
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-m] by PriceChild
Merchelothanks everyone12:05
KalleDK_LapSee you tommorow12:05
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-oooo AndrewB apokryphos elkbuntu gnomefreak] by PriceChild
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-oooo imbrandon jam-laptop poolie PriceChild] by PriceChild
rulusthanks poolie and jam-laptop for the great session12:05
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bertuxthanks poolie and jam-laptop for the great session ;)12:07
bertuxbye, see you on thursday12:07
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=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The Ubuntu Open Week recommences at 15:00 UTC || See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for the session times || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules are the rules, please respect them || QUESTION: <insert question here> in #ubuntu-classroom-chat to ask questions.. chatting happens there too
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-o PriceChild] by ChanServ
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KalleDK_LapYour a little late or quite early for a hi :P01:04
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erigaziohey!... I have a problem with amarok... it won't play any mp3, i all ready installed the restricted package...01:22
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KalleDK_Laperigazio join #ubuntu01:27
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-classroom: The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: The Ubuntu Open Week recommences at 15:00 UTC || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>"... chatting happens there too ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-classroom): set by ausimage at Tue Apr 24 02:45:42 2007
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Jack313we want more ubuntu talks!05:32
tonyyarussolol, soon05:32
=== Jack313 starts one
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Toma-Jack313 QUESTION: What will you be talking about? :)05:34
=== ryaku [n=ryaku@p54BCDBC9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
SportChicknw 705:34
Jack313Toma: today we will be talking about KDE + Beryl05:35
Jack313Let me start out saying , my work with ubuntu05:35
Jack31320:08]  <-- tbodine has left this channel ("Would there be a sequel?").05:35
Jack313[20:08]  <crdlb> ...and it's back up05:35
Jack313[20:12]  <-- Smegzor has left this server (" Like VS.net's GUI?  Then try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-").05:35
Jack313[20:21]  --> micahcowan has joined this channel (n=micah@ubuntu/member/micahcowan).05:35
Jack313[20:25]  --> Toma- has joined this channel (n=e17@203-59-13-104.dyn.iinet.net.au).05:35
Jack313[20:34]  <-- ryaku has left this server (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).05:35
Jack313[20:34]  --> ryaku has joine05:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:35
Toma-youre not a very good speaker :<05:35
Jack313tonyyarusso, i know, i acciently hit paste05:35
tonyyarussobeen there05:36
Toma-Jack313 QUESTION: Do you have to copy and paste in the channel?05:36
=== Jack313 apologizes for potty mouth
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tonyyarussolol Toma-05:36
=== micahcowan larts Jack313 for highlighting his name and a bunch of other folks' :)
Jack313Toma: Yes!05:36
micahcowanToma- lol05:36
=== deepgray [n=vaio@CPE001346065c01-CM000a73a11b98.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
tbodineThank you micahcowan.05:36
Jack313First off, let me say my contribution to ubuntu has been enormrous, i practically wrote the kernels , and KDE05:36
tbodineYeah, me too.05:37
Jack313I will now be taking questions05:37
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tbodineJack313, QUESTION: What's your favourite colour?05:37
johnQUESTION: So how awesome do you think it felt to work for you?05:38
johnlike, everyone was fighting to work for free for you, because of your super programming skills.05:38
Jack313tbodine, probably orange, hence ubuntu is themed orange05:38
Jack313wel, i didnt have anyone working below me, or anyone else05:39
Jack313i did everything myself,05:39
johnI mean, when you wrote the kernel, we were all like "wow! a kernel in a week!".05:39
NergarQUESTION: Are u high?05:39
Toma-Jack313: QUESTION: What is Pi equal to?05:39
johnbut then you wrote KDE in one night on a full sheet of acid.05:39
johnthat's when we knew to stick around05:40
Jack313err Toma=3.41592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067905:40
Toma-thats better05:40
tbodineJack313, QUESTION: As a follow up to Toma-'s question that you answered so horribly, there are at least another three decimal places, what is e equal to?05:41
tbodineJack313, wrong.05:41
tbodineI have no more trust in you, master programmer.05:41
Jack313I have a question, if you guys are sooo smart, WHAT i equal to????????/05:41
Jack313bring it05:41
tbodine(And Pi isn't even close to 3.4159 . . .)05:42
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Toma-Jack313: I = Toma-.05:42
Jack313lol damn it, i mean 3.14 :(05:42
=== Jack313 hates pasting and retyping
tbodine(It's 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582 . . . )05:42
Jack313i know05:42
tbodineYou have failed me, Jack313!05:42
Jack313tell me what i =?05:42
Jack313yeh, thats what i thought, you cant05:43
tbodineI == tbodine.05:43
Jack313no i = sqrt(-1)05:43
Toma-U = Jack31305:43
Jack313now whos the elite program05:43
tbodineMost elite programmers can spell programmer..05:43
Jack313i am now setting +m05:43
Toma-QUESTION: What is the sound of one hand clapping?05:43
=== Jack313 sets mode #ubuntu-classroom +m
=== tonyyarusso might actually, wanna go to -chat or #ubuntu-offtopic ?
=== Toma- sets mode #ubuntu-classroom -m
Jack313tonyyarusso, im trying to present, but these people are not very courteous05:45
=== tbodine sets mode #ubuntu-classroom +tbodine-rocks-your-face
tbodineSorry, I'm done.05:45
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Toma-tonyyarusso: this is the equivalent of chit-chat before class starts :D05:45
tonyyarussoToma-: That never happens.  ;)05:45
=== Jack313 sets mode #ubuntu-classroom +tbodine-is-a-noob
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=== Toma- throws a paper airplane
=== Jack313 puts pins a teachers chair
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=== Nergar goes out to recess :)
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Toma-QUESTION: If a number of bugs can be fixed by simply installing the latest version, can you close it with "FIXED UPSTREAM"?05:58
tonyyarussoToma-: example?05:59
Toma-hang on06:00
tonyyarusso!info librsvg feisty06:02
ubotuPackage librsvg does not exist in feisty06:02
Toma-!info librsvg2-206:02
ubotulibrsvg2-2: SAX-based renderer library for SVG files (runtime). In component main, is optional. Version 2.16.0-0ubuntu2 (feisty), package size 127 kB, installed size 300 kB06:02
tonyyarussoToma-: You would close the bug once the upstream version is in Ubuntu.06:03
Toma-ahh right06:03
tonyyarussoYou may or may not be able to get it fixed in Feisty - poke the maintainer to see, otherwise Gutsy.06:03
Toma-yeh ive been told its in deb unstable06:03
Toma-so itll be in gutsy, but theres a diff available for 2.16.0 aswell to patch all those bugs :(06:04
tonyyarussoIt's in main, so there's a pretty decent chance of getting it updated in Feisty yet06:04
Toma-cool. ill test the other bugs and if theyre fixed by it, ill kick and scream a little louder.06:05
=== deepgray [n=deepgray@CPE001346065c01-CM000a73a11b98.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Toma-launchpad reports the maintainer doesnt use launchpad :|06:06
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tonyyarussoToma-: try dholbach then (last uploader)06:09
Jack313does mounting images use disk space?06:10
Jack313i was just testing you guys06:11
Jack313good job06:11
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:27
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=== popey gets the jitters
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tonytigerpopey: You've got /hours/ to go yet09:30
=== popey starts typing furiously
Jack313you doing a presenttaion09:32
popeyi am09:32
Jack313give us a sneek peak09:32
=== Jack313 is too bored at 12:30am
popeyhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/ there, sneak peek09:33
Jack313whats this , a speech on dual booting/installing ubuntu?09:33
popeycheck the open week schedule09:34
popeywhich is conveniently in the /topic of this very channel :)09:34
=== Jack313 to lazy
=== Jack313 dunno what screencast means
=== tonytiger nods
=== hegd1 [n=nagaraj@] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Jack313ah, those are cool09:35
ajmitchpopey: started on the talk yet?09:35
=== Jack313 has used em for adobe photoshop/after effects tutorials
ajmitchwonderful :)09:35
popeyabout an hour ago :)09:35
popeypondering how much to do09:36
=== Jack313 hands popey a cheeseburger
=== hegd1 [n=nagaraj@] has left #ubuntu-classroom []
ajmitchabout 40 minutes worth :)09:36
popeysome talks so far have had 15-20 mins talk, then questions, others have been 5 mins09:36
tonytigerWow, so much more preparation than your LUG talks :)09:36
popeyoh jeez09:36
ajmitchleave time for Q&A09:36
popeyi think i spent about 10 mins preparing for the LUG talk on VirtualBox09:37
popeydid it show? :)09:37
tonytigerYour one slide?09:37
=== ajmitch wonders if he should turn up at the local LUG meeting tomorrow night
tonytigerThe one slide that you had thoughtfully CC licenced?09:37
popey\o/ LUGs09:37
popeyyes, I am good like that09:37
tonytigerThe one slide that had your name on it. :)09:37
tonytigerAnd the name of the talk.09:37
tonytigerAnd nothing else.09:37
tonytigerOther than the CC licence info. :)09:37
popeyit had a background image iirc?09:37
popeya tux09:37
tonytigerOooh, kudos.09:37
ajmitchsounds like a lot of thought went into it09:38
tonytigerwe need sarcasm.popey.com09:38
popeyoh a lot of *thought* went in09:38
popeywe do09:38
popeyhttp://handbag.popey.com/ will do for now09:38
Jack313hmm, will the next kubuntu release have kde 4?09:38
popeyJack313: is kde 4 out or due out?09:38
Jack313due out09:38
=== Jack313 loves kde+beryl
ajmitchdue out at approx the same time as gutsy09:39
ajmitchso I really doubt that kde4 will be the default desktop09:39
popey23rd oct 200709:39
ajmitchyes, and gutsy should be out on the 18th09:39
ajmitchso it'd have to be frozen 3-4 weeks beforehand at the latest09:40
popeythat's a "no" then09:40
ajmitchpretty much09:40
popeytonytiger: what pic on sarcasm though?09:41
tonytigerHmm, give me a min.09:42
=== popey gets dns ready
tonytigerheh :)09:44
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popeyi really should implement dynamic pictures09:49
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tonytigerpopey: nice :)09:56
tonytigerA productive morning already.09:56
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Jack313you know what would be an awesome talk, something on must have apps for ubuntu :D10:02
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popeysurely they are already installed, evolution, firefox.. etc :)10:11
Jack313well besides obvious ones10:11
Jack313 :P10:11
=== agoat [n=quirdan@203-214-2-173.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== agoat is now known as quirdan
Demon012something that should be discussed imo is are we using the correct default apps with ubuntu10:12
Demon012for example exaile imo hands down beats rythmbox (that's my opinion and exaile should be left for a bit yet as it is pretty new but maybe gutsy+1)10:13
=== Jack313 dunno what those are
Demon012music management / players10:14
Jack313well the coolest software i got soo far is beryl of course10:14
Demon012both also are able to put music on iPod's10:14
jdzitrowhat featues does exaile have that rythmbox doesn't?10:14
Demon012dynamic playlist generation10:15
Demon012that's the first one that comes to mind10:15
jdzitrocan you explain this?10:15
Demon012yeah sure10:15
jdzitrolike you put in categories and it generates from your library?10:15
Demon012will do my best anyway as I am not overly sure how it works all in all10:15
Demon012you add all your music to your library and based on ratings which I guess it generates while your listening it picks the next track for you10:16
Demon012I have noticed it uses a rating system for each track and if you skip the track before you get over half way through it it will decrease the rating on it10:17
Demon012which makes it less likely to play that track again10:17
jdzitrooh, ok.10:17
Demon012I also believe it must get information off the internet about what tracks are similar to what your listening to atm as it does a pretty good job at it10:18
jdzitrowhat about as far as interface? i enjoy using rhythmbox, but i find the interface a little troublesome.10:18
Demon012interface is much cleaner than rhythmbox's10:18
Demon012that was the first thing I thought when I saw rhythmbox... yuck =)10:18
jdzitroim going to install exaile right now and take a look.10:19
Demon012would you like a screenshot jdzitro?10:19
Demon012jdzitro: get the one off of the exaile site not the one from the repos10:20
Demon012the one in the repos is old10:20
jdzitroi just used automatix2...10:20
Demon012oh ok cool not sure where it gets it from10:20
=== `23meg [n=m@unaffiliated/23meg/x-000000001] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012morning `23meg10:21
jdzitroits ver. 0.2.8 if that helps10:21
Demon012yeah that's the old version10:21
Demon0120.2.9 is the current10:21
ubotuAutomatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe10:21
Demon012mm does that work for exaile10:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about exaile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:22
Demon012nop =/10:22
Demon012jdzitro: http://www.exaile.org/trac/wiki/Releases10:22
Demon012that is where you can get the latest10:22
Jack313oh yeh, i got automatix2 , its pretty nice10:22
popey:( automatix210:22
Jack313are the fbi gona come to my house cause i downloaded the dvd codecs10:22
Demon012lol Jack313 I doubt it10:23
Jack313not that i did, just entertaining the possibility10:23
Demon012they hopefully have better things to do with their time than chase people downloading dvd codecs10:23
tonytigerJack313: Could always move to a more liberal country10:23
`23megJack313, watch the "christian rock" episode of south park10:23
=== Jack313 to lazy to go dl it
Jack313what hapens?10:24
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Demon012is that the one `23meg10:25
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`23megit is10:25
Demon012heh that's funny10:25
`23megthe guys download mp3s from soulseek and the fbi raids their house instantly, and events unfold..10:26
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jdzitroDemon012 i have the newer version installed10:28
Demon012tell me what you think10:29
Demon012btw the dynamic playlist generation is a checkbox below the playlist on the right10:29
jdzitrogot it :-)10:29
Demon012just add a song from your song library after you have added it to the media library in it10:29
Demon012and away it goes =)10:29
Demon012amaroK has the same thing too but that is made for KDE and sticks out like a sore thumb10:30
Demon012unfortunately there are no global keyboard shortcuts implemented in exaile yet10:31
=== magnetron [n=magnetro@c83-252-239-9.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012that's the one thing I want for this program to be complete10:31
jdzitrooh. ya, that would help a lot.10:31
Jack313you know what i liked the most of ubuntu, on my basically new laptop, i installed it and everything worked10:32
jdzitrowhen i press play, it does nothing.10:32
Jack313wifi/special touch keys the quickplay HP keys for audio/ etc10:32
Demon012mm?? have you got the gstreamer plugins installed?10:32
Jack313and finally, a battery meter that shows time remaining10:32
jdzitroi thought so10:32
Jack313the HP models dont have that10:32
jdzitroi really like that about ubuntu as well! makes everything easy but i am able to tailor things to my liking.10:33
Demon012just do it again to check that isn't the problem10:33
Demon012there is a new way in feisty aswell10:33
jdzitroOh! i didn't know that10:34
jdzitrowhy does stuff like that change with a new release?10:34
Demon012they try to make it easier10:34
Demon012and or something else changes that makes the guide have to change10:35
jdzitrothe guide is my bible10:35
Demon012mmm apparently I cannot do the 7.04 way =S (just checked to see if Ubuntu Restricted Extra's was where it said it was but its not there =S)10:36
Demon012must be because I dist-upgraded10:36
Demon012mmm maybe I should bug report that10:37
jdzitroi am able to Play with rythmbox10:37
Demon012mmm anyone else here upgrade for edgy to feisty here that can check for me?10:37
Demon012mmm not sure why you cannot play in exaile jdzitro always seemed to just work for me after I got the codecs installed10:38
Demon012mmm something you could try10:39
Demon012open up a terminal and run exaile from there10:39
Demon012it will tell you what it is doing then in the terminal10:39
jdzitrothats where i had to run it from because it didnt show up in my main menu10:40
Demon012might tell you why it cannot play the music10:40
jdzitrowould you like to see the output?10:41
Demon012yeah if you like (I am not an expert but I may be able to help)10:41
jdzitro$ exaile10:41
jdzitroYou have entered an invalid option10:41
jdzitro/usr/local/share/exaile/xl/xlmisc.py:42: DeprecationWarning: the module egg.trayicon is deprecated; equivalent functionality can now be found in pygtk 2.1010:41
jdzitro  import egg.trayicon10:41
jdzitro/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mutagen/m4a.py:41: DeprecationWarning: mutagen.m4a is deprecated; use mutagen.mp4 instead.10:41
jdzitro  "mutagen.m4a is deprecated; use mutagen.mp4 instead.", DeprecationWarning)10:41
Demon012you can safely ignore the tray thing and the mutagen thing10:42
Demon012they are just warnings not errors of any sort10:43
jdzitroit's working. i am not sure why.10:43
Demon012they just say the python functions the author has used have been replaced by newer versions10:43
Demon012?? its playing the music now?10:43
Demon012mmm odd10:44
jdzitrook. before, i was dragging tracks to the playlist and then trying to double-click on them to play. didn't work. highlighted and pressed play. didn't work. double-clicked on tracks in the collection tab on the left and it plays.10:44
Demon012mmm maybe you have found a bug there10:45
Demon012I have always just double clicked tracks or right click and append to playlisted them10:45
Demon012hold on I will try it10:45
Demon012mmm doesn't like just playing if you hit the play button but if you double click them in the playlist it starts playing10:46
jdzitroand i have a playlist now of one artist but i can't skip to the next track :-\10:47
jdzitroor stop10:47
Demon012yay soad - aerials =)10:47
jdzitroscroll is fine10:47
Demon012mm not sure about tha10:47
Demon012next definitely works here10:47
jdzitrovery good song10:47
Demon012and back for that matter10:48
jdzitroit might have to do with the fact that i installed with automatix2 and then went straight to terminal for the newer version10:48
Demon012mmm not sure m810:48
Demon012goto help->about10:49
jdzitroi closed the program but it is still playing lol10:49
Demon012see what version it says10:49
Demon012ah it isn't closed10:49
Demon012its in your notification area10:49
jdzitroit was 0.2.910:49
jdzitrooh haha10:49
Demon012another thing I love about it heh =)10:49
jdzitrowont quit10:50
Demon012right click on the icon in notification are and click quit10:50
jdzitroit wont10:50
Demon012or file quit10:50
jdzitro....system monitor10:50
Demon012just close your console window then if you have one open10:50
Demon012or in the console window hold CTRL and press C10:51
jdzitroi dont10:51
Demon012lol ok radical method here10:51
Demon012hold ALT press F210:51
Demon012type xkill10:51
Demon012click on the exaile window10:51
Demon012just don't click anything else10:51
Demon012else it will close immediately10:51
Demon012useful command that is10:52
jdzitroill have to remember that one10:52
Demon012don't know why it wouldn't close10:52
jdzitroive managed to freeze linux before lol10:52
Demon012and me on a lot of occasions10:52
Demon012I ask a lot of linux lol10:53
Demon01290% of the freezes are due to X though =/10:53
jdzitroi think that has been the cause of most of my problems too10:53
Demon012but some are total hard lock freezes and you cannot SSH to the computer10:53
Demon012yeah X is a pita for that and I am tempted to start a thread on the forums to see if there is some keyboard shortcuts I do not know about to get out of those locks10:54
Demon012I know CTRL + ALT + Backspace10:54
Demon012that resets X10:54
jdzitroi use that now and then10:55
Demon012loses everything in the process though10:55
jdzitroits better than having to reset though10:55
Demon012they need a get outta jail free card for X10:55
LoCusFlol :)10:55
Demon012see he agrees with me =)10:55
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Demon012I have been hearing a lot of good things about X.Org 7.3 though so maybe we will get one then10:56
jdzitroi can't wait for things like that to improve10:57
Demon012yeah same m810:57
Demon012infact I am tempted to start running development releases instead of the current stableish non LTS version of ubuntu10:58
Demon012did it once before and didn't get a lot of problems10:58
Demon012and it is nice to be on the bleeding edge10:58
Demon012just a bit risky10:59
jdzitrointeresting. i haven't run an LTS yet. yes, i like to be on the edge myself10:59
Demon012yeah dapper is the only thing that will run on my mums old computer10:59
jdzitroi figure all of my important files are on an external drive anyway so i am free to experiment and break my filesystem down10:59
Demon012the xorg in edgy broke the savage graphics driver it needs10:59
Demon012ah good you have a good partition setup aswell then =)11:00
Demon012yeah that's what I do11:00
jdzitroi have an ati video card which i found out the hard way makes things more difficult11:00
Demon012I have a 20 GB main partition with boot and all that stuff on there11:00
Demon012and home is on another partition11:00
jdzitrosame here!11:00
Demon012works perfectly11:01
jdzitromay i ask, what is your experience in dual-booting linux and window$11:01
Demon012doing it right now11:02
jdzitroi can't seem to get windows to work anymore.11:02
Demon012got win xp and fiesty on here11:02
Demon012how come what's it upto?11:02
Demon012got a juicy error message for me =)?11:02
=== Demon012 is an expert windows user but only an average linux user he would say
jdzitronot so much, no. i installed windows xp (legal, new copy) and then edgy for the bootloader.11:03
Demon012well don't know if expert but advanced11:03
=== Seine [n=Seine@220-253-11-190.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012mm does it stop at grub then?11:03
jdzitroi booted into windows a couple times and then back to linux.11:03
Demon012if you select windows xp in the list what does it say?11:04
jdzitroi went to boot windows and after grub selection of xp the progress bar loader ....splash screen comes up and freezes11:04
Demon012ok I'll let you finish explaining before I bombard you with questions =)11:04
Demon012argh I hate when that happens11:05
jdzitroi always end up resetting. then it froze every time and i havent been in windows since.11:05
jdzitroive installed and re-installed....11:05
Demon012erm have you tried tapping F8 like crazy just after you select windows xp from grub?11:05
Demon012(it brings up boot options like safe mode etc)11:05
jdzitrono. it usually brings it up automatically becuase it didn't "shutdown correctly"11:06
Demon012any luck getting into safe mode then?11:06
Demon012or does that hang aswell?11:06
jdzitroill choose last known good configuration and ive used normal mode because i wouldnt know what to do to fix anything in safe mode.11:07
Demon012mmm I think that may be your only option =/11:07
jdzitrotry to boot into safe mode and...?11:08
Demon012the things that come to mind with your problem are:11:08
Demon012a dodgy driver has been installed that is preventing your computer from booting correctly11:08
Demon012your filesystem needs repairing with chkdsk /f11:08
Demon012hold on11:08
jdzitronot a problem11:08
Demon012that was meant to be a multiline message11:08
Demon012just showed the last line11:08
=== ti4mi [n=Timmie@p548D8E21.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012the problem you are getting with windows can be caused by a few things but the things that come to mind are:11:09
Demon012you have a dodgy driver that windows does not like and it is refusing to load it correctly and just stopping11:09
Demon012or you have a damaged system file11:09
Demon012or you have a filesystem error which you can fix by running chkdsk /f11:10
jdzitrothats surprising because its a brand new install.11:10
Demon012mm you booted into it once before yes>11:10
Demon012did you install any drivers?11:10
jdzitroa couple times but that was after a few errors11:10
Demon012or even more specifically did you by any chance install  daemon tools (that has caused this to happen to me before and I had to go into safemode and physically delete the driver)11:11
jdzitroall i was able to install was ati drivers, firefox, steam and trillian before i couldnt use it anymore. but it would freeze even on the last restart of the installation process.11:11
=== varka [n=varkatop@p54a5f222.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012mmm could have been the ati drivers =S11:12
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Demon012or one of the drivers windows update  installed automatically11:12
jdzitroi turn them off.11:12
Demon012ok that eliminates that then11:12
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Demon012have you tried going into safemode and using system restore?11:13
Demon012(never works usually but worth trying)11:13
jdzitroboth true.11:13
jdzitroi guess i was hoping i could paste something into the dos-prompt and make it all better :)11:14
jdzitroi really like linux.11:14
Demon012same here m811:15
Demon012if there is a problem it tells you what the hell it is11:15
=== sky_walkie [i=czzhrd02@xdsl-563.lodz.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012rather than mwahahaha start guessing!11:15
Demon012and what the bloody hell is the point in illegal operations!?!? they are of use to no one but the person who developed the software11:16
jdzitroi never understood that box at all. always just made me mad.11:16
Demon012don't know what the hell you are meant to be able to achieve if you are not told anything useful about the problem that occurred11:16
Demon012lol same here11:17
Demon012check that out lol11:18
Demon012something my tutor showed me11:18
Demon012had me in fits11:18
jdzitrothat's great11:19
=== zorglu_ [n=zorglub@165.43.102-84.rev.gaoland.net] has left #ubuntu-classroom ["Konversation]
Demon012yeah I thought so too lol11:19
Demon012I would paste it into here for everyone but IRC doesn't like multiline messages11:19
jdzitroare you in the Netherlands, Demon?11:20
Demon012no im from the UK m811:20
jdzitroi thought so, heh, the link confused me.11:21
Demon012ah yes lol11:21
Demon012yeah I have been looking for useful things since yesterday morning because I am trying to become more involved with ubuntu11:21
Demon012and that was one of the things I found that was useful yesterday11:22
Demon012loving this open week so far11:22
jdzitroi would love to, for now, just learn all i can and master the OS. come june, i will be attending a technical college and maybe focusing my studies to become a "Linux Specialist"11:23
Demon012where you from jdzitro?11:23
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jdzitroi'm from california, in the states11:26
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Demon012ahh kk was hoping you would say from the UK as I wouldn't mind going and doing some linux courses myself11:28
Demon012they are a little sparse on the ground over here11:29
Demon012in my area anyway11:29
jdzitrothere is little interest for linux in my area but hopefully that will change11:30
jdzitroit seems with ubuntu that linux has become more mainstream11:30
Demon012yeah ubuntu certainly has worked wonders11:30
jdzitroi used to boot knoppix now and then and just play but it was so intimidating. ubuntu is just more friendly.11:31
Demon012its strongest point imo and what holds it all together is a mix of the philosophy that it should just work and the package management11:31
jdzitroit's not something i can really be scared of11:31
Demon012the no ports open philosophy helps a lot too11:31
jdzitroyes, i just want the damn thing to work! lol11:31
=== shawn [n=shawn@adsl-69-221-135-226.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
Demon012lol same here m811:32
Demon012yeah for example though something that I was shocked and amazed with the other week with SuSe for example...11:32
jdzitroi think the hardest part in a transition from windows is deciding what applications to use11:32
Demon012my friend at college installed suse on a machine that was connected to the main network11:32
Demon012he installed all the defaults and it all went ok11:33
Demon012then suddenly the technician comes in complaining about some weird problems she is having11:33
jdzitroeveryone is so accustomed to things like windows media player or IE because they are comfortable but those applications are not for everyone and they don't provide a lot of room for customization of services11:33
Demon012then after a few minutes we realise that SuSe by default installs a DHCP server and it had taken over the network11:34
jdzitrooh wow lol11:34
Demon012that really should not be the case rofl11:34
Demon012I then told my m8 to go get himself Kubuntu (he loves KDE)11:35
Demon012and he has been using it ever since and he loves it lol11:35
Demon012also it seems SuSe still suffers from dependency hell11:35
Demon012(where you cannot meet all the dependencies for something on the computer)11:36
jdzitroi think for linux to really take off, people need to be able to use it without the worries that they are going to break something11:36
Demon012yes definitely11:36
Demon012so while it should just work it should be self contained at the same time so it doesn't hijack a network11:37
jdzitromore people need to just burn a copy of something and start clicking around. that's the best way to learn it, i think.11:37
jdzitroyes lol that's bad times.11:37
Demon012yeah that's what I have been doing with linux for about 5 years now11:37
jdzitrothats exactly how i learned windows11:37
Demon012first tried a very very old version of redhat11:37
jdzitroi am just starting over11:37
Demon012didn't get on with that very well11:38
Demon012then I tried suse11:38
Demon012that worked for me at the time but was slow11:38
Demon012then tried fedora11:38
jdzitroi had a red hat distro too and didn't like it. it was for a intro to linux class and it just didn't feel right.11:38
Demon012liked that ran that for a while11:38
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Demon012then I found out about ubuntu breezy11:38
Demon012that was what I settled on11:39
Demon012but it wasn't able to totally replace windows for me11:39
Demon012so I have dual booted ever since11:39
Demon012and ubuntu is slowly taking over11:39
jdzitroi was forced to lol but i have no regrets11:39
jdzitrothe thing works and that puts a smile on my face11:40
Demon012once cedega is able to play EVE-Online really reallly well (as well as windows frame rate wise) I will dump windows asap lol11:40
=== DerXero [n=patrick@dslc-082-082-132-252.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
jdzitroi still need to tweak wine and steam so that counter-strike will play more normally11:40
jdzitroi was playing tonight and had so many problems i couldnt explain11:41
jdzitrowe will get there soon, though11:41
Demon012that's is one of the main problems linux has (lack of comercial games)11:41
=== Demon012 wishes he could go rip direct X 10 outta vista and shove it in ubuntu
jdzitroit would be "xdirectx10" haha11:42
Demon012well actually I don't know if I like direct x 10 (have you heard they have stopped you using native OpenGL?)11:42
jdzitroyes i did11:42
Demon012also removed direct sound11:43
jdzitroand are using what now?11:43
Demon012hold on got mind block lol11:43
Demon012its the one they used in ut200411:43
Demon012think it begins with an A (and no not alsa lol)11:44
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Demon012no silly me its OpenAL11:44
Demon012there we go knew google would help me again11:45
Demon012bloody mind blocks11:45
Demon012I was kinda right it had an A in it =)11:45
Demon012just thought it was the first letter lol11:45
=== jdzitro gives kudos
jdzitrowell, i should get to bed. it's almost 3 in the morning here. just passed bedtime lol11:47
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Demon012yeah also try not to get tempted to install vista on your computer its nothing but hassle11:47
Demon012lol kk m8 sleep well11:48
Demon012was thinking that earlier11:48
jdzitrooh i was using RC2 for a while then formatted it for ubuntu11:48
Demon012yeah I tried that too11:48
jdzitrothanks a lot for all your help11:48
Demon012took me ages to get it installed (it doesn't like xp's partitions???)11:48
Demon012np m8 nice talking to you11:48
Demon012added you to my buddy list11:48
Demon012will talk to you again soon11:49
jdzitroya ill do the same11:49
Demon012nn m811:49
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johntWhat is happening here??12:08
PriceChildjohnt, nothing yet until 15:0012:09
johntIs utc gmt?? London england12:10
PriceChild@now utc12:11
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2007, 10:11:18 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 9 hours 48 minutes12:11
PriceChild@now london12:11
ubotuCurrent time in Europe/London: April 24 2007, 11:11:21 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 9 hours 48 minutes12:11
PriceChildLondon is now on BST12:11
harrisonyPriceChild: it is? wow12:11
PriceChildWe have to be difficult you see... it wouldn't be the same :)12:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about board - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:12
johntGrr thet changed it since I left in 196612:12
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johnt<price child> So we sit in a classroom and listen Right???12:13
PriceChildjohnt, sort of. There is also #ubuntu-classroom-chat where you can ask questions.12:14
PriceChildDepending on the session leader's style, this room may be "moderated" so that no-one but the leader can speak and the best questions just get pasted over12:14
johnt<Price Child > Do you need to be a uber geek???12:15
PriceChildlol no :)12:15
PriceChildThis week is all about getting involved, you don't have to know anything to be able to come here and learn a bit :)12:15
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johntOk I might come along and have a look it I can idle12:16
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johntspelling I meant if12:17
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johntOne last dumb question  If there is no class for nine hours why are there 150 people here?12:18
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Demon012johnt: the lessons are great I attended them all yesterday (I especially found the Bazaar revision control system on useful)12:20
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Demon012johnt: we are patient =)12:21
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johnt<Demon012> Cool I will get up early in the morning and have a look I think it will be around  8.00am where I am12:22
PriceChildjohnt, Its not in 9 hours... they're in 4 1/212:22
johntBetter go I have class in the morning :-))12:23
Demon012don't worry if you miss one though there will be chatlogs (I know it isn't the same but you still get to read the answers to others questions)12:23
Demon012ok gn johnt12:23
=== ajmitch will miss the motu session, what a shame
PriceChildajmitch, you really wanted to get involved there as well... (12:24
johnt<Price Child> Gaa that is  3.00 am12:24
ajmitchquite right12:24
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=== tonytiger wonders if popey has turned poopey yet.
popeyI have been popey the poopy for some time now01:08
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popeyhttp://irpg.blitzed.eu.org/players.php <- see01:09
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PriceChildHey there popey01:09
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PriceChildAll ready and eager to start? :)01:13
=== ajmitch is eager & waiting
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popeyshall we just clear the channel and I will babble to myself for a bit ;)01:15
ajmitchhey jono01:15
jonohey :)01:16
popeyi am going to make a point of winking at jono at LRL07 just to show that ;) is an appropriate emoticon01:16
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popeyno, you have not pulled01:16
jonopopey: heh, the big misunderstand is that I hate ;) - I just hate overuse :P01:16
jonoright lunch for the bacon01:16
popeythe misunderstanding is more fun though01:16
jonolater skater01:16
=== ajmitch is so sad that he missed jono's big moment here yesterday
jonopopey: thats the premise of the open source community ;)01:16
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popey\o/ factual innacuracies01:17
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ElwellOT (but semi related) - Is there a way to split the screen in irssi so I can have say 70% top screen with classroom in, and bottom 30% with classroom-chat?01:31
popeyi have my irssi split01:33
popeyI don't have two channels in the windows, I have the main window and then 8 lines at the top which show my hilight words01:34
popeyi have set <QUESTION> to be a hilight word so I will see them pop up hopefully01:34
popeyElwell: http://www.irssi.org/documentation/startup has some stuff - search for split01:35
Elwellyeah - I saw the highlight words trick described somewhere. (and promptly failed to bookmark)01:36
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jribElwell: f0rked website iirc01:42
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=== tonytiger urghs @ "hilight"
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salty-horsewhen's the next session?02:03
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PriceChildsalty-horse, 15:00 utc02:04
PriceChildit is now:02:04
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2007, 12:04:50 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 7 hours 55 minutes02:04
PriceChildSo 3 huors :)02:04
salty-horsethe technical board isn't listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek02:05
robertjdoesn't TB usually meet in #ubuntu-meeting?02:06
harrisonyrobertj: ye02:07
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PriceChildsalty-horse, the technical board isn't part of the ubuntu open week02:15
PriceChildsalty-horse, that's a regular meeting that normaly happens02:15
harrisonywhat does the technical board talk about02:16
PriceChildharrisony, they look after the development of ubuntu. all the important stuff, i'm not sure how else to explain :)02:18
harrisonyahh i see02:18
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2007, 12:18:54 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 7 hours 41 minutes02:18
harrisonyi might be able to make it02:19
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habeeb7 hours? o_o02:22
habeebaww.. the technical board (what a retard)...02:22
habeeband what's the "command" for the normal classroom schedule?02:22
tonytigerThere isn't one, I don't think.02:23
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tonytigerIt was discussed yesterday and the best anyone could come up with was the link in /topic02:23
habeebi see02:23
tonytigerI could be wrong though :)02:24
habeebbut why? I mean you could rewrite ubotu's code to countdown from 15, instead?02:24
habeebJust for these days, I mean..02:24
habeeb*15 is the hour when the classroom starts (or whenever it is ).02:25
PriceChildIt was suggested to get ubotu to change the topic etc. but I don't think seve.as has the time at such last minute to hack ubotu for work which will only be good for 6 days.02:25
habeebi see02:26
habeebubotu is "closed"-source? :P02:27
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PriceChildhabeeb, no02:29
PriceChildhabeeb, if you want to do the coding and give it to sev.eas then go for it :)02:29
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=== popey thinks he has finished his notes
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tonytigerpopey: g'luck02:38
habeebby the way, shouldn't there be a notice or something in the ubuntuforums about this channel? I mean, near the label saying that Feisty is out...02:39
habeebI wouldn't know about this if there wasn't a thread in digg.com about it.02:39
=== popey pokes PriceChild
PriceChildHey popey02:43
popeylook up :)02:43
popeyyou're a forum dude02:43
popeyare there openweek threads?02:43
PriceChildHey, habeeb there is a sticky in the cafe and also a post int he announcements forum02:43
habeebTrue. Didn't see the announcements one. as far as the cafe is concerned, tho, not many people look there.02:44
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alterlaszloapprox two hours to go...03:17
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harrisonyOh yueah03:18
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=== pochu waves!
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=== PriceChild waves back at pochu
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=== adamant1988 waves at PriceChild
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=== PriceChild sticks his tongue out at adamant1988
=== KalleDK_Lap graps PriceChilds tongue
=== adamant1988 rips off the tongue in question
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PriceChildhow rude04:19
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adamant1988PriceChild: Don't tell me about rude.04:20
adamant1988Rude is quoting American Office for 3 hours04:20
=== KalleDK_Lap feels suddenly hunger
jribamerican office?04:20
PriceChildadamant1988, hehe i'm watching it atm04:20
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adamant1988PriceChild: Addictions are bad for you04:21
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jribok he's here, stop talking about him guys04:21
jribhi mc4404:22
jjessewhat class do we have right now?04:22
=== mc44 pities jrib
PriceChildjjesse, screencasting in 40 minutes04:22
jjesseoh cool04:22
=== mc44 screencasts popey
=== popey uploads it to youtube
popeyfame at last!04:23
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popeyamusing picture of the day:- http://www.mileserve.com/pictures/Screenshot.png my mates desktop after upgrading to feisty04:26
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popeyHe said "I was trying to change the language"04:26
popeyI asked "what to?"04:26
popeyhe said "square square square square"04:26
popeyhe is beyond help04:26
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mc44popey: ah, I see he selected rectangle rectangle rectangle by mistake04:27
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jribI like how it says "userfriendly" in the corner04:29
habeebThe first msn contact's pic..04:29
habeebis that you, popey ?04:29
popeyof course ;)04:29
popey(no, it isnt)04:29
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@cubert.itri.bton.ac.uk] has left #ubuntu-classroom []
cellojoewhere's userfriendly?04:30
KalleDK_Lapdown to the right04:30
habeebon the wallpaper04:30
mc44popey: so thats why you were so popular on youtube04:30
cellojoeoh *that* wallpaper....(cellojoe doesn't have jrib's wallpaper)04:30
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+o LjL] by ChanServ
popeyyes, i look like a blue disembodied head and shoulders with a yellow piece of paper in front04:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:LjL] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || NEXT SESSION: Joining the Ubuntu community, by Jono Bacon (15:00 UTC)
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-o LjL] by LjL
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+o LjL] by ChanServ
habeeboh shi-04:31
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:LjL] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || NEXT SESSION: Screencasting Team, by Alan Pope (15:00 UTC)
=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [-o LjL] by LjL
cellojoei thought it was screen yeaaah04:31
PriceChildLjL, aww steal my thunder :)04:31
LjLswapped days :P04:31
habeebwhat's the -o function?04:31
popeylollypop mode04:31
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=== mc44 licks LjL
popey-* is sparkler mode04:32
PriceChild<8 is icecream mode?04:32
cellojoehabeeb: -o is the 'ftl' function04:32
jribpopey: you have a gift04:32
PriceChild<O that's single scoop04:32
cellojoehabeeb: +o is the root function04:32
LjLPriceChild: your thunder...? we've been topicing sessions last open week, too :P04:33
cellojoe<O0 double scoop?04:33
PriceChildLjL, :P04:33
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jribcellojoe: with a single sprinkle?04:33
popey<O  flake!04:33
davmor2<O0- double scoop with a flake04:33
nakinubciao a tutti/e -----------------> ubuntu.noblogs.org04:33
PriceChildand sprinkle davmor204:33
cellojoe<O0` single sprinkle04:33
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davmor2<O0:- pricechild there's your sprinkles04:35
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habeebYou know what is missing from this channel?04:36
habeebNo Listening spam!04:36
mc44@pony popey04:37
popeyBio break!04:37
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cellojoeso if we're not supposed to talk during the session, why not just +m the channel?04:37
nakinubciao a tutti/e -----------------> ubuntu.noblogs.org04:38
bordycellojoe they did yesterday for jono04:38
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bordyyeah. lots of gratuitous babble04:38
mc44well actually they did yesterday for all sessions04:38
PriceChildcellojoe, we won't +m unless the speaker requests it... we just never took it off yesterday as the speakers liked it.04:38
popeysmart move04:38
bordyorly? I was only able to hit the first session04:38
cellojoeoh, mk04:38
popeyPriceChild: I hereby request mutiny04:38
mc44whereas popey can take the heckling, right? be a man :)04:38
davmor2if you really want to lock it down +ms04:38
PriceChildpopey, in what fashion?04:39
popeylike a jaunty sailor04:39
popeywith his hat on at a funny angle04:39
PriceChildcould you repeat the request in a pirate accent to confirm.04:39
habeebNo well, since we have ubuntu-classroom-chat there is no point for this channel to not be +m04:39
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popeyPriceChild: +m when we start would be appreciated04:39
PriceChildpopey, Will do :)04:40
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mc44popey: wimp04:40
PriceChildmc44, he's not a real hardcore speaker is he :P04:40
PriceChildmc44, you'll just have to heckle twice as hard in -chat04:40
popeythe problem is the logs will be impossilbe to read04:41
habeebHey! I'm supposed to be studying >:04:41
PriceChildpopey, yeah. btw I'm impressed with whoever sorted the logs from yesterday... /me looks04:41
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alterlaszlowhat's '+m'04:41
PriceChildausimage :)04:41
habeebalterlaszlo: if +m is enabled only the operators can speak04:42
PriceChildalterlaszlo, means only certain people get to speak. Questions may be asked in #ubuntu-classroom-chat04:42
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chellhey guys04:42
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alterlaszlohow do i activate +m?04:42
habeeby halo thar04:42
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habeebalterlaszlo: you don't. Operators do.04:42
habeebalterlaszlo: operators are people with "@" before their names.04:42
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PriceChildbrb 2 mins04:42
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maxi_what session will start at what time, I dont know the calculation with UTC...04:44
PriceChildmaxi_, popey will begin with screencasts in 15 mintues04:44
habeebmaxi_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek04:44
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maxi_thx, I knew the timetable, now I can calculate for my local tim...04:46
ubotuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: April 24 2007, 14:46:27 - Next meeting: Technical Board in 5 hours 13 minutes04:46
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popeyright, i think i am ready http://gallery.popey.com/gallery/screenshots/Screenshot_00604:47
cellojoeare we done with the <0 icecream?04:48
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habeebAw man... I won't be here for Shuttleworth's show..04:48
cellojoemy screen session froze :(04:48
habeebcellojoe: no, the discussion is still in progress.04:48
ypsilamoin \sh04:48
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PriceChildpopey, dual screen - no fair :)04:48
popeymore space for ponies04:48
PriceChild@pony popey04:48
habeebI'm on popey's screen! Hey mom!04:49
mc44popey: you need to edit that pony with the ubuntu logo in pink :)04:49
cellojoeaw, i'm not.04:49
cellojoesilly screen :(04:49
cellojoebut irssi ftw04:49
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habeebHeh... lugradio channel :P04:50
habeebAlso "Screen popey, do you use it?"04:50
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popeyjust a touch04:51
habeebTwo terminals open for two irssi is anti-trendy.04:51
popeythe one at the top is temporary04:51
\shmoins ypsila04:51
popeyso i can keep an eye on the noise in -chat04:51
cellojoescreen -x?04:51
habeebpopey: no excuses.04:52
popeyI am lame04:52
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cellojoescreencasts are like videos of a desktop, right?04:53
popeyindeed they are04:53
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cellojoejust makin sure04:53
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cellojoei shoulda /ignore joins parts awhile ago :(04:53
elkbuntuno time for drinkin coffee popey .. you gotta type!04:53
popeycopy/paste FTW!04:54
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LjLThe topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || NEXT SESSION: Screencasting Team, by Alan Pope (starting shortly)04:59
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popey*tap* *tap*05:02
popeyis this thing on?05:02
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:LjL] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || CURRENT SESSION: Screencasting Team, by Alan Pope
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PriceChildFor those just joining, please join #ubuntu-classroom-chat to ask all your questions!05:02
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popeyOk, here's the plan for the next hour-ish05:03
popey* Introduction05:03
popey* Brief history of screencasting05:03
popey* Brief history of the screencasting team05:03
popey* Useful Links05:03
popey* How do we make screencasts?05:03
popey* How do other people make screencasts?05:03
popey* How/why do we convert videos to other formats (or "There are formats *other* than OGG!?")05:03
popey* How do we make them available?05:03
popey* What can people do with them?05:04
popey* What we should be doing05:04
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popey* What we need / how you can help05:04
popey* What else can we do / any questions?05:04
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popey* Introduction05:04
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popeyHi, my name is Alan Pope, you may remember me from such IRC channels as #ubuntu-uk, #launchpad and the hilarious #lugradio. I'm an Ubuntu user just like you. I don't work for Canonical, I'm not a system admin, or a developer in fact I can't really code at all. Oh and I have no artistic skills whatsoever.05:04
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popey It's not looking good is it!?05:04
popeyI do however have some experience of IT Training so making screencasts makes sense to me as a way of contributing to the community because it's something I can actually do!05:05
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popey* Brief history of screencasting05:05
popey"A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Screencasting - read the first paragraph of that, I'll be testing you later :)05:05
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popeySome people learn better by being shown how to do stuff rather than by reading detailed How-Tos or man pages. Whilst this is an alien concept to many geeks who memorise URLs of How-Tos and commit entire man pages to memory, your average Joe Ubuntu User needs pretty pictures and videos.05:05
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popeySo for this reason I created a few screencasts.05:06
popey* Brief history of the screencasting team05:06
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popeyAbout 7 years ago I was working for a company doing IT training on evil software. We had an idea over coffee one day to make some videos that people could watch online. At the time Viewlet Builder (proprietary app) was available and seemed to do the job of recording screen activity quite well.05:06
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popeyI registered quickones.org to host them, because we thought they would be quick videos, 5 minutes about how to perform a particular task on a computer. Unfortunately the project never really got anywhere so the domain got used for something else.05:06
popeyCut forward to 2005 when I started looking at screencasting tools on Linux. I tried some of the desktop recording tools, and some video editing software to see if I could make screencasts that would render well over the web or downloaded and played locally. Some of the tools are pretty good, I filed a few bugs, requested some features and contacted the authors of some of the applications.05:07
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popeyI settled on a suite of tools (more of that in a moment) which I use to do my screencasts. It was (and still is) important to me05:07
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popeyto make screencasts using completely free tools.05:08
popeyi.e. not use windows applications such as camtasia to make the screencasts - but thats a personaly thing :)05:08
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popey After making some test videos and sending them to my local LUG mailing list for evaluation I started making lists of screencasts that people might want to watch. I tried to figure out what people would want to see, common questions people ask and funky new things new users might not know about.05:08
popeyA few people tested the videos and gave me some feedback about the format, style and content of the screencasts. Towards the end of 2006 I made a bunch of "feature length" screencasts. They are each about 5-10 minutes long and cover some basic concepts such as installation of Ubuntu and customising the desktop.05:09
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popeyMatthew East contacted me and offered some help and hosting on the documentation team server - which we are now using. We setup the screencast team on launchpad and more recently had a meeting on irc to discuss the direction and technical issues surrounding screencasting.05:09
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popeyIt was decided that we should target the current release (Feisty) for new screencasts. We also decided to drop the default resolution from 1024x768 to 800x600 because some popular machines couldn't play them due to driver bugs, and the video files were very large with little added value at the higher resolution.05:10
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popeyOk, thats the history lesson over05:10
popey* How do we make screencasts?05:10
popeyThe tool set _I_ use is QEMU+KQEMU(or KVM) (virtual machine), xvidcap (screen recording), avidemux (audio recording), ffmpeg and avidemux (format conversion). In slightly over one sentence:-05:11
popey"I install Ubuntu in a QEMU vm which runs in an 800x600 window on my desktop (we used to use 1024x768 but this casued problems). I run xvidcap on my desktop and set it to record the QEMU window only. I do my demo in Ubuntu under QEMU and when finished I stop xvidcap. I watch the video back, recording the audio track in audacity as I go. I merge the audio and video in avidemux and upload to the web"05:11
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popey(If there are any questions about any of the above tools, please ask)05:12
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popeyIt sounds a lot easier than it actually is.05:12
popeyand in a way, it sounds a lot harder than it actually is :)05:12
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popeyI will take some questions at the end of this section in a moment05:13
popeySee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts for considerably more detail.05:13
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popeySome people have reported that this process is convoluted (recording audio separately from video), doesn't perform well (some people get low frame rates out of xvidcap), and cumbersome (running a virtual machine rather than recording the local machine direct). These are of course all valid concerns :)05:13
popeyOn the wiki we outlined the reasons for doing it this way. Of course other people can create screencasts in any way they want, this is just the way that works for us. So long as people can create high quality screencasts in a format that we can use, we really don't care how they are made.05:14
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popeyIf anyone has a better (more streamlined, faster, easier) way to create screencasts _on_ _Linux_ (i.e. not using a Windows/Mac screencasting app) which results in high quality video in formats we can use, we want to hear it.05:14
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popeyIf you have any questions about the way we make screencasts, please do ask and I'll try to answer them as best I can.05:14
popeyOk, I will break for questions now.05:14
popey< chell> QUESTION: Why don't you record the audio at the same time as the video?05:15
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popeyBecause pretty much every screencast I have watched where this is done consists of the speaker going " uhmmm.. errr..." as they concentrate on what they are doing05:15
popeyit doesnt sound nice to the listener05:15
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popeychell: does that answer your question?05:16
popeyin addition, if you record audio and video together and mess up the audio due to someone walking in the room for example, you have to re-record the whole thing05:16
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popeyif you record the audio separately if you mess it up, you only need to re-record the audio05:17
popey< chell> you still get uhms and errs if you do the narration afterwards (or do you have a script)?05:17
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popeyi record the video, then watch it practicing what I am going to say, then watch it again and record the audio as I watch05:17
popeyI dont think I uhm much05:18
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popeywatch them and feel free to tell me I do though :)05:18
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popey < cellojoe> QUESTION: are all the tools available in the officials repos?05:18
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popeyAll except xvidcap, which is packaged as a .deb on the xvidcap site05:18
popeyit works on dapper, edgy and feisty05:18
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popeyqemu, avidemux and others are packaged05:19
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popeyexcept the kqemu accelerator for qemu which needs compiling from source - its documented on the wiki05:19
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popeyhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/KQemu iirc05:19
popey < LjL> QUESTIONS: Why do you use virtual machines? Just because of the resolution difference?05:19
popeybecause I want to show people what a real amchine looks like, not my heavily modified desktop05:19
popeyif someone watches a screencast that isn't exactly what they see on their desktop it can put them off05:20
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popeythey might be less inclined to "trust" it05:20
popeyi can also rollback what I do with qemu :)05:20
popeyso if I mess it up I can "reset" and do it again very easily05:20
popey< PriceChild> QUESTION: You compiled xvidcap yourself then I guess? Do you still use it and if so could you package it as it is evil and I've given up :P05:21
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popeyno, I use the deb from http://xvidcap.sf.net/05:21
popeyI would gladly package it, but i refer you to my skillset that I pasted at the beginning :)05:21
popey < maxi_> How is quemo working, is it difficult to get startet with it?05:21
popeyqemu works for me very well out of the box05:21
popeyespecially if you use either kqemu of kvm - kvm only works on CPUs that have the VT virtualisation instructions, kqemu works on any cpu AIUI05:22
popey< samgee> QUESTION: Isn't 800x600 too small for Ubuntu? I know from experience that it's not enough for the installer.05:22
popeyall the screencasts I have made so far are at 1024x768, it's possible that we may find some things that dont fit in 800x60005:23
popeyand we may make a special case for those05:23
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popeybut we should try to stick to 800x600 as much as possible IMO05:23
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popey < robotangel> QUESTION: Why use xvidcap when there's istanbul (and that's even in the repos - btw why isn't xvidcap)?05:23
popeyistanbul records to ogg, xvidcap is very flexible in the formats that it can encode to, xvidcap also has some nice other features - some of which I have asked the author of istanbul to implement05:24
popeyI am not against istanbul at all, it's just that xvidcap is considerably more feature rich05:24
popeyand that goes for pretty much any screencasting app you care to mention05:24
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popeyback to the content, I will return to questions later05:25
popey* How do other people make screencasts?05:25
popeyThere are a load of screencasting apps on Linux.05:25
popeyIstanbul, RecordMyDesktop, screenkast, DemoRecorder (proprietary), and of course xvidcap we would recommend.05:25
popeyvnc2swf, vncrec and wink we would generally not recommend for our screencasts (they record to formats that are difficult to manipulate).05:25
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popeyThere are good reasons I don't recommend some apps, and that's all detailed on the wiki, but by all means ask any questions and make any comments about these judgements :)05:26
=== Pelo [n=jean@mtl-pppoe-adsl399.securenet.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popeyExamples of some quality screencasts that you might want to look at include those at http://ubuntuclips.org/, http://screencastsonline.com (Mac OSX videos) and http://showmedo.com/ .05:26
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popeyI am not going to give you examples of bad screencasts - you can find them on youtube and google video yourselves, and when I say "bad" that is entirely my personal opinion, feel free to argue that one with me some time :)05:27
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popey* How/why do we convert videos to other formats?05:27
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popeyIt's a bit beyond this session to go into the intricate details of the different formats for the screencasts. Suffice to say that in general there are at least 4 formats we support.05:28
=== arualavi [n=Iva@117.Red-83-33-7.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popeyPut simply, OGG for the Good, MOV for the Bad, and AVI for the Ugly. FLV is the 4th, (evil) flash based streaming which is done because of the popularity of the flash video format.05:28
popeyWhatever you think of flash, it has a massive install base, and that's a lot of potential eyeballs for our screencasts. It might also make sense to make screencasts which can playback on small format devices such as iPod Video and mobile phones.05:28
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popeyWhatever happens, we _always_ make our videos available in OGG/Theora/Vorbis format as a primary objective.05:29
popeyThat is unlikely to change.05:29
popeyAvidemux is a great GUI application for converting videos. You can load a video made in another application and save it out in some other format using a different codec and can also do neat things like resize as the file is converted.05:29
=== siegie [n=siegie@d51A43DAD.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popeyPerhaps we need an avidemux screencast? :)05:30
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popeyIn addition ffmpeg can be used on the command line to convert between formats. We also use ffmpeg2theora to convert MPEG/AVI files to OGG/Theoa format. Other tools have been tried, and suggestions are welcome for other robust, easy to use, flexible tools.05:30
popey* How do we make them available?05:31
popeyhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/ is the central repository for all the screencasts that have been made under the Screencast Team banner. These are videos actually made by the team specifically _for_ the team (and anyone else) to redistribute.05:31
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popeyWe don't take other peoples ready-made videos off YouTube for example, I know http://ubuntuvideo.com do a good job of collating video content - including screencasts - in that way.05:31
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popeyIn the past we uploaded the videos to http://archive.org/ however whilst free it's a little painful and the performance is somewhat slow. So now we host on the docteams server - big thanks to Matthew East (mdke) for helping us out there. Some of these videos are large and as such chew bandwidth when linked to.05:32
popey* What can people do with them?05:33
popeyPretty much whatever you like. I rather stupidly created the videos initially under a restrictive license. This was pointed out and now the videos are available under CC BY-SA 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/). Just to be clear:-05:33
=== Ruthenium [n=romain@84-74-213-89.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popeyYou can redistribute the videos in any format and media you like. You do _not_ need to ask our permission to redistribute them. You can translate them to other languages - perhaps by overdubbing the audio track, create mashups, edit them, whatever. We really don't mind.05:34
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popeyOf course we also want people to make their own and contribute back! :)05:34
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popey* What we need / how you can help05:35
popey(the important bit)05:35
popeyRationalisation of the screencasting pages on the wiki. Many of the screencasting pages (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts and its children) are brain dumps of what we were doing to make screencasts at the time. These pages need some love. They need simplifying. Help!05:35
=== adi [n=amd64@host42-161-dynamic.4-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has left #ubuntu-classroom []
popeyAlso the pages under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam also need some love05:35
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popeyWe need a very very very simple guide to making screencasts. The problem is it's not that easy to make good quality screencasts. People have suggested a "screencast on how to make screencasts" which we have considered but it's also not exactly easy to make (technically)05:36
popeyWe have a list of screencasts we would like to see made:- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Requests05:36
popeyPlease add to this list, or adopt a screencast and make it yourself.05:36
popeyIf we can streamline the process I think we can get more people to make them. We would love to hear input on how we can make things easier.05:37
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popeyVoice overs/dubbing. I understand from speaking to some people that they don't like the idea of their own voice on a screencast. If that's the case, and you have a video you would like to make, then _please_ let me know. We need the videos made, we can record the audio track if that would help.05:37
popey* What else can we do / any questions?05:38
popeyQ&A Time.05:38
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popeyAlso - before a question - a link-fest :)05:38
popey* Useful links05:38
popey** Our pages05:38
popeyhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts/ - Home of the screencasts made by the screencast team.05:38
popeyhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts - Base of the screencast team wiki pages.05:38
popeyhttp://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-screencasts - Launchpad team page.05:38
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam - Team pages on the wiki05:38
popeyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts - The method I use to make screencasts.05:38
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popey** Other people doing good work05:38
popeyhttp://ubuntuclips.org/ - Have generated a large number of screencasts.05:38
popeyhttp://ubuntuvideo.com/ - Aggregate video content (not just screencasts) from YouTube/Google (so all flash based).05:38
popeyhttp://showmedo.com/ - Free and pay-for screencasts on various topics05:38
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popeyOk, that's everything - question time!05:38
popey16:21 < Belutz> QUESTIONS: can you provide video only without sound? so the loco team can just record the audio in local language05:39
popeyyes, although if you download the video, avidemux can replace the audio very easily05:39
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popeyif you contact me I can provide versions with no audio though05:40
popeyI have those archived05:40
popey< LjL> popey: you answered. but just a thought (if you find it relevant), what about employing a separate user (with default settings) instead?05:40
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popeywe did consider this, but the menu will still look different, universe apps may have been installed, java, flash etc may already be there05:40
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popeyso when we show installing software for example the dependencies would not be the same05:40
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popeyalthough I can see that if all you are screencasting is "how to write an openoffice document" that really wont matter05:41
popey< chell> QUESTION: What are the specs of the machine you use for recording - how well does it work with QEMU (any slowdowns etc)?05:41
popeyI mostly use my desktop PC which is quite poweful - a Core2Duo with 2GB RAM. but the CPU isnt often thrashed05:41
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popeyits important the virtual machine has plenty of RAM though05:42
popeyI boot my QEMUs with 512MB of ram, so the host needs a bout a 1GB to run efficiently I'd say05:42
popey< Demon012[GoneToC> QUESTION: Which format is the preferred format to release the screen casts in?05:42
popeyI kinda think I answered that, i can probably deal with any original format _except_ flash flv05:43
popeyits just too painful (and did I mention evil)05:43
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popey < Demon012> QUESTION: Is there a screen cast or a series of how to's on setting up these screen casting apps to start screencasting?05:44
popeynot quite, there is a how-to05:44
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popeyi would like to make a "how to screencast" screencast, but it is difficult to do05:44
popey < zorglu_> QUESTION: under which license are the screencast distributed?05:44
popeycreative commons BY-SA 2.505:44
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popey < jrib> QUESTION: why not link the screencasts in the relevant wiki pages?  At the moment, is the only way people find out about a screencast by going to the screencasts page directly?05:44
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popeyIt *is* a wiki. Feel free to spam the wiki with links to our screencasts wherever appropriate :)05:45
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popey < zorglu_> QUESTION: is there some 'permalink' to the screencast ? (it would help to include them in external documentations)05:45
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popeythe links to the videos you see on http://doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts *should* be okay, if we ever move server I will setup redirection if that is possible (i did this for quickones - if you visit quickones.org you magically turn up at doc.ubuntu.com/screencasts)05:46
popey < JLP> popey: QUESTION: What about adding text captions to recordings? For example for adding subtitles in defferent languages. Is it hard to do?05:46
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popeyYes, it's hard.05:46
popeyI would suggest that if someone wants to transcribe the audio, they can do so and we can put that on the screencast site as a .txt file people can grab05:47
popeyunless someone knows some magic - its going to be painful getting the timing right05:47
popey< deniz_ogut> popey QUESTION: How much RAM do we need to do this job?05:47
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popeyAs much as you can. of course if you are recording your own desktop and not using QEMU (VM) approach then its less of an issue05:48
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popeyan alternative is to vnc to a remote machine and record the vnc session using xvidcap (not vncrec or vnc2swf for reasons already stated)05:48
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popeythat way you spread the load, one machine recording, one doing the demo05:48
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popey < maxi_> QUESTION: How can I find out if there's any loco team close here I coul'd join? I mean I speak German and spanish almost perfect, and english so so, so maybe there's some translation possilbility?05:49
popeyspeak to jono :)05:49
=== KenSentMe [n=jeroen@kensentme.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popey< deniz_ogut> popey QUESTION: What tools do we need for just dubbing (translations, lets say) and what kind of a CPU and RAM?05:49
popeyaudacity and something to allow you to watch the video as you talk - some kind of media player - totem / mplayer / vlc05:49
=== t0b3 [n=tobias@dslb-088-064-238-034.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
popeythe audio recording doesnt chew up memory, the qemu session does05:49
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popeyyou can then use avidemux to replace the audio track with your own one05:50
popeyor send me the audio track and I will do it :)05:50
popey < Demon012> QUESTION: How do you do things in screencasts while allowing yourself enough time to talk about it after you add audio?05:50
popeyI talk to myself whilst I am doing it :)05:50
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popeyi imagine what I am going to say at various points whilst I do the demo05:50
popeyI pause a bit05:50
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popeymaybe wave the mouse over an important area05:51
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popey < jayteeuk> popey QUESTION: Do you script the screencasts themselves, what actions you're going to take, rough talk-over, storyboards, etc, before you get started?05:51
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popeyI dont specifically script them.. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/Requests/InstallingJava05:52
popeywe make notes though ^^for example05:52
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popeythat's all the questions I think ?05:53
popeyunless anyone wants me to expand on any?05:53
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popey< Gabz> popey QUESTION: what happens when a screencast becomes out of date eg feisty is released ?05:53
popeyyeah, that's a problem we have to live with05:53
popeyeither we re-record it or we let it die05:54
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popeydepends how "important" it is I guess05:54
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popeythe problem is you cant easily edit them05:54
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popey< mc44> question: are there any areas you think we need more screencasts in?05:54
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popey*except* 3d desktop effects05:55
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popeythere are like a million of those on youtube05:55
popeybut none from us :(05:55
popeyso yeah, maybe one or two compiz/beryl ones05:55
popeyask yourself what people ask you about05:55
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popeylook through irc channels, mailing lists, support tickets05:56
popeywhat questions do people ask05:56
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popey < jayteeuk> QUESTION: Are there any metrics for determining the popularity of a specific screencast?05:56
popeyratings on google?05:56
popeyI have stats for popularity of pages on our site05:56
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popeyand i get email about them05:56
popeyi need to speak to mdke to get "proper" site stats so we really can see which are the most popular05:57
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popeywe were on the front page of groklaw last week :)05:57
popeywhich was nice05:57
popey< zorglu_> QUESTION: have you experimented doing screencast 'automatically' ? i know some people do screenshoot automatically to avoid the burden of redoing at every release.05:57
popeyi have not, if you find a way, i would love to hear it!05:57
popey6 < davmor2> popey: can't do that in qemu though can you05:57
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popeysadly not, no05:57
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popeybut could install a clean install of ubuntu and just install the screencasting app and beryl, then demo?05:58
popey< jayteeuk> popey: I was thinking specifically for when determining whether an out-of-date screencast should be killed or re-done for the new release.05:58
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popeythere are people still using dapper, I am sure there are people still using breezy, i guess we need to take a call when we run out of space :)05:58
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popey zorglu_> popey_: publishing those popularity results would allow people to know which kind of screencast is the most usefull for the users05:58
popeyok, I will gather stats and publish on the site05:59
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popeyhowever there are only like 7 screencasts on there05:59
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popeymost important thing from my point of view is to make more of them :)05:59
popeyif I remember rightly the two most popular are the installing dual boot, and burning ISOS05:59
popeyright, i think we are out of time?06:00
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popeythanks everyone!06:00
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || CURRENT SESSION: MOTU - Daniel Holbach
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dholbachHello everybody,06:01
maxi_So you see, I didn't run away, thx, another interesting hour in my boring live ;)06:01
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dholbachI'm Daniel Holbach, work for Canonical and joined the MOTU team around three years ago, when the team had ~5 members. Now we're up to 62 members.06:01
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dholbachI work in a couple of different teams: Together with seb128 I work in the Desktop Team (which he'll give a session about on Thu 26th Apr at 20.00). For a couple of other teams I do packaging and try to organise them a bit: the Accessibility team, the Artwork team, the Telepathy team, the Bluetooth team, the Galago team, etc. I also work on bughelper with the BugSquad.06:02
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dholbachIf you have any questions, just ping me in #ubuntu-classroom-chat and I'll answer them as they come up06:03
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dholbachMOTU stands for 'Masters Of The Universe' which originates from the Universe component, which holds the biggest amount of our packages. 'main' and 'restricted' are supported by Canonical, 'universe' and 'multiverse' by the community. 'main' and 'restricted' hold 5167 packages today and 'universe' plus 'multiverse' 16237. So as the name suggests, the MOTU team takes care of 'universe' (and 'multiverse' also).06:03
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dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, is MOTU are for developers only?06:04
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dholbachBelutz: we do packaging and bug fixing - some of these tasks are very easy - we also have MOTUs who like to do organisation and documentation - so there's a lot of tasks for everybody06:05
dholbach<erstazi> dholbach: QUESTION: accessibility is an important operating system component, what is Ubuntu's plans for further development?06:05
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dholbacherstazi: you should talk to heno about that - he's the Accessibility lead and you should join the ubuntu-accessibility-devel@ list06:05
dholbacherstazi: this session will be more about MOTU06:05
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, QUESTION: so what can a non-developer do to help the MOTU team and/or become a MOTU team member?06:06
dholbachBelutz: we have lots of tasks we work on - I'll lists a couple of them as we move along06:06
dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: QUESTION: Are any MOTUs paid canonical employees working on packages that will eventually be included in main?06:06
dholbachYokoZar: ogra and I started in the ranks of MOTUs and became Canonical employees06:07
dholbachYokoZar: lots of packages that started in Universe made their way into Main06:07
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dholbachSo what does a MOTU do?06:07
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dholbachAs a MOTU you're maintaining packages. Since we don't follow the concept of applying the rigorous big maintainer lock, it's your choice which package you take care of.06:07
bogorWOW, neat way to get a paid job06:08
dholbachWe have people06:08
dholbach * taking care only of 'their own packages'06:08
dholbach * working together with others on a set of packages in a team06:08
dholbach * fixing lots of different packages06:08
dholbach(* working on no packages at all)06:08
dholbachIf you belong to the last category, this might be your first step in the Ubuntu Development Community. :-)06:08
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dholbachSo how do I become a MOTU?06:08
dholbachThat's very easy. You basically contribute to the team's efforts, either by packaging a new piece of software or by helping with fixing / updating / merging existing packages.06:08
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dholbachI personally always found the second way to be much easier and you learn a lot along the way. As a MOTU hopeful you're not allowed yet to upload to the archive yourself, but you can ask other team members to sponsor the upload for you. We have a lightweight process for that in place: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess06:09
dholbach<zorglu_> QUESTION: why universe/multiverse doesnt contains all the programms with their mp3 component, e.g. to have mp3 support in ffmpeg requires to recompile it from source, could it be possible to have a mp3 enabled version in universe ?06:09
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dholbachzorglu_: that's a legal question - you best ask our archive admins what is possible and what is not06:09
dholbachzorglu_: license problems and patent violations are huge problems we can't just ignore06:10
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dholbachAfter a while of contributing, when you've become more comfortable with packaging, the processes and you've worked with a couple of people, you will hear that people are tired of uploading your packages and you should be able to do so yourself. :-)06:10
zorglu_dholbach: universe already contains all the mp3 stuff06:10
zorglu_lame mp3 encoder is in multiverse as an example. but ok i will ask06:11
dholbachzorglu_: I'm not a lawyer, so it's hard for me to judge - every new packages has to go past our archive admins - it's their call06:11
dholbachubuntu-archive is the team in launchpad06:11
dholbachand I believe they have a mailing list as well06:11
dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: QUESTION: Hypothetically, the MOTU is already tired of uploading my packages for me.  Then what?06:11
dholbachIt's easy to see that it's not just a matter of technically abilty, but also a matter of teamwork and trust. Once your mentors and people of the MOTU team are happy with you, they will tell you to apply to become a MOTU yourself. For that you write an application mail to the MOTU Council and if they're happy with you, they'll approve you. Find more info about that over here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Hopeful/Recruitment06:11
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dholbach<bogor> QUESTION: dholbach: Can you demonstrate the packaging process with an example?06:12
dholbachbogor: I'd prefer it the "packaging 101" session did that06:12
dholbachthis session is more about how MOTU works and what they do, etc06:13
dholbachbogor: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation has a few links, especially to the ubuntu packaging guide, which is easy to read and has examples as well06:13
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dholbach<McKinney> dholbach: Question: what conditions must be complied for a package to get into the repository06:14
dholbachMcKinney: it has to 1) meet basic packaging standards, 2) build nicely on the architectures it's supposed to, 3) have a nice and clean license, 4) build from source06:14
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, QUESTION, there are a lots of packages in universe/multiverse, how do you manage all of them? how do you assign packages to MOTU members?06:15
dholbachBelutz: I don't assign them. We have a couple of teams who work on things they're interested in06:15
dholbachBelutz: also we get lots of fixes from the upstream authors and from the debian maintainers06:15
dholbachBelutz: and on top of that: the MOTU team has lots of hard working really good people06:15
dholbach<t0lst0y> QUESTION: In an average week, what part of the process do you spend most of your time on?06:16
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dholbacht0lst0y: which process do you mean?06:16
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dholbachok, I move on06:16
dholbachThings the team does:06:16
dholbachWe work on Bugs, just to put some numbers into the discussion:06:16
dholbach * 18484 bugs in Universe/Multiverse    (96084 in Ubuntu total)06:17
dholbach * 10380 closed bugs Universe/Multiverse (56612 closed in Ubuntu total)06:17
dholbachWhile the numbers look scary, here's a very good thing about working with the MOTUs: you're not alone. If you try to fix a bug in a package you have:06:17
dholbach 1) team members,06:17
dholbach 2) the Debian maintainer and06:17
dholbach 3) the upstream author06:17
dholbachyou can ask and work with. Working on bugs is highly rewarding: sometimes it's a one line fix, you find in the upstream CVS already and you make a lot of users happy.06:17
dholbach<Demon012> dholbach: QUESTION: What must be done on a softwares source code before it can be packaged with deb helper (How are the MakeFiles etc generated)06:17
dholbachDemon012: that's usually something the upstream author does06:17
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dholbachDemon012: sometimes you have to fix makefiles to make it work nicely for us, but usually you can just use the upstream source06:18
dholbach<t0lst0y> QUESTION: In terms of bug fixes versus research versus coding?06:18
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dholbacht0lst0y: I spend a lot of my time on bug reports, triaging them, talking with the upstream developers about them, etc06:18
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dholbacht0lst0y: quite a lot of my coding time I spend on the bughelper project (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper)06:19
dholbach<poningru> QUESTION: now that feisty is released and gutsy toolchain is released can people start adding stuff to revu? or is there a wait periode?06:19
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dholbachponingru: no wait period at all - just go ahead and ask your mentor or your favourite motu to take a look at it06:19
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dholbachsome additions to that:06:20
dholbachGet new packages in!06:20
dholbachUbuntu has become a great place for users. Lots of software is packaged already, but your personal pet project might be missing still. This also is a gratifying task, as you make many users happy by providing high-quality software in the archive.06:20
dholbachAll NEW packages go through a review process, which currently happens on http://revu.tauware.de - this might change in the near future (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Processes/REVU). Reviewing is a great way to mentor, but also to learn, which leads us to our next point.06:20
dholbach<gpocentek> QUESTION: could you describe what is REVU? :)06:20
dholbachgpocentek: :-)06:20
dholbach<mc44> QUESTION: is there more we can do to attract more developers to help out with ubuntu/motu?06:20
dholbachmc44: good question06:20
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dholbachmc44: I added two specs for UDS Sevilla about that06:21
dholbachone is about getting better documentation06:21
dholbachthe other about improving our mentoring06:21
dholbachonce we're better at that this will have the right multiplication effect :-)06:21
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dholbach<zorglu_> QUESTION: as a rules of thumbs, how long packages wait in the revu queue before being accepted ?06:22
dholbachzorglu_: that depends06:22
zorglu_an approximation ?06:22
dholbachzorglu_: as a package maintainer you need to be responsive on requests and ask people actively for reviews06:22
dholbachwe have VERY old packages in REVU - that's because people didn't follow up on them06:22
dholbachREVU is somewhat of a bottleneck, but we have ideas to improve it06:22
McKinneydholbach: Question: for example i am currently using a debian-package of gxine because the package from the repository freezes when i want to resize the window a movie is played in. i already reported the bug on launchpad but it is still not fixed. how long does it usually take to eliminate such bugs?06:23
DarkSun887B7B7B7B7B[#ubuntu-classro]  3A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B3B06:23
dholbachwe had packages that went in after a few days06:23
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dholbachbut also packages that took much much longer06:23
dholbachMcKinney: if you have a fix ready, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess is what you want06:23
dholbacha lot of the problems you have in becoming part of the development community is talking to the right people and attracing the right people's interest in something06:24
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dholbachthere's a Media team, there's also the team that takes care of pending patches that are considered for upload06:24
dholbach<poningru> dholbach: [12:19:53]  <Demon012> QUESTION: Is there a checklist for triaging?06:24
dholbachfor general bug triage you might want to read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs06:25
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dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: What about independent software vendors?  Is there any official process to help them create packages that play nice with universe (and perhaps eachother), even if the software can't go into universe?06:25
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dholbachYokoZar: we have the commercial repository as well - I think that Malcom Yates (mdy) is a good person to talk to about that06:25
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dholbachMOTU has formed a huge bunch of subteams already:06:26
dholbach * Games team06:26
dholbach * Media team06:26
dholbach * Science team06:26
dholbach * Photo team06:26
dholbach * UncommonProgrammingLanguages team06:26
dholbach * <and lots of others>06:26
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dholbachSome of the teams, which started in Universe, but now are working across the whole distro, the Mono team is a good example for that. If you have good ideas for a team and want to kickstart it, let me know: dholbach@ubuntu.com06:26
dholbachjono will be able to help out as well.06:26
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dholbachTransitions! That's usually an easy way to get involved.06:27
dholbachIn order to use a new technology consistently across the whole archive, we sometimes need to change several hundreds of packages. This is gratifying work also, as it's sometimes easy to do and nice to do this within a team. Good examples of this were:06:27
dholbach * the switch from python2.3 to python2.4 (as a default)06:27
dholbach * the use of gcc406:27
dholbach * the transition to use Xorg06:27
dholbach * ...06:27
dholbachWe used to have  H U G E   working lists on the wiki, nowadays we often use Malone to keep track of these.06:27
dholbachWe usually announce them on ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com - so if you're following that list, you can help out there easily.06:28
dholbach<Demon012> dholbach: QUESTION: I found out yesterday that the packages are all source files in the repositories. How does proprietory software like Vmware get handled?06:28
dholbachDemon012: we prefer source packages06:28
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dholbachDemon012: but if we have binaries that are redistributable we sometimes do that as well06:28
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dholbachDemon012: again - please refer to the ubuntu-archive team; they know better what is acceptable and what not06:29
dholbach<emet> dholbach: QUESTION: Lets say I made a program, how do I get it inside the Ubuntu Universe repo?06:29
dholbachemet: if you plan to do the packaging yourself, you'd follow the REVU process I mentioned above06:29
dholbachemet: if you'd prefer somebody else to do it, let me quote:06:30
dholbach[WWW]  file a bug in Launchpad and make sure it has the tag [WWW]  needs-packaging. Make sure you check which [WWW]  packages have already been requested. For packages in Debian, but not in ubuntu [WWW]  file a bug with the summary field "please sync package <packagename> from debian <distro>" where packagename is the package you would like to see.06:30
dholbachthat's from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates06:30
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dholbachWe're doing huge efforts at helping people get up to scratch on packaging, especially #ubuntu-motu on irc.freenode.net is always buzzing and somebody is always awake to answer *your* packaging question.06:31
dholbachBut mentoring also happens on our ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com mailing list, in private chats, by doing reviews of packages and patches or via mail. Don't hesitate to approach us, join the Master of the Universe today! :-)06:31
dholbachThe team is also working out details to refine the process and make it easier for MOTU hopefuls and future mentors. We'll have a session at UDS about that: https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/better-mentoring so if you're in Sevilla at that time, join in, if not add your ideas to the wiki page. We'll also work on getting a Mentoring mailing list ready.06:31
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dholbachKeep the questions coming in. :-)06:32
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dholbachMoving on to Merges06:32
dholbachIn the beginning of each release cycle we merge our efforts with those of the Debian maintainers. So this is what we currently do for Gutsy.06:32
dholbachIf you want to help out, just grab a merge from http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html or http://merges.ubuntu.com/multiverse.html and go ahead (NOTE: they are currently being updated and reworked, so in a few days they should be fine).06:33
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Merging and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/Merging-and-Syncing also have more information on that process.06:33
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, QUESTIONS: is MOTU the one decided which version of apps that goes to repos?06:33
dholbachBelutz: that's a two stage process: first MOTUs will review your package and upload it if they're ok with it; after that it has to pass the archive-admins06:33
dholbachthey can still reject it; not only if the license is problematic06:34
dholbachbut rejects mostly happen because of re-distributability06:34
dholbachMOTU School06:35
dholbachIn the spirit of the Ubuntu's Open Week we already had some interesting MOTU School sessions: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School - if you want to hold a session or request a session, let us know on the mailing list and on the wiki pages.06:35
dholbach(also if you want to give a session :-))06:35
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dholbachJordan Mantha (laserjock) and others have worked hard on the Packaging Guide, but they'd always be glad to have people who are interested in explaining and helping new MOTU hopefuls to find their way into the community. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation lists a few pages of interest.06:36
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU and its subpages could also do with some helping hands. MOTU is a community effort and has grown into all sorts of directions over time, the wiki pages bear witness of that, so it'd be great if you'd fix whatever documentation you found inaccurate. At UDS we're going to work on that too: https://blueprints.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/motu-wiki-cleanup06:36
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, for example, sylpheed-claws is now claws-mail, and it has been a while before feisty release, but in feisty repos, is still using sylpheed-claws instead of claws-mail, and i believe claws-mail is already stable in ubuntu. Is that part of MOTU process or archive admin?06:36
dholbachBelutz: are they both in Ubuntu already?06:36
dholbachBelutz: and one could be replaced with the other?06:37
dholbachthat's an archive-admin decision then06:37
dholbachmostly it's wise to also check what the Debian maintainer does06:37
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dholbachif they decide to go with a different name and you use the same name, you can do syncs of the source package more easily06:37
dholbachBelutz: did I get your question right?06:38
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dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, the claws-mail is not in repo anyway, and i still find some old version apps in repos like gnucash, but maybe it's the archive admin decision then :)06:38
dholbachBelutz: if the version is old, that's not a archive admin job06:38
dholbachBelutz: up until UpstreamVersionFreeze (UVF) we can upload new versions as we see fit06:39
dholbachsee http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule for that06:39
dholbachafter that you need to get approval06:39
dholbachthe NEW package of course is an archive admin thing06:39
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dholbachWho of you could imagine joining the MOTUs anytime soon?06:40
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dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: QUESTION: My package gets updated every two weeks.  What's the absolute latest update I can submit that will get into the release?06:40
alterlaszloI would like to!06:40
dholbachYokoZar: we need to make sure the software we upload can be tested realistically06:40
dholbachYokoZar: uploading a new wine package with 1000s of lines of changes a week before release does not work out06:41
dholbach<PriceChild> I would love to join MOTU but I just haven't got enough programming knowledege....06:41
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dholbachPriceChild and everybody else who'd like to join in: don't let the "programming skills" thing intimidate you: if you're truly interested in helping out, in packaging, fixing bugs and talking to upstream about them, trying patches, etc, you'll learn a lot along the way and are absolutely right for the job :)06:42
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, so how do you maintain a package (still using claws-mail as example), do you have to get in touch with the claws-mail developers? and how do you know that there are a new version of a package? do you have to search for it or how? sorry i ask a lot, because i'm still blur with the MOTU process06:43
dholbachgood question06:43
dholbachbeing in touch with upstream is a VERY good thing06:43
dholbachbear in mind that maintaining is not only about 'uploading a new upstream version' every now and then06:43
dholbachit's also about reading bug reports from our users06:43
dholbachtrying to fix them, forwarding them to upstream etc etc06:44
dholbachyou do want a good relationship with them, as they can help you to do things like: 1) write debugging documentation for the bug squad, 2) enable the right options by default, 3) discuss our and their release schedule, etc etc06:44
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YokoZardholbach: I could speak to that, coming from upstream myself.  There are 30+ active, full time Wine developers, and right now I'm the only guy reading the bug reports in launchpad (or user complaints on the forum) and forwarding them where appropriate.06:45
dholbachYokoZar: thanks a lot for that06:45
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, for a packages that have problems with dependecies, is it MOTU jobs to fix it? or the packages developer?06:46
dholbachBelutz: dependencies are a packaging problem, which should be fixed by its maintainer or a MOTU, yes06:46
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dholbachsomtimes you can work around dependencies on a source code level but you rarely need to do that06:46
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dholbachit's more about changing the right bits in the debian/ dir of the source package06:46
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dholbachfor those of you who want to become members of the MOTUs, please check http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentors06:47
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dholbachand don't be shy to ask questions06:47
YokoZarLaunchpad's "link to upstream bug" feature is particularly useful, especially because it lets the upstream bughunters find people's fixes in Ubuntu itself.  For a project as large and complex as Wine, there's also a surprising amount of effort that needs to go into making sure it still builds right in Ubuntu (Wine comes out every two weeks, and over half of my changelog entries are things other than "new upstream version")06:47
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dholbachwe have lots of bugs to work on: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Bugs06:48
Clemens /msg nickserv register Clem92 xxspkezi06:48
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dholbachalso there are lots of packaging requests open: https://bugs.beta.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=needs-packaging06:49
dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: QUESTION: Earlier, you said you used to just be a regular MOTU and then became a canonical employee.  Were you approached by Canonical for paid work, or did you apply?  How long did it take?06:49
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dholbachI talked to Mark at that time and approached him about it and had a job interview, etc06:49
dholbachI don't know how long it took, but I could find out reading old mails if you really want to know :)06:50
dholbach<Belutz> dholbach, for a new member who do not know enough about programming, who do you recommend as a mentor?06:50
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dholbachBelutz: the mentoring page I suggested lists a few people who are willing to mentor06:50
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dholbachif you like to make things work and have a natural curiosity, you're right in the team :)06:51
dholbachyou can also mail ubuntu-motu@ and ask for a mentor06:51
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dholbachwe'll try to have a mentoring mailing list online soon and will announce it06:51
dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: How long were you an MOTU before you did it full time?  Was it within a single release?  Or like years?06:51
dholbachYokoZar: let's have this discussion in private - I don't mind talking about it publically, but I don't think it has much to do with joining the MOTU team06:52
dholbachany other questions?06:52
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dholbachsorry, for the '.beta' in the launchpad link06:53
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dholbach<adamant1988> dholbach QUESTION: on avg. how much time would you say a MOTU invests in packaging/etc.?06:53
dholbachadamant1988: we have some MOTUs who just spend bits of a week on making sure the packages they work on work correclty06:53
dholbachadamant1988: there's also nothing wrong with saying 'I don't have time in the next half of the year'06:54
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dholbachadamant1988: but we also have people who you can find nearly 24h in #ubuntu-motu ;-)06:54
dholbachI'll disregard elkbuntu's question ;-)06:54
dholbachelkbuntu: thanks for the flowers :)06:54
elkbuntuawww :06:54
dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: QUESTION: Are backports maintained by the MOTU team directly, or coordination with a special backports person?06:54
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dholbachYokoZar: we have a backports team who does the processing06:54
dholbachYokoZar: they usually take the build from the new ubuntu release, make sure it builds nicely on the old release, it installs, etc etc and then process it06:55
dholbach<_emet_> QUESTION: How does MOTU ensure that a package does not contain dangerous code?06:55
dholbach_emet_: we are always wary of code that gets installed to /usr/sbin and the archive-admins also check the code roughly06:56
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dholbachIf you arrived a bit late for the session, Steven Harms will do another session on Thu 26th Apr 16:00 UTC. Thanks Steven!06:57
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dholbachif there are no more questions... :)06:57
dholbachdrop me a mail if you want to know anything about the MOTUs or are interested in joining the team06:58
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dholbach(ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com should work too)06:58
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dholbachHave a nice day.06:58
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dholbach<YokoZar> dholbach: BONUS QUESTION: Has anyone from whomever owns the comic ever officially complained about the name "masters of the universe" ? ;)06:58
dholbachno, luckily they did not :)06:58
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dholbach<mc44> dholbach: QUESTION: does drum and bass aid with packaging? :p07:00
dholbachmc44: it absolutely does - it gets me right on track :)07:00
dholbachmc44: http://daniel.holba.ch/blog/?cat=12 :-)07:01
dholbachsee you07:01
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || CURRENT SESSION: Ask Mark - Mark Shuttleworth
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sabdflmorning/afternoon/evening all07:07
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sabdflsorry for my tardiness, schedule-itis07:07
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sabdflok! this is a Q&A session07:08
sabdflso please fire away07:08
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sabdflwill someone volunteer to act as a secretary and keep track of questions?07:09
PriceChild<JLP> QUESTION: Does Ubuntu have any plans to join forces with other Linux distributions, vendors and companies and together put some pressure on software companies and and offer them help so that they would port some of the most popular applications (like Photoshop, AutoCAD, ...) to Linux?07:09
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sabdflPriceChild, JLP: we do already meet with ISV's, and encourage them to port to Linux07:09
sabdflthey always take a business view of the market opportunity07:09
sabdflthat's a factor of two things07:09
sabdflthe raw number of users, and the willingness of those users to pay for software07:10
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sabdflon the raw number, linux is doing very well07:10
sabdflso hardware folks are starting to take notice07:10
sabdflbut on the ISV front, it's more challenging07:11
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sabdflmany folks are on free software in part because they do not have to pay07:11
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sabdflthere are some niche markets where that's not true - mostly places where Linux was a lower-cost (but not free) alternative to UNIX07:11
sabdfllike workstations07:11
sabdflgraphics, CAD, movie animation and effects etc07:12
sabdflbut for raw consumers, i think the free software community should assume that we are going to have to build our own leaders in each of the major software categories07:12
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sabdflbecause, unless something changes and linux users start to be willing to pay for apps, the ISV's are unlikely to port07:12
PriceChild<adamant1988> sabdfl QUESTION: What are Canonical and Ubuntu doing to ensure enterprise quality in the Ubuntu Linux distribution? Are there any plan to include more 'user friendly' modifications to gnome (ala SLED), interoperability work, etc.?07:12
sabdfltwo separate questions, i'll address them separately07:13
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sabdflon the quality front, i'm very excited about apport, and really want to credit pitti and the dev team with that infrastructure07:13
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sabdflwe are working to make it something that can be deployed for stable releases as well as development releases07:13
sabdflthis will give us real stats as to places where apps break the most07:14
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sabdfland allow us to improve the quality of packages after release on a systematic basis07:14
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sabdfli'm also really pleased at the community iso testing effort, and the hardware database07:14
sabdflthose are examples of places people can contribute to ensure that the whole platform works well07:14
sabdfland then we are working on per-package testing frameworks07:15
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sabdflwe have to figure out how to make those work well in the whole debian universe too07:15
sabdflon the user-friendly desktop mods front, we'll happily bring in work from other distros if it's a genuine improvement07:15
sabdflupstream's willingness to consider the patches is of course the acid test07:16
sabdflbut we would bring something in that upstream was not yet ready for if we were really convinced ourselves07:16
sabdflif you think there are items that really should be included, then (a) make sure they are packages byworking with -core-dev or -motu07:16
sabdfland (b) participate in the ubuntu dev summit, in person or by voip, to motivate for their inclusion07:16
sabdflnext question?07:16
PriceChild<suzan> QUESTION: Mark, recently you told in an interview "the time for mass consumer sales of Linux on the desktop has not yet come". What do you think, when is the time for linux on the desktop? One year, two years, many more years? On what it will depend how quick the time comes?07:16
sabdflbefore mass consumer sales, we will see targeted niche markets07:17
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sabdflso, for example, right now workstations are a Linux-heavy market07:17
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sabdfli think there are some other specific markets that can be targeted07:17
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sabdflin emerging markets, for example, price is a huge driver07:18
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sabdflso we see people in brazil, china, africa etc being genuinely interested in linux07:18
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sabdflnot just in linux-before-priated-windows07:18
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sabdfland in the west, people have said very loudly they want it, we just need to figure out how to reach JUST those folks, and not accidental windows users07:18
sabdflsorry, windows users who accidentally buy linux07:19
sabdflnext question?07:19
PriceChild<kwah> QUESTION: Mark, what do you think about the latest MS 3$ initiative?07:19
sabdflclever move07:19
sabdfl^^^ he gets it07:19
sabdflfree software is a far better platform for education than the $3 offer07:19
sabdfl - far more applications, means you can teach many more things with technology, not just word processing and spreadsheets07:20
sabdflfor example, databases, programming languages, art apps, music, astronomy, statistics... you name it07:21
sabdfl - source code, means you can learn far more about how that technology works, important for super-star students who will rocket ahead of even their teachers07:21
sabdfl- localisations, means you can teach in your n indigenous languages07:21
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sabdflin short, education departments that really care about education have lots of reasons to choose free software rather than the cheap (and usage-limited) windows offer07:22
sabdflnext question?07:22
PriceChild<remix_tj> QUESTION: Mark, will exist in the future a certification relased by Canonical, like RedHat Certified Professional?07:22
sabdflremix_tj: yes!07:22
sabdflalon with training programs, and training materials07:22
sabdflnext question?07:22
PriceChild<mc44> QUESTION: How do you plan to make money out of launchpad? Is it generating revenue for you already?07:23
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sabdflmc44: the first step will be to make it possible for people to subscribe and get the ability to annotate almost any data in LP, privately07:23
sabdflso, for example, private bugs, private specs, private branches07:23
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sabdflthen, we will also host other distributions that are ubuntu derivatives, so we handle all the building and archive management for them07:24
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sabdflnext question?07:24
PriceChild<stuart_> QUESTION: Kubuntu is a great distro but (IMHO) lacks polish and features compared to Ubuntu. Are there any plans to bring in more paid Kubuntu developers now or in the future?07:24
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sabdflstuart_: yes, the kubuntu team will expand, but i think kubuntu will always be more independent of canonical, which is in many was a good thing07:25
sabdflsomethings happen first in ubuntu, because that's where we focus our resources for new releases, other things happen first in kubuntu, because the decisions there are more bottom-up07:25
sabdflnext question?07:26
PriceChild<McKinney> sabdfl: QUESTION: in last time there are discussions that ubuntu should not be released every 6 month. you shoult give the developers more time. what do you think about it?07:26
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sabdflMcKinney: i think the current system, of 6-month releases with LTS releases every 2-3 years, will work well07:26
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sabdflthere are no discussions or plans to change that at the moment07:26
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sabdflnext question?07:26
PriceChild<kwah> QUESTION: What do you think about use of proprietary software in education? Shouldn't it be just a _privilege_ for software developers to provide SW for education without having any direct profits?07:27
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sabdflkwah: no07:27
sabdflthere's nothing wrong with the profit motive, unless society lets it run amok07:27
sabdflregulation is supposed to ensure that every business has checks and balances07:27
sabdflcompetition does the same07:27
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sabdfli think it's naive to disregard the value of self-motivated investment07:28
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sabdfli have no problem with proprietary software - microsoft has every reason to charge me to use software they wrote07:28
sabdflbut i think the free software community can produce better software07:28
sabdfland i choose to use that instead07:29
sabdflnext question?07:29
PriceChild<pointwood> QUESTION: Any rough numbers on how many *buntu machines there are running in the world currently?07:29
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sabdfl4-16 million, my best guess including derivatives is around 10 million07:29
sabdflnext question?07:30
PriceChild<mallux> QUESTION: Did you have anything to do with Michael Dell running Feisty on his home laptop?07:30
sabdflno - i was as surprised as everyone else07:30
sabdfla good surprise, though :-)07:30
sabdflnext question?07:30
PriceChild<tsmithe> QUESTION: How are we doing on the bug 1 front?07:30
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sabdfltsmithe: quite well I think. i'm seeing a lot of people who are NOT tech specialists talking about linux07:31
sabdfland who knows, perhaps ubuntu will shortly be available from your favourite source of PC's!07:31
sabdflhow do YOU think we're doing on the Bug #1 front?07:32
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sabdflnext question?07:32
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PriceChild<Clem92> QUESTION: ShipIt is currently not available fr Xubuntu... will that also come for Xubuntu in the next time?07:32
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sabdflClem92: i don't think so07:32
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sabdflxubuntu, as i understand it, is a more specialist environment, so we probably would not fund cd shipments for it07:33
sabdflit's hard to justify on either philanthropic or business grounds07:33
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sabdflthough it would be nice at least if you could order xubuntu07:33
sabdflnext question?07:33
PriceChild<zul> QUESTION: where do you see Linux virtualization 3 years down the road?07:33
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sabdflzul: i'd really like to see a free software solution that is comprehensive, stable and fast07:33
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sabdfli'm pressed with the diversity of options07:34
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sabdflxen, of course, and kvm and then container-style things like vServer and others07:34
sabdfl*im*pressed, i should say07:34
sabdflnow we need those to mature07:34
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sabdfli hope ubuntu will be a good place for people to test those, as well as a good place for people to run things like vmware if they want07:35
sabdflnext question?07:35
PriceChild<Belutz> QUESTION: if a loco are creating a nation wide event, is it possible that we ask canonical for sponsor (aside from conference kits)?07:35
sabdflask of course! we haven't sponsored anything like that before, but it is possible07:35
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sabdflso feel free to make a case for it07:35
sabdflnext question?07:35
PriceChild<ryuujin_> QUESTION: why is launchpad a proprietary software?07:36
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sabdflryuujin_: several reasons07:36
sabdflfirst, it's worth pointing out that we fund a huge amount of GPL software development07:36
sabdflso LP is not non-free because we don't know any better in general07:36
sabdflwe've thought about it very carefully07:37
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sabdflthe major reason is that LP is explicitly a short-term, WRONG solution to the problem07:37
sabdflthe problem is a lack of information flow between projects07:37
sabdflthe right solution, from an engineering perspective, is a federated, distributed, standards-based approach07:37
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sabdflwhere data from bugzilla flows to LP, and into debbugs, and into roundup, and into sourceforge07:38
sabdflthen everyone uses their preferred tools, and the data just migrates as needed07:38
sabdflbut, we couldn't wait for that to happen, so we wrote a tool for ubuntu that new how to link to other tools07:38
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sabdflit's centralised07:38
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sabdflnow, if there were MULTIPLE tools like that, it would divide the eyeballs interested in agregating this information07:38
sabdflso, imaging you have a bug, reported in ubuntu, debian, upstream and gentoo07:39
sabdflwith LP, someone from each community just has to annotate it once, saying "our bug tracker knows about that issue, and we are tracking it as #324342"07:39
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sabdflif there were multiple LP's, people would have to do that work multiple times07:39
sabdflthe result would be a mess07:39
sabdflyou would not have 1 bug number for 1 problem07:40
sabdflno more Bug #1!07:40
sabdflso that's the major issue07:40
sabdflwe have released bits of code that we thought WOULD be useful to other communities07:40
sabdfleither infrastructure stuff (Zope, SQLObject, translation bits etc)07:40
sabdflor app stuff07:40
sabdflwe do have a plan to get to a point where we can GPL it07:41
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sabdflbut that involves a lot of work, and i think it will take time, i don't want anyone to expect it to be free in 2-3 years even07:41
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sabdflbut we're working to that roadmap, and will hopefully get there07:41
sabdflnext question?07:41
PriceChild<joebaker> QUESTION:  Do you have any opinions you'd like to share about the progress of GPL v3.0?07:41
sabdflonly that i think it's important work, and a good transparent process, and I really hope they come to a result that the community embraces wholeheartedly, even Linus07:42
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sabdflfrom the drafts, we're not there yet07:42
sabdfli do trust both rms and eben moglen07:42
sabdflwhen v3 is out, we'll take a decision about the code we have copyright in07:43
sabdflultimately, though ubuntu is an aggregated work of hundreds of items under many licences07:43
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sabdflso that will remain true :-)07:43
sabdflnext question?07:43
PriceChild<YokoZar> There is a strong chance that Wine will come out of beta sometime during Gutsy or Gutsy+1's development.  In the past several distributions (Corel, for instance) have included supported versions of Wine officially, to make other applications easily ported to their platform. This would allow Ubuntu to support the installation of Win32 software, both free and proprietary, via something like Add Applications or Click and R07:43
PriceChildun.  What do you think of the idea?07:43
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sabdfli admire the WINE effort, hugely07:44
sabdfli think it's important07:44
sabdflbut i don't think that the future of free software lies in running non-free software!07:44
sabdflwe should definitely discuss it at the UDS, so please come along, and remind me to invite the WINE guys too07:44
sabdflnext question?07:44
PriceChild<\sh> QUESTION: Mark, good evening :) What is the best way to convince companies (who are providing DC services) to switch from regular RHEL or SLES/Novell Business Server  to Ubuntu Server, especially when you think about Oracles turn towards it's own Linux solution?07:44
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sabdflDC services?07:45
sabdflyou mean large-scale hosted servers?07:45
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\shsabdfl, DC == Datacenter :)07:45
sabdflit would be great if folks running huge data centers adopted ubuntu07:45
sabdflsalesforce would be awesome07:45
sabdflebay, amazon etc07:46
sabdfli think they would have a great experience, save money but still get great support07:46
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sabdflare you asking becuase you know such a company?07:46
sabdflok, i'll assume so07:47
\shsabdfl, in general...most companies are using RHEL or SLES because they are oracle certified...now oracle comes up with its own linux solution...how to convince our bosses that ubuntu is better07:47
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sabdflah, right07:47
sabdflwell, the oracle test is one we have to pass, and we will do so eventually07:47
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sabdflunfortunately, oracle's strategy means they will likely not look at the hard data showing rapid adoption of ubuntu in the wild07:47
sabdflbecause they want to see adoption of Unbreakable Linux (UBL)07:48
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sabdfli tihnk they could have done UBL around Ubuntu and had a much better result already07:48
sabdflbut they decided to do it as a RHAT clone07:48
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sabdflwe just have to be patient and keep growing elsewhere07:48
sabdflif you know a company that has a large data center, its worth asking them to find a niche area where they can test ubuntu07:49
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sabdflusually they will do this in low-risk areas07:49
sabdfllike web farms, or redundant compute farms07:49
sabdfland when they have a good experience there, they will often expand their use07:49
sabdfland put pressure on the ISV's they deal with to certify the platform07:49
sabdfla foot in the door is all it takes07:49
sabdflso try to find a low-risk area where they can try it07:49
sabdflnext question?07:50
PriceChild<[doctor] > QUESTION: Mark, what do you think about interaction at a level of the governments (Russia & East Europe) for distribution edubuntu. Any plans?07:50
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sabdflwell, Georgia has already done a large program like that07:50
sabdfli think Armenia is looking at the same07:50
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sabdfli do expect others to follow07:50
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sabdfland we will work with any government that wants consulting and customisation help07:51
sabdflnext question?07:51
PriceChild<dinda> sabdfl: QUESTION:  In a recent interview you spoke about using a Web 2.0 to harness the power of user data/input.  Do you see a place for that within the Ubuntu Community?  For example an Ubuntu Community Space that serves as a front end to that data mining process.07:51
sabdflthe ubuntu forums and ubuntu wiki are already an amazing resource for users07:51
sabdflit's incredible, the knowledge that is encapsulated there07:51
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sabdflwe are also seeing amazing work in the ubuntu question-and-answer tracker07:52
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sabdflwhich formalises community support for the platform07:52
sabdfland builds a knowledgebase07:52
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sabdflthere is a superb team building there07:53
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sabdfli'm open to other suggestions too!07:53
sabdflnext question?07:53
PriceChild<Clem92> QUESTION: What OS do you use on your PCs at home and at work? Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, etc?07:53
imbrandon( just a small note , you can poke me later about \sh , our company runs one of the largest PCI DC's in the USA and we're phasing out all our CentOS in favor of Ubuntu )07:53
sabdflimbrandon: would they consider being part of a case study?07:53
sabdflClem92: i use ubuntu on my laptop, kubuntu on my desktop, i also have a MacOS PPC machine at home07:54
sabdfland i've seen vista running in a virtual machine, but never for very long :-)07:54
sabdflnext question?07:54
PriceChild<adamant1988> sabdfl QUESTION:  I think we all recognize Canonical ltd.'s importance to the Ubuntu project's continued growth and prosperity, however Canonical remains a mysterious figure to Ubuntu users because it is a private corporation.  I'm sure many users of Ubuntu are concerned with Canonical's financials (profit, etc.) and would like to invest (read: buy stock) in the company.  Are there any plans to 'go public', if not w07:54
sabdflno plans to go public at this stage, though it's nice to have lots of VC's expressing interest07:55
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sabdfli don't want to take a short-term view, and the markets ultimately force you into that07:55
sabdflit's rare to find public companies that don't have that pressure, or even VC-funded private companies, and right now we have the luxury of having plenty of funding and a long-term mandate to change the economics of the software industry in a profound, philanthropic and commercial way07:56
sabdflwe are slowly building up a revenue stream in canonical, all of which gets reinvested in ubuntu07:56
sabdflmy dream is to build something unique: a genuinely free platform, that PAYS FOR ITSELF07:57
sabdflthat has never existed before, but i believe it can exist, and our goal is to find out07:57
sabdflat the same time, canonical and ubuntu are separate entities07:58
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sabdflother companies are starting to invest in ubuntu too07:58
sabdflsometimes via canonical (contracts for development, ports etc)07:58
sabdfland sometimes directly (hiring developers and getting them to spend time on ubuntu or kubuntu)07:58
sabdflubuntu is bigger than canonical, and that's a very good thing07:58
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sabdflit would be nice to have more non-canonical people in the CC and techboard07:58
sabdflnobody can buy their way onto those07:59
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PriceChild<erstazi> QUESTION: where do you see Ubuntu in 10 or 20 years?07:59
sabdflbut as more companies devote full-time engineers to ubuntu, it's more likely that they will be able to build the necessary experience and credibility to hold a seat their on their own merits07:59
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sabdflerstazi: that's a very long time, my crystal ball gets all cloudy :-)08:00
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sabdflright now, the goal is (a) be the best free software desktop possible, and (b) work towards being sustainable without licence fees08:00
sabdflthat's all i can see!08:00
sabdflnext question?08:00
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PriceChildI hadn't prepared another question as we've reached the end of the hour already!08:01
sabdflis it kiko-time?08:01
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PriceChildThanks very much sabdfl08:01
sabdflkikomatic, you're up08:01
sabdflthanks everybody, great questions!08:01
PriceChildThankyou everyone else for all your questions!08:01
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PriceChildI'm sorry we get you answers all of them08:01
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kikohello hello08:01
mc44sabdfl: thanks for your time08:02
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kikohello hello08:02
McKinneythank you sabdfl08:02
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kikoand welcome to one more round of Launchpad Q&A :)08:02
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PriceChildkiko we can stay +m if you would like?08:02
suzanthanks a lot, it was very interessting08:02
hendrixskiThanks sabdfl that was amazing08:02
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kikoPriceChild, that's fine if people post me questions on theparate chat channel08:02
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kikoseparate chat channel :)08:02
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PriceChildkiko "/mode +m" if you want to stop people chatting in here... I'm afraid I've got to run for 30 minutes, good luck!08:03
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ograPriceChild, topic update ?08:03
Tm_TPriceChild: thanks for your time once again :)08:03
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || Launchpad Q+A - Kiko
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kikothanks to everyone for showing up08:04
kikoit's always hard speaking /after/ mark :)08:04
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kikoI run the Launchpad project, together with Steve Alexander, my alter ego currently in Amsterdam08:05
kikowe have a team of 20+ developers building features, ensuring quality and planning ahead08:05
kikoin previous sessions I've done a lot of covering the basics08:06
kikoexplaining why we are doing Launchpad08:06
kikowhat it's useful for08:06
kikowhy we think it is key to collaboration in open source08:06
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kikogiven this is a Q&A session, however, you get to choose what I explain :)08:06
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kikoso post your questions to #ubuntu-classroom-chat08:07
kikoand I will do my best to cook up good answers to them08:07
kikoand if they are not good, well.. I can blame brazilian narcotics!08:07
kikoditsch posted an interesting question:08:07
kikoAre there plans to merge the answers section with forums or mailing lists?That would be nice since the answers section is not that common to users, I think.08:07
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kikothere are plans to integrate mailing lists as a Launchpad offering08:08
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kikowe haven't considered yet the link to the specific applications08:08
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kikoand I'm not sure it would be easy to find a trivial link to the answer tracker because of the way the questions and answers are posted.08:08
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kikoperhaps it is possible to model the individual conversations as threads08:09
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kikoand offering a mailing list digest of the questions and answers.08:09
kikoit's a possibility. however, note that the answer tracker offers a full email interface08:09
kikomeaning that questions posted can be replied to via email08:09
kikoand the answers are handled properly08:09
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kikoso there is something of the convenience of a mailing list there -- albeit not with mbox exports08:10
kikookay, I have a controversial question by laszlok :)08:11
kikoIf there's a bug for launchpad that's being ignored for whatever reason (you guys are probably very busy) is there anything else a launchpad user (with programming skills) can do? Do I have to wait for one you guys to get around to deal with my small bug? Theres a lot of small things that could easily improve launchpad, but most of you guys seem busy with more important things.08:11
kikoso this is actually a shortcoming in our development process08:11
kikoand one which we are seriously intending to address08:11
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kikonow so far we have been working hard to produce a feature-complete 1.0 release08:12
kikobased on an original roadmap that mark and the team put together over 2 years ago08:12
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kiko(I'm thinking about the answer :)08:13
kikoso we are working hard to put in place a better release process for launchpad08:13
kikoup to now we have been really chasing hard our feature list08:13
kikobut we are now at a point where the releases will be publically planned ahead08:13
kikoand a clear roadmap will be made available so that people can check what we are doing.08:14
kikoI also want to point out that you /can/ as a user hop on to #launchpad and provide us with advice08:14
kikoand suggestions to fix ou favorite bugs08:14
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kikoyour favorite bugs08:15
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kikoanother question from DoctorOwl08:16
kikoQUESTION: Is Launchpad only for projects that run on Ubuntu?  And if not, how would you compare it to another offering like Sourceforge?08:16
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kikoLaunchpad is definitely /not/ for Ubuntu only!08:17
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kikoUbuntu was our first official user08:17
kikoand definitely one of the most important08:17
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kikothere are many projects, large and small, that are adopting Launchpad08:17
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kikoyou can use as much as Launchpad as you like08:17
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kikoif you want to try out the bug tracker, you can do so without committing to doing translations or answer tracking08:18
kikoso it is really a lot easier that taking up a whole new project management system08:18
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kikosome of our newest and more visible projects include Zope and Silva08:18
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kikobut just browse the product listing and you'll get an idea of how many different products are registered and officially using Launchpad08:19
kikoThe about page said there are tools to convert from other services to launchpad.  Is one of those tools sourceforge -> launchpad?08:19
kikosorry, that was a question08:19
kikobut hitched onto the previous one!08:19
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kikoso the answer is that yes, we have custom importer for different bug trackers08:20
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kikoand you can request an import if your project is considering moving to Launchpad08:20
kikoso if you want to try Launchpad out08:21
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kikocome talk to me on #launchpad08:21
kikoand I will help sort it out for you.08:21
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kikoan interesting question from McKinney:08:21
kikoQuestion: what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of launchpad?08:21
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kikowhew. it's always easy to list advantages :-)08:21
kikoa few of the more visible ones:08:22
kiko- single integrated platform for managing your project: translations, bugs, specifications, code and user support, all in one consistent and publically-available UI08:22
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kiko- a commitment from Canonical to run the Launchpad servers for you, and to maintain a high quality of service, and good turnaround on questions and problems.08:23
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kiko- a collection of great developers and a user community discussing features and implementation openly08:24
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kiko- the integration with other projects. you get easy access to bugs and translations coming in via the Ubuntu project, which is an amazing magnet08:24
kikoyou can also participate in the discussion of a bug with other projects if you share the issue08:25
kikoLaunchpad was really conceived to facilitate this interchange08:25
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kiko- of course, the most sympathetic and friendly project managers you will ever run into :-)08:26
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almighurtHi wastel08:26
kikolet me try answering the second half there08:26
kikowhich is definitely /not/ an easy one :-)08:26
kikonamely, disadvantages with taking up Launchpad08:27
kikowe don't natively support CVS or Subversion repositories as Sourceforge does08:27
kikoso that's one thing you should keep in mind; however we do offer an import service that converts those to Bazaar (bzr) branches08:27
kikoso it is easy to let developers try Bazaar out if they are considering changing over08:28
McKinneythank you kiko08:28
kikoLaunchpad has its own particular UI, and while many people like it, some do not08:28
kikowe don't really offer much in the way of UI customizability today08:28
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kikobut we may soon08:29
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almighurtHi Xk2c08:29
kikoso if your project is considering shifting, that's something to consider discussing with your user community.08:29
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almighurtHi miklov_08:30
McKinneythanks for your particular answer.08:30
kikowhat else, what else08:30
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almighurtHi chuckf08:30
kikoMcKinney, am I off the hook for disadvantages08:31
cellojoe<DoctorOwl> QUESTION: Where do you think Launchpad will be in a years time?08:31
chapularQUESTION: So what do you think about the open source philosophy extending in to the real qorld?08:31
kikocan I choose cellojoe's question? :)08:31
chapulari meant outside of software08:31
chapularand computers08:31
kikoin a year's time we will have a number of interesting features08:31
chapularinto real world interactions08:31
kikoavailable in Launchpad08:31
kikoI will try not to get fired by discussing some of them with you :)08:32
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kiko- we will offer a system to let end-users easily produce and offer distribution packages08:32
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almighurtHi tintin08:32
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chuckfsorry for showing up late08:33
kiko- we will implement integration with mailing list services and offer that as an additional Launchpad feature08:33
kiko- we will offer an automated FAQ system that makes it easy to build answers based on Q&A coming from the answer tracker08:33
kiko- we will implement much more interesting XMLRPC API that allows you to query Launchpad for objects representing your data08:34
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kikookay. I have given up 4 features and now I am getting flak in the back so I will have to stop :)08:35
kikolet me rush to some other question fast!08:35
kiko<xerosis> QUESTION: Is there a plan/wish to get other distos using LP? How feasible do you think this is08:35
kikowe definitely wish other distros were using LP08:36
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kikoit would be interesting to see all the Ubuntu derivatives move on, because it's an easy step for them08:36
kikobut there are significant advantages in having all this information kept in a single place08:36
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kikoso yes, and if there are other distros that want to move over, please by all means talk to me!08:37
kiko<chuckf> QUESTION: Is it possible as a team admin to unjoin 'my' group from another that I was joined to without being asked?08:37
kikoI'm not sure I understand that question 100%08:37
kikoif you are a team owner you have full control of membership08:38
kikoyou can include and remove admins as you wish08:38
kikoah! I think I understand now08:38
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kikosure -- a team admin can remove any member08:38
kikohe just needs to use the +members link08:39
kiko<chuckf> QUESTION: How easy is it to backup/save the cumulative work done through LP?08:39
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kikowe will offer exports on demand to projects08:39
kikothis is really something we will be improving post-1.008:40
kikobecause we want projects to feel safe and rewarded in using Launchpad -- not trapped!08:40
kikoif you want an export /now/ please come and talk to me, I will help sort it out.08:40
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kiko<xerosis> kiko: won't this centralised source of information sit badly with other open-source people?08:41
kikoso this is a controversial question, but me -- I love controversy :-)08:41
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kikoyou could argue that centralizing actually improves things, because information which is hard to locate and match up is kept in a consistent and unified view08:41
kikoyou could tongue in cheek say "single point in failure"08:42
kikoerr point of failure08:42
kikoand while that is true in terms of infrastructure we have committed serious resources to keeping the service running and running well08:42
kikowe also try really hard to allow easy access to any data you need08:42
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kikoand will be providing more features on this front as 1.0 progresses.08:43
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kikookay! I need more questions :)08:44
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kiko(I should have pointed out that that was an additional disadvantage -- you need to ask us for exports of data today, we haven't automated the process)08:45
kiko<chuckf> QUESTION: Are there plans to expand the critera for karma points to other aspects of the Ubuntu world, i.e. forum contributions08:45
kikoa strong yes is the answer08:45
kikodistribution packaging, for instance, really needs karma credit accounting08:46
kikohandling forum contributions is something I'm not sure how easy would be08:46
kikoI'm not very familiar with how the forums work08:46
kikobut if there's a will there's a way..08:46
=== Clem92 test
kiko<`23meg> QUESTION: Is a  translation string search feature being worked on?08:46
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kikowe need to do a database refactoring for this to work without bringing Launchpad down though.08:46
kikoyou may have noticed that google now indexes translation pages08:47
kikoso it's becoming easier to check there08:47
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kikobut this is a really important post-1.0 feature08:47
kiko<rohan> QUESTION: even though many other projects are using launchpad, right now the general perception is "launchpad == ubuntu". why are proects like kde, debian not shifting to launchpad ? is there any work being done to promote that ?08:47
kikothanks for asking that one rohan08:47
kikoI need to make it clear that shifting to Launchpad is a /lot/ harder for a larger project.08:48
kikothe community is larger and will have more diverse opinions08:48
kikothe current toolset and process will have been specialized to what they are currently used to08:48
kikothere is a lot more process that needs to be adequately supported08:48
kikothis is the reason why larger projects don't flock en-masse to launchpad (or to sourceforge, for that matter)08:48
kikowe are winning them over, but it takes some time08:49
kikosmaller projects find it much easier to move over08:49
kikobecause it's easier to convince people, and to adapt processes. that's natural08:49
kikowe want to offer good service to both -- let's see them coming in!08:50
kiko<allee> Has/will lauchpad support distribution of tarballs?  I know some projects that only use sf to upload/distribute the tarballs of releases08:50
kikoallee, YES. definitely planned feature.08:50
kiko(and some implementation going on already)08:50
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kiko<richb> QUESTION: You mentioned Sourceforge as being comparable to Launchpad, Sourceforge seems to have problems scaling, do you have any projections on how Launchpad will scale when the number of projects increases?08:50
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kikoLaunchpad needs to scale. we are looking to serious replication to make it grow as projects come on08:51
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kikoreplication is non-trivial but it is something we have been considering for a long time08:51
kikoI'm sure we will crack this nut -- we have very good controls on QoS and performance that allow us to gauge how it's going08:52
kiko<rohan> QUESTION: i don't know if it's already answered, but if i am writing a new program, is launchpad supposed to be used "standalone" or alongside some other service such has sf or berlios ?08:52
kikothe answer is yes -- you can use it for your own projects, just like sf and berlios.08:53
kiko<\sh> QUESTION:  Launchpad uses ZOPE as backend for most of the services...using ZOPE by myself as documentation management system in our company, it shows us many pitfalls regarding speed and other things..how do you overcome those things with LP?08:53
kikowe use Zope 3, which is pretty different from Zope 208:53
kikowe find the platform really scalable and good to work with08:53
kikoextremely flexible and easy to adapt08:53
kikoit does require some understanding of the platform to ease customization08:54
kikoand there is a ramp-up to getting started that is pretty steep08:54
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kikobut once you know it you appreciate how well thought out it is.08:55
kiko<\sh> kiko, are you using zopeDB for hte backend, or another db for storing infos? ;)08:55
kikowe don't use the zodb. we use postgresql and a database abstraction layer.08:55
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\shkiko, thx for answering :) good work :)08:56
kikosure thing08:56
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kiko<pwnguin> QUESTION: If Launchpad was open sourced, would it be released under the affero or gpl?08:57
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kikoLaunchpad /will/ eventually be open sourced.08:57
kikoI'm not sure what license would be used.08:57
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kikoso it's time to wrap up08:59
kikoand thank you guys for many interesting questions08:59
kikoI will hand off gracefully to pitti09:00
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || CURRENT SESSION: Patching Packages - Martin Pitt
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kikoand let you guys know that I am on again, at the same time, on thursday.09:00
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=== pitti takes the microphone, thank you kiko!
kikorock on pitti09:00
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=== jjesse cheers for kiko
=== kiko waves
=== pitti rings the schoolbell
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pittiwelcome everyone to my workshop about patching packages09:01
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pittiquick strawpoll, how big is the audience? who is interested in learning about that?09:01
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balrok me09:02
=== pitti apologizes in advance for his ~ 20 second lag
cellojoe ./09:02
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=== `23meg raises hand
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pittisplendid; sounds like a good size for a hands-on workshop :)09:02
pittiif anyone has any question, or I'm totally uncomprehensible (sorry for my English, I'm German), please do not hesitate to interrupt and ask *immediately*09:02
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pittitechnical questions in #-chat, please09:03
pittiAlso, don't bother trying to take notes, we'll sort that out at the end. You can fully concentrate on the discussion and examples.09:03
pittiLet's begin with a little bit of history:09:03
pitti<rohan> pitti: just before we start - is it specifically debian/ubuntu packages patching, or source package patching ?09:03
pitti^ this seminar is very Debian/Ubuntu specific09:04
pittiI assume that you already know what a 'patch' is09:04
pittiand why you want to do one :)09:04
pitti== Why use separate patches in Debian/Ubuntu source packages ==09:04
pittiIn earlier times, people just applied patches inline (i. e. directly in the source code tree). However, this makes it very hard to extract patches later to modify them, send them upstream, etc. Also this means that new upstream versions are a pain, since they generate a lot of rejections when applying the package diff.gz to them.09:04
pittiWith split-out patches it is much easier to send them upstream, keep track of them, develop them, etc., since you always see which changes belong together.09:04
pittiThe ideal state is an unmodified tarball from upstream, plus clean and separate patches, plus the packaging bits in debian/. That means that lsdiff <sourcepackage>.diff.gz only contains debian/.09:05
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pittiThe first attempts to split-out patches were pretty trivial: storing patches in debian/patches/, and adding some patch/patch -R snippets to debian/rules. This worked for small patches, but provided no tools for editing these patches, updating them for new upstream versions, etc.09:05
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pittiThus several standard patch systems were created which are easy to deploy and provide tools for patch juggling and editing.09:05
pittiWhat I would like to do now is to introduce the most common patch systems and show some hands-on demo how to add a new patch and how to edit one. For this, I will point at a source package from the current feisty archive, quickly explain the patch system, and show how to apply some (braindead) modifications to it. I recommend you to do the same steps in a terminal, so that you get a feeling for the process and can immediately ask questions.09:06
pittieveryone you fine with this approach?09:06
pittierm, s/you/is/09:06
habeebyes, sir.09:06
=== shiyee nods
pittibtw, feel free to put answers to my questions directly here; that's easier to follow than in -chat09:07
pittiIf you want to try the stuff yourself, please do the following commands (on feisty) as preparation:09:07
pitti  sudo apt-get install dpatch cdbs quilt patchutils devscripts09:07
pitti  apt-get source cron udev pmount gnome-volume-manager ed xterm09:07
pitti  wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/scripts/dsrc-new-patch09:07
pitti  chmod 755 dsrc-new-patch09:07
pittiI deliberately picked the smallest packages I could find09:07
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=== pitti waits a bit for people to do the preparations; any questions so far?
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habeebpitti: let's say that we use Gentoo. Can we try it?09:07
rohanhabeeb: no, read the question to my answer :)09:08
jmoorehey everyone! You guys liking Open Week?09:08
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rohanjmoore: rocking ! :)09:08
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pittihabeeb: sorry, as I said this stuff only applies to packaging Debian-style source packages09:08
habeebpitti: ok, sorry. move on, please.09:08
pittiplease someone give me a ping when you are finished with above preparations09:08
=== jmoore is now known as the
heikkii'm ready09:09
theSo the next class is at 3pm09:09
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=== pitti will just go on, cry out to slow me down
pitti== cron: inline patches ==09:10
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pittiNo patch system at all, nothing much to say about this.  You directly edit the files in the source tree. This is convenient for a simple and quick change, but will bite back for new upstream versions (see above) and is inconvenient for submitting patches upstream, or reviewing for merges.09:10
pittiif you do 'lsdiff <package>.diff.gz' and you see changes which are not in debian/, then you probably have such a package09:10
pitti(some KDE packages have autoconf stuff directly in the diff.gz, but that is ok)09:11
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pittiso, I think I do not need to say anything else about cron, unless someone has a question?09:11
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shiyeepitti: lsdiff cron_3.0pl1-100ubuntu1.diff.gz doesn't give me any output...09:11
rohanpitti: i did not understand the KDE thing09:11
pittishiyee: lsdiff -z09:12
pittirohan: KDE has a rule called 'buildprep' which automatically updates configure, Makefile.in etc. from configure.ac/Makefile.am etc.09:12
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pittirohan: those are entirely autogenerated changes, so developers do not need to maintain these manually09:12
rohanah, ok :)09:13
pittiok, let's go on then09:13
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pitti== udev: separate patches, but no standard patch system ==09:13
pittiThis case is the most complicated one since you have to do all the hard work manually. In order to make you understand what a patch system does, and to give you a fallback method that will *always* work with any patch system, I handle this first.09:13
pittiThe good news is that you will seldomly be required to actually do this procedure, since for many packages there are nice tools which make things a charm.09:13
pittiThe bad news is that it may seem utterly complicated for people who never did it before, but I would like you to understand what's actually going on behind the curtains of the tools.09:14
pittiSo please do not desperate if you do not fully understand it at first; there's written documentation and you can always take your time to grok it.09:14
pittiThe general approach is:09:14
pitti1. copy the clean source tree to a temporary directory /tmp/old09:14
pitti2. apply all patches up to the one you want to edit; if you want to create a new patch, apply all existing ones (this is necessary since in general patches depend on previous patches)09:14
pitti3. copy the whole source tree again: cp -a /tmp/old /tmp/new09:14
pitti4. go into /tmp/new, do your modifications09:14
pitti5. go back into /tmp and generate the patch with09:14
pitti  diff -Nurp old new > mypatchname.patch09:14
pitti6. move the newly generated patch to <original source dir>/debian/patches/mypatchname.patch09:14
pittiin general we want the following diff options:09:15
pitti-N -> include new files09:15
pitti-u -> unified patches (context diffs are ugly)09:15
pitti-r -> recursive09:15
pitti-p -> bonus, you can see the name of the affected function in the patch09:15
pittidoes anyone have a question about the principle method?09:15
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rohanpitti: how would the patch system know in what order to apply "mypatchname.patch" ?09:15
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pittirohan: most patch systems just use asciibetical ordering of files in debian/patches09:16
pittirohan: there are some notable exceptions, I will mention them later09:16
rohanok :)09:16
crevetteso you need to prefix it with 10- 20-09:16
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pittibut you can usually rely on the rule that whenever you need this by-hand approach it is asciibetical09:16
pitticrevette: that's the common practice, yes09:16
pittimuch like in good old BASIC days :-P09:17
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pittiok, some hands-on example09:17
pittiopen a shell, ready your fingers :)09:17
pittiudev example 1, let's create a new patch 92_penguins.patch:09:17
pitti  cd /whereever/you/unpacked/the/source/udev-10809:17
pitti-> now we are in our original source tree where we want to add a new patch09:17
pitti  cp -a . /tmp/old09:18
pitti-> create a copy of the clean sources as reference tree09:18
pitti  pushd /tmp/old09:18
pitti-> go to /tmp/old; 'pushd' to remember the previous directory, so that we can go back conveniently09:18
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pitti  debian/rules patch09:18
pitti-> apply all already existing patches; of course we could use the 'patch' program to do it manually, but since debian/rules already knows how to do it, let's use it. The actual name for the patch target varies, I have seen the following ones so far: patch, setup, apply-patches, unpack, patch-stamp. You have to look in debian/rules how it is called.09:18
pitti  cp -a . /tmp/new; cd ../new09:19
pitti-> copies our patched reference tree to our new work directory /tmp/new where we can hack in09:19
pittithat's the preparatory part09:19
pittilet's do a braindead modification now09:19
pitti  sed -i 's/Linux/Penguin/g' README09:19
pitti-> changes the README file; of course you can use your favourite editor, but I wanted to keep my examples copy&pasteable09:19
pittiand now we create a patch between the reference and our new tree:09:19
pitti  cd ..09:19
pitti-> go back to /tmp, i. e. where our reference tree (old) and hacked tree (new) is located09:19
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pitti  diff -Nurp old new > 95_penguins.patch09:20
pitti-> generate the patch (Ignore the 'recursive directory loop' warnings)09:20
pittibtw, NB that we need to be in /tmp for that09:20
pittiso that the directories in the patch start with 'old/' and 'new/' (patchlevel 1, which is most common)09:21
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pitti  popd09:21
pitti-> now you should be back in your original source tree (when you did the pushd)09:21
pitti  rm -rf /tmp/old /tmp/new09:21
pitti-> clean up the temporary trees09:21
pitti  mv /tmp/95_penguins.patch debian/patches09:21
pitti-> move the patch from /tmp to the source tree's patch directory, where it belongs.09:21
pitti*uff* :)09:21
pittiNow take a look at your shiny new debian/patches/95_penguins.patch.09:21
pittiafter that, if you do 'debian/rules patch', you'll see that the patch applies cleanly; please do 'debclean' afterwards to unapply the patches and get back a pristine source tree09:21
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pittiso, obviously that's not the end of the wisdom, but if you do these steps a couple of times, you should get a feeling for how to create the most complicated patch conceivable09:22
pittiso this procedure is the life safer if anything else fails09:22
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=== pitti wonders whether he managed to kill his complete audience now
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pittibut promised, from now on it will get really easy :)09:23
crevetteno no no09:23
=== rohan pinds pitti
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crevetteI'm lagging a bit09:23
pittiPretty much work, isn't it? Since this happens pretty often, I created a very dumb helper script 'dsrc-new-patch' for this purpose. Using this, above steps would reduce to:09:23
sebasgrohow do i do debclean?09:23
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pitti_erk, WTF?09:25
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pittiI think I'm back now09:27
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pitti<pitti> sebasgro: it's contained in the 'devscripts' package09:27
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=== pitti will go back a step, just in case
pittiSince this happens pretty often, I created a very dumb helper script 'dsrc-new-patch' for this purpose. Using this, above steps would reduce to:09:27
pitti  ../dsrc-new-patch 95_penguins.patch09:27
pitti  sed -i 's/Linux/Penguin/g' README09:27
pitti  <press Control-D to leave the subshell>09:27
pittithat looks slightly better, doesn't it? If you like the script, please put it into your ~/bin, so that it is in your $PATH09:27
pittibut I had to torture you with the close-to-the-metal method for the sake of understanding.09:27
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pittiI have a second example prepared which changes an existing patch, but I'll spare you that thing; if you are interested, we can talk about it afterwards09:28
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pittiSince this is so hideously complicated, patch systems were invented to aid you with that. Let's look at the most popular ones now (they are sufficient to allow you to patch about 90% of the archive's source packages; for the rest you have to resort to the manual approach above).09:28
pitti== pmount: cdbs with simple-patchsys ==09:29
pitticdbs' simple-patchsys.mk module matches its name, it has no bells and whistles whatsoever. However, it is pretty popular since it is sufficient for most tasks, and long ago I wrote a script 'cdbs-edit-patch' which most people can live with pretty well. This script is contained in the normal cdbs package.09:29
pittiYou just supply the name of a patch to the script, and depending on whether it already exists or not, it will create a new patch or edit an existing one.09:29
pittieveryone please look in debian/patches, debian/rules to get a feeling how it looks like09:29
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pittiso, let's mess up pmount a bit and add a new patch09:30
pitti  cd /whereever/you/unpacked/the/source/pmount-0.9.1309:30
pitti  cdbs-edit-patch 03-simple-readme.patch09:30
pitti  echo 'This should document pmount' > README09:30
pitti  <press Control-D to leave the subshell>09:30
pittieasy, isn't it?09:30
pittithis will take care of applying all patches that need to be applied, can change patches in the middle of the stack, and also create new ones09:31
pittiEditing an already existing patch works exactly the same way.09:31
pittiso I won't give a demo09:31
pittiBTW, "cdbs-edit-patch" is slightly misleading, since it actually only applies to simple-patchsys.mk. You can also use other cdbs patch system plugins, such as dpatch or quilt.09:31
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rohanwhat is "cdbs" ? what does it stand for ?09:32
pittiit's spelled out 'common Debian build system'09:32
pittiit provides template code for debian/rules09:32
pittii. e. common things like 'use autoconf for configuring, make install for shuffling the files around, use intltool to build .pot files, and integrate patch systems09:33
pittiwith it, you can build source packages in a very high-level way09:33
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pittifor the purpose of this seminar, it's the build system that is used for Gnome and KDE packages (and others, of course)09:34
tseliotWhich patch system should I use to make a patch (editing only 2 files) for the linux-restricted-modules (e.g. so as to solve a problem on launchpad)?09:34
pittitseliot: this package does not have any patch system09:35
pittitseliot: so this falls into the 'cron' class of source packages09:35
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pittiok, let's go on then09:36
pitti== ed: dpatch ==09:36
pittidpatch is a pretty robust and proven patch system which also ships a script 'dpatch-edit-patch'09:36
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pittipackages which use this build-depend on 'dpatch', and debian/rules includes 'dpatch.mk'09:37
pittiThe two most important things you should be aware of:09:37
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pitti * dpatch does not apply debian/patches/*, but instead applies all patches mentioned in debian/patches/00list, in the mentioned order. That means that you do not have to rely on asciibetical ordering of the patches and can easily disable patches, but you have to make sure to not forget to update 00list if you add a new patch.09:37
pitti(forgetting to update 00list is a common cause of followup uploads :-) )09:37
pitti * dpatch patches are actually scripts that are executed, not just patches fed to 'patch'. That means you can also do fancy things like calling autoconf or using sed in a dpatch if you want.09:38
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pittiusing dpatch for non-native patches is rare, and normally you do not need to worry about how a .dpatch file looks like09:38
pittibut I think it's important to mention it09:38
pittiso if you ever want to replace *all* instances of Debian with Ubuntu in all files, write a dpatch with a small shell script that uses sed :)09:38
pittiinstead of doing a 300 KB static patch which won't apply to the next version anyway09:39
pittiThe manpage is very good and has examples, too, so I will only give an example here:09:39
pittiThis will edit an already existing patch and take care that all previous patches are applied in order:09:39
pitti  cd /whereever/you/unpacked/the/source/ed-0.209:39
pitti  dpatch-edit-patch 05_ed.1-warning-fix09:39
pitti  <edit stuff, press Ctrl+D>09:39
pittiso that's exactly like cdbs-edit-patch09:39
pittiok, now we edited a patch, that's pretty easy, right?09:40
pittiping anyone?09:40
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pittican you follow at this speed or shall I slow down?09:40
richbIt's fine here.09:41
pittinow let's create a new one; this is different from cdbs-e-p09:41
pittidue to the 00list thingy I mentioned above09:41
pitti  dpatch-edit-patch foo.dpatch 06_testsuite-Makefile.dpatch09:41
pitti  <edit stuff, press Ctrl+D>09:41
pitti  echo foo.dpatch >> debian/patches/00list09:41
pitti^^ NB the last command to update the patch list (you can also use a normal editor, of course)09:41
pittiThis will create a new patch foo.dpatch relative to the already existing 06_testsuite-Makefile.dpatch. If your patch is very confined and does not depend on other patches, you can leave out the second argument.09:42
pittiis the problem of patch dependencies clear to everyone?09:42
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sebasgroyes but is there a way to see these dependencies?09:42
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pittisebasgro: it's hard to 'visualize them'09:43
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pittisebasgro: you can look at the patches and check if they patch the same files at roughly the same position09:43
richbIif you have a mess of several dependent patches is it sometimes best to merge into one?09:43
pittirichb: depends09:43
alleepitti: dpatch updates patch following 06_testsuite... if they are affected?09:43
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pittirichb: of course it does not make sense to fix a feature with a bugfix a, and the next patch reverts that and uses fix b instead09:44
pittirichb: but sometimes patch 1 provides some new infrastructure, and patch 2 uses that new infrastructure to provide a new feature09:44
pittirichb: and you might want to keep the patches separate because patch 1 might go upstream, but patch 2 doesn't have a chance09:45
pittiallee: good point; no, it won't09:45
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pittiso if you edit a patch in the middle of a stack, you can theoretically break the patches further up09:45
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pitti('up' in stack order, i. e. the patches further down in 00list)09:45
alleepitti: is there a tool to adpated such pathces?09:46
pittiallee: there can't be; if two patches conflict, then only humans can resolve this09:46
pittiallee: you can do 'dpatch-edit-patch 08_conflicting_patch'09:46
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pittithis will put you into a subshell again with some .rej files09:46
alleee.g. offset fixes and adding conflicts markers to fix by hand09:46
pittiyou resolve them, Ctrl+D, and it will be good again09:47
pittiallee: offset fixes aren't strictly necessary, they don't break patches in general09:47
pittiallee: no SVN-like conflict markers, just the patch-typical .rej files09:47
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pittiok, let's move on and handle further questions afterwards09:48
pittilet's go to the last patch system09:48
pitti== xterm: quilt ==09:48
pittiquilt is the other non-dumb standard patch system. Like dpatch, it has a list of patches to apply in patches/series (to use debian/patches, packages need to add a sylink).09:48
pittiIt is non-trivial to set up and has a lot of advanced commands which make it very flexible, but not very easy to use.09:48
pittinontrivial to set up for Debian source packages, that is09:48
pitti(it's not hard either, but more work than simple-patchsys, and even dpatch)09:48
pittiI will only show a small example here09:49
pittiin the xterm source09:50
pittiFirst, you can use the existing machinery to set up symlinks and directories for quilt:09:50
pitti  cd /whereever/you/unpacked/the/source/xterm-22309:50
pitti  debian/rules prepare09:50
pittithe 'prepare' target is not standardized; you need to look into debian/rules; however, it usually boils down to 'export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches' (which should work fine everywhere)09:50
pitti(since quilt looks in ./patches by default)09:50
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pittibut I highly recommend to *not* use ./patches for source packages09:50
pittiall distro changes should be below debian/09:50
pittiNow let's edit the already existing patch 901_xterm_manpage.diff:09:50
pitti  quilt push 901_xterm_manpage.diff09:50
pittithis will apply all patches in the stack up to the given one09:50
pittiapply inline right in the source tree, that is09:50
pittinow let's edit a file that is already touched by the original patch09:50
pitti  sed -i 's/Copyright/Copyleft/' xterm.man09:51
pitti(yay for my creative braindead changes :) )09:51
rohanpitti: but quilt depends on just then initial number in the patchname for the order ? or does it use some other logic ?09:51
pittirohan: as I wrote above, quilt uses debian/patches/series, similar to dpatch's 00list09:51
pittiso again you don't need to worry about asciibetical ordering09:52
rohansorry, was not paying attention :(09:52
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pittihowever, it's common practice to still give them number prefixes09:52
pittisimply because it's better to understand and sort when looking at the patches/ dir09:52
pitti(and incidentally you can actually teach quilt to not use 'series', but debian/patches/*)09:52
pittilet's commit the change:09:53
pitti  quilt refresh 901_xterm_manpage.diff09:53
pitti  quilt pop -a09:53
pittithe latter will 'unwind' all the applied patches, so that you are back to a pristine source tree09:53
pittiSo unlike the other patch systems, quilt works with patched inline sources, but keeps track of modifications.09:53
=== pitti waits a bit for people to catch up and finish the example on their keyboards
pittiok everyone?09:54
richbFine here.09:54
rohanpitti: but this is the case when i edit an already existing patch. how about creating new patches in quilt ?09:54
pittirohan: my next topic :)09:54
rohanok.. i am just getting too eager it seems ;)09:54
pittiFinally, let's add a new patch to the top of the stack:09:54
pitti  quilt push -a09:54
pitti'-a' means 'all patches', thus it applies all further patches after 901_xterm_manpage.diff up to the top09:54
=== \sh has a special question, but I think it's better asked at the end of this session :)
pitti\sh: queue it in -chat, plz09:55
pitti  quilt new muhaha.diff09:55
pittiregister a new patch name (which we want to put on top of the patch stack)09:55
pitti  quilt add README09:55
pittiyou have to do that for all files you modify, so that quilt can keep track of the original version09:55
pittithis tells quilt to keep track of the original version of README09:55
pitti  sed -i '1 s/^/MUHAHA/' README09:55
pittimodify the source09:55
pitti  quilt refresh09:55
pitti  quilt pop -a09:55
pittithis will finally create debian/patches/muhaha.diff with the changes to README09:55
pittias I already said above, quilt has a patch list, too09:56
pittiin debian/patches/series09:56
pittiwhich is much like debian/patches/00list for dpatch09:56
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pittiand if you push -a, then the patch will land on top of the patch stack, and will automatically be put at the end of series09:56
pittiof course you can create the patch in other levels of the patch stack09:56
pittibut usually you want the top09:56
pittisometimes, when you pull changes from upstream CVS, it's better to put them at the bottom of the stack09:56
pittii. e. upstream changes shuold generally come *before* distro-specific changes09:56
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pitti=== A glimpse into the future ===09:57
pittiAs you saw, Debian source packages do not have any requirements wrt. structure, patch systems, etc., other source package systems like SRPM are much stricter wrt that. This of course means more flexibility, but also much more learning overhead.09:57
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pittiAs a member of the security team I can tell tales of the pain of a gazillion different source package layouts... :)09:57
pittiTherefore some clever people sat together the other day to propose a new design which would both give us a new and unified source package and patch system that uses bzr (with a quilt-like workflow). This would also integrate packages and patches much better into Launchpad and revision control in general.09:58
pittiPlease take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NoMoreSourcePackages if you are interested in this.09:58
pittinot important here, but interesting to mention :)09:58
pittierk, we are close to the end, I'll be around for a while in -chat for any further questions09:58
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pittiTHere is a iki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources which provides most of above information in a more convenient format. However, it might be slightly out of date (it's from dapper times). Feel free to update the page and and add missing bits.09:59
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`23megthanks pitti09:59
pittiTHanks for your attention! I hope it was a bit useful09:59
pittiand happy patching!09:59
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sebasgrothank you very much pitti09:59
=== pitti hands ddaa the baton
ddaajml: hey, your turn!10:00
=== jml blinks
robotangelperfect in-time ;)10:00
pittioh, I'd appreciate some feedback about the talk, for the future :)10:00
ddaaSo, jml is going to tell you about launchpad code hosting10:00
ddaaI'm just here to take credit, but he's the guy doing most of the work nowadays.10:01
robotangelText Topic: "Hosting code with Launchpad and Bazaar - Jono Lange" ;)10:01
heikkiyea, thanks pitti, nice and useful session10:01
jmlexcept ddaa has graciously volunteered to answer all of the really tricky questions ;)10:01
jmlGood morning everyone!10:01
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robotangelwell, let's be quiet now, I think somerone's here is willing to start ;)10:01
jmlMy name is Jonathan Lange. I work at Canonical, where I hack on Launchpad's code hosting services w/ ddaa and others.10:02
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jmlThere are three ways you can get code for your project on to Launchpad.10:02
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jml1. You can host your Bazaar branches on Launchpad itself.10:03
jml2. You can mirror your Bazaar branches from your own webserver to Launchpad.10:03
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jml3. You can have Launchpad maintain a Bazaar branch based on your SVN / CVS repository.10:03
jmlSo, uhh, you may have noticed something of a pattern here10:03
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jml(hint: Bazaar)10:04
`TellHi...I need to dual-boot with winxp for work related stuff...can anybody advise me on how to do this?10:04
heikkiask in #ubuntu10:04
jmlWe use Bazaar for doing all of our code-hosting stuff10:04
jmlpoolie put it really well the other day, "Bazaar is the way that launchpad thinks about code".10:04
jmlI don't know how much you all know about bzr.10:05
jmlHere's the important thing: it's a *distributed* revision control system.10:05
jmlThat means that anyone can make a branch and start hacking with all of the super-powers that you get with using version control.10:05
jmlYou can commit to their branch, revert their commits, run 'log' and 'blame'10:06
jmlall without touching the internet or talking to a central repository. everything is in your local checkout10:06
jml(except don't call it a checkout)10:06
asosawell so far i'm not too found of xubuntu - doesn't like the fact that i already have an ext2 filesystem on the laptop during install. It can't format, resize, cause it automounted it10:06
jmlMore interestingly for us, using bazaar means you can publish your code in full and independently10:07
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jmland people can branch off _that_ and make their own branches and publish those.10:07
jmlThis is great for Free Software, because it radically lowers the barrier to10:07
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jmlInstead of attaching fiddly little patches to tickets on a bug tracker, you can just publish your branch.10:08
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jmlHow do you publish your branch? Well, you can just upload it to Launchpad.10:09
ddaa(note: you can attach a "bundle" on a bug tracker, which is like a patch, with version control data added)10:09
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ddaago on, I do not mean to sidetrack10:09
jmlbut say you want to do something cooler than attaching a bundle, something like...10:10
jml== 1. You can host your Bazaar branches on Launchpad. ==10:10
jmlI assume everyone has a Launchpad account?10:10
jmlIf not, you really should get one now, before all the cool names are taken.10:10
jmlGot an account? Good10:11
jmlOnce that's done, you'll need to upload a public SSH key.10:11
jmlYou can make one of these using ssh-keygen10:11
jmlor puttygen.exe I guess10:11
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jmlOnce you've generated a key (or if you have one already), go to your Launchpad page10:12
ddaajml is starting to get anxious that nobody is listening. Anybody listening please send him a message on #ubuntu-classroom-chat10:12
ddaathat will make him feel much better10:12
jmlso, my Launchpad page is https://launchpad.net/~jml10:13
jmlThere is a link in the Actions menu, on the left, labelled "Update SSH keys".10:13
jmlGo there and submit your public key10:13
jml(not your private one!)10:14
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jmlOnce that's done, you can push up a bzr branch.10:14
jmlTime for some screenshots!10:14
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jmljml@rhino:~$ cd ~/Code/Scratch/d20-chargen/10:15
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jmljml@rhino:~/Code/Scratch/d20-chargen$ bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jml/+junk/d20-chargen10:15
jmlthat's sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~<username>/<project>/<branch_name>10:16
jmlThat'll push d20-chargen (a branch I made for this session) up to Launchpad10:16
jml'+junk' means it's not part of a registered project10:17
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jmlit's just a branch I want to put up on Launchpad.10:17
jmlIt'll take Launchpad about 2-3 minutes to scan the branch after it's been pushed.10:17
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jmlThis time last year, it used to take about 24 hours.10:17
jmlAt least, I seem to remember it did. ddaa?10:18
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jmlAnyway, we still want to make it faster though :)10:18
ddaaYes, for the initial upload10:18
ddaasubsequent updates were detected faster than that10:18
jml <robotangel> QUESTION: Is it a bit similar to GIT or did I miss something (or understood something totally wrong)?10:19
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jmlI honestly don't know very much about GIT. I think Bazaar has similarities.10:20
ddaagit is similar to bzr10:20
ddaacame later too10:20
jmlAnyway, by now, the branch is available to the world: https://code.launchpad.net/~jml/+junk/d20-chargen10:21
jml(although actually I prepared this one before the show)10:21
jmlThe page provides a URL that other bzr users can use to get the branch.10:21
jml"Hosted on Launchpad:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jml/+junk/d20-chargen"10:21
jmlso, if you wanted to right now, you could branch from that URL and start hacking on a D&D character generator10:21
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jmlAlso, check out the 'Browse code' on the left.10:22
jmlthis is cool10:22
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jmlthe code browsing feature is a really handy way to quickly look at code that's on Launchpad.10:22
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jmlSo, if you don't want to actually use Launchpad to host your branches, you can always...10:23
jml== 2. Mirror your Bazaar branches from your own webserver to Launchpad. ==10:23
jmlActually I think the "web" bit is unnecessary10:23
jmlmaybe you've got your own domain name and you want people to download branches from http://awesomeo.net/code/some-branch.10:23
jmlIt's still a good idea to mirror branches to Launchpad.10:24
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jmlIf practically every project has a branch on Launchpad, then it becomes easy for potential contributors to start hacking on a project.10:24
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jmlto find the code, you go to the Launchpad page, click on "Code", and find the right branch.10:25
jmlyou just type 'bzr branch lp:///<project>'.10:25
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jmlTry it with 'subunit'.10:25
jml$ bzr branch lp:///subunit10:25
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jmlSee this as the upstream equivalent of 'aptitude install <package>'.10:25
jmlAnd if that's doesn't convince you to mirror your code to Launchpad,10:26
jmlwell, you could always think of the mirroring as free backups10:26
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jmlSo here's how you do it:10:26
jmlOn your Launchpad page, or on any project page, click on the "Code" tab.10:26
jmlThere'll be an action on the left called "Register branch".10:27
jmlProvide the URL of the branch, a unique name and some optional description.10:27
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jmlHit register and Launchpad should mirror the branch soon.10:27
jmland while you're waiting for Launchpad to mirror the repository, you might want to take a look at...10:27
jmlBigger means 'more branches', brighter means 'more active'.10:28
jml(we are so web 2.0 it hurts)10:28
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jmlSo, maybe your project isn't lucky enough to use Bazaar10:28
jml== 3. You can have Launchpad maintain a Bazaar branch based on your SVN / CVS repository. ==10:29
jmlThe last major way of hosting code on Launchpad is to have your code imported from another repository.10:29
jmlWe already do this for a number of major projects.10:29
jmlone of my favourites...10:29
jmlYou can even browse code from there10:30
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jmlThe cool thing about this is that it gives you a consistent way to start hacking on code.10:30
alleejml: no python commits for 4 days?10:31
ddaagah, import is failing10:31
=== jml holds an "Ask me import questions" sign over ddaa's head
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ddaaI'm the one making imports work10:31
jml<kkas1> QUESTION: So would you maintain the code in SVN.  And then push updates up to Bazaar?10:32
jmlNo. Launchpad tracks your SVN repository and imports updates from there.10:32
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jmlHaving an import for a project means that it's a no-brainer for others to get started on it.10:33
jmlagain, they can just go 'bzr branch lp:///<project>'10:33
jmlOf course, eventually they'll want access to the official repo.10:34
jmlFor various reasons, getting your project imported from a CVS or SVN repository is more complicated than simply mirroring a Bazaar branch.10:34
jmlhttps://help.launchpad.net/VcsImports has a guide on how to go about doing it.10:35
jmlOh, tangent time10:35
jmlthere's a link to that page from https://code.launchpad.net10:35
jmlI was talking to a friend who does a bit of packaging, and he didn't know about that page.10:36
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jmlit's kind of cool in that it shows recent movements on the code front10:36
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jmltangent over10:36
jmlIn essence, to register a project for getting imported, first make sure we can import it sanely10:37
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jmlthen use Launchpad Answers to ask a question about getting it activated.10:37
jmlQUESTION: is a project has a svn imported in bazaar, can i commit to the original svn thru launchpad via bazaar ? or is it only 'one way' ?10:38
jmlIf you are using the Bazaar branch that Launchpad has made, then it's one way.10:38
jmlThere's a neat tool called bzr-svn which lets you do two-way stuff, but Launchpad doesn't use that.10:38
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jmlQUESTION: Do I need to be one of the official "owners" of a project to register an SVN branch on vcs-imports? Or can I register a branch for a project I want to track but whose "official" maintainers don't use bzr or know about Launchpad?10:39
jmlThat's a really good question :)10:39
jml<ddaa> rmunn: yes10:40
jml^^ that's the answer10:40
rmunnYes, you need to be an owner? Or yes, you can register a branch for any project?10:40
rmunnMakes a difference... :-)10:41
jml(answered in -chat)10:42
jmlSo, that's about it from me. Some suggestions where to go from here...10:42
jml<ddaa> people are welcome and encouraged to register projects on behalf of upstream10:42
jmlthat's one suggestion :)10:43
jml- poolie is running another session on Bazaar tomorrow at the same time as this session (UTC 20:00)10:43
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alleejml: Is there a page about bzr and pkg management?10:43
jml- If you've got more questions, ask them here or join us on #launchpad or the launchpad-users mailing list10:44
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jmlallee: there's wiki.ubuntu.com/NoMoreSourcePackages10:45
jmlbut apart from that, I don't know.10:45
jmlI've been using Debian/Ubuntu for about 9 years now and still don't know anything about package management :\10:45
jmlwhich is why...10:45
jml- You should hang out on #launchpad anyway. We like users, and I get to learn things when you want a feature for something like package management :)10:46
jmlSo go and write lots of code and upload it to Launchpad. :)10:47
jmlThat's it.10:47
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balrokQUESTION:can you tell me some advantages and disadvantages of bazaar compared to svn?10:48
jmlbalrok: To quote poolie10:50
ryanakcabalrok: might be something in http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForSVNUsers10:50
jml"The pros: no need for a central server, can commit and do other work while disconnected, much better merge tracking and smarter merging. The cons: mostly that it's a younger system, so somewhat less polished, less tools integration, etc. But we plan to go 1.0 in a few months, and there is some work towards gnome, eclipse and visual studio integration"10:50
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balrokthank you both.. this sounds very good.. i actually opened my project on lp too =)10:51
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dqdevis the  school out/10:53
jmlFor this session, school is out.10:54
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dqdevI thought there was a lecture at 21.0010:54
jmlthere will be :)10:54
dqdevin 6 mins?10:54
jmlyep :)10:54
dqdevaha... ok jml10:54
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habeebKubuntu session.10:55
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=== harrisony cries because he missed most of the OW week sessions before
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=== mode/#ubuntu-classroom [+o PriceChild] by ChanServ
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-classroom:PriceChild] : The topic for #ubuntu-classroom is: Ubuntu Open Week || SCHEDULE: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek || RULES: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek/Rules Please respect them || LOGS: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs || Ask questions and chat in #ubuntu-classroom-chat, "QUESTION: <insert question here>" || CURRENT SESSION: Kubuntu - Brandon Holtsclaw
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imbrandonHows everyone doing ?11:00
=== jml is happy
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imbrandonok give me one more moment to get situated here and we'll get started11:01
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rulusin the meantime, habeeb can throw some popcorn around, especially in my direction, mjum!11:03
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imbrandonok lets get things started , I'm not sure if it is still moderated in here ( +m ) or not , but we'll find out in a few moments, I try to keep my sessions informnal as possible, I'm going to start with11:03
harrisony+m on the channel?11:04
harrisonyit would be nice :D11:04
imbrandonjust Intoducing myself , I'm Brandon Holtsclaw ( imbrandon on the wiki and LP and IRC ) and am an un-paid ( by canonical ) core developer for Ubuntu and Kubuntu11:04
imbrandonI do have a "day job", and they pay me approx %20 of my time to work on Kubuntu related packages11:05
imbrandon( the rest is a little more boring hehe )11:05
PriceChild(channel is -m)11:06
imbrandonI got started with Ubuntu arround the Breezy cycle and have been going full blst since then.11:06
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imbrandonsooo as long as it dosent get too hetic in here I'll open it up to some Q & A about Kubuntu in here, if we need I'm sure PriceChild can help me filter Questions in -chat11:07
imbrandoneveryone been enjoying OpenWeek so far? how many do we have from last OpenWeek ?11:07
PriceChildI was at the last one 8-)11:07
habeebnot me :/11:07
SanneI was there11:08
rulusI was there too11:08
=== deepgray [n=deepgray@CPE001346065c01-CM000a73a11b98.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
luca_bFirst presence here, right now11:08
Jack313I am new, and these presentations are pretty cool11:08
habeebbut well, this open week is awesome.11:08
harrisonyi was asleep before11:08
ufuntui wasn't there11:08
harrisonyforgot to to wake up11:08
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dwsThere was another OpenWeek?11:08
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rpwEnjoing it for the first time...11:08
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radmenI'm here for the first time ;-] 11:08
tmskenew: and it is very cool11:09
balrokme too11:09
n2diyFirst timer11:09
CrazyEccentricfirst time for me also11:09
CrazyEccentricI like it11:09
imbrandonSo What is Kubuntu, Kubuntu is our KDE varariant from our brethern Ubuntu based on Gnome11:09
imbrandonfor those of us that prefer the KDE desktop11:09
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imbrandonwe strive to bring you the same level of User experince ( sometimes better IMHO ) than Ubuntu "proper"11:10
imbrandonthats just my humble opinion though , i might be a tad bias ... :)11:10
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imbrandon16:09 < tmske> Off-Topic QUESTION: what is your "day job" where you can work on Kubuntu?11:11
imbrandonI work for a very large PCI compliant Web hosting company , that uses a few thousand Ubuntu Servers ( and also Solaris and Windows boxen )11:12
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imbrandonmy job is to maintain those and help trubbleshoot problems11:12
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imbrandonPCI == Payment Card Industries, like vias and mastercard complaint11:13
imbrandon16:12 < xerosis> QUESTION: what do you think kubuntu's advantages and disadvantages compared to ubuntu?11:13
imbrandon( PriceChild can you paste the qustions for me please, so i dont have to toggle the chats rooms :)11:14
PriceChildok will do11:14
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imbrandonxerosis, well thats kinda hard , in a tech sense there are man dis and advantages11:14
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imbrandonit really depends on what your used to programing for, like QT and KDE11:15
imbrandonor GTK, etc, from a users perspective, it is just a matter of taste on the bundled apps11:15
xerosisimbrandon: i guess i meant overall progress as a project, and for the future11:15
imbrandontechinicly we strive to have the same goal , we just go a diffrent road to get there11:16
imbrandonas for the future, we're looking forward to KDE4 and the great cross platform things that will bring to kubuntu11:16
imbrandonthis cycle we should see a release ( even if just beta ) of KDE4 that is making great strides to be a next generation Desktop experince11:17
imbrandonwith things like GL acceleration built in, unified sound backends etc11:17
imbrandon( e.g. beryl quality effects built right into the default desktop )11:18
rpwSometimes Kubuntu seems (not a hard fact!) to get little love than Ubuntu, for example some friends have asked me things like "I can't fiend Desktop-Effects, I thought I could enable them very easy".11:18
PriceChild<Jack313> QUESTION: Have there been any thoughts on incorporating beryl with the KDE? I downloaded it and found it pretty cool and seems like it would be a nice addition, your thoughts?11:18
imbrandonwell there are 2 answers to that11:18
imbrandonwith KDE3 the current desktop there is aquamarine11:19
imbrandonthat strives to be a kwin replacement like emeryald is for Gnome11:19
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imbrandonwith the comming of KDE4 the KDE developers are building that tech right into kwin , the heart of KDE11:19
imbrandonso it will be an in-house tech11:20
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PriceChildIsn't it heliodor for gnome? emerald works in both gnome and kde11:20
imbrandonPriceChild, right, my mistake , thnaks :)11:20
imbrandonbtw everyone give a big welcome to Riddell , the mastermind behind Kubuntu ( the Kubuntu lead developer :P )11:21
imbrandon16:18 < wburge_> QUESTION:   What types of apps do you typically work on when developing for kubuntu?11:22
imbrandonI typicly work on Amarok bugs in my time, but I have touched many many packages over the last few cycles11:22
imbrandonanything from mono to amarok to kubuntu-default-settings etc etc etc11:23
PriceChild<davmor2> Question:  do you think that the changes in kde 4 will be hard to implement and will it really make kde more usable?11:23
wburge<imbrandon>Are there any aps you have worked on that started as new projects?11:23
PriceChildHey Riddell :)11:23
=== Cillian_ [n=Cillian@host86-136-248-37.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
imbrandondavmor2, everything new is a challenge, but with rockin people on the team and how closely we work with upstream implmenting KDE4 is an ongoing process that I dont think will be super difficult11:24
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imbrandonas for will it be more useable , yes, it is a vast improvemnt over KDE311:25
imbrandonand the way we look at things today11:25
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imbrandontons of useability study has gone into this by the KDE team and many others11:25
imbrandonmaking KDE4 one of the heftiest releases yet11:25
PriceChild<Belutz> Question: is there any specific application that is developed by kubuntu developer for KDE?11:26
=== DaveMorris [n=dave@host-212-158-244-26.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
davmor2kde launchpad intergration?11:26
imbrandonguidance is a good example of it was developed by Kubuntu and KDE developers both and used in Kubuntu first11:27
imbrandonbut now its in official KDE svn11:27
imbrandonand yes KDE LP intergration if you can consider that an APP11:27
Belutzwhat about adept? is it developed by kubuntu developers?11:27
Riddellno, but it was funded by canonical11:28
Belutzah ic11:28
imbrandonyes adept was started by a Kubuntu developer ( and is currently maintained by other Kubuntu developers )11:28
imbrandonbut not 100% just "ours"11:28
imbrandonothers like fedora and such can and do use it11:28
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PriceChild<luca_b> QUESTION: (and an *evil* one at that) What was the rationale behind implementing System Settings?11:29
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Riddellkcontrol sucked11:29
Riddellbut system settings was implemened by a KDE developer, we just happened to like it11:30
imbrandonluca_b, honestly , it was after much useability testing from what I rember correctly, but Riddell can tell you much more specifics as to exactly "why" , other than KControl is hard to use for a new user11:30
luca_bI rarely use both, so it was just a matter of knowing11:31
PriceChild<tmske> QUESTION: do you think that gnome and kde could share more code, is there improvement? or is it not necessary/usefull for ubuntu/kubuntu?11:31
imbrandoncolaboration is always usefull, and on backend things we do share alot of code *sorta* thats a loaded statement, by backend i mean like HAL and DBUS and the "core" , as for the UI and the KDE libs they are very diffrent beastes so code sharing is hard, but collaboration is a must11:32
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RiddellKDE 4 is now the biggest user of DBUS by a long way11:33
Riddellit has also adopted the mime type specification recently11:33
imbrandonand icon naming11:33
imbrandonwith oxygen11:34
RiddellI've spent time getting it to adopt the icon name spec which I hope will feed back to gnome and others11:34
Riddellbut there are limits there with people's time11:34
Riddellsharing documentation would be great and KDE has written the specification with agreement from gnome, but the gnome docs guy hasn't had time to implement it11:35
imbrandon*hint* Kubuntu can always use good people helping out with your favorite OS :)11:35
=== Elwell_Work [n=elwell@ip-80-226-10-236.vodafone-net.de] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
alleeKDE3 already implements the freedesktop trash spec (draft).  Hopefully gnome does so too in the future.11:35
PriceChild<Jack313> QUESTION: I have noticed the schedule for the next release of kubuntu is days before KDE4 release, will the kubuntu release date get pushed up so we can get the KDE 4 incorporated?11:36
imbrandonyea alot of the collaboration goes through the freedesktop project11:36
imbrandonthats a hard one, so far Ubuntu and Kubuntu have alwasy kept the same release cycle, and afaik there are no plans to change that11:37
imbrandonbut that dosent mean we wont work with upsteam KDE to get KDE4 in time for rlease if that is possible11:37
rpwQEUSTION: Speaking of KDE 4, do you know when we will see KDE 4 as default in Kubuntu, or will there be an easy way to install and use it as default on our desktops?11:38
Riddellit also means we can do a KDE 4 CD shortly after the normal kubuntu release in line with KDE's schedule11:38
imbrandonrpw, there will be an easy way to install it , just as there is now in feisty ( is a developers preview ) but as for Default, thats something to be worked out at UDS this and next cycle11:39
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PriceChild<allee> QUESTION: when there's a new spec that needs a GUI, is more than 'ping Riddell' to make sure KDE supports the spec feature too?11:40
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imbrandonallee, hehe, well yes and no, in the past there hasent been much more than "ping Riddell" but we have more and more upstream developers and useability poeple from KDE working with us daily like seele and elen11:41
imbrandonto poke and get input on new GUI apps , like the Wine config and upcomming grub config modult for guidance etc11:41
Riddellwhen ubuntu developers do apps they usually do it for gnome first because that's their desktop11:42
Riddellbut in almost all cases such apps are well thought out to be easy to port to other desktops11:42
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Riddelland we always get a lot of help when doing the port (colin spends a notable amount of time help with the ubiquity kde frontend, mvo did fantastic stuff helping with dist upgrade tool)11:43
Riddellwe didn't get migration assistant for kubuntu in feisty but it wasn't for will of wanting to, evan plans to do it for gusty11:44
imbrandoni will love that one , personaly :)11:44
alleeRiddell: thx. great11:44
PriceChild<Sanne> QUESTION: with dolphin as the new (easier) default file manager in upcoming kde releases I read about, will the file manager part of konqueror still continue to be supported? What will Kubuntu's policy be concerning that?11:45
=== ajmitch made sure to keep the pygtk bits separate from the core for his code :)
imbrandonSanne, we will typicly support what KDE upstream supports, and thats looking to be dolphin, we've been known to stray from the path then get upstream acceptance like with system settings11:46
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PriceChildimbrandon, Riddell i've got to run now sorry.11:46
imbrandonbut all in all dolphin will probably be our first choice, that dosent mean konqueror will be removed or striped down11:46
RiddellI also need to bed11:47
imbrandonPriceChild, thanks11:47
Riddellbut let me point out a couple of things before I do11:47
=== imbrandon gives Riddell the whole floor
Riddellfirstly, Kubuntu has seen some major adoptions11:47
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Riddellthe French Parliament uses us for all their MPs, so we now rule France (whoever becomes president)11:47
Riddellmeduxa has put Kubuntu on tens of thousands of computers in canary islands schools11:48
Riddellwe have an impressive list of kubuntu derived distros at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDerivedDistros11:48
imbrandoneven router cd's :)11:48
Riddellseeing companies like dlink using kubuntu derived CDs as their official development environement is so cool11:48
Riddellsecondly.. and you're hearing this first folks11:49
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=== Cillian [n=Cillian@host86-132-136-126.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
RiddellKubuntu is again Gold Sponsor of KDE's Akademy conference http://akademy2007.kde.org/11:49
Riddellthanks to Canonical11:49
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imbrandonrockin :)11:49
Riddelland remember, Canonical provide top notch commercial support for Kubuntu for anyone who cares to pay for it11:50
Riddell(and people do)11:50
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Riddellthanks all, guid nicht11:51
imbrandoncool, thanks Riddell , and sleep well11:51
pointwoodgood night11:51
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imbrandonok ...11:51
imbrandon16:43 < n2diy> QUESTION What are the dangers with using KDE apps. in Gnome?11:51
pointwoodthx for creating a rocking distro11:51
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imbrandonnone, other than using a bit more memory because you have to load the KDELibs along with the gnome libs11:52
alleeimbrandon: should I feed questions from -chat11:52
imbrandonbut apps are fairly desktop independant11:52
imbrandonallee, sure11:52
alleeluca_b> QUESTION: Is adept's UI planned to be improved for 7.10? (as the original spec for Edgy never got implemented)11:52
imbrandonyes very much so, manchicken and others have been working on doing just that for Gutsy ( 7.10 _11:53
=== andel [n=Lev@p11811120.orange.net.il] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
allee<davmor2> QUESTION:  (devils advocate)  I am on the iso testing team but there were few kubuntu testers so I volunteered as I had time.  So I played around with kde for a bit.  Why can't gnome and kdes apps have similar tab names?  Armarok and rhythmbox as examples.11:53
=== niekie [n=niekie@cc725705-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== bordy_away is now known as bordy240
imbrandondavmor2, good question, but normaly somethign that handeled upstream and KDE useability and Gnome useability tend not to agree at times and on nameing conventions , that dosent mean this wont changed for KDE4 and Gnome++11:54
=== bordy240 is now known as bordy
allee<xerosis> QUESTION: how hard is it to port a UI from ubuntu to kubuntu?11:55
imbrandonxerosis, it all depends on how much the UI is seperated from the programs logic, and how much the originaly author thought about portability, it can range from a few minutes litterly to a few months11:55
imbrandonnormaly more on the shorter side in Ubuntu and Kubuntu's case11:56
allee<tmske> QUESTION: what parts of kubuntu are you very proud of?11:56
=== samgee [n=samgee@239.183-241-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has left #ubuntu-classroom ["Ik]
imbrandoni persoanly am proud of how it "just works" for the most part with audio and video playback and asking you to install codecs11:57
imbrandonbut there11:57
imbrandonare many many things i would love to see smoothed out too over time11:57
allee<pointwood> QUESTION: Have you made any thoughts about what to add to Kubuntu Gutsy or is that too early to ask?11:57
imbrandonpointwood, yes thats what the specs ( blueprints ) on LP are for , and they get discussed by you and me and everyone else at UDS in spain here in a few days11:58
imbrandonthats what the UDS meeting are all about11:58
imbrandonplanning the next release11:58
allee<mon> QUESTION: i've applied an old user-submitted patch of "an app" to the svn version of this app. how can i get it included upstream/in ubuntu? i've added it to the relevant bugzilla page but now the bug is "dead"11:59
=== jmoore [n=chatzill@66-224-211-218.atgi.net] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
=== Petezzz [n=pholland@81-179-24-216.dsl.pipex.com] has left #ubuntu-classroom []
jmoorequick question for ya12:00
imbrandonthose cases hopefully dont happen too often but if it does happen that way, you can generaly ask arround in #ubuntu-motu to have someone help you patch the package in kubuntu or attach the patch to a LP bug and we can take on a local delta12:00
imbrandonjmoore, shoot12:00
=== fsman [n=paul@host86-139-233-241.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-classroom
jmooreis the Screencasting Team session happening?12:01
imbrandonjmoore, no this is Kubuntu session, screencasting was this morning afaik12:01
popeythat was earlier jmoore12:01
jmoorewhat time zone is this?12:01
harrisonyjmoore:  i missed it too set alarm for 12:45pm not am12:02
imbrandonthe times are listed in UTC12:02
popeydont worry, it is repeated on saturday :)12:02
jmooredam lol12:02
popeyor just read that log ^^^12:02
popeyand email me any questions you have12:02
jmooreyeah lol got it12:02
=== popey shuts up
popeysorry imbrandon12:03
=== harrisony realises popey is the screencast dude
=== harrisony waves
imbrandonok well since this is the last session of the day , i can stick arrround a few more minutes and just open up the floor if you all want to blurt out some last questions, i'll do my best to get to them12:03
jmooreso you all use kubuntu?12:03
imbrandon( in here not -chat )12:03

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