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J_Phi all02:25
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J_Panyone are using with sucess KVM on 7.4 ?03:01
fooHm, what is a better scenario for better IO throughput: a server with 6 500GB drives on RAID5, or 6 separate 500GB drives? 03:06
fooWe're going to try the former with the dell 295003:06
Kamping_Kaiserfoo, i'd go with raid03:08
fooThat's what I thought. Someone is telling me he thinks 6 drives without RAID and storing files across all the drives and what not will result in better throughput, but I'm not too sure03:09
fooBut, I'm not too sure03:09
fooAny input is appreciated, thanks03:10
Kamping_Kaiseri'm asuming scsi, but i dont think 6 drives would be better03:10
foooh, SATA, I think03:11
fooYeah, pretty sure it's SATA03:11
fooYeah, I don't think so either03:11
fooThanks 03:11
Impaquefoo: the RAID5 is not the speed king03:16
Impaquefoo: RAID1 is ;)03:17
fooHm, you're kidding - right?03:18
Impaquesorry, 003:20
Impaque1 is mirrored03:21
foo0 does not have redundancy03:21
Impaquebut still, raid5 should be faster than n independent drives03:21
Kamping_Kaiser0 is fast to write, but reading theres no speed gain is ther?03:22
fooWe do more reads than writes as well03:22
ImpaqueKamping_Kaiser: hm, the reads should also be alleviated via striping, so reads should be faster as well03:22
Kamping_KaiserImpaque, but on mirroring it can read both discs, for any data, with striping it has to read set bits of each disc03:26
=== Kamping_Kaiser shuts up - cant remember, shouldnt argue it
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Impaquethe data is read in parallel from several discs, less seeking occurs03:28
fooImpaque: Are you still implying RAID0 is faster than RAID5 ?03:30
fooOnly difference between RAID0 and RAID5 is that RAID5 has data redundancy, IIRC03:31
Impaquebut that also means you use n-1 drives (the capacity of one drive, spread across all of them, is used for parity only. thus, data "spreading" is less than RAID0 with same amount of drives, where even less seeking occurs while reading)03:32
ImpaqueRAID0 is used in video/audio production a lot03:34
Impaquetake a look: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/storage/display/400gb-raid0510.html03:36
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mralphabetdoes anybody here have any experience with the arco ide products? specifically, installing the linux module / app?04:00
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burneranyone having problems with mysql being unable to start?04:31
fooburner: That's pretty vague04:32
fooburner: Check the error log 04:32
fooburner: /var/lib/mysql/*err IIRC04:32
fooImpaque: Makes sense, interesting. 04:33
burnerfoo: disregard, seems i never tried it since feisty became final :)04:52
fooburner: oh, hehe :D 04:53
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yashtonquestion: I'm running Ubuntu server 7.04, on original install, i selected dvorak keyboard layout, thinking i'd want to try it, but now i want a regular qwerty setup. I've tried to install console-data and run dpkg-config on that. Also tried to use loadkeys, but i can't find where ubuntu stores keyboard layouts.05:51
dj-fuowned by dvorak06:00
nictukuI don't use 7.04 so I don't know. usually dpkg-reconfigure -plow console-data should work06:10
=== dj-fu plows console-data
yashtonwhy the -plow?06:21
yashtonhokay, so i did that, is it going to need a reboot?06:22
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YakshaverAnyone have serial consoles working on feisty server i386?  I have grub output, and boot messages, but no login prompt...06:58
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coNPHey, does anyone know how to fix squirrelmail address books after an edgy -> feisty server upgrade?01:08
coNPI am told "Address book is corrupted. Required fields are missing."01:08
r00tintheb0xeeh... eek.01:10
=== r00tintheb0x shrugs
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shawarmacoNP: If you fetch the squirrelmail source, there's an UPGRADE file that might be helpful.01:41
shawarmacoNP: I don't use squirrelmail, though, so I don't know if it actually *is* helpful, but it seems like a sensible place to start.01:41
shawarmacoNP: It's interesting though that noone reported this. Neither to us, nor to Debian. Do you have a very specialised setup?01:44
coNPshawarma: no, actually it is very basic01:49
shawarmacoNP: http://www.mail-archive.com/squirrelmail-users@lists.sourceforge.net/msg25205.html01:50
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coNPshawarma: thanks I guess I got the answer01:52
coNPI converted the address books with a script and was not aware that all fields are mandatory now01:53
coNPshawarma: thanks for helping01:53
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YakshaverHas anyone actually gotten a serial console working on feisty?  I have grub output, and boot messages, but I don't get a login prompt.05:58
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flowolfhi all06:02
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Impaquecompared to LTS version, what are the pitfalls of upgrading the non-LTS server versions (like Feisty) ?06:15
Impaquesome general experience hints would be appreciated, because i don't know whether to stick with LTS and it's prolonged EOL, or to grab the bleeding edge06:15
ivoksupgrading to...?06:16
Impaquenew version which appears after 18mo06:16
ivoks6, not 1806:16
ivoksnew version is every 6 months06:16
ivoksand you can upgrade step by step06:17
ivoksso... you can upgrade 6.06 to 6.10, and then 6.10 to 7.0406:17
ivoksyou can't upgrade 6.06 to 7.0406:17
ivoksit really depends on what your server will do06:17
ivoksi have only one server on Edgy (will promote it to Feisty soon), and all others are on LTS06:18
flowolfis anyone using software raid in ubuntu server?06:18
ivoks(others ~ 30)06:18
ivoksflowolf: yes06:18
flowolfivoks: could you take a look on my bug report? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mdadm/+bug/10897106:18
ivoksso, you don't have devices listed in mdadm conffile06:19
flowolfthat file is auto created06:20
ivoksyour /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf is empty?06:20
flowolfit is attached06:20
flowolfcheck it :)06:20
ivoksoh, sorry :)06:20
ivokslooks ok06:21
flowolflooks like it isn't always working06:21
flowolfit just failed to init the system06:22
ivokswhat does vol_id -u /dev/md0 says?06:23
ivoks(as root)06:23
flowolflet me reboot06:24
flowolfit's on the (initramfs) now06:24
ivoksi have to go now, so i don't have time...06:24
ivokscheck if uids are correct and status of /proc/mdstat06:25
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h4wkGetting a very nice error :/06:42
h4wkchecking for libpq++.h... configure: error: Unable to find libpq++.h 06:43
h4wkGot all the postgre packages06:43
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fooHmm, looks like the tech had issues installing ubuntu 6.06 on the dell 2950, and 6.10 ... so he installed 7.04 and he said it worked like a charm. Is this ok for production use?08:53
h4wkI dont see why not :)08:53
h4wk(However you will need to upgrade as support isnt as long as 6.06)08:54
h4wkIm just getting annoying postgresql doesnt have libpq++.h anymore08:55
fooh4wk: hmm, upgrade... yeah. Odds are that will be a dist-upgrade and won't be too bad, right? I really wish 6.06 worked.09:03
h4wkWell ive got 6.06 on my dedi server atm09:03
h4wkNo regrets, just install 7.04 on my desktop09:03
h4wkShame i still have vista on the laptop09:03
fooYes, that is a shame. Those are the kind of things you keep to yourself.09:04
foo:D 09:04
fooDo they fix up 6.06 with better hardware support?09:04
h4wkKeep to myself :P09:06
h4wkid get asked to many questions if i had ubuntu on my laptop!09:06
fooUbuntu + beryl09:06
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benlakeanyone having issues with fiesty needing to have the network modules reloaded to work?09:33
benlakeafter a reboot, I should say.09:33
h4wkindeed foo unbuntu+beryl ftw09:45
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benlakeanyone have MD arrays showing [fail]  to stop on reboot in Fiesty?09:51
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fooh4wk: :)10:06
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h4wkIm having a problem with ubuntu 7.04, beryl and emerald :(10:21
foo#beryl, hm, there are some good guides online10:21
fooI have it on 6.0610:21
foo:D 10:21
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benlakeanyone have network module issues after an upgrade to fiesty?11:40
benlakebI have to rmmod then modprobe my network modules for them to work after a reboot. They are loaded on boot but simply dont work.11:41
Burgundaviafresh install or udpate?11:55
Burgundaviafrom 6.10?12:06
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