
=== adamant1988 [n=chatzill@doc-24-206-202-2.el.wv.cebridge.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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MehdiHassanpourany one has the new ubuntu cover pic in bigger size ?12:55
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BHSPitMonkeyhey guys01:47
BHSPitMonkeywe're not doing too good01:47
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Madpilotbah. http://digg.com/Digg_Is_Full_Of_Whingers01:51
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=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-marketing.log
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-marketing: Welcome to the Ubuntu Marketing Team's IRC channel | We're here to fix Bug #1 | Keep in mind that whatever your LoCo does, any other LoCo can benefit from your work or experience! | Please sign up to the mailing list, ubuntu-marketing at lists.ubuntu.com | Beuno is doing UWN | UWN #36 is out, UWN #37 is in progress to be released Sunday April 15th | "My marketing efforts will dominate your face" :P | somerville32 is back!
=== Topic (#ubuntu-marketing): set by beuno at Sun Apr 15 21:36:24 2007
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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montigab78hello to every body...09:48
=== Tm_T hides the bodies
Tm_Twhat murder?09:49
Tm_TI haven't seen any dead bodies09:49
montigab78I have translated the latest UWN in italian, but I'm experiencing problems updating it...09:49
MehdiHassanpouranybody has the feisty cover pic in bigger size10:02
MehdiHassanpourI need it for our front page10:02
MehdiHassanpourmaybe with this size http://www.ubuntu-ir.org/htdocs/ubuntuir/menu/edgy-cover-mid.jpg10:02
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jendajuliux: You have experience making localised CD cases, don't you?03:29
juliuxjenda, i know who did some but i never did it03:29
jendaok, who did?03:29
jendaDo you know how much it cost them?03:30
juliuxthey only make isos03:30
juliuxno pressed cds or dvds03:30
jendabut do they make covers?03:30
jendais what I meant :)03:30
juliuxwe just presse the originial ubuntu iso03:30
jendaI meant - localised CD covers/boxes/cases/that thing 03:31
juliuxah ok03:31
juliuxwe payed 0,72 per dvd inc. printed cover, printed and pressed cd and box03:31
juliuxbut we made more then 2000 pressed dvds03:31
jendahmm, that sounds promising.03:32
juliuxwe take 800dvds, a german book shop 500, a company 200 and the german unix user group 70003:33
juliuxi think we will make for 7.10 again dvds03:35
jendaDid you do this for 7.04?03:35
jendaor was it 6.06/6.1003:35
juliuxwe give them away for 2-5 03:43
juliuxbut students and schools get them for free03:43
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jendajuliux: whee, one business shirt ordered - I'll sum it all up before the deadline, so that you don't get a ton of individual orders from me.03:48
juliuxjenda, exallent03:48
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juliuxnixternal, ping06:33
jendajuliux: have you spammed the forums with the offer of per-order shirts?06:35
juliuxjenda, not yet06:35
juliuxjenda, only the german one06:35
jendaI'll try to find out if I can get you a sticky.06:35
juliuxjenda, on ubuntuforums was no real replay after the first shirt session06:35
juliuxjenda, my idea is to contact the locoteams over the weekend, so they can distribut the idea;)06:36
juliuxit is easier for me to send the shirts only to one person;)06:36
jendaI'll still ask if you can get the sticky on the fo06:39
jendayou can charge more there, if you like06:39
jenda(ie. better price for locoteams than individuals06:39
jendaIt'd even be cool if you upped the price, for example, by 1 (extra) euro, and gave that to the forums ;)06:40
juliuxnormaly locoteams get a better price;)06:40
jendaam I considered a locoteam? :-D06:40
juliuxbut only if i get one! order;)06:40
nixternaljuliux: pong?06:44
juliuxnixternal, sorry have to go, i will talk with you tommorow06:45
jendawas just gonna ask him something...06:46
jendadamn, someone's having a barbecue in the park and I'm not sure if my keyboard can stand all my drooling :/06:46
nixternalI am bbq'n tonight06:46
=== jenda dies a slow painful death
=== jenda looooves barbecue
jendaIt's one thing you don't get enough of outside the amercian continent :)06:47
nixternalvery true06:47
=== BHSPitMonkey [n=stephen@adsl-68-95-247-151.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgworkhim, no beuno07:01
Burgworkboredandblogging: you around and want to work on teh UWN?07:02
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boredandbloggingBurgwork, 10:53
boredandbloggingBurgwork, I'm around now, will start filling it up10:53
Burgworksounds good10:54
boredandbloggingBurgundavia, did we want to add anything special for the feisty release?10:55
Burgworkfirst story10:56
Burgworkand a special story on feisty press coverage10:56
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