=== Dragnslcr [n=Dragnslc@c-24-63-105-9.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Sanne | the-erm: lsb_release -a | 12:15 |
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cables | How do I get Amarok to automatically download podcasts? I set it to Download when Available, but they're still not downloading. | 12:15 |
the-erm | thanks Sanne | 12:15 |
Sanne | the-erm: yw :) | 12:15 |
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the-erm | Well it says 7.04 is installed, but it crashed during the install ... man I'm scared to reboot. | 12:16 |
Franzmaximilian | Daisuke_Ido, remember the Adept problem ? apt-get solved everithing! there was a broken installation of another package around which sent out the error message. Also it suggested to run again with autormove option to get rid of some unuseful stuff | 12:16 |
CVirus | wiglaf: it's not there here ! | 12:16 |
CVirus | wiglaf: KDE 3.5.6 | 12:16 |
Doctor_Nick | where can I find the kubuntu feisty DVD? | 12:16 |
whytheam | I'm going to reboot to see if it worked | 12:16 |
CVirus | wiglaf: will you please address me with my nickname | 12:16 |
louieb39c | doctor...on their site | 12:16 |
Doctor_Nick | torrent.ubuntu.com seems to be down | 12:16 |
louieb39c | Im using it now | 12:16 |
louieb39c | maybe I can sent it to you? | 12:16 |
Doctor_Nick | the torrent? sure | 12:17 |
louieb39c | doctor - respond to the pm? | 12:18 |
Doctor_Nick | pm? | 12:18 |
louieb39c | private message - I Imed you | 12:18 |
Doctor_Nick | I didnt get one? :/ | 12:19 |
louieb39c | IM me | 12:19 |
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Doctor_Nick | did you get that? | 12:19 |
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Cosmo_ | I installed fiesty and now I have no sound, anyone know how to fix it? | 12:20 |
louieb39c | I did | 12:20 |
louieb39c | did you get mine? | 12:20 |
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Doctor_Nick | no | 12:20 |
Doctor_Nick | that's weird :/ | 12:20 |
louieb39c | I only have x64 is that what you want? | 12:20 |
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Doctor_Nick | no, i need x86 | 12:21 |
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louieb39c | :-/ don't think I have that one | 12:21 |
Doctor_Nick | k | 12:21 |
Doctor_Nick | ill just wait for the server to come back up | 12:21 |
dettoaltrimenti | Cosmo_: you can download an audio player for the terminal, try to start the program, and see what kind of error messages you get | 12:22 |
=== CVirus [n=GoD@] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
CVirus | wiglaf: the option disappears when you have compiz enabled ... I got it now after I disabled compiz | 12:23 |
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andrewkk | what do people use to backup before installing feisty? | 12:23 |
CVirus | andrewkk: because the updater sucks and it crashes | 12:23 |
intelikey | backup ? what's that ? | 12:24 |
andrewkk | CVirus: i mean what utility do people use | 12:24 |
CVirus | andrewkk: oops ... dunno | 12:25 |
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en1gma | hi all | 12:25 |
makuseru | hi, i have 5 "not fully installed or removed" packages, how can i fix this | 12:25 |
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louieb39c | lol I just have separate /home and / partitions and have a script to mv files from /home/needbkp/ to my external on a weekly basis | 12:26 |
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intelikey | i just have redundant drives | 12:26 |
en1gma | i have a Q. can i install kubuntu (cd) to a hd in thic computer and move that hd to another diff computer and it work ok? | 12:26 |
louieb39c | that would do it too | 12:26 |
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slyfox | Please help. In firefox when I choose - File - Send Link, Evolution does not open, nothing happens. Evolution is set as the preffered application for email and I can send files form desktop fine, but firefox does not open evolution. | 12:26 |
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intelikey | en1gma yes. BUT if may take some tweeking on the other box. | 12:27 |
CVirus | makuseru: what happened ? | 12:27 |
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en1gma | crap | 12:27 |
sstchur | I finally got my resolution issue fixes -- needed to utilize 915resolution, but now the TaskPanel is slightly running off the screen, what can I do about this? anything? | 12:27 |
en1gma | i dont want to have to tweak :) | 12:27 |
intelikey | en1gma the fstab boot loader and xorg.conf in particular may need redone | 12:27 |
en1gma | ahhh ok | 12:28 |
makuseru | CVirus: i dunno, i was doing a dist-upgrade and some stuff didnt upgrade correctly, and i cant get them too | 12:28 |
en1gma | ill just take my dvd rom out and put it in other computer when i goto install | 12:28 |
CVirus | makuseru: try sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:28 |
en1gma | prob be better (for some reason i was thinking it would act like a live cd) | 12:28 |
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intelikey | en1gma sounds like a plan man | 12:28 |
en1gma | thnx for the info | 12:29 |
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Doctor_Nick | dammit | 12:29 |
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Doctor_Nick | does anyone have the torrent for the kubuntu feisty i386 DVD? | 12:29 |
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en1gma | does the kubuntu CD have any apps for ati tv tuner cards? the BTTV is the one i use | 12:30 |
en1gma | other computer is not connected to net | 12:30 |
wolferine | is iTunes available for linux? | 12:30 |
louieb39c | lol | 12:31 |
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louieb39c | you probably can emulate it - but I wouldn't even try | 12:31 |
en1gma | AND also what does the kubuntu 7.04 install at | 12:31 |
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makuseru | CVirus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16673/ | 12:31 |
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wolferine | louieb39c, itunes? | 12:31 |
louieb39c | wolferine - check out the wine project if you are interested - but I wouldn't be too optimistic about it | 12:32 |
hilltop | why are the repos off limits for the livecd kubuntu? Adapt manager can't access hardly anything like firefox or synaptic. Is it still brokken when installed? Thanks. | 12:32 |
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Doctor_Nick | also | 12:32 |
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aro | What's the KDE equivalent of gksudo? | 12:33 |
CVirus | aro: kdesu | 12:33 |
mrigns | aro kdesu | 12:33 |
cblack0 | kdesud | 12:33 |
en1gma | to install kubuntu CD (7.04) anyone know how big a HD i need? i have a 3giger | 12:34 |
aro | Thank you | 12:34 |
cblack0 | en1gma, that will be enough | 12:34 |
ubuntu | where can i find the standard kde control center in kubuntu? | 12:34 |
en1gma | maybe its 2giger | 12:34 |
mrigns | ubuntu: kcontrol | 12:34 |
en1gma | i cant remember | 12:34 |
louieb39c | wolferine: personally I like amarok - but some people call it a resource hog | 12:34 |
mrigns | hit alt+f2 | 12:34 |
cblack0 | ubuntu, kde start->system settings I think | 12:34 |
makuseru | CVirus: any ideas? | 12:34 |
wolferine | and itunes isnt? | 12:34 |
wolferine | :) | 12:34 |
chijin | louieb39c: that's what resources are made for | 12:35 |
louieb39c | HA well I never fell in love with itunes - Im somewhat anti-apple | 12:35 |
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louieb39c | tis true - hence the reason I still use it | 12:35 |
CVirus | makuseru: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.20-15-generic | 12:35 |
wolferine | anti apple? | 12:35 |
wolferine | ha | 12:35 |
wolferine | never heard that before | 12:35 |
cblack0 | lots of ubuntu docs talk about going to the "Update Manager" via System->Administration->... I don't have that on kde. I have installed synaptic but idunno if that is the same thing. Where/how do I get to the update manager that all the core ubuntu docs are mentioning? | 12:35 |
ubuntu | cblack0, mrigns: kcontrol kde control center doesn't seem to be the default control tool, because when I call "system settings" in the kde start menu then another tool starts | 12:35 |
louieb39c | well I feel they wouldn't be here if it wernt for OSS - but they don't really support it. | 12:35 |
CVirus | makuseru: so ? | 12:36 |
louieb39c | I am a huge BSD fan and I think BSD is far superior than apple's interpretation of it | 12:36 |
makuseru | CVirus: trying now, jsut a sec | 12:36 |
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=== cblack0 sees an offtopic bitch/flamefest brewing | ||
mrigns | ubuntu: the system settings are the kubuntu one, kcontrol should start the kde one | 12:36 |
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hilltop | I used sudo apt-get install synaptic, just get a lot of errors -- stuff like Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/laun ... | 12:37 |
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makuseru | CVirus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16676/ | 12:38 |
=== Udi [n=alex@cpe-68-173-15-68.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | mrigns: ok so they are really two different tools? i wonder why the don't use kcontrol because it seems to be ok | 12:38 |
Udi | . | 12:38 |
mrigns | ubuntu: it annoys me too :( | 12:38 |
=== Udi is now known as phoxy | ||
intelikey | hilltop server down ? | 12:39 |
wolferine | ping it? | 12:39 |
phoxy | I tried to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty using the network upgrade, but it seems to have corrupted something-- now ADEPT complains about being unable to commit | 12:39 |
CVirus | makuseru: try this sudo apt-get -f install | 12:39 |
wolferine | phoxy, lots have been having similar issues | 12:39 |
cblack0 | phoxy, make sure you don't have more than one apt/deb tool open at once | 12:39 |
phoxy | I don't | 12:40 |
ubuntu | another thing (i'm quite new to ubuntu): i want to install sun's java6 jdk... i can't find it in the "add programs", but when i start adept it's there... and then i can't install it because there're errors... how can i find out what the reason was? | 12:40 |
phoxy | I thought I'd try upgrading before I try a fresh install, since I did a lot of tweaking I would hate to lose | 12:40 |
wolferine | ubuntu, its all in the guide I referred to earlier | 12:40 |
Doctor_Nick | does anyone have the torrent for the kubuntu feisty i386 DVD? | 12:40 |
wolferine | if you would have read through it, these basic questions would be answered | 12:40 |
cblack0 | ubuntu, I suggest you just do: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk | 12:41 |
os2mac | will beryl work with Kubuntu? | 12:41 |
ubuntu | wolferine: ok i'll read it... it was my first intuitive try | 12:41 |
wolferine | the document has it all | 12:41 |
cblack0 | ubuntu, I don't know about adept, but that is how I installed java from the cmdline | 12:41 |
cblack0 | os2mac, yep, I've seen it done on a coworkers box. I don't know much about it myself hto | 12:41 |
dsmith | how can someone change his root password without them knowing it? | 12:42 |
dsmith | sudo chpasswd root? | 12:42 |
CVirus | makuseru: su ? | 12:42 |
makuseru | CVirus: same error | 12:43 |
cblack0 | maybe sudo passwd root | 12:43 |
mrigns | dsmith: u can use sudo su to get root | 12:43 |
cblack0 | but really, if they are also in sudoers they don't need the root pw anyway | 12:43 |
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sstchur | what would cause my desktop to acutally "bleed" out beyond the monitor boundaries? I can't access anything to the far right or left | 12:43 |
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dsmith | I setup a remote box and hey changed the stupid password! | 12:43 |
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wolferine | ssickle, maybe try the buttons on the monitor? | 12:44 |
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sstchur | wolferine: that was to me I'm guessing? | 12:44 |
phoxy | is there anything like System Restore on WINDOWS, to allow me to return to the way things were before I "upgraded"? | 12:44 |
ubuntu | sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk: arghhhhh /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 12:44 |
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sstchur | wolferine: I can adjust the hposition and vposition, but i can't acutally change the size of the picture w/ the monitor buttons | 12:44 |
wolferine | r u sure | 12:45 |
wolferine | must be a really old monitor then | 12:45 |
wolferine | and I mean 20 years | 12:45 |
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kikkoman | #kubuntu, I've set up the IRCd, I can connect to it. I've allowed the ports through Firestarter, and yet when people connect, they get a "Connection timed out" error. What is causing this and how do I fix it? | 12:45 |
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sstchur | wolferine: as best I can tell.... I just got the monitor today, it's a 22" samsung syncmaster -- I have a crappy videocard Intel 915, I had to install 915resolution just to get the resolution past 1280x1024 | 12:45 |
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wolferine | pay good money for the 22? | 12:45 |
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wolferine | should have gone 19 and a nice Nvidia card :) | 12:46 |
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wolferine | anyways, i am out | 12:46 |
wolferine | later all | 12:46 |
ubuntu | wolferine: which guide did you mean exactly? | 12:46 |
louieb39c | hmn think I can find the source for ubotu? that would be an interesting read | 12:46 |
Sheazsche | adept is retarded. It failed to install java and now I cannot open it to install anything. I have restarted my computer twice and when i try to open adept it says another process is using it. WTF | 12:46 |
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kikkoman | >.>; | 12:46 |
arthur_kalm | hey everyone, I've installed Ubuntu Feisty and I was wondering how I could install the latest Kubuntu | 12:46 |
wolferine | google it ubuntu | 12:46 |
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arthur_kalm | cause the repos show that the KDE version is 3.4.3... | 12:46 |
arthur_kalm | but I want 3.5.6... | 12:47 |
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kikkoman | Why is it when people connect to my server they get a Connection Timed out message, but when I connect through localhost it's fine? | 12:47 |
phoxy | yes, I think ADEPT is badly flawed-- it gets corrupted easily | 12:47 |
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mrigns | louieb39c: http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:47 |
hilltop | intelikey > hilltop server down ? Must be, can' tget anything. But an hour ago I could from xubuntu livecd. | 12:47 |
louieb39c | ahh thanks mrigns | 12:47 |
Sheazsche | anyon erspond to me? | 12:47 |
Sheazsche | i missed it | 12:47 |
Sheazsche | well how can i fix it? | 12:47 |
Sheazsche | switch to gnome...? | 12:47 |
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Megiddo | The torrent site is down, can someone pass me a link/magnet to the Kubuntu fiesty 32-bit dvd torrent? | 12:47 |
Raytray | http://pastie.caboo.se/55461 Hrm, there appears to be something wrong with updating to Feisty, it stops at 99% and I cancel it. I ran dpkg --configure -a and it gave me a konq-kim error. | 12:48 |
CVirus | makuseru: any progress ? | 12:48 |
neoncode | Hey, I'm on feisty and I installed KVM, I know my CPU supports virtulisation but whenever I try to run it, it just core dumps and crashes.... any help? | 12:48 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: have you attempted to install Java using anything else? | 12:48 |
Sheazsche | no i havent | 12:48 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: maybe try Automatix2 out? | 12:48 |
kikkoman | ;A; halp | 12:48 |
Sheazsche | f that | 12:48 |
Sheazsche | it works fine withubuntu | 12:48 |
makuseru | CVirus: i said sudo apt-get -f install gave me the same erro | 12:48 |
makuseru | r | 12:48 |
Sheazsche | kubuntu is flawed | 12:48 |
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arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: lol, well if your not going to put any effort into getting it working :P | 12:48 |
CVirus | makuseru: I'm googling ... are you trying anything else while I'm searching for the solution ? | 12:49 |
Megiddo | The torrent site is down, can someone pass me a link/magnet to the Kubuntu fiesty 32-bit dvd torrent? | 12:49 |
makuseru | CVirus: yes | 12:49 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: personally, what I always do is install Ubuntu, and then Kubuntu after | 12:49 |
makuseru | im also googling | 12:49 |
Sheazsche | well wtf, it completely corrupted adept | 12:49 |
Sheazsche | thats insane | 12:49 |
CVirus | makuseru: are you upgrading from edgy ? | 12:49 |
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makuseru | i did lastnight | 12:49 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: that way I get the best of both worlds | 12:49 |
phoxy | kikoman-- which IRCd did you install? | 12:49 |
sumit | hello | 12:49 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: btw, did you upgrade or fresh instal? | 12:49 |
phoxy | can u dcc me? | 12:49 |
rubyn | hi there... | 12:49 |
rubyn | what flawed means? | 12:49 |
Sheazsche | fresh | 12:49 |
kikkoman | Phoxy: It was UnrealIRCd 3.2.6 | 12:49 |
Sheazsche | what kind of problems are there when you upgrade from edgy? | 12:50 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: hmm, well I haven't tried the latest Adept (going to install it in a bit) | 12:50 |
phoxy | I also tried to install an IRCD (NGIRCD) but it never worked | 12:50 |
CVirus | makuseru: try this sudo dpkg -i --force-all /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-generic_2. | 12:50 |
hilltop | Sheazsche: I put KDE onto ubuntu 6.06. So I can log into GNOME or KDE. Works great. | 12:50 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: there's always problem's when upgrading, donno why | 12:50 |
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Sheazsche | if there is problems, why is it built into edgy | 12:50 |
kikkoman | But you see, when I use GNOME, it works; In KDE it fails. | 12:50 |
Sheazsche | there is a notificaiton that asks for upgrading | 12:50 |
Sheazsche | i mean, thats insane | 12:50 |
Sheazsche | who thought of that | 12:50 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: actually there is, it's called adept_notify | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | if its risky updating, why give someone a notification that its time to update | 12:51 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: and it works fine | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | not when dist upgrading | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | from edgy to fiesty | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | that is buggy as heck | 12:51 |
Sanne | Sheazsche: just because it doesn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for everybody. | 12:51 |
crazy_penguin | hello there | 12:51 |
crazy_penguin | how do i set up cupsd to add a printer. i can't pass the athentication part in the browser. i used lppasswd to _bt | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | yea but it doesnt work for a LOT of people | 12:51 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: I don't believe there are any notifications that tell you to upgrade from one distro to another | 12:51 |
hilltop | Sheazsche: I found upgrading from 5.10 to 6.06 on line worked very well I read there has been a kernel change since so better to reinstall. | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | there is in ubuntu | 12:51 |
Sheazsche | you just click a button on the auto updater | 12:51 |
Megiddo | Anyone have a mirror of the feisty torrents? | 12:52 |
Sanne | Sheazsche: people put a lot of effort into providing a system for free, you should show a bit more gratitude. | 12:52 |
CVirus | makuseru: so ? | 12:52 |
crazy_penguin | how do i set up cupsd to add a printer. i can't pass the athentication part in the browser. i used lppasswd to _bt | 12:52 |
Sheazsche | and you have feisty from edgy, i personally think if someone wants to do that, they should be an expert in the matter and have to manually edit the repos | 12:52 |
crazy_penguin | make new passwords but nevertheless i can't authenticate myself to the cupsd daemon. how can i fix this? how do i set up cupsd to add a printer. i can't pass the athentication part in the browser. i used lppasswd to _bt | 12:52 |
makuseru | CVirus: its still doing it | 12:52 |
crazy_penguin | make new passwords but nevertheless i can't authenticate myself to the cupsd daemon. how can i fix this? | 12:52 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: auto updated from Edgy to Feisty o-O | 12:52 |
crazy_penguin | sorry | 12:52 |
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Sheazsche | its not auto, but it asks you to push a single button | 12:52 |
Sheazsche | and it shouldnt because its risky | 12:52 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: you have to run kdesu "update-manager -c" to get notifcation | 12:52 |
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rubyn | where i can change, in kde, the font of characters in the bar at the bottom of the screen? | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: why would you say its risky? | 12:53 |
cables | I'm trying to get Amarok to automatically download podcasts for me. I've selected the option to download when available, but they still don't get downloaded. | 12:53 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: I have Feisty, I want to install the newest KDE, i.e. 3.5.6, but the repos are telling me that it's 3.4.3... | 12:53 |
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rikanferal | Hey. I'm trying to upgrade to feisty, but the upgrader keeps telling me I don't have enough space in /usr. However, I have about 4 times what it asks for free in /usr. Can anyone help with this? | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: please check your repos | 12:53 |
Sheazsche | because upgrading from edgy to feisty IS wtf | 12:53 |
Sheazsche | everyone knwos that | 12:53 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: hmm I though you had to use the update-manager... | 12:53 |
Sheazsche | there are a ton of bugs doing that | 12:53 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: you dont have all feisty repos | 12:53 |
Sheazsche | you DO have to use update manager | 12:53 |
Sheazsche | and its still risky | 12:53 |
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tiprince | lu all | 12:53 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: I've checked them, their fine, I don't have the kubuntu repos and I can't seem to find them... | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: its not any more risky than upgrading from 5.10>6.06 | 12:54 |
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CVirus | makuseru: brb | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list | 12:54 |
makuseru | CVirus: alright, thanks for the help so far | 12:54 |
Sheazsche | breezy to dapper was a mess, there were THOUSANDS of forums posts about it | 12:54 |
Megiddo | Anyone have a mirror of the feisty torrents? | 12:54 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: well anyways, about the problem with Adept, do you have any error messages? | 12:54 |
Sheazsche | not working and things breaking | 12:54 |
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arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: sec | 12:54 |
Sheazsche | yes it tells me another process is using adept | 12:54 |
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Sheazsche | yet process manager denies this | 12:54 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: for you. that doesnt mean its not safe. im willing to bet you have non official packages installed | 12:54 |
Sheazsche | and i restarted my pc, so wtf | 12:54 |
Sheazsche | no i dont... | 12:55 |
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Sheazsche | my mom f'd her computer up because she clicked the "dist upgrade" button in ubuntu | 12:55 |
Sheazsche | she didnt install ANYTRHING beyond the base ubuntu | 12:55 |
Sheazsche | and it wouldnt boot | 12:55 |
Sheazsche | there are a ton of forum posts about it | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: when was this? | 12:55 |
Sheazsche | dist upgrading isnt safe | 12:55 |
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Sheazsche | this morning | 12:55 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: it is safe i did it on 3 pcs | 12:56 |
Sheazsche | gnomefreak, read the forums | 12:56 |
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Sheazsche | ppl have tons of issues doing it | 12:56 |
Sheazsche | it breaks packages often | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: the forums matter 0 to me. | 12:56 |
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Sanne | Sheazsche: could you please calm down a bit? Maybe then people have a chance to actually help you with your problem. | 12:56 |
dsmith | Sheazsche: dont let users do upgrades | 12:56 |
MotorCityMadMan | hello people, i need help. where and how do install libmultisynkpart.la for Akregator to read news ? | 12:56 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: because a hand full of people have issues (im 100% sure they have atleast 1 package that is not from official repos) | 12:56 |
Sheazsche | dmsmith i cant control that, im arguing it was STUPIF for kubuntu developers to put that dist upgrade BUTTON in kubuntu when so many users have issues with it | 12:57 |
Sheazsche | i mean wtf | 12:57 |
CVirus | makuseru: so ? | 12:57 |
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arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: pastebin isn't working o-O | 12:57 |
makuseru | CVirus: still doing it | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: stop with the wtf and all other forms of typing curse words | 12:57 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: try at gnomefreak.pastebin.ca | 12:57 |
Sheazsche | well i am very angry | 12:58 |
dsmith | every buntu machine I gsetup | 12:58 |
makuseru | Sheazsche: dont come into the kubuntu room and yell at people for you being lazy, ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu = all the same, just a diff window manager | 12:58 |
dsmith | I tell them not to upgrade it | 12:58 |
Sheazsche | its not about me being lazy, and im not targetting kubuntu | 12:58 |
tiprince | fuckkkkkkk | 12:58 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: thanks, here http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/450564 | 12:58 |
sumit | does kubuntu come with beryl installed like ubuntu? | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: you are not here for support or to give support. you want to complain go to the forums and complain | 12:58 |
Sheazsche | ubuntu has the dist upgrade option too | 12:58 |
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LjL | !language | tiprince | 12:58 |
ubotu | tiprince: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 12:58 |
gnomefreak | !ohmy | tiprince | 12:58 |
tiprince | oh scuse | 12:58 |
Sheazsche | there are hundreds of posts in the forum like mine | 12:58 |
MotorCityMadMan | hello people, i need help. where and how do install libmultisynkpart.la for Akregator to read news ? | 12:59 |
Sheazsche | its a fact, dist upgrading isnt safe you should always do afresh install | 12:59 |
Sheazsche | everyone knows that | 12:59 |
bobleny | !truecrypt | 12:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:59 |
Sanne | Sheazsche: what do you want to achieve with your complaining in here? | 12:59 |
arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: I'm angry as well that my video card stuff isn't working, you don't see me cursing.. | 12:59 |
Sheazsche | i want someone to acknowlege the problem | 12:59 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: and im willing to bet none have the same packages as one another. so stop spamming things and either help people or ask for help | 12:59 |
louieb39c | haha try "upgrading" form XP to vista...now THAT is bad | 12:59 |
Sheazsche | because its a KNOWN FACT | 12:59 |
dsmith | I hosed my zd700 install once | 12:59 |
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arthur_kalm | Sheazsche: send an email to Mark about it :P | 12:59 |
makuseru | ha | 12:59 |
Sanne | Sheazsche: when you have a problem that is a bug, report it. If you want help with a problem, ask and wait patiently. | 01:00 |
MotorCityMadMan | hello people, i need help. where and how do install libmultisynkpart.la for Akregator to read news ? | 01:00 |
sumit | is beryl pre installed on kubuntu like ubuntu? | 01:00 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: it's the standard Feisty repo.. | 01:00 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: not sure why it wouldn't have the latest kubuntu | 01:00 |
gnomefreak | Sheazsche: in 10 minutes your mute will expire please calm down between now and than | 01:00 |
delight | When I use gdm with kubuntu i can only log out no other options like restart turn computer off etc. >>> is there another fix then using kdm ? | 01:01 |
MotorCityMadMan | !libmultisynkpart.la | 01:01 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: what does lsb_release -a give you | 01:01 |
Sanne | MotorCityMadMan: I can't find a package that provides that file. You can try yourself at packages.ubuntu.com in section "search the contents of packages" | 01:01 |
edavis10 | MotorCityMadMan: kitchensync | 01:01 |
arthur_kalm | arthur@zeus:~$ lsb_release -a | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | No LSB modules are available. | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | Distributor ID: Ubuntu | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | Description: Ubuntu 7.04 | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | Release: 7.04 | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | Codename: feisty | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: see above | 01:02 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: yeah i didnt mean paste it all | 01:02 |
gnomefreak | sorry | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: sorry :p | 01:02 |
Sanne | MotorCityMadMan: listen to edavis10, I used the wrong search field ;) | 01:02 |
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gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: i really need to see you sources.list file | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | i gave it to u | 01:02 |
edavis10 | MotorCityMadMan: I just used the http://packages.ubuntu.com/ "Search the contents of packages" | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: http://gnomefreak.pastebin.ca/450564 | 01:02 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: that's my sources.list | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu20 | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | 500 http://archive.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages | 01:03 |
Sanne | !pastebin | arthur_kalm | 01:03 |
ubotu | arthur_kalm: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 01:03 |
pulaski | hello | 01:03 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: thats the version and the repo | 01:03 |
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delight | why is glassfish depending on jdk5 when it works fine also with jdk6 | 01:03 |
delight | :-) | 01:03 |
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arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: got yelled at for not using pastebin :S | 01:04 |
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arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: is this a non-standard repo? | 01:04 |
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gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: automatix? check with them they may have a differetn version. can you please pastebin apt-cache policy kdebase | 01:04 |
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Sanne | arthur_kalm: sorry... I wasn't yelling, just informing :) | 01:04 |
gnomefreak | the above command will tell me | 01:04 |
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arthur_kalm | Sanne: I know :P, but pastebin wasn't working, it was getting somekind of query errors... | 01:05 |
edavis10 | I just wanted to state I am _very_ impressed with the latest Kubuntu. (from a Debian user for the past 3 years) | 01:05 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: sec | 01:05 |
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Sanne | arthur_kalm: I see. I didn't mean to be rude :) | 01:05 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: lol, it says 3.5.6 | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: also you have duplicate repos because of automatix you may want to fix that. and be very carefull what you install from there. | 01:05 |
louieb39c | HA edavis - many in this room are not too happy so it seems | 01:05 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: than sudo apt-get update than sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 01:06 |
louieb39c | lots of upgrade issues | 01:06 |
pulaski | I came earlier and got at tip about the java jre/firefox plugin. Now I want to set up a Java IDE on my feisty fawn 7.10. I read a good story about this very issue in the current Linux Gazzette here http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/newss/6380/1/ | 01:06 |
arthur_kalm | Sanne: it's all good, it was actually ubotu :p, but no one was yelling, I just said that :P | 01:06 |
Sanne | :) | 01:06 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: hint automatix has been known to really badly mess up people system and is dubbed unsafe and un supported by ubuntu | 01:06 |
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pulaski | I pulled out of adept a bunch of stuff that looked like packages I'll need as described in the linux gazette article above. | 01:07 |
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arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: i see, hehe they try to refute that themselves :P | 01:07 |
edavis10 | louieb39c: Is it from this 'dist-upgrade' issue? | 01:07 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: 99% of things you can get as a .deb from automatix you can get from universe adn multiverse repos | 01:07 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: I haven't actually installed anything from there yet, but I usually get it to install codecs and so forth | 01:07 |
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bobleny | Does anyone in here have truecrypt for linux? If so, could you tell me how to create a volume with out a password and a keyfile? When I use truecrypt -c I go through the prompts and then it promts me for "Enter keyfile path [finish] :". If I hit enter, it has a fatil error, other wise, it won't stop promptimg me for it. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've looked through the man file over and over... | 01:08 |
pulaski | Can anyone offer a quick and dirty way to enable the lateest Java IDE on feist f? | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: when they spend 4 days with one person helping them because they installed automatix and something from automatix upgraded libc6 than they will know. | 01:08 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: my understanding was that it's just an easier way to install stuff... | 01:08 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: do you suggest using EasyUbuntu instead? | 01:08 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: easier than apt-get install? | 01:08 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: true, and lol it upgraded libc6 o_O | 01:09 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: ouch | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | all it does is enables ubuntu repos and has its own repo with crap in it | 01:09 |
gnomefreak | thier repo is the one that has the bad packages in it | 01:09 |
arthur_kalm | * removes automatix2 | 01:09 |
arthur_kalm | :P | 01:09 |
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arthur_kalm | gnome-freak: so evey though it shows that things like kdeutils are version 3.4.3, it's still going to install 3.5.6? | 01:10 |
pulaski | Is NetBeans a simple Java IDE, I ordinarily prever emacs. | 01:10 |
pulaski | ? | 01:10 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: it should upgrade everything | 01:11 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: cause I removed the automatix libs | 01:11 |
gnomefreak | !info kdeutils | 01:11 |
ubotu | kdeutils: general purpose utilities from the official KDE release. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.6-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 19 kB, installed size 60 kB | 01:11 |
gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: ^^^ thats the version it should upgrade to | 01:11 |
arthur_kalm | well | 01:11 |
pulaski | these packages I'm told to get contain NetBeans and I'd rather stick with emacs | 01:11 |
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gnomefreak | arthur_kalm: i havent found a way to totally clean automatix from a system yet | 01:12 |
arthur_kalm | ok cool | 01:12 |
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=== qaz10 is now known as qaz | ||
gnomefreak | ok dinner time | 01:12 |
arthur_kalm | gnomefreak: well I didn't install anything from it, well only the nvidia-glx-new drivers, which I removed anyways... well I still don't have nvidia stuff working :( | 01:12 |
arthur_kalm | and yeah I got dinner too :P | 01:12 |
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MotorCityMadMan | sanne,edavis10| thank you for your help :-) | 01:13 |
MotorCityMadMan | all working now | 01:13 |
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Sanne | MotorCityMadMan: welcome :) | 01:14 |
louieb39c | just check the readmes and see if your card is compatible with the particular dirver arthur | 01:14 |
pulaski | Is there One package that will contain a complete java sdk and jre? | 01:14 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: what are you trying to do with nvidia? I have it working with Twinview and might be able to help. | 01:14 |
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sstchur | Can anyone recommend a video card for around $100 (give or take) that will likely work with X? My onboard video card just isn't cutting it | 01:15 |
Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: any midrange nvidia | 01:16 |
dwidmann | pulaski: just install sun-java6-jdk | 01:16 |
dwidmann | it should include the JRE | 01:16 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: they'll likely all work without too much trouble? | 01:16 |
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Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: what's your interface? | 01:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | agp, pci-e | 01:16 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: and you think that's a better better bet than ATI? | 01:16 |
apus | anyone else find kubuntu extremely random and unstable | 01:16 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: pci-e | 01:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: watch this | 01:16 |
edavis10 | sstchur: Yes, I have a 'nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] ' for under $100 and it works perfect. | 01:16 |
dwidmann | sstchur: maybe something like a nvidia gforce 7600 | 01:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | notice to everyone! | 01:16 |
Daisuke_Ido | who would use ati over nvidia in linux? | 01:17 |
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dwidmann | Daisuke_Ido: masochists | 01:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | :) | 01:17 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: I have no idea... I'm not by any means an expert on video cards | 01:17 |
Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: it's cool :D | 01:17 |
edavis10 | Daisuke_Ido: The ATI Rage 8MB is not bad.... little old though :) | 01:17 |
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Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: how's this grab ya? | 01:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130075 | 01:18 |
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sumit | gaim vs kopete for AIM only..? | 01:18 |
Daisuke_Ido | kopete integrates with kde, gaim has file transfer capability | 01:19 |
edavis10 | sstchur: Here is what I have, AGP though: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133151 | 01:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | take your pick | 01:19 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: looking now... I was also considering BFG - 3DFuzion GeForce 7300 GS Graphics Card... any thoughts? | 01:19 |
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dwidmann | Daisuke_Ido: looks like KDE4's Kopete will rectify that situation | 01:19 |
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Daisuke_Ido | a solid card, but not a mega-performer | 01:19 |
Daisuke_Ido | dwidmann: very nice. then i can leave gaim behind forever :D | 01:19 |
sumit | hmm...i heard kopete's IRC client is sort of buggy, is that true? | 01:20 |
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sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: cosidering I have an onboard Intel 915 which steals ram from the system, I'd think just about anything I buy will be "fantastic" | 01:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | sstchur: i would imagine so | 01:20 |
dwidmann | I ran into a nasty memory leak when I used Kopete+IRC | 01:20 |
sumit | hmm not good | 01:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | and anything in the 7k series is going to work fine | 01:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | sumit: konversation, or some prefer kvirc | 01:20 |
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=== dwidmann want a geforce 8 | ||
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sumit | how bout beryl, i know ubuntu allows you to activate beryl, does kubuntu allow the same thing? | 01:21 |
khaije1 | hey ya'll, after the automated 'live' dist-upgrade from edgy to fiesty my machine is complaining about fsck errors and hangs on boot. any ideas? | 01:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | sumit: yes it does | 01:21 |
dwidmann | Daisuke_Ido: where's that found at ?_? | 01:21 |
sumit | hehe yeah | 01:21 |
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Daisuke_Ido | dwidmann: install from repos :) | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | OH | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | are you talking about the desktop effects setting? | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | if so, then no, kubuntu has no equivalent yet | 01:22 |
dwidmann | (*hint* I already did install from the repos, but that's besides the point) | 01:22 |
=== dwidmann heads off to get a shower | ||
Daisuke_Ido | dwidmann: stil beryl-manager in autostart :) | 01:22 |
louieb39c | think its possible to get opensuse's KDE setup on kubuntu? | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | stick :) | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | louieb39c: like? | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | the new k menu? | 01:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | !kickoff | 01:23 |
ubotu | Kickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/2331 | 01:23 |
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louieb39c | thanks. | 01:23 |
louieb39c | love the suse look, hate novell | 01:23 |
louieb39c | haha | 01:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | well, back to unpacking | 01:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | btw, edgy>feisty net upgrade worked great on the lappy | 01:23 |
sumit | eh kickoff looks too much like vista/xp start menu | 01:23 |
ppplll | /commands | 01:24 |
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bobleny | Hey, could someone tell me where I can get help with this truecrypt? | 01:25 |
louieb39c | well I REALLY like their gnome setup | 01:25 |
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louieb39c | not like I use menus anyway - its mostly terminal for me | 01:25 |
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sumit | does anyone know if there is a GUI for xvncviewer's settings such as windows | 01:26 |
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Goldwing | damn... i really like feisty, it even runs like a charm on my old laptop (celeron 700mhz/384mb ram) | 01:27 |
CatSoup | If I want 30GB of free space on my Windows hard drive to be formatted and have a dual boot installed, how do I do that? | 01:27 |
bobleny | ? | 01:27 |
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sumit | also, how does one get beryl to function after intalling? | 01:27 |
LjL | didn't we have a Kubuntu specific upgrade page? | 01:27 |
LjL | !upgrade | 01:27 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 01:27 |
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Goldwing | Catsoup : first install windows, then install ubuntu | 01:28 |
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CatSoup | Ok, now what GW? | 01:28 |
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Goldwing | when you insert the ubunu CD, you can resize the windows partition | 01:29 |
louieb39c | ubotu sent me a link that helped me null. is that a bug or a feature? | 01:29 |
CatSoup | Yeah, i'm trying to but I'm afraid of erasing my windows part accidentally. | 01:29 |
Goldwing | resize it, and install ubuntu | 01:29 |
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louieb39c | HAHAHHAHA (07:29:16 PM) ubotu: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:29 |
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Goldwing | CatSoup: ALLWAYS make a backup of your data | 01:30 |
CatSoup | I can't backup 300GB :( | 01:30 |
Goldwing | sjeez | 01:30 |
benkong2 | hey all | 01:30 |
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CatSoup | This is a storage drive that i'm installing onto. | 01:30 |
CatSoup | that has 30GB of free space on it, so i wanted to format the free space an install ubuntu. | 01:30 |
Goldwing | CatSoup: So, what happens when your drive crashes? then you lose everything | 01:30 |
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benkong2 | what does debconf failed to initialize frontend mean: happens in the terminal window when I apply updates. | 01:31 |
CatSoup | that's a different subject. | 01:31 |
Goldwing | CatSoup: well, it *should* work without a problem, but i can't and won't give any guarantees | 01:31 |
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CatSoup | just resizing it? | 01:32 |
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CatSoup | i have a mean game of STALKER going. | 01:32 |
CatSoup | don't wanna lose that =P | 01:32 |
Goldwing | CatSoup: is the 30gb unused space?? or unused partition size? | 01:32 |
sstchur | Daisuke_Ido: Are all of those GeForce cards nvidia? Many of them as I'm searching online don't actually say nvidia | 01:32 |
CatSoup | unused space. | 01:32 |
Goldwing | well, if your data is important, then i wouldn't risk it | 01:33 |
CatSoup | Hmm. Could I use partition magic or something to take that 30GB and turn it into a seperate partition? | 01:33 |
Goldwing | YES! | 01:33 |
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CatSoup | :) | 01:33 |
CatSoup | i think i'll try that. | 01:33 |
edavis10 | sstchur: GeForce is a Brand of Nvidia | 01:33 |
Goldwing | still, if possible, make a backup of your MOST important data | 01:33 |
CatSoup | it's all video games and movies. | 01:33 |
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CatSoup | nothing bittorrent can't fix. | 01:33 |
Goldwing | oooohhh | 01:34 |
Goldwing | sjeez | 01:34 |
CatSoup | i guess i'll just save the saved games. | 01:34 |
Goldwing | yea | 01:34 |
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Goldwing | or save your profile | 01:34 |
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Goldwing | most of the saved games are in there | 01:34 |
CatSoup | true. | 01:34 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: I'm trying to get my 8800 GTS working | 01:34 |
CatSoup | i think i'll go do that | 01:34 |
Goldwing | :) | 01:34 |
CatSoup | thanks a bunch goldwing | 01:34 |
bobleny | ? | 01:34 |
bobleny | Hey, could someone tell me where I can get help with this truecrypt? | 01:34 |
Goldwing | y/w mate | 01:34 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: I used to have the wfb loading error when X started | 01:34 |
Alonea | ok, just upgraded computer and so far noted that internet is wonky. I saw the new manager for internet and it could not connect, so I used the wlanasisstant and it worked fine, though I got kicked off within a few seconds. | 01:35 |
hyperspace | anyone know where the adept_manager log is? | 01:35 |
arthur_kalm | I've fixed that but now it says that it can't find /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 01:35 |
Alonea | also can't get adept to load. | 01:35 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: is that file there? Are you running that kernel version? | 01:35 |
Goldwing | arthur_kalm: nvidia.ko is a part of your videocard drivers | 01:35 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: but I do have nvidia-xgl-new installed... | 01:35 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: no there is no file like that... | 01:36 |
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arthur_kalm | Goldwing: well I was thinking that too, but it wasn't included in nvidia-xgl-new... it's also not included in the NVIDIA driver from the nvidia website | 01:36 |
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mtm8 | How do I chroot into a loopback mount? | 01:36 |
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Kosmonaut | Alonea: I guess that this could be your bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/78037 | 01:37 |
arthur_kalm | If I do a locate on nvidia and grep for ko I get: | 01:37 |
arthur_kalm | /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/char/agp/nvidia-agp.ko | 01:37 |
arthur_kalm | /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko | 01:37 |
Goldwing | lemme check here | 01:37 |
mtm8 | Anyone know? | 01:38 |
g35 | hello does anyone know how to connect to a vnc server via xtightvncviewer when the vnc server is running on port 443? i try :443 but i get connection refused, and i know the server is up because i can telnet into it | 01:38 |
Alonea | Kosmonaut: dunno. I have to ndiswrapper my wifi card as it is. Has never worked out of the box | 01:38 |
Goldwing | strange, i don't have the nvidia.ko either, but i do have the nvidiafb.ko | 01:38 |
Goldwing | looks like the nvidia-glx drivers tried to link, but didn't instal | 01:39 |
Goldwing | l | 01:39 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: I have the same .ko files as you but no nvidia.ko | 01:39 |
Alonea | is there a way to turn off i think its called Network manager now? is that the thing that was in the system try? | 01:39 |
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louieb39c | I can only find kickoff for x86 - with the x86 libs should I be able to install it on x64? | 01:39 |
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Alonea | nm, on that last question. | 01:39 |
Kosmonaut | Alonea: Not sure about *your* bug, nut is lookes like that there is a quit serius problem with k-networkmanager...I got 2 wifi cards and none if them are working with kWM since feisty | 01:39 |
Kosmonaut | Alonea: sooy 4 my english i m german | 01:40 |
Alonea | Kosmonaut: I just told it not to start up automatically. I like the wlanassisstant thing. has always worked fine for me. | 01:40 |
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Goldwing | Kosmonaut : what chipset do they have"? | 01:40 |
Sanne | louieb39c: generally you can use 32 bit apps on 64 bit systems. You may have to install some supporting 32 bit libraries, though, some of them are in the repositories. | 01:40 |
Alonea | Kosmonaut: its ok. | 01:40 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: and yours works? do you have an 8800 GTS though? | 01:40 |
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Kosmonaut | Goldwing: an rtl8180 and a netgear wg511v2 ndiswrapped | 01:41 |
louieb39c | I have 32 bit libs - know what the command would be to have it not check the ark? | 01:41 |
arthur_kalm | Goldwing: any ideas? :P | 01:41 |
Goldwing | ndiswrapped.. eeeuww | 01:41 |
odin | halp - my konqueror file.. etc bar has vanished, so has my location toolbar | 01:41 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: Mine works but I have a "GeForce 6200". | 01:42 |
Sanne | louieb39c: you mean to force the install? There is a way, lemme check (it's a bit hackish to do that, keep that in mind). | 01:42 |
Alonea | Goldwing: we do what we gotta do. Have been ndiswrapping for a long time now. | 01:42 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: lemme check something, if i'm correct then you don't need to ndiswrap the netgear | 01:42 |
louieb39c | HA I run linux - We all are hackers in a sense | 01:42 |
louieb39c | .... | 01:42 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: hmm | 01:42 |
louieb39c | wrong person? | 01:42 |
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Kosmonaut | Goldwing: my cards worked with dapper and edgy without problems | 01:42 |
louieb39c | I am not setting up wireless | 01:42 |
louieb39c | I am installing kickoff | 01:42 |
Goldwing | oh.. ok | 01:43 |
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Sanne | louieb39c: heh. I mean, remember you did that, because you won't have a clean system anymore. | 01:43 |
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Goldwing | still why ndiswrap a wifi when you don'[t need to | 01:43 |
bobleny | Burn them ALL!! | 01:43 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: what was the exact error X is giving you? | 01:43 |
bobleny | Burn them, burn them ALL! | 01:43 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: I use the opensource driver 4 my rtl8180 | 01:43 |
louieb39c | ....kickoff...the suse KDE interpretation | 01:43 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: I'm not sure b/c for some reason it wasn't saved in /var/log/X.log.0 :S | 01:43 |
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bobleny | Hey, could someone tell me where I can get help with this truecrypt? | 01:44 |
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arthur_kalm | edavis10: I can try to start again and write it out if that'll help? | 01:44 |
Alonea | now to pray video card driver goes on well. I thought they were going to put the fglrx and other stuff for the video cards in fiesty? | 01:44 |
louieb39c | haha oops mixed up some people | 01:45 |
louieb39c | that's why I was confused | 01:45 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: sure, just the first error part. I think it has an "EE" | 01:45 |
Kosmonaut | Alonea: what kind of ATI card do you have? | 01:45 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: yep, brb | 01:45 |
Sanne | louieb39c: to install a deb file with wrong architecture, the parameter to dpkg is --force-architecture. So I guess you can install it with: dpkg -i --force-architecture name_of_deb.deb Check yourself with "man dpkg" | 01:45 |
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Alonea | Kosmonaut: Xpress 200. I use Envy to put them on since I have botched it twice before. | 01:45 |
louieb39c | thank you very much sanne | 01:46 |
kamex_ | Envy rocks | 01:46 |
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Alonea | envy is our friend! | 01:46 |
Sanne | louieb39c: yw :) (I hope it doesn't break anything...) | 01:46 |
louieb39c | HA well if so, Im sure I can uninstall | 01:46 |
Sanne | louieb39c: be brave ;) | 01:46 |
louieb39c | ha that's not the right term is it? uninstall | 01:46 |
louieb39c | remove? | 01:47 |
kamex | hehe | 01:47 |
Kosmonaut | Alonea: Well then good luck :-D | 01:47 |
Alonea | Kosmonaut: no errors so far. | 01:47 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: the netgear uses a R8180 chipset, and will work without ndiswrapper | 01:47 |
dwidmann | Daisuke_Ido: No, I really don't use beryl all that often ... only things I really, really liked were expose and zoom anyway ... | 01:47 |
hyperspace | ok the last line of /var/log/dist-upgrade reads: ERROR giving up on fetching after maximum retries (adept was @97% when i left office, had been for about half an hour) | 01:47 |
Alonea | brb. gotta restart | 01:48 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: Yes sure! I *am* using the OS driver 4 my rtl8180-card but KNM refuses to work with it | 01:48 |
hyperspace | sorry that was /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | 01:48 |
Goldwing | hmm.. weard | 01:48 |
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hyperspace | anyone have a recommendation | 01:49 |
=== Goldwing hugs his Prism 2,5 chipset wifi cards | ||
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: what made me mad, was that KNM was working perfecty with dapper/edgy...but since the upgrade nomore cooperation, it seemms like it is a common bug. | 01:50 |
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hyperspace | last entry in log is timestamped around an hour ago | 01:50 |
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nosrednaekim | shees,,,, the fiesty mirrors are SLOW! | 01:50 |
hyperspace | can i kill adept? | 01:50 |
hyperspace | and restart from gui over ssh here? | 01:51 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: to be honest, this is my first time using ubuntu (i use fedora normally) | 01:51 |
hyperspace | i mean restart dist-upgrade from console after killing adept | 01:51 |
Goldwing | so i can't say anything about older versions | 01:51 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: OK | 01:51 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/78037 . There are so many dublicated bugreports there :-S | 01:51 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: NP :-D | 01:51 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: it says: FATAL: Could not open <nvidia.ko location>: No such file or diretory | 01:52 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: do you like it? | 01:52 |
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arthur_kalm | edavis10: NVIDIA(0): Fialed to load the NVIDIA kernel module! | 01:52 |
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Goldwing | Kosmonaut: yea, its the fist linux version that worked out of the box on this laptop | 01:52 |
Alonea | *pats Envy on the head* Good envy. | 01:52 |
Alonea | ok, I forgot where the wifidrivers that come with the kernel are put. I need to remove the bcm43xx wifi driver | 01:53 |
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Goldwing | and i even made it look more like windows (i have to show this to clients) | 01:53 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: Cool 8-) | 01:53 |
louieb39c | goldwing - how? | 01:53 |
nosrednaekim | Alonea: just blacklist it | 01:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | Goldwing: screenshot? | 01:53 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: was <nvidia location> the /lib/kernel ..... file from earlier? | 01:54 |
Goldwing | my RT2500-based card does not work out of the box. <--- HAH lets test this, i have a PCMCIA rt2500 card | 01:54 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: yes | 01:54 |
Alonea | nosrednaekim: where do I do that? | 01:54 |
Goldwing | Daisuke_Ido: one min | 01:54 |
louieb39c | I have tried to figure that one out for ever - I can only find Russian and Portuguese distros that look like windows | 01:54 |
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Daisuke_Ido | ah! good evening nosrednaekim | 01:54 |
Goldwing | should i disconnect, i just inserted the rt2500 card | 01:55 |
louieb39c | Goldwing - how did you make it "more like windows"? | 01:55 |
Goldwing | the card works here | 01:55 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: My Xorg is trying to load from /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so | 01:55 |
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Goldwing | louieb39c: removed the top-bar, moved everything to the bottom bar, added some programs | 01:55 |
Daisuke_Ido | top bar? gnome? | 01:56 |
Goldwing | hold on, lemme make a screenshot | 01:56 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: how do you check that? | 01:56 |
louieb39c | ahh...lol in a kubuntu irc | 01:56 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: perhaps I should make a soft link but call it nvidia.ko? | 01:56 |
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edavis10 | arthur_kalm: in my Xorg logfile. Do you have that file from my log? | 01:56 |
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raz | What's a good Music file tagger/organizer? Preferably KDE | 01:57 |
Alonea | Oh! Is the shutdown problems fixed in fiesty? The ones in relation to fglrx and ati video cards? | 01:57 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: I see no references to nvidia.ko in my logfile at all. | 01:57 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: neither do I, I don't see any reference to anything nvidia in my log either | 01:58 |
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arthur_kalm | erdavis10: i mean lowercase nvidia that is | 01:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | raz: just tagger or do you want massive media library capabilities? | 01:58 |
Daisuke_Ido | because amarok is awesome | 01:58 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: what the log says is: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) | 01:58 |
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido: amarok FTW :) | 01:59 |
raz | I want a program that'll retag and move these retagged files to a new folder and intelligently organize them | 01:59 |
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arthur_kalm | raz: I use kid3 for that | 01:59 |
nosrednaekim | umm you need the nvidia-glx package | 01:59 |
arthur_kalm | raz: you can also try the gnome tagger... | 01:59 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: your card works with KNM? | 01:59 |
arthur_kalm | nosreadnaekim: I have nvidia-glx-new installed | 01:59 |
Alonea | what file do I blacklist modules in? | 01:59 |
raz | ill try kid3 | 01:59 |
arthur_kalm | ii nvidia-glx-new 1.0.9755+ | 01:59 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16699/ <- my logfile | 01:59 |
raz | Does this prog analyze and tag files? | 02:00 |
arthur_kalm | raz: it's very nice, just drag and drop files in and it'll take in the who directory | 02:00 |
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raz | Can it scan directories? | 02:00 |
raz | My music is very disorganized | 02:00 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: screenshot showing my rt2500 card working http://www.net-care.nl/ubuntu.png | 02:00 |
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edavis10 | ii nvidia-glx-new 1.0.9755+ | 02:01 |
Ashex | !nvidia > me | 02:01 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: Do you have `nvidia-kernel-common` installed also? | 02:01 |
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Kosmonaut | Goldwing: Not Found | 02:01 |
Kosmonaut | The requested URL /ubuntu.png was not found on this server | 02:01 |
arthur_kalm | raz: no, the Ubuntu tagger does though | 02:01 |
Ashex | is there a restricted drivers applet in kubuntu? | 02:01 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: yes | 02:01 |
Goldwing | hmm | 02:01 |
Goldwing | lemme check | 02:01 |
snikker | i can't see the window buttons (close, maximize, iconify) with beryl... | 02:02 |
raz | Is it Gnome, arthur? | 02:02 |
raz | I'm running KDE | 02:02 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16700/ | 02:02 |
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arthur_kalm | raz: yes it's a GNOME app, let me see what it's called | 02:02 |
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arthur_kalm | easytag | 02:03 |
arthur_kalm | is what it's called | 02:03 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: should work now | 02:03 |
arthur_kalm | raz: I believe, that's the name | 02:04 |
ubuntu_ | how do you access another arddrive ina aother computer on ur network? | 02:04 |
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arthur_kalm | ubuntu_: that depends on the network :P | 02:04 |
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arthur_kalm | !easytag | raz | 02:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about easytag - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:04 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: Well...it workes 4 u then. But it doesn t work here :$ | 02:05 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: i mean the Nmanager | 02:05 |
arthur_kalm | raz: it actually automatically searches ur entire home directory for all ur music and then lets you tag it | 02:05 |
ubuntu_ | <arthur_kalm>umm im not sure wat network im installing this for a friend but let me ask | 02:05 |
Daisuke_Ido | easytag? | 02:05 |
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arthur_kalm | ubuntu_: well if this is on a microsoft network you need Samba | 02:06 |
ubuntu_ | <arthur_kalm>what is samba? | 02:06 |
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido: it's an music tagging software | 02:06 |
arthur_kalm | !samba | ubuntu_ | 02:06 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 02:06 |
Arwen | samba is a music tagging software?? | 02:07 |
=== Arwen is very very confused | ||
ubuntu_ | <arthur_kalm>oh ok | 02:07 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: lol, look at who I direct the comments to :P, easytag is a tagging software, samba is above :P | 02:07 |
=== teem0 [n=111111@c220-239-13-86.belrs4.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: Did you run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable" ? | 02:07 |
=== Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57b372c8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: I guess I have to write a bug report to the Devs of networkmanager then :-) | 02:07 |
arthur_kalm | ubuntu_: I've never used it myself, but I'm sure that the wikis are good, it's used all the time | 02:07 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: i;m now starting networkmanager | 02:08 |
Goldwing | hold on | 02:08 |
Alonea | Arwen: you the one that hangs out in windows too? | 02:08 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: no... but I did enable the nvidia driver by putting nvidia instead of nv... | 02:08 |
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | edavis10: lemmi try now | 02:08 |
Arwen | Alonea, I'm sure there's more than one person that hangs out of windows... even if that's not very safe | 02:08 |
Alonea | Arwen: ^__^ ##windows. the channel. | 02:09 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: hmm.. won;t even start here | 02:09 |
=== Brownie [n=Brownie@c-69-248-19-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | edavis10: yeah that's all it changes... hmm | 02:09 |
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Goldwing | mark@ubuntu-laptop:~$ sudo NetworkManager | 02:09 |
Goldwing | mark@ubuntu-laptop:~$ | 02:09 |
Goldwing | and that's it, nothing happens | 02:09 |
Alonea | well, I am going to test out the shutdown and see if it actually works now | 02:10 |
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edavis10 | arthur_kalm: is 'nvidia' showing up in your running modules? (command: lsmod) | 02:10 |
teem0 | I'm trying to install kubuntu on a ps3 and I can't seem to change the screen resolution from "Monitor & Display" in system settings. Is they something i can type in terminal/konsole to change the screen resolution. I'm using the release build 7.04 (Downloaded Yesterday). | 02:10 |
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Gabz | Goldwing: shouldn't you be useing knetworkmanager ? | 02:10 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: no, I can't load X when I attempt to start with the nvidia module... it crashes with that error from before... | 02:10 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: I m confused now. You said your wifi works and no it doesn t | 02:10 |
Arwen | teem0, adjust /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:10 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: I'm going to try the softlink idea... | 02:10 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: the wifi works, | 02:11 |
Kosmonaut | Gabz: Gwing is on ubuntu | 02:11 |
Ashex | ewwww, 1024x768 res is killing me :/ | 02:11 |
tmbg_ | wheeee. upgrading to fiesty | 02:11 |
Goldwing | my mistake, i tried to start something that was allready running | 02:11 |
guga | !beryl | 02:11 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 02:11 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: didn t you say that Nmanger doesn t start? | 02:11 |
=== andreas_ [n=andreas@h122n10c1o1043.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | edavis10: brb going to try it out. | 02:12 |
Goldwing | Kosmonaut: yea i said that, but that's because it was allready running in my task-bar | 02:12 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: good luck | 02:12 |
Goldwing | (you can see that on the screenshot) | 02:12 |
Kosmonaut | Goldwing: hehe ok now i got it | 02:12 |
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Goldwing | be back in a bit.. | 02:13 |
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teem0 | Arwen, I'm new to this so do i type that in the terminal or modify the file (note i'm running the livecd) | 02:13 |
Arwen | teem0, modify the file | 02:14 |
teem0 | Ok, I'll give it a shot thanks. | 02:14 |
=== arthur_kalm [n=arthur@CPE00195b4bc9f8-CM000f9fac96a8.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | edavis10: w0000000t | 02:14 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: success | 02:14 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: how do you do an action? | 02:15 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: Great, what was the actual link you made? | 02:15 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: in IRC that is | 02:15 |
arthur_kalm | err | 02:15 |
arthur_kalm | *does happy dance | 02:15 |
arthur_kalm | there | 02:15 |
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louieb39c | WOW I don't know about you guys but I am getting computer jobs (Im 16) left and right from people that ask ME about linux instead of the other way around - MS, you better work on your PR | 02:16 |
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arthur_kalm | edavis10: all I did was I linked /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia/nvidiafb.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/drivers/video/nvidia.ko | 02:16 |
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arthur_kalm | louieb39c: great to hear :D | 02:16 |
=== BeauGeste [n=david@dsl-203-113-194-9-static.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Skrotffs | arthur_kalm: nvidiafb.ko and nvidia.ko are two different kernel modules | 02:16 |
Skrotffs | nvidiafb controls the framebuffer, while nvidia controls the accelerated graphics and 2d | 02:17 |
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arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: well for some reason nvidia-glx-new didn't come with nvidia.ko and neither did the the driver that came from the nvidia site | 02:17 |
Skrotffs | Thats weird.. | 02:18 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: | 02:18 |
arthur_kalm | arthur@zeus:~/tmp/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1$ find -iname *nvidia* | 02:18 |
arthur_kalm | ./nvidia-installer | 02:18 |
Kosmonaut | in deed | 02:18 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: It's wierd that mine works fine but I don't have a nvidia.ko there | 02:18 |
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arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: yes it is... but now it works.. I'm not sure if I have acceleration yet, I'll give that a go in a second | 02:18 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: I don't know, I guess cause it's a different card... | 02:18 |
Skrotffs | arthur_kalm: Just fire up glxgears | 02:18 |
Skrotffs | It should crash/not work.. | 02:19 |
Skrotffs | Atleast if it tries to use nvidiafb.ko | 02:19 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: works amazingly | 02:19 |
Skrotffs | wtf :o | 02:19 |
Skrotffs | lsmod | grep nvidia | 02:19 |
edavis10 | 1200 fps in GLXgears | 02:19 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: 114116 frames in 5.0 seconds = 22823.126 FPS | 02:19 |
arthur_kalm | ;) | 02:19 |
=== Ashex [n=ahmed@c-67-183-12-45.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ashex | !video > me | 02:19 |
Skrotffs | 23k FPS?! :D | 02:19 |
Arwen | !vudei | 02:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vudei - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:19 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: yeah it's there nvidia is there | 02:19 |
Arwen | Skrotffs, hehe | 02:19 |
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Skrotffs | okay | 02:20 |
Skrotffs | What sort of card do you have? | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: haha I have an 8800 GTS ;) | 02:20 |
Skrotffs | ahh | 02:20 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, what card is that? o.O 8800GTX OC? | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | 640 MB | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: lol only GTS :( | 02:20 |
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Daisuke_Ido | 28746 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5749.149 FPS | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | sorry guys I game a lot ;) | 02:20 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: your video card has more RAM than my entire laptop..... | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | I play Supreme Commander o_O | 02:20 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: hahaha :D | 02:20 |
=== Arwen notes - 8800GTX SLI 768MB Over-clocked | ||
Arwen | :-) | 02:20 |
Skrotffs | I bet you dual-boot ;) | 02:21 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: Supreme Commander is a very demanding game | 02:21 |
Arwen | 4798 frames in 5.0 seconds = 959.574 FPS - :-( | 02:21 |
arthur_kalm | Skrotffs: yes, but my Windows is essentially empty except for games | 02:21 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: lol :P | 02:21 |
edavis10 | arthur_kalm: Frozen Bubble is enough for me. | 02:21 |
=== BeauGeste is now known as BeauJeste | ||
Arwen | ATI Radeon X300SE... | 02:21 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: lol | 02:21 |
Arwen | sucks no matter how you look at it | 02:21 |
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arthur_kalm | btw, does anyone know how to enable the compiz that ubuntu comes with? | 02:21 |
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Skrotffs | 18955 frames in 5.0 seconds = 3790.983 FPS | 02:22 |
Skrotffs | yay | 02:22 |
Skrotffs | nvidia geforce 4200ti or something | 02:22 |
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Sanne | funny (Dapper here). locate nvidia.ko gives no result, 'modinfo nvidia' however gives me as filename: /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-amd64-k8/volatile/nvidia.ko although there is no such file. Must be some wizardry at work... | 02:22 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, prefs -> desktop effects | 02:22 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: if it runs compiz stuff then ur set :P | 02:22 |
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arthur_kalm | Arwen: where would this be in KDE? | 02:22 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, hehe, everything but blur :-) | 02:22 |
Alethes | is there any hope if I've managed to get broken packages when trying to update to feisty? | 02:22 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, oh... hmm... kde... | 02:22 |
Arwen | no ide | 02:22 |
Arwen | idea* | 02:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's not preinstalled in kde | 02:23 |
=== Rythan [n=rythan@CPE0080c6e9efcf-CM00159a403c94.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido: well it's installed, dpkg -l tells me so... | 02:23 |
arthur_kalm | Diasuke_Ido, I guess just run it... | 02:23 |
arthur_kalm | hmm that didn't work :P | 02:24 |
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Arwen | arthur_kalm, err... yeah, try "compiz --replace --force-nvidia" | 02:24 |
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Arwen | dunno, I'm using beryl parameters so shoot me | 02:24 |
en1gma | hi all | 02:24 |
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arthur_kalm | Arwen: yay :) | 02:24 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: it works :) | 02:24 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, eh? it worked? | 02:25 |
en1gma | i just installed kubuntu on another system (from the cd installer) and i set both root password and user password) in the installer and i can su (it asks for pass for root) and the one i entered when i installed isnt working | 02:25 |
en1gma | kubuntu 7.04 | 02:25 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: yeah... hmm | 02:25 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, hehe, problems? | 02:25 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: well, it doesn't have beryl-manager :P | 02:25 |
Arwen | LOL | 02:25 |
Arwen | go install beryl then :-) | 02:25 |
dsmith | heh | 02:26 |
=== VR_ [i=SoccerGu@6532238hfc128.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | beryl > compiz | 02:26 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: guess it's back to Beryl.. but Beryl has been so unstable lately :( | 02:26 |
en1gma | can someone help me out here | 02:26 |
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en1gma | i need to get root to install some apps | 02:26 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: yeah well their getting back together | 02:26 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, I dunno about that, I just wonder when the official repositories are gonna get fixed.. | 02:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | en1gma: no you don't. | 02:26 |
arthur_kalm | edavis10: thank you so much for your help :) | 02:26 |
en1gma | i enetered a root and user pass when i installed kubuntu and the su one isnt letting me be root | 02:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | oi | 02:26 |
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arthur_kalm | Arwen: yeah it's a real pain, and I have no idea how thier progressing... | 02:27 |
arthur_kalm | *they're | 02:27 |
dsmith | beryl doing good for me | 02:27 |
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Daisuke_Ido | there's a reason ubuntu doesn't install with a root account | 02:27 |
Arwen | uh huh, they need to update their libwnck.... that's driving me nuts | 02:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | you use sudo | 02:27 |
Alethes | anybody know how I might downgrade packages with apt-get? | 02:27 |
arthur_kalm | Arwin: it's been a while and I haven't heard how the merge is going... | 02:27 |
en1gma | when i type "su" it asks me for pass (and the one i entered at install time isnt working) | 02:27 |
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Daisuke_Ido | en1gma: try using "sudo" and your user pass | 02:27 |
Alethes | en1gma: sudo | 02:27 |
Alethes | or sudo -s if you need a root shell | 02:27 |
Arwen | en1gma, try "sudo -s" and then your password | 02:27 |
en1gma | when i start adept it asks me for pass | 02:27 |
en1gma | i want to enter iot | 02:28 |
Alethes | use your own | 02:28 |
Arwen | !rootsudo | en1gma | 02:28 |
ubotu | en1gma: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 02:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | enter YOUR pass | 02:28 |
en1gma | when i start k3b it asks me for pass | 02:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | ...the heck? | 02:28 |
en1gma | i dont want to run it from console | 02:28 |
en1gma | i want to enter it when an app asks for it | 02:28 |
Arwen | ...speaking of support nightmares... | 02:28 |
Arwen | en1gma, THEN ENTER YOUR OWN PASSWORD, LISTEN! | 02:28 |
en1gma | i did enter it at install time | 02:28 |
dsmith | lol | 02:28 |
en1gma | when kubuntu installer asked me | 02:28 |
en1gma | the user password works fine | 02:29 |
en1gma | the root password is not working | 02:29 |
=== Daisuke_Ido clenches his fist | ||
Daisuke_Ido | there is no root account | 02:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | are you following"? | 02:29 |
Arwen | en1gma, use your USER password to get ROOT - it's VERY SIMPLE | 02:29 |
dsmith | Listen to arwen | 02:29 |
dsmith | Arwen, 'cuse me | 02:29 |
en1gma | what was the root password i entered in the kubuntu installer then | 02:30 |
en1gma | if its not for root | 02:30 |
Kosmonaut | en1gma: you first uder is root | 02:30 |
=== Goldwing is back | ||
Arwen | we don't know and we don't care... | 02:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | en1gma: you didn't enter a root password, the installer never asks for a root password | 02:30 |
Kosmonaut | en1gma: user i ment | 02:30 |
en1gma | i gave it 2 passwords | 02:30 |
dsmith | arwen: haah | 02:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | Kosmonaut: false information. | 02:30 |
en1gma | 2 different passwords | 02:30 |
Daisuke_Ido | en1gma: then YOU screwed right the **** up. | 02:31 |
en1gma | it accepted it | 02:31 |
en1gma | and installed | 02:31 |
dsmith | the first one is a backdoor to your 'buntu box, so we can hack all your warez.. | 02:31 |
dsmith | :P | 02:31 |
Daisuke_Ido | now i need a cigarette worse than anyone can imagine | 02:31 |
Kosmonaut | Daisuke_Ido: :$ | 02:31 |
Arwen | dsmith, linux warez? omg... | 02:31 |
dsmith | hahah | 02:31 |
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en1gma | i just want to know why the one i entered for the master acct be it root or admin isnt working....the one for the user acct is | 02:31 |
Goldwing | dsmith: shhhhhtttt!!!! don't tell him untill i'm done donwloading the Matrix trilogy from him | 02:32 |
arthur_kalm | oh man, compiz still has so many bugs that Beryl fixed so long ago :( | 02:32 |
dsmith | ok man....shhhhhhhhhhhhhh | 02:32 |
Goldwing | herhehehehe | 02:32 |
dsmith | ..its on the downlow.. | 02:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | Kosmonaut: not completely wrong, but the first user is aded to the admin group and can use sudo | 02:32 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, and beryl has burning windows :-) | 02:32 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's not a full root account as such | 02:32 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: hehe true, but I use the gliding effect :P | 02:32 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, lol, I just use the fade effect | 02:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | i actually dropped beryl | 02:33 |
Arwen | which glide do you use? | 02:33 |
zerothis | my notebook will not recover from sleep, nor will it hybernate | 02:33 |
en1gma | which user is the one i entered that first password for | 02:33 |
dsmith | ...the electric glide | 02:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | it's a nice demo to show people the eye candy | 02:33 |
en1gma | im logged in with the "user" acct fine | 02:33 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: electric glide o_O | 02:33 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: didn't know that existed | 02:33 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, lol | 02:33 |
en1gma | the 1st password what acct is that one | 02:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | en1gma: username "user"? | 02:33 |
Goldwing | zerothis: i have that problem too, especially when i'm completely pissed drunk | 02:33 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, glide 1 or glide 2? | 02:33 |
=== Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
en1gma | user = my name | 02:33 |
Sanne | en1gma: please read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 02:33 |
arthur_kalm | Daosile_Ido: I don't know, I use it all the time and I find myself unproductive without it | 02:33 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, no, i can't do this. | 02:33 |
en1gma | i understand that i have to create a root passwrd | 02:34 |
acetoxy | Is there some kind of firewall installed by default in Kubuntu? | 02:34 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: I use one for creating and the other for closing so it glides in and then out | 02:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | arthur_kalm: it all depends on how much "bling" you use | 02:34 |
stdin | !firewall | acetoxy | 02:34 |
ubotu | acetoxy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 02:34 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, hehe, I used to do that, but it wasn't smooth enough on X300 :-( | 02:34 |
en1gma | what i want to know is why the installer is asking for the root/admin 1st password if we dont use it | 02:34 |
=== Arwen wants an Intel card... very stable and very well supported | ||
acetoxy | stdin: Thanks | 02:34 |
=== frequency_ [n=frequenc@pd9e66f3e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | did you install from the live cd? | 02:34 |
en1gma | yes | 02:35 |
acetoxy | I'm having some problems. When I listen to a port, let's say 1234, it takes up to 10 seconds to connect to that port from another computer | 02:35 |
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido: almost all of it :P, scale is very useful, I use the plane plugin, or whatever it's called now | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | it doesn't ask for a root password | 02:35 |
acetoxy | I have no idea why | 02:35 |
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido: groups, etc | 02:35 |
=== dsmith chowns down on some shrimp fried rice...yumm yummm | ||
=== Shalaptop [n=sha@AToulon-257-1-28-57.w90-27.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
en1gma | i gave it 2 passwords 1 for a root/admin and one for the user acct | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | and i KNOW it doesn't ask for a root password, because i've installed it on two machines today | 02:35 |
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Arwen | quick survey - ati, nvidia, or intel? | 02:35 |
dsmith | Nvidia | 02:35 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: lol? the ATi card is better | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | are you even using ubuntu? | 02:35 |
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louieb39c | lol | 02:35 |
en1gma | that what is the "first" password for | 02:35 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: btw how do you do that action thing? | 02:35 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, no, Intel would be faster | 02:35 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, that action thing? | 02:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | arthur_kalm: /me | 02:36 |
=== savetheWorld [n=Lester@c-24-62-225-133.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | Daisuke_Ido, thank you :) | 02:36 |
=== Daisuke_Ido shakes with rage | ||
=== arthur_kalm says hello, world :) | ||
=== Arwen stabs arthur_kalm | ||
arthur_kalm | :'( | 02:36 |
louieb39c | VIOLENCE! | 02:36 |
=== arthur_kalm runs away | ||
=== dsmith checks out all the action | ||
Arwen | actually, the X3000 series chips that Intel's building into the 965 are pretty good | 02:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | i know violence isn't the answer, i got it wrong on purpose | 02:37 |
=== Crius [n=mylinux@forseti25.res.utk.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== dsmith is now known as Hasta-La-Vista | ||
arthur_kalm | Arwen: ah | 02:37 |
=== Goldwing starts to record it on his cam.. youtube baby... youtube | ||
Arwen | shader 4, gl 2.1, dx 9/10, 667MHz, 384M shared | 02:37 |
Kosmonaut | en1gma: you have created user Nr1 that has sometime root rights when you do something with "sudo". The second user you have created is just user. Only user 1 can install things.Take a look at ; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 02:37 |
arthur_kalm | hmm does anyone know if AIGLX still gets the black window bug on nVidia cards? | 02:37 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, yes | 02:37 |
arthur_kalm | or maybe I should go to $gnome-effects | 02:37 |
arthur_kalm | *# | 02:37 |
Hasta-La-Vista | did for me last night | 02:37 |
Arwen | you have an 8800 don't you? that shouldn't be a problem.... | 02:37 |
louieb39c | I have to admit - irc is more fun than real life. is it bad that only the top part of my body is tan...from my CRT? | 02:38 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: it does o_O | 02:38 |
Hasta-La-Vista | lol louie | 02:38 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: ROFL | 02:38 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: actually that's a lie, it's still a problem even on the 8800 GTS | 02:38 |
Arwen | HAHA | 02:38 |
Arwen | not a problem on Intel :-) | 02:38 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: it's most likely a Beryl bug | 02:38 |
Crius | does anyone know why my sound isnt as loud on kubuntu as it is on windows? | 02:38 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: really? that's sad, well back to XGL it is :P | 02:38 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, the black window? no, it's an issue with out-of-mem in the drivers | 02:38 |
louieb39c | the truth isn't THAT funny :( | 02:38 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: how can it possibly run out of 640 mb? o_O | 02:39 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: i have the perfect solution, get a laptop, and use IRC on the beach | 02:39 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, 16x AA at 1920x1080? :-) | 02:39 |
Arwen | with water + advanced motion blur? | 02:39 |
Kosmonaut | en1gma: so far so (un)clear | 02:39 |
Kosmonaut | ? | 02:39 |
zerothis | Crius: Actually, I have the opposite problem. Winows is hardly audable, linux sounds blast too loud even at the lowset setting | 02:40 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: lol, OK perhaps, well not advanced blur.. but OK | 02:40 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: I see ur point :P | 02:40 |
=== coi [n=xcv@w-mob201-128-62-97-220.public.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== mharrall [n=mike@ip68-97-70-74.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | maybe I should get one of those solar powered, crank 100 dollar laptops for the poor of Africa. Or better yet - buy and bulk and sell here! | 02:40 |
arthur_kalm | has anyone run XGL with Blender before though? | 02:40 |
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en1gma | i have an ati tv card that uses the bttv module....i want to use kdetv...the computer i just installed kubutu to has no net....i have a usb stick on this computer...where can i dload that packages | 02:40 |
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=== zblach [n=zblach@bas2-windsor12-1128661401.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | I tried that and it crashed pretty badly | 02:40 |
Crius | strange.. | 02:40 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: yea good idea, they have linux pre-installed | 02:40 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, I wouldn't use XGL if you paid me to :-) | 02:41 |
zblach | hey all | 02:41 |
Hasta-La-Vista | louieb39c: did you read aboutr M$ and the $3 office package? | 02:41 |
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louieb39c | lol lol lol - no I havnt | 02:41 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: really? what do you use with ur ATi card? o_O | 02:41 |
louieb39c | link? | 02:41 |
Hasta-La-Vista | one sec | 02:41 |
zblach | quick question. it's not strictly ubuntu related, but i need some advice. | 02:41 |
mharrall | has any ony had any had any luck installing nvidia drivers for te go 440 on 7.04 kubuntu | 02:41 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, aiglx...... | 02:41 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: and I'm not really sure why people hate XGL so much, I think it's the most stable one... | 02:41 |
en1gma | is kdetv or bttv on the kubuntu install cd (7.04)? | 02:41 |
Arwen | you couldn't pay me to use fglrx either | 02:41 |
louieb39c | you couldn't pay me to use Vista | 02:41 |
zblach | i got vista for free, and i'm not using it | 02:42 |
arthur_kalm | Arwen: ahh, ur not using the ATi drivers | 02:42 |
arthur_kalm | I see | 02:42 |
=== Kosmonaut [n=kosmonau@e181029019.adsl.alicedsl.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] | ||
Hasta-La-Vista | louieb39c: http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=4877 | 02:42 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: hmm... i'm using vista, the DELL version of vista on a non-dell computer | 02:42 |
louieb39c | I played with the betas in a VM just so I can help my customers and get a true opinion on it.. | 02:42 |
louieb39c | thanks | 02:42 |
zblach | at any rate, i've some AVIs to shrink. any ideas? | 02:42 |
Arwen | arthur_kalm, xgl has all kinds of dpi issues :-\ | 02:42 |
Graham | en1gma: I don't think they are, but I'm sure you can download the packages from the ubuntu site and install them. I'm assuming you have a way of getting files onto the computer even though it directly doesn't have TV. | 02:42 |
Arwen | zblach, don't do it, they'll look shitty | 02:42 |
zblach | Arwen: i know | 02:42 |
Arwen | hmm? then try mencoder or transcode | 02:43 |
en1gma | Graham thanks | 02:43 |
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en1gma | checking now | 02:43 |
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zerothis | i'd agree to use vista for the right amount of cash if there was some fine print that only required me to do so once | 02:43 |
zblach | i need to squeeze 200 mb total out of 26 files | 02:43 |
louieb39c | its amazing how much money I am making off of MSs mistake. is it worse than MS bob?! may just be | 02:43 |
=== johny454 [n=johny@81-208-106-67.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
arthur_kalm | Arwen: oh it does, hmm well I can try AIGLX again, but the last time I ran off the nVidia car when I would start getting black windows it would lock my system up. The I started to have that problem with XGL :( | 02:43 |
zblach | stupid 4.7G = 4.4G | 02:43 |
Graham | en1gma: Here, make sure you have all those dependancies. http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/kde/kdetv | 02:44 |
Goldwing | zerothis: i have to use vista, clients are using it and i have to know everything about it | 02:44 |
Arwen | zblach, um, gzip? sounds stupid, but with avi overhead, you can get a few M per file | 02:44 |
=== intelikey [n=root@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | haha Im scared to read the article for I may miss the excitement of the room! | 02:44 |
en1gma | it just wants to let me dload the iso | 02:44 |
en1gma | where are packages at | 02:44 |
zblach | i was considering it, but there's a chance windows users'll come across this CD | 02:44 |
Goldwing | zerothis: and get this, i have a official license of vista, but i'm using a warezed version | 02:44 |
Graham | What do you mean? | 02:44 |
Graham | What ISO? | 02:44 |
en1gma | and is bttv built in the 7.04 kernel? | 02:44 |
zblach | perhaps I could trim out the first 30 seconds or so? | 02:44 |
louieb39c | I give k/ubuntu CDs away for holloween | 02:44 |
=== Iguana [n=ale@213-140-16-183.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | zblach, huh, try kino then | 02:45 |
en1gma | it wants to let me dlaod kubuntu/ububntu isos | 02:45 |
zblach | louieb39c: i give away kubuntu CDS for christmas | 02:45 |
zblach | kino? | 02:45 |
louieb39c | wow I didn't think of that one | 02:45 |
Graham | The kdetv packages are at the bottom of the page, select your system type i386 or AMD 64 | 02:45 |
Arwen | zblach, I suggest backing up to a hard drive? | 02:45 |
Hasta-La-Vista | louieb39c: #microcrap | 02:45 |
Arwen | !kino | 02:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kino - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:45 |
Iguana | salve a tutti | 02:45 |
Arwen | .... | 02:45 |
Arwen | zblach, kino is a video editor, have fun | 02:45 |
zblach | they're on an external drive, but i'm not trusting that to others | 02:45 |
zblach | ok. thanks | 02:45 |
louieb39c | wow a tutti. | 02:45 |
zerothis | Goldwing: Right now I tell clients I consult on linux for 15/hr but windows is 60/hr and I probably can't help any with windows. | 02:46 |
intelikey | <louieb39c> I give k/ubuntu CDs away for holloween <<< now that's a dirty trick.... :) | 02:46 |
=== the_hammer [n=hammer@S01060019214f2dfc.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Graham | en1gma: Are you using i386? | 02:46 |
en1gma | yea | 02:46 |
louieb39c | the best part was - I put my card in the case and got LOTS of customers | 02:46 |
the_hammer | is the new kubuntu suppose to be kde4? | 02:46 |
Graham | intelikey: That's awefully nice of you. | 02:46 |
en1gma | i dont see the page your talking bout | 02:46 |
Graham | en1gma: Download this: http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/kdetv/kdetv_0.8.9-1_i386.deb | 02:46 |
mharrall | i have Nvidia go 440 and kubuntu 7.04 any tips since i can not change init to 3 to install the nvidia drivers | 02:46 |
Goldwing | zerothis: then you are cheap, i charge 120/hr for linux and 150/hr for windows | 02:46 |
en1gma | thanks | 02:46 |
Graham | The .deb file, it's the debian package. | 02:46 |
Graham | Not a problem my good sir. | 02:47 |
=== Hc\\ [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | the_hammer, no, but there will be a plan to incorporate kde4 when it's available | 02:47 |
the_hammer | because i see it in the synaptic? | 02:47 |
arthur_kalm | hmm well that's enough hacking for today :P | 02:47 |
intelikey | Graham it's part of my plot to over throw ubuntu | 02:47 |
arthur_kalm | off to play supcom | 02:47 |
the_hammer | seems to be installing ok | 02:47 |
Arwen | the_hammer, those are actually placeholders | 02:47 |
arthur_kalm | thanks for all the help everyone :) | 02:47 |
zerothis | Goldwing: well, i don't know that much, plus its just a hobby, not my job | 02:47 |
Graham | Gnome is a bit shit like yeah. | 02:47 |
Arwen | the_hammer, they aren't actually kde4 | 02:47 |
the_hammer | ok | 02:47 |
Graham | mharrall: Install it through the package manager, much eaiser. | 02:48 |
zerothis | charging is bassically a way to get people off my back | 02:48 |
=== jtt [n=jtholmes@adsl-065-006-144-253.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mharrall | while in kde | 02:48 |
Arwen | the_hammer, or, they are KDE4, but they're incomplete - KDE4 is not yet released | 02:48 |
the_hammer | ok | 02:48 |
Graham | mharrall: Yeah, through Adept. | 02:48 |
Arwen | the ones there are a development snapshot that *doesn't work* | 02:48 |
the_hammer | im getting rid of them | 02:48 |
Graham | intelikey: You might be interested in the site I'm hoping to setup. | 02:48 |
mharrall | hum ok | 02:48 |
Goldwing | zerothis: it's my job, and i've have most of the MCS*'s and a couple of SCO and HP-UX diplomas | 02:48 |
=== slyski [n=sly@71-89-63-65.static.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zblach | Arwen: thanks. I'll give kino a shot. | 02:49 |
pingveno | I'm having a tad bit of a problem upgrading. The installation stopped at the cvs package. Now whenever I try to install cvs it freezes my computer. | 02:49 |
louieb39c | if I have kubuntu installed and I throw in another HDD...can I setup software raid or must I reformat? | 02:49 |
zerothis | I ussually buy a ligit copy of all my microsoft product but end up using a warez copy to avoid all the propriatary crap | 02:49 |
Arwen | zblach, out of curiosity, what are you backing up? :-) | 02:49 |
=== apus [n=tim@majorapus.student.iastate.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Graham idk but if you are starting a procrastanation club i'll get back to you later on that... | 02:49 |
pingveno | I get odd errors on the virtual console, so I think it might be a filesystem problem. | 02:49 |
Graham | intelikey: I looked that up on Wikipedia the otherday... and I've forgotten what it is. | 02:49 |
Goldwing | zerothis: same here, i don't want M$ to see what i'm using, so i do buy the stuff, but use the same versions i buy warezed | 02:50 |
Goldwing | that way i'm still legal | 02:50 |
intelikey | putting things off, dragging your feet. | 02:50 |
apus | my left speaking randomly stops working, its not a hardware issue | 02:50 |
zblach | Arwen: Arrested Development - Season 1 | 02:50 |
Arwen | LOL | 02:50 |
louieb39c | if its not oss I don't use it | 02:50 |
=== Arwen will say no more | ||
NDP-Linux | Hey all, I just upgraded from Edgy to Fiesty and I'm trying to find Beyrl in Synaptic and I can't. Can someone give me some help? | 02:50 |
Arwen | louieb39c, must be a small small world you live in... proprietary is a fact of life | 02:50 |
louieb39c | I used to be a gamer and now IM not anymore. hence the reason I want to get a ps3 and throw gentoo on it | 02:50 |
Graham | mharrall: Install nvidia-glx through Adept or run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" and you'll be sorted. | 02:50 |
Arwen | NDP-Linux, it's in universe | 02:51 |
louieb39c | its bad enough I have to use proprietary nvidia drivers | 02:51 |
Daisuke_Ido | NDP-Linux: beryl, in universe | 02:51 |
Goldwing | louieb39c: well the way vista is now, it should be oss | 02:51 |
Arwen | louieb39c, you don't *have* to, you could use nv | 02:51 |
Gabz | louieb39c: gentoo PS3 .... you ask for pain don't you | 02:51 |
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=== Pinkerton [n=bungum@062016236229.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== david_ is now known as DaveTheAve | ||
Graham | intelikey: Basicly it was going to be a website promoting Linux, sort of a newsbies guide to Linux and why they should use it. | 02:51 |
intelikey | i wonder why invidia driver wont work for me... | 02:51 |
louieb39c | I found some binaries for gentoo ported just for the ps3 | 02:51 |
louieb39c | not that hard | 02:51 |
=== fowlduck [n=nate@24-179-217-215.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | binary + gentoo = fail | 02:52 |
louieb39c | and I a really do like getting my hands dirty in linux | 02:52 |
Graham | intelikey: Maybe you need the legacy driver. I use it because my cards so FECKING OLD! | 02:52 |
=== pauljw_vm [n=paul@pool201.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | gentoo is supposed to be from source... | 02:52 |
teem0 | anyone here installed kubuntu on ps3 ? | 02:52 |
intelikey | Graham hmmmm not a bad idea. (site) | 02:52 |
Arwen | teem0, nope, the PS3 is a flop :-) | 02:52 |
louieb39c | yea but its ported since every single ps3 is the same | 02:52 |
intelikey | Graham yes it is legacy | 02:52 |
intelikey | Graham but wont work | 02:52 |
Graham | Then nvidia-glx-legacy | 02:52 |
louieb39c | the thing that bugs me is the fact it runs on a hypervisor | 02:52 |
Graham | What won't work? | 02:52 |
louieb39c | otherwise I would get one | 02:52 |
teem0 | yeah I cant get the ported one to install, | 02:52 |
zerothis | well, i don't want to boot my computer in a hurry to do something and suddenly XP discovers my hard drive was changed 6 monthes ago and says I must actvate my copy of XP to continue | 02:52 |
=== orac7000 [n=vk7fcbh@CPE-124-177-8-111.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | Graham the nvidia driver. | 02:53 |
DaveTheAve | Can someone please help me with a sound card issue? It worked with 6.10 but not in Festy. | 02:53 |
jtt | intelikey, apt-get upgrade performs zero work, have there really been zero updates since the release? | 02:53 |
Graham | What like... it doesn't start? | 02:53 |
NDP-Linux | Arwen: In edgy universe? I'm not seeing a feisty universe in the repositories. | 02:53 |
DaveTheAve | Nothing can be heard | 02:53 |
louieb39c | lol muted? | 02:53 |
=== BeauJeste [n=david@dsl-203-113-194-9-static.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaveTheAve | Nope | 02:53 |
apus | DaveTheAve: do you have onbaord sound and a sound card? | 02:53 |
Goldwing | zerothis: magic words, "corp keys" | 02:53 |
Graham | intelikey: Also we were gona have a Linux shop, some merch and stuff, I need money. | 02:53 |
intelikey | jtt apt-get update then apt-get upgrade nothing new until you update the database | 02:53 |
DaveTheAve | Laptop... Toshiba Sat. A135 | 02:53 |
BeauJeste | I have a problem with getting X to run after boot | 02:53 |
DaveTheAve | Intel soundcard... internal | 02:54 |
Graham | Know where I can buy large ammounts of tux dolls? | 02:54 |
Goldwing | tux dolls???? | 02:54 |
intelikey | Graham china | 02:54 |
jtt | intelikey, did both still not work from upgrade let me try again | 02:54 |
louieb39c | do I have to reformat if I want to add software raid? | 02:54 |
apus | BeauJeste: At wait point during Xbooting does it fail | 02:54 |
teem0 | when using the kboot and the livecd version of 7.04 can i type something (instead of just pressing enter) to make it start the installer instead of loading the live session | 02:54 |
intelikey | jtt then i guess not | 02:54 |
Goldwing | you mean those fluffy pinguins? | 02:54 |
BeauJeste | when i boot X does not start and i end up at the command line | 02:54 |
Graham | intelikey: Seriously. | 02:54 |
intelikey | yeah | 02:55 |
apus | DaveTheAve: please type my name when answering so I can see it in chat, open up the kmix and see if the correct card name is listed | 02:55 |
Graham | My brother had a bunch of tux dolls sort of rubbery foam and had IBM printed on the front. | 02:55 |
DaveTheAve | apus h/o | 02:55 |
louieb39c | grahamL lol | 02:55 |
BeauJeste | if i then do startx I get "API MISMATCH the nvidia kernel module has ver 1.0-7184 but the X mod has ver 1.0-9755 | 02:55 |
Graham | Yeah but he uses Windows the traitor... | 02:55 |
zerothis | so is it possible i can get sleep and hybernate to work? | 02:55 |
DaveTheAve | aups I beleave it reads HDA Intel | 02:55 |
intelikey | nerf penguins for every body | 02:55 |
jtt | intelikey, when update has several entries Get 1 another Get 2 etc. what do those mean | 02:56 |
apus | DaveTheAve: Those are my only thought, nothing obviously wrong sorry | 02:56 |
BeauJeste | and then if i manually install the NVIDIA drivers i can do a startx do bring up the display manager | 02:56 |
=== raef55 [n=raef55@cpe-071-065-217-154.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BeauJeste | which works until my next reboot | 02:56 |
intelikey | jtt one for each repo in your sources.list | 02:56 |
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DaveTheAve | aups but i can't even turn up the volume or anything.... the volume control woun't go past 10% | 02:57 |
=== Jack3 [n=Jack@pool-71-120-248-16.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | jtt 14 in mine | 02:57 |
apus | BeauJeste: It sounds like you need to edit your xorg file, I don't know enough to comfortably tell you how | 02:57 |
=== Goldwing is off to bed, laterz all | ||
=== Johnmh [n=john@d66-183-235-173.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jack3 | i just tried to burn the kubuntu disc and it is 694MB and nero says my cd has 654MB space? | 02:57 |
Graham | intelikey: How awesome would it be to have nerf penguins. | 02:57 |
jtt | intelikey, does that mean 14 updates can be downloaded | 02:57 |
BeauJeste | sounds to me like i need to install the right nvidia drivers from apt | 02:58 |
=== adi_ [n=adi@212-41-118-103.adsl.solnet.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | not just any penguins - just tux! | 02:58 |
Graham | Shoot people with penguins like WHAT THE <PG>? | 02:58 |
BeauJeste | apus, sounds to me like i need to install the right nvidia drivers from apt | 02:58 |
apus | BeauJeste: It sounds like you are, but xorg isn't using the right one when you boot | 02:58 |
louieb39c | maybe we should start a donation site like for tux500! | 02:58 |
intelikey | jtt no. that means there are 14 databases to load into your full list database | 02:58 |
=== sstchur [n=sstchur@c-24-16-29-65.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apus | BeauJeste: you could always try removing and installing them | 02:58 |
apus | !nvidia | 02:58 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:58 |
jtt | intelikey, ah, ok i see thanks | 02:58 |
Graham | intelikey: You can help out if you want :) | 02:58 |
intelikey | jtt np | 02:59 |
BeauJeste | apus, i am installing them using the NVIDIA download and doing a sudo sh ./NVIDIA | 02:59 |
=== Pollywog [n=Pollywog@69-12-173-117.static.humboldt1.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apus | BeauJeste: did you have a problem with the normal download method? | 02:59 |
BeauJeste | apus, how would i uninstall them | 02:59 |
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Pollywog | !x11vnc > pollywog | 02:59 |
zerothis | i thought feisty included NVIDIA and ATI propriatary drivers | 02:59 |
DaveTheAve | Can someone please help me with a no-sound issue? | 02:59 |
BeauJeste | apus, no, i upgraded from edgy with the same problem | 03:00 |
louieb39c | I (stupidly) payed for madriva, it came with cedega - think its possible I can take the rpm from the disk and get it to run in ubuntu? | 03:00 |
BeauJeste | probably does, but this was an upgrade not a fresh install | 03:00 |
=== scuzzlebutt [n=scuzzleb@c-71-56-207-106.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | with it as a loki :( | 03:00 |
teem0 | When using the kboot and the livecd desktop version can I type something (instead of just pressing enter) to start the installer instead of loading the live session. | 03:00 |
=== Eyeless [n=hjalle@d83-183-204-137.cust.tele2.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Pollywog | you could try alien to make it a deb | 03:00 |
zerothis | louieb39c: try alie | 03:00 |
zerothis | n | 03:00 |
=== tari [n=tari@89.Red-83-52-240.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
apus | BeauJeste: sudo apt-get remove packagename to uninstal | 03:01 |
Pollywog | install the alient package louieb39c | 03:01 |
apus | !retricted | 03:01 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about retricted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:01 |
louieb39c | well do you guys think I will make the dependencies? | 03:01 |
Pollywog | alien | 03:01 |
scuzzlebutt | hello i need help with installing hamachi on fiesty fawn, can someone from this room help me? | 03:01 |
Graham | louieb39c: If it's a seperate RPM then yes, but you'd need to use alien to convert it to a .deb file | 03:01 |
BeauJeste | ubotu, i have followed that link and done those things https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto but it is still broken, i suspect i will have to unistall somehow | 03:01 |
Pollywog | louieb39c: did you get a Cedega membership? | 03:01 |
Pollywog | if so you can just download a deb | 03:02 |
apus | BeauJeste: ubotu is a bot :P, you've used the restricted package? | 03:02 |
BeauJeste | apus but the original nvidia install was not done through apt | 03:02 |
en1gma | is there another mirror besides this one? http://mirrors.kernel.org/ | 03:02 |
BeauJeste | i am not sure | 03:02 |
louieb39c | Pollywog: it seems to me that I didn't need one - I just used the user name I made for mandriva and it allowed me to use it in mandriva...but if I go to the site - it says I have to pay | 03:02 |
zerothis | I find I need to mannually install some dependacies about 25% of the time that i use alien | 03:02 |
Graham | !at all | 03:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about at all - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:02 |
Graham | Bot abuse! | 03:03 |
scuzzlebutt | well i guess i must be in the wrong room, tks anyways L8trz | 03:03 |
apus | BeauJeste: i would try removing whatever has been installed as far as nvidia drivers, then follow the site for restricted package | 03:03 |
intelikey | zerothis alien yuch | 03:03 |
Pollywog | louieb39c: yes you have to pay but if you got a rpm from Mandriva, use alient to make a deb from it | 03:03 |
Pollywog | alien | 03:03 |
louieb39c | thanks | 03:03 |
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Graham | louieb39c: You pirate you... :P | 03:03 |
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BeauJeste | apus i have the proprietary drivers for devices checked | 03:03 |
louieb39c | na its on the disk! I SWEAR | 03:03 |
=== g35 [n=sumit@ool-18b88273.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | haha I tried to pirate it and the account didn't work ;) | 03:04 |
Pollywog | install alient and then 'sudo alien packagename.rpm | 03:04 |
g35 | hello, how do i install and view which drivers are installed | 03:04 |
Pollywog | install alient and then 'sudo alien packagename.rpm' | 03:04 |
apus | BeauJeste: sounds right, now just remove whatever package you installed in edgy | 03:04 |
BeauJeste | apus and i agree i am just not sure how to unistall the nvidia stuff that was not installed by apt | 03:04 |
Graham | The .deb that gets generated will be placed in your home directory BTW. | 03:04 |
zerothis | intelikey: i try to compile from source before i try alien | 03:04 |
louieb39c | I wonder what is different about the rpm from mandriva that makes the account work | 03:04 |
louieb39c | hmn.. | 03:04 |
apus | BeauJeste: neither am I, I've only used this for 3 days ! | 03:04 |
Pollywog | you can't compile cedega | 03:04 |
en1gma | http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/ <<<<<<<< ==== SLOW | 03:04 |
en1gma | is there another server | 03:05 |
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Graham | I love alien, helped me install loads of stuff. | 03:05 |
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louieb39c | polly: not even from their CVS? | 03:05 |
apus | BeauJeste: but now you can ask a new question "can someone help me remove a package" | 03:05 |
Pollywog | louieb39c: okay maybe from their cvs | 03:05 |
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russiane39_ | Hi | 03:05 |
Graham | en1gma: Try any of these love. | 03:05 |
Graham | http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fk%2Fkdetv%2Fkdetv_0.8.9-1_i386.deb&md5sum=fd3b3c519301bef4714e7b0e7063532d&arch=i386&type=main | 03:05 |
=== BeauJeste laughs | ||
russiane39_ | Where is Restricted devices manager in 7.04 ? | 03:05 |
louieb39c | polly: think their cvs will need an account..? | 03:06 |
zerothis | Pollywog: exactly why i used alien to install Yahoo Messenger for UNIX | 03:06 |
Pollywog | but the prepackaged debs and rpm's are better because they have some files that are proprietary and you might need them | 03:06 |
BeauJeste | apus the thing is its not a package | 03:06 |
russiane39_ | Can't switch to nv xorg module | 03:06 |
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intelikey | Graham ever hear of "tinyurl.com" | 03:06 |
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apus | BeauJeste: I've told you everything I can | 03:06 |
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russiane39_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 03:06 |
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DaveTheAve | Can someone please help me with a sound card issue? It might be just a sound driver update issue! | 03:06 |
Graham | I'm not using some other site just to paste ONE SMEGGING URL! | 03:06 |
russiane39_ | Here I found that I need to use Restricted device manager | 03:06 |
russiane39_ | but can't find it in fresh installed Kubuntu 7.04 | 03:07 |
en1gma | Graham i need other libs to go with that | 03:07 |
Graham | DaveTheAve: I'm afraid nobody can Dave. | 03:07 |
en1gma | not just that pkg anymor | 03:07 |
Graham | Then download them too. | 03:07 |
en1gma | it wont let me in | 03:07 |
en1gma | that link you just gave | 03:07 |
jamie | DaveTheAve: what is the problem? | 03:07 |
Graham | What the fuck do you mean it won't let you in? | 03:07 |
Graham | It's a smegging link. | 03:07 |
Pollywog | !ohmy | 03:07 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:07 |
en1gma | md5 sum error when i take it off | 03:07 |
russiane39_ | Anyone knows where Restricted device manager in Kubuntu ? | 03:07 |
Graham | http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/kde/kdetv | 03:08 |
BeauJeste | yes, and thanks apus | 03:08 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: I'm having an issue with my sound card... I believe it's a HDA Intel.... and no it's NOT Muted | 03:08 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve cat /proc/asound/cards | 03:08 |
Graham | Scroll to the bottom, where it says Download, under Architecture select i386. | 03:08 |
DaveTheAve | Intelikey: | 03:08 |
DaveTheAve | 0 [Intel ] : HDA-Intel - HDA Intel | 03:08 |
DaveTheAve | HDA Intel at 0xdc440000 irq 22 | 03:08 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve ok what is the issue | 03:09 |
en1gma | k got it thanks | 03:09 |
DaveTheAve | I get NO sound | 03:09 |
DaveTheAve | and it's not muted | 03:09 |
=== stoft [n=stoft@213-140-11-138.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zerothis | i never thought 'family friendly' was a good phrase to discourage bad language. after all, most kids first hear cursewords from their parents | 03:09 |
russiane39_ | Anyone | 03:09 |
russiane39_ | Where that Restricted Devices manager ? | 03:10 |
Graham | Swearing is bollocks IMO, it's just covering stuff, but it's become more than that, words are taboo dispite their meaning. | 03:10 |
Graham | For example, why is it anymore socially exceptable to say feces than to say shit? | 03:10 |
apus | graham so true | 03:10 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve turn the volume down and do cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp then slowly raise the volume to see if it's producing white noise | 03:10 |
Graham | It's the same thing! | 03:10 |
apus | graham: ever heard of a show called bullshit | 03:10 |
Iwonder|too | good point Graham | 03:11 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve the control C to stop that. ^ | 03:11 |
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Graham | Yeah... I loved that episode about PETA. | 03:11 |
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DaveTheAve | Intelikey: bash: /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy | 03:11 |
Graham | Though we don't get it in the UK It was on YouTube | 03:11 |
apus | graham: have you seen the one about swearing? | 03:11 |
Graham | No. | 03:11 |
apus | Graham: you should attempt to, its exactly what your saying | 03:11 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve ok in kmenu > system settings > sound | 03:11 |
g35 | hello where can i find video drivers for my intel 945g on board video card | 03:12 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve stop the sound server and try again. | 03:12 |
DaveTheAve | k | 03:12 |
jamie | davetheave: try killing the process artsd then trying again | 03:12 |
Graham | I mean, I swear but I don't do it over the top to offend people. I've never said cunt next to a little kid or anything. | 03:13 |
intelikey | jamie if you want this on it's all yours. but don't start and then bail on him. | 03:13 |
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DaveTheAve | Intelikey: no change | 03:14 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: As with Intelikey no change | 03:14 |
louieb39c | this is interesting - even in the x64 folder on the mandriava disk the rpm for cedega is x32 | 03:14 |
louieb39c | oops x86 | 03:14 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve hmmm ok. lets see what jamie comes up with. | 03:14 |
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=== Whiz2 [n=Whiz_2@c-76-100-227-124.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
blblme | feisty-dvd-i386.iso.torrent .... | 03:15 |
Whiz2 | anyone here know anything about the exim4 MTA? | 03:15 |
jamie | davetheave: in the hardware tab of the sound settings, what is the device set to? | 03:15 |
lordhelmet | hey all...upgraded to feisty and my shutdown/restart options aren't available on the kde menu. i'm using gdm + kde | 03:15 |
lordhelmet | any ideas | 03:16 |
louieb39c | any way I can install the x86 rpm package with alien on an x64 system..I don't see in the man file anything about a force arch | 03:16 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: Auto but I ran through 'em all already with no lick | 03:16 |
LeeJunFan | lordhelmet: it's because you're using gdm | 03:16 |
DaveTheAve | luck* | 03:16 |
lordhelmet | it worked in dapper and edgy though | 03:16 |
LeeJunFan | lordhelmet: hrm, I've never had it work on any linux distro in the past 10 years. So I always just assumed it just plain didn't work with gdm. | 03:17 |
Graham | apus: I wana buy that show on DVD or something. Infact, I'll go torrent seeking. | 03:17 |
Whiz2 | Someone yesterday advised that i should install the exim4 package, but never gave me any ideas on how to check the mail on my server | 03:17 |
stoft | LeeJunFan: works here, but I'm still on edgy. before edgy it didn't work. | 03:18 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: And I got that white noise program to work but I'm not getting anything reguardless of Kmix settings | 03:18 |
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lordhelmet | yeah only after went away did i realize it wasn't supposed to work | 03:18 |
jamie | ok, so you got whitenoise working, but what else isnt playing? | 03:18 |
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DaveTheAve | Jamie: No... white noise program is running... but no noise is heard. | 03:19 |
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jamie | DaveTheAve: ok.. are there different sockets at the back of your computer you can plug the speakers into? | 03:19 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: Laptop - Toshiba Sat A135-S4467... Sorry no X-Fi card here... | 03:20 |
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-75-14-30-84.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rictoo | I just loaded up Feisty and everything seems (literally) 75% faster | 03:20 |
Rictoo | is this normal? | 03:20 |
Jack3 | :P | 03:20 |
Admiral_Chicago | Rictoo: that is yes :) | 03:21 |
louieb39c | jeez can't get alien to convert cedega to deb :( | 03:21 |
intelikey | jamie might mention to him to use alsamixer to addjust the sound | 03:21 |
Rictoo | Admiral_Chicago: But why? | 03:21 |
Rictoo | There must be some base reason | 03:21 |
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Admiral_Chicago | what type of system do you run? | 03:21 |
Rictoo | desktop | 03:21 |
Rictoo | =/ | 03:21 |
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Admiral_Chicago | louieb39c: iirc, there is a deb for it | 03:21 |
Admiral_Chicago | 64 bit? | 03:21 |
Rictoo | 32 | 03:21 |
intelikey | jamie cause kmix probably wont do anything to cat urandom > dsp | 03:22 |
Admiral_Chicago | odd, not sure why it would seem faster | 03:22 |
jamie | intelikey: you seem more knowledgeable than me, maybe you should troubleshoot it | 03:22 |
Rictoo | hmm | 03:22 |
Rictoo | maybe my setup before was messed up? | 03:22 |
louieb39c | admiral: I am trying to get the payed for version from my mandriva disk to convert to deb but its x86 and not x64 - even though I installed x64 mandriva and it installed fin eon it | 03:22 |
DaveTheAve | Alsamixer don't work ether | 03:22 |
DaveTheAve | Tryed it alrady | 03:22 |
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intelikey | i'll leave you alone, jamie you're doing fine. just thought you might have over looked that. and i was the one that asked him to test it that way. sooooo... | 03:23 |
DaveTheAve | Intelikey: Thanks for your help though. I know you tryed | 03:23 |
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aaroncampbell | Is there any encyclopedia software for Kubuntu (or linux in general I guess)? One of the things my son misses is Encarta. I let him run it in an XP virtual Machine right now... | 03:24 |
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mtm8 | Does anyone know how to setup a preseed file for a remastered alternate CD so that it partitions in the following manner? | 03:25 |
mtm8 | /dev/sda1: 128 M (ext2) mounted as /boot with 0% reserved for superuser and noauto,noatime mount options; /dev/sda2: 40 G (ext3) mounted as / with 3% reserved for superuser and defaults,errors=remount-ro mount options; /dev/sda3: 11 G extended partition; /dev/sda4: NTFS partition, not mounted; /dev/sda5: 1 G for swap; /dev/sda6: 10 G (ext3) mounted as /home/DOMAIN with 0% reserved for superuser and defaults,grpquota mount options | 03:25 |
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jamie | davetheave: hmm hang on, ill just google if for a minute | 03:25 |
Graham | DaveTheAve: Does the card actually work? | 03:25 |
g35 | hello anyone here have a mobile intel 945g chipset? | 03:25 |
DaveTheAve | Graham: It did before the 7.04 upgrade | 03:25 |
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DaveTheAve | Jamie: I think i found something in the wiki.. let me try it out | 03:26 |
=== marissa [n=marissa@66-188-106-9.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jamie | davetheave: how did you upgrade? by cd or from the internet? | 03:26 |
marissa | just upgraded to feisty fawn, now I can't log in. "usplash: no usable theme for 640x480" | 03:27 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: I just did a Clean install... by CD | 03:27 |
stoft | is there a meta-package that I can use to deinstall gnome and/or gdm? | 03:27 |
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intelikey | stoft gdm can be removed easy enough sudo apt-get remove gdm | 03:28 |
jamie | davetheave: sorry, i cant help you. I just dont know enough about this sort of thing | 03:28 |
stoft | intelikey: yeah, kinda guessed that would be the easy one... | 03:29 |
DaveTheAve | Jamie: Like I told Intelikey, Thank you for trying | 03:29 |
Graham | marissa: Sounds like you don't have the usplash package. | 03:29 |
Graham | Use the recovery mode, login and apt-get install it. | 03:30 |
intelikey | stoft you might try sudo apt-get remove gconf* on removing gnome but read through the list it churns out to make sure you want all of them removed | 03:30 |
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marissa | Graham: Thanks, I'll give it a go | 03:30 |
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stoft | k, thnx | 03:30 |
=== Twisted [n=twisted@66-169-204-37.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
louieb39c | so no one have any recommendations for me with alien? | 03:31 |
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zerothis | louieb39c: try to complie from sorce first. failing that, be prepared to install dependacies manually | 03:32 |
louieb39c | install cedega from source? | 03:32 |
intelikey | stoft if you really want to play hard ball with the packages. it is possable to do something like dropping to a console and removing perl ["Yes, do as I say!"] installing deborphan and using a for loop to clean any un-needed libs then installing the *buntu-desktop of your choice. {not for the faint of heart} | 03:32 |
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stoft | :) in that case it almost sounds easier just reinstalling from scratch :) | 03:33 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve any joy ? | 03:34 |
stoft | il give gconf2 a try and see what it churns out | 03:34 |
intelikey | stoft :) | 03:34 |
DaveTheAve | Well i edited /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base so now i need to restart | 03:34 |
DaveTheAve | I'll tell ya then | 03:34 |
intelikey | k | 03:34 |
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intelikey | it's the hit man ! | 03:37 |
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hitmanWilly | yes, i have returned :) | 03:37 |
louieb39c | if I send someone the rpm from mandriva would someone convert it to deb for me? | 03:38 |
Crius | why is there a green line at the bottom of the movie picture in VLC? | 03:38 |
marissa | Graham: the recovery console won't let me access sudo or apt-get | 03:38 |
jtt | my install of kubuntu 7.04 with Nvidia 6800 chip only gives me 1024x768 max resol what is the best command to reconfig to say 1600x1200 etc. | 03:38 |
=== david_ is now known as DaveTheAve | ||
DaveTheAve | I have returned and it didn't work | 03:38 |
hitmanWilly | Crius, that sounds like a decoding error | 03:39 |
Crius | hmmm | 03:39 |
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jtt | !nvidia | 03:39 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 03:39 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly any good with sound ? | 03:39 |
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stoft | intelikey: gconf2 gives some good suggestions, but I'm dead tired so gonna work with it tomorro. nn | 03:40 |
hitmanWilly | intelikey, a little, why? | 03:40 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly DaveTheAve has a card with no output | 03:40 |
raef55 | just installed kubuntu 7.04 from cd and i have no sound from Audigy 2 sound card , had sound with Edgy-Eft 6.10 | 03:40 |
intelikey | hitmanWilly i'm not much on sound and two releases behind on software now... | 03:41 |
hitmanWilly | hmm, alsa loading? mixer unmuted? | 03:41 |
Graham | marissa: You're pretty boned then. | 03:41 |
DaveTheAve | Reaf55 same issue here but with a HDA Intel | 03:41 |
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intelikey | hitmanWilly yep proc/asound/cards lists it | 03:41 |
marissa | Graham: it's the "ash" shell instead of bash... | 03:41 |
louieb39c | audigy 2 zs works fine for me | 03:42 |
Graham | Ooo... Bash, must read. | 03:42 |
=== g35 [n=sumit@ool-18b88273.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | DaveTheAve the hitman "might" be able to help you there. i'm two releases behind, so not much to go on from here. | 03:42 |
g35 | hello, im having trouble changing my resolution pass 1024x768, i went into my xorg conf file and it shows i can support higher res modes...any ideas? | 03:43 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i should politely stab nicotine+'s developer | 03:43 |
DaveTheAve | alight | 03:43 |
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ferromag | Hey freepeoples | 03:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | g35: install krandrtray | 03:43 |
Daisuke_Ido | hello iron wizard | 03:44 |
ferromag | does anyone know if it is possible to talk to ichat? | 03:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | isn't ichat a jabber client? | 03:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | ferromag: afaik, orage should be able to do that | 03:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | wait | 03:44 |
hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, open up kmix and make sure you don't have anything muted | 03:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | nevermind | 03:44 |
Admiral_Chicago | sorry I read iCal | 03:44 |
Alonea | ok, when I upgraded I guess the gaim upgraded too, it looks different, but it does not work. | 03:44 |
g35 | Daisuke_Ido, cool, is that like a res changer and a whole lot more? | 03:45 |
ferromag | orage... oo haven;t heard about it yet, is it in the repo? | 03:45 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanwilly | 03:45 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanwilly done | 03:45 |
=== MegaBind [i=MegaBind@gateway/tor/x-01f050e76fbd4d13] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, ok, anything? | 03:45 |
Alonea | It says "waiting for network connection" and its been that way for 20 minutes | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | g35 yep, very VERY nice | 03:45 |
g35 | hmm | 03:45 |
MegaBind | how do i force ls to show the full path of the listed files? | 03:45 |
g35 | seems like my sudo didnt find it | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | Alonea: knetworkmanager? | 03:45 |
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Daisuke_Ido | g35: it may be in universe | 03:45 |
ferromag | mshade_: what is this | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | !krandrtray | 03:45 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about krandrtray - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | or already installed | 03:46 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanwilly to bring you up to speed... I'm running a Toshiba Sat A135 Laptop and the sound card is a HDA Intel it worked in 6.10 but not in 7.04 | 03:46 |
g35 | Daisuke_Ido, hmm oh yeah how do i enable kubuntu to search all repos? | 03:46 |
marissa | Graham: It says that job control is turned off, but CTRL+ALT+F1 won't let me switch to ttyl1 | 03:46 |
Alonea | Daisuke_Ido: I turned that one off. I use the wireless manager. I have internet. I am on it right now talking to you. | 03:46 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanwilly No nothing is muted | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | g35: it's installed | 03:46 |
Graham | ctrl alt f5 | 03:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | g35: just alt+f2 > krandrtray | 03:46 |
g35 | how do u know? | 03:46 |
MegaBind | how do i force ls to show the full path of the listed files? | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | g35: you on feisty? | 03:47 |
g35 | yeah | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm on a default install and it's here :) | 03:47 |
hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, lsmod | grep snd | 03:47 |
g35 | hmm i cant change past 1024x768 still | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | hmm | 03:47 |
marissa | Graham: ctrl alt f5 has no effect | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | well the NEXT option is sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org | 03:47 |
hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, pastebin the output please | 03:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | and make sure you have the proper resolutions selected | 03:47 |
Graham | I don't know mate... I'm too tiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. | 03:47 |
DaveTheAve | h/o | 03:47 |
g35 | Daisuke_Ido, krandrtray just ran screen and resolution changer | 03:48 |
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Daisuke_Ido | g35: that's what krandrtray is :) | 03:48 |
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g35 | i thougt it was more | 03:48 |
g35 | hehe | 03:48 |
MegaBind | how do i force ls to show the full path of the listed files? | 03:48 |
Ax4 | what sound cards are you guys using? | 03:48 |
Ax4 | if you don't know: "lspci -v | grep Audio" | 03:49 |
intelikey | DaveTheAve see Ax4 | 03:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | onboard nvidia ac'97 | 03:49 |
Ax4 | aww crap | 03:49 |
g35 | Daisuke_Ido, hmm i get this: xserver-org is not installed | 03:49 |
Ax4 | i'd love to help you guys | 03:49 |
Ax4 | library is closing | 03:49 |
Ax4 | i have to pack up and leave | 03:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | xserver-xorg | 03:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | my mistake | 03:49 |
intelikey | Ax4 that's a good one. | 03:50 |
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DaveTheAve | Intelikey: Ax4? I'm not a complete beginner with linux but I'm sorry to say i don't know what you mean. | 03:50 |
g35 | Daisuke_Ido, before i do this, should fiesty automatically pick up my intel 945gm chipset and drivers? | 03:50 |
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Ax4 | it's 9:50 EST, University library closes at 10 | 03:50 |
Ax4 | :\ | 03:50 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanWilly: http://pastebin.ca/450723 | 03:50 |
intelikey | Ax4 k thanks for the offer then. | 03:50 |
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Ax4 | i'll be back prolly in an hour | 03:50 |
Ax4 | need to walk home across campus heh | 03:50 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i'm not sure | 03:51 |
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Daisuke_Ido | i would imagine, because intel has some of the better support under linux | 03:51 |
louieb39c | Oh well this alien thing is frustrating me | 03:51 |
Ax4 | intelikey, i've been helping people in #ubuntu with all sorts of problems for the last 2 hours, but the clock is the clock, gotta leave heh, i'll bbl though if these guys are still around :p | 03:52 |
intelikey | Ax4 thanks. | 03:52 |
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Daisuke_Ido | going to shut down, see if maybe i can reclaim a hard drive | 03:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | go go pci ide controller cards! | 03:52 |
g35 | bah how come firefox | 03:53 |
marissa | Graham: restarted and it boots fine now... must have been a fluke. So you can get to bed now =) | 03:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | bought one a couple years back, haven't hardly used it | 03:53 |
g35 | doesnt go back when i press backspace | 03:53 |
hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, well, it looks like all the right modules are loaded, im drawing a blank here. have you tried the wiki? | 03:53 |
DaveTheAve | Yes sir | 03:53 |
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hitmanWilly | DaveTheAve, short of googling it, ive really got no idea. sorry :( | 03:54 |
DaveTheAve | hitmanWilly: Don't worry about it.... i'll write up a nice LONG post for the forum | 03:54 |
hitmanWilly | maybe someone who knows more about this than i do will answer :) | 03:55 |
DaveTheAve | This isn't something that can easly be done via IRC | 03:55 |
DaveTheAve | I hope, thank you for your time | 03:55 |
hitmanWilly | np | 03:56 |
apus | can anyone help me with open office, whenever it loads a particular doc file it crashes instantly | 03:56 |
kymoie | lol I came in hear to ask a similar question | 03:57 |
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kymoie | open office won't open the dictionary wizard for me | 03:57 |
apus | whats really cool is how fast it recovers the document and tries to open it again | 03:57 |
kymoie | apus are you using 7.04? | 03:57 |
apus | yes | 03:57 |
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apus | how well does ms office work in wine? | 03:58 |
louieb39c | ok I got alien to make a deb from my rpm of cedega --I installed it but when I type cedega into the terminal I get nothing | 03:58 |
louieb39c | since I installed it with alien does that have anything do it with it? | 03:58 |
hitmanWilly | apus, i would guess pretty bad | 03:58 |
louieb39c | crossoveroffice isn't bad | 03:59 |
louieb39c | I would use that instead of office | 03:59 |
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louieb39c | I mean | 03:59 |
louieb39c | instead of wine | 03:59 |
kymoie | open office is usually quite good | 03:59 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: What are you using alien for? | 03:59 |
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louieb39c | I payed for mandriva and it came with an rpm of cedega that doesn't need an account | 04:00 |
louieb39c | I want to get it on ubuntu | 04:00 |
apus | well, I need to open this document, and I might just boot the windows partition, but that doesn't bode well for linux fanboys | 04:00 |
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Alonea | is there a channel for gaim that could help me? | 04:01 |
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unix_infidel | #gaim | 04:01 |
unix_infidel | Alonea: ^^^ | 04:01 |
apus | any way to virtualize windows xp? | 04:01 |
louieb39c | whey can't you open it in OOo? | 04:01 |
acamargob | ho | 04:01 |
acamargob | hi | 04:01 |
louieb39c | lol use CENTOS! | 04:01 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: ah | 04:01 |
unix_infidel | !vmware | apus | 04:01 |
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ubotu | apus: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers | 04:01 |
apus | vmware is free on nix? | 04:02 |
acamargob | i got a problem when i tried to upgrade to feisty | 04:02 |
unix_infidel | apus: correct. | 04:02 |
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acamargob | i guess i got some corrupt packagers | 04:02 |
apus | wierd, it costs on pc | 04:02 |
hitmanWilly | apus, the player is anyway | 04:02 |
acamargob | *packages | 04:02 |
louieb39c | any idea Daskreech? | 04:02 |
apus | hitmanWilly: does it work well? | 04:02 |
louieb39c | apt says its installed | 04:02 |
hitmanWilly | apus, i don't know, never used it | 04:02 |
DaSkreech | Hi Alonea | 04:03 |
Kubuntu-Noob | anyone know the correct way to enter a 128 bit WEP key? | 04:03 |
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brujo | hello | 04:03 |
acamargob | hola | 04:03 |
brujo | ah q hablaisd espaol | 04:03 |
brujo | mola | 04:03 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: cedega would seem to be to complex for alien to work | 04:03 |
hitmanWilly | !es | 04:03 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:03 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: You can build cedega from source | 04:03 |
DaSkreech | apus: What kind of document? | 04:04 |
louieb39c | da: isn't it proprietary? | 04:04 |
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Alonea | DaSkreech: hey! | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: Kindaish | 04:04 |
brujo | I am trying kubuntu in vmware tomorrow I install the kubuntu in my pc | 04:04 |
brujo | jeje | 04:04 |
=== g35 [n=sumit@ool-18b88273.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
g35 | best kde theme? | 04:04 |
kymoie | is Kubuntu in vm available yet? | 04:04 |
DaSkreech | if a package is built you have to pay but you should be able to get the source manually and compile it yourself | 04:05 |
louieb39c | da: I don't understand. could you help? Do I need to use cvs's or what? | 04:05 |
brujo | yes kymoei | 04:05 |
acetoxy | g35: I like Domino | 04:05 |
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apus | DaSkreech: .doc | 04:05 |
DaSkreech | louieb39c: Not sure really but it's held on cvs | 04:05 |
g35 | acetoxy, http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/domino+for+Sflack+current?content=56633 ? | 04:05 |
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DaSkreech | apus: does it have images or scripts? | 04:05 |
g35 | acetoxy, or: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=42804 | 04:05 |
louieb39c | da: do you think I still need an account to play? | 04:06 |
apus | DaSkreech: no idea, it crashes before the gui even loads | 04:06 |
acetoxy | g35: Yes, that last one | 04:06 |
DaSkreech | apus: Ah you have never read the document? | 04:07 |
apus | DaSkreech: correct | 04:07 |
apus | wait, so with vmplayer I can actually install my own thing on it? I need to find a pre made? | 04:07 |
apus | can someone recomend anothe rvirtualizer | 04:07 |
apus | so much for all this being "free" | 04:07 |
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DaSkreech | !qemu | 04:07 |
ubotu | qemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo | 04:07 |
louieb39c | no no no, virtualbox | 04:08 |
DaSkreech | !virtualbox | 04:08 |
ubotu | VirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox | 04:08 |
DaSkreech | !xen | 04:08 |
ubotu | XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy | 04:08 |
louieb39c | virtualbox is great, I would still use it but no x64 support | 04:08 |
freakangel | any one care to help a noob install some video drivers? | 04:08 |
apus | ill try virtualbox then | 04:08 |
DaSkreech | freakangel: What video card? | 04:08 |
freakangel | geforce 6800\ | 04:08 |
DaSkreech | !nvidia | 04:08 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:08 |
freakangel | pcie | 04:08 |
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DaSkreech | :-) | 04:09 |
apus | with virtual box I can set up some sort of directory that is accesible by both the virtual os and the native? | 04:09 |
louieb39c | yes you can | 04:09 |
DaSkreech | over the network i would guess | 04:09 |
DaSkreech | or a shared fat32 partition | 04:10 |
louieb39c | nope | 04:10 |
louieb39c | it has an option | 04:10 |
brujo | I have a question, may I transfer files of ext3 partition to ntfs? | 04:10 |
DaSkreech | !ntfs3g | 04:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ntfs3g - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:10 |
DaSkreech | !ntfs-3g | 04:10 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but please remember to keep backups of critical data. Installation instructions at http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 (Dapper) and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217009/ (Edgy) | 04:10 |
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louieb39c | anyone get this? | 04:12 |
louieb39c | "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" | 04:12 |
brujo | thannk you ubotu | 04:12 |
apus | will the edgy eft virtualbox instal work on fiesty? | 04:12 |
freakangel | thanx cant go wronge wit this | 04:13 |
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kymoie | apus: can you see the document you want to use behind the document recovery window? | 04:13 |
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The_Machine | quick question about beryl - what is the applet or whatever that makes it so that if you have 3 open windows and you put your cursor in the upper right hand corner, it makes the windows viewable in thumbnails? | 04:13 |
The_Machine | :) | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | The_Machine: you either want the hot corners or scale or #ubuntu-effects | 04:14 |
ferromag | The_Machine: if i'm not mistaken it's called Place | 04:14 |
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The_Machine | i'm going to look now! | 04:15 |
The_Machine | it isn't Place... | 04:16 |
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The_Machine | heh, it isn't Scale.. | 04:16 |
DaSkreech | #ubuntu-effects :-) | 04:17 |
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blaze | i having a weird issue with knetworkmanager in feisty | 04:18 |
blaze | it times out when connecting to wireless network and kicks me back to entering wep | 04:18 |
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blaze | but if I enetr key using iwconfig as soon as I hit connect it works fine | 04:19 |
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blaze | so i thinking network manager is either not entering key properly or is modifying it so its the wrong key | 04:20 |
blaze | any one have any ideas or have encountered this issue? | 04:20 |
SCORules | Has anyone been following SCOX stock? | 04:20 |
SCORules | Insider information predicts a 400% ROI on SCOX stock. | 04:21 |
DaSkreech | !kops | 04:22 |
ubotu | Help! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, or nixternal | 04:22 |
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DaSkreech | devoice please :) | 04:22 |
ferromag | I have a question - good editor-like gui for ruby? | 04:22 |
ferromag | Help! | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | !webdev | 04:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about webdev - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:22 |
nixternal | hrmm, he was banned yesterday for the same thing | 04:22 |
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DaSkreech | !ide | 04:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:22 |
DaSkreech | hmm | 04:22 |
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ferromag | !ruby | 04:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ruby - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | ferromag: kate in short | 04:23 |
jtt | DaSkreech, so thats how they are called never knew that | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | but probably kdevelop if you are a serious editor | 04:23 |
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DaSkreech | there is one which gives you a list of editors | 04:23 |
cpk1 | use console for ruby? | 04:23 |
DaSkreech | don't recall which one now | 04:23 |
Jack3 | hmm im havn a small problem | 04:24 |
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Jack3 | after clicking install on the desktop of the live cd, i get to step 4 and the partitions thing | 04:24 |
Jack3 | i click manual, and i get a list of partitions on my single hard disk | 04:24 |
Jack3 | i want to resize the windows one so i can have about 15gb of it for linux | 04:24 |
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soulrider | holy crapola, feisty is SO fast!! | 04:27 |
soulrider | i was just trying it out on a 2.7ghz Celeron with 256mb of RAM and it owns!! | 04:27 |
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Rictoo | Is there a google earth package in some repo? | 04:28 |
Ace2016 | Rictoo: yes it is | 04:29 |
nixternal | where? | 04:29 |
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nixternal | there is an Ubuntu download for Google earth on Google's website | 04:29 |
Rictoo | Ace2016: Where? | 04:29 |
Rictoo | I know that | 04:29 |
DaSkreech | Jack3: Where is the problem? | 04:29 |
Rictoo | but I want a package | 04:29 |
Ace2016 | Rictoo: its in the Medibuntu repo | 04:29 |
Jack3 | on step 4 of the installer | 04:29 |
Jack3 | none of the options give the choice to resize the NTFS partition | 04:29 |
Rictoo | thanks, Ace2016 | 04:29 |
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NetersLandreau | thanks soulrider, now i'll have to go buy another computer just for feisty ;) | 04:31 |
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soulrider | lol NetersLandreau | 04:31 |
soulrider | what computer do you have ? | 04:31 |
Drenhead | I just installed Feisty and am having a problem with an external harddrive. it mounts it to /media/Backup but says I don't have access rights to it when I try to get into it. | 04:31 |
mtn_man | . | 04:32 |
NetersLandreau | sony vaio.. dual boot.. and a couple of generic pc's that act as servers | 04:32 |
soulrider | NetersLandreau: and how does it run ? | 04:32 |
NetersLandreau | i'm running version 6.. | 04:33 |
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NetersLandreau | but it runs awesome.. i'm totally sold on kubuntu | 04:33 |
Rictoo | Ace2016: Thanks for telling me about medibuntu :) | 04:33 |
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NetersLandreau | i don't evenknow why i keep my sony dual-boot.. i never go into windows | 04:34 |
athena | Can someone help me I can play back avi files | 04:34 |
DaSkreech | !codecs | athena | 04:34 |
ubotu | athena: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:34 |
DaSkreech | how are you Alonea ? | 04:34 |
=== shiv_j [n=shiv@209-6-189-182.c3-0.wth-ubr2.sbo-wth.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NetersLandreau | version 6 is what? breezy? | 04:35 |
athena | uboto i have tried these webpages to no avail | 04:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | either dapper or edgy | 04:35 |
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NetersLandreau | edgy i think.. | 04:35 |
Admiral_Chicago | 6.06 is dapper, 6.10 is edgy | 04:35 |
NetersLandreau | 6.10 | 04:36 |
DaSkreech | athena: What avi ? | 04:36 |
NetersLandreau | does it matter that i keep it updated? | 04:36 |
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-75-14-30-84.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
athena | cannot play any avi files do not have the correct codecs installed | 04:36 |
athena | on ubuntu | 04:37 |
=== evfreshman2025 [n=mike@lnngmibas01-pool5-a157.lnngmi.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athena | 6.06 | 04:37 |
=== Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
NetersLandreau | i ask because every time i completely rebuild a box, it seems i lose some data i don't even realize for 6 to 8 months | 04:37 |
DaSkreech | athena: ubuntu? | 04:37 |
evfreshman2025 | can someone help me install Frostwire? | 04:37 |
DaSkreech | !frostwire | 04:37 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 04:37 |
athena | ubuntu 6.06 gnome, synaptic package manager | 04:38 |
=== thompa [n=thompa@c-68-53-84-214.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | athena: and you installed the long list of things that they have on the site? | 04:38 |
=== sangers [n=sangers@bas16-montreal02-1242357190.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athena | DaSkreech we thru the restricted formats page but when i got to the apt part it returned an erro and i could not go any further.. | 04:39 |
DaSkreech | athena: i think I may know the problem can You paste your sources.list ? | 04:40 |
DaSkreech | !paste | athena | 04:40 |
ubotu | athena: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 04:40 |
DaSkreech | athena: find the file /etc/apt/sources.list and put the contents there | 04:40 |
=== Shifty [n=dshiffle@va-71-48-131-221.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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athena | DaSkreech doing right know | 04:42 |
DaSkreech | ok | 04:42 |
=== felzix [n=felzix@c-24-5-196-117.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | macbook 2nd gen is working real good. yippee | 04:43 |
DaSkreech | ppc? | 04:43 |
=== frequency__ [n=frequenc@pd9e64b49.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | intel core 2 | 04:43 |
athena | DaSkreech http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16710/ | 04:43 |
rockstar-alt | hello | 04:43 |
thompa | the new ones, i upped ram to 2G | 04:43 |
thompa | the mac partition is only 4.5G | 04:44 |
thompa | beryl, madwifi, and touchpad are all working | 04:44 |
Shifty | Nice! | 04:44 |
s0undt3ch | hello ppl | 04:44 |
Shifty | my laptop isn't powerful enough to run beryl | 04:45 |
thompa | touchpad in linux is better than in osx way i got it | 04:45 |
Shifty | looks pretty though from what I've seen. | 04:45 |
thompa | there is a 3-4 finger touch for right click | 04:45 |
DaSkreech | athena: can you put the entire file please? | 04:45 |
s0undt3ch | Is there a way for me to "tunnel" every connection made from my kubuntu desktop through the company's http proxy(squid)? | 04:46 |
thompa | Shifty: it should work fine, what you got | 04:46 |
s0undt3ch | specially ssh connections | 04:46 |
s0undt3ch | and I did setup the proxy on the settings pannel | 04:46 |
s0undt3ch | but for example to use apt I need to export http_proxy | 04:46 |
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athena | DaSkreeh that is the entire file contents | 04:47 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@bl5-209-131.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | athena: Woah | 04:47 |
thompa | Shifty: ive installed beryl on some old laptops | 04:47 |
Shifty | really? | 04:47 |
DaSkreech | that's disturbing | 04:47 |
Shifty | I've got a 9 month old Dell D810 | 04:47 |
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DaSkreech | This is Ubuntu? | 04:47 |
Shifty | Kubuntu | 04:47 |
thompa | Shifty: it will work fine | 04:47 |
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Shifty | Well I'll give it another try | 04:48 |
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Shifty | Last time I tried it, I was using the 7.04 beta | 04:48 |
=== abe_ [n=abe@13-6-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shifty | So that might have had something to do with it. | 04:48 |
os2mac | How do you bring up the cube in Beryl? | 04:48 |
thompa | Shifty: are you running kubuntu, what version? | 04:48 |
athena | DaSkreeh: where do we go from here any ideas? | 04:48 |
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=== abe_ is now known as terrestre | ||
Shifty | Kubuntu 7.04 | 04:48 |
terrestre | someone with problem in the new feisty? | 04:48 |
terrestre | instalation | 04:48 |
thompa | os2mac: ctrl alt arrows | 04:48 |
terrestre | !es | 04:48 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 04:48 |
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os2mac | I don't get a cube... just a list of windows | 04:49 |
s0undt3ch | terrestre: I had several(installing it on an LG laptop) | 04:49 |
DaSkreech | athena: Did you put in those lines? | 04:49 |
thompa | os2mac: i use a lasermouse on my macbook intel | 04:49 |
terrestre | i cant, complete the instalation on a packarbell desktop pc, and on a friend pc | 04:49 |
athena | DaSkreeh: they where there? | 04:49 |
athena | DaSkreeh: they where there.. | 04:49 |
anakim | Why use the window? if you can use the door | 04:49 |
thompa | os2mac: are you running beryl or compiz? | 04:50 |
s0undt3ch | terrestre: what's the problem shown? | 04:50 |
os2mac | beryl | 04:50 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | athena: how did you install the OS? | 04:50 |
terrestre | freeze instalation in 82% on the configutarion apt | 04:50 |
thompa | os2mac: put your cursor over desktop background | 04:50 |
thompa | hold down ctrl alt, then arrows | 04:50 |
athena | DaSkreeh: via disc | 04:50 |
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thompa | os2mac: or click and drag | 04:51 |
DaSkreech | where did you get the disc? | 04:51 |
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s0undt3ch | terrestre: heh, you got further than me, I had to install some packages by hand in order for it to install, after that no problem | 04:51 |
thompa | ctrl + alt and click and drag works | 04:51 |
athena | DaSkreeh: back in 20 minutes | 04:51 |
os2mac | still not seeing the cube come up. | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | athena: ok | 04:52 |
thompa | os2mac: reload the window manger also try kde aqua | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | athena: Where did you get the disc? | 04:52 |
terrestre | s0undt3ch: actually i on feisty becasuse im on the beta release about a week, and i tell to friend to try kubuntu feisty and both with problems, | 04:52 |
athena | Linux User Magazine | 04:52 |
fakepatriot | can someone tell me how to install these icons http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal+Diamond+Icons?content=45576 or perhaps suggest some better ones? | 04:52 |
athena | DaSkreeh: Linux User Magazine | 04:52 |
terrestre | s0undt3ch: do you try ubuntu? or just kubuntu? | 04:52 |
DaSkreech | athena: ok I'll check it out | 04:52 |
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athena | DaSkreeh: Issue 63 | 04:53 |
athena | DaSkreeh: back in 20 minutes | 04:53 |
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DaSkreech | athena: Ok thanks I'll try be here | 04:53 |
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thompa | im not sure how well power management is working on c2d mac | 04:54 |
thompa | but in kde i can see messages at least | 04:54 |
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thompa | is wireless effected by scaling powersave vs on demand? | 04:55 |
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Doctor_Nick | probably | 04:55 |
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=== mj001 [n=mike@CPE0050fc727b74-CM0014e88f61fe.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | wireless is working suspicously well | 04:56 |
=== timothy [n=chatzill@pool-151-197-217-171.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
thompa | its the madwifi test build for core 2 macs | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | time to switch to amiga | 04:56 |
DaSkreech | Things are getting too easy in the land of linux | 04:56 |
Doctor_Nick | hell yeah dawg | 04:56 |
Doctor_Nick | lets play some maniac mansion | 04:57 |
=== brownedwg89 [n=Brownie@c-69-248-19-223.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Doctor_Nick | it was probably a bad idea to download the entire games universe repository | 04:57 |
thompa | i think im getting better reception on dynamic powersave setting | 04:57 |
Doctor_Nick | could be just coincidence | 04:58 |
thompa | Doctor_Nick: i did that once , some of the games were too weird | 04:58 |
Doctor_Nick | thompa: and half of them are clones of pac-man | 04:58 |
thompa | i was I could play bzflag on this | 04:58 |
Doctor_Nick | why cant you? | 04:59 |
thompa | im going to try again | 04:59 |
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Doctor_Nick | graphics card? | 04:59 |
thompa | it was kind of slow before, 0915 i think, | 04:59 |
=== felzix [n=felzix@c-24-5-196-117.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shifty | I have a Dell D810 with and ATI x300 gfx card. Anyone have a similar config that got beryl to work? | 05:00 |
thompa | Doctor_Nick: on the main pc i got nvidia card though, im going to try it on macbook here | 05:00 |
unix_infidel | does the alternate cd install everything....jeez | 05:00 |
=== gansinho_ [n=gansinho@c9535c21.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
s0undt3ch | terrestre: I tried both and even the alternate install cd, but my problem was that (k)ubuntu doesn't ship with my lan nor video card kernel modules | 05:00 |
thompa | how do i check for opengl info? | 05:00 |
gansinho_ | please how do I set up kontact to have it's own icon in system tray | 05:00 |
=== artabrahao [n=aabra@200-185-255-51.user.ajato.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
artabrahao | what happened with ubuntu-6.10-server-i386? | 05:01 |
Shifty | glxinfo | grep opengl | 05:01 |
Shifty | I think | 05:01 |
terrestre | s0undt3ch: edgy installation was ok the first time? | 05:01 |
thompa | tanks | 05:01 |
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Shifty | or, glxinfo | grep vendor | 05:01 |
=== whytheam [n=whytheam@d34-139.rt-bras.wnvl.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
s0undt3ch | terrestre: well I didn't try edgy on this laptop, I bought it 4 days ago :) | 05:02 |
Doctor_Nick | return it? :P | 05:02 |
whytheam | can I get the desktop effects in kde | 05:02 |
Shifty | yeah | 05:02 |
whytheam | how | 05:02 |
Shifty | Add/Remove programs | 05:02 |
dennister | hey pps, i've got some big mpg files (5+G) that I need to break into smaller chunks to archive, any recommendations as to a program to use? | 05:02 |
Doctor_Nick | ark? | 05:03 |
dennister | tried ark...keeps failing on me | 05:03 |
terrestre | s0undt3ch: aaah, mmm and now do you are using feisty? | 05:03 |
Shifty | 7-zip is my favorite | 05:03 |
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s0undt3ch | terrestre: yep :) | 05:03 |
dennister | 7-zip to break it into chunks? | 05:03 |
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s0undt3ch | terrestre: my only problem now is how to tunnel all connections, including ssh trough my company's squid proxy | 05:04 |
Doctor_Nick | how do you set up seperate x-servers for games and such? | 05:04 |
s0undt3ch | terrestre: on with with putty I'm able to do it, but on *nux I can't pass an http proxy to ssh | 05:04 |
=== hammer [n=hammer@S01060019214f2dfc.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== hammer is now known as the_hammer | ||
s0undt3ch | terrestre: s/with with/win with/ | 05:05 |
terrestre | s0undt3ch: thats way beyond my knoledge | 05:05 |
artabrahao | what happened with ubuntu-6.10-server-i386? To a server whatis better and more stable, 6.06 ot 7.04? | 05:05 |
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unix_infidel | ok, i'm pretty pissed off here, is the alternate cd installing EVERYTHING? | 05:05 |
the_hammer | anyone else here having any difficulties with time outs? | 05:05 |
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unix_infidel | its installing the entire DE and relatd apps. | 05:05 |
felzix | the_hammer: me | 05:05 |
the_hammer | every file i try i get timed out | 05:05 |
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Dr_willis | some of the servers are overloaded | 05:06 |
dennister | the_hammer: me too | 05:06 |
=== Gabz [n=gabriel@dsl-202-173-185-172.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
felzix | makes sense | 05:06 |
Shifty | Yeah I think the alternate CD is for non-network installs. | 05:06 |
Shifty | In case you can't update over the net. | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | alternate cd has a lot of uses. :) | 05:06 |
=== zours [n=zours@lns-bzn-61-82-250-67-120.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
unix_infidel | Dr_willis: i'm sure it does. | 05:06 |
stdin | unix_infidel: the alternate CD installs the same stuff as the desktop one | 05:06 |
Dr_willis | the alt cd Might have some extra packages onit however compared to the live cd. | 05:06 |
dennister | ack...and synaptic is crashing right after password | 05:07 |
=== unix_infidel downloads the minimal cd | ||
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the_hammer | synaptic is ok here just everything keeps getting time outs | 05:07 |
unix_infidel | i like doing a debian netboot sort of install | 05:07 |
Doctor_Nick | lets play some video games | 05:07 |
the_hammer | crazy cuz i got a ton of files im installing heh | 05:07 |
unix_infidel | only installing what i need and nothing more. | 05:07 |
unix_infidel | keep databases lean and mean. | 05:07 |
=== diego_cl [n=diego@pc-25-218-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
diego_cl | hi | 05:08 |
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-75-14-30-84.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== brconner [n=brconner@tark-a-150.resnet.purdue.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== stdin got his new laptop today, and feisty runs great on it :D | ||
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-75-14-30-84.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
diego_cl | wich power-point-viewer program is good and leightweigh ???? | 05:08 |
=== kkathman [n=kkathman@pool-68-238-147-210.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
unix_infidel | !minimal | 05:08 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip70-160-52-195.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 05:08 |
=== Rictoo [n=rictoo@adsl-75-14-30-84.dsl.hrlntx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rictoo | What's the name of the alternative to tuxracer again? | 05:08 |
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Doctor_Nick | supertuxracer | 05:09 |
Doctor_Nick | er | 05:09 |
Rictoo | lol | 05:09 |
Rictoo | no =p | 05:09 |
stdin | planet penguin? | 05:09 |
Doctor_Nick | tux kart? | 05:09 |
carutsu | !kde>carutsu | 05:09 |
Rictoo | something with penguin in it | 05:09 |
Rictoo | Doctor_Nick, no | 05:09 |
the_hammer | lol i like all those to | 05:09 |
Gabz | Rictoo: planet penguin racer | 05:09 |
Alonea | DaSkreech: I am doing pretty good. Just figuring out fiesty and doing homework | 05:09 |
the_hammer | ya should try torcs thats awsome | 05:09 |
carutsu | how do i turn of the 'active edges'? | 05:09 |
dennister | i'm getting lots of dependency errors, too, yet the required files to fix the dependences are "not installable" | 05:09 |
Rictoo | yeah, thanks Gabz :D | 05:09 |
mariano | Rencently installed ("compiled") nvidia driver, in kdm runs fine, but when I access with my user, kde desktop is at 58 hz refresh rate, and the controller shows as nv | 05:09 |
carutsu | i just don't know where i did enable them | 05:09 |
Gabz | my dvd-rom isn't reading dvds... :( | 05:10 |
ubuntu | hey guys, I dont know what my 3 year old did, but my pc wont boot into kde. there is just a black screen | 05:10 |
diego_cl | wich power-point-viewer program is good and leightweigh ???? ??????????? | 05:10 |
Dr_willis | heh heh. | 05:10 |
kkathman | greetings, I am trying to install an nvidia driver for kubuntu but when I do the sh NVIDIA driver file, it says that the kernel headers are missing, yet Synaptic reports they have been installed | 05:10 |
Gabz | ubuntu he unpluged the screen | 05:10 |
Rictoo | ubuntu, LOL | 05:10 |
ubuntu | lol | 05:10 |
Dr_willis | im not sure what a 3 yr old could do that could break that. other then powering off the monitor/cable | 05:10 |
Rictoo | yeah XD | 05:10 |
=== g35 [n=sumit@ool-18b88273.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | !tuxracer | 05:10 |
ubotu | Tuxracer is now renamed Planet Penguin Racer! The package is planetpenguin-racer in !universe. Enjoy. | 05:10 |
Rictoo | That's actually not true | 05:10 |
carutsu | anyone? | 05:11 |
diego_cl | please help!! I need any light program to see power point files! | 05:11 |
terrestre | !tuxkart | 05:11 |
Rictoo | TuxRacer was bought by some company and now costs money | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tuxkart - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:11 |
DaSkreech | Alonea: study well :) what course? | 05:11 |
Rictoo | and so someone made an open source clone of it called Planet Penguin Racer | 05:11 |
Rictoo | TuxRacer was bought by some company and now costs money | 05:11 |
Rictoo | and so someone made an open source clone of it called Planet Penguin Racer | 05:11 |
stdin | diego_cl: open them in open office | 05:11 |
Rictoo | UBOTU IS WRONG | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is wrong - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:11 |
g35 | can i install thunderbird 2 using apt-get? or is it not in the repos yet? | 05:11 |
brconner | i have an hptc4200 tablet and feisty got it working right away except for one thing. my "right-click" on the stylus is actually acting like the middle click. is there any way i can change this? | 05:11 |
Rictoo | UBOTU IS WRONG | 05:11 |
Rictoo | TuxRacer was bought by some company and now costs money | 05:11 |
Doctor_Nick | !butts | 05:11 |
Rictoo | and so someone made an open source clone of it called Planet Penguin Racer | 05:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about butts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:11 |
kkathman | !nvidia | 05:11 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:11 |
Alonea | DaSkreech: Well, finishing up a computer science review at the moment. got finals in 10 days. have some history work to do too... | 05:11 |
carutsu | !info mozilla-thunderbird | 05:11 |
ubotu | mozilla-thunderbird: Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client. In component main, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 10635 kB, installed size 29700 kB | 05:11 |
diego_cl | stdin, but the i have to install the whole suite, am i wrong? | 05:11 |
the_hammer | synaptic drivers for nvidia have never ever worked for me although unsupported and i can see alot of replies back lol but i never had any problems with automatrix2 the nivdia drivers and everything work great | 05:11 |
carutsu | nop, not yet | 05:12 |
g35 | carutsu, i downloaded the tar.gz | 05:12 |
g35 | how i install it | 05:12 |
carutsu | you have to compile it | 05:12 |
stdin | diego_cl: it's already installed, on a default install | 05:12 |
g35 | 2.0 that is | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | kkathman! | 05:12 |
carutsu | generaly ./install will make it | 05:12 |
ubuntu | how do I backup my stuff through a live cd? | 05:12 |
diego_cl | stdin, I installed the minimal system | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: where are you putting it? | 05:12 |
Hobbsee | g35: wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion | 05:13 |
ubuntu | crap!! good point | 05:13 |
carutsu | does anyone know where I can disable "active edges"? (you know the option in which you move your mouse to an edge then you change the desktop) | 05:13 |
kkathman | hiya Hobbsee - having some probs getting the nvidia driver installed :( | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: ahh :( | 05:13 |
ubuntu | wait, I have a flash drive | 05:13 |
the_hammer | synaptic sucks for flash and adobe to ya d/l from there and then ya get an error and have to manually d/l docs place into /tmp and then run apt-get upgrade BUT through automatrix2 i dont have to go through all that hash and trash | 05:13 |
stdin | !info pptview | diego_cl | 05:13 |
ubotu | diego_cl: pptview: view PowerPoint slide shows. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 8.0-5 (feisty), package size 1752 kB, installed size 3684 kB (Only available for i386) | 05:13 |
DaSkreech | Hi Hobbsee | 05:13 |
Doctor_Nick | ubuntu: you can change your name by typing "/name something" | 05:13 |
kkathman | Hobbsee: actually it started with me trying to get beryl installed, and I ran into probs there also | 05:13 |
Hobbsee | kkathman: yeah, well... :p | 05:14 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: there you go then | 05:14 |
Hobbsee | hi DaSkreech | 05:14 |
the_hammer | i had problems with beryl also | 05:14 |
DaSkreech | Fly Feisty! Lets go for Gutsy! | 05:14 |
the_hammer | Feisty lives upto its name lol fights ya no matter what ya do | 05:15 |
brconner | when's gutsy coming out? | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | !schedule | 05:15 |
ubotu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases | 05:15 |
Doctor_Nick | !ubuntu | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | !gutsy | 05:15 |
stdin | 7.10 = 2007/10 | 05:15 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 05:15 |
Doctor_Nick | :O | 05:15 |
Doctor_Nick | really?! | 05:15 |
ubotu | Gutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule | 05:15 |
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the_hammer | !mepis | 05:15 |
ubotu | Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems) | 05:15 |
Doctor_Nick | more like gusty gibbon | 05:15 |
carutsu | nobody knows about the active edges? | 05:16 |
brconner | does anyone know how i can change how my stylus works with my tablet? | 05:16 |
=== matrix [n=matrix@c-68-37-196-63.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Hobbsee: can you take a look at something? | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16710/ | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | someone's sources.list | 05:16 |
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=== ober0ne [n=ubuntu@bas3-london14-1096779976.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
g35 | Hobbsee, thanks a lot worked great | 05:16 |
brconner | the pointer works great i didn't need to install any drivers or anything on fesity, but the right click is acting like a middle click | 05:16 |
Dr_willis | brconner, i would say check/tweak/edit the xorg.conf file | 05:16 |
brconner | any ideas how i can change that? | 05:16 |
=== ross [n=ross@C-59-101-35-9.hay.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ober0ne | ok, having trouble with a re-install | 05:17 |
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ubuntu | I keep gettting an error when I go to mount my hard drive with a live cd | 05:17 |
brconner | i've already tried looking at the i think but i can't really tell what i would want to change | 05:17 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: What error? | 05:17 |
g35 | also if i have thunderbird 1.50 installed how can i uninstall that? | 05:17 |
ubuntu | mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 05:18 |
ubuntu | Please check that the device is plugged correctly. | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: try sudo mount | 05:18 |
stdin | ubuntu: in feisty, it would be sdb1 | 05:18 |
ober0ne | anyone know a way to stop the system from hanging at 1% while scanning mirrors at install | 05:18 |
ober0ne | ? | 05:18 |
ubuntu | ok | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | stdin: depends on if he has a sata or not | 05:18 |
athena | DaSkreeh: im back | 05:18 |
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
stdin | DaSkreech: nope | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | athena: ok | 05:18 |
athena | DaSkreeh: any new ideas | 05:18 |
ober0ne | nevermind, it's finally worked | 05:18 |
the_hammer | lol | 05:19 |
the_hammer | they been hanging all day | 05:19 |
stdin | DaSkreech: all ATA drives are handled by libsata now | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | athena: this isnt' a mediubuntu Cd? | 05:19 |
Rictoo | I'm bored | 05:19 |
Rictoo | Anything fun I can do on kubuntu>? | 05:19 |
athena | no it says ubuntu 6.06 | 05:19 |
ober0ne | :o | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: Amarok :) | 05:19 |
Rictoo | =/ | 05:19 |
stdin | Rictoo: play frozen-bubble, that's always fun | 05:19 |
Rictoo | Something other than Music =p | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | athena: hmm ok can you make a backup of that file | 05:19 |
Rictoo | frozen-bubble? | 05:19 |
ober0ne | yeah, one thing I didn't like about kubuntu was no games | 05:19 |
stdin | !frozen-bubble | 05:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about frozen-bubble - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:20 |
the_hammer | Rictoo kbfx superkaramba and beyrl :) | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | !frozen-bubble | 05:20 |
stdin | !info frozen-bubble | 05:20 |
ubotu | frozen-bubble: Pop out the bubbles !. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.0-1 (feisty), package size 150 kB, installed size 712 kB | 05:20 |
Rictoo | What's kbfx? =p | 05:20 |
carutsu | !kbfx | 05:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kbfx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:20 |
athena | DaSkreeh: no sure how to do that | 05:20 |
athena | DaSkreeh: not sure how to do that | 05:20 |
Rictoo | getting frozen-bubble atm | 05:20 |
Rictoo | it's 38mb | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: yeah they dumped the entier KDE games set | 05:20 |
Rictoo | What is it, exactly? | 05:20 |
ober0ne | *sigh* | 05:20 |
Rictoo | oh | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: it's one package install away though | 05:20 |
Rictoo | I se3e :D | 05:20 |
Rictoo | see* | 05:20 |
the_hammer | kbfx lets ya beef up the looks can even ame your linux system look exactly like vista :) | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | athena: just copy the file to somewhere safe | 05:21 |
diego_cl | thanks stdin... do you know any linux-native stand-alone aplication to see power point files ?? | 05:21 |
athena | ok | 05:21 |
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ober0ne | lol... more than one package for me... I'm installing dapper then upgrading to edgy, and then when my feisty cd comes in... | 05:21 |
DaSkreech | athena: or make a copy of it in the same folder with a different name | 05:21 |
Rictoo | wow, I love Feisty........ | 05:21 |
athena | DaSkreeh: done | 05:21 |
stdin | diego_cl: i just searched for "powerpoint" in adept | 05:21 |
=== charles__ [n=charles@dsl-220-253-78-170.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | sudo mount /dev/hdb1 ? | 05:22 |
athena | done | 05:22 |
ubuntu | is that right? | 05:22 |
athena | DaSkreeh: done | 05:22 |
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g35 | cna someone help me with this, i ran the install script for thunderbird 2.0 and i get this error message: http://pastebin.ca/450877 | 05:22 |
DaSkreech | !easysource | athena | 05:22 |
ubotu | athena: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 05:22 |
ober0ne | DaSkreech: I was recently using vista when it kind of died... I know the drives are good, but whatever they were using instead of boot.ini was corrupt | 05:23 |
athena | DaSkreeh: opening now | 05:23 |
ober0ne | is there a way to access the files on those drives? | 05:23 |
=== mgaribaldi [n=mgaribal@200-122-46-51.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu | ||
RawSewage | cool. I got Beryl running super easy | 05:23 |
RawSewage | http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-beryl-with-latest-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-feisty-fawn.html | 05:23 |
mgaribaldi | hi | 05:23 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: mount them | 05:23 |
ubuntu | sudo mount /dev/hdb1 ? | 05:23 |
stdin | g35: tried running the installer again? | 05:23 |
ubuntu | is that right? | 05:23 |
ober0ne | really? Kubuntu has support for ntfs drives? | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: check if you have a /dev/sda1 | 05:24 |
RawSewage | this is crazy | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: for reading | 05:24 |
ubuntu | how? | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | !ntfs | 05:24 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:24 |
ober0ne | !fuse | 05:24 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing using fuse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 05:24 |
=== chipbuddy [n=jeremy@adsl-69-236-98-187.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | ubuntu: sudo mount /dev/sda1 mountpoint | 05:24 |
chipbuddy | hello everyone | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: where are you mounting them to? | 05:24 |
ober0ne | that's great | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | athena: You are going to want the multiverse repos | 05:25 |
ubuntu | my hard drive wond boot into kde so I am on the live cd | 05:25 |
=== matrix_ [n=matrix@c-69-142-112-120.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | I'm trying to back up my files, but cant access my drive | 05:25 |
chipbuddy | so i'm actually using gnome, but this chat room is so much better than ubuntu i figured i'd try my question here | 05:25 |
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DaSkreech | ubuntu: Why won't it boot? | 05:25 |
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DaSkreech | chipbuddy: heehee don't let them know | 05:26 |
athena | i think so but i cannot save the file to the sources list | 05:26 |
athena | folder | 05:26 |
chipbuddy | i'm trying to get avi files to play. can i just go through synaptic? or will it be more involved than that | 05:26 |
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DaSkreech | !codecs | chipbuddy | 05:26 |
ubotu | chipbuddy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:26 |
DaSkreech | athena: i know | 05:26 |
ober0ne | ok, another question... I was talking to LjL earlier and he/she told me to do something about a sudo something something dist-upgrade | 05:26 |
Rictoo | the_hammer: What Vista theme for kbfx did you use? | 05:26 |
DaSkreech | can you pastebin it so I can read it? | 05:26 |
ubuntu | well, I rebooted and left the room........ I come back and my 3 year old is sitting in my chair with a big grin on his face | 05:26 |
chipbuddy | yeesh... i'm a software engineer, and when i saw "!codecs" i read in my head "not codecs" | 05:26 |
DaSkreech | chipbuddy: Yeah took me a while too | 05:27 |
stdin | chipbuddy: avi isn't a real format, it's just a container, it's probably some win codec, so try the w32codecs package | 05:27 |
DaSkreech | stdin: high% it's xvid or divx | 05:27 |
chipbuddy | ok, thanks guys... or girls... people | 05:27 |
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DaSkreech | chipbuddy: what about the robots? they don't get love? | 05:28 |
ubuntu | gotta go, the wifey is seducing me with a lovely outfit | 05:28 |
ober0ne | go get 'er | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | ubuntu: hohoho | 05:28 |
Rictoo | What kbfx theme do you guys recommend? | 05:28 |
chipbuddy | daskreech silly daskreech, robots can't love | 05:28 |
DaSkreech | chipbuddy: So you gotta give love to get? | 05:28 |
chipbuddy | rictoo: for for the smurf theme! | 05:28 |
Rictoo | smurf? :O | 05:29 |
=== redsmurf [n=redsmurf@61-229-42-150.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | sorry guys............... the pc can wait til tomorrow | 05:29 |
chipbuddy | yeah, it probably doesn't exist... but that would be awesome | 05:29 |
Rictoo | woah, was that a coincidence......? | 05:29 |
athena | DaSkreeh: how do i copy the updated file to the etc/apt/sources list folder? | 05:29 |
ober0ne | lol | 05:29 |
Rictoo | 222850 chipbuddy rictoo: for for the smurf theme! | 05:29 |
Rictoo | 222901 Rictoo smurf? :O | 05:29 |
Rictoo | 222907 this.join = new Join("redsmurf", n=redsmurf@61-229-42-150.dynamic.hinet.net, #kubuntu); | 05:29 |
Rictoo | That was a wierd coincidence............ | 05:29 |
=== Jack3 [n=Jack@pool-71-120-248-16.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
the_hammer | i cant remember but i got from kde-look.org to short cut it in the search there look for vista | 05:29 |
DaSkreech | athena: I would like to check it first can you put it on pastebin? | 05:30 |
athena | DaSkreeh: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16714/ | 05:30 |
=== jojay33 [n=jojay33@st074039212101.monm.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | athena: wonderful | 05:31 |
DaSkreech | athena: you are on kubuntu correct? | 05:31 |
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | DaSkreech: looking | 05:32 |
Hobbsee | DaSkreech: what about it? | 05:32 |
athena | ubuntu using gnome | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | Hobbsee: that's the entire sources.list | 05:32 |
athena | does the k stand for kde? | 05:32 |
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Jack3 | hmm | 05:33 |
Hobbsee | DaSkreech: so they're running medibuntu, not ubuntu, so can be sent to wherever medibuntu does support. looks like dapper+additions | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | athena: alt+F2 -> gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list -> password -> paste file and save | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | athena: KDE | 05:33 |
Jack3 | both gparted and partition magic give me erorrs when trying to resize my NTFS windows disk | 05:33 |
Jack3 | is it cause i need to deFrag? | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | Jack3: try defrag it | 05:33 |
Jack3 | yeh im doin so now | 05:33 |
Jack3 | just gonna take a year | 05:34 |
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uzip | hola | 05:34 |
uzip | k tal | 05:34 |
diego_cl | hola | 05:34 |
soulrider | !es | 05:34 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:34 |
uzip | quien m,e puede ayudar | 05:34 |
soulrider | hola :) | 05:34 |
DaSkreech | athena: plus you get us :) we are way nicer than the ubuntu folks :) | 05:34 |
DaSkreech | don't tell them though :) | 05:34 |
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DaSkreech | athena: got the editor? | 05:34 |
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uzip | alguien que me diga como instalar los driver de sonido de una dell gx1 | 05:35 |
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soulrider | !es | uzip | 05:35 |
ubotu | uzip: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 05:35 |
athena | DaSkreeh: just updated the file | 05:35 |
DaSkreech | Hobbsee: apparently there is a magazine handing out "ubuntu" cds with that | 05:35 |
DaSkreech | athena: Ok you should be able to follow the wiki page now | 05:36 |
unix_infidel | ok, the mini iso doesnt seem to be working. | 05:36 |
Hobbsee | DaSkreech: wouldnt surprise me. they should call it medibuntu though | 05:36 |
diego_cl | !magic point | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about magic point - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:36 |
unix_infidel | is there a way i can possibly do things the way debian does its netboot iso? | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | that's what I was thinking | 05:36 |
diego_cl | !magic_point | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about magic_point - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:36 |
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diego_cl | !magicpoint | 05:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about magicpoint - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:36 |
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DaSkreech | !minimal | 05:36 |
ubotu | The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 05:36 |
unix_infidel | DaSkreech: as i mentioned the mini.iso doesnt seem to be booting. | 05:37 |
DaSkreech | unix_infidel: there is a way to get the Alternate to do that as well | 05:37 |
DaSkreech | !netboot | 05:37 |
ubotu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues | 05:37 |
unix_infidel | DaSkreech: how exactly? | 05:37 |
Dr_willis | any sort of net isntall - will be real slow at this time. | 05:37 |
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DaSkreech | unix_infidel: ^^^^ | 05:37 |
Rictoo | OW | 05:38 |
Rictoo | FROZEN-BUBBLE IS SO FUN | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: Dirt slow | 05:38 |
ober0ne | ok, so how do I mount sata drives in dapper? | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: have you played multiplayer? | 05:38 |
Rictoo | nope | 05:38 |
=== sonoftheclayr [n=luke@C-59-101-231-1.bur.connect.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | now THAT is cool | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: /dev/sdn# | 05:38 |
=== The_Machine [n=alex@adsl-68-253-100-73.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ober0ne | how do I know the sdn# | 05:38 |
Rictoo | im not good enough for multiplayer yet :) | 05:38 |
ober0ne | like sda1 or such | 05:38 |
The_Machine | How do i change the time FROM military time in Fiesty? :/ | 05:38 |
sonoftheclayr | what is a good ripping app? | 05:38 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: /dev/sd<tab><tab> | 05:39 |
The_Machine | regular 12 hour time is better :) | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | sonoftheclayr: Amarok | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | or k3b | 05:39 |
ober0ne | huh? | 05:39 |
stdin | sonoftheclayr: k3b and amarok | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | ooohooh | 05:39 |
sonoftheclayr | thanks | 05:39 |
ober0ne | I'm sorry... I'm still really new | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | sonoftheclayr: a Audiocd ripper? | 05:39 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: you are mounting from the command line? | 05:39 |
ober0ne | yes | 05:40 |
ober0ne | oddly enough I don't know how to do it from the gui | 05:40 |
The_Machine | anyone? help with the time? | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | !tab | ober0ne | 05:40 |
ubotu | ober0ne: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 05:40 |
athena | DaSkreeh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats but cannot run the apt part returns an error | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: tab auto completes the lines for you | 05:40 |
ober0ne | ohhh cool | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | athena: What error? | 05:41 |
ober0ne | dos didn't do that | 05:41 |
ober0ne | :D | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | heehee | 05:41 |
Dr_willis | my dos did :) | 05:41 |
ober0ne | ok, when I tab I get a beep | 05:41 |
athena | DaSkreeh: hold on | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: Did it twice? | 05:41 |
stdin | The_Machine: you mean the clock in the system tray? | 05:41 |
ober0ne | yes, I got two beeps | 05:41 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: Probably don't have a sata drive then | 05:42 |
ober0ne | but no autocomplete | 05:42 |
The_Machine | yes, stdin.. it's 24 hour format | 05:42 |
The_Machine | would like 12 | 05:42 |
ober0ne | they're both sata | 05:42 |
The_Machine | i can't figure out how to change it | 05:42 |
athena | DaSkreeh: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16719/ | 05:42 |
stdin | The_Machine: Right click the clock, click Date & Time Format, go to the Time & Dates tab | 05:43 |
ober0ne | the hardware is the easy part... it's the software that buggers me up | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | you have to restart KDE to get the clock to realize that its changed.. | 05:43 |
Dr_willis | whichis sort of silly. :) or restart that clock some how. | 05:43 |
ober0ne | once you start making it think, there's a problem | 05:43 |
stdin | The_Machine: use the dropdown list in the "Time format" part to change it | 05:43 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: does /dev/hd<tab><tab> give you anything? | 05:43 |
stdin | Dr_willis: restart kicker | 05:43 |
ober0ne | just a beep | 05:44 |
stdin | Dr_willis: that would do it | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | yea - i never can rember how to do that. :) | 05:44 |
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ober0ne | no characters or anything | 05:44 |
DaSkreech | athena: did you do a sudo apt-get update ? | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | i guess im just weird in that i think the clock should see the format changed and restart. :) | 05:44 |
athena | DaSkreeh: via terminal | 05:44 |
stdin | Dr_willis: either "killall kicker && kicker" or "dcop kicker kicker restart" | 05:44 |
ober0ne | I'm working on a fresh install of dapper... very fresh | 05:44 |
Dr_willis | or at least have a time settingformat just FOR the clock. not having to use the kde-wide time format. | 05:44 |
=== sangers [n=sangers@bas16-montreal02-1242357190.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Dr_willis kicks kicker | ||
DaSkreech | !tab | athena | 05:45 |
ubotu | athena: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 05:45 |
DaSkreech | athena: yes in the terminal | 05:45 |
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The_Machine | hmm | 05:45 |
athena | DaSkreeh: So what am i doing wrong? | 05:46 |
=== flake [n=rmcdanie@6532142hfc81.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
unix_infidel | is there a way to do a server install using the alternate cd? | 05:47 |
flake | I'm runnin 6.10, it says 7.04 is available and I can upgrade - if I do, will it wipe my php/apache settings among other stuff? | 05:47 |
stdin | unix_infidel: i think it gives you the option at the boot menu | 05:47 |
Dr_willis | !java | 05:47 |
ubotu | To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 05:47 |
soulrider | flake: i dont see why it would wipe them | 05:47 |
stdin | flake: no, it will just upgrade | 05:48 |
=== Duder29 [n=Duder29@pool-71-171-187-107.chi01.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | athena: you did the audo apt-get update ? | 05:48 |
flake | ok thanks | 05:48 |
athena | Doing it know | 05:48 |
Duder29 | has anyone successfully installed kubuntu 7.04 on a microsoft virtual machine? | 05:49 |
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Duder29 | im getting a destorted black screen at the login prompt | 05:49 |
DaSkreech | !microsoft | 05:49 |
ubotu | For help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents | 05:49 |
athena | DaSkreeh: ok it has completed | 05:50 |
zerothis | !equivalents | 05:51 |
ubotu | A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant | 05:51 |
=== yotux [n=nathan@24-196-148-18.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
athena | DaSkreeh: please see results http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16721/ | 05:51 |
Rictoo | meh | 05:51 |
g35 | stdin, yeah i did, can anyone help me with this error i get when i try running the mozilla thunderbird install script: http://pastebin.ca/450877 | 05:51 |
Rictoo | at lvl 20 of frozen-bubble, I got tired | 05:52 |
Rictoo | lol | 05:52 |
Rictoo | =/ | 05:52 |
yotux | Can anyone point me a the direction of a good place to find out how to create iptables rules? | 05:52 |
stdin | Rictoo: I've compleated it before (level 100) | 05:52 |
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Rictoo | wow | 05:52 |
Rictoo | nice :O | 05:52 |
stdin | took forever tho :p | 05:52 |
ober0ne | *sigh* all I want is my sata drives | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | athena: so the codecs installed? | 05:54 |
Rictoo | ok | 05:54 |
Rictoo | Now that I played frozen-bubble, what other games are there? :S | 05:54 |
Rictoo | :D* | 05:54 |
the_hammer | if your wanting libdvdcss and w32codecs try automatrix2 :) | 05:54 |
stdin | NO | 05:54 |
stdin | don't | 05:55 |
Dr_willis | ick. | 05:55 |
stdin | !automatix | 05:55 |
ubotu | Automatix2 is a CLOSED SOURCE script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 05:55 |
athena | DaSkreeh: just finished do i need to reboot? | 05:55 |
Dr_willis | theres no need to use automatix much if at all.. from what ive seen in feisty. | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | athena: no | 05:55 |
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g35 | !thunderbird | 05:55 |
ubotu | a FOSS email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox, both by the Mozilla Foundation. To make your thunderbird links open in firefox see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60427 | 05:55 |
stdin | !games | 05:55 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and ubuntugames.org | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | athena: you can pretty much assume that yuo don't need to reboot | 05:55 |
purpleposeidon | !nethack | Rictoo | 05:56 |
athena | ok let me test it then | 05:56 |
Dr_willis | Gotta love Closed source 'scripts' :) | 05:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nethack - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:56 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: are you on Kubuntu? | 05:56 |
the_hammer | works for me ive never had any problems with it | 05:56 |
purpleposeidon | awwww, you FAIL, ubotu | 05:56 |
the_hammer | not even when i ran edgy | 05:56 |
g35 | stdin, yeah i did try to run it again | 05:56 |
Rictoo | dennister: Yes | 05:56 |
DaSkreech | chipbuddy: how goes? | 05:56 |
stdin | g35: was it the same output the 2nd time, or different ? | 05:56 |
Rictoo | DaSkreech: yes* | 05:56 |
g35 | same | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: have adept open already? | 05:57 |
soulrider | !software > uzip | 05:57 |
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=== Dr_willis looked at the Automatix web site once.. and his pc exploded... | ||
Dr_willis | :) | 05:57 |
Rictoo | I just use apt-get in konsole ;) | 05:57 |
stdin | g35: got a link to the install script ? | 05:57 |
g35 | sure | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: alt+space -> type adept -> enter | 05:57 |
the_hammer | this is horrible | 05:57 |
the_hammer | http://pastebin.ca/450917 | 05:57 |
Rictoo | DaSkreech: Why? | 05:57 |
DaSkreech | athena: how are you? | 05:57 |
Rictoo | WOW | 05:58 |
g35 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ThunderbirdNewVersion | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: To amuse me :) | 05:58 |
Rictoo | ALT+SPACE IS SO COOl | 05:58 |
Rictoo | WHEN DID THEY ADD THAT | 05:58 |
the_hammer | stuff like this is gonna make ppl turn away from 7.04 | 05:58 |
athena | DaSkreeh: Working like a treat thanks for all your help much appreciated.. | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | athena: sure | 05:58 |
Hobbsee | Rictoo: ages ago. most pepole dont know | 05:58 |
Rictoo | :O | 05:58 |
Rictoo | it's awesome | 05:58 |
g35 | wtf is alt+space? | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: ok so is adept open? | 05:58 |
Rictoo | yeah | 05:58 |
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DaSkreech | !katapult | g35 | 05:58 |
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ubotu | g35: katapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want. | 05:58 |
the_hammer | heck with it ive had enough im scrappin this | 05:59 |
the_hammer | bbl | 05:59 |
=== amigrave [n=amigrave@37.193-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
amigrave | how can I disable the "remote shares" icons to appear on the desktop when a samba share is mounted? I desactivated it in desktop behaviour but they are still there | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: You see where it has tags? Smart available and all ? | 05:59 |
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Rictoo | yeah | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | Ok go to all and scroll down to use | 05:59 |
DaSkreech | Expand that and look for gameplaying | 05:59 |
g35 | cool | 05:59 |
Rictoo | COOOL | 06:00 |
Rictoo | THANKS <3 | 06:00 |
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DaSkreech | Rictoo: drag the word gameplaying to tags that I want | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | it will filter out all non game apps | 06:00 |
Rictoo | I figured it out :) | 06:00 |
Rictoo | ;DD | 06:00 |
Rictoo | AWESOME <3 | 06:00 |
Rictoo | some of the files have a kubuntu logo next to them | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | if you want to be leet you can drag the needs gnome to tags I don't want :) | 06:00 |
Rictoo | what's that mean? | 06:00 |
themanmike | !bugs | 06:00 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots | 06:00 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: means they are officialy backed by Kubuntu | 06:01 |
Rictoo | ok | 06:01 |
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Rictoo | where is the 'needs' tag | 06:01 |
nixternal | anyone else having issues with amarok and feisty? | 06:01 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: Hmm it's been a while since I opened amarok | 06:01 |
pierre_ | upgraded to feisty and the sound is gone...:-( | 06:02 |
DaSkreech | nixternal: I know that I had to re apt-get install libxine-extracodecs | 06:02 |
nixternal | it is just sittin' and spinnin' | 06:02 |
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nixternal | nah, no need for extra-codecs | 06:02 |
nixternal | this is a fresh feisty 64 install | 06:02 |
=== Shifty [n=dshiffle@va-71-48-131-221.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Rictoo | rolldice: "A virtual dice roller" | 06:02 |
Rictoo | W T F | 06:02 |
Rictoo | Who would use that? :\ | 06:03 |
Shifty | does anyone know how you get the view of the cube as if you're looking at a box? | 06:03 |
Shifty | in beryl? | 06:03 |
Rictoo | you mean from the outside? | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: DND FTW!! | 06:03 |
Shifty | yes | 06:03 |
Rictoo | It's in the settings somewhere | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | Shifty: turn on the cube plugin | 06:03 |
Shifty | haha I know, there's a million of them. I'm sorting through them now. | 06:03 |
Rictoo | DaSkreech: DND? | 06:03 |
Rictoo | ..\ | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | D&D ? | 06:04 |
Rictoo | D&D ? | 06:04 |
Rictoo | ... | 06:04 |
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Rictoo | What are you talking about? :D | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | Rictoo: you are so un geekish :) | 06:04 |
Krimreaper | How do I install ubuntu 7.04 with a Ati Radeon X850 XT when it i get a blank screen on install ? | 06:05 |
Rictoo | DaSkreech: Unfortunately :( | 06:05 |
stdin | g35: you sure you ran it again, the output couldn't have been the same | 06:05 |
ober0ne | does anyone know how to upgrade dapper to edgy through command line? | 06:05 |
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DaSkreech | Krimreaper: try it with safe graphics mode? | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | !upgrade | 06:06 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 06:06 |
Krimreaper | tried it | 06:06 |
Krimreaper | didnt work | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | ober0ne: Lke that ^^^ with some obvious changes | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | Krimreaper: Hmm alternate cd? | 06:06 |
ober0ne | ok, that works | 06:06 |
ober0ne | thank you... I looked for like half an hour for something/anything | 06:06 |
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Krimreaper | it also wont work for ubuntu 6.10 and the support site says my graohics card is compatible | 06:07 |
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DaSkreech | Krimreaper: really should work then. | 06:08 |
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DaSkreech | Might be something else | 06:08 |
matrix_ | how can i fetch my emails using fetchmail and have them marked by spamassassin? | 06:08 |
DaSkreech | Krimreaper: the alternate CD will most likely work though | 06:08 |
ober0ne | ok, so I tried to run the command it told me to, and my computer told me it had no clue what I was talking about | 06:09 |
Krimreaper | what do u mean by the alternate cd | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | !alternate | 06:09 |
ubotu | The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD. | 06:09 |
=== tidiman07 [n=tidiman0@adsl-155-179-231.asm.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Krimreaper | yeah well even when i install it on an alternative computer i still cant boot ubuntu with the video card | 06:10 |
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Rictoo | crap | 06:11 |
Krimreaper | it doesnt make much sense but could it be something about the sus motherboard | 06:11 |
DaSkreech | Krimreaper: no :-) I meant use the alternate Cd :) | 06:11 |
Rictoo | I used the blast program and now there are holes in my irssi | 06:11 |
Rictoo | -.- | 06:11 |
Krimreaper | ASUS motherboard | 06:11 |
DaSkreech | Krimreaper: It's not a live cd so It doesn't care what video card you have | 06:11 |
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sixty_mls | ober0ne: what comman did you run? | 06:12 |
stdin | ober0ne: follow this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuUpgrade | 06:13 |
stdin | sixty_mls: I'm thinking "!upgrade" | 06:14 |
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Krimreaper | what i dont get is that this video card is supposed to work with 3D accelaeration and everything but it wont work on my computer | 06:14 |
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eakbas | how do I upgrade from dapper to feisty? | 06:16 |
Shaddox | Hi everyone. | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | Krimreaper: I'm sure it can but live Cd's aren't magic | 06:16 |
stdin | eakbas: you have to upgrade to edgy, THEN feisty | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | Close | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | but not quite | 06:16 |
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eakbas | daskreech: ok, then how do I proceed? | 06:16 |
Shaddox | I'm a new Ubuntu user, but I'd like to try out the KDE environment. Can anyone tell me what's special about KDE and such? I don't feel like looking it up and feel like making more friends anyways. :D | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | eakbas: stdin is correct | 06:17 |
Krimreaper | k ill try that then | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Near everythign is special | 06:17 |
stdin | eakbas: follow: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuUpgrade then https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 06:17 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: I'm using apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, so I'll be sure to see h ow, but what's special about it? | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: more power and looks better Neater applications and you get to hang out with us | 06:17 |
Doctor_Nick | ok | 06:17 |
DaSkreech | #kubuntu is the real draw :-) | 06:18 |
Doctor_Nick | so how do i do everything that automatix does without using automatix :/ | 06:18 |
eakbas | daskreech:thank you | 06:18 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: it's really just KDE with the ubuntu philosphy applied to it | 06:18 |
Doctor_Nick | plus KDE is way better than gnome ;d | 06:18 |
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DaSkreech | Shaddox: What do you like about gnome? | 06:19 |
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stdin | it's for dumb people :p | 06:19 |
nu- | Whenever i click a hyperlink in konversation, it opens with bluefish. anyone know how to make it open with firefox? | 06:19 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: It's Simble. So is Kubuntu still ubuntu, but with KDE instead of Gnome? Or is it completely seperate? | 06:19 |
Doctor_Nick | shaddox: the first one | 06:20 |
Shaddox | Doctor_Nick: Ah, is it compatible with regular Ubuntu? | 06:20 |
stdin | nu-: Settings -> Configure Konversation -> General -> use custom web browser. put "firefox " in there | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: first guess is right :) | 06:20 |
Shaddox | Sweet | 06:20 |
Shaddox | At least here people talk to me | 06:21 |
Shaddox | I tried to get help in #ubuntu and got completely ignored for 3 hours X_x | 06:21 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: see told you that #kubuntu rokks :) | 06:21 |
Hobbsee | Shaddox: it has lots of people. that happens :P | 06:21 |
Shaddox | So you guys already got bonus points | 06:21 |
Doctor_Nick | thats because it moves way faster | 06:21 |
nu- | stdin: thanks man | 06:21 |
g35 | stdin, hey | 06:21 |
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Shaddox | What about compatibility with windows-only programs Steam and XFire? | 06:21 |
radioaktivstorm | hello, I am trying to fix my settings in gnome, kde seems to have overridden the color and theme settings. i figured out how to fix the theme, but for some reason; the color of the window border is not working. | 06:21 |
Shaddox | Cause ubuntu botches both, X_x | 06:21 |
radioaktivstorm | it stays the same color | 06:21 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Same :) | 06:22 |
Shaddox | Gah | 06:22 |
Shaddox | Well then | 06:22 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: you tried Wine ? | 06:22 |
Shaddox | I'll need to keep cedega | 06:22 |
stdin | g35: I got the error you did the 1st time, not the 2nd tho | 06:22 |
DaSkreech | cedega would be the way to go | 06:22 |
Shaddox | Yeah | 06:22 |
Shaddox | But I can't afford it | 06:22 |
Shaddox | Torrents are my friend :D | 06:22 |
Shaddox | That and FINALLY having my DNS set up :D | 06:22 |
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Shaddox | Idid | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | Oh | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | anyone here from England? | 06:24 |
Shaddox | Wine botched my friends list, DaSkreech | 06:24 |
Shaddox | In XF | 06:24 |
Shaddox | And would absolutely refuse to let Steam run | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Yeah that' happens sometimes. It'll get better | 06:24 |
stdin | DaSkreech: Birmingham here | 06:26 |
Shaddox | Well | 06:26 |
Shaddox | Once I install package kubuntu-desktop | 06:26 |
Shaddox | How do I run KDE in a seperate window | 06:26 |
Shaddox | So I don't have to reboot and lose my touchy connection | 06:26 |
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stdin | Shaddox: why would you have to reboot to load kde? | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | stdin: Do you remember a BBc program that took someone out of their job and trained them to do something totally different and then a bunch of experts had to pick out if he was fake or not? | 06:27 |
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g35 | stdin, yeah me too, i got it thansk | 06:27 |
nicolas | hello | 06:27 |
ober0ne | how does one go about getting an update manager? | 06:27 |
Shaddox | Cause I'm a linux noob. :D | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: You can just logout and back in choosing KDE | 06:27 |
Shaddox | Erm | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: do you have xnest installed? | 06:27 |
Shaddox | Xnest? Yeah | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | sweet run it | 06:27 |
dsmith | when I run sudo apt-get update, nothing hapens | 06:27 |
Shaddox | I use it to log in as root in Gnome to change perms on files i need now and then | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | It shoudl give you a login screen | 06:27 |
dsmith | i am vnc'd on a remote machine | 06:27 |
stdin | DaSkreech: vaguely | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | stdin: remember what it was called? | 06:28 |
nicolas | I need to make a shell script with sudo..but i want that the password petition autocomplete... | 06:28 |
Shaddox | I couldn't get my remote logins working X_x | 06:28 |
nicolas | I need to make a shell script with sudo..but i want that the password petition autocomplete...SOME HELP?? | 06:28 |
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stdin | DaSkreech: nope, sorry | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | nicolas: make a new user and give them passwordless sudo | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | run the script as that person | 06:28 |
dsmith | what wouls stop apt-get from updating? | 06:28 |
stdin | nicolas: you could just run the script with sudo | 06:28 |
radioaktivstorm | :( can does anyone know how to fix this issue with the colors? | 06:28 |
Shaddox | So wait | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: one hundred million computers hitting the servers ? | 06:28 |
Shaddox | I just run 'xnest'? | 06:29 |
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dsmith | oh! | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: sure | 06:29 |
dsmith | I forgot | 06:29 |
dsmith | haha | 06:29 |
dsmith | stil???? | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | tell me when the login comes up | 06:29 |
dsmith | *still | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: till this time next week | 06:29 |
dsmith | wait, let me revise my question | 06:29 |
stdin | dsmith: try to find a "less known" mirror | 06:30 |
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DaSkreech | My friend is trying to get the PS3 iso and it's going at 5k | 06:30 |
dsmith | when I apt-get update, on my laptop it asks for a password and runs the script | 06:30 |
dsmith | on this remote box nothing happens it just to a blank prompy | 06:30 |
dsmith | *prompt | 06:30 |
dsmith | thats what I was referring to | 06:30 |
g35 | stdin, i installed thunderbird and it said successfully installed and now when i run it, it wont work | 06:31 |
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dsmith | i never see repos fly past | 06:31 |
g35 | you know what i thought would be a good idea for KDE or any OS, automatic tab word completion, like a cell phone but it autocomples when you press tab | 06:31 |
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stdin | g35: what happens when you try to run it? | 06:32 |
g35 | it says thundebrird loading then it just doesnt do anything | 06:33 |
g35 | then the thunderbird running icon just goes away | 06:33 |
=== athena [n=athena@c58-107-210-141.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
stdin | try running it in konsole, to check for errors | 06:33 |
stdin | "mozilla-thinderbird" | 06:33 |
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g35 | yep, nothing | 06:33 |
athena | DaScreeh: How do configure RPD for incoming request? | 06:33 |
stdin | g35: try "thunderbird" then | 06:34 |
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g35 | nothign either | 06:34 |
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dsmith | g35, thunderbird runs fine on my machine, what version? | 06:34 |
Doctor_Nick | how do i set up kubuntu so that it automatically detects and mounts ntfs partitions | 06:34 |
stdin | dsmith: 2.0 | 06:34 |
dsmith | thats the latest ver. | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | !mount | Doctor_Nick | 06:35 |
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dsmith | hmmmmm | 06:35 |
ubotu | Doctor_Nick: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | should do it by default | 06:35 |
Doctor_Nick | I have an external usb drive | 06:35 |
Hobbsee | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions is better | 06:35 |
dsmith | g35, try removing the program | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: you don't have sudo privilges on the laptop | 06:35 |
dsmith | I do, but this other machine something is not right | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | !tab | g35 | 06:36 |
ubotu | g35: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 06:36 |
dsmith | g35: try removing thunderbird from Konsole | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: on the other machine if you are doing a sudo something and it's not doing it then you don't have rights | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: are you near the faulty machine? | 06:37 |
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dsmith | I understand that. No its in Houston, TX | 06:37 |
dsmith | lol | 06:37 |
dsmith | one sec. | 06:37 |
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dsmith | on my laptop sudo apt-get update asks for password | 06:38 |
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dsmith | on the other machine it wont do it | 06:38 |
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DaSkreech | dsmith: and nothing flies by | 06:38 |
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dsmith | no | 06:38 |
dsmith | that is whats baffling me | 06:39 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: Hm, I have xnest for gnome nested logins, but for some reason I can't just run xnest. | 06:39 |
g35 | dsmith, why should i remove it? you mean reinstall it? | 06:39 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: do a sudo echo I r root | 06:39 |
Shaddox | Er...it gives me an error. | 06:39 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: oh? | 06:39 |
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dsmith | g35: yes | 06:39 |
zerothis | what irc should i go to to get cdemu working? | 06:39 |
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dsmith | bash: r not found? | 06:40 |
dsmith | dont you mean, sudo echo | root | 06:41 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: Server is already active for display 0 | 06:41 |
Shaddox | If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock | 06:41 |
Shaddox | and start again. | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | no sudo echo "i r root" | 06:41 |
dsmith | oh | 06:41 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: hmm ok | 06:41 |
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dsmith | ok it took the cmd | 06:42 |
dsmith | nothing happened | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | did it echo back ? | 06:42 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: I can't log out, unfortunately, cause if I try, my display will botch up completely till I reboot. | 06:42 |
dsmith | nothing | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: sounds like you need to fix X :) | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: You don't have sudo then | 06:42 |
dsmith | ok | 06:42 |
dsmith | so I log out log in as admin and add him as sudo? | 06:42 |
dsmith | that would explain why | 06:42 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: that wasn't the first user on the machine I'll warrant | 06:43 |
stdin | Shaddox: use "Xnest :1" (the :1 means open on display 1 (the 2nd one)) | 06:43 |
dsmith | yes, we have a default main | 06:43 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: well all other new users are not added to the admin group | 06:43 |
dsmith | hmmm | 06:43 |
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DaSkreech | login as that user and add whoever you would like to be able to adminisiter the box to the admin group | 06:44 |
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DaSkreech | dsmith: they get full sudo rights | 06:44 |
dsmith | ok, once I install the progs they need | 06:44 |
dsmith | then I can go back and remove then | 06:44 |
dsmith | thx | 06:44 |
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Shaddox | stdin: Thanks it worked. :D | 06:44 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: Hmm? | 06:44 |
stdin | :) | 06:45 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: Now, Xnest is up, now what? | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: You should have a option that says sessions ? | 06:45 |
dsmith | log off, login as full admin | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: remove what? | 06:45 |
dsmith | I understand now | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: You don't need to log off | 06:45 |
dsmith | I'll figure it out | 06:45 |
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DaSkreech | you can su | 06:45 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: No, it's what X looks like when there's no GUI loaded, the X cursor on the greyscale screen. | 06:45 |
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dsmith | eh? | 06:45 |
dsmith | oh! | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | su adminuser | 06:45 |
stdin | Shaddox: try "DISPLAY=:1 startkde&" | 06:45 |
Doctor_Nick | why doesnt kubuntu have hal automatically installed | 06:45 |
DaSkreech | then run the commands | 06:45 |
Shaddox | stdin: Huh? | 06:46 |
Shaddox | stdin: So what do I need to put into my console? | 06:46 |
dsmith | ok | 06:46 |
stdin | Shaddox: that should start KDE on display :1 for you | 06:46 |
stdin | Shaddox: just type: DISPLAY=:1 startkde& | 06:46 |
stdin | Shaddox: exactly as shown | 06:46 |
reldruh | hello. I mounted some pictures using sshfs and the mount went successfully but when I try to open the pictures in any program, even konqueror it's incredibly slow. Gwenview took a full 5 minutes to open a single picture but it all works fine if I access them over fish:/. Does anybody know why that happens or how I can fix it? | 06:47 |
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | WHOOPS! | 06:47 |
Shaddox | I hit Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 06:47 |
Shaddox | But my display didnt glitch | 06:47 |
Shaddox | So now I'm in KDE | 06:48 |
Shaddox | Looks neat so far ^^ | 06:48 |
dsmith | ok, when I type su | 06:48 |
stdin | oh well, even better :p | 06:48 |
dsmith | it asks for passwd | 06:48 |
anyo | Hi guys! How can I get my right ALT key working in Kubuntu 7.04 ? | 06:48 |
dsmith | well, its not taking any of the passwds | 06:48 |
dsmith | :( | 06:48 |
Shaddox | ^^ | 06:48 |
Shaddox | Yeah, i like it so far | 06:48 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: what did you type in ? | 06:48 |
DaSkreech | just su ? | 06:48 |
Shaddox | But the bottom bar reminds me way too much of Windows X_x | 06:48 |
dsmith | at the prompt | 06:48 |
dsmith | su | 06:48 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: it's su username | 06:49 |
stdin | Shaddox: change it then | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | so su adminuser | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | Egads! a bottom bar! :) | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | and then put in the password for adminuser | 06:49 |
Shaddox | stdin: I've never even seen KDE till now. No idea how. X_x | 06:49 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: grab it and drag it to the top | 06:49 |
Dr_willis | drag it to the side. :) | 06:49 |
Shaddox | Ahh, neat. ^^ | 06:50 |
stdin | Shaddox: Right click it, -> Configure panel | 06:50 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: works now? | 06:50 |
stdin | Shaddox: there are SOO many options your head will explode :p | 06:50 |
=== Dr_willis goes BAM! | ||
dsmith | one sec, kinda slow over vnc | 06:50 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: eek ssh ftw ! :) | 06:51 |
anyo | Hi guys! How can I get my right ALT key working in Kubuntu 7.04 ? | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | vnc to ssh, to ssh back. to vnc again. :) | 06:51 |
Doctor_Nick | ok, after installing hal and pmount, its still not mounting | 06:51 |
Dr_willis | Hmm my right alt key works. | 06:51 |
dsmith | su (admin) passwd worked | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | anyo: wonderful question | 06:52 |
anyo | Dr_willis: doesn't work ......... didn't work in edgy either | 06:52 |
Shaddox | O_O | 06:52 |
Shaddox | So far im liking this ^^ | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: neat so you can then install whatever you want there | 06:52 |
anyo | I thought it would work in 7.04 | 06:52 |
dsmith | ok thx a bunch | 06:52 |
anyo | I guess I have to change some setting but I have look and no luck | 06:52 |
Dr_willis | anyo, i woudl guess either the kleyboard is broken.. or you got some keyboard/language setting. | 06:52 |
DaSkreech | dsmith: if you are super lazy you an su (username) -c command to run | 06:53 |
Shaddox | Will Cedega work in KDE? | 06:53 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: sure | 06:53 |
anyo | language setting ... what should I choose ?......... keyboard is fine in suse | 06:53 |
Dr_willis | cedega can work with just X and no window manager at all. :) | 06:54 |
Dr_willis | anyo, try american/english? | 06:54 |
Shaddox | Er | 06:54 |
Shaddox | But Cedega is generating strange errors now... | 06:54 |
dsmith | wow, this persons DSL connection is slow | 06:54 |
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dsmith | :( | 06:54 |
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dsmith | ssh ftw? | 06:54 |
Dr_willis | Cedega is good at generating strange messages | 06:54 |
dsmith | I am running ssh | 06:54 |
neurovore | Hello, again guys... | 06:55 |
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Shaddox | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Major opcode: 148 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Minor opcode: 3 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Resource id: 0x0 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Failed to open device | 06:55 |
Shaddox | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Major opcode: 148 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Minor opcode: 3 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Resource id: 0x0 | 06:55 |
Shaddox | Failed to open device | 06:56 |
DaSkreech | !paste | Shaddox | 06:56 |
Shaddox | I've never seen that before X_x | 06:56 |
ubotu | Shaddox: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 06:56 |
stdin | !baddevice | Shaddox | 06:56 |
Shaddox | Eh, I know I know | 06:56 |
ubotu | Shaddox: If you are receiving an error similar to this: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors | 06:56 |
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Dr_willis | Shaddox, thats just a warning from the wacom tablet thats in the xorg.conf file | 06:56 |
Doctor_Nick | ugh | 06:56 |
Shaddox | okay | 06:56 |
Dr_willis | Shaddox, you can ignore that. | 06:56 |
Shaddox | but is it good bad or harmless or what. X_x | 06:56 |
Shaddox | okay than | 06:56 |
Doctor_Nick | ok, pmount mounts my usb drive, but i have to do it EVERY TIME i plug it in | 06:56 |
=== dsmith is now known as Doctor_Detroit | ||
Doctor_Nick | is there a more elegant solution | 06:56 |
Doctor_Detroit | :) | 06:56 |
Shaddox | so what's the main difference between KDE and GDM? | 06:56 |
Dr_willis | or edit it out of the xorg.conf | 06:56 |
Dr_willis | KDM = login manager for kde. GDM = login manager for gnome. | 06:57 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: one is a desktop and one is a login screen | 06:57 |
stdin | Shaddox: GDM is a display manager, KDE is a desktop environment | 06:57 |
Shaddox | Er | 06:57 |
makuseru | when i upgraded from Edgy lastnight i got 5 packages saying they didnt install correctly, i have been googling all day, and have tried various things with adept and dpkg and cant get them to install correctly, can someone please help me (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16726/ error report) | 06:57 |
Shaddox | I meant Gnome and KDE >.< | 06:57 |
=== Dr_willis assumes he typoed | ||
Dr_willis | :) | 06:57 |
neurovore | I was trying to format my other hard drive last time I was here...I suddenly had to leave, so I did not quite get what all I had to do. I have never formatted a hard drive in either windows or Linux before, so any help would be appreciated. | 06:57 |
Dr_willis | You can install gnome and kde both on the same box and try them both out | 06:57 |
stdin | Shaddox: KDE is more configurable (with GUIs too) | 06:57 |
Shaddox | i did | 06:57 |
Shaddox | but im not smart with linux | 06:57 |
Shaddox | ive only used it for a week X_x | 06:58 |
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Shaddox | mostly server stuff on my server machine | 06:58 |
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Dr_willis | the login screen has a 'menu' you can use to select gnome, or kde. try them out.. have fun. :) | 06:58 |
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Shaddox | i did | 06:58 |
Shaddox | thats how i got into kde on accident ^^ | 06:58 |
Jack313 | hey guys, im trying to use the gparted on the live disc to resize my windows partition | 06:58 |
Jack313 | and i keep getting this damn error to check filesystem for possible errors | 06:58 |
Jack313 | and ive done check disk /f and defrag | 06:59 |
Doctor_Detroit | Question: is sun-java6-jdk ok to install? | 06:59 |
neurovore | I have one hard drive that I am running linux on...it is about 60 gb in size, then I have the one that I want to format that is 500 gb in size. I just want to use it for startage space. | 06:59 |
DaSkreech | neurovore: What do you want to format it to? | 06:59 |
Shaddox | okay so now i know alot about kubuntu, what's xubuntu? | 06:59 |
Doctor_Detroit | ..or should I use | 06:59 |
Doctor_Detroit | !xubuntu | 06:59 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 06:59 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: A slowly growing mass :( | 06:59 |
neurovore | How do I set it up so that its icon appears on my desktop and so I can use it purely as a file storage disk? | 07:00 |
Shaddox | X_x | 07:00 |
Shaddox | but what is it? | 07:00 |
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Doctor_Detroit | xbuntu, is for lowend machines | 07:00 |
neurovore | Unlike my original PATA drive that I have Linux on, this is a SATA drive. | 07:00 |
Dr_willis | !xubuntu | 07:00 |
ubotu | xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels | 07:00 |
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DaSkreech | Shaddox: xfce is a lightweight desktop | 07:01 |
DaSkreech | !xfce | 07:01 |
Shaddox | ah. | 07:01 |
Shaddox | okay, well i suppose i should check out kubuntu DVD-iso downloads | 07:01 |
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DaSkreech | Shaddox: however I think the project has outgrown it's purpose | 07:01 |
Dr_willis | i dotn see much point in the dvd-downloads. | 07:01 |
ravan | can i make kpdf use acroread's fonts? | 07:01 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: why? you just installed it | 07:01 |
Shaddox | i know | 07:01 |
Shaddox | but i need to do a clean install/format | 07:01 |
DaSkreech | It's the same thing :) | 07:02 |
Shaddox | i have too much crap i've tried to do and failed at | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Did you learn from it? | 07:02 |
Shaddox | no | 07:02 |
omegabeta | Question: I chose to upgrade Kubuntu to fesity from efty but it got to around an hour left and told me it needed te restart services or some such from a list? and that i should reboot or something.. i was not quite sure, So I rebooted but now kubuntu is broken and when i log in it just reatarts x back to the login, if i simply put the fiesty (ubuntu)disk in will that let me install and keep all files? | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | :-P | 07:02 |
Shaddox | noone helps me out till i came in here :/ | 07:02 |
DaSkreech | omegabeta: it boots but you can't loginto kde ? | 07:02 |
neurovore | DaSkreech: I can wait until you are finished with Shaddox if you are busy. | 07:03 |
omegabeta | it logs in to kde for 5 seconds then quickly restartx back to the login | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Well when you reinstall see if you can make a /home partition | 07:03 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: For what? | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | omegabeta: May be some setting try moving your .kde folder | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: it's very useful. | 07:03 |
Shaddox | I can't even get torrent.ubuntu.com to come up | 07:03 |
makuseru | when i upgraded from Edgy lastnight i got 5 packages saying they didnt install correctly, i have been googling all day, and have tried various things with adept and dpkg and cant get them to install correctly, can someone please help me (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16726/ error report) | 07:03 |
omegabeta | the thing is, the install can not have finished, as there was still an hour left of the update when the prompt came up initially that i rebooted from | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: used Windows before? | 07:03 |
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Shaddox | DaSkreech: I used to windows till last week. | 07:03 |
kalorin` | anyone know what happens if you put ddr2 ram in a machine that usually only runs ddr? | 07:04 |
kalorin` | specifically an athlon64 machine | 07:04 |
=== Toyd [i=Toyd@207-37-215.ftth.xms.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | makuseru: normally I just delete the cache files and reinstall | 07:04 |
omegabeta | so its bound to be broken, can i just install the ubuntu fiesty cd and chose an option to keep all my files etc? | 07:04 |
DaSkreech | omegabeta: then finish the install from the cli | 07:04 |
Toyd | Hello, how can i install kiba dock on kubuntu? | 07:04 |
omegabeta | how can i finish the install? i cant get in to kde | 07:04 |
Toyd | !kiba dock | 07:04 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kiba dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:04 |
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makuseru | DaSkreech: how do i do that | 07:05 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: ever put all your data on one drive so when you have to reinstall Windows you can just format and not worry about losing all your data ? | 07:05 |
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DaSkreech | makuseru: you know which 5 packages it is? | 07:05 |
makuseru | yes | 07:05 |
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DaSkreech | omegabeta: can you get to the command line ? | 07:05 |
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kalorin` | wow, DDR2 800 ram for $104 for 2gb | 07:05 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: No, not really. | 07:05 |
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DaSkreech | makuseru: find them in the folder /var/cache/apt/archive and remove them | 07:06 |
Shaddox | I never had to format till i screwed ntoskrnl.exe up last week and decided to try linux | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: how many times have you reinstalled windows ? | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | Oh wow :) | 07:06 |
Shaddox | Cept now i can't get to the torrent place to get kubuntu dvd :/ | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: you hve the ubuntu live dvd ? | 07:06 |
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Shaddox | no | 07:06 |
Shaddox | i have ubuntu on regular CD | 07:06 |
Shaddox | it was all i had at the time. ^^ | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | live ? | 07:06 |
Shaddox | i bought DVD's last week | 07:06 |
Shaddox | so i can burn a dvd-rom | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | the desktop cd ? | 07:07 |
Shaddox | yeah | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | Ah ok :) | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | Well I'm going to bed | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | night all | 07:07 |
Kubuntu_noob | why not dl from www.kubuntu.com? too slow? | 07:07 |
neurovore | Goodnight. | 07:07 |
Shaddox | I want the DVD image. | 07:07 |
Shaddox | Not just regular CD | 07:07 |
=== jager [n=jag@12-214-107-171.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | I want to finally have a reason to burn a dvd, lol | 07:08 |
Kubuntu_noob | they have it there don't they? | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | they should | 07:08 |
Shaddox | torrent.ubuntu.com is not responding :/ | 07:08 |
=== dewey [n=dewey@c-67-168-51-149.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Jack313 | DaSkreech, after running Defrag and chkdsk, I still cant Gparted to work | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: hammered | 07:08 |
Jack313 | it just says check filesys for errors | 07:08 |
Jack313 | so i want to try and use the force command on NTFSresize | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | umm | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | that's outside my knowledge :) | 07:09 |
Jack313 | :9 | 07:09 |
Shaddox | This is the website it links me to | 07:09 |
Shaddox | http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty/release/dvd/ | 07:09 |
Shaddox | But for some reason it fails to come up | 07:09 |
Toyd | Hello, how can i install kiba dock on kubuntu? | 07:10 |
Toyd | !kiba dock | 07:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kiba dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:10 |
Toyd | kiba dock please some one | 07:10 |
Toyd | kiba dock where is it | 07:10 |
Toyd | i want the kiba dock please | 07:10 |
Toyd | please it looks so kewl i got to have it | 07:10 |
Toyd | help me please someone | 07:10 |
Toyd | why was i ignored | 07:10 |
neurovore | Since Daskreech is going to bed, does anybody else know anything about adding a second hard drive under Linux? | 07:10 |
Toyd | please i beg of you | 07:10 |
Toyd | kiba kiba | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | !info kiba-dock | 07:11 |
ubotu | Package kiba-dock does not exist in feisty | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | !dock | 07:11 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:11 |
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | !search kiba | 07:11 |
ubotu | Found: | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | stupid bot | 07:11 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, power down.. plug it in.. fdisk it. format it , mount it. | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: he (assuming it's a he) has never formatted anythign before | 07:12 |
neurovore | What do you mean by fdisk? | 07:12 |
DaSkreech | Jack313: how are you connected to irc ? | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | theres a large # of 'adding drives to linux' howtos out that cover the basics. | 07:12 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, use fdisk, or gparted to 'partition' the drive | 07:12 |
Dr_willis | gparted can also format the drive | 07:13 |
neurovore | Hold on... | 07:13 |
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=== Dr_willis holds on..........*ugh* | ||
khaije1 | after the network-scripted upgrade from edgy to fiesty my computer won't boot, the last message i see on the screen is "fsck exited with a status of 1" | 07:13 |
khaije1 | any ideas what could fix this? | 07:13 |
Dr_willis | hmm there was some sort of disk manager tool out also.. but never used it. | 07:14 |
Shaddox | ugh | 07:14 |
Shaddox | forget it | 07:14 |
Shaddox | i give up >.< | 07:14 |
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: alt+space -> system -> press enter -> disk and filesystems | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | khaije1, the drive may of gotten currupted? boot the isntall cd. go to the console and try fscking the drive manually? | 07:14 |
Dr_willis | DaSkreech, seems i dont have katapult running by default :) | 07:15 |
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: I should kick you :) | 07:15 |
Dr_willis | DaSkreech, this is a fresh install of feisty - seems its not enabled by default | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: system settings has a Disk management | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Dr_willis: blaaaasphemy! | 07:16 |
khaije1 | Dr_willis: ya, i sucks because i didn't have that much time to work with it before i had to go to work | 07:16 |
Jack313 | DaSkreech, through the ubuntu LIve CD | 07:16 |
neurovore | It is listed under disk and file systems as ST3500641AS_MBP | 07:16 |
Dr_willis | systemsettings->advanced tab -> disk & filesystems | 07:16 |
Jack313 | my hdd is fine | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Jack313: So that's Xchat then ? | 07:16 |
Jack313 | Konversation | 07:16 |
DaSkreech | Jack313: ah ok then press F2 and add a new server | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | make the server name irc.gnome.org | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | and connect to it | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | join the room #gparted | 07:17 |
neurovore | Dr_willis: I am in it now. | 07:17 |
Jack313 | thanks daskreech | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | by typing /join #gparted in the line | 07:18 |
Jack313 | yeh i know how to use irc :P | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | Jack313: they would be the best people to help if they are awake :) | 07:18 |
Jack313 | alright cool | 07:18 |
Toyd | where can i ask about kiba dock which channel? | 07:18 |
Toyd | does anyone can help help me bitte please leute ich mein it really good | 07:18 |
Dr_willis | could go to the kiba-dock homepage and see what irc channels they got - if any | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | Jack313: if you don't mind getting geeky then you can ask in #parted on freenode | 07:19 |
Dr_willis | or just try #KDE | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | Toyd: this one can help | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | !find kiba | 07:19 |
Toyd | !find kiba | 07:19 |
ubotu | Package/file kiba does not exist in feisty | 07:19 |
Toyd | !find kiba | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | !find kiba-dock | 07:19 |
neurovore | Dr_willis: So now that I am under disk and file systems and looking at the system setting of my drives, what should I do? | 07:19 |
ubotu | Package/file kiba-dock does not exist in feisty | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, you proberly Should read some tutorials on partitioning of hard drives, if you are not carefull you can erase your system | 07:20 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, if using gparted. theres a pull down menu to select the drive to parttion. then just use the 'new' button to make a new parttion or 2. | 07:21 |
Dr_willis | !find libphysfs | 07:21 |
ubotu | Found: libphysfs-1.0-0, libphysfs-dev | 07:21 |
khaije1 | Dr_willis: i was more just wondering if this is a known issue or if there has been a correlation w/ the upgrade | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | khaije1, what issue? i muse of missed somthing. :) | 07:22 |
DaSkreech | Toyd: try kxdocker | 07:22 |
Dr_willis | i always do clean installs ;) | 07:22 |
khaije1 | Dr_willis: my machine suddenly not booting after the upgrade | 07:22 |
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Toyd | DaSkreech, i want kiba-dock perse | 07:23 |
Toyd | kiba rulez | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | khaije1, could be a lot of things that could do that. | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | Toyd, go get the source then i guess. | 07:23 |
khaije1 | Dr_willis: i actually didin't intend to do a net upgrade, it was sorta an accident | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | khaije1, heh heh :) | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | khaije1, gotta hate whwn that happens. | 07:23 |
neurovore | Hold on...okay, sorry for the confusion...the hard drive that I am trying to format is a hard drive that does not have anything on it. I have Kubuntu on another hard drive. I just heard from somebody that you have to format a hard drive before you can use it. I just want to use this other hard drive for storage under Kubuntu. | 07:23 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, if its TOTALLY empty and not partitooned.. it must be 'partioned' befor you can even format it. | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, fire up gparted. select the new drive. delete any partitions on it (if any) be SURE you pick the right hd. then make a new partition, format it. | 07:24 |
neurovore | What is "gparted"? | 07:24 |
khaije1 | Dr_willis: no doubt, it's horrible UI design, if you click yes anywhere on the popup request it cannot be cancelled, which is just wacky | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | !gparted | 07:24 |
ubotu | GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type sudo apt-get install gparted in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 07:24 |
Shaddox | well im getting kubuntu | 07:24 |
Shaddox | see y'all when im done :D | 07:24 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, or learn to use the 'fdisk' command. or the other partitning tools | 07:25 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, or try the KDE partitoning tool | 07:25 |
pingveno_ | I'm having a bit of a problem with installing cvs. The package is broken, so I'm reinstalling. apt-get install cvs totally freezes my computer. I think it might be filesystem because some odd messages are printed to vt1. | 07:25 |
neurovore | What is the KDE partioning tool called? | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | systemsettings->advanced->Disks & Filesstems | 07:25 |
Dr_willis | not sure if that tool can partition. it may just be for mounting stuff | 07:25 |
unix_infidel | lol, so far tonight, feisty has frozen a total of 4 times in vmware. | 07:25 |
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unix_infidel | during the initial install process! | 07:26 |
neurovore | Okay...it does not seem to have an option for partioning...let me go with the fdisk command...hold on... | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | but at least it will show you the layout of your hard drives | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | gparted is proberly easier to use. :) | 07:26 |
Dr_willis | do you know what 'device' the new hd is on? | 07:26 |
neurovore | I do not have gnome. | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, you can just install gparted :) | 07:27 |
Dr_willis | its almost too handy to not have. | 07:27 |
neurovore | Hold on... | 07:27 |
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dave_mc | hello can someone give me some quick help with emerald | 07:29 |
neurovore | Anyway...to make a long story short, my motherboard has both serial slots and PATA slots...I wanted to put empty hard drive as a slave to my other one, but then I saw that I could not connect it to my original hard drive without getting an adapter. However, I noticed that I could just plug it into one of the serial ports on the motherboard. | 07:29 |
dave_mc | beryl loads fine but emerald dont seem to have any themes so i get no window borders | 07:29 |
neurovore | So both my hard drives are by themselves and listed as "master". | 07:30 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, it has a 'device' like /dev/hda or /dev/sda and so on for each device. you need to be sure you are formating the correct drive | 07:31 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, 'sudo fdisk -l' should show all drives and their partitons and devices | 07:32 |
neurovore | Okay...I am running gparted now. | 07:32 |
neurovore | My unused disk is being called "unallocated". | 07:32 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, yep.. thats correct. | 07:33 |
Dr_willis | its not in a partition so its unallocated | 07:33 |
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dave_mc | wow the system keeps saying adept is running but its not | 07:33 |
neurovore | So I just go to "add partition"? | 07:33 |
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Dr_willis | yep | 07:34 |
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | Hi everyone, how do I burn things to a CD? | 07:34 |
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Dr_willis | !k3b | 07:35 |
ubotu | k3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto | 07:35 |
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Toyd | !nero | 07:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nero - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:35 |
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fakepatriot | can someone help me out? whenever beryls trie to start up i get a 'composite manager failure' error? i don't know how to fix it... | 07:35 |
Toyd | shame on you ubotu | 07:35 |
Shaddox | Nero is windows-only, windows fails. X_x | 07:35 |
Toyd | !Nelson Mandela | 07:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nelson mandela - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:35 |
Shaddox | !flamethrower | 07:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about flamethrower - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:35 |
Shaddox | D: | 07:35 |
Toyd | What the hell its your mascotte ubotu | 07:35 |
Toyd | shame on you | 07:35 |
Dr_willis | theres a nero-linux | 07:35 |
themanmike | help, kubuntu won't recognize my 2nd cd drive | 07:35 |
Shaddox | I must make my own irc bot that knows stuff about flamethrowers! :D | 07:36 |
Toyd | ;p | 07:36 |
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themanmike | anybody? | 07:36 |
=== Toyd was made by Richard Stallman during the love summer of 66' | ||
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neurovore | Dr. willis: It will not let me make a partition using all of the size on the drive. | 07:36 |
Dr_willis | themanmike, edit the fstab file and add a entry for it.. or perhaps try the 'disks and fileysystems' settings tool. | 07:36 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, and how much is it not letting you use? | 07:37 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: where is the file? | 07:37 |
fakepatriot | please someone...i really need help... | 07:37 |
Shaddox | okay | 07:37 |
Shaddox | boes K3b support writing data files? | 07:37 |
Dr_willis | themanmike, in /etc/ | 07:37 |
Shaddox | cause im not burning music ^^ | 07:37 |
themanmike | k | 07:37 |
Dr_willis | Shaddox, of course. | 07:37 |
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Shaddox | i am burning music, i mean, but not as an audio CD | 07:38 |
Shaddox | im making a backup DVD, and then im gonna format and install kubuntu feisty | 07:38 |
Dr_willis | Shaddox, you can backup data files to cd/dvd with k3b quite easially. | 07:38 |
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shogouki | kubuntu FF is damn good :) | 07:38 |
neurovore | 465.75 | 07:39 |
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neurovore | 465.75 | 07:39 |
Dr_willis | its not letting you use 465mb? | 07:39 |
neurovore | It says that maximum is 476938, but when I enter in that value under the "free space preceeding" box, it reduces the partition to | 07:39 |
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Toyd | lol my pc is entangled ;/ | 07:39 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, use the sliders perhaps? not entering #'s | 07:39 |
neurovore | 465.75 | 07:39 |
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fakepatriot | whenever beryl tries to startup i get a 'composite manager failure' error? can someone please help? | 07:39 |
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neurovore | Hold on... | 07:40 |
=== Dr_willis holds on and goes Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. | ||
Toyd | weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 07:40 |
neurovore | Fixed it. | 07:40 |
Toyd | yioppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 07:41 |
dave_mc | so does anyone know how to fix emerald so i can get some themes? | 07:41 |
Toyd | where is nalioth when you need him | 07:41 |
robotgeek | Toyd: why do you need him? | 07:41 |
Toyd | nalioth knows everything about kubuntu | 07:41 |
neurovore | Now I have two more questions that are software related, and quite a stupid ones. | 07:41 |
Toyd | robotgeek, help | 07:41 |
Toyd | nalioth is the best | 07:42 |
robotgeek | Toyd: can you ask your question please? | 07:42 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, after partitioning the drive. tell it to 'format' then you need to use the 'apply' (or was it save) button to do the actual changes | 07:42 |
Toyd | i want to install kiba-dock on kubuntu cant find a decent tutorial via google | 07:42 |
neurovore | Apply...and now it partitioning the drive. | 07:42 |
=== Shaddox [n=Shaddox@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | hi everyone again | 07:42 |
Toyd | hi | 07:42 |
neurovore | Dr willis: Do you have time for my other two questions? | 07:42 |
Toyd | :OD | 07:42 |
Shaddox | i put in a blank DVD but k3b and kde dont say i have a blank DVD inserted | 07:42 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, sure why not.. :) | 07:43 |
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robotgeek | Toyd: this seems to have a deb here, http://gnomefreak.youmortals.com/Feisty/ | 07:43 |
prak | how do i upgrade from edgy to feisty using a cd? | 07:43 |
robotgeek | !upgrade | 07:43 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 07:43 |
neurovore | First one...how do I run flash applications under the firefox browser...I keep getting the green plugin symbol for flash stuff. | 07:43 |
Shaddox | im on 7.04 dailt build. X_x | 07:44 |
Toyd | thanks robotgeek | 07:44 |
dave_mc | dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 07:44 |
dave_mc | thats what i get when i try to install emerald-themes | 07:44 |
robotgeek | dave_mc: sudo dpkg --configure -a :) | 07:44 |
dave_mc | just did that | 07:44 |
dave_mc | get same message | 07:44 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, install flash :) | 07:44 |
Dr_willis | !find flash | 07:44 |
artabrahao | in console how can I chance ip, netmask, gatway and dns? | 07:45 |
ubotu | Found: flashybrid, libflash-dev, libflash-mozplugin, libflash-swfplayer, libflash0c2 (and 4 others) | 07:45 |
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Dr_willis | !flash | 07:45 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:45 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 07:45 |
robotgeek | dave_mc: even after dpkg --configure -a? | 07:45 |
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neurovore | I thought that I did install flash already but it does not seem to be working... | 07:45 |
dave_mc | no it worked when i just tried it again | 07:45 |
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Dr_willis | yoy may need to restart the browser after installing it | 07:45 |
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dave_mc | beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32 | 07:46 |
dave_mc | beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32 | 07:46 |
dave_mc | beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32 | 07:46 |
dave_mc | now i get these errors | 07:46 |
neurovore | The computer was shut down since then. I installed it yesterday. I downloaded a program that is called "flash plugin-nonfree". That might not have been the right one. | 07:47 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: how do you edit it? | 07:47 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, sounds right to me.. i installed that just recently and it worked. not sure what to do to doublecheck/make it work however. | 07:47 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: the fstab file | 07:48 |
neurovore | Where I go looking for it? I cannot find it in the menu. | 07:48 |
Dr_willis | themanmike, its a text file. that must be edited with root prviliges. (back it UP first also!) | 07:48 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, flash is a firefox plugin. it dosent have a menu item. | 07:48 |
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themanmike | Dr_willis: yes, i know, but what do you add? | 07:48 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, see if youtube.com works. it may be the site you are trying | 07:49 |
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Dr_willis | themanmike, depends :) could look and see what entry it has for your other cd. and copy/edit it. | 07:49 |
themanmike | just a sec | 07:49 |
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neurovore | It works...never mind, I was confusing it with something else. | 07:49 |
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neurovore | This brings me to my next question...what do I use to play wmv files? | 07:50 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16742/ | 07:50 |
Jack313 | ugh | 07:50 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: Line 16 is my edited one | 07:50 |
Jack313 | I wish I could just freken resize my damn partition so i can install kubuntu | 07:50 |
makuseru | i had to get my sources from source-o-matic but it dosnt have the repos for universe and multiuniverse, how can i get thoes repos? | 07:51 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, i would take .wmv files and drag them to the trash. :) | 07:51 |
kruepke | artabrahao: you use the 'ifconfig' command for ip/netmask, 'route' command for gateway, and update /etc/resolv.conf for dns | 07:51 |
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Dr_willis | themanmike, save it and see if it works. :) | 07:52 |
neurovore | I wish, but when you have an embedded wmv file in a website that you are trying to view, it presents a problem. | 07:52 |
Dr_willis | the mplayer plugin for firefox might let you see it. | 07:52 |
Dr_willis | i cant recall the last site i saw that used wmv's embeded.. | 07:52 |
Dr_willis | i tend to avoide such sites. :) | 07:53 |
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themanmike | Dr_willis: I did, rebbot, nothing | 07:53 |
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Dr_willis | themanmike, you dident need to reboot. | 07:53 |
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themanmike | Dr_willis: wasn't sure | 07:54 |
Dr_willis | themanmike, try popping in a cd and see if you can mount it. | 07:54 |
Dr_willis | manually, or from the systemmenu/places thing. | 07:54 |
neurovore | Okay..Dr. willis, here is my third question...how do I create an icon for my other hard drive on my desktop? | 07:54 |
Xsecrets | Anyone had or know about problems with the at package in fiesty? | 07:54 |
dave_mc | hmm wont install java plugin for firefox adept keeps giving errors yaaay | 07:55 |
jonathan__ | hi! | 07:55 |
jonathan__ | add me please! | 07:55 |
jonathan__ | pribadi111@yahoo.com | 07:55 |
jonathan__ | I want to learn more about ubuntu | 07:55 |
Dr_willis | add you where? | 07:56 |
Doctor_Nick | ugh | 07:56 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, make a shortcut/link from /media/whateveryoumounteditas to the desktop | 07:56 |
Doctor_Nick | i installed everything in the medibuntu repository but my divx movies still aren't playing | 07:56 |
jonathan__ | add ne at pribadi111@yahoo.com | 07:57 |
jonathan__ | hello dr_wilis | 07:58 |
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jonathan__ | nice to meet you@ | 07:58 |
dave_mc | beryl: No GLXFBConfig for depth 32 | 07:59 |
dave_mc | any help with this please? | 07:59 |
themanmike | Dr_willis: nope | 08:00 |
jonathan__ | hi! | 08:00 |
jonathan__ | add me please | 08:00 |
jonathan__ | if you can using linux | 08:00 |
jonathan__ | add me | 08:00 |
Dr_willis | themanmike, may want to check some of the mount howto/docs - you may be usign the wrong device for the cd | 08:01 |
jonathan__ | pribadi111@yahoo.com | 08:01 |
themanmike | Dr_willis; ya, k | 08:01 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, you realize that most people in here proberly dont want to use yahoo messenger. | 08:01 |
=== Ichilegend [n=ichilege@pool-71-246-7-41.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan__ | oh... | 08:01 |
Dr_willis | thats why they are on irc. :) | 08:01 |
jonathan__ | maybe msn? | 08:01 |
jonathan__ | I'm using kopete | 08:01 |
Dr_willis | if you want to learn more about linux and ubuntu. the ubuntu/kubuntu homepage/wiki is the place to start reading. | 08:02 |
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jonathan__ | yep | 08:02 |
jonathan__ | what is your e-mail? | 08:02 |
Dr_willis | you dont need my email | 08:02 |
jonathan__ | why> | 08:02 |
Dr_willis | exactly.. WHY... | 08:02 |
jonathan__ | ha2 | 08:02 |
jonathan__ | I want to ask you a question | 08:03 |
Dr_willis | bgates@msn.com | 08:03 |
jonathan__ | ok | 08:03 |
Dr_willis | youve had time to ask several. :) | 08:03 |
jonathan__ | why when I'm using private messages | 08:03 |
jonathan__ | I can't chat to the other people? | 08:03 |
jager | because it's private? | 08:04 |
Dr_willis | because you dont have your Nick registered with the nickserver | 08:04 |
Dr_willis | would be my guess | 08:04 |
neurovore | Dr willis: what does "mount" mean under disk and file sytems? | 08:04 |
jonathan__ | how to register? | 08:04 |
jager | haha nice | 08:04 |
jager | i get it | 08:04 |
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@209-180-234-31.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | note the MOTD when you joined. :) or try /msg nickserv help | 08:05 |
jonathan__ | can u ? | 08:05 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, a partition has to be 'mounted' to be accesable to the system. | 08:05 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, the drive is mounted to a directory known as the 'mount point' | 08:06 |
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dhilip89 | hello, i'm first time using kubuntu | 08:06 |
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neurovore | why does it keep calling it /proc? | 08:06 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, /proc is a SPECIAL directory | 08:06 |
Ichilegend | Welcome dhilip89 | 08:07 |
Dr_willis | not sure what you are looking at.. :) but you dont want to mount your hd to /proc | 08:07 |
dhilip89 | i have a question | 08:07 |
jonathan__ | I'm lucky to install kubuntu on my virtual pc | 08:07 |
Ichilegend | shoot | 08:07 |
unix_infidel | jonathan__: exactly. | 08:07 |
unix_infidel | i gave up after the installer crashed 4 different times. | 08:07 |
jonathan__ | hi unix_infidel | 08:07 |
neurovore | What should I mount as being if I am only using it for a storage device? | 08:07 |
jonathan__ | what crashed? | 08:08 |
Dr_willis | i find vmware works nicely | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | what di u installed? | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | yes | 08:08 |
dhilip89 | is it possible to apt-get install kde 4.0 pre-release for testing | 08:08 |
unix_infidel | Dr_willis: i was using vmware. | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | I'm usong vmware too | 08:08 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, /media/whaeveryouwanttocall it | 08:08 |
Dr_willis | 'virtual pc' - isent that the MS product. then theres vmware, and VirtualBox as alternatives | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | yes | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | I'm using vmware | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | it's good | 08:08 |
Dr_willis | i find vmware works better for me. | 08:08 |
jonathan__ | I'm already add you dr_wilis | 08:09 |
neurovore | Does it matter if it says "disabled" by it? | 08:09 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, disabled inples to me that its not enabled. :) | 08:09 |
Ichilegend | I don't think youcan apt-get it using built in sources | 08:09 |
Ichilegend | maybe someone out there has built it, but why not compile it? | 08:09 |
jonathan__ | somebody in this room using msn or irc? | 08:09 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, enable the thing. and see if your root user can access the drive. | 08:10 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, we are all using IRC. | 08:10 |
Dr_willis | :) | 08:10 |
neurovore | When trying to enable it...it says /proc under the configeration thing.... | 08:10 |
dhilip89 | thanks for answer.. | 08:10 |
jonathan__ | ow... | 08:10 |
Dr_willis | neurovore, i think it wants you to enter a mount point | 08:10 |
jonathan__ | I don't know | 08:10 |
jonathan__ | it's my first time using linux | 08:10 |
dhilip89 | why don't use KVM ? | 08:10 |
jonathan__ | what is KVM? | 08:10 |
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Dr_willis | neurovore, so type in /media/newdrive (you may need to make the newdrive directory first) sudo mkdir /media/newdrive | 08:11 |
dhilip89 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel-based_Virtual_Machine | 08:11 |
Dr_willis | !mount | 08:11 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter | 08:11 |
jonathan__ | one more wuestion for all | 08:12 |
jonathan__ | how to installing a software from terminal? | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | !apt | 08:12 |
ubotu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, read all about apt and the apt-get system. | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | sudo apt-get install mc | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | would be an example to isntall 'mc' | 08:12 |
Dr_willis | (and yes mc is worth installing and learning to use) :) | 08:12 |
jonathan__ | I'm just only know to login via root | 08:13 |
jonathan__ | ha2 | 08:13 |
jonathan__ | sudo -s -H | 08:13 |
Dr_willis | !sudo | 08:13 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 08:13 |
Ichilegend | Dr_willis, you think it is still worth learning mc? | 08:14 |
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Dr_willis | Ichilegend, yes. | 08:14 |
jonathan__ | dr_wilis, what is your real name? | 08:14 |
jonathan__ | are u an adminstrator? | 08:14 |
Dr_willis | it can make some annoying jobs real nice. | 08:14 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, nope.. not an admin. | 08:14 |
Dr_willis | and i give ya one guess what my 'real' name is. :) | 08:14 |
Ichilegend | Ok, I am helping to write an official linux cert test this comming week, maybe i will add mc | 08:14 |
jonathan__ | ... | 08:15 |
Dr_willis | Ichilegend, its just a darn handy and powerfull tool. | 08:15 |
jonathan__ | what is your name dr_wilis? | 08:15 |
Dr_willis | you just spelt it wrong. :) | 08:15 |
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jonathan__ | it seems you are can handel linux very well | 08:15 |
Dr_willis | right click on a nick and see what info your irc client gives you. | 08:15 |
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Ichilegend | i could see that on the gnu distros, but k/ubuntu is heavily graphical | 08:15 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, and ive learnd most all of it by reading, reading, and reading more. | 08:15 |
=== omegabeta [n=blindrav@210-84-39-98.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan__ | wow | 08:16 |
dhilip89 | is there anybody who is running linux on usb ? | 08:16 |
Dr_willis | Ichilegend nothing like 'mc' and 'screen' to make your ssh sessions soooooooooo nice. :) | 08:16 |
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kalorin` | well apt-get and dpkg form the package management for several distributions | 08:16 |
omegabeta | My issue : http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b143/blindraven/fesity.jpg | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | ok | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | so what clue of your name? | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | wilis? | 08:16 |
Ichilegend | ahhhh, yes through ssh. Great combo i did not think of, thx! | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | william? | 08:16 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, youve only read my 'name' about 200 times now. :) | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | omg | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | so this is your name | 08:16 |
jonathan__ | all of you! | 08:17 |
Dr_willis | original for a nick eh? :) | 08:17 |
jonathan__ | do you know linus torvalds e-mail? | 08:17 |
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Dr_willis | jonathan__, i imagine he has several email addresses | 08:18 |
kalorin` | W: There are no public key available for the following key IDs: | 08:18 |
kalorin` | B5D0C804ADB11277 | 08:18 |
kalorin` | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:18 |
Dr_willis | and i doubt if he uses Yahoo or msn | 08:18 |
dave_mc | anyone having issues changing emerald themes? | 08:18 |
jonathan__ | yes | 08:18 |
kruepke | I agree with Dr_willis...use screen all the time. | 08:18 |
kalorin` | any idea how to fix that? | 08:18 |
Ichilegend | dhlip89, not on a usb yet since i haven't had many pc's that could boot usb and not support a full install | 08:18 |
kalorin` | update doesn't | 08:18 |
jonathan__ | ha2 | 08:18 |
kalorin` | it's a gpg key right? | 08:18 |
Dr_willis | well it is bed time for me. Night all. | 08:18 |
jonathan__ | I must reading a lot of books | 08:18 |
jonathan__ | nighty night! | 08:18 |
dhilip89 | but now i'm using full install on usb | 08:18 |
Dr_willis | jonathan__, theres tons of online sites with info. | 08:18 |
kalorin` | night willis | 08:19 |
Ichilegend | Sweet, how is it working? | 08:19 |
jonathan__ | ok | 08:19 |
jonathan__ | do you know how to install mac os x on your pc? | 08:19 |
dhilip89 | i uses external harddrive | 08:19 |
jonathan__ | ? | 08:19 |
Ichilegend | oh, ok, so not a thumb style usb drive? | 08:19 |
dhilip89 | needs atleast SSE2 on x86 | 08:19 |
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dhilip89 | for MacOSX | 08:20 |
jonathan__ | I'm trying to install mac os x86 on my pc but fail | 08:20 |
jonathan__ | yes | 08:20 |
dhilip89 | not thumb | 08:20 |
jonathan__ | mine is sse, sse2, sse3 | 08:20 |
jonathan__ | and em64t | 08:20 |
dave_mc | anyone else having issues changing emerald themes? | 08:20 |
dhilip89 | i have 1 Mac OSX x86 works correctly | 08:20 |
jonathan__ | ok | 08:21 |
jonathan__ | are u using msn? | 08:21 |
jonathan__ | or yahoo messenger? | 08:21 |
dhilip89 | msn | 08:21 |
jonathan__ | dhilip89 | 08:21 |
jonathan__ | ok | 08:21 |
jonathan__ | what is your ID? | 08:21 |
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jonathan__ | I want to add you | 08:21 |
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omegabeta | Could anyone please help with this issue - http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b143/blindraven/fesity.jpg | 08:21 |
dhilip89 | dhilip89 [at] hotmail | 08:21 |
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jonathan__ | o dhilip89 | 08:22 |
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jonathan__ | I already add you | 08:22 |
jonathan__ | can you online now on your ym? | 08:22 |
jonathan__ | oh! | 08:22 |
jonathan__ | msn | 08:22 |
sky90 | oh woops | 08:22 |
sky90 | didn't realze i was on | 08:23 |
Ichilegend | omegabeta, what is the prob | 08:23 |
jonathan__ | ha2 | 08:23 |
omegabeta | chilegend - look at http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b143/blindraven/fesity.jpg | 08:23 |
sky90 | the first tab was giving me the nic name in use thing | 08:23 |
sky90 | and its my first time using this program | 08:23 |
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dhilip89 | i don't see you at gaim... | 08:23 |
Ichilegend | k, i saw your jpg and what r u trying to do? a new install or upgrade etc.? | 08:23 |
jonathan__ | me as well | 08:23 |
jonathan__ | ? | 08:24 |
jonathan__ | I don;t know | 08:24 |
jonathan__ | it's an images | 08:24 |
=== Noldoaran [n=robb@adsl-69-234-41-144.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan__ | maunal partition screen in feisty live cd | 08:24 |
omegabeta | chilegend - I tryed upgrading and it borked my whole edgy install, so now im just incerting the fiesty cd and seeing if i can install it "over" the broked edgy install but i must keep all my files etc on my broken install.. so i figured if i set the sda value in the manual part table to "/" it might install and keep everything? | 08:25 |
sky_shark | i have a question where do i find a firewall and virus shield for Ubuntu 7.04? | 08:25 |
omegabeta | but really, I have no idea | 08:25 |
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dhilip89 | jonathan__ | 08:26 |
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dhilip89 | what is your msn screenname | 08:26 |
Crius | i keep getting an error when i open Adept that another process is using the package system...how do i get rid of it (i tried restarting 3 times) | 08:27 |
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Ichilegend | Crius, have you done a command line sudo ps -A ? | 08:27 |
Crius | nopr | 08:27 |
Crius | nope* | 08:27 |
jonathan__ | Beryl Emerald Theme | 08:28 |
jonathan__ | i'm trying to download it | 08:28 |
Ichilegend | try it, llok for adept, synaptic, aptitude etc | 08:28 |
Ichilegend | look, not llok | 08:28 |
jonathan__ | but whay I can't apply this themes | 08:28 |
jonathan__ | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+Green+Deviant?content=56703 | 08:28 |
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jonathan__ | somebody help me | 08:28 |
sky_shark | how do i find the firewall and virus shields for ubuntu | 08:28 |
Cosmo_ | when I run nvidia-settings and enable my second monitor in the server display configuration I click on the "save to X configuration file" and have it save it but when I restart it is back to the single display, how do I fix it to keep the settings? | 08:29 |
jonathan__ | please help me | 08:29 |
Crius | Ich, i found adept_notifier running, fo you think that is the problem? | 08:29 |
jonathan__ | hello | 08:30 |
jonathan__ | anubody in here! | 08:30 |
jonathan__ | anybody? | 08:30 |
Ichilegend | notifier, typically would not, but maybe it hung. I would kill it and try adept again | 08:30 |
jonathan__ | help me somebody | 08:30 |
Crius | how do i do that? | 08:30 |
jonathan__ | to install this things | 08:30 |
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jonathan__ | http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Murrine+Green+Deviant?content=56703 | 08:30 |
Crius | nvm got it | 08:31 |
icecruncher | !update > icecruncher | 08:31 |
Ichilegend | easy way is sudo killall adept_notifier the other easy way is to get its PID number from the ps -A and kill it | 08:31 |
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jonathan__ | I'll back later | 08:31 |
jonathan__ | see u | 08:31 |
Ichilegend | kool | 08:31 |
=== codonil [n=codonil@dialpool-210-214-16-42.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan__ | I'm trying to install another OS | 08:31 |
Crius | im still getting the error | 08:31 |
flake | I just spent the past two hours upgrading from 6.10 to 7.04, it let me keep my php.ini file and a couple of others :) I did have to jump a couple of hurdles but I have my nvidia card working and so far everything seems to be in place. | 08:31 |
Crius | btw i got the error after the POS crashed on me | 08:32 |
sky_shark | i did a dual boot nstall so i can still use windows xp | 08:32 |
Noldoaran | flake: congrats! What do you think of 7.04 so far? | 08:32 |
flake | envy doesn't work with feisty btw, for anyone who cares - I had to download the NVIDIA*.run file from the nvidia website | 08:32 |
Ichilegend | could be a lock file error | 08:32 |
Ichilegend | you could simply remove the lock file | 08:33 |
flake | haven't taken it for a testdrive yet, looks similar to 6.10 and kept my settings | 08:33 |
Ichilegend | let me look up where apt leaves its lock file | 08:33 |
Crius | ummm, how do i do that? | 08:33 |
Crius | ok thx | 08:33 |
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Ichilegend | see if /var/lib/dpkg/lock exists | 08:35 |
Crius | ya it does | 08:36 |
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Ichilegend | remove it and try again. (copy it somewhere if u are worried and you will need to sudo the command) | 08:37 |
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icecruncher | !adept fix| Ichilegend | 08:37 |
ubotu | Ichilegend: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 08:37 |
icecruncher | Ichilegend: will this work? | 08:37 |
Ichilegend | uboto, that looks like a much more civilized answer than mine :) | 08:38 |
Crius | ohhh that worked ice | 08:38 |
Crius | ty | 08:38 |
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icecruncher | np | 08:39 |
Ichilegend | both were more civilized! I come from an AIX/ Red Hat/Fedora background so this new fangled single line fixes are new to me! lol | 08:40 |
icecruncher | lol | 08:40 |
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Ichilegend | anyone here linux certified? | 08:41 |
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Dodger73 | hi all... just upgraded to feisty, and for some reason all GTK apps now seem to cause an X error | 08:42 |
Ichilegend | I ask 'cause I have to write some test questions and I a wondering what is relevant to today's linux | 08:42 |
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Dodger73 | The error was 'BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)'. | 08:42 |
icecruncher | Ichilegend: sorry, no | 08:43 |
=== Shaddox [n=ubuntu@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | okay. | 08:43 |
Dodger73 | for example firefox, beryl-manager, synaptic, etc - all the same error | 08:43 |
Shaddox | im now on Konversation, running from CD. :D | 08:43 |
Shaddox | How do I format my hard disks completely, so I can install fresh? | 08:43 |
spawn57 | is automatrix usefule for kubuntu? | 08:43 |
icecruncher | spawn57: I heard it messes up your depedancies quite bad | 08:43 |
dave_mc | ok now how to setup my samba printer | 08:43 |
Ichilegend | shaddox, k/ubuntu will format during install if you choose | 08:44 |
Shaddox | ah okay | 08:44 |
spawn57 | icecruncher: zomg! | 08:44 |
Shaddox | well once i do, ill need a lot of help configuring and such. | 08:44 |
Shaddox | im stuck on a wireless connection ^^ | 08:44 |
Shaddox | wired, rather. XD | 08:44 |
icecruncher | !samba | dave_mc | 08:44 |
ubotu | dave_mc: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 08:44 |
Shaddox | anyways, brb, going to format/install now. | 08:44 |
Ichilegend | enjoy | 08:44 |
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icecruncher | !automatix | spawn57 | 08:46 |
ubotu | spawn57: Automatix2 is a CLOSED SOURCE script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe | 08:46 |
dave_mc | well i finally got beryl and emerald playing nicely along with correct res but now im getting fonts so small i need a magnifying glass to read anything | 08:46 |
spawn57 | ! | 08:46 |
Mena | Hi | 08:47 |
Mena | i get this while configuring | 08:47 |
Mena | checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp | 08:48 |
Mena | configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check | 08:48 |
Mena | See `config.log' for more details. | 08:48 |
Ichilegend | dave_mc have you tried the beryl-settings-simple package? | 08:48 |
Ichilegend | It sets a good baseline that you can modify | 08:49 |
dave_mc | it crashes everytime i try to run it | 08:49 |
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icecruncher | !build-essentials | Mena | 08:49 |
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ubotu | Mena: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 08:49 |
Ichilegend | i believe it, beryl is worth the effort but challenging | 08:49 |
Mena | icecruncher, ok thanks | 08:50 |
Ichilegend | especially on KDE | 08:50 |
icecruncher | Mena, you need a cpp cpopiler, and "build-essentials" should cover it | 08:50 |
woodb | I have a (probably) dumb question :) Why does adept not adhere to the normal KDE theme when beryl is enabled | 08:50 |
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Doctor_Nick | why is beryl worth the effort | 08:50 |
Doctor_Nick | its just eyecandy? | 08:50 |
Mena | ok | 08:50 |
dave_mc | its awesome for multi-tasking | 08:50 |
DisabledDuck | Doctor_Nick: i think you just answered your question | 08:51 |
Ichilegend | agreed Doctor Nick, but my motive is to convince friends and family that k/ubuntu is better than vista. Eye candy goes a long way | 08:51 |
dhilip89 | i need unplug this usb ant boot to windows | 08:51 |
mkquist | i like it, makes desktop switching n i c e . . . | 08:51 |
dhilip89 | bye to all | 08:51 |
dave_mc | now how to get flash working in firefox and konqueror | 08:51 |
Doctor_Nick | k | 08:51 |
dave_mc | jeez it takes a buttload of configuration to get kubuntu working right lol | 08:51 |
Ichilegend | dave_mc 64 bit or 32? | 08:51 |
dave_mc | amd64 | 08:51 |
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Shaddox | Er, hi again everyone. | 08:52 |
icecruncher | !flash > dave_mc | 08:52 |
Doctor_Nick | perhaps someone should ammend the automatix message to say that "There is a good chance that it will make your installation unable to update to the next version of ubuntu/kubuntu" | 08:52 |
Shaddox | I wanted to set up my partitions manually, to have a seperate section for /home, just in case. | 08:52 |
Ichilegend | dave_mc, there are scores of articles written about this, bottom line is that 64 isn't supported by flas | 08:52 |
dave_mc | it is if you load nspluginwrapper | 08:52 |
Doctor_Nick | anyway | 08:52 |
icecruncher | Doctor_Nick: yeah | 08:52 |
Ichilegend | flash, so...Best recommendation is to install a 32 bit firefox | 08:52 |
DisabledDuck | 64 has a big problem with drivers/plugins sometimes... | 08:52 |
Shaddox | Can someone tell me how to use the partitioner with the Kubuntu liveCD installer? | 08:53 |
dave_mc | LOL flash 9 works flawlessly in Sabayon and many other distros | 08:53 |
dave_mc | nspluginwrapper is your friend :) | 08:53 |
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Ichilegend | hey if it works for u, then you have an answer | 08:53 |
dave_mc | thats what it was designed for to allow 32 bit apps to work on 64 bit systems | 08:54 |
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Ichilegend | sweet, I'll peep it | 08:54 |
dave_mc | i dont see it on the repo's but i dunno all of them | 08:55 |
DisabledDuck | what is a good FTP client? | 08:55 |
Ichilegend | command lne | 08:55 |
Shaddox | Can someone help me set up my partitions in a private chat [so i dont spam the irc] ? | 08:55 |
icecruncher | !ftp > DisabledDuck | 08:55 |
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premier_ | does anyone here know how eSATA works? Like, for an external hard drive? Is there plug and playness in linux, or do I have to reboot? | 08:56 |
DisabledDuck | does anyone have a list of wireless laptop cards that will work in Ubuntu? | 08:57 |
Ichilegend | @DisabledDuck, seriously if u want a graphical ftp client, go to add/remove programs and type ftp | 08:57 |
Ichilegend | They should have lots of suggestions | 08:57 |
icecruncher | Ichilegend: true... lol | 08:58 |
icecruncher | Ichilegend: all though adept manager, on first impression sucks! | 08:58 |
DisabledDuck | ichilegend: i know, but that method does not exactly tell me a good client, it just tells me the clients offered | 08:58 |
Ichilegend | I use KDE, therefore konqueror for ftp and sftp. It's good 'nuff | 08:58 |
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Ichilegend | DisabledDuck, if you are from a windows background, i am not sure if there is a "cuteftp" like program, but i am sure there is. Or use cuteftp in wine | 09:00 |
Duder29 | man trying to set up kubuntu in virtual pc is a bitc* | 09:00 |
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Ichilegend | gftp in gnome seems to be super popular | 09:01 |
codonil | DisabledDuck: I use gftp, its pretty good | 09:01 |
unix_infidel | iirc, mc can do ftp | 09:01 |
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codonil | Is there a guide that helps me upgrade using the command line? I have to use the --download-only argument since I have a slow connection | 09:02 |
unix_infidel | ncftp is very good as well. | 09:02 |
prak | how do i carry on from an interrupted package manager installation? | 09:02 |
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codonil | the wiki pages aren't loading, too much load on the servers I think :( | 09:03 |
Kubuntu_noob | I am seriously guessing but apt-get with option for download? | 09:04 |
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prak | yes | 09:04 |
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Kubuntu_noob | man apt | 09:06 |
Kubuntu_noob | man apt-get might help | 09:06 |
prak | I'm trying to solve something that says:"You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove, or upgrade software), b/c another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one." | 09:07 |
jonathan__ | hello | 09:07 |
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icecruncher | anybody know how to update from an alternate cd instead of the "gksu "sh /da/dada/dadd" | 09:08 |
jonathan__ | I want to ask u a question | 09:08 |
icecruncher | jonathan__: just ask | 09:08 |
jonathan__ | how to share my documents | 09:08 |
jonathan__ | to windows | 09:08 |
jonathan__ | vis linux? | 09:08 |
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icecruncher | !samba > jonathan__ | 09:08 |
Ichilegend | samba | 09:08 |
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Kubuntu_noob | XandrOS does that very well out of the box | 09:09 |
Mena | Hi | 09:09 |
Kubuntu_noob | Even to XP | 09:09 |
Mena | How to delet a folder with terminal | 09:09 |
Ichilegend | Hi Mena | 09:09 |
Mena | Ichilegend, Hi | 09:09 |
saxonjf | If I've downloaded kubuntu packages, how can I switch from Ubuntu to Kubuntu? | 09:10 |
Ichilegend | !rm > mena | 09:10 |
Ichilegend | well a folder !rmdir | 09:10 |
prak | saxonjf, install kde? | 09:10 |
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prak | wait | 09:10 |
icecruncher | kubuntu-desktop i belive | 09:10 |
Kubuntu_noob | Maybe XandrOS uses this Samba? | 09:10 |
saxonjf | There must be a command to switch desktops... | 09:11 |
Ichilegend | yes icecruntcher et. al. apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will do the trick | 09:11 |
ubuntu | hi | 09:11 |
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saxonjf | no gui feature? | 09:11 |
mkquist | sazonjf - icecruncher is correct, then when u log in u have the option of 'desktops' | 09:11 |
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icecruncher | mkquist: but youu need to install it first! | 09:12 |
saxonjf | So I have to log out and then log back in? | 09:12 |
mkquist | icecruncher - i agreed w/u | 09:12 |
Ichilegend | sure , F10 in gdm and the kdm has a menu to choose session | 09:12 |
ubuntu | how can I how the version of my Kubuntu please ? | 09:12 |
saxonjf | I installed it via Synaptic | 09:12 |
icecruncher | saxonjf: did you go through a dialogue to choose between kdm and gdm? | 09:13 |
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DisabledDuck | does anyone know what ports i need open to run an ftp server? | 09:13 |
ubuntu | I'm not sure it Feisty, I had perhaps dl the edgy ISO Oo | 09:13 |
Dodger73 | DisabledDuck: 21 usually? | 09:13 |
Ichilegend | 21 and 20 | 09:13 |
saxonjf | icecruncher: There was one, I chose gdm, and want that dialogue box back. | 09:13 |
Ichilegend | mainly 21 | 09:13 |
Red_Tear | 21 is just half the truth | 09:14 |
icecruncher | saxonjf: so you rebbot, then at login, you can choose | 09:14 |
Red_Tear | ;) | 09:14 |
Ichilegend | lol | 09:14 |
ubuntu | someone can help me please ? | 09:14 |
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Ichilegend | wassup ubuntu, we will try | 09:14 |
saxonjf | hmmm... I'll have to try it... | 09:14 |
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Kubuntu_noob | Maybe Kinfo center? | 09:15 |
Kubuntu_noob | >ubuntu | 09:15 |
codonil | I'm thinking of downloading the Feisty DVD. Can this be used for upgrading, similar to the alternate CD ? | 09:15 |
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prak | how do i unlock a locked package manager database? | 09:15 |
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Mena | Ichilegend, if i did that sudo rmdir MyFile should work right | 09:15 |
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icecruncher | !adeptfix > prak | 09:16 |
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onadvd | Kubuntu_noob: kinfo ? | 09:16 |
Dodger73 | something is really fishy with my system now | 09:16 |
onadvd | Kubuntu_noob: kcontrol ? oO | 09:16 |
Dodger73 | The program 'firefox-bin' received an X Window System error. | 09:16 |
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Dodger73 | that goes for several other apps as well | 09:17 |
Kubuntu_noob | K Menu > System > KinfoCenter | 09:17 |
Kubuntu_noob | But it doesn't seem to have that info | 09:17 |
Kubuntu_noob | Has X server version though | 09:17 |
Doctor_Nick | ugh | 09:18 |
Ichilegend | @Mena | 09:18 |
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Ichilegend | only if it is empty | 09:18 |
Doctor_Nick | is there a KDE version of the gnome volume manager? | 09:18 |
Ichilegend | you need to add -r to make it recursive to empty folder contents as well | 09:18 |
onadvd | Kubuntu_noob: perhaps I command line can give my the number? | 09:18 |
Mena | Ichilegend, so what to do if it there were fies into it | 09:18 |
Ichilegend | rm -rf directory | 09:19 |
Mena | ok | 09:19 |
spawn57 | is there a way to change the shutdown menu back to what it was? | 09:19 |
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Mena | Thanks :) | 09:19 |
Ichilegend | np | 09:19 |
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Ichilegend | spawn57, what was it like before? | 09:20 |
spawn57 | had a list with small icons instead of the big ones that are tehre now | 09:21 |
Kubuntu_noob | ubuntu I found a helpful version | 09:21 |
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Kubuntu_noob | K Menu > System Settings > Help Menu > About KDE | 09:21 |
fakepatriot | can someone tell me how to get my trash can back on my desktop...or taskbar...? | 09:21 |
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Dodger73 | jesus, now beryl manager just crashes my X server | 09:22 |
saroj | @fakepatriot...right click on the panel>Add Applet to panel..>trash | 09:23 |
Ichilegend | @spawn57 KDE or gnome? | 09:23 |
spawn57 | kde | 09:23 |
Mena | Ichilegend, did you configure kbfx befor | 09:23 |
Mena | Ichilegend, bec i get this Msgfmt | 09:23 |
spawn57 | fakepatriot: right click the desktop, create a link to a url, and type in trash:/ | 09:23 |
fakepatriot | phew thanks...lol i feel dumb now | 09:24 |
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Mena | compilling | 09:24 |
Ichilegend | @Mena, afrain not on kbfx | 09:24 |
Ichilegend | afraid | 09:24 |
Mena | ok | 09:24 |
heinkel_111 | can someone please give me correct url to a page where the feisty torrents can be downloaded from? | 09:24 |
spawn57 | heinkel_111: there's a lnk on thepiratebay | 09:24 |
Ichilegend | the interweb | 09:24 |
heinkel_111 | the one on the official kubuntu pages seems incorrect | 09:25 |
heinkel_111 | times out | 09:25 |
Mena | heinkel_111, no its owrking | 09:25 |
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heinkel_111 | Mena: this page: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty | 09:25 |
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heinkel_111 | it always times out here :( | 09:26 |
Ichilegend | @spawn57, not in KDE now, but isn't thewre a centrlized mgmt app that you could change settings? | 09:26 |
spawn57 | Ichilegend: not that I'm aware of | 09:26 |
Ichilegend | seriously? like kcontrol or something? | 09:27 |
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spawn57 | Ichilegend: not for shutdown menus | 09:27 |
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Mena | heinkel_111, http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php go here choose the nearest country and you will find there | 09:28 |
Ichilegend | oh, oh, oh oh, my bad. Shutdown menus. you say that they are really small text right? | 09:28 |
heinkel_111 | Mena: I wants the official links to the torrents | 09:28 |
heinkel_111 | Mena: if you click on the link to the torrents on that page | 09:28 |
heinkel_111 | Mena: it should bring you to: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty | 09:29 |
spawn57 | Ichilegend: naw, i just don't like the new menu, I prefer the older version =| | 09:29 |
icecruncher | heinkel_111: torrents should be there | 09:29 |
heinkel_111 | Mena / icecruncher: but I just can't get that page to load... | 09:29 |
heinkel_111 | can you? | 09:29 |
Mena | heinkel_111. no | 09:29 |
icecruncher | heinkel_111: what page, as in the main page | 09:30 |
Mena | heinkel_111. i dont get ou but if you want to download using teh torrent just do save as to the torrent and open it | 09:30 |
Kubuntu_noob | whats the equivalent of a dos autoexec.bat in linux? | 09:30 |
Mena | you* | 09:30 |
Ichilegend | @spawn57, sry i got nothin'. Boot up fonts for me are microscopic in gnome, but KDE works | 09:30 |
spawn57 | Ichilegend: alrighty, thanks =] | 09:30 |
Kubuntu_noob | My Kubuntu doesn't remember my iwconfig ESSID, Mode and Key when I reboot. . . | 09:30 |
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Ichilegend | Kubuntu_noob, in KDE ~/.kde/Autostart | 09:31 |
Ichilegend | add a script there | 09:31 |
heinkel_111 | Mena: I know what to do _if_ I get the torrents downloaded, trust me, it is just that the kubuntu page with the links to the torrents seem to be down.... | 09:31 |
Kubuntu_noob | thanks | 09:31 |
Kubuntu_noob | cool | 09:31 |
Ichilegend | http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/1141449/kubuntu_7_04_fesity_fawn_dvd_i386_iso has the dvd torrent | 09:32 |
Mena | heinkel_111, i dont see what is the difference BTW That page http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php(this page is the official page for downloading kubuntu and this one http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty | 09:33 |
Ichilegend | http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent is the direct link to the CD torrent | 09:33 |
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DisabledDuck | how do i add users using the CLI? | 09:35 |
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Ichilegend | !useradd | 09:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about useradd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:35 |
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icecruncher | ?joomla | 09:35 |
heinkel_111 | Mena: the first has the download links the second us a link from that page to a page where the torrentfiles can be downloaded | 09:35 |
Ichilegend | http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/ is working with all releses | 09:36 |
heinkel_111 | Ichilegend: you are helpful :) | 09:36 |
Kubuntu_noob | that .kde place that's a hider | 09:36 |
Kubuntu_noob | : ) | 09:36 |
Ichilegend | yup, be on the look out for all .folder hiders | 09:36 |
Mena | heinkel_111, you want to have all the torrents links into one page | 09:36 |
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Kubuntu_noob | a script is just a file with commands in it right | 09:37 |
Kubuntu_noob | no special name or line beginings? | 09:37 |
Ichilegend | @heinkel_111 nothing less for the world's bet knife manufacturer | 09:37 |
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Ichilegend | @kubuntu_noob well, make the first line #!/bin/sh | 09:38 |
icecruncher | !adduser | DisabledDuck | 09:38 |
ubotu | DisabledDuck: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 09:38 |
heinkel_111 | ;) - but your links are ubuntu not kubuntu :P | 09:38 |
Ichilegend | When you are done sudo chmod +x filename the file | 09:38 |
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Ichilegend | @heinkel_111 a ball buster eh? ok my bad. hold up | 09:39 |
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Mask | do you know very nice sex web site ??????????????? | 09:40 |
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Mena | Thanks all bye | 09:41 |
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Kubuntu_noob | Thanks Ichi. Gonna try that and reboot. | 09:41 |
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heinkel_111 | Ichilegend: i got it now from another source. Thank you. :) | 09:42 |
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Ichilegend | http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ | 09:43 |
Ichilegend | aw crap, they beat me :( | 09:43 |
dave_mc | got streaming video working now in both firefox and konqueror | 09:44 |
Ichilegend | sweet dave_mc with the nspluginwrapper util? | 09:45 |
dave_mc | beryl and emerald playing nice and fonts and resolutions fixed | 09:45 |
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dave_mc | buntu dont have it what they do have instead is a combination of about 30 different apps you have to install | 09:45 |
dave_mc | i had to install about half a gig worth of crap | 09:46 |
Ichilegend | sheesh, my amd64 machine is running fedora 64 bit. The 64bit stuff is easy on fedora | 09:46 |
dave_mc | but now everything works like its supposed to | 09:46 |
dave_mc | only took 7 hours from install to finish :( | 09:47 |
Ichilegend | nice, you should write a how-to | 09:47 |
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dave_mc | well just search for flash and java in adept and install everything you see | 09:47 |
Ichilegend | dave_mc that experience is worth blogging for a digg or 2 | 09:47 |
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jussi01 | good morning all | 09:48 |
zerak | good morning | 09:48 |
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dave_mc | oh ya dont forget to weed through all those licence agreements for sun and java too | 09:48 |
zerak | anyone know what USB boot up does to your computer= | 09:48 |
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jussi01 | I have a small problem, Im trying to mount a samba share on my nas by right clicking on it and clickin g mount, however i get this message: Password: | 09:49 |
jussi01 | smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct user mounts (1000,1000) | 09:49 |
jussi01 | smbmnt failed: 1 | 09:49 |
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Ichilegend | jussi01 have you checked out: http://www.debuntu.org/2006/05/31/58-how-to-smbfs-smbmnt-must-be-installed-suid-root | 09:52 |
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Ichilegend | read the comments as well, to help with your issue | 09:53 |
blekos_ | hello i have installed ubuntu (over Kubuntu) how can i uninstalled it (ubuntu?) | 09:54 |
zerak | what did you do? installed gnome and its apps or? | 09:54 |
blekos_ | i had kubuntu and did sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop so basically yes ... | 09:55 |
blekos_ | i want to remove it | 09:55 |
blekos_ | the sudo-apt remove ubuntu-desktop will only remove the dekstop component not the rest | 09:55 |
jussi01 | Ichilegend, thanks | 09:55 |
zerak | you should still be able to switch between ubuntu and kubuntu that is switch between gnome and kde | 09:55 |
blekos_ | yes i do that | 09:56 |
blekos_ | but i just want to remove the ubuntu components | 09:56 |
zerak | if you installed by "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", try "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop" or use purge | 09:56 |
Ichilegend | sudo aptitude remove ubuntu-desktop | 09:56 |
blekos_ | i just installed it for testing purposes | 09:56 |
mkquist | blekos - i believe the command would be 'sudo apt-get remove -purge ubuntu-desktop' | 09:56 |
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zerak | anyone know anything about the flash boot up? | 09:57 |
Ichilegend | jussi01 np! yuroshiku | 09:58 |
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aldin | hello people i am on 7.04!!! it is great!!! had to say this i am so happy! | 09:58 |
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blekos_ | i get E: Command line option p [from -purge] is not known. | 09:58 |
zerak | isnt it "sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop" | 09:58 |
Ichilegend | @aldin S W E E T!!!!! Life is better as the king eh? | 09:58 |
aldin | yeah | 09:59 |
zerak | me wrong, sry | 09:59 |
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aldin | so nice to see none upgrade yet!!! | 09:59 |
zerak | hard to be able to upgrade | 10:00 |
zerak | cant | 10:00 |
Ichilegend | yeah, 7.04 finally got my crappy wireless working perfectly out of the box. Love it! | 10:00 |
zerak | it fails, maybe due to the high demand | 10:00 |
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mkquist | sudo apt-get --purge remove | 10:00 |
aldin | i cant iage what ot will be when kubuntu+kde4 !!! | 10:00 |
aldin | *imagine | 10:00 |
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zerak | aldin did you download the iso or did you use the update function? | 10:01 |
aldin | anyone with ati X200 | 10:01 |
pollyo | aldin: What is kde4 about 7months away? | 10:01 |
aldin | zerak: .iso final | 10:01 |
Mena | !w32codecs | 10:01 |
Ichilegend | i getcha, me and my buddy Linus prefer KDE and 4.0 is the M$ killer. n00bz | 10:01 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs | 10:01 |
=== linux70 [n=linux@host148-200-dynamic.15-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aldin | pollyo: i dont know but i saw some oxygen icons, wooow | 10:02 |
Ichilegend | hey @Mena | 10:02 |
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pollyo | aldin: You get that excited over icons. | 10:02 |
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Mena | Ichilegend, HEY | 10:03 |
zerak | not just icons | 10:03 |
Ichilegend | The modern Desktop has to have awesome icons | 10:03 |
aldin | pollyo: hehe besides other things | 10:03 |
zerak | to bad they havent changed the K -logo that KDE use as startup | 10:03 |
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zerak | startup menu to something like kubuntu | 10:04 |
Ichilegend | Step 1, just work. Step, 2 look cool doing it. | 10:04 |
aldin | Ichilegend: yeah u are right icons should be great looking too | 10:04 |
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aldin | why krita isnt on CD? | 10:04 |
pollyo | They do not need to make a new version of kde just for neat looking icons. <Grin> | 10:05 |
aldin | pollyo: nevermind i just mentioned icons cause other things are hiden like new BMW or Mercedes hehe | 10:05 |
zerak | kde v.4 isnt about icons | 10:06 |
Mena | !codecs | 10:06 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:06 |
pollyo | zerak: What is it about? | 10:06 |
aldin | pollyo: http://www.oxygen-icons.org/ | 10:06 |
pollyo | aldin: I'm not impressed with icons. | 10:06 |
zerak | about usability, think that are prepearig better support for beryl etc. | 10:07 |
zerak | at least gnome doews | 10:07 |
Ichilegend | @pollyo quite right, but honestly they are still catching up with MS. Lots of changes emphasize the fact you will not lose functionality but instead will gain some | 10:07 |
aldin | pollyo: ok, i am | 10:07 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: Catchin up with MS in what areas? The area I see a need for catching up is primarily in driver support for things like printers. | 10:08 |
Ichilegend | Usability | 10:08 |
aldin | just install fglrx goint to try 3D... anyone had problems with 8.34 driver? | 10:08 |
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aldin | cause 8.36.5 is on ati.com | 10:09 |
zerak | anyone got kubuntu: feisty-dvd-i386.iso.torrent | 10:09 |
Ichilegend | If you have used Vista/XP media center, you know the OS/ media integration is seamless | 10:10 |
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Ichilegend | KDE can get there and surpass it, but some of it has to be simplified | 10:11 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: The only usibility issue I see is not having gui configs for some applications. But that is not always an issue. | 10:11 |
Ichilegend | pollyo, not an issue for any one whe likes the command line. To compete in the real world you need to be command line free like MS | 10:12 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: You are not going to have the same seamless nature because alot of those drivers will not be available for linux that are for media center cards/devices. | 10:12 |
Ichilegend | Linux is so close and Vista is so hard to use that it makes Linux look like the best thing out there | 10:12 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: That is what I thought you were saying as far as usability. | 10:12 |
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pollyo | Ichilegend: I can not say. I do not have vista. Though I know some people who are not vary computer savvy and they do not appear to have issues with vista. Perhaps the need they have is so light that it does not maetter. | 10:13 |
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Ichilegend | With Mac adopting BSD and running on x86 architecture, and PCs hitting the dev plateau linux is the real market leader in "What is next?" | 10:14 |
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shinobi | Ichilegend and the recent distros are really kicking a bunch of ass | 10:14 |
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Ichilegend | KDE is the easierst Windows to Linux transitional desktop. I think 4.0 with the glitz and glam and b ack end awesomeness can beat the big dogz | 10:15 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: I'm not sure that Linux will put any dent in the MS machine at least not in the near future. | 10:15 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: As long as we continue to see an improvement in linux I'll be happy. | 10:16 |
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Ichilegend | Seriously? We are at an impass. 64 bit and MS ending XP support are happening at the same time. Who handles "What next" better than linux? | 10:16 |
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shinobi | i gotta say i'm gaining confidence, people with little or no background are making the switch baed purely on 2 things: 1. economics 2. no loss of ability or useabilty | 10:18 |
Ichilegend | So many end users I help are unhappy with Vista and DRM. They want a Mac, but the prices are too high. I say Linux and show them and they are hooked. | 10:18 |
letynsoft | hi i've just upgraded my kubuntu up to 7.04 and now i can't boot with that kernel... it looks like it can't mount root fs to read-write mode | 10:18 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: What trouble do they actually encounter with Vista and DRM? | 10:18 |
Ichilegend | sry to rant, but I think the coders finally have a serious competitor | 10:19 |
letynsoft | what can i do with it/ | 10:19 |
letynsoft | ? | 10:19 |
letynsoft | the new kernel is 2.6.20-15 | 10:19 |
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Ichilegend | pollyo, have you used Vista? I love MS, I relly do. They have paid my bills for over a decade. Until Ubuntu 7.04 and Fedora 6 I would have sweared MS had the best OS | 10:20 |
pollyo | letynsoft: What takes place when you go to boot? | 10:20 |
Ichilegend | Vista jumped the shark | 10:20 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: No I haven't seen vista up close. A friend of mine just got a new laptop with vista though. She seems happy. | 10:20 |
letynsoft | pollyo: ? | 10:21 |
pollyo | letynsoft: I'm still here. | 10:21 |
pollyo | letynsoft: Is it just checking the filesystem when you boot? | 10:21 |
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letynsoft | dunno... when anything trying to write it writes filesystem is read-only | 10:22 |
Ichilegend | I am a very "Bob Vila" computer guy. Best tool for the job | 10:23 |
Ichilegend | If Vista works for you then use it. | 10:23 |
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Shaddox | Hi everyone :D | 10:23 |
Shaddox | I'm finally back ^^ | 10:23 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: What is the trouble people are having with DMR? You said they have trouble with it on Vista. | 10:23 |
Shaddox | Got Kubuntu installed ^^ | 10:23 |
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pollyo | Ichilegend: If you download music from music stores online you have trouble with DRM anywhere. If you just buy a disk and rip it then you hardly have trouble with DMR anywhere. | 10:24 |
Ichilegend | I have had to call MS twice to activate my legal PC. | 10:24 |
Shaddox | That's cause MS sucks. :D | 10:24 |
Ichilegend | Lets skip RIAA DRM for now | 10:24 |
Ichilegend | I am talking the Windows Advantage programs | 10:25 |
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fdoving | !offtopic | 10:25 |
ubotu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 10:25 |
snoopy1alpha | hi there | 10:25 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: Ok. And I've spent hours attempting to get something configured on linux. (That would take 5 minuts on MS) Its a trade off I suppose. | 10:25 |
os2mac | can someone give me a little help with beryl? | 10:25 |
heinkel_111 | torrent.ubuntu.com:6969 tracker is down? :( | 10:25 |
snoopy1alpha | has anyone else problems to update to feisty? | 10:25 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: I suppose we are a bit off topic tonight. <grin> | 10:26 |
fdoving | os2mac: #ubuntu-effects might be more helpfull. they are the beryl-experts | 10:26 |
os2mac | thanks. | 10:26 |
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pollyo | Ichilegend: Enough discussion on the oses for tonight <Grin> | 10:26 |
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pollyo | Ichilegend: Any suggested sites that discuss KDE4? | 10:26 |
Ichilegend | lol pollyo fair enough. I have had those days. MS makes a great OS, I am not a zealot. But Kubuntu is getting close. Real close is my point. | 10:26 |
snoopy1alpha | the distribution upgrade-tool says some yile is missing | 10:26 |
snoopy1alpha | file | 10:26 |
fdoving | snoopy1alpha: what file? | 10:27 |
snoopy1alpha | Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry java/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) | 10:27 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: Yes. I agree that Linux in general has come along way. | 10:27 |
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NYC_Looking | . | 10:27 |
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zerak | anyone actually share kubuntu dvd? or is the torrent server down? | 10:27 |
NYC_Looking | .nick phoxy | 10:27 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: I spend most of my time using linux now as well. | 10:27 |
snoopy1alpha | the tracker is down according to ktorrent | 10:27 |
zerak | doh | 10:28 |
zerak | thank you though | 10:28 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: Only if they could come out with a PrinterDriver wrapper... | 10:28 |
NYC_Looking | has anyone managed to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty through the network? | 10:28 |
Ichilegend | I am an MS 2000/2k3 IT Director by day. as I said. they pay the bills and i love MS! KDE 4.0 though you think it will be that much of a change? | 10:28 |
snoopy1alpha | I am trying to download the 64bit dvd-image for my desktop mashine | 10:28 |
zerak | would save them alot of bandwith to have it up | 10:28 |
NYC_Looking | .nick phoxy | 10:28 |
zerak | i386 | 10:28 |
fdoving | Ichilegend: yes, it'll be a great change :) | 10:28 |
fdoving | NYC_Looking: try /nick newnick | 10:28 |
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pollyo | Ichilegend: I have no idea. I hope it will. | 10:29 |
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Ichilegend | I see usability changes such as caps lock warnings, but what else 4 me? | 10:29 |
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snoopy1alpha | fdoving: any idea about the file he could not fetch? | 10:29 |
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fdoving | Ichilegend: too much to mention, just the port to qt4 is a huge improvement. | 10:30 |
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Ichilegend | pollyo, sorry reading back, you got me to rant! LOL | 10:30 |
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Ichilegend | @fdoving qt a great environment IMHO. I would like to see what they have coming next | 10:31 |
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phoxy | has anyone managed to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty through the network? | 10:31 |
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jthumb | hi is there a way to enable the old (edgy) logout screen in kubuntu ? | 10:31 |
pollyo | Ichilegend: Just some chit-chat... | 10:31 |
yazel | i need help setting my resolution. my xorg.conf looks ok, but i only get 640x480. | 10:32 |
Ichilegend | so it was written, so it shall be done | 10:32 |
phoxy | yasel, r u using Nvidia? | 10:32 |
=== Shaddox [n=archon@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | Hi everyone. | 10:32 |
yazel | no, i have a via integrated. | 10:32 |
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Ichilegend | wb shaddox | 10:32 |
Shaddox | I need help with my wireless. I'm on the broadcom driver, but I think I need a firmware update. | 10:33 |
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Shaddox | It can't find anything, but i did finally enable it. ^^ | 10:33 |
phoxy | this resolution issue is a problem with Ubuntu-- it is typiically a driver issue and also might reuire xorg.conf tweaking | 10:33 |
Shaddox | I want to get a static IP on it, too. X_x | 10:33 |
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yazel | my drivers was detected as "via" | 10:34 |
phoxy | the Ubuntu forums have a lot of threads on it | 10:34 |
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Ichilegend | @Shaddox why static, do not you have a wireless AP? | 10:34 |
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yazel | i tried to delete all resolutions but 1280x1024 and didnt work. | 10:34 |
Shaddox | i have a router, but i like to have a static ip so i can free game ports for better connections to my game servers. ^^ | 10:34 |
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fdoving | Shaddox: get the bcm43xx-fwcutter package. then run the script 'sudo /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh' | 10:35 |
Shaddox | uh, fdoving, how do i do that again? | 10:35 |
Ichilegend | ahh ok fair enough, | 10:35 |
snoopy1alpha | brb | 10:35 |
=== Shaddox has only been in anything non-windows for a week, and is still a nub. ^^ | ||
fdoving | Shaddox: do you have the universe repository activated? | 10:35 |
fdoving | !universe | shaddox | 10:35 |
ubotu | shaddox: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 10:35 |
fdoving | !software | shaddox | 10:35 |
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ubotu | shaddox: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 10:36 |
Shaddox | okay | 10:36 |
Shaddox | i still have no clue | 10:36 |
fdoving | go read at those addresses. that'll explain everyting better than i can in the same time and amount of text. | 10:36 |
Shaddox | yeah well i just switched to kubuntu | 10:36 |
=== dani [n=dani@cpe-66-27-213-197.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | im used to regular ubuntu ^^ | 10:36 |
fdoving | Shaddox: ok, kmenu -> system -> adept manager | 10:37 |
fdoving | then search for and install | 10:37 |
fdoving | bcm43xx-fwcutter | 10:37 |
fdoving | after enabling universe. | 10:37 |
Shaddox | okay one sec | 10:37 |
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Shaddox | adept didnt start the first time i clicked it | 10:37 |
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dani | i wan to learn hardcore programming in c/c++, python, java . don't know of any tools in linux os's beside kdevelop in kubuntu any recommendations | 10:38 |
pollyo | There has to be a better way then klammail. | 10:38 |
fdoving | dani, kscope and vim. | 10:38 |
letynsoft | pollyo: ok... tryed to boot it again and looks like it don't try fs | 10:38 |
phoxy | adept is a bad program-- gets corrupted easily | 10:38 |
crazy_penguin | Hello! | 10:38 |
Ichilegend | @dani what about ajunta for an IDE? | 10:38 |
fdoving | phoxy: not that bad in it's current state. it's been upgraded for feisty. | 10:38 |
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fdoving | pollyo: mailscanner is good. server-side though. | 10:39 |
pollyo | fdoving: I'll check it out thanks. | 10:39 |
pollyo | fdoving: Is that in the repo? | 10:39 |
pollyo | letynsoft: don't try fs? | 10:39 |
Ichilegend | sorry anjuta | 10:40 |
fdoving | pollyo: yes, you can read more about it at mailscanner.info | 10:40 |
letynsoft | pollyo: didn't write anything about checking fs... | 10:40 |
Shaddox | fdoving: okay, packages are installing. but im gonna need a lot more help, mind if i bug you in private? ^^ | 10:40 |
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pollyo | letynsoft: What is it saying/doing? | 10:40 |
fdoving | Shaddox: no, let's do it in the channel please. | 10:40 |
Shaddox | okay, well i got some free time | 10:40 |
Mena | !mediabtuntu | 10:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mediabtuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:40 |
Shaddox | im installing Tremulous too | 10:40 |
fdoving | Shaddox: packages are installed, ok. continue to start a terminal. kmenu - | 10:41 |
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fdoving | er.. kmenu -> system -> konsole | 10:41 |
Shaddox | Trem is downloading | 10:41 |
fdoving | ok. | 10:41 |
pollyo | medibuntu | 10:41 |
pollyo | !medibuntu | 10:41 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 10:41 |
Shaddox | and there's one more download after it, X_x | 10:41 |
letynsoft | pollyo: can't write to root... but mount says that root is rw | 10:42 |
fdoving | Shaddox: when it's done, open a konsole and run 'sudo /usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh' | 10:42 |
phoxy | fdoving--- it got corrupted in trying to upgrade to Feisty, and now I am stuck-- it won't work | 10:42 |
fdoving | !adept crash fix | phoxy | 10:42 |
ubotu | phoxy: If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 10:42 |
Mena | pollyo, Thanks | 10:42 |
Shaddox | so far i like kubuntu a lot more then regular ubuntu | 10:43 |
Shaddox | but im not sure what beryl is, and i hear its popular, mind explaining/linking to info? ^^ | 10:43 |
fdoving | bbl. | 10:43 |
spawn57 | Shaddox: only difference is the desktop envoirnment | 10:43 |
Ichilegend | @Shaddox agreed, beryl is eye candy | 10:43 |
pollyo | letynsoft: Can't help you on this one. I was hoping that maybe more information would spur some ideas. | 10:43 |
letynsoft | pollyo: :'( | 10:43 |
pollyo | Shaddox: I'm not sure on that myself. I'm liking the basic ubuntu/gnome setup. Though I do have the kubuntu installation and switch between the two. | 10:44 |
Ichilegend | beryl is nice, beautiful, sexy, hard to configure - eye candy that is sweet | 10:44 |
Shaddox | okay, but still, what is beryl. ^^ | 10:44 |
Shaddox | and how do i get it and all that | 10:44 |
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Shaddox | er, brb | 10:44 |
Shaddox | let me change from Konversation to Kopete | 10:44 |
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phoxy | udotu-- thanks. What is this before sudo? | 10:45 |
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Shaddox | okay, back. :D | 10:46 |
Ichilegend | hey Shaddox | 10:46 |
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Ichilegend | OK beryl lets yo put some really killer graphical effects on KDE or Gnome | 10:47 |
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Shaddox | neat | 10:47 |
Shaddox | thats the kind of thing i want :D | 10:47 |
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Shaddox | whee, tremulous at 75% ^^ | 10:47 |
ma3x | how can I install flash player for x86_64 ? | 10:47 |
Ichilegend | are the necessary? no. are they the stuff that make friends envious? YES | 10:47 |
Shaddox | sold! where do i get it? :D | 10:48 |
phoxy | can I format a partition in NTFS for ubuntu? | 10:48 |
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phoxy | or does it have to be fat32? | 10:48 |
pollyo | fdoving: This mailscan does it work with something like evolution mail? | 10:49 |
pollyo | fdoving: Or is it for someone running a mailsever? | 10:49 |
EvilIdler | Speaking from experience, I have to recommend using drives already formatted in NTFS by a Windows system. But there's full read and write support in Linux through various tools. | 10:49 |
Ichilegend | Shaddox, well on fiesty i went to synaptec package mgr and added beryl plus beryl-settings-simple | 10:50 |
mkquist | Shaddox - follow the directions here http://lunapark6.com/ubuntu-704-feisty-fawn.html | 10:50 |
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mkquist | Shaddox - got it working in no time at all, and it is nice | 10:50 |
orient2000 | !beryl | 10:50 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 10:50 |
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pollyo | phoxy: Why would you want to format NTFS for a linux machine? | 10:50 |
Ichilegend | run beryl-settings-simple to get a cool aseline then run the beryl-manager to get more options | 10:50 |
snikker | i can't see the window buttons (close, maximize, iconify) with beryl... how fix this? | 10:50 |
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EvilIdler | My 7.04 upgrade was bumpy (the manager crashed on MySQL install!), but none of the major problems from earlier. The new repository management in Adept is excellent :) | 10:51 |
phoxy | just asking-- NTFS has some advantages, and WINDOWS uses it | 10:51 |
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EvilIdler | NTFS has no advantages on a Linux system, though ;) | 10:51 |
pollyo | phoxy: You can use samba to share files with windows machines. | 10:51 |
phoxy | I do | 10:51 |
Shaddox | Uh, okay okay guys one second | 10:52 |
pollyo | phoxy: What advantage would a linux have in using NTFS? | 10:52 |
Ichilegend | beryl goes hand in hand with the emerald there manager for KDe so ge both | 10:52 |
Shaddox | Whoever was helping me with my wireless firmware: The package has been installed. | 10:52 |
EvilIdler | It's a one-size-fits-all solution on Windows | 10:52 |
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dmhouse | Hey guys. I'm running 6.06/Dapper, and I want to upgrade to 7.04/Feisty. Is the best way to go through 6.10/Edgy? | 10:52 |
letynsoft | pollyo: hmm... looks like problem with initrd... the second kernel uses it too and i can't boot it too... | 10:52 |
Ichilegend | kawaii desu ne? | 10:52 |
snikker | Ichilegend: i've already installed also emerald... | 10:52 |
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pollyo | phoxy: If you want a Windows system to access the drive they have a driver so you can red etx2/3 from windows as well. | 10:53 |
Ichilegend | snikker ok, do you have a beryl ruby icon in your task bar? | 10:53 |
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snikker | Ichilegend: yes | 10:53 |
pollyo | BRB | 10:54 |
yazel | switched driver from via to vesa and high resolutions worked again | 10:54 |
phoxy | I am more interested in how I can resurrect my ADEPT which was corrupted by my attempt to upgrade Edgy through the network | 10:54 |
snikker | Ichilegend: the strange thing is that on edgy it work fine... it doesn't work on feisty... | 10:54 |
ma3x | I have the netinst CD of debian. can I somehow install directly sid? (not first etch and then upgrading to sid) | 10:54 |
phoxy | I shall try some of the ideas when I return to my machine on Monday | 10:54 |
Ichilegend | kool. if you right click it, you can choose "reload windows manager" or "reload theme manager" etc. try those and it should work | 10:54 |
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Ichilegend | @snikker, weird. Edgy borked my laptop, Fiesty is the first Linux to work well. | 10:56 |
EvilIdler | Beryl starts up much faster now. No more waiting half a minute for borders and titles to redraw :) | 10:56 |
phoxy | I read a nice review of Feisty on a laptop. He loved it, but the battery life was cut in half compared to XP | 10:56 |
snikker | Ichilegend: i've reload but nothing to do... | 10:57 |
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EvilIdler | But my system still keeps forgetting I had Beryl running if I log out and back in :/ | 10:57 |
dr0hne | <EvilIdler>you can write a startscript and running it, when logging in | 10:57 |
Ichilegend | beryl is a challenge , no doubt. My time is up though, | 10:58 |
dr0hne | i thin this is described in the ubuntu wiki | 10:58 |
EvilIdler | dr0hne: I know, but it feels filthy ;) - I'd prefer session management, like I've used all these years | 10:58 |
Ichilegend | Night night all. and best of luck to al sports racers | 10:58 |
dmhouse | Hey guys. I'm running 6.06/Dapper, and I want to upgrade to 7.04/Feisty. Is the best way to go through 6.10/Edgy? | 10:59 |
ubuntu | hello a have delete my disk partition and i have a question i can get back files of the delete parition ? | 10:59 |
ubuntu | soorry but my englis is not perfect :) | 11:00 |
spawn57 | dmhouse, use adept | 11:00 |
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snikker | dmhouse: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-release.php#upgrade | 11:00 |
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dmhouse | snikker: I'm not running 6.10 ;) | 11:00 |
snikker | dmhouse: oppss... sorry :-P | 11:01 |
snikker | dmhouse: you should use the old update method... | 11:01 |
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dmhouse | snikker: would that be the one described in this page? http://kubuntu.org/announcements/6.10-release.php | 11:02 |
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snikker | dmhouse: yes | 11:03 |
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Cosmo_ | anyone know how to run World of Padman in a window? | 11:04 |
parrotheadmjk | Can anyone help? I'm trying to do an upgrade to Feisty over network. I tried following the instructions on Ubuntu.com, but when I use the Adept manager it tells me to allow the Feisty repositories. But I can't see them. Any ideas for a linux newbie? | 11:05 |
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parrotheadmjk | Sorry - Ubuntu.com tells me to allow the Feisty repositories, but I don't see them in my Adept Manager list. | 11:05 |
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Shaddox_ | Hi again everyone. ^^ | 11:08 |
Shaddox_ | My wireless still isn't working. X_x | 11:09 |
Dekans | does someone know how many kubuntu dev are there ? | 11:09 |
Shaddox_ | Can someone help me fix my wireless? | 11:09 |
Dekans | what card ? | 11:10 |
Shaddox_ | broadcom 54g | 11:10 |
Dekans | bcm43xx ? | 11:10 |
Shaddox_ | yeah | 11:10 |
blekos_ | could you tell me the LC_ALL in locale what is it for? | 11:10 |
Dekans | Shaddox_: did you try fwcutter ? | 11:10 |
Shaddox_ | Dekans: I'm pretty sure I did. | 11:10 |
Dekans | wich driver did you use ? | 11:11 |
Shaddox_ | im not sure | 11:11 |
Shaddox_ | im a nub to linux stuff ^^ | 11:11 |
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Shaddox_ | i did this: sudo '/usr/share/bcm43xx-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh' | 11:12 |
Shaddox_ | then rebooted | 11:12 |
Shaddox_ | but it still doesnt work, after installing the fwcutter using Adept too | 11:12 |
Dekans | Shaddox_: http://metais.iiens.net/wl_apsta.o | 11:12 |
Dekans | download this one | 11:12 |
Dekans | and install it witn bcm43xx-fwcutter | 11:12 |
Shaddox_ | er...how? | 11:12 |
Shaddox_ | i saved it to my home folder | 11:13 |
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Dekans | sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter wl_apsta.o | 11:13 |
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jussi01 | can someone tell me how to configure the bottom panel only? (ive moved the default panel to the top of the screen and created a bottom panel) | 11:14 |
Shaddox_ | Dekans: Now what? | 11:14 |
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Dekans | Shaddox_: sudo bcm43xx-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware/`uname -r` wl_apsta.o | 11:14 |
=== Shaddox_ is now known as Shaddox | ||
Shaddox | There we go. ^ | 11:15 |
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Shaddox | Okay. | 11:15 |
Shaddox | It did the same stuff, it looked like. | 11:15 |
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Dekans | Shaddox: one of those 2 lines works well for me | 11:15 |
Shaddox | I did both, now what? | 11:15 |
Dekans | it's the second i think | 11:15 |
Dekans | sudo rmmod bcm43xx && sudo modprobe bcm43xx | 11:15 |
Shaddox | Done. | 11:16 |
Dekans | and check with iwconfig | 11:16 |
Dekans | or reboot to be sure | 11:16 |
Shaddox | lo no wireless extensions. | 11:16 |
Shaddox | eth0 no wireless extensions. | 11:16 |
Shaddox | eth1 IEEE 802.11b/g ESSID:"belkin54g" Nickname:"Broadcom 4318" | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Mode:Managed Frequency=2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:11:50:C8:00:60 | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Bit Rate=1 Mb/s | 11:16 |
Shaddox | RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Link Quality=0/100 Signal level=-256 dBm Noise level=-256 dBm | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0 | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0 | 11:16 |
Shaddox | Sorry, i know it's a lot, but i dont have my pastebin links anymore. X_x | 11:16 |
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Dekans | Shaddox: it seems to be ok | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Isn't it supposed to be more than 1MB? | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Like...54MB? | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Or 100? | 11:17 |
EvilIdler | Try pastebin.com :) | 11:17 |
Dekans | you are not yet connected | 11:17 |
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Shaddox | I set a manual IP and everything | 11:17 |
Dekans | Shaddox: do you run feisty or edgy ? | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Do I need to set it to DHCP? | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Feisty | 11:17 |
CedricP | hi all | 11:17 |
Dekans | Shaddox: you should have 54 MB | 11:17 |
Shaddox | Upgraded an hour ago, to Kubuntu from ubuntu feisty daily 20070414 | 11:18 |
Shaddox | Now my wireless isn't working again XD | 11:18 |
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Dekans | so try sudo ifup eth1 | 11:18 |
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CedricP | I upgraded from Edgy to Feisty... Now my KDE is not showing me the "switch user" button anymore, any idea ? | 11:18 |
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Shaddox | ifup: interface eth1 already configured | 11:18 |
Cosmo_ | since installing 7.04 I now have no sound, it was working fine with my creative labs audigy in 6.10 | 11:18 |
Dekans | sudo ifdown et1 && sudo ifup eth1 | 11:18 |
Shaddox | SIOCDELRT: No such process | 11:19 |
Shaddox | ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied | 11:19 |
Dekans | with sudo ? | 11:19 |
Shaddox | Mmhmm | 11:19 |
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Dekans | sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth1 | 11:19 |
Dekans | I forgot a letter | 11:19 |
Shaddox | i added the H you missed already when i did it | 11:19 |
Shaddox | archon@archon:~$ sudo ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1 | 11:20 |
Shaddox | SIOCDELRT: No such process | 11:20 |
Shaddox | ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied | 11:20 |
Dekans | sudo ifup | 11:20 |
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Shaddox | ifup: Use --help for help | 11:20 |
Dekans | you forgot the sudo | 11:21 |
Shaddox | no i didnt | 11:21 |
llutz | Shaddox: sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth1 | 11:21 |
KimBisgaard | shadox: I had to do a "sudo apt-get install -f" | 11:21 |
Dekans | archon@archon:~$ sudo ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1 | 11:21 |
llutz | Shaddox: you did | 11:21 |
Shaddox | I did that! >.> | 11:21 |
jonathan__ | gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 11:21 |
Shaddox | I didn't forget the sudo's, guys... | 11:21 |
jonathan__ | what is sudo mean? | 11:21 |
Shaddox | perform a command as a super user | 11:21 |
Dekans | jonathan__: su do ! | 11:21 |
Dekans | super user do | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | ow... | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | ok | 11:22 |
Dekans | :) | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | sudo -s -H | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | ? | 11:22 |
Shaddox | Look, Dekans and llutz: | 11:22 |
Shaddox | archon@archon:~$ sudo ifup eth1 | 11:22 |
Shaddox | ifup: interface eth1 already configured | 11:22 |
Shaddox | archon@archon:~$ sudo ifdown eth1 && ifup eth1 | 11:22 |
Shaddox | SIOCDELRT: No such process | 11:22 |
Shaddox | ifup: failed to open statefile /var/run/network/ifstate: Permission denied | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | then pasword? | 11:22 |
Shaddox | archon@archon:~$ sudo ifup | 11:22 |
Shaddox | ifup: Use --help for help | 11:22 |
Shaddox | archon@archon:~$ | 11:22 |
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Dekans | sudo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth1 | 11:22 |
llutz | Shaddox: read: udo ifdown eth1 && sudo ifup eth1 | 11:22 |
Dekans | do this | 11:22 |
llutz | +s | 11:22 |
jonathan__ | wow | 11:23 |
Dekans | first you forgot sudo, then you forgot eth1 | 11:23 |
Shaddox | Dekans: ifdown: interface eth1 not configured | 11:23 |
jonathan__ | sudo eth1 | 11:23 |
Dekans | so sudo ifup eth1 | 11:23 |
jonathan__ | sudo ifup eth1 | 11:23 |
Shaddox | ifup: interface eth1 already configured | 11:23 |
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Dekans | ifdown: interface eth1 not configured & ifup: interface eth1 already configured ?? | 11:24 |
jonathan__ | gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" | 11:24 |
jonathan__ | here is already a pid file /var/run/dhclient.eth1.pid with pid 134993416 | 11:24 |
Dekans | watch now | 11:24 |
jonathan__ | Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.4 | 11:24 |
Dekans | iwconfig | 11:24 |
jonathan__ | Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium. | 11:24 |
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jonathan__ | All rights reserved. | 11:24 |
jonathan__ | For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/ | 11:24 |
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jonathan__ | SIOCSIFADDR: No such device | 11:24 |
Shaddox | Dekans: We should go to private, johnathan_ is spamming line-by-line, instead of pasting all lines together. X_x | 11:24 |
KimBisgaard | shaddox: on my system apt-get did not finish configuring ie network | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | eth1: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | Bind socket to interface: No such device | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | Failed to bring up eth1. | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | error | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | ok | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | no wireless extensions | 11:25 |
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jonathan__ | ha2 | 11:25 |
KimBisgaard | shadox: So I had to do a "sudo apt-get install -f" | 11:25 |
jonathan__ | ok2 | 11:25 |
Dekans | ok | 11:25 |
Shaddox | Ugh | 11:25 |
Shaddox | It says only registered users can send privates, and I've registered already. :/ | 11:25 |
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Dekans | Shaddox: /msg ns identify password | 11:26 |
Shaddox | yeah yeah | 11:26 |
Shaddox | i forgot i was ghosted ^^ | 11:26 |
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jonathan__ | who was ghosted? | 11:27 |
jonathan__ | ^^ | 11:27 |
phoxy | how do I register? | 11:27 |
Shaddox | me. | 11:27 |
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-220-171-113.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coder2 | Hello. Who'd like to help me with installation? | 11:27 |
MidMark | !lock | 11:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:27 |
MidMark | !adept | 11:27 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 11:27 |
jonathan__ | what instalation? | 11:28 |
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=== bear [n=bear@sra83-1-88-163-207-211.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bear | salut | 11:28 |
coder2 | kubuntu on 965 motherboard | 11:28 |
jonathan__ | ada orang indonesia di sini? | 11:28 |
jonathan__ | kalo bisa bahasa indonesia bantuin dong! | 11:29 |
jonathan__ | hallo! | 11:29 |
bear | y'a des franais ? | 11:29 |
jonathan__ | bantuin gw dong bingung nih pake ubuntu | 11:29 |
bear | allooooooooooo | 11:30 |
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bear | thre is someone ? | 11:30 |
coder2 | bear: yas | 11:30 |
jonathan__ | y | 11:31 |
=== jonathan__ is now known as jonathan_ | ||
bear | I've a problem with Kubuntu | 11:31 |
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=== kompressori [n=neville@dsl-243-154-148.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hak5fan | I've asked here before, but my mic problem is really driving me mad. My mic volume is very low allthough the mic volume in kmix is set to max i've posted my problem here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=547799 | 11:31 |
KimBisgaard | bear: what problem? | 11:32 |
bear | I dont speak very well english | 11:32 |
bear | hum | 11:32 |
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bear | sometimes my computer bug at starting | 11:32 |
bear | I think it's half time | 11:32 |
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KimBisgaard | I do not speak french - spanish/german is better? | 11:32 |
hak5fan | bear does it restart at boot | 11:33 |
hak5fan | ? | 11:33 |
llutz | hak5fan: you've switched mic-booster on? | 11:33 |
coder2 | bear: unfortunately, I have a problem with kubuntu installation too. I guess there is no much hope for getting help here, but I have to stay here and wait | 11:33 |
premier_ | does anyone here know how eSATA works? Like, for an external hard drive? Is there plug and playness in linux, or do I have to reboot? | 11:33 |
=== Frost^ [n=sweiss@CBL217-132-97-104.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hak5fan | illutz: I can't do that because then It's really noisy | 11:33 |
bear | when I start kubuntu, sometimes it block to the starting screen | 11:33 |
bear | I've to reboot manually | 11:33 |
Cugel | bear: any error messages? | 11:34 |
bear | no | 11:34 |
bear | the starting stop | 11:34 |
bear | and nothing happen | 11:34 |
KimBisgaard | bear: try to look in /var/log/messages for errors | 11:34 |
hyper_ch | hiho, anyone who uses konversation please type: /sysinfo | 11:34 |
hak5fan | llutz: and it worked with out it before? | 11:34 |
hak5fan | not a q though | 11:35 |
coder2 | How about SATA drives connected to ICH8? Anybody's got it worked ? | 11:35 |
MidMark | !unlock | 11:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unlock - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:35 |
bear | is there a french IRC chanel for kubuntu ? | 11:35 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | is bchunk the only program that can convert bin/cue to iso? | 11:35 |
KimBisgaard | Sysinfo for 'xabbu': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R)Pentium(R)Mprocessor1200MHz at 1199 MHz (2418 bogomips), , RAM: 601/620MB, 114 proc's, 1.13h up | 11:35 |
hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: thx | 11:35 |
hak5fan | bear: try this http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/. The french ubuntu forum | 11:35 |
MidMark | !adeptfix | 11:35 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 11:35 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | bear- !fr | 11:36 |
bear | yes I already post my problem thre | 11:36 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | hmm.. !kubuntu-fr | 11:36 |
bear | !fr | 11:36 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:36 |
bear | thanks | 11:37 |
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hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: you are not using feisty? | 11:38 |
KimBisgaard | shure i do | 11:38 |
hsn_ | how can i change mirror for upgrading kubuntu? upgrade app displays ETA 23 hours and i have 10 Mbit line | 11:38 |
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hak5fan | !no | 11:39 |
ubotu | Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk! | 11:39 |
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hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: you are using feisty? how comes you have a 2.6.15 kernel? | 11:40 |
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hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: could you install gawk for a moment? | 11:40 |
KimBisgaard | The upgrade probably not worked too well | 11:41 |
coder2 | whom or where should I ask my question about SATA drives and kubuntu installation ? | 11:41 |
KimBisgaard | Im shure I have gawk installed - called awk | 11:41 |
hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: no, you have not | 11:41 |
hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: because it does not show your diskspace | 11:41 |
hyper_ch | that's what has troubled me since yesterday | 11:42 |
hyper_ch | and it seems that is only on feisty the case | 11:42 |
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os2mac | anyone know how to disable the compositor in KDE? | 11:42 |
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KimBisgaard | Sysinfo for 'xabbu': Linux 2.6.15-26-686 running KDE 3.5.6, CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1200MHz at 1199 MHz (2418 bogomips), HD: 21/54GB, RAM: 589/620MB, 113 proc's, 1.21h up | 11:43 |
hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: see, before it didn't show your diskspace | 11:43 |
KimBisgaard | You are so right | 11:44 |
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hyper_ch | it's strange | 11:44 |
KimBisgaard | Old problem with /root partition being too small | 11:44 |
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=== Hc [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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KimBisgaard | almost inpossible to get sufficient space for two kernels at the same time | 11:45 |
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hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: how do you mean that? | 11:46 |
os2mac | I am trying to turn off the GUI effects in KDE, can anyone help? | 11:46 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | gui effects? | 11:47 |
=== Linux_Galore [n=logan1@60-242-20-212.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
KimBisgaard | during install of kernel - I have to have enough space for both the old and the new kernel - I have not | 11:47 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | k menu- system settings- appearance and window behavior | 11:47 |
KimBisgaard | so it does not upgrade | 11:47 |
EvilIdler | KimBisgaard: Is it failing while creating the initrd? | 11:48 |
KimBisgaard | failing while unpacking the new kernel package | 11:48 |
EvilIdler | KimBisgaard: Do a 'sudo apt-get clean' and see if you have more space then | 11:49 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | is there any way to convert a bin/cue VCD file to an .avi? | 11:49 |
hyper_ch | KimBisgaard: hmmm :( not good... well, I have plenty of diskspace... too bad I can't "borrow" you some for the kernel upgrade | 11:49 |
=== Frost^- [n=sweiss@89-139-41-102.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Zephyr | Hi room | 11:50 |
Zephyr | have a query here about web cams | 11:50 |
Zephyr | how do i get my webcam working with ubuntu Dapper Drake? | 11:50 |
=== hoangnguyen [n=hoangngu@c58-107-59-185.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
KimBisgaard | Well I should just repartition and reinstall - but thats a lot of work - not time or not important enough | 11:50 |
dorto | I installed Kubuntu Fiesty but it is not showing 1440x900(native resolution for my samsum 940BW LCD monitor) as an option. Using 1120xsth resolution. | 11:51 |
dorto | I edited the xorg.conf file to add "1440x900" but it still is not showing that option | 11:51 |
EvilIdler | dorto: Did you add it for 24 bit? | 11:51 |
dorto | EvilIdler, yes, for both 24 and 16 bits | 11:52 |
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zerak | haha, from 200 kb to 3 kb for 10 min and now 500 kb | 11:53 |
EvilIdler | dorto: Check that you're really running in either of those, then check syntax in the modes line | 11:54 |
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EvilIdler | dorto: xwininfo from a console, click on a window, should tell you the current depth | 11:54 |
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dorto | EvilIdler, it cannot run in less than 16 or 24 bit mode. and I just added "1440x900" beside a long list of other resolutions listed: 1152xsth, 1440x1440 etc | 11:55 |
dorto | EvilIdler, k | 11:55 |
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dorto | I will run that command | 11:55 |
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EvilIdler | dorto: If it's in either, paste you xorg.conf to pastebin.com and show us the link | 11:56 |
=== kblog [n=kblog@zux221-070-092.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dorto | EvilIdler, Ubuntu Edgy switched to correct resolution after adding "1440x900"; should i just copy that xorg.conf to kubuntu(after taking a backup) ? | 11:56 |
coder2 | Anybody owns i965 motherboard ? How to install there? | 11:56 |
EvilIdler | dorto: Yeah, sounds like a good idea | 11:57 |
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dorto | EvilIdler, in fact I got it now when I rebooted the system. I was thinking just restarting X would refresh the resolutions. apparantly not. | 11:57 |
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dorto | thanks EvilIdler, 1440x900 resolutions looks very good indeed :) | 11:58 |
jonathan_ | 1234 | 11:58 |
EvilIdler | dorto: You did most of the thinking yourself ;) | 11:58 |
jonathan_ | ok | 11:58 |
jonathan_ | hello all! | 11:58 |
jonathan_ | I want to ask something | 11:58 |
jonathan_ | how to install vmware tools on my kubuntu? | 11:59 |
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jonathan_ | plz help me | 11:59 |
kblog | k3d is making me heavily troubles, i can't update to feisty because it. now, i even can't remove it... is there a way to remove it? | 11:59 |
jonathan_ | to install vmware tools | 11:59 |
just-this-time | go ahead jonathan_ | 11:59 |
jonathan_ | I'm trying to install vmware tools on my kubuntu | 12:00 |
EvilIdler | kblog: apt-get remove doesn't let you? | 12:00 |
jonathan_ | but I don't know to install it | 12:00 |
jonathan_ | hello | 12:00 |
jonathan_ | somebody plz | 12:00 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: what hardware .preferably have Intel VT ( Virtualization Technology) | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | I can't install my vmware tools | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | plz help me | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | someone! | 12:01 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: pls chill | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:01 |
just-this-time | all here are volunteers | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | just-this-time | 12:01 |
EvilIdler | If someone knows, they usually respond | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | can you help me? | 12:01 |
just-this-time | exactly | 12:01 |
=== _Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-135-063.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | this is my first time using kubuntu | 12:01 |
jonathan_ | so, I don't know anything exept windows xp ha2 | 12:02 |
loky | ciao | 12:02 |
just-this-time | as you may understand ppl are here because they want to, not because they are obliged | 12:02 |
just-this-time | IOW volunteers | 12:02 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:02 |
jonathan_ | what is IOW? | 12:02 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: do you have INtel VT? | 12:02 |
jonathan_ | ? | 12:03 |
jonathan_ | nope | 12:03 |
just-this-time | IOW - in a word | 12:03 |
kblog | EvilIdler: yes, apt-get remvoe puts out an error. | 12:03 |
just-this-time | a sec | 12:03 |
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se7en | what lib do i need again for transcode for amarok | 12:03 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Try apt-get -f install | 12:03 |
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jonathan_ | ok | 12:03 |
atidem | ciao! | 12:03 |
jonathan_ | cao! | 12:04 |
dorto | jonathan_, you trying to install VMWare player? or you can run OS in VMWare but want to install VMWare tools to improve efficiency? | 12:04 |
kblog | EvilIdler: i did but same: error. | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | yes | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | I want to use vmware tools | 12:04 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Pastebin it, or message me privately if you're registered | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | but I can't | 12:04 |
kblog | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | yep | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | I don't know again | 12:04 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Just that error, or is there more above? | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | I cannot do anything | 12:04 |
jonathan_ | ha2 | 12:05 |
jonathan_ | i'm just an amateur to using linux | 12:05 |
jonathan_ | so, I'm still don't know anything | 12:05 |
=== JanK_ [n=jan@muedsl-82-207-207-028.citykom.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | jonathan_: have an interesting reading here http://www.intel.com/technology/virtualization/index.htm | 12:05 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:05 |
jonathan_ | what is that? | 12:05 |
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jthumb | anybody familiar with the logout menu of kubuntu here ? | 12:06 |
JanK_ | how to enable the built-in compiz/beryl in feisty? | 12:06 |
=== andremarte [n=andremar@host35-250-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
andremarte | !it | 12:06 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:06 |
kblog | EvilIdler: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16765/ | 12:06 |
jonathan_ | somebody from indonesia? | 12:06 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm235.epsilon48.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | 1:100000 | 12:06 |
just-this-time | jonathan_ I'm still don't know anything < << you are not native english speaking are you ? | 12:07 |
jonathan_ | it's very rare indonesian people using linux | 12:07 |
jonathan_ | huh | 12:07 |
just-this-time | ah I see | 12:07 |
se7en | someone use amarok transcode? | 12:07 |
just-this-time | welcome Indonesia | 12:07 |
jonathan_ | yep | 12:07 |
jonathan_ | ha2 | 12:07 |
jonathan_ | selamat datang | 12:07 |
just-this-time | Indonesia - big country many islands | 12:08 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I'm installing it now to see if I get any problems | 12:08 |
se7en | what lib do i need to download to make transcode work | 12:08 |
=== aldin [n=aldin@cm-970.europronet.ba] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dekans | does someone know how many kubuntu dev are there ?? | 12:08 |
jonathan_ | yes | 12:08 |
jonathan_ | and biodivercity | 12:08 |
just-this-time | come again Dekans? | 12:08 |
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just-this-time | Dekans: kubuntu developers ? who is counting ? | 12:08 |
Dekans | just-this-time: canonical | 12:10 |
=== slavka [n=Slava@X12.D-IP06.lipetsk.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
EvilIdler | kblog: It's failing at Python module updates on your system. Have you had any other Python-related issues? | 12:10 |
=== Hc\\ [n=foo@a88-112-4-210.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | how can I registred to the server? | 12:11 |
jonathan_ | what is this? | 12:11 |
just-this-time | ah yes Dekans canonical has its website (s) consider checking there ? | 12:11 |
jonathan_ | I cannot start the private converstation | 12:11 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: must register here on freenode | 12:11 |
jonathan_ | how? | 12:11 |
just-this-time | nickserv and stuff | 12:11 |
jonathan_ | can you teach me? | 12:11 |
jonathan_ | how to register? | 12:12 |
kblog | EvilIdler: yes, thats possible. had other smaller problems too | 12:12 |
_4strO | !register | 12:12 |
just-this-time | wait | 12:12 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 12:12 |
kblog | EvilIdler: should i remove python? | 12:12 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:12 |
just-this-time | ty there you go jonathan_ ^^^ | 12:12 |
_4strO | !register | jonathan_ | 12:12 |
=== ak_ [n=ak@p54B0793D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubotu | jonathan_: please see above | 12:12 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I just had a compile warning, but the program is not running well :/ | 12:12 |
jonathan_ | I'm already click that links | 12:12 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I wouldn't recommend that - too much in Ubuntu is based on it | 12:12 |
jonathan_ | now... | 12:12 |
jonathan_ | what? | 12:12 |
just-this-time | -- > /msg nickserv register ? | 12:13 |
EvilIdler | kblog: If you do, you should drop to a console and shut down KDM/X etc., then apt-get install the kubuntu-desktop package again *after* doing a full upgrade | 12:13 |
kblog | EvilIdler: i know... but... how can i piss off it ? :( | 12:13 |
kblog | EvilIdler: ok, ill join via irssi then. | 12:13 |
EvilIdler | kblog: You could try one thing first | 12:14 |
jonathan_ | ?! | 12:14 |
jonathan_ | what is this? | 12:14 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | 12:14 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Create the file /usr/share/python-support/k3d.dirs - it should just contain 'usr/share'k3d' on a line by itself | 12:14 |
jonathan_ | just copy and paste? | 12:14 |
=== jonathanmm [n=jonathan@gsv95-1-82-233-15-232.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathanmm | Bonjout | 12:14 |
jonathan_ | bonjour! | 12:15 |
just-this-time | --> /msg nickserv register p455w0rd | 12:15 |
jonathanmm | J'ai un probleme avec mon micro | 12:15 |
jonathanmm | je ne m'attend presque pas | 12:15 |
_4strO | !fr | jonathanmm | 12:15 |
ubotu | jonathanmm: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 12:15 |
=== aldin [n=aldin@cm-970.europronet.ba] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | I'm already registred | 12:15 |
just-this-time | ready for private (PM ) jonathan ? | 12:15 |
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=== kblog [n=kblog@zux221-070-092.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== root__ is now known as shin | ||
jonathan_ | ok | 12:16 |
jonathanmm | Que se passe t il ici ? | 12:16 |
just-this-time | try PM jonathan_ | 12:16 |
jonathanmm | I m sorry | 12:16 |
kblog | EvilIdler: ok, im back. so your further advices? :) | 12:16 |
EvilIdler | kblog: You could try one thing first | 12:16 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Create the file /usr/share/python-support/k3d.dirs - it should just contain 'usr/share'k3d' on a line by itself | 12:16 |
=== jonathanmm [n=jonathan@gsv95-1-82-233-15-232.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
jonathan_ | do you have some msn id or yahoo? | 12:16 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Then try to install k3d again | 12:16 |
just-this-time | sure jona | 12:17 |
just-this-time | sure jonathan_ | 12:17 |
jonathan_ | what is your id? | 12:17 |
jonathan_ | msn or yahoo | 12:17 |
kblog | EvilIdler: ok, ill try. | 12:17 |
jonathan_ | I'm prefer kopete more than konverstation | 12:17 |
just-this-time | kopete is alright | 12:18 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:18 |
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jonathan_ | what is your id now? | 12:18 |
jonathan_ | I will add you just-this-time | 12:18 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: you are not on PM yet | 12:18 |
jonathan_ | this place is to crowded | 12:18 |
jonathan_ | I can't | 12:18 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:18 |
just-this-time | so jonathan_ you are not yet nickserv registered then | 12:18 |
kblog | EvilIdler: with the ' or not? | 12:19 |
EvilIdler | kblog: without | 12:19 |
=== andremarte [n=andremar@host35-250-dynamic.6-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
just-this-time | also do /msg nickserv id p455w0rd jonathan_ | 12:19 |
aldin | ** (beryl-manager:6603): CRITICAL **: can't execute beryl-xgl: Success | 12:21 |
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just-this-time | jonathan_: I just onlined on msn | 12:21 |
EvilIdler | aldin: Critical success! Double damage! | 12:21 |
=== abdullah [n=abdullah@p57B5F90E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | ok | 12:21 |
kblog | EvilIdler: with reinstall? or just install? | 12:21 |
abdullah | hallo @ all | 12:21 |
aldin | EvilIdler: what to do | 12:21 |
jonathan_ | just-this-time | 12:21 |
jonathan_ | I'm alreaduy add you | 12:21 |
aldin | abdullah: hello | 12:21 |
jonathan_ | pribadi111@yahoo.com | 12:21 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: is that your msn Id as well/ | 12:22 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I'd try first to 'apt-get install k3d', then to remove it. If neither works, it's looking like you need to remove a package it depends on :/ | 12:22 |
jonathan_ | I'm using YM | 12:22 |
EvilIdler | aldin: xglinfo should tell you if your desktop is set up for 3D hardware acceleration | 12:22 |
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just-this-time | nope that is a yahoo one | 12:23 |
ionus | how to install video driver in kubuntu | 12:23 |
aldin | EvilIdler: u mean fglrxinfo? it is set up | 12:23 |
jonathan_ | yes | 12:23 |
just-this-time | ionus | 12:23 |
jonathan_ | I'm using yahoo messenger | 12:23 |
just-this-time | !ati | 12:23 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:23 |
just-this-time | !nvidia | 12:23 |
se7en | what lib do i need to download to make transcode work | 12:23 |
just-this-time | !intel | 12:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:23 |
jonathan_ | ! | 12:23 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-39-49.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ionus | !nvidia | 12:23 |
ionus | ok i understand | 12:23 |
ionus | !nvidia | 12:23 |
aldin | EvilIdler: i have ati card | 12:23 |
EvilIdler | aldin: I'm not sure what that is, but whichever program tells you if X is actually *using* 3D | 12:23 |
jonathan_ | are u online now? | 12:24 |
jonathan_ | tonybehar@hotmail.com | 12:24 |
jonathan_ | ? | 12:24 |
just-this-time | ops ! !nvidia should point to !ati | 12:24 |
EvilIdler | aldin: glxinfo is a standard tool that comes with Xorg or a package in that collection, while fglrx are ATI-specific driver thingamies. See the ATI links above - I'm no expert on ATI :) | 12:24 |
just-this-time | jonathan_: online on yahoo or msn ? | 12:24 |
aldin | nevermind worked on edgy... | 12:25 |
kblog | EvilIdler: i wasnt able to reinstall it but to remove ! :) | 12:25 |
EvilIdler | kblog: That's progress :) | 12:26 |
bxnp | is there away if you run the live cd to burn something on a disk | 12:26 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I suspect your upgrade will be like mine - dist-upgrades and -f and --configure -a till it stops complaining | 12:26 |
jonathan_ | I'm online on my yahoo | 12:26 |
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just-this-time | that explains it jonathan_ | 12:26 |
just-this-time | in the meantime onlened on yahoo! as well | 12:26 |
jonathan_ | pribadi111@yahoo.com | 12:27 |
ferret_0567 | Why does Kontact keep on creating files named "list.vcf*" on the desktop? | 12:27 |
ferret_0567 | It's getting annoying | 12:27 |
just-this-time | why put email in public jonathan_? it maybe abused | 12:27 |
just-this-time | I advise you not to do it | 12:27 |
jonathan_ | oh ya? | 12:27 |
jonathan_ | I don't know | 12:27 |
jonathan_ | sorry | 12:27 |
just-this-time | pls dont advertise mine | 12:27 |
jonathan_ | ok | 12:28 |
jonathan_ | just using private converstation | 12:28 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@dslb-088-064-136-130.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferret_0567 | IRC is plain text, it's easy to intercept | 12:28 |
jonathan_ | you are not online<just-this-time> | 12:28 |
jonathan_ | are you already login to you msn? | 12:28 |
jonathan_ | I'm waiting | 12:29 |
just-this-time | both jonathan_ | 12:29 |
jonathan_ | hm... | 12:29 |
jonathan_ | ? | 12:29 |
os2mac | is there a way through the GUI in KDE to add something to the startup? | 12:29 |
kblog | EvilIdler: i just started apt dist-upgrade im going to reinstall it later. | 12:29 |
jonathan_ | oh my | 12:30 |
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jonathan_ | it's hard | 12:30 |
jonathan_ | to crowded | 12:30 |
os2mac | ok what's the easy way? | 12:30 |
jonathan_ | hello | 12:30 |
jonathan_ | os2mac | 12:30 |
os2mac | Hi Jonathan | 12:30 |
EvilIdler | kblog: I suspect k3d is broken, because my installation on a working Feisty just got a black screen | 12:30 |
jonathan_ | k3d? | 12:30 |
jonathan_ | what is that? | 12:30 |
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jonathan_ | running compiz? | 12:31 |
ferret_0567 | Are you getting a black screen at the console? | 12:31 |
ionus | !iso | 12:31 |
ubotu | To mount an ISO disc image, type sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 12:31 |
ferret_0567 | If so, I can help | 12:31 |
ionus | !write iso on cd | 12:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about write iso on cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:31 |
ferret_0567 | Use k3b for that | 12:31 |
ionus | !write cd | 12:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about write cd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:31 |
ferret_0567 | It's a really good CD burning app | 12:32 |
jonathan_ | oh! | 12:32 |
kblog | EvilIdler: so i just dont reinstall it. | 12:32 |
just-this-time | ionus why abuse using ! sign ? | 12:32 |
EvilIdler | ferret_0567: Installing the k3d package gave me a compilation error, and launching the program on a Beryl desktop shows a black window. The thumbnail looks different | 12:32 |
jonathan_ | bye2 all | 12:32 |
kblog | jonathan_: yes its the best for kde actually | 12:32 |
kblog | imho | 12:32 |
just-this-time | bye jonathan_ | 12:32 |
ferret_0567 | sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install k3b | 12:32 |
ionus | tell me a program with i can write cd and dvd | 12:32 |
ferret_0567 | That one | 12:32 |
ionus | k3b? | 12:32 |
os2mac | ok, what is the quick way to add something to autostart? | 12:32 |
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ferret_0567 | You are using Kubuntu, right? | 12:33 |
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ferret_0567 | Yes | 12:33 |
kblog | which alsa-version is feisty using? | 12:33 |
ionus | kubuntu | 12:33 |
ferret_0567 | That "k3b" program is excellent | 12:33 |
ionus | ok | 12:33 |
ionus | thx | 12:33 |
ionus | but i can write iso images? | 12:33 |
kblog | brb | 12:33 |
os2mac | !autostart | 12:33 |
EvilIdler | kblog: Reinstall it when the system is updated, but try without 3D effects on the desktop first :) | 12:33 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 12:33 |
ferret_0567 | paste that "sudo..." thing into konsole | 12:33 |
ionus | and | 12:34 |
DJ_T_DoG | guys, i got a problem.. yesterday i was updating kubuntu to feisty fawn, but in the middle of the update the lights went out and the instalation stopped (at about 95%).. How can i resume it?? | 12:34 |
ferret_0567 | press enter | 12:34 |
EvilIdler | Once you've seen k3b, you don't really want to use any other burner | 12:34 |
ionus | done | 12:34 |
ferret_0567 | sudo apt-get install is how you install software a certain way | 12:34 |
apokryphos | better to use adept | 12:35 |
apokryphos | ubotu: adept | 12:35 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 12:35 |
ferret_0567 | Using Adept is another in Kubuntu | 12:35 |
kblog | EvilIdler: ok, ill do | 12:35 |
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ionus | sudo is like -su | 12:35 |
ionus | ? | 12:35 |
kblog | brb | 12:35 |
apokryphos | ionus: /msg ubotu sudo | 12:35 |
ferret_0567 | not exactly | 12:35 |
ferret_0567 | similar, but not exactly | 12:35 |
ferret_0567 | it's important to know the difference between the two | 12:35 |
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ferret_0567 | sudo apt-get update will make sure you install the latest k3b or whatever | 12:36 |
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Doctor_Nick | ugh | 12:36 |
bxnp | guys is there away when i use the kubuntu install cd on a computer with one cd burner to write a cd | 12:36 |
Doctor_Nick | does anyone here know how to work sshfs | 12:36 |
ionus | ok | 12:36 |
ferret_0567 | For support people, telling somebody to paste this thingy into konsole and press enter, is much easier than walking them through, say, Adept | 12:36 |
ionus | but i don now how to burn iso on cd | 12:37 |
=== gigabytes [n=nicola@host134-20-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gigabytes | hello everybody | 12:37 |
ferret_0567 | Install k3b using that thingy I told you about | 12:37 |
ionus | ok a found it | 12:37 |
ferret_0567 | ok | 12:37 |
ferret_0567 | Good | 12:37 |
apokryphos | ferret_0567: Adept is the Kubuntu package manager; to new users you should recommend that | 12:37 |
gigabytes | I feel like adept is very slow on my machine | 12:37 |
gigabytes | is it normal? | 12:38 |
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apokryphos | telling them to just put a command on the terminal probably isn't helping them at all | 12:38 |
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ionus | but what is diference betwen kubuntu and ubuntu | 12:38 |
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apokryphos | ionus: please take a look at the FAQ <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions> as linked to in the channel /topic | 12:38 |
Doctor_Nick | !kubuntu | 12:38 |
ubotu | Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE | 12:38 |
ionus | what is diference betwen kubuntu and ubuntu | 12:39 |
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ferret_0567 | !ubuntu | 12:39 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 12:39 |
DJ_T_DoG | guys, i got a problem.. yesterday i was updating kubuntu to feisty fawn, but in the middle of the update the lights went out and obviously the instalation stopped (at about 95%).. How can i resume it?? | 12:40 |
abattoir | ionus: kubuntu ships with KDE as the default DE, whereas ubuntu ships w/ GNOME | 12:40 |
DJ_T_DoG | can some1 help me | 12:40 |
DJ_T_DoG | ? | 12:40 |
ionus | only desktop interface | 12:40 |
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EvilIdler | DJ_T_DoG: Dirty quick way - open a console and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 12:40 |
DJ_T_DoG | thanks | 12:40 |
_4strO | DJ_T_DoG: simply try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade | 12:40 |
ionus | what is diference betwen KDE and GNOME | 12:41 |
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_4strO | and then he will give you the command to resume | 12:41 |
EvilIdler | DJ_T_DoG: I had to massage my upgrade to get it rolling, but apt-get picks up where it dropped out | 12:41 |
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abattoir | ionus: yeah, pretty much | 12:41 |
os2mac | !autostart | 12:41 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 12:41 |
abattoir | ionus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE | 12:41 |
abattoir | ionus: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME | 12:41 |
_4strO | something like : dpkg upgrade update -a | 12:41 |
_4strO | didn't remember | 12:41 |
ionus | who is more easy to use KDE or GNOME | 12:42 |
anymous | hello, i just upgraded to 7.04, but after reboot the login screen greets with ubuntu not with kubuntu, how could it happen? | 12:42 |
EvilIdler | ionus: Yes. | 12:42 |
DJ_T_DoG | it says i gad to run dpkg --configure -a | 12:43 |
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DJ_T_DoG | *had | 12:43 |
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_4strO | DJ_T_DoG: this is the command i was looking for :) | 12:43 |
DJ_T_DoG | :) | 12:43 |
EvilIdler | DJ_T_DoG: Yep, that's what I did. sudo dpkg --configure -a | 12:43 |
DJ_T_DoG | it has resumed :) | 12:43 |
DJ_T_DoG | thanks a lot | 12:44 |
_4strO | no pb ;) | 12:44 |
ionus | ok thx for ansewers | 12:44 |
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TomTom | hi there, the gui management of the system services panics, so i have to adjust them on the command line. because of the replacement for the system-v init.d stuff i cant use update-rc.d commands anmore ? are there new commands available ? | 12:44 |
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_4strO | anymous: try a : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 12:44 |
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anymous | _4astrO, kubuntu-desktop is and was installed, it's just an upgrade | 12:45 |
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EvilIdler | anymous: You need to switch login manager to KDM, then. Not sure how, actually. | 12:46 |
EvilIdler | anymous: But you can still select KDE from the login manager in use | 12:46 |
anymous | EvilIdler, ah, I see, gdm is running, not kdm | 12:47 |
carlos | im having troubles with kubuntu 7.04 i can see Window's partition anyone knows why? | 12:47 |
ferret_0567 | anymous: you a advanced linux user? | 12:47 |
anymous | EvilIdler, yes, am running kde | 12:47 |
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ferret_0567 | Or above average> | 12:47 |
anymous | ferret_0567, what does that mean? | 12:47 |
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ferret_0567 | ok, nvm | 12:47 |
anymous | am using linux for over 10 years now... | 12:48 |
EvilIdler | anymous: If you live and breathe obscure bash commands, that's a yes :) | 12:48 |
ferret_0567 | then ok | 12:48 |
ferret_0567 | YEah | 12:48 |
anymous | you mean like : <(:) | 12:48 |
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anymous | ok, i get it, just remove gdm... | 12:49 |
ferret_0567 | ok, to remove gdm and install kdm: sudo apt-get install kdm && sudo apt-get --purge remove kdm | 12:49 |
bxnp | does kubuntu feisty allso have the missing codec thing | 12:49 |
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anymous | great, will do, thx | 12:49 |
ferret_0567 | err... sudo apt-get install kdm && sudo apt-get --purge remove gdm | 12:49 |
anymous | another thing... | 12:49 |
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anymous | during upgrade, update-initramfs was run about 40times, is that really neccessary, takes ages on a celeron 1Ghz | 12:50 |
ferret_0567 | if when you logout, you get no GUI login screen, login at the console, and type: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 12:50 |
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EvilIdler | anymous: I have the same complaint, even on a faster computer. Same thing with fonts - it really ought to be delayed until the end :( | 12:51 |
hak5fan | what's the kubuntu eqvivalent to this: Goto System->Preferences->Sound and disable "Enable Sound Server Startup" | 12:51 |
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ferret_0567 | Well...I don't have all of Kubuntu installed | 12:52 |
anymous | EvilIdler, the problem was, that /boot was too small, so I got always no space left on device, and after removing some linux-images, the same command had to be run again... | 12:52 |
ferret_0567 | If you want, you can do it this way | 12:52 |
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ferret_0567 | Alt+F2, type kcontrol, then press enter | 12:52 |
ionus | key combination in kubuntu | 12:52 |
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EvilIdler | anymous: That's a nuisance, yes. I had some issues around Dapper because of that, and ended up making my own images with yaird | 12:53 |
ionus | key shortcuts | 12:53 |
ionus | !key shortcuts | 12:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about key shortcuts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:53 |
ferret_0567 | Alt+F2 = run dialog | 12:53 |
ionus | mimize and maximize | 12:53 |
ionus | ? | 12:53 |
EvilIdler | anymous: But I guess the best thing is to remove a few older kernels. I just wish it was easier remembering the names of all the kernel and image packages | 12:53 |
=== BudgetDedicated [n=BudgetDe@s5593c2e9.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferret_0567 | Alt+F1 = Apps Menu (K Menu) | 12:53 |
heinkel_111 | wohoo torrent tracker is up....get on ! | 12:53 |
anymous | EvilIdler, yes, those names! | 12:54 |
ionus | minimize all? | 12:54 |
EvilIdler | anymous: None of them fit in an xterm. dpkg -l chops off the last part :/ | 12:54 |
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lastdance | does any1 knows how can i add the trash on the panel? | 12:54 |
anymous | ah, only if you put the output to a pipe, then the lines are long enough, like dpkg -l|grep linux-image | 12:55 |
ionus | key shortcuts for minimize all and maximize | 12:55 |
ferret_0567 | hak5fan: continuing on, click Sound and Multimedia on the left pane, click Sound System, then uncheck "Enable the sound system" | 12:55 |
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EvilIdler | anymous: Yep, then to remember all the obscure self-compiled modules for cameras and NICs :P | 12:55 |
stoft | ionus: show desktop - ctrl + alt+ d | 12:56 |
anymous | EvilIdler, :) | 12:56 |
esben | ionus: Try alt-f2, write "kcontrol", then go to Regional&accessibility->keyboard shortcuts. They are all there | 12:56 |
ionus | where i can see all keyshortcuts | 12:56 |
anymous | ok, nice chatting with you, have to move on, enjoy the nice day, cu | 12:56 |
ferret_0567 | thanks esben | 12:56 |
ferret_0567 | I was typing that | 12:57 |
esben | No idea why Kubuntu hides KControl from the users, it is a 1000 times better than the "System Settings" that is in the menu :/ | 12:57 |
kblog | well, i have to go. ill return in the evening | 12:57 |
ionus | where i can see all keyshortcuts | 12:57 |
esben | ionus: See my last post | 12:57 |
EvilIdler | esben: Yeah, the default is pretty similar, but you can't resize it to FIT THE DAMN ADMIN BUTTONS :P | 12:57 |
ferret_0567 | I saw it, ionus | 12:57 |
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esben | EvilIdler: I can't find *Anything* in the System Settings thing. The search is beyond broken, it is hopeless :/ | 12:58 |
hak5fan | ferret_0567: ok | 12:58 |
hak5fan | ferret_0567: Thanks | 12:58 |
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ionus | ok thanks a lot | 12:59 |
ferret_0567 | esben, you want that nuisance gone? | 12:59 |
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ferret_0567 | I can oblige you | 12:59 |
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esben | ferret_0567: That would be very nice :) | 12:59 |
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EvilIdler | Ugh, what happened to my fonts in Opera?! | 12:59 |
EvilIdler | They look like a broken typewriter shat all over it :( | 01:00 |
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ferret_0567 | esben: remove kde-systemsettings | 01:02 |
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ferret_0567 | I finally found it | 01:02 |
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esben | ferret_0567: thanks :) | 01:03 |
Werzi2001 | hi@ll | 01:03 |
EvilIdler | Worthless config program. F---- Would bash again. | 01:03 |
ferret_0567 | Then, you may manually add kcontrol to the menu | 01:03 |
Werzi2001 | does anybody know when the bug with lvm in the installer (very very slow) will be fixed? | 01:03 |
esben | of course :) But I use katapult for starting it anyway | 01:03 |
Werzi2001 | (in feisty) | 01:04 |
Cugel | Dudes, when I try to change my desktop wallpaper ('configure desktop') nothing happens. Any ideas? | 01:04 |
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pollyo | Hello | 01:06 |
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pollyo | If I find software packaged for Edgy Eft online will it install on a Feisty system? | 01:07 |
Cugel | It will. | 01:07 |
Cugel | I do not recommend it, though. | 01:07 |
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EvilIdler | As long as it's not stupidly asking for exact library versions, only minimums | 01:07 |
pollyo | Maybe I'll email the developers first. | 01:08 |
esben | Cugel: works for me... configure, select, click apply | 01:08 |
EvilIdler | pollyo: Get the source and try building a package from there. If an older version exists in apt, there is also a neat way you can get all the requirements to build it yourself. | 01:08 |
pollyo | I was just a little curious. Anyone familiar with Elisa | 01:08 |
esben | pollyo: I find it best to either find the software in a repository, or compile by hand. | 01:08 |
pollyo | Some type of media center | 01:08 |
EvilIdler | Link? | 01:09 |
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pollyo | http://elisa.fluendo.com/ | 01:10 |
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EvilIdler | pollyo: Looks like it's too early for regular packages on that project. No debian directories in the source packages. | 01:12 |
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pollyo | EvilIdler: Ok. Thank you. I'll see if they have any information on a new package. | 01:13 |
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EvilIdler | pollyo: Urge the packager to release those bits to the main project :) | 01:14 |
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MegaVolt | is vpn + knetworkmanager working vor anyone here ? | 01:16 |
MegaVolt | when i click on "configure vpn" nothing happens, no error message, simply nothing | 01:16 |
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puppetmaster | Hi everyone | 01:17 |
_Johny | puppetmaster: Hi | 01:17 |
puppetmaster | I'm having a problem with myy rar files | 01:17 |
puppetmaster | it doesn't open | 01:17 |
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_Johny | puppetmaster: What program do you use to open it? | 01:18 |
puppetmaster | The message is | 01:18 |
puppetmaster | Could not open "download\amr_khaled_2.rar" | 01:18 |
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puppetmaster | Archive manageer | 01:18 |
_Johny | GNOME OR KDE? | 01:19 |
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puppetmaster | gnome | 01:19 |
imagine | kde | 01:19 |
wickedpuppy | hi guys .. does anyone know should i get 32 or 54 bit version if i got intel core 2 duo ? | 01:19 |
imagine | 48bit | 01:19 |
wickedpuppy | i mean 64 | 01:20 |
=== imagine shuts up | ||
_Johny | puppetmaster: Have you tried to open it in a console archiver (unrar)? | 01:20 |
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puppetmaster | no is that a command | 01:20 |
puppetmaster | like | 01:20 |
_Johny | it is | 01:20 |
puppetmaster | unrar fil.rar | 01:20 |
_Johny | !find unrar | 01:20 |
ubotu | Found: unrar-free, unrar | 01:20 |
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lastdance | hi, i have a question, does any1 know how to add the trash back to the panel, it is gone after the upgrade to feisty | 01:21 |
stoft | shouldn't it be "unrar x file.rar"? | 01:21 |
puppetmaster | waht | 01:21 |
_Johny | unrar-free unrar |puppetmaster | 01:21 |
puppetmaster | what | 01:21 |
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_Johny | !unrar-free unrar |puppetmaster | 01:21 |
sivaji | !pastebin | sivaji | 01:21 |
_Johny | !unrar |puppetmaster | 01:21 |
ubotu | puppetmaster: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 01:21 |
puppetmaster | !unrar-free: event not found | 01:21 |
_Johny | !unrar-free |puppetmaster | 01:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unrar-free - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:22 |
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_Johny | It's to be corrected | 01:22 |
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sivaji | edgy to feisty upgrade error ple help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16781/ email add sivaji_2009@yahoo.com | 01:24 |
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_Johny | !find rules | 01:24 |
ubotu | Found: acheck-rules, acheck-rules-fr, oinkmaster, snort-rules-default, spamassassin-rules-ja | 01:24 |
_Johny | Factoid for users who son't know the rules? | 01:25 |
_Johny | don't know | 01:25 |
_Johny | !find faq | 01:25 |
ubotu | Found: debian-zh-faq-s, debian-zh-faq-t, faqomatic, libroxen-faq, post-faq (and 1 others) | 01:25 |
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_Johny | !guidelines|sivaji | 01:26 |
ubotu | sivaji: The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 01:26 |
pollyo | EvilIdler: Someone on the #elisa chat said that it installs on feisty. | 01:27 |
EvilIdler | pollyo: Then it should be OK. Of course, installing and working are two different things ;) | 01:27 |
pollyo | EvilIdler: Would not having those directories you mentioned be a problem in anyway that you can see? | 01:27 |
pollyo | EvilIdler: They claim it works after installation as well. <grin> | 01:28 |
EvilIdler | pollyo: They're for the source code to be easily packaged by users | 01:28 |
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EvilIdler | pollyo: If a sourcecode tarball has the debian directory, you can build a .deb for your distro with a simple command. | 01:28 |
stoft | !it | 01:28 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 01:28 |
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stoft | !se | 01:29 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 01:29 |
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dennister | ok kids; i need some help breaking some large mpg files into 2-3 chunks -- not compressing them -- breaking them...any ideas? | 01:38 |
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stoft | mpg as in film or mpg as in audio? | 01:39 |
dennister | mpg as in film, yes | 01:39 |
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EvilIdler | MPEGs are streams, so plain old split will work | 01:39 |
sivaji | dpkg is not working it cant accept "dpkg --configure -a" help me ple | 01:40 |
dennister | yeah? split as in cli? i didn't know that was an available command | 01:40 |
stoft | dennister: otherwise take a peak at 'gopchop'. I've never used it but I think it does what you're looking for. | 01:40 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: split -b <bytes> or other options for megabytes etc. See the man page. | 01:41 |
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dennister | gopchop is a program? i'll have to reboot or something...as in adept and synaptic are crashing at startup...i will check out the split man page, thanks | 01:42 |
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ubuntu__ | hello | 01:43 |
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ubuntu__ | Anyone here? | 01:43 |
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ubuntu__ | what can I install on kubuntu? | 01:44 |
dennister | stoft: EvilIdler: thank you both | 01:44 |
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DJ_T_DoG | hi, i updated kubuntu to feisty, but now i can't access, from a windows pc, the kubuntu's shared files.. how can i solve this? | 01:44 |
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dennister | ubuntu__: almost anything...what do u want to do? | 01:45 |
ferret_0567 | What are you looking for ubuntu__? | 01:45 |
ubuntu__ | erase windows, install kubuntunything | 01:45 |
EvilIdler | DJ_T_DoG: Samba has a tendency to not restart on upgrade, if that's what you used | 01:45 |
DJ_T_DoG | yes i used samba | 01:45 |
ubuntu__ | I want games and movi ripers, and sound players | 01:45 |
DJ_T_DoG | how can i restart it? | 01:45 |
EvilIdler | DJ_T_DoG: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart | 01:45 |
ferret_0567 | first of all, you'll want some of those | 01:45 |
ubuntu__ | in console samba | 01:45 |
ferret_0567 | !codecs | ubuntu__ | 01:45 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:45 |
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dennister | ubuntu__: you already have some music players...part of kubuntu, and acidrip is good for movie rippers | 01:46 |
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ferret_0567 | Please don't install WMA support though, I beg you | 01:46 |
chrismir | Are there known issues with FF? | 01:46 |
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ubuntu__ | me?? | 01:46 |
ubuntu__ | I want wma support! | 01:46 |
ferret_0567 | yes | 01:46 |
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ubuntu__ | I think?! | 01:46 |
ferret_0567 | ok | 01:46 |
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DJ_T_DoG | i've done it and still have the same problem.. | 01:46 |
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ubuntu__ | What else can I install? | 01:47 |
ferret_0567 | How many WMA;s do you have? | 01:47 |
plhardy | !fr | 01:47 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 01:47 |
EvilIdler | WMA is a carcinogen for your system. | 01:47 |
chrismir | FF coredumps on me :( | 01:47 |
ferret_0567 | Well...if you have all your CD's, you can get out of the WMA loop | 01:47 |
ubuntu__ | I want a game, any game? | 01:47 |
ferret_0567 | Lot's | 01:47 |
rafael | hi there, when i instaled my ubuntu.. the instalation hadn't created a boot menu | 01:47 |
rafael | how can i make one | 01:48 |
ubuntu__ | Hehe | 01:48 |
ferret_0567 | What kind of games do you like? | 01:48 |
ubuntu__ | Install kubuntu | 01:48 |
ubuntu__ | everytype | 01:48 |
ubuntu__ | something like counter strike? | 01:48 |
ferret_0567 | I'll start with FPS | 01:48 |
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ubuntu__ | Is fps a game? | 01:48 |
ScarFreewill | !aptfix | 01:48 |
ubotu | If Adept crashed on you and your database is locked, try this in konsole: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:48 |
ferret_0567 | Enemy Territory, Nexuiz, | 01:49 |
ubuntu__ | sudo apt-get install fps | 01:49 |
ferret_0567 | no | 01:49 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Check out linuxgames.com and happypenguin.org for recommendations, and see which ones are in the package repositories | 01:49 |
dennister | rafael: u mean there's no grub or lilo at bootup? do u have any other operating systems installed at all? | 01:49 |
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ferret_0567 | It's a game category | 01:49 |
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ferret_0567 | First Person Shooter | 01:49 |
ScarFreewill | war3 4 da win | 01:49 |
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rafael | dennister can u help in pvt ? | 01:49 |
ScarFreewill | ut cs | 01:49 |
ubuntu__ | The hole comand for those games to install? | 01:49 |
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dennister | possibly, but perhaps i'm not the best to help...pls answer the question first: do u have any other OS's? | 01:50 |
rafael | yap win xp | 01:50 |
ubuntu__ | yeah windows xp | 01:50 |
ubuntu__ | But how is that relevant to get me games? | 01:50 |
dennister | and when u boot up, there's no grub menu to select kubuntu or xp? | 01:50 |
Hc | hmm | 01:51 |
rafael | ubuntu__: he was talking to me | 01:51 |
Hc | can someone explain me how to open kde wallet in console? | 01:51 |
Erunno | Hc: "kwallet &" maybe ? | 01:51 |
rafael | yap exactly | 01:51 |
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ferret_0567 | in that FPS category: Enemy Territory, Nexuiz, World of Padman, Open Arena, Cube, Sauerbraten | 01:51 |
ferret_0567 | Unreal Tournament | 01:51 |
EvilIdler | Alien Arena | 01:51 |
Hc | thx | 01:52 |
ubuntu__ | Can i install with apt-get install? | 01:52 |
pvandewyngaerde | Suddenly my USB keyboard stopped working in Feisty, i had to reboot and everything is fine now | 01:52 |
ferret_0567 | Some of them | 01:52 |
dennister | rafael: because if you get a choice for ubuntu or xp, that IS your boot menu...but u get no grub and so you want to make one? | 01:52 |
ubuntu__ | witch ones? | 01:52 |
ferret_0567 | Others you just extract and run, or run the installer | 01:52 |
ferret_0567 | Nexuiz | 01:52 |
rafael | yap that's it | 01:52 |
ubuntu__ | is it debian installers? | 01:53 |
ferret_0567 | sudo apt-get install nexuiz | 01:53 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 01:53 |
ferret_0567 | Well...for that game | 01:53 |
=== mefisto__ [n=mefisto@202-172-119-89.cpe.nsw-3.comcen.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferret_0567 | Ubuntu software comes in .deb's | 01:53 |
dennister | rafael: your new installation didn't work successfully...i'm afraid i've never heard of anyone "making a grub menu" | 01:53 |
Erunno | Hc: Actually, it's "kwalletmanager &" | 01:53 |
rafael | yap, im afraid so :( | 01:54 |
ubuntu__ | No some comes in tarballs | 01:54 |
dennister | and you certainly need someone more experienced with grub than I | 01:54 |
rafael | maybe i'll have to reinstal ubuntu | 01:54 |
ferret_0567 | Welll...yeah | 01:54 |
Hc | thx | 01:54 |
ferret_0567 | .deb's can be in tarballs, just like any other file. .deb's are already compressed though | 01:55 |
dennister | rafael: that might be faster, actually...than trying to make a grub menu...u could also read the man grub pages tho | 01:55 |
ferret_0567 | apt-get installs debs | 01:55 |
rafael | one more thing dennister .. | 01:55 |
ferret_0567 | so does Adept | 01:55 |
ubuntu__ | and synaptic | 01:55 |
ferret_0567 | yeah | 01:55 |
mefisto__ | is there a way to upgrade to feisty with CD in kubuntu? Every upgrade guide I can find says it requires gksu for CD upgrade | 01:55 |
dennister | you might have the right files in your /boot/ directory...yes? | 01:55 |
ubuntu__ | ferret have I met you before? | 01:55 |
ferret_0567 | I dunno | 01:55 |
ubuntu__ | In Atlantik? | 01:56 |
ferret_0567 | no | 01:56 |
ubuntu__ | ok | 01:56 |
ferret_0567 | Never played that game | 01:56 |
ubuntu__ | what distro r u using? | 01:56 |
ferret_0567 | Kubuntu 7.04 | 01:56 |
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EvilIdler | mefisto__: kdesu is the KDE equivalent | 01:56 |
ferret_0567 | It's great! | 01:56 |
ubuntu__ | what is the diffrence form kubuntu *old* with new kde and 7.04? | 01:57 |
rafael | dennister: 1 got 1 gb of memory on amd 2600, what size do it alocate for the swap space | 01:57 |
ferret_0567 | Not much | 01:57 |
mefisto__ | EvilIdler: but it doesn't work with kdesu, as the guides say, it requires gksu | 01:57 |
ferret_0567 | Mainly newer games and stuff | 01:57 |
ferret_0567 | faster bootup | 01:57 |
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rafael | and yes o got acess to boot directory | 01:57 |
rafael | * I | 01:57 |
EvilIdler | mefisto__: That sounds a bit daft. Which program is it that doesn't work with it? | 01:57 |
ferret_0567 | I suggest Feisty | 01:57 |
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dennister | rafael: usually you should take your ram, multiply it by 1.5...but 1 g of ram is so plentiful 1G of swap should be fine | 01:57 |
mefisto__ | cdromupgrade on the install CD | 01:58 |
ferret_0567 | that's (K)ubuntu 7.04 | 01:58 |
ubuntu__ | Hwo do I hack a windows computer? | 01:58 |
rafael | lolol | 01:58 |
ferret_0567 | Why do you ask that? | 01:58 |
EvilIdler | Unless you work with heavy 3D software, swap = RAM is a good rule | 01:58 |
ubuntu__ | I want to impress a friend. | 01:58 |
dennister | i have 2g of ram here...and i was told i would need virtually no extra swap...i've never had a problem | 01:58 |
ferret_0567 | Just don't hack over the net | 01:58 |
rafael | oki | 01:58 |
ubuntu__ | Why not? | 01:58 |
ferret_0567 | If he agrees to the hacking on your own network | 01:59 |
ferret_0567 | Then, it's ok | 01:59 |
USMarine | http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=5fe_1176635740 | 01:59 |
ferret_0567 | It'll get you into legal trouble, hacking will | 01:59 |
Graham | ubuntu__: Don't be a bell end and hack some poor bastard's computer. It's not a nice thing to do. | 01:59 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 01:59 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | 02:00 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:00 |
PriceChild | ubuntu__, we do not condone that activity here | 02:00 |
=== _Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-181-045.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu__ | I once hacke a mud game in php, it shut down a few days later. | 02:00 |
mefisto__ | EvilIdler: I think the cdromupgrade script on the CD uses gksu specifically | 02:00 |
ferret_0567 | Learn how to hack on your own | 02:00 |
EvilIdler | mefisto__: Ack, that's poopy | 02:00 |
ubuntu__ | ok, likn? | 02:00 |
ferret_0567 | If you really want to | 02:00 |
ferret_0567 | I'm not helping | 02:00 |
ferret_0567 | I don't condone the activitu | 02:00 |
=== easytiger [n=gerry@cpc2-blfs7-0-0-cust458.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferret_0567 | I don't condone the activity | 02:00 |
EvilIdler | mefisto__: You'll need to install the gksu package, then, which will install a truckload of Gnome packages | 02:00 |
ubuntu__ | So you like windows? | 02:01 |
ferret_0567 | n0 | 02:01 |
PriceChild | !offtopic | ubuntu__ | 02:01 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 02:01 |
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ferret_0567 | I've had...problems | 02:01 |
imagine | ubuntu__: go play in the yard kid... and come back when you have some pub hair | 02:01 |
PriceChild | !ohmy > imagine | 02:01 |
ferret_0567 | that's all I'm going to say | 02:01 |
ubuntu__ | then why can't I show a friend how bad windows is | 02:01 |
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imagine | sry | 02:01 |
ubuntu__ | So you know how? | 02:01 |
imagine | I had to | 02:01 |
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rafael | dennister: tks for your help, i think the better way is to re*instal ubuntu =) | 02:02 |
PriceChild | ubuntu__, Unless you have a support related question, please leave. | 02:02 |
ferret_0567 | Only if he agrees, only on your own network | 02:02 |
EvilIdler | If you're in Norway, NMAP scanning is protected. But causing damage will get you in trouble. | 02:02 |
ubuntu__ | yes | 02:02 |
mefisto__ | is it possible to just add the feisty cdrom to my sources, and upgrade that way? | 02:02 |
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ferret_0567 | Now, any more probs with Kubuntu | 02:02 |
ubuntu__ | I'm in norway | 02:02 |
ferret_0567 | ? | 02:02 |
PriceChild | mefisto__, yes, if you use the alternate cd | 02:02 |
ferret_0567 | Want more games, and stuff? | 02:02 |
ubuntu__ | I need a game that instals from console, i want the hole command | 02:02 |
ubuntu__ | yeah | 02:02 |
mefisto__ | PriceChild: is that all I need to do? add alternate cd to sources.list and then just upgrade? | 02:03 |
ferret_0567 | sudo apt-get install nexuiz | 02:03 |
ferret_0567 | That's the only one that installs from a package | 02:03 |
PriceChild | mefisto__, i forget the exact line, its something like "sudo apt-cdrom add foo" | 02:03 |
Boffin | Hello. I cannot connect to internet from kubuntu pc through windows internet connection sharing on other machine :( Could somebody help? | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | nexuiz: Depends: nexuiz-data (>= 2.2.3-1) but it is not going to be installed | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | E: Broken packages | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | problems | 02:03 |
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ubuntu__ | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | nexuiz: Depends: nexuiz-data (>= 2.2.3-1) but it is not going to be installed | 02:03 |
ubuntu__ | E: Broken packages | 02:03 |
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ferret_0567 | then put a space, and put nexuiz-data in there and press enter again | 02:04 |
ferret_0567 | It's a simple fix | 02:04 |
ubuntu__ | big file | 02:04 |
ferret_0567 | yup | 02:04 |
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=== lewnidas_ [n=lewnidas@patr530-a065.home.otenet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ferret_0567 | I hope your computer can handle it | 02:05 |
ferret_0567 | Mine can't... | 02:05 |
lewnidas_ | hi :) | 02:05 |
ubuntu__ | 1 gb ram, 3.4ghz intel 4, 320gb harrdrive | 02:05 |
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ubuntu__ | 256 mb graffics card | 02:05 |
ferret_0567 | NVIDIA? | 02:05 |
ubuntu__ | ofcourse | 02:06 |
ubuntu__ | Do I need a driver for nvida? | 02:06 |
imagine | yes | 02:06 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 02:06 |
ubuntu__ | why? | 02:06 |
EvilIdler | To drive the graphics, of course. | 02:06 |
ferret_0567 | So you can get use of your cards power | 02:06 |
imagine | lol | 02:06 |
ubuntu__ | Last time I broke X server | 02:07 |
lewnidas_ | where from i can download the Kubuntu 7.04 Desktop amd64 DVD ? not from torrent plz.... | 02:07 |
ferret_0567 | !nvidia | ubuntu__ | 02:07 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:07 |
EvilIdler | Without the driver, the CPU does all the work. And you lose all colour effects and shaders. | 02:07 |
EvilIdler | With the driver, it's vrooooom all night long. | 02:07 |
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ubuntu__ | Thats why I get 1.7 fps in Counter strike | 02:07 |
ubuntu__ | ?? | 02:07 |
ferret_0567 | Yup | 02:07 |
imagine | lol yup | 02:07 |
ferret_0567 | it's sad | 02:07 |
lewnidas_ | anyone plz ? :/ | 02:07 |
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imagine | !mirrors | 02:07 |
ubotu | Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php | 02:07 |
ubuntu__ | But how do I know that I won't fuck it up? | 02:07 |
PriceChild | lewnidas_, releases.ubuntu.com | 02:07 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | ubotu | 02:08 |
ubotu | ubotu: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:08 |
PriceChild | !ohmy | ubuntu__ | 02:08 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 02:08 |
ubuntu__ | oh, sorry | 02:08 |
ferret_0567 | You follow the guide | 02:08 |
imagine | ubuntu__: and you wanted to hack a windows box aye? | 02:08 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah, he did | 02:08 |
ubuntu__ | yeah | 02:08 |
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imagine | just sayin.. | 02:08 |
PriceChild | not in here | 02:08 |
ubuntu__ | and install my driver to ge force fx 5500 | 02:09 |
ferret_0567 | imagine , imagine the possibilities | 02:09 |
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EvilIdler | Everybody knows there is a huge, easily hackable stash of illegal stuff at :) | 02:09 |
ubuntu__ | yeah | 02:09 |
imagine | EvilIdler: lol | 02:09 |
ferret_0567 | lol | 02:09 |
ubuntu__ | Thats my website | 02:09 |
imagine | He might take it seriously | 02:09 |
ferret_0567 | That's your own machine | 02:09 |
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imagine | rofl | 02:09 |
ferret_0567 | no, it's not | 02:09 |
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ubuntu__ | But my ip isn't that! | 02:09 |
imagine | loopback? | 02:10 |
PriceChild | ubuntu__, you have more than on ip | 02:10 |
ubuntu__ | | 02:10 |
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PriceChild | *one | 02:10 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah, that's a loopback to your own machine | 02:10 |
ubuntu__ | thats my ip | 02:10 |
ubuntu__ | I have 2! | 02:10 |
ubuntu__ | 4 one for each wireless card! | 02:10 |
ferret_0567 | Wow | 02:10 |
ubuntu__ | right? | 02:10 |
lewnidas_ | PriceChild i can't find anuwhere the dvd :( | 02:10 |
ferret_0567 | No | 02:11 |
EvilIdler | You'll find your /etc/hosts file has that loopback address | 02:11 |
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imagine | lewnidas_: isn't Kubuntu only on cds? | 02:11 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 02:11 |
EvilIdler | imagine: Also on DVD. Torrent link at kubuntu.com | 02:11 |
ferret_0567 | Really? | 02:11 |
imagine | didn't know bout that | 02:11 |
ubuntu__ | yeah like windows.sucks leads to my website | 02:11 |
ferret_0567 | me neither | 02:11 |
EvilIdler | http://torrent.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/feisty/release/dvd/kubuntu-7.04-dvd-i386.iso.torrent | 02:11 |
EvilIdler | That one appeared on the webpage sometime yesterday, I think | 02:12 |
lewnidas_ | imagine nope.... | 02:12 |
ubuntu__ | Dvds has been there a long while | 02:12 |
=== root__ [n=root@ppp6-198.lns4.syd7.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
EvilIdler | But two days ago, the DVDs were three weeks old | 02:12 |
ubuntu__ | why do they need 4.5 gb dvd when kubuntu only uses 700mb? | 02:12 |
root__ | hello | 02:12 |
EvilIdler | Now they're the final discs | 02:12 |
root__ | need help | 02:12 |
imagine | sry I'm new to kubuntu... installing it on this machine this week | 02:12 |
lewnidas_ | EvilIdler in http or ftp plz? | 02:12 |
ferret_0567 | ubuntu__: you should install libxine-extracodecs (there might be legal issues, please look at your local laws first) | 02:12 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Maybe your installation does | 02:12 |
ferret_0567 | Extra software | 02:12 |
imagine | root__: are you logged in as root? | 02:13 |
root__ | got beryl installed but i dont have a bar at the top of the screen | 02:13 |
EvilIdler | lewnidas_: Sorry, they don't recommend anything but torrents ;) | 02:13 |
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LecnaC | nopw | 02:13 |
ubuntu__ | Package libxine-extracodecs is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 02:13 |
ubuntu__ | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 02:13 |
ubuntu__ | is only available from another source | 02:13 |
ubuntu__ | E: Package libxine-extracodecs has no installation candidate | 02:13 |
lewnidas_ | EvilIdler thank u very much!!! | 02:13 |
ubuntu__ | It didn't work? | 02:13 |
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dennister | does anyone know if feisty for amd64 is ready for primetime yet? I gave up on 64-bit with edgy here, using the i386, but i'm wondering if I shouldn't give amd64 another shot? | 02:13 |
ferret_0567 | I'll get u a page | 02:14 |
ferret_0567 | !codecs | 02:14 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:14 |
LecnaC | any ideas? | 02:14 |
EvilIdler | dennister: ISOs have been released, but several things didn't work yet | 02:14 |
ubuntu__ | Trow away thos crapp amd 64 bits, used one once, but I had to trash it- | 02:14 |
dennister | EvilIdler: such as? | 02:14 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Trying to find the page now | 02:14 |
dennister | k, will do | 02:14 |
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LecnaC | beryl works and runs fine, but when i use the beryl window manager it maked the bar at the top dissapere | 02:15 |
ubuntu__ | ferret the codec didn't work | 02:15 |
EvilIdler | dennister: There's the obvious codec issue still, but with free codecs, you get further | 02:15 |
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dennister | ubuntu__: lots of things have "no installation candidate" ...this should be a temporary problem only | 02:15 |
ubuntu__ | ok | 02:16 |
ferret_0567 | just a sec... | 02:16 |
terminus_ | alguien habla espaol? | 02:16 |
dennister | EvilIdler: yes, apparently there's a w32codec for amd64 | 02:16 |
dennister | that's new, it didn't exist a few months ago | 02:16 |
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EvilIdler | But free codecs are not w32codecs | 02:17 |
ferret_0567 | workaround: install libxine1-ffmpeg | 02:17 |
dennister | oh i know | 02:17 |
ubuntu__ | how do i make kubuntu norwegian? | 02:17 |
EvilIdler | Free codecs are built from source code, so you get cool stuff like Xvid and other MPEG4 variants, which are really the most common now | 02:17 |
jonathan_ | any advice for me? | 02:17 |
=== barravince [n=vincenzo@host235-34-dynamic.61-82-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jonathan_ | I'm already installed kubuntu on my system this day | 02:17 |
ubuntu__ | Opera won't load | 02:17 |
barravince | hi all | 02:17 |
dennister | unfortunately, i haven't converted all my mp3 files yet | 02:18 |
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ubuntu__ | why not? | 02:18 |
pvandewyngaerde | what is the keyboard shortcut for the start menu, i currently have no mouse | 02:18 |
barravince | sorry how i can upgrade from 6.10 to 7.04 | 02:18 |
barravince | ? | 02:18 |
ferret_0567 | I've never used Opera | 02:18 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Open the system settings and look under Regonal & Accessibility for language options | 02:18 |
ubuntu__ | sudo apt-get install opera | 02:18 |
ferret_0567 | I use Konqueror | 02:18 |
ferret_0567 | yeah | 02:18 |
jonathan_ | of course | 02:18 |
ubuntu__ | it is really bad | 02:18 |
ubuntu__ | and slow | 02:18 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Also make sure you pick Bokml if you hate Nynorsk :) | 02:18 |
dennister | <---waiting for the repos to settle down b4 i try to upgrade from edgy to feisty | 02:18 |
barravince | is there anybody that help me? | 02:18 |
ubuntu__ | Korsn gjr d? | 02:19 |
sonoftheclayr | /quit | 02:19 |
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EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Probably best to click the K button -> Run command -> kcontrol | 02:19 |
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dennister | in the meantime i have to safeguard all these rare films in large mpg files first | 02:20 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: You can change language settings and region settings indepently, so if you live in Papua New Guinea, you're not required to read everything in Tok Pisin ;) | 02:20 |
Daisuke_Ido | dennister: now by "rare films" do you mean "nsfw"? | 02:21 |
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EvilIdler | Daisuke_Ido: No, that's 'art' | 02:21 |
Daisuke_Ido | ah, yes | 02:21 |
=== EvilIdler works at a place where 'art' is actually not a problem to surf, within limits | ||
dennister | Daisuke_Ido: what is "nsfw"? these are rare films I've recorded through tvo/mythtv | 02:21 |
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EvilIdler | Not safe for work | 02:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | ah | 02:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | so actual rare films | 02:22 |
Daisuke_Ido | that' | 02:22 |
EvilIdler | Unless you work at an art gallery/related services, or Playboy. | 02:22 |
puppetmaster | Hi Everyone | 02:22 |
puppetmaster | I want to know how to write a proteted cd with password? | 02:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | a protected cd with a password? | 02:23 |
=== toffe is now known as Hc\\ | ||
EvilIdler | puppetmaster: Encrypt contents in GPG? | 02:23 |
ferret_0567 | ubuntu__: did you install libxine1-ffmpeg? | 02:23 |
puppetmaster | I want to know how to write a protected cd with password? | 02:23 |
dennister | lol...yes, i'm a film buff...stuff that's hard to find unless you go to a huge film library and borrow the dvd's...if they exist, and many don't | 02:23 |
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puppetmaster | What | 02:23 |
Daisuke_Ido | unless you burn an encrypted container with a password... | 02:23 |
puppetmaster | how to | 02:24 |
puppetmaster | ??? | 02:24 |
EvilIdler | dennister: If it's no longer licensed, get archive.org to keep your backups :) | 02:24 |
Daisuke_Ido | puppetmaster: google | 02:24 |
ferret_0567 | Hey! | 02:24 |
ferret_0567 | I'll help | 02:24 |
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Daisuke_Ido | that's not an ubuntu issue :) | 02:24 |
just-this-time | protection is in files puppetmaster rather than all cd | 02:24 |
ferret_0567 | No Google for me | 02:24 |
puppetmaster | you are a replacement og google | 02:24 |
pollyo | Is cedega free or fee anyone know? | 02:24 |
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puppetmaster | How to my friend | 02:24 |
dennister | hmmm...archive.org, eh? i'll check into it | 02:24 |
EvilIdler | pollyo: The full one is fee | 02:24 |
ferret_0567 | No, I just happen to know the answer' | 02:24 |
EvilIdler | dennister: They're the ones keeping backups of damn near everything. Lame 30s propaganda movies? Yup, they've got it. | 02:25 |
Daisuke_Ido | the cvs is free, but no support for the funky copy protection schemes | 02:25 |
pollyo | EvilIdler: Do you know where to find the "free" version if they have one? | 02:25 |
puppetmaster | ? | 02:25 |
mrgv | i'm creating feisty specific drivers with the ati proprietary intaller. it asks for an installation path... what should i type in pls? | 02:25 |
=== david_ [n=david@82-43-58-81.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
EvilIdler | pollyo: You can download their free version off their CVS, so you have to compile it yourself. No support is given, and you won't get the special non-free drivers to support copy protection. | 02:25 |
Hc\\ | hi, can some1 tell me how to get grmonitor open? i installed it but can't open it. | 02:25 |
puppetmaster | Anyone | 02:25 |
pollyo | EvilIdler: I see. Ok | 02:26 |
ferret_0567 | Put all the files inside a Truecrypt file and burn that, or put everything in an archive file... | 02:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | !patience | 02:26 |
ubotu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped. Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:26 |
=== cfisher [n=chatzill@ip-125.net-82-216-153.suresnes3.rev.numericable.fr] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
puppetmaster | I want to put a password on c | 02:26 |
david_ | Hc\\: what is gcmonitor? | 02:26 |
puppetmaster | cd | 02:26 |
Daisuke_Ido | puppetmaster: read above | 02:26 |
Hc | grmonitor* | 02:26 |
ferret_0567 | and encrypt the archive with a password | 02:26 |
david_ | Hc\\: have you tried typing "grcomitor' into the command prompt? | 02:26 |
ferret_0567 | Then, you could burn that | 02:26 |
Hc\\ | i have | 02:26 |
EvilIdler | puppetmaster: For the password to be any point at all, you need to encrypt the contents. Read up on encrypted archives/GPG/encrypted filesystems | 02:26 |
mrgv | puppetmaster, you want to password protect mounting the cd drive? | 02:26 |
Hc\\ | synaptic says that it is installed, im kinda running outta ideas | 02:27 |
puppetmaster | No | 02:27 |
david_ | Hc\\: ok run this "dpkg -L grmonitor | grep bin" | 02:27 |
ferret_0567 | 0o\ | 02:27 |
ferret_0567 | ok | 02:27 |
puppetmaster | i want to write a cd with a password | 02:27 |
ferret_0567 | Then that'll do it | 02:27 |
puppetmaster | because it contain s all my work | 02:27 |
ferret_0567 | What I said above | 02:27 |
david_ | Hc\\: that says list files installed by this package, and show me the things put in the binary folder (the application) | 02:27 |
mrgv | then read what evil tells you above. that's what you need to do. | 02:27 |
ferret_0567 | The only file you'll see is that Truecrypt file/emcrypted archive | 02:27 |
Daisuke_Ido | you would just have to burn an encrypted truecrypt container or pass-protected archive | 02:28 |
Daisuke_Ido | you can't actually password-protect a cd overall, just the contents | 02:28 |
puppetmaster | yes it's good idea | 02:28 |
BluesKaj | new linux drivers for ATI Radeon http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html | 02:28 |
ferret_0567 | No, a encrypted archive or encrypted truecrypt container | 02:28 |
Hc\\ | david_: hmmph? | 02:28 |
mrgv | or ferret's recomendation also | 02:28 |
puppetmaster | I'll just put it in rar file | 02:28 |
ferret_0567 | That's not secure | 02:28 |
puppetmaster | then I'll protect the contents | 02:28 |
mrgv | also works | 02:28 |
ferret_0567 | Unless it has a encrypt option | 02:28 |
puppetmaster | ok | 02:29 |
Daisuke_Ido | why not, i dunno, not protect the cd, and keep the cd itself out of the wrong peoples' hands. | 02:29 |
puppetmaster | how to be secure Ferret | 02:29 |
ferret_0567 | Select the strongest encryption | 02:29 |
Hc\\ | gr_monitor, gr_gather, gr_free, gr_rup, in /usr/bin | 02:29 |
ferret_0567 | It's called, you read | 02:29 |
puppetmaster | I want to know the exact details of encryption | 02:29 |
david_ | ok..run any of them then..(probably gr_monitor) | 02:29 |
ferret_0567 | It takes a while | 02:29 |
BluesKaj | so called upgrade for Feisty crashed adept this morning | 02:29 |
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mrgv | rar doesn't let you choose. just defaults to aes256 if i remember correctly | 02:29 |
puppetmaster | Don't you have a link to any subject related | 02:30 |
mrgv | if you NEED to know, just read the included help. it mentions it there | 02:30 |
EvilIdler | Even better than encryption is to have more tempting targets around so *they* simply ignore the thing you want protected | 02:30 |
mrgv | yeah link = rar help files | 02:30 |
dennister | hi BluesKaj: adept and synaptic aren't working well for lots of pps even if they haven't upgraded to feisty | 02:30 |
Hc\\ | david_: thx =) | 02:30 |
david_ | no worries. | 02:30 |
puppetmaster | ok | 02:30 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@ti541210a340-0513.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
puppetmaster | thank you all | 02:30 |
mrgv | np man | 02:30 |
puppetmaster | one more question please | 02:30 |
ferret_0567 | your welcome | 02:30 |
ferret_0567 | Yes? | 02:31 |
=== _roconnor is now known as roconnor | ||
ubuntu__ | I have gotten two new enitys in grub, how do I get rid of them? | 02:31 |
dennister | methinks they're still updating the repo servers | 02:31 |
puppetmaster | Is there any Documention for ubuntu 7.04? | 02:31 |
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david_ | puppetmaster: wiki.ubuntu.org | 02:31 |
puppetmaster | thank you alot | 02:31 |
BluesKaj | hey dennister , yeah it looks like I'm missing the repos for the upgrades in the sources list | 02:31 |
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puppetmaster | you've been very helpful | 02:32 |
david_ | puppetmaster: going to man:/in konqueror is also good | 02:32 |
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dennister | BluesKaj: then u know what to do, right? | 02:32 |
ubuntu__ | Why does I hvae 6 choises in grub? | 02:32 |
mrgv | i'm creating feisty specific drivers with the ati proprietary intaller. it asks for an installation path... what should i type in pls? | 02:32 |
ferret_0567 | Because you updated your kernel | 02:32 |
=== BluesKaj wonders if there's an 'official sources list' for Feisty yet ? | ||
ferret_0567 | 2 entries to a kernel | 02:33 |
Hc\\ | david_: so, how can i delete it now? | 02:33 |
ubuntu__ | when did I do that? | 02:33 |
ferret_0567 | When you update your system | 02:33 |
ubuntu__ | Can I update my kernel in synaptic? | 02:33 |
david_ | ubuntu__ the new ubuntu comes with a new kernel. but for a safety thing, they don't remove old ones | 02:33 |
BluesKaj | dennister, do you have the latest sources list ? | 02:33 |
david_ | ubuntu__ yes. you can add or remove them...but keep one!! | 02:33 |
ferret_0567 | Unless you know a lot, I don't recommend removing them | 02:34 |
david_ | Hc\\: bored of it already? | 02:34 |
=== brujo [n=brujo@216.Red-80-32-180.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
david_ | mrgv: I'd go for /opt | 02:34 |
dennister | no BluesKaj; i have some steps to do before i even try to upgrade, let alone fix the sources.lst file | 02:34 |
Hc | david_ it wasn't what i was searching for | 02:34 |
ferret_0567 | ubuntu__: yes | 02:34 |
ubuntu__ | But then when I grow old I would have like a billion! | 02:34 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: kernels tend to be automatically updated when you upgrade in adept | 02:34 |
BluesKaj | ok dennister , I'll look around :) | 02:34 |
ubuntu__ | I havent used adept | 02:34 |
dennister | like learning how to split these huge film files | 02:34 |
david_ | Hc ok. just remove it in adept (or type sudo apt-get remove hrvgmonitor (or whatever it is) | 02:35 |
EvilIdler | If you got a new kernel version at upgrade, you'll also want to reboot.Especially if you need a proprietary driver installed, like NVidia and ATI | 02:35 |
ubuntu__ | I use synaptic | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | okay, then when you go to upgrade in synaptic | 02:35 |
david_ | use that then | 02:35 |
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ferret_0567 | ubuntu__: kernels tend to be automatically updated when you upgrade in synaptic/adept | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | same difference, it's a package manager | 02:35 |
ubuntu__ | No, you can't fool me in to using a driver, last time x server crashed! | 02:35 |
mrgv | david: kubuntu has nothing in that folder though.. the default install puts nothing there. i would like to keep with kubuntu standards as much as possible. | 02:35 |
ferret_0567 | Huh? | 02:35 |
Daisuke_Ido | um, what are you talking about? | 02:35 |
EvilIdler | Well, you wouldn't be doing anything if you didn't have a driver. | 02:36 |
ferret_0567 | You already have one | 02:36 |
Daisuke_Ido | ah | 02:36 |
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ferret_0567 | Not the correct one for gaming though | 02:36 |
dennister | EvilIdler: i've got the man split page here, and looked it up on the web, too, but am still having trouble..."invalid byte size" | 02:36 |
mrgv | david: but it will work no matter what directory i use? | 02:36 |
ubuntu__ | They are hidden inside kubuntu | 02:36 |
ferret_0567 | If you follow a good guide, you won't have problems | 02:36 |
=== zblach [n=zblach@bas2-windsor12-1128661401.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu__ | and they break x server if u use them | 02:36 |
david_ | dennister: what command are you typing? | 02:36 |
ferret_0567 | such a guide is here | 02:36 |
ferret_0567 | !nvidia | 02:36 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:36 |
david_ | dennister: remember to use M or K at the end of the byte size | 02:37 |
ubuntu__ | they are allready there | 02:37 |
ferret_0567 | Never happened to me | 02:37 |
david_ | dennister: (in upper case) | 02:37 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: that may be the most uninformed pointless babble i've heard all day | 02:37 |
ubuntu__ | quote me | 02:37 |
EvilIdler | Actually, the split manpage says lowercase | 02:37 |
david_ | oh | 02:37 |
dennister | k this is what i typed, but it's the math issue, i'm sure: split -b 2,000,000 sleuth.mpg new | 02:37 |
=== shawn34 [n=shawn@c-68-36-36-22.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
david_ | that one then | 02:37 |
ferret_0567 | quote you on what? | 02:37 |
ubuntu__ | daisuke | 02:38 |
dennister | it's a 5.4G file | 02:38 |
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ubuntu__ | said i was babbeling | 02:38 |
=== dettoaltrimenti [n=dettoalt@ppp83-237-123-140.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu__ | so quote me | 02:38 |
EvilIdler | 'split -b 698m file.mpeg filenamepart.' | 02:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | what, you want me to quote the idiotic babbling? | 02:38 |
EvilIdler | No commas in the numbers - it only accepts pure digits | 02:38 |
ferret_0567 | He said "Yes" | 02:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | [08:36] <ubuntu__> They are hidden inside kubuntu | 02:38 |
ubuntu__ | I do not have UBUNTU | 02:38 |
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ubuntu__ | I use kubuntu' | 02:38 |
dettoaltrimenti | do grep, awk, and sed all support regular expressions? | 02:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | you truly do test my patience | 02:39 |
=== Tanuva [n=tanuva@p5b108dbe.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | thx EvilIdler, all chunks will be about 700 MB? | 02:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | [08:36] <ubuntu__> and they break x server if u use them | 02:39 |
ferret_0567 | No, inside the <>'s, is your name as it appears to use | 02:39 |
ferret_0567 | No, inside the <>'s, is your name as it appears to us | 02:39 |
ubuntu__ | they did | 02:39 |
ferret_0567 | your name is ubuntu__ | 02:39 |
=== creadorcreativo [n=paranoia@201-220-126-57.bk10-dsl.surnet.cl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu__ | I used fx driver instead of nv and then x server stoped working | 02:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | uh | 02:40 |
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ferret_0567 | not fx | 02:40 |
ferret_0567 | it's nvidia | 02:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | oh my god i think my head just broke | 02:40 |
EvilIdler | dennister: 'split -b 2000m sleuth.mpg sleuth_split.' to get three chunks, with each being names sleuth_split.something | 02:40 |
ferret_0567 | That was a silly mistake | 02:40 |
ferret_0567 | look, you should follow this guide | 02:40 |
ferret_0567 | !nvidia | ubuntu__ | 02:40 |
ubotu | ubuntu__: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:40 |
Daisuke_Ido | or at least stop spreading false information. | 02:40 |
ubuntu__ | I have a nvida geforce fx 5500 card | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | He's just a little misinformed | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | nvidia is the correct thing | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | Trust me | 02:41 |
shawn34 | how do i check if an iso image is good before i burn it? | 02:41 |
ubuntu__ | nv is the correct driver? | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | follow that guide | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | no | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | nvidia | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | don't change yet | 02:41 |
ferret_0567 | follow that guide | 02:41 |
ubuntu__ | nv worx fx don't | 02:41 |
ubuntu__ | I use nv | 02:41 |
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shawn34 | lol | 02:41 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: DUH! | 02:41 |
EvilIdler | dennister: If you use the -d flag, you get numeric suffixes rather than files named .aa and on | 02:42 |
ferret_0567 | that's because "fx" doesn't exist | 02:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | sorry, that was out of line | 02:42 |
=== marcin [n=marcin@actk199.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | shawn34: k3b calculates the md5 checksum, and you can check that against the one on the site | 02:42 |
ubuntu__ | Nvida geforce fx 5500 | 02:42 |
ubuntu__ | my card | 02:42 |
shawn34 | ahh | 02:42 |
shawn34 | got it | 02:42 |
shawn34 | Daisuke_Ido, thanks | 02:42 |
Daisuke_Ido | shawn34: no problem | 02:42 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu__: Well, you won't get the ATI driver to work with that, if you're thinking of fglrx | 02:42 |
dennister | EvilIdler: k, so it was just the comma's that gave me the "invalid" result...i've done it now and am waiting for konsole to finish | 02:42 |
ferret_0567 | For your "Nvida geforce fx 5500" graphics card, you need to follow that guide, type !nvidia | 02:42 |
ubuntu__ | !nvidia | 02:43 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:43 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Yep, numbers must be 'clean'. Different countries use different symbols as thousands separators, and the command line tools just ignore that whole thing :) | 02:43 |
ferret_0567 | It'll tell you to change over to the "nvidia" driver | 02:43 |
ubuntu__ | I have the driver, it is there | 02:43 |
ferret_0567 | That is correct for gaming | 02:43 |
ferret_0567 | nv is not good for gaming, it's why you get 2 FPS | 02:44 |
dennister | now i'm wondering how long this split function will take | 02:44 |
ubuntu__ | No, 1.7! | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | oh my god. | 02:44 |
=== Daisuke_Ido cries | ||
ubuntu__ | That is because wine is configured incorrectly. | 02:44 |
ferret_0567 | It's almost exactly the same as what you say | 02:44 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Depends on your harddrive(s). Splitting to the same drive you have the source on is painfully slow. | 02:44 |
Daisuke_Ido | no, it's not wine, its your video drivers | 02:44 |
ubuntu__ | No, i have kubuntu on haf of my 160 gb harddrive, and it is fast | 02:45 |
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ferret_0567 | paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf into the thing you get when you type !pastebin | 02:45 |
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ubuntu__ | Now i can't even run steam. | 02:45 |
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EvilIdler | Writing to the same drive you're reading from is always slower, no matter how magical the drive is. | 02:45 |
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dennister | great [sic] i did do it to the same drive...how slow is 'painfully slow'? lol | 02:45 |
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ubuntu__ | !pastebin | 02:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 02:45 |
os2mac | got an OO calc question. | 02:45 |
Daisuke_Ido | ferret_0567: still just misinformed or are we getting closer to my original assessment? | 02:45 |
dennister | 1 hr? 2? | 02:45 |
os2mac | how do I link to another cell in a different spreadsheet in the same workbook? | 02:46 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: On a good day, copying from one drive to another (SATA) is giving me 66MB/s. But one of my drives gets me 5MB/s when creating ISOs from the same. | 02:46 |
ubuntu__ | ok, how do i find that info? | 02:46 |
dennister | wait...got my cursor back...hold on... | 02:46 |
EvilIdler | dennister: The pain threshold is somewhere below 10MB/s :) | 02:46 |
ubuntu__ | sudo: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: command not found | 02:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: hit alt+f2 and type: kate /etc/X11/xorg.cong | 02:46 |
Daisuke_Ido | crud | 02:47 |
ferret_0567 | Copy and paste it into the pastebin | 02:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: hit alt+f2 and type: kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:47 |
ferret_0567 | Yes | 02:47 |
ferret_0567 | Do as he says | 02:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | cong isn't going to do much :D | 02:47 |
ferret_0567 | Thanks! | 02:47 |
ubuntu__ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16802/ | 02:47 |
dennister | done! 3 chunks of 2G, 2G, and 2.9 G! success!!! :-) | 02:47 |
ubuntu__ | satisfyed? | 02:47 |
Daisuke_Ido | !attitude | 02:47 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:47 |
ubuntu__ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16802/ | 02:47 |
EvilIdler | dennister: That sounds more burnable, then | 02:48 |
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Daisuke_Ido | oh lord | 02:48 |
ferret_0567 | ok | 02:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | oh susan, you ARE testing my patience. | 02:48 |
ubuntu__ | what is wrong? | 02:48 |
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dennister | yes...and movable to vfat partitions, too...and join will join them again, too, i'm sure | 02:48 |
ubuntu__ | it is no susan here | 02:48 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: copy the CONTENTS of xorg.conf to the pastebin | 02:48 |
ferret_0567 | yes | 02:49 |
ubuntu__ | oh, not the konsole thing? | 02:49 |
BluesKaj | anyone have URL for the "Official Feisty Sources List" ? | 02:49 |
Daisuke_Ido | nope | 02:49 |
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ferret_0567 | right | 02:49 |
ubuntu__ | it is emty? | 02:49 |
ferret_0567 | yes | 02:49 |
ferret_0567 | in it's entirety | 02:49 |
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Daisuke_Ido | xorg.conf shouldn't be empty | 02:49 |
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pollyo | I'm looking at the freeciv client in the repo -- they have a gtk and a xaw3d version for the client. Anyone familiar with the difference? | 02:50 |
=== Nickste [n=irc-n@dsl-240-12-112.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | some of these are so hard to get...i didn't want to lose them during an upgrade...and don't have enough removable media for them either, so i'm backing up to another drive | 02:50 |
ubuntu__ | daisuke spelled wrong ubuntu__: hit alt+f2 and type: kate /etc/X11/xorg.cong | 02:50 |
ubuntu__ | xorg.kong doesn't exsit | 02:50 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: i know, i corrected it | 02:50 |
ubuntu | is there any good exchange-replacement in ubuntu? | 02:50 |
EvilIdler | It's .conf - and sudo first | 02:50 |
dennister | sleuth is a really classic film tho :) thank heaven for tvo | 02:50 |
Daisuke_Ido | EvilIdler: no sudo | 02:50 |
ferret_0567 | ubuntu__: hit alt+f2 and type: kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:51 |
Daisuke_Ido | we want him to copy it and paste to the pastebin, not edit it right now | 02:51 |
ubuntu | exchange 2007 is driving me nutt | 02:51 |
ferret_0567 | There's the correction | 02:51 |
EvilIdler | ubuntu: Evolution? It's supposedly pretty far ahead | 02:51 |
ubuntu__ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16804/ | 02:51 |
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ubuntu | i need a small business solution | 02:51 |
ubuntu__ | no | 02:51 |
ubuntu__ | I didn't need sudo | 02:51 |
ubuntu__ | there http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16804/ | 02:51 |
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=== pls [n=pls@host-84-220-107-107.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
EvilIdler | ubuntu: I have opened up Evolution once, and never again. It was that similar to Outlook :) | 02:51 |
=== helton [n=helton@dial-up-200-184-120-208.intelignet.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
Daisuke_Ido | yeah. using nv | 02:52 |
ubuntu__ | I told you so. | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | okay, that's NOT the right driver | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | which you've been told | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's teh default, but you're not going to be able to play games with it | 02:52 |
Daisuke_Ido | !nvidia | 02:52 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:52 |
da_didi | EvilIdler: okay, i thought of a server application like zimbra or open-exchange | 02:53 |
ubuntu__ | Ok, witch one is correct? The one for nvida geforce fx? | 02:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | follow the guide. | 02:53 |
ferret_0567 | That's bad for gaming, I know for absolute sure that games are gonna run 2 FPS with nv | 02:53 |
=== helton [n=helton@dial-up-200-184-120-208.intelignet.com.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | EvilIdler: one final math question: original was 5.4G, 3 parts of 2+2+2.9 = 6.9G...is this right? | 02:53 |
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ferret_0567 | type !nvidia | 02:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | there is no specific geforce fx driver | 02:53 |
ferret_0567 | follow that guide | 02:53 |
Daisuke_Ido | there's an nvidia driver | 02:53 |
ubuntu__ | that crap is for ubuntu | 02:53 |
=== Daisuke_Ido screams | ||
ubuntu__ | I use Kubuntu | 02:53 |
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Nickste | hi all: I'm having some problems installing 7.04. The boot menu appears, and I am able to navigate through it with my keyboard, but when I select my install option, and the GUI starts up, my mouse and keyboard don't work. Any ideas? | 02:53 |
=== borgxx_ [n=borgxx@pool-71-127-214-135.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
EvilIdler | da_didi: Oh, are you looking for client or serer side of things here? | 02:53 |
ferret_0567 | This is for Kubuntu and Ubuntu\ | 02:54 |
EvilIdler | dennister: That's some bad math right there. What are the files called? | 02:54 |
ubuntu__ | Both | 02:54 |
ferret_0567 | Yes | 02:54 |
ferret_0567 | trye | 02:54 |
ubuntu__ | but not 7.04 | 02:54 |
ferret_0567 | true | 02:54 |
Daisuke_Ido | yes, 7.04 included | 02:54 |
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ubuntu__ | I use the old one, I think | 02:54 |
pls | C' qualcuno che pu darmi una mano, sono appena passato dawindows a kubuntu | 02:54 |
dennister | sleuth_split.aa, sleuth_split.ab, sleuth_split.ac | 02:54 |
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ubuntu__ | The driver is allready there | 02:54 |
stoft | !ati | 02:54 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:54 |
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ubuntu__ | In monitor and disply | 02:54 |
Daisuke_Ido | nv | 02:55 |
ubuntu__ | thewy are installed | 02:55 |
ferret_0567 | is not correct | 02:55 |
Daisuke_Ido | that's not the accelerated nvidia driver | 02:55 |
BluesKaj | !es | pls | 02:55 |
ubotu | pls: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 02:55 |
ubuntu__ | I have the driver, but I choose not to use them because they break x server' | 02:55 |
Daisuke_Ido | except that's not spanish... | 02:55 |
=== xardias [n=xardias@xdsl-87-78-89-33.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | <-----logical thinker, and healthy-distrustful | 02:55 |
ferret_0567 | Never did so to me | 02:55 |
ubuntu__ | Si | 02:55 |
EvilIdler | dennister: OK, reality is on the blink again. | 02:56 |
ferret_0567 | If it breaks it for you, we need to figure out why | 02:56 |
dennister | huh? | 02:56 |
ubuntu__ | I had to use the console to retrive the backup of thet config file | 02:56 |
Daisuke_Ido | i'm guessing using the RIGHT driver would help. | 02:56 |
=== helton [n=helton@dial-up-200-184-120-208.intelignet.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
EvilIdler | dennister: The split command is supposed to split files of the specified size, except for the last one, which will be smaller | 02:56 |
ubuntu__ | NV WORX | 02:56 |
ferret_0567 | If it works, good | 02:56 |
ubuntu__ | yeah | 02:57 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust174.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Daisuke_Ido | if you're happy with nv, stop complaining about gaming | 02:57 |
Jisao | !it | 02:57 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 02:57 |
ubuntu__ | I haven't! | 02:57 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Split a 50k file into 20k chunks, and you'll get 20k+20k+10k. Dunno what your last file did there | 02:57 |
ferret_0567 | Yeah | 02:57 |
Daisuke_Ido | because guess what sally, it ain't gonna cut it | 02:57 |
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dennister | oh shoot! the last one, which i thought was 2.9G, is only 2.9MB...that's right, eh? | 02:57 |
EvilIdler | dennister: How large was the original file? | 02:57 |
ubuntu__ | 5gb | 02:57 |
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Nickste | When I boot live cd, my mouse and keyboard freeze. How do I fix this? (7.04) | 02:57 |
dennister | yep, original file was 5.4G | 02:58 |
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ubuntu__ | What program shoul i use to copy dvds? | 02:58 |
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Last_Hero | hey guys, can someone help me? I'm going to install Kubuntu but I have some problems partitioning my drive | 02:58 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Then you should have 2GB+2GB+1.4GB now. Is the drive full? | 02:58 |
ubuntu__ | Screw partioning, formate the hole thiong! | 02:58 |
dennister | nope...lots of room on the drive | 02:58 |
Last_Hero | I want to keep my XP install -.- | 02:58 |
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Jisao | what's the problem, Last_Hero ? | 02:58 |
ubuntu__ | Why have an empty partion? | 02:58 |
ubuntu__ | Then just follow the guide | 02:59 |
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ubuntu__ | What program can I use to copy dvds? | 02:59 |
ubuntu__ | ferrot? | 02:59 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: just burn dvds or copy video dvds and such? | 03:00 |
Last_Hero | well, I have about 30gb of free space on the drive, and would like to asign 15Gb to Kubuntu, but the partition editor won't let me edit the size of the current partition : / | 03:00 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Last_Hero: ntfs? | 03:00 |
ubuntu__ | yeah, and comprimate the too big dvds, and remove anti burn thingis | 03:00 |
Last_Hero | yes | 03:00 |
dennister | well i'm very glad i questioned the math :-) 5.4G should have resulted in 2G+2G+1.4G, not my current 2G+2G+2.9M | 03:00 |
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stoft | what partition editor? qtparted? | 03:00 |
dennister | will try again | 03:00 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: right now your best bet is probably wine+dvddecrypter under wine, or you can try out k9copy | 03:00 |
Last_Hero | the one in the installer stoft | 03:00 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Delete those files, and check the size in exact bytes | 03:01 |
ubuntu__ | then i would use dvd shrink | 03:01 |
ubuntu__ | but ins't it any for linux? | 03:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | ubuntu__: that's what i do | 03:01 |
EvilIdler | dennister: I can't think of a single reason why that math doesn't add up | 03:01 |
Daisuke_Ido | k9copy is for linux | 03:01 |
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Jisao | Last_Hero, is you free space unpartitioned, or part of your ntfs partition? | 03:02 |
Daisuke_Ido | but i don't know how to work around the css problems in linux, so i stick to dvddecrypter | 03:02 |
stoft | ah, nm, can't help you sorry | 03:02 |
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ubuntu__ | counter strike source? | 03:02 |
dennister | way ahead of u...had already started to delete :) exact bytes will require more math, tho, right? lol | 03:02 |
EvilIdler | dennister: I'd just like to see the bytesize and see what the calculator says about the gigabyte size :) | 03:03 |
Last_Hero | jisao, it is part of the ntfs partition, the only unpartitioned space is 8mb that the XP disk wouldn't let me add to the primary partition when I was installing XP | 03:03 |
EvilIdler | dennister: If you're looking at the size in a GUI, that's some major rounding error :) | 03:03 |
Jisao | First, it is recommended that you defrag that partition, Last_Hero | 03:03 |
ubuntu__ | daisuke css= counter-strike source? | 03:03 |
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Jisao | Then, you will have to resize it. Is the installer good with that, guys, or should he use a third party software? | 03:04 |
Last_Hero | jisao, see, I thought so, but the estimated disk usage before and after defragging in XP were pretty much the same : / | 03:04 |
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Hobbsee | Jisao: installer's good. | 03:04 |
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dennister | yes, i read konqueror to give you the math results above...will try the verbose option in cli | 03:04 |
MK_Mike | Before i upgraded i had this really cool shell that drops down and is really usfull does anyone know the name of it? | 03:04 |
Last_Hero | apparantly there are bunches of unmovable files right in the middle of my drive | 03:04 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: Just right-click the file and select options | 03:05 |
Jisao | then your first move with the installer is to shrink the windows partition with the partitioner. | 03:05 |
ubuntu__ | hehe | 03:05 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Properties, even | 03:05 |
Jisao | I have never done that, unfortunately, so I can't walk you through it. | 03:05 |
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ubuntu__ | unmovabole files in the mioddle of the drive lol | 03:05 |
Last_Hero | jisao, yeah, thats where I'm stuck, I select the partition -> edit partition and it only has options for file format and mount locatation | 03:05 |
adaptr | MK_Mike: there are several; I've used Yakuake in the past | 03:06 |
adaptr | MK_Mike: one would, however, suppose that you would know the name of something that you installed manually | 03:06 |
dennister | EvilIdler: too late now...waiting for last file to delete (xfs, slow deleting) will do that once the new split operation is done | 03:07 |
ubuntu__ | Kubuntu broke my screen | 03:07 |
ubuntu__ | It says signal out of range! | 03:07 |
Jisao | well, give me a few minutes, Last_Hero. | 03:07 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: I mean the size of the original file | 03:07 |
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ubuntu__ | What should I do? | 03:07 |
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adaptr | ubuntu__: press ctrl-alt-+ to cycle your resolutions | 03:08 |
adaptr | ubuntu__: then take that resolution/refresh combo out of your config, as it obviously does not work on you rmonitor | 03:08 |
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Jisao | ok. ready to launch that install cd... | 03:09 |
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ubuntu__ | That only made me log otu | 03:09 |
Last_Hero | woot, now it has an option "resize SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sad) and use freed space" think that might be it? | 03:09 |
ubuntu__ | Yes, go for it! | 03:10 |
dennister | EvilIdler: k, original file is 5,837,041,664 b | 03:10 |
MinceR | can i upgrade to feisty without losing beryl? | 03:10 |
riccardo | hello | 03:10 |
ubuntu__ | hello | 03:10 |
adaptr | MinceR: you'll have to change repos | 03:10 |
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ubuntu__ | how can I be at your service? | 03:10 |
riccardo | does anybody have problems with partman during the installation? | 03:10 |
MinceR | update-manager wants to remove it; adept doesn't change anything if i click on Full Upgrade | 03:10 |
ubuntu__ | n0 | 03:10 |
riccardo | on my laptop it doesn't detect my extisting partitions | 03:10 |
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MinceR | adaptr: so if i change the repo before the upgrade, i can make it through? | 03:10 |
ubuntu__ | hehehe | 03:10 |
riccardo | just the physical disk | 03:11 |
EvilIdler | dennister: I get 5.436GB, so Konq's claim sounds right. Something else went very wrong. | 03:11 |
ubuntu__ | hehe | 03:11 |
riccardo | so i'd have to wipe everything out to install feisty | 03:11 |
adaptr | MinceR: that would be useless since you would not then be running feisty.. just update beryl afterwards | 03:11 |
MinceR | i see | 03:11 |
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gan|y|med | hi | 03:11 |
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EvilIdler | MinceR: I upgraded, and still have Beryl. It's in the main repo now. | 03:11 |
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MK_Mike | adaptr: thanks man | 03:11 |
tapas | i wonder why everytime i starttotem it asks me what mouse settings to keep. X or Gnome ;) | 03:11 |
tapas | anyways | 03:11 |
adaptr | MinceR: you could just add the feisty repo now, 3rd party repos won't be touched by the distupgrade | 03:12 |
Kubuntu | How do I sue opera? | 03:12 |
tapas | regardless sof what i click it destroys my kde mouse settings ;) | 03:12 |
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Kubuntu | It wont work! | 03:12 |
EvilIdler | Kubuntu: Get a lawyer? | 03:12 |
gan|y|med | this is the first time after a kubuntu release that i don'rt have to go to the known problems page :) | 03:12 |
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Kubuntu | Why? | 03:12 |
EvilIdler | gan|y|med: I went there, just to know what I missed :) | 03:12 |
Last_Hero | jisao, its ok, I got it :D | 03:12 |
BluesKaj | hmmm when trying to run TVTime I get this error , which is one of many : No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images | 03:12 |
gan|y|med | how is the site for automatic sources.list creation again??? | 03:12 |
tapas | why on earth should totem play with any mouse settings at all anyways? | 03:13 |
gan|y|med | EvilIdler: that'S what i am about to do, hehe | 03:13 |
Kubuntu | sss.automatic.sources.com | 03:13 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: you need xv support, which you apparently don't have | 03:13 |
riccardo | i can't format my hard drive just because feisty has a bug :-( | 03:13 |
dennister | newest sleuth_split.aa (not the one i deleted) is just over 2,097m, as is sleuth_split.ab, and sleuth_split.ac is now just over 5 million b | 03:13 |
riccardo | and i'd say this is a regression | 03:13 |
riccardo | edgy cd recognised my partitions | 03:13 |
EvilIdler | The only non-standard repository I actually have is the one for Audacious | 03:13 |
gan|y|med | Kubuntu: that doesn't work | 03:13 |
dennister | math sounds better, no? | 03:14 |
Kubuntu | what doesn't work? | 03:14 |
gan|y|med | !ubuntu sources.list | 03:14 |
Kubuntu | oh | 03:14 |
Kubuntu | sorry | 03:14 |
Jisao2 | well, Last_hero, if you select the partition, you should have a 'resize the partition' option. | 03:14 |
Kubuntu | thought it would | 03:14 |
EvilIdler | I've got upgraded Beryl and NVidia drivers just fine with the defaults | 03:14 |
BluesKaj | yeah adaptr , and I suppose that's cuz i'm using the ATI Proprietary drivers | 03:14 |
shawn34 | anyone know how to add a download action to firefox? there is no 'add' button | 03:14 |
Last_Hero | jisao2, I restarted the installer and it had that option, installing Kubuntu now :D | 03:14 |
BluesKaj | !repositories | 03:14 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: well, is the xv module loaded at all ? what does xorg.log have to say about it ? | 03:14 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 03:14 |
Kubuntu | than youre online gratz | 03:15 |
Last_Hero | jisao2, thanks for the help, much appreciated | 03:15 |
Jisao2 | you're welcome, Last_Hero | 03:15 |
EvilIdler | There's really no need to mess around with proprietary-only repositories now. Adept has options to switch all that stuff on. | 03:15 |
BluesKaj | adaptr, "tvtime requires hardware YUY2 overlay support from your video card" | 03:15 |
Kubuntu | sudo apt-get install opera | 03:16 |
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adaptr | BluesKaj: yeah.... so, you probably don't have that, or your current driver doesn't expose it to xv - either way, you're screwed :) | 03:16 |
BluesKaj | it's odd tho adaptr ...I had tvtime runing before the feisty final upgrade | 03:16 |
Last_Hero | I got another question, yesterday someone mentioned something that allows Kubuntu to read/write to NTFS, anyone know the name of that? | 03:16 |
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adaptr | BluesKaj: you need to check which overlay methods are supported, and go form there | 03:17 |
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EvilIdler | Last_Hero: ntfs-3g | 03:17 |
BluesKaj | tvtime ran ok in the beta version of feisty | 03:17 |
gan|y|med | how cool is this: Hardware No issues at this time | 03:17 |
EvilIdler | No hardware issues since 5.10, only boot issues with Dapper, and had to restart dist-upgrade for this one. | 03:17 |
EvilIdler | Far better than usual. | 03:17 |
EvilIdler | The 7.04 upgrade manager crashed when trying to update MySQL, actually.- | 03:18 |
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ferret_0567 | To work around the CSS problem, play the whole DVD through, every title, chapter, you know, all of it | 03:18 |
gan|y|med | EvilIdler: sry, but dist-upgrade can be a pain in the ass. messed up my last dapper install (tried egdy) | 03:18 |
ferret_0567 | http://travism.hopto.org/~travis/Screenshots/KDE/ | 03:18 |
Last_Hero | thanks Evilidler | 03:18 |
ferret_0567 | That's my website | 03:18 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: "did work", "was fine", "should work" - bullshit; better direct your energies to solving the problem :) | 03:19 |
ferret_0567 | How do I copy DVD's? | 03:19 |
EvilIdler | gan|y|med: Yeah, it can be. I've been lucky since 5.10, though :) | 03:19 |
dennister | EvilIdler: k, first time i did the split command, the third-resulting file was too big; the second time the third-resulting file is too small...any idea as to what's going wrong? obviously i'd like results i can trust, and so I need to know what we're doing wrong here | 03:19 |
ferret_0567 | I want to copy one right now | 03:19 |
Kubuntu | you use dvd shrink | 03:19 |
Kubuntu | and wine | 03:19 |
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Kubuntu | download dvd shrink | 03:20 |
EvilIdler | dennister: What's the exact command you typed? | 03:20 |
ferret_0567 | I already installed dvd:rip | 03:20 |
Kubuntu | then copy the dvd | 03:20 |
BluesKaj | adaptr, how about taking it easy ...I'm not blaming anyone and don't take it personally ...I had the same problem in dapper . | 03:20 |
EvilIdler | You put the DVD in K3b and copy? | 03:20 |
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ferret_0567 | I guess I could try dvd shrink | 03:20 |
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Kubuntu | yeah | 03:20 |
dennister | EvilIdler: the exact command is: split --verbose -b 2000m sleuth.mpg sleuth_split. | 03:20 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: you mean going from dapper to edgy ? | 03:20 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: presumably you solved it then... | 03:21 |
ferret_0567 | Evilllder: that would require playing through the whole DVD | 03:21 |
BluesKaj | I solved it in edgy by using envy | 03:21 |
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ewgeni90 | irc.freenode.net | 03:21 |
EvilIdler | ferret_0567: If you just want to copy a disc, K3b reads it to a drive and writes it to another disc. | 03:21 |
adaptr | BluesKaj: I don't know what that is | 03:22 |
EvilIdler | But copying movies is more involved.. | 03:22 |
BluesKaj | no biggie , i just switch to windows to watch tv if need be | 03:22 |
dennister | and the exact number of resulting bites in the 3 resulting files is something i added up in calculator: 4199530496...not the same as in the original file | 03:22 |
ferret_0567 | I can't even make a image of a movie | 03:22 |
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ferret_0567 | ...with k3b | 03:22 |
Ayabara | anyone using the Cisco VPN client in feisty? | 03:22 |
ferret_0567 | no | 03:22 |
ferret_0567 | I use Hamachi | 03:22 |
EvilIdler | dennister: That's so wrong it sounds like you've got a defective program :( | 03:22 |
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dennister | ok...which program is defective? split? | 03:23 |
gan|y|med | ok, there is a site, where you can have your sources.list created for you. does anybody know the address (i installed from scratch, so i lost my bookmarks)??? | 03:23 |
MinceR | looks like i'll have to downgrade beryl to install feisty since the repo i've been using only supports edgy -_- | 03:23 |
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Ayabara | ferret_0567, I have a cisco vpn profile for work, so I guess I'll have to use their client | 03:23 |
BluesKaj | envy is a driver setup for ATI which manages to preserve direct rendering and and tvoverlay , which was mutually exclusive previously | 03:23 |
gan|y|med | Ayabara: i used it in dapper and edgy | 03:23 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: Seems like it. You're getting random sizes. | 03:24 |
gan|y|med | Ayabara: it is a pain in the ass, though. why don't export the profile and use kvpnc (+ vpnc, of course) | 03:24 |
dennister | yes, and doing same command twice gave me different results | 03:24 |
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Ayabara | gan|y|med, I made it work in edgy as well, but have a little bit more trouble in feisty. | 03:24 |
zblach | quick question. after going into standby/hibernate, my sound seems to fail silently (no pun). any ideas on a remedy? | 03:24 |
Ayabara | gan|y|med, export it to a different format? | 03:25 |
gan|y|med | Ayabara: you are using the console client? | 03:25 |
EvilIdler | dennister: A manpage on the web explains the command differently. Supposedly there should be a space before the lowercase m | 03:25 |
ferret_0567 | How do I print realistic designed for Linux stickers? | 03:25 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: -b size m | 03:25 |
gan|y|med | Ayabara: no, you get the cisco client. then you install kvpnc and set it up (sometime it is a bit annoying) | 03:25 |
dennister | k well i'm gonna have to reboot here so I can get my adept/synaptic working...k, i will try that b4 rebooting | 03:25 |
gan|y|med | Ayabara: you search for a site (most university labs do this) that encrypts the group password and use it for kvpnc | 03:26 |
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BluesKaj | one good thing about Feisty ...the spdif PCM out works in the alsamixer now ...I can play cds and streams on the HT in the tvroom with the digital coax output from the pc to my HK Receiver | 03:27 |
Ayabara | gan|y|med, sounds doable. thanks for the info :-) | 03:27 |
Kubuntu | Annyone knows about a good opensource mud game turn/base in php/mysql for kubuntu? | 03:27 |
gan|y|med | ok, i found it. it's called /source-o-matic/ | 03:28 |
just-this-time | BluesKaj: HK receiver ? | 03:28 |
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gan|y|med | just if anybody is interested | 03:28 |
BluesKaj | HK=Harman Kardon | 03:28 |
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just-this-time | these are speakers right? | 03:29 |
just-this-time | receiver and speakers that is | 03:29 |
Kubuntu | where can i find open source php/mysql? And the simpsons? | 03:29 |
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gan|y|med | Ayabara: yes, and the tun module (i think it's called this way) is already compiled. no need for the cisco module (sooo kernel dependent) | 03:29 |
adaptr | Kubuntu: where can you find *what* ? | 03:29 |
BluesKaj | nope it's a Home Theater Amp/tuner 6.1 ch | 03:29 |
dennister | EvilIdler: yes, i'd found the manpage on the web, but you were more helpful :-) putting the space before the 'm', however, is giving me another error about an extra operand :( | 03:29 |
adaptr | Kubuntu: new to the whole Linux thing, are we ? | 03:29 |
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ferret_0567 | Ctrl+Alt+Del is a good comic | 03:30 |
EvilIdler | dennister: Damn. Mine works like it should, so I dunno what's wrong with your system. Are you in a partial upgrade or something? | 03:30 |
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BluesKaj | just-this-time, I use paradigm and dahlquist speakers | 03:30 |
Ayabara | gan|y|med, mm. it's the kernel dependencies that are bugging me :-) | 03:30 |
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EvilIdler | dennister: Just in case, reboot, apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade, apt-get -f install and so on | 03:31 |
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ubuntu | hey folks, I'm back | 03:31 |
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Kubuntu | ye, I'm new to linux | 03:32 |
just-this-time | pls look at your /dev ! there are icons with a lock and icons with an AC plug. I would like to know the meaning 'cos I onticed an FAT32 from xp2 does not show even when I intended to mount sounds like permissions thing | 03:32 |
=== zerbero_ [n=jga@p213.54.167.86.tisdip.tiscali.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
dennister | yes, i think it's about time for the reboot...have to fix my adept/synaptic anyway...i haven't started any upgrade yet...need to backup/save everything first | 03:32 |
=== megavolt_ [n=megavolt@muedsl-82-207-233-165.citykom.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | see ya soon | 03:32 |
=== csills [n=csills@c-71-59-52-223.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | my pc wont boot into kde after reboot | 03:32 |
riccardo | help :-( -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2499521#post2499521 | 03:32 |
ferret_0567 | I know how to stop automatic FAT32 >> NTFS conversion on some laptops | 03:32 |
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gan|y|med | Ayabara: i know, i used to have the same problem. every kernel update required recompiling, and then the version one has might be incompatible (once i had to comment out only 2 lines and it worked again) | 03:33 |
gan|y|med | use vpnc + kvpnc (or the console alone if you like) | 03:33 |
HymnToLife` | recompiling of what ? | 03:33 |
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ferret_0567 | Wow, you should all try the Domino KDE style | 03:34 |
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ubuntu | I rebooted my pc last night and left the room.....when I returned my 3 year old was in my chair smiling with that ever-so-familiar grin | 03:34 |
lilleboe | hallo | 03:34 |
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Last_Hero | yay, Kubuntu installed, time to restar :D | 03:34 |
Kubuntu | I can't load internett pages, help plz. | 03:34 |
=== merdeo [n=merdeo@host166-230-dynamic.20-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fff | could anyone help me with ati driver? | 03:35 |
renato | hi guys, I have got a bizarre problem with feisty if I start feisty in normal mode it dies on me with no signal on my sreens, I can only start it in safe mode and then Ctrl-D for normal startup. I had a similar problem during installation, I could start the installation only after changing the resolution otherwise I would get a similar outcome. I amrunning feisty x86_64 on a dual opteron board | 03:35 |
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ubuntu | does linux run ok with a quad core intel/amd? | 03:36 |
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=== ArtMoonik [n=artmooni@mar92-3-82-66-233-126.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | Ii'm on a live cd, how do I mount my HD so I can back up my stuff? | 03:38 |
ubuntu | I cant boot into kde | 03:38 |
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gan|y|med | ubuntu: are on an ubuntu live-cd? | 03:39 |
ubuntu | yes, dapper | 03:40 |
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renato | ubuntu, do you get a "bank screen"? | 03:40 |
ubuntu | yes | 03:40 |
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renato | are you using feisty? | 03:40 |
ubuntu | dapper | 03:40 |
Pop | Hi. I have a problem with xorg using up to 90 percent of cpu time. After upgrade on FF. On EE everything was ok. | 03:40 |
gan|y|med | graphics issue, probably. try save mode | 03:40 |
gan|y|med | and you can't boot into kde if you have ubuntu | 03:41 |
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sc0tch | Anyone experiencing lockups during install? (I go thru and pass "Ready To Install" and it locks up solid (mouse ,etc) at 15% detecting filesystems. | 03:41 |
gan|y|med | Pop: ironically, i had this problem in edgy, in feisty everything seems fine | 03:41 |
ubuntu | no, I mean that genericly | 03:41 |
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ubuntu | I have kde/kubuntu | 03:41 |
ubuntu | I rebooted my pc last night and left the room.....when I returned my 3 year old was in my chair smiling with that ever-so-familiar grin | 03:42 |
renato | hi guys, I have got a bizarre problem with feisty if I start feisty in normal mode it dies on me with no signal on my sreens, I can only start it in safe mode and then Ctrl-D for normal startup. I had a similar problem during installation, I could start the installation only after changing the resolution otherwise I would get a similar outcome. I amrunning feisty x86_64 on a dual opteron board. >Anybody expoeriencing the same? | 03:42 |
sivaji_2009 | i got both xp and kubtuntu can i browse xp system files from kubuntu | 03:42 |
gan|y|med | ubuntu: that doesn't tell me anything | 03:42 |
Pop | I cannot find solution, something to do with ati driver and xorg. | 03:42 |
gan|y|med | sivaji_2009: yes, still ro in standard mount, i guess | 03:43 |
=== pas1 [n=pas1@host175-35-static.107-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gan|y|med | Pop:try fglrx | 03:43 |
ubuntu | I will reboot and see if I can get a line error during bootup | 03:43 |
gan|y|med | what do you mean? | 03:43 |
ubuntu | also I can hit escape to go into the menu, but that doesnt seem to work | 03:44 |
Pop | Yes, maybe. I use "ati" drive for I am able to run beryl+aixgl, but I can live without beryl :) | 03:44 |
sivaji_2009 | !shipit | 03:44 |
ubotu | shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will not send Edgy (6.10) CDs, but only Dapper (6.06) CDs, as Dapper is a !LTS release. | 03:44 |
=== heinkel_112 [n=thomas@ti400720a342-0434.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MK_Mike | Hello, I'm trying to mount a win2k3 server network share on my ubuntu box, but what ever i try i can't get it to mount. any ideas? | 03:44 |
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hund_v1 | can anyone help me? | 03:46 |
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hund_v1 | i've updated to feisty | 03:46 |
hund_v1 | and my samba shares | 03:46 |
hund_v1 | disappeared | 03:46 |
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Last_Hero | quick question: does Kubuntu come with FUSE or do I have to download that seperate? | 03:46 |
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hund_v1 | i mean, the icons are still there (on smb://hostname/) | 03:46 |
hund_v1 | but when i try to access it | 03:47 |
simoux | wie kann ich die auflsung unter kununtu ndern | 03:47 |
hund_v1 | it says they don't exist | 03:47 |
simoux | nvidia card | 03:47 |
hund_v1 | can anyone help me? | 03:47 |
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dennister | ok, i'm back, and really screwed: can't get adept or synaptic to work | 03:47 |
dennister | can't even do an apt-get install update | 03:47 |
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hund_v1 | after updating to feisty, i can't access my samba shares on smb:/username@localhost/, even though the icons are there, when i try to open them it says tha folder doesn't exist.. what can i do? | 03:49 |
hund_v1 | *the | 03:50 |
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dennister | can anyone help me with cli options? everything i've tried so far results in Aborted (core dumped) | 03:52 |
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frojnd | how can I find directory LC5 ? and filename LC5.exe ? | 03:53 |
ubuntu | cant pause boot process to write down ther error | 03:53 |
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=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-76-204-9-150.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ubuntu | I guess I will just backup my datea and reinstall | 03:54 |
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dennister | LeeJunFan: hey there :) | 03:54 |
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ferret_0567 | I'm going to try oxine on my framebuffer | 03:54 |
ubuntu | how can I mount my HD with live cd | 03:54 |
ubuntu | ? | 03:54 |
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ferret_0567 | Hey | 03:55 |
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icewolf | hi, is there a way to autologin in kubuntu 7.04? i searched google and other sites and all i get is go to system settings -> login manager. i don't see a login manager there in kubuntu 7.04 | 03:55 |
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sivaji_2009 | !locale | 03:56 |
ubotu | To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf | 03:56 |
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icewolf | all i see is that is remotely close top login manager is user managment and there are no options there to set autologin | 03:57 |
ubuntu | is that for me? | 03:57 |
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=== BeauJeste [n=david@dsl-203-113-194-9-static.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BeauJeste | hello all | 03:58 |
BeauJeste | i have a berl question | 03:58 |
BeauJeste | beryl | 03:58 |
_4strO | !ask | BeauJeste | 03:59 |
ubotu | BeauJeste: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:59 |
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=== ironfroggy [n=calvin@166-82-208-142.quickclick.ctc.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ironfroggy | Can Kubuntu auto-configure multiple video cards and monitors as well as it can just one? | 03:59 |
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BeauJeste | amd64 feisty faun gs7000 series nvidia card all up to date | 04:00 |
Last_Hero | since (according to the website) Ubuntu has support for NTFS is it a simple matter of mounting an NTFS partition somewhere (such as /media) to be able to access data on said NTFS partition? | 04:00 |
BeauJeste | emerald and beryl manager installed | 04:00 |
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ironfroggy | Last_Hero: i never had trouble with it, but i havent dual booted for a while. | 04:00 |
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Last_Hero | ironfoggy, is that a "yes"? :p | 04:01 |
BeauJeste | I start beryl manager via the kicker menu but when i pick beryl as the manager all i get is white sv=creens | 04:01 |
BeauJeste | screens | 04:01 |
=== jordo23_ [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BeauJeste | they do rotate but they are white | 04:01 |
ironfroggy | Last_Hero: probably. | 04:01 |
shawn34 | how do i do a network install with the alternate cd? i can't seem to get a cd to burn without errors? | 04:02 |
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peyote | Hi, just booted the feisty live cd. There seems to be something wrong with knetworkmanager. It shows me that my wlan is encrypted with WEP but it is a WPA network. And I cannot connect to it. Any ideas? doesnt feisty support wpa supplicant out of the box? | 04:02 |
Last_Hero | rofl, I think it worked, but I no longer have access rights to the media folder :p | 04:02 |
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ironfroggy | you have to mount it with the rights you want. honestly, its easier to share between windows and linux by just setting up a sambda server. | 04:03 |
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ironfroggy | ive got mine running on a crappy old 768mhz box, so you dont need much in spare hardware to do one. | 04:03 |
icewolf | is it possible to autologin in kubuntu 7.04? | 04:04 |
Last_Hero | ironfroggy, I'm on a laptop and want to be able to listen to my 10gb music library on the move :p | 04:04 |
puppetmaster | Hi | 04:04 |
puppetmaster | How to open exe files? | 04:05 |
ironfroggy | Last_Hero: cache the files for offline use | 04:05 |
ironfroggy | Last_Hero: thats what i do | 04:05 |
ironfroggy | puppetmaster: what does "open exe files" mean? | 04:06 |
_4strO | BeauJeste: http://forum.beryl-project.org/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=3756 | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | Anyone I want to open exe files | 04:06 |
_4strO | think it can help | 04:06 |
ironfroggy | puppetmaster: do you mean you want to run a windows executable? | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | play it | 04:06 |
dennister | can someone pls help me with apt/dpkg/adept/ or even synaptic? i can't install anything, or fix adept or synaptic | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | yes | 04:06 |
Last_Hero | I think my way is simpler tbh | 04:06 |
ironfroggy | wine is helpful. so is Windows. | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | that's what I meant | 04:06 |
_4strO | puppetmaster: wine your.exe | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | ok thanks alot | 04:06 |
puppetmaster | i'll try then get back to you | 04:07 |
=== _Johny [n=johny@81-208-106-67.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_4strO | dennister: what is the pb ? | 04:07 |
=== atz [n=anton@c-e29de355.42-1-64736c14.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ES-223741304 | Hi. How to install on i965 motherboard? It does not recognize SATA drives | 04:07 |
dennister | i just rebooted, but adept-noftifer crashed at startup, and everything i try in cli comes up with an error | 04:08 |
=== pollyo [n=pollyo@c-68-81-43-126.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pollyo | Hello | 04:08 |
dennister | there are unmet dependencies apparently, but the solution file is "uninstallable" just get a lot of core dumps | 04:08 |
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pollyo | Anyone know where I would find the crash file that would be created by a program that does a "core dump"? | 04:08 |
=== Dr_willis [n=willis@74-140-6-108.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_4strO | dennister: ps aux | grep adept | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | !severas | 04:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about severas - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:09 |
=== Hidan [n=lucifiel@187.210-193-15.adsl.qala.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | Hmm.. | 04:09 |
_4strO | !seveas | 04:09 |
ubotu | Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 04:09 |
Dr_willis | i never can spell that right. | 04:09 |
_4strO | ^^ Dr_willis | 04:09 |
peyote | Hi, just booted the feisty live cd. There seems to be something wrong with knetworkmanager. It shows me that my wlan is encrypted with WEP but it is a WPA network. And I cannot connect to it. Any ideas? doesnt feisty support wpa supplicant out of the box? | 04:10 |
dennister | _4strO: k, i got a line of results | 04:10 |
Dr_willis | looking for a repository for feisty that has google earth packaged. | 04:10 |
_4strO | dennister: kill the process :p | 04:10 |
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Dr_willis | guess ill just grab the .bin from google. | 04:11 |
=== Edulix [n=edulix@6.Red-83-55-183.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | _4strO: i tried..."no process killed" | 04:11 |
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_4strO | dennister: kill n | 04:11 |
hund_v1 | after updating to feisty, i can't access my samba shares on smb:/username@localhost/, even though the icons are there, when i try to open them it says the folder doesn't exist.. what can i do? | 04:12 |
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_4strO | dennister: you were installing some packages when it crash ? | 04:12 |
=== pauljw [n=paul@pool141.dial1-clec.newalb.win.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Dr_willis | hund_v1, ive heard of others with samba issues.. check the samba config file. It may of overwrote the original. | 04:13 |
hund_v1 | how do i do that? | 04:13 |
Last_Hero | sweet, got my NTFS partition available, I love Kubuntu | 04:13 |
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dennister | _4strO: i tried installing something last night and it crashed...i just rebooted and it crashed immediately at startup | 04:14 |
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dennister | and I'm not having much luck killing anything...the only process that's running with the grep command is mythtv, anyway...no adept processes | 04:14 |
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_4strO | dennister: try : sudo apt-get upgrade and it will give you the command to do (dpkg ... -a dont remeber exactly) | 04:15 |
ES-223741304 | I've searched through forums: there are many similar problems, but no solution. So, kubuntu does not support Intel 965 motherboards at all? | 04:15 |
pollyo | Dr_willis: I think medibuntu has google earth. | 04:15 |
dennister | _4strO: i tried that...got a Abort (core dumped) result | 04:15 |
pollyo | !medibuntu | 04:15 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 04:15 |
sivaji_2009 | linux command ebook send it to me sivaji_2009@yahoo.com | 04:15 |
dennister | also tried sudo apt-get install -f...no joy | 04:15 |
Dr_willis | pollyo, :) allready got it isntalled from the .bin - heh. had to look up.. *shudder* RUmmage sale addresses for the wife. so she knows where to go! | 04:16 |
shawn34 | how can i get widgets on my desktop? and is there anything that supports yahoo widgets? | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | ES-223741304, it may be more of a 'kernel not supporting them yet' | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | shawn34, superkaramba then theres applets for the panel that i prefer. | 04:17 |
Dr_willis | bbl | 04:17 |
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dennister | the only thing that's given me any specific results is: sudo apt-get install --fix-missing...it then tells me the same thing i got last night: the problem is: digikam: Depends: libgphoto2-2-dev but it is not installable | 04:17 |
_4strO | dennister: sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin && rm -f /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin && sudo apt-get upgrade | 04:18 |
dennister | permission denied :( | 04:18 |
_4strO | dennister: i ommit a sudo | 04:19 |
_4strO | sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin && sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/srcpkgcache.bin && sudo apt-get upgrade | 04:19 |
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dennister | ok...now I may be getting somewhere :) stay tuned | 04:20 |
ES-223741304 | Dr_willis: And what do you recommend? | 04:20 |
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_4strO | dennister: no more crash dump ? | 04:22 |
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spawn57 | is there anyway to disable desktop icons for storage devices (like cds and usb keychains) in kubuntu? | 04:22 |
dennister | _4strO: not yet...about 60% finished downloading the digikam that was being problematic | 04:23 |
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_4strO | dennister: ok good :) | 04:23 |
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_4strO | then i can go to my bath :p | 04:23 |
dennister | but then again, things have stopped just before 100% before...that's why i'm waiting for a good report until it's finished | 04:24 |
dennister | _4strO: thank you :) | 04:24 |
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hund_v1 | ok... what do I need to change in the samba config file? | 04:25 |
_4strO | dennister: the pb is not yours now, the ubuntu repo seems to be just a little slow at this time | 04:25 |
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dennister | yes...i've been blaming the feisty release for the probs with the repos | 04:25 |
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dennister | it seems to be extremely! popular | 04:26 |
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_4strO | :) | 04:26 |
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shawn34 | OK, I've installed SuperKaramba. Added/Downloaded the Weather applet, but its not in the list? im confused. How do i add things to the desktop? | 04:26 |
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_4strO | spawn57: alt-F2 and then kcontrol | 04:27 |
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hund_v1 | what do i need to change on the samba config file to correct the problem with the file sharing? | 04:27 |
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shawn34 | anyone? | 04:28 |
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hund_v1 | ... | 04:28 |
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spawn57 | shawn34: try asking in kde, they might have a l'il more experience with it | 04:28 |
dennister | _4strO: problem fixed! 100% and synaptic isn't crashing at startup anymore! ty, ty, ty! | 04:28 |
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spawn57 | _4strO: um, wehre in kcontrol =S | 04:29 |
Nickste | Installing kubuntu - trying to create an ext3 partition, and a swap partition.It will only allow me to create one partition in the free space, and then the left over space is reported as unusable. Any ideas? (7.04) | 04:29 |
_4strO | spawn57: alt-F2 | 04:29 |
_4strO | spawn57: sorry | 04:29 |
_4strO | didn't read | 04:29 |
spawn57 | _4strO: I'm in kcontrol, just don't know where the option is | 04:29 |
Cosmo_ | well that was interesting, finally got my dual monitors working right and the problem ended up being a small flaw in NVIDIA's drivers not linux's fault, the silly software from nvidia wasn't saving the file to the xorg.conf like I was telling it to do | 04:29 |
_4strO | will find | 04:29 |
hund_v1 | what do i need to change on the samba config file to correct the problem with the file sharing? | 04:30 |
spawn57 | _4strO: thanks man | 04:30 |
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hund_v1 | anyone?... | 04:32 |
_4strO | spawn57: desktop / comportement / icons and periph | 04:32 |
pearly | Nickste: primary/extended/logical partitions? there's only room for 4 primary partitions (originally), so maybe you should create an extended partion first and place ext3/swap in there? | 04:32 |
spawn57 | it's off in there | 04:32 |
TiLK | Installing Kubuntu 7.04 - I have updated Adept Manager, Wizzadrd told me there is new Kubuntu version. It said: Click finish to close Adept manager and run Kubuntu update manager tool. I clicked but nothing happen. I closed Adept Manager manualy but nothing happend. | 04:33 |
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_4strO | spawn57: dont understand what you mean by off ? | 04:33 |
spawn57 | destkop / behavior / device icons/ the check box "show device icons" is unchecked | 04:34 |
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_4strO | spawn57: you have 2 choices per device | 04:36 |
Last_Hero | rofl, I've had Kubuntu 30 minutes and I've already broken Amarok, it crashes on startup : / | 04:36 |
_4strO | lol Last_Hero | 04:36 |
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spawn57 | oh? | 04:36 |
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Cosmo_ | moving on to the next problem, since installing Feisty I now have no sound, anyone know how to fix it? | 04:37 |
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hund_v1 | can anyone help me with that samba problem?? I really need to get it up and running... | 04:38 |
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spawn57 | _4strO: where is desktop /comportment? | 04:38 |
spawn57 | hund_v1: what's the problem? | 04:38 |
hund_v1 | well | 04:38 |
hund_v1 | since i've installed feisty | 04:38 |
blixter | hi! | 04:38 |
hund_v1 | my samba shares' icons appear | 04:38 |
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hund_v1 | but when i try to access them | 04:38 |
hund_v1 | it says that it doesn't exist | 04:39 |
Nickste | pearly: thanks for reply :) Will try so now | 04:39 |
hund_v1 | every single one of them... | 04:39 |
hajhouse | i have a problem with aptitude on a new feisty installation: it hangs at 'Building dependency tree... 50%' | 04:39 |
spawn57 | are they mounted? | 04:39 |
hund_v1 | (even wheyes | 04:39 |
hund_v1 | *yes | 04:39 |
spawn57 | try accessing them in using a shell/konsole? | 04:39 |
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hund_v1 | well | 04:39 |
hund_v1 | in kubuntu | 04:39 |
hund_v1 | i can access it | 04:39 |
spawn57 | using konqueror? | 04:40 |
hund_v1 | by going to /media/hda1 | 04:40 |
hund_v1 | yes | 04:40 |
Nickste | schweet it worked :) | 04:40 |
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hund_v1 | but if i go to smb:/username@localhost/ the icons are there | 04:40 |
spawn57 | how were those icons on your desktop created? | 04:40 |
hund_v1 | but it says that the folders don't exist... | 04:40 |
hund_v1 | i'm refering to the icons on the smb:/hund@hund-desktop/ | 04:41 |
hund_v1 | or in windows //hund-desktop/ | 04:41 |
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spawn57 | hund-desktop? thats' your hostname? | 04:41 |
hund_v1 | yes | 04:41 |
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spawn57 | ..hmm | 04:42 |
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spawn57 | try using the ip address? | 04:43 |
hund_v1 | ? | 04:43 |
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hund_v1 | instead of the localhost? | 04:43 |
ghostcube | hi | 04:43 |
spawn57 | smb:/hund@yourip | 04:43 |
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ghostcube | someone here updated edgy to feisty through update-manager | 04:43 |
Nickste | man, i'm getting that excited feeling that I always get before I install a new version of kubuntu :) | 04:43 |
ghostcube | i noticed that i got en differetn device | 04:44 |
ghostcube | in mtab | 04:44 |
pearly | Nickste: good luck for the setup! | 04:44 |
Nickste | :) | 04:44 |
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spawn57 | Nickste: double joy for me, upgraded to fiesty, and I gotta upgrade to etch | 04:44 |
ghostcube | before update i got /dev/hda or /dev/hdb now i got /dev/mapper/sda | 04:44 |
Nickste | oooh nice! | 04:44 |
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ghostcube | someone knows about | 04:44 |
hund_v1 | spawn57: it happens the same thing | 04:45 |
Nickste | is it possible to upgrade using the cd? | 04:45 |
spawn57 | hund_v1: same error? | 04:45 |
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hund_v1 | spawn57: yes | 04:45 |
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razamanaz | Is there anyone here who could point me to a good link for linking an Ipon Nano to Feisty? | 04:45 |
hund_v1 | , I've had Kubuntu 30 minutes and I've already broken Amarok, it crashes on startup : / | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | <_4strO> lol Last_Hero | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | * Kyral has joined #kubuntu | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | <spawn57> oh? | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | * DisabledDuck has quit IRC (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | * adrian_ is now known as ukubuntu | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | <Cosmo_> mov | 04:46 |
hund_v1 | ups | 04:46 |
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Cosmo_ | hund_v1: mov? | 04:47 |
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spawn57 | hund_v1: there's a difference between /media/hda1 theyre' mounted and is accessed using the vfs, but using smb it'll use a different method. | 04:47 |
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hund_v1 | spawn57: the wierdest thing is that is asks for the password and username, i enter it and it enters the smb:/username@hostname/ without any problem, but then when i try to open the folders it says that they don't extist | 04:47 |
RawSewage | how do you install new kicker themes | 04:47 |
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spawn57 | oh | 04:48 |
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spawn57 | try setting the default user name and password in system settings then | 04:48 |
hund_v1 | ? | 04:48 |
RawSewage | I have a folder called Theme with kicker pngs. How do I install it | 04:48 |
ghostcube | anyone an idea | 04:49 |
ghostcube | or en soloution | 04:49 |
ghostcube | ?? | 04:49 |
Skrotffs | If there are two disks in a RAID, will the feisty installation read it as one or two discs | 04:49 |
ghostcube | why are my dev/hd* disks mapped | 04:50 |
ghostcube | to sd discs | 04:50 |
ghostcube | i only did update nothing else | 04:50 |
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hund_v1 | spawn57: it was of no use... | 04:51 |
spawn57 | damn | 04:51 |
natham | hi, my amarok is not trasfering song to my portable device, how can i see a more datailed erro | 04:51 |
natham | ? | 04:51 |
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spawn57 | hund_v1: not sure what's wrong... | 04:52 |
spawn57 | hund_v1: how did you configure samba? | 04:52 |
hund_v1 | i've configured it a long time ago... | 04:53 |
hund_v1 | it has always worked | 04:53 |
spawn57 | samba on your computer.. | 04:53 |
hund_v1 | until today, when i updated to feisty... | 04:53 |
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hund_v1 | is there a way to reinstall samba?? | 04:54 |
spawn57 | you edit the config | 04:54 |
ghostcube | try swat to configure it | 04:54 |
hund_v1 | no i didn't edit the config (or i can't remember it..) | 04:55 |
hund_v1 | ghostcube:?? | 04:55 |
ghostcube | try swat to configure samba.conf | 04:55 |
=== papa [n=papa@p54AF03CB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
spawn57 | if the shared folders on your computer, then reconfigure it system settings | 04:55 |
ghostcube | and dont use the system settings to share | 04:56 |
yong | join #dot | 04:56 |
spawn57 | heh | 04:56 |
ghostcube | disable samba a first in control center | 04:56 |
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ghostcube | and set it manually | 04:56 |
ghostcube | in smb.conf | 04:56 |
hund_v1 | ok | 04:56 |
ghostcube | and if u wanna use it with windows set the coding to iso not to utf | 04:56 |
hund_v1 | btw, to remove the authentication when accessing the shares i only have to remove the security = user? | 04:56 |
ghostcube | and know someone able to tell me if the /dev/mapper/sda instead of /dev/hda is normal | 04:57 |
ghostcube | if upadtzing from edgy | 04:57 |
papa | hi | 04:57 |
Nickste | yo | 04:57 |
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yong | papa, hey | 04:58 |
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dennister | does anyone know the package that the 'split' command is part of? | 04:58 |
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spawn57 | damn man there's a lot of packages for that | 04:59 |
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spawn57 | use apt-file to find it | 04:59 |
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spawn57 | apt-cache search apt-file | 04:59 |
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sivaji | is there any command called "clone" | 05:03 |
dennister | well the command got me nowhere...locate found tons of it everywhere...but that doesn't mean i know which package delivers it...probably multiple packages...here's my problem: the split command is giving me very inconsistent results, so i want to reinstall it, but how if i don't know which program to install? | 05:03 |
dennister | sivaji: try cp | 05:04 |
just-this-time | clone? | 05:04 |
just-this-time | clone? what for ? | 05:04 |
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ubuntu_ | hi quick question, whats the equivalent command on kde to get gksudo nautilus | 05:09 |
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ubuntu_ | whats the equivalent of gksudo i mean | 05:09 |
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sivaji | can i view source code of my os | 05:09 |
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just-this-time | \o what is the meaning of a red plug added to icons in KDE in /dev for example | 05:10 |
=== Rebecca [n=Rebecca@60-240-25-107-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
just-this-time | also what is the meaning of a lock added to icons in KDE in /dev for example | 05:11 |
just-this-time | good afternoon | 05:11 |
ubuntu_ | =( | 05:11 |
natham | how can i install transkode for amarok? | 05:11 |
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just-this-time | how do I query if a package is installed ( in apt-get) ? | 05:13 |
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fdoving | just-this-time: dpkg -s <packagename> | 05:14 |
just-this-time | fdoving: tyvm | 05:14 |
fdoving | just-this-time: or dpkg -l <searchstring> | 05:14 |
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just-this-time | is that -el ? | 05:14 |
fdoving | just-this-time: if you use -l, 'ii' in the first column means installed. | 05:14 |
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fdoving | just-this-time: yes, a small L | 05:15 |
just-this-time | k | 05:15 |
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just-this-time | l- for ? | 05:15 |
fdoving | list | 05:15 |
fdoving | or something | 05:15 |
just-this-time | k ty | 05:15 |
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nickste | How do I enable beryl in the new 7.04? And also, where is the new windows import tool? | 05:16 |
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just-this-time | fdoving use videolan server to see a movie from other computer in LAN ? | 05:16 |
Grexeo | I have just installed kubuntu feisty, how do I connect to my wireless WEP network? | 05:16 |
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just-this-time | use = used | 05:16 |
fdoving | just-this-time: i don't use videolan, no. | 05:16 |
tue | Hello. adept crashed on me when i upgraded from feisty fawn beta (downloaded approx 3 weeks ago) to the most current version, and now eth0 has some serious issues. When i run sudo dhclient eth0, i get a lot of errors such as SIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission Denied, and no ip is assigned. | 05:17 |
tue | Any ideas on what can be the problem? | 05:17 |
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just-this-time | tue look in /var/log | 05:18 |
Eruantalon | Can anyone tell me why my smb uploads to my server is only going about 24 kb/s when using the wired network and 1-2 mb/s when using wireless? | 05:18 |
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dennister | split problem resolved :) | 05:19 |
Eruantalon | tue: run dpkg --configure -a | 05:19 |
tue | just-this-time: var/log/messages has errors such as dhclient 22041 down (9) but si_code == 0 and releasing==0! | 05:19 |
nickste | does kubuntu not have the Restricted Drivers Manager tool? | 05:19 |
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Eruantalon | nickste: Kubuntu doesn't get any of the cool stuff | 05:20 |
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tue | Eruantalon: running. | 05:20 |
MementoMori | hi all | 05:20 |
mig96 | Is it possible to upgrade from Herd 5 to the final Feisty? | 05:20 |
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mig96 | (I have Herd 5 and am too lazy to download it manually :P) | 05:21 |
nickste | damn... and what about the multimedia codec download thing? | 05:21 |
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just-this-time | !mplayer | nickste | 05:21 |
ubotu | nickste: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 05:21 |
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atidem | ciao | 05:21 |
MementoMori | I just installed feisty but I have a strange thing... I did text installation (because i've lvm) but it installed lilo instead of grub!! How can I install grub? | 05:21 |
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MementoMori | ciao atidem | 05:22 |
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atidem | hello MementoMori | 05:22 |
Eruantalon | tue: working? | 05:22 |
Eruantalon | Can anyone tell me why my smb uploads to my server is only going about 24 kb/s when using the wired network and 1-2 mb/s when using wireless? | 05:22 |
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woodb | is there an easy way to distinguish herd5 from the real fiesty? | 05:22 |
fdoving | woodb: | 05:22 |
Eruantalon | When I download it is working with normal speed | 05:22 |
fdoving | woodb: cat /etc/issue | 05:23 |
fdoving | woodb: or cat /etc/issue.net | 05:23 |
KrAmMeR | where do i add or remove programs from starting up a login? | 05:23 |
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fdoving | woodb: you'll see Development version, in herd. | 05:23 |
KrAmMeR | at* | 05:23 |
tue | Eruantalon: dpkg still running. So far no serious issues have been revealed. I think my installation has been trumatized because i (in a week moment) ran sudo chown (myusername) /etc -R. | 05:23 |
LjL | !startup > KrAmMeR (KrAmMeR, see the private message from Ubotu) | 05:23 |
KrAmMeR | k | 05:23 |
woodb | fdoving: ah, it'll reference herd5 in there? (mine does not, fwiw) | 05:23 |
Eruantalon | tue: I am not sure that would do it | 05:23 |
woodb | ok, cool, thanks man :) | 05:23 |
tue | Tried setting it back by running sudo chown root /etc -R but i fear it has caused some problems. This happened before the networking broke. | 05:23 |
Eruantalon | But if you system chrashed while updating it can be in a sorry state | 05:24 |
fdoving | woodb: in the final version, it'll say 'Ubuntu 7.04' | 05:24 |
woodb | yeah, ok, cool | 05:24 |
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woodb | ugh, adept doesn't adhere to the kde theme when using beryl | 05:24 |
KrAmMeR | thats for ubuntu | 05:24 |
woodb | looks like crap :( | 05:24 |
MementoMori | is there a simple (and fast) way to setup grub and remove lilo? | 05:24 |
KrAmMeR | im using kubuntu | 05:24 |
fdoving | woodb: and if you've installed all the updates the herd5 became feisty final. | 05:24 |
tue | Eruantalon: Linux is definately traumatized when it cannot connect to the internet :-). Its really irritating because its difficult to paste output of the programs and troubleshoot the problem. | 05:25 |
soulrider_ | woodb: thats because its running as root, if you wanna change it, youre gonna have to change the theme as root . | 05:25 |
coreymon77 | okay | 05:25 |
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coreymon77 | here is my problem | 05:25 |
woodb | ah | 05:25 |
soulrider_ | tue: true | 05:25 |
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Eruantalon | true indeed | 05:25 |
soulrider_ | tue: its also traumatizing for people who dont have net access | 05:25 |
Last_Hero | can anyone help me install the VLC media player? I downloaded it, but this is my first time installing something in Kubuntu so I'm kinda clueless as to what to do next : / | 05:25 |
soulrider_ | especially to download packages and their dependencies | 05:25 |
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coreymon77 | im still on edgy | 05:25 |
soulrider_ | !software | Last_Hero | 05:26 |
ubotu | Last_Hero: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 05:26 |
coreymon77 | trryin t to install feisty | 05:26 |
coreymon77 | i ran adept on kdesu | 05:26 |
drini | many KDE programs are failing to start (like kubuntu device manager, breyl manager) and I?ve traced the problem (running them from console), to a locale not being set | 05:26 |
Last_Hero | thanks | 05:26 |
drini | where should I fix that? | 05:26 |
soulrider_ | Last_Hero: you can installing it by looking for it on Adept Package Manager or by typing "sudi apt-get install vlc" in a console | 05:26 |
woodb | the (k)ubuntu community rocks | 05:26 |
coreymon77 | and it started doin gthings with the update tool inthe konsole window | 05:26 |
tapas | Last_Hero: at a terminal type: sudo apt-get install vlc [and what ubotu said] | 05:26 |
soulrider_ | Last_Hero: make sure you check out that guide, its VERY useful, youll learn a lot | 05:26 |
MementoMori | woodb: it depends from point of views... ;) | 05:26 |
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coreymon77 | but, it then got to a confirmation thing | 05:27 |
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coreymon77 | saying that it needed confirmation to instal the update | 05:27 |
Last_Hero | sweet, thanks a lot soulrider, got it :D | 05:27 |
coreymon77 | and i dont know how to confirm it | 05:27 |
coreymon77 | no window poped up | 05:27 |
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Last_Hero | I'll get onto that guide | 05:28 |
coreymon77 | i cant install feisty!!! | 05:28 |
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soulrider_ | Last_Hero: it would be a good idea for you to do tahat, we install things in a different way | 05:28 |
mattik | I'm using kubuntu feisty with gdm. If I log off system halt and I cannot do anything. | 05:29 |
shawn34 | Is there anything that replaces the default panel in kde with a mac like panel? | 05:29 |
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just-this-time | coreymon77: what did you try | 05:30 |
coreymon77 | i tried using adept | 05:30 |
just-this-time | I soon will try that | 05:30 |
coreymon77 | and the update-tool didnt load | 05:30 |
just-this-time | is that what is recommended coreymon77? | 05:30 |
coreymon77 | however, all my repos are now feisty ones | 05:30 |
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coreymon77 | yesy | 05:30 |
MementoMori | is there a way to install grub from livecd? I dont want to edit menu.lst by hand | 05:30 |
Last_Hero | soulrider, I am, and your help has made me a happy bunny now that I can listen to my music :D | 05:31 |
just-this-time | so if repos are feisty what about apps coreymon77 ? | 05:31 |
yomismo | hi there | 05:31 |
coreymon77 | nothing was upgraded | 05:31 |
tue | Eruantalon: Jubii. it worked :-) | 05:31 |
Eruantalon | tue: I knew it would | 05:32 |
tue | ive been monkeying around with it for 1 hour. didnt think that i could just tell apt to help me out. | 05:32 |
Eruantalon | Well apt broke it. It had better fix it | 05:32 |
soulrider_ | lol Last_Hero i broke my hard drive and i lost all my music, you enjoy it while you have it :P | 05:32 |
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just-this-time | is there any step-by-step instructions link you followed coreymon77 . pls paste here! | 05:32 |
tapas | for an installed package.. can i somehow find out what repo it's from? | 05:32 |
KrAmMeR | so how would i add programs to startup in kubuntu? | 05:32 |
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coreymon77 | yes | 05:32 |
coreymon77 | the kubuntu ones | 05:32 |
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coreymon77 | on the website | 05:32 |
tapas | i wonder if i still have the beryl i once installed from an unofficial page | 05:32 |
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tapas | s/page/repo/ | 05:32 |
harry | join #pOLSKA | 05:33 |
yomismo | i have kubuntu 6.10 installed. my question is if i upgrade to version 7.04 will i keep my previous configuration for mounted drives and programs i have instaled also like amsn or vlc ? thanks... | 05:33 |
tapas | KrAmMeR: startup as in "when you login" | 05:33 |
tapas | ? | 05:33 |
KrAmMeR | yes | 05:33 |
Last_Hero | soulrider, I have backups on an external just in case :p | 05:33 |
just-this-time | soulrider: learn to burn to DVDs your music | 05:33 |
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tapas | KrAmMeR: add links to the program you want to run to ~/.kde/Autostart/ | 05:33 |
compilerwriter | Anyone else having their x-server lock up for no apparent reason? | 05:33 |
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just-this-time | and play it on DVDplayer | 05:33 |
tapas | KrAmMeR: i.e.: ln -s /usr/bin/gaim ~/.kde/Autostart/ | 05:33 |
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KrAmMeR | k, how would i remove a program? | 05:34 |
Grexeo | how do I connect to a WEP network with a static IP? | 05:34 |
Eruantalon | Anyone have any problems with VERY SLOW samba upload? | 05:34 |
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soulrider | KrAmMeR: you can use adept or type "sudo apt-get remove <name>" | 05:34 |
shawn34 | Is there anything that replaces the default panel in kde with a mac like panel? | 05:34 |
just-this-time | how do I set videolan server | 05:34 |
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cox377 | i'm looking for a app that could batch re-size images , does anyone know anything that may do? | 05:34 |
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tapas | cox377: imagemagick's convert | 05:36 |
shawn34 | is there a channel for KTorrent? | 05:36 |
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KrAmMeR | yea that will remove the program | 05:37 |
KrAmMeR | but i dont want to remove | 05:37 |
Eruantalon | How hard can it be to make your programs not hang and chrash just because the filesystem(ie the network) hangs...? | 05:37 |
KrAmMeR | i just want to stop it from starting automatically | 05:37 |
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drini | question, if I set LC_ALL = "es_ES", perl always complain that it's not a supported locale, and sometimes stuff will break unless I set LC_ALL=C | 05:39 |
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drini | any idea on how to make pero understand I do have es_ES installed? | 05:39 |
Last_Hero | damn, my music has some horrible rasping sound constantly : / | 05:39 |
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shawn34 | Last_Hero, check if your using alsa | 05:42 |
Last_Hero | shawn34, would that show in Adept? | 05:43 |
cox377 | tapas: yehjust been reading that, it says i've a;lready got it installed but there is no icon and when i type it into terminal it says unknown | 05:43 |
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Last_Hero | shawn34, apparantly I am using alsa | 05:44 |
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shawn34 | System Settings> Sound System | 05:44 |
shawn34 | what audio player are you using? | 05:44 |
Last_Hero | VLC | 05:45 |
cox377 | tapas: bash: imagemagick: command not found | 05:45 |
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tapas | cox377: man convert | 05:45 |
shawn34 | try amarok | 05:45 |
Cosmo_ | anyone know how to make "World of Padman" play in a window? | 05:45 |
cox377 | tapas: ist hat the command or? | 05:45 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | how can I use sed to look in a document and remove all tags (everything between the characters < and >)? | 05:45 |
Last_Hero | shawn34, I broke my amarok >_> it crashes on launch | 05:45 |
tapas | cox377: type "man convert" in a term and you will know | 05:45 |
cox377 | tapas: kk, i take it tehre is no gui for it then | 05:46 |
shawn34 | Last_Hero, reinstall it | 05:46 |
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tapas | cox377: didn't you ask for a batch processing tool? | 05:46 |
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blackflag | !screen | 05:46 |
ubotu | screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen | 05:46 |
tapas | cox377: convert is dead simple to use | 05:46 |
cox377 | tapas: haha why yes i did | 05:46 |
tapas | cox377: if you want something more complicated, i'm sure gimp can be scripted, too | 05:46 |
cox377 | tapas: i shall take a look : P | 05:46 |
sc0tch | Is firefox installed on Kubuntu Feisty? | 05:47 |
shawn34 | Last_Hero, Adept Manager, right-click on package, select "Request Reinstall". | 05:47 |
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Rictoo | Where is my sources.list again? =p | 05:47 |
soulrider | !software | 05:47 |
ubotu | A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 05:47 |
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shawn34 | Last_Hero, delete amarok settings in home folder first | 05:47 |
tapas | cox377: one tip: erm | 05:47 |
coreymon77 | Rictoo: /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:47 |
tapas | cox377: it's "convert -h|less" | 05:47 |
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esben | sc0tch: Duno, it is easy enough to install if not | 05:47 |
tapas | the manpage is a bit scarse | 05:47 |
Last_Hero | shawn34, amarok-xine, is that the package? | 05:47 |
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Rictoo | thanks | 05:47 |
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photon | sc0tch: no | 05:48 |
shawn34 | Last_Hero, better yet, completely remove all amarok packages then reinstall | 05:48 |
nickste | adept is complaining that it's already open... how do I kill it? | 05:48 |
tapas | cox377: in the end you will want to do something like: for n in *.jpg; do convert [some options] ; done | 05:48 |
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shawn34 | Last_Hero, just search 'amarok' in adept manager | 05:48 |
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esben | nickste: Try sudo apt-get update in a command line... it will tell you the name of the file | 05:48 |
Last_Hero | amarok-xine is the only one installed | 05:49 |
nickste | ta | 05:49 |
pearly | dettoaltrimenti: s/<[~<>] *>//g as command pattern should do the trick... but i does process strings, so be aware of embedded '<>' signs | 05:49 |
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pearly | dettoaltrimenti: to fast... I meant: it does not process strings | 05:49 |
ForgeAus | yay fiesty is out! | 05:49 |
ForgeAus | (has been for about a day now uh?) | 05:49 |
coreymon77 | ForgeAus: two | 05:50 |
tapas | cox377: for n in /path/to/images/*; do convert -size 100x100 "$n" -write new_"$n"; done | 05:50 |
tapas | cox377: or similar | 05:50 |
tapas | [make a backup first] | 05:50 |
sstchur | The wireless card I have is constantly dropping off under linux; it never did this under windows. Is it more likely shakey drivers for my wifi card? | 05:50 |
ForgeAus | (corey my internets been down for a few) | 05:50 |
ubuntu_ | hi to aLL | 05:50 |
nickste | sup | 05:50 |
ubuntu_ | please someone can help me__ | 05:50 |
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ForgeAus | anyhow, the kubuntu-desktop cd is a LiveCD right? | 05:50 |
kristjan | how to recover from suspend to disk failure? | 05:50 |
soulrider | ForgeAus: yeah, but you can install usignt he live CD too | 05:50 |
Jisao | how, ubuntu_? | 05:51 |
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ForgeAus | so this is what I want ..kubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso | 05:51 |
ubuntu_ | ehm i cant see my unit in /dev/ how can i resolve__ | 05:51 |
lwelyn | i have a problem with ati fglrx. fglrxinfo tells me: Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". . my xorg is : http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9518/ and my log is | 05:51 |
ForgeAus | kewl just checking | 05:51 |
ForgeAus | I know now | 05:51 |
lwelyn | http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9519/ | 05:51 |
ForgeAus | (I did think so considering the choices... just wasn't certain) | 05:52 |
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Jisao | what unit? | 05:52 |
ubuntu_ | my HD ntfs | 05:52 |
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ForgeAus | if anyone has an AMD processor that I know and I want to give them a copy then I'll just have to say tough! coz I know it works on intels! | 05:52 |
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ubuntu_ | in windows vista i can see but in linux no | 05:53 |
Jisao | system:/media/hda1, ubuntu_ | 05:53 |
ForgeAus | ubuntu in vista you can mount NTFS (and or VFAT) drives | 05:53 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | pearly- I get the error "bash: [~: No such file or directory" | 05:53 |
soulrider | ubuntu_: linux is nto too fond of ntfs, but you can still make it see the drives | 05:53 |
ForgeAus | erm in ubuntu sorry | 05:53 |
ForgeAus | grrr! | 05:53 |
ForgeAus | you can even write to them | 05:53 |
shawn34 | !ntfs | 05:53 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions . For write access see !ntfs-3g or !fuse | 05:53 |
ForgeAus | !ntfs | 05:53 |
soulrider | ubuntu_: could you change your nick please? | 05:53 |
ForzaPalermo | hey guys i get this error when i try the distribution upgrade in kubuntu : "Please free 447mb of space on /usr. " | 05:54 |
Jisao | or whatever drive unit it is | 05:54 |
shawn34 | !ntfs | ubuntu_ | 05:54 |
ubotu | ubuntu_: please see above | 05:54 |
LjL | dettoaltrimenti_: try putting single quotes (') around the expression | 05:54 |
ForzaPalermo | the thing is i gave kubuntu 5 gigs of partition space | 05:54 |
ForzaPalermo | i ahvent installed anything else on that drive | 05:54 |
ForzaPalermo | why wouldnt i have space | 05:54 |
ForzaPalermo | any ideas on how i can fix this | 05:54 |
ubuntu_ | in media there is nothing | 05:54 |
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LjL | dettoaltrimenti_: and anyway, that's an expression for "sed", so you need to run sed of course - sorry if i come in the discussion late =) | 05:54 |
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ForgeAus | Forza 5 gig should be enough | 05:55 |
ForgeAus | more than | 05:55 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | yeah ljl, the quotes did it, thanks | 05:55 |
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ForzaPalermo | ForgeAus, exaclty | 05:55 |
ForzaPalermo | ForgeAus, so what do i do | 05:55 |
ForgeAus | I'm not certain | 05:55 |
shawn34 | does feisty have a newer version of kde? | 05:55 |
ForgeAus | what shows it as full? | 05:55 |
ForgeAus | shawn I think so... | 05:56 |
ForgeAus | but edgy can run the same version | 05:56 |
ForzaPalermo | well the distro upgrade says i need mor space | 05:56 |
ForgeAus | the default in edgy is something like 3.5.5 | 05:56 |
ForgeAus | but feisty's is 3.5.6 | 05:56 |
ForgeAus | my current edgy already has 3.5.6 tho | 05:56 |
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shawn34 | ForgeAus, you know if they fixed the nvidia legaxy glx issue in feisty yet? | 05:56 |
ironfroggy | Can Kubuntu auto-configure multiple video cards and monitors as well as it can just one? | 05:56 |
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ForgeAus | I know nothing about Nvidia I have an ATI graphics care | 05:56 |
ForgeAus | grr card | 05:56 |
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omicron | hi there! in feisty I switched knetworkmanager to manual configuration. Now I want to switch it back, so that I can get the list with the available wireless networks again as I click on the knetworkmanager applet. Does anybody know how to do that? | 05:57 |
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ForzaPalermo | ForgeAus, plus so does the disk management program... but what the hell could of installed on there for me to have no space... ive only isntalled beryl and a few other little things like firefox | 05:57 |
ForzaPalermo | any way i can check what the cause of all this disk space is? | 05:57 |
ForgeAus | ironfroggy, I guess it depends no your particular card | 05:57 |
hearsay | I'd like to grant only remote access for certain users to the X server, but no local access rights. Is that possible. Do I do it in kdmrc? | 05:57 |
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dettoaltrimenti_ | that command doesn't seem to be doing it... any other suggestions? | 05:57 |
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ForgeAus | wow googlearth has my area clearly now! | 05:58 |
ForgeAus | yay! | 05:58 |
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Last_Hero | damn, reinstalling Amarok didn't fix it, it still crashes when I try to launch it : / | 05:58 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | and why doesn't sed '/<.*>/d' foo.txt not work? | 05:58 |
shawn34 | Last_Hero, lauch it from the terminal to see what errors it dumps | 05:58 |
ForgeAus | of course I did hear its illegal to have googlearth with the current anti-terrorist legislation in Australia... which is rediculous imho | 05:59 |
ironfroggy | well, assuming both cards are recognized well with kubuntu, does it even try to configure more than one card? | 05:59 |
ForzaPalermo | ForgeAus, any ideas? | 05:59 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | oh wait, it does mostly, nevermind | 05:59 |
Last_Hero | shawn34, I just type "amarok" right? | 05:59 |
ForgeAus | Forza no, unless something went crazy and filled space unnecessarily | 05:59 |
shawn34 | Last_Hero, yes | 05:59 |
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ForzaPalermo | no way we can see whats taking up all this space? | 06:00 |
ForgeAus | have you got a utility to check filesizes of files? a visual disk space util? that might give you a hint | 06:00 |
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ForgeAus | yeah there are some | 06:00 |
ForzaPalermo | no i dont | 06:00 |
ForzaPalermo | wahts a good one to have | 06:00 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | what if I want to delete /<.*>/ and also any line that ends in a semicolon? | 06:00 |
ForgeAus | forgot the precise names of them tho | 06:00 |
ForgeAus | I've used one | 06:00 |
ForgeAus | (had some tla or another) | 06:00 |
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ForgeAus | (tla = three letter acronym) | 06:00 |
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stamen | hi | 06:01 |
stamen | who can tell me a working ntp time server | 06:01 |
ForgeAus | there will be in adept, thats where I'd have got it from, its just a matter of finding it | 06:01 |
raylu | stamen, north-america.pool.ntp.org works for me | 06:01 |
raylu | Can someone help me with kxdocker? | 06:01 |
ForgeAus | I'd search for "disk space" and check out the results | 06:01 |
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stamen | raylu: but for bulgaria it's not workuing | 06:01 |
stamen | working | 06:01 |
stamen | raylu: I mean this server | 06:02 |
ForgeAus | seems like a good filter | 06:02 |
raylu | have you tried the europe one? | 06:02 |
shawn34 | you guys like Kmail or Thunderbird better? | 06:03 |
stamen | raylu: it gives me this for all servers: Unable to contact time server: europe.pool.ntp.org. | 06:03 |
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ForgeAus | I don't think I"ve actually used Kmail... | 06:03 |
ForgeAus | I do have it | 06:03 |
shawn34 | ForgeAus, what do you use? | 06:03 |
raylu | stamen, are you installing kubuntu right now? | 06:03 |
ForgeAus | web based mail mostly | 06:03 |
ForgeAus | hotmail et al | 06:03 |
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stamen | no | 06:03 |
ForgeAus | I know for pop mail that isn't any help | 06:04 |
stamen | raylu: I have installed the ntp demon | 06:04 |
raylu | are you on IRC on the same computer that you are trying to use NTP from? | 06:04 |
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raylu | and can someone help me with kxdocker? | 06:04 |
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pearly | dettoaltrimenti: depends. something like '/^.*;$/d' would delete every line ending in a semicolon; use it before the tag replacement rule (sed allows more than one command...) | 06:05 |
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pearly | dettoaltrimenti: if this becomes more complicated, using python & SAX (PyXML) to do the processing might be an alternative | 06:06 |
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Rictoo | Haha, i just saw that the new Ubuntu is gonna be called Gutsy Gibbon | 06:07 |
Rictoo | BEFORE I saw that, I guess a name, "Grotesque Gibbon" :D | 06:07 |
Last_Hero | shawn34, nothing happened, no error messages : / | 06:07 |
Rictoo | I was half right =D | 06:07 |
Rictoo | *guessed | 06:08 |
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shawn34 | Last_Hero, not possible, what did it say? | 06:08 |
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Last_Hero | nothing, I typed "amarok" and the white box went to the next line, no error message or anything, amarok didn't open, and I could type other commands into the konsole | 06:09 |
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eljefe | has anyone had issues with Kubuntu Feisty and the Medibuntu repositories? I installed 7.04 yesterday, added in the Medibuntu repository, updates fully, rebooted... and lost everything. | 06:10 |
murphy78 | can anybody tell me how to install the ATI drivers | 06:11 |
soulrider | !ati | murphy78 | 06:11 |
ubotu | murphy78: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:11 |
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soulrider | Last_Hero: you can delete the amarok config files, but that will delete your statistics and stuff | 06:12 |
murphy78 | does it make a difference which version of kubuntu i'm using | 06:12 |
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Last_Hero | soulrider, if that's the 'Amarok' folder in /home then I did delete it when I uninstalled it : / | 06:12 |
LjL | eljefe: define "everything".... | 06:13 |
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soulrider | Last_Hero: hold on a sec | 06:13 |
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kristjan | !fstab | 06:14 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 06:14 |
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soulrider | Last_Hero: why dot you purge amarok and reinstall it? | 06:15 |
soulrider | sudo aptitude purge amarok | 06:16 |
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kristjan | how do I get UUID of partition? | 06:16 |
twasbrillg | can anyone give me a little tech support here, Ive got an unbootable system right now | 06:16 |
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soulrider | Last_Hero: also, delete this: /home/mauro/.kde/share/apps/amarok | 06:16 |
ForgeAus | twas what's in your menu.lst under /boot/grub ? | 06:16 |
soulrider | twasbrillg: what errors? kristjan, sorry, no idea | 06:17 |
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Last_Hero | kk soulrider, I'll give it a shot | 06:17 |
twasbrillg | I was trying to upgrade to feisty, and I got the nvidia glx error | 06:17 |
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twasbrillg | except now, the system hangs trying to boot, ctl alt tab doesnt even bring me to a prompt | 06:18 |
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kristjan | soulrider: command is blkid to view UUID it seems | 06:18 |
eljefe | LjL: 'everything' meaning my installation. I rebooted and it forcved me into 'safe mode' and it didn't even have 'apt' installed, somehow | 06:18 |
eljefe | LjL: then i rebooted again and I got to the KDE login screen somehow but it wouldn't log me in for some reason | 06:19 |
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eljefe | LjL: then I rebooted AGAIN, into safe mode this time on purpose, and app my commands (like apt) were back, but my drives weren't mounted | 06:19 |
twasbrillg | I get to the checking filesystem fsk part, then it just hangs | 06:19 |
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Arv3n | Can anyone tell me why I have so many problems with my system and Linux? | 06:20 |
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LjL | eljefe: quite unsure. in safe mode, can you check that your user actually still exists? | 06:21 |
eljefe | LjL: then I messed around and really fscked things up, and not having an install disk I was forced to reinstall Feisty herd5 just to have an OS available to free up my CDR drive. So now I am running some file copies and will then burn a new 7.04 disk and reinstall it all... | 06:21 |
LjL | that drives are not mounted is normal in safe mode, i guess | 06:21 |
LjL | hm | 06:21 |
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Arv3n | The only Linux distro that has actually worked entirely is OpenSuSE. | 06:21 |
twasbrillg | my latest kernal is 2.6.17-11 generic, but I have tried 10 as well, as well, and recovery mode, nothing works, and I cant get to a command prompt in any of them either | 06:22 |
LjL | well, i know some people with feisty and medibuntu active, and i don't think they reported problems | 06:22 |
LjL | but who knows | 06:22 |
Arv3n | Others I have to disable a processor, disable USB 2.0, etc. | 06:22 |
eljefe | LjL: it seems to but the extra drives weren't being mounted; hence my /home/eljefe was not there. Then I userdel and useradd me back in, but that made my Root its own user and i never set a password for him... so i got kinda messed on that deal | 06:22 |
eljefe | the reinstall was just an easier move at this point | 06:22 |
eljefe | but I am afraid to reinstall from Medibuntu again | 06:22 |
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LjL | eljefe: i understand. the way i always used medibuntu (on edgy too) was to just grab the .debs i needed, to be honest (since it would overwrite, say, some Amarok related packages with its own versions, which i didn't particularly like) | 06:23 |
LjL | of course, you do lose automatic updating of medibuntu stuff that way | 06:23 |
eljefe | Arv3n: it could just be what the kernel is supporting, perhaps for some reason openSuSE has some handy things in there | 06:23 |
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twasbrillg | am i facing a total wipe, or can I still recover this....this is the third upgrade that has completely bricked my system, if I cant recover it, Im going to try something else I think | 06:24 |
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eljefe | LjL: I kinda liked the new Amarok that I got from Medibuntu; it had features that I never had seen before, but no change in the version number (1.4.5) | 06:24 |
Arv3n | Can anyone tell me if I should upgrade my bios or not? | 06:25 |
Arv3n | That's the only solution I have. | 06:25 |
LjL | eljefe: well, i didn't feel the need to check out (especially considering that, when you install a package, it's hard to downgrade), i just wanted google earth from it tbj | 06:25 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: i also got bricked on my update. Then on my reinstall! (read above). | 06:25 |
LjL | h | 06:25 |
eljefe | Arv3n: you could try that... is it a brand new hardware/motherboard/etc? | 06:26 |
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twasbrillg | eljefe, yea, but your geting a lot further along then I am | 06:26 |
Arv3n | I don't know what you mean by that. | 06:26 |
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twasbrillg | so why do these upgrades always break everything | 06:26 |
Arv3n | The system itself is an eMachines computer, and I bought it around 3 months ago. | 06:26 |
Arv3n | I have no clue how old the hardware is. | 06:27 |
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eljefe | Arv3n: if its older hardware, it should be well supported. new stuff doesn't always work immediatly because the hardware people don't like to give the Linux people information | 06:27 |
KubuntuisKing | hello everyone | 06:27 |
eljefe | Arv3n: was it brand new? | 06:27 |
Arv3n | Yes. | 06:27 |
Arv3n | None of the distros work, though. | 06:27 |
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Arv3n | Except.. OpenSuSE. >_> | 06:27 |
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KubuntuisKing | Anyone know the default path one should use for Sun Java 6? Adept does not install it correctly but crashes instead. | 06:27 |
eljefe | Arv3n: have you spent any time looking for Ubuntu's HCL? (Hardware Compatibility List) | 06:28 |
Arv3n | Nope. | 06:28 |
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twasbrillg | Im burning the feisty .iso now, will I be able to upgrade install that without reformatting and loosing everything? | 06:28 |
eljefe | KubuntuisKing: i had that issue at one point also; you have to scroll to the bottom of the license and accept it first | 06:28 |
Arv3n | I don't know if that would help, because it's with pretty much ALL the distros. | 06:28 |
kumamoto | KubuntuisKing: try using aptitude to install Sun Java 6 but must install 5 before u install 6 | 06:28 |
Last_Hero | soulrider, I purged, deleted the folder and reinstalled and it still won't work : / | 06:28 |
KubuntuisKing | eljefe - thats what i did but it still crashed | 06:29 |
Arv3n | They either freeze during boot, or it boots and gives me a lot of trouble with the ATI card I have. | 06:29 |
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soulrider | kumamoto KubuntuisKing you dont need to install java 5 before java 6 | 06:29 |
KubuntuisKing | kumamoto - did that work for you? | 06:29 |
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soulrider | Last_Hero: any errors on the console ? | 06:29 |
kumamoto | soulrider: for some reason that is thing I found out when installing java6 | 06:29 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: depends. If your /home/twasbrillg is on its own partition, you can install the new base OS and keep that partition as /home (or /home/twasbrillg or however its set up). You would have to reinstall applications, but at least the data in yout /home is saved (including config files for KDE or whatever) | 06:29 |
soulrider | kumamoto: last night i installed java 6 on a fresh install | 06:29 |
Last_Hero | soulrider, nope : / | 06:30 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: but if /home is NOT on a diff partition or drive, then you would lose stuff I think... | 06:30 |
KubuntuisKing | soulrider from apt-get or adept or from java.com? | 06:30 |
soulrider | Last_Hero: then im gonna redirect you to #amarok :P | 06:30 |
kumamoto | something about not finding some java5 file then when I installed java5 I was able to install 6 | 06:30 |
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kumamoto | weird | 06:30 |
KubuntuisKing | yeah | 06:30 |
soulrider | KubuntuisKing: use adept apt-get or aptitude do do it, dont get it from the java site | 06:30 |
Last_Hero | soulrider, kk, thanks for trying :D | 06:30 |
twasbrillg | that wont work, its on the same partition, i cant loose this data | 06:30 |
KubuntuisKing | soulrider - i know that i was being specific | 06:31 |
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eljefe | hmm then i wouldn't upgrade anything until you have a way to back it all up; in the future try to make a new /home partition just for that purpose | 06:31 |
soulrider | KubuntuisKing: youre trying to install java ? | 06:31 |
twasbrillg | so I guess im back to asking for help on how to get this thing to boot | 06:31 |
KubuntuisKing | rgr | 06:31 |
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eljefe | twasbrillg: do you have 2 cd drives, one that can write? or an external hard drive? | 06:32 |
twasbrillg | I cant boot the system | 06:32 |
kumamoto | soulrider: my adept would give a half size license screen that I couldn't scroll all the way to the bottom to hit 'ok' | 06:32 |
twasbrillg | i cant get any data off of it | 06:32 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: best way, i think, would be to boot into a live CD and burn the data that you need with the other CD, then once its all backed up, reinstall | 06:32 |
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eljefe | twasbrillg: how is that? is it there, can you see it from a live disk? | 06:33 |
twasbrillg | .............Id rather not loose the 2 days that that is going to take | 06:33 |
KubuntuisKing | tx yall! I will work on this later. stupid java. =p | 06:33 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: 2 days or your data, but something has to happen I would think... what is the issue to begin with that it won't boot? | 06:33 |
twasbrillg | I really want to fix this problem, not start over everytime something goes wrong | 06:33 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: i hear ya; so tell us the issue? | 06:33 |
kumamoto | yeah twasbrillg tell us the issue | 06:34 |
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soulrider | kumamoto: if youre still trying to install, try this command "sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jre" | 06:34 |
soulrider | or jdk, whatever applies to you | 06:34 |
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twasbrillg | I was trying to upgrade to feisty, I got an error with nvidia glx, the upgrade terminated, now my system hangs when I try to boot, ctl alt f2 does not bring me to a prompt | 06:34 |
kumamoto | soulrider: yup that one | 06:34 |
eljefe | can you choose to boot into safe mode? | 06:35 |
kumamoto | twasbrillg: pastebin the error | 06:35 |
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kumamoto | see y'all later | 06:36 |
twasbrillg | safe mode...I dont get to the login screen, recovery mode from grub does not work | 06:36 |
eljefe | yeah thats what i meant | 06:36 |
twasbrillg | there is no error, it just hangs at checking file system fsck | 06:36 |
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eljefe | a failed upgrade, i have no ideas mate. a live CD then chroot to have the Live CD's kernel work on the installed-OS might get you somewhere... then your apt commands etc would be coming from/apply to the installed OS... | 06:37 |
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twasbrillg | unless fsck is something that it might need to sit for 4 hours to figure itself you | 06:38 |
eljefe | aah its a filesystem issue... still don't know if i can help i suppose... | 06:38 |
eljefe | it may take that long... how large is the drive? | 06:38 |
twasbrillg | 250gb | 06:38 |
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eljefe | i have 800GB here and it usually takes just a few minutes, but if it needs to rewrite files and fix the filesystem, i hae seen it take 45min | 06:38 |
twasbrillg | but shouldnt there be a progress bar, or something to indicate its doing something | 06:38 |
eljefe | not necessarily | 06:39 |
jussio1 | could someone tell me how to make the xchat channels colourise on new messages? | 06:39 |
twasbrillg | I just have a blinking cursor.....I guess I should just leave it for now?? come back in an hour? or am I just wasting my time | 06:39 |
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jan_ | hallo zusammen | 06:40 |
eljefe | but if you keep booting into it and interrupting the FSCK program, you are risking your data further. fsck is reorganizing the bits and blocks of failed data writes iin the past; if you keep interrupting it you are making those faild data writes even harder to fix | 06:40 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: maybe so... do you have another machine where you can copy over the network from a live CD? | 06:40 |
=== harri_ [n=harri@a85-156-129-70.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
twasbrillg | ok, so just leave it do its thing is what im hearing..... | 06:40 |
jan_ | bei der installation ist adept abgebrochen | 06:40 |
jan_ | jetzt schein die db gelockt zu sein | 06:40 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: its also possible that the FSCK program didn't install/upgrade fully and that its not doing ANYTHING | 06:41 |
jan_ | wie kann ich sie wieder freigeben? | 06:41 |
aldin | anyone has Opera 9.10 . Build 521 for Linux. Qt library 3.3.7. http://pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org/16842/ | 06:41 |
aldin | i have that problem | 06:41 |
eljefe | twasbrillg: for a while, yes. but saving the data is important too, and if you get past this you might still not get a real bootup... | 06:41 |
twasbrillg | sort of, im trying to eliminate starting over though | 06:41 |
twasbrillg | if I can get to a command prompt, I can fix this | 06:41 |
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vcef | hi | 06:42 |
vcef | wtf happend with logout dialog? | 06:42 |
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twasbrillg | actually it says fsck 1.4 blah blah, {ok} then a blinking cursor on the next line | 06:42 |
twasbrillg | is it doing anything? | 06:42 |
Last_Hero | anyone have a rough idea how long it takes Amarok to install Mp3 support? | 06:42 |
eljefe | hmm no idea, but prob not if it says OK... | 06:43 |
twasbrillg | thats kinda what I thought originally | 06:43 |
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eljefe | twasbrillg: use a live CD and chroot (change root) to the installed system; that'll gie you a command prompt | 06:43 |
eljefe | Last_Hero: its just a few minutes but the window never closes on its own | 06:44 |
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ForzaPalermo | hey i cant upgrade by distro to feisty because it saysi need 247kb now in my /boot folder | 06:44 |
ForzaPalermo | how is this possible? | 06:44 |
Last_Hero | kk, thanks | 06:45 |
ForzaPalermo | and i cant delete anything from there | 06:45 |
vcef | I've upgraded to Feisty and now I have screwed logout dialog in my KDE | 06:45 |
jussio1 | vcef, do you only have the one button? | 06:45 |
vcef | I can only logout. No option for restart, shutdown, switch user, etc | 06:45 |
vcef | yep | 06:45 |
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jussio1 | its a known bug | 06:45 |
twasbrillg | when I boot into the live cd, open a terminal and just hit chroot? or do I need to type anything else | 06:45 |
jussio1 | i have it too | 06:45 |
ForzaPalermo | can anyone help me fix this so i can upgrade to feisty! | 06:45 |
vcef | crap | 06:46 |
vcef | any solution yet? | 06:46 |
jussio1 | vcef, logout and shut down from there | 06:46 |
vcef | yeah sure | 06:46 |
jussio1 | thats the solution right now | 06:46 |
eljefe | i am not sure... prob something like chroot /dev/hda1 or whereever your / was befor... maybe fisrt run chroot --help or man chroot, or do a quick google search from the internet-connected machine you are using now | 06:46 |
vcef | but what is actually the problem? maybe only some pixmaps are missing? | 06:46 |
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jussio1 | vcef, I have no idea sorry | 06:47 |
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vcef | ok. thank you for info. I hope it'll be fixed soon | 06:47 |
checco | While adding a package using apt-get I get the following error: Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ Perhaps there is a stale lock file? How can I fix my mtab (dunno what's wrong there) | 06:48 |
emanuele11 | hi | 06:48 |
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eljefe | vcef: i would bet its kernel implementation of hibernate etc aren't there | 06:48 |
eljefe | vcef: just a gues | 06:48 |
vcef | I have never used hibernate because of nvidia | 06:48 |
ForzaPalermo | anyone? | 06:48 |
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emanuele11 | I updated to feisty... I have to route my internet connection from ath0 (wlan) to eh0. what should I do? | 06:49 |
emanuele11 | *eth0 | 06:49 |
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emanuele11 | hey... | 06:51 |
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JohnFlux | emanuele11: google for my masquerading made simple howto | 06:54 |
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soulrider | does anyone know if theres a way to manually get cddb infor for cds in amarok? it snot finding the info for the album in listening to | 06:57 |
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gcee | Hello, has anybody noticed labels for smb share desktop icons cannot be changed (feisty 7.04) | 06:57 |
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ubuntu__ | hello | 07:00 |
ubuntu__ | I've lost my internet connection! | 07:00 |
ubuntu__ | How do I fix it? | 07:00 |
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Kubuntu | Annyone here?? | 07:00 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu, have you tried logging in and out again? | 07:01 |
Kubuntu | yeah | 07:01 |
Kubuntu | several yimes | 07:01 |
jussi01 | do you have a network icon in your systray? | 07:01 |
Kubuntu | I can acces this irc thing but not google.com bbc.ocm | 07:01 |
Kubuntu | Or my router settings | 07:01 |
jussi01 | hmmm | 07:01 |
jussi01 | is your browser set to offline? | 07:02 |
Kubuntu | I know I'm on the network, I can ping my router | 07:02 |
Kubuntu | ll of them? | 07:02 |
jussi01 | youve tried more than one... | 07:02 |
Kubuntu | I tried opera, firefox, konqueror and epiphany! | 07:02 |
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jussi01 | ok, thats weird, what brought this change on? | 07:02 |
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jussi01 | what did you do just before it happened? | 07:03 |
Kubuntu | donno, but epiphany worx now | 07:03 |
l_r | hello | 07:03 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu, excellent | 07:03 |
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jussi01 | l_r, hi | 07:03 |
Kubuntu | firefox is online | 07:03 |
l_r | is there any link to the dvd version of kubuntu, which is not torrent? | 07:03 |
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Kubuntu | conqueror too | 07:04 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu, good to hear | 07:04 |
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jussi01 | let us know if you have more probs | 07:04 |
Kubuntu | and opera | 07:04 |
l_r | i do not know how to handle .torrents | 07:04 |
Kubuntu | thanks for the help! | 07:04 |
LjL | !torrent | l_r | 07:04 |
ubotu | l_r: Torrent clients: Azureus (Java), BitTornado (Shell with python front-end), KTorrent (KDE/Qt) - Bittorent FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html | 07:04 |
LjL | just use ktorrent | 07:04 |
Kubuntu | I donno what to do without you guys! | 07:04 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu, no probs | 07:05 |
Kubuntu | What MSN thing is best? | 07:05 |
chijin | kopete | 07:05 |
Kubuntu | ok | 07:05 |
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Kubuntu | How do I add smileys people send to me in kopete? | 07:06 |
Kubuntu | How do I add my own smileys in kopete? | 07:07 |
ranjan | Kubuntu: kde-look.org | 07:07 |
l_r | if you had to say in 3 things new in feisty from its predecessor, what would you say? | 07:08 |
KrAmMeR | is there a clamav/klamav repository for kubuntu? | 07:08 |
ForgeAus | Kubuntu I don't think it has that functionality yet | 07:08 |
KrAmMeR | it doesn't seem that apt has the latest | 07:08 |
Kubuntu | kde is newer in feisty | 07:08 |
ForgeAus | KrAmMeR? apt has klamav, but not sure if it has the latest... | 07:08 |
KrAmMeR | yeh it doesn't | 07:08 |
KrAmMeR | i checked on the site | 07:09 |
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ranjan | Kubuntu: download one of the existing kopete smiley themes from kde-look.org and modify it as required | 07:09 |
KrAmMeR | just trying to get the most up to date versions | 07:09 |
l_r | does feisty have tools to setup wireless card with WPA support now? | 07:09 |
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ranjan | l_r: yes | 07:10 |
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Fishy | How to install thunderbird 2 in feisty? | 07:12 |
Graham | sudo apt-get install mozilla-thunderbird | 07:13 |
just-this-time | noright to dvdram for k3b ? | 07:13 |
just-this-time | how to solve? kdesu ? | 07:14 |
just-this-time | how to solve without kdesu ? | 07:14 |
doppelganger_ | argh.. i just cannot get feisty to install on this harddrive | 07:14 |
Graham | How to speak English? | 07:14 |
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Kubuntu | how can I make a program start automaticly? | 07:14 |
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Kubuntu | At start up! | 07:14 |
LjL | !startup | 07:15 |
ubotu | To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup | 07:15 |
kkerwin | Hi. Having some difficulties with the feisty dist-upgrade and upgrade kde4libs-data and powernowd. Here's a paste from apt-get: http://rafb.net/p/Av17vv80.html | 07:15 |
LjL | err sorry, i thought there was a KDE factoid | 07:15 |
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Hasrat_USA | in kubuntu feisty fawn (upgraded from ubuntu edgy eft) when i click the red log out button, it only gives me the log-off button whereas i thought i was supposed to get something like this >> http://shots.linuxquestions.org/?linux_distribution=Kubuntu%207.04 how can i get the remaining buttons to show up? | 07:15 |
LjL | Kubuntu: just open the programs you want to be open at startup, and save the session (from the K menu) | 07:15 |
Kubuntu | how do I get rid of typing password to log into wireless assistan? | 07:15 |
doppelganger_ | and i'm not extremely stupid when it comes to this.. it gets to the part where it formats the partition for ext3, then says "the ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI (0,0,0) (sda) failed | 07:15 |
doppelganger_ | what in the world can i do about that | 07:16 |
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just-this-time | ljl by default general on k3b is not authorized to burn. bad deefault I think | 07:16 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: install libpam-keyring | 07:16 |
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wally_ | quick way to switch from ubuntu fiesty to kubuntu fiesty? | 07:16 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: make sure you wallet password is the same as logon password | 07:16 |
dasnipa | wally_, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:16 |
TheCreationist | How do I enable "desktop effects" in KDE? | 07:17 |
wally_ | thanks | 07:17 |
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dasnipa | wally_, then you have to logout and choose kde as the session manager | 07:17 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: 1) are you using KDM are your display manager? 2) what does groups typed in a terminal show? 3) in System / Advanced, click on Session Manager, do you have "Offer startup options? 4) still in System / Advanced, click Login Manager, then Shutdown, is there "Everybody"? | 07:17 |
ranjan | TheCreationist: you are better off with installing beryl on kubuntu | 07:17 |
Kubuntu | E: Couldn't find package libpam-keyring | 07:18 |
Graham | Kubuntu: There is a hidden menu in your home folder, you can place links to aplications in there to start at startup. | 07:18 |
LjL | just-this-time: not sure about that, i don't have a cd burner | 07:18 |
TheCreationist | ranjan: So it isn't preconfigured in Feisty? | 07:18 |
LjL | !kde > wally_ (wally_, see the private message from Ubotu) | 07:18 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: one sec | 07:18 |
just-this-time | ty | 07:18 |
ranjan | TheCreationist: not for kubuntu, it is for ubuntu | 07:18 |
LjL | wally_: that won't "switch" you to it, though, it'll just install KDE (all the Kubuntu packages) *additionally*. you can then choose what to use at the login screen | 07:18 |
Hasrat_USA | bah wow thanks LjL allow me to try those options/tips one by one. pretty neat! | 07:18 |
Graham | Kubuntu: /home/username/.kde/Autostart | 07:18 |
Kubuntu | I want my computer to search and log in to wireless network at start up, I have gnome and kde what should i use? | 07:18 |
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wally_ | terminal said it couldn't find package kubuntu | 07:19 |
TheCreationist | ranjan: Okay... well, gnome always gives me problems... was just curious. | 07:19 |
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LjL | wally_: kubuntu-desktop, not kubuntu | 07:19 |
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Kubuntu | wally_ sudo apt-get install kde | 07:19 |
EmxBA | urgent, one mirror that works and is correct is missing at http://kubuntu.com/download.php | 07:19 |
LjL | Kubuntu: no | 07:19 |
ranjan | TheCreationist: lots of tuts online, just google it | 07:19 |
EmxBA | I've sent mail to mirrors@ubuntu.com but got no reply | 07:19 |
Kubuntu | What no? | 07:19 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: do you have universe and multverse etc on? | 07:19 |
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Kubuntu | Not sure | 07:20 |
TheCreationist | ranjan: Oh, I've had beryl installed and working before... was just curious because I thought Feisty would include it in KDE too. | 07:20 |
just-this-time | can I get a hosting ubuntu web admins for www.ubuntu.co.il for ppl coming to room ubuntu-il? | 07:20 |
EmxBA | can someone just add it to the site? or I must contact someone *else*? | 07:20 |
LjL | Kubuntu: he asked how to switch to *Kubuntu*. even installing kubuntu-desktop isn't a complete answer (since GNOME will still be there), but installing the "kde" package is even less relevant | 07:20 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: check they are on and try agaiin | 07:20 |
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Kubuntu | it is just to delete gnome aftewards, genious! | 07:20 |
ranjan | TheCreationist: kubuntu is always the ignored sibling | 07:20 |
Kubuntu | sudo apt-get remove gnome | 07:20 |
LjL | Kubuntu: genius, the kde packages DOES NOT INSTALL the kubuntu stuff | 07:20 |
LjL | Kubuntu: and no that won't work anyway | 07:21 |
TheCreationist | ranjan: I'm noticing that. | 07:21 |
LjL | !attitude | 07:21 |
Kubuntu | but the gnome packages does! | 07:21 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 07:21 |
LjL | !kde | 07:21 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE veresion is 3.5.6 for Edgy and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information. | 07:21 |
TheCreationist | ranjan: That's so sad too... seeing how KDE is so much more polished than gnome. | 07:21 |
LjL | Kubuntu: the gnome package installs the kubuntu stuff? yes, right | 07:21 |
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jussi01 | if you want the kubuntu packages then: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:21 |
Kubuntu | No the gnome packages installs the gnome stuff | 07:21 |
LjL | jussi01: precisely. | 07:21 |
Kubuntu | So I thought kde installed the kde stuff! | 07:22 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: it doesn't install *nearly* everything that is included in Ubuntu. just like "kde" doesn't install nearly everything that's included in Kubuntu | 07:22 |
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ranjan | TheCreationist: i don't use Kubuntu, i install from alternate cd without X and then get kdecore and all packages i need, much faster than kubuntu-desktop | 07:22 |
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Kubuntu | but you ccan do that later in synaptic or adept! | 07:22 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: did you get the repo's switched on? | 07:23 |
Kubuntu | But can I get Kubuntu to autmaticl serach and use wireless netowrks? | 07:23 |
LjL | Kubuntu: so what? there is a single command that's the right command, and that's "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" (if you're on Ubuntu and want all the Kubuntu stuff), or "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" (if you want the contrary) | 07:23 |
Kubuntu | donno | 07:23 |
LjL | installing "kde" or "gnome" is just a bad answer. the good answer had been given already. | 07:23 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: in adept under file->manage repositaries | 07:23 |
EmxBA | anyone? | 07:23 |
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Kubuntu | and then? | 07:23 |
just-this-time | k3b says cdrecord has no access right to dvdrasm(/dev/scd0 ) what to do ? | 07:24 |
Hasrat_USA | 1) since i'm already running KDE, I bet I'm running KDM as the display manager. 2) when i typed 'groups' in the terminal, this is what i saw 'hasrat adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin' 3) in System / Advanced, click on Session Manager i have 'offer shut down options' checked and there is no 'offer startup options'. 4) yes, in the 'local' field i see everybody | 07:24 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: make sure all the repos are selected | 07:24 |
LjL | just-this-time: just guessing, but are you a member of "cdrom"? (type "groups") | 07:24 |
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Kubuntu | I donno what repos is | 07:24 |
just-this-time | checking | 07:24 |
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Kubuntu | Now adept want me to upgrade to feisty fawn! | 07:25 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: repositories | 07:25 |
ranjan | !sources | 07:25 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 07:25 |
Kubuntu | Should I let it? | 07:25 |
Kubuntu | Should I install feistry fawn? | 07:25 |
ranjan | !sources | Kubuntu | 07:25 |
ubotu | Kubuntu: please see above | 07:25 |
Kubuntu | Should I install Feisy Fawn? | 07:25 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: if you want to... | 07:25 |
Kubuntu | Will it make new grub enitys? | 07:25 |
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LjL | Hasrat_USA: well, you could easily be running KDE but with GDM or XDM instead of KDM (that's most likely if you installed Ubuntu and then only later switched to Kubuntu). but aside from that, uhm... you don't start X using startx, do you? =) | 07:26 |
Hasrat_USA | i understand that sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop removes/uninstalls ubuntu but is there a single command or action that can wipe Ubuntu and all its associated applications off the system? | 07:26 |
Kubuntu | Why does synaptic and adept have diffrent updates? | 07:26 |
sybux | hi | 07:26 |
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Hasrat_USA | LjL no i never tyoe startx | 07:26 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: Ubuntu as opposed to Kubuntu, you mean? (so you *did* originally install ubuntu?) | 07:26 |
puidu | ciao | 07:26 |
l_r | torrent is rather slow. isn't there an .iso available on a ftp server? | 07:26 |
LjL | !feisty | l_r | 07:26 |
ubotu | l_r: FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/ | 07:26 |
Kubuntu | harsa_usa, formate the hardrive and ubuntu and all its files will dissapear! | 07:27 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah i originally installed ubuntu edgy eft | 07:27 |
puidu | ci sono italiani qui? | 07:27 |
jussi01 | !it | puidu | 07:27 |
LjL | l_r:uhm, that doesn't include the dvd isos | 07:27 |
ubotu | puidu: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 07:27 |
puidu | o si hay algun espanol | 07:27 |
LjL | l_r: hold on | 07:27 |
Hasrat_USA | l_r: yeah | 07:27 |
LjL | !es | 07:27 |
ubotu | Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda. | 07:27 |
l_r | LjL, indeed. i am searchign for dvds | 07:27 |
Kubuntu | I'm upgrading to Feisty Fawn | 07:27 |
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puidu | grazie | 07:27 |
Doctor_Nick | !mamma mia | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mamma mia - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
puidu | gracias | 07:27 |
LjL | !feisty-#ubuntu | 07:27 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: cool | 07:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about feisty-#ubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:27 |
doppelganger_ | hi, someone let me know when they get a chance | 07:27 |
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doppelganger_ | i've got a really weird issue | 07:28 |
jussi01 | doppelganger_: go on? | 07:28 |
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doppelganger_ | first of all, i only have IDE drives in my box | 07:28 |
bear | #kubuntu-fr | 07:28 |
doppelganger_ | and when i'm installing feisty, it gets to the part where it formats the partition for ext3, then says "the ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of SCSI (0,0,0) (sda) failed | 07:28 |
Hasrat_USA | LjL yeha you're right. i first installed ubuntu and then typed sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kubuntu. two days ago i upgraded to feisty fawn. before the upgrade, kubuntu gave me the options to shut down, hibernate, suspend, log off, reboot etc | 07:28 |
Kubuntu | It failed to fetch wine it said? | 07:28 |
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jussi01 | bear: /join #kubuntu-fr | 07:28 |
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LjL | Hasrat_USA: well but that means you're probably using GDM, not KDM, as your login manager. try sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm | 07:29 |
ranjan | Hasrat_USA: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde | 07:29 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: as for removing the entire GNOME stuff, that's non-trivial, unless "sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-desktop" has decided to start working correctly in Feisty | 07:29 |
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Hasrat_USA | damn LjL you are such an expert! | 07:30 |
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Hasrat_USA | lol ok thanks i'm gonna try that command now | 07:30 |
bentonnaz | how do i install my /home directory to a separate partition | 07:30 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 07:30 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 07:30 |
doppelganger_ | it's detecting my drive as sda, not hda as it should | 07:30 |
Hasrat_USA | hopefully it won't damage the system | 07:30 |
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Kubuntu | Why wont it install? | 07:30 |
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doppelganger_ | i don't have sata drives, nor sata capability on this motherboard | 07:30 |
Hasrat_USA | thanks ranjan i am gonna check that out | 07:30 |
sybux | Any1 know how to use Intel Wireless card with Feisty. It was working fine with edgy :( | 07:30 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: sounds like wines repos are down... | 07:30 |
just-this-time | k3b says cdrecord has no access right to dvdrasm(/dev/scd0 ) what to do ? | 07:31 |
jussi01 | sybux: mine works fine... | 07:31 |
Kubuntu | So I just delet the crap and I'm ready to go? | 07:31 |
just-this-time | Iam member of burning and cdrom group | 07:31 |
jussi01 | sybux: whats your issue? | 07:31 |
just-this-time | still no joy | 07:31 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: i'm quite positive that it won't. you'll need to restart X, then, to see if it did the trick | 07:31 |
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just-this-time | will put it in an ubuntu-annoying-blog | 07:31 |
sybux | jussi01: I can't connect. and in kNetworkmanager, there is no network browsed and I know there is where I am | 07:32 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: actually, you'll need to go to a terminal (hit Alt+F1), login from there, and do "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop; sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start". or reboot | 07:32 |
Hasrat_USA | LjL should i log off, kill x and then try the 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' command? or do you prefer that i do it while sitting inside KDE right now? | 07:32 |
just-this-time | anyone using k3b | 07:32 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: no, you can do the reconfigure from inside X. just the last things i told you must be done from the terminal | 07:32 |
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Kubuntu | Is it any antiviruses for kubuntu? | 07:33 |
LjL | l_r: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/dvd/current/ | 07:33 |
LjL | !info clamav | 07:33 |
ubotu | clamav: antivirus scanner for Unix. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.90.1-1ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 834 kB, installed size 1260 kB | 07:33 |
LjL | !virus | 07:33 |
ubotu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 07:33 |
streather | hey can someone help me with wireless networking for kubuntu? | 07:33 |
streather | specifically connecting to a wpa encrypted router | 07:33 |
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l_r | what's the point in a virus tool for unix? | 07:33 |
EmxBA | LjL: gutsy repos is open? | 07:33 |
TheCreationist | Okay, after updating to Feisty and installing kubuntu-desktop, my sound doesn't work in KDE, only gnome... any ideas? | 07:33 |
Hasrat_USA | LjL speaking of the 'last things i told you', are you talking about 'you'll need to go to a terminal (hit Alt+F1), login from there, and do "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop; sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start". or reboot' << ?? | 07:34 |
LjL | EmxBA: don't think so | 07:34 |
l_r | LjL, thanks | 07:34 |
streather | i know theres a program that does it but i can't remember its name >.< | 07:34 |
EmxBA | l_r: nothing, it just lowers your fears taht someone will do something to you :) | 07:34 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: yes. but you can do that *after* the reconfigure (and you can do the reconfigure in X) | 07:34 |
l_r | lol | 07:34 |
EmxBA | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/ LjL ? | 07:34 |
Hasrat_USA | ah okay thanks let's do it! | 07:34 |
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LjL | EmxBA: well then i suppose it's open. ask in #ubuntu+1, i'm not following gutsy for now | 07:34 |
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LjL | Hasrat_USA: the "reboot" is not needed, but if you prefer to reboot rather than doing that from the terminal... | 07:35 |
Hasrat_USA | okay | 07:35 |
Hasrat_USA | omg | 07:35 |
Hasrat_USA | you're so write | 07:36 |
sybux | jussi01: any idea for my wireless connection ? | 07:36 |
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jussi01 | sybux: no, its a weird one, maybe someone else knows... which model do you have? | 07:36 |
Hasrat_USA | 'a display manager is a program that provides graphical login capabilities for the x window system. only one display manager can manage a given x server, but multiple display manager packages are installed. please select which display manager should run by default' | 07:37 |
sybux | jussi01: it's a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05) | 07:37 |
Hasrat_USA | select the desired default display manager: gdm kdm <ok> | 07:37 |
jussi01 | sybux: weird i have exactly the same one | 07:37 |
sybux | jus | 07:37 |
sybux | jussi01: do you use Knetworkmanager to connect ? | 07:37 |
jussi01 | sybux: yes | 07:38 |
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just-this-time | will google that k3b rights issue | 07:38 |
Kubuntu | how do I decide where the sound comes out of my computer? | 07:38 |
sybux | jussi01: it's very strange. Do you have upgrade from edgy or install from 0 ? | 07:38 |
Kubuntu | Neither | 07:39 |
jussi01 | sybux: i installed from scratch | 07:39 |
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Hasrat_USA | okay i'm gonna log off and kill x somehow and i pray and hope i won't forget these two commands sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop and sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start (just typing these commands to help my brain memorize 'em lol) | 07:39 |
Kubuntu | How do I decide witch speakers kubuntu uses? | 07:39 |
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sybux | jussi01: just a silly question : how to you connect ? I mean which program, step. | 07:40 |
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Kubuntu | to a wireless network? | 07:40 |
jussi01 | sybux: right click on the network manager, click network... | 07:40 |
Kubuntu | kubuntu can't use dhcp! | 07:40 |
Kubuntu | have to write the ip in manually! | 07:40 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: yes it can | 07:40 |
Kubuntu | Not edgy! | 07:41 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: feist can tho | 07:41 |
jussi01 | feisty | 07:41 |
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Kubuntu | But I can't get feisty, because of wine | 07:41 |
sybux | jussi01: I can only choose manula configuration | 07:41 |
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jussi01 | Kubuntu: remove the wine repositary | 07:42 |
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TheCreationist | Since installing Feisty, my sound no longer works in KDE... I've tried using both ALSA and OSS... checked my KMix levels... killed artds... still nothing. Anyone have any ideas? | 07:42 |
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Hasrat_USA | holy cow it worked!!! | 07:42 |
jussi01 | sybux: there are no networks listed? | 07:42 |
sybux | jussi01: no | 07:42 |
Fishy | Are there any debs available for thunderbird 2? | 07:42 |
just-this-time | ok | 07:42 |
just-this-time | ls -l /usr/bin/cdrecord | 07:42 |
just-this-time | -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 133 2006-08-17 15:57 /usr/bin/cdrecord | 07:42 |
Hasrat_USA | i now got log out suspend hibernate restart shut down!!! | 07:42 |
Kubuntu | don't need them apt-get install thunderbird-blblbla | 07:43 |
wally_ | installed kubuntu-desktop, chose kdm as primary, and restarted. boot up splash was kubuntu, desktop is still ubuntu? | 07:43 |
Hasrat_USA | LjL: you're a divine genius no doubt!! | 07:43 |
just-this-time | cdrecord must be group cdrom how do I change ? chmod what ? | 07:43 |
LjL | Hasrat_USA: i've just used this distribution for a while | 07:43 |
TheCreationist | wally_: You need to choose your session in the login screen... change it to KDE | 07:43 |
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veganri | hi, i hear 7.04 (am on 6.1) can import windows settings, but i got one of those update notices to go to 7.04, will that import my windows or do i have to use an install disk to do that | 07:43 |
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Kubuntu | Why does wine have to be updated to install 7.04?? | 07:44 |
jussi01 | sybux: go to system settings - network settings, have a look there... | 07:44 |
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sybux | jussi01: it's the same as when I choose manual settings | 07:45 |
sybux | jussi01: and another strange thing I can't select the encryption method | 07:45 |
_Johny | !google IRC | 07:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about google irc - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:46 |
TheCreationist | Since installing Feisty, my sound no longer works in KDE... I've tried using both ALSA and OSS... checked my KMix levels... killed artds... still nothing. Anyone have any ideas? | 07:46 |
jussi01 | sybux: Im sorry, i cant help you anymore. Im fresh out of ideas | 07:46 |
sybux | jussi01: np thx | 07:46 |
Kubuntu | Do I have to restart after install of 7.04?? | 07:46 |
jussi01 | Kubuntu: i imagine so | 07:47 |
Hasrat_USA | the system would automatically restart | 07:47 |
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jussi01 | sybux: maybe LjL can help - he has lots of experience... | 07:47 |
veganri | it couldnt hurt, if nothing else try ctrl-alt-backspace | 07:47 |
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Hasrat_USA | and yeah you must restart cause your kernel would be upgraded as well and it's necessary for the system to be restarted after any change in the kernel | 07:47 |
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sybux | jussi01: so he should be very busy ! | 07:48 |
jussi01 | sybux: he probably is... | 07:48 |
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Hasrat_USA | LjL is seasoned! | 07:48 |
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Hasrat_USA | he immediately fixed a problem of mine that i was loosing sleep over ever since i upgraded to feisty | 07:49 |
just-this-time | simple one how to change /usr/bin/cdrecord group from root to cdrom ? | 07:49 |
jussi01 | Hasrat_USA: what did he fix? | 07:49 |
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jussi01 | Hasrat_USA: pm? | 07:50 |
Hasrat_USA | what? | 07:50 |
Hasrat_USA | PM? | 07:50 |
TheCreationist | I could sure use some help getting my sound fixed since upgrading to Feisty broke it ;) | 07:50 |
just-this-time | !alsa | 07:51 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:51 |
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toxidas | hi all | 07:51 |
just-this-time | !alsa | TheCreationist | 07:51 |
ubotu | TheCreationist: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 07:51 |
toxidas | i have kubuntu6.10 | 07:52 |
DarthFrog | Hmm. I wasn't ready to upgrade from Edgy to Feisty so when the Adept wizard asked me if I wanted to, I clicked "No". Now that I'm ready to upgrade, Adept doesn't present any means to do so! No "Version Upgrade" button. No wizard. Nuisance | 07:52 |
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sybux | any1 know how to create a bootable usbkey with ms-dos on it ? | 07:52 |
toxidas | want to upgrade to feisty but i have vmware server installed | 07:52 |
LjL | ew, no, i don't have network manager (because i eradicated it) and i don't have wifi =) | 07:52 |
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kubuntian | feisty is out? | 07:52 |
kubuntian | is it safe to upgrade? | 07:52 |
Kubuntu | How do I get rid of wine updates? | 07:53 |
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toxidas | are there any problems can i use vmware server with feisty with uprade? | 07:53 |
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jussi01 | kubuntian: yes it should be | 07:53 |
Kubuntu | Yes, it is safe to upgrade! | 07:53 |
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jussi01 | !feisty | 07:53 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/ | 07:53 |
kubuntian | do i need to do any "special" thing? | 07:53 |
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kubuntian | or just rename the apt-sources and dist-upgrade? | 07:53 |
toxidas | is there any kernel issues with vmware via festy? | 07:54 |
Kubuntu | go into adept, press fetch Updates and youre online! | 07:54 |
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kubuntian | i am a synapticians!! | 07:54 |
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Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 07:55 |
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Kubuntu | thsi is the error message when it ry to install feisty! | 07:55 |
Kubuntu | what should I do? | 07:55 |
c1|freaky | i love kubunt :D | 07:55 |
Kubuntu | tHANKS | 07:55 |
c1|freaky | is there any info about the next version yet? | 07:55 |
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Kubuntu | planty | 07:56 |
Kubuntu | plenty* | 07:56 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah the next version is KDE 4 | 07:56 |
Hasrat_USA | if you're brave enough go download and install the beta and help the developers beta test it | 07:56 |
Kubuntu | but you cant install it if you have wine | 07:56 |
c1|freaky | of kubuntu | 07:56 |
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Kubuntu | sudo apt-get install feisty-fawn | 07:56 |
c1|freaky | i mean the next kubuntu version | 07:56 |
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Last_Hero | hmmm, should I be worried that I 'su' -> passwrod = authentication failure? | 07:56 |
zerak | hehe almost thought they would have made it possible to update | 07:57 |
Hasrat_USA | oh he is talking about kubuntu, not kde. sorry my bad | 07:57 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Last_Hero: try sudo no su | 07:57 |
Last_Hero | ah, thanks Randymyze | 07:57 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Last_Hero: if you've made a new account and want to su - into it, you have to log into it first then you can su from your acount | 07:58 |
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Last_Hero | I'm trying to install the Java SDK using the instructions they give | 07:58 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Last_Hero: yep, then you want to use "sudo <instruction>" | 07:59 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Last_Hero: then your password | 07:59 |
frojnd | can someone be so generaus and tell what must be settings done for volume (output, input and Swithces) cause I changed something and now I can't hear vocals when I play music and my microphone with headphones is f000... Can someone make a screen shot of settings for mic and headphones please? | 07:59 |
=== Mountainman [i=Mtnman@ppp-70-128-122-86.dsl.tulsok.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubuntu | how do I install Feisy Fawn without adept? | 07:59 |
Last_Hero | what's the Linux equivelent of 'cd' (change directory) | 08:00 |
Kubuntu | cd | 08:00 |
Kubuntu | duh | 08:00 |
edavis10 | Last_Hero: cd | 08:00 |
Last_Hero | : / | 08:00 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: you can use the add/remove application, or you can use apt-get | 08:00 |
Last_Hero | "cd - command not found" >_< | 08:00 |
Last_Hero | kk | 08:01 |
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Kubuntu | no | 08:01 |
Kubuntu | cd is a command | 08:01 |
Kubuntu | I know | 08:01 |
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Kubuntu | last_hero you probably spelled it wrong, it is cd! | 08:02 |
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LjL | Last_Hero, what did you type exactly? (pastebin the relevant part of your terminal screen) | 08:03 |
dac | hi jisao | 08:03 |
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Last_Hero | it's working now strangely enough | 08:03 |
dac | is this live talk? | 08:04 |
LjL | ... | 08:04 |
LjL | (minutes pass) | 08:04 |
LjL | ... | 08:04 |
LjL | dac: no | 08:04 |
Kubuntu | No, it gets posted in the paper on tuesdays! | 08:04 |
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Kubuntu | How do I get feisty fawn? | 08:05 |
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LjL | !feisty | 08:05 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/ | 08:05 |
=== mm [n=mm@p50909226.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubuntu | No how do I upgrade? | 08:05 |
dac | i just installed kubuntu a few minutes ago. | 08:05 |
fdoving | anyone know if it's possible to put the desktop icons on the second screen in a xinerama setup? | 08:05 |
=== aradu [n=aradu@90-227-17-40-no130.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubuntu | Like sudo apt-get install kubuntu? | 08:05 |
LjL | !upgrade | 08:06 |
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Kubuntu | !upgrade | 08:06 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 08:06 |
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kblog | back | 08:06 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: although... that document is a bit "on the move" these hours, at least it looked that way | 08:06 |
Flosoft | hey | 08:06 |
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Flosoft | anyone an idea why wine isn't in the 64bit repo of feisty? | 08:07 |
fdoving | Flosoft: probably because it's 32bit only. | 08:07 |
kblog | i have now after the upgrade from 6.10 to feisty a problem: glob2 and at could not be upgraded | 08:07 |
LjL | Kubuntu: ok, it does explain it for Kubuntu too | 08:07 |
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Flosoft | fdoving: why isn't there a 64 bit version? | 08:07 |
LjL | kblog: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get install at" and "sudo apt-get install glob2" | 08:08 |
fdoving | Flosoft: no idea. you can try to ask in #winehq or something like that. | 08:08 |
Flosoft | ok thx | 08:08 |
=== anna [n=anna@85-18-14-10.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dac | can you get games on kubuntu? | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | yeah | 08:09 |
Last_Hero | yes | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | every one | 08:09 |
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Last_Hero | S2 Games are promising a Linux client at launch for Savage 2 | 08:09 |
dac | thank you | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | I cant install feisty fawn it says: | 08:09 |
LjL | !games > dac (dac, see the private message from Ubotu) | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | Error during update | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | A problem occured during the update. This is usually some sort of network proble m, please check your network connection and retry. | 08:09 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/ Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:09 |
kblog | LjL: both packages depends on glob-2 respectively glob-2 data which should not be installed. | 08:10 |
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kblog | thats why... i cant pastebin it atm because im under console atm | 08:10 |
Kubuntu | How do I remove wine? | 08:10 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list , and comment out the wine.budgetdecicated.com repository (add a # before it) | 08:10 |
LjL | Kubuntu: sudo apt-get autoremove wine | 08:10 |
Kubuntu | can't i remove it? | 08:10 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: ...? | 08:11 |
LjL | kblog: uhm, my at doesn't depend on glob2 or glob2-data. and i don't have glob2 installed at all, actually | 08:11 |
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Kubuntu | can I install feisty now? | 08:11 |
LjL | kblog: what with "sudo apt-get install glob2-data", does it tell you why it wouldn't be installable? | 08:11 |
LjL | Kubuntu: you should, try | 08:12 |
kblog | brb | 08:12 |
Kubuntu | It started removing everything with kde! | 08:12 |
kblog | phone | 08:12 |
Kubuntu | LjL it removes every package that starts with k! | 08:12 |
Kubuntu | What do I do? | 08:13 |
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dac | LjL,Thanks. | 08:13 |
Kubuntu | how do I paste a lot? | 08:13 |
LjL | Kubuntu: ok, don't accept that, and tell me what exactly you did, point by point | 08:13 |
LjL | !pastebin | 08:13 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:13 |
LjL | Kubuntu: oh wait, you mean when autoremoving wine? | 08:13 |
=== mattis^ [n=mattis^@p54BD71AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkerwin | Hi. In Ubuntu, is there anyway to reinstall all of my packages, similar to make world in BSD style unices? | 08:14 |
Kubuntu | I did sudo apt-get autoremove wine | 08:14 |
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Mena | Hey | 08:14 |
Kubuntu | Out put http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16858/ | 08:14 |
kblog | hm... i try to restart and hope that kdm starts? | 08:14 |
Kubuntu | me? | 08:14 |
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Mena | does some one befor try to install mageuload megananager.exe under wine befor | 08:14 |
Kubuntu | LjL yes | 08:15 |
Kubuntu | It said: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16858/ | 08:15 |
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kblog | LjL: does this make sense if i just try to restart and hope that kde starts? | 08:15 |
Kubuntu | Yes | 08:15 |
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Mena | bec eevery time i install it i got a message a bout (remove history,jobs,download) some like that and megamanger wont run | 08:15 |
LjL | kblog: *shrug* dunno | 08:15 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: err, you could have told it "no"... anyway, now type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", and prepare to wait | 08:16 |
doppelganger_ | guys, any idea why feisty is seeing my drives as SATA and not IDE? | 08:16 |
kblog | who might know that? | 08:16 |
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Kubuntu | Is this bad? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16859/ | 08:16 |
acemo | sudo apt-get modprobe speedstep-centrino doesnt works.. in wich file can i manually put this? | 08:16 |
Kubuntu | what have I done? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16859/ | 08:16 |
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Kubuntu | LjL what happened? | 08:17 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: you've just accepted to remove most of the packages on your system | 08:17 |
LjL | Kubuntu: type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" | 08:17 |
Mena | is there a recomnded liberaries to add on wine to make all programes work | 08:17 |
Kubuntu | why did you tell me to do that? | 08:17 |
Mena | any help here for ...is there a channel for it | 08:18 |
Mena | plz | 08:18 |
Kubuntu | LjL why did you tell me to do that? | 08:18 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: i told you to remove wine, which would normally *not* suggest you to remove about 200 other packages | 08:18 |
LjL | Kubuntu: still, it *did* ask you whether you would accept the action or not before doing it | 08:18 |
LjL | you pressed Enter | 08:18 |
LjL | next time read before pressing Enter, maybe | 08:18 |
Kubuntu | LjL sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop only installed a few packages, not the 200 you removed! | 08:18 |
LjL | no, the 200 you removed. | 08:19 |
Kubuntu | You gave me the command and said it would remove wine | 08:19 |
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Mena | how to secrh channels | 08:20 |
Kubuntu | LjL how do I get the files back? sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 08:20 |
Mena | search* | 08:20 |
Kubuntu | I did this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16859/ how do I fix it? | 08:20 |
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acemo | sudo apt-get modprobe speedstep-centrino doesnt works.. in wich file can i manually put this? | 08:21 |
acemo | FATAL: Error inserting speedstep_centrino (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko): Device or resource busy | 08:21 |
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Kubuntu | is kde-core an imortant package? | 08:21 |
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mr_pink | hi | 08:21 |
Kubuntu | LjL plz help I need thes packages http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16859/ | 08:21 |
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LjL | holy cow, it seems i have a hard time realizing just how long something i paste is | 08:22 |
mr_pink | is there an netinstall like in debian | 08:22 |
g35 | !mozilla-thunderbird | 08:22 |
LjL | Kubuntu: anyway, sudo apt-get install all-those-package-that-are-listed-in-the-pastebin | 08:22 |
mr_pink | ? | 08:22 |
LjL | Kubuntu: what do you think? yes | 08:22 |
LjL | Kubuntu: you might as well *first* upgrade to feisty and *then* reinstall all that stuff, it will save you quite a bit of downloading | 08:22 |
Kubuntu | just copy them all? | 08:22 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: sudo apt-get install all-those-package-that-are-listed-in-the-pastebin | 08:23 |
LjL | yes | 08:23 |
=== mattis1 [n=mattis^@p54BD60B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | but upgrade to feisty first or you'll download a ton of useless stuff | 08:23 |
g35 | hi, thunderbird 2 isnt in the repos yet, how can i install it via the tar.gz? | 08:23 |
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Mena | !search | 08:23 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about search - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:23 |
heyepic | Has anyone ever lost their soundcard after reboot? I installed Ubuntu last night and the soundcard worked, now - not so much. | 08:23 |
eric | Hey, how would I go about installing flash player for Konquerer? | 08:23 |
Kubuntu | LjL wine is still not gone! How do I remove it http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 08:23 |
Mena | !flash | 08:23 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:23 |
ubotu | Flash 9 (Final release) is now available for dapper-backports and edgy-backports. See !backports and !flash | 08:23 |
LjL | Kubuntu: "sudo apt-get update" | 08:24 |
eric | thank you! | 08:24 |
lwelyn | Can somebody have a look at my xorg.conf http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9524/ and tell me where the problem is? ( it tells display not set ) | 08:24 |
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zorglu_ | anybody know why flash is so much slower on linux than on window ? | 08:24 |
g35 | how can you get ubotu to check the repos? | 08:24 |
Kubuntu | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 08:24 |
Kubuntu | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:24 |
Kubuntu | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 08:24 |
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Kubuntu | this is the error, how to fix? | 08:24 |
Kubuntu | LjL how? | 08:24 |
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zorglu_ | g35: sudo apt-get update | 08:25 |
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Mena | zorglu_, who said that i have flas working with firefox (good) | 08:25 |
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zorglu_ | Kubuntu: install the key for their repository, it should be somewhere on their site | 08:25 |
Mena | zorglu_, maybe that bec of the Memory(Ram) | 08:25 |
compengi | i'm trying to run k3b on ordinary ubuntu feisty but it gives me this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16856/ when i try to start it | 08:25 |
mr_pink | hi | 08:25 |
zorglu_ | Mena: ? | 08:25 |
=== slawek [n=slawek@aaol1.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mr_pink | does anybody know if there is an netinstall of kubuntun like in debian | 08:26 |
mr_pink | ? | 08:26 |
sulan | i'm going crazy over here.. trying to get s/mime working with kmail, and it's very close now. I just can't seem to decrypt mails i have received, though it works to check their signature... :/ | 08:26 |
zorglu_ | wow 2500 seed on feisty gnome :) | 08:26 |
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=== qbert [n=qbert@cpe-68-206-121-134.stx.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
qbert | I want some to run a script every time a certian user logs on, how can i do that ? | 08:26 |
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Mena | zorglu_, never mind :) | 08:26 |
Kubuntu | But I don't want wine, I want to remove it! | 08:26 |
Arwen | qbert, ~/.bash_profile | 08:26 |
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qbert | thx | 08:26 |
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sulan | Encrypted message (decryption not possible) | 08:27 |
sulan | Reason: No secret key | 08:27 |
sulan | gaaaaaaah! | 08:27 |
Kubuntu | LjL you are mean!! | 08:27 |
blekos | could u tell me the utility for setting cpu to performance/ dynamic etc? | 08:27 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: relax | 08:27 |
acemo | FATAL: Error inserting speedstep_centrino (/lib/modules/2.6.20-15-generic/kernel/arch/i386/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/speedstep-centrino.ko): Device or resource busy | 08:27 |
acemo | in wich file can i manually install this module? | 08:27 |
Mena | eric, if you didnt find your aim on that pages easy do that on terminal ( apt-cache cearch flash) | 08:27 |
Kubuntu | She made me delet kde | 08:28 |
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zorglu_ | Kubuntu: relax | 08:28 |
Kubuntu | LjL made me delete KDE! | 08:28 |
=== joseaa__ [n=joseaa@158.84-48-74.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mena | eric, its on the pages but this is an easy way | 08:28 |
Kubuntu | It takes months to reinstall! | 08:28 |
Doctor_Nick | is there a guide for setting up beryl somewhere | 08:28 |
acemo | kubuntu: months? how slow is ur computer? :S | 08:28 |
Kubuntu | A long while | 08:28 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: ok get angry all the way and throw untrue accusations :) | 08:28 |
eric | Mena: I found it, thanks! | 08:29 |
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Kubuntu | a lot more than the five second LjL used on removing them! | 08:29 |
Mena | eric, ok good | 08:29 |
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zorglu_ | ok | 08:29 |
Mena | !beryl | 08:29 |
ubotu | Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects | 08:29 |
acemo | !modules | 08:30 |
Kubuntu | !voteban | 08:30 |
ubotu | To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add blacklist <modulename> to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type sudo update-initramfs -u | 08:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about voteban - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:30 |
lwelyn | Can somebody have a look at my xorg.conf http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/9524/ and tell me where the problem is? ( it tells display not set ) | 08:30 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@180.169-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: you have to realize that those people try to help you and you insulting them is not nice | 08:30 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 08:30 |
ubuntu_ | need some help | 08:30 |
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=== ubuntu_ is now known as mats752 | ||
Kubuntu | But LjL deleted my KDE, I wanted to get rid of the wine respitorys! | 08:30 |
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mats752 | hi | 08:30 |
kblog | hi | 08:30 |
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mats752 | need somehelp | 08:30 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: comment out the budget.dedicated line in your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 08:30 |
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@bl10-60-206.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu | ||
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: be nice and notice that if you could have been removed from the channel :) | 08:31 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: but you are still here :) | 08:31 |
mats752 | so i want to instal kunbuntu on a /dev/sdb1 | 08:31 |
acemo | kubuntu: u are the one who didnt read what the command did, ur the one who gave ur computer the command to remove it all, not LjL. | 08:31 |
Kubuntu | How do I get rid of my wine respitorys? | 08:31 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: then do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 08:31 |
aleksanteri | Kubuntu: vim /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:31 |
aleksanteri | and delete all lines with "wine" | 08:31 |
Mena | !ask |ubuntu_, mats752, | 08:31 |
ubotu | ubuntu_, mats752,: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:31 |
Kubuntu | It seamed ok sudo apt-get autoremove wine | 08:31 |
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acemo | kubuntu: always when the computer asks you a question read the question before answering it | 08:32 |
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Kubuntu | Yeah, but I didn't think it would remove wine | 08:32 |
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=== Kite_DH [n=Kite_DH@p57B37443.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubuntu | vim /etc/apt/sources.list didn't work, no lines with wine in them! | 08:33 |
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=== Chm0d is now known as fsckr | ||
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zorglu_ | Kubuntu: hehe you are not being nice :) | 08:33 |
zorglu_ | be nice with other please | 08:33 |
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acemo | kubuntu: well.. LjL also is a human, humans make mistakes, dont get mad at LjL for being a human.. | 08:33 |
Kubuntu | No, for deleting KDE! | 08:33 |
zorglu_ | Kubunt | 08:34 |
zorglu_ | hehe | 08:34 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: please stop saying that as it is not true :) | 08:34 |
mats752 | ok i want to instal my kubuntu and i chose the /dev/sdb1 (externe USB hardisk 250gb) but there are files on and i don't want to lose them , so do i just have to press next and it instal automatocly an new map with his files or does he format ore delete files, ty for your help | 08:34 |
acemo | kubuntu: thats what im saying.. LjL is/was in here.. not to fuck someones computer up, but to help someone | 08:34 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: you can't just install to an external usb drive like you can an internal drive | 08:34 |
Kubuntu | But how do I get rid of the wine problem? | 08:35 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: insulting people with untrue accusation wont help you fix your configuration | 08:35 |
acemo | kubuntu: LjL gave u a command of wich he thought it would do what it had to do, but aperently it did something else | 08:35 |
zorglu_ | acemo: with a big 'apparently' :) | 08:35 |
Kubuntu | sudo apt-get remove wine | 08:35 |
Kubuntu | it removed a lot of packages, but not wine | 08:35 |
mats752 | RaNDyMyZe: you can shose it by handmatig (srr its in dutch:d) | 08:35 |
zorglu_ | it requires a patence to come here :) | 08:36 |
acemo | kubuntu: how did u install wine? with the command sudo apt-get install wine? | 08:36 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:36 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: yes, but it requires a special procedure to install to an external removable drive | 08:36 |
Kubuntu | I got absolutly no idea | 08:36 |
compengi | i'm trying to run k3b on ordinary ubuntu feisty but it gives me this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16856/ when i try to start it | 08:36 |
zorglu_ | to have people insulting you because you spend your time trying to help them for free... and accept that :) a real ubuntu :) | 08:36 |
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compengi | does anyone have any idea about the problem and how to fix it? | 08:36 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: | 08:36 |
Kubuntu | I think I donloaded it from the wb | 08:37 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:37 |
zorglu_ | compengi: let me look | 08:37 |
Kubuntu | That is the error code! | 08:37 |
eric | Hey, um, im trying to install GPLFlash, and it says error: need libjpeg, which according to adpet, i have... | 08:37 |
acemo | zorglu_: that and the fact that i dont know enough about linux besides answering some easy questions cause me to not be in this chat too much | 08:37 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: if you google installing Linux to the usb drive you will see some good tutorials | 08:37 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:37 |
compengi | zorglu_, okay | 08:37 |
Kubuntu | How do I fix this? | 08:37 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: Wolvix Linux has an autoinstaller to usb. Wolvix uses the fluxbox window manager | 08:38 |
zorglu_ | Kubuntu: first you relax | 08:38 |
Kubuntu | ok | 08:38 |
Kubuntu | relaxing | 08:38 |
Kubuntu | Then? | 08:38 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: which users are you when you type this 'k3b' command ? | 08:38 |
eric | Anyone know a reason why libjpeg wouldnt be working? | 08:38 |
Kubuntu | zorglu_ Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) Then? | 08:39 |
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compengi | zorglu_, i'm the root | 08:39 |
Kubuntu | WHile I was installing feisty fawn | 08:39 |
zorglu_ | compengi: type "id ; ls -l /home/compengi/.kde" for me | 08:39 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: first comment out the wine.budgetdedicated lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:39 |
compengi | zorglu_, :~$ ls -l /home/compengi/.kde | 08:39 |
compengi | ls: /home/compengi/.kde: Permission denied | 08:39 |
acemo | kubuntu: can u show ur sources.list file? | 08:40 |
zorglu_ | compengi: doesnt seems good :) | 08:40 |
mats752 | ty | 08:40 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: then do a sudo apt-get update | 08:40 |
zorglu_ | compengi: so come back as compengi, and from compengi, do "kdesu k3b" | 08:40 |
=== dhq_ is now known as dhq | ||
Kubuntu | !paste | 08:40 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:40 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: next sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 08:40 |
Kubuntu | what is that paste thingi? | 08:40 |
Kubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ | 08:41 |
acemo | thats a website where u can easy post texts on, for example log files or sources.list | 08:41 |
Kubuntu | there is the file | 08:41 |
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eric | *cries* | 08:41 |
eric | hehe | 08:41 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: it's just what the bot said. a place to post large text files. like your sources list | 08:41 |
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compengi | zorglu_, it gave an DCOP communications error | 08:41 |
Kubuntu | Yes, I saw that | 08:41 |
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Kubuntu | Now I have reinstalled kde | 08:41 |
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eric | Anyone know anything about GPLFlash? | 08:41 |
compengi | zorglu_, cannot read network connection list | 08:41 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: did you reinstall kubuntu-desktop? | 08:41 |
Kubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ here is the file you asked for | 08:41 |
Kubuntu | no kde | 08:42 |
zorglu_ | compengi: ok lets retry. you delog, and you relog, then you open a terminal and type this command "kdesu k3b" | 08:42 |
Kubuntu | apt-get install kde | 08:42 |
Alonea | Ok, the Wireless Assistant is no longer automatically connecting to the internet any more. It started after upgrade. | 08:42 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: and do "ls -l /home/compengi" for me | 08:42 |
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Kubuntu | acemo here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ | 08:42 |
mats752 | hi i have encore a qwestion : hhow cna you delte from usb when you are on kubund (from the cd so live fromthe ccd) | 08:42 |
zorglu_ | compengi: something is wrong with your directory | 08:42 |
prak | does anyone know how to delete previous versions of ubuntu on a computer? | 08:43 |
Kubuntu | formate | 08:43 |
compengi | zorglu_, you mean home? | 08:43 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: your sources.list looks fine now | 08:43 |
zorglu_ | compengi: seems like they are monted on nfs or you just did a tar/copy on your home dir | 08:43 |
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eric | anyone got a minute? | 08:43 |
RaNDyMyZe | mats752: I'm not sure what you're asking? | 08:43 |
zorglu_ | compengi: type "ls -l /home/compengi" and gimme the result | 08:43 |
Kubuntu | RaNDyMeZe when I install feisty fawn i get this Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:44 |
tue | i got a slight problem. I have installed beryl on my brothers computer, but when i change tabs in konquorer, there is a slight pause on approx 1 sec which is quite irritating. i has tried de-selecting all beryl features, but it didnt have an effect. Is this something anything can be done about? | 08:44 |
zorglu_ | compengi: type "ls -dl /home/compengi /home /" even :) | 08:44 |
eric | guess not :/ | 08:44 |
compengi | zorglu_, ls -dl /home/compengi /home / | 08:44 |
compengi | drwxr-xr-x 21 root root 4096 2007-04-20 20:18 / | 08:44 |
compengi | drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2007-04-20 20:16 /home | 08:44 |
compengi | drwxr-xr-x 48 compengi compengi 4096 2007-04-21 21:42 /home/compengi | 08:44 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: what happens when you try to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -f | 08:44 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: don't worry about a gpg key error on update for apt-get | 08:45 |
zorglu_ | compengi: all fine here. lets go further "ls -dl /home/compengi/.kde" | 08:45 |
compengi | zorglu_, do you want ls -l /home/compengi too? | 08:45 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: not necessary | 08:45 |
compengi | zorglu_, ls -dl /home/compengi/.kde | 08:45 |
compengi | drwx------ 3 root root 4096 2007-04-21 15:34 /home/compengi/.kde | 08:45 |
Kubuntu | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | W: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263 | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 08:46 |
zorglu_ | compengi: THERE :) | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | that happens after downloading stuff | 08:46 |
compengi | !past > Kubuntu | 08:46 |
coreymon77 | !pastebin || Kubuntu | 08:46 |
zorglu_ | compengi: those file should be in compengi, not root | 08:46 |
ubotu | | Kubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 08:46 |
coreymon77 | !pastebin | Kubuntu | 08:46 |
Kubuntu | sry | 08:46 |
compengi | zorglu_, oh | 08:46 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: several 'fixes' are possible... | 08:46 |
Mena | !ask |eric | 08:47 |
ubotu | eric: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 08:47 |
zorglu_ | compengi: do you care much about your kde config ? | 08:47 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: this .kde contains your current .kde config btw | 08:47 |
compengi | zorglu_, never played with it :) | 08:47 |
Kubuntu | What now? | 08:47 |
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lnxkde|work | yay! Kubuntu is here | 08:48 |
Kubuntu | I am | 08:48 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: are you installing Feisty? | 08:48 |
Kubuntu | yes | 08:48 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:48 |
zorglu_ | compengi: ok the easy fix then :) do a "rm -rf /home/compengi/.kde" but BE CAREFULL and type the proper path. this command erase all files for this path and below it. so be carefull | 08:48 |
Kubuntu | but this comes up | 08:48 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: because your sources.list says edgy, that's not going to work at all | 08:48 |
Kubuntu | that* | 08:48 |
lnxkde|work | :/ | 08:48 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: how are you trying to upgrade? | 08:49 |
compengi | zorglu_, sudo rm -rf /home/compengi/.kde ? | 08:49 |
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Kubuntu | Through adept, I've also tried the server update tool but neither worx! | 08:49 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: when you pasted your sources.list did you copy it directly from /etc/apt/sources.list? | 08:49 |
Kubuntu | yes | 08:50 |
zorglu_ | compengi: i may have forgotten sudo yes. once again, be carefull with the path | 08:50 |
RaNDyMyZe | !feisty | 08:50 |
ubotu | FEISTY IS OUT! Party in #ubuntu-release-party - Torrent downloads at http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/feisty/ - Metalinks (use with Aria2 or, under Windows, GetRight) at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/ubuntu/ | 08:50 |
compengi | zorglu_, done | 08:50 |
RaNDyMyZe | !upgrade | 08:50 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 08:50 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: read that last page very carefully | 08:50 |
Kubuntu | All of the methods gives the same thing Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:50 |
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zorglu_ | compengi: ok now, delog and relog under compengi, and a new .kde should be there, owned by compengi | 08:51 |
zorglu_ | compengi: with a working k3b, hopefully :) | 08:51 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: how did you install wine in the first place? | 08:51 |
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compengi | zorglu_, you mean log out and login right? | 08:51 |
zorglu_ | compengi: yep | 08:51 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | :C can anyone help me im stumped | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | I was using ubuntu... (feisty) and it worked | 08:52 |
Kubuntu | I added some respitories, they didn't work so I downloade the file and installed it! | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | then I decided to try kubuntu | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | and it worked | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | then I formatted and went back with ubuntu | 08:52 |
Kubuntu | I have kubuntu not ubuntu! | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | but now my nic doesn't work | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | it still works in xp just fine | 08:52 |
Lord_Maynoth_42 | and was working in (k)ubuntu | 08:53 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: I understand you're using Kubuntu | 08:53 |
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Kubuntu | It tells me to use programs I don't have! | 08:54 |
Kubuntu | Update tool | 08:54 |
compengi | zorglu_, it worked thanks alot, i appreciate your help | 08:54 |
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Arwen | w00t, I'm on usenet! | 08:54 |
zorglu_ | compengi: my pleasure | 08:54 |
Kubuntu | witch can be found under system->admin-> | 08:54 |
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Kubuntu | i dont have admin in my system | 08:54 |
Kubuntu | RaNDyMyZe how do I select what to update? | 08:55 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.04-release.php#upgrade | 08:56 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: | 08:56 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: those are kubuntu specific instructions | 08:56 |
Kubuntu | yes | 08:57 |
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Kubuntu | an error Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 08:57 |
Kubuntu | Same error! | 08:57 |
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Kubuntu | RaNDyMyZe i need to get rid of the wine thingi! | 08:58 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: back to your wine install. did you download the .deb file and install it that way? | 08:58 |
Alonea | Ok, the Wireless Assistant is no longer automatically connecting to the internet any more. It started after upgrade. | 08:58 |
Kubuntu | After removing respitory do I have to restart computer for it to take effect? | 08:59 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: no | 08:59 |
Kubuntu | Sure? | 08:59 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: did you install using a .deb file downloaded from wine, or did you compile | 08:59 |
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danny500 | Does anyone know if there is a cpu frequency control for a Intel Pentium 3 (Katmai)? | 08:59 |
Kubuntu | I installed from a deb file because the respos didn't work, but I added them | 09:00 |
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zorglu_ | danny500: unlikely | 09:00 |
danny500 | :( | 09:01 |
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zorglu_ | danny500: i think p3 appeared way before 'cpu freq control | 09:01 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: try adding this at the command line (it is the winehq key): wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 09:01 |
zorglu_ | danny500: note that im not sure :) | 09:01 |
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danny500 | darn cause I had a mishap where my cpu overclocked it self from 550MHz to 750MHz and I want to beable to do that willingly | 09:01 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: that shouldn't be necessary, but it won't hurt to add their key anyway | 09:02 |
danny500 | don't know why it overclocked itself but it was running really nicely :D | 09:02 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: what does this show? aptitude search wine | 09:02 |
Kubuntu | It say OK | 09:02 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: good! | 09:03 |
danny500 | is there any cpu frequency control for Intel cpu's that I can use? | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | ubuntu@ubuntu-desktop:~$ aptitude search wine | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | p libwine - Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Dummy Packa | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | p libwine-dev - Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Dummy Packa | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | c wine - Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emul | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | p wine-dev - Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Development | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | i winefish - LaTeX Editor based on Bluefish | 09:03 |
Kubuntu | that it says | 09:03 |
danny500 | Kubuntu> pastebin! | 09:03 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: use that pastebin if it's going to be long | 09:03 |
danny500 | pastebin! | 09:04 |
Ashex | !pastebin > Kubuntu | 09:04 |
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g35 | is there anyway to make GRUB look nicer, i mean in terms of a GUI? So like can you assign images for the different menu options or somethign of the like? | 09:04 |
Kubuntu | I didn't think it was that long! | 09:04 |
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Ashex | g35, you can use a splashimage | 09:04 |
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Kubuntu | By the way, I don't have wine now. It is deleted! | 09:04 |
danny500 | g35: beryl | 09:04 |
Ashex | danny500, he's talking about grub | 09:04 |
Ashex | beryl is a window manager | 09:04 |
danny500 | oh ok lol | 09:04 |
LjL | acemo: and humans go to have dinner, as well. anyway, i'd even feel (wrongly) guilty about that if he weren't so... arrogant to start with. you see, "sudo apt-get autoremove wine" should just remove wine and its dependencies. if one did something stupid such as removing kubuntu-desktop, then i suppose it might *propose* you to remove quite a few packages. hitting Yes (after reading the *very* plain english description of what is going to happen, and even | 09:05 |
LjL | without asking and waiting for an answer) is your own decision not mine, for sure | 09:05 |
g35 | danny500, how can i use beryl to change grub's appearance? | 09:05 |
danny500 | pastebin! > LjL | 09:05 |
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Ashex | g35, http://www.queervisions.com/arch/2007/04/9_grub_splash_i.html | 09:05 |
Kubuntu | Don't listen to LjL, LjL deletes your kde!! | 09:05 |
LjL | danny500: don't be ridiculous... | 09:05 |
danny500 | never mind g35, mistake | 09:05 |
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Ashex | danny500, it's !pastebin, not pastebin! | 09:05 |
RaNDyMyZe | okay just stop that both! | 09:05 |
Ashex | ! is the trigger | 09:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about is the trigger - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:05 |
danny500 | oops lol | 09:06 |
tkrapil | ? | 09:06 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: now try sudo apt-get update | 09:06 |
LjL | Kubuntu: and you don't be stupid, saying things like that isn't likely to help anybody, especially you. | 09:06 |
Kubuntu | same error | 09:06 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: does it still give the same message | 09:06 |
coi | hey guys, i just did apt-get for vmware, how can i access my windows system from it? | 09:06 |
Kubuntu | yes | 09:06 |
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RaNDyMyZe | LjL: just stop or take it to pm/email | 09:07 |
danny500 | coi: do you just want access to your files on the windows drive? | 09:07 |
LjL | RaNDyMyZe: i'm sorry. | 09:07 |
Ashex | quick question for you guys | 09:07 |
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Mena | Thanks | 09:07 |
Ashex | what's the command to use to backup data | 09:07 |
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LjL | !backup | 09:07 |
Mena | Bye | 09:07 |
ubotu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 09:07 |
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Ashex | I can't remember which command it is :/ | 09:08 |
coi | danny500, no i want to use my windows apps | 09:08 |
coi | from linux | 09:08 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: does this give the same message? apt-get install -f | 09:08 |
shawn34 | can i use the remote desktop feature regardless of ubuntu version? | 09:08 |
danny500 | oh ok, have you tried wine? | 09:08 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: make sure you put the -f after install | 09:08 |
danny500 | or cedega? | 09:08 |
coi | danny500, yeah no doog :( | 09:08 |
coi | good8 | 09:08 |
danny500 | oh I see, games? | 09:08 |
shawn34 | im running kubuntu with edgy, can i remote into ubuntu dapper? | 09:08 |
Kubuntu | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 09:08 |
danny500 | coi: hold on a second ok | 09:09 |
coi | danny500, machine emulators for some classes that im taking | 09:09 |
coi | danny500, thanks :D | 09:09 |
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coi | ok | 09:09 |
Kubuntu | can we use remote desktop so you can help me? | 09:09 |
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makuseru | i had to get my sources from source-o-matic but it dosnt have the repos for universe and multiuniverse, how can i get thoes repos? | 09:09 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: nope, I have to leave in a very short bit | 09:09 |
Kubuntu | plz | 09:09 |
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danny500 | coi | 09:10 |
danny500 | http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=3&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vmware.com%2Fsupport%2Fguestnotes%2Fdoc%2Fguestos_winxp.html&ei=emEqRrDHD5nqhwLTrvXQBQ&usg=AFrqEzfDfFwqWAicE1sjE5ub7jDv4V7cEQ&sig2=d-kfZzUuGUL0wyk4zEQgJA | 09:10 |
LjL | makuseru: yes it does, it's the second tickmark | 09:10 |
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RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: try apt-get remove --purge wine | 09:10 |
coi | thanks | 09:10 |
coi | i'll give it a read | 09:10 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: then also remove your ~/.wine directory | 09:10 |
Kubuntu | Package wine is not installed, so not removed | 09:10 |
Kubuntu | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 09:10 |
=== Laguna [n=Laguna@host245-84-dynamic.0-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | is all this for the purpose of... upgrading to feisty? come on. | 09:11 |
danny500 | coi: your welcome :D | 09:11 |
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apokryphos | ubotu: upgrade | 09:11 |
ubotu | See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) to Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) | 09:11 |
danny500 | coi: I googled vmware Windows XP lol | 09:11 |
cyberius | hi! i installed VisualBoyAdvance 1.7.2 from the sources, everything went fine. ( ./configure - make - sudo make install) but now i DON'T know how to start it..? anybody knows the emulator and can help me? the readme doesnt help me :( | 09:11 |
coi | well... it didnt really help | 09:11 |
Kubuntu | can't delete it | 09:11 |
ubuntu__ | how can I use the live cd to add/remove programs from my main installation | 09:11 |
cyberius | comand vba, visualboyadvance , nothing works.. O_o | 09:12 |
danny500 | you read it? | 09:12 |
LjL | ubuntu__: you can't | 09:12 |
coi | yeah | 09:12 |
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LjL | ubuntu__: at least there's nothing specific to do that. it might be possible with some heavy hacking, but why? | 09:12 |
coi | this is better : http://www.linuxforums.org/applications/using_vmware_player_to_test_linux_distributions.html | 09:12 |
ubuntu__ | I thought I could somehow chroot and do it? am I wrong | 09:12 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as chemicalvamp | ||
Kubuntu | LjL any other good ideas? | 09:12 |
ubuntu__ | My feisty install broke, I cant boot | 09:12 |
LjL | ubuntu__: yes, maybe a chroot will work | 09:12 |
Kubuntu | To my problem? | 09:12 |
RaNDyMyZe | Kubuntu: i have to go now. sorry i couldn't help. | 09:13 |
=== Doctor_Nick [n=nick@dhcp172101.rag-a.fsu.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
coreymon77 | wow | 09:13 |
danny500 | ubuntu_: reinstall | 09:13 |
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Kubuntu | Ok, bye bye | 09:13 |
coreymon77 | i love fesity | 09:13 |
LjL | Kubuntu: i don't want the responsibility of you hitting "Yes" on things you should clearly leave alone, sorry | 09:13 |
ubuntu__ | ive never used chroot, I have no idea how | 09:13 |
Moniiii | hi | 09:13 |
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Starfighter_ | Hey guys, you have a sec that you could help me out? | 09:13 |
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ubuntu__ | can I reinstall without reformatting? | 09:13 |
Kubuntu | LjL you told me to use that command | 09:13 |
Starfighter_ | I have a hardware problem | 09:13 |
coreymon77 | !ask | 09:13 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:13 |
Starfighter_ | Alrighty:) | 09:13 |
LjL | Kubuntu: yes i did, i also told you how to restore your package, did that work out? | 09:13 |
nalioth | cyberius: not any help with your starting, but you really should use !checkinstall when building from source on kubuntu | 09:13 |
Starfighter_ | I have a Synaptics Touchpad on my machine that won't recognize | 09:14 |
Kubuntu | NO | 09:14 |
LjL | Kubuntu: then describe how please. i wasn't looking. | 09:14 |
=== lwelyn_ [n=lwelyn@pD9E32DC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kubuntu | I had to use sudo apt-get install kde | 09:14 |
danny500 | nope, but you can make a partision at the back of you drive then put the data you need on a flash drine or something then format the drive | 09:14 |
Kubuntu | hope it worx | 09:14 |
cyberius | !checkinstall | 09:14 |
LjL | ubuntu__: yes and no... it's possible with the alternate cd, maybe it's even possible with the desktop cd, but in both cases it's nontrivial | 09:14 |
ubotu | checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running! | 09:14 |
LjL | ubuntu__: what is your problem anyway? perhaps we can think of easier solutions | 09:14 |
danny500 | ubuntu_: nope, but you can make a partision at the back of you drive then put the data you need on a flash drine or something then format the drive | 09:14 |
Starfighter_ | It seems that in my xorg.config file there is a Macintosh Button Emulation thing in there which makes so sense, cuz I don't have a mac | 09:14 |
LjL | Kubuntu: "sudo apt-get install kde" is a subset of "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", which was the first thing i'd told you to do. | 09:15 |
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Kubuntu | but sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop wont work | 09:15 |
Starfighter_ | Would is help it I gave you guys the output for my xorg.config file? | 09:15 |
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danny500 | ubuntu_: actually better solution, run live cd, put your data on the flash drive then reinstall | 09:15 |
LjL | Kubuntu: well, that means there is a problem -- whether or not apt-get install kde will work. pastebin the errors it gives. | 09:15 |
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Starfighter_ | Hello? | 09:16 |
shawn34 | How can i remote into a ubuntu laptop thats not local? | 09:16 |
Kubuntu | No, I don't care about kde, I want feisty fawn! | 09:16 |
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wally_ | to install opera after downloading? | 09:16 |
ubuntu__ | i was asking on here earlier as twasbrillg: anyway, the upgrade broke at the nvidia glx drivers, now when I try to boot, it hangs after fckd (or something) I cant get to a command prompt with ctl alt f2 | 09:16 |
Kubuntu | I have gnome to if kde is broken! | 09:16 |
shawn34 | anyone? | 09:16 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: then why in the world are you trying sudo apt-get install kde? | 09:16 |
Starfighter_ | Hey guys, anyone got an idea what I should try? | 09:16 |
Kubuntu | LjL donno | 09:16 |
LjL | Kubuntu: anyway, if a package such as kubuntu-desktop doesn't install, *it means your APT system is broken*, whether or NOT you want any given thing | 09:17 |
ubuntu__ | danny500: im in the process of transfering my data, eta is about 26 hours!! Im trying to save time | 09:17 |
Kubuntu | LjL how do I get rid of that error | 09:17 |
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Doctor_Nick | so | 09:17 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:17 |
sybux | can someone help me with using my vga output on my laptop | 09:17 |
danny500 | oh ok lol, what do you need to back up that will take that long? | 09:17 |
ubuntu__ | .../home | 09:17 |
LjL | Kubuntu: pastebin your *current* sources.list file. and, of course, you already typed sudo apt-get update ? | 09:17 |
Starfighter_ | Hey guys, I really need to get this fixed, otherwise I may have to revert back to windows | 09:18 |
Kubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ | 09:18 |
Doctor_Nick | ugh | 09:18 |
Kubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ | 09:18 |
Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16862/ | 09:18 |
danny500 | oh ok well I need to fix my graphics card so I'll see ya later | 09:18 |
Starfighter_ | Anyone at all able to help me out??!?!?! | 09:18 |
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Doctor_Nick | i followed the guide that beryl gave me for setting up the XGL server, but whenever I run it, it's EXTEREMELY SLOW | 09:18 |
Doctor_Nick | Starfighter_: your excessive use of punctuation has inspired me | 09:18 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | Doc, can you help me | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | pwease!!!!! | 09:19 |
Doctor_Nick | you usually say what you need help with first | 09:19 |
Kubuntu | LjL see something wrong? | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | I already did | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | Everyone ignored me | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 09:19 |
Doctor_Nick | with what | 09:19 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: pastebin the output of ls /var/lib/apt/lists and of ls /var/cache/apt . no, the sources.list looks fine | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | I have a Synaptics Touchpad that I can't get working | 09:19 |
Doctor_Nick | did you install synaptics | 09:19 |
Starfighter_ | I have the synclient installed | 09:20 |
Doctor_Nick | what about the applet | 09:20 |
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Kubuntu | !paste | 09:20 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 09:20 |
Starfighter_ | But everytime I try to do something with it, it says that Shared memory cannot be accessed GHMConfig disabled? | 09:20 |
=== stathis [n=stathis@cpc1-cmbg3-0-0-cust385.cmbg.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | Kubuntu: actually no - the sources.list is not fine, but that shouldn't be related to the wine problems | 09:20 |
Starfighter_ | I don't know what package I need for the applet | 09:21 |
Doctor_Nick | Starfighter_: that's a problem i had | 09:21 |
Starfighter_ | What does it do exactly? | 09:21 |
Starfighter_ | Really | 09:21 |
Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16880/ | 09:21 |
Doctor_Nick | i just dont use the touchpad | 09:21 |
Starfighter_ | What did you do | 09:21 |
wally_ | How do i install opera after downloading it? | 09:21 |
Starfighter_ | Well, this is for my father and he needs the touchpad to work | 09:21 |
LjL | Kubuntu: change your sources.list like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16881/ anyway, otherwise you'll run into [other] troubles (if you have universe enabled, you need to have it enabled also in -updates and -security) | 09:21 |
Kubuntu | sudo apt-get install opera | 09:21 |
Starfighter_ | Do you have a Toshiba A105 as well? | 09:21 |
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Doctor_Nick | no | 09:22 |
wally_ | didn't work, had to download tar from opera site | 09:22 |
Starfighter_ | What model, if you don't mind | 09:22 |
Doctor_Nick | this is a common problem with synaptic touchpads | 09:22 |
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Starfighter_ | Is there a workaround that you know of? | 09:22 |
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Starfighter_ | I don't need all the fancy features, just to be able to use the mouse | 09:22 |
Doctor_Nick | Starfighter_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=397327&highlight=synaptic+touchpad | 09:22 |
Doctor_Nick | try that | 09:22 |
Starfighter_ | alright, going now | 09:22 |
Starfighter_ | Thx for your help so far mate | 09:22 |
LjL | Kubuntu: try mkdir ~/winebackup ; sudo mv /var/lib/apt/lists/wine.budgetdedicated.com* ~/winebackup/ , and then sudo apt-get update , and then try upgrading to feisty | 09:23 |
LjL | wally_: there is a .deb available for Opera, i think | 09:23 |
LjL | no need to use the tar in that case | 09:23 |
Starfighter_ | Doctor_Nick | 09:23 |
wally_ | from synaptics or site? | 09:23 |
Starfighter_ | Does your comp actually recognize the mouse, just not let you use it though? | 09:24 |
Starfighter_ | Cuz mine doesn't even show up in any of the config files | 09:24 |
Doctor_Nick | it works | 09:24 |
Doctor_Nick | but the config program doesnt | 09:24 |
Starfighter_ | oh, well, mine doesn't even work | 09:24 |
LjL | wally_: http://www.opera.com/download/index.dml?platform=linux | 09:24 |
wally_ | got it | 09:24 |
Starfighter_ | Here is my xorg.config output | 09:25 |
LjL | wally_: it's also available in the dapper-commercial repository, but i don't think there is one for edgy or feisty. even that .deb is, at most, for edgy | 09:25 |
LjL | wally_: doesn't seem like there's a feisty one yet | 09:25 |
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Kubuntu | LjL same error | 09:25 |
g35 | anyone here ever used gfxboot> | 09:25 |
LjL | Kubuntu: what's the output of sudo apt-get update , though? does it also include that error? | 09:25 |
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Starfighter_ | Section "InputDevice" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Identifier"Generic Keyboard" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Driver"kbd" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Option"CoreKeyboard" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Option"XkbRules""xorg" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Option"XkbModel""pc105" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Option"XkbLayout""us" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | EndSection | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Section "InputDevice" | 09:26 |
Starfighter_ | Identifier"Configured Mouse" | 09:26 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
Starfighter_ | Driver"mouse" | 09:26 |
=== Starfighter_ [n=root@c-71-193-103-192.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [requested] | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Kubuntu | here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16882/ | 09:26 |
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Starfighter_ | EndSection | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Section "InputDevice" | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Driver"wacom" | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Identifier"stylus" | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Option"Device""/dev/input/wacom" | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Option"Type""stylus" | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | Option"ForceDevice""ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY | 09:27 |
Starfighter_ | EndSection | 09:27 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o LjL] by ChanServ | ||
Starfighter_ | Section "InputDevice" | 09:27 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %Starfighter_!*@*] by LjL | ||
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LjL | Starfighter_: what the heck... stop your client! >: | 09:27 |
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Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16882/ | 09:27 |
=== Starfighter_ [n=root@c-71-193-103-192.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | Starfighter_: because you're flooding the channel like mad, didn't you notice? | 09:28 |
LjL | Starfighter_, err, you were *still* pasting even the second time i kicked you | 09:28 |
malik__ | yeeeehaaaaaaaaa im back........but its weird....... sometime i get message that i am banned from channel and then few hours laters i get in.......can some one tell me whats goin on or if some one have the same problem | 09:28 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-b %Starfighter_!*@*] by LjL | ||
Starfighter_ | I just didn't know there was a paste bin | 09:29 |
tictactatic | hi there, i read an interview with mark shuttleworth the other day, and he said there would be some checkbox to turn on beryl in ubuntu feisty. is there such a thing for kubuntu? | 09:29 |
LjL | malik__: now you're from a sane IP address | 09:29 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o LjL] by LjL | ||
Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16882/ | 09:29 |
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wally_ | LjL - ok i'm stupid, how do i install the .deb once downloaded? | 09:29 |
Starfighter_ | Ok, sorry LjL, I'll use the pastebin from now on | 09:30 |
LjL | Kubuntu: i've seen it, but i'm kind of stuck. try "sudo apt-get clean" | 09:30 |
Kubuntu | wally_ right klick | 09:30 |
LjL | wally_: "sudo dpkg -i filename.deb" | 09:30 |
Starfighter_ | I didn't know there was one | 09:30 |
Kubuntu | then kubuntu installer | 09:30 |
LjL | or right click, yes | 09:30 |
LjL | Starfighter_: ok, you know now | 09:30 |
Starfighter_ | :P | 09:30 |
wally_ | duh. thanks | 09:30 |
Starfighter_ | Well, now that I've got your attention, lol, YOu mind helping me out when you have a sec | 09:30 |
malik__ | whats better plugin to use in firefox.......mplayer or VLC? | 09:31 |
ubuntu__ | wow, i got chroot working, so im running dpkg --configure -a to clean things up....we'll see where this leads | 09:31 |
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S|h|A|h|R|u|Z | GreEtings Everybody. [Nsu SrT] | 09:31 |
Starfighter_ | Hello | 09:31 |
LjL | Kubuntu: your wine *is* removed, but for some reason APT is still trying to read the contents of that repository. your HD isn't full by any chance, by the way? | 09:31 |
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=== Last_Hero [n=john@cpc1-cani1-0-0-cust174.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | ShAhRuZ, are you here to ask questions or respond to them | 09:32 |
Kubuntu | LjL what is HD?? | 09:32 |
S|h|A|h|R|u|Z | both ways | 09:32 |
LjL | Kubuntu: hard drive | 09:32 |
Starfighter_ | You mind helping me? | 09:32 |
LjL | your disk | 09:32 |
=== PatrickWst [n=Patrick@AMarseille-256-1-24-90.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | Kubuntu: try also sudo apt-get check | 09:32 |
Kubuntu | Building dependency tree | 09:33 |
Kubuntu | Reading state information... Done | 09:33 |
Starfighter_ | Would you mind ShAhRuZ | 09:33 |
LjL | Kubuntu: try apt-get update again, though it'll probably fail. do also a grep -r budgetdedicated /var/* and pastebin the output (might be quite long) | 09:33 |
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Last_Hero | right, I have some java files in /home/lasthero/java and my IDE (jGrasp) is getting a Read-Only file system error when it tries to compile, shouldn't I have read/write privelages to my own directory? : / | 09:34 |
Starfighter_ | ShAhRuZ? | 09:34 |
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S|h|A|h|R|u|Z | pm | 09:34 |
Starfighter_ | huh? | 09:34 |
=== edhoedt [n=edouard@236.215-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LjL | S|h|A|h|R|u|Z: what's that spammish stuff? | 09:34 |
Starfighter_ | I dunno | 09:35 |
Starfighter_ | ShAhRuZ are you able to help me, please? | 09:35 |
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Kubuntu | LjL | 09:35 |
Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16885/ | 09:36 |
=== raja [n=raja@c514477f2.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hasrat_USA | anyone knows how to REALLY obliterate GNOME/Ubuntu from the system from KDE? I tried sudo apt-get auto-remove ubuntu-desktop and went to the extent of rebooting but still it has an option to log into GNOME in session list | 09:36 |
Kubuntu | sudo apt-get remove gnome | 09:36 |
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Starfighter_ | *sigh* Is there anyone there that can help? I've been asking for forever, and I'd shut up if I could get just one person to help | 09:36 |
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=== kblog [n=kblog@zux221-070-092.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
edhoedt | hi all.... I'd like to know how to activate compiz on kubuntu feisty (I heard it's included in)... can anyone help me? | 09:36 |
Last_Hero | whats up Starfighter? | 09:37 |
=== Tired_ [n=chatzill@S01060011d825b859.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hasrat_USA | edhoedt type compiz in terminal | 09:37 |
Starfighter_ | I need help with my Synaptics Touchpad | 09:37 |
czer323 | tictactatic: I've been looking for something similar. I think I found it though. KDE Menu> System Settings> Window Behavior> Transparency | 09:37 |
Starfighter_ | If you don't mine Last)Hero | 09:37 |
Starfighter_ | *mind | 09:37 |
Kubuntu | LjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16885/ | 09:38 |
edhoedt | it says that compiz is not installed... | 09:38 |
edhoedt | but isn't it included with feisty? | 09:38 |
Last_Hero | well, mine works without any configuration, so I can't really help you, sorry : / | 09:38 |
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Daisuke_Ido | edhoedt: not kubuntu | 09:38 |
Starfighter_ | According to my synclient, it says that touchpad is recognized, but it doesn't work and it's not written in my xorg.config file | 09:38 |
Daisuke_Ido | you're going to have to install it | 09:38 |
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Hasrat_USA | yes. what's your basic system configuration? i bet the upgrader/installer didn't willingly install compiz since it thought your hardware was too weak to run Compiz | 09:39 |
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edhoedt | ah right.... is it only with gnome??... | 09:39 |
ubuntu__ | so I chmod'd and cleaned up everything, dpkg still said i had some errors, so I sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'd im holding my breath | 09:39 |
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Kubuntu | LjL are you there? | 09:39 |
Tired_ | Hi. Kinda stupid newbie question: I'm about to give Feisty a try for the first time, and to do so, I'll need to use the monitor I am using now...will I be able to access IRC and all web pages from the basic just-installed environment, or will I be flipping monitor cables when I have trouble? | 09:39 |
Daisuke_Ido | Hasrat_USA: it's just not installed by default with kubuntu, only ubuntu | 09:39 |
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Daisuke_Ido | Tired_: as long as net access works, you're fine | 09:40 |
Last_Hero | Tired_, if your on the LiveCD just now then yeah | 09:40 |
edhoedt | ok thanks all!!! | 09:40 |
Tired_ | it should...onboard intel networking | 09:40 |
Tired_ | and no, I'm on my XP box now, but i only have the one monitor | 09:40 |
Hasrat_USA | oh sorry yes daisuke that's what i observed so far. when i log into gnome i can find Compiz in the menu. but in kde i can't. well i got beryl up and running so what the heck! | 09:40 |
Starfighter_ | And everytime I try and use the synclient, it says cannot access shared memory, SHMConfig Diabled? | 09:40 |
ubuntu__ | tired, you can still use your system during the entire install, its not like windows | 09:40 |
Starfighter_ | Anyone got an idea? | 09:41 |
Kubuntu | I got one! | 09:41 |
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Tired_ | i was just concerned about Flash in the web broser, in case I need it for help ites...that kinda thing | 09:41 |
Starfighter_ | Please share | 09:41 |
tictactatic | czer323: i found translucency | 09:41 |
tictactatic | i guess it' | 09:41 |
Kubuntu | Help me install Feisty Fawn! | 09:41 |
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Starfighter_ | Kubuntu, what are you having problems with? | 09:41 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter it's a laptop of course? which model? | 09:41 |
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michael | can ubuntu mount bin/cue files? | 09:42 |
ubuntu__ | tired: irc programs, and www.ubunutforums.org do not use flash, you should be ok | 09:42 |
Starfighter_ | I have a Toshiba A105 | 09:42 |
tictactatic | i guess it's the same thing, czer323 | 09:42 |
michael | or do i need another program for that | 09:42 |
Hasrat_USA | toshiba a105 and...um hold on | 09:42 |
kblog | which version of alsa is running under feisty per default? | 09:42 |
Starfighter_ | okies | 09:42 |
Hasrat_USA | which processor? | 09:42 |
Starfighter_ | While I wait, Kubuntu, what where you having problems with? | 09:42 |
Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:42 |
ubuntu__ | tired: good question though, you will have to manually install flash though | 09:42 |
czer323 | tictactatic: The only thing I know about it is that it doesn't start until i restart kdm. | 09:42 |
Kubuntu | That comes when I try to install feisty fawn! | 09:42 |
Starfighter_ | It has an Intel Centrino | 09:42 |
Tired_ | one last question...I'm installing now on a 120GB ide drive, but I plan to replace it with an 80GB SATA drive next week...will it be more difficult o clone the drive than it is with windows? | 09:43 |
tictactatic | czer323: and it does fancy 3D stuff? | 09:43 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter can you tell me some 5 letters/digits after toshiba a105? | 09:43 |
Starfighter_ | looking..... | 09:43 |
michael | how do i check how much space i have left? | 09:43 |
Tired_ | typically, i use Ghost | 09:43 |
Hasrat_USA | michael disk space anaylzer | 09:43 |
czer323 | tictactatic: not fancy. Just opacity changes and transparencies. Nothing comapred to Beryl. | 09:43 |
Starfighter_ | A105-S4034 | 09:43 |
Starfighter_ | That's the complete model | 09:44 |
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Starfighter_ | According to the Windows Hardware manager, I have a synaptics touchpad with it, but it does not function | 09:44 |
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Starfighter_ | I'm running Ubuntu right now with a USB external mouse | 09:44 |
tictactatic | czer323: ok, so shuttleworth was probably talking about gnome under ubuntu | 09:44 |
maki | wich is the comand for adept in kmenu | 09:45 |
=== Tired_ is excited...he's been using XP for years, and finally he's going to try something that does different things. :) | ||
Hasrat_USA | starfighter i don't mean to be rude but what are you doing in this channel then? seriously i'm just asking outta curiosity? | 09:45 |
maki | i deleted it | 09:45 |
Kubuntu | Strfighter any suggestion? | 09:45 |
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Hasrat_USA | did you loose your synaptic touchpad after installing KDE? | 09:45 |
Starfighter_ | What do you mean what am I doing in here? | 09:45 |
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Kubuntu | Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:45 |
czer323 | tictactatic: Yeah, Regular Ubuntu definitely has a package called Desktop-Effects. I'm not sure about the extent of it's effects. It's using Compiz. | 09:45 |
Starfighter_ | I installed Feisty fawn fresh on this machine | 09:46 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter you said you were running ubuntu | 09:46 |
Starfighter_ | and it never functioned | 09:46 |
Starfighter_ | Yes, I am | 09:46 |
Starfighter_ | Is there Ubuntu channel? | 09:46 |
Hasrat_USA | and you're not running kubuntu while the name of this channel is kubuntu | 09:46 |
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Starfighter_ | different from this one | 09:46 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 09:46 |
Hasrat_USA | yes #ubuntu and it has 1320 chatters so far | 09:46 |
Doctor_Nick | woop | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | Kubuntu, have you tried a different mirror to fetch the update from | 09:47 |
Doctor_Nick | i got beryl running | 09:47 |
Hasrat_USA | but anyways i was a bit puzzled. hold on | 09:47 |
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Kubuntu | No, how | 09:47 |
Kubuntu | ? | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | Alright, I'll switch channels | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | Thx | 09:47 |
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Hasrat_USA | nick congrats :) | 09:47 |
Kubuntu | How? | 09:47 |
maki | can somebody see | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | Are you trying to upgrade | 09:47 |
Hasrat_USA | star no don't. if i find a solution i will post here | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | Kubuntu | 09:47 |
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Kubuntu | Yes | 09:47 |
Tired_ | ooh..just hought of another gotcha...Gentoo picks up my DHCP automagically on install...I don't have to change anything to grab an IP from my router...should Kubuntu work the same way, likely? | 09:47 |
Starfighter_ | What are you using to update | 09:48 |
Starfighter_ | You're in Kubuntu, right? | 09:48 |
Kubuntu | yes | 09:48 |
ubuntu__ | tired: kubuntu works fine with dhcp | 09:48 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 09:48 |
Kubuntu | adept says this Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1) | 09:48 |
Starfighter_ | So, what are you using to update Kubuntu to the newest version | 09:48 |
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Tired_ | sweet. ok, enough hand-holding for me...here goes. next time you see me I should be either really frustrated, or running feisty :) | 09:49 |
Kubuntu | Adept | 09:49 |
Starfighter_ | At the top | 09:49 |
Starfighter_ | Under the Adept menu | 09:49 |
Kubuntu | Kubuntu 6.10! | 09:49 |
Starfighter_ | There is a section that says manage repositories | 09:49 |
Kubuntu | I have done that! | 09:49 |
Starfighter_ | You can add mirrors in there | 09:49 |
Kubuntu | do you have a mirror? | 09:50 |
ubuntu__ | alright, im gonna try this, ill be back in 10 minutes if it didnt work | 09:50 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter the mouse (touchpad) doesn't work at all, right? like when you touch it with your fingers, you see no movements of any kinds at all. and as a matter of fact touchpad device/driver was never detected by ubuntu i believe? | 09:50 |
Starfighter_ | If it says failed to fetch, it means that the server you are trying to get it from is down, or your connection is not accessing the server properly | 09:50 |
Starfighter_ | YEs | 09:50 |
Starfighter_ | USA, that is correct | 09:50 |
Kubuntu | give it to! | 09:50 |
Kubuntu | to me! | 09:50 |
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Starfighter_ | Go to the Ubuntu site and look up the mirrors | 09:51 |
Starfighter_ | then add one of them | 09:51 |
Hasrat_USA | Starfighter can you remember exacty when you purchased this laptop and after the purchase did you ever perform any bios update? | 09:51 |
Starfighter_ | There is a freaking list on the site | 09:51 |
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Kubuntu | but I need to get rid of the wine thing | 09:51 |
Starfighter_ | Yes, I performed a BIOS update for Vista | 09:51 |
LjL | Starfighter_: well, it would usually mean that, but he's *removed* that repository from the list, but somehow it's still being tried to be accessed | 09:51 |
Starfighter_ | So that it would function properly | 09:51 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: had a phonecall. last i asked you was to pastebin grep -r budgetdedicated /var/* | 09:52 |
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Starfighter_ | Does that help Hasrat_USA? | 09:52 |
Starfighter_ | If you need me too, I can pastebin the xorg.config file for you | 09:53 |
Starfighter_ | and the output of my cat /proc/bus/input/devices | 09:53 |
Kubuntu | LjL here is the out put! | 09:53 |
Kubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16887/ | 09:53 |
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Hasrat_USA | pastebin xorg.config | 09:54 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: oh, *slaps head*, i know what it is. the sources.list.d, you had installed wine using that | 09:54 |
Kubuntu | so what do I do? | 09:54 |
Starfighter_ | Alright, I'll pastebin my xorg.config | 09:55 |
Starfighter_ | give me a sec | 09:55 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: what does ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ give? | 09:55 |
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Hasrat_USA | i'm cooking eggs :) hey LjL nice to see you back in here again | 09:55 |
Kubuntu | winehq.list | 09:55 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: remove it. sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list | 09:55 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: then sudo apt-get update , the error should be gone | 09:55 |
chemicalvamp | whats the best Ipod sync program? | 09:56 |
Hasrat_USA | amarok | 09:56 |
Starfighter_ | Alright | 09:56 |
Kubuntu | it worked thanx | 09:56 |
Starfighter_ | Hasrat_USA, here is the link | 09:56 |
Starfighter_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16888/ | 09:56 |
chemicalvamp | will that sync ipod to comp? like get the songs off of it? | 09:56 |
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Kubuntu | LjL do I have to restart after installing 7.04?? | 09:58 |
LjL | Kubuntu: to use it - yes | 09:58 |
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Kubuntu | ok | 09:58 |
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LjL | Kubuntu: otherwise you'll still be using Edgy, mostly | 09:58 |
Starfighter_ | As you can see, it, my mouse doesn't show up | 09:58 |
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Starfighter_ | in the xorg.config | 09:58 |
Kubuntu | Is it any programs like vlc for linux? | 09:58 |
cinex | hi | 09:58 |
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chemicalvamp | Kubuntu what is vlc, what does it do | 09:59 |
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Starfighter_ | It's a media player | 09:59 |
Kubuntu | It streams video | 09:59 |
Kubuntu | and copyes it | 09:59 |
Starfighter_ | VLC is a universal media player | 09:59 |
LjL | Kubuntu: there is, uh, for examples, vlc | 09:59 |
LjL | !info vlc | 09:59 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 1131 kB, installed size 3192 kB | 09:59 |
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Kubuntu | Is vlc for linux? | 09:59 |
chemicalvamp | yes it is | 10:00 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter i'm gonna give you some code using pastebin. copy and paste them in terminal and see if it returns true | 10:00 |
LjL | what do you think? | 10:00 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:00 |
Starfighter_ | What's the link | 10:00 |
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chemicalvamp | Starfighter_ enable your universe repository | 10:00 |
Starfighter_ | I'm root now, so I'm ready for it | 10:00 |
Kubuntu | cool | 10:00 |
Hasrat_USA | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16889/ | 10:00 |
Kubuntu | where can I see th simpsons online? | 10:00 |
chemicalvamp | wait, who wanted vlc? | 10:01 |
Hasrat_USA | Kubuntu: www.torrentz.com | 10:01 |
Pollywog | why does kubuntu (I have it installed on two machines) tell me that a list of packages is not required and can be removed when most of the packages are not metapackages | 10:01 |
Pollywog | ? | 10:01 |
Starfighter_ | It's returns back as true | 10:01 |
Kubuntu | Don't remove them!! | 10:01 |
Hasrat_USA | awesome | 10:01 |
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Pollywog | Kubuntu: yeah I did once and it left my system unusable | 10:02 |
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Hasrat_USA | starfighter what do you mean by 'i'm root now' that's dangerus | 10:02 |
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Kubuntu | torrentz is too busy! | 10:02 |
Starfighter_ | I know, but I needed to make root able to log in so I could configure things in Adept | 10:02 |
Kubuntu | where else can I see The simpson on kubuntu? | 10:02 |
Starfighter_ | I could have run it from console, but I don't like that | 10:02 |
Hasrat_USA | anyways if you're root and you don't have to type sudo, then type dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:02 |
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Starfighter_ | I like GUI's | 10:02 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:03 |
Starfighter_ | I'm into the Package configuration dialog | 10:03 |
Kubuntu | What do I do with a torrent file? | 10:03 |
chemicalvamp | open it with ktorrent | 10:03 |
the_hammer | open with ktorrent | 10:03 |
the_hammer | and save where ever ya wnt it to goto | 10:04 |
Starfighter_ | What do I do with the configuration dialog? | 10:04 |
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Hasrat_USA | you're reconfiguring it now | 10:04 |
Hasrat_USA | hold on | 10:04 |
=== Gotenks is now known as Gotenks_1710 | ||
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:05 |
=== Gotenks_1710 is now known as Resident_evil_17 | ||
Starfighter_ | It says it need me to select a video driver | 10:05 |
Starfighter_ | Should I just use the vga | 10:05 |
Starfighter_ | one | 10:05 |
Hasrat_USA | choose i810 | 10:05 |
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Hasrat_USA | hell no | 10:05 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 10:05 |
Kubuntu | While I'm upgrading my internett speed is sooo slow how do I speed it up? | 10:05 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 10:05 |
Hasrat_USA | select 1810 lol | 10:05 |
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Starfighter_ | Alright | 10:06 |
Starfighter_ | Done | 10:06 |
Starfighter_ | Just name it generic video card? | 10:06 |
Hasrat_USA | you're kinda performing a surgery and anytime things can go wrong even if you don't do anything wrong | 10:06 |
=== Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Pollywog | I am using kubuntu but my session manager is gdm because it lets me do secure remote access. Is there a way to choose the type of session (I want KDE) on the remote side? | 10:06 |
Hasrat_USA | nope | 10:06 |
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Starfighter_ | What should I name it? | 10:06 |
Search4Lancer | oh boy, just got a swell popup telling me a new version is available | 10:06 |
aftermath | what's the ntfs-3g package name for kubuntu? | 10:06 |
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czer323 | !ntfs-3g | 10:07 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 10:07 |
Starfighter_ | Hasrat_USA? | 10:07 |
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Pollywog | when I do a secure remote session(xdmcp), I always get Gnome on the remote and I don't see a way to change that other than perhaps removing Gnome | 10:07 |
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[Relic] | getting ready to install 7.04, need to make a list of installed packages so I can simply reload all once I get it installed is the a dpkg command that will list ONLY the package names w/o anything else? | 10:08 |
Starfighter_ | What should I put for the video card identifier | 10:08 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah i'm here. hold on a second i'm going through the dialog screens to get to the point where you will find or you're supposed to find the section for your touchpad | 10:08 |
Pollywog | Starfighter I think you can put anything there that is meaningful to you | 10:09 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:09 |
Hasrat_USA | don't do anything as of yet. remember so far all you have typed is 1810 | 10:09 |
Doctor_Nick | ugh | 10:09 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 10:09 |
Starfighter_ | I just says Generic Video Card, so I'm just waiting on whatever you tell me | 10:09 |
Kubuntu | How long time would it take to download 41 gb with an average of 5kb/s? | 10:09 |
Doctor_Nick | i wish when you installed kdevelop, it also installed everything you needed to compile and debug your programs -_-;; | 10:10 |
Starfighter_ | Thanks again for your help | 10:10 |
Starfighter_ | I hope we can figure this out | 10:10 |
Starfighter_ | It's for my dad | 10:10 |
voidmage | Kubuntu: 41*1024*1024/5/60/60/24 = 99.52 | 10:10 |
voidmage | Kubuntu: almost 4 months | 10:10 |
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voidmage | Kubuntu: and that's if you are downloading every minute of every day for the 4 months | 10:10 |
czer323 | looooool voidmage, I was JUST wondering about it. *puts away calculator* | 10:10 |
voidmage | a more reasonable estimate right be somewhere closer to 6 | 10:11 |
MinceR | after upgrading to feisty, some of my bindings in beryl don't work -- neither <alt>mouse3 nor <alt>space bring up the window menu and none of the Put plugin shortcuts work | 10:11 |
Hasrat_USA | there is a solution and it has been solved before starfighter. but i'm taking a little bit of time cause 1) i don't have a touchpad since i'm using a desktop 2) i have to kinda simulate your problem in here 3) i'm trying to go to the section where you're automatically supposed to be given a choice to enable synaptics touchpad | 10:11 |
Kubuntu | crap | 10:12 |
Starfighter_ | NP man. I'm appreciate your help | 10:12 |
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Kubuntu | How do I check how muck harddrive space I have? | 10:12 |
czer323 | Starfighter_: Just for teh record, I'm using a synaptics touchpad as well. I've had a couple different laptops with them and they've always *just worked* with no config. | 10:12 |
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tdn | How do I get a second monitor to work on my IBM Thinkpad? It is a projector. How do I enable it? Please help! | 10:13 |
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czer323 | No config for either ubuntu/kubuntu/knoppix/dsl/puppy or anythign i've used linux wise. | 10:13 |
Ikawe | Kubuntu: in a terminal you can 'df -h' | 10:13 |
Starfighter_ | I know, but mine doesn't work without configuration | 10:13 |
Starfighter_ | czer323 | 10:13 |
DaSkreech | Starfighter_: How far have you reached? | 10:13 |
Starfighter_ | ? | 10:13 |
Starfighter_ | I'm in the PAckage configuration right now | 10:13 |
Starfighter_ | Hasrat_USA is looking something up for me | 10:14 |
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Ikawe | Kubuntu: otherwise check out the "disk and filesystems" in the advanced tabs of your system settings | 10:14 |
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Kubuntu | How does this torrent thing work? | 10:15 |
Kubuntu | does I share what I have dowloaded? | 10:15 |
Starfighter_ | torrents let you share large files with people by allowing you to download off of people that are also downloading the file | 10:15 |
Starfighter_ | So it forms a web | 10:15 |
=== so_sauve [n=bob@user-5af11fb4.wfd103.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | So, I have this file, you have that file, we both give each other one of them and then we both have them | 10:16 |
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Starfighter_ | That's how it works | 10:16 |
Kubuntu | So I'm downloading it from otther people, not a website? | 10:16 |
Starfighter_ | yup | 10:16 |
Starfighter_ | Several dozen people probably | 10:16 |
Starfighter_ | who are also trying to get it | 10:16 |
=== Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Ikawe | Kubuntu: right | 10:16 |
Kubuntu | What if the 41gb of the sipmpsons isn't the simpsons? | 10:16 |
Starfighter_ | People who have the whole file are called seeders, and people who have part of it are called peers | 10:17 |
Search4Lancer | awesome: 7 packages to be removed, 90 to install, 1093 to upgrade, 899MB download | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | peers and seeders share files with you, and you share files with peers | 10:17 |
czer323 | Kubuntu: then you have 41Gb of porn! | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | to cut back on bandwidth | 10:17 |
Kubuntu | what is Leechers? | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | People not charing | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | *sharing | 10:17 |
Kubuntu | czer323 oh | 10:17 |
Kubuntu | what is seeders? | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | They have a program that is downloading and not uploading to others | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | seeders are people who have the wholething | 10:17 |
Starfighter_ | and are acting as servers | 10:18 |
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czer323 | Starfighter_: Leecher is usually synonomous with Peers. | 10:18 |
Starfighter_ | As soon as the download finishes for you, you will become a seeder | 10:18 |
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Starfighter_ | ? | 10:18 |
Kubuntu | if i'm downloading several files, in one torrent, can I then watch the begining? | 10:18 |
Starfighter_ | I thought leecher was a person who wasn't sharing the files | 10:18 |
michael | what do i name a script to make it executable? | 10:19 |
Starfighter_ | If that part of the download is done, you can watch or view the file | 10:19 |
=== hammer [n=hammer@S01060019214f2dfc.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
czer323 | Starfighter_: It really depends on the context. For most sites about torrents, it's teh same as peer. | 10:19 |
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Starfighter_ | Hasrat)USA | 10:19 |
Hasrat_USA | oops sorry | 10:19 |
so_sauve | Evening all, i got a bit stuck updating to FF and I'm looking for some help | 10:19 |
Starfighter_ | That alright | 10:19 |
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Starfighter_ | You got an idea where I should go from here | 10:19 |
Starfighter_ | I have to go soon to work | 10:19 |
Starfighter_ | I have like ten minutes left | 10:19 |
Search4Lancer | right, I use ISOhunt to search for torrents, and on there, there are only seeders and leechers, no middle ground | 10:20 |
tictactatic | hey, i just noticed middleclick on my mouse no longer works | 10:20 |
tictactatic | in feisty | 10:20 |
Hasrat_USA | seems like this reconfiguring xserver is seriously risky, starfighter and it can screw up ur xserver pretty much if you don't know what you're doing | 10:20 |
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@c-134-229-175.d.dsl.de.ignite.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hasrat_USA | although reconfiguring xserver would certainly fix your problem | 10:20 |
Kubuntu | strange thing, it tells me a file is 149 mb, bur ktorrent tells me I only have downloaded 6.8. How is that possibole? | 10:20 |
Starfighter_ | What do I need to reconfigure | 10:20 |
Starfighter_ | and can I just name the identifier Intel 950? | 10:21 |
Starfighter_ | Or does it really matter | 10:21 |
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so_sauve | I have apache installed, but it wasnt running and i tried to upgrade using apt. | 10:21 |
plhardy | michael: what kind of script it is ? usualy it is a comment in first line that tell what kind of interpretor to use. to make it executable you have to chmod it with x rights | 10:21 |
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Starfighter_ | If I don't get it working, I'm just going to have to wipe it out anyway | 10:21 |
Starfighter_ | So, I have nothing to lose | 10:21 |
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Starfighter_ | USA, man, you still there? | 10:22 |
Hasrat_USA | you don't have to necessarily wipe it out | 10:22 |
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so_sauve | It got part way through then tried to stop apache to update it, as it wasn't running, apt bombed out 'unable to stop Apache' | 10:22 |
Hasrat_USA | it's gonna get fixed but i bet you just have to give it a little bit more time :P | 10:22 |
sc0tch | Is there a Howto/faw on compiling a custom kernel for Fiesty? (did not see it on common questions page). | 10:22 |
Hasrat_USA | for now, you can close the session by going to file >> close session | 10:22 |
Starfighter_ | Oh, you mean with an update? | 10:22 |
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Hasrat_USA | starfighter nope. by reconfiguring the xserver | 10:23 |
Daskreech2 | Starfighter_: Sorry thought you were advertising the game starfighter | 10:23 |
Daskreech2 | I've only reached the second solar system | 10:23 |
Starfighter_ | Yeah, but I don't know how to reconfigure Xserver | 10:23 |
chemicalvamp | how can i change my VGA aperature? (its not in bios) | 10:23 |
Hasrat_USA | you should make a back-up of this file right now /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:23 |
Starfighter_ | Already done | 10:23 |
so_sauve | Now apache wont start and i can't complete the update because it keeps attempting to stop apache and failing | 10:24 |
os2mac | can someone gimme some edumacation on WINE? | 10:24 |
Hasrat_USA | too bad envy doesn't have a version for feisty yet | 10:24 |
Starfighter_ | I did that when I started screwing around with it | 10:24 |
Hasrat_USA | that's awesome. i should have told you before | 10:24 |
plhardy | two hours to upgrade my edgy in feisty... still not ended and i am starting to be low in dsik space... | 10:24 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 10:24 |
Starfighter_ | I already tried adding the touchpad into the xorg.config file | 10:24 |
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Starfighter_ | Then when I restarted it said the device failed to initialize and XServer shut down | 10:25 |
Hasrat_USA | starfighter do you know how to load a previously backed-up xorg.config file if your current file goes screwed? | 10:25 |
plhardy | michael: still here ? | 10:25 |
Starfighter_ | So I was left with command line | 10:25 |
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Starfighter_ | I just figured I would use the live boot and copy it back into it | 10:25 |
Starfighter_ | It worked before | 10:25 |
Starfighter_ | I just saved a copy of the file to the desktop | 10:25 |
Hasrat_USA | so i take it you know how to do it | 10:26 |
=== Kevlar_Soul [n=malum@cpe-66-68-150-28.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | erhm........ | 10:26 |
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Starfighter_ | depends | 10:26 |
Starfighter_ | on what you mean | 10:26 |
Hasrat_USA | great. in that case i bet you can go ahead with reconfiguring it | 10:26 |
=== melkor [n=melkor@adsl-68-124-128-35.dsl.chic01.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | If you mean copying and pasting it somewhere else | 10:26 |
Starfighter_ | And then using the live boot to replace the screwed up one, then yes | 10:26 |
Starfighter_ | I know how | 10:26 |
michael | plhardy: the comment is #! /bin/bash | 10:26 |
Hasrat_USA | lol using the live boot cd to replace the screwed one would do | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | So, what's the next step | 10:27 |
Hasrat_USA | anyways so have you closed terminal already? | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | I mean, the Mac button emulation in my xorg.config it weird | 10:27 |
plhardy | then it is a bash script what can be exdecuted in any console by just doing ./myscript if your file is named myscript | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | Yes | 10:27 |
Starfighter_ | Konsole is closede | 10:27 |
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Starfighter_ | *closed | 10:27 |
melkor | Is feisty the official version of ubuntu right now? | 10:27 |
Daskreech2 | yup | 10:27 |
c1|freaky | yea | 10:27 |
Sanne | melkor: yes, the latest | 10:28 |
plhardy | usualy bash script are named with .sh extension | 10:28 |
=== Rebecca [n=Rebecca@60-240-25-107-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hasrat_USA | okay let's reopen that and then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:28 |
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Last_Hero | does anyone have any idea why my java compiler would get a "Permission Denied" error when trying to compile a file located in /home/lasthero/java ?? | 10:28 |
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Starfighter_ | done | 10:28 |
Hasrat_USA | last hero simple. permission is denied. the folder is read only | 10:28 |
Starfighter_ | Select the i810 | 10:28 |
plhardy | michael: you have to do a: chmod a+x yourscript | 10:28 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah select that | 10:28 |
Starfighter_ | Done | 10:28 |
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Hasrat_USA | what's next? | 10:29 |
Starfighter_ | Now it wants a video card identifier | 10:29 |
=== ubuntu__ [n=ubuntu@180.169-64-87.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | just generic video card fine | 10:29 |
Hasrat_USA | you see intel? | 10:29 |
Starfighter_ | ? | 10:29 |
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Starfighter_ | It has examples that say Intel ixxx | 10:29 |
plhardy | isn't a name you just put here ? | 10:29 |
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tomd | how to bood from usb | 10:29 |
Starfighter_ | Use the example? | 10:29 |
MinceR | synaptic keeps freezing | 10:29 |
Starfighter_ | with the name as Intel i950? | 10:29 |
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Starfighter_ | USa? | 10:30 |
dek | I wanted to upgrade to Feisty, but my internet is going painfully slow (few kb/s), any ideas? | 10:30 |
Hasrat_USA | Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller | 10:30 |
plhardy | Starfighter: i think this name is just a display name, it is not used to determine what card type it is autodetction is done in driver selection | 10:30 |
chemicalvamp | os2mac it tastes good, it stains, and it emulates windows so windws aps can be used on *ux | 10:30 |
tomd | Hi; can someone help me how i boot kubuntu from usb pls | 10:30 |
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Last_Hero | Hasrat_USA, thanks, dunno why they were Read only though :S | 10:31 |
=== Shaddox [n=Kopete-I@cpe-76-170-140-239.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | !info madam | 10:31 |
ubotu | Package madam does not exist in feisty | 10:31 |
Shaddox | Mornin' everyone. :D | 10:31 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 10:31 |
DaSkreech | Hi Shaddox | 10:31 |
Starfighter_ | I put that in USA | 10:31 |
Shaddox | Hi DaSkreech :D | 10:31 |
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=== DaSkreech bows | ||
Shaddox | Still no wireless | 10:31 |
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DaSkreech | Shaddox: how's X? | 10:31 |
chemicalvamp | Shaddox what manufacturer? | 10:31 |
Shaddox | Decent, but still no wireless. ^^ | 10:31 |
Search4Lancer | dek: go wardriving? | 10:31 |
Starfighter_ | Ok, now it says Video card's bus identifier | 10:31 |
Shaddox | My router is a Belkin wireless | 10:32 |
Shaddox | I'm having a problem with it | 10:32 |
Starfighter_ | PCI:0:2:0 | 10:32 |
malik__ | how safe it is to use ntfs3g driver for ntfs rw? | 10:32 |
kaizoku | I am running the kubuntu live CD, and I changed the driver and resolutions in xorg.conf, but the resolution won't change. | 10:32 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah you can also go with generic if you want | 10:32 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah pci:0:2:0 | 10:32 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:32 |
Shaddox | Where when i type in www.archonhosting.com [my own domain, DNS is configured on my server's BIND] | 10:32 |
plhardy | Starfighter: let tool select this for you... | 10:32 |
kaizoku | The driver changed just fine, but the resolution is still just as lot. | 10:32 |
Hasrat_USA | next generic monitor | 10:32 |
kaizoku | *low | 10:32 |
Shaddox | Instead of going to my server's Apache | 10:32 |
Shaddox | it goes to my router's web interface | 10:32 |
Shaddox | so now im getting them to help fix that | 10:32 |
=== benjamin [n=benjamin@p54BEDFB2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tomd | Hi; can someone help me how i boot kubuntu from usb pls | 10:32 |
Starfighter_ | It's asing ammount of memory (kb) to be used by the video card | 10:32 |
Starfighter_ | *asking | 10:32 |
dek | Search4Lancer: what do you mean? | 10:33 |
michael | how do I cd to a directory that has a space in the nme? | 10:33 |
michael | name* | 10:33 |
Starfighter_ | USa | 10:33 |
DaSkreech | !tab | michael | 10:33 |
ubotu | michael: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 10:33 |
Hasrat_USA | hit escape | 10:33 |
Search4Lancer | if you don't know what wardriving is, then nevermind... | 10:33 |
Hasrat_USA | only once | 10:33 |
michael | ah, thanks daskreehc | 10:33 |
Starfighter_ | use kernel framebuufer device interface? | 10:33 |
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Hasrat_USA | yes | 10:34 |
Starfighter_ | autodetect keyboard layout? | 10:34 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah | 10:34 |
plhardy | michael: cd word\ secondword | 10:34 |
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Starfighter_ | XKB rule set to use: xorg? | 10:34 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah | 10:34 |
plhardy | michael: or just start to type the directory name then use TAB completion | 10:35 |
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Starfighter_ | Keyboard model pc105? | 10:35 |
Hasrat_USA | yes | 10:35 |
Starfighter_ | Keyboard options? | 10:35 |
malik__ | what is a good option for editing photos in kubuntu fiesty? | 10:35 |
dek | Search4Lancer: I dont have wi-fi internet, and my internet works very fast in Windows. So it's a Kubuntu problem. | 10:35 |
Starfighter_ | Out any in there?: | 10:35 |
Starfighter_ | *put any in there? | 10:35 |
Hasrat_USA | US | 10:35 |
Starfighter_ | For Keyboard Options? | 10:36 |
Starfighter_ | Put in US? | 10:36 |
DaSkreech | malik__: Krita | 10:36 |
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Hasrat_USA | is it giving you any choice? | 10:36 |
DaSkreech | malik__: If You want to stay K | 10:36 |
Starfighter_ | No, it has a field for input | 10:36 |
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chemicalvamp | is there any specific windows version drivers ndiswrapper recomends? | 10:36 |
Starfighter_ | Configuring xserver-xorg Keyboard Options | 10:36 |
Hasrat_USA | okay hit esc | 10:36 |
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chemicalvamp | or should i just go with xp drivers | 10:36 |
Starfighter_ | ok | 10:36 |
malik__ | DaSkreech: but some one also suggested Gimp....i dont know which one will be better n have more options for kde | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | Mouse port: | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | dev/input/mice | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | or dev/psaux | 10:37 |
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DaSkreech | malik__: Krita is more KDE Gimp is more Gnome | 10:37 |
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MinceR | did i mention opera refuses to run since this morning and upgrading to feisty didn't change that? | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | or dev/ttyS0 | 10:37 |
DaSkreech | Krita has more colour options since it's newer | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | or dev/tts0 | 10:37 |
Hasrat_USA | dev/input/mice | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | alright | 10:37 |
czer323 | !krita | 10:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about krita - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:37 |
DaSkreech | Gimp has more manipulation options since it's mature | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | Mouse protocol? | 10:37 |
plhardy | MinceR: start it in a console and look at traces ... | 10:37 |
Starfighter_ | ImPS/2 or Explorer PS/2? | 10:38 |
MinceR | maybe i should reboot since update-manager crashed x before it could reboot | 10:38 |
malik__ | DaSkreech: so both are same when it comes to versatility? | 10:38 |
Hasrat_USA | ImPS/2 | 10:38 |
MinceR | plhardy: i'll try that, though i doubt i'll glean anything from the results | 10:38 |
Starfighter_ | Emulate three button mouse? | 10:38 |
Hasrat_USA | yes | 10:38 |
DaSkreech | malik__: Hmm nearly. I'd put Gimp out ahead and I don't think that anyone would argue with me | 10:38 |
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DaSkreech | But So far I like Krita | 10:38 |
Starfighter_ | hit escape at the X.org server modules that should be loaded section? | 10:38 |
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DaSkreech | COurse I have very low image manipulation needs. I'm not running a business or anythign | 10:39 |
Starfighter_ | USa? | 10:39 |
MinceR | strace throws it into an endless loop of error messages | 10:39 |
Hasrat_USA | it aint giving you any option? | 10:39 |
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Starfighter_ | Yeah | 10:39 |
Hasrat_USA | which option? | 10:39 |
Starfighter_ | bitmap, dbe, ddc, dri, extmod, freetype | 10:39 |
DaSkreech | !info mettise | 10:39 |
ubotu | Package mettise does not exist in feisty | 10:39 |
Starfighter_ | blah blah blah | 10:39 |
chemicalvamp | does using kdesu konqueror to set permissions mess anything up? | 10:39 |
malik__ | DaSkreech: can we shrink the size of a photo with Krita or Gimp .....as in its dimensions as well as in size? | 10:39 |
MinceR | a poll() syscall results in EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) | 10:40 |
Starfighter_ | leave it the way it is and say ok? | 10:40 |
DaSkreech | malik__: Oh Yeah | 10:40 |
Starfighter_ | It have selected and some not | 10:40 |
DaSkreech | You can do that with Gwenview I think | 10:40 |
Starfighter_ | *hyas | 10:40 |
Starfighter_ | *has | 10:40 |
Starfighter_ | Just hit ok? | 10:40 |
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Hasrat_USA | go with whatever it has selected | 10:40 |
tomd | Hi; can someone help me how i boot kubuntu from usb pls | 10:40 |
plhardy | MinceR: what kind of starce errors ? | 10:40 |
dek | I wanted to upgrade to Feisty, but my internet is going painfully slow (few kb/s). In Windows it works just fine, any ideas? | 10:40 |
Hasrat_USA | yeah go with whatever it has selected | 10:40 |
=== jordo23_ [n=jordo23@CPE-70-94-41-77.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Starfighter_ | write default files section to configuration file? | 10:40 |
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Hasrat_USA | yes | 10:40 |
Shaddox | ugh these people at belkin are complete idiots | 10:40 |
Hasrat_USA | lol what happened? | 10:41 |
Starfighter_ | attempt monitor auto-detect? | 10:41 |
Hasrat_USA | yes | 10:41 |
MinceR | plhardy: first a couple of No such file or directory errors, then the one i mentioned above | 10:41 |
plhardy | dek: you mean in windows you have a better throughput ? | 10:41 |
Shaddox | i got a call from a tech about something i called about yesterday | 10:41 |
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Starfighter_ | Generic monitor fine? | 10:41 |
Hasrat_USA | sure | 10:41 |
Shaddox | and they are so stupid they don't even know who the tech is that called or anything | 10:41 |
malik__ | DaSkreech: sorry to be a ng........but can we lets say shrink the size of a photo from 1024x748 to say 800x600 ? | 10:41 |
DaSkreech | malik__: Very easily | 10:41 |
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1128711929.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | malik__: install Krita and play with it | 10:41 |
Starfighter_ | Hey nan | 10:41 |
Starfighter_ | I gotta go | 10:41 |
Starfighter_ | Work in five minutes | 10:42 |
MinceR | i'll reinstall and see if that helps (though i think a minor upgrade has been done already) | 10:42 |
malik__ | DaSkreech: oki thanx for the tips mate | 10:42 |
Hasrat_USA | okay no problem you can continue when you get back | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | I'll look into further configuring it so that it works | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | Alright | 10:42 |
Hasrat_USA | okay and what kinda work in sat anyways? | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | Thanks a bunch man | 10:42 |
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Hasrat_USA | alright no problem take care | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | Server | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | I wait tables | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 10:42 |
Hasrat_USA | uh okay take care lolz cool | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | At a bar and grille | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | lol | 10:42 |
Starfighter_ | Take care mate | 10:42 |
Hasrat_USA | bar owns | 10:42 |
DaSkreech | malik__: If i'm not mistaken you can do that to a whole folder of images with gwenview | 10:42 |
plhardy | MinceR: i you reinstall opera, purge it, then you will be sure nothing from old install remains. | 10:42 |
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[1] ircusr | hi | 10:43 |
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plhardy | michael: is your script starting ? | 10:43 |
chemicalvamp | please somebody tell me how linux deals with self extracting exe's made for windows | 10:43 |
[1] ircusr | with unzip | 10:43 |
[1] ircusr | and gunzip | 10:43 |
Doctor_Nick | lord what fools these mortals be | 10:43 |
dek | plhardy: in Windows I download at 110 kb/s and in Kubuntu Edgy I download at 3~4 kb/s | 10:43 |
plhardy | dek: for same source ? | 10:44 |
chemicalvamp | so like gunzip (file/directory) (unzip/directory)? | 10:44 |
[1] ircusr | why does konqueror drop internet connection? | 10:44 |
michael | no plhardy | 10:44 |
dek | plhardy: yes | 10:44 |
plhardy | dek: what ifconfig tells ? | 10:45 |
cinex | im extracting a file, at 4gb's I get "File size limit exceeded | 10:45 |
cinex | " | 10:45 |
aro | Anyone know how to make text bold in Konversation? | 10:45 |
cinex | and it stops | 10:45 |
aro | Ctrl+B just brings up bookmarks | 10:45 |
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cinex | I have nothing in the limits.conf | 10:45 |
cinex | any suggestions? | 10:45 |
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MinceR | plhardy: first i'll try without purge, then with it. | 10:46 |
dek | plhardy: nothing strange that i can notice :P | 10:46 |
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plhardy | dek: what can of device do you use to access interent ? | 10:46 |
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plhardy | yes ! upgrade to feisty done ! | 10:47 |
dek | plhardy: i have a switch (not router) and a DSL modem, its not hardware problem because it works fine in Windows | 10:47 |
Dezine | Hi, I was wondering how I could set my resolution higher than 1024x768? It won't let me go any higher. | 10:47 |
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gcee | hello | 10:47 |
dec_ | anyone know how to install opengl on kubuntu, i am trying to get beryl to work and i am having problems | 10:47 |
cinex | what problems? | 10:48 |
gcee | anybody know how to back out of the feisty upgrade? | 10:48 |
DaSkreech | cinex: What filesystem? | 10:48 |
dec_ | when i run beryl i get a white screen and i have to shut the machine down | 10:48 |
cinex | DaSkreech: ext3 | 10:48 |
DaSkreech | !resolution | 10:48 |
ubotu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 10:48 |
chemicalvamp | Archive: /mnt/hda1/home/chemicalvamp/Desktop/drivers/wirelessdriver.exe | 10:48 |
chemicalvamp | caution: filename not matched: /mnt/hda1/home/chemicalvamp/Desktop/drivers/wirelessdriver | 10:48 |
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Dezine | ty | 10:48 |
plhardy | dek: it is a DSL modem, then you have to set up pppOe/oa within your install ? | 10:48 |
DaSkreech | dec_: What video card do you have/ | 10:48 |
dec_ | ati radeon | 10:49 |
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chemicalvamp | anybody see a problem with that? | 10:49 |
DaSkreech | !ati | dec_ | 10:49 |
ubotu | dec_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 10:49 |
cathy | hey ppl...got a major bootup problem with edgy i've never seen before | 10:49 |
plhardy | dek: might be ethernet card pb too | 10:49 |
dek | plhardy: yes. I will try disabling ipv6 , reboot | 10:49 |
cinex | wirelessdriver and wirelessdriver.exe | 10:49 |
cinex | the .exe | 10:50 |
chemicalvamp | dec_ your not using feisty are you? | 10:50 |
dec_ | yes i am using feisty | 10:50 |
chemicalvamp | then dont follow !ati.. trust me | 10:50 |
cathy | even recovery mode hangs close to the end of the bootup process | 10:50 |
=== dettoaltrimenti_ [n=dettoalt@ppp85-140-152-171.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chemicalvamp | its made for edgy | 10:50 |
dec_ | what should i do | 10:50 |
chemicalvamp | unless you know how to edit you xorg.conf from a cli | 10:50 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | does anyone here use dcgui? | 10:50 |
riad | why kubuntu hadn't all the features of ubuntu it's so sad | 10:50 |
dec_ | not a chance | 10:51 |
chemicalvamp | to undo what you did, cuz xserver dont wanna start | 10:51 |
cathy | anybody got any ideas how to check all the file systems from a livecd? | 10:51 |
=== theory [n=theory@cgf173.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
theory | hi | 10:51 |
chemicalvamp | cathy fdisk -l (L) | 10:51 |
theory | can anyone help me with Java instalation on 7.04? | 10:51 |
dec_ | any ideas | 10:51 |
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chemicalvamp | !ndiswrapper | 10:52 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:52 |
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cathy | ok...will try | 10:52 |
chemicalvamp | err uhh it works for other suff too | 10:52 |
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dec_ | chemicalvamp any other ideas for getting beryl to work with feisty | 10:52 |
theory | I tried to install by Automatix but I think it doesn't works... | 10:53 |
riad | hi, if i install ubuntu-desktop from kubuntu will i have all the features like compiz? | 10:53 |
Search4Lancer | oi, it looked like it had trouble installing "debconf".. whatever that is | 10:53 |
chemicalvamp | dec_ ohh beryl, i dont have much info on beryl, i got xgl up on edgy, and took it out cuz cpu usage was thru the roof.. cpu temp was really high | 10:53 |
dec_ | what about compiz | 10:54 |
Search4Lancer | beryl was the worst few days in this computer's life.... | 10:54 |
dec_ | sounds like beryl is not the way to go | 10:54 |
eXistenZ | Do you guys recommend upgrading to fiesty? | 10:54 |
DaSkreech | !java | theory | 10:54 |
ubotu | theory: To install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) or earlier. | 10:54 |
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Search4Lancer | I hope so, because I'm in the middle of the upgrade right now! | 10:54 |
tapas | what settings do i need to use so that i can switch between beryl and kwin without magical desktop pager failures? | 10:54 |
DaSkreech | dec_: You can ask in #ubuntu-effects which one would be better for yoru machine | 10:55 |
DaSkreech | eXistenZ: Whats important to you? | 10:55 |
plhardy | theory: why do you need java ? | 10:55 |
MinceR | i'm still trying to figure out which repository did opera move to | 10:55 |
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DaSkreech | !opera | 10:55 |
nbcb | help why do i hit into too many open files in ktorrent? i tried to set ulimit -n 2048 already but still not enough | 10:55 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 10:55 |
theory | thanks DaSkreech | 10:55 |
eXistenZ | DaSkreech: nothing | 10:55 |
DaSkreech | eXistenZ: then sure :) | 10:55 |
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Search4Lancer | how comforting | 10:56 |
nbcb | !bittorrent | 10:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bittorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:57 |
nbcb | !bt | 10:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:57 |
klaos | 10:58 | |
klaos | oi I brought up to date mine ubuntu edgy pro feisty and when I try to enter in ubuntu in kernel it appears the following message: Psmousee.c Bad Date from KBC Out teams and nao initiates the system | 10:58 |
the_hammer | try !ktorrent | 10:58 |
the_hammer | !ktorrent | 10:58 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ktorrent - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:58 |
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klaos | nao *no | 10:58 |
the_hammer | hmm bots messed up lol | 10:58 |
chemicalvamp | ok i cant get this working, can i get an example of how somebody would extract a self extracting .exe? | 10:58 |
DaSkreech | nbcb: What are you lokking for? | 10:58 |
DaSkreech | Looking even | 10:58 |
Cosmo_ | I got the drivers for my printer installed and it shows up, but whenever I try to print anything my printer shows reciving data but nothing ever prints (the printer is a brother 1840C and I am running 7.04) anyone know how to fix this? | 10:58 |
the_hammer | ummm exe files ya cant extract with linux as far as i know | 10:59 |
david__ | My laptop crashes anytime I put an AUDIO cd in before kde daemon comes up. DVD and data cds are fine. | 10:59 |
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Shaddox | Ugh, okay, now that i'm done with belkin, i need help with my wireless. :D | 10:59 |
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DaSkreech | the_hammer: sure. You can Install wine | 10:59 |
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DaSkreech | !wifi | Shaddox | 10:59 |
ubotu | Shaddox: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 10:59 |
the_hammer | that depends also | 10:59 |
Shaddox | I looked over that | 10:59 |
Shaddox | And it didnt help worth a damn | 10:59 |
Shaddox | My wireless still doesnt work | 11:00 |
nbcb | what does SVN mean? | 11:00 |
Alonea | Ok, the Wireless Assistant is no longer automatically connecting to the internet any more. It started after upgrade. How do I get to to autoconnect again? | 11:00 |
the_hammer | what netcard is your wireless? | 11:00 |
david__ | Any ideas why kubuntu would crash hard only when an AUDIO CD is installed? | 11:00 |
Alonea | nbcb: subversion | 11:00 |
david__ | inserted. | 11:00 |
dac | jisao of lbo | 11:00 |
Shaddox | the_hammer: Broadcom, on the bcm43xx driver. | 11:00 |
the_hammer | have ya tried ndiswrapper? | 11:00 |
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Alonea | Shaddox: you will have to ndiswrapper your broadcom. I have broadcom card too. | 11:01 |
Shaddox | bleh | 11:01 |
Shaddox | then someones gonna have to help me with it | 11:01 |
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Shaddox | i tried ndis on my first day of linux, in freebsd, and failed miserably. X_x | 11:01 |
Shaddox | after that the kernel refused to load, so i installed freebsd again till i got ubuntu, and then kubuntu yesterday ^^ | 11:01 |
nbcb | help why do i hit into too many open files in ktorrent? i tried to set ulimit -n 2048 already but still not enough | 11:01 |
DaSkreech | !subversion | 11:02 |
ubotu | subversion is an open source application used for revision control. It is sometimes abbreviated to svn in reference to the name of its command line interface. Look here for a Subversion How To on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Subversion | 11:02 |
Alonea | Shaddox: well, first thing you do is install it. then you install your driver, then sudo rmmod bcm43xx (you will have to blacklist it) then sudo modprobe ndiswrapper | 11:02 |
Shaddox | okay | 11:02 |
Shaddox | i have no clue what any of that means. | 11:02 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: Whoot for Kubuntu :) | 11:02 |
theory | DaSkreech: but I have 64bit architecture... it's a tutorial of x86 I think... | 11:02 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: You did the Wifi troubleshooting? | 11:02 |
Alonea | Shaddox: oh, well, i assumed you had an idea since you tried it before | 11:03 |
Shaddox | DaSkreech: That site didnt help me wirth a damn X_x | 11:03 |
Shaddox | Alonea: I had wireless working in regular ubuntu without needing ndiswrapper. | 11:03 |
Search4Lancer | I've had 57 minutes remaining in the upgrade installation for the past 15 minutes.... :-| | 11:03 |
Shaddox | Alonea: Why do I need it now? | 11:03 |
DaSkreech | Shaddox: where did you get to? | 11:03 |
Alonea | Shaddox: Oh? wow. you got a broadcom to work without ndiswrapper? | 11:03 |
cathy | this feisty livecd is a pain...doesn't use partition identifiers like sda1, sda2...you have to install tons of apps to get help...and gparted won't load this time around (it did last night) | 11:03 |
DaSkreech | Hiya Alonea :) | 11:03 |
Alonea | DaSkreech: hey! | 11:03 |
Shaddox | Alonea: Someone made me do fwcutter then a bunch of stuff | 11:03 |
Shaddox | Alonea: It was VERY touchy | 11:03 |
Shaddox | Alonea: But it worked | 11:04 |
Alonea | Shaddox: oh! ok. ndiswrapper is easier for me. | 11:04 |
so_sauve | woot! Update complete, time to reboot | 11:04 |
Alonea | Shaddox: which card is it? | 11:04 |
MinceR | perhaps the canonical.com repo is broken? adept doesn't do anything when i press Request Install and synaptic tells me it has no available version but exists in the database | 11:04 |
so_sauve | hold on to your butts! | 11:04 |
MinceR | i've updated the db | 11:04 |
Shaddox | Alonea: Some 54g.org card | 11:04 |
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cpk1 | Shaddox: so just use fwcutter again or is fiesty supposed to support your bcm out of the box? | 11:04 |
Alonea | Shaddox: goto a console and type in lspci | 11:04 |
Shaddox | cpk1: I was told feisty is supposed to support it out of the box. | 11:05 |
Alonea | Shaddox: it will say name of card under there | 11:05 |
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Shaddox | Alonea: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 11:05 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: Tentative huh? | 11:05 |
cathy | i mounted some of my partitions, and tried "fdisk -l /media/bootdos: and got nothing | 11:05 |
Alonea | Shaddox: ok good. exact same card I have | 11:05 |
Shaddox | Alonea: HP Pavilion zv6130us? :D | 11:05 |
Alonea | Shaddox: dv8000 series, dv8113cl | 11:06 |
Search4Lancer | DaSkreech: yuppers... though it is down to 44 minutes now. Such is life with ever-changing estimates | 11:06 |
Search4Lancer | it's still having trouble with debconf | 11:06 |
Shaddox | Alonea: Good, my laptops a piece of crap, glad you dont have a piece of crap :D | 11:06 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: It's probably redoing the kernel or one of those really long operations and until it's done it doesn't update it's estimate | 11:06 |
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Alonea | Shaddox: ok first thing is download latest version of ndiswrapper and unarchive it in your home folder | 11:07 |
chemicalvamp | Shaddox whats your laptop> | 11:07 |
Search4Lancer | oh kripes, do I want to replace host.conf (which is apparently customized) with the new one? | 11:07 |
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Shaddox | chemicalvamp: HP Pavilion v6130us, repaired and damaged | 11:07 |
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DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: backup your old one before you answer the question | 11:07 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: easy :-) | 11:08 |
Search4Lancer | 10-4 good buddy | 11:08 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: did you customize it? | 11:08 |
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Kikkoman | Hi, I'm running an IRCd, which I can connect to perfectly, but nobody else can. They get connection timed out. How do I fix this? | 11:08 |
chemicalvamp | Shaddox edgy problems or feisty? | 11:08 |
Search4Lancer | heck if I know | 11:08 |
Sanne | cathy: I think you need to give fdisk the actual device name. /media/bootdos is just the mount point, that is, the directory from where you can access your partition. Harddisk device names are typically /dev/hda -hdb -hdc etc for IDE, -sda, sdb... for SATA | 11:08 |
livingdaylight | if something says it needs python 2.4 would version 2.5.1 automatically cover it? | 11:08 |
Shaddox | chemicalvamp: Feisty. FINALLY managed to upgrade. :D | 11:08 |
chemicalvamp | if its feisty i bet its wireless problems | 11:08 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: back it up use the one suggested and go | 11:08 |
Shaddox | Ug | 11:08 |
DaSkreech | Normally the ones given by the provider are tuned to work | 11:09 |
Shaddox | Search4Lancer is spamming me in private :/ | 11:09 |
Sanne | livingdaylight: not necessarily | 11:09 |
chemicalvamp | Shaddox you shoulda ot the iso | 11:09 |
DaSkreech | if somethign changes you can put back your customizations | 11:09 |
cathy | Sanne: yes, tried the /dev/sda1 first, no result, then tried /media/bootdos...no result; now i tried /dev/sda1 again, and for some strange reason i got a result | 11:09 |
cpk1 | cathy: try using sudo | 11:09 |
cpk1 | also you can just do fdisk -l to list all the partitions | 11:09 |
cathy | tis ok...i'm gonna try some of the other partitions now, since i got a result the last time | 11:10 |
livingdaylight | Sanne, thx, so looks like i'm gonna need to install python 2.4 then as default here is 2.5.1. But installing older is not gonna upset the latest version? | 11:10 |
Sanne | cathy: the device would be /dev/sda. /dev/sda1 is the first partition of /dev/sda. And listen to cpk1 :) | 11:10 |
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livingdaylight | anyone know or use Webilder? | 11:11 |
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cpk1 | depending on permissions fdisk -l might output nothing, so if thats the case use sudo | 11:11 |
Search4Lancer | hey, you said you're running on a piece of crap, just trying to help you out | 11:11 |
compukeks | moinsen everybody^^ | 11:11 |
=== david__ [n=david@151.Red-83-38-31.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chemicalvamp | fdisk -l doesnt work on a live cd | 11:11 |
Sanne | livingdaylight: first youcould try if it works with python 2.5, I don't know if it would. If it doesn't, so far it was always possible to install several python versions in parallel. Check if you gat a message that tell you python 2.5 will be removed when you install 2.5, but I guess it will work. | 11:11 |
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Sanne | livingdaylight: if you install 2.4, you would need to tell the program to use that one instead of python 2.5 | 11:12 |
livingdaylight | Sanne, thx. yes, webilder say 2.4 is dependency | 11:12 |
Search4Lancer | DaSkreech: all the old one had was "multi off", so... whatever, eh? | 11:12 |
sulamita | hi. I'm using us international keyboard, how do I change to the ? | 11:12 |
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so_sauve | Sweet, back online! | 11:13 |
MinceR | installing via GDebi from the canonical.com website worked... but this is really ugly. | 11:13 |
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DaSkreech | cpk1: I think you have to sudo that fdisk -l | 11:13 |
DaSkreech | Search4Lancer: :-) | 11:13 |
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chemicalvamp | DaSkreech right | 11:13 |
DaSkreech | so_sauve: can I let go of my butt now? the others are starting to give me very strange looks | 11:13 |
cpk1 | DaSkreech: ummm, yes as I pointed out =P | 11:13 |
Doctor_Nick | in KDevelop, how do you start the program with some arguments | 11:14 |
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=== DaSkreech squints really hard at the screen | ||
DaSkreech | Why so you did cpk1 well done :) | 11:14 |
cpk1 | haha | 11:14 |
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MinceR | apparently, the commercial repo at canonical.com for feisty is totally empty, unlike the one for edgy | 11:17 |
shawn34 | i installed ubuntu dapper beta cd i had on an old laptop. installed all the updates, but when i run 'apt-get dist-upgrade' it doesn't tell me that there are any ditro updates avail. what am i doing wrong? | 11:17 |
chemicalvamp | shawn34 did you do sudo apt-get update first? | 11:17 |
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Sanne | shawn34: you may want to have a look here, should get you going: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 11:19 |
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aroo | How can I add startup programs in KDE? | 11:19 |
livingdaylight | !multimedia | 11:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia codecs see: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html and for applications see this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications | 11:19 |
Dezine | I initially installed Ubuntu and install KDE afterwords.. what's the best way to remove Gnome? | 11:20 |
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1128712926.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | aroo: to start when KDE starts? | 11:21 |
aroo | Yes | 11:21 |
chemicalvamp | yeai wanna know how to do that also | 11:21 |
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DaSkreech | Dezine: I think that you can remove the GLibs and it should zap Most of gnome | 11:21 |
DaSkreech | !autostart | 11:21 |
ubotu | To make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. | 11:21 |
aroo | Thanks DaSkreech | 11:21 |
Kikkoman | I have a firewall error. It seems that when users try to connect, they get a Connection timed out error. How do I fix this? | 11:21 |
Dezine | Alrighttt | 11:22 |
livingdaylight | !restricted | 11:22 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:22 |
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DaSkreech | Kikkoman: punch a hole for them | 11:22 |
Kikkoman | naw use the easy way | 11:23 |
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=== Kikkoman uses a saw | ||
just-this-time | any ubuntu pages maintainers here pls ? | 11:23 |
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DaSkreech | just-this-time: Eh? | 11:23 |
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chemicalvamp | ./root/.kde/Autostart/ does not exist.. hmm | 11:23 |
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DaSkreech | chemicalvamp: that's not a real path | 11:24 |
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dettoaltrimenti_ | does anyone here use dcgui? | 11:24 |
DaSkreech | chemicalvamp: and dont' log in sroot | 11:25 |
chemicalvamp | its in my paths.. /root/.kde/Autostart/ | 11:25 |
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shawn34 | Why does Ktorrent stop uploading once my download finishes, even though i have that option to keep seeding checked ? | 11:25 |
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DaSkreech | shawn34: no one else wants things from you? | 11:25 |
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shawn34 | lol | 11:25 |
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thefirstdude | on booting I get error "fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=e55a63e8-fa2e-4cde-9fc6-#########" | 11:26 |
dettoaltrimenti_ | shawn34- does it say 'seeding' or 'download finished'? | 11:26 |
Cosmo_ | I got the drivers for my printer installed and it shows up, but whenever I try to print anything my printer shows reciving data but nothing ever prints (the printer is a brother 1840C and I am running 7.04) anyone know how to fix this? | 11:26 |
thefirstdude | it says fix manually? | 11:26 |
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Dezine | my kubuntu is so pretty :D | 11:26 |
adaptr | thefirstdude: what did you change about your hard disk(s) ? | 11:26 |
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Dezine | thanks for the help, see ya later | 11:27 |
thefirstdude | then says "fsck died with exit status 8" | 11:27 |
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adaptr | thefirstdude: run it manually, then - but why would you have to ? in which part of the boot sequence is this ? | 11:30 |
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dasnipa | so where are desktop-effects enabled in kde? | 11:30 |
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chemicalvamp | irc upchuck? | 11:36 |
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nixternal | chemicalvamp: netsplit | 11:37 |
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Search4Lancer | chemicalvamp: not too familiar with IRC, are you? that was the netsplit fixing up | 11:37 |
Doctor_Nick | so | 11:38 |
Search4Lancer | anyway, I keep getting this error every few minutes during the upgrade, don't know what to make of it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/16926/ | 11:38 |
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nixternal | Search4Lancer: are you logged in as one user, and then logged in via terminal as a different user trying to start a gui app? | 11:39 |
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Search4Lancer | nixternal: no, I'm upgrading... | 11:39 |
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nixternal | i.e., I am logged in to my machine as nixternal, but I have kde-devel signed in at the terminal working on KDE 4 stuff | 11:39 |
fdoving | Search4Lancer: you can try to run 'xhost +local:' as the user running X. | 11:39 |
livingdaylight | !medibuntu | 11:39 |
ubotu | medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/ | 11:39 |
nixternal | yup | 11:39 |
nixternal | fdoving: learned that from the kde-devel thing ;) | 11:39 |
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Search4Lancer | well... I don't know why the distribution upgrade program would be trying to start applications... | 11:40 |
fdoving | Search4Lancer: because it wants to show you nice graphics and pgroessbars. | 11:40 |
fdoving | sorry about the spellingmistakes, new keyboard. | 11:40 |
nixternal | ahhh, that is debconf trying to launch a silly window for you to agree to a license I think | 11:40 |
Search4Lancer | mm, well progress bar seems to be working just fine ;-) so it's nothing actually going wrong with the upgrade? | 11:40 |
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chemicalvamp | nixternal yeah just seeing 400 users go down to 190 or so and then all comming back up to 400 just remind me of the word "upchuck" | 11:41 |
nixternal | hehe | 11:41 |
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nixternal | Search4Lancer: the upgrade will more than likely go through, if it pukes on something it will let you know and crash out | 11:41 |
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=== Search4Lancer has upgrade paranoia | ||
nixternal | if it does then just run 'sudo apt-get --fix-missing install' and it will install everything else in the update | 11:42 |
chemicalvamp | gotta love gateway for sticking the drivers made for your laptop, into a self extracting exe... JUST so us linux users cant open them | 11:42 |
nixternal | then you can go back to it when you are done | 11:42 |
nixternal | chemicalvamp: cabextract is the utility you want to open it | 11:42 |
=== aftermath [n=ubuntu@c-69-250-54-11.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nixternal | !info cabextract | 11:42 |
ubotu | cabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (feisty), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB | 11:42 |
aftermath | how do I sudo a graphical app? | 11:42 |
nixternal | it will extract the compressed .exe's as well | 11:43 |
fdoving | aftermath: kdesu | 11:43 |
nixternal | aftermath: kdesu | 11:43 |
nixternal | heh | 11:43 |
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aftermath | fdoving: nixternal: ty | 11:43 |
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nixternal | no problem | 11:43 |
Narada | hi guys | 11:43 |
nixternal | hiya Narada | 11:43 |
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nixternal | Narada: just to be politically correct, don't forget about the gals ;) | 11:43 |
Narada | does feisty have like beryl, xgl or aiglx etc; i.e. cool 3d effects? | 11:43 |
fdoving | nixternal: does cabextract extract .exes ? i use 'orange | 11:43 |
chemicalvamp | nixternal can i have an example command? | 11:43 |
fdoving | f' for that.. | 11:43 |
nixternal | fdoving: yes, I had to use it for my laptop for ndiswrapper | 11:44 |
Narada | nixternal: girls? where? where? where? | 11:44 |
nixternal | cabextract filename.exe | 11:44 |
aftermath | ah nice, I can access my mounts from k3b now, thanks | 11:44 |
nixternal | Narada: now no a/s/l please ;) | 11:44 |
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chemicalvamp | where does the destination go? | 11:44 |
nixternal | to the directory you ran the command | 11:44 |
Narada | lol | 11:44 |
nixternal | or where the file is located | 11:44 |
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chemicalvamp | k | 11:44 |
Lynoure | Narada: What, you are not a girl? :) | 11:44 |
fdoving | nixternal: if it's not a cab, try orange it handles most things, including cabextract things. | 11:44 |
livingdaylight | hi, Can someone help me with Medibuntu? | 11:45 |
Narada | of course not | 11:45 |
Narada | does my nick sound like it? some people say so | 11:45 |
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nixternal | I will give orange a checkout | 11:45 |
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nixternal | haha Lynoure ;) | 11:45 |
aftermath | how do I open konquerer from the konsole? | 11:45 |
nixternal | konqueror | 11:45 |
fdoving | or kfmclient | 11:45 |
aftermath | reminds me a bit of mortal kombat tbh | 11:45 |
nixternal | or w..fdajl what fdoving just said | 11:46 |
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=== nixternal takes a break | ||
aftermath | what are joliet extensions? | 11:47 |
chemicalvamp | nixternal /mnt/hda1/home/chemicalvamp/Desktop/drivers/wirelessdriver.exe: no valid cabinets found | 11:47 |
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KrAmMeR | does anyone know of a good cheap graphics card that will work well with dual monitors? | 11:47 |
KrAmMeR | using svideo | 11:47 |
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Sanne | aftermath: extensions to the cdrom file system for windows, I believe | 11:48 |
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aftermath | Sanne: ty | 11:48 |
mehdi_ | slt tous le monde | 11:48 |
Sanne | aftermath: yw :) | 11:48 |
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epzt | hi, got a problem with digital camera (canon powershop ds20 usb) which is no more recognised with edgy kernel 2.6.17-11-386 | 11:49 |
Lynoure | Narada: I guess it depends on the language/culture. :) Just like Kai and Kari are both male names in my mind :) | 11:49 |
mehdi_ | hello world | 11:49 |
aftermath | hello mars | 11:49 |
=== excitatory_ [n=excitato@CPE-70-94-36-196.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Shaddox | Question: How do I delete a directory in Konsole with a sudo wrapper? | 11:49 |
aftermath | sudo rmdir? | 11:50 |
dec_ | i just installed compiz in feisty and wanted to know how to start it | 11:50 |
chemicalvamp | nixternal heh i give up.. lol i'll find a windows box extract them on it, and burn them | 11:50 |
Shaddox | How do I remove it even though it's not empty? I want to delete it and all its files. | 11:50 |
fdoving | chemicalvamp: get the organge package and try it out. | 11:50 |
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fdoving | Shaddox: sudo rm -r directory/ | 11:50 |
excitatory_ | so now suddenly alt-space will not launch katapult, and alt-f2 will not launch the run command | 11:50 |
Narada | Lynoure: your name sounds female; is it? | 11:50 |
chemicalvamp | fdoving h?uh | 11:50 |
=== Edulix [n=edulix@6.Red-83-55-183.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aftermath | k3b keeps messing up | 11:51 |
Shaddox | fdoving: rmdir: invalid option -- r | 11:51 |
aftermath | rm | 11:51 |
apus | is their peergaurdian on linux? | 11:51 |
aftermath | not rmdir | 11:51 |
fdoving | chemicalvamp: orange - http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/utils/orange | 11:51 |
mehdi_ | there is P2P softs in linux? | 11:51 |
fdoving | Shaddox: rm, not rmdir. | 11:51 |
epzt | rm -R thedirectory/ | 11:51 |
Shaddox | aftermath: Thanks :D | 11:51 |
aftermath | ktorrent bittorrent client, mehdi_ | 11:51 |
Narada | Lynoure: my nick is the name of the most loyal devotee of god in ancient indian mythology | 11:51 |
epzt | amule | 11:51 |
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Narada | Lynoure: of course the devotee was male | 11:52 |
mehdi_ | aftermath not torrent | 11:52 |
Lynoure | Narada: it's just my name. :) Not female or male name as such. | 11:52 |
chemicalvamp | well the exe im trying isnt a cabinet i dont think. in windows it extracted to c:/ | 11:52 |
chemicalvamp | and oned a readme | 11:52 |
chemicalvamp | opened* | 11:52 |
aftermath | any ideas why k3b isn't burning my disks properly? | 11:52 |
kdawg | maybe burning too fast? | 11:52 |
chemicalvamp | aftermath i had that once before | 11:52 |
aftermath | it might be | 11:53 |
kdawg | I have that problem sometimes and have to scale back the burning speed | 11:53 |
aftermath | it used the defaults of 99x :D | 11:53 |
chemicalvamp | have you rebooted | 11:53 |
mehdi_ | aftermath: like limewire | 11:53 |
aftermath | mehdi_: I never used limewire, I wouldn't know | 11:53 |
apus | aftermath make sure you are using version 1.x | 11:53 |
Narada | Lynoure: well i asked the wrong question; that last bit was meant to be "are you?" | 11:53 |
aftermath | version 1.x what? | 11:53 |
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chemicalvamp | aftermath when i tryed it it couldnt verify the cd contents, but it did burn correctly, put into another machine and see if it is correct | 11:54 |
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Narada | hmm i wonder if i should try ubuntu before getting the newer version of kubuntu | 11:54 |
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aftermath | it can't be, I made it burn 3.4 GB and it stopped after 18 seconds or so | 11:54 |
aftermath | or 18 millis | 11:54 |
aftermath | I can't tell | 11:54 |
Lynoure | Narada: But if you meant to ask about me, not the name, I seem to be. Never gotten a gene test, or become a mother, but other that that I'm pretty sure I am :) Cannot promise any such thing about my mind, though. | 11:54 |
dek | my internet works VERY slow in Linux, but works fast in Windows (for same source). Any ideas? | 11:55 |
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kdawg | dek: are you using wireless or a cable? | 11:55 |
chemicalvamp | dek what type of internet | 11:55 |
Narada | Lynoure: Well.. awesome! | 11:55 |
dek | DSL, not wireless | 11:56 |
aftermath | nothing happens when I select Settings > K3B Setup | 11:56 |
dek | its strange because last time i logged in it worked fine | 11:56 |
dek | like a week ago | 11:56 |
kdawg | yeah, I mean do you have a wireless card or are you hardwired to the router | 11:56 |
chemicalvamp | dek are you using knetworkmanager? | 11:56 |
=== Tired_ [n=chatzill@S01060011d825b859.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dec_ | anyone know how to start compiz from feisty | 11:56 |
Tired_ | what is the kubuntu equivalent of repairing my IP in XP? | 11:56 |
dek | chemicalvamp: how can i know? | 11:57 |
dek | I dont have a wireless card | 11:57 |
Lynoure | Narada: 50/50 chance, more or less. =) | 11:57 |
dek | I tried disabing IPv6 and it didnt help | 11:57 |
chemicalvamp | dec_ #ubuntu-effects | 11:57 |
kdawg | do you have a static ip or DHCP | 11:57 |
Tired_ | I want it to call up DHCP again and get a better IP. | 11:57 |
dek | dinamic IP | 11:57 |
Narada | k3b for burning cds right? | 11:58 |
Narada | i mean that's recommended? | 11:58 |
chemicalvamp | dek knetworkmanager tends to fix things for me, maybe you can try it | 11:58 |
aftermath | In k3b, how do I change the writespeed? | 11:58 |
kdawg | yeah I use knetworkmanager on my feisty kubuntu install and it works great | 11:58 |
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dek | chemicalvamp: ok, will download (i hope it doesnt take long :P) | 11:59 |
chemicalvamp | OMG why does it paste randomly while i type!? or move my cursor back into earyler parts of my sentances... soo annoying | 11:59 |
chemicalvamp | dek lol what speed are you on? | 11:59 |
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kdawg | aftermath: I think it prompts you to change it right before you burn something | 12:00 |
aftermath | thanks | 12:00 |
Narada | heh k3b is asking me the write speed of my dvd writer; how do i know; i don't remember | 12:00 |
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aftermath | Narada, it usually says on your drive | 12:00 |
chemicalvamp | Narada defualt is correct | 12:00 |
Tired_ | ... what's the command for configuring my X server from the console? now X doesn't wanna start :/ | 12:00 |
dek | chemicalvamp: should be 1024kbps down 128 kbps up | 12:00 |
dek | chemicalvamp: at least in Windows it is :P | 12:00 |
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chemicalvamp | dek yeah "should be" what are you hitting nw | 12:01 |
aftermath | I'm getting emo. | 12:01 |
aftermath | I set the speed to 1x, and it still crashed :/ | 12:01 |
dek | what? | 12:01 |
Narada | k | 12:01 |
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aftermath | Incorrectly encoded string (Torrent.lnk) encountered. | 12:01 |
aftermath | Possibly creating an invalid Joliet extension. Aborting. | 12:01 |
chemicalvamp | dek your speed, what is it right now as is | 12:01 |
=== Search4Lancer [n=redphoen@c-68-80-88-216.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dek | chemicalvamp: i download and browse VERY slow, like 10 kb/s or less | 12:02 |
kdawg | aftermath: what are you trying to burn... an image? | 12:02 |
aftermath | no, files | 12:02 |
Search4Lancer | alright, I got through the upgrade, now to try to fix everything it broke... | 12:02 |
BluesKaj | Tired_, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 12:02 |
aftermath | actually, I have a k3b made | 12:02 |
Tired_ | thanks | 12:02 |
kdawg | what kind of media are you using | 12:02 |
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aftermath | although I don't know if that's an image or just a project file | 12:02 |
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aftermath | I'm using DVD-R | 12:02 |
Dodger73 | so... it looks like after upgrading to feisty gtk-qt-engine is causing X errors (integer out of range) when running gtk apps | 12:02 |
Dodger73 | anyone else seen this problem? | 12:03 |
kdawg | is it like a cheap dvd-r or name brand | 12:03 |
kdawg | cuz that makes a big difference on my drive | 12:03 |
sstchur | Where can I find a guide on installing the latest nvidia drivers that are needed for beryl? | 12:03 |
aftermath | It worked with PowerISO on win | 12:03 |
aftermath | I'm using fujifilm | 12:03 |
Narada | woah i never realised how easy k3b was to use | 12:03 |
Dodger73 | sstchur: 9746 work for me | 12:03 |
chemicalvamp | *wonders if k3b supports this big bad dual layer dvd... | 12:03 |
kdawg | sstchur, I just download the driver from nvidia.com and exit to a shell and run it, it works everytime | 12:03 |
Narada | cd burning got a whole lot easier since i last used cdrecord | 12:03 |
Narada | ubuntu rocks | 12:04 |
Dodger73 | you can just download them from nvidia.com and start the installer ;) | 12:04 |
kdawg | aftermath, what is the extension of the file you are burning | 12:04 |
aftermath | I have a ton. | 12:04 |
kdawg | maybe linux doesn;t support it out of the box | 12:04 |
kdawg | ah | 12:04 |
Narada | i don't have a cd writing pen though; big problem | 12:04 |
=== ShiftedBeef [n=myles@CPE00155813e1a4-CM0019475d1b4e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sstchur | kdawg: I'll give it a try! | 12:05 |
Narada | quite cool that kubuntu still gits on a cd though; vista needs like two dvds heh | 12:05 |
apus | narada: cd writing pen? | 12:05 |
Narada | s/gits/fits/ | 12:05 |
Narada | apus: yeah | 12:05 |
Narada | you know? | 12:05 |
chemicalvamp | for free-hand cd writing | 12:05 |
kdawg | sstchur, do a ctrl+F1 and then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop, then sudo sh ./NVIDIA_installer....... and walk through it | 12:05 |
Narada | don't tell me you use lightscribe or something similar | 12:06 |
kdawg | then when its done, do a sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart and it should work | 12:06 |
apus | narada: I use a sharpie? | 12:06 |
chemicalvamp | ohh im lost | 12:06 |
Narada | apus: wth is that | 12:06 |
apus | narada: light scribe is cool, but pointless | 12:06 |
kdawg | back up your xorg file first though! | 12:06 |
aos101 | Vista Ultimate is one DVD, but yes it is very heavy compared to Kubuntu. | 12:06 |
apus | Narada: a marker? | 12:06 |
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Narada | woohoo kubuntu feisty is burnt baby | 12:06 |
ShiftedBeef | Lightscribe is kinda neat I think. | 12:06 |
Arwen | lol | 12:06 |
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kdawg | sstchur: oops, i mean ctrl-alt-F1 | 12:06 |
Narada | apus: well i don't have one of those either | 12:06 |
Arwen | ShiftedBeef, the discs cost a fortune though :-\ | 12:06 |
ShiftedBeef | True. | 12:07 |
apus | ShiftedBeef: oh it is neato, but useless, too slow and expensive for mass production, and nothing small production needs lightscrab where cd labels wont suffice | 12:07 |
apus | Narada: where do you live? | 12:07 |
apus | lightscribe* | 12:07 |
Narada | london why | 12:07 |
apus | Narada: sharpies are pretty much the only permanent marker in the usa | 12:07 |
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apus | Narada: any permanent marker works decently well, advetually it will wear off | 12:08 |
chemicalvamp | biggest brand name of permanent markers* | 12:08 |
Lynoure | I better sleep if I ever plan to get better... | 12:08 |
apus | luckily its one of the few monopolies where they are actually good | 12:08 |
sstchur | kdawg: Ok, I'll try that now | 12:09 |
Narada | apus: i have no need for markers; so i don't buy them | 12:09 |
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apus | Narada: yes you do! cds! | 12:09 |
Narada | apus: i guess they call them differently here | 12:09 |
Narada | heh yeah | 12:09 |
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=== Narada thinks hard on how to mark his feisty cd in absence of marker. | ||
BluesKaj | hmm, ktorrent keeps crashing ...about once every hr... anyone experience the same ? | 12:10 |
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ShiftedBeef | Mine seems ok. | 12:10 |
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apus | anyone know why open office 2.2 would crash when it opens a doc | 12:11 |
apus | i need to open it :( | 12:11 |
kdawg | blueskaj yeah my ktorrent crashes unexpectedly too | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | feisty , ShiftedBeef? | 12:11 |
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ShiftedBeef | Nope, Dapper. | 12:11 |
kdawg | and azureus stops downloading frequently, so I dont know what the deal is | 12:11 |
BluesKaj | must be a bug kdawg | 12:12 |
kdawg | guess so | 12:12 |
ShiftedBeef | Getting feisty though. | 12:12 |
kdawg | I like azureus better though, it has more plugins, but it is a super memory hog.... | 12:12 |
=== zulik [n=zulik@88-199-25-130.tktelekom.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
BluesKaj | azureus..I quit it a long time ago ... i would run worth sh*t on my system | 12:12 |
=== naegling23 [n=naegling@ool-44c14e8d.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Search4Lancer | wow, it'd be awesome if that "known problems" page would actually load... | 12:12 |
kdawg | yeah i had that problem too, had to get more memory | 12:13 |
Arwen | kdawg, do you have sun java? azureus fails to dl using gij | 12:13 |
=== don_juan [n=don_juan@d83-179-193-2.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Arwen 's azureus runs at 200M... not cool | ||
kdawg | yeah I installed sun-java6 from the feisty repositories | 12:13 |
naegling23 | ive got a silly question, The kde system guard applet, I accidently removed the cpu display from it....how do I get it back? | 12:13 |
kdawg | I think I'll ditch it and install from the sun download page | 12:13 |
kdawg | thats what worked for me when I ran edgy | 12:13 |
MinceR | does the deb.opera.com repo work well with ubuntu? | 12:14 |
=== justrvn [n=justrvn@106.111-200-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arwen | man.... 60K/s on torrent... not cool | 12:14 |
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