time | 09:22 |
eobanb | fbarcenas, well assuming virtually everyone in this channel has upgraded or is in the process, and assuming there are thousands more who arent in the channel, i would guess that for the first day that it's at least 10,000 | 09:22 |
slytherin | time to hit bed. Good bye all. Happy hacking | 09:22 |
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r3m0t | tinloaf: can you give the error message in more detail? | 09:22 |
Eimann | - enjoy it. should be fast. located in .de, so be a bit near to it to get the best speed ;) | 09:22 |
sebas_ | eobanb: thanks, I thought that was my problem. I will probably download it tomorrow. | 09:22 |
r3m0t | slytherin: bye | 09:22 |
svetelis | I installed baltix 1.3 automaticaly and never asked for pass | 09:22 |
sldkfj | r3m0t, sounds cool, should be easy then | 09:22 |
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ytsestef | could my SATA raid 0 confuse grub? (I have installed windows there and whenever i want to boot winxp I change my bios boot settings which means that regularly it sees my system as a single-os setup since my controller is not supported and the raid is not even mapped) | 09:22 |
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eobanb | svetelis, baltix is not the same as ubuntu. | 09:23 |
slytherin | svetelis: Then ask in baltix channel. | 09:23 |
eobanb | different distributions use different security schemes | 09:23 |
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hezi | hi all! | 09:23 |
tinloaf | r3m0t: i'm using this "update manager" (i'm using german ubuntu, don't know exactly how it's called in the english version) | 09:23 |
psusi | ytsestef: yes, if you are using a fake hardware raid you will have problems... see | 09:23 |
tinloaf | and it tells me... wait a sec... | 09:23 |
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eobanb | !de | tinloaf | 09:23 |
ubotu | tinloaf: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 09:23 |
slytherin | r3m0t: should I send some reinforcement? ;-) | 09:23 |
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r3m0t | tinloaf: it's called "update manager" ;) | 09:23 |
hezi | who can help me with my wireless card? | 09:23 |
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r3m0t | hezi: what model is that wireless card? | 09:24 |
eobanb | hezi, what wireless card do you have? | 09:24 |
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slytherin | hezi: which card? | 09:24 |
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hezi | wow great response! | 09:24 |
hezi | it's a dlink | 09:24 |
tinloaf | r3m0t: wow, what a good guess ;-) ... well if you don't want me around here, i'll go play in #ubuntu-de ;-) | 09:24 |
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hezi | DWL-G122 Ver B1 | 09:24 |
ytsestef | psusi: yeah, but does this affect only ubuntu setups? I have used opensuse and sabayon in the past and I didn't have any problems... I mean, isn't grub the same??? | 09:24 |
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eobanb | tinloaf, it's not that we dont want you here, it's just that you'll probably find more help also asking in -de | 09:24 |
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Fin_ | evening everyone, was just wondering if anyone knew how i sort my music banshee by artist then album? it's being lame and not doing it by default.. | 09:24 |
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slytherin | hezi: what is problem exactly? | 09:25 |
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psusi | ytsestef: are you saying you have windows on the raid and are installing linux to another non raid disk? | 09:25 |
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r3m0t | ytsestef: they apply modifications to grub and configure them differently. so not exactly the same | 09:25 |
ytsestef | psusi: exactly | 09:25 |
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eobanb | hezi, that card should use the ralink driver, which is fairly well-supported | 09:25 |
tinloaf | eobanb: i understood that ;-) | 09:25 |
Dlozo | is it just me or all the repositories down? | 09:25 |
freezer | has anyone here an old Cingular SIM card he doesn't need anymore? | 09:25 |
mrmonday | is the ubuntu edgy security server down? | 09:25 |
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mre_ | Hi, anybody used Adept to update to Feisty today? | 09:25 |
hezi | i see the green light blinking | 09:25 |
kerik | if I use gksu "update-manager -c" to upgrade my system, will it save my settings and documents? or will I start from scratch? | 09:25 |
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romarishi | bye bye to all | 09:25 |
hezi | but somehow i don't seem to be able to connect to my router | 09:25 |
psusi | ytsestef: and you have your bios set to boot from the non raid disk? What did the installer see the non raid disk as? was it /dev/sda? or /dev/sdc or something? | 09:25 |
slytherin | kerik: save documents | 09:25 |
hezi | i think the hardware is recognized | 09:25 |
craigbass1976 | besides oscommerce (which is being a total pain) does anyone else know of some sort of opensource online store app? | 09:25 |
vodnik | i ma probably being blind, but where the hell can I get a torrent for Feisty? an official link. I tried it through - it looks really nicely there, but it only offers me a classical http download... | 09:26 |
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fbarcenas | eobanb, I'm thinking many, many more!! | 09:26 |
kharloss | hehe | 09:26 |
kharloss | | 09:26 |
kerik | slytherin: but will my hardware drivers still work? | 09:26 |
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eobanb | hezi, try | 09:26 |
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slytherin | hezi: Does you are card show in System -> Administration -> Network? | 09:26 |
vodnik | never mind | 09:26 |
ytsestef | i have my bios boot from the non raid. the disk i'm installing ubuntu is /dev/sda | 09:26 |
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hezi | slyth: hang in there, lemme look | 09:26 |
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vodnik | just could not get the page loaded due to overload to the servers | 09:26 |
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slytherin | kerik: Yes they will get updated unless you installed any drivers by compiling from source | 09:27 |
julio | Are the repositories having problems? | 09:27 |
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kerik | slytherin: thanks | 09:27 |
hezi | I see Wireless connection roaming enabled | 09:27 |
eobanb | julio, yes, they're very busy right now | 09:27 |
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hezi | but i dont see the model | 09:27 |
ditoa | does anyone know if build-essential is available on the cd? | 09:27 |
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slytherin | julio: Yes, they are overloaded | 09:27 |
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Dlozo | julio--I think they are i can't update either | 09:27 |
ditoa | the repos are proper slow tonight! | 09:27 |
devCy | fuck my widgets wont get deleted. | 09:28 |
charliesu | i can't wait for apt-torrent | 09:28 |
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devCy | what can i do? | 09:28 |
eobanb | ditoa, i dont think it is | 09:28 |
jrib | !language | devCy | 09:28 |
ubotu | devCy: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 09:28 |
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jrib | devCy: what widgets? | 09:28 |
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devCy | sorry, pissed of | 09:28 |
julio | All right, just making sure the problem wasn't on my end | 09:28 |
ytsestef | psusi, any ideas?? can i do anything or do I have to return to sabayon? maybe reconfiguring grub? | 09:28 |
sebas_ | approximately what percentage of the world uses ubuntu? | 09:28 |
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devCy | gdesktop etc | 09:28 |
eobanb | devCy, if you can explain your problem clearly, we will try to help you | 09:28 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:ompaul] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: | Support options: | IRC info: | Pastes to | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party | Servers may be slow please be patient | ||
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dmg | kernel 2.6.20-15-generic has given me "BUG: soft lockup detected" twice, possibly related to the firegl driver .. googling I've seen a number of soft lockups related to 2.6.20 on the ubuntu forums .. easy way to downgrade? | 09:28 |
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slytherin | hezi: can you paste output of lspci somewhere? | 09:28 |
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runa | hey. can I upgrade from edgy i386 to 7.04 amd64? | 09:28 |
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hezi | it looks like my wap or wep encryption is the issue? | 09:28 |
jrib | devCy: what is "gdesktop"? | 09:29 |
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robert_ | I want 7.04/64-bit | 09:29 |
ak4t5uk1 | 5%? just guessing | 09:29 |
devCy | there is somekinda of bug in one of widget and it cannot be deleted | 09:29 |
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ak4t5uk1 | :D | 09:29 |
slytherin | dmg: just install older version. it must be in repos | 09:29 |
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jrib | devCy: are you referring to panel applets? | 09:29 |
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psusi | ytsestef: did you miss my last question? do you have the non raid disk set to be the boot disk in the bios? and what did the installer see that disk as? was it /dev/sda or /dev/sdc or something? | 09:29 |
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devCy | yep | 09:29 |
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hezi | Does anyone know if wap/web is supported on 704? | 09:29 |
enry | why my wireless card is not supported by feisty!!!! | 09:29 |
enry | !!! | 09:29 |
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jrib | devCy: which applet specifically? | 09:29 |
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dystopianray | hezi: wpa and wep? | 09:29 |
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ytsestef | psusi, i have my bios boot from the non raid. the disk i'm installing ubuntu is /dev/sda | 09:29 |
sebas_ | I heard something like that, but I can't be sure | 09:29 |
dystopianray | enry: is it broadcom? | 09:30 |
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slytherin | hezi: if you meant wep and wpa then yes | 09:30 |
dmg | slytherin: ok, I'll just grab it from the pool and put linux-image-generic on hold | 09:30 |
enry | 6.10 worked well with realteck 8180L | 09:30 |
hezi | lemme check which one i used (let me climb in my router on my other pc) | 09:30 |
AlexLatchford | Howdy guys, When using OOo I get this whenever text is typed.. /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ undefined symbol: _ZN8Hunspell5spellEPKc | 09:30 |
dmg | thanks | 09:30 |
psusi | ytsestef: hrm.... then it should work... what exactly is the problem? | 09:30 |
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AlexLatchford | I have a project deadline tomorrow, and this really is annoying.. | 09:30 |
Mercury | Uhh, any idea what's up with It's not responding at all. | 09:30 |
enry | dystopianray, it's a realteck 8180L | 09:30 |
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abg | sorry for the basic question, but if i have a dual ubuntu and xp boot, how do i set the default for what i want the system to boot to? | 09:30 |
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hezi | slytherin: i have the feeling that this is the problem here | 09:30 |
ak4t5uk1 | linux are growing.... but so sad... even this day and age... a lot of people can still think that they can only create documents using MSWord... | 09:30 |
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PriceChild | Mercury, that's the main ubuntu server afaik | 09:30 |
slytherin | AlexLatchford: something wrong with dictionaries I think | 09:31 |
dystopianray | abg: there is a default setting in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:31 |
ompaul | Mercury, check the topic please | 09:31 |
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psusi | abg: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 09:31 |
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sebas_ | abg: you have to configure GRUB | 09:31 |
ak4t5uk1 | And that PC we're all Windows | 09:31 |
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bsnider | when you plug in an external hard drive, doe sit automount like a flash drive? | 09:31 |
AlexLatchford | Yes, hunspell is above the version needed for OOo I believe.. I just need to know how to roll it back 1 | 09:31 |
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PriceChild | bsnider, should do :) | 09:31 |
enry | oooo my wireless card is not working under 7.04 anc it worked with 6.10 | 09:31 |
slytherin | bsnider: yes, it should | 09:31 |
PriceChild | bsnider, at the end of the day they're both usb right? :) | 09:31 |
sebas_ | and set the default value to the OS you want to be | 09:31 |
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Mirthy | Okay, I got a problem guys... Let's see where to start. | 09:31 |
slytherin | enry: which card? | 09:31 |
Mercury | PriceChild: Ah hell, I was under the odd impression that security. was a seperate box, and thus didn't see why it should be overloaded. | 09:31 |
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eobanb | enry, i'm sure that with a moderate amount of tweaking it will work again | 09:32 |
sebas_ | the first one is 0 | 09:32 |
Mercury | PriceChild: Mirrors, sure, but. :) | 09:32 |
bsnider | this one doesn't seem to be doing that | 09:32 |
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enry | slytherin, a realteck 8180L | 09:32 |
=== molinero feisty fawn 7.04 lives! | ||
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ytsestef | psusi, when I format the /boot partition as ext3 I get to the grub command prompt (not a menu or sth). when I format the /boot partition as reiserfs ot when I include it in the / partition the system hangs just after POST ( I get the "GRUB" message with the blinking cursor next to it) | 09:32 |
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slytherin | enry: Did it need any restricted modules? | 09:32 |
phendrick | are there any guides for getting suspend/hibernate working on feisty? it's pretty useless out of the box, unfortunately | 09:32 |
hylje | no it isnt | 09:32 |
abg | dystopianray (and everyone else who answered that one): thanks :) | 09:32 |
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enry | don't tell me that i have to use ndiswrapper! | 09:33 |
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Rprp | ChanServ Daveym[DJ] Duiv GameServ Global MemoServ NickServ OperServ roconda Rprp Wesleysld | 09:33 |
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slytherin | phendrick: useless as in? | 09:33 |
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enry | slytherin, what kernel 7.04 use? | 09:33 |
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slytherin | enry: if you didn't require ndis in edgy then you won't need in feisty | 09:33 |
phendrick | slytherin, it either locks up my machine or just locks the screen | 09:33 |
blocky | hi, can someone tell me why my sound just stopped working in feisty | 09:33 |
LEVENT | slm | 09:33 |
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slytherin | enry: 2.6.20 | 09:33 |
blocky | i get this error from mpg321, but i cant get sound from any application | 09:33 |
enry | slytherin, casp!! and 6,10) | 09:33 |
blocky | ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave | 09:33 |
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enry | ? | 09:33 |
Mirthy | Im trying to install Feisty from a disc; I have XP with 49 gigs partition, and the rest is Unallocated. When I try to install Feisty using the "Largest continuous free space", it installs until about 88%, that I get something saying about Migration-Assistant and unmounting something. It has the option to "Go Back" or "Continue"; when I Continue, it just gives me the options again, and when... | 09:33 |
LEVENT | arkadaslar bende pardus 2007 ykl ubuntu hakknda yardmc olabilirmisiniz acaba | 09:33 |
Mirthy | ...I "Go back", it like, exits the installation. | 09:33 |
slytherin | phendrick: hibernate is known to have problems | 09:33 |
ak4t5uk1 | slytherin : is it optimized for Pentium D? | 09:34 |
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r3m0t | which options? | 09:34 |
blocky | my sound was working and then it just quit | 09:34 |
slytherin | ak4t5uk1: don't know | 09:34 |
enry | slytherin, ithink that is the kernel! | 09:34 |
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phendrick | slytherin, yeah, i'm trying suspend too, but thats what locks the machine | 09:34 |
psusi | ytsestef: ok... then use the ext3 /boot partition and get it to the point where grub loads, and pastebin your menu.lst and tell me exactly what grub says | 09:34 |
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r3m0t | Mirthy: which options? the migration-assistant message, does it give you some choice? | 09:34 |
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HYPOCRISY | Hello | 09:35 |
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yassine | hi everyone | 09:35 |
eucalre` | hey | 09:35 |
blocky | does anyone know how to check whats using the sound card? | 09:35 |
predaeus | LEVENT, are you from turkey? | 09:35 |
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FRanKo | yes | 09:35 |
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slytherin | enry: then just check that driver name has not changed | 09:35 |
yassine | any one of you guys have an idea where the "atan" arc tangent function is packages for ubuntu? | 09:35 |
Mirthy | r3m0t, yeah, it gives me the 2 choices to Continue or Go back, and when I hit continue, I get the same screen | 09:35 |
LEVENT | predaeus: yes i am from turkey | 09:35 |
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ak4t5uk1 | i saw an articles somewhere on the net... u should use a kernel version optimized for different processors.., but what about thos dual core cpu? | 09:35 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b Bain!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic] by ompaul | ||
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dystopianray | yassine: the C function? | 09:35 |
r3m0t | Mirthy: did you attempt to import things from Windows? | 09:35 |
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yassine | dystopianray: yes | 09:36 |
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EmxBA | what was the number of users in here today when feisty released? i've seen 1600, not more than that | 09:36 |
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eucalre` | interest | 09:36 |
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r3m0t | ak4t5uk1: Ubuntu is not really made for tweaking. the default kernel does support both cores in dual core CPUs | 09:36 |
slytherin | ak4t5uk1: There is smp kernel | 09:36 |
Grexeo | what file system is best for a laptop? | 09:36 |
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Mirthy | r3m0t: The first install, I did. Since that didn't work, I went back into XP, deleted the partitions Ubuntu made, and started the installation again, this time without check marking anything; same problem still. | 09:36 |
predaeus | LEVENT, #ubuntu-tr is the Turkish speaking support channel, but of course you can also stay here, but please speak English here | 09:36 |
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ompaul | Grexeo, personal choice is ext3 | 09:36 |
mirak | can I change the source mirror from synaptic ? | 09:37 |
XBehave | whats linux 10.1? im looking at a usb pen and it listed it as compatible with linux 10.1 | 09:37 |
r3m0t | slytherin: actually smp is in the main kernel I'm almost sure, linux-kernel-image-blabla-smp is a dummy package now | 09:37 |
dystopianray | Grexeo: ext3, unless you have a very good reason to do otherwise | 09:37 |
phendrick | urgh, even the uswsusp tools don't work | 09:37 |
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EmxBA | i agree, ompaul | 09:37 |
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Nergar | hows running feisty already!?! | 09:37 |
Grexeo | ompaul: doesn't ext3 cause excessive hard drive activity? | 09:37 |
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predaeus | !tr > LEVENT | 09:37 |
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nol13 | so do i have any reason to upgrade from dapper? | 09:37 |
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XBehave | really i though ext3 was the old 1 and jfs or xfs were the best | 09:37 |
slytherin | XBehave: it probably mean turbolinux :-D | 09:37 |
r3m0t | XBehave: there's no such thing - the manufacturer doesn't really know about linux. usb keys are always compatible with linux | 09:37 |
PriceChild | nol13, not if dapper's working fine | 09:37 |
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ytsestef | psusi: sorry :$ when you say "pastebin" what do you want me to do? i' kinda n00b, although I DO know what menu.lst is and where it is... | 09:37 |
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EmxBA | Nergar: I have my system (somehow) upgraded. but all mirrors are full now | 09:37 |
ompaul | Grexeo, you had your mind made up already so why bother asking, just curious | 09:37 |
Dlozo | nol13 not right now, because the servers are overloaded | 09:37 |
mirak | can I change the source mirror from synaptic ? | 09:37 |
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slytherin | XBehave: JFS and XFS might not be needed for home use | 09:38 |
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Grexeo | ompaul: huh? | 09:38 |
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EmxBA | mirak: yes | 09:38 |
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r3m0t | Mirthy: so if you've already tried to install without ticking any migrations, I am at a loss | 09:38 |
Bicchi | Almost 1500 people here. When i first started using Ubuntu over 2 years ago (Warty) there were only about 200 people in this channel. We sure are a lucky bunch. | 09:38 |
XBehave | r3mot so any wireless dongle will work with linux? | 09:38 |
slytherin | mirak: I don't think so | 09:38 |
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Alan | is there a simple way to get /dev/md* to show up in nautilus the same was hd* and sd* do ? | 09:38 |
Nergar | anyone having problems connecting to IRC with gaim in feisty?? | 09:38 |
Mirthy | I am as well r3m0t, hehe. | 09:38 |
nol13 | ahh | 09:38 |
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r3m0t | XBehave: I was talking about memory sticks, not wireless (sorry) | 09:38 |
Mirthy | Maybe I should just stick with Windows then | 09:38 |
EmxBA | question for all of you, which mirror are you using currently, or have used it today? | 09:38 |
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ompaul | Grexeo, I don't think it is excessive for my laptop or that of my MD both of us use ext3 | 09:38 |
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Nergar | EmxBA, yes, servers are so full right now, i'm getting dial up speeds :( | 09:38 |
Linuturk | I'm running the Update Manager distro upgrade. The one they tell you not to stop. The only problem is, I have to leave in 1 hour, and I've got an eta of 4 hours. I have to bring the machine with me. Any ideas? | 09:38 |
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slytherin | Alan: What does /dev/md* correspond to? | 09:39 |
r3m0t | Mirthy: the "alternate" CD does not use migration-assistant, so it will be unable to give you that message ;) | 09:39 |
mirak | slytherin: it proposes me french and default, I don't know how can spot french | 09:39 |
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Grexeo | ompaul: ah, thanks, ext3 it is then! | 09:39 |
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EmxBA | Nergar: with which mirror? | 09:39 |
ompaul | 0 day ubuntu ? | 09:39 |
savvas | why isn't there a jigdo for feisty? :\ | 09:39 |
Alan | slytherin: RAID arrays | 09:39 |
r3m0t | Mirthy: the end result of the "alternate" CD is the same as with the "desktop" CD | 09:39 |
savvas | i can only find one for alternate | 09:39 |
EmxBA | savvas: no jigdo? | 09:39 |
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Mirthy | ah, I see r3m0t.... | 09:39 |
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Mirthy | I might have to check that out | 09:39 |
psusi | ytsestef: you can paste the file there and then tell me the url it gives so I can see it... without flooding the channel | 09:39 |
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Nergar | EmxBA, mexico | 09:39 |
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savvas | EmxBA: no .jigdo for the live dvd, only alternate | 09:39 |
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killerboy | hi | 09:40 |
r3m0t | Mirthy: I suggest spending a day or so using Ubuntu from the CD, if you like it, get the "alternate" CD | 09:40 |
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r3m0t | Mirthy: and give your "desktop" CD to a friend, it might work on their computer. :) | 09:40 |
zachalekos | help me! Fixed it before but lost the bookmark. When I insert a burned DVD the drive spins and whirs but won't mount. Sometimes it does, but mostly it won't. I remember fixing it before by changing something in a file ide-cd though I might be mistaken, can't find it on the forum anymore. | 09:40 |
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killerboy | could anybody help me with setting up polish UTF-8 in console in ubuntu | 09:40 |
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Paul_UK | hey i have pptp manager setup, but how do i connect to it | 09:41 |
r3m0t | EmxBA: if you're already running edgy, I suggest the alternate CD, then you can upgrade instead of re-install | 09:41 |
Mirthy | r3m0t, well, I used to use Edgy for a few weeks and liked it. (Uninstalled it though cause after I installed VMware, my memory usage was constantly at 50%; even after I uninstalled it) | 09:41 |
ericb2 | hi | 09:41 |
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Linuturk | I'm running the Update Manager distro upgrade. The one they tell you not to stop. The only problem is, I have to leave in 1 hour, and I've got an eta of 4 hours. I have to bring the machine with me. Any ideas? | 09:41 |
Dlozo | is ssh-server included on the server cd? | 09:41 |
=== stephank is IRCing from a netbooted livecd, booya >;) | ||
ak4t5uk1 | Mirthy try VirtualBox | 09:41 |
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EmxBA | r3m0t: I'm running feisty since february | 09:41 |
r3m0t | Mirthy: a memory usage of 50% should be fine. were things actually going slowly? | 09:41 |
Mirthy | Hrm, I will check that out too | 09:41 |
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Mirthy | r3m0t, things seemed a tad slower | 09:41 |
slytherin | Linuturk: If it is just downloding packages then it is safe to stop | 09:41 |
greenplastic | hi, does anyone know smt about servers, did you tryed install anything in last few minutes? | 09:41 |
r3m0t | EmxBA: must have misunderstood you... | 09:41 |
hylje | Linuturk: if its already installing, you can unplug network iirc | 09:41 |
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eugman | I'm getting some sort of problem, is there anywhere I can get a fresh sources list? | 09:42 |
hylje | Linuturk: it fetches the files first, then installs them | 09:42 |
slytherin | greenplastic: they are overloaded | 09:42 |
mwe | !easysource | eugman | 09:42 |
ubotu | eugman: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - | 09:42 |
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Linuturk | slytherin, thanks, that helps. hylje it has 5 hours left on the download!!! | 09:42 |
bart | Has Feisty been released yet ? | 09:42 |
firecrotch | bart: yes | 09:42 |
slytherin | bart: Yes | 09:42 |
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ak4t5uk1 | bart: sy | 09:42 |
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hylje | Linuturk: stopping downloads shouldnt be harmful at all | 09:42 |
greenplastic | okey | 09:42 |
mwe | bart: as the topic suggests ;) | 09:42 |
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r3m0t | Mirthy: well, if they were too slow for your taste, you might as well stick with Windows | 09:42 |
Linuturk | slytherin, how do I kill it? xkill ? | 09:42 |
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Geoffrey2 | where can I find torrent download info for Feisty? | 09:42 |
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killerboy | i've checked goole etc. and found nothing | 09:43 |
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Alan | Yay feisty - just switched from Gentoo, decided i needed something that was lower maintainance on my desktop | 09:43 |
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slytherin | Linuturk: Isn't there any cancel button? | 09:43 |
ytsestef | psusi: WOW, pastebin isn't working: Query failure: Can't open file: 'pastebin.MYI'. (errno: 145) LOL | 09:43 |
bart | Yohoo!! ./ mini tribal dance :D | 09:43 |
ZeroSystem | hallo | 09:43 |
eobanb | Alan, congrats | 09:43 |
paddy-2k | HELP! Has anyone had a problem with the Live CD? All I get is a login screen! | 09:43 |
greenplastic | <slytherin> how dou you know? | 09:43 |
mwe | ytsestef: | 09:43 |
Linuturk | slytherin, no, there is no way to close it or cancel it | 09:43 |
r3m0t | Linuturk: IMO you should bring the machine right down with shutdown. that way nothing related to the upgrade will keep running | 09:43 |
Paul_UK | hey, vpn pptp is installed, how do i connect with it? | 09:43 |
ytsestef | thanks mwe! | 09:43 |
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ericb2 | baille :) | 09:43 |
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slytherin | Linuturk: then just shutdown the PC. :-) But make sure that it has not started installing packages. It is just downloading them. | 09:44 |
zachalekos | anyone? | 09:44 |
psusi | ytsestef: lol, wow... try | 09:44 |
r3m0t | Paul_UK: this might help | 09:44 |
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slytherin | greenplastic: It is obvious :-) | 09:44 |
xq | Anyone ever get a Dell Laserprinter (Networked) working on Ubuntu? (I have the 1600n Multifunction...) hehe | 09:44 |
sasimon19 | hello | 09:44 |
tatters | you are using a Linux system with the kernel timer resolution set too low. Please contact your Linux distributor for more information. <--got this error Feisty trying to run Rose garden part ooof the music studio package | 09:44 |
slytherin | Paul_UK: if you are using network manager then just install pptp module for it. | 09:44 |
EmxBA | doesn't show up ok in firefox; what happened? | 09:44 |
theonlyalt | anyone know where I can get the torrent download for feisty | 09:44 |
ZeroSystem | I have a question is there a release of ubuntu 7.04 for intel core2 or is it amd64 the one that has core2 support | 09:45 |
greenplastic | <slytherin> why?? | 09:45 |
EmxBA | two images are badly shown | 09:45 |
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r3m0t | EmxBA: is in flux | 09:45 |
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sasimon19 | slytherin, where can I get boot help? | 09:45 |
mwe | tatters: sounds like it's broken to me | 09:45 |
slytherin | greenplastic: everybody is trying to download new release | 09:45 |
Aw0L | does ubuntu 7.04 have a hash floating around somewhere? | 09:45 |
r3m0t | ZeroSystem: if you want 64-bit, get the amd64 image. if you want 32-bit, get the i386 image. | 09:45 |
slytherin | sasimon19: what is problem? | 09:45 |
roler | Has anyone ran ubuntu on a Mac Book Pro? My MBP has a ATI x1600, which i'm not sure if xorg has support for or not. Ubuntu Edgy booted up in 1024x768, but Feisty refuses to boot any GUI what so ever... | 09:45 |
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greenplastic | <slytherin> thank you for info! | 09:45 |
EmxBA | r3m0t: ? | 09:45 |
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mwe | ZeroSystem: be aware that most commercial software don't play nice with the 64bit version | 09:45 |
Nergar | where can i see the supported wifi cards in ubuntu? | 09:46 |
r3m0t | EmxBA: it probably doesn't load properly anywhere | 09:46 |
sasimon19 | slytherin, I used the gui for modding the boot time and default boot and I need to get back to it but I forget where it was | 09:46 |
fuzzy_logic | hello world | 09:46 |
zachalekos | help me! Fixed it before but lost the bookmark. When I insert a burned DVD the drive spins and whirs but won't mount. Sometimes it does, but mostly it won't. I remember fixing it before by changing something in a file ide-cd though I might be mistaken, can't find it on the forum anymore. any help is appreciated. | 09:46 |
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mtholdenss | hey is this the link to the dvd for 7.04 or should i just get the cd | 09:46 |
r3m0t | EmxBA: but it'll look nice in a short while, I'm sure | 09:46 |
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Nergar | and where is the gnome control panel as promissed?? | 09:46 |
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slytherin | roler: is yours a widescreen monitor? You may have to pass some options to kernel | 09:46 |
EmxBA | ok | 09:46 |
sasimon19 | slytherin, I didn't use the /boot one | 09:46 |
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roler | slytherin; yes... | 09:46 |
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slytherin | sasimon19: Can you please staate the problem clearly? | 09:46 |
kbrooks | what does it mean when my share ratio is decreasing? | 09:46 |
sasimon19 | slytherin, it was a modifier that had check boxes and stuff... do you know the command for it? | 09:46 |
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theonlyalt | what's the url to get the torrent for 7.04? | 09:47 |
eobanb | kbrooks, it means you're downloading more than you're uploading | 09:47 |
slytherin | sasimon19: No. I don't know | 09:47 |
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sasimon19 | slytherin, I need the gui for manipulating the boot options | 09:47 |
slytherin | roler: Search wiki orforums you should get something | 09:47 |
Aw0L | I downloaded ubuntu 7.04 off of bittorrent - is there an official hash somewhere? | 09:47 |
ytsestef | psusi: here's my menu.lst it's pretty typical. mind you I have tried changing (hd1,0) to (hd0,0) since I have experienced an other distro's problem (not similar to this) and that worked. I guess it has something to do with how are my disks detected by ubuntu vs how are they detected by grub... | 09:47 |
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sasimon19 | slytherin, the problem is my computer booted in text mode and I had to startx to get to the goi | 09:47 |
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fuzzy_logic | im having trouble starting beryl after upgrading to feisty.. i dont see any close buttons or anything on the top of windows at startup.. after killing the beryl-manager process and restarting it from the terminal it loads the default gnome window manager and i get the following error: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". can anyone help me plz? | 09:47 |
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sasimon19 | gui* | 09:47 |
kbrooks | eobanb, how would i increase it? | 09:47 |
mwe | Aw0L: next to the image download locations | 09:47 |
roler | slytherin; thanks | 09:47 |
slytherin | Aw0L: Doesnt' bittoorent veryfy the hash? And you shoyld get the hash at same place as torrent | 09:47 |
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inglebert | hi! | 09:48 |
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kusit911 | i have a problem with a linux image that i'm provided with from schol. I have to use the image (by mounting and then chrooting) but then after a little use i get an error that there isn't enough space. is it possible to enlarge the image so i wont get that error? thanks | 09:48 |
hez1 | slyth: i figured out what happened with my system | 09:48 |
Aw0L | slytherin, thanks | 09:48 |
hez1 | it's fairly straight-forward | 09:48 |
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apo | Hi everybody | 09:48 |
Aw0L | does it verify the hash? | 09:48 |
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eobanb | kbrooks, once you're done downloading, let it upload more? | 09:48 |
hez1 | i changed my wep password a while ago and forgot about i :) | 09:48 |
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psusi | ytsestef: can you also pastebin your /boot/grub/ | 09:48 |
slytherin | fuzzy_logic: Your xorg.conf needs modification. Search for berylonfeisty | 09:48 |
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kane77 | I cant install enemy territory :( it says something like: "./ 278: /home/kane/.setup8661: not found. ", anyone knows why? (I'm running 64-bit feisty) anybody can help? | 09:48 |
TSWoodV | slytherin: Aw0L is correct in his paranoia. It's always good to check any download from any source against the officially published md5sum and sha1sum for it. | 09:48 |
eobanb | kusit911, what image exactly | 09:48 |
amarillion | Azureus crashes... No ubuntu for me today | 09:48 |
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amarillion | Or at least no feisty | 09:49 |
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fuzzy_logic | slytherin: thanks will try that | 09:49 |
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Aw0L | TSWoodV, yeh for paranoia! | 09:49 |
apo | I've just upgraded to 7.04 (over the update manager) and am having trouble getting direct rendering to work. is my xorg.conf, and I have a Radeon 9600 | 09:49 |
psusi | ytsestef: and tell me exactly what grub does once it loads? | 09:49 |
Kickboy | Does anyone know the aptitude command to do a straight upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? I forget what it is. Thanks. | 09:49 |
Aw0L | I take it that ubuntu doesn't publish one set hash | 09:49 |
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kusit911 | eobanb: it's an image of an old mandrake linux root | 09:49 |
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sasimon19 | amarillion, the ubuntu version of azureus doesn't work right, go to sourceforge and get the latest .tar.gz | 09:49 |
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eobanb | kusit911, and what does that have to do with ubuntu? | 09:49 |
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apo | This is pretty much the xorg.conf of my notebook, which has a Radeon Mobility Xsomething, so I guessed it should work... | 09:49 |
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mwe | Aw0L: last time I downloaded an image I think there was an .md5 file next to the image at the site | 09:50 |
psusi | ytsestef: if you have the bios configured to boot from the non raid disk, then you want to use (hd0) | 09:50 |
apo | Does anybody have an idea what could be wrong with it? | 09:50 |
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TSWoodV | Aw0L: Unfortunately, the ubuntu website is getting hammered. The checksums should be published there somewhere. | 09:50 |
kneeki | apo: have you tried using a different driver? | 09:50 |
sasimon19 | amarillion, you can sudo cp /from-here/ /to-there/ and overwrite the ubuntu defaults | 09:50 |
eobanb | apo, it looks like you're using the ati open source drivers rather than fglrx | 09:50 |
psusi | ytsestef: whichever disk the bios boots from is considered hd0 | 09:50 |
Aw0L | mwe, many sites do that, but I'm having difficulty getting back to that site (lots of people downloading today) - but some sites don't publish that for torrents | 09:50 |
kusit911 | eobanb: nothing :) i have ubuntu as my linux distro and in order to do that school assignment i have to mount that image and chroot it on my ubuntu | 09:50 |
Aw0L | TSWoodV, thanks | 09:50 |
killerboy | no answer even on ubuntu? | 09:50 |
sasimon19 | slytherin, where should I go for boot help? | 09:51 |
killerboy | sad | 09:51 |
mwe | Aw0L: oh | 09:51 |
ravi_ | hey friends, how many u ppl installed Feisty... | 09:51 |
eobanb | kusit911, why do you have to do that? | 09:51 |
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Kickboy | Does anyone know the aptitude command to do a straight upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? I forget what it is. Thanks. | 09:51 |
apo | eobanb, kneeki: Alright, I'll try that one... *sigh* | 09:51 |
Aw0L | ok, I'll just be patient | 09:51 |
ytsestef | psusi: here's the | 09:51 |
Aw0L | thanks guys | 09:51 |
kneeki | apo: =) | 09:51 |
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Rprp | ChanServ Daveym[DJ] Duiv Rprp viruz_jeckyll Wesleysld | 09:51 |
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slytherin | apo: Have you tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-corg' (without quotes)? Restart PC after that | 09:51 |
Infinity__ | Hey Everyone, I have been running the 7.04 BETA version. Will I automatically be upgraded to the full version through the Update Manager? | 09:51 |
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fuzzy_logic | slytherin: that wiki page doesn't say anything about changing xorg.conf, only something with ati on ppc, but i use nvidia on intel | 09:51 |
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kusit911 | eobanb: we're programming something that requires a very specific kernel (i think) and so we have to use that image .... | 09:51 |
eugman | Err edgy-security/main Translation-en_US Connection failed | 09:51 |
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slytherin | Infinity__: yes | 09:51 |
kusit911 | eobanb: is there a way to edit the image? maybe make it larger? | 09:52 |
sasimon19 | slytherin, where should I go for boot help? | 09:52 |
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lnxkde|work | anyone | 09:52 |
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slytherin | fuzzy_logic: what is exact nature of problem? | 09:52 |
lnxkde|work | anyone | 09:52 |
albert | !mp3 | 09:52 |
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ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 09:52 |
mwe | eugman: it's probably too busy | 09:52 |
pero | I've just installed Feisty, instead of eth0 I have wlan0, how can I get eth0 again? | 09:52 |
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lnxkde|work | got 7.04 running yet? | 09:52 |
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hez1 | Does anyone know how to make amsn look prettier? | 09:52 |
danikhan | hy if i want learn programming on linux and want my desktop look cool with lots eye candy and gadets which should i get ubuntu or kubuntu | 09:52 |
nuovo | hi | 09:52 |
nir_ai | hi, what is better in terms of hardware and software support, 64 bit version or x86 version of Feisty? | 09:52 |
mwe | lnxkde|work: yeah, for months ;) | 09:52 |
_what_if_ | does anyone else see the BT tracker as down ?? | 09:52 |
eobanb | kusit911, i dont see how chrooting would accomplish that | 09:52 |
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apo | slytherin: I tried that, and restarted X after doing so | 09:52 |
ytsestef | psusi: I know, that's why I tried changing to (hd0,0) but it didn't work either. The point is I get to the grub prompt and NO MENU. this is weird. getting the system hanged at boot when formatting in reiserfs is even worse... | 09:52 |
Infinity__ | slytherin: So I don't have to worry about downloading the upgrade edition. It will just upgrade out of BETA on its own? | 09:52 |
slytherin | lnxkde|work: Lots of them | 09:52 |
mrpoundsign | sweet! Only 1d31h to finish updating! :) | 09:52 |
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nuovo | Why does Ubuntu detect all in one printer scanner and not Xubuntu>? | 09:52 |
Alfonzo | this isnt a troll question, what makes ubuntu better than other distros? ive heard about it nonstop over the past few months | 09:52 |
lnxkde|work | working nice that gnome 2.18? | 09:52 |
Alan | right, how do i add a volume to /etc/ (i'm guessing thats where i need it seeming as thats where all the other volumes Ubuntu knows about are) - if i add it to fstab it of course mounts, but can't be managed in the same was as via gnome... | 09:53 |
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slytherin | apo: How did you figure that there is direct rendering problem? | 09:53 |
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surviver | nuovo, xubuntu has not that much support | 09:53 |
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musya | how can i make ubuntu reaed/write to NTFS | 09:53 |
LjL | Alfonzo: it's an offtopic question, though. try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic, it's usually quite populated. this channel's for support questions only | 09:53 |
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Alfonzo | ok | 09:53 |
slytherin | Alfonzo: Try it to know it. :-) | 09:53 |
yell0w | !upgrade | 09:53 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 09:53 |
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LjL | !ntfs-3g > musya (musya, see the private message from Ubotu) | dangerous | 09:53 |
apo | slytherin: glxinfo | grep render | 09:53 |
nir_ai | hi, what is better in terms of hardware and software support, 64 bit version or x86 version of Feisty? | 09:53 |
mwe | mrpoundsign: I guess downloading at the release date isn't the best option :) | 09:53 |
ytsestef | psusi: detail: the last two drives in is my raid (apparently being detected as two seperate drives by linux) | 09:53 |
apo | And glxgears is sloooooooooow. | 09:53 |
mwe | brb | 09:53 |
fuzzy_logic | slytherin: i can't get beryl to work.. it gives me this error: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".... before i edited xorg.conf and replaced the driver name from 'nvidia' to 'nv' the xorg didn't load at all.. | 09:53 |
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sasimon19 | !boot | 09:53 |
ubotu | Boot options: - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: - Also see | 09:53 |
Alan | hmmmmm | 09:53 |
clop | Hi, i just ran the feisty installer cd. everything seemed to go fine, but when i reboot to load the system from the hard drive, grub loads then says "Error 21, selected disk does not exist" -- any idea how to fix this? | 09:53 |
kusit911 | eobanb: in order to compile our assigment we have to do that process.... | 09:53 |
nuovo | surviver: so i will have to do this manually? | 09:53 |
kbrooks | !dangerous | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dangerous - try searching on | 09:53 |
LjL | nir_ai: x86, for software. especially some proprietary software. | 09:53 |
Alan | blkid > /etc/ | 09:54 |
slytherin | apo: what is output of glxinfo | grep direct | 09:54 |
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nir_ai | LjL, thanks | 09:54 |
h0ax | i did this "h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install kismet | 09:54 |
h0ax | " and it is taking ages to connect to download the package keeps timing out | 09:54 |
kusit911 | eobanb: anyway do you know of a way to enlarge that image? | 09:54 |
psusi | ytsestef: is the non raid disk hd0 in, or is hd0 one of the raid disks? | 09:54 |
surviver | nuovo, yes if he doesnt detect it like in ubuntu it means the drivers arnt there for it so u have to search it or do it manually | 09:54 |
Rictoo | "If you are using the Edgy KDE 3.5.6 repository," | 09:54 |
vi0 | :( | 09:54 |
RaverWild | hello people! newbie here, running edgy. question is: how on gnome i could make my workspaces look different (wallpapers etc)? tried on second to put different wallpaper, but it appeared on 1st workspace too :((( | 09:54 |
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apo | slytherin: The same as glxinfo | grep render... "direct rendering: no" | 09:54 |
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slytherin | !ati | apo | 09:54 |
ubotu | apo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:54 |
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jam1n | anyone have a good server to download from | 09:54 |
eGGstain | everyone complaining about the mirrors getting crsuhed should use the torrent downloads - I got 2 different iso's in about 40 minutes | 09:55 |
void^ | h0ax: most mirrors will be very, very slow for a few days because of the release. | 09:55 |
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slytherin | jam1n: where are you located? | 09:55 |
kneeki | apo: Are you using XGL? | 09:55 |
fuzzy_logic | !nvidia | 09:55 |
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jam1n | arkansas | 09:55 |
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h0ax | ahh void^ | 09:55 |
psusi | ytsestef: ohh wait... did you said the non raid disk with /boot on it is sda or hda? | 09:55 |
jam1n | torrent files are fin | 09:55 |
jam1n | e | 09:55 |
fuzzy_logic | !nvidia | 09:55 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see | 09:55 |
apo | kneeki: Not yet | 09:55 |
fuzzy_logic | !nvidia | fuzzy_logic | 09:55 |
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Death_Sargent | um anyone have help downloading fiesty | 09:55 |
ytsestef | psusi: hd0 in is a single IDE drive (/dev/hda , used by windows, ntfs, nothing to do with ubuntu which is on /dev/sda - SATA disk) | 09:55 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: you haven't said what the image is - I'm assuming a filesystem? Some filesystems can be grown, but most can't. | 09:55 |
Death_Sargent | the site is all kinds of bogan | 09:56 |
lgc | How do I turn off my grapahical session? | 09:56 |
kneeki | apo: Try checking the 'ati driver' box in the Restricted drivers screen. See if that helps (it auto configures for you) | 09:56 |
lbci_irc | i agree, i have 3 iso's since 5 hours ago and my update is still 5 hours out:( | 09:56 |
cronoz | if i have 2GB ram, what size have to be spaw partition ?? | 09:56 |
cronoz | swap* | 09:56 |
Death_Sargent | anyone | 09:56 |
theonlyalt | eGGstain, where'd you get the torrent file? I can't seem to find it.. | 09:56 |
lbci_irc | torrent is the way to go | 09:56 |
eobanb | cronoz, not very big :) | 09:56 |
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pmw159 | It's nice being on a campus and it just takes one person to download it for the rest | 09:56 |
pkl_ | kusit911: the best thing to do is create a bigger new filesystem, and copy the contents of the original image into it. | 09:56 |
cronoz | how? | 09:56 |
Death_Sargent | torrent? | 09:56 |
cronoz | 2gb? | 09:56 |
psusi | ytsestef: ok, that is the problem then... yuo need hd0 to point to the drive the bios is booting from, which is the same one /boot is on right? | 09:56 |
cronoz | 3? | 09:56 |
kane77 | cronoz, i'd say 1G or even less | 09:56 |
Death_Sargent | where can I get the torrent | 09:56 |
mtholdenss | link to dvd image of 7.04? | 09:56 |
mirak | hi | 09:56 |
eobanb | cronoz, not even 1 GB | 09:56 |
mirak | is kqemu in feisty now ? | 09:56 |
eGGstain | let me link for ya | 09:56 |
Death_Sargent | cronoz: atleast twice as much ram as you have | 09:56 |
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eobanb | Death_Sargent, uhm, no. | 09:56 |
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rkvirani | Hi all | 09:56 |
surviver | hi | 09:57 |
Death_Sargent | cronoz: you should always have a nice sized swap | 09:57 |
mrpoundsign | mwe: not going to be done sooner if I start tomorrow. ;) | 09:57 |
lbci_irc | i found torrent under a mirror from main page | 09:57 |
cronoz | 4gb ? | 09:57 |
kusit911 | pkl_: how would i do that? | 09:57 |
rkvirani | congrats on the Feisty launch!! | 09:57 |
Death_Sargent | 4 max | 09:57 |
Death_Sargent | 1 at least | 09:57 |
jam1n | someone plz link to torrent | 09:57 |
kane77 | Death_Sargent, it's not allways necessary, especialy at that big ram... | 09:57 |
eobanb | cronoz, if you already have 2 GB of real RAM, 4 GB of swap is a waste of space | 09:57 |
rkvirani | congrats on the Feisty launch!! | 09:57 |
Death_Sargent | yeah | 09:57 |
Death_Sargent | 1 is good | 09:57 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: first find out what filesystem it is... What command do you use to mount it? | 09:57 |
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phoenix_G | >.< 1 hour remaing to complete download | 09:57 |
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kneeki | Ubuntu labels download link (I made them myself): ENJOY! | 09:57 |
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rkvirani | I have a quick question, is the kernel for ubuntu compiled with kvm support? | 09:57 |
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Death_Sargent | I have 1gig ram and 6 swap but I abuse the hell out of my system | 09:57 |
mtholdenss | link to dvd image? | 09:57 |
ytsestef | psusi: the /boot partition IS on the drive from which bios boots, yes | 09:57 |
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JimTB | I have an ATI card which works only with the closed-source ATI drivers. Will I be able to downgrade the xorg in feisty to 7.1 or is it too much trouble? | 09:58 |
eobanb | kneeki, paste that in #ubuntu-release-party :) | 09:58 |
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kneeki | eobanb: will do =) | 09:58 |
kane77 | kneeki, thx, I'll have look at those... | 09:58 |
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psusi | ytsestef: ok, then you need to fix so that hd0 points to that drive | 09:58 |
cronoz | ok thx everybody | 09:58 |
cronoz | nice people :) | 09:58 |
kusit911 | pkl_: mount -o loop mdk9.2-mini-disk /mnt/mdk | 09:58 |
catcat | hi again all - i'm struggling to get suspend working with feisty. is there anything i can try before i have to put sled back on my vaio? i've installed uswsup tools and tried s2ram -f, but that just logs me out | 09:58 |
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RaverWild | hello people! newbie here, running edgy. question is: how on gnome i could make my workspaces look different (wallpapers etc)? tried on second to put different wallpaper, but it appeared on 1st workspace too :((( | 09:58 |
Death_Sargent | link to get feisty? | 09:58 |
slytherin | JimTB: why don't you install binary drivers instead? | 09:58 |
Death_Sargent | please | 09:58 |
kane77 | kneeki, :( wait time.. 69mins.. | 09:58 |
catcat | ubuntu's suspend kills X and locks everything | 09:58 |
dystopianray | JimTB: why do you need to downgrade it? | 09:58 |
hk- | I can ping but update-manager isn't able to update the package list, is there a problem because of the new release or is it just me? | 09:58 |
kneeki | kane77: They arn't amazing. But, they are better than a sharpie marker | 09:58 |
EmxBA | Death_Sargent: | 09:58 |
nir_ai | some mirros still show the feisty version of 15-Apr. Is this the latest one? | 09:58 |
kneeki | kane77: Ack! Know of another host I can post them at? | 09:58 |
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slytherin | JimTB: Try System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager | 09:59 |
Paul_UK | has anyone here got pptp to work? | 09:59 |
EmxBA | yes, nir_ai | 09:59 |
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Glos_WiFi | hey guys, has anyone here installed Feisty and suddenly found out that their wifi card is not detected? | 09:59 |
JimTB | thats what I am saying. It is just that those #%5% binary drivers wont work with 7.2 | 09:59 |
Vagant | Greetings! | 09:59 |
Paul_UK | because VPN here looks severely broken here, im amazed it got passed TESTING! | 09:59 |
kneeki | kane77: Oh wait, I have DeviantArt, one sec for another link. | 09:59 |
skaller | ok i have found open office problem: 32 bit program, 64 bit libraries | 09:59 |
kane77 | kneeki, hmm.. dunno what it was.. sendspace? | 09:59 |
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Death_Sargent | ok um what version was that a link to | 09:59 |
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rkvirani | I have a quick question, is the kernel for ubuntu compiled with kvm support? | 09:59 |
Linuxnewbie756 | i'm having problems with the feisty download, the dl won't start | 09:59 |
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Death_Sargent | does it matter? | 09:59 |
slytherin | nir_ai: I think 15th April was RC and it is final | 09:59 |
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skaller | looks like the package is screwed .. | 09:59 |
Vagant | Feisty is working great but does anybody know a "not crowded" mirror? | 09:59 |
kbrooks | JimTB, what? | 09:59 |
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slytherin | rkvirani: yes | 09:59 |
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Death_Sargent | not today man | 09:59 |
dystopianray | JimTB: yes they do | 09:59 |
rkvirani | synthaxx: cool thanks! | 09:59 |
Death_Sargent | Vagant I would wait a week or so | 09:59 |
Ph3NoMeN0 | hi, anyone has experienced problem with amsn 0.95-6-7 and feisty? I have a too strange issue: only in amsn after upgrading to feisty I have the menus with a strange set of caracters | 09:59 |
kneeki | kane77: Try | 09:59 |
pkl_ | kusit911: ah, I was hoping they'd be the filesystem type. Do this.. First mount the filesystem, then do a 'df' and copy the line with your /mnt/mdk mount, that will say how big it is, and how much free space there is. | 10:00 |
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TR | Disks C: 145.18 of 153.38 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | D: 41.04 of 1397.06 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | F: 16.04 of 838.12 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | G: 7.6 of 838.38 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | H: 93.89 of 111.75 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
kane77 | kneeki, thx a lot... | 10:00 |
TR | I: 5.75 of 298.09 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | K: 31.31 of 74.53 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | L: 227.94 of 372.61 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
kerik | can anyone help me out on an update issue? | 10:00 |
TR | M: 25.55 of 931.37 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
Vagant | Death_Sargent... :) | 10:00 |
JimTB | really? ATI binary drivers? | 10:00 |
TR | Q: 448.77 of 465.76 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
TR | T: 54.8 of 838.44 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
ytsestef | psusi: then, I edit and direct hd0 to /dev/sda1, right? I guess that might be the case... although I think that this kind of error would at least get me to the grub menu and THEN fail, I will try.. | 10:00 |
TR | V: 82.25 of 279.47 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
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kusit911 | pkl_: one min | 10:00 |
TR | W: 20 of 111.78 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
kane77 | !paste | TR | 10:00 |
ubotu | TR: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) | 10:00 |
TR | X: 21.82 of 233.75 GB File System: NTFS | 10:00 |
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eobanb | oy vey. | 10:00 |
slytherin | TR plkease don't paste here | 10:00 |
Glos_WiFi | kerik whats happening? | 10:00 |
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kneeki | kane77: np np | 10:00 |
jrib | TR: use please | 10:00 |
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flav_u | Merci, c'est bon pour les mp ;) | 10:00 |
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psusi | ytsestef: no, just sda, no 1 | 10:00 |
Death_Sargent | good god | 10:00 |
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Death_Sargent | stay in or out | 10:01 |
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flav_u | oops | 10:01 |
Alan | right, so the next question is... how do i get Gnome to manage my partitions in the same way it does with ones that were present at the start ? | 10:01 |
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eobanb | that's a good way to have people not help you | 10:01 |
Death_Sargent | I can't take all these system messages | 10:01 |
ytsestef | psusi: yes, you're right | 10:01 |
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Death_Sargent | damn neer imposible to talk | 10:01 |
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[g2] | anyone know if you can install feisty to only a external usb 2.0 disk (no internal disks) ? Will that boot fine ? Is rootdelay= needed ? | 10:01 |
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eobanb | [g2] , it depends on whether your motherboard can boot from USB | 10:01 |
Paul_UK | hey what is the channel for ubuntu devs? | 10:01 |
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Alan | for example, i have one that i told it not to use and its not in /etc/fstab yet if i double-click it it mounts to /media/disk | 10:01 |
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jrib | Death_Sargent: tell your client to ignore them | 10:01 |
kerik | Glos_WiFi: I'm trying to update from Dapper to Edgy...but it says that it cannot get down the package needed to perform the update...It says that I should check my connection to internet, but it's working alright | 10:01 |
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CapaH | How can I see what my present screen resolution is set to? | 10:01 |
Fathefner | <{g2}> is should work just fine | 10:01 |
jrib | Paul_UK: #ubuntu-devel | 10:01 |
JimTB | I hope you're right, because in I see this: | 10:01 |
JimTB | XFree86 4.3 and X.Org 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 7.0, 7.1 | 10:01 |
Paul_UK | thanks | 10:01 |
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[g2] | eobanb, I think the mother board can, I'm wondering about the rootfs delay | 10:02 |
apo | Meh. Still "direct rendering: No" | 10:02 |
TR | l8trs all ..have phun linuxing (ms client here). | 10:02 |
JimTB | maybe their info is out of date | 10:02 |
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tdn | I have just installed Feisty from the CD. But I do not have any multimedia codecs. How to get them? | 10:02 |
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Death_Sargent | anyone know why the site is so shitty right now? | 10:02 |
[tpm] | Anyone running ubuntu-server on a Dell PowerEdge 860 | 10:02 |
EmxBA | it's overloaded, Death_Sargent | 10:02 |
eobanb | !language | 10:02 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:02 |
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schwagner | Death_Sargent, there's an option in XChat to disable join-part messages | 10:02 |
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konam_ | I see an error in the template of the ubuntu homepage at: under the ubuntu 7.04 title, am i the only one? | 10:02 |
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Glos_WiFi | no the server is seriously stressed atm thats y | 10:02 |
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Glos_WiFi | 2 many people upgrading at the same time | 10:03 |
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Glos_WiFi | i think | 10:03 |
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KeithWeisshar | are there any torrents for ubuntu 7.04 | 10:03 |
kusit911 | pkl_: here's the first line of 'df': /dev/hda1 489992 305069 159623 66% / | 10:03 |
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kerik | Glos_WiFi: can that be why I cannot update, cause the server is overloaded? | 10:03 |
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deepsa | why are there so much less seeders? | 10:03 |
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schwagner | KeithWeisshar, there are, check the slashdot thread, there's a bunch listed | 10:03 |
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jrib | !feisty > KeithWeisshar (KeithWeisshar, see the private message from ubotu) | 10:03 |
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Glos_WiFi | i think Virgin Media has one for the UK, il see if i can find it now | 10:03 |
mre_ | I can't update either | 10:03 |
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psusi | ytsestef: once you have hd0 pointing to sda in, and menu.lst specifying (hd0,0) ( assuming that /boot is on /dev/sda1 ) reinstall grub and it should work | 10:03 |
Glos_WiFi | kerik: maybe | 10:04 |
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Nergar | witch mirror should i use to apt-get??? | 10:04 |
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Pie-rate | only 2 more pages of little brats to call and tell them they have received a special award for their science fair projects! | 10:04 |
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kerik | Glos_WiFi: thanks...guess I will come back tomorrow to try again...or the day after... | 10:04 |
EmxBA | Nergar: try | 10:04 |
kerik | see you guys | 10:04 |
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mstevens | where can I find a torrent? | 10:04 |
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Nergar | EmxBA, thats from where?? | 10:04 |
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Pie-rate | mstevens: right on the front page | 10:04 |
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Glos_WiFi | here ya go guys, free FTP server (i think) | 10:04 |
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EmxBA | Bosnia, pretty fast, Nergar | 10:05 |
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EmxBA | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe | 10:05 |
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kenu | | 10:05 |
Glos_WiFi | theres torrents on that link aswell btw | 10:05 |
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lieter | Hi, i cant update my repositories, i think the servers are having a hard time? | 10:05 |
eGGstain | here is a link to all the torrent files that I downloaded from | 10:05 |
kjm | i installed RC 10 days ago, automatic updates would take care of upgrading to "official", correct? | 10:05 |
pkl_ | kusit911: you want the /mnt/mdk line... Type this df | grep "/mnt/mdk" | 10:05 |
Nergar | no language problems EmxBA?? :) | 10:05 |
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Jump86 | how has the upgrade been working so far? | 10:05 |
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eGGstain | | 10:05 |
Puppy_ | Does anyone have the MD5 checksum value for feisty, or can someone give me a link? I'm having no luck accessing anything but the homepage on the main site. | 10:05 |
Pelo | kjm, yes | 10:05 |
Glos_WiFi | jump86: mine was a pain to kick in | 10:05 |
EmxBA | lieter: try other server | 10:05 |
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kjm | Pelo - thx | 10:06 |
Glos_WiFi | Puppy_: look here | 10:06 |
octet | savvas / EmxBA: on jigdo: I noticed for kubuntu to be the dvd iso the same as yesterdays daily build, that one did provide jigdo files. Maybe the same for Ubuntu? You could check both MD5 checksums | 10:06 |
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Jump86 | anyone have a perfectly smooth upgrade? | 10:06 |
Pelo | what is this checksum stuff ? | 10:06 |
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jrib | Puppy_: any of the mirros will have a file called MD5SUMS | 10:06 |
Ph3NoMeN0 | anyone have issues with amsn 0.95-6 or 0.97 after upgrading to feisty? I see strange fonts in the menus.... | 10:06 |
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lieter | EmxBA, i'm using the dutch mirror, can i change the mirror without changing my sources.list? | 10:06 |
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matason | Hi is there somewhere I can compare the features of Ubuntu releases? I'm on Dapper and I want to find out whether it's worth upgrading... | 10:06 |
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EmxBA | PLEASE DON'T USE UBUNTU.COM REPOSITORIES BECAUSE THEY'R OVERLOADED; TRY ANOTHER SERVERS (no, I'm not shouting, I just want everyone to be noticed) | 10:06 |
Puppy_ | Glos_WiFi: thanks | 10:06 |
Glos_WiFi | Puppy_: np | 10:07 |
EmxBA | lieter: you can modify that file, or let synaptic do that | 10:07 |
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psusi | bit torrent for the win | 10:07 |
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kusit911 | pkl_: here 489992 305069 159623 66% /mnt/mdk | 10:07 |
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Nergar | EmxBA, just find new option in synaptic, search for best server :) | 10:07 |
milage | Hello. | 10:07 |
Pelo | psusi, bittorrent isn'T just for win it works on lin to ... | 10:07 |
Shafto | !hi | milage | 10:07 |
ubotu | milage: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 10:07 |
vdavidoff | i have a preseed.cfg that passes parsing tests by debconf-set-selections but when i try to use it partman drops me to the partitioning menu and won't accept my expert recipe. ideas? 7.04, same problem with 6.10. | 10:07 |
disasm | Nergar: yeah, I saw that with feisty beta, pretty slick | 10:07 |
KeithWeisshar | are torrents faster than ftp | 10:07 |
psusi | Pelo: rofl | 10:07 |
Pelo | KeithWeisshar, generaly | 10:08 |
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milage | Got a question, might be a rather newbie-like question, but that sounds about right, because that | 10:08 |
milage | that's what I am | 10:08 |
rai7 | does anyone know how to change the GRUB loader so it doesn't auto load after some time? | 10:08 |
milage | How do I shut down X? :p | 10:08 |
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milage | I need to do that to install the nvidia drivers | 10:08 |
Pelo | KeithWeisshar, contrary to ftp, the more ppl try to dl a torrent the faster it goes | 10:08 |
dystopianray | milage: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:08 |
psusi | rai7: change the timeout value to 0 in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:08 |
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CapaH | Why is it if I go to System Settings | Monitor and Display --- even after I click "Administrator Mode" I cannot change any of the settings? | 10:08 |
dystopianray | milage: oh, just ctrl+alt+backspace if it's just nvidia drivers | 10:08 |
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milage | all right | 10:08 |
rai7 | thanks psusi | 10:08 |
milage | While we're at it, how do I restart it without restarting the PC? | 10:08 |
eGGstain | i got the iso in 45 minutes with these torrent files - | 10:08 |
allquixotic | Hi, what is everyone's experiences with the many sound architectures and possible nestings? Is anyone using JACK? I'm trying to enable support for as many protocols as possible of (JACK, aRts, ALSA, OSS, ESD) at the same time, because so many apps support only one of them. | 10:09 |
Nergar | disasm, very usefull right now | 10:09 |
Pelo | rai7, addugt the time in sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list | 10:09 |
psycho78 | can I upgrade from edgy using an Ubuntu feisty CD? | 10:09 |
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Shafto | milage, ctrl+alt+backspace | 10:09 |
milage | dystopianray: i did that, but the GUI restarted automatically | 10:09 |
burzum_ | hi | 10:09 |
mwe | !gksudo | 10:09 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo , as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo <GUI-application> | 10:09 |
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variant | milage: ctrl alt backspace will _restart_ x, not shut it down | 10:09 |
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milage | that's right | 10:09 |
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Glos_WiFi | is anyone having problems with WiFi cards in Fiesty that worked in Edgy? | 10:09 |
milage | I need it to stay dead for a while :p | 10:09 |
robinlinth | Can anybody help me? When i log in, it doesn't start the window manager... I have no window borders | 10:10 |
variant | milage: /etc/init.d/gdm stop will stop it untill you run /etc/init.d/gdm start | 10:10 |
pkl_ | kusit911: and this is the mount which you're saying is out of room? The df states there's 150 Mbytes free. | 10:10 |
dystopianray | milage: you don't need to completely stop X to install nvidia drivers | 10:10 |
Pelo | robinlinth, using compiz or beryl ? | 10:10 |
variant | milage: if your using kubuntut hat would be kdm | 10:10 |
kusit911 | yes | 10:10 |
milage | that's what nividia told me, though | 10:10 |
burzum_ | i have 2 monitors but edgy is running on the "wrong" monitor, i want it using my big 21" screen, how can i change that? | 10:10 |
robinlinth | Pelo, no | 10:10 |
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milage | nvidia* | 10:10 |
dystopianray | milage: install one of the nvidia-glx packages, change the driver to "nvidia" in xorg.conf, then ctrl+alt+backspace | 10:10 |
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Glos_WiFi | milage: try ctrl + alt + F2 | 10:10 |
kusit911 | pkl_: its out | 10:10 |
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variant | Glos_WiFi: x will still be running | 10:10 |
pkl_ | kusit911: what error message do you get? | 10:10 |
Pelo | robinlinth, I don'T know then | 10:10 |
dystopianray | milage: don't install from nvidia's site | 10:10 |
dystopianray | milage: install from the ubuntu repos | 10:10 |
robinlinth | Pelo, :( | 10:10 |
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Rictoo | damn it | 10:10 |
milage | okay :p | 10:10 |
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dystopianray | milage: what card do you have? | 10:10 |
Glos_WiFi | then just type /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 10:10 |
milage | 6600 | 10:11 |
Rictoo | to upgrade to feisty, adept is forcing me to install jre6, but I ALREADY HAVE IT | 10:11 |
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Rictoo | IT JUST DOESN'T SEE IT | 10:11 |
variant | milage: yeah, i fyou are trying to install the nvidia drivers there are better ways to do it than the nvidia installer | 10:11 |
Rictoo | so how do I maek it forget about it? | 10:11 |
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teicah | by 10pm est .. feisty will be having its way with this good ol' computer.. ill tell ya what | 10:11 |
vdavidoff | i have a preseed.cfg that passes parsing tests by debconf-set-selections but when i try to use it partman drops me to the partitioning menu and won't accept my expert recipe. ideas? 7.04, same problem with 6.10. | 10:11 |
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hackle577 | hey guys, I am in a Fiesty LiveCD now and it works fine, but while it was booting, it hung for a few minutes and gave me a disturbing looking error that read: "Buffer I/O error on device fd0 [my CD-ROM dive] logical block 0. Is this something to be worried about? | 10:11 |
milage | Okay then | 10:11 |
variant | Glos_WiFi: thanks im sure but several people have told him that already :) | 10:11 |
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dystopianray | hackle577: fd0 is a floppy device | 10:11 |
IdleOne | Rictoo: let it install it might be an update | 10:11 |
variant | hackle577: fd0 is your floppy | 10:11 |
vi0 | hiya guyes, need help with bcm43xx wifi (the ndiswrapper method doesn't work) | 10:11 |
apo | < Some messages from my X logs... any ideas? :/ | 10:11 |
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Rictoo | IdleOne: No | 10:11 |
Rictoo | I already have it | 10:11 |
hackle577 | variant: eff that's right | 10:11 |
cubicism | I find an illegal site selling illegal ubuntu mod chips. How do I go about reporting a site to the DMCA? | 10:11 |
Rictoo | I have javase6 | 10:11 |
kusit911 | pkl_: don't remember exactly but when i tried copying files to the image i was out of space | 10:11 |
Glos_WiFi | variant: just getting the message across :P many times works better then just once | 10:11 |
dystopianray | milage: what video card do you have? | 10:11 |
milage | Thanks all | 10:11 |
AngryElf_ | does feisty have sweet little popups from firefox that instead of the crappy "no plugin fd:/ whatever" it actually tells you what plugins you need? | 10:12 |
psycho78 | clear | 10:12 |
hackle577 | variant: i dont have a floppy drive | 10:12 |
milage | 6600 256 MB | 10:12 |
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variant | hackle577: thats why it's stalling then | 10:12 |
robinlinth | Can anybody help me? When i log in (into GNOME), it doesn't start the window manager... I have no window borders.. Metacity doesn't run | 10:12 |
burzum_ | i have 2 monitors but edgy is running on the "wrong" monitor, i want it using my big 21" screen, how can i change that? | 10:12 |
kusit911 | pkl_: do you know how i can edit the image? | 10:12 |
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variant | hackle577: sounds like a bug to me | 10:12 |
burzum_ | ehh feisty | 10:12 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: you may be out of inodes, rather than data space. | 10:12 |
jrib | robinlinth: are you using compiz or beryl? | 10:12 |
hackle577 | variant: ah so it's not necessarily bad then? | 10:12 |
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robinlinth | jrib, just metacity | 10:12 |
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variant | hackle577: i wouldn't worry about it if it only happens in the live cd | 10:12 |
hollero | im upgrading from edgy to feisty and followed all the instructions onscreen, but the distribution upgrader doesn't seem to get further than 'Modifying software channels' in 'Fetching file 21 of 24'... what can be done? | 10:12 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i dont even know what type it is.... | 10:12 |
dv5237_ | ubuntu is just getting better and better | 10:12 |
pngwen | What happened to upgrading from cdrom? Is feisty only upgradeable via the internet? | 10:12 |
jrib | robinlinth: check ~/.xsession-errors | 10:12 |
hackle577 | variant: ok thanks! | 10:12 |
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variant | hackle577: probably totaly insignificant | 10:12 |
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hiways85 | {Laa iLaaha iLLaL Laah = there is no god except Allah} ............ ... Religion Islam is flawless | 10:12 |
dystopianray | milage: install nvidia-glx, set the driver to 'nvidia' in xorg.conf, then ctrl+alt+backspace | 10:12 |
vi0 | hollero: known problem | 10:12 |
pkl_ | kusit911: cd into /mnt/mdk/tmp . How many files are there? | 10:12 |
allquixotic | How do I use JACK without running all my apps as root? | 10:12 |
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milage | I'll try that | 10:13 |
kusit911 | pkl_: whats that? | 10:13 |
robinlinth | jrib, its empty | 10:13 |
cedricshock | pngwen: It's upgradable via the alternate install cd | 10:13 |
cubicism | allquixotic: dude dont use jack use ubuntu | 10:13 |
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variant | hiways85: this channel is for ubuntu support.. | 10:13 |
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hollero | vi0: where can i look it up? | 10:13 |
jrib | robinlinth: does it happen with a new user? | 10:13 |
nir_ai | is it reasonable to have a main partition of 30GB, or is it too small? Does Linux software know to install on other partitions by default? | 10:13 |
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nexous | How do I remove all sounds at splash screen/login. I keep getting a drum beat, but on login window options, sounds are off. | 10:13 |
allquixotic | cubicism: Hello? I'm using ubuntu. JACK is an audio server. | 10:13 |
disasm | Nergar: yeah, it's kinda funny though, you get that feature *after* you dist-upgrade on the slow server ;-) | 10:13 |
variant | !jack | allquixotic | 10:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jack - try searching on | 10:13 |
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milage | does it matter whether i use aptitude or synaptic? | 10:13 |
OatTop | What's the best way to get emacs 22 on Feisty Fawn? | 10:13 |
hollero | vi0: everything ok | 10:13 |
pngwen | cedricshock: ah, ok. Wish I knew that before downloading the desktop cd. It seems this is a new "feature" of the distro. | 10:13 |
variant | milage: it doesn't matter | 10:13 |
allquixotic | variant: nice try ;) | 10:13 |
cubicism | allquixotic: why are u using jack if ur using the ubuntu then | 10:13 |
robinlinth | jrib, well, i've just upgraded to Feisty from Edgy and some problems have showed up, like this one. | 10:13 |
Pelo | nexous, look under system > prefs > sounds | 10:13 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: it depends on where you mount the partitions | 10:13 |
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vi0 | hollero: use this guide.. | 10:13 |
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variant | cubicism: you don't know what jack is | 10:14 |
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Glos_WiFi | eep!!! my wifi isnt detected in feisty | 10:14 |
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jrib | robinlinth: k, try a new user so we can see if it's a config issue | 10:14 |
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nir_ai | dystopianray: what do you mean? | 10:14 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: installations have no knowledge of physical disks, they'll install into /usr, what partition that is depends on what you mount there | 10:14 |
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cubicism | variant: dude im a linux expert | 10:14 |
pkl_ | kusit911: a filesystem when created, has a maximum number of files it can hold (called inodes). You will get out of space, if either you've run of data space or inodes. | 10:14 |
Pelo | Glos_WiFi, #ubuntu+1 | 10:14 |
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SeveredCross | Pelo: Uh. | 10:14 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: i take you are unfamiliar with the basics of unix filesystems? | 10:14 |
variant | cubicism: ok, you seem to think that jack is a distro.. | 10:14 |
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tag | Every save-as dialog in feisty jumps back and forth strangely | 10:14 |
NessieLiberation | any idea how long until the servers get back to vague normality? | 10:14 |
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cubicism | variant: dude its a linux | 10:14 |
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SeveredCross | There is no #Ubuntu+1 at the moment, since the current release is Feisty. | 10:14 |
T0uCH | does the installation from upgrades manager work for someone? | 10:14 |
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cedricshock | Are there mirrors of | 10:14 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: that's right | 10:15 |
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psycho78 | is it possible to upgrade from edgy using the feisty install cd? | 10:15 |
hollero | vi0: thx | 10:15 |
cubicism | cedricshock: no | 10:15 |
nexous | Thanks | 10:15 |
Vaske_Car | what is the command to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? | 10:15 |
SeveredCross | TOuCH: Worked for me, though I had to change my sources.list from edgy to feisty. | 10:15 |
kusit911 | pkl_: how can i change the inode? | 10:15 |
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allquixotic | cubicism, variant: ubuntu comes with an (extremely rudimentary) sound configuration. Some apps I use want only esd; Some apps I use only want ALSA; some apps I use only want OSS. I can't change what design choices app vendors take; I CAN attempt to get my system to support as many audio interfaces as possible so I can use programs like TeamSpeak and idjc and Amarok and KDE at the same time. I've been trying various levels of nesting | 10:15 |
allquixotic | sound servers, dmix, everything - I just can't get a good config that works. | 10:15 |
SeveredCross | Now dist-upgrade is running. | 10:15 |
variant | cubicism: lets see the home page then please | 10:15 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: installed programs go to /usr, if you want them installed on a different partition, you mount that partition on /usr | 10:15 |
apo | Vaske_Car: sudo update-manager -c -d | 10:15 |
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jrib | Vaske_Car: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic. You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing: /topic | 10:15 |
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robinlinth | jrib, new user doesn't have the problem. | 10:15 |
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cubicism | allquixotic: yeah so use linux like the rest of us and get away from windows | 10:15 |
T0uCH | SeveredCross: how do you do that? | 10:15 |
vi0 | hollero: i'm not sure it will work (i did for me), good luck | 10:15 |
NET||abuse | Hi guys.. i've an amd64 here,, how do i run flash?? | 10:15 |
DSpair | Geez.. I'm not gonna get anything done today. The update sites much be dogged. | 10:15 |
allquixotic | variant, cubicism: I even have apps that *require* JACK! Ridiculous, huh? | 10:15 |
Vaske_Car | apo, is 7.04 stable and safe to upgrade over 6.10? | 10:16 |
robinlinth | jrib, new user doesn't have the problem. | 10:16 |
Oatmeat | Is there a way to change how new windows are always placed in the top left corner? | 10:16 |
jrib | robinlinth: ok, do you have any apps starting up on startup? | 10:16 |
SeveredCross | T0uCH: You can also use the method that someone just gave above of sudo update-manager -c -d though that iddn't work for me | 10:16 |
pkl_ | kusit911: you can't. The filesystem at creation type decides how many inodes to use (based on the image size)... You can force it to use more inodes, but only at creation time. | 10:16 |
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robinlinth | hmm, let me look | 10:16 |
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apo | Vaske_Car: I don't know. I've upgraded a few minutes ago, and so far nothing that worked before doesn't work. | 10:16 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: but then I only see part of the installed software at a given time. is this true? | 10:16 |
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robinlinth | Yes, just the normal ones. | 10:16 |
robinlinth | jrib: Yes, just the normal ones. | 10:16 |
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Skyhook | hey all, i got a question, is it better to partition in windows xp before installing ubuntu, or by using the one with the installer | 10:16 |
cedricshock | Vaske_Car: Not today, the servers are too swamped and the upgrade-manager doesn't seem to recover gracefully from being run part-way. | 10:16 |
sharperguy | how comes the repos are suddenly non-authenticated? (feisty) | 10:16 |
kusit911 | pkl_: how can i create a new one with same files? | 10:16 |
pkl_ | kusit911: do 'cat /proc/mounts | grep /mnt/mdk' | 10:16 |
T0uCH | it loading riaght now.. but it stuck at files 33 sinces 20 min | 10:17 |
variant | cubicism: jack is a sound server which runs on the top of whatever distro u use | 10:17 |
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dystopianray | nir_ai: tell the installer to use the partition for /usr and everything will go onto that partition | 10:17 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: I've had little or no problems with one exception... VPNc does not work with some older Cisco gateways. IT will disconnect after 30 seconds. | 10:17 |
SeveredCross | I'm on file 108 | 10:17 |
SeveredCross | 4 hours remaining. | 10:17 |
kalikiana | My system froze now completely two times, every time during a fusesmb file movement. | 10:17 |
kalikiana | Does anyone know about this? It has only happen recently but I have been using fusesmb for weeks. | 10:17 |
apo | variant: Just ignore him | 10:17 |
Nergar | disasm, lmao! | 10:17 |
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cubicism | SeveredCross: haha serves u right | 10:17 |
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SeveredCross | Nah, I don't mind waitnig. | 10:17 |
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jrib | robinlinth I can't think of what is doing it, just try renaming files that contain configuration options until you figure it out. For example, try renaming ~/.gnome2 to ~/.gnome2.backup | 10:17 |
royel | exit | 10:17 |
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robinlinth | jrib, but then every gnome setting will be gone | 10:17 |
kusit911 | pkl_: /dev/loop0 /mnt/mdk ext3 rw,data=ordered 0 0 | 10:17 |
robinlinth | and i will be required to reconfigure everything | 10:18 |
variant | cubicism: ah, sorry, it seems that you are a troll. I thought you were _only_ an idiot | 10:18 |
Cpaka | puk puk puk | 10:18 |
Vaske_Car | what does this error mean: "warning: could not initiate dbus" ?????? | 10:18 |
pkl_ | kusit911: ok, filesystem type is ext3 | 10:18 |
Pollywog | is there a way to get deb-src with a browser? I need the Edgy deb-src for nvidia-glx | 10:18 |
jrib | robinlinth: but then you will know it is a gnome setting. Then you can restore the backup and refine your renaming | 10:18 |
Glos_WiFi | i think im going to have to install 6.10 again :( untill i can find a wifi guide for my card, and hopefully some point soon, my audio | 10:18 |
robinlinth | ok | 10:18 |
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nir_ai | dystopianray: if I switch /usr to another partition a month from now, all the software already installed will just "disappear"? | 10:18 |
jrib | Pollywog: | 10:18 |
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IdleOne | variant: as funny as that was please dont :) | 10:18 |
christop | quick question: what's the difference between the dc and dvd version of ubuntu? | 10:18 |
Pollywog | jrib: tnx | 10:18 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: Where'd you see the message? | 10:18 |
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wick2o | christop: more stuff | 10:18 |
pkl_ | kusit911: we're going to create a 1GB filesystem with lots of inodes. | 10:18 |
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Vaske_Car | DSpair, after executing distro upgrade command | 10:19 |
cubicism | christop: ones on a cd and ones on a dvd, depends on if u have a dvd or a cd burner | 10:19 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: that's right, if you want to permanently use another parition, then you must move the existing files onto that partition | 10:19 |
kusit911 | pkl_: good | 10:19 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: After a particular package? | 10:19 |
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Rictoo | -.- | 10:19 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: interesting. | 10:19 |
christop | wick2o and cubicism, basically just common packages then? | 10:19 |
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hendrik_ | ?? The jigdo files refer to update-manager version 0.59.19, but the repository has 0.59.19. So jigdo-lite fails. Any work-around? | 10:19 |
cubicism | christop: yea | 10:19 |
nexous | Where can I get boot screens for 6.10? | 10:19 |
Rictoo | XD | 10:19 |
Vaske_Car | DSpair, no | 10:19 |
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rai7 | Wow... are the ubuntu servers being hosed? | 10:19 |
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Glos_WiFi | Rictoo: use this mirror | 10:19 |
SeveredCross | rai7: It's dist-upgrade day. :) | 10:20 |
cubicism | Rictoo: dude stop complaining ubuntu have worked so hard for this day and all u do is complain go back to windows if u dont like it | 10:20 |
Rictoo | =p | 10:20 |
Rictoo | yeah | 10:20 |
SeveredCross | Since Feisty just came out otday. | 10:20 |
Rictoo | err | 10:20 |
DSpair | Rictoo: That's why I gave up on working on my SVN_DAV repository. I can't install any packages. | 10:20 |
Rictoo | cubicism: I'm not complaining | 10:20 |
Rictoo | wtf? | 10:20 |
rai7 | Oh right heh | 10:20 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: every filesystem is mounted somewhere in the / hierarchy, there is no concept of seperate hierarchies for different devices | 10:20 |
T0uCH | that why im stuck at preparing install?? | 10:20 |
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hendrik_ | Sorry, the repo has update-manager 0.59.20 | 10:20 |
Rictoo | cubicism: WTF | 10:20 |
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xtknight | cubicism, Rictoo come on | 10:20 |
Rictoo | THAT WAS NOT NECCESARY | 10:20 |
Glos_WiFi | getting 500kb/s from that mirror | 10:20 |
xtknight | what's the problem | 10:20 |
xtknight | question? | 10:20 |
ed_testeer | can someone please point me to a forum for networking issues on ubuntu ? | 10:20 |
Rictoo | I never said I didn't like ubuntu | 10:20 |
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Rictoo | xtknight: I just said that the ubuntus ervers are slow as hell | 10:20 |
cubicism | xtknight: Rictoo is ratting on ubuntus hard work | 10:20 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: Do me a favor. Paste the contents of your screen to the paste site and give me a link. | 10:20 |
Rictoo | and he said that I should go back to windows | 10:20 |
xtknight | servers are a bit slow | 10:20 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: so I can actually move the entire installation to a new partition in this manner? | 10:20 |
xtknight | seed the torrent | 10:21 |
Rictoo | I know | 10:21 |
SeveredCross | cubicism, stop trolling. | 10:21 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: sure | 10:21 |
Rictoo | Of course they are slow | 10:21 |
Rictoo | since everyones updating today | 10:21 |
xtknight | yeah | 10:21 |
Vaske_Car | DSpair, just a sec | 10:21 |
pkl_ | kusit911: type 'dd if=/dev/zero of=new-fs.img bs=1024 count=1048576' | 10:21 |
=== kbrooks wonders. :-) | ||
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xtknight | money doesnt come from trees yo uknow | 10:21 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: but you must remember to update /etc/fstab | 10:21 |
pkl_ | kusit911: this may take a while. | 10:21 |
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nexous | Anyone know where to get boot screens for ubuntu 6.10 | 10:21 |
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pngwen | xtknight: actually, being printed on paper... it kind of does :) | 10:21 |
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dystopianray | nir_ai: so that it knows what to mount and where | 10:21 |
xtknight | !usplash | 10:21 |
ubotu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 10:21 |
E42 | hi | 10:21 |
ma3x | how can I install ppracer? | 10:21 |
xtknight | pngwen, i never thought of it that way ; ) | 10:21 |
cubicism | Rictoo: than stop complaining! | 10:21 |
ma3x | what is the package name? | 10:21 |
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Rictoo | cubicism: I'm not complaining about Ubuntu, am I? | 10:22 |
hackle577 | anyone wanna help me upgrade using a Feisty LiveCD? I'm not quite sure how the partitioner works... | 10:22 |
E42 | anyone knows ho to mount a empty cd-r | 10:22 |
milage | okay | 10:22 |
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nir_ai | i'll drop by for assistance when the day to move partitions arrives. | 10:22 |
DSpair | ma3x: Try "aptitude search ppracer" | 10:22 |
milage | time to see if this driver works | 10:22 |
cubicism | Rictoo: um, yes u are. just stop, okay | 10:22 |
jrib | ma3x: apt-cache search planet penguin racer | 10:22 |
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xtknight | E42, empty cd-rs cant really be mounted | 10:22 |
echnaton | hi, do you know why my samsung x11 isnt able to switch on the monitor after suspend2ram?! howt to fix that problem? | 10:22 |
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=== molinero Feisty Fawn 7.04 rulez! | ||
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kmarius | where's the torrent for the feisty dvd? could anyone give me a link please? | 10:22 |
apo | Hm | 10:22 |
Rictoo | cubicism: I'm not letting you have the last word in your pathetic argument | 10:22 |
robinlinth | jrib, didnt help | 10:22 |
xtknight | echnaton, relatively recent monitor? | 10:22 |
|NewUser| | whenever i try to mount a partition i get an error Like " mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist " | 10:22 |
Vaske_Car | DSpair, | 10:22 |
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Rictoo | I wasn't even complaining about the servers | 10:22 |
jrib | robinlinth: try ~/.gconf* | 10:22 |
robinlinth | jrib, I can run metacity manually though, in a terminal. | 10:22 |
julio_ | Any estimates as to when the repositories will be working again? | 10:22 |
robinlinth | ok | 10:22 |
apo | I wonder if reinstalling Feisty from an install CD would solve my DRI problems... | 10:22 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: Wait one... | 10:22 |
Rictoo | just mentioning how they were very slow | 10:22 |
jrib | robinlinth: oh, interesting | 10:22 |
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xtknight | torrent the final cd and avoid hammering the official servers | 10:23 |
E42 | xtknight , so what shall i do , there was a time i just inserted it and it apeared as " EMPTY CD" so i just started k3b and burned but now i insert the cd but nothing appears and the cd dont starts to read | 10:23 |
cedricshock | cubicism: thanks for the WRONG answer. It appears there are quite a few mirrors of | 10:23 |
xtknight | im getting 160k/sec off torrent | 10:23 |
Roger_The_Bum | :D | 10:23 |
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xtknight | and it's getting higher and higher | 10:23 |
hackle577 | anyone wanna help me upgrade using a Feisty LiveCD? I'm not quite sure how the partitioner works... | 10:23 |
echnaton | yes its the notebook lcd | 10:23 |
cubicism | cedricshock: np | 10:23 |
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DSpair | Vaske_Car: Try this command instead.... "apt-get dist-upgrade" | 10:23 |
robinlinth | jrib, didn't help | 10:23 |
milage | It's working, thanks | 10:23 |
xtknight | E42, hmm maybe you need to completely unmount the cd ? | 10:23 |
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Flare183 | do you have to uninstall Beryl before you upgrade to Fiesty? | 10:23 |
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milage | Oh yeah, looks a lot nicer now | 10:23 |
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SeveredCross | I don't see why you should have to Flare183. | 10:24 |
xtknight | Flare183, it would avoid further conflicts, yes | 10:24 |
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E42 | xtknight ,how ? | 10:24 |
Vaske_Car | DSpair, I am installing updates at the moment, right after that I will try that command | 10:24 |
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Glos_WiFi | wow i knew gateways were bad for anything other then Xp, but this is rediculous | 10:24 |
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robinlinth | jrib, didn't help | 10:24 |
SeveredCross | Oh, right, feisty installs compiz | 10:24 |
Rictoo | guys | 10:24 |
Roger_The_Bum | is 7.04 out for powerpc? | 10:24 |
vi0 | i know you guyes are busy, but i need help/assistence installing my wlan (broadcom) driver, please help me (the ndiswrapper method did not work for me) | 10:24 |
Rictoo | 152405 cubicism and u just said their work was shit | 10:24 |
Flare183 | oh no | 10:24 |
Rictoo | 152405 cubicism and u just said their work was shit | 10:24 |
xtknight | E42, generally ejecting it helps. try putting it another cd. does it read then? if that cd reads then eject tha tand put in the original again to completely wipe the buffer | 10:24 |
Glos_WiFi | Flare183: no i didnt and that still works | 10:24 |
E42 | xtknight , maybe its the fstab ? there was my burner /dev/hdc and an atribute noauto | 10:24 |
Rictoo | Did I say that? | 10:24 |
P-K | anyone else getting slow connections to | 10:24 |
Rictoo | When did I say the Ubuntu dev's work was shit? | 10:24 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | Rictoo | 10:24 |
Flare183 | just now | 10:24 |
ubotu | Rictoo: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 10:24 |
Glos_WiFi | Flare183: only thing thats still working now though :( | 10:24 |
xtknight | E42, gnome hal mounter is independent of fstab AFAIK (it uses preferences.fdi instead) | 10:24 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | Rictoo | 10:24 |
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echnaton | its only the lcd that isnt able to come up again after suspend2ram | 10:24 |
SeveredCross | P-K: You and everyone else. :) | 10:24 |
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musya | so i take it 7.04 is out? | 10:24 |
echnaton | i thought thats an xorg problem | 10:24 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: I am a Windows developer. I discovered Ubuntu 2 month ago when developing os-indiferent software (in Python) and was amazed. Now I want to attempt a gradual switch to Ubuntu...! | 10:24 |
echnaton | isnt it?! | 10:24 |
Roger_The_Bum | or is that architecture (sp?) no longer under active development | 10:24 |
SeveredCross | P-K: It's dist-upgrade day, 7.04 just came out. | 10:25 |
DSpair | Vaske_Car: Good luck.... The servers are HAMMERED right now... Updates could take some time. | 10:25 |
Flare183 | because i am upagrding to fiesty now and i have beryl working so what | 10:25 |
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Roger_The_Bum | musya, yes | 10:25 |
xtknight | maybe a torrent system for apt-get would be a good idea | 10:25 |
E42 | xtknight , only empty cd dont get read | 10:25 |
robinlinth | jrib, didn't help | 10:25 |
musya | whats the biggest diiference? | 10:25 |
milage | Strange though, my monitor is still stuck in 60hz | 10:25 |
LjL | xtknight: google "apt-torrent" | 10:25 |
hackle577 | anyone wanna help me upgrade using a Feisty LiveCD? I'm not quite sure how the partitioner works... | 10:25 |
P-K | ahhhhh! | 10:25 |
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E42 | xtknight , well i got xfce | 10:25 |
milage | it's an lcd, so it's not bad | 10:25 |
jrib | robinlinth: ok, hold on, I saw the first time :) | 10:25 |
milage | but it can do 75 | 10:25 |
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robinlinth | jrib, ok | 10:25 |
E42 | xtknight , not gnome;/ | 10:25 |
defuego | is an upgrade from dapper to feisty possable through update manager ? | 10:25 |
LjL | defuego: only by going through edgy | 10:25 |
Geoffrey2 | where can I find the torrent file for Feisty? can't seen to locate it on Ubuntu's web site | 10:25 |
xtknight | defuego, probably, not that it's a graet idea | 10:25 |
Glos_WiFi | defuego: dont think so | 10:25 |
dystopianray | nir_ai: well it's rather easy to move things to different partitions, just copy and update fstab | 10:25 |
LjL | !feisty > Geoffrey2 (Geoffrey2, see the private message from Ubotu) | 10:25 |
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defuego | thanks | 10:25 |
musya | i always though upgradeing needed to be done by reinstalling ubuntu | 10:25 |
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musya | but that sucks | 10:25 |
kusit911 | pkl_: after a little while it said 'no space left on device'.... but unless ubuntu feisty is more than 9gb by default it can't be .... | 10:25 |
xtknight | Geoffrey2, topic of #ubuntu-release-party | 10:25 |
junmin | hi guys. how can i install feisty in a box without floppy,cd-rom/dvdrom, and the matherborad doesnt support usb-disk bootup | 10:25 |
Glos_WiFi | defuego: theat install need Edgy i think | 10:25 |
craigbass1976 | besides oscommerce (which is being a total pain) does anyone else know of some sort of opensource online store app? | 10:25 |
Flare183 | because i am upagrding to fiesty now and i have beryl working so what | 10:26 |
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bimberi | hackle577: you can't upgrade using the liveCD, only new install | 10:26 |
xtknight | wow 1500 in here? | 10:26 |
xtknight | :O | 10:26 |
SeveredCross | . | 10:26 |
nir_ai | dystopianray: thanks | 10:26 |
Vaske_Car | DSpair, how to remove automatix2? | 10:26 |
FYI | help: Bus error (core dumped)e... 0% | 10:26 |
|NewUser| | whenever i try to mount a partition i get an error Like " mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist " | 10:26 |
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hackle577 | bimberi: not if i don't format my /home partition | 10:26 |
xtknight | E42, hmm well XFCE still uses gnome hal mounter, AFAIK | 10:26 |
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jrib | robinlinth: ~/.metacity ? | 10:26 |
xtknight | E42, xfce is more like gnome, it uses gdm, etc. but regardless, i dont know what you mean by mounting a blank cd still | 10:26 |
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robinlinth | jrib, didn't help either. Did that already | 10:26 |
craigbass1976 | xtknight, Wow, hadn't noticed. Wonder if that causes problems and there should be #ubuntu and #ubuntu-overflow | 10:26 |
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robinlinth | jrib, As a matter of fact: my old configuration is still there. | 10:26 |
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FYI | i get this error when trying to install something: Bus error (core dumped)e... 0% | 10:26 |
cedricshock | Here's a nice list of mirrors for the archive, I wonder how I can use these to upgrade faster: | 10:26 |
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robinlinth | jrib, I removed it all and still it's all there! | 10:27 |
E42 | xtknight , oh well ok . Seems no one knows what i mean ;( | 10:27 |
ferronica | any one here who have downloaded ubuntu 7.04 ? | 10:27 |
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Peaker | apt sources that are torrent:// could indeed be nice :-) | 10:27 |
bimberi | hackle577: fair enough, though it's still really an install </pedantry> :) | 10:27 |
vi0 | !bcm43xx-fwcutter | 10:27 |
jrib | robinlinth: how did you remove it? | 10:27 |
kmarius | again, could somebody please give me a link for the official feisty dvd?? | 10:27 |
EmxBA | me, ferronica | 10:27 |
robinlinth | jrib, commandline, rm -r | 10:27 |
xtknight | craigbass1976, doesnt seem to be too overflowed to me | 10:27 |
Prez | anyone upgrade to feisty on a thinkpad x60s? about to hit ok and just wondering.. | 10:27 |
marshall | hey guys | 10:27 |
robinlinth | jrib, quit gnome while doing it | 10:27 |
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kusit911 | pkl_: also using df the / mount is: /dev/sda3 10902656 2616792 7732024 26% / | 10:27 |
xtknight | E42, just need a bit of clarification | 10:27 |
ferronica | EmxBA: How is it? | 10:27 |
jrib | robinlinth: it probably saves when you log out | 10:27 |
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jonp | none of my usb devices initialize unless i unplug them and plug them in again after bootup, is this a common problem? | 10:27 |
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xtknight | E42, after your blank CD is burned, it can not recognize the new contents immediately? | 10:27 |
musya | man ubuntu servers are taking a beating arnt they? | 10:27 |
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jrib | robinlinth: try logging out and then doing it | 10:27 |
xtknight | yeah | 10:27 |
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robinlinth | jrib, Yeah, i logged out and then did it. Didn't help | 10:27 |
musya | everything is slow | 10:27 |
Glos_WiFi | wooooooo . . . . Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has the version 1.0-7184, but this X module has the version 1.0-9755 How do i make them match? | 10:27 |
marshall | how do you apply a patch file? (.diff file) im trying to get the mac menubar hack working | 10:27 |
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hackle577 | bimberi: well the servers are so clogged right now my Edgy update manager stalls every time | 10:28 |
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Glos_WiFi | would a reinstall of X work do you think? | 10:28 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, reinstall sudo sh ./ or nvidia-glx* | 10:28 |
EmxBA | cool, and I don't have a need to install it because I've been running feisty for more than two months | 10:28 |
ferronica | EmxBA: better then ubuntu 6.10 or like that only? | 10:28 |
jrib | robinlinth: don't know then. But it does have to be some configuration that's user specific | 10:28 |
EmxBA | better | 10:28 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: are you in your chroot envrionment? | 10:28 |
musya | i would wait to upgrade | 10:28 |
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Rictoo | guys | 10:28 |
xtknight | cat whine_the_servers_are_slow > /dev/null :) | 10:28 |
robinlinth | jrib, i know, i just wanna remove all the old configurations | 10:28 |
Rictoo | Do you support ubuntu? | 10:28 |
robinlinth | jrib, how? | 10:28 |
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E42 | xtknight , for example i burned some photos on a cd . My friends uses windows and as he inserted the cd . There apeared a window " this is a blank cd blalalala" | 10:28 |
kusit911 | pkl_: no... just mounted the image | 10:28 |
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Rictoo | because cubicism says you don't | 10:28 |
marshall | how do you apply a patch file? (.diff file) im trying to get the mac menubar hack working | 10:28 |
Rictoo | Do you guys support Kubuntu? | 10:28 |
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Rictoo | Or do you think it's a ripoff? | 10:28 |
EmxBA | check this, ferronica : | 10:29 |
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marshall | Rictoo: #kubuntu | 10:29 |
xtknight | !ignore | 10:29 |
ubotu | If you really don't wish to see the messages from a particular person on IRC, you can use /ignore nickname | 10:29 |
jrib | robinlinth: mv ~/.* ~/.backup_configs | 10:29 |
Rictoo | ok | 10:29 |
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Rictoo | I'll ignore him | 10:29 |
ferronica | jrib: i am using torrent to download ubuntu 7.04 is it okay to download from there? | 10:29 |
bimberi | hackle577: yes, it usually happens this way at release. Things'll settle down. bittorenting the alternate CD and using it to upgrade could even be quicker. | 10:29 |
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Glos_WiFi | xtknight: they didnt work :( | 10:29 |
jrib | ferronica: yep, that's probably the best way | 10:29 |
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xtknight | E42, well it appears that the CD is not getting burned, then?? | 10:29 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, you tried them alreadY? | 10:29 |
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jonp | Rictoo: kubuntu is a sister project to ubuntu - it is not a 'ripoff' | 10:29 |
Rictoo | I know | 10:30 |
E42 | xtknight , no u missunderstood me ;c | 10:30 |
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hackle577 | bimberi: darn! that's what I must have been thinking, the alt. CD. Does it give you an upgrade option if you boot to it? | 10:30 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, nvidia installer usually completely removes old drivers | 10:30 |
marshall | how do you apply a patch file? (.diff file) im trying to get the mac menubar hack working | 10:30 |
Glos_WiFi | im at the box and have the laptop on my lap, so yes :P | 10:30 |
E42 | xtknight , wait a sec plz | 10:30 |
Rictoo | cubicism says this: | 10:30 |
xtknight | E42, sorry but ok | 10:30 |
Linuxnewbie756 | so has anyone used the update thing? does it work? | 10:30 |
Glos_WiFi | they dont exist apparently | 10:30 |
ferronica | jrib: ok thanx , i got 256 Kbps spedd how much time it will take to download | 10:30 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, what doesnt exist ? | 10:30 |
name | stupid upgrades | 10:30 |
hackle577 | Linuxnewbie756: servers are pretty clogged ATM | 10:30 |
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Glos_WiFi | the commands | 10:30 |
Linuxnewbie756 | ferronica: right now the servers are sorta slow | 10:30 |
name | Command failed: Can't get device information. | 10:30 |
EmxBA | hackle577: try | 10:30 |
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name | fine! | 10:30 |
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Linuxnewbie756 | hackle577: everyone should be using bt | 10:30 |
bimberi | hackle577: not from boot but if you insert it while booted into Edgy. | 10:30 |
jrib | marshall: you need to apply it to the source code and then recompile most likely. Usually, patch -p1 < file.diff but see 'man patch' | 10:30 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, hmm? you didnt do nvidia installer? | 10:30 |
Linuxnewbie756 | and then seed | 10:30 |
stevehc | how to change the screen res > 1024x768? | 10:30 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, well that's not the exact cmd, you need the binary off | 10:30 |
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jhaig | I'm trying to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 using "Software Updates" but I don't get the "Upgrade" button. Is there a step I need to do first? I do have the latest version of update-manager. | 10:31 |
E42 | xtknight , llok now i burned a cd right now ! and no i insert it . Terminal > sudo mount /dev/hdd /mnt/new | 10:31 |
hackle577 | EmxBA: ok thanks | 10:31 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, and it's something *like* sudo sh ./ | 10:31 |
Glos_WiFi | yeh, installed 1.0-9755 | 10:31 |
hackle577 | bimberi: thanks | 10:31 |
ferronica | Linuxnewbie756: okay | 10:31 |
E42 | xtknight , then answet is mount: No medium found | 10:31 |
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Glos_WiFi | hmm ok il varient the install command | 10:31 |
StOORm | hi all | 10:31 |
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bimberi | !fixres > stevehc | 10:31 |
name | damn feisty, gonna downgrade again | 10:31 |
xtknight | E42, the CD is not getting burned properly. | 10:31 |
junmin | how can i install feisty from hard-disk?? | 10:31 |
Linuxnewbie756 | jhaig: try sudo apt-get distro-upgrade | 10:31 |
Puppy_ | Generally, how long does it take to upgrade using the update manager? | 10:31 |
xtknight | E42, the cd has no contents after you try to burn it | 10:31 |
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bimberi | hackle577: yw :) | 10:31 |
StOORm | how can launch kde in a terminal ? | 10:31 |
kinetic | can someone point me to a guide for pxe booting the live cd? | 10:31 |
EmxBA | doesn't contain in list of mirros; why's that? it was there. | 10:31 |
EmxBA | and it WORKS | 10:31 |
xtknight | Konsole | 10:31 |
StOORm | yes | 10:31 |
name | /dev/mapper $ sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/hdb1 /dev/mapper/media 0:04 | 10:31 |
name | Command failed: Can't get device information. | 10:31 |
xtknight | for a kde terminal if that's your question | 10:31 |
kinetic | this drive is unbearably slow | 10:31 |
jhaig | Linuxnewbie756: Erm, I could try that, but I would rather use the 'official' route. | 10:31 |
E42 | xtknight , no because when i look on the back of the cd its seems to be burned . u know the stripes etc | 10:32 |
xtknight | E42, ahh yeah | 10:32 |
StOORm | i have a ubuntu server | 10:32 |
StOORm | i installed kde | 10:32 |
xtknight | E42, well that could mean it is finalized perhaps but obviously it didnt burn properly | 10:32 |
pkl_ | kusit911: you've given the same 'df' lines for '/' and /mnt/mdk which is weird, unless you're in a chroot. | 10:32 |
StOORm | i want to lanch kde | 10:32 |
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Glos_WiFi | xtknight: i used command sudo sh ./ to install it | 10:32 |
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xtknight | E42, so it is a burning problem not a mounting problem. probably a CD burner or media issue | 10:32 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, right | 10:32 |
EmxBA | who can I talk to related to page? | 10:32 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, and that does not remedy Xorg/kernel mismatch? | 10:32 |
xtknight | EmxBA, more specific? | 10:32 |
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pkl_ | kusit911:/dev/hda1 489992 305069 159623 66% / & 489992 305069 159623 66% /mnt/mdk | 10:32 |
Glos_WiFi | it does for this instance | 10:32 |
E42 | xtknight , well maybe . But when i insert it to my dvd-rom ( not a burner) then it dont starts too | 10:32 |
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EmxBA | doesn't contain in list of mirros, xtknight | 10:32 |
Glos_WiFi | and then on reboot i have to do it again | 10:32 |
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E42 | xtknight , nothing ! | 10:33 |
xtknight | EmxBA, ah hmm i'm not sure who to talk to | 10:33 |
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name | noone knowing the answer, as I thought ^^ | 10:33 |
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cdrom600 | hello? | 10:33 |
jhaig | Linuxnewbie756: Anyway, that didn't do anything (0 upgrades) | 10:33 |
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EmxBA | ompaul maybe? | 10:33 |
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StOORm | ubuntu-fr | 10:33 |
nn-laptop | is there a program that will ls an http:// sight | 10:33 |
Geoffrey2 | I downloaded the torrent file, I get an error that I can't connect to the tracker....this is a problem? | 10:33 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: which indicates / has only 150 Mbytes spare, and it is only 500 odd Mkbytes in size anyway. Before you can create a new image you need to fix that. | 10:33 |
xtknight | nn-laptop, you can't reliably 'ls' an http site | 10:33 |
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xtknight | most dont allow directory listing | 10:33 |
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buhrmi | Hi there... where can i get a nice aqua-style dock for Gnome? | 10:34 |
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ompaul | EmxBA, send a mail to I would imagine | 10:34 |
Glos_WiFi | where is the NVIDIA Kernel modul located? i think a value change might be in order | 10:34 |
xtknight | seriously try the torrent. 450kb/esc | 10:34 |
Geoffrey2 | urlopen error (111, 'Connection refused') | 10:34 |
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jrib | EmxBA: says what ompaul just said | 10:34 |
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ompaul | jrib, I have not looked there in ages my brain still works :) | 10:34 |
ajd17 | i'm having a problem with vino -- when i connect with a vnc client, it gets the initial screenshot but won't send any successive ones. any ideas? | 10:34 |
EADG | buhrmi is a good place to start. | 10:34 |
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nn-laptop | well it is a lot better than having to use wget -m all the time ;;;;; There must be a program that can just print the stuff wget -r can retrieve | 10:35 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 10:35 |
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Orfeous | any alternates to wine? i want to start a windowsprogram | 10:35 |
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Puppy_ | What's the status of upgrading using the update manager? Slow? | 10:35 |
xtknight | !vmware | Orfeous | 10:35 |
ubotu | Orfeous: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at - See also !virtualizers | 10:35 |
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EmxBA | ompaul: do I need to make such job, and wait until someone doesn't put it back? it was there when feisty got officialy released | 10:35 |
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E42 | xtknight , omg i just started my laptop ( windows xp on it ) and the cd is blank !! NOTHING !! WHAT THE HELL !!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:35 |
nn-laptop | is there | 10:35 |
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ytsestef | psusi, it didn't work. Does disabling all controllers except the one i want to install kubuntu on, then installing ubuntu, then enabling them again makes any sense? because that's what I'm doing! | 10:35 |
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xtknight | E42, again, it's a burning problem | 10:35 |
Orfeous | xtknight, not vmware!!! | 10:35 |
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Orfeous | allready tried that | 10:35 |
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xtknight | E42, i dont see how more obvious it could get??? | 10:35 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i tried the same command from root and i got this message: 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 54.0065 seconds, 19.9 MB/s | 10:35 |
zer | I have a problem that nobody had an answer to until can i make sure that one module is loaded *before* an other module on system start? | 10:36 |
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xtknight | Orfeous, what are you looking for specifically? | 10:36 |
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E42 | xtknight , oh sorry . But maybe can u tell how to fix this ? | 10:36 |
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E42 | xtknight , so the burner seems to be <kaput> | 10:36 |
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xtknight | E42, well, it is a problem with your cd burner. i am guessing you need to get a new cd burner, or try different media, a different burning program or even a different drive controller. | 10:36 |
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ompaul | EmxBA, ahh then it might have a had a bad copy or some such this happened with some places and dapper took a couple of days to "calm down" but it is more under control today | 10:36 |
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psusi | ytsestef: can you be more specific about "it doesn't work?" | 10:36 |
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name | WTF | 10:36 |
pkl_ | kusit911: good, we can continue :) Type 'sudo losetup /dev/loop1 new-fs.img ' | 10:36 |
E42 | xtknight , ok thanks | 10:36 |
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Glos_WiFi | xtknight: that link brings up a new file | 10:37 |
psusi | ytsestef: what command did you use to reinstall grub? | 10:37 |
ytsestef | psusi, yes: i get to the GRUB prompt (GRUB>) | 10:37 |
name | all my ide drives are gone | 10:37 |
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Glos_WiFi | infact a new directory | 10:37 |
cotton | Is ubuntu the best OS for running a server, or is it CentOS, or Fedora C5 | 10:37 |
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phil8080 | Can anyone help me with my sound on my Acer laptop, sound driver seems to be ok but no sound from the speakers! | 10:37 |
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EmxBA | ompaul: it *WORKS*, i'm using it currently | 10:37 |
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cubicism | cotton: centos | 10:37 |
bgrupe | cotton: there is no such thing as best | 10:37 |
EmxBA | all of the files are up-to-date | 10:37 |
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eobanb | cotton, it depends on your needs | 10:37 |
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cotton | ah | 10:37 |
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jhaig | cotton: As bgrupe said, but I would recommend *not* Fedora. | 10:37 |
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cotton | Why? | 10:38 |
kusit911 | pkl_: done | 10:38 |
ompaul | EmxBA, do an md5sum on it and mail mirrors as per suggestoin | 10:38 |
cotton | I just got a server with fedora | 10:38 |
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cotton | :( | 10:38 |
jhaig | cotton: Because it is a development distribution, basically. | 10:38 |
EmxBA | ok | 10:38 |
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guerby | hi, I removed by mistake the new gnome control center item in the menu editor, how do I add it back? | 10:38 |
eobanb | cotton, if fedora works for you, then stick with it | 10:38 |
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cotton | ok, thanks | 10:38 |
eobanb | if you find yourself having troubles, consider ubuntu | 10:39 |
eobanb | that is all | 10:39 |
sunset-blvd | hello, will someone please dedicate a few minutes to help me? | 10:39 |
jhaig | cotton: ... just I wouldn't recommend it. :-) | 10:39 |
pkl_ | kusit911: there's no point in doing this, unless I explain what's going on. You've created an empty 1 GB file. The losetup has associated that 1 GB file with a block device (/dev/loop1) | 10:39 |
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name | where have all my devices gone? | 10:39 |
sajaen | solo amistad | 10:39 |
mg___ | hey guys i'm experiencing a very strange problem: ubuntu installation doesn't recodnize my standard ps/2 keyboard while my usb mouse works perfectly well | 10:39 |
mg___ | but the keyboard isn't broken or anything it worked well just 2minutes ago (under windows not under ubuntu) | 10:39 |
cotton | 1 more thing, why is the updater tool taking forever to download? | 10:39 |
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cmspaz | The xserver on the 7.04 LiveCD won't start, throw fatal error "No screens found." | 10:39 |
Glos_WiFi | sunset, whats the problem? | 10:39 |
Nergar | where can i see the list of supported wifi card? | 10:39 |
djm62 | phil8080: I have an acer, and I'll try to help. have you checked for things being muted by default? | 10:39 |
crackintosh | holy cow this channel is crowded | 10:39 |
Nergar | cards??? | 10:39 |
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Glos_WiFi | nerger, i doint think theres a public one yet :S | 10:39 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i was guessing that too :) now what do we do? | 10:39 |
illu45 | hello | 10:39 |
jhaig | cotton: Possibly because the entire world is also trying to download it as well? :-) | 10:39 |
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Puppy_ | Has anyone here upgraded using the update manager? | 10:39 |
sunset-blvd | glos_wifi, neither the text partitioner nor gparted recognize my partitions on one drive | 10:39 |
Nergar | Glos_WiFi, there is but lost it | 10:40 |
stevehc | I need to run a setup program aticonfig. Yet I think I do not have this installed I am using the new 7.04, where to get it? | 10:40 |
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fizzmahon | do you guys think i should get amd64 feisty or just i386 for my athlon 64 2800+? | 10:40 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: using this block device, you can now create a new filesystem on it. Type 'sudo mke2fs -N 250000 /dev/loop1' | 10:40 |
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sunset-blvd | and they're working in windows | 10:40 |
Nergar | !wifi | 10:40 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 10:40 |
tokyo25 | im going to do a fresh install of ubuntu7.04 instead of upgrading : ) | 10:40 |
phil8080 | djm62, yes I have the device is HDA Nvidia | 10:40 |
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Glos_WiFi | sunset, whats your current setup? | 10:40 |
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kmaynard | garrr...i was updating my feisty install, and when it got to the network manager upgrade, i lost ssh. cant get into my box now | 10:40 |
EmxBA | ompaul: message sent | 10:40 |
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sunset-blvd | i don't understand the question (english not native, sorry) | 10:40 |
psusi | ytsestef: what command did you use to reinstall grub? | 10:40 |
cotton | Is 7.04 very different than 7.03 | 10:40 |
sunset-blvd | what setup? | 10:40 |
EmxBA | 7.03? | 10:40 |
Glos_WiFi | sunset, have you got any other linux distro live discs? | 10:40 |
kusit911 | pkl_: done. whatdid that do? | 10:40 |
jrib | cotton: yes because 7.03 does not exist | 10:41 |
djm62 | phil8080: have you had any noises out of it at all from ubuntu? | 10:41 |
tokyo25 | ther was no 7.03 | 10:41 |
sunset-blvd | no | 10:41 |
psusi | cotton: there is no such thing as 7.03 | 10:41 |
crackintosh | does anyone know of a mirror that actually works right now? I am trying to apt-get something and i cant get it. | 10:41 |
sunset-blvd | just 6.10 | 10:41 |
ytsestef | psusi, I didn' reinstall grub, I reinstalled ubuntu | 10:41 |
cotton | :P, the last distro of ubuntu | 10:41 |
sunset-blvd | i mean, i have 6.10 and 7.04 | 10:41 |
Glos_WiFi | and it doesnt pick it up when you install it vis the setup? | 10:41 |
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phil8080 | djm62, no, i'm running 7.04 by the way | 10:41 |
psusi | ytsestef: ohh, then it probably undid your changes to and menu.lst | 10:41 |
Reliant | cotton, in Ubuntu, the version number is based on the year & month (7.04 = April, 2007) | 10:41 |
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cotton | ah | 10:41 |
sunset-blvd | it only sees the partitions on hda, it shows hdb as unallocated | 10:41 |
psusi | ytsestef: after you make those changes you need to just reinstall grub | 10:41 |
Glos_WiFi | use this mirror | 10:41 |
cedricshock | crackintosh: Nope. I've tried (default) and portland state | 10:41 |
tokyo25 | first numbr means the year and the other is the month.. think | 10:41 |
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sunset-blvd | and i have 6 partitions on hdb | 10:41 |
cmspaz | The xserver on the 7.04 LiveCD won't start, throwing fatal error "No screens found." | 10:41 |
pkl_ | kusit911: that created an ext2 filesystem inside the 1 GB file, with space for 25000 files (rather than the default 131072 files). | 10:41 |
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Glos_WiFi | tahts good sunset, you have to create the file structure on that | 10:42 |
crackintosh | I probably should have done this yesterday/ | 10:42 |
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ytsestef | psusi, I edited the and menu.lst after I installed ubuntu | 10:42 |
sunset-blvd | can you teach me? | 10:42 |
cedricshock | crackintosh: Here's a list: | 10:42 |
psusi | ytsestef: then you now need to reinstall grub for those changes to take effect | 10:42 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, sorry i was busy fighting with some of my hardware here | 10:42 |
djm62 | phil8080: is there a volume control applet in the top right of your screen (picture of a speaker)? | 10:42 |
cotton | Is 6.10 that different that 7.04? | 10:42 |
LooseChanj | "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" any spoilers on this? | 10:42 |
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phil8080 | djm62, yes | 10:42 |
xtknight | <Glos_WiFi> xtknight: that link brings up a new file | 10:42 |
Flannel | cotton: yeah, lots of new goodness in 7.04 | 10:42 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, what does that mean? | 10:42 |
pkl_ | kusit911: you could mount the /dev/loop1, but it is easier for you to mount it in the same way you mount the mandrake image'. | 10:42 |
tokyo25 | i wont no until another hour : ) | 10:42 |
ytsestef | psusi, i see. i didn't know that. I also don't know how to reinstall grub :S | 10:42 |
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matt-wadr | After 20 to 30 minutes of keyboard/mouse inactivity, my screen goes black and within a few seconds I'll have to enter a password to unlock it. KDE's screensaver isn't configured like that, xscreensaver isn't either and isn't running anyway... so what is locking my screen? | 10:42 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: so type 'losetup -d /dev/loop1' | 10:43 |
tokyo25 | hope my wifi will still work! | 10:43 |
EmxBA | inactivity, matt-wadr | 10:43 |
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ensan | feisty release already? | 10:43 |
LooseChanj | that are related to 7.04? | 10:43 |
EmxBA | try to configure screensaver in gnome menus | 10:43 |
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P-K | to go from 6.10 to 7.04 I need to replace edgy with feisty in my sources list? | 10:43 |
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Glos_WiFi | sunset-blvd: can you read the pm i just started with you? | 10:43 |
psusi | ytsestef: iirc, you need to do sudo grub, then at the prompt enter install (hd0) | 10:43 |
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sunset-blvd | glos_wifi: yes, i can, i replied | 10:43 |
kusit911 | pkl_: done (with sudo) | 10:43 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: yeah, I forgot that. | 10:43 |
Slash | P-K: exactly | 10:43 |
ensan | feisty release already? | 10:43 |
Glos_WiFi | in that case wait a second, i need to set unregistered PM's to allowed | 10:44 |
EmxBA | P-K: use "gksu update-manager -c -d" | 10:44 |
pkl_ | kusit911: type 'sudo mkdir /mnt/new' | 10:44 |
sunset-blvd | i will, thank you | 10:44 |
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Glos_WiFi | try again now | 10:44 |
P-K | Ok thanks. | 10:44 |
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qos_ | i am searching the command "ip" but i cant find it ... i which packet will i find it? | 10:44 |
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djm62 | phil8080: I'll presume it's set to a reasonable volume. let me have a dig around. Can you go through the menu "System->Preferences->Sound" and try the test buttons | 10:44 |
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Flannel | EmxBA, P-K, You shouldn't need to use any flags to go from 6.10, just start update manager. | 10:44 |
ytsestef | psusi: thanks, i'll try it | 10:44 |
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Glos_WiFi | xtknight il talk in a sec, gna help here | 10:44 |
pkl_ | kusit911: type 'sudo mount -t ext2 new-fs.img /mnt/new -o loop' | 10:44 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, no problem | 10:45 |
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kusit911 | pkl_: done. how do i save the image later if i need to reboot? | 10:45 |
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qos_ | i am searching the command "ip" but i cant find it ... i which packet will i find it? | 10:45 |
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Nergar | who can help me identify my wireless card please!! | 10:45 |
bish0p | my upgrde from edgy to feisty has failed in a horrible way: # any ideas? | 10:45 |
cubicism | qos_: dude thats a windows command | 10:45 |
EmxBA | Flannel: I already have it. | 10:45 |
phil8080 | djm62, yep, and test gives no sound | 10:45 |
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tokyo25 | are all those fancy effects like beryl in this new version of ubuntu, or will have to install them later? | 10:45 |
cubicism | qos_: just type ifconfig | 10:45 |
Flannel | EmxBA: right, but when you tell others, no need for flags. | 10:45 |
orange1 | #ubuntu-release-party | 10:45 |
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julio_ | When running uTorrent under the latest Wine the window's borders do not work (I cannot close or move the window). I checked the Wine AppDB but no help. | 10:46 |
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Shafto | tokyo25, Well compiz comes preinstalled, but id still recommend beryl over compiz | 10:46 |
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kane77 | is there any command which will change filenames to lowercase? | 10:46 |
qos_ | cubicism, dude ... so explain me why i use this in UBUNTU LINUX? | 10:46 |
tokyo25 | ok | 10:46 |
Shafto | julio_, #winehq | 10:46 |
ytsestef | psusi: in order to do that, don't i have to be logged in the installed ubuntu? I'm using the livecd right now... | 10:46 |
jrib | julio_: why not use a native client? | 10:46 |
cubicism | qos_: dude u dont | 10:46 |
Orfeous | xtknight, just like wine | 10:46 |
pkl_ | kusit911: the file should remain in the filesystem. You'll mount it like I just wrote (i.e. the same way you mount the mandrake image). | 10:46 |
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xtknight | Orfeous, what is wrong with wine? | 10:46 |
cedricshock | crackintosh: is swamped too | 10:46 |
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name | oh man, so bad | 10:46 |
qos_ | cubicism, i do ... and others too | 10:46 |
Orfeous | xtknight, searching for a program to run my driver license program with :D | 10:46 |
stefg | tokyo25: not *all* of the zillion fancy switches in beryl, but compiz, which incorporates the interesting bits | 10:46 |
psusi | ytsestef: if you are running from the livecd, mount the hard disks and chroot into them, then install | 10:47 |
name | all my /dev/hd? are gone after updating | 10:47 |
name | wtf is that? | 10:47 |
Orfeous | xtknight, doesnt work good with macromedia stuff... | 10:47 |
kusit911 | pkl_: cool. is everything from the old mdk image inside new-fs.img? | 10:47 |
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xtknight | Orfeous, driver license? er can you clarify that? | 10:47 |
pkl_ | kusit911: every time you reboot the machine, you'll have to remount it. | 10:47 |
cubicism | qos_: haha ur an idiot | 10:47 |
xtknight | oh | 10:47 |
dystopianray | name: they have become /dev/sd* or /dev/sr* | 10:47 |
name | I once updated from woody to testing and it worked well | 10:47 |
xtknight | drivers license...i was thinking drivers like modules :\ | 10:47 |
xtknight | lol | 10:47 |
Orfeous | xtknight, driver license for motorbike.. | 10:47 |
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name | dystopianray: wtfh? | 10:47 |
psusi | ytsestef: for instance, mount the / filesystem to /mnt, then mount the boot filesystem to /mnt/boot, then do chroot /mnt, then install grub | 10:47 |
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LooseChanj | "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" any spoilers on this related to 7.04? | 10:47 |
tokyo25 | yes, i found beryl very hard to work because there was so much stuff to fiddle with | 10:47 |
name | dystopianray: why do they need to change that | 10:47 |
djm62 | phil8080: if you click on the box to the left of the test button you should have a choice of devices; I don't have the same hardware as you, so I can't tell what will be there, but can you try those options and test? | 10:47 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i cd'd into /mnt/new... it's empty | 10:47 |
ytsestef | psusi, ok thanks! | 10:47 |
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vi0 | how does the "copy" command work in the terminal example on dos: copy bcm43xx.inf ~/Desktop | 10:47 |
name | dystopianray: it's hd? everywhere | 10:47 |
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enry | woooww | 10:47 |
julio_ | jrib: I tried a lot of the native clients but I haven't found anything like Utorrent (Deluge is getting there). | 10:47 |
xtknight | Orfeous, so this has macromedia stuff in it? | 10:47 |
Nergar | please, who can help me identify my wirless card!!! | 10:47 |
pkl_ | kusut911: no, the image is currently empty. You'll have to copy the contents over.... Type 'sudo cp -dpR /mnt/mdk /mnt/new' | 10:47 |
dystopianray | name: you are using libata now | 10:47 |
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Orfeous | xtknight, the "card" that makes it legal for you to drive in the traffic | 10:47 |
jrib | vi0: it's "cp" | 10:47 |
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vi0 | thanks | 10:47 |
jrib | !cli > vi0 (vi0, see the private message from ubotu) | 10:47 |
emir | hi every body | 10:48 |
Orfeous | xtknight, yes, it is built on macromedia | 10:48 |
xtknight | Orfeous, lol i know that | 10:48 |
cmspaz | The xserver on the 7.04 LiveCD won't start, throw fatal error "No screens found." | 10:48 |
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=== Enselic__ uploads 7.04 torrent at > 800 kb/s ^^, | ||
stefg | vi0: man cp | 10:48 |
xtknight | Orfeous, brain fart :) | 10:48 |
name | dystopianray: ok, so why can't they keep the naming convention | 10:48 |
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sharperguy | !welcome | emir | 10:48 |
ubotu | emir: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel. | 10:48 |
xtknight | Orfeous, sounds like you just need to configure wine better or use a better paid derivative of it. i love vmware, personally | 10:48 |
qos_ | somebody here, with more compentence than cubicism? want to know why there is the command "ip" missing. | 10:48 |
EmxBA | cmspaz: what's your card? | 10:48 |
kane77 | cmspaz, did you change xserver settings? | 10:48 |
cmspaz | X1300 | 10:48 |
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hrik001 | hello, i tried installing a HP Deskjet c and it appears in gnome-cups-manager, but it doent work, any idea what could be wrong ? | 10:48 |
foug | is Feisty worth the download? | 10:48 |
xtknight | qos_, what is 'ip'? | 10:48 |
psusi | ytsestef: and actually I think you can just do sudo update-grub to reinstall it | 10:48 |
Louey | is it possible to install 7.04 over top 6.10? | 10:48 |
jrib | qos_: what does that command do? | 10:48 |
xtknight | foug, of course | 10:48 |
pkl_ | kusit911: no, the image is currently empty. You'll have to copy the contents over.... Type 'sudo cp -dpR /mnt/mdk /mnt/new' | 10:48 |
cmspaz | I haven't changed settings yet | 10:48 |
xtknight | ip - show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels | 10:48 |
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name | dystopianray: and what the hell is sg? | 10:48 |
enry | woowww i was able to ndiswrap my wireless card!!! | 10:48 |
jonp | hrik001: doesn't work in what way? | 10:48 |
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xtknight | it's here for me on Feisty | 10:48 |
dystopianray | name: becuase it uses the scsi subsystem in the kernel | 10:48 |
jrib | Louey: yes | 10:48 |
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Nergar | anyone??? | 10:48 |
Louey | thanks jrib | 10:49 |
Orfeous | xtknight, yes, it works good in vmware but it feels quite slow :( | 10:49 |
dystopianray | name: generic scsi device, you can ignore it | 10:49 |
cmspaz | well, I haven't tried anything that worked, rather | 10:49 |
cedricshock | Louey: Yes, see | 10:49 |
enry | wey were are the icons? | 10:49 |
enry | usr.... | 10:49 |
xtknight | Orfeous, did you install the vmware video drivrs? | 10:49 |
T0uCH | thats a joke 6 to 12 hours to download upgrades?? lol | 10:49 |
xtknight | huge difference | 10:49 |
kusit911 | pkl_: copying one min..... | 10:49 |
EmxBA | atheros cards do not need ndiswrapper? | 10:49 |
xtknight | qos_, 'ip' is in package 'iproute' | 10:49 |
stefg | !upgrade | 10:49 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 10:49 |
dystopianray | name: sd* are hdds, sr* or scd* are cd/dvd drives | 10:49 |
CookieNinja | I've been on feisty for a while now, and it's alright :-) had some problems but nothing too bad | 10:49 |
foug | xtknight: does everything that ran in 6.10 run in 7.04? i.e, Beryl, WoW etc | 10:49 |
hrik001 | jonp: i do "print test page"; it says it is printing, but the printer doesnt do anything | 10:49 |
cmspaz | neither the ati or radeon drivers worked. | 10:49 |
Orfeous | xtknight, yes, i installed everything with vmware* :D | 10:49 |
qos_ | xtknight, jrib: u can manipulate routes ... its likely ifconfig ;) | 10:49 |
Louey | thanks stefg | 10:49 |
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name | dystopianray: cool, so that libata wants to tell me that i just have two ata drives, wrong | 10:49 |
matt-wadr | I guess it was the gnome power manager | 10:49 |
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fuoco | if i used feisty while it was development distro, and upgraded regularly, it means i now have the stable feisty or i need to reinstall? | 10:49 |
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Shafto | foug, Yeah | 10:49 |
xtknight | qos_, sudo apt-get install iproute | 10:49 |
LooseChanj | "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" any spoilers on this related to 7.04? | 10:49 |
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ryanakca | any way to change from ubuntu amd64 to ubuntu x86 ? | 10:49 |
xtknight | Orfeous, odd it's almost 1:1 speed for me. wine feels slower | 10:49 |
tokyo25 | ive 30% downloaded this version,so far its taken 18 mins | 10:49 |
jrib | !final > fuoco (fuoco, see the private message from ubotu) | 10:49 |
qos_ | xtknight, how did u get this? | 10:49 |
Shafto | foug, Wine and beryl definately work | 10:50 |
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xtknight | qos_, dpkg -S `which ip` | 10:50 |
jrib | ryanakca: reinstall | 10:50 |
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xtknight | qos_, i had the 'ip' program it so happens. | 10:50 |
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dystopianray | name: your drives are under /dev/sd* or /dev/sr* | 10:50 |
CookieNinja | anyone not sure about the upgrade, try it on a spare partition ... much better than asking anyone else about their experience on their hardware :-) | 10:50 |
ryanakca | jrib: other than that? | 10:50 |
foug | Shafto: cool, 7.04 has better sound/video support right? and is more stable/faster than 6.10 | 10:50 |
xtknight | qos_, if you didnt you may try apt-file *bin/ip or apt-cache search ip | 10:50 |
jrib | ryanakca: not really | 10:50 |
cnez0red | hi. Trying to upgrade via the alternate CD, but it keeps Fetching all 1320 files ... and when it's finished, it goes back 394 every time. Seems to be stuck in a loop. | 10:50 |
dystopianray | name: sata has worked like this for years | 10:50 |
ryanakca | jrib: shucks... kk, thanks | 10:50 |
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Shafto | foug, Umm dont know, dont run it | 10:50 |
name | dystopianray: i know | 10:50 |
xtknight | foug, yes | 10:50 |
name | dystopianray: ah i seem to get it | 10:50 |
CookieNinja | my logitech webcam worked out of the box in feisty :-) | 10:50 |
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xtknight | foug, you can run everything in Feisty than you did in edgy..and more | 10:50 |
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name | dystopianray: so it mixed my ata and sata drives | 10:50 |
qos_ | xtknight, i know thx anyway. i am no noob. have to find a armel version of this just to get it running on my internet tablet. | 10:50 |
foug | xtknight: cool | 10:50 |
name | dystopianray: veery nice | 10:50 |
dystopianray | name: now pata drivers are using the same libata system as sata | 10:50 |
pkl_ | kusit911: OK. Once that's done, /mnt/mdk and /mnt/new (and the two image files) should be identical, except /mnt/new is much bigger ... | 10:50 |
kusit911 | pkl_: done copying | 10:50 |
richdurhm | hey guys how do i upgrade with iso? | 10:50 |
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name | that had done a nice job confusing me | 10:51 |
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jrib | !upgrade > richdurhm (richdurhm, see the private message from ubotu) | 10:51 |
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kusit911 | ls | 10:51 |
richdurhm | !upgrade | 10:51 |
ubotu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 10:51 |
cnez0red | !upgrade | 10:51 |
psycho78 | richduhm: check the ubuntu site, click upgrade and it'll tell you | 10:51 |
Alan | which package do i need for the GTK+ 2.0 headers? | 10:51 |
Orfeous | xtknight, hmm.. just tried the program.. i got ActiveX error message | 10:51 |
stefg | richdurhm: pop it in the drive and find yourself clicking yes | 10:51 |
name | dystopianray: confused me totally | 10:51 |
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name | dystopianray: ata and sata drives mixed means no good | 10:51 |
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Flannel | richdurhm: Just start up update-manager, it'll tell you that theres a new version to upgrade to | 10:52 |
dystopianray | name: sata is ata too | 10:52 |
elfranger | good evening all | 10:52 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: you can use /mnt/new as the new chroot. Obviously you can unmount the old img from /mnt/mdk, and unmount the new img and remount it on /mnt/mdk | 10:52 |
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richdurhm | Flannel, ya but it is takling to long | 10:52 |
name | dystopianray: but it was soo easy seperating them | 10:52 |
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name | now they are mixed up | 10:52 |
xtknight | Alan, libgtk2.0-dev | 10:52 |
richdurhm | Flannel, and i alrready have iso | 10:52 |
LooseChanj | "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" with the live cd, hints? | 10:52 |
xtknight | Orfeous, well you need to regsvr32 the macromedia flash OCX | 10:52 |
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Alan | thanks xtknight - was having trouble guessing the package name :( | 10:52 |
name | and /dev/hda just isn't the first ide drive, but /dev/sdb is, that confuses me | 10:52 |
dystopianray | name: fstab should be using UUIDs for everything, so it's only a problem if you want to manually play with the devices | 10:52 |
kusit911 | pkl_: great... thanks a lot!! one last question, after chrooting into that image, could i run an ide like eclipse from it? | 10:53 |
elfranger | I have mounted a disk as /ftproot. Under there, I have mounted two partitions from a different disk into their own folder... | 10:53 |
xtknight | Alan, synaptic search "gtk2 development" | 10:53 |
EADG | !upgrade | EADG | 10:53 |
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name | dystopianray: as you see, i want | 10:53 |
fenrig | hi all | 10:53 |
Airforce5555 | do you get the source code witha mac? | 10:53 |
name | dystopianray: and i always could easily | 10:53 |
fenrig | i have a little link for u guys | 10:53 |
elfranger | funny thing is, when I log on with an ftp user, I see no files in thow two folders that are mounted partitions from another disk... | 10:53 |
Airforce5555 | do you get the source code with a mac? | 10:53 |
Flannel | richdurhm: Ah. Which ISO? desktop or alternate? | 10:53 |
phil8080 | djm62, nothing, no sound | 10:53 |
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fenrig | | 10:53 |
dustpyle_x2 | Hey, whenever I put the line 'export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin in my .zprofile or /etc/zsh/zprofile and logout the path remains unchanged. Why is this? | 10:53 |
elfranger | where do I start to look for errors? | 10:53 |
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Enselic__ | Is there a good tool for parsing auth.log? | 10:53 |
Alan | thanks xtknight :D | 10:53 |
jrib | Airforce5555: for ubuntu? yes | 10:53 |
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stefg | Is there any way to get the 2.6.20-14 kernel again? apt doesn't have it, maybe there's a secret trick? | 10:53 |
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dystopianray | name: have a look in /dev/disk/ | 10:53 |
fenrig | please read it its about opensource drivers and a usefull link is in there | 10:53 |
Airforce5555 | how bout for the mac os | 10:53 |
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fenrig | a link to a petition | 10:54 |
Enselic__ | stefg: iirc -14 is unstable | 10:54 |
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clop | i'm having trouble installing ubuntu feisty; it keeps locking up on "partitions formatting; creating ext3 file system for / in partition #1 of ..." | 10:54 |
fenrig | please read it or sign the petition | 10:54 |
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orange1 | . | 10:54 |
Jordan_U | Airforce5555, I don't understand the question, do you want the source code for OSx? If so why are you asking here? | 10:54 |
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Enselic__ | clop: are you sure it'snot just slow? | 10:54 |
djm62 | phil8080: oh bum. what is the exact model of laptop? | 10:54 |
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name | dystopianray: oh dear, why couldn't they just create symlinks ^^ | 10:54 |
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stefg | Enselic__: i don't care, but it works for me, while -15 does not :-)... so much for stability | 10:54 |
orange1 | how do i recursively delete a directory? | 10:54 |
Airforce5555 | I would like to know if they give it out. | 10:54 |
xtknight | orange1, rm -rf | 10:54 |
jrib | orange1: rm -r | 10:54 |
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name | orange1: rm -r | 10:54 |
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phil8080 | os[Linux 2.6.20-15-generic i686] distro[Debian 4.0] cpu[1 x AMD Turion(tm) 64 Mobile Technology MK-36 @ 800MHz] mem[Physical : 883MB, 77.0% free] disk[Total : 19.74GB, 84.50% Free] video[nVidia Corporation C51 PCI Express Bridge] sound[] | 10:54 |
dystopianray | name: they are symlinks | 10:54 |
Enselic__ | orange rm -r | 10:54 |
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fenrig | | 10:55 |
xtknight | i believe if you dont use -f it will omit empty directories | 10:55 |
elfranger | when I log on to the server and goes into /ftproot, I can see all contents of those folders... but if I go into the download folder of an ftp user where I have mounted the ftproot folder, I cannot see the contents of the two folders... | 10:55 |
fenrig | well bye | 10:55 |
Enselic__ | orange1: rm -r | 10:55 |
xtknight | making it very annoying | 10:55 |
julio_ | When running uTorrent under the latest Wine the window's borders do not work (I cannot close or move the window). I checked the Wine AppDB but no help. (I know I should ask in the #winehq channel but noone there is helping) | 10:55 |
Airforce5555 | k | 10:55 |
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clop | pretty sure | 10:55 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: yes, it has eclipse in there, and you set your X windows display variable (export DISPLAY=:0.0)... | 10:55 |
name | julio_: why using utorrent/ | 10:55 |
orange1 | thanks ya 4 | 10:55 |
surviver | hy evry1, i have installed devil's pie (window manager) but now iam searching howto configure it ... anyone has expiernce with it or know information about it ? | 10:55 |
cedricshock | xtnight: Nope, the -f changes whether or not it asks you. | 10:55 |
phil8080 | djm62, Aspire 9300 AMD acer | 10:55 |
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djm62 | phil8080: I meant what model of Acer is it: for googling purposes | 10:55 |
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Raidon | GELUKT!!!!!! | 10:55 |
Raidon | \o/ | 10:55 |
Raidon | thx thx thx thx thx mannen :) | 10:55 |
surviver | raidon, bravo :D | 10:55 |
name | dystopianray: why couldn't they keep the hd? | 10:55 |
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xtknight | cedricshock, ah yeah apparently it still deletes empty ones | 10:55 |
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dystopianray | name: becuase libata uses /dev/sd* | 10:56 |
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julio_ | name: Can't find a Linux equivalent (Deluge is getting there) | 10:56 |
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name | julio_: ktoprrent | 10:56 |
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=== Sgeo is having trouble removing a faulty package called k3d | ||
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name | i seem to have liked it | 10:56 |
phil8080 | djm62, Aspire 9301AWSMi | 10:56 |
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mg___ | please help me! everything works perfect but my keyboard (ps/2) which just isn't recodnized :-( | 10:56 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i can try to install eclipse but what's the display variable? | 10:56 |
tokyo25 | is bsd difficult to use? is it anything like ubuntu? | 10:56 |
=== elfranger is having access weird problem... | ||
tkcvcv | looking for a single linux command that will (1) take a file, (2) strip out all the "\n" in the file, (3) put the remaining content in char *blah = "... contents of file ..."; | 10:56 |
Jordan | hello? | 10:56 |
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cedricshock | sgeo: that's a kde cd writer. What's the problem? | 10:56 |
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mg___ | and without a keyboard i can't install ubuntu or change configurations files | 10:56 |
jrib | Sgeo: have you checked I seem to recall that package was buggy and there were instructions on how to remove it in the coments | 10:56 |
Jordan | Is this the official Ubuntu channel? | 10:56 |
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stefg | tkcvcv: man sed | 10:57 |
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orange1 | how can i find out which ports are open - so i can use them to connect to some game servers? | 10:57 |
Sgeo | cedricshock, k3d not k3b | 10:57 |
name | now great what was my encrypted partition then | 10:57 |
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EmxBA | should I feel any improvements with PCI wifi card? i've used PCMCIA and speed was fine on ~90 meters distance, PCI should be better because it has antenna? | 10:57 |
Flannel | tkcvcv: youre looking for sed | 10:57 |
mrigns | gnome-bittorrent, bittornado and azureus are only starting downloads if i start them via terminal | 10:57 |
julio_ | name: Does ktorrent cycle through trackers like uTorrent? | 10:57 |
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Enselic__ | Hmm, in XChat-GNOME, how do I set to not show joins/leaves? | 10:57 |
Flannel | Jordan: it is | 10:57 |
mtx1 | anyone know what would cause a mouse in a fresh ubuntu install to be very slow? | 10:57 |
mrigns | wihout the dont donload | 10:57 |
Sgeo | jrib, no. ty for the advice | 10:57 |
adaptr | orange1: what do you mean by "open" ? | 10:57 |
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elfranger | anyone good with disks and mounts? | 10:57 |
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sacater | elfranger: hi | 10:57 |
adaptr | orange1: usually, all of them are | 10:57 |
Enselic__ | elfranger: yes | 10:57 |
elfranger | I have no clue to why this is happening | 10:57 |
name | ah screw this i will do it tomorriw | 10:57 |
orange1 | adaptr: school's connection is very limited - i want to see which ports i can use to connect to games | 10:57 |
fizzmahon | do you guys think i should get amd64 feisty or just i386 for my athlon 64 2800+? | 10:57 |
sacater | elfranger: what ya want? | 10:57 |
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adaptr | elfranger: dozens if not hundreds of people, so why not just ask you question ? | 10:58 |
cedricshock | sgeo: oops. What's the problem? | 10:58 |
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Enselic__ | fizzmahon: I'd go with the AMD64 version | 10:58 |
dystopianray | fizzmahon: i386 | 10:58 |
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LooseChanj | "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" booting the live cd, nothing on google related to 7.04, hints please? | 10:58 |
pkl_ | kusit911: when running X windows, all X programs need to know where the X-server is located. This is achieved by an environment variable called DISPLAY. Type 'echo $DISPLAY', and it will show the contents. | 10:58 |
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dystopianray | fizzmahon: amd64 is nothing but trouble | 10:58 |
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adaptr | orange1: that is not a function of your PC, but a network configuration | 10:58 |
fizzmahon | whty i386 dystopianray? | 10:58 |
fizzmahon | why* | 10:58 |
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dystopianray | fizzmahon: no flash, no java web plugin, etc.. | 10:58 |
rubso | guys, torrentz please | 10:58 |
orange1 | adaptr: the game (wc3) has the option to pick a port so... | 10:58 |
superkirbyartist | When I use Beryl/Compiz in Feisty, I cannot see Window Borders. | 10:58 |
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Jordan_U | fizzmahon, I would stick with 32 bit unless you like messing around to get stuff to work | 10:58 |
Enselic__ | fizzmahon: AMD64 has slighty worse software support | 10:58 |
superkirbyartist | Can someone help please? | 10:58 |
usr_rob | The Ubuntu 6.06 LTS has support til 2011, is this updates only? will it be released new application versions for it? | 10:58 |
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surviver | anyone has some expiernce with devil's pie or know where i can find info about it ? (its a window manager) | 10:59 |
adaptr | orange1: you'll need to explain better what you want to do | 10:59 |
Sgeo | Is it just me, or is being slow? | 10:59 |
Enselic__ | usr_rob: only updates afaik | 10:59 |
Flannel | usr_rob: just updates, yes. no new versions | 10:59 |
jrib | surviver: what is your question? | 10:59 |
stefg | !backports | usr_rob | 10:59 |
kusit911 | pkl_: i typed "echo $display" after chrooting and it seems to be empty... how do i set it and what should it be? | 10:59 |
ubotu | usr_rob: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 10:59 |
cedricshock | rubso: You can get the torrents from the regular download sites. | 10:59 |
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usr_rob | Enselic__, Okey, thx | 10:59 |
fizzmahon | is the 64 bit just better graphics? | 10:59 |
pkl_ | kusit911: normally when you start a shell, it inherits the environment from it's parent, and will therefore get the DISPLAY variable. It is unlikely the chroot environment will get this, and so you'll need to set it. | 10:59 |
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NemesisD | hi guys, i got my WIFI working on my laptop last night, i started it up this morning and it wasn't working, I was wondering if anyone can help out? | 10:59 |
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Enselic__ | fizzmahon: the graphics is the same | 10:59 |
cotton | How can i tell which ubuntu distro I should download? | 10:59 |
adaptr | kusit911: the variable name is DISPLAY, not display | 10:59 |
dystopianray | fizzmahon: graphics? there is no different in graphics | 10:59 |
surviver | jrib, i try to set my gaim messenger and messages to my workspace 2 so they dont bother me when i am reading on workspace 1 | 10:59 |
orange1 | adaptr: since this game has the option to pick a port - how can i get a list of 'useable' ports - so i can configure the game to use it and actually connect to a server | 10:59 |
Enselic__ | cotton: what computer do you have? | 10:59 |
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dystopianray | fizzmahon: 64-bit cpus have nothing to do with graphics | 10:59 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: it must be in upper-case DISPLAY not display, the difference is important in Linux. | 11:00 |
jrib | surviver: what did you try? | 11:00 |
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adaptr | orange1: from what to what ? do you mean outgoing ports ? they are all open | 11:00 |
mrigns | gnome-bittorrent, bittornado and azureus are only starting downloads if i start them via terminal | 11:00 |
mrigns | wihout the dont donload | 11:00 |
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usr_rob | stefg, Thx! | 11:00 |
dystopianray | fizzmahon: it's mainly just support for more than 4GB of ram | 11:00 |
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cotton | Enselic__: I don't know if it is a amd64 or a i386 | 11:00 |
darwin | Is there anyway to disable desktop effects for one window? | 11:00 |
Enselic__ | cotton: are you running windows on it right now? | 11:00 |
mtx1 | anyone know what would cause a mouse in a fresh ubuntu install to be very slow? i have been googleing for hours and have not found a solution. I have tried diffrent display drivers for my system but nothing seems to change...and by the way the mouse works fine in windows and it worked fine on my linux install with my last motherboard this is a new motherboard and now i have mouse issues it is extremely slow any help would be appreciated | 11:00 |
Ezekiel | hi | 11:00 |
surviver | jrib, nothing yet i know it is installed but dont know how to start or set some stuff up ... so iam searching a bit out | 11:00 |
pkl_ | kusit911: normally the DISPLAY variable is set to :0.0 | 11:00 |
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Lunar_Lamp | !thunderbird | 11:00 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see | 11:00 |
cotton | Enselic__: No, 6.10 | 11:00 |
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jrib | !devilspie > surviver (surviver, see the private message from ubotu) | 11:00 |
Enselic__ | cotton: what does uname -a give you? | 11:01 |
apo | !claws-mail | 11:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about claws-mail - try searching on | 11:01 |
LooseChanj | meh | 11:01 |
apo | Aw :/ | 11:01 |
Enselic__ | cotton: or wait, that could be misleading | 11:01 |
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pkl_ | kusit911: typing 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' should work. | 11:01 |
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kusit911 | pkl_: yeah sorry $DISPLAY is really :0.0 | 11:01 |
surviver | jrib, thx :) | 11:01 |
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orange1 | adaptr: am i wrong? its my understanding - the school blocks most ports except for a few for common usage such as web browsing / etc | 11:01 |
superkirbyartist | Anyone can help me please? | 11:01 |
darwin | Is there anyway to disable desktop effects for one window? | 11:01 |
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jrib | surviver: the links on the wiki are very good, especially | 11:01 |
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stefg | !xgl | 11:01 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at - See for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 11:01 |
cotton | Enselic__: i686 | 11:01 |
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Jordan_U | darwin, No | 11:01 |
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orange1 | !mount fat32 | 11:01 |
pkl_ | kusit911: sorry got to go, it's been a long day. | 11:01 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mount fat32 - try searching on | 11:02 |
adaptr | orange1: that's up to the school, but that usually refers to destination ports, as they cannot know which ports you originate from | 11:02 |
jrib | !vfat > orange1 (orange1, see the private message from ubotu) | 11:02 |
richdurhm | hey guys i am not getting a upgrade from iso screen | 11:02 |
richdurhm | and i type | 11:02 |
kmaynard | why would a network manager update ax my ssh connection? | 11:02 |
surviver | jrib, thx ill try to find some info about it so i can configure ;) | 11:02 |
adaptr | orange1: tyhe only way to find that out is to try it | 11:02 |
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richdurhm | gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 11:02 |
dr34mc0d3r | is responding very slow to anyone else????? | 11:02 |
StOORm | hi how can i launch in console ? | 11:02 |
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richdurhm | and it says it cannot find it | 11:02 |
davisc | dr34mc0d3r: Yes | 11:02 |
Enselic__ | cotton: does sudo lshw | grep -i x86_64 give return something for you? | 11:02 |
StOORm | hi how can i launch kdein console ? | 11:02 |
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adaptr | dr34mc0d3r: to everybody, yes | 11:02 |
StOORm | hi how can i launch kde in console ? | 11:02 |
fizzmahon | dr34mc0d3r: everything ubuntu is responding slow today! | 11:02 |
Jordan_U | richdurhm, Do you have the Alternate install CD | 11:02 |
dr34mc0d3r | ok | 11:02 |
Jordan_U | ? | 11:02 |
cedricshock | richdurhm: It's only on the alternate install cd, I think | 11:02 |
kusit911 | pkl_: thanks a lot... you've been extremely helpful.... | 11:02 |
aboutblank | can i upgrade my 6.10 installation with my burnt desktop i386 iso? | 11:02 |
richdurhm | Jordan_U, yes | 11:02 |
superkirbyartist | What happened to Control Centre in 7.04? | 11:02 |
tsmithe | was unusable | 11:02 |
orange1 | thanks jrib | 11:02 |
LooseChanj | is this thing on? | 11:02 |
noelferreira | what is the channel for the ubuntu 7.04? this one? | 11:02 |
Glos_WiFi | ok xtknight im back | 11:02 |
dr34mc0d3r | 7.04 release making everything slow today?? | 11:02 |
darwin | Jordan_U: Is there any reason why a Window's border wouldn't work with desktop effects? | 11:03 |
jrib | noelferreira: yep, this one | 11:03 |
richdurhm | cedricshock, oh ok maybe i have regular iso | 11:03 |
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Enselic__ | dr34mc0d3r: yeah | 11:03 |
tsmithe | superkirbyartist, it was slow to load, slow to use :) | 11:03 |
Enselic__ | noelferreira: yeah | 11:03 |
cotton | Enselic__: It did this weird thing, but it didn't give me a result | 11:03 |
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fizzmahon | dr34mc0d3r: yes, ubuntu site is getting too much traffic | 11:03 |
Jordan_U | darwin, Only one window? | 11:03 |
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casso | hello all | 11:03 |
cedricshock | noelferreira: This seams to be the one ;) | 11:03 |
elfranger | anyone up for some mount/link partition disk stuff? | 11:03 |
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elfranger | I am lost... | 11:03 |
CookieNinja | all the app installs i am doing today are terribly slow .... | 11:03 |
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superkirbyartist | tsmithe: Can you still enable it? | 11:03 |
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CookieNinja | probs because of the release | 11:03 |
tsmithe | superkirbyartist, hmm probably | 11:03 |
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tsmithe | hang on | 11:03 |
foomanchew | elfranger, what is the issue | 11:03 |
cedricshock | elfranger: just ask | 11:03 |
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superkirbyartist | Tsmithe, I think it looks cleaner. How can you turn it on? | 11:03 |
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Glos_WiFi | for a faster mirror, use | 11:04 |
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LooseChanj | hello? | 11:04 |
tsmithe | superkirbyartist, just finding out :) | 11:04 |
noelferreira | i have this graphic card VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 200] (rev a3) should i use restricted drivers from ubuntu or make an install like usual? | 11:04 |
darwin | Jordan_U: Well it's Windows app running under Wine | 11:04 |
Alan | superkirbyartist, right click on the menu and edit it | 11:04 |
StOORm | i installed ubuntu server, and kde packages , how can i launch kde ? | 11:04 |
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whonicca | is there any disadvantages if i upgrade with the alternate cd/dvd ? | 11:04 |
Alan | check the box next to it in system->preferences i think | 11:04 |
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elfranger | I have mounted a partition into /ftproot and there are some folders with data in them there. Then I have mounted two new partitions from a different disk into /ftproot/folder1 and /ftproot/folder2 | 11:04 |
tsmithe | superkirbyartist, if you just run gnome-control-center you will open it | 11:04 |
Enselic__ | cotton: what does sudo lshw -C CPU | grep product give? | 11:04 |
tsmithe | i'll work out how to get it default, if you can | 11:04 |
elfranger | when logged in as root, I can see all files in both those two folders... | 11:05 |
djm62 | phil8080: I'm scraping the barrel here | 11:05 |
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cotton | Enselic__: | 11:05 |
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elfranger | then I link the /ftproot folder into each ftp user's home/user/download folder... | 11:05 |
cotton | AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+ | 11:05 |
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djm62 | phil8080: have you tried the headphone slot? | 11:05 |
tsmithe | superkirbyartist, sorry. dunno how to get it as default | 11:05 |
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Enselic__ | cotton: if that's all, then you should download i386 | 11:05 |
elfranger | so I change to /home/user1/download and I can see all the folders, and all the files in all folders except the folder1 and folder2 | 11:05 |
Glos_WiFi | !wifi | 11:05 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at | 11:05 |
AnObfuscator | 7.04 Alt CD is failing to install on "Select and Install Packages", on "Configuring ttf-arphic-ukai". Is there any way to force it to continue configuring other packages? it's some chinese font I don't really care about. | 11:05 |
ferret_0567 | How do I select a dependency resolving action in aptitude? | 11:05 |
Enselic__ | cotton: or x86 I mean | 11:06 |
Angeluz | Is there a kdetv-like analog-tv program with gtk? | 11:06 |
Enselic__ | cotton: not AMD64 | 11:06 |
ferret_0567 | I've tried the right arrow, I'm in the bottom pane already | 11:06 |
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noelferreira | i have this graphic card VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 200] (rev a3) should i use restricted drivers from ubuntu or make an install like usual? | 11:06 |
ch00sen | hi, i have a questing | 11:06 |
ferret_0567 | How do I select, "Keep amarok-xine at version 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 (feisty, now)"? | 11:06 |
Flannel | AnObfuscator: Did you verify the CD? | 11:06 |
ferret_0567 | That | 11:06 |
darwin | Jordan_U: Well it's Windows app running under Wine | 11:06 |
cotton | Enselic__: So, x86? | 11:06 |
ferret_0567 | That's my question | 11:06 |
ch00sen | i allready installl ntfs-3g, and mount a partition | 11:06 |
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elfranger | if I log on with ftp client, the user can see files in all folders except the folder1 and folder2 | 11:06 |
cedricshock | elfranger: you changed there as root, right? | 11:06 |
Enselic__ | cotton: if your processor would be 64 bit, it would have a name lik Athlon 64 | 11:06 |
Enselic__ | cotton: yes | 11:06 |
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ch00sen | but the uid and guid off my home is root | 11:06 |
Enselic__ | cotton: Desktop | 11:06 |
elfranger | cedric: yes | 11:06 |
ferret_0567 | Did Feisty already get a ISO up? | 11:06 |
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ch00sen | and i cannot change the uid and guid with chown | 11:06 |
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AnObfuscator | Flannel: yes, in Nero, but not using the ubuntu CD self-checker. | 11:07 |
Enselic__ | cotton: unless you want a server with no graphical interface of course ;) | 11:07 |
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jrib | ferret_0567: yes | 11:07 |
ch00sen | any can help? | 11:07 |
Glos_WiFi | ferret_0567 yes# | 11:07 |
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Flannel | AnObfuscator: right. Use the self check. How fast did you burn? 4x is recommended | 11:07 |
GekiBlue | Wow. My My upgrade to Feisty just timed out XD | 11:07 |
Glos_WiFi | ch00sen whats the problem? | 11:07 |
cotton | Enselic__: :P, witch download would that be? | 11:07 |
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ch00sen | Glos_WiFi: my home directory | 11:07 |
ch00sen | is root:root | 11:07 |
Sgeo | jrib, ty | 11:07 |
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ferret_0567 | I'm in the bottom pane in aptitude, and I'm in the dependency resolver. How do I select... | 11:07 |
ch00sen | and i cannot change, with chown, | 11:07 |
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AnObfuscator | Flannel: ok, checking now. I don't recall, probably fastest because I'm impatient. :-) | 11:08 |
ferret_0567 | "Keep amarok-xine at version 2:1.4.5-0ubuntu7 (feisty, now)"? | 11:08 |
ch00sen | i want to change to user:user with chown -R user:user /home/user | 11:08 |
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jrib | ch00sen: what home directory? | 11:08 |
Occultis | Trying to upgrade a server, but it fails even before the first hurdle. Upgrade instructions say "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core", but update-manager-core doesnt exit. Any offers? | 11:08 |
noelferreira | shoul i use xgl or aiglx in feisty for beryl? | 11:08 |
ch00sen | my home directory... | 11:08 |
Enselic__ | cotton: | 11:08 |
Flannel | AnObfuscator: right. Fast burns introduce errors, and freezing on a package is a common result (because the package is corrupt), you might need to reburn at 4x | 11:08 |
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jrib | ch00sen: /home/username, not /home? | 11:08 |
ferret_0567 | AIGLX in Feisty for Beryl on NVIDIA | 11:08 |
Glos_WiFi | have you tried using sudo infront of command? | 11:08 |
Enselic__ | cotton: or if you have a torrent client, you probably want to go with | 11:08 |
ch00sen | /home/username yes | 11:08 |
ferret_0567 | Are you using ATI? | 11:08 |
AnObfuscator | Flannel: ok, I'll reburn, thanks | 11:08 |
Glos_WiFi | if you want to change permissions | 11:08 |
Enselic__ | cotton: it will likely be faster | 11:08 |
jrib | ch00sen: how did it end up like that? | 11:08 |
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cotton | thanks alot Enselic__ !!!!!!!! | 11:08 |
Enselic__ | cotton: faster to download, not to run :) | 11:08 |
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ch00sen | allready i mount with mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hda3 /home | 11:09 |
cotton | :D | 11:09 |
Kragnerac | Hello, I have a problem with Ubuntu on my ATi card. | 11:09 |
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askar | Hi! Im not very good at english and was wondering if someone here could help me write a request/idea for gutsy in the forum? | 11:09 |
Enselic__ | cotton: np :) | 11:09 |
ferret_0567 | How do I set up a framebuffer console on Feisty? | 11:09 |
ch00sen | but fucking 3g mount the fucking partition with root:root and cannot change | 11:09 |
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jrib | !language | ch00sen | 11:09 |
ubotu | ch00sen: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 11:09 |
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elfranger | cedricshock: did you fall asleep? | 11:09 |
Glos_WiFi | ch00sen use the command, but put "sudo" infront of it | 11:09 |
minerale | how do I upgrade to the latest ubuntu via the command line? | 11:09 |
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ferret_0567 | Is #ubuntu+1 still for Feisty? | 11:10 |
jrib | minerale: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic. You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing: /topic | 11:10 |
Flannel | minerale: Why command line? | 11:10 |
ompaul | ferret_0567, not any more it is here | 11:10 |
tonyyarusso | ferret_0567: #ubuntu+1 is non-existent atm | 11:10 |
cedricshock | elfranger: I'm alive and well. Get my last two lines in the private? | 11:10 |
Enselic__ | ferret_0567: Edit -> Current profile -> Effects -> Background image | 11:10 |
elfranger | cedricshock: no... | 11:10 |
Nergar | NEED HELP, how do i reverse this command??? lspci | grep Broadcom\ Corporation | 11:10 |
Nergar | lol | 11:10 |
Nergar | not that one | 11:10 |
jrib | Nergar: that command doesn't do anything | 11:10 |
Occultis | Trying to upgrade a server, but it fails even before the first hurdle. Upgrade instructions say "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core", but update-manager-core doesnt exit. Any offers? | 11:10 |
ferret_0567 | I want to make a framebuffer console in Feisty | 11:10 |
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Nergar | jrib, echo 'blacklist bcm43xx' | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 11:10 |
ferret_0567 | I'm using NVIDIA, with their module | 11:10 |
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Enselic__ | ferret_0567: framebuffer as in terminal background? | 11:11 |
jrib | Nergar: edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and delete the line that says "blacklist bcm43xx" | 11:11 |
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ferret_0567 | Yeah, framebuffer console | 11:11 |
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minerale | flannel: I'll be at work for a few hours and I can only ssh into my home linux box... and I'd like to have it upgraded | 11:11 |
askar | Hi! Im not very good at english and was wondering if someone here could help me write a request/idea for gutsy in the forum? | 11:11 |
elfranger | cedricshock: nothing appears from you in private.. | 11:11 |
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Enselic__ | ferret_0567: In gnome-terminal: Edit -> Current profile -> Effects -> Background image | 11:11 |
ferret_0567 | I want a framebuffer console | 11:11 |
ferret_0567 | Oh, no, not that | 11:11 |
cedricshock | elfragner: Funny. I sent 3 lines back. | 11:11 |
superkirbyartist | Any menu entry I add under "System", does not appear! Can someone help, please? | 11:11 |
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Nergar | thanx jrib | 11:11 |
superkirbyartist | !spyware | 11:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spyware - try searching on | 11:11 |
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elfranger | really strange... | 11:11 |
cedricshock | elfranger: Ok. I'd think the folders should definitely show up inside a symlink to /ftproo | 11:12 |
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ferret_0567 | !framebuffer | 11:12 |
ubotu | If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: | 11:12 |
cedricshock | elfranger: Obviously they don't. These are just regular mounts, right, nothing special? | 11:12 |
ferret_0567 | Ah | 11:12 |
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Enselic__ | ferret_0567: there you go :d | 11:12 |
elfranger | cedricshock: The folders are there... the contents is not.. | 11:12 |
ferret_0567 | I'll see there | 11:12 |
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_Luks | how do i upgrade edgy to feisty having the feisty cd ? | 11:12 |
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jrib | _Luks: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic. You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing: /topic | 11:12 |
ferret_0567 | First I have to finish my work | 11:12 |
ferret_0567 | I'll bbl | 11:12 |
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elfranger | cedricshock: Regular mounts, yes.. | 11:13 |
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elfranger | see private for details... | 11:13 |
psusi | Luk0r: you need the alternate install cd to upgrade, or yuo can just reinstall from the livecd | 11:13 |
_Luks | jrib: thx | 11:13 |
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linuxgeekery- | ~/leave | 11:13 |
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h0ax | hello i have this error h0ax@h0ax-laptop:~/Desktop/ipod$ ./installer | 11:13 |
h0ax | ./installer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:13 |
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SeveredCross | Check if you have | 11:13 |
h0ax | how | 11:13 |
SeveredCross | Do ls -alh /usr/lib/libcrypto* | 11:14 |
xtknight | h0ax, sudo apt-get install libcrypto++5.2c2a | 11:14 |
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aitiba | nas | 11:14 |
elfranger | cedricshock: remember to write to me here as the private window does not seem to want to listen to you... | 11:14 |
assasukasse | i have a question about ssh -X, if i run an application this way, will it close if i disconnect the ssh session? | 11:14 |
SeveredCross | xtknight: He might have it and just need a symlink. | 11:14 |
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h0ax | hold on | 11:14 |
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xtknight | ah nm | 11:14 |
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cedricshock | elfranger: Must be something with bind. I'd see if something simpler would work. Try this: ln -s /ftproot /home/elfranger/download2 | 11:14 |
xtknight | actually libcrypto is not in the pkg i mentioned | 11:14 |
salty | this might be a stupid question...but fiesty servers are being killed right now aren't they? | 11:14 |
xtknight | libssl0.9.8: /usr/lib/ | 11:14 |
SeveredCross | salty: Yes. | 11:14 |
xtknight | so maybe libssl0.9.7 for Egy | 11:14 |
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Roger_The_Bum | damn it | 11:14 |
Wicks | anyone here got feisty final working on a macbook pro 0_0 | 11:15 |
xtknight | !info libssl0.9.7 | 11:15 |
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ubotu | libssl0.9.7: SSL shared libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7k-3 (edgy), package size 2228 kB, installed size 5184 kB | 11:15 |
DanaG | | 11:15 |
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DanaG | hmm, any chance of seeing a deb of this? | 11:15 |
techjim | my synaptic manager won't download any libgpod or gtkpod packages? What's the deal? Are they taking heat from feisty fawn? | 11:15 |
Glos_WiFi | xtknight ive got fedup with the problems, so im going to do a fresh install of feisty | 11:15 |
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Roger_The_Bum | can somebody dcc me the i386 torrent> | 11:15 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, ah sounds good | 11:15 |
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salty | i'll wait for the servers to lighten up then | 11:15 |
PriceChild | Roger_The_Bum, download it. | 11:15 |
xtknight | Roger_The_Bum, dcc you the torrent? wy? | 11:15 |
temujoe | is xorg.conf == ? | 11:15 |
abg | does this most recently release support wpa2? | 11:15 |
djm62 | phil8080: the link in the page I linked to is broken: this is the correct version | 11:15 |
SeveredCross | The repositories are being pounded right now. | 11:15 |
Enselic__ | salty: you can still go for the .torrent | 11:15 |
Roger_The_Bum | well I can't download it | 11:15 |
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DanaG | Obviously, it'd be in an unofficial repo. | 11:15 |
cedricshock | Roger: get it from | 11:15 |
PriceChild | Roger_The_Bum, why not? | 11:15 |
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DanaG | anybody on an "Internet2" campus? | 11:16 |
Roger_The_Bum | whoa it works | 11:16 |
Glos_WiFi | for all i know, it might even give me sound (i can hope cant i?) | 11:16 |
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xtknight | Roger_The_Bum, works more or less immediately for me | 11:16 |
DanaG | | 11:16 |
superkirbyartist | Can someone help me add a menu entry in Alacarte, please? | 11:16 |
Roger_The_Bum | I thought the servers exploded a minute ago | 11:16 |
h0ax | SeveredCross: i got this lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2007-04-19 22:15 /usr/lib/ -> | 11:16 |
h0ax | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.8M 2005-12-16 03:05 /usr/lib/ | 11:16 |
h0ax | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.3M 2006-03-29 11:01 /usr/lib/ | 11:16 |
salty | knaw...i'm paitent...i do live on a sailboat...we're never in a | 11:16 |
xtknight | DanaG, i cant use it if i dont have internet2? | 11:16 |
PriceChild | !paste > h0ax | 11:16 |
askar | aHi! Im not very good at english and was wondering if someone here could help me write a request/idea for gutsy in the forum? | 11:16 |
DanaG | It's fastest if you do, | 11:16 |
DanaG | but try without. | 11:16 |
cedricshock | elfranger: Where does the ftp client enter into all this? | 11:16 |
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xtknight | DanaG, cool thanks | 11:16 |
magnetron | superkirbyartist: right-click on the menu, choose edit | 11:16 |
DanaG | Though it may be an old version.... lemme check. | 11:16 |
PriceChild | askar, Hey there... could you join #ubuntuforums-ambassadors in about an hour? We have a meeting atm but someone will help once its over :) | 11:17 |
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superkirbyartist | Magnetron, I'm talking about the system menu. | 11:17 |
cotton | Is 7.04 updates graphicaly? like a new backround image or theme? | 11:17 |
DanaG | That's Cal Poly, SLO. | 11:17 |
h0ax | SeveredCross: it says no such directory ... but there .. there | 11:17 |
elfranger | cedricshock: Well, a user will log on via ftp and will have /ftproot as /download | 11:17 |
elfranger | cedricshock: in his home folder.. | 11:17 |
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cotton | *updated | 11:17 |
knut | hello | 11:17 |
magnetron | superkirbyartist: me too =) | 11:17 |
n3ob | so i installed ubuntu 7.04 and it hangs on boot when trying to load network interfaces, it goes nowhere from there, what should I do? | 11:17 |
askar | PriceChild: thanks :D | 11:17 |
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Ferrixman | hello! sorry... on my desktop i have two ethernet cards, nontheless i'm not able to connect to internet | 11:17 |
superkirbyartist | Magnetron, anything that I add on the System menu, does not appear. | 11:18 |
Ferrixman | can someone help me with that | 11:18 |
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SeveredCross | Whee 8 hours left to dist-upgrade. | 11:18 |
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nn-laptop | can someone give me sugestions on how to make the best linux sight available for linux users posable | 11:18 |
magnetron | superkirbyartist: oh. | 11:18 |
SeveredCross | Gotta love busy days. | 11:18 |
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confrey | hi everybody | 11:18 |
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xtknight | SeveredCross, take a look at the user count in here too :O | 11:18 |
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Toyd | did you miss me | 11:18 |
superkirbyartist | Magnetron, can you help me please? Do I need to be Sudo? | 11:18 |
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Toyd | Moif | 11:18 |
Toyd | superkirbyartist, | 11:18 |
Toyd | xtknight, | 11:18 |
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cedricshock | elfranger: And symlinks won't do that for you for some reason. I understand. | 11:18 |
Ferrixman | anyone can help me??? | 11:18 |
SeveredCross | Woto, 1400. | 11:19 |
magnetron | superkirbyartist: i think it will show up next time you log in | 11:19 |
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Toyd | gepatino, its me pinokkio | 11:19 |
confrey | I need web interface of cups, as in debian, how can I get it? | 11:19 |
Toyd | niriven, | 11:19 |
LooseChanj | no one has any idea about this? "bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off" | 11:19 |
nn-laptop | for instance what daemon prorams and servises all in one place | 11:19 |
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stefg | !anyone | 11:19 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:19 |
Toyd | ralph_, | 11:19 |
Toyd | LooseChanj, | 11:19 |
SeveredCross | confrey: : It's already installed I think. | 11:19 |
minerale | jrib, i'm confused, a lot of links in the topic, which one (for doing update over ssh) | 11:19 |
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ubuntu | how do I get my damn wireless to work? I give it my WEP key and all it give me back is a connection strength of 0%....why? | 11:19 |
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niriven | is there anyone here who cant update from apt? | 11:19 |
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Toyd | ubuntu, | 11:19 |
elfranger | cedricshock: well, there is only a problem with the two fodlers which are mounted partitions from a different disk... | 11:19 |
Toyd | niriven, | 11:19 |
Toyd | elfranger, | 11:19 |
FlimFlamMan | hehe, i can't even install freeloader from the repositories to download a feisty torrent | 11:19 |
ubuntu | yeah\ | 11:19 |
SeveredCross | niriven: Lots of people, the servers are being overloaded. | 11:19 |
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Toyd | FlimFlamMan, | 11:19 |
aboutblank | KB toyd? | 11:19 |
Toyd | SeveredCross, | 11:19 |
Toyd | aboutblank, | 11:19 |
SeveredCross | !op | 11:19 |
ubotu | Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok | 11:19 |
Ferrixman | i've already asked the question, nobody answers me | 11:19 |
superkirbyartist | Magnetron, I can add anything on all menus except System. | 11:19 |
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gnomefreak | SeveredCross: ? | 11:19 |
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xtknight | /ignore *Toyd* ALL | 11:19 |
jrib | SeveredCross: ? | 11:19 |
xtknight | works wonders | 11:19 |
SeveredCross | ^^ Toyd | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | SeveredCross: ? | 11:19 |
niriven | SeveredCross: Ok, thanks for the info :) | 11:19 |
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confrey | SeveredCross, yes, but it doesn't work | 11:19 |
ompaul | SeveredCross, ? | 11:19 |
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noelferreira | i have this graphic card VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV20 [GeForce3 Ti 200] (rev a3) should i use restricted drivers from ubuntu or make an install like usual? | 11:20 |
magnetron | superkirbyartist: well, then i don't know | 11:20 |
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PriceChild | SeveredCross, ? | 11:20 |
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Dybber | Anyone using Konversation? Can you tell me how to hide the hostname of people connecting and disconnecting? | 11:20 |
xtknight | he's gone now it's ok | 11:20 |
jrib | minerale: did you go to the upgrade wiki page? | 11:20 |
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cedricshock | elfranger: Yeah, and the big suspect is mount --bind. I'm reading the manuals. | 11:20 |
dutch | hey all | 11:20 |
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ubuntu | whoah this IRC is going way to fast to read !!! | 11:20 |
Glos_WiFi | does anyone know how long 7.04 will take to install, vis disc on 1.5GHz? | 11:20 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, maybe 30 mins | 11:20 |
LjL | Dybber: settings / configure / ignore | 11:20 |
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n3ob | how do I make network interfaces not to load on boot? | 11:20 |
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xtknight | /ignore *Nickname* ALL | 11:20 |
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abg | does 7.04 support wpa2 encryption? | 11:21 |
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Andi1984 | hi are the ubuntu-servers down? | 11:21 |
adultswim_ | Glos_WiFi: on my system, 2.6GHz, about 40 min | 11:21 |
magnetron | abg: yes | 11:21 |
Glos_WiFi | then i have to sort out my wifi card, and update nvidia, install sound *sighs* | 11:21 |
dutch | quick question: i have a Core 2 Duo E6600. does this mean i should use the amd64 install, or...? | 11:21 |
n3ob | what file? | 11:21 |
LjL | Andi1984: type /topic | 11:21 |
h0ax | jrib: can you look at that please | 11:21 |
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xtknight | dutch, i386 works great or better for core 2 | 11:21 |
Andi1984 | ah thx | 11:21 |
knut | where is the ubuntustudio release? :( isnt it ready yet? | 11:21 |
abg | magnetron: fantastic! that's the best news i've heard about this so far | 11:21 |
jrib | dutch: you may use either one but if you are into multimedia the i386 will give you less headaches | 11:21 |
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xtknight | !info ubuntu-studio | knut | 11:21 |
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ubotu | knut: Package ubuntu-studio does not exist in edgy, edgy-backports, edgy-seveas | 11:21 |
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xtknight | knut, well it's in feisty repos | 11:21 |
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dutch | xtknight: jrib: cool, alrighty i will use i386. thanks | 11:22 |
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jrib | h0ax: what are you installing? | 11:22 |
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brotherJohn1234 | !info knut > brotherJohn1234 | 11:22 |
ubuntu | Can I get some help with my wireless connection?!?!? | 11:22 |
h0ax | ipod syncronizer | 11:22 |
xtknight | knut, ubuntustudio-audio - Ubuntu Studio Audio Package.... there's a -video, etc | 11:22 |
jrib | !ipod > h0ax (h0ax, see the private message from ubotu) | 11:22 |
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n3ob | i cant be the only one here with an ubuntu 7.04 that hangs on boot | 11:22 |
xtknight | !ask | ubuntu | 11:22 |
ubotu | ubuntu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 11:22 |
knut | but how can i get it? isnt there an iso omage? | 11:22 |
cedricshock | elfranger: From man mount, under --bind: This call attaches only (part of) a single filesystem, not possible submounts. The entire file hierar | 11:22 |
knut | *image | 11:22 |
cedricshock | chy including submounts is attached a second place using | 11:22 |
cedricshock | mount --rbind olddir newdir | 11:22 |
magnetron | abg: it has a graphical tool to configure wireless networks, installed by default | 11:22 |
dutch | jrib: xtknight: it won't be built with 64-bit support under i386 though, correct? | 11:22 |
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xtknight | knut, im not sure | 11:22 |
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Endler | Well, I was using wpa2 on 6.10, so I think it's safe to assume it still works on 7.04. :) | 11:22 |
Oatmeat | How do I get gamin to start running the gam_server ? | 11:22 |
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Glos_WiFi | thats exactly wot i was gna do n3ob :( | 11:22 |
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jrib | dutch: correct | 11:22 |
xtknight | dutch, 64bit can still run under an i386 distro | 11:22 |
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xtknight | dutch, with vmware at least | 11:22 |
xtknight | dutch, but all the binaries must be 32bit | 11:23 |
dutch | jrib: xtknight: oh i see alrighty then. thanks guys. | 11:23 |
knut | cause i dont want to install first standard ubuntu desktop and then update to ubuntustudio | 11:23 |
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xtknight | dutch, everything you download, 32bit. 64bit code can still be executed via other means under an i386 distro. so it's not like it turns off the 64 part of your CPU altogether | 11:23 |
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eyersee | Anyone else find that Rhythmbox has a minimum horizontal width greater than 1024px? | 11:23 |
dutch | xtknight: yeah :-) i got that | 11:23 |
cedricshock | elfranger: Not sure how to put that in fstab (maybe the mtab entry will be different and can be copied) | 11:23 |
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cotton | Is it possible if I can mirror 7.04 on my server? | 11:23 |
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xtknight | cotton, im sure many a downloader would be greatful | 11:23 |
xtknight | grateful * | 11:23 |
niriven | Geez, ive never seen a linux channel so busy | 11:23 |
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Glos_WiFi | or peoplce could use this :P | 11:24 |
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xtknight | torrent is best IMO | 11:24 |
xtknight | i had great speeds | 11:24 |
Hooked-on-GL | yeah, this is dead busy | 11:24 |
magnetron | cotton: if you download through bittorent, you will auto-share (seed) when done | 11:24 |
dutch | niriven: the gentoo channel has been like this and worse before | 11:24 |
xtknight | with torrent, the more people that join the faster it gets | 11:24 |
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dutch | niriven: :-) | 11:24 |
hoelk | whtas the command for dist-upgrade again? | 11:24 |
superkirbyartist | 5u5 | 11:24 |
xtknight | !upgrade | hoelk | 11:24 |
ubotu | hoelk: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 11:24 |
niriven | dutch: Heh. | 11:24 |
Hooked-on-GL | aria2c is awesome for ubuntu download | 11:24 |
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Glos_WiFi | im doing both, torrent and promoting that mirror :P its like dead on there | 11:24 |
niriven | dutch: coming from freebsd, im not used to this | 11:24 |
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cotton | magnetron: I am not using a torent | 11:25 |
hoelk | ah thxd | 11:25 |
cotton | and servers are faster | 11:25 |
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dutch | niriven: ah. have you tried gentoo? if you come from *BSD, you would be MUCH more at home with it then Ubuntu | 11:25 |
xtknight | cotton, hardly | 11:25 |
Dave2 | I'm uploading at 0kB/sec via the torrent, and it's really distressing :( | 11:25 |
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xtknight | cotton, i could barely download the .torrent off of ubuntu. d/ls off servers were ranging from 6-12 hours. i got mine completely off a torrent in 30 or 40 mins | 11:25 |
dutch | niriven: not to say anything bad about Ubuntu, just that gentoo is much more BSD-like | 11:25 |
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Dave2 | Since I easily have several MB/sec upload capacity, just blocked incoming ports | 11:25 |
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niriven | dutch: Yes but for some reason i just cant get my new state of the art laptop (sound specifically) to work in gentoo, or anything but ubuntu. | 11:25 |
Glos_WiFi | can i just ask though, whats the differance with the desktop and alternative torrents? | 11:25 |
yipe | is something wrong with the repos, I'm getting a very very very slow download speed | 11:25 |
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xtknight | Dave2, open them ports ;) | 11:26 |
cubicism | niriven: It's also a lot easier to rice Gentoo. | 11:26 |
Dave2 | xtknight, if I could I would have | 11:26 |
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yipe | like.... none | 11:26 |
xtknight | !alternate | Glos_WiFi | 11:26 |
ubotu | Glos_WiFi: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 11:26 |
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Andi1984 | yipe, me too... servers are very slow running | 11:26 |
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niriven | cubicism: heh | 11:26 |
dutch | niriven: what kind of sound card do you have? | 11:26 |
xtknight | Dave2, i wonder if there's a reverse tunnel for torrent like SSH | 11:26 |
Glos_WiFi | thx xtknight | 11:26 |
psusi | Glos_WiFi: the alternate one is only for installing and does so in text mode... the desktop is a fully functional livecd that can copy itself to your hard drive | 11:26 |
arejay | ubotu, bug 107648 | 11:26 |
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cedricshock | elfranger: Short answer. Use mount --rbind instead of mount --bind | 11:26 |
arejay | hrm | 11:26 |
yipe | oh I see, feisty came out... that'll do it | 11:26 |
arejay | !bug 107648 | 11:26 |
cotton | Well, I am offering my server, would it be on the downloads page when I mirror it? | 11:26 |
Dave2 | xtknight, I can send it through SOCKS, but then I lose loads of upload capacity | 11:26 |
niriven | dutch: Dell, snd_hda_intel driver, if you want the model i can tell you, though, noone else has problems with it but me. | 11:26 |
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xtknight | cotton, email i belieeve | 11:27 |
Glos_WiFi | you have to inform them cotton | 11:27 |
Andi1984 | yipe: yes... that's the reason why | 11:27 |
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W|cked | ...woah | 11:27 |
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W|cked | 1,441 | 11:27 |
cotton | ok | 11:27 |
Glos_WiFi | but yeh, they should | 11:27 |
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xtknight | Dave2, naw didnt mean SOCKS, just like passive | 11:27 |
arejay | ubotu: bug 107648 | 11:27 |
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arejay | :( | 11:27 |
minerale | jrib: i'm at work and I can only use lynx to browse the web | 11:27 |
kmaynard | why would a network manager update kill my ssh connection? | 11:27 |
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Andi1984 | yipe: I try it tomorrow again | 11:27 |
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xtknight | Dave2, i.e. you can upload fine if the other side's port is opened. that's how AIM and reverse tunneling works so you could upload at full speed | 11:27 |
Dave2 | xtknight, yeah, I've uploaded to some people | 11:27 |
Dave2 | Just not many | 11:27 |
magnetron | that ubotu is nice =) | 11:27 |
xtknight | Dave2, but im not sure that the torrent protocol allows for it ;) | 11:27 |
Glos_WiFi | haha omg 2500 d/l via torrent and 2500 seeding | 11:27 |
Dave2 | and really slowly | 11:27 |
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Glos_WiFi | and thats just the desktop | 11:28 |
yipe | perfect day for me to hear about hydrogen, I wanna drum machine | 11:28 |
yipe | ! | 11:28 |
Dave2 | like 0-200kB/sec | 11:28 |
Abnaxos | Hi, after the upgrade to feisty, network manager stopped working. | 11:28 |
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niriven | dutch: It detects it (and ive tried both kernel alsa and rc asla module), but it would never create a pcm device. | 11:28 |
The_Un-Named | is an amd turion 64 a 64 bit processor? | 11:28 |
xtknight | The_Un-Named, yes | 11:28 |
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xtknight | 64.. ;) | 11:28 |
dutch | niriven: weird. did the livecd recognize/make use of it? | 11:28 |
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Seveas | !info nexuiz feisty | 11:28 |
ubotu | nexuiz: A fast-paced 3D Ego-Shooter. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.3-1 (feisty), package size 593 kB, installed size 1488 kB | 11:28 |
magnetron | Abnaxos: ok, what happened? | 11:28 |
Abnaxos | Judging from the logs, it looks like dhcdbd doesn't notify network manager that it succeeded to obtain an IP ... | 11:28 |
FlimFlamMan | someone shot the servers with a freeze ray | 11:29 |
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mgorbach | is there a link to the 64bit torrent? | 11:29 |
niriven | dutch: debian, gentoo, and freebsd (yes, alot differnt) couldnt do anything with it, ubuntu can, not sure why. | 11:29 |
jrib | J-_: really? what are you downloading? | 11:29 |
The_Un-Named | I thougt so but I tried burning the amd64 download onto a disc and booting from it and it doesn't load, so I used my old ubuntu 6.06 discs, I see the main screen and I go to try bit and it just doesn't load | 11:29 |
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pkl_ | The_Un-Named: it is, but it will work quite happily as a 32 bit processor as wel.. | 11:29 |
Glos_WiFi | | 11:29 |
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dutch | niriven: yeah ubuntu is very nice about driver support. it would be nice if you could get it working elsewhere, though | 11:29 |
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nbx909 | hey _TomB | 11:29 |
Glos_WiFi | mgorbach there ya go | 11:30 |
arejay | hrm, i was going to read the 300+ page forum thread about feisty being released .. then i decided to shoot myself in the face | 11:30 |
arejay | :( | 11:30 |
mgorbach | hmmm I assume amd64 is for all 64bit machines? | 11:30 |
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mgorbach | im on an mbp and macpro here | 11:30 |
alleyoopster | I get an error on Feisty install from CD: BusyBox v1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) right at the beginning after boot. Any suggestions? | 11:30 |
|NewUser| | some time when i open my ubutu got an error .. coz of that i dont have any icon on desktop And on the bar.. " The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:GNOME_ShowDesktopApplet". there is two option there "Dont delete" , " Delete " there are some startup error like this. | 11:30 |
Glos_WiFi | believe it is | 11:30 |
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minerale | can someone tell me how to upgrade to feisty from the command line? can I just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and do dist-upgrade ? | 11:30 |
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mjr | mgorbach, no, all amd64 and intel 64 machines | 11:30 |
Abnaxos | Does dhcdbd need some enter hooks? | 11:30 |
niriven | dutch: Yeah, i figure it will get fixed with newer versions of the kernel. i just want something that works at this point, spend t about a week over frustration with it. | 11:30 |
mgorbach | thanks for the links all :) | 11:30 |
The_Un-Named | hmm, I'll keep downloading kubuntu and see if that one will work ;p | 11:30 |
stefg | minerale: update-manager -c -d | 11:30 |
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fucter | anyone with a asus P5LD2-VM motherboard reporting any problems? | 11:30 |
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FlimFlamMan | minerale: i can't even install a single package from the repositories | 11:30 |
mgorbach | and congratulations on the release | 11:30 |
_TomB | nbx909. | 11:30 |
niriven | So is there any real reason to run 64-bit? at all? | 11:30 |
xtknight | fucter, core 2 duo? | 11:31 |
nbx909 | :P | 11:31 |
mgorbach | performance better ... niriven | 11:31 |
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|NewUser| | some time it works fine.. and sometime get an error. like this.. plz plz .. some can help me ? | 11:31 |
nbx909 | _TomB, just doing my ussual release pilgramage to #ubuntu lol | 11:31 |
niriven | mgorbach: I hear its worse for everyday computing, though. | 11:31 |
alleyoopster | It drops me down to the initramfs prompt | 11:31 |
cedricshock | niriven: Higher memory limit, faster numerical computations. | 11:31 |
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alleyoopster | no fun there | 11:31 |
Glos_WiFi | ive heard that aswell | 11:31 |
fucter | yes xtknight> | 11:31 |
nbx909 | hang around answer some questions see if there are any major problems lol | 11:31 |
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mgorbach | niriven, not what I've read ... much faster for numerical and faster slightly for everday things | 11:31 |
mgorbach | of course there are issues with things like flash ... | 11:31 |
xtknight | fucter, Feisty may work fine with it | 11:31 |
nbx909 | real quick and ati issues with feisty? | 11:31 |
niriven | mgorbach: And what about flash and, wine? do they work fine under 64? | 11:32 |
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mgorbach | not sure ... I remember reading of flash issues | 11:32 |
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fucter | i couldnt get desktop or alternative to install, hangs, sometimes i get the tty ash error | 11:32 |
mgorbach | I think wine ought to work | 11:32 |
xtknight | fucter, oh hmmm :\ | 11:32 |
nbx909 | mgalvin, flash issues again?! | 11:32 |
Moniker42 | i need to shutdown this computer now, but the feisty upgrade isn't finished yet | 11:32 |
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Moniker42 | what'll happen if i just shutdown? | 11:32 |
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minerale | stefg: zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped) update-manager -c -d | 11:32 |
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xtknight | fucter, google 'core 2 duo ubuntu wiki' | 11:32 |
fucter | ok | 11:32 |
nbx909 | Moniker42, it will be fried | 11:32 |
niriven | Anyone here run amd64 and have no problems with flashplugin and wine? | 11:32 |
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Moniker42 | nbx909, what will? | 11:32 |
nbx909 | Moniker42, rather just messsed up | 11:32 |
nbx909 | the install | 11:33 |
xtknight | niriven, yeah it's possible | 11:33 |
minerale | stefg: are you sure that requires no gui? | 11:33 |
NemesisD | hey guys is there a way to get ubuntu to not use my system's internal speaker? | 11:33 |
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IdleOne | Moniker42: not a good idea | 11:33 |
niriven | xtknight: Not without extra painful setup though? | 11:33 |
Moniker42 | but it's taking SO long | 11:33 |
Abnaxos | Funny -- there's no /etc/dhcp3/dhclient-script ... | 11:33 |
Moniker42 | it's been going 2-3 hours now | 11:33 |
dutch | NemesisD: does ubuntu recognize your sound card? | 11:33 |
Glos_WiFi | lil survey here, anyone using a Gateway laptop for Ubuntu? | 11:33 |
alleyoopster | I get an error on Feisty install from CD: BusyBox v1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) right at the beginning after boot. followed by initramfs prompt. Is this a bug? | 11:33 |
Moniker42 | and the remaining time keeps jumping up and down | 11:33 |
mc44 | NemesisD: system -> prefs -> sound -> system beep | 11:33 |
xtknight | niriven, true | 11:33 |
NemesisD | dutch, yes i can get sound and stuff, but it uses the internal speaker (BEEP) for errors and stuff | 11:33 |
NemesisD | mc44, thanks! | 11:33 |
IdleOne | Moniker42: you will end up with an unusable install and have to start all over fresh | 11:34 |
Abnaxos | Ah, it's in /sbin. OK. | 11:34 |
Moniker42 | =( | 11:34 |
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nxspnt | Will the amd64 release install fine on intel64 processors? | 11:34 |
The_Un-Named | one last question, <- that guide says I need to preform a "sudo apt-get install build-essential |Return| sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`", is there a package I can download on windows, put on my disc, switch over to ubuntu and run straght from disc? as I'm not sure how to get the internet to work on ubuntu(and the guide is to get the wifi card t | 11:34 |
The_Un-Named | o work) | 11:34 |
stefg | minerale: errrm... i don't know if update manager is installed, if you don't have a desktop at all. But editing edg to feisty in sources-list will do, too | 11:34 |
xtknight | nxspnt, yes intel EM64T, not Itanium 2 server procs | 11:34 |
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nxspnt | thanks xtknight | 11:34 |
xtknight | nxspnt, Intel pentium-D, Core duo and variants (EM64T) use AMD64 | 11:34 |
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Zobert | hey guys, whats the difference between the ubuntu DVD and CD? | 11:35 |
The_Un-Named | size? ;) | 11:35 |
Glos_WiFi | more stuff | 11:35 |
magnetron | NemesisD: check System > Settings > Sound, System tab > System beep (or similar, i am using translated ubuntu) | 11:35 |
xtknight | Zobert, the dvd contains more packages and also more options at startup i think | 11:35 |
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aoirthoir | ok i need cd art:) | 11:35 |
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xtknight | i think the DVD has text mode install and livecd on the same disc, i could be wrong. maybe it's command line system install that it has | 11:35 |
Zobert | cool thanks | 11:35 |
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niriven | Haha, not only havnt i see so many people in a linux channel, i havnt seen so many noobtastic questions in a long time. | 11:35 |
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xtknight | niriven, ;) | 11:35 |
nxspnt | And is there is a listing of SATA chipsets supported by the default kernel in 7.04 ? | 11:35 |
vanberge | so... anybody want to comment on how well it would work for me to just hit 'upgrade' in package manager? | 11:35 |
xtknight | nxspnt, which one do you have? | 11:35 |
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Glos_WiFi | niriven: Release brings out the n00b in all of us | 11:36 |
ancienttt | Okay I'm not planning to install FF, but I am trying to start giving back to the Linux community. I've got all the torrents seeding/sharing. I'm new to torrents, I'd think this would be a good thing, but let me know if not. | 11:36 |
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NemesisD | ok guys is this normal: my wireless network manager won't be able to connect right away after rebooting, i have to click "create new wireless network" then my router's name to get it working | 11:36 |
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xtknight | ancienttt, great idea | 11:36 |
xtknight | ancienttt, im seeding 64 at the moment also even tho im not gonna use it, prolly not | 11:36 |
nxspnt | not sure, this is a dell optiplex 320. I had problems about 3 months ago and finally had to bypass the SATA and use IDE to get any version of linux installed | 11:36 |
cedricshock | vanberge: If you're already at 6.10 and it's all updated, it should work fine. But the servers are SWAMPED! | 11:36 |
Moniker42 | IdleOne, so can i tell ubuntu to switch itself off after the update and i'll atttempt to sleep through the whine of the computer? :P | 11:36 |
variant | NemesisD: do you have roaming enabled? | 11:36 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, are you on linux at all now? | 11:37 |
NemesisD | varient, yes i believe so | 11:37 |
variant | IdleOne: you are right, was un called for :) (although the evidence since speaks for it's self :)) | 11:37 |
ancienttt | thanks for the feedback. | 11:37 |
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IdleOne | Moniker42: I believe you need to reboot for upgrade to complete | 11:37 |
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Glos_WiFi | anyone here using a Gateway PC/Laptop? | 11:37 |
nxspnt | at home I have 6.1 running on an older dell box... now that 7.04 is released I was wanting to get this 64bit machine running so I can ditch the old one | 11:37 |
pdusen | For anyone who can help, I seem to be getting a blank screen after selecting the "Install LiveCD" option when I boot from the CD. I get a few seconds of text and then my monitor seems to lose signal. | 11:37 |
variant | NemesisD: then it _should_ connect to whatever network is available.. does it try to connect but fail or just not even try? | 11:37 |
swedekid | i am | 11:37 |
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Glos_WiFi | what one? | 11:37 |
Moniker42 | if i set power settings to shut down after a few minutes will that setting be carried over to feisty? | 11:38 |
cedricshock | elfranger: Still around? | 11:38 |
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NemesisD | variant, theres those little 2 orbs with the blue thing circling around it but it just does it for a while then gives up unless I do that little trick i described | 11:38 |
IdleOne | variant: if you mean that you are reformed and now helping as much as you can in here and not calling ppl idiots then that is great :) | 11:38 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, what motherboard is in there? | 11:38 |
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swedekid | notbook, 7322GZ | 11:38 |
niriven | Also, again, ubuntu 64 bit, in general, can i run flashplugin (with no extra setup), and wine (without problems) in ubuntu 64? | 11:38 |
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oyvindje | hi! I installed the FF beta, i'm keeping packages up to date, do I need to do a clean install of FF go get the latest updates or does anyone have some fancy command which fixes stuff for me? | 11:38 |
Glos_WiFi | have you had any problems with the onboard audio card? | 11:38 |
Paul_UK | hey, i followed this : but when i enable desktop effects, i get a white screen, what gives? | 11:38 |
swedekid | can anyone tell me how to turn the firewall off? | 11:38 |
xst | After upgrading to feisty my USB mouse stopped working. It helps unplugging and re-inserting it. But only until next boot. What to do? | 11:38 |
alleyoopster | BusyBox v1.13 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash) - this is a bug if anyone else has the problem - Bug #75135 | 11:38 |
xtknight | niriven, neither without extra setup. both work perfectly after you set them up | 11:39 |
variant | NemesisD: thats strange.. i have noticed that the network manager is not 100% pefect at times but generaly it does the right thing | 11:39 |
Moniker42 | swedekid, ubuntu doesn't have a firewall by default | 11:39 |
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Moniker42 | i think. | 11:39 |
NemesisD | yeah its so weird... | 11:39 |
variant | IdleOne: well, that's not exactlly what i was meaning but it is also the case | 11:39 |
variant | :P | 11:39 |
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swedekid | well, i keep trying to download WoW and it says im behind a firewall | 11:39 |
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NemesisD | different question, is the "window effects" thing in feisty just compiz? | 11:39 |
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variant | NemesisD: yes | 11:39 |
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alleyoopster | It's the first Ubuntu release that hasn't installed for me | 11:39 |
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NemesisD | is it a common practice to combine beryl and compiz or is that a bad idea? | 11:39 |
xtknight | fucter, sounds like you should look at alleyoopster's post (busybox /tty problem) | 11:39 |
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niriven | xtknight: Ah, and, in your opinion, is 64 really worth the extra headaches and time? | 11:39 |
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xtknight | niriven, absolutely not | 11:40 |
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nxspnt | xtknight, i have no idea... im going to just download the iso and try to install | 11:40 |
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IdleOne | variant: trolls are part of support channels if you learn to ignore them they go away. if they get to unruly then there is always the !ops function | 11:40 |
Moniker42 | swedekid, that's the standard error because most users are on windows, and most windows network errors are caused by crappy firewalls :) it could be better taken as a general network error | 11:40 |
xtknight | niriven, 32 is still faster in a lot of general usage cases anyway. and intel core2 has 32bit optimizations that dont exist in 64bit, making it even faster in most cases. | 11:40 |
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Zues_62 | help me someone | 11:40 |
Glos_WiFi | does anyone know how to geta Sigmatel STAC9200 audio card working on Feisty? | 11:40 |
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stormy | hi the download in is too slow | 11:40 |
LjL | !someone | 11:40 |
sc0tch | Why does desktop ISO | 11:40 |
Abnaxos | Apr 19 23:39:06 rumba dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth2 for sub-path eth2.dbus.get.reason | 11:41 |
swedekid | Moniker42: soany idea how i can fix it? | 11:41 |
clop | this feisty installer completely refuses to format my drive :( | 11:41 |
LjL | stormy: type /topic | 11:41 |
Moniker42 | IdleOne, will a hibernate fry the install? | 11:41 |
ubotu | A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:41 |
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disasm | stormy: has a long list of repos | 11:41 |
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sc0tch | @ release.ubuntu have april 15th date? | 11:41 |
Zues_62 | y cant i update thru the update manager | 11:41 |
xtknight | nxspnt, run "PC Wizard" if you are on Windows | 11:41 |
nbx909 | stormy, use bit torrent | 11:41 |
stormy | ah ok | 11:41 |
niriven | xtknight: Thats what i figured :) | 11:41 |
stormy | thanks | 11:41 |
LjL | sc0tch: that's ok | 11:41 |
garryFre | Network problems everyone is trying to upgrade at the same time. | 11:41 |
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Worrum | i installed the beta 3 days ago, and now that the final is out, shouldnt apt-get give me updated packages for the final feisty fawn? | 11:41 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, run that and tell me your motherboard or SATA chipset | 11:41 |
variant | IdleOne: thats true, they make me laugh more than anything and I know that ignoring them is the best way to deal with htem.. so hard sometimes though :) | 11:41 |
pdusen | I seem to be getting a blank screen after selecting the "Install LiveCD" option when I boot from the CD. I get a few seconds of text and then my monitor seems to lose signal. What are my possibilites here? | 11:41 |
Zues_62 | finaly it works | 11:41 |
nxspnt | xtknight, the machine had slack on it, but the hard drive has been wiped, there is nothing on the box | 11:41 |
Moniker42 | swedekid, sorry no - but it might be a compatibility issue with WoW and ubuntu - extensive googling is probably your best bet for people having similar problems :P | 11:41 |
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LjL | !final | Worrum | 11:41 |
The_Un-Named | Worrum: try apt-get update? | 11:41 |
ubotu | Worrum: If you are running a Herd/Beta versions of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. | 11:41 |
xtknight | Worrum, yes but it's getting hammered right now | 11:42 |
Worrum | already did that, though 2 days ago, and havent had any updates since | 11:42 |
LjL | Worrum: neither did i. | 11:42 |
xtknight | well youve got final i guess | 11:42 |
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xtknight | congrats | 11:42 |
IdleOne | Moniker42: is this a fresh install or upgrade? in general you dont want to interupt an upgrade at all because it will break the system.fresh install well there isnt anything on the machine yet so I guess you can start it over when you have more time | 11:42 |
Worrum | i see | 11:42 |
xtknight | ;) | 11:42 |
niriven | xtknight: Just curious, what have you run before ubuntu? (distrobutions) | 11:42 |
NemesisD | varient, i saw some tech demos that looked a bit different than the standard cube thing, is this achieved with beryl+compiz? | 11:42 |
variant | IdleOne: i really really take issue with those that seem to "help but with deliberatlly wrong information" | 11:42 |
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Worrum | was hoping for an updated NetworkManager | 11:42 |
Moniker42 | variant, trolling can be fun at times as well... like going into #debian last week and asking them "what took so long?!" | 11:42 |
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Worrum | since it doesnt have phase2 authing for wpa_supplicant | 11:42 |
xtknight | niriven, redhat, fedora, mandriva, suse, debian | 11:42 |
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bruenig | xubuntu has some serious artifact problems | 11:43 |
Worrum | (yet) | 11:43 |
variant | Moniker42: lol | 11:43 |
Moniker42 | IdleOne, upgrade. | 11:43 |
LjL | Worrum, things get tested before being released. then if there's no problems found, they get released. what updates do you expect to get? | 11:43 |
IdleOne | variant: if you see ppl giving the wrong info then you should inform the ops and they will ban them | 11:43 |
xst | How do I enable beryl or compiz in feisty? | 11:43 |
variant | IdleOne: ok | 11:43 |
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Worrum | updated compiz/NetworkManager LjL | 11:43 |
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niriven | xtknight: I feel stupid for running such an easy to use linux distro, but, then again, its so 'nice', and it just works when i need it to. | 11:43 |
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uliss1 | 'lo people | 11:43 |
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variant | xst: System > preferences > desktop effects | 11:43 |
LjL | Worrum: well, isn't going to happen i think. 3 days ago - that was already final. | 11:43 |
uliss1 | I'm running Feisty on a dell inspiron 6400, with a sigmatel board that uses STAC92xx. Sometimes I only get white noise from the mic, but other times it works nicely. What could I check to find out more on the problem? | 11:43 |
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xtknight | niriven, ubuntu isnt that much easier than other distros honestly. it just has a great community | 11:43 |
Worrum | since 0.6.5 has phase2 authing | 11:44 |
ShackJack | xst - install drivers for your vid cart - then activate desktop effects for compiz | 11:44 |
pdusen | Anyone: I'm trying to install FF, and I seem to be getting a blank screen after selecting the "Install LiveCD" option when I boot from the CD. I get a few seconds of text and then my monitor seems to lose signal. | 11:44 |
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ShackJack | Bah too much chatter.... | 11:44 |
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xtknight | niriven, feisty has made some headway though over other distros making it easier | 11:44 |
mc44 | Worrum: only limited updates for bug fixing are allowed once the release is stable | 11:44 |
IdleOne | variant: I got banned here one time for using words I should of known better to use on some troll. got a nice talking to by an Op *cough*ompaul*cough* and learned to just ignore hehe | 11:44 |
xtknight | niriven, IMO dapper/edgy werent any easier than your avg opensuse but i'm afraid we're getting a tad offtopic :p | 11:44 |
variant | uliss1: are there more than one programs trying to access the mic when there is the white noise problem? for example, do you have skype running in the system tray at the time or something? | 11:44 |
niriven | xtknight: I noticed, a barely touch a config file anymore. | 11:44 |
Worrum | so there isnt gonna be "updates" like that mc44? | 11:45 |
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kads | I upgraded to feisty some time ago, do I need to reinstall for the official version for today? | 11:45 |
penguin42 | I filed a bug that one of the fixes that went in recently to feisty fixed - how should I close it? | 11:45 |
variant | IdleOne: lol | 11:45 |
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variant | IdleOne: nice one | 11:45 |
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xst | ok, thanks | 11:45 |
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Worrum | s/isnt/aren't | 11:45 |
mc44 | Worrum: not to a new version of NM. Perhaps in backports there will be | 11:45 |
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LjL | Worrum: i really don't think so. only hope would be | 11:45 |
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stefg | !final | kads | 11:45 |
ubotu | kads: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version. | 11:45 |
LjL | !backports > Worrum (Worrum, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:45 |
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Worrum | thanks, ill try that | 11:45 |
uliss1 | variant: nope, just sometimes I boot and it works and some others no... | 11:45 |
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kads | thx | 11:46 |
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LjL | Worrum: useless to try now, there are no backports. you'll have to wait at least a couple of weeks | 11:46 |
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IdleOne | ompaul: dont think they are around anymore | 11:46 |
unix_infidel | guys, i'm curious as to the limitations of the alternate-cd | 11:46 |
clop | is there a command i can use to test the integrity of a hard drive? | 11:46 |
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clop | from the installer cd? | 11:46 |
LjL | unix_infidel: it has no "live" mode. | 11:46 |
variant | uliss1: you could try restarting alsa when the problem is occuring (thats effectivly what you achieve by rebooting) | 11:46 |
unix_infidel | i understand what it CAN DO, i just dont get any information on wha it cant do. | 11:46 |
pdusen | So what does it take to get a bit of notice around here? | 11:46 |
xtknight | unix_infidel, what kidn of limitations? | 11:46 |
unix_infidel | LjL: that's it? | 11:46 |
ompaul | IdleOne, :) | 11:46 |
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IdleOne | variant: ompaul is always lurking btw hehe | 11:46 |
LjL | !info smartmontools | clop | 11:46 |
ubotu | clop: smartmontools: control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.36-8ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 256 kB, installed size 624 kB | 11:46 |
Dana1 | Hmm, is it possible to make a specific network card have a specific name? | 11:46 |
sive1 | are the repos down? | 11:46 |
ompaul | IdleOne, and you know this how? ;-) | 11:46 |
LjL | unix_infidel: yes. actually, alternate gives many more options. | 11:46 |
variant | uliss1: also, it should be possible to enable extra logging with alsa | 11:46 |
xtknight | unix_infidel, you can't use the LiveCD to install feisty with a pretty GUI. it has a text mode installer. | 11:46 |
LjL | sive1: type /topic | 11:46 |
stefg | Is there any way to get the 2.6.20-14 kernel again? apt doesn't have it, maybe there's a secret trick? | 11:46 |
Glos_WiFi | Feisty at 100% - Now lets see how many things need manual modifying :S | 11:47 |
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sive1 | thanks | 11:47 |
variant | IdleOne: i bet | 11:47 |
IdleOne | ompaul: I Idle alot :P | 11:47 |
niriven | so, now that feisty is out, whats the next experimental version i can upgrade to? :P | 11:47 |
unix_infidel | LjL: then why is the alternate cd the same bloody size as the desktop cd? | 11:47 |
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mc44 | stefg: no | 11:47 |
xtknight | stefg, dont think there is a trick but why would you want to downgrade? if there is a bug you should try and get it fixed | 11:47 |
ompaul | IdleOne, ergo your nick lies :) | 11:47 |
ompaul | variant, if you want my take on that msg me | 11:47 |
xtknight | unix_infidel, because it contains the same thing basically? | 11:47 |
uliss1 | variant: I think it could be due to some sort of a "remapping" of the jacks feature of the board, red sthg similar on the net... | 11:47 |
Moniker42 | niriven, try #ubuntu+1 for the next version ;) | 11:47 |
unix_infidel | fair enough :) | 11:47 |
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IdleOne | ompaul: I never lie because I firmly believe everything I say | 11:47 |
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fuffalo- | everytime i mark something as junk it goes to the junk folder, but when i re-open evolution it's back in my inbox..what am i doing wrong? | 11:47 |
cedricshock | unix_infidel: I don't thing the alternate has live. | 11:48 |
LjL | unix_infidel: err, obviously, what he said. why would you expect it to be of a different size? | 11:48 |
variant | uliss1: sorry, you lost me | 11:48 |
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uliss1 | variant: how can I enable alsa verbosity? | 11:48 |
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unix_infidel | LjL: well, i expected it to be sort of a netboot type cd | 11:48 |
swedekid | is there a firestarter download for fiesty fawn? if so where? | 11:48 |
ompaul | IdleOne, sssshhh or we have to go to -offtopic | 11:48 |
unix_infidel | instead of a full featured cd. | 11:48 |
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pdusen | Well, I see Ubuntu's so-called "Community Support" isn't all it's cracked up to be. Not even an acknowledgement here... | 11:48 |
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xtknight | unix_infidel, no it is not like that at all | 11:48 |
LjL | unix_infidel: no, but if you want one, there is one | 11:48 |
mc44 | !minimal | unix_infidel | 11:48 |
ubotu | unix_infidel: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See | 11:48 |
LjL | !minimal > unix_infidel (unix_infidel, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:48 |
=== IdleOne shhhhhhhhh's | ||
xtknight | unix_infidel, it's not a debian business card/etc | 11:48 |
magnetron | !alternate | unix_infidel | 11:48 |
stefg | mc44, xtknight ... we had that already. ... it | 11:48 |
ubotu | unix_infidel: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 11:48 |
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slyfox | Please help, I have a hard drive and only I the user who installed ubuntu can read and write to it, I have 2 more users whom I want to grant access to read and write. How do I do that ? | 11:48 |
swedekid | !firestarter | 11:49 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 11:49 |
IdleOne | LjL: does konversation show amount of users in a channel and if so where? | 11:49 |
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arejay | anyone else experience a breif glimpse of a video and then black screen with VLC/Totem with XGL enabled? | 11:49 |
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LjL | IdleOne: status bar, on the right | 11:49 |
Moniker42 | niriven, strike that - i guess +1 redirects to #ubuntu as feisty has just been released | 11:49 |
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mc44 | stefg: you really cant just live without usplash? seriously? | 11:49 |
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niriven | moniker: Heh, i noticed :) | 11:49 |
Dana1 | Is it possible to reserve names for specific network interfaces? | 11:49 |
xtknight | Dana1, /etc/network/interfaces | 11:50 |
IdleOne | LjL: I dont see it | 11:50 |
stefg | s a design decision (a wrong one) and in the time it takes to make enough noise i need a working system... -14 works, 15 does not, i don't want to roll my own kernel | 11:50 |
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adultswim_ | arejay, yeah... still trying to figure that one out myself | 11:50 |
Dana1 | The order depends on how modules load. | 11:50 |
iGadget | slyfox: you've already created those users on the system? | 11:50 |
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mc44 | stefg: it does work. just turn off usplash | 11:50 |
slyfox | iGadget: yes | 11:50 |
penguin42 | Dana1: /etc/iftab | 11:50 |
tecta | what repository is realplay in? | 11:50 |
nir_ai | i messed up something... | 11:50 |
LjL | IdleOne: bottom of the window... there is "Ready." on the left, then "#ubuntu - 1410 nicks (0 ops)" on the right, followed by " - Lag: 62 ms" on the very right | 11:50 |
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iGadget | slyfox: okay, and they need to be able to access those files locally? | 11:50 |
IncredibleHink | Someone have a couple of minutes to try and help get my Audigy 2 Platinum working in Feisty Fawn? | 11:50 |
stefg | mc44: that's no | 11:50 |
slyfox | iGadget: yes and be able to write and read to the hard drive | 11:50 |
Dana1 | That file doesn't exist. | 11:50 |
nir_ai | I tries to install the nvidia driver and now the X server does not start... :( | 11:51 |
arejay | adultswim, intel chip? | 11:51 |
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xtknight | IncredibleHink, sure | 11:51 |
arejay | adultswim, i mean intel video chip? | 11:51 |
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bruenig | tecta, is not in any | 11:51 |
IncredibleHink | cool | 11:51 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, my audigy 2 gamer works great right out of the box. im sure platinum is supported as well. | 11:51 |
penguin42 | Dana1: Interesting - it does for me and you should be able to create it - try man iftab | 11:51 |
Glos_WiFi | oh fudge sticks :( WiFi card isnt picked up | 11:51 |
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tecta | bruenig, why not | 11:51 |
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nir_ai | how do I uninstall the nvidia drivers without an X server? (from console) | 11:51 |
iGadget | slyfox: which ubuntu version are you using (not sure if that makes any difference, but still) | 11:51 |
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IncredibleHink | i have the emu10k1 driver installed | 11:51 |
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slyfox | iGadget: 7.04 | 11:51 |
niriven | So, this may be a stupid question, but, ubuntu feisty, will i see regular updates for it? (for instance, ive been waiting on new versions of wine) | 11:51 |
UnluckyMike | are the repositories going slow or is it just me? | 11:51 |
bruenig | tecta, licensing issues probably, it is crap also | 11:51 |
IncredibleHink | and all my volumes are turned up all the way in alsa mixer | 11:51 |
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LjL | niriven: no. | 11:51 |
mc44 | niriven: only for serious bug fixes | 11:51 |
IncredibleHink | not sure what the problem is | 11:51 |
xtknight | do they have the commercial repository for Feisty yet? planned? | 11:52 |
tecta | bruenig, what should i use to play real files then | 11:52 |
penguin42 | niriven: Only bug fixes and things - there is another release in 6 months | 11:52 |
xtknight | commercial, i.e. containing opera | 11:52 |
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bruenig | tecta, totem will play them, vlc will play them too | 11:52 |
Glos_WiFi | xtknight: any experience with wifi cards? | 11:52 |
adultswim_ | arejay mines on a raedon, but its the same thing -- a few frames play, then the screen goes black and all i have is sound... looking at using different codecs / output modules | 11:52 |
tecta | bruenig, not for me | 11:52 |
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xtknight | IncredibleHink, hmm | 11:52 |
iGadget | slyfox: great, then I can just do the same things as you should, and we both should see the same results. Hang on, I'm gonna try out some stuff | 11:52 |
niriven | Guess thats what ubuntu+1 is for eh | 11:52 |
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UnluckyMike | xtknight: you can download directly from opera | 11:52 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, check the analog/digital switch? | 11:52 |
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bobbob1016 | I went from edgy to feisty, and the only issue I have is with my XGL/Beryl/ATI anyone have luck getting these working on feisty yet? | 11:52 |
bruenig | tecta, got to get the codecs | 11:52 |
stefg | mc44: or do you have a link to some real good docu on initramfs, and how to change it's config... The kernel works, it's just that stupid initrd, which is causing trouble | 11:52 |
magnetron | nir_ai: i am not sure: but it should be: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg | 11:52 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, yeah a little | 11:52 |
tecta | bruenig, which codecs | 11:52 |
variant | uliss1: sorry, was just trying to find out there.. could have sworn there was such an option | 11:52 |
IncredibleHink | is that in alsa mixer? | 11:52 |
Enverex | What is the app used to convert BIN files to ISO? I'm damned if I can remember. | 11:52 |
xtknight | UnluckyMike, yeah i could | 11:52 |
LjL | !beryl > bobbob1016 (bobbob1016, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:52 |
bruenig | !codecs | tecta | 11:52 |
ubotu | tecta: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 11:52 |
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cedricshock | Woohoo, I finally found a fast mirror. | 11:52 |
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xtknight | Enverex, binchunk or sometihng? | 11:53 |
bruenig | these artifacts remind me of breezy | 11:53 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, is that in alsa mixer? | 11:53 |
Glos_WiFi | my wifi card was supported and detected in Edgy, but its not even picked up in feisty | 11:53 |
nxspnt | xtknight, this machine has a mainboard of Dell 0MH651 and a processor of intel p4 3.0 prescott | 11:53 |
xtknight | !info bchunk | Enverex | 11:53 |
ubotu | enverex: bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-4 (feisty), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB | 11:53 |
uliss1 | variant: np, thanks :) | 11:53 |
Enverex | thanks | 11:53 |
xtknight | nxspnt, hm any other details on the motherboard? can you get the sata chipset? | 11:53 |
adultswim_ | Glos_WiFi: what card? | 11:53 |
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xtknight | Glos_WiFi, define "picked up" | 11:53 |
tecta | bruenig, but you have to use totem-xine or mplayer can't use totem-gstreamer | 11:53 |
variant | uliss1: what card is it exactly? | 11:53 |
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variant | uliss1: and is it only on recording? | 11:54 |
Glos_WiFi | Realtek 8185 i believe (its in a laptop and everythings been slightly modified for NVidia) | 11:54 |
slyfox | iGadget: sudo chmod 777 /media/disk worked | 11:54 |
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ancienttt | question to slyfox, are you tryin gto make the device itself (access to mount/unmount/share as iscsi or whatever) available to the other users, trying to make a partition available to other users or trying to make directories in the partitoni available to the other users? | 11:54 |
fucter | alleyoopster: where is this busybox /tty problem post? | 11:54 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, it's not picked up via pci bus (irq/apic problem), it's not picked up in network interfaces (no driver), it's not picking up an access point (router/card/config problem)? | 11:54 |
iGadget | slyfox: My guess is the best way to do this is to create a new group to which you should add all the users that require access, and then set the proper group permissions to all files | 11:54 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, Analog/Digital Output Jack is [off] | 11:54 |
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xtknight | IncredibleHink, switch it, now does the sound work? | 11:54 |
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Glos_WiFi | its not even finding a card | 11:54 |
iGadget | slyfox: that should work as well, yes, but now the entire world can access that disk and it's files ;) | 11:54 |
nxspnt | xtknight, ATI IXP SB600 | 11:54 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, so it is not being picked up via the pci bus? | 11:54 |
iGadget | slyfox: if that's no problem, then you're done | 11:54 |
xtknight | Glos_WiFi, lspci | 11:54 |
LjL | niriven: for WINE however, there's a third-party repository that has always worked well for me (the official one of the WINE folks) | 11:54 |
Glos_WiFi | well its not in network manager | 11:54 |
xtknight | nxspnt, there we go.. | 11:55 |
uliss1 | variant: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01) | 11:55 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, negative | 11:55 |
linux_kid | Can a network upgrade be done from the beta to the final? | 11:55 |
Glos_WiFi | not sure how 2 check hardware | 11:55 |
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bruenig | anyone got any ideas how to deal with this | 11:55 |
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Awperator | Hello | 11:55 |
uliss1 | variant: playback works nice, it's just recording | 11:55 |
LjL | !final > linux_kid (linux_kid, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:55 |
xtknight | nxspnt, hmm brand new | 11:55 |
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slyfox | iGadget: that should do it, that is what I needed. What did you have in mind, I would like to know as I can learn soemthing new here. | 11:55 |
deebus | I've got dapper installed right now. can I upgrade to edgy w/o downloading and booting the edgy iso? | 11:55 |
linux_kid | LjL, thanks | 11:55 |
cedricshock | linux_kid: The regular updater does it, nothing special. If it says up to date you're done. | 11:55 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, i think there were problems with it but who knows. AMD/ATI support linux religously so just give it time if it doesnt work | 11:55 |
niriven | LjL: Ah, ill probably just run Gusty Gibbon when theres a branch for it :) | 11:55 |
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xtknight | IncredibleHink, hm im not sure beyond that.. | 11:55 |
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magnetron | Glos_WiFi: Check restricted drivers dialog in System > Admin | 11:55 |
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variant | uliss1: i saw a couple of issues in here with those "hd audio" chipsets.. don't remember if it was your same problem or not though. I am about ot go to bed though and would rather not get stuck into annother problem. sorry | 11:56 |
cedricshock | !final > cedricshock | 11:56 |
duelboot | whoooohoooooo only 8 more hours until 7.04 is downloaded :)...the upgrade download is taking forever | 11:56 |
Flannel | !upgrade | deebus | 11:56 |
nxspnt | xtknight, i tried numerous kernels a few months ago from the 2.4 and 2.6 and even tried experimental modules | 11:56 |
ubotu | deebus: For upgrading, see the instructions at | 11:56 |
arejay | adultswim, figured it out, sorta. sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla mozilla-plugin-vlc and install mozilla-mplayer | 11:56 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, thx for the help anyway | 11:56 |
adultswim_ | deebus, you might be able to switch to the repositories for fiesty and then do a dist-upgrade | 11:56 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, ah | 11:56 |
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arejay | adultswim, then restart firefox and see if it works, it did for me. | 11:56 |
iGadget | slyfox: a bit more secure approach would be, as I described above, to creat a separate group and add all neccesary users to that group | 11:56 |
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uliss1 | variant: thanks anyway ;) | 11:56 |
adultswim_ | arejay: , i''ll try that | 11:56 |
Glos_WiFi | yeh just found it mentioned in hardware, its not picking it up in network manager then | 11:56 |
iGadget | slyfox: and then only change the group permissions on all files | 11:56 |
LjL | niriven: just be away it'll break, and break several times, and badly, before it becomes near-stable. just like every experimental version | 11:56 |
linux_kid | deebus, network upgrade to edgy and then network upgrade to feisty | 11:56 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, maybe the platinum has other switches or something. usually it's analog/digital that screws me over. | 11:56 |
arejay | adultswim, report back | 11:56 |
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adultswim_ | will do | 11:56 |
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xtknight | IncredibleHink, what kind of speaker setup? analog? | 11:57 |
niriven | LjL: I know, im used to it from debian experimetal :) | 11:57 |
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tehquickness | is anyone else having trouble updating apt-get on servers | 11:57 |
deebus | ah, interesting | 11:57 |
deebus | thanks gys | 11:57 |
Glos_WiFi | magnetron: nothing there other then NVIDIA driver | 11:57 |
slyfox | iGadget: How would I only change the group permissions on all files ? | 11:57 |
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murxelpurxel | Hm, anyone knows why xrandr 1.2 was not included (but 1.1), although even libxrandr 1.2 was included? | 11:57 |
deebus | *guys | 11:57 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, rgr......... Bose companion 2 speakers and sub | 11:57 |
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LjL | niriven: i'd venture to say that this is worse | 11:57 |
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CodingZen | Can anyone help me out with a simple Font size problem? | 11:57 |
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nxspnt | xtknight, I finally got slack64 installed on the box but only after removing SATA from the picture and using IDE... I think there are other hardware issues with this model. I am going to attempt to install anyways tho | 11:57 |
larson9999 | linux rocks! | 11:57 |
dv5237_ | what is the best way to install a ssh deamon | 11:57 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, type "speaker-test". hear anything? | 11:57 |
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thekidrio | apt-get install ssh | 11:57 |
LjL | dv5237_: "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" | 11:57 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, ah hmm well does your system have sata drives? | 11:57 |
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Flannel | dv5237_: install "openssh-server" | 11:57 |
xtknight | nxspnt, SB600 is sata south bridge isnt it? | 11:57 |
tehquickness | is anyone else having trouble updating apt-get on servers | 11:57 |
LjL | !ssh > dv5237_ (dv5237_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 11:57 |
iGadget | slyfox: chgrp -R [groupname] * | 11:58 |
xtknight | but also ide onboard or via jmicron/marvell? | 11:58 |
mc44 | tehquickness: the servers are very busy atm | 11:58 |
LjL | tehquickness: yes, they're taken down by the load. | 11:58 |
penguin42 | tehquickness: I think a lot of the servers are pretty busy at the moment | 11:58 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, no, but its continually going to font-left | 11:58 |
CodingZen | Will anyone help me real quick with a font size problem? | 11:58 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, front-left | 11:58 |
iGadget | slyfox: and then chmod 770 * | 11:58 |
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nxspnt | xtknight, right now I put the SATA hard drive that came from dell with windows loaded on it to run that hardware util you sent me | 11:58 |
tehquickness | penguin, mc44, LjL thanks I will be patient then lol | 11:58 |
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stormy | <tehquickness> its too busy | 11:58 |
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ffm | HELP! | 11:58 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, type "asoundconf list" what do you see? no more than one card? | 11:58 |
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CodingZen | ffm: help what?\ | 11:58 |
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jman_ | Hi I just upgraded to feisty but am unable to play sounds, anyone else encounter this problem? | 11:58 |
cedricshock | ffm: ? | 11:58 |
tehquickness | I will just go party at the release party then | 11:58 |
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tehquickness | wohoooo! | 11:59 |
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ffm | Respetory error , CodingZen, cedricshock | 11:59 |
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WannabeNewbie | I hope you can help, this seems small enough but I am having trouble with my software update. All the repositories in the software update are failing. How do I find the most up to date repositories for my software update program? | 11:59 |
CodingZen | jman_: lol upgrading fixed mine so sorry | 11:59 |
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slyfox | iGadget: liek this? chgrp -R [groupname] /media/disk ? | 11:59 |
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nxspnt | xtknight, I have no idea if this is a sata bridge or not. I am not too familiar with SATA at all | 11:59 |
ffm | CodingZen: cedricshock: | 11:59 |
dv5237_ | oke thanks guys ill read it | 11:59 |
xtknight | nxspnt, hmm so which controller is not supported? that's what im trying to get at | 11:59 |
swedekid | does anyone know if there is a firestarter for 7.04? | 11:59 |
LjL | WannabeNewbie, they might just be failing because they're... down. they can't take the load. | 11:59 |
CodingZen | Could anyone help me with my font problem? | 11:59 |
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IncredibleHink | xtknight, Audigy2, UART, U0X46d0x8d <- in order | 11:59 |
penguin42 | jman: Do you know what sound hardware your machine has? Is it a laptop? | 11:59 |
TheVault | I was browsing and I happen to came across an Article that Ubuntu Studio is going to be released along with Feisty? I'm confused on that | 11:59 |
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xtknight | nxspnt, motherboards can have various IDE/sata chipsets onboard. | 11:59 |
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Glos_WiFi | well i gotta go for a bit peeps, thatnks for the help so far in getting this to work | 11:59 |
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CodingZen | ffm: newbie .. so not yet learned about that stuff | 11:59 |
LjL | !info firestarter feisty | swedekid | 11:59 |
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ubotu | swedekid: firestarter: gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 396 kB, installed size 1920 kB | 11:59 |
HeyGab1 | /channel | 11:59 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, ah hmm that could be a problem. | 11:59 |
ffm | oooj | 11:59 |
CodingZen | ffm: i am that is | 11:59 |
magnetron | Glos_WiFi: hmm. which model of wifi card is it? | 11:59 |
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HeyGab1 | doh! | 11:59 |
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ffm | CodingZen: Thats ok. | 12:00 |
HeyGab1 | .chan | 12:00 |
tecta | anyone know where i can get a .deb file of realplayer | 12:00 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, im pretty sure my Audigy is set for default | 12:00 |
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iGadget | slyfox: that _should_ do it, yes... but you have to add the specified group first, of course | 12:00 |
HeyGab1 | doh! | 12:00 |
Glos_WiFi | realtek 8185 | 12:00 |
LjL | HeyGab1: what are you trying to do? | 12:00 |
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IncredibleHink | xtknight, and my on board is turned off | 12:00 |
swedekid | LjL: where do i get it? | 12:00 |
xtknight | IncredibleHink, terminate "speaker-test". then type "asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2". now type "speaker-test" | 12:00 |
sorcerer | hey gusy simples questions .. i made this .. directory in my home place and then i made a another file in media drive .. in hde 4 .. i | 12:00 |
slyfox | iGadget: got it, thanks. | 12:00 |
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CodingZen | Anyone help me with a login font size problem? its way too huge! | 12:00 |
IncredibleHink | xtknight, k just sec | 12:00 |
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TheVault | tecta: Go to and they got a easy step by step on how to setup. Its super easy | 12:00 |
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iGadget | slyfox: and add the users to that group :) | 12:00 |
HeyGab1 | List channels | 12:00 |
tecta | TheVault, thanks | 12:00 |
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jman_ | can someone please help me with my sound issues in feisty | 12:00 |
cedricshock | ffm: Means nothign to me. More details, please. Where's that from, what's the error message, etc. | 12:00 |
LjL | swedekid: uh, from the repositories of course. enable universe if you don't have it enabled, and type "sudo apt-get install firestarter" -- at least, that's the console way. you can, of course, do it from Synaptic (or possibly just Add/Remove programs) | 12:00 |
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LjL | !software > swedekid (swedekid, see the private message from Ubotu) | 12:00 |
Glos_WiFi | anyway im off now | 12:01 |
xtknight | jman_, what sound card? do you have multiple ones? | 12:01 |
TheVault | tecta: Yup. Download the file, then to a+x filenamehere.bin | 12:01 |
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swedekid | LjL: universe? | 12:01 |
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