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Theuni | kiko-afk: alright. thanks | 12:59 |
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ubotu | New bug: #107841 in soyuz "soyuz should manage and present 'views' of the archive" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107841 | 01:06 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Launchpad 1.0 public beta, https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 26 Apr 2007, 1400UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39 | ||
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ubotu | New bug: #107973 in launchpad "Unable to switch off the display of email address in branch revision history" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107973 | 11:31 |
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ubotu | New bug: #107971 in gcompris "Incomplete French translation" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/107971 | 11:40 |
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thumper | mwh: howdy | 01:31 |
mwh | thumper: hi! | 01:31 |
thumper | mwh: I hear you'll be joining us soon | 01:31 |
mwh | thumper: indeed, 10 days or something now | 01:32 |
thumper | mwh: cool, ddaa and I have been going through a whole pile of stuff that needs doing | 01:32 |
thumper | mwh: so some of that will be coming your way | 01:32 |
thumper | mwh: unfortunately I won't be around for the bzr sprint in London | 01:32 |
mwh | thumper: cool | 01:32 |
thumper | but we are going to get ddaa there | 01:32 |
mwh | i have to say that i'm a little curious about what exactly i will be working on :) | 01:33 |
thumper | and poolie will be there too | 01:33 |
mwh | ah, nicee | 01:33 |
thumper | mwh: do you skype? | 01:33 |
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mwh | it's very convenient for me, after i've settled in for a couple of weeks there's a sprint 2 hours train away from me (and on my friends' doorstep) | 01:33 |
mwh | i have skyped a bit | 01:33 |
thumper | 2h? birmingham? | 01:34 |
thumper | mwh: southhampton? | 01:34 |
mwh | bristol | 01:34 |
thumper | mwh: ah, the end of the m4 | 01:35 |
mwh | indeed | 01:35 |
thumper | I've never made it to bristol, but I got to bath a few times | 01:35 |
thumper | no, wait | 01:35 |
thumper | I went once for work | 01:35 |
thumper | about 8 years ago | 01:35 |
thumper | very brief though | 01:35 |
mwh | heh | 01:35 |
mwh | i've been there for 5 and a bit years now | 01:36 |
thumper | I was in bristol for about 3 hours | 01:36 |
mwh | heh | 01:36 |
thumper | mwh: so you are english? | 01:36 |
mwh | i am | 01:36 |
thumper | or just stuck in england? | 01:36 |
mwh | actually i'm in germany _right_ now :) | 01:36 |
thumper | I noticed that from your ip mask | 01:36 |
mwh | you are from nz? | 01:36 |
thumper | yep | 01:36 |
thumper | in Paris right now | 01:37 |
thumper | London next week | 01:37 |
thumper | then back to NZ | 01:37 |
ddaa | don't believe .nz folks | 01:40 |
ddaa | they blew that greenpeace ship and laid down the blame on us | 01:40 |
thumper | oi | 01:41 |
thumper | those frog agents got caught fair and square | 01:41 |
ddaa | you framed it! | 01:41 |
ddaa | s/it/him/ | 01:41 |
thumper | him? them! | 01:42 |
thumper | there were two | 01:42 |
thumper | guy and gal | 01:42 |
ddaa | nah, the gal was a .nz double agent and seduced him! | 01:42 |
thumper | maybe they were just french tourists | 01:42 |
thumper | mwh: the lp-bzr bits are found at https://launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar | 01:43 |
ddaa | mwh: in any case, it's good to get an additional pair of hands on this team. | 01:44 |
thumper | mwh: ddaa and I will be adding a few blueprints today | 01:44 |
ddaa | mwh: I think we met at europython | 01:44 |
jml | mwh: will you be on bazaar or lp-bzr stuff? | 01:44 |
mwh | jml: lp-bzr | 01:45 |
jml | mwh: also hi :)( | 01:45 |
jml | mwh: sweet | 01:45 |
thumper | jml: he is joining our world | 01:45 |
mwh | ddaa: right, i have vague memories of meeting you, i don't think we talked that much? | 01:45 |
jml | thumper: excellent | 01:45 |
ddaa | you probably remember me as some weird french freako hanging around with Rob Collins. | 01:45 |
mwh | i remember lots of dark hair, but on this i may just be confusing you with everyone else i know from paris :) | 01:46 |
thumper | mwh: you are correct | 01:46 |
ddaa | mwh: that's a fair characterization, actually | 01:46 |
ddaa | you've got pictures there https://wiki.canonical.com/StaffOverviewOrgChart | 01:48 |
kiko-afk | kyle looks like such a freak in his photo | 01:49 |
ddaa | my fav is Mark Murphy's | 01:49 |
kiko-afk | lol | 01:49 |
kiko-afk | does he really look that much like kennedy? | 01:50 |
mwh | ddaa: _i_ don't have pictures, it seems | 01:50 |
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ddaa | mwh: meaning there's no picture of you, or you do not have the login/pass? | 01:50 |
mwh | i don't have a login | 01:51 |
kiko-afk | I would never have approved sinzui if I had seen what a disturbed individual he looks like! | 01:51 |
sinzui | kiko-afk: did not troll the net very well | 01:51 |
kiko-afk | at least your picture doesn't have blood and scabs in it I guess | 01:52 |
ddaa | sinzui: you do look like a psychopathic serial killer on this picture | 01:53 |
sinzui | ddaa: yeah. I don't have many. The hackergotchi looks too over the top: https://launchpad.net/~sinzui-is | 01:54 |
sinzui | I was thinking to making everyone look like pirates on the staff page. | 01:55 |
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thumper | sinzui: what's with the black hairy ring? | 01:57 |
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sinzui | thumper: In some resolution is looks like an o-sumei ink drawing. | 01:58 |
sinzui | thumper: I put it up to mock branding on my person page. | 01:58 |
thumper | sinzui: sorry, just a black hairy ring! | 01:58 |
thumper | and the other images it brings to mind, I don't want to mention | 01:59 |
sinzui | yet I've still manages to take a wife and breed. | 02:00 |
sinzui | yet I've still managed to take a wife and breed. | 02:00 |
ddaa | you sure you do not mean "take a wife and bread"? | 02:00 |
sinzui | How about spawn? | 02:01 |
ddaa | Ican imagine that black ring being a spawning point indeed. | 02:01 |
ddaa | </silly> | 02:02 |
sinzui | One hopes all this abuse is taken in fun. The Au and Nz probably are, but I can never be sure about the Fr and the GB. | 02:04 |
ddaa | As a rule don't take me seriously when Italk about anything that's not code. | 02:05 |
ddaa | In all likelihood I'm either hip-shooting, trolling or being plain silly. | 02:05 |
thumper | some of us don't take ddaa seriously even when he is talking about code :) | 02:07 |
sinzui | that's better than me. Dry humour does work with emoticons so IRC make me sound like the freak I'm not. | 02:07 |
thumper | can't wait to meet you all in person | 02:07 |
jml | ditto | 02:08 |
jml | except maybe thumper | 02:08 |
thumper | jml: you will be sooner | 02:08 |
thumper | jml: I talked to poolie about getting you to NZ soonish | 02:08 |
jml | thumper: so it's on the cards? | 02:09 |
thumper | jml: yeah | 02:09 |
thumper | I'll try to organise it more when I'm back home | 02:10 |
thumper | and when you are much better | 02:10 |
jml | :) | 02:10 |
jml | cool. I'll get a chance to christen my irish passport. | 02:10 |
thumper | jml: lol | 02:11 |
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muszek | hi... what does "triaging" (as in "triaging bugs with launchpad") mean? | 02:12 |
muszek | I know it's a silly question, I just couldn't find a definition anywhere | 02:13 |
jml | muszek: prioritising | 02:13 |
muszek | jml: thank you | 02:13 |
jml | muszek: it's a term borrowed from the medical profession | 02:13 |
mwh | muszek: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triage | 02:13 |
jml | http://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Atriage | 02:14 |
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muszek | jml: linux borrows triaging, windows borrows viruses from medical profession ;) | 02:14 |
jml | heh | 02:14 |
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muszek | jml, mwh: I was looking for "triaging" and "triag" - no wonder I didn't find anything | 02:15 |
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jml | muszek: yeah, English sucks. | 02:15 |
mwh | english spelling is ridiculous | 02:15 |
mwh | (says two native speakers) | 02:16 |
muszek | I'm Polish and believe me, English is not that bad :) | 02:16 |
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muszek | maybe spelling and pronunciation are more precise, but English is far simpler and more fliexible | 02:17 |
muszek | anyways, thanks again and cya | 02:17 |
ubotu | New bug: #108062 in launchpad "Missing link(?)" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108062 | 02:31 |
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bostik__ | hi all | 02:58 |
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bostik__ | i run an ubuntu mirror in italy | 02:59 |
bostik__ | till this morning was listed in download mirror on launchpad and on ubuntu.com | 02:59 |
bostik__ | now it is listed only as archive on lauchpad | 03:00 |
bostik__ | and as mirror for iso download on ubuntu-it.org | 03:00 |
bostik__ | any idea ??? | 03:00 |
salgado | hi bostik__ | 03:01 |
bostik__ | hi salgado | 03:01 |
salgado | so, IIUC, your mirror is not shown at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors | 03:01 |
salgado | although it's shown at the +archivemirrors page? | 03:02 |
salgado | or you mean www.ubuntu.com/download? | 03:02 |
bostik__ | both | 03:03 |
bostik__ | our mirror is ubuntu.fastbull.org | 03:03 |
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bostik__ | you can find it in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors under italian mirror | 03:03 |
bostik__ | but not on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors | 03:04 |
bostik__ | and also not in www.ubuntu.com/download? | 03:04 |
bostik__ | yesterday we were listed there | 03:04 |
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bostik__ | it seems italian mirror disapeared | 03:05 |
salgado | bostik__, right, we're updating those lists every hour since the release | 03:05 |
salgado | and every time we update, we may remove mirrors that seem to be overloaded | 03:05 |
bostik__ | what u check , i mean wich file ?? | 03:05 |
bostik__ | ah ok | 03:06 |
bostik__ | it's a thing of overloading | 03:06 |
salgado | we check all iso images that a mirror should contain | 03:06 |
bostik__ | so u check timeouts ? | 03:06 |
salgado | we look for timeouts and missing files | 03:06 |
salgado | are you the one who registered https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu.fastbull.org-release? | 03:07 |
bostik__ | yes | 03:07 |
salgado | if you're the register, you can see the last log file | 03:07 |
salgado | you'll see that there were lots of timeouts | 03:07 |
salgado | we'll probe the mirror again soon, and if it doesn't timeout it'll be re-added to the list | 03:08 |
bostik__ | thanx | 03:09 |
bostik__ | only another question | 03:09 |
salgado | sure | 03:09 |
bostik__ | i setted up my mirror so that in apache we have a maxclient limits of 300 | 03:09 |
bostik__ | how are setted other mirrors ?? | 03:10 |
salgado | (the ubuntu.com/download is updated with the list from launchpad, btw) | 03:10 |
bostik__ | what is you suggestion ? | 03:10 |
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salgado | bostik__, that's a good question, but I'm afraid I don't know the answer. I only wrote the software which DoSes^Wprobes the mirrors | 03:11 |
bostik__ | oks | 03:11 |
bostik__ | :D | 03:11 |
salgado | bostik__, Znarl is the right person to ask | 03:11 |
salgado | Znarl, around? | 03:11 |
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salgado | bostik__, are you subscribed to the https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-mirrors mailing list? | 03:13 |
salgado | that may also be a good place to ask | 03:13 |
bostik__ | i have to ask to my co worker we run mirror in 3 persons | 03:13 |
bostik__ | :D | 03:13 |
bostik__ | i have to ask | 03:13 |
bostik__ | :D | 03:13 |
bostik__ | thanx a lot | 03:13 |
salgado | you're welcome! | 03:14 |
bostik__ | i have to reboot i'll check Znarl l8r | 03:15 |
bostik__ | bye | 03:15 |
ubotu | New bug: #108078 in malone "Search for bugs I've provided a patch for" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108078 | 03:20 |
Znarl | salgado : Need me? | 03:24 |
salgado | Znarl, a guy (bostik__) was asking what'd be a reasonable limit to the number of simultaneous connections on his mirror | 03:26 |
Znarl | salgado : Ah the fastbull admin. Tough question. The admins in #ubuntu-mirrors can help with this kinda question. | 03:28 |
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popey | flacoste: moo | 03:32 |
flacoste | popey: ready for the call? | 03:32 |
popey | yup | 03:32 |
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ubotu | New bug: #108089 in launchpad "'Download RDF metadata' in Actions portlet should go to a page with further explanation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108089 | 04:01 |
ubotu | New bug: #108104 in soyuz "sha1 mismatch reject message is confusing and unhelpful" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108104 | 04:26 |
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indraveni | hi | 04:48 |
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indraveni | I read about the rosetta, and I just want to confirm one small thin | 04:49 |
indraveni | Rosetta, is an application which will fetch the strings to be translated from the pacakge and gives the user and the user need to translate those strings, is it right | 04:50 |
indraveni | (or) Rosetta itself does the translation if we upload the package to it | 04:50 |
indraveni | mrevell, hi | 04:51 |
mrevell | indraveni: Hi | 04:51 |
indraveni | mrevell, have you seen my query? any idea about this doubt? | 04:52 |
=== mrevell reads up | ||
mrevell | indraveni: Rosetta is an application that makes it easy for people to translate strings. It doesn't do the translation itself. However, it does have a large library of strings that it already knows about, so can sometimes make suggestions. | 04:53 |
indraveni | ok | 05:02 |
indraveni | mrevell, but in the tour there is no way how to upload a pacakge and how to translate, only the steps are explained | 05:02 |
statik | danilos: ^ | 05:03 |
mrevell | indraveni: Have you seen our Feature Guide? https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/SoftwareTranslation | 05:03 |
mrevell | indraveni: That'll give you a good overview of how translations work. Then, as statik has suggested, danilos or carlos are the best people to help you. They're part of our Launchpad Translations team. | 05:04 |
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indu | indraveni is now known as indu | 05:05 |
indu | mrevell, ok thankyou | 05:05 |
indu | mrevell, could you please tell me the chat name of statik | 05:06 |
mrevell | indu: Have you set up a project already? | 05:06 |
indu | mrevell, and danies | 05:06 |
indu | mrevell, yes, | 05:06 |
mrevell | indu: Great. What's the project name? | 05:07 |
mrevell | BOSS | 05:07 |
mrevell | ? | 05:07 |
indu | mrevell, BOSS | 05:07 |
indu | mrevell, yes | 05:07 |
mrevell | indu: statik is Elliot Murphy's chat name. | 05:07 |
mrevell | indu: Carlos and Danilos are the chat names of the Translations guys. | 05:08 |
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indu | mrevell, ok thanks a lot | 05:08 |
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danilos | hey indu | 05:08 |
indu | mrevell, One person from Ubuntu has come to our center and he met me | 05:09 |
indu | mrevell, I forgot the name all of a sudden | 05:09 |
mrevell | indu: Ah, excellent. Was it Matt Barker? | 05:09 |
indu | danilos, hi | 05:09 |
danilos | indu, if you need help with Launchpad Translations, just ping me :) | 05:09 |
indu | danilos, sure , just now mrevell given me a guide link, I need to study that, later I will ping you | 05:09 |
indu | mrevell, yes, I think its matt Baerker | 05:10 |
danilos | indu: sure | 05:10 |
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bostik | hi all again | 05:11 |
bostik | Znarl: are u there ? | 05:11 |
indu | mrevell, he talked with me, and said that Elliot is the right person to contact | 05:11 |
indu | mrevell, danilos anyway, thankyou for your help | 05:11 |
mrevell | indu: Ah, I see. Elliot is always happy to help. | 05:12 |
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Znarl | bostik : Hello, can you join #ubuntu-mirrors to ask mirror related questions? | 05:12 |
statik | indu: hi again. Are you looking for specific help on getting uploading your translations for some projects into rosetta? | 05:13 |
indu | statik, yes | 05:14 |
indu | statik, I want to see the sample , for which I need to steps to proceed further | 05:14 |
bostik | Znarl: yes, sure | 05:14 |
statik | indu: it's probably helpful to talk about this with a specific example. what project to you want to start with? | 05:15 |
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indu | statik, I am a development team member of BOSS a debian based distribution | 05:15 |
indu | statik, and we are also doing locallization for the gnome | 05:16 |
indu | statik, so I want use rosetta for translating the gnome packages, | 05:16 |
danilos | indu: well, there are several ways for you to proceed | 05:17 |
indu | danilos, please let me know them | 05:18 |
indu | daily you all will be available here in this timings? | 05:19 |
danilos | indu: the easy way (at least for us) is to upload a tarball with all the PO files | 05:19 |
indu | danilos, ok | 05:20 |
indu | danilos, then? | 05:20 |
danilos | indu: yes, I am here between 10UTC and 18UTC every work day | 05:20 |
indu | danilos, but that is the end of the day for us :( | 05:20 |
danilos | indu: another is to set up automatic system, but that's a lot more work for us, and we'd have to wait for carlos (who is on holidays, and only back on Monday) | 05:20 |
danilos | indu: I am commonly here even earlier (sometimes as early as 6UTC), but it depends | 05:21 |
indu | danilos, ok, let us see this procedure for now | 05:21 |
indu | where do i need to upload this tar ball | 05:22 |
danilos | indu: when you register a product, you can choose to use Launchpad for translations | 05:22 |
danilos | indu: do you already have a product registered in LP (shorthand for Launchpad ;)? | 05:22 |
indu | danilos, yes | 05:23 |
indu | danilos, it is BOSS | 05:24 |
indu | http://launchpad.net/boss | 05:24 |
danilos | indu: if you go to https://translations.launchpad.net/BOSS can you see "Upload Translations" among actions? | 05:24 |
statik | danilos: BOSS is registered as a distro | 05:24 |
danilos | statik: ah, right, thanks | 05:31 |
indu | danilos, no, that option is not available | 05:31 |
danilos | indu: ok, so no "upload translations" for you since it's registered as a distro | 05:31 |
indu | danilos, may be | 05:31 |
danilos | indu: unfortunately, we don't have a perfect solution for this at the moment; we've got the option of automating it just the way we do for Ubuntu, but carlos is more proficient in that area so I'd have to talk to him on Monday about it | 05:31 |
danilos | indu: btw, is it only GNOME you want to translate for BOSS? | 05:31 |
danilos | indu: if it's only GNOME packages, I suspect you may want to use GNOME packages in Ubuntu | 05:31 |
indu | danilos, danilos I was it for Indian language translations | 05:33 |
danilos | indu: ah, so you want to use Launchpad to translate GNOME regardless of BOSS? Then, at the moment, the right thing to do is to translate Ubuntu packages for GNOME | 05:33 |
danilos | indu: do you have any specific GNOME version in mind, or do you want the latest one? | 05:35 |
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indu | danilos, anyway, I can wait till monday as this is the weekend | 05:36 |
indu | danilos, no no, i was to translate gnome with BOSS only | 05:37 |
indu | but where does it differ | 05:37 |
indu | danilos, anyway, i need to translate gnome pacakges and then rebuild BOSS. Right? | 05:37 |
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danilos | indu: well, that's how it usually works (though, we provide something much better for ubuntu, but doing it for other distros is much work) | 05:40 |
danilos | indu: (for ubuntu, we automatically build language packs so no rebuilding packages is required) | 05:41 |
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indu | danilos, Idint understand your last statement of ubuntu way, | 06:01 |
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indu | danilos, but I will talk to you about this later | 06:01 |
indu | danilos, as now its very late for me to go home | 06:01 |
danilos | indu: sure, talk to you later | 06:01 |
indu | danilos, thankyou, will talk to you on monday | 06:01 |
indu | danilos, bye | 06:01 |
indu | danilos, good day | 06:01 |
danilos | indu: great, looking forward to hearing from you, bye | 06:02 |
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ubotu | New bug: #108171 in launchpad "launchpad.net/malone/bugs/NNN should redirect to launchpad.net/bugs/NNN" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108171 | 06:40 |
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bac | statik: ping | 07:50 |
statik | bac: hi | 07:51 |
bac | statik: you have time for a quick call? | 07:51 |
statik | bac: sure, starting skype | 07:52 |
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get21 | hello | 07:56 |
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get21 | i have some question, is anyone here pls ? | 07:56 |
kiko | yes | 07:56 |
kiko | there are many people here pls | 07:56 |
get21 | kiko :) my english is bad but i hope you understand me | 07:57 |
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get21 | i just registe at https://launchpad.net to command ubuntu CDs but now i want to delete my accound | 07:57 |
kiko | get21, so far it's been all good | 07:57 |
get21 | how can i do this ? | 07:57 |
kiko | get21, so there is no automatic way to delete accounts, but you can request to have it deactivated | 07:57 |
kiko | visit answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/ | 07:58 |
kiko | and file a new question | 07:58 |
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get21 | i search on the website and i find this | 08:00 |
get21 | currently it's not possible to delete an account. As a workaround you can remove all your personal details from your launchpad home page. | 08:00 |
get21 | not very good but...this is it :( | 08:01 |
get21 | but if i dont open my accound on 60 days he will autoremove ? | 08:01 |
kiko | get21, no, but if you file a request we can get it removed. | 08:04 |
get21 | if you file a request ? can you exaplin me ? you want to tell me to put a "cerer" on forum ? | 08:05 |
get21 | ah :( | 08:06 |
get21 | wait 2 sec | 08:06 |
get21 | "cerere" = application | 08:06 |
get21 | sorry for my.. :) | 08:06 |
apokryphos | kiko: hi again :) | 08:09 |
kiko | apokryphos! | 08:09 |
kiko | remind me what account that was. | 08:09 |
get21 | kiko , me ? | 08:10 |
apokryphos | kiko: I'm ~apokryphos and the dormant one is ~francis | 08:10 |
kiko | apokryphos, so this guy imported a template once.. | 08:12 |
kiko | why don't you email him first? | 08:12 |
apokryphos | kiko: ok, sure | 08:12 |
apokryphos | kiko: shall I tell him to contact you with the ok if he's fine with it? | 08:13 |
kiko | apokryphos, yes. | 08:13 |
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get21 | kiko, whare can i reguest to remove my account ? | 08:27 |
kiko | https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion | 08:30 |
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LaserJock | hi kiko | 08:30 |
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kiko | hey LaserJock | 08:31 |
get21 | thx kiko, have a good day | 08:36 |
get21 | goodbye | 08:36 |
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ubotu | New bug: #108240 in launchpad "SourcePackage and DistributionSourcePackage should have a common anscestor" [Undecided,Unconfirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108240 | 09:20 |
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ubotu | New bug: #108246 in launchpad-answers "SourcePackage shouldn't directly provide IQuestionTarget" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108246 | 09:35 |
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beijing | hi, tinyurl.com is blocked in the country i'm staying. would someone provide me the full URL. thanks | 10:09 |
beijing | of the channel logs | 10:09 |
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matsubara | beijing: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ | 10:13 |
beijing | matsubara: got it. many thanks! | 10:13 |
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JanC | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/107938 I think I have a rosetta bug + a strange translation import/export(?) bug here... | 11:02 |
ubotu | Malone bug 107938 in apt "Dutch text in apt-get displayed at the wrong place" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Jan Claeys (janc) | 11:02 |
JanC | looks like some machine-proposed fuzzy translations got into the translations without checking | 11:03 |
JanC | plus some .po import bug ? | 11:07 |
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