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sahafeez | anyone want to talk about file system performance, acls etc...i am thinking of formating my file store with xfs | 12:26 |
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sahafeez | anyone tell me the diff between the kernel choices when doing a new install. i cannot find it documented anywhere | 01:09 |
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BHSPitMonkey | I have a box with no video output; I need to somehow be able to ssh into it immediately after (or during) install. | 03:23 |
BHSPitMonkey | is this doable with *ubuntu? | 03:23 |
shadou | no video output at al? | 03:29 |
shadou | You might be able to serial in but I doubt it. | 03:29 |
=== aalex [n=aalex@modemcable097.146-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
aalex | hi all | 04:43 |
aalex | nice that this channel exists | 04:43 |
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aalex | all the noise on #ubuntu.... | 04:43 |
aalex | I need to mount a CD (rockridge) on ubuntu-server | 04:43 |
aalex | mount doesnt show me that CD< | 04:43 |
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aalex | http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Distro/Ubuntu :: weird. I cannot see my network card | 05:03 |
aalex | pcmcia | 05:03 |
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knix_ | hello all | 05:10 |
knix_ | why is update-manager-core missing when I try and upgrade my server? | 05:11 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-server: Ubuntu Server discussion and support | general (not server specific) support -> #ubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-server): set by Burgwork at Wed Mar 28 23:10:47 2007 | ||
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ay_ | Hi guuys. We've been running Debian and RH for about 10 years and now recently swithced to Ubuntu for our servers becaus of the excellent LTS. We can't upgrade servers every 18 months so LTS are our only choise. The problem is that ubuntu dapper server edition does not install on newer dell servers (1950 2950, 1955) and IBM servers (Blades) Because of the raid-drivers version (megaraid and friends) and networks cards (e1000 and friends). RH releases update | 12:02 |
ay_ | Is there any plan for updated installation medias? | 12:02 |
fabbione | ay_: you want to file a bug and talk to the kernel team | 12:10 |
fabbione | it's important to know if it's just a matter of pci-id's or it requires new code | 12:11 |
fabbione | the latter is more difficult | 12:11 |
ay_ | I belive everything works with a newer kernel from security.ubunut.org. So All you really need is a newer installmedia. This is problably just the case for servers. Desktops will happily run edgy of feisty installers instead. | 12:12 |
ay_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/55138 | 12:12 |
ay_ | IMHO, the LTS server-edition is the only one in need of updated installer media. | 12:13 |
ay_ | http://linux.dell.com/ for example has alternative installmedias for most distributions, but not ubuntu (it's community driven) Is there a howto to make your own updated installation media somewhere? | 12:15 |
ay_ | Or how to bootstrap using a edgy og feisty installers or even debian ones? | 12:16 |
maswan | ay_: does netbooting work btw? | 12:19 |
ay_ | maswan: Haven't tried. Is it using another kernel? | 12:21 |
ay_ | Trying it out now. | 12:21 |
maswan | I don't know | 12:22 |
ay_ | maswan: There is not netbooting cd. Did you mean pxe-booting? | 12:26 |
maswan | ay_: yeah | 12:37 |
=== dballester [n=dbm@40.Red-217-126-111.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
dballester | hi to all | 12:37 |
dballester | I'm having several problems with firwire ( 800 ) disk with edgy ubuntu-server, anyone is using similar scenario without problems ? When I power on the disc I can mount lv without problems but inmediately sbp2 claims that the drive is dead. With usb runs well ( I/O is not good ). Now i will try to attach a new firewire ( 400 ) disk to see the behavior | 12:41 |
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=== LaszloKv [n=dave@pool-141-151-82-102.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server | ||
LaszloKv | Hi, would anyone here maybe be able to help me with sharing a directory with samba? | 01:06 |
dballester | another question for you :) We can modify some kernel parameter 'on the fly' but I'm trying to be able to ask for some module parameters, in other words, could be able to ask ( for example ) what value is actually for max_speed parameter in sbp2 module ? TIA | 01:06 |
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n00tz | hello all. | 11:01 |
Burgwork | hey | 11:01 |
n00tz | anyone have any experience with MyDNS, specifically setting up a DNS mirror | 11:01 |
n00tz | or have a link to a good article/howto | 11:01 |
theacolyte | I have | 11:02 |
theacolyte | but... no instructions | 11:02 |
theacolyte | are you talking about failover? | 11:02 |
n00tz | I actually just found what I need. | 11:30 |
n00tz | simple replication | 11:30 |
n00tz | http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=241123 | 11:30 |
n00tz | on a particular databas | 11:31 |
n00tz | e | 11:31 |
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