
ffmcedricshock: From my update manager. It says Could not download all repository indexes12:01
ffmThe repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences12:01
TheVaulttecta: Do that in the terminal.12:01
LjLswedekid: read the link ubotu gave you.12:01
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CodingZenAnyone help me with a login font size problem? its way too huge!12:01
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:01
mc44ffm: the network is busy...12:01
nxspntxtknight, all I know is that if I use the ATA133 style IDE hard drive, then I can get linux to install, if I use SATA then it is hit or miss on the distro installer seeing the SATA controller.  Some see it and get kernel panics and others never see the controller12:01
LjLswedekid: please learn about the Ubuntu repositories and components (Universe is a component). software in Ubuntu gets installed from the Ubuntu repositories, which contain packages.12:01
penguin42CodingZen: Have you tried System->Administration-> Login Window ?12:01
DybberIs this: http://dybber.dk/Sk%A6rmbillede.png (Default Mixer Tracks) where i should change which soundcard that should be used? If so, then this doesnt work in my installation of Feisty.12:01
jman_xtknight, the one I was using in edgy was ensoniq PCI12:01
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cedricshockffm: That's probably the servers being swamped.12:01
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surviver!configure devilspie12:02
jman_it worked fine til i upgraded12:02
ffmmc44: cedricshock: But this issue was occuring 5 days ago as well.12:02
iGadgetslyfox: I use that method to share photos and media files with my gf... there's a small catch, though - newly created / copied files won't get the proper permissions by default. You have to fix that manually every time. There should be a solution to that, but I havn't had the time to look for it yet.12:02
CodingZenpenguin42: where would i go to change the font size.. in there?12:02
IncredibleHinkxtknight, still a negative..... with or without the analog/digital switch checked12:02
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IncredibleHinkxtknight, the speaker test is still showing me "Fron Left"12:02
penguin42CodingZen: I can't immediately see anything - but I can see the option for 'accesibility' and that has a font thing - is that turned on?12:02
AwperatorHello all, can anyone help me install my graphics driver (8800gts) on feisty? I get a no screens found error when I enable the restricted driver. I'm running on vesa now12:02
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function1anyone else having trouble with the repositories?12:02
cedricshockffm: Is that a list of things it couldn't find?12:02
CodingZenpenguin42: no12:02
hendrik_leave #ubuntu12:03
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LjLfunction1: yes. they're slow. too loaded. be patient.12:03
CodingZenpenguin42: i turned it off... thought i might be causing the problem12:03
ChocoboHi all, I am rather new to this.   Right now the ubuntu servers seem to be really slow.  I was wondering if there was a different mirror I should use or something.   Thanks.12:03
HeyGab1what is the name of the "realase party" channel?12:03
larson9999servers are a bit slow :)12:03
surviveranyone has some expiernce with devilspie??12:03
ffmcedricshock: Yes. Everything else was found.12:03
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function1LjL: just a busy day?12:03
ffmHeyGab1: See the channel topic.12:03
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mc44function1: its release day12:03
zaeemwhat kernel version does the latest release come with?12:03
penguin42CodingZen: Hmm sorry then - not got any other ideas and the font looks fine for me12:03
larson9999i only have 9 to download though12:03
LjLfunction1: err... a new version has just been released, you know.12:03
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Oatmeatis there anything I need to do to enable inotify?12:03
penguin42zaeem: 2.6.20-1512:03
xtknightIncredibleHink, "speaker-test -Dplug:front -c2"  and with that?12:03
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TheVaultWhen is Ubuntu Studio going to be released?12:03
CodingZenpenguin42: ya ... its only in the options and the text boxes.. Its too big.. I wish i could figure out how to change it..12:04
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mc44TheVault: ask in #ubuntu-studip12:04
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magnetronHeyGab1: #ubuntu-release-party12:04
sam000I'm installing 7.04 is it ok that im running programs?12:04
xtknightTheVault, it's in the repositories i believe12:04
function1mc44: oh. i thought i had forgotten abt it. i thought it was supposed to be 4/7..12:04
TheVaultmc44: Thnx12:04
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function1i thought i was like 12 days late12:04
mc44function1: it is 4/7 :)12:04
Cpudan80Hello all12:04
surviveranyone know how to work with devilspie?12:04
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mc44function1: the month :)12:04
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Cpudan80Is anyone in here good with bash scriptin?12:04
_NeilSo guys, where can I find a changelog for fiesty? See the main changes :)12:04
adultswim_arejay: closer now... doesnt go black anymore, but its unusably jumpy... (a frame every 2-3 seconds)... i'll keep trying though12:04
tectaTheVault, for some reason it wont play the audio just the video12:04
nxspntxtknight, I am going to attempt to get something installed.  I will update you on the success or failure of my attempts.  Thanks for your help12:04
Awperatorguess not.12:04
CodingZenAnyone know how to change font sizes on the login screen?12:04
nkassisam000: yeah it shouldn't break anything but you need to reboot afterwards12:04
penguin42Cpudan80: What like?12:04
Cpudan80The guys over in #bash aren't really payin attetnion...12:04
tectaTheVault, no sound when playing video is what i mean12:04
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function1mc44: oh. silly me i thought it meant april 7th12:05
xtknightnxspnt, okay12:05
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IncredibleHinkxtknight, ALSA lib confmisc.c:1105:(snd_func_refer) Unable to find definition 'defaults.pcm.front.card'12:05
Cpudan80penguin42: ^^12:05
IncredibleHinkxtknight, and many other errors12:05
xtknightIncredibleHink, ah hmm interesting12:05
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TheVaulttecta: Do you have the Mp3 codecs installed?12:05
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cedricshockffm: Need someone with more intimate distribution knowledge than me. security hasn't been working for me at all, and I don't even have a listing for backports12:05
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jokoonHello here :) I'm looking for a way to place the little buttons on the window top bar (the minimize, maximize and close) to the left side instead of the right side, just like mac windows. Is this possible ?12:05
tectaTheVault, just for gstreamer12:05
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ffmcedricshock: Thanks.12:05
IncredibleHinkxtknight, ALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory12:05
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xtknightIncredibleHink, post the whole thing in pastebin if you would12:06
arejayadultswim, right click and set the mplayer buffer's up12:06
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:06
TheVaulttecta: Is the file you trying to play corrupt?12:06
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ubotudevilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie12:06
mc44LjL: \o/12:06
tectaTheVault, no12:06
cnez0redjust got a strange error while doing a dist-upgrade12:06
_NeilWhere can I see a fiesty changelog?12:06
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cnez0redAutomatically generating the xvmount configuration file /etc/xvmounttab failed.  Please, create the configuration file by hand either using a text editor or by re-running the xvmountconfig script.12:06
allquixoticFeisty was released??12:06
cnez0redwhat does that mean?12:06
shiv_jwhere is the boot log? when the computer boots?12:06
TheVaulttecta: Hmmm, what format is the video?12:06
mc44allquixotic: yes12:06
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alleyoopsterOK I can't install from this desktop cd, can I upgrade edgy from it, save on some bandwidth?12:06
tectaTheVault, realplayer12:06
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iGadgetman... I've never seen bittorrent work this well. Downloading the iso... :)12:06
allquixoticmc44: Is it possible to dist-upgrade to feisty from the 7.04 beta?12:07
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xtknight!pastebin | IncredibleHink12:07
ubotuIncredibleHink: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:07
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mc44!final | allquixotic12:07
Gel1k !!!!12:07
ubotuallquixotic: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:07
magnetron!final | mc4412:07
ubotumc44: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:07
sooooopMy PS/2 keyboard doesn't work in Feisty. Ideas?12:07
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lbci_ircdownload desktop-alternate using bittorrent and upgrade offline... fastest way on release day! I have one computer doing the online update and its been running 9 hours now:(12:07
mc44magnetron: ...?12:07
penguin42Cpudan80: What happens if you do the wait without trying to get the return value?12:07
TheVaulttecta: Hmmm, it should be playing. Do you have volume down accidently. I had my volume up on my speaker, but not the computer12:07
allquixoticmc44: thank you for that12:07
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tectaTheVault, no i can play music12:07
xtknight!ru | Gel1k12:07
ubotuGel1k:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke12:07
Cpudan80penguin42: I really need the return value - but let me try it...12:07
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swedekidLgL: you know what, im just gonna use apt, can i do that?12:08
IncredibleHinkxtknight, k thanks standby12:08
cnez0redAutomatically generating the xvmount configuration file /etc/xvmounttab failed.  Please, create the configuration file by hand either using a text editor or by re-running the xvmountconfig script. >> what does that mean?12:08
penguin42Cpudan80: Nod, it's just worth a try to separate that bit out12:08
CodingZenAnyone know how to change font sizes on the login screen?12:08
Gel1kxtknight    ?12:08
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magnetronmc44: sorry, mixup12:08
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xtknighti dont know russian12:08
alleyoopsterCan I upgrade from the feisty desktop CD?12:08
penguin42CodingZen: Please don't repeat so often - it's busy enough on here today!12:08
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LjLswedekid: ... for installing firestarter? yes, that's what i've been telling you from the start. APT *is* the system that allows you to use the repositories.12:08
FireJetSo, what's the quick way to upgrade Ubuntu again?12:08
mc44alleyoopster: no, youj can only install from it12:08
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke12:08
swedekidoh, well you were confusing me12:08
TheVaulttecta: Hmmm thats very strange. I donno what else the problem can be. Sometimes I get good luck playing the videos in differ media players. VLC player is what I use the most, but I don't recall it playing realone files12:09
lbci_ircalleyoopster, no use the alternate cd12:09
Gel1k  ?12:09
FireJetmc44: So, how do we upgrade?12:09
LjL!english | Gel1k12:09
Chestguys, I upgraded my Athlon xp to a dual core 64 and I can still run my old installation, but Ubuntu is only showing one cpu.  Is there a way to synaptec upgrade to the SMP kernel?12:09
ubotuGel1k: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:09
Cpudan80penguin42: Hrm - seemed to work12:09
alleyoopstermc44: ok well that doesn't work so I guess it's the network, thanks12:09
mc44!upgrade | FireJet12:09
ubotuFireJet: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:09
mc44alleyoopster: why doesnt it work?12:09
FireJetOK, thanks12:09
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IncredibleHinkxtknight, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16451/12:09
alleyoopstermc44: Busybox error after starting loading live cd12:09
penguin42Cpudan80: So I'm wondering about how $() works - I don't know if that is safe with a wait in it?  But that's my only idea12:09
cnez0redI downloaded the alternate iso, mounted it, and ran the update script from there. Was  I stupid?12:09
SubhumanChest, yes - you need the generic kernel - search for "linux generic" and grab the generic image12:10
rafaelbasi por?12:10
noname`So if I had the beta release of feisty installed; do I need to do anything to get whats on the release version other than use the update manager?12:10
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:10
swedekidLgL: i just installed firestarter, but i cant find it anywhere12:10
LjLswedekid: man, if you don't read on how things work, you can only stay confused. Ubuntu uses the APT package management system, which can automatically install packages (i.e. programs and libraries) from repositories (which are Internet sites provided by Ubuntu). the official repositories have four components: Main, Restricted, Universe, and Multiverse. the package you are looking for (firestarter) is in Universe, which is not enabled by default. go to12:10
LjLSoftware Sources, and enable it.12:10
mc44alleyoopster: ok, probably easier to update yes12:10
Cpudan80penguin42: how can I capture the return value then? :/12:10
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LjLswedekid: and read the site the bot gave you so i won't have to exercise my typing skills so much again :)12:10
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penguin42Cpudan80: Well do the wait - I wonder if the return value of the wait is then in $?12:10
magnetron!final | noname`12:10
ubotunoname`: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:10
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TheVaulttecta: Wish I could help more, but I gave all suggestions that I know of. Another test would be is to download another Realone type file and try playing it in realone media player to make sure its not just the file you orginally downloaded may be corrupt, even though it don't seem like it12:11
mc44LjL: you loquacious devil you12:11
alleyoopstermc44: it looks like it's a bug that slipped through, it has been logged and is also around the forums, just didn't know it would affect me12:11
BOZGwhere can I find the md5 hashes for Ubuntu 7.04?12:11
LjLmc44: don't be too audacious12:11
nexacthello all.. i'm trying to update but I get: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-updates/Release.gpg Could not connect to archive.ubuntu.com:80 (, connection timed out .. is there a way to change this mirror ?12:11
toubsuanyone know the md5sum for the i386 ISO?12:11
mc44alleyoopster: yep, not a lot you can do about that12:11
noname`ubotu: Has ubuntu released any updates in the past 3-4 days? I haven't gotten any and i'm just curious if something might be wrong12:11
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fowlduckheh, ubuntu+1 redirects to here now12:11
protocol1when I try to eneable my desktop effects I get "The Composite extention is not available" ??12:11
alleyoopsterBOZG: if you have the cd its there12:11
tectaTheVault, i have like 40 rm files cant get sound out of any12:11
penguin42nexact: : Try again later - it's all a bit busy at the moment12:11
Subhumannoname`, ubotu is a bot.12:11
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LjLtoubsu: e296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a, but why would you trust me? :)12:11
cedricshock!slow > nexact12:11
TheVaulttecta: Very very odd12:11
mc44noname`: feisty has been frozen for the last few days12:11
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:12
evilfourzerogod everyone stop downloading fiesty fawn so that I can download at a decent speed pleease :)12:12
confreyI need web interface of cups, as in debian, how can I get it?12:12
arejayadultswim, may need to sudo gedit /etc/mplayerplug-in.conf  and set vo to be x11 and change uncomment cachesize and make it something abit higher12:12
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Cpudan80penguin42: Well -- the $? thing poses a problem12:12
toubsuLjL: the ubuntu is quite simplified and I can't find the goods12:12
TheVaultAnybody able to help Tecta with Realone problems?12:12
Subhumannoname`, but yea - their hasnt been much updates last few days so your running final.12:12
penguin42Cpudan80: Why?12:12
magnetron!torrent | evilfourzero12:12
ubotuevilfourzero: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html12:12
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arejayafk watching smokin aces12:12
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holycowtoubsu, don't be trusting that LjL fellow12:12
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LjL!cupsweb > confrey    (confrey, see the private message from Ubotu)12:12
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protocol1when I try to enable my desktop effects I get "The Composite extension is not available" ??12:12
holycowhe's kinda shifty12:12
Cpudan80penguin42: Because the script might get signaled by the user - ripping it off the wait12:12
linux_kidevilfourzero, consider wine-ing utorrent12:12
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toubsuarejay: ick12:12
brunoUTso can someone tell me why when i click update the darn update manager freezes?12:12
brunoUThelp now12:13
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AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install through synaptic package manager?12:13
Cpudan80If it is signaled - it basically has to print a status message and continue12:13
holycowslightly offtopic but incredibly cool news: http://www.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?list=dev&msgNo=1966012:13
nirivenAh im back. Two questions. Can i change the color of the long screen (gdm screen), and, can i use ext4 on ubuntu.12:13
penguin42Cpudan80: You've got trap or something similar?12:13
arejaytoubsu, it looked lame, my roommate bought it :/12:13
Cpudan80penguin42: right12:13
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toubsuholycow: omgz, but my md5sum matches what he says  :o12:13
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brunoUTso can someone tell me why when i click update the darn update manager freezes?12:13
xtknightIncredibleHink, weird12:13
brunoUTso can someone tell me why when i click update the darn update manager freezes?12:13
magnetronprotocol1: install optimized drivers12:13
cedricshockbrunoUT: It hates me too. No idea why.12:13
IncredibleHinkxtknight, I'm guessing thats not normal12:13
Cpudan80penguin42: At any rate - if it gets ripped off the wait - it has to back onto the wait12:13
toubsuarejay: oh man don't waste your time12:13
lbci_ircbrunoUT, the servers are busy12:13
protocol1magnetron, hows that?12:13
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:13
penguin42niriven: You can set the login screen from system->Administration->Login Window12:13
Cpudan80penguin42: let me paste a bit more code12:13
brunoUTtell them to get unbusy12:13
magnetronprotocol1: for a nvidia card, check the restricted drivers tool12:14
xtknightIncredibleHink, try sudo dpkg --purge --force-all libasound2 alsa-base alsa-utils12:14
brunoUTwhat are they waiting for?12:14
holycowtoubsu, shifty i tells ya12:14
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justin420can any point me in the right direction of the gnome session file for ubuntu edgy?  i added a app to startup automagically and it wont let me start x12:14
penguin42Cpudan80: once you get into trap's12:14
brunoUTwhy can i not update.....this linux crap is so worthless12:14
arejaytoubsu, wasting time with that movie or watching 1387 people scroll text about not being able to update to feisty12:14
IncredibleHinkxtknight, will that get rid of my ubuntu desktop package or something like that12:14
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Chestguys, how do I upgrade my kernel to SMP?12:14
brunoUTu can never do anything on it12:14
protocol1magnetron, I have an ATI all in wonder 9800 Pro12:14
arejaytought decision!12:14
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Cpudan80penguin42: yeah?12:14
arejayer tough12:14
AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install through synaptic package manager?12:14
xtknightIncredibleHink, dont worry bout it12:14
penguin42Cpudan80: once you get into trap's and signals in bash code it's normally time to think about whether it should still be bash!12:14
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Subhumanjustin420, start gnome in failsafe mode - then just change it in the nomral settings12:14
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xtknightIncredibleHink, after that, "sudo apt-get install libasound2 alsa-base alsa-utils"12:14
nirivenpenguin: nice! Thanks.12:14
julianchest its the kernel that says generic at the end12:14
toubsuarejay: hey, there are better movies to send your time on12:14
TheVaultWhen is the ubuntu homepage going to be back to normal?12:14
sgtmattbakercan anyone help me w/ a burning issue? details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41395112:14
protocol1and the restricted driver is enabled too12:14
beobahi, ive noticed that ubuntu server tends to keep loading daemons/init scripts even after the login prompt (in a direct linux console, it'll have the prompt, then continue spamming startup messages after the prompt), how do i go about setting things up such that the login prompt is only brought up AFTER everything else has finished loading? this isn't especially crucial, just "one of those things"12:14
Chestjulian: ok. thanks.12:14
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justin420subhuman: and that should work?12:15
lbci_ircbrunoUT, multiboot so on update days you can run a distro not so busy:P12:15
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magnetronprotocol1: I do not know how to enable compiz for ATI cards12:15
tokyo25i have just downloaded the (live cd\0 7.04 iso and burnt to cd. i went to run it but it wont work? it says the X server is broke, cant load graphics or something along thoses lines. can anyone help?12:15
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Cpudan80penguin42: yeah... I know - but it must be bash in this instance...12:15
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Jeeves_Mosscan someone give me a hand with installing a samsung printer please?12:15
LjLbeoba: actually, that's intended to be a feature, to make the boot process faster...12:15
Subhumanjustin420, yeah - failsafe just doesnt load any of the apps on startup - but itll still let you change your current session12:15
AlanCould someone please tell me WHERE ubuntu likes to hide its iptables init.d scripts?12:15
IncredibleHinkxtknight, done12:15
mc44tokyo25: what graphics card do you have?12:15
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tokyo25i checked cd integrity12:15
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tokyo25i have raedon x130012:15
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beobaLjL: yeah, but its sorta useless being logged in with startup messages overlapping your prompts/inputs12:15
iamelitehi everyone, ATI fglrx isnt working. DRI not found running glxgears. Is this common for 7.04? any help appreciated. *waves*12:15
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HattyI try to Upgrade to 7.04 with update-manager. When I click upgrade it hangs for a few minutes then tells me i cannot download the release notes12:16
Pollywogis Xming the best way to securely VNC from XP to Linux?12:16
Subhumanbeoba, the desktop edition does too - its just one of those things i think.,12:16
tokyo25im using 6.10 now perfectly12:16
py_geekhey all12:16
sgtmattbakercan anyone help me w/ a burning issue? details here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41395112:16
=== TheoMurpse [n=none@cpe-70-112-167-188.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
iGadgethas anyone experienced the problem of dissapearing window borders when turning on desktop effects?12:16
mc44tokyo25: follow the instructions here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI12:16
SubhumanPollywog, thats XDMCP - not vnc, and yeah it is SSH so its secure.12:16
justin420Subhuman: thanks allot! appreciate it if it works ( i think * hope * it will ) .  happy ubuntu'ing for all!12:16
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penguin42iGadget: I don't see that - I do have problems of disappearing panels if I turn the cube on12:16
PollywogSubhuman: ty12:16
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TheVaultiGadget: I recommend you install all the updates if you have not already12:16
IncredibleHinkxtknight, standing by for further instructions12:16
AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install through synaptic package manager?12:16
beobaLjL: i mean, stuff like "user@host $ <5 LINES OF CRAP> <my  LINES OF CRAP input> <4 LINES OF CRAP>"12:16
tokyo25im just using the live cd though and it wont work, i wasnt sure wheter to install just yet12:17
magnetronPollywog: I use putty and xming, i can definitely recommend it12:17
swedekidLgL: how do i get to software preferences usign fiesty fawn, it only tells me how to get there using edgy12:17
py_geekALL: Is there an ftp that installs with ubuntu?12:17
py_geekalso, does filezilla work on ubuntu?12:17
SubhumaniGadget, sometimes, best asking in #ubuntu-effects12:17
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Cpudan80http://www.pastebin.ca/448854 penguin4212:17
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darwinAre the repositories not working?12:17
Pollywogmagnetron: ty12:17
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IncredibleHinkpy_geek, goto add/remove and you can easily install gftp12:17
holycowswedekid, wat do you mean software preferences?12:17
iGadgetTheVault: I'm completely up-to-date on my feisty machine12:17
LjLbeoba: i suppose it wasn't especially made for console-only use. anyway, i'm not really sure how to fix that, i guess you should tell Upstart that the "login" service depends on all other services being started.12:17
LjL!upstart > beoba    (beoba, see the private message from Ubotu)12:17
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holycowsystem/preferences is the same as it always way12:17
magnetron!slow | darwin12:17
ubotudarwin: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:17
iGadgetSubhuman: will do12:17
cedricshockdarwin: They are swamped from the feist release12:17
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pdusenSo, hey, could I maybe get some help here?12:17
Pollywogshould I use the PuTTY client that comes with Xming?12:17
swedekidholycow: it says i need to go to software preferences to enable Universe repositories12:17
stoftpy_geek: last I checked filezilla 3 (available also for linux) wasn't yet ready for release.12:17
LjLbeoba: or perhaps you could just, well, hit alt+f2 to switch to the second console ;P12:17
beobaLjL: out of curiosity does anything other than ubuntu use upstart right now?12:18
Cpudan80penguin42: I have an idea... I wonder if I did like retVal=$? right after the wait... ?12:18
Em3raldMcSquizzypdusen: fire away someone will help you12:18
protocol1does anyone know what files the ATI drivers use in synaptic?12:18
capgadgetNo torrent...yet?12:18
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cedricshockpdusen: Ask12:18
SubhumanPollywog, i do it that way.12:18
TheVaultiGadget: Oh. Well when I first installed feisty, I had major problems with Compiz, now that I have all updates, it fixed everyone I had12:18
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beobaLjL: yeah i just started noticing this stuff a few weeks ago, so its probably upstart trying to be witty12:18
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Subhumanstart the apps in the terminal with x forwarding and they pop right up.12:18
LjLbeoba: i don't think so... it's a project that was spawned inside ubuntu afaik12:18
holycowoh and congrats on the feisty release, i have found one show stopper bug but otherwise it looks ticky boo on everything but this particular config12:18
LjL!torrents > capgadget    (capgadget, see the private message from Ubotu)12:18
darwinubotu: if i leave APT running long enough will it eventually get the updates?12:18
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penguin42Cpudan80: Yeh that's what I meant about $?  - but also the other way would be wait blah || do error stuff  ?12:18
Subhumandarwin, yes.12:18
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=== justin420 wonders how the ubuntu servers and mirrors are taking the release of feisty. is getting a 100kbps from http://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/linux/ubuntu-releases/7.04/
magnetronPollywog: i prefer starting xming in background and use the official putty client. needs a little configuring though12:18
RedNeckBoydang servers are SLOW today!12:18
Subhumanor itll timeout possibly.12:18
stoftpy_geek: it's installable/runnable but don't expect it to work. meanwhile try gftp, kasablanca or kftpgrabber e.g.12:18
Pollywogubotu is a bot12:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:18
holycowswedekid, seystem/admin/software sources12:18
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ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:19
protocol1what files do the ATI drivers use in synaptic?12:19
Pollywogmagnet: thanks12:19
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:19
magnetnp :P12:19
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pdusenPut simply, I try to boot from the LiveCD and immediately after selecting "Boot or Install Ubuntu" (or whatever that first option is), I get a few seconds of text and then my monitor seems to lose signal permanently until I reboot... safe graphics mode has the same issue. Any idea what I can do?12:19
AdimanukHey, where can I change the resolution for the login screen? It doesn't seem to follow what I set for the deasktop12:19
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AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install through synaptic package manager?12:19
Pollywogmagnetron: thanks12:19
duelbootyes, my update is a whopping 20Kbs...12:19
RedNeckBoyyeah I already presumed that for the servers... i'm getting 13k/s12:19
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Cpudan80penguin42: I didn't think about that... let me see if the $? thing works - since that is easiest given how its coded12:19
Subhumanpdusen, you could use the alternative install CD12:19
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ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:19
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fakhirhttp://mirror.thesynapse.org/phoenixlabs/lists is available as a mirror of the blocklists12:19
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:19
The_Un-Named20kb/s is usually my max download speed! and you guys are complaining! :O12:20
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kbrooksfakhir, blocklist?12:20
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penguin42Cpudan80: I still worry about the use of signals in bash though - it always feels like trouble to me :-)12:20
swedekidholycow: then what?12:20
pdusenSubhuman: I understand the alternative CD is just for users with less available memory... I have 2 gigs. Do you really think it will help?12:20
Cpudan80penguin42: GENIUS!12:20
err_use a torrent for faster download... http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Ubuntu/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent12:20
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Cpudan80penguin42: ty12:20
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Cpudan80It worked with $?12:20
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Cpudan80Strange that you can't do foo=$(wait $PID)12:21
Subhumanpdusen, well the alternative install CD is text only - so if your graphics won't be an issue.12:21
fakhirkbrooks, sorry about that /me fixes his triggers12:21
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Cpudan80It works in virtually all other contexts... hrm12:21
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holycowswedekid, check off everything in the ubuntu software tab, spcifically your instructionsa re to enable universe12:21
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holycowits labeled nicely12:21
holycowgive it a try12:21
T0uCHi got a problem.. i got ubuntu 6.10 and now i am downloadin upgrades files its written : upgrades to ubuntu 6.10.. why?????12:21
DybberIn which repository can i find gnormalize?12:21
tokyo25mc44 thanks for the link but i dont thinl it will work for me though, im using the 7.04 live cd, i cant do the sudo apt get thing because i wireless wont work. would my grapics drivers not work on this version? they work with the 6.06 and 6.10 live cd12:21
pdusenSubhuman: Ok, thank you, I'll give it a shot.12:21
T0uCHi want 7.0412:21
swedekidholycow: everythings already checked off12:21
holycowswedekid, then you are done12:22
mc44tokyo25: the drivers are on the CD12:22
Subhumantokyo25, if your gfx used to work then they will continue toi work12:22
AdimanukHey, where can I change the resolution for the login screen? It doesn't seem to follow what I set for the desktop12:22
holycowswedekid, what are you having problems installing12:22
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wonderingNow that this channel officially supports Feisty, a Feisty question: I installed a stock kubuntu-alternate-i386 installation on my machine and I can't login with local user accounts through KDM.12:22
swedekidholycow: well i installed firestarter, but i cant find it anywhere on my computer12:22
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AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install through synaptic package manager?12:22
SubhumanAdimanuk, it uses your xorg.conf settings- and uses the highest resolution12:22
penguin42Cpudan80: Hey no problem12:22
holycowT0uCH, thats because dist upgrade only UPDATES your curent release12:22
wonderingIs this a known bug?12:22
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Hattyswedekid: system - administration12:22
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/12:22
SubhumanAdimanuk, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow that-  itll let you select resolutions you want.12:22
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wastrelAaronMT:  you can't it was just released today, there's no package yet12:23
T0uCHholycow that mean?12:23
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holycowT0uCH, you haveto change your /etc/apt/sources.list to say feisty instead of edgy and then do dist-update and dist-upgrade12:23
deepsawhen i try to set dma on my dvd writer it says  HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted ?12:23
swedekidholycow: oh, i was looking near the middle, didnt see it on top12:23
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Subhumandeepsa, are you doing it as root?12:23
Subhumandeepsa, with sudo?12:23
_NeilNo Feisty for mac (non intel) ? Anyone?12:23
TheoMurpseI'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu. I try to do the offical Update Manager method, but "authentication fail[s]  -- ... There may be a problem with the network or with the server". I have the full CD though. Is there any way to upgrade from the CD?12:23
holycowT0uCH, well it means that unless you explicitly tell it to update to the NEXT release it will just stay as edgy.  that is what you want actually upgrading has risks.12:23
AdimanukSubhuman, thanks :)12:23
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ12:23
deepsasudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc Subhuman12:23
err_ubuntu page is swamped, get torrents from mirrors. http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Ubuntu/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent12:24
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Subhumandeepsa, hmm, im not sure then.12:24
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive12:24
holycowT0uCH, well you startup gedit from terminal with gksudo gedit then edit the file i told you.  modify all things that say edgy to feisty12:24
IncredibleHinkxtknight, still looking12:24
_Neilmagnetron: Any ETA on a powerpc feisty?12:24
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cedricshockholycow: Why so hard for TOuCH, why not the prescribed upgrade method?12:24
T0uCHi had a power faillure in the install of 7.04.. and now i restart the download its written 6.1012:24
holycowthen use the update to to update and upgrade12:24
xtknightIncredibleHink, ah i went AFK for a bit12:24
xtknightIncredibleHink, so does it work?12:24
Subhuman_Neil, it isnt maintained by ubuntu anymore - its a community thing.12:24
tokyo25ok, ill try this agin ill reboot from this version 6.10, and try the new cd again. if it dosent work should i try to download the iso again? from a differnt mirror maybe?12:24
magnetron_Neil: ETA?12:24
holycowcedricshock, ah yeah using a text editor is hard12:24
busfahrerhow to upgrade edgy to feisty?12:24
IncredibleHinkxtknight, no problem.... still doesnt work12:24
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xtknightIncredibleHink, im guessing no, in which case i'm really not sure.  i'd check dmesg for audio related things :\12:24
IncredibleHinkxtknight, purged and reinstalled12:24
mc44tokyo25: no, try the alternate CD12:24
deepsaplease help anyone here12:24
_Neilmagnetron: Time :D12:24
deepsawhen i try to set dma on my dvd writer it says  HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted ?12:25
_Neilthanks guys12:25
=== [ithaycu] [n=ithaycu@adsl-75-58-7-204.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
breakthruhi to all12:25
mc44tokyo25: or just upgrade from edgy12:25
=== penguin42 gently wonders if ppc feisty will work on a psp3
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:25
mc44tokyo25: that would be easiesy12:25
xtknightdeepsa, libata sets the highest dma for your drive i believe anyhow12:25
cedricshockholycow: Not for you and not for me, but compared to the upgrader...12:25
holycowswedekid, yea no biggie dude, happy to help12:25
RedNeckBoybusfahrer : instructions on www.ubuntu.com12:25
magnetron_Neil: oh, i don't know12:25
J7r41nthere a hard drive partitioner on the ubuntu iso?12:25
IncredibleHinkxtknight, whats is dmesg12:25
xtknightdeepsa, if you''re not using sudo chances are you're using Feisty and your dvd is /dev/sdx?12:25
swedekidholycow: how do i open up ports12:25
xtknightIncredibleHink, type "dmesg | less"12:25
deepsaxtknight, i get 1x speed during write's12:25
xqyes, J712:25
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tokyo25could there be problems with the cd, because i have this version installed already?12:25
holycowcedricshock, sure give him your alternative too, i'm good :)12:25
Madpilotdeepsa, you sure your cd writer doesn't have dma set automatically? Most do with the recent versions of ubuntu...12:25
breakthrui have problems with nvidia drivers on 7.04 (and on 6.10 too)12:25
HattyJ7r41n: gparted12:25
penguin42J7r41n: fdisk from the command line, or I suspect gparted is there if you want a gui12:25
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zPacKRathow do I upgrade from beta to release, thanks.12:25
deepsaMadpilot, yeah i am sure12:25
xtknight!final | zPacKRat12:25
ubotuzPacKRat: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:26
magnetron!info gparted |J7r41n12:26
ubotuj7r41n: gparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 316 kB, installed size 1588 kB12:26
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[ithaycu] feisty shows up now as an upgrade option12:26
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J7r41nthanks, gonna try that when its getting down downloading12:26
T0uCH(gedit:5890): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:12:26
T0uCHAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.12:26
deepsasudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/hdc Madpilot12:26
T0uCHi got this12:26
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xtknightT0uCH, safely ignored error12:26
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tokyo25ok. wish me luck  : )12:26
xtknightdeepsa, sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc   try that without a space in `d 1`12:26
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nirivenSo err uhh. Ext4 + ubuntu, can i do it?12:26
holycowswedekid, nothing is explicitly turned off per say, its just NOT turned on.  that means when you install a service like ftp it turns the ftp port on automatically.  however, if you want to do some manual firewalling you can either look up iptables or you can install firestarter and use that gui to manage iptables12:26
T0uCHeverything is startin to work exactly the same as windows! all crappy shit! i hate that12:27
breakthruanybody has a blank screen with nvidia drivers and a geforce 6600 ?12:27
xtknightniriven, not in the default kernel12:27
zPacKRatthen I'm on final, cool12:27
deepsa setting using_dma to 1 (on)12:27
deepsa HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted12:27
deepsa using_dma    =  0 (off12:27
tonyyarusso!ohmy | T0uCH12:27
ubotuT0uCH: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:27
nirivenxtknight: Ah. Not even as a module eh?12:27
IncredibleHinkxtknight, just showed me some kernel info with a splash region and used region12:27
xtknightniriven, nope12:27
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xtknightniriven, # CONFIG_EXT4DEV_FS is not set12:27
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nirivenxtknight: Ah, gotcha.12:27
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xtknightniriven, i was gonna give reiser4 a try.  seems more worth it than ext412:27
nirivenxtknight: I thought it was released?12:28
thehumanerrorWhat are the options for doing voice to Google Talk in Ubuntu ( / Linux)12:28
xtknightniriven, i used the 'beyond' patchset to get reiser412:28
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breakthrunvidia drivers are working for you? i can't make them work12:28
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nirivenxtknight: heh, resiser4, i would use it if i didnt expect it to die off12:28
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penguin42niriven: You can always compile a new kernel for it - but ext4 is under the more bleeding edge than experimental!12:28
xtknightniriven, ext4?  reiser4?  no neither are releawsed12:28
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iameliteAre there any notable issues yes with fglrx and X1300's?12:28
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xtknightniriven, why do you expect it to die?12:28
whatspyhi. my screen is stuck at 800x600 and I *know* it can support at least 1024x768, which is not offered as a "Screen Resolutions" option. how can I get more from my screen without playing around with text config files because every past try resulted in total uselessness of the graphical engine.12:28
iameliteI mean with 7.0412:28
T0uCHi just need to change the words edgy to fieisty?12:28
xtknightniriven, you mean the file system's life span or the filesystem itself becoming corrupt?12:28
penguin42niriven: If you are planning to play with ext4 I'd play with the git trees12:28
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nirivenxtknight: reisers cmpany is taking over development to finish 4, but they didnt say naything about further development i dont think12:29
xtknightIncredibleHink, type "dmesg" it's at the end12:29
[ithaycu] my sound card isn't working in fesity :-(12:29
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xtknightniriven, they are still working on it slowly12:29
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holycowT0uCH, actually no, its just you.   this is open source, basically its super powerfull but at the same time we give you a REALLY REALLY big gun to shoot yoru self with12:29
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xtknightniriven, only 2 major bugs left12:29
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penguin42[ithaycu] : type   asoundconf list      and tell us if it lists a card and if so what12:29
nirivenxtknight: ah12:29
xtknightniriven, NFS and something else... actually they dont affect most people12:29
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justin420Subhuman: didnt work, logging into a failsafe gnome session; x still encounters an error. could you tell me where the sessions startup file is located so i can edit which programs start automatically?12:29
holycowT0uCH, be prepared to take responsobility for your own actions here, there is very little sympathy for not taking the time to learn the tools you are using12:29
IncredibleHinkxtknight, allright wtf12:29
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[ithaycu] penguin42: I can you tell that I've worked on the prob some12:30
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IncredibleHinkxtknight, i plugged my speakers into a another port on my soundcard12:30
nirivenxtknight: well im more about well rounded filesystems, like ext3, if reiser4 is only good for small files, it doesnt really interest me12:30
mc44!upgrade | T0uCH12:30
ubotuT0uCH: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:30
[ithaycu] penguin42: the card is an ATI SB450 HDA12:30
Subhumanjustin420, in that case - it cant be an application you added  - did u change anything else?12:30
jasinTrying to update everything to fiesty fawn 7.04. what a pain in the ass this is.12:30
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vqregativiva o ubuntu!12:30
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xtknightIncredibleHink, heh...yeah that could be the problem ;)12:30
mc44T0uCH: please follow the instructions in this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:30
T0uCHi already done all thses12:30
xtknightIncredibleHink, 2.0 speakers need to be in lineout (GREEN)12:30
TheoMurpseI'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu. I try to do the offical Update Manager method, but "authentication fail[s]  -- ... There may be a problem with the network or with the server". I have the full CD though. Is there any way to upgrade from the CD?12:30
IncredibleHinkxtknight, no... its not working,...i hear some weird ass bongos at an irregular rate12:30
xtknightniriven, it isn't, though.  it's great for lots of things12:30
penguin42[ithaycu] : Ah - not the same problem I've got then (there is a known Intel one on some laptops)12:30
IncredibleHinkxtknight, thast where i had them12:30
busfahrerExcuse me, apt-get update stalls at 'receiving headers'... any fix for that?12:30
[ithaycu] penguin42: I have downloaded the most current rc of the alsa drivers12:30
xtknightniriven, less slowdown after fragmentation.  it has a repacker unlike ext312:31
holycowT0uCH, remember if you aren't happy, be sue to ask for a refund12:31
dIsTuRbEd1HeLp! "I added a few lines to my sources.list and now i want to fix this list prob, yes i am a newbie but doing okay so(i installed nvidia video drivers fine :) how does one use vim to delete the lines i added?12:31
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T0uCHi am trying to explain i had a power faillure (electricity house) during the installation and it bug all12:31
justin420Subhuman: actually that is the only thing i changed.  i have one user logged into the shell; doing boinc. and no other gui users logged in. the only startup program i added was beryl-manager12:31
xtknightniriven, it beats ext3 in almost every aspect according to some nonofficial benchmarks12:31
magnetron!upgrade | TheoMurpse12:31
IncredibleHinkxtknight, i figured what the hell ill try all the ports.... far left gives me weird bongo noses12:31
nirivenxtknight: Ah. See i ran jfs for awhile, excellent on large files, sucky for small (really, really sucky), and, it made me go back to ext312:31
ubotuTheoMurpse: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:31
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jasinMy sources.lst is probably screwed up.12:31
GPLGeekHey, quite a few of you had asked me for help with the new buntu getting some debian repos with E17 to install in buntu, I doubt that would work but I'd gladly show you CVS instructions, or offer that any source package would work.12:31
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jasinIf apt-get is not working for you then your sources.lst probably messed up12:31
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Flannelthehumanerror: Google Talk is jabber/XMPP, with the voice stuff done with "Jingle", Kopote and Telepathy implement Jingle12:31
xtknightIncredibleHink, bongo noises? lol12:31
IncredibleHinkxtknight, oh shit!!! i bet that sound test is still running.... how do i terminate it if i cant see it....  i just ctrl-c'd out of it12:31
penguin42xtknight: You mention there is a major NFS issue - what is it?  Client seems to work fine form the minor fiddling12:31
tonyyarussoGPLGeek: there's a script for doing E17 somewhere too12:31
T0uCHif nobody can help me with just gave me a link for the live cd .. and i will format all!12:32
TheoMurpsemagnetron: I used that page. The suggested method fails.12:32
xtknightIncredibleHink, killall speaker-test12:32
GPLGeekI'm unsure if there are any multiverse packages or universe packages but I'd check there first though12:32
breakthrudIsTuRbEd1: do nvidia drivers work? what card do you have? i have a geforce 6600 and nvidia drivers aren't working12:32
tonyyarusso!ohmy | IncredibleHink12:32
ubotuIncredibleHink: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:32
TheoMurpsemagnetron: as I reported in my first statement12:32
Subhumanjustin420, beryl-manager wont touch your X - is it just hanging on a blank screen?12:32
holycowT0uCH, oh  yeah no worries, ubuntu.com its in the download section12:32
holycowlots of mirrors, pick one closest to you12:32
Subhumanif so - i had that and its fixed with a hard reboot.12:32
magnetronTheoMurpse: you have to upgrade de update-manager, or you will get that error12:32
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kde185!ohmy fluid12:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy fluid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:32
IncredibleHinkxtknight, well its not the speaker test but i still hear the bongo noises12:32
xtknightpenguin42, http://kerneltrap.org/node/276112:32
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sooooopMy PS/2 keyboard worked in edgy but not feisty. Is it a known prob?12:32
xtknightIncredibleHink, it's ubuntu's startup sound12:32
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dIsTuRbEd1breakthru : 6100 had to use dpkg and set it to nv12:32
justin420Subhuman: its going back to my login screen after starting beryl-manager, on the little window that shows whats starting up12:32
xtknightIncredibleHink, maybe restart gdm12:32
busfahrerExcuse me, apt-get update stalls at 'receiving headers'... any fix for that?12:32
jasinwell, at least my kernel is updated.12:33
kde185!ohmy | fluid12:33
ubotufluid: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:33
holycowsooooop, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu12:33
GPLGeekI've been getting some /msgs and emails asking me how to use Elive's repos on ubuntu lately and thats just not supported as far as I know. I dont think Ubuntu has the same Internals as Debian Etch. On a binary level. Compiling from source should work well though.12:33
IncredibleHinkxtknight, how would i do that12:33
[ithaycu] penguin42: and I still get an error about penguin42: "asoundconf list" shows only an SB soundcard12:33
LjL!slow > busfahrer    (busfahrer, see the private message from Ubotu)12:33
holycowsooooop, search there first12:33
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fluidissues with us.archive.ubuntu.com or is it just me? :D12:33
xtknightIncredibleHink, something got frozen, CTRL alt backspace to restart desktop immediately if you'd like.  you'll lose all open windows12:33
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magnetronTheoMurpse: you need 0.45.212:33
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holycowsooooop, i have a big issue with the kernel in feisty my self so yeah it might be12:33
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pingwinhello everyone12:33
jman_so many feisty issues, so many curse words :-|12:33
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TheoMurpsemagnetron: I can't upgrade it. I go and select "check" to check for software updates, and I cannot download any of the 18 files needed.12:33
IncredibleHinkxtknight, thats fine brb12:33
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sooooopholycow ya seems to be kernel issue12:33
jasinfluid,  I am having issues with that server as well.12:33
bakefymy linux will not upgrade to the latest build, is there something that i need to do?12:33
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Subhumanjustin420, well im not sure where its kept - but i gotta go now.12:33
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holycowsooooop, yeah it looks like thats going to be the theme with feisty i think12:34
fluidty...i figured as much, but im also using a pretty "worn" network cable. lol12:34
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neuratixFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.compiz.net/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Could not resolve 'ubuntu.compiz.net'12:34
neuratixFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.compiz.net/dists/edgy/main-edgy/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Could not resolve 'ubuntu.compiz.net'12:34
neuratixFailed to fetch http://ubuntu.compiz.net/dists/edgy/main-edgy/binary-amd64/Packages.gz Could not resolve 'ubuntu.compiz.net'12:34
neuratixduring update12:34
pingwinwho talk for polish?12:34
TheoMurpsemagnetron: It tries downloading package information from repositories and the files fail.12:34
justin420Subhuman: thanks allot anywayz, appreciate your insight.12:34
LjL!paste > neuratix    (neuratix, see the private message from Ubotu)12:34
magnetronTheoMurpse: too many ppl are downloading at the same time12:34
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:34
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kondor101best program for making multisession DVDs is??12:34
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TheoMurpsemagnetron: Great. Thanks for the help.12:34
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thehumanerrorGoogle Talk anyone?12:34
[ithaycu] feisty works great for me, except the soundcard12:34
confreythanks fot your suggest, but my web cups interface doesn't works, cna you help me?12:34
sooooopholycow can we downgrade the kernel?12:34
jasinSo many people are downloading 7.04 that the servers are being killed. its basically the same as if they were hit with a ddos attack.12:34
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TheoMurpsemagnetron: the "great" was targeted at canonical. the "thanks" was truly typed, and targeted at you, didn't mean to seem rude12:34
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wuzzerdu can use old kernel if u still have it12:35
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brunoUTthis is so darn annoying.....when will these stupid servers start working and allow me to upgrade????12:35
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holycowsooooop, you can recompile your own sure12:35
leroi_hey guys i just installed a fresh copy of 7.04 and there was an icon in the top right of computer hardware and it was telling i needed to install unsupported ATI drivers so i did and the download would not work so i cancelled it and it wont come back12:35
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kondor101oh yea its 7.04 day,  should i switch from 7.04 pre release?12:35
jasindownload the iso, it has everything.12:35
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magnetronTheoMurpse: you are welcome12:35
LjL!final > kondor101    (kondor101, see the private message from Ubotu)12:35
brunoUTWTF??? is Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  ude/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)12:35
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brunoUThow do i fix this crap??12:35
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jasinYou can get the iso without any trouble.12:35
bakefyWhen i click on the new distribution  7.04 it just freezes12:35
justin420brunoUT: when everybody else stop slamming the servers for the new ubuntu12:35
holycowsooooop, i don't think you can use the old kernel without recompile because th elibc6 and many other components are different12:35
magnetron!final |  kondor10112:35
ubotukondor101: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:35
DanaGIs there anywhere to get a deb of Thunderbird 2?12:35
DjViperkondor101: backup /home first ;)12:35
ryan_does anyone have a link to torrents that are on another tracker?12:35
brunoUThow has anyone updated then?12:35
jasinbrunoUT, download the iso, you can get that without any troubles.12:35
declanThe problem I have with official releases is that by the time it is released, I've normally been using the thing for 6 weeks already.... I'm nearly ready for a new one at that stage.12:36
mc44leroi_: system -> administration -> restricted driver manager12:36
holycowDanaG, not yet, but just download their .tar.gz and extract and double click on their binary12:36
LjLbrunoUT: switch mirrors to some that work.12:36
brunoUTi have the ISO12:36
justin420brunoUT: patiently12:36
fluidmight as well ask since i came in...lol. ive got a laptop with edgy on it, and i got everything working as far as ati+xgl+beryl/compiz ... but the thing seems to freeze everytime i go to log out in gnome. have not bothered with kde, and dont plan to ;) anyone ever find a solution to that?12:36
LjLbrunoUT: or *wait*12:36
brunoUTbut it will not let me update12:36
holycowDanaG, it runs just like that no need to install until you get a deb packaged for you12:36
brunoUThow on earth do i update?12:36
=== IncredibleHink [n=Incredib@cpe-76-185-49-226.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjLbrunoUT: it won't indeed12:36
fluidim sure i get the usual "the ati drivers are horrible" response. hehe12:36
brunoUTi booted from my cd12:36
brunoUTand there is no update option12:36
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kondor101DjViper,  that sounds to me like i am probably already using final12:36
mc44fluid: they are12:36
LjLbrunoUT: can't you wait a day? the servers are *overloaded*. no, there is no update option on the CD.12:36
leroi_i downloaded and installed the fglrx  driver from synaptic but when i do fglrxinfo it still says mesa drivers12:36
lieterhi, how do i set vlc as my default movie player?12:36
magnetron!update | brunoUT12:36
brunoUTok sounds good yo12:36
ubotubrunoUT: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:36
DanaGMy gnome session also seems to like freezing at logout, instead of logging out.12:37
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brunoUTdont give me those !craps i already read that12:37
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DanaGOh, and I tried XFCE; it breaks my keyboard.12:37
wastrelDanaG:  mine too.12:37
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mc44!ati | leroi_12:37
ubotuleroi_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:37
fluidmc44: i know they are, on any platform. lol12:37
IncredibleHinkxtknight, perfect.... thanks for your help buddy!12:37
EnronI've ran ubuntu on an old Dell box now I took the Hard drive out and tried booting up on another box, it tells me Failt to start the X server (your graphical interface). it is likely that it is not set up correctly. Now my keyboard freezes up so I can do anything. Is there anyway to edit grub loader so that it won't boot to X12:37
kondor101other ubuntu irc channels?12:37
DanaGMy arrow keys and home-end-pgup-pgdn turn into Japanese Input Method keys.12:37
LjL!channels > kondor101    (kondor101, see the private message from Ubotu)12:37
IncredibleHinkxtknight, i think we're in business12:37
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kondor101LjL ty12:37
DanaGAnd down arrow is enter.12:37
[ithaycu] Enron: when you boot you should be able to hit the esc key12:37
jasinListen people!!!!! If you are having trouble upgrading via apt-get or update-manager then get the iso, you can download it here without any troubles, Guarnteed. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download12:38
IncredibleHinkxtknight, I have one more question though12:38
wastrelEnron:  hit esc when you start booting to enter the grub menu you can choose the rescue image then12:38
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leroi_brunoUT just wait til tomorrow12:38
[ithaycu] Enron: once you do that, choose the rescue boot12:38
brunoUTok new question that maybe someone can answer.....why are they GRAYED out updates in my update manager???12:38
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xtknightIncredibleHink, yeah?12:38
IncredibleHinkxtknight, i am a mac user at work..... is there anyway to remap my keys to where the ctl is the alt and vice-versa12:38
jasinListen people!!!!! If you are having trouble upgrading via apt-get or update-manager then get the iso, you can download it here without any troubles, Guarnteed. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download12:38
xtknightIncredibleHink, google xmodmap12:38
LjLjasin: really? except the ISO (the Desktop one) doesn't allow upgrading.12:38
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Stoffercan someone please help me with ndiswrapper?12:38
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LjLjasin: and there is no need to spam, thanks12:38
Flanneljasin: please stop spamming12:38
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brunoUTok new question that maybe someone can answer.....why are they GRAYED out updates in my update manager???12:38
fluiddidnt have much choice when i got this laptop on the whole ATI thing ;)12:38
mirakthe upgrade from edgy to feisty is even worth than dapper to edgy12:38
IncredibleHinkxtknight, rgr have a good night man... again thanks for all your help.....12:38
xtknightIncredibleHink, glad to help12:38
magnetron!alternate | LjL12:39
ubotuLjL: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.12:39
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PelobrunoUT,  they exist but are currently unavailable12:39
mc44mirak: ... why??12:39
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jasinFlannel, posting the ubuntu website in #ubuntu is spamming? ROFL12:39
peter77the updater says there are no new updates?12:39
brunoUTok makes sense12:39
brunoUTthanks yo12:39
RedNeckBoyI have a LAPTOP with mobile ATI and a broadcom wireless, everything works, except the wireless... now what's gonna happen if I upgrade to 7.04? will some stuf stop working as usual when i upgrade?12:39
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LjLmagnetron: thank you, but i know about the Alternate CD, and i knowthe one that was spammed is not the right URL for it12:39
brunoUTi shall wait to get these updates12:39
jasinspaming ubuntu in #ubuntu, thats a new one ROFL12:39
xtknightheh well i doubt you're guaranteed to download an ISO properly12:39
mirakmc44: the updater crashed all the way12:39
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magnetronLjL: sorry12:39
kondor101does anyone make multisession dvds  if so what software you using?12:39
LjLjasin: posting it twice in a row like that (besides, nobody asked, and it was ill advice) is12:39
peter77anyone got gusty gibbon yet?12:39
AaronMTHow can I get Thunderbird 2.0 to install in 7.04?12:39
nexactwhen I'm trying to upgrade I get the following error: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)12:39
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iGadgetDoes anyone know if 'apt-by-torrent' or something similar exists or is being developed?12:39
Hairulfrpeter77: are you on beta?12:39
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Which driver are you using? fglrx or radeon?12:39
xtknightat good speed at least.. again like has been said many a time before, get a torrent12:39
brunoUTnexact: im gettin that crap too12:40
breakthruhow do i make a windows on all desktops? right click on the title bar doesn't help12:40
RedNeckBoyAngeluz fglrx12:40
peter77Hairulfr, yeah12:40
brunoUTsomething about their server sucks12:40
LjLiGadget: type "apt-torrent" on google12:40
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PelobrunoUT,   they'll become available eventualy or be withdrawn,  don'T worry abut it  go on with your life12:40
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CrazytomRedNeckBoy, i don't know about that, but my wireless started working when i installed feisty12:40
nexactbrunoUT: yeah I guess...12:40
mitchif i'm on beta, do i need to do anything with the 7.04 release?12:40
lieterhi, how do i set vlc as my default movie player?12:40
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:40
xtknightLjL, do you know off hand if apt-torrent can solve the problem we're having now?12:40
brunoUThaha good luck tho man12:40
StofferI'm trying to install a windows driver for my wireless card w/ ndiswrapper, but it's giving me an error... http://pastebin.ca/44888212:40
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: You *could* run into kernel-difficulties.12:40
penguin42breakthru: Right click on the icon at the top left of the title bar - there is a menu and there is an option 'visible on all workspaces'12:40
LjL!final > mitch    (mitch, see the private message from Ubotu)12:40
LjLxtknight: it can't, i guess12:40
leroi_do the ati driver instructions for 6.10 work for 7.0412:40
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RedNeckBoyAngeluz, would it be better If I'd clean install?12:40
LjLxtknight: (and igadget) however, there *is* a spec to add torrent support to Ubuntu's APT12:41
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dIsTuRbEd1how does one edit and save the sources.list????????12:41
xtknightLjL, yeah i saw it the other day.  hope it goes thru12:41
clopare there known issues with amd64 ubuntu feisty not being able to correctly access hard drives?12:41
hagabakain the grub menu, i get a list of kernel versions. does this mean Ubuntu keeps several kernels? what about the modules?12:41
Hairulfrpeter77: Then if you gotten the updates that came this last week or two you are up to date. Otherwise do: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade,12:41
mc44dIsTuRbEd1: why do you want to do that?12:41
xtknightdIsTuRbEd1, gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  and click SAve12:41
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breakthrupenguin42: the menu shows only "minimize maximize ontop move resize close", i'm using Xgl12:41
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=== DanaG uses aptitude.
dIsTuRbEd1THANK YOU12:41
fluidoh i know what i want..and just dont know the name of one. what do you guys prefer for backing up and entire system to DVDR or CDR?12:41
Flannelhagabaka: a few kernels because of the few kernel versions.12:41
zerhow can it be that usbhid is loaded although i removed the .ko-file??12:41
LjLdIsTuRbEd1:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list . but if you're trying to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty, don't do it like that.12:41
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mc44!upgrade | dIsTuRbEd112:41
ubotudIsTuRbEd1: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes12:41
PelodIsTuRbEd1,  gksu gedit /etc/sources.list12:41
Flannel!backup | fluid12:41
ubotufluid: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning12:41
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: No, I don't think so. Did you ever try the radeon-drivers?12:41
dIsTuRbEd1to fix something i did to it12:41
billyfluid, DVDr.12:41
dwhsixshould I ask 6.06->6.10 upgrade problems here?  Or is this error just because the servers are all getting whacked?  "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)"12:41
hagabakaFlannel: for each kernel it keeps, the kernel modules are also kept right?12:42
fluidread all that...except the duplicity one...ty flannel12:42
mistonesorry for retarded question but if I installed the feisty beta I am now using fiesty after I upgraded12:42
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, yeah and they don't work for my ATI Radeon 250M12:42
Hairulfrhagabaka: There should be the newly installed kernel and the latest working and then two recovery kernels, also new/latest working.12:42
penguin42breakthru: For me I see other options below the minimize/maximize/blah/close options - I've got Desktop-effects enabled on feisty12:42
billymistone, yes.12:42
Pelodwhsix,  every one wants it , be patient12:42
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crackintoshso has anyone had any problems doing the "upgrade"12:42
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: At least during installation you should use radeon in your xorg.conf and do a uninstall of fglrx.12:42
Chm0d has anyone heard of a problem of a screen just goign black on you? like for example just now I was playign quake2 and it goes black but the game is still running12:42
magnetron!final | mistone12:42
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ubotumistone: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:42
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hagabakai have 5 versions12:42
brunoUTballsacks they need new servers12:42
Pelocrackintosh,  wait a few days  the servers are swamped12:42
dwhsixPelo: yeah but I'm only trying to get from 6.06 to 6.10... (but of course so I can upgrade to 7 :-) )12:42
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Dasnipa`dwhsix, 7.0412:43
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: It should be easier to do a clean reinstall of the fglrx-drivers after that, if you're not happy with xorg-radeon.12:43
Pelodwhsix,  same servers12:43
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crackintoshPelo: It can be downloaded from different repositories correct?12:43
hagabakaoh, actually 3, 2.6.20-15, 2.6.17-11, 2.6.17-1012:43
dIsTuRbEd1no i'm not tring to upgrade12:43
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dwhsixDasnipa: okay, 7.04.  sorry12:43
RedNeckBoy <Angeluz> can I tell you a secret?, I'm never buyin' ATI again :P12:43
fluidive just been using a script to tar/bzip everything on the machine except for the dynamic directories...seems crude to me for some reason. lol12:43
dIsTuRbEd1just repair it12:43
Pelocrackintosh,  if you're in a hurry,   get the torrent and make a clean install12:43
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dwhsixPelo: yup, I figgered... okay, I'll go do something else for a few days and then come back12:43
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Stofferis it possible that the gnome network manager is reporting a 50% wireless signal strength while the actual strength is much higher?  Is there a way i could check it?  wmwave also says 50%...12:43
hagabakaare you having problems with fglrx on feisty too?12:43
iGadgetLjL: if there's already a spec, there's no use for me to go posting a blueprint about it in launchpad I suppose?12:43
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AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Same goes for me, unless they release an improved driver, like they announced.12:44
Hairulfr!final | crackintosh12:44
ubotucrackintosh: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:44
DanaGArgh, my gnome-vfs for SSH doesn't work.12:44
LjLiGadget: no, but go read the present blueprint and add your comments if you have some ;)12:44
askarStoffer: I think I have same problem.. I mean im sitting two meters from my router..12:44
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RedNeckBoyAngeluz they announced that again?12:44
alex22i have a AMD processor12:44
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alex22which version do i download12:44
askarStoffer: and only 5012:44
TheoMurpsepelo that's what i'd be doing if the new livecd didn't freeze on me (despite the fact that I ran the "verify CD contents" command after booting the live CD and verified that it was burned properly12:44
neuratixI've got a problem during upgrade: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16454/12:44
eternaljoydoes Ubuntu 7.04 come as a LiveCD?12:44
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AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Haha... they did the same before?12:44
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Hairulfreternaljoy: Yes12:44
magnetronStoffer: i have the same issue. i think it is because my gard is 108Mbps while the AP is 54 Mbps12:44
TheoMurpseeternaljoy yes it does, and it's online12:44
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Stofferaskar, I get 100% in windows (I dual boot)  What card & driver are you running?12:44
tonyyarussoeternaljoy: yes, the desktop CD is live and install12:44
sorcerercan anyone please hlep me12:44
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kondor101mistone, probably12:44
sorcererhey guys iam trying to par .. well repair the file but it shows that it doesnt not exist .. but when i do an ls .. the files are there could some one tell me what iam doing wrong .. here is the pastbin link to the what i just did http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16449/12:44
noname`Should the getautomatic.com updates fil every time? or is something messed up12:44
z987khey is anyone having problems with packages not being signed?12:44
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:45
magnetronStoffer: *card12:45
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PeloTheoMurpse,   I'm sorry to hear about that12:45
statictonicIn openoffice on feisty i got a bit of an odd problem, the toolbar is all text, no icons, and when I try to switch it to icons it stays as text only... anyone else having this problem?12:45
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eternaljoyis Ubuntu 7.04 the one known as Edgy? sorry, had a brain blank :P12:45
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, a while ago i think... I sent emails... that's what they had answered12:45
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: I don't know anything about that, but they said they were working on a completely rewritten OpenGL-driver.12:45
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dIsTuRbEd1wow this place is f-ing crazyly loaded with ppl12:45
Stoffermagnetron, well mine are both 54... is there a way I can test the real speed12:45
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z987keternaljoy, no it's fiesty12:45
eternaljoyi thought Ubun tu 6.10 was knopwn as Edgy12:45
DanaGMy nautilus just times out on the ssh server.12:45
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ytsestefany1 know why sometimes I have sound and some other I dont? where's the alsaconf command?? :(12:45
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nir_aiwhat is the default root password?12:45
Hairulfreternaljoy: No, 7.04 is Feisty Fawn, Edgy is the older12:45
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Hmm... you should have contacted Michael of Phoronix when you received those news. :)12:45
z987keternaljoy, yes 6.10 = edgy12:45
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askarStoffer: Got mucher signal in windows before too.. tought that it was my card that was getting bad.. but apparently not then :S Im having a d-link DWL-G650+12:45
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hagabakaI usually use KDM; if X crashes on start up, and I get the command line login prompt, after fixing xorg.conf, what's the correct way to start up KDM again?12:45
z987khey is anyone having problems with packages not being signed?12:45
dwhsixytsestef: in firefox or in other places as well?12:46
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Hey guys, quick question if you dont mind... Im an xp user but been following ubuntu and would love to switch over but scared of my video card. Was going to try duel logging tonight but will ubuntu work with my radeon pci-express x1600 512 vid card?12:46
mwehagabaka: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start12:46
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magnetronStoffer: right-click the nm-applet, it will have an option for link info12:46
LjLiGadget: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apt-torrent12:46
eternaljoyhow come they dont offer 6.10 as LiveCD?  They only have 6.06 and 7.04 as a liveCD option to download!  why isnt 6.10 there?12:46
Stofferaskar, I have the G510... using the ath_pci driver?12:46
LjL!root > nir_ai    (nir_ai, see the private message from Ubotu)12:46
=== Pelo knows he's putting his life at risk but he'll wait a few days if not weeks before upgrading, hoping terrorist won't use time of unupgraded vulmnerability to blow up his computer
brunoUTpiss ants12:46
nir_aiwhat is the default root password?12:46
wastrelDeX-aNoM-MwG-:  try the livecd12:46
brunoUTwhy do the ubuntu servers suck balls?12:46
mitchsometimes my 3d rendering abnormally slow, and others it is really nice...any reason?12:46
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LjLnir_ai: see the message12:46
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, they're just fooling around... they probably hire people who used to work for the governement12:46
ytsestefdwhsix: shouldn't there be a package in the repositories that enables you to config alsa???12:46
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AngeluzDeX-aNoM-MwG-: Yes, but you'll need the fglrx-drivers from ati. And they suck.12:46
askarStoffer:  dont really know what driver im using? It worked out of the box..12:46
_NeilI need to get realplayer going in feisty, isnt it easier in this that edgy?12:46
Stoffermagnet, it's saying 54, but it goes lower sometimes12:46
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=== comradeNikolai [n=ketcar@66-62-165-3.wwc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
_NeilHow do i begin :D12:46
lex_luthori just tried launching the ubuntu 7.04 live cd on my dell 1705 without sucess. it fails to start gdm12:47
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magnetron!ohmy | brunoUT12:47
z987kytsestef, dosn't alsa-config work?12:47
ubotubrunoUT: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL
lex_luthorhas anyone seen this?12:47
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: I don't think so.12:47
dwhsixytsestef: not sure about that -- I just had a lot of trouble getting sound to work properly in firefox (particularly with flash)12:47
DeX-aNoM-MwG-thanks angel/wastrel, ill check ito ut just wanted to make sure there was hope :)12:47
Stofferaskar, yea, I was surprised when fiesty did that12:47
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dwhsixytsestef: sounds like maybe you've got a different problem12:47
Stofferaskar, it'll tell you in the hardware info, but you're probably running ath_pci...it seems to be the most common w/ dlink cards12:47
magnetron!slow | brunoUT12:47
ubotubrunoUT: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:47
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Now with DELL and others doing linux-powered pcs, they seem to understand how critical a reliable driver can be.12:47
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Stoffermagnet, have you tried using ndiswrapper instead of your current driver?12:47
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askarStoffer: We could file a bugreport but it propably get very low in the priority list :)12:47
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ytsestefz987k, the command does not exist12:48
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variantanyone know some nice kids games.. with reasonable graphics and stupid/friendly themes? for ubuntu of course12:48
PeloPepper,  you should see the first comment on that in diggs,  not very nice for ubu users , but I guess some deserv it12:48
z987kytsestef, ok, I thought that was what I used way back when I actaully had to config alsa12:48
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, well I hope they're gonna work fast 'cause i know a LOT of ppl who promised to buy Nvidia next time12:48
magnetronStoffer: i use madwifi, it's a lot better than ndiswrapper12:48
mwevariant: ppracer depending on age12:48
hagabakavariant: have you checked the games section in aptitude?12:48
Stofferaskar, yeah... I just can't figure out if it's really 50 or just reporting 50... and of course I "think" it runs slower now....and it drops occationally12:48
mwevariant: supertux12:48
Pelo!games | variant12:48
nir_aiLjL: thanks12:48
ubotuvariant: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org12:48
ytsestefz987k,dwhsix sometimes I boot and the sound is a breeze with not a single problem. then I reboot and there is NO sound!!!12:49
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mistoneI am glad I didn't wait to get the beta now I don't have to deal with apt being so slow :P12:49
Stoffermagnetron, is the ath_pci driver the same as madwifi?12:49
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crackintoshRedNeckBoy: what video card vendor are you suggesting?12:49
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Same here, even though I told everyone to wait at least until august for ATI/AMD to release their new driver.12:49
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nir_aihow do I restart the x server?12:49
magnetronStoffer: yes12:49
dopeyoyo, sometimes when amarok is playing and i do something else my music stutters.  is there a way to give amarok the highest priority so that doesn't happen?12:49
misfit-toyI am wondering if I can just use archive-mgr (file-roller) to zip my whole /home dir to a zip say somewhere else without it missing files while things are open like email, firefox, xchat, etc...12:49
alex22where can i get the torrent?12:49
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Angeluznir_ai: ctrl+alt+backspace.12:49
Stoffernir_ai, alt_ctrl_backspace12:49
=== penguin42 notes the intel i9xx just works great for 3D on opensource - not the fastest but it does work!
fogossomeone have a 310x gateway12:49
mwemadwifi provides among some other modules ath_pci12:49
LjL!feisty > alex22    (alex22, see the private message from Ubotu)12:49
mistonehow do I figure out what nvidia driver I am using12:49
Angeluzalex22: ubuntu.com12:49
=== TwinX [n=TwinX@203-044-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
fogossomeone have a 310x gateway home pc12:49
milageHello again12:49
_Neil Ubuntu restricted extras12:49
_NeilCommonly used restricted packages12:49
Stoffermagnetron, so it looks like what I've got is as good as it's gonna get...12:50
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nir_aihow do I start the x server from console?12:50
milageI've got problems getting Flash to work12:50
_Neilwill this add realplayer to feisty guys? ^^^^12:50
eternaljoywhy did http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download stop offering Ubuntu 6.10 as a download?  They onlu have 6.06 and 7.04. Anyone know?12:50
_Neilnir_ai: startx12:50
ytsestefz987k I used to use alsaconfig and be able to configure alsa, but now there's not such a command. And it's not like I have any special soundcard its good' ol' ac97...12:50
Stoffermagnetron, you don't suppose the signal strength might go higher if I stop using roaming mode do you?12:50
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milageI can't find the proper package in synaptic ;o12:50
RedNeckBoyAngeluz oh yeah they had some kind of Fusion... that is probably going to be something hardcore nice12:50
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penguin42eternaljoy: 6.06 is on long term support12:50
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milagethat it, what I've been told is the proper package12:50
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z987kytsestef, is alsaconfig installed?  apt-get install alsaconfig12:50
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eternaljoypenguin42: was 7.04 just released?12:50
sorcererhey guys iam trying to par .. well repair the file but it shows that it doesnt not exist .. but when i do an ls .. the files are there could some one tell me what iam doing wrong .. here is the pastbin link to the what i just did http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16449/12:51
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Don't expect them to open their specifications though.12:51
magnetronStoffer: the signal strength is usually depending of the environment of the antenna12:51
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penguin42eternaljoy: Nod!12:51
sorcerercan soem one please help me12:51
mwemilage: pc 32bit?12:51
z987keternaljoy, yes12:51
eternaljoyok cheers12:51
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z987khey is anyone having problems with packages not being signed?12:51
sorcererwith the statement above12:51
mwemilage: there is none12:51
=== Sean_ [n=broestls@ip68-1-169-120.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Stoffermagnetron, yeah, but if I boot windows it's 100%12:51
askarStoffer: Yeah..have the same feeling..12:51
ytsestefz987k: E: Couldn't find package alsaconfig12:51
_NeilAnyone? How can I play realmedia on feisty!12:51
milageWell, that's a shot to the face :p12:51
=== salty [n=salty@pool-162-83-126-120.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: A guy from AMD already mentioned that there wont be a open source-delepmont concerning ati-products.12:51
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Enronwhat file do I need to edit if I want to change my ip, I use to have X and had it set manually right now i'm at the shell12:51
askar_Neil: works in totem for me12:51
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wuzzerdNeil: you got Realplayer?12:52
z987kytsestef, well I'm having problems with sound to, it won't play my c-media and it worked otb in 6.1012:52
bimberiz987k: occasionally.  usually a 'sudo apt-get update' fixes it12:52
ytsestefz987k I also checked the ubuntu repositories, there's no such package, not anyone that includes alsaconfig either12:52
milageIs there a way to get around that problem? :p12:52
tehquicknessI have been unable to get .mov to play with feisty fawn12:52
LjL!gpgerr > z987k    (z987k, see the private message from Ubotu)12:52
fetalez987k, I'm having problems too12:52
eternaljoypenguin42: if I install feisty on a hard drive partition, will the installer create the swap partition it needs by itself?  Or do I hve to first manusally create a 1Gig partition for the swap file?12:52
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mwemilage: blame macrobe12:52
tehquicknessDoes anyone have any sugestions?12:52
eternaljoycan ubuntu 7.04 run without a swap file?12:52
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, no but they can't leave us without support either... they will probably do at least good proprietary stuff... they have to... i mean we're a lot of ppl using linux now and GROWING12:52
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: But you really should take a look at Phoronix. There will be a huge article about the delevopment of Linux-drivers in cooperation with ATI/AMD.12:52
milageBlaming won't help me much :p12:52
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LjLeternaljoy: yes, but i wouldn't call it a good idea12:52
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penguin42eternaljoy: You normally have a separate partition for swap, it's not essential but it is normal12:52
_Neilaskar: Does it play stuff in firefox?12:52
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: I agree.12:52
magnetronStoffer: 100% of what? those figures doesn't really measure the speed, it is only comparable in the same software12:52
_Neilthats what i really need12:52
=== whaley_ [n=whaley@cpe-071-068-048-109.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwemilage: supposedly they're working on a 64bit linux release12:52
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: But the BSD-guys are still fracked.12:52
ytsestefz987k, ok I just thought this is weird because in any other distro getting sound is the easiest thing through alsa...12:53
Stoffermagnet, 100%signal strength12:53
eternaljoyLjL: why not?12:53
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milageIn the mean time, is there a decent reverse engineered flash plugin?12:53
z987kbimberi, I'll try the update12:53
saltyhow do i configure both of my sound cards to stream simultaneously from the same source?12:53
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wehttambhow can i upgrade from ubuntu 7.04 beta to the final release?12:53
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RedNeckBoyAngeluz, I never read about BSD12:53
magnetronmilage: i heard that gnash is the best, but it is till alpha12:53
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eternaljoypenguin42: what would happen if I dont create a swap partition? fesity will still load and run as normal?12:53
bimberiwehttamb: just run update-manager12:53
penguin42Sheesh - there are people here having problems with one sound card - and you want to use two at once :-)12:53
Sombrerohello all12:53
NickGarveywehttamb: as far as I know, its just "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"12:53
Pelowehttamb,  you donT' have to just leave the updates on and it will happen12:53
z987keternaljoy, yes it will but you might want to make one12:54
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eternaljoyz987k: why?12:54
penguin42eternaljoy: Yes - I'm not sure if the installer will try and insist on it12:54
milageI can live with that as long as it doesn't crash bigger things than my browser, i suppose12:54
LjLeternaljoy: because 1) even if you have lots of RAM, it can be demonstrated that swap space still helps  2) hibernation won't work without swap  3) out of memory errors on Linux are BAD12:54
z987keternaljoy, in case you use all your RAM12:54
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: I don't do that very often either.12:54
=== joeljkp [n=joeljkp@host-64-139-243-252.nctv.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwemilage: some people run a 32bit chrooted firefox to get flash12:54
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flyinghippoWould anyone happen to know of any advantages to IPv6 in Ubuntu?12:54
mistonez987k: it will make your perfromance suck alot12:54
_Neilanyone ? How to play realmedia in firefox?12:54
eternaljoyLjL: bad in what way?  they can cause hardware failure?12:54
SombreroThe release notes for 7.04 mention that 256mb ram should be sufficient to install and run Ubuntu.  Can anyone here verify that it would be worthwhile to actually do so with a P2 400mhz machine?12:54
AngeluzLjL: I can agree on the latter.12:54
_NeilIt tells me i need a plugin, and to install it12:54
z987kif you dont create swap and max out the ram wont the system crash?12:54
milageSeems like the one I have is 64bit12:54
LjLeternaljoy: eh, no, come on now... they can crash the system really bad, though12:55
magnetron!xubuntu | Sombrero12:55
ubotuSombrero: xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels12:55
milagethat would be whatever was included with 6.1012:55
eternaljoyLjL: ok got it, cheers12:55
Dante123i'm getting the following error when upgrading:  http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-commercial/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2: Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)12:55
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, do you recommend for I to switch to 64bit apps yet? or is it still unstable?12:55
LjLz987k: the kernel won't necessarily crash, but bad things will happen anyway12:55
DanaGxfce slaughters my arrow and home-pgup-pgdn-end keys.12:55
bimberiSombrero: I have run Ubuntu on a Celeron 466 with 256MB.  Slow but usable.12:55
magnetronSombrero: xubuntu is ubuntu for low-end computer12:55
justintime32is anyone getting upgrade download speeds above  KB/s?12:55
mistonez987k: it might crash but most likely just go crazy slow12:55
penguin42Dante123: Is that the only error or are there any before that?12:55
justintime3250 KB/s*12:55
DanaGIt turns them into enter and Hiragana and Katakana keys.12:55
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:55
DanaGin xev.12:55
=== crdlb_ [n=chrisw@pool-71-241-6-84.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoyLjL: im just wondering, because the USB stick version I created on my 1Gig USB stick, didnt need a swap partition and it runs fine12:55
bimberiSombrero: Xubuntu on the same config was better12:55
saltyhow do i configure both of my sound cards to stream simultaneously from the same source?12:55
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/12:55
Dante123penguin42......two of the same error when trying to upgrade....12:56
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justintime32ubotu? hah12:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:56
_NeilHow do i play realmedia in firefox?12:56
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: Its not a questions of stability anymore, but there are certain plugins that need lots of tweaking to run with a 64bit-program...12:56
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Sombreromagnetron, ok, so that would probably be a good idea then.  Are all things more-or-less the same?  Still has wpa support for example?12:56
penguin42Dante123: Any other errors - it's unusual for that to be the only one12:56
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IndyGunFreaki downloaded feisty via torrent at an average of 500k, no probs at all.12:56
LjLeternaljoy: well, swap on a USB stick is, conversely, a very bad idea. USB sticks are flash memory, and flash memory can only be written to a finite number of time. if you put swap on a flash memory stick, you'll ruin it.12:56
Joshua_CookHello, I have a question regarding RAID 1 and Ubuntu Breezy Badger. I have posted about it on the Ubuntu Forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405944. If any one can help me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.12:56
=== PhilKC [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
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brunoUTwhy does my 'fetching files' pause at 40 of the 50??????12:56
ghostisgraysup all12:56
AngeluzRedNeckBoy: If you do video-editing and stuff, or need a *huge* amount of RAM, I'd recommend it.12:56
dreamcastjackhey, anyone else having problems w/ Amarok?12:56
interfear7.04 is out now?12:56
LjLeternaljoy: however, i think that even the live CD tries to use a swap partition if it can find a suitable one on a HD12:56
Dante123starts the upgrade.....then I get that error.....in the box it says...something about could be network problem12:56
Dante123but network is fine12:56
eternaljoyLjL: in fact, according to the install insturctions, the  USB stick version doesnt create  swap partition at all12:56
soothsayinterfear: You just missed it. Come back in 6 months12:57
LjLbrunoUT: because. the. servers. are. slow.12:57
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.12:57
MacSlowinterfear, yes12:57
RedNeckBoyAngeluz, I only have 512Mb ram..12:57
magnetronSombrero: i haven't actually tried Xubuntu, but wpa support has been around for along time.12:57
=== homemaus [n=schiffne@pool-70-20-9-157.prov.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MacSlowinterfear, since this afternoon12:57
Skyggeif I run update-manager I just get the normal update thing showing me what I can upgrade12:57
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AngeluzRedNeckBoy: In that case, you'll be fine with i386.12:57
MacSlowinterfear, depending where you sit on the globe12:57
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penguin42eternaljoy: It can work fine as long as you have plenty of pysical ram; still it can still be more efficient to have some swap so that Linux can push infrequently used stuff out to swap and let you use your ram for more common stuff12:57
dreamcastjacki have all the codecs installed by Amarok wont read them.12:57
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DanaGDon'tcha love the character droppings?12:57
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eternaljoyLjL: so it seems ubuntu can run fine without a swap12:57
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interfearMacSlow: I sit in new jersey12:57
Sombreromagnetron, alright, I'll try Xubuntu then. Thanks12:57
eternaljoypenguin42: yeah12:57
DanaG/* this thingy: (        , )  : is cool for debugging processes. */12:57
FlannelSkygge: make sure youre fully updated12:57
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varianteternaljoy: if you have plenty of ram and all you do is browse the net etc then there is no need for swap12:58
sylvisjOk - trying to install xubuntu. Had some issues because of my 8800gts, but using the vesa driver fixed that. What am I supposed to login as?12:58
Skyggemeh, latest wine is the ghay. but okay.12:58
=== penguin42 looks at DanaG
SkyggeFlannel, thanks12:58
LjLeternaljoy: no, it simply means that it *can* run, and that the disadvantages are fewer than that of putting a swap file on a USB key (read: hardware failure)12:58
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eternaljoyvariant: i have 1 Gig Ram12:58
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Dante123should I change my repository listing from Main server to USA??12:58
Angeluzsylvisj: With the login you creating during the install-process. :)12:58
eternaljoyLjL: ok understood12:58
milageShadow :)12:58
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LjL!es | popo12:58
ubotupopo: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.12:58
sylvisjAngeluz, that's the problem - the installer didn't run because of the X fuckup12:58
ghostisgraysup i am a complete noob, and am interested in installing ubuntu on my laptop, it already has win-xp on it. All i want to know is if i goto install ubuntu will there be a dual os setup thing i can follow?12:58
DanaGI mean, put those segments in pieces of debug output.12:58
LjL!language | sylvisj12:58
sylvisjI need to run it12:58
ubotusylvisj: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.12:58
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TUTUxDante123, it's not that big deal if you are already in US12:59
sylvisjLjL, ok.12:59
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Skyggemilage, I've been holding off updating latest wine as it screws with Steam, but I guess I'll have to to do an upgrade12:59
Dante123could this error just be network congestion12:59
bruenigrhythmbox crashes everytime I try to play something with it12:59
sylvisjAngelus, How would I run the installer?12:59
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DanaGFor example: doing some long-winded process:12:59
Dante123I'm in canada actually12:59
magnetronghostisgray: hi! yes it is.12:59
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varianteternaljoy: then any swap you have will probably never be used.. nowadays though with huge hard disks there is no reason not to have alittle swap.. 100MB is more than enough if u have gig ram12:59
RedNeckBoyCanada WE Rock!12:59
AngeluzSkygge: Are you in a live-cd environment?12:59
milageSkygge, I was merely commenting on your choice of nick :p12:59
ghostisgrayis there ATI video card support?12:59
hyperactivecrondRedNeckBoy: /join #ubuntu-ca12:59
milageAs it means "Shadow" in my native language12:59
skelterhey all - I'm having some trouble where anything that uses hardware graphics acceleration (beryl, for instance) immediately crashes X. can anyone help me troubleshoot?12:59
wastrelDanaG:  #ubuntu-offtopic :] 12:59
ghostisgrayand widescreen*12:59
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Angeluzvariant: No, it's not.12:59
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eternaljoyvariant: really? 100MB is enough?  I always used 1Gig swap.01:00
bruenigrhythmbox doesn't work, wine doesn't work, I get artifacts like crazy, what is the deal with feisty01:00
SkyggeAngeluz, no, not live cd... edgy install01:00
Dante123I got the same error using canada server...so I changed to Main but still no dice.01:00
AngeluzOr I am doing something wrong.01:00
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Skyggemilage, my name? you know what it means?01:00
sylvisjHow would I run the xubuntu installer?01:00
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milageIndeed I do.01:00
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varianteternaljoy: that is seriously excessive.. but you probably have 400GB hard disk so doesn't make any real difference01:00
penguin42eternaljoy: On some oldee Unix's you really needed as much swap as physical RAM - but that hasn't been true for years01:00
magnetroneternaljoy: i use 2GB swap, to be on the safe side ... =)01:00
KNYhaha you jerks, I can't even install gnomebaker since the mirrors are thrashed :)01:00
bruenigsylvisj, I would recommend staying away from xubuntu, I fresh installed it and it is total crap01:00
AngeluzSkygge: Sorry, I confused you with sylvisj. :)01:00
LjLvariant, eternaljoy: swap theoretically *always* improves performance. that's because, if you've got swap, the kernel can decide to swap out an unused process in favor of file caching. that holds even if you have 4 gigs of RAM, just as long as you've got more files than RAM01:00
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SkyggeAngeluz, np01:00
bruenigKNY, change to brazil01:00
sylvisjangeluz, the xubuntu desktop/install CD.01:01
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KNYbruenig, it's going, just very slowly01:01
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magnetron!slow | KNY01:01
varianteternaljoy: the 2times ram = swap size was true for computers with 32MB ram01:01
ubotuKNY: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:01
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LjLvariant: 100MB seems very little to me, especially considering that, for hibernation to work, you need swap to be at least as much as RAM01:01
ghostisgrayis there ATI video card support? and widescreen resolutions?01:01
KNYnot a huge deal01:01
nir_aiI have an nvidia 8800 GTX, and once I enable the nvidia driver and restart, the x server fails to start! how do I roll this back?01:01
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wehttambi did the "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" how do i know it it has upgraded from the beta?01:01
penguin42LjL: I also get the feeling sometimes the kernel just ain't happy without swap - I've seen machines feel very grindy without swap even when they don't use much when they have it01:01
eternaljoyok ty01:01
variantLjL: ah, forgot all about hibernation etc.. that is a very good point that I totaly ignored.01:01
Angeluzsylvisj: So, you just booted without installing?01:01
magnetron!ATI | ghostisgray01:01
variantLjL: never use it my self :P01:01
othHi, noticed I don't have the command mail, what package should I apt-get to install it ?01:01
ytsestefI have selected by mistake "Force XGL" in beryl, then the screen is not refreshed anymore. I restarted X and each time I load Beryl it locks up my screen. How do I revert it to "Force AIGLX"?01:01
breakthrunir_ai: i have the same problem with a nvidia 660001:01
ubotughostisgray: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:01
=== FriedGeek [n=FriedGee@d60-65-84-233.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelwehttamb: if youre upgrading from the beta, do a dist-upgrade not juts an upgrade.  And oyu'll know because no packages will be kept back01:02
wastreloth:  mailx01:02
sylvisjAngeluz, yeah... there wasn't a specific install option01:02
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sylvisjboot, and boot safegraphicsmode01:02
Angeluzytsestef: Give me a seconds.01:02
wehttamb i did the "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" how do i know it it has upgraded from the beta version of feisty01:02
misfit-toyDante123, system/admin/software sources/ubuntu software/download from/  then pick the dropdown box, select "other", the "select best server", it will find the fastest server for YOU01:02
billl_anyone have desktop effect desktop on cube working01:02
ytsestefAngeluz: ok :)01:02
sylvisj"start/install xubuntu" "start xubuntu in safe graphics"01:02
magnetronbilll_: yes, i have01:02
HairulfrI have plenty of upload and I want to seed my feisty iso's, how do I go about connecting to some existing torrent?01:02
Angeluzytsestef: beryl --force-aiglx01:02
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othwastrel, thanks01:02
billl_magnetron how do you switch desktop faces?01:02
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billl_I expected to be able to mouse off an edge01:03
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Angeluzsylvisj: Do the save one.01:03
z987kHairulfr, download the torrent then just go about like your going to download it01:03
DybberIs this: http://dybber.dk/Sk%A6rmbillede.png where i set which soundcard that should be used? It's not very intuitive! Is it the "Default Mixer Tracks" that I should change?01:03
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billl_er mouse across the screen edge01:03
z987kHairulfr, it should check the file and then seed01:03
sylvisjbilll_, ctrl alt arrow01:03
magnetronbilll_: ctrl + alt + arrows01:03
ytsestefAngeluz: didn't expect it to be that simple!! should have tried --help, hhehe! thanks!01:03
sylvisjAngeluz, did that, that's what I'm on01:03
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stefgHairulfr: there's a torrent limked in the /topic of #fesity-release-party01:03
stefgHairulfr: there's a torrent limked in the /topic of #feisty-release-party01:03
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sylvisjbilll_, middlemouse also works if you have one01:03
wehttambi tride the dist-upgrade and it didnt seem to do anything01:03
TUTUxFlannel, so i do need dist-upgrade to upgrade to final from beta?01:03
Angeluzytsestef: You're welcome.01:03
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jared__I had a quick question I told beryl to force XGL in the options and now whenever I load Beryl it locks my desktop.. Is there a file I can edit to change it back?01:03
wehttambwhat is the comand i have to use01:03
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] Johnny[for a casual linux user(meaning I'm in windows more than linux) would I notice a difference between edgy and feisty?01:03
Dante123misfit-toy.....I only see two options in my dropdown box......main server and server for USA01:04
magnetronbilll_: does it work?01:04
AngeluzDon't forget to undo your changes in beryl-manager, if it doesn't do that by itself.01:04
EnverexLjL, Looks like you've got ~all~ the fun tonight ;)01:04
Pie-rateWhy can't I see anything in places->network servers? my laptop running xp can see my mom's computer01:04
bimberiwehttamb: 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'01:04
billl_magnetrsylvisj,magnetron I can switch desktops, but no animation01:04
wehttambi used "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:04
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:04
Angeluzsylvisj: Then you'll have to use the alternate-cd.01:04
mkyb14I have a new MacBook Pro and don't know which version to download for use in Parallels... do i get the 64bit amd / intel or the regular x86 version??01:04
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billl_it works with control-alt arrow but not middle mouse01:04
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billl_I expected a turning cube animation01:04
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billl_i.e. like beryl01:04
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Angeluzbilll_: try #beryl01:05
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Hairulfrz987k, stefg: Cheers, ill try,01:05
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magnetronbilll_: enable "cube" in System > preferences > desktop effects01:05
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Angeluzbilll_: or #ubuntu-effects01:05
RedNeckBoybill_ did you try alt+ctrl+click ?01:05
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billl_cube is/was enabled01:05
wehttambi did a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" but nothing seemed to happen. how do i know if it upgraded?01:05
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billl_my desktop view keeps switching from 4 desktops to 101:06
AngeluzDoes anyone know a gtk-based program like kdetv?01:06
bimberiwehttamb: then you're up to date01:06
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nuked_omen1349 people?01:06
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AngeluzI hate qt-based applications on my desktop.01:06
billl_alt-control-click where?01:06
bruenignuked_omen, it is down 250 from earlier01:06
mkyb14which version do i download?01:06
peter77everyone UPGRADE NOW01:06
peter77a lot of ppl upgrading01:06
milageHow can I increase the scrolling speed of my mouse wheel?01:06
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Angeluznuked_omen: It was 1600 earlier.01:06
luke_hi there01:06
etplayer_fiesty9Looking for some help. My ubuntu (just started recently) is now pausing keyboard and mouse but only in FPS games.  Thanks in advance!01:06
bruenigwhatever you do, don't upgrade xubuntu01:06
bimberibruenig: got to/near 1600? wow.01:06
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peter77didn't know that many ppl used ubuntu01:06
fougwill there be an ubuntu 7.05?01:06
DybberIs this: http://dybber.dk/Skaermbillede.png where i set which soundcard that should be used? It's not very intuitive! Is it the "Default Mixer Tracks" that I should change?01:07
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milageI didn't see anything about that in the mouse preferences01:07
sylvisjAngeluz, so I pretty much just downloaded this one for nothing?01:07
KNYfoug, no, it will be 7.1001:07
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bruenigyeah it was at 1600 at about 6:30 this morning01:07
mistonelol where do they come up with the names for the realeases... Gutsy Gibbon wtf lol01:07
TUTUxwehttamb, sudo lsb_release -a01:07
bimberifoug: 7.10 is next01:07
fougKNY: rgr01:07
luke_why dont upgrade xubuntu?01:07
KNYfoug, the numbering scheme is year.month :)01:07
bruenig6:30 central time01:07
fougbimberi: so all the verions in between .04 and .10 will be beta?01:07
magnetronfoug: next release is in october01:07
wehttambok what does that do01:07
peter77gusty gibbon01:07
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fougKNY: ooo, makes sense now, heh01:07
bimberimistone: from the mysterious recesses of Mark Shuttleworth's mind01:07
KNYfoug, :)01:07
comradeNikolainuked_omen: how do you know I am not a dog?01:07
Angeluzsylvisj: I don't know, to be honest. But if none of the live-cd options work for you, you're forced to do the text-install. And that's on the alternate-cd.01:07
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bimberifoug: no, no new versions, just updates to this one (7.04)01:07
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nuked_omenis there a torrent file for 7.04, cuz the mirrors are hammered i think01:08
nir_aihow do I roll back, the failed nvidia installation? I have not X server now. do I need to re-install ubuntu?01:08
TUTUxwehttamb, tell you the version of your ubuntu01:08
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misfit-toysome nice Beck and a full feisty, looks good, hell the beta only broke once for me.01:08
sylvisjAngeluz: Is there a way to just directly run the installer once I have the xorg.conf edited?01:08
=== Generic_TSS [n=thug@ip70-162-238-218.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronnir_ai: did you try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg01:08
Generic_TSShey ubuntu guys01:08
kazukahey guys01:08
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/01:08
luke_guys, did anybody installed xubuntu 7.04?01:08
Angeluzsylvisj: There should be... but I'd have to be on the box itself to try... sorry.01:08
kazukahow is fiesty fawn doing?01:08
bruenigluke_, I did, garbage01:08
Angeluzkazuka: Pretty good so far.01:09
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Generic_TSSanyone with an RT61 using feisty?01:09
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luke_bruenig, grabage?01:09
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KNYis there a way to specify a mirror with apt-get?01:09
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luke_bruenig, what do you mean?01:09
bruenigluke_, artifacts like crazy, stuff crashing all over the place01:09
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kazukacan you guys run vmware with it?01:09
z987kytsestef, try installing alsa-oss01:09
lex_luthortrying now01:09
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bimberiKNY: no, you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:09
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busfahrerHow do you get apt-get to do parallel fetching?01:09
nir_aimagnetron: yes. does not have any effect.01:09
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KNYbimberi, dang, okay01:09
bimberi!mirrors | KNY01:09
ubotuKNY: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive01:09
Goldygeneric_TSS :  did you get rt61 working in edgy?01:09
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Msakaji-zzZZKNY: edit /etc/apt/sources.list with privilidges01:09
luke_bruenig, oh dear01:09
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Generic_TSSyep Goldy01:09
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bruenigluke_, and I have an integrated graphics card, very simple straightforward using the generic video card driver, and it still is awful01:10
KNYbimberi, I have the ISO, I just need to burn it :)01:10
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Goldywell, im guessin g you will be able to get it working in feisty :P01:10
etplayer_fiesty9Any ideas about why mouse and keyboard events pause for several seconds?01:10
Jovial_Jackasscan someone please help me removing a module that says it's in use?01:10
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Generic_TSSah ok, i was just wondering if there was a regression01:10
luke_bruenig, how was edgy ? did you upgrade or install?01:10
GoldyI have rt61 just not in my systme atm01:10
bruenigluke_, edgy was perfect, dapper was perfect01:10
sahafeezis there a doc that explains the choices between what kernel to install on the server version.01:10
Jovial_Jackasslsmod | grep 139401:10
bruenigluke_, I installed01:10
Jovial_Jackassraw1394                30204  001:10
Jovial_Jackassdv1394                 20828  201:10
Jovial_Jackassohci1394               36528  1 dv139401:10
Jovial_Jackassieee1394              300120  4 sbp2,raw1394,dv1394,ohci139401:10
Jovial_JackassI need to remove dv139401:10
=== nol13 [n=nol13@fe-0-0-0.core1.cvg1.one.net] has joined #ubuntu
Generic_TSSi heard a rumor the rt61 ralink modules wouldn't compile under feisty01:10
Jovial_Jackassit's not working after a suspend01:10
comradeNikolaidapper rocked the house01:10
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magnetronnir_ai: looks like you have to edit the xorg.conf manually, it's not pretty01:11
Jovial_Jackasshow do I do that?01:11
bimberiKNY: kk :) although note that you can only upgrade from the _alternate_ cd, not the desktop - it's for installs only01:11
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luke_bruenig, oh.. dear I am downloading..01:11
bruenigluke_, even breezy was better than this, although for breezy I was using gnome still01:11
Goldygeneric :  will put in my rt61 and try now :)01:11
Jovial_Jackassmodprobe -r dv1394 says it's in use..01:11
bobrikhello, upgrade is totally stalled at file 1158/1410, what should I do? (will keep it running overnight work? :-)01:11
the_rickIs there an alternate CD install yet for Feisty?  I can't find it01:11
nuked_omenthanks a lot with the link :)01:11
Tom47i get "The Composite extension is not available" wheni click on Desktop Effects01:11
nir_aimagnetron: in what way?01:11
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busfahrerExcuse me, apt-get update stalls at 'receiving headers'... any fix for that?01:11
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fucterthe_rick: yes, i downloaded it01:11
StFSjust upgraded to feisty.... it's putting up a bit of a fight... working on resolving it... problems include: 1) hangs at boot time with "could not stat the resume device file" 2) resolvconf fails at boot time 3) powersaved fails at boot time.01:11
sahafeezthe_rick: yes. i was bting today.01:11
nol13how do i get porn in unix?01:11
AngeluzTom47: Which graphics card? Which driver?01:11
busfahrerHow do you get apt-get to do parallel fetching?01:11
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luke_bruenig, ok many thanks for your comment01:11
penguin42nol13: try finger01:11
bruenignol13, web browser is your best bet01:11
MsakajiI have this issue with my ThinkPad R40e that has everybody stumped. I installed Feisty onto it today, to a clean disk, and for some reason the inputs lock up randomly every couple of seconds and completely miss my mouse movements and what I type. I've asked around and tried disabling ACPI, but no can do...01:11
=== armyriad [i=metroman@pool-70-23-163-219.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
fucternol13: chuckfucter.com01:11
bimberibobrik: leave it or interrupt, up to you.  if the latter it will resume when you redo it01:11
Tom47angeluz ati flgrx01:11
sahafeezanyone? which kernel docs on the server install?01:12
armyriadGuess what, guys? Feisty Fawn has been officially released!!!!01:12
AngeluzTom47: The desktop effects need AIGLX.01:12
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Angeluzarmyriad: lol!01:12
bimberiarmyriad: you don't say :)01:12
Generic_TSSyeah aiglx works01:12
etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, I'm having similar behavior, mouse and keyboard pauses for several seconds but only in FPS apps.01:12
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Generic_TSSi use that for beryl under edgy01:12
HairulfrOddly enough, im only seeding about 50 Kb/sec.. I'd figured it would be going about 200 at least01:12
Msakajibusfahrer: This is because the servers are under heavy load I think01:12
armyriadNo, it has really been released.01:12
bobrikbimberi: thanks, that's exactly what I wanted to know01:12
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magnetronnir_ai: there is a line: Driver "nvidia", edit it to be: Driver "nv"01:12
breakthruTom47: with fglrx driver composite extension is disabled, so i'm using XGL + BERYL and it works01:13
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bimberibobrik: yw :)01:13
luke_guys, does anybody use opensees?01:13
Msakajietplayer_fiesty9: For me it's system-wide, even in text mode and prior to loading X.01:13
robinanyone had any success with nvidia-glx-config enable in feisty?01:13
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alterlaszloDownloaD UsinG TorrentS01:13
sahafeezopensuse you mean01:13
breakthrumagnetron: on my desktop i want to use the nvidia drievrs but gdm shows a blank screen01:13
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jared__How do you change the video driver Beryl uses without loading it? Such as XGL/Nividia..  It freezes the desktop everytime I load it after I changed it01:13
luke_nono opensees sorry...01:13
alterlaszloat least01:13
breakthrurobin: i have problems with nvidia drivers01:13
Tom47breakthru ok01:13
Angeluzjared__: beryl force--xxxx01:14
magnetronbreakthru: sorry, can't help you there01:14
bimberiarmyriad: hope none shoots it :|01:14
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armyriadWhy does Mark Shuttleworth funding Ubuntu? Doesn't he lose a ton of money from this?01:14
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etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, I think it was an update, because it worked flawlessly about 2 week ago and since prerelease 301:14
magnetron!nvidia | breakthru01:14
ubotubreakthru: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:14
=== bubs slaps z987k around a bit with a large trout
sahafeezfucking useless channlel01:14
=== HaSH strangles bubs with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 19
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Angeluzarmyriad: Is a philanthrope.01:14
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=== z987k slaps bubs back
bruenigarmyriad, he made billions off of some security firm, now he wastes it01:14
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Generic_TSSwish i had that problem01:14
breakthruubotu: i installed the drivers with the restricted modules manager and all goes well, but after the reboot i have a blank screen01:14
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bruenig!opsnack | breakthru01:15
ubotubreakthru: Chocolate!  And Peanuts!01:15
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breakthruubotu: i tried to use the "envy" utility to install the driver and it has the same result01:15
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recklessarmyriad: shuttleworth is a billionare, he only dedicated 1 million to this01:15
breakthruubotu: same result even installing with the NVIDIA-installer script01:15
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Msakajietplayer_fiesty9: Yes, I saw a forum post that mentioned that prior to a kernel update it worked fine. Of course, there's no way I'm going to downgrade the kernel on the feisty release; that'd be asking for trouble and breaking a whole load of other things.01:15
bimberi10  million actually01:15
penguin42cheaper than a space flight and a lot more fun!01:15
=== Abnaxos [n=rherzog@80-218-230-16.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
RedNeckBoylol 400k/s on Torrents... whooo hooo screw apt!01:15
etplayer_fiesty9Like they say, the first million is the hardest.01:15
bruenig!botsnack | breakthru01:15
ubotubreakthru: Yum!01:15
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bobrikbtw. a bit of fun: I did this to wake me up at night with a song when new package file has been downloaded  so that I know that my upgrade *is* progressing (t1 is a saved output of "ls -l"): while [ -z "`ls -l /var/cache/apt/archives | diff ~/t1 -`" ] ; do sleep 10; done; mplayer song.mp3 :-)01:15
etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, do you have a url for that post?01:15
stefg!thankthebot | breakthru01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thankthebot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:16
stefg!ubotu | breakthru01:16
Msakajietplayer_fiesty9: Yeah. Just a sec - it applies only to my laptop model though.01:16
ubotubreakthru: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:16
KiraNo torrent for Feisty yes?01:16
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busfahrerHow do you get apt-get to do parallel fetching?01:16
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Angeluzbobrik: lol01:16
penguin42bobrik: You really want to get woken up for that?01:16
Hairulfrbobrik: LOL, nice :)01:16
bruenigbusfahrer, you don't01:16
moDumasshey all is there a #wine channel with anyone that can help that anyone knows about? im trying to install yahoowidgets, either that or get cairo-clock to stay open after i close term.... any ideas would be good as google is well full of crasy people postings01:16
etplayer_fiesty9Great, I'll do manual kernel if I have to, I come from gentoo.01:16
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magnetron!feisty | kira01:16
Msakajietplayer_fiesty9: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=402926 -- My post is the last.01:16
ubotukira: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/01:16
bruenigmoDumass, #winehq I believe01:16
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busfahrerbruenig: Why?01:17
bruenigmoDumass, open it from the run dialog, then you won't have to worry about closing term01:17
HairulfrmoDumass: Gdesklets, try them?01:17
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GeekChick|XFCE isnt letting me unmount my USB key graphically. . . . there are no files open.01:17
stefgKira: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent01:17
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jared__Okay next question after installing beryl and the Nvidia driver in Feisty I am getting extremly laggy performance with Beryl enable.. as low as 4FPS when having firefox open.  Was as smooth as silk before01:17
wastrelmoDumass:  don't close the terminal with the "close" button, use exit01:17
bobrikpenguin42: it's win-win - either I will sleep all the night, or it will wake me up with a good news, so look on the bright side always ;)01:17
AngeluzGeekChick|: umount /media/yourdevice01:17
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Kirahow come I didn't see them on the homepage?01:17
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MsakajimoDumass: Go to #winehq01:17
armyriadHow are the Ubuntu version numbers incremented?01:17
etplayer_fiesty9Thanks! Msakaji01:17
KnowledgEngineerwhere can i critic an ubuntu program. where can i give an idea to an ubuntu developer???01:17
moDumasswastrell, ah, thanks01:17
PceKperHave anyone tried Feisty in HP TX1000 laptop??01:18
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ZeZuwhere can i find the list of repos. ?  I can't seem to locate them for some reason01:18
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bruenigKnowledgEngineer, when you do, tell them xubuntu feisty is vomit01:18
ubotulaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/01:18
magnetron!slow | Kira01:18
ubotuKira: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:18
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etplayer_fiesty9Where can I get a list of recent kernel and module updates that were made available thru synaptic?01:18
TaJMoXHas anyone done a dist-upgrade?   Is that reccommended?01:18
AngeluzZeZu: Synaptic.01:18
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GeekChick|Angeluz, "device is busy."01:18
nir_aimagnetron: what is a simple way to edit a file in ubuntu from the console (no x server)?01:18
wastrel!upgrade > TaJMoX01:18
SeveredCrossnir_ai: nano01:18
=== SeveredCross is frustrated.
AbnaxosHi again! Still having problems with network manager since the upgrade to Feisty. :( I could break it down to network manager not receiving any notifications from dhcdbd. It might be related to the following message in the syslog: dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.reason01:18
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KnowledgEngineeri'm not criting ubuntu but a particular software01:18
GeekChick|nir_ai, nano or vim01:18
AbnaxosAny ideas?01:18
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moDumasshey i get this error msg modumass@modumass-desktop:~$ cairo-clock01:19
moDumassFontconfig error: "~/.fonts.conf", line 1: XML declaration not well-formed01:19
ZeZuAngeluz, i looked through and i dont seem to have more than the std archive.ubuntu.01:19
SeveredCrossFinished dist-upgrade, and X won't start, so I'm back on Windows.01:19
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KnowledgEngineerit's ubuntu updater upgrader01:19
MsakajiWow, I'm so glad I downloaded Feisty during European daytime.01:19
JairunCalothSo, how is the upgrade comming?01:19
SeveredCrossAnd no matter what I do, X won't start.01:19
bimberi!bugs | Abnaxos01:19
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ubotuAbnaxos: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots01:19
stefg!launchpad | KnowledgEngineer01:19
ubotuKnowledgEngineer: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/01:19
etplayer_fiesty9bittorrent is the best way.01:19
penguin42moDumass: I thick if you delete your .fonts.conf in your home directory it will probably recreate on the next restart of the desltop01:19
KnowledgEngineerthat: firsth download all packages and after install all packages01:19
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Pie-ratewhy doesn't places->network servers->Windows Network work properly ever?01:19
nxspntxtrknight in here?01:19
magnetronnir_ai: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:19
KnowledgEngineerthis is no good01:19
AngeluzGeekChick|: umount -f /media/device01:19
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moDumasscool, thanks01:20
KnowledgEngineeris more logic dowload 1 package and install it01:20
AngeluzOtherwise try -l01:20
jazzido!launchpad | jazzido01:20
TaJMoXSo many problems with dist upgrading - best way is to install from start i guess...01:20
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GeekChick|Angeluz, device or resource is busy01:20
KnowledgEngineerafter install other package and install it01:20
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/01:20
KnowledgEngineerbecouse if you have no mach memery in the hd you can not upgrade!01:20
MsakajiPie-rate: Same reason a lot of linux distro's don't support NTFS writing natively - it's not perfect01:20
TaJMoXWastrel : my question wasnt on how to upgrade - it was more like asking if I should because everyone is having problems upgrading01:20
p_mashoanyone can help. I had beryl working cool on edgy. However now i have a couple of problems.. I how to switch of the "xinerama" is One big screen across 2 monitors.. and 2) beryl-xgl has disappeared as a file/executable..01:20
bimberiKnowledgEngineer: yes, but what about dependencies?01:20
Pie-rateMsakaji: how do i MAKE it perfect?01:20
stefgKnowledgEngineer: does tzhe term /dependency/ ring any bells ?01:20
JairunCalothIs dist upgrade working worth a damn this time?01:20
AngeluzDamn it. I just cant get LinuxDC++ to run properly.01:20
bayzidersI have my music on another parition, how do I add it to my amarok library?01:20
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Pie-rateMsakaji: some distros don't but lots can01:21
ZeZuanyone? apt sources list ?01:21
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AngeluzAfter a few minutes it stops responding.01:21
etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, I'm gonna read your post and look around a bit, send a private if you want.01:21
MsakajiPie-rate: Probably by doing what people do for NTFS support, and finding a third party program to do it.01:21
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wastrelTaJMoX:  wait a week, the major problems will have been found by then probably01:21
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AngeluzZeZu: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
Pie-rateMsakaji: it just seems like it should work, or not be there at all.01:21
mike1ok all installed01:21
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magnetronTaJMox: this is a support channel, you are likely too hear from people with install problems01:21
KnowledgEngineeri cannot upgrade to feisty becouse i have not sufficent memory in my hd01:21
MsakajiPie-rate: Like a lot of things in the end. :)01:21
Pie-rateMsakaji: it doesn't even partly work. it totally fails.01:21
voyvfwi voyvf01:21
ZeZuAngeluz, i know how to edit the sources, not where to find the list of repos.01:21
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ZeZuI can't find it on ubuntu.com for some reason, must be blind01:21
bruenigfeisty has all sources enabled by default, that will make this channel slow down01:22
AngeluzAh, that's what you mean. Sorry.01:22
AngeluzI don't know.01:22
voyvfgah i can't type worth a crap today.01:22
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sylvisjok... downloading kubuntu 7.04 alternate install cd01:22
MsakajiPie-rate: Well, in my case, my keyboard and mouse aren't working, so I guess I'm not that upset about Samba not working01:22
tatois there any software to generate a pulse trough the parallel port in linux? im trying to test a circuit01:22
lex_luthorhas anyone enountered a problem launching the liveCD?01:22
ZeZuthis is for dapper01:22
=== belyle [n=belyle@128-193-143-24.public.oregonstate.edu] has joined #Ubuntu
orbinplanning on doing a feisty install from scratch.  can i reuse my edgy /home partition though? or is it wiser to do configs all over?01:22
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Msakajilex_luthor: Try burning the disc at the lowest speed for your recorder.01:22
voyvftato: would sending data over the serial port count?01:22
penguin42tato: That's not that hard to do - only a few lines of code needed01:22
Hairulfrbayziders: Settings > Collection >whateverpartitionwhateverlibrary01:22
SeveredCrossorbin: You can reuse /home, I don't see any reason why not.01:23
riccardoi'm experiencing this bug01:23
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TaJMoXtato : im sure its a simple built in linux command - ask in #Linux01:23
riccardobut the workaround written there doesn't work01:23
ZeZuJust looking for list of repos.01:23
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tatoI'll ask01:23
Hairulfrbayziders: If it's on a partition ubuntu isn't using, you can find the mounted partitions in /media01:23
magnetronorbin: you can reuse your /home, i think it is called "advanced" partitioning or similar01:23
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lex_luthorMSakaji: it's not a media error. it's related to starting X on a Dell 6400 with an ATI Mobility Radion 140001:23
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DigitalIs there some problem with the nvidia-glx package in feisty?01:24
orbinSeveredCross, magnetron: was just wonderiing if it would cause conflicts or something01:24
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DigitalThe X server can't link in libGL from nvidia-glx, libGL is referencing a symbol that does not exist.01:24
Tom47breakthr you say that composite has been disabled withfglrx does that mean a) its impossible to re-enable or b) that its so bad you really shouldn't use it??01:24
AngeluzHey lex_luthor, stop being so evil to that Lana-chick. :D01:24
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-67-183-12-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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Generic_TSSfor nvidia i would just install the newest nvidia drivers from nvidia.com01:24
Msakajilex_luthor: Does the safe graphics mode work?01:24
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lex_luthorlet me try01:24
nir_aimagnetron: uhu!!! xserver is back. back to square one (with a messed setup?)01:24
voyvftato: the python module pyserial can do it.01:24
lex_luthortrying now01:24
Tom47breakthru you say that composite has been disabled withfglrx does that mean a) its impossible to re-enable or b) that its so bad you really shouldn't use it??01:24
Ashexhow does one mount a folder over a network between two ubuntu systems?01:24
Digitalgeneric: they're a real bastard to get to compile.01:24
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Generic_TSSyeah they can be if you don't have the kernel headers01:25
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Digitalwhat I'm getting is:01:25
Digitaldlopen: /usr/lib/libGLcore.so.1: undefined symbol: _nv000043gl01:25
Digital(EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so01:25
Digitaland then it crashes and burns.01:25
AngeluzTom47: You won't be able to use it without XGL.01:25
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penguin42tato: This is the documentation for the 'ppdev' driver, there are some examples   http://people.redhat.com/twaugh/parport/html/ppdev.html01:25
breakthruTom47: i have read that enabling composite disables direct rendering with fglrx drivers01:25
magnetronnir_ai: that's as much as i know...01:25
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Generic_TSSah jeeze, i can't help you there Direct01:25
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Generic_TSSwhat is your card btw?01:25
tatopenguin42: thanks01:25
=== robin [n=robin@p54A4B6F0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
nu-how can i install fluxbuntu?01:26
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mrpoundsignonly 17 hours to go!  yeah!01:26
Ashexso, anyone?01:26
sylvisjif only 7.04 detected the 8800gts as an 8800gts and didn't try to rape me using nv :(01:26
bimberi!fluxbuntu | nu-01:26
AshexI'm able to browse it without problems using the ssh:// protocol01:26
breakthrusylvisj: does the nvidia driver work for you?01:26
nu-bimberi: nothing happened01:26
ubotunu-: fluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/01:26
breakthrui have a blank screen with nvidia drivers :( that happens on ubuntu 6.10 and 7.0401:26
sylvisjbreakthru, I can't get far enough to tell you01:26
bimberinu-: obotu is tired :)01:26
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Ashexbut i want to mount it to a folder so that I can have programs access it, right now only rythmbox is able to figure out how to handle ssh:// links01:27
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absumi have a quick question, when my computer has been idleing for a bit the screen usually goes black, powersaving mode... but i've noticed a difference between 6.10 and 7.04, now i get a "check signal cable" when the screen goes black. Someone who knows why that might be?01:27
void^Ashex: use a samba or nfs share, or mount ssh using sshfs01:27
robinbreakthru, are you by any chance using a generic kernel?01:27
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breakthruyes robin01:27
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void^Ashex: yes, sshfs.01:27
hai3uAshex, Yes, sshfs.01:27
robinme to01:27
KNYoh. my. gosh. 7.04 loads a GUI via live CD on my laptop (this has never happened with any other release of ubuntu, ever) <3333301:27
nu-oboto is taking a nap01:27
Ashexvoid^, so mount -t sshfs foor /foo01:27
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robinthat seems to be an issue01:27
breakthrurobin: the standard kernel that ships with ubuntu 7.0401:27
Alanwhy doesn't ubuntu have an /etc/init.d/iptables? and is there a way to get around it?  are rules automatically saved/loaded ?01:27
rukuarticKNY: The 6.10 gui didn't work?01:27
Gold2RT61 is working perfectly out of the box :)01:27
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nu-but ok. i installed apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. but fluxbuntu-desktop didn't work01:27
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KNYrukuartic, nope01:27
Generic_TSSah nice!01:27
crackintoshim glad that im smart enough to change sources.list01:27
Generic_TSSthanks Goldy!01:27
hai3uAlan, Read the man page.01:27
magnetron!firewall | Alan01:27
ubotuAlan: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).01:27
noelferreirawhat happened to NVU. I can't find it via synaptic in feisty? anyone knows anything about it?01:27
KNYrukuartic, even Herd 4 didn't do it01:28
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void^Ashex: no, it's fuse based. apt-get install sshfs.01:28
Generic_TSScool man, i appreciate it01:28
Gold2/name Goldy01:28
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magnetron!info nvu01:28
ubotuPackage nvu does not exist in feisty01:28
rukuarticKNY: Wow O-o01:28
Gold2too many games :P01:28
penguin42magnetron: What seems to be different is that it doesn't install much by default01:28
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Ashexvoid^, I'll install it01:28
Tom47Angeluz: breakthru ty will try and work my way thru t all01:28
Generic_TSSi had so much trouble with edgy, had to shoehorn the old ralink drivers into it01:28
bimberiKNY: cool.  that's a pretty typical linux experience, as your hardware gets older, support improves01:28
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StFSwhat is the best way to find all the "c" packages... that is, the packages that have not been completely installed and are in "limbo"?01:28
Ashexvoid^, I'm assuming i should be able to google for details about sshfs?01:29
IdleOnenu-: try sudo apt-get install fluxbox01:29
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Generic_TSSok good luck everyone, peace out01:29
rukuarticAlright folks. I gotta split. To anyone involved in the development of 7.04, thank you so much. Your work is immensly appreciated!01:29
Generic_TSSpeace Goldy01:29
KNYbimberi, I just bought it last August01:29
AngeluzTom47: You're welcome.01:29
ChetwinI'm having trouble with gaim crashing, can anyone assist me ???01:29
KNYit's a Toshiba Tablet PC01:29
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hai3uAshex, Of course. You could have googled in the first place.01:29
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chr_Hello all, I have a partition  problems, is there anyone who can help me out?01:29
Kagarulinux sucks01:29
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Ashexhai3u, I wasn't having much luck, kept getting suggestions to use NFS01:29
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absumchr_: what is the problem?01:29
penguin42chr_: What type of problem?01:29
ChetwinKagaru: Get a life and find an AOL room to bash01:29
TaJMoXChetwin : have you ran gaim in a terminal and view the crash error ?01:29
AngeluzKagaru: Then join #vista or something.01:29
magnetron!ohmy | Kagaru01:29
rukuarticKagaru: Well you're certainly friendly...01:29
ubotuKagaru: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:29
breakthruKagaru: change kernel01:29
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nu-IdleOne: that seem to have worked =)01:29
ChetwinTajMoX: No but I will now, thank you01:30
Ashexand I really don't want to setup a NFS server atm01:30
void^Ashex: it's easy to use, 'man sshfs' should suffice01:30
Kagarui'm a windows user through and through till the day i die01:30
nu-installation seems to be frozen though01:30
chr_I tried to install xubuntu on my Dell Inspiron 8100 that is running Windows XP. I followed the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot. But something got messed up allong the way.01:30
bimberiKNY: k01:30
ChetwinKagaru: Then what are you doing here?01:30
AngeluzKagaru: Cute.01:30
variantKagaru: thanks for sharing01:30
AngeluzNow frack off.01:30
FlannelStFS: dpkg -l with a grep for the status info (first two characters)01:30
Alanhmm, thanks magnetron01:30
Ashexvoid^, just my luck, repos are being hammered :/01:30
Kagaruasking why you use linux and bash windows products01:30
TaJMoXKagaru : i like hello kitty01:30
nu-How do i disable ubuntu desktop effects? i enabled it but cant disable01:30
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penguin42chr_: OK, does it boot either of Linux or Windows?01:30
chr_This is the error I got: GParted 0.2.501:30
chr_Resize /dev/hda1 from 27.95 GiB to 13.97 GiB    ( ERROR )01:30
chr_check filesystem on /dev/hda1 for errors and (if possible) fix them    ( ERROR )01:30
chr_ntfsresize -P -i -f -v /dev/hda101:30
absumchr_: throw away the computer...01:30
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chr_ntfsresize v1.12.1 (libntfs 8:1:0)01:30
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chr_Using locale 'en_US.UTF-8'.01:30
Flannel!paste | chr_01:30
chr_Device name : /dev/hda101:30
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ubotuchr_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:30
etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, I think I'm blocked from private messages but I got them from you.01:30
ChetwinKagaru: No one in here bashes windows.  Neither is inferior.  Just get over it and go back to paying for your software.01:31
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Kagaruyou only use linux because it's open-source and free, other than that you'd all stick with windows01:31
KNYetplayer_fiesty9, you have to register with Freenode01:31
Msakajietplayer_fiesty9: Your nick isn't registered, then. Register it01:31
IdleOne!register > etplayer_fiesthank    (etplayer_fiesthank, see the private message from Ubotu) you 901:31
rukuarticKagaru: No trolling please.01:31
feistymanCan anyone answer this for me. I've had the Feisty beta for several weeks. Does it upgrade to the final release automatically?01:31
variantetplayer_fiesty9: you need to be registered with nickserv to send private messages01:31
=== bimberi sounds the troll alarm
mjrnu-, the enabler button is a toggle; press it again (I too think that was a poor choice for the UI)01:31
etplayer_fiesty9Msakaji, yes please file a bug report01:31
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etplayer_fiesty9Ok, Thanks!01:31
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ChetwinKagaru: If you want to start a war, go elsewhere01:31
mistonechr_: do it with sudo01:31
KNYhmm... to install or not to install ....01:31
stefg!final | feistyman01:31
ubotufeistyman: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.01:31
thekidrioKagaru, I stick with unix because I manage a very large network01:31
variantfeistyman: i fyou keep it up to date then yes, you are already using feisty final :)01:31
thekidrioKagaru, I use windows for games and unix for work01:32
TaJMoXKagaru : Vista mentions nothing about being "Stable" or "Reliable"01:32
respaI installed ubuntu in /dev/sda6, but I got a debian in /dev/sda1 and I use lilo... is it possible to keep my lilo and boot the new ubuntu? I'm trying something like image=/mnt/ubuntu/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic root=/dev/sda6 label="ubuntu" in my lilo.conf but I got kernel panic01:32
absumchr_: you should probably use a windows based partition editing software resizing the ntfs partition... according to me01:32
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thekidriovista is a pain in my arse heh01:32
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AngeluzTaJMoX: Let's just ignore the troll.01:32
Kagaruthey keep saying windows sucks and that it is unsecure, but the last time i checked if you had the right security it can be a good OS to use... like i said, you will use whatever is free while i will purchase good products01:32
ChetwinKagaru: I use linux because I have freedom of choice01:32
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riccardoi can't be the only one running feisty on a dell 6400 with x1400 :-(01:32
ubotuFor help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:32
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bimberiplease, offtopic to #ubuntu-offtopic01:32
ChetwinLMAO!  @ ubotu01:32
feistymanThanks for the info. I guess I'm on the final version cause I've accepted all the updates. Cool!01:32
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AngeluzNow I'm curious.01:32
IdleOne!offtopic | Kagaru01:32
ubotuKagaru: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:32
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant01:32
stefgrespa... that's unnecessary painful. what01:33
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wimp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:33
sylvisj<3 trolls01:33
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stefg's wrong with grub?01:33
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thekidriohrmm nothing about windows IIS mysql php install e h?01:33
penguin42respa: Remember that you need the initrd as well; also you'll have problems where Ubuntu updates it's kernel but won't update your other lilo config01:33
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slicknickanyone seen rdesktop behave like this before?  http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4g9bnd101:33
ChetwinOh man haha, even the updater is having trouble from the servers being pounded.  I love it01:33
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ChetwinGo Mark Go!01:33
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penguin42respa: Another solution is to get Ubuntu to install it's grub into the record of the partition ratehr than the mba and then get the lilo to boot ubuntu's grub01:33
Kagarugive me one good reason to use linux and don't say "because it's free"01:33
wonderingHow would I make a command line only LiveCD that's based on ubuntu-7.04-alternate.iso ?01:34
wonderingIt would be a custom CD.01:34
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ChetwinKagaru: For the same reason you use windows, because you can01:34
jamiehdDoes anyone know how to get the system tray to show on the taskbar once it's been got rid of?01:34
voyvfKagaru: because the source is freely available.01:34
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variantKagaru: give me one good reason not to? actualy, give me one good reason why this conversation doesn't belong in #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
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ChetwinKagaru: If you dislike linux so much, why do you care what we do with our machines01:34
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chr_it boots to windows on the drive and linux on the CD.01:34
wastreljamiehd:  you want to put it back?01:34
bimberijamiehd: add a Notification Area applet to it01:34
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mjrplease, don't respond to the troll (namely Kagaru)01:34
ChetwinKagaru is apparently an attn wh0re01:35
wastreljamiehd:  right-click the bar, "add to panel"  notification area01:35
feistymanvariant, can you or anyone suggest a good photo printing program?01:35
nu-mjr: ah, thanks01:35
IdleOneplease stop feeding the trolls and focuz on helping Ubuntu users who need and actually use ubuntu01:35
respapenguin42 that solution seems nice.. do you know how do I set lilo to boot ubuntu's grub?01:35
nu-be right back01:35
=== Sonderblade [n=fsldfj@h-235-183.A189.cust.bahnhof.se] has joined #ubuntu
Kagaruvoyvf, open source or not, it makes no difference. you think it makes difference? why is Bill Gates/Microsoft continuing to lead the computer industry with Windows, and also do you know Bill laughs at people who use linux? because he doesn't care about it, linux will never takeover his business.01:35
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variantfeistyman: hmm, something specific to printing photos?01:35
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gilsboys and girls i need some help here...i have been using the beta and as soon as feisty came out today i cant get any updates. Do i need to change the repositories01:35
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penguin42respa: No I don't know the details I'm afraid - I know with Grub I think I'd use a chainloader01:35
variantfeistyman: gimp-print is supposedly good at printing images01:35
Aarini've got a problem. in the instalation of my feisty on my pIV he asks for my hard disc controler. i've got an ATA and a SATA disk01:35
=== sldkfj [n=UserName@c-68-32-74-165.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu
ajehukKagaru - define what you want and then make your choice - about the only thing windows will do better than linux is run windows software.. other than that I cant think of anyreason to use windows.  The only windows application I cannot replace with a linux application (free or otherwise) is visio, and theres crossover for that..01:35
TaJMoXwondering : same as the original live CD but with different boot options?01:35
magnetron!slow | gils01:35
AngeluzKagaru: Bills multimedia-house runs Linux. :)01:35
ubotugils: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:35
zbrowngils: no, its already done :)01:35
mjr!ops Kagaru trolling01:35
ChetwinAnnnnnnnnnnnnnd.... Scene, Kagaru is going on ignore...  or ignorant I should say01:35
wastrelgils:  there's no updates, you're up to date as of a couple days ago01:35
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mistonerespa: lol why.... just use choose lilo or grub to boot linux or windows01:35
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voyvfKagaru: of course it makes a difference. i want to have the source for my OS. i couldn't care less what gates or microsoft think.01:35
sldkfjI can't get into tty1 with my name and password,  any tips?01:36
Chetwin/ignore Kagaru01:36
bimberigils: no, there weren't a lot of changes in the last couple of days01:36
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok01:36
respapenguin42 ok, how do I install grub in the MBR now? in the ubuntu installation grub didnt overwrite lilo01:36
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variantgils: if you have kept it up to date then there are no new updates to get, you are already using the latest version01:36
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zbrowngils: Your repositories are already set. If you've been using it, you don't need to worry, you're on release.01:36
gnomefreakmjr: ?01:36
Kagaruajehuk, my guess would be because windows is user-friendly, for families to enjoy, you know?01:36
feistymanvariant, yeah, so far I haven't found anything I like that can print several photos on a sheet, etc.01:36
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Kagarubecause of that, it will always be bigger than linux.01:36
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gilsok thanks all01:36
mjrgnomefreak, PriceChild, Kagaru trolling01:36
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variantsldkfj: what error do you get?01:36
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Madpilot] by ChanServ
ChetwinWhat a d0uche01:36
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Madpilot] by ChanServ
mike1adept is crap01:36
mistonebrace for impact01:36
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penguin42respa: Are you sure you want grub to overwrite your mbr?01:36
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Mezmjr, why the ops call ?01:36
mjrthank you01:36
mike1synaptic is much faster01:36
gilsbut i cant get get the update server to contact any of the security servers. it just hangs01:36
sakabatouThe thin line01:36
sldkfjvariant, I just get rejected and go to another login01:36
penguin42respa: If so then I think you should be able to run   grub-install01:36
sylvisjHoly trolls, batman1101:36
bimberioooh, nice message Madpilot01:36
sakabatouBetween the two concepts01:37
mjrMez, see Madpilot's action01:37
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carloI need help! I've upgraded to Feisty, and now the comp freezes just after selecting kernel 2.6.20-15, at "waiting for root filesystem". Kernel 2.6.17-11 boots fine, but clearly theres something wrong...01:37
variantsldkfj: with what error message exactly?01:37
sakabatouIs getting small01:37
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Random_Transithey, i'm having trouble upgrading to feisty, update manager stops with this error message: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)01:37
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sldkfjvariant, heck I forget heh01:37
respapenguin42 should I boot from ubuntu cd to do that? I cant boot ubuntu at this moment01:37
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ajehukKagaru - user friendly if you are used to using windows.. - but the point is - you have a choice.  I wouldnt say windows is more user friendly than any of the mainstream desktops available for linux01:37
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mjrajehuk, he's gone01:37
variantsldkfj: well, simple enough to replicate :)01:37
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Mr_Giraffeajehuk, i dunno about that...01:38
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Tell...anyone up for helping a complete and utter newbie?01:38
AngeluzRandom_Transit: Seems like the server doesn't respond due to being on its knees. ;)01:38
ajehukMr_Giraffe - how so?01:38
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Mr_Giraffei mean, a user-friendly distro for the masses would involve no command line whatsoever01:38
absumMr_Giraffe, well linux is going the right way anyway01:38
Mezmjr, ass a note in future (!ops | note)01:38
stefg!slow | Random_Transit01:38
ubotuRandom_Transit: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:38
voyvfi wouldn't say more "user friendly" - but i know it's more "me friendly" :D01:38
bimberiTell: ask away and we'll see :)01:38
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Mr_Giraffeahahaha voyvf01:38
mjrMez, I see01:38
Jovial_Jackasswhere's the guy that was helping me remove the firewire module?01:38
Random_Transityeah, i kinda figured as much01:38
penguin42respa: Ah - if you can boot debian and then chroot into the ubuntu root you can probably run it from there, or you could install grub under your debian01:38
StFSTell: sure... first tip... just ask the question... don't ask if you can ask01:38
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felicitohello tigueres01:38
Mr_Giraffeubuntu is definitely a step towards what the community should have for the masses, though01:38
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breakthrudid you read that article that says "linux is not windows" ?01:39
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sylvisjI remember the debian sarge days01:39
voyvfyes, i can totally agree with that01:39
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Mr_Giraffei read some of it, but to be honest i thought it was too biased01:39
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felicitohow can I resize the ubuntu partition in a laptop with Windows too?01:39
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Tellthanks =) basicly, Im installing linux for the first time (long-time thinker, seeing vista convinced me its time to move :P), and I found a decent amount of the drivers I need, but the network card driver I found was for a 6.x release.. is there any backwards compatibility for ubuntu7.04?01:39
ajehukMr_Giraffe - heres is the kicker - if you could buy a PC with ubuntu preloaded and all the hardware set up (much like OEM Windows) you wouldnt need to see the commandline..01:39
TaJMoXlinux can be easy to use and still be linux.   its the kernel that really matters01:39
Mr_Giraffefelicito, 'sudo gparted'?01:39
=== IncredibleHink [n=Incredib@cpe-76-185-49-226.tx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_Giraffeajehuk, that's true...01:39
respapenguin42: well I tried chroot on the mounted folder (ubuntu) and I try grub-install /dev/sda and it says /dev/sda is not found..01:39
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magnetronfelicito: when installing, you get too chose how much of the drive space should be used for ubuntu01:40
StFSTell: what network card do you have?01:40
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respapenguin42: and /dev/sda is there here in debian01:40
ryethtajmox:  what's the kernel??  ubuntu?01:40
IncredibleHinkWhy would my sound be working for the startup sounds but not for flash video (i.e. Youtube)?01:40
voyvfhm brb01:40
felicitoMr_Giraffe, ok, let me try, thanks01:40
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etplayer_fiesty9If you have a /boot partition make it at least 200MB or you may run out of space.01:40
Mr_Girafferyeth, the kernel is what makes everything work, basically01:40
wonderingHow would I make a command line only LiveCD that's based on ubuntu-7.04-alternate.iso ?01:40
TellTwo actually.. Realtek 8139, and a via 10/100meg, built into the motherboard01:40
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bimberiTell: if it works in 6.10 it _should_ work in 7.0401:40
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
=== deringer [n=michael@219-90-130-228.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:40
ryethoh okay01:40
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boricuawell againts my expectations this install went smoothly contrary to beta's thank you !!!01:40
commonlyUNIQU3hello all01:40
felicitomagnetron, it is installed01:40
ahmedhi, i have a problem upgrading my distro of ubuntu, i always get this error : Failed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out01:40
ahmedFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/free/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out01:40
ahmedFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out, how i can solve this ?01:40
Mr_Giraffeahmed, use the pastebin please.01:40
TellIm actually a bit confused at how installing drivers works in ubuntu :x01:41
=== Kagaru [n=Kagaru@adsl-75-23-214-118.dsl.wcfltx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
felicitomagnetron, I need a resize01:41
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commonlyUNIQU3does anyone know about any application compatibility issues upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04?01:41
Mr_Giraffetell: what are you trying to do?01:41
StFSTell: have you tried to download a live CD and just pop it in and see if it works?01:41
stefg!slow | ahmed01:41
magnetronfelicito: then it is gparted01:41
ubotuahmed: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:41
xtknightblkid identifies a "reiser4" as "ntfs".  bug?01:41
Kagaruhey, why did i get kicked?01:41
Kagaruthat's not fair01:41
bimberiahmed: edit sources.list and disable those freecontrib repos01:41
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taigerwhich one would you recommend, Ubuntu or Kubuntu?01:41
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csmanxhey folks01:41
TellI have the cd burned, Im installing it on my other pc, need this laptop for work, it needs xp on it01:41
ahmedMr_Giraffe : what is the pastebin ?01:41
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csmanxis there any boot loader I can download for use?01:41
absumKagaru, because your trolling as i understod01:41
mike1taiger: I installed both01:41
ryethchecking to see if my font color changed01:41
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Mr_GiraffePastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org <-- that01:41
bimberi!dualboot | Tell01:41
ubotuTell: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)01:41
ryethdoes anybody know how to change color of font on here?01:42
Jovial_Jackasshow do I remove a module that has no modules depending on it?01:42
stefghttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16459/ is a prototype of a fresh feisty sources.list01:42
StFSTell: if these NCs work on 6.10 they _should_ work with feisty (but of course... I accept no responsibility)01:42
TellIm actually on the boot screen...dont suppose ubuntu's boot cd is nice enough to format the drives for you? :P01:42
=== atselby [n=adam@pool-71-96-86-176.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_Giraffeahmed, go to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and do what you need to do01:42
wind0wsrawksi was simply debating why linux sucks01:42
=== invius [n=invius@6532133hfc01.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
chr_penguin42 I ran  'chkdsk /f /r' on Windows and rebooot it TWICE! Then you can resize * * NTFS safely by additionally using the --bad-sectors option of ntfsresize.* and it seemed to resize the partition but the partition still showed up as being the full drive01:42
Mr_Giraffecommand line output is bash i think01:42
russe11I just installed Feisty, and I have an ATI 200 Xpress card. I installed the package "xorg-driver-fglrx" and did the other stuff as directed(http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#C ) but the driver isn't working.01:42
taigermike1: that's too much shit on the PC though, KDE and Gnome01:42
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mike1taiger: Install ubuntu then sudo apt-get install kubuntu01:42
defjuxare the servers busy? my download would not start01:42
tmbestsera a tutti01:42
bimberiTell: there is a partitioner/formatter that runs during the install01:42
mike1not much more room01:42
absumwind0wsrawks, like some devils-advocate? or are you really serious?01:42
Tellfantastic bimb01:42
mike1just another gui01:42
IncredibleHinkWhy would my sound be working for the startup sounds but not for flash video (i.e. Youtube)?01:42
sylvisjmy ISP must be feeling generous, getting 1mbye per sec dow01:42
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TaJMoXmike1 isnt it "kubuntu-desktop" ?01:42
stefg!slow | defjux01:42
ubotudefjux: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.01:42
jribIncredibleHink: what version of flash are you using?01:43
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ajehukmike1 - is the kubuntu a metapackage for kde + the rest of the ubuntu bits?01:43
Telloh, how is ubuntu for usb support?01:43
Mr_GiraffeTell, how so?01:43
TellI have an external HDD which I put all the drivers on01:43
wind0wsrawksi have been using windows for 7+ years and have had no major problems with it01:43
jribTell: it should just automount when you plug it in01:43
penguin42chr_: That's too much Windows Foo for me I'm afraid - I don't know how to do the resizing in windows01:43
inviusany beryl guides for 7.04 release? I installed quite a few packages but beryl just doesnt seem to want to work when I switch from compiz01:43
etplayer_fiesty9how do I get mplayer working with reasonable codecs (mpg)?01:43
respapenguin42 I tried to put initrd in the lilo.conf with ubuntu files, I will try, brb01:43
IncredibleHinkjrib, im running x64 Fiesty Fawn and running 32bit Firefox with Flash 901:43
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magnetronIncredibelHink: that problem is known and has a work-around. Don't remember it though, google01:43
ryethmr_giraffe, i answered u in private01:43
greco120anyone know how to modify my network manager to make ALL wireless services visible?01:43
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TaJMoXTell : i just bought a 160GB usb disk - plugged it in and it popped up right away in a file manager - started dragging files right away01:43
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Mr_Girafferyeth, i didn't see it...01:43
mike1ajehuk: It installs a complete kde desktop01:43
absumwind0wsrawks, thats really great for you, but what does that have to do with us?01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
IncredibleHinkmagnetron, thanks01:43
greco120currently i have my wireless at home manually typed in and configured01:44
jribIncredibleHink: flash9 is supposed to use alsa, but it's probably buggy as usual01:44
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:44
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:44
wind0wsrawksit just goes to show you windows bashers are wrong when you say Windows is a crap OS01:44
gilsmy update manager stays stuck at archive.ubuntu.com01:44
Mr_Giraffewell anyway, if you're using xchat, go to settings>advanced>text events01:44
radioaktivstormhello how do i partition my hdd using this new installer. i want to dual boot01:44
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ahmedi have a problem when i upgrade my ubuntu distro01:44
jribahmed: please do not do that01:44
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ahmedthis is the error01:44
ryethoh okay, thanks man01:44
greco120but i would like see free wifi available when i take my laptop out and about01:44
ahmedFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out01:44
ahmedFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/free/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out01:44
nir_aiI give up for now... Feisty with nvidia 8800 GTX seems to be broken for normal (non expert) users.01:44
mrpoundsignman, the installer really is just giving me the most random answer it can come up with for "time remaning"01:44
ahmedFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/dists/edgy/non-free/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2 Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out01:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok01:44
mike1radioaktivstorm: with windows?01:44
absumwind0wsrawks, no it shows that some like to have control and some dont want01:44
TaJMoXsoneone should kick ashmed too01:44
Mr_Giraffewind0wsrawks, windows is good, but i'm flat broke and so i need something else ;D01:44
IncredibleHinkjrib, hmmm ill try google, magnetron mentioned that its a known problem01:44
variantabsum: try again01:44
duelboot!pastebin | ahmed01:44
ubotuahmed: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:44
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ajehukmike1 - different from the kde metapackage? (kubuntu artwork et..)01:45
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@82-45-205-43.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
mrpoundsignthis morning, it was 1 day 18 hours. Now it's 12 hours. An hour ago it was 18 hours.  :)01:45
IdleOne!paste | ahmed01:45
bimberiahmed: edit sources.list and disable those freecontrib repos (as I said before)01:45
Mr_Girafferyeth, type /query Mr_Giraffe <message> and hit enter in IRC01:45
wonderingHow would I make a command line only LiveCD that's based on ubuntu-7.04-alternate.iso ?01:45
duelbootahmed, join the #ubuntu-release-party and ask there01:45
absumwind0wsrawks, and that bill gates amogst others are really good at marketing01:45
absumvariant, huh?01:45
radioaktivstormmike1: yes windows XP Pro01:45
Enverexabsum, Don't feed the trolls01:45
wind0wsrawksthe windows bashers are wrong when they windows is a bad OS, i mean all you need is good security and it can be a great OS for the family to use01:45
livingdaylightcan someone help me repositories?01:45
Telloh,one more Q...is linux easy to get to grips with for complete linux noobs?01:45
SubMOAI have a question about alternate file systems... I found this one "http://www.forchheimer.se/bfm/" and wanted to try it out... it won't "override" or delete Nautilus will it?01:45
absumEnverex, ok, sorry01:45
bimberiMr_Giraffe, ryeth: you need to both be registered and identified to services to PM on Freenode01:45
jribIncredibleHink: ok, just realize that it was a big problem with 7 and had a lot of workarounds, but with 9 you may want to check adobe's penguin swf site.  iirc, some people needed to modify flash9 to get it to work with their sound01:45
stefgIdleOne: you just witnessed a ban for not reading answers, and stupid pasting01:45
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
mike1ajehuk: No it is just like having install kubuntu "stand alone'01:46
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etplayer_fiesty9Thanks ubotu!01:46
Mr_Giraffebimberi, i'm already identified.01:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@] by jrib
ajehukmike1 - ah good to know.01:46
=== ores_ [n=ores@220-253-26-252.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightcan someone give me the definitive config list01:46
dimeotanehappy release day everyone!01:46
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duelboot!offtopic | wind0wsrawks01:46
ryethMr_Giraffe:  did u get my msg that time man?01:46
ubotuwind0wsrawks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:46
IdleOnestefg: what ban was that/01:46
Ltarhelp updating to fiesty from cd? gksu "sh /cdrom0/cdromupgrade" does nothing.01:46
ryethi typed exactly what u said01:46
mike1ajehuk: They both look mint01:46
jribahmed: paste your error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and then give the channel the link, do not paste directly into the channel.  Thanks01:46
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stefgIdleOne: ahmed01:46
SubMOAbimberi, YES!  my first time ever on a linux box was Ubuntu Edgy Eft and being a COMPLETE newbie I added Beryl (before it was a package you could install, btw) and all sorts of neat programs.01:46
variantabsum: run the update again, it may connect this time. otherwise try a different mirror01:46
TaJMoXTell : once you have it installed and configured - its just as easy as windows in my oppinion01:46
Mr_Girafferyeth, you aren't registered with nickserv...01:46
ryethhow do i do that?01:46
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o jrib] by jrib
SubMOAbimberi, this room was a god-send, though, becuase if I hit a snag, I'd just come here.01:47
bimberiTell: it's getting easier.  Ubuntu is an excellent choice for the newbie.01:47
magnetronlivingdaylight: go on, ask your question01:47
ryethdidn't know i had to register lol01:47
ajehukmike1 - ah I could disagree with you there, but I'll save that for some other time :)01:47
wonderingHow would I make a command line only LiveCD that's based on ubuntu-7.04-alternate.iso ? Could someone help me please? I've searched all over Google and I can't seem to find anything :(01:47
IncredibleHinkjrib, k01:47
livingdaylightmagnetron, i need repos list01:47
Mr_Giraffebimberi, i think it's a great choice for anyone, unless you're crazy :P01:47
dimeotanewondering: try the server01:47
bimberiMr_Giraffe: :)01:47
livingdaylightmagnetron, the definitive list to update my repos01:47
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magnetronlivingdaylight: you have deleted the list?01:47
dimeotanethe server version is what you want01:47
disasmwondering: get the server cd01:47
mike1ajehuk: ok the  menus are a little "loaded"01:47
livingdaylightmagnetron, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ?01:47
Mr_Giraffeto be honest i don't have time to get every single piece of hardware working on my computer01:47
SubMOAI want to upgrade but I downloaded automatix :O(01:47
bimberiSubMOA: cool :)01:48
wonderingdisasm: Er, I mean make a custom LiveCD.01:48
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:48
absumvariant, is it me your talking to? im confused by what your saying01:48
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash01:48
=== inazad [n=inazad@c66.110.145-140.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mr_GiraffeSubMOA, just install it01:48
wonderingdimeotane: I want to make a custom LiveCD, not install a command line system.01:48
=== Goldy [n=goldy@80-235-137-90.cable.ubr09.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiSubMOA: not so cool (automatix) :|01:48
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xqwondering: The command to BURN your LiveCD via the command line in *nix?01:48
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more01:48
FlannelSubMOA: Backup, and cross your fingers.01:48
disasmwondering: ah, that's a little more difficult, it requires a lot of pain and suffering01:48
magnetronlivingdaylight: why should you edit the list in the first place? is something wrong?01:48
livingdaylightmagnetron, no, i've just installed Feisty and need to max my sources list so i can install everything i need codecs etc01:48
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SubMOAMr_Giraffe, I've heard horror stories with automatix and upgrades over an existing version.01:48
xqI think it just wants to burn a CD using the command line (ISO)?01:48
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xqhe*/she* not it. :P01:48
SubMOAFlannel, any good backup utilities you know of?01:48
wonderingxq: *No* Like I said, I want to *make* a custom LiveCD based on a command line only system.01:48
ahmeddoes having automatix installed will affect the upgrade process ?01:49
Mr_Giraffeoh...i don't use it.01:49
magnetron!codecs | livingdaylight01:49
ubotulivingdaylight: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:49
livingdaylightmagnetron, i've got a fresh install here and need all the proprietary codecs etc01:49
Flannel!backup | SubMOA01:49
ubotuSubMOA: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning01:49
aoirthoiri cant get video on my laptop with fiesty01:49
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xqwondering: Heh, that would be quite a lot of work :)01:49
AnRkey_if i use jidgo to make a dvd in 3 months time will it make an iso that includes the updates up and till then?01:49
aoirthoireven on the safe video01:49
duelbootSubMOA, I'll let you know how mine went in a couple of hours...upgrading now...and yes, I've used Automatix2 on this box01:49
SubMOAahmed, from what I've heard, automatix "breaks" your system and causes bugs... at least it did when it was dapper to edgy01:49
ryethMr_Giraffe, give me a minute, i'm reading about registering my nickname01:49
livingdaylightmagnetron, can you not paste me your sources list?01:49
SubMOAduelboot, rgr, thanks.01:49
Mr_Girafferyeth, it's simple01:49
etplayer_fiesty9!codec | aoirthoir01:49
ubotuaoirthoir: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:49
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Flannellivingdaylight: Feisty isn't like edgy.  Most of your stuff will automatically download codecs when needed.01:49
kev_banybody getting an inexplicable "not enough free disk space" error??01:49
ryethi'm a n00b  haha, sorry01:49
aoirthoirthis isnt a codec issue01:49
xqryeth: /msg NickServ REGISTER <password>01:49
livingdaylightDoes someone have the top sources.list01:49
magnetronlivingdaylight: the original list is fine!01:49
Mr_Giraffeyou do /msg nickserv register password (i think...)01:49
disasmwondering: http://compsa.queensu.ca/index.php/Remastering_a_Ubuntu_Alternate_CD01:49
magnetron!codecs | livingdaylight01:49
aoirthoiri mean i dont get video...01:49
disasmwondering: it seems to be down though01:49
aoirthoirnada..no screen01:49
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wonderingIs that based on Feisty though?01:50
Ltarwhat is the "alternate" cd for fiesty? is that somehow different from... a standard version? I'm trying to upgrade with a CD, but nothing is happening. do I need to alternate CD?01:50
Mr_Girafferyeth, xq has it01:50
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ryethnickserv is where i enter my name?01:50
radgehiya everyone01:50
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duelbootSubMOA, ahmed....SOME say that happens...hasn't happened to me or any of my friends that have used it, but YMMV01:50
ryethand then i have to type a password in?01:50
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ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:50
livingdaylightFlannel, huh, we don't have to mess about with source lists any longer?01:50
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Mr_Girafferyeth, once you do that do /msg nickserv IDENTIFY <password>01:50
ahmedi have automatix and easy ubuntu, should i forget about upgrading ?01:50
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Flannellivingdaylight: correct01:50
xqNickServ is where you register your name to yourself so no one else can use it.01:50
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Goldyanybody have gfire working on fiesty?01:50
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Mr_Giraffebut ryeth, don't put brackets around your password ;] 01:50
xqThat's all, you already have your name :) You can change it via /nick <nickname>01:50
Flannelwondering, disasm: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization01:50
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livingdaylightFlannel, hrmmm...01:50
radgeanyone see this?01:50
=== livingdaylight is suspicious
chemisusanyone know where to find the md5sum value for fiesty iso?01:50
=== chalcedony smiles
alteroo] /part01:50
deepsahi guys. i have installed ubuntu fiesty on my lenovo laptop but my screen resolution is not according to the widescreen (1280x800) it's 1024x768.01:50
TaJMoXradge : no01:50
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etplayer_fiesty9aoirthoir sounds like an X issue, if you try several different live cds you can find one that initializes your screen and check the xconf.01:50
=== duelboot wonders how they do that
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umopI have a directory with the permissions '?---------  ? ?      ?          ?        ? ' I can't change the permissions or delete the file, what can I do?01:51
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wonderingFlannel: That might do the trick. I will let you know.01:51
ajehukmike1 - actually I think it hits on the same problem every distro has - the various linux desktops are so configurable that you need to ship something (with any distro) that is a good starting point.  unfortuinaltey I dont think there is a good starting point that works for everyone.  The good thing about u/kbuntu is that the defaults are "good enough", saying that most other variations would also probably just be "good enough".  The b01:51
deepsastill i need to install 915resolution? still fiesty haven't solved this problem?01:51
pppoe_dudeumop, do that as root01:51
Mr_Giraffedeepsa, have you checked the forums?01:51
Mr_Giraffei had a similar issue with my laptop before...01:51
kev_bapparently i don't have enough disk space on /usr to upgrade to feisty... but i do! ideas?01:51
TaJMoXumop : fsck01:51
umoppppoe_dude, Doesn't help.01:51
VR_has anyone burned any isos with "Infra Recorder" on windows? if so, how reliable is that?01:51
SubMOAduelboot, well that is reassuring.  Maybe I will try it... although, really, every bit of hardware is recognized, I have beryl running to my specs (which took FOREVER) and I'm pretty happy how things are going... maybe I won't mess with success01:51
Goldyumop, hcange the permission with CHMOD01:51
pppoe_dudedeepsa, its not a feisty problem01:51
ajehukmike1 - of something so massivley flexible...01:51
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CactiiAnybody know if I can download the CD image and upgrade 6.10 from that???01:51
chalcedonyhey does anyone know where GAIM puts it's logs?01:51
umopGoldy, No.01:51
livingdaylightFlannel, all non-free and proprietary mp3 flash etc is ready to go?01:51
deepsawell i guess i need to hand edit the x conf file01:51
aoirthoiretplayer_fiesty9: i didnt know there were several live cds.01:51
xqIs it in ~/.gaim/ ?01:51
duelbootSubMOA, just how do you get the cube to stop and see two sides of it?01:51
Goldyyou are superuser yeah?01:51
xqJust a guess, not sure.01:51
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jribchalcedony: ~/.gaim/logs/01:51
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umopTaJMoX, How do I do that?  I need to boot a live disc?01:52
AnRkeyCactii, no you need to upgrade twice01:52
Ltarwhere can I download the alternate CD? I don't see it anywhere on the ubntu site01:52
magnetron!alternate | Cactii01:52
pppoe_dudedeepsa, more of a video bios on the graphics adapter side problem01:52
ubotuCactii: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:52
stefgCactii: you can, but use a torrent please http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent01:52
aoirthoiretplayer_fiesty9: i will wait until next week then have ubuntu support step me through it. Thats what I pay them for:)01:52
radgedoes anyone know why i am having this problem...when i shut down the splash screen is half way across the screen and over laps the right side and part of it appears on the left side of the screen01:52
jribCactii: you can upgrade using the cd if you use the alternate cd only01:52
jrib!upgrade > Cactii    (Cactii, see the private message from ubotu)01:52
etplayer_fiesty9aoirthoir I have tried livecds from other distros just to get the config right in ubuntu depending on hardware.01:52
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Flannellivingdaylight: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/704tour  see for yourself01:52
SubMOAduelboot, sorry? What do you mean?  As in you want to move the cube so you see an edge and  the when you release the keys it stays?01:52
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TaJMoXumop : sudo tune2fs -C 42001:52
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TaJMoXumop : then reboot01:52
voyvfanyone have any ideas why,  since upgrading to feisty, my wifi drops every so often? it's a very consistent thing, so i'm thinking it's related to the new network manager, but i'm not sure where to look.01:52
AnRkeyCactii, sorry my mistake, not reading properly yes you can upgrade like that01:52
umopTaJMoX, Cheers.01:53
TaJMoXumop : it will take a while to load because the splash screen will cover the details of the check01:53
chalcedonyty jrib xq01:53
kneekiAnyone know if it's possible via Ubuntu to have an 'active desktop'. As in, using video files for your wallpaper image?01:53
Mr_Giraffevoyvf, iwconfig and ifconfig don't do anything?01:53
TellWow, ubuntu detected my network card straight away and automatically started working through it, no configuration needed, straight online...thats pretty amazing. Will this change when I go to make the permainstall :P01:53
ReSPiDeRwho was helping me with grub and lilo?01:53
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livingdaylightFlannel, cheers.... looks like Feisty is very different then01:53
aoirthoiretplayer_fiesty9: ah ok I gotcha. Yeah it worked with dapper and edgy. So ima just wait:)01:53
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Mr_GiraffeTell, it should work automatically on a permanent install too01:53
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umopTaJMoX, Okay, I'll be back if I still have problems ;)01:53
duelbootSubMOA, when I change desktops it simply moves to the second one...I've seen it where people stop the cube in the middle and you can "in essence" see both desktops...is that clear?01:53
voyvfMr_Giraffe: they do,  in fact i scripted them because of how common my connection drops.01:53
jribkneeki: mplayer can play videos on the root window01:53
LtarI need a torrent or download link for the alternate CD01:53
Tellawesome. So I open up the install on the desktop, and it'll format the drives for me too?01:53
=== CapaH2 [n=carl@cpe-70-122-239-149.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/01:54
TaJMoXkneeki : there is a x root display...nautilus usually sits there01:54
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voyvfbut my wifi device drops about every 20 min or so.01:54
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radgedoes anyone know why i am having this problem...when i shut down the splash screen is half way across the screen and over laps the right side and part of it appears on the left side of the screen01:54
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kneekiTaJMoX: Hmm. x root display, I've never  heard of this.01:54
Mr_Giraffevoyf, this is just a guess, but maybe it's trying to refresh the connection and can't quite make it?01:54
=== rocketman768 [n=jYdOT4DZ@reserve-195-44.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
duelbootvoyvf, has it dropped for a while?01:54
Mr_Giraffevoyvf, what make is your router?01:54
voyvfduelboot: it dropped while i was asking this question :D01:54
CapaHHi all, question -- why does CTRL+F8 not switch to another session?01:54
duelbootvoyvf, you may need to change your channel to avoid interference01:54
mrpoundsigncan I mount BSD formatted partitions in ubuntu?01:54
xqOr what's the chipset on the card?01:54
TaJMoXkneeki er its called root window01:54
Mr_Giraffevoyf, is it a WRT54G?01:55
duelbootSubMOA, any answer?01:55
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xqmrpoundsign, aye01:55
ajehukMr_Giraffe - voyf - just thinking about powersaving etc.. is the card in use in that period or is it a drop due to inactivity?01:55
voyvfchipset is rt2500, router is wrt54g01:55
stefgradge: seems that the driver is adressing more menory than you have in your graphics card01:55
kneekiTaJMoX: Hmm, does it function like the windows version 'Dream Scene'?01:55
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CapaHWhen I ctrl+f8 instead of seeing a new session I see a bunch of white on black text with [failed]  at the bottom --- apparently the tail of some log file from who knows when01:55
voyvfbut this didn't happen until after the upgrade to feisty, likely along with the kernel update.01:55
stefgradge: or a sync problem of your monitor01:55
mrpoundsignxq: cool, any special packages needed?  I am going to try and put this disk in a USB case to load some data off it.01:55
duelbootvoyvf, what I meant was...has it been doing this  a while or just recently?01:55
voyvfjust since upgrading to feisty01:55
Mr_Giraffeduelboot, he said since he upgraded01:55
SubMOAduelboot, I send you a message01:56
duelbootMr_Giraffe, sorry had missed the first part which is why I asked01:56
Mr_Giraffeoh, i wasn't saying that in a mean way01:56
voyvfi was an early feisty adopter, but i'm updated completely now :D01:56
Mr_Giraffesorry bout that01:56
duelbootsame here01:56
TaJMoXkneeki : i think xv can play on the root window01:56
SubMOAduelboot, did you get it?01:56
livingdaylightFlannel, is Feisty awesome?01:56
kneekiTaJMoX: Hmm, thanks!01:56
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TaJMoXkneeki : xv -root01:56
chemisusanyone know where to find the md5sum value for fiesty iso?01:56
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Mr_Giraffeanyway, voyf + duelboot, i used to have that problem with my wrt54g, try changing/upgrading the firmware01:56
duelbootSubMOA, no...lemme register...hold on01:56
breakthruhow do i configure the processor speed?01:56
jribchemisus: there is an MD5SUMS file on all the mirrors01:57
SubMOAohh, ok.01:57
atoponcechemisus: check the mirrors01:57
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chemisusok, thanks01:57
radgewhat would i do to fix it? its not so much of a problem just an annoyance01:57
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voyvfMr_Giraffe: i'll try that as a last resort. i hate to admit it, but i hadn't thought of changing the channel01:57
duelbootSubMOA, never got the message...am am registered01:57
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Mr_Giraffevoyf, try that too :P01:57
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duelbootvoyvf, it probably won't matter as that would only work if a router nearby is causing interference01:57
duelbootvoyvf, shouldn't be related to the upgrade01:58
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Flannellivingdaylight: I imagine so01:58
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etplayer_fiesty9Anybody know where the local logs are for synaptic updates?  One of them booched my mouse.01:58
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voyvfah no,  i'm the only one when i do iwlist ra0 scan01:58
dimeotaneanyone got a bcm4318 wifi card working in feisty yet?01:58
livingdaylightFlannel, why what are you using?01:58
duelbootSubMOA, I didn't get the message...are you registered?01:58
SubMOAduelboot... forget that :O)  First, try pressing <ctrl><alt>"LeftClick" (hold  left click)01:58
Flannellivingdaylight: dapper01:58
SubMOAduelboot, maybe not... I thuoght I was...01:58
xtknightetplayer_fiesty9, /var/log/dpkg.log01:58
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SubMOAduelboot, then move the mouse around01:58
aoirthoirlater peeps01:59
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SubMOAduelboot, anything?01:59
ajehukMr_Giraffe voyvf dualboot - if its a wrt box looking at dd-wrt is a god idea anyway... although I cant see why the router would cause the drop if it is only happening 'after' an upgrade.. - I still suggest it may be a powersave on idle issue that has recently been implemented for the driver - there are a few other people reporting periods of inactivity leading to connection drops...01:59
=== blanky [n=Blank@pool-71-105-13-162.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
livingdaylightFlannel, what?! please tell me you are kiddin!01:59
aoirthoirlife aint nuttin but money01:59
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blankywhere are the feisty torrents!!01:59
blankyI only see a dvd torrent01:59
blankyI want a CD (IS there any?)01:59
duelbootSubMOA, hold on have to enable Beryl first01:59
atoponceblanky: check the mirrors01:59
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blankyatoponce: sorry where are they?01:59
SubMOAduelboot, mkay01:59
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive01:59
livingdaylightFlannel, i really admire someone who can stick to an os when everyone else is moving on01:59
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Sterkquick wireless question to anyone that can answer01:59
atoponceblanky: ubuntu.com/download01:59
Mr_Giraffeajehuk, maybe it's just a case of bad timing?01:59
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voyvfajehuk: hmm are they all for this specific driver? (rt2500)01:59
blankyatoponce: I got it01:59
atoponceblanky: cool02:00
duelbootSubMOA, you ROCK...Thanks!!!!02:00
SubMOAduelboot, np02:00
dimeotaneblanky: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/file?info_hash=%1B%060%E6%BC%BF%1Bi%10%F5%20C%93%C9%85%C7%0Cq%AA%F502:00
Enverexlivingdaylight, There isn't anything admirable really, it just means they are stuck with old and outdated software02:00
Mr_Giraffevoyf, i use an rt73 but i have no problems with my router02:00
blankyatoponce: hey so there's no difference between desktop install cd and alternate right? Other than the installation method, like, I won't miss out on anything with the alternate02:00
dimeotanethats for i386 feisty desktop02:00
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chr_When I run ntfsresize -1 /dev/hda1 it says "Current Volume size: 12000MB and 8628MB used" but the Gparted shows that it is 27.95GB with 24.8 used.  8GB is about what was on the drive when I started02:00
SkyblastI was going to stick with Edgy for a while longer, but I really want the new xine(fixed dvd playback sync issues)02:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:00
voyvfi'd planned on doing the dd-wrt thing,  but wanted to wait until *after* beta testing feisty02:00
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blankyjust asking cause a lot of times the desktop one doesn't work for me02:00
atoponceblanky: right. they both install the same software, just the method is different02:00
ajehukMr_Giraffe - I wouldnt rule it out - but I wouldnt look at it first - dont change something else - it only makes trouble shooting harder :)02:00
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blankyatoponce: thanks sir02:00
atoponceblanky: np02:00
SterkTrying to set up my wireless network, card if functioning fine, as it sees my network in the dropdown and its signal strenth, but after trying to type my password with ascii seletectd, nothing02:00
Tellthis ubuntu demo is amazing o_o it picked up on my network card and sound card straight away02:00
blankyWOOO FEISTY IS OUT!!!02:01
deepsai am doing sudo apt-get install 915resolution and it's failing in getting the package02:01
Flannelblanky: right.  they both (well, when you choose the normal install on the altCD) install the same thing02:01
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ajehukvoyvf - seen it for both rt2500 and rt7302:01
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etplayer_fiesty9I did a find /var -grep -i mouse {} /dev/null \; but I gave a ton of output.02:01
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livingdaylightEnverex, no, it shows someone is content with what they have. Knows what they need and what they don't need and don't need to fit in with the Jones' next door02:01
fougi'm having trouble making my external hard drive write-able. I've downloaded ntfs-config and enabled the drive for read and write, but still not able to move files or create new folders. Any ideas?02:01
voyvfbeside the wifi quirk (and that's all it is - my shell script fixes / reloads it with a double click) i'm rather impressed by feisty02:01
SubMOAduelboot, by chance, do you know... I want to use this file manager: "http://www.forchheimer.se/bfm/" but if I don't like it, will it ruin Nautilus or overwrite anything or... well, is it ok to just try out or is it more permanent?02:01
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Mr_Giraffefoug, get the data off and make it FAT?02:01
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wonderingFlannel: I'm checking out all the steps, but so far it seems very 6.06 specific.02:02
fougMr_Giraffe: ehhh, not a possibility02:02
Flannelwondering: The steps are the same for whatever version.02:02
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ajehukfoug - how are you mounting it?02:02
voyvfthere was an extreme speed up, but considering how much gnu software was updated, as well as the kernel, it's hard to put a finger on just what did it. :D02:02
Mr_GiraffeSubMOA, maybe what you could do is compile it and then run it from the folder to try it02:02
Flannelwondering: its just that the version numbers/stuff has changed02:02
psst_how can I control the gnome network-manager from the command line?02:02
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fougajehuk: what do you mean?02:02
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twopoint718I just had a very general question how much science stuff comes with ubuntu, like without the scibuntu?02:02
RouninHm... Today's $10,000 question.. What's a Java stack?02:02
ReSPiDeRhow do I install nvidia in ubuntu?02:02
ajehukfoug - manually or fstab?02:02
Mr_Giraffepsst_, use 'sudo iwconfig' or 'sudo ifconfig'02:02
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SubMOAMr_Giraffe, hmm... ok, thanks02:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:03
psst_thanks, Mr_Giraffe02:03
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ash211Rounin: the software that involves java on the desktop02:03
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Mr_Giraffe!nvidia | ReSPiDeR02:03
fougajehuk: still not sure, i bought it, plugged it in, put stuff on then installed ubuntu on my main drive02:03
ubotuReSPiDeR: please see above02:03
chr_penguin42: When I run ntfsresize -1 /dev/hda1 it says "Current Volume size: 12000MB and 8628MB used" but the Gparted shows that it is 27.95GB with 24.8 used.  8GB is about what was on the drive when I started. Any Ideas?02:03
duelbootSubMOA, sorry don't know02:03
FlannelRounin: buzzword compliant way of saying JRE + SDK + utils02:03
voyvfRounin: what a disgruntled coder has to fight with before switching to python.02:03
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taigerwhich one would you recommend, KDE or Gnome?02:03
RouninAh, OK... Thanks, everybody :D02:03
Ltarand to all the helpers in this room, hanging out all day to help noobs like me, and others, and to lend their insight to the bizzare problems of the power users-- YOU ROCK. peace out.02:03
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ajehukfoug - lol - sorry :)02:03
jribtaiger: try both and use the one you like better02:03
Mr_Giraffetaiger, i saw a review that said KDE is better but doesn't work as often02:03
fougajehuk: ehh? lol02:03
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SubMOAduelboot, no worries02:03
jeah I'm having heat issues with ubuntu on my lapt02:03
jeahop.  "critical" is the only trip point in tri02:03
jeahp_points and when I run anything cpu intensive (glxgears and youtube for example) my lapto02:03
jeahp reaches the trip point and shuts down.  I'm02:03
jeah looking for any information on how to fix th02:03
jrib!enter | jeah02:03
ubotujeah: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!02:03
duelbootSterk, running WPA?02:03
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taigerMr_Giraffe: what do you mean it doesn't work as often?02:03
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Sterkduelbot, yes02:04
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Mr_Giraffetaiger, i don't know, i haven't used it02:04
Mr_Giraffebut i guess it crashes or locks up sometimes02:04
Mr_Giraffeit also said that KDE is slower02:04
duelbootSterk, have you installed wpasupplicant?02:04
etplayer_fiesty9Where would I look up this package change? xserver-xorg-input-all02:04
mrunocan't install ubuntu. after the 'loading' screen I get a mouse cursor but the background is distorted. this also happens in centos 5. any suggesstions?02:04
Sterki dont suppose02:04
Sp4cedOutnoob problem: I can't mount a CD I put in, it says: "according to mtab, /dev/hdc is already mounted on /media/cdrom0"02:04
Mr_Giraffeas for gnome, taiger, it's not as amazing (apparently) but it's more stable02:04
duelbootSterk, that's the problem02:04
ajehukfuog - I assume its automatic then, could you paste the contents of your /etc/fstab into a pastebin so that I can take a quik look at how and with what paramaters the drive is being mounted? -> http://pastebin.ca or similar02:04
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duelbootI thinkk there is a wiki page Sterk lemme check...hold one02:04
nu-does anyone know if the 64bit version is stable?02:04
lex_luthorhas anyone encountered this error while launching the liveCD in safe graphics mode?: X Window System Version 7.2.002:05
lex_luthorRelease Date: 22 January 2007               .202:05
lex_luthorX Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.202:05
lex_luthorBuild Operating System: Linux Ubuntu02:05
lex_luthorCurrent Operating System: Linux ubuntu 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i68602:05
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lex_luthorBuild Date: 04 April 200702:05
Sterkduelboot, thanks a bunch :)02:05
lex_luthor        Before reporting problems, check http://wiki.x.org02:05
jeahI'm having heat issues with ubuntu on my laptop.  "critical" is the only trip point listed and when I run anything cpu intensive (glxgears and youtube for example) my laptop reaches the trip point and shuts down.  I'm looking for any information on how to fix this issue.... any ideas?02:05
lex_luthor        to make sure that you have the latest version.02:05
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lex_luthorModule Loader present02:05
Flannel!paste | lex_luthor02:05
ubotulex_luthor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:05
voyvfSp4cedOut: try sudo umount /media/cdrom002:05
lex_luthorMarkers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting02:05
lex_luthor        (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational02:05
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jriblex_luthor: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pastes02:05
IncredibleHinkcan someone help me totally uninstall firefox and reinstall it02:05
nu-use pastebin lex02:05
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nu-use pastebin lex02:05
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nu-does anyone know if the 64bit version is stable?02:05
Flannelnu-: it is02:06
atoponcenu-: using the 64-bit now. seems fine02:06
=== zilly6 [n=mla@adsl-71-141-129-134.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
elvensevenHello everyone, I booted livecd and its asking me a username and a password? WTH?02:06
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usaf_manHello:  I downloaded the Fawn today, and burned the ISO with Gnomebake.....I stuck the disk in my laptop, and the installer is crashing saying it can not find the kernel image "linux" any ideas?02:06
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fougdoes ntfs suck, or what?02:06
jribnu-: 64bit is stable yes.  But if you like multimedia, you will have some headaches with flash and java plugins for your browser02:06
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ryanakcanu-: it is, I'm using it atm, but, Flash and other apps don't work02:06
zilly6hello everyone02:06
Flannelelvenseven: which liveCD?02:06
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ajehukfoug - ah its not that bad...02:06
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IncredibleHinknu-, installing flash is a huge pain02:06
magnetronnu- : some of the restricted software isn't availible for amd6402:06
elvensevenI tried guest, user :'(02:06
zilly6could someone guide me on how to make a live USB ubuntu cd with the ISO image i have?02:07
Flannelelvenseven: Ubuntu? Kubuntu?02:07
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b %*!*@syd-proxy.kaz-group.com] by jrib
noelferreira_what should i use to share files between two ubuntu systems?02:07
nu-IncredibleHink: on 64bit?02:07
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elvensevenUbuntu (sorry)02:07
neozenzilly6: no problem02:07
IncredibleHinknu-, rgr02:07
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CapaHWhen I ctrl+f8 instead of seeing a new session I see a bunch of white on black text with [failed]  at the bottom --- apparently the tail of some log file from who knows when --- can anyone here tell me how to get CTRL+ALT+F8 to work again?02:07
noelferreirawhat should i use to share files between two ubuntu systems?02:07
neozenzilly6: let me dig up a guide02:07
=== steve_ [n=steve@74-139-215-5.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
nu-Thanks for the answers, all02:07
Gunrundoes anyone know if http://preview.tinyurl.com/3as4dz this wireless card will work under ubuntu, with the madwifi thing?02:07
lex_luthorhi again. here's the error I get when launching the liveCD in safe graphics mode: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16465/02:07
IncredibleHinknu-, i'm to the point where I have flash but no sound02:07
zilly6thanks neozen02:07
=== asdx wishes adobe will release a damn flash plugin for x86_64
IncredibleHinknu-, its possible though02:07
steve_i can't download package files.  anyone else having that problem?02:07
steve_i just installed ubuntu02:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:07
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IncredibleHinkcan someone help me totally uninstall firefox and reinstall it02:07
ajehukajehuk <- wishes adobe had never invented flash (damn flash)02:07
magnushcdame this new ubuntu is real good02:08
asdxajehuk: ++02:08
jribIncredibleHink: what is wrong with firefox?  reinstalling rarely solves anything on linux02:08
hai3uajehuk, Adobe invented Flash? wtf?02:08
IncredibleHinkjrib, ok02:08
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duelbootSterk, see this link...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26313602:08
ajehukhai3u - ah what do I know,02:08
nexactadobe bought macromedia.02:08
IncredibleHinkjrib, this is what i need, .... i have firefox 1.5 32 bit version i want the 2.03 version which spm says i have02:08
hai3uajehuk, How old are you...?02:08
Oatmeatis there anyway to configure metacity so windows are placed somewhere other than the top left corner?02:08
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ffmhow do I get a Google API key?02:08
Sterkduelboot, thanks again02:08
voyvfhai3u: yes, and they learned how to rewrite history as well. (:02:08
IncredibleHinkjrib, however when i goto the 32bit version it says 1.502:08
magnetronIncredibleHink: if you want to reset the settings of fx, you could remove the .firefox dir02:08
jribIncredibleHink: what version of ubuntu?02:08
duelbootSterk, it may be installed by default...I think it is...but you must configure it...the link above will show you how02:08
nexactffm: you ask it on google.com ;)02:09
IncredibleHink64bit FF02:09
homanjhow do i generate a md5 hash to compare against the known good ones?02:09
IncredibleHinkjrib, 64bit FF02:09
FlannelIncredibleHink: which ubuntu version?  dapper? edgy?02:09
hai3uhomanj, md5sum02:09
atoponcehomanj: md5sum02:09
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jeahCan anyone recommend some documentation for me to look at regarding heat issues on my laptop?02:09
ffmnexact: I cannot find any thing on google on how to get one.02:09
duelbootSterk, If you need additional help send me PM and I will walk you through it02:09
IncredibleHinkjrib, Fiesty Fawn02:09
ajehukhai3u apparently not old enough to know who invented flash...02:09
homanjatoponce: hai3u: thank you.02:09
IncredibleHinkFlannel, Fiesty Fawn02:09
=== iamelite [n=iamelite@cpe-76-188-205-173.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
etplayer_fiesty9noelferreira, you can use fish:// if you are using konqueror or ssh:// if you are going directly, winscp is nice if you need to use windows.02:09
jribIncredibleHink: ok, how did you install 32bit firefox?02:09
TheoMurpseI'm trying to upgrade Ubuntu. In update manager I select upgrade to 7.04, and then it proceeds to download or whatever the first 20 of 40 files. On 21, it hangs up. Then I get "Error during update" "failed to fetch http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/...". Is it failing because servers are down or is it failing because I have a 3rd party package repository listed?02:09
homanjatoponce: btw, i enjoy reading your blog via planet ubuntu02:09
=== gumjo [n=ashtar@CPE00032f390ded-CM0011e67bbf01.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastreli don't know who invented flash02:09
atoponceffm: this isn't the channel to ask.02:09
atoponcehomanj: thx. :)02:09
IncredibleHinkjrib, apt-get off an old guide (i realize that now)02:09
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nexactffm: http://www.google.com/apis/maps/signup.html ?02:09
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noelferreirai don't use windows etplayer_fiesty902:10
=== Jump86 [n=ben@c75-111-15-206.amrlcmta01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
kuruminalguem do brasil?02:10
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Flannel!br | kurumin02:10
ubotukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.02:10
disasmThere are some really dumb ideas on the Development (Gutsy Gibbon) Forum...02:10
stefgTheoMurpse: both02:10
livingdaylightWebilder: anyone knwo whether webilder is still available in Feisty; moreover whwere i can get it?02:10
ffmnexact: Oh.02:10
Jump86why doesnt the download page have a link for a torrent?02:10
steve_umm wtf???  if you maximize a window in ubuntu you can't unmaximize it by pressing the same button in the upper right corner??02:10
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wind0wsrawkslinux really sucks02:10
bish0pthat problem is still a problem and wow.. ubuntu sucks02:10
jribIncredibleHink: so you just want to know how to get 32bit firefox version 2.0 right?02:10
IncredibleHinkbtw the help on this server is outstanding!!!02:10
wind0wsrawksyes bish0p, all of linux sucks02:10
ffmnexact: No, gogogle maps is that.02:10
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duelboot!offtopic | wind0wsrawks02:10
ubotuwind0wsrawks: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:10
steve_the button is supposed to maximize or unmaximize02:10
wind0wsrawksi'm glad you agree02:10
stefg!slow | TheoMurpse02:10
ubotuTheoMurpse: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:10
hai3uJump86, Most people associate torrents with illegal software.02:10
nexactwind0wsrawks: yes it does, it sucks windows juice.02:10
IncredibleHinkjrib, exactly..... my end goal is flash with audio02:10
duelbootjrib...can't you boot wind0wsrawks?02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webilder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
etplayer_fiesty9noelferreira fish://(ipaddress) works thru the ssh protocol from ubuntu to ubuntu02:10
wind0wsrawksi'll come back on proxy duelboot02:10
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:10
steve_am i the only one running into this problem or is that how ubuntu is supposed to work?02:10
disasmwind0wsrawks: I think you're in the wrong place ;-)02:10
wind0wsrawksyou can't ban me02:11
h3h_timohey all, is there a jigdo link for feisty?? could anyone point me in the right direction??02:11
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webuilder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
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TheoMurpsestefg I was curious because the first 20 downloaded REALLY REALLY fast, and then froze on #21.02:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about webbuilder - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:11
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iamelitehello from pocket irc, i am having fglrx issues on my x1300 with FF 7.04. when i install it draws blank on reboot.02:11
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Jump86hai3u, so where can i get a good torrent? id rather do it that way02:11
gumjoare feisty apt updates not working because of all the load?02:11
livingdaylightduelboot, you know it?02:11
zilly6h3h_timo jigdo?02:11
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emetwtf did fiesty come out02:11
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Tellis there any way during the setup to format both drives?02:11
duelbootlivingdaylight, nope...neverheard of it02:11
h3h_timozilly6, yes02:11
hai3uJump86, http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:11
zilly6guys use bittorrent for feisty02:11
elvensevenHelp somebody :'( - http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/1063/passlv2.jpg02:11
magnetron!feisty | emet02:11
zilly6emet today it did02:11
ubotuemet: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/02:11
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IncredibleHinkjrib, btw i just did an apt-get for the 32 bit 2.0302:11
h3h_timozilly6, i cant at school02:11
stefgTheoMurpse: then you have nonexistent repos in your sources.list02:11
IdleOnewind0wsrawks, we arent putting down your choice of OS by pointing out all i's security flaws and endless patches so why do you need to put down our choice of OS?02:11
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iamelite <livingdaylight> *dualboot*02:11
TellGot two HDD's, and I'd really like to start clean on my PC02:11
jribIncredibleHink: oh ok, so now you have that working?02:12
h3h_timozilly6, i cant open up ports and i will get disconnected for too much uploading02:12
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emetno way02:12
teoma29Just updated to feisty but on booting 2.6.20-15.386 I get the message "cant access tty, job control turned off" any suggestions?02:12
livingdaylightduelboot, its awesome: it gives you access to thousands of beautiful backgrounds from flikr02:12
hai3uelvenseven, Uh, what's wrong with it?02:12
disasmwind0wsrawks: actaully the funny thing is why someone would waste their time in a linux chat room just to bash it, someone like that must really not have a life, let alone a girlfriend02:12
emetfreenode is going to crash02:12
livingdaylightiamelite, ?02:12
IncredibleHinkjrib, it said it installed and Synaptic Manager says its there, but when i open the browser it still says 1.5 in the about02:12
fucterteoma29: me too02:12
wind0wsrawksIdleOne, the average linux junkie has nothing good to say about windows, so why can't i defend it and confront you about it?02:12
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zilly6throttle your uploading down02:12
elvensevenLivecd brings me there02:12
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h3h_timozilly6, i cant open up ports02:12
asdxemet: lol why do you say that? :p02:12
duelbootlivingdaylight, sweet...if you like to mess with backgrounds... :)02:12
etplayer_fiesty9Thanks All! I appreciate the help and community.02:12
h3h_timozilly6, it goes wayyyy to slow02:12
Mr_Giraffewind0wsrawks, i like both, if it counts.02:12
gumjodoes anyone else have problems in fiesty with updates/synaptic02:12
hai3uwind0wsrawks, Sorry, Ubuntu does not accept criticism.02:12
duelbootlivingdaylight, I just used the Ubuntu LAMP and Joomla02:12
IdleOnewind0wsrawks, you arent defending windows your putting down linux02:12
zilly6wind0wsrawks then defend it, don't diss ubuntu02:12
atoponcewind0wsrawks: if you're here for ubuntu support or help, you're welcome to stay02:12
TheoMurpsestefg that's what I figured, but I wanted to verify that could be a cause before wasting any more time troubleshooting.02:12
iamelite<livingdaylight> nvm02:12
noelferreirathanks etplayer_fiesty902:12
duelbootlivingdaylight, good enough for me02:12
Tellis that windowsrawks git still here?02:12
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wind0wsrawksso it's ok for you guys to bash windows but then when someone says something about it you get angry and say it's unacceptable behavior02:13
HattyTell: yes he is02:13
ffmnoelferreira: Yes..02:13
livingdaylightduelboot, it does it automatically, you can configure it in many different ways and forget about it and be stunned and surpriesd by constantgly changing amount of background02:13
magnetron!slow | gumjo02:13
ubotugumjo: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:13
duelbootwind0wsrawks, no one bashed windows02:13
Mr_Giraffewind0wsrawks, ahahahaha basically02:13
=== steve_ [n=steve@74-139-215-5.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
stefgTheoMurpse: here's an original Feisty sources.list prototype http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16459/02:13
Hattywind0wsrawks: The thing is, we aren't bashing. You are.02:13
hai3uduelboot, You just bashed Windows.02:13
ffmwind0wsrawks: When did we bash window?02:13
disasmwind0wsrawks: your lucking I don't have an o-line on this server ;-) why are you even on freenode, don't you have something better to do?02:13
Mr_Giraffeand duelboot people bash windows in here all the time.02:13
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:13
livingdaylightduelboot, lamp?02:13
AnRkeywind0wsrawks, why are you here?02:13
wind0wsrawksduelboot, the average linux user has nothing good to say about windows = bashing02:13
IdleOnewind0wsrawks, what Im saying is give me an intelligent reason why linux sucks. not just say that it sucks.02:13
wind0wsrawksto defend windows02:13
TellI used windows since my first windows for workgroups 3.1 back in..jesus, 93?, I can safely say that I cant wait until ubuntu finishes loading onto my PC02:13
iameliteso if anyone could help mee with my fglrx issue, its very hard to poke type on my pda02:13
IncredibleHinkjrib, i have one firefox 32 folder in /usr/lib3202:13
void^if you go on feeding that troll he might explode :)02:13
hagabakasomewhere i've read that for the open source driver for ATI cards, use "ati" in xorg.conf, but in other places i've read it's "radeon". are they two different drivers?02:13
wastrelIdleOne:  don't feed the troll02:13
Tellvista is just awful, I have to get rid of it02:13
Jump86OMG the feisty torrent has over 10,000 connected02:13
ryethi'm learning to use ubuntu and i like it02:13
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:13
ryethbut i still think windows is a great os02:14
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:14
ajehukwind0wsrawks - not having anything good to say != bashing02:14
zilly6wind0srawks you have yet to point out anything you dislike about ubuntu. you haven't even presented anything good about windows02:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about joomla - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:14
wind0wsrawkswhat is a troll?02:14
duelboothai3u, no I didn't... wind0wsrawks  I didn't say anything negative...I even use it myself02:14
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept - At the time of feisty's final freeze, Pidgin has not been released, so Pidgin will not be going into feisty.  Expect Pidgin in feisty+1!  See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info02:14
ffmwind0wsrawks: Please be polite or dont be here.02:14
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wind0wsrawksyou keep calling me a troll02:14
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IdleOnewastrel, I have some extra peanuts here I thought I would get rid of them02:14
disasmI'm done feeding the trolls, time to go home and eat food02:14
zilly6h3h_timo whats jigdo?02:14
hai3uduelboot, Stop bashing Ubuntu then!02:14
ffmwind0wsrawks: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Troll02:14
jribwind0wsrawks: this channel is for ubuntu support.  To  discuss other things, use #ubuntu-offtopic02:14
arejayhagabaka: if you use ati it will auto-decide which driver to use for you're GPU02:14
duelbootwind0wsrawks, my name is cause I must duel to dualboot...hehehe....so I still use it although this laptop uses both02:14
wind0wsrawksthanks ffm02:14
hai3uffm, He's not a troll.02:14
Mr_Giraffetrolls 1, #ubuntu 0 D:02:14
IncredibleHinkjrib, apparently something happened between the last few times i restarted Firefox and now .... its 2.0.302:14
h3h_timozilly6, kinda like bittorrent i guess02:14
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h3h_timojust wanted to try it02:14
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Tellfunny how ubuntu managed to pick up on my soundcard and network card, vista, the promised mother of OS's, almost died when it saw them. Oh, and ubuntu/beryl looks sexy02:14
zilly6what about tor?02:14
Tellaero is bloody ugly.02:14
IncredibleHinkjrib, i just need sound with flash902:14
hagabakai see, thanks02:14
duelboothai3u get a life...I didn't bash either...you are the weakest link...goodbye02:14
maccam94hi wind0wsrawks02:14
=== Mudoch [n=chatzill@c-71-58-0-123.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
AnRkeywind0wsrawks, this is not the place to debate the windows/linux bit mate02:15
Kragneracwind0wsrawks: Having fun? :P02:15
Mr_GiraffeTell, you've talked about that 3 times now02:15
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wind0wsrawksTell, BUY MORE RAM to use vista02:15
zilly6enough about windows guys02:15
wind0wsrawksit's not rocket science02:15
magnetron!jigdo | zilly602:15
hai3uduelboot, Real nice argument there.02:15
ubotuzilly6: jigdo is the jigsaw downloader for building cd isos. for more information see http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/02:15
wind0wsrawksand it's well worth the money02:15
=== hype_ [n=hype_@gar31-3-82-234-50-53.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkjrib, i have edited the firefoxrc file and changed "none" to "alsaoss" for firefoxDSP02:15
hype_hi :)02:15
maccam94wind0wsrawks, join #ubuntu-offtopic02:15
iamelite<duelboot> how the heck do you bash ubuntu. or do u mean $bash in ubuntu02:15
Enverexwind0wsrawks, You're not "defending Windows" though, you're just trolling. Defending would mean giving educated statements as to why something is invalid/valid.02:15
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zilly6thanks magnetron02:15
IncredibleHinkjrib, but thats as far as I have gotten02:15
ffmhai3u: I actualy never called him that, if you look up. Some others were. I was just answering his ? about what they were.02:15
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duelbootlol iamelite02:15
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voyvfah.. the next time someone argues with me about torrent being only good for pirating software, i'll try to remind them of the 10k torrent extravaganza due to the feisty release02:15
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wind0wsrawksEnverex, i have many reasons to use02:15
h3h_timowind0wsrawks, ive used vista for a while and still prefer ubuntu over it ;/02:15
duelbootiamelite, I didn't bash anything...but02:15
TellRAM wont make windows vista detect my drivers automatically. And I have 2.5gb DDR2, I dont see how an OS cant run on 2.5ddr02:15
fucterword voyvf02:15
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o jrib] by ChanServ
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=== wind0wsrawks was kicked off #ubuntu by jrib (stop the offtopic now.)
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steve_why can't i unmaximize windows once i maximize them?02:15
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HattyEnverex: And those statements themselves would be invalid.02:15
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zilly6so anyone with ISO->USBlive ?02:16
maccam94haha, the feisty swarm is huge atm. 5000+ seeders, 3000+ leechers02:16
hype_anybody using a mx518 on feisty? any problem regnognising all buttons?02:16
duelbootthanks jrib bout time02:16
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:16
gumjowind0wsrawks, you dont have to tell people people to buy more RAM for Vista. its a requirement for most ppl upgrading to it02:16
thornomadHi -- was hoping for some help implementing the libtrash package with openssh-server.  I have libtrash successfully working in the command line and with netatalk (afp) ... however, I don't know where to call the "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libtrash/libtrash.so.2.4" command for my ssh mounts.  For netatalk I added it to: /etc/init.d/netatalk and for the CLI I modified: /etc/profile ... but I don't know what to do about ssh ... modifying /e02:16
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slamBrickHelp Help Help I broke my software sources list ho do I fix it???02:16
iamelitegod i need a keyboard on this pda!02:16
wind0wsrawksThe Linux Guru's keep saying windows has flaws, is unsecure, blah blah blah. GET A BETTER SECURITY SYSTEM/FIREWALL.02:16
jon__anyone have any suggestions on how to recover from a failed do-release-upgrade on edgy server? mine keeps seg faulting when it is "checking package manager" now :(02:16
jribIncredibleHink: I don't know why your sound wouldn't work02:16
maccam94gumjo, the troll's been kicked ;-)02:16
IncredibleHinkjrib, hmm02:16
duelbootslamBrick, did you backup first? :(02:16
wastrel!easysource > slamBrick02:16
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IncredibleHinkjrib, it works in everything else02:16
[acid] NeatcheeHey guys, I have a question about upgrading:  I upped to Feisty like 3 weeks ago through "update-manager -c -d" and I was kind of assuming that there'd be some new updates today with the official release, but there aren't :O  Is that standard, or am I missing something?02:16
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iamelitewindows isnt flawed, it does precisely wat gates wants.02:17
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AnRkeywind0wsrawks, Ubuntu server and desktop is saving me about 9000's and I don't have problems with DRM and such, that good enough reason?02:17
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duelbootSubMOA, any luck?02:17
=== moDumass [n=evilsher@203-214-118-161.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cubicism[acid] Neatchee: Duhhhhh, you need to get the iso.02:17
zilly6he's gone anrkey02:17
magnetron!final | [acid] Neatchee02:17
ubotu[acid] Neatchee: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn), and haven't neglected to accept the automatic updates, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.02:17
sylvisjDo you guys recommend ReiserFS or Ext3?02:17
IdleOne[acid] Neatchee, that ws it. as long as you kept up to date you had final release 3/4 days ago02:17
voyvfok, i'll take my offtopicing to the offtopic section (: or at least i'll try02:17
sylvisjI'm a gamer if that matters02:17
SubMOAduelboot, opps... not really... did you look at the link?02:17
AnRkeyzilly6, thank god :D02:17
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Enverexsylvisj, EXT302:17
moDumasshey all i cant keep cairo-clock open without term being open too, its like it opens the clock but doesnt return, so i cant type exit to close the terminal02:17
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disasmsylvisj: ext302:17
[acid] Neatcheeyay! Thanks guys :)02:17
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moDumassany ideas?02:17
voyvfext3 works for me02:17
jribIncredibleHink: did you ever have flash playing sound?02:17
duelbootSubMOA, send PM and I'll walk you through it02:18
h3h_timodoes anyone know how to scan for open ports on my schools network so i can pick the best one for azureus to use??02:18
SubMOAduelboot, i wanted to see if youtube had a vid of it, but then I found alternatives and now Im just watching the vidoes :O)02:18
SubMOAduelboot, PM?02:18
=== John_Quest [n=vince@or-76-2-8-176.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
bigstartupdate manager is not showing the 7.04 icon and i upgraded EVERYTHING..101 packets...!02:18
bimberiewww "haven't neglected" is an ugly double-negative02:18
IncredibleHinkjrib, negative02:18
bigstartanybody knows whats going on?02:18
duelbootSubMOA, private message02:18
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zilly6anyone have a guide to creating a bootable usbdrive ffrom livecd ISO ?02:18
disasmh3h_timo: well, if you have root nmap, but don't do that...02:18
gumjomoDumass, use the "Run" application to execut cairo-clock02:18
magnetron!nmap | h3h_timo02:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nmap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:18
sylvisjAny particular reason for ext3 over reiserfs?02:18
SubMOAduelboot, I would appreciate the help.. Ok, one sec02:18
voyvfh3h_timo: port scanning might be a legal nono in some areas. be careful.02:18
magnetron!info nmap | h3h_timo02:18
ubotuh3h_timo: nmap: The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 4.20-1 (feisty), package size 732 kB, installed size 2644 kB02:18
thornomadzilly6, check out pendrivelinux.com02:18
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voyvfbut nmap is a good place to start.02:18
gumjoRun or Alt-F202:18
fluidso heres a question ... im on an amd64 laptop... are there problems with 64 bit versions of ubuntu? i had major problems trying an earlier (3.0) version of debian...and just ended up going back to i386...missing packages were a huge pain at times.02:18
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SubMOAduelboot, did you get it?02:18
jribIncredibleHink: flash9 linux no sound    is getting a lot of hits on google, lets see if we can find something useful02:18
zilly6thanks thornomad02:19
duelbootMy share rating for Fiesty is 2.00000 at this time02:19
disasmsylvisj: the developer of reiser is in jail?02:19
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voyvfdisasm: for murder, no less.02:19
duelbootSubMOA, nope02:19
Mr_Giraffeduelboot, thanks :D02:19
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h3h_timovoyvf, i work at our schools tech department, they wouldnt do anything to me,  do you know how to do this?02:19
disasmvoyvf: yeah ;-)02:19
voyvflast i heard anyway02:19
dave177h3h_timo: I ran nmap on my school network once and got booted. They thought I was running a windows machien that had  virus02:19
lex_luthorhi all: has anyone encountered a problem launching the livecd on a dell 6400 laptop? it seems X dies even when launching in safe graphics mode (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16466/)02:19
Mr_Giraffe<disasm> sylvisj: the developer of reiser is in jail <-- WAHAAAAT?02:19
Taime1do i run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from commandline (not in x)?02:19
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Taime1or does it matter?02:19
IncredibleHinkjrib, im looking as well02:19
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disasmMr_Giraffe: search hans reiser on google02:19
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gooseso when is thunderbird 2 hitting feisty?02:20
Flannelgoose: never02:20
disasmgoose: never02:20
SubMOAhmm... I got a PM from you sayding "test" maybe try again?02:20
atoponceTaime1: you can reconfigure the xserver in X, you will just need to restart it when you're done02:20
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gooseFlannel: darn :|02:20
IdleOnegoose, #ubuntu-mozillateam02:20
duelbootSubMOA, you must be registered02:20
livingdaylightgoose, when is thunderbird2 due?02:20
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moDumasshow do i execute the "run" application02:20
gooseit's out02:20
voyvfh3h_timo: yes. in ubuntu, you can do 'sudo aptitude install nmap'02:20
iameliteahh im on my PC now, i had to apt the Xchat in the live cd02:20
Tellsay,are there any good games compatible with vista? RTS preferably :x02:20
Taime1is there a better way to reconfigure x? i always ruin my x configuration when i run that....02:20
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Tellargh, ubuntu!02:20
Tellsorry :P02:20
=== maple1 [n=d@bas8-kitchener06-1242499219.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
h3h_timovoyvf, how do i use it??02:20
disasmTell: whats wrong?02:20
atoponceTaime1: not that i know of02:20
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voyvfnmap --help02:20
Jump86im sure this is a retarded problem i should just google, but im looking for advice on how to take a linux/xp dual booting machine and create a third OS to boot from, yet i want it to be a perfect cone of the linux OS.. so i can have a version to play with and not worry about messing up02:20
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livingdaylightgoose, ooops, didn't make it then- fiesty+1 then02:21
corevetteTaime1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?02:21
SubMOAok.  I hate to sound like an idiot... how do I do that... I thought iw as regiesterd02:21
magnetronmoDumass: in the preferences, make it executable. then double-click it02:21
Tellare there any good game, pref. RTS, compatible with ubuntu02:21
=== [acid] Neatchee [n=neatchee@user-1087471.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
[acid] NeatcheeOh, almost forgot I had another question...02:21
TellI said vista the first time, I apologise for any indirect insults02:21
dman13I'm trying to burn an ISO image to a CD.  In the past cdrecord worked fine, but wodim complains about unsupported write modes.  I tried -dao (same as -sao), the default (-tao), and -raw.  Any suggestions?02:21
moDumasscool thanks02:21
disasmJump86: create a new partition, install ubuntu on it, add a grub entry02:21
arejayman, i just want to be able to install audacity :(02:21
duelbootgo to the "Ubuntu Servers" tab and register...I think there are instructions there02:21
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gooselivingdaylight: ah =)02:21
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duelbootSubMOA, see above02:21
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[acid] Neatcheeanyone else notice that the new network-manager doesn't work nicely with ndiswrapper?  I can't seem to get it to recognize that my wireless card is even installed :O02:21
Sterkduelboot, is that the best Wpasupplicant guide there is?02:21
fluidanyone able to say whether or not the amd64 has issues with missing packages like the amd64 debians did?02:21
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jribIncredibleHink: do you have 'alsa-utils' installed?02:21
Sterknot very concise02:22
disasmok, really time for food now ;-)02:22
duelbootnope...will llook Sterk give me time02:22
disasmbye all!02:22
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IncredibleHinkjrib, i believe so02:22
disasm[24423.pts-0.gentux detached.] 02:22
Sterkthank you sir :)02:22
h3h_timovoyvf, how do i know what ip to scan??02:22
IncredibleHinkjrib, let me double check02:22
=== misfit-toy 's only disappointment so far is that keyboard shortcuts for multimedia keyboards still don't work correctly, as in mapping "pause" or "stop/start" and using exaile for music, the shortcuts just don't work...darn.
Jump86disasm, yes but i want it to be the same partition as the current Edgy install.. to try feisty upgrade without messing it up02:22
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jrib!caps | elvenseven02:22
ubotuelvenseven: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:22
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tuxedo_kamenhey everyone02:22
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iameliteSo anyways, i asked before and if someone answered me, i apologize for not being able to keep up with fast scrolls on my PDA. I installed xorg-fglrx on my PC with FF 7.04 and when i initialized a hot bootstrap operation, My GUI was incapable of accuratly displaying color, shape or even pixilation of any kind. The image was black and void of form.02:22
moDumasshmm, these preferences you speak of, where would i find them,?02:22
IncredibleHinkjrib, yes i do - version 1.0.13-1ubuntu502:22
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tuxedo_kamenlisten... I was wondering if there are any games freely available for Ubuntu02:23
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linoscan someone help02:23
magnetroniamelite: you are chatting here with your PDA?02:23
tuxedo_kamenas in... more complex games, than the ones available in "Games", when we install the OS02:23
=== Gunrun is now known as Gunrun|Bed
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org02:23
[acid] Neatcheekamen: add/remove programs.  There are several :)02:23
IdleOnetuxedo_kamen, search synaptic for games02:23
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ffm!language | elvenseven02:23
ubotuelvenseven: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:23
jribIncredibleHink: ok, close all your firefox instances and then in a terminal, start firefox with (change the command appropriately):  FIREFOX_DSP=aoss firefox02:23
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magnetronlinos: go on and ask, maybe we can help02:23
[acid] Neatcheeanyone else notice that the new network-manager doesn't work nicely with ndiswrapper?  I can't seem to get it to recognize that my wireless card is even installed :O02:24
IncredibleHinkjrib, already set that in my firefoxrc file but i'll give it a shot02:24
Tellso er, does ubuntu/linux have any windows rts games ported for it?02:24
iamelite<magnetron> i was in here with my PDA, i went to my pc and APT the Xchat on my live CD, i am currently reinstalling FF ubuntu 7.xx02:24
h3h_timovoyvf, pretty sure that all the ports on my network are closed02:24
Flannel!games | Tell02:24
ubotuTell: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org02:24
voyvfh3h_timo: scanning the router's IP might be a start.02:24
SubMOAduelboot, sorry... I'm trying to register here...02:24
linosI am trying to find a command that will print out the details of the RAM I have installed  already tried "lshw" "cat meminfo"02:24
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu
tuxedo_kamenlet me rephrase this... is "civilization" available for ubuntu?02:24
voyvfif you work for their tech department, that should be easy to find out. :D02:24
iameliteis he talking about the game?02:24
misfit-toytuxedo_kamen, freeciv02:24
Mudochexcuse me, I'm new to IRC where do I go to register?02:24
Telllol, nah, age of empires/command and conquer generals02:24
tonyyarussotuxedo_kamen: not sure, but freeciv is close.02:24
bimberilinos: cat /proc/meminfo02:24
ffm!register | Mudoch02:24
ubotuMudoch: Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:24
magnetroniamelite it must be scrolling to fast for you... or maybe you ARE elite reader02:24
h3h_timovoyvf, did it02:25
duelbootSubMOA, see this link...will continue looking...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31853902:25
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tuxedo_kamendoes anyone know where can I get more information on freeciv?02:25
linosbimberi:  I tried that, but doesn't tell me the type of RAM I have installed02:25
Mudochthank you02:25
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ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre02:25
elvensevendamn im gonna call for quit. livecd goes to login screen which no username or password could access :(02:25
iamelite<magnetron> yes it was. I asked the quiestion but could not keep up with the chat. too fast to read on a pda.02:25
AnObfuscatorUbuntu really doesn't want to install on this computer... after trying 2 burns of the alt CD, I'm using the Live CD. It boots into gnome, then says "resource fork unavailable" when I try to use any menu items... when I hit alt-F1 for a console and try to type bash commands, it gives the same error... what gives?02:25
ffmHow do I get my computer to start my supybot on boot as me?02:25
fluidhttp://www.winehq.com/ - check the app database to see if your windows game runs under wine.02:25
=== tones111_ [n=paul@71-81-245-60.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
MalachiIs there a way I can install Feisty faster? I can't wait until tomorrow (I'll be gone) and I still can't make the alternate CD way stop downloading through the slow server.02:25
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EnverexCan someone name an "easy to set up" IRC bot?02:25
SubMOAduelboot, ok, thanks02:25
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fougyo, i'm backing up files before i install 7.04. So far i've backed up xorg.conf and my sources.list. Anything else should I grab? I've installed my video card drivers, beryl and ntfs-config. I can't remember everything I did, anyone know what i'm missing?02:25
magnetron!torrents | Malchi02:26
jribMalachi: the torrents are pretty fast02:26
ubotuMalchi: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:26
misfit-toytuxedo_kamen, I believe you can install it via apt...02:26
magnetron!torrents | Malcahi02:26
ubotuMalcahi: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:26
magnetron!torrents | Malachi02:26
ubotuMalachi: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:26
Malachijrib: I need to upgrade, not full install.02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freeciv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:26
IncredibleHinkjrib, noper no sound02:26
hype_anyone using a mx518 on feisty? whomanaged to have it work,  if possible02:26
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jribMalachi: you can use the alternate cd to upgrade02:26
tuxedo_kamenyeah, but I'm wondering some things about the game...02:26
IncredibleHinkjrib, i do get this error though02:26
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Enverexmagnetron, Stop flooding the channel02:26
IncredibleHinkjrib, ERROR: ld.so: object '/usr/lib32/libpangohack.so.0' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.02:26
MalachiI already torrented both the desktop and alternatve versions of the cd, jrib, and magnetron.02:26
jon__any ideas on how to rescue my botched feisty upgrade? apt seg faults on me now when i try and run do-release-upgrade on edgy server02:26
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jrib!upgrade > Malachi    (Malachi, see the private message from ubotu)02:26
fluidim tar/bzipping my entire system minus a few noncritical areas and dynamic directories. hehe02:26
jon__FreeCiv is fun :)02:26
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magnetron!info freeciv | tuxedo_karmen02:26
ubotutuxedo_karmen: Package freeciv does not exist in feisty02:26
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magnetron!info freeciv | tuxedo_kamen02:26
ubotutuxedo_kamen: Package freeciv does not exist in feisty02:26
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bimberilinos: hmmk 'sudo lshw' has more info, not sure if it has the 'type' of RAM though02:27
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misfit-toytuxedo_kamen, "sudo apt-get install freeciv"02:27
ep2011ive been hearing that the feisty installer has some problems... Should I install edgy and then update?02:27
Malachijrib: I know all of that, and am trying to do the Alternate CD way....02:27
tuxedo_kamen-_- I don't want to install it YET >_>02:27
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Malachijrib: But it still downloads files from the server.02:27
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iameliteAbout that fglrx issue.02:27
[acid] Neatcheeanyone else notice that the new network-manager doesn't work nicely with ndiswrapper?  I can't seem to get it to recognize that my wireless card is even installed :O02:27
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ringo11_X doesnt start w/ fglrx  (radeon x1300)02:27
misfit-toytuxedo_kamen, why? you can always UNinstall it if it isn't up to your enormous standards.02:27
ringo11_all you have to do is modify xorg.conf though02:28
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jribMalachi: ok, can you repeat your question?  I thought you just wanted the alt cd faster02:28
bimberiep2011: the feisty install is fine afaik.  any links to your info?02:28
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teoma29Is tty_io.c a needed file in linux headers file, something to do with busybox error on boot and I dont have that file02:28
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jribIncredibleHink: you can try: http://motls.blogspot.com/2007/01/adobe-flash-9-for-linux-sound.html but these are just guesses02:28
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Kickersnyanyone know if we're going to see stats on # of times Feisty was downloaded and such?02:28
iamelite<ringo11_> do you mean to tell me that when i install Ubuntu, it doesnt initialy have the fglrx drive?02:28
Malachijrib:  I'm going to be gone tomorrow so I need to finish Feisty today. I downloaded the alt to install it faster (did that with Edgy, too), but it connects to the internet and downloads files from there.02:28
bimberiep2011: thanks, taking a look02:28
KickersnyI'd love to see it graphed out per hour02:28
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Malachijrib: My CD drive isn't even going.02:28
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ringo11_well what i think happened is it tried to use fglrx drivers before they were enabled02:29
[acid] NeatcheeThe new Network-Manager doesn't seem to like ndiswrapper! I'm able to get my wireless working through CLI use of ndiswrapper, wpasupplicant, ifconfig, and dhclient, but I'd like to have the network manager recognize it.  The 3rd party tool "wicd" also has no problem recognizing the device.  What gives?02:29
ringo11_so X crashed02:29
jribMalachi: ah, was the cd repository added?02:29
Taime1is there a way to reconfigure beryl?02:29
Malachijrib: yes.02:29
ringo11_i just switched to vesa in xorg.conf and did a manual startx02:29
elvensevenBYE IM GONNA BUY VISTA :(02:29
Kickersnybye, elvenseven02:29
SubMOAdid anybody see that?02:29
misfit-toy[acid] Neatchee, there will probably be a new NM soon, it's just finicky....02:29
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steve_how do i change to another desktop when i have effects turned on?  i want to see what the cube looks like02:29
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SubMOAduelboot, do yuo have AIM or something?02:30
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AnRkeyanyone know how to get a userlist in xchat?02:30
iamelite<ringo11_> so what i should do, is apt get the drivers... initialize them. then dkpg-reconfigure  xorg.conf and select the driver fglrx?02:30
EnronI can't send mails, using mail command and nothing is showing up in mail.log02:30
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jribMalachi: is it listed first in your sources.list?02:30
steve_ok theres definitely something wrong with my graphics drivers or something :(02:30
[acid] NeatcheeAnRkey: PM me.  I use xchat02:30
ffmHOW CAN I make my computer execute a command ON BOOT in a TERMINAL as ME?02:30
MalachiLet me check, I did the software sources.02:30
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ringo11_that should probably work02:30
duelbootSubMOA, no worries...just do it here...BTW here's another site...http://doc.gwos.org/  although it's not responding at the moment02:30
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magnetronAnRkey, it is already there (to the right)02:30
faksorhi all02:30
HairulfrNight all02:30
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Mr_Giraffemagnetron, he might want a list list02:31
iamelite<ringo11_> Thank you mate. I do appreciate that. Lets assume i did that.02:31
faksorcongrats on feisty release!02:31
jribMalachi: hmm, actually I am reading the instructions now.  It should ask you to install from the cd when you pop it in02:31
duelbootSubMOA, go to a command line and type the following...02:31
Mr_Giraffelike a textfile02:31
magnetron<Mr_Giraffe>: oh02:31
garlik42n #ubuntu-connecticut02:31
SubMOAduelboot, ok, thanks.  Wow... what away to start a little adventure... with failure ;O)02:31
SubMOAduelboot, ok02:31
bimberiep2011: going by that, both install and upgrading have issues.  This is always likely given the myriad of hardware and configurations possible.  The installer has been tested and has worked for many.02:31
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SubMOAduelboot, btw, did you check out the link?02:31
iamelite<ringo11_> lets say, it diddnt work.02:31
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steve_i have a 5 button mouse and only 3 buttons were detected.  is there a way to redetect the buttons?02:31
jribMalachi: and if it doesn't do so, you are supposed to run: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" .  I'm reading: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:31
tuxedo_kamenmisfit-toy, I have a download limit >_>02:31
duelbootwhich on SubMOA sorry02:31
Malachijrib: It doesn't, and I do run that command.02:32
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Malachijrib: It seems that it does begin to install from the CD, but just connects to the internet and downloads files.02:32
iameliteim going to res-tard into my install now. Ill see you soon02:32
richdurhmhey guys im getting a bunch of errors when upgrading02:32
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SubMOAduelboot, http://www.forchheimer.se/bfm/02:32
bsnideranybody know how to set up an nfs share when the directory name has two words?02:32
SubMOAduelboot, thats what I'm trying to get02:32
ringo11_Oh I also removed several modules from xorg.conf like dri and a few others that i cant remember, jus trial and error02:32
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Malachijrib: The CD drive _did_ spin at the beginning, though.02:32
jribMalachi: are you sure it isn't grabbing uploads for packages that you installed outside of main?02:32
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duelbootam looking now...hold one..SubMOA02:32
bimberi!mouse | steve_02:32
ubotusteve_: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto02:32
ringo11_then X started, then I did the gui interface for restricted drivers and installed fglrx02:32
Mr_Giraffe!slow richdurhm02:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slow richdurhm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:33
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SubMOAduelboot, rgr02:33
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steve_thank you02:33
Mr_Giraffe!slow | richdurhm02:33
uboturichdurhm: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:33
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AnRkey[acid] Neatchee, I found it, the user list was in collapsed state02:33
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AnRkey[acid] Neatchee, thanks though :D02:33
bimberibsnider: put it in "quotes" </wild guess but worth a try>02:33
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Taime1can beryl be reconfigured?02:33
richdurhmno i have d/l from torents and are seeding02:33
Mr_GiraffeTaimel, how so?02:33
richdurhmbut i when i load alternate cd i get errors02:33
ringo11_taimel: beryl-settings02:33
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richdurhmi have reg iso but i dunot want to format02:34
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fluidno beryl-manager?02:34
=== [acid] Neatchee [n=neatchee@user-1087471.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mudochgood evening, I have a question regarding DNS hostname broadcast.  My Ubuntu desktop is hostname xyztest but My XP box can not find it. The DHCP client list in the router provides no name02:34
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Malachijrib: No, I'm not.02:34
[acid] NeatcheeAnRkey: PM me.  I use xchat02:34
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Malachijrib: Hold on.02:34
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Malachijrib: How can I cancel  the current upgrade process?02:34
bsniderbimberi: already tried it, no-go02:34
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NET||abusehehehe, just resurrected my ooooold ipod mini and rockboxed it... weeee fun02:35
bimberibsnider: kk :/02:35
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jasinMany servers are failing.02:35
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AnObfuscatorI got disconnected, before I got a response to this question ... Ubuntu really doesn't want to install on this computer... after trying 2 burns of the alt CD, I'm using the Live CD. It boots into gnome, then says "resource fork unavailable" when I try to use any menu items... when I hit alt-F1 for a console and try to type bash commands, it gives the same error... what gives?02:35
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jribMalachi: hmm if it is only downloading things, it may not matter if you stop it.  But I am not familiar with what the gui does when it starts upgrading so I can't tell you for sure02:35
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ryethanybody know why my speakers don't play as loud through ubuntu as they do through windows?02:35
magnetronMudoch: maybe you want to install samba?02:35
jasinMany servers are failing.02:35
dimeotanejasin: thats why bittorrent is good for everyone02:35
Mr_Girafferyeth, double click the volume icon02:35
ryethi have ntfs-3g and ntfs-config installed so i can access windows files, but i have my laptop turned up all the way and my speakers all the way up...and it's no where NEAR as loud02:35
NET||abusewow, havn't used an mp3 player in many years02:35
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Mr_Giraffemore advanced adjustments available ;D02:35
bimberi!verify | AnObfuscator02:35
ubotuAnObfuscator: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:35
Taime1ryeth: play with your settings a bit...02:35
AnObfuscatorI did verify it02:35
fluidjrib: downloads all of the packages, then does the upgrade after it successfully gets them all02:36
[acid] Neatcheemagnetron: my god samba is SUCH a paaaain to get working right.02:36
jasindownloading upgrades via bit torrent is stupid.02:36
duelbootokay SubMOA, I looked at it, but don't know enough to know what it will do...but seems sorta cool...now back to WPA02:36
Malachijrib: How? I guess xkill?02:36
[acid] NeatcheeI spent literally like 3 days trying to get it working in the most bare bones fashion02:36
Mudochnot really, I'm doing website building and want to test using IE and Netscape02:36
bimberiAnObfuscator: kk, did you try the verify in the boot menu as well?02:36
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SubMOAduelboot, ut oh... WPA?02:36
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magnetronMudoch: hmm ok02:36
jribfluid: so it should be ok for Malachi to just kill it?02:36
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AnObfuscatorand I burned it at 4x02:36
duelbootweren't you looking at WPA?02:36
SubMOAduelboot, I'm thinking you might have me confused with someone else :O)02:36
jasinwpa works here02:36
ringo11_can anyone tell me the name of that porn download accelerator that was in edgy?  i really need it for feisty02:36
NET||abuseryeth, I find my volume can get higher than in windows02:36
matt__feisty rocks02:36
fluidjrib: should be just fine if its not installing them02:36
duelbootokay SubMOA sorry02:36
ryethdamn really?02:36
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bimberiAnObfuscator: hmmk starting to sound like a bug :|02:37
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SubMOAduelboot, all wires on this rig ;O)02:37
NET||abusematt__, thinking what i should do there,, how stable?02:37
matt__ryeth: lol02:37
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jribMalachi: yeah xkill should do it then02:37
dimeotanejasin: oh thought u meant for getting the ISO02:37
SubMOAduelboot, np, thanks for offer of help, at least02:37
fluidjrib: sounds like he is still downloading, and slowly id wager. hehe02:37
AnObfuscatormaybe the download is bad02:37
duelbootSterk, any luck with WPA02:37
ytsestefhi there, how can i switch from aiglx to xgl? when I instal the fglrx beryl just stops working...02:37
matt__NET||abuse: imagine edgy, or even dapper, it is 10 times better02:37
Mr_GiraffeAnObfuscator, i wouldn't doubt it02:37
matt__NET||abuse: faster, more stable02:37
=== Absolution_Xx [n=Absoluti@adsl-11-204-52.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
MalachiGonna log out for a minute; have to do something first, jrib. I'll be back.02:37
AnObfuscatorI haven't had as good of luck with bittorrent downloads02:37
duelbootSubMOA, I definitely confused you with Sterk...sorry02:37
ytsestef( i have ati radeon 9600xt)02:37
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl354.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu
Absolution_XxFinally got Feisty to work!02:37
NET||abusematt__, haha,, fun, how about gettin amd64 to work with flash & java02:37
SubMOAduelboot, ha, np02:37
duelbootSterk, WPA working?  Need assistance?02:37
magnetronMudoch: you basically have 2 options: of your router is a DNS server: add the ubuntu box manually. if it isn't, then add it to the HOSTS file in Windows02:37
jasinI keep getting a failed with http;//archive.ubuntu.com feisty-security02:38
AnObfuscatorI'll try 6.10 and do a dist-upgrade later, I suppose. thanks for the response02:38
jasinand many other servers02:38
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matt__NET||abuse: well, not sure about that, but i'm sure its possible02:38
[acid] NeatcheeFor anyone having problems getting WPA working, I HIGHLY recommend a third party program called "wicd"  It is very very good,  if you don't mind replacing network-manager(-gnome)02:38
=== gnotett [n=pp5@61-64-103-181-adsl-tai.dynamic.so-net.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
kalikiana|dI am trying to login to my ubuntu live cd from winxp. But I can not enter a user and a password, meaning I set a smbpasswd and but it is rejected.02:38
effie_jayxanyone know if I have been using feisty since HERD202:38
NET||abusematt__, :) saw something about deps being a bit broken for java 6 on feisty02:38
effie_jayxshould I keep the instalaction I have ... or02:38
DigitalNinjais something going on with the repository servers? when I do "apt-get update" it doesn't get all of them02:38
magnetronMudoch: or you could just access by IP number02:38
effie_jayxfresh installe02:38
jrib!final > effie_jayx    (effie_jayx, see the private message from ubotu)02:38
richdurhmFontconfig warning: no <cachedir> elements found. Check configuration.02:38
richdurhmFontconfig warning: adding <cachedir>/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>02:38
richdurhmFontconfig warning: adding <cachedir>~/.fontconfig</cachedir>02:38
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jasinHope I dont have to format and install02:39
matt__NET||abuse: no clue about it, but they should be fixed within days02:39
Absolution_XxDoes anyone know where I can download flash 9 for feisty?02:39
NET||abusei use netbeans, zend, democracy andemmm, other things that need java to be stable02:39
magnetron!final | effie_jayx02:39
shadoukalikiana|d: is samba up and running?02:39
ubotueffie_jayx: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.02:39
Mudochmagnetron, thought so...   Is it that netbios is actually doing the broadcast?02:39
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richdurhmwhat should i do02:39
jasinoh well, it'll be a good weekend project02:39
ytsestefis it possibli to switch from aiglx to xgl?02:39
NET||abuseytsestef, yep it is02:39
duelbootSubMOA, would caution you on BFM...if you shoot the file, it WILL be deleted02:39
Abomhey everyone is there a new documentation for version 7.04?02:39
Pelo!flash > Absolution_Xx    see mp02:39
kalikiana|dshadou: I think so, yes. Only I cannot login.02:39
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu
steve_if i change xorg.conf do i have to restart the computer or just log out and log back in?02:39
MLimburgHmmmm, got a xchat question02:39
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NET||abuseytsestef, gotta fiddle a fiar bit, yeh, shouldn't be too hard02:39
duelbootSterk, you there?02:39
=== wizard [n=wizard@modemcable219.53-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelsteve_: just restart X (ctrl-alt-backspace)02:39
MLimburgis there a way to turn off colour to a channel or better still, a specific alias02:39
richdurhmsteve_,  yes02:39
duelbootoh, Sterk?02:39
Pelosteve_,  jsut restart  X  ctrl alt baskspace02:39
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MLimburgif there's an /ignore for colour .. that would rock02:40
AbomI have an issue with my wireless network, I can't login to my router and the wireless "roaming" feature doesn't seem to be in the version 6.1 documentation02:40
steve_ok thx02:40
DigitalNinjaping google.com02:40
magnetronMudoch: the netbios system is separated with WWW hostnames, 2 different systems02:40
richdurhmfor beryl question go to #ubuntu-effects02:40
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DigitalNinjais anything going on with the repository servers?02:40
=== dave__ [n=dave@c-24-61-245-91.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fluidwonder how running the amd64 release as opposed to the x86 release is going to affect my battery...lol. bet it eats it up in a skinny minute.02:40
PeloMLimburg,  colours can be changed in  the parameters > prefs02:40
SubMOAduelboot, but "-s" is safe mode, ne?02:40
magnetron!slow | DigitalNinja02:40
ffmDigitalNinja: see the topic, they are overwhelmed.02:40
ubotuDigitalNinja: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:40
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ytsestefNET||abuse, i fiddled a lot, haha, but when I load the fglrx driver beryl stops working... in fact, any kind of 3d acceleration stops working...02:40
NET||abuseDigitalNinja, i had a few weirdnesses last 2 days with security, but htat's europe based :)02:40
=== neuromancer [n=neuroman@cm13076.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
effie_jayxmagnetron,  mmm I was hoping I could resolve some Issues I have been having since herd 202:40
effie_jayxmagnetron,  mmm I was hoping I could resolve some Issues I have been having since herd 202:40
richdurhmhey guys im getting error while upgrading can i get some help02:40
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jasinI give up, downloading the iso now02:40
NET||abuseytsestef, blech, fglrx, use open source drivers02:40
dave__hey can i upgrade to fiesty fawn via command line? update manager keeps crashing02:40
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MLimburgPelo, yeah tried that .. i'm actually tring to turn the light grey into white .. so far, it's not working02:40
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sebas_hi, I ran update-manager but I still can't upgrade to feisty02:41
Pelorichdurhm,  knowine the error would help02:41
richdurhmjasin,  use torrent02:41
DigitalNinjaThanks for the info02:41
ixian_can anyone tell me the fstab entry for mounting a fat32 partition with read/write? im having some trouble with this02:41
jrib!upgrade > dave__    (dave__, see the private message from ubotu)02:41
kalikiana|dshadou: Any idea how to fix this?02:41
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richdurhmPelo, Fontconfig warning: no <cachedir> elements found. Check configuration.02:41
richdurhmFontconfig warning: adding <cachedir>/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>02:41
richdurhmFontconfig warning: adding <cachedir>~/.fontconfig</cachedir>02:41
sebas_does somebody know what is happening?02:41
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DigitalNinjaI'm not able to install anything at the moment02:41
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NET||abuseytsestef, although with xgl fglrx is supposed to work a bit better,, must be your xoorg.conf.... -0 x102:41
=== Dante123 [n=opera@bas4-kitchener06-1096618910.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dimeotaneI've already downloaded the iso, can I use it to help seed on bittorrent?02:41
jrib!vfat > ixian_    (ixian_, see the private message from ubotu)02:41
jribrichdurhm: please don't paste here02:41
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richdurhmjrib,  sorry02:41
ResPiDeRhow do I use xgl and beryl in feisty?02:41
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jasinI don't need torrent I have a 5 megabyte/s connection :p02:41
duelbootSubMOA, you can use it in safe mode without any problems apparently02:41
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Mudochmagnetron, thanks, I thought I read somewhere that netbios handled pcname resolution.... guess I'm wrong again... 8)02:41
Stormx2Yo. GNOME menus (applications, places, system, etc). If I am creating an entry for an application, can I link two commands together with && ? Does that work?02:41
steve_is anyone else having trouble downloading package files?  I'm trying to get feisty to download mp3 codecs and even that won't work02:41
ytsestefNET||abuse, are the xorg opensource ati drivers capable of xgl? i thought it was only for aiglx... :S02:41
NET||abuseooooo, daft punk... goddamn, having too much fun with rockbox02:42
richdurhmjasin, then don't downlad it oh yea i have 10mbps connection02:42
=== JDStone [n=JD@netblock-208-127-108-187.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu
dimeotaneResPiDeR: system-->pref -->desktopeffects02:42
jribStormx2: yes, I think so.  Try it! :)02:42
TheIronChefyea i am not able to play mp3s?02:42
duelbootjasin, yes, but the bandwitdth on the other side is able to get you only 20Kbps...lol02:42
steve_ok so i'm not the only one02:42
NET||abuseytsestef, oh god no, the opensources are ftw!!!02:42
jribTheIronChef: what version of ubuntu?02:42
magnetronMudoch: netbios is only for Windows file sharing, basically02:42
matt__i noticed that now when i mount a hard drive, internal one, an icon pops up on the desktop, how can i remove it?02:42
duelbootjasin, doesn't matter how fast your connection it, it's the distant end that you are limited by02:42
ryethnctp %e02:42
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steve_oh wait there it goes02:42
steve_just have to wait a LONG time02:42
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TheIronChefhow can i get rythmbox ot be abel to play mp3s?02:43
jribTheIronChef: what version of ubuntu?02:43
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kalikiana|dI am trying to login to my ubuntu live cd from winxp. But I can not enter a user and a password, meaning I set a smbpasswd and but it is rejected.02:43
csmanxuhmm... the pointer you gave only handles pre-installation instructions for dual boot02:43
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Pelo!mp3 | TheIronChef02:43
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NET||abuseTheIronChef, look up the mp3 codecs.. what'r they called again. :)02:43
TheIronChefjust installed it ... im completely new :02:43
csmanxI need a post-install fix, I have ubuntu and xp installed already02:43
jribTheIronChef: hmm, when you double click on an mp3 it doesn't ask you to install codecs?02:43
sebas_TheIronChef, you have to install mp3 codecs02:43
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ubotuTheIronChef: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:43
=== crdlb_ [n=chrisw@pool-70-104-180-17.norf.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
duelbootTheIronChef, pray...just kidding (although that would probably work too)_02:43
ytsestefNET||abuse, the open drivers are installed out of the box in ubuntu feisty, right? so what do I need to get beryl work under xgl instead of aiglx?02:43
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magnetron!codecs | TheIronChef02:43
NET||abuseytsestef, lotsa xorg.conf fiddling :)02:43
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Mudochmagnetron, would SAMBA provide the name resolution I seek?  For now I do use a static IP just thought there was a way to get into the DHCP client list on the router02:44
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khatahnis there any text editor that is good in handling huge text files?02:44
steve_ok.  only thing not working now is beryl02:44
PeloI guess we won'T have to bother installing  audio codecs either now with fiesty or is it just video ?02:44
csmanxso, anybody? dualboot on already installed ubuntu and win xp02:44
NET||abuseytsestef, I'd go through it a bit with ya now, but i gotta go sort out a faulty server just now.02:44
=== yetiman [n=aaronl@rrcs-74-62-1-2.west.biz.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
neozenjasin: just be glad you aren't trying to download xubuntu02:44
steve_anyone got a nvidia 7300gt?02:44
=== strider__ [n=strider@dyn-88-123-136-20.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Frog29Hey - any way to isntall feisty fawn without internet? (or can someone help me get my wireless working JUSt so i can update :) )02:44
neozenjasin: that's only on one server... and is slower the #@$#@$@#$@02:44
teoma29csmanx I do02:44
ytsestefNET||abuse, only that? no packages to download?02:44
sebas_why can't I upgrade to feisty right now?02:44
Pelocsmanx,  what is the atual question ?02:44
jasini'm already at 30% in the download02:44
ryethi thought the /list command shows list of channels??02:44
jribkhatahn: something like sed would be best.  vim does a decent job if you turn off syntax highlighting02:44
Gnahhhhi think my isp keeps kicking me off the internet or something.  this is the first time i've used bit torrent and i keep getting disconnected02:44
andyrobo when I am running berly I lose the option to send open windows to other workspaces in the drop down menu you get by right clicking on them, is this normal for feisty??02:44
GnahhhhFrog29, what chipset?02:44
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ytsestefNET|abuse, ok don't worry. any wiki please???02:44
NET||abuseytsestef, go to the www.beryl-project.org wiki and go through the setup details :)02:44
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Peloandyrobo,   ask in #beryl02:45
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magnetronMudoch, samba is handling netbios names, it wont help in your case.02:45
jasinwhy would I want xubuntu? I have 2 gigs a ram and a 3ghz cpu02:45
ResPiDeRwhat package should I install to get stdio.h stdlib.h etc? include files for C programming language02:45
khatahnjrib: i was afraid the answer would be sed ;)02:45
jikanterFrog29: I was wondering the same thing, I think it has something to do with the amount of traffic on the site02:45
Frog29Gnahhhh broadcom02:45
NET||abuseytsestef, there's prolly just somat in there that's not done right for your setup ;)02:45
csmanxPelo: I had ubuntu installed first, then xp was installed, grub was overwritten by ntldr, need dual boot02:45
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jikanterResPiDeR: try glibc02:45
wastrelResPiDeR:  install build-essential02:45
Frog29I'm just wondering if i can update wihtout internet access... maybe from a CD02:45
GnahhhhFrog29, do lspci -v | grep bcm02:45
khatahnjrib: ah, i tried vim but it choked on the file, but i'll have to try disabling highlighting then02:45
Pelocsmanx,  you need to either reinstall grub from the live cd or add windows to the grub menu02:45
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magnetronMudoch, This seems more like a problem of configuring the windows box02:45
jijutmhi all.. I am real newbie to ubuntu02:45
jribkhatahn: how big?02:45
dboyhey guys just new to ubuntu thought I'd pop in and see what I can learn02:45
jikanterFrog29: yeah, use apt-cdrom02:45
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ryethjijutmn:  me, too man lol02:45
jijutmjust switched from Redhat02:46
funkyHatIs the bonjour protocol plugin going to use avahi rather than howl when pidgin is released?02:46
garryFreFrog29 Are you getting gross degradation of download speed when trying dist-update as well?02:46
jijutmand am confused02:46
Frog29Gnahhhh - i've done something like that 0 its broadcom corporation unknown device 431102:46
Pelojijutm,   welcome to the channel02:46
neozenjijutm: welcome to the fold02:46
=== Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryethi've never even used red hat02:46
khatahnjrib: ~130MB02:46
CD_zzzzzgooooo  7.0402:46
Pie-ratehey guys, i set up ubuntu for my mother on a 1920x1200 screen, the screen she's using now is 1280x1024. on the bootsplash, the monitor says OUT OF RANGE until its finished booting02:46
ryethi'm used to windows lol02:46
jijutmin certian things02:46
dboyon live cd right now but resolution is set too low02:46
neozenjijutm: apt is your friend02:46
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Pie-ratehow can i fix that so it shows the bootsplash?02:46
jribkhatahn: yeah vim should handle that fine02:46
jijutmyup... I did find it quite helpful02:46
Frog29garryfre - i can't try that - i don't have internet access working from 6.1002:46
NET||abusehmmm, how robust is the ipod mini G1, i'm really rough on portable gear :)02:46
ResPiDeRjikanter wastrel thanks02:46
GnahhhhFrog29, i don't have any quick fixes for that sorry02:46
makioloi love ubuntu :D02:46
funkyHatoops wrong channel02:46
CD_zzzzzwhat should i do an upgrade from beta or a fresh install  hmmm02:46
kalikiana|dI am trying to login to my ubuntu live cd from winxp. But when I enter a user and a password it is not accepted. I set a smbpasswd.02:46
khatahnjrib: ok, thanks02:46
Frog29gnahhhh thanks02:46
dave__so i open update manager, click upgrade, and it just sits there02:46
steve_do people recommend installing automatix2?02:46
ytsestefany linux user is capable of coping with any distro. besides, ubuntu is a piece of cake02:46
Tellubuntu finished installing..Im really impressed ^^02:46
dave__any ideas?02:46
Pelojijutm,   condidering the amount of traffic in the channel today it would help if you made your statement /quesiton in one go02:46
MudochOk, right now I'm upgrading to 7.04, So far so...... Anyway the screen keeps going to sleep and I want it to stay on any quick hints what to change?02:46
jamiehdI'm setting feisty downloading onto my laptop overnight, but I sleep in the same room. Is there any way to make the screen go black, but leave the update running?02:46
ubotuIf you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.02:46
TheoMurpseWow, the servers really are taking a hit. Right now my upgrade says 14 hours left to finish the upgrade. :(02:47
PeloCD_zzzzz,  what ever you are more comfortable with02:47
SubMOAduelboot, can you repeat the last thing yu osaid to me... if you can still find it?  Sorry is tepped away for a moment and it is gone02:47
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Pie-ratejamiehd: press the monitor button on your laptop?02:47
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Frog29so - is there any way to update to feisty fawn without internet access?02:47
ryethanybody know how i can update my xchat to the latest version?02:47
jamiehdI tried02:47
jamiehdIt did nothing02:47
Stormx2jrib: Doesn't seem to work at all.02:47
CD_zzzzzpelo  fresh i think would be a nice start   thanks02:47
jijutmI am having 6.10 on my server and 7.04 on the desktops ( we made a switch from Win XP last week), and I need php 5.2.1 on the server..02:47
TheIronChefwhoever helped theironchef... thank you!02:47
=== ytsestef [n=ubuntu@ppp80-28.adsl.forthnet.gr] has left #ubuntu []
PeloFrog29,   do it from the alternate install cd02:47
jasinkalikiana|d,  the live cd does not run from windows it runs off the cd. You boot off it during startup, ubuntu does not depend on any other os.02:47
matt__ryeth: have you ever tried out irssi, i like it a whole lot more that xchat02:47
TheoMurpseFrog29 i think there is an "alternate" cd you can download02:47
duelbootSimply said...there is a safe mode to BFM that *should* be fine...but I'm no expert SubMOA02:47
jribStormx2: try ; instead of && or just write a short script02:47
magnetronFrog29: you can order the CD through ShipIt02:47
Frog29Pelo - will i have to reisntall or will it be an update?02:47
Pie-ratehey guys, i set up ubuntu for my mother on a 1920x1200 screen, the screen she's using now is 1280x1024. on the bootsplash, the monitor says OUT OF RANGE until its finished booting02:47
Pie-ratehow can i fix that so it shows the bootsplash?02:47
ryethno i haven't.....what makes irssi better?02:48
steve_so feisty is using totem to play my mp3s but don't most linux users or xmms or something like that?02:48
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garryFreFrog29 Oh, I hat 6.10 and lost that version when the upgrade to the new Ubuntu stalled and I had to restore and to my horror I thought I had backed up 6.10 but did not so I got to start all over from 6.602:48
steve_whats the app of choice?02:48
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Stormx2; didn't work either! bah!02:48
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jijutmbut cant find any way to install php 5.2.1 with soap and SDO02:48
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ixian_hello i just mounted a fat32 partition in ubuntu, i can read/write all folders on it except the 'My Music'  folder, anyone know how i can fix that?02:48
matt__ryeth: you open terminal to use it, within terminal, it is extremely lightweight, but sort of more "geekish" than xchat02:48
Pelojijutm,   sudp apt-cache  search  keyword  ,find the package you need and  sudo apt-get install package name02:48
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matt__ryeth: try this, sudo apt-get install irssi02:48
kalikiana|djasin, I am sorry. my question was unclear. I am logging in via samba.02:48
GluEstrange... the 7.04 i just d/led and burned today, wont work on my ubuntu box, but other cd's will.. and it works fine in windows ie. autorun.02:48
ryethi don't care about the "geekish" part haha02:48
SubMOAduelboot, oOo, gotcha... maybe I'll make a junk folder and just play around theree :O)02:48
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Cabldevilkbrb doing fresh install02:48
ryethokay, and then do i sudo apt-get remove xchat  ?02:49
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duelbootSubMOA, now that's a great idea02:49
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NET||abuseweeeeee,,, so many mini games on my ipod,,, this is coool02:49
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matt__Cabldevilk: good luck02:49
Frog29so a revision of my question :) - can you UPDATE 6.10 using the altrenate cd? or can you just reisntall it?02:49
matt__ryeth: if you like irssi02:49
[acid] NeatcheeOkay, kind of silly question....anyone have any preferred login/logout sounds?  I hate the ones that come with ubuntu -_-;;02:49
jrib!upgrade > Frog29    (Frog29, see the private message from ubotu)02:49
Tom47steve totem is steadily improving and is the preferred ubuntu app .... o personally find that vlc is good too02:49
jijutmok pelo i will try that..02:49
ryethokay, just making sure that's the right command02:49
jribFrog29: yes to both questions02:49
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fluidonly console irc clients ive used are old-school ircii, and bitchx...never looked at that one. i might tho...xchat makes me feel dirty. lol02:49
steve_oh ok02:49
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magnetron!alternate | Frog2902:49
ubotuFrog29: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.02:49
TheIronChefanyone know a good dreamweaver alterneative?02:49
[acid] Neatcheefluid: what's wrong with xchat?  I like xchat ^^;02:49
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Frog29k - thanks02:49
Pie-rateHOLY ****ING CRAP, wireless JUST WORKS on my laptop with feisty. AWESOME02:49
cezartsomeone knows proper md5 for ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso?02:49
othHi, how to run a cron every five minutes ?02:49
Frog29jrib - thanks02:49
jikanterPie-rate: welcome to ubuntu02:50
neozenPie-rate: atheros or intel 3945abg?02:50
[acid] NeatcheePie-rate: 'grats.  Wish it did for me :(  What wireless card do you use?02:50
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steve_is there a better irc client than xchat-gnome?  i hate it02:50
othPie-rate, heh I'm on wireless a long time ago02:50
jijutmjust another thought.. would it be possible to hire some one for specific things.. like creating a preseed file02:50
=== neozen nods
ryethi'm installing kudoku-desktop so i can have KDE and GNOME and it's still got an hour left02:50
ryethso i can't do any commands02:50
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fluidactually last night for the heck of it, i used mirc for about 30 seconds under wine...that felt a lot more dirty this...lol02:50
Pie-rateit did not by ANY MEANS "just work" on edgy02:50
Frog29anyone have some good routes to downlaod Ubunto 7.04 other than slowly through the main servers?02:50
garryFreAnyone else getting gross network stalling when trying to upgrade from Dapper to 7.04? It goes from an hour to 12 days in 30 minutes and then just stops.02:50
Pelosteve_,   xchat  ,  you can install if from synatpic and it will remove xchat-gnome02:50
jribryeth: why can't you do any commands?02:50
neozenfeisty better play nice w/ my intel..... or I'm going to hit it with a stick02:50
jasinSamaba is for networking with windows not logging into ubuntu.02:50
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magnetron!torrents | Frog2902:50
PeloFrog29,   torrents02:50
ubotuFrog29: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:50
ryethcause it's in the middle of installing something02:50
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steve_i see..ok brb02:50
Malachijrib: I made sure that all of the feisty servers were commented out. Now I get this:02:50
MalachiA unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.02:50
ryetheverytime i type something it doesn't work02:50
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Frog29ah! so fast - thanks02:50
neozenrestricted driver or not.. its worked just fine since dapper02:51
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fluidid enjoy gnome-xchat a lot more if i could figure out how to get a nick-list on permanently. lol02:51
[acid] NeatcheeOkay, kind of silly question....anyone have any preferred login/logout sounds?  I hate the ones that come with ubuntu -_-;;02:51
Pelogarrry the servers are swamped be patient or kill it02:51
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matt__ryeth: ok, i gotcha, but i think you will be happy with it if you are comfortable with terminal02:51
jribMalachi: yeah it probably *needs* to upgrade everything02:51
milageHow can I change the scroll wheel speed?02:51
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[acid] Neatcheefluid: that's why i installed regular xchat02:51
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[acid] Neatcheeso much better than xchat-gnome02:51
Malachijrib: So what do I do?02:51
Pelo[acid] Neatchee,  this might not be the right time to ask this kind of questions02:51
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ryethwell, not "completely" comfortable with it, but getting there...had it for about 2 1/2 weeks now and i've pretty much got basics down02:51
TellPelo: Worked fine for me, downloaded ubuntu at 8.6meg/s02:51
[acid] NeatcheePelo: fair enougH :P02:51
Gnahhhhcan someone kick Crazytom so i can log back in with my real nick please?02:51
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mister_roboto[acid] Neatchee: i prefer to just never log out02:51
fluidso you cant do it in this one? i had never seen it, figured id look at it ...no loss, just been looking for the nick list. lol02:51
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Frog29does feisty fawn have better wireless support? or was it unchanged? (or are there release notes? )02:51
jribMalachi: are you using local mirrors for your repositories?02:51
garryFreYeah, I've killed it three times and had to restore. After 3 hours of this I think patience dictates that I wait a few days02:51
AaronMOk, im talking to you now from the live cd on the install part where i select partitions. I need help setting those up. This computer is going to be using ubuntu only (no windows). I have a 120 GB HDD and a 60 GB HDD. The 120 GB is my master and the other is my slave. What would be good partitions and sizes etc? They still have the NTFS partitions left over btw.02:51
[acid] NeatcheeFrog29: MUCh better wireless support02:52
ryethmatt:  just learned what ntfs-3g was yesterday :)02:52
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[acid] Neatcheestill not perfect, but much better :P02:52
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matt__ryeth: once you get used to using it for a lot of tasks, your productivity goes up.02:52
PeloTell,  I'm not saying everyone is slow but a lot are having issues02:52
Malachijrib: I don't know. Just the CD.02:52
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Frog29ok - i'll go torrent with everyone :)02:52
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jijutmPelo: could i hire some one to make me a preseed file for pxe installs02:52
matt__ryeth: isn't that so that you can access and write to ntfs partitions?02:52
ryethi'm still trying to learn ;)02:52
kalikiana|djasin, I know what samba is for. I want to copy some files from the pc running the live cd because of a broken hd.02:52
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slopanyone else in here having the BusyBox problem when booting the LiveCD?02:52
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jasinI only have 10 minutes left on the iso download. I can wait, whats 10 minutes.02:52
ryethi love that!!02:52
Pelojijutm,  what ?02:52
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[acid] Neatcheekalikiana|d: having trouble setting up samba?  PM me, I just went through this last week02:52
[acid] Neatcheespent 3 days getting it working02:52
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ryethi've been wanting to play my songs from windows through ubuntu and ntfs-3g and ntfs-config allow me to do that02:52
wilois there a problem with the Ubuntu software updates?02:52
Frog29Will upgrading ubuntu mess up existing program options?02:52
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magnetron!slow | wilo02:53
ubotuwilo: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:53
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jribMalachi: make sure your sources.list points to local mirrors.  So if you have archive.ubuntu.com, change it to us.archive.ubuntu.com if you are in the United States.  leave security alone.  That's pretty much all you can do02:53
=== izaak [n=izaak@modemcable097.151-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jijutmI was asking whether I could hire some expert ubuntuians to make me a preseed file02:53
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jasinMount the ntfs drive dont use samaba.02:53
jijutmfor pxe install02:53
slopwhen i boot the Feisty LiveCD, it goes to BusyBox....says "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off"  .... i can't find an answer in the forums, any suggestions?02:53
=== kalikiana|d is now known as kalikiana
goosehow do you figure out which package in ubuntu installed a particular file?02:53
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Frog29slop - thats painfull.......02:53
Gnahhhhany ops in here right now?02:53
jribgoose: dpkg -S02:53
PharsalusHey guys, new linux user in need of a bit of help... I can't get Adept to install the ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage. Anyone provide help?02:53
[acid] Neatcheejasin: i think he's trying to get to an HDD on another compy, which he might not be able to just move over02:53
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jribGnahhhh: why?02:53
Pelojijutm,  I have no idea what that is,  I am not that 133702:53
goosejrib: thanks=D02:53
garryFreWhat gets me is that I'm back down to 6.06 from 6.10 because I for some gawd aweful reason I forgot to backup the Ubuntu. If stupidity were a crime I would be on death row!02:53
Frog29slop - my fix was checking my grub settings and pouring over them meticouously - thats all i know02:53
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Gnahhhhi need them to kick crazytom so i can log back in02:54
jijutmok pelo..02:54
jribPharsalus: what errors do you get?02:54
disasmkalikiana|d: so, you have a computer with a bad hd booting off a live cd and you need to get it to another computer, is that right?02:54
kde185does anyone know if Windows can run be run under KVM with Feisty?02:54
izaakhi there, i've been using feisty since the first official beta.  about 2 weeks ago, network manager stopped detecting my wireless card, after i ran a bunch of updates - any idea?  dmesg is normal, and the interface appears in ifconfig.02:54
Gnahhhhoh they already did thanks02:54
PeloPharsalus,   use syanptic   menu > system > admin > synatpic package manager02:54
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disasmkde185: anything can run with a kvm02:54
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Tellguys, uber noob question... I downloaded the nvidia ubuntu drivers, and the instructions say type run *program name* sh etc...where do I type that?02:54
slopFrog29: i found one other person in the forums that suggested it was a problem with grub settings...unfortunately, i have never messed with grub settings...can you remember what you did to fix it?02:54
jrib!nvidia > Tell    (Tell, see the private message from ubotu)02:54
MudochFYI my dln is running about 35 kb/s02:54
disasmTell: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic02:54
PeloTell,  terminal    menu > application > acessories02:54
PharsalusI can't find the link for synaptic02:55
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kde185disasm: I'm talking about KVM virtualization, not the hardware peripheral02:55
locolbdhey can any tell me how i can make a folder hidden?02:55
garryFregetting error 17 with grub frog?02:55
disasmTell: don't use the official nvidia drivers02:55
kalikianadisasm: yes, I wanted to copy the files over with samba.02:55
TheIronChefweird... when i try to get hte new codecs it jsut sits on 1/3 upgrades and doesnt dl...02:55
disasmkde185: oh ;-)02:55
PocketIRC<Frog29> worse wireless support in feisty..02:55
Frog29slop - all i can say is when your in grub and choosing what to boot look at all of the settings and make sure it boots to the right partitions,etc.02:55
jriblocolbd: put a  .  in front of its name02:55
disasmkde185: I think I've made that problem before02:55
PeloPharsalus,  not a link,  a menu entry02:55
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magnetronPharsalus: you are using Kubuntu, right?02:55
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jriblocolbd: or do you jsut want it hidden in the gui?02:55
Frog29garryfre - i used to be :)02:55
PharsalusYes, using kubuntu02:55
Ax4well i lost my entire /home directory02:55
Ax4f a b u l o u s02:55
slopFrog29: thanks, i'll have a look at that...it's ESC to get into grub, right?02:55
kde185disasm: yeah...it makes googling for it a pain02:55
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PeloTheIronChef,   the servers are a bit busy right now , a lot of ppl are upgrading02:55
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jijutmkde185: I just finished setting up xp in zen .. and it is cool02:55
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Frog29slop - i think so....... i have it dual booting so i'm always in grub02:55
PeloPharsalus,   you want adelpt then ,  don'T know where it is02:56
disasmkalikiana: if smbfs is included on the live cd (I have no idea) you can mount a windows fs like so: mount //winpc/share /mnt   and then copy all over to /mnt02:56
BHSPitMonkeyok, so I have a box here... it has no video output.  I'd like to be able to install *ubuntu and immediately ssh into it, is this easily doable?02:56
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slopFrog29: awesome, thanks again02:56
Frog29slop - i g2g so i can't help you anymore02:56
pipeline_hey, got the new livecd.... anyone know of an issue when using parallels where the livecd will start up to the linux: prompt.... and after hitting enter it just stays at a black screen?02:56
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TheIronCheflol alright... that suckss ... i just wanna hear music :(02:56
zenjijutm, XP is not inside me, thank you very much!02:56
steve_ahh much better02:56
ixian_whats the command to set all files/folders to read/write for all users on a particular mount point? for example /media/Stuff02:56
Oatmeatare there any visual scp programs?02:56
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kde185jijutm: so is that easy to do? I've heard that KVM is better/faster but if it won't work...02:56
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Pelopipeline_,   try the alternate install cd02:56
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Pelopipeline_,  it's text based02:56
TheIronChefis a  wine already installed on feisty?02:56
Mudochjijutm, xp in xen??? as in winxp running under ubuntu?02:56
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pipeline_Pelo: okie... previous versions have worked, does that make any difference?02:57
disasmkalikiana: if that doesn't work, get a live cd with a ssh server (http://www.insert.cd) start the ssh server and us something like winscp to login to the linux computer (running live cd) and get all the files that way02:57
mister_robotopipeline_: do you get the text prompt with <ctl><alt><f1-f6>?02:57
jribTheIronChef: it's in the repositories, but not installed by default02:57
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jijutmMudoch: yes02:57
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magnetronTheIronChef: wine 0.9.33 is in the repository02:57
TheIronChefkk thank you jrib02:57
Peloixian_,     chmod ,   check the man page for info02:57
TheIronChefand magnetron lol02:57
nathamhi, is there any software to unpack the .msi files?02:57
disasmmister_roboto: that's normal, that's how you get a virtual console02:57
Pelopipeline_,  might be a borked cd02:57
Ionixit's so ridiculous... The ubuntu website is flooded. and navigating around the link is so SO slow~, unbelievable the torrent file is downloading at 0.1k/s02:57
Mudochjijutm,  will VB run then?02:57
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jijutmkde185: It took around 15min to figure out.. and the normal install time02:57
jrib!wine > TheIronChef    (TheIronChef, see the private message from ubotu)02:57
disasmmister_roboto: you can get back to X with ctrl alt f702:57
Ashexanyone know of a firefox plugin that looks up a word when highlighted?02:57
jijutmI did not check..02:57
Ashexlike a dictionary search?02:57
BHSPitMonkeyTheIronChef, winehq also maintains their own deb repository, which you can add to your software sources, so that you always have the latest.02:57
mister_robotodisasm: it would mean that the system fully booted but his X isn't working.  that is NOT normal02:57
pipeline_mister_roboto: yes... ctrl-alt-f1 shows [     0.000000]  ACPI: Unable to locate RSDP02:57
yell0whey folks, where can i find minimum requirement for feisty ?02:57
pipeline_Loading please wait....02:57
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jasinI wont run xp on this laptop.02:58
jijutmneeded the bloody IE 7 to test out some of our websites..02:58
Pie-ratecan i just install feisty straight to my flash drive with no tricks?02:58
pipeline_but it's been there for like 10 mins02:58
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disasmIonix: try ftp.osuosl.org, I've gotten fairly fast downloads there02:58
kde185jijutm: ok well, if I fail to figure out KVM then I'll find out how to do that thanks02:58
kalikianadisasm: I was wanting to provide the shares from the livecd.02:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requirements - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
PeloAshex,  you can do a search of the firefox pluggin page02:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about requirement - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:58
mister_robotopipeline_: hmmm that's even worse. your system didn't finish booting if you're not at a login prompt02:58
disasmoh, I thought you said he hit ctrl alt f1-f6 to get a terminal02:58
stylusthere is a language update (en) which doesn't seem to work? can i still install 7.04 without that particular update?02:58
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TheIronChefYAY i finally got my mp3 codecs!02:58
jijutmkde185: I got the guidance from howtoforge.org02:58
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disasmmister_roboto: ^^ addresed to you02:58
pipeline_mister_roboto: i'll redownload :)02:58
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Ionixdisasm thanks.02:58
jijutmdont remember the exact url02:58
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nikitis_So uh,  how do I upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 with a 7.04 cd?02:58
AshexPelo, I'm looking at it right now. I was just curious if someone already knew of one02:58
jrib!upgrade > nikitis_    (nikitis_, see the private message from ubotu)02:59
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Mudochjijutm,,, it's a burden we all must suffer.... Bill gate may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your home02:59
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html02:59
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jasinDO not download ubuntu from anywhere not listed or linked on the official ubuntu website02:59
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/02:59
PeloAshex,   you could also try asking in #firefox02:59
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:59
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AshexPelo, true...02:59
=== akuma [n=akuma@82-46-89-80.cable.ubr10.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bayzidersWhats going on with the upgrade speeds? I'm geting 45 kbs on T102:59
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jeahCan anyone recommend some documentation for me to look at regarding heat issues on my laptop?02:59
icyhotI just upgraded to feisty.  I had Beryl running just fine before but now it's not working and I'm missing window decorations.  Any ideas?02:59
magnetron!slow | bayziders03:00
ubotubayziders: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:00
disasmkalikiana: ah, I doubt smb server would be on the live cd, if it is, you'll have a file /etc/samba/smb.conf, if that doesn't exist, most likely you can't do it without downloading a samba package, but I'm not sure how big the ramdisk is that houses the file system03:00
TheIronChefthis is weird getting used to ... ive used xp since the day it came out and jsut installed feisty today... kinda different :(03:00
PeloFrog29,  you can find a torrent easily enought on your favorite torrent site,   the community has been very good at uploading them03:00
witlessyeaaearrgghhhh...  "about 15 hours 28 minutes remaining"...03:00
shineFEISTY IS OUT!03:00
samkDoes anyone know how to mount my sd card?03:00
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nikitis_jrib, thanks but that page doesn't provide help with my issue,  I do not get an upgrade message when I insert the CD.03:00
bayzidersmagnetron: thanks03:00
iamelitehi everyone im back03:00
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Crazytomis there a good gui for burning iso's other than k3b?03:00
jribnikitis_: did you run the command it suggested in that case?03:00
PeloCrazytom,   gnomebaker03:00
jribCrazytom: nautilus, gnomebaker, graveman03:00
Frog29pelo - just looking for the official03:01
shinegnomebaker for Gnome is good03:01
nikitis_jrib: yes I did, it just sits there unfortunately03:01
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iameliteok im getting this message from glxgears.  Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".03:01
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samki use imgburn it might only be 4 windows tough03:01
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bambiei just installed ubuntu 6.06 on my laptop03:01
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nikitis_jrib: I got the cd from an official ubuntu mirror03:01
bambieand my wireless network is not working for some reason?03:01
samkbambie oyu should get 7.0403:01
kalikianadisasm, I was able to install samba and tried to configure it. But I don|t have a working login name and pass.03:01
bambienow thats funny03:01
jribnikitis_: by "just sits there", do you mean it loads a gui program and then does nothing?  or the command just doesn't do anything?03:01
ixian_can someone tell me how to enable write in my 'My Music' folder on a fat32 partition?? i can view/play the files in the folder but i cant write to the folder, and the folder has a little lock symbol on it in the file browser ;/03:01
mister_robotoTheIronChef: eventually you get used to everything just working without being loaded with tons of useless advertising crap (all new windows pc's) and you'll come to love it :)   that is, if you get past the learning curve and can do all the work you need to do03:01
=== innerreflection [n=innerref@c-75-66-240-175.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
disasmkalikiana: set security=share and you don't need one03:01
Ax4bambie, yes, get 7.0.403:01
Crazytombambie, what chipset?  if you don't know do sudo lspci -v | grep Wireless03:01
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jrib!vfat > ixian_    (ixian_, see the private message from ubotu)03:01
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samkanyone know how to mount my sd card so I can get its files?03:01
nikitis_jrib: it doesn't do anything,  I checked the syntax several times03:02
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html03:02
witlessa message to everyone upgrading to feisty:  did you know that if you reboot your computer, it will display a naked picture of natalie portman?03:02
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disasmkalikiana: take what I said with a grain of salt, not to be used in production environment03:02
jribnikitis_: do you get any output?03:02
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/03:02
Peloixian_,    sudo chmod  755  /path/03:02
magnetronixian_: is it a FAT32 or a NTFS system?03:02
bambieCrazytom Air link03:02
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ixian_its a fat32 partition..03:02
bambiewell i was told to get 6.06 it does supports wireless03:02
nikitis_jrib: I didn't try it in terminal,  I just did the alt-f2 thing.  Let me try that really quickly03:02
Ek0nomikIs anyone else having problems installing Feisty?  I am getting a black screen after the menu loading screen...03:02
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bambienow when i installed it i'm being told to get 7.0.403:02
Peloixian_,  try looking for help in the forum03:02
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disasmnikitis_: if by alt-f2 you mean ctrl-alt-f2 that is a terminal03:03
ixian_Pelo, so i shouldnt try the command you just gave me?03:03
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samkanyone know how to get to my sd card from ubuntu?03:03
jribixian_: you need to mount with the proper options in your fstab, the wiki page ubotu gave you tells you the exact options you need03:03
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innerreflectionis there a place I can get someone to vnc into my machine and help me? I pretty frustrated with my sound at this point after 3 days of troubleshooting and I'm willing to pay for quality support03:03
Ek0nomikixian:  it's probably just your folder permissions.03:03
Pelobambie,   slightly better  wifi support in 7.04,   and I is just out03:03
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disasmbambie: thats because feisty is the new stable ;-)03:03
Ek0nomikit's a root owned folder.03:03
ixian_jrib, the partition mounts fine, i can write to it, but for some reason not the 'my music' folder..03:03
ryan_i did sudo apt-get install irssi....anybody tell me where it's located?03:03
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Pelobambie,  your best bet at this point it to look for a how to in the forumm03:03
Ek0nomikixian:  you probably made the folder as root.03:03
samkanyone know how to mount sd cards?03:03
eckdisasm: all of the supported releases are "stable"03:03
Ek0nomikthus, it has root only privledges.03:03
mister_robotoryan_: dpkg -L <pkgname>03:03
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stylushow can i use the keyboard to maximise my terminal window?03:04
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disasmixian_: are you mounting with user in fstab?03:04
ixian_Ek0nomik, i made the folder in Windows XP03:04
nikitis_disasm: it says to hit alt-f2 to bring up a tiny gnome run window03:04
ryan_thanks man03:04
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jribstylus: alt-f1003:04
bambiedoes 6.06 supports wired network or not?03:04
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bambieso that way i can update03:04
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bambiecause i dont have 7.04 cd03:04
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disasmeck: yes, but all the supported releases aren't new, I said it's the new stable, but just semantics, not important03:04
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stylusjrib: thanks03:04
ixian_disasm, , this is my fstab entry : /dev/sdb1   /media/STUFF   vfat   user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   003:04
magnetronsamk: use mount in a terminal or use "Disk Management"03:04
Pelobambie,  yes it does, but not is not a great time to upgrade,  servers are very busy03:05
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kevinGyo, can anyone link me a tutorial for getting nvidia drivers to work in feisty?03:05
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nikitis_jrib: i get this sh: Can't open /cdrom/cdromupgrade03:05
magnetron!nvidia | kevinG03:05
mister_roboto!nvidia |kevinG03:05
ubotukevinG: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:05
bambieso should i just hook up my wired thing to my laptop and its gonna work?03:05
pdusenI need help.. I installed 7.04 with the alternative CD, but Xorg doesn't want to start up. I've been trying to follow the ATI wiki guide to install the fglrx driver, but I am starting to think that ubuntu didn't install a driver for my network device, because none of the apt-get update things seem to be working03:05
kevinGthe method on the ubuntu website doesn't seem to work03:05
disasmixian_: umount /media/STUFF then do ls -hald /media/STUFF and look at the rwx---- stuff03:05
TheIronChefcani install the wine the same as the way on edgy>?03:05
Pelo!wireless > bambie   check your pm  , those instructions should help you do it in edgy03:05
jribnikitis_: is anything in /cdrom?03:05
kalikianadisasm, Thank you, it is working. (It is for backup only)03:05
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nikitis_jrib: yes I can see it poping up on the desktop, and I can access the files on the disc03:06
disasmkalikiana: no problem ;-) glad I could help03:06
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jribnikitis_: does this command list anything:  ls /cdrom03:06
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nikitis_jrib: yes it lists all the ubuntu 7.04 cd files03:06
Teller, in installing my nvidia drivers, all is good until this point;03:07
TellIn the package manager, select the Settings menu, then Repositories.03:07
TellIn the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button.03:07
Tell..I have no add button03:07
ixian_disasm, jeff@ubuntu:~$ ls -hald /media/STUFF03:07
ixian_drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K 2007-04-19 19:44 /media/STUFF03:07
russe11I just installed Ubuntu Fesity today (from CD, preserving my /home partition from Edgy). Rhythmbox used to submit tracks to last.fm without a problem, but now when I click on Last.fm on the left, I see the message "Handshake failed" in the lower left, and I can't play anything.03:07
russe11What gives?03:07
downfallat111is there a seperate room for feisty03:07
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[acid] Neatcheedownfallat111: nope.  This'd be it :)03:07
magnetronrussell: it works for me, i use last.fm too03:07
ryan_anybody know how to change font color on here?  i'm using konversation03:07
pdusenSome help please?03:07
wastrelwhat's last.fm?03:08
disasmooh found a good mirror :-P03:08
Peloryan_,  check the prefs03:08
eugmanIf I quit in the middle of fetching packages, what will happen? I dunno if i want to leave it running all night.03:08
russe11magnetron: I'm sure it works for most people, but not me apparently.03:08
jribixian_: weird, did you mount before doing th fstab stuff?03:08
russe11wastrel: www.last.fm03:08
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jaz_rofl ubuntu just ruined my vista :(03:08
yfarjounI take it the upgrade-manager will not work today due to overloaded servers?03:08
disasmixian_: chmod 777 /media/STUFF (as root)03:08
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mister_robotoryan_: ummmm settings/konversation/colors maybe?03:08
magnetronrussell: i did not intend to be rude, sorry. hmm wonder what's wrong03:08
ryan_ i tried that03:08
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TheIronChefi like vista :(03:08
=== popo [n=popo@86.Red-81-35-157.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryan_wait, i did it03:08
ryan_it only lasted for a sec03:09
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jaz_i like vista too...but its boot is screwed03:09
Peloyfarjoun,   I decided to wait a bit before procceding03:09
ixian_jrib, no, but i think gparted mounted it03:09
mister_robotoTheIronChef: it's ok to like vista :)03:09
thornomaddoes anyone have in front of them the link for the main feisty iso torrent ?  i don't like that webpage system and the cdimage.ubuntu.com site only has the DVD torrents ... no CD torrents03:09
Mudochfiesty is a fiesty one to download..... holding stable 54kb/s03:09
disasmno it's slowing down :(( was at 500, now it's down to 300 k/s03:09
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ixian_disasm, , ok03:09
russe11magnetron: I don't think you're rude. :)03:09
pdusenHey, anyone?03:09
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jribixian_: try unmounting and then remounting so you make sure it uses the fstab options03:09
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yfarjounPelo, I see, well...it's probaby all for the best...03:09
disasmixian_: now mount it, you should be able to write as a user now03:09
nikitis_jrib: any ideas?03:10
samkdoes anyone know how to mount an sd card03:10
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Pelothornomad,   just search for it on any torrent site,  it's all the same torrent03:10
jribnikitis_: /cdrom/cdromupgrade exists?03:10
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/03:10
eugmanIf I quit in the middle of fetching packages, what will happen? I dunno if i want to leave it running all night.03:10
wastreleugman:  as long as it's still just fetching packages, it'll just start where it left off03:10
magnetronrussell: did you double-check the user name and password?03:10
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GPLGeekquestion: Why does it freeze at 22% (copying files) on every computer, burned slow with good quality cds. md5sum right on iso, quality check on cd turns up that its a good cd.03:10
yfarjounthe update manager should use bittorrent protocol on new releases...03:10
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nikitis_jrib: there is no program called cdromupgrade on the ubuntu cd03:10
thornomadPelo: is it ? on the edgy version i remember testing md5 with anohter guy from different mirrors and we had different torrents ... let me try this one03:10
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nikitis_jrib: /cdrom is there03:10
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jribnikitis_: hmm, you are sure you have the alternate cd?03:11
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nikitis_jrib: no, i have the 7.04 cd03:11
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steve_i'm trying to get gmail working on evolution but does anyone know what the "leave mail on server" option means?03:11
innerreflectionDesperate nub in search of sound/wine expert. Need help getting multiple wine programs to play sound at the same time. (I've tried at least 3 guides,)03:11
pdusenI need help.. I installed 7.04 with the alternative CD, but Xorg doesn't want to start up. I've been trying to follow the ATI wiki guide to install the fglrx driver, but I am starting to think that ubuntu didn't install a driver for my network device, because none of the apt-get update things seem to be working03:11
steve_"leave messages on server"03:11
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jribnikitis_: ah right, you can only use the alternate cd to upgrade03:11
Pelothornomad,   I just make sure the tracker is torrent.ubuntu ...   and it should be the official03:11
Stofferis there a better than default pdf reader/editor in the synaptic package manager?03:11
Dekkardit means leave the messages on the server..03:11
thornomadPelo, okay, thanks03:11
steve_on which server?03:11
jribStoffer: try xpdf03:11
steve_gmails servers?03:11
Dekkardthe gmail server03:12
charliesuseriously how can yall make this so difficult?03:12
nikitis_jrib: ah ok03:12
nikitis_jrib: can I upgrade using a mounted iso?03:12
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ixian_disasm, it worked thanks :D03:12
neozensteve_: IMHO I think that means that when you snag messeges to your local mailbox .. you leave them on gmail's server03:12
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magnetronStoffer: there is a bunch of them, search for "pdf" in the "add/remove programs"03:12
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Pelocharliesu,  what is your issue ?03:12
thornomadPelo, i just wondered since it only shows about 38 peers ... other people were reporting much higher numbers03:12
disasmixian_: no problem03:12
samkanyone know how to mount things?03:12
pdusenCould I please have a moment of SOMEBODY'S time?03:12
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neozenStoffer: a good reader is xpdf03:12
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charliesupdusen: i'm somebody03:13
Pelo!torrents > thornomad   check your pm window03:13
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ubotupdusen: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:13
nikitis_jrib: could you be so kind as to let me know where i can get this alternate cd?03:13
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bart_17good day.. i was woundering if any of you has any idea if fiesty fawn would work out of the box with my asus a6r laptop.. thanx..03:13
gRaCi0s0anyone know about a pdf editor ?03:13
mister_robotopdusen: just ask your question periodically03:13
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Dekkarddoesn't evince do pdf?03:13
pdusenI need help.. I installed 7.04 with the alternative CD, but Xorg doesn't want to start up. I've been trying to follow the ATI wiki guide to install the fglrx driver, but I am starting to think that ubuntu didn't install a driver for my network device, because none of the apt-get update things seem to be working03:13
charliesubart_17: yes..03:13
wastrelbart_17:  best way to find out is to try to run the desktop cd03:13
neozenStoffer: for editing them.. just use abiword or open-office writer03:13
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jribnikitis_: it seems possible to me, but I have not done it03:13
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thornomadthanks Pelo ... got your pm.  that is what i am using at 38 peers03:13
Pelo!mount > samk  ;check your pm window03:13
Stofferthanks all03:13
samkHow do you mount an sd card?????????:)03:13
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magnetronsamk: use "man mount" in terminal or use gui, like "Disk Management"03:14
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bart_17thanx carliesu03:14
nikitis_jrib: it says that the alternate CD is for machines with 256 MB's or less.  Is that a crappier version of ubuntu?03:14
neozenDekkard: yes... it does... but it irks me03:14
bart_17thanx waster03:14
magnetronsaml: install it via "add/ remove programs"03:14
gfatherhay guys03:14
gRaCi0s0anyone know about a pdf editor ?03:14
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Dekkardsmak under filesystem in nautilus does it show the sd card03:14
jribnikitis_: no, it just doesn't have the live cd part.  It uses the text installer instead03:14
Pelosamk,  it should be the same as mounting anything else,  and I am a bit surprised that it's not mounting automaticaly, most removable media does03:14
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Stoffermagnetron, in general, are ubuntu-supported apps any better than non-supported apps?03:14
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neozengRaCioso: abiword or openoffice-writer03:14
mister_robotopdusen: i don't have "the" answer for you but i can say that if a part of a package fails to download during an install, apt-get won't pretend that it succeeded. the whole install would have failed.03:14
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PelogRaCi0s0,  I think you can edit pdfs in OpenOffice03:15
CnHpdusen, try doing a ping to some other address, the servers seem to be jammed up pretty bad today03:15
Mudochstrange, my download is taking a nap... what is file 402??? its been siting on it for 3 minutes03:15
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darwinnikitis_: no, it's for people that don't need or don't have enough capacity for the LiveCD or want to do a server install03:15
neozennikitis_: no... same version... just doesn't require as much ram to install03:15
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gRaCi0s0Pelo,  y tryied and i cant03:15
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mister_robotopdusen: it might help to pastebin your Xorg.0.log file and then put the link in with your question03:15
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PeloMudoch,   servers are a bit overloaded atm  ,  with all the ppl  upgrading , be patient03:15
magnetronStoffer: it is more a question about support status than quality, imo03:15
Tellcan someone please help me with installing my graphics drivers?03:15
gRaCi0s0Pelo,  well i can see my pdf files but i cant modify them03:16
magnetron!nvidia | Tell03:16
ubotuTell: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
Stoffermagnetron, ic, ok03:16
PeloTell,  we need more info03:16
Dekkardpeeps.. the servers are freekin slammed.. if your ld is lsow try later03:16
wastrelMudoch:  everyone's package list will be different, depending on the pacakages on their system when they upgrade03:16
=== tbuss [n=tbuss@c-68-47-183-124.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jijutmok guys.. se you all later03:16
Adam1213_the desktop live cd version lack a lot of stuff, is there a dvd version?03:16
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TellIve tried them, no joy. Im following the instructions but theyre not matching what Im seeing on ubuntu03:16
TellIn the package manager, select the Settings menu, then Repositories.03:16
TellIn the Software Preferences dialog that comes up, click the Add button.03:16
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bart_17charliesu: i don't have to tweek anything to get the built in wifi to work?03:16
BHSPitMonkeyok, so I have a box here... it has no video output.  I'd like to be able to install *ubuntu and immediately ssh into it, is this easily doable?03:16
gfatherim trying to install (nftytool) its for a card programe (infinty usb )03:16
TellI dont have that option03:16
pdusenCnH: Well, what I'm talking about is when I enter "apt-get update", every connection seems to fail instantly. Is there something wrong with my network driver and can I do anything to fix it?03:16
PelogRaCi0s0,  some ppl use pdf but they are actualy a bunch images , those can't be  edited as txt03:16
Ax4are there any fast .edu servers remaining?03:16
Mudochpelo, thanks.... figures.... the download just stopped updating the speed too, thought I hit a pot hole.... 8)03:16
Ax4i need the iso!03:16
jribTell: please do not paste here, check the different tabs03:16
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darwinDoes Ktorrent cycle through trackers like utorrent does?03:16
wastrelAx4:  torrent03:16
mister_robotoBHSPitMonkey: you will have to also install "openssh-server" package after the initial install03:16
tbussWould there be any harm in following the install instructions for a LAMP that are based on dapper if I use edgy?03:16
CnHpossibly, try doing a ping to google or something03:17
thornomadPelo: thanks for your help the number of peers is growing ... my the torrent program only picks them up a little at a time or something. i don't really usnerd stand how it works.  smile. thanks again.  see ya03:17
mister_robotoBHSPitMonkey: then you can03:17
sivel27hello all03:17
Ax4im on a .edu03:17
nick_I ran apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade but i can't get feisty03:17
gfatherim trying to install (nftytool) its for a card programe (infinty usb )  any help pleas03:17
Ax4.edu <-> .edu is supposed to kick arse :D03:17
BHSPitMonkeymister_roboto, that's not too good.03:17
PeloAx4,  use torrents03:17
Taxmanpdusen: what does ipax4 torrent, please03:17
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mister_robotoBHSPitMonkey: i'm just the messenger, dude :)03:17
magnetronBHSPitMonkey: you can control the alternate install via SSH03:17
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StofferDekkard, does that have anything to do with the synaptic package manager downloads being really slow?  The overloaded servers you just mentioned, that is...03:17
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BHSPitMonkeymister_roboto, I know there are other livecd's that do similar things for similar purposes03:17
nick_someone plz help me upgrade to feisty03:17
darwinDoes Ktorrent cycle through trackers like utorrent does?03:17
BHSPitMonkeymagnetron, that might be a winner.03:17
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jrib!upgrade > nick_    (nick_, see the private message from ubotu)03:18
DekkardStoffer:  yep03:18
Pelonick58b,  you donT' want to upgrade just now, wait a few days03:18
Dekkardi downloaded scribus and the best I could get was 29kb03:18
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:18
Pelonick_, you donT' want to upgrade jsut now wait a few days03:18
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pdusenHow does pinging work in linux (Yeah, I know, I know, just tell me.)03:18
NickGarveyPelo: who says he doesn't want to upgrade now?03:18
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gRaCi0s0Pelo,  so cant i modify the pdf files?03:18
NickGarveypdusen: "ping server"03:18
Ax4where can i get a 7.04 i386 .torrent?03:18
NickGarveypdusen: man ping for more info03:18
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Adam1213_is there a dvd of ubuntu ?03:18
NickGarveyAx4: second, I'll get you one03:18
pdusenI shall be back03:18
magnetron!torrents | Ax403:18
ubotuAx4: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/03:18
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NickGarveymagnetron: your way is better03:19
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TaxmanAdam1213_: yes, though for feisty, I don't know if it's out yet03:19
PelogRaCi0s0,   I don'T know,  I was under the impression that you couldn'T modify pdfs anyway ,  try just coping the content to a word processor or something03:19
magnetronNickGarvey: :D03:19
tbussI have an apache problem, I set up a username and password for my site, but it can be "sidestepped" if I click cancel three times in the dialog box?03:19
mister_robotoBHSPitMonkey: there might be a way that i don't know of . all i know is that all the ways i tried installing (off of live cd, alternative cd, text based, server, etc), i always had to get openssh-server separately03:19
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nick_Pelo: do you know why it isn't telling me ther is an update i have auto update on, and when i try to get it manually i see no updates03:19
petafilens id salsa03:19
MudochMannetron thanks for the info/help... I'll just use an static IP for now.....03:19
BHSPitMonkeymagnetron, I'm usually not as bad about data-hunting, but do you know where I can read up on that feature03:19
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NickGarveytbuss: um.. that sounds unlikely..  could you explain more?03:19
Ax4uh oh! wget is working now!03:20
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=== Ax4 kix torrents to the curb
deepsais kvm and xen both available for ubuntu-desktop?03:20
clopis there a partition size limit for ext3?03:20
tbussNIckGarvey: sure....03:20
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magnetronBHSPitMonkey: wait...03:20
charliesu<-- drunk!      Anyone know what apt-torrent project is going to be worked on?03:20
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petafileQuestion:  Is there a guide to how to get Beryl working with XGL/fglrx in Feisty w/ a radeon card that someone could point me to?03:20
=== Dekkard wonders if Google is down??
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Pelonick_,  wich version of ubuntu are you using ?  the upgrade thing only shows if you are using edgy03:20
zilly6has anyone ever had any luck getting a refund on the windows that came bundled with their computer from dell/hp/gateway?03:20
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neozenDekkard: pigs will fly first03:20
NickGarvey!beryl | petafile03:20
ubotupetafile: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects03:20
Peloclop,  no there isnT'03:20
Ax4if you guys want a great new torrent client, consider Deluge03:20
BHSPitMonkeyzilly6, you just have to demand.03:20
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nick_Pelo: i am on edgy03:20
musyai get error when trying to upgrade to 7.0403:20
Tellcant anyone help me install nvidia drivers?03:21
musyaerror during update03:21
PeloAx4,   utorrent on wine03:21
NickGarvey!nvidia | tell03:21
ubotutell: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:21
musyaerror fetching 4 archives03:21
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mister_robotodeepsa: yes03:21
BHSPitMonkeyzilly6, you can't agree to the eula when you start it, though.03:21
nick_Tell: get a program called envy03:21
Pelonick_,  I don'T know why you don'T have it , sorry03:21
Tellfollowed them, instructions dont match my screen03:21
sivel27so is feisty stavle enough, then?03:21
Ax4Pelo, that's what i've been doing, deluge runs natively tho03:21
NickGarveymusya: have pity on the servers03:21
neozenDekkard: I don't think anything short of a MASSIVE fibre-fragging could bring down google03:21
zilly6yeah, i'm looking at the eula screen right now03:21
BHSPitMonkeysivel27, feisty is as stavle as it'll ever get.03:21
musyaand my update manager is up to date03:21
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NickGarveyBHSPitMonkey: naw.. always updates03:21
musyayou think its the servers?03:21
Dekkardneozen:  hehe03:21
HasratUSAi have just started the upgrade but the distribution upgrade tool just keeps sitting at 'fetching file 1 of 1241'03:22
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PeloAx4,   deluge is nice but not quite up to par yet,  I'm a  big user of the RSS dler in utorrent so that's why I haven'T switched03:22
deepsamister_roboto: can you please tell me of any guide on howto work out kvm in fiesty?03:22
Dekkardjsut wondering why people don't google for configs03:22
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BHSPitMonkeyzilly6, http://www.windowsrefund.info/03:22
IndyGunFreakHasratUSA: thats probably because the server is overwhelmed03:22
NickGarveymusya: it would make sense03:22
Tellwhat'll envy do?03:22
NickGarvey!envy | tell03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
musyahmm, ok03:22
mister_robotodeepsa: sorry, no idea. never used it03:22
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NickGarveyor.. not03:22
PeloHasratUSA,   servers are very busy, lots of ppl upgrading03:22
NickGarveyTell: read the page.. it says03:22
steve_this is going to sound retarded but I just downloaded a program called gmenu-editor and I don't know how to install it03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
steve_do i type ./configure or something03:22
Ax4Pelo, im sure as demand and usage of deluge increases, it's feature set will improve03:22
delireHasratUSA: servers are hit really hard. an unprecedented number of people upgrading. as always, Ubuntu is used by many more people than anticipated at any given time.03:22
mister_robotodeepsa: generally, google is a good friend in such times :)03:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualization - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
IndyGunFreakits taken me about 40min to download java...lol03:22
zilly6thanks BHSPitMonkey03:22
jribsteve_: why?  just right click on the ubuntu icon and go to "Edit menus"03:22
deepsamister_roboto: okay :)03:22
musyaanybody think the conference in Portland is of any good?03:22
blazemongeri have a 40 gig drive..and i want to run bot ubuntu and gnewsense03:23
tbussNIckGarvey: setup username and password for Directory /var/www/bussellExtended>, everyting works as advertised, I can login but if I choose to click cancel three times. index.html will load, but with out style sheet support http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16332/03:23
musyaive never been to one03:23
steve_nice :)03:23
[koji] is the distribution upgrade able to resume operation?03:23
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PeloAx4,  I agree and it it gets RSS dler before utorrent goes linux I probably will switch03:23
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delire[koji] : yes03:23
Mudochdoes anyone know of a good FTP server I can run on fiesty?03:23
steve_i didn't know you could do that jrib03:23
yzf600An hour ago, I started the upgrade to fiesty via update manager "upgrade now" button. It's about 15% of the way throug file downloads. Can I kill it and upgrade later next week when the servers aren't slammed?03:23
musyaMudoch: proftpd03:23
TheIronChefwow WINE is amazing.03:23
jribsteve_: ah ok03:23
[koji] delire: so i just need to rerun it again then03:23
HasratUSAokay i believe it's got so popular that the servers are just fukt and so am i :)03:23
wastrelyzf600:  should be safe to do that yes03:23
Ax4Mudoch, vsftpd03:23
delire[koji] : yep03:23
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HasratUSAyzf600: that's the same question i wanna ask03:23
delireyzf600: just run it again later no problem.03:23
ferguscanAnyone know why I can see my mobile phone using "hcitool inq", but can't see it using gnome-obex-send or gnome-phone-manager or anything else?03:24
Josesordohow to update to feisty??03:24
TellLooking for envy, getting no joy..03:24
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NickGarveytbuss: honestly, I'm not much of a web guy, perhaps #apache would help?03:24
jribJosesordo: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic.  You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing:    /topic03:24
HasratUSAand how can i kill it? what's the safest way to kill the 'distribution upgrade' program?03:24
BHSPitMonkeymagnetron, mmk.03:24
Peloysf600 if you didnT' start changing files and it's just downloading I would assume you can,  you'll probably get a confirmation message when you do anway that will tell you if it is wrong03:24
ferguscanWhen I hit refresh on the devices list in those apps, it just sits there for ages, seemingly doing nothing.03:24
NickGarveyjrib: got that on copy eh?03:24
TellSo er,am I to take it I wont have any graphics card drivers?03:24
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bimberiyzf600: yes, it will just resume downloading from where it left off03:24
jribNickGarvey: well alias at least03:24
Tellwhen I right click, theres no mark for installation button03:24
NickGarveyjrib: :)03:24
Tellin repositories, no add button03:24
Tellso Im stuck in limbo.03:25
magnetronBHSPitMonkey: i can't remember where i read about it, sorry03:25
ferguscanAlso, does anyone know if the nvidia drivers are fixed in Feisty?03:25
=== delire notes it's fine to interrupt the upgrade procedure while it's downloading packages. it will resume where it left off when the process is restarted.
jribTell: join me in #ubuntu-classroom03:25
BHSPitMonkeythanks anyway03:25
HasratUSAPelo so far i have reached up to 'preparing the upgrade' and 'modifying software channels' (those two, i mean the first two are checked and the rest are not'03:25
MudochAx4, musya... any opinion on filezilla or is that only for Windows03:25
tbussNickGarvery: no offense to those out there that are very skilled in linux, but those guys in #apache don't seem to like noobies :)03:25
NickGarveyferguscan: "fixed"?03:25
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ferguscanNickGarvey, a week or two ago, they were borked.03:25
Ax4Mudoch, i believe it's windows.... and i thought it was just a client03:25
innerreflectionDesperate nub in search of sound/wine expert. Need help getting multiple wine programs to play sound at the same time. (I've tried at least 3 guides,)03:25
bofh80hi people, i know your busy in here, i've been through my system log etc, i was wondering if there's such thing as an application log for this? a log that keeps track off what has been run when?03:25
tbussNickGarvery: I appreciate your help however03:25
Pelodelire,  thanks for the heads up ,  that will be very usefull info for those who ask03:25
Ax4Mudoch, don't quote me on that though03:25
TheIronChefhow od you join another room?03:25
HasratUSAPelo is it safe for me to kill the upgrade?03:25
NickGarveytbuss: eh, well if you do some research before hand and can't find anything I can't imagine they would "jfgi" you..03:25
magnetronBHSPitMonkey: the installer is called "debian-installer", check up on that03:25
NickGarveytbuss: never know though..03:26
samkanyone know how mount sd card?03:26
LabThug_hm"Servers may be slow please be patient"  <-- Ain't that the truth03:26
famihow handle .rar file with ubuntu?03:26
=== clop [n=jared@cpe-70-116-29-85.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PeloHasratUSA,   are you in the middle of a download ? then yes03:26
NickGarvey!rar | fami03:26
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free03:26
ubotufami: please see above03:26
delireHasratUSA: yes it is, though only if it's downloading. best not to interrupt the point where packages are being _installed_03:26
TheIronChefhow do i join that :(03:26
HasratUSAdelire nothing is downloading. it just says 'fetching file 1 of 1241'03:26
clophi, im trying to install ubuntu feisty, and i got through the installer, but when the computer reboots without the CD it goes black and all i see is a blinking cursor03:26
Mudochax4 I promise I wont... I'm new at Linux and Ubuntu.....   Used HPU/x bout 11 years ago.... haven't touched it since... so I'm on a learning curve03:26
LabThug_hmTheIronChef: type '/join #ubuntu-classroom'03:26
famiNickGarvey: thanks03:26
DekkardTheIronChef:  /join03:26
delireHasratUSA: you can interrupt that just fine.03:26
PeloTheIronChef,  right click on the link you just tiped03:26
tbussNickGarvery: they wanted my url so they could replicate, but I was tryin gto expalin that it was private for now until I straitened out the perms issue. understandable though03:27
NickGarveyclop: "blinking cursor?"03:27
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Flanneltbuss: the guys in #apache are pretty friendly, they should be able to answer that.03:27
Ax4Mudoch, fasten ur seat belt then lol03:27
yzf600I found a python process running with /tmp/XXXXX/fiesty  in the name.03:27
cloplike an underline03:27
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TheIronChefah thank you ... im obviously a n00b03:27
clopbut there is literally no text03:27
LabThug_hmno ' of course :)03:27
cloplike nothing that says grub or anything03:27
pdusenHow do I tell me network adapter to acquire an IP address with DHCP?03:27
bayzidersWow the upgrade speeds just get worse and worse03:27
wastreltbuss:  you're using .htpasswd?03:27
NickGarveypdusen: leave the defaults03:27
tristilclop, what kind of computer?03:27
yzf600I did a "sudo kill 6456" on it and the upgrade manager disappeared03:27
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clopit goes right from the bios messages to a black screen with the blinking underline03:27
darwinWhen I turn on Desktop effects there is only one workspace.03:27
clopit's a dell, pentium-d system03:27
HasratUSAokay hell with the upgrade im sticking to edgy :)03:27
=== delire notes that interrupting the process when packages are being installed is, however, more risky. this will require a 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' before resuming to be safe.
Ax4bayziders, at least you have some speed, im still trying to get apt to connect to a mirror lol03:27
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Pelobayziders,  yes, each time you mention it we throttle you down03:27
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clopi tried installing the amd64 version03:28
yzf600I re-ran update manager, and it still offers me the update button03:28
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pdusenNickGarvey: When I try to ping google it fails, so I am assuming my network adapter isn't configured properly.03:28
tristilclop, why?03:28
darwinWhen I turn on Desktop effects there is only one workspace.03:28
bayzidersLol, Ax4 mine has been running for about 4 hours, that's why I got some speed I guess.03:28
Mudochax4, yeah it's tightened up real good, I'm speaking in saprano right now....  Now if I can get VB running in Ubuntu.... ooooohhhhh my Apple loving boss would just die...03:28
witlessis it possible to cancel the feisty over-network upgrade?  i'm getting a torrent much faster...03:28
NickGarveypdusen: can you ping your router?03:28
ShiFTKeywho here is running 7.04?03:28
Ax4you can't ping google....03:28
yzf600I'll try again after the demand has died won03:28
IndyGunFreakShiFTKey: i am03:28
disasmAx4: http://mirror.cs.umn.edu03:28
NickGarveyAx4: of course you can03:28
cloptristil, why the 64-bit?  i need to use a 64-bit program03:28
yzf600thanks for your help, everyone03:28
musyaMudoch: i believe its only for windows, but gftp is good for linux03:28
HasratUSAit just started to download something!!!03:28
Pelodarwin,  you can add the workspace switcher to the pannel by riglciking on the pannel and add to the pannel03:28
disasmAx4: I won't hog it ;-)03:28
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Ubuntu10345370FEISTY FTW03:28
ShiFTKeyIndyGunFreak: how are you liking it?03:28
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Ax4disasm, lol thanks03:29
delireyzf600: no problem. give it 12 hours. the demand is pretty high right now.03:29
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tbusswastrel: sudo htpasswd -c /home/secure/apasswords03:29
HasratUSAfetching file 2 of 1241 at 45 KB/S :)03:29
IndyGunFreakShiFTKey: same as edgy really... i'venot really used any different features03:29
disasmAx4: getting 500k/s right now03:29
othtime to migrate to feisty03:29
Oatmeatis there anyway to configure metacity so windows are placed somewhere other than the top left corner?03:29
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pdusenNickGarvey: Let me see if I can find out my router's IP...03:29
Ax4wget support resume?03:29
Pelooth,  wait a few days03:29
jribAx4: wget -c03:29
disasmAx4: yup03:29
=== Ax4 hopes
=== RunicMourning [n=Scott@ip68-0-172-212.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bayzidersWow I will never buy a computer again, if I build one with parts from new egg I can beast of a system for 478 O.o03:29
delireAx4: yes, if you started wget with the -c flag03:29
ShiFTKeyIndyGunFreak: thanks, I burned a disk at work, but forgot to bring it home :(03:29
HasratUSAit's saying that about 7 hours 59 minutes remaining03:29
tbusswastrel: I then set the password after creating the user03:29
witlessis it possible to cancel the feisty over-network upgrade?  i'm getting a torrent much faster...  <--  anyone?03:29
tristilclop, you looked at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-185537.html03:29
ShiFTKeydoes anyone know if there doing shipit with this version?03:29
IndyGunFreakShiFTKey: lol, np.03:30
=== phos-phoros_ [n=donovan@CPE-65-26-74-96.we.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Ax4ubunt.com only giving me 300ish03:30
NickGarveypdusen: ifconfig, it will be the default gateway03:30
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othPelo, why's that ?03:30
oblibI am installing Feisty Fawn from scratch. Do I need to do anything special to make sure my new install recognizes my LVM drives?03:30
wastreltbuss:  are you sure you're not seeing a cached version of the page after the 3rd password attempt?03:30
magnetrondarwin: this is a known bug. the fix is: 1. hit alt+f2  2. enter gconf-editor  3. change /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options hsize to 403:30
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tbusswastrel: I checked with HEAD and any even reloaded ff03:30
arejayanyone know how to change the time-out of sudo?03:30
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delireoth: the demand is insanely high right now..03:30
Pelooth,  servers are overwhelmed what all the ppl who clicked the upgrade button03:30
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cloptristil, i understand that it's going to be buggier than 32-bit, but an application i need for my work literally does not run on 32-bit intel03:30
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TheDebuggerShiFTKey: Yes, already ordered mine :)03:31
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witlessis it possible to CANCEL the upgrade?03:31
NickGarveyarejay: visudo03:31
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arejayNickGarvey, thank's :)03:31
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tristilclop, I wasn't telling you not to do, that's just what I got through Google. :)03:31
tbusswastrel: the funny thing is, the page will load after third attempt but loses all style sheet support that would otherwise be there03:31
othwhat upgrade button sudo update-manager -c ? :p03:31
innerreflectionDesperate nub in search of sound/wine expert. Need help getting multiple wine programs to play sound at the same time. (I've tried at least 3 guides,)03:31
LabThug_hmPelo: is there any mirrors we can configure our "upgrade buttons" to use?03:31
Pelowitless,  yes if you are only at the downloading stage03:31
pdusenNickGarvey: I'll return in a moment after I've tried that03:31
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Pelooth,  same thing,  servers are too busy,  wait a few days03:31
othalright, I'll wait then03:31
PeloLabThug_hm,   wait a few days03:31
delirearejay: you can set this in your sudoers file03:31
ShiFTKeyTheDebugger: thanks, I can download them, but it looks alot nicer to hand out the ship cds rather then my permenent marker ones03:31
=== n3rdism [n=the_inso@c-75-68-201-233.hsd1.vt.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
downfallat111is the widescreen resolution prblem fixed in feisty, or will I have to use the 915resolution program?03:32
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HasratUSAwitless it would be great for yourself if you don't cause although it's extremely slow right now, you will be downloading some files at an extremely slow rate. on the other hand, the more people gets frustrated, impatient and kills the upgrade, the more speed i get :)03:32
delirewitless: yes, as long as you are cancelling it during the download process.03:32
LabThug_hmPelo: "Don't care how, I want it now!!!!"03:32
statictonicwidescreen worked fine out of the box for me in feisty03:32
LabThug_hmever see the original Willy Wonka?03:32
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PeloLabThug_hm,  , oth  if you guys can't way get the torrent,   alternate install cd for upgrade live cd for a clean install03:32
Ax4disasm, you wouldn't happen to have the full address path, so i can start downloading? :p03:32
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tristilclop, does it use EFI maybe?03:32
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witlessit's downloading now, but i'm downloading a torrent much faster03:32
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bayzidersSo how do you all like feisty? =)03:32
cloptristil, EFI?03:32
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magnetroninnerreflection: you are using OSS, and OSS only supports one program at a time as default. is it Wow and Ventrilo? =D03:32
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oblibLVM Experts: I am installing Feisty Fawn from scratch. Do I need to do anything special to make sure my new install recognizes my LVM drives?03:32
tristilclop, anything unusual about the BIOS?03:32
downfallat111does feisty support webcam03:33
disasmAx4: deb http://mirror.cs.umn.edu/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted03:33
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othI can wait03:33
PeloLabThug_hm,  the original willy wonka gave me the creeps, those umpalumpas are freaksh03:33
=== delire notes that it may, for some, be faster to download the ISO and upgrade from CD. just burn off the ISO and put it in the drive of your Edgy install.
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smoantone know if a variable for the created user in ubiquity install process is created ??? or howto know that...03:33
clopnot really, it's just a generic dell one03:33
Ax4disasm, cool :)03:33
HasratUSAdelire oh really?03:33
n3rdismI'm using a onboard intel chip for video, ubuntu has installed the default drivers perfectly. However I'm running the machine off my tv screen and require a smaller resolution then 1024x768. Everytime I change my resolution, using Edgy Eft, and make default; even when I don't make default, It will freeze up and take me back to login screen not saving the resolution settings.03:33
soulrider_does anyone know whent he next LTS release is comming ?03:33
witlessi'm downloading the alternate install ISO03:33
innerreflectionmagnetron: yep, how's you guess? umm, yea, I've read about OSS and Alsa, but none of the guides seem to work for me03:33
clopit looks exactly like this guy's problem:03:33
=== Pelo thinks delire should make his notes all CAPS with colours and txt effects
NickGarveysoulrider_: I'd assume.. at least after the old one runs out.. so don't get too anxious03:33
MrMakevelii woudl like to resize my disk partitions in order to do the feisty upgrade. i cant find the app anywhere except when i install. where is it normally?03:33
ShiFTKeyI ordered a solaris cd and it never came..03:33
delireHasratUSA: yes, though only for the distribution upgrade itself.03:33
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ShiFTKeyi hate sun03:33
neozenwell... dapper is good until 6/200903:34
ShiFTKeyubuntu shipit > sun03:34
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neozensoulrider_: so my guess is then03:34
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PresuntoRJhey, on Feisty my VLC player keeps freezing and crashing the gdm back to the login screen... any ideas?03:34
magnetroninnerreflection: the wowwiki has a wine entry that adresses the problem, check that out?03:34
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delirePresuntoRJ: yikes, that's no good. does it happen also with Totem?03:34
oblibMrMakeveli, do you mean GParted? Try typing 'sudo gparted' from the command line03:34
PeloMrMakeveli,   gparted is not installed as default , but it is part of the live cd ,    if you want to resize a partition you are using now better do it from the live cd03:35
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Ax4im gonna throw my 2 x 100mbit boxes on the torrent to help out :)03:35
PresuntoRJdelire: toten seems ok, but I do prefer VLC03:35
rukuarticAx4: :O03:35
MrMakevelioblib, pelo: i can just install it cant i?03:35
innerreflectionmagnetron: yes, I've tried using alsa-oss but my mic doesn't work and the sound still can't be heard in both. dunno what I'm doing wrong03:35
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PeloMrMakeveli,  sudo apt-get install  gparted03:35
oblibMrMakeveli, yeah, but it makes more sense to just do it off the install cd03:35
delirePresuntoRJ: i understand.. perhaps it's a problem with the VLC package on Feisty? where did you aquire it from?03:35
PresuntoRJdelire: what is even odder, apport wont even notice the crash.03:36
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pdusenNickGarvey: I tried to ping my router and it told me the network was unreachable.03:36
disasmAx4: did you just slow me down?03:36
PeloMrMakeveli,   get ready for a long install, the servers are loaded right now03:36
[acid] NeatcheeI know the repos are slow, but are some of them down right now?  I can't seem to get cpufrequtils to download :O03:36
a514Desktop Effects Cube worked for a sec but not now?03:36
Mudochgood nite all, thanks for the help and answers03:36
Ax4disasm, no lol03:36
fulat2khi folks, i've been using feisty beta.  but i'm not getting any Upgrade button in both update manager and adept (using kubuntu).  I'm pointing my sources to Taiwan.  COuld that be the problem?03:36
NickGarveypdusen: could you pastebin "ifconfig" please?03:36
=== lavid [n=lavid@ppp-70-225-160-245.dsl.chmpil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
arejaydelire, timestamp_timeout seems to be the way do i set this under Defaults?03:36
magnetroninnerreflection: Ventrilo has an issue with loosing focus, appdb.winehq.org has some writeup about it03:36
PresuntoRJdelire: add/remove (the same from aptitude or apt-get)03:36
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@d58-106-10-189.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
rukuarticfulat2k: Possibly, have you tried it without?03:36
[acid] Neatchee!final | fulat2k03:36
ubotufulat2k: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.03:36
delirearejay: yes, from memory that sounds right03:36
Ax4disasm, i swear, im still getting the release from the mirror i was using b403:36
pdusenNicKGarvey: From windows?03:36
disasmAx4: just giving you a hard time, it dropped down to 100k for a bit, it's almost done though03:36
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=== Pie-rat2 [n=jschall@cust-69-19-214-183.static.o1.com] has joined #ubuntu
Oatmeathow do I find out my IP in linux?03:37
MrMakevelioblib, the problem is that i need to partition it and move my files onto the new parition im creating before i install. if i do it from the live cd i can only add delete or modify them. not move shit around right?03:37
delirePresuntoRJ: right, ok. which architecture?03:37
Ax4ifconfig -a03:37
disasmAx4: back up to 700 k ;-)03:37
delireOatmeat: /sbin/ifconfig03:37
aoliaxhello all, my update to 7.04 just stopped around 811/1115 fetching files, is the server overloaded with requests or something, i should i try another method?03:37
rukuarticOatmeat: From a terminal, type "ifconfig -a"03:37
eternaljoydoes the Ubuntu 7.04 LiveCD support installing Ubuntu to a 2nd hardrive?  It wont automatically install Grub on my 1st partitoon will it?03:37
fulat2k[acid] Neatchee: in that case i'm on the final then. thanks :P03:37
PresuntoRJdelire: it got to be related to a later upgrade on the beta, cause it used to work on early betas... not sure exactaly what the version I had a couple of weeks ago03:37
Ax4don't you love EASY questions?03:37
rukuarticaoliax: Probably overloaded, or it hit a big package :)03:37
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NickGarveypdusen: yeah, like run ifconfig and put it on a usb drive or something if you can03:37
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PresuntoRJdelire: i386 (Compaq Armada M700 laptop)03:37
LabThug_hmhmmm, after the update tool is downloaded, what's supposed to happen next?  The download window disappeared, but nothing is happening.03:37
[acid] Neatcheefulat2k: I literally just asked that question when I came in here, so glad to pass on the info :)03:37
rukuarticaoliax: Do you see your router lights blinking?03:37
Pie-rat2bootsplash is supposed to look like http://jon.pmtech.com/~jschall/bootsplash.gif. instead, with vga=795 it looks like http://jon.pmtech.com/~jschall/bootsplash2.gif and with vga=792 it looks like http://jon.pmtech.com/~jschall/bootsplash3.gif03:37
Pie-rat2with no vga= option it looks like a box that says OUT OF RANGE in the middle.03:37
Pie-rat2how can i fix this?03:37
oblibMrMakeveli, but if you install on the new partition won't it overwrite the files you just copied to it? Or do you want to make a new one, copy old files to that, and then install on your old partition?03:37
=== Pelo is not answering another effing feisty upgrade question
fami!.chm > fami03:38
delirePresuntoRJ: sounds like a bug in VLC to me, perhaps a memory leak or similar. if i were you i'd register a bug.03:38
HasratUSAokay here is a question: has anyone successfully upgraded from Edgy to Feisty via online? is there any success rate?03:38
aoliaxrukuartic, yes03:38
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fami!chm > fami03:38
aoliaxrukuartic, light are blinking03:38
eternaljoyHasratUSA: no03:38
a514Help, the Desktop Effect Cube is not working for me?!03:38
oblibLVM Experts: I am installing Feisty Fawn from scratch. Do I need to do anything special to make sure my new install recognizes my LVM drives?03:38
rukuarticaoliax: Then you're still downloading. :)03:38
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rukuarticaoliax: Its just a big package.03:38
pdusenNickGarvey: Can't I just C&P the results of ipconfig in here?03:38
PresuntoRJdelire: if only apport set the response according to the issue, it would be realy helpful03:38
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delirePie-rat2: from memory you have a range from 1-9 with the vga option.03:38
innerreflectionmagnetron: losing focus would cause my mic not to work?03:38
famiwhat need to read .chm file?03:38
aoliaxrukuartic, this fetching seems to be taking an insaely long time, should i have waited until tomorrow to update?03:38
NickGarveypdusen: no I want to see data from the linux box.. if you can..03:38
fulat2k[acid] Neatchee: cool :)  d/lding final release now.  gonna install on my desktop when i get back... yum, yum :)03:39
jribfami: xchm or gnochm03:39
PresuntoRJdelire: what kind of attachements would you recomend? lspci -vv? /var/daemon.log? dmesg?03:39
rukuarticaoliax: Can you leave your computer on overnight?03:39
sthompsonHi all, can someone point me to some good documentation or first hand knowledge on how to become a mirror for Ubuntu?03:39
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delirePresuntoRJ: yes, this is very odd.. it seems the crash is happening before hand, sudden-death style03:39
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aoliaxrukuartic, good suggestion, i guess i shall do that03:39
Pie-rat2delire: no, look it up on the internet. 792 is 1024x768 at 24 bit color, 795 is 1280x1024 at 24 bit color03:39
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magnetroninnerreflection: yeah, it makes the PTT key not working, read more at appdb.winehq.org03:39
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[acid] Neatcheefulat2k: now I just wish the repos would speed up so I can install some extras :O03:39
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delirePresuntoRJ: dmesg and ~/.xsession-errors and also a gdm log file if found.03:39
Pelosthompson,   check the how to participate section on www.ubuntu.com,  might be how to contribute03:39
HasratUSAeternal okay so i take it noone has finished the upgrade via online yet. the lucky ones have either burnt it and did the 'distribution upgrade only' or simply reinstalled from scratch03:39
PresuntoRJdelire: as soon as I press PLAY with any video format (Ubuntu codecs) WMV, AVI, MPG...03:39
MrMakevelioblib, this is what im doing: i already have seperate partitions for /boot, /home, /var, /swap and /.  i also want to format them all again just to start fresh fresh. my /home is 120 gib but im using like 10 of it. so i want to resize my /home to make room for a new partition where i will store the files i want to keep, and format all the others. and then install again put the files back and resize the /home back to normal. make sense?03:39
magnetroninnerreflection: actually appdb is the best place for wine info03:39
delirePresuntoRJ: also detail the file you're attempting to play and your architecture.03:39
fulat2k[acid] Neatchee: what kinda extras?03:40
pdusenNickGarvey: Not unless I write it down or something, I'm literally dual-booting here. And I'm trying to do this all command line because my video drivers aren't working at the moment, so I'm not sure how I would manage to get it onto a USB drive.03:40
delirePresuntoRJ: sounds like a serious enough problem to warrant a very useful bug report..03:40
=== |Jason8| [n=jason@139.155-211-66.nh.dialup.FreeDialup.org] has joined #ubuntu
tristilclop, wait is it a clean install?03:40
PresuntoRJdelire: I'll look into it asap and post yet another issue on lauchpad ;)03:40
[acid] Neatcheecpufrequtils03:40
[acid] Neatcheespecficially03:40
cloptristil, yes03:40
[acid] Neatcheespecifically*03:40
famijrib: E: Couldn't find package gnochm03:40
delirePresuntoRJ: good for you. this is how Ubuntu improves.03:40
jribsthompson: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/mirror03:40
deepsaanyone tried kvm + qemu in the new feisty?03:40
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jrib!info gnochm | fami03:40
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innerreflectionmagnetron: I don't use PTT. also, it doesn't work even when there is nothing else running (and not able to lose focus?)03:40
tristilclop, not writing over an old grub partition?03:40
ubotufami: gnochm: CHM file viewer for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 143 kB, installed size 760 kB03:40
bofh80Are there any logs on my system that will say: "02:39 bofh80 /usr/bin/xchat" ?03:40
jribfami: have you enabled universe?03:40
=== david__ [n=david@c-71-58-67-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cloptristil, i'm not sure where it put grub03:41
[acid] Neatchee!info cpufrequtils03:41
ubotucpufrequtils: utilities to deal with the cpufreq Linux kernel feature. In component universe, is optional. Version 002-2 (feisty), package size 21 kB, installed size 180 kB03:41
Pelo[acid] Neatchee,  if you want to install new packages right at this moment,  you have to be patient03:41
PresuntoRJdelire: and feisty is impressively better than the ones before... imagine where it could go03:41
deepsa!info qemu03:41
ubotuqemu: fast processor emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2+dfsg-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 3465 kB, installed size 9460 kB (Only available for amd64 i386 powerpc alpha sparc arm s390 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)03:41
bambiehow come i'm unable to type my user name?03:41
cloptristil, i'm trying to boot into the live cd now03:41
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clopit did a weird thing where it thinks my first hard drive is /dev/sda03:41
famijrib: enabling universe/multi... but failed at reload03:41
[acid] NeatcheePelo: Yeah, I know :)  Can't help but hope that it speeds up soon though :P03:41
HasratUSAPresuntoRJ: have you got the latest drivers for your video card yet?03:41
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jribfami: failed how?03:41
delirePresuntoRJ: yes, it's a pretty landmark release i think..03:41
magnetroninnerreflection: ok, you lost me there, but check ventrilo in Appdb database03:41
clopi guess because my other hard drive is ATA-100 whereas this one is SATA03:41
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NickGarveypdusen: oh I see, well.. I just wanted to see if you had an "inet address" or not03:41
david__hey all. i was wondering if there was a way i could make my windows partition writable in ubuntu03:41
tristilclop, Yeah, I'm thinking about that. Because I saw this:03:41
FlannelMrMakeveli: you might look into LVM.  Which allows you to resize partitions on the fly03:41
clopbut the other drive doesn't have anything useful on it03:41
HasratUSAPresuntoRJ: do you have an nvidia graphics card?03:41
rukuartic!ntfs > david__03:41
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tristilclop, http://www.thejemreport.com/mambo/content/view/309/122/1/19/03:41
sthompsonthanks jrib. I'll take a look at it.03:41
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famijrib: Software Preferences -> Add repos -> Reload -> Failed status03:42
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse03:42
a514Hi i d/l the Restricted Nvidia Driver & Desktop Effects the cube worked for a sec? Can anyone help or relate03:42
compilerwriter!ntfs | david03:42
ubotudavid: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse03:42
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oblibMrMakeveli, seems like it would make more sense just to keep the /home partition and delete the files you don't want. I generally try to avoid resizing/moving partitions in case something goes wrong. What you are planning should work fine, but in any case, I hope you have a backup of important stuff in case it blows up...03:42
david__ok, thanks03:42
tristilclop, that's a stab in the dark.03:42
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samkmost popular window manager?03:42
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cloptristil, aye, but it does sound possible03:42
clopis there a way to forcibly have grub install to a drive?03:42
ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org03:42
Pelosamk,   gnome or kde , your choice03:42
clopmaybe i can just install it on both drives03:42
jribfami: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list03:42
clopi don't have any other os's03:42
pdusenNickGarvey: I actually remember that the 7.04 installer told me explicitly that it failed to connect to my DHCP server, so I'm fairly sure I'm having a device issue. Is there anything I can do about it?03:42
Ax4god i love bot coders with sense of humor :)03:42
clopthe ata drive is just a media holder03:42
neozenclop: man grub-install03:42
clopok will do03:43
MrMakevelioblib, wont everything just stay the same for setting and everything if i keep my home? grr maybe i'll just leave my /home alone03:43
tristilclop, I don't fully understand it, but the part about Ubuntu and UUID sounds like it could be something.03:43
Glitch012Oddball question,  are their mount commands in ubuntu for beta versions of WinFS?03:43
Flannel!grub > clop03:43
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Flannelclop: check the query from ubotu03:43
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Flannelclop: the first link, that is.03:43
MrMakeveliflan, hmm anything special about it over gparted?03:43
a514Hi the Sound Recorder does not work? anyone here know this?03:43
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NickGarveypdusen: perhaps it is a driver issue?  do you know what one you need?03:43
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bambiei cannot type my username for something?03:43
magnetron!sound | a51403:43
bambie*for some reason*03:43
ubotua514: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:43
rukuarticbambie: I'm not sure ewe understand you.03:43
delirePresuntoRJ: HasratUSA has a point. i have had problems with the proprietary ATI drivers (fglrx) and video in the past.. though a long time ago now. include information about your driver in the bug report.03:43
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aragirnI upgraded to Feisty from Edgy today and have run into a problem I've never encountered in Linux before.  Gnome is behaving very oddly; alt+tab no longer works and I am now limited to one workspace.  Whenever I launch an application, it's menu bar appears on the top panel where my Applications, Places, and Systems menus normally are.  Finally, when I try to launch, "System -> Preferences -> Windows" I get the following error03:43
aragirnmessage: "Cannot start the preferences application for your window manager.  Window manager "unknown" has not registered a configuration tool."03:44
Pelobambie,  cannot type it where ?03:44
rukuarticbambie: Where are you trying to type your password?03:44
FlannelMrMakeveli: Gparted is a program to format stuff.  LVM is a system of partitioning that allows you to shift stuff around later.03:44
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bambiewhen you log on to ubuntu03:44
oblibMrMakeveli, yes, that is usually why you want to keep your /home. If you want to kill all your settings, then delete the .program_names (.mozilla for example) directories.03:44
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bambieit does asks for username / password03:44
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tristilclop, oh sure, I had to do that with my Macbook.03:44
Pelobambie,  usb keyboard ?03:44
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MrMakeveliFlannel, shift it around later?03:44
rukuarticbambie: When you press the keys on the keyboard, does it write in the box?03:44
famijrib: http://www.divshare.com/download/436928-76403:44
bambieno it does not03:44
IncredibleHinkjrib, hey man i have a quick couple of questions...03:44
Pelobambie,   can you type the password ?03:44
deliretristil: how does 7.04 run on the macbook?03:45
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pdusenNickGarvey: As far as my network adapter... It's an onboard adapter, on my 939Dual-SATA2 mobo.03:45
rukuarticbambie: Try this... press ctrl+alt+backspace and see if the screen goes black for a second03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
jribIncredibleHink: ask the channel.  If I know, I'll try to help03:45
FlannelMrMakeveli: yeah.  If you have 100GB /home and 10 on /, and you find youre running out of space, you can move some /home to /, without even rebooting03:45
MrMakevelioblib, i really would like everything to be completely fresh, apart from important files such as work documents and my lil indie movies, etc and music03:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about macintosh - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:45
bambiei can't skip? i've to type username first right? than password03:45
IncredibleHinkjrib, k03:45
NickGarveypdusen: do you know if it was detected in dmesg?03:45
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LabThug_hmanyone have a direct link to the torrent for the alternate CD?  The download page on ubuntu.com is unable to access the database.03:45
pdusenNickGarvey: I don't, is there a way I can find out?03:45
MrMakeveliFlannel, oh i see what you mean. is it made for gnome or kde? or independent of both?03:45
aibi'm looking for a chat client that does code highlighting and won't reformat my input AT ALL03:45
tristildelire, It's great now. It was trouble getting it on, but I think Ubiquity has been patched since I installed it.03:46
rukuarticbambie: Did you press ctrl+alt+backspace?03:46
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famijrib: http://www.divshare.com/download/436928-764 that's my sources.list03:46
PeloLabThug_hm,   try searching on www.torrentz.com03:46
FlannelMrMakeveli: it's completely independant.  Here's some more info: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-lvm/  nice graphics and stuff.  You'll need the alternate CD though, Desktop doesn't have support for it.03:46
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aragirnLabThug_hm, here's an ISO mirror for you, http://lug.mtu.edu/iso/ubuntu/7.04/03:46
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aragirnit should be pretty fast03:46
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tristilclop, http://bin-false.org/?p=1703:46
aoliaxgood luck all03:46
aragirnit's on a 10 megabit pipe03:46
NerdzI just tried to install Ubuntu and I booted from the CD. Then, I selected "Check for disc error" and there wasn't any. I then selected Start/Install and when the orange status bar was finish, there was only a orange screen with a mouse... Nothin was displayed except the orange background. Is this a common error?03:46
deliretristil: right, i'm not a big fan of OS X but i notice a few friends have asked about installing Ubuntu on their macbooks.03:46
LabThug_hmaragirn: thanks!03:46
fougwhat is the command to install opera through terminal?03:46
IncredibleHinkWhats the difference in /usr/username /home/username  /lib /bin..... i want to install a program but only make it available to my username....... i also want to install a program and install it for all usernames..... how does that work?03:46
FlannelMrMakeveli: obviously, all the compiling and stuff on that page doesn't apply to ubuntu.  But the opening paragraphs explain LVM really well03:46
a514Yeah so the Sound Recorder seems to record but when it does not playback? yeah and alsa is working03:46
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MrMakeveliFlannel, what other differences are there for the alternate vs normal?03:46
oblibMrMakeveli, do you have enough space to copy the files you want to save to one of your existing partitions? If so, copy them over (so to /var/home or something), erase everything in your /home partition, and then copy it back.03:46
oblibMrMakeveli, LVM is cool but fairly complicated03:47
jribfami: that page is timing out here, can you use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ?03:47
Pelofoug,  probably sudo apt-get opera03:47
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magnetronfoug: use "add/ remove programs", no need for terminal03:47
FlannelMrMakeveli: Alternate is a textmode installer, instead of a lvieCD.  You boot up, and go straiht to the installer.  Alternate also has additional options (a GUI-less install, OEM install, etc)03:47
fougPelo: nope didn't work, that's what i tried03:47
MrMakevelioblib, i'll check out that site in one sec03:47
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jrib!fhs > IncredibleHink    (IncredibleHink, see the private message from ubotu)03:47
jribIncredibleHink: what program?03:47
fougmagnetron: would rather use terminal03:47
MrMakeveliFlannel, *excuse me03:47
Pelofoug,   apt-cache search  keyword03:47
aragirnanyone available to help me with a Gnome problem?03:47
tristildelire, Actually, there might still be issues for the network card, because it switched from the first generation Atheros, which I have.03:47
IncredibleHinkjrib, azureus for my username only03:47
MrMakevelioblib, my var is fairly small, 3 gb or so03:47
NerdzI got my ubuntu form torrent... I'll try again!03:47
MrMakevelioblib, it might squeek by though03:48
tristildelire, err wireless.03:48
delirearagirn: that is an odd problem you have. perhaps try in #gnome also..03:48
NickGarveypdusen: mm.. not from windows..03:48
Peloaragr wath is the problem ?03:48
deliretristil: yep, gotcha ;)03:48
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hagabakai get a segmentation fault when trying to install classpath-gtkpeer03:48
bimberi!verify | Nerdz03:48
ubotuNerdz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows03:48
=== Taim [n=taim@27.pyvl4.xdsl.nauticom.net] has joined #Ubuntu
MrMakevelioblib, you are saying to move it there, format others, install while leaving /var the same. and then moving back after install?03:48
FlannelMrMakeveli: oh, Aternate CD also has a repository on it.  So you get full ubntu install + additional packages without the internet.03:48
=== Metellus [n=metellus@c-68-49-141-198.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronfoug: if you are up for a challenge, start with man apt-get and work your way from there03:48
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oblibMrMakeveli, you can do what you were planning originally, probably without any problems. It's just a general rule to back up before messing around with partitions03:48
MrMakeveliFlannel, cd or dvd?03:48
famijrib: yes, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16473/03:48
FlannelMrMakeveli: CD03:48
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pdusenNickGarvey: I can reboot if I really have too. It's just a hassle. I really want to get my network adapter working properly, though.03:48
aragirnthanks delire03:48
hagabakaoh no03:49
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MrMakevelioblib, the problem is that this kind of IS my back up. haha03:49
fougmagnetron: the command man does what03:49
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rukuarticHey, if I reboot in the middle of a distro upgrade using the package manager, does it bork?03:49
bambiei just restarted and it did work03:49
magnetronfoug: it is the manual03:49
rukuarticbambie: Heh03:49
oblibFlannel: Do you know LVM well?  I am installing Feisty Fawn from scratch. Do I need to do anything special to make sure my new install recognizes my LVM drives?03:49
hagabakai'm actually getting segmentation fault when running aptitude, or apt-get :(03:49
MrMakeveliFlannel, why would anyone do the normal over the alternate then?03:49
rukuarticbambie: sometimes its just weird little problems03:49
famijrib: yes, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16473/ this's my sources.list03:49
Pelorukuartic,   if you are in the middle of the download,  you can stop it before rebooting03:49
rukuarticbambie: How is it? I'm still updating :(03:49
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Flanneloblib: Setup your LVM in the installer03:49
rukuarticPelo: There's no cancel button03:49
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bambiei've 6.0603:49
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bambieand my wireless doesn't works03:49
FlannelMrMakeveli: because some people like the liveCD aspect, and the pretty GUI installer.03:49
HasratUSAwhy would you need to reboot in the middle of a distro upgrade?03:49
NickGarveypdusen: is there another computer you have by any chance?03:50
jribIncredibleHink: one way to do it would be to install azureus using Synaptic or Add/Remove and then changing the permissions on the binary03:50
rukuarticHasratUSA: Thats not the question though.03:50
Josesordo=( error in upgrade03:50
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something_elsepeople, just installed feisty, but it strangely falls to busybox03:50
oblibFlannel, its not one of my main partitions, just a mythtv data partition. Will the installer just prompt to restore it or something?03:50
rukuarticHasratUSA: Lets say the power borks on me.03:50
Flanneloblib: oh, you have additional LVM drives?  No.  Just add them to fstab03:50
bayzidersYes I am geting decent upgrade speeds =DD03:50
NickGarveypdusen: honestly, I can't guarentee you 100% attention all the time, so if you reboot, get all this info, and then I take off, I'd just be wasting your time03:50
famibambie: deb-src in sources.list? when i need it?03:50
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bambiebrb guys.03:50
MrMakeveliFlannel, hmmm03:50
NickGarveypdusen: I mean I should be here, but I can never know03:50
IncredibleHinkjrib, that would work, but i really want to learn linux.... im very inquisitive03:50
toxickiwiAnyone know how long an upgrade from the alt CD should take?  Mine has been going for 3 hours so far.03:50
Flanneloblib: It should see it.  When you're mounting partitions, you should be able to add it03:50
=== dfawerefaef [n=asdfwrga@adsl-67-124-146-105.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
famiFlannel: deb-src is in sources.list. when i need it?03:51
fougmagnetron: awesome thanks, but how do i get out of it? hehe03:51
pdusenNickGarvey: There are other computers in the house, but I don't have anything else I can actively use while I figure this out.03:51
something_elseanyone else having problems with it not booting to hard disk?03:51
jribIncredibleHink: k, what do you want to learn?03:51
oblibFlannel, I thought it would, but wanted to make sure before I lost it forever :)03:51
magnetronfoug: "Q"03:51
clopomfg it works!!03:51
Flannelfami: No you really don't need -src stuff03:51
clopi have to manually edit the grub command to get it to boot but i guessed right03:51
HasratUSAclop ?03:51
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aaroncampbellHas anyone here used lightscribe on (K)Ubuntu?03:51
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cloptristil, thanks a lot for your help03:51
famiFlannel:  disable all -src?03:51
fougmagnetron: cool03:51
PresuntoRJdelire: sorry, what point? I was collecting information for the bug report03:51
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ubuntuthis is bad03:52
ubuntuhye i cn;t upgrade to 703:52
PresuntoRJdelire: i have missed the other comment03:52
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ubuntui can't upgrade to 703:52
tristilclop, Cool. I realized it was similar to some of the Mac problems I had.03:52
MrMakeveligrr i think im just gonnainstall03:52
bimberiubuntu: why?03:52
tonyr1988aaroncampbell: Not personally, but there are drivers for it. Need any help?03:52
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ubuntuwhen i put the cd it is not showing03:52
ubuntuupgrade option03:52
fougwhen i resize windows by dragging them it kind of lags. Why? They were not diong this when I was runing the live CD03:52
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IncredibleHinkjrib, say i download a tar'd package online... i want to install that package for my username.... I would unpack it (know how to do that), and put it where?    in an opt or other containing folder in my home directory?03:52
Flannelfami: it shouldnt matter one way or the other03:52
bimberiubuntu: Desktop CD? Or Alternate?03:52
IncredibleHinkjrib, or would it be better to put in /opt and change the permissions?03:53
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magnetronbimberi: almost no viruses, nice interface, stable03:53
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aaroncampbelltonyr1988: Well, I have 2 lightscribe capable DVD burners, and I'd love to be able to use it03:53
ubuntudesktop i38603:53
Flannelubuntu: Desktop, you're on the liveCD.  Alternate is the only one that you can upgrade with.03:53
ubuntui have x8603:53
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bimberimagnetron: ??? (wrong nick?)03:53
lowfrontI have been updating through update manager, its been going all day long and only  26 min remaining03:53
famijrib: ?03:53
tonyr1988aaroncampbell: Check out the Automatix2 project. I know there's a one-click installation for a Lightscribe driver.03:53
hagabakai'm getting a segmentation fault when running either aptitude or apt-get install...what should i do?03:53
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ubuntuNO i have installed ubuntu 6.10 and i wanto to upgrade to version 703:53
tonyr1988aaroncampbell: Not sure how well they work, though.03:53
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magnetronbimberi: oops03:53
jribIncredibleHink: I would change permissions and setup a priviled group.  I'll send you a really good book to read if you are really interested in learning this stuff03:54
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LabThug_hmman CrapCst is really getting bad for me.  My broadband speeds are dwindling and my channels all look like shit03:54
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jrib!rute > IncredibleHink    (IncredibleHink, see the private message from ubotu)03:54
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RAOF!upgrade | ubuntu03:54
ubotuubuntu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:54
lowfrontif I just update through the update manager is everything going to go smoothly or what?03:54
=== BloodyTux [n=joey@c-75-73-210-145.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Frog29hey - i have the altrnate 7.04 cd in... and i have 6.10 installed - so how do i make sure it only updates ubuntu and doesn't reisntall?03:54
dfawerefaefFlannel: what is the alternate cd for?03:54
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:54
Pelohagabaka,   the servers are overlwelmed at the moment not a good time to start installing apt- packages03:54
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famijrib: still time out?03:54
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jribfami: sudo apt-get update    pastebin that output03:54
ubuntuRAOF the  install instruction are incorrect03:54
ubuntuhey listen one moment03:55
ryethis anybody here familiar with irssi?03:55
hagabakaPelo: but i'm getting a segmentation fault. that's not related to the servers is it?03:55
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jrib!anyone | ryeth03:55
uboturyeth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:55
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ubuntui download ubuntu 7 desktop today,and now i want to upgrade from the cd not from the web site.03:55
LabThug_hm2.0KB/s?  I'm paying for fricking dial-up!03:55
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HasratUSAi live in Queens, NYC and the only broadband provider in my area is time warner cable and failing to get a connection from comcast i felt unlucky and now i thank god Crapcasr isn't in here :) by the way are you using dsl?03:55
Pelohagabaka,  well if apt-get has problem downloading the package it might be that03:55
jason0_I upgraded last night using the -c -d option before the official announcement  but now fear I may have upgraded to the "beta". How can I confirm?03:55
xorlThere any AIM clients similar to Miranda-IM for ubuntu, that are themeable as such?03:55
ubuntugksu sh cdrom/cdromupgrade in now working03:55
jribubuntu: you can only upgrade from edgy if you use the alternate cd, the desktop cd cannot be used to upgrade03:55
dfawerefaefubotu: what is the alternate cd for?03:55
ubuntujrib i have ubuntu 6.1003:56
dcplease help! my dist upgrade has stalled at fetching/installing updates; what do i do?!03:56
magnetron!final | jason0_03:56
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotujason0_: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.03:56
=== jtt [n=jtholmes@adsl-065-006-144-253.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
[acid] NeatcheeHasrat: I live down in Brooklyn.  Time Warner is F'ing TERRIBLE03:56
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NickGarvey!alternate | dfawerefaef03:56
IncredibleHinkjrib, cool!! Bookmarked. I had a hard drive crash last week and even though windows wasn't to blame, I felt the need for a change. I installed 6.10 and upgraded last night to 7.04 and have liked it so far minus the few setup headaches (although they have been fun to figure out).03:56
ubotudfawerefaef: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.03:56
LabThug_hmHasratUSA: no, 100% CrapCasting03:56
HasratUSAdc it hasn't stalled03:56
ryethyeah ANYONE03:56
ryethu want me to just pick somebody out?03:56
NickGarveydc: wait if you can, the servers are very loaded right now03:56
Pelodc,   you wait ,  the servers are very busy, lots of ppl upgrading03:56
BloodyTux!slow | labthug03:56
ubotulabthug: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:56
=== phos-phoros [n=donovan@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntulets see now03:56
Taxmandc: be patient, the servers are getting hammered03:56
Frog29for updating from the alternate cd - if i follow the instructions online will i need the most recent version of 6.1?03:56
NickGarvey!anyone | ryeth03:56
uboturyeth: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:56
jribubuntu: there is a Desktop CD and an Alternate CD, they are different03:56
dcHasratUSA: it is stuck at 572/1237 for a while now03:56
hagabakahmm, i see03:56
ubuntui have UBuntu 6.10 desktop installed03:56
=== Vuen_ [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088838983.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
pdusenNickGarvey: I've downloaded what I think is a driver for this chipset, so tommorow I'll see what I can do about installing it.. thanks for your help.03:56
jribryeth: no, just ask your question to the channel03:56
ubuntujrib i have installed ubuntu 6.10 desktop cd03:56
NickGarveypdusen: alright, best of luck03:56
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dcPelo: Taxman: and everyone else as well, its stuck at 572/123703:57
=== LabThug_hm prays nightly for the Verizon FiOSS fairies to pay him a visit
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=== Pelo gives up on the channel, and goes to check if the world is rotating in the right direction
HasratUSAuooohooo it jumped from 'fetching file 74' to 'fetching file 98' in 3 seconds03:57
Pelolater folks03:57
jribubuntu: ok, what is your question?03:57
=== stevew_ [n=stevew@69-29-224-172.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
[acid] NeatcheeHasrat: I live down in Brooklyn.  Time Warner is F'ing TERRIBLE03:57
ubuntugksu sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade03:57
ubuntush: Can't open /cdrom/cdromupgrade03:57
=== solowlr [n=chatzill@c-76-105-122-57.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
dfawerefaefwhat a cool bot03:57
ubuntuthis is my question03:57
=== BLOCpty [n=alfonso@CableLink40-8.INTERCABLE.net] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkjrib, as far as virtualization software goes, I am going to need to run windows to run my Adobe cs3 suite since I do web design and programming along with some c#.net.... what do you recommend as far as the cirt. software goes?03:57
=== abtinf [n=abtin@c-67-174-217-1.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DumberDrummerare the apt-repos slow for everyone?03:57
HasratUSAacid um what do you mean?03:57
IncredibleHinkjrib, cirt = virt.03:57
solowlrgreetings all03:57
[acid] NeatcheeThere's a bad router in the neighborhood and they refuse to fix it :(03:57
=== stefg [n=chatzill@e179147140.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
HasratUSAoh crap03:57
tonyr1988!slow | DumberDrummer03:58
ubotuDumberDrummer: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:58
[acid] NeatcheeThey keep trying to tell me it's something on my end03:58
dcmy dist upgrade has been stuck at 572/1237 for over 45 mins.  is this bad?03:58
fougis anyone having trouble downloading stuff? my downloads always get stuck at '0% waiting for headers'03:58
tonyr1988!slow | foug03:58
jribubuntu: ok, you have the Desktop CD correct?03:58
HasratUSAacid didn't they ever tell you to replace your cable modem?03:58
ubuntujrib ???what is the problem,is UBuntu 7 didn't fix the problem,with gksu03:58
ubotufoug: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:58
[acid] Neatcheeand I keep trying to explain to them that NO IT'S NOT jackasses, I can see the traceroute.  It's in YOU Rnetwork!03:58
IncredibleHink!slow | dc03:58
ubuntujrib yes03:58
ubotudc: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.03:58
[acid] Neatchee3 times in the last 3 months03:58
fougtonyr1988: rgr03:58
=== lg_asleep [n=lg@201-68-219-49.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
dcIncredibleHink: how do i cancel it and just do the torrent?03:58
=== seamus7 [n=seamus7@h214.10.141.67.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
windwiny-ubuntu7The ubuntu main pages  advertisement 's  man and women ,, what them do something ?03:58
tonyr1988foug: rgr?03:58
jribubuntu: the Desktop cd *cannot* be used to upgrade.  Only the Alternate cd has that cdromupgrade command03:58
=== crdlb__ [n=crdlb@pool-72-82-89-116.nrflva.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkdc, not sure03:58
fougtonyr1988: roger03:58
[acid] NeatcheeI've had 3 cable modems in the last 3 months, HasratUSA, and it STILL has the same problem03:58
HasratUSAacid you're saying that you replaced the cable modem 3 times and still...by the way what problems are you having?03:58
jribIncredibleHink: no real opinion on that, don't mess with it much03:59
=== samk [n=sam@c-67-176-120-121.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubuntujrib ??? and what i need to do? how to upgrade?03:59
delirejrib: is that correct?03:59
HasratUSAacid 'same' = which problem?03:59
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IncredibleHinkjrib, understood03:59
dcdoes anyone know how to cancel dist-upgrade ?03:59
jribubuntu: either use the online repositories or download the Alternate CD03:59
=== commonlyUNIQU3 [n=commonly@c-67-168-202-240.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirejrib: i thought both the desktop cd and alternate CD provide upgrade paths.03:59
=== usser [n=dmitry@ool-182f7f19.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
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hagabakaactually aptitude update works, but aptitude itself gives a segmentation fault :/03:59
[acid] NeatcheeHasratUSA: Every night at 10pm my latency to one of the local DNS servers jumps from 11ms to ~180ms.  It's on the local Time Warner network03:59
ubuntujrib,ok one moment.03:59
[acid] Neatcheewant the DNS server's IP?03:59
[acid] NeatcheeI have it saved03:59
dfawerefaefdc: wouldnt a reboot do it?03:59
usserhello guys03:59
jribdelire: I could be wrong, have a link?03:59
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commonlyUNIQU3quick wifi question: I just did a fresh 7.04 install on a laptop that had been running 6.1004:00
deepsausser: hi04:00
[acid] Neatcheedoesn't go back to normal for about 2 hours04:00
delirejrib: one moment, i did read this somewhere today.04:00
usseris ubuntu server overloaded right now?04:00
hagabakaapt over bittorrent would be nice...04:00
=== MLimburg is now known as wyld
=== mwalling_ [n=mwalling@unaffiliated/mwalling/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu
famijrib: could i paste to pm?04:00
magnetron!slow | usser04:00
deepsausser: maybe possible04:00
ubotuusser: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:00
=== yagiska [n=yagi@c75-111-237-91.sangcmtk01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
dcdfawerefaef: im scared some files have already been changed, and i want to undo any changes that occured04:00
=== Nubbie [n=tom__@CPE001109d74891-CM0018c0c4eea4.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkWhat is the best choice for XP virtualization, or is there something like Wine or win4lin that will allow me to run Adobe CS3 (flash,photoshop etc) since work requires it?04:00
jribfami: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org please04:00
seamus7Hi... I'm currently at the 'fetching and installing' stage of the network upgrade to feisty... i have the alternate feisty CD that was being considered for release ... can I cancel the dist-upgrade over the network and just use the alt CD?04:00
=== wyld is now known as Wyld
commonlyUNIQU3wifi via pcmcia was working in 6.10 (by default) but now I can't get it working - any help?04:00
[acid] Neatcheeinfact, right now, it's actually up 270ms04:00
HasratUSAdc i would recommend that you don't quit it because for example, on my end, sometimes it's stalling when it's not getting enough speed due to heavy demand and whenever it's getting some speed/bandwidth, it's downloading the file. if you don't have a problem with keeping it open for a few hours, then don't kill it04:00
=== THEoracle [n=theoracl@68-186-188-159.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcIncredibleHink: i use innotech virtualbox (spelling may be bad).  you can install any os onto it04:00
Vuen_seamus7: if the dist-upgrade is still in the download phase, then yes.04:00
=== gursikh [n=khalsa@adsl-69-150-190-79.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
usseryep figured that =) oh well its only 22 hours to go after all04:00
gursikhHey I know dpkg --get-selections lists all my installed apps, how to print a list of apps I installed (the list minus whatever is default)04:01
dfawerefaefdc: if its still downloading, nothing has changed yet04:01
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Vuen_seamus7: cancel it before you put the cd in the drive. it should autorun and offer to upgrade.04:01
=== cLassIc_gUy [n=foom@c-75-70-157-34.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkdc, do you run windows on it?04:01
=== NemesisBLK [n=Menes@71-9-38-182.dhcp.wsco.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcHasratUSA: i have to take my laptop to class tomorrow :004:01
dcIncredibleHink: i run winxp home, but used to run pro04:01
=== Zues_62 [n=kristoph@125-238-54-66.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
IncredibleHinkdc, how is the speed?04:01
HasratUSAdc in that case you must quit04:01
IncredibleHinkdc, compared to say .... parallels04:01
=== llol [n=leonel@adsl-10-21-21.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
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=== Vuen_ is now known as Vuen
yagiskaI can't seem to connect to the repos, and i can't authenticate packages... any ideas?04:02
Ashexwhat's the fun password for burning dvd iso's?04:02
=== bengl [n=benglish@bas10-ottawa23-1128687639.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
AshexI know it uses dd....04:02
commonlyUNIQU3pcmcia wireless help?  How do I activate a pcmcia wirless card?  lspci shows the device as an ehternet controller...04:02
seamus7Vuen_: yeah i'm still just downloading at less than 30kb/s ... over 5 hours left ... i see there's an upgrade script on the cd ... can i cancel the dist-upgrade through an "End Process" via System Monitor or Force Quite?04:02
Zues_62hey guys is there a page that tells u what ubuntu 7.04 comes wif and does it reset the XORG conf?04:02
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dcIncredibleHink: it runs pretty well, some usual graphics lag but you can change the amount of memory alloted for graphics.  never used "parallels" before04:02
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llolsup folk04:02
[acid] NeatcheeHasratUSA: PM please04:02
llolthis 7.04 is awesome04:02
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deepsallol: i don't think so. vista is better what you say?04:03
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome04:03
IncredibleHinkdc, thanks04:03
clopwhat are these UUIDs doing in /etc/fstab and how do I add my drive to it?04:03
dcllol: dont rub it in, a lot of us are stuck in a laggy ass dist-update :(04:03
HasratUSAi have been using time warner cable broadband for more than a year (and i'm their VIP customer and they have upgraded my connection to 8 MBPS for free) and i have never had to wait more than an hour to download 929 MB :|04:03
dcIncredibleHink: no problem, if you need anything else lmk04:03
lloli was at best-buy yesterday04:03
=== Vuen_ [n=nick@bas9-ottawa23-1088836737.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
llol3 out of 5 laptops there04:03
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=== bambie [n=ketamine@S010600a0d1d50519.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
delirejrib: it seems you are right..04:03
jrib!offtopic | llol04:03
magnetron!vista | deepsa04:03
disinterestedim finding this kindof screwy how ru supposed to configure ur modem when u need gnome-ppp to do it04:03
ubotullol: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:03
dcllol: go onn...?04:03
ubotudeepsa: vista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org04:03
llolone was in a coma the other was flickering evertime the mouse was used04:03
=== tom__ [n=tom@203-214-118-184.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Humjabai'm stuck in 10kb/s land with my upgrade as well...04:03
commonlyUNIQU3pcmcia wireless help?  How do I activate a pcmcia wirless card?  lspci shows the device as an ehternet controller... HELP!04:03
Zues_62ok does anyone knw what the new ubuntu comes wif and does it remove my current XORG.CONF04:03
anonymouss2448 :)04:04
jribdelire: unfortunately :(04:04
dcllol: i used to work there :-X04:04
bambiemy wired network works on 6.0604:04
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tom__hey guys, i'm wondering if i should do a fresh install of feisty, or just update with the package manager?04:04
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HasratUSAdon't update with the package manager via online it's seriously slow04:04
Humjabaif you dont need to save anything, get a fresh install and download using bit torrent04:04
=== lontra [n=lontra@c-75-72-235-37.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
llolwell for most peeps i wouldnt even recomend doing a network upgrade them servers are flooded like u wouldnt believe04:04
Humjabaservers are getting bum raped04:05
llolcheck out the australian mirrors04:05
Zues_62does an update delete my current xorg.conf04:05
deepsawhere can i find ubuntu server dvd torrent?04:05
Zues_62come on someone must knw04:05
=== delire notes that if you are having problems upgrading from repositories and want to try a CD as a faster option, you can only upgrade from the Ubuntu Alternate CD, not the normal CD.
lontrahey my packages are unauthenticated and my mirrors don't seem to be working ...04:05
magnetrontom__ : updating is the most simple way to do it, but some like the feeling of a fresh install04:05
lontrais everyone having this problem?04:05
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NickGarvey!slow | lontra04:05
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ubotulontra: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:05
Zues_62ya my download is fucken slow lol04:05
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magnetron!slow | lontra04:05
tom__magnetron: haha yeah, i'm just not sure if i wanna bork my computer or not :)04:05
NickGarvey!ohmy | Zues_6204:05
ubotuZues_62: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:05
lontradudes i'm not downloading an iso04:05
HasratUSAzues it shouldn't ever! and if you have the very latest linux drivers for your card, the chance is lesser. however, you never know what's gonna happen during or after a distro upgrade04:05
lontraok mirror part sure ...04:05
NickGarveylontra: read to the end of the line, thanks04:05
deepsa!ubuntu dvd torrent04:06
=== bambie [n=ketamine@S010600a0d1d50519.cg.shawcable.net] has left #ubuntu []
gerry_how do i know my system is feisty final version?04:06
=== mdib [n=grcrosby@d216-232-173-250.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zues_62gee sorri04:06
lontraNickGarvey: ok ... thanks04:06
NickGarveydeepsa: um.. try /msg ubotu torrent04:06
ubotuIf you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.04:06
lloli currently have my system on RAID004:06
=== caplink811_log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-054-234.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveygerry_: lsb_release -a | grep -i codename04:06
llolno probs what so ever04:06
magnetron!final | gerry_04:06
ubotugerry_: please see above04:06
=== Jet2k5 [n=LzMRRn4y@fl-71-54-246-186.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
solowlris there a conf file I can edit to change my screen resolution? when I change it in the gui it doesn't stick04:06
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=== josh__ [n=josh@c-71-62-247-199.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zues_62can someone answer my ? does the upgrade dlete my current XORG.CONF file04:07
Jet2k5quick question, if I want to try ubuntu, and this might sound stupid, should I download the regular version or the LTS version?04:07
lontraanyone know if there are places to get thunderbird 2.0 in feisty?04:07
gursikhOMg hey Tuple04:07
llolif u guys wanna try and find a server were at least you will know u can get a download check this out04:07
something_elsethis is impossible04:07
lontravia backports or something?04:07
stefg!fixres | solowlr04:07
gerry_No LSB modules are available.04:07
ubotusolowlr: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:07
=== l4m [n=lam@cm68.delta183.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
magnetronJet2k5 download the 7.04 desktop version04:07
Humjababeware some of the older mirrors only have the beta version04:07
seamus7how can I cancel the dist-upgrade? it's in just the download phase.04:07
hagabakaah, i needed to remove /var/cache/apt/*.bin04:07
gerry_lsb_release: no LSB modules are available04:07
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-77-117-30.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
something_elsehow the hell do you boot into hdd?04:07
=== gursikh [n=khalsa@adsl-69-150-190-79.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
HasratUSAjet download the LTS version if you need/want long time support. download feisty fawn if you wanna stay on the bleeding edge04:07
gerry_what's wrong?04:07
deepsahow many dvd's is ubuntu feisty?04:07
something_elseand whats with this UUID in grub?04:07
=== keith [n=keith@c-67-185-21-244.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Humjabaseamus i dont think you can besides a hard reset04:08
dcseamus7: i have the same problem04:08
=== AnRkey [n=AnRkey@87-194-62-131.bethere.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveydeepsa: only one, in fact, it is only one cd04:08
cordenguys how do i download the offline update of 7.04 - alternate installlation cd? i will just check the checkbox in the download area saying for computer with memory lower that 256? tnx04:08
NickGarveydeepsa: you can download a dvd but it is not needed04:08
dcseamus7: im scared to restart, but i dont think it will do any harm...04:08
magnetrondeepsa: it is one cd...04:08
NickGarveycorden: yup04:08
keithhas anyone in here used the remote desktop in ubuntu through a router?04:08
deepsaNickGarvey: i want dvd for a system having no internet04:08
Jet2k5ok I'm just goign to get the regular version thanks! the one supported until 200804:08
=== kILLu [n=ubuntu@p57b5794e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveydeepsa: yes, the cd will do04:08
LabThug_hmjeez, even torrentz is getting pounded.  The ubuntu fanhorde has come out in droves, lol!04:08
=== sean_ [n=sean@vpn2-94-94.umd.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jet2k5I don't think Ineed long life support04:08
llolkeith yes04:08
seamus7dc: i tried Force Quit but it didn't respond04:08
SterkHey, just a word for all those that may have trouble with WPA and ubuntu, get knetworkmanager!04:08
Humjabalabthug: i downloaded at full speed using torrent no problem04:08
=== khermans_ [n=khermans@c-65-96-191-13.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cordentnx NickGarvey04:08
IncredibleHinki have setup linux on a single hard drive04:08
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keithllol, do I need to forward the port that the server is listening on?04:08
llolu have to remember to set DMZ on urself04:08
LabThug_hm"[Torrentz's]  hamster powered servers are too busy and begging for few seconds of rest.04:08
kILLui can't install gstreamer plugins for mp3 etc cuz the download wont work04:08
deepsaNickGarvey: where will i get mp3/wmv then in the cd?04:08
famijrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16481/04:09
dcseamus7: try restarting.  and if you could, please come back to this chat and tell me if it worked04:09
Sterkduelboot, if anyone else asks, sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager04:09
maccam94kILLu, i think the server's are a bit overloaded at the moment04:09
lloleven if you try to connect to urself dont use the IP that was provided to ur by ur router04:09
=== MathNinja [n=samchill@c-68-53-204-137.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Humjabaseamus7: i second that notion from dc :D04:09
bimberikeith: yes, port 590004:09
dcseamus7: but i dont get messages so please come back04:09
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dcHumjaba: ;)04:09
llolinstead enter ur true IP04:09
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seamus7Oh everyone wants me to be the sacrificial lamb !!! lol04:09
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IncredibleHinki have setup linux on a single harddrive, i have a 320gb hard drive coming in the mail tomorrow. How hard would it be to move my home directory to the new drive and keep things functioning? Is that a big deal?04:09
Humjabaseamus7: indeed ;)04:09
keithllol, thanks04:09
llolbut DMZ04:09
llolthast the best way04:10
dcseamus7: i need my computer for class tomorrow, important paper... if it fails, you are a martyr04:10
llolgive it to ur IP04:10
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seamus7OK .. here goes04:10
llolso that u ahve open access04:10
Zues_62ok does anyone know does the upgrade delete my current xorg.conf i need to know this04:10
HasratUSAanyone who would want to kill the download process of feisty fawn: open up system monitor (you can find it in system > administration > system monitor.) and see if you have a process named 'feisty'. right click on it and choose kill04:10
gerry_NickGarvey:  i got "no LSB modules are available" error04:10
llolit updates it04:10
NickGarveygerry_: you need the -a04:10
dci hope this works04:10
jribfami: this only started happening today I'm guessing?04:10
AnRkeyhow do i run the windows to ubuntu migration tool after i have installed?04:10
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Zues_62llol what u mean it updates it?04:10
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llolfrom what i see04:10
llolno changes04:10
NickGarveydeepsa: perhaps the dvd is what you need, I am unsure what is on the dvd though, make sure the mp3 things are on there04:10
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llolleaves it intact04:10
=== IrishDave [n=david@i-83-67-59-141.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
keith llol: does the port listen on TCP or UDP?04:11
dcHumjaba: do you think it will work?04:11
tom__hey guys i'm having a little bit of trouble updating through the update-manager, it's not actually doing anytihng04:11
=== compilerwriter1 [n=keith@ppp-70-229-30-40.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
jribfami: make sure you are using the "au.archive" instead of just "archive" for everyithing04:11
Zues_62good llol coz i wont see anything if it changes it04:11
magnetron!info libdecss304:11
ubotuPackage libdecss3 does not exist in feisty04:11
solowlrubotu: thanks!04:11
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:11
dctom__: the servers are overloaded04:11
yagiskaany idea why sudo apt-get upgrade would give me E: could not lock the administration directory04:11
magnetron!info libdecss04:11
ubotuPackage libdecss does not exist in feisty04:11
llolonly diff if u do make the update with beryl04:11
famijrib: so how my sources.list look?04:11
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lloland the nvidia drivers04:11
gerry_Distributor ID: Ubuntu04:11
magnetron!info libdvdread304:11
gerry_Description:    Ubuntu 7.0404:11
gerry_Release:        7.0404:11
gerry_Codename:       feisty04:11
ubotulibdvdread3: library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.7-2ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 56 kB, installed size 196 kB04:11
=== philip [n=philip@adsl-69-230-181-173.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
llolu have to reinstall em again04:11
josesordo--Checking for a new ubuntu release04:11
josesordo-- 0% [Working]  ...dont avance04:11
bimberikeith: tcp04:11
jribyagiska: do you have synaptic or some other package manager urnning?04:11
dctom__: give it a long time, they are just jammed04:11
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keithbimberi, thanks04:11
jribgerry_: please don't paste here, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you need to04:11
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LurkanPOr favor intentes descargar feisty por torren y dejen sus clientes abiertos04:11
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yagiskai also can't seem to connect to any of the repos, although I can ping em04:12
Lurkanups iam sorry04:12
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=== Humjaba is away
tom__dc: ok so i should probably just wait until tomorrow?04:12
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.04:12
NickGarvey!es | Lurkan04:12
ubotuLurkan: please see above04:12
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:12
gerry_jrib: only four lines :)04:12
bimberi!slow | yagiska04:12
ubotuyagiska: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:12
usserwhat about ati video drivers do they work in feisty04:12
LabThug_hmweird, when I started the torrent, my dwnld from the mtu.edu mirror finally woke back up04:12
dctom__: you could download the torrent04:12
JebJoyaholey moley i'm writing from ubuntu - never thought this day would come!04:12
a514ok i hear the linein but the sound recorder does not save?!04:12
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AnRkey!ubuto how are you04:12
solowlrI've been told to add "notsc" to my boot kernel parameters, where do I find my "boot kernel parameters"? (ubuntu 6.10)04:12
dcJebJoya: welcome :)04:12
Lurkangerry_:  yes srry wrong chanel04:12
ytsestefhad anyone the luck to play a video back using the opengl output under aiglx?04:12
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:12
keithwill Ubuntu Remote Desktop let me connect through the browser? If so, does it still use port 5900?04:12
=== NemesisD [n=michael@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
MikeFromOzhi, I am trying to installing Ubuntu and having some problems - can someone help me?04:12
jribfami: line 18 doesn't specify au.archive04:12
JebJoyawas weird - wireless was working before i made the upgrade to feisty... wasn't last time i shutdown... :)04:12
dc MikeFromOz whats up?04:13
JebJoyaahh well, all's well and all that04:13
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:13
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NickGarveyJebJoya: if you use ndiswrapper you need to redo it for every new kernel upgrade04:13
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:13
wastrelwhat's msi04:13
mintteaI have a problem with nvidia drivers, they are installed and working, but my dual montiors don't work with dual x servers (I don't want twinview)...If I do twinview anyway, it forgets when I restart x, if I do dual x servers, x gets messed up when I restart x, and I have to revert to a working xorg.conf (single monitor) x file04:13
MikeFromOzThe install is stuck on 82% saying "Configuring apt" "Scanning the mirror"04:13
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:13
AnRkeykeith, remote desktop in ubuntu is vncserver so it's port 5800 for the webserver04:13
NemesisDhi, i've got some shared files i want to edit on some windows machines on my network, the problem is that the windows computers use NTFS, is it safe to write if this is the case?04:13
NickGarveywastrel: microsoft installer I believe04:13
yagiska:( no fun having feisty if i can't download packages... guess i'll just let it sit for a bit04:13
MikeFromOzbeen like that for 30 mins04:13
keithwastrel, do you mean the microsoft software installer?04:13
JebJoyaNickGarvey - seems to just... work :)04:13
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llolkeith ur better off using vncviewer04:13
NickGarveyJebJoya: oh good :)04:13
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=== JebJoya dances a bit
dcMikeFromOz: the servers are overloaded right now, there is a bunch of people downloading.  it is very slow04:13
llolit takes care of all teh routing stuff04:13
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:13
ytsestefMikeFromOz, cancel the installation, log out, in again and reinstall04:14
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LabThug_hmsigh, mtu.edu was fleeting, it's back down to 0.1KB/s now :-(04:14
keithllol, I know, just curious if I should forward 5900, or a range of like, 5900-5902 etc.04:14
bimberigawd here we go (B-G)04:14
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keithI know that if you have multiple connections, it's on higher port numbers04:14
MikeFromOzok... thanks ytsestef04:14
llolit really wont make a diff04:14
LabThug_hmbut the torrent is at 250 KB/s :-D04:14
JebJoyadid have one issue during the installation, had to upgrade some stuff before i started, and after the reboot all the text was... well, squares04:14
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gerry_i don't know whether the xgl+ati+compiz work in final release04:14
JebJoyaanyone know about that?04:14
maccam94ricardo, i can't really help, but maybe describe what an msi player is...04:14
philipwhere do I get the torrent for 7.04? I only get the iso from mirrors04:14
llolcuz its gonna go to whoever is either doing the remote04:14
ytsestefMikeFromOz: it happened to me too ;)04:14
JebJoyait's sorted now, but y'know, thought you might want to know :)04:14
dcseamus7: yo04:14
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:14
BILL-GATESI failed to intall 7.04 now im trying alternate04:14
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seamus7Success! I restarted and the dist-upgrad cacelled ... though the upgrade manager is now asking me to finish the upgrade process by doing a dist-upgrade ... it sees all the packages that have already been downloaded and wants to install them ... but I closed it. and my alt CD is asking me to upgrade so I'm now going down that path.04:15
magnetrongerry_: aiglx is installed by default, compiz bundled04:15
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NemesisDis it safe to edit (write) files on NTFS machines on my network?04:15
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ytsestefhad anyone the luck to play a video back using the opengl output plugin under aiglx? (ANY player...)04:15
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dcseamus7: sweet thank you so much!04:15
=== nutterpc [n=nutterpc@203-206-253-201.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94philip: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent04:15
JebJoyaright, time to play, cyall04:15
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dcseamus7: im going for it as well04:15
a514Nerdz Hey there from Montreal04:15
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nowisnhelp please, I installed ubuntu on my primary hard drive which is C using half of a 120 gig drive, it installed fine creating a swap partion and a primary for itself but when the install was done and it rebooted i got a grub error 17 and now it won't boot up to either OS????04:16
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=== Steb [n=Steb@adsl-75-19-107-13.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
seamus7sure ... I had the altCD from the 15th ... I would have used it originally if I had noticed it had an upgrade option .. Oh well .. all's well that ends well.04:16
llolu needed to make a BOOT partition for it04:16
magnetronNemesisD: if you edit files over file sharing, it doesn't matter which file system it is04:16
wastrelthanks dc04:16
grok_linuxanyone know what to do to get ubuntu to work with sli? bootup livecd with both vid cards and black screen when it goes to gdm login...take out extra card and reboot and *poof* it works.04:16
HasratUSAthanks DC04:16
dcwastrel: make sure people know04:16
dcHasratUSA: np04:16
NemesisDmagnetron, ok cool, thanks!04:16
stefg!grub | nowisn04:16
ubotunowisn: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:16
=== aalex [n=aalex@modemcable097.146-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94grok_linux, you need to intall nvidia-glx-new04:16
bimberi!interrupt | dc04:16
ubotudc: You can interrupt an upgrade during the download phase.  It will resume from where it left off when you run it again later.04:16
aalexdo it to compile madwifi, or is it already in dapper ?04:16
NerdzHi, I've tried to install Ubuntu and when I selected Start/Install, after the little orange bar fill up, I get only a orange screen and my mouse. Do you know what might cause this?04:16
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grok_linuxmaccam94, ok so go aheand and do install with 1 card...install nvidia-glx-new and then it should work with both correct?04:17
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MIke11 /wave04:17
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ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:17
=== avb [n=avb@jabber.org.by] has joined #ubuntu
tom__it would be good if the update-manager used bittorrent04:17
a514Ok i d/led nvidia binary works 100% but the desktop effects does not. Wobbles but no cube spinning?! it did spin at 1st but stopped04:17
tom__i wonder if thats planned?04:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-torrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:17
mnb_msi player ?04:17
magnetronricardo, explain more. what msi player?04:18
mortal5someone please tell me fiesty the version of java that fiesty has?04:18
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mnb_what is it ?04:18
mnb_msi player04:18
AnRkeydoes any1 know what this applet is on the top right corner of the desktop in this pic >>  http://news.softpedia.com/images/reviews/large/wsyefu-large_005.png04:18
HasratUSAwith the release of Feisty Fawn linux couldn't get much exciting! vista has gone down. it's done and finished!04:18
maccam94grok_linux, yes it should. i think you can install nvidia drivers now with system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager04:18
magnetron!info java04:18
ubotuPackage java does not exist in feisty04:18
avbmortal5: apt-cache show?04:18
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grok_linuxmaccam94, thanks for the help. very much appreciated04:18
wastrel!info sun-java5-jre04:18
mnb_here I use mplayer04:18
ubotusun-java5-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.0 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-11-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 7287 kB, installed size 16168 kB04:18
magnetronit is java604:18
maccam94grok_linux, np04:19
mnb_or kaffeine04:19
stefg!info sun-java6-jre04:19
ubotusun-java6-jre: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture independent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 6176 kB, installed size 14148 kB04:19
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avbi think ubuntu cant ship jdk differnet than latest04:19
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avbcoz only it is free04:19
ricardo ita a portable hard disk....before i install ubuntu, when i run it from the cd, it work it ....butn form the moment i installed it, it doesnt wanna work04:19
=== Fig0^Etch [n=Fig0@p5486C7EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ricardoit show the hard disk then it dissapear and i cant browse the files04:19
mnb_!info oh04:19
ubotuPackage oh does not exist in feisty04:20
=== Puppy_ [n=Kipper@oh-65-40-140-80.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
DumberDrummerhey, I just installed Feisty Fawn, and installed the nvidia drivers, but I'm still stuck in 800x600... hardware accelleration IS working... how can I get higher resolutions?04:20
PeloAnRkey, looks like a desklet to me,  not sure what manager,  doesn'tlook like one from gdesklets04:20
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avbDumberDrummer: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:20
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DumberDrummeravb: ty04:20
magnetrongood night04:20
=== MalconRox [n=robinson@201-40-5-172.cbace700.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
HasratUSAomfg when ubuto said 'package java doesn't exist in feisty' i thought feisty doesn't have support for Java04:20
avbHasratUSA: coz its name is j2se or j2sdk04:21
HasratUSADumber perhaps you might like to look at your xorg.conf file again?04:21
mintteaI have a problem with nvidia drivers, they are installed and working, but my dual montiors don't work with dual x servers (I don't want twinview)...If I do twinview anyway, it forgets when I restart x, if I do dual x servers, x gets messed up when I restart x, and I have to revert to a working xorg.conf (single monitor) x file04:21
avbor something like that04:21
Ax4hey guys, 'sudo apt-get install acroread' isn't finding anything04:21
Steb!info mozilla-thunderbird04:21
NickGarvey!info sun-java6-bin04:21
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 10635 kB, installed size 29700 kB04:21
ubotusun-java6-bin: Sun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 (architecture dependent files). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-00-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 25604 kB, installed size 76684 kB04:21
seamus7If you choose to upgrade via the Alternate CD you will need to choose to postpone getting the latest updates otherwise you will run into the same network server congestion problems as seen via a network upgrade.04:21
mortal5what version of java is shipping with ubuntu?  I can't hit the servers atm04:21
mnb_I use kubuntu04:21
NickGarveymortal5: I don't believe.. any are shipped with it.. (someone correct me if I am wrong)04:21
Puppy_I'm trying to decided whether or not to upgrade to feisty tonight. How often does the upgrade process turn foul?04:21
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PeloAx4,   apt-cache  search keyword04:21
=== nemik [n=nemik@c-67-162-61-204.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyPuppy_: honestly.. if you are not in a huge rush.. just wait it out04:21
mellow_bunnythere is a new java stack?04:21
mnb_i wont upgrade04:22
ricardohi i really need help. my ubuntu dont wanna read my msi player, its weird., it show it for a sec then it dissapear04:22
BILL-GATESPrivate messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#privmsg )04:22
ricardo ita a portable hard disk....before i install ubuntu, when i run it from the cd, it work it ....butn form the moment i installed it, it doesnt wanna work04:22
nemikare there any faster repositories to try with apt-get?04:22
NickGarveyPuppy_: the servers are being destroyed due to the amount of people04:22
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ricardoit show the hard disk then it dissapear and i cant browse the files04:22
NickGarvey!ops | BILL-GATES04:22
=== pcybill [n=billy@209-91.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuBILL-GATES: Help! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok04:22
HasratUSApuppy the upgrade process doesn't turn fowl but it stalls sometimes due to heavy demand04:22
=== micahcowan [n=micah@ubuntu/member/micahcowan] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!repeat | ricardo04:22
uboturicardo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:22
MIke11Ax4: Not sure you can apt-get that one.04:22
=== kakado [n=kakado@2803ds1-van.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
nemikare there any faster repositories to try with apt-get?04:22
avbmortal5: rsion:
American-Tech_just installed the latest release. Can someone point to directions to get my ATI card working04:22
bimberi!mirror | nemik04:22
ubotunemik: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:22
stefg!slow | nemik04:22
ubotunemik: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:22
=== slop [n=slop@68-184-144-211.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyops: oh boy, I'm sorry, that looked like a spam link at first, and the nick suggested it might be so04:22
BILL-GATESricardo whats msi04:22
disinterestedwhy in the heck isnt gnome-ppp installed by default04:22
MalconRoxi m having problems to receive dcc file transfer. i have checked Auto-Accept  DCC file transfer, but it doesnt work04:22
Puppy_NickGarvey: Thanks for the advice. Sounds wise. I'll probibly wait then. Thanks!04:22
NickGarveyhave mercy :(04:22
slopanyone else had the busybox problem with feisty?04:23
NickGarveyPuppy_: :)04:23
Pelo!ati > American-Tech_   check your pm04:23
mnb_msi is hard disk04:23
=== shiv_j [n=shiv@209-6-189-182.c3-0.wth-ubr2.sbo-wth.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
ricardoyes it is04:23
fougwith ubuntu, i can leave my computer on forever right? no need to restart ever again?04:23
=== Detedagowa [n=Detedago@d17-159.rb.lax.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeyfoug, until you do something stupid ;)04:23
avbMalconRox: your irc server rejects dcc it seems04:23
PeloMalconRox,  you need to be registered on this network04:23
BILL-GATESfoug what u mean04:23
fougBHSPitMonkey: good call :)04:23
bimberiNickGarvey: lucky there don't seem to be many about :)04:23
disinterestedfoug pretty much04:23
MIke11foug: Kernel updates require reboot ;)04:23
BHSPitMonkeyand until your electric bill hurts you.04:23
BILL-GATESoh lol04:23
Ax4you know what....04:23
fougMIke11: ,so no update til october for gusty gibbon then?04:24
Ax4acrobat isn't in the feisty repos....04:24
MIke11foug: but you don't need to do that often.04:24
NerdzDamn I would love to use ubuntu :(04:24
NickGarveybimberi: eh.. I'm sure some lurk.. or will come across it in a minuter or two and slap me around04:24
Ax4Quite simply, Adobe removed the right of third parties to distribute the software, so Ubuntu can't provide the software anymore. But I do agree that evince just doesn't do the job very well. Adobe Reader blows it out of the water.04:24
BILL-GATESfoug, dont fix it if its not broken04:24
slopNerdz: its free, get started.04:24
mnb_ricardo. eres boliviano ? soy brasileo04:24
BHSPitMonkeyNerdz, pay up04:24
Ax4god i hate corporations04:24
bimberiNickGarvey: probably04:24
American-Tech_thanks pelo04:24
ricardoyes im boliviano04:24
temujoeanyone know why screenshots of flash would show up incomplete?04:24
=== pasero_ [n=pasero@] has joined #ubuntu
BILL-GATESNerdz wanna try vista, my company sells them04:24
wastrelAx4:  you seem to like their products though :] 04:24
MalconRoxpelo, not in this network.. i used to download animes using windows, now im changing to linux, but im still a huge noob04:24
MIke11corporations make your computer affordable :)04:25
=== fnf [n=fnf@] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_vista is very slow04:25
NickGarveyalthough if he trolls maybe it won't be a false call >>04:25
PeloAx4,  you're just saying that because you donT' own one04:25
stefgAx4: you have evince... Seveas is packacking the Adobe reader, but i think it will take a while until it turns up in his repo04:25
=== FirstLite [n=guest@dhcp-187-199.harvard.edu] has joined #ubuntu
taggieAx4, acroread is in the medibuntu repos04:25
HasratUSAdamn just found out alberto is so busy with school he can't make a version of envy for Feisty :(04:25
=== woodb [n=woodb@wsip-70-167-231-66.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
_goofy_do any of yall know what file system osx uses04:25
wastrelwhat's envy04:25
PeloMalconRox,  I mean you need to be registerd on this network for dcc to be allowed here04:25
Nerdzslop: I dled it, can't install it04:25
mnb_bill gates use Linux Ubuntu04:25
NickGarvey_goofy_: hfs+ I believe04:25
=== versix [n=versix@203-214-77-248.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Ax4never heard of it04:25
slopNerdz: why can't you install it?04:25
bimberiwastrel: Free nvidia drivers04:25
BILL-GATESI am, ubuntu 6.10 ;) 7.04 not working for me :(04:25
stefg!osx |  _goofy_04:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about osx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:26
=== fulat2k [n=fulat2k@] has joined #ubuntu
BHSPitMonkeyhsf is a developer... hfs is a filesystem :P04:26
Nerdzslop: I've tried to install Ubuntu and when I selected Start/Install, after the little orange bar fill up, I get only a orange screen and my mouse.04:26
=== BHSPitMonkey slaps head
taggiegoogle medibuntu, i guess they came from the penguin liberation front folks.04:26
_goofy_thanks everyone04:26
=== Karpor_ [n=K4rp0r@] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_i wont upgrade to 7.0404:26
MalconRoxPelo, not in this network.. i used to download animes using windows/windows client in other server... irc.rizon.net (it used to work), now im changing to linux, but im still a huge noob04:26
Ax4wastrel, love their products, which is why when they cut us off it sucks lol04:26
Nerdzand then nothing.04:26
BILL-GATESwhat IRC client are u guys using?? mIRC sucks04:26
bofh80is there a way to enable logging so that i can see what users load what programs and when?04:26
slopNerdz: did you check the md5 sum of the disk?04:26
=== jordilin [n=jordilin@cmarfw01.marlow.spinvox.com] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94mnb_, michael dell uses ubuntu (no joke)04:26
=== hid3_ [n=hide@mafija.vkt.lt] has joined #ubuntu
slopNerdz: and what version are you installing?04:26
b33rHow do I update to the new ubuntu version?04:26
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BHSPitMonkeyNerdz, sometimes when you run from the CD, it can actually take forever.  Also, yeah, you should verify the integrity of that cd.04:26
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-24-28-152-69.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Nerdzslop: no?04:26
mnb_konversation 1.0.104:27
maccam94BILL-GATES, Gaim, XChat, Kopete04:27
stefg!upgrade | b33r04:27
ubotub33r: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:27
slopNerdz: have you been unsucessful in booting the LiveCD, or an installation?04:27
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-77-117-30.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo would like to inform everyone that Upgrade day is over, we are now into Upgrade overtime
=== thepinkc [n=Diddy@68-117-212-104.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== henr1 [n=root@cpc5-oxfd1-0-0-cust81.oxfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== Pelo needs another hobby
mnb_!info kernel04:28
ubotuPackage kernel does not exist in feisty04:28
=== kILLu [n=gr3ml1n@p57b5794e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiPelo: lol04:28
mnb_!info nmapfe04:28
ubotunmapfe: The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.20-1 (feisty), package size 104 kB, installed size 228 kB04:28
kILLuhey guys04:28
NickGarveymnb_: "linux-generic"04:28
Frog29why pelo? isn't ubuntu awesome enoguh?04:28
stefg!info linux-image-generic04:28
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:28
=== Humjaba would like to pull out network plug on upgrade server and hook up solely to his laptop
maccam94!info linux-kernel-generic04:28
ubotuPackage linux-kernel-generic does not exist in feisty04:28
avbBILL-GATES: gaim is good for newbies04:28
=== ado1 [n=adonis@ppp138-183.dsl.hol.gr] has joined #ubuntu
thepinkchi - is there anyone out there that can help me with running ubuntu from the disk I burned? I am having a hard time. :(04:28
maccam94!info linux-kernel04:28
ubotuPackage linux-kernel does not exist in feisty04:28
NerdzI've tried with 2 different download. When it boot, I select Start/Install, then I see the ubuntu logo and a little orange bar in the bottom of it. Then after 5min the little orange bar is filled and bring me a orange screen without any text.04:28
=== avb using irssi on ssh
HasratUSApelo it's gone haywire to such an extreme extent that if right now it says 4 horus 41 minutes remaining then the next second it shows 9 hours 23 minutes04:28
mnb_!info linux04:28
ubotulinux: Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component restricted, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:28
kILLunot being able to install any software cuz the ubuntu servers being overloaded SUCKS!!!!04:29
=== thauros [n=guilherm@200-181-195-109.cscgo7002.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
=== j_ack [n=rudi@p508D8782.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarvey!msgthebot | mnb_04:29
py1hon!info linux-image-generic04:29
ubotumnb_: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...04:29
josesordo--I need help04:29
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:29
mnb_23 kb04:29
BILL-GATESQUESTION: why use linux over windows xp?04:29
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!offtopic | BILL-GATES04:29
ubotuBILL-GATES: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:29
NickGarveyjrib: faster than me04:29
Ax4who mentioned medibuntu?04:29
=== Cosmo_ [n=cosmo@] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_ok bot.04:29
Ax4thanks, it worked :D!!!!04:29
HasratUSAbill-gates windows is out of the syllabus04:29
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NerdzGot any ideas to fix this problem?04:29
avb!kick BILL-GATES04:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick bill-gates - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:30
maccam94BILL-GATES, join #windowsvsnixdebate04:30
kILLuhey not being able to install any software cuz the servers are fucked up sucks04:30
BILL-GATESim sorry im still anoob04:30
=== fender [n=fender@mail.dropletsap.com] has joined #ubuntu
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Flannel!language | kILLu04:30
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ubotukILLu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:30
seamus7The Alternate CD upgrade still connects to the network and downloads updates even though I chose to bypass that option .. therefore the upgrade is still going rather slowly04:30
slopNerdz: how long did you wait for it to load before you have up04:30
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=== tony134340 [n=Tony@75-120-163-29.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94BILL-GATES, we've just already had a fair share of trolls today ;-)04:30
gerry__hello,i'm back04:30
BILL-GATESsorry lol04:30
maccam94join #windowsvsnixdebate for that kind of thing04:30
BILL-GATESwas just curious04:30
slopNerdz: *gave04:30
LoneShadow2come back tomm BILL-GATES :)04:30
HasratUSAkillu what software? you mean the upgrade to feisty thingy?04:30
=== malv [n=adriano@71-80-138-219.dhcp.rvsd.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
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kILLuno i downloaded feisty04:31
Nerdzslop: 3minutes... I don't heard anything from the comp so I though it has finish loading04:31
tony134340can someone tell me why they prefer ubuntu to kubuntu? i'm used to kubuntu but things just don't seem right when i switched to ubuntu04:31
kILLui installed feisty and now i cant install gstreamer plugins or anything else via synaptic cuz it wont download04:31
cafuegotony134340: KDE irritates me04:31
ricardosomeone can teach me how to browse the files on a NTFS windows hard drive particion?04:31
LabThug_hmwhat's the flag to pass to scp to keep it from following symlinks?04:31
=== kernelnx [n=Alex@201-221-200-33.bk11-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #ubuntu
stefg!slow | kILLu04:31
ubotukILLu: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:31
slopNerdz: reinstall04:31
cafuegotony134340: But well, it's just personal preference.04:31
slopBILL-GATES: ha04:31
=== BlackDalek [n=blackdal@ppp213-178.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberitony134340: it's an entirely subjective, personal thing04:31
Pelotony134340,  personnal preferences,  you like gnomeor you like  kde, most new linux users seem to find gnome less intimidating04:31
josesordo--dont authenticate..cant upgrade to feisty...why??04:31
NickGarveyBILL-GATES: </troll>04:31
maccam94tony134340, matter of preference. also most of the work done on ubuntu by the main group (stuff like restricted hardware manager) i believe are ubuntu-specific04:32
=== Tomcat_` [n=Tomcat@p5b15f198.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== LaNCeloT_RW-away is now known as LaNCeloT_RW
Nerdzslop: Ok... I'll wait 10minutes and hope it will works!04:32
BILL-GATESOne good reason to use ubuntu over windows xp? Im new to ubuntu04:32
=== Bhaal [i=bhaal@freenode/staff/bhaal] has left #ubuntu ["Coming]
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tony134340maccam94, i hear that. i feel kubuntu is getting shorted04:32
slopBILL-GATES: it's better.04:32
NickGarveyBILL-GATES: try offtopic04:32
=== liz0r1 [n=liz@c-76-104-253-108.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_ubuntu is free04:32
FlannelBILL-GATES: #ubuntu-offtopic for that sort of question, thanks04:32
avbBILL-GATES: no diference. use windows and go out of the channel04:32
BILL-GATESah man, i asked ubuntu chaneel they forwarded me here04:32
slopBILL-GATES: and you should probably take it to #offtopic before you get kicked04:32
mnb_and cheap04:32
=== TehUni [n=cory@c-24-99-251-199.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Ambrosious [n=chatzill@c-68-49-182-17.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyBILL-GATES: or #ubuntu-offtopic04:33
BILL-GATESokok damn04:33
stefg  /ignore BILL-GATES04:33
mnb_no money = ubuntu04:33
Cosmo_it's safer in regards to viruses and spyware04:33
=== Artemis3 [n=artemis3@] has joined #ubuntu
PeloBILL-GATES,  if you havenT figured it out yet you are this close to getting banned,  so stop it04:33
=== wind0wsrawks [n=Kagaru@c-71-201-234-63.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
maccam94tony134340, mainly the kubuntu people have to duplicate much of the work done on ubuntu. sometimes they do a better job though (so they say)04:33
bimberiBILL-GATES: it's support channel full of wonderful but offtopic intolerant helpers :)04:33
mnb_nice idea04:33
Artemis3quick question: what comes in the dvd image?04:33
mnb_ben he04:33
liz0r1ubuntu (feisty fawn) sound plays out of headphone and external speakers at the same time. An idea how to only get it playing out of my headphones :)04:33
=== charlie555 [n=rod@] has joined #ubuntu
wind0wsrawksgod linux sucks04:33
NickGarveyPelo: mm.. careful threatening bans when you aren't an op, they are empty threats04:33
=== Pelo makes a note that bimberi is an offtopic enabler
liz0r1this is on a compaq laptop04:33
kILLuwhy dont they just put up mirrors for feisty?? dude i need to install software04:34
FlannelArtemis3: Kubuntu, Ubuntu, and a bunch of other packages (in a repository on the DVD)04:34
kILLui cant install anything04:34
Taime1when i go to run beryl, it tells me : "no XComposite extension"... why?04:34
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@adsl-69-154-139-44.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has left #ubuntu []
bimberiPelo: yes, i'll confess later :)04:34
=== eric [n=eric@e180136115.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ggl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
FlannelkILLu: they have.  Everyone is trying to download the same things you are, all at the same time.04:34
Artemis3Flannel, thanks.04:34
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:34
=== slashus2 [n=dex@h107.229.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
BlackDalekunder the file systems tab of the System Monitor window I see nfsd at /proc/fs/nfsd. What the hell is that? I've just put a different motherboard in this machine.04:34
tony134340can someone tell me if my scanner isn't supported in ubuntu, then will the usb drivers for it work in windows in a virtualOS in linux?04:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tcpdump - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:34
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wind0wsrawkscan some1 give me one reason as to why i would want to use .nix04:35
=== slashus2 [n=dex@h107.229.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Ax4we need to break this channel up04:35
=== blk8 is now known as vivabenfica
stefg!info nfs | BlackDalek04:35
xucrutehi there!04:35
ubotublackdalek: Package nfs does not exist in feisty04:35
liz0r1wind0wsrawks: well they have a spell checker04:35
Flannelwind0wsrawks: #ubuntu-offtopic for that sort of question, not here, thanks.04:35
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HasratUSAdon't feed the troll04:35
wind0wsrawksFlannel: fuck you!04:35
MIke11wind0wsrawks: because you use it!  (ba dum bum!)04:35
=== llol [n=leonel@adsl-10-21-21.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ax4into for example, #ubuntu-novice, #ubuntu-not-that-novice, and #ubuntu-expert depending on difficulty level of support04:35
vivabenficahi anyone know of a linux replacement for quicken or money?04:35
=== instabin [n=josh@oh-76-5-123-62.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
kILLuand why is my firefox not localized?04:35
kILLuthis sucks04:35
llolhellow folks04:35
BlackDalekstefg: um.. what?04:35
Ax4that would make this place much easier to follow04:35
MIke11 /wave04:35
=== Bicchi [n=chatzill@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok04:36
tonyyarussopppoe_dude: ?04:36
Taime1what does "no Xcomposite extension" mean?04:36
aKKiLLawind0wsrawks: When people ask me for reasons they should switch i just tell them they shouldn't switch04:36
instabinDoes any one know how to use the openvpn client04:36
maccam94wind0wsrawks, go to #windowsnixdebate04:36
=== xblackfire [n=strafe@] has joined #ubuntu
LabThug_hmvivabenfica: gnu-cash is what it's called, I think04:36
Pelowind0wsrawks,  you can download the live cd and test it without instaling,  and make your own decision,  free of charge04:36
MIke11vivabenfica: gnucash is closest thing to quicken I know of.04:36
crdlbkILLu, I don't know, but have you tried epiphany?04:36
=== ricardo_ [n=ricardo@] has joined #ubuntu
ricardosomeone can teach me how to browse the files on a NTFS windows hard drive particion?04:36
llolis it possible to make the minize maximize and close button bigger on a window i have high resolution on mine04:36
=== colbert [n=colbert@] has joined #ubuntu
stefgBlackDalek: NFS is a daemon to share files to othr computers... i thought the bot has info on it04:36
bimberitonyyarusso: wind0wsrawks, persistent trolling, now abuse04:36
erichello. I've just installed Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop, but i got no sound. could someone help me?04:36
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kILLui speak english very well so i dont care about it, but it still sucks04:36
=== dager [n=user@c-69-251-68-26.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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vivabenficagnucash doesn't allow you to update your accounts online04:37
NickGarveytonyyarusso: <wind0wsrawks> Flannel: f*** you!04:37
Pelo!ntfs > ricardo   check your pm04:37
=== looknglass [n=chatzill@d58-106-10-189.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
xucruteI am new to Linux. I am instaling version 7.04 now. Can someone tell me how large should I partition my HD? I want to dual boot with windows04:37
MalconRoxPelo, i have found the problem.. the folder to download the files.. i have not changed the defaut folder...04:37
Pelovivabenfica,  try  grisbi04:37
IgnacioMillerEric, I just installed Feisty on my desktop and I too don't have any sound.04:37
crimsuneric: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat04:37
crdlbllol, setting your window border font size higher will do that iirc04:37
tonyyarussoNickGarvey, pppoe_dude, bimberi: hilighted04:37
crimsunIgnacioMiller: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat04:37
MalconRoxPelo, now its working.. thanks04:37
=== UBUNTU [n=UBUNTU@bas2-quebec14-1088704465.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
vivabenficapelo - tell me more about grisbi04:37
crdlbllol, in system>preferences>font04:37
mnb_other brazilian ricardo_04:37
PeloMalconRox,  good04:37
=== jessid [n=jessid@cable201-233-176-221.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
r0bby_I _NEVER_ ask for help; How do i get aroyund the spca5xx driver looking for the kernel's config.h file.04:37
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NickGarveytonyyarusso: I don't understand what you are asking04:37
tonyyarussoNickGarvey: nvm04:38
gerry__windows startup time in kvm is longer than in qemu04:38
=== seravitae [n=seravita@60-240-192-119.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
IgnacioMillertonyyarusso: 0: mixer0004:38
IgnacioMiller1: Analog Devices AD1986A04:38
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@24-236-212-154.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kILLuxucrute: how does your current partitioning look?04:38
ricardo_I update edgy to feisty, and may nvidia drivers not function.... when i go to tty1 the black screen show!!!04:38
Pelovivabenfica,   grisbi is an accouting app ,  nice and simple perfect for personnal use,   5.8 is in the repos,04:38
looknglassJust installed fesity. but when I type sudo apt-get install vlc etc, it always says: E: Couldn't find package vlc. Why cant it find anything I try to install?04:38
aKKiLLathats right wind0wsrawks, stfu04:38
vivabenficadoes grisbi allow online updating of accounts?04:38
kondor101when i go to the download page i can not see the bitorrents for 7.04, are we not having it on torrent?04:38
NickGarveyaKKiLLa: unneeded04:38
tonyyarusso!stfu | aKKiLLa04:38
ubotuaKKiLLa: Words like noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.04:38
Pelovivabenfica,  www.grisbi.org04:38
gerry__is it common?04:38
=== alvarezp [n=alvarezp@] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_ricardo_: a tela ficou toda preta ?04:38
stefglooknglass: sudo apt-get update first04:38
r0bby_as far as I can see and i read: config.h was axed; but the modules are looking for it04:38
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ericcrimsun: Mixers:04:38
eric0: Analog Devices AD1986A04:38
tonyyarusso!torrent | kondor10104:39
Artemis3Brazil? join #ubuntu-br04:39
ubotukondor101: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html04:39
aKKiLLastfu ubotu04:39
jessidhello. Here i am, again, at last, no more vista, jejejeje...04:39
xucruteI have a 80gb HD with windows 2003 on it (one partition). My files are backuped at another 120gb hd04:39
tonyyarusso!torrents | kondor10104:39
ubotukondor101: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/04:39
gerry__why is kvm slower than qemu?04:39
vivabenficapelo - i have like 9 accounts and would like to seamlessly update them as i start the program04:39
vivabenficapelo - will grisbi do that04:39
ericIgnacioMiller:  onboard soundchip?04:39
crimsuneric: / IgnacioMiller: I've already fixed that. It will be available in an updated kernel (no ETA). See bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10558204:39
IgnacioMillereric: No, 04:09.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS04:39
Pelovivabenfica,  join me in #grisbi04:39
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crimsunIgnacioMiller: pastebin `amixer -c1`04:39
looknglassit always gets stuck at: 0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (] .  Is archive.ubuntu.com down?04:39
kILLuxucrute: then you need to resize your ntfs partition to make it smaller, create a 512 mb swap partition and the rest (i suggest 10 gb) ext3 with mount point /04:40
BlackDalekso what can this nfsd do for me?04:40
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=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
kondor101well someone should tell head office, because the download page ubuntu.com leads you to does not have it04:40
stefg!slow | looknglass04:40
Flannel!slow | looknglass04:40
ubotulooknglass: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:40
ericcrimsun: thx04:40
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=== defuego [n=johnwm@fl-71-53-155-21.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
RawSewagewhere is the Compiz switch in Feisty04:40
Ambrosiousanyone here have a joost invite to spare?04:40
=== vafada [n=vafada@c-69-143-246-54.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Hasrat_USA [n=hasrat@user-387gjco.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jessidI would like to install a driver for a keyspan usb to serial converter, they say that i need to recompile the kernel with the keyspan modules...som of you have any idea what they are talking about?  thanks a lot!!!04:40
looknglassstefg: ah ok04:40
xucrutekILLu: If I separete 11gb with the install wizard (auto mode) is it ok?04:40
bimberiRawSewage: System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects04:40
RawSewagebimberi, ty04:40
looknglassstefg: dont need to download ISO04:40
IgnacioMillercrimsun: amixer gives a large output, should I just paste it in the chat?04:40
bimberiRawSewage: yw04:40
Hasrat_USAis it safe to use a KDE application in Gnome for a long time?04:40
Artemis3well ubuntu servers are taking it hard, haha next time release bittorrent only first :P04:41
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kILLu11 gb should be enough04:41
mnb_Hasrat_USA: yes04:41
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=== xq [n=xarquid@adsl-4-146-43.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
gerry__anyone tried kvm here?04:41
crimsunIgnacioMiller: use pastebin.ca, tell me the url04:41
looknglassstefg: installed fesity, want to update and upgrade and install things!  but its always stuck at: % [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (] 04:41
=== void^ [n=void@p3ee030f7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kondor101ok, i already have my own 7.04, but i am going to torrent it all night, suggest others do the same04:41
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kondor101seed it :)04:41
=== JebJoya [n=jeb@194-247-224-255.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
xucrutekILLu: Thanks a lot. I really hope I get this thing to work and retire windows forever! :)04:41
vafadawhen i install ubuntu 7.04 using the LIVE cd... it fails and goes to BusyBox and i see this error " /bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off "04:41
ricardosomeone can teach me how to browse the files on a NTFS windows hard drive particion?04:41
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Hasrat_USAoh okay thanks mnb_ because Gaim's interface simply sucks and Konversations looks nice and is customizable04:41
NickGarvey!ntfs | ricardo04:41
uboturicardo: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse04:41
JebJoyahey all, is it a known issue that amarok can't seem to install (easily?)?04:41
=== Peppery [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
bimberiArtemis3: not a bad idea, but discriminates against those who have torrent blocked where they are unfortunately04:42
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vafadai had no problems with previous ubuntu04:42
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mnb_i use Konversations04:42
wind0wsrawkslinux is a morass of arcane text commands, bewildering options and incomprehensible unix concepts. linux sucks.04:42
stefglooknglass: the rush for the ISO seems over... now everyone is sucking the bandwidth dry with installing the addons04:42
NickGarveyvafada: have a jmicron chipset by any chance?04:42
MikeFromOzHi i am trying to install ubuntu and am having the same problem as these people at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41443304:42
MikeFromOzDoes anyone have a solution?04:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tonyyarusso] by ChanServ
mnb_but Im in kubuntu. =-P04:42
kILLu!kick wind0wsrawks04:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@c-71-201-234-63.hsd1.il.comcast.net] by tonyyarusso
Artemis3bimberi, only for a few hours, maybe 1 day or 204:42
wobxanyone using tvtime in here?04:42
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vafadaNickGarvey, any idea how to check that?04:42
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o tonyyarusso] by tonyyarusso
looknglassstefg: lol ok04:42
=== Taime1 is now known as beeng_mr_obvious
=== myowngrandpa is now known as allyouzombies
BlackDalekwhen does ubuntustudio release? I thought it was being released alongside Feisty?04:42
NickGarveyvafada: um, lshw04:42
vafadaNickGarvey, im using a Fujitsu N series laptop04:42
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JebJoyaanyone know how to install amarok now?04:42
Hasrat_USAthanks tonyyarusso04:42
aalexHow should I mount a CD on ubuntu-server ?04:42
looknglassstefg: ill try on aother 1 week or so04:42
NickGarveyJebJoya: sudo apt-get install amarok04:42
xqhey Nick -- again :)04:42
wobxJebJoya: apt-get install amarok M)04:43
looknglassstefg: how long ago did feisty come out?04:43
r0bby_highlight me when you get to it04:43
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stefglooknglass: 12 hrs or so04:43
=== zntneo [i=Administ@asgard.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
kondor101is this the torrent i should get  (i only want to seed it) ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent04:43
Cosmo_lol https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10764804:43
xqstef: or 5 days ago, lol04:43
=== csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
looknglassstefg: what? you serious?  only 12 hrs ago?04:43
RawSewagebimberi, doesnt Kubuntu have that too04:43
=== magicrobotmonkey [n=marvin@c-66-30-27-25.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
zntneoi just installed feisty i can't log in04:43
Artemis3bimberi, its not like you can easily get images using http/ftp atm...04:43
looknglassstefg: I thought it was 3-4 days ago04:43
zntneoi log in and it errors out and logs back out04:43
IgnacioMillercrimsun: http://www.pastebin.ca/44921004:43
JebJoyaamarok: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not going to be installed04:43
BlackDalekUbuntu Studio? is there a release time for that yet?04:43
zntneoany idea why?04:43
bimberiRawSewage: probably but i don't know where04:43
stefglooknglass: /topic04:43
ricardo_mnb_, tah ae?04:43
magicrobotmonkeyis archive.ubuntu.org down?04:44
looknglasswhats Ubuntu Studio??04:44
mnb_ricardo_: to04:44
wobxis anyone using tvtime..and does it work yet with Xgl/compiz/beryl??04:44
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ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:44
Artemis3sort of down ;)04:44
=== Chest [n=elam@d14-69-143-89.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
ricardo_mnb_, leu oque escrevi?04:44
crimsunIgnacioMiller: no, amixer -c104:44
BlackDalekmacra ate your keyboard?04:44
mnb_ricardo_: naum04:44
zntneothat should still allow me to log in04:44
looknglassstefg: where does it say in topic it was released 12 hours ago?04:44
crimsunIgnacioMiller: that's a one, not an el04:44
magicrobotmonkeyahh ok04:44
=== beeng_mr_obvious is now known as Taime1
Chestanyone using AMD64 build with NForce 430 integrated graphics?04:44
bimberiArtemis3: actually, that seems to be the issue atm04:44
vafadaNickGarvey, nope... i don't see jmicron in lshw output04:44
=== tux [n=tux@AStrasbourg-251-1-49-175.w82-126.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
ricardo_mnb_, kra tenho quase certeza que eh pau nos drivers04:44
IgnacioMillercrimsun: D'oh, sorry04:44
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects04:44
=== barata [n=barata@c-76-102-22-249.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
JebJoyaany idea how to install amarok if i get the error "amarok: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not going to be installed"?04:45
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk] has joined #ubuntu
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looknglass!Ubuntu Studio04:45
huXfluXHello! I'm sorry if i'm asking something that probably has been asked a million times by now but i have no idea: What's the difference between ubuntu desktio cd image anddf x04:45
ubotuubuntustudio is a site is for the musician who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation, at  http://www.ubuntustudio.com. Or visit  #ubuntu-studio04:45
stefglooknglass: the part where it says #ubuntu-release-party :-)04:45
huXfluXand server ?04:45
looknglassstefg: lol04:45
PresuntoRJmagicrobotmonkey: try another mirror... I use ca.archive.ubuntu.com and br.archive.ubuntu.com whenever the original repository is too busy04:45
=== jeboespflug [n=jeboespf@jboespflug.dsl.visi.com] has joined #ubuntu
IgnacioMillercrimsun: http://www.pastebin.ca/44921604:45
Hasrat_USAlmao @ bug04:45
ricardo_mnb_, tu sabe quais sao os pacotes necessarios,... tipo todos.... como faco p/ desinstalar tudo e instalar denovo.... que nao eh bom ter soh modo grafico neh.... nao consigo acessar os ecras de texto04:45
zntneoanyone know why i can't login to ubuntu?04:45
seamus7Hi.. I thought the Alternate CD Upgrade allowed me to bypass all the congestion of a network upgrade ... yet it still is going online and downloading updates... what gives????04:45
FlannelhuXfluX: Desktop is a liveCD with an installer.  Alternate is just an installer, textmode (uses less resources), and has more options04:45
=== DARKGuy [n=Dragon@] has joined #ubuntu
mnb_ricardo_: use o driver generico ate instalar o driver correto para sua placa de video. editando o arquivo /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:45
bimberihuXfluX: server cd has no X-Windows, Gnome and gui applications, instead server packages such as apache, mysql ...04:46
ericcrimsun: did the fix on the link you pasted worked`for you? also a 1986A?04:46
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ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:46
looknglassPresuntoRJ: is ca.archive.ubuntu.com  not so busy?04:46
crimsuneric: I'm the developer who fixed it.04:46
=== tvgm2 [n=Miranda@c-68-55-61-145.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== cyprene [n=cyprene@cpe-75-185-37-236.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MikeFromOzHi everyone I am having issues installing ubuntu - can anyone help?  The install freezes at 82%. The log file shows output identical to whats shown at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414433 ... does anyone have know a solution or workaround?04:46
deepsaguys how to install gfxboot in feisty? any ideas04:46
PresuntoRJmagicrobotmonkey: hum... busy, but not as much as the original04:46
stiv2kare the repositories slow as hell for a reason?04:46
=== Malachi [n=Malachi@236-209.dothan.cable.graceba.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyhey, I have a Pentium 4 Intel EM64T 3.2Ghz processor... should I download the standard ubuntu version or the 64-bit one for intel/amd ?04:46
xqgnome's "adaptation" of xChat has a few bugs with its display...04:46
ricardo_mnb_, mas vou ficar usando o generico at'e quando?04:46
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:46
crimsunIgnacioMiller: ok, amixer -c0  (zero, not capital oh)04:46
PresuntoRJmagicrobotmonkey: br and de are not busy at all (compared to archive)04:46
=== ado1 [n=adonis@ppp138-183.dsl.hol.gr] has left #ubuntu []
magicrobotmonkeyyou can switch mirrors in software sources04:46
JebJoyathought i'd jump on the bandwagon there04:46
magicrobotmonkeyi tried kernel.org and that was slow too04:47
zntneoso no one knows why i can not log in?04:47
magicrobotmonkeybut some oakland one is good04:47
gilsi cant for the life of me get the update - manager to get a hold of security.ubuntu.com04:47
mnb_ricardo_: hi nao sei. mas quando a tela fica toda preta aqui eu entro com um driver genrico pra poder configurar manualmente04:47
xqDenmark servers are fast ;)04:47
mnb_ricardo_: tenho que sair. fui.04:47
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PresuntoRJmagicrobotmonkey: where are you anyway?04:47
=== phire [n=phire@125-238-97-228.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
j00psomebody can told me why i am upgrading my system to 6.10.. its supposed to be 7-04... i already running on 6.10.. is this normal?  and i cant install feisty files form the upgrade manager th e installation failed...04:47
JebJoyanoone knows about the amarok issue?04:47
=== r0bby_ growls
MalachiCan I put backups I've done with Sbackup on a DVD?04:47
looknglassPresuntoRJ: you expect answers, but never give any to others04:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gfxboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:47
=== Pyromancer [n=pyromanc@dsl092-069-150.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuyhey, I have a Pentium 4 Intel EM64T 3.2Ghz processor... should I download the standard ubuntu version or the 64-bit one for intel/amd ?04:47
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PresuntoRJj00p: you need to upgrade from one version to the next04:47
kondor101seriously, someone should have a word with whoever has made that snazy d/l page for the boss,  it does not list torrents at all04:47
=== aalex [n=aalex@modemcable097.146-57-74.mc.videotron.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/04:48
=== Frog29 [n=frog29@ip68-107-135-114.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
wobxDARKGuy: don't know for intel but with amd i prefer i38604:48
PresuntoRJlooknglass: you are kidding, right?04:48
Artemis3how about this kondor101 http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/04:48
Frog29!tty error04:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tty error - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:48
milageHm... Where can I increase the text-mode resolution?04:48
bimberikondor101: which page?04:48
xqAnyone think Ubuntu will have a problem setting itself up on a computer with 4 sata hard drives? Just putting Ubuntu on one (ext3 the entire drive and partition /home seperately)...think it will install GRUB correctly? :) Debian can't! lol04:48
looknglassPresuntoRJ: is ca.archive.ubuntu.com  not so busy?04:48
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kondor101the one linked on the main front ubuntu page04:48
DARKGuywobx: oh, that's okay anyways, thanks for answering... is the performance hit significant compared with the x64 version ?04:48
PresuntoRJlooknglass: not really... and br is even better04:49
NickGarveyxq: just manually edit the partioning during the install04:49
stefgmilage: its a boot parameter... try vga=791 for 1024x76804:49
PresuntoRJlooknglass: where are you anyway?04:49
looknglassPresuntoRJ: ill try BR then, cheers04:49
milageWhat about 1280x1024?04:49
wobxDARKGuy: seems there are less troubles with i386 flavour then there are with the dedicated 64bit branches04:49
looknglassPresuntoRJ: AU and its slow, very slow04:49
=== Abom [n=Abom@cpe-76-170-193-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
zntneoso anyone know why i can not log in?04:49
kondor101bimberi, the one from ubuntu.com's main homepage04:49
=== FriedGeek [n=FriedGee@d60-65-84-233.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunIgnacioMiller: amixer -c0 set 'IEC958' mute04:49
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=== WhiteNoise [i=nbdy@ool-44c59ebb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
DARKGuywobx: I see, thanks :)04:49
=== dot_j [n=kytolaj@pool-70-22-157-55.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
crimsunIgnacioMiller: sorry, I'm away for a phone call for a bit04:49
=== CodingZen [n=root@149-6.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
r0bby_getting help in here is fun :)04:50
PresuntoRJlooknglass: good luke04:50
wobxDARKGuy: i don't think you will take note of any performance differences04:50
bayzidersCan I like pause my system uprade I really need my synaptic04:50
IgnacioMillercrimsun: Okay04:50
=== function1 [i=zoid@dhcp0682.kin.resnet.group.upenn.edu] has joined #ubuntu
bimberikondor101: thanks, i did see it the first time.  Having a look04:50
MTecknologywhat's wrong with this? - michael@mplustfieldt01:~$ sudo aireplay -b 00:0F:F7:B7:CD:60 -x 64 eth1   --   Please specify an attack mode.04:50
IgnacioMillercrimsun: Holy crap, it's working lol04:50
CodingZenHelp... Cant get synaptic or updates to work04:50
wastrelzntneo:  sounds like your X is crashing when you log in04:50
Abomdoes anyone know how to connect to an open wireless network that doesn't require a password?04:50
function1are there other servers from which i can begin the feist update process?04:50
kondor101bimberi http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download04:50
=== DARKGuy goes to download the new ubuntu 7.04, yay
DARKGuywobx: maybe, I'm gonna give it a try anyways04:50
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PresuntoRJCodingZen: the repositoryies are really slow04:50
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milagethanks, stefg04:50
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:50
PeloCodingZen,  the servers are a bit overwelhmed at the moment with everyone and their dog upgrading to feisty04:50
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Artemis3kondor101, its only missing the link to http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/04:51
wastreli don't have a dog :[04:51
FriedGeekhellos. I've got Ubuntu booting fine and XP on another partition but Grub will only show Ubuntu. (Smart for it I know) How can I add my XP partition to grub? Is there a way to have it detect the other partition?04:51
PresuntoRJCodingZen: try changing the repository to another mirror... I have been using br.archive.ubuntu.com04:51
CodingZenPelo: ok so that all? so can i just cancel it? and download stuff?04:51
JebJoyahey trying to install amarok on feisty, getting an error "amarok: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not going to be installed"04:51
wobxDARKGuy: only that with i386 much more will work right out of the box while with 64 bit stuff you'll have many barriers in front of you..04:51
=== BlackDalek [n=blackdal@ppp213-178.lns2.bne1.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu []
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about servers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:51
PresuntoRJca.archive.ubuntu.com is not so bad either04:51
ubotuDual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:51
stefg!grub | FriedGeek04:51
ubotuFriedGeek: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:51
Frog29yarr..... back to my favorite tty rror after updating to 7.04 oh goody [/sarcasm] 04:51
PeloCodingZen,  just cancel, wait a few days and try again04:51
zntneoi guess no one knows why i can't log in04:51
wobxDARKGuy: np :) hf with ubuntu :>04:51
PresuntoRJCodingZen: know how to change?04:51
kondor101yea but without it, it means people will end up just putting more strain on the servers and not using torrents04:51
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has left #Ubuntu []
stiv2kE: Couldn't find package update-manager-core04:51
stiv2k^ help04:51
Abomdoes anyone know how to connect to an open wireless network that doesn't require a password?04:51
FriedGeekThanks guys.04:51
=== dot_j [n=kytolaj@pool-70-22-157-55.bos.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu []
looknglassPresuntoRJ: hey :) Brazil is fklying, cheers dude04:52
Abom(in ubuntu)04:52
zntneoor even knows why04:52
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: no04:52
kofwanghi help, fail to boot04:52
Artemis3kondor101, sadly, yes, the main page needs a big TORRENT button :)04:52
=== Tuor_Lomin [n=tuor@20158231154.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
anditaminta tolong donk04:52
anditagmna cara setting gaim04:52
gilswho has a link for DVD iso04:52
looknglassPresuntoRJ: Brazil must not like ubuntu much :P04:52
bimberikondor101: I agree, the links do show on the actual pages on the mirror but that interface bypasses those pages.04:52
stefghttp://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent here's one04:52
PresuntoRJCodingZen: we do, pretty much indeed...04:52
=== wiseelben [n=shira@ppp-70-247-115-163.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Taime1what does "no XComposite extension" mean?04:52
DARKGuywobx: yeah, such as compiling :/ I hate that xD, and thanks :>04:52
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Pelogils,  I can dcc you the torrent for the dvd  386 torrent if you want04:52
Humjabawhy arent there more US mirrors? O_o04:52
TonrenI'm using Photoshop 7 in Crossover Office, and it seems like the saturation to everything has been turned down.  #F00, #0F0 and #00F are all clearly not saturated enough.  What's the story?04:52
PresuntoRJlooknglass: we do, pretty much indeed...04:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parallels - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:52
=== nowisn [n=nowisn@206-248-152-132.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #ubuntu
MikeFromOzHi everyone I am having issues installing ubuntu - can anyone help?  The install freezes at 82%. The log file shows output identical to whats shown at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414433 ... does anyone have any advice?04:53
stefgHumjaba: because you didn't send a check04:53
DARKGuyTonren: tried asking in the crossover office irc channel (if there's any?)04:53
wastrelwhat's "saturated"04:53
AbomTonren: run adobe's gamma loader, it's set to run on windows by default04:53
pppoe_dudeMikeFromOz, did you do an integrity check?04:53
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: so howdo i change respositories?04:53
PresuntoRJlooknglass: most br users keep their setting to the original, I guess04:53
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TonrenDARKGuy: Yeah, I'm just asking everywhere at once04:53
Humjabastefg: :( The mirrors now are crying04:53
TonrenAbom: Okey doke04:53
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MikeFromOzok i'll try that04:53
pppoe_dudeMikeFromOz, sounds like a corrupt disc, might wanna try that04:53
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PresuntoRJCodingZen: press Alt+F204:53
function1are there other servers from which i can begin the feisty update process? synaptic seems to only allow me to pick from "US Server" and "Main Server"04:53
Nerdzslop: No it's not working :(04:53
DARKGuyOh, okay04:53
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=== JebJoya [n=jeb@194-247-224-255.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has left #ubuntu []
stiv2kwhy is apt giving me this?   E: Couldn't find package update-manager-core04:53
zntneoI can't log into ubuntu any reasons why i might not be able to?04:54
Frog29Anyone up for helping out a new tty error after updating to 7.04? (i had it after updating to 6.10 as well....)04:54
Pelogils,   no problem  anything to take the load off the servers04:54
wobxDARKGuy: compiling is not much of an issue but again compiling from source will mostly work for i386 where with 64 bit you have to be lucky enough to even get some adapted source code04:54
NerdzI tried to start in graphic safe and normal04:54
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:54
Humjabafunciton1: dont bother... download the alt cd and use that to upgrade04:54
kofwangcould anyone help me ? boot fail!04:54
looknglassPresuntoRJ: yeah hehe04:54
NerdzI still get a orange/yellow screen with a mouse04:54
AbomTonren: run adobe's gamma loader, it's set to run on windows by default04:54
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PresuntoRJCodingZen: in there, type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:54
PeloFrog29,  you should know better, just ask the question04:54
Abomdoes anyone know how to connect to an open wireless network that doesn't require a password in ubuntu?04:54
Ax4im so glad i did all my feisty updating a week ago04:54
TonrenAbom: Yeah, I heard the first time - trying it now04:54
Frog29Pelo - i get a tty error after updating to 7.04 from 6.10 - what do i do?04:54
PeloAx4,  lovely attitude04:54
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gilspelo: when was this torrent released. what is on this dvd ? does it have the april 15th release04:54
Abomsorry, I reposted on accident :)04:54
chowmeinedWhen I try to open a pdf I get the error that the extension is of type "pdf document" but the file is of type "PDF document" and it wont open04:54
=== DeX-aNoM-MwG- [n=b-reett@66-191-207-164.dhcp.spbg.sc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
kofwangAlert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxxx dose not exist, Dropping to a shell!!04:55
zilly6is something wrong with the repositories today04:55
Ax4Pelo, im just messing :p runnin' to subway, cya!04:55
Abomtrying to get an answer to my issue, I can't get online :(04:55
DARKGuywobx: yeah, I thought that issue was "lighter" in this new version, as 64-bit was a hell to use with Linux about one or two years ago04:55
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PeloFrog29,   I donT' knwo ,  same thing as the last time you had the problem I guess04:55
PresuntoRJCodingZen: where you read "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com" change to "deb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com"04:55
Frog29pelo - it freezes at a small sliver of a bar at the startup screen then drops to the tty thing04:55
Humjabamy windows machine is crying now too... uninstalling office, encoding a dvd and downloading ubuntu install cd... on a single-core amd 3200+ :(04:55
pppoe_dude!slow > zilly604:55
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Pelogils,   I got this torrent from the ubuntu site earlier today it's the latest official one04:55
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Frog29Pelo - i'm trying that but... well.... i don't think i changed my grunb settings unless the update did04:55
Abomdoes anyone know how to connect to an open wireless network that doesn't require a password in ubuntu?04:55
PresuntoRJCodingZen: than you can update the repositories cache (apt-get update or aptitude) and go on installing your stuff04:55
kondor101i am emailing webmaster to ask if he can add a link to the torrents page, can someone be kind and call up the torrents page again04:55
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: which one... i see a bunch04:55
TonrenAbom: It didn't work.  I closed Photoshop, ran the gamma loader and opened Photoshop again.  No dice.04:55
wobxtorrent is generally the faster way to download ISOs, but that's mainly because the ftp/http mirrors are shaped (well i'd do that as well if i had to pay for the bandwidth)04:55
gilsPelo: cool, thanks04:56
PresuntoRJCodingZen:all of them04:56
=== mcphail [n=mcphail@dyn-62-56-117-128.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Frog29pelo - and thats what what was wrong last time04:56
pppoe_dude!repeat | Abom04:56
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Question, New to Ubuntu, running radeon x1600 installed beryl's ati+xgl+ati all in one auto install, ran it, everything seemed fine, restarted and now pc freezes during loadup screen04:56
ubotuAbom: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:56
PeloFrog29,  try looking it up in the forum,    tty is a peripheral like a modem or somesuch04:56
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PresuntoRJCodingZen: each one if for on purpose (main, security, upgrades, so on)04:56
voraistosHI. does any one knows what is going on with laptops overheating problms ? was there a bug report or something ? I feel like there is some kind of bug/virus somewhere that prevents the machines from cooling down or not heating up.04:56
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html04:56
kofwang Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxxx dose not exist, Dropping to a shell!!04:56
Frog29pelo- ok.............. :)04:56
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/04:56
kofwangcan anyone help me?04:56
AbomTonren: hrm, have you tried adjusting the gamma settings in photoshop itself? it may require settings more similar to a mac than a PC04:56
wobxDARKGuy: yes i had much the same experience04:56
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bimberikondor101: It's been reported - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/10297404:56
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Abomkofwang: everyone's looking to be helped04:56
PresuntoRJCodingZen: I believe in the GUI there is a short cut to change back if you would like later04:56
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: that will still be the same files though right?04:57
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!04:57
bimberikondor101: note the webmaster's comment04:57
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stiv2kwhy is apt giving me this?   E: Couldn't find package update-manager-core04:57
TonrenAbom: Huh...if I go into Edit -> Color Settings and select 'Color management off', everything seems to work.04:57
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Artemis3cool, thats the max users the channel has reached?04:57
PresuntoRJCodingZen: right... just ADD the br. before the word ARCHIVE04:57
Flannelstiv2k: because that package doesn't exist04:57
pppoe_dudeArtemis3, nah it was like 1500 earlier04:57
AbomTonren: so everything's working now? :) maybe photoshop was interpreting you're computer as if it were windows or something04:57
whoniccain feisty, is it just me when changing wall papers where u get the option to tile, fill, zoom or stretch, scale the wallpaper, no matter what u choose it stays filled i think, is anyone else having this bug?04:58
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TonrenAbom: I dunno what turning off color management reallyd oes, though. I hope it doesn't break something else down the road04:58
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Frog29is there any way to find out what kernel version i have by viewing the file system through windows with the ubuntu drive mounted?04:58
PresuntoRJCodingZen: you could choose other places, BR is for Brazil, CA for Canada, DE for germany... and so on... it meant04:58
wobxDARKGuy: but you have to decide rather early..when you didn't already put much effort in your system..because afaik there's no way to dist-upgrade from i386 to *64 vice versa04:58
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pppoe_dudeFrog29, cd /lib/moules04:58
ericcrimsun: just wanted to let you know, it worked. awesome man. cheers ;P04:58
ceil420is there a command to see if you already have a package installed that doesn't involve opening Synaptic?04:59
IgnacioMillercrimsun: Same here, I owe you one.04:59
=== pope523 [n=pope523@cpe-65-24-105-94.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AbomTonren: I'll keep that in mind if I see that again, I think I might've encountered something like that on my last gig actually :D04:59
=== Spyral [n=spyral@ip68-231-27-66.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Question, New to Ubuntu, running radeon x1600 installed beryl's ati+xgl+ati all in one auto install, ran it, everything seemed fine, restarted and now pc freezes during loadup screen - Runing 6.1004:59
joejaxxceil420: apt-cache policy nameofpackage04:59
NerdzCan someone help me resolve a installation problem? :S04:59
pppoe_dudeceil420, apt-chache policy <package>04:59
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: br wont be spanish will it?04:59
Frog29pppoe_dude - thanks04:59
ceil420thanks o/04:59
slyfoxHelp. I have a 2nd hard drive which is formatted to ext3 as one big partition. Ubuntu does not mount it automatically for some reason. A sudo user always has to do this? How do I permanantly mount this hard drive so that other users can use it every time the computert starts.04:59
PresuntoRJCodingZen: while the default is "placeless" you can change the origin to a closer location at will04:59
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stefg!ati | DeX-aNoM-MwG-04:59
ubotuDeX-aNoM-MwG-: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:59
stiv2kFlannel: then why are they telling me to install it on the ubuntu website if it doesn't exist????04:59
ricardoalguem do brasil?04:59
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TonrenAbom: wild.  Anyway, thanks for helpin' out04:59
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.04:59
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stiv2kFlannel: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:59
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PresuntoRJCodingZen: all countries have all the locales translations, and of course, also the English original version04:59
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PeloDeX-aNoM-MwG-,   try asking in #beryl or #ubuntu-effects05:00
TehUnislyfox: create an entry in /etc/fstab05:00
PresuntoRJCodingZen: and in Brazil we speak PORTUGUESE and not SPANISH05:00
fyiare the repos down for anyone?05:00
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.05:00
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Stefg: ... Is there any way I can login to my pc?05:00
PresuntoRJCodingZen:  :-D05:00
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kondor101bimberi, thanks for the bug link,  maybe they want to make the news with server overload stories???05:00
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CodingZenPresuntoRJ: lol sorry ^.^05:00
=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
Wiseguyhey guys, how come there arent as many packages listed anymore when the multiverse repo is selected? for some reason it seems all of the repos are checked in the list, but its still only showing 1052 packages05:00
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Flannelstiv2k: right.  I know.  Im trying to figure that out too.  Uh, make sure you have a newest package cache (sudo apt-get update)05:00
Abomhas anyone succesfully connected to a wireless connection that doesn't require a password?05:00
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: dont they speak french too?05:00
slyfoxTehUni: please tell me how it should be for /dev/hdb    ?05:00
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PresuntoRJCodingZen:  that would be Canada05:00
bimberikondor101: heh :)05:00
CodingZenPresuntoRJ:  LOL05:01
stiv2kFlannel: just did that ill do it again though05:01
=== MistFu [n=M1st@66-188-134-151.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
TehUnislyfox: google is your friend... but i'll pm you one of mine as an example05:01
pppoe_dudeAbom, you just need to do sudo network-admin and configure the wireless interface from there05:01
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Pelo: is there any way I can login to my pc?05:01
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: sweet.. already done downloading beryl05:01
kondor101good marketing stratergy , no other reason05:01
=== vafada [n=vafada@c-69-143-246-54.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: thnx05:01
PresuntoRJCodingZen:  Argelie, French Guiane, Haiti...05:01
Pelowiseelben,   the server are a bit overwhelmed right now with everyone and their cats upgrading,  it might cause some issues05:01
PresuntoRJCodingZen:  Good...05:01
=== Evan_ [n=Evan@blk-89-230-105.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu
slyfoxTehUni: please pm me.  Is it something like this?  /dev/hdb /media/disk-1  ext3    defaults        0       205:01
Flannelstiv2k: I'll Ask around, since... yeah, I dont see it05:01
Abompppoe_dude: what's sudo-network admin?05:01
vafadadifference between alternate and desktop iso?05:01
pope523I'm having trouble getting XOrg to work on my Sun Ultra 5 and I saw some posts on the net about a bug that keeps this from working. Does anyone know anything about this?05:01
=== gr3ml1n [n=gr3ml1n@p57b5794e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Ambrosiousis there some way that I can remove the need to enter my password all the time?05:01
PeloDeX-aNoM-MwG-,   recovery mode ? I realy donT' know much about your problem05:01
fyii had no idea this was coming out today, hahaha05:01
Frog29would the ubuntu update have updatd GRUB or added an entry if one was dual booting and had a seperate boot partition?05:01
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pppoe_dudeAbom, type 'sudo network-admin' in a terminal05:01
joejaxxvafada: Desktop is livecd based; alternative is a text installer05:02
DeX-aNoM-MwG-Pelo: Thanks :)05:02
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stefgDeX-aNoM-MwG-: if you have a console you could login in text mode... boot in 'recovery' mode then no attempt will be made to start X and crash your box05:02
Abomk thanks :)05:02
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/05:02
Abompppoe_dude: Imma restart and try it05:02
PresuntoRJCodingZen: you can change back if you prefer later... but there is no problem keeping it to another country (except if you really on the bleeding edge of updates)05:02
bimberikondor101: I hope that's not the reason.  Anyway I've asked via a comment on that bug05:02
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Wiseguyis anyone else having troubles reloading package information in synaptic?05:02
PeloFrog29,  yes it would edit grub since you would have a  new  kernel in there05:02
vafadajoejaxx,  thanks05:02
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rellik_if I want to upgrade to the latest stable release of ubuntu, is it 'apt-get install dist-upgrade'?  do I have to change the lines in my sources.list that all say 'dapper' ?05:02
stefg!slow | Wiseguy05:02
ubotuWiseguy: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.05:02
wiseelbenPelo: i think you're talking to the wrong person =P05:02
joejaxxvafada: you are most welcome05:02
NerdzMy problem is: When I try to install ubuntu, I select the Start/Install menu, then I see the ubuntu logo with a progress bar at the bottom. When the progress bar reach the end, I see a black screen and then, I see a orange/yellow screen and I only have my mouse. I have waited 10minutes to this window and still nothing. What can I do to solve this? Thanks05:02
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llolif i were to want to make the CLOSE minimize and maximize buttons were do i go?05:02
gr3ml1nwhen i enter manual settings in the gnome network manager applet i cant connect although i did nothing wrong :O05:02
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Frog29Pelo - would it add a new entry or just edit it? becasue i still only have one ubuntu entry (and a recovery)05:02
RAOFrellik_: No!  *Don't* do that, you'll almost certainly break something.05:03
dcwhere can i find the torrent?05:03
pppoe_duderellik_, update-manager should automatically tell you of a new version05:03
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lloli mean MAKE them bigger05:03
stiv2kwhy is X saying it cant find the nvidia kernel module when i have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic installed05:03
Pelowiseelben,  not I was talking to Frog2905:03
RAOF!upgrade | rellik_05:03
uboturellik_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:03
PresuntoRJCodingZen: since the files are released to the original repository and THEN copied to the mirrors, it might take a few minutes for the upgrades to spread to the other countries... but usually not more than 30 min or so05:03
RAOFrellik_: Note that you *have* to upgrade through Edgy.05:03
wobxi wonder if an upgrade from edgy to feisty is as easy as to put feisty repos into /etc/apt/sources.list and do a apt-get dist-upgrade? or is there anything else to consider?05:03
kofwang Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxxx dose not exist, Dropping to a shell!! when i try to boot05:03
josesordo--Failed to fetch http://ubuntu.beryl-project.org/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  deb-src/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) --> Why????05:03
PeloFrog29,   it would probabaly also remvoe the older entries since those kernels would not apply to the new version05:03
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rellik_RAOF, pppoe_dude thanks05:03
kondor101bimberi, good comment05:03
dcwhere can i find the fiesty torrent. and do i need to burn a cd do install it?05:03
llolhow do i make the window maximize and close buttons BIGGER?05:03
RAOFjosesordo--: Because you've still got a beryl repository in your sources.list.05:03
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/05:04
rellik_RAOF, so I have to upgrade to edgy, then to feisty?05:04
Abompppoe_dude: my ubuntu buddy said we've already tried that and it doesn't work...05:04
PeloFrog29,  in all likelyhood it probably made a new grub menu altogether05:04
zntneois there any reason why i can't log into ubuntu?05:04
gr3ml1ncan anyone tell me why entering a static ip in the gnome network manager makes my connection not work anymore but dhcp does?05:04
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Abompppoe_dude: there's some problem with not having a password with wireless connections :(05:04
pppoe_dudeAbom, what wireless card do you have?05:04
RAOFrellik_: Yes.  Basically, you just have to run "update-manager" twice :)05:04
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Frog29Pelo - hmmm so if i had made some edits to my grub menu settings they would have been lost?05:04
kondor101dc, it shouldn't say "all" download pages05:04
PresuntoRJllol: have you tried changing the Theme to another set that pleases you better?05:04
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Abompppoe_dude: I have a belkin f5d7000 I think it's called05:04
whoniccawhats the application called that u change ur backgrounds with on ubuntu05:04
lloli got beryl on05:04
Pelollol,   you can probably change the size of the title bar in gconf-editor somewhere  the button size might follow05:04
pppoe_dudeAbom,  is it recognised by ubuntu?05:04
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Abompppoe_dude: yes05:05
lloli see05:05
gr3ml1ncan anyone tell me why entering a static ip in the gnome network manager makes my connection not work anymore but dhcp does?05:05
PeloFrog29,  that would be my guess,   but it might have been backup05:05
pppoe_dudeAbom, does "iwlist scanning" yield anything?05:05
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Frog29Does anyone know the ner version of the kernel for ubuntu in 7.04?05:05
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vafadai'm getting "can't access tty; Job control turned off" when booting LiveCD :(  i have ubuntu ultimate edition right now so i had no problems with previous ubuntu05:05
Abompppoe_dude: yes it does, I can see my router just fine05:05
whoniccalol this chan is useless at times =\05:05
PeloFrog29,   2.6.20 I think05:05
Abompppoe_dude: I can see my wireless router, but I time out trying to connect to it... then if i try again it says I'm connected but I'm still not05:05
kondor101bimberi, actually, they might be trying to count downloads05:05
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: can you tell what version of gnome-network-manager do you have installed?05:05
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pppoe_dudeAbom, if it does, then you should be able to just use either network-admin and disable roaming mode, or the network-manager applet in the panel05:06
Frog29Pelo - if that is so then that would explalian my problems05:06
Pelowhonicca,  I agree, but this is Upgrade day, waht do you expect05:06
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gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: 0.6.405:06
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lisapcFeisty sits on my 2nd HDD, but Grub sits on my 1st HDD.  How can I install Grub on my 2nd HDD instead and then boot Ubuntu directly from 2nd HDD?  Anyone know pleasse?05:06
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: do you know how i turn beryl on?05:06
NemesisDam i to understand that beryl and compiz cannot be used in conjunction with eachother?05:06
r0bby_is there anywhere I can find the .config file used to compile the stock kernel?05:06
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steve_what happens if i delete the bottom panel?  will windows be automatically listed on the top panel?05:06
pppoe_dudeAbom, ah05:06
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bimberir0bby_: /boot05:06
pppoe_dudeAbom, is it definitely not a router issue?05:06
Frog29Pelo - so /lib/muoles would have the kernel version?05:06
RAOFNemesisD: Yes, indeed.  They are both window managers, and you can't have two programs managing your windows at the same time :)05:06
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Abompppoe_dude: someone here hinted that it may be because I have no password so there might be some issue with that05:06
enderximwhat kernel comes with the new feisty iso?05:06
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: ok, try o nthe terminal this: dpkg -l | grep gnome-network05:06
stefglisapc: bios boots first HD, no matter where you install grub... no way05:06
bimberikondor101: yes, perhaps05:06
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PeloFrog29,  if you can still boot  recovery  mode,  the txt editor is nano and the location of menu.list is /boot/grub ,  so sudo nano  /boot/grub/menu.list05:06
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bimberienderxim: 2.6.2005:07
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: paste the complete version back here05:07
Dial_tonewho's done the inline upgrade yeet? any issues to report?05:07
NemesisDRAOF, how can i try out beryl instead of compiz and vice versa? i think im on compiz right now05:07
RAOFNemesisD: You can, however, have both Compiz & Beryl *installed* at the same time (and Metacity, and Kwin, and Fluxbox, and Sawfish, and ...)05:07
Abompppoe_dude: I guess it could be, but I can use the internet just fine in windows (that's what I'm on now)05:07
CodingZenPresuntoRJ: do you know how i turn beryl on?05:07
mbpubuntufeisty/7.04 just installed today on MacBook Pro mouse not behaving well?  Suggestions?05:07
PeloFrog29,  I donT' know where the kernel module would be ,  that,s a bit out of my league05:07
Frog29Pelo - i have ubuntu mounted in windows.......05:07
gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: nothing happens when i paste that in terminal05:07
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lisapcstefg, ROFL!  I can press ESC during POST and it gives me an option to boot from 2nd HDD!  Dont say things you have no idea about, thanks05:07
Frog29Pelo - ok i'll look it up or ask around :)05:07
PresuntoRJCodingZen: it should work if you go to System>Preferences>Effects05:07
pppoe_dudeAbom, try disabling roaming mode in network-admin, then make sure that you select the correct essid and DHCP, then close that window, and do "sudo ifdown <interface> && sudo ifup <interface" where <interface is the network interface (e.g. eth1)05:07
lisapcstefg, in fact I had it like that with Edgy once, but forgot how I did it05:07
knix_When I try and upgrade my server to feisty with the command "sudo apt-get install update-manager-core"   It says it cant find it05:07
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PeloFrog29,  the forum is your friend ,  but it might be too busy to pay attention to you right now05:08
lisapc<stefg> lisapc: bios boots first HD, no matter where you install grub... no way <-- yes way! LOL.  I can boot directly from my 2nd HDD05:08
gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: nothing happens when i paste that in terminal05:08
rellik_RAOF, how can I confirm that I am running 6.06?05:08
gr3ml1ncan anyone tell me why entering a static ip in the gnome network manager makes my connection not work anymore but dhcp does?05:08
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: dpkg -l | grep network-manager05:08
Frog29Pelo- due to the lag and a lot o fothers?05:08
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: it must come out a bunch of files and the full version numbers05:08
lisapccan anyone tell me whats the command to install Grub onto my 2nd HDD?05:08
gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ:  0.6.4-6ubuntu705:08
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kondor101i have this strange feeling that 7.04 is going to be the linux to really catch on05:08
PeloFrog29,  that would be my guess05:08
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: ok, you are using the latest05:09
stefglisapc: yes... by virtual drive swapping. bios takes 2nd hd as first hd... but still boots the /then/ first one05:09
lisapckondor101, define strange05:09
pope523Does Xorg not run on Ubuntu for Sparc?05:09
Pelolisapc,   try asking in #grub05:09
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mbpubuntuanyone here using ubuntu on an intel mac?05:09
Abompppoe_dude: thanks, I'll try that, but I don't think I understand everything :o I'll ask my linux friend for detailed help though05:09
Frog29Pelo - its under /lib/modules btw.... and i tihnk my problem is that the update did not update GRUB to have the most recent kernel version05:09
ricardoin feisty the soon nvidia one appears in boot?05:09
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: I have been following this bug reports on the Network-manager and it seemed ok05:09
gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: what now? i want to use static ip because i need to forward some port to it05:09
lisapcstefg, be silent pls :)  you talking nonsense again!  I told you, i had Grub boot from my 2nd HDD before05:09
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stiv2ki cant apt-get update without it timing out05:09
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lisapcPelo, I did ask in grub05:09
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kondor101lisapc, well strange as in people have been saying that sort of thing for years, lol05:09
arraistais anyone else experiencing *really* long times for installing due to repo servers traffic?05:09
valermosis anybody else having a problem with the fglrx driver under the new feisty? I'm getting an error "PreInitDAL failed"05:09
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: can you manually set it on the config file for the interface?05:09
ricardoin feisty the soon nvidia one appears in boot?05:09
arnold-8891For some reason, after upgrading to Feisty, I am not finding any indication anywhere of the existence of a PCI wireless card I have installed in my desktop. Does anyone know how I could fix this?05:09
steelnubDo you guys help with Beryl here?05:09
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lisapckondor101, lol05:09
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Dekkardonly prob i have is sound recorder.. and audacity.. wont capture..05:10
arraistai thought the repos would be somehow congested, but not this much...05:10
mbpubuntusteelnub: there's a room for beryl05:10
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: try this: press Alt+F205:10
Stofferwhat's the best package to use for an ipod?05:10
knix_steelnub, go to #ubuntu-effects05:10
gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: which file do i need to edit ? im new to ubuntu05:10
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild05:10
lisapc!installing grub05:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about installing grub - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:10
taggiesteelnub, go to #ubuntu-effects05:10
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces05:10
Flannelstiv2k: That package doesn't exist in edgy, you'll have to just use the old method05:10
ricardoin feisty the soon nvidia one appears in boot?05:10
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steelnubthx again05:10
RAOFrellik_: By running "lsb_release --release" - It should return "6.06"05:10
taggiesorry knix, i'm too slow :)05:10
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NemesisDanyone know how to switch between beryl and compiz?05:10
Pelolisapc,   as a general rule I beleive you need to have grub install to which ever the boot drive is,  there woudn't be much point in having it install on another drive05:10
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kondor101lisapc, but i have been using it for a week or so, and i think ive used terminal once in that time, thats a good sign05:10
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: it might look like this: auto eth005:11
PresuntoRJiface eth0 inet dhcp05:11
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slyfoxHelp. I have a 2nd hard drive which is formatted to ext3 as one big partition. Ubuntu does not mount it automatically for some reason. A sudo user always has to do this? How do I permanantly mount this hard drive so that other users can use it every time the computert starts.05:11
Pelokondor101,  you're not trying hard enough05:11
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knix_taggie, no prob, :)05:11
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AntiochAre there any drawbacks to using the 64-bit version of Ubuntu as opposed to the 32-bit version?05:11
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: put a # before the eth0 portion05:11
SuperLagslyfox: /etc/fstab05:11
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: create new lines like this:05:11
mbpubuntusteelnub: #ubuntu-effects05:11
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kondor101Pelo, lol, maybe they are making it too easy05:11
Peloslyfox,   edit fstab and add your second drive to it05:11
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rellik_RAOF, ah, thanks..  one last question..  is there a non-gui version of update-manager?  I'm doing this over SSH05:11
RAOFAntioch: There's no 64bit flash player.  That's about it.05:11
wooden719Wireless problem:  I just installed feisty on a dell x300 with a truemobile 1400 broadcom card.  I had hoped fiesty would just work to connect to wireless connections, but it's not.  The network config sees the device and I can configure it (or try at least), but it won't connect to any networks.  The System Monitor does correctly identify the card.  um... any help?  What info can I give you?05:11
lisapcPelo, you are dead wrong!  during POST, I press ESC and it gives me option to boot directly from first OR second hdd.  And I had edgy boot from 2nd HDD before.  So even if I took out my 1st hdd, I could still boot Ubuntu from 2nd hdd05:11
Frog29Pelo - thanks for the help - i'll go post this on the forums - it works since grub did not get updated to have the most recent GRUB version05:12
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RAOFrellik_: I don't think so.  Also, trying to upgrade your stuff over SSH is a recipie for misery :)05:12
Dekkard sudo apt-get update05:12
erichi. can someone tell me, where to find the grub settings? is there even a gui or should i edit the grub files?05:12
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: iface eth0 inet static05:12
AntiochRAOF cant you use the 32-bit version on the 64-bit system? I thought tehre was backwards compatibility05:12
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: address
slyfoxSuperLag: please tell me how exactly an entry for /dev/hdb/ and mount point /media/disk-1    should look like ?   it is an internal 2nd hard drive formatted to ext3 as one partition05:12
rellik_RAOF, I have remote console access, in case SSH fails05:12
mbpubuntuwhere's the best place to ask about ubuntu on intel macs?05:12
lisapcPelo, and thats a great idea in case of first hdd failure. this way I can still boot Ubuntu from 2nd hdd!  THINK before you speak ;)05:12
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n:  netmask
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SuperLagI'm getting the iso downloaded faster than the mirrors can do update... Can you upgrade from the CD? or is apt the only way to do it?05:12
stiv2kFlannel: what? thats ridiculous05:12
kondor101eric, try typing grub into package manager05:12
Frog29eric - if you press escape at some point during start up (near the beggning) ou can get to the grub menu05:12
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RAOFrellik_: You mean, you can go an physically get to the machine?05:12
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arnold-8891Wireless problem in Feisty: For some reason, after upgrading, I am not finding any indication anywhere of the existence of a PCI wireless card I have installed in my desktop. Does anyone know how I could fix this?05:12
NemesisDRAOF, i have the beryl manager installed but i believe that compiz is activated, how would i go about switching back/forth05:13
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stiv2kFlannel: they specifically tell you to install that package to upgrade FROM edgy05:13
SuperLagslyfox: let's take this to  a /msg window05:13
PresuntoRJ dns-nameservers
AwperatorHello I have a wine question if someone can help me please. - How do I increase my 'C' disk drive size in wine? Thanks05:13
taggierellik_: apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade05:13
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: gateway
Frog29eric - from there you can select the correct ubuntu version and say e while it is highlighted.. then you can edit the settings temporarily.....05:13
RAOFNemesisD: By selecting Beryl from the beryl manager, or alternatively heading to #ubuntu-effects05:13
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: or what ever is your network settings05:13
Flannelstiv2k: right.  Uh, except... I see a bug report of someone who has used that.  Does typing "update" and hitting tab twice, give you anything?05:13
Ademananyone know if theres a sort of "irc bot platform" out there?05:13
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: did you get it?05:13
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DekkardAwperator,  that question may be answered better in a wine channel05:13
RAOFAntioch: Yes, you can use the 32bit flashplayer, but you'll need a 32bit firefox, etc.  Basically, it's a bit more hassle.05:13
ryanakcait's sudo dpkg --force-remove-essential foobar      , right? (to remove an essential package) ... DISCLAIMER - use of force option can seriously damage your installation.05:13
kondor1011294 users lol05:13
Frog29eric - press boot from there to boot using those settings.... if that's not what you needed you can also find the file under boot/grub/menu.lst05:13
rellik_RAOF, no I don't have physical access to the machine. but the hosting provider provides remote console access, in case you mess up your firewall or lock yourself out someone..  it's an AJAX terminal05:13
phos-phoroswhen attempting to launch ut2004 within feisty, I get the error "Error: Could not get dma buffer... exiting", any help in resolving this would be greatly appreciated.05:13
gr3ml1nyes i did that05:14
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Frog29eric - i meant press b05:14
j00pwhat is the official link to download the cd image??05:14
ubuntu543217is it possible to install stuff on the liveCD? say, for example restricted drivers?05:14
gr3ml1neven though i set it to static with gnome network manager, the cfg says dhcp05:14
gr3ml1nseems to be buggy05:14
kondor101j00p, you want torrents?05:14
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/05:14
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ericFrog29, i think i just gonna edit the menu.lst.05:14
=== SuperLag remembers when #gentoo was this busy
RAOFrellik_: What about if your Dapper->Edgy or Edgy->Feisty upgrade results in your network connection being broken?05:14
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SuperLagslyfox: you paying attention? :)05:14
lisapcPelo, LOL05:15
ericFrog29: thx05:15
Frog29eric - welcome :)05:15
stiv2kFlannel: no05:15
boomhowzawhats the ubuntu help channal05:15
Pelolisapc,  easy fix and it solves your problem05:15
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gr3ml1nPresuntoRJ: how do i restart eth0 with the new settings?05:15
lisapcPelo, what fix?05:15
kondor101now im seeding,  now im giving back :)))05:15
Peloboomhowza,  this is it05:15
Flannelboomhowza: this is it05:15
rellik_RAOF, the remote console doesn't rely on the host's internet connection..  the remote console sits on a seperate server, and connects as a terminal.  just like a console05:15
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lisapcPelo, u gave no fix05:15
arraistai am trying to install feisty here and got stuck in the "scanning the mirror" phase. anyone experiencing the same problem? I see the servers are a little busy, but it's been at lease 30 minutes since it got to this mirror thing05:15
whoniccaanyone on fesity right now?05:15
Pelolisapc,  unplug the first hdd and install grub05:15
RAOFrellik_: Oooh, cool.05:15
wooden719Is there a channel for network/wireless problems?05:15
rellik_RAOF, yeah it's very nice05:15
lisapcPelo, ROFL!  think before you speak man05:16
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: open a terminal05:16
kondor101whonicca, i have been using it about a week05:16
lisapcPelo, think, deeply, think05:16
Pelolisapc,  I do nothing but05:16
wooden719whonicca:  i am05:16
Flannelstiv2k: right.  Well, heres the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/107891 we'll see how it goes.05:16
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:16
RAOFrellik_: I don't *think* there's a CLI version of the update-manager, but you could just use X forwarding?05:16
whoniccaare u guys using ur own wallpapers, if so try to tile them, does it work?05:16
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kofwang Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxxx dose not exist, Dropping to a shell!!05:16
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lisapcPelo, you think, but you dont reason the thoughts, hence the reason your words are not coherent05:16
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: verify if it started propperly with: sudo ip add05:16
kondor101ill have a look05:16
DPicI need some help. I just created a partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to appear?05:16
kofwangwhat's wrong with me?05:16
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whoniccaim only able to mess around with the settings for default ubuntu wallpapers05:16
stiv2kFlannel: i'm curious to see how stable feisty is if i can't even upgrade to it without running into bugs05:16
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PeloI don'T like that guy05:16
American-Tech_Whew got my ATI card in! Ok now to see if I can get beryl in05:16
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PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: or with: ifconfig05:17
rellik_RAOF, yeah, I will try x-forwarding..  not ideal but ok :)05:17
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aroonihow damn!  what do yo ufolks think of fesity?05:17
plewis77_ wooden719: download the windows wireless drivers. Then follow the directions to install. Make sure you have the Windows drivers. Here is a howto I used http://www.net4nowtforum.co.uk/showthread.php?p=29106005:17
disinterestedi had a good mirror but it keeps going slower and slower05:17
slyfoxSuperLag: are my messages not getting to you ?05:17
chinowhich init cna i switch to to get out of x11 mode ? i just wna tto go into multi user mode os i can confugre the box from ssh anyone know which innit ?05:17
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: then, try to navigate05:17
aroonishould i upgrade now... or wait in a bit?05:17
stiv2kFlannel: so how else do i upgrade?05:17
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: did it work?05:17
Flannelstiv2k: eh, it was a miscommunication.  The people who put that on the webpage were going from one set of info (that it was there), and it mightve been yanked due to some issues05:17
DPicI need some help. I just created a partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to appear so that i can use it?05:17
ericFrog29, it won't let me edit the file. i think only root can..05:17
Flannelstiv2k: Bottom of that page has instructions, basically just change your sources.list and dist-upgrade05:17
SuperLagslyfox: are you registered to nickserv?05:17
wasabi__chino: Debian based distros don't use a seperate init mode for X.05:17
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wasabi__chino: So the answer is, stop GDM.05:17
stiv2kFlannel: is it safe to do that?05:17
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chinowasabi__: how ?05:18
slyfoxSuperLag: no, I do not know how05:18
chinoim using kubuntu05:18
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whoniccakondor101, wooden719, does it work?05:18
j00pcan i overwrite my actual ubuntu files to replace by feisty with the live cd ?05:18
wasabi__chino: /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:18
American-Tech_How do I install beryl?05:18
chinowtf... why dont you have a none desktop mode05:18
kondor101whonicca, yes the tile effect works05:18
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Flannelstiv2k: of course.  All update-manager stuff does is make sure oyu have the proper metapackages.  ubuntu-minial and ubuntu-standard and stuff05:18
stiv2kFlannel: they say on the page its less reliable05:18
AwperatorCan anyone please answer my wine question? No one seems to be in the wine channel. Pm me if you can. Thanks :)05:18
Awperatorshoudl be pretty simple i think05:18
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whoniccakondor101: are u using ur own custom wallpaper?05:18
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PeloAwperator,  ask05:18
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: remember to check what is in the /etc/resolv.conf file (should be your dns servers)05:18
boomhowzai cant boot up the cd to instal...05:18
DPicHello? I just created a partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to appear so that i can use it?05:18
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gr3ml1n_thx it worked05:18
Peloboomhowza,   borked cd,  defective drive ,  or you might want to try the atlernate install cd05:19
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wooden719plewis77, thanks.  i'll try it.  thought i wouldn't need to with feisy though...  <trotts off>05:19
kondor101whonicca, i downloaded a small image (the ubuntu symbol off distro watch) set it as background, it stretched, i changed it to tiled, it tiled05:19
American-Tech_Any how to out there to install beryl?05:19
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: dhcp and gnome-network-manager sets it, but you might need to handle yourself while manully editing the files05:19
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RAOFFlannel, stiv2k: Actually, upgrade-manager does more than just install meta-packages.  It also does some config changes to make Feisty *work* (such as looking at /etc/fstab, and making sure it'll survive the hda->sda rename, etc)05:19
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:19
steve_i checked "show windows from current workspace" in the window list preferences but the window list is showing windows from all workspaces05:19
steve_anyone have that problem?05:19
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chinothere is a bunch of weird characters showing up in pstree05:19
PresuntoRJgr3ml1n: still there?05:19
Frog29Is there any program for Feisty Fawn that can help you find wireless netowrks?05:19
stiv2kRAOF: so is it safe to use that method or not05:19
whoniccashiz..... mine only lets me tile the ubuntu default wallpapers, this is crap05:19
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kondor101whonicca, is that what you wanted to know?05:19
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j00panybodys?? to overwrite the actual linux files me its hda3 and keep the rest.. can i do that with only the live cd?05:19
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whoniccakondor101: yeah05:20
dsl1053ho no05:20
FlannelRAOF: the issue is that there's no update-manager-core05:20
DPicCan somebody please help me??? I just created a partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to appear so that i can use it?05:20
boomhowzapelo, the CDs fine, drive is fine, everything is fine, i just dont know how to make it boot the CD when i start05:20
Stofferis there an easy way to set ubuntu to allow me to drag windows to other desktops/workspaces?05:20
wasabi__j00p: you can do anything with the LiveCD> It's a full distro.05:20
PresuntoRJFrog29: gnome-network-manager should be able to locate them05:20
Dekkardwirless sniffer.. Kismet?05:20
NerdzWhat is the checksum for the desktop release 7.04 x86?05:20
gr3ml1n_PresuntoRJ: it worked now05:20
wooden719whonnica, it worked for me, too05:20
slyfoxSuperLag:  I know it should start as05:20
slyfox /dev/hdb1 /media/disk-105:20
slyfox in my fstab05:20
slyfox but what do I write after that ?05:20
RAOFstiv2k: Well, it's *less* safe than using upgrade-manager.  But as long as you're confident fixing the (potential) problems, there'05:20
cables!md5 | Nerdz05:20
ubotuNerdz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows05:20
gr3ml1n_PresuntoRJ:  thx05:20
PresuntoRJFrog29: are you sure you WLAN card was propperly detected and set by the system05:20
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kondor101whonicca, obviously it cant tile full screen images, just small ones05:20
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Frog29presuntoRJ - i'm not sure....05:20
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Frog29but i see it05:20
RAOFstiv2k: there's nothing wrong with the "edgy"->"feisty" in sources.list route05:20
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Peloboomhowza,  ah,    enter the bios and change the order of your boot devices, or try hitting f8 at boot time, some compubers will give you a little menu05:20
PresuntoRJFrog29: linuxes in general may have a tough time detecting cards with windows-only drivers05:20
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j00pok thanks just another question.. what goes the best to write a cd image on a cd with ubuntu?05:21
PresuntoRJFrog29: try this05:21
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PresuntoRJFrog29: open a terminal05:21
Frog29presuntoRJ - aka i see it under network settings05:21
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PresuntoRJFrog29: lspci05:21
PresuntoRJFrog29: what have it echoed?05:21
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Frog29presuntoRJ - i see it at the bottom Broadcome Corporation Dell wireless 1390.....05:21
Flannel!burn | j00p05:21
ubotuj00p: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:21
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boomhowzapelo, do you select CD:ROM or USB CD:ROM05:22
whoniccakondor101: i was able to do it b4, i cant even scale them,05:22
nowisnhmmm i used super grub cd to try to reinstall grub for ubuntu but i decided to fix the windows mbr instead and now it says error loading operating system05:22
whoniccakondor101: http://www.zshare.net/image/screenshot-png-hf0.html05:22
PresuntoRJFrog29: it knows about it, but it might not know what to do with it05:22
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Frog29presuntoRJ - it is a compaq though... but i tihnk broadcom has the ame car typie in dells05:22
aroonishould i upgrade now... or wait in a bit?05:22
=== cables [n=chatzill@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloboomhowza,   is depends which you put the live cd in05:22
aroonito feisty05:22
Peloboomhowza,  try each05:22
Stofferand what's the program that records keyboard/mouse strokes?  Can I use that identifier in "keyboard shortcuts" to move between workspaces?05:22
nowisnthe disk said it couldn't locate linux05:22
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sfszaI deleted the xorg.conf file on Feisty without making a backup. What can I use to regenerate it? I used to know this but haven't used Debian in a long time.05:22
whoniccakondor101: notice how it says the pic is 128x80 pixels, its really 1680x105005:22
fulat2khow can i get the Restricted Devices Manager in Kubuntu?05:22
PresuntoRJFrog29: can you find a network icon near the clock (top to the right)?05:22
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Frog29PresuntoRJ - i was unable to get it workign i nthe last version..... but i know it see's it under netowrk settings and i have set up a nework connection info thing ( the name pass ,etc.)05:22
ajax4Hey guys...just installed 7.04 and it says there are updates. "update-manager" and "update-manager-core" but now its warning me that they are "not authenticated". What's up with that?05:23
Frog29presuntoRJ - yes05:23
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PresuntoRJFrog29: me neither, but the Feisty now knows how to use my linksys wlan05:23
RAOFfulat2k: You can't, sucks to be not runnign Gnome :(05:23
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PresuntoRJFrog29: maybe it works for you too05:23
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Dekkardajax4,  they aren't official05:23
PresuntoRJFrog29: right click it05:23
fulat2kRAOF: ughh......  any alternatives then?05:23
ajax4Dekkard: Should I install them?05:23
Frog29presuntoRJ - i tihnk it just isn't running it......05:23
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PresuntoRJFrog29: does it show a wireless option (most likely disabled)05:24
fulat2kRAOF: besides reading binarydriverhowto/nvidia that is :)05:24
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Dekkardive installed unauthenitcated packages with no problem.. your milage may vary'05:24
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Frog29presuntoRJ - i have a name of eth1 as disconnected05:24
sfszaThose are safe, I think05:24
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RAOFfulat2k: Not really.  Although nVidia is easy to install: "sudo aptitude install linux-generic nvidia-glx && sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals", followed by a restart.05:24
PresuntoRJFrog29: it might be your cable connection05:24
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sfszaI don't know why Ubuntu doesn't include GPG keys of some the default repos in Feisty, but I'm sure you could hunt them down if you're very concerned about it, ajax405:25
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Frog29presuntoRJ - it shows a wireless connection but it says disconnected.. i know it is my wireless05:25
csmanxuhmm... according the help menus if I enter "rescue" the Ubuntu DVD should load a rescue mode kernel05:25
ajax4sfsza: It's just strange that it just came out and we're getting these errors.05:25
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csmanxI can't get there =(05:25
Keldoorhow can i see .wine directory in my file browser..(Nautilus)..  (dot)files seem to be hidden??05:25
PresuntoRJFrog29: try to enable it, and set up to your wifi options05:25
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PresuntoRJFrog29: WEP, WPA, what ever05:25
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RAOFKeldoor: Ctrl+H, or "show hidden files"05:26
PresuntoRJFrog29: does it start?05:26
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Frog29presuntoRJ - how would i enable it?05:26
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wastrelKeldoor:  "dotfiles" are hidden normally in linux05:26
sfszaajax4, it's ok, I got the same. Everything I've tried to install has given me that error, in fact. Apt does it when it doesn't have the keys to check signatures, etc.05:26
PresuntoRJFrog29: click on the "Wireless" when you right click the icon05:26
fulat2kRAOF: cool, thx.  will try it when i get back05:26
sfszaI don't think I've ever had a signature fail but I'd reckon it says something different when that happens :S05:26
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PresuntoRJFrog29: does it start?05:26
KeldoorRaof... i checked the show hidden but it don't show... do u have to restart the browsser ... or somthing else05:26
Dekkardi just installed scribus.. its an unauthenticated package.. works fine05:26
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linuxgxWhat is the IRC for WINE?05:27
ajax4sfsza: Thanks. I'll try to find the keys later, until then its just a minor annoyance.05:27
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Frog29presuntoRJ - one sec... i lost the wireless settings05:27
cableslinuxgx: #wine05:27
RAOFKeldoor: If you can see other dot-files in the browser, then the .wine directory doesn't exist.05:27
PresuntoRJFrog29: ok05:27
RAOFlinuxgx: #winehq05:27
cablesIs anyone able to get to the repos at all?05:27
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Nergarhow do i install beryl??05:27
cableslinuxgx: sorry then, it's #winehq05:27
crdlbcables, I was by using a specific mirror05:27
cables!beryl | Nergar05:27
ubotuNergar: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:27
PresuntoRJFrog29: it will disable the wired cable for a while... if the wireless fails, it will roll back to the wired one05:27
cablescrdlb: which mirror is that?05:27
fulat2kanyone here using a dlink dwl-g122 rev b1?  is it automatically detected in feisty?05:27
crdlbcables, I used kernel.org, but I just picked on randomly05:28
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dreamcastjackhow do I fix this?05:28
hendaussomebody help me please!05:28
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dreamcastjackCould not initialize the package information05:28
dreamcastjackA unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.05:28
dreamcastjackPlease report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:05:28
dreamcastjack'E:The package frostwire needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.'05:28
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cablescrdlb: ok05:28
csmanxhow do I run in rescue mode from the DVD?05:29
dreamcastjackhow do i report it or whatever?05:29
SuperLagdreamcastjack: you shouldn't flood the channel like that.05:29
PresuntoRJhendaus: what can I do?05:29
Nergari heard ntfs-3g was going to me included in feisty, but i can't write to my ntfs partition05:29
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RAOFNergar: You want the "ntfs-config" package.  ntfs-3g isn't enabled by default.05:29
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hendausPresuntoRJ,  thanx, but i want to help me on ktorrent05:29
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labanuxdid feisty support HDA Intel sound card?05:30
Frog29presuntoRJ - i have network settings open and i am checking the box for wireless05:30
irelandhey...I need help finding partition info05:30
NerdzMy problem is: When I try to install ubuntu, I select the Start/Install menu, then I see the ubuntu logo with a progress bar at the bottom. When the progress bar reach the end, I see a black screen and then, I see a orange/yellow screen and I only have my mouse. I have waited 10minutes to this window and still nothing. What can I do to solve this? Thanks05:30
irelandparted won't see my disc05:30
PresuntoRJhendaus: I am not really familiar with ktorrent, but I have used it unde FreeBSD05:30
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MrMakevelihey guys05:30
PresuntoRJhendaus: what seemes to be the problems05:30
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RAOFlabanux: The answer to that is somewhere between "yes" and "no".  It supports *my* HDA Intel, but there are thousands of quirky HDA intel cards.05:30
AzMooHey, I'm just starting the upgrade to feisty and it's telling me that there's "no valid mirror". I'm using my ISP's mirror, which has 7.04 on there, last updated April 19th. Is it OK to continue?05:30
MrMakevelithe repos are having big troubles, yeah?05:30
PresuntoRJFrog29: ok, any progress on setting it up?05:30
fishfilletguys, anyone here has a link to a torrent for feisty?05:30
labanuxit works, in edgy, but since I upgrade to feisty it can't make any sound05:30
jessaisomebody wanna help me with beryl with ati???05:30
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hendausPresuntoRJ,  ihow can i creat a torrent movie and upload it on sharingcode website05:31
leroi_what is a good bittorrent client to use, i am used to using utorrent in windows and i really like that05:31
yell0whey folks, how can i resize the left server list in xchat ?05:31
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:31
labanuxNerdz : try using alternate install CD..05:31
fishfilletany torrent for feisty final?05:31
JebJoyaumm, i killed my x window05:31
PeloAzMoo,   the servers are a bit overwhelmed at the moment,  everybody and their goldfish is upgrading,  my suggestion wait a couple of days05:31
compilerwriterleroi_ ktorrent05:31
labanuxNerdz: ubuntu live CD is sucks..05:31
RAOFlabanux: It'll probably be fixed by a kernel update sometime fairly soon.  crimsun was looking at all the hda-intel problems.05:31
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Dekkardazureus.. or bittornado05:31
ajax4leroi_: Azureus is a very popular bittorent client also.05:31
hendausPresuntoRJ,  i make new then creat but i dont know what to put on tracker05:31
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AzMooPelo, That's why I want to use my ISP's mirror.05:31
Dekkardor ktorrent05:31
SuperLagSo how many of you guys have Feisty Fawn installed already?05:31
leroi_azureus is too much of a resource hog05:31
PresuntoRJhendaus: ok... so your problem seems to be on how to create a torrent, and not really with ktorrent (you could use other clients for that) :)05:31
stiv2kfsck archive.ubuntu.com05:31
ajax4SuperLag: Just installed it a few minutes ago.05:32
irelandanyone home?05:32
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Dekkardleroi_,  but its reliable05:32
PresuntoRJhendaus: have you tried to download your own torrent?05:32
Nerdzlabanux: so what should i do?05:32
compilerwriteramen leroi_05:32
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xqSo I installed Ubuntu and everything went smooth, partitioning etc. on the drive I wanted and then Grub has "Error 17" argh05:32
jk-hi ubunteros05:32
Frog29PresuntoRJ - here'es the deal i have wireless connection enable with the newtowkr settings but under connection properties it has eth1 (or eth0) as disconnected05:32
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PresuntoRJhendaus: it should introduce yor torrent to the tracker05:32
leroi_i just wish utorrent would work without having to use wine05:32
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labanuxNerdz : try using "alternate install" CD..05:32
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hendausPresuntoRJ,  i dont know how>? thats why i need anyone help me05:32
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MrMakevelihey will someone "MrMakeveli: hello" me or something so i can tell if it highlights it?05:32
PeloAzMoo,  consider that your isp mirror might not be up to date yet05:32
Frog29presuntoRJ - both have 0 sent or recieved packets.....05:32
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SuperLagajax4: any comments? What's your initial impression?05:32
Dekkardman.. i am so glad i dodn't have to do this05:32
jk-anyone know how to list the installed packages from multiverse ?05:32
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Pelohello MrMakeveli05:32
Nerdzlabanux: ok I'll try to find it05:32
irelandhellooooooo need help setting up vmware...any takers?05:33
compilerwritermrmakeveli this should be higlighted05:33
MrMakeveliPelo: that kinda worled05:33
labanuxNerdz :there's 3 version of ubuntu install cd : server, desktop, and alternate.., use alternate instead..05:33
Nerdzok thanks05:33
MrMakevelicompilerwriter: are you on ex chat?05:33
Peloireland,   #vmware05:33
PresuntoRJFrog29: ok, are you connected from another equipment talkign to me or did it work via wireless... I am not sure if I follow05:33
fishfilletcan someone please give me a torrent file to download ubuntu feisty?05:33
SuperLagireland: there is a good tutorial on how to do that in the forums05:33
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:33
JebJoyaumm, right, when i boot i get a load of errors about my gnome window manager - i tried to move to compiz using beryl while watching a video in vlc, it crashed so i ctrl-alt-backspaced, crashed out to command prompt, ctrl-alt-del'ed and... well, nothing's working... any suggestions?  using the alternate boot cd perhaps?05:33
ajax4SuperLag: Barely tried it out but it looks good. I just noticed a "Restricted Drivers Manager" that comes with it that installs my Nvidia drivers automatically.05:33
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SuperLagajax4: nice05:33
Frog29presuntoRJ - I have my desktop computer to talk to you (my laptop with ubuntu is next to me)05:33
PresuntoRJFrog29: ok05:33
irelandyeah...I've got tutorial I think....05:34
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compilerwriterI am on whatever Konversation is a front end.  mrmakeveli05:34
labanuxNerdz :if you go to ubuntu website, in download section, see the check box below telling about RAM less than 256.., check this.., then you'll get the alternate cd *i guess..05:34
mbpubuntuhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook is wrong about feisty in several respects.  where do i ask about this?05:34
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ireland...but I'm trying to read partitions with parted...can't get it sorted out05:34
PresuntoRJFrog29: what does it show if you open a Terminal and type: ip add05:34
SuperLagajax4: did it give you the option to upgrade, from the CD? or did you upgrade from synaptic?05:34
draeathQuick question: does feisty still have the issue with PS/2 keyboards not working after boot? (some jerkoff keeps putting in a patch to help support USB keyboards that breaks PS/2)05:34
lisapcPelo, I figured it out!  was easy.  I simply removed grub from 1st HDD, and then "sudo grub-install /dev/sdb" which installs it on my 2nd HDD.  I now dont even need the 1st HDD to load Ubuntu. :)05:34
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Nerdzlabanux: I have to chek the box :"Check here if you need the alternate desktop cd suited for computers with less than 256MB of RAM"  Right?05:34
MrMakevelicompilerwriter: i kind of like how konversation looks05:34
tbodineThe latest beta of Feisty should be going through updates since the release, correct?05:34
ajax4SuperLag: My next step will be to get XGL and compiz/beryl going...hopefully it will go better than when I tried it under Dapper.05:34
MrMakeveliis anyone on the gnome exchat?05:34
ajax4SuperLag: I did a clean install, though there were options to upgrade from CD also.05:34
Frog29presuntoRJ - a lot05:35
PresuntoRJFrog29: I have lo (for localhost) eth0 (for wired) wlan0 (wifi) and sit005:35
mellow_bunnyNerdz: yes05:35
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MrMakevelii was on xchat before i upgraded, now it looks all fresh an whathave you05:35
lisapcPelo, make a note of what I did for your future refence05:35
compilerwriterkonversation is a really nice suite if you are a power user mrmakeveli.05:35
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labanuxNerdz :yes.., but if you're not sure, just go here http://kambing.ui.edu/tuma/Ubuntu/Feisty/ there's alternate cd right there05:35
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SuperLagajax4: sweet. I got a decent connection to a mirror, and I'm about 25% into the download05:35
=== draeath wonders why the ubuntu 'bigshots' didn't release .torrent exlusive for a few days..
JebJoyaumm, right, when i boot i get a load of errors about my gnome window manager - i tried to move to compiz using beryl while watching a video in vlc, it crashed so i ctrl-alt-backspaced, crashed out to command prompt, ctrl-alt-del'ed and... well, nothing's working... any suggestions?  using the alternate boot cd perhaps?05:35
Frog29presuntoRJ - 3 connection.... 1 loopback, one eth0 as nocarrier broadcast and up, the other eth1 as broadcast and multicast05:35
PresuntoRJFrog29: each one must have its own IP address to work, wich means, it found the network and its DHCP, and therefore it is working05:35
MrMakevelii wish that it would highlight convos in red the way xchat would. now im on the gnome xchat and it just beeps05:35
yeniklasorhi, if I upgrade all my programs will remove? is it a format?05:35
PresuntoRJFrog29: no IP... no good05:36
Flannelyeniklasor: no05:36
PresuntoRJFrog29: hum... let me think05:36
ajax4SuperLag: Are you using bittorrent?05:36
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Vaske_CarAny fast FTP to download 7.04?05:36
xechostoris there an install dvd available for fiest? cant find one, only the cd05:36
SuperLagajax4: no, just a straight wget from a mirror05:36
MrMakeveliim going to try something out "MrMakeveli"05:36
SuperLagajax4: IndianaU05:36
MrMakevelihmm i dont think that worked05:36
Siph0ndoes the server edition not come with a gui already installed?05:36
yeniklasorFrannel : is it like a core upgrade?05:36
Frog29presuntoRJ - i know eth1 is my wireless since it has an extra bar at the bottom saying signal strenth( its empty)05:36
labanuxRAOF : you're HDA Intel soundcard works doesn't it? but, what kind of upgrade method do you use? fresh install or upgrade with apt?05:36
mellow_bunnySiph0n: no05:36
wastrelSiph0n:  no05:36
MrMakeveliwill someone use "MrMakeveli" in a sentence to see if it highlights?05:36
wastrelMrMakeveli:  no05:36
JebJoyaMrMakeveli: heh05:37
MrMakeveliwastrel: hmm didnt work05:37
compilerwritermrmakeveli yes05:37
Flannelyeniklasor: it'll upgrade everything05:37
ap1I got sudo garbled. I tried to apt-get remove/install it (recovery boot) but accidentally deleted a couple of dependent packages. I don't see anything in the logs. Does apt log somewhere a list of removed pkgs so I can re-install them?05:37
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wooden719frog29, what's your wireless card type? broadcom? integrated?05:37
Flannelap1: dpkg keeps logs05:37
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labanuxVaske_Car : select mirror closest to your home.. :)05:37
lisapcPelo, Grub and everything is on my 2nd external HDD now05:37
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rollerxechostor: no dvd yet05:37
Frog29wooden719 integrated on a ompaq laptop05:37
yeniklasormy files and my installed 3 rd programs won't delete yeah?05:37
joobyhey weird problem here - can't get nm-manager applet to display05:37
Flannelap1: but, just reinstallling sudo should reinstall the dependencies05:37
Frog29wooden719 by broadcom05:37
crimsunlabanux: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat05:37
xechostorroller : thanks :)05:37
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:37
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Pelolisapc,   good for you,  I am in awe of your 1337ness05:38
Frog29wooden719 ubuntu recognizes the card and something that seems to be just like it05:38
RAOFlabanux: My card works, yes.  But I've been running Feisty since before Christmas.  The upgrade method shouldn't affect it, though.05:38
NerdzWhat's the difference between live CD and alternate?05:38
wooden719frog29, i'm seeing the same thing you're seeing05:38
compilerwritervaske_car then cross yourself, light a cigar and drink some congac this might take a while.05:38
lisapcPelo, and I am in awe of your ignorance :)05:38
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ajax4SuperLag: Restarting my system now....will soon find out if the Nvidia drivers installed correctly.05:38
rollerNerds: the alternate installs in text mode05:38
ceil420"Opera for *nix sucks."05:38
Pelowhat a  *******05:38
ceil420"No one should be forced to use anything that uses Qt."05:38
yeniklasorFlannel : my files and my installed 3 rd programs won't delete yeah?05:38
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ceil420what's Qt and why is it bad?05:38
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labanuxcrimsun : cannot open `/proc/asound/oss/sndstat' for reading: No such file or directory05:38
SuperLagajax4: excellent05:38
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PresuntoRJFrog29:  what do you get when on the Terminal you borwse your hardware information on the System>Preferences>Hardware Information05:38
FlannelNerdz: Alternate CD is textmode installer only (no liveCD), contains addiional install options (gui-less, OEM, etc), and has a package repository on it with additional packages05:38
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Nerdzroller: ok Thanks05:38
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Flannelyeniklasor: correct.  They'll just all be upgraded05:39
yeniklasorOK thanks05:39
xechostorone other question. Is audigy sound working properly out of the box, as they say? (integrated audigy SE here on a MSI K9N Diamond Mobo )05:39
seamus7Even though I chose the Alternate CD Upgrade ... it's still connecting to the network for updates ... which means I'm still experiencing a very slow upgrad process05:39
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crimsunlabanux: looks like alsa oss emulation modules aren't loaded.05:39
joobyanyone know why an applet refuses to display?05:39
eurekaI'm trying to view an image , it's pointing to the right location, and the image was there, however I still got a broken image when viewing, another interesting thing is that I can't see the image through samba, but I can list it using ls. What's wrong?05:39
wastrelceil420:  Qt is a graphics toolkit used to create a GUI.  it's not bad, some people dislike it- some people like it. it's an opinion thing.05:39
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rollerplus; lets you update from edgy and install in oem05:39
labanuxcrimsun: how can i fix this?05:39
crimsunlabanux: please download and use the script linked from http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support , then tell me the URL of the paste.05:39
Frog29PresuntoRJ - Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card05:39
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hendausDekkard,  do u know how to creat a torrent file to upload it on a site?05:40
ceil420wastrel, ah. the person i quoted that from is the hardcore type. slackware and all.05:40
ap1Flannel, no, reinstalling sudo does not reinstall things that were dependent _on: sudo05:40
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labanuxcrimsun: wait a minute..05:40
Frog29PresuntoRJ - from research i had done earlier it seems as if the dell thing has the same driver05:40
wastrelceil420:  kde uses qt , gnome uses gtk.05:40
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Flannelap1: Ah.  Gotcha.  Yeah, check dpkg logs.05:40
ceil420oh, i see05:40
ceil420Xfce uses gtk too doesn't it?05:40
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wastreldunno from xfce05:40
=== ceil420 lix Xubuntu
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PresuntoRJFrog29:  same chipsete I guess... not really sure, it appears you are in a nimbo between heaven and hell, I mean, with and without wi fi05:41
Flannelap1: but, uh, ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal (and ubuntu-desktop) should (I think?) cover most of them.  If you cant get a list from your logs for whaever reason05:41
PresuntoRJFrog29: its detected and started but somehow it wont realy network05:41
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wooden719frog29, fwiw mine is dell trumobile 140005:41
insmodwhat does "export INTEL_BATCH"  do? on google they say  export INTEL_BATCH=1 boost performance i tried export INTEL_BATCH=4 and got better reuslts05:41
vexati0nquick! everybody stop downloading Feisty!05:41
PresuntoRJFrog29: I was like this on Edgy, but it worked under Feistty05:41
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tovellaworking with limited internet service - no web browsing.  where can i ftp a feisty x86 desktop iso?05:41
Frog29PresuntoRJ - i think i just need to tell it to start.... if i remember there is some command to tell it to but i triesd it a few weeks ago on 6.1005:41
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labanuxcrimsun: it tells me to go to the #alsa room.. and see this : http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/output.txt05:42
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Flannelap1: ubuntu-minimal is dependant on sudo.  It appears thats the only one05:42
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PresuntoRJFrog29: you could try to locate a similar bug report (if any) on http://launchpad.net regarding wifi with your card chipset05:42
crimsunlabanux: yes, run the script. I helped develop that script.05:42
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letronjeto upgrade from edgy to fiesty, do i need to change my sources.list to the default one that edgy came with ?05:42
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burepe_!feisty fawn05:42
ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/05:42
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burepe_how do you upgrade?05:43
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lanii am trying to install feisty, i get into live cd, but when i try to install it can't seem to load the install application05:43
Flannel!upgrade | burepe_05:43
ubotuburepe_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:43
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Peloletronje,  I don'Tthink so,  you get a button to tedding you that 7.04 is available in the update manager05:43
baklava-anyone from .it around?05:43
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Frog29PresuntoRJ - hmmm05:43
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bobbob1016Hi all, I have what I think is a simple question.  If I reinstall Feisty on my PC, and I already have different partitions for my home, and my /, will I lose any of my settings?05:44
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PresuntoRJFrog29: do you know how to?05:44
mellow_bunnybobbob1016: not if you map corectly05:44
RAOFbobbob1016: Some, kinda.05:44
letronjePelo: yes i do , but it seems the in.archive.ubuntu.com is not responding, so installation is not proceeding firther05:44
eobanbbobbob1016, if you have different partitions, but only format the partitions that do not contain your home, etc, then you will not lose settings.05:44
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RAOFbobbob1016: As long as you don't format your /home, you won't lose your personal settings.05:44
eobanbbobbob1016, you must be sure to specify those partitions for your /home, etc, when installing05:44
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RAOFbobbob1016: Anything in /etc/ will be lost, though.05:44
eobanbjust dont overwrite them05:44
mellow_bunnyetc holds system settings05:44
bobbob1016I wasn't sure about my beryl settings05:44
Peloletronje,   servers are very busy atm05:44
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Frog29PresuntoRJ - do what?05:44
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eobanbbobbob1016, why are you reinstalling?05:45
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bobbob1016I know not to format my home partition, I just wasn't sure what gets lost05:45
billyneed a quick hint.  "./configure && make && make install" to install tar.gz?05:45
brian|lfsis everyone having pro0blems using automatix tongiht05:45
Flannel!automatix | brian|lfs05:45
ubotubrian|lfs: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe05:45
Frog29PresuntoRJ - huh if i say ifconfig it only shows eth0 and lo05:45
=== Gumby [n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby] has joined #ubuntu
brian|lfsIya and the mirros are slow05:45
Pelobilly,  sudo make install,  but read the readme / install files in the tr.gz first    there might be an installer05:45
letronjePelo: ok thnx, so keeping additional repositories in sources.list wont break the upgrade right?05:45
PresuntoRJFrog29: you could try to locate a similar bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ searching for a similar bug report some one might have posted (regarding your chipset)05:46
Flannelbrian|lfs: Don't use automatix.  simple as that.  It's nothing *but* problems05:46
Frog29PresuntoRJ - using -a it shows eth105:46
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=== Zancat [n=RULER@pool-71-100-16-163.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobbob1016eobanb, I had Edgy with Beryl on XGL working fine, and now my XGL session doesn't work, and I tried removing the XGL session, and going AIGLX as someone recommended, and for some reason I can't boot without the ATI drivers installed05:46
brian|lfshuh lol05:46
zilly6_anyone know how to make a bootable usb drive?05:46
brian|lfsI've always used it never had a problem05:46
RAOFbilly: Also, make *sure* that you're not trying to install something that's in the repositories already.05:46
Peloletronje,  as far as I know ( and I havewn't upgraded yet) the third party repos get disabled during the upgrade05:46
Frog29PresuntoRJ - k05:46
bobbob1016eobanb, and my sound doesn't work05:46
PresuntoRJFrog29: hum... it means it did not start the other05:46
Flannel!worksforme | brian|lfs05:46
RAOFbrian|lfs: See !worksforme :P05:46
labanuxcrimsun: i've ran the script, it returned error like this : cat: /proc/asound/version: No such file or directory, and so on..05:46
ubotubrian|lfs: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.05:46
crimsunbobbob1016: tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat05:46
alberti have two questions: i installed the textbased alternate of ubuntu and everytime i install software, which ist available on the cd too, the system asks me to instert the cd. is there a way of activating "download everything"?05:46
letronjePelo: cool, thnx once again,bye05:46
=== william_ [n=chatzill@c211-30-149-97.rivrw4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
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Frog29PresuntoRJ - so how would i just tell it to start?05:46
billyRAOF, I'm sure.05:46
=== admin___ [n=admin@modemcable073.220-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelalbert: Go to your software properties, and uncheck the CD05:46
Frog29PresuntoRJ - i thinkl the problem is it just has never been told to start05:47
=== arron [n=arron@modemcable208.211-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
albertthe second: do i need du edit my sources.list like in edgy?05:47
crimsunlabanux: ok, now pastebin `lspci -v && lspci -vvn && cat /proc/interrupts`05:47
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crimsunlabanux: be sure to tell me the URL of the paste05:47
eobanbbobbob1016, you cant boot, or you cant start X05:47
billyPelo, thanks.  will do.05:47
brian|lfsI thought you where a bot Ubuntu05:47
RAOFbilly: Ok.  It's just that it's *much, much* easier to use apt instead :)05:47
PresuntoRJFrog29: locating the bug... there is an Advanced Search item there... use direct key words05:47
Peloalbert,  open up sources manager and uncheck the cd05:47
brian|lfsUBOTU i MEAN05:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i mean - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:47
Flannelalbert: edit your sources.list to comment out the CD (with #).  Do you mean edit it to upgrade to feisty?  No.05:47
bobbob1016eobanb, can't start x, I've done reconfigure xserver05:47
PresuntoRJFrog29: wifi dell connection05:47
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PresuntoRJFrog29: your chipset number05:47
ap1Is Wiki "RestrictedFormats" the best way to install support for mp3 & such (in Edgy)?05:47
tarelerulzWhen I rum movies in Gxine I don't get any sound is the command problem?05:47
labanuxcrimsun: oh sorry.., i forget to tell the URL of pastebin.. :D05:47
PresuntoRJFrog29: !bug05:47
Frog29PresuntoRJ - k, but on the side doing sudo ifconfig eth1 up gives a no such file or directory, but i know it works05:47
Flannelap1: yes05:47
burepe  how do I check my version?05:48
=== Kickboy [n=Kickboy1@209-204-144-148.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #ubuntu
billyRAOF: yeah, I know.  ** if only **.  :)05:48
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:48
albertflannel: i mean the "universe/multiverse" thing.05:48
Peloap1,  pretty much05:48
crimsuntarelerulz: do you get sound elsewhere in Ubuntu?05:48
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wastrelburepe:  lsb_release -a05:48
bobbob1016crimsun, that didn't get the sound working05:48
milagexvid :p?05:48
Flannelalbert: ah.  You can do it manually, or you can do it through software sources/synaptic, in a pseudo-GUI sort of way05:48
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:48
PresuntoRJFrog29: sudo ifup eth105:48
Flannel!codecs | brian|lfs05:48
ubotubrian|lfs: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:48
tarelerulzYes I get sound with every thing else  but gxine05:48
dcbrian|lfs: !bot05:48
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crimsunbobbob1016: it won't do any magic. I need that info to help you.05:48
=== arron [n=arron@modemcable208.211-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
dcbrian|lfs | !bot05:48
PresuntoRJFrog29: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart05:48
dc!bot | brian|lfs05:48
ubotubrian|lfs: please see above05:48
bobbob1016crimsun, yeah, I think it might have05:48
Tarkushey guys, im new to linux and im wondering whats the difference between XGL, Compiz, and Beryl. anyone care to explain? thanks05:49
crimsunbobbob1016: what was the output from that command?05:49
Pelog'night folks05:49
=== DanaG [n=DanaG@24-180-7-162.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
bobbob1016crimsun, yeah, sound is working05:49
=== siti [n=siti@clix-jaquesmartin-nz.cpe.clix.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
albertflannel: k, is there some guide which parts of the sources.list to edit, to get full software access?05:49
KickboyI need some assistance with my 6.10 to 7.04 upgrade. I tried doing the upgrade through the update manager, but it was taking waaay too long. So I stopped it, and downloaded the "Alternate CD" to do it from there (Since BitTorrent is faster, it took only 20 minutes to DL). Well, now because I stopped the first upgrade ALL of my packwages are no longer authenticated, making it completely impossible for me to upgrade.05:49
Kickboyany ideas?05:49
burepewastrel: thanks05:49
Flannel!components | albert05:49
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ubotualbert: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:49
bobbob1016it said oss, then the card I sould use05:49
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albertthank you05:49
DanaGmy gnomevfs is broken for ssh.05:49
crimsunbobbob1016: I need the actual output...05:49
Frog29PresuntoRJ - the first didn't work... the second is running now05:50
insmodanyone know a fix for usplash on laptops05:50
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bobbob1016crimsun, Mixers:       0: Realtek ALC88005:50
RAOFinsmod: Not without a description of the problem.  Usplash works on *my* laptop05:50
crimsunbobbob1016: ok.05:50
=== rellik_ [n=Patrick@adsl-75-41-211-176.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
ap1How do I highlight a keyword in Gaim/IRC?05:51
bobbob1016crimsun, totem still doesn't play sound, the sound pref does the beep though05:51
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insmodRAOF: i won't do a full shutdown on some laptops05:51
ap1Why does loadkeys not find fi-latin1 keymap in console?05:51
labanuxcrimsun : this is the output : http://pastebin.ca/44930005:51
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=== EdgEy [n=EdgEy@adsl-83-100-175-72.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
tarelerulzSo any one else have gxine not have sound for movies?05:51
DanaGAnother odd thing:05:51
DanaGXFCE breaks my keyboard.05:51
Tarkushey im wondering whats the difference between XGL, Compiz, and Beryl. anyone care to explain? thanks guys.05:51
=== [ithaycu] [n=ithaycu@adsl-75-58-7-204.dsl.dytnoh.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelTarkus: #ubuntu-effects might be the best place to ask05:52
=== Griswold [n=Griswold@pool-71-245-96-216.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGMy arrow keys and home-pgup-pgdn-end turn into Japanese Input Method keys.05:52
RAOFinsmod: Ah, so it's probably not actually a usplash bug, then.  Your laptop doesn't shut down properly?05:52
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TarkusFlannel: k, thanks05:52
[ithaycu] for some reason occasionally have to reboot before I can rip a DVD05:52
DanaGOdd: when I shut down, usplash doesn't show.05:52
Nergarso what else should i install????05:52
Kickersnymy install is hung at 82% ("Scanning the mirror...")05:52
Kickersnywhat's it doing? waiting on the server?05:52
crimsunlabanux: ok, looking.05:52
Frog29PresuntoRJ - i keep on seeing the phrase network is down in refernce to eht105:52
insmodRAOF: all the forums say it's usplash05:52
Nergarservers are full05:52
bobbob1016crimsun, still no sound from anything but the sound pref's05:52
=== Coole^ [n=justin@71-212-78-125.tukw.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
zero88what advantages are they to compiling your own kenel.or reompiling?05:53
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insmodRAOF: works without usplash05:53
=== Ubuntunoob [n=supertyp@ip44.15.1411O-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu
KickersnyNergar, ahh, it just advanced and it's now downloading the package lists05:53
SuperLagajax4: What's the verdict?05:53
camer0ffi need to download a website to a certain number of levels.. do i use wget?05:53
crimsunbobbob1016: are they all set to ALSA (for sink)?05:53
RAOFinsmod: Ah, that's better.  No, I don't know, check out launchpad05:53
Kickersnyit was finding a spot on a mirror I assume05:53
Ubuntunoobhi all05:53
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ajax4zero88: You can optimize it to your exact hardware, but its not for beginners :)05:53
Nergardon't you all LOVE feisty!?!?! its AWESOME!!!!05:53
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KickersnyNergar, yes05:53
bobbob1016crimsun, one sec05:53
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RAOFzero88: The advantages: none.  the disadvantages: You are no longer able to be supported05:53
PresuntoRJFrog29: bizzar05:54
=== dogmeat [n=jay@adsl-69-109-210-45.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
slopi am op in #windowsvsnixdebate05:54
zero88ajax4 RAOF oh ok,then ill stear clear of that for now :)05:54
ajax4SuperLag: Thumbs up. Getting the nvidia drivers working and setting up xgl ("desktop effects") was a snap.05:54
codepoetwhile trying to install Samsung unified linux drivers, I get the error "ERROR: HARDWARE_PLATFORM undefined, execution aborted" - any idea what I can do?05:54
bimberizero88: you might get a (marginal at best) performance increase.  However you are then responsible for applying security patches - if you care.05:54
Nergargreat support and lots of new features!!05:54
Frog29PresuntoRJ - yea05:54
bobbob1016crimsun, it says OSS next to the device I'm using05:54
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blrichcan someone tell me how to install a package from packages.ubuntu.com?  i have a package.orig.tar.gz containing a bunch of .pkg files and i have no idea how to install it with dpkg05:54
crimsunbobbob1016: please choose ALSA instead.05:54
zero88bimberi so its jsut basically for hardware and optimization?05:54
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Frog29PresuntoRJ - any chance it has the wrong driver?05:54
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ap1How do I list console installed keymaps? loadkeys --what?05:54
irelandokay...so how do i list partitions with parted...can't get the damn thing to work.05:54
blrichi am in a real bind, if anyone can help that would be great05:54
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
slopits a channel reserved for me05:54
Flannelblrich: apt-get install [packagename] 05:54
bobbob1016crimsun, one sec05:54
ShaddoxHi hi everyone! ^^05:54
slopto debate with myself05:54
Flannelblrich: er, with sudo05:54
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Ubuntunoobrefresh rate setting on Radeon 8500 HEKP somebody plz05:55
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ShaddoxIs Feisty support still at #ubuntu+1?05:55
blrichFlannel, and that'll work even with an orig.tar.gz in the same directory?05:55
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Nergarwhats the devs channel???05:55
RAOFzero88: The only time you'd want to compile your own kernel is when the new kernel supports a piece of hardware you have, and the Ubuntu kernel doesn't.05:55
bobbob1016crimsun, no sound in anything now05:55
UbuntunoobHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP im going blind05:55
KickersnyShaddox, I would guess that's for Gutsy05:55
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bimberizero88: that would be the main reason to roll-your-own yes05:55
blrichFlannel, do i have to put the tar.gz in the package repository dir or something?05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fakeroot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
Ubuntunoobsry 4 yellin'05:55
SuperLagUbuntunoob: chill out05:55
Flannelblrich: no.  That works through the internet.  Package.ubuntu.com is a place to browse.  You don't need the tar.gz05:55
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drfrog666hi all i have a laptop w an ati x1400 nay chance in hell i can install off liveCD?>05:55
zero88ahh ok thanks guys05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
slopNergar: ubuntu-devel05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keyspan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
eobanb!fixres | Ubuntunoob05:55
ubotuUbuntunoob: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about serial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:55
RAOFblrich: You should download the .deb file from packages.ubuntu.com.  That's what dpkg understands.05:55
Fujitsu!botspam | jessid05:56
ShaddoxOkay, then I'll ask here. How do I copy a folder from my laptop to my server over an SSH connection onto my server as a sudo, so I can copy it to /usr/local/hlserver/ns ?05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about botspam - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:56
blrichFlannel, well i downloaded the package because i don't have the internet, i need to install it manually before i get drivers support for my network card to get on to the net05:56
Nergarslop, thnx05:56
rellikwhy is it that ubuntu releases don't have round numbers?  6.06, 6.10, 7.04..  these seem like unusual versions for major releases05:56
Ubuntunoobthx a lot!05:56
=== DanaG wishes there were a KDE Human theme, or a GTK Polyester theme.
jessidFujitsu what do yo mean?05:56
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Kickersnyrellik, year.month :)05:56
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Fujitsurellik: They are year.month, so 7.04 is April 2007.05:56
crimsunlabanux: lsmod|grep ^snd05:56
=== [ithaycu] wishes there was more time in the day
blrichRAOF, i can't find the .deb files on the site, where would the link be? i search for the package and down the bottom of the package page it just has an orig.tar.gz and a diff.tar.gz05:56
crimsunlabanux: (to pastebin)05:56
bobbob1016crimsun, under Devices I have two things, one is Intel and it says ALSA mixer next to it, and the Realtek says OSS, neither work on any of the settings05:56
Fujitsujessid: You're somewhat abusing the bot.05:56
DPicI just created a new partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to appear so that i can use it?05:56
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RAOFblrich: Is there any reason you're trying to download them manually anyway?05:57
crimsunbobbob1016: make sure it's set to ALSA05:57
ShaddoxOkay, then I'll ask here. How do I copy a folder from my laptop to my server over an SSH connection onto my server as a sudo, so I can copy it to /usr/local/hlserver/ns ?05:57
bobbob1016crimsun, they all are05:57
bobbob1016crimsun, even the device05:57
crimsunbobbob1016: then, in a Terminal, type: aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav05:57
Ubuntunoobthx @ all supporter & bb05:57
Flannelblrich: ah.  You need to download the .debs, that gz you have now is a list of names of packages.05:57
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kofwanghelp, when i restart system after upgrade to 704, boot fail05:57
kofwang Alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid/xxxxxxx-xxx-xx-xxxx dose not exist, Dropping to a shell!!05:57
FujitsuShaddox: You'll probably have to scp to your home directory, then copy with sudo from there.05:57
blrichRAOF, yeah i have no drivers for my network card because it's on a new mobo with nforce 430 chipset, i need to get the restricted drivers package for it to work (or so i'm trying)05:57
bobbob1016it said playing05:57
=== up365 [n=up365@c-68-38-65-15.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bobbob1016crimsun, it said playing05:58
SuperLagShaddox: rsync is probably the easiet way05:58
DPicSomebody? I just created a new partition using the Ubuntu live CD but how do i get it to show up so that i can use it?05:58
RAOFblrich: The restricted drivers package is on all of the install CDs.05:58
=== lowfront [n=lowfront@71-10-254-95.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
BlackDalekwhy won't any ntp servers I add to the servers in "Time and Date Settings" stick?05:58
bobbob1016crimsun, and I didn't hear anything05:58
blrichFlannel, okay cool, but where do i find the .deb downloads? there doesn't seem to be any links to a .deb on the individual package pages05:58
albertflannel: found everything, thanks05:58
jessidFujitsu mmm sorry...did not want to bother...perhaps you know something about compiling the kernel with the keyspan driver...or you might know where to go first...05:58
Flannelblrich: on each package's page, at the bottom, is a little table with different arches.  Click your arch, and you'll be able to choose a mirror to download a specific .deb file. install that with dpkg (don't forget dependencies!)05:58
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ShaddoxFujitsu: Can you explain how? I'm still a ubuntu nubcaek, and finally got Cedega working for my Steam and stuff.05:58
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crimsunbobbob1016: please pastebin `cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer` , then tell me the URL of the paste05:58
blrichRAOF, a-ha, should i a cd repos in apt sources to get it off?05:58
Flannelblrich: OH wait.05:58
=== Smoke [n=david@208-38-111-132.static.izoom.net] has joined #ubuntu
ShaddoxSuperLag: Is it easier then what Fujitsu said? I'm extremely confused. X_x05:58
T0uCHi had a power failure earlier today during the installation of feisty 7.04... the installation has stop... but now the problem is i cant restart the install of the packages that we're installed on the first upgrades(the one with the power failure) and it seems now that upgrades manager is installing version 6.10 ... i allready got this one... somebody can help what i should do now?05:58
Flannelblrich: You need ndiswrapper?05:58
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blrichFlannel, ah cool thankyou!05:58
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SuperLagblrich: why not just use apt or synaptic, like it's designed?05:58
Flannelslop: please stop05:58
blrichFlannel, no i have nforce 430 chipset, i need restricted drivers, which i *think* will work05:58
=== acidtabs [n=drherb@c-76-16-7-17.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lowfrontYa I'm on feisty!!!05:59
lowfrontI like05:59
ap1update-rc.d works like always? Not replaces by any Ubuntu fancy? Works with the graphical tools for services and bum?05:59
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blrichSuperLag, , i dont have a net connection on the affected machine05:59
=== MrMakeveli [n=Jon@] has joined #ubuntu
RAOFblrich: Actually, now that I look at it.  There is no nforce driver in the restricted drivers package.05:59
SuperLagShaddox: are you on the machine you want to copy to?05:59
wj32can i upgrade easily from edgy to feisty using the desktop cd?05:59
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SuperLagblrich: why not?05:59
Hasrat_USAhow come you had a power failure?05:59
RAOFblrich: But does it *really* not have a driver for it out of the box?  That sucks.05:59
Flannelblrich: Restricted drivers?  That's not a package.  But, ndiswrapper is on the CD you have, you dont need to sneakernet, youve already got it05:59
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wj32i'm currently going to upgrade using the alternate cd05:59
bobbob1016crimsun, http://pastebin.ca/44930605:59
Flannelwj32: no.  Alternate CD.05:59
blrichRAOF, oh good :( oh well i thought there might be something caus it has nvidia stuff05:59
crimsunap1: yes, we still use update-rc.d in maintainer scripts. Beware mucking with upstart scripts.05:59
MrMakevelihey guys, who here uses the old school xchat and not the gnome frontend one?05:59
RAOFblrich: Na, it's only got the nvidia graphics driver.05:59
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slopMrMakeveli: irssi!06:00
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Flannelblrich: you might be interested in ndiswrapper06:00
Flannel!wifi | blrich06:00
ubotublrich: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:00
ShaddoxSuperLag: I'm on the machine I'm copying FROM.06:00
crimsunbobbob1016: ...you do realize that 'PCM' is set to 0% , correct?06:00
slopEST: timechange!06:00
MrMakeveliSuperLag, is irss++ a irc client?06:00
RAOFFlannel: But it's not a wireless network card?06:00
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blrichFlannel, RAOF, SuperLag, the problem is when i run lspci, it just has tonnes of 'unknown nvidia device'. the built in ethernet on the board has drivers for it, but (i think) because i don't have drivers for the system bus (nforce 430 drivers) i can't even get the system to see the ethernet either06:00
FlannelRAOF: What?  Oh.  Sorry. blrich, I wasnt paying attention I guess.06:00
ap1I don't have Sys/Adm/Disks, that the Help system describes?06:01
bobbob1016crimsun, I have the system tray all the way up06:01
kerikHey guys!06:01
MrMakevelislop, irssi++ is a irc client?06:01
aldinhi, can someone tell ppl from packages.ubuntu.com to set up feisty (as default choise) when searching packages, cause there is edgy still... feedback?06:01
FlannelMrMakeveli: irssi is.06:01
trillianI upgraded to Feisty and am having graphics prolems - I have an ATI graphics card which worked before and showed up in fglrxinfo, but now I'm seeing Mesa. It likewise isn't appearing in the "Restricted Driver Manager" panel, and I've tried tutorials such as http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide but although everything will seem to go through I'll restart and it will stay Mesa drivers. I'd appreciate any help or advice (alth06:01
trillianough I could live with Mesa for a few days until things calm down)06:01
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ShaddoxSuperLag: I think I've figured something out, hold up.06:01
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crimsunbobbob1016: no.  amixer set 'PCM' 80%06:01
RAOFblrich: Oh, lspci *always* has a bunch of unknown devices.  That's no problem.06:01
kerikanyone who can tell me what an "error 2" when updating is?06:01
SuperLagShaddox: get on the machine you want to copy to, in the directory you want to copy to06:01
blrichRAOF, yeah but we're talking every device on the board06:01
MrMakeveliFlannel, does anyone use the gnome frontend for xchat?06:01
RAOFblrich: There are no drivers for a system bus.06:01
RAOFMrMakeveli: I do.06:01
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FlannelMrMakeveli: xchat-gnome is in main, "xchat" is in universe.06:02
blrichRAOF, it'sa gigabyte g61p-s3, it's new and therefore there are no drivers (apparently)06:02
bobbob1016crimsun, nm, I feel really stupid now, it is usually the easiest thing, isn't it?06:02
kerikit seems I cannot reach  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/restricted/source/Sources.bz2..anyone know why?06:02
bobbob1016crimsun, it works06:02
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SuperLagShaddox: then do this... rsync://source_IP_from_other_machine:/dir/you/want/copied .06:02
bobbob1016crimsun, I had to right click the sound thing and open volume control06:02
MrMakevelito clarify, i am using xchat in the uni and not xchat-gnome. is there any reason to use gnome other than aesthetics? it seems like i cant do as much06:02
blrichRAOF, well you know, north bridge or whatever. all i know is, ubuntu (dapper) is recognising nothing, i don't have a NIC according to it06:02
Kickersnyum... "The program apt-get is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: apt-get install apt"06:02
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ShaddoxSuperLag: The machine has no monitor anymore. I forgot it broke last week. X_x I got something good, im using a file browser to copy the folder to my home on the server, then gonna copy it to /usr/local/hlserver/06:02
Kickersnybut of course, when I type that, I get the same thing06:02
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milageIs the SMB shared folders thing supposed to work out of the box?06:02
RAOFblrich: Oh, *Dapper*?  Sorry, I've been hanging around in #ubuntu+1 for too long.06:02
Rkyraccoon55anyone know how to change the login screen resolution?06:03
SuperLagShaddox: cool.06:03
FlannelKickersny: download the .deb from packages.ubuntu.com then install it with `dpkg -i [file] `06:03
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RAOFblrich: Yes, it's entirely possible that Dapper (which is now a full year old) won't have drivers for your stuff.06:03
Shaddox844 files copying from me to my server now. :D06:03
BlackDalekHow come when I add a server to the ntp servers list it just disappears?06:03
bobbob1016crimsun, I still have the beryl problem though06:03
plewis77_I have the Broadcom 1400 working fine06:03
ShaddoxNatural Selection is a big big mod. ^^06:03
BHSPitMonkeywow.  the Disk Usage Analyzer had my vote until I just hit Refresh on a single directory, and it decided to refresh the whole drive.06:03
milageIt doesn't seem to be doing so for me06:03
KickersnyFlannel, I'll give it a shot06:03
blrichRAOF, it's kubuntu too, so god knows if they even have an edgy or feisty version out, it's for dad's dev machine so he wants dapper because he doesn't want any new versions of stuff he's working on (gtk, python, etc.)06:03
crimsunbobbob1016: I don't care for beryl, sorry.06:03
blrichRAOF, hmm i might just try and get a feisty cd and see if it works06:04
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Rkyraccoon55anyone know how to change the login screen resolution?06:04
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MrMakeveliis xchat-gnome > xchat?06:04
evandsaysquestion: i just installed kubuntu on my macbook... and the touchpad works well... but i want to configure some settings... i cant find the settings for that anywhere (not in mouse settings).. anyone know where the settings are?06:05
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jessidsee you later!!!06:05
ap1Do I get a complete list of all devices with mount, lpci, lsusb?06:05
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gr3ml1nhi i have a problem with cedega 6.006:05
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gr3ml1nCan't seem to be able to execute the WineX start up script /home/gr3ml1n/.cedega/.winex_ver/winex-6.0/bin/winex3 - perhaps your installation of WineX version default is corrupted?06:05
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FlannelMrMakeveli: no.  Theyre different. Most people prefer the latter.06:05
trillianI upgraded to Feisty from Edgy and am having graphics card problems - I have an ATI graphics card which worked before and showed up in fglrxinfo, but now I'm seeing Mesa. It likewise isn't appearing in the "Restricted Driver Manager" panel, and I've tried tutorials such as http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide but although everything will seem to go through I'll restart and it will stay Mesa drivers. I'd appreciate any help06:05
trillian or advice (although I could live with Mesa for a few days until things calm down)06:05
milageI selected a folder to share through the "Shared Folders" administration panel, and chose to enable write access for it06:05
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kerikRkyraccoon55: is the login res different from your res when logged in?06:05
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MrMakeveliFlannel, thank god, i thought i was the only one06:05
Rkyraccoon55kerik yea06:05
mojojojo_Which distribution of Feisty Fawn should I choose if I have Core 2 Due processor?06:05
Taime1i installed beryl, but only get the tray icon, beryl isnt running, and when i choose beryl as the window manager, it just blinks and goes back to using metacity06:05
milageWhen I access it from a different PC, i'mpropted for a user/pass06:05
Hobarttrying to upgrade a 1GB pendrive commandline install of Feisty.  Does aptitude check for disk free space before acting?06:05
MrMakeveliFlannel, it could be a little more pretty, but i think i enjoy it more06:05
KickersnyFlannel, wget: command not found06:05
Flannelgr3ml1n: #cedega06:05
geckohey all... can someone point me in the right direction for customizing ubuntu (appearance wise..)?06:05
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Rkyraccoon55kerik it cuts off the bottom of the screen on the login window but not when logged on06:05
Kickersnyhow else can I download it?06:05
KickboyI need some assistance with my 6.10 to 7.04 upgrade. I tried doing the upgrade through the update manager, but it was taking waaay too long. So I stopped it, and downloaded the "Alternate CD" to do it from there (Since BitTorrent is faster, it took only 20 minutes to DL). Well, now because I stopped the first upgrade ALL of my packwages are no longer authenticated, making it completely impossible for me to upgrade. Any ideas?06:05
kerikRkyraccoon55: sounds wacko :)...are you using x?06:05
FlannelKickersny: Why'd you break wget?06:06
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labanuxcrimsun: still here??06:06
milagethe shared folder admin panel didn't have anywhere to input any users06:06
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Rkyraccoon55im using the default06:06
Rkyraccoon55kerik im using the default06:06
milageso i tried what I use to log in to linux06:06
KickersnyFlannel, this is first boot; I didn't even get to a GUI06:06
milagebut that didn't work06:06
mojojojo_Which distribution of Feisty Fawn should I choose if I have Core 2 Due processor?06:06
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RAOFblrich: Yeah, try the Feisty LiveCD, and possibly just install a Dapper chroot into it :)06:06
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milageThis would be 6.1006:06
FlannelKickersny: Your install didn't work06:06
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geckomojojojo_:  you from ohio?06:06
FlannelKickersny: you're missing... probably most of your install.06:06
=== Kickersny puts the CD back in
blrichRAOF, ooh good call :P06:06
csmanxmy ubuntu dapper dvd doesn't have rescue mode =/06:06
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blrichRAOF, yeah i'll have to do that06:06
mojojojo_gecko: no, why?06:06
kerikRkyraccoon55: obkb....have you tried system -> settings > resolution?06:06
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bobbob1016can anyone help me with getting AIGLX to work with beryl?  I had XGL and the ATI driver on Edgy, but now I can't switch it to AIGLX06:07
RAOFmojojojo_: You can use either the i386 or the AMD64 version, either will work.06:07
blrichRAOF, SuperLag Flannel thanks for your help :)06:07
T0uCHi had a power failure earlier today during the installation of feisty 7.04... the installation has stop... but now the problem is i cant restart the install of the packages that we're installed on the first upgrades(the one with the power failure) and it seems now that upgrades manager is installing version 6.10 ... i allready got this one... somebody can help what i should do now?06:07
Abomhey pppoe_dude, still there? I had my linux friend try to troubleshoot it more with me and still we haven't been able to get online06:07
bambieubuntu 6.0 doesn't have ex-chat on it?06:07
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Rkyraccoon55kerik, yea that seems to only be for once logged in06:07
geckomojojojo_: same exact name was a guy i used to game with...he was from very very east ohio lol06:07
evandsaysanyone know how to configure the macbook's touchpad for KDE in kubuntu??06:07
fluidand now im having issues...installed the latest (horrible i know) ati drivers for this chipset...all went well. the xorg error log is showing that its attempting to load an older fglrx module...anybody know how to fix that?06:07
bambiexchat i meant06:07
bobbob1016Beryl didn't work on my XGL after upgrading to Feisty06:07
Flannelbambie: 6.06 has xchat-gnome in main, and xchat in universe06:07
RAOFbobbob1016: Join #ubuntu-effects for that, there's too much noise in here!06:07
Abompppoe_dude: I tried doing sudo iwconfig for my wireless and plugging in just about everything I could manually but nothing worked06:07
crimsunlabanux: I'm awaiting the information that I requested.06:07
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bobbob1016RAOF, sorry, forgot about that channel06:07
pppoe_dudeAbom, did you do the if up/down commands?06:07
mojojojo_RAOF: yeah, but I'm wondering which one will perform better06:07
labanuxcrimsun : this is the output : http://pastebin.ca/44930006:07
pppoe_dudeAbom, did you get messages?06:07
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milageIs any of you able to help me a bit with SMB shared folders?06:07
geckowhere can i go to figure out how to customize ubuntu appearance wise? like talking about themes and stuff?06:08
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kerikRkyraccoon55: yeah...you might be right on that one...06:08
kerikRkyraccoon55: 2 sec06:08
Kickersnygecko, gnome-looks.org06:08
csmanxoh well06:08
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csmanxI'll try to download a cd image06:08
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Rkyraccoon55kerik: thanks06:08
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RAOFmojojojo_: The AMD64 version, but you probably won't notice the difference unless you're doing CPU intensive stuff06:08
mojojojo_gecko: I'm from Poland, so it's rather distant from there :)06:08
csmanxthis is ridiculous06:08
geckoKickersny:  i have...i jus need to find out how to change applications menu button change...06:08
dcIf i install using the disk, will it format my disk or will it upgrade?06:08
Abomo ya know what, I did those first, and then I got an error, posted him the error and he said, "o woops you gotta do it with sudo beforehand" and I don't think I did it after that...06:08
Kickersnygecko, http://gnome-look.org/06:08
Abomwhat were they again?06:08
Kickersnysorry, had the URL wrong06:08
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T0uCHi had a power failure earlier today during the installation of feisty 7.04... the installation has stop... but now the problem is i cant restart the install of the packages that we're installed on the first upgrades(the one with the power failure) and it seems now that upgrades manager is installing version 6.10 ... i allready got this one... somebody can help what i should do now?06:09
geckoKickersny:  ive installed themes and stuff, i just want to change an icon...the menu icon on "start" menu...if you understand lol06:09
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trillianI'm having an ATI Raedon problem. I upgraded from Feisty and the card was working and showing up in fglrxinfo but it's now showing mesa. Likewise, the card is not showing up in the 'restricted drivers manager' and i'm not sure how to load it. i've tried online tutorials but so far have had no luck06:09
labanuxcrimsun : that's the only information you need doesn't it?06:09
kerikRkyraccoon55: in system > admin > login how is your x's set?06:09
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ap1How does automounting of cd-roms work? Which package does that? Or which kernel subsystem?06:09
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pppoe_dudeAbom, sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo  ifup eth1 (or whatever yor interface is)06:09
BlackDalekanyone know why I can't add ntp servers to the list?06:09
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Kickersnygecko, mmm, not sure06:09
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RAOFap1: A combination of udev, HAL and gnome-volume-manager06:09
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geckoKickersny:  its ok..... i just cant seem to find anyone who knows much about changing THOSE kind of system files lol...06:10
Rkyraccoon55kerik: how do you mean? "default session 'run xclient script'"?06:10
Taime1where can i get beryl support??????????????????06:10
Kickersnygecko, check /usr/share06:10
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kerikRkyraccoon55: btw....dapper or Edgy/Feisty?06:10
crimsunlabanux: no, I also asked for `lsmod|grep ^snd`06:10
eobanbTaime1, #ubuntu-effects06:10
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Rkyraccoon55kerik: feisty06:10
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geckoTaime1:  you can go to beryl's website for support06:10
trillianI'm trying to reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx but the main archive.ubuntu repository isn't loading. do any mirrors have it? (none i've tried seem to)06:10
kerikRkyraccoon55: I mean your little "ticks" in the boxes in there :)06:10
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pppoe_dudetrillian, try downloading from packages.ubuntu.com06:11
ap1RAOF, thx06:11
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kerikRkyraccoon55: I don't know if there is any change from Dapper to Feisty though...06:11
geckotrillian:  are you having an issue with it being slow upon updates? if you give it a few...it will work06:11
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geckotrillian: i had that problem earlier today06:11
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Rkyraccoon55kerik: first 2 checked, no 3, yes 4, 5, no 606:11
kerikRkyraccoon55: as Im using dapper...06:11
whtai noticed when choosing to upgrade, it'll be removing my old beryl install. will i have to redo all my settings for that?06:11
MrMakeveliare the repos still doing this bad?!06:11
bambiehow can i install xchat on ubuntu 6.06?06:11
trilliangecko: it's not being slow, it's saying the connection timed out06:11
Rkyraccoon55kerik: oh06:11
trilliangecko: i've literally not been able to connect to it all day06:11
labanuxcrimsun: lsmod|grep ^snd  return nothing, i've tried this too 'lsmod|grep snd", still return nothing..06:11
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whtaand i expect these terrible download speeds are because of massive traffic? :p06:12
BlackDalekinternet time server synchronizing... anyone got any clues?06:12
bambiecause mine doesn't have xchat i've been using gaim for ircing but i dont really like it :/06:12
crimsunlabanux: now, `sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel`06:12
AwperatorHello guys, another question thanks for all the help so far. I mistakenly make my home partition only 1.0GB and my swap 10GB but I just resized it using the feisty liveCD. But now my /home is still showing 300MB free space. What do I need to do? Gparted shows the size of the /home partition as 10GB, why dont I have all that space now?06:12
geckotrillian: i had to take a command line approach... it took 2 hours to figure it out...it told me apt-get wasnt right...i didnt have rights.... i rebooted and it was fine06:12
Rkyraccoon55kerik: :show visual feedback", "use circles instead of asterisks", "disable multiple logins", "default session"06:12
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voraistosbambie: sudo apt-get install xchat06:12
voraistosor xchat-irc06:12
Madpilotbambie, enable Universe, install xchat via apt-get, Synaptic or Add/Remove06:13
trilliangecko: i'm just doin 'sudo apt-get update' and it's timing out06:13
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bambievoraistos thank you.06:13
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fluidanyone know what i can do when i install a newer kernel module and Xorg is attempting to load an older preexisting one instead of the new one?06:13
gr3ml1nhow to enable mouse button 3 4 and 5 ?06:13
kerikRkyraccoon55: ok...I have nothing like that :/06:13
voraistosbambie: i think xchat-gnome is included in the main repo.06:13
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bambieone more thing, how can i change my real name/ username?06:13
kerikRkyraccoon55: that's in settings for the login-screen?06:13
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Awperatorgr3mlin what type of mouse?06:14
gr3ml1nAwperator:  logitech mx51806:14
Rkyraccoon55kerik: i guess that changed a bit. yea in the general tab06:14
swjhas anyone notice that you have gksudo brasero or gnome baker before burning?06:14
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trillianpppoe_dude, i'm not sure how to download from packages.ubuntu.com - is it actually a repository or am i downloading files from my browser?06:14
voraistosbambie: look in the preferences menu.06:14
crimsunlabanux: and what was the result?06:14
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kerikRkyraccoon55: I sure believe it has....sorry mate06:14
pppoe_dudetrillian, files from browser06:14
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Rkyraccoon55kerik: its cool i appreciate the help anyways06:14
diabolixI know how fix this.. but why is the installer completely useless at 800x600 when thats what it set my resolution to?06:14
pppoe_dudetrillian, you can search and download the package you want, then sudo dpkg -i <package> to install it06:14
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pppoe_dudetrillian, there are a lot of mirrors there06:15
bambievoraistos alright thanks alot06:15
=== DanaG wishes there were a nice purple theme.
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DanaGPurple would be nice for a change from orange, which I also like.06:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:15
Frog29yarr - how do i add the 1024 X 768 resolution that i had in 6.10 to 7.04?06:15
kerikAnybody know about present problems with  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper-security/restricted/source/Sources.bz2 ?06:15
T0uCHsomeone can gave me the link for the alternate cd iso download... the one i can upgrade with.. ??06:15
MrMakeveliis everyone else havin probs w/ the repos too?06:15
Frog29I lost it in the upgrade06:15
BlackDalekis anyone else able to add ntp servers or is doing so impossible for everyone?06:15
swjanyone having a problem burning with feisty?06:15
gr3ml1nhow to enable mouse button 3 4 and 5 ?06:15
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SuperLaggr3ml1n: do a search on teh forums for ZAxisMapping06:16
Nergaranyone want to recommend me some cool aps???06:16
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DanaGI use evdev for my mouse.06:16
Madpilotubotu, mouse | gr3ml1n06:16
ubotugr3ml1n: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto06:16
labanuxcrimsun: the module can't be found.. :(06:16
Awperatorgr3mlin: this link helped me http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219894&highlight=sound06:16
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diabolixit seems like feisty's installer isn't as smart as edgys...06:16
deepsahow do i manage network services in ubuntu? i am use to chkconfig <Serivcename> <on/off>?06:16
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Nergaranyone want to recommend me some cool aps??? /msg me the apps :)06:16
whtaare there improved printer drivers with feisty? one HUGE drawback i've found so far with ubuntu is that  my printer won't work properly with it.06:16
SuperLagdiabolix: why do you say that?06:16
Awperatorgr3mlin: I have the same exact mouse06:16
MrMakeveliNergar, i use "tomboy notes'" every day06:16
compilerwriterCan a person update from the cd iso without breaking things, or must one use adept?06:16
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geckotrillian: i dont understand why it is timing out...that is really weird06:16
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Meshezabeelwhta what kind of printer do you have?06:17
NergarMrMakeveli, sticky notes for me06:17
kerikanybody having problems updating from dapper to edgy???06:17
MrMakeveliNergar, you ever try tomboy?06:17
whtamesh: canon pixma mp60006:17
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trilliangecko, =/06:17
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BHSPitMonkeyNergar, Tremulous06:17
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diabolixSuperLag: it set my resolution to 800x600, the installer is completely useless here. i gues i can hit enter, but if i where new to linux this would turn me off right away.06:17
billywhat package do I require so that ./configure works?06:17
labanuxcrimsun: the module can't be found.. , or maybe there's missing component?06:17
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mjbrooksG'Evening Madpilot  been a crazy night?06:17
MrMakeveliNergar, for tomboy notes, i like that theres a header in a different color, and then the text below. you can also search them06:18
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tonyr1988billy: build-essential if I understand you correctly06:18
AwperatorCan anyone help me w/ my partition/resizing problem or should I post again?06:18
MrMakeveliits been a godsend for me06:18
Madpilotmjbrooks, not as bad as it might have been06:18
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billythx tonyr198806:18
Frog29How do i set my reslution to 1024X768 on 7.04? i had it working by default on 6.10....06:18
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deepsahow do i manage network services in ubuntu? i am use to chkconfig <Serivcename> <on/off>?06:18
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NergarMrMakeveli, i used tomboy for a while, but like how sticky notes handles the notes06:19
RAOF!bum | depsa06:19
ubotudepsa: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto06:19
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billyFrog29, System>Pref's>Screen Resolution06:19
mjbrooksMadpilot, quick, knock on wood!  ;)06:19
ubotuirc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines06:19
diabolixFrog29: "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf "06:19
=== deCon [n=naoise@c-67-182-233-160.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
vexati0nis it possible to take an ISO image and create a virtual cdrom device in /dev that points to it?06:19
=== Madpilot knocks on mjbrooks' skull.
MrMakeveliNergar, in what way? if you give me a reason sticky > tomboy i'll switch. im open minded hehe06:19
EverythingEvil2deepsa: /etc/init.d/<service> start/stop/restart06:19
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mjbrooksMadpilot, lol06:19
whtaisn't having a !irc command in an IRC channel kind of redundant?06:19
zilly6_if i have the feisty iso, is there a way i can upgrade using it?06:19
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AwperatorHello guys, another question thanks for all the help so far. I mistakenly make my home partition only 1.0GB and my swap 10GB but I just resized it using the feisty liveCD. But now my /home is still showing 300MB free space. What do I need to do? Gparted shows the size of the /home partition as 10GB, why dont I have all that space now?06:19
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SuperLagvexati0n: yes, but why? what are you trying to do?06:19
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keriknobody had problems updating from Dapper to Edgy?06:20
s0undt3chhello ppl, I recently bought a LG P1 Express Pro laptop, couldn't get feity to install, although 6.10 I could, but my gigabit lan card although detected, was not loaded, got any sugestions?06:20
trilliani'm attempting to reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx because I can't get it working with the download from ATI and get the following error: "Reinstallation of xorg-driver-fglrx is not possible, it cannot be downloaded."06:20
diabolixFrog29: and then look for all the lines that look like  Modes           "800x600" and add "1024x768" in front of "800x600"06:20
EverythingEvil2kerik: i did06:20
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vexati0nSuperLag, trying to fool vmware.06:20
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deepsaEverythingEvil2: update-rc.d ?06:20
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NergarMrMakeveli, they're like screen post its06:20
diabolixFrog29: then press alt+ctr+backspace06:20
trillianzilly, you can download the feisty alternate CD and can upgrade from that06:20
kerikEverythingEvil2: what error did you get?06:20
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NergarBHSPitMonkey, what does it do?06:20
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zilly6_trillian, what if i already downloaded it via bittorrent?06:21
EverythingEvil2kerik: i dunno, broke a lot of stuff06:21
trillian(although I'm having mixed luck with it....it might just suggest waiting a week and doing the built-in download upgrade, or a fresh install. can't tell if it's just my bad luck, or not)06:21
ap1ok, so the WLAN question. I booted Edgt CD on my Thinkpad Z60m and configured the WLAN graphically. It said reconfiguring devices, but nothing seemed to happen after that? How do I debug?06:21
billytonyr1988, keep getting "command not found".  hm ...06:21
zilly6_trillan i grabbed desktop06:21
BHSPitMonkeyNergar, lets you shoot at people over teh internet.06:21
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marvin_i'm starting evolution with --debug to fix an auth problem i seem to have. everything seems fine, but in the file the username and password are hidden, so i can't check them. is there a way to make them not hidden w/o recompiling?06:21
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fluidbrb...gotta restart06:21
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trillianzilly6_, from what i could tell, you can only *upgrade* from edgy to feisty from the alternate CD - i did the same thing and had to redownload the alternate (which only took, like, another half hour - there are tons of people seeding)06:21
kerikEverythingEvil2: did you use the gksu "update-manager -c"?06:21
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Frog29diabolix - thanks let me try that06:22
MrMakeveliyeah does anyone else have any suggestions for useful/interesting apps?06:22
BlackDalekntp? anyone?06:22
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s0undt3chany idea on how I can make that lan card to work?06:22
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crimsunlabanux: paste the command that you used06:22
NergarBHSPitMonkey, 101 MB??? wow06:22
EverythingEvil2kerik: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:22
zilly6_trillian ok, i'll let it go over night. do you know of a good guide for setting proper screen resolution?06:22
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kerikdeepsa: there are other ways to update than gksu "update-manager -c"?06:22
trillianzilly6_, sorry, i don't06:22
pirothezeroso are we supporting feisty in here now?06:22
Black_!hi | guitrokr06:22
ubotuguitrokr: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:22
pirothezeroor still +106:22
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BHSPitMonkeyNergar, it's that good06:22
trillianCan anyone help me get my ATI Raedon working? it's not appearing in the 'restricted drivers manager' and the tutorials I'm finding online aren't working06:23
diabolixFrog29: tell me how it goes.. pressing alt+ctrl+backspace will log you out, just so you know.06:23
kerikEverythingEvil2: will that mess up the system or keep drivers intact?06:23
deepsawhat happened to the repo's i am not getting packages06:23
BlackDalekcan no one make ntp work?06:23
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:23
labanuxcrimsun : #modprobe snd-hda-intel  (i log in as root)06:23
EverythingEvil2kerik: from dapper to edgy?06:23
zilly6_anyone know how to modify screen resolution?06:23
kerikEverythingEvil2: yeah06:23
deepsazilly6_: system-config-display?06:23
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DraconicusEnough with the newbies. I have a real question, and it matters!06:23
s0undt3chhow can I get that gigabit lan card up?06:23
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EverythingEvil2kerik: i dont really remember what all broke, but i had to reinstall06:23
BlackDalekbing badda boom?06:24
zilly6_deepsa it doesn't display the native resolutions06:24
deepsaDraconicus: whats that06:24
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deepsazilly6_: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:24
kerikEverythingEvil2: darn....that's a drawback06:24
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BlackDalekug! ug!06:24
Draconicusdeepsa: apt can't lock the list directory. There's no explanation given.06:24
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:24
zilly6_deepsa thanks06:24
deepsaDraconicus: /var/log?06:24
deepsazilly6_: np06:24
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trillianWhen i try to apt-get update from archive.ubuntu.com I get Connection failed [IP: 80] 06:24
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Draconicusdeepsa: Dude, this is from a fresh install. Zero change.06:24
guitrokrdoes anyone want to answer me something i wanted to run by someone?06:25
deepsa!slow | trillian06:25
ubotutrillian: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:25
EverythingEvil2kerik: lets just say i installed a lot of stuff and i didnt know what i was doing either06:25
Frog29diabolix - ummm - i alreay have all modes between 1280X800 and 640X480... but under screen resolutions i nsystem whatever i can only select the 800 X 60006:25
deepsaDraconicus: whatever check logs06:25
bambi1when i type sudo apt install xchat it says : sudo apt command not found?06:25
Black_!slow | trillian06:25
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Draconicusdeepsa: There's no log for apt.06:25
DanaGOh, for people with the Intel IGP:06:25
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DanaGinstall 915resolution06:25
BlackDalekCondo fetch head! Ug!06:25
zcat[1] bambi1, apt-get install, perhaps?06:25
deepsaDraconicus: whats the error06:25
kerikEverythingEvil2: so actually the method might work if I dont' install all kinds of different woolahoop?06:25
fbarcenasI've been updating since 1pm CST. And it just froze on 970 of 1198.  Any ideas? Is there a retry or something?06:25
billy!info build-essentials feisty06:25
johnlittlebambil: sudo apt-get install xchat06:25
DanaG(which I wish was installed by default).06:25
mjbrooksdeepsa, can you pipe those with >  the rest of us don't need to see it every 2 mins06:25
ubotuPackage build-essentials does not exist in feisty06:25
deepsa!slow | fbarcenas06:25
ubotufbarcenas: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:25
bambi1let me try06:25
deepsamjbrooks: okay sorry06:26
chainlynxhey everyone, what should I use to update my system, apt-get or aptitude and why?06:26
diabolixFrog29: what graphics card is it?06:26
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EverythingEvil2kerik: well, for video you would have to recompile the modules im willing to bet06:26
trillianDoes anyone know how the 'restricted driver manager' works? i'm trying to get an ati raedon card working and failing...silly mesa06:26
deepsachainlynx: apt-get because it's command line more powerful and stable06:26
guitrokrcan i install and boot from an external hard drive with no problem?06:26
zcat[1] chainlynx, update-manager -c I think..06:26
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mjbrookschainlynx, either/or   because it's a personal preference06:26
billychainlynx, i'd go with aptitude because it will automatically install recommended packages.06:26
deConI'm having severe issues trying to get the feisty upgrade, it has bad repositories06:26
deepsadeCon: repos' are slow06:26
BHSPitMonkeychainlynx, update from edgy to feisty?06:27
crimsunlabanux: did you attempt to recompile alsa-driver yourself?06:27
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bambi1can i paste couple lines here? if you guys don't mind06:27
deCondeepsa, but the wrong ones?06:27
Frog29Diabolix - its an nvidea go 6150 built in on a laptop 9and please don't say update graphics card drivers.... beacause then  ihave to go try and get wireless wrokign again... which i alreayd tried....... and gave up on for the night, it worked on 6.10 with a higher resolution)06:27
Draconicusdeepsa: "Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)06:27
kerikEverythingEvil2: you mean video card? - mine worked out of the box with dapper...06:27
deepsabambi no use pastebin instead06:27
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bambi1sorry, i'm newb06:27
marvinalonewhat's a good place to get evolution help?06:27
ShaddoxHi everyone, I have a question. I have a program for a Half Life server running on my server. How can I make sure that the program restarts in event of crash?06:27
guitrokris there any way to actually get help in this support channel?06:27
fbarcenasdeepsa, anyone got any statustics posted on the traffic?06:27
Frog29diabolix -  :D06:27
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deepsaDraconicus: it seems process for apt is running06:27
ant-i'm getting 600KB from ussg.iu.edu for the iso06:27
EverythingEvil2kerik: accelerated?06:27
deepsafbarcenas: no check the mirrors website06:27
zcat[1] Draconicus, iirc the lockfile should contain the pid of whatever created it.06:27
kerikEverythingEvil2: my only problem is that I am a bit nervous about my wireless, as I have just made that work...06:27
bambi1what is the site for paste bin?06:28
diabolixFrog29: is the driver set to "nvidia"?06:28
DanaGI allllllllways use aptitude.06:28
mjbrooks!paste > bambi106:28
kerikEverythingEvil2: VERY NOTaccelerated :)06:28
diabolixor "nv"06:28
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deepsabambi1 /topic please06:28
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Nergaranyone else had problems conecting to IRC with Gaim??06:28
Frog29Diabolix - ?06:28
Black_any links to 7.04 livecd torrent?06:28
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kerikEverythingEvil2: Intel i830GM06:28
Draconicusdeepsa: Unless you guys stuffed some retarded automatic updater in there at the last minute that runs without saying anything, there's nothing that would be using it.06:28
deepsaNergar: tell the problem06:28
guitrokrim on gaim now06:28
EverythingEvil2kerik: ah06:28
diabolixFrog29: in that file..06:28
=== michael [n=michael@cpe-24-209-226-16.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Draconicuszcat[1] : That's interesting, because this is a brand new, shiny, fresh install. No changes made. One user.06:28
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deepsaDraconicus: ps aux | grep apt please06:28
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Frog29Diabolix - o06:28
NergarGaim crashes when i try to open a IRC account06:28
EverythingEvil2kerik: i dont know much about intel chipsets06:28
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xphaqtoranybody having issues with the package manager?06:28
zcat[1] Draconicus, so cat the lockfile and kill of whatever process is locking it?06:28
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Frog29Diabolix - generic video card and generic monuitor06:29
kerikEverythingEvil2: but do you know about wireless? I have a Atheros based mini-pci adapter...06:29
NickGarvey!slow | xphaqtor06:29
zcat[1] *off06:29
ubotuxphaqtor: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:29
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deepsaNergar: run from a terminal and paste the exact crash report please? which version of ubuntu btw?06:29
unikuserFrog29:did you try restricted driver manager?06:29
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ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/06:29
commonlyUNIQU3please HELP!  how do I activate a PCMCIA wifi card?  I can see it with lcpci (it shows up as an Ethernet Controller)06:29
xphaqtorcool, thx...just making sure it wasn't just me06:29
EverythingEvil2kerik: i have no idea about wireless, i dont use it, dont need it06:29
Nergardeepsa, feisty06:29
EverythingEvil2kerik: sorry man06:29
s0undt3chplease some help on a gigabit lan card detected but now brought up?!06:29
guitrokris there anyone here who would answer a question for me in private IM real quick about installing ubuntu (feisty) to an external hard drive?06:29
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xphaqtormy wireless isn't working as well06:29
kerikEverythingEvil2: that's cool ;)06:29
deepsaNergar: paste the crash report please on the paste site in /topic06:29
NickGarvey!pm | guitrokr06:29
ubotuguitrokr: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:29
drfrog666can anyone help me w FF7.04 atiX1400 install?06:29
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labanuxcrimsun : i've tried that.. but using the beta version.. I've compiled and install everything, alsa-driver, lib, utils, etc.. But it still didn't work at all..06:29
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deepsaxphaqtor: don't say not working tell the problem exact problem06:29
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deepsaxphaqtor: with error messages06:30
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Frog29Diabolix - again... ?06:30
crimsunlabanux: argh, you completely messed up Ubuntu's audio infrastructure06:30
s0undt3chdrfrog666: we're on the same boat06:30
kerikEverythingEvil2: seems from the bot that I should just wait and see when the servers are not under such heavy attack :)06:30
diabolixFrog29: there should be a section titled "Section "Device"" and it should have a driver line.06:30
xphaqtorwell, it recognizes the card, but that's as far i can get06:30
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Whiz2I'm using my Kubuntu computer as a dedicated web server, and I have some php pages on it. one of the features of the php pages is php mail. is there a special module or configuration i need to set in order for php mail to work? (I'm using a dapper release)06:30
s0undt3chdrfrog666: what's your machine?06:30
sizzami'm using Feisty, should /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny exist on a fresh install?06:30
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EverythingEvil2kerik: yea, it takes forever to pull down anything06:30
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Frog29Diabolix - yea.... all it has is Generic Monitor so what shoudl  ichange it to?06:30
Draconicusdeepsa: Well that's interesting. Either there was an invisible instance of Synaptic or it was labeling both the Synaptic main window and error window. Either way, it showed two different windows with very different owners, but one was created by root, while the other was in gksu, so it's still plausably the first. I'll try reloading again.06:30
marvinalonehmm, the day after the release might not be a good time to ask in-depth questions here ;-)06:30
crimsunlabanux: please reinstall linux-sound-base, alsa-base, libasound2, alsa-utils, and linux-image-$(uname -r)06:30
xphaqtorit acknowledges that its there, i've installed the drivers using ndis, but im not even getting a power led on the card06:30
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BlackDalekUg! me no can add server to ntp server list. bad bad server list make good new ntp server vanish! how me fix? Ug! etc...06:30
kerikEverythingEvil2: that might be why I get server timeouts?06:30
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diabolixFrog29: search for "vesa" in the file.06:30
s0undt3chdrfrog666: mine is a LG P1 Express Pro06:30
noesishave not  install 7.04 yet but digg seems to be  harping on it , what is wrong with this verson06:31
EverythingEvil2kerik: wouldnt be surprised06:31
deepsaDraconicus: well man when u do a fresh install update manager runs in the background06:31
diabolixFrog29: you can hit ctrl-F to search.06:31
widebackdoes anyone know how i can find out what wireless driver im using?06:31
Draconicusdeepsa: That's a pain in the ass. You should disable that.06:31
NickGarvey!info libapache2-mod-php5 | Whiz206:31
ubotuwhiz2: libapache2-mod-php5: server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (apache 2 module). In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.1-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 2470 kB, installed size 5588 kB06:31
unikusercrimsun: did you try a reboot?06:31
kerikEverythingEvil2: guess I'll wait a few days then :)...see you round mate06:31
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EverythingEvil2kerik: but feisty is nice as all get out06:31
labanuxcrimsun: btw, i've remove all of that package i've installed manually, then I reinstall what just told me.., but it still didn't worked.06:31
Draconicusdeepsa: It'll confuse the hell out of new users.06:31
deepsaDraconicus: we will in gusty okay man06:31
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mjbrooksnoesis, the question you should be asking is what's wrong with digg06:31
widebackdoes anyone know how i can find out what wireless driver im using?06:31
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kerikEverythingEvil2: sounds good...not too buggy?06:31
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Nergardeepsa, never mind, its working now06:31
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EverythingEvil2kerik: i been runnin it since begining of beta, no problems at all06:31
Frog29Diabolix - k...06:31
deepsawideback: lsmod06:31
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deepsaNergar: okay06:31
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commonlyUNIQU3please HELP!  how do I activate a PCMCIA wifi card?  I can see it with lcpci (it shows up as an Ethernet Controller)06:31
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Frog29Diabolix - i know things in general... just not ubuntu ;)06:32
kerikEverythingEvil2: sounds wonderful....06:32
bambi1thats what it says aftering type sudo apt-get install xchat06:32
DraconicusFeisty in the beta (this machine) has so much promise. I hope it doesn't turn out to be another Edgy with this fresh install on my client's machine.06:32
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: lspci -v please paste output at http://pastebin.ca06:32
deepsawideback: np06:32
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diabolixFrog29: sorry.. i deel with windows converts alot.06:32
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kerikEverythingEvil2: but guess I should be going to work :) - have a nice day/night!06:32
EverythingEvil2kerik: it may have that atheros card in the restricted drivers06:32
EverythingEvil2kerik: yea i need to get to bed06:32
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: ok, hang on...06:32
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diabolixFrog29: change "vesa" to "nv" and save it. then hit ctrl-alt-backspace.06:32
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: sure i am on06:33
Whiz2ubotu: I'm assuming that means i need to install this mod using adept, or apt-get?06:33
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dxdemetriouwhen finish getting the packages for feisty it can't continue and says that rhythmbox have md5 fail. how can this be?06:33
Frog29Diabolix - ( i am a windows convert :) )06:33
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zxagentgood night06:33
mjbrooksdiabolix, yeah, but that's a good thing if you think about it06:33
kerikEverythingEvil2: it should run ok with the madwifi are they included?06:33
BlackDalekam I connected?06:33
zcat[1] Draconicus, test it first! I wouldn't install something for someone else that I hadn't run for a week myself first...06:33
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Frog29Diabolix - done06:33
guitrokrummmmmmmmmmmm ok i just downloaded gaim specifically to get into this support group and ask my question in real time, but it just gets ignored everytime06:33
deepsadxdemetriou: bad download re-download06:33
diabolixmjbrooks: true.. true..06:33
s0undt3chubuntu does not ship the atheros driver?06:33
s0undt3chEverythingEvil2: ubuntu does not ship the atheros driver?06:33
Frog29Diabolix - SWEET!06:33
EverythingEvil2kerik: i dont know about wifi, if its a major restricted driver it shoudl, theres probably a list somewhere06:33
rellik_guitrokr, you downloaded gaim to get onto IRC?06:33
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kerikEverythingEvil2: hehe...it's sorta cool...here its 06:33 AM :) but sleep tight when you get there :)06:33
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BlackDalekhow do I install bollox?06:34
Draconicuszcat[1] : I'm quite skilled now at making the beta run, as is evidenced in this machine, so I'm not really worried. I just expected less bugs after all that testing and after such stability when I installed this beta.06:34
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mjbrooksguitrokr, as you may have noticed, we're pretty busy06:34
dxdemetrioudeepsa, I tried it many times to redo the upgrade. maybe I'll put manually the file to archives06:34
Frog29Diabolix - now the question is...... are those the drivers fulyl isntalled? or only partly?06:34
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s0undt3chEverythingEvil2: is that why my gigabit is detected but not loaded?06:34
guitrokris it always like this?06:34
diabolixFrog29: cool.. now it you want 3d install the official driver and change that line to "nvidia".. but at least its more usuable for now...06:34
nothlitguitrokr: you haven't actually asked your question06:34
deepsadxdemetriou: repos slow today06:34
kerikEverythingEvil2: sounds like I should just try :)06:34
nothlit!anyone | guitrokr06:34
Frog29Diabolix - aka can it do 3-d things or scroll smoothly06:34
ubotuguitrokr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:34
guitrokrprior to this06:34
milageIs the "Shared Folders" control panel in the administration menu supposed to work?06:34
Gumbyguitrokr: sometimes you have to ask your question multiple times as either there are not enough people to answer or no one that is able to answer actually knows the answer06:34
milageI can't seem to make it work at least06:34
deepsadxdemetriou: possibility that you get bad downloads for a while we are on that06:34
nomasteryodadeepsa, lol for sure06:34
BlackDalekcan i ask a question?06:34
EverythingEvil2kerik: madwifi had some issues i read last week06:34
Frog29Diabolix - well this will work for now  - at least till i can get intenret to do sudo get for the drivers06:34
diabolixFrog29: you are using the open source driver.. its good enough for regular use, but not 3d.06:34
milageSo it would be nice of someone in here has any idea how to use it06:34
nomasteryodaBlack_, ask, don't ask to ask06:34
EverythingEvil2kerik: hopefully they are patch so its secure06:34
nomasteryodaer sorry06:34
NewbieBabahello - where can i find md5 checksum for ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i38606:34
deepsaBlackDalek: don't ask to ask just ask06:35
caryproHey all06:35
pibarnashow can I install gnome-compiz-manager in feisty?!?06:35
kerikEverythingEvil2: hmmm...I'll check it out...yeah a patch would be nice06:35
deepsaNewbieBaba: www.ubuntu.com06:35
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Black_nomasteryoda: what?06:35
kerikbye for now06:35
dcIf i install using the disk, will it leave my files intact?06:35
dxdemetrioudeepsa, his is because there is traffic?06:35
deepsakerik: bye06:35
nomasteryodawrong Black_ ...06:35
zcat[1] just had some curry, I am really sweating now!06:35
NewbieBabaexact link please?06:35
rellik_guitrokr, IRC can be kind of hit or miss.. if no one answers either no one knows or no one noticed..  you just gotta be polite and keep asking.. a lot of times you'll get the help you need, sometimes you just gotta come back and try again06:35
deepsadxdemetriou: yeah alot06:35
diabolixhmm... yeah video configuration is definitely ubuntu's week point.06:35
nomasteryodaubuntu still rocks06:35
=== Black_ is now known as somerandomname
deepsanomasteryoda: ;)06:35
s0undt3chjust tell if I'm wrong, no one see's my messages?06:35
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BlackDalekdoes ntp servers even work?06:35
caryproI would like to download Ubuntu 7.04 but not sure which version is 64 bit for Intel Core2 Duo?06:35
guitrokri just want to know if a beginner to can install the fiesty version to their external hard drive, without having to do alot of typing codes and junk06:35
deepsas0undt3ch: everybody sees06:35
s0undt3chjust to know06:36
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deepsacarypro: core2 duo is 64bit06:36
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s0undt3chthen no one knows the answer06:36
diabolixcarypro: i recomend the 32 bt version myself..06:36
dcIf i install using the disk, will it leave my files intact?06:36
Frog29Diabolix - thanks06:36
BlackDalekcan I ask why adding ntp servers does nto work?06:36
ap1How do I install Skype on Edgy?06:36
deepsas0undt3ch: whats the question fire again06:36
diabolixcarypro: i38606:36
pibarnashow can I install gnome-compiz-manager in feisty?!?06:36
diabolixFrog29: no problem.06:36
Frog29Diabolix - any chance you could help me with my wireless?06:36
deepsaBlackDalek: what error you getting06:36
diabolixFrog29: what card?06:36
deepsapibarnas: use the synaptic06:36
anticlockwiseap1: Just add the source and apt-get install06:36
crimsununikuser: what?06:36
s0undt3chdeepsa: I have a gigabit lan card detected acroding to lspci but if config shows it wasn't configured06:37
BlackDalekdeepsa: i get no error.. the server I add just vanishes every time.06:37
mjbrooksap1, I believe you can download a .deb from the skype website06:37
Whiz2My installation of libapache2-mod-php5 is the most current version, but my php mail isn't working. (No one receives mail sent through php mail at all) can someone tel me what i need to do to configure it to work properly?06:37
diabolixFrog29: built in to the laptop?06:37
ap1anticlockwise, Which source for Skype?06:37
crimsunlabanux: then reinstall Ubuntu 7.04, please.06:37
s0undt3chs/if config/ifconfig06:37
caryproAnyone have any idea if a Hauppauge HVR 1600 card drivers are out yet?06:37
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Frog29Diabolix - yea - compaq laptop withbroadcom06:37
guitrokr i just want to know if a beginner to can install the fiesty version to their external hard drive, without having to do alot of typing codes and junk06:37
s0undt3chdeepsa: the is a LG P1 Express laptop06:37
deepsas0undt3ch: use ifconfig to set a ip for it06:37
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diabolixFrog29: do you happen to have the windows driver on a cd?06:37
Frog29Diabolix - it recognizes the card and all but onder the connection settings it says disconnected06:37
s0undt3chdeepsa: I get that from companny dhcp06:37
anticlockwiseap1: The source is on skype's home page, I'm sorry I kind of forgot, I'll have check06:37
rellik_I bet the torrent downloaders are getting super-fast speeds06:37
crimsunlabanux: you've effectively munged the infrastructure to a point where it would take longer to attempt to repair it than to reinstall the entire distribution from scratch.06:37
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deepsas0undt3ch: paste lsmod please06:37
diabolixFrog29: hmmm.. are you near an access point?06:37
airmikeyrunning 64 bit fiesta not able to play dvd movie06:38
zxagentI've got a severe problem,scim launcher expection.06:38
s0undt3chdeepsa: well, I should get them06:38
somerandomnamerellik not really06:38
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dcIf i install using the disk, will it leave my files intact?06:38
deepsas0undt3ch: what manufacturer. sure i am waiting on it06:38
SuperLagAny of you done an upgrade from CD?06:38
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guitrokr i just want to know if a beginner to can install the fiesty version to their external hard drive, without having to do alot of typing codes and junk06:38
zcat[1] rellik, I left the torrent running last night. about 15gb of traffic by this morning06:38
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somerandomnamerellik i take that back it went up a lot 440kb/s06:38
Frog29Diabolix - no but i have intenret on my dekstop (this) and i dual boot windows which can acess linux and visa versa06:38
deepsaguitrokr: yeah sure06:38
Tarkusis there a program that comes with ubuntu for me to burn .iso images to a disk?06:38
Frog29Diabolix - windows has working internet06:38
deepsak-edgy: hello06:38
rellik_somerandomname, wow  I may download it just to see that06:38
k-edgyi cant update06:38
dcTarkus: right click on the iso, burn to disk06:38
SuperLagTarkus: cdrecord06:38
guitrokrif i partition my external with partition magic will i lose my files?06:38
s0undt3chdeepsa: LG, athera(gigabit)06:38
deepsaTarkus: k3b?06:38
dcIf i install using the disk, will it leave my files intact?06:38
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commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: it's up06:38
k-edgyit says GPG error06:38
zcat[1] Tarkus, right-click on the iso and select burn to disk06:39
Gumbytarelerulz: you can install k3b.  its probably one of the best burning programs you'll ever use06:39
RAOFTarkus: Yes.  Just right click on the .iso, and select "Burn to disk" :)06:39
k-edgyis ubuntu site down?06:39
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: http://pastebin.ca/44934806:39
Gumbysorry, Tarkus06:39
deepsadc: depends on what disk and partition it is06:39
MockYTarkus: Right clocik the iso file and choos burn to disk06:39
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: i am on it06:39
s0undt3chdeepsa: I cant just paste you know, this is a diff machine, what exact are you looking for?06:39
somerandomnamerellik_: i got over 800 on america's amry patch06:39
dcdeepsa: i just downloaded the iso06:39
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Meshezabeelk-edgy: works for me06:39
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: thank you06:39
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deepsas0undt3ch: lsmod06:39
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: np06:39
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trelayne2guitrokr,  save your important stufff on another media before doing anything involving partitioning06:39
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mjbrooks!php > Whiz206:39
Frog29Diabolix - last time i tried connecting to the internet on LAN / ethernet i had problems but thatt was 6.1006:39
dcdeepsa: and i let ubuntu setup my partitions06:39
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bamb1sorry, i got disconnected06:39
deepsadc: manual partition i prefer its safer06:39
k-edgywell, it stuck at edgy-updates06:39
deepsabamb1 no problem06:39
bamb1did anyone get my paste link?06:40
guitrokris there high likelihood of losing my data, because i have alot and nobody has another external large enough to store my data06:40
Meshezabeelk-edgy: if you are trying to download isos use a torrent, it will be done much faster than downloading from a mirror06:40
diabolixFrog29: hmm.. i dunno. i've never had a problem with wired internet...06:40
dcdeepsa: how would you tell me to do it than?06:40
k-edgytells me its a GPG error06:40
umopI have a blank ext3 partition and would like to add it onto another ext3 partiton, can I do this?06:40
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: that card should work out of box06:40
deepsadc: manual partitions06:40
trelayne2wired internet sucks anyway... too many lost bees06:40
k-edgyi'm trying to update using apt-get06:40
trelayne2I mean wireless06:40
dcdeepsa: i have 6.10 already, i want 7.04 and to leave my home folder and programs intact06:40
BlackDalekhas anyone EVER been able to add an ntp server to the ntp server list? deleting them works fine.. I jut can't ADD any. what's up? Is anyone able to add ntp servers at all?06:40
Hasrat_USAdamn where is the dude who post some kinda bug release report in launchpad? his site kept me busy for over three hours! the bug and the relevant sites are overwhelming!06:40
k-edgyjust a normal edgy update06:40
Frog29Diabolix - it may work now.... but either way i'll jsut get wireless working and be done with it.. it may even be my network ethernet card......06:40
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k-edgysudo apt-get update06:40
deepsadc: it will just choose manual and select a free partition (free means empty)06:40
Meshezabeel!slow | k-edgy06:41
ubotuk-edgy: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:41
zcat[1] guitrokr, buy a cheap, small drive for linux. Install with nothing else plugged in. You can't go wrong that way..06:41
diabolixFrog29: well.. if you aren't connected to a network.. it should say disconnected.06:41
k-edgyno wonder06:41
dcdeepsa: what?  why mess with partitions when doing an os upgrade?06:41
guitrokrwhat if im poor, haha06:41
zxul767hey, what happened to the beryl channel?06:41
anticlockwiseap1: http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ This is the source you add to get skype06:41
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diabolixFrog29: is the ethernet plugged in to the laptop?06:41
k-edgytrying to update to feisty too06:41
Frog29Diabolix - no06:41
guitrokri really can't afford a new drive06:41
k-edgydamn.. i'm late06:41
BlackDalekand why doesn't copy/pste work in gaim?06:41
deepsadc: well if you want your data to be safe then take a backup06:41
diabolixFrog29: do you have a cable internet?06:41
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TarkusMockY, RAOF, zcat[1] , dc: haha, thanks. thats easy enough :D06:41
mjbrooks!enter | k-edgy06:41
ubotuk-edgy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:41
Hasrat_USAI'm downloading fine here. it's downloaded 532 files so far06:41
Frog29Diabolix - yes....... but i an't talk at the same time06:41
zcat[1] guitrokr, you can't afford to lose data either?06:41
bamb1i'm trying to install xchat06:41
deepsaBlackDalek: it works06:41
anticlockwiseBlackDalek: it works06:41
guitrokrwell i could, it would suck alot06:41
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dcdeepsa: backup has been done, it gets done regularly, but i want to know if there is a way to avoid having to reload data06:42
guitrokri could copy the essentials but not the big files like movies06:42
labanuxcrimsun: i've already think about that.., that's why i'm downloading the feisty iso right now..., i just wondering maybe it can be fixed without re-install the OS..06:42
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: I know, that was my experience in Edgy, but now - NOTHING!  I'm confused06:42
diabolixFrog29: i know.. but you might want to try resetting you're cable modem before plugging in your laptop.06:42
Flannelbamb1: xchat-gnome is in main, you'll need to enable universe to get "xchat"06:42
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deepsadc: i said how to do that earlier06:42
ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:42
BlackDalekwhat works? ntp or copy/paste?06:42
zcat[1] guitrokr, the risk is fairly low anyhow..06:42
dcdeepsa: edit my partition table?06:42
BlackDalekI can make neither work06:42
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: how you set the ip using ifconfig? network tools not working for you06:42
diabolixFrog29: do "ifconfig -a" on a terminal, and see if it lists a device called "eth0"06:42
trelayne2Frog29,  are you using dhcp?06:42
ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/06:42
Hasrat_USAlabanux what's your original problem?06:42
deepsadc: just tell feisty which partition to get installed on06:42
Frog29Diabolix - its wierd though... some commands i tried earlier had a lot of messages saying netowrk is down in relationship to my wireless connector (eth1)06:42
milageHi. Does anyone know if the graphical SMB configuration tool in Ubuntu 6.10 is supposed to work right out of the box? If it doesn't, what do I need to change manually?06:42
labanuxcrimsun: so, it seems no other solution.. Thanx for your help anyway.. :D06:42
guitrokrso i could in theory nudge the existing primary partition to the right and let the installer create a partition in the newly unallocated space within the 1024 cylinder boundary?06:43
Frog29trelayne1 - yes06:43
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: I just finished a clean install and tried to sudo ifup wlan006:43
toddianHi, I'm having a problem installing feisty fawn; my computer uses SATA and it won't read install cds06:43
Frog29trelayne2 - yes06:43
Meshezabeelk-edgy: download the iso from torrent and update from there if you want your update fast, make sure you get the right iso for updates though06:43
bur[n] e1milage: you just need to run "sudo smbpasswd -a user" to add a samba user06:43
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deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: that device seems a wired lan06:43
zcat[1] guitrokr, one thing you do need to do, shut down cleanly. If you accidentally boot windows again instead of the CD, let it boot fully and shut down again. If the windows filesystem isn't clean, the linux installer won't even try to resize it.06:43
trelayne2Frog29,  so what is the ouput of ifconfig?06:43
dcdeepsa: i want it to install it on the same partition as fiesty...06:43
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diabolixFrog29: from the command line, try running "dhclient eth0" after you connect it.06:43
Tarkusis it good to burn at maximum speed (iso image). or is it better to do slower?06:43
slopslow ftw06:43
milagewhere "user" would be the name of the user, i suppose06:43
Frog29Diabolix - the command lists eth1 and eth0 ... but no ips for the wirless eth106:43
dcTarkus: depends on the media, slow is more accurate06:43
MadpilotTarkus, slower06:43
deepsadc: well then i guess you don't have any option data will be formatted06:43
milageWhere would I specify the password?06:43
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: I also tried ifup eth0, still no result...06:43
zcat[1] Tarkus, I recommend 16x or slower06:43
labanuxHasrat_USA : my sound card didn't work with alsa..  but it works with OSS06:43
guitrokrduly noted06:43
umopI have a blank ext3 partition and would like to add it onto another ext3 partiton, can I do this?06:44
Tarkusalright, ill do 16x then, thanks06:44
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deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: sudo ifconfig eht0 up06:44
Frog29Diabolix - is it possible to just try and get wireless wrokign for now?06:44
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Hasrat_USAlabanux oh and what's your soundcard?06:44
guitrokrand then should grub go on the external too?06:44
deepsaumop: you can use gparted but i don't prefer it to newbies06:44
dcdeepsa: so the only way to update and save data is through package manager?06:44
zcat[1] some people say 4x but that's a bit too slow for me :)06:44
labanuxHasrat_USA : hda intel..06:44
diabolixFrog29: its hard to say without an access point.06:44
trelayne2commonlyUNIQU3,  do /etc/int.d/networ<something> stop                 then do it again with "start"06:44
joeljkpi need the package xlibs for yahoo's messenger to install, any ideas?06:44
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commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: no such device06:44
k-edgyhow do i add feisty ISO in the repositories list?06:44
deepsadc: yeah apt-get dist upgrade06:44
crimsunHasrat_USA: he needs to start with a fresh slate.06:44
Frog29Diabolix - why sepcifically?06:44
bamb1deepsa may I.06:44
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: device is not up that's why i told you to send lsmod via paste06:44
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milageallright bur[n] e106:45
trelayne2oops sorry /etc/init.d/network<something> stop06:45
labanuxHasrat_USA : eventough it works with OSS, I think it's a nightmare to run any mixer from console..06:45
deepsabamb1: yeah wasup man06:45
milageseems like it worked06:45
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umopdeepsa, How do i do it in gparted?  I had a look around and really could not find how to combnie them.06:45
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diabolixFrog29: the fact that it lists the device means it found the driver for it, but it doesn't have a network to connect to.06:45
milageI think there should be an option to do that with the GUi tool06:45
deepsaumop: well i don't prefer gparted for you06:45
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deepsamunkymunkyman: hi06:45
munkymunkymanhow do install glib2.006:45
k-edgyhow do i add feisty ISO in the repositories list?06:45
labanuxHasrat_USA : i must using ossmix from command line to adjust or reduce the volume level..06:45
milageAnd yeah, tested06:45
bamb1deepsa i wanna install xchat on my ubuntu06:45
deepsamunkymunkyman: we use a gui call synaptic and search glib there and install it06:45
umopdeepsa, So you don't know how to do it?06:45
munkymunkymaneverytime i do aptitude install glib2.0 it down grades it06:45
milageThanks bur[n] e1, it worked06:45
deepsabamb1: then what's the problem06:45
Frog29Diabolix - i've given it a netowkr to connect to for the wireless.... but it still hasn't sent any packets06:45
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bamb1i dont know how to06:46
diabolixFrog29: with feisty?06:46
bamb1i'm new to it06:46
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BlackDalekI restarted gaim and now copy paste works again. Is copy/paste functionality locking up like that a special feature of gaim which requires a program restart?06:46
Frog29Diabolix - it seems as if it isn't even trying with feisty06:46
Meshezabeelk-edgy: don't think you can add iso directly to the repository, but if you burn it to a cd you can add the cd, there is also a way you can mount an iso, but that's beyond me06:46
deepsaumop: i know but i guess you don't know and that's why i don't want to let you know. but if you want then you can apt-get gparted06:46
trelayne2Frog29,  can you do a traceroute ?06:46
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: I can't paste cuz it's on an old laptop and no internet connection w/o wireless...  what module am I looking for?06:46
Madpilotbamb1, use Add/Remove Apps, search for xchat06:46
munkymunkymanwhy does it down grade06:46
diabolixFrog29: it wont send packets until it has a network.06:46
Frog29trelayne1 - ok......06:46
toddiandoes anyone know how I could install 7.04 without using install cds, or how to get a weird sata bios to recognize boot cds? And yes, I set it up to boot from cd first06:46
munkymunkymanor does someone know a decent p2p so i dont have to compile giftcurs06:46
billyI keep reading about an /opt directory, yet I don't seem to have one.  Should I simply create one?06:46
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deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: lsmod | grep 8106:47
BlackDalekback to my question re: ntp servers.. anyone made any progress with that yet?06:47
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kernel06airlink wireless mimo pcmcia recognizes bY ubuntu but doesn't connect. my card is rt2600.06:47
Frog29Diabolix - i don't think its even trying to connect to the network though06:47
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umopdeepsa, Gparted does not do what i want.  If it does please tell me what I'm doing wrong.06:47
s0undt3chdeepsa: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16492/06:47
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deepsas0undt3ch: i am on it06:47
MeshezabeelBlackDalek: do you know where I can get a disused yeti?06:47
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diabolixFrog29: it wont try unless it finds one first.06:47
trelayne2Frog29,  what is your IP address?06:47
mjbrookstoddian, does it not boot from it at all or is it getting stuck?06:47
deepsaumop: if you want to merge two ext3 partitions without deleting?06:47
BlackDalekcan anyone even confirm whether adding of ntp servers is even possible?06:47
Frog29trelayne2 - ummmmmmm06:48
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Madpilotbilly, /opt is in your / (root) directory06:48
deepsaBlackDalek: it is but i don't know what happening there06:48
diabolixFrog29: run "iwlist eth1 scan" as root.06:48
k-edgythanx Meshezabeel06:48
Frog29trelayne2 - it hasn't connected to anything06:48
toddianmjbrooks: doesn't boot at all, doesn't recognize the cds06:48
umopdeepsa, yeah.06:48
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Meshezabeelk-edgy: np :)06:48
diabolixFrog29: "sudo iwlist eth1 scan"06:48
dcMy updater has been stuck in the same place for hours now, is this still normal?!06:48
umopdeepsa, One partition is completely blank, i want to add it to another partition06:48
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Frog29no scanning supported06:48
mjbrookstoddian, so it just goes through a regular boot or is it giving an error?06:48
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deepsas0undt3ch: i forgot what i was suppose to look in it? can you tell once more06:48
Frog29Diabolix - no scanning supported06:48
toddianif u set it to only boot from cds it gives an error, otherwise it goes through regular boot06:49
deepsaumop: well not possible if it's not gparted no in-built tools there to do that06:49
diabolixFrog29: "run ifconfig eth1 up" and then try the scan again.06:49
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Rictoowhenever using apt-get update, it gets stuck at 99%06:49
BlackDalekMeshezabeel: try #greatintelligence_bootsale ?06:49
deepsa!slow > Rictoo06:49
mjbrookstoddian, might be a bad CD06:49
billyMadpilot, naw, man.  it isn't.  what's up?06:49
Rictoodeepsa: What?06:49
deCondo i NEED to backup my /home if it has its own partition while upgrading to Feisty06:49
Frog29Diabolix - using sudo ifconfig eth1 up it says no such file06:49
toddianmjbrooks: naw, thats the thing, I tried it in my housemates computer and it worked there06:49
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deepsa!slow | Rictoo06:49
ubotuRictoo: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:49
umopdeepsa, I dont understand some of what you are saying.  Are you saying that Gparted will do what I want?06:49
mjbrookstoddian, have you tried booting that CD on another system?06:49
MeshezabeelBlackDalek: thanks :p06:49
billydeCon, always a good idea.  :_06:49
deepsaumop: yeah06:49
deConbilly, where to ?06:50
mjbrookstoddian, hmm06:50
RictooI see :)06:50
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umopdeepsa, okay, guess i'll try again06:50
deepsaRictoo: ;)06:50
diabolixFrog29: try "iwlist eth0 scan"06:50
deConbilly, necessary...or can i squeeze through06:50
toddianmjbrooks: I had the same problem with windows boot cds, but I thought I'd switch to linux cuz I'm sick of spyware06:50
billydeCon, to a DVD.  :)06:50
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: http://pastebin.ca/44935706:50
deepsaumop: sure tell me if you get it don i will be glad to know06:50
mjbrookstoddian, I don't blame ya ;)06:50
Frog29Diabolix - no scanning supported06:50
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deConbilly, will it overwrite it?06:50
mjbrookstoddian, is it a laptop?06:50
Madpilotbilly, you'll need to make sure all your repositories are enabled - Xchat is in Universe06:50
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: how you got that?06:50
billydeCon, just be really sure to read everything carefully, as in, don't tell it to format /home.  :)06:50
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diabolixFrog29: run iwconfig.. and see if all devices are missing wireless extensions...06:50
acidtabswhat program was it to stream music for exp: shoutcast06:50
toddianmjbrooks: nope, it's an asus a7n mobo with amd64 and sata hd06:50
nonuda!bad device06:51
deConbilly, i had a feeling it would be smart. Yay Ubuntu!06:51
ubotuIf you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors06:51
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munkymunkymananyone know why when i do "aptitude install glib2.0" it suggest a downgrade and thats the only way it will let me install?06:51
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: by "lsmod | grep 81"06:51
billydeCon, no.  it won't be overwritten.  It's smart, but you have to tell it that /media/sda2 is to be mounted on /home.06:51
Frog29Diabolix - eth1 has actual tuff after it06:51
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: you don't have this module loaded 8139too ?06:51
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mjbrookstoddian, lemme see if I can find anything with that config06:51
Madpilotmunkymunkyman, where did you get your current glib2.0 from?06:51
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: ???  you lost me06:51
s0undt3chdeepsa: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16494/06:51
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Frog29Diabolix - the essid nickname mode managed access point invalid06:51
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: sudo modprobe 8139too06:52
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billyMadpilot, Xchat?06:52
s0undt3chdeepsa: I can't get the gibabit to fetch from dhcp06:52
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deepsas0undt3ch: let me see06:52
diabolixFrog29: weird.. i guess you can't scan for networks.. when you have a wired network available you might want to look into ndiswrapper. it lets you use the windows driver in linux.06:52
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deConbilly, qua? why sda2?06:52
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function1if i change my apt sources does that effect where the updates in the update manager come from? (i.e. can i use a mirror to upgrade to feisty??)06:52
Madpilotbilly, sorry, wrong person. :) /opt is in Root - which the file manager in Ubuntu called File System06:52
Frog29Diabolix - k - where woudl i get the driver though?06:52
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darwinIs there a bittorrent client for Ubuntu that's as good as utorrent?06:53
diabolixFrog29: did youre pc come with a drivers cd?06:53
s0undt3chdeepsa: Ethernet controller: Agere Systems ET-131x PCI-E Ethernet Controller (rev 02) <- this b*tch06:53
toddianmjbrooks: cheers, the exact config is asus a7n, amd64 3000+, 1gb ram, 40gb ide hd as C:, 200gb SATA hd as D:06:53
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commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: it accepted "sudo modprobe 8139too"06:53
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munkymunkymananyone know why when i do "aptitude install glib2.0" it suggest a downgrade and thats the only way it will let me install?06:53
Frog29Diabolix - nope but windows is installed06:53
deepsas0undt3ch: module for your card aint loaded06:53
Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: hey hey06:53
Meshezabeeldarwin: azureus06:53
Frog29Diabolix - and it came with a recovery partition06:53
function1darwin: ive learned to live with azureus06:53
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: now proceed sudo ifconfig eth0 up06:53
toddianmjbrooks: no floppy, only a dvd burner06:53
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billydeCon, well, honestly that was only an example.  it may read something different.  but you need to know the device name of your /home partition.  sudo fdisk -l in terminal.06:53
diabolixFrog29: maybe youre manufacturer has a support site with drivers?06:53
function1darwin: ive heard good things about deluge too. havent tried it.06:53
s0undt3chdeepsa: yeah, that was for 6.10, does feisty provide it? I had similar problems06:54
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Frog29Diabolix - i hoep so.......06:54
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deepsas0undt3ch: yeah feisty provides it06:54
billyMadpilot, :)  I'm sorry dude.   /opt really, truly honestly isn't there.  Can I post a screenshot somewhere?06:54
deepsas0undt3ch: have you problems with feisty too man? same problem?06:54
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s0undt3chdeepsa: ok, I'll go into live cd and try to re-grab info06:54
acidtabsis there a program that would alow you to stream shoutcast radio station?06:54
Frog29Diabolix - but can i just take a fiel from windows?06:54
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commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: "eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device"06:54
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Madpilotbilly, sure, but I don't know why it's missing. Is this a clean install of Ubuntu?06:54
diabolixFrog29: if you know where it is...06:54
darwinfunction1: Azureus never worked right for me. I've had a better experience running utorrent under wine.06:54
billyMadpilot, yes.06:54
Shrimpy_can somebody tell me the command line for the xorg config file. to adjust my screen res. thanks!06:54
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: lsmod | grep 8139too ?06:54
s0undt3chdeepsa: that one a also Xorg :) my laptop has a x140006:55
Frog29Diabolix - what woudl the ending be?06:55
diabolixFrog29: i don't know too much about windows.06:55
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s0undt3chdeepsa: that one and also Xorg :) my laptop has a x140006:55
deepsaShrimpy_: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:55
function1darwin: did it crash a lot?06:55
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Frog29Diabolix - k06:55
Shrimpy_thanks deepsa06:55
deConbilly, you mean /dev/sda2 or media/sda2?06:55
deepsaShrimpy_: np06:55
diabolixFrog29: you need a .sys file, and a .inf file. they usually have the same name.06:55
billyShrimpy_, because root owns the file you have to prefix with sudo.  sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:55
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Frog29Diabolix - and? ok.... well let me go get intenret06:55
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darwinfunction1: Just a little buggy06:55
Meshezabeeldarwin, I would give Azureus another try, works great for me, and without getting into an argument, I'd say in some ways azureus is better than utorrent06:55
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deConi love azureus06:56
jlowellis metisse available for ubuntu?06:56
s0undt3chdeepsa: I'm now loading feity, I'll try to provide that info again06:56
function1azureus is much more feature rich, but utorrent is so lite and cute06:56
ap1My Laptop Intel WLAn chip seems to be off (IBM z69m) indicator light is off. Otherwise, iwconfig shows things seem to be partly ok, but no association. Should the indicator light be on also on Ubuntu? Or is it Windows controlled?06:56
infinityxiazureus was crapping out on me when it was using sun java 1.5. I had to set it to run on gij06:56
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deepsas0undt3ch: sure i'll be waiting06:56
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billydeCon, by default, Feisty will want to mount your current /home partition to /media/sda2.  There will be a point int the install process when you will be able to change the mount point to /home.06:56
=== Etrigan [n=none@24-247-113-221.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
alienseer23Q: can anyone provide a link to upgrade features for fiesty?06:56
darwinMeshezabeel: Azureus has more features but more bloat and sometimes it won't start up at all06:56
s0undt3chdeepsa: k, Thanks06:56
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Shrimpy_deepsa: i  know there is more of a ui one. do you happen to know it. like x-org somthing. sorry its been a while06:56
function1arg why does the world keep feisty from me06:57
ccfielhello ppl.06:57
bamb1thanks for the help guys06:57
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: the output of "lsmod | grep 8139too" http://pastebin.ca/44936506:57
bamb1i'll be back06:57
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ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/06:57
deepsaShrimpy_: screen resolution06:57
deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: okay let me see06:57
Meshezabeeldarwin, never had a problem with it under ubuntu06:57
mjbrookstoddian, do you even get anything from the cd?06:57
Shrimpy_deepsa: yes06:57
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deepsaShrimpy_: no idea man06:57
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mjbrookstoddian, like the menu?06:57
crdlb!upgrade | alienseer2306:57
ubotualienseer23: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:57
ccfielwhere can i find information nvidia video card that is supported with the restricted driver?06:57
toddianjust an error message saying it was a non-system disc06:57
infinityxi4 min remaining on my upgrade06:57
toddianseem to get that from any boot cd06:57
crdlbccfiel, what card?06:57
wm_eddieWoah.  I can't access my CDrom drive WTF?06:57
Shrimpy_deepsa: thanks06:57
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deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: module is loaded it should now work try System > Administration > Network and configure the card06:58
deepsaShrimpy_: np06:58
crdlbccfiel, the restricted manager will do it for you though (in feisty)06:58
deepsa!language > wm_eddie06:58
commonlyUNIQU3deepsa: k, hang on06:58
ccfielcrdlb:  I am planning to buy one. coz my ATI is not supported  :)06:58
darwinMeshezabeel: I'll probably switch to deluge when it gets more features06:58
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deepsacommonlyUNIQU3: okay06:58
crdlbccfiel, what ati?06:58
cyrisubuntu locos arn't popular up here in canada eh?06:58
cyrisi dont think there is one in my area, or even close to it :S06:58
noname`Anything else that's kind of fun to use on ubuntu; like beryl? (not a program like beryl, but fun like beryl)06:58
cableroyIs there a site with 7.04 upgrade problems? i upgraded yesterday but didn't boot correctly06:58
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Shrimpy_IndyGunFreak: hey whats up06:59
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diabolixnoname`: doom 3?06:59
crdlbccfiel, the full line is supported (from the TNT) but a FX or newer is a good idea06:59
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wm_eddieI got !languaged for an F?06:59
Meshezabeeldarwin: yup, good thing about having a number of different programs, different people have different tastes, and we can all choose the one we like best for ourselves :)06:59
deepsaubuntu hi06:59
deepsawm_eddie: yeah06:59
ccfielcldlb: my present card is ATI 9250 and its not support with the restricted driver. so i want to buy a new video card and i want its supported with the restricted driver.? any idea?06:59
ubuntudoesn someone know how to use Yaird to create a initrd ?06:59
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wm_eddiedeepsa: Seriously?06:59
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deepsawm_eddie: you know that man07:00
jdhello...  I just installed Feisty but I can't see my USB drive when I plug it in.  Is there any bugs that have been heard of lately w/regard to this?07:00
Shrimpy_does any body know the command line to config xorg soemthing to get the screen resolution07:00
ubuntuI have just installed yaird, but I dont know how to create initrd with it07:00
deCondoes anyone know about beryl compatibility with feisty? I have to reinstall all my apps and such after upgrade too, right?07:00
umopdeepsa, Hmm, I still dont see where in gparted I can merge the partitions.07:00
RAOFccfiel: Your card is supported with the open-source drivers.  Use them!07:00
deepsajd lsusb -v please07:00
billyMadpilot, http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30163&d=117704518307:00
deepsaumop: maybe you not running the latest version07:00
darwinDoes deluge cycle through all the trackers available like in utorrent?07:00
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diabolixsome distros even include a program called "wt*"07:00
wm_eddieAnyone had any problems with their CDROM drive dissapearing?07:01
ccfielraof: yes its support but no tv out :( im planning to replace may windows MCE so i need tv out07:01
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wm_eddielike no more /dev/hdb07:01
billyMadpilot, you'll see me flailing around with thunderbird.  pardon my mess.  :)07:01
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deConand what is the 64bit good for? I have dualcore amd64, but i heard things are iffy right now due to application development...does that mean i also have to emulate/??? 32bit applications if i install 64 bit? thx07:01
RAOFccfiel: Is your card really not supported.  ATI sucks :(07:01
wm_eddieI only have a /dev/sda07:01
mjbrookstoddian, you wouldn't happen to have some usb devices plugged into it do you?07:01
toddianI do actually07:02
toddiangot an ipod plugged in07:02
diabolixtoo bad you can't import settings from another distro...07:02
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jdis there a good place to post log files?07:02
toddianmjbrooks: has that been known to cause problems?07:02
DARKGuyHey, I'm installing the new ubuntu and I see something about a migration assistant, allowing me to choose stuff from my Windows drive... could anyone tell me what is this and what it's suppossed to do, and if it's safe to do what it asks?07:02
jdlike some type of file host?07:02
Meshezabeeljd pastebin.ca ?07:02
Meshezabeeljd http://pastebin.ca07:02
umopDoes anyone know if gparted 0.2.5 supports merging partitions?07:02
mjbrookstoddian, some people have said that there are boot issues with devices plugged in to the extended usb ports of that mobo07:02
ccfielRAOF: yes ATI sucks. so i want to buy NVidia.  do you an info that shows list the supported and no head ached installed the restricted driver?07:02
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toddianokay, so try unplugging and restarting with it?07:03
diabolixDARKGuy: it will attempt to import settings from you're windows partition, like bookmarks and email settings.07:03
billyDARKGuy, contents of C:\Documents and Settings\ (some anyway, pictures, music, etc.)07:03
toddianalso, would it be better to use the amd64 version or i386 version of ubuntu07:03
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toddiancuz I want to run cedega and crossover office07:03
ccfielcldb: how about fx 6200? can this be a good video card?07:03
mjbrookstoddian, yeah, you might also need to actually go further and disable the extended usb in the bios07:03
tom__is it still ok just to update with a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade on an updated sources.list07:03
jlowellhas anyone used metisse on ubuntu?07:03
ap1Should I install news firmware on Edgy for my ThinkPad z60m Intel 2916ABG WLAN card? Because it seems to be dead?07:03
DARKGuydiabolix, billy: I see, thanks. Hopefully this Feisty doesn't have any ntfs writing module so it's safe, right?07:03
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nonudaany1 here use gambas?07:04
billyDARKGuy, and what diabolix said.07:04
toddianjust an option in the bios?07:04
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ubuntuif I use a amd64 ubuntu, will I be able to play doom3 or quake4 on it?07:04
billyDARKGuy, not by default, no ntfs writing.07:04
mjbrookstoddian, I'd use the 386 there are soem issues with 64  like no flash plugins for example07:04
diabolixDARKGuy: it will mount it read only, you should have nothing to worry about..07:04
tom__ubuntu: unless you need more than 4 gigs of ram, just use the x86 ubuntu07:04
DARKGuyThanks a lot, diabolix & billy :D07:04
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billyDARKGuy, right on.  :)07:04
toddianyeah that would be a problem, cool. I'm still downloading it but I'll restart and see if the amd 64 cd will at least boot07:04
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mjbrookstoddian, that's what they say07:05
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DARKGuyWhat's with the "create an user for importing inside the selected account" ?07:05
deConhow is software for 64 bit, and does 32 bit software still work fine under 64bitamd?07:05
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s0undt3chdam, how do I mount a pen RW and not just R?07:05
wm_eddieDoh, my CDROM drive isn't in the hardware information at all >_<07:05
tom__deCon: i've got a 64 bit amd chip here and i just use 32 bit07:05
billyDARKGuy, you can set it to be someone other than yourself.  Put your own user name and password in there if you want it for you.07:05
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-67-183-12-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
lalalae296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso07:05
tom__deCon: no worries at all07:05
Ashexsince the main ubuntu repos are being hammered07:05
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diabolixout of curiosity, has anyone tried beryl in vesa mode?07:05
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siti64bit requires more work but will be faster due to compiler optimizations07:05
tom__deCon: the only need for 64 bit is if you use more than 4 gigs of ram07:05
darwinWhy do some programs not work well with Compiz?07:06
deContom__, thats what i thought, but is 64bit worth it yet? Cuz i'm on 32bit edgy right now...07:06
Ashexin theory, if I use the canadian servers, they should be experiencing a lighter load, right?07:06
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DARKGuybilly: But I haven't made any linux user accounts yet. Lemme see... does this creates a new user for importing the windows data in, or does it create a new user in the windows system? I'm kinda confused07:06
tom__deCon: like i said, only if you need mroe than four gigs of ram07:06
billydiabolix, yes.  in edgy.  didn't work.07:06
diabolixdarwin: because compiz is under development.07:06
Ax4i don't think enough applications currently take advantage of 64bit chips07:06
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deContom__, see ya, cuz my 1gb is fast as hell, but it was overloaded by too much in windows07:06
deContom__, thanks!07:06
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tom__deCon: np :)07:06
MeshezabeelAshex, use a torrent07:06
deCondoes beryl work in feisty?07:06
lalalae296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso  (md5sum)07:06
billyDARKGuy, creates new user in ubuntu.  yeah, it's confusing.  just put the same username each time if you want it for yourself.07:06
tom__deCon: ype07:06
MeshezabeeldeCon: yes, but beryl is still in beta07:07
AshexMeshezabeel, I've downloaded the dvd with torrent and I'm currently seeding07:07
AshexI'm talking about the repos07:07
DARKGuyI see, thanks billy :D07:07
sitiAx4: almost every open source app can be recompiled as a 64bit binary, at the very least ubuntu can allow more optimizations like sse, sse2, and 16 register support07:07
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diabolixit is kind of nice that you can use irc while installing...07:07
sitiAx4: benchmarks vary, but I guess it's about 10% faster07:07
tom__siti: the problem isn't the open source apps, its the closed source one07:07
Ashexthere is currently no true advantage to running a 64-bit system IMO as a desktop07:07
diabolixlivecd+installer in one is awsome.07:07
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Ax4siti: yea definitely  not enough YET :p07:07
sititom__: yeah :(07:07
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darwinI don't think it was a good idea to package feisty with compiz since it's still under development07:07
tom__Axhex: agreed07:07
lalalae296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso  (md5sum)?? Correct?07:08
billyDARKGuy, I just finished using it on my work computer.  Pulled -everything- from my windows account.07:08
zPacKRatam I the only one with feisty repository issues, as in they don't work.07:08
jlowellhas anyone used metisse on ubuntu?07:08
megafaunabilly: nice07:08
DARKGuybilly: cool!07:08
diabolix64 bit is over rated.. even for things its supposed to be good at.07:08
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sitiAx4: it will never increase in performance, it will only be a must have when many people have 4GB or more as people have said07:08
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megafaunaeven tuxcart is slow to d/l07:08
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Whiz2anyone in here know anything about configuring the linux package named exim4?07:08
Ashexsure, it may run a little bit faster, but you don't really get anything out of it07:08
billyNow it's time to fix the dialup.  :/07:08
tom__diabolix: it's useful if you need that much ram07:08
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AshexServers are the platform that really benefits from it07:08
Ax4siti: that'll be the day when we need 4gb per desktop workstation.... lol07:08
diabolixtom__: or if you need >2gb per process.07:09
Ashexprimarily render farms07:09
mkyb14is anyone having problems with Fiesty and installing it in Parallels on a mac... the screen just goes black after hitting enter for the live cd to boot... there's articles on google but no solutions!!07:09
tom__diabolix: roger07:09
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DARKGuyOr making 10-100 meters wide images in photoshop :P07:09
diabolixif linux takes over in time we wont need 4gb.07:09
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Ax4my friend using gentoo idles at 20mb07:09
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Ax4the entire thing!07:09
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lalalaomg sums are soo off07:09
sitiAx4: I doubt 4gb will be required for a long time, but computers are so much faster when they have more ram, because everything can be cached07:09
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yell0wweeeee 15kbps07:09
jddeepsa http://pastebin.ca/44937807:09
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Shrimpy_hello, i'm having trobule with my brodcom 4318 wifi card. i did nidswrapper and network manager. and still nothing07:10
Meshezabeel!slow | zPacKRat07:10
ubotuzPacKRat: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.07:10
lalalaI hate torrent now07:10
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/07:10
Taladanokay, I did an upgrade to feisty..had a couple of issues that I mostly resolved, but now I'm getting an error that libapt-pkg-libc6.4-6-3.53 doesn't exist on my system...any ideas where I can get this?07:10
billylalala, still dloading?07:10
ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/07:10
lalalano I got a corrupted cd image07:10
sitiyou guys probably know this, but if you want to upgrade quickly torrent the alternate iso and do a cdupgrade...07:10
lalalatorrent screws up the files07:10
billylalala, :(  not cool.07:10
=== SuperMike [n=mike@c-67-173-55-141.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:11
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Whiz2I'm trying to setup a mail server using exim4. During installation, i was presented with a configuration menu asking how I want to send/receive email. I need a little help with this one07:11
SuperMikeI am looking to purchase a Video capture card, any cards can record composite HD?07:11
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function1uhh so i havent done anything out of the ordinary and now some of my azureus is in some foreign alphabet07:11
billyAlternate install CD's really are the way to go.07:11
lalalaim getting 550 kb/s07:11
lalalaubuntu servers are fast!07:12
deContom__, i386 kernal right?07:12
diabolixSuperMike: extremely expensive...07:12
tom__deCon: yep thats the one07:12
SuperMikeDiabolix how much?07:12
Whiz2SuperMike: as far as I know, most of them should07:12
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fonz_my fresh install of feisty is having problems connecting to the us.archive.ubuntu.com server07:12
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fonz_any help?07:12
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fonz_(for updates)07:12
tom__fonz_: you could try a diff mirror07:12
Madpilotfonz_, that mirror is probably just being hammered07:12
sitifonz_: server is very slow07:12
tom__fonz_: or just wait07:13
somerandomname_!slow | fonz_ z_07:13
ubotufonz_ z_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.07:13
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Whiz2Can anyone in here advise me on how to configure exim4 on my server?07:13
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Whiz2i've never done this before07:13
fonz_ubotu: im talking about doing updates, not downloading the .iso07:13
isaac_whiz2: i recommend you take a look at howto.org07:13
tom__fonz_: ubotu is a bot :)07:13
mjbrooksfonz_, same servers07:13
ianfromsydneymjbrooks: didn't work I'm afraid07:13
SuperMikeI found this, http://www.pchdtv.com/  but it appears to be svideo input, so assume it can't record HD content.07:13
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lalalaisnt ubotu a bot?07:14
mjbrooksianfromsydney, no?07:14
tom__lalala: yes it is07:14
bctrainersubotu is n=ubotu@ubuntu/bot/ubotu07:14
isaac_and then joing #exim when you have a specific question about running it07:14
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diabolixSuperMike: about $200007:14
isaac_another good resource is esr's howto ask a question essay07:14
ianfromsydneymjbrooks: I disabled usb in the bios, got the same error message07:14
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Frog29Diabolix - If your still there - i thin ki foudn a prt solution to wireless - so far i have scan workign and i can tell eth1 to go up without it yelling07:15
SuperMikeDiabolix, no way!07:15
ianfromsydneymjbrooks: one thing though, I was wrong about the mobo, it's not an a7n it's an a8n-E07:15
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diabolixFrog29: cool...07:15
ianfromsydneysorry about that07:15
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diabolixSuperMike: yeah.. they are being careful about pirates.07:15
jdcan anyone help me with my USB?  :)  It says I don't have permission to mount it07:15
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drewhi, it seems 7.04 installed my fglrx properly, but i'm stuck in same resolution, can anyone point me to a walkthrough?07:16
lalalayou need sudo!07:16
diabolixok.. feisty is installed.. time to reboot.07:16
Frog29Diabolix - i'm not sure where to go from there.....07:16
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mjbrooksianfromsydney, hahaha   well that's different enough to make everything I said pointless... lemme check on that07:16
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ianfromsydneylol yeah, sorry bro07:16
Whiz2isaac_: howto.org? that just keeps asking for my citty, state, and zip.07:16
Jordan_UFor some reason, no packages that I install, even from main, can be authenticated ( Feisty )07:16
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ny83the iso's available for download were last modified on the 15th - is this supposed to be?07:17
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drewso has anyone had problems with fglrx?07:17
x_Hello.  I can't get my USB drive to work.  It tells me that I don't have permission to mount it.  Can anyone help me?07:18
wm_eddieWell it looks like my laptop wont even boot from my 6.10 LiveCD anymore >_<07:18
Jordan_Uny83, Yes, unlike some Proprietary OS's, with Ubuntu Release Candidate means just that :)07:18
wm_eddieWhen did it break?07:18
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SleepingCan anyone help me with the wireless that's built into my laptop (HP pavilion dv5000 AMD 64 bit on 7.04)? All the walkthroughs I've found keep failing me.07:18
ny83means what Jordan_U?07:18
AnAntHello, are the CDs in ShipIt all Desktop or alternate too ?07:18
tom__oh yeah feisty coming in off my isp mirrors :)07:18
SuperMikeThis card claims it can do 1080i / 720 p and starts at $90, but it only has Svideo input, hmzzz07:18
Jordan_Uny83, That it may be exactly what is released :)07:18
wm_eddieSleeping: Do you know what driver you have to use?07:19
gr3ml1nwhy does ubuntu feisty install english firefox when i select german as language? this SUCKS07:19
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:19
Jordan_UAnAnt, All Desktop AFIK, unless you order Edubuntu07:19
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chowmeinedDoes xen create partitions for its guest OSes in files? Or are they partitions on the real disk?07:19
lalalais there a german firefox?07:19
wm_eddiegr3ml1n: You need to install firefox's german language pack.07:19
DARKGuyhey, random question... after I install my feisty system, I can resize the ext3 partition with gparted right?07:19
cableroychowmeined, you can choose...07:20
sdfasdfawefchowmeined: are you using xen?07:20
Jordan_Ulalala, There is a german localization for Firefox07:20
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mjbrooksianfromsydney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-nv/+bug/5882107:20
chowmeinedsdfasdfawef: i am considering trying it out07:20
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mjbrooksianfromsydney, I'd try the alternative cd07:20
sdfasdfawefwhat are your reasons?07:20
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wm_eddieback to doing homework.07:20
sdfasdfaweffor choosing it over vmware07:20
drewis anyone stuck in same resolution after installing fglrx?07:20
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ianfromsydneymjbrooks: okay, cool07:21
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:21
chowmeinedsdfasdfawef: first its open source, second its paravirtualization which should be faster, third its something new to try out..07:21
isaac_whiz2: oops i meant howtoforge.com07:21
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cablesHey, is it safe to add the Skype repository, or should I just download the .deb?07:21
Sleepingwm_eddie: I've tried a couple of different things, but the one that was most recomended by the walkthroughs I read was the netbc564 through ndiswrapper07:21
wiseelbenhow are empty lines represented in bash?07:21
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sdfasdfawefchowmeined: what guest os's are you planning on installing?07:21
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k1gwbi'm sure this has been gone over by now but i haven't been here.......virtual box on feisty anyone?  tells me no suitable module for running kernel found.07:22
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cablesMadpilot, was there another DCC exploit?07:22
T0uCHwhat time it take about to apply the changes after the upgrades?07:22
tom__cables: i added it, haven't had any problems07:22
nexacthello all, i'm currently installing ubuntu feisty, I have a 500gb(/dev/sdb), how I am supposed to make my partition ?!07:22
Cryptdoes anyone know if it's possible to dual boot OS X and Ubuntu on a powerbook?07:22
FlannelCrypt: it is07:22
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tom__nexact: accept the defaults07:22
ianfromsydneymjbrooks: only problem with that is at least he managed to boot off the cd, even if it didn't work07:22
user01hi when i upgrade, is there a way to get rid of old packages?07:22
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nexactI mean, what size I should put.. automatic give me 10gigs.07:22
j0sh0has anyone had any success install thunderbird 2 on fiesty final?07:22
chowmeinedsdfasdfawef: at least windows07:22
versixdoes anyone have experience configuring apache2.2 in ubuntu server?07:22
Jordan_UCrypt, Yes, it is. I have done it.07:22
ianfromsydneymjbrooks: I can't even get that far, no boot cd will boot on my system, ms, linux, anything07:22
nexacttom__: it uses only 10 gigs...07:22
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DARKGuyhey, random question... after I install my feisty system, I can resize the ext3 partition with gparted right?07:22
Madpilotcables, earlier today, apparently07:22
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k1gwbresizing with gparted never works for me07:23
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cablesMadpilot, yeah there was, right after release in #ubuntu-release-party. I thought maybe there was another right now 'cause i saw you unbanning people.07:23
user01should i do a clean install from edgy?07:23
k1gwbanyone have any thought on the virtual box thing?07:23
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DARKGuywhat about it?07:23
mjbrooksianfromsydney, the only thing I can think of is that maybe your dvd writer is having trouble    try stealing you roommates CD drive temporarily07:23
chowmeinedso with xen using the processor extensions.. can I use regular drivers in windows? Like.. can I do nvidia 3D drivers if I have an nvidia card?07:23
myUserNameI need a little help i am running 64bit feisty and nvidia drivers for my 7600 wont work i have managed to disable them and i am now using the drivers NV driver when i change driver i get a black screen (never changes) I have a feeling this problem is quite common is there a fix for it yet?07:23
k1gwbgreg@greg-desktop:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup07:23
k1gwb * Stopping VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv                             [ OK ] 07:23
k1gwb * Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv                          [ OK ] 07:23
k1gwb * Starting VirtualBox kernel module vboxdrv07:23
k1gwb * No suitable module for running kernel found.07:23
Crypthmm well how well does ubuntu work under a powerbook full installed, so far everything works awesome, desktop effects, and all!07:23
Madpilotk1gwb, pastebin!07:23
ianfromsydneyokay, I'll see what I can do. Cheers mate07:24
k1gwboooh sorry didn't know that would go on separate lines like that!!07:24
mjbrooks!paste > k1gwb07:24
DARKGuyWeird, virtualbox always worked for me07:24
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KickersnymyUserName, I've got a 7600 on 32bit and it's fine07:24
Jordan_Uianfromsydney, Can your comp boot from USB, and if so do you have a Thumb drive?07:24
j0sh0has anyone had any success install thunderbird 2 on fiesty final?07:24
Madpilotcables, yes, we banforward anyone dropped by a D C C  attack to #ubuntu-read-topic07:24
nexactconsidering I have /dev/hda, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, on which partition should I install my MBR ? /dev/sda will hold linux.07:24
DARKGuymaybe you don't have the kernel sources or libraries or headers or anything to compile source with and it didn't compile a kernel module for virtualbox and that's why it's not finding it?07:24
deConmyUserName, and i have a 7800 on 32 just fine..must be 6407:24
myUserNameKickersny, yeah i figured 64bit was the part causing the bug07:24
CryptJordan_U: how well does ubuntu run on a dual booting system?07:24
cablesMadpilot, yeah, I know... that's why I was wondering. Isn't that sorta thing a pretty easily bot-able task?07:25
vega-nexact: mbr is not "on a partition", it's in the beginning of a harddisk07:25
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myUserNameI have read a few other people have had similar problems in google but its to early to get a proper fix for it so far I think (at least via google)07:25
vega-nexact: /dev/hda would be a good guess07:25
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Madpilotcables, we try not to give bots op powers, as a general rule07:25
Jordan_UCrypt, Just fine, you will not be able to get 3D acceleration unless you have an ATi card though.07:25
nexactvega-: /dev/hda is windows(I'll wipe it eventually ;})07:25
cablesMadpilot, ah, makes sense.07:25
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nexactvega-: so /dev/hda is (hd0) ?07:25
Cryptwell i do have an ATI card so i'm good on that end07:25
vega-nexact: should be on the drive that the bios is set to boot from07:25
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Jordan_Unexact, You should install to whatever drive you are set to boot from07:26
DaSkreechis there a PS3 Cd for Ubutnu?07:26
nexactvega-: ok, thanks.07:26
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k1gwbhey some people were saying upgrading in place would not work from edgy to feisty if a lot of third party stuff was installed....fwiw i've used easy ubuntu, automatix, beryl, lots of others on edgy and my in place upgrade was FLAWLESS and beautiful07:26
nexactI had an grub error 17 earlier...07:26
Jordan_UDaSkreech, I believe so07:26
mjbrooksMadpilot, yeah, cause if ubotu had op powers it'd ban all of us and the channel would be empty  ;)07:26
billyk1gwb, awesome!07:26
FlannelDaSkreech: that'd be PPC I believe.  There's probably a side-project somewhere07:26
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vega-nexact: so if the first hd the bios tries is /dev/sda put it (grub i presume) there07:26
deConklgwb, good to know! doing it right now!!!07:26
Madpilotmjbrooks, something like that :)07:26
DaSkreechJordan_U: Official?07:26
rpedrowhat is the channel max so far??07:27
DaSkreechFlannel: that's not maintained07:27
Jordan_UDaSkreech, No07:27
Sleepingoh, didn't even notice wm_eddie left. Can someone help me out with my built-in wireless card in my hp pavilion dv5000 laptop on 7.04? I haven't been able to get anything to work yet.07:27
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DaSkreechJordan_U: soo not on the mirror servers?07:27
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Madpilotrp__, we got over 1400 at one pont07:27
Madpilotpoint, even07:27
Jordan_UDaSkreech, AFIK only yellow Dog is official for PS307:27
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CryptJordan_U: how well would my airport extreme card under feisty? for instance would i be able to turn my airport card on and off and be able to fully connect to networks?07:27
rpedronice:) forgot to come and look07:27
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=== bimberi heard 1600 (but didn't witness personally)
k1gwb yeah i'm thrilled...that's with kubuntu and ubuntu desktop and beryl and so much stuff installed and i just rebooted and it was so nice....only thing is virtualbox doesn't workj with the 2.6.20-15 kernel it seems...no other problems07:27
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acidtabsIs there a streamTurner in festiy07:28
DaSkreechJordan_U: there was a PS3 iso on the servers a few weeks back07:28
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k1gwbi wonder how many downloads so far? any way to know?07:28
DaSkreechbimberi: I say 1570+07:28
MalachiI just updated, and I want to see what the default session splash looks like, but I had a custom one before I upgraded.07:28
=== ubunt1 [n=ubuntu64@197.Red-80-59-135.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubunt1THis is bad UBuntu07:28
ubunt1i download ubuntu altern cd07:28
mjbrooksk1gwb, I stopped counting at 20 because I ran out of toes!07:28
Jordan_UCrypt, Yup, just install bcm43xx-fwcutter and it will automatically download the firmware for your card07:28
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ap1who do i delete ramdisk I made? No freeramdisk?07:28
ubunt1and when i upgrade it say that need to download 487 mb07:28
ubunt1bad for you07:28
Cryptfirst i gotta dual boot ubuntu07:29
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bimberiDaSkreech: k, it was about 1480 when I went to bed07:29
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vega-Malachi: it was update-alternatives --config <some-package-i-dont-remember>07:29
k1gwbi had to download ove ra gig and a half to upgrade in place cause i have kde xfce and gnome desktops all installed07:29
CryptJordan_U: any specific documentation on installing and dual booting?07:29
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deConhow can i burn a .img to bootable CD?07:29
DaSkreechso no PS3 ubuntu ISO then?07:29
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ExpositionOfEvilI got like a gig log of the party yesterday07:29
ubunt1i press not to downlaod from internet and it again start to download07:29
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:30
Jordan_U!dual boot | Crypt07:30
ubotuCrypt: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)07:30
Cryptubotu: cheers07:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:30
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WhiteNoiseFWIW, in case it comes up - the latest update can be a bit tricky with cryptsetup and full root encryption -- I found it necessary to boot using old kernel, re-install cryptsetup, and run update-initramfs07:30
DaSkreechJordan_U: Yeah no Feisty ppc images :(07:30
CryptJordan_U: thanks for all the hlep07:30
ajax4What's the ubuntu channel for help with Desktop Effects in Feisty?07:30
acidtabsHow come i don't see streamturner in ubuntu 7.0407:30
CryptDaSkreech: what are you talking about07:30
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Crypti'm on a ppc machine...powerbook07:30
ExpositionOfEvilthere has to be a ppc image07:31
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bimberiDaSkreech: yes there is, it's under http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports but that's overloaded atm.  You might be able to find a mirror.07:31
ExpositionOfEvilI just saw it07:31
Jtkieferanyone know the total size of just the upgrade files that you have to grab?07:31
taggieajax4: #ubuntu-effects07:31
k1gwbbeagle index uses a lop of cpu time when first building the index it seems....i reniced it07:31
Crypthold on07:31
Crypti'm getting the link07:31
ajax4tag: Thanks07:31
=== Ltar [n=chuck@c-24-22-250-171.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
rpedroMalachi: look in /usr/share/pixmaps/splash07:31
Jordan_UDaSkreech, PPC is only officially supported for Dapper, it won't be supported in any future releases07:31
JtkieferI'm considering upgrading one of my boxes right now but I really don't feel like flooding my connection right now07:31
DaSkreechWhich reminds me07:31
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CryptDaSkreech: there ya go07:31
Malachirpedro: Thanks.07:31
DaSkreechYou can't upgrade from dapper to feisty right?07:31
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k1gwbno you have to through edgy first07:32
MadpilotDaSkreech, not without hitting Edgy first07:32
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function1ok, i plan on using apt-cdrom to use my iso to upgrade to feisty. can i still use the simple gui upgrade to do this, or will i have to use apt-get dist-upgrade from the command line (ubuntu.com warned against this)07:32
letronjehi i have downloaded the fiesty iso, can i speed up my upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 using the iso image without burning a disc07:32
DaSkreechbut will you be able to go LTS -> LTS ?07:32
Jordan_UCrypt, There is stuff that that page doesn't cover, let me try to find a more complete guide...07:32
Jtkieferouch, that's going to suck for people who haven't upgraded from dapper07:32
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DaSkreechor LTS +1 ?07:32
sitiletronje: mount the iso?07:32
k1gwbyou can mount the iso as a virtual cdrom07:32
letronjeand then ?07:32
Jordan_Uletronje, Only if you downloaded the alternate install CD07:32
Jtkieferjust doing a whole iso install to update is probably easy07:32
bimberiletronje: was it the alternate?  you can't upgrade using the desktop cd07:33
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sitiit was the desktop one ;)07:33
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FlannelJordan_U, DaSkreech: no it's not.  Edgy supports PPC as well.07:33
ExpositionOfEvilis this the correct md5sum? e296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso07:33
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bimberiDaSkreech: i understand LTS -> LTS will be supported07:34
megafaunaHi, how do I setup programs (like Firestarter) to automatically run when the computer boots?07:34
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k1gwbi went to ubuntu.com to donate but it said click the button and there was no button so i guess i get this version for free lol07:34
acidtabsS there streamTurner in ubuntu07:34
DaSkreechbimberi: that should be interesting.07:34
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bimberiDaSkreech: very :)07:35
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petafileI get an error from sudo apt-get update in Feisty:  The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/htt could not be found.  ANy ideas?07:35
DaSkreechSo there is no work being done currently on getting  that to work is there?07:35
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user01mine is frozen on download the upgrade tool07:35
kcowolfI enabled the nvidia-legacy-glx drivers for my nVidia GeForce 2 Ti, and now I'm stuck at 800x600 resolution.07:36
function1so, is it safe to just mount the iso and run cdromupgrade?07:36
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ExpositionOfEvilis this the correct md5sum? e296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso07:36
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bimberiDaSkreech: idk07:36
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Flannelfunction1: `sudo apt-cdrom add`07:36
lineman60petafile, that name suxs, but check it should  probley be http07:36
Alfonzohey guys, i just installed ubuntu...whats the launcher that has big buttons that looks like the mac os?07:36
DaSkreechI don't see it in any of the specs07:36
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DaSkreechthere is a ubuntu studio and PS3 one though :)07:36
bambi just updated my ubuntu how can i find out the version?07:36
petafilelineman60: cool, where can I find that?07:36
bimberiDaSkreech: afaik which release will be the next LTS isn't known yet either07:36
Talaman72anyone know how to stop firefox from using totem, or how to change it to use something else for video?07:36
ferronicahi room07:36
petafilelineman60: to change htt to http?07:37
Flannelbamb: lsb_release -a07:37
bambthank you07:37
DaSkreechbimberi: I know. that's kinda my point. that it's going to take a while07:37
lineman60one sec07:37
sitiTalaman72: remove the totem mozilla plugin07:37
deConholy !*@#* i'm downloading the iso torrent at 1mb/sec07:37
DaSkreechDShepherd: leave me alone!!07:37
jessidhello. I am running ubuntu 7.04, and i am reading the notes to install the nvidia drivers...when i choose resctricted driver manager, it says that my hardware does not need any restricted driver, but i know nvidia is not installed...is there anything I can do to install it correctly? thanks a lot!07:37
deConfrom a HOME connection!07:37
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Meshezabeelanyone know of a good screen capture program. I want to capture a slideshow and save it as avi07:37
function1Flannel: and then what? update manager? how do i ensure the cd will be used and not the online repos?07:37
ferronicai have downloaded ubuntu 7.04 to install it is it necessary to clean install or i can do upgarde via CD07:37
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Talaman72siti: where do i remove it?07:37
kcowolfjessid: what kind of video card do you have?07:37
sitiTalaman72: try synaptic07:38
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deConi have never seen anything download at 1mb constantly from my cable line07:38
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sitiMeshezabeel: try xvidcap, it's a bit complex I can't remember the simpler ones07:38
DaSkreechNight yall!!07:38
DShepherdDaSkreech, nite!07:38
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tarzeauhehe http://linux.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=231469&cid=1879718107:38
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(billy/#ubuntu) DARKGuy, have two hard disk drives?07:49
(DARKGuy/#ubuntu) billy: yes07:49
(Flannel/#ubuntu) RantingHuman: you don't need a root password. But, make sure you add your userto the admin group. That'll let it sudo07:49
(ap1/#ubuntu) How do I compile kernel on Edgy? Intalling "linux-tree" is not found?07:49
(darkhack/#ubuntu) anyway, I already download my copy and done updating everything plus install soft that I need07:49
(Dell-Net/#ubuntu) deCon: yes07:49
robinHow do I remove the Compiz configuration out of my gconf database?07:49
(Flannel/#ubuntu) RantingHuman: you're sure you don't have an oem user?07:49
(jessid/#ubuntu) some of you know how to use a usb to serial converter in ubuntu? i have a keyspan device and they say that they support their divers in Linux, but recommend to change distro to red hat or fedora...jejeje...that would be the last thing I would do...and also say that it is recommended to recompile the kernel with their dirver..g.some one knows what to do? Thanks! Sorry for the looong story07:49
ubuntuSHAME FOR UBUNTU 707:49
(bimberi/#ubuntu) aussieaubs: hard to say. Upgrades have been tested of course but things are so slow since the release that it's hard to know how many successful ones have been done in userland.07:50
ubuntui download alternate cd07:50
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(kcowolf/#ubuntu) Jordan-U: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16500/07:50
(billy/#ubuntu) DARKGuy, is the device that ubuntu's on listed in your BIOS?07:50
(neo_/#ubuntu) I want install beryl... xD07:50
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ubuntuand it say that i need to download 485mb07:50
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(DARKGuy/#ubuntu) billy: yes07:50
(RantingHuman/#ubuntu) Flannel: Ok. I didn't add my user to the admin group. Will try doing so now. Syntax?07:50
ubuntuand if someone don't have internet07:50
(deCon/#ubuntu) it isn't downloading anythign through update..and i got the ISO, but no CD, any advice?07:50
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ubuntuhe will fuck off himself07:50
(siti/#ubuntu) robin: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/compiz/ && sudo killall gconfd-207:50
RantingHumanFlannel: Not sure about the OEM user, will try that07:50
ubuntui spend 4 hours to download alternate cd07:50
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Jordan_U!ohmy | ubuntu07:50
ubotuubuntu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:50
Noldoaranwhere is sudo's log file?07:50
darkhackwould be great is someone would setup an alternative repo server07:50
FlannelRantingHuman: usermod -G admin -a username07:51
nomasteryodaubuntu, how about a wireless connection somewhere/07:51
jessid !ohmy07:51
kcowolfohmy... nice command...07:51
ubuntuand now i need to spend another 4 hours to download07:51
bimberiNoldoaran: /var/log/auth.log07:51
robinrobin@robin-desktop:~$ rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/compiz/ && sudo killall gconfd-2rm: cannot remove `/home/robin/.gconf/apps/compiz/': No such file or directory07:51
FlannelRantingHuman: but, try logging in with the OEM user.  since, that sounds eerily like the OEM install07:51
ubuntuwhat wireless????07:51
zachwlewisHere's another question for you guys. I just installed 7.04 on a new hard disk (IDE_PRI master) and moved my DVD-RW (IDE_SEC master). My Windows drive is an SATA. I got the dual-booting working, but since installing Ubuntu, my Windows has been crapping out on me, even though I "shouldn't have" done anything to change it.07:51
Noldoaranbimberi: thanks07:51
aussieaubsdell-net: thanks mate07:51
ubuntuare you good07:51
billydeCon, what you're wanting to do is called a "Knoppix install."07:51
bimberiNoldoaran: yw :)07:51
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Meshezabeeltarzeau: gargantua gorilla07:51
Flanneldarkhack: there are tons of mirrors07:51
lungannawk: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryx what is my problem?07:51
aussieaubsbimberi: thanks for that...i guess patience is the key here07:51
sitirobin: hmm, I don't know07:51
deConbilly, whys that?07:51
nomasteryodasome err mod here .. ??07:51
RantingHumanFlannel: Right-ho. Will go try it now, but first will try logging with OEM. I'm pretty sure I didn't opt for the OEM install (it was the second option, right?)07:51
ubuntunow if someone want to install UBuntu 7 he need to have internet07:51
billydeCon, boot from iso image.07:52
bimberiaussieaubs: yep :)07:52
robinGuys, how do i remove something from my gconf database?07:52
Alfonzoim not able to authenticate the katapult install via the package manager...is that normal or should i be alarmed?07:52
CryptJordan_U: just found this pretty awesome guide for dual booting without having to re-install OS X http://blogs.sun.com/richb/entry/powerbook_dual_boot:_macosx_tiger07:52
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DARKGuybilly: do you know how to fix the grub error 21?07:52
ubuntubecouse he need to download 481 mb07:52
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deConbilly, update is working :D.07:52
Cryptplus it's using the same hardware as mine iin the installation07:52
Flannelubuntu: no.  You don't need to have the internet.  If you do, it'll download updated pafckages, but you don't ened it.07:52
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ubuntuwhy ubuntu.com say that07:52
darkhack<Flannel> u think u can direct me to some of them?07:52
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild07:52
kcowolfubuntu: I just installed from the regular CD without having to download anything from the Internet.07:52
ubuntudo you wan to show you07:52
billyDARKGuy, mine was fixed by editing my DIOS to include my slave drive.07:52
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alex22i put the cd in07:52
Flannel!mirror | darkhack07:52
ubotudarkhack: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive07:52
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DARKGuybilly: in mine, it's included and working :/07:52
alex22and it doesn't load to the live cd.. it stays stuck @ the loading screen07:52
DARKGuyoh well07:52
ubuntukcowolf man in the moment i installed from alternated cd07:52
alex22how do i boot w/ verbose07:52
Flannelubuntu: disconnect your computer from the internet, and install.  I guarentee it'll work.07:53
darkhack<Flannel> yes07:53
ubuntuFlannel i try and if fail to install07:53
Jordan_UCrypt, I would suggest using a program like Super Duper or Carbon Copy Cloner before trying to resize HFS+07:53
ubuntuFlannel do you have something another to say.07:53
sitialex22: alt + f1 might work07:53
kcowolfjordan_U: saw my other pastebin?07:53
=== TommyTom [n=ubuntu@24-119-92-22.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tarkushey, i just installed ubuntu 7.04 5 minutes ago, and it doesnt look like my video drivers are installed. im new to linux and dont know the right way to get graphics drivers, im using an NVidia GeForce 7800GT. and my displays res is 1680x1050, and i dont see that resolution when i try to change it. any ideas? thanks07:53
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RantingHumanOEM login doesn't work07:54
mjbrooks!nvidia > Tarkus07:54
kjking02I have a computer that has basically been completely cleaned, with a linux swap, a reiserfs, and an unallocated partition, when i put in the ubuntu live cd, i get an error that says "no screens found"07:54
robinHow do I remove the Compiz configuration out of my gconf database?07:54
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Dell-NetTarkus: hello u must add resolutions in /etc/xorg.conf file07:54
deConbilly, how can i boot from iso, this is taking too long07:54
Flannelubuntu: You probably have a bad burn.  I guarentee it works.  Did you check the CD for defects?07:54
sitirobin: is it global, or just your user?07:54
robinsiti, just my user07:54
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Jordan_Ukcowolf, I hadn't but now I do07:54
TommyTomi have no top or bottom bar in xubuntu 7.04. surely this in not a new "feature" for the live cd07:54
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ubuntuFlannel yes i check the dvd for defects07:54
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gr3ml1nwhen i write 85-85 at the vert refresh section of xorg.conf monitor section i can only choose 800x600 and 640x480 but i want 1024x768@85 hz what do i have to enter?07:55
sitirobin: well that command should have done it, if it still existed07:55
darkhackanyway, great work on Feisty07:55
ubuntui burn the cd-image on dvd-image07:55
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mjbrooksdeCon, you can't boot from iso, you have to burn the iso to a CD and boot rom that07:55
robinsiti, well, if i do a gconftool-editor, i still see the Compiz directory.07:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:55
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nomasteryodaDell-Net,  not with the latest nvidia drivers... and their nvidia-xconfig script... it should do that if nvidia-glx is installed07:55
ubuntubecouse i don't have cd07:55
darkhackI'm looking forward to the nex releases07:55
FlannelRantingHuman: very odd.  Well, keep an eye on stuff.  If stuff is acting oddly, it might be because the installer didn't finish all the way.07:55
billydeCon, you're upgrading now?07:55
Dell-Netnomasteryoda: realy?07:55
deConjbrooks, right, but i have no cd07:55
=== Absolt [n=lucidhop@124-168-40-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
deConbilly, trying, however it is stuck on 48 of 70 pieces07:55
sitirobin: try killall gconfd-207:55
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petafileAnyone here ever get errors from apt-get about not being able to find method drivers in /usr/lib/apt? (specifically htt, whihc I probably mispelled somewhere, and should be http)07:56
deConbilly, nevermind, its on 52 now..i guess the server load is tremendous, ill come back in a bit07:56
darkhackYall have a good night now07:56
tristanmikeHello, I've just installed Feisty (I love it btw), and I'm trying to get DVD playback but I can't find the libdvdcss2 package, can someone give me a quick hand please and thanx07:56
ubuntunow ubuntu 7 say that need to download 1498 files07:56
gr3ml1nwhen i write 85-85 at the vert refresh section of xorg.conf monitor section i can only choose 800x600 and 640x480 but i want 1024x768@85 hz what do i have to enter?07:56
=== DaveyJ [n=daveyj@ool-44c257f1.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
billydeCon, yeah man.  they're bogged totally.  just relax.07:56
ubuntuthat are 485 mb07:56
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Jordan_Ukcowolf, I don't know what to tell you, everything looks to be fine, the only thing I can think or is that the Refresh rates might be incorrect07:56
mjbrooksdeCon, yes, it is tremendous at the moment07:56
robinsiti, The compiz directory is still there07:56
ubuntuin the start of the install from the cd i press no07:56
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CrippledCanarytristanmike: You shouldn't have to07:56
ubuntuand it again start to download from internete07:56
kcowolfJordan_U: one sec07:56
deConbilly, i can understand, this is one hot pancake lol. i'm hoping to revamp an old p2 with this tonight07:57
=== codepoet [n=codepoet@c58-107-141-106.rivrw8.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Absolthey guys, do you think I would have better luck here or on the forums for installation probs?07:57
sitirobin: well I think it's just that you have compiz installed so it's the global default configuration...07:57
sitiwhich should be fine07:57
deConAbsolt, definately here....07:57
CrippledCanarytristanmike: All I did was to when I opened a mp3 I got a question about searching for codecs.07:57
robinsiti, no, the keys in my gconf won't vanish..07:57
bobrikHi, update-manager crashed during upgrade edgy->feisty  -   I just wonder if "sudo apt --configure -a" and then running update-manager again is equivalent substitute to upgrading properly07:57
mneptokAbsolt: you should buy a support contract from Canonical ;)07:57
kcowolfJordan_U: (II) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "1024x768" (no mode of this name)07:57
Jordan_UTommyTom, Try pressing alt+f2 and running killall gnome-panel07:57
CrippledCanarytristanmike: Just select all of the suggested ones.07:57
kcowolfJordan_U: from my Xorg.0.log07:57
ubuntubobrik Ubuntu 7 is shame07:57
delmorepHey Guys! If I upgraded to the Fiesty beta a few weeks ago, do I have to do anything to get the "OFFICIAL" Fiesty, or will it automatically update to the final released version?07:57
sitirobin: well try syaptic and try and remove any sign of compiz being installd07:57
gr3ml1nwhen i write 85-85 at the vert refresh section of xorg.conf monitor section i can only choose 800x600 and 640x480 but i want 1024x768@85 hz what do i have to enter?07:57
robinsiti, i did the desktop effects and it worked fine. Then i clicked on 'GL Desktop' in my Preferences and THAT screwed up my Compiz configuration.07:57
deConbilly, "failed to fetch" errors left and right, 4 of them07:57
tristanmikeCrippledCanary; I didn't try a dvd yet, lemme see...07:58
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mneptokdelmorep: no. just update your beta.07:58
Absoltawesome, I've been trying to get ubuntu all the way from LTS and now im trying with fawn and I cant get the install cd to boot07:58
robinoh, but it works alright now again..07:58
CryptJustin_U: I used that guide and backed up before with iBackup for Edgy a long time ago. I'm just curious if it will work for feisty07:58
Flannelubuntu: those are updates to the packages you currently have, since theyre old07:58
robinThanks for the help :)07:58
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Jordan_Udelmorep, You will automatically get the final07:58
Absoltit starts booting, and then my screen just blanks out07:58
mneptokAbsolt: what error do you get?07:58
delmorepthats so cool07:58
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Absoltand my monitor loses signal07:58
gr3ml1nwhen i write 85-85 at the vert refresh section of xorg.conf monitor section i can only choose 800x600 and 640x480 but i want 1024x768@85 hz what do i have to enter?07:58
Absoltno error07:58
ubuntuFlannel nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo07:58
sitirobin: gl desktop in your preferences? what program does that?07:58
TommyTomjordan_u: i did that but nothing happened07:58
ubuntuFlannel man think,think07:58
=== Pitel [n=pitel@ip-89-102-30-100.karneval.cz] has joined #ubuntu
AzMooHey, I just did the distupgrade to feisty. It all went through fine, except after restart I don't have an X server anymore. The X log tells me that the nvidia module wasn't loaded. How come?07:59
mneptokAbsolt: have you tried with the alternate CD?07:59
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mjbrooks!enter > Absolt07:59
robinsiti, well, i upgraded from Edgy to Feisty.. and then it appeared07:59
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ubuntuFlannel why ubuntu.com say that gksu "sh cdrom/cdromupgrad" will upgrade from the cd07:59
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ExpositionOfEvilIf I were you id install by cd =/07:59
AbsoltI tried the alt with 6.1007:59
mneptokAzMoo: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx07:59
Pitelwill i be able to install ubuntu on a computer with less than 256 MB ram with 7.04 desktop cd?07:59
Absolthavent tried fawn alt07:59
=== zachwlewis [n=zachary@68-186-128-162.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Uubuntu, That is only from the alternate install CD , not the Desktop install07:59
Flannelubuntu: Oh.  You're upgrading?  You didn't say that.07:59
ubuntuit start,but then wirhout internet it say that fail to download.07:59
zachwlewisYay! Wobble windows!07:59
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Jordan_UPitel, Yes07:59
sitiPitel: it says the min is 192MB with desktop cd07:59
Absolti have an ati x800 vivo if that helps at all :\08:00
tristanmikeCrippledCanary: It gave me an error, it said "Cannot Read From Source"....The Support documentation suggests to install a few packages but I can't find the "libdvdcss2" package....any ideas ?08:00
fluidyay white screen when i start beryl...blegh. got 2d/3d working on this radeon m200 tho hehe08:00
mjbrooksAbsolt, is it a laptop?08:00
ubuntuJordan_U i have i have alternativeeeeeeee08:00
sitior less withe the alt08:00
AzMoomneptok: nvidia-glx is already the latest version.08:00
zachwlewisQUERY: How can I change my username?08:00
mneptokAbsolt: get the alt CD via BitTorrent so the download is not corrupted in some way. burn it at the slowest speed possible.08:00
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zachwlewisQUERY: How can I add 1280x1024 as a resolution?08:00
Absoltyup, md5 checks08:00
robinsiti, well, i upgraded from Edgy to Feisty.. and then it appeared08:00
Absoltand internal check checks08:00
ubuntuFlannel ??? i say it .I have ubuntu 6.10 and i want to install UBuntu 708:00
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humblerodentI got Feisty Fawn already.  =)  the only problem I have so far is that my available monitor refresh rates are screwy.  It correctly detected my ViewSonic A70 (yeah, I know it's old) as it always has in past versions.  But with a resolution of 1280x1024, I can only get a refresh rate of 50 hz, which is not at all pleasant.  Turning down the resolution doesn't give me much improvement in refresh rate options....I've never had this issue bef08:00
humblerodentore.  Can I get any help?  Thanks in advance.08:00
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mneptokAzMoo: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic08:00
ubuntuFlannel but i install it from UBuntu 7 alternative cd08:00
TommyTomwell the bars arent that big of a problem (if its just the LIVE cd part). right now i need to figure out how to make a extended partition over my 20gb (guide says i cant ahve more than 4 partition. i have 2 NTFS on same RAID array)08:00
Jordan_Uubuntu, Ok, is the CD mounted in /cdrom?08:00
pibarnascompiz show desktop plugin isn't working on feisty.08:00
ubuntuFlannel why i need to download from internet08:00
sitirobin: well I don't know :S, my guess is some how a program has made you use xgl which screws up a aiglx compiz...08:01
ubuntuJordan_U it is mounted08:01
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ubuntuJOrdan_U i see the light green08:01
mjbrooksTommyTom, you can't have more than 4 primamry partitions08:01
kernel06couldn't figure out my airlink wireless pcmcia work.08:01
bimberiubuntu: is your Edgy installation up to date?08:01
Flannelubuntu: After your computer is booted, put the CD in.  You should get a prompt asking if you want to upgrade08:01
AzMoomneptok: ah hah! That looks more promising. Thanks.08:01
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CrippledCanarytristanmike: Do you have a mp3 file somewhare? Try to trig the automatic codec installation with that.08:01
ExpositionOfEvilwhats the problem with ubuntus resolutions and refresh rates =(08:01
robinsiti, no, i use AIGLX, but there's that "GL Desktop" in my Preferences menu. It has advanced options to configure Compiz but if you run it it sets all the Compiz configuration to it's own liking, thus screwing it up.08:01
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ubuntubimberi MY ubuntu 6.10 was up-to date08:01
Absoltso any ideas guys?08:02
Jordan_Uubuntu, What happens when you try to run: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrad" ?08:02
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zachwlewisQUERY: How can I add 1280x1024 as a resolution?08:02
zachwlewisQUERY: How can I change my username?08:02
ubuntubimberi yestarday i try and i install all updates08:02
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bimberiubuntu: kk08:02
TommyTommjbrooks: i know but i need to make an extended partion and make logical partitions08:02
ubuntuJOrdan_U it start to read from the cd08:02
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Whisperkillerok i am trying to install grub and i am having issues08:02
mjbrooksTommyTom, gparted is pretty good08:02
ubuntuFlannel again to restart,and if it don't work08:02
kcowolfJordan_U: According to my monitor, I'm at H 37.8 KHz, V 60.3 Hz... how can I make sure these are set correctly in Xorg?08:02
ubuntubimberi for 1 day08:02
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Flannelubuntu: no.  don't restart your computer08:02
tristanmikeCrippledCanary: I'm sorry, I have mp3 playback just fine...I'm looking for DVD playback, like a DVD movie I own...anyway, thanx for the help, I asked ubotu and he helped me too :D08:03
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Jordan_Ukcowolf, I am sorry, I can't help you there :(08:03
TommyTommjbrooks: gpart doesnt recognize my soft raid08:03
ubuntubimberi for 1 day???? what are you think that this peoples are going to make 1148files to upgrade?08:03
Flannelubuntu: Boot your computer normally.  Then put the CD in.  Right now you're running off the CD, that' not what you want08:03
mjbrooksTommyTom, oooh  softraid eh?08:03
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zachwlewisQUERY: How can I add 1280x1024 as a resolution?08:03
zachwlewisQUERY: How can I change my username?08:03
zachwlewis...sorry for the questions.08:03
jpsamaraHi all! Just installed Feisty! Seems faster than edgy08:03
deConDo i need to add extra repositories for things such as wine, beryl etc to work through the upgrade?08:03
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mjbrooksTommyTom, I hadn't realized08:03
kcowolfLooks like I'm set at 60 Hz in "Screen Resolution", but 1024x768 doesn't appear on the dropdown list08:03
billyjpsamara, much faster.08:03
tristanmikeCrippledCanary: hmmm....actually, didn't help all that much08:03
neo_Hey, good morning for all08:04
ubuntuFlannel in the moment the cd is in the cd-rom08:04
tristanmikeHello, I've just installed Feisty (I love it btw), and I'm trying to get DVD playback but I can't find the libdvdcss2 package, can someone give me a quick hand please and thanx08:04
neo_I'm Colombian08:04
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bimberiubuntu: i think nothing of the sort, and struggle to understand you tbh08:04
mjbrooksubuntu, The people here are trying to be helpful, please use a less advesarial tone with us08:04
TommyTommjbrooks: no prob. id have it installed already if it werent for the GD soft raid08:04
CrippledCanarytristanmike: sorry08:04
Flannelubuntu: You're running off the CD right now.  Thats not good08:04
CrippledCanarytristanmike: it worked for me.08:04
Jordan_Utristanmike, Check help.ubuntu.com08:04
tristanmikeCrippledCanary: never be sorry for trying to help :D08:04
jessidnomasteryoda: perhaps you can help me: I am trying to install a Nvidia GeForce 6150 but the guide in !nvidia does not works fine in my case...do you have any idea where to go from here? thanks!!!08:04
billy!info libdvdcss2 feisty | tristanmike08:04
ubotutristanmike: Package libdvdcss2 does not exist in feisty08:04
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ubuntumjbrooks i have normal tone,you don't have08:04
kernel06find my wireless airlink pcmcia but couldn't access. it is rt2600.08:04
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sitineo_: I think there is a channel #ubuntu-es for spanish speakers :)08:04
tristanmikebilly, thanx08:04
ExpositionOfEvilhopefully it install this time!08:04
bimberiubuntu: er, no08:05
ubuntuFlannel i install it on Dvd - RW08:05
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zachwlewisQUERY: How can I add 1280x1024 as a resolution?08:05
zachwlewisQUERY: How can I change my username?08:05
billy!find libdvdcss3 feisty | tristanmike08:05
ubuntubimberi errr,yes,08:05
TommyTommjbrooks: fek guess i will just reboot in winblows and partition it... do i want ext2 or 3? and what do i partition my /boot partion as?08:05
Whisperkilleri could use some help if anyone would like to listen08:05
ubotutristanmike: Package/file libdvdcss3 does not exist in feisty08:05
Jordan_Utristanmike, https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/dvdplayback.html08:05
Flannelubuntu: right.  That's fine.  Boot normally, with the disc out of the drive.  Then login, and then put the disc in the drive08:05
KenSentMe!fixres | zachwlewis08:05
ubotuzachwlewis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:05
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neo_I need know where find statistics of use of linux Vs. windows08:05
mjbrooksTommyTom, ext3 is jounraled, so may be preferable08:05
mjbrooksTommyTom, Journaled08:05
ubuntuFlannel that i say to reboot,again?08:05
jpsamaraSudoku game is very cool... and chess...08:05
Ademanhaha, the channel always swells at new releases08:06
tristanmikeJordan_U: so Seveas's packages for edgy will work on Feisty, for that package I guess should be ok ?08:06
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Whisperkillercan anyone read what im saying?08:06
neo_siti: thanks, ando I'm sorry for my english08:06
Flannelubuntu: Take the disc out, then reboot.  Right now youre running the liveCD.  That's not whta you want08:06
rellikWhisperkiller, yes08:06
billyAll right new thunderbird installed!08:06
TommyTommjbrooks: O_o whats that? sorry im nub08:06
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Whisperkillercan someone help me install grub?08:06
ubuntuFlannel i;m not running the LIVE-CD08:06
Ademananywho, for whatever reason i can't find my way to the torrents, can anyone link me to i386 torrents for ubuntu and xubuntu?08:06
Dell-Netzachwlewis: http://mojora.wordpress.com/2007/03/21/linux-change-or-rename-user-name-and-uid-user-id/08:06
tristanmikeJordan_U: .....reading.........thanx08:06
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ubuntuFlannel i'm running from UBUNTU  6.1008:06
KenSentMeWhisperkiller, just tell us what the problem is and maybe someone has an answer08:06
Whisperkilleri installed the new ubuntu today and for some reason i cant boot to my hard drive08:06
Flannelubuntu: Why is your username ubuntu then?08:06
sitineo_: no it's fine, I just guessed you might want to speak to people that speak spanish, I know what you are saying but I can tell you are spanish just from how you say it08:07
ubuntuFlannel becouse i make it automaticly08:07
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TommyTomademan: cdimage.ubuntu.com08:07
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zachwlewisKenSentMe: How can I add resolutions that aren't already on the list?08:07
Whisperkilleri already did twice lol i need to install grub08:07
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KenSentMeWhisperkiller, do you get any errors08:07
BHSPitMonkeyhave they seriously not g-lined the nick ubuntu?08:07
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Whisperkilleryeah it says put in a system disk08:07
FlannelBHSPitMonkey: eh?  LiveCDs default to that nick.08:07
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Jordan_U!grub | Whisperkiller08:07
ubotuWhisperkiller: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:07
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KenSentMezachwlewis, you can read it on this page i think: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:07
Flannelubuntu: alright.  Take the DVD out of the drive and put it back in, you should get a prompt asking if you want to upgrade to feisty08:07
mjbrooksTommyTom, basicall it makes sure stuff is written to the disk better than a non-journaled fs    that's the very basic of answers ;)08:07
bytecolorzachwlewis, look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:07
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ubuntuFlannel i try and nothing happend08:08
AdemanTommyTom: thanks, but its sorta hanging, i guess the server really is down...08:08
shibzHi, I installed ubuntu 6.10 a while ago, today I tried to upgrade to 7 and it told me I was out of disk space on /boot. I fixed that, but now it is trying to upgrade me to 6.10 even though I already have 6.1008:08
Whisperkillerive tried reading that first link and it didnt help08:08
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Whisperkillerim on a livecd08:08
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Jordan_UWhisperkiller, Do you use RAID?08:08
Whisperkilleri cant boot into the install so the stuff i tried off that link wouldnt work08:08
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Whisperkillerno just a plain old ide08:08
ubuntuFlannel is there some command to force not to download from internet.08:08
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TommyTomademan: yes i know, ubuntu.com is getting hit hard. its should load eventually. id give a link to a post i made but its not a public forum08:08
Whisperkilleri can see the partitions08:08
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:09
bankkun-- --08:09
Flannelubuntu: gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade"  should do it.08:09
Jordan_UWhisperkiller, Why won't the stuff in that link work, it is meant for a LiveCD?08:09
mjbrooksshibz, I believe your 6.10 has to be up-to-date before it can do the 6.10->7.04 transition08:09
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AdemanTommyTom: :-/ that's too bad, sounds like one of the most popular releases yet is gonna leave a bad taste in new users' mouths...08:09
ubuntuFlannel man i tell you that this command i press no and again start to download from internet08:09
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Whisperkillerill look again08:09
shibzmy 6.10 is pretty much up to date... this thing wants me to download 1000+ packages!!!08:09
Flannelubuntu: what do you mean you press no?  What does it ask you?08:09
ubuntuFlannel it fetching and after 960 it start to download08:09
Ademancurrent ubuntu users worth anything should be using the torrents and seeding...08:09
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AdemanWHEEEEEE, i got through to torrent.ubuntu.com08:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lapic - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:10
morfyshi everyone..08:10
ubuntuFlannel it ask in the begging do yo want your system to be upgraded with latest updates08:10
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Jordan_Ushibz, That is normall, everything on your system is being upgraded08:10
EvangelineHello there !08:10
ubuntuFlannel and i press no08:10
Flannelubuntu: why don't you hit yes?08:10
shibzJordan_U, it says its upgrading to 6.10 though08:10
ubuntuFlannel becouse it want internet08:10
morfysI was just trying to upgrade my distro to fiesty.. noticed that while installing edgy, I created a /boot of only 32Mb..08:10
mjbrooksshibz, that sounds like it's doing the 6.10->7.04   are you sure it's trying to install 6.10?08:10
ubuntuFlannel i have alternated cd08:10
Jordan_Ushibz, Are you running Dapper currently?08:10
morfysnow I require more space for the upgrade..08:10
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TommyTomademan: give me the exact releases you want (64bit? desktop? alternate? xubuntu?) and i can get them for you08:11
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Flannelubuntu: Have you ever tried pushing yes?08:11
ubuntuFlannel and that mean to install it without internet08:11
jessidi will go to sleep as neo_ I am also colombian and here is 1:10 am...good bye and thanks a lot!08:11
EvangelineI went from 6.10 trough 7.04 with 295Mbs of downloads by the updater...08:11
Jordan_Ushibz, That is normal, you need to go Egdy -> Feisty08:11
ubuntuFlannel yes and it start first to upgrade from internet.08:11
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tarnap_good morning dudes08:11
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AdemanTommyTom: i386 desktop ubuntu and xubuntu torrents08:11
American-Tech_I am looking for help finding the windows wireless driver for my laptop Gateway mx6448. I want ti install ndiswrapper and use the driver08:11
shibzerr actually I am edgy08:11
zachwlewis...rebooting X froze my computer.08:11
shibzI get names confused08:11
zachwlewisI got stuck on some black screen.08:11
jpsamaraWhich java do you recomend... sun5 or sun6 ?] 08:11
morfysso I unmounted /boot copying all the files, to tmp and then copying back all the boot files to /boot which now existed as a directory on my /08:11
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shibzedgy = 6.10 right?08:11
shibzI am at 6.1008:11
Flannelubuntu: pastebin your sources.list, I want to take a llook at it08:11
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Jordan_Ushibz, Yes, Edgy is 6.1008:12
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ubuntuFlannel ok,tell me what to do to pastebin08:12
Evangelinezachlewis... try editing your Xorg.conf08:12
Flannelubuntu: also, like I said originally, simply disconnecting the machine from the internet will make it so it *cant* get internet stuff08:12
morfysI have removed all the boot related lines from /etc/fstab..08:12
Flannel!paste | ubuntu08:12
ubotuubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:12
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EvangelinePut "Vesa" as your VGA08:12
dibblegohow do I get desktop effects with feisty, like "wobbly windows" and "spinny cubes"?08:12
zachwlewisEvangeline: Where can I find Xorg.conf?08:12
EvangelineThat should make the trick for a while08:12
=== navreet [n=navreet@adsl-68-20-220-143.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Flannelubuntu: /etc/apt/sources.list, copy it all, paste it into that webpage, hit submit, come back ehre with the URL08:12
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tarnap_can someone tell me how to mount fsftp using ftp active mode?08:12
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navreetwhat's going on with feisty?08:12
ubuntuFlannel i say too that i try it and it try to connect and say that cannot be ugraded.08:12
Dell-Netzachwlewis: /etc/X11/xorg.comf08:12
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dibblegozachwlewis, /etc/X1108:12
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morfysI ran cfdisk after that..08:13
Jordan_Udibblego, System -> Prefs -> Desktop Effects08:13
ubuntuFlannel and how to past the source08:13
dibblegoJordan_U, thanks08:13
bayzidersFiesty feels the same as edgy but if I had a laptop im sure I would be thanking god08:13
morfysis there anything else that I need to take care of before rebooting the system to test the new settings ?08:13
morfysplease help08:13
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shibzI had to unmount my /boot... could that have anything to do with it being seen as dapper instead of edgy?08:13
navreetbayziders, why is that?08:13
mjbrooksbayziders, I know I am  ;)08:13
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Dell-NetI like feisty its faster08:13
Ademanthanks a lot TommyTom08:13
navreetcan anyone download feisty? my software update screen isn't downloading08:13
bayzidersCause nothing feels diffrent and my boot time is slower =/08:13
shibzI did a cp -R /boot /newboot && umount /boot && mv /newboot /boot08:13
zachwlewisWhere do I add "1280x1024"?08:13
cornucopiafeisty is awsome08:13
bayzidersBut why?08:14
morfysit is working for me.. but I have a bad feeling that I am going to mess up the system real bad08:14
bayzidersI don't want to be negative I just want to know what all the hype is about08:14
shibzbecause apparently a 30mb /boot isn't big enough >;.<08:14
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jpsamaraDid you guys enable the cube? Do you feel its necessary, its productive?08:14
EvangelineHey people... I am using i386 version of Feisty... But I am wondering... Does the x64 version have the flash plug-in working ?08:14
Flannelshibz: have you been removing old kernels?08:14
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Dell-Netzachwlewis: "1280x800" "1024x768"08:14
bimberi!slow | navreet08:14
ubotunavreet: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.08:14
FlannelEvangeline: no.  theres no native 64bit flash08:14
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=== Absolt [n=lucidhop@124-168-40-129.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
shibzno, I was going to do that after the update to feisty08:14
Andy_242hola all!08:14
Jordan_UEvangeline, Yes, but it takes a little bit of work ( not much )08:14
cornucopiabayziders, userfriendly,lively community,huge amount of apps with pratically no dependancy errors ...08:14
Dell-Netzachwlewis: front of "1024x768"08:15
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Flannelshibz: How many kernels do you have installed?08:15
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bayzidersSame as Edgy. =)08:15
EvangelineJordan_U does Automatix2 do the trick ?08:15
zachwlewisIt appears a few times.08:15
zachwlewisJust, each time?08:15
ferronicahow to make printer back to default settings08:15
shibzI have 208:15
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mjbrooksjpsamara, productive, no...  pretty, yes.... convincing windows users to convert, priceless!08:15
Jordan_U!automatix | Evangeline08:15
ubotuEvangeline: automatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe08:15
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Flannelshibz: oh, thats no big deal.  some people have... lots08:15
Jordan_UEvangeline, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava08:15
ubuntuFlannel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16501/08:15
EvangelineThanks Jordan_U08:15
shibzwell, why would it say that I need more than 30mb /boot?08:16
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deConummm, so i have a problem with the update with a wine and automatix repositiory08:16
Andy_242urm, not wanting to seem like a painful noob, but I'm a painful noob with ubuntu- can anyone help?08:16
conkyWhich card for Feisty? Nvidia GeForce4 Ti 4600 128MB  or a Ati radeon 9600pr0 256MB08:16
Flannelubuntu: did you try and do any updating before using the CD?08:16
deConA problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry.08:16
zachwlewisOkay, now how do I save it?08:16
zachwlewisIt's read-only?08:16
AbsoltJust tried booting x64 live cd again. Get the boot menu, select any option other than boot default harddrive option. Linux kernel progress bar pops up and finishes. Get a console line something alonth the lines of "mapping kernel @10000" then my screen goes black.08:16
dibblegoconky, I always have more luck with nvidia08:16
mjbrooks!ask | Andy_24208:16
ubotuAndy_242: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:16
ubuntuFlannel yes08:16
EvangelineOn Windows Vista 64 i can install and use 32Bits aplications... is it posible on Ubuntu ?08:16
ferronicahow to make printer back to default settings08:16
john_i just downloaded the new ubuntu iso what software do i used to burn an iso in ubuntu? :)08:16
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deConFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Temporary failure resolving 'www.getautomatix.com'08:16
deConFailed to fetch http://wine.lowvoice.nl/apt/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Temporary failure resolving 'wine.lowvoice.nl'08:16
Andy_242ah, thanks-08:16
jpsamaramjbrooks: I don't know in edgy, but with my 855intel card the cube was slow08:16
dibblegoEvangeline, yes, you need a library (forget the name)08:16
Andy_242just installed Ubuntu on a windows network08:17
shibzis there a command to cleanly remove the old kernels?08:17
valermoshas anybody else gotten feisty to work with an ATI card and direct rendering?08:17
exswhat happened to the launch party irc channel?08:17
dibblegoshibz, apt-get remove08:17
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Andy_242the installation was fine, but now I boot it up, it's connection is unstable08:17
Flannelubuntu: that's your problem.  Some of your repositories are already switched to feisty.08:17
jpsamaraFolks: Dont install automatix... really08:17
Jordan_Uvalermos, I have08:17
varkavalermos: yes me , with an 9800 pro08:17
Andy_242and now the entire network is unstable08:17
bytecolorzachwlewis, sudo cp xorg.conf xorg.conf.original BEFORE you do any editing08:17
bayzidersSo laptop users how is the wireless?08:17
john_what programs are there for cd burning in linux?08:17
navreetEvangeline, yeah, but they only work 1/2 as well, like anything on the left side of the screen goes blank08:17
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john_i need to burn the iso08:17
Flannelubuntu: alt-f2 then `gksu "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"`08:17
cornucopiaEvangeline, windows X64 doesnt really run *every* 32bit app you throw at it08:17
Andy_242all connections are wired, but sometimes I'll get knocked off when that machine's on08:17
ubuntuFlannel but why UBuntu when download it don't save it and when everything is download to start to install it08:17
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drumline_hmm..  Automatix is an automagic software installer.  Isn't CNR going to be even better than that though?08:18
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mjbrooksjpsamara, well, it takes a bit of hardware to drive it08:18
SeveredCrossI figured out how to fix my Ubuntu install.08:18
conkydibblego thanks08:18
navreetcornucopia, Evangeline: yeah, that's true... it can't run 3dnow code, right?08:18
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ubuntuFlannel that is bad,becouse if someone turn the power off the computer and then start again,he need to start from the begining.08:18
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mjbrooksbayziders, wireless is excellent08:18
Absoltany ideas? :(08:18
tristanmike!burning | john_08:18
ubotujohn_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:18
EvangelineCornucopia... that true... but it does a good joob working with 32Bits aplications like Firefox and plg-ins like Flash...08:18
shibzdibblego, but won't apt-get remove delete all of them? how do I specify which version to remove?08:18
valermosJordan_U: I have a 9600 and i keep getting an error message "PreInitDAL failed"08:18
navreetEvangeline, yeah, flash is a pain man... I would still stick to 32bit ubuntu.  The hassle is not worth it08:19
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dibblegoshibz, linux-image-`version`08:19
bayzidersWow VBA hates me...08:19
navreetEvangeline, trust me... you don't really notice the speed of 64bit vs 32bit during normal desktop use08:19
john_anyone know what a good softare for burning iso's in ubuntu is?08:19
valermosJordan_U: somehow I got 2d working... I have no idea.. but i don't have direct rendering, and it's running OpenGL: Tungsten Graphics08:19
tristanmike!burning | john_08:19
ubotujohn_: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto08:19
Dell-Netjohn_ k3b08:19
EvangelineBy the way, does anyone knoes a CHM viewer for graphical use ?08:19
Flannelubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16502/  paste that back into that file.  then save it08:19
FlannelEvangeline: xchm is one08:19
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Jordan_Uvalermos, Have you tried the restricted driver manager?08:19
EvangelineI was using archmage... but it "text"... BTW thanks Flannel !08:20
shibzk, thx08:20
vitalikEvangeline, it is called CHM viewer08:20
navreetEvangeline, what is a CHM viewer? the windows help file format?08:20
valermosJordan_U: Yeah, it seems like whenever i run the restricted driver mananger, it puts me back into a no video situation08:20
Flannelubuntu: You aborted an install, and then tried to do it another way.  You can't expect ubuntu to anticipate whatever unusual thigns youre going to be doing08:20
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valermosJordan_U: I've had the most success so far with the proprietary driver from ATI08:20
Tarkusi just installed the nvidia drivers for my card via "restricted drivers manager". and when i restarted the screen was blank at the login screen. so i type my username and pasword, and i heard the logon sound, so i knew it got into ubuntu. then i did ctrl-alt-backspace, and i got the screen back again, and i still cant choose 16080x1050 in my resolution, any ideas? (this is messed up)08:20
zachwlewisbytecolor: I did that, but it is still read-only.08:20
Andy_242can anyone help with a networking problem with ubuntu please?08:20
EvangelineI got zillions of Ubuntu Books in "CHM" format... that's why I was asking08:21
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Jordan_U!anyone | Andy_24208:21
ubotuAndy_242: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:21
bytecolorzachwlewis, that just made a backup copy08:21
ubuntuFlannel i try to upgrade from internet,but the server was slow,and then i download the alternated cd for 1 hours,then i try to instal08:21
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zachwlewisSo, how do I edit it?08:21
mjbrooks!anyone | Andy_24208:21
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sitiTarkus: if you remove all the resolutions or comment them out then it should work (in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf) :(08:21
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Flannelubuntu: just replace the sources.list, save it, then it should work with the CD08:21
vitaliksoory it is GnoCHM08:21
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john_so is it worth the trouble to upgrade to fiesty?08:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about n00b - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:21
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Andy_242Does anybody know why a new ubuntu install may cause a network to become very unstable?08:22
navreetjohn_, yeah08:22
sitinvidia does much better auto detection if it does not have hints08:22
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ajax4Anyone know how to get rid of the authentication warnings every time I try to install a package?08:22
ubuntuFlannel ok,one moment08:22
navreetjohn_, errr... I mean not until next week ;)08:22
bytecolorzachwlewis, sudo (youreditor) xorg.conf08:22
SeveredCrossajax4: sudo apt-get update, and let it finish.08:22
Dell-Netjohn_: no trouble to upgrade but now the servers are overloaded08:22
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john_why not till next week?08:22
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SeveredCrossIf you're using any non-standard repos, you need their pgp key.08:22
john_servers overload08:22
ajax4SeveredCross: Thanks, I'll try that.08:22
mjallenquick question on the new version of ubuntu  - has anyone gotten it running on parallels (osx 10.4)?08:22
EvangelineAndy_242.. do you have a D-Link MODEM ?08:22
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drumline_Dell-Net: how long are the servers usually slammed after a release?08:22
navreetjohn_, I have to download over a 1.5 Gigs... need all the speed I can get.  Servers are very !slow08:22
valermos_Jordan_U, It was working fine in Edgy before I upgraded complete with Direct Rendering... I'm wondering if it's worth my time to just clean install.... it doesn't seem like i would have to do that08:22
Andy_242Evangeline- I do have a D-LINK indeed08:22
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zachwlewisSo, if I'm using the default editor, what would I enter?08:22
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cornucopiaajax4, or install the gpg key when needed08:23
navreet!slow | john_08:23
ubotujohn_: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.08:23
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=== dreamcastjack [n=dreamcas@adsl-157-47-84.bna.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_USeveredCross, I am getting them also, even with main, I thing it may have to do with the heavy load08:23
Tarkussiti, so i comment out all the lines in section "screen"?08:23
Dell-Netdrumline_: no clue couple weeks08:23
ajax4cornucopia: How do I do that?08:23
ExpositionOFEvilOMG 10 files found corrupt in the cd image08:23
zachwlewissudo texteditor xorg.conf?08:23
dreamcastjackhey guys08:23
dreamcastjackI need help big time08:23
john_im in hong kong08:23
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shibz"Upgrading to Ubuntu version 6.10" "1039 upgraded, 129 newly installed, 4 to remove and 0 not upgraded."08:23
bytecolorzachwlewis, dunno, gedit?08:23
AdemanExpositionOFEvil: you should use the torrent...08:23
john_maybe it will be faster connectiong to taiwan servers for me08:23
ExpositionOFEvilI did08:23
shibzI already have 6.1008:23
bytecolorI only use vim08:23
SeveredCrossJordan_U: You probably haven't gotten the gpg keys then. I had that happen, but I just ran apt-get update until it picked up.08:23
dreamcastjacki cant use any package managers08:23
ExpositionOFEvilboth cds didnt work08:23
sitiTarkus: all the subsections08:23
EvangelineAndy_242 just a minute I have a Tip somewhere...08:23
SeveredCrossshibz: It says that, but it's really going to 7.0408:23
ExpositionOFEvilimages boot up correctly08:23
dreamcastjacki apparently need to reinstall frostwire but I cant08:23
Jordan_Uvalermos, How did you install the ATi drivers in Edgy?08:23
zachwlewisWill that make it read/write, or still read-only?08:23
cornucopiaajax4, for example; wget -q http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -08:23
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ExpositionOFEvilthen when checking they all fail08:23
deConhow can i remove automatix so that i can upgrade?08:23
Andy_242Evangeline- much appreciated!08:23
drumline_Dell-Net: couple weeks sounds a bit long..   thanks though...    How long have you been using ubuntu?   Is it your primary box?08:23
AdemanExpositionOFEvil: maybe your burn was bad? because the torrent should check for data integrity08:24
mjbrooks!enter | dreamcastjack08:24
ubotudreamcastjack: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:24
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SeveredCrossdeCon: sudo apt-get remove automatix08:24
valermosJordan_U, hmm... It was a while ago... But I think I used the xorg-driver-fglrx package from the repository... I'm pretty sure i added the restricted repository to my sources08:24
Dell-Netdrumline_: hmm yes it is using it for 1 year something08:24
deConSeveredCross, that won't remove the packages it installed though, correct?08:24
tarelerulzI am lost I have movie and it is in .vob ,but I can't seem to play it and don't mplayer play .vob files08:24
mjallenanyone running fiesty under parallels?08:24
drumline_Dell-Net: anything it doesn't do that you want it to?08:24
SeveredCrossdeCon: nope.08:25
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mjbrooks!anyone > mjallen08:25
Jordan_Uvalermos, Could you pastebin your sources.list?08:25
EvilDennisRDid fiesty get released ?08:25
john_anyone here uses osx?  Im debating whether to get a faster machine cheaper and put ubuntu on it or spend the money to get a bit slower laptop with osx...?08:25
Dell-Netdrumline_: suspend and hibernate dosent work on my laptop08:25
EvilDennisR...Yup, it did..08:25
tristanmikeEvilDennisR: you betcha08:25
zachwlewisWow... I think I got it.08:25
valermosJordan_U, sure, just a sec08:25
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mjbrooks!feisty > EvilDennisR08:25
EvilDennisRI said it did!08:25
Dell-Netdrumline_: but havent realy looked in to it08:25
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drumline_Dell-Net: Why is it so difficult to get suspend working on those things?08:25
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mjallenjohn_ : i am trying to get fiesty running in OSX under parallels but having trouble installing it08:26
Dell-Netfeisty booup time is so quick :D08:26
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john_can u bootcamp it08:26
bytecolorthis channel has a bit of velocity eh ;)08:26
mjalleni haven't tried that yet08:26
Jordan_Ujohn_, I use OSx but basically just for Final Cut Studio, if you don't do Video Editing / Graphics I would say go pure Ubuntu08:26
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zachwlewisOkay, I added "1280x1024," but it didn't appear in my Screen Resolution list.08:26
Dell-Netdrumline_: it works witchout nvidia drivers and so on but when i install nvidia and beryl .. then..08:26
mjalleni would really like to get it working with parallels08:26
AdemanJordan_U: have you ever tried cinelerra? is it as bad as people say?08:26
Dell-Netok now coffy break for me see you08:26
mjallenXP works flawlessly, but i can't get past the bootstrapping on ubuntu08:27
john_i installed vista in virtualbox on ubuntu08:27
EvangelineAndy... try this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+question/363108:27
drumline_mjallen: what's wrong with the boostrapping?08:27
ExpositionOFEvilwhy does the image always have errors!08:27
valermosJordan_U, http://pastebin.ca/44944708:27
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=== drumline_ carves out a partition just for Kubuntu
calliope_ok so ive already started the update manager and the button for 7.04 has been selected08:27
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zachwlewisDoes anyone know how to add a resolution to the "Screen Resolution" list?08:27
Jordan_UAdeman, Only briefly, it looks very powerful, but has a high learning curve08:27
Flannel!fixres | zachwlewis08:27
ubotuzachwlewis: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:27
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EvangelineAndy_242 and also this: http://www.forumpcs.com.br/viewtopic.php?t=206269&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=4708:27
EvangelineThe last one is in PT-BR08:27
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Was the md5sum of the image correct?08:28
EvilDennisRPoint me in the direction of a /etc/apt/sources.list for fiesty08:28
mjallenthe launch fails with this error: unable to locate RSDP08:28
Tarkussiti, do i have to restart? or would logout/login work?08:28
zachwlewisFlannel: Last time I did that, it crashed.08:28
Andy_242cheers- much in your debt, Eva!08:28
mjallenit gets past that message then is just a blank screen08:28
ExpositionOFEvilthe md5sum was correct08:28
zachwlewisLike, I got stuck on that black restart screen.08:28
AdemanExpositionOFEvil: then it's your burner, try burning at a lower speed08:28
ExpositionOFEvilk thanks08:28
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FlannelExpositionOFEvil: burn at 4x08:28
ExpositionOFEvilI was thinking the same thing08:28
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ExpositionOFEvilmy cd says 4x08:28
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: What about the md5sum of the cd after burning. Did you try that?08:28
Whisperkillerok im back now08:28
ExpositionOFEvilhow to?08:28
FlannelExpositionOFEvil: make sure your burner says 4x08:28
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:28
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: I think its: md5sum /dev/cdrom08:29
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ExpositionOFEvil=) thank you08:29
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Jordan_Uvalermos, That all looks fine, did you ever install the Drivers from ATi.com/08:29
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Lemme make sure08:29
mjallenwhat is the equivalent of ctrl-alt-backspace on the mac keyboard?08:29
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matasonHirvinen, I mainly use Apache, PHP5, MySQL, Vim etc and I'm on Dapper LTS, are these packages available for Feisty? Or should I move to Edgy or just stick with Dapper?08:29
Jordan_Umjallen, ctrl+alt+delete08:29
matasonSorry about the auto complete08:29
AdemanExpositionOFEvil: i always burn at 2x just to be safe because even though my burner says like 16x or something, i always get errors at that speed08:30
=== zachwlewis [n=zachary@68-186-128-162.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_Umjallen, There is no real delete key on macs :)08:30
Flannelmatason: they are available on edgy, and feisty.  But theyre fine on dapper just the same.08:30
zachwlewisOkay! More questions!08:30
mjallenjordan - thanks... nothing happened when i tried that so i was wondering if it were different08:30
zachwlewisCan I change my username?08:30
matasonFlannel: So is there much point in upgrading?08:30
valermosJordan_U, Yeah, as an alternative I followed a guide to install the ati-driver-installer-8.36.5-x86.x86_64.run package from ATI08:30
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john_how big is the iso for you guys? ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso08:31
drumline_Kubuntu ISO @ 100k/s from a certain server that I wont mention right now.  :)   ...not bad.08:31
valermosJordan_U, this is the guide i followed, method 2: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide08:31
john_ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso 200MB08:31
john_is that right?08:31
Jordan_Uvalermos, What you did then may be interfering with the drivers from the repos.08:31
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Samuli^200MB? Can't be that small.08:31
ubuntuFlannel it won;'t work again08:31
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Ademanjohn_: i believe its 680 something08:31
versixhas anyone else got proxy_balancer to work on apache under feisty/08:31
drumline_the image is around 690MB08:31
Flanneljohn_: should be 696 or so08:31
Ademanjohn_: it just barely fits on a cd08:31
john_must have messed up08:31
Jordan_Uvalermos, Follow the uninstall instructions then try the repo drivers again08:32
john_dam redownload :(08:32
DariiJordan_U: of course there is an delete key on macs08:32
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Jordan_UDarii, Where?08:32
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T0uCHhi all i am just finishing installing the upgrades.... but when i go to the update manager i click on upgrades.. i got a error meesage who says that i can only run partial installation du to a incomplete installation.. what i need to do?08:32
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mjbrooksjohn_, use a torrent08:32
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EvilDennisRdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ fiesty ...  ?08:32
john_what about ubuntu studio08:32
Jordan_UDarii, You may want to know that I am using a mac right now :)08:33
john_their site is still the same08:33
=== gpm [n=gpm@adsl-71-146-162-184.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
DariiJordan_U: where it is on every keyboard08:33
DumberDrummeranyway to get flash working on 64bit feisty fawn?08:33
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john_they going to releaase?08:33
zachwlewisIs there any way to apply some "smooth text" to the screen?08:33
Ademanjohn_: you should probably torrent anyways, it's easier on the servers, data checks it for you, etc08:33
valermosJordan_U, Alright I'll work on it... I'm about go go buy an nvidia card :) Thanks for your help. I might be back.08:33
zachwlewisLike, in XP there's Clear Type.08:33
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/08:33
Jordan_Uzachwlewis, You mean anti-ailiasing ?08:33
DariiJordan_U: an on portables u use fn+backspace08:33
Ademanzachwlewis: uh truetype does anti-aliasing08:33
mjbrooksDumberDrummer, I believe flash and 64bit are not playing well currently08:34
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zachwlewisMy fonts and stuff still look... pixely.08:34
T0uCHi got a serious problem with the install and now i am runnin out of diskspace.... please someone08:34
ubuntuFlannel it didn't work08:34
Jordan_UDarii, That isn't a key, that's a key combination :)08:34
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource08:34
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Yeah, I just tested it on my CD. Make sure the disc is in the drive and do: md5sum /dev/cdrom and check it against the md5sum file.08:34
mjbrooks!ask > T0uCH08:34
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ExpositionOFEvilmine says no medium found08:34
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ExpositionOFEvilat /dev/cdrom08:34
=== SithToast [i=fart@12-210-166-91.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
shibzis there a list of apt mirrors somewhere? I can't seem to find one...08:35
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: CD in the drive?08:35
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YNWAHi - does anyone here use a fingerprint reader?08:35
ExpositionOFEvilits mounted08:35
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Jordan_UT0uCH, Have you tried clearing your apt-cache?08:35
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Have more than one cdrom drive?08:35
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DariiJordan_U, yes but that only concerns portables, the normal mac keyboard has an delete key ;)08:35
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mjallenok - so what does the "unable to locate RSDP" message mean?08:36
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T0uCHJordan_U:  i cant complete the installation 'full'cause earlier i had a power failure at my house during the install and now it crash08:36
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ExpositionOFEvilI got external drive but im not using that one08:36
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ubuntuFlannel UBuntu 7 have much bugs08:36
ubuntuFlannel this source.list that you say didn't work.08:37
gr3ml1ni want to run x server with 1024x768@85 hz, what do i need to write down in my xorg.conf?08:37
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noiesmohey all trying to compile an app and I am getting the following error any help appriciated http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16504/08:37
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EvilDennisRwelp... I'm just gonna assume s/edgy/feisty/g in /etc/apt/sources.list08:37
yharrow_mobiledoes anyone know how to get an aspell dump from the en disctionary to post on this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LocalSpellingWords?08:37
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, That is not the way to upgrade!08:37
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: You may need to use a different dev name then. Possiblly /dev/cdrom0 or /dev/cdrom1. Do either of those work?08:37
jbdoes "Desktop Effects" typically cause a slowdown with scrolling etc?08:38
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Why not?08:38
T0uCHis there someone who can help me in privite with this install bug ?08:38
ajax4jb: On my system it does but its an old system.08:38
ubuntuEvilDenisR,are you reading,that didn't work too.08:38
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Jordan_U!upgrade | EvilDennisR08:38
ubotuEvilDennisR: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:38
gr3ml1ni want to run x server with 1024x768@85 hz, what do i need to write down in my xorg.conf?08:38
EvilDennisRubuntu: You spelt it wrong a 2nd time..08:38
YNWAanyone use a fingerprint reader here?08:38
ubuntuEvilDennisR where>08:39
Cryptanyone know where the Kubuntu Feist PowerPC ISO is?08:39
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noiesmogr3ml1n, you need to add info on your monitor08:39
yharrow_mobileubuntu: have you actually registered the ubuntu nick?08:39
jbI have a P4 - 2.4ghz with an nvidia 7600 GS.08:39
ajax4Crypt: I don't remember seeing it on the list...may not be available yet.08:39
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Ok... Soooo, why can't I edit sources.list directly ?08:39
jbshould that be smooth for desktop effects08:39
gr3ml1ni got a Gateway EV70008:39
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ubuntuyharrow_mobile: no08:39
Flannelubuntu: Oh.  You know why you might still need the internet to upgrade?  Because you've installed stuff from universe, which won't be on the CD08:39
Cryptajax4: odd. :-(08:40
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, Because that will not do extra sanity checks when you upgrade and is not recommended08:40
yharrow_mobileubuntu: oh shucks, mark probably beat you to it :P08:40
ajax4jb: Don't know, but probably alot smoother than my Pentium-3 :)08:40
gr3ml1nnoiesmo: can you help me? i entered 85-85 to lock it to 85 hz but now i can only select between 800x600 and 640x48008:40
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Jordan_UEvilDennisR, What is wrong with update manager?08:40
EvilDennisRJordan_U: I've just edited /etc/apt/sources.list and changed the distro when I've upgraded under Debian08:40
jbajax4 lol probably.  I guess I'm a littler better off hehe08:40
yharrow_mobiledoes anyone here know how to do an aspell dump of an entire dictionary?08:40
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, Ubuntu is not Debian08:40
ajax4Crypt: I think the Kubuntu team is a little behind the main Ubunutu team.08:40
ubuntuFlannel: and is there some method to remove then08:40
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ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE08:40
EvilDennisRJordan_U: This is true =)08:41
derek_Why did I get forwarded to #ubuntu ?08:41
noiesmogr3ml1n, here is my xorg.conf note my entries on lines 74 & 7508:41
ajax4Crypt: Try asking in the #kubuntu channel.08:41
ExpositionOFEvilholy my cd drive going overdrive08:41
Tarkushow do i tell if my graphics drivers are installed correctly?08:41
derek_why can't I join #ubuntu+1?08:41
DumberDrummermjbrooks: owell, thanks08:41
Cryptajax4: thanks for the response.08:41
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Which is why I asked you why I can't edit sources.list directly.. and you answered my question.. I'll have to upgrade tomorrow when I'm at work08:41
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ajax4Crypt: np :)08:41
noiesmogr3ml1n, but you must be carefull you can damage monitor08:41
Flannelubuntu: well, sure... you'd have to remove all the packages you've installed from universe though.08:41
noiesmogr3ml1n, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16505/08:41
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Has to check the whole disc...might take a few mins.08:41
mjbrooksDumberDrummer, for?08:41
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-50-79.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu
yharrow_mobilederek_: feisty is now released. All feisty related issues will be addressed here.08:41
derek_yharrow_mobile, ok, thanks08:41
ubuntuFlannel and how to see what package are installed08:41
YNWAI'm trying to install a UPEK fingerprint driver, can anyone help08:42
yharrow_mobilederek_: your welcome08:42
desmondhow can i activate beryl effects on feisty fawn?08:42
derek_I'm getting errors on updating apt-get08:42
gr3ml1nnoiesmo:  restarting x now08:42
kskiwhy is beryl 2.1 listed in the package manager when 2.0 is the newest version on beryl's web site?08:42
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Flannelubuntu: synaptic might be the easiest method.  Why are you so worrid about not downloading from the internet?08:42
yharrow_mobilewow, 1027 members. is that a record high?08:42
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Flannelyharrow_mobile: We topped 1500 overnight08:42
Jordan_Udesmond, Do you want beryl specifically or just wobbly windows, desktop cube etc?08:42
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mjbrooks!beryl | desmond08:42
ubotudesmond: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:42
ubuntuFlannel becouse i download it CD fast08:42
gr3ml1nnoiesmo: thx it worked08:43
noiesmogr3ml1n, np :)08:43
ubuntuFlannel and when i have the cd,i can install it from cd08:43
Flannelubuntu: The stuff you'll be downloading *will not* be on the CD08:43
Jordan_Udesmond, System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects08:43
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dreamcastjackhow do I get rid of a broken .deb file?08:43
EvilDennisRJordan_U: I installed edgy on my desktop at work (because I couldn't stand XP), I don't have anything crazy installed, just the regular old desktop.. Are there really crazy checks that the site manager does vs just editing the source and apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade ?08:43
Flannelubuntu: You installed additional stuff, from universe, that isn't on the CD.  So you need to get it from the repositories08:43
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noiesmodreamcastjack, use aptitude remove packagename08:43
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ubuntuFlannel ja but after that when i upgrade to ubuntu 7 i will upgrade then08:43
YNWAcan anyone assist with the installation of a fingerprint driver?08:43
Whiz2anyone here know the package names for pop3 and imap for retrieving email?08:43
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noiesmodreamcastjack, aptitude has better dependency resolution than apt-get08:43
yharrow_mobileFlannel: wow!, you guys should keep record of the highest number of members and try to beat it ;)08:44
ubuntuFlannel and how can i see who stuff are installed08:44
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derek_Some errors that I get on doing apt-get update: http://dpaste.com/8798/08:44
ExpositionOFEvile296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a  /dev/cdrom08:44
EvilDennisRFinally! </GIR>08:44
yharrow_mobiledoes anyone here know how to do an aspell dump of an entire dictionary?08:44
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: It's a good burn, then. Must be some other problem.08:44
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, I don't know what it does exactly, a dist-upgrade will probably work, but why risk it?08:44
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
derek_Why are some entries starting with Ign ?08:44
yharrow_mobile!aspell dump08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aspell dump - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
derek_shedi, which language? Japanese?08:44
EvilDennisRJordan_U: ...because the site manager just runs apt-get and dpkg ?08:44
EvilDennisRJordan_U: ;)08:44
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derek_shepherd, which language, Japanese?08:44
yharrow_mobile!dictionary dump08:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary dump - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:44
Whisperkilleri would really appreciate it if someone could help me install grub08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionaries - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
ExpositionOFEvilcould be my cd drive?08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aspell - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
derek_shepherd, ok. And where are you from?08:45
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, According to the Ubuntu devs it does more than that08:45
ubuntu_I keep trying to make a partition in gparted08:45
yharrow_mobile!aspell dump08:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aspell dump - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:45
Flannelubuntu: start up synaptic, and take a look.  If you want to see what you have that's in universe, open up your sources list again (with gksu) and add a # infront of the universe line, then save, go to synaptic, and hit "refresh", you'll get a whole bunch of "obsolete/local" packages, those are the things in universe08:45
umop /kick yharrow_mobile08:45
eternalswdabout how long should I wait before upgrading so as to avoid the server rapage?08:45
EvilDennisRJordan_U: that and I logged out of my desktop so I can't vnc in and use the package manager =(08:45
yharrow_mobileumop what the hel08:45
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calliope_well so far so good08:45
shepherdi'm a post-graduate student08:45
Flannel!fishing | yharrow_mobile08:45
ubotuyharrow_mobile: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...08:45
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: If it read the md5sum correctly it shouldn't have trouble just loading the files to install.08:45
ubuntu_gparted says that my partition sda3 is already mounted08:45
ubuntu_what do I do?08:45
YNWAcan anyone help with installing a fingerprint driver?08:45
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desmondsorry, my desktop crashed08:45
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Flannel!repeat | YNWA08:45
yharrow_mobileFlannel: thank you08:45
ubotuYNWA: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience08:45
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Whisperkilleranyone able to help me install grub?08:46
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shepherdanyone speak chinese?08:46
ExpositionOFEvilI did a check cdrom validity08:46
yharrow_mobileFlannel: I appreciate it08:46
Samuli^any virtualbox users here?08:46
ExpositionOFEviland it turned out 10 corrupted files08:46
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, There is a cli version for servers, just install update-manager-core08:46
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desmondjordan_U: I got the beryl effects, unfortunately I have lost the maximize, minimize and close buttons08:46
ubuntu_some crema-sum-fun-yung-gai?08:46
yharrow_mobileumop: did you really mean to kick me, or was that just a warning?08:46
jrsimsGot a torrent download going - I'm peeing my pants in anticipation for feisty!08:46
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Flannelubuntu: Really, you ought to just sit through the doownload.  You'll have to download the stuff eventually08:46
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YNWAshepherd: yeah08:46
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ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Odd, since the md5sum says its fine. You could try installing with a different cdrom.08:46
EvilDennisRJordan_U: I just installed the desktop iso on my machine, not the server08:46
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ubuntu_anyone know anything about gparted08:47
ubuntu_it says my discs are allready mounted08:47
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jrsimsShoot - I have a crappy torrent with like no users. Anyone have an active torrent they can link me to?08:47
ExpositionOFEvilif that one says 10 corrupted im guessing its in the original08:47
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, Do I understand you correctly that you need to do the upgrade from ssh with no X though?08:47
ubuntuFlannel no,when i update UBuntu 7 i will wait to see how it works and then i will upgrade.08:47
Whisperkilleri could use some help installing grub...i have been trying for an hour08:47
mjbrooksMadpilot, any idea who services ubotu?08:47
juliananyone know why modprobing kvm freezes system08:47
ubuntu_error /dev/sda3 contains a mounted filesystem08:47
Madpilotmjbrooks, Seveas08:47
=== dac [n=y4ruh@tx-76-6-81-157.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Samuli^I have a problem with virtualbox and feisty. Full-screen isn't working properly.08:47
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ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Lemme check mine and see if it says the same thing.08:48
desmondokay, now I have Beryl effects activated on my Feisty Fawn, how can I activate Emerald theme Manager?08:48
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Flannelubuntu: well, alright.  You'll have to remove all your universe packages, then upgrade. I've explained all the steps.  Have fun and good luck.08:48
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mjbrooksMadpilot, don't think I've seen him here  is he on the dev channel???08:48
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ubuntu__i'm trying the latest ubuntu and it wasn't able to detect my monitor08:48
camer0ffwhere do i find my HTACCESS file?08:48
EvilDennisRJordan_U: You said I should use the package manager to do the upgrade.. Currently, there is no X session running, so I can't just vnc to that machine08:48
ubuntuFlannel ok THanks.08:48
Samuli^desmond, if you checked the "enable desktop effects" you are not using beryl, but compiz.08:48
sitidesmond: beryl-manager?08:48
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Madpilotmjbrooks, not sure he's on IRC at all right now08:49
Flannelhappy_broccoli: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support related topics08:49
=== nu- [n=no@c-69-251-198-91.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nu-Hey guys. something weird happens during installation, that didn't happen in the beta version08:49
camer0ffjust need some help with apache08:49
Madpilotmjbrooks, it's also still before 9am in his timezone.08:49
camer0ffcan anyone help?|08:49
desmondSamuli^: thanks, then I'll be using compiz and  compiz doesn't have a emerald theme manager isn't it?08:49
mjbrooksMadpilot, do you talk to him on occasion?08:49
nu-it freezes. it says "kernel alive mapping tables"08:49
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: So you say the corrupt file warning and didn't try installing it, is that what happened?08:49
nu-then my monitor goes to sleep08:49
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Madpilotmjbrooks, yes, he's on lots of channels - including here - when he's active08:50
Jordan_UEvilDennisR, Then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade08:50
dreamcastjackokay frostwire wasnt installed all the way, but it wont let me try to reinstall it. what do i do?08:50
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Samuli^desmond, right. ubuntuforums has a nice walkthrough for installing beryl and emerald.08:50
ExpositionOFEvilI dont want to have a filed installation08:50
sitinu-: hmm, have you tried the safe mode?08:50
ExpositionOFEvillike before08:50
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: While I'm doing this, try the check again on another cdrom if you can.08:50
nu-siti: you mean graphics safe mode?08:50
FlannelJordan_U: except update-manager-core doesn't exist.08:50
LiNERRORSamuli^: link?08:50
desmondSamuli^: thanks, I'll check it there08:50
ubuntuFlannel can you rewrite what i need to do08:50
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sitinu-: yep08:50
mjbrooksMadpilot, would you mind letting him know the websearch crashes when you do a search of two letter keywords?08:50
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ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Another cdrom drive I mean.08:50
tristanmikeI've installed libdvdcss2 and gxine according to the Support documentation, but I get this error... "No demuxer found - stream format not recognised."  can anyone help please ?08:50
nu-siti: no. i don't think it's that though =(08:50
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ubuntuFlannel beocuse i exit before and it was deleted.08:51
brianskiis there a feisty torrent out?08:51
Flannelmjbrooks: file a bug against ubuntu-bots in launchpad08:51
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brianskii go to /download on ubuntu.org and get links for edgy08:51
noiesmodreamcastjack, have you tried sudo apt-get install -f08:51
mjbrooksAh    thanks Flannel08:51
EvilDennisRJordan_U: update-manager-core doesn't exist08:51
Jordan_UFlannel, I thought it was going to be added to Edgy-updates when Feisty was released08:51
Madpilotbrianski, http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/08:51
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mjbrooksdidn't realize it was in Launchpad  ;)08:51
Flannelubuntu: If you want to see what you have that's in universe, open up your sources list again (with gksu) and add a # infront of the universe line, then save, go to synaptic, and hit "refresh", you'll get a whole bunch of "obsolete/local" packages, those are the things in universe08:51
Cheetah2I'm planning on setting up a server that runs a few virtual servers using vmware-server. Which Ubuntu release do you suggest? Or do you suggest to use Debian instead?08:51
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Ah wait, I lied..08:51
shepherddoes anyone know about how to become a partner?08:51
FlannelJordan_U: apparently not, since no one seems to have it08:51
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Samuli^LiNERROR, nope, sorry. Should be easily found with search though.08:52
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shepherdis there any partner here?08:52
Jordan_U!info update-manager-core edgy08:52
ubotuPackage update-manager-core does not exist in edgy08:52
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ExpositionOFEvilajax4 il be right back08:52
jpsamaraIn software sources, Feisty Updates is not checked, theres a - sign.. should I check it?08:52
brianskiMadpilot, thanks08:52
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shepherdany partner here?08:52
ubuntu_soes any1 here know anything about gparted08:53
ajax4ubuntu: What do you need to know?08:53
EvilDennisRJordan_U: instead, I just edited /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and allowed myself to automagically login... then restarted gdm. Boom, instant X session ;)08:53
sitiubuntu_: ask the question08:53
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Jordan_U!info update-manager-core edgy-updates08:53
ubotuupdate-manager-core: manage release upgrades. In component main, is standard. Version 1:0.59.18 (feisty), package size 25 kB, installed size 1812 kB08:53
ajax4ubuntu_: What do you need to know?08:53
ubuntu_i cannot get it to work08:53
Madpilotshepherd, partner of/for what?08:53
wj32i'm upgrading to feisty using the alternate cd and it says i need to download over 1300MB!!!!!!!! ahhh!!!08:53
ajax4ubuntu_: What are you trying to do?08:53
yikes__does anyone know how to change language input?08:53
FlannelJordan_U: thats feisty version08:53
ubuntuwj32 the same problem man.08:53
ubuntu_I am trying to format some empty space but it says it contains a mounted file system08:53
ubuntu_I delete that partition08:54
ubuntu_and start over08:54
FlannelJordan_U: and Im looking at the package list right now (http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-updates/Release) and it's not there08:54
ubuntu_and it still says it08:54
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Flannel!enter | ubuntu_08:54
ubotuubuntu_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:54
Madpilotshepherd, please do not PM people without asking permission first. Thank you.08:54
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wj32ubuntu: but last time i tried to upgrade to edgy the same way. it also wanted to download over 1300MB. it actually downloaded like 600MB08:54
Jordan_UFlannel, why does ubotu say that it's in edgy-updates? Where does ubotu get it's info from?08:54
ubuntuwj32,ja bugs man08:54
wj32ubuntu: you see, the cd already contains 600MB of packages08:54
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ubuntuwj32 i see it08:55
Madpilotshepherd, and I'm still not sure what you mean by 'partner'...08:55
eternalswdCheetah2, you probably want Dapper since it's the LTS release, but if there are bugs in Dapper that are fixed later that you cannot work around, then try either edgy or feisty08:55
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ajax4ubuntu_: You have to apply the changes before they take effect.08:55
FlannelJordan_U: no idea08:55
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ubuntuwj32,tell i on Flannel08:55
ubuntu_yes I know I did08:55
bayzidersYeah I upgraded to fiesty and I cannot play any of my music, in amarok or rythmbox.08:55
wj32ubuntu: what?08:55
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ubuntu_I hit apply08:55
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ubuntuwj32 tell this problem on FLannel08:55
shepherddid u know Ubuntu has some program?08:55
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Yes?08:55
ubuntuwj32 this problem is big.08:56
ExpositionOFEvilI need to set my bios to boot from my external first08:56
MSTKHi, I'm sort of still learning the command line.  I've read over the documentation, but I can't seem to find an answer.  How do you assign an application to a terminal command?  It seems to have to do with "ln -s [some path]  [some path]  command-to-be-assigned", but I can't figure out the syntax.08:56
wj32ubuntu: sorry, but whats FLannel?08:56
Flannelwj32: alternate CD only has stuff in main/restricted.  Anything youve installed in universe/muliverse will have to be downloaded, as it's not on any CD08:56
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Cheetah2eternalswd, thanks. Does Ubuntu Server have any drawbacks compared to Debian? We have a load of Debian servers and are wondering if switching to Ubuntu Server makes sense.08:56
ExpositionOFEvildid u check urs?08:56
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wj32Flannel: oh. you're flannel08:56
shepherdprograms like tech support and training08:56
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Yes, no errors found on mine.08:56
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sitiCheetah2: no selinux by default?08:56
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ExpositionOFEviland same md5sum?!08:56
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ExpositionOFEvilthats wierd08:56
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Cheetah2siti, alright ;)08:57
nu-any major differences between the 32 and 64 bit?08:57
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: I guess its some kind of obscure read error. See if you get it again with a different cdrom drive.08:57
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ubuntu_the following error occurred while applying the operations mkdosfs: /dev/sda3 contains a mounted filesystem08:57
wj32Flannel: mmm. but last time it said >1300MB when it was skipping over heaps of packages that were on the cd already08:57
MSTKpretty much, can anyone help me figure out the syntax for the "ln" terminal command?08:57
ubuntu_even though it was empty space when i first booted up08:57
Flannelwj32: right.08:57
MSTKI can't seem to find it in the documentation.08:57
Cryptman i was looking forward to kubuntu ppc feisty :-(08:57
crdlbnu-, yeah, there's no 64bit flash player :)08:57
shepherdmadpilot: i think it is profitable08:57
ubuntu_any ideas?08:57
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FlannelMSTK: `man ln`08:57
ajax4MSTK: Have you tried "man ln" ?08:57
MSTKheh, sorry guys.  i'm kind of new to this whole thing.08:57
Madpilotshepherd, you think what is profitable? Sorry, but I still have no idea what the heck you're talking about...08:57
wj32Flannel: i'm upgrading right now. its going Fetching file 1-----------*goes by very fast*------20008:58
ajax4ubuntu_: What is the first step you are trying to do? Delete the partition?08:58
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YNWACan someone please help with installing a program?08:58
ubuntu_well I deleted applied and rebooted08:58
ubuntu_it was empty08:58
camer0ffWhere do i find .htaccess?08:58
ExpositionOFEvilwhats key to access bio ?08:58
Flannelcamer0ff: If you haven't already made one, then nowhere.08:58
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ubuntu_but when I try to create and format to ext3 it says the /dev/sda3 contains a mounted filesystem08:58
camer0ffFlannel, i thought apache makes it when you install it?08:59
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ubuntu_im stumped08:59
ajax4ubuntu: Did you try unmounting it first?08:59
shepherdmadpilot: i just wanna provide some commercial support for chinese people, company08:59
ubuntu_I unmounted deleted08:59
ubuntu_and rebooted08:59
Flannelcamer0ff: no.  you put .htaccess files in apache directories, to regulate what happens in that directory08:59
Flannel!enter | ubuntu_08:59
ubotuubuntu_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:59
Madpilotubotu, enter | ubuntu_08:59
wj32ubuntu: according to handy nautilus the alt cd will take 672MB off your 1300MB download08:59
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ajax4ubuntu_: Are you using the gparted in the ubuntu installer?08:59
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ubuntu_came up as blank space when I rebooted08:59
shepherdmadpilot: do u have any idea about it?09:00
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ExpositionOFEvilwhats key to access bio??09:00
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ShaddoxHi everyone. ^^09:00
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ubuntuwj32 and what that mean09:00
Madpilotshepherd, go ahead - if you want to contact canonical about it, check their website or the Ubuntu support site.09:00
ubuntu_I have also tried sudo gparted09:00
camer0ffFlannel, ah fair enough. maybe i am looking for something else then. i need to have index.php load instead of index.html09:00
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ShaddoxHow do I find and kill a process by name in a console?09:00
Flannelcamer0ff: remove index.html then?09:00
camer0ffFlannel, i have set it before.. but i do not know where09:00
nu-crdlb: thanks =D09:00
ajax4ExpositionOFEvil: Usually DELETE key.09:00
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crdlbShaddox, pkill processname09:00
ExpositionOFEvilthank you09:00
camer0ffFlannel, there is a file that has a whole heap of extensions, and the order of priority.09:01
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ajax4ubuntu_: I'm not sure the problem...you could also try to use the Gparted Live CD.09:01
Flannelcamer0ff: you can change the order in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf about halfway down.  I think you cna also set them in .htaccess files09:01
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:01
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camer0ffFlannel, thats it! thanks09:01
ubuntuwj32 this bad,becouse if someone install it from cd and then computer restart,or power off, then the ubuntu 7 will start from the beginig09:01
shepherdmadpilot, sure, i viewed a lot of pages, but cant find any examples describing the process of becoming a partner09:01
ajax4ubuntu_: If you're totally stumped I'd try that. Download the livecd iso, burn it and then boot from it.09:01
ubuntu_k thanks09:01
EvilDennisRJordan_U: Rock on... Using the package manager to do the shite for me.. Just required a tweak of gdm.conf09:01
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Madpilotshepherd, I've no idea - contact Canonical directly09:02
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ajax4Is there a chinese Ubuntu channel?09:02
shepherdmadpilot, all right n thx for ur answer09:02
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Flannel!cn | ajax409:02
ubotuajax4: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:02
ajax4There you go shepherd.09:02
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ajax4!cn | shepherd09:02
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ubotushepherd: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk09:02
shepherdil be right there09:03
CactiiAnybody have a torrent for AMD64 Ubuntu 7.04?????09:03
mneptokif anyone needs the torrent files, please spare the mirrors - http://montreal.canonical.com/torrents/09:03
mneptokCactii: ^^^^^09:03
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camer0ffFlannel,  cannot find it09:04
mneptokMadpilot: the mirrors are swamped09:04
camer0ffFlannel,  i mean the information in the file...09:04
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EvilDennisRDamn.. about 5 hours to download feisty packages..09:05
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EvilDennisRThats why I like using sid with Debian =)09:05
Madpilotmneptok, yeah, but pulling one .torrent file off isn't the same as dragging the entire ISO off..09:05
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Flannelcamer0ff: right after the errordocument stuff, is "DirectoryIndex"09:05
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CactiiThanks mneptok.09:05
mneptokMadpilot: you still have a 3+ minute wait for a directory listing09:05
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Madpilotmneptok, really? Went to grab the alt CD torrent a while ago, that URL I gave came up fine. Not fast, but didn't take 3min.09:06
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Geoffrey2well, Feisty is up and running over here....now I just need to figure out why I can get audio but no video from VLC09:06
andy_are there widgets for the gnome desktop? or can I just use konfubalator or whatever that name was?09:06
CactiiI want to upgrade using the LiveCD rather than over the internet... is that a problem???09:07
mneptokMadpilot: OSUOSL and PDX.edu are drowning. probably better to point people at montreal for .torrent files09:07
YogSothothI just downloaded xubuntu 7.04. I already run ubuntu but want a fresh clean install. Can I run the installed directly from my current ubuntu, from the mounted ISO, without burning it?09:07
mneptokCactii: you need the alt CD09:07
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sitiGeoffrey2: audio works fine for me in vlc, I wonder what the issue is...09:07
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jussi01andy_, you can grab gdesklets - it may have something your after09:07
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Madpilotmneptok, fair enough. at least torrents just get faster when they're busier, not slower...09:07
andy_jussi01, ok, gonna check it out :)09:07
mneptokandy_: gdesklets09:07
ajax4mneptok: Doesn't the standard CD have an upgrade option on the boot menu?09:07
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mneptokMadpilot: exaaaactly. that's why i push torrents.09:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about filesystem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
mjbrookswhere does one make suggestions for new ubotu keywords?09:08
b1_xti'm getting an error "failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz" while updatng. what can it be?09:08
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Geoffrey2siti, no, I can hear things fine....but the window just displays (no video)09:09
mjbrooks!busy | b1_xt09:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about busy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:09
Flannel!slow | b1_xt09:09
ubotub1_xt: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.09:09
mjbrooksFlannel, heh  I was close09:09
sitiGeoffrey2: oh ok09:09
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jpsamaraWhy does refreshing repos info on synaptic shows Translation_en_US failed repos and all others hit?09:09
dacwhat is torrents?09:10
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Geoffrey2b1_xt, half the free world is trying to download Feisty from the same servers.....end result, it's gonna be dreadfully slow for quite some time09:10
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mneptokjrsims: http://montreal.canonical.com/torrents09:10
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b1_xtok, thanx09:10
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Bertoin 7.04 is firefox 32-bit binary + flash 32-bit still the recommended way to get flash working on a 64-bit system?09:10
jrsimsmneptok: thx09:10
ExpositionOFEvildel doesnt work09:10
mjbrooksFlannel, any idea where to make suggestions for new ubotu keywords?09:10
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kbrosnanBerto: there is a plugin wrapper that is the other option09:11
jussi01mjbrooks,  do !keyword is suggestion09:11
jussi01but dont abuse it...09:11
Bertokbrosnan, and that lets me use 64-bit firefox binaries from ubuntu repositories?09:11
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kbrosnanBerto: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux-amd64.html09:11
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jussi01or youll get grumpy ops09:11
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:11
mjbrooksjussi01, never would, but I thought of a usefull one earlier09:12
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Bertokbrosnan, ok, i'm currently doing the way i described. what's better?09:12
mjbrooksjussi01, and ty09:12
EvilDennisRShould I make another drink ... ?09:12
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jussi01mjbrooks, :D09:12
kbrosnanBerto: the part about nspluginwrapper09:12
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mntpnganyone know the md5 of dvd iso files?09:12
corinthHey all, who's using Feisty?09:12
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ajax4corinth: I am on my other comp.09:12
yell0waaarrrgghhhhhhhh i hate ubuntu09:12
Bertokbrosnan, awesome, thanks a lot.  I think i'll try that soemtime09:12
EvilDennisRAlver says yes...09:12
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yell0wjussi01, looking for a minimal install with gnome09:13
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mjbrooksjussi01, so I do !keyword <suggestion>    or !<suggested keyword> <suggested text>?09:14
MSTKjust a quick qusetion...sorry if it's a no-brainer, but I couldn't find it in the documentation.  How do you rename a folder/file with the terminal?  apparently it has something to do with "mv", but I can't seem to figure it out.09:14
Bertokbrosnan, do you have a recommended repository that has nspluginwrapper?09:14
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ajax4MSTK: mv <oldname> <newname>09:14
jussi01mjbrooks, !<suggested keyword> is <suggestion>09:14
jeduanMSTK, mv oldname newname09:14
kbrosnanBerto: i have never used it as i run 32 bit ubuntu09:14
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MSTKthanks guys.09:14
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ajax4MSTK: If it has spaces or other odd characters you have to wrap the filenames in quotes.09:15
KenSentMeSome dutch text in apt-get is at the wrong place. On what package should i file a bug?09:15
ajax4MSTK: mv "oldname" "newname"09:15
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Zues_62how do i remove this file from my desktop alsa-driver-1.0.1309:15
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mjbrooksjussi01, may I msg you for a moment?09:15
yell0wMSTK, http://www.ss64.com/bash09:15
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jussi01mjbrooks, of course09:15
Zues_62how do i remove it alsa-driver-1.0.13 from the desktop please reply09:16
MSTKwait, does that work on directories too?09:16
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ajax4MSTK: yes09:16
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endlessurfbeer beer beer09:17
endlessurfoh it's so good09:17
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endlessurfbeer beer beer09:17
Zues_62how do i remove a file from the DESKTOP09:17
endlessurfoh just to have one mor09:17
MSTKthanks.  i'm sorry, it's just that intuitively, I thought that if I "moved" directory /name to /othername, it'd put it inside a new directory called /othername so I'd have /othername/name.09:17
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JoeBananasomeone istalled feisty with a JMicron raid controlloer?09:18
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ajax4MSTK: Yeah, its not very intuitive.09:19
camer0ffFlannel, i can find the errordocument stuff. but there is no DirectoryIndex.09:19
Zues_62how do i remove a stupid file from the desktop im sure someone knws09:19
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DonovanHey folks.  I'm pulling an allnighter to fix a work server... the webapp doesn't play nicely in php5 (uses $this->).  There appear to be no sources for php4, how can I get that into Ubuntu Server 7.04 Feisty?09:19
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ajax4MSTK: If you're not comfortable renaming them from the shell, you could always use the Nautilus file manager to do it.09:19
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Zues_62flan how do i remove a file from the dekstop09:20
Cheetah2hmm, i can install fine via the feisty CD, but when I reboot I get an error "modprobe: abnormal exit", refering to some PCI things and pata_sis09:20
VoXhi, i just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy, but my system hangs during boot, when init-premount runs(i believe) any ideas?09:20
ajax4Zues_62: just click on it and hit the delete button on your keyboard.09:20
YingFanupgrade from beta to official isnt auto?09:20
Zues_62its a locked file only rute can do it ajax09:20
Zues_62im not that silly lol09:21
endlessurffeisty server?09:21
endlessurfyou want09:21
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ajax4Zues_62: Are you sure its a file you want to delete?09:21
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Zues_62ya i knw its a folder09:21
KenSentMeAre the translations for apt (e.g. Dutch) in the apt package itself or in some language pack?09:21
noiesmoZues_62, use sudo rm -rf foldername09:21
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Donovan_Feisty is installed.  It has PHP5.  I need PHP4 for custom app at work, which opens in 3.5 hours... Gentoo box decided to crap out09:22
solifugusHow do you detect and setup a printer to use in ubuntu??  I don't see any tool for that..09:22
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solifugusAnd I need to print.09:23
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Donovan_Use the apt-get commands fail, of course, and php4 seems to be competely removed... :(09:23
VoXhi, i just did a dist-upgrade from dapper to edgy, but my system hangs during boot, when init-premount runs(i believe) any ideas?09:23
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magnetronsolifugus: System > Admin >Printing09:24
ajax4solifugus: Its under System -> Administration -> Printing09:24
CientificoLocowhat is happening with the repositores?, I can download nothing..09:24
magnetron!slow CientificiLoco09:24
dayaany idea about bind: Address already in use09:24
magnetron!slow | CientificiLoco09:24
ubotuCientificiLoco: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.09:24
jussi01Donovan_, php4 is completely removed... maybe you can grab it from edgy?09:24
dayain ftp09:24
CientificoLocomagnetron: I undestand! thnks09:24
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crolle17hi i got a problem in installing a network printer (brother: MFC5440). i installed the packages (in this order): csh, mfc5440cnlpr, cupswrappermfc5440cn. but installing mfc5440cnlpr, i get the message: no access to /var/spool/lpd/MFC5440CN, No such file or directory; although i installed as sudo.09:25
CientificoLoco!slow | CientificoLoco09:25
Donovan_jussi01: Ah, so I should modify sources.list09:25
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crolle17did somebody maybe got the same problem?09:25
Bhaskar1How can i install office package from Live CD (also installation) of ubuntu 6.06 LTS09:25
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:26
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crolle17a printer was created, but printing a testpage is making trouble09:26
jussi01Donovan_, I wouldnt recomend that, just go and find php4 on the packages site09:26
MrEgg964Hi all! I'm about to do a clean install of Feisty, and prior to that I'd like to repartition my drive, so as to have a /, a swap and a /home partition. I have 30 Gb available on my drive. I'll allocate 1 Gb to swap. How much should I give / so as to maximize /home? TIA09:26
camer0ffFlannel, another question Flannel, when ever i try to view the site, it wants to download a phtml file?09:27
jeduanMrEgg964, it depends, i've been living confortably with 7 gb, but mileage may vary09:27
magnetronBhaskar1: The OpenOffice is included with any standard install of Ubuntu09:27
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mneptokMrEgg964: 10GB09:27
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Donovan_jussi01: okay, I'll try to figure out where that is.09:28
Bhaskar1magnetron, ya , but how to install it09:28
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ajax4MrEgg964: my / is also 7 gig09:28
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magnetronBhaskar1: if you install Ubuntu, it will be installed too09:28
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jussi01Donovan_, http://packages.ubuntu.com/09:28
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hunger__hi all09:29
tristanmikeHello, sorry to be a bother, but I've installed the "mozilla-mplayer" package, as suggested by the Support documentation, but I no streaming video works....can anyone help please ?09:29
magnetronBhaskar1: After install of Ubuntu, check the Programs > Office menu09:29
Bhaskar1magnetron, i have uninstall it, now i want to install again but how09:29
MrEgg964Thanks all. 10 Gb should then be more than enough. Excellent!09:29
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DumberDrummerberyl makes me happy in the pants09:29
Donovan_lol :)09:30
chr_anyone have experience with fdisk on linux? I am trying to "shrink" a partition but im not sure what how to do it. I just ran ntfsresize and I get this msg: Successfully resized NTFS on device '/dev/hda1'.09:30
chr_You can go on to shrink the device for example with Linux fdisk.09:30
chr_IMPORTANT: When recreating the partition, make sure that you09:30
chr_  1)  create it at the same disk sector (use sector as the unit!)09:30
chr_  2)  create it with the same partition type (usually 7, HPFS/NTFS)09:30
chr_  3)  do not make it smaller than the new NTFS filesystem size09:30
chr_  4)  set the bootable flag for the partition if it existed before09:30
Donovan_jussi01: Thanks!09:30
ajax4tristanmike: Did you install all the restricted codecs?09:30
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jussi01!paste | chr_09:30
ubotuchr_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:30
magnetronBhaskar1: Ok, check the Programs > Add/ remove programs.09:30
hunger__anyone install the new feisty 7.04? and have it working?09:30
Bhaskar1magnetron, i have uninstalled office after installation of ubuntu, now i want to install09:30
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sonictwinchr_, i use gparted09:30
jussi01hunger__, yes09:30
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tristanmikeajax4: I installed the ugly and bad as well as w32codecs09:30
hunger__jussie you have any issues w/ xorg sucking down cpu usage?09:31
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jussi01hunger__, no09:31
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magnetronhunger__, yes09:31
lost666hi all, i cannot install feisty because the partition manager doesn't see my raid, what can i do?09:31
ajax4tristanmike: Check the restricted codecs page to make sure.09:31
sonictwinchr_, it comes with ubuntu, use it during live boot09:31
ajax4!restricted | tristanmike09:31
ubotutristanmike: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:31
mjbrookshunger__, I"m still in the dev release cause I'm lazy09:31
umopusing Gparted, How do I merge 2 partitions?09:31
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jussi01zurita, were you trying to join that channel?09:31
tarelerulzany of you every try to play .vob files with mplayer ?09:32
knoppixhi all09:32
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deepsaknoppix: hi09:32
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SubMOAhow do I force kill something?09:32
mjbrookszurita, /join #ubuntu-es09:32
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deepsaSubMOA: sudo killall -9 <proccess_name>09:32
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tristanmikeajax4: I can't find this package "totem-xine-firefox-plugin" and I'm in Feisty09:32
YNWAcan anyone please help me with installing a fingerprint driver?09:32
hunger__hrmmm, just did a dist upgrade and xorg is uscking down cpu usage like crazy anyone noticing this?09:32
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SubMOAdeepsa, I don't know the process name... and "top" doesn't give me any clues09:33
SubMOAitt's XMMS (which I think I need to reinstall)09:33
deepsaSubMOA: ps aux09:33
noiesmotarelerulz, yes no problems why is that09:33
SubMOAdeepsa, ?09:33
sonictwinSubMOA, killall xmms ?09:33
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ajax4tristanmike: Is it listed on packages.ubuntu.com?09:33
T0uCHwhy does my screen becomes really dark when i install and activate nvidia after the restart?09:33
SubMOAdeepsa, I tried to uninstall it and it said it was a dependency of other programs... if I delete it and reinstall it those programs would be ok, right?09:33
magnetronSubMOA: System > Administration > "System manager" (I use swedish ubuntu, have to translate)09:33
chr_ubotu: is this what you mean? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16508/09:33
indraveniI am creting my own debian based distribution. I want to add a new theme in my distribution, thus added, but I am not knowing how to make this newly created theme as default theme formy distro.09:33
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deepsaSubMOA: RIGHT09:34
mjbrooksI like to alias mswin to killall -9   does that make me a bad person?  ;)09:34
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deepsamjbrooks: naw ;)09:34
chemajamjbrooks, no it makes you a Linux fanboy ;-)09:34
indraveniI have seent hat ubuntu human theme, which is the default theme, but I couldn't understand where is the logic to make it as default theme in ubuntu09:34
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tarelerulzI have this movie in that format and I get an seek erorr  and it looks for avisynth.dll09:34
indravenicould some one please let me know, how to make a theme as default theme for a debian based distribution09:34
deepsaindraveni: logic is over there --------->>>09:34
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mjbrookschemaja, no, linux has zealots,  fanboys are for macs  ;)09:35
tristanmikeajax4: no, it's not there, but it's listed in the Support Documentation that comes with Feisty :(09:35
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indravenideepsa, u mean in ubuntu human theme package?09:35
FeistyAhoyHi. I installed Feisty using the Alternate ISO. Does it have the "Windows Migration Assistant"?09:35
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chr_jussi01: GParted shows the devise as having 23GB used even after ntfsresize says it made the partition 13GB and that only 8GB of it are full.09:35
magnetrontarelerulz: You don't need to use windows software in Ubuntu to watch movies =)09:35
ajax4tristanmike: did you install the "ubuntu restricted extras" package?09:35
Tomcat_FeistyAhoy: I don't think so... but I'm not sure.09:35
ExpositionOFEvil... my computer cant be booted from an external cdrom drive09:35
tristanmikeajax4: which package is that ?09:36
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Donovan_How does one install something from packages.ubuntu.org.  Obviously you download it to the box, but how will apt-get find it, or rather, where should it go...09:36
tarelerulztell me something that plays vob and I am good09:36
magnetronFeistyAhoy: Yes, it is run during installation09:36
ajax4tristanmike: Its on that page I sent to you.09:36
FeistyAhoyTomcat_: Only the Live CD comes with the Windows Migration Assistant, I suppose...09:36
Tomcat_Donovan_: apt-get automatically downloads & installs ... no need to download manually.09:36
YNWAcan anyone please help me with installing a fingerprint driver?09:36
chr_jussi01: sorry, I meant to ask you what "!paste |"  means09:36
FeistyAhoymagnetron: It didn't run for me.09:36
tarelerulzI can't watch dvd with gxine or mplayer and I am lost as to why09:36
mjbrookschr_, 13 + 8 = 23 if you account for formatting loss09:36
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noiesmotarelerulz, check this site http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/09:37
ajax4tristanmike: Look here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats09:37
chemaja"take a look at my distro.... it's the only one i got.... not much of a distro.... doesn't seem to patch a lot"09:37
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ossmHi, I tried to upgrade my laptop at home to Feisty but it won't upgrade. I have a problem with the update manager not going away and packages not being able to be installed. A message comes up saying a distribution upgrade needs to be done to 6.10 but this doesn't seem to work. The upgrade to Feisty seems to take ages on the first stage and then just comes up with errors? Could anyone help?09:37
tristanmikeajax4: yeah, I've been there, it's not working for me :(09:37
ExpositionOFEvildid anyone else have problems with a cdrom drive?09:37
chr_sonictwin: GParted shows the devise as having 23GB used even after ntfsresize says it made the partition 13GB and that only 8GB of it are full.09:37
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OriginalGabrielhey ... anyone have a moment to help me sort out a GRUB error, I'm trying to avoid having to slick the drive and reload everything09:37
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magnetronFeistyAhoy: Ok, it ran just after the disk setup for me, from the "desktop" cd09:37
Donovan_Tomcat: I am running Feisty Server.  I need php4 for a custom web up for work (which opens n 3 hours, lol).  It was suggested I retrieve php4 from Edgy... hence I need to know how to install it... doh.09:38
YNWAalright, maybe this ain't my day... I'll seek help elsewhere then... :909:38
ajax4tristanmike: Read it again, try this link to jump right to the relevant part: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-053cb0af417294c03fea17f80b4e9f26924619f0-209:38
magnetron!grub | OriginalGabriel09:38
ubotuOriginalGabriel: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto09:38
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Tomcat_Donovan_: Why not just use the feisty php package?09:38
mjbrooks!anyone > OriginalGabriel09:38
chr_mjbrooks: what does that mean, I have a 30GB drive and I thought I resized the ntfs partition to 13GB09:38
ajax4Donovan_: sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb09:38
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tristanmikeajax4: I've installed the gstreamer bad and ugly stuff, the ffmpeg stuff, the w32codecs, libdvdcss, and mozilla-mplayer and I get no streaming video, flash video I get, but no other video09:38
Tomcat_Donovan_: Install libapache2-mod-php409:38
Donovan_Tomcat: There is no php4 in feisty, sadly :(09:39
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AmaranthDonovan_: You're probably better off building it yourself09:39
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cablesCan anyone tell me if Ubuntu uses Suspend2?09:39
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AmaranthDonovan_: but why doesn't php5 work?09:39
Amaranthcables: no09:39
cablesAmaranth, k09:39
jussi01Donovan_, once you have a deb, then sudo dpkg -i deb name09:39
Amaranthcables: no reason to09:39
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ajax4tristanmike: It tells you how to install "Ubuntu Restricted Extras" on that link I sent you. You need to try that next.09:39
Donovan_Application uses the unsupported feature $this-> which was yanked out from under everyone with php5 :)09:39
OriginalGabrielI just installed Feisty on a dual boot with XP and am getting an Error 18 at startup now ... I can only load the LiveCD now09:39
magnetronDonovan_, just double-click a deb-file to install09:39
T0uCH  Someone knows why does my screen becomes really dark when i install and activate nvidia 3d and driver after the restart?09:40
tarelerulzThe part I am lost about is should gxine or mplayer play .vob files ?09:40
=== bayziders [n=c@h-68-164-38-154.nycmny83.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ajax4T0uCH: Try the #ubuntu-effects channel09:40
magnetron!nvidia | T0uCH09:40
ubotuT0uCH: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:40
Donovan_magnetron: Running server, no gui.  I'll give jussi01's command a try.09:40
mjbrookschr_, you resized it to 13G  and how much is it saying is left?09:40
Donovan_jessi01: Thanks.09:40
bayzidersHow do you turn off beryl?09:40
tristanmikeajax4: oh, I think I missed that line...sorry, it's really late here, errr...early....duh, need coffee09:40
tarelerulzI got the codec from mplayers site09:40
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magnetronDonovan_, ok, i missed that09:40
ExpositionOFEvilyou have to remove it from ur startup09:40
jussi01Donovan_, no Probs09:40
Donovan_Finally, presumably I must uninstall PHP509:41
ExpositionOFEviland remove beryl09:41
chr_anyone have experience with fdisk on linux? I am trying to "shrink" a partition but im not sure what how to do it. I just ran ntfsresize and I get this msg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16508/09:41
tarelerulzHow do you tell if you have edgy or any other version of Ubuntu ?09:41
ExpositionOFEvilthen aptitude remove beryl09:41
bayzidersOkay but how do you turn it off?09:41
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ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer09:41
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ajax4chr_: I would really use gparted instead. There is even a livecd version you can burn and boot into.09:42
mjbrooksbayziders, right click the beryl mamager icon in your tray and choose select window manager09:42
Amaranthchr_: I'd use partman09:42
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eckchr_: you need to delete the old partition and create a new one with the correct size on top of it... if you can you should use a graphical program like gparted to prevent mistakes09:42
K^Holtzwould this be the correct channel to ask for some help writing iptables rules?09:42
zilly6_what is the easiest way to install nvidia drivers?09:42
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DARKGuyanybody here uses beryl? I wonder how can I run a program in a specific desktop (I want to run 4 programs separatedly, one in each cube side)09:42
imonyseHi, all. I have used the alternative i386 cd image to install feisty. But it seems the install progress halted at 85% when package brltty-x11 is finished.  Does anybody have the same problem with me? Or should I try the desktop image instead......  >_<.09:42
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ajax4zilly6_: in what version of Ubuntu?09:42
Amaranthzilly6_: In 7.04 it's just System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager09:42
jinhi, I'm on ubuntu deisty beta , how do I upgrade?09:42
willwillzilly6: i'm using envy09:42
jussi01DARKGuy, #ubuntu-effects09:43
Amaranthzilly6_: In 6.10 install the nvidia-glx package and switch your xorg.conf driver from 'nv' to 'nvidia'09:43
magnetron!final | jin09:43
ubotujin: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.09:43
DARKGuyjussi01: thanks09:43
ErebusHi all09:43
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zilly6_anyone know how to upgrade to feisty with the desktop ISO?09:43
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Amaranthzilly6_: The desktop CD can only do clean installs09:43
ErebusWould anyone be able to help a n00b with an install problem?09:43
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zilly6_k thanks amaranth ajax409:43
Amaranthzilly6_: you need the alternative CD to do an upgradae09:43
magnetron!anyone | Erebus09:43
ubotuErebus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:43
mjbrooks!anyone > Erebus09:43
chr_eck: I guess I was not clear. This drive has a Windows partition on it That I want to save. That is why I was resizing it.09:43
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Amaranthchr_: partman or gparted09:44
ajax4chr_: gparted can resize windows partitions.09:44
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Amaranthchr_: fdisk is _not_ what you want09:44
ErebusI get a "kernel panic" when installing09:44
ErebusOn my desktop, laptop is fine09:44
eckchr_: you can resize it with fdisk, but if you get the cylinder counting off you could corrupt the FS, which is why it is better to not use fdisk09:44
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ErebusBut I see there's a new version out today .....09:44
T0uCHwhat does 71xx   96xx driver means ?09:44
zilly6_anyone know how to make a USB stick bootable?09:44
eckchr_: i have done it before if you need help, but you are really better off using another program09:44
tristanmikeajax4: ok, so that package is installed but I'm still having the same problem. Like, Apple Trailers just has a black screen09:44
ErebusWell, since I downloaded, day before yesterday09:45
g35hello, is it easy to install kubuntu on ubuntu once ubuntu is installed?  and also is it easy to switch between the two?09:45
mjbrooks!enter > Erebus09:45
chr_ajax4:  I am running the livecd but GParted thinks my drive id full and will not let me reduce the partition size.09:45
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AmaranthT0uCH: It means "some driver that has a version that starts with 71 (like 7166)"09:45
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mjbrooksg35, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:45
g35or more specific is it easy to install kde on ubuntu09:45
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ajax4chr_: If the partition is full you can't reduce it unless you delete enough files to free up space on that partition.09:45
T0uCHok... so if its for a graphic card.. i got a geforce 6200 its not in there?09:45
Amaranthg35: install kubuntu-desktop and you can switch between the two at login time09:45
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ajax4g35: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:46
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fluidgo go gadget apt-get! :O09:46
jussi01!attitude > mjbrooks09:46
mntpngmy /dev/scd0 is cd burner and how do I check if DMA is turned on?09:46
chr_ajax4:  it is not really full, it only has 8GB on a 30GB disk, It is just that GParted thinks it is full09:46
ajax4chr_: Or move them to another drive, of course.09:46
g35but it seems ubuntu is more stable than kubuntu from what ive read so far09:46
saispomntpng: use hdparm ?09:47
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mjbrooksjussi01, hah09:47
AmaranthT0uCH: For the nvidia geforce 6200 you want the 9xxx driver (9631 or 9755)09:47
chr_eck: what program do you recommend?09:47
mjbrooksjussi01, nice find09:47
ajax4chr_: What happens when you try to reduce the partition size?09:47
tristanmikeajax4: ok, so that package is installed but I'm still having the same problem. Like, Apple Trailers just has a black screen09:47
mntpngsaispo: it doesn't seem to work for /dev/scd0 like devices09:47
jussi01mjbrooks, thats what you were after?09:47
eckchr_: if you want to do it manually you have to count out the tracks, starting with track 1 (not 0) for the first partition09:47
ferret_0568If I set a different framebuffer resolution in GRUB, like in this guide, do I have to update GRUB at all? If so, how? : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer09:47
AmaranthT0uCH: In edgy you can use the 8776 driver (which works fine) and in feisty you can use either one of those 9xxx drivers09:47
mjbrooksjussi01, close enough for rocket science09:47
ErebusWill this new version (7.04) fix my kernel panic problem?09:47
eckchr_: i would normally use gparted09:48
AmaranthErebus: It might09:48
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ferret_0568Not sure Erebus, like Amaranth said, it might09:48
mjbrooksjussi01, man how'd I miss that, it was in the A's!09:48
T0uCHe-geforce 6200 LE     thats the full name09:48
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valermosJordan_U, Hey, thanks again for the help. I finally got everything working through restricted-drivers. It turns out I had my xorg.con videoram set really low and it was causing some bizzare problems. Cheers!09:48
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T0uCHit doesn't work good even in windows xp09:48
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ajax4tristanmike: Try a bunch of different video files, if some play and others don't its most likely a codec issue. I can't really offer any more help than that.09:49
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ATi7500hi all :)09:49
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AmaranthT0uCH: Should work fine with the nvidia-glx package in 6.06, 6.10, and 7.0409:49
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tristanmikeajax4: the video files play, on my computer, but I can't get any videos to play in my browser09:49
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what_ifanyone had problems with the desktop install with Nvidia ?? edgy never worked for me :(09:49
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chr_ajax4: Using GParted? it will not let me make it any smaller that 23GB09:49
AmaranthT0uCH: but in 7.04 you can also try the nvidia-glx-new package which has the very latest version of the driver09:49
mjbrooksjussi01, saved me the embarrasment of being told I was suggesting a dupe keyword09:49
ferret_0568!nvidia | TOuCH09:49
tristanmikeajax4: that's what's weird09:49
ytsestefany1 know how to gonfigure alsa in ubuntu feisty?09:49
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T0uCHok.. i just need to install them in adept manager? or i got a few line to tap09:49
ubotuTOuCH: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:49
magnetronwhat_if: works like a charm for me, better than edgy09:49
ossmHi, I tried to upgrade my laptop at home to Feisty but it won't upgrade. I have a problem with the update manager not going away and packages not being able to be installed. A message comes up saying a distribution upgrade needs to be done to 6.10 but this doesn't seem to work. The upgrade to Feisty seems to take ages on the first stage and then just comes up with errors? Could anyone help?09:49
odixis the upgrade server bogged down or is it me ?09:50
gharzhi, guys.... i have upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04. now the final release is available... do i need to make some update? i did update-manager -d and nothing is avail. thanks09:50
ferret_0568Oh, in Feisty they have nvidia-glx-new?09:50
odixim on a 10mb line and g etting 14kbsec09:50
mjbrooks!slow > odix09:50
ATi7500someone with a good networking knowledge could join #ATi7500 please?09:50
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what_ifmagnetron: my card does not work with the NV driver... just random colors :(09:50
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Danrarbcyes the servers are getting hit hard09:50
AmaranthT0uCH: Just install the nvidia-glx package in adept then run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and tell it to use the nvidia driver09:50
ajax4chr_: That's odd. I've never experienced that problem.09:50
AmaranthT0uCH: then restart and it should all work09:50
magnetron!final > gharz09:50
Danrarbcthe full release isos are also on most of those servers09:50
ajax4tristanmike: Hang on.09:50
ferret_0568ok, how do I remove NVIDIA's official (from their website) module?09:50
Amaranthferret_0568: Yeah, nvidia-glx-new is the 9755 driver09:50
ferret_0568I have a GeForce 409:50
ferret_0568Is it gonna work?09:51
Amaranthferret_0568: the .run file can take an uninstall command09:51
odixso now that ive started i cant stop this update ?09:51
gharzmagnetron, thanks!09:51
T0uCHwhich line i need to use to tell it to use the nvidia.. cause i tried this yesterday and it crashed the x sessions09:51
magnetronwhat_if: which card do you have?09:51
noiesmotristanmike, in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins are there libtotem files09:51
Amaranthferret_0568: no, for a geforce 4 you want the nvidia-glx package, that is 963109:51
ferret_0568odix; yup09:51
what_ifmagnetron: 780009:51
ferret_0568I already have that one09:51
tristanmikenoiesmo: ...checking....09:51
noiesmotristanmike, i take it you have mozilla-mplayer installed09:51
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what_ifmagnetron: an eVGA09:51
tristanmikenoiesmo: yessir09:51
Amaranthodix: If you're just downloading you can stop it and resume where you left off later09:51
odixferret? uhh? so if i rebooted now all would be lost? I'd rather d/l an iso and update from that09:51
ferret_0568But, I know the benefits09:51
Amaranthodix: If it's already installing things you can't stop it09:51
magnetronwhat_if: it's not a SLI, is it?09:52
chr_eck: I started by following the instructions on this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot and after I ran ntfsresize, this was the msg. I got http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16508/ Is this not a standard part of the process?09:52
odixits stil fetching09:52
Amaranthodix: Then you can stop it09:52
what_ifmagnetron: no, but I wish... \09:52
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ATi7500someone with a good networking knowledge could join #ATi7500 please?09:52
ajax4tristanmike: Sorry man, pretty much out of ideas on your problem.09:52
Amaranthodix: But you'll want the alternative CD if you plan to use it to upgrade09:52
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tarelerulzI have win32 package for mplayer from their site . SO I don't see why it will not work09:52
bayzidersWow fiesty has compiz built in O_O09:52
bayzidersEpic win09:52
Amaranthodix: the Desktop CD can only do new installs09:52
ferret_0568if it has no stop button, odix09:52
odixamaranth, good info09:52
tristanmikenoiesmo: I see both libtotem and mplayer plugin related .so and .xpt files09:52
Amaranthbayziders: Yeah, it's awesome :)09:52
odixi used force quit09:52
tarelerulzit says I have some kind of seeking problem and the file that is is looking for is not there in the win32 dir09:53
bayzidersCompiz is nice, im used to beryl thou.09:53
magnetronwhat_if: well, can you install the restricted nvidia drivers after the Feisty install?09:53
tristanmikeajax4: I always appreciate the help, thank you :D09:53
ferret_0568a word of caution, it changed your software sources09:53
bayzidersBut it's built in great for new users09:53
noiesmotristanmike, ok totem is clashing with mozilla-mplayer there are two things you can do 1 remove totem-mozilla and then reinstall mozilla-mplayer or two just remove the libtotem* files and re install mozilla-mplayer09:53
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Danrarbcspeaking of Compiz any way to have it allow rotating the cube using the middle mouse button? I'm just using Beryl cause I like that09:53
Amaranthbayziders: beryl is no more :)09:53
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Danrarbcthen again Beryl isn't unstable for me now09:53
what_ifmagnetron: shure I can, but the installer is just rendom colors blinking...09:53
eckchr_: gparted is a script on top of ntfsresize and fdisk, and since it does the error checking that is why it is recommended09:53
ap1How do I debug USB issues? Memory sticks? Hard disks? Good WIki pointer?09:53
tristanmikenoiesmo: I'll try the former and if that don't work, I'm nuking the files :P09:53
AmaranthDanrarbc: That'd require a patch to the rotate plugin (so no, you can't do that)09:53
bayzidersAmaranth: But this has like half the features.09:53
what_ifmagnetron: so getting to that point is a little rough09:53
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odixhey i got a brainteaser, i run a wireless router on a 6mb line and on my wireless laptops i get over 1mbsec d/l and fast loading times, my direct computer is ubuntu, when i go to a webpage it sits there for like 30 seconds saying looking up "X"09:53
ytsestefALSA configuration anyone?09:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:54
Amaranthbayziders: You're probably looking for compiz-extra and gnome-compiz-manager09:54
odixbut on my windows laptops awesome speed09:54
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noiesmotristanmike, sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla && sudo apt-get install --reinstall mozilla-mplayer09:54
DanrarbcI figured as much cause i didn't see it in gconf09:54
gharzAmaranth, what do u mean beryl is no more? i'm currently using beryl since 6.10.09:54
ferret_0568How do I update GRUB? Do I need to if I change the framebuffer resolution in GRUB with this guide? : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer09:54
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eckchr_: these are the notes i took when i did it manually: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16512/09:54
bayzidersApt get em?09:54
Amaranthgharz: beryl and compiz-extra are merging/merged09:54
T0uCHAmaranth:  can i paste you something in private?09:54
tristanmikenoiesmo: already ahead of ya ;)  :D09:54
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gharzAmaranth, ic.09:54
Amaranthgharz: there won't be anymore beryl releases09:54
eckchr_: this was with ext3, but in principle it is the same with ntfs09:54
ATi7500can someone help me to connect two computers each other?09:54
noiesmotristanmike, oh and restart firefox :)09:54
odixati, cant really09:55
AmaranthT0uCH: You have to be registered with nickserv to PM me09:55
T0uCHi am09:55
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odixati, buy a ethernet that has receiving and sending cable09:55
AmaranthT0uCH: Go ahead then09:55
magnetronwhat_if: well, a lot of people have no problem at all with that graphic card, I haven't heard of that error09:55
tristanmikenoiesmo: af caurse :D09:55
gharzAmaranth, meaning i need to shift to compiz and remove beryl now?09:55
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zeb_seanyone tried to import a C# project from MS studio ?  i get a sharing violation when i try09:55
ATi7500odix: i am in that setup09:55
what_ifmagnetron: hmmm.... I'll just alt-install09:55
Amaranthgharz: No, beryl will still work fine for 7.0409:55
ferret_0568Amaranth, there's a special IRC mode to disable that09:55
ferret_0568I forgot what though09:55
Amaranthferret_0568: I don't want to disable that, too much spam :)09:55
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magnetronwhat_if: good idea09:55
LaNCeloT_RWi messed up my ubuntu09:55
gharzAmaranth, ok. thanks for the info.09:55
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ExpositionOFEvilanyone know how to boot from an external cdrom drive?09:56
fluidim using beryl now...im not nvidia on this machine tho09:56
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oxygenhelp me pls09:56
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LaNCeloT_RWfirefox was looking for libdl.so.1 to start flash player...09:56
Danrarbcthe merge isn't finished so Beryl is still fine for use09:56
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magnetron!anyone > oxygen09:56
oxygeni wan to install mod_python for apache09:56
tristanmikenoiesmo: IT'S ALIVE!!!!! Muhahahaaa. :D  Thanx a thousand thanx noiesmo :D09:56
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what_ifgharz: there is no more compiz or beryl, they joind and the new project is unnamed, as far as I know09:56
oxygeni need documention for ubuntu09:56
noiesmotristanmike, np :)09:56
odixcan anyone help me? guess not ;[ had the problem for 2 weeks now09:56
gharzwhat_if, uhmm... interesting.09:56
tristanmikeUBUNTU ROCKS!!!09:56
oxygenpython with apache09:56
LaNCeloT_RWbut the only file it had here was libdl.so.2  .. I renamed to libdl.so.1 ... now, no commands workout!09:56
ATi7500is there a channel for network problems?09:56
Danrarbcwell, they're trying to figure out if they keeping going as compiz-extras or a new name09:56
LaNCeloT_RWany knows how to fiz that?09:56
ferret_0568Yes, it does, now, would you please stop the caps lock?09:56
what_ifATi7500: #networking09:57
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fluidi will say, i came to ubuntu like 4 days ago from debian...and this is pretty impressive. ;)09:57
ATi7500thanks what_if09:57
ferret_0568Thanks for your enthusiasm09:57
what_ifATi7500: yw09:57
chr_eck:  Thanks, Ill see what I can do09:57
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ExpositionOFEvilanyone know how to boot from an external cdrom drive?09:57
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oxygenhelp meee09:57
odixchange the boot order09:57
mjbrooksfluid, welcome!09:57
odixin bios09:57
odixwhy not ?09:57
ExpositionOFEvilmy external is not available09:57
AmaranthLaNCeloT_RW: Boot a desktop CD, mount your partition, and rename it back09:57
ossmubuntu would rock more if i could get the update manager to work!09:57
fluidprobably need two things, 1 to be able to boot from usb, and 2 to set that up in your bios ;)09:57
odixis it usb ?09:58
Amaranth!ask | oxygen09:58
ubotuoxygen: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:58
noiesmoExpositionOFEvil, is it usb then you will need to tell your bios to boot frm usb i would think09:58
LaNCeloT_RWAmaranth;  i 'll try to do that.. thanks09:58
ExpositionOFEvilusb is not a choice =/09:58
ferret_0568Do I need to update grub if I change /boot/grub/menu.lst ?09:58
odixremovable media isnt a choice ?09:58
ExpositionOFEvilis it removable hardware?09:58
tristanmikeferret_0568: relax friend, I'm very aware of the no caps rule, but my excitement got the better of me :P  Just making darn sure everyone knows it, and how awesome the support is, but thanx for being on the ball :D09:58
oxygenAmaranth, : i want to install mod_python for apache09:58
magnetronoxygen: use Synaptic to install it09:58
fluidif i plug my psp or archos into this laptop, i get "no operating system found" after post.09:58
oxygenbut i cant documetion09:58
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ExpositionOFEvilbut thats 2nd priority09:58
odixchange it to first09:58
ExpositionOFEvil1st is cdrom09:58
mjbrooksossm, are you getting a specific error?09:58
oxygeni need configuration09:58
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ExpositionOFEvil3rd is harddrive09:58
LaNCeloT_RWAmaranth;  what is the complete comand to mount my partition hda1 as RW ?09:58
what_ifferret: it reads on boot, so no09:58
ExpositionOFEviland it still doesnt09:58
Amaranthoxygen: install the libapache-mod-python package09:58
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ossmmjbrooks: it just times out on the first stage of the upgrade to feisty09:59
ajax4gtg...later guys09:59
ubuntu_noobtristanmike, it works ? if so please help me to guide me to configure that video playing on my browser too :P09:59
gharzguys, anybody here who's using network-manager-pptp? i can't connect to vpn. after entering username and password, nothing happens.09:59
mjbrooksossm, the servers are under a heavy load09:59
bayzidersvlc's video play back doesn't work in compiz =/09:59
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oxygenAmaranth, : configuration ?09:59
magnetronoxygen: use Synaptic to install libapache2-mod-python or libapache-mod-python09:59
mjbrooks!slow | ossm09:59
ubotuossm: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.09:59
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: sure, no problem09:59
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AmaranthLaNCeloT_RW: sudo mkdir /media/hda1 && sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda109:59
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what_ifgharz: found it  http://linuxlookup.com/2007/apr/05/compiz_and_beryl_reunited_officially09:59
ossmmjbrooks, i will try again later this evening but i have been having issues with the update manager not installing certain updates09:59
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Amaranthoxygen: For problems with mod_python beyond installing it this probably isn't the right place10:00
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: where are you at, have you installed any packages yet ?10:00
Amaranthoxygen: Perhaps #apache or #python would be more helpful10:00
gharzwhat_if, thanks10:00
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre10:00
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ubuntu_noobtristanmike, just installed the mozilla mplayer plugin10:00
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paroneayeadammit... module-assistant auto-install rt2500-source fails...10:00
drumline_Just look for a mirror that has some bandwidth...  I found one that gave me 100k/s10:00
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jinwow, firt time getting 1.2MB/s on bittorrent10:00
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mjbrooksossm, this is the first full day with Feisty, you may need a bit more patience than usual when it comes to timing out10:00
paroneayeafor that matter so does compiling any other module10:00
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tristanmikeubuntu_noob: ok, search for "totem-mozilla" and make sure that's not installed10:00
xjkxis there a linux software that converts to AMV ? i think mencoder doesnt :>10:00
JensenDiedwhat is a recommend mta?10:00
ferret_0568Does bootchart conflict with Sun Java 6 JDK?10:01
ossmmjbrooks, no problem, thanks for your help10:01
Donovan_Does dpkg not automatically resolve dependencies?10:01
ExpositionOFEvilodix wouldnt it work if it was infront of the harddrive?10:01
Amaranthferret_0568: bootchart and java have nothing in common, why would it?10:01
jussi01Donovan_, it should...10:01
AmaranthDonovan_: no, that's what apt is for :)10:01
deepsaDonovan_: naw10:01
mjbrooks!best | JensenDied10:01
ubotuJensenDied: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:01
AmaranthDonovan_: dpkg is like rpm, it just installs things10:01
xjkx AMV is the format my mp4 (like an ipod, but is NOT an ipod) understands10:02
AmaranthDonovan_: it's up to apt or some other app to make sure things get installed in the right order10:02
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ferret_0568bootchart uses gcj10:02
ubuntu_noobtristanmike, ok it's uninstalled now ... do you have any linked video to test ?10:02
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JensenDiedmjbrooks: I was looking for a recommendation, you know, to try different ones out =D10:02
Amaranthferret_0568: that's a new one10:02
ferret_0568apt has never failed10:02
fluidanyone have the document repository url handy? im fat and lazy. lol...10:02
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Donovan_Amaranth: Ah.  I'm a spoiled Gentoo user, lol10:02
magnetroninfo ffmpeg | xjkx10:02
Amaranthferret_0568: so it does10:02
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: I just use any trailer off of quicktime.... http://www.apple.com/trailers/magnolia/faygrim/trailer/10:03
ferret_0568Good for you10:03
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Amaranthferret_0568: but you can have gcj and java installed at the same time10:03
magnetron!info ffmpeg | xjkx10:03
ubotuxjkx: ffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20060823-3.1ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 176 kB, installed size 620 kB10:03
ferret_0568ok, will it override Sun Java as the default Java using /etc/defaults?10:03
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ubuntu_noobtristanmike, muhahaha... it works thanks a ton10:03
mjbrooksJensenDied, sendmail, qmail, postfix, exim10:03
ferret_0568I guess there would be a debconf question10:03
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xjkxyou sure ffmpeg converts to amv? amv is a very rare format ! magnetron10:03
ferret_0568I'll try it...10:04
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: don't thank me, thank noiesmo, he's the one with the big brain ;D10:04
JensenDiedmjbrooks: thanks will look into some of those10:04
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ferret_0568My JDK isn't mission critical10:04
ferret_0568I'm just learning Java10:04
fluidonly bad thing about this install is that i have to force beryl to render through copy...which makes it slower than it should be :(10:04
ferret_0568I'm not in college or anything, I'm young10:04
splatchpersonne ne peut m'aider ???10:04
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Amaranthxjkx: I don't think ffmpeg will do it either10:04
magnetronxjkx: i don't know, but i have heard it is good at converting between a lot of formats, even formats for mobile phones. check it out!10:04
ubuntu_noobtristanmike, right with out big brains, we small brains will never thought of that out :P10:05
Amaranthmagnetron: AMV is a chinese-only format similar to MP410:05
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newtonvietcould somebody help me how to get the Cube after enable Desktop effects, etc.10:05
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Amaranthnewtonviet: The checkbox doesn't work?10:05
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tristanmikeubuntu_noob: so true :P10:05
magnetronAmaranth: oh, maybe i'm over my head here :D10:05
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newtonvietYes, I did check the box and  could not figure out how to use the cube10:06
paco49are ubuntu en mirrors down?10:06
ExpositionOFEvilnot all10:06
ferret_0568I'm gonna try adding vga=791 to the kernel command line10:06
fluidnewtonviet: hold ctrl-alt and hit left or right arrow just to be sure it flips10:06
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Amaranthnewtonviet: ctrl-alt-left/right10:06
ubuntu_noobtristanmike, does it work with embeded music playing as well ?10:06
magnetron!slow > paco4910:06
newtonviet1st time I hear about it and want to try10:06
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gustavoi need help compiling the kernel, someone?10:07
fluidyou can do ctrl-alt-shift + left/right to move the focused window back and forth with you as well (if thats set by default ... didnt play with stock compiz at all)10:07
paco49i have a problem with dapper, i want shell in french but he is in english10:07
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paco49but graphic (gnow) is in french10:07
paco49just consol shell is in english10:07
newtonvietThanks, now it is OK10:07
paco49how correct that?10:07
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Ademanis there a LIGHT package for testing php on your local machine?  I'd rather not install apache10:07
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Ademangustavo: why are you compiling your kernel?10:07
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gustavoAdeman, because i want :)10:08
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eckchr_: here is how i calculated the offsets, if you still want to do it by hand: http://wiki.eklitzke.org/doku.php?id=tech:partitions10:08
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Ademangustavo: is that your sick and twisted idea of fun? :-p10:08
ExpositionOFEvilI HATE my computer!10:08
medinfogustavo, have you tried to google how to compile kernel? :p10:08
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berentFirst of all congrats to all bringing Feisty Fawn10:09
AdemanExpositionOFEvil: your burner not work?10:09
gustavowhere is my bzImage or vmlinuz image ? i cant find it.10:09
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: I haven't tried but I assume10:09
Bhaskar1I have no internet, i have uninstall openoffice, now i need it , how can i install it, i have live CD of ubuntu 6.06lts10:09
ubuntu_noobnoiesmo, should I uinstall totem since I am using mplayer ?10:09
ExpositionOFEvilmy cdrom drive creates errors reading the cd im guessing10:09
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: as long as mplayer supports it10:09
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Ademangustavo: vmlinuz should be in root ( / )10:09
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tristanmikeubuntu_noob: no, you shouldn't uninstall it10:09
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magnetronBhaskar1: In Synaptic: add the CD repository10:09
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gustavoi know, but im saying the one that came with my new kernel10:10
relliksorry for the repeat question, but can someone remind me how you check which version you are running to confirm the dist-upgrade?10:10
HairulfrOk, I need photoshop. Anyone have a tight grip around vmware/virtualbox other software, where I could be able to run Photoshop through? (can't get it to work via wine)10:10
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ubuntu_noobtristanmike, em... couldn't play embeded wmv and mp310:10
fluidHairulfr, whats wrong with the gimp? :P10:10
magnetronrellik: lsb_release -d10:10
gustavomedinfo: its done, i just need to know where is my image :(10:10
rellikmagnetron, thanks10:10
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: gives a link, I'll try here10:10
KoZi2is there a site for help tutorials for 7.0410:11
ap1How do I use my encrypted Kingston USB disk stick? Is there a driver to decrypt it? Why does it not show in mounts or desktop, but shows in Places/Computer?10:11
Hairulfrfluid: Workflow ;) it just takes too long, I can do pretty much the same, only slower and a lot more bothersome :)10:11
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bomanizeranyone done the up from edgy -> feisty using update manager?10:11
HairulfrKoZi2: www.ubuntuguide.org - that'll be your god10:11
gustavoi just can find on /arch/i386/boot why i cant find it on /arch/x86_64/boot ?10:11
KoZi2ty Hairulfr10:11
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HairulfrKoZi2: No problem10:12
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Meshezabeelheya, is there a cd/dvd burner program that comes with ubuntu?10:12
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jussi01Hairulfr, have you considered gimpshop?10:12
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Hairulfrjussi01: I don't even know what that is?10:12
gharzbomanizer, i did10:12
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ExpositionOFEvilgimp creators hated the gimpshop10:12
tristanmike!burner | Meshezabeel10:12
ubotuMeshezabeel: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:12
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magnetronMeshezabeel: yes, it is integrated in the desktop10:13
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jussi01Hairulfr, http://plasticbugs.com/?page_id=29410:13
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fluidlooks like photoshop 8 works in wine. have not tried that at all though.10:13
fluidsays that 8 works better than 7 and 910:13
sonictwinthis is a funny error i just got...10:13
paroneayeagimp creators hate all who disagree with their idiotic paradigm10:13
Hairulfrfluid: Yeah, I have CS, it starts, then breaks down just after everythings been loaded10:13
g35hello, if i have a windows ntfs partition taking over my whole hard drivea already, is it possible to install ubuntu on that same hard drive by allocating the free space of the NTFS parition to a new partition for ubuntu?10:13
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sonictwinWindow manager warning: Received a _NET_WM_MOVERESIZE message for 0x2600003 (cdrom0); these messages lack timestamps and therefore suck.10:13
mneptokparoneayea: excuse me?10:13
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tarzeauparoneayea: they are responsible for gtk!10:14
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g35while keeping windows?10:14
paroneayeasorry, that was rude of me :)10:14
paroneayeano, I understand that the gimp developers have done a lot10:14
mjbrooksfluid, from what I hear any version of photoshop runs as long as it isn't the Newer "CS" branded ones10:14
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LaNCeloT_RWhi dudes, thanks Amaranth10:14
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magnetrong35: yes, that's what i did10:14
mjbrooksfluid, so no CS  CS2 or CS310:14
paroneayeaand at least the gimp is moving in the right direction.  I'd rather it go in the direction that inkscape went though10:14
LaNCeloT_RWbut now, how can I fix that: LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/local/firefox32/plugins/libflashplayer.so [libdl.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] 10:14
fluidaccording to winehq.com, cs works fine.10:14
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paroneayeaas in inkscape -> sodipodi10:14
LaNCeloT_RWUsing: Feisty AMD6410:14
Hairulfrg35: Yes, its possible and quite easy, you need to shrink your partition with a program like Partition MAgic10:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:14
paroneayeasaid that backwards ;)10:14
foxinesscan i say hi :) ?10:15
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jussi01I have had cs working in crossover...10:15
ExpositionOFEvilXara Xtreme  > Inkscape10:15
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mjbrooksbomanizer, /quit10:15
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LaNCeloT_RWAmaranth;  i've already followed the guide at help.ubuntu.com (AMD java and flash) on Edgy worked but not in Feisty, any clue ?10:15
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bomanizergharz: any problems?10:16
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entilzhaPrice(Xara) >>> Price(Inkscape)10:16
AmaranthLaNCeloT_RW: Nope, my suggestion is to use the 32-bit version of Ubuntu10:16
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ExpositionOFEvilXara Xtreme  = free10:16
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LaNCeloT_RWAmaranth;  =/ .. ok10:16
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AmaranthLaNCeloT_RW: The Ubuntu developers will probably never implement true multiarch since it's only needed for closed-source software10:16
Hairulfrjussi01: Is there a package somewhere or do I need to compile myself? (gimpshop)10:16
paroneayeaExpositionOFEvil: ooh, I had forgotten about that project10:16
paroneayeaI remember the early announcements10:17
dystopianrayLaNCeloT_RW: I also recommend 32-bit ubunu rather than 64-bit10:17
bomanizermjbrooks: i was a captive of the help menu ^_^10:17
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jussi01Hairulfr, feisty or edgy?10:17
AmaranthLaNCeloT_RW: you do have the ia32-libs package or whatever installed, right?10:17
Hairulfrjussi01: Feisty10:17
LaNCeloT_RWAmaranth;  yes, i have them...10:17
gharzbomanizer, i didn't find any problem.10:17
LaNCeloT_RW /lib3210:17
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gharzbomanizer, and i'm still using it now.10:17
jussi01Hairulfr, on the website i gave you, about the 4th line down...10:17
Hairulfrjussi01: Oh, wait, the osx one is for X11, that would work I guess10:17
LaNCeloT_RWi followed the guide, like i did on edgy10:17
bomanizergharz: ok, thx10:17
gharzbomanizer, oh... there's one... network-manager-pptp doesn't work for me.10:18
ap1Kinston Datatraveler USB stick drivers? can not find in Kingston Web site. It is encrypted, so need a special driver...10:18
zilly6_guys, i see a lot of examples on how to create a persistent bootable linux USB stick, but how do i just copy and ISO to the stick and get it to boot?10:18
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Enselic_What pros/cons are there with running the i386 version on my Ahtlon 64 x2 4200+?10:18
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gharzbomanizer, i can't connect to a network.10:18
ExpositionOFEvilomg I forgot about the upgrade ability10:18
mosi|workhow easy is it to make an install image of ubuntu for use on say 10 machine10:18
dj-binohallo zusammen10:18
Enselic_I have the AMD64 versino now, but there are some problems10:18
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jussi01Hairulfr, no, dont use the OSX one10:18
bomanizergharz: k10:18
entilzhaXara has a free trial.. Not the same10:18
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mosi|worki want them all to have identical programs and settings from the start10:18
zilly6_Enselic_ i'm running 386 (on X2), it seems fine so far10:18
bomanizergharz: i'm hovering over the 'update' button...10:19
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fluidi know i saw a post that said you can get flash player 9 working on amd64 earlier10:19
magnetronEnselic_: con - not optimal speed . pro - all the restricted packages10:19
|Z_E_R_O|anybody with e2fcsk problems?10:19
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fluidnspluginwrapper was used...want me to find it and throw out a url?10:19
jussi01Hairulfr, http://www.plasticbugs.com/blogimg/gimpshop_2.2.11-1_i386.deb10:19
Hairulfrjussi01: FOund it :) Wow, I got so used to apt-get that this is frightening and a disturbing world, downloading from at HP10:19
Meshezabeelmagnetron, tx for the cd/dvd help :)10:19
Enselic_magnetron: is the speed difference notable though?10:19
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ubuntu_noobtristanmike, sorry, was afk, the link is in a forum which has restricted registration10:19
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gustavozilly6_, it will be better if u are using a k8 kernel :)10:19
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bomanizergharz: these laptops can be triky, you have desktop or lappy?10:20
magnetronMeshezabeel: np =)10:20
ExpositionOFEvilerr I cant upgrade =/10:20
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: ok, did you install the gstreamer0.10 packages ?10:20
zilly6_gustavo, what about certain apps and plugins like the flash plugin?10:20
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diabolix_ok.. so i think dbus just died on me.. it seems to be running, but nothing can connect. and the worst part is the gnome services thing doesn't work now. i was disabling things in there and everything stopped working.10:20
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gharzbomanizer, laptop10:20
ExpositionOFEvilSoftware Updates just crashed10:20
fluidi have not tried this for flash player 9 on amd 64...am doing it now: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172710:20
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ubuntu_noobtristanmike, yes10:20
bomanizergharz: k10:20
gustavozilly6_, yeah, really, that sucks :(10:20
gharzbomanizer, i upgraded when feisty was still beta10:20
ccfielhello pll is geforce 6200. ubuntu friendly?10:20
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tristanmikeok, how about the "Medibuntu" repos, did you add the w32codecs ?10:21
ExpositionOFEvilI think so10:21
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dystopianrayccfiel: all nvidia cards are10:21
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zilly6_gustavo, is there a way to have both kernels?10:21
Hairulfrccfiel: It should be yes :)10:21
commonlyUNIQU3<3 Fiesty!!!10:21
bomanizergharz: ok10:21
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magnetronEnselic_: you will not notice the difference i think10:21
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:21
gustavozilly6_, sure...10:21
dystopianrayzilly6_: you only need -generic10:21
bomanizergharz: the network manager... what kind of shite it was giving?10:21
gustavozilly6_, sure... it always let the older kernel avaiable10:21
ubuntu_noobtristanmike, I have w32codec installed..10:21
ako3haiii all10:21
ako3any body from indonesia?10:22
zilly6_right now i'm just trying to set up a usb stick with feisty installer10:22
diabolixsoo.. i think dbus is messed up.. i cannot run the gnome services manager thing to check.. something weird is going on becaus alot of stuff that uses dbus isn't working, but dbus seems to be running...10:22
magnetronako3: hi10:22
ccfielHairulfr: i will buy one today. coz my ati 6250 is not support in restricted driver.10:22
ExpositionOFEvilwhy do my cd's last longer than my drive! ER10:22
gharzbomanizer, it doesn't connect... though i was able to find a profile (nm-applet)... when i select the profile it doesn't do anything.10:22
dj-binohallo alle zusammen10:22
commonlyUNIQU3quick feisty question:  how do you add codecs (e.g. ubuntuguide.org used to suggest to apt-get a bunch of gstreamer plugins...10:22
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tristanmikeubuntu_noob: hmm.....I'm not sure then...10:22
ako3magnetron, u are from indonesia?10:22
dystopianrayccfiel: that should be supported, which driver did you use?10:22
magnetron!de > dj-bino10:22
adriaticatorafter upgrading to Feisty my dual screen setup doesn't work. It makes two different desktops on each screen and I can only use one. It no longer works as one big desktop.10:22
magnetronako3: no10:22
bomanizergharz: k, thans.. i'm off to the forums, these damn irc channels are too frantick for me :)10:22
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ako3so...from where u are?10:23
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ExpositionOFEvildoes anyone know how to boot from removable media?10:23
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: did you do this "Click Applications  Add/Remove. In the top right, change the setting to "All available applications". Then select Other in the left panel and then select the Ubuntu restricted extras package. Click OK."10:23
=== Montaro [i=montaro@tsunami.ipv6.montarotech.net] has joined #ubuntu
fluidwell this channel is frantic because its super busy tonight ;)10:23
jussi01ExpositionOFEvil, change your bios settings10:23
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magnetron!offtopic | ako310:23
ubotuako3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:23
ExpositionOFEvilits set infront of harddrive10:23
diabolixhow do i enable services without the gnome thing?10:23
gustavohow can i download a kernel from apt and dont install it?10:24
ExpositionOFEvilI think I have to put cd same time I start computer10:24
ExpositionOFEvilor something10:24
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dAndygustavo: you mean kernel source?10:24
diabolixis there some kind of rc.config file somewhere?10:24
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jussi01ExpositionOFEvil, you should have the cd in at boot, and have it set in bios to boot from the cd10:24
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gustavodAndy,  yeah10:25
ExpositionOFEvilyeah it was10:25
dAndygustavo: apt-get install linux-source10:25
HairulfrArgh! Nothing works and I don't want to boot into windows10:25
ccfieldystopianray: in my ATI card 9250. i used the open source but no tv out :( and in restricted driver its not supported so i will buy one today i want to make sure the one i will buy will run smoothly (6200) do you think?10:25
dAndygustavo: it puts the kernel source tarball in /usr/src/linux iirc10:25
jussi01Hairulfr, whats the prob?10:25
ExpositionOFEvilbut it doesnt read from the cd until ubuntu is fully started10:25
gustavodAndy, no, i mean download a package and dont install it automatically10:25
magnetron!grub > Hairulfr10:25
ExpositionOFEvilbios doesnt detect the cdrom drive10:25
dystopianrayccfiel: oh, you currently have a ati card?10:25
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dystopianrayccfiel: I thought you meant you have a nvidia 6250 currently10:26
jussi01ExpositionOFEvil, that sucks man10:26
ExpositionOFEvilwhy did I get this 200 dollar drive!10:26
ExpositionOFEviltrash can10:26
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jussi01ExpositionOFEvil, go and buy the $20 from walmart...10:26
Hairulfrjussi01: I need do lighten/dareken foreground/background independently and the selection tools are horrid. "Magicwand" just gets to a maximum where it doesn't want to select anymore, lassoselect moves the magiwand-selectd areas instead of adding to the selection... Gah!10:26
ccfieldystopianray: i currently have an ati 9250 :( is not supported in restricted.10:27
OGRI aging one-legged whore from Russia, Fuck me man's10:27
ExpositionOFEvilwell now I see that price doesnt matter on quality10:27
EMSdid you expect problems with Nvidia GF 440 MX ?10:27
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ExpositionOFEviljust like ubuntu10:27
Donovan_I think I'm gonna give up on getting php4 into Feisty server and download Dapper...10:27
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ExpositionOFEvilfree and better than windows!10:27
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ccfieldystopianray: i will buy nvidia geforce 6200. would this work? specially the tv out thing.10:27
stockfischhow do i format and wipe a hd?10:27
fluidHairulfr: did you get that guide i linked for 32bit compatibility, and nsplugin wrapper to get flash player 9 working?10:28
jussi01Hairulfr, that sucks, have you tried out crossover office?10:28
dystopianrayccfiel: it should, yes, it's a very low-end card though10:28
magnetronstockfisch: u can use the desktop cd for that10:28
jussi01they have a free trial on their website10:28
OGR=|[::`danny::] |=> fuck me... bad boy..10:28
ubuntu_noobtrismike, alright thanks for the help10:28
magnetronstockfisch: the program is called gparted10:28
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
dAndygustavo: apt-get -d install <package>10:28
Hairulfrfluid: Huh? Flash 9? Everything works fine here, flash, blah blah, all those things, my feisty is a regular multimediamediamonsterthing10:28
=== ytsestef [n=duderino@ppp211-42.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
jussi01Hairulfr, http://www.codeweavers.com/10:29
ExpositionOFEvilone last attempt at installing 7.0410:29
zilly6_could someone give me the link to the torrents?10:29
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ytsestefwhat is the keyboard shortcut for the task manager?10:29
stockfischmagnetron, i have used it to repartition the disk, but i would like to securely wipe and format it to fat3210:29
Hairulfrjussi01: No, I haven't, I need the power that photoshop gives... :(10:29
fluidHairulfr: someone said something about flash player 9 and java on amd64...oh well. hehe...10:29
jussi01Hairulfr, yeah, crossover is a refined form of wine10:29
LaNCeloT_RWHairulfr;  Feisty 32-bit or 64-bit?10:29
magnetron!torrents | zilly6_10:29
ubotuzilly6_: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/10:29
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ccfieldystopianray: ic. but i only need it for tv out. no games. i want to replace my windows media center. do you think this card is suitable?10:29
Enselic_Does anyone know if the i386 Ubuntu kernels have SMP (multi processor core) support?10:29
dAndygustavo: dowloaded debs go into /var/cache/apt/archives10:29
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zilly6_thanks magnetron10:29
Hairulfrjussi01: It's pretty cheap10:29
dystopianrayccfiel: yes it should be10:30
Hairulfrfluid: Hehe, not me :=10:30
jussi01Hairulfr, yeah, but it works very nicely, and its all graphical...10:30
HairulfrLaNCeloT_RW: 32-bit :)10:30
LaNCeloT_RWHairulfr;  ok10:30
ytsestefdoes any1 know the keyboard shortcut to call the task manager in ubuntu feisty?10:30
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OGR=|[::Organizm::] |=> ti ruskii ????????10:30
jussi01Hairulfr, I Have it...10:30
LaNCeloT_RWanyone here using Feisty 64-Bit version ?10:30
ccfieldystopianray: ok thanks! i will buy now. :)10:30
fluidim in amd64...10:30
OGRI'm from Russia10:30
derventerhi can anyone help me configuring wifi pcmcia with kismet?10:30
magnetronstockfisch: there is a tool called "shred" that can pretty securely ( no guarantee) wipe a drive10:30
jussi01Hairulfr, and I have had photoshop running properly on it10:30
jussi01!ru | OGR10:31
ubotuOGR:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke10:31
Hairulfrjussi01: CS?10:31
jussi01Hairulfr, yeah10:31
OGR=|[::ubotu::] |=> what ????10:31
stockfischmagnetron, ill try that10:31
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Hairulfrjussi01: Nice :)10:31
LaNCeloT_RWfluid;  did u get flash and java plugins working ?10:31
tristanmikeubuntu_noob: I have to get some sleep, good luck10:31
EMSCan somebody tell me if the nvidia restricted driver is fixed and working now10:31
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Hairulfrjussi01: That's all I need windows for...10:31
jussi01so grab the trial and give it a go10:31
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fluidworking on flash right now10:31
fluidsame setup should work for java10:31
tristanmikethanx again to everyone, you're support is great :D Good night10:31
fluidLaNCeloT_RW: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=34172710:31
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OleADoes anyone know if Feisty (release) fix the problem with the jMicron PATA controller on Intel DP965 motherboards?10:32
Supaplexany gdb gurus about?  In gdb, "bt full" only shows three frames, and "thread apply all bt full" shows none.  What gives? Is there a better way to capture a good stack trace on all threads? (eg, bugreport)10:32
LaNCeloT_RWfluid;  i will check it =)10:32
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bayzidersCan you install the Engage dock in Ubuntu?10:32
ap1error: can't pmount ? When pluggin an USM memory stick?10:32
fluidits a pain. lol...70 megs of libraries for 32bit support. :(10:32
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Hairulfrjussi01: It's already downloading10:32
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fluidand the guide was written by someone with "ok" english...hard to follow if you dont read carefully10:33
ap1mount -t vfat /dev/sda ... says wrong file system? What is my Kingston memory stick supposed to be?10:33
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bayzidersI thought I was going to get lucky and find it synaptic10:33
sohoquestion: if i write sudo + command in the terminal then bash-completion don't work how can i change this?10:33
jussi01Hairulfr, :D up to photoshop 7 is supported, but I have had higher than that work...10:33
duncan_Hello, I was wondering if one could help me. I'm a bit new to Linux and run the Ubuntu 7.04 update yesterday but after that my audio didn't work anymore... But it did work on 6.1010:33
dystopianrayduncan_: is it intel-hda audio?10:33
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duncan_on acer10:33
dystopianrayduncan_: is ati using intel-hda chipsets?10:33
sohoquestion: if i write sudo + command in the terminal then bash-completion don't work how can i change this?10:34
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duncan_let's find out10:34
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duncan_that's right... it uses intel10:34
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magnetronBhaskar1: did it work installing openoffice?10:34
ryancrdoes any know what happened to the i810 modesetting driver?10:34
OiPenguinCongrats with the release of 7.04! Finally my Wireless card is working and I'm enjoying the exploration. How do I install Opera on 7.04. They have not listed a 7.04 version, may I use a previous version? See http://www.opera.com/download/10:34
dystopianrayryancr: xserver-xorg-video-intel10:35
ryancrah thank you10:35
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Zues_62does anyone knw bout alsa?10:35
dystopianrayOiPenguin: it may possibly work, but i'd recommend you wait till they release a feisty version10:35
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commonlyUNIQU3OiPenguin: you can install opera by adding some repos10:35
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jussi01OiPenguin, I think you need the 9.2 version10:35
Madpilotubotu, opera | OiPenguin10:35
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ubotuOiPenguin: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:35
AnRkeyZues_62, whats the problem with alsa?10:36
tsurcThe MD5SUMS.gpg... whats it for?10:36
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chr_eck:  Thanks, I seem to get a decimal number http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pc1GGEuhuZ5v_V030Kxj2Yw&output=html&gid=0&single=true10:36
OiPenguindystopianray: thanks10:36
=== Mikelevel [n=MoVeWoRk@216.Red-88-20-41.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zues_62anrkey i have to config the kernal coz of my soundcard10:36
ryancrdystopianray: exactly what i was looking for..thanks again10:36
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Zues_62anakey and when i do make it has an error10:36
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jussi01tsurc, it shows you the md5sums for the disks10:36
Bhaskar1i want to install office package from ubuntu cd coz i have no office package installed on my ubuntu, so how can i install office package only from cd10:36
dystopianrayryancr: it has lots of issues though, like X crashing when you change resolution10:36
dystopianrayryancr: and vt switching not working correctly10:36
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duncan_dystopianray: can you solve the problem/do you know how to fix10:36
OiPenguinubotu: Still, should I wait for 7.04 release?10:36
jussi01Bhaskar1, open office or microsoft?10:37
dystopianrayduncan_: intel-hda is broken on feisty10:37
dystopianrayduncan_: it may get fixed in a later update10:37
AnRkeyZues_62, don't know enough about kernel patching sorry10:37
fulat2khi folks, can someone recommend software to rip and edit audio stream from a VOB file?10:37
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jussi01!ubotu | OiPenguin,10:37
ubotuOiPenguin,: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:37
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magnetron!feisty | OiPenguin10:37
ubotuOiPenguin: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/10:37
duncan_so till then I can't uses my audio?10:37
tsurcthought that was the MD5SUMS file, I guess its to verify it... but how do I do it.10:37
ryancrdystopianray: well i was using it on the 'herd' releases and it was working great for me.. so hopefully it hasn't changed to much in the last week or so10:37
commonlyUNIQU3^ that sucks10:37
Zues_62anakey would it mean they need to update on there end10:37
dystopianrayduncan_: there are solutions on the forums that involve compiling alsa yourself10:37
OiPenguinI don't appreciate Evolution and miss Opera Mail dearly. Are there any alternative applications with the same mail sorting system as Opera (similar to gmail)?10:37
ap1Hey, if I mount /dev/sda or sda1 or sda2 as usbfs it "works", but only shown some system file hierarchy with "001 002 devices..." etc... how to access my USM memory?10:38
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duncan_Ok, I'll find some thanks10:38
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jhaigOiPenguin: You could use Opera Mail.10:38
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dystopianrayap1: usbfs is the wrong fielsystem10:38
dystopianrayap1: you don't ever use usbfs as a user10:38
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=== commonlyUNIQU3 Seeding 7.04 desktop/alternate/server via Azureus
jussi01OiPenguin, there is a version of opera that works on feisty, i have used it10:38
dystopianrayap1: your drive most likely has a fat32 partition10:38
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Bhaskar1magnetron, no10:39
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Bluetoothhi. need help10:39
OiPenguinJussi1: Which one?10:39
Bhaskar1jussi01, openoffice10:39
jussi01OiPenguin, I _think_ it is 9.210:39
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jin:S feisty is so slow compared dapper :(10:40
jussi01Bhaskar1, I think there is a meta package, wait one10:40
zuritaguys my wifi doesnt work, what could i do?10:40
drumline_jin: what part is slow?10:40
commonlyUNIQU3I installed 7.04 on a P3 laptop w/ 128MB of memory - would I get any better performance by using xfce instead of gnome?10:40
OiPenguinJussi: http://www.opera.com/download/ They don't list a Feisty version, which one do I choose.10:40
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magnetron!wireless > zurita10:40
maddlerjin: I was saying the opposite... dunno...10:40
Bhaskar1magnetron, i could not install from Synteptic package manager , it is fir online i want to install offline10:40
jhaigOiPenguin: The Edgy version should work.10:40
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:41
jindrumline_, when gnome start10:41
magnetronBhaskar1: if you add the CD it will do a local install10:41
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drumline_is that it?10:41
jinand launching firefox is slower10:41
bayzidersCan you make avant zoom on mouse over?10:41
OiPenguinThanks. Is there any risk in testing. I've only used Ubuntu last three hours and won't be able to corrects problems if they occur ;-)10:41
aroonishould i wait to go from edgy to feisty?10:41
Bhaskar1magnetron, no it search internet10:41
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drumline_jiv: hmm...how much slower?10:42
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magnetronBhaskar1: use apt-cdrom in a terminal10:42
donfilipohi guys ubuntu7.04 looks great ....only have troubles with real player...have installed it with "sudo ./RealPlayer10.bin" and now the player is there but the system does not know it's there10:43
OiPenguinSecond problem: I can't position the content displayed on screen correctly. It goes on the outside to the left and I've got a significant unused space to the right.10:43
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magnetrondonfilipo: you shouldn't install it with sudo, now only root can use it10:43
Bhaskar1magnetron, apt-cdrom openoffice.org10:44
donfilipomagnetron any cure?10:44
Bhaskar1 could not work10:44
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gnomefreakdonfilipo: there is a .deb for realplayer10:44
gerry_does desktop effects work on default installation for ati card?10:44
magnetronBhaskar1: man apt-cdrom10:44
donfilipognomefreak where?10:44
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:44
gnomefreakdonfilipo: ^^^10:45
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magnetrondonfilipo: install it normally, doubleclick it10:45
Trist_anwhat desktop effect gerry_ ?10:45
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LaNCeloT_RWfluid;  thanks man!!!10:45
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HeggeA Question: Installing Ubuntu 7.04 without cd, is that done in the same manner as the older rels? as described on the homepage10:45
Hairulfr"% this, I'm writing Adobe10:45
ferret_0568!framebuffer | ferret_056810:45
LaNCeloT_RWfluid;  now, what about java did you get it working?10:45
Frogzooany big showstoppers with feisty?10:45
magnetron!update | Hegge10:45
ubotuHegge: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:45
Trist_angerry_, for ATI you have to install Xgl usually. At least under Edgy...10:45
gnomefreak!install | Hegge10:45
ubotuHegge: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate10:45
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Heggegnomefreak: i will take that as a yes =)10:46
=== LaNCeloT_RW will translate Flash Plugin tutorial sent by fluid to my local language (Brazilian Portuguese) =)
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Bhaskar1magnetron, apt-get cdrom install openoffice.org10:46
Bhaskar1 not work10:46
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bayzidersWhat does the water effect in compiz do? I can't seem to get it to work?10:46
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bayzidersI have it set to super and control but when I press them nothing happens10:46
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ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/10:47
Frogzoobayziders: you need to configure actions to generate a water event - likemovig a window10:47
gnomefreakHegge: read the link because im not sure how rel did it10:47
AnRkeybayziders, water effects10:47
magnetronBhaskar1: first add the cd with apt-cdrom, then use synaptic to install openoffice10:47
dimebarbayziders: hold ctrl + super and move your cursor round on the desktop10:47
ThorI attempted to upgrade to Feisty using the update manager GUI and I had an error in the install script for the nvidia driver.10:47
gerry_Trist_an:  last time, i delete all compiz stuff and enable beryl-project reps and install xgl ,it works, but i don't know whether things have changed in feisty final10:47
ThorI was told to report a bug about it.10:47
=== foug [n=foug@cpe-24-28-152-69.satx.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trist_angerry_, but can you have desktop effects?10:48
gnomefreakThor: do that please. there are now 3 nvidia drivers in feisty10:48
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gerry_Trist_an:  i have beryl+xgl installed,  it worked for me10:48
Heggegnomefreak : oki.. well i have red the link, the question is: has it changed in the new rel and they havent had time to change the information on the homepage10:48
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jussi01Thor, did you report a bug?10:48
Thorgnomefreak: It's running a recovery now, I didn't take a copy of the specific error message, what files should I dump in the bug report?10:48
gnomefreakHegge: yes10:48
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Trist_angerry_, so I don't understand your question10:49
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Dell-Neti have nvidia beryl + aiglx works like a charm10:49
Heggebut i will give the program recomended on the homepage a try10:49
Heggethanks gnomefreak10:49
bayzidersO_O it completly locks up my system.10:49
Trist_angerry_, unless if you want to know if you can have Beryl/Compiz without Xgl on ATI. I think it is not possible10:49
Thorjussi: no, but I'm about to.10:49
bayzidersand does nothing10:49
=== babo [n=babo@A-110-120.cust.iol.ie] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakthepumpkin1979: /var/log/dist-upgrade10:49
HairulfrSame here. Nvidia/Bery no problems at all10:49
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baboIs gimp in the ubuntu core ?10:49
gnomefreakThor: /var/log/dist-upgrade10:49
cablesbabo, yep10:49
Hairulfrbabo: Yes10:49
gnomefreakbabo: ubuntu-desktop10:50
dimebarbayziders: hmm - its supposed to make a 'wave' behind the cursor.  the other one (i forget the command) makes ripples like rain on the desktop10:50
Trist_ananyone has Xgl+ATI+Beryl under feisty? Is it working and what repo do you use?10:50
Hairulfralt + f2 gimp10:50
Thorgnomefreak, thank you10:50
enryonly a question all was working with the 3d cube...after 3 minutes the cube is not rotating and i cannot switch from a workarea to another10:50
Thorbah, now my task bar is locking up again10:50
gerry_Trist_an:   i followed the howto http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_XGL,it's not supported by ubuntu10:50
gnomefreakThor: yw10:50
babowhat about inkscape ?10:50
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Dell-Netany linux program as visio in office ?10:50
gnomefreakThor: there should be 3 files in there please attach all 310:50
Thorthat could be Beryl's fault though.10:50
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cablesbabo, it's in the repositories, easily installable.10:50
OiPenguinOpera 9.20 for Edgy eft installed successfully on Feisty! Thanks.10:50
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magnetronenry: in the lower right corner, how does it look?10:50
Thorgnomefreak, ok10:51
gustavohow do i use mkinitrd ?10:51
Dell-Netuse aiglx with ubuntu no xgl10:51
jhaigDell-Net: There are a couple.  Kivio, I think.10:51
gerry_i want a working compiz or beryl for default installation10:51
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Dell-Netjhaig: gonna check it out10:51
cablesgerry_, Compiz is installed out of the box in Feisty.10:51
Hairulfrgerry_: It already is10:51
jhaigDell-Net: I think Dia is another.10:51
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babois feisty stable released ?10:51
cablesgerry_, first it'll prompt you to install the drivers, then you'll need to reboot, then you can enable the effects.10:51
babothanks btw :-)10:51
enrymagnetron all application 3d are workin it's only the cube...simply it stop working after 5 minutes i have attivate it10:51
Trist_anbabo yes10:51
cablesbabo, yep10:51
Hairulfrbabo: Yes10:51
brutopiahello everybody, can I somehow make dpkg to force default options to kde package so I could get feisty's default background and stuff when I'm upgrading from edgy with apt dist-upgrade10:51
knoppixhi all10:51
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gerry_cables:  Compiz seems not supporting my ati card10:51
knoppixtest knoppix10:52
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knoppixit s working?10:52
brutopiais there something like dpkg-reconfigure force-defaults or some other tool?10:52
jussi01Hairulfr, how did crossover go?10:52
Thorokay, the system seems to have gone bananas.10:52
babo:-) ... what are the chances of it getting my laptop microphone to work ? And/or clearing up my touchpad issues ?10:52
cablesgerry_, do you have the drivers installed? Go to System>Administration>Restricted Drivers Manager to check.10:52
Trist_anWhy Compiz by default and not Beryl?10:52
=== phire [n=phire@125-238-97-228.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
KakuradyHi everyone. Will I get axed if I ask if I can ask?10:52
Bhaskar1magnetron, could not get success10:52
cablesTrist_an, it's more stable10:52
Trist_anKakurady, yes10:52
cables!ask | Kakurady10:52
ubotuKakurady: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:52
darkhackmorning all10:52
slackern!ask | Kakurady10:52
deepsawell the repo's still slow.10:52
baboIs it just out recently then ? Is there a recommended upgrade tutorial ?10:52
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Hairulfrjussi01: The Adobe splash opened, that was it, now I have no clue how to start the damn thing again.10:52
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gerry_cables; you mean fglrx? sure10:52
cablesgerry_, yeah10:52
mjbrooks!ask | Kakurady10:53
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matasonIs there the slightest chance that if I install madwifi that my atheros wifi card might give me more than 6.5 kB/s data transfer?10:53
baboWill it upgrade to the latest kernel ?10:53
babofeisty that is ...10:53
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Trist_anbabo from edgy you can do  gksu update-manager -c -d in terminal I think10:53
Bhaskar1Anybody can help me for install openoffice from ubuntu CD10:53
KakuradyI see that now. - I've got Beryl and XGL installed with my system. Do I need to uninstall them before I do a dist-upgrade?10:53
gregoroviushi, can anyone tell me how to dump the output of a program into a file, please?10:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:53
cablesBhaskar1, OpenOffice is installed by default with Ubuntu.10:53
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jhaiggregorovius: command > file10:53
Thori think Beryl,th at I instaled on top of Edgy, isn't liking the upgrade very much...10:53
phirehow do I get amarok to play mp3's in feisty?10:53
KakuradyI don't think it will help...10:53
rambo3greenpower, cat file > text.txt10:53
baboTrist_an: will it work ?10:53
cables!mp3 | PhilKC10:53
ubotuPhilKC: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:53
magnetronBhaskar1: something like this: apt-cdrom -d=/media/cdrom add10:53
dimebargreg_g:   ls -la > text.txt10:54
cablesPhilKC, sorry, hit tab too early10:54
Dell-NetKakurady: i dont think so just inactivate beyl10:54
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shwagcan I get apt-get install beryl ?10:54
cables!mp3 > phire10:54
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cablesshwag, yep10:54
flamebirdI dont get it10:54
Trist_anbabo, I'm not under Feisty yet but I was told it is the best way10:54
shwagbecause the beryl wiki says to do other stuff.10:54
Hairulfrjussi01: Now it let me select langauge, and then disapperede... Got further with wine....10:54
gerry_cables:  compiz not work out of box even i have installed fglrx drivers10:54
cablesshwag, on feisty you just need to make sure your video drivers are installed and apt-get install beryl10:54
slackernIs there anyone here using a X1950 card and got some form of better performance than the regular vesa drivers? I've tried about every driver out there both from repos and made them from ati.com but they all perform worse than vesa.10:54
flamebirdUbuntu was released but then I use the update manager it says my system is up to date!!!!10:54
=== Sandwalker [n=serath@60-234-172-232.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
shwagcables: should I not enable Desktop Effects (..uhmm..compiz?)  if im just going to do beryl ?10:54
flamebirdany ideas!10:54
enryok the cube is not working10:54
darkhackIn beryl, when I made my buttom panel transparent with alt + mouse scroll, but when restarting the pc, it went back to normal. So, is there a way to save the trasparent panel in beryl?10:54
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Hairulfrenry: Did you enable it?10:54
cablesshwag, you can if you want... but disable them before you install beryl10:54
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shwagcables: I wonder why the beryl wiki doesnt explain you can just apt-get it now by default.10:55
flamebirdenry, open gconf editor and make the desktop to 410:55
enryHairulfr, it worked only for 5 minutes10:55
danikhanwhats the default kernel version in fiesty10:55
shwagcables: cool.10:55
cablesshwag, maybe it's for feisty?10:55
flamebirdenry, check the forum10:55
protocol1is there a way I can fix my ATI lockup issue?10:55
gregoroviusdoes the 'saving to a file' happen when all commands finish executing?10:55
flamebirdUbuntu was released but then I use the update manager it says my system is up to date!!!!10:55
cables!info linux-generic feisty | danikhan10:55
ubotudanikhan: linux-generic: Complete Generic Linux kernel. In component restricted, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB10:55
flamebirdany ideas!10:55
gerry_danikhan: 2.6.20-1510:55
KakuradyFlamebird: you should see a message telling you a ner version of the system is available  and there's a upgrade button beside it10:55
shwagcables: yah...thats my point...its for Feisty10:55
slackernprotocol1, i saw ati released new drivers yesterday that fixes lockup issue with AGP cards10:55
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protocol1I am using an ATI all-in-wonder 9800 pro card10:55
danikhanthx gerry10:55
shwagcables: maybe an older version of feisty10:55
Hairulfrenry: Right click the red ruby and cehck if it still says "Beryl"/compiz" under "Window manager" (if you do use Beryl)10:55
cablesflamebird, make sure you hit the check version10:55
gregoroviusbecause it's a long process and I need to see the beginning of the log, but it scrolls too fast10:55
protocol1slackern, really?10:56
flamebirdkkerwin, I cant see it10:56
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cablesflamebird, i mean button, not version :)10:56
flamebirdcables, i did10:56
cablesgregorovius, less10:56
enryflamebird, ok i will all ather effect are working correctly10:56
Kakuradycables, where's the "check version" button?10:56
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protocol1slackern, can you help me out?10:56
cablesgregorovius, put | less after the command10:56
slackernprotocol1, 8.36.5 is the version of them10:56
baboso `gksu update-manager -c -d` is the recommended upgrade path then yes ?10:56
cablesKakurady, sorry, the check button, not the check version button.10:56
gregoroviusi'm gonna try it out, thanks everyone10:56
cablesbabo, you shouldn't need to do that, it should come up by itself...10:56
protocol1slackern, wow....how do I go about instlling those?10:56
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:56
stiffme1983dose someone have kernel problem?no sound.kernel freeze ramdonly with error output: ata1:failed to respond(30secs,Status 0xd0)10:56
Hairulfrbabo: What are you upgrading?10:56
enryHairulfr,  i have no red ruby???10:56
gharzhi... anybody can help me with my network-gnome-pptp? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16519/ i am geting Apr 20 12:51:21 Ubuntu NetworkManager: <WARNING>^I nm_vpn_manager_activate_vpn_connection (): nm_vpn_manager_activate_vpn_connection(): no currently active network device, won't activate VPN.10:56
=== JiBEsH [n=jibesh@88-139-71-23.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
slackernprotocol1, well i just follow the wiki and and make the drivers the way they tell me but replace the version numbers to match the new driver10:56
darkhackany solution?10:57
flamebirdcables, there is no check version button just check10:57
KakuradyHuh? Oh. I see, I usually use synaptic.10:57
baboHairulfr, I'm upgrading from dapper ...10:57
=== Sandwalker wonders if anyone might know why installing the 'msttcorefonts' package in Feisty seems to have no effect -- no applications can access the installed MS fonts.
Hairulfrenry: So just using the Desktop effects?10:57
cablesflamebird, that's what i said!10:57
flamebirdcables, and I hit that nothing there10:57
slackernprotocol1, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide10:57
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KakuradyThen Check.10:57
Hairulfrbabo: You need to upgrade to edgy first10:57
protocol1slackern, have a link I can use10:57
enryHairulfr, yes10:57
protocol1will try that out10:57
=== Mandus_ [n=aasmundo@gprs-ggsn5-nat.mobil.telenor.no] has joined #ubuntu
shwagis it normal that im getting all these apt-get errors about  "packages cannot be authenticated!"  ?10:57
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Hairulfrenry: Do you have Nvidia or ati?10:57
Bhaskar1magnetron, i did apt-cdrom -d=/media/cdrom then go to package manager and check for openoffice, it still search to connect net10:57
baboHairulfr, oops, I meant I'm on edgy.10:57
enryHairulfr,  intel10:57
=== babo gets confused
slackernprotocol1, ahh they have updated the wiki for the latest version now i see10:57
Hairulfrenry: i915?10:57
enryno 810???10:57
Hairulfrenry: Or what the gfx thing is called10:57
slackernprotocol1, here is a changelog for the drivers https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_8.36.5.html10:58
magnetronBhaskar1: rightclick and override which version to use10:58
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:58
Hairulfrbabo: It should pop ud in update manager10:58
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Trist_an!upgrade | babo10:58
ubotubabo: please see above10:58
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gerry_ http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Feisty_with_XGL  good howto for ati card10:58
protocol1slackern, that is so awesome10:58
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=== ikonia__ is now known as ikonia_
protocol1slackern, thx for the help my friend10:58
Hairulfrbabo: Try Sudo apt-get update and the sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:58
enryHairulfr,  it's trange the cube worked well for only 5 minutes than it stop like it hane only one worktable10:58
baboHairulfr: does it work ? I'll check the forums now anyway ...10:58
slackernprotocol1, np, hope it helps, my x1950 card i will just smash with a hammer :)10:59
protocol1slackern, I will let you know how it works out10:59
baboHairulfr, yeah, I can see it in the upgrade. Which is the recommended path. I seem to remember one way being better than the other for the last upgrade ...10:59
magnetronenry: use gconf-editor10:59
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ikonia_has this channel been flooded with fesity "how do I" questions yet ?10:59
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gerry_java didn't work in beryl?10:59
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slackernprotocol1, i'm almost thinking of sticking my old 9800 card back into my machine10:59
Hairulfrbabo: Do it the upgrademanager way :)10:59
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KakuradyHow much data will be downloaded in the upgrade from Edgy to Feisty (with both Kubuntu+Ubuntu installed)?10:59
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magnetron!feisty | ikonia_11:00
ubotuikonia_: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/11:00
ikonia_magnetron I know its out11:00
Hairulfrenry: don't know much about the deafault desktop effects thing, I think Beryl works on intel, so you should get that instead, it's better, imo11:00
matasonHow do I identify what driver my wifi card is using?11:00
baboHairulfr, so from the upgrade/install gnome widget then yes ?11:00
enrymagnetron,  and what i have to do with?11:00
donfilipofolks thanks installation of RealPlayer deb package works great...thanks again!11:00
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ikonia_magnetron hence why I was asking if the channel has been bombared11:00
magnetronikonia_ : just pulling your leg11:00
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ikonia_magnetron ahhh sorry11:00
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ikonia_magnetron went over my head11:00
stiffme1983it seems that 2.6.20-15 is a BUGGY kernel11:00
TommyTomgreat... new error. i got my soft raid working but i always run into this problem "The ext3 file system creation in partition #8 of LVM VG via_deheacejdg, LV via_deheacejdg failed." when formating my ext3 for mount point / (i.e. root)11:00
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ikonia_stiffme1983 why do you say that11:00
Frogzoois there much breakage in the upgrade from edgy to feisty?11:01
Hairulfrbabo: Yes, I'd think so. Although I prefer clean installs11:01
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ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:01
darkhackdo yall really use realplayer?11:01
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baboah, k thanks11:01
ikonia_TommyTomb are you using the installer to try to put ubuntu onto a software raid device wrapped with lvm ?11:01
hobeCan I expect my internet connection (ADSL with Alcatel Speedtouch 330) to work ater upgrading to feisty? I mean after the upgrade to dapper, the firmware directory had changed. Is there anything similar to expect?11:01
stiffme1983ikonia_:'cause first, no sound but it seems my hardware works fine11:01
Hairulfrdarkhack: No, but it works if you need it11:01
gnomefreakFrogzoo: that really depends on the packages installed11:01
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jendaHow do I generate a structured list of directories (something like ls -R would give me) without the files (just directories?)11:02
T0uCHI want to format all my hard disk ( windows and feisty all) if i choose with the installation of windows (after formating) to use all disk in 1 partition canse i use ubuntu too?11:02
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ikonia_stiffme1983 is it possible you've just not configured it, or ubuntu didn't detect it right and there is "no problem" with the kernel11:02
gnomefreakFrogzoo: its not too bad though11:02
Thorokay, i found a similar bug11:02
Frogzoognomefreak: kk, thx11:02
magnetronenry: use gconf-editor to edit /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options, hsize =411:02
Thorwas it a bad idea of me to use Envy to install nVidia drivers?11:02
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Thorshould I remove those and try again?11:02
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ikonia_T0uCH you will lose your boot sector11:02
ThorEnvy was the only simple option i found for Edgy.11:02
stiffme1983ikonia_:second, kernel ramdonly freezes with error output:ata1:failed to respond(30secs Status 0xd0)11:02
gnomefreakThor: yes11:02
TommyTomikonia_: i have no idea. all i know is i have a raid already setup. i used DMRAID to recognize it. i tried formating in the installer app and from windows and neither work. get same error since the installer forces me to format11:02
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ikonia_jenda I think there is an option within "lndir"11:03
Thorgnomefreak: does Feisty install those same drivers for me without me having to mess about with tools like that?11:03
stiffme1983ikonia_:no ,kernel detects my sound card right, on the screen it looks right11:03
darkhackso, there's no way to save my trasparent panel in beryl mode???11:03
ikonia_TommyTom my personal opinion is that dmraid is not a good call11:03
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Zer0any idea when the stable version of feisty is coming to the automatic updater (for us still running the beta)?11:03
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stiffme1983ikonia_:the only question is that no sound is out11:03
gnomefreakThor: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx depending on your card11:03
ikonia_stiffme1983 I doubt thats a kernel issue to be honest11:03
Hairulfrdrakhack: What do you mean? The panel can be transparent11:03
slackernZer0, you probably have it already if you keep yourself updated11:03
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Zer0oh, thanks, hehe11:04
DreamlessZer0 it does11:04
gnomefreakThor: is taht easy enough?11:04
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Zer0how do i check?11:04
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seamus7Hi... I want to use Network Manager but it's not currently showing up in my notification area ... How do I go about getting it to automatically activate upon boot?11:04
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stiffme1983ikonia_:but my sound card works fine when i use 2.0.20-13-generic11:04
DreamlessZer0 system -> administration -> upgrade manager (or something im on danish feisty here)11:04
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Thorgnomefreak: i could actually go through hours of compiling libraries and such, but I'm a fan of convenience.11:04
Bhaskar1magnetron,  rightclick and override which version to use this idea did not work, wht it is difficult to install openoffice from CD11:04
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TommyTomikonia_ what do you suggest then. i finally got it to "work" with dmraid. and it seemed easy enough. and im completely nub to linux11:04
SandwalkerHas anyone got Microsoft TrueType fonts working in Feisty?  If so, how?11:04
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ikonia_stiffme1983 are you using fesity11:04
Thorgnomefreak: (I'm a programmer myself)11:04
stiffme1983ikonia_:yes ,with final release11:05
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Analemma23Hey, what's the best ubuntu irc client???11:05
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stiffme1983ikonia_:fresh installed11:05
magnetronBhaskar1: what do you mean "it did not work"?11:05
BalchDHi, is there a MD5 checksum or similar I can get to verify my Fiesty ISO is ok?11:05
ikonia_TommyTom I would suggest using software raid, and not using lvm for your root file systems11:05
knoppixcineva care intelege ro?11:05
ikonia_stiffme1983 log a bug then11:05
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copperany idea why my IDE drive suddently got handled by a scsi driver when upgrading to ubuntu on one laptop, but not on another laptop?11:05
magnetron!best > Analemma2311:05
Zer0i meant if i could see the version number of the current build or something, i get the updates whenever they come up11:05
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slackernAnalemma23, nice nick11:05
copperdrives actually11:05
shwagcables: where is beryl-manager ?11:05
jhaigAnalemma23: Define 'best'.  :-)  A lot of people use Gaim, I think, because it is installed by default.11:05
seamus7BalchD: K3B will do that automatically ... but you do need to download the md5sum to check it against11:05
ikonia_copper libata now recognises all hard disks through the ata library as scsi11:05
Bhaskar1magnetron, not work11:05
Hairulfrcopper: It's probably ide on on and sata on the other. My sata is handled by scsi11:05
stiffme1983ikonia_: i want to report bug at first,but someone did it already11:05
TommyTomikonia_: from what i understand though, software raid i would have to wipe the whole array. i can do that. 400gb gone :(11:06
slackernAnalemma23, i prefer xchat myself, some like irssi, bitchx etc etc11:06
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ikonia_stiffme1983 update the bug with your input then11:06
Bhaskar1magnetron, it aslo search for internet11:06
copperHairulfr: those are both old laptops, both IDE only11:06
darkhack<Hairulfr> I meant when I'm running beryl and I use a+mouse scroll to make my panel transparent, but when restart pc, it went back to normal. I'm not tlaking about the transparent from panel property.11:06
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ikonia_TommyTom backup11:06
BalchDseamus7: I don't know where to get the MD5...11:06
magnetronBhaskar1: that's all the support i can give11:06
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cablesshwag, what do you mean by where?11:06
ikonia_TommyTom or use dmraid with iout lvm11:06
cables!md5 | BalchD11:06
ubotuBalchD: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:06
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tomixupgrade or re-install for version 7? does it really make any difference?11:06
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shwagcables: it didnt get installed i guess.  I just did  apt-get install beryl11:06
darkhack<Hairulfr> alt+mouse scroll I meant11:06
stiffme1983ikonia_: actually i solved the sound bug, by compiling alsa driver and alsa lib myself11:06
cablesshwag, just hit alt-f2 and run it.11:06
Bhaskar1magnetron, have u ever install from CD?11:06
TommyTomikonia_: i would if i even knew what LVM was11:06
Hairulfrdarkhack: Ok, you need to set a specific value for the panel in beryl-settings manager. Give me a sec11:06
cablesshwag, it installed it for me... hmm.11:07
cablesshwag, there's an ubuntu-beryl package you should install too.11:07
magnetronBhaskar1: yes11:07
ikonia_stiffme1983 so report that into the bug report, the problem is not the kernel but the alsa interface11:07
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hagabakawith the new version of xorg-driver-fglrx in Feisty, is it required to blacklist the fglrx module?11:07
seamus7BalchD: the ubuntu download page will have a list somewhere of all available downloads including the MD5SUM for each ...11:07
Analemma23Thanks guys, I am trying xchat, didn't know gaim did irc as well.11:07
copperikonia_: any idea why my drives are still handled as IDE on my other laptop?11:07
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cablesAnalemma23, it doesn't do it well. Gaim's IRC is really nasty.11:07
ikonia_copper different version of ubuntu11:07
copperikonia_: same11:07
copperboth feisty11:07
ikonia_copper which version ?11:08
Bhaskar1magnetron, why not working so11:08
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magnetronBhaskar1: you tell me11:08
tomixupgrade or re-install for version 7? does it really make any difference?11:08
BalchDAh, got it now, thanks seamus7 & cables!11:08
ikonia_copper thats very strange, what type of disks are in the the none scsi machine11:08
Hairulfrdarkhack: Go to Window Management>Set windows attrib by various criteria> grab you just pick the panel and the set the opacity11:08
stiffme1983ikonia_: ok, how about the ata1 error? it makes kernel freeze about 30secs11:08
ikonia_tomix do it and tell us11:08
copperikonia_: normal IDE drives11:08
shwagis it normal that im getting all these apt-get errors about  "packages cannot be authenticated!"  ?11:08
hobeSo there is no known problem with the ADSL modem from Alcatel?11:08
jimcooncatneed a simple iso burning app, have a borked xubuntu dapper right now11:08
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ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO11:08
ikonia_copper and your sure its your harddisk that showing like that - and not a cdrom11:08
Analemma23cables thanks, I'm just wanting to shunt the joins and quits to a different window... then I think xchat would be ok for me...11:08
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Hairulfrdarkhack: Grab using window type (select in the box to the left)11:09
ikonia_stiffme1983 looks like a driver error - again log a bug report11:09
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copperikonia_: both the hard drive and the DVD-ROM drive are handled as IDE11:09
cablesdoes anyone know if libpam-keyring needs any setup further than just installing the package?11:09
copper/dev/hda and /dev/hdc11:09
stiffme1983ikonia_: i compiled the original 2.6.20 from kernel.org, problem still remains11:09
ikonia_copper where they both clean fesity installsor updates11:09
K^Holtzif i wanted to do something like only allowing a certain type of traffic from a specific IP, and block all others... would i first write the iptables rule that allows from the specified ip, then write a block all rule for that traffic under it? or would the block all rule just overshadow the allow rule i wrote above it?11:10
vimalg2Can anyone tell me if there is a command-line switch or some hack/workaround that allows APT-GET to resume broken downloads? I cannot stress this enough because my ISP only provides dial-up in my area. I've been trying to download Eclipse from the repositories for a very long time. Please help!11:10
copperikonia_: yes11:10
spikebjimcooncat, gnomebaker will do it11:10
Hairulfrdarkhack: Got it working?11:10
=== Amec [n=I_pwn_qu@ip181-67-132.cust.bit.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ikonia_stiffme1983 thats because ubuntu uses the same kernel as kernel.org so if there is a driver error in that kernel - it will still be in that kernel if you build it your self11:10
ikonia_copper I'm doing some investigation, thats very unusual from what I'd expect11:10
Bhaskar1magnetron, i am in trouble from 2 days, that i could not install from CD , to install openoffice only from CD11:10
copperikonia_: actually, the difference is that on the first laptop, the one where drives are recognized as scsi drives, was first upgraded to the latest beta of feisty11:11
cablesvimalg2, you can find out what packages eclipse needs, then download them from packages.ubuntu.com with a download manager that can resume downloads.11:11
ikonia_copper you said they where both clean installs of fesity11:11
legs11hi all11:11
magnetronBhaskar1: maybe you could find an internet connection and download the packet11:11
stiffme1983ikonia_: actually at first, i thought the ata1 problem is caused by ubuntu patch to kernel11:11
copperikonia_: ikonia_ clean upgrades, yes11:11
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seamus7Hello... will deleting the contents of /etc/network/interfaces allow Network Manager to activate on reboot? It's currently not showing up in the notification area.11:11
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ikonia_stiffme1983 I'm not aware of any ata patches11:11
ikonia_copper clean upgrades ???11:11
ikonia_copper how was both installed11:11
jimcooncatthanks spikeb11:12
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copperikonia_: the first one, edgy 6.10 -> feisty beta -> feisty11:12
vimalg2cables: Is there any proxy or something i could install locally to cache partial downloads/requests from apt-get?11:12
aroonihow can i uninstalle eclipse?11:12
copperikonia_: the second one, edgy 6.10 -> feisty11:12
ikonia_copper and the second11:12
=== itguru [n=theitgur@82-69-97-242.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Bhaskar1magnetron, i want to install offline, from CD11:12
cablesvimalg2, i'm not sure, sorry...11:12
copperI clicked on the "upgrade" button like anyone else11:12
foug7.04 is very good guys! no problems so far, and most problems I had in 6.10 are now fixed with Feisty. If you havn't upgraded I suggest you do. If you're a dev, thanks for making a good os11:12
cablesBhaskar1, the CD has OpenOffice built into it.11:12
ikonia_copper ok - the atabranch that handles scsi ---> ide conversion may have been removed int he beta, I don't know at this moment int time I'll have to check when I get home11:12
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steven43126vimalg2, and webproxy should do and make sure you use http sources11:12
cablesBhaskar1, when you install Ubuntu from the CD, it has OpenOffice installed already.11:13
AmecWhen I try to upgrade to Feisty, it stops at fetching file 108 of 114, then after a few mins, it continues then gives me and error then crashes. Can anyone help me with this please?11:13
copperikonia_: it's the other way around11:13
ikonia_copper that should read - been removed in the stable release11:13
HairulfrAmec: What is the error ?11:13
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copperthe laptop that was first upgraded to the beta is the one that's handled as scsi11:13
ikonia_copper I've just corrected myself11:13
slackernAmec, it could be that the servers are a bit overloaded right now11:13
copperikonia_: ah ok11:13
AmecI don't know, I'm trying for the 4th time... I'll tell you when it returns the error.11:13
Bhaskar1cables, ya ,but i uninstall office once a time, so i want to install it again11:13
ikonia_copper there was a serious kernel error just days before release - that may have been one of the issues, I don't know off the top of my head, I'll have to investigate when I get home11:14
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compengihow can i get static ip configuration work on Feisty?11:14
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ikonia_compengi use the network configuration gui and set one11:14
copperikonia_: ok, thanks :)11:14
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magnetron!guidelines | Bhaskar111:14
richard-blainehello guys, any pointer as to where to get MD5SUM of the DVD iso (7.04)11:14
ubotuBhaskar1: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:14
copperWAY too many people in this chan :-/11:14
ikonia_richard-blaine on the ubutnu download sites11:14
compengiikonia, i don't have internet when i setup that11:14
magnetron!repeat > Bhaskar111:14
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ikonia_compengi thats because you can't set static IP's - your ISP has to set you one11:14
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ytsestefAmarok says there's no mp3 support, asks me too install, then locks up and I have to kill it... can I do anything?11:15
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Thorhehe, there should be load balancing for #ubuntu, like, you'd get redirected to one of several rooms.11:15
gustavohi! how do i prevent kernel panic happening when compiling a kernel?11:15
pukkieques, is there somewhere I can find the differences between server and desktop? The installers on the CD's are different and such, but what's actually different for the rest? do they use different repositories/start up scripts/etc?11:15
Bhaskar1magnetron, so11:15
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ikonia_gustavo you learn how to build a kerenl ?11:15
compengiikonia, nope that's not the issue, i got a router. and on edgy it works fine but on feisty no11:15
Thorgustavo: that should not happen, basically.11:15
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richard-blaineikonia : i cant seem to find any mentioning about dvd iso on the download site (or maybe i didnt look hard)11:16
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slackernytsestef, i read about it yesterday if you are in KDE it will download the correct codecs but you can also install the codec packages manually but im not sure about the names of them =/11:16
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hagabakaon http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Install_the_8.36.5_Driver_Manually , in the Method 2 section there's a paragraph about blacklisting the fglrx module, but it says it's only needed with Method 1. is that a typo?11:16
Thorgustavo: I guess something's awry in your currently running kernel, but I doubt it's related to compiling the new kernel.11:16
ikonia_richard-blaine you didn't look hard11:16
=== Thor is now known as THJ
ikonia_Thor I think he means a panic in the one he's trying to build, not the running kernel11:16
darkhack<Hairulfr> sorry it took me long to respond, but how do I set the buttom panel.11:16
ikonia_thor when he boots fromt he one he's built11:16
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THJikonia: lol11:16
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THJikonia: that might be it11:16
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T0uCHdoes anybody knows how to unload the xorg because of overwrite possibility due to customize configuration?11:16
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ikonia_T0uCH I have no idea what you mean by that question11:17
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gustavoThor: ive compiled a kernel, but it does not boot, because of kernel panic...11:17
cables!fr | T0uCH, maybe there's someone in here that could help11:17
orbin!server > pukkie  (see PM from ubotu)11:17
ubotuT0uCH, maybe there's someone in here that could help: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.11:17
ikonia_gustavo in that case you need to lean how to build kernels properly11:17
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gustavoiknonia ive did it so many times without any problem :)11:18
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ikonia_gustavo and ask yourself the question - why are you building your own kernel 99 out of a 100 people will have no issues11:18
THJgustavo: ah, like ikonia reckoned. i'm curious, why do you need to compile a kernel?11:18
darkhack<Hairulfr> oh nevermind, I got it.11:18
gustavoikonia ive did it so many times without any problem :)11:18
ikonia_gustavo then you don't need to ask how to fix it11:18
darkhack<Hairulfr> Thanks alot11:18
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THJI consider myself a power user and I never needed to compile a new kernel for any modern Linux.11:18
Hairulfrdarkhack: No problem, err.11:18
gustavolearning porpuses11:18
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ikonia_THJ exaclty11:18
THJthe worst thing I've had to do is compile new kernel modules.11:18
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ikonia_gustavo your not learning much by getting panics11:18
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magnetron!kernel | gustavo11:19
ubotugustavo: kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild11:19
ikonia_gustavo learn how to build a kernel and the ins and outs of what causes it to panic etc etc11:19
Dell-Netdiff between server and desktop installations is that server has no x server and has more server appz installed then desktop11:19
orbinseamus7: i'd leave it as is.  is nm-applet running?11:19
gustavolol, not really... but it happens while i was trying :)11:19
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seamus7orbin: sorry that's what i mean ... how do i get nm-applet to activate?11:19
gustavothanks for the help :D11:19
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ikonia_gustavo then don't say "I've done it many times" when someone advises you to learn11:19
THJNo problem11:19
gustavobut its the truth, never happened before... :)11:20
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ikonia_gustavo so "learn"11:20
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vimalg2does anyone know a hardware drivers channel? i have a nasty VIA Unichrome video chipset. Anyone share my pain? :p11:20
kissingmanMy  mplayer give me a message "fatal error"  how can i do?  Thanks....11:20
gustavoalright, thank you VERY MUCH11:20
ikonia_vimalg2 if you have a hardware issue, log it in launchpad11:20
Analemma23Here's a general question for you guys -- if I've installed one of the betas and have been using the update manager, does that mean my kernal is updated too?11:20
Hairulfrvimalg2: Isch, but you have gfx, right?11:20
magnetron!final | Analemma2311:21
roland_hey, i just downloaded right now a fresh copy of ubuntu 7.04 and burnt it on a new blank cd and inserted it to a pc on wich i wanted to install it.. my first experiences are that most programs crash, the desktop is extremely slow and unresponsive, and random applications crash including the installer11:21
orbinseamus7: make sure you have the notification area appplet on your panel, then try running nm-applet via alt+f211:21
ubotuAnalemma23: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.11:21
THJHow customized is the Ubuntu kernel? I imagine it's pretty bare-bone with all possible drivers compiled out as modules. Ubuntu being fond of GNU, I also would imagine it has no custom patches.11:21
HairulfrAnalemma23: Yes, it Final if you accepted the automatic updates11:21
gargoyle80what is currently the best direct connect client for ubuntu? :)11:21
seamus7orbin: ok thx11:21
ikonia_magnetron any ahcen you can use > instead of | with ubotu11:21
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ikonia_chance that should read11:21
slackernAnalemma23, if you got the 2.6.20-15 kernel then you got the latest (open a terminal and type 'uname -a' to see)11:21
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ikonia_THJ pretty stock11:21
THJNot that a patch goes against the principles of free software in any way, but it does seem to be the proprietary distributions that are fond of customizing the kernel.11:21
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vimalg2ikonia: thanks i'm checking out launchpad now. its something i;ve never explored b411:22
roland_hey, i just downloaded right now a fresh copy of ubuntu 7.04 and burnt it on a new blank cd and inserted it to a pc on wich i wanted to install it.. my first experiences are that most programs crash, the desktop is extremely slow and unresponsive, and random applications crash including the installer11:22
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ap1How do I get Edgy kernel source? no package "linux-tree"?11:22
THJgustavo, if you want to learn a lot about Linux, I strongly recommend playing around with Slackware.11:22
Hairulfrroland_: It's a livecd...11:22
ikonia_roland_ keep in mind your running from ram on a livecd11:22
THJthough even it has a package manager now, hehe11:22
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ikonia_ap1 there is a source deb11:23
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THJmaybe gentoo is the new slackware, hehe11:23
roland_Hairlufr: exactly, thats why using a livecd to test / install system is a hugely bad idea11:23
gustavomaybe in another time, im not good enough :)11:23
vimalg2Hairulfr: yeah. But VESA sucks. I'm interested in knowing if the Ubuntu team would integrate the OpenSource reverse-engineered drivers for VIA chipset(ref. www.unichrome.org) into their future releases11:23
ap1ikonia_: where is source deb?11:23
roland_anything can go wrong anytime11:23
THJwhen i started out in 1997 it was slackware 3.0 :)11:23
ikonia_roland_ then use the alternate cd11:23
ikonia_ap1 in the ubuntu repo's11:23
Hairulfrroland_: Maybe you are system is shte. I've never had problems with livecds anywhere11:23
ikonia_THJ that conversation is better in -offtopic11:23
HairulfrTab compeltion...bah11:23
ap1ikonia_: I can't find the package name?11:24
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ikonia_Hairulfr careful on the language11:24
vimalg2correction www.openchrome.org11:24
THJikonia: sorry, its so easy to forget, the channel name being #ubuntu, not #ubuntu-help. ^^11:24
ap1ikonia_: apt-cache search linux-kernel will not tell me...11:24
Amecailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)11:24
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gustavowhy my kernel doesnt save my bzimage on /arch/x86_64/boot instead of /arch/i386/boot ?11:24
ikonia_ap1 use synaptic and browse11:24
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roland_Hairulfr: my system runs edgy 6.10 fine (Except yesterday when suddenly out of nowhere all system started crashing and nothing worked anymore not even dpkg)11:24
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ikonia_gustavo this is not kernel help11:25
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aroonihow can i get ubuntu to ACTUALLY REMOVE ALL FILES when i do sudo apt-get remove eclipse  (i want all bits of eclipse gone)11:25
roland_and fsck died11:25
DVS01roland_: sounds like a hardware problem11:25
ap1I tried Synaptic and apt-cache11:25
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THJdpkg --purge yourpackage, arooni11:25
dungodunggah! I insert the CD rom, but it won't upgrade from it. only from the internet... even after disabling the internet updates11:25
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gustavooh, u are very helpful :)11:25
siimowoot new ubuntu downloading now!!11:25
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gustavois there a chan for kernel help? :)11:25
DVS01roland_: try using memtest86 to see if you have any ram problems11:25
ikonia_gustavo #kernel11:25
ikonia_gustavo they are quite harsh though11:25
siimogustavo: also try ##linux11:25
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Amecwhen I try to install Feisty it gives me this error: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)11:26
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DVS01roland_: also, try googling around for cpu stress testers. i also recommend keeping track of cpu and system temperature11:26
roland_DVS01: weird, only ubuntu does this, other OS runs fine11:26
ikonia_Amec its failed to fetch that package11:26
Trist_anare the packages which are dowloaded by synaptic, apt and so on are kept locally on hard drive or are they deleted after installation?11:26
magnetronarooni: sudo apt-get autoremove11:26
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DVS01roland_: if thats the case, then that's really weird11:26
arooniTHJ:  is there another option?  eclipse still sthinkgs its there11:26
Amecbut it keeps doing it11:26
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THJthat's the thing about OSS volunteer help. "thou arth inferior, but I shalt helpeth thou.", okay, time to shut up. :)11:26
ikonia_Amec and thats doesn't look like a fresh install as its usinb multiverse11:26
noiesmoTrist_an, they are nornmally stored in /var/cace/apt/archives/11:26
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Hairulfrdungodung: I thin you need the alternate to do that11:26
noiesmocace cache11:27
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THJarooni: eclipse "thinks" its there?11:27
dungodungHairulfr: alternate?11:27
vimalg2arooni: its probably just your userprefs stuff11:27
ap1ikonia_: linux-source it was11:27
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Hairulfrdungodung: Check it before you download it. There is an alternate ISO available11:27
AmecI'm upgrading through Update Manager11:27
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ikonia_Amec the repo name is selecting from multiverse, I'm not aware thatmultiverse is enabled at install time11:27
arooniok this autoremove thing worked11:27
THJarooni: if you removed eclipse using apt-get or dpkg you can probably safely delete the remaining eclipse-related files.11:27
Trist_annoiesmo, can I rm * what is archives?11:27
ikonia_Amec that package may not exist in the fesity repo11:27
Trist_annoiesmo, can I rm * what is IN archives?11:27
dungodungwhy would there be two different isos.. one for normal install, one for upgrades?11:28
AmecThen how do I install Feisty...?11:28
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Hairulfrdungodung: I thin so yes11:28
ikonia_Amec check if that package exists, or try another mirror11:28
ikonia_Amec or use the cd11:28
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Trist_anor is there a proper way to empty apt cache11:28
arooniwhats best way to install eclipse?  sudo-apt get or........ dloading from website11:28
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ikonia_Trist_an apt-get update11:28
noiesmoTrist_an, yes you can just use sudo apt-get clean11:29
ikonia_arooni apt-get -11:29
magnetronTrist_an: sudo apt-get autoclean11:29
richard-blaineikonia_ : cant seem to find it11:29
ikonia_richard-blaine find what sorry11:29
Trist_anok thanks because it eats 1.3G on my / partition so...11:29
LidisI'm having a bit of a problem installing Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop. I can't see my windows or linux partions in the installation program. It can access the partions then I mount /dev/hda2 and hda3 systems. But the installations says that the disk is unalocated.11:29
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richard-blaineikonia_ : the md5sum for the dvd iso, this here only for cds : http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS11:30
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arooniis it better to download the next ubutnu now.... or to wait a bit?11:30
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Trist_anI did sudo apt-get autoclean but my archives are still 1.1G instead of 1.3....11:30
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=== mneptok wonders who trusts MD5 hashes they get from a starnger on IRC
Hairulfrarooni: The beta has been working flawlessly for weeks, it think it's safe to download the final now11:30
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Hairulfrarooni: For me it has11:30
magnetronTrist_an: my mistake, it is sudo apt-get clean11:30
mneptokUSE BITTORRENT!11:30
Trist_anokami, thanks magnetron11:30
mrignsbittorrent downloads are not working well in feisty, portforwarding in my router and iptables is set11:31
ikonia_richard-blaine thats strange its not in the md5 list11:31
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=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mnvl] by mneptok
ikonia_Hairulfr thats not true11:31
mrignsit connect to seeders but just dont start downloading well11:31
ikonia_Hairulfr there was a serious kernel error less than a week ago11:31
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o mneptok] by mneptok
berentI have a ubuntu 6.1 LTS right now11:31
Hairulfrikonia: For some, yeah, had no problems here.11:31
berentcan i upgrade it to 7.0411:31
mneptokmrigns: what client?11:31
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richard-blaineikonia_ : maybe because they serve only the torrent for the dvd, hence chances are torrent download will be 100% perfect11:31
berentvia dist-upgrade11:31
ikonia_berent from 6.0.1 you'll have to do a clean update11:31
magnetron!upgrade >berent11:31
Trist_anberent, you have to upgrade to edgy and afterwards to feisty11:31
ikonia_richard-blaine possible but not how it sould be11:32
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mrignsmneptok: gnome-bittorrent, bittornado, azureus, no isp problem, they are working under etch11:32
berentI already have a edgy - edgy -> 6.10 right11:32
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spikeband you can go from 6.10->7.0411:32
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ikonia_richard-blaine if you look in that dir - there is no dvd image11:32
guillem101Can I interrupt the ugrade process safely? The download speed has drastically gone down and I need to stop the process and continue it perhaps tomorrow...11:33
ikonia_richard-blaine thats why there is no dvd md511:33
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ikonia_guillem101 I doubt it11:33
Trist_ansorry berent the LST confused me, Edgy is not LTS11:33
berentspikeb : how ; should i change my sources.lst?11:33
mneptokmrigns: are you set to a statci IP for the forwarding? have yfou checked to ensure the IP you think you have is, in fact, correct?11:33
richard-blaineikonia_ : there's no md5sum in the dvd's torrent directory either11:33
AmecWhen I go to the Update Manager, a window pops up saying: "Not all updates can be installed" and it gives me two options. Distrobution Upgrade and cancel. When I click Distro Upgrade it goes to download and install Edgy (which I already have). Why is it doing this?11:33
Trist_an!update | berent11:33
ubotuberent: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:33
berentTrist_an : Oh ok11:33
richard-blaineikonia_ : http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/feisty/release/dvd/11:33
LidisI'm having a bit of a problem installing Ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop. I can't see my windows or linux partions in the installation program. It can access the partions then I mount /dev/hda2 and hda3 systems. But the installations says that the disk is unalocated.11:33
hagabakafglrx is magically working for me again11:33
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ikonia_richard-blaine thats a torret dir11:33
hagabakathe package didn't get updated just now did it?11:34
noiesmoguillem101, what stage is it at if its just downloading files then yes you can it will pick up from wr it left of when you start upgrade11:34
aroonihow can i make ubuntu take a dump11:34
mrignsmneptok: i tried different ports and set them all on forwarding on my router and configured the iptables in feisty. it did all work in feisty beta though11:34
ikonia_arooni dump of what11:34
Hairulfrarooni: LOL11:34
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magnetron arooni: you mean a screenshot?11:34
guillem101hmm download speed is varying from time to time ... guess mirrors are a bit collapsed11:34
arooniits 2am and arooni is getting a little silly because of sleep deprivation11:34
richard-blaineikonia_ : that's right. There's no iso dir for dvd, hence no md5sum file. That's why I asked my first qn11:34
ikonia_arooni byeeeeeee11:34
Hairulfrarooni: Prt scr? Screenshot you mean?11:35
aroonisorry ikonia_11:35
guillem101noiesmo, exactly, it is at the downloading packages process11:35
arooniactually thats a good question11:35
ikonia_richard-blaine looks relastic explination11:35
aroonii want to make ubuntu stop making dumps of my screen11:35
AmecDoes anyone know why when I go to the Update Manager, a window pops up saying: "Not all updates can be installed" and it gives me two options. Distrobution Upgrade and cancel. When I click Distro Upgrade it goes to download and install Edgy (which I already have).11:35
mrignsmneptok: azureus shows no problems. according to it everything works but it doesnt11:35
aroonii keep hitting prtscrn by accident11:35
ryancri just enabled compiz and its nice and smooth...but the minimize, close buttons sometimes don't respond to a click, any ideas??11:35
ikonia_Hairulfr no, he was just being foolish11:35
ryancrthis is on a intel 91511:35
noiesmoguillem101, then just stop it then when you run the command again it will pick up were it left off11:35
Hairulfrikonia: Oh, I'm a humorless fool11:35
aimtrainerhi can anyone please help me to build truecrypt from source in feisty? From what I read it should not be a problem with the latest version but I just dont know how to do it11:35
noiesmoguillem101, :)11:35
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guillem101noiesmo, , to stop it, I just force the close of the "Distribution upgrade" window?11:35
ikonia_Amec what are you upgrading from11:36
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noiesmoguillem101, should do it11:36
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berentTrist_an : It shows my system is up to date11:36
fabiimwhere can i find the changelog for feisty ?11:36
ikonia_Amec it looks like all the packages you currently have installed are not upgradable/compatible with fesity11:36
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AmecHow can I fix this...?11:36
ikonia_Amec so the dist upgrade is taking the distro to the latest version that is compatible (at a guess)11:36
noiesmoguillem101, apt-get might still run in the background just open terminal and check with ps ax command11:36
richard-blaineikonia_ : well maybe i can just trust my torrent download. It's torrent!11:36
ikonia_Amec look at the packages that are not supported/compatible11:37
HairulfrI don't know if easyubuntu works with feisty 100%, if it does, wouldn't it be an idea setting it as topic for all the new users? It "uncomplicates" thing a bit11:37
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guillem101noiesmo, OK, thanks. SInce I have two machines doing the same (differerent arch and different ISP provider) I will use one to test the interruption ....11:37
ikonia_Hairulfr easyubuntu is not an ubuntu product and not supported11:37
ikonia_Hairulfr so has no business in here11:37
guillem101noiesmo, thanks for your help11:37
AmecIt doesn't give me a list..11:37
noiesmoguillem101, it'll be right :)11:37
ikonia_Amec check the log11:37
berentspikeb : It shows my system is up to date and doesn't show Fiesty Fawn11:37
AmecWhich is located where?11:37
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ikonia_Amec /var/log11:37
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LaszloKvHi, would someone be able to help me with configuring a samba share of a directory?11:37
rohantorrent.ubuntu.com is down ? my BT client cannot connect to it11:38
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noiesmoguillem101, if packages were being installed i would not want to stop it but there just downloading and apt-get keeps partial downloaded files for later11:38
Trist_anLaszloKv, yes11:38
rohani am using the torrent downloaded from releases.ubuntu.com11:38
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bullgard4What does it mean: 'to pull up a terminal' (Subject: irssi and screen)11:38
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fougcan someone explain what cached and shared memory is?11:38
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ikonia_foug its shared memory from your system thats resident in cache11:39
aimtrainerLaszloKv, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Edgy#Samba_Server11:39
fougikonia_: so it's ok if all my memory is cached?11:39
ikonia_foug shared is used by multiple "things" caches is stuff thats referenced11:39
Trist_anLaszloKv, do you want the folder to have write permission for other user?11:39
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ikonia_foug depends on whats caching it11:39
Notchnickcan I get a link of a decent version for a gparted live cd.. to repartition drives11:39
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LaszloKvNo, I want it to be read only.11:40
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fougikonia_: that i don't know, so far beryl, exaile and gaim are running.11:40
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bullgard4foug: 'cached memory' is a memory device which stores data temporarily. An example is a RAM between your main storage and your hard disk.11:40
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spikebberent, you can force it to check specifically for upgrades by typing sudo update-manager -c in a terminal window11:40
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Trist_anLaszloKv, go to http://pastebin.ca/449603 and change what should be changed and afterwards put it in /etc/samba/smb.conf11:40
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ikonia_foug its probably the kernel doing it which is fine11:40
mneptokoh dear God. some PCWorld writer is recommending Automatix.11:40
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orbinbullgard4: it means open one up11:40
Trist_anLaszloKv, mainly change the path and writeable to no11:40
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ikonia_mneptok please give me his name, so I can send an email11:41
magnetron!terminal > bullgard411:41
fougikonia_: k cool, the linux memory monitor is more technical than the one litestep had when i used windows11:41
spikebmneptok, they would.11:41
bullgard4foug: 'shared memory' is a memory that is used by mofre than one application.11:41
mneptokikonia_: letter bombs are illegal, dude.11:41
ikonia_mneptok I'm not going to bomb him11:41
bullgard4foug: more11:41
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berentspikeb : thanks11:41
mneptokikonia_: Automatix will take care of that, i guess.11:41
spikebberent, you bet.11:41
Trist_anLaszloKv, also in smb.conf in the Authentication section you have to have security = share11:41
fougbullgard4: ahh cool, makes sense thanks :D was wondering cuz my memory monitor is completly coloured out. No free memory, most of it is cache though11:41
ikonia_mneptok where did you read this recommendation11:42
LaszloKvTrist_an I have it set up with guest ok and read only and such.11:42
magnetron!automatix > mneptok11:42
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aroonimy eclipse doesnt work at all11:42
Trist_anLaszloKv, is it working?11:42
arooniorg.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Plug-in org.eclipse.ui.ide was unable toload class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.11:42
LaszloKvTrist_an and security =share11:42
mneptokikonia_: http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,130923-page,1-c,linux/article.html11:42
Trist_anI never had trouble with Automatix11:42
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ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/11:42
ikonia_mneptok thanks11:42
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LaszloKvTrist_an No, that's how I started out.11:42
bullgard4orbin: What is the difference between 'to open a terminal' and 'to open a terminal up'?11:42
mneptokmagnetron: why are you telling me about Automatix? :)11:42
berentspikeb : what are the major enhancements in fiesty?11:43
Trist_anLaszloKv, after modification did you restar samba?11:43
magnetron!automatix > magnetron11:43
LaszloKvTrist_an Yep.11:43
spikebberent, updated packages, and the restricted drivers manager.11:43
bitninja25Hey guys, I have a question about the wireless networks manager...for some reason when I put in my key, which I know is right because I use it on live CDs and the like, the box keeps coming back. I guess Ubuntu has out-of-the-box support for the IPW3945 chipset because that's what I'm using in case it helps...11:43
aroonican someone help me installing eclipse11:43
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arooniits dying for me11:43
Trist_anLaszloKv, and it doesn't work. Can you see your folder?11:43
DecadentI've problems on updating to feisty from edgy. When i start to update it gives an error saying: Your system does not contain ubuntu-desctop package and it was not possible to detect which version of ubuntu you are running. please install one of the packages above first using synaptik11:43
bullgard4magnetron: Your answer is insufficient. I do know what a terminal is.11:43
Decadentwha must i do??11:43
berentspikeb : how do i install just a server version?11:43
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mneptokbullgard4: what are you trying to do?11:44
spikebberent, you can download a server install cd image, if you wish.11:44
tommy_can someone help me?11:44
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berentspikeb : cant i upgrade to it?11:44
LaszloKvTrist_an, When I go to my ip address I can see the folder I want shared, but when I click it, it says my permission might be denied.11:44
magnetronbullgard4: it means open a terminal11:44
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tommy_im having that same tty error when trying to install 7.0411:44
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orbinbullgard4: IMO it's the same thing11:44
spikebberent, the upgrade process will just upgrade whatever you have installed.11:44
Trist_anLaszloKv, you don't have a ; before security = share right?11:44
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aroonihow can i find all files on my comp with eclipse in them11:45
bullgard4mneptok: I am trying to understand why screen could help me to use irssi better as Ubuntu documentation suggests.11:45
richard-blaine ikonia_ : well, there's a md5sum.txt for every file inside the dvd iso, I guess that will do, considering.11:45
aroonii mean eclipse in titles11:45
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jonomneptok: can I join the happy club?11:45
Trist_anLaszloKv, I can post my  smb.conf if you want11:45
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berentspikeb: how long will it take to upgrade. i mean size11:45
LaszloKvTrist_an, Nope, no semi-colon.11:45
bullgard4magnetron: Thank you.11:45
Jove`arooni: find / -name *eclipse*11:45
ryancrhmmm it seems that the titlebar of the window is not even there, right clicking it gives me the menu as if i right clicked on my desktop11:45
mneptokjono: sure. get in line for your requisite lobotomy. :)11:45
ryancrsilly compiz11:45
ay_Hi Is there any alternative dapper drake installation CD's?11:45
ay_(with newer kernels)11:45
bullgard4orbin: Ok. Thank you.11:45
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magnetronarooni: don't delete the files manually, use synaptic to install /uninstall software11:45
gustavois there any way to upgrade a 386 system to amd-64?11:46
=== ay_ wants to runn LTS-versions but dapper LTS does not install on newer dell and IBM servers
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LaszloKvTrist_an, Posting your smb.conf would probably help.11:46
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Trist_anLaszloKv, http://pastebin.ca/44961011:46
mneptokbullgard4: if you don't know what a terminal is, irssi+screen will be more frustration than its worth, IMO.11:46
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Trist_anLaszloKv, I have to go for lunch. pm if if it works or not11:46
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Tomcat_ay_: No. Dapper only has old kernels, it's the whole point of new releases to get new software ;)11:46
mneptokbullgard4: use a GUI client until you get on your feet in Linux, and revisit this in a couple months.11:46
bullgard4mneptok: Who tells you that I do not know what a 'terminal' is? I do know what a terminal is.11:46
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Notchnickcan I get a link of a decent version for a gparted live cd.. to repartition drives11:47
babothis is the second time that my system upgrade has failed with errors such as ...11:47
baboFailed to fetch http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/dists/edgy/Release.gpg Could not connect to packages.freecontrib.org:80 (, connection timed out11:47
=== bitninja25 cries out in frustration at wireless networking in linux!!
tommy_is there a solution to this:     /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off11:47
LaszloKvTrist_an, Thanks.11:47
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mneptokbullgard4: 05:43 < bullgard4> magnetron: Your answer is insufficient. I do know what a terminal is.  <--- sorry, read too fast11:47
coz_who is resonsible for the feisty beryl default repo11:47
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ay_Tomcat_: Eh. Yes. But not for LTS-releases.11:47
bullgard4mneptok: Your speech contradicts the Ubuntu rules.11:47
mneptokbullgard4: what are you stuck on?11:47
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ay_Tomcat_: Servers that is.11:47
fougis there a command to refresh my memory? so it's not all cached11:47
matt__so anything that is worth checking out that feisty can do that edgy couldn't do?11:47
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mneptokbullgard4: excuse me?11:47
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dgoldbabo: those are non-canonical repos11:47
ay_Debian usually has loads of alternative bootdisks.11:47
berentspikeb: how long will it take to upgrade. i mean size11:47
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ay_After it's up and running. Kernel isn't a problem.11:48
magnetronNotchnick: if you have the Ubuntu desktop cd, you can use that. it has gparted on it already11:48
Tomcat_ay_: Why shouldn't it be? Old releases are frozen, new releases get new kernels.11:48
spikebberent, hmm, no idea actually i havent upgraded11:48
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protocol1hey I got those ATI drivers installed11:48
ay_Tomcat_: So what do you suggest I run on a productions server (Say 20 of them)11:48
magnetronprotocol1: nice11:48
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babodgold: why is it going to non-canonical repos ? Should I comment them out of my repo selection ?11:48
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protocol1yeah they awesome11:48
berentmneptok : how long will it take to upgrade from 6.1 to 7.04. i mean size11:49
babowhat's that file called again ?11:49
MagnusRHi! Is it an easy way to see what packages are new in the repository for feisty compared to edgy?11:49
dgoldbullgard4: the irssi+screen combo is good if you leave your irssi session running on a emote computer, which means you can come back to it later without losing connectivity11:49
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pukkieorbin: thanks, but now i still don't know nothing about the repositories and such :) are they the same?11:49
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Tomcat_ay_: Either dapper (with your own kernel, if you absolutely need it), or edgy (which is quite stable now).11:49
mneptokberent: depends on how you do it.11:49
ay_I can't upgrade dist on servers every 18 months. When you got hundreds of them. That's what LTS is for.11:49
tommy_how do i fix this :            /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off11:49
protocol1hopefully I dont lockup in Counter Stike now11:49
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dgoldbabo: check the comments file - see *why* the freecontrib.org/plf stanza is in your sources.list11:49
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berentmneptok : i am doing it via update-manager11:50
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guillem101noiesmo, The process seems to be as follows: 1 kill process called "feisty" 2 goto /etc/apt and copy sources.list.distUpgrade to sources.list11:50
Tomcat_ay_: Yes, but if the kernel doesn't support your hardware, it's usually too new. You can't run MS-DOS 5.0 on current systems either ;)11:50
ay_Tomcat_: I can't run edgy, because that is out of support in a short while. dapper with own kernel is nice. But how.11:50
mneptokberent: good luck. the mirrors are hammered.11:50
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Angel-SLhi, where do i find the MD5SUMs?11:50
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orbinpukkie: my guess is yes, but perhaps you should ask in the relevant channel?  i don't run one.11:50
bullgard4dgold: But if I do not  use a remote computer, screen will give no value added, right?11:50
guillem101noiesmo, I'm reboooting to see if I can continue from where I was...11:50
mneptokberent: that will take quite a bit of time11:50
StigHi. How to I check to make sure my nvidia graphics drivers are installed correctly?11:50
Tomcat_ay_: There are guides for getting your own kernel in dapper...11:50
adultswimI read online that you're supposed to go to System > Preferences > Session > Session Options to disable the gnome splash screen, but the option isnt there... did it get moved to a adifferent place for fiesty?11:50
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ay_Tomcat_: Yes of course. But you need to get the installer running first.11:50
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berentmneptok : any idea about size approx .11:50
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ay_Can't install if the installer does not see the raid or the networkcard.11:51
Angel-SLhi, where do i find the MD5SUMs?11:51
tommy_how do i fix this:               "/bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off"11:51
Tomcat_ay_: I guess I don't have a good solution then. :\11:51
mneptokberent: no idea. depends on the individual.11:51
=== GSlicer [n=gslicer@203-206-53-114.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ay_This goes for _all_ new Dell's and IBM servers.11:51
dgoldbullgard4: I use screen on non-networked computers - I like to be able to create new windows, run processed and come back to them without worrying about closing the gnome-terminal window. YMMV11:51
lzaphello, how to upgrade from a mirror? I mean, I wonder to click on update in update-manager, its so slow and I wonder if it will use the main archive (which is currently under high load)11:51
babodgold: I dunno. It just says Penguin Liberation Front. I guess I shoudl comment out that and quite a few of the other repos too ? They are probably getting /. with the upgrade ...11:51
Tomcat_ay_: You can try Debian, that might work.11:51
alleyoopsterAngel-SL: you can find them on the cd11:51
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berentmneptok : individual. what do u mean?11:51
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tommy_is anyone having the same problem as me?                    "/bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off"11:51
Angel-SLalleyoopster: ...11:51
magnetron!md5 | Angel-SL11:51
ay_Tomcat_: Yes. That's whats we've been running for the last 10 years.11:51
Tomcat_ay_: As I said, you can't expect old software to run on new servers, and Ubuntu only gets an LTS release every couple of years... :\11:52
babodo I have to reload anything after updating sources.list ?11:52
orbinStig: run glxinfo and you should hopefully see stuff about nvidia and direct rendering should say yes.11:52
mneptokberent: if you have hundreds of extra packages installed that i don't, your upgrade takes longer.11:52
BlackAnthraxso any new software for feisty worth checking out?11:52
ay_Tomcat_: That's why you release newer install-media.11:52
StigIs System > Administration > Restricted drivers manager the correct way to install GFX drivers on Feisty for my nvidia graphics card?11:52
ubotuAngel-SL: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:52
bullgard4dgold: Understood. Thank you very much.11:52
mrignsaaaah this torrent issue annoys me :( the logs won't show any probs11:52
mneptokStig: yes11:52
mrignsit's just not working, im clueless11:52
ay_Or someone has a repository of alternative install-media.11:52
ay_But I havn't found one yet.11:52
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orbinbabo: yes, click reload in synaptic or run sudo apti-get update11:52
tommy_whats this:    /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off, help me!11:53
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bef_My name is jimmy mcpeach and I want an ubuntu on my repositorital portail?11:53
StigThanks. By the way, I think Feisty is absolutely awsome. I was new to Edgy and found it hell trying to install my network, wireless card drivers, etc. Feisty done it all for me when I first booted it up! :P11:53
ay_Tomcat_: Or a way to load newer drivers during install from a cd or floppy.11:53
adultswimhow do i disable the gnome splash screen in feisty?11:53
alleyoopsterAngel-SL: if you have the cd , there is a file there md5, but I see the bot got off his arse :)11:53
berentmneptok : ok lets say i press upgrade button in update-manager . will it show me size and ask me if i want to proceed or directly start off upgrading11:53
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tommy_whats this: /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off, help me!11:53
dgoldbabo: those sound like 3rd aprty repos which were added for specific tasks. comment them in, then run synaptic. In synpatic, click on the 'status' button, and select the 'Installed (local or obsolete)' - this will give you an idea of what was installed "ex-cathedra"11:53
mneptokadultswim: System -> Admin -> Login Window11:53
Angel-SLi need the sum for 7.04, as i suspect my ISO is corrupted!@11:53
tommy_whats this: /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off, help me!11:53
guillem101noiesmo, Yess! it works11:54
Angel-SLand i can't burn.11:54
mneptokberent: have you started this process?11:54
tommy_whats this: /bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off, help me!11:54
magnetron!md5 > Angel-SL11:54
mneptoktommy_: please do not repeat11:54
bitninja25Hey guys can anyone help me with a wireless config problem?11:54
berentmneptok : nope. thats why i am asking11:54
tommy_sorry, im frustrated11:54
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adultswimmneptok: no it isnt... thats just login settings... (if i'm wrong, which tab is it under cuz i didnt see it)11:54
os2maccan anyone recommend a keyserver?11:55
ikonia_keyserver ?11:55
Angel-SLmagnetron: I don't have the sum to compare with!!11:55
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os2macgpg keyserver for email signatures11:55
babois it safe to surf the net while upgrading ?11:55
mneptokberent: use a torrent to get the alternate CD. torrent downloads are really healthy right now. then, update your sources.list swapping "feisty" for "edgy" and ensure the Feisty CD is an available repo.11:55
StigOK. It looks like the nvidia drivers are installed. Now I would like a good desktop themes, etc. On Edgy I tried Beryl and had nothing but problems with it, it seemed to make my Ubuntu very slow, even though I have a very good hardware. What is Compiz like? Is it more stable than Beryl? Do I need to use both, or do they basically do the same thing?11:55
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franhola alguien de espaa11:56
mneptokberent: it's like getting repo updates at BitTorrent speeds ;)11:56
magnetronAngel-SL: so download the sum to compare with11:56
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noiesmoguillem101, :)11:56
franhola alguien de espaa11:56
Angel-SLmagnetron: WHERE?!11:56
magnetron!es > fran11:56
adultswimstig, im using beryl on a low end computer, and it looks really good... no performance problems.11:56
magnetron!md5 > Angel-SL11:56
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TheoMurpsei just upgraded to Feisty, and when I select it in GRUB, it loads up a bit, then black screens and freezes. What can I do to diagnose th problem?11:56
Angel-SLmagnetron: NEITHER of these two links provide them!!!!11:57
lieterHi guys, how can i set VLC as default media player?11:57
StigWhenever I tried to minimize windows, scroll down pages, close windows, etc. It was VERY slow... When I changed the windows manager to default, it was much better11:57
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StigI might give it a try, if it messes up again, can I uninstall it OK?11:57
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mneptokadultswim: switch from Themed11:57
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franillo alguien de espaa cojone11:57
franablarme porfa11:57
broylesHi all, i am trying to install 7.04 desktop on my laptop and when it reboots all i am getting is Hard disk boot sector invalid, i have tried to install grub manually but 0 joy any help?11:57
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orbinlieter: video files? dvds?  both?11:58
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lieterorbin, both11:58
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magnetronAnge-SL: the md5s are to find at the sameplace as the isos11:58
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lieteri dislike mplayer for some reason (i used vlc on windows before ;))11:58
StigSo is it best to use Beryl and Compiz together? Is it easier to install on Feisty than it was on Edgy?11:59
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orbinlieter: well my method:  for files, in nautilus, right-click on the video file > properties > open with tab.11:59
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SubMOAok... got a good question for you programmers... I am looking for a way to "auto-hide" my panel when I mouse over a certain area.  I have Beryl and  I can activate sides/corners, etc. to run scripts (I think).  Anyway, it is on the LEFT SIDE (running up and down) and I want the autohide to move the panel UP and DOWN (not left and right like the generic autohide does)  Any help?12:00
orbinlieter: for DVDs, sys > prefs > removable > multimedia tab12:00
mc44Stig: you cant use both at the same time12:00
magnetronStig: use one at a time. Compiz is bundled with feisty and easy to enable12:00
Stigoh ok12:00
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StigI might as well try Compiz firsy12:00
Stigfirst* :O12:00
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pleb2hey ppl i need help12:00
StigHow do I enable Compiz then?12:00
matasonWhat's the name of the restricted madwidi package that Ubuntu 6.06 uses?12:01
SubMOAthe new (unsupported) beryl plugin for grouping is awesome... it's like the windows on the Sun Java OS (forgot the name) where you can have windows on the back of windows.12:01
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:01
lieterorbin, ok i changed totem %m to vlc %m12:01
LjLStig: System / Preferences / Desktop effects12:01
lieterfor DVD's12:01
Angel-SLmagnetron: there is only up to 6.10 at UbuntuHashes!12:01
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predaeusSubMOA, probably ask in ##gnome as this is the gnome-panel or in #kde or where if you are using kde12:01
pleb2im trying to install java into firefox in ubuntu and whenever i try it, using the step by step on the java site.... it crashes firefox and i have to remove it again... is there not a package for this like the sun-java5-plugin in debian????12:01
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HairulfrSubMOA: Nice :) where'd you get it?12:01
broylesHi all, i am trying to install 7.04 desktop on my laptop and when it reboots all i am getting is Hard disk boot sector invalid, i have tried to install grub manually via a chroot but still no joy12:01
SubMOApredaeus, Ahhaa... thank you... I didn't even think of that.  Much appreciated.12:02
SubMOAHairulfr, its in the repos under "unsupported" or something to that effect.  I think there was a video of it, let me check12:02
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jojo2024someone knows why the hell the feisty/sympa-5.2.3 package creates an empty database ???12:03
jojo2024(an empty mysql database)12:03
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Lucasi have a problem....i cant activate nvidia drivers....when i activate them nothing happens....then i restart the computer but still nothing....pls help12:03
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mc44Lucas: how do you know the drivers arent enabled?12:04
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SubMOAHairulfr, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eotwBwXquqw&NR12:04
pukkiejojo2024: ? called test by any chance?12:04
TheoMurpsei just upgraded to Feisty, and when I select it in GRUB, it loads up a bit, then black screens and freezes. What can I do to diagnose th problem?12:04
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jwisecongratulation for feisty release!12:04
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QwertyMProblem : I installed a fresh feisty copy now, did an apt-get install of nvidia-legacy-something and nvidia-common and nvidia-xgl-config (3 things in total, one was already installed Apt reported) Now on reboot, after the boot up screen it just hangs on a black screen... any fixes?12:04
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TheoMurpseQwertyM sounds like my problem I'm having right now12:04
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UnspeakingThanks for the help here's what I got afterwards:12:04
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Lucasbecous when i want to activate desktop effects it is  always asking me to turn on nvidia drivers12:04
Trentsterhow do i sort out this problem when i run an apt-get update "W: GPG error: http://security.ubuntu.com edgy-security Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>"12:05
QwertyMTheoMurpse: Oh, okay, good if it has a fix, cause am not in a mood to reinstall again :(12:05
brahmin63hi there12:05
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LjL!gpgerr > Trentster    (Trentster, see the private message from Ubotu)12:05
TheoMurpseQwertyM I've no idea if it has a fix. I'm looking at a black screen right now for the past 10 minutes :(12:05
jojo2024pukkie : i don't undestand your answer ....12:05
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ubotuGetting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Read the top section of http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:05
mc44TheoMurpse: what graphics card do you have?12:05
QwertyMTheoMurpse: What could be the issue but? I got an 7600 GT AGP 8x12:06
pukkiejojo2024: mysql by default has an empty database called test every distribution i ever came across has it12:06
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TheoMurpsemc44 S3 or something. It's onboard graphics in an Averatec laptop.12:06
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LjLTrentster: i'm not really sure it's explained at the top of the *page* anymore, but if you generate a custom sources.list from it, it's explained in there (and the key hashes given)12:06
jojo2024pukkie, ok for a test base but not OK for an empty SYMPA base12:06
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TrentsterLjL, thanks12:07
brahmin63is there any way to encrypt whole filesystem and then access it from windows with samba?12:07
HairulfrSubMOA: Nice ,cheers12:07
tommy_about two mins into installing 7.04 (feisty) this error comes up :12:07
tommy_Busy Box v1.1.3 (Debian 1:1.1.3-3ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash)12:07
tommy_Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands12:07
Lucasi've tried change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf but the X crushes12:07
epimeteoi'm trying to install horde3 in an ubuntu server to make a tutorial to install horde3 in ubuntu. I installed it with aptitude horde3, all went well, but i can't get to horde3 to work. I believe there's some post-install configurations to do, but i can't find any documentation apart the one in the official site and those are not for debian/ubuntu. could anybody help me about this, please?12:07
tommy_/bin/sh: can't access tty: Job control turned off12:07
QwertyMHow do you switch to another virtual terminal btw? Alt F1 ?12:07
alleyoopstertommy_ it's a bug12:07
UnspeakingPlease append a correct "root" boot option root device "<null>" unknown (8,3) VFS: cannot open kernal panic - not syncing: VFS unable to mount root FS on unknown - block (8,3)12:07
TheoMurpsemc44: yES, it's got S3 graphics onboard the mobo.12:07
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UnspeakingAny idea :-s12:07
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LjLQwertyM: Alt Fsomething, yes12:08
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LjLQwertyM: Alt F7 is X. from inside X, you need Ctrl Alt Fsomething12:08
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tommy_any solution for this "bug" yet?12:08
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QwertyMLjL: Okay, thanks. Unfortunately my X is broken though :P12:08
brahmin63is here anyone security related?12:09
LjLQwertyM: how broken?12:09
alleyoopstertommy_ not that I can see, there is a long discussion on it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2486049#post248604912:09
linoleumhello, how can I install my 8800gtx with feisty ? it doent work and the nivida drivers with nvidia-glx is too old12:09
QwertyMWeird, Alt + F2 gives me a cursor blinking thats all...12:09
QwertyMUm, no splash, just boot screen and then a blank black LjL12:09
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LjLQwertyM: means there's no terminal running on it, for some reason12:09
mc44linoleum: nvidia-glx-new12:09
glickhows the new feisty12:10
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LjLQwertyM: so you cannot get to a terminal at all?12:10
alleyoopstertommy_ you can add your story here, I did12:10
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QwertyMLjL: Am on Alt+F1 on recovery mode boot now12:10
SlartHello, for some reason my external dvd drive is automounted in /media/floppy0, this isn't a very big problem but I'd like to know how I can change it to.. say /media/dvd instead. Anyone have any hints?12:10
TheoMurpsemc44: I am able to boot into recovery mode, if that helps any.12:10
tommy_yeah, ill just have to create an account first12:10
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mc44TheoMurpse: what happens when you run startx in recovery mode?12:10
LjLQwertyM: ah, in recovery mode there's probably just the Alt+F1 terminal12:10
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pikkioSomebody here knows where Feisty md5sums are placed?12:11
QwertyMLjL: Oh okay12:11
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magnetronpikkio: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS12:11
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TheoMurpsemc44: looks like it's loading X properly12:11
alleyoopstertommy_: are you running edgy at them moment?12:11
linoleummc44: tkx. How is it possible that I can see it with an apt-cache search nvidia-glx-new, and I cannot see them in the add/remove appliction, nor in the restricted drivers manager?12:11
brahmin63is there any way to encrypt whole filesystem and then access it from windows with samba?12:11
pikkiomagnetron: tx12:11
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tommy_yes im on it now12:11
QwertyMLjL: Any idea if nvidia packages are broken by any chance?12:11
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QwertyMTheoMurpse: Works?12:11
LjLQwertyM: i really don't think, but i cannot quite tell because i think i still have "leftover" unofficial packages from edgy12:11
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sigixcan anyone help me with this bug?:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/10511512:12
TheoMurpseQwertyM: recovery mode works, and then when i run startx, it loads properly. Everything is up and looking great.12:12
mc44linoleum: hmm not sure, I thought retricted manager could cope with that12:12
rambo3make it clickeble sigix12:12
TheoMurpseI wonder what it is about regular boot12:12
alleyoopstertommy_ some folks reported this breaking edgy after upgrade, so proceed with caution with this machine, read up on it a bit12:12
glickis it easy to dual boot feisty and vista?12:12
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Masse^^glick: Yes12:12
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QwertyMLjL: Okay. :)12:12
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QwertyMTheoMurpse: Ohk, lemme try. Btw, try normal boot now?12:12
alleyoopstertommy_ maybe worth staying with edgy until it is fixed12:12
magnetronglick: yes it is12:12
tommy_i will, but this ubuntu 6.10 has nothing important on it so i wouldnt care if it gets wiped12:13
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mohammedhi. what is the difference between hte dvd and cd versions of feisty?12:13
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barktpolarHello Ubuntu Users12:13
alleyoopstertommy_ if you upgrade that might just happen ;)12:13
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magnetron!dualboot > glick12:13
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rambo3sigix, status on that bug is confirmd and high , pach should be out soon12:14
tommy_no loss, ive already wiped once today thinking that if i get rid of GRUB it will work.....it didnt12:14
Chai_Sangeenwhat's the ubuntu hangout channel?12:14
barktpolarWho uses 7.04?12:14
LucasI do12:14
Slart#ubuntu-offtopic perhaps?12:14
barktpolar#ubuntu-offtopic I think12:14
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sigixyeah, my update-manager is in a boinked state and I was just trying to fix it...12:15
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magnetron!offtopic > Chai_Sangeen12:15
TheoMurpseso qwerty disappeared...12:15
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barktpolarI love the system, I have the internet working on it and finally for once, my sound works12:15
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Chai_Sangeenthanx guys12:15
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brahmin63 is there any way to encrypt whole filesystem and then access it from windows with samba?12:15
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dsdgErr http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main libssl0.9.8 0.9.8a-7ubuntu0.312:16
IndyGunFreakI'll be glad when everyone has 7.04, and the servers speed up..lol12:16
Slartbrahmin63: i'm not sure if truecrypt can do this.. but perhaps..12:16
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dsdgConnection failed12:16
dsdgany advice?12:16
Slartbrahmin63: at least it can encrypt your filessystem12:16
TheoMurpsemc44: I can't even ctrl+alt+f1 to get to a terminal12:16
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barktpolardsdg, try using torrents?12:16
mc44TheoMurpse: on normal boot?12:16
SlartIndyGunFreak: try some other server.. I updated from a server in finland.. got ~900kB/s12:16
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derventerhi can anyone help me with a pcmcia+kismet?12:16
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TheoMurpsemc44: yes, on normal; if i do recovery mode, and then startx, it seems to work dandy.12:17
dsdgbarktpolar, i have never used it, is it difficult? maybe i should just get the deb file?12:17
kleftisxhello last night i was upgrade to feisty via terminal...and the power gets of as downloading the packages...so the computer shuts down. is there any way to resume downloads of feisty upgrades?12:17
glicklooks like dell will be offering preinstalled ubuntu soon12:17
IndyGunFreakdsdg, i've got ti installed no prob, i had a torrent going at 600k... its been downloading programs via the package manager thats been slow.12:17
pleb2im trying to install java into firefox in ubuntu and whenever i try it, using the step by step on the java site.... it crashes firefox and i have to remove it again... is there not a package for this like the sun-java5-plugin in debian????12:17
ay_Is there a way to bootstrap the dapper installer with a edgy og feisty-installer? Or even a debian installer?12:17
M_Fatihi pressed CTRL+C when upgrading, and some packages broked. i'm trying to apt-get -f install or dpkg-reconfigure package but not works. "openoffice.org-style-default" package , can't remove/purge, reinstall reconfigure .. how must i do?12:17
mc44TheoMurpse: does it go black after the boot up with the orange bar, or before?12:17
TheoMurpsemc44: right now in normal mode it has done that loading-bar thing with the ubuntu logo12:17
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TheoMurpsemc44: after the orange bar it goes black12:17
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barktpolardsdg: What are you using now?12:17
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:17
mneptokpleb2: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin12:17
mc44TheoMurpse: try ctrl-alt-bkspace?12:17
CookedGryphonkleftisx: it should do that automatically ifyou carry on the apt-get upgrade12:17
alleyoopsterglick: where did you see this?12:18
pleb2mneptok thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu12:18
TheoMurpsemc44: and it's the kind of black where the OS is sending "all black" to it, as opposed to the monitor not getting power...12:18
TheoMurpsemc44: ctrl-alt-backspace also does nothing12:18
glickalleyoopster, at linuxhomepage.com12:18
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kleftisxCookedGryphon : you mean apt-get dist-upgrade ?12:18
glickits an rss agregate site12:18
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ubuntu_noobHello,  error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp"  ?12:18
bullgard4kleftisx: You might consider the wget command.12:18
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dsdgbarktpolar, apt-get12:18
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glickmike dell is runnin ubuntu on one of his new pcs12:18
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glickfeisty fawn12:18
brahmin63Slart: Im trying to to encrypt with dm-crypt and LUKS on Feisty  but not sure about sharing it then with samba12:18
dsdgbarktpolar, in the console, i only have ssh to the box,12:18
M_Fatih-- i pressed CTRL+C when upgrading, and some packages broked. i'm trying to apt-get -f install or dpkg-reconfigure package but not works. "openoffice.org-style-default" package , i can't remove/purge, reinstall reconfigure.. what must i do?12:18
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mc44TheoMurpse: so when you run startx in recovery mode does it go to the login screen or straight into gnome?12:18
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TheoMurpsemc44 straight into gnome12:19
barktpolarWhat system I meant (Ubuntu, Windows)12:19
mc44TheoMurpse: sounds like a problem with gdm12:19
dsdgbarktpolar, ubuntu dapper,12:19
IndyGunFreakglick, where did you hear that?(about Michael Dell?)12:19
TheoMurpsemc44: so i just let normal mode sit a while, and it's finally (after 5 minutes or so) brought up the login screen12:19
barktpolarthen try the .torrent idea and see12:19
CookedGryphonkleftisx: yeah that too, it downloads all the packages individually to /var/cache/apt/ then installs them when its done12:19
sand_stormcan anyone help me12:20
mc44TheoMurpse: hmm. Thats very odd12:20
scrimplehelo, what is the best p2p program for ubuntu?12:20
Slartbrahmin63: ah.. haven't used dm-crypt nor Luks.. but have you tried just sharing the mounted drive as usual in samba? I don't know if some kind of password pops up on the server or how it works... but it's worth a try12:20
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rambo3glick, #ubuntu-offtopic12:20
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sand_stormi downloaded ubuntu 7 were can i get the MD5 for it12:20
M_Fatih? i pressed CTRL+C when upgrading, and some packages broked. i'm trying to apt-get -f install or dpkg-reconfigure package but not works. "openoffice.org-style-default" package , i can't remove/purge, reinstall reconfigure.. what must i do?12:20
ubuntu_noobhello How do I fix  error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp"  ? I've installed gcc and g++....12:20
kleftisxCookedGryphon : i try its and starts from the start again12:20
ikonia_sand_storm for the dvd or cdrom12:20
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crzyboonanyone here want to help me with a teeny weeny perl script :D12:20
Slartsand_storm: try the ubuntu site... don't know the exakt url but it ought to be there12:20
alleyoopsterglick: I don't see it, there is an article with a  question about "Michael's Dells linux choice" (is this the one), but last I heard Dell didn't know what dist to use.12:20
rambo3ubuntu_noob, build-essential12:20
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ikonia_sand_storm dvd or cdrom12:20
sand_storm6.10 was the only one in the site12:21
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rambo3and you  ll need libstdc++12:21
glickalleyoopster, follow that link i pasted12:21
barktpolardownload it from one of the mirrors and ubuntu should have a bittorrent program in it to help you12:21
ikonia_sand_storm dvd or cdrom12:21
Amecwhere is sources.lst located?12:21
glickalleyoopster, the first computer the laptop12:21
ikonia_Amec /etc12:21
=== t0ms [n=thomas@host86-153-167-191.range86-153.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ikonia_sand_storm it on ubuntus main download site12:21
rambo3Amec, use synatpic12:21
ProncoAmec, /etc/apt/sources.list12:21
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SputnikI'm having problem with second CD-Rom- /dev/scd1       /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0 (line from fstab), but there is no scd1 in /dev/ folder. What should I do?12:22
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Linuturkmy upgrade window isn't responsive. It is hung up at Installing new version of config file /etc/init.d/powernowd ...12:22
glicki cant wait for my 22inch widescreen from dell12:22
Linuturkwhat should I do?12:22
brahmin63Slart: yes, samba uses pass for authentication, and it works for me quite well, but i need to encrypt my data, and not sure about the compatibility, thanks anyway.12:22
glickberyl will look nice12:22
ikonia_glick we don't care12:22
sand_stormi cant find it12:22
sand_stormcan anyone link me please12:23
=== ma7th3w [n=chatzill@74-132-244-140.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
dimebarglick: apart from black windows ;(12:23
ikonia_sand_storm md5sums for a fesity cdrom ?12:23
lieterhi guys, stupid question my opera locks up every now and then (opening a new tab etc) and then i cant browse, the windows fades to black (beryl?)12:23
glickikonia, dont be hating12:23
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ikonia_glick I'm not - but this channel is busy enough with out pointless converstion12:23
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dimebarlieter: its a bug with the nVidia drivers12:23
sand_stormnot sure it is 7.0412:23
slackernlieter, nvidia card?12:23
SlartAmec: /etc/apt/12:24
CookedGryphonkleftisx: are you sure? it wouldn't come up blah : already downloaded, i would jsut say fewer packages needed to be downloaded cos it can already see the others on your computer12:24
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slackernlieter, ah as dimebar said then.12:24
MadpilotAmec, /etc/apt/sources.list12:24
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itguruokay, I got a strange problem - I just downloaded and install ubuntu server, and I moved my website into /var/www/apache2-default/ and it's still showing the index of the directory12:24
M_FatihLinuturk: selam12:24
itguruwithout my website showing up12:24
alleyoopsterglick: ??12:24
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CookedGryphonkleftisx: to prove it to yourself you could see how many packages it says need downloading, let it download a couple of small ones, then cancel it and run it again and you will see that it looks like its starting again but its actually not bothering re-downloading the packages you already got12:24
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lieterno, not that bug :)12:24
kleftisxCookedGryphon : yes it have download all packages men thx12:24
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kleftisxCookedGryphon : how to install them now all those packages? one by one?12:24
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CookedGryphonLinuturk: have you looked at the terminal window? it might be asking you a question12:24
lieterslackern, i can still see contents in black&white12:24
CookedGryphonkleftisx: nope, just do exactly what you did before, it will still install the already downloaded packages, just not bother downloading them again12:24
UbuntulatorI'm after some advice on what the best java packages are for the feisty system and firefox ?12:24
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dimebarlieter: is the window 'negative' in colour?12:24
slackernlieter, all i know is that there is a bug that causes windows to go black/odd when the cards ram is filled12:24
ikonia_sand_storm whats this ??? http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS you didn't look very far12:24
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LinuturkCookedGryphon, the terminal window is open. In fact, I can't shrink it or anything, It is just hung up. no drive access or anything12:24
Slartlieter: beryl fades windows that are not responding.. it's a feature =)12:24
lieterSlart, i know, but why is opera not responding :P12:25
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fougwhat's the command to search apt-get?12:25
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CookedGryphonfoug: apt-cache search blah12:25
lieterfoug, apt-get searhc [name] 12:25
slackernapt-cache search file12:25
rambo3foug, aptitude search12:25
Slartlieter: someone made an oopsie? =).. I have no idea..something broken..12:25
kleftisxok brb12:25
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sand_stormthanx, i dont know how i missed it  =/12:25
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lieterslarts its a clean install of feisty and opera XD12:25
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dimebarlieter: do you have flash installed?12:26
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mrjoneshello, im looking for a linux distribution for my old pc (700 mhz, 128 mb ram). the download page tells me i nedd 256 minimum :(.......what to do now?12:26
ikonia_sand_storm because you didn't look12:26
aldinanyone know irc channel for tango-project icons?12:26
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Slartlieter: yes? clean install != everything works.. my firefox dies on some javascript.. it happens12:26
lieterdimebar, yes12:26
CookedGryphonLinuturk: in which case i'm sorry i dunno what's the matter12:26
ikonia_aldin no - its just one guy who creates them so there is no channel12:26
rambo3aldin, try ubuntuforums12:26
ubotuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre12:26
CookedGryphonmrjones: there's an option on the download page, saying click here for desktops with less than 256 isn't there?12:26
dimebarlieter: did you notice if it hangs when navigating away from a flash movie page (like youtube/dailymotion etc)12:26
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lieterslackern, i expect it to XD12:26
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aldinikonia, can u help me: checking for XML::Simple... configure: error: XML::Simple perl module is required for icon-naming-utils12:27
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lieterdimebar, not really12:27
ikonia_aldin what are you trying to do ?12:27
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mrjonesok thx...hope this will work12:27
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lieterclosing a tab from binsearch for instance does that12:27
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup12:27
dimebarlieter: ok - my opera does that :) wondering if i was alone12:27
aldinikonia, to ./configure icon-naming-utils for tango icons12:27
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lieteri really wanna get opera working, i love opera :)12:27
ikonia_aldin find support fo the icon-naming-utils package12:27
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crzyboonlieter, so download the .deb and start off :)12:28
ikonia_aldin you need the simple perl xml module installed12:28
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aldinikonia, check this requirements i have all but xml-perl http://tango.freedesktop.org/Installation12:28
rambo3perl dom12:28
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lietercrzyboon, i already got it ;)12:28
aldinikonia, what is the name of package?12:28
crzyboonbtw, since we're talkign about opera, anyone mind telling me how to get rid of the awful motif library ?12:28
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ikonia_aldin the error says you need that tnough12:28
=== KnickLighter [n=knick@knickzorius.com] has joined #ubuntu
myUserNameI am installing ubuntu and the dev team seem to of been stupid enough not to allow for a timeout in the configure-apt section of the installer... this is a real problem because i am not connecting to one of the servers properly and its frozen the installer is there a way to recover or will i have to start over with my network turned off?12:29
crzyboonI think its some qt library package12:29
aldinikonia, i know, but, i dontk know which package to pull though...12:29
ikonia_myUserName there is timeouts - and don't call the dev team stupid - your the one using their products. Thats a Poor way to ask for and get help12:29
ikonia_aldin research sir12:29
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tommy_bye all12:30
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rambo3aldin,  apt-get build-dep tango-icon-theme12:30
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ikonia_rambo3 he needs the perl xml modules (simple-perl-xml)12:30
myUserNameikonia_: It does not time out in at least this instance on this machine over this network if it does the timeout must be set for some huge amount of time and when it comes to programming this kiind of bug is.... well... stupid12:30
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ikonia_myUserName it may have hun the machine12:31
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rambo3ikonia, shouldent that be coverd in build dep ?12:31
IlgazPPC is unsupported platform on Ubuntu and why you don't announce it with big fonts right at download page? I lived a fan nightmare for 2 hours for nothing12:31
LjL!away > LaNCeloT_RW-away    (LaNCeloT_RW-away, see the private message from Ubotu)12:31
vega-myUserName: perhaps you should fix it and send a patch to the developers12:31
KnickLighterHello, is there anyone who can help me configuring BIND9 and my Mail server?12:31
foughow can i install opera using only the terminal? my firefox has broke12:31
Bonez56how do I replace the generic beryl images on the top and bottom of my cube, anyone know?12:31
ikonia_rambo3 no - as its not for tango theme - but for the naming package12:31
rambo3ah ok12:31
bropenguinanyone here12:31
=== someothernick [n=ron@pool-72-85-214-35.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
aldinrambo3, tnx... never thought that would work hehe i didi it for example gaim but though icons... tnx it seems that it will work12:31
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ubuntu_noobrambo, are you still there ?12:31
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rambo3ubuntu_noob, yes what12:32
StigHi, how do I make firestarter firewall startup automatically when I start Ubuntu? Or is firestarter always working in the background?12:32
aimtrainerhey! is it normal that there is no output for quite a time after this: http://pastebin.ca/449640 ?12:32
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ubuntu_noobrambo, I've installed libstdc but it doesn't seem to fix  error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp"12:32
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aimtrainerit says it may take a long time but it doesnt say it s along time without any< output - just wanna make sure12:33
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foughow can i install opera using only the terminal? my firefox has broke12:33
ubuntu_noobrambo, anyother options ?12:33
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thwapmeran apt-get install kubuntu-desktop last night before going to bed. ran great but it looks like the last 50 files or so failed. it suggested "maybe run apt-get update or --fix-missing?" so i'm wondering which one would work. update or --fix-missing?12:33
SlartStig: I'm not sure firestarter is running the firewall.. doesn't firestarter just configure iptables.. and iptables is running all the time12:33
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rambo3ubuntu_noob, what are you trying to do ? compile what ?12:33
hoelkthat update is 1+gb?12:33
StigI'm not sure :O So it's not actually a firewall?!12:33
magnetronfoug: if you only want to use the terminal, install elinks12:33
ubuntu_noobrambo, the wesnoth game :p12:33
=== Newbie [n=lilou@ALyon-156-1-16-39.w86-209.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Madpilotfoug, assuming you've still got the rest of the desktop, install Epiphany or another browser, then grab Opera. Or use wget12:34
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:34
vega-Stig: all "firewalls" in linux are just frontends to iptables12:34
pleb2can i ask is there a installer package for flash... like the sun-java6-plugin. is there a flash player 9 one????12:34
alleyoopsterfoug: why only terminal, have you know desktop?12:34
StigOhh ok12:34
ubdwhat should i write in fstab to mount ext3?12:34
SlartStig: yup.. firestarter is just a flashy front end for iptables =)12:34
rambo3ubuntu_noob, does it have readme file with all deps ?12:34
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fougalleyoopster: my firefox wouldn't work, so i figured i'd just get opera. It's what i used anyways, just installed 7.04 so yea12:34
StigOk, thanks for the help.12:34
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rambo3ubuntu_noob, why dont you just install from apt ?12:35
sldkfjhow do I tweak the width of the splash screen?12:35
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rambo3!info wesnoth12:35
ubotuwesnoth: fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1937 kB, installed size 4396 kB12:35
=== hasta [n=hasta@117.194-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu ["Quitte"]
StigCan I install Beryl on Feisty through the Synaptic package manager? or is there a better way? Last time I tried installing it through the terminal following a guide it completely messed up... :(12:36
ubuntu_noobrambo3, it's not the latest version and since I am a noob I wanted to memorize and pratice all the commands12:36
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alleyoopsterfoug: can you use another brower to get opera, is epiphany not installed?12:36
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fougalleyoopster: no idea, firefox started working again though12:36
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ubuntu_noobrambo3, it's easier to memorize commands while interacting with it :p12:36
rambo3ubuntu_noob, try apt-get build-dep wesnoth12:36
alleyoopsterfoug : in that case https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser?highlight=%28opera%2912:36
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SlartHello, for some reason my external dvd drive is automounted in /media/floppy0, this isn't a very big problem but I'd like to know how I can change it to.. say /media/dvd instead. Anyone have any hints?12:36
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phoenix_Gubuntu does support atheros chipset or not?12:37
ubuntu_noobrambo3, alright thanks12:37
mneptokphoenix_G: which iteration?12:37
void^phoenix_G: it does.12:37
Laizeroxi think my ubuntu install is corrupted12:37
aldinrambo3, ikonia tnx it workd with build-dep ( i should remember this before) it pulled  a "lot" of xml packages on of them is 'libxml-libxml-perl'12:37
ubdwhat should i write in fstab to mount ext3?  hda6 is mounted /home can i mount hdc1 to /home/hdc ?12:37
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Laizeroxafter loading partition it stops12:37
rambo3aldin, dorbo12:38
Laizeroxpartition manager or what it called12:38
rambo3err br12:38
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-150.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
sldkfj<-----a newb here;   How do I tweak the width of the splash screen?12:38
tarelerulz_I am trying to ssh into my other linux computer ,but it says connection refused ?12:38
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phoenix_Gand why kubuntu does not supports atheros ? i do not think that there is a big difference between kubuntu - ubuntu ?12:38
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Sykehmm, compiling xen-3.0.4_1-src 'make world' crashes in kernel compilation,12:39
gnomefreakphoenix_G: that package is not in repos12:39
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M_Fatihmy apt broken :(12:39
phoenix_Gi will download ubuntu and hope ..........12:40
ubdwhat should i write in fstab to mount ext3?  hda6 is mounted /home can i mount hdc1 to /home/hdc ?12:40
rambo3i think that kubuntus make my desktop flashy pacjage takes away the space for restricted modules12:40
Slartubd: you should be able to12:40
spikebubd, sure12:40
TheoMurpseisn't there supposed to be some new kind of network manager in feisty? because i'm not seeing it...12:40
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Slartubd: and mounting ext3 is just like mounting ext2... just switch ext2 for ext3 in the line in fstab12:40
NearTotalN00bI have some problems having upgraded to 7.04.  Is this the place for me to ask about them?12:40
magnetronTheoMurpse: upper right corner of screen, notification area12:40
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: for ubuntu kubuntu or xubuntu or edubuntu?12:41
magnetronNearTotalN00b: go on, ask12:41
ubdslart   /dev/hda6       /home/160g           ext3    defaults        0       ?12:41
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pleb2can i ask is there a installer package for flash... like the sun-java6-plugin. is there a flash player 9 one????12:41
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ubdwhat should be the last number?12:42
NearTotalN00bI have (had?) Xubuntu 6.10.  I upgraded to 7.04 yesterday, but X crashes.12:42
rambo3!restricted | pleb212:42
ubotupleb2: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:42
MarkChhi, how do i change my default preferred shell yakuake uses?12:42
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Laizeroxwhat is ther desktop version?12:42
pleb2rambo3 ta12:42
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TheoMurpsegnomefreak magnetron: ubuntu...in my UR corner I have "manual network config" sound a clock and logoff12:42
gnomefreakNearTotalN00b: let me guess nvidia card?12:42
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:42
tarelerulz_is ssh turn on by default on Kubuntu or Ubuntu ?12:42
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NearTotalN00bI've installed Gnome as a temporary alternative.12:42
Slartubd: looks right.. that last ?... check man fstab for what it means.. something about autochecking.. but I'm not sure12:42
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: you dont see 2 computers looking icon?12:43
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NearTotalN00bgnomefreak, no, a SiS 6326 (or something like that).12:43
Syke... fond a hint: -fno-stack-protector, from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=303541, I'll long-shoot with this one.12:43
LaizeroxWhat is the DESKTOP version12:43
magnetronTheoMurpse: that network thing is the network manager12:43
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TheoMurpsegnomefreak: I see in the "tray" two computers labeled "manual network configuration"12:43
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gnomefreakNearTotalN00b: apt-cache policy network-manager (what version is installed12:43
SlartLaizerox: eh.. it's the normal version..the "not server" version12:43
linoleumwell I still can't use my 8800 gtx nividia12:43
linoleumeven with the nvidia-glx-new ...12:43
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LaizeroxTy :)12:44
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TheoMurpsegnomefreak: all I can do is select "enable networking" or deselect it...there are no properties to modify, no wireless routers to connect to, etc.12:44
magnetronLaizerox: "Desktop" is the most common version of Ubuntu, with all the software for everyday use12:44
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tarelerulz_Do any one know why I get ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused12:44
Bhaskar1I have Ubuntu 6.06LTs now i have to migrate Kbuntu, i have CD of kbuntu 6.10 now i want to upgrade 6.06 ubuntu without loss of existing data , how can i ?12:44
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KnickLightertarelerulz_; sudo apt-get install ssh12:44
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: right12:44
Slartlinoleum: I thought the newest driver version supported 8800 gtx.. was I wrong? have you tried installing the driver from the nvidia site?12:44
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: thats normal12:44
tokyo25where can i find all the programs i have on my computer? and where can i find my downloads. from firefox12:44
tarelerulz_I  have ssh in the prosess list12:45
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tarelerulz_It says it is sleeping ?12:45
Slarttokyo25: I think firefox downloads end up in /home/username12:45
Madpilottokyo25, downloads from Firefox should go right to the Desktop12:45
slackerntarelerulz_: you have sshd running too?12:45
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[Nige] anyone know how to get vista and samba talking? This is driving me nuts! Vista cant seem my samba shares12:45
TheoMurpsegnomefreak So how do I get wireless to work? How do I tell it what wireless network to join? I thought there was supposed to be something new in this to let me select networks.12:45
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tokyo25ok. i thoght they were just shortcuts12:46
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tarelerulz_I think I have ssh running It has it gnome system monitor .12:46
linoleumSlart: yes the nvidia-glx-new is supposed to works for the 8800 gtx ... but I changed from vesa to nvidia, still nothing12:46
Slarttokyo25: programs are a bit trickier.. they are kind of everywhere... /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /opt and probably 50 more places12:46
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: in the system menu you should see networking12:46
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kalilawhat is wrong with edgy eft repositories?12:46
gnomefreakmaybe in admin12:46
kalilathey are timing out for me12:46
slackerntarelerulz_: 'sudo /etc/init.d/sshd start' otherwise to start it.12:46
linoleumSlart: I dont really want to install from the binaries from the nvidia website...12:46
magnetron!slow > kalila12:46
LjLthey're probably still suffering from the release load, kalila12:46
syockI installed Feisty since its beta days. Does update make it the same as it the same as the current released version?12:46
MarkChwhat's the file in my home dir that sets what my preferred shell is?12:46
magnetron!final > syock12:46
Slartlinoleum: what's the error message from the x startup? /var/log/xorg.log or something like that12:47
defrysksyock, yes12:47
TheoMurpsegnomefreak: the only thing I see is what has been there since at least 6.06 when I first tried Ubuntu. My wireless connection is there. I go to it and type in the ssid for a known network nearby which is open, and it doesn't connect.12:47
parking-how to make my HD to read/write so i can copy all files?12:47
linoleumSlart: it tries to load the wfb module, but then say it doesn't exist.12:47
slackernparking-: you want to enabled write support for NTFS?12:47
syockI wonder if the bot's running12:47
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ubotuIf you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.12:47
gnomefreakTheoMurpse: than im not sure my wireless card is usable out of box12:47
parking-slackern: its ext3 too12:47
Slartlinoleum: wfb? what's that?12:47
magnetronMarkCh: use menu System>Administration>Users to change preferred shell12:48
linoleumSlart: I have no idea :)12:48
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sldkfjDoes anyone know what channel to enter to find out  how I would tweak the width of Usplash ?12:48
TheoMurpsegnomefreak: My wireless has been usable on the past 3 liveCDs, but when I actually install to the HDD it never works, and no one has ever been able to help me figure out why, despite the fact that my wireless card has an OSS driver, so it's not a proprietary problem. The exact same source code works excellent with other distros.12:48
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slackernparking-: i would say that use chown to change the owner of the folders where you need write/read access12:48
peter77When I wobble the windows I can see the frame refresh flicker, but on my dads machine it's perfect12:49
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peter77my laptop has an intel chipset and my dads pc has an nvidia chipset12:49
Slartsldkfj: I think this would be the right one.. keep asking.. you'll get lucky sooner or later12:49
foughow do i change it so when you're op'd in xchat your icon isn't a sheriff badge?12:49
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magnetronpeter77: that nvidia card is faster12:50
Slartlinoleum: can  you paste your xorg.conf in pastebin?12:50
sldkfjSlart, ok, thanks12:50
parking-slackern: how..... didn't try that yet12:50
PirateHeadHow do you remove a symlink without deleting the file that it links to?12:50
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slackernparking-: and for ntfs read/write support you need 'ntfs-3g' package and 'ntfs-config' to have a little gui12:50
linoleumSlart: ok I have found a solution12:50
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gnomefreakfoug: if not in settings than you would have to figure out what part of the debian dir. when building to configure it during build (unless someone knows of a hack or a script)12:51
linoleumSlart: it's a bug with the package. the module wtf is missing, so I have to take it from the run, then copy it where it should be installed by the nvigida-glx-new package12:51
ErebusUm, stupid question - i downloaded the ISO from the link on ubuntu.com, which is a Live CD - I thought it also doubled as an installer, is this not the case?12:51
Slartlinoleum: mm, found some pages about it.. you're not the only one with that problem.. =)12:51
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fouggnomefreak: rgr12:51
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SlartErebus: it's supposed to be both... installer and live cd12:51
linoleumSlart: and this problem is only for 880012:51
slackernparking-: to use chown on a folder  you could for example use 'chown -R parking /myfolder' to make parking the owner of the files/folders -R is recursive12:51
fouggnomefreak: roger12:51
magnetronErebus: it IS an installer, click "Install" icon on desktop when running it12:51
valdianyone willing to help me with this: "x server no screen" error when trying to install Feisty with ati radeon x1400.. what to do?12:51
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Slartlinoleum: yes.. serves you right for buying top of the line graphics cards just to make us all green with envy ;)12:52
jokoonHello :) I'd like to replace occurrences of text in a m3u file, for example i:\music\ with /dev/hdb2/music ... what command to use and can I create a script ? like a .BAT but for linux, is it a bash file ?12:52
slackernparking-:  chown -R parking:parking will set user:group to it also12:52
sohovaldi; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=b7232d6d7dae3620c90ae3dce78c4c63&goto=newpost&t=41484112:52
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linoleumSlart: hehe , even the drivers on windows are not yet stable :p12:52
slackernparking-: i would recommend you do a 'man chown' and read a little about it first though12:52
gnomefreakfoug: ty12:52
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PirateHeadjokoon: use a sh "shell script" file12:53
=== Cem_UNAL help please: i am using TNT2 card; glxinfo fails; my xorg --> http://paste.linux-sevenler.org/index.php?id=594 and my bugs on screen --> http://imaj.at/15605
PirateHeadjokoon: start the script with the line '#/bin/sh', without the single quotes, and then put the exact commands that you want to run after that. Works just like a BAT, pretty much.12:53
DVS01how do i disable native command queuing for my hard drive?12:54
peter77I've noticed that I get what looks like a frame refresh ficker while wobbling windows, does anyone else experience this?12:54
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PirateHeadHow can I remove a symlink without deleting the file that it links to?12:54
jokoonthanks a lot PirateHead :)12:54
kbrooks<DVS01> how do i disable native command queuing for my hard drive? # what does that mean?12:54
kbrooks<PirateHead> How can I remove a symlink without deleting the file that it links to? # do it12:54
PirateHeadkbrooks: if I use rm, it will delete the file, won't it?12:54
kbrooksPirateHead, no.12:54
kbrooksPirateHead, a symlink is a file.12:55
TipoloskoPirateHead: simply remove with rm or whatever you want: your real file will not be touched12:55
slackernIt will just delete the symlink, not the destination12:55
aldinrambo3, i sent u private message do u see it?12:55
DVS01kbrooks: its a setting involved with hard drive i/o12:55
kbrooksPirateHead, with the actual file path in it12:55
peter77I've noticed that I get what looks like a frame refresh ficker while wobbling windows, does anyone else experience this?12:55
kbrooksDVS01, oh.12:55
slackernif you are unsecure just make a backup of the file otherwise before trying12:55
DVS01ah.. someone informed me12:55
DVS01must write 1 to file /sys/block/sdX/device/queue_depth12:55
DVS01depending on device name12:55
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PirateHeadnautilus gives me the error "Not on the same filesystem" when I try to delete my symlink. The symlink *is* on the same filesystem, wheras the target is not. That's why I'm worried.12:56
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gnomefreak!bugs > NearTotalN00b12:56
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kbrooksPirateHead, there are symlink rules in GNU/Linux12:56
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usr_robdoes anyone got a link to a review of the 7.04 release ?12:57
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kbrooksPirateHead, just open up a shell, and go to the directory where the symbolic link is12:58
slackernusr_rob: it's on yesterdays page on slashdot.org12:58
peter77I've noticed that I get what looks like a frame refresh ficker while wobbling windows, does anyone else experience this?12:58
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alleyoopsterusr_rob: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=ubuntu12:58
usr_robslackern, nice, thx12:58
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PirateHeadkbrooks: I renamed the destination file, then double clicked on the symlink in nautilus, and it said "This link is broken. Want to move it to the trash?" and i said, "Yeah!"12:58
tarelerulz_I can't seem to kill ssh-agent nor can I find it is init.d12:58
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CookedGryphonpeter77: compiz or beryl?12:58
usr_roballeyoopster, yes, i have read the distrowatch, thx anyway :)12:58
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PirateHeadkbrooks: It's an unintuitive way to get the job done, unfortunately.12:59
kbrooksPirateHead, yes, it is broken now12:59
forza-juvehi all :)12:59
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Leoq2Hi all, I have a question, when booting 7.04 i stops when choosing normal boot option, but using recovery an "startx" it works perfectly fine. Why?12:59
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Rprp  ChanServ GameServ Global MemoServ NickServ OperServ roconda Rprp WesleySLD12:59
NearTotalN00bI have another problem...12:59
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kbrooksPirateHead, symlinks are (or work just like, if you want) like windows shortcuts12:59
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jon855what version of xorg does 7.04 has?12:59
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apokryphospfft :)12:59
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HuffalumpI need a bit of handholding/pointing in the right direction.  My upgrade to Fiesty failed and my first/main error at the moment is "failed to load module wfb"  It had another couple lines about I/O errors on the graphics card, so I assume I need to mess with the nvidia stuff.  Help?12:59
NearTotalN00bMy mouse doesn't work with the newest kernel (7.04 upgrade).  It works with an older one, though.01:00
CookedGryphonLeoq2: any messages? i think you can skip into verbose mode by pressing alt+f2 on startup, that might give you more info01:00
Madpilotjon855, 7.something01:00
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jon855thanks mad01:00
kbrooksPirateHead, hang on please ...01:00
Rprp  ChanServ GameServ Global MemoServ NickServ OperServ roconda Rprp WesleySLD01:00
Almindorhey guys, I still get a strange problem with DHCP on fiesty :( (been having this whole beta)01:00
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sorcererhey iam anew to linux and i downloaded the version for .. linux .. iam running ubuntu can anyone tell me how to install it says pak010.pk4 what kinda file is this01:00
Almindorrandomly (about 1/3 of times) I get no IP assigned on boot01:00
TheoMurpseui'm trying to issue commands to iwconfig and i don't have permissions...how do i get them?01:00
Almindorresetting the interface always helps01:01
sorcerersorry i mean .. downloaded quak4 for linux ..01:01
PirateHeadkbrooks: but Nautilus doesn't treat them the same way that Windows Explorer does. It treats them, for all intents and purposes, like the original. For example, if I have a link to an executable in Windows, deleting it says "Deleting the shortcut will not uninstall the program", etc. Here, deleting the shortcut just tries to move the destination file to the trash, and in my case caused an...01:01
Leoq2yes i get a messege, is there a log file to extract those from? or do I have to copy from screen by pencil?01:01
PirateHead...error because the destination file was on a different filesystem.01:01
AlmindorI got 2 NICs, one is net (DHCP) one is static (LOCAL)01:01
Almindoranyone got any idea why it sometimes doesn't "catch" the ip on the DHCP one?01:01
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CookedGryphonsorcerer: you probably have to copy them into the quake folder, is there not a readme which tells you where to put them?01:01
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protocol1after I completely removed wine with synaptic....is there a way to rid its last config too?01:01
sadlederTheoMurpse: use sudo iwconfig01:01
kbrooksPirateHead, well, that's unintutive, and "non-unixy" so to speak01:02
NearTotalN00bAnyone know about a 3-button, PS/2 mouse (real IBM one from an old RS/6000) not working with the latest kernel in 7.04?01:02
TheoMurpsesadleder it asks for password, and mine isn't working01:02
TheoMurpsesadleder nvm it worked01:02
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Tipoloskoprotocol1: you must "purge" the package; it'll clean it. I don't work if synaptics has a button for it..01:02
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sorcererCookedGryphon: mate .. umm this the file that was unrared and iam left with the file pal10.pk4 and when double click on that roller opens up with more files inside .. isnt it a game file .. i know its linux but how do i nstall it ?01:03
sadlederTheoMurpse: you should check that you are in group admin01:03
PirateHeadYeah, but intuitiveness gets complicated with relation to Windows, where people come over and expect things to work like Windows does. Symlinks are one of the things I haven't read up on yet, so I don't really understand the "unixy" way to get them to work.01:03
beerman1Hi, just wondering if anyone can help me with rdesktop running on fiesty?01:03
sadlederprotocol1: just use dpkg -P wine01:03
TheoMurpsesadleder I would be in whatever group the defaults puts me in when I do a fresh install.01:03
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protocol1Tipolosko, yeah I chose to to completely remove it01:03
Tipoloskothanks sadleder :D01:03
PirateHeadWhen I upgraded to Feisty, my sound stopped working, and now whenever an application tries to put out sound (example: Rhythmbox, pressing "play") it crashes. Any ideas?01:03
kbrooksPirateHead, gnome is not windows. just to be clear: gnome is more "simpler" than windows01:03
EngenPsySine: asd01:03
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forza-juvehi linux lover, is it possible to make my current ubuntu desktop version become webserver ?01:03
protocol1sadleder, I will tyr that too01:03
sadlederTheoMurpse: check with command "groups"01:04
kbrooksPirateHead, i suggest you reinstall feisty on another computer01:04
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CookedGryphonsorcerer: that is just the game data file, you need to get a quake4 package with the actual program in seperately, copyright issues or whatever01:04
Slartforza-juve: of course.. just install apache01:04
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k31thdoes latest ubuntu use thunderbird201:04
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TheoMurpsesadleder Yeah, nevermind. I got it now.01:04
PirateHeadkbrooks: that's a crappy suggestion. This is my only computer.01:04
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NearTotalN00bThanks for your help.  Bye!01:04
forza-juveslart : i heard from friend of mine told me to download LAMP01:04
PirateHeadkbrooks: Edgy sound worked just fine.01:04
sorcererCookedGryphon:  how do i do that i mean i dont understand what did i just download then and what do i need to get ?01:04
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sldkfjHow I would tweak the Usplash resolution so the logo doesn't look like a football (American)?01:04
Slart!lamp | forza-juve01:04
ubotuforza-juve: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:04
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Slartforza-juve: lamp includes the webserver.. so that would work too, yes01:05
sadlederTheoMurpse: what did you get?01:05
TheoMurpsesadleder I got sudo working01:05
forza-juveslart : thx man :)01:05
CookedGryphonsorcerer: http://www.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/11/07/154720801:05
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sadlederTheoMurpse: and how?01:05
Slartforza-juve: you're welcome01:05
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PirateHeadsldkfj: Hah. I would also like to figure out how to tweak the usplash resolution. :-)01:05
ROnewbieI have Feisty Beta on a partition and Edgy on another. I am now in Feisty, and I want to uninstall Edgy from here. How can I do it?01:05
TheoMurpsesadleder by typing not hitting the wrong key in the password01:05
TheoMurpseI give up though. The past three releases wireless has always worked on the livecd, and it never works once installed to the hdd01:06
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PirateHeadROnewbie: you can use GParted to delete the parttion that Edgy is on.01:06
mc44ROnewbie: well, you can just format the partition if you have no data you want on it01:06
TheoMurpsewhich boggles my mind, that something would work on teh livecd and then immediately not work once it's installed01:06
stianI just upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04 using the update manager, but when I log in, the gnome panels are gone, I can't use alt f2 to start anything... all i have are the desktop icons... what gives?01:07
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:07
CookedGryphonsldkfj: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst, add vga=791 to the default options, one min i'll get the exact wording of the line01:07
ROnewbiemc44: sounds better than deleting the partition, how can I do it ?01:07
PirateHeadRONewbie: if you want to expand the Feisty partition to fill the space, however, you will probably have to use GParted off of a LiveCD for that operation, since you can't expand a mounted filesystme,.01:07
sldkfjCookedGryphon, thanks01:07
HuffalumpPirateHead, something is wrong because that's not how Nautilus works.  If you delete a symlink/shortcut, then it does not delete the original/source file.... but merely the link.01:07
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PirateHeadTheoMurpse: it's true that it's unintuitive, but there is a really good reason for it. :-)01:07
TMT[fi] Hello every101:07
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mc44ROnewbie: Gparted will let you just format the partition too01:07
stianalso... i have no fiucking window borders!01:07
ROnewbiePirateHead: I want that partition to remain an empty FAT32 so that I can access it from both feisty and XP (yeah, I'm running a dual boot ... no linux printer drivers)01:07
HuffalumpMy upgrade to Fiesty failed and my first/main error at the moment is "failed to load module wfb"  It had another couple lines about I/O errors on the graphics card, so I assume I need to mess with the nvidia stuff.  Help?01:08
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sadlederTheoMurpse ah, ok, the trivial way ;-)01:08
PirateHeadHuffalump: perhaps it was a nautilus bug then? Or perhaps it wasn't truly a symlink, but some other kind of link that I don't know about?01:08
mc44!ohmy | stian01:08
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ubotustian: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:08
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LaszloKvWould anyone here be able to help me with sharing a directory with samba?01:08
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ROnewbiemc44: is gparted avaialble in the repositories, or do i have to use the live cd01:08
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PirateHeadROnewbie: That's easy to to with GParted. Just reformat the Edgy partition as fat32, and it'll do all the work.01:08
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kanpachihello, i can't extract a bz2 file :( how can i do it?01:08
mc44ROnewbie: no its in the repos, just sudo apt-get install gparted01:08
SlartHuffalump: known bug.. they forgot to include the file in the package.. do a google search for wfb nvidia .. there are solutions01:08
HuffalumpPirateHead, how about a little test?  Make a text file, then a link, and delete the link.01:08
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stiananybody have ANY ideas?01:09
TheoMurpsePirateHead: The problem is, no one has ever been able to walk me through getting wireless working, and I've never been able to either (despite getting the same wireless running in Debian and Gentoo). So basically, I've been dual booting, with Ubuntu only being used when there's a new version out, hoping and praying that finally wireless works on my computer. It never does, despite the fact that there's no technical explanation -- sin01:09
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protocol1how do I go about removing a directory and everything in it?01:09
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HuffalumpSlart - That's ridiculous.  But thanks :)  So, I did search a little but don't quite get it... I have to apt-get nivida-glx or nvidia-glx-new ?01:09
protocol1what command would I use01:09
TMT[fi] I have weird problem. I'm using Edgy and timezone reseting after i change it to correct one. How can i change it?01:09
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Bakeyrm -r <directory name> protocol101:09
TMT[fi] that comp doesn't have internet connection atm.01:09
protocol1I tried sudo rmdir <dir>01:10
Bakeyfrom the console01:10
PirateHeadkanpachi: The Gnome Archive Manager ought to extract it fine.01:10
ROnewbiemc44, PirateHead: thankx both01:10
CookedGryphonsldkfj: okay there's a line that's something like01:10
CookedGryphonkernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.20-15-generic ro quiet splash vga=79101:10
CookedGryphonthe vga=791 sets it to 1024x768 resolution, if you also edit the line: # defoptions=quiet splash to:01:10
CookedGryphondefoptions=quiet splash vga=79101:10
CookedGryphonit will keep working thru kernel upgrades etc.01:10
PirateHeadTheoMurpse: That sucks. It took a lot of fiddling to get my wireless working as well.01:10
sldkfjCookedGryphon, GREAT!!  thanks01:10
PirateHeadHuffalump: lemme test it now.01:10
Bakey-r is recursive01:10
bimberiprotocol1: rmdir will only work on an empty directory01:10
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TMT[fi] protocol1: rm -rfv dir01:10
Aarincan anyone help me? my feisty instalation says that he hasn't detected the disk controller to use. and asks me which one should he use. I've got an Seagate ST380011A and a Seagate ST380013A01:10
PirateHeadHuffalump: the test worked like you said it ought to: it did not delete the original.01:10
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SlartHuffalump: I don't have this problem myself.. but there was someone here asking about it .. 30 mins ago.. I just did a quick google search and one of the first hits was a forum post about it.. with some links to solutions.. but yes.. it does sound ridiculous01:10
jokoonWhat command can I use to replace text in a file ?01:11
TheoMurpsePirateHead: you're right, it does suck. I've probably put in 50+ hours on the wireless issue. It's literally the only reaosn I'm still using XP on my laptop. I could go back to Gentoo and it would all be fine, but I'm tired of compiling everything on a laptop.01:11
HuffalumpPirateHead: good!  Now, I can't think of what went wrong in your original error... but you should be able to use Nautilus with confidence that it works intuitively.01:11
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HuffalumpTheoMurpse - Usually, I find the beginning to be a matter of determining how compatible your wifi card is.  If you're a centrino, then it's a slam dunk, for example.01:11
stefgAarin: That's the disks, not the controller. can you get fesity to boot by any means?01:11
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[Ex0r] checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables01:12
HuffalumpSlart - Somehow I didnt get results from the forum, but I will try again.  Thanks for the handholding.01:12
[Ex0r] anyone know what that error means ?01:12
mc44TheoMurpse: have you tried removing Network Manager on feisty?01:12
[Ex0r] I used apt-get install gcc to install gcc01:12
slackernjokoon: i think 'sed' can do that for you, but im not familiar with how to use it01:12
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Bakeyexor do sudo apt-get install build-essential01:12
bimberi[Ex0r] : install build-essential01:12
TheoMurpseHuffalump I've used the rt2x00 driver for Gentoo for two years. The same driver is loaded with Knoppix, and it works with Debian. However, when I do Ubuntu, it works only on the livecd.01:12
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stefg!wifi | TheoMurpse01:13
ubotuTheoMurpse: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:13
TheoMurpsemc44: I think I removed it on edgy and it didn't help.01:13
[Ex0r] hmm, thanks alot for that, it seems to have fixed the problem01:13
mc44TheoMurpse: it wasnt installed by default on edgy01:13
TheoMurpseI then couldn't get the ra2500config util to run for managing my wireless nets01:13
snowblinkgrrr launchpad dead01:13
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[Ex0r] oh btw, did they get rid of the 'install lamp server' option on ubuntu server ?01:13
TheoMurpsemc44: yeah, someone told me to install it for wpa...i did, and nothing helped, so i removed it01:14
Bakeyyw Ex0r01:14
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Bakeyi dont' think so Ex0r01:14
IlgazPlease put "unsupported" notice to PPC download page?01:14
TMT[fi] anyone? how can i stop timezone reseting in Edgy?01:14
mc44TheoMurpse: right, it might be worth trying as it can intefere with some wireless cards01:14
Bakeytmt is your cmos battery dead?01:14
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DVS01is there another desktop applet package besides gdesklets? one that preferrably doesn't have problems with beryl?01:14
TMT[fi] No01:14
Bakeykrellim DVS?01:14
TMT[fi] Happens only in ubuntu01:15
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Angel-SLi'm getting a medium error when burning 7.04 server.01:15
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DVS01Bakey: thanks, i'll try it01:15
HuffalumpTheoMurpse - I'm not a super-ultra experienced ubuntu warrior, but if you're around later and your wifi doesn't work, I'll be happy to poke at a solution with you.01:15
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predaeusDVS01, probably superkaramba01:16
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rambo3apt-cache search widgets01:16
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predaeusDVS01, I think that is for kde though, but be problematic aswell01:16
Angel-SLi'm getting a medium error when burning 7.04 server.01:16
TheoMurpseHuffalump thanks. I'm goign to go to bed soon. It's 6am here, and I've got school&work in a few hours. I just started the feisty upgrade and wasn't going to leave my laptop on all night while i slept. I don't trust laptop batteries anymore ;)01:16
DVS01rambo3: good point, thanks01:16
TheoMurpseso Huffalump I'll look for you in the next 24 hours01:16
[Ex0r] hmm, anyone here know a solution similar to cpanel, plesk, and ensim, but nowhere near as expensive ?01:16
Bakeypredaeus is right there, i think01:16
lordhelmethey all i just upgraded from edgy to fesity, and my shutdown options are gone from the window manager menu (running gdm + kde)01:17
lordhelmetany ideas?01:17
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Bakeywebmin Ex0r?01:17
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[Ex0r] I looked at webmin, but you have to pay for virtual min now01:17
[Ex0r] and it's the same price as ensim01:17
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LjLThere is a netsplit going on. Please keep your messages short, and address the person you're talking to.01:17
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Zues_62can someone help me wif a thing in alsa01:17
sldkfjCookedGryphon, thanks again, gonna reboot01:17
Zues_62the volumes are defaulting whn i reboot my pc01:17
Zues_62what do i do01:17
hoagiedoes anyone else has a problem with feisty?01:17
Zues_62no hoa01:17
Slartwhatever happened to pulseaudio.. I thought it was going to be the default in feisty?01:17
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ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:17
Slarthoagie: what problem?01:17
hoagieSlart: It doesn't boot01:17
Slarthoagie: nope.. no such problems here01:18
rambo3[Ex0r] , join #debian and type !webmin01:18
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hoagieSlart: adter installation01:18
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[Ex0r] rambo3- ? I know what webmin is.01:18
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lordhelmethey all i just upgraded from edgy to fesity, and my shutdown options are gone from the window manager menu (running gdm + kde)...any ideas?01:18
hoagieSlart: I think it's because of the kernel ?01:18
CookedGryphonwargh, gaim jsut crashed out on me01:18
bullgard4On what Web site can I search for channels in the  irc.ubuntu.com network?01:18
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ubotuA list of Freenode channels is available via http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - Ubuntu related channels can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:18
Slarthoagie: might be.. there is a new kernel in feisty.. any weird hardware? or just a regular pc?01:18
zaggynlAnyone knows what the differences are between feisty beta and latest?01:18
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bimberizaggynl: a number of version updates01:19
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sorcererCookedGryphon:  dude the file i have is 2.8 gigs ... i think thats the whole game01:19
hoagieSlart: No nothing weird, besides edgy and dapper worked perfectly on this pc01:19
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sorcererCookedGryphon: i need to dwonloaded the installer and then run the pakage ?01:19
zaggynlbimberi, so, nothing big?01:19
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|NewUser|zaggynl, there is no difference if you keep updating ur beta.. :)01:20
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CookedGryphonsorcerer: dude, its all the game data, so you still need the actual game code01:20
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:20
HuffalumpTheoMurpse - it's a date!  There's gotta be a way to get that wifi to work.  I've had past troubles but always managed to sort them out.01:20
Angel-SLi'm getting a medium error when burning 7.04 server.01:20
Slarthoagie: have you checked the bug reports? see if you're the only one?01:20
Angel-SLsomeone helppinggg?01:20
lordhelmetanybody? missing shutdown options?01:20
rambo3Angel-SL, what kind of an error is that01:20
magnetronhoagie; maybe you have a grub problem01:20
Bakeyangel did you check your file when you downloaded?01:20
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|NewUser|Angel-SL, did you check ur download ? with md5sum ?01:20
linoleumplease, how can I create a symbolic link ?01:20
zaggynl|NewUser|, ah okay, I'll wait 'till the servers are a bit faster again then, I'm not getting any updates atm :)01:20
bimberizaggynl: some nasty kernel bug fixes and network manager working much better to name a couple I know of.01:20
linoleumis it like sudo ln -s ?01:20
hoagieSlart: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10606301:20
Bakeycheck the md5 hash?01:20
magnetron!grub > hoagie01:20
rambo3Angel-SL, did you check md5 ?01:20
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zaggynlah okay01:20
TheoMurpsemc44: Hey, waddayaknow, Ubuntu boots up in normal time now. I guess I just had to reboot a few times to get it to work. Unless it's the recently-uninstalled network manager that was causing it to hang what with the finding network connections and all.01:20
NearTotalN00bI think I have a dying hard drive.  Possibly.01:20
Angel-SL|NewUser|: erm01:21
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Bakeyi think so linoleum01:21
Angel-SL|NewUser|: UbuntuHash doesnt HAVE 7.04!!!01:21
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|NewUser|zaggynl, US .. servers going fine at the moment :) i m downloading from there01:21
sldkfjCookedGryphon, uhh, that's not it.  It appears to be shifted over to the right and I get a part of the letter 't' and the last letter 'u' coming off from the left margin.01:21
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hoagiemagnetron:: Is there anything I can do?01:21
T0uCHno one got the torrent of the alternate cd/dvd download ?01:21
rambo3Angel-SL, shure it does01:21
NearTotalN00bWhat sounds do dying hard drives make?01:21
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Angel-SLi checked!01:21
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mc44TheoMurpse: it may well have been01:21
lordhelmetupgraded from edgy to fesity, and my shutdown options are gone from the window manager menu (running gdm + kde)...any ideas?01:21
mc44TheoMurpse: but... is your wireless working? :001:21
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magnetron!grub > hoagie01:22
enryhow to install propietary codec to see video in internet? with Totem??01:22
CookedGryphonsldkfj: does your monitor support 1024x768? if not there's a load of other modes you can use i can only remember 791 tho cos its the only one i use01:22
[Ex0r] hmm, what are the openssl development files ?01:22
|NewUser|!codec | enry01:22
ubotuenry: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:22
linoleumBakey: tkx mate01:22
rambo3Angel-SL, http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/MD5SUMS01:22
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sldkfjCookedGryphon, not sure, I keep the desktop at 1650 x 102401:23
stianjust used update manager to go from 6.10 to 7.04... everything went fine... when i log in though, i have no window borders, gnome-panels doesnt appear(or work)... i cant use alt+f2 to start any programs.. and so forth. Does anybody have any advice?01:23
CookedGryphonsldkfj: it may be as simple as setting your monitor adjustments for that screen mode01:23
ubotuTorrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt)  -  Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html01:23
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Bakeylinoleum: no prob01:23
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brunoUTare the servers still bein balls slow for upgrades?01:23
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ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.01:23
sldkfjCookedGryphon,  1650 x 1024 is recommend by the manufacturer01:23
T0uCH!alternate torrent01:23
enrymy video player is xine based?01:23
rambo3T0uCH, you know you could use /msg ubotu01:23
rgdHelp,I need to check weather Microsoft Fonts are being used in Firefox01:23
|NewUser|brunoUT, i dont think so. i tried US And IN Servers both works fine for me01:24
enry7.04 default01:24
TheoMurpsemc44: my wireless doesn't work (driver is loaded, it just doesn't connect, and fails with dhclient as well), and it seems my ethernet does not work now either01:24
Bakeyrgd: i don't think so01:24
magnetronT0uCH: don't flood the channel01:24
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ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:24
mc44TheoMurpse: haha oh well, a step backwards01:24
TheoMurpsehas an IP, just won't do anything with it01:24
brunoUThmmm....when trying to upgrade i get an error while 'fetching the files'01:24
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brunoUTwhat is going on?01:24
rambo3TheoMurpse, thats router problem ?01:24
tomekfuck on01:24
deepsaguys stop bashing the repo's server it slow for about 1 day now01:24
DVS01once feisty came out, #ubuntu became the channel for feisty, correct?01:24
LjL!language | tomek01:24
rambo3TheoMurpse, what is the IP?01:24
ubotutomek: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:24
BakeybrunoUT: busy servers?01:24
|NewUser|brunoUT, try to use another mirrors01:24
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|NewUser|!ohmy tomek01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy tomek - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:25
brunoUThow do i use other mirrors?....im just going to the update manager and clicking update01:25
stianjust used update manager to go from 6.10 to 7.04... everything went fine... when i log in though, i have no window borders, gnome-panels doesnt appear(or work)... i cant use alt+f2 to start any programs.. and so forth. Does anybody have any advice?01:25
magnetron!ohmy > tomek01:25
rgdBakey,is there a wat to check this?01:25
rambo3TheoMurpse, then you are geting IP from router01:25
zaggynl!ohmy > zaggynl01:25
rambo3LAN IP01:25
LjLbrunoUT: i'm using the swedish servers (se.archive.ubuntu.com), and they're working. just edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all of the "archive.ubuntu.com" into "se.archive.ubuntu.com" (or if you already have a two-letters abbreviation, change it)01:25
CookedGryphonsldkfj: the available modes are01:25
CookedGryphon Screen 640x480  800x600  1024x768  1280x1024  1600x120001:25
CookedGryphonColors  --------------------------- -------------------------------------------01:25
CookedGryphon256  | 769    771     773      775       79601:25
CookedGryphon32,768 | 784    787     790     793       79701:25
CookedGryphon65,536 | 785    788     791     794       79801:25
CookedGryphon16.8M | 786    789     792     795       79901:25
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
brunoUTthis is the error i get.....Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  ude/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)01:25
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TheoMurpserambo3 ping says "destination host unreachable" even though it is the router's ip01:26
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|NewUser|brunoUT, try to edit /etc/apt/sources.list01:26
magnetron!past | CookedGryphon01:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about past - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:26
LjLbrunoUT: the GB mirrors are probably among the most loaded...01:26
|NewUser|LjL, sorry :)01:26
rambo3TheoMurpse, ralink ?01:26
peekuuehm.. n00b question in between here... Should I download the AMD64 iso for an Intel Core 2 64bit cpu, cause i'm getting a kernel panic with the x86 version...01:26
magnetron!paste > CookedGryphon01:26
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TheoMurpserambo3 ralink is my wireless yes01:26
SandManhey could anyone help me out here01:26
ROnewbie!update | ronewbie01:26
mjrpeekuu, both should work for you01:26
TheoMurpserambo3 but my wireless doesn't work at all...now my wired doesn't either01:26
sldkfjCookedGryphon,  thanks, that gives me something to consume my day :)01:26
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Bakeyrgd: i'm not sure, sorry!01:26
TheoMurpserambo3 my wired has the ip though01:26
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LjLbrunoUT: if it still fails after switching mirrors and doing an "apt-get update" (i'm still talking command line, i'm not familiar at all with the GUI, and i don't have it installed), pastebin the whole output01:26
magnetronpeekuu: no, you should download the i386 ("pc") version01:26
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rambo3TheoMurpse, ok i think there is solution . ping never botherd me since it worked without it . Open worked without ping and WEP worked with ping01:27
rgdBakey,thx anyway01:27
DjViperhow do I make ubuntu connect to a default wlan when I boot up?01:27
|NewUser|LjL, US servers works fine ..01:27
peekuuhmm, well i'm getting a kernel panic on startup/install from cd at the hardware detection...01:27
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Bakeyrgd: maybe there's some release notes on the mozilla website that would tell you01:27
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LjL|NewUser|: so do the swedish ones. but i think the "main" servers - i.e. archive.ubuntu.com - actually redirect to the united kingdom ones, so those would probably be the most strained01:28
rambo3TheoMurpse,search ubuntuforums howto for ralink and ping. You have no wireless security ?01:28
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Bakeyangel-sl: this the burn errors :)01:28
|NewUser|LjL, umm right.01:28
TheoMurpserambo3 I do (WPA), but my neighbors don't ;) hehe01:28
magnetronAngel-SL: do you use bittorent?01:28
brunoUTLjL: i do not see which lines i should change to the swedish mirrors01:28
HuffalumpIs there a way, at the line command, to tell apt-get to use a specific archive source (that's not in your list)?01:28
brunoUTcan u help me?01:28
orbinanyone one with a broadcom wireless card?  has implementation in proved in feisty or am i going to have to do the whole ndiswrapper thing again?01:28
rambo3:P I use publicip as router and open01:28
Angel-SLmagnetron: same error..01:28
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LjL!pastebin | brunoUT, put the entire content here01:29
ubotubrunoUT, put the entire content here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:29
|NewUser|!easysource > brunoUT01:29
Bakeyheffalump: i htink you have to edit sources.list manually for that01:29
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Angel-SLmagnetron: first utorrent gave me that same error01:29
Angel-SLnow firefox?!01:29
Angel-SLwhats wrong with my indernet01:29
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magnetronAngel-SL: what error?01:29
Angel-SLdownload corrupt01:29
Bakeyangel-sl: your internets are broke :)01:29
Angel-SLboth were.01:29
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Angel-SL*gets impaitient*01:30
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HuffalumpBakey: That's bad news, because I'm at a line command due to Fiesty not installing nvidia stuff correctly... and the us.archive keeps timing out, so I want to use another source (like se.archive... or someone fast)01:30
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rambo3Huffalump, where do you live?01:30
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LjLHuffalump, why can't you just change /etc/apt/soruces.list?01:30
LjLsources even01:30
Bakeyheffalump: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:30
magnetronAngel-SL: bittorent has a lot of extra checks to prevent corrupt files01:30
Huffalumprambo3, I'm in RO01:31
slackernse.archive.ubuntu.com ?01:31
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ryeth25what's up?01:31
LjLHuffalump: then remount read write01:31
florian_ubuntu ist geil01:31
brunoUTLjL: here is my link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16538/01:31
brunoUTcan u show me what to change?01:31
LjL!de | florian_01:31
ubotuflorian_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de01:31
rambo3Huffalump, ok then se should be ok . just change ro to se01:31
HuffalumpLjL, I don't understand how to edit text files in line command01:31
ryeth25how do i know who staffers are?01:31
LjLHuffalump: it's  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list 01:31
Angel-SLmagnetron: actually, it was a 'download ended early' eg, firefox download 356mb and said download complete01:31
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Bakeyheffalump: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list01:31
LjLryeth25: /stats p01:31
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ATi7500hi all01:31
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Bakeyworks mostly like notepad from win01:31
slackernHuffalump: se.archive.ubuntu.com ?01:31
LjLHuffalump: or, possibly without the "sudo", if you're in recovery mode01:31
ryeth25that doesn't do anything when i do that01:31
Bakeyalt o to save01:31
Bakeyalt x to close01:32
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Huffalumpthanks Bakey and LjL editing now without sudo01:32
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Bakeyif I recall01:32
magnetronAngel-SL: don't use fx for large downloads01:32
ryeth25LjL:  what is that supposed to do?01:32
Angel-SLmagnetron: wget?01:32
ATi7500how to create a script with these commands?01:32
ATi7500ifconfig ethX down01:32
ATi7500ifconfig ethX hw ether 11:22:33:44:55:6601:32
ATi7500ifconfig ethX up01:32
Angel-SLmagnetron: anything other than bittorrent.01:32
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LjLbrunoUT: this line,  deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ edgy ude , which is the only one using the GB mirrors, is wrong01:32
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HuffalumpBakey / LjL - "WriteOut" is to save?01:32
brunoUTi never changed it....what does it need to be?01:33
Bakeyheffalump: yes01:33
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Bakeyalt-o i think...01:33
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Bakeythen alt-x closes01:33
Huffalumpgot it, thanks folks01:33
Bakeyahh, my bad01:33
slackernit's control - x and control - o01:33
nihilhey - i've got question - how to add application to Applications -> Games menu ? i realized that i must create a .desktop file in usr/share/applications, but i don't know how i should describe 'Categories'01:33
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brunoUTLjL: what should i change it to?01:34
LjLbrunoUT: at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16539/ i've just removed that line01:34
brunoUTLjL: thanks01:34
Bakeynihil: it should get created when you install a game01:34
LjLbrunoUT: to nothing, because it simply doesn't make any sense. but really, i would use source-o-matic to rebuild a good list01:34
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CookedGryphonnihil: you could just use the menu editor, right click on the menu and say edit menus01:34
k31thdoes ubuntu latest ship with Mozilla Thunderbird 2?01:34
Picinihil: Use the alacarte menu editor, I'm not sure if its installed by default though.01:34
rambo3!alacarte | nihil01:34
magnetronAngel-SL: try wget?01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alacarte - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:34
nihilBarkey, but it's PRBOOM and it's not created01:34
Bakeynihil: if not, restart gnome by ctrl-alt-del01:34
spikebk31th, no.01:34
Bakeynihil: ahh, ok01:34
magnetronnihil: right click the menu to edit it01:34
LjLbrunoUT: especially given that you don't have universe or multiverse enabled. if that's intentional, ok, but most people have them enabled01:34
k31thhum is there a back port??01:35
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Bakeynihil: +1 to what magnetron said01:35
brunoUTyeah i just enabled them01:35
HuffalumpOf course, it helps if I spell Feisty... and not the party-like Fiesty... :))01:35
bef_all of my repositories seem messed up, none of my packages will download or install from Synaptic.. Feisty 15/4 daily.01:35
brunoUTim very new i did not know how to enable them01:35
Amaranthalacarte has been installed by default since dapper01:35
LjLbrunoUT: oh - also, i missed soemthing. you have the Feisty CD in your sources, but the rest of the list is all Edgy?!01:35
rashidhello ppl01:35
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LjLbrunoUT: what distribution are you actually using?01:35
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brunoUTLjL: dude i dont know how that happened01:35
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tom__my fiesty log off menu missing shutdown & restart, anyone have this?01:35
LjLbrunoUT: well, which distribution do you *want* to use?01:36
brunoUTLjL: i am using 6.1001:36
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brunoUTi want to upgrade to 7.0401:36
nihilBakley - the application is added in 'Others' but i have done this: http://wklej.org/id/3656147d0c01:36
smohi i have a problem with ubiquity it  ask for new user/pass during install then after reboot the user is not created, still need to use the original live cd user any idears???01:36
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magnetron!upgrade > brunoUT01:36
LjLbrunoUT: ok, then i'll give you a "good" sources.list, and then hopefully you can upgrade using just update-manager. if nothing was messed up too bad01:36
stiffme1983hello everyone01:36
HuffalumpApparently dpkg is locked in a previous apt-get instance/attempt.  How can I kill/unlock that, so I may proceed with apt-getting.01:37
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brunoUTLjL: sounds good01:37
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Bakeynihil: dunno, looks right to me, but i'm not overly familiar01:37
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ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs01:37
foof!upgrade > foof01:37
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stefg!info exaile01:37
ubotuexaile: flexible audio player, similar to Amarok, but written in GTK+. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+debian-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 294 kB, installed size 1408 kB01:37
stiffme1983do you guys have this problem: kernel randomly freeze with error output like this:01:37
brunoUTLjL: make my universe stuff available01:38
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LjLbrunoUT: sure01:38
stiffme1983ata1:failed to respond(30secs Status:0xd0)01:38
nihilBakey, i think that something is wrong with Categories01:38
foofcan you install once and then just pretend ubuntu is debian and use apt for everything?01:38
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DjViperfoof: yes?01:39
Huffalumpwhy not?01:39
DextorionHow do i do a complete reinstallation of a program with apt-get?  I broke something and i need to reinstall the program completely. If i do apt-get remove, and then install i get the same fault.01:39
LjLbrunoUT: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16540/ (you can click on the "Download as text" link to get rid all of the line numbers). after using this as your /etc/apt/sources.list, type  sudo apt-get update , and then fire up the update manager as the !upgrade documentation says, and see if you can upgrade cleanly to Feisty01:39
Huffalumpfoof, I use apt-get more and more instead of the GUI01:39
gilsman the DVD iso torrent i have is SLOOOOOW01:39
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DjViperhow can a torrent be slow?01:39
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replmanwhen i install sun-java-6-jdk, is it better to remove gij first?01:39
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DjVipergils: did you open the bt port in your router?01:39
brunoUTLjL: can i not just copy and paste into my sources.list?01:40
gilsport #?01:40
slackernDextorion: you could add --purge when removing, that will delete all configs and such also01:40
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ChristopherlCannot send mail from Evolution 2.10.1, but can receive mail. Some port is blocked? Using Ubuntu 7.04.01:40
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rambo3replman, it doesnt matter01:40
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gilsDjViper: What port should it be01:40
TooR4uhow to Upload the files into remote mechine ...?I have conneted to a site.I know the password.how to upload the files from my directory to the remote mechine01:40
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replmanrambo3: thank you!01:40
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hakwaahi, I've noticed that ssh and all ssh-based apps (scp, etc) run significantly slower after updating to Feisty. does anyone recognize this problem?01:40
gilsDjViper: i dont use torrents oftehn01:40
foofdoes ubuntu use its own repository, or a combination of its own and the official debian repository?01:40
oktayHello sirs, I hope my current unannounced visit finds you in good spirits.01:40
Dextorionslackern: tried that aswell actually. But when i do install later on, i still get the same fault.  Its my eclipse that is broke, and it looks for startup.jar. But that file doesnt get installed when i do apt-get install eclipse.01:40
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DjVipergils: hm google it, bittorrent+nat :)01:41
Huffalumpfoof, its own01:41
gfatherhay guys01:41
smoanyone know ubiquity right?01:41
LjLbrunoUT: yes, that's what you should do. just click on "Download as text" first, and paste *that*, otherwise you'll also paste all the line numbers and cruft01:41
Dextorionslackern: Even if i do --reinstall, or --purge when i do remove.01:41
LjLbrunoUT: which, obviously, won't work ;)01:41
jribfoof: its own repository, but the packages are synced with debian every release01:41
oktayi shall require as to how to add the feisty CD to the sources list and do an upgrade via this very same CD.01:41
gfatherwhere i can find ubuntu latest releas01:41
tarzeauthere won't be feisty powerpc version?01:41
rambo3gfather, /topic01:41
TooR4uhow to Upload the files into remote mechine ...?I have conneted to a site.I know the password.how to upload the files from my directory to the remote mechine01:41
slackernDextorion: hmm i had a similar problem way back but that was with some monitoring software, worked fine on debian but not on ubuntu01:41
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ01:41
jribgfather: www.ubuntu.com click download01:41
oktaygfather: ubuntu.com.. even google. come on01:41
LjLbrunoUT: direct link - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16540/plain/01:41
tarzeauTooR4u: using rsync, lftp, scp?01:41
spikebtarzeau, not an official release, but a community port. which is out.01:41
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tarzeauspikeb: where?01:42
Huffalumpgfather try http://ubuntu.com01:42
Picitarzeau: See ubotu's message above.01:42
slackernDextorion: could it be that you need to install some java package before?01:42
TooR4utarzeau, okey i will try 1min01:42
finalbetaDoes Feisty's codec install feature include support for WMA etc? Or does that still require 3th party repo's?01:42
slackernDextorion: that has been missed in dependencies or something?01:42
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LjLfinalbeta: the latter, i suspect01:42
Dextorionslackern: alrihgty.  Strange this..  Its on my work machine, and i just had eclipse installed. But decided that it needed a reinstallation.01:42
Dextorionslackern: no idea.01:42
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foofwithout starting any flames, why ubuntu over debian? :)01:42
spikebtarzeau, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/feisty/release01:42
atomikuI'm having trouble with the nvidia drivers, X fails to start (saying it cant load the drivers)01:42
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slackernDextorion: I can try to install it here and see what happens01:42
atomikuIt was working fine :P01:42
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finalbetaLjL: yeah, I assumed as much 2. Kind off kills the whole point of it.01:42
tarzeauspikeb, Pici thanks01:43
DjViperfoof: newer software, larger community01:43
brunoUTLjL: thanks....but i have to head off to class before i can update01:43
user-landhi, is the upgrade to 7.04 problematic ?01:43
brunoUThopefully that works when i get back01:43
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jribfinalbeta: I can play them here and don't think I installed any gstreamer plugins by hand01:43
bimberioktay: 1. needs to be the alternate cd.  2. insert it into a running system and follow the prompts01:43
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spikebtarzeau, if you end up installing it, come back and let me know how it is - i have a family member waiting to see if she should upgrade or not :)01:43
finalbetajrib: nice.01:43
slackernDextorion: downloading and installing now01:43
oktaybimberi: shoot. i already have the regular cd. full upgrade it is then. Thanks !! :)01:43
LjLfinalbeta: well, you *really* cannot distribute the Win32 codecs. that, Ubuntu just cannot do. still however, VLC should be able to play some WMA's, and maybe gstreamer can do the same01:43
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
MenZaCan anyone tell me how I choose sound card1 rather than sound card0 to play my sound?01:43
Huffalumpuser-land - each experience is unique.  most people seem just fine.  I, however, have troubles with a bug related to nvidia drivers.01:43
oktaytarzeau: i thought you used debian01:43
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user-landthanks, huffalump.01:44
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spikebdebian is what my ppc using family member is going to be using if the community port sucks heh01:44
user-landi remember the upgrade 6 month ago was problematic for a lot of users.01:44
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Dextorionslackern: cool01:44
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slackernDextorion: it installed here and started01:44
user-landthey had to make a new install to avoid problems.01:44
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user-landso this time the upgrade is smooth for most ?01:44
Dextorionslackern: should work. I bet it just me that broke it when uninstalling or something01:44
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slackernDextorion: want a list of the packages it installed?01:44
crolle17can somebody tell if it is possible to do some regexp with vi?01:45
ferronicahow to make my windows drive read and write??? both01:45
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foofAre any ports better supported on debian?  I've got an amd64 box.01:45
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nicolahis it possible to upgrade to feisty using the dvd as a repo ?01:45
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atomikuSo uh yeah, Any idea why startx is failing to load due to not being able to load the nvidia drivers?01:45
stefg!ntfs-3g | ferronica01:45
ubotuferronica: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)01:45
MenZaCan anyone tell me how I choose sound card1 rather than sound card0 to play my sound?01:45
spikebfoof, they're officially supported, so yeah01:45
Huffalumpuser-land, in my case the bug is quite amazing... someone (apparently) did not include all the necessary bits and pieces for nvidia drivers under certain conditions.  I've seen some very confused people killing themselves to solve it... esp when i look in the mirror.  But I know it's not affecting everyone.01:45
Dextorionslackern: nah.. im quite sure i have them, its just..  i dont understand why it doesnt install that startup.jar file.01:45
tarzeauoktay: i do :)01:45
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:45
tarzeauoktay: it's for others, not me01:45
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Dextorionslackern: it should reside inside /usr/lib/eclipse or something like that.01:45
crolle17i mean it is possible to insert some character by regexp?01:45
Christopherlhow do I open/close ports in Ubuntu 7.04?01:45
oktaytarzeau: good for you :)01:45
ferronicastefg: right now i am in ubuntu 6.10 :(01:45
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tarzeauoktay: and you, ubuntu?01:45
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jrib!firewall > Christopherl    (Christopherl, see the private message from ubotu)01:45
Dextorionslackern: yup, /usr/lib/eclipse/startup.jar.01:46
oktaytarzeau: yeah. for a while now.01:46
ferronicastefg: i wanna use right now fstab01:46
tarzeauoktay: making packages too?01:46
user-landyou almost killed yourself, huffalump ?01:46
foofthanks everyone!01:46
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Huffalumpuser-land, I think one should not have to reinstall.  That's generally the last resort of an impatient person not willing to reach out for help / learn a little something.01:46
stefgferronica: this is edgy... please read the link ubotu gave you01:46
oktaytarzeau: no sir. i am just an end-user :)01:46
Huffalumpuser-land, until this nvidia bug is solved for me, I am not to be allowed near razor blades.01:46
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slackernDextorion: -rw-r--r--   1 root root 34173 2007-04-10 19:07 startup.jar there it is01:46
user-landhuffalump, how can you reach out when the computer does not boot to x-server ?01:46
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oktaytarzeau: i stopped messing with the OS too much when work got busy :). nowadays i just use the stuff.01:47
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ytsestefFirefox flash doesn't work!! and i cant install it from adobe becuase i'm on x64.. what can i do?01:47
Dextorionslackern: yeah.. i dont have it anymore.  And it doesnt get installed together with eclipse.01:47
slackernDextorion: i could maybe upload it for you somewhere to try with if you want01:47
tarzeauoktay: no time to play nethack?01:47
dfasfadsfdasanyone know the package name for adobe pdf and nonfree fonts addon in synaptic is?01:47
jrib!flash > ytsestef    (ytsestef, see the private message from ubotu)01:47
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Dextorionslackern: yeah..  could try :)  I bet there are more files missing but hey.. we could try01:47
spikebytsestef, you could use gnash, or you could install nspluginwrapper and try and work with that to make the x86 flash work01:47
oktaytarzeau: not really. not even time for irc.01:48
tarzeauoktay: briquolo? brutalchess? supertransball2? mazeofgalious? pathogen? www.mtp-target.org? bub-n-bros.sf.net?01:48
Huffalumpuser-land, good point.  I am fortunate enough to have a second machine where I'm writing from at the moment.  Seems to me, however, that there's been line-command IRC since the olden times... not that I know how to use it, but I've seen it.  Maybe a quick refresher is in order before you head down the primrose path?  Just in case of any unpleasantries, of course.01:48
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xplode_mehi! After i upgraded to feisty (from edgy) gnome is going crazy. I have some applications on the startup list (gnome-session-properties) but they only show up minutes later. Anyone knows how to fix this?01:48
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Tom47dfasfadsfdas: try the search function01:48
ytsestefthanks spikeb and jrib!01:48
slackernDextorion: i'll just zip the folder so you get all in it01:48
spikebytsestef, you bet :)01:48
Dextorionslackern: cool :)01:48
user-landthanks, huffalump, you may have saved me a day downtime. i have nvidia.01:49
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CompuChipI was updating from Edgy to Feisty  when my laptop overheated and shut down. Now when I start up in recovery mode, it says "Waiting for root system" and then tells me /dev/hda2 (where it is installed) does not exist and drops to a (initramfs) shell. Any solutions except reinstall completely?01:49
DjViperhow do I make ubuntu connect to a default wlan when I boot up?01:49
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Huffalumpuser-land, -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/9864101:49
jonopeople of the world, go and digg http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Open_Week_2 :)01:49
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yellow_chickeni have 6.10 and applied all the updates, now i have 2 kernel versions, 2.6.17-10 and 2.6.17-11.  should i use -11 to upgrade to ubuntu 7.04?01:50
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bimberijono: only when you buy me that pint! ;P01:50
spikebyellow_chicken, yeah probably01:50
jonobimberi: :)01:50
yellow_chickenbut the default is 2.6.1001:50
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spikebyellow_chicken, i dont think it will matter what you're actually running as long as both are installed.01:50
user-landthanks, huffalump, so i will wait.01:50
DjViperjono: dugg01:50
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atomikuHmmm Restricted Drivers Manager is complaining that it needs some linux-kernel module, but when I try to apt-get install it, it says it has no installation candidate01:51
CompuChipyellow_chicken after upgrading to -11 it set that to default here01:51
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yellow_chickenanyone did a upgrade? if so how long did it take?01:51
spikebprobably take forever over the net  given the pounding the servers are getting.01:51
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yellow_chickeni think it's very congested at this time01:52
spikebyes it is.01:52
Anss1How do I highlight rows with my nick or special keywords in Gaim/Pidgin?01:52
ubuntu_noobhello, how do I fix error: *** SDL_image has no PNG support! You need SDL_image with PNG support?01:52
DjViperhow do I make ubuntu connect to a default wlan when I boot up?01:52
zaggynlAnyone knows a now playing plugin for xchat2 ? I can't find it :<01:52
Anss1...which is the Edgy default IRC client.01:52
CompuChipRe my problem: when I boot from Live CD I *can* mount /dev/hda2 manually, through the shell I get when booting from HDD doesn't show anything starting with hda under /dev01:52
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atomikuE: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.17-11-generic has no installation candidate01:52
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rashidhow do i install java version 601:52
spikebAnss1, that used to be in preferences, but it might have moved to a plugin.01:52
yellow_chickenspikeb:  i did a fresh install of 6.10, and have to update 165 packages, took like 30 to 40 minutes01:53
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user-landall the best, huffalump.01:53
Valstorm2379anyone in?01:53
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Anss1spikeb, I looked through the plugins, to no available.01:53
enrythe video in internet are all framed01:53
enryno fluid01:53
Valstorm2379Anyone know a USB format program that runs through Ubuntu?01:53
jribatomiku: what version of ubuntu?01:53
spikebAnss1, im not sure then. i hate using gaim for irc heh01:53
atomikuI'm trying to get my nvidia drivers working again you see01:53
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jribatomiku: that package isn't on 7.04.  Why are you installing it?01:53
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verb3kguys my brother's CD/DVD reader is old and extremely slow ....is there a faster way to install ubuntu without downloading the alternate CD ? Thanks in advance01:54
atomikuIm trying to get into the Restricted Drivers manager thing01:54
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Valstorm2379Also, anyone remember the link for packages/software I can't remember it.01:54
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atomikuits saying it needs that package to run01:54
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-drivers - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:54
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atomikuIve tried installing the nvidia drivers01:54
bimberiValstorm2379: packages.ubuntu.com ?01:54
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Anss1Well spikeb, as an Linux trainer and consultant, I hate that people can not trust the default programs.01:54
atomikuBut then X fails to start01:54
jribatomiku: hmm, sounds buggy... can you pastebin the exact error?01:54
Valstorm2379sweet thanks01:54
atomikuX is saying it couldnt load the nvidia drivers01:54
ubuntu_noobhello, how do I fix error: *** SDL_image has no PNG support! You need SDL_image with PNG support?01:55
atomikuso atm I'm using the default xorg.conf01:55
spikebAnss1, gaim/pidgin weren't designed particularly for IRC. if i were in charge, xchat would be the default client :)01:55
gilnimdoes someone know a restorationtool for getting back information from a formatted harddisk?01:55
jribubuntu_noob: what gives you that error?01:55
slackernDextorion: im sending it now but i'm capped at 100k/sec out so will take a little while01:55
Valstorm2379Atomiku, you need to follow the step by step guide.01:55
atomikuI have...01:55
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atomikulol k I'll try again01:55
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:55
slackernDextorion: it'll take around 10min01:55
bimberigilnim: i've heard good things about photorec.  stand by I'll check what package it's in01:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restore - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:55
atomikuAs of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) the recommended way to install the binary drivers is to use System -> Administration -> Restricted Devices Manager.01:56
ubuntu_noobjrib, when compiling wesntoh01:56
atomikuNow how am I going to do tjhis if I cant get into restricted devices manager?01:56
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jribubuntu_noob: why compile?  It's in the repositories, use Add/Remove or Synaptic01:56
crolle17i read somewhere that this should be possible with vim: :s/pattern/string/flags (regexp)01:56
jrib!info wesnoth | ubuntu_noob01:56
ubotuubuntu_noob: wesnoth: fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.2.3-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1937 kB, installed size 4396 kB01:56
Huffalumpatomiku - Same problem i have because of this nvidia thing.01:56
jribcrolle17: it is :)01:56
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bimberi!info testdisk | gilnim01:56
ubotugilnim: testdisk: Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.5-1build1 (feisty), package size 550 kB, installed size 1784 kB01:56
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atomikuHuffalump: did you solve your problem?01:56
Huffalumpatomiku - not quite, but I'm closing in on an answer I think.01:57
bimberigilnim: testdisk includes photorec01:57
gilnimbimberi: thanks01:57
atomikuHuffalump: okay cool.01:57
bimberigilnim: yw, good luck with it01:57
verb3ksorry for repeating the question ,but I really need your help.My brother's CD/DVD reader is old and extremely slow to the extent that prevented me from insalling ubuntu on it ....is there a way to install ubuntu in a fast way without downloading the alternate CD for text mode? Thanks in advance01:57
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ubuntu_noobjrib,well, I wanted learn how to compile and 1.2.3 is not the latest version01:57
BrokenLinuxHey can anyone recommend me a nice IRC client besides xchat-gnome and gAIM?01:57
crolle17jrib so for example this should replace risk with ceis_risk shouldn't it? -> :s/risk/ceis_risk01:57
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mc44atomiku: what does 'uname -r' say for you?01:57
jribubuntu_noob: sudo apt-get build-dep wesnoth      should help01:57
jribcrolle17: on the current line, yes01:57
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mc44atomiku: well youj arentt on feisty then01:57
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atomikuI am01:57
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mc44atomiku: not with that kernel01:58
Valstorm2379Atomiku could it be you got the wrong kernels?01:58
bimberi!irc | BrokenLinux01:58
ubotuBrokenLinux: irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/), irssi (console) (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines01:58
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atomikuWait wait wait I know what has happened here01:58
mc44atomiku: you havent rebooted?01:58
crolle17jrib but when i want to do it with the whole document?01:58
atomikuIts updated the /boot/ config on the wrong partition01:58
Jowiverb3k, there should be a minimal install cd available that downloads most stuff from the net. not sure it is available for feisty yet though ( see !install )01:58
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atomikuIt updated the wrong grub config01:58
Valstorm2379My error msg was: This kernel is version number, conflict etc.01:58
BrokenLinuxbimberi: thanks01:58
jribcrolle17: put a  %  before the s01:58
bimberiBrokenLinux: yw :)01:58
crolle17jrib will do so.01:58
atomikuSetting up nvidia-glx-new (1.0.9755+ ...01:58
ubuntu_noobjrib, is there a direct way to fix the issues instead of going the other way around and downloading deps01:58
atomikuis that the one I need?01:58
mc44atomiku: yes01:58
verb3kJowi: Thanks Jowi ..... I really appreciate your help01:59
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kaiyanghi, may i know is there any security issue if i use the desktop edition to run as a server? because i am not comfortable with the commandline in server edtion01:59
Huffalumpatomiku, that's what I understand... but that has not worked for me.01:59
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atomikuNow lemme pull the updated grub config and put it on the right partition01:59
mc44atomiku: but you really need to be in the correct kernel01:59
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Jowiverb3k, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:59
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CompuChipAnyone here that's good at solving startup problems? I don't feel like re-installing my system01:59
atomikuBe right back guys, thanks for the help mc44 and Huffalump01:59
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jribubuntu_noob: I don't know what the issue is, but if it's a dependency one then that command will fix it01:59
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BrokenLinuxbimberi: xchat won't install on feisty :/01:59
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ubuntu_noobjrib, alright thanks anyways02:00
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stiffme1983does any one have sound problem using Intel HD audio?02:00
bimberiBrokenLinux: really? an error?02:00
crolle17jrib the i get message: prototype not found02:00
BrokenLinuxbimberi: xchat: Depends: tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5) but it is not installable02:00
doc_bimberi: i'm using xchat on feisty right now02:00
jribcrolle17: paste the command you used02:00
bimberi!info tcl8.4 feisty02:00
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ubotutcl8.4: Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.4 - run-time files. In component main, is optional. Version 8.4.14-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1136 kB, installed size 3192 kB02:00
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BrokenLinuxbimberi: So I need to install tcl8.4 first?02:01
bimberiBrokenLinux: yes, but there seems to be some issue.  Put our sources.list file on a pastebin02:01
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atomikuIve got a problem here02:01
crolle17jrib: sorry it is working now. GREAT!02:01
sorcereri see this file i wanna run it quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run in .. command line how can i do this02:01
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atomikuIve got a problem here, I have two partitions (one boot partition one main partition) both mounted to /02:02
Maximilian1stsorcerer, ./quake4...02:02
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atomikuI cant seem to get to /boot/ on the boot partition02:02
jribcrolle17: you know about the help system?   :he :s02:02
atomikuwhat shall I do?02:02
ubuntu_noobjrib, thanks alot02:02
atomikuunmount the boot partition (thats currently mounted as /) and mount it elsewhere?02:02
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atomikuI cant unmount it02:03
crolle17jrib do you mean man vi?02:03
sorcererMaximilian1st:  just ./quake4 ?02:03
atomikuLooks like im going to have to do this from the livecd be back in a bit02:03
jribcrolle17: nope, try the command I said above,     :he :s02:03
CompuChipatomiku, you're not in the dir are you :)02:03
Jowiatomiku, reboot. no good to have several partitions mounted to the same dir (without its own subdir that is)02:03
crolle17jrib will do so.02:03
CompuChipyou can't unmount the directory if you're inside it02:04
atomikuI have a 4gig partition set as boot02:04
orbinkaiyang: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/02:04
Maximilian1stnope, ./quake4... ...being the rest of the name of the .run02:04
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Maximilian1stI was lazy02:04
atomikuand grub is installed on that partition02:04
atomikuthen I have ubuntu on another partition02:04
atomikuthey both seem to be mounted on /02:04
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orbinkaiyang: see the "What's the difference between desktop and server?" section.02:04
atomikulol ill just brb02:04
nozeysomeone using toshiba satelite + feisty?02:05
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BrokenLinuxbimberi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16545/02:05
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Valstorm2379Anyone know about a USB formatting software?02:05
BrokenLinuxnozey: I'm using a satellite + feisty02:05
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nozeyBrokenLinux, whats your network card?02:05
naja_re tout le monde02:05
Valstorm2379LOOKING for USB formatter that works through Ubuntu.02:05
sorcererMaximilian1st: this is the file ....               quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.runbash: quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run: command not found02:05
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orbinkaiyang: my reading of that is you're no more or less secure.  it's just optimized for servers which are sometimes low specced.02:05
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crolle17jrib lots of help-txt-files...02:05
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Maximilian1stsorcerer,  make your file executable chmod +x quake402:05
crolle17jrib need a lot of time to read them :)02:05
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sorcererMaximilian1st: i dunno how to do that .. iam noob ..02:06
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hawksorcerer: he just told you how02:06
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whatspygood morning... I can't figure how to set the midnight commander default text editor to "vim" ?02:06
kaiyangi see thanks. it's helpful. but the support period for dapper is different. server is longer than desktop why??02:06
bimberiBrokenLinux: done a 'sudo apt-get update' recently?02:06
sorcererhawk:  where do i do this ..02:06
BrokenLinuxbimberi: let me try that02:06
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jribcrolle17: yep, every command is documented.  and if you just do  :he  you'll get a manual that you can read through (slowly of course or else you'll forget everything very fast)02:06
kaiyangsince they are basically the same thing02:06
Maximilian1stsorcerer, in the command line.02:06
magnetronValstorm2379: use "Disk Management" in "Add/Remove Programs"02:06
Maximilian1stsorcerer, chmod +x quake402:06
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hawksorcerer: in the directory where quake4 is02:07
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jo_hello people02:07
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Valstorm2379disk management okay thanks02:07
CompuChipI was updating from Edgy to Feisty  when my laptop overheated and shut down. Now when I start up in recovery mode, it says "Waiting for root system" and then tells me /dev/hda2 (where it is installed) does not exist and drops to a (initramfs) shell. Any solutions except reinstall completely?02:07
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crolle17jrib true. my brain is getting older day by day... ;)02:07
sorcererthis is what i get   chmod +x quake4chmod: cannot access `quake4': No such file or directory02:07
hdxxhey, does somone using kubuntu feisty fawn? works all fine?02:07
ikonia_CompuChip boot into recovery mode from the cdrom and see if /dev/hda2 exists02:07
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ikonia_hdxx many people02:07
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solowlrwhere do I find the grub configuration file in Ubuntu?02:07
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ikonia_solowlr /boot/grub02:07
jribhdxx: for many people it works fine, some of trouble I'm sure02:08
CompuChipikonia_, When I boot into Live mode from CD it exists. I can even mount it02:08
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vega-solowlr: /boot/grub/menu.lst02:08
orbinsorcerer: need to pass the full filename, type quke4, then press tab02:08
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magnetron!grub > solowlr02:08
Zoberthey guys02:08
ikonia_CompuChip its possible your chipset is not loaded/supported under fesity02:08
kelvincan someone help me with my samba75 edge usb?02:08
Zobertif anyine needs a feisty mirror: http://www.kitsirota.com/soft/linux/ubuntu/feisty/02:08
CompuChipI don't think the upgrade was complete02:08
coz_Ok guys, fresh install feisty releses, eveytime I reboot I have to reinstall the nvidia drivers  < I thought youguys fixed that?02:08
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hdxxok cool, because i'm updating right now02:08
ikonia_Zobert the mirrors are listed on the ubuntu site02:08
ikonia_CompuChip there you go then02:08
hobeCan I expect my internet connection (ADSL with Alcatel Speedtouch 330) to work ater upgrading to feisty? I mean after the upgrade to dapper, the firmware directory had changed. Is there anything similar to expect?02:08
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:09
ferronicaany one here know how to mount windows drive manipulating /etc/fstab  ?02:09
CompuChipikonia_, I know that is the problem. But how do I fix it. How can I resume the upgrade when I can't boot into my system? :)02:09
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ferronicaread and write both02:09
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ikonia_hobe check the ghardware compatability list, chances are if it worked in 6.06 or 6.10 it will be dine02:09
PirateHeadHappy 4/20, everybody.02:09
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ikonia_CompuChip fresh install02:09
coz_also alacare menu editor still does not work with the debian menu installed02:09
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ikonia_PirateHead what ??02:09
bostik__hi all02:09
CompuChipikonia_ :( so just make a fresh install and then try the upgrade again02:10
Maximilian1stsorcerer, You need to give the full name of the app you want to make executable with chmod +x02:10
bostik__is there a reason for italian ubuntu mirror not listed ?02:10
ferronicai used this line to read and write--- >/dev/sdb1       /windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 002:10
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Mikhaelferronica: /dev/sda1        /mnt/c           vfat        ro,umask=000     1   002:10
ikonia_CompuChip or just install fesity fresh rather than upgrading to it02:10
PirateHeadWhen I upgraded to Feisty, my sound card stopped working. Additionally, Rhythmbox crashes when I try to play a song. Why might that be?02:10
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sorcererMaximilian1st:  iam doing it .. the tab but doiesnt complete its stange02:10
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NessieLiberationferronica: if it's ntfs and you want read/write, use ntfs-3g02:10
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ferronicaMikhael: for ntfs and sdb1 not sda102:10
RARCAHello all02:10
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PirateHeadHello RARca02:11
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orbinferronica: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#head-80128df9c1c4215d74e3f016b5cd2c2352da247c02:11
CompuChipikonia_, now we're at it: would it help to put for example /home and /etc on another partition? So that I won't lose all my settings when something like this happens again?02:11
Maximilian1stsorcerer, you need to be in the same folder as the file.02:11
ikonia_ferronica ntfs write support is not native to the kernel02:11
RARCAJust downloaded the new ubuntu....  What is the skype to use for it?02:11
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ikonia_CompuChip you can't put /etc on a seperate partition02:11
Mikhaelferronica: install ntfs3g if you wanna write NTFS partitions02:11
kelvinany networking EXPERT around??? from the 1300 peoples?02:11
NessieLiberation!ntfs-3g | ferronica02:11
ubotuferronica: ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)02:11
orbinferronica: bah, disregard.02:11
ferronicaikonia : so wont paste anything to my windows02:11
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yag4miHi, what does it mean 'leave packages that are not available' under synaptic's preferences?02:11
ikonia_kelvin just ask the question02:11
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sorcererMaximilian1st:   chmod +x quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.runchmod: changing permissions of `quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run': Operation not permitted02:11
BrokenLinuxbimberi: seems like I'm having a problem, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16546/02:11
ikonia_ferronica paste anything into your windows ?02:12
RARCAhey peter02:12
yag4midoes it mean it'll delete packages after apt lists are updated?02:12
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hdxxsorcerer, chmod +x02:12
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hdxxah you did it02:12
ferronicaikonia: i tried to manipulate fstab02:12
kelvinikonia: i am using samba 75 usb edge modem....i am problem to use it on my ubuntu..02:12
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Trist_ansorcerer, try with sudo02:12
ferronicaikonia: i used this line to read and write--- >/dev/sdb1       /windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 002:12
ikonia_ferronica what are you trying to do02:12
ikonia_kelvin is it supported02:12
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ikonia_ferronica you can't write to NTFS partitions02:12
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RARCAWhat skype version should I use for Ubuntu?02:13
ikonia_RARCA the one thats in the ubuntu repo02:13
sorcererok it worked .. with sudo .. now what do i type to run teh game ?02:13
ikonia_sorcerer read the quake 4 docs on it02:13
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RARCAThx ikonia02:13
kelvinikonia:i know....suddently i cannot use it anymore..the modem is fine in wndows....02:13
Trist_an./ quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86 I think, it should install it02:13
bimberiBrokenLinux: yes, i'd try another mirror ...02:13
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ferronicaikonia: i wanna clean install ubutnu 7.04 so i wanna copy paste my some Mp3 and Movies in windows02:13
bimberi!mirrors | BrokenLinux02:13
ubotuBrokenLinux: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive02:13
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sorcererthis is in the command line .02:13
ikonia_kelvin if it works in windows has no relecence to ubuntu02:13
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT02:13
NessieLiberationikonia_: you can write to ntfs partitions with ntfs-3g02:13
ikonia_sorcerer read the quake 4 docs02:13
LaszloKvWould someone be able to help me out with samba settings to share a folder.  I've been working on this for hours...02:14
sorcererman all this just to install agame on ubuntu ...02:14
ikonia_NessieLiberation I know this - but he's not using that02:14
Trist_anferronica, then you should restrat under windows and grap the files from it maybe02:14
CompuChipikonia_: thanks, I'll do that.02:14
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NessieLiberationikonia_: ok02:14
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ikonia_sorcerer just read the docs - and you won't have "all this"02:14
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yag4miNessieLiberation, does it ever mess up your FS/the remaining partitions?02:14
BrokenLinuxbimberi: Do I change what mirror I'm using in synaptic or something?02:14
peter07I've just finished my update to feisty, and I have problem with beryl. Beryl always detects aiglx but I have xserver-xgl and Composite Disabled and  Option  "AIGLX" "off"02:14
Trist_ansorcerer, you should also now be able to bouble click on the file to install it02:14
peter07How I can force beryl to use xgl??02:15
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Guest_750Anyone has md5hash for Feisty desktop iso?02:15
ferronicathere is no way to copy paste my ubuntu 6.10 data to windows :(02:15
NessieLiberationyag4mi: i know plenty of people who'se used it, and they've nevre had a problem02:15
CompuChipferronica, which data?02:15
Stromberghi i have problems installing the nvidia drivers. should i just do apt-get install nvidia-glx and it should work?02:15
ryanakcaAnybody know what the package for ACE is? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ACE_%28editor%2902:15
Trist_anferronica, there is with ntfs-3g but...02:15
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ferronicaCompuChip: Mp3 and Movies :)02:15
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ikonia_ferronica not at your level no02:15
orbinferronica: http://www.fs-driver.org02:15
NessieLiberationferronica: use an external HD with FAT partitions, or use ntfs-3g02:15
Strombergi do sudo nvidia-glx-config enable then and after that X wont start anymore02:15
sorcererTrist_an:  umm it says .. no permision granted when i double click the file ???/02:15
boubbinhow to install legacy invidia drivers in feisty ?02:16
ferranhow can change /dev/eth2 for /dev/eth1?  i have install ubuntu 7.04 with usb net :(02:16
bimberiBrokenLinux: you can modify mirrors via synaptic but probably the easiest way is to edity /etc/apt/sources.list directly02:16
magnetron!nvidia > Stromberg02:16
orbinferronica: then you can read the ext3 partitions from windows02:16
ikonia_sorcerer read the docs - stop asking in here, this is nothing to do with ubuntu02:16
Supaplexferran: udev rules02:16
ferronicaikonia: tell me i will try to do02:16
Strombergthx ikonia02:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:16
Trist_ansorcerer, ok if you are still in terminal type sudo chown your_username:your_username name of the file02:16
bimberiBrokenLinux: 'gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"'02:16
CompuChipferronica I made a separate fat partition for that: windows will automatically find it and in Ubuntu you can mount it under /data or whatever you like02:16
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Trist_anso do I CompuChip02:16
ikonia_CompuChip that would be his best solution, I agree02:16
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CompuChipOnly problem is you will lose data when you want to do that after your installation02:17
Trist_ansorcerer, when done double click again on the file02:17
CompuChipunless you use an external hard disk02:17
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ikonia_sorcerer just read the docs - it tells you all this02:17
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yag4miwell, with feisty folk who have old nvidia cards are being left out of the beryl loop- but then again, its a pain to have beryl running on lesser powerful graphics cards, irrespective of how cool it looks.02:17
ikonia_yag4mi you don't have to use beryl02:17
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BrokenLinuxbimberi: ok, that worked...so I just replace http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ with another mirror I find?02:17
ikonia_yag4mi fesity is nothing to do with your card being too old to run new software02:17
yag4mii know- ikonia - but it was nice while it lasted on edgy02:17
CompuChipyag4mi I use beryl with my not-so-recent nvidia card02:18
yag4mi :)02:18
boubbinhow to install nvidia-legacy drivers in feisty ?02:18
ikonia_!nvidia >boubbin02:18
bimberiBrokenLinux: yes, choose one from that page ubotu mentioned02:18
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yag4miikonia, is it possible using the previous release of the nvidia driver?02:18
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ikonia_yag4mi I'd advise against it02:18
ikonia_yag4mi try the nvidia-legacy package02:19
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yag4mii have nvidia-glx-legacy. and its possible to use beryl with it?02:19
yag4mi(if so, woo hoo).02:19
Trist_ansorcerer, is it working now?02:19
ikonia_yag4mi it will run, but how well is debatable02:19
sorcererTrist_an:  umm mate .. that line is giving issues ..02:19
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Trist_ansorcerer, can you pastebin the output?02:20
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RARCAwhat client should I use for IRC?  Is there one built in already?02:20
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ikonia_Trist_an come on - this isn't quake support02:20
willwilli have tried to run 7.04 beta in VMware and it show error:http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3857/fawnalergicci9.jpg is this fixed in the stable version?02:20
Valstorm2379How do I get disk manager to run in the terminal??02:20
ikonia_Trist_an he';s not even reading the docs that tells you how to setup the executable02:20
sorcererTrist_an:  this is the file name what do you wat me to type b4 it quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run02:20
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Valstorm2379what's the command for it??02:20
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hdxxRARCA, xchat02:20
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RARCAThx hdxx02:20
ikonia_sorcerer last request, please stop asking about quake and read the docs02:20
Trist_ansorcerer, what is your username02:20
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RARCAIs xchat built in?02:20
willwill(that's edubuntu 7.04 beta remastered by reconstructor)02:20
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SupaplexRARCA: install it02:21
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CompuChipsorcerer chmod +x02:21
yag4miValstorm2379, the disk manager? you mean fdisk? or something like gpart?02:21
boojithi, I'm debugging what appears to be a bug in Ubuntu Feisty with gnome-vfs and secure DAV folders. Does anyone here have time to test against my DAV folder and see if they can replicate the bug?02:21
Trist_anikonia, it will teach him how to install other x86 packages02:21
RARCAThx supaplex02:21
Trist_anCompuChip, no he has to chown02:21
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Valstorm2379I mean Disk Management02:21
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ikonia_Trist_an so would reading the docs and not being spoon fed how to change permissions02:21
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Terminushello. i just installed feisty and sound isn't working. kernel modules are loaded (snd_emu10k1) but i'm not getting any output. anybody having the same problem?02:21
ap1Where are the Feisty release notes? So I know what has changed?02:21
Valstorm2379I need to format a USB card hence I need to run Disk M.02:21
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sorcererguys please understand .. your ubuntu .. forums are set up for newbies and hence isnt ubuntu for poeple to use with ease ... ??02:21
Valstorm2379I just can't get it to run because it keeps saying I don't have right to mount and such.02:22
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yag4miValstorm2379, then type `sudo fdisk`02:22
sorcererso please bare with me .. it does relate to getting packages installed in UBUNTU ..02:22
sorcererjust bare with me thank you02:22
Valstorm2379errr are you sure??02:22
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yag4miwait - its `sudo fdisk /dev/path`02:22
ikonia_sorcerer your not doing anythign to do with ubuntu - your trying to get a 3rd party product to run without reading the 3rd party docs02:22
ikonia_sorcerer this is nothing to do with ubuntu02:22
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boojitapl: perhaps you want this? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/feisty-changes/02:22
yag4miyes, if you want to format it, you can use that application02:22
Valstorm2379So I'd have to figure out the path of the USB card, right?02:22
boojitapl: but that's a lot of detail02:22
sorcererarent i trying to install it in .. ubuntu ??02:22
hdxxRARCA, sudo apt-get install xchat02:22
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yag4miValstorm2379, usb disk, you mean?02:23
Trist_ansorcerer, then please give m your username. When you login, what username are you using?02:23
ikonia_sorcerer but the problems are nothing to do with ubuntu, as I said, last request to stop discussing quake 402:23
yag4mido this `ls /dev/sd*`02:23
yellow_chickenanyone upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? any problems in the way?02:23
ProN00b7.04 out yet ?02:23
sorcereri mean yeah its a flavour of linux .. but its ubuntu and besides peopel who switch from windows .. dontr know linux file systems .. and managment ..02:23
RARCAhdxx thx02:23
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sorcererTrist_an:  sorcerer02:23
CompuChipsorcerer do you call the Microsoft help desk when you try to install a program that was ported from Linux and is potentially unstable in Windows? :)02:23
yag4mithat'll usually give all the available usb disk devices.02:23
apo_Hm... any ideas why traceroute6 tells me that a host is unknown while ping6 has no problems?02:23
Valstorm2379I mean a USB memory stick. sigh.02:23
DropbearUpgrade broke my system02:23
bimberiap1: hmm, somehow I don't think http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/704 is quite what you're after02:23
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yag4miValstorm2379, same thing.02:24
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ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/02:24
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Valstorm2379is it then for me sudo /media?02:24
Valstorm2379I mean sudo fdisk /media?02:24
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Trist_anthen sorcerer type sudo chown sorcerer:sorcerer quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run02:24
Wandereranyone know the package names for Thunderbird 2?  No package updtes so far02:24
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ikonia_Valstorm2379 /media is not a disk device02:24
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ikonia_Wanderer what version of ubuntu02:24
SupaplexValstorm2379: fdisk needs a block device.02:24
sorcererCompuChip: no mate i dont even bother .. dont get me wrong .. i am glad this channel exists .. but .. come one .. not many people wanna write commands to get apps working .. i love ubuntu .. and linux .. well its diffcult but a good challenge02:24
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yag4mino, Valstorm2379 - that is actually the mount point. in linux, the physical device reference is at another location02:24
BrokenLinuxbimberi: check this out, http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/02:24
Wandererikonia: feisty, thunderbird 1.5 is installed02:24
yag4miwhich usually is, /dev/somedevice02:25
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ikonia_Wanderer there is no thunderbird 2 yet02:25
ap1bimberi and boojit: no, those references do not cut it. They do not tell about new features in a compact document.02:25
Wandererikonia_: ok released, not ported and packaged.  thanks02:25
ikonia_Wanderer spot on02:25
Valstorm2379How would I find out the physical ref?02:25
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Valstorm2379any quick command for it?02:25
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yag4mii told you earlier. type : ls /dev/sd*02:25
bimberiBrokenLinux: yes i've seen that.  Wasn't sure if it would give you a wide choice of mirrors though.02:25
Valstorm2379kay thanks02:25
Wandererikonia_: thanks for the straight answer :.02:25
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ikonia_Wanderer a pleasure to have someone want a straight answer02:26
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boojitapl: well GEE sorry man. Maybe your lack of description in your original question is what doesn't cut it, not the link.02:26
ProN00bhay, giev update howto teh now ke ?!?!!02:26
Hasrat_USAgood morning. what's the command for finding out the release number of an Ubuntu distribution?02:26
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ikonia_Hasrat_USA lsb_release -a02:26
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magnetron!update > ProN00b02:26
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taggievalstorm2379: plug in the usb, and type "dmesg" look at the last few lines for the /dev/sdX02:26
yellow_chickendoes upgrade remove old open office? or just install a new instance and link to new path02:26
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ikonia_yellow_chicken it upgrades02:27
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Terminushello. i just installed feisty and sound isn't working. kernel modules are loaded (snd_emu10k1) but i'm not getting any output. anybody know how to fix this? previously worked in dapper.02:27
sorcererTrist_an:  did you get my message ?02:27
LjLap1: perhaps https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/feisty ?02:27
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boubbinhow to install nvidia-legacy drivers in feisty (kubuntu) ? adept wont find legacy drivers02:27
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ap1I mean, I am looking for a document which allows me to weigh the benefit of Feisty upgrade compared to the trouble of possible new bugs.02:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:27
Trist_ansorcerer, nope. Are you a registered user?02:27
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ikonia_boubbin do you haev the correct repo enabled02:27
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LjLsorcerer: the command line is not that hard, when you've got documents to follow step by step. they tell you to type some thing, and you type said thing. that's it. if you encounter problems, *then* ask. (but remember we can't thorougly support 3rd party products)02:27
Hasrat_USA the upgrade upgrades openoffice to 2.202:27
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boubbinikonia_: how to enable it in feisty ?02:27
yellow_chickenTerminus: did you update all the packages on 6.10 before you upgrade to 7.04?02:27
sorcererTrist_an:  here is the link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16548/ ..02:27
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ikonia_boubbin the same as in every other ubuntu release02:28
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sorcererLjL:  aight mate ..02:28
boubbinikonia_: so how is that done :P02:28
IdleOne!repos > boubbin   (boubbin, see the private message from ubotu)02:28
BrokenLinuxbimberi: got xchat, thanks for all your help :)02:28
ikonia_boubbin the software managment menu02:28
LjLoperation not permitted?02:28
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RARCAI am having problems accessing the web from Ubuntu.  I can access google.com and no other sites.  Any suggestions?  It seems the bundled chat client can connect to the net.02:28
Terminusyellow_chicken: this is a fresh feisty install.02:28
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yag4miyeah, nice feature they've added this time- the software management.02:28
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bimberiBrokenLinux: cool, np :)02:29
Trist_anhey ikonia he (sorcerer) cannot sudo chown the file....02:29
LjLsorcerer: is that file located on an NTFS (or Windows, anyway) filesystem?02:29
yag4mibut still, it'd be nicer if ubuntu had something that runs similar to source-o-matic natively.02:29
bulmerRARCA: what do you mean only google.com? can you ping the other sites?02:29
sorcererohh shit guys .02:29
ikonia_Trist_an apologies I wasn't paying attention02:29
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sorcererits on a fat32 drive02:29
ikonia_sorcerer now bad language too02:29
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.02:29
RARCAwhen I ping other sites it does not bounce back.02:29
sorcerermy bad sorry02:29
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ap1RARCA, are you on a FON WLAN AP? They allow only Google by default...02:29
magnetron!ohmy > sorcerer02:29
yellow_chickenTerminus: the instruction on ubuntu says you need to update all the packages for feisty first before upgrade to 7.0402:29
LjLsorcerer: move it to your home directory first.  mv quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run ~/ 02:29
CompuChip700 MB @ 500 kb/s takes a long time :)02:29
jimwhimpeyI had to restart my Ubuntu box which is entirely controlled via ssh on another computer, I've rebooted in the past and had it restart with ssh fine before but this time I've restarted it and I can't connect via ssh. I also accidentally deleted the GUI so I can't really just hook up a screen, get it running and then get rid of the screen again. What can I do?02:30
do7i have a version of ubuntu running on a cd.how do i save it to run without cd on my pc02:30
feNNec_Hi !02:30
RARCAap1: what is that?02:30
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yellow_chickenTerminus: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading02:30
Terminusyellow_chicken: this isn't an upgrade. it's a fresh install off the feisty alt cd.02:30
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LjLsorcerer: then  cd ~ , then again  sudo chown sorcerer:sorcerer  quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run 02:30
ikonia_do7 click the install icon02:30
yellow_chickenTerminus: sorry02:30
yag4misorcerer, you should've said, 'oh, feces'02:30
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ikonia_sorcerer this is ALL explained int he quake 4 docs02:30
do7ikonia_ it wont damage my windows heh02:30
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JebJoyaright, i've got some issues, first things first - Amarok will not install, I get an issue stating "amarok: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not going to be installed" any fixes?02:30
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ikonia_do7 not it you install it to a seperate partition02:30
ap1RARCA, forget it if you don't know.02:30
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yag4miJebJoya, try #amarok02:30
TmsKwhere can i search about dmraid in ubuntu 7.0402:31
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yag4misuperb support02:31
CompuChipjimwhimpey you deleted the GUI but you can still log in through a terminal, right?02:31
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JebJoyaokay, noone was talking in there last time :S02:31
pluxjimwhimpey: hook up a screen to it and use the terminalinterface (you will be greeted by something similiar you see when you do ssh)02:31
do7ikonia_ thanks02:31
yellow_chickenTerminus: feisty was beta for so long, i got mixed up. i took feisty as edgy02:31
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CompuChipjimwhimpey so just hook up a screen and log in02:31
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feNNec_Edgy -> Feisty upgrade pb: update manager doesn't give the cell to upgrade02:31
ikonia_TmsK for the record I personally don't believe dmraid is worth while at this time02:31
TmsKits supported in the installer?02:31
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yag4miJebJoya, yeah - thats assuming they are around :P02:31
Terminusyellow_chicken: hehehe.02:31
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TmsKikonia<- ok02:31
wamtyXubuntu is better than ubuntu?02:31
jimwhimpeyCompuChip: with the GUI gone, when I boot up I'll be greeted with a command line?02:31
ikonia_wamty personal taste02:31
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rukuarticDoes anyone know why ctrl+alt+backspace reboots instead of restarting XOrg like it used to?02:31
magnetron!best > wamty02:31
VSpikedoes the bot do !advocacy ? :)02:32
CompuChipjimwhimpey yes, like plux said. And if not, you can press Ctrl + Alt + F1 and then you should.02:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about advocacy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:32
jimwhimpeybrilliant, thanks!02:32
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taggiewamty xubuntu tends to be faster on older/slower boxes, but "better" is a very subjective thing.02:32
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willwillis this http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/3857/fawnalergicci9.jpg fixed in stable version of 7.04? (it is edubuntu 7.04 beta running on vmware workstation on windows xp)02:32
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wamtyare there sepcial video cards for xgl support?02:32
yag4mii prefer the best apps from different DEs.02:32
jo_wamty: you can install ubuntu and than install xubuntu as an optional windowmanager at startup, its good in some ways and bad in others, check it out02:32
sorcererTrist_an:  hey mate .. sudo cho worked in the terminal .. now whats to run the thing now ?02:33
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JebJoyayag4mi:  the issue seems to be kinda feisty based, since if i try sudo apt-get install python-qt3 i get: "right, i've got some issues, first things first - Amarok will not install, I get an issue stating "amarok: Depends: python-qt3 but it is not going to be installed" any fixes?"02:33
boubbinikonia_: err, those images in the wiki arent even close to what I see in my adept ?02:33
Trist_ancould anyone pastebin me his custom fluxbox menu plz... I'm too lazy to make my own ;)02:33
Notchnickwhy when I try to use a gparted live cd to repartition the drives it would say monitor out of range after choosing the language?02:33
Terminusanyway, if anybody knows why i can't get sound, please let me know.02:33
wamtyare there sepcial video cards for xgl support?02:33
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ikonia_sorcerer read the quake 4 docs, PLEASE02:33
Trist_ansorcerer, double click the icon02:33
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guest_how are u02:33
JebJoyaignore that last thing02:33
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ikonia_boubbin sorry I have no idea what your talking about, I don't remember you asking me a question02:33
ma3xwhere can I get xorg.conf sample?02:33
jo_wamty: what videocard do you have?02:33
jrib!xconfig > ma3x    (ma3x, see the private message from ubotu)02:33
ikonia_ma3x you have one installed from xorg packages02:33
spikebJebJoya, i was wondering when apt got so talkative02:33
harpihello, i need some help installing a alien aplication on ubuntu. is there a seperat channel for that?02:33
sorcererTrist_an: i did man .. still no permision when asking to .. make DIr02:33
wamtyare there sepcial video cards for xgl support?02:33
ma3xikonia, I dont have them installed02:34
ikonia_harpi I'd advise against it02:34
LjLharpi: err, i suppose not. you mean installing an RPM via alien?02:34
VSpikeHow easy is it to move a root fs from one partition to another?02:34
ikonia_VSpike very02:34
ma3xI need a sample xorg.conf02:34
boubbinikonia_: about enabling repos in kubuntu feisty.02:34
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VSpikeA bootable one02:34
ikonia_boubbin ooh yesd02:34
JebJoyawhat i meant was that sudo apt-get install python-qt3 gave: " python-qt3: Depends: python (< 2.5) but 2.5.1~rc1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed"02:34
jribma3x: for what purpose?02:34
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ikonia_VSpike very easy02:34
yag4miJebJoya, thats over my head. you might want to try update apt-get and then retry- its unfamiliar territory...package conflicts that is02:34
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ikonia_boubbin are you using ubuntu or kubuntu02:34
LjLJebJoya: pastebin your sources.list02:34
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theoryxhello :) i just installed linux and wonder where to set what OS is default? when booting...02:34
ma3xjrib, I changed a lot of stuff, and now I cant get to reconfigure it02:34
ma3xI must manually edit02:34
auridiusHi, downloaded feisty yesterday, i386. Hardware support is splendid on my box, everything works...but when i try to connect to a wifi network with WEP key, my system crashes. Whats wrong with the networkmanager?02:34
Trist_ansorcerer, then in terminal sudo  ./quake4-linux-1.4.1-sdk.x86.run02:35
LjLtheoryx: gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:35
LaszloKvTrist_an do you know what to do beyond what you had in the samba conf file?  Because I am still having a hell of a lot of trouble...02:35
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JebJoyaLjL: where can i find sources.list?02:35
theoryxok, thnx02:35
wamtyis Xgl the Novell project? I think the stuff Novell was doing required proprietary ATI drivers or something.02:35
qebabquick question: my ubuntu shipped with python 2.4, and I've now installed python 2.5, how do I make the command 'python' in terminal route to 2.5 instead of 2.4?02:35
wamtyare there sepcial video cards for xgl support?02:35
jribma3x: you receive an error when you try the command ubotu gave you to reconfigure it?02:35
LjLJebJoya: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list02:35
boubbinikonia_: kubuntu02:35
harpiljl no it is a program called iip it is a unvisebel chat for irc, there is a source for it02:35
Trist_anLaszloKv, no, it worked for me after that02:35
LjL!pastebin > JebJoya    (JebJoya, see the private message from Ubotu)02:35
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jo_wamty:  aiglx is better, nvidia supports both from xorg 7.01 on in combination with xvideo02:35
ikonia_boubbin I don't use that, but check in #kubuntu and I'm sure soeone will have the right screen shots to show you02:35
VSpikeikonia_: I figured it would be.  I need to do a clean install. Got feisty ready to go.  Got a spare partition but it's a bit smaller than ideal for long term.  I'd like to install there, and then when I'm totally happy with it, move it over my currrent edgy install02:35
ma3xjrib, I don't know how to configure X for my video card I get errors when I play ppracer02:35
_voiladoes anyone have some tips with installing/setting up DNS on Edgy ?02:36
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LjLharpi: and it comes in what shape? why did you call it an "alien" application?02:36
ikonia_VSpike should not be a problem02:36
jribma3x: what errors?02:36
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ma3xwhen I play ppracer it terminates and it resizes my screen (big) and it says File r300_vertexprog.c function t_dst_index line 184 unknown output 302:36
ma3xand then r300_ioctl.c:683: r300AllocDmaRegion: Assertion 'rmesa->dma.current.ptr <= rmesa->dma.current.end' failed02:36
NotchnickNeed help: why when I try to use a gparted live cd to repartition hard drives it would say monitor out of range after choosing the language?02:36
VSpikeikonia_: Cool. Thanks02:36
LaszloKvTrist_an, Damn... I still get an error that seems to be a permission denial02:36
harpialien as i not know for ubuntu02:36
qebabquick question: my ubuntu shipped with python 2.4, and I've now installed python 2.5, how do I make the command 'python' in terminal route to 2.5 instead of 2.4? <= I might word myself better to say I want 'python' in terminal to link to python 2.4 instead of python 2.502:36
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sorcererTrist_an:  ok it worked ..02:36
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ikonia_obsethry hello02:36
Valstorm2379This is what I get with dmesg02:36
Valstorm2379usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 302:37
Valstorm2379[ 5488.883686]  usb 1-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5489.094692]  scsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5489.095979]  usb-storage: device found at 302:37
Valstorm2379[ 5489.096004]  usb-storage: waiting for device to settle before scanning02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.092777]  usb-storage: device scan complete02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.100756]  scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access     Flash    Drive SM_USB20   1100 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.144662]  SCSI device sda: 983040 512-byte hdwr sectors (503 MB)02:37
rukuarticValstorm2379: Pastebin man02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.150833]  sda: Write Protect is off02:37
robertjqebab does python -V say its running 2.4?02:37
ikonia_Valstorm2379 thanks for flooding the channel02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.150848]  sda: Mode Sense: 43 00 00 0002:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.150852]  sda: assuming drive cache: write through02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.176819]  SCSI device sda: 983040 512-byte hdwr sectors (503 MB)02:37
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda or mneptok02:37
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Valstorm2379[ 5494.184620]  sda: Write Protect is off02:37
Valstorm2379[ 5494.184635]  sda: Mode Sense: 43 00 00 0002:37
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Valstorm2379[ 5494.184639]  sda: assuming drive cache: write through02:37
ferranhow can change /dev/eth2 for /dev/eth1?  i have install ubuntu 7.04 with usb net :(02:37
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qebab2.4.4, more specifically, robertj02:37
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ikonia_jrib ta02:37
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LjLsorry didn't look02:37
robertjqebab: i don't know if thats managed via alternatives or not02:37
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JoseaaHello, can anyone please help. I restarted my gnome using ctrl + alt backspace and now I can't get it back. It shows a black screen displaying with a busy cursor sign.02:37
JebJoyaLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16549/02:37
Joseaaanyone ?02:37
ikonia_LjL I thought you'd left, hence the call. Bit quick draw - sorry02:37
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robertjqebab: I don't know much about it but man alternatives or google debain alternatives would probably help you determine if it was and if so how to change it02:38
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qebabthere isn't a way to 'relink' it to /usr/bin/env python 2.5 instead of /usr/bin/env python 2.4?02:38
LjLikonia_: no it's ok, i just didn't notice jrib had taken care of it already02:38
rukuarticYeah, I've been having issues with ctrl+alt+backspace. It reboots now...02:38
arch_when I click on my optical drive in nautilus, or try to type "mount /media/cdrom0", it tells me that /dev/scd0 doesn't exist, maybe a problem with my fstab?02:38
jo_Joseaa: what videocard do u use?02:38
qebabokay, thank you robertj02:38
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Joseaarukuartic: it is not reboot..It's stuck likethis for a while .02:38
Joseaajo_:  nividia02:38
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jribma3x: yes, that's a strange error.  But if you receive it only with ppracer that suggests it's a problem with ppracer02:39
rukuarticJoseaa: Yea I've had issues with mine rebooting. its not stuck though... We're having different problems.02:39
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magnetronJoseaa: i had that problem too, try ctrl alt bkspace again02:39
ma3xjrib, how do I test glx?02:39
wamtyshould I try vidia geforce 6800 - 7800 ?02:39
CompuChipyay, feisty 97% download02:39
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wamtywhats the 6800 ????02:39
jo_Joseaa: good, perhaps xorg wrong configured, did you try ctrl alt f1?02:39
wamtyi mean 780002:39
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jribma3x: try   glxgears02:39
JebJoyaLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16549/02:39
theoryxok... editing menu.lst.. what line do i have to change to make a OS default?02:39
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ikonia_theoryx the line that says "default"02:40
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CompuChiptheoryx put it at the top, is one way. Or count which number it is and put it at "default02:40
jo_Joseaa: what driver are u using?02:40
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mluHi: Just upgraded to Feisty and now have one issue: DMA on my Harddrives doesn't work. It's Intel Chipset and piix-module is loaded.02:40
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JoseaaIt's working now after ctrl+alt+backspace again. I was bit skeptical on using it before because of the busy cursor sign .02:40
CompuChiptheoryx if you do the last, note it starts at 002:40
ikonia_mlu tried hdparm02:40
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LjLJebJoya: you have Universe enabled in the main repository, but not in the Updates repository. that's a no-no. i'll fix the file for you.02:40
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JebJoyayikes, right, lemme see02:41
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LjLJebJoya: actually, nevermind. i'm wrong.02:41
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jo_Joseaa: i know this from bad configured xorg, check your xorg.conf and your drivers02:41
ndlovucan anyone help me debug a simple GIMP script-fu function? I got the function part from a google search, but had to create the register sections myself (see http://paste.uni.cc/14729). Registering brings up the following error: "...does not take the standard <Image> Plug-In args. (INT32, IMAGE, DRAWABLE)"02:41
theoryxwhat is the line chainloader?02:41
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JebJoyaLjL: Oh :(02:41
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ikonia_ndlovu you may have better support in #gimp02:41
mluikonia: Yes - HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted (and I am root)02:41
ikonia_mlu not a problem, just checking02:42
ndlovuikonia_, thanks, I've tried there already :( (seems nobody's home)02:42
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LjLJebJoya: ok, for some reason you've got a newer version of Python available than the one that's provided by edgy (and required by python-qt3)02:42
ikonia_mlu I have seen a problem where the smart monitor interferees with it02:42
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LjLJebJoya: please type  apt-cache policy python  and give me the output02:42
ikonia_ndlovu just hang around in #gimp, someone will wake up02:42
bostik__italian mirror not listed here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download02:42
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rukuartichum. Anyone know how I can go about configuring the compiz thingy?02:42
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bostik__any idea why ??02:42
jo_mlu: you have pata or sata or scsi drives?02:42
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ikonia_bostik__ its not an official mirror02:42
oRGyhey guys, any fix for the window bar problem in compiz yet?02:42
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mluikonia: Ok, can I just disable the smart monitor and how do I do iet?02:43
bostik__it is02:43
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sorcererTrist_an:  i give up .. after installing i dont even see it in the games directory or doenst even prompt me to copy the files over02:43
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jribrukuartic: there is a 'gnome-compiz-manager' in the repos.  No idea if it is any good.  Otherwise, use gconf-editor02:43
ikonia_mlu do you have the smart monitor intstalled ?02:43
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Barnab1hi all02:43
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rukuarticjrib: Thanks02:43
LjLJebJoya: (the reason is probably that you have the Feisty CD listed as a source. are you trying to upgrade to feisty?)02:43
ubuntuhi all02:43
mluikonia: Not sure - what is it?02:43
JebJoyaLjL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16550/02:43
ikonia_mlu smartd02:43
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JebJoyaLjL: I have upgraded to feisty, and i do have the CD as a source02:43
dmd_passwordthat such people02:43
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_Rappy_I'm going to backup my homedir, but I never can remember if its   tar -c /home/myhomedir   or /home/myhomedir/  (the last with an / at the end)02:43
mluikonia: Ok, I'll have a look into that.02:44
jo_mlu if you have sata or pata or scsi drive hdparm wont work and all options like dma are enabled by default02:44
Barnab1any solution yet to get the deskop effects working with an ATI X1600?02:44
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ikonia__Rappy_ tar cvf $path/to/tar /path/to/source02:44
LjLJebJoya: you haven't really upgrade to feisty, most of your sources (all except for the CD, actually) are Edgy sources02:44
harpiljl i have opened a private chat, my visual is not that good anymore and i have big fonts anabled to read this but....it is going way to fast for me , so if you don't mind02:44
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JebJoyaLjL: *facepalm*02:44
LjLJebJoya: how did you [attempt to]  upgrade?02:44
rukuarticjrib: Tried ctrl+alt+bksp lately? It rebooted me... why'd it change, and can I change it back?02:44
JuhazOneyo... i'm trying to get my locales straight in feisty02:44
ferranhow can change /dev/eth2 for /dev/eth1?  i have install ubuntu 7.04 with usb net :(02:44
ikonia_ferran /etc/interfaces02:45
jribrukuartic: you are sure it rebooted?  It didn't just restart X?02:45
theoryxwhat is the SU command for ubutu?02:45
ubuntuam i on the map or am i a ghost02:45
jrib!sudo > theoryx    (theoryx, see the private message from ubotu)02:45
ikonia_theoryx "su" and "sudo"02:45
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Anssi_Are the benefits of Feisty upgrade worth the trouble and initial bugs, if you use Linux for work, not for fun...02:45
mluikonia: No smartd running.02:45
JebJoyaput the cd in, then tried gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" that didn't work, then saw the button in the top right and clicked it, did all the upgrades i could then did the distribution upgrade02:45
finalbeta_Anyone knows a good screenshot program for gnome? Takes screenshot of individual windows? The standard program is such crap. Reporting bugs on that one seems futile.02:45
jribubuntu: you are here02:45
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JebJoyaLjL: Above02:45
ferranikonia, thanks02:45
SandManFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)02:45
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ikonia_mlu no idea then02:46
JuhazOnei get these errors abouts my locale right now :/ i've set most of the locale vars to fi_FI.ISO-8859-1 like i did in dapper02:46
SandMancould someone help me please, i get this when i try upgrading "Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)"02:46
jribfinalbeta_: you can use gimp.  But alt + PrintScreen should let you use the default program to do windows02:46
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ikonia_SandMan  I discussed this with you earlier02:46
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SandManikonia_ : it wasnt me02:46
LjLJebJoya: uhm, i don't know about cdromupgrade. i'd try to just follow the standard instructions02:46
magnetronfinalbeta_: you can take screenshots in individual windows using alt+ prinscreen02:46
ikonia_SandMan and gave you 3 possible issues and fixes02:46
LjL!upgrade > JebJoya    (JebJoya, see the private message from Ubotu)02:46
ikonia_SandMan yes it was02:46
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ikonia_you where called "sand_man"02:46
sorcereris there a way to run .. par2 files in teh gui in ubuntu ?02:46
theoryxi can't sudo to change chmod to menu.lst02:47
ubuntuhow long has this thing been up?02:47
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SandManikonia_ : no it wasnt me seriously man02:47
Hairulfrikonia: Lol02:47
LjLJebJoya: just use update manager. if it doesn't upgrade anything (because it thinks you're already on feisty, which partially you are), i'll give you a fixed sources.list and that should do it02:47
JuhazOneand another thing... KDE won't let me change resolution to 1600x1200 even though the resolution was correctly set up in xorg.conf. any ideas why?02:47
jribtheoryx: why would you chmod menu.lst?02:47
theoryxsu doesn't work02:47
ikonia_SandMan 2 people called sandman asking exactly the same question ?02:47
theoryxi cant save it02:47
|capiirajoin #kubuntu02:47
ferranikonia, /etc/interfaces or /etc/network/interfaces ?02:47
JuhazOne#kubuntu... hmmh, could try that02:47
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JebJoyaLjL: the reason i used the CD was that wireless wasn't working02:47
ikonia_ferran /etc/network/interfaces, my mistake02:47
theoryxit sais i dont have rights to save it..02:47
SandManikonia_ : think of it this way, why would i ask the same q twice in the same place ?02:47
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|capiiraforgot /02:47
finalbeta_jrib: I would have to reboot for that. The default program doesn't even start anymore, I made it lock up. I killed it, don't know what's keeping it from working now. Anyway, I don't want to use the default one. It simply doesn't work ok.02:47
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ikonia_SandMan because people don't listen02:47
jribtheoryx: you use sudo to run an editor so you can edit it.  Please take a look at the wiki page you were linked to.  For example,  sudo nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst02:47
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ubuntujebjoya: have you tried it more then oce?02:48
JebJoyaLjL: (although saying that, I booted and it suddenly started working before my upgrades so god knows what's going on!)02:48
rukuarticjrib: Yeah it was really weird02:48
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theoryxwhat is nano?02:48
ikonia_theoryx a text editor02:48
BrokenLinuxAnyone know of a thunderbird 2.0 deb pkg?02:48
jo_mlu: what drives do you have? how are they called, sda or hda?02:48
qebabcan anyone tell me where .bashrc is located?02:48
ikonia_BrokenLinux its not been packaged yet02:48
JebJoyaLjL: I don't think it's worked02:48
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ubuntui cannnot say i have02:48
SandManikonia_ : no i do listen and it wasnt me, now could u fix my problem ?02:48
CompuChipqebab in your home dir I suppose02:48
ikonia_qebab your home dir02:48
rukuarticSo whats the difference between Beryl, Compiz, and Aiglx?02:48
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BrokenLinuxikonia, ok thanks02:48
LjLJebJoya: like what?02:48
LjL!beryl > rukuartic    (rukuartic, see the private message from Ubotu)02:48
jribfinalbeta_: use gimp then or "import" from the command line02:48
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indraveniHi, I want to know hw is the Ubuntu Human theme coded to make its as default theme once we install ubutu02:49
Anssi_theoryx: nano is a simple editor. And you can say "sudo su" to become root if that's easier for you.02:49
ProN00bhow do i remove packages from a repository i added customly ?02:49
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rukuarticLjL: Aha, #ubuntu-effects02:49
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LjLAnssi_: or "sudo -i", which is preferable, for reasons of elegance if not anything else.02:49
ubuntuany one know why it wont launch the browser02:49
ikonia_SandMan possible problems, you are trying to upgrade a package that doesn't exist in fesity, the package that you want in fesity is now called something else, or the package in fesity is broke, or the mirror is down. Solutions, try removing the package before the upgrade, try changing mirrors, try browsing the repo with http and seeing if the package is there02:49
JebJoyaLjL: Like I just did it, and it still won't install02:49
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LjLProN00b: like all other packages - sudo apt-get remove packagename02:49
kleftisxim doing upgrade from edgy to feisty and now it asks me  The default action is to keep your current version.02:49
kleftisx*** login.defs (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N]  ? d02:49
kleftisx what to choose?02:49
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schizoschafhi just updated in feisty from 2.6.20-14 to 2.6.20-15. is it safe to reboot?02:49
LjLProN00b: then remove the entire repository from /etc/apt/sources.list, if that's what you want02:50
ProN00bLjL, yeah, and how do i list all the packages from that source ?02:50
jribubuntu: firefox?  What happens when you type "firefox" in a terminal?02:50
ikonia_kleftisx do you want to keep your current version02:50
LjLJebJoya: ok, giving you another sources.list02:50
ikonia_schizoschaf yes02:50
schizoschafthx ikonia02:50
LjLProN00b: that's less trivial, hold on02:50
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mjgHow do I upgrade to Fiesty from CD-ROM? I don't want to do a network upgrade.02:50
kleftisxikonia_ : what you mean to keep my current version? of edgy? no i want to go to feisty02:50
SandManikonia_ : thx man02:50
jrib!upgrade > mjg    (mjg, see the private message from ubotu)02:50
ikonia_mjg put the cd in add it to your sources.lst and upgrade02:50
protocol1would it be wise to re-install a clean copy of wine after installing new video drivers?02:51
ikonia_kleftisx the current version of t afile02:51
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magnetronmjg: first, you need the alternate cd. see message from ubotu.02:51
ubuntulife is a test and we are failing02:51
magnetron!alternate > mjg02:51
kleftisxikonia_ : im a kind of n00b can u explain me about this file?02:51
ikonia_kleftisx what file is it asking about02:51
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ferranikonia, this is for change configuration ip, dhcp.... i need change eth1 for eth2 and viceversa, or modify all scripts02:51
JebJoyaLjL: you just going to pastebin the sources.list?02:51
ikonia_ferran hang on02:52
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kleftisxikonia_ : `/etc/login.defs'02:52
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ikonia_kleftisx just keep it02:52
HuffalumpIf anyone would care to jump in on a solution for the wfb module not found after upgrading to Feisty, then I'd appreciate it.  I have thrown in the towel and given up on further progress without help since I'm unable to find a working answer.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=249065602:52
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kleftisxikonia_ : ok02:52
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blackraveCould someone explain to me what is different from the version optimized for computers with less than 256 MB RAM? Mine has 256 MB RAM, so I'm a but unsure whether to download the alternative or not02:53
LjLJebJoya: yes. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16552/ - click on "Download as text" to copy and paste it over your previous list. i moved everything to feisty, and i enabled Universe, since it makes little sense to have it disable when you have repos like the Beryl one enabled. after saving the new file, type  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop  in a console02:53
JoseaaGuys, need help once more. I edited the file xorg.conf, decreased the display resolution, saved and restarted gnome and now my system is stuck again.02:53
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LjLJebJoya: then upgrade02:53
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JoseaaIt now shows a message checking battery state02:53
magnetron!alternate > blackrave02:53
ikonia_ferret /etc/iftab - sorry02:53
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tikkaI am unable to hear anything in my install of ubuntu, the mixer shows 2 defices.. alsa has an nvidia device and oss has a realtec one.. as far as i know it is a realtec audio system. ideas?02:53
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jo_blackrave: its just the same, but the cd runs without graphical blabla02:53
ProN00bLjL, any clue on how to remove/list the packages from a source yet ?02:53
Joseaarunning local boot scriopts ( etc/rc.local)02:53
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ikonia_ferran /etc/iftab sorry02:54
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LjLProN00b, i can do one thing at a time. you're next.02:54
blackraveAh, OK. That explains things. Thanks, magnetron02:54
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magnetrontikka: maybe you have the wrong device selected?02:54
ferranikonia, thannkssss ok is it02:54
blackraveAnd thanks, jo_02:54
JebJoyaLjL: coolio, it's doing something :)02:55
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tikkamagnetron, from the sounds administration panel i hopped between all various combinations.. am i looking in the wrong place02:55
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LjLProN00b: what's the sources.list line for the repository involved?02:55
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CompuChiptikka u sure you don't just have e.g. PCMoutput muted?02:55
magnetroni guess you want to use the creative card02:55
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magnetrontikka:i guess you want to use the creative card02:55
ubuntuwhat is your locate?02:55
jo_blackrave: you're welcome, ive got a link for you if interested for how to optimize installation for best perfromance on slow pc.. interested?02:55
tikkaCompuChip, yea positive. thank you though02:56
ProN00bdeb http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/ edgy free non-free02:56
ProN00bdeb-src http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repo/ edgy free non-free02:56
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blackraveYes, that would be great, jo_!02:56
CompuChiptikka, ok, for a while it kept disabling it on my system automatically :)02:56
jo_blackrave: one moment please02:56
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JebJoyaLjL: Update manager has found 30 updates, but wants the CD02:57
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jo_blackrave: it does not matter if edgy or feisty, its basic stuff and it helped me too, things run on my laptop after following this :http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2006/11/11/howto-set-up-edgy-for-speed/02:58
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blackraveOK, thanks a lot, jo_. Kind of you. =)02:58
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JebJoyaLjL: Update manager has found 30 updates, but wants the CD02:59
LjLProN00b: try aptitude search "~sfree~i|~snon-free~i"02:59
PirateHeadWhen I upgraded to Feisty, my sound card stopped working. Additionally, Rhythmbox crashes when I try to play a song. Why might that be?02:59
LjLjrib, look at that please03:00
QwertyMTheoMurpse, Your problem fixed?03:00
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Huffalumpnice link, jo_ I know a couple people that will benefit from that when I pass it on.03:00
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LjLJebJoya: give it to it... though it shouldn't. had you done  sudo apt-get update  before?03:00
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QwertyMcan one use the nvidia-glx-new for the 7600GT ?03:00
JebJoyaLjL: ye[03:00
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HuffalumpQwertyM, I believe TheoMurpse went to bed without having solved their problem(s)03:01
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jribLjL: should work03:01
Scapyguys whats the problem WITH THE SMP KERNELS!!!!!03:01
QwertyMHuffalump, okay,03:01
Scapyi just lost smp03:01
Scapywhat can i do03:01
ikonia_Scapy define lost smp03:01
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Scapyikonia, i had smp running beautiful n all03:01
HuffalumpScapy, you can start by typing more things in all caps and including even more exclamation marks.03:01
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Scapyafter an upgrade i lost it03:01
ikonia_Scapy what makes you think you've lost it03:02
Scapyi tried switching back to the old kern03:02
CompuChipSo, let's go install my new Feisty system :)03:02
Scapyit died03:02
CompuChip(and hope it doesn't overheat in the process)03:02
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ikonia_Scapy what makes you think you've lost it ?03:02
ScapyLinux Deception 2.6.17-11-386 #2 Tue Mar 13 23:30:30 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:02
LjLjrib: what (if any) would be the expression for actually telling it to search for stuff that comes from an URL with "medibuntu" in it? i can see ~A, ~O, ~s... in this case ~s i guess does the trick, but03:02
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jribLjL: hmm.. actually aptitude search '~i~Omedibuntu.sos-sts.com'  gives mea  different result03:02
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Scapyand 1 proc is running only03:02
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ikonia_Scapy is it a dual core box - or a dual cpu box03:02
LjLjrib: uhm, i've tried "~O.*anotherrepo.*" (since i don't have medibuntu), do the ".*" not work as i expect them to?03:03
Scapydual core03:03
PirateHeadWhen I upgraded to Feisty, my sound card stopped working. Additionally, Rhythmbox crashes when I try to play a song. Why might that be?03:03
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JebJoyaLjL: it's downloading from the internet... :S03:03
PirateHeadWhat diagnostics can I run to test my sound configuration?03:03
QwertyMos[harsh@harsh-desktop, Linux 2.6.20-15-generic i686] 03:03
ikonia_Scapy what are you doing to verify that only one core is running03:03
ZeroSystemhi how can i run ubuntu with x-server off ??03:03
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PirateHeadHow can I tell if there's an error being outputted somewhere?03:03
ikonia_ZeroSystem change to a run level without X03:03
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Scapyikonia, /proc/cpuinfo03:03
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JebJoyaLjL: why the heck did it ask for the CD then?03:03
TerminusPirateHead: what sound card do you have? i have an audigy and i just had the same problem.03:03
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LjLJebJoya: yes, it was supposed to do that... well, i don't know. i'm surprised that it has.03:03
LukemobHey all, I got a little probem.03:03
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Lukemobsudo: unable to execute /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error03:03
ikonia_Scapy and you only see one core ? you have cpu0 not cpu0 and 103:03
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ZeroSystemhow do i change that03:03
PirateHeadI have whatever sound card came in my laptop. Is there an easy way to find out what it is?03:03
Scapyyes ikonia03:03
jribLjL: that should work as well (it does here when I try .*medibuntu.*)03:04
JebJoyaLjL: so why the CD? 8| my PC is posessed03:04
LjLjrib: uhm then i must just have misspelled something03:04
ikonia_Scapy thats very strange, where did you get the kernel ?03:04
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LjLJebJoya: *shrug*03:04
TerminusPirateHead: lspci should give you the model. lsmod|grep $your_sound_card should give you info on whether the driver is loaded or not.03:04
PirateHeadTerminus: What did you have to do to fix the problem?03:04
Scapyikonia, from my sources list03:04
Scapythat i am about to kill03:04
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aurel86i have just installed feisty and the sound is really silent on my realtek alc861, does anybody know how to fix it?03:04
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ikonia_Scapy was it an official ubuntu repo  ?03:04
moonliteI'm in the need for a really really easy to setup ftp-server. I'd like to start it with a commandline something like this: "ftpd --root /path/to/files/ --port 21 --transfer-ports 6000-6500 --anonymous"03:04
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CompuChipZeroSystem just type sudo runlevel x with x whatever you want to set it to03:04
CompuChipI think 3 doesn't have X03:05
moonliteany suggestions?03:05
Scapyikonia, shall i paste bin you my sources list ?03:05
Dekkardaurel86, have you tried alsamixer?03:05
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robin_szhi ... im looking for an apache plugin03:05
ikonia_moonlite  vsftpd03:05
ikonia_Scapy no, just tell me if its an official ubuntu repo03:05
moonliteikonia thanks a lot!03:05
varianti know it's early, but did anyone hear of a new development name for ubuntu+1 ?03:05
b1u3-d3vHi, I every time I start my computer is seems taht ubuntu is crashing the nvidia drivers. If I install them I can directly switch into X and there are no problems but if I restart my computer X says "wrong Nvidia-Driver Version"03:05
TerminusPirateHead: opened volume control, went to switches, disabled analog/digital output03:05
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CompuChipZeroSystem I think I just told you nonsense. Sorry :)03:05
JebJoyagutsy gibbon: variant03:05
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JebJoyavariant: i think03:05
PirateHeadTerminus: my lspci has a line that says ATI Techhnologies HDA Audio -- would that be my sound card?03:05
variantJebJoya: lol03:05
abcde`ZeroSystem: sudo telinit 3 to start without X. sudo telinit 5 to get X back.03:05
TerminusPirateHead: sounds like it.03:05
magnetronaurel86: try to increase volume after doubleclicking the speaker icon03:05
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variantJebJoya: ahh, it's true03:06
robin_szI specifically want an apache plugin to make the server fall over, or at least become unresponsive to pings,03:06
TerminusPirateHead: i don't really know much about ATI boards. i never buy them.03:06
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Scapyikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16554/ please have a look03:06
fulat2kanyone has a dlink dwl-g122 rev b1 usb wifi stick working out of the box?  using kubuntu desktop live cd, it detects as rausb.  but i can't connect to any APs.03:06
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auridiusWhat's the problem with the networkmanager??? Connecting to a wifi network with a wep key (the right one) with a prism2 card seems to crash my system. I can still click on the menu's, but when i try to open firefox, it opens when i click on menu', nothing happens. Also the connection icon freezes????03:06
crimsunPirateHead: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.03:06
ikonia_robin_sz that doesn't exist03:06
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robin_szikonia, sure, I read somewhere there was one for Ubuntu03:06
rohanis "medibuntu" now the recommended way of getting the stuff which ubuntu-restricted-extras does not include ?03:06
robin_szikonia, http://www.theregister.com/2007/04/19/ubuntu_website_down/03:06
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ikonia_Scapy looks fine, log a call on launchpad03:06
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b1u3-d3vHi, I every time I start my computer is seems taht ubuntu is crashing the nvidia drivers. If I install them I can directly switch into X and there are no problems but if I restart my computer X says "wrong Nvidia-Driver Version". Any suggestions?03:07
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Scapyikonia, whats that ?03:07
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ikonia_robin_sz its not as simple as a plugin03:07
ikonia_!launchpad >scapy03:07
robin_szikonia, heh :)03:07
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magnetronauridius: try to disable the network-manager and use System > Administration > Network03:07
robin_szI'll go and troll elsewhere :)03:07
j0nas`hey guys im having a problem with the feisty fawn installer... the partitioner fails to load and gives the error message: "??? ???"03:07
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j0nas`what does this mean??03:07
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Fathefnerhello i just installed fawn and i cant see my nfts drives like i could in edgy03:07
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Scapyikonia, and ?03:08
auridiusmagnetron: okay, i'll try this.03:08
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ikonia_Scapy ubotu sent you a link to read03:08
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HuffalumpFathefner, are you using ntfs-3g?  And verified the package in installed?03:08
Scapyit gave me a project page03:08
JebJoyaLjL: FIXED!03:08
=== JebJoya boogies
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ikonia_Scapyb log a bug on it03:08
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Fathefnernfts configuration tool03:09
HuffalumpFathefner, I found ntfs-3g to be brilliant.  You can read *and* write without trouble.03:09
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markus_is there a way to rebuild the sources.list (with standard values) on the command line03:09
j0nas`anybody else had issues with the partitioner on the feisty install discs?03:09
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Fathefnerfor ntfs-3g do i type in the terminal sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g03:09
ikonia_Fathefner ntfs-3g is not production stable so use at your own fisk03:09
ZeroSystemit tells me i have to be root03:09
aurel86volume is on highest level03:09
Scapyikonia, how can i fix it03:09
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Huffalumpmarkus_ sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list03:09
kippiI am trying to install a package, but it can't find some of the files, such as libmotion0 is there somewhere I can find there?03:09
Huffalumpmarkus_ I just had to do that myself some hours ago.03:09
=== RantingHuman /?
swjhello, I have been using ubuntu since warty and this is first time I have really had any issues--cd burning.  It seems in feisty I can only burn cds with K3b (not gnome baker or brasero) anyone have any idea?  * I have a liteon thanks03:10
ubuntume too03:10
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ubuntuthats eird03:10
ikonia_Scapy log a bug03:10
CheesyJedihow do I use the mplayer plugin for firefox? synaptic says it's installed but I can't watch quicktime movies!03:10
Huffalumpfathefner, yes03:10
Dekkardaurel86,  if you double click the speaker icon and get the mixer up, is pcm and master volume all the way up?03:10
markus_Huffalump.. yeah. nano03:10
pinktacoatworklibflash-mozplugin have an amd64 port... would that work for firefox?03:10
crimsunaurel86: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.03:10
markus_i thought about something like dpkg ...03:10
ikonia_pinktacoatwork no03:10
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Fathefnerthank u03:10
ikonia_pinktacoatwork flash doesn't work on x86_6403:10
rohanis there some simple way of enabling synaptics driver for my laptop touchpad ?03:10
PirateHeadcrimsun: I can't run that script, for some reason. It says permission denied even if I'm root.03:10
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ikonia_rohan un comment it fromt he xorg.conf03:11
crimsunPirateHead: `bash alsa-info.sh`03:11
variantPirateHead: make it executable03:11
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CheesyJedihow do I use the mplayer plugin for firefox? synaptic says it's installed but I can't watch quicktime movies!03:11
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Huffalumpfathefner, you will probably find this information very handy as well -> http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html03:11
PirateHeadokay, got it.  http://pastebin.ca/44978103:11
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jribCheesyJedi: when you try to watch a quicktime move, is firefox using mplayer? or is it still using totem?03:12
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aurel86dekkard, everything is up03:12
ProN00bhmm, ok seems my upgrade manager is frozen03:12
DekkardCheesyJedi,  you may have to uninstall the totoem mozilla plugin03:12
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CheesyJediok, how?03:12
kippiI am trying to install a package, but it can't find some of the files, such as libmotion0 is there somewhere I can find these?03:12
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crimsunPirateHead: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/105582/comments/2903:12
HuffalumpHas anyone here successfully solved the Failed to load module wfb after a Feisty upgrade?03:12
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arch_what is the latest linux kernel? I am running 2.6.17-11-generic, and there seems to be a problem with CD mounting with that particular kernel (so says the forums).  What is the easiest way to upgrade (if I can at all)?03:12
Slartkippi: I think there's an app called app-file that searches for files03:12
CheesyJedidekkard: how?03:12
Fathefnerok than k u03:13
Fathefnerthank u03:13
Slartkippi: there's probably some kind of parameter for apt-get too or apt-cache..03:13
Fathefnerwill read03:13
crimsunPirateHead: ignore the title. The fix for your issue is also in the modules noted there.03:13
kippiSlart: ah ok, all have a look03:13
ltkhi, feisty uses the new /dev/sdXX system instead of /dev/hdXX how can I use now something like hdparm to change e.g. the acoustic management settings of my laptop's hard drive?03:13
Dekkardopen synaptic search  for totem, it should show totme plugin installed mark it for uninstallation and click applt03:13
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PirateHeadcrimsun: I will take a look there, thanks.03:13
SlartCan I check the version of a kernel module in some way?03:13
crimsunPirateHead: I committed the fix shortly before Feisty released, but it was too late for a last-minute upload. You'll see the fix officially in the next kernel upload.03:13
CheesyJedidekkard: ok, trying it now. Thanks03:13
PirateHeadcrimsun: This is a bug that's getting fixed, then?03:13
ProN00bcan anyone gimme a update mirror that is not totally dead ?!03:14
PirateHeadcrimsun: that's great. Next kernel upload could be awhile though, rihgt?03:14
HuffalumpFailed to load module wfb.  Anyone?03:14
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Dekkardaur86 do you have any sound at all?03:14
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crimsunPirateHead: it could be, sure.03:14
HuffalumpProN00b, use se.archive...03:14
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kippiSlart: where can I find this app-file?03:14
rohanwhy doesnt ubuntu configure synaptics touchpad automatically ? like it did in breezy ?03:14
ubotuapt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"03:14
variantrohan: it does.. mine works03:14
CheesyJediDekkard: will the mplayer plugin automatically kick in when I uninstall the totem plugin?03:14
rohanvariant: by default out of box ?03:15
Slart!apt-file | kippi03:15
Jowi!info libmotion003:15
robinlinthon Edgy, Beryl was not safe. But, is it safe on Feisty?03:15
variantrohan: yeah.. i used the live cd and it worked03:15
tokyoaheadhi all... I just booted ubuntu 7.04 from CDrom, is there a way to switch the resultion to a custom value? I have 1280x800....03:15
Slartbah.. look at ubotu's answer, kippi03:15
Huffalumprobinlinth, yes it is.  please join #ubuntu-effects03:15
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DekkardCheesyJedi,  it did on my system... totem was giving me fits.. i installed mplayer plugin.. and untill i uninstalled the totme plugin it wouldnt work03:15
ubotukippi: apt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"03:15
variantrohan: my gf uses it on edgy and it is perfectly stable03:15
ubotuPackage libmotion0 does not exist in feisty03:15
robinlinthHuffalump, thanks for the channel.03:15
Scapyikonia, meh its not listed in the bug section03:15
rohanvariant: great .. here it's detected as some wacom stuff03:15
variantrobinlinth: my gf uses it on edgy and it is perfectly stable03:15
variantrohan: odd03:16
auridiusmagnetron: Okay, this works.....thx03:16
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rohanvariant: odd indeed03:16
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robertjbtw if anyone needs a quick mirror http://linuxserv.uga.edu/linux/ubuntu-iso/7.04/ is probably totally unnoticed03:17
arch_how do you update your kernel (and is it a good idea to do so?)?03:17
aurel86dekkard, yes there is a sound but silent, i have changed from edgy, there was no problem03:17
robertjits unofficial, unlisted, and sitting on a really fat pipe03:17
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Dekkardaurel86,  i feel ya03:17
crimsunaurel86: I'm waiting for output that I requested. Do you have it ready?03:17
Dekkardhave you tried using oss instead of alsa?03:17
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:18
Dekkardand if this is a lappie, is there a way of manually changing volume on it?03:18
rohanalso, in snd-hda-intel drivers, the "Surround" channel on my laptop is muted, so no sound by default, unless i manually add channels and increase their volume. is that expected ? this same setup worked on edgy03:18
robertj30 megs a secondish03:18
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crimsunrohan: depends on the HDA codec you have. please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.03:18
rohancrimsun: sure03:19
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kleftisxi have download the upgrades for feisty...how i insstall them now?03:19
ltk!info feisty hdparm03:19
ubotuPackage feisty does not exist in feisty03:19
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leongooWho knows what's the use of update-manager-core?03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdparm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
crimsunltk: reverse the paramaters.03:19
crimsunparameters, even.03:19
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Strangerdoes anyone speak Rusiian here&03:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about update-manager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:19
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crimsunStranger: #ubuntu-ru03:19
ubotuDaca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro03:20
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grumzi'm frenchy03:20
AyabaraCan I use vpnc with the vpn profile I have for the Cisco client?03:20
ltkcrimsun, and then hdparm can use the /dev/sdXX devices? that would be nice!03:20
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ubotu   #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke03:20
crimsunltk: no, I meant for the factoid.03:20
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grumzso I don't speak very well english :(03:20
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MasqyHi all, Which program is recommended in order to establish a video conference between an ubuntu machine and a winxp one? Does Skype support this feature?03:20
Pelo!fr | grumz03:20
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rohanMasqy: skype doesnt03:20
CheesyJediDekkard: I uninstalled totem and restarted firefox, it's still not working. it displays video as black boxes that say: no video in white03:20
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:21
ubotugrumz: please see above03:21
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CompuChipWow, the migration assistant in 7.04 is cool03:21
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DekkardCheesyJedi,  give me the url.03:21
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magnetronauridius: great03:21
grumzok thx ubotu03:21
Dekkard it could be you need to install bunches of codecs03:21
glatzorleongoo: as the name already intends the package contains the core parts of update-manager that are used by its different frontends03:21
CheesyJediDekkard: okay, but it's like that with all wuicktime (not just this url)03:21
CheesyJediDekkard: http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?type=mov&id=1867403:21
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JebJoyais there a lojban room for ubuntu? :)03:21
kleftisxi have download the upgrades for feisty...how i install them now?03:21
ProN00bwhy can't package managers use a more stalinistic approach to package management ? (as in everything not in a package and not in a users folder will get flagged)03:21
rohanshould i file a bug for the synaptics touchpad not automatically being detected issue ?03:21
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giddion55hove come this is the most popular channel on the server?03:22
PriceChildkleftisx, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:22
HuffalumpMasqy, I think you want to look into GnomeMeeting03:22
giddion55is unbuto good?03:22
zaggynlgiddion55, because, ubuntu is getting quite a bit of attention.03:22
PriceChildkleftisx, those 3 commands will make sure your system is completely up to date03:22
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giddion55zaggnl:  why though03:22
magnetron!feisty | giddion5503:22
ubotugiddion55: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/03:22
Huffalumpgiddion55, no it's terrible!  However, Ubuntu is pretty good.03:22
ProN00bubuntu: debian for niggers !03:22
kleftisxPriceChild : ok thx03:23
=== Peppery [n=peppery@203-109-243-5.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
jribgiddion55: a lot of us think so, why don't you try out a Desktop CD (live cd) and see if you like it?03:23
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leongooglatzor: but it seems it's not needed to upgrade to feisty, odd03:23
HuffalumpProN00b, knock that off.03:23
CheesyJediDekkard: any ideas?03:23
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PirateHeadcrimsun: still there? I downloaded your new .ko files and rebooted, but I still don't have sound.03:23
ZeroSystemhow can i log in as a root ?03:23
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Tom47giddion55 are you a linux user?03:23
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CompuChipZeroSystem you don't wanna do that03:23
PriceChild!sudo > ZeroSystem (see pm from ubotu03:23
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CompuChipZeroSystem use sudo -i instead03:23
giddion55jrib: well im using suse at the moment,  and ive used gentoo before,  how different is unbuto?03:23
PriceChildCompuChip, no need for sudo -i03:23
StrangerZeroSystem sudo bash03:23
MasqyHuffalump: Does it have a Windows counterpart?03:23
giddion55tom47: in a way yes mate03:24
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ToshibiHas anyone else had problems with the partitioner?03:24
Chipacahi all03:24
CompuChipPriceChild depends on what you want to do :)03:24
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PriceChildCompuChip, if you can't use sudo on a command and it requires a full root terminal then the app is broken03:24
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southafrikansehello I need help about Ubuntu03:24
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lungannawk: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:24
jrib!ask | southafrikanse03:24
ubotusouthafrikanse: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:24
crimsunPirateHead: can you rerun that script using --with-all ?03:24
JebJoyasouthafrikanse: ask away03:24
lungannawk: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:24
CompuChipPriceChild when I'm tweaking settings and have to edit a config file and restart a service all the time, I use sudo -i03:24
HuffalumpMasqy, it works with NetMeeting03:24
Pelosouthafrikanse,  just ask03:24
ToshibiI've been trying to install all morning...03:24
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lunganwhere do i download them?03:24
rohancrimsun: the script is hung at "uploading to pastebin.ca" and on that page, i can't find any way to prevent it from doing it03:24
PriceChildCompuChip, not recommended :)03:24
CheesyJedihow do I get the mplayer plugin for firefox working? synaptic says that it's installed but when I try to play a quicktime video it comes up in a black box and in white it says: (no video)03:24
PirateHeadcrimsun: the alsa-info script?03:24
Chipacais there an alternate torrent file? the one I donwloaded yesterday is using a tracker that seems to be way too busy (and I'm at 97%!)03:24
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crimsunPirateHead: yes03:25
MasqyHuffalump: This is the default microsoftish application for video conference?03:25
CompuChipPriceChild better than passwd root :) But why not?03:25
Dekkardit seems these are flash vids03:25
southafrikanseI have no sound on UBuntu. I just installed the latest version and aparently its not supported03:25
Dekkardnot quicktime03:25
crimsunrohan: then just pastebin the output from ``lspci -vvn && cat /proc/asound/card0/codec*`03:25
PriceChildCompuChip, because using sudo _makes_ you think.... "does this really need sudo?"03:25
southafrikanseHOw can I get sound?03:25
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crimsunrohan: (with proper shell quoting, of course)03:25
PriceChildCompuChip, so that you don't just go round randomly typing commands03:25
HuffalumpMasqy, technically GnomeMeeting works with all the standards-compliant video chat tools... including Microsoft's NetMeeting (which is default on Windows, yes)03:25
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CheesyJediDekkard: it's quicktime (on apple's trailer site I get the same error)03:25
moonliteikonia: do you know of any ftpd that takes a little less time to configure than vsftpd. It didn't quite live up to my expectations of having anonymous ftp up in 5 minutes. :/03:25
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crimsunsouthafrikanse: what's the output from ``tail -2 /proc/asound/oss/sndstat'' ?03:26
PirateHead http://pastebin.ca/44980103:26
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ToshibiI'm having problems with the partitioner...and I've been trying to install all morning...03:26
CheesyJediDekkard: flash works fine for me03:26
southafrikanseSorry but I'm a noob on Ubuntu03:26
MasqyHuffalump: Thanks!03:26
CheesyJedihow do I get the mplayer plugin for firefox working? synaptic says that it's installed but when I try to play a quicktime video it comes up in a black box and in white it says: (no video)03:26
Dekkardwierd.. cause Im watching the Wiicast right now.. and it seems to be flash03:26
Pelosouthafrikanse,  first play around with alsa mixier a bit make sure nothing in muted,  if it 's a no go . look up your soundcard or chipset in the forum03:26
southafrikanseI have to put that on the console?03:26
PirateHeadSouthAfrikanse: I'm having the same problem. I upgraded and now have no sound.03:26
lungannawk: error while loading shared libraries: libm.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:26
CheesyJediDekkard: well...not for me03:26
PeloCheesyJedi,  remoe totem-mozilla it interfeers03:26
Dekkarddats what i said!03:27
CheesyJediPelo: I did03:27
ToshibiIt will get most of the way through, mount the hard drive, and then fail...saying "Can not create ext3 filesystem on sda1"03:27
CheesyJediPelo: it didn't help03:27
crimsunsouthafrikanse: yes, then tell me the output03:27
PeloCheesyJedi,  do you have the codecs installed ?03:27
ToshibiBut it will work in qtparted...03:27
rohancrimsun: http://rafb.net/p/L934O816.html03:27
crimsunPirateHead: you likely need model=auto, too, though your codec info is cut off03:27
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CheesyJediPelo: I think so, but how do I check?03:27
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Pelo!codecs > CheesyJedi   check your pm03:28
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Bug2000How do I make sda a fat device?03:28
southafrikanse<crimsun>: It says 0: Realtek ALC88003:28
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rohanthis codec of snd-hda-intel is bad :( it doesnt automatically mute the laptop speakers when i put in a headphone in the socket03:28
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balchdHi. I've just installed 7.04, which went nice and smoothly :-) However, Restricted Drivers Manager won't enable my NV18GL [Quadro FX 550]  when I ask it. Where should I look to fix it?03:28
PirateHeadso, run the script again like "bash alsa-info --with-all model=auto"?03:28
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Chipacarohan: snd-hda-intel sucks :(03:28
xopey_good grief; servers are slammed!03:28
rohanChipaca: i agree :(03:28
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MaximusBroodI'm trying to forward a port for uTorrent. This is TCP 38806. I already tried a few times using iptables, but it never worked. Could someone please guide me through it or redirect me to a good guide? The connection is set up like this: DSL (ppp0) -> Xubuntu Server -> Other computer03:28
crimsunPirateHead: no, modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto03:28
rohancrimsun: that's ok, or you need output of some other command too ? :)03:29
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zaggynlMaximusBrood, sudo firestarter03:29
crimsunrohan: I'm very busy; please be patient.03:29
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Chipacarohan: I finally got mine working decently with 2.6.19 -- I don't know what feisty brings03:29
zaggynlMaximusBrood, and if it isn't installed, install firestarter first :P03:29
aa^wayhow to end procress? im programming but i forgot add to Xbutton and seems like i cant close it lol03:29
MaximusBroodzaggynl: That sounded too easy to be true, trying now :)03:29
Chipacarohan: "decently" still doesn't include a mic, unfortunately03:29
PirateHeadcrimsun: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.03:29
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magnetron!firewall > MaximusBrood03:29
PirateHeadcrimsun: do I need to run as root?03:29
rohancrimsun: sorry, no problem03:29
CompuChipaa^way you can use killall to send an appropriate signal03:29
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crimsunPirateHead: no, close whatever's using the sound device (likely the mixer applet in the panel)03:30
xopey_MaximusBrood, have you tried an iptables wrapper like shorewall03:30
aa^wayCompuChip doesnt it kill all programs, isnt there any other way, i got important procresses opened what shouldnt be closed03:30
xopey_it's really light-weight03:30
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JebJoyawhat's the package i need for mp3 playback?03:30
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Pici!mp3 | JebJoya03:30
crimsunrohan: known issue, upstream is broken.  modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto03:30
ubotuJebJoya: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:30
MaximusBroodxopey_: No, I've only tried to do it with raw iptables03:30
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PirateHeadcrimsun: right click the sound mixer thing and hit "remove from panel"?03:30
stefgJebJoya: depends on the ubuntu-version you are on03:30
southafrikanseCrimsun: did you forget me?03:31
crimsunPirateHead: or just pkill mixer_applet03:31
aurel86crimsun:  here is the link http://pastebin.ca/44979703:31
MaximusBroodxopey_: Do you think shorewall is better than firestarter for my cause?03:31
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rohancrimsun: ah, ok .. thanks03:31
BrokenLinuxAnyone know if there is a dock (like ksmoothdock) for gnome?03:31
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ChipacaPirateHead: as root, fuser -v /dev/snd/*03:31
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xopey_MaximusBrood: i've not tried (or heard of) firestarter03:31
rohanChipaca: you got that working, when you put a headphone, laptop speakers stop /03:31
stefgBrokenLinux: Nothing taht you'll want03:31
phatrabbitHi all when i type sudo apt-get install ssh i get the following error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16558/03:31
DekkardBrokenLinux,  try gdesklets03:31
PirateHeadChipaca: what does that do?03:31
ChipacaPirateHead: if nothing seems essential, you can use fuser -k :)03:31
xopey_shorewall has good support MaximusBrood03:31
phatrabbitcan somone explain to me what i need to do http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16558/03:31
ChipacaPirateHead: -v lists the processes using those files03:31
MaximusBroodThen I'll try that, thanks.03:31
wickedpuppyxopey_, firestarter is an excellent gui front-end for iptables :P03:31
ChipacaPirateHead: -k kills em03:31
Chipacarohan: yes03:32
xopey_nice, wickedpuppy . i'll check that out too03:32
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rohanChipaca: GREAT .. please guide me too03:32
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PirateHeadcrimsun: I ran the modprobes.,03:32
crimsunsouthafrikanse: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support and tell me the URL of the paste generated by the script linked from that page.03:32
PirateHeadcrimsun: should that fix sound?03:32
DVS01i want to provide a shell usable only for scp and sftp. it will be used for mounting my fileserver's contents over the internet. what shell should i use, rssh or scponly?03:32
HuffalumpBrokenLinux - http://www.gnome-dock.org/03:32
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xopey_i haven't figured out how to get my vpn to work with my iptables config, so i may give it a try wickedpuppy03:32
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Chipacarohan: I compiled my own kernel :(03:32
rohanalso, the mute key - Fn-F8 is not working. is it due to the same issue, crimsun ?03:32
wickedpuppyxopey_, pls do ...03:32
crimsunrohan: unrelated.03:32
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rohanChipaca: but how did it help the issue ?03:32
atomikuHello im having a bit of trouble booting ubuntu 7, when the splash screen and progress bar comes up the progress bar gets stuck on 1-2%03:32
CheesyJediPelo: you know what, scratch that. Is there an easy way to get the VLC plugin for firefox working? (That already has all the plugins built in). synaptic says that it's installed, so how do I enable it?03:33
noiesmophatrabbit, have you tried sudo apt-get install -f03:33
oxygeni cant remove apache203:33
ferronicabefore burning DVD RW DATA need to be format03:33
xopey_wickedpuppy: have you gotten vpn working through it?03:33
oxygenhelp me pls03:33
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Chipacarohan: the driver in 2.6.19 was fixed enough that it worked03:33
rashidanyone know how to install java in fiesty?03:33
crimsunPirateHead: you need to tell me; I can't read your mind03:33
phatrabbitnot yet what will that do03:33
rohanChipaca: what changes did you make in the kernel ?03:33
crimsunrashid: 1.5 or 1.6?03:33
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rashidits 1.603:33
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PirateHeadcrimsun: I mean, is it supposed to fix the sound? =D03:33
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Dekkard!java | rashid03:33
uboturashid: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre03:33
wickedpuppyxopey_, through the iptables ? nope but ssh yes03:33
rohanChipaca: ok. well i've tried and it doesnt work out of box on arch and ubuntu default kernels03:33
ZeroSystemfor some reason the command runlevel 3 says unknown03:33
phatrabbiti get a similar error when i type sudo apt-get install -f03:33
oxygeni want to remove apache03:33
crimsunPirateHead: you need to tell me. I don't have your hardware to test.03:33
xopey_wickedpuppy: ssh is pretty simple though03:33
aa^wayhow to kill things in ubuntu, or get the right IDS03:33
PeloCheesyJedi,  try removing the other players-mozilla plugins and leaving only the vlc one03:33
kanedawhy is it the desktop effect & customisation section of ubuntuforums is nothing but all about beryl..?03:33
wickedpuppyxopey_, i never need vpn .. thats why ... yup03:33
PirateHeadcrimsun: I tried it using Rhythmbox, but Rhythmbox crashes when you hit the Play button, just as before.03:34
oxygenbut it s error http://rafb.net/p/g7xDRi46.html03:34
Chipacarohan: I don't know what kernels are default in feisty03:34
atomikuHello im having a bit of trouble booting ubuntu 7, when the splash screen and progress bar comes up the progress bar gets stuck on 1-2%03:34
southafrikanseCrimsun: I didn't understand03:34
xopey_looks really nice wickedpuppy , thnx for the tip03:34
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crimsunsouthafrikanse: ?03:34
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CheesyJediPelo: ok, I'm doing that now03:34
xopey_okay, too much traffic in here for me. i'm getting dizzy03:34
rohanChipaca: ok, so in 2.6.19 the headphone thing worked out of box ?03:34
wickedpuppyyou are welcome xopey_ :P03:34
Chipacarohan: did you try the modprobe that PirateHead was told to do?03:34
rashidok thnx but im using fiesty 7.0403:34
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PirateHeadatomiku: in grub, try booting failsafe.03:34
Chipacarohan: yes03:34
rohanChipaca: yes03:34
southafrikanseSHould I press the last link or install the script?03:34
crimsunPirateHead: ok, did you reboot after erasing the old modules and downloading the new ones?03:34
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atomikuPirateHead: i did.03:34
scarabatworki have a problem on my system.  when ever i try to open synaptic i get the error: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program"  any clues?03:34
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lunganHow do i get more than 2workspaces?03:34
noiesmophatrabbit, ok sudo apt-get install --fix-missing03:34
atomikuI think03:34
atomikuno, i didnt03:34
joeljkpis there a way to tell apt to permanently ignore a package's dependency?03:34
PirateHeadcrimsun: if by modules you mean .ko files, yes.03:34
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moDumasshey all, i just came home from a night out and my machine had frozen, is there any log or something i can use to 'backtrace' what caused this?03:34
JebJoyaahh, biffy clyro, fixed amarok and ubuntu, what could be better?  thanks all, especially LjL :)03:34
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noelferreirai can't open a local html file with firefox. (file not found) anyone knows why?03:35
ferronicaSome filenames need to be shortened due to the 64 char restriction of the Joliet extensions. Continue anyway?03:35
atomikuthat means i gotta reboot, see what the error is in failsafe, then- hang on, failsafe?03:35
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atomikuPirateHead: What failsafe ?03:35
ChipacamoDumass: your machine felt left out. Next time, take it with you!03:35
ChipacamoDumass: :)03:35
ferronicai got this error on k3b03:35
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orbinlungan: right-click > prefs03:35
ferronicawhat it dose mean?03:35
rohando i also need to update my .ko files with the ones given in that bug report ?03:35
PirateHeadatomiku: I think it's called "failsafe GNOME" or something.03:35
BrokenLinuxHuffalump, you can't actually install gnome-dock yet though right?03:35
moDumasschipara but then id have to unplug the lan cable and it would be all alone03:35
atomikuthats when ubuntu is already booted03:35
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atomikuubuntu isnt actually booting03:35
orbinnoelferreira: how are you opening it?03:35
atomikuit gets stuck on 1%03:35
XBehavemoDumass: try dmesg | tail i think that might have some info but im not sure03:35
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Chipacagotta go03:36
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crimsunPirateHead: err, wait, the fix that I made is incomplete. Please hang a sec; I need to recompile them.03:36
andy_does anyone have aiglx+netbeans+gnome running? When I start netbeans, I get the license agreement without buttons or content. It's actually following bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xgl/+bug/48404 . The problem is, I'm using aiglx.03:36
parking-hi! why when i go to /dev/disk its show selection? why before is hda,db,hdz and so on?03:36
atomikuthis place is too crouded come to #atomiku if you think you can help me with my problem03:36
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atomikumy problem being ubuntu getting stuck at startup03:36
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PirateHeadcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16559/ -- those errors are output by Rhythmbox when it crashes upon my hitting the Play button.03:36
phatrabbitnoiesmo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16560/03:36
CheesyJediPelo: I uninstalled all plugins except for vlc and when I reloaded the page with a quicktime movie, firefox crashed03:36
phatrabbiti done what u said and i get that error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16560/03:36
moDumassXBehave, taht gives me some apps03:36
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jijutmi think my apt database is corrupt.. how can I do a full reload03:37
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omegaum if its that bad then u might not be able to'03:43
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PeloCheesyJedi,  lovely ;-),  I don'T know if  vlc supports quicktime but whatever,    what version of ubu are you running ?03:43
southafrikanseCrimsun: What should I install? ALSA Info? AMixer-Info or Reload-ALSA?03:43
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PirateHeadjijutm: first, make a backup of your corrupted database so the apt team can look at it. It might be useful in debugging apt?03:43
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crimsunsouthafrikanse: I need the output from `bash alsa-info.sh --with-all`03:43
jijutmmight be..03:43
finnhow can I detect/find out  the name of a hard drive which was not detected during installation?03:43
noelferreiraorbin: lol double clicking on it03:43
CheesyJediPelo: Edgy still. Havn't gotten round to upgrading yet03:43
jijutmpriatehead: how can I do this..03:43
XBehavemoDumass: either one of those caused it to crash or dmes isnt the right place to look, i dont know which is right im fairly new to ubuntu03:43
bullgard4I have installed irssi-plugin-icq. How to setup now an ICQ connection in irssi?03:43
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PirateHeadjijutm: I don't know. If I were going to try and find out, I'd start by reading the apt man pages.03:43
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noelferreirai can't open a local html file with firefox. (file not found) anyone knows why?03:43
kritzstapfhaha the updater goes down from 15h to 10h ETA in 2 minutes, nice time calculation :D03:43
PirateHeadjijutm: good luck. Sucks that apt quit working.03:43
PeloCheesyJedi,   chouldn'T be that hard in edgy,  remove mplayer, remove vlc,  the pluggins will be removed as well,  then install the mplayer-mozilla pluggin03:43
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aurel86crimsun: have you done sth with that output?03:43
crimsunaurel86: please be patient; you're not the only one being assisted03:43
MasqyHow come I don't have an option to upgrade to Fawn in the update manager? (I use Edgy).03:43
HuffalumpBrokenLinux, sure you can.  http://www.gnome-dock.org/trac/browser03:43
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[miles] http://milesbarry.info/beryl.png03:43
[miles] nice eh03:43
[miles] :)03:43
CheesyJediPelo: btw, I have a question about that. when I upgrade to edgy, is it going to need a complete new install or does it retain the files and just update the appropriate files?03:43
PirateHeadMasqy: do you have the latest version of the update manager?03:43
noiesmophatrabbit, did you upgrade recently or remove samba03:43
CheesyJediPelo: *Upgrade to feisty03:43
PeloMasqy,  hit eh check update button, the button sould show up eventualy03:43
orbinnoelferreira: what happens when you open it via terminal?  firefox <file>03:43
parking-hi! why when i go to /dev/disk its show selection by-id,by-uuid? before is hda,db,hdc and so on?03:43
MasqyHow do I update it/ check it?03:43
phatrabbitnot that i know of03:43
crimsunaurel86: modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel model=auto03:43
PirateHeadMasqy: hit check for updates, enter your password, and wait for it to check.03:43
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rohancrimsun: that command fails because snd-hda-intel is in use. what do i do ? close all sound apps ?03:43
PirateHeadrohan: yes.03:43
MasqyPelo: I did, first it updated couple of applications, now it shows nothing.03:43
Tom47!uuid > parking03:43
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[miles] crimsun: hi dude, you remember me... the laptop sound bug thang?03:43
PeloCheesyJedi,   it will intall a bunch of new packages, remove a bunch, but your settings customixing and data should remain03:43
ferronicaSome filenames need to be shortened due to the 64 char restriction of the Joliet extensions. Continue anyway?03:43
c1|freakyare there allready infos about the next ubuntu release?03:43
crimsun[miles] : no idea.03:43
PirateHeadrohan: that includes the mixer app in the deskbar.03:43
[miles] crimsun: I saw your response on the bug report03:43
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mc44Masqy: close it and run it again03:43
crimsun[miles] : a bug # would help.03:43
rohanPirateHead: and how do i close that ? :(03:43
CheesyJediPelo: great, thanks03:43
Pelo!upgrade > Masqy  check your pm for a way to trigger it03:43
noelferreiraorbin: exact the same of clickiing on it03:43
[miles] crimsun: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10684303:43
noelferreirafile not founs03:43
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[miles] crimsun: sorry03:43
magnetroncl|freaky: yes, it's called the gutsy gibbon03:43
MasqyPelo: What's my pm?03:43
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noelferreiraorbin: file not found03:43
PirateHeadrohan: pkill mixer_applet03:43
parking-i said why it shows by-id, by-uuid, by-path.... its not user friendly03:43
southafrikanseCrimsun: I've downloaded the script03:43
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orbinnoelferreira: what does file <file> return?03:43
PirateHeadrohan: that did it for me.03:43
[miles] crimsun: wots going on then? you say it should have been fixed yeah03:43
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southafrikanseNow what should I do?03:43
tuna-fishis there any guide on how to run more than one instance of x at the same time that is up to date?03:43
southafrikanseHOw can I install it?03:43
PeloMasqy,  I sent you some instructions, they should have opened up an extra chat window in your client03:43
crimsun[miles] : it _is_ fixed and committed. It's not uploaded yet.03:43
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phatrabbitnoiesmo: any ideas ?03:43
[miles] crimsun: ahhh ok03:43
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noelferreirathe file is ok orbin03:43
PirateHeadcrimsun: does the crash output of Rhythmbox mean anything to you? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16559/03:43
[miles] crimsun: any idea as to how long b4 it would be uploaded?03:43
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[miles] crimsun: more or less03:43
MasqyPelo: thanks, they did.03:43
crimsun[miles] : no, I'm not the kernel lead. It's not my decision.03:43
noiesmophatrabbit, well you could try to install samba as that what it complains about sudo aptitude install samba03:43
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[miles] crimsun: ok, well, I'll just roll on with my mods :-)03:43
[miles] crimsun: thanks... ciao03:43
crimsunPirateHead: I have not read it, because several people are being assisted. Please be patient.03:43
Pelolater folks03:44
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Tom47southafrikanse do you need help with the "How to Runs Scrips" from http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=scripts03:44
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Dekkarddoes : gksudo update-manager -c still work to upgrade to feisty?03:44
PirateHeadcrimsun: understood.03:44
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mc44Dekkard: yes03:44
noelferreiraproblem with utf-803:44
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southafrikanseTom47: Yes I need03:44
noelferreiraorbin: thanks03:44
HuffalumpFeisty upgrade broke my X/nvidia... Failed to load module wfb.  Anyone?03:44
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mc44Dekkard: however, you should just have an option in update manager telling you you can upgrade03:44
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southafrikanseI've never touched Ubuntu before03:44
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scarabatwork i have a problem on my system.  when ever i try to open synaptic i get the error: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program"  any clues?03:45
orbinnoelferreira: how'd you find out what's wrong?03:45
MichaelxHi all... Just installed feisty on my acer 8204, tried to install Beryl and can get it running :(03:45
parking-hi! why when i go to /dev/disk its show selection by-id, by-path, byuuid?  before is hda,hdb,hdc and so on?03:45
Tom47southafrikanse: open a terminal window03:45
HuffalumpMichaelx, try #ubuntu-effects03:45
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Dekkardmc44,  thanks.. I already did it with gksudo a week or two ago..jsut wanted to know if it worked.. it was painless for me03:45
ferronicaSome filenames need to be shortened due to the 64 char restriction of the Joliet extensions. Continue anyway?03:45
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Linuturkguys, how can I enable the Expose of the desktop effects?03:45
phatrabbiti get a similar error when i try install samba03:45
rohancrimsun: that command worked like a CHARM ! how do i set it as the default codec ? modprobe.conf ?03:45
ferronicacan any one help me please???????03:45
ikonia_n,Linuturk pardon ?03:45
mc44Dekkard: after the offical release it should ask automatically :)03:45
noiesmophatrabbit, hmmm03:46
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ikonia_ferronica what do you want03:46
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Dekkardmc44,  ok.. cool03:46
ferronicaikonia: Some filenames need to be shortened due to the 64 char restriction of the Joliet extensions. Continue anyway?03:46
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:46
Tom47southafrikanse: enter the command chmod +x alsa-info.sh03:46
ikonia_ferronica do you want the fiel systems to be shortened03:46
Linuturkikonia, the scale feature. When you move the mouse to the upper right corner, it does an Expose like feature for the beryl03:46
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Huffalumpferronica, do you want to continue or not?03:46
Huffalumpif so, press yes.  if not, press no.03:46
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ferronicaikonia: nope as it is03:46
MyNameEhhey when it says to where you install grub I put (hd0,1) will that be on my /dev/sda2?03:46
v4m21any command to get real size of a sparse file under linux ?03:46
ferronicaikonia: i am trying to burn data DVD03:46
ikonia_ferronica then click no03:47
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leon_xNI MEN SHUO DE SM A03:47
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MasqyI have update-manager 0.45.2 installed, so I guess in principle it should go.03:47
ikonia_ferronica its your choice to continue or not03:47
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Huffalumpleon_x, English please.03:47
southafrikanseTom47: It says that the file or directory is inexistent03:47
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mc44!ch | leon_x03:47
ikonia_MyNameEh whats the problem03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:47
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AyabaraAnyone know if I can use vpnc with the vpn profile I have for the Cisco client?03:47
Tom47southafrikanse: ok do you know where you downloaded that file to?03:47
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southafrikanseTom47: I've downloaded the file to my desktop03:47
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rohancrimsun: hmm.. that command makes my mute key work perfectly, and volume control is great. but then there is no option to mute the speakers but not the headphone.03:47
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MyNameEhikonia I wanna have grub on /dev/sda2 partition is it (hd0,1)?03:48
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ikonia_Ayabara are you uins ghte cisco client03:48
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Huffalumpleon_x .cn?03:48
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sigixjust upgraded from edgy to fiesty and now metacity doesn't seem to start on login03:48
Tom47southafrikanse: ok enter cd Desktop03:48
ltkhi, hdparm does not seem to work anymore with the new sata devices (sda instead of hda). any ideas?03:48
PirateHeadrohan: do you have a Toshiba Satellite, by any chance?03:48
aurel86crimsun: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.03:48
ikonia_MyNameEh f you have no other disks - yes03:48
rohanPirateHead: are you using a laptop ?03:48
mc44!cn | leon_x03:48
ubotuleon_x: For Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:48
PirateHeadrohan: yes.03:48
rohanPirateHead: yes, acer travelmate 326003:48
DreadKnightdoes anyone have an Intuos 3 A5 Wacom tablet?03:48
MasqyPelo: Should I install the update-manager-core as well? I currently don't have it installed. (ver 0.56~edgy4)03:48
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CompuChipDreadKnight why?03:48
southafrikanseTom47: DOne03:48
Ayabaraikonia, not using anything yet. haven't made the cisco one work on feisty.03:48
DreadKnighti'm a bit noobish, i need some help installing it03:48
ikonia_Ayabara so whats your question ?03:49
Tom47southafrikanse: then using the up arrow repeta the prev command and it should ow work03:49
PirateHeadrohan: none of my function keys work. :-(03:49
MyNameEhyeah I have windows on /dev/sda1 and the linux swap on /dev/sda3 I don't want grub overwritting my windows bootloader ikonia03:49
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ikonia_MyNameEh they are partitions not disks -s its (hd0,1)03:49
crimsunrohan: no, echo options snd-hda-intel model=auto|sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base03:49
rohanPirateHead: oh. my Fn keys are working great .. do you have the toshiba acpi module installed ?03:49
Xtevenhas anyone here tried to set up an openvpn server on ubuntu ?03:49
ikonia_MyNameEh typo03:49
Tom47southafrikanse: what we are tying to do here is to make that script executable03:49
MyNameEhoh ok03:49
PirateHeadrohan: I don't think so.03:49
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DreadKnightCompuChip: i'm a bit noobish, i need some help installing it03:50
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ikonia_Xteven no but there is a wiki page03:50
MyNameEhokay thank you ikonia03:50
crimsunaurel86: close/kill all apps using the sound device (including the mixer_applet)03:50
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ikonia_DreadKnight what is your question03:50
rohancrimsun: yes, but that will make it impossible to disable the laptop speakers independant of the headphone, correct ?03:50
Xtevenikonia_: on the ubuntu wiki thingies ? or on openvpn.net ?03:50
ikonia_Xteven ubuntu wiki03:50
parking-how to copy a folders to another HD(ntfs)?03:50
southafrikanseTom47: It says the same thing :S03:50
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ikonia_parking- ntfs is read only unless your using the ntfs-3g application03:50
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crimsunrohan: that should not be the case, but I'm busy resolving another bug ATM.03:50
JebJoyaright, wish me luck here, i'm going to test switching on the ATI thingy03:51
southafrikanseTom47: Cannot access the file03:51
parking-ikonia any other way?03:51
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rohanPirateHead: maybe sudo apt-get install toshset fnfxd toshutils03:51
ikonia_parking- no as, I said ntfs is read only03:51
rohanPirateHead: that might help03:51
Xtevenikonia_: hmm ok03:51
southafrikanseTom47: It says that the file or directory is inexistent03:51
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parking-i'm doing ntfs-3g install not03:51
rohancrimsun: ok, please get back to me if and when you are free03:51
southafrikanseTom47: Again03:51
ikonia_southafrikanse does the dir exist03:51
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DreadKnightanyone has a wacom? :\03:51
Xtevenikonia_: I was sortof hoping for someone who actually did it, because all the documentation I find out there blows chunks03:51
MyNameEhikonia what about his own kernel? cause I remember there being an option on the kernel03:51
ubuntuso I ran ubuntu in recovery mode03:51
ikonia_parking- pardon ?03:51
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Tom47southafrikanse: southafrikanse does the terminal window indicate that you are now in the Desktop folder?03:51
parking-but i want i quick solution if there is03:51
ikonia_Xteven sorry not done it myself03:51
ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices03:51
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ikonia_MyNameEh what ?03:51
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Xtevenikonia_: ok thx03:51
ikonia_MyNameEh ntfs is read only03:52
southafrikanseikonia: the dir doesn't exist03:52
Masqyhi, still stuck with no option to install..03:52
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ikonia_southafrikanse can you make the dir03:52
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DreadKnightanyone has a wacom? :\03:52
MyNameEhikonia I was able to on gentoo a while back03:52
boubbinfastest way to see your ip ?03:52
ikonia_Masqy what are you trying to do03:52
southafrikanseDo you mean a folder03:52
ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices, how can i fix this?03:52
ikonia_MyNameEh 1.) this isn't gentoo 2.) you where using the ntfs-3g driver03:52
MasqyInstall from 6.10 to 7.403:52
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tetoHi,does someone know how to get my WIN and '>' keys working under both xfce & gnome please ?03:52
ikonia_boubbin ifconfig03:52
MasqyI read the manual.03:52
MyNameEhikonia oh i didn't know that was it :P03:52
MasqyI do have the latest update-manager, or so it seems.03:53
=== MyNameEh lights up a smoke
parking-hi! why when i go to /dev/disk its show selection by-id, by-path, by-uuid?  before is hda,hdb,hdc and so on?03:53
DreadKnighthow do i rotate the cube using the keyboard? :D03:53
rohanPirateHead: for you, do the laptop speakers stop automatically when you put in a headphone ?03:53
Tom47southafrikanse: type "ls" without the quotes and see if that script is listed03:53
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ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices, how can i fix this?03:53
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imon9hi, i needed some help with my scanner: canon LDE B676U... previously it can scan with xsane, but now, it doesn't...since i dual boot my laptop, i went to XP and it works just fine..any idea why?03:53
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rohanparking-: there is no hdX now, thanks to the libata driver. you can access it by using /dev/sdX03:54
PirateHeadrohan: yes, and the volume control controls volume for the headphones.03:54
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PirateHeadrohan: that is, until sound stopped working entirely.03:54
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crimsunPirateHead: please use http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/feisty-106843/03:54
giuseppe_join #ubuntu-it-chat03:54
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ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices, how can i fix this?03:54
crimsunPirateHead: sha1sums as follows: b0123532f8eefef38e76fc53259d4ec56331445b  /tmp/build/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-codec.ko03:54
parking-rohan: dev/sdx?03:54
crimsun52e6e6bad10038b6070364c8dbc564e55e0a633e  /tmp/build/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko03:54
phatrabbithi all when ever i use apt-get i get the following erro http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16560/ i have tried reinstalling samba but i get the same error03:54
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southafrikanseTom47: Type only "ls"?03:55
Tom47just type ls03:55
geoffkim trying to use tftpd on dapper, using tftp client i only seem to be able to access it from the localhost on hte tftpd machine, anyone got any ideas?03:55
aurel86crimsun: how do i kill all that processes?03:55
southafrikanseTom47: Yes it exists03:55
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rohanparking-: yes. do ls /dev/sd* and you'll understand :)03:55
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parking-rohan:  nothing :)03:56
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Tom47southafrikanse: ok then in that case type chmod +x alsa-info.sh03:56
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Ayabaraif I can use the profile I have for the cisco client in vpnc instead03:56
crimsunaurel86: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*)03:56
JebJoyaright, i installed the restricted ati drivers from the nice little loader, rebooted, and now if i try desktop effects i get "The Composite extension is not available" - any ideas?03:56
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pibarnaswhere are burning, magic lamp and other desktop effects in compiz?!? I've installed compiz-extra and just added showdeskop effect.03:56
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Ayabaraikonia, if I can use the profile I have for the cisco client in vpnc instead03:56
parking-no such fileor dir03:56
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rohanparking-: strange !03:56
MichaelxHi All ... Anyone who can maybe help ??? I got 7.04 on my Acer 8204 installed and I can get compiz or Beryl running ... :(03:56
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ikonia_Ayabara they are different products, so I doubt uit03:56
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rohanparking-: you on feisty /03:57
southafrikanseTom47: Yes, its done. What now?03:57
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pibarnasMichaelx: r u using nvidia?03:57
Bigotex-texwho speak spanish??  please!!03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.03:57
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Michaelxpibernas: No, I using ATI X1600 mobility in my ACer 820403:57
ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices, how can i fix this?03:57
Tom47southafrikanse: well done ok thats encouraging ... now you need to actually run that script ..... to do so type ./alsa-info.sh03:57
ikonia_JebJoya please use the > symbol with ubotu03:57
PirateHeadmmkay, I'm rebooting to see if any of this helps.03:57
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Ayabaraikonia_, ok. I read somewhere that vpnc is "cisco compatible", and I wondered what that meant.03:58
ikonia_!gootbotuse >JebJoya#03:58
ikonia_!gootbotuse >JebJoya03:58
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Bigotex-texThanks!  Ubotu (Y)03:58
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pibarnasMichaelx: sorry, I can't help u then.03:58
JebJoya!goodbotuse > JebJoya03:58
DeadCowboyhi friends!, I just installed Feisty (fresh install since I didn't have patience to wait for apt to be stable again)... now I got everything running except my wireless (broadcom) I blacklisted BCM43xx then installed ndiswrapper and used it to install the 64bit version of my bcmwl5.inf... now i see the networks and when i try to connect it detects the right security and EVERYTHING SEEMS LIKE it's working perfect but as soon as I c03:58
DeadCowboylick the connect button... the connection doesn't connect, it goes back to my wired connection right away without any error messages or whatever03:58
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Michaelxpibernas: Maybe the same would work with my ATI ?03:58
JebJoyaright, i installed the restricted ati drivers from the nice little loader, rebooted, and now if i try desktop effects i get "The Composite extension is not available" - any ideas?03:58
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aurel86crimsun: WARNING: Error inserting snd_hda_codec (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-codec.ko): Operation not permitted03:59
aurel86FATAL: Error inserting snd_hda_intel (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko): Operation not permitted03:59
ubotuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it.03:59
annihiluscan someone point me to where I need to go to set up seperate wireless network locations, such as work and home, with different keys03:59
crimsunaurel86: you need to prepend sudo03:59
johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, You want to have two connections at the same time?03:59
ikonia_JebJoya you may get better support in #ubuntu-effects03:59
southafrikanseTom47: Here is the link: http://pastebin.ca/44983603:59
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JebJoyaokay, thx ikonia_03:59
annihilushve two availabe and choose from one or the other03:59
geoffkwebmin has their own deb packages on their site03:59
Tom47southafrikanse: tell crimsun03:59
DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy... no it just doesn't connect to the wireless (I also tried disabling my wired)03:59
skinnychi all...can someone help...trying to install 7.04 on a HP nx9420 with x1600 ATI...get XServer error while booting !03:59
MichaelxAll: Someone got a notebook with X1600 and 7.04 up and running ?03:59
KleevahAre there any IRC clients for linux that looks like hydrairc?04:00
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, did you try unplugging the wire from the NIC and then trying to connect to wireless?04:00
annihilusi get the same xServer error04:00
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southafrikanseTom47: OK. Thank you for your help04:00
Tom47southafrikanse: thats all i can help you with for the moment ok04:00
skinnycany workarounds ?04:00
imon9annilus: user wifi-radar for setting up wifi profile04:00
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DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy, I tried unplugging the wire AND disabling the nic04:00
southafrikanseCrimsun: Here is the link: http://pastebin.ca/449836 to see what could be the problem04:00
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annihilusimon9: thanks04:00
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Michaelxskinny: I have an Acer Notebook 8204 with an ATI 1600 mobile and 7.04 ... Can get compiz and Beryl running :(04:01
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annihilusskinnyc: sorry i have nothing atm04:01
aurel86crimsun: i did it, now it works, thank you04:01
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, so it shows then networks but it can't associate, or it shows the networks, associates and doesn't get an IP?04:01
imon9annilus: if your wifi works as auto-connect/auto-configure type, then i would recommend WICD (search it in ubuntu forums,k?)04:01
_dennis_i'm resizing my partitions, so i went to winXP and changed the partition from 50 to 40, so i have 10giga free space, I want to allocate this in kubuntu (type ext 3), but i can't add the free space (i'm right now in kubuntu, using qtparted)..so what do i have to do, change the type of my 10giga free?04:01
skinnycmichaelX: I wish I could get that far...wont even boot to desktop !04:01
MichaelxI mean that I CAN'T get it running :(04:01
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MasqyI think I messed with my sources.list..04:01
Tom47southafrikanse: as you have prob noticed he is in heavy demand pls be patient everyone here is a volunteer04:01
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MasqyCan someone paste me his in private?04:02
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annihilusimon9: ist there a way of doing it in networking under administration04:02
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Michaelx7.04 is working (as you can see) but no chance with compiz or Beryl :)04:02
DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy, something like that... it asks for my WPA password and then i put it in... it tries to connect but doesn't and doesn't give an IP... i tried to switch my router to WEP or even NO security... everything failed04:02
skinnycoh ok....but you can at least boot off  the CD ?04:02
southafrikanseTom47: I understand. I'm just waiting. There's no problem. I'm a patient guy04:02
ubuntuwhen ubuntu boots it freezes after loading the usb devices, how can i fix this?04:02
imon9hi, i needed some help with my scanner: canon LDE B676U... previously it can scan with xsane, but now, it doesn't...since i dual boot my laptop, i went to XP and it works just fine..any idea why?04:02
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:02
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kleftisxy Beryl is not working under feisty?04:02
skinnycwierd becuase 610 had no problems at all !04:02
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PirateHeadcrimsun: the change somehow made things worse. Rather than having a recognized sound card that inexplicably doesn't play sound, now it swears that there is no sound device.04:02
=== Bsims is there away to tell before going feisty if anything is gonna break?
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, do you have a 64bit version of feisty?04:03
Bsimsie on upgrade04:03
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PirateHeadcrimsun: another really strange thing: my computer just beeped at me. It says there's no sound card, but there was a beep just now.04:03
orbin_dennis_: you can't make a partition out of the free space?04:03
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imon9annihilus: under administration, there is a network-manager by default.... it has its wifi setting too..but just the common one..u can try take a look04:03
lunganHow do i add a third workspace in feisty?04:03
MichaelxSo anyone in here with a Notebook, equipped with an X1600 from ATI who is able to run Beryl or compiz with 7.04 ??? I guess not :(04:03
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DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy yup and I got the 64bit version of my drivers in ndiswrapper04:03
crimsunPirateHead: speaker beep != HDA codec necessarily04:03
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mc44lungan: right click on the workspaces bit and then properties04:03
PirateHeadAre you there, crimsun? this is bizairre. I just got a popup warning, along with another beep, that says "Cannot eject volume!"04:03
skinnycor anyone that can even get 7.04 to boot on an HPnx9420 with X1600 ?04:04
crimsunPirateHead: can you reboot and pastebin the fresh dmesg ?04:04
PirateHeadOkay, you're there. =D04:04
PirateHeadcrimsun: I will do. 1 sec.04:04
lunganAnd how do i remove borders from some windows if its possible?04:04
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, does the bcm43xx driver not work? did you try it?04:04
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crimsunsouthafrikanse: what's the make & model of the computer? How are the audio jacks physically laid out on the front/back, if appropriate?04:04
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FeistyUbuntuIs there any good reason as to why one should upgrade from Edgy to Feisty?04:04
magnetronskinnyc: http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/04:05
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imon9anihilus: i just opened the default network-manager and it allow u to save your "location" i believe that can be a profile for u04:05
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MichaelxHmmmh, seems not ... O.k. let make it easier: Anyone made it to run 7.04 with any ATI card with compiz or Baryl ???04:05
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surviveranyone has some expirience with devilspie?04:05
DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy bcm43xx doesn't work for anyone with my model :P04:05
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mjrMichaelx, yes, x850, with free drivers04:05
not_a_ki wish apt and update-manager could use bit torrent04:05
johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, ah!04:05
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ikonia_Michaelx let me make this easy for you. Many people have got it working, but the ATI cards are a pain to support so most people have to go through a world of pain and read all the documentation04:06
southafrikansecrimsun: It is a LG NOtebook model: P1 5005P with audio jacks on the right of the notebook04:06
johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, can you paste the lspci line of the wireless card?04:06
magnetronMichaelx: you have to use the alternate cd: http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/04:06
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mjr>=x1300 ATIs are the ones that are a pain04:06
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Michaelxikonia: I already read ALL of the documentation and I wasn able to get it working :(04:06
sorcererhey guys iam trying to repaire this file with par2 commandline .. and i umm pasted the output or the error i get on .pastebin .. here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16562/04:06
ikonia_Michaelx I doubt that a lot. But as I said, its a real pain04:06
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DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy 03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)04:07
southafrikansecrimsun: Is this the information that you wanted?04:07
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kleftisxwhy Beryl is not working under feisty?04:07
Michaelxmjr: Where have you gotten the free drivers ? Maybe this is an help ...04:07
ikonia_sorcerer what type of file is par2 ?04:07
finnfeisty setup didn't recognize a hdd I have during installation and I can't find it now either04:07
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CompuChipHmm, I just installed Feisty and when I start vim it says "syntax on" is not available in this version. In Edgy I fixed this by apt-get install vim, but this doesn't work anymore... how do I do this?04:07
finnbut when I run a knoppix CD it works fine04:07
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finnany ideas on how I could find it?04:07
mjrMichaelx, they come default with Ubuntu. For ATIs up to x850.04:07
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Michaelxikonia: I sitting since 10 hours on that one ... You can believe it ...04:07
LaizeroxWhat is ALTERNATE?04:07
Stromberghi I just installed compiz and got all the wobbly windows and stuff, but my desktop ist not on a cube. i'd like to have that though. heres my compiz.desktop:04:07
crimsunsouthafrikanse: please try sudo modprobe -r snd_hda_intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=lg-lw04:07
beluxhi, anyone can help me to restore grub to dual boot with windows?04:07
_dennis_orbin: yes, i rightclick on my extended type disk, but i can't add free space04:07
StrombergExec=compiz --replace decoration wobbly fade switcher minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place & kde-window-decorator &xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace" &04:07
magnetronkleftisx: it works, it's just not installed by default04:07
Rprp  Afc-ajax-020 canter ChanServ Crimedead Daveym Dddario HCbobHC JGotti Jolein Liannekee liljos Lilmau Loliepopju madgirl Rprp weeknijonge WesleySLD04:07
surviveranyone has some experience with devilspie04:07
Strombergwhats wrong there04:07
sorcererikonia its the04:07
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kippi!info libxine1c204:07
ubotuPackage libxine1c2 does not exist in feisty04:07
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supermanhi there I am trying to play divx video with mplayer but gets a error: opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.04:07
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ikonia_sorcerer its because your not exacping the spaces int he file name04:08
finnand when it's found, can I switch to use the /home/ on it instead of my home here?04:08
kippianyone know how I can get libxine1c2 ?04:08
Michaelxmjr: So you mean the normal ATI package which you get when you installed ?04:08
whatthefmanagerJust tried installing 7.04 yesterday. doing the first working boot, I got a hardware drivers FAIL message, and didn't get the graphic login. instead, just the console login. After logging in, I got a bunch of /dev/null: permission denied messages. Startx didn't work, returned the same... and, I wasn't asked for the root password, so I needed to change that in recovery. How do I at least stop the annoying /dev/null permission denied?04:08
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crimsunkippi: libxine104:08
Bsimssorcerer: par2 v is what you want04:08
ikonia_sorcerer it things the file is called chil - not chill out04:08
kleftisxmagnetron : i had upgrade from edgy to feisty. how i can do it work?04:08
syngin087install vlc for playing divx04:08
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mjrMichaelx, well, I upgraded and not installed, but yes04:08
sorcereri did with teh v as well04:08
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crimsunkippi: you'll likely want libxine1-ffmpeg, too.04:08
sorcererth V04:08
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Bsimspar2 v "file with space.foo"04:08
ikonia_sorcerer I've just told you the problem04:08
fuzzy_logichello world!04:08
southafrikansecrimsun: It says: FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use.04:08
fyianyone know how to get qsynaptics settings to save04:08
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Bsimssorcerer: par2 v "file with space.foo"04:08
crimsunsouthafrikanse: kill $(lsof -t /dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/snd/*)04:08
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baboMy upgrade couldn't grab python 2.5 ...04:08
orbin_dennis_: i'm not following what you want to do.  perhaps take a screenshot of qtparted.04:08
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kippilibxine1 is already installed and still getting the errors04:09
rohanlots of people seem to be having problems with this snd-hda-intel driver .. damn :(04:09
Lincoln6Echo?? I just installed Ubuntu 7 at work -- and am behind an HTTP firewall with authentication --- I have set my env http_proxy in my user and root, and have set the Acquire::http::proxy argument in /etc/apt/apt.conf ---- HOWEVER -- using the update manager and pressing check --- it always says it cannot resolve the hostname for the repositories ----  what am i missing???!?!?!04:09
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:09
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=== rohan wishes his laptop had some other sound card
=== Bsims is there away to tell before going feisty if anything is gonna break on upgrade?
zakamegood evening04:09
syngin087Lincoln: add the machine name to dns server04:09
ikonia_Bsims read the docs to see if hardware is compatible04:09
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ikonia_MyNameEh that was uncalled for04:09
crimsunrohan: yes, it makes my life lots of fun.04:09
rohan!language > MyNameEh04:09
sorcererikonia what you mean its reconizing it wrong i know its .. but how do i get it to the right name .. i tried simple c ..04:09
magnetronkleftisx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager04:09
chm0dLincoln6Echo, sounds like you are missing dns server entry04:09
rohancrimsun: lol :D04:09
zakameanyone having their swap space doubled?04:09
cliebow_lets keep it clean04:09
MannyZwhy doesn't the beryl functions work in feasty?04:09
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nox-HandMyNameEh: No swearing.04:09
fyiQSYNAPTICS -- anyone know how to get it to save the settings04:09
CompuChipwhat the.... it doesn't automatically find my wireless network card anymore?04:09
MyNameEhmy bad on the language04:09
rohancrimsun: any chance you'll be free today ? ;)04:09
Lincoln6Echochm0d: it should be resolving the hostname via the http proxy04:10
=== PirateHead [n=chatzill@p57ae6195.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
chm0dfind out what ip you use for dns04:10
southafrikansecrimsun: Done. What now?04:10
magnetronMannyZ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager04:10
chm0dshould yea04:10
ikonia_sorcerer its the spaces in the name - either use escape chars or quotes04:10
johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, plz try this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185174 , I also understand that your card doesn't work with that driver, I'm checking04:10
crimsunrohan: I have a phone conference in 10 minutes, so probably not for some hours today.04:10
FeistyUbuntuIs there any good reason as to why one should upgrade from Edgy to Feisty?04:10
surviveranyone ever used devilspie or know where i need to set up the codes?04:10
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MannyZthank you magnetron04:10
MyNameEhthe installer crashed when installing grub :(04:10
chm0di would try adding in dns ip04:10
Lincoln6Echochm0d: i figure at version 7 these kinks should have been worked out yes??04:10
ikonia_FeistyUbuntu personal preference04:10
Bsimsikonia_: I know that part was wondering about package breakage04:10
rohancrimsun: :)04:10
crimsunsouthafrikanse: did you re-execute the modprobe commands?04:10
syngin087this channell is to busy04:10
ikonia_Bsims research it then04:10
sorcererescapr chars or quotes ?? where do insert them .. between what parts the whole file name04:10
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ikonia_syngin087 too busy04:10
PirateHeadCrimsun: you asked for a fresh dmesg, but I don't know how to get it to you. It's larger than the output buffer, so I can't copy and paste it.04:10
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chm0dI dunno if they ever worked Ive never had to worry bout proxy04:10
deepsagit://git.beryl-project.org/beryl/component how i get these?04:10
CompuChipSounds like I better downgrade to Edgy for a while04:10
rohanthe worst part is that this sound problem is a regression from edgy, where it worked perfectly :(04:10
southafrikansecrimsun: Yes04:10
PirateHeadcrimsun: is there a way to output dmesg to a file?04:10
M0K3RHey, i've installed feisty but have problems with installing the nVidia drivers now04:10
rohanPirateHead: dmesg > file_foo04:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:11
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:11
CompuChipThis new version is nice to play with but it still has some... deficiencies?04:11
nox-HandMy Ubuntu has not booted the kernels from -14 and up (-14 and -15). They both boot into busybox. -13 works but due to too new nvidia driver I have no X and I don't want to fix that, I want to boot -15 kernel (the newest). I need help!:-/04:11
kleftisxmagnetron : as i say i have already install beryl before in edgy and now gets the updates for beryl and everything but it not working04:11
ikonia_sorcerer Chill\ Out or "Chill Out"04:11
crimsunrohan: I know, man, I know.04:11
sorcererok let me try mate04:11
DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy it says Follow these steps to get your wireless card working under ubuntu dapper 6.06:04:11
M0K3Rubotu: i've done that all04:11
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mc44nox-Hand: you have updated to the latest -15 kernel?04:11
_dennis_orbin: i made one, how can i upload it, i probably can't use pastebin for this04:11
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crimsunrohan: I'm working as fast as I can to fix them all, but seeing how I do this in my oh-so-copious free time...04:11
FeistyUbuntuCuz I need to convince a friend to upgrade, but I don't know what to tell him. He feels Edgy is good enough.04:11
M0K3Rubotu: i come from a forum where they can't help me anymore :)04:11
ikonia_FeistyUbuntu then don't convince him04:11
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magnetronkleftisx; you need beryl for feisty, not sam as beryl for edgy04:12
orbin_dennis_: imagevenue.com04:12
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sorcererikonia  like this  par2 -verify  "chill Out - Ibiza 2 - The Lounge Edition 2007.vol0+1.par2"04:12
crimsunsouthafrikanse: is `aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav` audible?04:12
DeadCowboyand johnnybuoy I have just a out of topic question... is your nickname referring to some kind of quebec's stupid video series?04:12
deepsagit://git.beryl-project.org/beryl/component how i download code from here"?04:12
FeistyUbuntuhe's still asking me if there's much of a difference...04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cgi-bin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, yes, but this hasn't changed much since04:12
nox-Handmc44: If I had not I would not be able to tell you that I could not boot it ;) I have all apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade's04:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about git - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:12
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kleftisxmagnetron : it doesnt matter if i change the beryl repositie from source.lst?04:12
beluxWhat happens when grub doesn't detect a primary hd?04:12
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skinnycmagnetron: thanks , taking a look now !04:12
Angel-SLanyone know the default path for CGI-BIN in Feisty Server + LAMP?04:12
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johnnybuoyDeadCowboy, anyway, here is an ndiswrapper howto also: http://www.debiantutorials.org/content/view/153/213/04:12
Lincoln6Echochm0d: why would it need the dns entry if it cannot get to the ip directly anyways?  (since it will have to go through the http proxy?)04:12
bezibaerchenhow do i get the uuid of a parition to add it to fstab?04:12
rohancrimsun: yes, i am not prodding you again and again :)04:12
MasqyWhich sources.list should I use??04:13
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Angel-SLwas it /usr/lib or smth?04:13
mc44nox-Hand: well yes, but there was more than one version of the -15 kernel04:13
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southafrikansecrimsun: No04:13
Lincoln6Echochm0d: i put the dns entry in -- and its hanging on 'downloading package files'04:13
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ikonia_Angel-SL no - do a find for it04:13
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magnetronkleftisx: don't know, actually04:13
crimsunsouthafrikanse: did you check the mixer levels first? :)04:13
southafrikansecrimsun: It says it is playing but I can't here anything04:13
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about find - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:13
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kleftisxmagnetron : because i get all the beryl updates04:13
_dennis_orbin: http://img20.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=78375_Qtpartedscreenshot_122_1147lo.jpg04:13
Angel-SLikonia_: how to use?04:13
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nox-Handmc44: No idea, I have just gotten what the upgrades has pulled in. After upgrading to -14 it stopped booting and I just booted -13 until -15 came out since I thought that would fix it. It did not so now I return here for help :)04:14
ikonia_Angel-SL man find04:14
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magnetronkleftisx: that is not my point04:14
deepsaorbin: http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/6097/screenshotzm4.png04:14
sorcererikonia: mate is it like this  par2 -verify  "chill Out - Ibiza 2 - The Lounge Edition 2007.vol0+1.par2"04:14
ubuntuI managed to mess up "initrd.img" and "vmlinuz" how can i get them back?04:14
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southafrikansecrimsun: As I mentioned before, I'm still a noob and I'm having a first experience on Ubuntu. Where should I do those operations?04:14
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chm0dLincoln6Echo, i now the repositories are extremely slow right now or at least I have heard04:14
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rohanwoohoo .. feisty is one of the _BEST_ releases of ubuntu ever :)04:14
_dennis_orbin: so i want to add this 11 giga from sda-1 to sda704:14
ikonia_sorcerer try it04:14
fuzzy_logichello world04:14
crimsunsouthafrikanse: alsamixer04:14
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ikonia_sorcerer stop asking to be spoon fed04:14
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ikonia_.join #ubuntu-ops04:14
DeadCowboyjohnnybuoy well thanks a lot i'll try those... you go check out : http://tetesaclaques.tv/video.php?vid=704:15
sorcererikonia: mate i did same error ..04:15
Angel-SLikonia_: i don't get it04:15
skinnycmagentron: thanks...that explains it...700MB  of cap wasted !04:15
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southafrikansecrimsun: I'm there. What now?04:15
ikonia_Angel-SL type "man find" and then read04:15
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surviveranyone that can help me with devilspie?04:15
DeadCowboybtw, anyone knows an alternative for having flash plugins running on 64?04:15
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mc44nox-Hand: what error do you get on booting?04:15
DVS01if i have a directory whose permissions are drwxrwsr-x, octal code 2775 and owner root:somegroup, would that mean that any user who is in group somegroup would have the permissions to add/remove files/dirs from this directory?04:15
Angel-SLikonia_: example? i just need one04:15
rohanis there anyway to enforce networkmanager to use a dns i specify, and not ?04:15
fuzzy_logicafter upgrading to feisty beryl doesn't work.. when i type 'beryl-manager' in terminal i get the following error: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"....04:15
ikonia_Angel-SL "man find" is the command, type it04:15
crimsunsouthafrikanse: use the left and right arrow keys to navigate; press 'm' to unmute/mute; use the up and down arrow keys to increase/decrease levels04:15
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fuzzy_logiccan anyone help plz?04:16
crimsunsouthafrikanse: (and ESC to exit)04:16
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nox-Handmc44: Don't rightly think I get any. Give me a sec, I'll plonk up the laptop and then I can reboot this into Ubuntu -15. I am on my Gentoo partition now ;)04:16
rohanfuzzy_logic: remove the 3rd party packages, because beryl is in the ubuntu repos now04:16
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PirateHeadcrimsun: I patebin'd the fresh dmesg here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16563/04:16
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PirateHeadcrimsun: warning, it's quite long.04:16
Angel-SLikonia_: cant you give me a example?!04:16
fuzzy_logicrohan: i beleive compiz is in de repos04:16
whatthefmanagerJust tried installing 7.04 yesterday. doing the first working boot, I got a hardware drivers FAIL message, and didn't get the graphic login. instead, just the console login. After logging in, I got a bunch of /dev/null: permission denied messages. Startx didn't work, returned the same... and, I wasn't asked for the root password, so I needed to change that in recovery. How do I at least stop the annoying /dev/null permission denied?04:16
Lincoln6Echochm0d: I still dont think it's using the http proxy ---- I'm getting 'connection timed out' to us.archive.ubuntu.com ---- it really shouldn't be using hosts to resolve the IP :: b/c that IP is useless unless it uses the http proxy ----- dont you agree??04:16
mc44nox-Hand: try update/upgrade while you are there04:16
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ikonia_Angel-SL I'm giving you the exact command "man find"04:16
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rohanfuzzy_logic: compiz is in main, and beryl in universe04:16
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Angel-SLikonia_: .. it does NOT have an example!04:17
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jijutmpriatehead: I managed it .. by *apt-get check*04:17
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southafrikansecrimsun: But should I move? I don't know :(04:17
ikonia_Angel-SL now I know you've not read it at all04:17
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jijutmand then apt-get update04:17
freakynlques... we have a supermicro server. just installed 7.0.4 server. installation goes fine. when it tries to start however i'll get an buffer i/o error on the I2O device (the adaptec raid controller) with an error stating that it couldn't check the partition table and that it isn't going to scan other devices and then it ends. any ideas?04:17
PirateHeadjijutm: did you find that in the man pages? =D04:17
chm0dLincoln6Echo, anyway you can find out what dns ip the proxy is using?04:17
mikeizehow can anyone get anything asked, answered in here?04:17
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surviverAnyone has some experience with devilspie04:17
ikonia_mikeize ask and I'll try to answer04:17
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crimsunPirateHead: lsmod|grep ^snd_hda_intel04:17
orbin_dennis_: and sda7 has kubuntu on it?04:17
skinnycmagentron: can I upgrade from 6.10 ? wil lthat be easier?04:17
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PirateHeadjijtum: awesome. I'll keep that in mind in case my apt database gets stuffed up. And I'll probably read the man pages myself.04:17
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PirateHeadcrimsun: no output04:18
_dennis_orbin: yes04:18
kingcobracan somebody please tell me how to get to appear again the window that used to come up when i inserted a ubuntu install disk04:18
CapaHI *just* upgraded from Edgy to Feisty, and now KDE will not start (It starts, loads programs from my prior session, then just crashes back to the graphical login prompt) -- GNOME (I am in GNOME now) works --- ideas?04:18
mikeizehow can I read/write my external drive?04:18
fuzzy_logicrohan: the strange thing is that when i type 'compiz' i get almost the same error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16564/04:18
crimsunPirateHead: sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel04:18
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Lincoln6Echochm0d: I can get to http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ just fine from my windows PC (which is of course using the http proxy)04:18
kingcobrait said upgrade disk detected04:18
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Angel-SLikonia_: too unhelpful.04:18
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chm0don your windows pc what does it have as dns ip?04:19
surviveranyone that can help me with configuring devilspie???04:19
PirateHeadcrimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16565/04:19
fuzzy_logicrohan: are you there?04:19
hhlphi, i have a problem my pc is freezing when upgrating to feisty, now ubuntu dont start how i can beginig to continue wih the upgrade or i have to install a new one04:19
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mikeizeikonia: thanks, I'm trying to read/write to my external drive04:19
ikonia_Angel-SL too lazy to read the example04:19
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ikonia_mikeize ok, whats the problem04:19
shirishguys does anybody know how to add stuff to right-click, I want to add Screen Resolution to my right-click on desktop, anybody has any ideas?04:19
ubuntuCan someone send me ubuntu's initrd and vmlinuz files that are from / ?04:19
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ubuntuI managed to screw mine up04:19
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ubuntuI think its why ubuntu isnt booting04:19
Tom47southafrikanse: are you having probs with the alsamixer?04:19
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orbin_dennis_: are you on a livecd?04:19
Angel-SLikonia_: I read it! but i only mhave a basic knowledge of linux!04:19
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peggerdoes anyone have a mac mini running ubuntu server headless???04:20
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crimsunPirateHead: ok, I need to recompile them. This will take a bit.04:20
mikeizei just switched from windows, and I can't write a file to my external ntfs volume04:20
ikonia_Angel-SL you didn't read it - its a long man page and you waited 30 seconds04:20
Angel-SLikonia_: AND I KNOW NTH ABOUT REGEX.04:20
ikonia_Angel-SL plus you didn't even look at the examples04:20
baboThe upgrade aborts now. Your system could be in an unusable state. A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a).04:20
ikonia_Angel-SL you don't need to know anything about regex04:20
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survivermikeize, jup i used windows to he does autodetect but here in linux ull need to mount them04:20
PirateHeadcrimsun: no problem. Say my name when you're done -- it will give me a beep, even though my sound is broken. ^.^04:20
_dennis_orbin: no, I booted in kubuntu04:20
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MacroMaxQuestions about $PATH:  I've added "export PATH=$PATH:/home/myhome/localbin"  to my .bashrc which works when I open a new terminal.  However, it's not working from within GNOME directly... from say the Run Application window.  How do you set the path for GNOME?04:20
Angel-SLfind / \( -perm -4000 -fprintf /root/suid.txt %#m %u %p\n \) , \04:20
Angel-SL\( -size +100M -fprintf /root/big.txt %-10s %p\n \)04:20
ikonia_babo no need for that language04:20
babothe upgrade path is broken. this sucks ...04:20
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chm0dLincoln6Echo, on xp its ipconfig /all if you didnt know04:20
chm0dand see what it has for dns ip address04:20
Lincoln6Echochm0d: i mentioned i was using the graphical update manager for all this ------ i just went to the command line and did 'apt-get update' -- and it's working fine ----- this seems like an issue with the graphical pkg mgr04:20
ikonia_MacroMax gnome does not run a login shell04:20
sterkanyone know of a better IRC client than bitchx?04:21
fyianyone know how to get the QSYNAPTICS settings to save everytime?04:21
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ubuntusterk: xchat :)04:21
PirateHeadsterk: Chatzilla04:21
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peggerdoes anyone have a mac mini running ubuntu server headless???04:21
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mikeizeI can see them, and I tried to unmount it, but it says I can't04:21
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MacroMaxikonia: I see...  What kind of options do I have?04:21
Angel-SLi'll head over to the linux channel04:21
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matt1982hey does anyone know if linuxMCE will work on ubuntu 7.04 it says it will needs 6.10 so does that mean it will only work with 6.1004:21
PirateHeadsterk: for readability and easy of use, Chatzilla is awesome.04:21
orgy`fr00d gnome luft jetzt, allerdings erscheint dieses fenster, dass die session weniger als 30 sekunden gedauert hat, wenn ich ok drcke komm ich wieder gdm, als details kam das: http://rafb.net/p/JRXNPB42.html04:21
Lincoln6Echochm0d: our internal DNS servers do not resolve external IP's --- b/c it's useless to do so b/c you can't get to them without the http proxy ------ if you know proxies --- they do hostname resolution anyways --- there's no reason for my ubuntu to know the IP --- it can't do anything with it04:21
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survivermikeize, try this line in console : sudo mount -o rw /path (here comes the path of the disk04:21
sterkxchat and chatzilla ehh?04:21
sterkthank you gentlemen :04:21
=== Flam3 [i=Flame@oh-71-54-94-38.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
andy_do I have to boot from a live-cd if I want to resize my "/" partition?04:22
southafrikanseTOM47: I don't know what are you talking about alsamixer. But what should I do to have sound?04:22
nox-Handmc44: Back.04:22
atomikuandy_: yes04:22
nox-Handmc44: Allerror I have is:04:22
orbin_dennis_: well you need to unmount sda7 in order to resize it.04:22
=== sivel27 [n=sivel27@74-134-137-116.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
orgy`oops wrong channel04:22
graemeI just tried to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 with the update manager, only for it to fail on the hotkey setup package. Anything I can do about it?04:22
Lincoln6Echochm0d: well - the command line apt-get upgrade works ---- the graphical version doesn't ---- there is definitely some issue there04:22
andy_atomiku, ah, too bad04:22
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aimaza while back i added my windows drive to my grub menu, but when it upgraded the kernel it removed the item from the menu, how am i supposed to stop that from happening?04:22
nox-Handmc44: /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off04:22
southafrikanseTOM47: WHat can I do on alsamixer?04:22
=== besonen2____ [n=besonen2@dsl-db.pacinfo.com] has joined #ubuntu
atomikuCan someone send me ubuntu's initrd and vmlinuz files that are from / ?04:22
atomikuI managed to mess up "initrd.img" and "vmlinuz" how can i get them back?04:22
southafrikanseTOM47: WHat should I do?04:22
nox-Handmc44: Whether that's an error I have no ide04:22
freakynlques... we have a supermicro server. just installed 7.0.4 server. installation goes fine. when it tries to start however i'll get an buffer i/o error on the I2O device (the adaptec raid controller) with an error stating that it couldn't check the partition table and that it isn't going to scan other devices and then it ends. any ideas?04:22
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atomikuforget about the second question04:22
orbin_dennis_: and if it has your system files etc on it, you'd have to resize via a livecd04:22
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hhlphi, i have a problem my pc is freezing when upgrating to feisty and the pc don't response, now ubuntu dont start how i can continue wih the upgrade or i have to install a new one04:23
ShadowManguys, how can i remotely connect to ubuntu from winxp ? like using mstsc ?04:23
kingcobrawhat happened to ubuntu+104:23
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freakynlShadowMan: vnc, ssh (putty)04:23
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Dasnipa`kingcobra, theres no need for it right now04:23
nox-Handmc44: Hang on.... on alt+f1 term I have an alert04:23
_dennis_orbin: so from the liveCD, and eg not from windows04:23
ShadowManbut how do i install vnc server on ubunty ?04:23
pibarnaswhere are burning, magic lamp and other desktop effects in compiz?!? I've installed compiz-extra and just added showdeskop effect.04:23
=== ApesMa [n=jejones@12-216-178-59.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
survivermikeize, if he sais there already mounted just do this : mount -o rw,remount /path(the hdd path)04:24
nox-Handmc44: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/very-long-uuid does not exist. Dropping to a shell!04:24
CompuChipOK, thanks for the help, all (and ikonia_ in particular).04:24
kingcobraDasnipa`, so this is used instead and it was deleted?04:24
Tom47southafrikanse: crimsun asked you to use alsamixer to make sure things were not muted and volumes were turned up .... typa alsamixer into a terminal or perhaps more easily right click on the speaker icon on the top panel and select Open Volume Control04:24
_dennis_orbin: ok,did'nt red your last reply, i give it a shot, tnx ;)04:24
CompuChipI'm out to enjoy my fresh Edgy system :)04:24
kingcobrajesus its busy in here04:24
freakynlShadowMan: dunno don't use it, but there are bound to be howto's on the web04:24
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orbin_dennis_: possibly from windows if you have a partition program as obviosuly kubuntu won't be mounted04:24
Dasnipa`kingcobra, ubuntu+1 will be back when discussion on the next release is ready to start04:24
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surviveranyone that has ever used devilspie???04:24
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kingcobraDasnipa`, cool04:24
ImprovedWho could help me with DDOS ?04:24
pibarnasacharam o p frio: vejam no G1 - sobrevivente de columbine escapa do massacre da virgnia...04:24
ImprovedWho could help me with DDOS ? - Any1 experienced ?04:25
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mc44nox-Hand: try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864/comments/1304:25
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matt1982anyone use linuxMCE on anything higher than ubuntu 6.10?04:25
ImprovedWho could help me with DDOS ?04:25
kleftisxanyone knows why beryl is not working on feisty ?04:25
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SputnikThis is my error: "ata2.00 : failed to set xfermode(err:mask=0x4)", I got this when booting and my CD drive is no longer recognized. How to fix it?04:25
nox-Handmc44: Looking :)04:25
Dasnipa`matt1982, theres only one thing 'higher' than ubuntu 6.1004:25
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rgdHow can I make mplayer the default dvd player?04:25
mikeizesurvivor, tried to remount, and nothing happened04:25
MadDog011Can I get NVIDIA Drivers on Feisty instructions ?04:25
crimsunPirateHead: redownload those modules, please (in feisty-106843). 362d6e2036c5eabc56b8a3f70f2aa6ca27fede66  /tmp/build/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-codec.ko04:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nviida - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:26
crimsund1fcd4977ce7d72eedfb4d48f3ea8cbef297d850  /tmp/build/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko04:26
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:26
jribrgd: system > preferences > removable drives and media04:26
matt1982Dasnipa`: sorry i just want to run linuxMCE so not an expert04:26
survivermikeize, and the normal mouting mount -o rw /...04:26
PirateHeadcrimsun: link?04:26
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rgdjrib thx04:26
ApesMatomcat5.5 seems to require a user named tomcat5.5, but the "users and groups" utility in GNOME won't let me create a user w/period in the username. I will try running adduser by hand, but does anyone know why the GUI tool would not allow such a username?04:26
Tom47southafrikanse: ok???04:26
=== Wanderer_ [i=nomad@24-178-96-163.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #Ubuntu
MacroMaxHow can I go about creating a user specific path usable within GNOME.  I'm giving GNOME a shot from KDE.  In KDE I could just append to the $PATH in ~/.bashrc  Any ideas?04:26
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nox-Handmc44: Will do, will get back to you with result :D04:26
CapaHI cannot get KDE to start, it loads then crashes back to the login prompt, does anyone have any suggestions?04:26
crimsunPirateHead: http://adhd.irule.net/~crimsun/feisty-106843/04:27
vox754jrib, so this is it? Is this channel officially supporting Feisty?04:27
CapaHit started/worked fine 5 minutes ago before I upgraded to Feisty04:27
jribvox754: yep!04:27
MannyZ.. I think i got the newest version of beryl for feisty but after enabling the functions which I want to use but I can't get any of them to work.. why?04:27
surviveranyone has some experience with devilspie ......???04:27
mikeizesurvivor, yeah, that's what I tried, and got nothing04:27
PirateHeadcrimsun: and should I put those in /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/ ?04:27
jribsurviver: hi again, I take it the docs did not help?04:27
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kingcobra#ubuntu is the 6th biggest irc channel at the moment04:27
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Angel-SL'cuse me, but the 7.04 LAMP does not have apachectl04:27
survivermikeize, try this one now :   sudo mount -o rw,remount /path04:27
ingodonotsnemmeno con questo :gksudo "update-manager -c -d"04:27
crimsunPirateHead: as you did before, yes.04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apachectl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
southafrikanseTom47: Sorry. NAture called. I'm back already. There is nothing off on alsamixer04:27
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orbindeepsa: nice desktop. hot day hey? :)04:28
Charronok, I've got a Seagate external harddrive hooked up via USB. it worked fine without effort in Edgy, but upon updating to Feisty it won't recognize the drive anymore and I don't know the first thing about mounting. any help?04:28
surviverjrib, yes i managed to install it but i search the file where i need to set the codes in :D04:28
kingcobracan somebody please tell me how to get to appear again the window that used to come up when i inserted a ubuntu install disk04:28
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BalchDMadDog011: Unfortunately Restricted Manager doesn't enable my card, and the following instructions don't match 7.04 :-(04:28
deepsaorbin: yeah ;)04:28
MannyZ.. I think i got the newest version of beryl for feisty but after enabling the functions which I want to use but I can't get any of them to work.. why?04:28
=== adultswim [n=keith@c-71-63-10-1.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
surviverjrib, and hy :)04:28
kingcobrait said upgrade disk detected04:28
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mikeizesurvivor, again nothing happens04:28
jribsurviver: ~/.devilspie/SOMENAME.ds04:28
Angel-SL'cuse me, but the 7.04 LAMP does not have apachectl..04:28
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surviverjrib, lol oke thx:p04:28
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PirateHeadcrimsun: I ought to reboot now, yes?04:29
crimsunPirateHead: sure.04:29
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ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild04:29
surviverjrib, i need to create the file or it already exists?04:29
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ikonia_Angel-SL id does have apachectl04:29
PirateHeadcrimsun: brb. I'll grab you a fresh dmesg as I reboot as well.04:29
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hhlphi, i have a problem my pc was freezing when upgrating to feisty and the pc don't response, now ubuntu dont start i have to resset, how i can continue wih the upgrade my ubuntu dont start04:29
atomikuI managed to mess up "initrd.img" and "vmlinuz" how can i get them back?04:29
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Angel-SLikonia_: wierd. it gives me a error and tells me to apt-get apache04:29
pegger my mac mini keeps dropping off the network for some reason, and I am tryign to see if anyone else has similar problems04:29
soundrayhhlp: I just had the same experience04:29
jribsurviver: create it.  I like to have firefox.ds for firefox rules, gaim.ds for gaim rules, etc.04:29
crimsunatomiku: apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)04:29
Tom47southafrikanse:  ok then i think you are ready to resume discussion with crimsun04:29
atomikuthanks crimsun04:29
optimousi have ubuntu 6.10 and cannot upgrade to 7.04 coz i have the: cannot initiate dbus04:30
southafrikanseTom47: OK04:30
yrlnryWhen I put a CD into my CD drive, "Sound Juicer" starts up and offers to let me rip the disc.  But it fails to get the track names, perhaps because MusicBrainz is overloaded.  It has no option to get the information from another source.  Is there an easy way to acquire the track listing from somewhere else, perhaps by using some other program completely?04:30
optimousany ideas?04:30
atomikuHopefuly that is why ubuntu is freezing on boot at about 2%04:30
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surviverjrib, k:) i ' m quiet noob to linx :p only have it for a week, i know the basics now iam going bit farther :p04:30
vox754jrib, is devilspie mature now? Are those "rules" regular expressions?04:30
hhlpsoundray, and you do it something04:30
soundrayhhlp: you can boot a live CD, mount the root partition, run 'sudo chroot /mnt/ bash' and do a 'dpkg -a --configure'04:30
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Barnab1anzbodz got the desktop effects running on an ATI X1600_04:30
southafrikansecrimsun: back to your department. Everything is turned on in alsamixer04:30
crimsunatomiku: probably not. You likely have either the tty migration issue or the initramfs/UUID issue.04:30
jribvox754: s-expressions, you can use regular expressions to match with04:30
crimsunsouthafrikanse: try model=lg instead of model=lg-lw04:30
atomikuit took me to busybox at one point04:30
atomikuI think i messed grub up04:30
jribsurviver: cool, just remember everyone started taht way04:30
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Angel-SLikonia_: AHEM.04:31
Angel-SLroot@K9ATHOMESERVER:/# find -name '*apachectl*'04:31
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atomikucan you join #atomiku a second please04:31
adultswimI understand this may not be the correct channel to aask this --- if not, just point me to the correct channel :P     When using beryl, my video playback on VLC fails... when I switch back to the Metacity window manager, it works fine... any ideas whats going on?04:31
surviverjrib, without learning u catn get far ^^04:31
caffiend_I have install Ubuntu 7.04 from the live CD (it ran fine). After the install, I rebooted (took the cd out first) but it stopped on a black screen with just a round "waiting" cursor... nothing happens at this point. If I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 it goes to 'mike-desktop login:_'... any ideas why the GUI wouldn't load or what is wrong?04:31
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deobfuscateAnyone have any idea why my live CD just hangs at a cursor in regular mode and safe mode when it has worked before?04:31
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MadDog011What is better for running beryl on feisty: "XGL" or "AIGLX"04:31
mikeizethanks anyways, going back to windows04:31
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mc44MadDog011: which video card do you have?04:31
atomikucrimsun: how do you reckon I can fix this?04:31
Nippaadultswim: try in #beryl maybe?04:31
jessidhello. is it possible to have two different distros in the same computer, for example ubuntu for amd64 and ubuntu for x386??04:31
mc44MadDog011: then aiglx04:32
boojitadultswim: i have problems with VLC under beryl too -- it just doesn't work well. I had to go to Mplayer which works fine when using xvid04:32
southafrikansecrimsun and Tom47: Oh My GOD!!!! I've got sound!!!!!04:32
sorcererwats a .odt file ???04:32
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MadDog011mc44, Thanx :) ima Give it a GO :)04:32
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crimsunsouthafrikanse: right, I'll add your SSID to the quirk list, thanks for the info.04:32
llutzjessid: sure04:32
mjrjessid, sure04:32
ikonia_sorcerer run file against it04:32
MadDog011mc44, are tehre any install instructions for feisty?04:32
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mjrsorcerer, open document text file; use open office to open it04:32
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southafrikansecrimsun: WHat's the quirk list?04:32
adultswimboojit, i'll try mplayer... thanks04:32
sorcererikonia umm i did .. doesnt iopen gives me an erorr ..04:32
sorcererumm ok04:32
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deepsaBhaal: wasup man04:32
sorcereri can save it as a doc file right04:32
ikonia_sorcerer I said run "file" against the file04:32
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PirateHeadcrimsun: still no sound. Want the new dmesg?04:33
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ikonia_sorcerer i didn't say open it04:33
sorcererwhat is run file mean ?04:33
crimsunsouthafrikanse: it's a hardcoded list of manufacturer screwups, i.e., a "fix" to the sound driver.04:33
mc44!beryl > MadDog01104:33
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kingcobrallutz, mjr which would be better for a 2800+ sempron comp with 256 ddr04:33
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southafrikansecrimsun: Thank you very much04:33
wickedpuppysorcerer, run in command line , a command called 'file' against the file called whatever_the_name.odt04:33
crimsunPirateHead: no. Is snd_hda_intel loaded?04:33
nox-Handmc44: Still hangs for ages on [#                            ]  at the bootscreen then goes on to busybox. The [#  ]  thing is the regular framebuffer splash for Ubuntu, nothing out of the ordinary.04:33
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jessidllutz mjr, do you have any place where I can start reading about installing both distros in the same computer?04:33
ikonia_sorcerer it means use the command "file" against your file04:33
nox-Handmc44: i.e same error :(04:33
PirateHeadcrimsun: how do I tell?04:33
southafrikansecrimsun: I have another problem to solve04:34
crimsunsouthafrikanse: I don't deal with anything but audio bugs.04:34
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crimsunPirateHead: lsmod|grep ^snd_hda_intel04:34
llutzjessid: search for dual/multi-boot, shouldn't be a problem to find info04:34
sorcererwickedpuppy: thnx mate .. now i understand what .. it is .. ITs a command .. thank you04:34
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jribrgd: do you want to use mplayer or gmplayer?04:34
PirateHeadfrom the new dmesg:04:34
jessidllutz, ok: thanks!04:34
PirateHead[   26.192000]  snd_hda_codec: no version for "struct_module" found: kernel tainted.04:34
PirateHead[   26.192000]  snd_hda_codec: version magic ' mod_unload 486 ' should be '2.6.20-15-generic SMP mod_unload 586 '04:34
PirateHead[   26.208000]  snd_hda_intel: version magic ' mod_unload 486 ' should be '2.6.20-15-generic SMP mod_unload 586 '04:34
=== deg0nz|weq [n=drg0nzo@pD9535A2B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
NippaWhen I try and upgrade to fiesty I get this error: "The upgrade aborts now. Please free at least 14.9M of disk space on /boot." The thing is, I have ~30 megs free on /boot... anyone know what could be causing this?04:34
orgy`does someone know a solution to this http://rafb.net/p/JRXNPB42.html ? i found a bug report, but theres no help in it https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/9361304:34
atomikuubuntu freezes on bootup. no errors. how can I fix this?04:34
southafrikanseThen who should I call? Just ask and someone will ask right?04:34
SputnikThis is my error: "ata2.00 : failed to set xfermode(err:mask=0x4)", I gett this when booting and my CD drive is no longer recognized. How to fix it?04:34
llutzjessid: generally you'll need several partitions on you hdds, where you install the different distros04:35
Sputnikatomku, we have same problem, I think :] 04:35
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crimsunPirateHead: uh, you copied them to the wrong directory?04:35
atomikuSputnik: we being who?04:35
jessidllutz ok!04:35
llutzjessid: a bootmanager like grub/lilo is used to switch at boottime to the desired one. it's simple04:35
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ryeth25when using irssi, can u change the theme?04:35
Tom47!ask > southafrikanse:04:35
Progressivehmm mine freezes during bootup aswell, when recovery mode, lot of this: BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/0xffff0000/004:35
PirateHeadcrimsun: I don't think so.04:35
crimsunPirateHead: I absolutely do not support self-compiled kernels.04:35
kingcobrallutz, mjr would x86 or amd64 be better for a 2800+ sempron comp with 256 ddr04:35
deobfuscateIs Ubuntu able to boot using LILO?04:35
enryweyyy my totem have some problem with buffer!! in streaming video04:35
crimsunPirateHead: no, read the actual error message. Look at the `uname -r`s04:36
PirateHeadcrimsun: I didn't compile my kernel. It's whatever the last official one was.04:36
enryhow to solve?04:36
boubbinpossible to change encoding from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 for ONLY a single user ?04:36
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llutzkingcobra: no idea, 64bit make only sense (for me) on servers04:36
ikonia_kingcobra if your asking that use the 32bit04:36
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peggerhey guys I just set up a mac mini with linux, and for some reason aftera couple hours it will drop off the network,  the really hard part is that I had to bring the mini to work to do the install because that is the only place that I have a monitor, so I bring it back to my apartment and it gets kind of hard to diginose with no monitor04:36
crimsunPirateHead: then what in the world is ?04:36
southafrikanse! ask > southafrikanse: I've lost WIndows when  I installed Ubuntu, it doesn't appear on the boot menu04:36
hhlpsoundray, thx04:36
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vwovubuntu's website says i must use the GUI to do a distro upgrade, can't i just use commandline?04:36
surviverjrib, k i made a file in the map of devilspie add a line and save it as name.ds now it has to work?04:36
southafrikanseBut I still have the WIndows partition with the files04:36
kingcobraikonia_, why do you say that04:36
jribsurviver: restart devilspie04:36
mc44nox-Hand: and it gives the same error on alt-f1?04:36
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ikonia_kingcobra because if you don't know - you have no need for 64 bit04:36
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survivermzz its not runnign :p04:36
PirateHeadcrimsun: my uname -r is 2.6.20-15-generic04:36
rgdjrib:I am at 'Removable Drives and Media/Video DVD Disks'.What command do I give it tom play mplayer?04:37
jribrgd: do you want to use mplayer or gmplayer?04:37
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nox-Handmc44: yESM04:37
kingcobraikonia_, would it not run faster or more efficiently04:37
ikonia_kingcobra no04:37
surviverjrib, No s-expressions loaded, quitin04:37
nox-HandYesm mc44* (caps)04:37
PirateHeadcrimsun: I have no clue what the dmesg lines are referring to. It's just that they had something to do with snd_hdea_codec04:37
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:37
crimsunPirateHead: ah, my bad, git changed underneath me several days ago.04:37
ubotuIf Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a 04:37
jribrgd: type 'which mplayer' in a terminal04:37
orbinvwov: sure if you know what you're doing.04:37
jessidllutz i imagine that i have to create only one more partition for the new distro, and to the new /boot/grub/menu.lst i have to add the lines for the last one...04:37
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atomikuubuntu freezes on bootup at about 1%. no errors. how can I fix this?04:37
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vwovhow do i upgrade to 7,04 via command line04:37
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Progressiveatomiku we have thesame, have u tried recovery mode?04:37
jribsurviver: pastebin your .ds file04:38
Woody_vwov: its risky04:38
kingcobraikonia_, ok thanks04:38
vwovhow so?04:38
jrib!upgrade > vwov    (vwov, see the private message from ubotu)04:38
kippiwhere can I find libewl.so? just neeed this last file to get verything work04:38
PirateHeadatomiku: run a recovery mode boot?04:38
llutzjessid: yep, just be sure to install the bootmanager of the addional distro to partition, not to MBR04:38
atomikuProgressive: yes, it froze after loading usb devices04:38
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Sputnikatomiku, you have Lite-On cd drive?04:38
ikonia_!find libewl.so04:38
Woody_!upgrade | vwov04:38
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hhlpvwov, sudo update-manager -c -d04:38
Progressiveatomiku then we have exactly thesame bug04:38
surviverjrib, pastebin? how i do that lol sry04:38
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Tom47!grub > southafrikanse try in there04:38
atomikui only have 6.0 on livecd04:38
ubotuPackage/file libewl.so does not exist in feisty04:38
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ubotuvwov: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:38
llutzjessid: then use a new entry in you default-menu.lst (chainload or direct-load)04:38
mc44nox-Hand: try booting without splash and quiet int he grub line to see if you get a more detailed error04:38
orbindeobfuscate: i think it's possible04:38
noobhi everyone whos upgraded to feisty fawn?04:38
jrib!pastebin > surviver    (surviver, see the private message from ubotu)04:38
enryweyy anybody can solve my buffer problem?04:38
SufixxHi, I changed kernel in edgy to 2.6.11-386 to make acpi working, cos before a had to run with acpi=off option. And... "suspend" button disappeared - I have "hibernate" only04:38
nooband wat do you think of it?04:38
atomikuProgressive: I assume you havent solved the problem yet then :(04:38
surviverjrib, ty04:38
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Scapycan someone send me a good sources.list god damn it mine are i think stupid04:38
jessidllutz aaah ok!!!04:38
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jrib!easysource > Scapy    (Scapy, see the private message from ubotu)04:39
kingcobraPirateHead, do you know how to get to appear again the window that used to come up when i inserted a ubuntu install disk04:39
jessidI understand!04:39
Progressiveatomiku im sad to report that i am forced to use windows..04:39
Tom47noob werkz well for me04:39
boubbinpossible to change encoding from UTF8 to ISO-8859-1 for ONLY a single user ?04:39
nach0sHi all i have a problem with the installation of the ubuntu 7.04 .. the error that show to me is... "cant access tty: job control turned off" and stay in the (Initramfs)...04:39
nox-Handmc44: Yes sir04:39
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atomikuProgressive: .... O_O04:39
Scapysource o matic killed MY SMPk thx04:39
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Scapysource o matic killed MY SMP thx04:39
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mc44nox-Hand: also lsmod | grep piix04:39
southafrikanseTom47: Sorry. Didn't understand what you said04:39
noobyea i just updated just for the wpa-psk support and to satisfy the curiosity04:39
Progressiveatomiku, my live cd works fine, just installing.. :(04:39
mc44nox-Hand: to see if the module is loaded04:39
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ikonia_Scapy your sources is fine04:39
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Scapyikonia, since i used it it broke smp04:39
atomikuTheres gotta be a way to fix it04:39
Chai_Sangeenhello guys04:39
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ikonia_Scapy have you logged a bug ?04:40
vwovupdate-manager -c -d initializes a GUI upgrade, i need to do it strictly command line04:40
Scapyand i can find except 2.4 kernel and 686 obsolete04:40
nox-Handmc44: I can't do lsmod in a shell? It has no commands really :-/04:40
jessidllutz thanks a lot!04:40
noobit works a dream tried to get my belkin usb adapter working in edgy eft and nothing worked even getting psk working04:40
Scapyi will not a bug until i understand what did it04:40
vwovassuming from the upgrade instructions i need to use the server methdo will that work on a desktop distro?04:40
mc44nox-Hand: ah. hmm.04:40
noobgot feisty on shoved the usb in and it asked for the wpa key so its all good04:40
Progressiveatomiku, may i ask, u have nforce4, or amd x2?04:40
ikonia_Scapy you log a bug to find out what did04:40
vwovi have no GUI on my ubuntu system04:40
nox-Handmc44: But also... why is root= identified by a uuid and not good old hd0/hd1 or hda/hdb etc?04:40
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ikonia_Scapy show me your sources.lst again please04:40
mc44nox-Hand: its been like that since edgy04:40
nox-Handmc44: Busybox is not bash, has not got all that acces04:40
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atomikuProgressive: I have nforce 304:40
nox-Handmc44: But why? Does it help in any way?04:40
voidsmy wireless card is still not working on Ubuntu 7.04 (is Dell 1370)...I've tried so many tutorials with installing bcmwl5.inf....and etc...04:40
Scapyikonia, ok04:40
southafrikanseIs there a channel where I can solve my problem with grub?04:41
Tom47southafrikanse: check out what it says in this url and see how you get on .... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:41
atomikuand no cmd04:41
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annihiluswhat are the connections lo and eth1 representative of04:41
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vwovWoody_: no instructions how to upgrade via command line04:41
carlosdwhen accessing http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download the combobox "Choose a location near you" is rendered after the frame, so it's not possible to see the arrow to drop down the list04:41
noobhas anybody tried installing iTunes on ubuntu with ndiswrapper or other method?04:41
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mc44nox-Hand: it makes removable harddrives work better04:41
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mc44nox-Hand: amongst other things04:41
ikonia_noob you don't need ndiswrapper for itunes04:41
noobwhat then?04:41
mc44nox-Hand: I dont think it is the cause of your problems, but it might be04:41
Daverocksannihilus: lo is your loopback interface ( , for applications to communicate with the local machine), and eth1 is usually some sort of ethernet/wireless interface04:41
atomikuubuntu freezes on bootup at about 1%. no errors. how can I fix this?04:41
carlosdit's appear to be due the name: Taiwan Institute of Computer Science, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsin-Chu, Taiwan (Asia)04:41
Scapyikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16554/04:41
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ikonia_noob wine perhaps04:41
Woody_vwov: one moment please04:42
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carlosdthis can be considered a bug?04:42
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Daverocksatomiku: the liveCD boots up fine?04:42
magnetronnoob: see http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iAppId=134704:42
atomikuProgressive: yes04:42
noobso i got the exe on my desktop for windows 2000/xp04:42
atomikuDaverocks: yes*04:42
[acid] NeatcheeHowdy.  I have an NTFS partition mounted through ntfs-3g, and I would like to use a loopback share with it through NFS so that I can use certain write functions (specifically mmap), but I can't seem to get the share to mount.  I keep receiving permission denied errors.  I would appreciate a bit of help here :)04:42
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nox-Handmc44: The thing it hangs at is [    39.449067]  sd 1:0:1:0: Attatched to scsi generic sg3 type 004:42
Chai_Sangeenlatest "kernel 2.6.20-15-generic" worked fine for me... untill 2days ago the touchpad stoped working when i boot into "kernel 2.6.20-13-generic" touchpad workes fine... and im running it on my MacBook . can anyone help04:42
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ikonia_Scapy your running edgy yes ?04:42
ProgressiveDaverocks same problem here, just the installed ubuntu keeps crapping up, also repeating this message04:42
nox-Handmc44: Then it will hang there for a while and then I shall get more output for ya ;)04:42
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ProgressiveDaverocks BUG: scheduling while atomic: swapper/0xffff0000/004:43
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DaverocksProgressive: lol, that's a bit cryptic :P04:43
atomikuthis is very odd04:43
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Scapyyes i am ikonia04:43
kingcobraikonia_, do you know the window that appears when you inserted a ubuntu install disk04:43
nox-Handmc44: Done. Check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev04:43
atomikuwell first of all04:43
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atomikumy vmlinuz and initrd.img are messed up04:43
ikonia_kingcobra what window ?] #04:43
Daverocksatomiku: when it freezes are you seeing the graphical "ubuntu" and stuff?04:43
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atomikucan someone upload their initrd.img and vmlinuz's04:43
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magnetron!enter > atomiku04:43
Daverocksatomiku: not good lol04:43
atomikuDaverocks: yes04:43
ikonia_Scapy have you done apt-get update ?04:43
nox-Handmc44: A few snd_intel8x0 module blacklist warnings but I always have those and they are HARMLESS :)04:43
ProgressiveDaverocks we have found so far, that we are running both nforce 3/4 chipsets04:43
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unimatrix9hello all04:43
orbinWoody_: he couldn't wait i guess.04:44
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Daverocksatomiku: uh, just reinstall?04:44
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Scapyyes ikonia04:44
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atomikuDaverocks: no way :o04:44
unimatrix9where can i find ( europe ) the dvd iso for feisty?04:44
kingcobraikonia_, a window saying upgrade volume detected, you know it?04:44
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Daverocksatomiku: how did it mess up?04:44
ikonia_kingcobra no04:44
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ProgressiveDaverocks i have reinstalled it 6 times yet, every time same bug04:44
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atomikuDaverocks: long story04:44
[acid] NeatcheeHowdy.  I have an NTFS partition mounted through ntfs-3g, and I would like to use a loopback share with it through NFS so that I can use certain write functions (specifically mmap), but I can't seem to get the share to mount.  I keep receiving permission denied errors.  I would appreciate a bit of help here :)04:44
kingcobraikonia_, ok04:44
rgdjrib:this is the what I receive from terminal,/usr/bin/mplayer04:44
hmpedersenFinalyl I can try ubuntu again..04:44
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DaverocksProgressive: i think that problem is separate to atomiku's04:44
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atomikuSo yeah04:44
unimatrix9where can i find ( europe ) the dvd iso for feisty?04:44
atomikuHow can i get these files back04:44
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libewl.so - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:44
jribrgd: try using that as the command then04:44
JosefK!mirror | unimatrix904:45
ubotuunimatrix9: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive04:45
PirateHeadcrimsun: did you figure anything interesting out? Anything I should do?04:45
Faithfulmencoder segfaults when I try to encode... anyone know about this problem?04:45
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crimsunPirateHead: please be patient.04:45
Daverocksatomiku: grab a kernel deb and get the files out of there... or something :P04:45
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kingcobrais anybody familiar with upgrade volume detected window when you insert ubuntu install disk04:45
atomikuDaverocks: hmm04:45
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berentwhy i do see coloured filenames when i issue "ls"04:45
hmpedersenunimatrix9 there are no dvd images as far as I know..04:45
voidsmy wireless card is still not working on Ubuntu 7.04 (is Dell 1370)...I've tried so many tutorials with installing bcmwl5.inf....and etc...04:45
=== Kiryn [n=Kiryn@cpe-67-10-55-249.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
voidsssmy wireless card is still not working on Ubuntu 7.04 (is Dell 1370)...I've tried so many tutorials with installing bcmwl5.inf....and etc...04:45
surviverjrib, he asks for syntax ? text only?04:45
sorcererhey iam trying to listen to music on this site and its giveing me erors ..http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/innewmusicwetrust/petetong/ could someone help me ?04:45
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JosefKunimatrix9, hmm, only mirror I can find doesn't have the i386 dvd's, only amd6404:46
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[acid] Neatcheevoids: i have the same card, please PM me and I will try to help you04:46
Daverocksberent: that's the default behaviour in ubuntu because "ls" is aliased to ls with colour options04:46
eckberent: because the default behavior is ls --color=auto04:46
HuffalumpFeisty upgrade broke my X/nvidia... Failed to load module wfb.  Can anyone sort me out?04:46
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Faithfulberent: because you have aliases or you bashrc is setup so04:46
jribbinfalse: type 'alias ls'04:46
Kirynhey um whats the root's password when u first boot into Ubuntu?04:46
atomikuHuffalump: yeah it broke mine too04:46
noobmy installer for itunes is a .dmg file am i able to extract and install with WINE?04:46
atomikuHuffalump: never fixed it though04:46
Huffalumphello again, atomiku.  i never did find an answer.04:46
jribberent: type 'alias ls' .  Sorry binfalse, name completion error04:46
kingcobrajrib, are you familiar with upgrade volume detected window when you insert ubuntu install disk04:46
ikonia_Scapy I've just looked at the repo's your pointing to, and they contain all the normal kernels, your repo's should be fine04:46
flodinecan someone tell me how long this new  released supported fiesty?04:46
atomikubut now ubuntu is completely messed up04:46
jribkingcobra: I know of it04:46
JosefKnoob, if it's .dmg you've picked up the apple mac version anyway, that's useless under WINE04:46
Scapyikonia, no it isnt my frined :(04:46
eck!root > Kiryn04:46
hmpedersenKiryn, there is no root password.. you use sudo and your account password for administrative stuff04:47
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jribsurviver: yep, that's fine04:47
jendaikonia_: oi, thx, I missed that. I've never used lndir04:47
Huffalumpatomiku, still problems with your grub?04:47
Kiryni did su root04:47
noobman i feel like the name says now :$04:47
ikonia_Scapy I've just looked at that repo - contains all the normal stuff04:47
atomikuHuffalump: yeah04:47
surviverjrib, did that04:47
berenti want to change that fluorescent green color its very painful04:47
Scapyikonia, it f'ed my kernel04:47
soundrayKiryn: sudo, not su04:47
jribsurviver: url to your paste?04:47
atomikuwhen ubunt boots, it freezes at 1% with no errors04:47
kingcobrajrib, any idea why it might not be coming up now04:47
eckKiryn: ifyou want a root shell, sudo -i04:47
ikonia_jenda I'm not certain - but I think there is a "shadow" option which copys the dir's but not the contents04:47
surviverjrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16568/04:47
soundrayKiryn: read the private message that ubotu sent you04:47
Kirynwhats the diff between su and sudo?04:47
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soundrayKiryn: read the private message that ubotu sent you04:47
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jendaikonia_: but I'm not trying to copy them, just display a list of them.04:47
Kiryni did04:47
ikonia_Scapy 1.) no need for language 2.) log a bug to find out what your kernel is not running as smp04:47
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sorcererdoes any one get errors when the try to stream music through this site ? http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/innewmusicwetrust/petetong/04:47
eckKiryn: read the wiki page04:48
soundrayKiryn: then you should know by now04:48
ikonia_jenda oooh right, you may still be ok04:48
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voids /msg nickserv set unfiltered on04:48
Scapylatest kernel04:48
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crimsunPirateHead: I'm very busy ATM, but you can try bug 106843's instructions.04:48
jribberent: change teh colors your terminal uses, or change $LS_COLORS to have it use a different color04:48
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[acid] NeatcheeHowdy.  I have an NTFS partition mounted through ntfs-3g, and I would like to use a loopback share with it through NFS so that I can use certain write functions (specifically mmap), but I can't seem to get the share to mount.  I keep receiving permission denied errors.  I would appreciate a bit of help here :)04:48
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ikonia_Scapy latest edgy kernel yes ?04:48
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ScapyLinux Deception 2.6.17-11-386 #2 Tue Mar 13 23:30:30 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux04:48
jribkingcobra: no, did you try running the command directly?04:48
ProgressiveDaverocks i will try starting ubuntu with nforce usb disabled, if it works it might be some new bug, im running newest version downloaded 2 hour ago04:48
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jrib!upgrade > kingcobra    (kingcobra, see the private message from ubotu)04:48
jshrivergood afternoon, I just finished upgrading to feisty and my X is now hosed.. all the text is boxes in X04:48
ikonia_Scapy log a bug against it, they will be able to tell you what causes smp detection for ubuntu04:48
um_whoahow do you view the binary file wtmp?04:48
Adyethswhy is the alternate install cd downloading everything from the internet to do an upgrade from edgy instead of pulling stuff off the cd?04:48
Huffalumpatomiku, if/when you have a free moment, I'd appreciate it if you'd consider posting a "me too" type confirmation of the problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41501304:48
ikonia_um_whoa "last"04:48
jribsurviver: what did you save it as?04:48
flodinecan someone tell me how long this new  released is supported fiesty?04:48
atomikuHuffalump: okay one minute04:49
jendaAnyway... I'm totally lost regarding my burner, I haven't been able to get it running for ... about a year. It destroys most CDs. Anyone have a tip what I could try?04:49
hmpedersenI'm a little concerned about the choices of resolution i have..04:49
jribflodine: 18 months04:49
[acid] Neatcheejshriver: Your font packages are corrupted.04:49
DaverocksProgressive: i think i heard of someone else with a nforce chipset having problems04:49
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surviverjrib, i need to download it? :p04:49
[acid] NeatcheeI had the same problem 2 weeks ago04:49
soundrayflodine: until 200804:49
jshriveracidNeatchee how do I reload them, or what is the package name?04:49
surviverjrib, try this one04:49
berentjrib : how to do that04:49
h0axis there a sudo apt-get for metasploit ?04:49
surviverjrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16568/plain/04:49
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hmpedersenin vmware I could choose 1440x900 from both live and installed feisty..04:49
voids[acid] Neatchee I cannot send you pm.. and I'm registered04:49
ProgressiveDaverocks that other guy has nforce aswell, ;)04:49
jribberent: right click > edit current profile04:49
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PirateHeadcrimsun: you think that my sound problem has somthing to do with unicode?04:49
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um_whoanothing like utmpdump /var/log/wtmp to read it?04:49
DaverocksProgressive: but his problem may be different :P04:49
neuratixthere should be a way to post suggestions etc without registrering04:49
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hmpedersenI can go to a max of 1024x768 on live..04:50
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[acid] Neatcheevoids: i just got your PM.  Did you get mine?04:50
jribsurviver: I mean, what did you save it as on your computer?04:50
[acid] Neatchee!register04:50
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration04:50
Huffalumpjshriver, does your X actually load, though?04:50
crimsunPirateHead: no, it's a sound bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10684304:50
jshriveryeah, looks nice, just all the text are boxes04:50
mc44nox-Hand: hmm. I dont know. are you sure you are on the newest kernel? :)04:50
soundrayneuratix: that would be massively abused04:50
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surviverjrib, alex.ds04:50
jshriverlooks like it's set to non English or something04:50
um_whoabecause last wtmp shows me nothing04:50
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CapaHI am not sure whether or not I have 64 bit or 32 bit version (not sure which version was on the CD I installed from) --- can anyone here tell me how to find this out?04:50
jribsurviver: in ~/.devilspie?04:50
=== chut [n=irc@24-177-55-217.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
voidsno ..I didn't get your [acid] Neatchee04:50
tsactuoAnyone knows has Rhythmbox can display other languages than English in the playlist?04:50
stefg[acid] Neatchee: Just a thought... ntfs-3g uses fuse > user... a loopmount needs root-priv's. Maybe that's a start to track down the problem?04:50
nox-Handmc44: Indeed. I am tryong to edit the uuid to a /dev line :)04:50
Tom47sorceror i can't help you probably other than to say it works ok in realplay04:50
enrythe codec have some prolm04:50
Huffalumpjshriver, then you're farther ahead than I am :)04:50
tarelerulzI download an dvd is that is all most 5 gigs and I am try to unrar it to an ntfs partition and it has been unrar for over 4 hours ? what is up with that ?04:50
tsactuoAnyone knows how Rhythmbox can display other languages than English in the playlist?04:50
michaelare the feisty apt repositories down?04:50
surviverjrib, jup on my desktop/devilspie/04:50
atomikuI messed up my "vmlinuz" and "initrd.img" how can I get them back?04:51
chutanyone in here use links browser tool?04:51
jshriverjust guessing...04:51
Adyethswhy is the alternate install cd downloading everything from the internet to do an upgrade from edgy instead of pulling stuff off the cd?04:51
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Huffalumpchut, you mean Lynx?04:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
PirateHeadcrimson: wierd. I guess Chatzilla create a link to mozilla bug 106843, which has something to do with unicode. Thanks for your help.04:51
Scapywhats the difference between ubuntu and debain its self ?04:51
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caffiend_Hey everyone, I installed Ubuntu 7.04 from the live CD (it ran fine). After the install, I rebooted (took the cd out first) but it stopped on a black screen with just a round "waiting" cursor and nothing happens at this point. If I hit Ctrl-Alt-F1 it goes to 'mike-desktop login:_'... any ideas why the GUI wouldn't load or what is wrong?04:51
seanhI need to make a detailed timeline for my work for the next two years. Basically I need a graphical timeline that I can annotate with lots of writing attached to time periods and deadlines. ANy recommend an application?04:51
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[acid] Neatcheestefg: even running both from root, it won't mount :\04:51
voids /msg nickserv set unfiltered on04:51
jshriverI can login and get gnome etc, just the fonts are screwed up.. not sure if it's the fonts or if it's set to the wrong language04:51
soundray!debian > Scapy, please read the private msg from ubotu04:51
chuti mean links, Huffalump do you know how to move up and down fast?04:51
jshriverhow can you reconfigure X? I forget the dpkg command04:51
b0xiiHuffalump, no links04:51
jribsurviver: nah, you need to save to   /home/surviver/.devilspie/alex.ds    The . in .devilspie is important.  And the fact that it is in your home directory, not on your desktop is also important04:51
jrib!xconfig > jshriver    (jshriver, see the private message from ubotu)04:51
voids /msg nickserv set unfiltered on04:51
[acid] Neatcheetry now voids04:51
soundray!fixres > jshriver04:51
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chutHuffalump: something like scrollbar04:51
Huffalumpsorry, chut, 'm not familiar with that.04:51
Scapydoes that mean debain has the same exact device drivers ?04:52
tooleehi, i use the "alternate ISO" install 7.04,but i can't get the root 'password.how can i do?04:52
jshriverum.. using irssi so I dont see PM.. or not sure how04:52
jshrivercan't scroll lol04:52
soundrayScapy: no04:52
Scapyjshriver, shift + pgup04:52
tsactuoAnyone knows how Rhythmbox can display other languages than English in the playlist? Other languages display wrong (messed up charactes)04:52
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jshriverthanks let me try04:52
jribjshriver: you should have a red number on your blue bar, hit alt-# where # is that red number04:52
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:52
Scapysoundray, so i might get pwned on the deal if i switch to debian04:52
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stefg[acid] Neatchee: i can imageine that a pseudo-/dev can't be mounted through a userspace util ... but that's just common sense04:52
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soundrayScapy: you've come to the wrong place to ask for advice regarding switching to Debian04:52
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imon9hi, can someone tell me, if with command "lsusb" and i get this: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 067b:2303 Prolific Technology, Inc. PL2303 Serial Port...then what is the port?04:52
jshriverhrm ok04:52
Huffalumpjshriver, like dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:52
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Scapyi work with bsd's thats why :\04:53
atomikuI messed up my "vmlinuz" and "initrd.img" how can I get them back?04:53
beluxhelp me, plz!  the grub can't detect my primary hd with win2k3 server installed04:53
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soundrayimon9: probably /dev/ttyUSB004:53
eckbelux: what grub error?04:54
DVS01happy 4/2004:54
soundrayatomiku: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic'04:54
surviverjrib, the .devilspie/ need i to make as a map?04:54
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tarelerulzSo the fact I an unrar the iso and it is on ntfs  and the iso is all most 5 gigs have anything to do with why it is taking hours?04:54
h0axIs there a sudo apt-get for Metalsploit ?04:54
atomikusoundray: im on the livecd though04:54
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stefgatomiku: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic04:54
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Scapyh0ax, just get it off metasploit man :)04:54
neighborleewhat is the name of binary one can run to find what package contains a given header ?04:54
atomikustefg: im on the livecd04:54
Scapy<3 python04:54
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h0axscapy i dunno how to install it =/04:54
soundrayatomiku: then you have to chroot your root partition first. What's the /dev name of your root?04:55
Picih0ax: No, there isnt.04:55
jribsurviver: mkdir ~/.devilspie         ~ expands to /home/surviver automatically.  I'll be afk for a bit so ask the channel if you still need help04:55
stefgatomiku: so mount your partiton and chroot to it04:55
Scapyand you wanna exploit systems ? hehe04:55
h0axno never04:55
h0ax*rolls eyes*04:55
atomikusoundray: hmm... /dev/hda804:55
eckneighborlee: you need apt-file04:55
atomikuby the way04:55
=== Krazytekn0 [n=krazytek@75-164-10-96.tcsn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Adyethsok... how about this question.... how can I safely CANCEL an upgrade thats running from the alternate install cd?04:55
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berentjrib : the fluorescent green is still there in all available schemes04:55
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atomikuMy /boot/ partition is on /dev/hda104:55
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Scapyh0ax, mehhh lies04:55
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h0axScapy:  can you pm me plz04:55
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neighborleeeck, ah ok thx04:55
soundrayatomiku: 'sudo mount /dev/hda8 /mnt && sudo chroot /mnt/ bash', then the command above04:55
Scapyh0ax, 2$ a min04:56
atomikusoundray: okay04:56
h0axfor sex or ....04:56
stefgatomiku: so mount /proc (/sys ?) in the chroot and mount hda1 /in the chroot/ then04:56
imon9soundry: how did u know it is /dev/ttyUSB0 and not /dev/ttyUSB1 or 2 or 3?04:56
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Scapyno im straight :)04:56
jshriverhrm reconfiguring X doesnt work..04:56
atomikusoundray: done04:56
atomikunow what?04:56
jshriverrather it didnt fix it04:56
h0axsame here lol04:56
jessidsome of you know how can I configure a screen saver? I dont know why that option was disabled since 6.10...04:56
tooleehi, i use the "alternate ISO" install 7.04,but i can't get the root 'password.how can i do?04:56
ubotuFEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/04:56
=== Insurgent is now known as Huffalump2
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h0axcam youpm me then scapy lol04:56
michaelis anyone else having trouble with apt-get connecting to the servers?04:56
soundrayatomiku: reboot and check if it worked04:56
eckAdyeths: whether or not you can safely cancel depends on how far along in the install you are...04:56
atomikusoundray: but?04:56
webbyhi I need some help04:57
Tom47seanh have you looked at planner?04:57
atomikuwasnt I supposed to apt-get the thingies04:57
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webbyI installed ubuntu for my grandma04:57
webbydidn't want to deal with windows04:57
Adyethseck: its busying downloading packages from the net. (which I was trying to avoid by using the alternate install cd in the first place)04:57
soundrayatomiku: you didn't read my lines carefully04:57
webbyso it installed fine, we hooked her up to the internet04:57
Huffalump2webby, what's the problem?04:57
Kaurusing feisty and dpkg gives: Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs....dpkg: error processing ca-certificates (--configure):04:57
Krazytekn0toolee, the root password is the password you set up for the first user, you can't log into root in ubuntu04:57
soundrayatomiku: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic'04:57
webbythey gave us an IP address04:57
KaurWhat to do?04:57
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webbyit sees it works, and goes to the ISP page04:57
webbyyou need a dialer04:57
Pici!enter | webby04:57
ubotuwebby: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:57
jshriverwtf is pango?04:57
atomikusoundray: thank you04:57
bropenguinanyone here04:57
=== CKPblT [n=and@ppp91-76-27-6.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayatomiku: don't forget to mount your /boot partition04:57
Huffalump2webby, what's the problem?  just spit it out :] 04:57
Adyethsmy plan was to upgrade from the cd. apparently the cd had other plans though.04:57
webbythis worked for windows. but here the dialer doesn't have an installer.04:57
atomikusoundray: mount it where?04:57
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soundrayatomiku: what stefg said04:58
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webbyit's a tar.gz. file, extracated it's 3 files without extentions.04:58
soundrayatomiku: in the chroot04:58
Tom47seanh you can also achieve a lot with calendar in evolution04:58
jshriverHow do you specify language for X?04:58
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stefgatomiku: if you are lucky you have an older kernel to boot... if the installed system won't boot, then you have to proceed as i said...04:58
eckAdyeths: if it hasn't installed anything yet you can probably safely quit... the thing that you don't want to do is cancel apt while it is installing the packages and possibly leave them in an inconsistent state04:58
webbyhow can I install it?! no instructions anywhere.04:58
busfahrerExcuse me, is it possible to boot another distro that you already have installed, then mount the ubuntu ISO, and run the installer script to install ubuntu into another partition on that computer?04:58
soundrayjshriver: System-Admin-Language Support04:58
Huffalump2webby, what specifically did you download?04:58
atomikusoundray: well okay lets just see if it works04:58
Krazytekn0!keepyouranswersusefull | Pici04:58
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atomikuthigns are just confusing since on one partition i only have a boot folder with grub in it04:59
soundraybusfahrer: no, but what you want can be achieved in a different way. Read the private message from ubotu04:59
stefg!install | busfahrer04:59
ubotubusfahrer: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate04:59
webbyfrom the ISP page there are dialer downloads. for windows its an .exe04:59
soundray!install > busfahrer04:59
eckbusfahrer: if you have a debian install you can use debootstrap, if not you can put the iso contetns on another partition and boot them with grub04:59
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tooleeHI, i use the "alternate ISO" install 7.04,but i can't get the root 'password.how can i do?04:59
Adyethsok, how do I cancel when there isn't an option to cancel the upgrade? No option to close the window thats telling me whats going on with the upgrade either?04:59
atomikuand thats the partition it boots from, grub sets the kernel's root to /dev/hda804:59
webbyfor linux its a tar.gz with just 3 files in it. hold on I'll list it.04:59
jshriverwhich icon is language? can't see menu lol04:59
tooleehelp me04:59
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Huffalump2webby, you may have to ask the ISP for help.  But please continue, just in case.04:59
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faloosI am wanting to shift from suse to ubuntu, is it possible without loosing all my previous data?04:59
webbysure, one sec. and thanks.04:59
Pici!root > toolee  (please see the pm from ubotu)04:59
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eckAdyeths: if you switch to one of the VTs it is logging the current operations of the installer and you might be able to tell if its safe to stop04:59
atomikubrb seeing if it works04:59
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Tom47faloos in about as many ways as its possible to skin a cat05:00
webby(I'm not actually there, my dad is there and he's on the phone)05:00
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goldbondhey,when i try to upgrade the process freezes at 65/73 files? is this because the servers are busy?05:00
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Tom47faloos the short answer is yes05:00
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Krazytekn0Too all the people just making the bot do their work, you actually aren't helping anyone. If these people didn't know how to use the website and all the things the bot refers to, they WOULDN'T BE HERE05:00
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Krazytekn0you are just adding to their confusion05:00
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faloosall my data is in the /home directory05:00
ikonia_Krazytekn0 lots of people are helping, but the bot is causing a lot of flood05:01
webbyHuffalump2: cstart, cstop, ppt-linux05:01
cyrisi'm getting a tone of errors when im updating my repositories, connection refused. is that because the servers are busy ?05:01
gpledwhat does ubuntu have a hard time with flat screens?05:01
webbythose are the 3 files there05:01
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soundrayKrazytekn0: if you cared to spend a little time here reading the questions, you would soon learn how massively wrong you are.05:01
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ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.05:01
amrohalf the screen looks garbled when I set a certain resolution- I know it's supported and it worked for me under 6.10. What could be the problem?05:01
=== begga [n=begga@L63c7.l.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
Tom47faloos you will want to back your data up05:01
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webbyit looks like a bash shell05:01
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soundrayKrazytekn0: there is a reason why people have created the bot, you know05:01
Progressivewell whoever had that problem with nforce and newest feisty, disable usb 2.0 and it starts working05:01
Krazytekn0soundray, it's spam, and confusing people whereas useful answers do not05:02
ikonia_soundray he does have a sport of a point, some of ubots responses are 20 lines long and 3 people hit ubot and 60 lines are on screen05:02
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vox754Latest stable "ndiswrapper" is 1.42, get it from source05:02
Tom47faloos then you can install ubuntu in a separate set of partitions and then move you data around ... this is likely to be the most flexible approach ie have both ubuntu and sse insalled05:02
jshriverhere is a screenshot of what's wrong05:02
soundrayikonia_: that's why there's !goodbotuse05:02
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gpled7.04 is getting better. got the resolution and hz correct, but still missing the colors05:02
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Lowehow do i mount a memory-card in a card-reader?05:02
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Krazytekn0soundray it quickly shoves the good answers off screen05:02
ikonia_soundray I know, I wrote it !!! but people arn't using it05:02
majd_Hey, i'm trying to change the port that open-ssh server listens to, i changed the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file and restarted but that's not working05:03
jshriverLowe: mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usbdisk05:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:03
Woody_hello, i am on 7.04 Beta, how can I upgrade to 7.04 Final with my CD?05:03
ikonia_soundray one of the reaons I love you is because you do use it05:03
webby./cstart outputs: cp:  unable to delete /sbin/ppt-linux05:03
Adyethsok... that tells me WHETHER its safe to stop the upgrade. That doesn't tell me HOW to stop the upgrade though.05:03
Lowethen i insert he card i see "tifm 7xx1: sd card detected in socket 3" in the log05:03
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen05:03
stefgKrazytekn0: so start giving useful answers, instaed of insulting volunteers, who are not here to spoonfeed people, but to give them something to *learn*05:03
ikonia_Adyeths you can't stop the upgrade05:03
=== rysiek|pl [n=rysiek|p@brama.elka.pw.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu
nox-Handmc44: Not going well :(05:03
Huffalump2webby, wow.  I have no idea what that is, sorry.  I just spent a minute on google in hopes of a prompting... but nada.05:03
=== soundray blushes and pats ikonia_ on the shoulder
wastrelstefg:  actually we spoonfeed people plenty05:03
eckmajd_: check the logs to see if sshd had a problem binding to that port05:03
tokyoaheadhi guys.... how can I switch ubuntu 7.4 to use the screen resolution of 1280x800? /etc/x11/xorg.conf lists the resolution under screen section, but I cannot choose it on the screen resolution preferences....05:03
ikonia_stefg the best response05:03
webbygrep/what/lib/dhcp/dhclient -.linux no such file directory05:03
mc44nox-Hand: what happened?05:03
Huffalump2webby, what is the windows .exe file?05:03
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webbyits just an installer05:03
majd_eck, where would i find the logs?05:04
Adyethsthanks ikonia. that answers one of my questions.05:04
eckmajd_: although i would recommend just keeping it on port 22 and using ssh keys05:04
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amrohalf the screen looks garbled when I set a certain resolution- I know it's supported and it worked for me under 6.10. What could be the problem?05:04
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Krazytekn0stefg : i find that telling people to listen to this recording (read this by a bot) then go to the website does not promote learning, learning is achieved through interaction, not automation05:04
eckmajd_: it's either /var/log/messages or /var/log/auth.log05:04
majd_eck, so i can keep port 22 open on two computers and ssh into either of them?05:04
rysiek|plguys, has anything got broken in feisty since beta as far as the i915 kernel module (for Intel's i94x gf cards) is concerned?05:04
clophi, fresh install of feisty x64; my /usr/src/linux directory is empty, what package do i need to get to get the kernel sources here?05:04
ProgressiveDaverocks: ive fixed the problem, its with nforce usb 2.0, now it booted no problem.. (i disabled usb 2.0 in bios)05:04
Huffalump2And the function of this is like PPPoE dialer or ?05:04
verb3kguys ...what's wrong with the medibuntu repositories ? they are extremely slow ....do you have the same problem or it's just my connection?05:04
soundraytokyoahead: you have to do a 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'. Ubotu will send you a private msg05:04
stefg!offtopic | Krazytekn005:04
ubotuKrazytekn0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:04
DaverocksProgressive: nice05:04
webbyexactly, it's just a dialer for a cable modem05:04
soundray!fixres > tokyoahead05:04
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eckmajd_: you can do it with port forwarding, although at that point i guess you might as well run it on antoher port05:04
Krazytekn0stefg I spend many hours here helping people, and my answers get shoved out of the way by bot commands that say to go to the website05:04
Adyethsthe other question which I asked first was.... why didn't the alternate install cd us whats on the cd for the upgrade like the instructions said it would instead of download everything off the net?05:04
ikonia_Adyeths no idea05:05
Progressivedaverocks: who was this other guy, cuz he had a hanging system after usb check aswell and a nforce chipset aswell05:05
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orbintokyoahead: possibly wrong rates for your monitor05:05
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majd_eck, yeah and that's where i'm stuck (checkin logs05:05
rysiek|plI had it working like a charm in feisty beta and now it just won't go (I mean the direct rendering)05:05
um_whoarelax, krazyk, it is all good05:05
faloosTom47 : thanks for the information05:05
berentjrib : the fluorescent green is still there in all available schemes05:05
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dacwhere do I go to find out,kind of computer I have?05:05
eckmajd_: if you are going to use more than one port, make sure you use .ssh/config so you don't have to suffer the indignity of specifying the port each time you connect05:05
tokyoaheadorbin should not be, its a laptop with 60hz05:05
orbin!fixres > tokyoahead (see pm from ubotu)05:05
Huffalump2webby, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-138.html  (bottom post)05:05
User_'hey guys im getting an error message when i try and run the live CD "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" anyone know any ideas?i googled but there doesn't seem a clear solution05:05
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Lowejshriver doesn't work, i only have sda* in /dev/05:05
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Tom47!install > faloos ... that might help too05:06
User_really want to install 7.0405:06
Krazytekn0Adyeths, the documentation takes some time to catch up, so when there are upgrades, the install CD's will download them05:06
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Woody_hello, i am on 7.04 Beta, how can I upgrade to 7.04 Final with my CD?05:06
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LjL!final > Woody_    (Woody_, see the private message from Ubotu)05:06
z0manheh I think I preferred Konversation than this Xchat05:06
ikonia_Krazytekn0 thatsn ot true05:06
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nox-Handmc44: Just not booting05:06
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Krazytekn0ikonia_ enlighten me...05:06
Krazytekn0I love to learn05:06
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Tom47Woody if you have been getting the daily etc upates then you are there already05:07
mc44nox-Hand: can you still boot into your old kernel?05:07
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Adyethsit doesn't look like its downloading just documentation though. its downloading EVERYTHING. which is disappointing because the whole reason I chose to upgrade from the alternate install cd was to avoid the network congestion that was going on.05:07
matt1982ahh tahts better got my nick back05:07
ikonia_Krazytekn0 the installer/upgrader installs to the level its at ont he cd - then prompts to see if you want to connect tot he internet to update further05:07
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matt1982hey guys im getting an error message when i try and run the live CD "/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off" anyone know any ideas?i googled but there doesn't seem a clear solution05:07
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Lowenobody an idea to mount an sd-card?05:07
Krazytekn0ikonia_ that's not how the alternate worked in my case05:07
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ikonia_Krazytekn0 very interesting05:07
razzorzMorning All05:07
frederificLowe: it should automount05:07
Lowehow do i determine wich device it's is?05:08
majd_eck, i have a bunch of messages similar to "Apr 18 15:53:28 ubuntu sshd[28035] : Failed password for invalid user proftpd from port 58304 ssh2" but i don't recognize that ip...can that be someone trying to access my computer?05:08
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ikonia_Krazytekn0 I will research that later05:08
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ikonia_majd_ yes they are05:08
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Lowefrederific: usb-sticks do automount, the sd-card doesnt05:08
Krazytekn0Adyeths, yes, I misspoke (mistyped?) I meant that what the docs say will happen and what actually happens are sometimes different05:08
eckmajd_: that is normal, it's all the script kiddies running scans on your network05:08
frederificLowe, straight after you plug it it, run dmesg from a terminal05:08
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eckmajd_: it isn't anything to worry about05:08
razzorzI am sure most have you been asked this .... Hows the new distro?? and whats with the download speeds ..haha05:08
cyrisi'm trying to do a dist-upgrade but im getting a tone of errors connecting to repositories (connection refused) is that because the servers are busy ?05:08
um_whoamajd_: where are you reading your logs from?05:08
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whatthefmanagerHelp, right after installing feisty, GDM doesnt show, just console login. When I log with the user created on install, the message "to run as administrator (root) try to run sudo(command) or see man sudo" like some root command was issued, and then a lot of /dev/null: permission denied appears, and then I get stuck on the console.05:08
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majd_um_whoa, /var/log/auth.log05:08
mg___hi, wher can i find the md5sum vor ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso ?05:09
jshriverIs there a way to specify X's language from the cli? Since I can't see the menu's I can't use it to select language05:09
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Lowefrederific: tifm_7xx1: sd card detected in socket 305:09
phaedracyrus,  Yes...05:09
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ikonia_mg___ on the ubuntu download site05:09
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Huffalump2atomiku, okay... as in you solved X?05:09
eckmajd_: if you are concerned turn off password auth, but i don't think it problematic05:09
Krazytekn0whatthefmanager, have you tried sudo gdm?05:09
K^HoltzWhile upgrading from edgy to feisty, i get the following error when typing sudo apt-get update: .. is it ok to just move on to the upgrade command?05:09
K^HoltzFailed to fetch http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/dists/feisty/Release  Unable to find expected entry  avant-window-navigator/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)05:09
K^HoltzE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)05:09
K^HoltzE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:09
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frederificLowe: Sorry, no idea then. My SD cards automatically mount :S05:09
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Stormx2Yo. How can I tell gnumeric not to simplify out "1937/13" into "149". Just leave it in its original form? Hoow? :)05:09
atomikuHuffalump2: not yet05:09
Huffalump2K^Holtz, please use pastebin05:10
atomikuWhen ubuntu loads I now get a initramfs error05:10
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majd_eck, right now when i try to connect, it says No address associated with nodename05:10
K^HoltzHuffalump, i know im sorry, ithoguth it would go on one line05:10
alex-weejStormx2: enter it as a string with a ' at the start05:10
babowill an upgrade, upgrade my kernel too ? ( I'm guessing no )05:10
Lowefrederific: mine doesnt :(. thanks anyway05:10
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alex-weejbabo: yes it will05:10
Krazytekn0babo usually it will05:10
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Woody_vwow: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading05:10
Woody_sorry for taking so long to answer you, i was busy05:10
whatthefmanagerKrazytekn0, not in the sudoers. But I want to know why gdm is not showing up, right after installing. How can I fix that? It is running05:10
alex-weejbabo: are you an ex-gentoo user? :P05:10
mg___ikonia, ah ok. did they rename ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso to feisty-alternate-i386.iso because the hashes are identical05:10
=== babo kills two birds with one stone ...
atomikuWhen ubuntu boots it takes me to some shell and mentions something about initramfs how can I fix this?05:10
Kaurusing feisty and dpkg gives: Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs....dpkg: error processing ca-certificates (--configure):05:10
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nox-Handmc44: Yes sir05:10
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hmpedersenHow do I get to use a higher resolution?05:11
KaurHow to solve?05:11
baboalex-weej: yeah, I got sick of compiling ....05:11
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ikonia_mg___ probably05:11
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z0manMuch better :)05:11
eckmajd_: did you specify ListenAddress in the sshd config?05:11
CapaHMaybe someone here knows how to do this, I am downloading an ISO (Ubuntu Feisty 64) --- I have downloaded 694,000 out of 792,000 -- and I *really* dont want to restart the download, is there some way I can do this? :)05:11
alex-weejbabo: ;)05:11
soundray!fixres > hmpedersen, please read ubotu's pm05:11
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Krazytekn0whatthefmanager sorry to say I'm probably not the guy to help you, you could try the bug website... sorry again05:11
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majd_eck, no...05:11
whatthefmanagerKrazytekn0 thanks05:11
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hmpedersensoundray, thanks05:12
yasserim getting a black screen on bootup...is there any way i can make ubuntu boot in verbose mode??05:12
Krazytekn0CapaH what did you use to download before?05:12
soundrayCapaH: what do you want to do?05:12
z0manCannot seem to control the mixer any more :( Since I used alsamixer..05:12
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K^HoltzWhile upgrading from edgy to feisty, i get the following error when typing sudo apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16576/ .. is it ok to just move on to the upgrade command?05:12
atomikusoundray: when ubuntu boots it takes me to some shell and mentions something about initramfs how can I fix this?05:12
eckmajd_: well it sounds like it is trying to associate with a host name that it can't lookup, but i haven't seen that error before so it could be something else05:12
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auTONYmousI'm having a problem with NTFS-3G on a USB drive05:12
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atomikuI copied the /boot/ dir from my / partition to my boot partition05:12
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atomikugrub loaded fine.05:12
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gpledhow do you change screen color depth in 7.04?05:12
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HuffalumpCan anyone point me in the correct direction to solve Failed to load module wfb after an upgrade to Feisty?05:12
CapaHKrazytekn0: What I did, is I used firefox (DOH) to download 9/10ths of the file, and now I have a file that is 692,XXX bytes and I just need maybe another 100,000 bytes05:12
Krazytekn0soundray I think CapaH is saying that he/she wants to resume downloading where they left off05:12
CapaHthat is exactly what I am saying05:13
yasserim getting a black screen on bootup...is there any way i can make ubuntu boot in verbose mode??05:13
atomikuCapaH: cant be done05:13
atomikuyou using firefox?05:13
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razzorzThe D/L of the new distro... what will that do to my exsisting ???05:13
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jribyasser: choose "recovery mode"05:13
soundrayatomiku: it can't work that way. You have to chroot to the final setup with /boot mounted, then reinstall the image package.05:13
CapaHWell I used firefox originally but I am welcome to use anything to get the last part of the file :)05:13
razzorzi should say the Install05:13
PiciK^Holtz: Probably, since thats not an official repository, they might not have a feisty section that exists.  I think you will be fine ignoring it.05:13
yasserjrib: then??05:13
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annihilusi am trying to install feisty form the desktop cd, intially i was getting an XServer error telling me No Screens Found, but now i cant even make it past Configuring Network Interfaces on bootup, anone have any ideas what is going on05:13
Huffalumprazzorz, it will upgrade it05:13
eckatomiku: unmount /boot and remove /boot from /, otherwise you will have a hard time telling whree it is reading files from05:13
atomikusoundray: okay so can you tell me how please if thats okay05:13
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jribyasser: then you will get messages while you bootup05:13
atomikueck: not totally sure how05:13
K^Holtzthanks Pici05:13
Krazytekn0CapaH unfortunately firefox doesn't support download resuming, I would suggest you install a good download manager for these types of files, sorry to break the bad news05:14
razzorzthats it.. .. just the upgrade.. the one off the ubuntu site05:14
soundrayCapaH: you can continue the download with wget -c URL , where URL is the address you previously used in firefox05:14
majd_eck, well...is there a way for me to connect through port 23, but have that port forward the call to my local computer and mask it as port 22?05:14
eternalswd"update-manager -d" isn't detecting distro upgrade.  I get a "warning: could not initiate dbus" message in the terminal. any ideas?05:14
atomikunothing is really mounted at the moment, since im on the livecd05:14
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yasserjrib: so do i have to always boot using recovery mode!!??05:14
soundrayatomiku: I told you before how to chroot.05:14
yasserjrib: to avoid the black screen??05:14
jribyasser: no, but this will let you figure out what the problem is05:14
atomikusoundray: i forgot05:14
atomikuits not gonna be in the logs either05:14
eckatomiku: well if you just copied it over to a new partition you have the stuff in two places, you should only have it in one place05:14
Rondom#ubuntu is 1337 :-)05:14
CapaHsoundray: *Maybe* this will work (goes to try it) -- I just need to be in the same dir as the file I originally got right?05:14
verb3kguys ...what's wrong with the medibuntu repositories ? they are extremely slow ....do you have the same problem or it's just my connection?05:14
Huffalumpyasser, let me know if yours says Failed to load module wfb05:14
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soundrayatomiku: that's your problem then. You can't ask me to repeat myself.05:14
atomikusoundray: come on man05:15
soundrayCapaH: yes05:15
atomikui thought it would have worked first time05:15
yasserjrib: i think the prob is the usplash.....its causing headaches to so many.........!05:15
atomikuI cant even check my logs05:15
eckmajd_: usually you can configure the router to e.g. pass traffic on port 23 to 192.168.x.x on port y05:15
Rug_verb3k: world + dog are hitting those servers, give it time05:15
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Krazytekn0soundray, so wget will automatically know that firefox started the download?  I never knew this05:15
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jribyasser: oh does ubuntu still load after the black screen?05:15
soundrayatomiku: next time use a pen and paper05:15
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atomikusoundray: I shall05:15
soundrayatomiku: 'sudo mount /dev/hda8 /mnt && sudo chroot /mnt/ bash'05:15
verb3kRug_: I think so......do you experience the same problem?05:15
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atomikuthank you. now what about /boot/ what do you want me to do with it?05:16
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pipakhello :) I have a little question: could anyone point me to a good lightweight IDE to program in perl (no emacs and such for me)?05:16
valeriehello can anyone help please?05:16
valeriei have a problem with wine when i do wine dvdshrink.exe i get an error from wine telling me "set up was unable to create the directory " C:Windows\is-BTU2T.temp"  error 3. path not found05:16
jshriverWhen I try to load a program I get a lot of crap about "pango"05:16
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Rug_verb3k: nope, I haven't upgraded yet.  I won't upgrade for awhile.    I don't need to05:16
jshriverI did a search and that seems to be an internationalized language package? How do I revert back to English05:16
eckmajd_: i think it is sometimes called port triggering by the router05:16
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Huffalumppipak, I think Bluefish does perl05:17
yasserjrib: it did not initially....but when i added vga=0x311 and splash=silent....i see the gdm after 33 sec05:17
verb3kRug_: I see ....thanks for your precious time :)05:17
CapaHThis wget -c appears to be working05:17
eckjshriver: pango is the gnome/gtk text rendering engine, you need it even if you have english only05:17
atomikusoundray: thank you. now what about /boot/ what do you want me to do with it?05:17
rysiek|plguys, what's with the i915 kernel driver? why do I get a load of "i915: Unknown symbol drm_something_something" and no direct rendering? it worked like a charm in beta!05:17
jshriverhow do you tell pango to use english then?05:17
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jshriveror setup my language preference in X05:17
eckjshriver: it is set by your locale/the application, not pango05:17
Rug_verb3k: just warning you that all the servers are getting maxxed out, so it will be slow05:17
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yasseri really think etch is better:) did not gimme ANY probs....05:17
valeriei have a problem with wine when i do wine dvdshrink.exe i get an error from wine telling me "set up was unable to create the directory " C:Windows\is-BTU2T.temp"  error 3. path not found05:17
garryFrepipak Might try Eclipse it has many plugins for things like ruby, and perl.05:17
jshriverhrm how do I set my locale for the system then lol05:17
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atomikuvalerie: #winehq05:18
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eckjshriver: usually you would set it as the language option in the gdm login screen05:18
GambaroniHow do I check what network card I have in ubuntu?05:18
soundrayatomiku: in the chroot, do 'mount /dev/hda1 /boot' (use the real dev name of your boot partition)05:18
Picipipak,garryFre: Eclipse is hardly lightweight.05:18
jribyasser: oh so it just usplash.  I haven't seen that before, maybe someone else can help05:18
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verb3kRug_: That's where bittorrent comes in handy ....05:18
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verb3kRug_: but that's only for the ISOs05:18
atomikusoundray: Okay one second mate :)05:18
jshrivereck: is there a way of doing that from the cli? or would you be willing to walk me threw it? since I can't read the strings, I have no idea which to click on05:18
eckjshriver: or system > administration > language support05:18
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Rug_verb3k: yes ofcourse to get the .sio's but BT won't help the repos05:18
garryFrepipak oops, I didn't see the light weight05:18
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HuffalumpGambaroni, find the Device Manager05:19
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superm1hey guys, for doing a server upgrade to feisty, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading, it says to use update-manager-core.  this package doesn't appear to be in main though?05:19
Rug_variant: =) beat me to it05:19
pipakgarryFre: indeed it's not very lightweight, but it's still maybe worth a try :)05:19
atomikuroot@ubuntu:/# mount /dev/hda1 /boot05:19
atomikumount: you must specify the filesystem type05:19
verb3kRug_: yeah05:19
kirynhow do I change my screen resolution i hate 1024x768 I want 1280x1024@6005:19
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gpledhow do you change screen color depth in 7.04?05:19
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Pici!fixres > kiryn (see the message from ubotu)05:20
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eckgpled: what depth is it now?05:20
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gpledeck: how can you tell?05:20
Black_Monkeyhi, I'm using an AMD Athlon 64, is it advisable to use the k7 kernel? (32-bit installation)05:20
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Huffalump!fixres > kiryn05:20
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Krazytekn0kiryn the only way I know to do it is, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf then add (1280X1024) to all the applicable lines, you'll know which ones when you see it05:20
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Scapyim thinking of going back to bsd05:20
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Scapyafter this SMP problem05:20
eckgpled: try xdpyinfo05:20
kirynKrazytekn0, I did but it doesn't show up as a option :\05:20
eckgpled: 24 is normal05:21
atomikumount: you must specify the filesystem type05:21
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atomikuany idea why?05:21
soundrayatomiku: is /dev/hda1 really your boot partition?05:21
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gpledeck: thats what i suspect it is set to.  think it should be 1605:21
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atomikusoundray: it has /boot/, vmlinuz and initd.img inside it, this partition is set as boot.05:21
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Krazytekn0kiryn how many lines did you add it to?05:21
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letronjehi can i download all the files required for upgrade and then do the upgrade once all the download is over ?05:21
eckgpled: look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:21
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Stormx2Okay. In gnumeric, how do I return day of the week like "monday" from a date?05:22
enrythere is a BUG in TOTEM05:22
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Huffalumpletronje, I believe that's how it works by default05:22
kirynI edited all and added "1280x1024"05:22
eckgpled: and just comment out the section for 24 bit resolution05:22
letronjei am upgrading my ubuntu server from edgy to fiesty using do-release-upgrade05:22
LjL!bugs > enry    (enry, see the private message from Ubotu)05:22
um_whoawhat buy is that?05:22
hmpedersenWell.. I did as instructed on the page... Now i\ve lost all widescreen resolutions.. Only choices being 640x480 / 800x600 and 1024x76805:22
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enryWEy totem cannot play video in streaming05:22
HaekkeHello, is it perfecctly safe to use the upgrade to upgrade from 6.1 to 7.04?05:22
Black_Monkeykiryn: I had a similar problem after installing the nvidia driver - if you go into your settings, go to the monitor > hardware, or whatever it is in gnome, I'm guessing it shows it as a generic monitor?05:22
um_whoaerm, what buG is that?05:22
atomikuroot@ubuntu:/# mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /boot05:22
atomikumount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist05:22
frederificletronje: I think you can download the alternative iso from bit-torrent/whatever, then burn it, boot it, and choose upgrade05:22
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hmpedersenOh.. And my keyboard has reverted to british I see05:22
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eckHaekke: it is safe but i would wait, the apt servers are pretty hammered right now05:22
Black_Monkeykiryn: change that to a 1280x1024 resolution, worked for me05:23
atomikusoundray: let me pastebin the contents of sudo fdisk -l for you05:23
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enryum_whoa,  my totem cannot play video in straming05:23
kirynBlack_Monkey, I use ATI x300/se05:23
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atomikuroot@ubuntu:/# sudo fdisk -l05:23
atomikucannot open /proc/partitions05:23
Scapyis it past the beta stage  ecgw05:23
gpledeck: is it possible to set it to 32bit?05:23
Scapyis it past the beta stage  eck05:23
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matt1982_hey is it possible to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10?05:23
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install_problemsalright, anyone feel like helping someone who's having installation problems?05:23
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letronje<Huffalump>: it says "Fetching and installing the upgrade can take several hours and cannot be canceled at any time later."05:23
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Krazytekn0kiryn did you restart since then?05:23
jribmatt1982_: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic.  You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing:    /topic05:23
imon9hello..how do i find out what port is used for my attached USB device?05:23
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kirynBlack_Monkey, thank you but I don't see the monitor section05:24
MenZamatt1982_: A lot of people have expressed problems when updating from Dapper to Edgy, but I don't know if those problems persist.05:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:24
Huffalumpletronje, you could upgrade from the CD05:24
imon9i am trying to connect my nokia 3100 with a usb cable and it wont detect in any phone manager05:24
matt1982_is 6.10 edgy?im propper new to ubuntu05:24
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kirynBlack_Monkey, all I see is screen resolution05:24
Black_Monkeykiryn: oh, well I use kde, so settings are different, but if you can find some kind of equivalent05:24
magnetron!anyone > install_problems05:24
eagles0513875is ntfs-3g 64 bit compatable cuz i have a feeling that is whats locking me out from my windows partition05:24
jribmatt1982_: dapper = 6.06, edgy = 6.1005:24
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Black_Monkeykiryn: do you use an obscure monitor?05:24
eagles0513875wrong channel05:24
matt1982_jrib: cool cheers05:24
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kirynthe monitor is KDSusa05:25
Black_Monkeyone that might not be auto-detected?05:25
eckgpled: yeah, but i'm not sure if it actually works... iirc 32 bit on windows is the same as 24 bit on x1105:25
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soundrayatomiku: try this outside the chroot (in another terminal)05:25
install_problemsyeah, i'm trying to install ubuntu 6.10 to a mobile disk (which should be sda1 on my system) but every time i run the installer i get a failure msg from the partitioner05:25
Krazytekn0kiryn the section it's in should be Screen05:25
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eagles0513875is this the feisty support channel05:31
jribeagles0513875: yes05:31
Haekkeeck: ok thanks Ill wait a bit then05:31
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letronje<Huffalump>: the upgrade cd will contain only a minimal set of apps right? for the remaining apps already installed on the server, i will have to download updates right ?05:31
atomikusoundray: wont that mount the /boot/ partition on the livecd, is this what we want?05:31
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eagles0513875is ntfs-3g 64 bit compatable cuz i have a feeling that is whats locking me out from my windows partition05:31
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soundrayatomiku: I meant fdisk -l05:31
eckgpled: 24 bit is 8 bits per color channel which is what most monitors actually display with05:31
eagles0513875i type in my password and once i hit enter everythign locks ups05:31
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atomikusoundray: okay, fdisk -l worked fine05:31
kirynKrazytekn0, Black_Monkey you talking about in the X11/xorg.conf? I'll post it if you want?05:31
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soundrayatomiku: is /dev/hda1 really your boot partition?05:31
atomiku/dev/hda1   *           1         522     4192933+  83  Linux05:31
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Picigpled: 32bit color (windows) is the same as Linux's 24bit color plus an 8bit buffer.05:31
Black_Monkeykiryn: no, just in the GUI settings05:31
atomikusoundray: why yes it is :)05:31
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Krazytekn0kiryn yes, post it and give me a link05:31
MenZaHow would I make Beryl start when I login?05:31
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soundrayatomiku: what filesystem is on it?05:31
kirynKrazytekn0, otay05:31
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atomikusoundray: ext305:31
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gpledi wonder why 24 bit does not work.  using a flat screen at 1280 x 1024, but get lines05:31
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fiestyfoeWhy does the resolution suck on fiesty???05:31
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:31
eagles0513875gpled: have u tried the generic driver that feisty installs05:31
soundrayatomiku: in that case I don't know why it would give you that error, sorry05:31
atomikusoundray: thats alright, thanks for the help05:31
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nox-HandMy uuid for root= in grub seems to be wrong and I cannot boot latest two kernel upgrades from Ubuntu05:31
MFencongrats on the release!  Anyone know where I can get a LiveCD?  either 6.10 or 7.04 would be fine, the website search is down05:31
nox-HandI need help :(05:31
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Attiswhee, hey dumb quick question how do I switch on Xchat's user list window lol05:31
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kirynKrazytekn0, http://rafb.net/p/sUsZnR21.html05:31
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soundraynox-Hand: check what the correct ones are with blkid, or use the device names instead05:31
nox-Handsoundray: blkid?05:31
Dr_willisAttis,  it may just be drug to the right side and not showing.05:31
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gpledeagles0513875: this is the driver that the boot disk uses for install, so i asume it is the generic.  using 7.04.  not sure if that means feisty05:31
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nox-Handsoundray: ah05:31
hmpedersenCan anyone help me fix my resolution? I've been trough the howto that ubotu sends me to.. Doesn't help me the least bit05:31
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Black_Monkeykiryn: I missed the beginning of this, have you always had this problem, or is it just after installing binary ATI drivers or something?05:31
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StigMy user list was dragged to the right side too05:31
gpledif i drop the res down to 768, seems to work05:31
AttisNo I have a button that I can click to show a mini-menu for the users, but I guess I'll have to figure this out. It's a bit different from a version of Xchat I used to use on another distro.05:31
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kirynBlack_Monkey, I always had this issue with Ubuntu but no other distro05:31
matkix0sAnyone know how to go about installing Beryl on dapper 6.06?05:31
kiryni would always get the max of 1027x768 and it hurts my eyes05:31
kiryntoo big05:31
gpledbut the flat screen specs call for 102405:31
q07sai installed05:31
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tokyoaheadguys I triedt o change the screen resoltion and installed the 915resolution driver, it lists the mode but they do not appear in the dropdown in the settings... any idea what I have to do ?05:31
q07sabut in 7.04 feisty fawn05:31
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:31
=== bart [n=bart@d54C1DB75.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
kiryni always gotta have a high resolution :P05:31
q07sawhat graphics have you got?05:31
hansen_hey guys, buildning a library for Rhythmbox is painfully slow, im on track 1500 out of 40.000 now... whats the deal?:)05:31
fiestyfoehey can someone help me fix my resolution...05:31
kirynq07sa, me? ATI X300SE05:31
eagles0513875good luck with ur ati05:31
tokyoaheadq07sa: or me?05:31
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kiryni hate ATI05:31
q07sawait a moment05:31
kirynme wants nVidia05:31
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q07saand ill give you a link05:31
fiestyfoeand why does fiesty and 6.10 seem to be much slower on my comp then 6.06??05:31
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gpledq07sa: it is a dell, so should be intell05:31
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fiestyfoeI have nvidia graphics05:31
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kiryngpled, mines a Sony Vaio05:31
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aurel86crimsun: just one thing about that problem with sound. I need to use that commands everytime i start system, is it possible to start it automatically?05:31
Insurgentatomiku, one ugly temporary workaround is to:  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  where you find the entry for your video card (probably two lines) and change the driver value from "nvidia" to "nv"  .  Frankly, it sucks, but that will get you into X05:31
eagles0513875i have ntfs-3g enabled for my windows partition but for some reason it seems to lock me out and not log me in whatso ever.05:31
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q07sakyrin, http://wiki.beryl-project.org/wiki/Install_Beryl_on_Ubuntu_Edgy_with_XGL_and_ATI05:31
joshjoshi've done sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and get no new packages. Am i up to date or no?05:31
jubeHow can I change the mount point for an extended partition? It is currently mounted as /media/disk... but I don't see it in the fstab so not sure how to change it.05:32
eagles0513875i have nvidia on asus mobo with amd processor and and nforce4 chipset05:32
joshjoshI haven't been able to download new packages for a week.05:32
AttisHmm I swear this is the last junk PC I'll ever buy. Emachines monitors don't get recognized well on any distro I've tried lol.05:32
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ZeZuemachines ...05:32
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fiestyfoeAnyone help my figure out how to fix fiesty????05:32
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AttisZeZu, at least it runs.05:32
boubbinhow to link 2 kubuntus together in network ?05:32
disasmfiestyfoe: whats the problem?05:32
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AttisI can actually do my java programming and other class work lol.05:32
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kirynq07sa, whats that for?05:32
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ZeZuevery component they use is junk unless you pay just as much as buying from elsewhere05:32
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disasmboubbin: a switch/hub?05:33
orgy`hi, im getting this on gnome startup http://rafb.net/p/Ijkt5856.html05:33
AttisZeZu, again it still works lol05:33
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boubbindisasm: adsl router05:33
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Krazytekn0kiryn hmm... that looks right to me, if that's definitly saved as /etc/X11/xorg.conf then you should have the options in your gui05:33
fiestyfoedisasm: first thing is my resolution-- in 6.06 and 6.10 it was fine, now its 1024 x 786 or something else god awful05:33
disasmboubbin: does it have multiple ports?05:33
mahdihi, could anybody help me plz? Just installed feisty and now my sound doesnt work! Worked perfectly on edgy! cat /dev/sndstat says audio device: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG05:33
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boubbindisasm: yeah, 405:33
Krazytekn0kiryn sorry I couldn't help more05:33
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Attis1024 is awful? Come on, my poor eyes can barely see at that resolution.05:33
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=== Attis grins.
kirynKrazytekn0, thanks for you time anyways much apprication05:33
Krazytekn0fiestyfoe what does fine mean?05:33
gpledlspci shows intel 82816 81505:33
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disasmfiestyfoe: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - then choose resolutions you want to support05:34
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Samuli^what's the ubuntu support channel for beryl?05:34
mahdiwhen i was on feisty beta with linux-image-2.6.20-12 it worked fine too. With linux-image >= 2.6.20-13 i get no sound05:34
boubbindisasm: i have managed to transder files 10mb/s via apache but id like to browse the network with like konqueror05:34
kritzstapfhow can i configure which channel is controlled by the OSD-volume-control which shows up when i press volume keys on my keyboard?05:34
disasmboubbin: what exactly are you trying to do?05:34
zHey all, i get this problem when trying to update from 6.10 to 7.0405:34
Ferrixmansorry.... i have an ati X1400, the first time i installed the drivers on ubuntu everything worked fine, but today i had to re-install ubuntu and once i reinstalled my ati drivers, it doesn't work properly05:34
SlimeyPeteSamuli^: #ubuntu-effects05:34
jubeHow can I change the mount point for an extended partition? It is currently mounted as /media/disk... but I don't see it in the fstab so not sure how to change it.05:34
Krazytekn0kiryn look at what disasm just wrote05:34
zFailed to fetch http://people.ubuntu.com/~doko/ooo-2.0.4-2ubuntu0.2/./Packages.gz 404 Not Found05:34
zFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:34
zFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:34
zFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:34
zFailed to fetch http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)05:34
Samuli^Thanks, SlimeyPete. :)05:34
disasmboubbin: ah, you want file sharing?05:34
nox-Handsoundray: the uuid is the same :-/05:34
boubbindisasm: yeah!05:34
Pici!paste > z05:34
ubotuntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy)05:34
AttisFerrix, did you use that one set of instructions for 8.35.5 because it worked fine for me.05:34
Angel-SLdoes FeistyLAMP have GD?!!!05:34
Dr_willisjube,  this is an external usb drive?05:34
Piciz: None of those are official repositories.05:35
Krazytekn0 z please use a pastebin05:35
FerrixmanAttis, yes05:35
jubeDr willis. nope it's just on my hard drive05:35
fiestyfoedisasm it said: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root05:35
tokyoaheadguys I triedt o change the screen resoltion and installed the 915resolution driver, it lists the mode but they do not appear in the dropdown in the settings... any idea what I have to do ? (intel laptop graphics card)05:35
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AttisThe only thing I'm annoyed by was a few packages I was trying to DL last night were on servers that seem to be slow or unresponsive lol.05:35
Lincoln6EchoHELP! my X11 is borked -- complaining the the NVIDIA driver is using a different kernel API than the kernel --- is there a util that will reset it to the default VGA driver so I can get working again??05:35
jubeI formated some extra space as ext3 and it automatically mounted at /media/disk05:35
zdidnt know what a pastebin was, but ok, sorry, so anyway to help05:35
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disasmboubbin: install nfs-kernel-server on both machines, add an entry to /etc/exports to export the nfs share, and then mount it on the other machine05:35
Angel-SLdoes FeistyLAMP have GD?!!!05:35
AttisHmm Ferrixman, did you disable fglrx first?05:35
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mahdianybody knows where I can find old feisty kernels?05:35
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:35
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:35
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boubbindisasm: ok, thanks05:35
AttisYou need to disable the standard module.05:35
mahdior at least the linux-headers05:35
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joshjoshtokyoahead, 915resolution only works for intel cards. You should just edit your xorg.conf05:35
Dr_willisjube,  thats odd. Odd that its even automounting the thing.  You could just add an entry for it in the fstab then and mount it whever you want.05:35
Ferrixmani used the exactly the same configuration i used last time... and yes, i disabled fglrx05:35
Ferrixmancould it be something wrong with gpu?05:35
DraconicusHey, I noticed that grouch.app is in Games and Amusements, but it's labeled as a GTK AIM/ICQ client... Might want to fix that.05:36
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Piciz: None of those are official repositories, as such, they might not be available nor may not have files for your version.  Its not really something under Ubuntu's control.05:36
disasmboubbin: http://www.unhandledexceptions.com/tutorials/tut_11.html05:36
Krazytekn0z um I'd use the real repositories instead of those ones, probably will help at least05:36
tokyoaheadjoshjosh: I have an intel card. the xorg.conf shows the correct resolution. the preferences program does not do so05:36
joshjoshtokyoahead, have you restarted?05:36
zhow do i use the real ones ??05:36
zhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16582/, thats the pastebin05:36
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hmpedersenCould my problems with resolution be missing drivers? If so, where would I find the nvidia drivers?05:36
MalachiI can't seem to start openoffice since upgrading, and fglrx no longer works.05:36
tokyoaheadjoshjosh: yes05:36
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Attishmpedersen, on Nvidia's site.05:36
joshjoshtokyoahead, hmm...05:36
jubedr willis, it's a logical partition inside an extended partition... I think that is something to do with it05:37
Haekkefoes the server edition have a gui as standard?05:37
FerrixmanAttis, if i do: sudo glxinfo | grep direct05:37
Ferrixmandirect rendering: Yes05:37
AttisNo distro can claim to maintain non-open source drivers, without some pretty bad legal implication.05:37
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joshjoshTokoyoma, editing your xorg.conf should do the trick. remove your 915resolution and try again i guess05:37
AttisHmm Ferrix weird05:37
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Angel-SLdoes FeistyLAMP have GD?!!!05:37
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hmpedersenAlright. thanks Attis..05:37
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Dr_willisjube,  i dont think that should matter at all. You can always tell the fstab exactly WHERE to mount the thing.05:37
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Haekkedoes the server edition have a gui as standard?05:37
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z0manHow do I get my update notifier back ?05:37
kde185does anyone know how to get nm-applet to stop asking for the default keyring password on loggin?05:38
Dr_willisjube,  its defaulting to using the disks 'label' which in this case is proberly blank. so its using  the gneric 'disk'05:38
tokyoaheadjoshjosh: the xorg.onf showed the correct resolution since the begining, I never edited it to...05:38
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disasmhmpedersen: linux-restricted-modules-generic and nvidia-glx are the two ubuntu packages you need for nvidia drivers05:38
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zKrazytekn0: how do i enable the real repositories05:38
disasmhmpedersen: then run nvidia-xconfig05:38
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joshjoshTokoyoma, hmm...05:38
jubeDr willis, ok, I'll try just adding a line in fstab and remounting it to see what happens05:38
ZeZuis automatix like easyubuntu or smth ?05:38
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kirynKrazytekn0 how do I restart X without restarting pc?05:38
tattersYou know, dropping by here to see what Ubuntu is all about,, could  leave one with the impression nothing works05:38
fiestyfoedisasm i got: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure must be run as root05:38
Angel-SLIS anyone going to help me???05:38
fiestyfoewhat does that mean05:38
disasmhmpedersen: if you're running feisty, apparently there is some new graphical thing to add drivers in the admin menu05:38
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disasmfiestyfoe: sudo05:38
zkiryn: ctrl+alt+backspace05:38
cablesI have this problem where the master volume and headphone volumes are separate. I want to make Master control them all. Someone here helped me with that a long time ago, but I lost the instructions and I just did i clean install of Feisty. Can anyone help me?05:38
=== Dr_willis is seeing less and less of a need for automatix or easyubuntu with each release
Jef2Hi  Anyone having trouble with Realtec cards after upgrade?05:39
joshjoshtokyoahead, I have no clue. I use nvidia drivers so I have no idea.05:39
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kirynthank you z05:39
SlimeyPeteJef2: sound?05:39
=== Angel-SL gets impaitient!!
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Pici!automatix > ZeZu05:39
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tokyoaheadjoshjosh: well thanks anyhow05:39
KeldoorI am installing a vidio driver and it says i need to be root... when I use su command...  says i can't athenticate me.. I use my root password?05:39
kleftisxany way to install xgl? i have completly remove it and now i cant find it to install it again.05:39
joshjoshTokoyoma, If you don't mind the possiblity of a broken system you could try automatix i guess...05:39
fiestyfoedisasm: I don't know what that means05:39
Jef2No  wireless05:39
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Dr_willisKeldoor,  use sudo command05:39
SlimeyPeteKeldoor: use sudo, there is no su in ubuntu (by default)05:39
Piciz: Remove any manually entered repositories from your /etc/apt/sources.list05:39
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disasmfiestyfoe: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:39
magnetron!sudo > Keldoor05:39
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Lincoln6EchoHELP! my X11 is borked -- complaining the the NVIDIA driver is using a different kernel API than the kernel --- is there a util that will reset it to the default VGA driver so I can get working again??05:39
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FerrixmanAttis, are you there?05:39
disasmfiestyfoe: sudo runs a command as root05:39
Angel-SLDr_willis: does Feisty LAMP have GD??05:39
zpici: alright05:39
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Hohlraumanyone know how to enable edge resistance when desktop effects are enabled?05:39
Woody_people, how can i upgrade to Ubuntu 7.04, i already have the CD of 7.0405:39
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AttisFerrixman, yeah05:39
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Dr_willisAngel-SL,  no clue.  not even sure what you mean by 'GD"05:40
Crane_Angel-SL: What is GD05:40
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Ferrixmani have no clue, what can i do?05:40
hanzomon4@cables, you need to use the softvol alsa plugin05:40
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libgd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
Dr_willisinstall it and see?05:40
Ferrixmando you have control centre?05:40
magnetronWoody_ , do yo have the desktop or the alternate cd?05:40
MalachiI can't seem to start openoffice since upgrading, and fglrx no longer works. Any help?05:40
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Angel-SLphpinfo says the opposite!05:40
hmpedersendiasm, yeah I am.. The past several Ubuntus have been unable to run.. 5.10 worked like a charm.. 6.06 and 6.10 didn't05:40
aurel86how can I run commands automaticaly on startup?05:40
kde185Does anyone know how to get nm-applet to stop asking for the default keying on login(running feisty)05:40
disasmWoody_: assuming you have the live cd, you can't without a reinstall, if you have the alternate cd, there should be a command apt-cd or something05:40
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Woody_magnetron: im not sure05:40
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valeriei have a problem with wine when i do wine dvdshrink.exe i get an error from wine telling me "set up was unable to create the directory " C:Windows\is-BTU2T.temp"  error 3. path not found05:40
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begleysmhello, i run ubuntu and XP dualboot... I have a 3 monitor setup (all 1280x1024 res) setup using Xinerama... this last time i started up Ubuntu my center monitor is running at maybe 800x600 (the other 2 are still at 1280x1024).  Any idea how to fix this?05:40
orangeflyhow do you find your video card brand....???....05:40
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cableshanzomon4, can you explain that to me?05:40
Woody_ah disasm05:40
nox-Handmc44: Even when booting through root=/dev/hda1 it hangs at same spot so it's not uuid ?05:40
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disasmhmpedersen: so whats the problem, resolution to small? no video acceleration?05:41
Jef2had realtec wireless card working in 6.10...disappeared in 705:41
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MFencongrats on the release!  Anyone know where I can get a LiveCD?  either 6.10 or 7.04 would be fine, the website search is down05:41
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hanzomon4@cables, I'm not sure how to set it up but do a google search, or ubuntuforums search05:41
cablesMFen, ubuntu.com and click the download link05:41
magnetronWoody_ , if it is the alternate cd. you can just pop it in when edgy is running, it will update you r system05:41
begleysmi dunno, resolution should be 1280x1024... my xorg.conf has Depth 24 Modes "1280x1024" for all 3 entries05:41
Dr_willisMFen,  that DisrtoWatch web site perhaps.05:41
orangeflyhow do you find your video card brand....???....05:41
hmpedersendiasm, I have a widescreen monitor.. Only resolutions I get are 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x76805:41
pope523Is there an issue with running X on Ubuntu on Sparcs?05:41
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Woody_disasm: im already in ubuntu 7.04 beta, can't i upgrade it without the Live CD? it uses the online server i mean05:41
kothzanyone know an easy way to get a jre 1.3.x plugin for firefox?05:41
Dr_willisorangefly,  try 'lspci'05:41
jubeDr Willis: In fstab do I need to specify the UUID for the partition? Or can I use /dev/hda5?  If I need UUID, how can find out what that is for the partition?05:41
cableshanzomon4, when the guy helped me, he didn't have to help me install a plugin. I'll just ask again another time05:41
disasmhmpedersen: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:41
Woody_magnetron: im already in ubuntu 7.04 beta, can't i upgrade it without the Live CD? it uses the online server i mean05:42
ubotuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)05:42
Dr_willisjube,  you can do it either way.. uuid or /dev/whatever05:42
magnetron!final > Woody_05:42
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about notifier - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:42
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ubotuIf you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.05:42
orangeflydr willis.... ty....same for laptop....???....05:42
Dr_willisjube,  i still tend to use /dev/whatever for hd's that dont move around.05:42
hanzomon4@cables It's a setting in the /etc/asound.conf not a traditional plugin05:42
shockentI did a fresh install of Feisty, and none of my OpenOffice apps have icons -- is this fixable?05:42
vtxanybody use ubuntu on notebook ? all ok ?05:42
disasmWoody_: yeah, dist-upgrade will upgrade you to the latest05:42
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cableshanzomon4, ok, i'll google it :)05:42
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disasmWoody_: if you've upgraded recently, you probably don't have many packages to install05:42
Woody_ahhhh alright :D disasm05:42
Woody_thanks a lot05:42
hmpedersendiasm, I did.. Before that I also had 1280x768.. Now all I have are the three aforementioned resolutions..05:42
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jubeDr Willis, Roger. I'll give it a shot05:43
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acidtabsCan anyone help to install Sauerbraten??05:43
hmpedersenNo matter how many times I readd other resolutions, they are removed once I try and change to them05:43
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qalduneacidtabs just download it from the webpage05:43
Dr_willis!info Sauerbraten05:43
ubotuPackage sauerbraten does not exist in feisty05:43
qalduneacidtabs it's not in repositories05:43
Dr_willisacidtabs,  heh - not tried that yet.05:43
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Keldoorwhere do i get  binutils at?05:43
disasmhmpedersen: you gotta type my name right so I see the things scroll by as many people are in here ;-)05:43
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acidtabsi did dl uzip it but wat know05:43
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sand_stormhi , can anyone tell me how i can instal ubuntu but not remove windows, i have a 80gb hd devided into 2 partions05:44
ZeZu!synaptic > Keldoor05:44
Dr_willisacidtabs,  read the install docs? you may just need to run the game binary ./whatever05:44
LjL!dualboot > sand_storm    (sand_storm, see the private message from Ubotu)05:44
disasmhmpedersen: in that step, there is resolution list, there should be a bunch you can choose frome, mark them with a *05:44
hmpedersendisasm ahh.. I never noticed that first s..05:44
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acidtabsi read it but don't understand it05:44
jubeDr Willis: worked!!!! Thanks so much for your help05:44
LjL!ru | d3rzelle05:44
ubotud3rzelle:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke05:44
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ApesMaRunning Edgy Eft; upgrade via update-manager failed, apparently because of problems w/tomcat5.5 and apache2. It appears to have backed out mostly (though /etc/apt/sources.list now points at Feisty repositories), and I've removed tomcat5.5 and apache2. I'm now told there are 1581 updates (presumably those are Feisty Fawn). Should I just tell synaptic to mark all updates and install?05:44
Shrimpy_hello, what is the command for the x-org server thingy to mess with your ressolution05:44
disasmhmpedersen: hint: tab completion works in most irc client, ie, i type hmp<TAB>05:44
MFenDr_willis: any idea how i would find it on distrowatch? it doesn't yield to a simple search05:44
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Dr_willisacidtabs,  you may want to check out  UrbanTerror also. :) its free05:44
Huffalump2Anyone who has problems with "Failed to load wfb" might be interested to read my lame workaround which can get you back on your feet.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41501305:44
LjL!xconfig > Shrimpy_    (Shrimpy_, see the private message from Ubotu)05:44
hmpedersendisasm, I know.. I'm not entirely new to linux ;).. However they are all removed once I try and change to them after changing that..05:44
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MFencables: i think this is gonna be the install cd, not the livecd05:45
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acidtabsi was also having probs with that lol05:45
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Shrimpy_LjL: thanks!05:45
acidtabswhy me05:45
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sand_stormthis woks on 7.04 ?05:45
Dr_willisMFen,  disrto watch had a artical on all the released ubuntu variants. with download links and mirror sites. Shouldent be too hard to find05:45
disasmhmpedersen: can you pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf?05:45
Jef2Has anyone been able to get  realtec wireless card working in Feisty Fawn?05:45
tikkaI have a fresh install of ubuntu, my sound does not work yet.. i have a mixer and a device for alsa and oss.. how can I make it work :)05:45
LephtFirst time here. Looking for 7.04 partition interface help.05:45
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disasmhmpedersen: and also tell me your native resolution for your monitor05:45
hmpedersendisasm one moment..05:45
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jptix__is 'apt-get autoremove' under any circumstance a bad idea? i see it wants to get rid of stuff like 'gnome-bin', 'gnome-libs-data', which sound important to me...05:45
LjLsand_storm: the specifics of where buttons and things are might be slightly different, i doubt all the documentation has been updated yet. but in general yes, it's absolutely the same05:45
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hmpedersendisasm, the native res is 1440x90005:46
sand_stormThank you05:46
LjLsand_storm: you just need to install Ubuntu on the spare partition (or if you need to keep both partitions for other uses, the installer can shrink them and make some space by itself; it's an option during installation)05:46
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nox-HandCan someone help me get my Ubuntu booting05:46
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MFenDr_willis: ty05:46
LjLsand_storm: do you need to keep in mind that resizing partitions is always potentially dangerous, though05:46
disasmnox-Hand: what seems to be the problem?05:46
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nox-Handdisasm: There is no aparrent error and anything from -13 kernel and down boots. All over hangs for a while and then goes to busybox.05:46
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LjLsand_storm: s/do you/you do/05:46
sand_stormi dont need to resize it05:47
Shrimpy_LjL: do i need to restart afterwards?05:47
sand_stormi will use the other 4005:47
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kirynI got 1280x1024 now yaya05:47
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LjLShrimpy_: restart X, yes. you can do it by hitting Ctrl+Alt+Backspace (it won't ask any question and just restart it abruptly)05:47
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disasmnox-Hand: any errors in dmesg?05:47
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nox-Handdisasm: Where do I check? o_O05:47
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Shrimpy_LjL: tahnks again05:47
disasmnox-Hand: dmesg05:47
kirynhey disasm that thing screwed up my xorg.conf :\05:48
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Woody_I believe that the ubuntu 7.04 final was released on the 15th not on the 19th. but it was official on the 19th. because there were lots of updates/upgrades after the 15th of April and some of the .iso were posted on the 15th.05:48
nox-Handdisasm: BusyBox does not have that command05:48
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hmpedersendisasm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16586/05:48
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disasmnox-Hand: oh, I didn't realize that05:48
mdub** server can't find us.archive.ubuntu.com: NXDOMAIN05:48
nox-Handdisasm: Hehu ;) Not a problem05:48
orangeflyi have emerald installed, but it doesn't change the theme when i click on one....05:48
magnetron!mirrors > mdub05:48
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Dr_willismdub,  the servers are getting hammered at this time. it may be down. try the mirrors05:49
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LjLDr_willis: err, but that error would mean that there is no DNS record... and i get it too05:49
mdubah, was trying to update apt-get05:49
soundrayHuffalump2: the real solution is probably to load the nvidia-legacy module at boot instead of nvidia05:49
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disasmkiryn: ok, try this, sudo Xorg -configure   then edit /root/xorg.conf and change mouse to /dev/input/mice, then copy that config (after making backups of all previous configs) to /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:49
Dr_willisLjL,  perhaps they all got used up. :) heh heh... odd.. that does sound like a dns server issue.05:49
LjLmdub: i tried "host us.archive.ubuntu.com a-dns-server-i-know", and i did get the same error05:49
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kiryndisasm, I got my resolution 1280x1024 working now05:50
Aluminis this where the "Ubuntu Open Week" chats are going to be?05:50
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Huffalump2soundray , would it be *possible* that if i did apt-get install nvidia-glx-new that I could specify "nvidia-new"  (basically, I'm asking if nvidia-glx correlates to nvidia in xorg.conf)?05:50
nox-Handmc44: btw, piix is running05:50
LjLstill, (which is the entry i have cached) is online05:50
kiryni'm glad it made a backup of it05:50
Stromberganyone got the compiz-settings .deb file? its not available anymore on compiz.org neither in universe05:50
orangeflyi have emerald installed, but it doesn't change the theme when i click on one....can anyone help....???...05:50
ScreaminIkewith the feisty beta, i could run my resolution at 1280x1024. now, it will not go any higher than 1024x768. suggestions?05:50
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kleftisxis there any way to install xserver-xgl ??05:50
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tokyoaheadhi guys... how can I change the settings for the boot manager? Iwant to change the order of boot options/default options05:51
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hmpedersendisasm any suggestions?05:51
Huffalump2Schamane_ #ubuntu-de05:51
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babohow come google webmaster tools only lists one webmaster tool ? Despite the fact that they have about 5 ...05:51
disasmhmpedersen: yeah, what vid card do you have?05:51
csmanxdoes ubuntu have a boot:rescue option?05:51
blekoshi, i have kubuntu installed but want to install ubuntu as well how can i do that?05:51
[acid] Neatcheetokyo: pm me, i'll help you05:51
Strombergtokyoahead, nano -w /boot/grub/menu.lst05:51
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timterbossHi everyone. I just installed 7.04 and I have a bcm43xx chipset. The chipset is detected and will connect to my wireless AP, but I can't connect to any websites with it (I can ping google, etc)05:51
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tokyoaheadStromberg: thansk!05:51
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sand_stormhere it says i need 2 hard drives to dual boot, will 1 hardrive devided into 2 parts work?05:51
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Strombergtokyoahead, maybe add an sudo before that line :)05:52
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Rkyraccoon55i need help with transfering files over my LAN05:52
magnetronmdub: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/05:52
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disasmkiryn: you might as well pastebin your old xorg.conf (should be xorg.conf.somedate in /etc/X11 and I'll take a look as well)05:52
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magnetronsand_storm: yes05:52
hmpedersendisasm That's a bit embarassing.. I can't remember what i replaced my old faulty video card with 4 months ago.. I have to go to XP and check... (I forgot where I put the original packing for it)05:52
icicledanyone have a bad experience upgrading to feisty-fawn using the upgrade manager?05:52
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AstralSinhas anyone else had problems manually adding menu items in gnome?05:52
disasmhmpedersen: nvidia/ati?05:52
Huffalump2icicled, some people did.  i was one.05:53
icicledoo, what happened?05:53
tuxplorerThere is a package named haskell98-tutorial.. I installed it.. but how do I invoke whatever that package has installed?05:53
Keldoorthe synaptics installer says I already have Atp package installed... but the nvida drive can't seem to find it05:53
LephtFirst time here. Looking for partition support due to the new partition interface. Please help out:)05:53
Huffalump2icicled, I had my X torpedoed.05:53
[acid] Neatcheeerrrr sorry i mean ScreaminIke05:53
kiryndisasm, no I'm happy with my new xorg.conf :D05:53
disasmhmpedersen: lspci will do the trick05:53
[acid] NeatcheeScreaminIke: PM me and I'll help05:53
hmpedersendisasm, precisely.. The old one was nvidia.. I started doubting what it is when i got to nvidia.com..05:53
disasmkiryn: works?05:53
timterbossmmmm...anyone able/willing to help out with a wireless card issue in Feisty?05:53
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kirynI didn't need that command u gave me05:53
shockentanyone had issues with icons not showing up in OOo in Feisty?05:53
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icicledfun stuff, what'd you have to fix>05:53
velkotuxplorer: dpkg -L haskell98-tutorial (will show you what files are installed by this pakcage)05:53
disasmkiryn: great, glad I could help05:54
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Rkyraccoon55can anyone help me with file sharing?05:54
magnetron!wireless | timterboss05:54
ubotutimterboss: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:54
=== nox-Hand needs help :(
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:54
kiryndisasm, thank you much apprication05:54
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tuxplorervelko: Thanks05:54
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orangeflyi have emerald installed, but it doesn't change the theme when i click on one....can anyone help....???...05:54
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Huffalump2orangefly, #ubuntu-effects05:55
kritzstapfhow can i configure which channel is controlled by the OSD-volume-control which shows up when i press volume keys on my keyboard?05:55
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hmpedersendisasm, I'll be back shortly.. Need to go check what videocard it is..05:55
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clophi, i have a fresh install of feisty; the nvidia drivers work fine when i run their installer, but every time i reboot x won't start and i get an API Mismatch Error: The nvidia module has version 1.0-7184, and this X module has 1.0-975505:55
Rkyraccoon55i want to transfer some files between 2 computers on my LAN how do i do this in ubuntu feisty?05:55
disasmhmpedersen: paste lspci05:55
Piciorangefly: Restart emerald through the right-click menu.05:55
HairulfrDoes anyone get this: http://www.benheck.com/Articles/Geekidator.jpg05:55
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sorcererhey guys iam playing around well with the command iam learning a tutorial.. but see .. iam @ the point .. redirecting stuff like the cat command : cat >list1 and then i type some stuff then i do ctrl +D and then i do a cat list1 and it displays the stuff but what i dont get is where is it pulling the list of stuff that i typed nad saved list 1 ?05:55
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kleftisxis there any way to install xserver-xgl ??05:56
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-April/000102.html | The US APT mirrors are unreachable, please be patient or try other mirror
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velkokritzstapf: right click on the volume icon in the panel and select the channel from one of the options in the drop down menu (can't remember which one exaclty)05:56
tikkais there a way to change the ubuntu arch, from 64bit to 32bit and upgrade portage?05:56
LephtFirst time here. Looking for partition support due to the new partition interface. Please help out:)05:56
Jef3Hello  Has anyone found a solution to the disappearing wifi card  realtec in Feisty?05:56
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AstralSinhas anyone else had problems manually adding menu items in gnome?05:56
kritzstapfvelko, no, thats another app05:56
velkokritzstapf: which one?05:56
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kritzstapfvelko, the one that shows up on screen when i press my volume keys05:57
Jef3Realtec 8185 PCI05:57
soundraysorcerer: do you mean "putting" instead of "pulling"?05:57
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gizmo_the_great1does any1 know how you would go about installing Thunderbird 2 on Dapper Drake? I assume it would be via Backports, but what would the command be?05:57
velkokritzstapf: pressing the multimedia keys on the keyboard controlls the default channel05:57
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sorcerersoundray:  well pulling it from where did it like .. copy what i typed to text file and then when i did a cat list1 ..] 05:58
velkokritzstapf: default is either master or pcm05:58
Woody_how can i make a .exe program work in Ubuntu? sorry im new to Linux05:58
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h0axdoes anyone know the kismet apt-get command ?05:58
Rkyraccoon55can anyone help me?05:58
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kritzstapfvelko, i need it to be analog front and analog out..05:58
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-April/000102.html | The US archive has DNS problems, if you get NXDOMAIN errors, please be pa
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h0axWoody_: they dont05:58
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Huffalump2gizmo_the_great1, I could be wrong, but i don't believe such a package exists at this time.05:58
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hanzomon4Woody: use wine05:58
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Woody_h0ax: you can, by doing something05:58
Woody_yeah hanzomon4 thanks05:58
gizmo_the_great1Huffalump2: i expect thats true. it was only released the other day so too quick i expect05:58
Woody_hanzomon4: how do i use it?05:59
espereguHi guys... I try to upgrade to 7.04 but I get an error: ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'View'05:59
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espereguany ideas?05:59
h0axWoody_:  dont use wine its a resource eater and its shit05:59
csmanxso , I just downloaded ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso, but I can't find how to boot into rescue mode, anybody?05:59
Rkyraccoon55can someone help me with transfering files over a lan?05:59
Woody_h0ax: whats better than Wine?05:59
gizmo_the_great1csmanx: press ESC duirng boot loader?05:59
csmanxgizmo_the_great1: let me try...05:59
soundraysorcerer: list1 is a regular file on your hard disk now. If you type pwd, it will tell you the Present Working Directory, which is where in the file system the file is05:59
Zenekhow i can reinstall something ?05:59
h0axWoody_:  just dont use exe on linux fullstop05:59
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holycowgizmo_the_great1, well you can package it your self.  or just download the .gz file, extract and click on the binary05:59
holycowit just runs05:59
soundrayRkyraccoon55: what's the problem?05:59
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Woody_h0ax: then its senseless to upgrade to Linux06:00
joshritgerdoes anyone know why i can't get ubuntu to recognize a mouse in a virtual machine. I have tried 6.10 and the new 7.04 and can't get it to work, but 6.06 seems to work fine06:00
holycowyou don't really haveto worry about the packaged version, install that when its ready06:00
sorcerersoundray:  nice mate thanks ..06:00
DSpairWoody_: Why is that?06:00
Rkyraccoon55soundray: i cant see my shared folder on my other computer06:00
soundrayZenek: 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install package', but it's not a good way to solve problems.06:00
gizmo_the_great1holycow: yeah, I know but I was hoping to have it installed properly - last time is compiled from source I nearly screwed up my dependancy tree!06:00
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csmanxgizmo_the_great1: ok, I got 'boot:' BUT , the iso doesn't have a rescue image o_O06:00
sorcerersoundray: why would i use such commnands like that ?06:00
h0axWoody_:  linux is a completaly different operating system ... windows is bollocks06:00
soundraysorcerer: why not?06:00
holycowgizmo_the_great1, just extract from gzip then and run it like that. no bigie06:00
Woody_DSpair: if you can't use the .exe, then what can we use? most of the softwares i use are .exe06:00
gizmo_the_great1csmanx: no 'rescue mode' in the options?06:00
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csmanxgizmo_the_great1: nope =(06:01
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Huffalump2woody_ What are you trying to do?  Have you installed and set up WINE?06:01
Zeneksoundray: i have problem with gaim06:01
Woody_h0ax: how can i make Autocad to work on Linux?06:01
gizmo_the_great1csmanx: not sure then mate. I still using Dapper - sorry06:01
jago25_98Hi, what's the latest on KDE on Ubuntu now? Googling for fresh situation not so easy. Do I have to change sources and dist-upgrade to Kubuntu still?06:01
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-April/000102.html | The US mirror may be unreachable for some people
Huffalump2Woody_ AutoCAD is a whole 'nother monster.06:01
Woody_Huffalump2: h0ax is telling me not to use it, since it eats up lots of resources06:01
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gizmo_the_great1Woody_: with extreme difficulty I expect!06:01
Zeneksoundray: when i run it , it close one sec after run06:01
LjLjago25_98: 3.5.606:01
DSpairWoody_: Take a look at http://freshmeat.net. That site is FULL of software for Linux/Unix, and there are replacements for most of your Windows EWXE files there.06:01
sorcerersoundray:  i dunno iam asking . how can this be usful like example .06:01
hanzomon4Woody: "sudo apt-get install wine" and decide for yourself if it meets your needs06:01
csmanxgizmo_the_great1: I'll bring the dapper DVD06:01
blekos_hi, i have kubuntu installed but want to install ubuntu as well how can i do that?06:01
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gizmo_the_great1Woody_: what you could do is install VMWare, install a Windows virtual machine, and run it from that06:02
Huffalump2Woody_ I have used WINE for several different programs, including Adobe Photoshop CS306:02
Woody_thanks DSpair06:02
LjLblekos_:  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop 06:02
jago25_98LjL, ?06:02
Woody_hanzomon4: thanks, im currently downloading it06:02
WaxyFreshwhere would be a good place for fancy wifi question?06:02
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LjLjago25_98: you asked what's the latest KDE version on Ubuntu, i told you06:02
blekos_ok thnx06:02
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soundrayZenek: sorry, I don't know much about gaim. Try starting it from a terminal and see if it produces an error06:02
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MFeni've tried other peoples' suggestions and i still can't find a recent ubuntu live cd.  does *anyone* know where i can get a recent ubuntu live cd?  why are they so scarce?  afaict nobody even made one for edgy06:02
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MFengoogle isn't helping either06:02
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Woody_gizmo_the_great1: where can i get VMWare from?06:02
LjLMFen: eh?!06:02
PiciMFen: What?06:02
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soundrayMFen: there is a live CD. It's called Desktop CD06:03
gizmo_the_great1Woody_: i would be very surprised if WINE will cope with AutoCAD06:03
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Huffalump2Woody_ DSpair is definitely correct in saying you should replace everything you can with Linux software instead.  In my experiences, that's gold widsom.06:03
vox754MFen, wa?06:03
jago25_98LjL, thanks, I guess it must be here already and just a case of running it06:03
bgrupeMFen: what do you mean? the desktop cds are live cds06:03
LjLMFen: the "Desktop CD" (the main CD you find on the site) *is* a live CD. since Dapper.06:03
DSpairWoody_: www.vmware.com06:03
Huffalump2wisdom, even06:03
gizmo_the_great1Woody_: but if it does, bravo06:03
kothzanyone tried to install the 1.3.1 JRE on Firefox 2?06:03
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magnetron!mirrors > MFen06:03
gizmo_the_great1Woody_: hang on - i iwll get the URKL06:03
Woody_thanks DSpair06:03
Woody_i hope that gizmo_the_great1 :)06:03
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MFenLjL: OH.06:03
ChosenOnei downloaded and burned the feisty cd, but it has no cdromupgrade-file on it, like said at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading - what am I to do now? online-upgrade?06:03
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WaxyFreshwhere would be a good place for asking advacned wifi questions on irc?06:03
MFenwell what the heck, nobody ever told me that :)06:03
espereguWoody_: the player is in packages...06:03
LephtFirst time here. Looking for partition support. I am confused on whether if I should reformat fat32 as ext3, or resize ntfs for more ext3 room.06:03
DSpairWoody_: Yes, AUTOCAD will not run on Linux. Alternately though, there are actually better drafting solutions available for Linux for free.06:03
arnold-9392can anyone help me get Feisty to recognize a desktop PCI wireless card?06:03
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Woody_DSpair: can you name me one please?06:04
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disasmarnold-9392: chipset?06:04
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gizmo_the_great1Woody_: http://www.vmware.com/products/free_virtualization.html06:04
espereguHi guys... I try to upgrade to 7.04 but I get an error: "ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'View' " any ideas??06:04
LjLMFen: it's a live CD with a graphical installer. the old "installation" CD still exist and is called "Alternate CD", it gives you some more options and can work on lower end systems.06:04
tikkaanyone got skype working with 64bit build of ubuntu ? (amd)06:04
DSpairWoody_: It's been a while. Let me look it up for you.06:04
southafrikanseHello is crimsun here?06:04
velkoLepht: are you registered? if so you can pm me and i will explain you the options you have06:04
park13i did an upgrade to 7.04 and now i getting this error on boot up bin sh can t access tty job control turned offbin sh can t access tty job control turned off06:04
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arnold-9392disasm: nVidia nForce2 SPP06:04
Woody_gizmo_the_great1: thank you bro/sis06:04
Marupaheya, everyone...upgrading to 7.04, watching the terminal, and something weird is going on, all the 'h's are missing.06:04
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WaxyFreshwhere would be a good place for asking advacned wifi questions on irc?06:05
MrMakevelihey guys where can i post a screenshot to show you what my problem is?06:05
gizmo_the_great1Woody_: definatly bro ;-)06:05
Woody_DSpair: if you are busy, its okay06:05
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soundrayarnold-9392: do you know what chipset is on the wireless card? lspci might help you find out.06:05
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drewMrMakeveli, imageshack.us06:05
Huffalump2Woody_ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14848806:05
disasmarnold-9392: that's wireless?06:05
spikebanyone know when we'll hear more about the ultra-free edition that's upcoming?06:05
southafrikanseI need help with no sound on the new Ubuntu06:05
gizmo_the_great1spikeb: of what?06:05
MFenwell that explains why they're so hard to find anyway06:05
MrMakevelidrew, lol not image shack. theres a pastebin here or on ubuntu.com06:05
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Woody_Huffalump2: thanks06:05
ScreaminIkeso... the usual fix for X screen resolutions... injecting the one you actually want... doesn't work for me. for whatever reason, when i do it... it displays way out of my range. the monitor will not show anything except an error message about the res. i KNOW this monitor can handle 1280x1024, so why isn't it?06:05
Huffalump2There are more than one, readily available for free.  They have different features and UIs.  You'll have to evaluate them for your needs, Woody_06:05
DSpairWoody_: Have a look at http://www.tech-edv.co.at/lunix/CADlinks.html06:05
h0axdoes anyone know the apt-get kismet command ?06:05
spikebgizmo_the_great1, ubuntu. seems shuttleworth wants a variant that's super duper free heh06:05
arnold-9392disasm: no, that's the motherboard chipset. one second06:05
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drewMrMakeveli, screenshot? or paste code?06:05
soundrayspikeb: as and when Gutsy Gibbon takes shape06:05
damn`lappyHey all, anyone able to answer my question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41484606:05
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gizmo_the_great1spikeb: free as in beer or speech?06:06
LjLh0ax: perhaps  sudo apt-get install kismet  ?06:06
Woody_thanks Huffalump2 and DSpair you guys rock!06:06
spikebgizmo_the_great1, speech.06:06
MonsieurBonis it a problem to keep the configs from edgy for feisty? I'm thinking of a complete new installation with the old /home06:06
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tikka$ arch06:06
MrMakevelidrew, whoops you are right. i'll just go put it in my photobucket real quick06:06
julianhow do you point ./configure to gcc 4.1.206:06
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tikkahow can i change the arch to 32bit and upgrade world?06:06
gizmo_the_great1spikeb: dunno matey :-)06:06
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LjL!gnewsense | spikeb, not sure if it's what you're thinking about but06:06
ubotuspikeb, not sure if it's what you're thinking about but: gNewSense is a GNU/Linux distribution based off Ubuntu with the aim of containing only free software. The Website is http://www.gnewsense.org  -  Support in #gnewsense, NOT #ubuntu06:06
soundrayMonsieurBon: keep the old configs for reference. Don't just blindly copy them over.06:06
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spikebLjL, not the same there.06:06
southafrikanseI installed Ubuntu 7.04 but Windows XP vanished!06:06
spikebLjL, er, same thing.06:06
Woody_guys, i got a prompt window 2 minutes ago saying that a person wants to connect to my computer and make a desktop sharing (i forgot). what is that? and how can i do that?06:07
spikebLjL, but he's going to be talking to those guys :)06:07
MarupaAny ideas on what would be causing the 'h's to be missing?06:07
gizmo_the_great1southafrikanse: thats a good thing!!! lol06:07
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Marupah and -, I think.06:07
Picispikeb: I dont beleive that anything beyond Mark Shuttleworth mentioning it in the Gutsy Gibbon release info has been announced.06:07
LjLsouthafrikanse: maybe you told the installer to "erase the entire disk", when prompted? that would explain it.06:07
spikebPici, that's what i thought. okie dokie.06:07
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southafrikanseLjL: No06:07
MrMakeveliyou guys know how the shutdown button and date are in the uper right corner? do anyone of you know why it would shift a few inches over so that there is a space there?06:07
gizmo_the_great1southafrikanse: i was joking....just insert your Windows CD, enter recovery mode, and run FIXMBR - you'll lose your Linux setup but you'll have Windows back06:07
juliananyone know how to point ./configure to different gcc06:07
joshritgerWhy wont ubuntu recognize my mouse when booting from the install cd in a virtual pc?06:08
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LjLjulian:  export CC=gcc-3.4  (for example) before typing ./configure06:08
MarupaMrMakeveli, right click, hit move.06:08
MonsieurBonsoundray, could I do a dist-upgrade first, and then do a new installation and keep the configs? They should be feisty compatible by then, shouldn't they?06:08
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arnold-9392diasm & soundray: d-link dwl-g510 is the make and model, and lspci doesn't seem to offer any insight (i don't think, I may be interpreting it incorrectly)06:08
hanzomon4southafrikanse: It could just be missing from the grub bootloader06:08
julianil try that06:08
LjLjulian: if you already typed ./configure, you might need to  make distclean  or even recreate the directory06:08
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MrMakeveliMarupa, i tried that, it wont let me because those are fixed06:08
arnold-9392disasm & soundray: d-link dwl-g510 is the make and model, and lspci doesn't seem to offer any insight (i don't think, I may be interpreting it incorrectly)06:08
soundrayspikeb: take a look at gnewsense, I think that's what it's going to be built on06:08
gizmo_the_great1joshritger: is it a USB mouse?06:08
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TrueffelschweinProsit Gemeinde! Ich hab ein Problem - eigentlich nicht mit Ubuntu, sondern mit Xubuntu auf einem Dell-Subnotebook. Synaptic will nicht mehr, lt. den Fehlermeldungen koennen die Hostnamen auf ubuntu.com nicht mehr aufgeloest werden. Hab das schon in 'nem Xubuntu-Forum gepostet, aber da konnte mir bisher keiner helfen. Hat da einer Ahnung von?06:08
TrueffelschweinTrueffelschwein ist mein werter Name ;-)06:08
LjLjulian: you probably also want  export CXX=g++-3.4 06:08
spikebsoundray, already there :)06:08
Pici!de | Trueffelschwein06:08
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joshritgergizmo: yes it is06:08
DSpairWoody_: There's a program called "Vino" which can allow you give someone remote control of your desktop. The program to connect to a remote dekstop session is called VNC = Virtual Network Computing06:08
southafrikansehanzomon4: I believe so06:08
ubotuTrueffelschwein: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:08
Huffalump2afrikanse - "Windows XP vanished!"  congratulations, you're free :] 06:08
Argasmhey peeps06:08
MarupaMrMakeveli, uncheck the lock.06:08
soundrayMonsieurBon: that may be a good way06:08
Argasmanyone running 64-bit Ubuntu here on AMD ?06:08
Huffalump2southafrikanse - "Windows XP vanished!"  congratulations, you're free :] 06:08
hanzomon4southafrikanse:If you know the boot partition for windows you can chain load it in grub06:08
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southafrikansehanzomon4: But it doesnt appear06:09
disasmarnold-9392: hmm, I think that may be an ndis one06:09
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Rkyraccoon55soundray: any ideas on my lan?06:09
Woody_DSpair: and i can see the computer with linux on my network with that same software?06:09
southafrikanseI'm a noob on Linux06:09
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julianthanks guys06:09
crolle17i need help in svn: i want to set svn propedit svn:ignore06:09
jago25_98What's the word for throttling apt downloads?06:09
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southafrikanseFIrst hand experience06:09
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Marupathere is DEFINITELY something wrong with this upgrade, guys, could someone please help?06:09
park13i did an upgrade to 7.04 and now i getting this error on boot up bin sh can t access tty job control turned offbin sh can t access tty job control turned off06:09
joshritgerI have both a bluetooth and usb hooked up and neither work06:09
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MonsieurBonsoundray, then that's what I'm doing!06:09
ThaurinHi guys, I'm new to Ubuntu and having problems.06:09
soundrayRkyraccoon55: provide a bit more information. What's the OS at the other end?06:09
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arnold-9392disasm: ndis? & it did work with 6.1006:10
RazWho's the Ubuntu guru on duty? Cause I'd hate to be him06:10
southafrikanseWhere can I see my disk space available?06:10
Rkyraccoon55soundray: both are ubuntu feisty06:10
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h0axkismet is already the newest version.06:10
h0ax ..... were is kismet located ?06:10
DVS01should i use alsa-oss or oss-compat?06:10
MrMakeveliMarupa, it only lets me go the same distance. and just so you know, the taskbar icons are now there (my running applications such as gaim and xchat)06:10
LjLsouthafrikanse: type "df"06:10
disasmarnold-9392: check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17675206:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about policy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:10
ThaurinWow, I guess it's a bit busy with Ubunty problems rigth now. :)06:10
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PiciRaz: We're all volunteers, no one is 'on duty' per se.06:10
DSpairWoody_: Linux, Windows, Mac, it runs on all of them... All you need to know is the address of the computer.06:10
velkosouthafrikanse: better explain what do you mean by "windows disappeared" - is the windows partition still there? or it just disappeared from the boot menu?06:10
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crolle17can somebody help me in svn? i want to set svn propedit svn:ignore06:10
Woody_DSpair: and i already have this software or i should download it?06:10
RazI know. About the time when the questions are coming in 1 a second is when open source fails :P06:10
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ctothejwhats the s utility to capture input?06:11
anguishello. I need a bit assistance. I'm somewhat new to linux.06:11
h0axkismet is already the newest version.06:11
h0ax ..... were is kismet located ?06:11
ctothej* x utility06:11
LjLctothej: like, make macros?06:11
PiciMarupa: What do you mean that the H's are missing?06:11
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
damn`lappyHey all, anyone able to answer my question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41484606:11
Marupaas in:06:11
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velkoanguis: this is not a question06:11
damn`lappymy laptop's battery went dead06:11
Otacon22is the video card nvidia geforce go 6100 compatibile with linux?06:11
ctothejLjL, nah just to see the keyboard/mouse input06:11
ThaurinAnyway, I'm not new to Linux, just haven't used it in years. Ubuntu CD doesn't even boot :(06:11
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damn`lappyand now gnome won't start06:11
ZeZuOtacon22, probably06:11
damn`lappyand i don't know what to do06:11
soundrayRaz: what, having to wait for an answer for a wee while constitutes "failure" now?06:11
ctothejLjL: i want to map side buttons to commands on my laptop.06:11
Marupaunpacking replacement pyt on imaging 1.1.5 10ubuntu1 using...06:11
ZeZumost nvidia cards work well06:11
Marupathe H and - are missing.06:11
=== rellik [n=rellik@adsl-70-238-157-14.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundrayRaz: oh dear, banks, post offices and all call centers I know are failing ;)06:12
vox754southafrikanse, since you a re a noob and you said you just installed it, I would say that you installed Ubuntu on top of your Windows, therefore erasing it from existence. You should have informed properly about partitions first.06:12
Woody_where can i get vino from?06:12
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arnold-9392disasm: thanks a lot for the reference06:12
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southafrikansevelko: I installed Ubuntu 7.04. I only told the partioner to do the Linux partitons. I followed the next button as usuall and when booting it goes right to Ubuntu06:12
MarupaPici, that clear it up?06:12
southafrikansevox754: I didn't06:12
Huffalump2Woody_ on a tangent, one thing you'll want to get used to is using (menu navigation) System > Administration > Synaptic.  That will tell you what software is available to be installed as well as what is actually installed.  From there you can install/uninstall, find new softare, et al.06:12
DSpairWoody_: It's part of ubuntu.06:12
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southafrikansevox754: I'm sure of that06:12
disasmsouthafrikanse: isn't that what it's supposed to do?06:13
PiciMarupa: Thats very odd.  Perhaps your terminal encoding got set to something weird before the upgrade?06:13
LephtVelko: I am not sure whether I have registered or not. Before I came into the room, I was not asked to.06:13
Razsoundray: You know you're a bit too serious-minded when you didn't see the obvious sarcasm in my statement06:13
ThaurinGuys, I'm getting "no input" on my monitor when Kubuntu loads X. Resolution/frequency problems? How do I fix?06:13
LjLctothej: uhm well, what i had in mind might still be of some help06:13
=== Newbie [n=lilou@ALyon-156-1-16-39.w86-209.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
hanzomon4southafrikanse: Use gparted to look at your hard drive06:13
LjL!info xmacro | ctothej06:13
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ubotuctothej: xmacro: Record / Play keystrokes and mouse movements in X displays. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3pre-20000911-4 (feisty), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB06:13
MarupaPici, it shouldn't have.06:13
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:13
peter77I've noticed a flicker when rotating the desktop or wobbling windows, could this be the frame refresh?06:13
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LjLctothej: you can record the button presses, and the output should tell you the codes for them06:13
hanzomon4southafrikanse:Also does grub go to the grub menu?06:13
PiciMarupa: To be honest thats the first time I've ever heard of that happening.06:13
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southafrikansehazomon4: On the terminal?06:13
Woody_Huffalump2: thanks a lot06:13
DSpairWoody_: Click on "System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager"06:13
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velkoLepht: then type "/join #velko" and meet me there. without the " signs06:13
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ctothejLjL: nice thanks.06:13
soundrayRkyraccoon55: are you using samba for sharing?06:13
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mrbond82What is the liklihood that upgrading to 7.04 from 6.x will break my system?06:13
MarupaPici,  it was fine last night, then when I get back to the computer this morning, the H and - are missing.06:13
southafrikansehazomon4: No.06:13
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Rkyraccoon55soundray: no06:13
vox754southafrikanse, then type "sudo fdisk -l" and tell us which partitions do you see, there should be at least two "root" and  "swap"06:14
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disasmhmpedersen: working?06:14
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hmpedersendisasm, Not exactly..06:14
hanzomon4southafrikans: "sudo apt-get install gparted" it's a gui tool06:14
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MarupaPici, think a reboot will fix it, after feisty's installed?06:14
DSpairWoody_: In fact, there are several CAAD packages available in the Ubunutu package manager.06:14
soundraymrbond82: the risk is very low re. complete failure, but there may be hiccups with subsystems06:14
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PiciMarupa: Yes, I think after the install you should be fine.06:14
soundrayRkyraccoon55: are you going to tell me how?06:14
mrbond82hiccups... I hate getting the hiccup06:14
southafrikansevox754: Look:06:14
kahrytanIs the repo servers back to normal?06:14
LjLkahrytan: not quite06:15
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:15
southafrikanse/dev/sda1   *           1        9355    75144006   83  Linux06:15
southafrikanse/dev/sda2            9356        9729     3004155    5  Estendida06:15
southafrikanse/dev/sda5            9356        9729     3004123+  82  Linux swap / Solaris06:15
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LjL!paste > southafrikanse    (southafrikanse, see the private message from Ubotu)06:15
=== Mikelevil [n=MoVeWoRk@60.Red-80-25-210.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ryancri just enabled compiz on the new ubuntu 7.04 and it all works, but sometimes the close/maximize buttons don't recognize a click. any ideas??06:15
kahrytanThen I ain't installing feisty.06:15
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voraistosEVERYONE :upgrading to v7 might break your system !!!!! It seems the kernel is bugged and make laptops overheat to death. Mine just broke, and so did many others.06:15
Rkyraccoon55soundray: what do you mean im using the network manager for sharing06:15
vox754southafrikanse, there it is, NO MORE WINDOWS, you have overwritten it... sorry06:15
LjLkahrytan: waiting a little won't hurt. some of the mirrors are fine, though06:15
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TrueffelschweinHi guys,06:15
Trueffelschweinany ideas about my Synaptic problem? I'm having a bit of a problem following the flow of messages here, everyone seems to be talking at the same time, but I guess that's just how this works. So, my Synaptic is always reporting errors resolving host names, [whatever] .ubuntu.com06:15
Gupmy mates just upgraded kubuntu to feisty, when it restarted it hangs at checking file systems.. what to do?06:15
kahrytanAt least in Edgy, there is no security updates. It takes to long to use Repo.06:15
Rkyraccoon55soundray: i just designated a folder to be shared on my workgroup06:15
southafrikansevox754: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!06:15
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Rkyraccoon55soundray: im used to windows where that works06:15
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LjLvoraistos: did you file this critical bug?06:16
atomikustill stuck on this error06:16
damn`lappyvoraistos what error from overheating are yhou getting?06:16
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vox754southafrikanse, come to #vocx06:16
Picivoraistos: Can you provide a bug#?06:16
AbsTradELiccan I use my US Robotics modem on ubuntu ?06:16
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magnetronvoraistos: upgrading WHAT to "v7"?06:16
drewhey, what does this mean "The Composite extension is not available." when clicking on Desktop Effects in System, Prefrences?06:16
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southafrikansevox754: Didn't understand06:16
Huffalump2Truefflschwein, several people reported problems.06:16
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southafrikansevox754: Didn't understand06:16
Pici!offtopic > happy_broccoli06:16
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Huffalump2Truefflschwein, several people reported problems.  it may be that the servers are temporarily overwhelmed.06:16
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southafrikansevox754: DI'm there06:16
voraistosno error, just harware failure, the hdd or not recognised anymore, graphical artifacts. a few bugs have been reported i was on the devel channel yesterday, but they dont seem to care yet.06:16
magnetrondrew: you need apropriate drivers06:16
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kahrytantrueeffel: everyone is upgrading so expect slowness with repo06:17
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rogue780|laptophow do i change the password for a keyring, or delete a keyring?06:17
voraistosmagnetron: Ubuntu v 7.0406:17
drewmagnetron, but my 3d is on, and ATI fglrx drivers are up and running flawlessly06:17
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sorcerercould ant one please explain me the command sort ?06:17
magnetrondrew: hmm hmm06:17
hanzomon4southafrikanse:You don't see the menu? If that's the case press the esc key before grub boots ubuntu(should be like 2 sec.)06:17
bluefox83wtf, i can't type in xchat if i use beryl D:06:17
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LjLsorcerer: explain what?06:17
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ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:17
bluefox83someone totally fubared shit stuff man >.>06:17
rogue780|laptopand can someone tell me how to configure grub to dual boot windows? please?06:18
acidtabswere can i get beryl at?06:18
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sorcererLjL:  umm the command sort ..06:18
southafrikansehazomon4: I did that also but WIndows doesn't appear06:18
LjLvoraistos: might it be this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2233606:18
PriceChild!ohmy | bluefox8306:18
Rkyraccoon55soundray: should i use samba?06:18
LjLsorcerer: alright, what do you need explained about it?06:18
sorcererLjL:  like sort <biglist06:18
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bluefox83rogue780|laptop, if it's installed it shoudl automatically do it06:18
ubotubluefox83: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:18
drewmagnetron, hmm indeed ;)06:18
PriceChildacidtabs, on feisty?06:18
magnetron!dualboot | rogue780|laptop06:18
uboturogue780|laptop: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)06:18
soundrayRkyraccoon55: one thing you need to get used to with Ubuntu is that there are many ways to do things. So if you get asked back how you tried to do something, ask patiently and don't be afraid to give some detail.06:18
PriceChildacidtabs, sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager emerald-themes emerald06:18
LjLsorcerer: well, you just made a valid example of its use. so what is the problem?06:18
Rkyraccoon55soundray: ok06:18
damn`lappyHey all, anyone able to answer my question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41484606:18
sorcererLjL: well iam learning about it .. i understand about redircectiong using cat > list1 and stuff like that but sort?06:18
bluefox83oooooo man i totally didn't mean to use profanity :X06:18
acidtabsthank you06:18
soundrayRkyraccoon55: I mean, answer patiently, sry06:18
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Dr_willisdamn`lappy,  perhaps summerize the question for us?06:19
crolle17can somebody please help me with my svn-question? i want to set svn:ignore...06:19
Rkyraccoon55soundray: ok06:19
MalderIs there a default way to check system mail from the command line? oh yeah... on 6.0606:19
sorcererLKJH: i dont understand whats the difference between cat > and sort <?06:19
bluefox83someone fubared feisty though, it's very un-cool guys :(06:19
Rkyraccoon55soundray: i assumed thats what you meant06:19
disasmMalder: mutt works06:19
Afiefrogue780|laptop: just install ubuntu on a partition other than your windows partition, it'll automatically set up the dual boot thingy06:19
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ImprovedNo1 can help me ?!06:19
soundrayRkyraccoon55: do you want to transfer a few files just this once, or do you want this sharing path open for the longer term?06:19
LjLsorcerer: uh, redirecting has nothing to do with any program (cat, or sort) specifically. *every* program has a so-called "standard input" and a "standard output". they're usually bound to a terminal (the Linux console, or your GNOME terminal) if you start them from there. by using ">" and "<", you simply instruct the shell to redirect stdout or stdin (respectively) to someplace else (like a file)06:19
jussi01Improved, whats your question?06:20
rolandsHey, i just installed a AHA-2920A scsi card and im pretty sure it uses the Future Domain driver, i just have no idea where to get it, anyone know?06:20
magnetron!repeat > Improved06:20
rogue780|laptopAfief, yeah, but it didn't06:20
Malderdisasm:  thanks... should mutt be installed by default?06:20
disasmImproved: whats the problem?06:20
Rkyraccoon55probably just this once for no06:20
disasmMalder: I don't think it is06:20
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disasmMalder: there may be a mail command installed by default06:20
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Rkyraccoon55soundray: probably just this once for now, i just set up ubuntu on my laptop and i want to transfer my music06:20
Afiefimproved: what seems to be the problem?06:20
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ImprovedI posted it ~5times06:20
sorcererLjL: i c ok do you knwo anyt wedsite that has excercies i can practice with?06:20
park13please help i did an upgrade to 7.04 and now i getting this error on boot up bin sh can t access tty job control turned offbin sh can t access tty job control turned off06:20
mrignsgnome-main-menu isn't working in my feisty :(06:20
LjLsorcerer: so if a program - like "sort" expects input to come from the standard input (the keyboard, you could say), you can make it come from somewhere else (like a file) by using  sort <filename . and conversely, if "sort" output stuff to standard output (i.e. the screen, normally), you can make it output to a file with  sort >filename 06:20
ImprovedI allways get an error when i try to burn image or just copy data of debian *.iso 1st DVD - I allways get "could not perform end of disc-at-once" error at 100% of burning.06:20
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Malderdisasm: how would I find out what that is?06:20
voraistosLjL: it seems it is the same bug. there are in fact multiple bug reports about this overheating issue. the problem is that in many cases, the computer doesnt power off, it just burns itself down.06:21
=== llutz [n=lutz@p54803a2d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
ImprovedI allways get an error when i try to burn image or just copy data of debian *.iso 1st DVD - I allways get "could not perform end of disc-at-once" error at 100% of burning. How i could solve it ?06:21
Alfonzohey guys, so i just installed the "R" statistics package from the package manager, but im trying to also install the gui for it. i believe i installed the gui, but im not seeing R or the R gui in the applications menu. How can I figure out where they are, or the command to launch them? I can launch the console based R by typing "R", but I really need to be using the gui.06:21
Afiefrouge780|laptop: where is your windows saved? where did you install ubuntu?06:21
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disasmMalder: the command is mail, i'm not sure if it's there my default06:21
sorcererLjL:  well is sort does the same as CAT06:21
LjLvoraistos: one version of the bug, however, was reported by me, while on Edgy, while not on a laptop - and then redirected to that bug#06:21
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Improvedafief / disasm - Help me please.06:21
S1K3SAnyone have problems getting ubuntu server 7.04 to run the install CD on boot?06:21
WaxyFreshwhat do you guys think of this idea for a wifi antennea?http://www.drugs-forum.co.uk/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=8506:21
SpaceBassmail is not in server by default...found that out06:21
S1K3Smaybe a bad iso?06:21
=== kunee [n=kunee@e178117090.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
ImprovedIts from official site.06:22
LjLsorcerer: ?! no. cat concatenates files (and puts the result to stdout). sort sorts whatever is given in stdin, or a file06:22
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magnetronAlfonzo: use locate06:22
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Dr_willisImproved,  that dosent mean its not bad.. it could be currpted download.06:22
Afiefimproved: check your md5 checksum06:22
Malderdisasm: doesn't seem to be. Is there any way to get system mail emailed somewhere?06:22
giesen_I've got a suspend issue... everytime my laptop comes out of suspend, my volume control dies "presumably because alsa is unloaded on suspend"06:22
damn`lappyHey all, anyone able to answer my question? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=414846 <-- gnome won't start cause my laptop had a fresh install of ubuntu and battery ran dry and now can't start gnome due to some odd error.. can't start nvidia kernel/ driver06:22
giesen_is there any way to fix thi?06:22
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sorcerersorts it to what ..?06:22
Improvedafief, where and how ?!06:22
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soundrayRkyraccoon55: if you can bear using the command line, the best way is to set up sshd on one of the machines (sudo apt-get install ssh) and use 'scp -r /path/to/music user@host' to transfer files from the other machine to the sshd one06:22
voraistosLjL: i think it would be VERY wise to tell people on the website before to Dl or on the IRC channel title. Many people (on the forum) actually destroyed brand new hardware, and no one does anything about it !06:22
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Afiefimproved are you on windows now?06:22
sorcererLjL:  ok well in a real world example how would you use sort ?06:22
Alfonzomagnetron, well locate R pulls up a lot of stuff, is there any way to narrow it down?06:22
Improvedi am06:22
LjLsorcerer: maybe look here http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html06:22
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S1K3SSome of the mirrors have been pretty amazingly fast, I'll just try another mirror after work. Pretty excited about it actually06:22
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magnetronS1K3S: do you have an ATI card? http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/06:23
PriceChildvoraistos, "destroyed"?06:23
erUSULsorcerer: sort is for sorting... man sort06:23
disasmMalder: well... yes and know, you need to setup a mail server to route it, and then you could add root: myemail@somewhere.com to /etc/aliases and run new aliases, but the hard part is setting up a mail server06:23
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-218-80.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
voraistosPriceChild: yep.06:23
S1K3Smagnetron: nope, its an integrated intel card in a toshiba notebook06:23
PriceChildvoraistos, define destroyed06:23
Huffalump2soundray, I may have overlooked a reply some time ago.  With respect to nvidia-new, nvidia, nvidia-legacy, and nv.... are these variables in the xorg.conf directly related to the modules nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx, and nvidia-glx-new, respectively?  I wanted to understand if there was a correlation.06:23
voraistosPriceChild: graphic card and processor cores burned down to hell.06:23
LjLsorcerer: in a real word example, i'd use it to sort things. if i have a list of numbers (numbers.txt) and i want them to be sorted numerically from smallest to biggest, i'd type  sort -n numbers.txt > numbers2.txt 06:23
ImprovedAfief, so where i should check that md5 checksum ? - Will it solve my burning problem ?06:23
=== kothz [n=tek@ottawa-hs-64-26-169-118.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ImprovedI'v downloaded that iso twice, same error.06:23
LjLsorcerer: what about typing  man sort , wouldn't that clarify some issues?06:23
PriceChildvoraistos, that won't be ubuntu's fault06:23
hanzomon4How do you post links in here?06:23
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soundrayHuffalump2: no06:24
Rkyraccoon55soundray: i can bear command line but ide rather not have to use it06:24
hanzomon4[url=] [/url]  ?06:24
=== llutz [n=lutz@p54803a2d.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildvoraistos, at the very least... the bios should turn the machine off by default when it gets too hot06:24
Rkyraccoon55soundray: is there another way?06:24
leon_06Hi there !!06:24
Dr_williswww.google.com :)06:24
S1K3Shas anyone successfully installed the server edition? which mirror did you use?06:24
PriceChildvoraistos, I call hardware fault06:24
MrMakevelihey guys, my upper/lower left corner stuff is shifted over a bit (http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/MrMakeveli/shiftedcorners.png). See how the taskbar is on the wrong side of the shutdown/date and how the recycle bin is shifter over by itself down below? does anyone know how to fix this?06:24
magnetronS1K3S: OK, what is the problem, specifically?06:24
sorcererLjL: yeah mate iam reading that stuff right now06:24
Rkyraccoon55soundray: i got command lined out trying to install ati drivers on edgy06:24
Dr_willisPriceChild,  i agree with you there.06:24
voraistosPriceChild: thankfully my laptop is very well cooled and the processor is capped at 600 mhz, because of the battery life, so the dammage is not important on mine, i just lost 1gig of ram.06:24
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PriceChildvoraistos, how on earth would your ram  have been killed?06:24
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ImprovedAfief -> Why you don't answer anymore :p ?06:25
Afiefimproved: wait i'll have to look for a windows binary somewhere06:25
aubadeUh, !torrent trigger just goes on about clients. ;V06:25
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voraistosPriceChild: the chipset overheated.06:25
soundrayRkyraccoon55: on your first attempt, what did you do to share a folder on the network?06:25
LjL!torrents | aubade06:25
ubotuaubade: Torrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Feisty: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/06:25
soundrayHuffalump2: no, they aren't06:25
jessidafter i install the sources of the kernel, where can they be found?06:25
magnetron!torrents > aubade06:25
LjLjessid: /usr/src06:25
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AfiefImproved: it will make sure your image is okay06:25
Huffalump2soundray, thanks for the clarification.06:25
jessidLjL thanks06:25
voraistosPriceChild: i lost integrated hard disk controller as well, but hopefully i can boot on usb06:25
LjL!kernel > jessid    (jessid, see the private message from Ubotu)06:25
Rkyraccoon55soundray: system/administration/shared folders06:25
soundrayHuffalump2: xorg has either nv or nvidia or vesa06:25
cablesHas anyone had any problems with vnc and beryl?06:26
S1K3Smagnetron: I'm running 6.06 server right now and was going to upgrade to 7.04. Since you can only upgrade from >6.10, I downloaded and burned the ISO and could not get my laptop to boot into the install. However, the 6.06 install disk still boots into it06:26
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S1K3Sso I'm thinking bad iso06:26
Improvedafief, could we join another channel -> That you could post me ? -> Becouse here's so many chat...06:26
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soundrayRkyraccoon55: did you then choose nfs or smb?06:26
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ImprovedAfief /j afief06:26
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S1K3Seven when selecting from the boot menu to CD boot, it ignored it06:26
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Rkyraccoon55soundray: (nfs)06:26
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brunoUTcould someone generate a new sources.list file for me with servers that might work?06:27
kuneehi! i have edgy installed on my system and want to install feisty (no dist-upgrade!). is it required to uninstall grub or will it be overridden?06:27
jrib!easysource > brunoUT    (brunoUT, see the private message from ubotu)06:27
voraistosPriceChild: are you an op or admin of something (if i remember well... i have been running ubuntu for a while, and i have seen you around before)?06:27
soundrayHuffalump2: only if you have nvidia in xorg.conf will you need to load one of nvidia or nvidia-legacy as a module06:27
nukleuzproblem: please help. beryl window decorations dont exist!06:27
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AbsTradELiccan I use my US Robotics modem on ubuntu ?06:27
S1K3Salso... I was wondering if ubuntu supported intel macs yet?06:27
PriceChildvoraistos, I'm a channel op yes06:27
Huffalump2soundray, okay, that I can understand.06:27
brunoUTjrib: yes i just did that06:27
brunoUTthose don't work for me06:27
Stighi, how do I find out what soundcard ubuntu is using on my pc?06:27
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jrib!doesn't work | brunoUT06:27
ubotubrunoUT: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.06:27
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LjLbrunoUT: "those"? which "those"? there's like 30 different mirrors listed to chose among, there06:27
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soundrayRkyraccoon55: on the other side, did you try Places-Connect to server?06:28
spikebubotu, haha06:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about haha - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:28
LjLbrunoUT: i'm using the swedish ones. se.archive.ubuntu.com. they are listed.06:28
PriceChildvoraistos, not that I totally believe your story... have you done so much as to file a bug?06:28
Huffalump2soundray, by specifying nvidia in xorg, it will automagically get the correct module (which is then probably the only one installed because I think they mutually exclude each other, if I understood what I read on the commandline)06:28
Rkyraccoon55soundray: no, i did not06:28
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S1K3Sanyone know? Ubuntu with intel macs?06:28
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brunoUTLjL: you helped me earlier....but they still time out06:28
soundrayRkyraccoon55: oh, I'm just seeing that that doesn't give you an NFS option.06:28
Huffalump2S1K3s, sure.  and PPC, too.06:28
=== FTMichael has a USB problem in Feisty.
Rkyraccoon55soundray: oh06:28
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voraistosPriceChild: I havent filed a bug since other people did before me, i just added my logs to the bugs, so the kernel team can see whats going on06:28
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PriceChildvoraistos, that's something thanks06:29
spikebvoraistos, good job :)06:29
soundrayRkyraccoon55: mounting nfs shares is not for you if you dislike the command line. Use smb instead and mount it with...06:29
blabla1983guys do you know what serverlist must i add to amule?06:29
LjLbrunoUT: that's weird, the swedish ones really worked quite reliably for me today. what's the errors precisely?06:29
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MadDog011is there a big difference in performance between LEGACY and NON LEGACY NVIDIA drivers?06:29
LjLblabla1983: is that a question in any way related to Ubuntu?06:29
kiryncan someone tell me why I get this error?06:29
kirynRROR: Could not import project:/home/kiryn/Projects/MySpaceOnlineChecker/MySpaceOnlineChecker/MySpaceOnlineChecker.csproj. Sharing violation on path /home/kiryn/Projects/MySpaceOnlineChecker/MySpaceOnlineChecker/MySpaceOnlineChecker.csproj06:29
kuneehi! i have edgy installed on my system and want to install feisty (no dist-upgrade!). is it required to uninstall grub? or will it be overridden?06:29
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sorcererLjL: hey mate ok lets sat i do the "who" command i do umm a who>names.txt and then after enter i do a sort<names.tx .. could you explain what i just did ?06:29
Rkyraccoon55soundray: smb? samba?06:29
kirynsomething about SharingViolation06:29
brunoUTLjL: u didnt give me the swedish ones.....u gave me .us ones06:29
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blabla1983dont know really06:29
soundrayRkyraccoon55: Places-Connect to Server and select Service type: Windows share06:29
LjLMadDog011: don't know - why care? it's not like you have a choice anyway, it depends on which card you have which drivers you choose06:29
erUSULkunee: it will be overwritten afaics06:30
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S1K3SHuffalump2: for an intel mac, I would just use the x86 architecture version?06:30
blabla1983i thought someone using it could tell me06:30
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Huffalump2s1k3s, precisely correct06:30
Rkyraccoon55soundray: but, im sharing between 2 ubuntu systems06:30
PriceChildkunee, a fresh install will overwrite it06:30
kuneeerUSUL: thanks. i hope so :D06:30
AluminLjL: sorted list of logged-in users?06:30
MadDog011I have a NON legacy card but I cant run linux with it ... says I need legacy drivers it's a NVIDIA Ti 420006:30
LjLbrunoUT: yes, those are kind of down right now. but the !easysource (aka !source-o-matic) that you've been pointed to so many times has the swedish mirrors - as well as all the other mirrors available06:30
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soundrayRkyraccoon55: smb=server message block (a protocol). Samba=an open source implementation of smb06:30
Stigwhats the command to find out what soundcard Ubuntu is currently using?06:30
kuneePriceChild: thx06:30
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S1K3SGreat. I cant wait06:30
Aluminthat was for sorcerer, not LjL :p06:30
LjLAlumin: who | sort ...?06:30
soundrayRkyraccoon55: that's fine, you still have that choice.06:30
FTMichaelAn error occurred in the io-library ('Could not claim the USB device'): Could not claim interface 0 (Operation not permitted).  Make sure no other program or kernel module (such as sdc2xx, stv680, spca50x) is using the device and you have read/write access to the device.06:30
brunoUTLjL: ok ill do this06:30
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Shau1Hi Guys06:31
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superkirbyartistHello people.06:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)06:31
superkirbyartist I have problems with Rhythmbox06:31
superkirbyartist I bought a new album and it doesn't detect correctly.06:31
superkirbyartist Can someone help me please?06:31
Huffalump2s1k3s, yeah it's pretty cool to have the dual boot.  I'll be putting on a G4 PPC later this month06:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:31
LjL!pm | blabla198306:31
brunoUTFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)06:31
atomiku!pastbin brunoUT06:31
ubotublabla1983: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin brunout - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
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brunoUTthats what im getting06:31
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superkirbyartistHello people.06:31
superkirbyartist I have problems with Rhythmbox06:31
superkirbyartist I bought a new album and it doesn't detect correctly.06:31
superkirbyartist Can someone help me please?06:31
Rkyraccoon55soundray: how do i use smb?06:31
Keldoorhow can i tell if my nvida drivers were installed...  i used the synaptics package manager to install nvida-glx... it did someting with no errors.. and i rebooted.... ???06:31
atomiku!pastebin brunoUT06:31
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marnanelDoes feisty support booting off a SATA drive, out of the box?06:31
superkirbyartistRkyraccoon55: Use a NES emulator.06:31
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atomikuw/e im too stoned06:31
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erUSULFTMichael: which hardware? maybe you need to add yourself to an specific group06:31
soundrayRkyraccoon55: I just told you06:31
jribmarnanel: yes06:31
nach0sAll, i have a compaq evo 160 notebook, and im trying to install ubuntu 7.04 but i get this error "bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" And nothings happend...  i cant install the ubuntu on this laptop.. any ideia what is it?? Regards!!06:31
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sorcereriam soo confused ..06:31
LjLsorcerer: ah sorry i missed that. well, what you did was 1) run the command "who", which lists logged in users, but instead of listing them on the screen, you redirected the list to the "names.txt" file    3) then you called "sort" on that names.txt files, resulting in a sorted list of users.06:32
voraistosPriceChild: look at this thread, many people had the same problem. Could you just say a word about it in the #ubuntu channel topic please ?06:32
Huffalump2superkirbyartist, please type all on one line, instead of using Enter to make multiple entries06:32
derekhello , any body install successful the  build-essential  ?????06:32
jribderek: yes06:32
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marnaneljrib: thanks06:32
dannyc_superkirby: try system->preferences->removable drives and media06:32
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dippe2ok so Ive just started using ubuntu , i didnt take long untill i found a problem. my screen wants a resulution 1680x1050-60Hz , any suggestions? :)   system->PRef. ->screen res. did not help me :(06:32
FTMichaelerUSUL: My digicam, which worked fine before the upgrade to Feisty yesterday.  I've had that error before, ages ago, but don't remember when or how I fixed it.  It might have been when I upgraded to Edgy06:32
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superkirbyartistHuffalump2: sorry, I was copying from ##gnome.06:32
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LjLsorcerer: that's redundant however, as you can just type  who | sort , without going through an intermediate file. that's because "|" links together the standard output of the program on the left with the standard input of the one on the right06:32
Rkyraccoon55soundray: so, all i gotta do is set it to windows share?06:32
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Shau1Hi Guys, is there a channel for using SAMBA with UBUNTU or questions asked in this channel?06:32
superkirbyartistHuffalump2: can you help me please.06:32
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superkirbyartistRkyraccoon55: FCE ULTRA!06:32
spikebShau1, you can ask here06:32
jribShau1: you can ask here.  Have you read the wiki page on samba?06:32
csmanxwas anybody aware of this? there's no boot: rescue in ubuntu06:32
PriceChildderek, what problem are you having?06:33
=== magnetron thinks feisty is nice
AluminShau1: here or #samba06:33
Huffalump2superkirbyartist ->   <dannyc_> superkirby: try system->preferences->removable drives and media06:33
spikebi cant figure out how to config my controller for fce ultra heh06:33
arch_My cdrom drive isn't appearing in the /dev/ folder, thus I am getting the "cannot mount, /dev/scd0 doesn't exist" error when I try to mount the cdrom.  How can I add my cdrom to my /dev/ folder?06:33
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=== superkirbyartist laughs at magnetron.
Keldoorhow can i tell if my nvida drivers were installed...  i used the synaptics package manager to install nvida-glx... it did someting with no errors.. and i rebooted.... ???06:33
Shau1I'm completly new to Ubuntu and Open Source stuff06:33
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soundrayRkyraccoon55: that would be a step forward. Alternatively, configure NFS on the other machine. I'll have ubotu send you pms about both06:33
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soundray!nfs > Rkyraccoon5506:33
narf__guys, I have a serious problem - my pc just freezed in the middle of the upgrade(while generating the locales) and now it doesn't even boot06:33
=== magnetron is learning to use /me
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derekPriceChild,   The following packages have unmet dependencies:06:33
narf__any idea how to fix it?06:33
derek  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or06:33
derek                            libc-dev06:33
derek                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed06:33
derekE: Broken packages06:33
SlartShau1: you can ask her06:33
S1K3SNFS is great.06:33
soundray!samba > Rkyraccoon5506:33
superkirbyartistHuffalump2, the display picture for an Elyce CD, it displays Alice Peacock.06:33
LjL!paste > derek    (derek, see the private message from Ubotu)06:33
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jribKeldoor: did you enable the driver?  did you see an nvidia logo?06:33
jbhi feisty 64 bit and nx6125 laptop being used here :)06:33
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PriceChildKeldoor, use system > admin > restricted manager06:33
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derekPriceChild, do you know what happend ?06:34
Keldoorno  to both06:34
jribKeldoor: k, see what PriceChild said06:34
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derekLjL, sorry ?06:34
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Vaske_Carhow to reenable SpamAssassin after upgrading to 7.04?06:34
LjL!pastebin | derek06:34
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ubotuderek: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:34
PriceChildderek, could you please do the following 3 commands seperately: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, sudo apt-get install build-essential06:35
Keldoori don't ahve a Restricted manager06:35
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jbbtw automatrix for feisty (and all versions) appears to be hijacked at www.getautomatrix.com06:35
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PriceChild!automatix > jb (see  pm from ubotu)06:35
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ubotuautomatix is a script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe06:35
LjLjb, we don't particularly care, but feel free to discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic06:35
derekPriceChild, ok , i did the update before seems not working  , i try to do the following  thx06:35
S1K3Ssometimes I think ubuntu makes it *too* easy. Missing that feeling you get when installing/configuring something new and having it require 9084238094 packages you don't have and spending 2 hours sifting through make logs trying to figure out where you went wrong06:35
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jbThat is an insulting bot :) I have over 30 years in computer systems :))06:36
CookedGryphonjb: try spelling hte address right06:36
KeldoorPriceChild... how do i enable the vidio driver06:36
PriceChildS1K3S, then maybe ubuntu isn't for you?06:36
PriceChildKeldoor, the restricted manager should do it fo ryou06:36
spikebS1K3S, slackware baby06:36
S1K3SPriceChild: Oh I like it...06:36
dippe2ok so Ive just started using ubuntu , i didnt take long untill i found a problem. my screen wants a resulution 1680x1050-60Hz , any suggestions? :)   system->PRef. ->screen res. did not help me :(06:37
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LjL!fixres > dippe2    (dippe2, see the private message from Ubotu)06:37
magnetronCookedGryphon: try spelling "the" right06:37
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CookedGryphoni knew someone would say that, i was just waiting for it :P06:37
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soundrayCookedGryphon: he did06:37
jessidsome of you have any idea how to recompile the kernel with the keyspan usb to serial driver??????06:37
CookedGryphondamn i should have said i was being ironic06:37
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jbjessid search the ubuntu forums is a good article in there was reading earlier06:38
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magnetron!kernel > jessid06:38
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idefixxi guess u cant use the feisty cd as deb source? if so is there a cd you can dl to update from with just the debs on it? I know i can download them, that's not what I'm looking for.06:38
KeldoorPriceChild... in System > Administration ...... there isn't a Restricted Manager ... option06:38
PriceChildjessid, 1. does it not work automatically? 2. Does it come with a readme file?06:38
PriceChildKeldoor, are you on feisty?06:38
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Keldoorno.... dapper06:38
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PriceChildsorry :)06:38
soundrayidefixx: you can do that with the alternate CD06:38
jessidmagnetron no, i am tryig to do that, but i am having problems with git06:39
magnetronidefixx: yes you can, but only the alternate cd06:39
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jbI am beta.tester in forums06:39
PriceChild!nvidia > Keldoor (see pm from ubotu)06:39
derekPriceChild, sign !  still the same error ...06:39
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magnetronjessid: GIT is beyond me06:39
soundrayidefixx: it doesn't have "just" the packages, but you can tie it in as a package source from /etc/apt/sources.list06:39
idefixxsoundray: thx a lot i was hoping that's possible06:39
S1K3Slol spikeb. exactly. Fortunately LCDs weren't as available during my first slackware install... CRTs can take a good punching but not LCDs.06:39
PriceChildderek, please pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"06:39
soundrayidefixx: offline machine?06:39
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jessidPriceChild they say that the driver is in the kernel, but i dont know anything else06:39
spikebS1K3S, hahahaha06:39
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:39
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Shau1I'm thinking of setting up a business involving network intensive applications such as online gaming etc, to save on costs I am thinking of implementing Ubuntu as my environment, therefore because I am new to Ubuntu, is there an easy way to implment a domain, along with DNS/DHCP/LMAP etc, and also easily add and remove/deny users access to the network because they have been banned or whatever reason. After looking into DNS appli06:40
csmanxwas anybody aware of this? there's no boot: rescue in ubuntu06:40
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LjLjessid, i doubt the driver is in the kernel by default, given what their site says about licensing ( http://www.keyspan.com/downloads-files/developer/linux/ )...06:40
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soundraycsmanx: there is a recovery option in grub instead06:40
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PriceChildjessid, have you read the readme file then?06:40
Lopihi.... how i can check what version of ubuntu i have?06:40
idefixxsoundray: friends machine dont wanne be sitting there for a week ;)06:40
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jessidLjL let me check06:40
LjLLopi: lsb_release -a06:40
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jshriverHi again :)06:40
Shaffoxare there any known problems for upgrading from edgy to feisty ?06:40
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soundrayLopi: cat /etc/lsb-release06:41
zerIs it possible to forbid loading of a specific module?06:41
Wulfiedoes anyone know where I can get linux-headers-2.6.15-2606:41
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magnetron!LAMP > Shaul06:41
S1K3Subuntu.com is getting digged to hell06:41
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jshriverShaffox: I'm having a heck of a time with Feisty06:41
PriceChild!blacklilst > zer06:41
Shaffoxa hack ?06:41
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PriceChild!blacklist > zer06:41
jshriverhttp://www.olympuschess.com/error.png  all my text are boxes... think pango is borked or language isn't set right.. how can I fix it06:41
nexus-hello wonderful people06:41
zerPriceChild: that does not work with "usbhid" or "hid"06:41
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zerPriceChild: it is still loaded06:41
shwagcan someone explain to me what DBus is ?06:41
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eagles0513875guys can anyone help me evertttime i boot into my windows partition and try to log in it freezes my entire system and i cant get into the desktop06:41
eckShau1: it sounds like what you want to do is going to be somewhat complicated, especially if you want complicated notions of user accounts and whatnot06:41
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nexus-i'm getting a ball of a time trying to get the dlink g122 to work with WPA on Feisty :(06:41
soundrayShaffox: it's a fairly stable, well-tested process. Begin by making a backup, though, just for good practice06:41
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zerPriceChild: even deleting the .ko-files doesn't help06:42
WulfieI need to get the headers for the kernel that came with fiesty - anyone?06:42
jshrivershwag: google dbus, first link has a description06:42
eckShau1: if you just want a lamp stack + dnds + dhcp etc. that is fairly straightforward though06:42
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PriceChildzer, don't know sorry06:42
erUSULshwag: it is a shared memory mechanism for linux based on message passing06:42
Wulfieerr not fiesty06:42
magnetron!windows | eagles051387506:42
ubotueagles0513875: For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents06:42
zerPriceChild: k, no problem, thank you =)06:42
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derekPriceChild, deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty restricted main #Added by software-properties06:42
derekdeb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted06:42
derekdeb-src http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties06:42
derekdeb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted06:42
derekdeb-src http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted #Added by software-properties06:42
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nexus-there are conflicting reports that the rt2570 modules work (while it actually sort of screws things up on boot), and the rt73usb module doesn't seem to work with wpa06:42
derekdeb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe06:42
derekdeb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse06:42
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jshriverAnyone know how to specify in pango the default language for gnome? from the cLLI?06:42
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erUSUL!pastebin | derek06:43
ubotuderek: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:43
kahrytanWhat makes linux so good at Resource management?06:43
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
Lopii check the version by mc :)06:43
Shau1eck, basically I want to set up a domain and host it internally, if i cannot do this in Ubuntu then I am going to have to remain with expensive Server 200306:43
eckjshriver: check the output of echo $LANG06:43
Dr_williskahrytan,  lots of work :)06:43
Huffalump2kahrytan, it's leetness06:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about restart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:43
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bluefox83gosh, seems like it takes forever in feisty :(06:43
eckShau1: that is pretty simple06:43
nexus-i've blacklisted rt2570, and it's loading rt73usb atm, but its giving me unsupported security crap06:43
bluefox83to do *everything*06:43
eckjshriver: then you are using english06:43
magnetronkahrytan: the transparent development06:43
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jshriverTerminal and Firefox work fine06:43
kahrytanI know that. but HOW as compared to Windows.06:43
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fluidim not getting a response in the more appropriate channel, so ill ask here just in case someone knows. is there a way to lock icon positions on my nautilus desktop? :D06:43
Shau1eck, to create a domain os windows & Ubuntu together?06:44
jshriverbut the menu's gaim, gkrealm etc all the text are boxes06:44
cliebow_Shau1, smbldap is nice 8~)06:44
andrewC_what is /var being used for?06:44
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enryhello girl06:44
ubuntui am trying to install feisty on a desktop, but it insists on formatting the / partition prior to install ... I have a lot of files on this partition, and i've moved them all to /old (so I can sort them back after install)06:44
jshriverandrewC_: system logs, etc06:44
ubuntuis there a way to bypass the formatting ?06:44
andrewC_thanks jshriver06:44
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Shau1cliebow_,what is smbldap?06:44
cliebow_we auth mac windows linux from one ldapserver06:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tremulous - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:44
eckShau1: again, it depends on what you want to do -- for example, integrating AD and LDAP is not simple06:44
cliebow_amba ldap06:44
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cliebow_add an s06:44
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magnetronubuntu: be shure to set the mount point to /old06:44
erUSULubotu: do an upgrade if you want to maintain the files06:44
ubuntumagnetron: but then I won't have a /06:45
soundrayandrewC_: also caches, databases etc. Stuff that changes a lot.06:45
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LaizeroxHelp ME: /bin/sh: Can't access tty; Job control turned off <- I GOT THAT ERROR!!! What to DO???06:45
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kahrytanDon't do an upgrade. Repos are already too slow.06:45
MadDog011Beryl says He wants composite. but when I fire up composite GLX says he wont work WITH COMPOSITE ? ?!?! :D06:45
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kahrytanBackup /home directory to DVD or external hdd.06:45
ubuntumagnetron: i want to use the same disk that I used before, but without reformatting... i got everything out of the way... but still no luck because it is requiring me to format06:45
MadDog011Then beryl says Oh no I dont work without GLX06:45
soundrayLaizerox: what's the last message before that?06:45
Shau1When you switch on yout ubuntu computer and the logon screen comes up; is that BASH?06:45
ArgonakCan anyone help me with some proxy issues using apt-get. I have changed the proxy in apt.conf and bashrc and still get connect issues. I can get to the links via wget and firfox ok.06:45
babowhere's a good place to go to practice regular expressions ?06:45
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enryto install tremoulos just apt-get install tremulous???06:45
magnetronubuntu: even I insist that you will have a /. make another partition for it06:46
[ALEX] !help06:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:46
soundrayShau1: no, that's gdm06:46
=== Palantor [n=Palantor@44-130.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Laizeroxsomething about debian and boxes :/06:46
dannyc_babo: the comfort of your own home :)06:46
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jribArgonak: you tried setting http_proxy?06:46
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soundrayShau1: bash is what takes your commands in a terminal.06:46
ubuntumagnetron: that would not be ideal... it makes little sense to force the user to format06:46
cliebow_Shau1, you can have a command prompt..or a greeter..06:46
TerrasqueShau1: no, thats the login screen. If you hit ctrl-alt-f1 and log in there, that's bash. (Graphical is on ctrl-alt-f7)06:46
nexeushi every1 just install feisty i had to format my boot partition for it now i cannot get in my dapper install on different hdd06:46
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Laizeroxsoundray: that comes when i try boot my freshly installed ubuntu :/06:46
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dannyc_babo: seriously, some big file and vim.... vim has great support for regular expressions06:46
Argonakjrib: yes in bashrs and apt.conf I have.06:46
nexeuscan someon ehelp plz06:46
csmanxsoundray: in grub?06:46
PalantorIs there a bittorrent site for 7.04. Web pages only point to 6.106:46
Shau1so is thee a way to modify GDM to search for a username and password within a database?06:46
ubuntuis there a way to invoke the text mode installer from the livecd?06:46
MadDog011Beryl says He wants composite. but when I fire up composite GLX says he wont work WITH COMPOSITE ?! and then beryl is like oh no no I don't work without GLX...  Am I missing something...06:46
soundrayLaizerox: what's the last message on the screen above that error?06:46
ecknexeus: have you added the dapper entries to the menu.lst file?06:47
DjViperenry: just use Add/Remove06:47
erUSUL!anyone | nexeus06:47
dannyc_if you're serious about learning regular expressions, get the o'reilly book... it's pretty authoritative and comprehensive06:47
ubotunexeus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:47
babodannyc_: i think you mean emacs don't you ? ;-)06:47
csmanxsoundray: how do I get there? using a live user?06:47
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Laizeroxsoundray: something about debian and boxes don't remember06:47
erUSULMadDog011: what driver are you using?06:47
derek_PriceChild,  sorry06:47
nach0sAll, i have a compaq evo 160 notebook, and im trying to install ubuntu 7.04 but i get this error "bin/sh: can't access tty: job control turned off" And nothings happend...  i cant install the ubuntu on this laptop.. any ideia what is it?? Regards!! IS THERE A BUG ?06:47
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babowhat about a good regex tester ? ...06:47
eckShau1: yes, you can use ldap or kerberos or pretty much any other schema you like using PAM06:47
nexeuswell i dont know the entries06:47
Shaffoxhow do i mount my usb stick ?06:47
hacked_kernelI have Feisty Fawn, the Work spaces on a cube was working perfectly but after a while it is not working now06:47
narf__soundray, Laizerox: something about busybox06:47
cablesAre there any disadvantages to using mirrors besides main if they're faster?06:47
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dannyc_babo, you can write a regex tester in like two seconds with your language of choice06:47
narf__I've got the same error06:47
LjLShaffox: you should be able to just plug it in06:47
soundraycsmanx: please describe the problem from the beginning06:47
ZeZuwow, my root partition just got screwed by adding another hdd06:47
Laizeroxnarf__: YEs06:47
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LjLcables: no06:47
MadDog011erUSUL, NVIDIA says I should use the NON LEGACY but wehn I put non legacy on, the XORG says oh no u picked the wrong driver m8 u need the LEGACY :)06:48
cablesLjL, ok06:48
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spikebspikeb, maybe06:48
ZeZufsck get all sorts of errors, supposedly lfixed, and now dpkg is broken06:48
mrmondayMy feisty upgrade failed! :(06:48
ZeZuand i get other interesting errors06:48
ShaffoxLjL, yeah , i know, but i'd like to know how to mount it with the commandline06:48
nexeuseck:  well i dont know the entries06:48
Shau1sorry for being such a noob, but what is LDAP and kerberos?06:48
mrmondaysee https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/10817206:48
dannyc_shaul, look on goolge/wikipedia06:48
eckShau1: have you used AD in windows?06:48
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LaizeroxBusyBox v1.01 (Debian 1:1.01-4ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash)06:48
Laizerox/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off06:48
nexeuseck,   well i dont know the entries06:48
=== DrNick1 [n=tbyrne@82-33-11-124.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
csmanxsoundray: have a disabled ubuntu install , need to rewrite mbr so I can boot. you said grub has a recovery option. If this is correct, how do I get to grub? my guess is using a live user(live dvd) and enter grub from there06:48
Shau1eck, yea i've used AD?06:48
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ecknexeus: can you mount the dapper partition?06:48
MadDog011erUSUL, now im in the legacy...06:48
Laizeroxsoundray: BusyBox v1.01 (Debian 1:1.01-4ubuntu3) Built-in shell (ash), /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off06:48
cables!grub | csmanx06:48
erUSULMadDog011: legacy driver does not support aiglx (default in xorg for composite) iirc you will need to use xgl06:48
ubotucsmanx: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:48
derek_PriceChild,   do you have any idea ?06:48
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soundrayLaizerox: and before that even?06:49
jshrivercsmanx: reboot press escape when it asks for boot menu, that's grub06:49
Araiwahi, i just installed xubuntu 7.04, but it fails to boot up. i got error /bin/sh: can't access tty06:49
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nexeuseck, already mounted06:49
jshriverlol seems like a lot of people are having feisty problems06:49
MadDog011erUSUL, but man I used to be able to get beryl to work.. I have NVIDIA ti 4200 ...06:49
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Laizeroxsoundray: nothing before that happens boot :/06:49
narf__soundray: before that is just the splash screen06:49
eckShau1: AD is the Microsoft implementation of LDAP. it's possible to set up AD on windows and have linux integrate with the AD system you have set up, but it's a fair amount of work06:49
Dr_willisAraiwa,  seeing several people with simile rissues like that today.. not seen a fix yet.06:49
cmcculloh!tell cmcculloh about file sharing06:49
fuffalo-everytime i mark something as junk it goes to the junk folder, but when i re-open evolution it's back in my inbox..what am i doing wrong? any ideas?  (i'm connecting to an exchange server)06:49
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MadDog011erUSUL, I don't think that card is non legacy...06:49
chapiumhey all, I haven't used ubuntu in a while06:49
csmanxjshriver: you mean 'boot:' is grub?06:49
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LjLLaizerox, Araiwa: perhaps https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/9608406:49
jshrivercables: yes06:49
chapiumdoes the install disk act as a live cd?06:49
narf__soundray: in recovery mode, before that is 'Waiting for root file system.'06:49
adso i installed dhcp3-server, i have to start it via:/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start how can i add it to a runlevel so i have it up at boot time?06:49
magnetronubuntu: you need an empty partition for installing to, which is to be called /.06:49
jshrivercsmanx: yes rather06:49
soundraycsmanx: yes. Was it Windows that wrecked your mbr?06:49
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csmanxsoundray: yup06:50
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nexeuseck, its already mounted06:50
DrNick1what's the minimum spec hardware anyone would recommend installing Ubuntu on? yes, i know about Xubuntu, but just wondering the minimum spec people think for Ubuntu for a basic internet/word-processing machine for someone.  think a 600Mhz PC w/ 192MB RAM should just about cut it?06:50
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soundraycsmanx: ubotu will send you a private msg06:50
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jago25_98What's the best USB WIFI dongle to choose? -linux compatible, external ariel06:50
ecknexeus: so all you need to do is put in the correct kernel and initrd names06:50
soundray!grub > csmanx06:50
Araiwaoh dear, it is not a nice release then. :(06:50
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ecknexeus: you can get those by looking at /boot on the dapper partition06:50
rolandsIs the kernel different in 7.04 my scsi drives aren't regonised anymore, neither is my card mind that?06:50
ubuntumagnetron: i shouldn't need an empty partition... i should need a partition with enough space... which I would mount as /06:50
jshrivercsmanx: you have to intall windows first then linuix... windows is a pain when it comes to sharing the computer, it'll rewrite your MBR.. but there are other ways around it using a live CD, but best ot just install Windows then Linux06:50
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erUSULMadDog011: but you make it work with aiglx or with Xgl? if it's the later and you upgraded to feisty you may need to enable xgl again. i'm not sure becouse i have not upgraded yet06:50
kahrytanDrNick1: Whatever runs a compositor.06:50
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Araiwait is my first time trying xbuntu.06:50
nexeusecgw, boot partition got formatted for feisty06:50
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magnetronubuntu: well this is how it works. but you could resize the old partition to make space for the new one.06:51
DrNick1kahrytan: well not really bothered about composite graphics for this machine! just a basic word processing + web browsing machine for someone06:51
erUSULMadDog011: for aiglx you need a medern (beta) nvidia driver legacy will not do06:51
soundray!grub > jshriver, this is what ubotu says about it and what csmanx is hopefully reading now06:51
ubuntumagnetron: i really don't want more partitions...06:51
Shau1eck, so rather than using AD, could it be possible to modify GDW to lookup a username and password in a custom MySQL database and depending on the result log them in, I dnt want to implement Windows really because it is like spending money that you dnt needto - thats why linus created Linux lol06:51
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derek_PriceChild, hi ,  are u still there ?06:51
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ubuntumagnetron: the previous installers (including feisty beta)06:51
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ubuntuallowed installing without requiring a format06:51
Araiwaany solution to the problem?06:51
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eckShau1: that is pretty easy, google for pam and mysql06:51
sorcererLjL:  hey mate .. check this out on paste bin .. the question is pasted i mean .. i kinda got the same results kinda different could you please explain this to me iam still learning unix .. i think here is the link : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16595/06:51
kahrytandrnick1: then your basic Socket A or 478 system be fine.06:51
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ubuntui just moved everything to a directory out of the system's way (not /var usr /boot)06:52
pipeline_hmm, livecd drops me to a "initramfs" prompt on parallels on intel imac06:52
MadDog011erUSUL, allright I just need to make this thing work then with the normal driver... everywhere it says NVIDIA 4200 Titanium is a modern card... but I get a error saying its legacy06:52
ubuntuand installed withtout formatting06:52
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soundraynarf__, Laizerox: do you get this when booting the Desktop CD?06:52
magnetron!final | ubuntu06:52
ubotuubuntu: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.06:52
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arnold-9592I'm trying to enable a restricted driver (NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver) and, using the GUI, when I click on enable, it prompts me to make sure I really want to, and then I hit enable, but the box doesn't become checked and I don't think that the driver is enabled. can anyone help?06:52
Shau1OK will do, thanks for your help eck06:52
DrNick1kahrytan: i'll give it a go and see what its like :)06:52
nexeusecgw, boot partition got formatted for feisty  stupid of me06:52
henzi cant mount my 120gb usb disk i get mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock06:52
eckShau1: you would have to edit the GDM pam module to use the pam mysql method to do authentication instead of unix auth, or whatever it is set to by default06:52
nox-HandIn the -14 and -15 kernel (the two newest upgrades) I cannot boot Ubuntu06:52
henzerror: could not execute pmount06:52
ubuntuubotu: i know that... but I want to reinstall as 32bit (i have feisty 64 installed)06:52
nox-HandAnd I am told it might be because of some drivers that were removed?06:52
Laizeroxsoundray: i just installed the ubuntu and i get it from Dektop CD too :/06:52
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nox-HandThough I truly have no idea :(06:52
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juliananyone know a repository for everything alsa?06:52
henzanyone got any suggestions?06:52
sorcererLjL:  i did two ways like command wise .. i mean .. whats the difference betweenwhat i did and  the second way was the answer06:53
chapiumcan the latest version of ubuntu be used without installing it to your hard drive?06:53
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soundrayLaizerox: I see06:53
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soundraychapium: yes, use the Desktop CD06:53
magnetronchapium: yes06:53
arnold-9592can anyone help me use the "restricted drivers" utility?06:53
jago25_98chapium, yes06:53
Laizeroxsoundray: and how do i get it work?06:53
kahrytandrnick: Ghz range and 512mb. And reccomended nvidia card be good.06:53
jshriverJust noticed something weird, if I double click "Wanda the Fish" I can copy those boxes, paste in terminal and it displays the english.06:53
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ubuntuI doesn't make sense to force format the disk... if i want to format, ok... but why FORCE it?06:53
jshriverso it's like Gnome is missing it's font06:53
julianError: Could not find alsa06:53
julianMake sure to have the alsa libs and headers installed.06:53
chapiummagnetron, soundray, jago25_98:  thanks06:53
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DrNick1kahrytan: I really dont think they need 512MB... the recommended minimum is 256MB, and I think i'll get away with 192 for this particular machine06:54
julianthose files arent present in synapitc06:54
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=== chapium hearts downloading at 1mb/s
ubuntuis there a way to invoke the text installer from the livecd?06:54
soundrayLaizerox: there's no easy answer, sorry. It could be an incompatibility of your disk controller. Is it SATA? Very new?06:54
LjLsorcerer: if "grep" is fed files, it will print the filename (and a semicolon) before the matching line. that's why it happens in the first case. if it just takes stuff from the standard intput, it won't print any names (since there *is* no name)06:54
jendais there a way to check the integrity of a burned Ubuntu 7.04 CD without restarting and booting from it?06:54
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DrNick1it runs XP ok (even though it's ridden with spyware hence the change to linux) so I rekon it'll be fine06:54
soundrayubuntu: no06:54
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Laizeroxsoundray: sata i guess :D06:54
eckjshriver: check ~/.xsession-errors06:54
jendaAnd where can I find the Feisty md5sums?06:54
LjLsorcerer: you can make the names go away by using the "-h" option of grep anyway06:54
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eckjshriver: also, if you are in a linux console you should be fine06:54
Laizeroxsoundray: i don't really remember i got before working 6.0606:55
kahrytandrnick1: I like having available ram. I got 1gb because of it.06:55
erUSULjenda: use md5sum06:55
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Piciubuntu: You'd need to run the AlternativeCD to get the text based installed.06:55
voids[acid]  still here?06:55
Laizeroxsoundray: and 6.10 too :/06:55
DrNick1kahrytan: yeah i know, but these people dont need uber performance ;)06:55
soundrayLaizerox: okay...06:55
adso i installed dhcp3-server, i have to start it via:/etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start how can i add it to a runlevel so i have it up at boot time?06:55
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vox754jenda, are you sure you are a staffer?06:55
ubuntuPici: i'll try the alternate.. to see if it allows me to install without a format... backing up a lot of files just for reinstalling would suck06:55
radar1976whats up with the US mirror?06:55
[acid] Neatcheevoids: yup, still hre06:55
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jendaerUSUL: 1) how can I use it to check a burned CD 2) where can I find the official sums06:55
haffeHi, I am in the need of some help. My system seems a bit messed up. Every system menu shows up with squares instead of letters and the error is (gedit:6284): Pango-WARNING **: shape engine failure, expect ugly output. the offending font is 'Tahoma Bold Not-Rotated 9.599609375'06:55
erUSULad: 'sudo update-rc.d dhcp3-server defaults'06:55
DVS01time to go for interview for the linux admin position. =D06:55
DrNick1I have 1GB too, but i know for a fact ubuntu run's with a lot less06:55
jendavox754: very ;)06:55
kneekiIs there a quick way to setup my mouse as a 5 button mouse? GUI method preferred =)06:55
kahrytandrnick1: but nobody likes to wait for application to load.06:55
magnetron!slow >radar197606:55
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jendavox754: being staff doesn't require being an IT professinal - I do marketing06:56
lagrimo"/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off (inittramfs)" what does this mean?? (AND what got i do?)06:56
sorcererLjL:  well the question asked me to do something i did it in two ways is that right ?06:56
adtx erUSUL06:56
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cablesThere used to be a really nice Human theme for gaim Guifications, but I lost it. Does anyone know where i can get it?06:56
DrNick1kahrytan: well put it this way.  their machine has 192MB SD-RAM.  try finding SD RAM anywhere these day's.  i think it should be fine, i've run it with 256 before and its run fine06:56
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pipeline_lagrimo: that's what i am getting too.... anyone know?06:56
julianMake sure to have the alsa libs and headers installed.06:56
Shau1Are there any known issues with upgrading from 6.10 to feisty with a Celeron M CPU?06:56
magnetron!mouse > kneeki06:56
vox754jenda, we are aware... welcome!06:56
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Araiwai got that as well.06:56
jendaerUSUL: the md5 howto on the wiki only gives info for .isos and for 6.1006:56
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kahrytandrnick1: check out pricewatch.com06:56
arnold-9592i'm trying to install nvidia drivers, and when I try (according to the wiki) : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common , I get Package nvidia-glx is not available, but is referred to by another package......06:56
jendavox754: :)06:56
arnold-9592Can anyone help?06:56
Huffalump2radar1976, it turns out nobody wanted to upgrade to Feisty, so they just unplugged the Ubuntu servers06:56
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DrNick1kahrytan: they dont want to spend any money.  and i dont think they should have to, as i think it'll run fine06:57
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effie_jayxarnold-9592,  do you have the extra repositories enabled?06:57
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erUSULjenda: you can easily rgenerate an iso from a cd 'sudo cat /dev/cdrom > image.iso' and verify that06:57
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effie_jayxarnold-9592,  what are you using? Feisty?06:57
kahrytandrnick1: It should but maybe bit slow for my tastes.06:57
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arnold-9592effie_jayx: probably not, that's a good point; and yes, i am using feisty06:57
xorlThere any "Faster" ubuntu mirrors?06:58
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bluefox83ok, i keep getting all kinds of repositories failing when i do an update in feisty..whats the deal folks?06:58
erUSULjenda: i eexpect official sums to be in the official dl locations and mirrors in the same dir as the iso files06:58
soundrayLaizerox, sorry, I don't really know what to advise. Install 6.10 again and upgrade? You might hit the same problem.06:58
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shootersarnold-9592: Go to system -> Admin -> Software Sources...06:58
DrNick1kahrytan: yes but not being funney, it's not you we're talking about here. i think they will be happy with it06:58
narf__soundray: Laizerox left, but ... I have the same problem06:58
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jendaerUSUL: is generating an .iso from the CD necessary? I only want to know if it burned correctly.06:58
kahrytanbluefox: to many people upgrading06:58
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effie_jayxarnold-9592,  enable them... read more at www.ubuntuguide.org06:58
entropyhi guys06:58
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pipeline_anyone know what this is? http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/5746/parallelspictureim3.jpg06:58
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valehruif I use a2enmod to enable a website eg a2enmod www.example.com how do I disable the website www.example.com?06:58
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eckjenda: i think you can diff the iso against the cdrom device06:58
arnold-9592effie_jayx: right, it just slipped my mind. thanks!06:58
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soundraynarf__: have you had success with earlier versions, too?06:58
bluefox83kahrytan, i already upgraded, i'm just trying to update my sources...06:58
uber-n00bj ubuntu-in06:58
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entropyhow would I go about scheduling my updates to download at a specific time, say in 3 hours or something?06:58
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erUSULjenda: if you want to verify it without booting it... maybe md5suming the device file works too but i do not know for sure06:59
eckjenda: e.g. diff /dev/cdrom foo.iso06:59
jendaerUSUL: I expected them to be there too :) But didn't see them... the first time I looked. Now I do. I'm not drunk, I promise ;) ust blind06:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about a2enmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:59
entropy(you can tell me to RTFM, just tell me which one :D)_06:59
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soundrayentropy: man at06:59
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jendaeck: that's interesting.06:59
narf__soundray: yes, I had no problems with earlier versions06:59
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innervisionhello, is there anyone using an ATI mobility radeon?06:59
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makkone-innervision  i am06:59
xorlSlowwww repo's06:59
kahrytandrnick1: There is a fine line between run and usable. How long are they willing to wait for bootup and start an application.07:00
lichenso i installed feisty upgraded from edgy but i already had beryl installed from the common howtos out there.. now it would seem feisty installs all that as well, but now neither beryl nor compiz seem to work properly...07:00
lichenany ideas?07:00
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effie_jayxinnervision,  I am07:00
innervisionmakkone-: is there any way to put it in "low-energy" mode?07:00
narf__soundray: however, I didn't really complete the upgrade - my computer crashed in the middle of it and now it won't boot07:00
eckjenda: you might want to do diff --binary just to make sure, if diff is in text mode it will read the whole file into memory07:00
makkone-innervision  dunno :)07:00
henzmount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock07:00
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henzerror: could not execute pmount07:00
jendaeck: k07:00
shooterslichen: are you using beryl-manager?07:00
bluefox83lichen, i have the same issue...i think we need to wait and let beryl catch up to what feisty is doing...07:00
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xorlseriously are there any faster mirrors than the stock archive mirrors?07:00
innervisioneffie_jayx: maybe you had an idea on that? (low-consumption mode for the ATI)07:00
bluefox83xorl, not for upgrading07:00
effie_jayxinnervision,  no sorry :S07:00
xorlthis is like torture.07:00
xorlbluefox83: just regular. + updates07:00
innervisionmakkone-: there is a way to do that with fglrx, but I don't think there is with the open source driver07:01
xorlNot upgrading.07:01
narf__soundray: I can mount the hdd using a live cd, but I can't boot from it. if you have a solution even for downgrading I'd be happy07:01
kahrytanxorl: Trying to download iso directly?07:01
lichenwell i think beryl is going to be merged back into compiz, but is compiz already at the same where it has the full functionality of beryl?07:01
xorlkahrytan: no.07:01
erUSULhenz: something is wrong with the failesystem in /dev/sda1... can you use mount in it?07:01
xorlI have it installed already (feisty)07:01
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lichenshooters, and yeah... it's all scripted up to start when i do an xgl session07:01
xorljust adding apt packages takes like a century07:01
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:01
bluefox83lichen, no it's not07:01
soundraynarf__: in that case, I suggest you boot the Desktop CD, mount the root partition to /mnt and run 'sudo chroot /mnt/ bash'. Then you can complete the upgrade with 'dpkg --configure -a'07:01
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xorlcause it downloads at like 10-20kb/sec07:01
entropysoundray, thanks man :)07:01
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions07:01
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kahrytanxorl: I don't. I am seeding it.07:01
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xorlyou got a 20mb package, it's going to take a century to download.07:01
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narf__soundray: thanks, I'll go that right away07:01
magnetron!slow > xorl07:02
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julianwhere can i get the default sources list for feisty07:02
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kahrytanxorl: and I am waiting for repo servers to calm down. There is no patches for edgy.07:02
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xorlmagnetron: thanks for that tid bit/07:02
henzerUSUL: i get mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock07:02
Flannel!easysource | julian07:02
ubotujulian: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:02
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henzerUSUL: nvm07:02
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julianthank you07:02
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atomikuhow can I burn an iso from livecd if I cant eject the cd rom rdrive?07:02
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henzerUSUL: it says line 6 is bad in fstab07:03
jendaeck: "diff: /dev/cdrom: Input/output error" - I'm guessing that means the CD is borked, if repeated?07:03
soundrayatomiku: only if you have a second drive for burning07:03
erUSULhenz: it's an ext3 fs?07:03
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narf__soundray: um, only one more question - do I have to boot from the feisty live cd, or I can do it from the dapper one, for example ?07:03
atomikusoundray: NO WAY! :O07:03
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atomikuI need to get 7.04 burned damnit07:03
eckjenda: check dmesg, it will say if there was a read error on the device07:03
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atomikusoundray: what if i somehow eject it anwyay07:03
atomikucause im a rebel you see07:03
henzerUSUL: whats that?07:03
guillem101meld is no longer doing syntax highlighting07:03
atomikui did it07:04
atomikuatomiku 1 - 0 ubuntu07:04
soundraynarf__: you can use any live CD.07:04
henzerUSUL: whats that?07:04
innervisionah, dammit, I'll go back to fglrx07:04
narf__soundray: ok07:04
soundrayatomiku: it won't work then.07:04
kahrytanI am looking forward then my tv tuner gets linux support.07:04
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bluefox83it seems to me that if you want to use another server than the main one, the reason it fails to download stuff is cus the other servers haven't finished mirroring the main one yet07:04
atomikusoundray: its still working :)07:04
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erUSULhenz: please post the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' in a pastebin07:04
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erUSUL!paste | henz07:05
ubotuhenz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:05
hyljekahrytan: you get better luck with buying a tv tuner that works with linux to begin with07:05
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kahrytanbut this is a ATSC tuner.07:05
soundrayatomiku: well, your rebel ways may pay off, let's see if you can complete the burn07:05
jendaeck: How about http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16596/07:05
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bluefox83lichen, i found a neat little thing for installing beryl correctly in feisty :D07:05
henzerUSUL: i get the same as before when i do that07:05
eckjenda: i think that means that the cd drive had problems reading the cd07:05
Huffalump2my Audigy card was never found by Edgy, but works great in Feisty! :D07:06
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jendaeck: ok, thx07:06
kahrytanConexant needs to bite my shiny metal ass07:06
Enselic_Huffalump2: yay! praise Feisty! :D07:06
erUSULhenz: when you do what?07:06
henzerUSUL: mom07:06
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Pici!caps | Shau107:06
ringoctrl alt backspace07:06
ubotuShau1: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:06
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vox754!language > kahrytan07:07
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Shau1sorry my bad07:07
PiciShau1: You can't.07:07
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bluefox83Shau1, step 1, TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK! step 2, ctrl alt backspace07:07
Valstorm2379Need terminal command for Disk Manager07:07
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lichenbluefox, where? and should i still be using the restricted fglrx drivers, or is the free one just as good?07:07
animimotushttp://kubuntu.com/download.php#lts <------- here is the DVD pour Kubuntu, does it exist the same for Ubuntu ?07:07
Valstorm2379How do I start disk man with terminal??07:07
derek_PriceChild, seems the version problem07:07
eckctrl alt backspace will log you off07:07
[acid] NeatcheeShau1: You can restart gnome without having to reboot, but not without having to log off07:07
kahrytanvox754: not language. It's a quote. watch Futurama sometime.07:07
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bluefox83lichen, just check out the link i put in your pm window :D07:07
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boubbinresoltution of my login screen and virtual konsoles are 640*480, hwo to increase ?07:07
magnetronValstorm: in terminal use mount07:07
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[acid] Neatcheeeck: i've found that ctrl-alt-backspace can sometimes lockup gnome07:07
soundray[acid] Neatchee: that's what he's just experiencing ;)07:07
Valstorm2379just mount?07:07
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henzerUSUL: can you paste the cmd again, the spam got to me07:08
vox754kahrytan, okay, I recall, still offtopic07:08
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erUSULhenz: please post the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda' in a pastebin07:08
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magnetronValstorm2379: disk man is a frontend for mount and format07:08
soundray[acid] Neatchee: just gnome, or the entire machine?07:08
lichenbluefox.. i'm not seeing anything :(07:08
derek_PriceChild,  the solution with aptitude is to destage the version07:08
[acid] Neatchee!resolutoin | boubbin07:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resolutoin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:08
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fuffalo-(evolution question) everytime i mark something as junk it goes to the junk folder, but when i re-open evolution it's back in my inbox..what am i doing wrong? any ideas?  (i'm connecting to an exchange server)07:08
PriceChildderek_, so you fixed it?07:08
[acid] Neatcheedamnit wrong thing heh07:08
Pici[acid] Neatchee: Agreed, the suggested way is to actually /etc/init.d/gdm resart, so that it doesnt kill the gnome session.07:08
ArgonakAnyone have some more ideas on proxy issues with apt-get? I have the proxy in apt.conf and bash.bashrc but stil cant connect.07:08
sofiaget a life!:D07:08
[acid] NeatcheePici: yessir07:08
Valstorm2379magno, I just would like  to format my floppy disk with Disk MAn, do you know the exact command for that??07:09
[acid] Neatcheethat's how i always do it07:09
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ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:09
radar1976which mirrors are reasonable fast07:09
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derek_PriceChild, not yet . the aptitude only suggest the solution .07:09
hmpedersenWhat's a good virtual cd manager to use in ubuntu?07:09
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Enselic_radar1976: use torrent, the more ppl that download, the faster you will download too07:09
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soundrayradar1976: typically those that are close to you07:09
PriceChildderek_, could you pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" for me? see the pm from ubotu07:10
hmpedersenJust noticed Daemontools is win only07:10
radar1976I'm trying to do inplace upgrade07:10
derek_PriceChild, i 'd like to wait for the new version , anyway  thank you for your help07:10
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PriceChild!paste > derek_07:10
Huffalump2Enselic_ well, on further review, it's a bit staticy07:10
voidsssNeatchee DONE...but cannot connect with voids from wireless07:10
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soundrayhmpedersen: linux doesn't need that. Just mount the iso07:10
derek_PriceChild, sure07:10
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eckhmpedersen: you can mount a .iso with the mount command07:10
[acid] Neatcheehahaha that's weird07:10
Gujshelp needed! I have empty applications menu and now i can't edit it with Menu Edit because it crashes07:10
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soundray!mountiso > hmpedersen07:10
Pici!iso | hmpedersen, you dont need a special program to mount an iso, see this message:07:10
ubotuhmpedersen, you dont need a special program to mount an iso, see this message:: To mount an ISO disc image, type  sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint>  - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:10
[acid] Neatcheeit's probably because you didn't disconnect voidsss07:10
magnetronhmpedersen: gmount-iso is a nice gui for that07:10
Gujshow can i rstore default aplication menu07:10
hmpedersensoundray and eck, thanks07:10
pipeline_http://img238.imageshack.us/img238/5746/parallelspictureim3.jpg <-- any ideas?07:10
[acid] Neatcheeso the server thinks voids is still connected07:10
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radar1976the mirrors close to me are slllllooooowwwww07:10
derek_!paste > PriceChild  deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty restricted main #Added by software-properties07:11
derek_deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty main restricted07:11
derek_deb-src http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty restricted main multiverse universe #Added by software-properties07:11
derek_deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted07:11
derek_deb-src http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-updates main restricted #Added by software-properties07:11
derek_deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty universe07:11
derek_deb http://sg.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty multiverse07:11
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derek_deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-security main restricted07:11
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Enselic_radar1976: have you tried BitTorrent?07:11
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PriceChildjrib, argh he's flooding me in pm now :(07:11
[acid] Neatcheeomg stealth ops :O07:11
Gujshelp needed! I have empty applications menu and now i can't edit it with Menu Edit because it crashes. How can i restore default application menu?07:11
henzerUSUL: http://pastebin.ca/45015507:11
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=== bluefox83 [n=bluefox@dynamic-acs-24-239-249-234.zoominternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
animimotushttp://kubuntu.com/download.php#lts <------- here is the DVD pour Kubuntu, does it exist the same for Ubuntu ?07:12
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kahrytanHow do you set xchat to login with nickserv?07:12
bluefox83lichen, hey i used that little how-to i linked you to, and it worked!!!!07:12
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tristanmikeHi, sorry to be a pain, but I installed Feisty last night and when I went to sleep, I could watch my DVD's, but after waking up and turning on my computer again, no DVD works, a disc doesn't even show up as inserted. Can someone please give me a hand. Thanks in advance :D07:12
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lichenhey i still don't see a link.. send again :)07:12
jribGujs: try renaming ~/.local/share/07:12
lichenoh wait i'm not registered07:12
silver6is anyone else getting unusually slow download times with ubuntu's package manager, or is it just me?07:12
PriceChildsilver6, /topic07:13
lichenjust paste in here07:13
silver6ah thanks07:13
=== rogue780|laptop [n=rogue780@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildsilver6, argh that's gone... well yeah all mirrors are slow :)07:13
erUSULhenz: i asume that you are in a livecd now? you can not boot your system, right?07:13
radar1976Enselic_ you can't use bittorrent for an inplace upgrade07:13
magnetronhej sofia07:13
bluefox83silver6, a major ubuntu release just came out, millions of people are updating right now :X07:13
henzerUSUL: im not on a cd i got 6.10 installed07:13
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rogue780|laptopcan someone tell me how to change the default keyring password? I accidentally put it in with capslock on...and it's annoying me07:14
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soundraytristanmike: loose cable?07:14
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alex_dinamohas someone have any trouble with sound since Feisty update? I'm having... alsa seems all disconfigured07:14
Enselic_radar1976: oh, you mean that kind of update....07:14
Lunar_Lampradar1976, couldn't you download the alternative cd via bittorrent and upgrade fromt hat? iirc the alt. cd allows upgrade.07:14
yopiHi I have a etch distro, is it the right chan?07:14
tristanmikesoundray: other "burned" dvd's work07:14
erUSULhenz: and why are you trinuing to mount /dev/sda1 it is already mounted in /07:14
mlalkakaHi everyone07:14
eckrogue780|laptop: try gnome-keyring-manager07:14
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tristanmikesoundray: like data dvd's and such07:14
Piciyopi: Nope, you'd want a debian channel.07:14
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tristanmikesoundray: lemme try a "backup" dvd....07:15
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radar1976Lunar_Lamp I could but only one system to upgrade, so why waste a CD07:15
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mwbohnAfter I upgraded from 6.10 to 7.04, my the CD drive on my System76 laptop stopped working.  There is no /dev/scd0, /dev/cdrom, or /dev/hd*  Anyone have experience with this?07:15
radar1976something that I don't have alot of07:15
ctothejwhat are the Super_[X]  keycodes?07:15
magnetronhi mlalkaka07:15
Lunar_Lampradar1976, use a cd-rw :-p07:15
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radar1976don't have any of those07:15
soundrayradar1976: sounds like you just have to be patient then07:15
lnxmomohi everyone, i would like to know if i can disable the wireless driver that came with ubuntu and use ndiswrapper?07:15
eckctothej: usually super is the same as the "windows" key07:15
radar1976it is running faster today tho07:15
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henzerUSUL: i see the disk in nautilus as WD passport but when i clicik it it doesnt open07:15
rogue780|laptopeck, that lets me change the keys in the keyring...but I can't figure out how to change the actual keyring password07:16
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AgonyOK, I have a problem.07:16
soundraylnxmomo: yes, you can blacklist the default driver. Ubotu will send you a private message07:16
radar1976much faster07:16
magnetronlnxmomo: generally, ndiswrapper has less functionality07:16
soundray!blacklist > lnxmomo07:16
AgonyI just upgraded to 7.0407:16
kahrytanSomeone should develop Windows driver wrapper FOR ANY driver.07:16
AgonyBut now it refuses to boot.07:16
ctothejeck: xev reports the Super_R is pressed on one of my keyboard buttons, is there a Super_L, etc too?07:16
Pici!enter | Agony07:16
ubotuAgony: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:16
eckrogue780|laptop: i would delete the keyring entry from gconf then and just recreate it07:16
henzerUSUL: as before mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock07:16
henzerror: could not execute pmount07:16
radar1976I was getting barely 20-30k yesterday... now getting 300k07:16
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eckctothej: it depends on your keyboard layout07:16
soundraykahrytan: no, manufacturers should open their specs so proper drivers can be written.07:16
erUSULhenz: do 'nautilus /'07:16
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lnxmomoah, thanx soundray and magnetron07:17
tristanmikesoundray: ok, my "backup" dvd works, but factory DVD's don't read as inserted and, as according to the Support docs under "System", I made gxine the default DVD player and that pops up with the "backup" movie dvd, but nothing happens when I insert a factory DVD07:17
PiciAgony: Do you get an error? 'doesnt boot' is kinda vauge.07:17
mlalkakaI'm in the process of upgrading from edgy to feisty, and a Debconf screen titled "Configuring mdadm" has appeared. It's asking me to specify "MD arrays needed for the root filesystem". But I don't have any raid (MD arrays) devices on my computer. What do I enter in the text box? all or none?07:17
Rage__Hi, was just wondering if there is a way to install ubuntu with only xserver all setup and maybe gnome but not all the programs that I dont need so I can install only things I want... Is the best way to do that to in stall server edition and install xserver? TBH I dont even want gnome I use evilwm. :)07:17
magnetronkahrytan: SOMEONE should develop Linux drivers for ALL devices =)07:17
eckctothej: in gnome you can also configure what is recognized as super with system > preferences > keyboard07:17
henzerUSUL: and?07:17
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kahrytansoundray: or manufacturers just do it themselves.07:17
ctothejeck: oh, like left and right win/super keys. I got that now. Oh ok, ill check that out too.07:17
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DrNick1Rage__: yep, boot from the alternate CD and install a commandline system, which is an option in the menu07:17
AgonyOK, sorry. I upgraded to 7.04, but now it refuses to boot, the progress bar doesn't move at all.07:18
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soundraykahrytan: no, that results in bad drivers. See fglrx and nvidia07:18
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kahrytanNvidia drivers work just fine.07:18
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erUSULhenz: post the output of 'cat /proc/mounts' in a pastebin07:18
PiciAgony: If you press ctrl-alt-F1 ,  are you getting any error messages?07:18
soundraykahrytan: yeah, if you happen to have a recent card.07:18
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kahrytanI got FX 520007:18
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Rage__DrNick1: What package is needed for an x-server install all working? x-windows-system was debian...?07:18
aa^waysome deobfuscater for java in ubuntu?07:18
DrNick1Rage__: then, just install whatever you want.  I used this method to make a working system on a P166Mhz with 64Mb memory!  (but not with GNOME obviously!)07:18
kahrytannot exactly recent.07:18
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tristanmikesoundray, another odd thing of note is that when I shut down the computer last night I left my DVD in the drive, when I rebooted this morning, the icon on the desktop listed the media "Blank DVD" even though it was the factory movie07:19
rambo3Rage__, use meta packages07:19
AgonyI'll go check, hang on a second. This'll be annoying, I only have the one machine.07:19
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DrNick1err, i can't remember now, xorg-base i believe07:19
PiciAgony: before you go07:19
kahrytanI'm waiting on CX23418 support.07:19
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Huffalump2kahrytan, your FX 5200 works with nvidia-glx-new and you can do Beryl, et al?07:19
soundraytristanmike: this is a really weird problem. Have you got a second DVD drive for testing?07:20
PiciAgony: If you remove the quiet nosplash options from your grub menu (edit by pressing 'e'), if the ctrl-alt-f1 method doesnt reveal anything.07:20
henzerUSUL: http://pastebin.ca/45016907:20
Rage__rambo3: which package am I looking for?07:20
Pengguhi all. is it possible to run ubuntu as a livecd, whilst using some local partitions for user data stoage and swap ?07:20
=== SilenceGold [n=chris@c-69-247-4-241.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Rage__rambo3: for xserver only?07:20
Valstorm2379Im using Fdutils, can someone tell the command to FORMAT the floppy in terminal???07:20
tristanmikesoundray: .....perhaps I can get one...should I just "plug and play" ?07:20
eckPenggu: yeah, just use mount and swapon07:20
kahrytanhufflalump2: It works with Beryl and Nividia drivers.07:20
LjLPenggu: i think swap is used automatically, if a suitable partition is found. for storage - just mount07:20
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rambo3Rage__, ah ok install xserver-xorg07:20
Huffalump2kahrytan - I cannot get anything to work on FX 5600 (aside from boring nv)07:20
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Fishy Doesn't the lastest ati driver 8.36.5 work with xorg 7.2 (feisty)?07:20
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Penggueck: where would the mount point be for storage ?07:21
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KragneracI should've got an nVidia card. Nothing seems to work with ATi. :(07:21
bluefox83has anyoneever noticed that when you run bryl and try to watch a movie, the movie is ll glitchy?07:21
ogami1972hi all- how important is udevd?07:21
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Penggueck: i mean, is there a facility to save settings, etc?07:21
LjLPenggu: what you prefer. you might want to mount to your /home directory07:21
mwbohnIs beryl+xgl (fglrx) broken for 7.04 or do I have a configuration problem?  (It worked for me in 6.10)07:21
Penggueck: eg if i install vmware07:21
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henzerUSUL: ive read like 2 post almost identical on the internet, but with none solving, but the wierd thing is that it worked before i reinstalled07:21
kahrytanhuffalump2: aren't I lucky. I got a cheap msi fx 5200 from newegg.07:21
raw-meat1thank you for that great release!07:21
Rage__rambo3: Thanks :)07:21
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DrNick1bluefox83: yep i've noticed that.  i turn it off for movies :)07:21
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ogami1972cause it was eating all my memory, so i killed it07:21
LjLPenggu: for saving settings, mount to /home. that will be only the user-specific settings, though07:21
eckPenggu: are you trying to do persistent live cd?07:21
Adyeths*sigh*  How do I recover from a failed attempt at upgrading to Feisty?07:21
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X_Force   /msg NickServ@service.de register nickserv31 mitterau@web.de07:21
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Penggueck: i guess so07:21
Fishybluefox83: I am going to burn my card and by a nvidia soon07:21
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bluefox83DrNick1, so do i:(07:22
finalbetabluefox83: that's because the drivers can't handle it, and because xorg is not optimised for it yet. Beryl is still a toy.07:22
LjLX_Force: ?07:22
=== underwatercow [n=keith@c-67-185-21-244.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
X_Forcehmm not a good idea ..07:22
tristanmikesoundray: ....wait a sec....something is weird....07:22
eifzonanyone that had problem to install drivers for nvidia, geforce 7900GT? on 7.04 fiesty?07:22
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X_Forcesry one space to much ..07:22
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ikoniaeifzon: no07:22
Huffalump2kahrytan, I'd say it does sound like you are lucky.  I'm very adverse to upgrading any other machines to Feisty until this error is worked out.07:22
ubuntuso on my boot partition what should I have?07:22
Phantomse>QUESTION:I'm trying to instal a driver for internet conection.07:22
PhantomseThe modem is named Z01007:22
Phantomsedrivers and instalmanual:07:22
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Fishymwbohn: Same problem. Missing beryl_xgl.07:22
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Lord_Maynoth_42is the restricted ATI driver the newest one?07:22
ubuntuI want the partition that the computer boots from to be different from the partition ubuntu runs on. how can I do this?07:22
KragneracnVidia GeForce 8800 GTX :)07:22
DrNick1bluefox83: it'll get there. but for now, its only a button to click at least :)07:22
ikoniaLord_Maynoth_42: its the latest one packaged by ubuntu07:22
LjLX_Force: i don't think that syntax makes much sense, anyway. /msg nickserv register nickname password07:22
eifzonWhen i try to install the driver it just being black on the screen07:22
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mwbohnFishy: Did you resolve it?07:23
eckPenggu: if you are trying to do persistent live cd there are some docs in the wiki, if you just want to use configuration settings on another partition you can mount it and chroot or point you app and the mount point to find the conf files07:23
Huffalump2eifzon, I have a different card but have seen many people with similar problems today.07:23
Lord_Maynoth_42is there a link to its version number?07:23
eifzonok Huffalump2, what to do?07:23
X_Forcethx LjL07:23
eifzonBuy a new crappy graphic card? :p07:23
LjL!register > X_Force    (X_Force, see the private message from Ubotu)07:23
tristanmikesoundray: ......ok, weird, now it works.....I swear, I don't smoke crack, honestly....that stuff was happening to me....dang the force is strong in this one, nice work soundray, you're god knows where, and you fixed my problem just by thinking about it, nicely done :D07:23
PriceChildKragnerac, hey having problems with that card?07:23
AdyethsHow do I recover from a failed attempt at upgrading to Feisty that stopped while in the middle of downloading files?07:23
Huffalump2eifzon, for me the solution was to change xorg.conf to be "nv" instead of "nvidia" thus using the old driers07:23
Penggueck: excellent, thanks. i didn't know what to look for. now i see there's a lot in google07:23
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kahrytanhuffalump2: Nvidia is very linux friendly so I'm sure it will. It's to bad livecd doesn't load the drivers at boot.07:23
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eifzonill try switch to nv07:24
erUSULhenz: ok, i have missunderstood you i thoughtr that /dev/sda was your main hard disk... so /dev/sda1 is a ext3 partition from another linux install? try this 'sudo fsck.ext3 -b 32768 -pcv /dev/sda1' to check the partition07:24
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Fishymwbohn: No. Since beryl doesn not come with beryl_xgl I can't see how it should be solved.07:24
henzerUSUL: can you come up with anythign or am i totally screwd?07:24
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mwbohnFishy: Thanks for the info07:24
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Fishymwbohn: It may work with the open source drivers, but the performance sucks. At least for me.07:24
KragneracPriceChild: Yes. Everytime I try to start up any Linux distro with my x1300, it prints thousands of lines of error messages in the tty1 console when i boot up.07:25
eifzonHuffalump2, shall i reboot after this?07:25
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Huffalump2eifzon, I did and all was "well" (boring but working)07:25
PriceChildKragnerac, ah i thought you said nvidia 880007:25
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Phantomse>QUESTION:I'm trying to instal a driver for internet conection.07:25
=== Bo7a [n=bo7a@S010600115b37b0eb.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
PhantomseThe modem is named Z01007:25
Phantomsedrivers and instalmanual:07:25
=== Bent [n=bent@port46.ds1-esp.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
clarklinuxhi- i'm having a lot of trouble getting a wireless network pcmcia card working...can anybody help me?07:26
henzerUSUL: want it in pastebin? :)07:26
KragneracPriceChild: Meh, i'm considering getting a new pc with that card. :)07:26
PiciPhantomse: You still haven't asked a question.07:26
kahrytanWhat is pastebin?07:26
=== X_Force is now known as AATDark
AdyethsHow do I recover from a failed attempt at upgrading to Feisty that stopped while in the middle of downloading files?07:26
PriceChildKragnerac, ah :)07:26
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Pici!paste | kahrytan07:26
ubotukahrytan: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:26
=== gol [n=goloo@host212-202-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildAdyeths, have you tried to open the update manager again?07:26
DrNick1laters all07:26
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underwatercowhas anyone successfully used the vmware server on 7.04?07:26
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kahrytanI hate bots.07:26
sogenHi can someone help me with Americas army i have updated system and i have that error when im runing AA WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!07:26
aa^waywhat is this "jad: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory07:27
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erUSULhenz: no, just run the program it will try to check and fix, if possible, the filesystem07:27
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eckaa^way: it means the program you are using tried to load a library (or a version of a library) that you don't have installed07:27
Pengguppl, for 7.xx is it casper-cow or casper-rw ?07:27
=== andy_ [n=andy@80-218-245-125.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
sogencan someone help me with Americas army i have updated system and i have that error when im runing AA WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!07:27
AdyethsI can open the update manager. I was, however, attempting to update from the alternate install cd, which now doesn't seem to function.07:27
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andy_what bittorrent client would you guys use?07:27
acidtabsIs there streamTurner in festiy just like the one that was for edgy07:27
erUSUL!repeat | sogen07:27
ubotusogen: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:27
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sogencan someone help me with Americas army i have updated system and i have that error when im runing AA WARNING: ALC_EXT_capture is subject to change!07:28
ToXedVirusandy_, utorrent07:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:28
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henzerUSUL: didnt work07:28
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andy_ToXedVirus, is it available for linux'07:28
erUSULsogen: it is a Warning not an error... AA is using an API that may be no present in the future07:28
AdyethsMy goal was to upgrade from the cd. THat apparently doesn't work though. it wants to download everything off the net and ignore whats on the cd.07:28
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erUSULhenz: error msg?07:28
sogenerUSUL: what that mean ?07:28
ToXedVirusonly for windows, but you run windows software using wine07:28
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andy_ah wine07:28
Rage__Is there a way to try disabling ACPI and APM from the live boot CD?07:28
Bo7adoes anyone happen to know the best workaround for ati slapping older card owners in the face? rather than downgrade back to edgy i was wondering if it is at all possible to just downgrade X to 7.1 to make the 8.28 drivers which still have support for my card a possibility07:29
Adyethsand attempting to upgrade over the net at this time isn't possible. the servers are overloaded.07:29
QPS_DutchHow do I determine which version of Ubuntu I am running?07:29
Bo7a^long possibly badly worded question07:29
=== wt8008_ [n=doubleyo@24-205-230-53.dhcp.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eckandy_: rtorrent is good, if you are into the curses thing07:29
Rage__My touch pad does not work with one of them.07:29
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clarklinuxhello: could someone please read this exerpt from dmesg and tell me why my pcmcia wireless networking card isn't working?07:29
andy_eck: I'm more into gnome apps actually ;)07:29
clarklinuxthe url is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16601/07:29
soundrayQPS_Dutch: cat /etc/lsb-release07:29
rambo3QPS_Dutch, cat /etc/issue07:29
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Adyethsso... I"m stuck with having a broken system unless I can figure out how to fix what this cdromupgrade thing did.07:29
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underwatercowanyone get vmware server working on 7.04?07:29
ubotusmart is another meta-package manager available for Ubuntu. It's quite stable, uses APT's repositories, can handle mirrors/multiple-connections, and is supposed to make Ubuntu BiArch-compatible. See http://labix.org/smart and https://wiki.kubuntu.org/SmartPackageManager07:29
deathplanterhi guys, since feisy my wlan isn't working cause one kernel module isn't loaded automatically and i have to do it manually. how to set up an automatic module loading?07:29
erUSULsogen: AA is using some opengl function that can change in the future and therefore AA may not work as expected in the future07:30
QPS_DutchTHANK YOU!07:30
=== POVaddct [i=nobody@p54B359DB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
soundraydeathplanter: add the module name to /etc/modules on a line of its own07:30
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ubuntuHmmm... how do I install grub?07:30
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deathplantersoundray: thanks a bunch.07:30
eckandy_: i haven't tried this, but it is a gnome BT application http://deluge-torrent.org/07:30
PriceChildatomiku, its installed as part of the instillation07:30
clarklinuxhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16601/ can someone tell me what this means regarding my pcmcia card?07:30
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erUSULhenz: try 'sudo fsck.ext3 -pcv /dev/sda1'07:30
Piciubotu: `grub-install /dev/devicename`07:30
sogenerUSUL: then can i degrade ubuntu to last version ?07:30
Flannel!grub | atomiku, first link07:30
ubotuatomiku, first link: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:30
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atomikuPriceChild: well mine is gone07:31
Caramba_hiya folks. How should I go about to automount my eternal usb-drive under ubuntu...*running in console mode*07:31
nozeyanyone using feisty + Intel Corporation 82551QM Ethernet Controller network card?07:31
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atomikutheres nothing to recover07:31
erUSULsogen: but AA fails to run?07:31
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r3texdoes 7.04 have upstart?07:31
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PriceChild!fixgrub > atomiku07:31
PriceChildr3tex, yes, but still using init scripts07:31
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sogenerUSUL: there is shown AA window and i have that error in terminal07:31
erUSULsogen: normally a warning is harmless07:31
sogenerUSUL: and then it stops07:31
=== Adyeths bangs his head against his desk.
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sogenerUSUL: it just closing07:32
r3texPriceChild: is there a speed difference in your opinion?07:32
PriceChildr3tex, yes07:32
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Alandoes anybody here have vmware workstation successfully installed under Feisty?  For some reason it doesn't like the linux headers... "The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.20-15-generic)."07:32
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burzumive got 2 screens running using nvidias twinview, but how can i define my primary display?07:32
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s0nixQuelqu'un utilise wine ici?  je l'ai installer... mais j'arrete pas a executerr un simple setup.exe07:32
henzerUSUL: this time no error msg no nothing, but it doesnt work, you think i need a reebot or something?07:32
rogue780|laptopubuntu's not letting me eject a CD because it says that an application is preventing me from ejecting it...how do I find out what application is using it?  the only application I have open is xchat...07:32
Pici!fr | s0nix07:32
ubotus0nix: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:32
magnetron!fr > s0nix07:32
andy_eck, ok, I gonna test deluge first :)07:32
lnxmomohi, can anyone give me a link to download wicd network manager07:32
=== Palantor [n=Palantor@44-130.187-72.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Rage__rogue780|laptop: Is it mounted?07:33
ArgonakAnyone have some more ideas on proxy issues with apt-get? I have the proxy in apt.conf and bash.bashrc but stil cant connect.07:33
Lord_Maynoth_42anyone here know how to determine what version of the ATI driver fiesty has atm?07:33
clarklinuxmy sonnet aria extreme wireless network pcmcia card is not working with my g3 powerbook with xubuntu edgy...can someone help me or at lest just read what i get from dmesg to try to give me some insight? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16601/07:33
rogue780|laptopRage__, it automatically mounted07:33
eckandy_: let me know how it goes, trying it out is on my to do list07:33
Bo7afeisty ships with 8.35 ati drivers07:33
=== warlinux [n=nestevam@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
Bo7adoes anyone happen to know the best workaround for ati slapping older card owners in the face? rather than downgrade back to edgy i was wondering if it is at all possible to just downgrade X to 7.1 to make the 8.28 drivers which still have support for my card a possibility07:33
=== sc0tty [n=yann@105.193.adsl.brightview.com] has joined #ubuntu
PhantomseI'm a beginner in Linux and don't get along with the driverinstal.07:33
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PhantomseI replaced the files from etc\ppp with linux-evdo.tar.gz after i extracted them.07:33
rogue780|laptopRage__, I've ejected cdroms that have been automatically mounted before...07:33
PhantomseThe instruction says "To bring the PPP connection up:07:33
Phantomsego to /etc/ppp folder and run07:33
PhantomseHow doo i do that?07:33
erUSULhenz: no error msg? and the disk is inactive?07:33
PhantomseThe modem is named Z01007:33
Phantomsedrivers and instalmanual:07:33
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Rage__rogue780|laptop: terminal -> umount <moun directory>    try that.07:33
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magnetronArgonak: using Synaptic for configure is enough, and more secure07:34
rogue780|laptopRage__, "umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy"07:34
kahrytanPhantomse: do you like repeating yourself?07:34
cablesDoes anyone know where to put guifications themes?07:34
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henzerUSUL: no error msg terminal went commandless and disk still doesnt work07:34
Rage__rogue780|laptop: try with -f you need to sudo07:34
magnetron!enter > Phantomse07:34
Alanoh lovely..... vmware drivers not compatible with 2.6.20? :(07:34
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joshjoshtokyoahead, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto came across this just now if you haven't fixed your resolution issue07:35
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:35
rogue780|laptopRage__, "sudo umount -f /dev/cdrom" "umount2: Device or resource busy" "umount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy"07:35
DraconicusDo you people realize that 80% of your packaged games don't create their own launchers when installed?07:35
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erUSULhenz: fscking a disk can take a long time just wait untill the command returns07:36
PhantomseBy presing enter or double clicking it opens the dialevdo.sh in text edit07:36
PriceChildDraconicus, please file bugs on launchpad if they don't create menu items07:36
magnetron!patience > Draconius07:36
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shwaganyone know why im getting    Could not resolve 'us.archive.ubuntu.com'07:36
soundrayDraconicus: sounds like you think you're talking to developers here.07:36
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PriceChildDraconicus, and I'd say 80% is a very large overestimate07:36
PriceChildshwag, /topic07:36
JoeyC89hi, i have just installed fiest adn installed the propritary ati drivers but my comp wont' boot the splash sceen. anyone know wha i can do about it07:36
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kmitch87shwag: the mirrors are overloaded right now07:36
erUSULhenz: fsck is like the windows scandisk07:36
Rage__rogue780|laptop: Not sure after that dude... You could try "lsof | grep /dev/cdrom" That will list open files on the cd and you might be able to tell what is playing with it.07:36
magnetron!mirrors > shwag07:36
henzerUSUL: aha ok07:36
danshtris there a way to refresh/rescan the wireless networks list?07:36
rogue780|laptopRage__, thanks man07:36
AdyethsHow do I recover from a failed attempt at upgrading to Feisty that stopped while in the middle of downloading files?07:37
=== ubu [n=ubu@host-85-27-13-176.brutele.be] has joined #ubuntu
Bo7adoes anyone happen to know the best workaround for older ati cards under feisty? rather than downgrade back to edgy i was wondering if it is at all possible to just downgrade X to 7.1 to make the 8.28 drivers which still have support for my card a possibility. apologies for repeat posting, im not doing it to garner attention just to restate for when osmeone has time.07:37
Rage__rogue780|laptop: np :)07:37
PriceChildAdyeths, have you tried running the upgrade again?07:37
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nirivenSo i noticed there is a 'gusty' dist on the ubuntu ftp site, anyone run it yet? I know its not really, well, stable, though, just curious about anyones thoughts on it.07:37
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kahrytanmagnetron: whats the !mirrors say?07:37
shwagmagnetron: im not trying to get the cd. im trying to apt-get07:37
kneekiGRRR!!!! I hate windows SO much!07:37
henzerUSUL: hanvet been linuxing for a long time almost 3 days now :)07:37
Rage__Bo7a: What cards are not supported? That might be a show stopper for me :?07:37
PriceChildniriven, DON'T run gutsy yet... it will break07:37
soundrayAdyeths: is your system bootable now?07:37
eckdanshtr: from the command line you would do something like: iwlist eth1 scanning07:37
magnetronBo7a: http://www.mikesplanet.net/2007/04/installing-ubuntu-704-ati-x-cards/07:37
=== kneeki slams his head into the desk!
shwagmagnetron: and wouldnt that be host not reponding...not unresolvable.07:37
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AdyethsI have no idea if its bootable. I haven't tried to reboot.07:37
[acid] Neatcheeso, now that things have calmed down a bit, i'll ask my silly question again... Anyone have any good alternative startup sounds that they prefer?  I can't stand the native one :(07:37
kahrytankneeki: I love windows so much!07:37
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Bo7aRage__, ati pulled support for the 9250 and older cards in the 8.35 drivers07:38
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kneekikahrytan: lies -_-07:38
almimonihow can I add 1280*800 resolution?07:38
soundrayAdyeths: what's the problem then?07:38
Adyethsas far as I know all that happened was it was downloading stuff.07:38
soundrayAdyeths: and then?07:38
Rage__Bo7a: Ok, not prob for me then :) sorry for you though.07:38
kahrytankneeki: you needed a laugh.07:38
Adyethsit stopped in the middle of the process, it says I have a ton of updates to install.07:38
Bo7aand with 8.28 not supporting xorg 7.2 this is an issue :p07:38
nirivenPriceChild: Nothing that will severely screw up my pc (at least temporarly until updates) right?07:38
kneekikahrytan: lol07:38
magnetronshwag: hmm some1 else was talking about DNS problems some hour ago07:38
AdyethsI can't rerun the cdromupgrade from the alternate install cd07:38
rogue780|laptopalmimoni, edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and add it in the screen section07:38
PriceChild!fixres > almimoni07:38
Draconicussoundray: Erk... Yeah. I know I shouldn't complain to you, but who else will listen? Where else can I put the most important feedback and have it remotely acknowledged? I'm trying to set up a machine for a client and I'm finding that I'll have to waste a LOT of time making my own launchers and menu items.07:38
Argonakmagnetron: Seems to be working now. May have been a timeout thing before as I have not changed anything. Thanks.07:38
danshtreck thanks, is the a way to do it usning gui? each time i resume from suspend i cant find my network07:38
[acid] Neatcheeso much for calmed down :(07:38
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soundrayAdyeths: what's "it"? update-manager?07:38
erUSULhenz: today is a busy day here with the feisty release... i'm waiting a few days for things to settle down and then i will upgrade too... XD07:38
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kahrytankneeki: I tolerate it for games and tv recording.07:38
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PriceChildniriven, it won't let you update further. The toolchain is not ready. DON'T upgrade07:39
fluidany of you ever tweak a synaptics touchpad at all? seems like i have to press awfully hard after enabling shmconfig...always had this problem :(07:39
boguhhi,how to start the wizard to install codecs for mp3 etc?07:39
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soundrayDraconicus: file a bug and mark it as wishlist07:39
soundray!bugs > Draconicus07:39
jribboguh: are you using feisty?07:39
kneekikahrytan: That's all I'm using it for also. I really wish linux was better for gaming07:39
eckdanshtr: is this with network manager? i would try stopping it and restarting it07:39
Adyeths"it" is the cdromupgrade program on the alternate install cd. thats what stopped.07:39
nirivenpricechild: :)07:39
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boguhjrib yes07:39
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jribboguh: just double click on an mp307:39
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kahrytankneeki: Or Vmware was improved for gaming.07:39
Adyethsand it will not restart because of whatever changes were made when it first started the upgrade process.07:39
Draconicussoundray: I know, I know. I'm surprised that you don't remember me by now. I'm always in here. :P07:39
boguhjrib thx07:39
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fuffalo-(evolution question) everytime i mark something as junk it goes to the junk folder, but when i re-open evolution it's back in my inbox..what am i doing wrong? any ideas?  (i'm connecting to an exchange server)07:40
soundrayDraconicus: if you knew, then why did you ask?07:40
kneekikahrytan: *nod*07:40
Bo7adoes anyone happen to know the best workaround for older ati cards under feisty? rather than downgrade back to edgy i was wondering if it is at all possible to just downgrade X to 7.1 to make the 8.28 drivers which still have support for my card a possibility. apologies for repeat posting, im not doing it to garner attention just to restate for when someone has time.07:40
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ikoniaBo7a:you don't have to downgrade older cards should be supported too07:40
Bo7aati pulled support for 9250 and older cards in 8.35 drivers07:41
kahrytankneeki: VMWare needs better resource management and 3d acceleration.07:41
henzerUSUL: hehe i hear you, but ill prolly wait a long time, havent even considering changing untill i learn some more :P07:41
Bo7aso no 3-d for me unlessi go back to .2807:41
magnetronboguh : dblclick a mp3 or install package ubuntu-restricted-extras07:41
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Artemis3Bo7a, forget 3d use vesa mode :P07:41
eckfuffalo-: i _think_ it depends what mailbox system you are using, e.g. if you are using imap it may be trying to move it into a junk folder on the imap account07:41
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ikoniaBo7a: is there no legacy package like for nvidia in fesity ?07:41
soundrayAdyeths: I would try booting the system. If it boots even to recovery mode, you can finish the upgrade with 'dpkg --configure -a'07:41
POVaddctati really sucks07:41
lasseHi. Is there a way to find your horizsync and vertrefresh other than the back of your monitor or the HW manual?07:41
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ikonialasse: ddcprobe may detect it ok07:41
Artemis3if it only they would release the specs of the ati cards... why is amd hesitating?07:41
Bo7aits an ati card not nvidia ikonia. the issue here is 8.28 drivers dont work wtioh xorg 7.2 and 8.35 drivers dont work with the older c ards07:41
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lasseikonia, thanks man07:42
Scombr0`hi all07:42
soundrayPOVaddct: it does, but don't tell them that. Be polite and tell them that you are disenchanted with their level of support for Linux.07:42
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PhantomseCould somebody at least tel me if the driver works on feisty?07:42
Bo7aim wondering if downgrading to xorg 7.1 will help or should i just go back to edgy07:42
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LjLlasse: no, although some monitors can send that information automatically. but then, if they do, your very dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will use that information when instructed to "auto-detect" the monitor07:42
Scombr0`i wanted to know how do I get my chipset information?07:42
ikoniaBo7a: I know its ati not nvidia, hence why I said is there not a legacy package LIKE the nvidia legacy package in fesity07:42
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kahrytankneeki: what  games you play?07:42
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mrecPOVaddct: ATI support will improve in future07:42
maccam94Scombr0`, lspci07:42
LjL!downgrade | Bo7a07:42
ubotuBo7a: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.07:42
fluidim hoping so since they are AMD now...07:42
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Scombr0`thank you maccam9407:42
soundraymrec: have you got a source reference for that information?07:42
marcomgreetings from da berlin release-party of feisty !07:42
POVaddctmrec: i hope so07:42
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magnetrongreetings marcom07:43
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Artemis3well sure the newer multicore amd/ati cpus will have documented instructions, but the older radeon?07:43
Bo7ahehe LjL, thanks but i had i mind just installing edgy from scratch. id prefer not to do this. anyone know o f a reason not to go back to xorg 7.1 in feisty to give me the abvility to use the drivers that were around before ati forsook me07:43
mrecsoundray: I work at AMD, naturally linux is growing and it's seen at ATI/AMD07:43
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fluidbut im up and running 7.04, ati fglrx, beryl, and xgl...only 1 tiny issue i have and all it does is lower framerate in xgl a tiny bit.07:43
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soundraymrec: I was hoping that the acquisition would improve things, but no sign of it yet.07:43
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LjLBo7a: well, *how* do you intend to go back? a reason is, broken dependencies07:44
ikoniaBo7a: I suspect many things are linked against the current xorg in fesity07:44
mrecsoundray: things take time07:44
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Artemis3mrec, the problem is with the legacy hardware, if its not worth to maintain it, why not just document it so the community can maintain it?07:44
matkix0sHow do you enable dual head? I have an nvidia 6200 and installed the restricted driver. I just upgraded and wish to re-ebable my "Twinview" Or dual head.07:44
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama07:44
Bo7ayeah thats what i thought, thanks ikonia, guess its back to edgy until ati decided to do something aboutt his07:44
=== Agony [n=user@host86-147-33-179.range86-147.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
POVaddctsoundray: that's exactly what i thought. but ati now owned by amd seemingly changed nothing.07:44
deathplantermy wireless settings are wrong and i'd like to change them. is there a fancy file that i should edit? i'm using server edition07:44
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boguhhow can i change a label of an ext3 partiton?07:44
ikoniadeathplanter: a wirless card on a server ?07:44
lasseLjL, ok because ive got a laptop with ATI on it, and I cant get neither fglrx to work (just freezes, no error in dmesg /var/log/messages or /var/log/Xorg.0.log), and the "ati" driver gives me no more than a resolution of 1024x768. This worked on edgy. Can't seem to find the problem07:44
fluidseemingly changed nothing yet. they havent owned ati for that long...07:44
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fluidand fixing what exists might be more of a pain than just starting from scratch.07:45
mrecArtemis3: I cannot say more about that since I don't have accurate information about it either (and I'm not allowed to write everything actually) but things will improve luckily07:45
soundraymatkix0s: there are instructions in the readme under /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx07:45
deathplanterikonia: i know it sounds weird. anyways, what file to edit?07:45
LjLboguh: man e2label07:45
bakerconspiracyyay!, new operating system!07:45
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Bo7alasse, which card? new ati drivers in feisty do not support the older radeons07:45
fluidATI has always had poopy software no matter what platform you use it on07:45
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mrecif someone has bugreports he can forward them to me here as well07:45
ikoniadeathplanter: depends what settings are wrong07:45
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Bo7aie:9250 and older07:45
surviveranyone that know how to work with wine??07:45
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:45
=== i-nZ [n=i-nZ@adsl-83-100-211-201.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu
deathplanterikonia: essid07:45
lasseBo7a, x70007:45
marcomi love ubuntu, put enough grains on the enter-button and let a chicken stay next to it :-)07:45
=== Zamber [n=Zamber@eic149.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
i-nZWhy isn't there Open In Terminal in nautilus ??07:45
fuzzy_logichi people.. how can i exit xorg??07:45
deathplantersurviver: not really a hard thing to do.just wine <.exe file> ;)07:45
soundraymrec: can I pm you?07:45
LjLlasse, dunno, have you tried what's suggested in !fixres?07:45
mrec(but I'm no official supporter actually, I'm moreover doing this since I'm interested in it)07:45
Artemis3mrec, i know, but there have been interviews in the inquirer with amd ppl talking about the future07:45
jribi-nZ: install the nautilus-open-terminal package07:45
POVaddctBo7a: wait, isn't the 9250 supported by the open source radeon driver too?07:45
mrecsoundray: sure07:45
PriceChildfuzzy_logic, ctrl+alt+f1, log in and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:46
deathplanterikonia: essid's wrong07:46
lassefuzzy_logic, enter sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    in a terminal07:46
Zamberhi there folks ;)07:46
POVaddctBo7a: (including 3d)07:46
mrecArtemis3: marketing...07:46
fluidim running ati proprietary drivers on a xpress 200m :D07:46
ikoniadeathplanter: you can change it with iwconfig07:46
lasseLjL, no07:46
fuzzy_logicPrinceChild+lasse: thanks07:46
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lasse!fixres > lasse07:46
deathplanterikonia: yeah,but i want it be set properly every bootup.07:46
PriceChildfuzzy_logic, no u ;)07:46
surviverdeathplanter, nono it just i need to find the file where i can change the size of it (screenresolution) and suche stuff like sound07:46
baboquick boomark search, hit home to hide. Die firefox, die ... !!!!07:46
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henzerUSUL: do i really have to have this kind of patience? :D07:46
Bo7aPOVaddct, not that i can tell... u mean tha actual 'radeon' driver? or aiglx?07:46
jribbabo: what!?07:46
Artemis3mrec, just make sure ppl inside know that people is getting annoyed, and do something about it, release specs and kill nvidia with the same punch07:46
Alandoes anybody here have vmware workstation successfully installed under Feisty?  For some reason it doesn't like the linux headers... "The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version 2.6.20-15-generic)."07:46
POVaddctBo7a: the 'radeon' driver07:46
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deathplantersurviver: sorry then, no idea. i'd just look in ~/.wine/07:47
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Zambercan anyone tell me how to ged rid of packages what get on the autoremove list after uninstalling the ubuntu-desktop metapackage? Coz I's makeing me crazy!07:47
Bo7ano 3d accel for dri07:47
babojrib: boomark search is modal and it won't disappear .... in firefox ...07:47
fluidaiglx gave me nothing but 2d acceleration...07:47
erUSULhenz: what is the size of the disk/partition?07:47
PhantomseCould somebody please help me install a modem driver in feisty.07:47
ikoniadeathplanter: /etc/interfaces07:47
monacaxxxhow do I install the flash player?07:47
Bo7awhich puts me back to booting windows to game, which is far too yucky for me07:47
surviverdeathplanter, np i search some more ;)07:47
monacaxxxdo I need to add a new repository?07:47
bakerconspiracydoes anyone know if they upgraded firefox in 7.04?07:47
tristanmike!flash | monacaxxx07:47
LjLZamber: you just want to get rid of the *message*, not the actual packages, right?07:47
ubotumonacaxxx: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:47
ubotuFlash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash07:47
deathplanterikonia: cat: /etc/interfaces: No such file or directory07:47
hmpedersenCan anyone help me get feisty to communicate with my file server?07:47
fluidBo7a: you dont like wintendo? hehe07:47
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babojrib: it's basically hijacked my browser... how frustrating ...07:47
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP307:47
AgonyOK, so I upgraded to 7.04, but it now refuses to boot. Ctrl-Alt-F1 yields a few error messages07:47
sogenerUSUL: you have any idea how i can run AA ?07:47
henzerUSUL: 120 gig too07:48
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bakerconspiracyis 7.04 going to kill my system?07:48
jribbabo: kill it and see if you can recreate it07:48
mrecArtemis3: well all I can say is everything's heard about that at ATI, (I'm in the AMD division here actually, but I use to pass some information forward to them)07:48
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ikoniadeathplanter: /etc/network/interfaces - sorry07:48
Caramba_hiya folks. How should I go about to automount my external usb-drive under ubuntu...*running in console mode*07:48
Bo7awell considering the newest cedega engine finally made me able to completely delet my windows partitions 24 hours b4 feisty was introduced, this angers me a bit. at ATI not ubuntu of course07:48
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tristanmikemonacaxxx: you should just need to install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package07:48
henzerUSUL:  but i havent filled it with anything more then updates and some themes for beryl :P07:48
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soundraymrec: I'm not getting through. Are you not registered?07:48
fluidProN00b: dont know, but i can tell you that i can finally shut down gnome without it locking up this laptop ... every distro ive tried on it did (even edgy)07:48
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deathplanterikonia: okay,thanks. will it be automatically set correctly if i set stuff okay there?07:48
Artemis3mrec, cool, keep going. Maybe i should praise intel 3d hardware too ;)07:48
bakerconspiracyyou need to edit your /ect/fstab file07:48
fbarcenasI can't use desktop effects. Its says the composite extension is not available. How can I fix this, and what does the darn thing do?07:48
babojrib: hmm ... it seems to work fine the second time around ...07:48
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ikoniadeathplanter: if you edit that file - yes07:48
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mrecsoundray: you have to be registered :-) not I, but I am yes07:48
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sogenerUSUL: have any ide how i can run AA on my ubuntu ?07:49
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pptI installed OpenSSH and I want change some text, which displayed after the succesfull login from another PC. In which file can I change it? Thx :)07:49
monacaxxxtristanmike, I can't find it in the package manager07:49
ProN00blol, hi LjL !07:49
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Penggueck: feisty's persistent mode is broken i think. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/+bug/8459107:49
deathplanterikonia: okay,thanks. i'll let you know if it worked07:49
ZamberLjL I want to leave the message, if there are unneeded packages (i. e. after deleting kubuntu-desktop witch I don't want) it would be grat to have them on the list but I want to leave the ubuntu-desktop dependencies07:49
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Bo7aso most of us are in agreement then? the only fix at the moment for older ati cards is to go back to edgy?07:49
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LjLProN00b, you've been warned, kicked etc enough times i think... don't force me to make it a ban.07:49
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Caramba_baker...what should I put in it? I want the drive to mount to a specific point in /media when I plug it in07:49
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LjLZamber: type  sudo apt-get install every-single-one-of-the-listed-packages , that should convince APT that those packages were actually intended to stay installed07:49
monacaxxxtristanmike, sorry my fault07:50
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monacaxxxit's there07:50
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ZamberLjL ok - trying07:50
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Caramba_I've fied the point according to http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/06/how-to-always-mount-removable-drives-in-the-same-place-ubuntu-6061-610/07:50
tristanmikemonacaxxx: no worries, that's why we're all here, to help and learn :D07:50
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Caramba_but the automount is still lacking07:50
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kahrytanWhat is the market share of Linux?07:50
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eckPenggu: hmmm, i guess not07:50
kahrytandesktop market share07:50
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velkokahrytan: who cares?07:51
LjL!offtopic | kahrytan07:51
jribppt: /etc/motd07:51
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ubotukahrytan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!07:51
tristanmike!offtopic | kahrytan07:51
Tarkushey, anyone know whats the best way to get realplayer installed? i need something for playing music, but amarok and helix player wont let me play .mp3 files.07:51
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Pici!mp3 | Tarkus07:51
ubotuTarkus: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:51
yasserjigdo is asking me for a url to download rest of stuff....what should i give??07:51
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Penggumay be i should be less stingy and give it some hard drive space *grin*07:51
AgonySo, does anyone have any idea what to do when 7.04 refuses to boot?07:51
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PriceChildAgony, what does it say?07:51
andy_when I login into gnome, it detects automagically my firewire harddisk. Where can I set the mount options for that drive? I can't find it in the fstab.07:51
pptjrib thank you ;)07:51
PriceChildAgony, what errors?07:51
PiciTarkus: mp3 support is not enabled by default due to licensing issues, see ubotu's message above.07:51
ikoniaAgony: define refuses to boot07:51
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AgonyHow do I get a Pastebin?07:51
LjL!pastebin > Agony    (Agony, see the private message from Ubotu)07:51
PriceChild!paste > Agony07:51
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TarkusPici: k, thanks07:52
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shwagso now that feisty isnt frozen anymore, are they going to push django up to .96 ?07:52
erUSULsogen: no, sorry you may have more luck in a AA specific forum/irc channel07:52
jendaHave the try-out windows apps disappeared from the CD? Could someone try them out?07:52
PriceChildshwag, feisty is frozen07:52
LjLshwag: hm? feisty is more frozen than ever... it's released07:52
PriceChildshwag, current developer focus is  now on gutsy07:52
shwagPriceChild: isnt there updates though still ?07:52
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PriceChildshwag, only for "critical bug fixes and security updates"07:53
LjLshwag: no. only security fixes and fixes to very very important bugs - and, optionally, the backports07:53
LjL!backports > shwag    (shwag, see the private message from Ubotu)07:53
shingokiDo the "desktop effects" include drop shadows on windows?07:53
shwagso maybe it will make it into backports ?07:53
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PriceChildshingoki, that is possible, though not default07:53
LjLshwag: it has to make it into Gutsy first07:53
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shwagokay, glad i understand now.07:53
deathplanterikonia: you're my personal god for the next ten years. plus, you've got 50% free for next ten years of subscription.07:53
shingokiPriceChild: drop shadows always seemed like the main reason for the whole thing :)07:53
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deathplanterikonia: WORKED! ;D07:54
boubbinhow to setup a ftp-server ?07:54
ikoniadeathplanter: don't worry about it. Glad your working07:54
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PriceChildshingoki, the option will be in gconf-editor somewhere "apps > compiz" afaik07:54
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd07:54
Bo7adoes anyone happen to know the best steps to take for older ati cards under feisty.(xorg 7.2 requires ati 8.35 drivers,older cards require 8.28 drivers) just fresh-install of edgy until ati smartens up?)07:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftp-server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:54
LjL!ftpd > boubbin    (boubbin, see the private message from Ubotu)07:54
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shingokiPriceChild: what happens on kubuntu?07:54
PriceChildshingoki, don't know07:54
ikoniaBo7a: I thought we'd discovered they are not supported07:54
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ircusrhi all07:54
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shingokiDoes kubuntu have desktop effects?07:54
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LjLshingoki: no07:54
Bo7awell the whole cathedral and bazaar thing instille dmin me that one or two opinions are not usually enough07:55
PriceChildshingoki, not by default afaik but you can install them07:55
i-nZWhat is rcxdm restart in ubuntu ?07:55
eckshwag: if you prefix it away from the apt installted version, you should be able to install the upstream release and if it doesn't work out you can remove it and still have the old (apt) install07:55
Bo7ai KNOW the cards are not supported by ati07:55
ctothejwhats the best way to map a keyboard shortcut combo to an application?07:55
RedRoseDoes anyone know if there is a program that will show me the management of space within my dir's?07:55
ZamberLjL thanks :D you're a genius ^^07:55
Bo7aimhoping someone will post an idea07:55
J-_Is there any software that you can use a frontend only? So if a server has only a backend (cli) the live CD can be put in the drive, and used with as a gui implimenting change on that server or machine?07:55
ctothejor script07:55
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eckRedRose: baobab07:55
andy_where can I find the mount options for the automatically mounted drives in gnome?07:55
ikoniaBo7a: so whats the question then, if they are not supported, your out of luck07:55
LjLRedRose: try Baobab, it's installed by default07:55
riesseg_i need help :(07:55
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shwageck: yah, thats what I have on my LTS install.  i guess i was just figuring since feisty is brand new... but anyway.07:55
riesseg_i can't download package from ubuntu's server...07:55
eckandy_: just run the 'mount' command by itself07:55
yasserwhy does ubuntu not have the special HP printer device manager while kubuntu has it??07:55
riesseg_it's broke?07:56
PriceChildriesseg_, /topic07:56
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atomikuIm having a little trouble, I want my 4gig partition to be the partition the computer boots from, and another partition with ubuntu on it. how can I do this?07:56
ra21viis there any way to install/upgrade to Feisty, using just Disk Images (iso downloaed *image*) from Edgy07:56
Bo7aikonia, please keep your snark to yourself. i was asking a question aboute 'where to go from here' not for an explanation of a problem i understand07:56
shingokiIf I install kde on ubuntu, do I get desktop effects?07:56
soundrayJ-_: yes. You can connect to the server from the graphical machine with 'ssh -X server' and have all X programs redirected their output to your local screen.07:56
shingokiI really don't like gnome07:56
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LjLra21vi: if you use the *Alternate* ISO images, yes07:56
LjL!alternate > ra21vi    (ra21vi, see the private message from Ubotu)07:56
LjL!upgrade > ra21vi    (ra21vi, see the private message from Ubotu)07:56
ikoniaBo7a: I'm not being Snakry (??) if the card isn't supported there is nothing you can do ???07:56
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PriceChildshingoki, yes if you have the  "desktop-effects" package installed07:56
Bo7aim afriad you are on the wrong network for telling ppl 'there is nothing you can do'07:56
Bo7athat answer is usally incorrect07:57
riesseg_whaaoo... feisty dawn is out... nooooooooooooooooooooo !07:57
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hashingoki: have a look at www.beryl-project.org07:57
yasserwhy does ubuntu not have the special HP printer device manager while kubuntu has it??07:57
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ircusrgood question07:57
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J-_soundray: cool, pretty interesting.07:57
shwagLjL: how can I check what version of django is currently in gutsy ?07:57
ikoniaBo7a: ???? what are you talking about. The card is not supported and not working. If you don't want to wait for ati to fix something - then your only other option is to go back to edgy as you said yourself - so there is nothing you can do07:57
ctothejfiesty is up and running on my laptop. all is well so far! hope the battery life is good.07:57
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
ctothejtablet even07:57
shingokiPriceChild: ah right I'll give that a go. I'm never sure whether kubuntu is better than ubuntu + kde, I've been running edgy with ubuntu+kde and it seems to have less issues than kubuntu does, which is weird07:57
LjLshwag: gutsy doesn't exist yet. there's currently no version of anything07:57
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riesseg_grrr ctothej07:57
J-_soundray: thought I was onto something new  and cool =X lol07:57
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ctothejriesseg_: whats that about?07:58
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ircusri dont like kde07:58
Bo7aok so that make two opinions ikonia, yours, and mine. and as i said. that is hartdly enought. just ignore my posts if you have nothing to add07:58
riesseg_i want it, i want it, i want it !07:58
LjLshwag: check http://packages.ubuntu.com/ - but not now, in a couple of weeks.07:58
antiochHow can I configure Synaptic to use Aptitude instead of apt-get in Feisty?07:58
ircusrxubuntu ftw!07:58
ctothejriesseg_: hehe.. you cant install it yet?07:58
shingokiircusr: Well you're in luck then, since everyone is going for gnome! ;)07:58
ikoniaBo7a: but your asking questions that are nothing to do with ubuntu - the ati drivers don't support it, question ati about it07:58
LjLantioch: you can't, since Synaptic doesn't use apt-get at all AFAIK, it is its own APT frontend.07:58
ircusrgnome and xfce rule!!07:58
Bo7amy questions are about ubuntu not the drivers07:58
riesseg_server is down :'(07:58
ra21viLjL: thanks07:58
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fluidwhat is the easiest way to change icons on things like, the nautilus recycle bin??07:58
atomikuIm having a little trouble, I want my 4gig partition to be the partition the computer boots from, and another partition with ubuntu on it. how can I do this?07:58
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ikoniaBo7a: so what is the question ?07:58
dv_I want the gnome interface (maybe with a few more options) and KDE tech07:58
soundrayJ-_: X was designed with this kind of network use in mind07:58
shingokiircusr: I would like something that look like gnome, but is as technically good as kde07:59
Bo7aie: perhaps there is a way with a lot of work to go back to xorg 7.1 :) or something far out that i havent thought of.07:59
ctothejriesseg_: oh man. good luck with that.07:59
antiochLjL, so does it keep track of dependencies and such "smartly" like Aptitude does?07:59
shingokidv_: yeah exactly!07:59
rambo3Bo7a, just use "ati" driver its works07:59
riesseg_han! i must test thu unofficial server... perhaps...07:59
ircusrshingoki: have you tried xfce?07:59
dv_for graphics, throw in E17 tech07:59
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LjLantioch: yes and no. Ubuntu's APT *includes* that "smarty" feature (not apt-get, the APT backend itself does). it works a little differently from aptitude's one, but the concept is the very same07:59
shingokia gnome/kde merger would be great, the kde guys could teach the gnome guys how to code, and the gnome guys could make the kde app layouts a bit less weird07:59
ircusror fluxbox07:59
Bo7ayour definition of works is not the same as mine :p i am posting from feisty with ati as driver. but this is not optimal. so rather than just give up and go back to edgy i figured id watch the chatter in here for a couple of hours and maybe someone has another idea07:59
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eckshingoki: not likely08:00
fluidnah they dont need to merge. hehe...08:00
Sputnikata2.01: failed to set xfermode (err_mask=0x4) How do I fix this error?08:00
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antiochLjL, am I safe using aptitude and synaptic together?08:00
LjLantioch: i don't know if Synaptic explicitly supports removing of unused dependencies, but you can always  sudo apt-get autoremove  to wipe the cruft at any time, even if it was installed using Synaptic08:00
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riesseg_someone know a french room for ubuntu?08:00
shingokiircusr: it's not really window managers I'm bothered about, more the apps. KDE has good apps, and gnome has a good overall look and feel, but generally substandard apps08:00
ikoniaBo7a: you said yourself the card is not supported by ati - ubuntu can't change this, so your option is to use the "broke" ati driver or bo back to a working senario in edgy08:00
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:00
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hans0loI just ran a bunch of updates, and it's complaining about software no longer supported, which is now community supported. What repos do I need to add?08:00
J-_soundray: cool, never knew that. I thought that I needed to have both systems GUI to actually SSH into one and have a GUI working on the server as well.08:00
Agonyhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16607/ <- That's the errors I get when I attempt to boot 7.0408:00
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LjLantioch: the unused dependencies databases *should* be synced between APT and aptitude, but i wouldn't bet on it.08:00
ikoniaBo7a: its not an ubuntu isse, its the driver issue if its not up to your requirments08:00
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PriceChildantioch, aptitude maintains its own list. so if you use both aptitude and synaptic then aptitude won't undo dependencies as well08:00
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surviveranyone familiar with wine?08:00
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LjL!anyone | surviver08:01
dv_shingoki, a good example is the comparison kioslaves vs. gnomevfs08:01
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:01
ubotusurviver: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:01
antiochLjL, do apt-get and synaptic share the list?08:01
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Bo7aok, ikonia, plz stop replying. yes i understand that for you and i the only visible solution is to go back to edgy. but who is to say that someonei n here wont have a nother idea before i finally give in and go back08:01
shingokidv_: or the kde components (kparts I think?) that make konqueror so very very nice to use :)08:01
ep2011is 10gb on / and 40 on /home a smart combo?08:01
eckdv_: how are kioslaves better?08:01
antiochPriceChild, , do apt-get and synaptic share the list?08:01
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LjLantioch: yes, the list is mantained centrally by the APT backend itself.08:01
ikoniaBo7a: what do you expect though, you don't have a working driver ???? what do you expect people to do  ???08:01
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shingokidv_: also just stuff like kpdf being so very much better than the various gnome pdf viewers08:01
LjLantioch: the aptitude list is separate however08:01
PriceChildikonia, best you leave it alone please :)08:02
surviverthis is my real question nabs :p08:02
Bo7asuggest a method of making xorg 7.1 work with feisty? or something else that you or i havent htought of08:02
antiochLjL, I see. Thank you.08:02
dv_eck, their modularity is much better designed08:02
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janpoSputnik: have you tried with "ide=nodma" at boot ?08:02
eckdv_: isn't it true that you cannot access a kioslave like a mountpoint, like fuse?08:02
Bo7athere is no harm in asking every 10-15 minutes. maybe someone has thougth of something we havent08:02
atomikuIm having a little trouble, I want my 4gig partition to be the partition the computer boots from, and another partition with ubuntu on it. how can I do this?08:02
surviveri need some information about wine08:02
AgonyCan anyone shed any light on this? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16607/08:02
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LjLantioch: anyway, very likely Feisty's Synaptic includes an "autoremove" feature, so no need to call apt-get just for that -- check, i don't have Synaptic installed08:02
soundrayJ-_: well, you need some client X libraries on the server, but not the actual X server and graphics drivers.08:02
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dv_eck, thats the interface part08:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about proftpd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:02
PingunZWhat package do I need for xconfig ( I want to recompile my kernel )08:03
ikoniaPriceChild: understood.08:03
atomikuYou see08:03
LjL!info proftpd > boubbin08:03
atomikuI think im doing this wrong08:03
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PingunZ!xconfig > PingunZ08:03
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ra21viLjL: actually i want to know if upgrade is possible thru downloaed Alternate images, i cannt burn it cuz my cdwriter not functioning, old hardware peoblem bro08:03
dv_in fact, there are kio fuse gateways already08:03
erUSULPingunZ: qt3-dev or something like that08:03
PingunZerUSUL: ty08:03
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Sputnikjanpo, what does it do?08:03
eckdv_: the issue is that both kde and gnome should just be using fuse, not implementing some compatibility layer08:03
dv_and its very likely that the kioslaves of kde4 will based on fused08:03
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shingokianyway thanks for the advice on desktop effects, I'll give it a go. Also beryl, although TBH every GL accelerated window manager thingy I've ever tried has just spectacularly trashed itself within a few seconds08:04
dv_eck, fuse didnt exist when they started08:04
LjLra21vi: uhm... it's possibly possible =) loop-mount the Alternate ISO... but then why not just upgrade over the internet, since that's what you'd be doing, basically, anyway?08:04
ra21viLjL: will it work if i mount the image, and then tell synaptics to add cdriom08:04
alex_dinamohas anyone had any trouble with sound/alsa since upgrading to Feisty?08:04
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styvyAgony, did you check your cd with md5?08:04
slicknickanyone seen this sort of behavior from rdesktop before? this is a dual monitor screenshot with an rdesktop session to a windows machine on the right side of the image. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ushbav08:04
ra21viLjL: yeah right..08:04
ikoniaalex_dinamo: a few people with intel chipsets have reported problems08:04
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alex_dinamoit doesn't work at all... n drivers are loaded, alsaconf doesn't detect any card...08:04
LjLra21vi: it might, you'd have to try and perhaps fiddle a bit with loopback mounting and sources.list -- but why in the world would you do that?08:04
uber-n00bhi all :D08:04
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janpoSputnik: switches off kernels dma on ide channels. Your error could be unsupported drive controller. Just a qualified guess08:04
alex_dinamoikonia, I think I have that one... NVidia integrated AC97 audio08:05
TaimAnybody know how to disable "tooltips" in gnome?08:05
cliebow_im told cd burned faster than 8x may have corruption of very highlt cmressed files..08:05
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BlublobluHi there, I need help with an Edgy to Feisty upgrade that went wrong08:05
deserteaglehello all, anyone have a clue as to why after installing feisty my monitor looks like it has 8 bit colors?08:05
ikoniaalex_dinamo: no thats nvidia not intel08:05
LjLra21vi: i mean, instead of telling APT to just download the packages, you're downloading the ISO, then mounting, then telling APT to download the packages from inside it. doesn't make a bit of sense to me TBH08:05
dv_eck, but yes, the way I see it fuse will be the common future08:05
compengiLjL: hi08:05
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dv_I already favor fusemb over the kernel smbfs08:05
LjLcompengi, hi08:05
alex_dinamoikonia, mmh... ok08:05
deserteaglenvidia graphics card08:05
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Picicliebow_: Yes, if you have issues we suggest that you burn the cd/dvd at the slowest speed.08:05
alex_dinamoikonia, I think the driver said something about intel though08:05
shingokicliebow_: I wouldn't have thought that the compression of the files would affect likelihood of errors, it's probably just that they have checksums so you noticed08:05
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compengiLjL: have you made a good source.list?08:05
ikoniadeserteagle: you'll need the nvidia propritary drivers from the repo08:05
PingunZgot it erUSUL, ty08:05
ra21viLjL: actually I downladed the images for local distribution, but found the Writer not working , lol,... bad luck08:05
POVaddctdv_: sshfs is also very nice08:06
Agonystyvy: What do you mean check my cd with md5?08:06
deserteagleikonia: i let ubuntu install them when i told it to enable desktop effects08:06
LjLcompengi: uh?08:06
shingokicliebow_: I've definitely had burn errors when writing at high speed, and if you are ever going to notice errors it will be on install discs :)08:06
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ikoniadeserteagle: reconfigure Xorg then to make sure its all set right08:06
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dv_I hope feisty + 1 will make more use of fuse08:06
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ikoniadeserteagle: also check if its using the drivers08:06
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biqut2I'm having some problems running X apps on a remote computer using ssh & ubuntu 7.04, can anyone help me out?08:06
deserteagleikonia: i did, it is08:06
compengiLjL: i mean do i need to change anything in my source.list so i can good repos?08:06
cudgelhey folks.  i have a slight issue.  i'm an admin for a small company, and had a developer who took care of their own systems, and was running a few diff revs of ubuntu.  i need to recover his password, and login, and scan the machine for anything i might want to backup.  sadly, the dev had a falling out w/ the owner, and is unavailable to help.  where should i begin?08:06
AndehIs it possible to "turn on" compression for my internet?08:06
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nitewhere do I find fstab08:06
AndehOr install something that will?08:07
LjLra21vi: i see... "local distribution" you mean on a network of computers? you see, there is things like apt-proxy and approx that might help you there08:07
ikoniaAndeh: you can't compress the internet08:07
fluidi reall really really want to lock my icon positions on my desktop08:07
ikonianite: /etc08:07
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uber-n00b48% download :DD cant wait to use fiesty08:07
the_gluhi all08:07
uber-n00bhey glu08:07
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LjLcompengi: context please... are you upgrading to feisty from edgy? did it through update manager?08:07
janpobiqut2: what ssh command are you using ?08:07
ikoniacudgel: I don't think its appropriate to ask in here to help you gain access to a system08:07
alex_dinamoikonia, the thing is: I reinstalled everything that had "alsa" in there.. and there doesn't even seem to be a file below /proc/asound!08:07
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Andehikonia: Yes i know that. But i know that sometimes you can turn on some options to speed it up. Is there any kind of internet optimiser for linux? The one for windows speeded mine up a lot, faster than ubuntu is now08:07
lcc77hi all08:07
Phantoms1Pleas help me instaling a modem driver in Feisty if posible.08:07
cudgelikonia: you know, you're likely very right.  sigh.08:07
ikoniaAndeh: not really08:07
LjL!modem > Phantoms1    (Phantoms1, see the private message from Ubotu)08:08
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andy_where can I tell gnome that it should open all my torrent files with deluge and not with gnome-btdownload?08:08
the_gluhow to rezie a windows partition, and take more space for linux  (with a live cd, of course) ?08:08
ra21viLjL: i mean to distribute to my friends and install in my college (Local distribution).. usually they look at me when new release comes, they dont have internet08:08
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shingokiAndeh: a thingy that downloads compressed stuff from a proxy?08:08
compengiLjL: i had just installed feisty from a clean install and looking for a good source.list08:08
Andehikonia: Um....... So how do i speed up my internet a bit?08:08
biqut2janpo, "ssh root@" thats the ip of the remote machine08:08
styvyAgony, the error message you posted might mean your cd has not the right code, you can check it with comparing the md5-sums08:08
ikoniaAndeh: you don't08:08
BlublobluI upgraded Edgy to Feisty using update manager and now when I boot, it says something about bad blocks on a partition. I can't load X, forced to use a command line but home directory was on bad partition08:08
shingokiAndeh: are you on a modem?08:08
Andehshingoki: Do you have any examples?08:08
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Andehshingoki: No08:08
atomikuwhats the latest version of linux headers that comes with 7.04?08:08
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=== uber-n00b goes mad for a bit
Bo7ahas anyone tried to have a run at feisty while keeping xorg 7.1? (in order to be able to use ati 8.28 drivers) 3 or 4 'that's not possible' would be very appreciated so i could force myself to give in and go back to a clean edgy install.08:08
leon_06Hey guys ! I successfully installed a Logitech Quickcam express in Ubuntu Feisty and I use camorama to take pictures !08:08
Andehshingoki: Well its a box, but i have ADSL internet 360 kb/s08:08
tom_Is there anyway to make the text in fiesty easier to read... my resolution isn't the way I would like it to be ( I do have an NVidia Graphics card)08:08
ikoniaatomiku: do dpkg l and look08:08
janpobiqut2: Try ssh -X root@romte-host08:08
Agonystyvy: I'm not using a CD. This is attempting to boot an installed version from my HD.08:08
ikoniaAndeh: then thats what your limited to08:08
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uber-n00btoo much data too little time08:08
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eckcudgel: the password will be encrypted anyway, although nothing stops you from mounting the disk partitions08:09
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Andehshingoki: thats about as fast as it usually goes but the internet optimiser for windows made it go to 400 kb/s08:09
shingokiAndeh: not for linux, stuff like that tends to be windows, but there's no technical reason it couldn't be done quite easily. Actually you could make one yourself if you buy a shell server login with a good bandwidth allowance08:09
atomikuikonia: doesnt tell me anything08:09
deserteagletom_ install the restricted fonts "windows fonts"08:09
atomikuapart from that it needs an option08:09
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styvyAgony, sorry, no idea08:09
ZamuAnyone running 7.04 on a pc with a 3dfx voodoo 3?08:09
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hyljevoodoo3? what?08:09
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ikoniaatomiku: dpkg -l  grep kernel-header08:09
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shingokiAndeh: anything large you download should be compressed already, and for small stuff that isn't a huge difference08:09
leon_06Is there any way to increase the resolution of the camera in camorama ??08:09
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janpobiqut2: speling :-)08:09
ikoniaZamu: wow - old08:09
BlublobluAnybody? any help?08:09
Clement_Guislainhello everyone!08:09
Clement_GuislainI just downloaded ubuntu desktop i386 7.04 ISO and burnt it, I want to try and use it as a liveCD, but I have a acer aspire 3020, and I heard about a bug on the ATI X-series mobility GPUs (I have X700 mobility), and it is not working at all (blank screen, PC idle). Can anyone help me, or give me a good link? cheers08:09
Caramba_bah...now I've messed something up. I cannot mount my external hard drive from the prompt (in console mode), "mount /dev/sda1 /media/temp" gives me "Mount: only root can do that". Now, what have a foo'd up?08:09
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deserteagleikonia: so no clue as to why my desktop looks so crappy? when i was using vesa drivers it looks good, now with the nvidia drivers it looks crappy :(08:10
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compengiLjL: so i can get good repos for new updates and to be able to install useful software08:10
shwagwhat vnc should I install ?08:10
biqut2janpo, brandon@h3avyps3:~$ ssh -X root@
biqut2root@'s password:08:10
biqut2root@slax:~# kate &08:10
biqut2[1]  1151108:10
biqut2root@slax:~# kate: cannot connect to X server08:10
atomikuE: Couldn't find package linux-headers-2.6.20-1508:10
Bo7aClement_Guislain, use th alternate install iso08:10
ikoniaCaramba_: use sudo08:10
atomikuhow do I add the fiesty repos?08:10
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tom_deserteagle, how do i do that?08:10
Zamuikonia yeah i know. but it works fine in 6.06 but there was something wrong with the driver in 6.10 so i'm hesitant to try 7.04 even though i want to.08:10
ikoniadeserteagle: reconfigure the nvidia ones08:10
compengignomefreak: hi08:10
cudgeleck: ok, here's the thing.  i'm a redhat guy.  i'm totally familiar with the mechanics of booting a system into single-user to recover a password, off a boot disk, whatever.  and i do suppose thats the route i ought to go...08:10
deserteagleikonia: o_O?08:10
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ikoniadeserteagle: what ?08:10
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Caramba_ikonia: Sure I could, but I have to be able to mount a usb-disk without being root, aye?08:10
BlublobluI'm feeling ignored, I'll try ubuntuforums08:10
ikoniaCaramba_: no08:11
cudgeleck: ...i'm just wondering if there's a more "ubuntu" way to go abou this.08:11
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deserteagleikonia: you mean reinstall the nvidia drivers?08:11
biqut2janpo, funny thing is that it works fine the other way around from that machine to this one08:11
ikoniadeserteagle: no - I mean reconfigure them to make sure the settings are right08:11
Caramba_ikonia: Huh? It's done in -mode08:11
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Bo7aClement_Guislain, use th alternate install iso08:11
leon_06Guys ? Logitech quickcam express -> increase resolution in camorama. Possible ???08:11
Phantoms1Please help instal a evodo modem with drivers in feisty08:11
Bo7aoops mispaste sorry08:11
atomikuwhat repo do i need to add to be able to apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.20-1508:11
Caramba_-mode-> x-mode08:11
ikoniaCaramba_: you have to set it up in fstab for that08:11
deserteagletom_: google "ubuntu windows fonts install"08:11
ikoniax-mode ??08:11
Andehshingoki: Would that shell server login be cheaper than upgrading my internet?08:11
ikoniaCaramba_: use sudo08:11
Caramba_graphical mode08:11
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deserteagleikonia: how do i do that? :$08:11
tom_deserteagle, do you use beryl?08:11
eckcudgel: i don't think so08:11
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Clement_Guislainbo7a oh I have to redownload then! will I have the nice Compiz desktop effectswith this version? I mean what is the difference between the normal and the alternate? and can I run the alternate as a liveCD too?08:11
ikoniadeserteagle: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:11
deserteagletom_: used it yes08:11
Caramba_ikonia: don't want to use sudo. what kinda changes have to be done in fstab? got a link to read?08:12
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SargeHello, i need some help dual booting xp with ubuntu 7.04, how do i flag the / drive bootable in the install?08:12
LjL!easysource > compengi    (compengi, see the private message from Ubotu) | this is fine, as always08:12
Bo7ahas anyone tried to have a run at feisty while keeping xorg 7.1? (in order to be able to use ati 8.28 drivers) 3 or 4 'that's not possible' would be very appreciated so i could force myself to give in and go back to a clean edgy install.08:12
ikoniaCaramba_: google for it, the user option is rerequired08:12
deserteagleikonia: i did that, and it is using the nvidia drivers08:12
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tom_How do I set it up like in 6.06 so when I bring a window to the top it automaticall maximizes and i can also pull a maximized window and it become moveable08:12
PriceChildBo7a, not possible08:12
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Bo7aCaramba_, if yuod rather use an actual root login just do sudo passwd once08:12
Huffalump2Restricted Drivers Manager is supposed to be located under System > Administration, right?  What does it mean if it's not listed there?  I can't find it for the life of me and I've even asked another person to make sure I'm not blind, but they didn't see it either.08:12
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Andehshingoki: Would that shell server login be cheaper than upgrading my internet?08:12
ikoniadeserteagle: so check its configured proplery - not just using the drivers08:12
deserteagleSarge: you shouldn't have to08:12
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Bo7athen u can su up08:12
tom_deserteagle, How do I set it up like in 6.06 so when I bring a window to the top it automaticall maximizes and i can also pull a maximized window and it become moveable08:12
ForzaPalermo hey guys..... i cant upgrade to fiesty fawn because its telling me i need about 300mb more of diskspace... but i wanna know what i can uninstall or take out.... i have 5gbs partitioned to kubuntu.... so i really dont know why i even need space08:12
ikoniaAndeh: this is ubuntu support - not internet R us08:12
hmpedersenI have some package dependency problem.. Does anyone know where to find xlibs?08:12
LjLra21vi: err... i still don't get you. how are you going to distribute it to them if you can't burn it and you can't send it to them via internet? =)08:12
PriceChild!attitude > Bo7a08:12
POVaddctCaramba_: put the keyword "user" in the mount options in fstab08:12
janpoBiqut2: It could be because the X server is running "-nolisten tcp" I just dunno how to enable it in ubuntu08:12
deserteagletom_: i don't think beryl would let you configure that08:13
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Andehikonia: My ubuntus crappy internet needs support. Cheer up.08:13
Caramba_bo7a (and everybody else): I have other users on my machine, in console mode. Idon't want to give everybody sudo-access, they *have* to be able to mount from the command line as themsaelves08:13
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ikoniaAndeh: this is not an ubuntu support problem. Your internet conneciton is slow. We can't help with that08:13
Caramba_povaddct: thank you, that's what i was looking for!08:13
biqut2janpo, it is running -nolisten tcp but I can't figure out how to fix that08:13
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tom_deserteagle, do you know what i'm talking about though... the way windows worked in 6.06 standardly?08:13
compengiLjL: sould i tick this      Tick this box to include source repositories ?08:14
jribCaramba_: depending on how you want it to act, either "user" or "users", man mount explains08:14
Bo7aPriceChild, i apologize if somehow my questions put forth an 'attitude' but i thought that getting multiple opinions was the *nix way. i was not saying ikonia was incorrect. i heartily agree. but would rather get a few more opinions(and now i have yours) before doing a complete clean install of an older dist08:14
Andehikonia: Oh, i think it is. When i was running <Other operating system> it was much faster. Are there any common things that might be slowing it down?08:14
Phantoms1Where could I get asistance instaling a evodo modem with drivers in feisty?08:14
=== Clement_Guislain is now known as Voxan
LjLcompengi: only if you intend to compile packages yourself. it won't hurt (aside from making update a tad slower) anyway08:14
PriceChildBo7a, feisty uses xorg7.208:14
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tehquicknessI cannot play mov files08:14
eckCaramba_: also, look at the sudoers man page, it is possible to enable only certain users/groups to use sudo (or to have sudo use the root password) and more08:14
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LjLBo7a, please don't suggest setting a root password08:14
riesseg_yeeeeeeeeees !08:14
ikoniaAndeh: your network drivers may not be great in linux - or may not communitate with your modem/router as well08:14
riesseg_i can install festy :P08:15
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janpoBiqut2: /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc08:15
Huffalump2Everyone else has System > Administration > Restricted Drivers?  I'm the only one who doesn't see that?08:15
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riesseg_alleluia ^^08:15
tehquicknessnvm I think I had a bad .mov08:15
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=== riesseg_ jette des fleurs sur tous les presents
ikoniariesseg_: we get the idea......08:15
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ikoniariesseg_: give it a rest please this is a busy channel08:15
Andehikonia: No, my network drivers dont EXIST for linux, i had a shitty USB Winmodem with the same adsl connection as i have now.08:16
AndehSo i got myself a ADSL ROUTER (one network port so you need to buy a real router too :P) to make internet work with linux.08:16
Caramba_jrieck: thank u 2 for the reply08:16
LjLriesseg_: /join #ubuntu-release-party08:16
ikonia!language >andeh08:16
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Caramba_eck: thank u 2 for the reply08:16
AndehAnd i know its not that thats slowing it down08:16
Phantoms1 I nees asistance instaling a evodo modem with drivers in feisty?08:16
biqut2janpo, I've edited that file so that it says "exec /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100"08:16
deserteagletom_: no clue, i've only used 6.10 and now 7.0408:16
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nicholaslewishi! can anyone give me a hand installing feisty fawn on OS X with Parallels? giving me grief..08:16
janpobiqut2: you might need to restart the X server08:16
kazukais someone in suse08:17
kazukacan someone tell them to unban me?08:17
soniumif I have installed a package that showed up a special config dialog during installation, how can I readisplay this dialog?08:17
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Andehikonia: No, it's actually called Shitty USB Winmodem. Made in Malasia. They probably had a bad translator.08:17
LjLkazuka: that's a tad offtopic. more than a tad.08:17
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ikoniakazuka: no -08:17
biqut2janpo, I did a ctrl+alt+backspc and it still wont work, restarting the whole system doesnt work either08:17
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ikoniaAndeh: STOP using the bad language08:17
ikonia!language >andeh (again)08:17
Andehikonia: Yes, i did. I threw the lovely carp out the window.08:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:18
janpobiqut2: when ssh'ed into the remote system, does "echo $DISPLAY" point back at your client ?08:18
tarelerulzI am trying to get feature in Konqueror that lets you filter what it shows you  in real time the fold and files08:18
ubuhello, i have an i810 and i can't have direct rendering why?08:18
ubui have commented the vesafb option08:18
eckubu: check the xorg log08:18
biqut2janpo, it points to the system I am on which is
Phantoms1I nees asistance instaling a evodo modem with drivers in feisty?:)08:19
Andehikonia: If you fail to see my original question related to ****** winmodems, it was " How can i speed my internet up even more WITHIN linux. "08:19
compengiLjL: does this one looks good? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16614/08:19
ikoniaAndeh: you can't08:19
Andehikonia: i already have some tweaks for firefox08:19
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compengiLjL: or the official one is better?08:19
ikoniaAndeh: its probably a driver releated issue08:19
nicholaslewisDoes anyone know why the error "ACPI : Unable to locate RSDP" appears when trying to install Feisty on OS X with parallels????08:19
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ra21vican i do upgrade with Gnome still running?08:19
ra21viin gnome-terminal08:19
ikoniara21vi: yes but it won't take effect until you restart08:19
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Andehikonia: There ARE no drivers, i said that.08:19
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ra21viikonia: ok08:19
ikoniaAndeh: then how is it working ?08:19
Huffalump2In the Feisty menu, is there supposed to be an item titled Restricted Drivers Manager under System > Administration?  And if so, what does it mean if I don't have that?08:20
LjLcompengi: looks fine, just keep in mind backports might not be too stable (they usually are, though, ime)08:20
ahmedis Feisty using GNOME 2.18?08:20
ra21viahmed: yup08:20
ikoniaahmed: yes08:20
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Andehikonia: An automatic LAN connection thru my ADSL router that i bought  4 linux08:20
Andehi gtg bye08:20
fluidwhat does "enable roaming mode" do in the wireless network manager?08:20
ahmedit just doesn't seem different from Edgy look-wise08:20
snadgeim getting a not enough disk free message trying to upgrade to feisty, however i have 1.2 gig free, is that enough?08:20
biqut2janpo, root@slax:~# echo $DISPLAY08:20
eckHuffalump2: were you running the feisty beta? i think you had to dist-upgrade to get it08:20
ikoniaahmed: its using the ubuntu theme - so will look the same08:21
lavida question: it seems myself and some other people are having an issue with USB drives not being mounted with exec privledges in kubuntu feisty, is anyone having that issue in ubuntu feisty as well? i'd like to include that in the bug report too if so08:21
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LjLsnadge: might not be enough, if you have very many packages installed...08:21
ahmedthanks again08:21
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compengiLjL: well do you appreciate the official one or this one if you were me?08:21
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LjLcompengi: they're not very different. the official one just doesn't include universe and multiverse08:21
nicholaslewisDoes anyone know why the error "ACPI : Unable to locate RSDP" appears when trying to install Feisty on OS X with parallels????08:21
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janpobiqut2: last thing, does the remote system support X-forwarding ?08:21
ra21vishould i remove beryl before upgrading, cuz I installed it from some otehr repo08:22
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Huffalump2eck, I may have unintentionally done precisely that because I could not get the upgrade yesterday until i ran some line command with -d (which I think gave me a beta instead of final).   How would I go about updating from a beta to final, then?  I'd like to be on the same page as everyone else.08:22
mrecnicholaslewis: seems to be a bios problem08:22
LjL!final > Huffalump2    (Huffalump2, see the private message from Ubotu)08:22
q07sa<ra21vi> yes08:22
eckHuffalump2: it should just be: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade08:22
ra21viq07sa: ook08:22
Phantoms1 I need asistance instaling a evodo modem with drivers in feisty?:)08:22
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GunrunI am trying to blank the drive ubuntu is on, I'm using Gparted, and can only delete /dev/hda1, there are two other entries, extended, and linux swap, and I can't delete either of them08:22
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Gunruncan anyone help?08:22
nicholaslewismrec: any ideas on how to correct it?08:22
Huffalump2eck, thanks.  0 packages to install08:22
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eckHuffalump2: the default behavior of apt upgrade is to upgrade installed packages, but not to install new packages -- the dist-upgrade will make apt grab the new things (or remove deprectated things) too08:23
biqut2janpo, ssh_config says "ForwardX11 yes"08:23
Huffalump2Yet, my menu is incorrect.  How can one launch this Restricted Drivers Manager?08:23
gortizsomeone could help me? I have a fat32 partition, I've done a du -sh to check the usage and it says 15G but with df -h I see a 33G08:23
ubueck, here's my config http://www.pastebin.ca/45024408:23
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maddashGunrun: that's probably because the partition you want to kill off is still mounted08:23
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biqut2janpo, btw the host line is "Host *"08:23
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LjLHuffalump2: uhm, dirty trick -- if you're on nvidia at least, try opening Desktop Effects, it should ask you about that. then you'll have the icon for Restricted. at least it happened that way for me08:23
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ra21vihow to do FQDN?08:23
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Gunrunok, so how do I rectify this? maybe I am going about it the wrong way. I basically want a blank drive with no file system, or boot manager08:24
janpobiqut2: What about /etc/ssh/sshd_config ? Does that say X11forwarding = yes too ?08:24
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ra21viapache compalins about not getting FQDN08:24
soothsayCan anyone point me to the system requirements for Feisty Server?08:24
Gunrun(using the live disk btw)08:24
biqut2janpo, ues thats the file I am looking at08:24
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compengiLjL: is feisty's source different from edgy?08:24
Jet2k5hello, I'm looking to try Ubuntu, and if I don't like it, how easy is it to go back to windows?  How hard is it to repartition the hdd and get rid of the bootloader ?08:24
linxehbiqut2: did you do ssh -X ?08:24
LjLGunrun: you want to wipe your HD? dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdwhatever, i'd say08:24
Tarkuswhat do i need to install to get mp3 support? and what is the best alternative to Windows Media Player? is it Realplayer?08:24
biqut2linxeh, yes08:24
gortizany help?08:24
LjLcompengi: yes, it has the word "feisty" instead of "edgy" in the repos names :)08:24
janpobiqut2: I'm out, sorry08:24
Huffalump2LjL, thank you.  I'm sorry to report that I do not see any listing for Desktop Effects either08:24
ahmedsoothsay: 64MB RAM, 500MB diskspace (min)08:24
ububiqut2:you need to ssh -Y otherwise you will get safe x11 and all apps won't work08:25
mrecnicholaslewis: asking parallels if they can check their bios, you might try to boot your box with noacpi nolapic08:25
ra21visoothsay: for server, you can install it anywhere08:25
GunrunLjL and that will allow the person I am selling the PC to to install whatever he wants on it?08:25
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LjLTarkus: if you're on Feisty, just click on an an MP3 file. and you have Totem for playing video.08:25
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eckubu: search for the line that starts with (EE) and then search for that error message on the forums/google08:25
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mrecnop__: s/noacpi/noapic/08:25
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Gunrunand where do I run this? just type what you typed inside terminal?08:25
soothsayahmed: Is there a page with that info?08:25
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compengiLjL: oh.. so i can use my old source but just change the word edgy to fiesty?08:25
Jet2k5does the windows type affect for ubuntu, I think they call it it berely, are those standard or do they require an extensive amount of knowledge of LInux?08:25
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ahmedyes, the release notes08:25
soothsayahmed: (Thanks BTW)08:25
biqut2ubu, -Y and -X?08:25
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LjLGunrun: i'd say so, if they know how to :)08:25
ahmedno problem08:25
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:25
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Phantoms1 I need asistance instaling a evodo modem with drivers in feisty?:)08:25
Phantoms1http://www.zappmobile.ro/data/store/drivers/EVDO_modem/linux/linux-evdo.tar.gz http://www.zappmobile.ro/data/store/drivers/EVDO_modem/linux/linux-evdo.txt08:25
snadgeis it ok to manually apt-get dist-upgrade from edgy to feisty? (since the update tool complains of a disk space error)08:25
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LjLcompengi: if it only had official repositories, yes. but it'll end up being the same as the one that you just generated08:26
ububiqut2, Y is for unsafe and X for save...in unsafe you must trust the server08:26
LjLHuffalump2: dunno...08:26
kazukaanyone using vmware with ubuntu here?08:26
Huffalump2Phantoms1 - you *may* also want to try #ubuntu-ro in case anyone else has Zapp there08:26
vicksi can't get usb to work in feisty, can someone help me? i have installed kubuntu feisty, and nothing happens when i insert usb-peripherals. i can't even install ubuntu (gnome), cause the installation hangs at the end when trying to load the usb-starage module.08:26
fluidhmm..wonder if topousa and the gps i have would work in wine. lol...08:26
=== VR_ [i=NULL@6532238hfc128.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!anyone | kazuka08:26
ubotukazuka: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:26
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Gunrungah sod it I'll just dig out my windows 98 boot disk08:26
kazukasorry then08:26
Melvinatorhey I am running dapper and it hangs when doing APT-GET UPDATE08:26
Melvinatorany ideas why?08:26
kazukawhich one is better fiesty fawn or edgy eft?08:26
Huffalump2LjL - Desktop Effects should supposedly be under System > Administration ?08:27
Melvinatorit resolves the ip for the ubuntu repos08:27
Melvinatorbut it hangs08:27
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fluidMelvinator: because they just released a new ubuntu, and its all slow.08:27
VR_Melvinator, it's too busy probably08:27
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LjLHuffalump2: or preferences, don't remember08:27
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ahmedMelvinator: I don't think dapper to feisty upgrades are possible08:27
LjLHuffalump2: i'm not on gnome usually (including now)08:27
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Melvinatorwell the other problem is that i have 2 packages that will not install08:27
Melvinatorand im not getting any new updates08:27
deathplanterguys, my mate has resolution problem and even editing xorg.conf won't help. what's wrong?08:27
Huffalump2LjL, Ah... thanks08:27
linxehahmed: maybe he was just updating the dapper package list?...08:27
ahmedoh, sorry08:27
ubueck, the only EE is (EE) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable ...it's strange08:27
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Melvinatorahmed, yeah im not trying to upgrade to feisty08:27
linxehyou can always upgrade via edgy anyway08:27
Melvinatorjust trying to get updates08:27
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biqut2ubu, brandon@h3avyps3:~$ ssh -Y root@
biqut2root@'s password:08:28
biqut2root@slax:~# kate &08:28
biqut2[1]  1678608:28
biqut2root@slax:~# kate: cannot connect to X server08:28
ububiqut2 yes08:28
sheaSO, here's an odd one:   after upgrading edgy to feisty, and rebooting, i just get a grub terminal with no error.08:28
Melvinatorare there any mirrors i can use in my sources.list08:28
=== Alexone [n=alex@host183-135-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ububiqut2 that's correct08:28
deathplanterguys, my mate has resolution problem and even editing xorg.conf won't help. what's wrong?08:28
Melvinatorthat might move faster08:28
gortizmhmm a problem with dosfsck.. it says "Leaving file system unchanged."08:28
biqut2ubu, I'm thinking the problem is the -nolisten tp but I can't seen to fix that08:28
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sheai tried to manually load /boot/grub/menu.lst, and it said 'cylinder number too high for bios' or something to that effect.08:28
robert__Anyone with experience with OpenOffice that can tell me how to change  into " ?08:28
ra21viis reiserfs4 incldued?08:29
sheai'm at work now, and the machine is at home, so I can't get the exact message.08:29
almimonihow can i install flashplayer for firefox i tried apt-get but didn't work?08:29
linxehrobert_: search and replace ?08:29
Huffalump2robert__ search and replace?08:29
eckdeathplanter: when X starts up it logs all the information about what happened when it tried to set the resolution, but log file might help you figure out why it won't take the new res08:29
biqut2ubu, everytime it still says cannot connect to X server08:29
ububiqut2,  -nolisten tp???08:29
compengiLjL: can you check this one please http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16616/08:29
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ForzaPalermodoes anyone know how to clear space in kubuntu? i have 5gs dedicated to it, but yet im out o fspace even though all i have on here is the OS... everything else is on my windows partition08:29
frying_fishbiqut2: don't you actually need to do ssh -X not ssh -Y08:29
ububiqut2, did you restart sshd08:29
matkix0s_When I run nvidia-settings and change them it allows me to save to my x config.... but then i restart x server and no luck.... so I'm thinking its not saving it in the correct location.08:29
linxehForzaPalermo: you could try apt-get clean08:29
frying_fishfor x forwarding08:29
ahmedalmimoni: Snyaptic08:29
sheai loaded a live CD and checked /etc/fstab, /boot/grub/menu.lst, and the grub drive mappings, everything checks out; the UUIDs are correct, the drive mapping is correct.08:29
eckubu: i'm not sure what that error message means, but clearly that is the problem08:29
matkix0s_Any ideas?08:29
deathplantereck: where's the log?08:29
ra21vialmimoni: you can also downlaod the plugins from adobe site, and extract it in ~/.mozilla/path/to/plugin08:29
sheajust wondering if anyone else has seen this error08:29
ForzaPalermolinxeh, i did that and also autoremove08:29
ububiqut2, and log out and re-log in08:29
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sheaor, whatever it is08:29
eckdeathplanter: /var/log/Xorg.0.log08:29
linxehForzaPalermo: have you installed lots of packages ?08:29
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biqut2ubu, No i've not restarted sshd08:30
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ForzaPalermolinxeh, only beryl and related stuff nothing else08:30
linxehbiqut2: doh ?08:30
atomikuI managed to mess up my /boot/ and vmlinuz/initrd.img files, how can I make new ones?08:30
ForzaPalermoso i odnt know how i can have 5gs almost eaten up on linux partition08:30
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robert__thx but I want the "-sign to be used when I push shift-2... not the -sign which currently gets written in my docs in OpenOffice...08:30
linxehForzaPalermo: hmm, did you create a swap file or something ?08:30
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ForzaPalermolinxeh, i think so, by default08:30
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eckatomiku: i would try reinstalling the kernel package08:30
Huffalump2robert__ so you don't mean in a particular document, but in a permanent way to modify the character set?08:30
CAiROwhat can be the cause if the screen stays black after booting the feisty fawn live cd? the graphic cards is a geforce 6600 gt08:30
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VR_how do i add something to the kernel command line?08:31
matkix0sAnyone willing to help me with a x config issue not keeping my display settings?08:31
linxehForzaPalermo: that's a swap partition :)08:31
Marupahey everyone, just restarted into feisty, and it came up with the blue 'x cannot start' thing, problem was nvidia driver couldn't load.  It worked perfectly before I rebooted, why is it broken now?08:31
atomikueck: how?08:31
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biqut2brb, i'm going to restart and try it, BTW here is the nolisten problem, brandon@h3avyps3:~$ ps aux | grep nolisten08:31
biqut2root      4647  3.6 15.4  44376 33744 tty7     Ss+  12:51   1:29 /usr/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt708:31
biqut2brandon   5518  0.0  0.4   3024   884 pts/0    S+   13:32   0:00 grep no08:31
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CAiROthe dapper drake live cd boots fine08:31
ForzaPalermolinxeh, ok so what od i do?08:31
linxehForzaPalermo: maybe use the gnome disk usage util or something08:31
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eckVR_: you add it on the grub kernel line08:31
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VR_eck, where's that located?08:31
wheels3572What happens if you have Gaim open and your doing an upgrade?08:31
Huffalump2robert__ try #openoffice.org08:31
linxehForzaPalermo: or you can do a du -sk / | sort -n08:31
Marupawheels3572, nothing.08:31
eckVR_: in your menu.lst, or if you hit e when you're in the grub screen08:31
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VR_eck, and also, is that permanently there when i add it?08:31
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MelvinatorHey is APT-PROXY supposed to be installed in Dapper?08:32
eckVR_: to make it permanent you have to do menu.lst08:32
wheels3572Marupa, will it upgrade Gaim for you if that's the issue?08:32
Jonkkasomeway to play a soundile instead of the pc-speaker beep in the gnome-terminal? my laptop doesnt have any pc-speaker >_<08:32
aurelienghi, I have a problem with my freshly upgraded dapper to edgy. gnome start, then is killed, and back to gdm. Any idea please ?08:32
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ForzaPalermolinxeh, what does that do?08:32
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VR_eck, thanks.  just one more thing... if i want to test it, how do i get to grub?08:32
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eckatomiku: it will be something like linux-image-$(uname -r)08:32
Marupawheels3572, gaim is loaded into memory, the executeable can be altered and the loaded instance of gaim won't be affected until you restart it.08:32
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linxehForzaPalermo: disk usage, summary (in kilobytes) per directory in the directory you give it (ie /)08:32
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atomikueck: okay one minute :D08:33
linxehForzaPalermo: you can then find the biggest, and then work through each until you find out what is eating your space08:33
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ubueck,  dmesg | grep drm gives me this [   84.008000]  [drm:drm_unlock]  *ERROR* Process 5559 using kernel context 008:33
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ForzaPalermolinxeh, its taking a while08:33
eckVR_: when you boot up and you're at the grub screen where you choose what kernel/OS to boot, you can hit e and then edit the parameters grub will boot with08:33
atomikueck: so I apt-get install it, right?08:33
JanK_how to see which process locks a file?08:33
Marupaanyone have any problems with feisty and nvidia?08:33
linxehForzaPalermo: it takes a while to run though as it trawls the directory structure to do it08:33
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matkix0s_When I edit the x config I should save to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" correct?08:33
VR_eck, alright, thanks.08:33
wheels3572Marupa, ok cuz it says close all programs before upgrading to Feisty08:33
Marupamatkix0s, yes.08:33
ForzaPalermolinxeh, thanks ill let u know the output08:33
ra21viwat about the custom compiled kernel in upgradation? should i remove it and then upgrade...08:33
DyegovHi, I have just installed Feisty and I do not know how to use the 3D cube effect08:33
eckatomiku: you probably have to reinstall it -- if the files are missing, installing the package will put them there08:33
matkix0s_Well my settings are not keeping... is there anywhere else I may need to save to?08:33
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DigitalNinjaHow are the servers doing on the second day of Feisty Fawn?08:34
Marupawheels3572, you're supposed to, but it shouldn't hurt you _too_ bad.  worst thing that can happen is you have to clear gaim's preferences.08:34
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atomikuE: Invalid operation reinstall08:34
ra21viDyegov: go into system->Prefereces, and there enable Desktop Effects08:34
MarupaDigitalNinja, they're operable.08:34
atomikulinux-image-2.6.17-10-generic is already the newest version.08:34
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atomikuim currently chrooted though08:34
DigitalNinjaMarupa: Thanks for the info08:34
atomikuon the 6.10 livecd atm08:34
Dyegovra21vi: I have already enabled them, but I do not know how to use the cube08:34
CapaHI am hoping someone can help me out... I have an ATI card, I just finished installing Feisty from a LIVE CD (iso downloaded from ubuntu.com) --- install went fine, but I had to set the video mode using F4 when the LIVE CD started (I set it to 1024x768) --- but now when I boot the comp, it crashes at the splash screen -- I suspect it due to either video drivers or resolution, but xorg.conf is set to 1024x768 --- any ideas?08:34
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eckubu: i am not familiar with that error message08:34
DigitalNinjaMarupa: I'm throwing a Feisty Fawn party at our local LUG meeting tonight08:35
wheels3572Marupa, ok08:35
deobfuscateSo I installed BackTrack2 on my system and it wrote lilo to the MBR. Ubuntu doesn't wanna load up with it can anyone help08:35
MarupaDigitalNinja, cool. :308:35
ra21viDyegov: try ctrl+alt+mouse_left and move08:35
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eckatomiku: there is a --reinstall option08:35
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ubueck: ok thanks for your help08:35
MarupaThis is driving me insane.  I NEED the nvidia drivers and they're crapped up.08:35
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atomikueck: k08:35
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Dyegovra21vi: It does not work08:36
atomikuhow do I use it, eck?08:36
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matkix0sAlright... Can someone who uses nvidia drivers tell me how to change the screen settings and have them stick after a x reboot?08:36
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eckatomiku: i think apt-get --reinstall install some_package08:36
DODrive  ...   Feisty ...     ..  17...     ..   ..   ..08:36
Enselic_Is it possible to reboot from the commandline withouth superuser previliegs?08:36
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ra21viDyegov: actually i m on edgy, i cannt test it, i have beryl installed and it works that way08:36
DigitalNinjamatkix0s: They should just work08:36
Marupamatkix0s, edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:36
atomikueck: sec08:36
eck!ru | DODrive08:36
ubotuDODrive:    #ubuntu-ru       /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke08:36
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Enselic_!ru | DODrive08:36
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matkix0sI have and no go!08:36
matkix0sI reboot and it will not keep08:36
Dyegovra21vi: But I do not have Beryl, it's the one that comes with Feisty08:36
ra21viDyegov: u can also try ctl+alt+left_arrow_button08:36
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DigitalNinjamatkix0s: Are you saving the changes08:37
ra21viDyegov: i know....08:37
Eskim0I have added another partition to my Ubuntu install how do I get it to automount and be R W08:37
eckEnselic_: no, that would be a major problem08:37
DODrivei'm sorry08:37
ra21viDyegov: does it show any effects08:37
compengiDODrive: zaidi v #ubuntu-ru08:37
DigitalNinjaEskim0: You need to edit /etc/fstab08:37
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Enselic_Eskim0: edit /etc/mastab08:37
Dyegovra21vi: yes, it shows all the opther effects08:37
dhgwilli'm curious... my update manager is not working the way it ought to. it told me that i could update to feisty once yesterday, and i clicked update and then decided i didn't have enough time. now it won't show me the button again...08:37
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Enselic_Eskim0: edit /etc/mstab08:37
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biqut2ok I'm back08:37
hmpedersenHow to I make feisty mount cds?08:37
TarkusLjL: yea, but i want something thats good for organizing music and video, playlists, and also looks good. i have helixplayer, i think thats the opensource version of realplayer, not sure though. and i cant play .mp3 files with it. any suggestions?08:37
Enselic_Eskim0: edit /etc/fstab    sorry :)08:37
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bebleuDo you know if there is a howto to install cvscedega 6 ?08:37
dellolinux1excuse me i can comand alsa in terminal ????08:37
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hmpedersenSystem - Administration - Disks doesn't exist, it seems..08:37
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Eskim0compengi thanks  i will tryit08:38
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itguruIs it possible to use a bluetooth headset with ubuntu, instead of headphones?08:38
Dyegovra21vi: the ctrl+alt+lest key made everything dissapear, but the cube was not there08:38
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Enselic_eck: what happens when I shutdown trough the System menu then? Some signal is sent to init or something? I mean, I don'tneed to be su to do that08:38
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ra21viDyegov: some problem bro, ask who is on Feisty08:38
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Dyegovra21vi: Ok thanks08:39
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deserteagle_hello all again08:39
Miasma-Is there a list of bugs discovered since the release of 7.04 anywhere?08:39
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Enselic_Miasma-: check out launchpad08:39
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eckEnselic_: GDM runs as root, and i think GDM is configured to accept commands like that from users who have logged in though gdm08:39
Enselic_!launchpad | Miasma-08:39
ubotuMiasma-: launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's Bounty and Bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:39
DyegovSomeone using Feisty that can help me to use the cube effect? I have already enabled it. . .08:39
ForzaPalermolinxeh, du: `/proc/5251/task': No such file or directory08:39
ForzaPalermodu: `/proc/5251/fd': No such file or directory08:39
ForzaPalermo247133262       /08:39
ForzaPalermothats the output08:39
leroii need a good bittorrent client and i want it to be like utorrent but i dont want to use wine08:39
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leroiany suggestions????08:39
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Miasma-Enselic_: thanks08:39
DesertEaglebit tornado :D08:39
Enselic_eck: ah ok08:39
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Get Beryl08:40
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DesertEaglecould anyone clue me in as to why the restricted nvidia-glx drivers make the monitor look like its only running 8 colors?08:40
eckleroi: you might try http://deluge-torrent.org/08:40
DyegovDigitalNinja: But I have an Nvidia 64MB video card. Don't know if it will work08:40
eckleroi: the interface looks almost the same as utorrent08:40
DesertEagleit's really bugging me =(08:40
leroii have tried deluge but it just seems so buggy08:40
bebleuDo you know if there is a howto to install cvscedega 6 ?08:40
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leroieverytime you do something something else goes wrong08:40
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eckleroi: i generally just use rtorrent08:41
DigitalNinjaDyegov: I don't think so08:41
maccam94bebleu, cvscedega isn't really similar to cedega binaries08:41
mweDesertEagle: maybe you need to tweak xorg.conf08:41
eckit is curses only though08:41
DesertEaglemwe: how so?08:41
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s|ver|ightbebleu, out of curiousity, what game in particular were you looking to run with cedega?08:41
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mwe!nvidia | DesertEagle08:41
ubotuDesertEagle: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:41
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: Is your video AGP or PCI Express08:41
bebleuIt's because cedega is freezing when I click accept :(08:41
DyegovDigitalNinja: But would not the effects that come with Feisty work? all the others do, but not the cube08:41
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biqut2ubu, I restarted the local machine and the remote machine and still it wont work, "root@slax:~# kate: cannot connect to X server"08:41
DyegovDigitalNinja: It is integrated08:41
mweDesertEagle: I think there is some info there. I have an ATI card now08:41
deathplantererm, kde behaves weird-it believes 800x600 is the biggest resolution my monitor can take,how to change it?08:41
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: It should work. I installed Feisty a few weeks ago on my Lap top08:42
itguruhas anyone been able to get thier bluetooth headset working in ubuntu?08:42
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ububiqut2, strange08:42
deathplantererm, kde behaves weird-it believes 800x600 is the biggest resolution my monitor can take,how to change it?08:42
DigitalNinjaDyegov: The cube thing doesn't work that well08:42
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ububiqut2, mabe ask #openssh on freenode08:42
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biqut2ubu, ok08:42
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DyegovDigitalNinja: How do I try to use it? I do not even know how to make it appear. What do I have to press?08:42
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hmpedersenHow do I get feisty to mount DVD-Roms?08:42
szyjezhi all08:42
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Enselic_openSUSE has conquered GRUB, when I enter a GRUB shell and tell GRUB to use root (hd0,1) (where my Ubuntu root partion is), the openSUSE boot menu is still there. Is there something I havn't grasped?08:43
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Enselic_!hi | szyjez08:43
ubotuszyjez: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:43
DesertEaglemwe: when it sasys to click the add button, what do they mean?08:43
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eckhmpedersen: it should be automounted by gnome, if not you can use the mount command08:43
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: Did you turn it on using the "Desktop Effects" dialog box08:43
biqut2ubu, thanx for trying :D08:43
jussi01Hi all, i have a problem, I tried to install kubuntu desktop, but it stopped at  libavahi-compat-libdnssd1. then it gave me an error and it said something about bonjour, so i tried removing that. but it wouldnt let me. the errors are here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16620/08:43
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DesertEaglemwe: there's no "Software Preferences" dialog08:43
hmpederseneck, I can't.. It's complaining about wrong filesystems..08:43
DyegovDigitalNinja: Yes, I did, all the other effects work perfectly08:43
Enselic_jussi01: try #kubuntu08:43
szyjezi upgradet from edge to fiesty and i got some problems08:44
eckEnselic_: yes, grub runs in stages :-) it is hard-coded in the mbr where to look for the stage 1.5 files, including menu.lst08:44
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radioaktivstormhello! im having issues with the 7.04 wireless, it detected my card fine but it doesnt see the wireless network. i tried typing in the eesid but no dice. cna anybody give me som e pointers? (wired works fine thouhg)08:44
DigitalNinjaDyegov: You should have a "pager" in the lower right hand corner of the screen.08:44
Eskim0what does it mean when you get "unknown mime-type for "/etc/fstab" -- using "application/*""08:44
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Enselic_eck: yeah, but doesn't the root (hd0,1) tell it where to look for menu.lst?08:44
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shane634szyjez, specific question?08:44
DigitalNinjaDyegov: It's just like the virtual desktop pager in a normal window manager08:44
eckEnselic_: no -- how would it know to read hd0,1 if it can't read the menu.lst?08:44
DyegovDigitalNinja: I have my 2 workspaces and the bin08:44
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: Click on it and it should rotate08:45
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Enselic_eck: from what I understand, GRUB is hd aware?08:45
DyegovDigitalNinja: No, it jost goes from one to another normally08:45
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fluidwish the caps in beryl could be caps08:45
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Did you enable the "Cube" effect in the dialog box08:45
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Enselic_eck: doesn't one have to tell it where to find menu.lst?08:45
fluiderr desktops08:45
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DyegovDigitalNinja: Yes, I did08:45
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fluidbrain broke for a second there...08:45
eckEnselic_: yes, you do that when you install grub onto the mbr08:45
DesertEagleam i the only one having nvidia driver issues!? O_o08:45
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DesertEaglethe screen looks ugly!08:46
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Log out and log back in and see if that does anything08:46
Miasma-why is`nt there a option to send a window to another workspace ?08:46
shane634DesertEagle, like what?08:46
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s|ver|ightEnselic_ I had a similar problem with the Windows XP bootloader, and it turned out to be an issue with my BIOS setup -- if you have multiple hard drives, the one that GRUB is on must be booted first.08:46
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DyegovDigitalNinja: Ok, I will try, be right back08:46
DesertEagleshane634: screen looks like its only running 8 colors or something08:46
DesertEaglesome color distortion08:46
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Enselic_eck: ok, so to conquer GRUB from SUSE, I need to overwrite the MBR with my own MBR, I can't set the root partion where GRUB should look for menu.lst afterwards?08:46
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:46
shane634DesertEagle, how did you install drivers?08:46
hmpederseneck, It seems I'm wrong.. It's only come dvds.. It mounts my utility discs perfectly.. But not Guild wars nightfall!08:47
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DesertEagleshane634: enabling restricted hardware drivers thing08:47
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shane634DesertEagle, which nvidia card?08:47
DesertEagleright now i'm installing the nvidia-glx-dev package along with all its other children08:47
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eckEnselic_: when you install grub you specify the partition that the menu.lst is on, so you need to reinstall grub to point to the ubuntu partition (you can do this in ubuntu or suse, it doesn't matter)08:47
DesertEagleshane634: GeForce3 Ti 20008:47
szyjezWhat could by not OK when: by the upgrade it my computer crashed, then after a restart i could not login normaly, only after going to recovery mode, making dpkg --config -a , startx, loging out, shoutdown, exit i could normal login to my default user not asa a rooot and on x08:47
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about envy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:48
dhgwillapt-get dist-upgrade says there are no upgrades to be performed...08:48
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dhgwillbut it's not true.08:48
EmxBAdhgwill: me too.08:48
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:48
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EmxBAI have upgraded feisty on wednesday, last time.08:48
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eckEnselic_: actually, you might need to be in ubuntu to do it08:48
EmxBAsince that there were no upgrades?08:48
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eckEnselic_: if you are in ubuntu (or can chroot into it) you can use grub-install08:48
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Enselic_eck: so the root command (from the GRUB shell) is only local to a particular shell session? I thought that command wrote which partion to look in to the MBR...08:48
shane634DesertEagle, which driver are you using?08:48
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dhgwillEmxBA: I didn't even do that! I clicked on the upgrade button once out of curiosity and now it won't come back :(08:48
matkix0sIf i edit the xconfig will it mess up beryl?08:49
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Enselic_eck: nah, how could this be Ubuntu specific?08:49
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shane634matkix0s, yes it can08:49
DesertEaglematkix0s: it shouldn't08:49
DesertEagleoh... nvm then08:49
fluidwhy cant beryl set the transparency of xchat?08:49
EmxBA1356 nicks? channel's not dropping since feisty released.08:49
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matkix0sokay... well i messed it up then! How can I tell beryl to re-edit it?08:49
idefixxis there something special this upgrade  tool does? i ran it and checked manually with apt afaics there is no difference. so does it do anything out of the ordinary, non dpkg related?08:49
joeaminedhi everyone08:49
EmxBAit has 200 users more when edgy was there08:49
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rogue780|laptopcan someone help me with wine? I can run the application from winefiles with no problems, but when I try to run it from a launcher the program comes up with errors then exits (not wine errors, but errors from the program that is loading)08:49
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joeaminedlove to ubuntu !08:49
DesertEagleshane634: using 1:1.0.963108:49
EmxBAidefixx: no, but it changes sources.list so you don't have to edit it08:50
Caramba_hmph...i'm going slightly insane here...i added the line "/dev/sda1 /media/temp ext3 users,noauto 0 0" to fstab. The I reboot (or run sudo mount -a) but I still get the error mount: only root can do that. Now what?  Edgy is my syste08:50
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joeaminedi have a question please08:50
shane634DesertEagle, try the envy script08:50
hossyhi, i'm having some troubles with screen resolution.  i installed ubuntu on an older desktop with an nvidia geforce fx 5200 connected to an lcd tv/monitor that can run 480p or 800x600 via vga.  unbutu is only allowing me to run 640x480, and there's overscan.  how do i fix this?08:50
=== DesertEagle googles
DigitalNinjaCaramba_: Reboot08:50
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eckEnselic_: if there is a way to specify where to look for the 1.5 files you could do that08:50
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:50
idefixxEmxBA: thx, that much i saw ;) - just wanted to double check08:50
Caramba_digitalninja: been there, done that...no effect :(08:50
eckEnselic_: i think the default behavior is to just look in /boot/grub/08:50
student_I cannot view any videos on the msn site08:50
student_how can I see those?08:51
shane634hossy, i run that card just fine here08:51
joeaminedi have a HP laptop (dv6000) with a built in webcam that i can't make work on feisty08:51
EmxBA!codecs > student_  (check private message)08:51
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DigitalNinjaCaramba: Do you have a mount point or directory to mount the partition/drive at08:51
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DesertEaglebleh gonna Ctrl+Alt+Backspace... wish me luck!08:51
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student_I have already installed everything on the RestrictedForats page08:51
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student_as well as Flash08:51
EmxBAgod luck DesertEagle :)08:51
shane634DesertEagle, good luck08:51
DesertEaglethanks! i'll need it :S08:51
student_EmxBA: I did that already08:51
blockyanyone ever heard of someone getting a creative x-fi working in linux?08:51
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DigitalNinjaCaramba_: Do you have a directory where you want to mount the partition/drive at?08:51
EmxBAstudent_: msn.com uses something else than flash? msn.com works for me in firefox08:52
Enselic_eck: yes, the problem is how to tell GRUB where root is?08:52
blockycreative and alsa are just pointing at each other08:52
Enselic_? -> .08:52
Caramba_yeah, that's the /media/temp-directory. it exists. And a sudo in front of "mount /dev/sda1 /media/temp" works like a charm08:52
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Wanderer_is an AMD Turion 64 processor supposed to be dual core?08:52
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deConquick question, what is the easiest way to burn as an iso? i have gnomebaker08:52
hossyshane634: i'm going to assume this has something to do with the monitor i'm connected to.  how do i fix the overscan? is it possible to switch to 480p or 800x600?08:52
joeaminedhow can i make the built in webcam of my HP laptop (dv6000) work in feisty ?08:52
eckEnselic_: usually if I want to change it and I am not in the correct place, I chroot to the install I want to install it from and run grub-install from the chroot08:52
=== deserteagle cries ;_;
student_EmxBA: doesn't for me08:52
gravemindhey guys, I put in a dvd but totem gave me an error message!08:52
Enselic_deCon: I use k3b, it's great08:52
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deserteaglestupid drivers! >_<08:52
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shane634hossy, should be yes08:52
Enselic_deCon: sudo apt-get install k3b08:52
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deConEnselic_, word, thank you08:52
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blockymeanwhile there is no support whatsoever for the carrd08:52
deConhappy holiday everyone08:52
student_EmxBA: give me a page that works for you08:52
DigitalNinjaCaramba_: That's good. Not sure why you couldn't mount it though08:52
hossyshane634: how?08:52
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DigitalNinjaCaramba_: As your self08:53
Enselic_deCon: you too08:53
shane634hossy, look under Applications Sys tools Nvidia settings08:53
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EmxBAbih.net.ba perhaps, it has some flash on the main page, student_08:53
styvyWanderer_, defenetly not08:53
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Caramba_digitalninja: nope, me neither. the user-option in the line should do the trick, right?08:53
crowHow to put "WPA(PSK)" mode in WIreless configuration i cant get this one working08:53
Gorilawhat up all08:53
EmxBAhi Gorila08:53
radioaktivstormcan anyone help out with the wireless? driver seems to have been recognized \o/ but it doesnt see the networks eesid08:53
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joeaminedhow can i make the built in webcam of my HP laptop (dv6000) work in feisty please ? :(08:53
Caramba_what about permissions for the /dev/sda1 and /media/temp?08:53
GorilaI have a simple question08:53
shane634crow, wpa supplicant??08:53
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instabinMy trying to connect my Ubuntu 7.04 to my Ipcop open vpn. I have installed network-manager-openvpn and the openvpn packages. Now when i click on my connection manager in the tray it allowed me to configure my vpn but it wont let me connect08:54
deConya, i know nothing of permissions yet.08:54
DigitalNinjaCaramba_: I forget what goes where in fstab. There should be a user setting but then there may be other settings you need to apply for it to work08:54
DyegovDigitalNinja: It did not work08:54
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EmxBAone q, will my wifi card that has atheros chipset work with ubuntu? I've seen that there's no need for ndiswrapper and card works natively08:54
Gorilawhats the best emule version for linux ???08:54
Dyegovand some times it crashes my pc08:54
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hossyshane634: i'm not finding nvidia settings, do i have to download this or is it on the livecd?08:54
DigitalNinjaDyegov: well, get beryl08:54
fluidthink i fixed this...08:54
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: Like I was telling you. Mine doesn't work ether08:54
shane634hossy, which nvidia driver are you using?? the default one?08:54
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Bloubiboulgawhat image should i download for an intel core 2 duo 64bits? the amd-64 one?08:54
DyegovDigitalNinja: But are you sure that Beryl with work with my video card?08:54
DigitalNinjaDyegov: It worked for a while but for some reason it doesn't work any more08:54
GorilaI have a hp pavilion dv2000 and my wifi card works perfect08:54
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gravemindwhat player do I need to play dvds?08:55
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deobfuscateIs there no mondo in Fesity08:55
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thickeycan someone help me get the feisty liveCD working on my Macbook Pro..  Having GDM issues08:55
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idefixxare there any official torrents and where can i download them?08:55
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Well, maybe08:55
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davidwinterhi all.08:55
deobfuscateI can apt-get install mondo but it wont run, I dont see it in the feisty packages either08:55
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shane634gravemind, mplayer or totem08:55
joeaminedGorila, is your built in webcam working ?08:55
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Jaykarhi, sorry to be a whining newbie, would anyone be able to help me with how to get Beryl+XGL working in fiesty with ATI 200M?08:55
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DyegovDigitalNinja: Ok, how do I get it without messing my pc?08:55
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Caramba_The file /dev/sda1 has the permissions/flags "brw-rw----" and belongs to root,plugdev. Would this affect the mounting?08:55
hossyshane634: under device manager it says NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] 08:55
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eckinstabin: i would just run the openvpn daemon rather than use NM, i have had a lot of problems with network-manager-vpnc, i'd imagine openvpn is the same way08:55
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Well, that's the trick08:55
Goriladont know I installed this last version only a hour ago08:55
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hossyshane634: i'm going to assume generic, this was a clean install that i haven't touched08:56
DigitalNinjaDyegov: Got the the beryl website and follow the instructions08:56
blockyis this sound card just plain not supported?08:56
davidwinterMy /home directory is stored on a separate hard drive. if I do a clean install of Feisty, without touching that extra hdd, once set-up, should I have any problems switching over /home to my other hdd?08:56
shane634hossy, pastebin your xorg.conf file08:56
gravemindshane634: thanks08:56
Gorilacheking things but didnt check the camera08:56
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DigitalNinjaDyegov: If you arn't sure what to do I would recommend not doing it08:56
DyegovDigitalNinja: Ok, thanks for your help, bye08:56
GGLandHi , can someone help me a bit with fonts ? The problem its that i have normal font size @ pannels , icons etc , but font @ programs like skype / Xchat its too small , any ideas ?08:56
telef0ndoes someone know how i can mount a container with TrueCrypt ?08:56
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects08:56
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itguruI'm having some issues playing videos. I can see the first half second, then it blacks out08:56
shane634gravemind, anytime man08:56
fluidonly way to get beryl/fglrx working in feisty is to install xserver-xgl, and the real proprietary ati drivers08:56
qaldunewow i've just upgraded to feisty and it seems like nothing has changed...08:56
qilantoI installed 7.04 beta, do I have to change anything now the final version is out, to keep it updated?08:56
ber1i just upgraded to feisty fawn and my computer became significantly slower. for instancechanging a tab in firefox will now freeze my music player for a second. whats going on?08:56
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slyfoxIs it possible to minimize Evolution to tray ?08:56
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GorilaIm running the final version08:56
moxieAnyone know how to make the update manager follow symbolic links when evaluating free disk space?  It won't upgrade to fiesty because it says it needs more free disk space on /var/cache/apt/archives, but /var/cache/apt is a symlink to a partition with 4GB of free space.08:57
shane634berl may be a bug08:57
Gorilaand for all the things I tryed everythings works great08:57
Kevinhello I just tried to install ubuntu fiesty and it didnt work and it ate my windows08:57
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GGLandHi , can someone help me a bit with fonts ? The problem its that i have normal font size @ pannels , icons etc , but font @ programs like skype / Xchat its too small , any ideas ?08:57
shane634ber1, which music player?08:57
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Kevinwhen i tried intalling it quit saying 100% of the disk was in use08:58
thickeycan someone help me get the feisty liveCD working on my Macbook Pro..  Having GDM issues08:58
thickeycan someone help me get the feisty liveCD working on my Macbook Pro..  Having GDM issues08:58
thickeycan someone help me get the feisty liveCD working on my Macbook Pro..  Having GDM issues08:58
Kevinthen quit08:58
slyfoxIs it possible to minimize Evolution to tray ?08:58
thickeyoops sorry08:58
hossyshane634: the pc isn't connected to the net, what part am i particularly interested in?08:58
ber1shane, rhythmbox. but its all over my comp - that was just an example08:58
jay2aniaKevin: do you know if it overwrote your partition, or if windows is simply just missing from bootup options in grub?08:58
ber1shane, also, brb, sry08:58
thickeynow i suck :(08:58
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shane634hossy, the driver section08:58
crowshane634 i dont know what suppliciant mean "but my router use WPA(PSK) mode with WPA mode: WPA1 ; WPA Algorithms: RC4; WPA PSK password08:58
Kevinjay2ania, my partition is still there, but ubuntu didnt finish installing, it just quit08:58
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hossyshane634: "nvidia corporation nv34 [geforce fx 5200]  driver "nv"08:58
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shane634crow, wpa supplicant is a package in synaptic08:59
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Kevinjay2 now i cant install ubuntu and i cant fixmbr on vista08:59
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DigitalNinjacrow: "suppliciant" is the tool or application that allows you to do WPA in Linux. I think. It's been a while08:59
shane634hossy, have a look at the envy script to install the newest nvidia drivers08:59
titunhow do I play a video in firefox/opera from http://www.apple.com/quicktime/guide/hd/,08:59
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crowshane634 i dont have net to install that :(08:59
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shane634hossy, google up envy08:59
titunit is H.264 HD video08:59
LjLTarkus: something that organizes music *and* video, uhm. i guess the best i can do is give you this list08:59
shane634crow, it is on the live cd09:00
LjL!players > Tarkus    (Tarkus, see the private message from Ubotu)09:00
mpfeif101Hi there.  I recently installed Ubuntu Feisty and am quite pleased with it.  However, I have tried and cannot get Beryl/Compiz to work, even though I have a good computer (2 gigs of ram, ATI Radeon X1600 vid card).  When I go to System -> Preferences -> Desktop Effects and enable desktop effects or whenever I launch Beryl, the screen just goes white (the only thing I can see is my mouse).  Can anyone help?09:00
slyfoxIs it possible to minimize Evolution to tray ?09:00
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titunand the browser plugin is only available for Mac & XP09:00
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hossyshane634: is this on the livecd?09:00
abois fiesty out?09:00
shane634hossy, no envy is not09:00
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jay2aniaKevin: can you boot into livecd with an available burner?09:00
Kevinabo, yes and dont install it09:00
aboKevin, why not?09:00
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Kevinjay2ania yes,09:00
erstaziduring upgrade from Edgy Eft 6.10 to Feisty Fawn 7.04, there is a message for replacing /etc/login.defs, I read that I won't lose any information, is this true?09:01
Kevinabo, it didnt install properly09:01
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moxie...or is it possible to force the upgrade manager to start an upgrade, even if it thinks there's not enough disk space?09:01
hossyshane634: thanks, i'm downloading right now09:01
abook .. giving it some days ...09:01
mpfeif101slyfox: check out AllTray: http://alltray.sourceforge.net/09:01
shane634erstazi, i didn't lose anything09:01
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Lebowski_I just installed 7.04 on PPC Mac and when I restart I dont get a boot screen... directly boots to OSX09:01
jay2aniathere is a grub livecd/restore cd that lets you boot different partitions, im trying to remember where it was09:01
erstazishane634: that's what I figured, but I have to be paranoid with the amount of money on this box.09:02
szyjezCan I do a reupgrade ? or a fix of distro ?09:02
shane634hossy, when you get it run sudo envy -g for graphical interface09:02
Kevinabo, actually it didnt finish installing, and it messed up my partition table, I cant fix it with windows tools09:02
slyfoxmpfeif101: thanks, I am thinking betwen evolution or thunderbird 2. Which one do you use ?09:02
shane634erstazi, haha true09:02
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alprrhello guys09:02
alprri need a help concerning my notebook :S09:02
erstazishane634: it is rare for a linux distro to ask to keep a file so I was on alert09:02
alprrand ubuntu feisty fawn09:02
weeboHow do I set a root password for a installation that had NO root password during the initial install?09:03
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DigitalNinjaI'm running an ubuntu server. I used the server CD. How do I get a new kernel? When I type "apt-get upgrade" it doesn't include a new kernel.09:03
ompaul!root | weebo09:03
ubotuweebo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:03
alprrcheck the last post pls: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2493364#post249336409:03
hossyshane634: thanks09:03
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erstazishane634: usually, thats a M$ message kind of thing... "do you want to do this?" "well, yeah I clicked it duh"09:03
fiXXXerMe1How do I display the trash folder on the desktop in 7.04?09:03
jay2aniaif you can boot into the livecd, you should be able to look at the partition table with either cfdisk (like DOS fdisk) or the gnome partition tool.09:03
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mpfeif101slyfox: Neither, I use gmail (webmail).  If I am correct, use Evolution if you just want a simple mail client, Thunderbird if you are a more advanced user (and could use the themes/extensions/etc).  Both fundamentally do the same thing tho09:03
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DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: That's not easy to do09:03
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DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: Hold on09:04
jay2aniathats gparted,09:04
fiXXXerMe1DigitalNinja: Really?  Why not?09:04
KevinUBUNTU FEISTY corrupted my vista install09:04
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erstazislyfox: gmail is great, its open to the public right now09:04
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shane634erstazi, yeah this is the first ubuntu i have seen it in lol09:04
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dhgwillif i want to upgrade from edgy to feisty by cd, do i use the alternate cd?09:04
iratikmy amd is not a 64 bit processor ... should i use the i386 or the amd64 installer?09:04
shane634hossy, is it working for ya?09:04
modociratik: i38609:04
erstaziiratik: i38609:04
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mpfeif101Kevin, explain more please.  What happens when you try to boot Vista?09:04
DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: You need to edit the Gnome "registry"09:04
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fiXXXerMe1Got a link?09:05
DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: Can't remember the name of the tool that does that09:05
hossyshane634: i'm moving a little slow, downloading from one pc, moving via usb disc, working with realllllly low res on ubuntu, one sec09:05
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erstaziKevin: doesn't it go to a boot then an OS selection list?09:05
ompaulfiXXXerMe1, so you do show hidden files from  nautilus and it is your home as .Trash09:05
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Caramba_Hmph...oh, well, everybody, using pmount instead of mount everything went A-OK, no need to be root, as long as the fstab-entry is fine. Too simple...Thanks to all who participated in the discussion!09:05
DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: I'm thinking09:05
shane634hossy,  that is cool man09:05
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riaalI have an empty ntfs partion on my main hdd, how do I format it to ext3?09:05
ompaulDigitalNinja, you were so wrong09:05
slyfoxmpfeif101: erstazi: I also use fully gmail and all is there, I use, google reader and picasa web and google calendar, but I read this today http://lifehacker.com/software/search/google-announces-web-history-253966.php    and this is just too much. Read the post by coolbeing too in the comments. I think I will jsut use fastmail imap service. Seperate service for seperate task.09:05
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kosnickduring upgrade i get an error like "can not fetch from htp://security ...... " and it also says "this is probably a network error" . Any suggestions?09:05
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shane634riaal, gparted is good09:06
DigitalNinjaompaul: What was I wrong about09:06
Jowianyone using gxmame? I've set the rom dir. "rebuild games list" finds no games "audit all games" do. Still no games in the list though. anyone know a fix?09:06
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hossyshane634: at the same time i'm trying to figure out why it won't connect to a wireless network...it's not even a wpa thing09:06
ompaulDigitalNinja, read my answer for fiXXXerMe109:06
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shane634hossy, which wireless card?09:06
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:06
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DigitalNinjaompaul: He want's to see his trash icon on the desktop09:07
kosnickis there any specific channel for upgrade help?09:07
DigitalNinjaompaul: How did you fix that problem?09:07
Fe2Cl3question: can I upgrade from cdrom using the regular cd (not alternate)? if so how :)09:07
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iratikWow .. I really admire those who help people in this channel09:07
iratikits like a battlefield here09:07
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GGLandHi , can someone help me a bit with fonts ? The problem its that i have normal font size @ pannels , icons etc , but font @ programs like skype / Xchat its too small , any ideas ?09:07
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furuupport here?09:07
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Kevinmpfeif101, i tried installing ubuntu feisty, it quit at about 74% and said the disk was 100% in use, thats all, I rebooted and i can't boot my vista os. I loaded the tools from windows cd and did fixmbr and it wont work. I tried RebuildBcd wich rebuilds the bootloader for windows and it says that it does not recognize aany compatible volumes09:07
furuany support here?09:07
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mpfeif101True slyfox.  I guess just try both Thunderbird and Evolution and see which one you like better09:07
WaZ`Fe2Cl3: just put the CD in the tray, it should recognize it as a cd with repositories09:07
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aheadwhat's wrong09:07
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ompaulDigitalNinja, do a ln -s ~user/.Trash ~user/Desktop/Trash09:08
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fiXXXerMe1DigitalNinja, ompaul:  Found it in my home.09:08
shane634furu, for what?09:08
DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: gconf-editor09:08
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fiXXXerMe1good idea, ompaul09:08
slyfoxmpfeif101: thanks.09:08
ShaunyHey guys i need help09:08
ompaulfiXXXerMe1, bad idea you already have it on the bottom right hand corner09:08
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fiXXXerMe1It isn't on mine09:08
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fiXXXerMe1There it is09:08
shane634Shauny, we need a question?09:08
fiXXXerMe1That little thing......09:08
Fe2Cl3WaZ`: but just installing them thru synaptic is enough? anyway i thought that it isn't (wanted to do it properly with update-manager) closed synaptic and now it won't autorun09:08
underwatercowif I restart my computer remotely on remote desktop, will I be able to remote or ssh back in once my computer boots to the login screen?09:08
=== fiXXXerMe1 is embarrassed.
ScuniziCan any of you lend a hand with getting my atheros wireless working on fiesty xubuntu?  It's recognized, shows up in network manager, and has the restricted drivers activated yet I get nothing. DHCP enabled, hardwired nic card disabled etc..09:09
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DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: "gconf-editor" is the tool you use to edit the Gnome registry. There is a setting to show the trash, home folder, and computer icon on the desktop09:09
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shane634Scunizi, pastebin iwconfig09:09
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WaZ`Fe2Cl3: what does it say when you try update-manager?09:09
DigitalNinjafiXXXerMel: It's kind of hard to find the settings because there are so many of them09:09
fiXXXerMe1That sounds cool.  I want to make this as much like windows for my user as possible.09:10
Shaunyi was on here earlier and told to install pam-mysql for something that i was doing, after downloading it and running ./configure it failed... i will post the log if thats ok?09:10
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mpfeif101Kevin: do you have the vista cd?09:10
Scunizishane634: ok.. I'll be back .. machine in another room not connected to internet09:10
mpfeif101dvd i mean09:10
iratikShauny: use paste09:10
shane634Shauny, i have no clue on that09:10
weebothank you ubotu for Sudo tip09:10
Kevinmpfeif101 yes09:10
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shane634Scunizi, that is cool09:10
jribShauny: what are you trying to do?09:10
Fe2Cl3WaZ`: nothing special. has the button to upgrade through the internet (it does just that, I checked)09:10
Kevinmpfeif101 yes the dvd09:10
mpfeif101boot into it09:10
Kevintok there09:11
zainkaHi. Problems with mounting a NTSC and FAT partition on same disk as my Ubuntu partition. The NTSC contains w2k, the FAT partition is only for data. What can be the problem. I am using sudo09:11
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WaZ`Fe2Cl3: try "sudo apt-get update" in console09:11
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Kevinmpfeif101 ok im booted into it09:11
mpfeif101One second Kevin09:11
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Shaunyiratik u mean conventional copy and paste? jrib im messing around with ubuntu because im trying to see if it is feasible to have multiple computers connected to one central database for usernames and passwords without using windows09:11
hossyshane634: Your operative System does not seem to be supported by Envy09:11
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furuI try to installed a program.. I get this message "no application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file"09:12
iratikshauny: yes its feasible09:12
furuany help?09:12
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Fe2Cl3WaZ`: and there is no /cdrom/cdromupgrade so no gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade". well, it update the repos09:12
iratikbut this isn't sysadmin school here09:12
shane634hossy, which are you running fiesty? edgy? dapper?09:12
ubotuYou should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu - it causes unrequired scrolling which is unfair on new users. The same goes for using noisy away messages (see !Away for more details): use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently09:12
jribShauny: ok.  Are you trying to install libpam-mysql?09:12
DigitalNinjaShauny: You can do that09:12
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iratikshauny: lookup ldap09:12
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ompaul^ superbear  _packetscan  please check nickspam thanks09:12
l_rdoes 7.04 have any wireless management tool with gui, handling WPA-PSK?09:12
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:12
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Shaunyiratik shall i PM you with the contents of the log?09:12
DigitalNinjaShauny: Yup, iratik i was just about to say that09:13
hossyshane634: fiesty09:13
mpfeif101and kevin, you've tried just running FDISK /MBR from the repair prompt?09:13
l_rwhat's the default kernel version in 7.04?09:13
WaZ`Fe2Cl3: I didn't quite get that, did it update your package list?09:13
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Fe2Cl3WaZ`: yes. updated*09:13
furu I try to installed a program.. I get this message "no application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file"09:13
shane634hossy, make sure you get the envy for fiesty then09:13
furucan someone help me?09:13
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:13
WaZ`Fe2Cl3: try launching update-manager again09:13
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hossyshane634: i think i was running and older version09:14
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:14
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iratikShauny: you can ... but i can't guarantee I can solve all your problems09:14
Kevinmpfeif101, that is not an option in vista, but they do have fixmbr, and fixboot09:14
shane634hossy,  there is one for fiesty now09:14
hossyshane634: confirmed, i was running a way old version09:14
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Fe2Cl3WaZ`: it has the button to upgrade edgy to feisty thru the internet, but not through the cd09:14
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shane634hossy, cool get the newest one on the site and try again09:14
VSpikeIs there any tool to compare a CD to an ISO, to check it burned right?09:14
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mpfeif101Hmm, Kevin try this link http://support.microsoft.com/kb/92739209:15
NessieliberationFe2Cl3, you can do it from the alternate CD09:15
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backzWhat version of ruby is using someone running ubuntu linux 6.06 LTS? The 1.8.2-1 (default from ubuntu) or the last one, compiled from source. I'll install it on a dedicated server.09:15
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Shaunyi have pasted it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16625/09:15
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superbearompaul: nickspam?09:15
shane634hossy, i have that same card running over 7k fps and full 3d09:15
GambaroniWould I use aigxl or XGL if I have: radeon mobile 9600?09:15
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Fe2Cl3Nessieliberation: yeah i saw that it alternate only after i downloaded the regualr :P well, I guess i'll redownload09:15
Slikehi there! i want to install feisty, but i'm not sure what i'm going to install , 32bit or 64bit. are there still issues with that 64bit edition for desktop use (flash,wine,...)?09:15
ompaulsuperbear, changing your nick in a channel with 1k+ resisdents is not good09:15
LoweVSpike: while booting the cd, there's an option to check the cd09:15
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WaZ`Gambaroni: depends if you're using radeon driver or fglrx09:15
jribSlike: flash and java plugin and wine are headaches on 64bit09:15
superbearompaul: ah ok sry09:15
mrecSlike: do you have an amd64?09:16
ringoGambaroni: XGL works for my mobility09:16
rohani have plain ubuntu (gnome) installed. i want to install kubuntu. i am not on linux now, so is there any way i can generate a list of packages to be downloaded ?09:16
shane634Slike, 64 is getting much better09:16
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Slikei have a core2 duo laptop09:16
GambaroniWaZ` ok. What for what? :p09:16
VSpikeLowe: true.. i was trying to avoid rebooting right now :)09:16
Kevinmpfeif101 , yes I have tried all that, none of it works09:16
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WaZ`Gambaroni: radeon = AIGLX, fglrx = XGL09:16
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GambaroniWaZ` ok, ty =)09:16
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LoweVSpike: ok :), i've no idea...09:17
jribShauny: you want to install libpam-mysql, correct?09:17
WaZ`np :)09:17
mpfeif101rohan, go into synaptic and install kubuntu-desktop09:17
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tyrealhi people09:17
Shaunyi was told pam-mysql is libpam-mysql avail fru apt-get?09:17
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rohanmpfeif101: true, i can do that. but i am at work now, where i can download packages. but here ubuntu is not installed09:17
GambaroniWhat is best then WaZ`?09:17
jribShauny: yes09:17
jrib!info libpam-mysql | Shauny09:17
ubotushauny: libpam-mysql: PAM module allowing authentication from a MySQL server. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.6.2-1 (feisty), package size 20 kB, installed size 76 kB09:17
colbertSuddenly Opera has stopped running: http://pastebin.ca/450309   someone help ??09:17
hossyshane634: the gui was too big to view on the ridiculous resolution, so i ran textual.  it threw an error when i tried to auto install.  retried by uninstalling driver, then clean install. killed xserver and went to text, load failed09:17
tyreali didnt setup berly/compiz on ubuntu feisty09:18
mpfeif101Kevin, I don't know what else to recommend... maybe just a Vista repair installation?09:18
tyrealmy video card ati x130009:18
mpfeif101You might get better help in a Windows support place rather than a Linux one09:18
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shane634hossy, you on another messenger?? msn?09:18
furu I try to installed a program.. I get this message "no application suitable for automatic installation is available for handling this kind of file"09:18
Kevinmpfeif101, there is an option to do ScanOs, ut sees the windows installation, but all attempts fto fix it wont work09:18
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hossyshane634: mirc09:18
l_rdoes it exist ubuntu in dvd version?09:18
Okiwebhi, im having problems after the installation of my 7.04 : its a fresh install, the problem is that when i put my native resolution on the screen looks all weird, the pc is a laptop and my native resolution is 1400*1050. Can anyone help my please ?09:18
furuany help from someone?09:18
WaZ`Gambaroni: well fglrx is proprietary, radeon is free... performance wise I think fglrx is better, but I'm no driver expert09:18
hossyshane634: i have aim09:18
kahrytanyes l_r09:18
gonzaloaf_workhello how to upgrade to feisty using the cd?09:18
jrib!ask | furu09:18
ubotufuru: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:18
cyrisCan I upgrade to Feisty from Edgy via iso image ?09:18
shane634hossy, yahoo?09:18
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GambaroniWaZ` ok, then aigxl or xgl?09:18
hossyshane634: no09:19
Kevinmpfeif101, well i figured since ubuntu screwed up on installation someone would already know09:19
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rohancan someone please paste the output of 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop --print-uris'  (on a plain gnome ubuntu system with kubuntu not already installed)09:19
LoweWaZ`: fglrx is much faster!09:19
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shane634hossy, click my name and open dialog09:19
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l_rkahrytan, where?09:19
WaZ`Gambaroni: but if you use Feisty, go for radeon, as fglrx doesn't support composite09:19
l_rkahrytan, i only seee links to the dvd version09:19
mpfeif101yea Rohan i'll do that right now09:19
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furui try to installed a poker klient.. but it wan't work09:19
ompaulKevin, to be honest I bought a couple of boxes for myself and for work recently and any trace of *that thing* is gone09:19
WaZ`Lowe: I heard it was discontinued for older cards09:19
GambaroniWaZ` ok09:19
mpfeif101and Kevin, sorry I have no more ideas :(09:19
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Okiwebhi, im having problems after the installation of my 7.04 : its a fresh install, the problem is that when i put my native resolution on the screen looks all weird, the pc is a laptop and my native resolution is 1400*1050. Can anyone help my please ?09:19
rohanmpfeif101: thanks a lot :)09:19
ShaunyI have justenabled the universe repository that it is on but it cannot find it09:19
kahrytanYou can download ubuntu dvd09:19
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jribShauny: what version of ubuntu?09:19
Kevinmpfeif101 ok thanks09:19
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tristanmikeSorry to be hassle, but where would I find the key commands for "Desktop Effects" in Feisty09:20
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AaronMTOh god all synap* servers are down09:20
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WaZ`Gambaroni: for games, and not beryl/compiz, go for fglrx though ;-)09:20
joeaminedhey folks09:20
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:20
sanityxI can't get the feisty live CD booted on my laptop. 6.06 and 6.10 work just fine.09:20
Shaunyjrib, edgy09:20
shwaganyone try to key a linksys wusb54g working ?09:20
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aheadI can't install flashplayer9.0 to firefox who can help me09:20
GambaroniWaZ` ok :P09:20
joeaminedplease i need some help09:20
furui try to installed a poker client.. but it wan't work09:20
cyrisCan I upgrade to Feisty from Edgy via iso image ?09:20
diabolixdoes ubuntu have a counter of how many iso's where downloaded/torrented?09:20
LoweWaZ`: the radeon driver and beryl is not good too... way to slow...09:20
tristanmikesanityx: ok, wasn't sure if ubuntu-effects pertained to default effects, thanx09:20
jribShauny: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please09:20
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kbrosnanahead: how are you installing it?09:20
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mpfeif101Rohan, here it is:09:20
thapajoeamined: your question?09:20
kahrytanl_r: Looking for this - http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/09:21
mpfeif101The following extra packages will be installed:09:21
mpfeif101  adept adept-batch adept-common adept-installer adept-manager adept-notifier09:21
mpfeif101  adept-updater akregator amarok amarok-xine apport-qt ark arts bogofilter09:21
mpfeif101  bogofilter-bdb bogofilter-common debtags digikam enscript fftw309:21
mpfeif101  gtk-qt-engine gwenview hwdb-client-kde k3b kaddressbook kaffeine09:21
mpfeif101  kaffeine-xine kamera karm katapult kate kbstate kcontrol kcron kde-guidance09:21
colbertSuddenly Opera has stopped running: http://pastebin.ca/450309   someone help ??09:21
mpfeif101  kde-guidance-powermanager kde-icons-mono kde-style-polyester09:21
fluideek! dvd playback is chuuuuunky and dma is enabled...grr09:21
mpfeif101  kde-systemsettings kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdebase-bin kdebase-data09:21
mpfeif101  kdebase-kio-plugins kdebluetooth kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs-data09:21
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WaZ`Lowe: well I heard it was fine, but im using fglrx ;-)09:21
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wlan - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:21
WaZ`Lowe: but Beryl-XGL is buggy under feisty09:21
rohanmpfeif101: please paste it on pastebin.com :)09:21
lolman!spam | mpfeif10109:21
ubotumpfeif101: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam, !AskTheBot - and most importantly, use common sense :-)09:21
boubbinsomething i can read that can help me to configure my wlan card ?09:21
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jribmpfeif101: use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org to make large pastes please, you will be unmuted shortly09:21
Okiwebhi, im having problems after the installation of my 7.04 : its a fresh install, the problem is that when i put my native resolution on the screen looks all weird, the pc is a laptop and my native resolution is 1400*1050. Can anyone help my please ?09:21
GambaroniWaZ` is the radeon driver located in any package?09:21
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telef0ncan someone tell me how to mount a container (TrueCrypt) ?09:21
WaZ`Gambaroni: you allready have it09:21
LoweWaZ`: i've tried it myself, didnt work well...09:21
southafrikanseI have a sound problem that was working before but I had to reinstall Ubuntu and now I don't have sound on Ubuntu09:21
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barktpolarHow do I get build-essentials09:22
WaZ`Gambaroni: but listen to Lowe, he seems to know the differences better09:22
GambaroniWaZ` ok, then it is just to install aigxl with beryl?09:22
southafrikanseI've been here already and my problem was fixed09:22
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shane634hossy, can you private me here?09:22
boubbinsomething i can read that can help me to configure my wlan card ?09:22
AaronMTAre there any sound effects in Ubuntu, all I hear are system beeps?09:22
LoweWaZ`: beryl-xgl is solid as a rock, when you use version 0.2.009:22
southafrikanseSo I need help again09:22
ringoOkiweb: Go to system->preferences->screen resolution and report back what res its running at currently09:22
fluidexited beryl, and that chunky issue went away...thats sad. hehehe09:22
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ompaulbarktpolar, it has no s at the end - sudo apt-get install build-essential09:22
hossyshane634: i msged you09:22
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sanityxI cant get fiesty booted at all :-(09:22
shane634hossy, hmm i didn't get it09:22
Okiwebringo, 800*60009:22
WaZ`Lowe: when I tried feisty a week or so ago, I got quite a few bugs09:22
barktpolarI can't shut down properly either09:22
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mpfeif101Rohan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16626/09:23
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ringoOkiweb: If there is not an option in that perference window to change to your native res, you need to add your native res to xorg.conf09:23
southafrikanseI have no sound. Anyone can help me?09:23
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LoweWaZ`: with the version from de universe-repository?09:23
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GambaroniWaZ` ok, then how do I install fglrx?09:23
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Lowei mean beryl-version?09:23
AaronMTyeah all i get are system beeps, I think ubuntu has no sounds09:23
ringoopen terminal,  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  scroll down, you will see a list of resolutions, just add 1400Xwhatever, save, restart09:23
WaZ`Lowe: no, ubuntu.beryl-project.org09:23
Shaunyjrib, i'm using 6.10 Edgy09:23
swhi guys any DVD version of feisty available in torrent ?09:23
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hendaussomebody help me please!09:23
Scunizishane634: ok... I've pasted the info to pastbin on wireless connection ie iwconfig.09:23
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barktpolarI mean when I shut down, I have to literaly turn off the power instead of Ubuntu turning it off for me09:23
jribShauny: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please09:23
ThaurinHow do you change the desktop resolution in KDE?09:24
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cablesWhat are the disadvantages of setting "password dialogs as floating windows" in accessibility preferences?09:24
shane634Scunizi, paste a link here09:24
Kaplan_where is the feisty  out of beta????09:24
sanityxKaplan_, ubuntulinux.com09:24
GambaroniWaZ` would it just be to install aigxl and beryl, no driver settings or anything like that?09:24
jribKaplan_: www.ubuntu.com click on download09:24
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furuis it possible to download poker client on ubuntu?09:24
Scunizishane634: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16627/09:24
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southafrikanseDoes anyone know who crimsun is?09:24
KevinI would not reccomend anyone using feisty at this point09:24
shane634hossy, jump on yahoo or msn and i can help ya man09:24
hossyshane634: i tried, msg me09:24
WaZ`Gambaroni: I haven't installed beryl on AIGLX09:24
allquixoticDoes anyone have a suggestion for a good streaming source that works with *Shoutcast* (not just Icecast)? Would like to be able to change the playlist ad-hoc. Using sc_trans_linux now but it is not very friendly09:24
sanityxWhen I try to boot the fiesty live cd, after I hit start it does the standard loading bit but instead of getting the splash screen i just get a blank screen and it lasts forever.09:24
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ThaurinKevin: Why is that?09:25
WaZ`Gambaroni: try #ubuntu-effects09:25
Okiwebringo, I can change to native res, but the problem is that the screen gets strange, like the right part og the screen goes on the left and they are line everywhere, I had no problem with 6.06 or6.10 with my native res09:25
GambaroniWaZ` ok..09:25
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Priceysouthafrikanse, yes09:25
hendauscan anyone tell me about a good addon to download videos from youtube?09:25
Scuniziallquixotic:  how 'bout vlc?09:25
jribsw: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/09:25
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Kaplan_i have already upgraded from edgy to Feisty09:25
sanityxAny ideas why I might not be able to boot fiesty?09:25
southafrikansePricey: He helped me with my sound problem09:25
rohanthanks mpfeif10109:25
allquixoticScunizi: Do you have personal experience with vlc working with shoutcast?09:25
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Kaplan_but today i can't seem to get any updates09:25
shane634Scunizi, not showing it connected09:25
ringoOkiweb: are you doing anything fancy like beryl/compiz?09:25
rambo3xmms works with shoutcast09:25
Shaunyjrib, URL is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16628/09:25
mpfeif101No prob09:25
CapaHI cannot boot into KDE unless I first take off "splash" during boot --- It will not go into the splash screen. What happens is, at the screen where you choose the OS to boot, as soon as it starts to load the flash screen both monitors go "No signal" and my caps lock+scroll lock keys flash until I reboot. I am using an ATI X800 --- Any help is tremendously appreciated.09:25
=== sanityx [i=sanityx@pool-71-249-127-166.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
southafrikansePricey: But I had to reinstall Ubuntu and now I need to fix it again09:26
Okiwebringo, nop I jsut finished my install09:26
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PriceChildsouthafrikanse, you don't remember how you fixed it? :(09:26
Scunizishane634:  yep that's the problem... how do I bring the network down then up?09:26
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ringoOkiweb: Are you using the restricted graphics drivers or open?09:26
shane634cables, hey man09:26
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jribShauny: pastebin output of:  sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install libpam-mysql09:26
swjrib: thanks09:26
KevinThaurin, it didnt complete installing, it quit at about 75% and I rebooted and get error messages, I tried reinstalling same thing, I tried to fix my vista bootrecord and that didnt work, now I have to start all over again09:26
SLaPoetf-ing bery rocks, but i can't seem to get my ATI card to display higher than 1024x76809:26
Okiwebringo, dont have a clue, i just followed that classic installation procedure09:26
PriceChild!fixres > SLaPoet09:26
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Scuniziallquixotic: I'm pretty sure you can set it up for that... let me check.09:26
deobfuscateIf I am creating a directory for my website that I want Drupal to be able to upload to what should I chmod that DIR to be and which user should I use, root?09:26
shane634Scunizi, ifdown then ifup09:27
dregin(no screens found) I upgraded to feisty from edgy today and xserver can't start giving me the "no screens found" error. I have my xorg.conf edited to run beryl.09:27
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dreginany ideas?09:27
Okiwebringo, i'm on a ATI 9600 Pro btw09:27
hueygAnyone have time for a question for total linux rookie?09:27
ringoOkiweb: System->Admin->Restricted Drivers,09:27
Kaplan_didn't any updates come out for those who upgreded earlier09:27
Scunizishane634: I'll try.. back in a sec09:27
furuany know about a good site for downloading free music???09:27
furuany know about a good site for downloading free music???09:27
ringoOkiweb: if ATI restricted drivers are off, check the box and restart to see if that fixes things09:27
furuany know about a good site for downloading free music???09:27
hossyshane634: does envy require an internet connection?09:27
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ThaurinKevin, I see. I got problems booting the Feisty CD even, and I hear a lot of people do, too.09:27
shane634hossy, yes09:27
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Okiweb<SLaPoet> f-ing bery rocks, but i can't seem to get my ATI card to display higher than 1024x768 <<< i'm having the exact same problem09:27
southafrikansePriceChild: I'm a noob on Ubuntu and I'm having a first hand experience. He gave me some codes to put on the terminal and then my sound worked09:27
rambo3Okiweb, what do you need ati restricted drivers for ?09:27
jshriverhi I have feisty running nicely and have installed beryl.09:27
shane634hossy,  perhaps we need to get that box online first09:27
PriceChild!fixres > Okiweb09:28
HYPOCRISYnot sure09:28
telef0ncan someone tell me how to mount a true-crypt container? ?09:28
SLaPoetno ati restricted drivers for me, i've gone through the fix resolution wiki09:28
jshriverhowever when I run beryl-manager, I dont get an windows around the windows09:28
Kevinjshriver lucky you :)09:28
PriceChild!sound | southafrikanse09:28
ubotusouthafrikanse: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:28
riaalin the old version (breezy) there was an aplication named "Discs" under System/Admin.. how do I get it for edgy? =S09:28
PriceChildsouthafrikanse, that's all i can think of (whoops spamming channel :)09:28
sanityxI can't get feisty booted at all :-( Just a blank screen when the splash screen should appear09:28
jshriverso I cant move,resize,shrink any of the windows.. but the change screen and eye candy is nice09:28
Kevinthaurin, are you sure you burned the iso properly?09:28
Okiwebrambo3, why should i need them, ive just done a fresh install and my res cant get higher than 1024*76809:28
southafrikansePriceChild: Didn't understood what you said09:28
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slickyanyone know a Easy way to get a vpn connection woring in cui?  iv tested pptp..and i cant get the encryption program to install..  iv got the wrong kernel :\  running debian etch..09:28
hueygI installed some software that was packaged in the .deb format and it said it would create menu items for the program but it didn't.  Any suggestions on how to find it?09:28
hendauscan anyone tell me about a good addon to download videos from youtube? please09:29
OkiwebPriceChild, do you have a solution ?09:29
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hossyshane634: the pc isn't connecting to my wireless09:29
hossyshane634: i'm on my laptop currently09:29
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shane634hossy, which wireless card?09:29
ringohendaus: Video Downloader exension to firefox09:29
hueyghendaus I think there is a firefox addon for that09:29
ConstyXIVhendaus: if you run edgy, democracyplayer09:29
ThaurinKevin, oh yes I did. I got it to boot from my DVD writer drive instead, but only in safe mode. Probably nvidia drivers, I guess (GeForece 6800GT)09:29
=== _4strO [n=cedric@AStrasbourg-253-1-4-206.w81-51.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
shane634hossy, or chipset?09:29
NET||abusehmm, i've a collection of mp3's and wma's.,,, obviously i would like to seperate them (die evil wma) rock box isn't playing wma for me ;) so just wondered how can i search on a directory and find all wma's and cut them out to another directory,09:29
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rambo3Okiweb, i have the same card with 1600x1200 res09:29
ringohendaus: theres a link to it on the main firefox extensions page09:29
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szyjezErrors were encountered while processing:09:29
szyjez linuxlogo09:29
szyjezE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:29
szyjezA package failed to install.  Trying to recover:09:29
szyjezSetting up linuxlogo (4.14-5) ...09:29
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szyjez * Updating the operating system logo...                                        /etc/init.d/linuxlogo: 47: cannot create /etc/issue.linuxlogo: Directory nonexistent09:29
colbertHow do you zoom in on images in Firefox ??09:29
rambo3and "ati" as driver09:29
szyjezinvoke-rc.d: initscript linuxlogo, action "restart" failed.09:29
szyjezdpkg: error processing linuxlogo (--configure):09:29
szyjez subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 209:29
szyjezErrors were encountered while processing:09:29
sanityxHow can I completely disable usplash. I want no console framebuffer. This is booting the livecd09:29
jrib!paste | szyjez09:29
ubotuszyjez: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:29
szyjez linuxlogo09:29
szyjezPress return to continue.09:29
szyjez how can i fix it ?09:30
Shaunyjrib, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16629/09:30
ThaurinKevin, if booted from my normal DVD drive, I get the "can't find tty; job control disabled" error that I hear so many others about.09:30
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Jimbo99anyone know where to get the libdvdcss2 (or its equivalent) for feisty fawn AMD64?09:30
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Kevinthaurin, im not sure whats wrong them, im off to ubuntu forums to post a message there09:30
jribShauny: looks like you just installed libpam-mysql09:30
southafrikansePriceChild: Do you know when Crimsun will be here?09:30
Scuniziallquixotic:  check out http://wiki.videolan.org/index.php/What_can_vlc_do09:30
=== Corvix [n=tjagenbe@adsl-072-149-079-067.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ThaurinKevin, good luck09:30
PriceChildsouthafrikanse, not a clue sorry09:30
Okiwebit seems to me that the refreshment rate is doing this, but irm no expert at all09:30
riaalAnyone? In breezy there was an gnome aplication for managing harddives and parions.. how do I get it for edgy?09:30
jribJimbo99: medibuntu has it09:30
Shaunycool, any idea what problem was?09:30
hendausringo,  thanx, but i want one to download a movie from youtube and save it on my hd09:30
hossyshane634: i'm having trouble finding that....i forget offhand, it's a linksys pci card09:30
Jordan_UNET||abuse, mv /path/to/directory/*.wmv /path/to/somewhere/else/09:31
Jimbo99i looked but can't locate the file09:31
CirroXriaal: gparted ?09:31
=== sivik [n=sivik@pool-71-96-233-214.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ConstyXIVspeaking of democracyplayer, does anyone know if/when it will work in feisty?09:31
AaronMTAre there any sound effects in Ubuntu, all I hear are system beeps?09:31
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CirroXriaal: sudo apt-get install gparted09:31
shane634hossy, lspci will give me what i need09:31
hendausConstyXIV,  thanx, yes where can i found it?09:31
CapaHQ) I cannot boot into KDE unless I first take off "splash" during boot --- It will not go into the splash screen. What happens is, at the screen where you choose the OS to boot, as soon as it starts to load the flash screen both monitors go "No signal" and my caps lock+scroll lock keys flash until I reboot. I am using an ATI X800 --- Any help is tremendously appreciated. -- anyone?09:31
dioxcorpbuenas algun espalol09:31
Scunizishane634:  when coming back up it's trying to discover services on subnet mask instead of
NET||abuseJordan_U, hmm, will that work in a recursive style?09:31
dioxcorpo hispano09:31
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jrib!es | dioxcorp09:31
mkirkis anyone else having trouble getting networking working with feisty (im on a ibm thinkpad t40, ipw2100)09:31
ubotudioxcorp: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:31
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ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:31
CirroXbusy here!09:31
ikoniamkirk: no, works like a charm09:31
Jordan_UNET||abuse, No, sorry, I thought it was just one level.09:31
ThaurinCapaH, I'm no Ubuntu expert, but might be that ATi card and driver problems. ATi is kinda bad as far as Linux drivers and open specs are concerned.09:32
hueygI know...is there any way I can get in line?09:32
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hossyshane634: broadcom corp bcm4306 802.11b/g wireless lan controller rev0309:32
southafrikanseWell is there any sound expert on Ubuntu here?09:32
PriceChildhueyg, just ask and someone will answer if they can09:32
NET||abuseJordan_U, well, it's a clue, i'll look further into it.09:32
SLaPoetATI is very a bad for linux apparently09:32
slicknickanyone seen this sort of behavior from rdesktop before? this is a dual monitor screenshot with an rdesktop session to a windows machine on the right side of the image. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ushbav09:32
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allquixoticScunizi: I read that - VLM can stream video but not audio :(09:32
ikoniasouthafrikanse: whats the question09:32
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shane634hossy, you need ndiswrapper09:32
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DraconicusPlease help. D:09:32
riaalCirroX, its not the one but it will do the same thing, (I hope =) )09:32
SLaPoeti've configured my nvidia card no problem, manually runing gentoo09:32
ThaurinSLaPoet> Yeah, because ATi has lousy Linux and open source community support09:32
hueygI did ask Price, several lines up, but I know everyone is apparently swamped09:32
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shane634hossy, it is on the live cd09:32
ikoniahueyg: whats the problem09:33
Scuniziallquixotic: it specifically mentions shoutcast internet radio.  It's further down the page.09:33
=== BK [n=chatzill@69-179-107-66.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
hueygI installed some software that was packaged in the .deb format and it said it would create menu items for the program but it didn't.  Any suggestions on how to find it?09:33
southafrikanseikonia: I have no sound09:33
sivikdo you have to do something totally new with the source.list other than change everything from edgy to feisty?09:33
hossyshane634: hah, thanks, i'll install that and get back to you09:33
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oripihi !09:33
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:33
hueygI am running Dapper version09:33
ikoniahueyg: where did you get the debs09:33
PriceChildhueyg, what is it?09:33
fluidmy brain must be broken, i cant find the option in beryl to put a shadow on the panels. lol...09:33
hueygprogram called Keepass09:33
Jimbo99JRIB:  the version at that website is for I386 not AMD6409:33
southafrikanseikonia: Crimsun fixed it but I had to reinstall Ubuntu09:33
=== cliebow_ [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #ubuntu
oripiI have a problem with my ATI x700 card on feisty, someone could help me ?09:33
jribJimbo99: it has both09:33
=== CapaH [n=carl@] has joined #Ubuntu
BKis this the feisty channel?09:33
SLaPoetThaurin:  Yeah, makes things worse that i'm on a laptop so i don't have a video card choice09:33
Scuniziallquixotic:  here's the quote "You can of course always simply find a link to a radiostream and then open it as you would any other network stream in VLC. But if you would like to browse a list of online radios, you can try the list of shoutcast radio stations VLC can download for you."09:33
shane634fluid, beryl is beta09:33
Jimbo99i don't see it listed09:33
PriceChildBK, yes09:33
ShaunyIs there u GUI for pam-mysql? or is it all through the db?09:33
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:33
PriceChildshane634, not even that09:34
CapaHIf anyone said something directed to me I had to reboot09:34
jribJimbo99: just add the meibuntu repos to your sources.list and you should then have it available in synaptic09:34
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shane634PriceChild, yeah true lol09:34
=== djwilcox [n=djwilcox@host-84-9-98-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
BKHow do I intagrate WinXP Pro into my 7.04 desktop?09:34
fluidim running beryl 0.2.0, and i had it enabled before i went from edgy to feisty...so its there somewhere :P09:34
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PriceChildfluid, beryl in #ubuntu-effects please09:34
ThaurinSLaPoet, tough luck. I've been away from Linux for a couple of years. I had hoped that it would be better now. It is, of course, but not as much as the big commercially supported OS's09:34
=== skippy [n=skippy@mgr5.scl.mecheng.ohio-state.edu] has joined #ubuntu
rohanfluid: now that beryl is in the repos, remove the unoffical repos09:34
hueygI got the .deb package from here:  http://keepassx.sourceforge.net/downloads/09:34
Scunizishane634: How do I change the subnet mask the machine uses to discover services?09:34
CirroXBK:  using vmware ?09:34
shane634PriceChild, thanks09:34
skippyis there a PPC version of Feisty ?09:34
fluidi wasnt asking, was just saying my brain is broken. hehe...09:34
gilsis there a place i can get the DVD iso online and not use torrent09:34
ikoniaThaurin: ubuntu, redhat, slackware all have comercial support09:35
jrib!ppc > skippy    (skippy, see the private message from ubotu)09:35
PriceChild!ppc > skippy09:35
riaalI have an empty (old windows D:) ntfs partion on my main hdd, how do I format it to ext3?09:35
southafrikanseThere is something called qwert list or something09:35
cliebow_skippy:absolutely id ppc09:35
allquixoticScunizi: Ah, you misunderstand me. I am *running a ShoutCast Server* on my local system. However, a shoutcast server alone is insufficient to play a stream. You also need something known as a Shoutcast Source - a program that sends data to the ShoutCast Server. I am looking for programs that people like, which fall into the category of being a ShoutCast Source.09:35
shane634Scunizi, just change it in the properties09:35
=== tmg [n=tmg@p54AFB37B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
cliebow_it works great..09:35
=== martin__ [n=martin@85-124-97-213.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
skippythanks, all.09:35
BKI thought Feisty came with some kind of program for WinXP preloaded?09:35
martin__hi there09:35
kahrytanIf you are still using PPC chip. Upgrade!09:35
CirroXBK: never heard of that09:35
=== lineman60 [n=smeg@dhcp12.cs.nmsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Terrasqueriaal: delete it and let the installer use unused space09:35
djwilcoxanyone know how to delete an smb folder from the desktop09:35
PriceChildBK, virtualisation?09:35
SLaPoetI think there are only a few hardware vendors hanging on to crappy closed architecture09:35
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fluidrohan:  cant...the official package gives me missing textures (solid white badness) i might try it again though...09:35
AaronMTDoes VLC play *.pls files?09:35
cliebow_kahrytan, we have mounds of ibooks09:35
allquixoticAaronMT: Yes09:35
rohanwhat does the dvd have more than the cd ? more packages, or just the server, live and alternate cd's on a dvd ?09:35
rohanfluid: ah ok09:36
Shaunyis there a gui available for pam-mysql?09:36
PriceChild!vmware > BK (See the pm from ubotu)09:36
kahrytancliebow: hence upgrade09:36
=== fluid stops talking about beryl. wasnt looking for help tho. hehe..sorry :D
=== joeamined [n=joeamine@] has left #ubuntu []
Scunizishane634: at the command line? what file, located where? Network manager doesn't allow a change in the gui unless you're setting up static addresses.09:36
Thaurinikonia, okay I guess I worded it wrong. The big Linux distros have a very different business model, I suppose.09:36
riaalTerrasque, I already have a ubntu install on the old c: partion of it09:36
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cliebow_sure..tried squeezingf money out of a school system lately?09:36
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fluidbbl...baby is crying.09:36
BKcool thanks09:36
Scuniziallquixotic:  sorry bout that .. you're right.. I didn't realize that you were running a server.09:36
southafrikanse!Ubuntu suport in Portugese is there any?09:36
PriceChild!pm > CirroX09:36
equinox_2001hi everyone, can anybody help me on my nvidia driver for feisty.. which seems to crash the x-server on boot09:37
kahrytancliebow_: Tell them to setup a better lottery system. Tax the poor more that way.09:37
=== Battosai [n=ks@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu
TarkusLjL: thanks, i installed Banshee and its what im looking for. i havent chosen a movie player yet, but im thinking Helix, Xine or MPlayer.09:37
Meshezabeelevery once in a while my top and bottom bar disappear so I can't run programs. How do I get them back? I'm still using edgy. Right now those bars are not there.09:37
CirroXPriceChild:  what do you mean ? Not only VMWare ? Does ubuntu has it's own virtualization software ?09:37
PriceChildCirroX, ubuntu has technologies in it which let virtualisation work better. However you need vmware, virtualbox, qemu etc. to virtualise09:37
cliebow_there you go..i use what i have...which isnt a he;l of a lot09:37
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barktpolarTarkus: vlc09:37
CirroXPriceChild: ok got it09:37
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cliebow_andd..barring a few pirceless items..ppc works greart09:37
=== aburton [n=p@c-67-171-76-177.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
TerrasqueTarkus: vlc or mplayer09:37
shane634Scunizi, can you contact me on another messenger?09:37
=== CookedGryphon [n=adam@81-179-80-242.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
patrick_i just install a nvidia driver and it went wrong how do i get my xorg working again im stuck in terminal at the mo09:38
shane634Scunizi, or private me here09:38
dauoalagio2Hello i have an Envy installed Nvidia driver, would updating to Feisty screw up that?09:38
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sivikwhat am i doing wrong that causes my aptitude update to not like the feisty repos?09:38
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Scunizishane634:  what's your flavor09:38
=== furu [n=furu@ti132110a080-14644.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
ryeth25what's up?09:38
=== DrNick1 [n=tbyrne@82-33-11-124.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UNET||abuse, This may get some of them ( be careful though and don't run it quite yet ) : mv `locate *.wmv`  /path/to/where/you/want/them09:38
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shane634Scunizi, yahoo shane63409:38
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southafrikanseChannel support in Portugese. Does anyone know?09:38
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Scunizishane634: ok09:38
sivikto upgrade to fesity fawn, does it need to say feisty or fawn in the repos list09:38
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat09:38
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:38
furuany know about where i can download free music??09:39
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aburtonCan I get some help with an error I'm getting in my kern.log?09:39
riaalin the old version (breezy) there was an aplication named "Discs" under System/Admin.. how do I get it for edgy? =S09:39
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ryeth25sivik:  are u using ubuntu?09:39
PriceChild!upgrade | sivik09:39
ubotusivik: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:39
sivikryeth25: edgy09:39
=== jw [n=jw@74-128-152-217.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
NET||abuseJordan_U, was just looking into xargs for an option :) would even be able to replicate the directory structure :)09:39
Jordan_Usivik, Don't change your sources.lst manually to upgrade!09:39
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Francisbecause wine-utils in wine?09:39
shane634Scunizi, i am signed on just im me09:39
jordanryanmoorehas anyone run into x-org restarting or freezing when adding items to a gnome panel in 7.04?09:39
sivikJordan_U, then how would you suggest me doing it09:39
=== ahumane [n=oem@ool-43557e7c.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
cliebow_kahrytan, and that is why i am so deep into ltsp09:39
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PriceChild!upgrade | sivik09:39
Scunizishane634: did you get the im?09:39
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sivikPriceChild, i'm already there09:39
djwilcoxanyone know how to unmount smb folders from the desktop09:39
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Jordan_Usivik, use update-manager09:39
CirroXsomeone else has an issue with Ati 9800 and XGL ? Video black untill I "hover" and sometimes switching desktops, the panels disappear09:39
CVirusI'm running kubuntu and the upgrade tool crashed while installing the packages ... what shall I do ?09:39
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Francisabout WINE: because wine-utils?09:40
=== vertana [n=vertana@c-75-66-235-91.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
patrick_how do i uninstall nvidia-xgl as it messed up when installing09:40
cliebow_is this the vista channel?09:40
siviki got it the first time, i hate the update-maneger and i'm not running gnome or kde09:40
sivikcliebow_, hell no09:40
ryeth25sivik:  it should automatically update??09:40
Draconicushttp://pastebin.ca/450323 Please.. please help me... I have no idea why this is happening. D:09:40
cliebow_all i hear is upgrade upgrade09:40
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PriceChild!windows > cliebow_09:40
sivikryanakca, no in gnome or kde09:40
=== chris13221 [n=chris@pool-68-236-45-249.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vertanasudo aptitude purge (or remove to leave config files alone) nvidia-glx09:40
Scunizishane634: it will come across as Mark and last name09:40
=== misnix [n=jkr@corona.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
kritzstapfcliebow_, its ubunista09:40
=== barktpolar hates trying to compile stuff
shane634Scunizi, ok09:40
cliebow_or ubuntuero09:40
chris13221im a newb to linux and im having some video issues with playing movies and major issues with wirelss connections09:40
=== djige [n=djige@vig38-4-82-233-125-75.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
telef0n Failed to load TrueCrypt kernel module <- what can I do now?09:40
Shaunydoes anybody no of a gui for pam-mysql??09:40
aburtonWhat pastebin does this channel use?09:41
cliebow_im still running ubuntu->ltsp on NUBUS macintosh09:41
PriceChild!paste > aburton09:41
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Meshezabeelaburton: whatever you want09:41
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CVirusI'm running kubuntu and the upgrade tool crashed while installing the packages ... what shall I do ?09:41
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bartDoes ubuntu has a commercial side ? Does it offer payed jobs ?09:41
furuany know about where i can download free music??09:41
PriceChildCVirus, try again09:41
sivikwhy did they change the way to upgrade09:41
kritzstapfcliebow_, no, that one is more like beryero09:41
PriceChildbart, canonical09:41
n00tzare all the mirrors slow today, or is it just mine (gtlib.gatech.edu) ?09:41
ikonia!offtopic >bart09:41
barktpolarchris: do you have the gstreamer plugins installed?09:41
bartPriceChild, thanks09:41
PriceChildn00tz, yes09:41
Scunizishane634: I'm using gaim to connect to yahoo... I put in your address as shane634@yahoo.com  is that the right way on gaim?09:41
Jordan_Usivik, It is not supported but if you must: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual09:41
chris13221yeah i do09:41
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=== Gaz [n=Gary@user-5443ab02.lns5-c8.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sivikJordan_U, i hate using the gui's to do it09:41
delireCVirus: should be fine to try again09:41
siviki like command line09:41
shane634Scunizi, yeah i suppose so09:41
=== cliebow_ cliebow crawls back into his museum
hossosorshane634: i'm having trouble finding ndiswrapper09:42
Meshezabeelfuru: apologetix.com has some free music, only artists that allow you to take their music is legal so be careful09:42
CVirusPriceChild: delire: the upgrade button is now locked09:42
=== bart [n=bart@155.7-67-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
vertanagoogle "ndiswrapper sourceforge"09:42
shane634hossosor, it is in the repos09:42
Jordan_Usivik, There is a CLI version of update-manager also09:42
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dauoalagio2Hello i have an Envy installed Nvidia driver, would updating to Feisty screw up that?09:42
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=== Shironeko [n=shironek@244.Red-80-33-89.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
cliebow_PriceChild, i was just teasing 8~)09:42
ShironekoIs this for Feisty?09:42
sivikand the thing is, i'm not using kde, gnome, or xubuntu so i don't see the point of installing that crap09:42
vertanaDAUOALAGIO - you can always uninstall it and at the command line type...09:42
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MeshezabeelShironeko: yes, and any version of ubuntu09:43
delireCVirus: hmm. there are no other prompts/dialogues hiding behind that window?09:43
Jordan_Udauoalagio2, If envy does not get it's driver from the repos, yes09:43
vertanasudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade09:43
CVirusdelire: no09:43
ShironekoI've got a serious problem. I can't enter my account09:43
chris13221all those plugins were installed09:43
delireCVirus: how can you be sure it's crashed?09:43
vertanathat should get you setup.09:43
chris13221and as for the wireless09:43
dauoalagio2vertana thanks i will do that now09:43
chris13221ive tried ndiswrapper09:43
aburtonCan someone look at this error I'm getting in my kern.log? : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16632/09:43
Shironekognome seems to be loading and then it turns black and returns to te login site09:43
Gnuzerosoy un usuario experto de sistemas unix y quiero brindar ayuda pero no hablo ingles si hay alguien que hable espanol podemos conversar09:43
vertanaNo problem.09:43
chris13221and apparently any driver i used didnt work09:43
sivikvertana, doesn't work, it doesn't like my changes in the sources.list file, i changed all the edgy to feisty09:43
Seveas!es | Gnuzero09:43
ubotuGnuzero: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:43
Shironekoyo hablo espaol09:43
Seveas!es | Shironeko09:43
ubotuShironeko: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.09:43
vertanahablo espanol minimal09:43
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Jordan_Usivik, You don't need to, just make sure you have packages like ubuntu-base / minimal09:43
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CVirusdelire: it told me that it crashed and asked me to file a bug report ... and it locked the .deb database so I had to remove the lock and now I'm doing a manual sudo dpkg --configure -a09:44
cliebow_aburton:is your hard drive hosed/09:44
delireCVirus: that's the right thing to do.09:44
vertanaOuch, that's a no one I've heard of...09:44
vertananew one*09:44
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delireCVirus: once that's done, restart the upgrade process.09:44
aburton@cliebow_ I don't think so...09:44
CVirusdelire: ok09:44
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delireCVirus: don't reboot though.. wait until it's all finished09:44
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CVirusdelire: ok09:45
vertanaIs there an xchat client specifically for kde?09:45
hueyganyone have any advice?09:45
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Seveasvertana, konversation09:45
vertanaI use irssi when I'm on kde, but I'm attached to GUI's.09:45
aburton@cliebow_ I've run a few hard drive diagnostics and they report 0 errors09:45
dauoalagio2vertana, when i restart it and if X doesn't start what should i do?09:45
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ryeth25i use irssi, i use ubuntu 7.0409:45
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ryeth25going to be switching to archlinux here soon09:45
ShironekoWell, as I said, I can't enter gnome nor any other session or account09:46
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cc77Anyone knows about SME server?09:46
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Shironekowhen it's almost loaded it goes back to he login screen09:46
barktpolarIs there a package i can install for USB Hard Drives?09:46
aburton@cliebow_ why do you ask?09:46
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MeshezabeelI lost my top menu bar. How do I get it back without restarting?09:46
cc77barktpolar, usbdrives should not need packages.09:46
cliebow_aburton: havnt anything else to try do you?i see those crc errors and something back inmy brain syas ive been there before09:46
barktpolarWell, mine's is not being recognized09:47
vertana@dauoalagio2 If x does not restart simply upgrade like you would on a command line with those commands I gave you, and then when all is said and done, restart, if it does not then do "sudo aptitude install nvidia-glx", when that is done, then type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and find where it tells you the driver it'll look like "Driver     "whatever"  and change whatever to "nvidia"09:47
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DraconicusThe automount features in feisty are interfering with K3B's ability to check its own writing. Is there a way to disable it for specific instances while still having it for general use?09:47
Jordan_Ubarktpolar, They should "just work" ( obviously since you asked they don't )09:47
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barktpolarI have a Buslink 80 Gig Yellow-End09:47
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jago25WIFI card appears to work but can't find networks under linux or windows. Dead ariels?09:47
dauoalagio2vertana, all right sounds good, thanks09:47
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connvertana, I just got here but saw your message to someone; using the restricted drivers manager saves having to edit xorg.conf at all, just a tip09:47
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CarlFKwhat is a good app to create network hardware layout maps?09:48
vertanaNo problem, I know it sounds like a lot, but you'll get the hang of it real quick... I did and I made the Windows-Linux switch only a month and a half ago or so09:48
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aburton@cliebow_ the harddrive is new, and I keep running diagnostics on it and there aren't any errors. Could it be a SATA controller?09:48
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vertanaConn: I know, but he was asking in case X did not start.09:48
CarlFKwith little pictures of hubs and an internet cloud09:48
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hueygI am trying to make the switch but Linux is not making it easy09:48
cc77barktpolar, the drive is formated as what? NTFS, FAT32?09:48
vertanahueyg: Why is that?09:48
barktpolarFAT32 I think09:48
ringoaburton: pick up a copy of spinrite (retail 89 but ...there are torrents for it) it will fix most any hard drive error09:48
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hueygI can't even seem to install a program09:49
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cliebow_aburton:it is certainly possible..09:49
vertanahueyg: you can do this several ways09:49
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aburton@cliebow_ I also had a problem recently where my computer wasn't recognizing my keyboard09:49
Jordan_Uhueyg, Have you tried Applications -> Add Remove ?09:49
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vertanahueyg: go to System > Administration > Synaptic09:49
aburton@cliebow_ is there something I can do to test my Northbridge?09:49
vertanahueyg: or type in the command line "sudo aptitude install [packagename] "09:49
PriceChild!synaptic | hueyg09:49
ubotuhueyg: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto09:49
hueygI know those ways...however I downloaded a .deb and it says it installed but I can't find it anywhere09:49
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desei just upgraded to feisty, when i restarted, the X log in window appeared fine. however, when it started loading gnome and whatnot, it crashes and restarts X. what can i do?09:50
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malik__hi there.............two problems..........how do i get unbanned from kubuntu channel and sec how do i upgrade from edgy to fiesty?........do need to change the repos or there is some kind of upghrade tool?09:50
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Jordan_Uhueyg, What application?09:50
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barktpolar!ubotu usb hard drives09:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb hard drives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:50
vertanaif you cannot find the .deb file then try typing the packagename in the command line09:50
delirehueyg: try typing the name from the command line09:50
hueygI got the .deb package from here:  http://keepassx.sourceforge.net/downloads/09:50
psycho78how do you right-click in ubuntu w/ a macbook?09:50
PriceChildhueyg, its best to only use the packages in the ubuntu repositories09:50
bayzidersI have some C scource code, what command do I use to compile it?09:50
BKOk, I have installed VMware player but now it wants a .vmx file. what is this file and how do I make winxp install?09:50
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desebayziders, gcc09:50
PriceChildhueyg, we can't support 3rd party sources here09:50
Jordan_U!upgrade | malik__09:50
ubotumalik__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:50
cliebow_aburton, Looking into drivers/ide/ide.c reveals that those strings are in the method ide_dump_status:09:50
vertanahueyg: type this "sudo updatedb" and then type "locate [packagename] "09:50
PriceChildmalik__, #ubuntu-ops for appealing09:50
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vertanathat makes a database of all the stuff on your computer and then you can just search for it ^^09:51
cliebow_aburton: dont think i can help..googleing\09:51
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delirehueyg: sometimes applications don't have proper menu tags so they don't end up in the Ubuntu menu..09:51
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BKOk, I have installed VMware player but now it wants a .vmx file. what is this file and how do I make winxp install?09:51
barktpolarBK: you need VMXBuilder on WINE to make one09:51
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hueygrunning from terminal gives me this:09:51
hueygkeepass: error while loading shared libraries: libQtXml.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:51
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hueygguess there is a dependancy problem09:51
delirehueyg: what is the program?09:51
vertanaYes, dependency problems... you can try this one...uninstall it.09:52
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vertanaThen download the source code09:52
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delirehueyg: type 'apt-cache search keepass'09:52
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HELPMEEEhelp -- ETH1 disappeared09:52
vertanaextract to home folder, then change to that directory in terminal "sudo aptitude install build-essential" and then type these commands while in source code directory09:52
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aburton@cliebow_ is there a better channel for me to look for help in?09:53
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Jordan_UBK, http://www.easyvmx.com/09:53
vertanaconfigure && make && make install09:53
delirehueyg: if there's no response there then it's not in Ubuntu. installing debs from websites is always going to result in problems like this.09:53
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vertanaNot always.09:53
hueygtyping apt-cache search keepass gives me:09:53
chainlynxhey everyone, how do you download the source code of a package using aptitude?09:53
jago25I think I have a hardware problem. #hardware is dead. Where's a good place to ask?09:53
HELPMEEEhello, my wireless card has disappeared after reboot09:53
cliebow_aburton:all my friends hang on #ltsp..but it i s a little off topic there..09:53
vertanaYou simply have to get used to the way linux does things.09:53
delirehueyg: was it a deb for Feisty or for Ubuntu?09:53
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hueygkeepass: error while loading shared libraries: libQtXml.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:53
HELPMEEEanyone aware of a fix for ythis?09:53
delirehueyg: was it a deb for Feisty or for Debian?09:53
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LaNCeloT_RWhi dudes, i found a bug or something like that... When Desktop Effects are activated, Java applications do not show the window stuff.. it just got a  grey window09:53
hueygkeepassx - KeePassX Cross Platform Password Manager09:53
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barktpolarOK, I looked at the device, it detected my drive, but it doesn't show up on Ubuntu09:54
slicknickive got a dual monitor setup going -- why when i run a rdesktop from terminal in GNOME it opens on the right monitor, but when i run it the exact same way in KDE it opens on the left monitor?09:54
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bayzidersI have a file that is supposed to be a package, but I can't figure out how to install it, inside the folder there is a .server,.c,.h,and PKGBUILD file how do I install it?09:54
vertanahueyg: Did you come from windows?  If so shared libraries are like .dll's, if that kind of mindset helps you :D09:54
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hueygthe apt-cache did return that...and it was for Ubuntu09:54
barktpolarit shows up in the Device Manager as USB ATAPI-4 Bridge COntroller09:54
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gizmo_the_great1any idea how to list files in order of size using du on my entire root filesystem? Running out of space and wanting to determine which large files are taking it up.09:54
delirehueyg: so it is in the Ubuntu repositories. it's always good to look there first. so, in synaptic or on the command line, install it.09:54
=== eternaljoy [n=truth@d58-106-10-156.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
HELPMEEEhello ETH1, my wireless car disappeared -- can anyone help?09:54
hueygok...I will try to install the apt route09:54
vertanato see if it is in repositories you can always look in synaptic or type "sudo aptitude search [packagename] "09:54
delirehueyg: make sure you've uninstalled the old one first ok?09:55
vertanabefore you install apt route, uninstall it.09:55
PriceChildHELPMEEE, it ran off out the door?09:55
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vertanaThat will make problems.09:55
Jordan_Ubayziders, What application are you trying to install?09:55
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hueygwill uninstall first09:55
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hueygthanks again everyone09:55
cliebow_aburton:might ask in #edubuntu..it is quiet09:55
delirehueyg: sudo apt-get remove keepass09:55
Kaplan_i can't seem to pm09:55
HELPMEEEPriceChild: I installed 7.04, it appeared, everything was growing great... I rebooted and it's gone; not found in settings or anything09:55
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delirehueyg: np09:55
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=== Solver [n=robert@CPE00a0c96b79ba-CM000039aeec61.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
southafrikansethe portuguese channels don't help me09:55
vertanaYou did,  I got the message :)09:55
PriceChildHELPMEEE, where doesn't it appear?09:55
Solverhi all09:55
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Kaplan_i mean highlight the name i send to09:56
HELPMEEEPriceChild: Network tools, Networking... cannot connect to internet09:56
HELPMEEEI am on my desktop09:56
eternaljoyis there any way to make Ubuntu think I have more RAM installed than I really have using a RAM USB stick or something?  does something like that exist?09:56
SolverHey, "suspend" under Dapper warning of corruption.  How bad is this problem?09:56
gravemindhow do I use xrandr to get screen res back to normal after using wine?09:56
Lunar_LampHow do I get a kernel module to autoload on boot?09:56
=== Solver is RTFMing
ScottLijhow do I list all hard drive partitions? (including multiple hard drives and NTFS partitions)09:56
vertanaI do not know how to do that on Xchat (which I assume you are using)09:56
SolverI've been using hibernate on wife's lappie but she's sick of how slow it is :)09:56
=== Kaplan_ how do i send a message that highlights the receivers name????????????
SolverScottLij: /sbin/fdisk -l  ?09:56
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vertanatype in terminal "fdisk -l"09:57
PriceChildKaplan_, say their name in the message09:57
vertanathat will list all hard drives and all partitions09:57
delireLunar_Lamp: you can add it to your /etc/modules file09:57
hmpedersenThat's better..09:57
ThaurinAnybody else having trouble with no signal to monitor with the NVIDIA driver?09:57
=== DelPede [i=Exnay@port91.ds1-abc.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
cliebow_aburton:im heading home..if you want to try one of those other channels....i usually stick foot in mouth and one of the masters corrects me09:57
LinAnyone else report that prefered browser isn't respected? my alternatives point to epiphany same to my preferred applications. But when I double click some URL on desktop, firefox is opened, why this is happening?09:57
vertanaI did once upon a time, what version and did you try to upgrade or anything?09:57
delireLunar_Lamp: Ubuntu may not have a GUI way, i'm not sure.09:57
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Kaplan_but xchat is not giving m the names09:57
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, For what purpose? You can put a swap file on a thumb drive if you want.09:57
Jordan_UScottLij, sudo fdisk -l09:57
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Kaplan_like in autotext mode09:57
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Jordan_Ueternaljoy, For what purpose? You can put a swap file on a thumb drive if you want.09:57
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Jordan_UScottLij, sudo fdisk -l09:57
delireLunar_Lamp: *now have a GUI way, i meant.09:58
BKThank you so much Jordan-U, I will see if it works. 1 second please.09:58
cliebow_Kaplan:sure you dont just need to move the window around?09:58
ptsougkCan anyone know how to setup my wifi network card???09:58
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Lunar_Lampdelire, aha, /etc/modules that's the fellah!  I couldn't remember the file. Very obvious now though :-$  Just threw a blank09:58
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dave57what type of network card is it?09:58
ptsougki have Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection09:58
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hossosorshane634: thanks for the help thus far, i'm working on the ndiswrapper situation at the moment09:58
eckLin: some applications to not use the gnome settings to choose what application to launch, and they will not respect the preferred applications settings you use09:58
eternaljoyJordan_U: if I install another physical 1 GIG RAM on my PC, performance will improve, thats why09:58
dave57have youtried using NDISWRAPPER09:58
shane634hossosor, cool09:58
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delireLunar_Lamp: no worries, hope it works09:59
eckLin: anything that is a gnome application should work though09:59
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dave57if all else fails you can use the linuxant driverloader program from www.linuxant.com09:59
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, But if you don't have another 1 GIG of actual RAM what is going to change if Ubuntu thinks you do?09:59
Lunar_Lampdelire, yes, it will do :-)  Just couldn't remember the file to edit :-)09:59
dave57howevertheychargefor it09:59
delireLunar_Lamp: happens all the time09:59
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eternaljoyJordan_U: using HDD is not as fast as physical RAM09:59
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Fathefneri just upgraded to ubuntu fawn but in edgy i could see my nfts drive now i cant10:00
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sand_stormhi, i cant set my screen resolution on its highest it is set to 1*** x 7** can anyone help plz10:00
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nicolahI'm looking for a way to "print" to a file the list of folders, subfolders and files of a specific path. any idea ? thanks10:00
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eternaljoyFathefner: I did10:00
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:00
sand_stormi tried the terminal thing10:00
Kaplan_PriceChild dos this highlight?10:00
eternaljoyFathefner: I installed fesity yesterday and it sees my NTFS drives10:00
Fathefneri did what10:00
delireptsougk: have you looked at the Restricted Driver Manager?10:00
dave57you will have edit your Xorg file.10:00
OiPenguinnAs a totalt newbie, since the release of Feisty, I'm struggeling to increase the resolution of my monitor. The current maximum is 1024 x 768 which is useless on a 19'' screen. There's no further option in System --> Preferences --> Screen resolution and I've downloaded the Nvidia driver. Is there any solution? This is essential to convince my wife that a switch from xp is worth a try.10:00
=== martin__ [n=martin@85-124-97-213.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
sand_stormbut it doesnt have the resolution10:00
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jvm_hi. i upgraded to xorg 7.2 and it broke my xinerama configuration. any hint why?10:00
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Fathefnerwhat program r u using10:00
martin__hi there10:00
Thaurinnv driver doesn't work with my GeForce 6800GT. Known problem?10:00
ecknicolah: i would just use ls -lR or the tree command and redirect it to a file10:00
=== peaker looks through strace to see why it takes so long to execute stuff, firefox as an example. it seems that its communicating with X for a while before it shows a window: (on a socket connected to "/tmp/.X11-unix/X0")
martin__I just upgrade my home-lan ubuntu server to feisty10:01
yeniklasorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)10:01
Huffalump2fathefner, ntfs-3g, remember? :)  it works great10:01
eternaljoyFathefner: but it wont see your NTFS drives if your NTFS drives have not been shut down properly10:01
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dave57okay what is your highest res possible on the19incher10:01
_jonathan_hello people, when I try a .vob file (dvd) totem shuts down before playing, Xserver gives this error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)10:01
_jonathan_I know I have a bad graphics card, but I've played .vob files fine, in the past10:01
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ptsougkdelire:No, now i download the package10:01
Lineck: double click on desktop (nautilus) should launch epiphany, but didn't open10:01
sanityxBoth the Feisty live cd and the Alternate Install CD hang after detecting my cd-rom drive as hda and loading the "uniform cdrom device driver"10:01
Fathefnerntfs isnt workin10:01
martin__at some point my notebook gets disalbed and on reconnect via network-manager I get an ipv6 adress10:01
delireptsougk: go to system-->administration-->restricted driver manager10:01
Kaplan_how do i send a highlighted message to someone?????????10:01
gravemindyou can't download the feisty cd with bittorrent anymore?10:01
Fathefnerntfs-3g isnt workin10:01
martin__and I cannot use the internet anymore10:01
delireptsougk: see if there is mention in there of that card.10:01
Huffalump2Kaplan_ by adding more questions marks.10:01
eckLin: you might have to log out and log back in, i'm not sure10:01
Fathefnerthe tutorial wasnt helpin10:01
southafrikanseTHis is no one who can help me with my sound problem?10:01
martin__what did I do wrong?10:02
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shwagwhich wireless usb adapter is best supported in linux ?10:02
eternaljoyFathefner: but it wont see your NTFS drives if your NTFS drives have not been shut down properly10:02
yeniklasorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)10:02
hueygok back...can someone give me quick syntax for installing package using apt?10:02
Lineck: didn't worked10:02
=== sanitaricus [n=jones@dsl-espgw1-ff63c000-138.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
Huffalump2fathefner, lies!  what happened when you tried ntfs-3g?10:02
=== Kaplan_ come on help please
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HELPMEEEmy wireless card disappeared after reboot, anyone help?10:02
sand_stormi use nvidia 7600 gs10:02
_jonathan_hello people, when I try a .vob file (dvd) totem shuts down before playing, Xserver gives this error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)10:02
_jonathan_I know I have a bad graphics card, but I've played .vob files fine, in the past10:02
_jonathan_Is there a solution for this?10:02
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Fathefneri never did anything10:02
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yeniklasorA problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry.10:02
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Huffalump2!fixres > sand_storm10:02
Kaplan_Huffalamp, how did you do that?10:02
hossosorshane634: this is going to sound ridiculous, but could you possibly download the zip and send me the .inf?  the file is only 17mb but one of my roomates is tieing up all of the bandwidth.  it keeps killing the download.10:02
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PriceChildKaplan_, yeah that hilighted10:02
southafrikanse!sound > southafrikanse10:03
Huffalump2kaplan_ put their name in the text10:03
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Huffalump2fathefner, did you install it via Synaptic or apt-get or how?10:03
Kaplan_Bt it should auto finish the name in xchat10:03
Kaplan_and it is not10:03
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Jordan_Ueternaljoy, So are you trying to use a flash drive for SWAP?10:03
PriceChildKaplan_, type the first letters then <tab>10:03
Huffalump2kaplan_ then type it all the way out10:03
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SnakePliskenOiPenguinn tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?10:03
eckLin: i'm not really sure what the problem could be. it is possible to create a defaults file somewhere in .local to manually register the preferred MIME handlers10:04
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shane634hossosor, haha you need to message me on a diff messenger and we can make it work10:04
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tehquicknessis there a way to delete all the files that I have found with locate?10:04
Kaplan_PriceChild: Thanks a lot10:04
hossosorshane634: thanks, i'll see what i can do, brb10:04
Lineck: Im not sure too. where can I find these .locals?10:04
Teres__hi. im trying to play starcraft on my linux machine through wine. it was working before but now when i run it the screen of it is small and i cant make it fullscreen. wat should i do?10:04
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Kaplan_PriceChild: is this private message?10:04
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PriceChildKaplan_, no10:04
Jordan_Utehquickness, Yes, rm -i `locate whatever`10:04
OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: Never heard of it. I'll do a search, or can you direct me?10:04
HELPMEEEI get "No Such Device" when I search for eth110:04
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eternaljoyJordan_U: no10:04
HELPMEEEIt worked on initial install10:04
Huffalump2fathefner and where is your ntfs drive?  /hda/???10:04
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eternaljoyJordan_U: I already have a swap partition on my HDD10:05
hendaushelpers when i open democarcy tv player --> An unknown error has occurred while finishing starting up , can anyone help10:05
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eckLin: http://www.gnome.org/learn/admin-guide/latest/mimetypes-registering.html10:05
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Teres_so wat should i do to resolve my problem?10:05
sanityxGrr I'm never going to get feisty installed10:05
FathefnerHuffalump2: /hda/da20010:05
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hossyshane634: it's sad when i have to steal the neighbors' internet because mine is being killed by one of my roomates10:05
eckLin: although you might just ask on irc.gnome.org10:05
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, Are you trying to get Ubuntu to recognize that you have more physical RAM?10:05
tehquicknessJordan_u, it says the argument list is too long10:05
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FathefnerHuffalump2: /hda/??? what goes there10:05
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Huffalump2fathefner okay.  make a directory /mnt/10:05
shane634hossy,  yeah i know lol10:05
winterborneDoes anybody have experience using Gnome across multiple monitors? (I've already got the X.org settings right, everything works, I just want to tweak it.)10:06
SnakePliskentype sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in terminal...just hit enter for all the defaults till you get to available screen resoulutions then choose what you want10:06
Kaplan_PriceChild: just a way to get someones attention10:06
Kaplan_PriceChild: tx a lot :)10:06
eternaljoyJordan_U: is that possible without actually placing more physical RAM into my PC?10:06
tehquicknessJordan_u, sudo rm -idR `locate vmware`10:06
Huffalump2fathefner, my stumbling block in following the tutorial was I didn't (at first) realize the need to create the /mnt/ directory.  Do that and we'll move on to making it work gloriously for you10:06
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Jordan_Utehquickness, You can try without the -i ( interactive, will ask yo if you are sure )10:06
Lineck: they say: seems like an ubuntu problem..10:06
=== what_if [n=kvirc@209-112-197-92-cdsl-rb1.nwc.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu
Fathefnerwhat is a /mnt/10:07
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, How would it be?10:07
what_ifhow do I prevent a module from loading at boot ??10:07
tehquicknessJordan_u, even that will not work hmmm10:07
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, If you don't have it you don't have it?10:07
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MalconRoxI m having problems with my sound card: Realtek acl660. What can i do?10:07
PriceChildHuffalump2, don't mount on /mnt/ do it somewhere like /mnt/foo or /media/foo10:07
=== PhilKC_ [i=greece@freenode/staff/about.linux.philkc] has joined #Ubuntu
styvyHELPMEEE, do you have two networkcards? the first one is eth0, the second one eth110:07
Huffalump2fathefner, you want to make a directory off the file system root (/) called "mnt" (that's the name of the folder)10:07
craigp84Any major issues surfacing yet from the new release? - just before i upgrade :-)10:07
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eternaljoyJordan_U: I seen them sell USB 1GIG sticks that apparetly fools the PC into thinking you installed another 1 GIG physical RAM10:07
Fathefnerok will do10:07
Huffalump2PriceChild, I'm with ya... one step at a time, though10:07
hendaussomobody help me please!10:07
Jordan_Uwhat_if, You need to blacklist it10:07
PriceChildeternaljoy, you can use flash drives as ram10:08
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PriceChildeternaljoy, well swap10:08
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what_ifJordan_U: is that a full blacklist or just a boottime blacklist, it needs to load later10:08
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allquixoticScunizi: I found a solution to my problem, a very good one. idjc (Internet DJ Control) is an *excellent* streamer that supports ShoutCast :) I am running JACK on top of dmix in non-realtime, high-latency mode (which is OK for this application) to host the stream. http://sheltered.hobby-site.com:8000/listen.pls :D10:08
OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: I believe I have an ATI card, however I'm asked to type an identifier of my video card. Where do I find this with certainty?10:08
airmikeyanyone here have a problem with , pan  crashing10:08
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what_ifJordan_U: if my nvidia module loads at boot, X fails to start, if I rmmod, then modprobe it. X works Fine10:09
sanityxAny idea why feisty would hang in both the alternate install and live cds after detecting the cdrom as hda10:09
eternaljoyPriceChild: I alraady have a 700MB linux swap partiton on my HDD.  Is that the same thing as  these USB sticks that they claim will fool my PC into thinking I added another physical 1 Gig RAM?10:09
Fathefnerok i made an mnt10:09
Huffalump2fathefner, now how many ntfs drives do we want to mount here?  only one or multiple?10:09
PriceChildeternaljoy, basically yes10:09
Jordan_Ueternaljoy, And if those do anything they either actually use them for swap or slow your machine down incredibly because what your machine thinks is RAM ( incredibly fast ) is actually just flash ( faster than HDD but still slow )10:09
SnakePliskencant help you there....i just hit enter for everything till i get to screen resolutions. sorry man10:09
Teres_i really am havinjg a problem with starcraft on wine...can anyone help?10:09
=== intEx [n=intex@0x50c538a4.hrnxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Huffalump2fathefner, for each drive you want to mount, create a folder/directory inside of /mnt/  such as... /mnt/windows_C  or  /mnt/mynetworkdrive etc10:09
Scuniziallquixotic:  listing now.. cool.. nice job.10:09
OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: I'll give that a go then.10:09
=== einPaule [n=siggy@dslb-084-060-059-185.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
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silver6Teres_, whats the problem. i got it working first try10:10
PriceChildeternaljoy, basically you can create a swap file on the flash disk. Windows does the same thing with it pagefiles in vista10:10
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Scuniziallquixotic:  it's a little overdriven.. litte distortion.10:10
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Huffalump2fathefner, I had three.  What I did, for example, was windows_C, windows_F, and windows_H but you use whatever makes sense to you10:10
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allquixoticScunizi: Will work on that - you may notice a difference within 2 minutes ;)10:10
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Jordan_Uwhat_if, is it from the repos or from Nvidia.com?10:10
Teres_i also did...but now when i start it it is in a small window and i cant get it fullscreen10:10
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Fathefneri cant make a folder10:10
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what_ifJordan_U: nvidia.com10:10
eternaljoyPriceChild: ah ok!  so it seems these "new" RAM USB drives are all just a markering SCAM10:10
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_jonathan_when I try a .vob file (dvd) totem shuts down before playing, Xserver gives this error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)10:11
_jonathan_I know I have a bad graphics card, but I've played .vob files fine, in the past,10:11
_jonathan_Is there a solution for this?10:11
piglitwhen i trie to install ubuntu 7.04 i get the first install screen and then when i hit enter to install ubuntu the cd drive starts and afther a while nothing happens and the system freezes ... i get no (error) mesages whatsoever Question1: how can i show the error mesages (2) how can i disable DMA when installing ubuntu ???10:11
sanityxOh well. I guess I'll just have to wait for gusty gibbon10:11
MalconRoxI m having problems with my sound card: Realtek acl660. What can i do?10:11
sanityxpiglit, I have exactley the same issue.10:11
=== JR [n=james@cpc3-bolt6-0-0-cust407.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ApesMaI'm now running w/feisty (yay!) but having trouble installing nvidia-glx-new. It complains about a diversion by nvidia-glx... but I've uninstalled nvidia-glx! What can I do?10:11
PriceChildeternaljoy, i may be wrong... but afaik yes10:11
silver6Teres_, yeah i had some screen resolution issues too, can't really help10:11
=== kc [n=ljcasey@cpc1-bsfd5-0-0-cust395.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
allquixoticScunizi: It has real-time monitoring so I don't have to wait for my changes in volume to take effect - I can see now that it's not overdriven anymore, really. Do you agree...?10:11
Xecuter88Hi! i was wondering if the desktop effekts that where indroduced with 7.04 works with ati graphics cards?10:11
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eternaljoyPriceChild: ok cheers10:11
Fathefnerit told me i dont have permissions10:11
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sanityxpiglit, If you press F6 on the boot options screen and then remove the "quiet" and "splash" lines, you acn see whats happening. But you wont get errors. It will just hang after detecting cdrom10:11
JRdoes anyone know any good audio recording software? (apart from audacity and ardour)10:11
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OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: I'm stuck at the third window. "Users of PowerPC machines, and users..." There's no way to highlight the 'ok'!10:12
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Teres_but like the screen thinks its full but i can move the mouse out and then the screen scrolls out of starcraft...its so wierd10:12
what_ifJordan_U: I put rmmod nvidia in rc.loacl, going to reboot and see it that fixes it10:12
Jordan_Uwhat_if, It sounds like a conflict between the ones you installed from Nvidia.com and the ones in the repos, did you blacklist the ones from the repos ( should have been one of the steps in whatever guide you followed ) ?10:12
Huffalump2fathefner, open up a terminal10:12
Teres_wat did u do bout ur issues?10:12
kcFor some reason my "cube desktop" has stopped working, wobbly windows is fine still tho, any suggestions reasons? its enabled in desktop effects10:12
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styvyJR: krecord10:12
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Huffalump2fathefner, we'll do a line command:  sudo mkdir /mnt/windows_C (or whatever your name is)10:12
Fathefneri have10:12
lomezhow much of a pain in the ass is it to get AIGLX/COmpiz working with an ATI card using FGLRX drivers10:12
silver6yeah i had that problem too. i never solved it, just booted back to windows when i wanted to play10:12
PriceChildlomez, impossible10:12
what_ifJordan_U: followed no guide, installed no ubuntu-nvidia drivers10:12
lomezno composite at all yet :/ ?10:12
PriceChildlomez, fglrx won't work on aiglx. You need to use xgl10:12
Jordan_Ulomez, Only XGL will work with fglrx10:12
eckJR: you might try jokosher it is sort of canonical sponsored10:12
PriceChildlomez, #ubuntu-effects10:13
what_ifI'll brb10:13
piglitthhanx sanityx10:13
=== Bones [n=BoneE@pool-71-107-167-238.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
shane634lomez, it is possible with many hours of your time and others10:13
ecki think the developer is a canonical employee, or something like that10:13
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eckJR: it looks pretty cool10:13
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Fathefnerok done10:13
PriceChildeck, jono bacon is a canonical employee - ubuntu community manager10:13
ryeth25canonical?    could u define10:13
lomezoh ok, i heard the opposite10:13
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delireJR: people are saying good things about jokosher10:13
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lomezso XGL/Compiz on ATI, does it work alright or is it not worth the trouble?10:13
humahas anyone tried bluez-btsco 0.50 on 7.04?10:13
SnakePliskendo a google search for  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg....read up on it...cant help you anymore than that bro10:13
MalconRoxno help to me... thanks anyway.. have to go now...10:13
piglitsanityx: what did you do to solve the problem?10:13
shane634lomez, beryl is alpha man and buggy10:14
JR<delire>, thanks that looks great :)10:14
lomezwell right but how about compiz10:14
OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: Ok. Is it safe to close the terminal window now?10:14
Jordan_Uwhat_if: then that is your problem, let me find a guide ( if you have the restricted modules, you need to blacklist the driver )10:14
eck!canonical > ryeth2510:14
lomezcompiz is more stable than beryl10:14
shane634lomez, buggy10:14
delireJR: http://www.jokosher.org/10:14
mrecberyl looks better :)10:14
lomeztoo buggy to try?10:14
hendaussomobody help me please!10:14
SnakePliskenshould be10:14
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Fathefnerok i have named it10:14
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shane634lomez, your machine man break it if you wish10:15
lomezfair enough10:15
Huffalump2ok, fathefner, now let's mount a drive in terminal:  /dev/hda/xxx /mnt/windows_C ntfs-3g10:15
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FathefnerHuffalump2: ok its named10:15
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lomezshane634, thanks10:15
FathefnerHuffalump2: what is the xxx10:15
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zzz_ #pardus10:15
styvyryeth25, canonical is the company that develops ubuntu10:15
shane634lomez, only my opinion mate10:15
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Huffalump2fathefner the correct info for your drive10:15
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Fathefnerlike the name10:15
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tunganetDo i have to reinstall my video driver if i upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04? (i installed nvidia drivers thru envy script)10:15
FathefnerHuffalump2: like the name of the drive10:16
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shane634tunganet, yes10:16
PriceChildtunganet, probably yes10:16
LjLtunganet: most likely10:16
Huffalump2fathefner /dev/hda/da20010:16
eternaljoywhats the difference between a hard disk drives seek time and data transfer rate?10:16
Jordan_Uwhat_if: are you using Edgy or Feisty?10:16
Scuniziallquixotic:  sorry been bouncing between two different machines in two locations trying to get wireless working with shane634.  Much better now.  Can you drop the level on 50-100hz take some of the base out?10:16
PriceChildtunganet, because you will have a new kernel10:16
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tunganeti hope it wouldn't be a hazle10:16
flodinecan i get help with fontconfig configuration please10:16
PriceChildtunganet, switch to vesa then use the restricted-manager10:16
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ecketernaljoy: do you know how a hard drive works?10:16
shane634Scunizi, yes you can10:16
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Huffalump2fathefner does that look right?  so, /dev/hda/da200 /mnt/windows_C ntfs-3g10:16
tunganetPriceChild: hmm okay10:16
what_ifJordan_U: I put "rmmod nvidia" in rc.local and everything works fine now... a hack but a working hack10:16
begleysmim still in 6.10... but i have a 3 monitor setup and my middle monitor is stuck at 800x600 resolution even though xorg.conf only has 1280x1024 as an option... any ideas?10:16
=== jcreedy2 [n=none@pbd2924.urh.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
NrbelexHi, Inside my Dell 8200 is a Dell Truemobile 1180 aka BCM4303 wireless card. When I use the Network Manager, nothing is detected though I know two wireless networks are present (another computer one foot away has a strong connection on one of the two and an OK connection on the other). Any thoughts?10:17
Fathefnerbash: /dev/hda/da200: No such file or directory10:17
eternaljoyeck: do you?10:17
ecketernaljoy: the seek time is the time it takes for the head to move across the platter10:17
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shane634begleysm, the monitor can't handle it10:17
Huffalump2fathefner, sorry I got ahead of myself.  We want that command later when you automount.  My mistake.10:17
Jordan_Utunganet, I would personally remove what envy installed and use the drivers from the repos, in Feisty they couldn't be easier to install and you won't have upgrade problems later on10:17
flodinecan someone tell me what fonts show better bitstream or truetype10:17
ecketernaljoy: it doesn't make a lot of sense unless you sort of understand what is going on10:17
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allquixoticScunizi: Not sure if it has an equalizer, but it does have about everything else, lol10:17
jcreedy2Can anyone very experienced with an install with an ATI Radeon card PM me, I can't even get installer to start10:17
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ecketernaljoy: seek time is like latency, transfer rate is like bandwidth10:17
tunganetJordan_U: is it really easy to install nvidia drivers without envy script in feisty?10:17
tom_Can someone help me get my resolution changed and get electric sheep installed please? I just finished getting beryl up and running10:17
Huffalump2fathefner, sudo mount /dev/hda/da200 /mnt/windows_C10:17
FathefnerHuffalump2: ok10:17
AATDarkjcreedy2: what is the error message ?10:18
jcreedy2no error message10:18
Jordan_Utunganet, Yup, just a checkbox :)10:18
begleysmshane634, it can handle it, it does in windows XP and it DID in ubuntu... just one day i started up ubuntu (i made no changes to xorg.conf) and its resolution was wrong10:18
tunganetJordan_U: oh my.. nice!10:18
nickuzzymy xserver is crashing upon startup10:18
=== ejoy [n=truth@d58-106-10-156.mas4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
phoenix_Ganyone made atheros chipset device work on feisty ?10:18
jcreedy2I get to the front screen, i go to start or install ubuntu, then get a black screen10:18
Jordan_Utunganet, But it won't work until you undu what envy did.10:18
ejoyeck: ah ok cheers.  I read that a HDD has faster data transfer rate than a USB flash drive has.  But the USB flash drives seek time is faster!  is that true?10:18
what_ifI there a seveas repository for feisty yet ??10:18
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ammielIs there a way I can make ubuntu go back to the old style of mounting (so the drive always mounts on /media/cdrom0 or /media/cdrom1 and not something such as /mnt/STARCRAFT)10:18
tunganetJordan_U: hmm so other data i have on 6.10 will get transfered nicely, and the only thing i need to do before i upgrade is to uninstall the envy right?10:18
jcreedy2i went to graphics-safe install, showed loading screen for a while, then stopped outputting to monitor completely10:18
Jordan_Utunganet, Yup10:19
FathefnerHuffalump2: mount: special device /dev/hda/da200 does not exist10:19
Seveaswhat_if, no :)10:19
tunganetJordan_U: none of those WINE stuff needs any work right10:19
eckejoy: yes. because a hard drive needs to physically move a head across the platter to seek to a location on the disk, but a flash drive is not mechanical so it can just address any part of it directly10:19
Huffalump2fathefner, how many partitions are on hda?10:19
NrbelexInside my Dell Inspiron 8200 is a Dell Truemobile 1180 aka BCM4303 wireless card. When I use the Network Manager, nothing is detected though I know two wireless networks are present (another computer one foot away has a strong connection on one of the two and an OK connection on the other).10:19
Jordan_Ujcreedy2, Have you tried the alternate install CD?10:19
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darwinIs there a good free program for learning how to touch type?10:19
jcreedy2no, i do not10:19
mfyzhi. my ubuntu broked after kernel update.. i have changed UUIDs to /dev/hda... and kernel not booting... i'm waiting 4-5 minutes and usplash change to some errors. error says /dev/hda2 not fount.. but grub, fstab,, all my root filesystem in /dev/hda2/// what must i do10:19
phoenix_Gmadwifi works for atheros ?10:19
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what_ifSeveas: oh, well hi :) and TY for the edgy version, spot on :)10:19
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu:LjL] : Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Ubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn" is out! - but Party in #ubuntu-release-party https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-April/000102.html | The servers are very loaded, please be patient
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Fathefneri havent partioned any of my windows drives10:20
Huffalump2ok, we'll identify the correct number, fathefner.  just a moment.10:20
jcreedy2i was wondering if i needed to get the driver CD and try to install with that10:20
jcreedy2but i just downloaded this version now, and it's the latest10:20
ejoyeck: how do these little 1 GIG USB drives work?  Do they have a little hdd in them?10:20
Jordan_Utunganet, You will need to update the sources for the repos ( although that might happen automatically )10:20
LjL!info tipptrainer | darwin10:20
Huffalump2let's try sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows_C10:20
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ubotudarwin: tipptrainer: A program to learn touch typing. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-9ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 258 kB, installed size 744 kB10:20
tunganetJordan_U: it would be hard for me to mess up the upgrade right.. i am really scared :)10:20
Scuniziallquixotic:  turn the volume down a little more... if there's a plug in for jack or the other program look for a parametric eq.. but a graphic will also do the trick.10:20
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-66-136-100-183.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RictooWhat's a free alternative to TuxRacer?10:20
eckejoy: they are just a 1GB stick of flash memory, no hdd10:20
darnellshould I burn in TAO or DAO mode with k3b?10:20
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delirephoenix_G: see system->administration->restricted driver manager10:20
LjL!info planetpenguin-racer | rictoo10:21
uboturictoo: planetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (feisty), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB10:21
darwinLjL: Is GNU Typist any good?10:21
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nickuzzyDoes anyone know of a problem with xserver in that it cannot start up with feisty?10:21
phoenix_Git says no restricted drivers10:21
FathefnerHuffalump2: mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist10:21
Jordan_Utunganet, It should be fine, if there are any problems update-manager should warn you about them before upgrading10:21
jcreedy2I'm using an ATI Radeon X700 Sapphire if it helps10:21
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allquixoticScunizi: I could probably run the LADSPA effects against my jack server, eh? ;)10:21
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Huffalump2fathefner, okay, let's find the correct numbers then shall we?  the good news is we only have to do this once,t hen we'll set it up for automount10:21
LjLdarwin: wouldn't know. it's packaged as gtypist (or at least, i think that's it), try10:21
allquixoticScunizi: will turn down vol and look for bass equalization10:21
tunganetJordan_U: okay, thanks a lot!~10:21
delirephoenix_G: oh.. well see http://www.michaellarabel.com/?k=blog&i=129 . perhaps some clues there10:21
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ejoyeck: define flash memoery pls10:22
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allquixoticScunizi: I think, actually that the stream is automatically normalizing it to some extent, and may be overdriving it on purpose due to the author's tastes, LOL10:22
FathefnerHuffalump2: ok10:22
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RictooWhat's a free alternative to TuxRacer?10:22
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Scuniziallquixotic:  I've never run jack.. tried once and got confused at the command line.10:22
LjLRictoo, do you only ask questions, or do you also look at the answers? :)10:22
LjL!info planetpenguin-racer | rictoo10:22
uboturictoo: planetpenguin-racer: another 3D racing game featuring Tux, the Linux penguin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.1-8 (feisty), package size 273 kB, installed size 744 kB10:22
legolaswoodcan some one please tell me what is differece between ubuntu and Kubuntu?10:22
Huffalump2fathefner, sudo fdisk -l10:22
Rictoooh yeah10:22
shane634Rictoo, tuxracer is free10:22
RictooPlanetPenguin :)10:22
LjL!en | lhw_10:22
ubotulhw_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:22
tom__hey anyone know how to change screen resolution that won't cause me to reinstall my operating system having to reformat my hardrive and lose all my data like last time?????10:22
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RictooI remember now =p10:22
legolaswoodI can have UBUNTU 7.04 or KUBUNTU 7.04 DVD10:22
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LjL!flavors > legolaswood    (legolaswood, see the private message from Ubotu)10:22
AATDarklegolaswood: ubunti is based on gnome kubuntu based on KDE10:22
nickuzzyget ubuntu10:23
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ubotu!GTK and !Qt are !GUI toolkits (i.e. software libraries that draw buttons, textboxes, etc). !GNOME, !KDE, !Xfce and friends are "desktop environments", which build on top of such libraries to provide a "consistent" desktop experience. !Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu10:23
=== PhilKC_ is now known as PhilKC
ryeth25what's better  gnome or kde??10:23
mfyzmy ubuntu not booting.. broked after kernel update :(10:23
nickuzzyubuntu is prettier than kde10:23
allquixoticScunizi: JACK comes off as seeming hard to use, but not that hard once you play with it long enough, lol10:23
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Huffalump2fathefner, now it's up to you to interpret the results.  what it's showing you is the connect hard drives and their partiaions (and file systems to help identify)10:23
tom__hey anyone know how to change screen resolution that won't cause me to reinstall my operating system having to reformat my hardrive and lose all my data like last time?????10:23
FathefnerHuffalump2: ok i got it want me to PM it to u10:23
LjLryeth25: both exist, both are used, it means they're both good.10:23
AATDarklegolaswood: gnome is more simple and kde is a bit like windows10:23
h3h_timohey all, is there a reason synaptic isnt completely updating for me??10:23
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.10:23
allquixoticScunizi: going home :) seeya later10:23
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PriceChild!fixres > tom__ (see pm from ubotu)10:23
eckejoy: look it up on wikipedia. it is just another solid state storage medium10:23
mfyzryeth25: kde recommended10:23
Scuniziallquixotic:  I got too much on my plate that I'm trying to learn now.  See ya.10:23
Huffalump2fathefner, which one is the first HPFS/NTFS... let's mount that first10:23
NrbelexInside my Dell Inspiron 8200 is a Dell Truemobile 1180 aka BCM4303 wireless card. When I use the Network Manager, nothing is detected though I know two wireless networks are present (another computer one foot away has a strong connection on one of the two and an OK connection on the other).10:23
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LjL!fixres > tom__    (tom__, see the private message from Ubotu)10:24
Huffalump2fathefner, well read the information.  one of those devices is marked as being NTFS, correct?10:24
ryeth25mfyz:  i use gnome on ubuntu, but i'm fixing to use archlinux10:24
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LaszloKvCould someone help me with sharing a folder using samba?10:24
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LjL!samba > LaszloKv    (LaszloKv, see the private message from Ubotu)10:24
nickuzzycan anyone help me with a reason as to why my xsever keeps crashing when I boot up feisty then gnome doesn't start up10:24
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legolaswoodcan we install KDE application into Gnome?10:24
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pavouk1Hi :D is here some specially czech channel?10:24
LjLlegolaswood: yes10:24
AATDarklegolaswood: yes10:25
Huffalump2nickuzzy, what is the error you receive?10:25
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Nrbelexlegolaswood, yes10:25
LjLlegolaswood: the KDE libraries will also get installed, however.10:25
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hyljelegolaswood: given you have enough mem for kde libs10:25
Huffalump2pavouk1 #ubuntu-cz maybe?10:25
LjL!cz | pavouk110:25
ubotupavouk1: esk uivatele dme, aby mluvili v kanle #ubuntu anglicky. esky je mono se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Dkujeme.10:25
legolaswoodcan we install KDE on ubuntu 7.04 ? is it easy to do it?10:25
delirephoenix_G: if it doesn't come up in restricted driver manager, be sure that you have a card of that chipset and if so, search on the forums about it. bound to be others in your situation.10:25
cedricshockDoes ubuntu 7.04 have badmem or badram already in the kernel? Can I use it when booting the live cd?10:25
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hyljelegolaswood: kubuntu is there for a reason10:25
LjLlegolaswood, did you read the message from Ubotu?10:25
FathefnerHuffalump2: i sent u a PM with it10:25
ejoyeck: cheers10:25
LjLcedricshock: uhm, i don't think so10:25
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pavouk1good idea, thanx :D10:25
Jordan_Ulegolaswood, Yes, very easy, just install kubuntu-desktop10:25
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Fathefneri cant see anything ur senting me10:25
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Huffalumpfathefner, please send again to Huffalump10:26
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AATDarklegolaswood: but i would recommend ubuntu and to use certain kde progs ..10:26
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nickuzzyit is a blueish screen that comes up righ before the login screen appears and then it asks me if I want to diagnose errors in xserv then it goes to terminal10:26
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legolaswooddoes Kubuntu come with java, netbeans and glassfish pre-installed?10:26
kerikhey guys10:26
tom__LjL, i'm a little nervous about editing anything since last time I had to reinstall ubuntu and lose all my data when i tried to change screen resolution10:26
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BrokenLinuxCan anyone reccomend amarok alternative for gnome?10:26
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markus_i just upgraded from edgy to feisty, everything went fine. on reboot, grub gave an error 15 "file not found". i changed the grub entry hd(0,6) to hd(0,4) and it booted, but only into some initramfs console... where do i go next?10:26
mfyzi have changed UUID's to hda... after kernel update and now ubuntu not booting.. it says `/dev/hda2 not exists` but menu.lst in /dev/hda2 and grub works well. but i can`t boot with any kernel. what is the problem? how can i fix this?10:26
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Valstorm2379Need help with BIN file here10:26
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jrib!players > BrokenLinux    (BrokenLinux, see the private message from ubotu)10:26
phoenix_Gsay that again . .. please10:26
Valstorm2379I want to execute a bin file so that it extracts to my floppy drive10:26
NrbelexDoes anyone know how to get proper support from a BCM4303 network card without NDISWrapper?10:26
AATDarkBrokenLinux: mo sry amarok is the best .. but you can use it on gnome10:26
SnakePliskeni use amarok with gnome?10:26
auridiusHi, i don't find anything on the ubuntu docs for enabling 3D acceleration on an ATI rage mobility march64?10:26
cedricshockBrokenLinux: KDE, which is in kubuntu, and XFCE, which is in xubuntu10:26
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Huffalumpnickuzzy, when it asks you if you want to diagnose, select OK, and find some error details.  unfortunately, there's a variety of problems all different.10:26
FathefnerHuffalump2: i cant send a Pm because i need to register10:27
BrokenLinuxjrd, Amarok works fine in gnome?10:27
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nickuzzywould it be better if I just went back to using 6.10?10:27
SnakePliskenworks fine10:27
Nrbelexbrokenlinux, yes10:27
Jordan_Umarkus_, I would try chrooting in from a liveCD and running update-grub10:27
OiPenguinnSnakePlisken: I figured how to continue editing, and I've verifed that additional resolutions are addedd to the config file. What do I need to do to make them appear in System --> Screen resolutions?10:27
Huffalumpfathefner, use http://pastebin.ca/10:27
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cedricshockBrokenLinux: Oops, read your message wrong, sorry. I use Amarok in gnome.10:27
AATDarkBrokenLinux: yeah of course it works fine ..10:27
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LjLtom__: i wonder how that's possible. you can always restore your previous X configuration from the terminal. just type  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup  before doing anything, and then if you have trouble, login to the terminal, and type  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf .   it's certainly always a good idea to make a backup of things you edit10:27
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pimpnastyhow can I make a .exe with celedaga get in a window?10:27
BrokenLinuxgreat, thanks!10:27
xtknighthow do i move hidden files (.*) ?10:27
kerikanybody who can tell me about an error I get upon updating Dapper to Edgy via GKSU "update-manager -c"?10:27
nuOpushello all!! The new Ubuntu Rocks!!10:27
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AATDarkBrokenLinux: just type sudo apt-get install amarok in your terminal .. and it will install all nesseary things10:27
jribxtknight: same as not hidden files10:27
xtknighti want a "cp -a" but for "mv"...any ideas?10:27
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legolaswoodany one? does Kubuntu come with java, netbeans and glassfish pre-installed?10:27
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xtknightjrib, ^10:28
nuOpusDoes anyone know what file I should edit to stop a module from loading at bootup?10:28
BrokenLinuxAATDark, already start^^10:28
markus_Jordan_U, k thx. i'll do that. will an edgy live do?10:28
SmileyLaphi guys, whats the "new" version going to do to my system if i upgrade?10:28
jribxtknight: mv .foo somewhere10:28
NrbelexInside my Dell Inspiron 8200 is a Dell Truemobile 1180 aka BCM4303 wireless card. When I use the Network Manager, nothing is detected though I know two wireless networks are present (another computer one foot away has a strong connection on one of the two and an OK connection on the other).10:28
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SnakePliskenI <3 amarok10:28
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benja_hi, I've had some errors on an ext3 file system which fsck -f fixed, but I still have a weird file I cannot remove: http://rafb.net/p/OQswpy89.html10:28
NrbelexAny thoughts?10:28
LjLmfyz: but /boot/grub/menu.lst *does* list the partition's UUID, you should change it to reflect the new UUID i think (besides... you did what?! changed the UUID?)10:28
FathefnerHuffalump2: http://pastebin.ca/45039110:28
benja_anybody have an idea what to do?10:28
ernstanis there something new with ubuntu 7.04?10:28
delirextknight: rsync ;) ?10:28
AATDarkBrokenLinux: but its quite big i think  because of the kde libs10:28
xtknightjrib, yeah it's just odd. i mean i can't move everything in the current dir?  (when i did mv ./* ./old_docs it didnt copy the .* files.  i just found that weird)10:28
nuOpusnrbelex i got mine working on my dell10:28
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xtknightsince when did ./* not match ./.* ?10:28
BrokenLinuxAATDark, yea, those are downloading now10:28
Jordan_Umarkus_, Yes, do you know how to chroot? ( and how to bind /dev and /proc ) ?10:28
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NrbelexnuOpus, what did you have to do and is it a BCM4303?10:29
oneseventeenI changed my IP from dhcp to static using the GUI but it didn't apply it... how do I get my networking systems to implement my new IP settings?10:29
nuOpusI had to remove the bcm43xx module that is loaded at start, then use NDISWRAPPER with the windows drivers10:29
jribxtknight: * does not glob things that start with a .10:29
cedricshockIs there anything I can do to get the live CD to run with about 224 MB of memory? I have another memory stick, but it's got bad spots.10:29
Mr_Bunny_What's the default home directory for the Java2 SDK 1.4.2?10:29
markus_Jordan_U, yes thanks... done it before10:29
AATDarkernstan: layout : no ; new kernel ; new openoffec ; xserver .. + network manager10:29
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oneseventeen(/etc/networking/interfaces has the correct IP)10:29
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AATDarkernstan: nothing big i would say ..10:29
NrbelexnuOpus, any way to do it without NDISWrapper?10:29
LjLcedricshock: the live CD should definitely work with 224 MB of memory. (what do memory sticks have to do with it?)10:29
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nuOpusndiswrapper won't work at first because bcm43xx is loaded first10:29
sls_Is there a good guide to setingup pam_mount? I really want to set it up to mount : volume * smb hathor & /home/HADES/& uid=&,gid=&,dmask=0750,workgroup=HADES - - (except that it does not work at all! This is how I understand that the man page wants me to do it... ideas??)10:29
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Jordan_UNrbelex, Yes, are you on Edgy or Feisty?10:29
nuOpusdont know. but it is working perfectly10:29
nickuzzyHuffalump, the error occurs even when I try to run the live cd... im guess I should probably just go back to 6.1010:29
AATDarkcedricshock there is a xubuntu .. with doesn't so much mem10:29
kane77cedricshock, try xubuntu10:29
NrbelexJordan_U, Feisty10:30
LjLcedricshock: ah you mean RAM stick, i was thinking USB stick sorry, i'm stoned10:30
Huffalumpfathefner, these are USB drives?10:30
cedricshockLjL: They let me have more memory. It certainly doesn't work with 224.10:30
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nuOpusI just need to figure out how to stop the module from loading when I boot10:30
mfyzLjL: how can i generate UUIDs?10:30
delireernstan: migration assistant, codec installation on filetype, network manager, nvidia/ati magic, improved wifi support..10:30
LjLcedricshock: but anyway, the CD can run with 192MB in my experience10:30
Huffalumpfathefner, apparently they are not NTFS in any event.10:30
jribxtknight: if you happen to use zsh, you can use *(D), otherwise you need to do list * and .*10:30
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xtknightmfyz, uuidgen10:30
jcreedy2Okay, so the problem is, I get to the boot screen with the Ubuntu CD, but after I select any option, it takes a long time to load, and then stops outputting to my monitor whatsoever. I'm using an ATI Radeon X700 Sapphire. Any ideas?10:30
Fathefneri still have one pluged in10:30
hossyshane634: gah, i installed ndiswrapper with the correct driver and what not, no dice, it isn't recognizing any wireless ap's10:30
Mr_Bunny_how can I search my filesystem for a file from command line?10:30
mfyzhmm ok :)10:30
xtknightmfyz, if you want UUIDs for a harddisk, use "blkid".  uuidgen makes random ones10:30
Jordan_UNrbelex, If you havn't messed with anything else ( like trying and failing to use NDIS wrapper ) just install bcm43xx-fwcutter10:30
keriknobody ever tried to get an error message upon updating?10:30
LjLmfyz: why "generate" them? they're automated calculated by an appropriate algorithm, keep the ones that were generated for you10:30
LjL!uuid > mfyz    (mfyz, see the private message from Ubotu)10:30
Fathefneri have them pluged it10:30
nickv111Holy crap that's a lot of people here.10:31
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pimpnastyso is there a command to make it go in window mode?10:31
NrbelexJordan_U, I haven't messed with anything - is that the name of the package?10:31
Fathefnerit talks about a 60gb10:31
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xtknighti've found ls /dev/disk/by-uuid to be more verbose10:31
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stefg!uuid > stefg10:31
xtknightthan blkid10:31
Mr_Bunny_pimpnasty: startx10:31
cedricshockLjL: Yeah, that's the quoted number. With 224 it thrashes the CD loading nautilus, and never advances (never being more than a couple hours).10:31
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slackernjcreedy2: you could try using the alternate installation disc, that will not have a graphical installation though but may work better.10:31
Jordan_UNrbelex, Yes10:31
Huffalumpnickuzzy, well, I'm no expert on this topic.  I responded because I had some difficulties myself along those lines, but I learned that different people had different causes.  Hence... the desire to know more.10:31
LjLMr_Bunny_:  find / | grep keyword , or  locate filename  but only if the file's been there for the last day at least10:31
pimpnastystartx ?10:31
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peter77how/where do I enable mipmapping in beryl?10:31
jribpimpnasty: why not ask transgaming?10:31
xtknightpimpnasty, window mode/ what do you mean?10:31
xtknightpimpnasty, oh 'windowed mode'.10:31
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Jordan_Upeter77, #beryl10:31
xtknighti'm not sure10:31
NrbelexJordan_U, thanks - I'm giving it a try - why does this need to be done... why isn't it automatic?10:31
pimpnastylike I have cedaga10:31
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tom__LjL, I did what you said and I got this: tom@tom-laptop:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh10:31
tom__xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration10:31
tom__   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007042016305210:31
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive10:31
pimpnastyand trrying to my my game in windowed mode10:31
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LjLcedricshock: are you sure it's not a problem of corrupted CD (or picky drive) rather than RAM? i'm not just quoting official figures, i *have* run the (edgy) CD on 192 megs10:32
pimpnastyso I can switch desktops10:32
nuOpusnrbelex its not done automatically in Windows either. LOL10:32
FathefnerHuffalump2: it have a 60gb a 40gb and a 200gb10:32
nuOpuswindows has no support for our cards10:32
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nickv111Guys, are there mirrors out there of the Ubuntu repository?10:32
tom__LjL, it didn't change my screen resolution I selected nVidia and 1650 by 105010:32
xtknightjrib, ah so something like "zsh cp ./*(D) ./old_docs"  ??10:32
peter77Thanx Jordan_U10:32
FathefnerHuffalump2: it have a 60gb a 40gb and a 200gb the 40gb has ubuntu on it10:32
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nuOpusits just done automatically by dell10:32
nickv111I need to install stuff but the servers are too loaded.10:32
Huffalumpfathefner, so which one is a drive you'd like to try?  the 60gb first or a different one?10:32
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Enselic_How do I update the hostname after I have edited /etc/hostname?10:32
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slackernjcreedy2: I know it worked fine with my X1950Pro AGP card oddly enough10:32
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PriceChild!hostname > Enselic_ (see pm from ubotu)10:32
Valstorm2379Any idea how I can execute  a win file  so that it extracts to my floppy drive??10:32
nickv111Enselic_: Run "hostname"10:32
mfyzxtknight: because, i changed in fstab and grub`s menu.lst and now kernel not booting. i want to change it back again :) dpkg-reconfigure not worked..10:32
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LjLtom__: that's fine, it means that it has made a backup for you (called /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20070420163052). if you also had made a backup yourself, you're twice as safe ;)10:32
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FathefnerHuffalump2: 60gb10:32
xtknightmfyz, oh then you dont want uuidgen obviously, that is a random uuid generator10:32
LjLtom__: of course, you also restarted X?10:32
pimpnastyis there a command to make somthing in window mod?10:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:32
adam_do we still have to do a text file for wpa in fiesty?10:32
xtknightmfyz, use "blkid" as mentioned.10:33
jribEnselic_: pay very close attention to what ubotu just told you10:33
Jordan_UNrbelex, Basically, there are reverse engeneered open source *drivers* which are there by default, but the firmeare ( the code that runs on the card itself ) is proprietary and cannot be legally included by default10:33
cedricshockLjL: Already checked the CD, and the drive is one of the few things in that computer that isn't a pos. Maybe feisty jumped the memory usage.10:33
pimpnastyis there a command to make somthing in window mod?10:33
Narf__W: mdadm: unchecked configuration file: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf10:33
Narf__W: mdadm: please read /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.upgrading-2.5.3.gz .10:33
Narf__W: mkconf: MD subsystem is not loaded, thus I cannot scan for arrays.10:33
Narf__W: mdadm: failed to auto-generate temporary mdadm.conf file.10:33
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ
LjL!paste > Narf__    (Narf__, see the private message from Ubotu)10:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:33
Narf__how can I load this thing?10:33
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Huffalumpfathefner, okay, but keep in mind that linux is saying that drive is not NTFS.  however, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows_C10:33
tom__LjL, ehh i don't think so10:33
XyonI haven't been able to get ANY distro of linux working on my computer, liveCD or otherwise10:33
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NrbelexJordan_U, I see, thanks!10:33
Narf__whoops, sorry - didn't think about pasting10:33
xtknightXyon, what kind of platform are you running?10:34
LjLtom__: well, hardly anything is going to change unless you restart it. ctrl+alt+backspace, and if it doesn't start, do what i said you should do in case of a problem.10:34
Xyonwhat do you mean by "platform"10:34
dreginhey, can anyone help me with an xorg.conf/nvidia problem? upgraded to feisty earlier today and x cant start giving me an error saying "no screens found"...10:34
xtknightXyon, motherboard, CPU, architecture (i'm assuming x86)10:34
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XyonI am running an AMD64 3700+10:34
lmosherHow does one identify what Ubuntu version they have?10:34
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xtknightlmosher, lsb_release -a10:34
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Jordan_UXyon, What happens when you try to boot a liveCD?10:34
Xyonmobo is nvidia nForce10:34
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xtknight and 'uname -a' for kernel version10:34
what_ifdregin: try rmmod nvidia, then starting X10:34
xtknightXyon, nforce what?10:34
Xyonit crashes or displays nothing10:34
Xyonhold on, lemme think about it10:34
NrbelexJordan_U, is there any need for a restart? I'm not seeing anything new in the Network Monitor10:34
Xyonbeen a whiel10:34
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dreginwhat_if: kk, thanks.10:35
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stefgHmmm... !uuid is a very interesting factoid. Now i know where all the misbehaving in my system with stock-ubuntu-kernels come from. We re all guinea-pigs for libata-pata. Nice that I'm being told :-)10:35
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nickv111!repository > nickv11110:35
lmosherOk, so I'm on 6.10, what's the most recomended way to upgrade to fiesty?10:35
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xtknightXyon, ah well google "PC Wizard" if you cant remember.  i'd like to know the model # of your motherboard, ideally.10:35
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Narf__so, how can I load that 'MD subsystem' ?10:35
Jordan_UNrbelex, You can either restart or run: sudo modprobe bcm43xx10:35
Dumahenhow can i reach the shared files on network by consol ?10:35
dreginwhat_if: module nvidia does not exist in /proc/modules10:35
jriblmosher: Your question is answered in the FAQ which is linked in the channel's topic.  You can view the channel's topic at any time by typing:    /topic10:35
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XyonI'm using an ATI Radeon X700 Sapphire, by the way10:35
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xtknight!upgrade | lmosher, use update-manager as described in the following10:35
adam_if anyone has the time, i have a wpa question about fiesty10:35
ubotulmosher, use update-manager as described in the following: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:35
nuOpusrmmod ndiswrapper10:35
pleedhi! really need help! tried to upgrade on feisty but failed. now there re a lot of malfunctions... how can i reconfigure whole ubuntu?10:35
nuOpuswhoops sorry10:35
Dumahenhow can i reach the shared files on network by consol ?10:35
cedricshockLjL: I'm sure it'd run with some swap space, but that's not an option. Hmm, I might need to tryu some other live CD for the data recovery part of this. I tried knoppix, but it didn't like my firewire drive (ubuntu likes it just fine).10:35
what_ifdregin: that could be the problem, did you use the ones from nVidia webpage or in apt ?10:35
xtknightpleed, if you /really/ /really/ /really/ want to, `sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a`10:36
Jordan_U!ask | adam10:36
ubotuadam: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:36
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xtknightpleed, i just dont recommend it, that's all10:36
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lmosherjrib, lol thanks... I was checking that as I asked, should have checked first. Thanks, and thanks xtknight also..10:36
blazemongerthe live cd detected my ide pata drives as scsi devices10:36
pleedwhy not xtknight?10:36
adam_lol, i asked it and didnt see an answer so i asked if i could ask it to get attention, lol10:36
NrbelexJordan_U, Brilliant, it worked! What did the last command I just did do? - THANKS!10:36
cedricshockpleed: How did it fail?10:36
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phobiacI need to set all the files and directories in one directory to be owned by one user, how can I do this?10:36
CirroXdamn I love 7.0410:36
stefgblazemonger: see my comment above10:36
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xtknightpleed, because it's probably more than you want to do for something that could be a simple problem.  and it might screw something up.10:36
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dreginwhat_if: I actually did apt-get remove nvidia-glx already...10:36
CirroXit's very good10:36
adam_do we still need to do a text file for wired wpa in fiesty10:36
jribphobiac: what directory?10:36
phobiacI'm trying to make sense of chmod but it's confusing10:36
annihilusanyone have a solution to XServer not starting (No Screens Found), Im running at radeon x130010:36
pleeddont know cause there was no exactly error message10:36
LjLcedricshock: there are live CDs around that are made specifically for data recovery purposes... not that i have names in my mind right now but10:36
xtknightphobiac, what confuses you about it?10:36
xtknightphobiac, the manual page can be frustratingly awful10:37
dreginwhat_if: Should I be using the apt drivers or the proprietary ones?10:37
Jordan_UNrbelex, It loaded the driver again, which now works because the firmware is available10:37
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cedricshockblazemongeR: Are they on a usb pata controller like jMicron?10:37
blazemongeri didnt see a comment10:37
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xtknightjmicron isnt USB afaik10:37
phobiacjrib: A folder in /var/www, setting up ampache10:37
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pleedxtknight, well when i try to start gnome-terminal it says "file not found" for example...10:37
NrbelexJordan_U, awesome - thanks again10:37
xtknighti certainly have a PCI jmicron10:37
blazemongerbtw i'm planning on having gnewsense installed too10:37
SnakePliskensudo chown -R username /directory10:37
Xyonmobo: nVidia nForce410:37
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phobiacxtknight: Yeah, the man page makes no sense at all.10:37
xtknightXyon, hm should be supported10:37
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blazemongerbut all of my hardware seems to be detected10:37
pleedxtknight, dont think thats a little bug...10:37
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Xyonthats what i thought10:37
blazemongernot usb10:37
Xyoni think its my gfx card10:37
blazemongerthat i know of10:37
jribphobiac: see what SnakePlisken said10:37
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xtknightphobiac, sticky bits.what?  you dont know what those are?  shame on you ;)10:37
FathefnerHuffalump2: hello10:38
phobiacSnakePlisken: Can I use that to se permissions too?10:38
blazemongerits a intel d865perl motherboard10:38
XyonATI Radeon X700 Sapphire10:38
Nergarwhats the name of the gnome burning app??10:38
xtknightphobiac, heh anything in specific i can help you with?10:38
Jordan_UXyon, What happens when you try to boot a liveCD?10:38
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blazemongerrage 128 here10:38
tom_LjL, whatever that restart script thing was froze my comp and i had to restart, when it did I saw a new Nvidia logo but I still  have this shitty resolution10:38
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jrib!permissions > phobiac    (phobiac, see the private message from ubotu)10:38
Dumahenhow can i reach network on konsol ?10:38
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blazemongerbut the install seems to be going fine10:38
NrbelexJordan_U, will I need to do anything on startup in the future?10:38
phobiacThanks jrib10:38
xtknightpleed, it could be..10:38
stefg!info gnomebaker10:38
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ubotugnomebaker: application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-7ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 995 kB, installed size 2972 kB10:38
blazemongerno errors10:38
SnakePliskenno.... sudo chmod -R 755 /directory     for example10:38
xtknightpleed, press Alt+F2 and type xterm10:38
AATDarkDumahen: setting up an IP or what ?10:38
blazemongerare pata devices scsi?10:38
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LjLtom_: restart script?10:38
Jordan_UNrbelex, Nope, it loads automatically at boot10:38
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Enselic_When I do 'hostname ltop', the shell "caption" does not change, does this matter?10:38
AATDarkDumahen: if so then ifconfig10:38
xtknightblazemonger, in Feisty and libata, yes.10:38
NrbelexJordan_U - awesome, thanks10:38
philipmeadowsI've just upgraded to ubuntu 7.04 on a PC and now the mouse doesn't respond. Any ideas?10:38
xtknightblazemonger, but not technically.10:38
tom_LjL, restart X or whatever it was to try to fix the resolution10:38
phobiacWow, I feel bad for you guys. I can see Feisty has brought in a rush of new problems?10:38
jribEnselic_: did you edit /etc/hosts too?10:39
blazemongeroh ok10:39
Xyon~[ Jordan_U ] ~ I tried to boot koraraa a while back, and it got to a certain point and just froze outright10:39
blazemongeri understand now10:39
eldragonis there a way to get the 'ati' drivers to work with Direct rendering AND an x600 videocard?10:39
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Xyonsorry for colors10:39
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Enselic_jrib: yes10:39
LjLtom_: you typed sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart?10:39
BlublobluI was really enjoying Ubuntu until Feisty completely messed up my computer! Can someone please have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=249326210:39
tom_LjL,  your bot friend told me to do it10:39
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto10:39
pleedxtknight, yes thanks that works and now? i ve got no idea10:39
jribEnselic_: start a new shell, it should update10:39
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xtknightpleb2, "sudo apt-get install gnome-terminal"10:39
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xtknightpleed, ^10:39
Jordan_UXyon, Have you tried the Alternate install CD for Ubuntu?10:39
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liquiddoomI'm updating my sources.list, are "edgy" repositories still safe to use?10:39
Enselic_jrib: ah yes, ty10:39
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xtknightliquiddoom, no10:39
auridiushow do i install an ati rage mobility march 64 with 3D accel?10:39
kane77so how is it realy wit packages, when are they upgraded? (eg will thunderbird 2.0 appear in repos?)10:39
liquiddoomOkay, thanks.10:39
blazemongerwhat is the alternate install good for?10:39
Xyoni def have over 256mb of ram, but there are other reasons to use alt cd?10:39
xtknight!alternate | blazemonger10:39
ubotublazemonger: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD.10:39
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Enselic_kane77: usually after a couple of days10:39
jbardin_ /msg nickserv link jbardin 123iop10:40
pleedxtknight hm i ll try to upgrade under apt-get10:40
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Enselic_kane77: when there are major releases it might take longer10:40
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tom_LjL, i don't think so, it was like restart X server... you asked me if i had done it yet, and I hadnt so i typed it into the terminal and bang it started looking for settings or something but it didn't do anything so I eventually ctrl alt delted to restart10:40
Shaunyanybody an "expert" IN pam?10:40
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Jordan_UXyon, It just tends to work when the LiveCD doesn't10:40
eckkane77: packages are upgraded to new versions only when there is a new version -- within a version there are just security fixes and major bugs10:40
Xyononce i select start or install ubuntu, how long does it typically take for something to show up?10:40
Wiseguyhey guys, does anyone know why i wouldnt be able to access the windows share i have on my network? for some reason it says the contents cannot be displayed, possibly because the contents have been deleted. (although i know they havent)  anyone have any ideas?10:40
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LjLtom_: well, i had told you to hit ctrl+alt+backspace. if that wasn't what you did, then it could hardly work correctly. anyway, are you sure that now - even though the resolution is the same - you cannot go to System / Preferences / Display (or what it's called) and select a higher one?10:40
eckkane77: thunderbird 2 will most likely _not_ appear in feisty10:40
blazemongermy friend who used to be a windows nazi now likes linux cuz of ubuntu10:40
AATDarkXyon: not very long10:40
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@CBL217-132-97-104.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ScrAmI just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 7.04 yesterday from my Ubuntu 6.10, and now pretty much everything I start freezes.10:40
blazemongerim gonna show him 7.0410:40
ScrAmFirefox, xmms10:40
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kane77eck, why not? :(10:40
AATDarkXyon: if you doesn't see anything something is wron10:40
Huffalumpfathefner, I'm going to be stepping away, so... listen, ntfs-3g works great.  I've used it on regular hard drives inside the box, but if you've got USB drives then I did just search around and found this killer tutorial -> http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_edgy_eft_ntfs_ntfs_3g that'll work in Feisty as well10:41
Xyonwell i went to graphics-safe install and it took about 5 mins for it to load10:41
BlublobluHi there, does anyone want to help me?10:41
Xyonand then it just crashed10:41
SgeoWhere can I download a 6.10 alt. install disk?10:41
AATDarkXyon: how long are you already waiting ?10:41
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Xyoni waited with a blank screen for about 5 mins10:41
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive10:41
Xyonthen i just restarted back to windows10:41
eckkane77: because feisty is stable, introducing major software revisions and new features would not be stable10:41
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Huffalumpfathefner, stick with ntfs-3g.  why only read when you can write?  it rocks.10:41
tom_LjL, yeah i checked i am still stuck at 1024 by 76810:41
AATDarkXyon: do you have an ATI card?10:41
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Shaunyhelp im getting error: pam_start() failed, error 2610:41
Xyoni believe that's the source of the problem10:41
FathefnerHuffalump2: ok will do i have to walk away too10:41
blazemongerthe ONLY thing i dont like about fiesty is the proprietary drivers10:41
Sgeon/m I think10:41
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Xyonwhat can i do to fix that?10:41
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FathefnerHuffalump2: thank u10:42
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Jordan_UXyon, You can install the proprietary ati drivers ( fglrx )10:42
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LjLtom_: what did you select when you were asked about your monitor's capabilities? (there were three choices, "Simple", "Medium" and "Advanced", i usually choose "Medium", since it allows me to just select the resolution i want at the desired refresh rate)10:42
Xyonokay, how do i do that before i even start ubuntu?10:42
AATDarkXyon: but will be diffucalt if you cant boot :D10:42
legolaswoodAm i correct that we can download a small package named Kubuntu desktop to add KDE to ubuntu?10:42
pimpnastyhow can I alt tab in linux?10:42
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blazemongerbtw i have a rage 128 pro...the desktop efffects dont run10:42
cablespimpnasty, by hitting alt tab.10:42
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ammielIs there a way I can make ubuntu go back to the old style of mounting (so the drive always mounts on /media/cdrom0 or /media/cdrom1 and not something such as /mnt/STARCRAFT)10:42
kerikhey there10:42
LjLlegolaswood: it's not a "small package"... but yes10:42
cablespimpnasty, it should just work.10:42
LjL!kubuntu > legolaswood    (legolaswood, see the private message from Ubotu)10:42
pimpnastywell I cant alt tab in this game10:42
Xyonconsidering just giving up, all i wanted to do was try out compiz and xgl stuff10:42
xtknightammiel, put it in fstab10:42
Jordan_UXyon, Install with the alternate install CD, no GUI == no problem installing :)10:42
ubuntuserverguycould someone tell me a text editor in ubuntu server?10:43
pimpnastyim trying to play windowed mode10:43
kerikanybody who can explain the reason for this? Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-security/main/source/Sources.bz2 Underprocessen bzip2 returnerede en fejlkode (2)10:43
kane77eck, and isnt there any "bleeding" edge repo that would contain the newest packages?10:43
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blazemongerother than that things seem to be going good so far during the install10:43
eckpimpnasty: you probably have to use the left alt10:43
cablesCan anyone tell me how I can subscribe to podcasts in Amarok?10:43
pimpnastyis there a command for windowed mod?10:43
cedricshockLjL: If I boot the alternate install CD, can I get a nice fluffy console?10:43
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cablesubuntuserverguy, nano10:43
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Xyoni'm guessing altCD is also 700mb?10:43
xtknightputting it in fstab disables gnome-hal-mounter for that block device, does it not?10:43
xtknightXyon, yes10:43
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LjLcedricshock: console, yes, nice and fluffy, i wouldn't say so - most commands are missing10:43
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Xyoncuz.... i'm on a capped network here10:43
Shaunyeck, do you know what it means by: pam_start() failed, error 2610:43
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tom_LjL, it asked me what out of a list of things did i think my video card was ... i picked nvidia... most of the other ones seemed like random letters10:43
ShaddoxWhere can I download the DVD release of ubuntu feisty? Noone's seeding the torrent...X_x10:43
xtknightdont you get busybox10:43
eckkane77: when gutsy (the next release) is in the repos that would be the bleeding edge release10:43
AATDarkXyon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=247513010:43
LjLcedricshock: you can always boot the *live* cd in single user console mode, though! can't you?10:43
Xyongonna blow my limit out of the water with 1400mb in a day10:43
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ammielxtknight, it will automatically mount as /mnt/*cd name* my fstab does say to mount it as /media/cdrom*10:43
Xyon~[ AATDark ] ~ thank you sir10:44
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eckShauny: what gave you that error message?10:44
cedricshockLjL: How do I do that?10:44
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=== ramy was wondering what makes ubuntu better than gentoo
xtknightammiel, is the fstab set to "auto"10:44
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AATDarkXyon: do you have DVI ?10:44
jribramy: please ask that in #ubuntu-offtopic, not here.  Thanks10:44
xtknightammiel, the entry (what are the options?  e.g. "user" disables "auto" by default but usually "auto" is by default on unless "noauto" or "user" is specified)10:44
LjLtom_: most of the other things *are* quite useless (meaning you can just press Enter). but do it again and be careful to choose "Medium" when it asks you about your monitor sync ranges, and there select the target resolution at a refresh rate that you know your monitor can handle10:44
Shaunyeck, im following a tutorial, url http://www.spencerstirling.com/computergeek/mysqluser.html, and im using the passwd function10:44
kane77eck, I mean _on_ feisty, but latest packages?10:45
SnakePliskenbetter is an opinion10:45
blazemonger Unable to identify CD-ROM format.10:45
LjLcedricshock: i think you can probably just add "single" to the kernel options, though it's not like i've tried10:45
nowisnis it easier to install ubunu or windows first on a single drive??10:45
LjL!bootoptions > cedricshock    (cedricshock, see the private message from Ubotu)10:45
eckkane77: no, you would need to compile it or instlal it yourself10:45
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LjLnowisn: windows10:45
ammielxtknight, not really, it has auto and noauto in it10:45
Jordan_UXyon, When you are at that black screen does ctrl+alt+F1-6 do anything?10:45
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xtknightammiel, eh remove noauto10:45
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xtknightammiel, then try it.  if that doesnt work im not sure :\10:45
ammielxtknight, ok thanks10:45
Xyon~[ AATDark ] ~ i'm not using dvi on my card10:45
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sand_stormhi i could not fix my screen resolution i tried all the methods in the links posted...10:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slov - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:45
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tom_LjL, can you tell me what to type again?10:45
AATDarkXyon: then the link wont help you :(10:45
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ubotuThe Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.10:46
xtknightammiel, you might have to set uid to your user id or somethin10:46
Xyon~[ AATDark ] ~ figured that out10:46
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cryptoswap - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:46
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ammielxtknight, ok10:46
Narf__um, this is probably going to sound strange but ... how do I mount /proc manually?10:46
cipherzhello, I got a weird xorg crash - often when I use the scroll function on my mouse my keyboard freezes up and most of the functions in the window manager as well10:46
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ShaddoxNoone's freaking seeding the i386 DVD! >.<10:46
=== pleed_ [n=p_leed@xdsl-81-173-248-223.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
cipherznothing in the xorg log, using ubuntu feisty with the newest nvidia drivers10:46
LjLtom_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:46
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nuOpusok. I got my broadcom working with the bcm43xx modules10:46
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dreginam I better of with glx or proprietary nvidia drivers in feisty??10:46
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eckShauny: i am guessing that the mysql module couldn't be loaded, look at /var/log/auth.log10:46
Terrasqueis there a standard ubuntu channel that is not a support channel?10:46
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AATDarkXyon: what the type of your graphics card?10:47
cedricshockLjL: Thanks, it's not in that help. I'll go look it up and tell you what I find. Thanks for your help.10:47
kerik!error msg 210:47
LjLtom_: Enter (or Tab followed by Enter, if Enter alone doesn't work) to most questions will be fine, just make sure you answer correctly to the ones about resolution and monitor ranges10:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about error msg 2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:47
TashKavarishanyone know a way to force a resolution? my monitor's capacity aint being detected properly10:47
Enselic_I have just updated my hostname, but it appears the X server is temporarily confused, when I start an X app it says: _IceTransSocketUNIXConnect: Cannot connect to non-local host martin-laptop          (martin-laptop was my previous hostname). Anyone know how to update whatever X file needs updating?10:47
eckTerrasque: #ubuntu-offtopic10:47
tristanmike!offtopic | Terrasque10:47
PriceChild!offtopic | Terrasque10:47
ixian_I'm not sure what I did, but when I try to enable desktop effects, I get a 'Composite extension not available' error. It was working when I installed Feisty yesterday. any ideas?10:47
Shaunyeck, what is the module?10:47
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ubotuTerrasque: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:47
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blazemonger ide0: I/O resource 0x3F6-0x3F6 not free.10:47
eckShauny: the mysql module10:47
SnakePliskenjust say no to proprietary10:47
jrib!fixres > TashKavarish    (TashKavarish, see the private message from ubotu)10:47
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Shaunyor mysql-*10:47
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Blublobludoes ANYBODY out there want to help me?10:47
jrib!ask | Blubloblu10:47
ubotuBlubloblu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:47
eckShauny: libpam-mysql10:47
stperesomeone know why I can't set my atheros wifi in Ad-Hoc?10:48
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Blubloblufeisty install gone wrong10:48
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bofh80hi people, is there a way to simply clear out old obseleted packages that have been done over and over for like Updates during the beta process? and also list applications not installed by default?10:48
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Blubloblusuperblocks corrupted or something10:48
LjLcedricshock, it doesn't mention that option specifically but it tells you how to enter the boot options editor (f6 whatever). just try adding "single" there. not sure it will work - it works on installations, but the live cd is different - but worth trying i suppose10:48
=== crackintosh [i=foodserv@sunset.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu
ramywhy ubunto website show that the older 6.06 is supported till 2009 while the newer 7.04 is supported till 2008 only !10:48
Enselic_Blubloblu: please describe your problem here instead of refering to forum threads, those who prefer to give forum support are alrady lurking the forum10:48
hmpedersenWhat's the best MSN client for feisty?10:48
eckShauny: fyi, it is much more common to do auth using an ldap directory than it is to use a mysql database, there is probably a lot more information on how to do that10:48
temujoeWhat does "$@" mean?10:48
=== Chief_Ug [n=jouni@a88-113-21-6.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
crackintoshis 7.04 expected to keep my mysql databases intact after the upgrade?10:48
cedricshockLjL: will do10:48
mcscruffanyone know of any Offline poker games where u can play on a lan with AI10:48
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kerikanybody here who know about updating from Dapper to Edgy?!?10:48
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PriceChild!upgrade | kerik10:49
temujoeWhat does "$@" mean, in a shell script?10:49
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ubotukerik: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:49
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PriceChildcrackintosh, should be fine10:49
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kerikPriceChild: been there done that...still problems10:49
Enselic_temujoe: iirc, it's the arguments passed to it10:49
ScrAmI just downloaded and installed Ubuntu 7.04 yesterday from my Ubuntu 6.10, and now pretty much everything I start freezes.10:49
blazemongerhow do i get the livecd to detect my drives as IDE devices?10:49
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blazemongerat boot10:49
ScrAmFirefox, XMMS, etc.10:49
PriceChildkerik, what problems?10:49
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-66-136-100-183.dsl.hrlntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
RictooAny way to apt-get while another apt-get is running? =/10:49
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blazemongerso i wont have to use /dev/sda10:49
BlublobluWell, i upgraded edgy to feisty, seemed fine. However, when i rebooted, I got a message saying fsck couldn't find /dev/hda4 or something. IT mentioned superblocks as well10:49
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AATDarktemujoe: think return type ?10:49
KrAsHeRHey folks... anyone having problems with Feisty Fawn Repositories?10:49
Enselic_Rictoo: might be, but it won't be good to do :)10:49
zzz_eternaljoy: Visit https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security to learn more about encryption in Ubuntu.10:49
blazemongerso i can have it detected as /dev/hda or something10:49
temujoeEnselic_: thanks man :)10:49
Jordan_URictoo, Not safely, why?10:50
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PriceChildKrAsHeR, /topic10:50
nuOpusscram: dunno ... I installed from scratch, and it is way better than any other ubuntu I have tried!10:50
Tarquiniusanyone know a way to download ubuntu packages from windows?10:50
RictooBecause I'm downloading Feisty, but I want to apt-get something else in the mean time =/10:50
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eckBlubloblu: are you mounting by uuid/label or device name?10:50
kerikPriceChild: when I use the GKSU update-manager -c I get a bunch of errors...the same error all the way down ...10:50
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NemesisDcan you guys recommend a text editor that's got the user friendliness of gedit but a little more feature rich (especially block folding)10:50
PriceChildkerik, pastebin it please10:50
AATDarkTarquinius: packages.ubuntu.com10:50
Blubloblueck: i dont know what that means10:50
ScrAmnuOpus: I'm getting pretty frustrated with it. :/10:50
Enselic_Tarquinius: from the same place as on a linux pp10:50
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Jordan_UTarquinius, packages.ubuntu.com10:50
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tom_LjL, ok i changed some stuff now ctrl alt backspace?10:50
ramyis ubuntu for AMD64 as stable and reliable as the 32bit version ?10:50
ScrAmI should've stayed with 6.1010:50
stperesomeone know why I can't set my atheros wifi in Ad-Hoc?10:50
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zbrownramy: yes10:50
nuOpusScrAm: Try installing scratch the new one10:50
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Enselic_Tarquinius: you are going to write to a CD anyway10:51
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LjLbofh80:  sudo apt-get autoclean   sudo apt-get autoremove   aptitude search '~i!-Dubuntu-desktop' 10:51
AATDarkramy: but REMIND: you cant use flash10:51
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eckBlubloblu: the device names (e.g. /dev/sda /dev/hda, etc.) changed starting with edgy if you had an IDE device, so now you are recommended to mount by UUID10:51
nuOpusScrAm: errr .. installing from scratch10:51
zilly6_do the update servers use some sort of bittorrent technology to not overload the servers?10:51
eck!uuid > Blubloblu10:51
Shaunyvarheck, some entries are pasted at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16647/10:51
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LjLtom_: yes, and make sure you remember what command i told you to type if things go bad.10:51
AATDarkramy: because macromedia ( adobe) is not able to make a  x64 version10:51
kerikPriceChild: it's an error code 2....and it tells me that I should check my connection (sorry I haven't got the error just now, as I accidentally closed the window) DOH!10:51
=== invius [n=invius@6532133hfc01.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildkerik, please read the topic :)10:51
NemesisDim kind of used to using ultraedit but i need an ubuntu equivalent and I don't like emacs at all, is there anything that fits that bill?10:51
eckBlubloblu: if you are mounting by device name and have a newer kernel it won't find the device because it will be looking for the old device name10:51
nuOpusScrAm: I was shocked when I tried playing a video, and it said: can't play this crap .. want me to fetch the codecs for ya?10:51
Terrasquezilly6_: nope, they use the old true and tried "lets get a shitload of mirrors on fat pipes" way10:51
cedricshockblazemonger: Why does it matter what letters it's listed under?10:52
bofh80LjL, many thanks10:52
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic10:52
temujoeAATDark: I suspect Enselic_ is right.. testing it out now..10:52
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eternaljoyzzz_: cheers10:52
ScrAmnuOpus: I already know how to get the codecs10:52
nuOpusScrAm: well not in those words10:52
yell8whas anyone use ext2IFS ?10:52
=== tom_ [n=tom@c-68-40-215-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ScrAmThat's not my problem10:52
captaintripsservers are loaded?10:52
ScrAmFirefox freezes10:52
ScrAmXMMS freezes10:52
ScrAmNautilus freezes10:52
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Blubloblueck: how do i mount by uuid then ?10:52
jrib!enter | ScrAm10:52
ubotuScrAm: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:52
kbrooksi want ubuntu-desktop.10:52
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NotchnickNeed help: When ubuntu installation was over, it asked whether to restart or to continue with LiveCD.. I restarted but screen remain black and I had to click the restart button then it worked.. I downloaded xchat everything was great.. then I enabled Nvidia drivers from desktop effects.. restarted the pc and now ubuntu will not boot at all.. any suggestions?10:52
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kerikPriceChild: you mean the servers overloaded?10:52
zbrownScrAm: what hardware?10:52
nuOpusScrAm: I know ... try installing it from scratch though. It is a very good distro10:52
zilly6_terrasque, is there a way i (or someone) can help by creating a bittorrent client for updates?10:52
tom_LjL, I did what you said... clicked medium... clicked my resolution esced through the rest and now beryl is not working and my resolution is still wrong :(10:52
=== delight [n=delight@gw-do-int.adesso.de] has joined #ubuntu
PriceChildkerik, sort of :) Please be patient10:52
inviusIs there any beryl compatable alternative to the restricted ATI driver? I have been having to randomly hold the power button to reboot from lockups since I enabled the driver...10:53
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illogicalAny on tell me feisty is auto mounting Ntfs with read only permissions. What on earth is mounting these as it is not listed in fstab. Could it be nfs?10:53
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adam_do we still need to do a text file for wired wpa in fiesty10:53
bofh80anybody know of some kind of Hash / CRC / MD5 database? that will cataolgue my entire harddrives and my other computers to find mismatch / duplicate files on my machines and various folders?10:53
AATDarktemujoe: yeah sry $? is return type10:53
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eckShauny: i think the parse error means you messed up the format of /etc/pam.d/common-account10:53
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Terrasquezilly6_: I think there is an experimentel project on that.10:53
Jordan_UNotchnick, How did you install the drivers and what do you mean by "won't boot" ?10:53
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kerikPriceChild: well I try ;) I just wasn't sure that that was the problem....10:53
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vietnameshi all10:53
LjLbofh80: that last command is wrong actually, but i don't know how to make it right10:53
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zzz_eternaljoy: I recommend that you read all of the articles about encryption before you set out to encrypt your root and/or swap partitions.10:53
nuOpushow do I stop a module from loading at startup? I dont want pcspkr loaded10:53
vietnamessomebody help me about typing10:53
TashKavarishddcprobe lists the resolution but it still wont work10:54
muyiu can ge byrel through atumatix10:54
LjLtom_: you still selected nvidia (not nv) as before, didn't you?10:54
LjL!blacklist > nuOpus    (nuOpus, see the private message from Ubotu)10:54
bofh80LjL,  i have copied the info, it is something for me to go on :D10:54
vietnamesi cannot typy dot (.) in firefox10:54
kerikPriceChild: but actually right now it is downloading pretty heavily..maybe it will work next time..thanx anyways :)10:54
tom_LjL, yeah10:54
=== wojtas [n=wojtas@aamr220.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
Terrasquezilly6_: maybe take a look at https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/apt-torrent10:54
AATDarkvietnames: only in firefox ?10:54
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tom_LjL, did i fuck that up?10:54
vietnamesi must type dot (.) in numpa10:54
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cedricshocknuOpus: you can blacklist kernel modules. Never done it myself, but that's the word to look for.10:54
NotchnickJordan_U I just tried to open desktop-effects and it asked to enable Nvidia .. then I restarted and now ubuntu is not working10:54
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vietnameshow to fix it10:54
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dooglusis it worth updating to feisty?  or hasn't much changed since dapper?10:54
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eckBlubloblu: in your /etc/fstab you specify the devices by uuid rather than device name10:54
apothHey everyone10:55
AATDarkvietnames: on my numpad there is no dot (just a ,)10:55
zbrowndooglus: since dapper? a lot has changed10:55
arthur_kalmhi everyone, I installed 7.04 an hour or so and when I try to use the nvidia-glx-new drivers, I'm unable to launch X because "Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0)"10:55
fougmy gaim has stopped blinking when i receive new messages. I didn't change any settings anywhere, anyone know why10:55
doogluszbrown: for the better?10:55
Shaunyeck do the spaces between account and sufficient have to be tab spaces?10:55
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AATDarkvietnames: probalby german layout10:55
LjLtom_: no, you were supposed to do that. not sure, let me see your xorg.conf please (type  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and paste it all into the pastebin)10:55
apothI've been having some weird problem with Fiesty on a Macbook.10:55
=== sand_storm [n=abdelrah@auh-as24604.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
nuOpusthank you!10:55
slackernNotchnick: You could reboot into failsafe mode, and run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose the vesa driver there and it will give you the standard driver again, after that you could try to install the 3 different nvidia drivers manually, they are named nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new and the order i wrote them in match old newer newest driver versions10:55
=== Xyon [n=none@pbd2924.urh.uiuc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Jordan_UNotchnick, How far is it getting when you boot? do you see anything at all?10:55
zbrowndooglus: Yes. Edgy and Dapper gave me problems on my laptop, there's none with Feisty.10:55
eckBlubloblu: this is mine for an example, but i am mixing UUIDs, labels, and device names so it is kind of a mess http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16650/10:55
cedricshocknuOpus: And now that you mention it that sounds like one of the nicest things to turn off. I've pulled the speaker cable inside computers before...10:55
vietnamesi use vietnamese languag10:55
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[uplink] HELLO10:55
[uplink] :D10:55
XyonFastest Mirror site for someone in Illinois?10:55
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LjLtom_: you can always restore the backup anyway, to at least get back to the initial state10:55
tspok... my network card is being a patrinfikulo under feisty, at least in the livecd. Corrupted packet and such. Any tips?10:55
temujoeIs there a specific place I can check to see what video card my box is using, through the terminal?10:55
arthur_kalmjust now I installed the nvidia drivers off of the nvidia website and now it's telling me that the kernel and X modules don't match...10:55
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bofh80REPAST: anybody know of some kind of Hash / CRC / MD5 database? that will cataolgue my entire harddrives and my other computers to find mismatch / duplicate files on my machines and various folders? < leaving pc for moment, if anyone has any suggestions, PM them to me please (i have asked this question repeatly for weeks :P )10:55
nuOpuscedricshock: well im on a laptop, and im sick of it beeping at work! lol10:55
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tom_LjL, whats pastebin?10:55
adam_do we still need to do a text file for wired wpa in fiesty or will network manager do it?10:56
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vietnamesi think there error with languae  vietnames10:56
LjL!pastebin > tom_    (tom_, see the private message from Ubotu)10:56
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zbrownnuOpus: you can also just disable your system console beep lol10:56
=== ivelin [n=ivelin@is.an.IRCgazar.orbital.evo.bg] has joined #ubuntu
arthur_kalmbut it never complained when I had nvidia-glx-new installed...10:56
zbrownnuOpus:  :)10:56
eckShauny: afaik spaces vs. tabs does not matter10:56
variantadam_: wired wpa??10:56
[uplink] wow10:56
=== andres__ [n=andres@250.Red-83-59-247.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
Shauny!pastebin > tom10:56
=== tapo [i=tjabo@vmax.unix-ag.uni-siegen.de] has joined #ubuntu
NotchnickJordan_U I remember reading kernel and few lines loading.. then it halts with a black screen10:56
Blubloblueck: where do i find the UUID of my devices?10:56
apothSince I made the move to 2.6.15, I've been having this weird problem where the touchpad and keyboard start lagging whenever I start using a wired network10:56
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vietnamesex: www.tuoitre.com.vn ---> tuoitrcom.vn10:56
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nuOpuszbrown: disable shminable!!! lol10:56
Jump86i need help w/ feisty and beryl.. everything works after my upgrade other than beryl.. its nothing but a white screen.. it worked fine in edgy before.. using the same config.. NVIDIA card, release version, tried uninstall/reinstall already10:56
[uplink] hmmm10:56
vietnameshow to fix it10:56
=== jonaskul [n=jonaskul@ti211310a340-2370.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
eckbofh80: i think you can use rsync and have it just tell you which files it would change, and not update them10:56
NemesisDaanyone? whats your favorite text editor for scripting?10:56
tspheh, /msg w/ the naswer please, my screen reader's going nuts10:57
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eckBlubloblu: use the blkid command10:57
apothAnyone have any idea?10:57
adam_variant: my school has wpa through our wired network, to get it working in dapper and edgy we needed to create a text file to do the wpa10:57
arthur_kalmok perhaps someone can direct me to a less fast past chat :P, where is the ubuntu support for display drivers channel?10:57
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hyapadihi, i'm using 7.04 on mobile laptop. how to set the cpu into dynamic mode? thanks10:57
Notchnickslackern thanks will try that10:57
=== bluebyt [n=bluebyt@modemcable130.190-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
XyonFastest Mirror site for someone in Illinois?10:57
=== firephoto [n=tom@pool-71-115-218-80.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
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kzmhey hallo.. i just upgraded to feisty but my xserver wont load the nvidia-glx anymore and thus crashes.... does anybody experienced the same and found a solution?10:57
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temujoeAATDark: Do you be any chance know how to check what video card is running through the command line?10:57
=== bluebyt [n=bluebyt@modemcable130.190-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
vietnamesi use ubuntu 6.0610:57
slackernNotchnick: It will atleast bring you a working enviroment again that you can work from10:57
zbrownnuOpus: if you edit /etc/inputrc and uncomment system bell disable it does it too10:57
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tapoI try to upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 with system update. it gives man an error "I need more spave on harddisk... it wants 13MB on /boot" but there's 28MB free on /boot...10:57
eckhyapadi: i believe it is done by default now10:57
Jimbo99anyone know if enemy-territory will run under feisty fawn amd64?10:57
arthur_kalmhyapadi: I think you have to install powernowd. But I think that it should be doing this automatically...10:57
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Jordan_Uarthur_kalm, For slower chat ( I think ) the place to go is #ubuntu-classroom10:58
cedricshockbofh80: I understand what you want, and I don't know of anything. It'd be a very simple program...10:58
eckhyapadi: if you use the gnome cpu frequency applet you can check10:58
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apothWhy would it do something like that? Even right now... it's doing this weirf thing where if I push "a," there's a 30% chance it'll show up as "aaaaa"10:58
tom_LjL,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16651/10:58
arthur_kalmJordan_U: thank you10:58
Shaunyeck, wha does it mean by failed to initialise headers?10:58
crackintoshare the main servers still crowded/10:58
foughow do i access the pie chart for my hard drives?10:58
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[uplink] how do I install ubuntu ?10:58
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hyapadieck, i was using 6.10 and it is done automatically. but now in 7.04 it is not. the applet show that the cpu work 100%10:58
eckShauny: i am not sure10:58
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Jump86i need help w/ feisty and beryl.. everything works after my upgrade other than beryl.. its nothing but a white screen.. it worked fine in edgy before.. using the same config.. NVIDIA card, release version, tried uninstall/reinstall already10:58
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[uplink] do I need a 3th partition on my HDD?10:58
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LjL!install > [uplink]     ([uplink] , see the private message from Ubotu)10:58
AATDarktemujoe: no sory .. but would be intresstion to know10:58
LjLcrackintosh: type /topic10:58
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kzmNVIDIA and FEISTY problem.. anybody any  hint for me?10:59
hyapadieck, sorry i mean work at full speed although not utilized10:59
tanzlahelp.. wich firewall is best for ubuntu?10:59
Notchnickslackern sounds like there are still issues with Nvidia in ubuntu10:59
Shaunyeck, sorry i meant handlers10:59
AATDark[uplink] : ubuntu cd in your CD Drive => reboot pc10:59
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eckhyapadi: make sure powernowd (or whatever governor you are using) is running10:59
cedricshockfoug: the  Drive Usage tool is under accessories in feisty. If you want usage fro single drives it's omsewhere in the system menus.10:59
[uplink] TY AATDark10:59
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slackernNotchnick: which card do you have? I installed it on a 6800GT PCI-E card and that worked flawlessly10:59
davmor2kzm: what's up10:59
Shauny!enter > shafire10:59
LaszloKvWould anyone here be able to help me with configuring samba?10:59
hyapadieck, ok i'll try thx10:59
AATDarkshafire why spaming ?10:59
Notchnickslackern 8800 gts10:59
[uplink] but what about if I have windows ?10:59
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[uplink] with 2 partitions10:59
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Shauny!return > shafire11:00
legolaswoodcan some one please tell me how does ubuntu compare with openSuse 10.2 in term of up-to-date packages and stability?11:00
LjLtom_: err, man, you did *not* select your resolution. there's just 1024x768 (and lower ones) there. you need to select the one you want in *both* the monitor sync ranges part, *and* the resolution part itself.11:00
AATDarkLaszloKv: a easy config ? ore something unbearable hard?11:00
slackernNotchnick: then you should have the nvidia-glx-new otherwise you won't have a driver installed that supports it11:00
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vietnameshello all11:00
n00tzlegolaswood: on par11:00
kzmdavmor2 i just upgraded to feisty from edgy now my xeserver wont start because the nvidia-glx module wont get load11:00
vietnameshelp me pls11:00
cedricshockLaszloKv: Most likely (not me thought). Fire away.11:00
apothI guess no one has that problem?11:00
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tom_LjL, I swear I did... i picked the same thing twice11:00
LaszloKvAATDark, umm, I'm not sure yet.11:00
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tom_LjL, can I just manually add the resolution i want to that file?11:00
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fuzzy_logichello world!11:00
LjLtom_: yes, you can do that.11:00
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legolaswooddoes it has latest 3d desktop?11:01
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AATDarkLaszloKv: what do you need ? a Domain Controler ?11:01
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WannabeNewbieQuick question, where can I find out how to change the repositories that Synaptic Manager pulls from?11:01
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vietnamesattdark: can i private chat with U ?11:01
LaszloKvAATDark, I just want to share a folder.11:01
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cottonWhat does 7.04 have that 6.10 doesn't?11:01
slackernWannabeNewbie: /etc/apt/sources.list11:01
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AATDarkLaszloKv: then it is easy11:01
eckvietnames: just ask your question to the channel11:01
WannabeNewbieslackern: Online I mean11:01
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AATDarkLaszloKv: think it works nearly with defaut config ..11:01
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:02
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slackernWannabeNewbie: that file specifies which which online place you get the files from.11:02
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Notchnickslackern so I install 3 drivers or just the last one?11:02
theblakeusjoin #ubuntu-classroom11:02
fuzzy_logici try to install envy unstable on feisty (cuz thats the only one that supports feisty).. but i get the following message: Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use. what should i do?11:02
vietnamesi want to type www.tuoitre.com.vn but the result is www.tuoitrcom.vn11:02
Littlebobif i have a floppy with linux with ubuntu installer on the hard drive would intiating the installation work?11:02
WannabeNewbieslackern: Ok then thanks11:02
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LaszloKvAATDark, I've been trying all different set ups in the samba conf file, but I can never get it to actually share11:02
slackernNotchnick: you only need the nvidia-glx-new, not the nvidia-glx-legacy or nvidia-glx11:02
vietnamesor type U? -> 11:02
WannabeNewbieWill that also show me how to activate the universe and multi-verse options?11:02
AATDarkLaszloKv: what is the problem ? can you connect ?11:03
eckvietnames: you probably need to change your keyboard, try system > preferences > keyboard11:03
tom_k ctrl alt brb11:03
Notchnickslackern ok11:03
slackernNotchnick: you should be able to do a apt-get remove nvidia-glx at the rescue terminal11:03
vietnamesi tr11:03
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vietnamesi try11:03
slackernNotchnick: and then do a apt-get install nvidia-glx-new to get the new one11:03
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AATDarkAATDark: or can't you start the samba service?11:03
slackernNotchnick: and reboot after that to see if it works, it it doesnt you can use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:03
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LaszloKvAATDark, well earlier I had one computer that would be asked for the password, but then get permission denied, and now the other computer I am working with isn't connecting at all.11:03
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braveheartlionHello, friends. I'm running the distribution upgrade and I'm now faced with the "configuring mdadm" screen.  Pls see http://p.rc6.org/index.php?id=a9691b6ae7.should I choose "all" available arrays (which is the default answer, by the way)?11:03
=== PWill [n=paul@cpe-24-208-190-43.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
davmor2kzm: no problems drop into safe mode and change nvidia to nv in /etc/X11/xorg.conf using nano.  once you change it just hit ctrl-x to exit and save.  reboot now you have a working system.  go onto restricted drivers and install nvidia via that method.  Hope it helps11:04
eckvietnames: if you go to add layout, you can add non-english keyboard layouts11:04
kzmslackern: are you talking about nvidia problems with feisty?11:04
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AATDarkLaszloKv: can you post your samba config at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:04
vietnamesok let me try11:04
slackernkzm: Yes11:04
braveheartlionhttp://p.rc6.org/index.php?id=a9691b6ae7 is the link11:04
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cedricshockLjL: thanks, tossing single in the command line worked.11:04
Notchnickslackern ok11:04
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MrMakevelihey guys, i guess i need to add more repos/sources to my list? i dont see adobe reader on there...11:05
kzmslackern: i might have the same problem.. is it about nvidia glx module load failure?11:05
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hhlpi formated my pc and lost my gpg key, i have in keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 to used in aunchpad, how i get it again, any idea11:05
mrmondaydoes anyone here know how to setup an rt61 chipset on feisty?11:05
vietnamesit not work11:05
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vietnamesi cannot see non english11:05
slackernkzm: im not sure, but he has a 8800 card which didnt work, so i assume the restricted manager installs the nvidia-glx package, and he probably needs the nvidia-glx-new which has newer drivers11:05
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cedricshockrx: ?11:05
groohi i am trying to get this Netgear WAG511 wifi card to work with 7.04, several people say that it is plug an play but i put it in and it does not recognize the card at all, what am i doing wrong?11:05
Shadowpillardoes feisty address memory usage in ubuntu?11:06
petr4braveheartlion I guess its ok. mdadm has good autodetection11:06
davmor2kzm: did you get my message?11:06
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eckvietnames: did you click the "Add" button next to the layouts11:06
vietnameswhen i type there is underline before character11:06
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soothsayCan CD/DVD creator burn ISOs?11:06
dcomsadoes anyone knows a good tutorial on configuring a remote control with tvtime?11:06
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vietnamesi click a11:06
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cedricshockShadowpillar: What do you mean?11:06
aroShadowpillar, what memory usage issues in particular?11:06
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petr4MrMakeveli there is evince and its faster11:06
LaszloKvAATDark, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16652/11:06
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eckvietnames: then in available layouts you can scroll down and select another layout11:06
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Shadowpillaredgy and dapper are somewhat slow11:06
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braveheartlionpetr4: so I should just let the answer be "all"?11:06
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shakyai am having some trouble installing java11:07
Shadowpillaractually forget it11:07
jribshakya: what kind of trouble?11:07
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groois there a wifi config box somewhere?11:07
arthur_kalmI installed Fiesty an hour or so ago and I am unable to use the latest nVidia drivers. I attempted to install nvidia-glx-new and for some reason X fails to load saying:Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0). I need the latest drivers since I'm using an 8800 GTS. I attempted to install the drivers from the nVidia site, and now the complaint is that my kernel and X module versions do not match...11:07
arthur_kalmit never complained when I used nvidia-glx-new (same version).... I'm not sure if I should remove nvidia-kernel-common since it asks to remove linux-generic, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic, but I think that nvidia-kernel-common is confusing the latest nVidia driver. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I need my second monitor and 1280x1024 resolution :(11:07
petr4braveheartlion i guess. what are the oher options?11:07
MrMakevelipetr4, yeah thats ok, but i dont want to miss out on any packages...11:07
shakyai went to add/remove, selected various java stuff and tried to install11:07
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illogicalthanks for the help11:07
vietnamesi use language Vietnam11:07
shakyai get a dependency error11:07
Shadowpillaranother question, since inittab is no longer used, how does one edit how many gettys are in use?11:07
=== EdLin [n=jlee@pool-71-247-156-245.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
braveheartlionpetr4. other options are in  http://p.rc6.org/index.php?id=a9691b6ae711:07
MrMakevelipetr4, what worries me is that im not seeing all possible packages11:07
jribshakya: what version of ubuntu?11:07
shakyathe new one11:07
shakyathat came out yesterday or something11:08
ttambaDear all11:08
Shadowpillaron this old laptop I have, I need to restrict the amount of memory used11:08
jribshakya: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file11:08
vietnamesi think it is for typing vietnam character11:08
kzmdavmor2: sorry... i was in the wrong window.. yes got your message but i dont understand "go onto restricted drivers"11:08
eckvietnames: there is a vietnam option as the last available layout11:08
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jribshakya: (and your error)11:08
cedricshockLaszloKv: What do semicolons at the start of samba config lines do?11:08
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hhlphi, formated my pc and lost my gpg key, i had in keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371 to used in launchpad, how i get it again, any idea11:08
felixhummelin xchat-gnome, how do I minimize to systray?11:08
vietnamesi select vietnam in that box11:08
MrMakeveliguys i freakin hate this, i am trying to get my stupid mic to work11:08
bayzidersJordan_U: Macmenu applet.11:08
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wxcvbncan anyone help me with pcmcia wif?11:08
vietnameslet me tr11:08
jribhhlp: you can't11:08
petr4MrMakeveli i am not skilled in it. all i know that it is on wiki11:09
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vietnamesoh n11:09
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cedricshockwxcvbn: What card?11:09
arthur_kalmI installed Fiesty an hour or so ago and I am unable to use the latest nVidia drivers. I attempted to install nvidia-glx-new and for some reason X fails to load saying:Failed to load module "wfb" (module does not exist, 0). I need the latest drivers since I'm using an 8800 GTS. I attempted to install the drivers from the nVidia site, and now the complaint is that my kernel and X module versions do not match...11:09
arthur_kalmit never complained when I used nvidia-glx-new (same version).... I'm not sure if I should remove nvidia-kernel-common since it asks to remove linux-generic, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic, linux-restricted-modules-generic, but I think that nvidia-kernel-common is confusing the latest nVidia driver. Any help would be greatly appreciated, I need my second monitor and 1280x1024 resolution :(11:09
MrMakevelipetr4, k thanks11:09
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CirroXanyone installed on an HP NC6000 ?11:09
fuzzy_logici try to install envy unstable on feisty (cuz thats the only one that supports feisty).. but i get the following message: Bad luck, the kernel headers for the target kernel version could not be found and you did not specify other valid kernel headers to use. what should i do?11:09
AATDarkLaszloKv: can you type sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart ? or is there an error message ?11:09
EdLinhhlp: back up your keys from now on, and also make a revocation key so you can sign again.11:09
shakyado you mind if i message you in private?11:09
jrib!repeat | arthur_kalm11:09
ubotuarthur_kalm: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:09
davmor2kzm:  System/Administration/Restricted Device Manager  it's new in feisty11:09
kzmslackern: my nvidia seems to fail over the glx module... but i tried the glx-new without success11:09
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LaszloKvcedricshock, The semicolons are just commented out lines11:09
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dcomsawxcvbn: how could we help, if you don't what's wrong?:(11:09
jribshakya: please use this channel11:09
ttambaNeed a help to fix depot sources that have been corrupted after a file edit11:09
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eckvietnames: try removing the US English layout after you add the Vietnam layout11:09
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arthur_kalmjrib and ubotu: sorry :(11:09
LaszloKvAATDark, I can restart samba11:09
vietnamesll remove it11:09
adamowitzwhat is a herd as in "feisty herd 3/4/5"?11:09
AATDarkLaszloKv: and can you ping the samba maschine ?11:10
shakyawhat do you mean by pastebin11:10
dcomsaadamowitz: betas11:10
jribadamowitz: they were the names given to the alpha releases11:10
jrib!pastebin > shakya    (shakya, see the private message from ubotu)11:10
vietnamesthe sam11:10
AATDarkshakya :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:10
vietnamesthe same11:10
adamowitzso now that it's released, those are all moot?11:10
MrMakevelican anyone help me with getting my mic to work? sound works fine but when im in sound recorder i dont get any recording. also, it says the input is on "capture" by default. if i try another one, as soon as i hit 'record' it switches back to 'capture'11:10
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slackernkzm: ahh im mostly trying some things i think might work, but im not sure if they will help only nvidia card i can try with is a 6800GT card, and this machine im on now has a horrible x1950pro card11:10
AaronMTAre there any sound effects in Ubuntu, all I hear are system beeps?11:10
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wxcvbnit has boot failur drivers11:10
kzmdavmor2: ok. i found it.. some vmware not use it says and my wireless in use.. how does installing work here?11:10
LaszloKvAATDark, Yeah, I can ping the ip of the computer samba is on.11:10
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CirroXAaronMT: I hear at startup some sounds ...11:11
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Shaunyeck, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16654/ my common-account file11:11
AATDarkLaszloKv: and is there an error mesage when you try to connect with windows explorer to your share ? or is it timeout ?11:11
CirroXAaronMT: is your soundcard working ?11:11
xstAfter upgrading to feisty the sound on my audiophile 2496 sound card is in slow motion. What to do?11:11
=== Dante123 [n=opera@bas4-kitchener06-1167936703.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
erichello, i upgraded to feisty, now i can't boot.... it installed raid, but I don't have raid. I am at rescue prompt, how do I turn off raid/madm or whatever? :)11:11
zaphandsHi. I have a folder shared in Windows XP. Is it possible to browse it on nautilus, or mount it?11:11
Lord_Maynoth_42does anyone here know any tools for building custom livecd's with certian packages allready installed etc11:11
bambieguys i've ubuntu@ubuntu:~ on my terminal how i can change that?11:11
eckvietnames: I am not sure, but I think if you go to system > administration > language support, and then add support for vietnamese, it will know how to switch the keyboard11:11
shakyai am using the live cd so nothing has been modified11:11
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AaronMTCirroX, I hear those, but I mean any other sounds Im not hearing11:11
kzmslackern: haha.. same here. was fishing for something i didnt tried yet myself, that helped somebody else11:12
cedricshockLaszloKv: How are you trying to log in? What program, using what sort of identity?11:12
dcomsazaphands: yes11:12
=== Chm0d [n=Chm0d@pool-71-101-99-158.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
vietnamesi type tuoitre.com by typing tuoitre[space] .com is ok11:12
=== auridius [n=auridius@55.86-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
jribbambie: the first "ubuntu" is your username, the second one is your hostname11:12
=== rellik [n=rellik@adsl-70-238-174-139.dsl.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
jrib!hostname > bambie    (bambie, see the private message from ubotu)11:12
dcomsazaphands: search for ubuntu guide on google11:12
petr4braveheartlion do you have access to your root partition? if yes, do mdadm --list and see how many arrays (if any) it knows11:12
CirroXAaronMT: Only sounds at startup are configured by default ... other ones in the sound menu under preferences11:12
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davmor2kzm:  just tick the box.11:12
=== astronouth7303 [n=astronou@ppp-69-214-12-147.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Shauny!hostname > shauny11:12
zaphandsLord_Maynoth_42: I made my custom live CD using Knoppix. The easiest one to customize.11:12
=== Kyral [n=kyral@Hikari.graham.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu
CirroXAaronMT: like windows, only in ubuntu they are not on by default!11:12
LaszloKvAATDark, on this computer it says that it can't find it, but I can try checking the computer I was having better luck with earlier11:12
zaphandsdcomsa: Thanks11:12
vietnamesex: U? by U[space] then ?11:12
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auridius4th time i'm asking, how do i install 3D accel for ATI rage mob march64. Nothing about it on the faq's11:13
vietnameshow to disable spell checking?11:13
LaszloKvcedricshock, I am just typing the ip address of the samba computer into explorer11:13
cottonSo I have to download all the ubuntu files and reupload them to my server, or can I just upload, like 1 desktop ISO and the docs and still be listed as a mirror11:13
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=== tom_ [n=tom@c-68-40-215-103.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
kzmdavmor2: do you mean i should find my graphic card listed in here? i only see two vmware and my atheros wireless.11:13
=== eldragon trying to use the open source ATI drivers on his X600, anyone got any clues how to get the DRI goin on?
AATDarkLaszloKv: what did you enter in the windwos explorer ?11:13
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crzyboonhow do i play real media files on linux?11:13
tom_LjL, that was much easier11:13
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AATDarkLaszloKv: \\ip\ or \\ip\share\?11:13
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dcomsacrzyboon: mplayer11:13
MrMakevelican anyone help me with getting my mic to work? sound works fine but when im in sound recorder i dont get any recording. also, it says the input is on "capture" by default. if i try another one, as soon as i hit 'record' it switches back to 'capture'11:13
erichello, i upgraded to feisty, now i can't boot.... it installed raid, but I don't have raid. I am at rescue prompt, how do I turn off raid/madm or whatever? :)11:13
tom_LjL,  i don't think 1280 by 1024 scales correct for 1600 x 1050 but eh11:13
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=== SnakePlisken shudders at the thought of real media
crzyboondcomsa, its supported now?11:14
sonictwinhow do i tell XChat to load Firefox instead of Galeon?11:14
Shadowpillaranother question, since inittab is no longer used, how does one edit how many gettys are in use?11:14
=== finalbeta_ [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
davmor2kzm:  that's probably what the problem is then11:14
LaszloKvAATDark, Neither works11:14
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shakyahere is the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16656/11:14
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slackernkzm: I was just reading a little about people installing a binary driver but doing it when they swapped out their 8800 card for another nvidia card and then switched back11:14
astronouth7303I'm trying to upgrade to Feisty, but it complains about not having 32.6MB free in /boot. How do I clean out /boot?11:14
crzyboonSnakePlisken, i know- i wonder why do idiots keep encoding using that codec.11:14
zaphandsMrMakeveli: run alsamixer and unmute it using "m"11:14
MrMakevelizaphands, its already unmuted11:14
dcomsacrzyboon: hmm don't realy know ... i tought it plays anything :)11:14
=== flo_ [n=flo@AGrenoble-152-1-81-45.w86-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
erichello, i upgraded to feisty, now i can't boot.... it installed raid, but I don't have raid. I am at rescue prompt, how do I turn off raid/madm or whatever? :)11:14
MrMakevelizaphands, i unmuted everything and turned it all up11:14
=== kakado_ [n=kakado@2803ds1-van.0.fullrate.dk] has joined #ubuntu
shakyaas you can see i tried various different java thingies11:14
CirroXburning my first CD on ubuntu :)11:14
slackernkzm: seems a bit farfetched though, since it can be installed in a rescue console anyhow11:14
vietnamesi try latter11:14
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vietnamesthanks a lot11:14
=== superdild [n=mario@host193-244-dynamic.3-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
crzyboondcomsa, everything but real media, i think- better ask at #mplayer.11:15
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E45C.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
shakyaany ideas?11:15
petr4crzyboon ubuntu 7.04 should detect what packeges are needed to play media files11:15
zaphandsMrMakeveli: using alsamixer?11:15
=== ryeth25 [n=ryeth23@RN148-253.rose.net] has joined #ubuntu
vietnamesi use 6.06 now11:15
kzmdavmor2: what does this mean? that its not recognizing my card? but i had it working perfect under edgy. i used envy though to install..11:15
erichello, i upgraded to feisty, now i can't boot.... it installed raid, but I don't have raid. I am at rescue prompt, how do I turn off raid/madm or whatever? :)11:15
dcomsacrzyboon: then sorry for my answer :)11:15
CirroXcrzyboon: I noticed the VLC player worked better than totem!11:15
vietnames1 question more11:15
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Are samba masks (not modes) permisions you do have or permisions you don't?11:15
AATDarkLaszloKv: ok try it from the windows cmd ..the command is net use * \\ip\music /user:root11:15
slackernkzm: Read this. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/9864111:15
penguin42eric: What exactly do you mean by the rescue prompt - what are the last couple of lines you see?11:15
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu
vietnamesanyone user keepassX ?11:15
shakyaany ideas jrib?11:15
MrMakevelizaphands, using volume control (alsa mixer)11:15
kzmslackern: they swapped the card while installing a driver for it???11:15
jribshakya: url to your paste?11:15
vietnamesi use keepass password safe in WINDOWS11:16
slackernkzm: seems to be some solutions there11:16
shakyahere is the error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16656/11:16
MrMakevelizaphands, i can do it in terminal if you think it'd help11:16
=== tfuskawka [n=tfuskawk@yk66.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
davmor2kzm: Personally I would go into synaptic and reinstall the nvidia-glx module and then try reinstalling the drivers by typing nvidia-glx-xconfig and see if that fixes the problem11:16
erici booted w/ the live cd to try and fix... i'm at command prompt from live CD, able to mount my normal disk (hda2) as /media/disk11:16
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vietnamescan db file work ok in ubuntu ?11:16
crzyboonpetr4, sure it does- but when it comes to real media's wrath, i don't think anything could keep up- yeh, vlc media plays almost any video file. but it too has probs- for instance, mplayer does a better job of rendering .subbed vids than vlc-11:16
vietnamesanyone have experience ?11:16
=== william is now known as bwahahaha
penguin42eric: OK, so when you boot up from the hard disc how far does it get?11:16
zaphandsMrMakeveli: nono, run alsamixer in a terminal. When you get it to work run "alsactl store" as root.11:16
shakyajrib, i am using the live cd boot option11:16
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jribshakya: you need to enable universe and multiverse11:16
eckShauny: i am not sure what the problem is. I have used pam + mysql, but it was for postfix + courier, not logins11:17
jrib!multiverse > shakya    (shakya, see the private message from ubotu)11:17
LjLtom_: why 1280x1024? anyway 1600x1050 is admittedly not very standard, the one that's listed is 1400x105011:17
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AATDarkLaszloKv: try sudo chmod -R 777 /media/BUSLINK/music11:17
=== Montaro [i=montaro@tsunami.ipv6.montarotech.net] has joined #ubuntu
ericit goes through md: raid messages, then hangs trying to find the root file system (can't find root file system).  there is no raid on this laptop, so not sure why it is loading raid "stuff" :)11:17
=== Wesley [n=Wesley@ip72-204-87-140.fv.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
LaszloKvAATDark, the other computer says that the network path was not found.  I'll try from cmd now though.11:17
shakyahow do i enable those?11:17
AATDarkcedricshock: or did you mean something differnt ?=11:17
makarakihello, to all the people of this channel11:17
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MrMakevelizaphands, should i just leave sound recorder open and test while i mess around?11:17
=== shatrat [n=root@74-137-219-146.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
tom_LjL, sorry it is 1680x1050 which was listed... i am just going to create a custom resolution11:17
eldragonanyone here use the 'ati' drivers and can help? im trying to rid myself from the fglrx drivers...need dri working, is that possible?11:17
=== CARLITO [n=cytral@216.Red-88-7-187.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
bambiethanks for the help guys.11:17
LaszloKvAATDark, I did chmod already, but I'll double check11:17
=== nurx2 [n=nurx2@118.Red-81-37-59.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
tom_LjL, scaled from that11:17
zaphandsMrMakeveli: yep.11:17
=== philipmeadows [n=philip@user-5af20598.tcl108.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
vietnamesbye all11:17
cedricshockAATDark: I meant something diferent, looking through his conf file.11:17
petr4eirc: you probably installed only radi support. if you did not edit parrtition (to create raid array), than the raid tools are inactive and its unlikely they could do problems11:17
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ProN00bis there ubuntu certified hardware ? (i want to buy a new comp, and i need a good motherboard)11:17
WesleyHAPPY 420 EVERYONE11:18
slackernNotchnick: check this out https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20/+bug/9864111:18
vietnamesi go for a sleep11:18
MalconRoxhow can i configurate my sound card? realtek acl660 ?11:18
vietnamessee you sooon11:18
AATDarkLaszloKv: then run on server tail /var/log/samba/ .. it should display the log .11:18
LjLtom_, ok, but that's harder, it won't be just a matter of adding it to xorg.conf i'm afraid11:18
=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu
LjL!modeline > tom_    (tom_, see the private message from Ubotu)11:18
makarakiI have a really newby question does kernel 2.6.17-11-generic support dual core?11:18
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AATDarkLaszloKv: there must be more information11:18
eckShauny: unless you're really attached to the idea of doing SQL lookups, directory services like AD and LDAP are much more common for user information, and i think there are docs for it on the ubuntu wiki11:18
ksymsThere is a feature in gnome that shows when you have new action in a window. Is it possible to disable for a specific software, ie gaim?11:18
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erici did an upgrade from edgy, i didn't do any raid editing11:18
LjLtom_: if you put a non-standard resolution there without a modeline, it's unlikely to work11:18
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penguin42eric: Sure - but when you boot where does it get to before it fails?11:18
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LjL!hardware > ProN00b    (ProN00b, see the private message from Ubotu)11:18
hmcamy machine inst runing runlevel nor it reboot's .... any hints , if i install sysvinit it says it will remopve ubuntu-minimal ...11:18
erici just went through the upgrad process from edgy and now it thinks it is a raid computer :)  how do I remove the modules that / reconfig it ?11:19
LaszloKvYeah, on the computer I get better luck with the log says, "[2007/04/20 06:23:41, 0]  smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(663)  '/media/BUSLINK/music' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [music]  Error was Permission denied"11:19
zaphandsMrMakeveli: enable mic boost if your sound device supports it.11:19
LaszloKvAATDark, Yeah, on the computer I get better luck with the log says, "[2007/04/20 06:23:41, 0]  smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(663)  '/media/BUSLINK/music' does not exist or permission denied when connecting to [music]  Error was Permission denied"11:19
kzmdavmor2: now i dont understand the world anymore.. i just tried to do the xconifg and it wont find it.. wait a little bit i have to look at this some what closer.. i might need to restart the xserver and disappear for some min11:19
eckShauny: if you already use a SQL database for users and want to tie GDM into that then it would be ok, but if you are starting from scratch a directory service is probably better down the road11:19
=== Tuor_Lomin [n=tuor@20158231154.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
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MrMakevelizaphands, k i'll try that too. but its not picking anything up at all :( lemme keep trying11:19
AATDarkLaszloKv,<cedricshock: ok now we know that is is a permission problem11:19
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penguin42eric: You can try deleting /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf  but depending where it is failing you probably need to regenerate the initrd as well11:19
=== huan [n=huan@ACaen-251-1-14-113.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cedricshockAATDark: the masks are allowable permissions, so he's got them right11:19
makarakiDoes somebody w if kernel11:19
=== compilerwriter [n=keith@ppp-70-229-30-40.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
erici have to boot w/ nosplash to get messages, it has messages about raid drivers loading (raid6 or raid10, then says it can't find the root filesystem (which, is specified w/ a GUID. if i specify root=/dev/hda1 or root=/dev/hda2 that doesn't work either)11:20
petr4eric: it happended to me when i upgraded from 6.06 to 6.10 (sorry i do not know/refuse to know code names)11:20
shakyajrib how can i save changes to that file?11:20
zaphandsMrMakeveli: did that mic ever work?11:20
eldragoneric, the module is dmraid, wouldnt know how to disable it....11:20
=== eluzi [n=enrico@] has joined #ubuntu
kzmslackern: what do you see i dont see? i mostly see people confirming the problem.. its huge though and i run on 640x480 right now... :)11:20
jribshakya: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     the wiki explains this11:20
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, The other computer doesn't even show up in the logs.11:20
=== swedekid [n=swedekid@h90.222.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
ericcan i blacklist dmraid module?11:20
=== stevew [n=stevew@69-29-224-172.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
shakyathank you11:20
=== tunganet [n=tung@S0106001310ed48a6.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
slackernkzm oh hehe i can pastebin it, gimme a sec11:20
=== renacenando [n=jtbates@adsl-68-73-148-88.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrMakevelizaphands, yes, used it a few months ago before i switched to ubuntu. now has been the first time that i've needed to use it. so everything should be right (mic in the right lil spot and all that)11:21
penguin42eric: So if you specify it with root=/dev/blah what error do you get? Also what is your hard disc controller?11:21
eldragoneric, can you access the fstab file?11:21
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Obviously the computer furthest way is the one working best.11:21
=== alexboy [n=alexboy@i-83-67-102-98.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
alexboyevening all11:21
MrMakevelizaphands, use to use it all the time when i cs'd and dod'd11:21
tunganetHi, i am about to upgrade to Feisty, i changed in my xorg.conf from NVidia to nv after i uninstalled envy.  Am i ready to go?11:21
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Just to make it difficult.11:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:21
=== renacenando [n=jtbates@adsl-68-73-148-88.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
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alexboyquick question - you might have had this a few times today - so apologies!...11:21
=== lzap [n=lzap@lzap.optinet.cz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tulip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:21
ericroot=/dev/blah is also giving root not found ... let me look for fstab11:21
petr4eric: root=/dev/hda1 did help me. i can't help you then11:21
=== samtb [n=sam@host-84-9-137-118.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
laurence_Hi, all! I've just got a new Samsung LCD TV, with VGA port on the back, so I've hooked one of my Ubuntu (Edgy) boxes up to it. Problem is, if I try to run it at 1360x768 (the native resolution), the screen cuts in and out about once per second or few. If I edit xorg.conf to use 800x600, then it works fine, although stretched. 1024x768 does the same as 1360x. Has anyone got any clues how to fix that?11:21
cedricshockLaszloKv: Do you have logs from the computer Samba is running on?11:21
slackernkzm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16659/11:21
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tunganetHi, i am about to upgrade to Feisty, i changed in my xorg.conf from NVidia to nv after i uninstalled envy.  Am i ready to go?11:22
ericyes i have my fstab11:22
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=== Crane [n=jason@71-8-44-9.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcomsalaurence_: videocard?11:22
=== PovAddict [i=Nicolas@201-213-37-200.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about decchip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
slackernkzm: issue seems to be some broken links in restricted modules package11:22
MrMakevelizaphands, when i hit play after trying to record, it doesnt even move along. it will say that i've recorded 2 seconds or whatever it is, but then the slider doesnt move along the track to indicate its playing anything back11:22
laurence_It's an onboard Intel one, the computer's a Dell Inspiron 1600.11:22
PovAddictis the DVD installer live too?11:22
hmcamy machine stoped runing runlevel 2 or any and doen reboot anymore ....11:22
eldragoneric: search the web how to edit grub (i wouldnt know how), then check if fstab is mouning any raid device.....11:22
PovAddictor is it like alternate CD?11:22
kzmdavmor2: this is weird.. i have nvidia-glx installed it says but it cant find the xconfig command!!??11:22
shakyajrib, i have done that, but i cannot remove java runtime in order to reinstall it...11:22
=== ackdesha [n=ben@c-76-108-175-72.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
penguin42eric: I suspect it is no longer hda1 - a lot of the IDE controllers are now sda etc11:22
dcomsalaurence_: intel cards have issues with wide resolution11:22
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Same error message.11:22
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shakyaapplications depend on it11:23
=== PovAddict notices his question getting lost on the flood
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dcomsasearch more info on i915resolution11:23
laurence_dcomsa: Ah, so it's likely to be the video card rather than the TV?11:23
=== KillerBunny [n=Killer@port149.ds1-arno.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
jribshakya: what errors do you get when yout ry11:23
MrMakevelizaphands, also, why wont it stay changed to "microphone' for the input when i do it? it goes back to capture as i hit play....11:23
zaphandsMrMakeveli: Than it's probably the device that's not working.11:23
=== pibe [n=jtbates@adsl-68-73-148-88.dsl.ipltin.ameritech.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
tripsynccan anyone tell me how to set up my monitor to display 1440x900, I have the right nvidia driver installed, but my monitor is recognized as generic (hanns g Jw199D) and the resolution isn't found11:23
dcomsalaurence_: yes11:23
=== nir_ai [i=Nir@bzq-84-109-5-207.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
hmcaif i try to install sysvinit it says it will remove ubuntu-minimal11:23
alexboyI'm about to upgrade. but I want to back up enough to do a bare-metal restore back to the current state.  Having archived off all my media/large files I'm going to make a tar of my / partition (simple setup, just root and swap), if i make a backup of my mbr and partition table using (first 512 bytes), if I change the parition table will it restore my parition tale as-is despite the changes?11:23
laurence_It did the same at 1024x768 though, which I've had it doing on a monitor before.11:23
MrMakevelii tried other progs w/ sound capture11:23
davmor2kzm: no it's nvidia-glx-xconfig11:23
MrMakevelizaphands, *11:23
eldragonis it possible to get DRI with the ATI drivers (not fglrx, the open source ones)11:23
zaphandszaphands: Makes sure Alsa supports your hardware.11:23
nir_aihow do I boot ubuntu without starting the x server?11:23
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laurence_I've got another box lying around with a Geforce 4 - is that more likely to work?11:23
eckhmca: it probably conflicts with upstart11:23
erichmmm it was hda1 yesterday, pre-upgrade11:23
bambie guys one more question, how can i get my wireless network working?11:23
kzmslackern: awesome... whats this pastebin?11:23
shakyawell, sun java 5.0 runtime is checked off (installed)... i cannot uncheck it (in order to recheck it) because applications depend on it11:23
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tom_LjL, SUCESSS!!!! 1440 by 900 baby11:24
=== Len4x8 [n=Len48@pD950FFCE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bambiei've ubuntu 6.0611:24
Wesleythats some premium grade shit11:24
dcomsaeldragon: try radeon driver11:24
shakyait is checked off but java is not installed11:24
AATDarkLaszloKv: when does the error message (in the samba log appear)11:24
bambieand my wireless chip is Airlink11:24
zaphandsMrMakeveli: make sure alsa supports yout hardware11:24
cedricshockLaszloKv: Are all the capitals, excetra right in /media/BUSLINK/music?11:24
AATDarkLaszloKv: only when you connect or when you start samba ?11:24
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slackernkzm: it's a site where you paste stuff, just visit the pastebin link here it comes again http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16659/11:24
PovAddictis the DVD installer live too, or is it like alternate CD?11:24
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nir_aihow do I boot ubuntu without starting the x server (in console mode)?11:24
MrMakevelizaphands, it probably doesnt... its a dynex 5.1 sound card11:24
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, I'm pretty sure it's when I try to connect.11:24
tom_LjL, Shit..... how come beryl isn't working now???11:24
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cedricshocknir_ai: From CD or installed?11:24
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:24
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, I'll restart samba to see.11:24
slackernkzm: not 100% sure if it'll help, talking to another guy having a problem also with that solution11:25
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nir_aicedricshock: from installed11:25
kzmdavmor2: yes.. i meant that.. i even copy and paste it from the synaptic manager info where it says to use the same command to enable the driver11:25
dcomsanir_ai: add single to your boot option11:25
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock probaly samba cant access the file ..11:25
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eldragondcomsa: radeon driver is for older models, ive got an x600 which is supported by the ati drivers11:25
Gunrunwhere do I get the DVD install of ubuntu11:25
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Gunrunor the alternate one?11:25
cedricshocknir_ai: Grub bootloader? Don't know how to change boot options off the top of my head, but add "single" (no quotes) to the list of options.11:25
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: ok i checkt your config with a friend .11:25
aoirthoiraight i'm on ubuntu 7.04. Now i saved my entire previous home dir..including my .gnome ...all I want to bring back are my settings for the bars at the top and the bottom without messing anything else up..is a simple copy of the .gnome ok or is there a better way?11:25
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects11:25
GunrunI am looking at http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and don't see them :(11:25
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PovAddictGunrun: alternate is on the same place as desktop one11:26
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: and it is working (he just changed the paths .)11:26
kzmslackern: are you dutch? haha.. ik zit in amsterdam!11:26
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PovAddictGunrun: use the torrents!11:26
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michuhi :D11:26
Enselic_I am trying to connect to my laptop X server from my desktop computer. I think I have setup everything correctly; this is a short shell session proving it: http://rafb.net/p/idcMXL97.html    anyone know why it doesn't work?11:26
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: so it must be permission problem11:26
PovAddictGunrun: I'll get you linky11:26
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Gunrunoh ok :)11:26
slackernkzm: No afraid not, im from Sweden11:26
GunrunI like torrents11:26
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: ok i got a hint from a friend ..11:26
shakyajlib:  i am going to restart the live cd, then edit sources.list before i try to install java, will that work?11:26
kcWhen I start Beryl, it gets to "reloading options" and hangs? any suggestions?11:26
PovAddictGunrun: http://releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/ubuntu-7.04-alternate-i386.iso.torrent11:26
cabbeyanyone else having problems with dist upgrade when you have main,universe,restricted  set to use a local mirror in /etc/apt/sources.list, but multi-verse still set to the official ubuntu mirrors?11:26
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: try to change the owner of the files to nobody probly with chrown11:26
starmanNON UBUNTU linux question if anyone is game:  is there a way to mount a gzipped tarball of a file system so you can read/write to the mount without having to actually decompress/compress the thing?11:26
kzmslackern: ah... was thinking because of the ".nl"11:27
cedricshockWow, ubuntu+edubuntu+kubunut makes for a looong upgrade.11:27
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`Matirhi... I'm trying to get Matlab 6/R12 to run on Ubuntu Edgy, but it's giving me no end of headaches trying to get the GUI working.  By default, it complains about not having a symbol __libc_wait in libjvm.so.  When attempting to use an external JVM, it segfaults with no error messages.11:27
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arthur_kalmdoes anyone know how to remove an nvidia driver installed from the nvidia website?11:27
eckstarman: no, because of how gzip compressoin works11:27
davmor2kzm:  try a fresh install and report the bug it seems that it is a bit messed up.11:27
Supaplexstarman: no. not unless you use fuse and write your own.11:27
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erUSULstarman: maybe a fuse plug in exist that can do that....11:27
Gunrunhmm I thought there was a DVD version of ubuntu :(11:27
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: what is the type of the /media/BUSLINK/music ? an mp3 player?11:27
PovAddictGunrun: there is, didn't find that link so fast :)11:27
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Do I do sudo chown nobody /media/BUSLINK/music ?11:27
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eckstarman: if you stick something in the middle of a gzipped file, all the stuff after it needs to be changed11:27
Gunrunoh ok11:28
PovAddictGunrun: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.04/release/ *use* *the* *torrents*11:28
LeaChimHeya, Has anyone used a Nova-T DVB-T Tuner with ubuntu dapper or feisty - if you had would you please pm me with the actual model and how easy it was to use? I need to deicde on one :P thanks11:28
tom_Gunrun, why would you want one when it fits on a cd11:28
slackernkzm: oh hehe thats just the regular pastebin site, no idea why it's .nl though :)11:28
arthur_kalmi.e. the official nVidia driver, there doesn't seem to be anything in the readme that explains how to remove it11:28
Gunrunwhat does it have that the normal one doesn't?11:28
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock : no stop ..11:28
eckstarman: so compressed filesystems are usually read only11:28
starmaneck, yeah you know now that you mention it, I knew it all along...11:28
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LjLtom_ i'm afraid i don't really know much about beryl, but there are a couple of options, if i recall correctly, that you do need to add to xorg.conf for beryl to work with nvidia cards. those probably got removed by the reconfigure. ask in #ubuntu-effects11:28
Gunruntom_ I only have rewritable DVDs11:28
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: is it an mp3 player or something ?11:28
tunganetI am stuck at the Feisty upgrade. At the "preparing for upgrade" Fetching file 40 of 49, its stuck at 40 and not moving =.=11:28
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, The folder is a subdirectory on my external hard drive with all of my music.11:28
starmani was just thinking maybe someone smarter than I came up with something awesome11:28
PovAddictGunrun: I'm kind of asking that and nobody answered me11:28
doddoHi i wonder if its possible to start the install from a tty!11:28
PovAddictis DVD like alternate, or like desktop (live)?11:28
LjLtom_: or just check your backup copy of xorg.conf, and see which options they are11:28
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: with what option did you mount it ? umaks ?11:28
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KeldoorI downloaded  .... NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run.... from nvida.. but don't know how to install it...11:28
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dcomsadoddo: are you using the live cd?11:29
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, I never did any mount command.11:29
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tripsyncI am trying to get my native resolution to work in Ubuntu Fiesty, I have my Nvidia Geforce 5700 Ultra installed correctly, but i still dont have 1440x900 as an option, my monitor is being recognized as generic (hannsg JW199D), is there a way to get my resolution on the list?11:29
kzmdavmor2: i will reboot... thanx for your help if you dont see me back soon, than i am fine...11:29
GunrunPovAddict it says on that page doesn't it?11:29
doddodcomsa: yeah11:29
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: What's the mtab entry, what does ls -l show in the parent directory?11:29
Gunrunthat typing live will make it act like a live CD11:29
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, It automounts when plugged in.11:29
starmanyou know what makes ubuntu still such a pain for noobs to switch over to ?  All the post install config11:29
Gunrunotherwise its just an install11:29
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Supaplexstarman: yes, lots of things, but not what you describe. :) even a tarball would be prone to resizing on changes. (unless the file content sizes were the same before and after)11:29
dcomsadoddo: i would suggest the alternate cd11:29
deoptimahey is anyone else having a problem with OpenSSH with feisty?11:29
PovAddictGunrun: yeah it says it's live - that will teach me to read11:29
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starmanI'm setting up a feisty laptop for my wife from scratch11:29
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Try this command: cat /etc/mtab11:29
zaphandsMrMakeveli: Sorry. I don't think I can help anymore11:29
doddodcomsa: x wont load so i have to ctrl + alt into a tty11:29
jribarthur_kalm: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/chapter-02-section-04.html11:29
kzmslackern: thanx for your help.. appreciate11:29
GunrunI wish I knew what it had on it that the others didn't11:29
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: It should have a line about that folder (or maybe its parent)11:29
dcomsadoddo: the alternate cd has a text based installer11:30
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doddodcomsa: so thats the one i need to download?11:30
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, "/dev/sda1 /media/BUSLINK vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 011:30
arthur_kalmjrib: lol OK thank you, I should have looked harder :P11:30
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dcomsadoddo: yup11:30
starmanand after I install, I have to set up wpa, codecs, japanese IME, tweak for performance gains (fstab modifications and journaling changes)11:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:30
=== Cryoniq [n=chatzill@me-54-110-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #ubuntu
dcomsadoddo: then you could configure your X11:30
starmanoh hdparms too11:30
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MalconRoxi m having problems with my soundcard.... Realtek acl660, what should i do?11:30
AATDarkdoddo: the alternate: ok umask is problem oder ?11:30
jribarthur_kalm: it's ok, I knew where to look :)11:30
starmanthen set up beryl11:30
slackernkzm: no worries wish i could help more11:30
AATDarkLaszloKv, AATDark: ok umask is the problem11:30
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deoptimahey is anyone else having a problem with OpenSSH with feisty?11:30
Lord_Maynoth_42Are there any tools for customizing? ubuntu... like a way add and remove default packages on the cd11:30
GunrunPovAddict I found what the DVD has over the CD: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17230411:30
doddodcomsa: thanx for the help =) theres nbo need to configure the x cause all i need it for is a shell server11:30
starmanthere is still a lot of manual work to setting up a good linux desktop11:31
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Set umask to 777?11:31
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AATDarkLaszloKv, AATDark: no its invers .11:31
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AATDarkLaszloKv, AATDark: permission to all is 00011:31
starmanLord_Maynoth_42, there is11:31
dcomsadoddo: then try the server edition ;)11:31
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: no, 00011:31
starmancheck out ubuntu ultimate gamers edition11:31
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PovAddictGunrun: I think you can get a CD .iso burned and working on a DVD-RW11:31
TashKavarishhow do I get 1920x1200 working? it picks 1600x1200 as max, the fix video wiki didnt help11:31
doddodcomsa: thanx ill do that! I really appriciate the helpfulness of the ubuntu community11:31
MrMakevelizaphands, i found something interesting: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a305/MrMakeveli/MicProbs.png11:31
LsBlendokay i need help installing 7.0411:31
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dcomsadoddo: you're welcomed and good luck11:32
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: I dunno how to do that with automounted volumes.11:32
SnakePliske1whats that starman? a dual boot to windows=p lol11:32
doddodcomsa: thanx =)11:32
jribshakya: why are you on the live cd anyway?11:32
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CryoniqProblem: I just upgraded to 7.04. And I am using a ATI Radeon 9800 Pro. When I start up gnome things are totaly laggy and strange, and beryl resulted in 100% white screen (configured for AIGLX DRI). This sounds familiar?11:32
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, And now do sudo mount -a ?11:32
MrMakevelizaphands, see how its red? it wont let me mute/unmute. what does that even mean?11:32
LsBlendI cant partition the c drive to a dualboot11:32
LeaChimHeya, Has anyone used a Nova-T DVB-T Tuner with ubuntu dapper or feisty - if you had would you please pm me with the actual model and how easy it was to use? I need to deicde on one :P thanks11:32
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LsBlendit wont let me11:32
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LsBlendusung manual edit11:32
starmanCryoniq, check out beryl help pages...that's not ubuntu specific issue11:32
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starmanthat is beryl and ati11:32
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LsBlendso should i try gparted?11:32
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TashKavarishwhat annoys me is it used to work i havent reinstalled or nothing11:32
zaphandsMrMakeveli: This simply means it's used for capture.11:33
elementzhi everybody11:33
brenixsearch beryl ati ubuntu11:33
brenixthere is a great guide for it and worked for me..11:33
helgeq: what does the Ubuntu DVD contain that the CD doesn't?11:33
starmanLsBlend, I dont know what gparted does11:33
frandavid100good evening!11:33
MrMakevelizaphands, but if i cant mute/unmute, what can that mean? and the "L" and "R" ? what the firefox!11:33
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macacoHey guys how i can connect my old webcam Creative ?11:33
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock fstab shoudl work11:33
Ashex!info gparted11:33
LsBlendits a partitoner11:33
ubotugparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 316 kB, installed size 1588 kB11:33
CryoniqYou sure because it worked excelent under edgy. I am just trying to understand what was changed from edgy regarding drivers and beryl when I upgraded to feisty.11:33
macacopm please11:33
starmani could have guessed that11:33
tom_Join #ubuntu-effects11:34
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: write a line for your drive in the /etc/fstab file with umask=00011:34
zaphandsMrMakeveli: notice above that you are changing only capture (bright yellow)11:34
starmanCryoniq, tons of things changed11:34
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starmanevery package has versioned up11:34
zaphandsMrMakeveli: change it to [all]  again.11:34
frandavid100I need some help here, can you tell me what command I need to type to mount /dev/hdc1 in /home/ubuntu/Desktop/carpeta ?11:34
elementzgot an audio prob: edgy eft - external usb soundcard (creative audigy) does not play flash audio - instead the audio gets played on pc speaker (Intel ICH6)11:34
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Easiest way to do that is to copy the line from /etc/mtab and modify it.11:34
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elementzanybody got a solution to this?11:34
shwag_what language was del.icio.us  written in ? python?11:34
KorgmatoseCryoniq, try some of the git repos. I'm on a mixed 0.3.0/0.2.1+gi - version now, and it actually works (beryl/fglrx/xgl)11:34
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Gunrunam I alowed to post links to forum posts here? I could do with some help with something, and its quite a complex issue11:34
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Cryoniqstarman, oki.. so the ati open source drivers was updated as well?11:34
starmanmount /dev/hdc1 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/carpeta11:34
starmanwhat filesystem is it?11:34
dcomsafrandavid100:  sudo mount /devhdc1 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/carpeta11:34
starmanoh yeah sudo11:35
zaphandsMrMakeveli: (using tab)11:35
starmanhehe ubuntu :p11:35
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MrMakevelizaphands, i changed it to capture to identify what things i should be messing w/11:35
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macacowell i see ya later ... :D11:35
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ixian_I'm not sure what I did, but when I try to enable desktop effects, I get a 'Composite extension not available' error. It was working when I installed Feisty yesterday. any ideas?11:35
starmanI'm a shameless sudo overrider, I always sudo su11:35
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: /etc/mtab lists mounted filesystems, and fstab is where mount reads defaults from.11:35
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cottonDo I have to download all the ubuntu files and reupload them to my server, or can I just upload, like 1 desktop ISO and the docs and still be listed as a mirror11:35
TashKavarishhow do i force gnome to use a certain resolution?(1920x1200@58Hz), ddcprobe lists it but putting it in xorg.conf doesnt work11:35
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frandavid100dcomsa sudo mount /devhdc1 /home/ubuntu/Desktop/carpeta ??11:36
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MrMakevelizaphands, back under "all" and under the same "mic" one i have it almost to the top in the red zone11:36
nir_aicedricshock: There is no 'single' option available for boot commands11:36
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dcomsafrandavid100: huh ... in a terminal ...11:36
MrMakevelizaphands, it says 'captr' and all that beneath it too11:36
elementzanybody here who would be able to help with my prob stated above? pls help11:36
starmanTashKavarish, xorg.conf hacking time for you my friend11:36
zaphandsMrMakeveli: Is it MM or OO?11:36
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, And do sudo mount -a after editing fstab?11:36
Lord_Maynoth_42Does anyone know what tools are required to make custom livecd's?11:36
AATDarkcedricshock thx now i have little bit more linux knowledge .. im11:36
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: y11:36
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starmanTashKavarish, if xorg.conf already lists the resolution, it's easy to switch11:36
LjL!customlivecd > Lord_Maynoth_42    (Lord_Maynoth_42, see the private message from Ubotu)11:36
starmanactually the GUI has controls to change resolutions11:37
TashKavarishstarman: no it isnt11:37
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TashKavarishxorg has it, gnome wont use it11:37
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Sure, but you;ll need to unmount it first.11:37
Keldoorim running the nvidia installer... and it asks for... "binutils".. be installed where would i get them?11:37
Lord_Maynoth_42thank you11:37
MrMakevelizaphands, I dont know what you mean11:37
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starmanTashKavarish, xorg.conf will list all capable resolutions11:37
starmanbut doesnt mean that one is selected11:37
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Korgmatose!apt-get > Keldoor11:37
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, How do I unmount?11:37
TashKavarishit list 1920x1200, it wont use it still.11:37
LjLLord_Maynoth_42: there are also third-party tools not described there, which do slightly or less slightly different things... i'm afraid i don't remember the names though11:37
cedricshocknir_ai: It won't be in the list, you need to add it to the boot prompt somehow, and I can't remember how to do that in grub off the top of my head11:37
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: umount /media/BUSLOGI..11:37
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: umount /media/BUSLINK/music11:38
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: *sudo umount <mount path>11:38
starmanTashKavarish, try reducing your bitrate11:38
Gunrunany chance someone could help me with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41578611:38
dcomsanir_ai: press e instead of enter11:38
zaphandsMrMakeveli: There should be OO for unmuted channels and MM for muted channels. You can change it using "m"11:38
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starmanif you are at 32 bit now, maybe your card can't do that res at 32bit11:38
starmantry 24 bit11:38
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dcomsanir_ai: edit the long line and add single at the end11:38
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MrMakevelizaphands, the mic is 0011:38
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KorgmatoseI thought 24bit = 32 bit under linux...11:38
dcomsanir_ai: the press b to boot11:38
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, "dave@Simon:~$ sudo umount /media/BUSLINK/  Cannot create link /etc/mtab~  Perhaps there is a stale lock file?"11:38
cedricshockdcomsa: thanks11:38
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=== penguin42 throws a cheshire cat at the cheshireviking
Tuskwow, lots of people in here...any chance of getting a question answered?11:38
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TashKavarishit WAS working on this system, no reinstall or nothing, the only thing that changed is i swapped monitor for a bit then came back to the old monitor and the res was gone11:39
zaphandsMrMakeveli: Also, try selecting a different input device in the Multimedia System Selector. Choose OSS instead of Alsa.11:39
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dcomsanir_ai: all this in the grub menu11:39
starmanLord_Maynoth_42 did you get my messages?11:39
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Simancan someone tell me if my wireless card will have the same support it does in xubuntu if it works in ubuntu please11:39
TashKavarishits still in xorg.conf but it no longer uses it11:39
kcHi everyone, when i go to System > Preferences > Window - it says "window manager Beryl has not selected a configuration tool" ...how do I fix this?11:39
Lord_Maynoth_42starman, sorry no  I didn't11:39
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zaphandsTusk: no :-)11:39
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cedricshockGot an editor open for /etc/mtab? If not remove the file /etc/mtab~11:39
MrMakevelizaphands, k let me try that11:39
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nir_aidcomsa: thanks, that worked11:39
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Epic720I need help installing my Geforce 8600GTS in feisty11:39
TashKavarishits like a resolution blacklist somewhere got update to add 1920x1200 as a do not use11:39
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: no idea11:39
dcomsanir_ai: glad to help11:39
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Korgmatosekc, use "beryl-manager" instead11:40
lgcHello! Is there any way to remove the 'write protection of a CDRW unit? Is there such a thing? Thanks.11:40
TuskI'm trying to get X to run with nvidia drivers on my Toshiba laptop with Geforce MX 420 go11:40
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: If so, close the editor.11:40
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penguin42TashKavarish: More likely it is denying the 1920x1200 because it thinks something can't manage it (monitor, card etc)11:40
kcKorgmatose: thanks ill give it a go11:40
Tuskcurrently when I load up X I get those pretty colored lines running vertically down the screen11:40
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TashKavarishpenguin42: so how do i bypass this non-fonctionnal detection11:40
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cablesI need modprobe -r snd_intel8x0 && modprobe snd_intel8x0 ac97_quirk=hp_only to run when I boot my computer. How can I do this?11:40
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penguin42TashKavarish: Look in your /var/log/xorg.log.0 and look for lines that mention 1920x1200 and see if you can figure out why they are saying it11:40
MrMakevelizaphands, let me ask you something: when you are under system --> prefs --> sound and you do the capture test, what happens for you?11:40
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EdsipeRubuntu has sparc support ?11:40
dcomsacables: blacklist them11:41
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cablesdcomsa, can you tell me how?11:41
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EdsipeRis ubuntu sparc compatible?11:41
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:41
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: sec.. checking11:41
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cedricshockcables: (probably outdated knowledge) rc.local, don't blacklist them, that does the opposite.11:41
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MrMakevelizaphands, im guessing its suppose to playback as you talk? so you can hear its working? mine doesnt do that11:41
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cablescedricshock, ok11:41
slappy_how do i install a win32 app in ubuntu?11:41
Noobhello, why is beryl loggin me out when it starts ?11:41
cablescedricshock, where is that located?11:41
cables!wine | slappy_11:42
ubotuslappy_: wine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.11:42
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Oh, maybe I need to unmount before editing the umask.11:42
slappy_thanks cables11:42
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: which program again?11:42
dcomsacables: /etc/rc.local11:42
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cablesdcomsa, ok, thanks11:42
cedricshockcables: somewhere in /etc11:42
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Tuskcan someone help me with my nvidia laptop woes?11:42
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MrMakevelizaphands, systerm --> prefs --> sound11:42
tripsyncok, when I run sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange in terminal, I don't get anything displayed, is there any other way to find my refresh rates?  I'm attempting to get 1440x900 to work11:42
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nir_aiany work around for the wfb library bug in the nvidia driver?11:42
MrMakevelizaphands, and then im wondering about what happens when you test your catpure11:42
acalvo|lapis there any kind of automatic support for macbook keyboard and touchpad?11:42
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TashKavarishpenguin42: 1920x1200 among other resolutions is "(WW) NVIDIA(0): No valid modes for "1920x1200"; removing."11:42
tunganetHey, i cannot complete the "check" in my update manager, whats going on? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16662/plain/11:43
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Epic720Can anyone help me install my 8600GTS nvidia drivers?11:43
TashKavarishbut that makes no sense, this is a 1920x1200 panel even ddcprobe shows it11:43
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penguin42TashKavarish: Is that the first time 1920x1200 is mentioned in the log file?11:43
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: hard unplug of usb device ?11:43
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Actually, did I need to edit mtab at all??  Would editing just fstab work?11:43
ben__I am INSANELY happy w/ Feisty right now... it was PERFECT upgrade.. only one slight problem w/ Beryl giving me a white screen because I needed to reinstall the NVIDIA drivers... all is perfect again11:43
rapidnot specifically a ubuntu related question but anyone have any ideas which configuration i've got to play with the get DRI to work properly with xinerama, at the moment it only shows on half a screen.11:43
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: The file to be editing is /etc/fstab11:43
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: mtab is read only ?11:43
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: The mount error was because you had edited /etc/mtab which created the file /etc/mtab~11:43
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dcomsaAATDark: sudo :)11:44
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: close any editors for /etc/mtab and remove the file /etc/mtab~11:44
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AaronMTtrying to install wine and I get this error, "wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\setup.exe": Module not found11:44
TashKavarishodd says the geforce 6200's max clock is 155, should be about 165 last time i checked11:44
zaphandsMrMakeveli: Yep. I hear myself in a small delay.11:44
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Korgmatosefeisty works like a charm except beryl disagrees with fglrx/xgl. Thankfully the git-versions fixes that mostly11:44
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MrMakevelizaphands, yeah i dont hear that :( i tried changing all of them in there to OSS11:44
zaphandsMrMakeveli: I had to play with the alsamixer in parallel.11:44
MrMakevelizaphands, no luck11:44
penguin42TashKavarish: Do you have a modeline for the 1920x1200 in there or are you using the standard ones?11:45
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, "dave@Simon:~$ sudo rm /etc/mtab~11:45
LaszloKvdave@Simon:~$ sudo umount /media/BUSLINK/11:45
LaszloKvumount: /dev/sda1: not mounted11:45
LaszloKvumount: /dev/sda1: not mounted11:45
MrMakevelizaphands, before it worked?11:45
Tuskanyone listening? lol11:45
brenixberyl has problems with fglrx?11:45
TashKavarishtried both, adding modeline didnt help11:45
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: Never used the microphone before.11:45
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trumpet_thiefIs it safe to use the upgrade feature?11:45
Jordan_UAaronMT, Trying to install wine or install a windows app with wine?11:45
TashKavarishit used to work without any modelines tho11:45
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Yep, then have a go at unmounting it again.11:45
Korgmatosebrenix, only the feisty official version11:45
tunganetHey, i cannot complete the "check" in my update manager, whats going on? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16662/plain/11:45
Korgmatoseat least for me11:45
vanuato1people, I've now ubuntu loaded in my computer and every program I start crashes after some time randomly. I've tested memory and everything is ok. I've got windows xp on this computer and everything works fine. It's Asus A8N-E, AMD 3500+, ATI Radeon X850XT11:45
BlublobluI've just fixed one issue with Feisty, but here comes another. When it finishes to boot (the bar gets filled), an underscore blinks for a few seconds, then the screen goes blank11:45
connhi, is anyone here using feisty successfully with a zd1211 wireless card?11:45
CapriSkyeanyone know why the php channel isn't working?11:45
zaphandsMrMakeveli: (on this system)11:45
brenixim using the beta, it is a able to upgrade right?11:45
AaronMTJordan_U: "wine setup"11:46
Jordan_U!slow | tunganet11:46
ubotutunganet: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.11:46
=== inimesekene [n=inimesek@80-235-71-68-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu
Pelotrumpet_thief,  yes it is safe but I would suggest you dl the live cd before hand just in case,  use torrents if you can11:46
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trumpet_thiefCheers pelo11:46
Pici!final | brenix11:46
ubotubrenix: If you are running a Herd/Beta version of Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) and have been keeping it up to date, you are already running the final release version of Feisty. To make sure, type  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  in a console. If you last updated few days ago, you are on the final version.11:46
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LaszloKvdave@Simon:~$ It didn't give any message back when I umounted again.11:46
tunganetJordan_U:  hm ok11:46
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TashKavarishpenguin42: any ideas?11:46
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: That's SUCCESS!11:46
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captaintripshow do i get these instant tooltips to go away?11:46
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, And now sudo mount -a ??11:47
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slavkojoin #freenode11:47
shakyajlib:  i have read about repositories and have uncommented those two lines and i have completely removed the old attempt at java, but when i try to install i still get 'E: sun-java5-bin: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2'11:47
penguin42TashKavarish: I'm used to seeing lines like 'Not using mode "1900X1280" (vrefresh out of range)11:47
kzmslackern: hey... didnt worked.. pity. is there a reverse for this? do you know?11:47
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Pelocaptaintrips,  you can probablty disable them in gconf-editor ,  don'T ask me where11:47
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penguin42TashKavarish: Could you upload your xorg.0.log somewhere?11:47
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: y11:47
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captaintripsok, thx11:47
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: That'll do it. So would sudo mount /media/BUSLINK. The first will try to mount everythign that isn't mounted yet11:47
TashKavarishi know so far my best guess is the latest nvidia driver disabled it11:47
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Jonahim having a problem with GRUB. my bootdisk is SATA and my ubuntu install is on a PATA drive. but the install refuse to install GRUB on the SATA drive, so i dont get any boot menu, it just boots directly to windows.11:47
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TashKavarishlike where?11:47
CheshireVikingjust upgraded to 7.04 from 6.10 using dist. upgrade, only problem i've got is my nvidia card won't display at its normal 1600*1200 resolution, max i can get with nvidia is 800*600 with opengl/3d working, if i use "nv" as the driver i get 1600*1200 but no opengl/3d, graphics card is an old geforce2 so i have to use legacy driver, any suggestions? i've uninstalled, reinstalled legacy driver, tried using envy, no success, xorg is at ht11:47
CheshireVikingtp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16663/ Anybody with a suggestion?11:47
brenixah looks like it is already updated11:47
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cedricshockAATDark: No fair answering correctly and helpfully with just one letter.11:48
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Skiguyhey  everyone - I just upgraded to Feisty and I can't seem to get it to boot correctly. After the login screen I just get the orage background with a white squre in the upper left and it won't go any further. booting to recovery mode is no problem. I'm thinking an xorg.conf problem. any suggestions?11:48
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makuseruanyone know what the room for Ubuntu Studio is?11:48
MrMakevelizaphands, you had to play w/ alsamixer before you could get the playback to work correctly? do you mind telling me what did the trick?11:48
shakyait says 'could not find libjava.so, could not find java 2 runtime environment'11:48
shakyaanyone know why?11:48
slackernkzm: just remove the symbolic links i guess should undo it?11:48
Jordan_Ushakya, You need to remove sun-java5-bin but unfortunately removing it will probably fail if the postinst script fails11:48
astronouth7303is it safe to kill klogd?11:48
trumpet_thiefI also have an issue with edgy. Since I did one of the updates every time I try to run a 3d app like beryl or google earth x restarts11:48
JamesGDoes anyone have a suggestion for a decent jabber client? I'm using spark right now, but it leaves a lot to be desired.11:48
AbsoluteMSTRQuestion: ATI Radeon x1600 AGP supported in Ubuntu?11:49
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: unmuting mic, unmuting mic boost and raising mic's volume.11:49
shakyai removed it from synaptic11:49
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BlublobluCan anyonw help here: Feisty boots up, but the screen just goes black!11:49
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shakyathen i tried to reinstall and it gave me that error11:49
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: sry im not very expericed .. but trying my best (also my english is not so good)11:49
kzmslackern: true.. i didnt checked if it overwrite any existing one11:49
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JamesGHm, gaim.11:49
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nexacthello all, is it possible to enable XDMCP via ssh ? thanks.11:49
PeloAbsoluteMSTR,  check the forum for you answer11:49
MrMakevelizaphands, im thinking i should just take this damn sound card out and go from the onboard :(11:49
SnakePliske1aka gaym11:49
XyonOkay, so now I got Ubuntu installed, but when it tries to boot, i get a black screen11:49
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BlublobluXyon: I have the same problem11:49
AATDarkXyon: installed it with alternate ?11:49
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TashKavarishpenguin42: does http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16664/ work?11:50
GionnyBosswhat's the best way to backup my windows partition before resizing it? I was thinking something like "dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/my/image.iso , but the problem is that I want to reduce partition size, so I won't be able to restore my partition data with dd again (dd will does a .iso as large as partition total size). Any suggestions, please?11:50
Xyonbut not text-only11:50
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: did it ever work on a linux system?11:50
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slackernkzm: if you reinstalll the drivers from the repositories they will probably overwrite them i guess there will be a fix out for it soon though since it's confirmed also in the buglist11:50
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ryeth25anybody familiar with screen and irssi?11:50
AATDarkXyon: tried noacpi already at boot shell ?11:50
cedricshockXyon: Install a boot loader?11:50
shakyajordan_u: now i have removed it again.11:50
MrMakevelizaphands, no, this is the first time i have tried using it on linux11:50
Xyondidnt try noacpi11:50
Xyonwtf is that?11:50
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slackernkzm: might have to stick with vesa drivers for the time being and join me with my lovely ati card :P11:50
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penguin42TashKavarish: Yes - I've just got to pop away from my computer for 5 mins - but I'll look at it when I get back11:50
shakya(using synaptic)11:50
GreatBritonwho else has experienced feisty and networkmanager's problems with rt2500 wifi cards?11:50
Xyonshould i exit to command line at bootloader?11:50
cedricshockXyon: It turns off some often troublesome power management.11:50
Jordan_UXyon, OK, you now need to use the Alternate install CD to do what is called a "chroot" where you can install the ati drivers to your installed system from the alternate install CD11:50
Xyonand try noacpi?11:50
AATDarkXyon: im not sure .. but sometimes it helps (acpi is a enegy saving interface)11:51
tesukihave ubuntu 7.04 remvoed support for old pata disks?11:51
shakyajordan_U: do you know why i get this error when i try to install java?11:51
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, It's not working...11:51
Jonahim having a problem with GRUB. my bootdisk is SATA and my ubuntu install is on a PATA drive. but the install refuse to install GRUB on the SATA drive, so i dont get any boot menu, it just boots directly to windows. <- Is it possible to use windows bootmenu somehow to boot ubuntu?11:51
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Xyonso if i load up the alt install cd, i'll be able to do chroot?11:51
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: what's your hardware again?11:51
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Jordan_Ushakya, No11:51
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TashKavarishanyone know if theres an option to tell the nvidia driver to not validate usable resolutions?11:51
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, How did you say to get to it through cmd again?  Maybe I need to do that.11:51
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MrMakeveliits a dynex 5.1 sound card11:51
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock same error  in samba log ?11:51
MrMakevelizaphands, *11:51
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shakyajordan_U: i am using the live cd boot...  i havent changed anything... but java wont install11:51
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slackernJonah: if you install from the alternate cd you should be able to choose where to install grub11:51
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sinizzli just installed ubuntu on my macbook and it directly boots into grub and it doesnt let me select mac os X..... can i configure grub to let me choose between ubuntu and and mac os x?11:52
BlublobluAATDARK: I'm having a similar problem to Xyon, but i see the ubuntu loading bar, but then nothing happens11:52
ShoebQuick question: how can I reverse -> echo "alias net-pf-10 off" > /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list -> It apparently switches off ipv6. But since I did this it broke my networking.. I have to manually restart networking when it boots up to get it connected. It worked fine before this ipv6 thing.11:52
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Actually, there's nothing new in the log, strangely enough.11:52
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elementzpls somebody help me with my audio: flash sound gets output only on pc speaker for some strange reason - i normally use usb audio11:52
elementzpleeeze help11:52
GreatBritonJonah, if grub is on the sata drive, can't you boot from the sata drive?11:52
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AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: even if you restart samba ?11:52
Jonahslackern: i read about super grub and tried to download that, but the link is not working. would that be an option if i can find the image somewhere?11:52
gerzelQ: I just upgraded to Fiesty today.  My sound card is an Audigy, one of the first ones.  I had sound before the upgrade, now I don't.  I even tried the jacks on the motherboard nothing.11:52
kzmslackern: yeah may be ati next time... i had nvidia problems nearly after every major update.. pain in the ass, i tell you11:52
AATDarkBlubloblu: i think you can add  ro debug at grub11:52
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, I restarted samba before the connect.11:52
TashKavarishspeaking of networking, anyone have 2 adapters in the same box that constantly swap their ip config and knows how to stop em doing so ?11:52
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: What does "ls -l /media" say for that folder now?11:52
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KeldoorThe Nvidia installer tells me to shut down "Xserver" is that running in console mode compleatly..?11:53
Jonahgreat: grub refuse to install to the SATA drive11:53
dcomsaShoeb: manually edit /etc/modprobe.d/bad_list and remove that line11:53
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slackernkzm: hehe well this x1950 card is no joyride, trust me about that, i would toss it out for a nvidia card any day :)11:53
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slackernJonah: sorry no idea what super grub does11:53
Shoebdcomsa: I was *just* doing that.. doesn't look like that file was even created.11:53
sinizzlanyone knows howto use mac os x together with ubuntu ?11:53
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Shoebdcomsa: So, that out of the way.. what could be causing me to manually /etc/init,d/networking restart, and not able to get an addr on boot?11:53
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tesuki_sorry got D/Ced have ubuntu 7.04 remvoed support for old pata disks?11:53
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Jordan_UJonah, How did Grub "refuse"?11:54
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, "total 16411:54
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx 11 dave dave 163840 1969-12-31 19:00 BUSLINK11:54
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dcomsaShoeb: so when you manually restart networking it works?11:54
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AATDarkBlubloblu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=244353211:54
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: And you can poke around inside it, it's mounted?11:54
sinizzlhow can i configure grub to be able to boot both mac os x and ubuntu ???11:55
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vanuatoo1did anyone replied to my post? I've got programs crashing randomly11:55
BlublobluAATDark: thanks11:55
erUSULKeldoor: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop'11:55
ulf_am_beatOkay, here is the support channel. Wheres the party?11:55
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Xyonhow does this chroot thing work? what should i do to install the ati drivers from the alt cd?11:55
Shoebdcomsa: Yup. But oh well, I'm going to just reinstall the LAMP.11:55
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Notchnickslackern I removed the old and installed the new.. did not work.. used the dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg answered lots of questions and its back to terminal what to do next?11:55
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xt{c}is it true that the "gaybuntu" title for the new version is "feisty faggot"?11:55
dcomsaShoeb: :)11:55
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JonahJordan_U: on its own it choses hd0, if i chose sd0 or sda then it comes up with a critical error..11:55
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LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, Yeah, it's mounted.  Why does it say it was mounted in 1969???11:55
dcomsaulf_am_beat: where are you from? :)11:56
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xt{c}that was an honest questoin :P11:56
AATDarkXyon chroot <mount point of your harddirve>11:56
MrMakevelizaphands, blah im about to give up11:56
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MrMakevelizaphands, i unmuted everything turned it all up and still nothing11:56
ShoebThanks dcomsa .11:56
Xyonwhere do i run the command from?11:56
TashKavarishspeaking of networking, anyone have 2 adapters in the same box that constantly swap their ip config and knows how to stop em doing so ?11:56
zaphandsMrMakeveli: I can't fount Dynex on Alsa's web site. They Might not support it.11:56
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: No clue. That's the default 0 time in unix.11:56
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gumjohi I just installed compiz and beryl on feisty and the window decorators wont show up11:57
Fringe4I'm having a problem with my video driver. Neither Synaptic, nor Automatix is installing the Nvidia driver. They're both talking about an APT based error. I'm using the new FF.11:57
zaphandsMrMakeveli: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/index.php?vendor=All#matrix11:57
Ranbeehi, does anyone know where i can find the checksum for the new 7.10 iso?11:57
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MrMakevelizaphands, yeah there is a good chance. its a cheap variant hardware11:57
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cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: What does "ls -l /media/BUSLINK" say for the music folder now?11:57
kzmslackern: found the solution.. interested?11:57
MrMakevelizaphands, thanks for all the help11:57
sacaterRanbee: its in the ubuntu.com download page somwwhere11:57
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MrMakevelii might go disable it in bios or something and try it from the onboard11:57
dcomsaRanbee: sorry for asking but did you search on google. there must be a page there11:57
slackernkzm: share it with Notchnick  he has the same problem :)11:57
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zaphandsMrMakeveli: np.11:57
LaszloKvAATDark, cedricshock, "dave@Simon:~$ ls -l /media/BUSLINK11:57
LaszloKvtotal 48011:57
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx   10 dave dave  32768 2007-03-19 03:24 files11:57
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx 1423 dave dave 196608 2007-03-31 18:43 music11:57
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx    2 dave dave  32768 2007-03-15 23:28 Recycled11:57
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx   79 dave dave 131072 2007-03-20 21:45 songs11:57
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx    6 dave dave  32768 2005-12-25 00:53 System Volume Information11:58
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Ranbeeok thanks sacater i'll have another look11:58
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LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx    2 dave dave  32768 2007-04-20 01:12 twin peaks11:58
LaszloKvdrwxrwxrwx    2 dave dave  32768 2005-12-25 13:44 video11:58
Jordan_UJonah, Have you tried a manual grub-install from the terminal?11:58
BlublobluAATDark: I still see the splash on boot11:58
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Notchnickkzm yes please11:58
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NotchnickI guess now11:58
dcomsaRanbee: stick around11:58
gabrielaneed help with the x server11:58
AATDarkBlubloblu: you followed the instructions ?11:58
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Ranbeeok dcomsa11:58
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gerzelHas anyone else had problems losing sound on upgrading to Fiesty?11:59
trumpet_thiefwow did i find a  fast server feisty is downloading at 700kbs11:59
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Blubloblui editing grub from grub itself11:59
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AATDarkBlubloblu: you can try to boot the "Rescue " entry in grubs boot men . This wont give you an X Server but it says more stuff11:59
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gabrielahelp my system can not iniciate the x server11:59
JonahJordan_U: yes, but im a linux n00b, so i didnt get very far before i was lost :-(11:59
Tuskwhy do I have colored lines down my screen vertically when I try to use the "nvidia" driver?11:59
cedricshockLaszloKv, AATDark: Ok. That's good. There's definitely enough permisions for samba to be dancing around. Back to samba hen I guess.11:59
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Jonahpossible to add linux to windows boot menu?11:59
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LjLJonah: not sure, probably not. but you can add windows to the linux boot menu (i.e. to GRUB)12:00
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LjL!dualboot > Jonah    (Jonah, see the private message from Ubotu)12:00
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mweJonah: I think so. Probably easier to add windows to the linux boot menu, though.12:00
cedricshockJonah: Yes, if you've installed a boot loader somewhere other than on the MBR. It's done via the windows boot.ini file.12:00
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Tuskwhy the hell am I being ignored?12:00
dcomsaRanbee: still here12:00
gumjomy window menubar has dissapeared after installing beryl/compiz... any help?12:00
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LjL!beryl > gumjo    (gumjo, see the private message from Ubotu)12:00
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shakyawhen i try to install sun-java-6, i get the error 'subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127'  anyone know what causes this?12:00
AATDarkLaszloKv, cedricshock: ok try to edit the path of the music share to /home and try again12:01
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JoseStefanEvery since feisty upgrade, I'm getting doubled swap, like if it was mounted twice, is that a problem?12:01
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