
=== SuperMike [n=mike@c-67-173-55-141.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
SuperMikeI am shopping for a video capture card are there any HD affordable cards out there?12:59
tgm4883_whats affordable01:00
majoridiotthere is a good list to start from01:01
tgm4883_is there anything that would make a single channel unstable over firewire?01:45
majoridiotbad signal quality01:46
majoridioti have a problem from time to time with individual channels01:46
majoridiottvland is a known culprit01:46
tgm4883_hbo west will do it every time to me01:47
majoridiotlook at the backend log for codec and stream errors01:47
majoridiot"do it" meaning?  refuse to display, crap out during...?01:47
tgm4883_i get almost nothing in my backend log01:47
tgm4883_the only thing i ever get is pertaining to my priming01:47
majoridiotsomething not right there.01:48
tgm4883_i do see something, but its not in the logs01:48
majoridiotyou should get all important info.01:48
tgm4883_if i start the backend from the command line wouldn't i see errors and such?01:48
tgm4883_i saw sync errors when it died last time, im trying to replicate01:49
majoridiotyes... if started directly.01:49
majoridiotsynch errors and pacet stream errors will bork things01:49
tgm4883_and what happens is when i switch to 551 (hbo west) it brings me back to the front end and says there was a problem displaying the video01:50
majoridiotsometimes you can slide thru with packet errors, synch errors generally grind to a halt01:50
majoridiotyes.  definite stream errors then.01:50
majoridiotthat chan is clear, correct?01:50
majoridiotstream errors then01:51
majoridiottry starting it by manually with:01:55
majoridiotmythbackend -v playback 2>&1 > ~/Desktop/errortest.log &01:56
majoridiotthat will direct playback errors to a logfile and route all errors and the playback errors to that terminal as well01:58
majoridiot(should help you isolate the stream error)01:58
tgm4883_i had to sudo it and do it to just /errortest.log as i have to desktop01:59
majoridiotyou had to sudo mythbackend?02:00
tgm4883_hold on02:00
tgm4883_il paste it02:00
tgm4883_thomas@athena:~$ mythbackend -v playback 2>&1 > ~/errortest.log &02:01
tgm4883_[1]  593602:01
tgm4883_thomas@athena:~$ Starting up as the master server.02:01
tgm4883_/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/nfslockfile.lock: Permission denied02:01
tgm4883_Unable to open lockfile!02:01
tgm4883_Be sure that '/var/lib/mythtv/recordings' exists and that both02:01
tgm4883_the directory and that file are writeable by this user.02:01
majoridiotwhat is your02:01
majoridiotls -l /usr/bin/mythbackend02:01
tgm4883_thomas@athena:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/mythbackend02:02
tgm4883_-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 811496 2007-04-12 18:48 /usr/bin/mythbackend02:02
majoridiothm. k.02:03
majoridiotit's ok.02:03
majoridiotare you getting good error reporting in the logfile?02:03
majoridiotyou can use other options with the -v option.  -v all will show ALL available output02:04
tgm4883_im getting more, i wouldn't say its better02:05
majoridiotwhich is great insight into how the whole package works, if you are ever interested02:05
majoridiottry it with -v all then02:05
majoridiotby default, it is supposed to be -v important, which shows all error messages02:06
tgm4883_it would help if i could switch to the firewire02:18
tgm4883_it just wont switch02:18
tgm4883_in live tv02:19
majoridiotstop the backend and set it to start on a known good channel02:19
majoridiotthen it should switch02:19
tgm4883_i see why02:19
tgm4883_dang schedules02:19
majoridiotLOL recording is it?02:20
tgm4883_although it didn't tell me that02:20
tgm4883_i had to look in the backend status of mythweb02:20
SuperMikeMajoridiot, what card do you recommend?02:26
majoridioti can't, SuperMike- i only do DH over firewire02:27
majoridiotmaybe tgm4883 can help02:27
tgm4883_i like the pcHDTV 550002:27
majoridiotif not, try to catch superm1 and talk to him02:27
SuperMikeWhat capture device do you recommend then?  I want to record my Xbox  360.02:27
tgm4883_are you trying to record your 360 over component?02:28
SuperMikeI believe 360 in HD only comes with component.02:28
tgm4883_component capture cards are about $100002:28
tgm4883_i know02:29
SuperMikewhat resolution?  720p or 1080p?02:29
tgm4883_what do you mean02:29
tgm4883_i dont know if there are vga capture cards, but you could check and see02:29
SuperMikeTV comes in at different resolution.   480p 720p  1080i 1080p02:30
SuperMikeSo what is the capture cards highest video  mode that it can capture?02:30
majoridiotwhat video out options from the 360 do you have?  connection-wise02:30
SuperMikeNew Xbox 360 will have HDMI02:31
majoridiotno other SD out?02:31
tgm4883_there isn't a hdmi capture card for linux02:31
majoridiotor do you want to record only native hd dtreams?02:31
tgm4883_there is one for windows02:31
tgm4883_but no linux support02:31
SuperMikeAny capture cards support component?02:31
tgm4883_let me find you one, but they are expensive02:32
SuperMikeWould I have to get a Component to something adapater?02:33
tgm4883_im not sure if they make an adapter for what you need02:34
SuperMikeWhat is this? http://www.blackmagic-design.com/products/intensity/02:35
tgm4883_you would need an adapter that would make it either RG602:35
tgm4883_that has no linux support02:35
tgm4883_isn't it funny i know exactly what that is without visiting the page02:35
SuperMikeOkay what are the High Def cards that are supported in linux?02:35
tgm4883_or a component to firewire adapter02:36
tgm4883_although i dont know if either exist02:36
tgm4883_i like the pcHDTV 550002:36
SuperMikewhat do you like pcHDTV?02:36
tgm4883_it has full linux support (it was developed for linux) and they are working on getting windows support02:36
SuperMikewhat interface is it?   RGB cables?02:37
tgm4883_i like it cause it was developed for linux, and works with mythtv *almost* out of the box02:37
tgm4883_for HD its RG602:37
tgm4883_as most capture cards are02:37
majoridiotthe *almost* was just an oversight02:37
SuperMikeWhat do you mean by HD?02:37
tgm4883_high def02:37
tgm4883_it also has svideo inputs and composite02:38
SuperMikeWhat high def resolution?02:38
SuperMikeWhat is it max res?02:39
SuperMikeAlready, there. It dont say.02:40
SuperMikeAll it say is, he pcHDTVTM Hi Definition Television Card02:41
tgm4883_i noticed02:41
tgm4883_but im not sure if were thinking about this the right way02:41
tgm4883_as im not sure for capturing it matters, it is the graphics card that has to display it02:42
SuperMikeI want to record video, so i wanna know what will my video resolution be?  320x240   640x480    720x576    1280x72002:42
=== majoridiot suggests getting a component to svideo/auso adapter cable, a pvr-150 and recording it at 720x480...
majoridiot$100 out the door02:43
tgm4883_but if your using a component to svideo adapter your only getting svideo quality02:43
=== majoridiot is thinking of the budget considerations
tgm4883_if you do that, you should get the svideo cables for the 36002:44
tgm4883_they need a firewire cables for the 36002:44
majoridiotthat would be nice02:44
majoridiotbut it'll never happen02:45
SuperMikeXbox 360 has AV cables but then you have to play the xbox at non high def mode. I want to splice the connection.  Play the game and record on computer.  Then come back to computer and edit video.02:45
=== tgm4883_ says that while thinking about his firewire problems :(
majoridiotfirewire gives you direct bus access... to easy to use as hack entrance02:45
majoridiotdirect DMA access02:45
tgm4883_you might want to look at an external type device02:45
tgm4883_I dont think your getting that HD onto the computer, not cheaply anyway02:46
majoridiotnot at an affordable price02:46
tgm4883_there has always been a lot of discussion on this exact topic02:46
tgm4883_on http://www.videohelp.com02:46
SuperMikeOkay, well I really want to buy a card. I am so sick of reading unless forums.  I just want something that works out of the box with Linux.02:46
tgm4883_well there isn't an easy way to do what you want to do02:47
tgm4883_thats why there are endless forums02:47
SuperMikeAre you guys going to be on later? I am getting pried away from the keyboard to head over to our BBQ party.02:47
tgm4883_when you say splice?02:48
tgm4883_do you actually mean cutting into the cable02:48
tgm4883_and making two heads02:48
SuperMikeHey, got to run? You going to be on later tongiht?02:48
tgm4883_not sure02:49
SuperMikeI am goign to message you when I get back02:49
=== rogue780|laptop [n=rogue780@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptophey superm102:58
=== jono [n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
majoridiothey rogue780...03:04
majoridiotsuperm1 was looking for you the other night03:05
rogue780|laptopI was looking for him too03:12
rogue780|laptopI need to just give him my e-mail address03:12
rogue780|laptopanyway, I have a usplash theme made, but no thinking I made it on my dapper box...so I need to remake it for feisty. shouldn't take too awfully long I don't think03:18
tgm4883_how do you change a networking device from eth1 to eth0?03:22
majoridiotrogue780|laptop i can get superm1 your email if you would like03:23
majoridioti know he wants to talk to you03:24
rogue780|laptopI replied to your pm with it...didn't you get it?03:24
majoridiothm. nope.03:24
majoridiotemail it to ubuntuidiot at gmail03:24
majoridiotand i'll forward that to him03:24
rogue780|laptoptgm4883_, the actual device? or the reference in the interfaces folder? you might actually be able to make a symbolic link to it or whatnot...not 100% sure03:25
tgm4883_i guess the reference03:25
tgm4883_i had 2 devices03:25
tgm4883_and removed the eth0 device03:25
tgm4883_now i have no networking in windows 200003:26
tgm4883_(Via vmplayer)03:26
tgm4883_as it only knows about eth003:26
rogue780|laptopin your .vmx file change the eth0 to eth1 (that used to work anyway)03:26
tgm4883_can i just vim that?03:26
rogue780|laptopmajoridiot, check your e-mail03:27
majoridiotgot it03:27
rogue780|laptoptgm4883_, personally I'd nano it, bit vim should work just as well03:27
majoridiotk... i forwarded it to him :)03:28
tgm4883_i just opened it in gedit just to look and thats not listed in there, there are a few other things03:28
tgm4883_that sort of look like ith03:29
tgm4883_alot of "ethernet0.present = true"03:29
majoridiotnow pls excuse me whilst i focus on some steak for a few... ;)03:29
tgm4883_stuff like that03:29
tgm4883_brb gotta pick up a pizza (back in 5)03:29
rogue780|laptoptgm4883_, try changing ethernet0 to ethernet1 (make sure you back up the original file before you make any changes)03:32
rogue780|laptopmajoridiot, do you know what the official name is going to be for this lovely version of ubuntu? mythbuntu, or what? figure I should get it right as I am making the new usplash03:33
majoridioti believe it is officially mythbuntu03:33
tgm4883_how about Ubuntu, the super duper premium platinum, ultra precious edition03:48
rogue780|laptopnever do a google images search for ubuntu logo...03:50
majoridiotyou can get official ubuntu logos direct from ubuntu03:51
tgm4883_are you telling me those aren't good logos on google search04:04
majoridiotper ubuntu: If you are using the logo, please use one of these officially approved versions.04:04
majoridiotso for mythbuntu inclusion, no... prolly not04:04
tgm4883_i thought we were getting official ubuntu spokeswomen04:05
=== majoridiot thinks that is a fine idea
tgm4883_i'll make it my duty to invite women over to proposition them04:06
tgm4883_....about being spokeswomen04:06
rogue780|laptopbut...but...but...my logo is so much better04:11
majoridiotIt is important to maintain the visual integrity of the Ubuntu logo. We therefore ask that anyone considering use of the logo keep the following guidelines in mind. Following these guidelines will increase the chances that we will quickly approve your use of the logo.04:11
majoridiot    * When appearing in multiple colours, the logo should use only the "official" logo colours.04:11
majoridiot    * You may use transparency and gradient/depth tools, but should still maintain the Ubuntu colours.04:11
majoridiot    * A monotone version may be acceptable in certain situations, if the use requires it (e.g., desktop backgrounds).04:11
majoridiot    * Any scaling must retain the original proportions of the logo.04:11
majoridiot    * Other than the variations listed here, the logo may not be modified in any way.04:11
majoridiot    * Additional text may not be added in such a way that it appears to be part of the logo itself.04:11
majoridiot(ubuntu trademark use policy)04:12
=== MegaQuark_ [n=gary@pool-71-111-188-88.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptopargh..so much for my cool 3d version04:13
rogue780|laptopwhat about having the text be white....? black text against a black background is not good04:14
rogue780|laptopThe black text is now the officially sanctioned version......04:14
majoridioti beleive text colors are ok to change04:15
rogue780|laptopso what do they want me to do?04:15
majoridiotjust not the image color itself04:15
rogue780|laptopI think I've figured a way...04:15
majoridiotthese buttons are all "official" and have variations in text color: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebsiteButtons04:15
majoridiotso you should be ok04:16
=== lbci_irc [n=lbci_irc@cpe-75-84-19-68.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptopmajoridiot, check your e-mail...that's just a preliminary mockup...let me know what you think04:23
=== lbci_irc [n=lbci_irc@cpe-75-84-19-68.socal.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu-mythtv ["Konversation]
majoridiotimo it would better with "ubuntu" in white and the background black04:25
rogue780|laptopthat's what I was kinda thinking too04:25
rogue780|laptopstupid question...who knows how to invert colors in gimp?04:25
majoridiotno clue04:25
majoridiotyou could always just do a series of fills04:26
rogue780|laptopi am such an idiot...I'll blame it on the fact that it's getting late04:27
majoridioti.e. fill blue over white BG, then white over the black ubuntu then black ober blue BG04:27
=== majoridiot is expert at being an idiot
tgm4883_majoridiot, i think i found a tweak to the guide04:28
tgm4883_at Backend Configuration: mythtv-setup04:29
tgm4883_in the combined frontend/backend setup04:29
tgm4883_it no longer goes into mythtv frontend when booted04:29
tgm4883_it checks and sees that the backend is installed but mythtv-setup hasn't been run04:29
tgm4883_so the guide tells you to esc out of the frontend04:30
tgm4883_when you aren't in there04:30
majoridiotso where are you?04:31
majoridiotdo you see the splash?04:31
tgm4883_im at a prompt asking me if i want to run mythtv-setup04:31
tgm4883_the spash is behind it04:32
majoridiotis this after doing the GDM restart?04:32
tgm4883_right after i restarted the gdm after installing the frontend04:32
rogue780|laptopmajoridiot, better?04:32
rogue780|laptop(check email)04:33
majoridiottgm4883: please reload that page and see if that is now accurate04:37
majoridiotrogue780|laptop: yes, much better.  it pops now.04:38
rogue780|laptopdo you like the perspective of the mythbuntu logo?04:39
majoridiotrogue780|laptop:  something to consider misght be the placement of the two logos so close to the edges... they might (likely) be cut off due to TV overscan when displayed on TVs04:39
rogue780|laptopgood thought04:39
tgm4883_majoridiot, you changed it on the combined frontend/backend only?04:39
majoridiotrogue780|laptop: the perspective seems a little forced.  hard to read cleanly.04:39
majoridiottgm4883: correct04:40
rogue780|laptopso, more subtle then?04:40
majoridiotmaybe move "southeast" as it were... to be able to read all three elements at a glance04:41
tgm4883_ok, not correct yet, its in the right place, but after you click ok it goes straight into the frontend where you select the language04:42
tgm4883_then after that to general, capture cards, etc04:42
tgm4883_never takes you to the blank background to right click or to the login screen04:43
majoridiotso the sequence is...04:43
tgm4883_gdm restart, mythtv-setup prompt, language, main mythtv-setup04:43
majoridiotthe language prompt is not for the frontend, tho... that's the first screen of the backend setup.04:44
tgm4883_oh sorry duh04:44
majoridiotdo you still get the prompt to be added to the mythtv group, have to logout, etc?04:45
tgm4883_no, haven't gotten it yet04:45
=== majoridiot thinks he just needs to do this install himself to see
majoridiottgm4883: thanks for the heads up04:45
rogue780|laptopeh? southeast? so the right gets bigger then and drops down?04:50
majoridiotjust move it down and to the left a little...04:51
majoridiotto make all 3 elements more cohesive04:51
majoridiotWAIT A MINUTE!04:55
majoridiottgm4883: are you reinstalling AGAIN?!?!04:55
tgm4883_not reallly but yea04:56
tgm4883_im testing the 6200 and firewire on a different box04:56
tgm4883_so i am installing a fresh install, but on a different box than my main box04:56
tgm4883_for testing purposes04:57
tgm4883_i couldn't do this to my main box again04:57
tgm4883_you guys would kill me04:57
tgm4883_although if it works...........04:57
majoridiotas a point of interest...04:57
majoridiotif you have probs with the testbox too...04:57
majoridiottry installing edgy04:58
=== majoridiot is starting to wonder if there are firewire issues with feisty or the feisty packages
tgm4883_i never could get edgy installed on either of these boxes04:58
tgm4883_well thats not entirely true04:58
tgm4883_i had nforce 400 issues04:58
tgm4883_edgy installed, but i couldn't do crap on it04:59
majoridiotyes... the forcedeth driver had issues. i ran into that too.04:59
tgm4883_and it seemed there was a gap in the support for it04:59
majoridioti was disappointed with the edgy rls04:59
tgm4883_2.6.18 had support, and nvidia only had source for up to like 2.6.1204:59
majoridioti just installed it on my main box a month or so ago05:00
tgm4883_I did have it installed on my main box, but just upgraded it to feisty with a fresh install05:00
tgm4883_i had the beta installed on it but it would hard lock up05:02
tgm4883_had to hit reset many times05:02
tgm4883_not fun05:02
rogue780|laptopwell I'm heading to bed...I've got a 6k tomorrow and should probably be well rested I suppose05:03
rogue780|laptopadios..see ya'll tomorrow05:04
rogue780|laptopnow to test feisty's hibernate ability on my laptop05:04
majoridiottgm4883: ok... i think that page is accurate now.  thanks again.05:29
tgm4883_i think i found the problem05:40
majoridiotwhaz that?05:41
tgm4883_maybe its just a poorly broadcast channel05:41
majoridiotlikely, yes05:41
tgm4883_cause we have run through everything else05:41
tgm4883_now does it do that on all poorly broadcast channels, or just HD05:42
majoridiotcontact the chief engineer at your local comcast and enquire05:42
majoridiotanything poorly broadcast05:42
majoridiotas i said, tvland (SD) is sketchy at times05:42
majoridiotbut some HD streams are also notoriously "dirty"05:43
majoridiotmake a list of the channels that are lousy so they can check them all at once05:44
tgm4883_the log is interesting05:44
tgm4883_let me pm you05:44
majoridiotor DCC it05:44
majoridiotmalformed transport stream05:45
tgm4883_but the box didn't actually stop working until i switched to 75105:46
tgm4883_which isnt where the ts packet problems were05:46
tgm4883_i figure as long as it still works on the channels i wanted (ie discovery hd, espn hd) then im good.  I didn't plan on recording HBO as i have blockbuster online for movies05:47
majoridiotyeah, i guess no need in complaining unless you use it05:48
majoridiotexcept for the benefit of the masses in general05:48
tgm4883_yea i will probably call down there after i get my list05:49
majoridiotbut the problem is malformed transport streams05:49
majoridiotin my experience, the engineers are good guys to deal with05:49
tgm4883_the whole box seems to work better now05:49
tgm4883_the backend primes and starts faster05:50
majoridiotyou might also consider putting together a copy of sections from the log with the important things that might help them track it down...05:50
majoridiot 0x2b742b70afd0] ac-tex damaged at 1 67  is important05:50
majoridiotbecause that throws the rest of the stream out of synch05:50
majoridiotsometimes it recovers, sometimes not05:50
tgm4883_looks like that one recovered05:51
tgm4883_does that with keyframes?05:51
majoridiotnot exactly, no05:52
majoridiotit's *really* complicated05:52
majoridioti think that is part of the EIT block...05:52
tgm4883_the good news is that when it exits to frontend i can kinda just go right back in to watch tv to check it05:53
majoridiotessentially, (and GROSSLY oversimplifying) the ability for it to "recover" depends on where damage is05:53
tgm4883_unfortunatly i have to go through a couple hundred channels to see what works and not05:54
majoridiotmost should be ok, since you know they are clear05:54
tgm4883_yea, but i still have to check for the poor broadcasts05:55
majoridiotyou will have occasional errors anyway.  the firewire libraries are still a work in progress, after all.05:55
tgm4883_i almost want to put my old firewire card in to see if it works or not05:55
tgm4883_but i think ill stick with this one05:55
majoridiotdid you get a new one today?05:56
tgm4883_i picked up a belkin one05:56
tgm4883_has a TI chipset05:56
majoridiotyou are probably having a much better time of it then05:56
tgm4883_yea, the whole setup seems cleaner05:57
tgm4883_probably cause ive done it a couple times now and the packages rock05:57
majoridiotthe packages are something else.05:58
majoridiotjust wait for mythbuntu05:58
tgm4883_hell, pretty soon its gonna be like "sudo apt-get install mythtv" and poof the whole system will install and setup a few scheduled programs05:59
majoridiotwell... close.05:59
majoridiotjust put in a cd05:59
tgm4883_the good news with going through each channel is I can see what channels have crap content06:02
majoridiotlemme save you some time...06:03
majoridiotmost channels have crap content.06:03
tgm4883_im finding that out06:03
majoridioti have 150 some odd channels or something...06:04
majoridioti regularly watch 4 or 506:04
majoridiotmight watch a dozen different in a month06:04
=== majoridiot wishes there was cafeteria-style cable packages
=== tgm4883_ agrees
tgm4883_on 62 out of 90006:10
tgm4883_i have a lot of channels06:10
majoridiotya think?06:10
tgm4883_actually there are some missing between06:10
majoridiotthe knitting channel... the allergy channel... the brown thing in the corner channel...06:11
tgm4883_and public access channels06:11
tgm4883_200 shopping channels06:11
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=== SuperMike [n=mike@c-67-173-55-141.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
SuperMiketgm4883 are you awake?04:36
SuperMikeAnyone awake?\04:37
=== rogue780|laptop [n=rogue780@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptopsuperm1, you there?05:57
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SuperMikeRogue780|laptop, yes06:41
=== SuperMike is now known as SuperMike|Away
RtaxShould I be installing lirc on feisty for the PVR150 remote? I heard that was built in to the kernel07:01
RtaxAnd the other question I had, I have twinview running on my nvidia card, with my tv on the svideo output. How do I get mythtv to automativally start on the tv?07:05
RtaxI tried the startup programs option, but it starts it on the crt07:06
ChadariusRtax: I haven't tryed Feisty on my Mythtv now07:18
ChadariusRtax: I'm going to test it all on another box before I risk breaking07:18
Rtaxi broke my edgy box trying to install linuxmce, so I thought trying the install on feisty would be worth it07:20
Rtaxand it was a breeze07:20
Rtaxdefinitely recommended trying it on feisty07:20
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=== Chadarius [n=Chadariu@dyn254-03.cod.edu] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rtaxany life here?09:37
=== Rtax [n=n@dsl-244-109-92.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== illern_ [n=illern@c83-252-239-167.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
Rtaxaloha, Can anyone help with lirc on feisty? hardware was working on edgy, I installed standard lirc package from repos, but irw just starts and quits.10:09
=== Rtax [n=n@dsl-244-109-92.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
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=== rogue780|laptop [n=rogue780@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptopargh....has anyone seen superm1 or majoridiot today?11:15
rogue780|laptopi have the usplash finished for mythbuntu11:16
rogue780|laptopill be back11:19
=== SuperMike|Away is now known as SuperMike
=== frank23 [n=frank@CPE001839c1904e-CM00080d26a042.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
SuperMikeWho knows hardware for capture cards?11:23
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=== rogue780|laptop [n=rogue780@c-68-49-53-29.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
rogue780|laptopSuperMike, you're not superm1 are you?12:19
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superm1hey rogue780|laptop12:22
superm1finally caught ya12:22
SuperMikewassup now?12:22
rogue780|laptopI've got a usplash "working" if you still want it12:22
rogue780|laptopit works on shutdown, not on boot up...not sure why that is yet, I'm troubleshooting it now actually12:23
rogue780|laptopdid you get my e-mail address from majoridiot?12:23
=== illern__ [n=illern@c83-252-239-167.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-mythtv
superm1rogue780|laptop, yes i just got it today12:24
superm1i've been afk the last 3 days12:24
superm1i'd love to see whta you've got with the usplash12:24
superm1do you have it on a bzr branch or anything?12:25
rogue780|laptopif you e-mail me, I can e-mail you back with a prelminary image that will become the usplash, or the actual usplash .so file if you want12:25
rogue780|laptopnot sure what a bzr branch is to be honest12:25
superm1rogue780|laptop, superm1@ubuntu.com12:25
superm1you can just send it right there12:26
superm1the image would be of more interest, and then i can compile it to feisty12:26
rogue780|laptopright, I'm using feisty12:26
superm1ah, but majoridiot mentioned something about dapper12:27
superm1i forget what12:27

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