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=== phratman [n=phratman@adsl-68-126-184-193.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-installer
phratmanAh, ubiquity. Is a command line version planned?08:40
phratmanBut more importantly...08:40
phratmanCould someone else look into this as well to verify that some sort of bug in kickstart -> d-i translation is in effect? Step a) Make a simple kickstart setup (doesn't really matter what it looks like as long as it has a post installation script that untars a .tar file) Step b) Boot up an Ubuntu Feisty Alternate Installation CD with the ks=<path to the kickstart configuration file> (Hit F6 and add ks=http://somewebse08:40
phratmanIf a "bad number" error is displayed in /var/log/syslog on the installation CD, then the error has been successfully been reproduced. I've tried it on two different machines (albeit with the same make and model, but physically two different machines) and I have reproduced the error at least two or three times over.08:40
phratmanAlso, I've noticed another bug with kickstart but I haven't filed it with Launchpad just yet. Is it faster to just talk to a developer about it here... ?08:40
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phratmanHello mpt. Do you by chance work with kickseed?09:02
mptphratman, no sorry, I don't know what kickseed is09:04
phratmanmpt: I don't want to spam the channel, so do you mind me repeating what I just said right before you joined the channel?09:04
phratman(In a PM)09:04
mptI don't mind, but I don't see the point, if I won't know what you're talking about :-)09:05
phratmanmpt: It doesn't require you to know anything about the program itself. At this point you can merely help me verify the issue.09:06
=== cr3 [n=marc@pdpc/supporter/bronze/cr3] has joined #ubuntu-installer
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2060 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog intro-alpha.txt rules): * Add an intro message noting that we're alpha again.02:42
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2061 ubiquity/ubiquity/ (6 files in 3 dirs): whitespace02:48
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2062 ubiquity/ubiquity/validation.py: remove now-bogus imports02:50
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2063 ubiquity/ (5 files in 4 dirs): * Rename ubiquity.misc.ex to ubiquity.misc.execute.02:52
CIA-16ubiquity: cjwatson * r2064 ubiquity/ubiquity/ (components/summary.py misc.py): move will_be_installed to ubiquity.components.summary02:55
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saispocjwatson: the question for partition in ubuntu-installer is coming from which packages ?03:11
cjwatsonthat depends which question03:15
saispothe question which the 3 choices, automatic partition, automatic partition with lvm, or manual partition03:25
=== phratman [n=phratman@fw.bcp.org] has joined #ubuntu-installer
cjwatsonphratman: if I could get your kickstart file and command-line args, that'd be good05:07
cjwatsonsaispo: spread out over partman-auto and partman-auto-lvm05:07
cjwatsonphratman: better to file in Launchpad - I'm pretty busy at least today05:07
phratmancjwatson: Wow, thanks for the quick response.05:08
phratmancjwatson: I'll have to play with it a bit more and make sure that none of my encrypted passwords are being tossed around.05:08
cjwatsonjust grep those out or whatever05:10
cjwatsonphratman: command-line version of ubiquity is certainly an idea that's been tossed around, but not on the short-term roadmap05:10
saispocjwatson: thanks05:26
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phratmancjwatson: I've come across issue which I think might qualify as a bug. To reproduce, take any stock system-config-kickstart generated file. Add a few part lines in and test. The alternate installer not only ignores the partitioning scheme I choose but also does not let me choose a different one manually. If I choose "Manual" (instead of any of the guided options), the installer says no root defined : Go back or continue. Go back takes me back the 06:29
phratmancjwatson: For your convenience, I will provide a thoroughly tested version of each .cfg that I feel is not properly processed, but if you feel like jumping the gun, those are the steps.06:30
cjwatsonhmm, I think I'd need to try that with the .cfg, but I am certainly prepared to believe that (unfortunately)06:40
cjwatsonphratman: what clearpart command are you using?06:41
cjwatson(this may not be relevant)06:41
phratmanI'm not. Is that a problem? I want to keep existing partitions, but I want to tell the installer, "Look here are the partitions I've already laid out. Use them!"06:41
cjwatsonmight need some fiddling06:42
cjwatsonanyway, sorry, I'm in our main office today and mostly tied up with meetings; tomorrow will be better for investigations06:42
cjwatsond-i's unfortunately not massively good at reusing existing partitions in the autopartitioner (as opposed to in manual partitioning)06:43
phratmanYeah, I really appreciate your work. I tried playing with d-i and I completely hate it.06:43
=== cjwatson likes it, but there you go
phratmancjwatson: What would be nicer is if somehow, the partitioning part could be disabled.06:45
phratmancjwatson: All I really need to do is sfdisk -d /dev/device < partitions.list06:45
phratmancjwatson: Ideally, I'd be able to script the whole installation, so when it came time to install Ubuntu it would be a matter of entering "install ubuntu" or something more non-trivial sounding than that.06:46
cjwatsonyou certainly can script the whole installation, modulo bugs in kickseed that you may be running into06:46
cjwatson(which it should be possible to work around once they're diagnosed)06:47
phratmancjwatson: So if I were to submit bug reports on everything I've reported on thus far, would you say it makes sense to file it under the kickseed package?06:53
cjwatsonphratman: everything involving kickstart can certainly start out there, yes07:26
cjwatsonphratman: more general installer problems can go on the debian-installer package07:26
phratmancjwatson: As an aside, is there an easier way of remastering an Ubuntu Alternate Installation CD than working with preseeding?09:44
=== cjwatson_ [n=cjwatson@82-69-40-219.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-installer
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