
superm1well minor word of warning.  debian bug 37387112:29
ubotuDebian bug 373871 in unknown "IR Transmitting broke (ubuntu dapper pulling debian package)" [Important,Open]  http://bugs.debian.org/37387112:29
superm1i filed that with debian almost a year ago, when IR transmitting broke for all my serial transmitters12:30
RtaxI have the pvr150 with transmitter, but living in South Africa, they don't have the codesets for my receiver12:30
superm1since then we (ubuntu), have done a cvs snapshot package - but the problem still exists12:30
superm1and i havent been able to nail it12:30
Rtaxthat might be why I couldn't get it to work on edgy12:31
superm1so i only use mceusb2 transmitters now12:31
superm1its broken in debian etch too12:31
RtaxI might need to get an mceusb transmitter12:31
superm1it doesnt effect everyone, some still report success12:31
superm1the mceusb2 transmitters are a bit picky though too12:32
RtaxBy the way, back to myth install12:32
RtaxIn mythtv-setup, what is the correct procedure to get your channels into the db?12:33
Rtaxscan for channels?12:33
RtaxI'm using composit input12:33
majoridiotare you using a grabber for program listings?12:33
Rtaxthere isn't a working one for SA again12:34
Rtaxso I use an xml file12:34
majoridiotwith xmltv?12:34
Rtaxproblem is if I just do a mythfilldatabse --manual, it doesn't have any info, so I have to try and remember the 127 channels12:35
Rtaxsome guys have written a scraper to get the listings of our sat provider's webpage12:36
Rtaxand they put it into an xmltv format12:36
majoridiotthen use xmltv as the "grabber", point it at your xml file and it should fill using that.12:37
majoridiotscan for channels first, or you can "grab channels from source" if all of the channels in the xml file are valid channels for your receiver.12:37
Rtaxno xmltv option in grabber? I'm sure it used to be there12:39
=== tgm4883 [n=tgm4883@c-67-160-174-176.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rtaxshould I install the xmltv packages?12:43
superm1Rtax, xmltv does need to be installed afaik12:43
tgm4883I can stream HD content over firewire right?12:45
majoridiotif it is not encrypted, yes.12:45
majoridiot(keeping in mind you need the power to then play the files)12:46
majoridiotwhat STB are you using?12:46
tgm4883I assume that the power that is needed is just to play HD and not any extra power becuase im using firewire12:46
tgm4883I have a motorola 6200 from comcast12:46
majoridiotright.  to decode the stream only.  streaming/recording takes minimal resources.12:47
tgm4883yea i have a pcHDTV 5500 that gets the HD right now, but I just upgraded my cable and want to get the discovery HD and espn hd on the mythtv12:47
majoridiot"general firewire notes" tells you how to check to see if channels are encrypted.12:47
majoridiot(be usre to check channels that do not tune properly for BOTH 5C and CCI 0x02 flags)12:48
majoridiotespn HD i can say for SURE should not be CCI encoded12:49
majoridiot5c, possibly.12:49
=== Xenocide [n=xeno@rrcs-70-60-97-150.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Xenocidemajoridiot, i got my nvidia card today, all my problems are gone and everything looks SO GOOD!12:50
=== majoridiot takes that back. ESPNHD should not have any encryption at all.
Xenocidethe picture isn't all blurry and crap12:50
majoridiotYAY @ Xenocide12:50
Xenocideit looks like real tv12:51
majoridiotnvidia for life.12:51
Xenocideyup yup12:51
Xenocideand xVmc works too12:51
Xenocideno cpu load difference but i guess ill leave it on incase i do HD12:51
majoridiothow much load did xvmc take off?12:51
Xenocideuses 18% cpu regardless12:51
majoridiotyou know, i never got it working either.12:51
Xenocideno no, it works12:51
Rtaxummm, there doesn't seem to be a way in mythtv to set up xmltv to point to a file...12:51
Xenocideyou can tell because the OSD turns grey12:52
majoridiotin fact, xvmc loaded MORE than without.  lol12:52
Xenocidewell are you doing SD?12:52
majoridiotRtax: i'm looking...12:52
Xenocidei believe it doesn't make m uch of a difference with SD12:52
Xenocideonly with old processors12:52
Xenocidehm really12:52
majoridiot(new processors)12:52
Xenocidenow if i want to upscale SD to an hdtv i should use xVmc right?12:52
Rtaxok, thanks, I installed xmltv, but ivtv wasn't installed, so I've done that and am rebooting12:53
Xenocidehow well do the channel icons work?12:53
majoridiotIMO, they are ugly.12:53
superm1Rtax, ivtv drivers are installed by default on Feisty12:53
majoridioti never bothered installing them on this latest install.12:54
Xenocideive never tried them, was just wondering12:54
Rtaxwasn't on the in the package lsit12:54
Xenocidei swear feisty mythfrontend uses more cpu12:54
superm1Rtax, the kernel modules load though12:54
superm1by themselves12:54
superm1Rtax, if you need the ivtv-tune app though, ivtv-utils isnt installed by default12:54
tgm4883err, on the 6200, does anyone know if the active ports show 0 when no cables are hooked up?  Or should i see active ports no matter what?12:54
Xenocidetgm4883, how are you seeing active ports, i can check for you, just installed one today12:55
majoridiotyou should show one active12:55
tgm4883im running through to see if the channels are encrypted12:55
majoridiot(unless they changed firmware recently)12:55
tgm4883i don't have the firewire hooked up yet12:55
majoridiotno... i take that back12:56
majoridiotyou should show 1394 ENABLED12:56
majoridiotACTIVE only when plugged into the pc12:56
tgm4883im having the hardest time getting into that menu12:56
tgm4883i got in once12:57
majoridiotit's quick... power button then OK12:57
tgm4883must have been lucky12:57
majoridiotah... try just HITTING the OK, not holding it12:57
tgm4883well.....im in something, but it's not the diag menu12:58
majoridiotwhite screen?12:58
tgm4883screen is blank, but the front of the box says d 0112:59
majoridiothm.  that's the diagnostic screen.12:59
tgm4883and with the arrows i can go up to d 18, then a single e12:59
=== majoridiot wonders why it's not displaying
majoridiotis it connected to an HDTV?12:59
tgm4883yea, but its connected via rg6, let me hook up the component01:00
majoridiotyeah... try that.01:00
majoridiotthe fp display is showing you are getting into diag menu01:00
tgm4883ahh much bette01:04
majoridiotrtax... i think i have a solution for xmltv01:04
tgm4883ok 1394 does say enabled01:04
majoridiot:) @ tgm488301:04
majoridiotthen you are good to go to see what's available on fw01:05
majoridiotwho is your cable provider?01:05
tgm4883ok so im looking for 5c implementation and01:05
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tgm4883is cci copy control?01:06
tgm4883i wasn't seeing cci anywhere01:06
majoridiothope for 0x00 on all channels01:06
majoridiotcci is under menu item D601:07
majoridiotat the bottom left of the screen, likely01:07
tgm48830x00 would equal copy free?  Cause that is what is under d1101:08
majoridiotcool... they put it on that screen too01:08
majoridiot0x00 means you can stream that channel firewire01:08
tgm4883so this just means that it is unencrypted over firewire even though it is encrypted over just the cable?01:09
tgm4883I ask because i cant view it with just my atsc tuner01:10
majoridiotbut you pay for that channel, right?01:10
majoridiotoh wait... yeah makes sense01:10
majoridiotthe cable box demuxes and decrypts the stream...01:11
majoridiotthen sends it out firewire01:11
tgm4883ticks me off that the discovery hd is encrypted, its in the middle of my broadcast channels01:11
majoridiotthe atsc card would be getting an encrypted stream.01:11
=== majoridiot doesn't get discovery HD
tgm4883gotta get your mythbusters in HD01:12
majoridiotwell, it looks like someone needs to take a crack at the firewire guide and get it set up01:12
=== majoridiot wished he could...
majoridiotlove that show.01:12
Xenocidebest show on that chanel along with dirty jobs01:13
Xenocideive been getting into deadliest catch too01:13
tgm4883although the gf loves the planet earth thing01:13
Xenocidemeant to watch those, never got around to it01:13
Xenocidecute fuzzy things right?01:14
tgm4883unfortunatly i am going to need another ir receiver as my current one is going to go bye bye01:14
tgm4883no room for my pvr-150 with the firewire card01:14
Xenocidemine was DOA had to rma my whole pvr card01:14
majoridiottgm4883: be SURE not to plug/unplug the firewire cable between the computer and STB with the computer power on01:14
tgm4883ah, good to know, cause i would have tried that01:14
majoridiotthe guide says not to... just wanted to emphasize it01:15
majoridiot(it makes the node jump around)01:15
tgm4883what is a good ir receiver (I suppose either usb or serial).  Hopefully something I can pick up in town01:15
Xenocidewhat kinda remote01:15
tgm4883take your pick, i have a vizio remote that came with my tv (has some universal functions), i have a remote that came with my motorola 6200, i have a urc-6131nw01:16
majoridiot(cool shite)01:16
Xenocidei built one from an xbox dvd dongle but it only accepts rca remotes01:16
tgm4883that reminds me01:17
tgm4883i have an xbox dvd remote01:17
superm1Xenocide, your new card was DOA?01:17
Xenocideno no01:17
Xenocidenew one works01:17
tgm4883does the network remote feature for mythtv work?01:17
superm1ah good :)01:17
Xenocidei got my nvidia card too, i am SOOOO happy01:17
superm1Xenocide, nice01:17
superm1doing some HD stuff yet?01:17
tgm4883cause i could use that too01:17
superm1or is that the next step01:17
Xenocideno hd service01:17
superm1ah ok01:17
Xenocideneed an hd tuner first, t hats a few months away01:17
Xenocide? though, with the pvr ir setup01:18
Xenocidecan i have my volume up and down buttons mapped to output to my reciever?01:18
superm1with the pvr150 blaster ya,01:18
Xenocideany guide for that?01:18
superm1see the feisty lirc guide01:19
superm1explains how to setup the blaster01:19
Rtaxthanks for your help guys01:19
Rtaxi got to go to bed, 1.20am now01:20
Rtaxgot mythtv working01:20
Rtaxthats huge! from starting to install feisty to finished with beryl and everything in about 4 hours01:20
Xenocidedo i not also have to map that somehow from my remote to the new one in the lircd01:20
majoridiotRtax: i have an xmltv solution01:21
majoridiot:D @ Rtax awesome!01:21
tgm4883i just need a standard firewire cable with a 6 pin connector on each side right, nothing special?01:23
majoridiotnicer quality preferred01:23
tgm4883nicer quality as in?01:23
majoridiotnot the cheapest01:24
majoridiotshould have good shielding, etc.01:24
majoridiotfor testing, whatever you have laying around01:24
tgm4883so much for going to risky01:24
tgm4883i dont have any with two 6 pin heads01:24
majoridiotcan ya get a cheap one locally?01:25
majoridiotget a cheap one to test with... if it's gonna work, gimme yer address and i'll mail you one.01:25
tgm4883i think so, there is a electrical store (they have all sorts of cool stuff)01:25
=== majoridiot has loads
tgm4883i'll grab a cheap one, would a 4 pin to 6 pin adapter work?  cause i do have a 6 to 4 cable01:26
majoridiotthe adapter should work as a temp solution, yes.01:27
tgm4883sweet back in about 20 minutes01:27
majoridiotdrive safely01:27
majoridiotxuperm1: the box has already served up 120+ feistys since this morning :D01:35
majoridiothehe superm1 that is01:35
majoridiotmunch... biab01:51
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tgm4883dang traffic02:02
tgm4883got me a good cable though02:02
=== majoridiot is eating
majoridiotbut the active port on your box is likely the onle on the right- as viewed from the back02:03
tgm4883got me a monster ultimate premium elite firewire cable, on sale for 96.9902:03
tgm4883sorry, not elite02:04
tgm4883it says 1337 on the package02:04
tgm4883that means its good right02:04
tgm4883endorsed by linux torvalds02:04
tgm4883who is that?02:04
majoridiota hack.02:04
tgm4883so is this a good cable? it has pure plutonium coated ends02:05
majoridiottoo good, really.02:05
=== majoridiot told you to get a cheap one to test with
tgm4883sweet, only the best for my 21 in b/w02:05
majoridiotseriously... i would have send you a good one for nothing.02:05
tgm4883im kidding02:06
tgm4883the whole things a hoax02:06
tgm4883sometime i crack myself up02:06
tgm48836 feet for like 9 bucks02:06
majoridiotya never know... a $100 monster fw cable is real02:06
tgm4883i know02:06
majoridiotthat's good enough02:06
tgm4883i would never buy a 100 monster cable though02:07
tgm4883now to pull my firewire card02:07
=== majoridiot nearly shat himself when he saw the $300+ HDMI HD cables
tgm4883i love how they tell you how superior it is02:07
tgm4883even though digital is digital i always wondered how interference effected it02:08
tgm4883now there's a mythbusters episode02:08
=== majoridiot can detect .01% signal degradation @ 16 feet
tgm4883on hdmi?02:09
majoridiotkinda like "premium" vitamins?02:09
majoridioton mars, baby.02:09
tgm4883suppose i should have checked my firewire card first02:10
majoridiot4 pin?02:11
tgm4883no its 6 pin02:11
majoridiotwhaz the prob?02:11
tgm4883that would of been funny though02:11
tgm4883nothing yet.02:11
majoridiotyes, it would have.02:11
tgm4883just should have checked for compatibility02:11
majoridiotit'll be fine.  have faith.02:11
tgm4883i have to install it in the mythtv box first02:11
majoridiotwhat brand/chipset?02:12
majoridiotunless it's a reall oddball, you should be ok.02:13
majoridioti bought a $16 aopen card that works like a champ.02:13
majoridiotlucent?  you should be ok.02:13
tgm4883ive had this thing for years02:13
majoridioteven better02:13
majoridiotolder is usually a great thing02:13
tgm4883hope so02:14
tgm4883dang it02:17
tgm4883i forgot to hook up the firewire cable02:17
tgm4883i knew it as soon as i powered on02:18
majoridiotthat's how it usually happens02:18
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tgm4883_accidently unplugged the cable modem02:38
tgm4883_do we know which plug on the back of the 6200?02:39
tgm4883_i used the left02:39
tgm4883_hey look, i quit02:39
majoridiotlikely the right hand one as viewed from the back02:39
=== tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883
tgm4883i used the left02:40
majoridioti TOLD you that...02:40
majoridiotup there ^^^02:40
tgm4883after i asked the first time?02:40
tgm4883see, that would be when i unplugged the cable modem02:41
tgm4883and didnt see it02:41
=== majoridiot is pretty sure it says that in the firewire guide too
tgm4883:( this is going to take forever with the repos being so slow02:45
majoridiotuse a mirror02:45
tgm4883good thing i got lots of time :)02:45
tgm4883oh yea02:45
majoridiotnot much to install anyway02:45
tgm4883i forgot to set that up02:45
majoridiotif you are using feisty, about all you will need is libiec61883-dev and the scripts.02:46
tgm4883i just finished getting the libiec02:47
tgm4883one questions on the guide02:47
tgm4883i ran plug report and it came back with node 1 being active (looks similar to the guide) so does that mean that it is plugged into the correct port on the stb?  Or do i need to go back into diag mode on it?02:49
majoridiotyer good to go02:49
majoridiotcarry on...02:49
tgm4883right stb port?02:49
majoridiotapparently so02:50
tgm4883sweet, its great that all my electronics are starting to work correctly02:50
majoridiot(it is possible that both ports might be active)02:50
tgm4883:( i went into the stb diag just to check and it still says 1394 not active02:51
majoridiotbecause it is not streaming02:51
Xenocidehey majoridiot  when i move back to raleigh for the summer and the tv channels are different do i just delete all channels in mythtv setup, and get them again from datadirect? do i need to do anything else with my database to update recording schedules and such?02:51
tgm4883then the guide confuses me02:52
majoridiotXenocide: when you move, just delete that channel "source", set up a new one with your new datadirect data and fill the database02:52
Xenocideoh so it will automatically do everything else for me?02:53
majoridiotyour recording schedules, etc. will need reset as well, as the channels will change02:54
majoridiottgm4883: you show 0 active ports on screen D11?02:56
tgm4883it says active, then under that it says no02:56
majoridiotit should say 1394 I/O device INST / active ports 102:58
tgm4883page 3 says active ports 102:58
tgm4883my bad02:58
majoridiotpage ?02:58
majoridiotyou must have different firmware.02:58
tgm4883yea on the diag there are 4 pages02:59
tgm4883just under d1102:59
majoridiothm.  mine is like the 3rd entry on page 1 of D1102:59
majoridiotdiff firmware.02:59
majoridiotyou are good to go... if you got data on the plugreport, just keep going02:59
tgm4883first page on mine just gives me all the different ports03:00
tgm4883whether they are enabled03:00
tgm4883and whether they are active03:00
tgm4883whats the ethernet for ?03:00
majoridiotbut not for 1394?  odd.03:00
majoridiotafaik, the usb, ethernet and sata are all disabled.03:00
majoridiotin theory, for home networking.03:01
tgm4883yea it gives me 1394, but only tells me enabled and active, and for some reason not active on this screen but active on another03:01
tgm4883interesting because according to this, usb and ethernet are enabled03:01
majoridiotthey just don't do anything03:02
majoridiot(i tried hacking into them before settling on firewire, 'lo these many months ago)03:03
majoridioti made a change to the guide re: firmware03:06
tgm4883lol i was freaking out03:12
tgm4883non of the firewire tests were passing03:12
tgm4883i was still in the diag menu03:12
majoridiotthe box does need to be turned on03:12
majoridiotand tuned to a good channel03:12
tgm4883im on espn hd03:13
majoridiotand plugged into the cable feed coming from the wall03:13
majoridiot(it's the black snake-looking thing with the shiny end)03:13
tgm4883getting success on p2p 4 to 5 times out of 503:13
tgm4883could you send a picture03:13
majoridiottry broadcast03:13
majoridioti recommend broadcast- it is the most stable for me03:14
tgm4883that seems to be successfull 100% after the first run03:15
tgm4883sudo ./firewire_tester -b -P 0 -n 1 -r 5 (100% every time)03:15
majoridiotit will get finicky from time to time.. but the primer for it makes it 99% effective or better03:15
majoridiotyou got a good stb, then.03:15
tgm4883hmm, is there a problem with having two different zap2it accounts?03:26
majoridiotonly one channel lineup per account03:26
majoridiotdunno if they limit # of accts per email address or not03:27
tgm4883i have 2 though03:27
tgm4883lineups that is03:27
majoridiotreally?  i've tried that a number of times... never works.03:27
majoridiot(same zipcode?_03:27
tgm4883one digital cable, one analog cable03:27
tgm4883did you try doing the same type of cable?03:28
tgm4883cause thats failing for me03:28
majoridiotwill only allow one line-up per provider, im my experience03:28
tgm4883if i only have comcast digital setup in zap2it, how do i setup my hdtv 5500 so it only record the channels it can see?  is that when i scan for channels with it?03:29
majoridioti have never been able to reliably set that up03:29
majoridioti change the recording input manually03:30
majoridiotand switch between tuners manually to go from analog to digital03:30
tgm4883im gonna setup a second zap2it account with a second email i have03:30
majoridiotit will *kind of* do it automatically if each tuner has its own source and the channels you don't want the tuner to have been deleted03:31
majoridiotbut even then, i found it wholly unreliable.03:31
tgm4883what kind of reliablity issues?  I didn't have any problems running my pvr-150 and my hdtv 5500 through 1 zap2it account with 2 channel lineups03:35
majoridiote.g. having mythtv automatically switch from tuner 1 on an analog channel to a digital channel over firewire by selecting the channel in the EPG03:36
tgm4883random switch or was it actually trying to do something?03:38
majoridiotsometimes it would switch, most times it would do nothing03:38
majoridiotthe docs claim a round-robin attempt at channel tuning, but i have never had it work properly03:39
majoridiotdunno.  it's a petty bitch for all of the awesome things it will do.03:40
tgm4883do you have a single channel lineup?03:40
majoridioti've tried with both one and two lineups.03:40
tgm4883when you had 2 channel lineups, do you remember if any of the channels overlapped?03:41
majoridiotno overlap03:41
tgm4883that is strange03:42
tgm4883i wonder03:42
tgm4883is it possible that your ir receiver cable was getting interference from anything?03:42
tgm4883now im just shooting in the dark03:43
majoridiotnope.  it displayed the attempt... i.e. put the channel # on the OSD03:43
majoridiotjust failed to tune and stayed on the channel it was on03:44
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majoridiottgm4883: did you get firewire working in mythtv?05:00
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tgm4883not yet06:17
tgm4883went to have dinner and back now, but getting card 0 (type ) is set to start on channel 2, which does not exist06:17
majoridiotunfortunately, i got that when i tried to use more than one source06:18
majoridiottry deleting the card inputs and try again06:19
tgm4883i already did that06:19
tgm4883im wondering if it has something to do with the firewire06:20
majoridiotthat's a database error06:20
tgm4883do you get any confirmation when you fetch the channels?06:20
majoridiotthe start channel will change from 0 to the first channel in your channel profile06:21
tgm4883maybe thats my problem06:21
tgm4883let me try something06:21
tgm4883ok, i removed all my cards and video sources and then exited, didn't give me any errors that time. Now im back in and scanning for channels on my hd 550006:32
tgm4883i think when i was changing stuff with the sources it screwed something up06:33
majoridiotthat's usually how it happens to me06:33
tgm4883i think i just changed a source around instead of deleting it and creating a new one06:33
majoridiotsome odd combinations of actions it doesn't like06:33
tgm4883but we will know for sure in about 5 minutes when its done scanning06:33
majoridiot5 minutes to scan?06:33
tgm4883i did update and found that when i went into mythtv-setup it asked if I wanted to stop the backend06:34
tgm4883nice addition06:34
tgm4883well about 3 minutes06:34
majoridiotwasn't it tho?06:34
tgm4883i scan cable high qam 25606:34
tgm4883i would always forget to stop that when i needed to06:35
majoridiotwhy do you scan instead of adding them from the source?06:35
majoridiotyeah... it was a nag.  superm1 tossed that change in with the last batch.06:36
tgm4883i should just add them from source, but im trying something different with the listing and want to see if it works06:36
tgm4883i set the 5500 lineup as broadcast and only the hd channels06:37
tgm4883even though it gets the channels over cable06:37
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tgm4883looks good, no errors, running mythfilldatabase06:38
tgm4883on a plus note, I may be able to use the ir receiver on my hd 550006:38
majoridiotwith the firewire tuner added too?06:38
majoridiotthat would be nice06:38
tgm4883i was checking the forums and there was some work being done on it and they seemed to have a solution for at least some remotes at the beginning of the year06:39
tgm4883not sure06:54
tgm4883thats the thread i read on it06:54
tgm4883im trying to find some more recent info though06:54
tgm4883it does look like they are saying it is lirc compatible via a patch06:56
=== majoridiot is reading that
majoridiothm.  it does look doable... albeit hackish.07:02
tgm4883yea thats what i was thinking07:03
tgm4883but i figured i would get the stb up first07:03
majoridiotbut hey, if that's what it takes until proper support comes along07:03
majoridiottgm4883: firewire working?07:22
tgm4883not quite, im getting the myth_prime.c07:23
tgm4883although it may be having some trouble getting it07:23
majoridiotwant it dcc?07:23
majoridiotcompiled already?07:23
tgm4883that would be great, but then your gonna have to help me ssh it to the box07:24
tgm4883i'll just use gftp for that07:24
majoridiotport 0 node 1 right?07:26
majoridiotthat one will work then07:27
tgm4883sudo echo "" > /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log isn't working for me07:29
tgm4883i dont think i have ever been able to use a sudo echo on anything07:29
tgm4883always get permission denied07:29
majoridiotreally?  that's ODD07:30
majoridiotjust with echo?07:30
tgm4883yea ive never really been able to use it07:30
majoridiot(that link is now fixed, ty)07:31
tgm4883i ran into this same problem when trying to adjust my cpu frequency07:31
tgm4883i know07:31
majoridiotwell, if you are just wanting to clear the log for testing, rm it.07:31
tgm4883I haven't checked it, but when i was working with my frequency, i couldn't open it in gedit either07:31
tgm4883i know07:32
majoridiotthat's really freakin odd, man.07:32
tgm4883but i could open it in vim07:32
tgm4883very weird07:32
tgm4883always tells me permission denied07:32
tgm4883even with the sudo07:32
tgm4883im like, im root dangit07:33
majoridiotit's protecting you from yourself07:33
tgm4883probably a good idea07:33
tgm4883ok i rm'ed it.  is it going to freak out if i dont recreate the file?07:33
majoridiotit'll make a new one.07:34
tgm4883ok question about the guide (maybe i haven't waited long enough)07:35
tgm4883sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start07:36
majoridiotwait for it...07:36
tgm4883that starts the server, but doesn't return me to a command prompt?07:36
majoridiotyou made all the changes to it already? (the init script?)07:36
majoridiotthen wait for it07:37
majoridiotit can take 15-20 secs sometimes if the connection is unstable07:37
tgm4883ah ok07:37
tgm4883yep, now must restart07:38
majoridiotprimed ok?07:38
tgm4883not sure yet07:38
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-mythtv.log
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(tgm4883/#ubuntu-mythtv) and im wondering if my gf watching channel 201 on the box when the mythtv thinks its supposed to be on 55 is causing a problem07:49
(majoridiot/#ubuntu-mythtv) um... YES07:49
(tgm4883/#ubuntu-mythtv) and thats the previewer file or something07:49
(majoridiot/#ubuntu-mythtv) one chan at a time only, dude07:50
(tgm4883/#ubuntu-mythtv) well of course its a problem07:50
(tgm4883/#ubuntu-mythtv) but is that what the error was ?07:50
(majoridiot/#ubuntu-mythtv) you can record on the stb and watch another channel over firewire, tho07:50
tgm4883i just didn't think about how it was already set to auto record07:50
majoridiotgo into mythtv setup and see which of your tuners is set to start on 5507:50
majoridiotthat is the one giving you the error07:51
tgm4883neither is set to start on 55 (firewire starts on 2, hdtv 5500 starts on 2_1)07:51
tgm4883but the hdtv 5500 only has like 8 channels07:51
tgm4883none of which are 5507:52
tgm4883so its got to be the stb07:52
majoridiotstop the backend07:52
majoridiotdelete the backend log07:52
majoridiotstart the backend again07:52
majoridiotwhen it is started, DCC me the backend log07:52
tgm4883ok, im going to stop the "recording" too07:53
tgm4883or you want me to leave it going07:53
tgm4883the channel 5507:53
majoridiotjust kill the backend07:53
tgm4883my backend status still thinks its recording07:53
majoridiotdid you have channel 55 set to record something?07:54
majoridiotbefore you started this process?07:54
tgm4883not really, friends is set to auto record on any channel at any time as long as nothing is scheduled to record07:54
tgm4883and it is on until 1107:55
majoridiotman you gave my stb bad mojo or something... i had to cycle the power to get it to prime again07:55
majoridiotwell, go in and cancel all recording for the next hor or so07:55
majoridiotyou don't want it to start grabbing onto tuners until you can test them07:55
=== majoridiot didn't realize this was an existing installation
tgm4883oh my bad07:57
majoridiotno... i just assumed07:58
majoridioti get people and their various states of installation confused.  no biggy.07:58
tgm4883ok, were good for 8 hours07:59
majoridiotstop the backend, delete the log, restart it and see what happend08:00
tgm4883ok, startingt, wait until command prompt08:01
tgm4883how long should it take?08:03
majoridiotno more than 20 secs08:03
majoridiot30 tops08:04
majoridiotit won't just hang08:04
majoridiotgive it time to return08:04
majoridiotthat way the integrity of the log is preserved08:04
majoridiotwe can see whaz up08:04
tgm4883its not doing this cause im doing all this through ssh is it?08:05
majoridiotthat's how i do it08:05
majoridiotyou did chmod +x all of the scripts, right?08:06
tgm4883just wanted to check08:06
majoridiotand checked their permissions?08:06
majoridiotls -l /usr/bin/myth_prime08:06
majoridiotls -l /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend08:07
tgm4883root owns both08:08
tgm4883that would be my problem right08:08
majoridiotbut what are the full perms?08:08
tgm4883-rw------- for myth_prime08:08
majoridiotno.  the init script runs at root08:08
majoridiotsudo chmod +x /usr/bin/myth_prime08:09
tgm4883-rwxr-xr-x for mythtvbackend08:09
majoridiotsudo chown mythtv:mythtv /usr/bin/mythtv08:10
majoridiotonce you do the chown08:11
majoridiotrm the log and restart the be08:11
tgm4883who owns /usr/bin/mythtv08:11
tgm4883i need to reset08:11
majoridiotno... hold on.08:11
majoridiotthat was a typo.08:11
tgm4883the dummy here copied down exactly what you wrote even though i had read the correction08:11
majoridiotsudo chown mythtv:mythtv /usr/bin/myth_prime08:11
tgm4883ok did that, but accidently did that to /usr/bin/mythtv too, so i need to fix that08:12
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tgm4883unless that is supposed to be owned by mythtv08:12
majoridiotno... s/b root08:13
majoridiotchange it back.  i'm sorry about that.08:13
tgm4883kill backend, delete log and restart backend?08:13
majoridiotor jusr rm an restart08:13
majoridiotno need to stop.08:14
tgm4883do you still want the log?08:14
majoridiotsee how quickly it restarts08:14
majoridiotyeah... go ahead and send it08:14
tgm4883is it possible to have multiple backends running?08:15
tgm4883on accident08:15
tgm4883on the same machine?08:15
tgm4883its still sitting at08:15
tgm48832007-04-19 23:14:43.793 Recording starts soon, AUTO-Startup assumed08:15
tgm4883i had to ctrl -c out of it last time08:16
majoridiotlooks like there is still a recording set08:16
majoridiotsudi killall mythbackend08:16
majoridiotwill kill 'em all... if there is more than one.08:17
majoridiotbut there shouldn't be more than one instance running08:17
tgm4883sudo killall mythbackend08:18
tgm4883ran it twice08:18
tgm4883second time got no process killed08:18
tgm4883which is good08:18
tgm4883but then did08:18
tgm4883sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend startmythbackend already running, use restart instead.08:19
tgm4883thats two lines08:19
tgm4883tells me to use restart instead08:19
majoridiotps -p `cat /var/run/mythtv/mythbackend.pid`08:19
majoridiotwill tell you if it is running08:20
tgm4883nope not running08:20
tgm4883so i will use restart then?08:20
tgm4883doesn't work08:20
tgm4883thomas@athena:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start08:20
tgm4883mythbackend already running, use restart instead.08:20
majoridiotsudo reboot08:21
tgm4883sounds good08:21
majoridiotlet it come back up, ssh in and look at the log08:21
majoridioti've had that happen before, btw08:21
majoridiotno idea why08:21
tgm4883ok were back up08:23
majoridiotps -p `cat /var/run/mythtv/mythbackend.pid`08:23
tgm4883up and running08:23
tgm48831 instance08:24
majoridiotwhat does the log say?08:24
tgm4883uh oh08:25
tgm48832007-04-19 23:00:49     firewire ownership acquired08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:00:49     priming firewire...08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:00:49     BAD ERROR RETURNED? -- FIXME!!08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:14:34     firewire ownership acquired08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:14:34     priming firewire...08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:14:34     BAD ERROR RETURNED? -- FIXME!!08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:21:19     firewire ownership released08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:22:20     firewire ownership acquired08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:22:20     priming firewire...08:26
tgm48832007-04-19 23:22:20     BAD ERROR RETURNED? -- FIXME!!08:26
majoridiothm.  that's not right on a number of levels.08:26
majoridiotfirst, plugreport to be it's still on node 108:27
majoridiot(it should be)08:27
tgm4883node 008:27
tgm4883it was adapter 0 node 108:28
majoridiotport 0 node 0?08:28
tgm4883now its adapter 0 node 008:28
majoridiotsudo reboot08:29
majoridiotand see if it jumps nodes again08:29
majoridiotin my experience...08:29
majoridiotit only jumps nodes if you plug/unplug the firewire with both the computer and stb powered on08:30
tgm4883im wondering if it says recording starts soon because in 6 minutes jay leno is supposed to start recording, I canceled it from mythweb, but its still on there (even though it says its not going to record it08:30
majoridiotthat would be it08:30
tgm4883node 0 again08:30
majoridiotyup/  what i thought.08:31
majoridiotsudo shutdown -h -P now08:31
majoridiotgo unplug the power from your DVR for 20-30 secs08:31
majoridiotpower it back up08:31
tgm4883from the stb or from the mythtv box08:32
tgm4883my 6200 isn't a dvr08:32
majoridiotthen power the backend back up08:32
majoridiotfrom the stb08:32
majoridiotwhich 6200 is it?08:32
tgm4883motorola 620008:32
tgm4883is there extra info for it?08:33
majoridiotyeah... it's a dvr, dude.08:33
tgm4883not supposed to be paying for a dvr08:33
majoridiotstandard in a lot of places these days08:34
majoridiotcheap HD08:34
majoridiotit could possibly be a dual-tuner08:34
tgm4883ok, do you want me to plug the dvr back in before i start mythtv box08:34
majoridiotmine is08:34
majoridiotplug in the stb...08:34
majoridiotand let it completely power back up...08:34
majoridiotcould take 30 secs or more...08:34
majoridiotand then tune it to a good channel08:35
majoridiotand power the backend back up08:35
majoridiot(it should be on node 1 then)08:35
tgm4883node 108:37
tgm4883why does it do that08:37
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majoridiotbut remember that's how to fix it08:37
majoridiotbtw... i guess there is a 6200 non-dvr, sory08:38
majoridiotwhen it's back up, check the log... it should have primed ok08:38
tgm4883thats cool, thats why i got a mythtv08:38
majoridioti've got a 6212-III, apparently08:39
majoridiotgo figure.08:39
tgm4883still error08:40
majoridiotsame error?08:40
majoridiotand it's on node one?08:40
tgm4883i even rm the log stoped and restarted the backend08:40
tgm4883node 108:41
majoridiotis the channel you have firewire set to start on a "clear" channel?08:41
majoridiotno %c no CCI?08:41
tgm4883channel 2 abc08:42
tgm4883i will check it thoug08:42
majoridiotshould be clear08:42
majoridiotstop the backend, rm the log, start it and post the log when it restarts08:43
majoridiotpost pm if it's too long08:43
tgm4883out of curiosity i tried to watch tv on mythtv.  started with the hdtv 5500, i hit y to switch tuners.  I didn't get any picture, but the stb did switch to channel 55 which is weird since it is supposed to start on channel 2.  Dont know if this helps08:44
tgm4883ill go do that08:44
majoridiotthat makes a big difference08:45
majoridiotwhile the backend is down, run mythtv setup and double check the start channel for fw08:45
majoridiotit changed the channel, so you are getting a good connection08:46
majoridiotonce it is primed, you'll get a good stream08:47
tgm4883It WAS on channel 2, now its supposed to start on channel 5508:47
majoridiotis 55 clear?08:47
majoridiotyou installed firewire_tester?08:48
majoridiot./firewire_tester -B -n 108:48
tgm4883Failed to create new raw1394 handle on port 008:49
majoridiotyes, it would08:49
tgm4883arg hold on08:49
majoridiot(the backend is stopped, root owns fw)08:49
tgm4883i need to turn the stb on again08:49
majoridioton again?08:49
tgm4883yea i just checked to see if 55 was clear08:50
tgm4883was still in the diag screen08:50
tgm4883Action: Attempt to fix broadcast connection 1 times, node 108:50
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Success, 144 packets08:50
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Success, 86 packets08:50
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Success, 156 packets08:50
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Success, 75 packets08:50
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Success, 86 packets08:50
tgm4883Broadcast Fix: Success (already stable)08:50
majoridiotstart the backend08:50
tgm4883sitting at08:51
tgm48832007-04-19 23:50:56.417 Recording starts soon, AUTO-Startup assumed08:51
majoridiotstart the frontent08:51
majoridiottry to switch to fw08:51
tgm4883!@?!??? I get picture08:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i get picture - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:53
majoridiotso it's all good?08:53
tgm4883i guess so08:54
tgm4883let me check the logs again08:54
majoridiotyes do08:54
majoridiotit concerns me that it was taking ownership so often08:54
tgm4883hmm same error FIXME08:54
tgm4883let me rm the log, reboot, try to watch firewire and then check the log08:55
majoridiotdon't rm it08:55
majoridiotyou can track it by time.  preserve it so you can see any changes.08:55
tgm4883switched back to node 008:58
majoridioton a reboot?08:58
tgm4883does it switch the other direction?  cause i could always plug it into the other plug on the back of my mythtv box08:59
majoridiot./firewire_tester -R08:59
majoridiotand then check the node08:59
tgm4883still 008:59
majoridiotand the stb is still on?09:00
majoridiotthaz new.09:01
majoridiotsudo shutdown -h -P now09:02
majoridiotit'll be on node one when you power it up09:03
majoridiotlesson: do not reboot09:03
tgm4883unplug the stb or not09:03
majoridiotjust power the backend back up09:03
majoridiotsee if it's on node 109:03
tgm4883node 109:04
tgm4883no more reboots09:04
majoridiotpower down insteah09:04
majoridiotit that in another room?09:05
tgm4883the backend?09:05
tgm4883nope sitting in front of it09:06
tgm4883backend/fronend combined09:06
tgm4883no desktop though09:06
tgm4883logs still say fixme09:06
majoridiotdelete the myth_prime i sent you09:06
majoridiotdownload the source and compile it09:06
majoridiotchmod +x it09:07
majoridiotchowen it to mythtv, name it myth_prime and stick it in /usr/bin/09:07
tgm4883now the chmod +x is that in the guide?09:10
majoridiotall of it is09:10
tgm4883oh i see it now09:11
tgm4883well im getting nothing in my logs now09:21
majoridiotnothing at all?09:21
tgm4883nothing new09:21
tgm4883just old logs09:22
majoridiotclear it and restart09:22
tgm4883in process09:22
tgm4883restart backend?09:22
majoridiotsorry... tired and lazy09:23
tgm48832007-04-20 00:24:57     firewire ownership acquired09:26
tgm48832007-04-20 00:24:57     priming firewire...09:26
tgm48832007-04-20 00:24:57     FAILED! unable to prime firewire09:26
majoridiotah good09:26
majoridiotsensible error09:26
majoridiotis the stb still on 55?09:26
tgm4883something we can work with09:26
tgm4883its on 209:26
tgm4883should i try to watch tv and see if it changes to either 2 or 5509:27
majoridiotit will change to the last channel it was on.... so 5509:27
majoridiot./firewire_tester -B -n 109:27
majoridiotsee if you can get it to manually prime on ch209:28
tgm4883i changed it in mythtv setup to start on ch 209:28
majoridiotsee if you can get it to manually prime on ch209:28
tgm4883Action: Attempt to fix broadcast connection 1 times, node 109:29
tgm4883Broadcast: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883P2P: Testing...Failed09:29
tgm4883Broadcast Fix: Failed09:29
tgm4883i broke something09:29
majoridiotnot necessarily09:29
majoridiottune the stb to ch 5509:30
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majoridiotand try to manually prime it again09:30
tgm4883when you say manually prime09:30
majoridiot./firewire_tester -B -n 109:30
tgm4883thats what i did09:31
majoridiot./firewire_tester -B -n 1 -r 509:31
tgm4883all failed09:32
majoridiot./firewire_tester -R09:32
majoridiotand then09:32
majoridiot./firewire_tester -B -n 1 -r 509:32
tgm4883all failed09:33
majoridiotcycle the power on the stb -- power button09:33
majoridiotdon't unplug09:33
majoridiotthen tune it to 2 or 5509:34
majoridiotand try to prime again09:34
majoridiot(this can be tricky, obviously)09:34
majoridiot(but once you get it worked out, it's all good)09:34
tgm4883all failed09:35
majoridiotsudo ./firewire_tester -p -P 0 -n 1 -r 509:37
majoridiotsee if you can get some p2p data09:37
majoridiotno need to sudo, even09:38
=== majoridiot is tired
majoridiotall 5?09:38
majoridiotpaste the *active* node of plugreport09:39
tgm4883thomas@athena:~$ plugreport09:39
tgm4883Host Adapter 009:39
tgm4883Node 0 GUID 0x0030dd80000501c709:39
tgm4883libiec61883 error: error reading oMPR09:39
tgm4883libiec61883 error: error reading iMPR09:39
tgm4883Node 1 GUID 0x0019a6fffef0ee9409:39
tgm4883oMPR n_plugs=1, data_rate=2, bcast_channel=6309:40
tgm4883oPCR[0]  online=1, bcast_connection=0, n_p2p_connections=009:40
tgm4883        channel=1, data_rate=1, overhead_id=0, payload=37609:40
tgm4883iMPR n_plugs=0, data_rate=209:40
tgm4883oh sorry, thats the whole thing09:40
majoridiot channel=109:41
majoridiotsb 6209:41
majoridiotlet's try...09:43
majoridiotplugctl -P 0 -n 1 oPCR[0] .channel=6209:44
majoridiotthen do a plugreport and see if the channel entry changed09:44
tgm4883channel 6209:45
majoridiottry and prime it09:45
tgm4883all failed09:46
majoridiotbroadcast or p2p?09:46
tgm4883sudo ./firewire_tester -p -P 0 -n 1 -r 509:47
tgm4883./firewire_tester -B -n 109:47
tgm4883i ran both of those09:47
majoridiotand nothing?09:47
tgm4883all failed09:47
majoridiotwell, i gotta be up in 4.5 hours, so i'm calling it09:48
tgm4883sounds good09:48
majoridiotwe know it will work... you got a picture09:48
tgm4883it just needs a little time to itself09:49
majoridioti'll be around tomorrow afternoon and evening if you want to keep at it09:49
tgm4883ill try a couple things and let you know where im at09:49
tgm4883hopefully it will work by then09:49
majoridiotpower down backend and unplug the stb power for 5 minutes or so.  then plug it back in.09:50
majoridiotonce it's working, fire up the backend and go from there09:50
majoridiotgood luck :)09:50
tgm4883thanks for the help09:50
majoridiotnp  glad to help09:51
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tgm4883is there a way to save your scheduling lineup if i was going to do a reinstall05:20
superm1you can backup your whole mysql db05:20
tgm4883ehh, dont know if i want to do that05:20
tgm4883im having all sorts of problems getting this stb to work, and some of the problems were when i removed my pvr15005:21
superm1well word of warning -05:21
superm1a whole reinstall of the system probably isnt "necessary"05:22
superm1all packages and conf files can just be purged05:22
superm1if you wanted to redo mythtv setup or anythign like that05:22
superm1and if problems related to choosing tuners are the only problem, the tuner list can be blown away in mythtv-setup05:22
tgm4883that would also remove the mysql database05:22
tgm4883i think i fixed the tuner problem05:22
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tgm4883but its the stb that is really giving me a headache, (and majoridiot too)05:23
superm1i saw some chatter in here yesterday about it05:23
tgm4883it went on for hours and it seems that we have actually regressed in the problemm05:23
tgm4883everything fails when i test the firewire now05:24
superm1you sure its not your cable co changing setting around im assuming?05:24
superm1changing CCI flag or 5C05:25
tgm4883unless they did it last night.  I got the stb yesterday with my upgraded cable.  started through the guide and it was unencrypted and everything05:25
tgm4883at the end of the night, still unencrypted, but no go on the firewire testing05:31
superm1thats a shame :(05:31
tgm4883we did get a picture once, but backend log was complaining05:31
superm1what was it saying?05:31
tgm4883so we tried to fix it and thats when we no longer get anything passing the firewire tests05:31
tgm48832007-04-19 23:31:42     firewire ownership released05:31
tgm48832007-04-19 23:36:28     firewire ownership acquired05:31
tgm48832007-04-19 23:36:28     priming firewire...05:31
tgm48832007-04-19 23:36:28     BAD ERROR RETURNED? -- FIXME!!05:31
tgm4883it would do this a couple times05:31
tgm4883it also seemed to hang the starting of the backend05:31
superm1have you been able to do captures at all outside of the backend?05:31
tgm4883havent tried as its a frontend/backend only05:31
superm1I seem to recall back when I was doing firewire experimentation, it was possible to capture without the use of mythtv-backend in order to alleviate that as a cause of troubles05:31
superm1but then again that was before all of this priming stuff was introduced05:31
tgm4883majoridiot said he would be on again this afternoon or evening if i wanted to continue trying to fix this, but im wondering if i should wipe the whole thing and try the guides from a clean slate first, rather than from a preexisting install05:32
tgm4883and while ive been told its fine (and ive ran the updates)  installing feisty from release rather than beta may be better05:33
superm1well like i said - wiping the whole box most likely won't solve everything.  thats the "Windows" solution to problems.05:33
tgm4883or maybe thats my fedora days of thinking05:33
superm1Well you can do this -05:33
superm1backup your db in mysql05:33
superm1remove mysql05:33
superm1reinstall it05:33
superm1remove mythtv-database and reinstall it05:34
superm1and then you have your clean slate05:34
superm1with regard to mythtv and configuration stuff05:34
tgm4883what about..05:34
tgm4883hold on let me find it05:35
tgm4883mythtv-backend and the other files i have to edit in the firewire guide05:36
tgm4883will those be reset to05:36
superm1to reset those - just purge the mythtv packages too05:36
superm1and then when you reinstall them, new files will be installed05:36
superm1just make sure you do "apt-get remove --purge"05:36
superm1just make sure you do "apt-get remove --purge PACKAGENAME"05:36
superm1better yet ^05:36
tgm4883does sound better than a reinstall05:37
superm1much less time consuming05:37
superm1i'll admit its weird to adjust to an approach to fixing problems this way, because there is a certain redeeming quality about coming from a full "reinstall"05:37
tgm4883i just remember back when on fedora everyone was like "you HAVE to reinstall if going from a testing to production release05:37
tgm4883those fedora people got no idea, they should switch to ubuntu :)05:38
tgm4883there main excuse for it was all the logging that was turned on for the different test releases, that if you just upgraded then the logging would still be on05:39
superm1afaik, there is nothing like that in Ubuntu05:39
superm1as long as you follow the updates regularly, you should have the same end result if you were to put feisty repos in /etc/apt/sources.list rathre than edgy on edgy release day and then compared that to a fresh feisty install at feisty release day05:40
tgm4883sweet, now i dont have to reinstall my laptop05:41
superm1my laptop was upgraded from breezy->dapper->edgy->feisty05:42
superm1until the hard drive died a month a go05:42
superm1and then it was a herd5 install of feisty05:42
superm1on the new hd05:42
tgm4883my upgrade path is less impressive on my desktop05:42
superm1well it would have been hoary->breezy->dapper->edgy->feisty, but i installed a feisty alpha release during hoary times05:43
tgm4883XP>fedora 5>XP>fedora 6>dapper>fedora 6>edgy>fedora 7>edgy>feisty 64>feisty>edgy 64> feisty 6405:44
tgm4883theres a vista in there somewhere, but it didn't last long05:44
superm1thats quite a lot of reinstalls05:44
tgm4883i have operating system reinstall disorder05:44
tgm4883im itching to reinstall my server05:45
tgm4883but i wont05:45
tgm4883but i might05:45
tgm4883its running edgy and it has some speed issues i think05:45
tgm4883with samba05:45
tgm4883but since all my systems run linux now i can dump the samba05:46
superm1control yourself - just remind yourself that it can be solved in a more linear path wihtout a whole reinstall05:46
superm1just use nfs instead05:46
tgm4883i wonder if there are therapists that specialize in this sort of addiction05:46
tgm4883im going to try nfs and dump samba05:47
superm1there is only one time in the last year that i was considering a full reinstall05:47
tgm4883the transfer speed was way to slow05:47
superm1compiz was just introduced05:47
superm1and it didnt work with xgl on my laptop05:48
superm1and i couldnt figure out why05:48
superm1i had reinstalled soooo many packages05:48
superm1it ended up being an undocumented conf file that was installed to /etc05:48
tgm4883:( did you have to reinstall?05:48
superm1thankfully no05:48
superm1that was when i ack'ed that every problem can be solved without a full reinstall05:48
tgm4883but you fixed it without the reinstall, so the myth continues05:49
tgm4883*cue scary music05:49
tgm4883dang it05:50
tgm4883i think i just figured it out05:50
superm1what was it?05:50
tgm4883well first05:50
tgm4883can you get a list of what was last updated?  though the command line05:51
tgm4883i dont think i have synaptic installed05:51
superm1like in a directory?05:51
superm1which file was05:51
superm1or you mean on a whole file system05:51
tgm4883i just want to see if the kernel or something got updated in the last apt-get upgrade05:51
superm1oh you want to see packages that were recently upgraded05:52
superm1there is a way...;.05:52
superm1i'll brb i have to go to my next class05:52
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tgm4883thats awesome05:59
superm1tgm4883, /var/log/dpkg.log05:59
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tgm4883what class is this06:00
superm1oh just an english class06:00
superm1nothing special :)06:00
tgm4883nope, problem not fixed06:06
tgm4883i thought that maybe, just maybe i had updated something and that broke firewire_tester06:06
tgm4883but i just recompiled and nothing06:06
superm1i'm assuming you've already power cycled the stb?06:08
superm1from a cold boot (on the stb) with the firewire unplugged06:08
tgm4883ive unplugged the stb for about a minute and plugged it in, but havent booted it without the firewire cable attached since i started this procedure06:24
superm1i know i had some really funky stuff go on way back when06:24
superm1when the cable co pushed an update to the box06:24
tgm4883hey its worth a shot06:25
tgm4883im gonna unplug it for 5 minutes06:25
tgm4883now i have been told to under no circumstances unplug or plug in the firewire cable with the mythtv box on, but if the stb isn't even plugged in?06:26
superm1well the reason for that is so that it doesnt switch port numbers06:26
superm1according to plugreport06:26
tgm4883mine switches nodes every time i reboot the mythtv box06:26
tgm4883its was a fun little game we were playing06:27
tgm4883so now we always shutdown, never reboot06:27
superm1its always annoying when the cable company pushes an update that actually resets the cable box06:27
superm1and then sometiems you will randomly have the node change then too06:28
superm1i wish there was a way to guarantee the node06:28
tgm4883i had thought that the nodes were due to the ports on my firewire card, 1 is node 1, the other is node 006:28
tgm4883oh i get it now06:30
tgm4883cause you can daisychain them, thats where the nodes come from06:30
tgm4883that makes sense now06:31
tgm4883i was so confused last night06:31
superm1well when i move in a few weeks, i might do firewire again.  so i might be in the same boat as you folks06:32
superm1we'll see06:32
tgm4883where you from06:33
superm1i'm living in IA right now06:34
superm1but i'll be moving up to MN for the summer06:35
tgm4883i turned both off, which should i boot first06:35
tgm4883im way west in oregon06:35
superm1oh really?06:37
superm1near keescook then06:37
tgm4883i guess so06:37
tgm4883wheres keescook at?06:37
superm1brb next class06:37
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superm1tgm4883, are you coming to Ubuntu Live?06:46
superm1its in portland06:46
superm1this july06:46
tgm4883never thought about it06:46
tgm4883it is just an hour up the road06:46
tgm4883ugh, im breaking all sorts of things now06:47
tgm4883i went to the ubuntu website to look up ubuntu live and got this06:48
tgm4883Unable to connect to database server06:48
superm1(more direct)06:48
tgm4883thanks, but if i click on it i might break that too06:48
superm1i'm thinking of road tripping it up that way for the weekend that it is06:49
tgm4883i'll have to see what my schedule is like, june - about mid august get busy for me06:54
superm1well i wanted to speak at it, there is a session for "MythTV on Ubuntu"06:56
superm1that someone registered06:56
superm1so if I can talk (read they pay for my admission), i'll come up that way.  otherwise, it'd be a lot less likely06:57
tgm4883dont know what happened, but im getting all success now, even though right after i restarted i was still getting all failed06:57
superm1lol its all working now?06:57
superm1firewire and all06:57
tgm4883yea i noticed its pretty steep, for me anyway06:57
tgm4883well, the firewire testing is working06:57
tgm4883i havent checked the other things yet06:57
superm1so you think the power cycling the stb without firewire plugged in might have done it?06:58
tgm4883yea i think so, i didn't do anything else to it.  right after i did that it still didn't work, but now it works, so maybe it needed a little time06:58
tgm4883im going to check the logs06:59
superm1who is your cable provider up that way?06:59
superm1ah okay06:59
superm1hence why all the openness with firewire lately06:59
superm1they recently pulled the 5C off nation wide07:01
superm1from what i heard07:01
tgm4883perfect time for me to upgrade my cable then07:01
superm1yes, yes it was07:01
superm1the 3 cable co's i've dealt with all had different stances07:02
superm1i had Time Warner  in NC - and i could capture a few HD stations, but no analog or digitial over firewire07:02
superm1it was really weird too, like i couldnt do discovery HD, but i could do TNT HD07:02
superm1and all locals07:02
superm1over here in IA, everything but local HD is blocked on firewire07:03
superm1and in MN last year, i had everything avail over firewire until july.  then they only let out a few selective digitals and local HDs07:03
superm1and claimed that it was the content providers doing it07:03
superm1not them07:03
tgm4883thats one of the reasons i upgraded, was the discovery HD07:05
tgm4883couldn't get it with my regular package even though i got the discovery channel.  im starting to guess that they aren't the same07:05
superm1its usually in a HD tier07:05
superm1or something like that07:05
tgm4883something is still going fishy with my mythtv07:06
superm1thats how it is with Charter and Mediacom (but not Time Warner)07:06
tgm4883the good news is that my error has changed07:07
superm1what is it now?07:08
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     firewire ownership acquired07:08
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     priming firewire...07:08
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     FAILED! unable to prime firewire07:08
tgm4883but i think that it thinks there is live tv on07:08
superm1what does priming the firewire actualy do?07:08
tgm4883i just restarted the backend (the frontend isn't even running)07:08
tgm4883i just do what im told07:08
jonohows the ubuntu mythtv team going folks?07:09
superm1hi jono07:09
superm1good good07:09
jonoI am considering upgrading my myth box to feisty07:09
jonois the current myth packages for it?07:09
superm1we got a bunch of things in just in time for feisty07:09
tgm4883and majoridiot thinks that is a better error than the first one07:09
superm1jono, and have several plans for gutsy already07:09
superm1jono, what is it right now, edgy?07:09
jonosuperm1: cool :)07:10
jonono its breezy believe it or not :P07:10
superm1oh wow...07:10
superm1thats a long upgrade path then07:10
superm1you have to go breezy->dapper->edgy->feisty afaik07:10
superm1or clean install to get there07:10
jonoI am not gonna upgrade07:11
jonoclean install all the way07:11
jonoso can I install myth from packages with feisty and have a working system?07:11
superm1ah good plan07:11
superm1you should be able to :)07:11
jonocool :)07:11
jonoI might do that tonight then :)07:11
superm1will tell you a wealth of info about the packages07:12
superm1and everything involved with setting things up07:12
superm1and extra stuff you can do afterwords07:12
jonois ivtv packaged?07:12
tgm4883its awesome07:12
superm1no need to install packages, we got it with the kernel07:12
jonoI have a dvb card and a ivtv board07:12
jonooh ivtv is kernel?07:12
superm1well not upstream kernel07:13
superm1but I contacted Hauppauge and we got the ball rolling on licensing07:13
tgm4883my pvr-150 and pcHDTV 5500 worked almost completely out of box07:13
superm1and now we ship it with the kernel image07:13
superm1and the firmware too07:13
jonoI have a pvr-350 and terra nova07:13
tgm4883feisty rocks07:13
jononova t07:13
tgm4883not sure about how the nova works07:14
superm1jono, the only hickup with the nova, is that you might need to modprobe cx88_dvb07:14
superm1and all it /etc/modules07:14
tgm4883i had to modprobe that for my 550007:14
jonowhich version of myth is packaged for feisty?07:14
superm1the autoloading for a bunch of dvb cards (and cards using dvb drivers broke)07:14
tgm4883exact same module07:14
superm1well 0.20-fixes07:14
superm1its a checkout from the fixes branch from earlier this year07:14
jonowhat is the fixes branch?07:15
superm1well important fixes that are on trunk, but relevant to the current release07:15
superm1so they have two branches of svn07:15
superm1trunk and release-fixes07:15
jonook so release-fixes involve trunk fixes backported to the current release?07:16
jonocool stuff07:16
superm1usually no extra features07:16
jonoso its nice and fresh and new in feisty07:16
superm1but just important bug fixes07:16
jonosounds like you guys are doing a rocking job07:16
superm1we've kept busy, guarantee ya :)07:16
jonoI am tempted to upgrade, well start the upgrade, tonight :)07:16
tgm4883they are doing a rocking job07:17
superm1jono, it might be just because i use this all so much, but i can do an entire myth install from a live disk in about an hour07:17
jonofrom the live ubuntu disk?07:17
jonowhat about xmltv for uk people, is that simple to set up?07:17
tgm4883does that include setting up schedules07:17
superm1tgm4883, yup07:18
tgm4883it takes me a long freaking time07:18
tgm4883but that is because of comcast i think07:18
superm1jono, I'm not positive about xmltv, I know you'll have to install xmltv before configuring the backend07:18
superm1but since i've got zap2it, i can't tell you much more07:18
tgm4883the main install is quick07:18
tgm4883and they have made it so much easier for forgetful people like me07:19
jonoso the pvr-350 is supported out of the box, does that mean ivtv is shipped in feisty?07:19
jonowow, this sounds incredible :)07:19
tgm4883someone added a check to see if mythtv-backend is running when trying to start mythtv-setup, then presents you with a dialog box to stop it.  Whoever did that rocks ;)07:20
superm1tgm4883, (me)07:20
superm1very last minute idea07:20
tgm4883i know, majoridiot told me last night when i saw it the first time07:20
superm1gotten great feedback on it07:21
tgm4883every time i go into mythtv-setup i always forget to stop the backend07:21
superm1jono, for gutsy we're gonna have lirc modules shipped with the kernel hopefully to07:21
superm1i made a patch for it during feisty, but BenC didn't get it in time07:22
jonoI assume lirc is packaged?07:22
jonocool, I had to poke with lirc for my remote I remember07:22
tgm4883now if the pcHDTV people could get my IR receiver working properly with having to hack it up that would be great07:22
superm1there is a guide for that too at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Install_Lirc_Feisty07:22
superm1jono, just remember to backup your current ~/.lircrc and /etc/lirc/* start from breezy before going to feisty07:23
tgm4883if your like me be sure to follow the guide.  I know just enough to be dangerous to my system07:23
jonoI will backup a bunch of stuff and write down settings07:23
tgm4883would a mysql backup survive that?07:23
superm1it would survive, but i'd expect problems with permissions07:24
superm1on the users registerd for mysql07:24
jonocool beans07:25
jonoI might do it tonight if I don't have company07:25
jonowhen I do it, expect me pestering you guys with questions :P07:26
superm1jono, sounds good.  i'll be in and out throughout the day if anything goes wrong07:26
superm1and i'm sure majoridiot will come aorund later07:26
jonothanks superm1, you are a hero :)07:26
tgm4883company can wait, this is MythTV *cue trumpets07:26
jonowell the company is my mate Aq, who will want to see the gory spectacle unfold07:26
superm1jono, you coming to ULive this year?07:26
jonosuperm1: yep07:27
superm1do you know who registered the session "MythTV on Ubuntu"?07:27
jonono idea07:27
superm1i tried to email derek chase about it, but no response07:27
superm1but i wanted to talk for it if no one is planned yet07:28
tgm4883whos andrew?07:28
tgm4883andrew oswald07:28
superm1keescook was going to poke around a little for it, would you be in better contact with the right people?07:29
superm1tgm4883, not sure, where you seeing that name?07:29
tgm4883hes listed as the speaker for mythtv on ubuntu on ubuntu live07:29
superm1oh there is a speaker listed now07:29
superm1there wasnt before07:29
tgm4883gives a little background about him07:30
jonoI don't deal with ubuntu live unfortunatly07:30
jonosuperm1: so is there now a built in dvd player?07:30
superm1tgm4883, thanks, i'll see if i can get in contact with him about maybe doing a joint talk or something07:30
superm1jono, yup, but i dont like it much07:31
superm1i still use xine07:31
jonocurrently using vlc I think07:31
tgm4883i use whatever the default is07:31
jonogreat stuff, I think I am all set :)07:31
jonothanks chaps, later!07:34
superm1later jono07:34
tgm4883ive been playing around with this and noticed two things07:35
superm1whats that07:36
tgm4883first what does this mean, is it deleting it because it needs to record live tv, or is it deleting it because it is live tv and needs space07:36
tgm48832007-04-20 10:05:22.190 Expiring Jerry Springer from Thu Apr 19 10:00:00 2007, 165 MBytes, forced expire (LiveTV recording)07:36
superm1needs space07:37
tgm4883second thing i noticed is that while sitting on channel 2 (non HD ABC) i can no longer pass firewire_tester.  But if i go to 706 (an HD channel) i can pass the tests, then if i go back to channel 2 i can pass the tests on channel 207:38
tgm4883i will test again when it fails again with a non hd channel twice07:38
tgm4883according to mythweb backend status i have this for space07:39
tgm4883Master Backend:07:39
tgm4883    * Total Space: 369,976 MB07:39
tgm4883    * Space Used: 213,212 MB07:39
tgm4883    * Space Free: 156,764 MB07:39
tgm4883which seems to be around 30% free07:40
superm1then it was just forced going into live tv07:40
superm1to clear out old recordings07:40
tgm4883and the second part of part 1 is why is it deleting it anyway.  Im not watching live tv and there are no scheduled recordings for right now07:40
superm1there is a setting for it somewhere07:41
superm1about priority of autoexpire things07:41
tgm4883i just was wondering if it thought it was trying to record something when it actually wasn't07:42
tgm4883what does firewire tester do?07:43
superm1couldn't tell ya :)07:44
superm1i didnt use it back when i did firewire07:44
superm1like i said the firewire landscape has changed a lot since i last used it07:44
superm1so i'm interested to get back into it07:44
tgm4883ill have to ask majoridiot when he gets back07:44
superm1i'll be much more helpful in here once i do :)07:44
tgm4883unfortunatly it is the only way to get the HD content07:45
tgm4883they should do pc cards too07:45
superm1well i do mine via OTA here and QAM up in MN normally07:45
tgm4883with the amount of htpc's07:45
tgm4883but you can't get other things like discovery HD OTA?07:46
superm1no :(07:46
tgm4883i could only get abc, cbs, nbc, fox, cw, and opb using QAM 256 all in HD07:46
tgm4883no espn hd, no discovery hd07:47
tgm4883so thats why i got the cable box07:47
tgm4883but if they did pci cards as well as cable boxes07:47
tgm4883even if it was only for *shudders* windows07:47
tgm4883at least it would be a starting point07:48
tgm4883maybe im just talking crazy07:50
superm1well it would be nice07:53
superm1but there are so many complications around that07:53
superm1i mean it would also be nice if the QAM256 stuff wasn't all encrypted07:53
superm1then that would solve everyone's problems07:53
superm1newer TVs would work without cable boxes07:53
superm1QAM256 tuners on PCs would work07:53
superm1and it would be a happy world07:53
tgm4883im just going to move to north korea and hope the 1 channel i get is unencrypted07:55
tgm4883i didn't mean that, i get grumpy when im hungry07:55
tgm4883i got to make me some food07:56
superm1okay later07:56
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superm1keescook, ping09:19
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jonohey superm110:01
jonogonna cook dinner then begin the install :)10:01
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defendguinwould the desktop or server be better suited for running a mythtv box\print server?10:49
tgm4883just a print server?10:56
defendguinjust one printer10:57
tgm4883serving to other linux computers or windows10:57
tgm4883probably just a regular desktop.  I think the server install is more suited toward server software10:58
defendguinwindows computers too10:59
tgm4883i still say desktop11:00
tgm4883are you using the computer as a regular desktop too?11:00
defendguini really wouldn't use the desktop at all11:00
tgm4883ok so just frontend backend11:01
tgm4883yea i would go with a desktop instal11:01
tgm4883well follow the guide, cause you dont need the desktop11:01
defendguinand i don't have as much ram as i would like so i wanted something that would have less on by default11:01
tgm4883how much ram11:04
defendguinmaybe 51211:04
defendguinor 38411:04
tgm4883yea go with the backend frontend, no desktop11:04
tgm4883what cpu11:04
defendguinmaybe 1.7 2.0 ghz11:05
tgm4883you should be fine11:05
tgm4883your not planning on watching HD are you?11:05
defendguinwell i need to have a desktop installed to make it easy to configure a few things11:05
defendguinnah i'm not paying for HD cable right now11:05
tgm4883what things11:05
defendguinlike the printer setup11:06
tgm4883i dont think your processor is powerful enough for HD11:06
defendguini'm not really worried about HD at this point in time11:06
defendguinwhat i'm also interested in is a light weight TV viewer that can hook up the the mythtv backend so i can watch TV on the laptop11:07
defendguinwirelessly of course11:07
tgm4883you could put just mythtv frontend on there11:08
tgm4883thats how i watch it on my laptop11:08
tgm4883thats how i stream it anyway11:08
tgm4883or you could download the show to your laptop and watch it that way11:09
defendguini was looking for just an app that i launch like any other app not somehting that would try and take over my desktop11:09
tgm4883you can run the frontend in a window11:09
defendguini noticed when i installed the myth frontend it interrupted gdm from loading as if it thought it was only going to be a gdm front end11:10
defendguins/gdm front/myth front11:10
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tgm4883did you install mythtv-frontend or ubuntu-mythtv-frontend?11:11
defendguinprobably both11:12
tgm4883that sets it up as a standalone frontend11:12
defendguinok i'll stay away from that one then11:12
tgm4883hey majoridiot11:12
tgm4883hows it going11:12
majoridiotpackage problems or just questions?11:12
majoridiotgood.  u?11:12
tgm4883he wants to watch tv wirelessly on his laptop11:13
majoridiotgood luck.11:13
tgm4883but mythtv was taking over his desktop11:13
tgm4883oh no?11:13
majoridiotit can, but barely....11:13
tgm4883standard def works on mine, but HD is too much11:13
majoridiotyou need a STRONG signal... G-only...11:13
tgm4883yea G only11:13
majoridiotand the mythtv stream needs to be pretty much the only traffic on the wireless network11:14
tgm4883n is even better11:14
defendguinbut i don't have N11:14
majoridiotn is best, yes.11:14
tomrick Crazybone - VLC11:14
tgm4883aah just give me 200ft of cat 5 anyday11:15
majoridiotit can be done... the first coupla months my mythtv xtion was wireless only.11:15
superm1majoridiot, I contacted the guy doing the event11:15
superm1in Portland11:15
majoridiotjust be prepared for less-than-perfect viewing.11:15
superm1he'd love to have me talk too11:15
defendguinwell with no HD and a strong signal and i'll stop browsing while watching i'm sure i'll be fine11:15
majoridiotsuperm1: who is it?11:15
superm1Andrew Olson11:15
tgm4883mine works great, but i live in a small apartment11:15
superm1he works for chariot systems11:15
superm1he's a java guy11:16
superm1so i'm gonna make sure that i can get off of work for a few days and get a road trip organized11:16
superm1and then i'll plan to be there :)11:16
defendguini really hope my remote control works out the box this time around11:16
tgm4883what remote?11:16
majoridiotdefendguin: yes, cut the network traffic and you should be 98% satisfied ;)11:16
defendguinfor a hauppage winttv pvr15011:16
majoridiotsuperm1: if you are speaking as well, i am willing to help sponsor11:17
tgm4883i dont think lirc is loaded automatically11:17
tgm4883but its real easy to setup11:17
defendguini had a LOT of problems with edgy11:17
superm1majoridiot, u mean like hardware?11:17
tgm4883oh feisty is really nice11:17
defendguinnever did get it working11:17
tgm4883there it is11:17
majoridiotsuperm1: cost-offsetting11:18
superm1majoridiot, i couldnt ask you to help with that.  dont worry about it11:18
defendguini'll have to try it out when i get home11:18
tgm4883the pvr 150 should work out of the box11:18
majoridiotdefendguin: lirc install is a snap for both pvr-150 versons11:18
superm1majoridiot, its already plenty that you help out so much with this team11:19
majoridiotsuperm1: you didn't ask... but i am willing to help just the same11:19
majoridiotjust to get you there11:19
tgm4883its pretty simple, just follow the guide11:19
tgm4883i think it added maybe 10 minutes to my install11:19
majoridiottops :)  i like that.11:20
superm1majoridiot, that is very generous.  very much so appreciated11:20
superm1majoridiot, i'll make sure that i can get out there and we can talk more :)11:20
superm1gotta run to work right now though,11:20
superm1we'll be in touc11:20
tgm4883living in the west coast is finally going to pay off11:20
majoridiotLOL @ tgm488311:21
tgm4883we made some progress with the STB this morning11:21
majoridiottgm4883: how goes the firewire situation?11:21
tgm4883superm1 was helping me try some things11:21
tgm4883at least i can pass all the tests now11:22
tgm4883well lets see11:22
tgm4883superm1 talked me out of a complete reinstall to start from scratch, so we unplugged the box for 5 minutes, turned everything off11:23
tgm4883booted the stb11:23
tgm4883booted the mythtv box11:23
tgm4883now i can run the firewire tester and pass every time11:23
=== majoridiot is glad superm1 talked you out of it
majoridiotah. vg.11:23
majoridiothow about the prime on init?11:23
tgm4883we had a discussion earlier about my operating system reinstall disorder11:24
majoridiothehe... you are stricken with that malady, it seems.11:24
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     firewire ownership acquired11:24
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     priming firewire...11:24
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     FAILED! unable to prime firewire11:24
tgm4883thats my error11:24
tgm4883so at least we are back to that11:24
majoridiotk.  a workable position.11:24
tgm4883we were talking about our upgrade paths (him up from breezy) and he commented on all my reinstalls11:25
tgm4883i had a few11:25
tgm4883most of which though was settling on a distrobution that i liked11:25
tgm4883im going to start my frontend back up11:26
tgm4883as im logged in as me right now, not mythtv11:26
majoridiotok... i'm a little fuzzy from last night.  you downloaded the primer and compiled it, right?11:27
majoridiotyou shouldn't ever be logged in as mythtv, really.11:27
tgm4883wait, when it auto logs in is what i mean11:27
majoridiotyou have the be/fe standalone11:28
tgm4883im at the testing the primer in the guide11:28
majoridiotdid you modify the init script yourself, or download the one at the end of the guide and copy it to /etc/init.d?11:29
tgm4883the mythtv-backend?11:29
tgm4883modified it myslef11:30
tgm4883and that may be the problem11:30
majoridiotmayhaps so.11:30
tgm4883because i have issues11:30
tgm4883ill download it11:30
majoridiotback it up...11:30
tgm4883do i need to chmod the download or anything?11:30
majoridiotyes and chmod +x it11:30
majoridiotthen sudo cp it to /etc/init.d11:30
tgm4883chmod +x and chown?11:30
majoridiotno need to chown11:31
majoridiotthe ownership will change to root when you sudo cp it11:31
majoridiotwhich is fine, as that script runs at root level11:31
tgm4883that is done11:34
tgm4883a simple backend restart?11:34
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     firewire ownership acquired11:36
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     priming firewire...11:36
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     SUCCESS! firewire is primed11:36
tgm4883the stb changed its channel to 2 when i restarted the backend11:36
majoridiotyer good to go.11:36
tgm4883thats why the hmm11:37
majoridiotoperator error.  LOL11:37
tgm4883thats a pebcak error if i ever saw one11:37
majoridiot(i'm adding that to the troubleshooting section LOL)11:37
tgm4883Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard11:38
majoridiotah yes... yes.11:38
tgm4883Then the famous ID 10 T error11:38
=== majoridiot has a jeff goldblum yes, yes... yes moment
tgm4883now to test11:39
tgm4883I tried fetching the channels after i removed all cards and sources this morning (for the HDTV 5500) and it didn't work11:40
tgm4883had to scan11:40
defendguinmajoridiot, great11:41
tgm4883not getting any live tv from the stb11:44
tgm4883although the backend is giving me some info11:44
majoridiotlook at the backend log for info11:44
tgm4883the is nothing else in there11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     firewire ownership acquired11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     priming firewire...11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 10:03:52     FAILED! unable to prime firewire11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     firewire ownership acquired11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     priming firewire...11:45
tgm48832007-04-20 14:35:32     SUCCESS! firewire is primed11:45
tgm4883thats the entire log11:45
tgm4883although i do get some info from the ssh session that i started the backend from11:46
tgm4883this section might help11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:34.552 adding: athena as a client (events: 0)11:47
majoridiothow are you starting the backend?11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:34.553 TVRec(2): Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:34.553 TVRec(2): HW Tuner: 2->211:47
tgm4883libiec61883 warning: Established connection on channel 0.11:47
tgm4883You may need to manually set the channel on the receiving node.11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:36.151 FireRec: Buffered packets 2000 (8000 KB)11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:42.665 TVRec(2): Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None11:47
tgm48832007-04-20 14:43:42.707 Finished recording General Hospital: channel 200211:47
tgm4883sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart11:47
tgm4883thats what i ran11:47
majoridiotwarning: Established connection on channel 0.... you've got a database source error again11:47
tgm4883we may have set it to only log errors though11:47
defendguinmaybe i should run a dns server in the mythtv box so i could use computer names around the house instead of ip addresses11:48
majoridiotdefendguin: why?11:48
defendguinwhy not?11:48
majoridiottgm4883: ok you have 2 sources?11:49
tgm4883the firewire and the hdtv 550011:49
majoridiotdefendguin: if your router automatically issues interal ips by MAC, then each machine has a permanent address  no resolves needed11:49
majoridiottgm4883: and each source has a different name?11:50
defendguinmajoridiot, linksys router doesn't have dhcp reservations11:50
majoridiothm.  mine does.11:50
tgm4883the stb correctly changes to channel 2 when i change tuners in watch tv11:50
defendguinmine is rav5 which doesn't have linux firmware11:50
defendguinrev. 511:50
tgm4883mine does too, (put probably cause I run ddwrt)11:51
defendguinnot easily upgraded11:51
tgm4883yea each has a different name11:51
majoridiottgm4883: do the sources share a common zap2it profile?11:51
defendguinwell i'm gone11:51
majoridiottry this...11:52
majoridiotmythtv-setup... channel editor11:52
majoridiotdelete all channels from the source for fw11:52
tgm4883maybe i should remove the hdtv 5500 from the list (not the computer)11:52
tgm4883all the fw channels11:52
majoridiotyes... delete all channels11:53
majoridiotthen delete the source itself11:53
majoridiotset up a new source with a *new name*11:53
majoridiotand fill it with your zap2it data11:53
majoridiotthen go to tuners and bind your fw connection to that source11:54
majoridiotand grab the channel listing from the source on that same screen11:54
=== Rtax [n=n@dsl-244-109-92.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
majoridiotthat should give you a channel tables, etc. for firewire.11:54
majoridiotand won't hurt the 5500 setup11:55
majoridiotRtax: hola11:55
majoridiotRtax: i have a solution for your xmltv issue11:55
majoridiot(i think)11:55
Rtaxwell, i'm ok so far11:55
Rtaxdid a manual mythfill and seems ok11:56
majoridiotah, ok.  nm then.11:56
Rtaxjust have to do a cron job to do that weekly11:56
Rtaxbut if you have anything more automated, awesome11:56
Rtaxis there anything different in feisty as far as twinview?11:57
majoridiotno... when last we spoke you didn't know how to fill the database from an xml file.  thaz all.  you obviously sussed it.11:57
majoridiotRtax: i don't think so.  other than some compiz support built-in.11:58
majoridiotRtax: feisty does have a proprietary driver manager to install binary blobs like nvidia, atheros, etc.11:59
Rtaxi have the nvidia drivers installed, got compiz and beryl installed11:59
Rtaxboth working great11:59
=== tgm4883 loves feisty
Rtaxbut I have my tv on the svideo output of my nvidia 520012:00
Rtaxany ideas?12:00
majoridiotRtax: the only way i got the svideo on my 5500 to work worth anything is in clone mode12:01
Rtaxi had it working in edgy12:01
Rtaxusing right of12:01
majoridiotusing the same xorg.conf as in edgy?12:02
Rtaxnot yet12:03
Rtaxi'm about to transfer the settings12:03
Rtaxgood idea?12:03
majoridiotshould be ok12:03
majoridiotas long as the hardware didn't change12:03
Rtaxnope, lets try then12:04
tgm4883your freaking kidding me12:06
tgm4883unable to prime firewire12:07
tgm4883just a sec12:08
tgm4883let me pm you some stuff majoridiot12:09
tgm4883cause its a little long i think12:09
tgm4883but it may be relevant12:09
tgm4883ill need to explain what i did as not all is in this post12:10
=== MegaQuark__ [n=gary@pool-71-111-188-88.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rtaxhmm, same xorg.conf didn't work12:19
Rtaxseems to have a desktop, but no gnome desktop12:20
majoridiotthat's odd.12:20
Rtaxmaybe its beryl or compiz12:23
majoridiotah yes12:24
majoridiotthere are beryl/compiz specific setting in xorg.conf, right?12:24
Rtaxdoesn't look like it12:24
RtaxI disabled desktop effects12:25
Rtaxand it worked12:25

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