=== smo [n=smo@per92-3-82-224-242-218.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer | ||
smo | hi | 12:37 |
smo | thx cjwatson i followed your instructions it s now all working :) | 12:37 |
cjwatson | great, glad to hear it | 12:40 |
smo | how can i add a laucnher to the desktop of the new user ?? or just how to get a $user.... | 12:40 |
smo | hey | 12:40 |
smo | thx again | 12:40 |
smo | was a big problem for me | 12:40 |
cjwatson | edit /scripts/casper-bottom/10adduser (IIRC) in the initramfs and make it do more stuff | 12:41 |
smo | ok i ll look it now | 12:41 |
cjwatson | may be easiest to get a scratch Ubuntu desktop system, install casper on it, edit the file in place (/usr/share/initramfs-tools/ somewhere, I think) and update-initramfs -u - then the updated initramfs will be in /boot/ | 12:42 |
smo | i made many many things on ubuntu live cd | 12:42 |
smo | by chroot | 12:42 |
smo | made personals scripts for beryl 3d card etc and compile of mplayer jack .... | 12:43 |
smo | just need to place the laucher for beryl/3d card on the dektop like the install icon | 12:43 |
smo | but don t know how to retrieve the username chosed in the install process | 12:44 |
smo | ok sorry | 12:45 |
smo | easy lol | 12:45 |
smo | can just copy the /ubiquity-kdeui.desktop part ... | 12:48 |
smo | no? | 12:48 |
cjwatson | yeah, should be pretty similar to that | 12:50 |
smo | ok need to rebuild the squash just for that... | 12:52 |
smo | i try | 12:52 |
smo | /usr/lib/ubiquity/user-setup/user-setup-apply | 01:02 |
smo | more interesting for me | 01:02 |
smo | nice i think need to test now... | 01:02 |
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jetsaredim | you're up early | 08:11 |
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cjwatson_ | jetsaredim_: my client autojoins - it doesn't imply I'm actually here | 03:35 |
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mark | hmm, still odd problems with "hangs" when configuring LVM and activating old LVs and stuff | 11:56 |
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