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zerogroundinghi there?01:00
jribzerogrounding: hello!01:00
zerogroundingare you have trying fesity fawn?01:01
jribI'm using it now01:01
zerogroundingdo you know why,, feisty migrate their harddisk form hda to sda?01:02
zerogroundingi don't know yet01:02
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell:  blkid  (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)01:02
jribzerogrounding: that link explains why I believe01:03
zerogroundingoke,, thanx very much01:03
latooIs the kinit bug related to that?01:04
zerogroundingubotu: at there /dev/sda8: UUID="b0e9ff34-f8a7-4c52-af23-586a6d92a070" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"01:04
latooI get some sata error messages on boot following a kinit error message and it takes forever to boot01:04
zerogroundingwhat is SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3" means?01:04
jribi am guessing sec_type is secondary type but I don't know anything about why that is needed01:05
zerogroundingjrib: for backup maybe01:06
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zerogroundinghey,, anyone know,, why my ubuntu doesn't wok well on projector01:11
zerogroundingi use wide screen,, 1280x76801:11
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mtm8How do I chroot into a loopback mount?01:38
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mtm8I want to automate commands in a chroot, is that possible? For example, in a chrooted environment, I want to be able to apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:05
Jordan_Umtm8, What do you mean by automate commands in a chroot? A chroot shell is just like any other bash shell?02:07
mtm8Jordan_U: Well I'll have a CD environment and I'll mount the hard drive, follow? I want to chroot to the hard drive's root and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade02:09
mtm8Jordan_U: I want the LiveCD to automatically do that.02:09
mtm8Jordan_U: I already have the rest of my little script written.02:09
Jordan_Umtm8, I don't know if this helps but here is another link: https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html02:10
mtm8Jordan_U: I've given up on the alternate CD for good now.02:11
Jordan_Umtm8, Ahh, so you are just customizing the LiveCD?02:12
mtm8mtm8: Yes.02:12
mtm8Jordan_U: Preseeding is a such and such and a half.02:13
Jordan_Umtm8, I think that the LiveCD installer may actually do that by default already ( chroot in and update / upgrade )02:13
mtm8Jordan_U: Well, I also want to apt-get install <a ton of packages>02:14
Jordan_Umtm8, I know that you can do things like chroot apt-get install <whatever> so you can probably also do something like: chroot bash "whatever you want bash to execute in the chroot"02:16
mtm8Jordan_U: So on the desktop LiveCD, it still boots the graphical environment... right?02:30
mtm8Jordan_U: How do I force it to perform an installation and then call on my script?02:30
Jordan_Umtm8, I don't know if ubiquity can be automated, I don't think that it can unfortunately :(02:31
Jordan_UDid you check the other howto I gave, it purports to be easier.02:34
mtm8Jordan_U: That requires preseeding, no?02:35
mtm8Jordan_U: Also, I want it to not display a GUI as much as possible.02:36
Jordan_Umtm8, The LiveCD installer cannot be run without a GUI AFIK :(02:37
=== Jordan_U would have expected something like this to be much easier
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emetso this channel is going to be pretty active starting monday?02:38
Jordan_U"The Ubuntu installer has preliminary support for automating installs using Kickstart files, as designed by Red Hat for use in their Anaconda installer. This method is not as flexible as the preconfiguration file method above, but it requires less knowledge of how the installer works." So I would guess that it does not require preseeding02:38
emetthe ubuntu installation has gone a long way but it could still use some work02:39
emetspecifically with automation02:39
Selenolycusnickserv REGISTER02:48
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Selenolycusnickserv register02:49
TheIronChefhey everyone... whats a good p2p program to dl music?02:49
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mtm8Jordan_U: Would you be able to help me figure out the d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe_file string /hd-media/recipe line that comes standard with the installer?03:06
Jordan_Umtm8, I can try. What is there by default ( or in any examples ) ?03:08
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mtm8Jordan_U: 1) Where is /hd-media 2) How can I make a partition scheme as follows?: /dev/sda1: 128 M for /boot (ext2) with no disk space allocated for the super user with noauto,noatime options for mounting, /dev/sda2: 40 G for / (ext3) with 3 percent disk space allocated for the super user and defaults,errors=remount-ro options for mounting, /dev/sda3: 11 G extended partition, /dev/sda4: an NTFS partition that isn't mounted, /dev/sda5: 1 G swap, /dev/sda6:03:11
mtm8Jordan_U: By default: Here is what you are supposed to read: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt03:11
mtm8Jordan_U: My head really hurts so if I say something stupid, please forgive me.03:11
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mtm8Does anyone know how to setup a preseed file for a remastered alternate CD so that it partitions in the following manner?03:25
mtm8/dev/sda1: 128 M (ext2) mounted as /boot with 0% reserved for superuser and noauto,noatime mount options; /dev/sda2: 40 G (ext3) mounted as / with 3% reserved for superuser and defaults,errors=remount-ro mount options; /dev/sda3: 11 G extended partition; /dev/sda4: NTFS partition, not mounted; /dev/sda5: 1 G for swap; /dev/sda6: 10 G (ext3) mounted as /home/DOMAIN with 0% reserved for superuser and defaults,grpquota mount options03:25
Jordan_Umtm8, I would just go with the kickstart script, it seems pretty staitforeward to me and has an option for pre and post install scripts03:26
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning03:26
mtm8Jordan_U: kickstart seems pretty sweet. Why doesn't Ubuntu still stick with the preseeding nonsense?03:32
Jordan_Umtm8, I am looking at the kickstart configurator right now and it seems to do everything that you want, and the syntax for kickstart seems much more sane if there is something the GUI / a script cannot provide http://trogdoor.googlepages.com/Screenshot-KickstartConfigurator.png03:32
mtm8Jordan_U: It's *not* a GUI installer though right? Like the final version of the CD will *not* have a GUI right?03:33
mtm8Jordan_U: I want to make sure that the installation is done without any graphical packages, but I see this in apt-cache search kickstart: system-config-kickstart - graphical tool for creating Kickstart files03:33
Jordan_Umtm8, Yes, it still uses just the CLI for the actual install03:33
mtm8Jordan_U: So configuration just uses the GUI?03:34
mtm8Jordan_U: I'll play with it in that case. I really, really hope this works :)03:34
=== Jordan_U need to remember to always check the all knowing ubotu :)
emetwhats 15:00 GMT in EST?03:44
emet-4 hours03:45
emet11:00 AM to 6:00 PM for events03:46
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Jordan_Umtm8, How is it going with kickstart?05:25
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Jordan_Umtm8, How is it going with kickstart?06:08
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Jordan_Umtm8,  How is it going with kickstart?07:20
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about altgr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:22
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SelenolycusMajin Buu?03:28
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neuratixapi mismatch: the nvidia kernel module has the version 1.0-9755, but this x module has the version 1.0-963103:30
neuratixanybody here who know how to fix this?03:30
Webspotneuratix, I had that yesterday. It took ages of uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. I can't remember how I fixed it in the end. There was some useful info in ubuntuforums, have a look there.03:36
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jikanterwhat is the function of the "UIUD=" mechanism in fstab?08:09
jikanterThanks, I figured it out...08:15
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elvensevenHello everyone08:51
elvensevenAm i alone :'(08:52
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xtknightdo you know a lot about the kernel/etc?10:07
RasQulecI know abit, I read up on it10:07
xtknightessentially i'm interested on why copying a 20 gig file is slowing my mouse and other general usage.  i would have assumed the HD would just be busy10:07
RasQulecin windows or linux?10:08
xtknightif my memory serves me right it didnt happen under windows10:08
RasQulecwell the cpu is involved in the I/O also10:08
RasQulecon my computer nothing I do slows me down I have dual core10:08
xtknightif dma is enabled?10:08
RasQuleceven at 100% load10:08
xtknighti have a core 2 duo e630010:08
RasQulecI thought dma only works between 2 devices10:08
xtknighti'm running beyond kernel patches right now (con kolivas interactivity, etc).  they help quite a bit but i'm still curious10:09
RasQulechum I am running the stock ubuntu kernel and I can copy with no slow down10:09
xtknighti wondered if linux used a different mechanism, or perhaps windows puts I/O operations at absolute lowest priority (with a slight speed disadvantage)10:09
RasQulecI have always had the problem with windows lagging me more then linux10:09
xtknightwell accessing heavily fragmented files seems to slow me down a ton too10:09
RasQuleccould be a driver issue10:09
xtknightsuch as my virtual machine with 1000 fragments10:09
RasQuleca good place to ask might be a linux kernel channel10:10
xtknightwell thanks10:10
xtknighti'll ask in #linux10:10
RasQulecI'll join you to see the answer :P10:11
xtknight(already asked, just waiting)10:11
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Kevlar_SoulWhat is the repository line I add to get things like Opera, Real player, and other applications?10:34
Xk2cKevlar_Soul: deb http://archive.canonical.com feisty-commercial main10:35
Kevlar_Soulthank you10:35
Kevlar_Soulwell, I tried that one and it had neither Opera or real player10:38
Xk2ci have searched10:44
Xk2cthe repo is correct10:44
Xk2cbut then opera isnt there yet10:45
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AbomI like the look of 47 people in here, getting help in the #ubuntu channel was givin me a headache :o11:11
soundrayAbom: the downloaded file should be on your desktop, if you used firefox.11:11
soundrayAbom: have you got a terminal window open?11:11
Abomyea, I have it opened :)11:11
nealmcbThe topic line lists https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom which was last edited on  2007-01-05 05:28:58   Are there updates somewhere else that should be listed instead?  Or is this dormant until the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek ?  In which case I ro someone else should add a link to those activities like the ones in Nov....11:12
soundrayAbom: Extract all three for good measure. Can you see them on the desktop?11:12
Abomyes, they're in a folder11:13
Abombtw, my typing is a little slow cause my kb is in my lap and my mouse in on my knee, I'm connected to the ethernet at my neighboors house, which is where the wireless router is :o11:14
soundrayAbom: in the terminal window, run 'sudo cp $HOME/Desktop/RT61_Firmware_V1.2/ /etc/Wireless/RT61STA'11:14
soundrayAbom: note this is case sensitive.11:15
Abomcp: omitting directory `/home/abom/Desktop/RT61_Firmware_V1.2/'11:15
soundrayAbom: sorry, my fault11:15
soundrayAbom: in the terminal window, run 'sudo cp -a $HOME/Desktop/RT61_Firmware_V1.2/ /etc/Wireless/RT61STA'11:16
Abomit said cannot create directory, no such file or dir11:16
soundrayMy fault again11:16
soundrayAbom: in the terminal window, run 'sudo mkdir /etc/Wireless ; sudo cp -a $HOME/Desktop/RT61_Firmware_V1.2/ /etc/Wireless/RT61STA'11:17
Abomok, it didn't give any messages11:17
soundraygood, now try 'sudo rmmod rt61'11:17
Abomit said ERROR: Module rt61 is in use11:18
soundrayAbom: okay, does 'sudo ifdown ra0' work?11:18
Abomifdown: interface ra0 not configured11:18
soundrayTry 'sudo rmmod rt61' again11:19
AbomERROR: Module rt61 is in use11:19
soundrayMaybe it's ra111:20
soundrayDoes 'sudo ifdown ra1' work?11:20
Abomno, it's ra011:20
AbomI'll try11:20
soundrayifconfig -a should tell you for sure11:20
nealmcbthe ical pointed to from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom is even more out-of-date....11:20
Abomsame error, ra1 ont configured11:20
nealmcbbut I hesitate to jump in until after I hear the deafening silence here a bit longer.....11:21
Abomhere's iwlist scan:11:21
Abomabom@ubuntu:~$ iwscan list11:21
Abombash: iwscan: command not found11:21
Abomabom@ubuntu:~$ iwlist scan11:21
Abomlo        Interface doesn't support scanning.11:21
Abometh0      Interface doesn't support scanning.11:21
Abomra0       Scan completed :11:21
Abom          Cell 01 - Address: 00:18:39:63:E2:4511:21
Abom                    ESSID:"linksys"11:21
Abom                    Mode:Managed11:21
Abom                    Channel:611:21
soundraynealmcb: nalioth might be able to answer your questions11:21
Abom                    Encryption key:off11:21
Abom                    Quality:100/100  Signal level:-27 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm11:22
soundrayAbom: okay, we need to loosen the system's grip on the rt61 module11:22
Abomdoes it need to be updated or something? this is 7.04, I just installed it the other day11:22
soundrayI actually compiled a CVS version of the module, but that was before I found out about the firmware issue.11:23
soundraySo I think the stock module may be just fine11:24
Abom!?!? are you an ubuntu developer?11:24
naliothsoundray: i can do what?11:24
soundraynalioth: help nealmcb perhaps, not sure...11:24
soundrayAbom: no, far from11:25
soundrayAbom: I mean I compiled that module for my wife's laptop from the CVS at the serialmonkey project. I'm not saying that you need to do that, too.11:25
soundrayJust to clarify, you're chatting on that very system now?11:26
nalioththe ical is 'out of date' because there are no classes planned for the immediate future11:26
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Abomoooo ok, hrm...11:27
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soundrayAre you with me, Abom?11:35
soundrayAbom: sorry, I don't know why it won't unload. Try a reboot, then try connecting via wifi straight away.11:35
soundrayWe have a netsplit, and I've got massive lag11:36
Abomsoundray: o ok, I'll try that, I'll be back in a few :)11:36
Abomsoundray: thanks for the help too, I appreciate it11:36
=== neuratix [n=lorents@ti521110a080-8637.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== b52laptop [n=mohammed@adsl196-49-109-217-196.adsl196-12.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
nealmcb nalioth: allow me to repost what I said earlier" The topic line lists https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom which was last edited on  2007-01-05 05:28:58   Are there updates somewhere else that should be listed instead?  Or is this dormant until the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek ?  In which case I or someone else should add a link to those activities like the ones in Nov...."11:46
b52laptopis nayone using tora ?11:47
nealmcband an ical feed for the ubuntuopenweek would be great - how are such things produced in ubuntuland?11:47
=== abom [n=abom@cpe-76-170-193-168.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
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abomsoundray: still didn't work, I restarted with my ehternet cable disconnected and I got the same thing11:48
soundrayabom: so we're back to square one, with iwlist scan working, but no connection?11:49
abomyea :/11:49
soundrayabom: okay, there's one other problem that I had with that laptop. NetworkManager/nm-applet were absolutely unable to configure it.11:50
soundrayThe solution there is to configure it via System-Admin-Networking and disable roaming.11:51
abomyea, I tried that a ton of times, but I'll try it again, what should I set?11:51
soundrayI also had to 'sudo chmod -x /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher'11:52
abomk, that worked, I didn't get anything back11:53
soundrayabom: I guess you want DHCP, no password and DHCP11:53
soundrayoops, repeat11:53
=== neuratix [n=lorents@ti521110a080-8637.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
soundrayVia that dialog. Got it?11:53
abomI tried it just now... it disconnected me for a sec, then said no connection, then reconnected me to the "wireless network"11:54
abomerr I mean "wired" hehhhe11:54
soundrayabom: yeah, you have to get rid of that nm-applet. It's very tenacious, you have to remove it from System-Preferences-Session-Startup programs. You will also have to reboot for that chmod change to take effect.11:56
abomsoundray: I appreciate the help, but this is way too much shit to do dude11:57
abomI mean, I thought linux was supposed to work "it just works" isn't that ubuntu's catch phrase?11:57
soundrayabom: I fully agree, but the state of Linux wireless is partly due to manufacturers being obtuse and partly due to FCC and other regulatory bodies.11:58
abomI'm just gonna try setting a password on my router, someone suggested that not having a password may be causing a problem11:58
soundrayabom: nonono11:58
soundrayabom: encryption is only going to complicate things now. You should enable encryption at some point, but only once you know that it works without.11:59
abomso it's 100% my wireless card?11:59
soundrayNot 100%, but I've got firsthand experience with your type of card that strongly suggests that it is your card.12:01
nealmcbis my gaim  client missing something here?  I keep getting window manager alerts as if someone is talking to me, but I don't see any messages for me.12:01
abomoooooh, I didn't realize you knew my card specifically, ugh what a pain to have to deal with eery card individually12:01
soundrayJudging from the iwlist output you gave me earlier, the router is bog-standard and absolutely Linux-friendly.12:01
abomyea, I can see my router as if it's working perfectly, it's really annoying12:02
abombut no matter how many ways I try to connect to it, nothing happens, either it'll say I'm connected and I'm not or it'll just timeout trying to connect12:03
soundrayabom: I know, I've been moving mirrors in the house because I thought they were blocking the signal12:03
abomlol :D12:03
soundrayTurns out that they were, but not enough to prevent it from connecting once I had sorted out the software.12:03
abombut it works 100% in windows, why would you bother?12:03

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