
=== superm1 [n=superm1@ubuntu/member/superm1] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoHey MOTUs.12:45
ajmitchhi TheMuso 12:45
Lutinhi TheMuso 12:46
TheMusoHey Lutin.12:46
LutinTheMuso: back online eventually ? :)12:46
TheMusoLutin: Indeed.12:47
sharmswhat do you guys think: http://www.sharms.org/blog/?p=9512:49
sharmsI promise, nothing about enhancedbash there12:49
ajmitchyou have to find a couple of 'very experienced MOTUs'12:50
sharmsright, I think we have that covered12:50
ajmitchhow often do you propose these sessions be run?12:50
=== stratus [n=stratus@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sharmsonce a week, then I assume the novices will gain experience and the project will lose momentum and die, hopefully giving us ~5 new people who can help12:51
ajmitchit may work, if time isn't wasted on lots of simple questions12:51
ajmitchie, people must expect to do some research beforehand12:51
ajmitch5-10 packages in an hour is optimistic12:51
sharmsI am just talking about things like .desktop fixes etc12:52
pochuhi TheMuso12:52
sharmsand that you would have 5-10 people working on each package individually12:52
Demon012sharms: just at a glance are you proposing MOTU Classes?12:52
TheMusoHey pochu12:52
ajmitchwhoever is leading the session will need to keep track of who is doing what & where they're at12:52
sharmsA little different because it is agenda driven as in getting packages actually fixed12:52
Simon80sharms: it's* ad sponsored drinking... I'm a grammar whore12:52
sharmsyeah i added that in last week when I was on digg, hastily12:52
ajmitcheven .desktop fixes can take a bit of time for someone who's new, and needs some explanation12:53
sharmsI think slomo was able to explain it to me in under an hour12:53
sharmsprovided they read any docs before hand I think it can be done12:53
ajmitchsharms: and you propose that someone explain this & hold the hands of 5-10 people within an hour12:54
ajmitcheach package being different12:54
pochuslomo: I've packaged liferea 1.2.12, so if you haven't done it yet, feel free to upload it :)12:54
pochuslomo: http://emilio.pozuelo.org/deb/12:54
ajmitchan hour is really quite short :)12:54
sharmswell I am hoping that most of the time the people are trying really hard to make it happen, so that they wont all just be on IRC the whole time12:54
sharmsso the motu experts time may be taken up, but by different people as they run into different issues12:55
ajmitchpeople will need to know the basics of building a source package, a binary package, testing, creating .desktop files, etc12:55
=== stratus [n=stratus@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sharmsyeah I just know people learn quicker by doing if they are like me, just a way to get feet wet etc12:56
sharmshopefully they have already attended the open week sessions etc, maybe read some transcripts of prior motu-school sessions12:56
sharmsbut just have trouble piecing it all together12:56
=== ajmitch thinks that you could easily have more than 5-10 people showing up & asking questions, too
sharmsits a risk, but hopefully the next week, they dont ask those same questions12:57
ajmitchhow long do you think this could be sustained?12:58
sharmswell I am a realist a times, and I fully expect for the idea to lose momentum after a month and a half or so12:59
ajmitchmotu school had a lot of enthusiasm as well12:59
sharmsand that would only take 6 hours of total expert MOTU time12:59
ajmitchbut not many people willing to commit to a time & teach12:59
sharmsthats why I buy them beer01:00
ajmitchwell that's fine, I hardly fit into the appropriate category :)01:00
=== RedKrieg [n=RedKrieg@ip68-230-209-186.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
sharmsI just know what I would like to see, for myself, and think that there are a lot of untapped resources of people who are just overwhelmed01:01
sharmsif the people in #ubuntu can sit on IRC for 6 hours a day and not contribute, and we can turn a few into contributors, that could be a lot of potential improvements01:01
=== ajmitch can sit in #ubuntu-motu 6+ hours a day & not contribute
pochuhave a nice day!01:05
=== xq [n=xarquid@adsl-4-138-254.gsp.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocksharms: I think your proposal can be basically summed up as "get MOTU School going and do interesting sessions"01:06
LaserJockhola andrew01:07
KalleDKHey LaserJock nice session01:07
sharmsyeah but I am really looking for work-based sessions01:07
sharmswhere as they get real experience01:07
LaserJockI agree01:08
LaserJockwe need a mixture of "Packaging 101" sessions for overview01:08
LaserJockand working sessions01:08
LaserJockwhere we really get something useful done01:08
ajmitchsharms: recruit expert MOTUs like laserjock01:08
sharmsthats kind of one of the people I had in mind :)01:08
LaserJockhmm, I was thinking of real experts ;-)01:09
sharmsanyone who is a potential mentor should be qualified enough01:09
ajmitchthat's me out01:10
sharmsbasically anyone other than nixternal01:10
LaserJockhe's a shady fellow ;-)01:10
LaserJockhe threatened to ice me last night01:10
LaserJockor have his gumbahs doe it01:10
ajmitchI'm sure he's harmless01:11
sharmsI have played Rich (nixternal) in that TC-Elite combat game, he has no aim01:11
=== jml [n=jml@ppp108-61.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
KalleDKHey LaserJock... I would like to try to make some packing... As I can see hellanzb is v0.10 but on their main its 0.13.. where would i start to get this updated :)01:20
TheMusoKalleDK: Does Debian have the newer version yet?01:21
TheMusoWouldn't hurt to check.01:21
KalleDKWhere :)01:21
TheMusopackages.debian.org for a start01:22
KalleDKNope their at 0.10 also01:22
TheMusoOk. I would check bugs for that package at bugs.debian.org to see whether someone has requested a new version.01:23
KalleDKI get something there01:23
KalleDK#418580: New version available01:24
KalleDKPackage: hellanzb (0.12; fixed: hellanzb 0.13-1); Reported by: Maik Zumstrull <Maik.Zumstrull@gmx.de>01:24
KalleDKDone: Adam Ccile (Le_Vert) <gandalf@le-vert.net>; Will be archived in 16 days.01:24
TheMusodebian bug 41858001:25
ubotuDebian bug 418580 in hellanzb "New version available" [Normal,Closed]  http://bugs.debian.org/41858001:25
=== LaserJock discovers the joys of a newsreader
=== KalleDK have a ubuntu server with HellaNZB + Samba + ZussaWEB
TheMusoKalleDK: There is a chance that packages.debian.org is out of date. By the looks of that report, its already in Debian, which means that it will be updated in the gutsy cycle.01:26
KalleDKWhich means I shouldn't touch it01:27
TheMusothere is no need to, no.01:27
TheMusoI'll check for sure when I have access to my sid chroot again.01:27
KalleDKHm dammit :P01:27
Fujitsupackages.qa.debian.org is your friend.01:28
ajmitch  hellanzb |     0.13-1 | http://apt-proxy sid/main Sources01:28
ajmitchor apt-cache madison01:28
FujitsuThat works too.01:28
LaserJockajmitch: show off ;-)01:32
ajmitchLaserJock: hm?01:32
LaserJockyour fancy madison usage01:33
KalleDKWell can you find a tiny winy small thing I can package so I can test/learn/evolve???01:34
ajmitchyou mean something that's been built into apt for ages?01:34
KalleDKDont know.. just want to learn howto :)01:35
Demon012KalleDK: 01:35
Demon012that seems to be the easiest one I have found to start off with so far01:35
Demon012this one is also useful > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics01:36
KalleDKThx Demon01201:36
=== shawarma falls asleep over the keyboard
Demon012actually look at the first bit of the 2nd one first so you know what to install to start off with01:37
Demon012then go back and do the first 101:37
shawarmaGood thing I've got that nipple thing on my thinkpad. It makes for a soft landing.01:37
enycshawarma: hrrm wonder if your keyboard makes asdfghjkl ar aoeuidhtns as your nose pressess buttons in a line ;-)01:37
KalleDKshawarma... Got a tutorial CHECK - Got Alex Gaudino feat Crystal Waters Destination Calabria CHECK - Got 10 RedBull CHECK01:38
shawarmaenyc: No, the nipple prevents that too. It has many uses.01:38
Demon012heh that's what they term as qwerty'ing01:38
enycDemon012: bit I dont have qwerty...01:38
shawarmaI'm off for tonigt. Goodnight, guys!01:38
shawarmatonight, even.01:38
enycDemon012: but I am in bed and have a clickykeyboard next to pillow ;-)01:38
Demon012heh azerty? =)01:38
enycDemon012: no ;-) ',.pyfgcrl/= aoeuidhtns-\ qjkxbmwvz01:39
=== defendguin [n=supertux@cpe-72-181-7-135.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Demon012lol kk01:39
shawarmaabcde ftw!01:39
=== Demon012 better goto bed soon else he will be qwerty'ing
shawarmaI have a keyboard where the keys are in alphabetical order. Good fun.01:39
enycbut I can deal with qwertyuiop asdfghjkl zxcvbnm too01:39
shawarmaFun fact: The X is still in the same place.01:40
shawarmago figure.01:40
enychrrm my A and M are in qwerty places01:40
=== shawarma wanders off
LaserJockdarn it, I need to find a Sun keyboard01:44
=== rrittenhouse [n=tad@unaffiliated/rrittenhouse] has joined #ubuntu-motu
KalleDKGot a G11 keyboard :P01:45
=== tmarble [n=tmarble@user-38q4et6.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuLaserJock: Why'd you get a SPARC?01:48
LaserJockFujitsu: cause it was free01:48
LaserJockI just need a keyboard so I can get it set u p01:49
jdongTasks for the Sun owner..... (1) Use xmodmap to swap ctrl and capslock.....01:50
=== MatthewV [n=MatthewV@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockhmm, well I can get one on ebay for ~ $2001:55
sharmsLaserJock: I am out of town til friday, but I might have one in my storage facility02:01
sharmsI think I definitely have a sparc video out -> crt thing02:02
=== Cillian_ [n=Cillian@host86-132-139-25.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJocksharms: I'm not sure I need one02:06
LaserJocksharms: I *think* it's got a regular VGA output02:06
sharmsah I had the little lunchbox size sparcs02:06
LaserJockin addittion to the sparc video out02:06

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