
=== Tim [n=twright@leibniz.catalyst.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
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stryphPelo:thanks any wan man ^_^12:01
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EADGWhats the ubuntu learning class #?12:01
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foughow do i force quit a process12:01
LjLconfrey: not sure12:01
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Pelostryph,  you're welcome12:01
=== Corgan [n=Corgan@c-68-44-126-10.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sanityxDoes anybody have a Dell Inspiron 6000 Laptop?12:01
CorganGood afternoon.12:02
h4wkI have Dell Inspiron 6400, sanityx12:02
h4wkIf that helps12:02
magnetronJ^son: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:02
Keen101foug, right click on panel and click "add to panel"12:02
captaintripsguess ill have to boot up my laptop and compare sources. i dont see anything out of order12:02
=== Pelo is gonna explode, some of the qustions are begging for smartass replys
manni2hey all, there are all sorts of conflicting benchmarks for filesystems, and i'm wondering which would be best for a drive consisting of 2-10 MB mp3s and 150-300 MB avis, about 40 GB of each split evenly...12:02
fougKeen101: yea12:02
manni2xfs or reiserfs?12:02
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moonwatcherPhilH: my current fantasy is parallels on a macbook pro12:02
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Keen101foug, then there is a force quit app.12:02
stefg!cups | j^son12:02
ubotuj^son: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows12:02
slackwarelif1 I'm new, and I try to understand, so I ask forgiveness if I do some erros to post my doubts here. With Ubuntu 7.04 if I insert a new cd it does not open the CD/DVD burning windows. I think it is the same problem of Sound Juicer. Sorry if I mistake. Thank12:02
moonwatcherwith linux and windows in a vm12:02
metaphisI have a problem installing phpMyAdmin with ubuntu Feisty... I did run apt-get and I did set a password the the root user of mysql but when I try to log in it says #1045 - Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: YES)12:02
moonwatcherhow would that feel?12:02
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manni2if anyone would just tell me it doesn't matter too much then i'd probably never worry about it again...12:03
velkomanni2, you are asking for a flame ware here :-)12:03
NefariousAryqAlright folks, I'm having an issue installing Feisty.  The installation cd wont let me do anything other than 800x600 resolution, which is absolutely a joke.  I'm using onboard NVidia GeForce 6100 graphics, on 19" widescreen acer monitor thats native resolution is 1440x900 ... but can easily do 1024x768 or 1280x1024...  At that lame 800x600 resolution I cant click on any of the Continue buttons, cuz they dotn fit on the scr12:03
manni2i'm so sorry.12:03
jo_SaveFerris: ok u have to reinstall all nvidia drivers, i using nvidia-glx and its very good under feisty,,, the best is to  ctrl alt f1 and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop AND than deinstall your current nvidia drivers and THAN install with sudo  apt-get install nvidia-glx and than sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:03
manni2so, unanswered question then.12:03
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velkomanni2, just pick one12:03
manni2hey, thanks!12:03
=== cazad [n=cazad@p548D4CFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloslackwarelif1,   menu > system > prefs > removable media ,  there are options you can set there12:03
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stefg!fixres | NefariousAryq12:03
ubotuNefariousAryq: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:03
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Pelo!it | slackwarelif112:04
ubotuslackwarelif1: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:04
SaveFerrisjo_: ok thanks, i'll give it a shot12:04
=== Klowner [n=klown@porky113.revealed.net] has joined #Ubuntu
sorcererhey guys iam about to install feisty fawn on a dell inspiron 600 .. and i have windows on it and i dont have the recovery disk if anything does go wrong but .. how can .. so this could i have windows .. on it and install ubuntu on a different partiotn or hwo does it work and what are the chances it might scre up ?12:04
captaintripsi wish i had a wireless router.... then i could get my laptop online without unhooking my desktop. lol12:04
=== mEck0 [n=mEck0@h171n12c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
mwe!alternate | NefariousAryq12:04
ubotuNefariousAryq: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal12:04
NefariousAryqBzzzt, I'm not editing no files just to install Feisty.  If MEPIS can correctly, at install, set my screen resolution to 1440x900, why cant Ubuntu?12:04
The_PHP_Jedisorcerer: uses differnt partitions12:04
stefg!install | sorcerer12:04
ubotusorcerer: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - See also !automate12:04
=== saxin [n=saxin@217-68-36.0513.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
Klowneranyone heard of or are experiencing problems after upgrading to fiesty, where apt-get upgrades just sit there and hang on post-removal script until I ctrl+c it?12:05
PhilHcaptaintrips: i have a wireless router and i can't get my laptop online with Feisty...12:05
SaveFerrisjo_: could you repeat that when i come back in in irssi?12:05
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KlownerI let this computer sit for literally 2 days straight and it never finished post-install of the package12:05
Pelosorcerer,  chances it might screw up are  hard to evaluate,  you can resize the partition to make space for the ubuntu isntall,   back up your data first and defrag your hdd a few times with windows12:05
=== SaveFerr1s [n=jordan@12-215-220-180.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
slackwarelif1ubotu: I have all option select in this pannel, but the if i insert audio cd Sound don't start12:05
jo_SaveFerris: yes, of corse, what is irrsinin??12:05
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Keen101sorcerer, Chances are your whole hard drive is windows. In that case chose the option to re-size and install. There is very slim chance in my oppinion it will work.12:05
=== kbidd [n=keith@c-75-75-9-36.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Peloslackwarelif1,  ubotu is a bot , it jsut sends messages we trigger12:06
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sorcerercrap so i need to format and start from scratch12:06
Keen101I mean i think it will work :)12:06
J^sonthis is probably a stupid question... but, I"m new to all this... when the instructions say to "uncomment" a line from a file.. what does this mean?12:06
captaintripsthats weird12:06
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kbiddhow do I get my extra mouse buttons to work on my logitech mouse?12:06
captaintripssame sources.list and yet i managed to install mplayer12:06
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok give it to me (irssi is an irc client for the terminal)12:06
Keen101sorcerer, It should be fine.12:06
Peloslackwarelif1,  did you try asking in the italian channel,  it might be easier for you to get help in your own language   #ubuntu-it12:06
mweJ^son: usually remove the # from the beginning of the line12:06
moonwatcherPhilH: bummer networking doesn't seem to work12:06
=== Outerlimit [n=outerlim@hc652396a.dhcp.vt.edu] has joined #ubuntu
Keen101who was having wireless problems?12:07
moonwatcherits an image  i used to work with on windows12:07
sorcerercoudl i actually download the recovery disk for the laptop or do i have to buy it ?12:07
moonwatchersame machine12:07
PhilHmoonwatcher: that sucks12:07
=== _bernie [n=bernie@STRATTON-SIX-EIGHTY-SIX.MIT.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
moonwatchershoudl i reinstall vmtools?12:07
ubotuirssi is a command line interface !IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help12:07
jo_SaveFerr1s: ok, how? and what do you need? info?12:07
PhilHmoonwatcher: worth a shot12:07
Keen101who was having wireless problems?12:07
mweJ^son: lines in scripts beginning with # are regarded comments12:07
J^sonmwe: and to comment means to add the #?12:07
PhilHmoonwatcher: what kind of networking is the image set up for?12:07
SaveFerr1sjo_: just repeat what you said (i'm in tty3 now)12:07
modex2007Does anyone know how to get the mouse working in version 7.04 under virtual PC 2007, it seems to me there is an issue with the kernal, just wondered if anyone here has found the cure12:07
JelloDoes anyone know of how to make GRUB shiny, pretty, and not just a boring text-based interface?12:07
mweJ^son: right12:07
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jo_SaveFerr1s: ok one moment, il check12:07
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NefariousAryqShucks, what a shame.12:07
jason_123hi all sup12:07
moonwatchernat i think12:08
J^sonmwe: thank you12:08
=== cotton_ [n=HJP_Vue@pool-71-183-226-118.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
moonwatcheri have a router12:08
mweJ^son: yw12:08
jason_123i got a friend that has a Opteron 165 AMD 1 gig ram12:08
PhilHjello, how much time do you spend sat looking at grub, does it matter what it looks like? ;)12:08
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moonwatcherPhilH: i have a router with openwrt so i just used to assign it an ip12:08
jason_123and she cant get ubuntu to boot what could she do to get it to boot12:08
Keen101captaintrips, do you still need help?12:08
=== Comrade-Serge1 [n=andrew@70-100-231-210.br1.glv.ny.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu
JelloPhilH: Not really, but if it's possible, I figure it might be fun.12:08
Pelojason_123,   a freind ? yeah, sure , a freind12:08
moonwatcherand i think it was natting through the host12:08
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mweJello: you can install splash screens for grub12:08
jason_123really a friend12:08
=== Galuin74 [n=Birnarem@cm30098.red83-165.mundo-r.com] has joined #ubuntu
Comrade-Serge1does it matter what i call my ubuntu feisty burnt disc?12:09
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jo_SaveFerr1s: ok first step: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:09
jason_123how can she get ubuntu to boot12:09
Pelojason_123,  borked cd maybe ?12:09
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velkoJello, apt-get install grub-splashimages (and read the docs in /usr/share/doc)12:09
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Jellomwe: I know, but I saw a really nice GUI; it was glassy, and had a round thing as a timer.12:09
Keen101Comrade-Serge1, no.12:09
PhilHmoonwatcher: well, i'm going to prod at the laptop some more, good luck12:09
Keen101who needed wireless help?12:09
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PhilHKeen101: that would be me12:09
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok done12:09
jo_SaveFerr1s: 2.step: sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx12:09
Comrade-Serge1Keen101 i got it called my disc and i burnt the feisty iso onto it but it wont boot to it help12:09
Pelojason_123,  does she get as far as the boot menu or does nothing at all happen ?12:09
mweJello: I don't think that's supported. was it a joke maybe?12:09
moonwatcherPhilH: reinstalling vmtools12:10
moonwatcherhope it will help12:10
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jason_123it sint booting kernel12:10
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Jellomwe: I've never seen it with Ubuntu, but I'm wondering if it's at all possible; it was definately GRUB.12:10
osirisx11help request: i have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200M chipset, what drivers should i use for proper 3d support? i have tried the Restricted Drivers under system admin and I've tried Envy, without any good results.12:10
PhilHmoonwatcher: i somehow doubt that it would but it's worth a shot12:10
jo_SaveFerr1s: 3.step: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:10
SaveFerr1sjo_: lol it says nvidia-glx is not installed and therefore not removed, that may be my problem right there12:10
Pelojason_123,  borked cd it my guess ,  try it on another cmputer,  or she might not have the right cd for her system12:10
=== eXistenZ [n=pectic@bzq-82-81-56-249.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
OuterlimitHello, I just got an Intel Core 2 Duo and I am getting ready to download and install Feisty Fawn... Should I use the x86 Disc.  And is there anything I should/could do afterwards to improve performance?12:10
mweJello: I've never heard of that. I don't think it's possible in standard grub at least12:10
jason_123ok ty u12:10
moonwatcherPhilH: diffrent version, diffrent host12:11
jo_SaveFerr1s: than do sudo apt-get clean && autoclean12:11
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moonwatcherit might...12:11
Peloosirisx11, check the forum for your card model12:11
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h4wkOuterlimit, Yes use x8612:11
slackwarelif1Pelo: I wite so bed in English12:11
PhilHmoonwatcher: oh it might, and i hope it does, just doesn't sound likely12:11
Keen101PhilH:, hold on.12:11
mweJello: all you can do is put a 14 color 640x480 xpm as background12:11
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Outerlimith4wk, thanks!!12:11
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok done12:11
osirisx11Pelo I appreciate your help but could you please direct me a little bit more to which forum and which thread?12:11
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Keen101Comrade-Serge1, Is your bios set to boot from cd?12:11
Peloslackwarelif1,  no but it is apparent taht english is not your first language12:11
jo_installed nvidia-glx already?12:11
=== shigutso [n=dragon@201-43-213-55.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
SaveFerr1sjo_: yup12:12
jo_SaveFerr1s: than sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:12
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shigutsoHow do I configure Compiz effects on Ubuntu 7.04?12:12
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Peloosirisx11,  www.ubuntuforums.com ,  use the search feature to search for threads on your card model12:12
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jo_SaveFerr1s: and?12:12
osirisx11thanks pelo12:12
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l2can somebody please tell me where the oh-so nice Gnome control center is placed in feisty fawn?12:12
stepnjumpAnybody familiar with adept?12:12
Jellomwe: I forget what distro it came with; it had something to do with gfxboot.12:12
Peloshigutso,  ask in #ubuntu-effects12:12
Keen101Comrade-Serge1, is your bios set to boot from cd?12:12
PhilHmoonwatcher: did you build the NAT networking module?12:12
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SaveFerr1sjo_: xserver failed to start12:12
shigutsoPelo, thanks :)12:12
mweJello: so not grub12:12
jo_SaveFerr1s: no problem could be xorg12:13
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Jellomwe: damn, got me.  It's the SUSE bootloader I was staring at.12:13
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grisobgHi! I've some problems with my intel wireless 3945 card... can someone help me? :-(12:13
lobosquehello guys! my pc rebooted because my house had a energy breakdown. now my resolution is 640x480 and i can't change it back to 1024x768 (in "screen resolution" option)!!!! what should i do??12:13
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Keen101PhilH, what was your problem?12:13
stepnjumpHow can I install firefox guys on my kubuntu distro?12:13
slackwarelif1Pelo: Yes, but I want to learn12:13
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jo_SaveFerr1s: do ctrl alt f1 agin and login12:13
Keen101PhilH, what was your problem?12:13
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freemindhello, I am looking for a tool or desklet which shows the availbility from rootserver(with ping or so?)12:13
ubuntuEdgycan any one help me with my ati drive, i realy need fglrx driver to work.12:13
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok, done12:13
PhilHKeen101: WG511 worked previously using prism54g under 6.10, now fails after upgrading12:13
jo_SaveFerr1s: than again /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:13
mwelobosque: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:13
h4wkstepnjump, apt-get install firefox12:13
Pelolobosque,   edit your xorg.conf file to add the extra res you need ,  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:13
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kbrosnan!firefox  > stepnjump12:14
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jo_SaveFerr1s: than sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:14
Keen101PhilH, what worked previously? explain........12:14
h4wk!firefox | stepnjump12:14
ubotustepnjump: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:14
=== nurx2 [n=nurx2@118.Red-81-37-59.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
stepnjumpThanks h4wk Ill give it a try!12:14
grisobgHi! I've some problems with my intel wireless 3945 card... can someone help me? :-(12:14
PhilHKeen101: the network card, perfectly12:14
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pavswhats the release date ubuntu studio?12:14
Peloslackwarelif1,  can you play an audio cd ?  can you start the cd burner app from the menu and us it to burn on a cd,  is your problem simply that the applications do not start automaticaly when you put the cd in ?12:14
shigutsoWhy in Ubuntu 7.04 Firefox's Backspace Button doesn't work anymore???12:14
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SaveFerr1sjo_: ok what am i looking for?12:14
jo_SaveFerr1s: now search for "driver"under device12:15
The_PHP_Jediit does work shigutso12:15
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JacktheHomelessReal quick question, What is the command I type into the terminal to change the version of java running?12:15
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jo_SaveFerr1s: what is there?12:15
shigutsoThe_PHP_Jedi, not with me... in 6.06 it worked fine... :/12:15
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lobosquePelo in the conf file theres already 1048x76812:15
SaveFerr1ssays nvidia12:15
moonwatcherPhilH: no :( i just ran the script12:15
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PhilHshigutso: is it a FF 2.0 thing?12:15
slackwarelif1Yes, after update to 7.04 it stop to work12:15
moonwatcheri didnt really know what it did :(12:15
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Keen101PhilH, is network admin set to "roaming"?12:15
jo_SaveFerr1s: good12:15
lobosquemwe theres some things to choose in that config? can you help me in PVT?12:15
osarusanhi there... i was wondering if anyone can help me with a video problem12:15
PhilHKeen101: yes12:15
zero88ok,so i downlaoded and installed google-earth,wich is **ap on linux.and i am trying to use the uninstall file.but i keep getting an error saying "could not open product information for -L" can anyone help?12:15
shigutsoPhilH, no... is that possible?12:16
kbrosnanshigutso: there are different shortcuts in the windows and linux version of firefox12:16
lobosquemwe is very hard to see the text in the channel with this resolution12:16
=== magnetron is falling asleep
Pelolobosque,  hmm,   sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:16
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moonwatcherPhilH: should i run the config script again and look carefully what it is doing?12:16
hunter111hi people from Mexico ... can you play quicktime movies in Opera 9.20? I'm using ubuntu 7.0412:16
shigutsokbrosnan, yea, but in Ubuntu 6.06 backspace really worked on Firefox...12:16
jo_SaveFerr1s: than under device should be Option "AddARGBVisuals""True"12:16
shigutsodamn :/12:16
PhilHshigutso: FF 2 behaves differently from 1.5, backspace doesn't work for me either12:16
lobosquePelo nv or nsc?12:16
JacktheHomelessWhat is the command i need to type in the terminal to change the version of java that apps will run in?12:16
Keen101PhilH, set it to a manual configuration and see if that helps. the "roaming" feature is a little buggy.12:16
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jo_SaveFerr1s: is there?12:16
PhilHmoonwatcher: can't hurt12:17
SaveFerr1sjo_: sure is12:17
Pelolobosque,  no idea,  what card do you have ?   nv is for nvidia12:17
shigutsoPhilH, damn... why whis? :(12:17
lobosquePelo ok, is a nvidia12:17
osarusanHas anyone else had a problem where their colors are messed up in video playback?12:17
PhilHKeen101: sorry, i've tried both12:17
kbrosnanshigutso: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32554112:17
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kbrosnanPhilH: also above12:17
jo_SaveFerr1s: "AddARGBGLXVisuals" ???12:17
shigutsokbrosnan, thanks... gonna see it12:17
Keen101PhilH, have you tried unistalling network manager?12:17
Jump86osarusan, I did have a green tint to certain wma files.. but codecs and mplayer fixed it12:17
moonwatcherPhilH: /tmp/vmware-config2/vmmon-only/common/task_compat.h:2073: warning: sysenterState.SysenterStateV45::validEIP may be used uninitialized in this function12:18
moonwatcheri get quite a lot of weird warnings12:18
Keen101grisobg still having problems?12:18
SaveFerr1sjo_: wait, just the one with addARGBGLXVisuals is there, not the other one12:18
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JacktheHomelessWhat is the command i need to type in the terminal to change the version of java that apps will run in?12:18
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osarusanjump86: I installed all the recommended codecs in the Add/Remove manager... colors were working fine in Edgy, but all video files (not just wma) are off on the color12:18
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Jump86osarusan, what players are you using? and what type of files?12:19
osarusanit's only happened since installing feisty12:19
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PhilHKeen101: my network card sits and flashes to itself continuously, do you think uninstalling network manager is likely to help? have you got a prism54g based card yourself?12:19
osarusanusing "Movie Player" to play mpeg, avi, wma..12:19
PhilHmoonwatcher: doesn't sound like fun...12:19
jo_SaveFerr1s: lets put it in: press the insert button on the keyboard and go with curser to the end of the "AddBlaBla"line12:19
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moonwatcherPhilH: Do you want to be able to use host-only networking in your virtual machines?12:19
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moonwatcherdefault is yes12:20
jo_SaveFerr1s: there press enter12:20
HotkeyNewb needing some help with video player - most all my videos will not play with new 6.10/7.04 install.  Another application?12:20
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PhilHmoonwatcher: you want to be able to do everything it offers12:20
shigutsokbrosnan, well, it seems that the bug has been already fixed, but not for we, Ubuntu users... O_o12:20
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SaveFerr1sjo_: ok12:20
moonwatcherPhilH: :)12:20
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jo_SaveFerr1s: and than in new line put: "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"12:20
PeloHotkey,  you may need to reinstall some codecs12:20
Keen101PhilH, no i don't have that card. Not sure if it actually will help. My wireless was not working and i unistalled network manager as a quick fix.12:20
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stepnjumph4wk, do I have to download firefox first before keying in the bash command?12:20
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DimicusHi guys. anyone can spare some min ? need help with the prob my soundcard can only play 1 sound device at the time when a friend that has the same can play several channes at the same time. etc team speak and play mp3 at same time. soundcard intel hda realtek alc880.12:21
Keen101PhilH, I do have another idea.12:21
Pelo!codecs > Hotkey   check your pm12:21
moonwatcherPhilH: ill pastebin the log when its done12:21
Keen101PhilH, I do have another idea.12:21
jo_SaveFerr1s: enter12:21
PhilHKeen101: cool12:21
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moonwatcherso you can see if i didnt something horribly worng12:21
h4wkSorry - I forgot you needed to do a manual install of firefox now :) stepnjump12:21
h4wkRead this.12:21
HotkeyPelo Thx - easy to do with synaptic?12:21
PhilHmoonwatcher: heh12:21
SaveFerr1sjo_: the AddARGBLXVisuals "True" line is there, just not the first one you typed (AddARGBVisuals) was that just a typo?12:21
EADGAnybody know the # for ubuntu open week?12:21
h4wk!firefox | stepnjump12:21
sanityxHey what's a good way to update your bios if the only way to do it is with an exe file?12:21
ubotustepnjump: firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins12:21
PeloHotkey,  easier with the terminal12:21
HotkeyPelo oh ok ill try that12:21
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osarusanJump86>the colors seem OK in VLC, but they don't display right in the default ubuntu movie player12:21
HotkeyPelo thx for now12:21
PhilHsanityx: Freedos and a floppy or bootable CD12:21
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sanityxPhilH Its a gui installer12:22
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sanityxWindows gui, not dos12:22
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Jump86osarusan, my advice, dont use the default player.. use VLC or Mplayer (I like mplayer)12:22
AmirBI recently upgraded to feisty from edgy and it installed 755 MB on my computer. Does it install that amount every time it upgrades? because I'll run out of disk space fast if it does...12:22
stepnjumpubotu, I'm actually on kubuntu12:22
PhilHsanityx: urgh12:22
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slackwarelif1Pelo: I have exactly the problem you have described, ubuntu not active the Sound Juicer in automatic when I insert it, but I can listen the music12:22
jo_SaveFerr1s: than write "AddARGBVisuals" "true"12:22
Keen101PhilH, I have fixed my wireless before (and fixed someone elses) by doing : sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces and replacing everything with :auto lo12:23
Keen101iface lo inet loopback12:23
Keen101auto eth012:23
Keen101iface eth0 inet dhcp12:23
Keen101auto eth112:23
Keen101iface eth1 inet dhcp12:23
Keen101auto eth212:23
Keen101iface eth2 inet dhcp12:23
PeloAmirB,  new stuff,  you can uninstall stuff you donT need,   you can also try running  gtkorphan to remove orphaned dependencies12:23
Keen101auto ath012:23
osarusanJump86: thanks, i'll try out a few other programs and set one of them to the default.12:23
Keen101iface ath0 inet dhcp12:23
Keen101auto wlan012:23
Keen101iface wlan0 inet dhcp12:23
The_PHP_Jedino spamming.12:23
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jo_SaveFerr1s: and than enter and "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"12:23
stepnjumph4, what do you mean by a manual install?12:23
LjL!paste > Keen101    (Keen101, see the private message from Ubotu)12:23
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stepnjumpI'm all new to all of this12:23
CaptainTripshow can i enable my s-video out on my laptop?12:23
jo_SaveFerr1s: "RenderAccel" "true"12:23
Jump86osarusan, if you need any help w/ mplayer then /join #mplayer the people there are very helpful and the player is the best ive found12:23
EADGSave it for !pasgtebin Keen10112:23
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osarusanthanks :)12:23
stepnjumpI even tried adept, add/remove. ... nothing seems to work12:23
SeveredCrossCaptainTrips: What kinda card?12:23
Keen101PhilH, but replace  ath0 or whatever you use for wireless12:23
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CaptainTripsati mobility m612:24
SaveFerr1sjo_: put those under an Option heading?12:24
LjLEADG: sorry?12:24
AmirBPelo: I ran gtkorphan and uninstalled the old kernel, still about 500 MB more than before... :(12:24
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jo_SaveFerr1s: yes12:24
SeveredCrossInstall the ATI driver, that should do it.12:24
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Peloslackwarelif1,   then the  only suggestion I can think of is with that   removable media settings windows I told you about earlier,  I have no other ideas,  you can try checking in the forum12:24
dadI enabled 3d effects. Is this = beryl?  How do I do the workspace cube select thing?12:24
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SeveredCrossAmirB: You can also do sudo apt-get autoclean and sudo apt-get clean12:24
CaptainTripsonly problem with that is if i install the ati driver beryl wont work anymore12:24
AmirBPelo: just curious whether it's amounts like that every time it upgrades or was feisty a really major upgrade?12:24
PeloAmirB,  well, I don'T know what more I can suggest12:24
SeveredCrossdad: Generlaly it's set to the middle button I think.12:24
CaptainTripsguess i could try12:24
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SeveredCrossCaptainTrips: Compromise..12:24
SeveredCrossS-Video or Beryl...12:24
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok done12:25
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jo_SaveFerr1s: and than when finished search section module12:25
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Keen101PhilH, but replace  ath0 or whatever you use for wireless12:25
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jo_SaveFerr1s: make sure that dri is not being loaded,12:25
PeloAmirB,   you can also try this,    run synaptic ,  bottom left , click the status button,  it will categorise the instaled apps according to install status,   you might be able to remvoe some more stuff12:25
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Keen101I thought someone else was having problems with wireless.12:25
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jo_SaveFerr1s: is it?12:26
SaveFerr1sjo_: lol, how do i get ot of insert?12:26
Keen101anyone still having problems with wireless?12:26
jo_SaveFerr1s: by pressing esc12:26
PeloKeen101,  someone was but I  he might have left or be busy elsewhere12:26
SaveFerr1sctrl-x aint working after that12:26
regress        "     ne12:26
AmirBSeveredCross: I just ran sudo apt-get autoclean and it said it was deleting a bunch of stuff (it cleared about 100 MB)...what was it deleting? anything important?12:26
LjL!english > regress    (regress, see the private message from Ubotu)12:26
jo_SaveFerr1s: got it?12:26
SeveredCrossAmirB: .deb packages it downloaded that it doesn't need anymore.12:26
b_e_n_zKeen101, me... wireless won't start on bootup, but after bootup a /etc/init.d/networking restart works12:26
moonwatcherPhilH: http://www.pastebin.ca/45495712:27
SaveFerr1sctrl-x doesn't work once i hit esc12:27
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Peloregress,  try english or append the two letter language code to the channel name   like  #ubuntu-fr or #ubuntu-it12:27
AmirBSeveredCross: ah, ok! great! and before I run it, what does sudo apt-get clean do?12:27
regressI don't even know what language that is...12:27
moonwatcherjust finished uninstalling/reinstalling vmtools12:27
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SaveFerr1sjo_: i'm used to nano, sorry12:27
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moonwatcherwaiting for it to boot12:27
jo_SaveFerr1s: because we have to save it by typping :wq12:27
Keen101b_e_n_z, that's pretty weird.12:27
SeveredCrossAmirB: Same thing, it just forces it to delete all of them. :)12:27
mzazaI'm using Lenovo 3000 N100, any ideas why the internal mic, doesn't work?12:27
regressanyway, just upgraded to feisty, it's great, wanted to say thank you to everyone12:27
moonwatcherPhilH: btw its on bridged mode, is that what i want when i have a router?12:27
SeveredCrossInstead of ones it doesn't think it needs.12:27
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jo_SaveFerr1s: sorry for vim, is quite a ride...12:27
moonwatcheri want the router to asign the vm an ip12:27
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok, now what? some search thing12:28
Keen101b_e_n_z, What version of ubuntu do you have?12:28
AmirBSeveredCross: is it worth it, or dangereous?12:28
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PhilHmoonwatcher: how's it working after that?12:28
SeveredCrossAmirB: Not dangerous at all.12:28
SeveredCrossWhy would it be?12:28
b_e_n_zKeen101, 7.04, amd6412:28
SeveredCrossAny that it ends up needing, it can just redownload.12:28
jo_SaveFerr1s: ja search for section module in xorg12:28
Pelolater folks12:28
SeveredCrossIt's just .deb packages, not any system files12:28
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AmirBSeveredCross: ok, thanks a lot!12:28
jo_SaveFerr1s: look for dri12:28
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SeveredCrossThat should clean up some of the stuff left over from Feisty install.12:28
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SeveredCrossI'm trying tot hink of what else you can do.12:28
moonwatchernow i get a red sign on the vmtools icon12:29
jo_SaveFerr1s: it should not be there, than its goood12:29
SaveFerr1sjo_: nothing about dri12:29
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jo_SaveFerr1s: good12:29
Keen101b_e_n_z, is network admin set to "roaming"?12:29
AmirBok, another question:12:29
b_e_n_zKeen101, set to not roaming12:29
jo_SaveFerr1s: lets try if it works, but i think for now that there is some kind of driver problem...12:29
PhilHwell, i really am off to see if i can convince this thing to play nicely now, i might even burn a CD from the Feisty ISO just so that i can scream and throw it out of the window...12:30
jo_SaveFerr1s: did you install under edgy any nvidia drivers??12:30
AmirBI was running Beryl in edgy but when I upgraded I tried out Feisty's built in windows effects and it worked much better with my system (smoother, faster). I was wondering how I could edit it's settings though, like I could with Beryl. How can I make some tweaks?12:30
LaszloKvWould anyone be able to help me with some questions I have about ktorrent and firestarter?12:30
SeveredCrossPhilH: What's the problem?12:30
pike_LaszloKv: ?12:30
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PhilHWG511 wireless card12:30
moonwatcherPhilH: now its nto red anymore but with the old "limited network availability"12:30
SaveFerr1sjo_: ya, i used envy12:30
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SeveredCrossAmirB: No idea...Desktop Effects doesn't work for me, ATI drivers and all.12:30
jo_SaveFerr1s: AHA12:30
SeveredCrossPhilH: No driver?12:30
SeveredCrossCan't use ndiswrapper?12:31
AmirBSeveredCross: ah, ok. thanks12:31
LaszloKvpike_: I have firestarted set up with restrictive outgoing settings.12:31
Keen101b_e_n_z, hmm.... You could try un-installing network manager.12:31
AmirBanyone else know?12:31
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SaveFerr1sjo_: X server still fails12:31
PhilHmoonwatcher: wish i knew how to help, i haven't set up 2k3 in vmware before :-\12:31
jo_SaveFerr1s: thats the problem, we have to deinstall nvidia-glx for now and deinstall from envy the older drivers, i guess.. thats the problem12:31
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Keen101b_e_n_z, if it doesent help you can re-install it. and re-install ubuntu desktop.12:31
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LaszloKvpike_: I made the port for ktorrent an exception.12:32
PhilHSeveredCross: the card worked flawlessly under 6.10, after the upgrade process i guess the drivers have changed and it no longer functions12:32
spingcan anybody tell me what package <libscm.a> comes from?12:32
jo_SaveFerr1s: so thats the thing: stop xserver by typping: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:32
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok i removed nvidia-glx how do i take out the driver?12:32
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Keen101PhilH, are you still having problems?12:32
SaveFerr1sjo_: (already stopped x)12:32
LaszloKvpike_ I was wondering why that whenever ktorrent is open firestarter is blocking a large variety of ports other than the port set for it.12:32
jo_yes, i'll check ok? one moment,,,12:32
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moonwatcherPhilH: am i suppose to have another "virtual" network adapter in ubuntu?12:33
moonwatcherliek i used to have when it worked in xp?12:33
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spingi looked at <scm> and <libsscm(0|-dev)> but it it doesn't come from there12:33
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jo_SaveFerr1s: once deinstalled you could try to sart xserver again, could work!!?!?!?12:33
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Keen101bIs PhilH still having problems?12:33
PhilHmoonwatcher:  the vmnet adapters? yes i think so12:33
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Klownercan't fscking uninstall openoffice, this is annoying12:34
whileimhereCan anyone tell me if by adding say 1,000 fonts to the GNOME font dir will it like WinXP slow the system down?12:34
bloodMuffinhow do i uninstall (or update) Automatix for edgy now that i have fiesty12:34
LaszloKvpike_: Shouldn't all the downloads be going through just the tracker and main ktorrent port?12:34
PhilHKeen101: haven't been back to the laptop yet, presumably i am12:34
SaveFerr1sjo_: x server failed again, the output says "failed to load module: nvidia"12:34
SaveFerr1sjo_: guess that means driver isn't there??12:34
moonwatcherPhilH: humm... indeed i see them in ifconfig12:34
Keen101PhilH, did you try editing the network interfaces file?12:34
PhilHwhileimhere: try it and see12:34
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PhilHKeen101: i haven't tried anything yet12:35
AmirBhow do I change some settings for the built in Feisty windows effects?12:35
whileimherePhilH I cannot tell the difference. I have done it a few times.12:35
xqIs there a place to get more emblems for gnome? ;)12:35
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PhilHwhileimhere: i guess you have the answer then12:35
SaveFerr1sjo_: modprobe nvidia states "no file or directory"12:35
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whileimherePhilH I was hoping that someone had a dinfinitive answer on that one not a guess like I would make.12:35
sdflkehow would one install ubuntu without acutally fireing up the dekstop? ie boot installer with no gui and not load everything else12:35
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moonwatcherPhilH: maybe the nic in w2k in the guest shoudl be configured diffrently then it was12:35
PhilHwhileimhere: if you're tried it then you have a definitive answer backed up by your testing12:35
bloodMuffinhow do you uninstall applications that arent in the appilication list12:35
moonwatcherit was all dhcp12:35
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mjrsdflke, alternate (server) install cd12:36
comradeNikolaihow do you hibernate from the command-line?12:36
AmirBhow do I change some settings for the built in Feisty windows effects?12:36
iamtimHow can I enable the xgl xserver?12:36
Keen101sdflke, you mean like the alternate install cd's?12:36
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whileimherePhilH thanks for your input.12:36
xqbloodMuffin: Search for them in Synaptic, right click and Uninstall12:36
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sdflkefuck, didn't want to dow nload another iso.....12:36
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LjL!language > sdflke    (sdflke, see the private message from Ubotu)12:36
jo_SaveFerr1s: thats cause now its messed up, old and new and so on, but it could be fixed, lets see, i'm sure you have to remove envy first, but i dont know how exactly, checking the web, ok?12:36
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WaxyFreshhow do youo type a cent symbol?can dvorak keybored do it?12:36
xqbloodMuffin: it should have all of the packages there if you have gotten them via Synaptic, the installer installed them or you used apt-get to install them.12:36
dsnydersHI All!  Can someone point me to a "what to do when your upgrade fails" website?12:36
sdflkeshit i'm sorry!12:36
bloodMuffinthanks xq let me try to find it12:36
SaveFerr1sjo_: wouldn't apt-get remove envy take out envy?12:37
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PhilHsdflke: yep, i'm afraid the only option from the primary install disc is that bloody horrible bloated liveCD12:37
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jo_SaveFerr1s: how did you install envy? also with apt-get or synaptic??12:37
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jo_SaveFerr1s: cause this could help12:37
Keen101dsnyders, umm.....12:37
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logennjonezzif i installed 7.04 beta well it upgrade to 7.04?12:37
SaveFerr1sjo_: well back in edgy, i updated the kernel without updating the nvidia driver, so i installed envy from the terminal to help fix the problem, so ya, it was apt-get install envy12:37
xqyes, logen12:38
ep2011for feisty, does anyone mind telling me the method they used for encrypted dvd playing, I tried one and it got messed up so badly that I had to reinstall feisty... Lolo12:38
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jo_SaveFerr1s: is working??12:38
james296how come every time I manually add a application anywhere in the gnome menu, I HAVE to copy and paste where the icon is located at instead of finding the icon? because if I dont type in any file name, nothing shows up in the pane that lists the icons...12:38
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james296is this some kind of annoying bug in Feisty?12:38
SaveFerr1sjo_: no envy apparently doesn't work with feisty12:38
dsnydersKeen101, miraculously, the upgrade has changed my IDE drives into SCSI (hda->sda)12:38
SaveFerr1sjo_: not yet at least12:38
iamtimHow can I enable the xgl xserver?12:38
bloodMuffinsorry im new to irc how do you target someones name when you type out a message12:38
xqjames: Never seen that and I do a lot of menu work.12:38
=== Klowner pulls his hair out
Klownergive me an ERROR apt12:39
xqjames: What are the steps to reproduce it? You can /msg me if you wish12:39
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Keen101dsnyders, wait, what was the problem you were having?12:39
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TECH_1I've sent windoze packing.12:39
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jo_SaveFerr1s: ok, than try sudo apt-get remove envy ?12:39
Keen101TECH_1, hoorah!!!!!!!!!11111112:39
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LjLbloodMuffin: just type the initials, and then TAB12:39
nighthawk71Does 7.04 make use of both cores of a Core 2 Duo 4400 if I do not install the 64 bit version?12:39
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok now what?12:39
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TECH_1Thanks...my hard disk is having a party.12:39
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dsnydersWell, from what I can gather, my hda partitions are now sda (eg hda1 has changed to sda1)...12:40
SaveFerr1sjo_: install nvidia driver manually?12:40
bloodMuffinLjL: ah i see thanks:)12:40
WaxyFreshhow do youo type a cent symbol?can dvorak keybored do it?12:40
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dsnyders... and the fsck is failing.12:40
xqnighthawk71: Yes, it should if it is an Intel Core Duo 2. It has very good support for Intel.12:40
__mikemLjL can you help me get my soundcard to work with ubuntu12:40
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AmirBhow do I change some settings for the built in Feisty windows effects?12:40
jo_SaveFerr1s: sudo apt-get clean && suao apt-get autoclean12:40
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captaintrips_well. i got my wifi card working on both computers, but now im getting the same error from airsnort on both. lol12:40
captaintrips_/sbin/wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_wlansniff enable=true channel=1 keepwepflags=false prismheader=false > /dev/null12:40
xqnighthawk71: Runs fine utilizing all of the processor on my Duo Core 2 desktop and laptops12:40
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SaveFerr1sjo_: ok now what?12:40
Keen101dsnyders, what did the upgrade fix?12:40
jo_SaveFerr1s: sudo apt-get nvidia-glx12:40
captaintrips_spams that when i scan12:40
xqnighthawk71: And I do not run 64 bit. Ever.12:40
LjL__mikem: dunno, what seems to be the problem12:40
icf7how do I install a package requiring accepting of a license (sun-java6-jdk) in a pbuilder environment?12:41
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__mikemLjL, ubuntu doesn't see it12:41
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czedlitzis there a command to find out what version of Ubuntu i have installed on a system that has no monitor?12:41
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jo_and than sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:41
dsnydersKeen, the upgrade was from Edgy to Fawn.  A bunch of stuff was unloaded/loaded.12:41
__mikemczedlitz, get a monitor12:41
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SaveFerr1sjo_: ok cross your fingers12:41
LjL__mikem: if it's an ISA card, i'm afraid that's normal - but i suppose it isn't...12:41
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Keen101czedlitz, there should be. but I don't know it.12:41
jo_SaveFerr1s: why??12:41
xqThat has no MONITOR -- cz? I.E. Can you at least access it via telnet or SSH?12:41
LjLczedlitz: lsb_release -a12:41
__mikemLjL, its a soundblaster x-fi12:42
jo_SaveFerr1s: than sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start???12:42
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maniacI'm having a field day getting direct rendering to work. Ripped xorg.conf apart! Can anyone help?12:42
__mikemI believe its PCI12:42
dsnydersThe upgrade was done using the synaptic program.12:42
mzazaguys, i've got a weared error with my internal mic in my laptop. I can hear my voice playing back whenever i say anything in the mic through the speakers, but it's not working with the sound recorder nor skype. any ideas?12:42
czedlitzLjL, thanks12:42
jo_SaveFerr1s: is working or no?12:42
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LjL__mikem bad news, first forum posting i can find says  As far as I know, ALSA does not support the Sound Blaster X-Fi cards AT ALL. And Creative's own http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html says "The X-Fi series of products are not supported under Linux. 12:42
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dg10050hello, I was just going to upgrade to Feisty, but I also have kubuntu-desktop installed and I was wondering if that will mess anything up.12:42
SaveFerr1sjo_: looks like no, ctrl alt f7 just gives a blinking line at top left12:43
dg10050will it?12:43
jo_SaveFerr1s: sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common12:43
mzazaguys, i've got a weared error with my internal mic in my laptop. I can hear my voice playing back whenever i say anything in the mic through the speakers, but it's not working with the sound recorder nor skype. any ideas?12:43
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__mikemLjL, it worked fine with edgy12:43
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Keen101dg10050, it should not. but i don't know.12:43
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dg10050um, ok12:43
icf7dg10050: most likely no, because the kubuntu guys update too ;)12:43
midori_i can't find wine config file, so i can edit the version of windows to winxp12:43
SaveFerr1sjo_: says it's already at newest version and that it's manual installed12:43
dg10050so should it just get upgraded automatically?12:43
midori_can anyone help me!!!!!!!!! please12:43
jo_try also sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common before rebooting system :)12:43
mzazamidori_: run winecfg12:43
luisgmarinehello guys I just installed Ubuntu on my system with all the hdd dedicated to it, is there a website to get the basic things running?  Such as movies , mp3 players etc etc?12:44
dg10050I was just wondering if there was anything else I would have to upgrade aswell.12:44
mzazaluisgmarine: what version of ubuntu are you running?12:44
midori_mzaza, i need it in gedit12:44
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xqAnyways, to the person without a monitor (IF YOU HAVE SSH/TELNET access or what not) just type cat /proc/version12:44
jo_ok than reboot, lets see if something happend!! man, i hope12:44
dg10050thanks bunches12:44
mzazamidori_: i don't get you12:44
Keen101dg10050, as long as ubuntu desktop is not installed, only kubuntu desktop should be upgraded.12:44
xqIn the remote connection.12:44
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xqAnd that will tell you the version among other things.12:44
SaveFerr1sjo_: ok brb12:44
maniacAnyone been able to get direct rendering going using Nvidia in Edgy?12:44
james296xq well can you help me with my prob or not?12:44
dg10050uh, ubuntu-desktop is installed too12:44
xqIf you're even here anymore, forgot who asked.12:44
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luisgmarinemzaza:  the brand new one, I'm trying to get those awesome freaking desktop effects12:44
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xqJames, I sent you a /msg.12:44
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dg10050I installed kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu12:44
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Keen101dg10050, hmm........... not sure.12:45
midori_mzaza, im doing a tutorial to get warcraft 3 to work with wine, and it says i need to edit the wine config in text editor12:45
WhitorHi, I'm trying to upgraade to feisty... and after  doing a " gksu "update-manager -c" "... and clicking the upgrade button I eventually get: "Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/dists/edgy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Moved Temporarily" any ideas ?12:45
Keen101dg10050, maybe you should find a dedicated #kubuntu chat room.12:45
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__mikemLjL ARE YOU STILL THERE?12:45
__mikemCrap sorry12:45
midori_mzaza, "Exit winetools and open the wine config file that was created in a text editor (eg nano .wine/config). Look12:45
midori_for '[Version] ' and under that where it says:12:45
midori_"Windows" = "win98"12:45
midori_change it to:12:45
midori_"Windows" = "winxp""12:45
AmirBhow do I change some settings for the built in Feisty windows effects?12:45
dg10050Keen101, well it's not a big deal if something is messed up, I'll just reinstall12:45
LjL!paste > midori_    (midori_, see the private message from Ubotu)12:45
__mikemStupid capslock12:45
LjL__mikem: yes, i'm googling12:45
mzazaluisgmarine: you can simply click on the music and it will work directyl, and about the movies you'll need to install divx through a wizard. just try opining any video and it will guide u12:45
WaxyFreshcan dvorak type a cent symbol?and if so what normal type of keybored key would be the eqivilent12:45
dsnydersKeen101, The upgrade was from Edgy to Fawn.  A bunch of stuff was unloaded/loaded. and somehow, my IDE drives are now SCSI.12:45
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james296I never got it...12:45
midori_lfl, sorry12:46
Keen101dg10050, great attitude.12:46
__mikemLjL, sorry about the caps, the stupid thing didn't respond when I pressed it, (I use the caps lock in place of the shift key)12:46
mzazamidori_: you can simply change that with the command winecfg, you don't have to edit the wine config file.12:46
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LaszloKvWould anyone be able to help me with some questions I have about ktorrent and firestarter?12:46
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Keen101dsnyders, umm.... is that a problem?12:46
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midori_mzaza, i think it goes back to win98 though12:46
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james296send it to me through here plz?12:46
maniacCan someone help me with direct rendering?12:46
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jonesi just installed ubuntu i just had 2 questions12:47
MaNdRaKeZhi. what do i need to use wireless? I checked for drivers and they are supported by this kernel (i've a centrino chipset), so if wireless tools is installed, i need some other thing? how do i launch wireless tools?12:47
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dsnydersKeen101, well, fsck cannot find the partitions it thinks are dirty, and I get dumped to maintenance mode.12:47
luisgmarinesorry mzaza, my X seems to be locking up12:47
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mzazamidori_: you can edit your wine confguration through the command i sent you to edit the windows version. I'm using win 98 too under wine12:47
xqjones: Ask way.12:47
SaveFerrisJo_: no dice, x still fails12:47
xqjones: ask away*12:47
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sebsebsebBeen trying out the  Ubuntu Desktop Effects in Feisty this evening.  and  have just found out that it's not Beryl.  well what is it?   and  so I got to install Beryl  it seems also hummmm12:47
luisgmarinemzaza: I guess first things first, where do I get my nvidia drivers for my 6800 GT?12:47
dg10050Keen101, thanks :D12:47
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Keen101dsnyders, oh....... were you the one having install problems?12:47
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jo_SaveFerris: ooo12:47
xqsebas_: Compiz?12:47
eckMaNdRaKeZ: if you have an intel wireless chipset it should be usable out of the box12:47
jonesI can not seem to connect or see my wifi12:47
jo_SaveFerris: ok12:47
sebsebsebI  serached for Compiz,  but nothing came up even12:47
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luisgmarineI was Keen101, but I just did a full system install :)  Everything seems good12:47
sebas_yep, why?12:48
xqjames: Don't you keep asking me a question?12:48
mzazaluisgmarine: your runing ubuntu on a laptop or a PC?12:48
dsnydersKeen101, Yes.  I'm just looking for a website that lists what to do when things go wrong.12:48
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eckMaNdRaKeZ: i.e. you should be able to connect using network manager or iwconfig/dhclient12:48
luisgmarinemzaza: desktop12:48
haruhow do i configure my ubuntu system to be able to ping my lan machines via their aliases?12:48
AndyCRhaving trouble with suspend on an hp pavilion dv9000t notebook with feisty, half of the time it won't return from suspend12:48
xqsebas_: In Synaptic?12:48
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maniac<jones> --> Install NetworkManager after running apt-get update12:48
jo_SaveFerris: than you still could enable "nv" driver in xorg12:48
TaJMoXjones : can't see youor wifi card?  or wifi connection?12:48
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LjL__mikem, not sure, but i have the feeling support has been taken out due to fishy reasons. like licenses and stuff. but i think you should file a bug about the regression12:48
chickfilahello i have laptop here installed with ubuntu and it's connected wirelessly to a router.  how can i share this internet connection (laptop) to a desktop computer through ethernet12:48
james296no you told me you sent me a message but I never got it12:48
james296what is it?12:48
luisgmarinemzaza:  I downloaded the 32-bit version but I'm running an AMD 64 3500+12:48
eckharu: use the hosts file or set up the router to do dns12:48
jonesits on roaming12:48
midori_mzaza, ill try it, hey how do i keep my mouse within the window for wine, i tryed checking the "stay in window" for graphic within the wine config?12:48
sebas_I don't understand why you are asking12:48
joe_is there a sound fix for the upgrade to feisty12:48
mzazaluisgmarine: That's a problem.12:48
harueck, theres already a dns and a wins server12:48
nixnoobwhy can ubuntu not find iostream wen compiling a .c file?12:49
__mikemis there anything I can try just in case?12:49
jo_SaveFerris: and try to solve it from there, with feisty working with nv... ??12:49
SaveFerrisjo_: it says that it's failing to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules//libglx.so and the nvidia kernel module12:49
luisgmarinemzaza:  running the 32-bit application from a 64 bit processor?12:49
AndyCRnixnoob: you installed build-essential right?12:49
luisgmarinemzaza: I ran win XP regular?12:49
eckharu: if the ubuntu machine is using that dns then you should just be able to ping the machines by host name12:49
SaveFerrisjo_: so change xorg.conf to device: "nv"?12:49
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Keen101dsnyders, don't know. other than ubuntu forums, and bug reports on launchpad.net12:49
WhitorIn Update Manager after clicking the upgrade button I eventually get: "Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/dists/edgy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Moved Temporarily" any ideas ?  ... apt-get update fails with the same error12:49
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harueck, unfortunately i am not able to12:49
Klowneris there some way I can force apt to think a package is uninstalled?12:49
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shricnixnoob, you're using g++ to compile it?12:49
mzazaluisgmarine: I've never used a 64 bit machine before, so I can't help here. Sorry.12:49
shricnixnoob: iostream is not C12:50
nixnoobAndyCR does the file im compiling need to be in some particular directory12:50
nixnoobgcc u mean?12:50
jonesIf someone will help me with my wifi problem please private message me its too much text here12:50
sebas_xq: if I installed from Synaptic?12:50
luisgmarinemzaza: that's alright I know people that do it, I just want to get started on installing the drivers for my nvidia video card12:50
jo_SaveFerris: yeah give atry and disable all nvidia options like ddARGBBLABLAB12:50
midori_how can i keep my mouse within the window of wine, even if i checked the box within the graphic tab??12:50
eckharu: check the /etc/resolv.conf file to make sure it is using the proper dns server, and then if that looks good check the routing table with route -n12:50
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shricnixnoob: if you use gcc on a .c file, it will interpret it as C, not C++12:50
james296maybe I should re-download Ubuntu Feisty Fawn...12:50
luisgmarinemzaza: like the latest of the latest tutorial out there12:50
shricnixnoob: so use g++, since iostream is C++, not C12:50
Keen101chickfila, Not sure, but I think it is talked about in the book: Beginning Ubuntu Linux: from novice to professional12:50
dsnydersKeen101, Ok Thanks anyways.  I hope I can find out why they switched my drives from hda to sda nomenclature.12:50
ForzaPalermoanyone find a fix for their being no sound for the upgrade to feisty fawn????12:50
jo_and coment out composite enabled12:50
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mzazaluisgmarine: I think it should work with fiesty. Eventhough if it's not working try searching the wiki of ubuntu (wiki.ubuntu.com)12:50
Whitoris there a special channel for upgrad help ?12:50
maniac<JONES> Install NetworkManager after running 'apt-get update'12:50
jo_SaveFerris: and coment out composite enabled12:50
=== Toupee [n=root@pointe-st-col-pa-219-119.dmisinetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
harueck, any use of the wins server?12:51
nixnoobshric  you are the man12:51
chickfilaKeen101: heh does me no good12:51
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harueck, plus we have 2 dns servers12:51
mzazaluisgmarine: you'll find a complete guide to help you installing the driver for your device.12:51
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calengohay alguien?12:51
luisgmarinemzaza: ok going to try wiki.ubuntu.com12:51
captaintrips_well. aparently the mobility m6 is so old ati no longer offers drivers for it. so how the heck am i going to enable the s-video out?12:51
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chamunksAnyone help me with formatting my ipod shuffle in linux so that i can add new tracks via banshee?12:51
IndyGunFreakWhitor: what do you mean upgrade help?12:51
eckharu: i'm not really sure how wins works, ubuntu will just use dns12:51
Keen101chickfila, hold on I have the boook.12:51
bluekeysI have small problems with my sound while on Ubuntu.12:52
jonesits already preinstalled12:52
mzazaGuys, I can hear my voice through the internal mic in the speakers, but can't get it work with applications like the sound recorder nor skype. Any Ideas?12:52
ToupeeI was wondering if anyone could help me out with a sound issue too.12:52
bluekeysSometimes when I boot up I have sound, sometimes I don't12:52
harueck, oki.. how do i use the other dns server12:52
chamunksIt would be greatly appreciated kus i think i may have nuked my shuffles filesystem trying this myself... :S12:52
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WhitorIndyGunFreak: apt-get update is failing... and so is the upgrade button in Update Manager12:52
harueck, as there are 2 of them12:52
bluekeysAnyone know what might cause this?12:52
=== HOT [n=olid@82-69-88-239.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
TECH_1After installing..(fiaif),,,is it configurable....where to find it.12:52
jabbe1help, i need data recovery software12:52
LjL__mikem: don't really know, what does "lspci" show about the card? what about "lshw -c sound"?12:52
midori_How do you keep the mouse within the wine window while playing a game or somehting?12:52
IndyGunFreakWhitor: don't know... sorry...12:52
__mikemhodl on12:53
bluekeysMaybe should I just ask on the forums?12:53
SaveFerrisjo_: i don't see anything about composite enabled12:53
chickfilaKeen101: oh okay12:53
HOTanyone had any experience of installing vmware workstation beta on fiesty without the "any any" patch?12:53
Ronaldcaptaintrips_: ati m6 is a rage128 derivative. uses open source driver... 'ati' or 'rage' in xorg.conf. Ati never made a binary for it12:53
jabbe1or any kind of data recovery for ext3, i don't care how much it costs or how long it takes12:53
disinterestedhow do i create a default data base diretory for dvd rip-data12:53
WhitorGetting:   Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/dists/edgy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Moved Temporarily12:53
__mikemljl, 02:0a.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi12:53
AndyCRanyone know why my laptop won't come out of suspend sometimes?12:53
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captaintrips_ok, so how would i go about enabling the s-video out ronald?12:53
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SaveFerrisjo_: hey it loaded gnome properly12:53
eckharu: the default behavior is to just take the dns server from dhcp, if you want something else you would edit the nameserver line in /etc/resolv.conf12:54
midori_How do you keep the mouse within the wine window while playing a game or somehting?12:54
maniacAnyone been able to get direct rendering to run on a NVIDIA card?12:54
Ronaldcaptaintrips_: no clue. sorry. laptop i had didn't have, or at least I never cared for the tv out12:54
MalachiAnyone know how to play m3us in Firefox? I have the mozilla-mplayer extension, but it still gives me the open with box. I'm trying to use Jinzora, by the way12:54
jo_SaveFerris: uuu gooDD12:54
mzazaGuys, I can hear my voice through the internal mic in the speakers, but can't get it work with applications like the sound recorder nor skype. Any Ideas?12:54
bluekeysAnyone know why sometimes I have sound, and sometimes I don't? The only way I can fix it is to reboot and sometimes I'll have sound. Speakers are connected to an Audigy card.12:54
jo_SaveFerris: i was worried12:54
harueck, the name server is set to
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ToupeeI have a problem with sound being very scratchy and fuzzy sounding.  I have an Ensoniq card that sounds perfectly fine in windows.  Whenever ALSA terminates on shut-down the scratchiness stops.  I have no idea what to do.12:54
__mikemLjL did you get thatz?12:54
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harueck, so can i add nameserver too12:54
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ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:54
midori_How do you keep the mouse within the wine window while playing a game or somehting?12:54
jabbe1!data recovery12:54
jo_SaveFerris: you could try here some to check under synaptic-manager what wrong12:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about data recovery - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:54
eckharu: yeah, i forget the syntax. i think it is just space separated though12:55
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LjL__mikem: yes, means it's at least seeing something, pastebin also lshw -c sound, and "lsmod"12:55
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ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects12:55
Keen101if people are having problems, you should report them on launchpad.net12:55
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AirHeadIs there any way I can boot from a specific partition from the Ubuntu install disc or somehow make a boot disc?12:55
Whitorwhats better? Beryl or Compiz?12:55
bluekeysmzaza- I don't know if this will work or not, but I remember on windows you could open audacity and change the way the mic recorded12:55
Keen101if people are having problems, you should report them on launchpad.net12:55
mluserDoes anyone know of a howto on setting up the nxserver/nxclient on ubuntu feisty?12:55
irici installed restricted package but avi and mp3 dont work12:55
Keen101if people are having problems, you should report them on launchpad.net12:55
bluekeysWhitor- Beryl12:55
jonesCan someone help me in a private window please its just to much chatting in here ( im not complaining )12:55
jabbe1does anyone know anything about data recovery on ext3?12:55
jo_SaveFerris: my english is freezing after midnight12:55
RonaldWhitor: features vs stability12:55
=== SaveFerri1 [n=jordan@12-215-220-180.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:55
WhitorRonald: well put12:55
mzazabluekeys: Do you know how can I do that under ubuntu?12:55
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maniacJONES --> turn on private messaging12:56
eckharu: sorry, you would add an additional nameserver line12:56
chamunksany one know how to get ipods working in ubuntu i only seem to be able to view and play music off my shuffle and it seems to not let me clear off the old songs.12:56
harueck,  ok12:56
SaveFerri1jo_: do what?12:56
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bluekeysmzaza: I guess just open audacity (may have to download it) and then change how the mic is recording12:56
RonaldWhitor: beryl works fine here, apart from triggering(suffring from) a bug in the nvidia driver. which compiz would suffer from too12:56
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jabbe1does anyone know anything about data recovery on ext3?12:56
Keen101jones, i dont blame you.12:56
Crescendo_Xinerama disables RandR - is there any way I can force it back to enable, and still use Xinerama?12:56
Rynooanyone know how to change the taskbar/menubar colors in Gnome?12:56
__mikemljl http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17315/12:56
RonaldCrescendo_: afaik: no12:56
MTecknologywhere do I get a driver cd so Ubuntu 7.04 install can handle my ati card? fglrx is needed for this device...12:56
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WhitorI'm using Beryl on an ATI card12:56
jo_SaveFerri1: your name changes12:56
Keen101chickfila, i'm still looking12:57
Whitorusing the svn version12:57
soulcatchercan someone help me ?12:57
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RonaldMTecknology: install restricted driver from same named repoitory12:57
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chamunksRynoo, look for themes under system / preferences12:57
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bluekeysMTecknology: try using a program called Automatix12:57
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jabbe1does anyone know anything about data recovery on ext3?12:57
LjL!automatix > bluekeys    (bluekeys, see the private message from Ubotu)12:57
SaveFerri1jo_: ya, i'm on gaim in gnome and irssi in tty312:57
soulcatcheri got lamp installed how do i save files in /opt12:57
jo_SaveFerri1: you know synaptic-manager?12:57
ToupeeI have a problem with sound being very scratchy and fuzzy sounding.  I have an Ensoniq card that sounds perfectly fine in windows.  Whenever ALSA terminates on shut-down the scratchiness stops.  I have no idea what to do.12:57
IndyGunFreakyou're a glutton for punishment if you use ATi w/ inux12:57
soulcatcheri got lamp installed how do i save files in /opt12:57
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dsnydersHi all.  Problem solved (mostly).  IDE drives are now handled by the SATA code which places them in the /dev tree as SCSI drives.12:57
SaveFerri1jo_: ya12:58
__mikemljl ^12:58
soulcatcherhow do i save files in /opt with ubuntu ? :s12:58
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jo_SaveFerri1: there you could press on search and let it search for "envy"12:58
jabbe1does anyone know anything about data recovery on ext3?12:58
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bluekeysMTecknology: Actually, ubotu just sent me a PM saying Automatix is not a good idea, though it worked great for me. It says it could possibly break Ubuntu.12:58
MTecknologybluekeys: Ronald: I am trying to do a clean install of my system - X fails when trying to start up the CD.12:58
jo_and "nvidia"12:58
soulcatcherhow do i save files in /opt with ubuntu ? :s12:58
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viktor____i want to install older kernel version 2.6.15 on ubuntu feisty any help please12:58
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jonesanyone want to help me with my wireless network problem on msn yahoo or aim12:58
__mikem!patience | soulcatcher12:58
Crescendo_Is there a way to see what software I have installed that is above and beyond the base installation?12:58
jo_saveFerri1 and "nvidia"12:58
ubotusoulcatcher: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:58
RonaldMTecknology: thats a weird one. it should run using vesa vga12:59
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dsnyderssoulcatcher, mv file /opt/ doesn't work?12:59
bluekeysMTecknology: which version of Ubuntu are you trying to install?12:59
maniacCan anyone help me out with NVIDIA Direct Rendering?12:59
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soulcatcherno, i use lamp webserver12:59
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Ronaldmaniac: not unless you provide info12:59
jabbe1does anyone know anything about data recovery on ext3?12:59
xSUSHixsoulcatcher : sudo nautilus     this will give you a file browser with full read/write permissions to every directory and file12:59
soulcatcherand i wanna save files into /opt/lampp/htdocs/12:59
Keen101jones, maybe when i get a min.12:59
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ToupeeI don't think anyone knows anything about data recovery on ext3.12:59
=== EvilDennisR & (feh)
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soulcatchernautilus, ok gona try brb ;)12:59
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LjL__mikem: lshw says "unclaimed", that means no module is loaded. i can't even find what module would "normally" load (like, in edgy), so... file a bug01:00
jonesthats keen01:00
=== soulcatcher is now known as SoulCatcher|AFK
WhitorGetting:   Failed to fetch http://ubuntusoftware.info/dists/edgy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 302 Moved Temporarily    Can anyone help me decipher what this means?01:00
RonaldI only know about data recovery on Reiser. Pay Namesys01:00
jabbe1well, is it possitble?01:00
maniacRonald --> I've ripped xorg.conf to pieces and still glxinfo tells me it's turned off! Can I  post my conf somewhere?01:00
burnhamdafter updating to feisty my nvidia drivers have broken01:00
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:00
bluekeysToupee: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=data+recovery+on+ext3&btnG=Google+Search01:00
burnhamdsays that no screens are found how can this be rectified?01:00
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__mikemhow do I file a bug01:00
Ronaldburnhamd: which card, which driver01:00
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icf7Whitor: That's a normal HTTP status code, but it looks like you have a proxy or something01:01
LjL!bugs > __mikem    (__mikem, see the private message from Ubotu)01:01
ToupeeIt's not me that wanted help with data recovery, but uh, thanks?01:01
Whitornat, no proxy01:01
maniac Ronald --> NVidia GeForce2 4000 -- Nvidia drivers (9631) with nvidia-glx-legacy (glxgears works)01:01
burnhamdRonald: geforce 6600 with nvidia driver not nv I did install nvidia-glx-new if that tells you anything01:01
toferradoHow do I know what's my wireless card chipset01:02
Whitorand its apt not web01:02
Ronaldboth the right driver afaik :P01:02
Ronaldoh wait01:02
ubotukernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux') - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel.  You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild01:02
SoulCatcher|AFKcan i paste an error ?01:02
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Ronaldmaniac: 9631 is not legacy. legacy is a 7xxx driver01:02
BicchiAnyone using the Gnome Main Menu (SLAB)? How do I create a new entry for an application?01:02
=== SoulCatcher|AFK is now known as soulcatcher
ToupeeAnybody have any weird issues with scratchy sound in ubuntu?  Perhaps with ensoniq cards?01:02
jabbe1oh crap, is getting deleted data off ext3 even possible?01:03
luisgmarineso having the nvidia drivers are suppose to be unsupported since the drivers are proprietary?01:03
Keen101chickfila, can't seem to find it.01:03
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icf7Whitor: it's not web, but HTTP. Have you installed a command line http client?01:03
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maniacRonald: I tried the newest driver and installer complained... said I should use legacy 963101:03
jo_SaveFerri1: hey man, I'm going to sleep, hope you will get all working, at least you know now the problem, envy after upgrading to feisty has to be removed and nvidia components (re)installed, than update xorg and that should do the job, ciao man01:03
Keen101jones, what was your wireless problem?01:03
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Whitoricf7: no01:03
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IndyGunFreak!pastebin | SoulCatcher|AFK01:03
ep2011for feisty, does anyone mind telling me the method they used for encrypted dvd playing, I tried one and it got messed up so badly that I had to reinstall feisty...01:03
ubotuSoulCatcher|AFK: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:03
Whitorifc: getting the error in Update Manager01:03
jonesKeen101 my problem is that ubuntu does not see or connect to my wifi01:03
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Ronaldmaniac: I have to use 9631 on my gf4, but i think 9631 doesn't support GF2 cards01:04
Keen101hmm...... does not see it?01:04
=== Pelo should have reinstalled from scratch instead of upgrading, he would have been done by now
maniacRonald: Odd.. I've got it running (LinuxMCE) with full overlay. It's just the dri that I cant get to work.01:04
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jacquesmerdeis installing flash from the firefox install plugin method a bad idea as its not updatable? or does firefox rather than apt take care of that?01:05
Ronaldmaniac: can you pastebin your Xorg.x.log file ?01:05
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Keen101jones, yahoo (sewerman0)01:05
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burnhamdronald do you know what might be wrong with mine01:05
maniacRonald: Yes... 1 sec01:05
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nikitisAnyone having problems with the snapshot manager in VMWare using Fiesty?01:05
icf7Whitor: yes, but I'm almost certain that you got a problem in your network. Would you be so kind to install dog and paste01:05
icf7dog  http://ubuntusoftware.info/dists/edgy/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz | head -n 1001:05
Ronaldburnhamd: you too please pastebin log and config01:05
icf7to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/?01:05
iriccan someone help me I have been trying to get this to work for a week and I have problem after problem01:05
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ToupeeIs there any other kind of sound ... 'thing' I can try besides ALSA and OSS?01:05
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soulcatcherits ok :p i used apt-get install nautilus again, i dindt know it was installed already01:06
Peloicf7,  what is your current problem ?01:06
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maniacRonald: I've lost my bookmark to a paste site. you got any handy?01:06
TheVaultI have a question. Is there a Free Open Source program thats like Adobe Flash CS3? Like the alternate to Adobe Photoshop is Gimp01:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:06
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=== fools is now known as foolsout
icf7Pelo: mine? as posted, I'm looking for a way to install sun-java{5,6} in pbuilder01:06
PeloTheVault, you might find something in here http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html01:07
h4wkNeed wireless help..01:07
TheVaultPelo: Thank you01:07
viktor____i want to install older kernel version 2.6.15 on ubuntu feisty any help please01:07
h4wkUsing a Internal wireless intel card01:07
eckTheVault: you would need to program in actionscript01:07
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eckTheVault: there isn't a gui alternative01:07
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drewthis may sound silly, but has anyone networked an xbox 360 with ubuntu 7.04?01:07
IndyGunFreakh4wk: state your problem01:07
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Peloicf7,  sorry but your pastebin was empty,  and also I don'T know anything about your problem so I can't help , sorry01:07
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ElazarWhat command would I use if I wanted to see what DNS servers the local machine was using?01:07
Toupeedoes anyone know anything about SOUND in ubuntu??01:08
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h4wkWell its not see it at all01:08
TheVaulteck: Oh, I'm just going through and seeing alternatives to those applications. I'm glad there is a program like Gimp01:08
PeloElazar,   possibly  ifconfig01:08
HOTcan i install an RPM in ubuntu?01:08
WhitorThis is the tail of my apt-get update command: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17319/01:08
soulcatchernext question -> if i install wine, i install counter strike, i start it, that works all but i got no text in counter strike, help ?01:08
icf7Pelo: That was a post to Whitor regarding a completely different problem01:08
AndyCRfor anyone having trouble with suspend to ram on laptops01:08
AndyCRtry this link01:08
AndyCRhope it helps01:08
AndyCRworks great for me01:08
PeloHOT,  it isn'T recommended but it can be done if you have no choice,  you are actualy better off compiling form source   http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/01:08
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h4wkIndyGunFreak,  its not sensing it at all01:08
jabbe1there's no way to undo rm -r, is there?01:09
charliesuWhen using Sleep modes on a Desktop computer w/ Feisty does it kill network connections to programs like GAIM?01:09
WhitorI don't think its network related as I don't seem to be having troubles anywhere else01:09
Peloicf7, ok , I'll but out then01:09
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HOTPelo: thought so :( vmware is being such an ass though01:09
ToupeeDoesn't ANYONE know ANYTHING about sound?01:09
eckjabbe1: nope01:09
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ElazarPelo: Thanks.01:09
charliesujabbe1: what filesystem?01:09
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main2nice, im using LTS -> but during the installation of a package. -> adept locked up with the 'sun-java5-jre"01:09
imbecilecan someone tell me what this weather app is called at the bottom of the screenshot? http://img407.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen20070112183143iu5.png01:09
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main2because it shows a license, which i cant 'agree'01:09
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jabbe1charliesu: ext301:09
PeloToupee,  I know I can hear sound,  but did you have a specific issue ?01:09
bloodMuffinis there a way to resize partitions between ubuntu and windows01:09
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maniacRonald: Paste is here --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17320/01:09
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soulcatcherAndyCR was that answere on my question ? :s01:09
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PelobloodMuffin,  you'll need to do it from the live cd01:09
ToupeeYeah, Pelo, my sound is really scratchy.01:09
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Ronaldimbecile: probably gdesklets01:10
damianSpeak polish?01:10
imbecileRonald,  thanks01:10
icf7damian: #ubuntu-pl01:10
PeloToupee,  I suggest you check the forum for your soundcard model and see if there are recommendations in there01:10
Ronaldmaniac: log too please01:10
charliesuimbecile: yes.. gdesklets01:10
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AmirBndiswrapper isn't playing nice01:10
AmirBit was working fine for me in edgy, but in Fesity I am not managing to keep the alternate driver down. When I type ndiswrapper -l it tells me that the alternate driver is bcm43xx (which I read is bad). the only way to get it to work is to type "sudo dhclient eth1" (eth1 is the interface it assigns the wireless drivers) and then it works for a while until I have to type that again01:10
bloodMuffinPelo: can i use 6.04 live cd even if im running feisty? or should i make a new feisty live cd01:10
jabbe1charliesu: nothing, eh?01:10
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charliesujabbe1: best bet is to turn off the comp and see if there is a live CD that can help..01:11
soulcatchernext question -> if i install wine, i install counter strike, i start it, that works all but i got no text in counter strike, help ?01:11
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eckjabbe1: because of the way that ext2/3 is structured it is very, very difficult to recover deleted files01:11
h4wksoulcatcher,  #wine Will help you :)01:11
jabbe1charliesu: well, it's booting with the xfce ubuntu livecd right now, but i don't know what i'll find01:11
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PelobloodMuffin,  a new cd would obviously be the prefered choice, but I have no idea if you can do it with the edgy one,  I haven'T heard of any changes in the ext3 or ntfs formats so I'm guessing it would work as well01:11
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soulcatcherok ty01:11
charliesusoulcatcher: try cedega01:11
AmirBit was working fine for me in edgy, but in Fesity I am not managing to keep the alternate driver down. When I type ndiswrapper -l it tells me that the alternate driver is bcm43xx (which I read is bad). the only way to get it to work is to type "sudo dhclient eth1" (eth1 is the interface it assigns the wireless drivers) and then it works for a while until I have to type that again01:11
jabbe1eck: but not impossible?01:11
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maniacRonald: Log ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17321/   (no errors as far as I can tell)01:11
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Peloh4wk,   #winehq01:12
h4wkMy bad :)01:12
eckjabbe1: i think you would have to have some knowledge of ext3 itself to succesfully recover files01:12
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WhitorThis is the tail of my apt-get update command: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17319/  I'm getting the same error when I try to update to Feisty01:12
eckjabbe1: afaik there aren't any simple tools for doing it, although it is not impossible01:12
bloodMuffinPelo: ok thanks ill try it out01:12
jabbe1eck: and it was a 300gb drive, too01:12
ep2011does anyone mind helping me set up encrypted dvd playing in feisty? I tried it but it messed up so bad that I reinstalled... Im on a clean install now01:12
Pelosigh,  my upgrade just died in dl01:12
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soulcatcherhmm, nobody there01:13
PelobloodMuffin,   defrag your windows partition first01:13
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jabbe1eck: well, know of anywhere i should start?01:13
neo2dot0how do i set alsamixer to my usb sound card?01:13
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soulcatcheris there an other program like wine ? that does the same ?01:13
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harueck, apprantly i have to install winbind01:13
harueck, and edit nsswitch :S01:14
Whitorsoulcatcher: yes01:14
soulcatcherPelo , did you say that to me ?01:14
bloodMuffinPelo: I see, is there any risk of losing data?01:14
Whitorcedega I think01:14
soulcatcherand what ?01:14
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Pelosoulcatcher, yes I did01:14
soulcatcheroh, ok ty Pelo01:14
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PelobloodMuffin,  yes,  you better backup first, I though that was implied01:14
eckjabbe1: you can grep the raw hard drive01:14
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luisgmarinewhere can I find a terminal to install flash 7 for firefox?01:14
eckjabbe1: see this http://lists.terrasoftsolutions.com/pipermail/yellowdog-general/2003-November/010689.html01:15
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Pelosoulcatcher,   cedega is propriatary and commercial ( ie you need to pay for it ) ,  what is yoru issue with wine anyway ?01:15
h4wkIm not quite sure what wireless netowork card ive got - Im on a Dell Inspirion 640001:15
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haruluisgmarine, see ubuntuguide01:15
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bloodMuffinPelo: thanks01:15
Ronaldmaniac: are you using Xgl ?01:15
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maniacRonald: xlg-legacy yes01:15
haruluisgmarine, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty01:15
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eckjabbe1: you can "undelete" files that still have an open fd though01:15
luisgmarineharu: thank you soo much , just what I was looking for!01:16
Ronaldmaniac: don't. beryl can run straight onto X using AIGLX01:16
soulcatcher@ Pelo i wanna use it for counter strike ... but i got no tekst in counter strike when i run it01:16
Ronaldmaniac: within xgl, no dri01:16
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:16
soulcatcherpelo, else it works fine01:16
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maniacRonald: I'm not trying to use Beryl. Trying to sort out MythTV errors. It seems to need dri01:16
Pelosoulcatcher,  did you ask for help in #winehq ?  they are the ppl to ask01:16
Ronaldmaniac: no dri is normal inside xgl afaik01:17
soulcatcheroh, no, they said #wine and there is nobody, i will try, ty pelo01:17
loca|hosthow to make the upgrade from edgy to feisty ?01:17
maniacRonald: And I though AIGLX is only sdupported by new Nvidia drivers01:17
Pelosoulcatcher,  you welcome01:17
jabbe1eck, wait, open fd? what's that mean?01:17
Ronaldmaniac: i use it on 963101:17
luisgmarineharu: how do I navigate it?01:17
Peloloca|host,   wait a few days and run the upgrade manager in system > admin ,  the servers are very busy atm01:17
bloodMuffincan someone send me a link to the feisty torrent01:17
Ronaldmaniac: just windows turn black when the card runs out off ram since a driver bug prevents agp memory01:18
Pelo!torrents > bloodMuffin01:18
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loca|hostPelo, ok01:18
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maniacRonald: This is my error: 'glxinfo | grep render' --> gives me ''direct rendering: No'01:18
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PelobloodMuffin,   I just realised you have a very sick nick01:18
Ronaldmaniac: yeahyeah, thats within the xgl server right :)?01:18
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eckjabbe1: file descriptor. for example, if you had a directory with a bunch of music and you deleted it, but had a song open in a music player, you could recover that one song01:18
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maniacRonald: I'm not following -- in glx server?01:19
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elpargois there a way I could find out which packages are installed but not used often?01:19
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eckjabbe1: files aren't actually deleted until all of the open file descriptors are released, which is why it is possible01:19
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Ronaldmaniac: i askes if you run xgl on top of plain x\01:19
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vega-i just add a new HD in 7.4 its fat32 but i cant find it?01:19
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Pelome is out01:20
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loca|hostPelo, howto upgrade not using the upgrade manager ? does apt-get do it with a simple dist-upgrade after updating the sources.list ?01:20
maniacRonald: I think so yes!?  (Stil a little new to all of this)01:20
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ToupeeI just fixed my sound, in case anyone was curious01:20
AndyCRby the way01:20
AndyCRdon't know if anyone remembers me, but I was the person who couldn't get wireless-manager to work with wep and my ipw394501:20
mikerevega-: where are you looking for the new drive?01:20
AndyCRit was fixed in the final release, so the bug isn't there anymore01:20
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ubuntuEdgyhow do i reinstall , sudo apt-get reinstall ....01:20
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AndyCR(and yes, I know wep is a joke)01:20
Ronaldmaniac: did you follow some guide to  run beryl ?01:20
jabbe1eck: so if i didn't have the files open, they're gone?01:20
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vega-mikers: /media /mnt01:21
eckjabbe1: pretty much01:21
mikereAndyCR: good deal01:21
jabbe1eck: jesus01:21
jabbe1eck: back to windows01:21
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maniacNope. Did it all myself (the hard way). Installed ubuntu, nvidia drivers and linux mce. All works 100% just mythtv wont work.01:21
jabbe1eck: well, do you know of a filesystem that doesn't do that?01:21
jabbe1eck: aside from fat01:21
luisgmarineDo you guys recommend adding extra repos?01:22
mikerevega-: hmm.. my external fat32 drive just shows up in /media/EXTERNAL when I hook it up (6.10)01:22
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Ronaldmaniac: then you prolly don't havr xgl, but then i'm very puizzlrd as to why you have no dri01:22
luisgmarinewill it make my system completely unsafe or is it good to go?01:22
AngryElfI've noticed that digg.com renders particuarly slowly since i've moved to Feisty BETA/Final -- has anybody else noticed this?01:22
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haruluisgmarine, navigate what?01:22
luisgmarineharu: , nvm I'm just retarted01:22
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eckjabbe1: not that i know of... i know there has been some talk of making it easier to recover deleted files for ext4, i'm not sure if that is actually going to fall through though01:22
vega-mikere: what is the command to list HD01:22
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eckjabbe1: fat is the only filesystem that i know of that makes it easy to recover deleted files01:22
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jabbe1eck: can ubuntu boot off a fat partition?01:23
eckjabbe1: well, i guess ext201:23
mkquistvega - fdisk -l01:23
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eckjabbe1: you can, but fat has no provisions for unix style permissions so it dosn't work very well01:23
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maniacRonald: Aahh... xgl is the moving desktop right. If so then no (I'm getting confused with glx)01:23
Ronaldjabbe1: google for ext2 undelete and pray01:23
eckjabbe1: e.g. every file on the FAT filesystem would have to have the same uid/gid and permission mask because it would have to be set at mount time01:23
Ronaldmaniac: xgl is a way to provide the infrastructure for it. nvidia its not needed01:23
eckRonald: ext2 undelete doesn't work on ext301:23
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b33rk3b giving me an error that mp3 lib is missing anyone know how to fix it?01:23
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bloodMuffinis it normal for the memory indicator to note that i am using about 30%, 60% for cache and almost none free?01:24
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ubuntuEdgy eck: sudo apt-get install testdisk01:24
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RonaldbloodMuffin: thats totally normal, and goooood01:24
vega-i can see the drive using fdisk -l but i have to mountit ,how to do that01:24
debaserhi everyone01:24
jabbe1eck: wow01:24
LjLbloodMuffin: yes, it means your kernel is making good use of file caching01:24
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jabbe1eck: well, thanks anyway01:24
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debaserI'm installing ubuntu 7.04 and the mouse is not working, can anyone help me?01:24
jabbe1gotta go find that win2k cd01:24
eckjabbe1: you _should_ just be making backups rather than hoping you can undelete files ;-)01:24
mikerejabbe1: gnome supports a trash bin for undelete if you have deleted from an app that is aware of it01:25
bloodMuffini see thanks :) i just moved over from vista and trying to learn as fast as i can01:25
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mgardnerhello, I've used linux for a while, mostly on the console, now I have ubuntu.  How the heck do I install a GTK theme?01:25
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delirebloodMuffin: good on you.. a big jump.01:25
Ronaldhttp://std.dkuug.dk/keld/readme-salvage.html claims ext2 and 301:25
sebas_gnome-chess shows in 3d for just a second and then returns to 2d, anyone can help?01:25
AndyCRmgardner: drag the tar.gz file onto the theme manager01:25
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maniacRonald: See http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17326/ --> that might explain what I'm trying to do01:25
Chicoryndisgtk crashes at start, any indications why?  XD;;01:25
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mtonnieshas anyone else had problems with the volume control for ubuntu 7.04, everything is super quiet01:25
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AndyCRor extract to ~/.themes if you prefer the hard way01:25
Anon4017Hello friends.01:25
mgardnerAndyCR: thanks will give it a try01:26
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h4wk0Right, ive done lspci and i got this result "0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation Unknown device 4328 (rev 01)" However ive installed all the drivers coorectly using http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=399913 as a walk through, any ideas?01:26
eckRonald: afaik it won't work on ext3 if journalling is turned on01:26
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debaserAnon4016: hi01:26
vega-mikere: how to mount the drive its /dev/hdc01:26
eckmaybe if it is not enabled01:26
ZenjinNow I need a bit of help.01:26
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AndyCRmgardner: np, note that you have to drag it over the main theme window, the window where you select the various components of the theme wont work01:26
ChicoryHas anyone else had problems with ndiswrapper lately?01:26
ZenjinIm trying to get my wireless card working.01:26
ChicoryIt was a plain before, but now I can't even get ndisgtk to work right -- it crashes at start.01:26
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mikerevega-: you could try 'mount /dev/hdc /media/mydrive01:26
debaseranyone can help me01:26
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Chicory*pain, plain, whatever.01:26
Ronaldmaniac: fraid i cannot help you :(01:26
mzazaGuys, I can hear my voice from my internal mic through the speakers. But it doesn't work while recording, any ideas?01:27
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vega-mikere: do i have to do that every time i reboot the box?01:27
mikerevega-: or you might have to 'man mount' to find specifics - or ask channel in general =)01:27
mgardnerAndyCR: do you have to keep the tar file around once you've dragged it or can you nuke that file01:27
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delirevega-: first make a directory called (say) /media/windows like so 'sudo mkdir /media/windows' and then 'sudo mount /dev/hda3 -t vfat /meda/windows'01:27
ZenjinSorry phone.01:27
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ZenjinOk I have a wireless card..01:27
ZenjinEhome 10201:27
mikerevega-: no - if you set it up in um.... some file or other (something that ends in tab - mtab?)01:27
delirevega-: /etc/fstab01:27
TSCHAKhello, I installed beryl, and my firefox windows are now black, help!01:27
maniacRonald: Thanks for trying. Do you know what else I can try to get Driect Rendering to work?01:28
ChicoryI'm getting invalid driver warnings for no good reason from ndiswrapper.01:28
ZenjinI have an Ehome102 wireless card and I am trying to get it to work.01:28
delirevega-: you can add a line in there that will enable you to mount it each boot.01:28
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=== delire wishes Ubuntu shipped with an fstab editor.
ChicoryThe .ini file (rt73.ini) is in the same directory as .sys and the ... oh, the other one ...01:28
Ronaldmaniac: if i did i'd try them with you :)01:28
debaseranyone can help me?01:28
ChicoryBut ndiswrapper claims that rt73 is an invalid driver.01:28
maniacRonald: lol. Thanks again!01:28
delirevega-: it may seem a bit confusing now, but it'll make sense later.01:28
eckdelire: it's just a plain text file, ubuntu ships with lots of editors for that :-)01:28
ChicoryIt worked LAST time, so ...01:28
=== juan [n=juan@201-212-167-185.net.prima.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreak!someone | debaser01:28
ubotudebaser: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:28
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ZenjinIf anyone has time to help Query please.01:28
mtonniesis there some kind of volume control beyond the applet on the top panel01:29
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mgardnerAndyCR: are metacity themes handled the same way?01:29
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:29
ZenjinWhen anyones free I can use some help, thanks01:29
debaserI'm trying to install ubuntu and the mouse is not working in live cd01:29
vega-delire: hope that :)01:29
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AndyCRmgardner: yes, and icon themes too01:29
IndyGunFreakdebaser: is it a USB mouse, or a PS/2?01:29
bloodMuffinTSCHAK: i had a lot of problems with beryl too, but when i used the simple options and changed it to lowest setting and made other settings manually it works01:29
delireeck: tell that to newbies adding disks to celebrate their expansion into Linux.01:29
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mikerevega-:  for example my /etc/mtab has a line to automount the external drive: /dev/sda1 /media/External vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 001:30
bintrue|workthis poor poort channel.... it's flooded with questions :(01:30
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ZenjinAnyone free to help?01:30
IndyGunFreakdebaser: i'm sure others here have had other experiences, but personally, i've never gotten a PS2 mouse to wrk under any version of linux.01:30
RonaldTSCHAK: pronbably running out of video ram. nvidia driver bug01:30
ZenjinI know its a rough day on the Ubuntu01:30
IndyGunFreakdebaser: don't know if its the motherboards ive used, or what.01:30
ZenjinMine is more urgent hehe cus I partioned my windows.01:30
ZenjinAnd its fked.01:30
ZenjinI only have Linux.01:30
debaserIndyGunFreak: it's connected to the port in the back of the computer, I had the same problem with archlinux, and 'sudo cat /dev/psaux' and /dev/input/mice doesn't work01:30
mgardnerAndyCR: awesome.  It was so easy I thought it had to be more difficult!  Thanks01:30
mikerevega-: however I didn't have to set this up myself - Ubuntu just detected the drive and set mtab up for me.01:30
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ZenjinWho is free?01:30
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IndyGunFreakdebaser: thats my point.01:30
IndyGunFreakdebaser: i've never had luck with PS2 mice on Linux..., ever01:31
vega-mikere: is it fat 32?01:31
bintrue|workZenjin: as someone said earlier: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:31
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ZenjinWEll I did it by the book01:31
wastreli've used plenty of ps/2 mice on lunix01:31
debaserIndyGunFreak: it's strange, it should work, it works in windows and it worked in ubuntu 6.1001:31
icf7Zenjin: Nobody "is free", just ask your question or nobody will answer01:31
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debaserwastrel: so have I01:31
IndyGunFreakwastrel: not saying it isn't possible, i just never have been able to get them to work.01:31
linxehIndyGunFreak: I've been using ps2 mice for about 11 years with linux now - some motherboards need you to have a PS2 keyboard plugged in for them to work though01:31
IndyGunFreaklinxeh: can you read?...01:31
delirevega-: fat32 takes the filesystem flag 'vfat' in /etc/fstab01:31
=== esteban [n=esteban@pc-66-206-46-190.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
canercould someone please help me with my compilation problem with spca5xx driver (a driver thing for webcams)???01:31
ZenjinI used Ndiswrapper like it said on Ubuntu firums but it says its invalid driver files..01:32
canermake doesnt work01:32
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vega-delire: mm ok01:32
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wilneed help changing screen resolution01:32
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IndyGunFreaki didn't tell him it couldn't work, it should work, i just told him i've never had luck with them.01:32
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linxehIndyGunFreak: I was giving you some background as to why PS2 mice dont work sometimes...01:32
=== SadistAtHeart [n=Blasphem@c-68-37-31-197.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
IndyGunFreaki even noted above, that most likely, a lot of people have gotten them to work.01:32
mtonniesbeing new to linux and ubuntu, is there some channel that helps out beginners01:32
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IndyGunFreaklinxeh: i don't need background on it.01:32
eckdelire: i'm not sure that it would be that simple to make a gui editor anyway; the mounting options are nearly all FS specific, and for most filesystems there are a lot of options too. putting all that into a gui wouldn't necessarily make it easy01:33
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ElazarAw! Did they take out the LAMP server install option in Ubuntu Server Feisty Fawn?01:33
eckdelire: as it stands the gnome automount is pretty good01:33
delirevega-: i don't have Windows so i can't show you a line as an example. here's a really good page: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html01:33
linxehit's a good job there aren't any new linux / ubuntu users. they might get the impression that the linux community is right up its own backside01:33
debaserthat mouse works plugged to my computer01:33
scott__so i just stuck in a dvd, and all the people have a strange blue hue.  Any ideas?01:33
IndyGunFreaklinxeh: if they get that impression, then like you, they didn't read what i said.01:33
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vega-delire: ok got it working :)01:34
mikerevega-: yes it is - but delire is correct - you need to set up fstab not mtab - mtab keeps track of currently mounted, fstab keeps track of what to mount01:34
chickfilahello i have laptop here installed with ubuntu and it's connected wirelessly to a router.  how can i share this internet connection (laptop) to a desktop computer through ethernet01:34
crabgrassscott__: they're depressed?01:34
IndyGunFreakthey jumped on one item, and talked out of their rear.01:34
canerwhy can command "make" give lots of errors??01:34
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scott__haha, id be depressed if my skin was blue too01:34
crabgrassHey, guys, I'm going to install 7.04 on two drivies, and I'd like to know the best way to format a drive using the livecd without installing to that drive, preferably just making the drive blank (I plan on using it as holding space to transfer files between installs).01:34
eckcaner: if you are missing lots of devlibraries01:34
vega-mikere: got it working thanks01:34
delireeck: it's relatively trivial to detect a filesystem. there's no reason why the output of fdisk couldn't be passed to an 'editor' that will allow people to 'enable' a detected FS.01:34
ryancris it possible to use the ati/radeon drivers to get compiz on dual monitors?01:34
wildamnit i need friggin help01:34
mikerevega-: woohoo - what did you do to fix?01:34
canerhey eck do you mean build essentials?01:34
delirevega-: cool!01:34
mjrryancr, yes01:34
debaserwil: what's the problem?01:35
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caneri have downloaded them all01:35
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
linxehIndyGunFreak: I rejoined the channel after an outage. I replied to you saying "i've never had luck with PS2 mice on Linux..., ever". My apologies for getting it wrong01:35
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vega-mikere: i formate the hd using systemrescue01:35
eckcaner: if the program comes with a autoconf script you can run ./configure to make sure that the make command won't fail01:35
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wildebaser: i need help changing my screen resolution01:35
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mjrryancr, however it will be a bit funky if your total resolution exceeds wasit 2048 pixels in any direction. Oh, and may be less for <9300 radeons.01:35
vega-mikere: and rebooted ubuntu01:35
canereck thanks i will have a look at it01:35
=== xipietotec [n=jackfros@cpe-67-49-247-144.dc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
debaserwil: you must edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file01:35
mikerevega-: was there a problem with the drive then?01:35
ryancri have a 920001:35
debaserlinxeh: can you help me?01:35
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wildebaser: what must i change in it01:36
vega-mikere: its a new drive01:36
linxehdebaser: what is the problem?01:36
=== DrBix [n=dbixler@pool-72-64-226-215.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ChicoryHmm ...01:36
ryancrmjr: i have a 9200 pro using the rv280 chip01:36
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mjrryancr, righto. Well, you can try it. It's just that it won't support larger desktop background or windows than your card supports textures01:36
debaserlinxeh: i'm trying to install ubuntu 7.04 and the mouse is not working (PS/2)01:36
b33rSolution: To enable Mp3 support, please install the MAD Mp3 decoding library. that's what I get when i run k3b from where I can install that lib?01:36
ChicoryDoes anyone else use a WUSB54GC or thereabouts?01:36
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linxehdebaser: ok - was it plugged in when you booted the machine ?01:36
ChicoryThere seems to be something of a problem with the rt73.ini files.01:36
debaserlinxeh: yes01:36
debaserwil: wait a minute01:36
canerhey  eck the program doesnt have a autoconff script what would you advice for now?01:36
ZenjinAnyone willing to help: I did my research before I came here. I used Ndis wrapper and followed what it said but when I did Ndiswrapper -l it said the drivers were invalid. Im going off of what it said on here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30598301:37
linxehdebaser: ok, and when you powered the machine on ?01:37
wildebaser: okay01:37
ryancrmjr, ah ok well i am running dual 19"s at 1280x1024 so we will see01:37
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mjrryancr, also, the 9250 has a limit of 2560x2560 of rendering area... Luckily you fall into that limit.01:37
LsBlendcan anyone help me?01:37
debaserwil: do you know how to open the file and edit it?01:37
eckcaner: you need to look at what libraries the program is using and install them manually01:37
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deliremjr: good to know01:37
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debaserlinxeh: yes01:37
mjrryancr, umm, 9200, but anyway...01:37
LsBlendi have the same problem.01:37
wildebaser: yes01:37
wiledbaser: i think01:37
TSCHAKbloodMuffin, how do i turn everything off?01:37
vega-mikere: now root can access the drive only?01:37
wildebaser: i think01:37
ryancrmjr: do you happen to know of any links/examples of the setup?01:37
ZenjinCan anyone help me?01:38
linxehhmmm - I only have a testflight feisty iso at the moment01:38
mjrryancr, well, incidentally I made a small checklist at http://mjr.iki.fi/tmp/xorg-checklist01:38
debaserwil: anyway, you must execute in a console 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'01:38
HOTanyone know how to enble 3d support in vmware workstation beta 6?01:38
eckcaner: mostly you are looking for the thing pulled in by gcc -I and -l01:38
canereck: have you heard about spca5xx which is a driver pack for webcams?01:38
DrBixZenjin:  Toss out your question and see if anyone here can help :).01:38
eckcaner: i have not heard of it01:38
mjrryancr, I assume you have the dual monitor setup done?01:38
wildebaser: okay hold on dont go01:38
debaserwil: you can do it by pressing Alt+F201:38
delirevega-: you might want to change 'auto' to 'rw,noauto,user' in that line in /etc/fstab01:38
debaserwil: ok01:38
linxehdebaser: I need to download the install + alternative isos for work tomorrow anyway, so I might be able to try it out my system here01:38
ZenjinI did but ill try again.01:38
caneri have already downloaded gcc01:38
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canerbuild_essentials i mean01:38
ryancrmjr: not yet...just finished a fresh install01:38
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vega-delire: ok01:38
LsBlendhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419979: have the same problem as the person in this thread.01:39
delirevega-: that will tell your system to mount the filesystem so it can be accessed by a user. see: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html01:39
Zenjin::I am trying to get my Ehome (EH102) wireless card to work. I used NDis wrapper and did what I was told from here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=305983...01:39
debaserlinxeh: I don't understand what relationship does that have with me...01:39
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delirevega-: anyway, that should work just fine.01:39
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debaserlinxeh: let me try with my mouse, wait a minute pls01:39
ZenjinDamn this is so full everytime I enter something its paged down :-P01:39
delirevega-: rw stands for "read write"01:39
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canerhey eck01:39
wildebaser: okay i am there01:39
mjrryancr, well, you can take some hints from mine at http://mjr.iki.fi/tmp/xorg.conf ; I'm running two 1920x1200 monitors with x800. The 1920x1200VGA modeline is just so the one on the VGA cable will sync, ignore that.01:39
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haruwhats the command to restart samba ??01:39
WhitorFiggured it out... it was coming from one of the entries in the third party section of software sources01:39
vega-delire: ok im changing it now01:40
eckcaner: have you used gcc before?01:40
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ChicoryIs anyone else getting this "modules.ndiswrapper : invalid driver!" error?01:40
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debaserwil: go almost to the end of the file to a section called "Screen"01:40
LsBlendAnybody? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41997901:40
=== Chicory has been looking around, and yet ...
DrBixZenjin: Sorry, i don't know enough about that to help you :(.  Maybe someone else can.01:40
=== MSTK [n=MSTK@ip70-187-130-65.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
HOTthe lengths i will go to play dwarf fortress in linux....01:40
canerif i paste my log after typing make to pastebin  could you have a look please?01:40
wildebaser: ok01:40
eckcaner: i will try01:40
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linxehdebaser: obviously none. I shall refrain from answering anyone in here again01:40
wilokay there01:40
wildebaser: there01:40
=== Selenolycus [n=Coir@ip-129-15-131-252.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
DrBixZenjin:  The instructions seem fairly clear.01:40
ubuntuEdgy!seen POVaddct01:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen povaddct - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:40
SelenolycusDoes anyone know anything about forced ACPI regarding the Feisty installation CD?01:40
debaserlinxeh: I tried my mouse, and, as I thought, it didn't work at all01:40
LsBlendhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419979 HELP!01:41
=== flugger is now auto-away after 1h 15m idle
wildebaser: now what01:41
debaserlinxeh: I'll try my USB keyboard with PS/2 port in the side01:41
ZenjinIm trying to get my Ehome (EH102) Wireless Network Card to work... I followed the Ubuntu help last night. I used Ndiswrapper and moved the driver files from my Ehome CD to desktop. It says the drivers are invalid.01:41
ubuntuEdgy!seen POVaddict01:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen povaddict - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:41
debaserwil: pastebin the section pls01:41
SelenolycusI get errors regarding ACPI when first booting the CD, and I get tty access errors.01:41
canereck: here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17329/01:41
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ahavecould someone point me in the right direction for mounting a ntfs drive over a network?01:41
ubuntuEdgysrry about this guys01:41
linxehdebaser: make sure you powercycle the machine though01:41
=== hossman [i=HydraIRC@cpe-24-108.bvconline.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
ryancrmjr: thanks i will look at that..just out of curiousity what do you mean by sync? the reason i ask is my two lcd monitors look a bit different shade for each other...i assume its cuz one is on the vga and the other on the dvi port(with a dvi->vga adapter)01:41
DrBixZenjin:  It says they are invalid when you're using the instructions in the thread you linked to?01:42
debaserlinxeh: what is that, and how do I do that?01:42
vega-delire: i cant find it in my fstab01:42
LsBlendCan anyone help me?01:42
LsBlendwhat happens to me:01:42
LsBlendWhen I reboot, the system freezes after the login. The screen remains blank and a white rectangle box appears on the top left corner, like a terminal window, but empty.01:42
linxehdebaser: turn the computer off for 10 secs then back on01:42
eckcaner: you haven't installed the kernel headers01:42
WaxyFreshwhy is ubuntu bloated with so many packages my system dosent need?like why would the install setup stuff for bluetooth when i dont have bluetooth>?01:42
ZenjinDRBix: No first I did it from the Ubuntu Wireless help.01:42
wildebaser: srry what?01:42
debaserlinxeh: I guess I can try that. Anyway it won't work, I'm sure.01:42
DrBixLsBlend:  When you say freezes, did you try <CTRL><ALT>F1 or <CTRL><ALT>F2?01:42
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luisgmarinewhat is the ubuntu beryl project channel, I want to know what exactly it is01:42
debaser!paste > wil01:42
linxehWaxyFresh: because most users want it. use the alternative cd if you want to customise the install more01:42
eckcaner: try installing linux-headers-generic01:42
linxehdebaser: ok, whatever.01:42
=== deltaphc [n=Delta@66-215-39-203.dhcp.hspr.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
linxehdebaser: good luck01:42
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IndyGunFreak  debaser: aren't you using the live cd?01:42
canereck: should i try synaptic for linux-headers-generic01:42
LsBlendit works too.01:43
mjrryancr, yeah mine are attached like that too... The monitor just wouldn't recognize the usual 1920x1200 mode from the VGA cable, so I had to tweak it a bit.01:43
debaserlinxeh: I had the same problem in archlinux, and I couldn't fix it. thx01:43
canereck: i am using 64 bit version01:43
ZenjinDrbix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30598301:43
DrBixLsBlend:  Try pressing <CTRL><ALT>F1 while it's booting.  See if you can catch any messages that it might spit out during boot.01:43
=== ZubZ_ [n=zubair@0x5552d79d.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
wildebaser: Section "Screen"01:43
wilIdentifier"Default Screen"01:43
wilDevice"Generic Video Card"01:43
wilMonitor"Generic Monitor"01:43
caneris it a problem?01:43
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
delirevega-: what is the fstab line that you have for mounting your windows partition?01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
eckcaner: well you need the headers for whatever kernel you have01:43
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
DrBixLsBlend:  So, it's working, but X is not?01:43
ubuntuEdgy!seen PovAddict01:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen povaddict - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
debaserdebaser: yes I am, but I'm accessing this channel through my computer01:43
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
delirewil: don't paste here01:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
canereck: allright thank you very much.01:43
debaserwil: don't paste here pls01:43
=== danny [n=danny@cc762222-b.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
harusomeone please tell me the command to restart samba ??01:43
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debaserwil: use pastebin service01:43
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | wil01:43
ubotuwil: please see above01:43
ZenjinDrbix: Basically last night I had no internet so I used the help. It told me to put the driver files on my PC.01:43
wilSubSection "Display"01:43
wilModes"1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:43
debaserharu: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart01:44
WaxyFreshlinxeh, yes i know that most users want it but what im wondering is why ubuntu would install packages for hardware i dont have,it just seems conterproductive01:44
vega-delire: ican see /media/cdrom and floppy only01:44
bur[n] erwtf!01:44
ZenjinDrbix: Then I did the commands and it said invalid drivers.01:44
debaserwil: don't paste here01:44
bur[n] er!ops01:44
ubotuHelp! Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Burgundavia, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal or mneptok01:44
IndyGunFreakwil:  whats wrong with you?01:44
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tritium_/ar wil01:44
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wildebaser, delire, ubotu: srry my bad01:44
Ronaldguys, no use telling over andf over, he pasted it ansd his client is now throttling the info to us :(01:44
DrBixZenjin:  How did you get the files on the PC?01:44
HOTWaxyFresh: you dont "have" to install it, everything can be toggled on and off, its just trying to be helpfull01:44
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harudebaser, thanks .. why is this different for each distro?01:44
ahavecould someone point me in the right direction for mounting a ntfs drive over a network?01:44
DrBixZenjin:  Generally, I use a USB drive or something01:44
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ZenjinDrbix: An Ehome CD01:44
abowhat's the command to upgrade to fiesty?01:44
wilIndyGunFreak: calm down01:44
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LjL!upgrade > abo    (abo, see the private message from Ubotu)01:44
DrBixZenjin:  You sure they are LINUX drivers?01:44
ZenjinDrbix: But on the site it says to do it from the CD location.01:44
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IndyGunFreakwil:  I'm always calm01:44
LsBlendWhen i boot, i get an error: Daemon trys to load, but there is a timeout error.01:44
IndyGunFreakthats just annoying01:44
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LsBlend...i think01:44
ZenjinDrbix: No its not but someone said using Ndiswrapper I can get windows drivers to work.01:44
DrBixZenjin:  Maybe the drviers on the CD are bad01:45
wilIndyGunFreak: go away01:45
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debaserharu: it depends mainly in INIT and the way it's handled. There's SysVinit, for example, with /etc/rc.d and /etc/rc.x directories01:45
IndyGunFreaklol, no01:45
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DrBixZenjin:  Hmm... Well, I'm no expert on that area, sorry.  I'd just try DLing new drivers.  Perhaps they'll work better, or maybe someone else here is more experienced with that card.01:45
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debaserharu: there's also the /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.x directories type of init handling01:45
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haruthanks :)01:45
delirevega-: oh.. so the line you added was removed? can you access the windows partition now?01:45
debaserharu: ur welcome01:45
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LsBlendWhen i boot, i get an error: Daemon trys to load, but there is a timeout error. i think01:46
DrBixLsblend:  So you can actually login at the console login, just not the Gnome login?01:46
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LsBlendyea, but i get nowhere01:46
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progekQuick question: Is there any advantage of using Koppix over an Ubuntu Live CD as a rescue cd?01:46
DrBixLsBlend:  Perhaps post the log to the message thread.01:46
HotkeyNewb still stuck on video files - can't see most avi (divx?), QT, and Real.  Have been thru the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu downloads completed.01:46
debaserharu: sorry, I made a mistake01:46
SelenolycusDoes ANYONE know anything about Feisty's problem with certain ACPI schemes?01:46
DrBixLsblend:  Maybe someone can diagnose it01:46
vega-delire: yes but its  read only01:46
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debaserharu:read that pls01:46
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haruokay :)01:46
DrBixLsBlend:  I think it's /var/log/messages01:46
HOTprogek: in my experience knoppix has more tools for recovery01:46
wildebaser: ok i pastebin it01:46
debaserwil: gimme the URL pls01:47
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debaserwil: brb01:47
Dumaheni have a big problem my pc freezes while mounting root file system what should i do ?01:47
Selenolycusv_v man this is crap01:47
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progekHOT: thanks, so tools for like burning and whatnot?01:47
fulviooPrimary partition = ntfs. Secondary (extended) partition = ntfs. Can I wipe primary partition and create / and /home as primaries and keep the extended one with existing ntfs data?01:47
wildebaser: ok to the brb, but heres the link in the meantime: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17330/01:47
DrBixDumahen:  Try to view the /var/log/messages, or, keep pressing <CTRL><ALT>F1 while the computer boots so you can see the messages as it is booting.01:47
IndyGunFreakSelenolycus: what is?01:47
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delirevega-: oh.. well ask around here. i don't know what the issue is. it's 2am here and i have to hit the hay. you'll get there, good luck.01:47
HOTwas thinking more of low level disk recovery and password recovery tools01:47
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DrBixgotta jet, ttyl01:48
SelenolycusNo one knowing anything related to my problem, IndyGunFreak.01:48
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HOTgood for getting back into a borked windows or nix box01:48
progekcool thanks01:48
IndyGunFreakSelenolycus: well, you can't hit a home run everyday.01:48
vega-delire: ok thanks again01:48
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ahavecould someone point me in the right direction for mounting a ntfs drive over a network?01:48
SelenolycusIndyGunFreak: Or even nick the ball it seems.01:48
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progekhotkey: have you tried vlc player?01:48
ryancrmjr: well the dual monitor part works...but the compiz part not so much01:48
HOTahave: smbmount -t ntfs blahblah01:49
debaserwil: I'm back01:49
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Hotkeyprogek - nope - advice was to install codecs01:49
fulvioo***Primary partition = ntfs. Secondary (extended) partition = ntfs. Can I wipe primary partition and create / and /home as primaries and keep the extended one with existing ntfs data?***01:49
ryancrmjr: i get about a 4inch strip of nice clean compiz...the rest of the desktop is a big ol glitchy mess01:49
wildebaser: k01:49
Twigmanvega: you trying to access windows partitions under linux?01:49
ahaveHOT, ty will google submount01:49
ryancrmjr: so i assume i must be over the limit01:49
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debaserwil: is your screen running the correct resolution?01:49
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HOTahave: or if you prefer gui then just select "location" > "network"01:49
canerhow can i download kernel-headers? synaptic doesnt seem to find them (feisty)01:49
HOTsorry places > location > network01:50
ryancrmjr: but thanks for the xorg.conf  worked great01:50
wildebaser: i need it higher01:50
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debaserwil: it's running at 1024x768 isn't it?01:50
wildebaser: yes01:50
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wildebaser: i need it the next step up01:50
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debaserwil: and how much do you want it to run?01:50
ahaveHOT, using the GUI method.. how do i actually mount it?01:50
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canercan sb pls tell me how can i download kernel-headers? synaptic doesnt seem to find them01:51
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wildebaser: thats the thing, im not sure01:51
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ahaveHOT, I am trying to add the drive so that programs on my linux box can see the drive over the network01:51
mjrryancr, hmh, yes, sounds like 9200 won't cut it with that resolution maybe. Still, as said, with my x800 also the desktop just ends at x=2048 and on the right there's void as background. This stuff is not prime time for a reason ;/01:51
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Hotkeyprojec u think thats the best way?01:51
HOTahave:so a perm connection? you need to use mount then or smbmount01:51
LeoRochaelI think I'm having a gconf issue01:51
abois Feisty stable enough to upgrade to? or you recommand I wait a few days further?01:51
jribLeoRochael: why?01:51
debaserwil: what's your monitor model?01:51
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fulvioogo for it ablyss01:51
HOTahave: the gui is just a "one off" connection, altough you can bookmark it01:52
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xerebzin a bash script how can i stall the execution until user input is received?01:52
LeoRochaeljrib: all my preferences seem wrong, none of the windows show up in the window list at the bottom of the screen01:52
Moe|Joehey people01:52
ahaveHOT, do you know of a link that i can read up on?01:52
xerebzlike until one presses enter01:52
Hotkeyprojek you think thats the best way?01:52
Moe|Joecan someone help me with using wifi on fiesty?01:52
ryancrmjr: yeah true enough... ah well maybe ill just have to find a cheap ol nvidia card ;)01:52
LeoRochaeljrib: my fonts look wrong as well01:52
ahaveHOT, I am new to linux01:52
osirisx11i cant get 3d working on my ati radeon 200m, when i try to install proprietary ati drivers it says it cant find a matching x directory x720..should i downgrade my x?01:52
jribxerebz: read   I think, try #bash01:52
HOTahave: a simple example of a connection is "smbmount -t ntsf //server/share /mnt/myshare -o username=spongebob,password=squarepants01:52
micahcowancaner, linux-headers-2.6.20-14. if you have kernel 2.6.20-14 installed. You may also need linux-libc-dev, if you don't have it already.01:52
wildebaser: i have a viewsonic vx90001:52
crdlbosirisx11, how are you trying to install it?01:52
debaserwil: ok, wait a minute pls01:52
ryancrmjr: thanks again for your help, much appreciated.01:53
HOTahave: that may look a bit scarey but if you break it down its very straight forward01:53
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LeoRochaeljrib: I think it happened after a crash today, where I had to manually run fsck to recover01:53
wildebaser: i will brb01:53
mjrryancr, yeah sure, glad you got the basic desktop up at least01:53
fulviooI mean, go for it abo01:53
debaserwil: ok01:53
jribLeoRochael: why do you think gconf is broken though?01:53
ahaveHOT, what goes inplace of //server/share ?01:53
Moe|Joeanyone using wifi on fiesty?01:53
canermicahcowan i am using feisty 64 bit , can i use synaptic to find them01:53
abook ... it's gonna be a long night :)01:53
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LeoRochaeljrib: fonts look wrong, icons in the desktop look different, and there are more of them (like trash, and Computer)01:53
osirisx11crdlb: from the ati website, ati-driver-installer-8.36.5-x86.x86_64.run01:53
crdlbosirisx11, are you on feisty?01:54
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zcat[1] anybody familiar with orca? I'm trying to do a blind install but orca stops talking whenever I run any admin commands01:54
jribLeoRochael: I see, well you probably just need to reconfigure everything01:54
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osirisx11crdlb: yes, fresh install01:54
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crdlbosirisx11, have you tried the restricted manager?01:54
HOTahave: lets say the machine you are connecting to is called banana and the shared folder is on c:\fruit the full path would be \\banana\fruit make sense?01:54
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LeoRochaeljrib: I tried creating a new user from scratch to see if the problem was contained in my personal configuration, but it also has the same issues01:54
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zero88How do you get the front end of Ethereal to work?????01:55
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homeerhi everyone01:55
osirisx11crdlb: yes and it installed but i still didnt have any good 3d support01:55
micahcowancaner, a search for linux headers should give you the packages I mentioned. I think you actually want linux-headers-generic.01:55
jribLeoRochael: can you take a screenshot?01:55
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LeoRochaeljrib: the fact that the window list applet doesn't show any windows is the worst01:55
crdlbosirisx11, define good.  It didn't work at all? it was slow?01:55
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zero88hi homeer01:55
nemo_homewhooo boy.01:55
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osirisx11crdlb: no 3d support.01:55
jribzero88: it's called wireshark now01:55
nemo_homesooo. I somehow clobbered the xorg.conf in an update01:56
HOTahave: the next part \mnt\share says "i want you to mount the directory in the folder /mnt/share" however you may need to make that directory "mkdir /mnt/share"01:56
canermicahcowan yes i am looking for 64bitgeneric kernel headers but synaptic doesnt seem to find them01:56
zero88jrib so id want apt to download wireshark?01:56
osirisx11crdlb: it was just software 3d01:56
jribzero88: yes01:56
nemo_homeand I see no evidence of a backup01:56
miranda82i really need help, i've got some errors with grub, and can't boot , i've tried all i've found in google, all those gentoo wikis, and that stuff... any ideas would be priceless...01:56
zero88jrib k thanks01:56
LeoRochaeljrib: AH, and none of the window manager shortcuts work (including the screenshot one. invoking it manually now)01:56
nemo_homewhen I first installed ubuntu, it did a darn good job of autodetection01:56
elpargonemo_home, delete it and run pkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and that will restabling it01:56
nemo_homeelpargo: sweet. thanks01:56
crdlbosirisx11, did you follow the suggestions on the BinaryDriverHowTo to fix that?01:56
debasermiranda82: what's the problem exactly?01:56
jribLeoRochael: ruh roh01:56
debaserwil: are you there?01:56
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miranda82debaser: actually, it stucks in: loading... please wait01:57
=== LeoRochael wonders if this is the tip to switch to feisty
HOTahave: the final part is the username and password you want to connect to the share as so -o username=administrator,password=supersecret01:57
elpargomiranda82, as much as I like gentoo this is not it, so it's wiki pages may not help you to fix ubuntu01:57
funkjaIs there a way I can see which processes have which open ports?01:57
jrib!xconfig > nemo_home (see the private message from ubotu)01:57
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debaserlinxeh: as I thought: it didn't work at all01:57
osirisx11crdlb: no01:57
miranda82elpargo: i said that, because almost all the google results are those..01:57
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debasermiranda82: that means that GRUB was uninstalled surely01:57
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wildebaser: ok im back01:57
debasermiranda82: let me check pls01:57
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nemo_homejrib: thanks. 'course, isn't just the res. screwed up keyboard and mouse too01:57
xerebzto add global keyboard shortcuts i have to use gconf-editor right?01:57
elpargomiranda82, na that's probably your search history trying to figure it out for you :)01:57
elpargoxerebz, that is one way01:58
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xerebzlike to open a file by pressing a key01:58
HOTahave: finally :) the start part "-t ntfs" says i want to mount the filetype ntfs, if you wanted FAT you would do "-t fat" or ext3 "-t ext3" hope that makes sense01:58
miranda82debaser: the error is when grub loads, and i choose the kernel to boot01:58
tickyhi. does anybody know if it is possible to burn a cd while running ubuntu live?01:58
osirisx11crdlb: now when i go into restricted drivers it says i dont need restricted drivers :-/ it did when i first installed fiesty01:58
debaserwil: ok, you want 1280x1024 don't you? that's the optimum resolution01:58
jribnemo_home: right, just making sure you got the right command, elpargo accidentally dropped the beginning 'd'01:58
homeerhey guys, im a novice, i just installed ubuntu, and had to find drivers for my noname wifi pci card. i found a working driver...01:58
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homeerand compiled and "installed" with this line: sudo insmod r8180.ko01:58
Moe|Joeright, i just looked on the ubuntu website, and it says to do this with my wifi card...01:58
homeerit works, but everytime i restart, i have to insmod again to activate the driver01:58
LjLfunkja: what about "netstat"? possibly with some options, like "-p"01:58
wildebaser: sure that will be great01:58
Moe|Joe"Copy FwRad16.bin from driver CD in to /lib/hotplug/firmware and remove all other firmwares from that directory. Note that filename is case sensitive."01:58
xerebzi'm looking at the apps/metacity thing and next to command1 it wants the command name01:58
homeeris there a way to install permanently or create a script that runs the insmod command at startup?01:58
debasermiranda82: wait a minute, are you prompted to choose a boot option or not even that?01:59
elpargooh thanks jrib :)01:59
debaserwil: ok01:59
xerebzbut i want it to open a file when i press it01:59
miranda82debaser: i am, yes01:59
Moe|Joeam i able to do that in live cd mode?01:59
xerebzis this possible?01:59
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elpargohomeer, what;s insmod?01:59
harucan someone help me01:59
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bimberihomeer: add it to /etc/modules01:59
elpargoharu, just ask :)01:59
jribxerebz: use gconf-editor like you said01:59
LeoRochaelis there a command where I can do a system integrity check? like have all installed packages check if their binaries are correctly installed?01:59
harui cannot browse pcs on my lan over their windows anems01:59
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haruonly by ips :(01:59
LeoRochaelI might be missing some important files01:59
elpargoxerebz, you add a command it can be any command01:59
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debaserwil: you must add "1280x1024" to all the 'Modes' lines before "1024x768"01:59
jribxerebz: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      as the command for example01:59
miranda82elpargo: man isnmod ;)01:59
homeerbimberi: just drop the .ko file in that directory? cool01:59
tickyagain: does anybody know if it is possible to burn a cd while running ubuntu live?01:59
wildebaser: ol02:00
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miranda82ticky: i think it is not, unless you got 2 cd drives...02:00
wildebaser: srry ok02:00
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xerebzwhat if it's an executable?02:00
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debaserwil: ok02:00
xerebzlike if i want to run a shell script02:00
tickymiranda82: ;-(02:00
harui cannot browse pcs on my lan over their pc names.. but only via ips.. anyone know a solution to this?02:00
jribxerebz: then that's your command (give the full path)02:00
John______yeah you can02:00
John______as long as you have two drives02:00
bimberihomeer: no, its a file (although I'm on Ubuntu 6.06) to which you add the name of the module02:00
OuZowhere are the default files for apache2 installed to? thanks02:00
bimberihomeer: have a look at the file02:00
elpargoLeoRochael, if you know what you deleted you can try doing a reinstall from synaptics02:00
jribOuZo: /etc/apache2/02:00
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John______can anyone hear me? i'm not sure if i have xchat set up right02:01
xerebzfor example home/xerebz/Programs/run.sh02:01
jribOuZo: for configuring02:01
bimberiJohn______: no :)02:01
micahcowanJohn______, yes02:01
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micahcowanbimberi :)_02:01
haruHOT, ??02:01
HOTharu: in my experience either you need to point to the correct dns or you need to enable netbios / smb support02:01
wildebaser: ok i did that02:01
jribJohn______: bimberi is a liar! :)02:01
LeoRochaelelpargo: yes, I figured as much, now I need a way to figure out what was deleted02:01
elpargoJohn______, no we can't hear you, althougt you wrote something02:01
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wildebaser: brb again02:01
marcotHello, I'm trying to use adobe flash player in amd64 using schroot, but it's segfaulting.02:01
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debaserwil: then you must restart X. X is the program that handles windows and all of that stuff in Unix. But to take X a step higher there are display managers, like GDM, the one you're surely using if you're using ubuntu. To restart X you must restart GDM.02:01
bimberijrib: 'sif :)02:01
homeerbimberi: ah ok will do02:01
debaserwil: ok02:01
haruHOT, i set the dns to the one my windows pc uses02:01
LeoRochaelelpargo: fsck deleted a bunch of stuff that was corrupted, but didn't give me a nice list02:01
xerebzthat seems to not work02:01
marcotI'm using it with firefox, it's a know problem?02:01
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xerebzsays no such file02:01
bimberihomeer: yw :)02:01
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LjLJohn______: for starters you could try using a nickname with fewer _'s :P02:02
OuZojrib: yes, i need to set the prefix when i build from source, i just used /user/local/apache2 which worked but not its not in the path02:02
haruHOT, i also added wins to /etc/nsswitch.conf and installed winbind02:02
osirisx11crdlb: now when i go into restricted drivers it says i dont need restricted drivers :-/ it did when i first installed fiesty02:02
jribmarcot: just use nspluginwrapper, it's a lot nicer, you can use your 64bit browser with 32 bit flash02:02
micahcowanmarcot, yes :(02:02
sssaahello. i need some help please. I'm totally new in kubuntu and i wanted to know if there's anything like Synaptic for KDE02:02
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elpargoLeoRochael, I don;t know a way in debian.02:02
HOTharu: are all your windows machines on static IP's ?02:02
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debasermiranda82: it doesn't report any errors?02:02
marcotmicahcowan: In Debian it works nice, do you know where is the problem?02:02
kbrosnanmarcot: you need to use a wraper for the 32 bit plugin02:02
jribOuZo: I'm not sure I know what your question is02:02
haruHOT, no ... some are static.. rest are via DHCP02:02
miranda82debaser: nope, just loading.. that is the weird thing02:02
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debasersssaa: adept, but synaptics works too02:02
elpargoLjL, that's an xchat default it just keeps adding02:02
haruHOT, i also configured samba to act as a wins client..02:02
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osirisx11can anyone help please? now when i go into restricted drivers it says i dont need restricted drivers :-/ it did when i first installed fiesty02:02
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marcotWhy isn't nspluginwrapper in universe?02:03
IndyGunFreakelpargo: well, he could try a more unique nckname than.. John02:03
sssaadebaser: does it works with kde programs too_02:03
wildebaser: how do i restart gdm02:03
=== smdepot_ [n=afox@CPE-65-30-20-108.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
micahcowansssaa, you should ask in #kubuntu, they're much more likely to know.02:03
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kbrosnanmarcot: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux-amd64.html#nswrapper02:03
debasermiranda82: that's before loading the prompt or after choosing a kernel?02:03
marcotBut I need the schroot to have video codecs anyway, right?02:03
elpargoIndyGunFreak, why isn't john unique?02:03
HOTharu: well this isnt a full solution but for static ips you can make an entry in /etc/hosts for example " server server.example"02:03
miranda82debaser: again, after choosing the kernel ;)02:03
debasersssaa: if you want KDE integration use adept02:03
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IndyGunFreakelpargo: do you live in America?02:03
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LjL!register > John______    (John______, see the private message from Ubotu)02:03
sssaadebaser : thanks02:03
=== hohoh [n=Jamius@pool-71-117-241-40.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
debaserwil: you can go to a virtual terminal, login and type 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'02:03
debasersssaa: ur welcome02:03
micahcowanmarcot, I think Debian uses the 32-bit browser. But jrib's suggestion sounds hopeful.02:03
haruHOT, but mosts ips are obtained via dhcp.. any solution for thsoe?02:03
tmskehow can use the command suspend without sudo?02:04
elpargoIndyGunFreak, do I?02:04
IndyGunFreakelpargo: yes, do you live in America02:04
OuZojrib: can you please open sysnaptic, type apache2 in, then right click to get the properties, then click on installed files. i just need to know where it puts all the files once its installed. Edgy comes with apache2.0.5, i need to use 2.2.4 - thanks, if its not too much trouble02:04
jribmarcot: the only thing I can't get without a chroot is sun's java plugin, I use blackdown java's plugin02:04
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LeoRochaelelpargo: I'm this close to ask the system to apt-get --reinstall install all packages02:04
debaserwil: you go to a virtual terminal by typing Alt+Ctrl+F1 for the first virtual console, Alt+Ctrl+F2 for the second one, and so on02:04
HOTharu: is your router building a DNS table for all the machines on the network?02:04
FlannelOuZo: packages.ubuntu.com can tell you that, no need to bother jrib02:04
jribOuZo: use packages.ubuntu.com, but why do you need to know this if you are compiling your own?02:04
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osirisx11can anyone help please? now when i go into restricted drivers it says i dont need restricted drivers :-/ it did when i first installed fiesty02:04
sporkare there any good guides to ripping dvd's on feisty02:04
haruHOT, i am not sure how the router works.. seeing as i have to access to the network administration :(02:05
elpargoIndyGunFreak, depends on your definition of america, anyway that was irony if you didn't catch it. I love to have to explain those.02:05
haruHOT, tho i think it does that02:05
homeerbamberi: one more q, should i put in the whole path of the .ko file itself, or just the name of it?02:05
IndyGunFreakelpargo: ok... wahatever02:05
OuZoFlannel: jrib, thanks02:05
debasermiranda82: that's quite strange, there should be an error, there's no splash, is there?02:05
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miranda82debaser: i normally  don't use the splash option, but if i put it, it justs hangs at the beginnning....02:06
HOTharu: do "sudo ifconfig" and make sure you are on the correct dns02:06
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mzazaI'm using a Rioch MMC and I'm runing fiesty, still my MMC reader doesn't work any ideas???02:06
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LeoRochaelgot my window list back, after reinstalling gnome-panel02:06
Lars_GErrr I just gone feisty from edgy02:06
jribOuZo: when you said /user/local you meant /usr/local right?02:06
CarlFKto help someone ID a laptop internal modem: lspci, lsusb, lshw - any others?  (what shows pccards?)02:06
haruHOT, eth0 inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
bimberihomeer: i'm not sure sorry, try the whole path.  I'm assuming it's not somowhere under /lib/modules?02:06
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Seveas at Sun Apr 22 22:17:16 2007
=== #ubuntu [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(nonewmsgs/#ubuntu) yay for feisty04:18
(Pelo/#ubuntu) IntangibleLiquid, err, I don't know much about that, I know some are in /bin, and /user/bin04:18
(mneptok/#ubuntu) potatopancakes: /join #ubuntu-artwork04:18
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(potatopancakes/#ubuntu) Thanks Pelo, is it just me or is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam broken?04:18
(potatopancakes/#ubuntu) ooh, thanks mneptok!04:18
dipuI changed the fonts ... how do I apply the changes04:18
nonewmsgsis there a chanel where everyone sits around talking about how great ubuntu/feisty is04:18
debaserPelo: they can be anywhere... but they're almost always in /bin and /usr/bin04:19
=== hektik [n=hektik@cpe-75-82-199-48.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Pelopotatopancakes,    the servers have been overwhelmed by the upgrade process,  a lot of stuff is hard to reach04:19
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PeloIntangibleLiquid,   this mght help you http://doc.vic.computerbank.org.au/tutorials/linuxdirectorystructure/04:19
mneptokPelo: actually, there are known DC issues ATM04:19
hektikso like, is the 64bit version gonna be any faster then the 32bit ?04:19
nonewmsgshektik for 64bit processors, yes04:19
Pelomneptok,  that would explain a lot04:19
mneptokhektik: it's not04:19
IntangibleLiquidPelo: thanks, just forgot about the /usr directory04:19
Pelomneptok,  should I kill my upgrade ?04:20
nonewmsgsill take his word over mine04:20
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MrKeuneris it possible to have a keyring in gnome that does not ask for a password for certain passwords kept?04:20
potatopancakesOh, yeah, suppose it'd be a busy time for the distro. :) Thanks again pelo and mneptok.04:20
mneptokPelo: are you dist-upgrading from a mirror?04:20
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bimberipotatopancakes: there's also http://art.ubuntu.com/04:20
steelnubfor some reason my terminals are white...04:20
hektikso like should i just get the 32bit version so i dont have any problems trying to use 64bit programs04:20
dipuanyone ... how do I apply the changes I have made to font settings??04:20
=== Fathefner [n=Fathefne@74-60-39-198.wco.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu
Pelomneptok,  I' doing the noob style upgrade from the update manager04:20
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debaserdipu: apply? restart?04:21
tieTYTi'd say 25% of the time i want an app a feature i want is in cvs but not in the version i can get with apt-get.  What are the risks in downloading the source an compiling?04:21
mneptokhektik: if you have >/= 4GB RAM the 64bit version will be better. for most every other use case i386 is preferable.04:21
Fathefnerwhat is the kdebuntu04:21
Pelodipu,  just click ok at the bottom of the dialog box04:21
mneptokPelo: in what country?04:21
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE04:21
=== shawn34 [n=shawn@c-68-36-36-22.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
PeloFathefner,   kubuntu  it uses kde as a window manager04:21
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IntangibleLiquidI love the bot!04:21
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:21
shawn34I'm close to getting remote desktop working for my mother-in-law, i can remote in but i can't see anything, the mouse pointer is an X and the background is balck and white... any help please?04:21
nonewmsgsoh i do have a question.  i want to make one computer in my network hold all my music and just listen to it from all my other computers in my house. should i get the ubuntu server edition or is there a program04:21
=== Jump86 [n=ben@c75-111-15-206.amrlcmta01.tx.dh.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu
IntangibleLiquidgotta restart X to see if it works ^ ^04:22
mneptoknonewmsgs: Ubuntu server + Samba04:22
Fathefnerok i needed to know how to spell it04:22
Pelomneptok,  I'm in Canada ,  I did get disconnected twice today but so far I'm doing ok,  stupidly slow but still downloading04:22
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debasernonewmsgs: or ntfs04:22
mneptokPelo: our mirrors are prettf good right now (i'm in Montreal)04:22
kdittyanyone know a mirror for the ubuntu help sites?04:22
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bimberitieTYT: rolling your own is OK.  You are then responsible for updates of course.  Also it's a good idea to use checkinstall so that the software is still managed by dpkg/apt04:23
nonewmsgswhat do you mean or ntfs?04:23
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kdittyhelp.ubuntu.com is hopeless :\04:23
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mneptokPelo: for future reference, the -alternate CD images have a repo on them allowing you to upgrade from CD04:23
=== Trevi [n=Trevi@host208-0-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
annihilushey everyone, im trying to follow this page http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide for installing fglrx drivers, but i get stuck at the command sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), it tells me that it cant find linux-restricted-modules04:23
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annihilusany ideas?04:24
Pelomneptok,  I was already aware of that,  I just thought I'd give this a shot for no good reason,  I expect I'll have to clean install afterward anyway,  I'm never lucky with the upgrades04:24
debasernonewmsgs: is an option where you have a complete partition in the network, and can be mounted from other computer, but samba is a better choice if you have another computer with windows04:24
mistoneTrevi: you host that reposotry right?04:24
mistoneor is that someone else04:24
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Peloannihilus,  did you enable all the repos ?04:24
shawn34I'm close to getting remote desktop working for my mother-in-law, i can remote in but i can't see anything, the mouse pointer is an X and the background is balck and white... any help please?04:24
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annihilusim running from terminal atm due to an xserver failed to run04:25
debasershawn34: how are you doing that?04:25
Peloshawn34,  if no wone answers you try checking the forum for a solution04:25
annihilusPelo, so i dont know how to from there04:25
Jump86wow avant window navigator rocks when it's setup properly and working04:25
=== GSlicer [n=gslicer@203-206-53-114.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nonewmsgsdebaser i think i want to go with samba.  wish me luck04:25
dawonnHow can I set sshd to run on startup?04:25
=== NiX [n=az@vlan-145-pppoe-15.comnet.bg] has joined #ubuntu
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT04:25
mneptokdawonn: it does by default04:25
Peloannihilus,   sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  or .lst,  uncomment everything04:25
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=== lucky_ [n=lucky@ip68-6-59-70.sb.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
annihilusPelo, thanks, ill try that04:26
mistoneanyone today ( it worked fine yesterday wtf..... ) when I run beryl it goes really really slow and I get reapted :  NVRM: failed to allocate vmap() page descriptor table when I do dmesg04:26
=== faby [n=faby@user-12ldc39.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
mistonealso sometimes a black background flashes04:26
debasernonewmsgs: luck!04:26
Pelomistone,  try asking in #beryl or  #ubuntu-effects04:27
debasershawn34: how are you trying to do it?04:27
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annihilusPelo, what do you mean when you say uncomment everything, i understand what comments are, just seems weird that i should uncomment every line04:27
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dawonnI must have come other issue then, Thanks mneptok04:27
mneptoki love you, BitTornado. that is all.04:28
oktoberCan anyone help with installing a .run file?04:28
shawn34debaser, xvnc4viewer, im on kubuntu her laptop is on xubuntu04:28
Peloannihilus,  I'm assuming that the extra repositories are commented out,  obviously you donT' wnat to uncomment the explanantions04:28
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jengerersh ./filename.run04:28
oktoberthat's all?04:28
mneptokoktober: that smells like nVidia's binary driver installer04:28
annihilusPelo, ha...thanks04:28
GreenDotokay, this is getting out of hand...  i changed that setting in xorg.conf, but i wasn't able to use my middle mouse button at all.  it's just sitting there only used for scrolling and not for clicking (ie: to open a link in a new tab in firefox)  i don't know what to do  :\04:28
jengererShould do it04:28
debasershawn34: wait a minute04:28
oktoberwhat's the "install" command?04:28
ubuntuEdgyis there any way to delete a file ,so that it dose not go to the bin but just gets deleted !!04:28
nonewmsgshow do i decss04:28
=== darx [n=darx@77-98-90-46.cable.ubr03.wolv.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
annihilusPelo, what is the backports repo04:28
darxhi folks04:29
mneptokoktober: what are you trying to install?04:29
oktoberWell... I haven't played with the nvidia drivers but I'm trying to install the q4 demo04:29
debasershawn34: I use x11vnc here and works just fine04:29
darxi need a good ide for perl04:29
fabyhello, my broadcom wireless is being a pain, before I installed the actual drivers Ubuntu could figure out I had a wireless card, but now that I did install it, Ubuntu doesn't even recognize my card. :(04:29
shawn34debaser, it connects, i enter the password and it takes it, but the screen i see is just black and white with a mouse pointer04:29
jengereryou just need to run the file04:29
darxany suggestions04:29
oktober./ = run04:29
mneptokoktober: what graphics chipset?04:29
=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-72-179-7-251.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Peloannihilus,  I am not sure what the description is ,  I beleive it is a  bit more on the edge regarding stability04:29
debasershawn34: a lot of gray and black dots?04:29
bimberiubuntuEdgy: rm file04:29
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oktoberuuuh, old geforce2 nvidia thing04:29
debasershawn34: surely you're not starting any window manager04:29
oktoberTI4200 I think haha04:29
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debasershawn34: yes, that's it04:29
bruenig!info geany04:29
ubotugeany: A fast and lightweight IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1314 kB, installed size 4328 kB04:29
shawn34debaser, can't i just remote into the current session?04:30
ubuntuEdgybimberi: using nautilus04:30
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IntangibleLiquidwhat is the best dreamweaver-like app in Ubuntu?04:30
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annihilusPelo, well after that i am still unbable to find the package04:30
mneptokoktober: you'll want the nVidia binary drivers before Q404:30
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rrittenhousecrud i cant access the wiki.. can anbody else?04:30
theglacebimberi: Would you not want to erase the data, and pull a 'dd' type thing rather than just setting it to writeable?04:30
snook353where can i get a banner for my website?04:30
debasershawn34: x11vnc lets you do that, I don't know any other option for an opened session04:30
oktoberI tried to get those running but made a mess awhile back, can you walk me through that?04:30
adrian_ok, i got my black window on logout problem solved04:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about decss - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:30
annihilusPelo, tryin it with the command sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)04:30
Peloannihilus,  that may just be because of the current server load and the DC problems we were talkinga about earlier04:30
=== atf487 [n=mike@c-24-91-182-181.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:30
oktoberor is it just on synaptic?04:30
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:30
adrian_did anyone here have problems with kde missing the shutdown, restart and hibernate buttons after upgrading to feisty?"04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about banner - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
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annihilusPelo, sry im so new to linux in general im lost at what you just said04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about link - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
bimberiubuntuEdgy: I just knew you were going to ask that.  Not sure sorry.04:31
bruenigadrian_, sounds like a beryl/compiz related issue04:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ide - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:31
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ubuntuEdgy bimberi:do i pres "shift" while i press delete04:31
adrian_i am not using beryl04:31
oktobermneptok: I'm sorry, but what do I need?04:31
bimberitheglace: sorry?04:31
bruenig!info bluefish04:31
ubotubluefish: advanced Gtk+ HTML editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.7-1 (feisty), package size 1570 kB, installed size 6724 kB04:31
fabyare the Ubuntu servers being extra slow right now?04:31
ubuntuEdgybimberi:thanks any way04:31
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debaseradrian_: add your user to the proper groups04:31
Fathefnerkwifimanger question04:31
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closwhats up??04:31
hobbesmasterfaby: from what I've seen, yes04:32
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adrian_hrrrm, how do i do that ?04:32
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debaserfaby: yes04:32
Fathefnerhow can u tell if ur wifi is connected04:32
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fabyok thanks, worse time too. :(04:32
theglacebimberi: rm just removes the file from index and sets the physical space to writeable, it doesn't erase iirc.04:32
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closfirst time in here.. has anybody got bCharge to work on ubuntu 6 or 7 yet?04:32
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debaseradrian_: login with a user able to do administration and go to system > administration > user and group administration04:32
theglacebimberi: Or it's Windows that does that.04:32
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Peloannihilus,  a new versions of ubuntu was realease late last week and a lot of ppl have been upgrading and downloading a lot of files ,  the servers handling that are quite overwhelemed by the demand and there have also been some deconnections problems (which are likely related),   it might be a good idea to try at a later time04:33
mneptokoktober: Feisty?04:33
disasmI'm confused NetworkManager is taking over my usb devices (mainly in this case a usb joystick) Apr 23 22:32:11 warbird NetworkManager: <debug info>^I[1177381931.804685]  nm_hal_device_added (): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_b43_3_noserial_if0_logicaldev_input').04:33
oktobermneptok: feisty?04:33
mneptokoktober: which release of Ubuntu?04:33
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Peloannihilus,  also check your spelling,  make sure you have typed exactly the right command04:33
disasmwith edgy it used to show up as /dev/input/js004:33
oktobermneptok: 6.0604:33
Safroledisasm: I'm having issues with Network Manager04:33
fabyso anybody might telling me why my wireless connection disappeared all of the sudden when I tried to install the drivers? it does not appear in the gnome-network-manager04:33
bimberitheglace: you're correct. however ubuntuEdgy isn't concerned about that, (s)he just wants to avoid the file going into the Trash (if I've got it right)04:33
theglacebimberi: Ah, okay. My bad.04:33
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annihilusPelo, yeah ive ben on ubuntu for about a month now, so this is the first major release ive experienced, thats it expectable04:33
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tieTYTi'd say 25% of the time i want an app a feature i want is in cvs but not in the version i can get with apt-get.  What are the risks in downloading the source and compiling?04:34
bimberitheglace: np :)04:34
annihilusPelo, so waiting it out would be the solution to that?04:34
oktobermneptok: I find drivers on the nvidia website04:34
disasmSafrole: I removed it from my feisty laptop since I use wpa_supplicant and it was conflicting, but I assumed with my desktop I wouldn't have any problems with it04:34
dumsiehello all!04:34
Peloannihilus,  it is a possibilty,  but also check your spelling ,  apt-get does not forgive04:34
IntangibleLiquidis Nvu a good choice for simple web development?04:34
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debasertieTYT: it could crash your system or present a security hole04:34
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mneptokoktober: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx linux-restricted-modules04:34
Haruhow do i enable IPX on ubuntu ??04:34
lunHi, all, I used update-manager -d to upgrade to fiesty fawn long time ago, I'm here just to understand what's the current condition of it. Well, yesterday I did an upgrade of 4xx tools then I'm wondering if FF is released and if I'm using the current version.04:34
debaserIntangibleLiquid: EMACS!04:35
lunby current version I mean released version :P04:35
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oktobermneptok: I can't just use the gizmo in the adminstratino tab?04:35
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Flannellun: it is.  And, if you are up to date in update-manager, then you are.04:35
IntangibleLiquiddebaser: Sori dude! No emacs plz, I need something easy to use and fast to learn!04:35
lunand also , I just found that the kernel 2.6.20-15 they provided didn't have the SATA support built in(they compiled as Module) this will give problem to people who are using sata hard disk, where can I post so they get to know this and correct it later.04:35
mneptokoktober: sure. but i'm not trying to typ4e it04:35
tieTYTdebaser: that's all scary stuff.  But i'm also conserned about the 'uninstalling' part04:35
lunFlannel, thanks, I get it04:35
tieTYThow do you uninstall something you downloaded from cvs?04:35
oktobermneptok: it's all good so far.. no updating needed04:35
adrian_i have root, and the buttons were there up until i upgraded to feisty04:35
annihilusPelo, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r), sound good?04:36
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oktobermneptok: why do I want the 686 install?04:36
bibekhi guys do u know how to configure xdm to load kde instead of gnome?04:36
debaserIntangibleLiquid: nvu is a WYSIWYG editor, good for designing pages, not suitable for programming. you should then use bluefish or quanta (if you use KDE).04:36
shawn34i have an older laptop on xubuntu feisty, how can i switch to normal ubuntu and get rid of xubuntu all togeather without reinstalling04:36
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debaserIntangibleLiquid: but you should try emacs04:36
closas anybody got bCharge working on thier ubuntu box?04:36
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dumsiei have some problems getting my monitor to have a 1280x1024 resolution...04:36
oktobermneptok: nvidia-glx is already the newest version04:36
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Peloannihilus,   try this,    type uname -r  and copy the result  , append that at the end ofhte command  as a replacement for $(uname-r)04:36
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keddieIs there a default password with 7.04?04:36
dumsiei already downloaded the correct drivers for it04:36
mistoneshawn34:  remove the packages you want an do apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:37
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oktobermneptok: but it says it can't find the package linux-restricted-modules04:37
bimberikeddie: no04:37
LabThugAfter upgrading to Feisty, I lost the "switch user" menu option in Kubuntu.  Does anyone in here know how to get it back?04:37
bimberi!root | keddie04:37
ubotukeddie: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.04:37
mistoneer remove the packages you don't want anymore :P04:37
mneptokoktober: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver04:37
closi was able to get the program to recognize my blackberry and it says it switches the power level for it, but the blackberry still displays an error...?04:37
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debasertieTYT: if I'm not wrong, if you want to uninstall you shouldn't delete the directories in which you're building, and then run make uninstall04:37
oktobermneptok: grep?04:37
mgHi, It seems it's a bug, but there's no apache2-ssl-certificate command, I've followed several tutorials, in edgy worked ok04:37
annihilusPelo, after running the priot command it first tells me -bash:sbaker command not found (sbaker being my uname)04:37
mneptokoktober: just paste that command04:37
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frozenskunkHello-Can anyone provide assistance with getting some keyboard keys working correctly after a Feisty upgrade? (Specific keys: Ctrl, / * - + on numpad)04:37
IntangibleLiquiddebaser: I need a WYSIWYG. I made one mistake with the word 'devel'. I just need something similar to dreamweaver to admin a small website. I notice that there;s no binary package on Nvu so just wonder if some of you have used it before.04:37
oktobermneptok: alright, stuff comes up04:37
tieTYTdebaser: hm, that sounds like one of those things that's app dependant and I can't count on04:37
oktobermneptok: driver "kbd".. driver "mouse"04:38
Peloannihilus,   sbaker is not your uname, it is your username,    uname is acommand that displays the kernel version04:38
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mneptokoktober: are you usidng the "nv" or "nvidia" driver?04:38
dumsieIntangibleLiquid: you can try bluefish...04:38
debaserIntangibleLiquid: I use gentoo, but NVU is THE choice for dreamweaver.04:38
oktobermneptok: it's a nvidia chipset?04:38
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annihilusPelo, ha, thanks thats more than likeyl my problem04:38
tieTYTdebaser: aren't there problems like that could uninstall a library that another app uses and break the app i want to keep?  I thought these were all benefits of using the package manager04:38
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yetifootHi, I keep reading about how much easier for new users ubuntu is compared to other distros, but can't find any good info on what the actual features are that make this so.  What do people consider these features to be?04:38
debasertieTYT: it's your desition.04:38
annihilusPelo, sry for being such a noob04:38
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oktobermneptok: I'm not sure what I'm looking for...04:38
Peloannihilus,   you're allowed,04:38
Peloto be sorry04:39
mneptokIntangibleLiquid: Amaya or Bluefish. forget nVu, it's dead.04:39
closyetifoot - pretty much u put in the disc and it goes..04:39
annihilusPelo, :)04:39
bimberiPelo: lol04:39
debasertieTYT: yes, that's a problem too, but that would appear only if you begin to build your system completely04:39
berniehi, my software sources under system>admin wont open, it prompts for password and then doesnt open04:39
IntangibleLiquiddebaser: have you used it on Ubuntu? There's only a package for Ubunu 504:39
bernieany ideas04:39
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aimes_yetifoot: for me, it's the community and lots of how-to's04:39
keddiebimberi: I can use my password for synaptic and other things, but when I try to use the su command it says it's wrong04:39
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closfinds all/most ur drivers and comes preinstalled with most basic stuff u need.. and u could google anything about ubuntu and find it..04:39
debasertieTYT: if you have one or two apps the breakage of other apps is not a problem when uninstalling, but you shouldn't use libraries compiled from CVS04:39
mneptokoktober: Driver = nv/nvidia/vesa ?04:40
linxehwhat are the ubuntu packages for R called ?04:40
bimberikeddie: use 'sudo',   'sudo -i' to get a root shell04:40
IntangibleLiquidmneptok: Nvu update is quite..out of date, I can see that!04:40
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debaserIntengibleLiquid: no, I haven't04:40
oktobermneptok: is this trying to tell me what I'm running or am I looking to install?04:40
theglacekeddie: This is for your own protection. If you cannot figure out how to get root, you likely aren't proficient enough to use it safely.04:40
mneptokoktober: what you are running now04:40
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Peloannihilus,  if you are replacing uname in the command string with your username that would be a problem   try typing it as is with -$uname-r   and see if it works04:40
mneptokIntangibleLiquid: nVu as a project is dead04:40
oktobermneptok: how do I tell that? "nv" is displayed04:40
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FlannelIntangibleLiquid: as of... edgy, I believe, it wasn no longer in ubuntu due to lack of development/package maintainer.04:41
sgtmattbakerhello I am using azureus to download sabayon and it says it is going to take 6 hours.. I was under the impression that bit torrent would be faster for this sort of thing04:41
mneptokoktober: then you are using the open nVidia driver, not nvidia-glx04:41
IntangibleLiquidis there any sync function in Bluefish or Amaya?04:41
debasermneptok: I didn't know that ...  :(04:41
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oktobermneptok: okies, so I downloaded the geforce4 latest driver from the website, doe sthat help?04:41
debaserIntangibleLiquid: you can use Mozilla composer04:41
Pelosgtmattbaker, speed might varry over time,  it also depends on th enumber of peers,04:41
annihilusPelo, yeah that worked now,  now its now finding the next package xorg-driver-fglrx04:41
ubuntuEdgybimberi:correct ,,so what do i do04:41
mneptokoktober: no. you should install via the package system04:42
Peloannihilus,   congradulations04:42
annihilusPelo, i mean having trouble finding that pkg04:42
oktobermneptok: right, ok04:42
theglaceubuntuEdgy: What's wrong with rm?04:42
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bimberilinxeh: there's r-base and r-gnome (amongst others): "apt-cache search r | grep statistic"04:42
Peloannihilus,  having problems how ?04:42
closlast time.. anybody got bcharge - charge utility for blackberry's to work on their ubuntu 7?? i was pretty sure i read it comes with this installed but i cant get it to work.. i came close manually compiling it on 6.06...04:42
keddietheglace: Actually I am, but I have been messing around with other flavors that use su instead of sudo, forgot Ubuntu uses sudo04:42
sgtmattbakerPelo: are there really that few seeds out there for sabayon?04:42
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ubuntuEdgytheglace: im on the terminal04:42
keddiebimberi: thx04:42
mneptokoktober: stand by. ssh'ing to a Dapper test box.04:42
ubuntuEdgyim using nautilus04:42
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theglaceubuntuEdgy: type "rm filename"04:42
annihilusPelo, as in E: Can't find package xorg-driver-fglrx04:42
oktobermneptok: kks, thanks04:42
debaserI've just installed 7.04 and PS/2 mouse doesn't work at all, any ideas?04:43
bimberiubuntuEdgy: sorry I still don't know (I did have a play).  I was explaining my 'rm' answer to someone04:43
Pelosgtmattbaker,  I don'T know this is the ubuntu channel go ask in the sabayon one for alternate means of dl04:43
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bimberikeddie: yw :)04:43
debaserI think I can reinstall the kernel maybe?04:43
Peloannihilus,   check your spelling ,04:43
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KalleDKHow do you force a kill of a program.. HellaNZB froze once and sudo kill id didnt work04:43
theglaceubuntuEdgy: Go to Edit>Preferences>Behaviour in Nautlius04:43
ubuntuEdgytheglace: ok not usefull when you have 100 files to delete04:43
yetifootKalleDK, kill -kill pid04:43
xSUSHixHow do I disable the window zoom box effect when launching a program ? (GNOME)04:43
Peloannihilus,   apt-get  update   then try again04:43
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linxehbimberi: many thanks04:43
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KalleDKThx yetifoot04:44
bimberilinxeh: np :)04:44
annihilusPelo, spelled right04:44
theglaceubuntuEdgy: Depends on the situation. However, go to the preferences and you will see that there is an option there.04:44
annihilusPelo, always a good check though, :)04:44
ubuntuEdgytheglace: i just want it for the files i want to delete not permanently.04:44
ubuntuEdgytheglace: ok thx04:44
Hubris2Anybody good with VNC?04:44
theglaceNo problem.04:44
aaroncampbellI've been having problems with digiKam ( http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=144574 ) and it seems that it's because the version of digiKam that feisty has needs a newer version of libexiv2 and libkexiv2.  How do you report something like that?04:44
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debaserHubris2: I made it work but in gentoo.04:44
mneptokoktober: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-68604:44
ubuntuEdgytheglace: in winodws you pres "shift" then deleted the file.04:45
debaserHow do I reinstall the kernel?04:45
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mineralewhat's the current version? edgy?04:45
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Flannelminerale: 7.04, feisty04:45
=== DanaG needs help with a .asoundrc
debaser*Feisty Fawn04:45
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IntangibleLiquidcan I install Amaya via Synaptic?04:45
Peloannihilus,  just in case you didn'T catch it the first time     sudo apt-get update ,  adn then try your command again04:45
NuclearMHow would I change the order of OSes in GRUB?04:45
Hubris2debaser - I had VNC4Server configured to work with display 1, resumable session under Edgy.  I had to stay 1 version back...the latest build had a problem that wouldn't allow connections to work.04:45
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debaserHubris2: and what happened?04:46
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nonewmsgswhy is ix86 always stated as i386? is a 386 minimum recomended to work and why is x64 stated as athalon? is it optomised for athalons?04:46
oktobermneptok: alright, so it's installing goodies... linux-image-2...., linux-doc.... and lilo04:46
PeloNuclearM,   gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.list   and copy paste gently04:46
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linxehbimberi: how do I start up r-gnome ?04:46
aznprodigyhi can some one help me with getting internet to work in ubuntu 7.04 for ps304:46
aznprodigyi'm trying to connect through a router from a cable modem04:46
debaserhow do I reinstall the kernel?04:47
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oktobermneptok: all done04:47
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oktobermneptok: restart needed....04:47
Hubris2debaser: When I upgraded to Feisty....it put in the newest version of vnc4server, which broke it again.  I removed that package, manually reinstalled the older version...and it connects to give me a gnome login prompt - but when I enter a correct userID/pass it beeps and returns to the login...and syslog reports a connection error...transport endpoint not connected.04:47
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mneptokoktober: reboot to the new kernel and modules04:47
bimberilinxeh: never used it sry.  Hopefully a menu entry is created once you installi t.04:47
=== cables [n=cables@216-15-119-176.c3-0.nwt-ubr2.sbo-nwt.ma.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
bimberi*install it04:47
annihilusPelo, lots of these messages (Err httpL//us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Sources...Sub-process bzip2 returned error code2)04:47
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linxehbimberi: not at the moment on kubuntu, but I'll have a look around - ta04:47
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theglacelinxeh: Tried searching /usr/*/bin04:47
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DanaGArgh, Amarok keeps crashing.04:48
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debaserHubris2: I've never have that problem, sorry, i can't help you04:48
theglaceDanaG: What's the error?04:48
Peloannihilus,   that sounds like problems with the servers to me,   try again tomorrow04:48
annihilusPelo, seems weird that its saying edgy but it is an edgy guide im using, i was just told in a forum that it worked for someone else04:48
DanaGIt's crashing when I pause and resume.04:48
Lam_what's the max size that the / partition should be if i have a /home/user partition present?04:48
adrian_this channel is so cool04:48
DanaGUsing a plug device in my .asoundrc.04:48
annihilusPelo, also seems weird that at the end it tells me to run apt-get update to fix these problems even though thats the original command04:48
Peloannihilus,  intermitent server problems,  they might have been lucky ,04:48
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Hubris2debaser: Hmm.....I'm trying to figure out of there's a config for VNC that would refuse a second login (I'm usually signed in on display 0 when I connect remotely to display 1)04:48
debaserI've just installed 7.04 and PS/2 mouse doesn't work at all, any ideas?04:48
IntangibleLiquidGoogle Earth killed my X :(04:49
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Hubris2debaser: Or...if it's something related to the server bug.  It really sucks connecting to display 0....extremely slow04:49
aznprodigyhow do you make ubuntu auto search for new internet connection04:49
theglacedebaser: Drivers? Checked your X configuration?04:49
yetifootdebaser, maybe you need to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:49
nomasteryoda|wIntangibleLiquid, i guess your nick is like the "intangibletax" ... can't hold it, can't see it, can't tax it...04:49
theglaceaznprodigy: I suspect that you need to enable the eth0, eth1 etc.04:49
keddieanyone else having a problem getting to the Ubuntu wiki or help page?04:49
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annihilusPelo, yeah its just about every third line giving that error so it may be a server thing04:49
Peloannihilus,   apt-get update, checks the repost listed in sources.lst and caches the infor for where the packages are located04:49
debaserHubris2: maybe you should try another server, I wouldn't use such a buggy software04:49
DanaGI'm using the medibuntu amarok.04:50
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aznprodigyhow do i enable eth004:50
linxehtheglace: yeah, all the obvious things. I dont think I specified the packages correctly when I installed, trying again now04:50
Hubris2debaser: I'll be checking that soon.04:50
oktobermneptok: restarted, all ready to go04:50
bimberikeddie: yes (and I should have thought of that before sending you that link sorry)04:50
=== Pelo 's typing is realy going down the drain
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IntangibleLiquidhow can you remove an app that you installed with Automatix2?04:50
debaseryetifoot, theglace: no, the X config is alright, not even a sudo cat /dev/psaux works04:50
keddiebimberi: np :-)04:50
debaserany ideas?04:50
adrian_just start automatix2 and click on the installed apps tab04:50
Hubris2debaser: have you tried doing a reconfig of your Xserver?  Back up your xorg.conf and see if a reconfig detects your mouse04:50
linxehtheglace: nope, looks liek the package is messed up04:50
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ircusrhi all04:51
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PeloIntangibleLiquid,  use automatix to remove it or you can possibly also remove it from synaptic, depending on the app04:51
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bimberiIntangibleLiquid: hopefully using synaptic/apt04:51
xSUSHixHow do I disable the zoom box effect when launching or maximizing an app ?04:51
sivel27good evening all04:51
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guachohello comunity04:51
IntangibleLiquid<sivel27> morning!04:51
thefirstdudehow can I add an address bar using thunar04:51
PeloxSUSHix,   you would have to ask the ppl in #beryl04:52
debaserHubris2: I'm sure I know the correct config, and it doesn't work at all. anyway it should at least work with cat /dev/psaux04:52
ircusrhello ubuntu fellows!04:52
theglaceAnyone know why a 6.06 install + Oracle + JDeveloper + aptitude based upgrades is causing my net conection to be horribly slow?04:52
debaserHubris2: it seems to be a kernel level problem, I couldn't solve it in archlinux so I migrated to ubuntu but now it's the same04:52
debaserircusr: hi!04:52
DanaGALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1462:(_snd_pcm_direct_get_slave_ipc_offset) Invalid type 'multi' for slave PCM04:52
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oktobermneptok: So, I want to now try and get the linux geforce4 drivers w/ snaptic?04:52
Pelo!slow | theglace   if that is what you are talknig about04:53
ubotutheglace   if that is what you are talknig about: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.04:53
DanaGI want to make .asoundrc do dmix -> upmix -> ladspa04:53
mneptokoktober: do you know how to edit text files with nano, vi, or some other editor?04:53
theglacePelo: No.04:53
DanaGand ladspa -> plug:surround51:104:53
oktobermneptok: nope04:53
theglaceSteam is working at 25.8kb/s04:53
Pelotheglace,  I don'T know then sorry04:53
mneptokoktober: open a terminal04:53
theglaceNo worries, I phrased the question poorly.04:53
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oktobermneptok: alright04:53
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frozenskunkCan anyone provide assistance with getting some keyboard keys working correctly after a Feisty upgrade? (Specific keys: Ctrl, / * - + on numpad), have gotten the left ctrl key working, but the rest are still dead.04:53
mneptokoktober: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak04:54
debasermaybe a bad kernel compilation?04:54
Hubris2DanaG - have you figured out how to properly output via SP/DIF?  I'd love to get that working....04:54
Lam_i have 3 partitions: /, /home, and swap. is it better to place swap on the outer rim or between / and /home ?04:54
DanaGHmm, spdif should be a separate device.04:54
oktobermneptok: nothing happened other than a prompt for a password04:54
DanaGdo aplay -l (lowercase L)04:54
theglaceLam_ Outer rim. Hard disk is read outside in04:54
IntangibleLiquid<Lam_>: it doesnt matter I guess04:54
mneptokoktober: supply the password04:54
DanaGaah, downgrading Amarok fixed the pause==crash issue.04:54
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xSUSHixPelo Actually I'm talking about the default effect that Ubuntu has.   You know, when you click on a launcher - it makes that zoom box to show you where the app is loading04:54
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oktobermneptok: yeah, and then nothing, just another blank prompt04:54
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Lam_ok thanks04:55
Hubris2DanaG: It is....and in fact if I choose device 0,1 I can successfully test from the sound config - but none of the apps will output to it....04:55
PeloxSUSHix,  oh, I see,  try  looking in  gconf-editor04:55
mneptokoktober: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:55
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DanaGYou can make it be default in .asoundrc.04:55
lovlossThis is a kubuntu problem i suppose,but since kubuntu has like 1/100th the people who can help me, ill ask here. Im trying to install feisty, but every time it starts up i have to hit f4 and select a resolution or as soon as i start it up, instead of a loading screen i get my monitor going out. The green light on it turns yellow and it sits there, black as night :P Any resolution setting fixes that, but as soon as its done the loadin04:55
oktobermneptok: opened04:55
nboundhey im getting a GPG error on the feisty-updates server, and googling has not helped :(04:55
nonewmsgsit's ironic that only legal dvds won't play out-of-the-box04:55
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lovlossNow why is it so complicated?04:55
natsumeyi need help from someone who have voip phone04:55
marx2kquick question... is there any way to revert back to the stock /apt.sources list for Edgy?04:55
oktobermneptok: xorg.conf (/etc/X11) - gedit04:55
xSUSHixPelo i swear i saw it in some gui that Ubuntu has04:55
mneptokoktober: go find "nv" and change it to "nvidia"04:56
DanaGtry setting the card to "spdif"04:56
theglacenbound: what are you trying to install?04:56
marx2kIve tacked on a ton of 3rd party stuff and a lot of them time out04:56
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mneptokoktober: then save and quit gedit04:56
oktobermneptok: kk04:56
nboundtheglace.... nothing, it cant even get the repo list04:56
Hubris2DanaG: My concern is....if I can choose that device in various apps (VLC, Beep, mplayer etc) but they either output nothing or else complain the audio device isn't ready....what happens if I make that my default device...rather than standard PCM?04:56
theglacenbound: Ah. Do you have the proper GPG libs04:56
DanaGIsn't ready?  Maybe it needs dmix.04:56
aznprodigycan someone help me setup internet connection on ubuntu 7.04 with ps304:56
nboundtheglace, ive got the newest04:56
oktobermneptok: Identifier "NVIDIA Corporation NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4200] " Driver "nvidia"04:56
DanaGThe Gentoo wiki has good info on ALSA.04:57
nboundas far as im aware04:57
mneptokoktober: perfect04:57
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mneptokoktober: was that already there?04:57
oktobermneptok: nope04:57
oktobermneptok: just "nv"04:57
mneptokoktober: cool. so change "nv" to "nvidia"04:57
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theglacenbound: Give me a moment to check.04:57
PeloxSUSHix,  I have no idea where , sorry04:57
Hubris2DanaG: Thanks...I'll give that a read04:57
oktobermneptok: changed...04:57
mneptokoktober: save and exit04:57
DanaGANd there are "related" links.04:58
nboundtheglace, you not goin to beleive this... but now its working :S04:58
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oktobermneptok: yeah, did that when I cut'n pasted :)04:58
Peloaznprodigy,  try looking in the forum , lots of help there04:58
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lovlossso nobody knows? :/04:58
toferradoHow do I configure wirless using Ubuntu?04:58
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theglaceOkay nbound: use the  --allow-unauthenticated switch04:58
marx2khas anyone else had issue with NFS connections freezing during transfer and then being a real bitch to fix?04:58
theglacenbound: lol...just lol.04:58
pilibeen I'm having all sorts of issues partitioning during hte install of Feisty....keep getting htis message: "The ext3 file system creation in partition #1 of IDE1 master (hda) failed."04:58
Hubris2toferrado: which wireless chipset?04:58
mneptokoktober: time to restart X. ctl-alt-backspace. see you when you reconnect :)04:58
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DanaGWTF?  Amarok crashed again.04:58
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pilibeendoes anybody have an idea why?04:58
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oktobermneptok: can I do that w/o restarting the machine? just log out?04:59
DanaGIt does it whenever the device is busy.04:59
toferradoHubris2, don't know :/04:59
mneptokoktober: ctl-alt-backspace04:59
marx2kphili: it doesnt tell you why?04:59
Pelolovloss,  different ppl have diffrent skills,  try asking at driffrent times of day, or also try the forum04:59
DanaGOh yay, CPU just spiked to 72 C.04:59
nboundtheglace, that was officially the strangest problem ever, not the hardest by a long shot, but definately straneg :S04:59
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theglacepilibeen: There could be five hundred reasons why. Be more specific04:59
toferradoHubris2, How can I know it?04:59
Hubris2toferrado: What card/device do you have?  If it's a laptop, look up your specs.  A lot of the Broadcom-based devices give you challenges...04:59
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theglacenbound: Well, now you know. use  --allow-unauthenticated to skip over GPG problems.04:59
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mneptokoktober: wb05:00
oktobermneptok: and I'm back05:00
lovlossPelo: I know, its just that ive been asking a lot , everywhere. I guess i have to use the forums :/05:00
Pelolater folks05:00
oktobermneptok: wb?05:00
nboundtheglace, will do in future :)05:00
mneptokoktober: get a spiffy nVidia splash screen?05:00
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marx2kIm doing the Distribution Upgrade to Feisty thourgh update manager and it's stuck on 'Fetching File X of Y" in "Preparing the upgrade"05:00
=== Eclipse75 dances
tom_Anyone know where a Electrical Engineering Student from University of Michigan could find a good job for the summer?05:00
Pelolovloss,  I mean search the forum,  chances are there is a post about it already05:00
marx2kI think it's timining out on an apt source :(05:00
oktobermneptok: I got a blank boring nothing05:00
oktobermneptok: and then the normal login05:00
nboundlovloss, whats the prob?05:00
DanaGArgh, AGAIN!05:00
mneptokoktober: that's fine05:00
duelboot!offtopic |tom_05:00
ubotutom_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:00
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mneptokoktober: where is this Q4 demo? and what files are in there?05:01
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Fathefnerhow do u put a WEP in kwifimanger05:01
oktoberit's uuuuh05:01
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Pelolater folks05:01
sticazzimneptok, I've bought the game for 5 on ebay05:01
pilibeentheglace: i'm installing xubuntu feisty over my last edgy install.....just trying to have a 32 gb partition mounted on / , and a gig of swap. I tried guided and manual partitioning, both give me the same message05:01
aaroncampbellIf I want to be able to handle java content on the web (like this: https://zend.webex.com/mc0703l/webcomponents/docshow/docshow.do?javaEnable=true&siteurl=zend ) is there a package I can install?  Or do I need to get some sort of installer?05:01
sticazzithe demo file is on ID's ftp05:01
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oktobermneptok: in my home folder, quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run05:01
DanaGI tried Xubuntu and found it unusable.05:01
DanaGXFCE slaughtered my keyboard,05:02
theglacepilibeen: Erase the entire thing, and then try formatting?05:02
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marx2kpili: have you tried using the GParted LiveCD?05:02
theglaceDanaG: It raped my daughter too.05:02
nonewmsgswhy is there so much negativity towards ubuntu online? is it that it's too easy to use so it's not a man-linux?05:02
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DanaGby turning arrow keys and home-pgup-pgdn-end into Japanese Input Method keys.05:02
pilibeenmarx2k: no i havent.....05:02
toferradoHubris2, I'm using a laptop. What you mean "look up your specs"?05:02
theglaceDanaG: xorg.conf?05:02
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oktobermneptok: I tried to do "install quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run -d /usr/local/games" and then the same but in a new folder, /usr/local/games/quake405:02
marx2kpili: try it out05:02
mneptokoktober: chmod +x ~/quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run && ~/quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run05:02
DanaGNope. Gnome is fine, KDE is fine, but XFCE is broken.05:02
marx2kpili: also, are you trying to do it while the drive is mounted, by any chance?05:02
HorizonXPhey, are the package servers slow for everyone?05:02
duelbootnonewmsgs, just ignore them...they are just jealous05:02
xeladosdooglus: gparted didn't like me at all and I couldn't resize my /boot partition, so I just went ahead and symlinked so the feisty upgrade would carry on. Now it's going along fine.05:02
Hubris2toferrado: If you go to your manufacturer website....look up your laptop, it's likely somewhere they'll tell you what kind/model of wireless card could be in it.05:03
theglace!slow | HorizonXP05:03
ubotuHorizonXP: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.05:03
=== Chicory [n=root@fwlr-900lsh-wrls-112x59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu
closxfce has been broken since 6.04?? whats up with that??05:03
oktobermneptok: gawd, these commands are huge... uncompressing it is05:03
HorizonXPit was last week05:03
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theglaceclos: Developers are paid volunteers.05:03
debaserI've just installed 7.04 and PS/2 mouse doesn't work at all, any ideas?05:03
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ChicoryOkay, I'm back again -- in bitchx.05:03
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closyour better off installing reg ubuntu and xfce ontop of that05:03
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marx2khahaha glace05:03
ChicorySo now I'm getting some really weird ndiswrapper.modules error.05:03
xeladostheglace: If they're paid, they're not volunteers. :)05:03
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pilibeenmarx2k: maybe that is the problem....it looks like a few drives were automounted. there's a 16G volume, a File System, and Home05:03
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marx2kI was about to ask you what you consider an employee to be, then :)05:03
theglacemarx2k: typos are fun.05:03
toferradoHubris2, I did tryed it... No success :/05:03
mneptokoktober: long commands help me feel like a REALLY BIG TOUGH GUY05:04
theglacexelados: twas a typo ;-)05:04
oktobermneptok: baah, I need sudo05:04
ChicoryAnd it's some sort of a dependency from linux-image-*?05:04
mneptokor ... something05:04
Hubris2toferrado: Ok...what kind of laptop do you have?05:04
=== Chicory is really really frustrated with ndiswrapper so far.
marx2kglace: try the gparted LiveCD05:04
mneptokoktober: chmod +x ~/quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run && sudo ~/quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run05:04
ChicoryIt worked last time, it SAYS that it's installed properly --05:04
gpleddo files in /etc/cron.hourly have to be chmod root:root ?05:04
ChicoryAnd yet?05:04
oktobermneptok: it couldn't install because it didn't have permission05:04
theglaceglped: Yes.05:04
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linxehoops :)05:04
sticazziI'm running edgy + backports w/ a non-standard java setup, a custom X setup and quite a few apache apps w/ postgresql backend. Does it sound safe to upgrade to Fiesty?05:04
oktobermneptok: "no write permission to /usr/local/games"05:04
ChicoryDoes anyone know whyo n earth I'd be lacking modules.ndiswrapper?05:04
toferradoHubris2, CCE NLC-C2H405:04
theglacegpled: Cron has a user and a global crontab05:04
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gpledtheglace, so root:gpled would not work?05:05
marx2ksticazzi: maybe after backing up05:05
mneptokoktober: sudo ~/quake4-linux-1.0-demo.x86.run05:05
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lovlosswhats this about ubuntu not being able to use radeon x700s???05:05
theglacegpled: I don't think so.05:05
=== Chicory was so hoping that rt73 would worth, too.
Fathefnerkwifimanager how do u set the WEP key or how do u connect it05:05
chowmeined!! oh no05:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oh no - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
=== mlocker help !
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rt73 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:05
marx2ksticazzi: or, if you remember how you did everything05:05
gpledtheglace, thanks, that explains why it is not working :)05:05
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:05
Hubris2toferrado: Geez....where did you get that?  I've never heard of CCE as a laptop maker.05:05
chowmeinedChicory: do you have time to return it?05:05
theglacegpled: Try making an EMPTY  /usr/lib/cron/cron.allow05:05
Nergarcan sombody help me with my wifi card??05:05
chowmeinedChicory: ndiswrapper is a cheap hack05:05
oktobermneptok: path in which to create symbolic links: usr/local/bin?05:05
sticazzihow can I back up everything?05:05
mneptokoktober: sure05:06
mlockerthis server have oper ?05:06
ChicoryYes, cheap hack or no, it's a nice one.05:06
chowmeinedChicory: its much better to use a wireless card with native drivers like atheros05:06
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:06
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ChicoryYes, but this is the one I have.05:06
DanaGAmarok crashed AGAIN!05:06
Chicory... Atheros, you say?05:06
oktobermneptok: alrighty, installing05:06
marx2kAmarok crashes all the time for me05:06
oktobermneptok: if I hate this, how do I kill it? and what's chmod?05:06
sticazzimarx2k, thanks05:06
debasercan I compile my own kernel and use it?05:06
ChicoryHow ... native are these drivers of which you speak, chowmeined?05:06
aaroncampbellIf I want to be able to handle java content on the web (like this: https://zend.webex.com/mc0703l/webcomponents/docshow/docshow.do?javaEnable=true&siteurl=zend ) is there a package I can install?  Or do I need to get some sort of installer?05:06
gpledtheglace, how about this?  chmod 750 ?05:06
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=== Chicory might be swayed. XD;;
chowmeinedChicory: yes, I have a proxim orinoco which uses the atheros chipset05:06
mneptokoktober: remember this excellent service and recommend Canonical Support to all your friends! ;)05:06
chowmeinedChicory: atheros open sourced them05:07
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marx2kdebaser: in general?05:07
oktobermneptok: Dude, yeah, thanks!05:07
ChicoryWell, see, supposedly these drivers are open-source.05:07
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chowmeinedChicory: It uses the madwifi drivers05:07
ChicoryThe ones from Ralink.05:07
mneptokchowmeined: when did that happen?05:07
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ChicoryBut, man, dude, I really can't hack very well when it comes to drivers.05:07
chowmeinedmneptok: I dunno, but05:07
tom_Does anyone know what codecs I would need to install to watch streaming wmv from the web?????05:07
=== DanaG has ipw3945
debasermarx2k: what do you mean "in general?", I want to use it with ubuntu, can I?05:07
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tom_Does anyone know what codecs I would need to install to watch streaming wmv from the web????? and how I would go about installing them05:07
marx2kis there any way to revert the apt.sources list back to the original?05:07
Chicorytomsku:  There's always 32codecs.05:08
marx2kdebaser: well, you can always compile and run your own kernel05:08
chowmeinedChicory: But I can do anything with the card cause it lets you put it in monitor mode, and inject packets and even use it as an access point05:08
ChicoryEr, wrong Tom.05:08
Flannel!easysource | marx2k05:08
ubotumarx2k: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:08
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marx2kthanks flannel05:08
ChicoryAs an access point?!05:08
Flannelmarx2k: original is main and restricted, that's it.05:08
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debasermarx2k: yes, I can... but is it alright?05:08
Nergarcan anyone help me with my Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 [AirForce 54g]  802.11a/b/g PCI Express Transceiver (rev 02) please??? It turns off by itself!!!05:08
marx2kdebaser: people do it all the time05:08
debasermarx2k: is it safe?05:08
=== Chicory has been looking into setting up something of a server cluster of old computers in a faraway portion of the house.
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tom_Chicory, what are 32 codecs05:08
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duelbootmarx2k, an easy way is to immediately make a backup copy...that way you can always cp to sources.list and off you go with the original05:08
marx2kdebaser: read the HOWTOs o it.. if you do it right, it's safe05:08
=== Chicory was thinking something along the lines of having a router deferring to another router for the networking connection.
=== Phineas is now known as Phineas|Zzz
marx2kduelboot: shouldve told me that a year ago :)05:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 32codecs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:09
Hubris2toferrado: Is it a Brazillian brand?05:09
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Flannel!w32codecs | Chicory05:09
ubotuChicory: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs05:09
duelbootmarx2k, should have asked me a year ago :)05:09
gpledtheglace, should a python scrit work in /etc/cron.hourly?05:09
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ChicoryAh, I forgot the w.  Thanks, Flannel.05:09
debasermarx2k: I've compiled kernel millions of times and I'm actually using a personally compiled kernel system, I just need to know if it's ok to do it in ubuntu 7.0405:09
toferradoHubris2, yes05:09
chowmeinedmneptok: http://www.atheros.com/news/linux.html05:10
Chicorytom_, look for w32codecs instructions.05:10
ChicoryThey will lead you the way.05:10
chowmeinedChicory: http://www.atheros.com/news/linux.html05:10
marx2kwait a minute... it looks like the system auto backed up the sources list05:10
ChicoryThanks, chowmeined.05:10
marx2kdebaser: well why wouldnt it be?05:10
cafuegoHonestly, I don't understand people who bolt asthmatic sounding tubos to their cars.05:10
theglacegpled: It should.05:10
toferradoHubris2, I think its a ralink card...05:10
debasermarx2k: I don't know, do you know?05:10
Chicorycafuego, maybe because they want it that way?05:10
gpledtheglace: k, thanks again05:10
theglacegpled: If you can run it from the command line, crontab can do it.05:10
toferradoHubris2, But I don't know the model05:10
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=== Chicory thinks those people are silly too.
theglaceno problem05:10
marx2kdebaser: I do not05:10
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duelbootcafuego, Chicory ... cause they want to be deaf by 3005:10
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debasermarx2k: thx05:11
Hubris2toferrado: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-394414.html05:11
Nergarnobody has a bcm43xx??? please want to solve this issue!05:11
=== Chicory is looking into server'ing some old computers ...
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ChicoryOr maybe thin-clienting them?05:11
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mneptokoktober: how goes the struggle?05:11
ChicoryOh well, my parents will end up being Vista zombies come the next upgrade ... :s05:11
gpledtheglace: feels like it is not running. not sure why.  going to try and make a log file so i know for sure if it fires05:11
chowmeinedChicory: and this is the card I have: http://www.proxim.com/products/cp/pc.html05:11
Chicorythey get so fussy with new OS's.05:11
ChicoryOoh!  <305:11
ChicoryVery nice, chowmeined .05:11
=== duelboot has done it with a Pentium and Pentium II
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coolness9Hey there, I updated to Fiesty Fawn, and I'm having problems connecting to my router now with a manual configuration. I have to set it to roam now for it to connect correctly05:12
eXcAliBuRi deleted my /etc/init.d/saslauthd ... how can i get a new one?05:12
coolness9anybody have any ideas/05:12
ChicoryEh, I'll be back later.05:12
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ChicoryTime to get back to X.05:12
marx2kheh I like how the Distribution Upgrade applet has no cancel05:12
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mneptokcoolness9: how are you configuring manually?05:13
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Doc_Biohey I'm trying to get an existing windows workin in linux with VM Player...can someone give me a hand?05:13
Doc_BioI'm stuck on one little thing05:13
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toferradoHubris2, I'll try it!05:13
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ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/05:13
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coolness9mneptok: I am going to the network settings, and configuring the IP and router IP to the correct numbers05:14
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: go for it05:14
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coolness9mneptok: and it seems to connect fine, but it only sends packets, and doensn't receive, also I try to ping my router, and it says the host can't be found05:14
Doc_Biok...I've followed a tutorial...got it all set up....but when I try to run....it doesn't have permission to access the files or one of the dependencies05:14
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=== duelboot can't get my wireless card to connect...can iwlist scan and see...can get the gui to see the WAPs, and appear to connect, but no dice...broadcom 4306 chipset
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ravi_masterDoc_Bio: where did you get the or from?05:15
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=== duelboot computer states connected to 'null'
scarteri've got a notebook with one of those pesky TI SD/MMC media controllers. i've done my research and found the command that makes it function correctly (after i modified it for my location) 'setpci -s 04.3 4c=0x22', now i need to know where to put this so that it is executed on boot. suggestions are welcome...05:15
esacamarok won't open for me at all05:15
esaci click on the amarok icon and nothing .. no crash message, it just doesnt open05:15
Bales1Ever since I upgraded to 7.04, Firefox has been freezing up quite often. Anyone know what might cause this?05:15
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mneptokcoolness9: give me the IP address you want, the router address, and netmask05:15
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Doc_Bioit looks like the .mbr is root access only05:16
Doc_Bioit's got a lock emblem on it05:16
coolness9and it looks like im actually hooked up with those settings right now05:16
=== KingOfBizzzz [n=pmarches@CPE-69-76-165-143.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
coolness9which I dont get05:16
NergarMy BCM43xx turns off by itself! how do i solve this?05:16
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mneptokcoolness9: type "ifconfig" in a terminal. what iterfaces do you have? (e.g. eth0)05:16
lucky_anyone know a good guide to get a webcam working in Feisty?05:17
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mneptokcoolness9: oho! wireless!05:17
mneptokcoolness9: WPA or WEP?05:17
mneptokcoolness9: stand by05:17
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coolness9k thanks05:17
Shadow_X2 questions05:18
NBrepresenthi, what is the difference between beryl and desktop effects? i thought that because i had the desktop effects i had beryl, but i did a synaptic search anyway and beryl isn't installed...05:18
duelboot!ask | Shadow_X05:18
ubotuShadow_X: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:18
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: just copy it off to your vm folder and then do "sudo chown -r YOURUSERNAME:users ./05:18
Shadow_X1. Does anyone know of an app that can open .cab files from Windows?05:18
Shadow_X2. Does anyone know of a good EQ applet for Gnome?05:18
=== aubade [n=aubade@oh-67-77-23-12.dyn.embarqhsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: has to be done while inside the vm folder05:18
pigeonflightis it worth upgrading from 6.06 LTS server  to 7.04 server?05:18
duelbootShadow_X, no help from me sorry :(05:18
Hubris2Shadow_X: I believe Winrar can05:18
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: that will change permissions to be read/write for your user05:18
Shadow_Xah, but we're discussing Ubuntu lol05:19
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Doc_Biocopy the mbr file to vm directory05:19
NBrepresenthi, what is the difference between beryl and desktop effects? i thought that because i had the desktop effects i had beryl, but i did a synaptic search anyway and beryl isn't installed...05:19
=== Shang [n=roywu@modemcable178.77-70-69.static.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Aaronfromchinais there any LaTeX front-end for Gnome (like Kile for KDE)?05:19
bimberi!info cabextract | Shadow_X05:19
ubotushadow_x: cabextract: a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (feisty), package size 52 kB, installed size 184 kB05:19
Shadow_XIm trying to install Photoshop, and the setup file dies. if I can just extract the cab, I can fix it05:19
Shadow_X2. Does anyone know of a good EQ applet for Gnome?05:19
Doc_Bioare you abbreviating vmare folder with vm?05:19
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Aaronfromchinais there any LaTeX front-end for Gnome (like Kile for KDE)?05:20
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gaston_anyone knows how to use zspoof with wine?05:20
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ajmorris_how do u open gnome settings through a shell?05:21
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Shadow_X2. Does anyone know of a good EQ applet for Gnome?05:21
SJrXHow can I upgrade ubuntu to 7.whatever05:21
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Aaronfromchinais there any LaTeX front-end for Gnome (like Kile for KDE)?05:21
theglaceSJrX: sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade05:22
SJrXso it is like debian05:22
arejayhas anyone used aviddemux before?05:22
SJrXactually I'll be back after the canucks game05:22
theglaceSJrX: Something along those lines.05:22
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joobeomis 7.04 ubuntu good?05:22
eXcAliBuRi deleted my /etc/init.d/saslauthd ... how can i get a new one?05:22
joobeomi yet use 5.xx ubuntu.05:22
nonewmsgs7.04 rulez05:22
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Aaronfromchinais Kile the best front-end of LaTeX?05:23
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NergarMy BCM43xx turns off by itself! how do i solve this?05:23
esacwhenever i try to play a song in amarok it doesnt play or causes amarok to hang. any ideas ?05:23
Flanneljoobeom: You should upgrade to 6.06 at least, neither 5.10 nor 5.04 are supported anymore.05:23
duelbootjoobeom, I've noticed it's a bit slower that 6.10, but YMMV...Is it good?  yes05:23
gaston_joobem ubuntu 7.0405:23
Shadow_X2. Does anyone know of a good EQ applet for Gnome?05:23
HorizonXPi'm having trouble installing VMWare Server 1.0.2 on Feisty05:23
gaston_is very good05:23
ceegjoobeom, lots of eye candy built in, some nifty wifi integration, and some windows->ubuntu migration tools.05:23
HorizonXPit won't compile the vmmon module...05:23
HorizonXPany ideas?05:23
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gaston_but in my case firefox freezy very much05:23
joobeomoh.. great..05:23
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: sorry for the late response, where ever you have the mbr file05:23
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joobeomi'll upgrage.05:23
linxehAaronfromchina: I use texclipse, but if you dont want the eclipse bloat then Kile seemed pretty good to me05:23
Snake[Sleep] Will feisty detect a currently installed vista?05:23
Snake[Sleep] (grub)05:23
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Aaronfromchinalinxeh: thank you. I'll check it out.05:24
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esacSnake[Sleep] , yes, it doesw05:24
mistoneSnake[Sleep] :  yea but I highly recoomend messing with the partiations BEFORE YOU do anything inside vista05:24
J7r41nanyone know of an dc++ client for ubuntu?05:24
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starzdoes anyone else here have a problem with the volume on xmms?05:24
Snake[Sleep] mistone, my partitions are 100% set, I just want to know if I install feisty itll catch vista05:24
starzwhen i adjust mine it doesnt actually change the volume at all05:25
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ceegstarz, is it too low or something?05:25
Aaronfromchinalinxeh: does texclipse have "preview" function?05:25
dresdendoes anyone know why ubuntu would hang at "Will now restart" when i try to reboot?05:25
linxehAaronfromchina: you need to install eclipse, a complete IDE, for texlipse, so it probably isnt worth it for you. However, if you do install it, get the latest release from sourceforge and not the ubuntu repos05:25
ceegstarz, type alsamixer in a terminal and increase the master and PCM levels05:25
nonewmsgsa lot of add/remove programs say "integrates well into ubuntu desktop envirement" what does it mean if it doesnt have that?05:25
berniehi, i am getting an error "could not import pango" when i try to access softwaresources-gtk05:25
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mistoneSnake[Sleep] : aslong as you don't mess with the partations at all in the setup you are gold :D05:25
linxehAaronfromchina: yes - it fires up either a dvi or pdf viewer of your choice05:25
starzceeg all levels are full05:25
Snake[Sleep] wonderful05:25
esaci have xine installed and it seems to be having issues. what is an alternative to xine ?05:25
starzthings play just fine05:25
starzi just cant adjust the volume from xmms - even tried to change the aud driver it uses from alsa to oss05:25
Aaronfromchinalinxeh: sounds cool. That's what I want. :) Cheers.05:25
=== wheels3572 [n=wheels@dsl-69-50-54-53.pivot.net] has joined #ubuntu
berniehi, i am getting an error "could not import pango" when i try to access softwaresources-gtk05:26
linxehAaronfromchina: kile has that too though iirc05:26
Hubris2esac - I like VLC for video05:26
starzsee in the past its been tied into the master pcm and in feisty they changed how alsa worx or something05:26
ceegstarz, try a different media player to see if the issue is xmms only05:26
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Doc_Bioravi...type that command again please...getting "invalid option" error05:26
wheels3572Can anyone help me here with video clips05:26
starzceeg it is just xmms05:26
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nonewmsgsyes  wheels05:26
starznow i compiled that same kernel for edgy and had the same problems with it05:26
starzso i'm guessing its a kernel driver problem or change somehow05:26
nonewmsgswheels you probably need xine extra plugins05:27
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wheels3572nonewmsgs, Im trying to click on a video link on cnn.com and have it show the video but it wont play the video for me at all05:27
HorizonXPcan anyone help me with VMWare Server installation?05:27
starz!restricted codecs05:27
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J7r41nanyone know of an dc++ client for ubuntu?05:27
starzthere u go wheels357205:27
burnerHorizonXP, it doesn't work on feisty.05:27
ravi_mastersudo chown -R USERNAME:users DIRECTORY05:27
starzno bot?05:27
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dresdenin case no one saw this: does anyone know why ubuntu would hang at "Will now restart" when i try to reboot?05:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:27
nonewmsgswheels thats flash right?05:27
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: sorry bout late responses05:27
starz!restricted codecs05:27
J7r41nmaybe thats not the right command05:28
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burnerHorizonXP, until they release a new version... might I suggest VirtualBox?  networking isn't as friendly as with VMWare, but it works05:28
HorizonXPburner: well that's just great.... but i swear i've seen some blogs saying they have05:28
starzJ7r41n there is one05:28
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J7r41ni have no idea05:28
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:28
wheels3572nonewmsgs, no it's saying it's windows media player05:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:28
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ceegJ7r41n, dcgui05:28
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NergarMy BCM43xx turns off by itself! how do i solve this?05:28
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burnerHorizonXP, with feisty?  i remember reading that vmware doesn't work on the 2.6.20 kernel... and it didnt' work when feisty was beta... maybe a new vmware is out05:28
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nonewmsgswheels heh.  i cant see them eithert05:28
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jason0_Anyone know if beryl + firefox popups has issues?05:29
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nonewmsgsi guess we'll both learn how to then05:29
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GuHHHunbelievable. i finally loaded the xserver ;)05:29
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jason0_It seems to be drawing w/ no window boarder when a pop opens.05:29
makotohey, what is the best way to install nVidia drivers?05:29
starzso any ideas over there ceeg ?05:29
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HorizonXPburner: i'm not sure... but i've definitely seen a couple05:29
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Doc_BioI guess that wasn't the problem ravi05:29
starzmakoto try the repo first then as last resort install from nvidia binary via wiki instructions05:29
Bales1Ever since I upgraded to 7.04, Firefox has been freezing up quite often. Anyone know what might cause this?05:30
Nergarmakoto, System > Administration > Restricted drivers manager05:30
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nonewmsgswheels nebvermind i see it now.  did you click go to video anyway05:30
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kryptikmy beryl settings manger doesnt show up...any help05:30
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starz!nvidia > makoto05:30
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Ninja_GaidenHi all.05:30
makotowell starz and nergar last time i tried that, the system kept freezing up05:30
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Ninja_GaidenWhere are the logs when the computer SUSPENDS?05:30
starzmakoto tried the repo drivers and it froze?05:30
Doc_BioCannot open the disk '/home/ireland/windows.vmdk' or one of the snapshot disks it depends on.05:31
Doc_BioReason: Insufficient permission to access file.05:31
starzcould you make it work with nv instead of nvidia drivers?05:31
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makotoyeah, beryl would freeze up, and my cedega games would freeze05:31
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Doc_Biothat's the error I get when I try to run the vmware player file05:31
Nergartry not using beryl and gaming when installing a driver05:31
starzthen follow wiki instructions on how to install from nvidia's binary05:31
Ninja_GaidenAnybody the logs for when the laptop SUSPENDS???05:31
axiomi'm having a problem where any kde application that needs to access the network isn't able to, because it says "dcopserver" isn't running. any idea why dcopserver isnt running?05:31
xXSivewhat is the command for starting bittorrent?  I just installed a gui for it but don't see a launcher05:31
=== Rebes [n=dfx@static24-72-120-240.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Nergaris there any ubuntu-wifi channel or something???05:32
GuHHHhey, anyone knows the debian equivalent to xorg-driver-fglrx?05:32
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kryptikcan anybody help me with my Beryl Settings Manger not working ?05:32
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scotty21anyone know where alsaconf is?05:32
makotono, no Nergar, it would happen when i tried to take advantage of the driver (as in using beryl or playing a game)05:32
dresdenin case no one saw this: does anyone know why ubuntu would hang at "Will now restart" when i try to reboot?05:32
scarteri've got a notebook with one of those pesky TI SD/MMC media controllers [104c:8033] . i've done my research and found the command that makes it function correctly (after i modified it for my location) 'setpci -s 04.3 4c=0x22', now i need to know where to put this so that it is executed on boot. suggestions are welcome...05:32
Shrimpy_how do you turn on the control center for feisty05:32
xXSive(need to seed back) I know how to start it when I'm dl'ing05:32
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starzbtdownloadgui i think is what you want there xXSive05:32
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ravi_masterso did you replace DIRECTORY with chmod -R USERNAME:user /home/ireland/05:32
Ninja_Gaidendresden, Join the club. I have the problem as well.05:32
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xXSiveyeah I did that already05:32
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xXSiveI just want to seed back some downloads05:32
dresdenmaybe someone will take note of our plight05:32
starzso whats the problem then xXSive ?05:33
xXSivedon't know how to go about doing so05:33
starzright click on the .torrent itself05:33
IowaDavewhat's the best link for a howto on installing flash, acroread, and other firefox plugins for dapper?05:33
starzshould have bittorrent or bittornado as default to open it05:33
xXSivethe problem is I can't open it to seed05:33
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starzjust let it open it should remember where it saved it etc etc05:33
Ninja_Gaidendresden, I posted on the forums. Hopefully someones knows. But its hard to troubleshoot. as there are no logs written and no access to keyboard05:33
Nergarmakoto, file a bug in launchpad and search the forums for nvidia drivers05:33
xXSiveI can only open it to download05:33
Doc_Bioi just ran the command the from the ireland directory....with the ./ as directory05:33
xXSive<-- not a leech05:33
starzand when in doubt:05:33
Doc_Biosame error05:33
starzsudo apt-get install bittorrent bittornado05:33
Shrimpy_how do i make vlc my defualt media player05:33
Ninja_Gaidendresden, Most likely is kernel related === will take 6 months to fix05:33
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dresdenwell, it worked fine before05:34
xXSiveyeah I ran bittoranado on the other machine, great program05:34
Bales1is there a way to change the mount point for a hard drive?05:34
tonyyarussoShrimpy_: Install gnome-control-center if it's not already, and under System > Preferences > Main Menu > System I think there will be an option.05:34
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: damn, sorry, that command name should be chown not chmod05:34
Ninja_Gaidenyeah it worked fine in Edgy05:34
GuHHHdamn... there is no php5 support for apache 1.3?05:34
starzjust do that command05:34
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dresdeni changed my computer's hostname, and now it has that error05:34
starzitl make sure both are installed05:34
starzand one will work05:34
ahavecould someone help me mount a networked drive?05:34
starzbittornado >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. bittorrent anyway05:34
starzahave what file system?05:34
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Doc_Bioit was chown05:35
Ninja_GaidenNobody knows the location of the logs for when the computer resumes??05:35
ahavestarz i am trying to access a ntfs drive on a win2k box05:35
Bales1starz: Do you know how to change the mount point of a hard drive?05:35
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starzBales1 yeah thats easy one sec05:35
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:35
xXSiveso there is no way to open up a previously downloaded file for seeding using ubuntu's default bittorrent?05:35
ahavestarz, i can view it in my 'places' but i want to be able to open files from linux apps on my linux box05:35
starzin a terminal do: cat /etc/fstab05:35
xXSivekinda sheisty05:35
HorizonXPburner: I think I got it05:35
=== Rebes [n=dfx@static24-72-120-240.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
GuHHHwhat is the mirc app for kubuntu? cant remember...05:35
starzxXSive did the download finish?05:35
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psusixXSive: yea, you just connect to the torrent and save to the existing file05:36
starzGuHHH kvirc05:36
GuHHHno that one05:36
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starzpsusi he's having issues with the application opening so i told him to sudo apt-get install bittorrent bittornado05:36
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starzand make sure its even installed correctly and then just open bittorrent/tornado via right clicking on .torrent and choosing05:36
=== hohoh [n=Jamius@pool-71-245-101-202.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
xXSiveconnect to the existing torrent like I am downloading it again?05:36
psusiI could have sworn that bit tornado WAS the default bt client05:36
starzwe are still waiting to see if its installed correctly05:36
GuHHHstartz: know any other?05:36
starzxXSive yes05:37
xXSiveseems a little redundant05:37
ravi_masterDoc_Bio: I am sorry, I really have to leave right now, but you could try doing sudo bash followed by nautilus, this will open a window with /root as the starting directory. Now, you can navigate to /home/ireland and change permissions of any file with right click properties.05:37
starzif you finished the dl there's nothing to dl05:37
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Bales1starz: was that cat etc/fstab/ for me? And if so, what do I do from here?05:37
xXSiveright, I get it05:37
starzits just gonna make sure that its not corrupted before it shares05:37
xXSivebut theres no better way?05:37
starzBales1 one sec05:37
Bales1starz: Okay, sorry05:37
starzwheres the linky ?05:37
starzand highlight and paste in pastebin05:37
CplunsfordHello Hello, Could some one recomend a channel for help in creating a bash script? I need to create something that would interact with a Cisco Router...05:37
burnerHorizonXP, no kidding?  and the vmmon modules built ok?05:37
psusixXSive: that is how bit torrent works... you just start downloading it and if you already have it, you are done05:37
xXSivenot a*  -no05:37
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xXSiveI know how it works .. lol  been on torrents for years05:38
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ubotudeluge is a new Bittorrent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured client to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce - See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information05:38
cowbudwhat is the ubuntu open access channel o doom?05:38
xXSivejust never used bittorrent as my primary05:38
xXSivealways been utorrent05:38
CplunsfordHello Hello, Could some one recomend a channel for help in creating a bash script? I need to create something that would interact with a Cisco Router...05:38
Cplunsfordutorrent rocks i must say, azerus is just so bloated05:38
burnerif OS == Ubuntu { deluge > * }05:38
HorizonXPburner: yeah it did05:39
xXSiveI just wanted to check a files integrity so I closed the dl...  but it was legit..  now I want to seed it back05:39
burnerHorizonXP, guess I"m a FUD spreader ;)  good work05:39
psusiCplunsford: you can try asking here05:39
infidelCplunsford, whatkind of script?05:39
dresdenhey Ninja_Gaiden, i fixed my problem05:39
yetifootCplunsford, #bash ?05:39
xXSivejust trying to figure out how you open back up without mocking a download05:39
psusixXSive: then just restart the download... when you are done downloading ( which you already are ) you become a seed05:40
IowaDavebales1,starz: I can help with the drive mount question, if you like05:40
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Cplunsfordwell I really don't want to ask here because there is so much crosstalk...05:40
Bales1IowaDave: Yes please05:40
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xXSiveok, I'll just do it that way..  but tell me.  where is this gui I just installed?   is there not a launcher?  or is that something I will notice on the next launch?05:40
scotty21Hello, can anyone point me to the right direction to reconfigure alsa. I am having sound troubles (no sound) and can't seem to find the "alsaconf" program05:41
xXSiveguess I'll see in a minute05:41
IowaDaveBales1: ok, are you trying to move the root volume?05:41
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Bales1IowaDave: I don't think so...I'm a newb....05:41
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IowaDaveBales1: how many hard drives do you have in the computer?05:41
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disasmhmm, after some tweaking/testing I got the /dev/input/js0 to recognize, one problem, it thinks the left button is down. I unplugged it, ran it upstairs to my edgy computer and it worked fine, and it worked fine before the upgrade to feisty, a bug in joydev module of 2.6.20 kernel maybe? If so, should I do a custom kernel compile of the 2.6.20 vanilla sources and try to replicate it so I know if it's an ubuntu patch or upstream problem?05:42
OatTophow's the champ style sam?05:42
ahavecan someone help me mount a ntfs networked drive on my linux box?05:42
Bales1IowaDave: 205:42
CaniSoriahi to everyone, can i get support for beryl for feisty fawn here or do i need to go to the beryl channel?05:42
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disasmOatTop: champ style???05:42
IowaDaveBales1: the one you want to move, is that your "second one"?05:42
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OatTopdisasm, sorry was speaking in the wrong channel05:43
CaniSoriahi to everyone, can i get support for beryl for feisty fawn here or do i need to go to the beryl channel?05:43
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disasmOatTop: ah, my name happens to be sam, took me offguard :-P05:43
pavsmy speaker is not working what can i do? the last thing i did was update it running feisty05:43
Bales1IowaDave: I have two hard drives, one with just 250 gigs of storage on it, and the other I have Windows and Ubuntu installed. I wanna change the storage one from /media/windows to /media/storage05:43
Cplunsfordexcuse me what is the address to this IRC channel is it chat.freenode.net?05:43
refeferhey guys, anyone here know how to use 915resolution to set intel chipsets to widescreen resolutions?05:43
Nergaris there any ubuntu-wifi channel or something???05:43
NergarMy BCM43xx turns off by itself! how do i solve this?05:43
CplunsfordNergar, i just went through that05:44
Cplunsfordthis is the solution05:44
disasmBales1: edit /etc/fstab, change the mount point, then remount it05:44
disasmBales1: probly best to unmount it first before changing fstab05:44
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Bales1how do I unmount?05:44
IowaDaveBales1: is the storage one formatted for Windows? (i.e. vfat or ntfs)?05:44
Bales1disasm: how do I unmount?05:44
NergarYES!! tell me Cplunsford!05:44
Cplunsfordsudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter05:44
Cplunsfordanswer yes05:44
Bales1IowaDave: NTFS, I believe05:44
Nergarthats all??05:44
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rohhi there05:45
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felixhummelI installed language-support-de, but still German words are marked wrong in Firefox and xchat... How do I make them recognize both English (working now) and German (not yet)?05:45
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felixhummelhi roh05:45
Cplunsfordsudo modprobe bcm43xx05:45
ahavecan someone help me mount a ntfs networked drive on my linux box?05:45
IowaDaveBales1: sounds like you are not sure how to use fstab and mount?05:45
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Bales1IowaDave: Under fdisk, it says HPFS/NTFS05:45
Cplunsforddid you get that nergar05:45
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Bales1IowaDave: Yeah, like I said, I'm a noob. But I learn really quickly05:45
disasmBales1: umount /path/to/mount05:46
refeferhey guys, anyone know how to set widescreen resolution for intel chipsets?05:46
Nergarsudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter sudo modprobe bcm43xx okok thnx!!05:46
CaniSoriahi to everyone, can i get support for beryl for feisty fawn here or do i need to go to the beryl channel?05:46
Nergarthnx Cplunsford05:46
IowaDaveBales1: what disasm said is the first step.05:46
mrwillobyIs there an easy process for moving the Ubuntu partition to a new drive?05:46
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SyLis there a "safe" way to force ubuntu 7.04 to know that my monitor can do better then 1024x768?05:46
CplunsfordNergar you should be gtg any luck?05:46
rohfsck. can anybody please help me find the bug/workaround why the feisty final bootcd has a crashing vesa-x11 and the beta did not? i'm on a thinkpad T60p 1680x1050 here with an ati graphics card.05:46
linxehCaniSoria: ask away I guess05:46
disasmCaniSoria: depends on if anyone in the channel is currently using beryl05:46
KingOfBizzzzWhich distro is the most stable: kubuntu or ubuntu?05:46
linxehSyL: how old is your monitor ?05:46
Bales1IowaDave: I didn't understand how to unmount05:46
Toma-!fixres > SyL05:47
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pavsmy speaker is not working what can i do? the last thing i did was update it running feisty05:47
Bales1IowaDave: Do I just type, unmount /media/windows?05:47
psusiroh: this i386 or amd64?05:47
rohand launchpad is nice, but quite unsearchable with 80x25 in links05:47
rohpsusi i386. its a core2duo so i could run amd64 i think05:47
NergarCplunsford, my card was working but it randomly turns off, so i'll have to wait to see05:47
DanaG!info 915resolution05:47
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)05:47
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CaniSoriai have the same problem, i can't past by 1024X76805:47
DanaGand there's a new xserver-xorg-driver-intel05:47
Cplunsfordyou are using fiesty right?05:47
psusiroh: the i386 desktop iso did not change between beta and final05:47
Bales1IowaDave: Oh, I think I just got it unmounted05:47
NergarCplunsford, yes05:47
Cplunsfordthe normal driver is bugged or something05:47
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:47
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Cplunsforddon't know the why, but thats the how of it' good luck05:48
task0hello all, for start learning linux from 0... do you recommend debian? or y should try first with ubuntu?05:48
CatoptromancyAnyone know how to fix libc6?05:48
Cplunsfordubuntu task0, the community is awsome05:48
Nergarthnx for the fix Cplunsford05:48
=== gdiebel [n=gdiebel@ppp-70-226-159-40.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
linxehtask: ubuntu05:48
nomasteryoda|wtask0, ubuntu...05:48
refefer!info 915resolution05:48
ubotu915resolution: resolution modification tool for Intel graphic chipset. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2-10ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 14 kB, installed size 124 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64)05:48
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psusitask0: ubuntu is more user friendly than debian05:48
nomasteryoda|wthen try debian, etc...05:48
rohpsusi eh. it must, else it would be working, wouldn't it? i installed 4 days ago on the same machine05:48
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CplunsfordSuzie Jones05:48
=== pedalwrench [n=jeremy@c-24-9-148-86.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DaytonI have ubuntu 7.04 final, installed on my fujitsu lifebook a3040, and i have 3-4 problems i need help with.  1. cant connect to internet via built in wireless card or through ethernet port 2. sound doesnt work 3. battery meter on the panel doesnt work.  If you would like to help me that would be great, thanks.05:49
IowaDaveBales1:  now type cat /etc/fstab and look for entries that begin /dev/hda or /dev/hdb05:49
Cplunsfordwhat is the command to join a channel in irc?05:49
psusiroh: check the md6sums... the files are identicle...05:49
psusimd5sums even05:49
Cplunsfordi can't remeber is it /join #channel?05:49
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Bales1IowaDave: Alright05:49
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DanaGAmarok just Loooooves to crash for me.05:49
rohjust from another cdrom (then internal, now external usb2). yes i have run the check on the cd and it seems fine05:49
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linxehnight all05:49
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Bales1IowaDave: I created a directory for it, /media/storage so can I just change it using gedit?05:49
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xvideo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:50
ahavecan someone help me mount a ntfs networked drive on my linux box?05:50
=== other__ [n=other@pool-71-126-240-106.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGWow, NTFS-3G uses a helluvalot of CPU.05:50
DanaGAt least when over USB 2.0.05:50
task0is really safe to use nre NTFS-3G?05:51
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IowaDaveBales1: yes, I think so. Change the /media/windows to /media/storare in fstab. you might have to sudo gedit in order to gain necessary write privileges to save the change05:51
=== RasQule1 [n=milton@adsl-153-44-121.chs.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
rohpsusi does 'check cd' also check the install-rootfs or does it only checksum the .debs on it?05:51
DanaGI wish ntfs-3g had an "errors=remount-ro" option.05:51
Bales1IowaDave: Yeah, I did all that05:51
HorizonXPburner: yeah, definitely works, i'm creating a new VM now05:51
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psusiroh: it checksums the raw cd05:51
Bales1IowaDave: Alright, I think I got it covered, thanks for your help. I'll let you know when something goes wrong05:51
DanaGAs it is, if you put ntfs-3g in fstab and it can't mount RW, it won't mount AT ALL.05:51
DanaGIt SHOULD mount RO on failure to mount RW.05:51
CplunsfordHow do i create a channel? or is that not allowed on freenode?05:51
rohpsusi then it seems to be a bug at least.05:51
IowaDaveBales1: now mount /media/storage. let me know what happens05:51
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franticdoes anyone know about xv and the like?05:52
Bales1IowaDave: Alright, I think it did it, thanks a lot!05:52
IowaDaveBales1: great!05:52
disasmhmmm... can I disable update-grub? I've got 5 OS's on here, 2 are ubuntu, and every upgrade, my one ubuntu screws up the root on the other ubuntu's kernels05:52
DaytonI have ubuntu 7.04 final, installed on my fujitsu lifebook a3040 laptop, and i have 4 problems. 1. cant connect to internet via built in wireless card or through ethernet port 2. sound doesnt work 3. battery meter on the panel doesnt work. If you would like to help me that would be great, thanks.05:53
Bales1IowaDave: Now I have to work on mounting my Windows partition05:53
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DanaGIs /boot/ a separate partition?05:53
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NergarBales1, may I recomend ntfs-3g??05:53
Bales1Nergar: sure...I think I already got it05:53
=== DanaG is glad to use a Gateway pro model -- no Broadcom or Realtek, only Intel and Intel.
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task0is ntfs doccumented, or ntfs-3g was reverserd engieneering?05:54
DanaGIntel's chipsets may be lame, but generic sometimes == stable.05:54
Nergarwell, then mounting will be piece of cake05:54
mrwillobyIs it better to install Ubuntu and Kubuntu on separate partitions or does running them on the same partition work well?05:54
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rohpsusi it's reproducable. can you take a look at http://yamato.hyte.de/tmp/xorg.log ?05:54
Nergartask0, reversed05:54
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Cobbhi... is there a way to upgrade to feisty using just the ISO image05:54
task0Nergar, :S so is not reaaly safe to use?05:55
tonyyarussoCobb: with the alternate one it should be possible, with some finagling05:55
itsmeagaindoes anyone knows a debian equivalent to xorg-driver-fglrx ? i cant get my debian to load xserver05:55
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Nergaryes, it reached a stable version (1.0)05:55
FAC|Kamikazesomeone knowledgeable about booting off of a live disc please pm me05:55
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ahavecan someone help me mount a ntfs networked drive on my linux box?05:55
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theglaceFAC|Kamikaze: Why? Information should be free and open :-)05:55
NergarFAC|Kamikaze, you need to change your bios settings05:56
task0Nergar, it can allways be 1.2~2.0 :S05:56
diabolixthe isntaller should default to something other than ext3.. ext3 sucks.05:56
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psusiroh: try not using vesa?05:56
Cobbtonyyarusso: alternate one?05:56
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Nergartask0, it is considered a stable release. aka reliable05:56
psusidiabolix: why do you say that?  "it sucks" isn't very specific05:56
rohpsusi is fglrx possible when booting from cd?05:56
tonyyarusso!alternate | Cobb05:56
ubotuCobb: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal05:56
Nergartask0, go to the website05:57
psusiroh: the open source mesa 3d drivers work well for me05:57
rohpsusi another option isn't there. ati does not support that high series05:57
diabolixpsusi: its very slow for just about everything imaginable.05:57
=== xXSive [n=xXSive@24-151-228-128.dhcp.kgpt.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cplunsfordsay something05:57
psusiroh: what card?  I have an X850 and it works under feisty05:57
rohpsusi X1400 here afaik05:57
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jason0_How can I move AWN to the bottom of my screen?05:58
psusidiabolix: compared to what?  and what kind of workloads?05:58
Cobbubotu: well i cannot burn a cd.. thats the problem05:58
rohpsusi its a thinkpad T60p widescreen05:58
=== RasQule1 [n=milton@adsl-153-44-121.chs.bellsouth.net] has left #ubuntu []
everton137Hi there, I tried upgrade my ubuntu version from 6.10 to 7.4, folowing this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgradesManual, but I am having conflict problems http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17346/. My /etc/apt/sources.list is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17347/. apt-get -f install is not solving. What sould I do?05:58
=== jdu1 [n=jwestin@71-36-62-83.albq.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
xXSiveas far as that gui for bittorrent goes..  non-existant on my machine..  (using synaptic)05:58
FAC|KamikazeAfter I select "Install Ubuntu" from the boot menu off of the CD, it says it loads the kernel, then I get no output from my video card05:58
DanaGext3 is great if you want to be able to use ext2ifs.05:58
=== Tuor_Lomin [n=tuor@20158231154.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGThere's no reiserfs equivalent.05:58
rohpsusi i would be glad to have the shitty legacy vesa in xga till the installer is though ;)05:58
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tonyyarussoCobb: You could download the other ISO, install apache2, loopmount the ISO in the web directory, and add localhost as a repository source.05:59
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Cplunsfordhey is Reiser depreciated or is it still being developed??05:59
delaneyis anyone else having problems with apt-get build-dep reporting there is no source list for packages with feisty  (specifically xubuntu)05:59
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Cobbtonyyarusso: alrite05:59
task0is possible to get old matrix screensaver?05:59
psusiCplunsford: it is not being actively developed... it is stable...05:59
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mjbrooksI need information on troubleshooting a laptop screen that won't go blank on inactivity in the final Feisty release, even though it was fine in the herd & beta. Anyone know a good link?06:00
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bryanhello i need help06:00
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bryani need help installing audio drivers ALSA package to ubuntu06:00
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bryani downloaded the drivers but i do not know how to install them06:01
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rohpsusi any other ideas besides burning a alternate install cd and file a bug?06:01
jdu1Hi.  I just installed Feisty on an external USB drive, works great.  However, I would like to be able to move it to different boxes without having to reconfigure xserver each time.  Is there a way to either get it to detect the hardware whenever it boots, like a live-cd, or to be able to choose an xorg.conf file before starting the server, kind of like a Windows hardware profile?06:01
franticbryan you shouldn't have to do that06:01
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xXSivebryan, what release of ubuntu?06:01
jwellsanyone have cisco vpn working on feisty fawn?06:01
franticwhat kind of sound hardware do you have?06:01
CaniSoriai have the same problem, i can't past by 1024X768, i alredy found the horizontal and vertical frequency from the manufacturer, shoudl i just replace the values in the xorg.conf for the ones that i found?06:01
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bryanthe new one06:01
=== t0lst0y [n=t0lst0y@wkstn32-76.swq.georgetown.edu] has joined #ubuntu
^^PiscesChineseBlaptop benQ joybook 5000 can install ubuntu?06:01
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^^PiscesChineseBcan anyone help me? pm me thx06:01
bryanand i am a newbie xxsive06:01
Byanis there any way to get wget to resume..?06:01
FAC|Kamikazecan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me?06:01
DanaGjdu1: try renaming xorg.conf to something else, to give the autoconfig a try.06:01
=== Husio [i=husiatyn@oceanic.wsisiz.edu.pl] has joined #ubuntu
xXSivewe all are to some degree or another06:02
bryanfrantic ?06:02
franticbryan open a terminal and run "aplay -l"06:02
task0is possible to get old matrix screensaver?06:02
bryanfrantic and xXSive06:02
psusiroh: you can try disabling acceleration and dri in the xorg.conf06:02
jwellstrying to solve this problem ./vpnclient: No such file or directory06:02
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.06:02
SyLlinxeh: my monitor is pretty old it's an old IBM P260 CRT. =)06:02
jwellstrying to solve this problem "./vpnclient: No such file or directory"06:02
jdu1DanaG, do you mean that if there is no xorg.conf, it will run autoconfig automatically?06:02
jwellstrying to solve this problem "\vpnclient: No such file or directory"06:02
privetByan, I normally run wget with these 2 switched "-c -S"06:02
CaniSoriai have the same problem, i can't past by 1024X768, i alredy found the horizontal and vertical frequency from the manufacturer, shoudl i just replace the values in the xorg.conf for the ones that i found?06:02
jwellstrying to solve this problem "vpnclient: No such file or directory"06:02
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bryanfrantic do i just type that in i am brand new to linux of any kind and i no longer have windows, i destroyed it on accident06:03
Byanprivet: uh.. ok06:03
rohpsusi vesa does not have accel and ignores the dri by concept06:03
guhhhcan anyone give me a debian repository?06:03
privetit should resume without any problems06:03
DanaGXorg will try to configure itself (without creating any new config files).06:03
franticsucks when that happens06:03
guhhhcan anyone give me a debian repository?06:03
mjbrooks!patience |   CaniSoria06:03
ubotuCaniSoria: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:03
franticyou want to type it in without the quotes and hit return06:03
psusiroh: that's what I thought...06:03
FAC|Kamikazecan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me?06:03
FlavourFlavbryan : wget -c resumes06:03
frantic...in a termainal06:03
xXSivewell the reason I asked what version you were running is that the edgy guide explains it in great detail06:03
bryanfrantic it says i have an audigy 4 which is correct06:03
ByanFlavourFlav: thanks, and Byan*06:03
xXSivejust google "edgy guide"06:03
ahavecan someone point me in the right direction to mount a networked drive on my linux box?06:03
=== eevar_ [n=snuffpup@39.80-203-35.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu
mjbrooks!pm > FAC|Kamikaze06:03
xXSiveif that is what you have06:03
^^PiscesChineseBlaptop benQ joybook 5000 can install ubuntu?06:03
jdu1That's awesome.06:03
^^PiscesChineseBcan anyone help me? pm me thx06:04
franticok gimme a sec06:04
CaniSoriaubotu, i understand, i just thought that maybe no one read my msg06:04
Cplunsfordsay HELLO CPLUNSFORD06:04
Cplunsfordsorry about the caps guys06:04
bryanbut my sound doesnt work frantic06:04
mjbrooks!pm > ^^PiscesChineseB06:04
Cplunsfordtrying to get some one to figure out irc06:04
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rohpsusi can you give me a hint where i find someone familiar with the x11-packages? i do not want do bother here anymore since its really high traffic06:04
rohpsusi its clearly segfaulting which it never should do. so its a bug.06:05
haxhey all... i'm working with some really bad C code, and ubuntu is apparently actively zeroing memory and preventing buffer overflows... how can i *disable* that 'feature'?06:05
psusiroh: if I knew that, I'd be all over them myself ;)06:05
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psusiroh: well, it could be a bug in your bios06:05
franticbryan: "sudo modprobe snd-emu10k1"06:05
task0is possible to get old matrix screensaver?06:05
PoofDaddycan anyone help me with wireless on feisty06:05
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rohpsusi which should also not be able to crash the xorg.06:05
privetahave: what type of network drive is it?06:05
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mjbrooks!anyone | PoofDaddy06:05
ubotuPoofDaddy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:05
rohpsusi and if it does, its still a bug06:05
psusihax: "preventing buffer overflows"?06:05
xXSivepoofdaddy, what could have possibly went wrong w/ wireless on feisty?06:05
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bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-emu10kl06:06
xXSiveit's auto-magic06:06
bryanFATAL: Module snd_emu10kl not found.06:06
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ahaveprivet, it is a NTFS drive on a win2k box06:06
haxpsusi: yeah, it's actively stopping bad C code from overflowing06:06
bryanoops sorry06:06
jdu1Also, I installed Apache2, and the ssl stuff seems to be missing.  Definitely apache2-ssl-certificate is missing.06:06
bryani forgot about that rule06:06
DanaGI had that same issue with C......06:06
Centaur5How can you find out what group a user is in via command line?06:06
bryanfrantic i posted result above06:06
FAC|KamikazeCan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me please.06:06
=== infinityxi [n=x@cpe-66-65-20-128.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
haxpsusi: it's also apparently zeroing memory so things that shouldn't be 0 are06:06
DanaGFrustrating when I then go to run my code on a Solaris system.06:06
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psusiroh: I suppose it should be catching any sigv raised by the bios...06:06
franticuhh weird06:06
haxpsusi: there is no 'garbage', that is06:06
privetahave: so that should be samba then06:06
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psusihax: what do you mean it stopped it?06:06
franticbryan, did you do - or _ in the name of the driver06:07
PoofDaddyxXSive and ubotu:  I have the wireless, but can't connect on any of the available unsecured networks.06:07
rohpsusi the bios is not executed anymore when linux is up. the bios is 16bit realmode code06:07
FAC|KamikazeCan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me please.06:07
ahaveprivet, i am using samba to access my linux filesystem from windows machines.. but i am trying to do the opposite06:07
=== wiseelben [n=shira@ppp-70-247-115-163.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
privetstart your testing with "smbclient //machine/share"06:07
rohpsusi only acpi gets interpretet at runtime06:07
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psusiroh: vesa executes the video bios... that's what vesa means06:07
ahaveprivet, i want to view the files of my windows machine on my linux box06:07
bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-emu10k106:07
xXSiveweird, if you can't connect on an unsecured wireless connection than I would say the wireless card may not be supported06:07
bryan frantic06:07
haxpsusi: i want it to behave like a normal linux OS... that is, uninitialized buffers are left as garbage and not zeroed on load, and also buffer overruns are allowed to happen06:07
rohpsusi yes. in a VM env. which emulates realmode06:07
=== aldin [n=aldin@cm-984.europronet.ba] has joined #ubuntu
FAC|KamikazeCan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me please.06:08
theglaceAnyone know why a fresh Ubuntu 6.06 install upgraded to 7.04 might be having HUGE network problems?06:08
theglaceKamikaze, why PM?06:08
theglaceI'm getting 500b/s06:08
privetahave, correct: first get it working using "smbclient"06:08
Jack313does mounting images use disk space?06:08
haxpsusi: by default, ubuntu seems to stop buffers from overrunning somehow... and it zeros all incoming memory06:08
bryanfrantic was that correct06:08
franticok so you did - that time and it responded with nothing (it found the driver and loaded it if it wasn't already loaded)06:08
privetafter that you use "smbmount"06:08
rohanyways... i'm outta here.. have fun installing like mad ;)06:08
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psusiroh: yes... it is run in v86 mode... so it segfaults if it tries to touch memory it doesn't hvae access to06:08
privetto mount it on your Linux machine06:08
franticbryan does your sound work now?06:08
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xXSiveI was expecting a WPA problem or something06:08
xXSivejeez' theres no reason at all that you shouldn't be connecting on a wide open network06:08
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bryani just type smbmount frantic?06:09
theglaceMy internet connection is running extremely slow on this box, fine on Windows and Mandriva06:09
franticuhhh no smbmount06:09
psusihax: buffer overruns happen... saying they are not allowed makes no sense... as for memory being zeroed, is this memory in the bss?  that is allways zero on program initialization06:09
theglaceAny ideas, anyone?06:09
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ahaveprivet, i am not familiar with smbclient.. i suppose i will read up on it next06:09
jdu1jeez, this IRC thing is like crack.  How do you guys keep track of what you're paying attention to?06:09
bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ sudo modprobe snd-emu10k106:09
bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ smbmount06:09
bryanThe program 'smbmount' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:06:09
bryansudo apt-get install smbfs06:09
bryanbash: smbmount: command not found06:09
PoofDaddyxXSive: any ideas?06:09
FAC|KamikazeCan someone please help me with booting off of a live cd? pm me please.06:09
DanaGWow-ow-ow, USB 2.0 + NTFS-3G == (slow AND cpu-intensive)06:09
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bryanthats what i typed frantic look up06:09
theglacejdu1: magic.06:10
joey221can anyone recommend a channel for hardware-related issues?  new build here, PC acting weird06:10
psusijdu1: practice06:10
franticbryan, smbmount is for windows file sharing06:10
jdu1I guess so.06:10
DanaGdamn Intel for promoting USB when Firewire was, and still is, far superior!06:10
xXSivedefinitely the card in my opinion06:10
FAC|Kamikazei guess this channel isnt noob friendly?06:10
theglacejdu1: You learn, just keep trying.06:10
jdu1Anyone else having apache2 ssl problems?06:10
bryani am on ubuntu06:10
theglaceKamikaze: WHY DO YOU WANT A PM?06:10
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theglacejdu1: What specifically?06:10
FAC|Kamikazei need fricken help bro06:10
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bryani do not have windows frantic06:10
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PoofDaddyxXSive: i have broadcom06:10
psusiCplunsford: eh?06:10
haxpsusi: well in most cases, the memory wouldn't be 0, so ubuntu doing that prevents you from noticing bugs in C... and i'm working with someone else debugging my code, but as far as i can tell, his ubuntu install is just preventing it from overruning a buffer06:10
privetahave: pretty easy to use... the manpage says most all of it06:10
theglaceKamikaze: Say it publically.06:10
franticok bryan, go to your System, Preferences, Sound menus06:11
Cplunsfordpsusi sorry nm06:11
MatirFAC|Kamikaze, what problems do you have booting the livecd?06:11
haxpsusi: i supposed i could be wrong about that06:11
xXSivethey're supported?06:11
psusihax: what memory?  if it's on the bss segment it is allways zero when the program starts06:11
Centaur5ahave: I actually could not get smbmount to work for some reason so I used mount -t smbfs -o username=user //machinename/sharename /mount/point06:11
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bryanok frantic06:11
PoofDaddyxXSive: i had feisty installed when i was at Penguicon in Michigan.06:11
privetahave: smbclient -U username -W workgroup //machine/share06:11
DanaGdebconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog06:11
DanaGdebconf: (Dialog frontend will not work on a dumb terminal, an emacs shell buffer, or without a controlling terminal.)06:11
DanaGdebconf: falling back to frontend: Readline06:11
xXSive<--only knows his own equip.06:11
jdu1Well, the apache2-common package is supposed to contain mod_ssl, but the apache2-ssl-certificate script is missing06:11
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franticgry going to sound events and selecting alsa for sound playback and hitting test06:11
FAC|Kamikazeafter selecting "Install Ubuntu", it says the kernel is loaded, then i dont get any output from my vid card06:11
theglacejdu1: Did you install via the repositories?06:11
psusihax: define prevent... it segfaults?06:11
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franticbryan, Try going to sound events and selecting alsa for sound playback and hitting test06:11
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jdu1theglace: yes, I did06:11
theglace!slow | jdu106:11
ubotujdu1: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.06:11
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theglaceCould be that.06:12
DanaGthose 3 lines are in update-manager's embvedded console.06:12
psusiFAC|Kamikaze: are you running the amd64 build?06:12
hackelHow can I stop gnome-cups-add from being launched every time I plug in my usb printer?  I know I can disable it completely from gnome-volume-properties, but can't it simply detect that the printer has already been configured in cups and not prompt me?06:12
Cplunsford_is this the same channel?06:12
haxpsusi: sec, trying to get more information, i'm not actually the one with the ubuntu account... i thought this would be a common issue :)06:12
bryanok i did it frantic ...06:12
bryannothing happened06:12
franticdid you hear a tone?06:12
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sykemy bcm43xx card in my laptop was working great, but we got a new base station and now it doesn't work any more. iwlist can see the AP, but I can't seem to associate. everything works fine in windows. any ideas?06:12
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frantictry switching it to ESD and OSS06:12
_pepo_hi friends06:12
jdu1ubotu: ok.  The iso, is it of a deb, or will I have to do that config/make/install crap that never works?06:12
franticdoes it work for either of those?06:12
SyLis there any other ways to force the possible res in ubuntu 7.04?06:13
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psusiFAC|Kamikaze: I have the same issue... ati video card?  edit the kernel command line and change the word splash to nosplash06:13
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_pepo_I've downloaded ubuntu 7.04 but: which is the md5sum for the desktop image?06:13
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munkymunkymaniv just updated my ubuntu06:13
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CplunsfordTHERE you are06:13
FAC|Kamikazepsusi | thanks, I will try that, I have an x85006:13
bryani tried that frantic how long does it have to sit there and say testing before i click finish06:13
munkymunkymanand am trying to update my java06:13
franticit should make a tone immediately06:13
LgndryhrHi. How do I change my resolution? I have tried but nothing seems to change.06:13
psusiFAC|Kamikaze: me too06:13
munkymunkymanvia aptitude install sun-jav6-jre06:13
bryannothing seems to work but it sees my sound card frantic06:13
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Centaur5I can't figure out why my smbuser I created can't login to a share, anybody able to help?06:14
munkymunkymanbut im errorred with E: Couldn't find package sun-jav6-jre06:14
haxpsusi: apparently some kind of warning at run time about potential overflows06:14
DanaGhow DO you make Linux not zero memory?06:14
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xXSiveok, people..  don't get married.. really..  you can't even come to the IRC sausage party w/o some kind of arguement developing..  if there are women on IRC, I've yet to find any..  anyhow.. you all have fun while I eat the crow06:14
haxpsusi: i guess if it doesnt ring any bells, nevermind :/06:14
Suzie224about time06:14
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theglaceAnyone know why Ubuntu might be getting ridiculously slow internet connection, whereas Windows and Mandriva Free do not.06:14
munkymunkymanhow do i update my list so it reconizes06:14
theglacexXSive: shut up.06:14
franticbryan, how did you install feisty?06:14
scarteri've got a notebook with one of those pesky TI SD/MMC media controllers [104c:8033]  which doesn't currently work properly06:14
bryanwith the live CD06:14
CplunsfordOk guys, Suzie224 and me need to create a script that will allow us to check the status of a interface on a cisco router, and will down it and up it if connection fails06:14
theglacexXSive: No need to troll and cause trouble. If we're too immature, bugger off.06:14
niruwhat is the process of producting an installable cd from live cd06:14
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joey221I need a builders/modders channel, can anyone point me in the right direction?06:14
Cplunsfordcan any one walk us through this?06:14
bryanright over the top of windows xp and all of my photos and music frantic06:14
bryankinda shitty06:15
frantichaha :/06:15
psusihax: sounds like you are using the debug runtime library... you still haven't answered my question about what kind of memory.. is this malloc'd memory?  that would make sense06:15
niruI mean what technique is adopted to build a live cd through which installation is possible06:15
bryan120GB gone06:15
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franticwell uhhh next time don't do it that way06:15
LgndryhrHi. How do I change my resolution? I have tried but nothing seems to change.  I am not sure how to edit xorg.conf to change my resolution. Help would be much appreciated.06:15
bryanyeah no shiit06:15
franticbut this sound thing is weird... did you have sound on the live cd?06:15
psusihax: typically the malloc routine in debug builds of the C runtime library check for under/overflows on free06:15
task0is reasonable to format and old stable ubuntu installation to go to new one? or upgrade rls is the same?06:15
bryansux for me ay?06:15
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psusihax: and if they found them, they abort with an error message06:15
bryanit told me that i would have one more time to boot to xp to back everything up06:16
DanaGAnd how can I make gnome-vfs wait longer for a really slow ssh server?06:16
bryani never tried it on the live cd06:16
psusiniru: the livecd basically just copies itself to the hard drive06:16
munkymunkymananyone know why "aptitude install sun-java6-jre" would present the error E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre06:16
LgndryhrYes? kryptik?06:16
theglaceDoes someone have a goddamned hint for me?06:16
DanaGWanna make Ubuntu use Java 6?06:16
bryani didnt think about soiund as being a problem06:16
theglacemunkymunkyman:Enable the universe and multiverse repositories06:16
DanaGthe key is sudo update-alternatives --config06:16
kryptikhave u tried System > Preference> Screen Resolution ?06:16
DanaGsome things:\06:16
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haxpsusi: yeah, apparently its not aborting, just warning... or something... i cant actually see it in front of me, but i figured it was some wacky ubuntu thing, so it was worth an ask06:16
Lgndryhrno i have not lemme try that06:17
bryani downloaded those drivers, i had to do all kinds of searching and reading to find it and i cant install it06:17
DanaG(tab complete may tell you.  Or install galternatives.)06:17
psusitask0: an upgrade will keep any extra packages you have installed ( upgrading them in the process ) and any other files you have added06:17
DanaG!info galternatives06:17
ubotugalternatives: graphical setup tool for the alternatives system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.4 (feisty), package size 27 kB, installed size 276 kB06:17
anpihi, i just upgraded to feisty and my X dpi jumped to 126 though it should be 96. i had previously in edgy hacked to 96 by adding DisplaySize 362 265 line in xorg.conf, but it seems to work no longer. i'm running fluxbox on kubuntu, so changing it from kcontrol doesn't work. any ideas?06:17
_pepo_I've downloaded ubuntu 7.04 but: which is the md5sum for the desktop image?06:17
Lam_how often is /tmp cleared?06:17
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nirupsusi, then how it installs the whole os06:17
franticbryan, for the most part, searching and finding drivers isn't the thing to do in linux06:17
bryanu know frantic?06:17
bryani dont kow these things man06:17
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niruI mean in ubuntu we have an option called install on desktop06:17
CplunsfordOk guys, Suzie224 and me need to create a script that will allow us to check the status of a interface on a cisco router, and will down it and up it if connection fails, can any one walk us through this or point us in the right direction?06:17
franticthe driver for your sound is already installed and running06:17
munkymunkymananyone know why "aptitude install sun-java6-jre" would present the error E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre06:17
bryanim trapped in an OS i know NOTHING ABOUT!06:17
psusiLam_: it is a ramdisk so it goes away when you reboot06:17
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Lam_psusi: ah. ok thanks06:18
SyLCplunsford: what are you trying to do and why?06:18
psusiniru: the whole os is on the livecd... so it just copies it to the hard disk06:18
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bryanui dont even understand how all you people know all these commands for terminal prog frantic06:18
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Lgndryhrit helped kryptic06:18
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franticbryan, it's just like being accustomed to doing things a certain way in windows06:18
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bryanhow do yo know that about my driver frantic06:18
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theglaceHe watches you at night, bryan.06:18
mjbrooksbryan, the same can be said for most windows users,  they don't know anything about windows either  ;)06:18
franticthat snd-emu10k1 bit was to load your sound driver06:18
kryptikno problem...i can show u how to make it permanent if u will im me private06:19
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CplunsfordSyL, suzie224 has a class project that she has to do, she needs to make an automated script that will send some commands to a cisco router06:19
Lam_is there a tool that can handle monkey's audio (ape) via command line?06:19
Lgndryhrbut also how do i change my resolution of my mounting screen06:19
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Cplunsfordsuzie224, router model and OS?06:19
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franticsince it didn't cause an error, it already has your sound driver06:19
bryanbut it didnt seem to do anything06:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ape - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:19
franticyes, many commands say nothing unless there is an error06:19
scarter_pepo_: check this for the md5 of your ISO -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41430706:19
kryptikwhich mounting screen?06:19
franticit's good for making scripts06:19
Suzie224cplunsford, 2821 IOS 12.306:19
kryptiki dont really understand ur question06:20
bryanthats weird not to have a confirmation or a prompt to ask if you want to use it or test it06:20
bryanwhats a script?06:20
=== ogami1972 [n=michael@72-48-91-235.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu
CplunsfordNeed help making a bash script to send commands to a Cisco 2821 router, can some one please help?06:20
bryani feel so freakin lost06:20
CplunsfordSuzie224 are you allowed to use cron to automate it? (cron schedules tasks)06:20
ogami1972hi all- anyone know of an easy how-to for boinc?06:20
felixhummelCan gedit check two different languages at the same time? I mostly write documents containing German and English.06:21
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mjbrooksbryan, perl -e 'print "Hello, World!\n"' is a script  ;)06:21
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franticbryan, when you take a bunch of terminal commands and put them in a text file, it's like a little mini program06:21
=== Shadow_X [n=cedwards@c-68-53-25-25.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Suzie224 cplunsford, I need to create a script to automate a task, any task, I just chose checking the interface of a router b/c I know cisco06:21
bryani mean i can download torrents, i think i can use an ipod now, i learned alittle about the add/remove programs thing06:21
psusibryan: it's kind of a core belief of unix that command should simply do what they are told quickly and quietly, assuming that the user knows what they are doing and really meant what they said06:21
Shadow_Xis there a commandline way of installing Ubuntu?06:21
Cplunsfordfelizhummel, yes, im not sure how to but you can, mine checks english and american06:21
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joshjoshShadow_X, alternate install CD i do believe06:21
bryanthx psusi06:21
mjbrookspsusi, well said06:21
psusibryan: that way those who do know what they are doing can get things done quickly and easily06:21
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punkrocksckshey bryan.. just reading a little of your conversatin w/ frantic.. this really helped me when I first started using ubuntu.. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty06:22
bryanbut i dont kow what i am doing and i do not understand the way commands and languages work on linux06:22
CplunsfordI have some basic bashsci skills but as far as throwing them at a Cisco router... no clue06:22
Suzie224i can do something else, maybe more simple06:22
psusibryan: do you feel like you have to or do you just want to learn?06:22
franticbryan, if we get this sound thing figured out, you won't really need the terminal that much06:22
Suzie224that was just my idea b.c I am most familiary with cisc06:22
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bryanthx punkrockscks06:23
bryani have to now that i erased windows06:23
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Suzie224cplunsford maybe I can simplify it by just reset the eth0 on a server06:23
ogami1972bryan- fake it until you make it- keep your data on a seperate drive and just stick with it. it's like a foreign language: eventually , you'll learn enough to get by06:23
bryanand ive wantred to know how to use unix/linux since i was 1206:23
=== Nicke [n=niclasa@ua-83-227-140-135.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
felixhummelCplunsford, so behaviour and behavior are both correct with your setup? how did you do this?06:23
franticno better time than the present06:23
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Cplunsfordbryan, I am not to skilled on the subject eather, but a good reference I have used is the Gentoo Handbook, that can be found on the gentoo site06:23
mjbrooksbryan, and that's ok   there are plenty of point and click apps to use intead. It just is easier to explain to you how to do things using the command line here because we are limited to using text and can't draw pictures ;)06:23
=== Evil_Shenanigans [n=null@220-253-131-146.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
franticthe present is a very special gift!!!! hahahahahahahaha :////06:23
PoofDaddyCan someone help me figure out why my wireless is not working?06:24
kryptikmy Beryl Settings Manager not working  can anyone help me?06:24
splinterbryan: well if windows is already gone, cold turkey will probably get you a long ways with linux if you are willing to work at it06:24
ogami1972anyone set up boinc?06:24
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psusibryan: or you can just stick to the gui stuff... generally you can get by with the gui unless things go wrong, or you need more power... that's where the command line comes in06:24
ogami1972i agree with the 'cold turkey' thing- it's like immersion06:24
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Cplunsfordfelixhummel, honestly, I don't know how I did it, i believe i just installed both of the aspell packages for the two langs. I apologize i really don't know how to set it up06:25
franticbryan, do you have the terminal open still?06:25
niteshade2is there no ndiswrapper support for 7.04?06:25
CrazytomPoofDaddy, what chipset?06:25
splinterbryan: i wouldnt worry about the command line stuff except for just pasting commands you find on guides for now06:25
ogami1972CLI stuff seems just kinda cool now..wget is a neat trick to show people06:25
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pilibeen_i thought feisty was supposed to make wireless easy......after upgrading, it won't recognize my wireless card. the same card which dapper and edgy recognized right away.....06:25
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felixhummelCplunsford, nevertheless thanks for the hope ;)06:25
bryanfrantic yes and is gui the graphical interface?06:25
CplunsfordSuzie224 you want to reset a eth0 on a server?06:25
punkrocksckspoofdaddy - what wifi card are you using?06:25
Bales1how do I change a file so it's no longer a "root" file?06:25
kevsthabestanyone got experience with a netgear wg121 in feisty?..06:25
splinterbryan: maybe a few modifications on the commands but for the most part you will be ok just copying them, as long as the guides apply to what you are trying to do06:25
PoofDaddyCrazytom: i hate to ask, but how do I find that out?06:25
franticbryan, run "alsamixer"06:25
Cplunsfordsuzie224, would the machine your running the script be the server or would it be remote06:25
Suzie224cplunsford, can you set a specific time in a script? Say at 8am, the script will ping eth0, and if it cannot ping will reset it06:25
bryanand i thought that linux had a full blown version of windows pretty much06:25
DanaGI have a Netgear RP614v2, and it most often REFUSES to give me an IP address.06:25
CrazytomPoofDaddy, lspci -v06:25
PoofDaddypunkrockscks Crazytom: broadcom06:26
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Cplunsfordsuzie224, you can set that with cron06:26
bryani did that earlier, but ok brb06:26
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punkrockscksyeah.. do lspci -v06:26
ogami1972um..no, linux will never have a full blown version of windows06:26
splinterbryan: well it does have a full gui, xwindows / gnome, if thats what you are thinking of06:26
CrazytomPoofDaddy, bcm4306 4311 4318?06:26
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psusiogami1972: oh yea?  want to see something cooler?  I wanted to read the linux kernel mailing list... but it would overflow my pop account to subscribe, so I wrote a shell script to go to the lkml.org web site and wget each message from there, and shove them into a maildir I can access with imap06:26
bryani meant like a copy of XP06:26
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franticalso bryan, the first command you should probably learn is "rm" which deletes files.  you should learn it because it's very dangerous and does exactly what you tell it to do without asking questions06:26
splinteroh, built into it?06:26
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Cplunsfordcron is a task scheduler, and it will launch the script or app whenever you tell it too06:26
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ogami1972psusi: yeah, that is pretty cool06:27
ahaveprivet, still around?06:27
sgtmattbakerin Feisty's fstab my SATA AND my IDE DVD burner are shown as scsi devices but my SATA hard drive is shown as a sdb device.. why are they being seen wrong06:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:27
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franticso if someone tells you to run a command with rm in it, think twice06:27
Crazytompilibeen_, what chipset?06:27
PoofDaddyCrazytom punkrockscks: BCM431806:27
franticcuz they may be jackasses06:27
splinterbryan: no, theres stuff that will emulate windows programs, its called wine, but can be complicated, if you can get by with linux programs for now dont worry about using wine06:27
ogami1972good advice, frantic06:27
bryanok frantic i typed it in and its up and running now what06:27
privetahave: yup06:27
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crimsunbryan: what's the problem regarding audio?06:27
Cplunsfordin your terminal type : man cron for more on that06:27
franticdo you see green things under the columns?06:27
psusisgtmattbaker: they aren't... sdb is the second scsi hard disk06:27
CrazytomPoofDaddy, go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19710206:27
=== burner is now known as bur[n] er
punkrockscksok... this might work... i have a bcm4306 and it worked for me in feisty06:27
bryani learned alittle about wine06:28
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punkrockscksone min...06:28
Suzie224good idea06:28
bryansomone told me to usendiswapp06:28
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bryanistead of wine06:28
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munkymunkymananyone know why "aptitude install sun-java6-jre" would present the error E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre06:28
Crazytompunkrockscks, fwcutter is not compatable with the 431806:28
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niteshade2punkrocks___how did you get bcm4306 to work?06:28
sgtmattbakerpsusi: the burners are seen as scd0 and scd1 and the first one is SATA and the second is IDE..06:28
bryanfrantic yes i think so06:28
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Crazytomniteshade2, fwcutter works well with the 430606:28
Cplunsfordto get my BCM4318 to work i did- sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwripper06:28
niteshade2i have a 4309, and can get it to work, but only at about 5k06:28
pilibeen_Crazytom: where do I see what chipset?06:28
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franticwhat does the information at the top say?06:28
ahaveprivet, http://rafb.net/p/lmtaEx68.html  could you help with that error?06:28
Cplunsfordthen sudo modprobe bcm43xx06:28
franticcard and chip?06:28
Crazytompilibeen_, lspci -v06:29
psusisgtmattbaker: yes.... sata is treated as scsi06:29
bryan[AlsaMixer v1.0.13 (Press Escape to quit)] 06:29
bryan Card: HDA Intel                                                             06:29
bryan Chip: Realtek ALC880                                                        06:29
bryan View: [Playback]  Capture  All                                               06:29
bryan Item: Headphone06:29
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franticAH HAH!!!!!!06:29
niteshade2is there no ndiswrapper support for feisty?06:29
bryanwhy doesnt that match06:29
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sgtmattbakerpsusi: but IDE isn't or shouldn't06:29
franticthat's your motherboard's soundcard06:29
psusisgtmattbaker: ohh, and I think these days so is ide... heh....06:29
bryanyeah and it doesnt work06:29
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franticuhh not sure how to switch it here06:29
ArcliteI wouldn't be lucky enough for there to be a program that runs on Ubuntu that reads Apple Keynote files, is there?06:29
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Crazytomniteshade2, yes ndiswrapper works in feisty06:29
Cplunsfordsuzie224 what is your acutal assignment say?06:29
guhhhhey, whats the application that makes my desktop 3d?06:29
braveheartlionXPi found out my ip address. now how do i find out more info abotu it?06:30
crimsunbryan: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support , download and execute that shell script, and tell me the url.06:30
frantici think you can switch it if you double click on the little speaker icon on the menubar at the top06:30
srikanthssnguhhh, beryl06:30
Suzie224Your individual course project will involve the development of a shell script that automates a UNIX/Linux system administration task.06:30
punkrocksckscrazytom -my bad, didn't know that06:30
psusisgtmattbaker: the new libata driver supports ide and sata but it's a scsi driver.... only the old plain ide driver shows up as hdx06:30
privetahave, is your username the same on both systems?06:30
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franticbryan, got it open?06:30
sgtmattbakerpsusi: I guess that makes things easier? this is only in Feisty, not edgy06:30
guhhhsrikanthssn: is it the best one?06:30
niteshade2Crazytom___can you help me set it up. i got it to work in Edgy, but cant figure it out in feisty. i also can get it to work in suse, and debian, but no feisty06:30
=== Geoffrey2 [n=jeffrey@c-76-98-226-136.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
munkymunkymananyone know why "aptitude install sun-java6-jre" would present the error E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jre06:30
bryanquick question to whoever else---is there a way to just right-clcik and select "new-folder" and start organizing the home file06:30
Suzie224cplunsford, You must write a paper describing your shell script using a proposal format (see Project Paper Layout and Sections below). Each line making up your shell script must be clearly explained the same as if you were the shell interpreter.06:30
ahaveprivet, no. the win2k box has a username of Administrator06:30
franticif you go to the File menu, the first item is Change Device, switch it to the soundcard you want06:31
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psusibryan: yea06:31
srikanthssnguhhh, there is also compiz/aiglx06:31
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ahaveprivet, I tried using the -U flags but they gave the same error or the error of wrong login06:31
bryanok frantic06:31
BhessSorry I came in late, are you trying to output sound to your headset?06:31
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LaszloKvWould anyone be able to answer some questions I have about firestarter and ktorrent?06:31
Crazytomniteshade2, i don't have much time.  do you have the driver you used in windows?  also do you know what chipset it is?06:31
Cplunsfordsuzie224... honestly i have no clue what a shell interpreter means06:31
PoofDaddyCrazytom: that is what I did.  I apparently installed it, but it doesn't work (I think).  I'm using Gnome and I am seeing the wireless networks, just can't connect.06:31
privetahave, then add 2 things for smbclient:06:31
privet-U administrator06:31
srikanthssnguhhh, i havent tried because i dont have an adaptable graphics card.. old system.. :(06:31
bryanfrantic wait back up06:31
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privetalso add the share name itself06:31
bryani got the mixer window open now what06:31
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franticbackup how far06:31
guhhhsrikanthssn: thanks :)06:31
privetcurrently you only have the machine name06:31
Cplunsforddoes anyone have any suggestions for completing the assignment that suzie224 just posted?06:32
franticthe gui mixer program?06:32
niteshade2Crazytom__yes, i have the drivers, and i know the chipset. i can get the drivers installed but i cant get the kernel to start wrapper at boot06:32
privetso, perhaps "//machine/c$"06:32
Suzie224cplunsford, I just need to figure out a script to write for this project, it dosent have to be complicated06:32
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guhhhcan someone help-me to install apache 1.3 php5 module? i cant find it on repositories.06:32
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Bhessbryan are you trying to output sound to your headset?06:32
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Geoffrey2what is the ubuntu equivilant of glibc?06:32
SJrXCan you guys help me with Kubuntu?06:32
PoofDaddyCrazytom: sorry, I notice that you dont have much time.06:32
bryani think i did it frantic06:32
niteshade2Crazytom___i also added it to /etc/modules, and blacklisted bcm43xx in modprobe.d06:32
CrazytomPoofDaddy, you ran that script on the page i gave you?06:32
bryanlet me test it now06:32
Cplunsfordhow about a schedualed backup?06:32
dan_hi i just upgraded to ubuntu v7 and now im having problems with fglrx driver =/06:32
comodocan someone help me every time i try to transfer a file with gftp i get an error that says somehting like unnable to open file desktop/downloads access is denied06:32
SJrXI'm trying to change my resolution but it doesn't seem to be working06:32
eldelagingaalguien de chile06:32
PoofDaddyCrazytomL that had been done the other day.06:33
Ademando we still hafta go through seveas or something to get libdvdcss2?06:33
Suzie224that works06:33
bryannope no sound06:33
eldelagingaalguien de chileeeeee06:33
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crimsunbryan: please read http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support , download and execute that shell script, and tell me the url.06:33
frantichow did you test it?06:33
dan_my xorg.0.log says06:33
dan_(II) fglrx(0): driver needs X.org 7.1.x.y with x.y >= 0.006:33
dan_(II) fglrx(0): detected X.org
sgtmattbakerpsusi: why does IDE show up as scsi now in the new Linux kernels?06:33
PoofDaddyCrazytom: that I did when I installed Feisty.06:33
dan_but X -version shows 7.2.006:33
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pilibeen_Crazytom: I see a Linksys unknown device.....Realtek chipset? does that sound right? the model of the card is WPC1106:33
psusisgtmattbaker: because it is using the libata driver which is a scsi driver supporting both ide and sata06:33
bryanfrantic i did it then i re-typed alsamixer and it still says the realtek thing06:34
bryancrimsum ok i willdo it now06:34
sgtmattbakerpsusi: is that in newer kernels?06:34
tristilSJrX, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:34
Crazytompilibeen_, should be something like rt71 or another number06:34
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psusisgtmattbaker: yes06:34
Cplunsfordsuzie224 i think this will have all you need http://www.xs4all.nl/~voorburg/backup.html06:34
franticoh, try right clicking on the speaker applet and going to preferences06:34
bryancrimsum http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/index.php?task=support06:34
ahaveprivet, what is 'sharename'06:34
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bryancrimsum i do not understand what that page means you sent me to06:34
crimsunbryan: yes, go to that web page, then download and execute the alsa-info.sh script.06:34
niteshade2Crazytom_____is there another place i need to add ndiswrapper to other than /etc/modules?06:35
DanaGOh, crimsun, since you're here anyway:06:35
pilibeen_Crazytom: RTL8180L06:35
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ahaveprivet, http://rafb.net/p/nDuTDV14.html still getting it..06:35
Crazytomniteshade2, do lsmod and make sure ndiswrapper is listed there06:35
tristilSJrX, and use medium method for selecting your monitor refresh.06:35
franticcrimsun we've already identified his sound card and driver06:35
anpidoes anyone know how to set x dpi manually?06:35
sgtmattbakerI am using azureus and trying to download sabayon from linuxtracker.org.. I am getting Tracker error 306:35
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alvarezphola, eldelaginga06:35
crimsunfrantic: I know that.06:35
Cplunsfordsuzie224 i would suggest even making the tutorial simpler by skipping the SQL stuff06:35
DanaGdo you know why I can't seem to make my .asoundrc do dmix -> upmix (route) -> ladspa -> plug:surround51;1 ?06:35
Crazytompilibeen_, you say that you have the driver and you've installed ndiswrapper?06:35
Suzie224thanks cplunsford06:35
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Suzie224so tired06:35
DanaGoh, and dvdcss is now on06:35
eldelagingahola alvares06:35
anpii actually found about three ways to change it but none of them work for me06:35
Bhessneed sleep...06:35
niteshade2Crazytom___im actually running debian right now cause i had to have wireless, but i would like to go back to ubuntu!!!06:36
eldelagingasoy chileno no me pesca nadie aki06:36
eldelagingasoy nuevo en linux06:36
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/06:36
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crimsunDanaG: question lacks info.06:36
DanaGALSA lib pcm_direct.c:1462:(_snd_pcm_direct_get_slave_ipc_offset) Invalid type 'multi' for slave PCM06:36
DanaGaplay: main:550: audio open error: Invalid argument06:36
Cplunsfordsuzie224 me too, now i got to study for my notevencollege level math but i will stick around, and the people here will definatly be able to help you06:36
pilibeen_Crazytom: no, i havent done either. I was just wondering why it wasnt recognized automatically as it was last time.06:36
dan_Xorg -version also shows 7.2.006:36
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crimsunDanaG: you don't seem to have provided all the parameters.06:36
alvarezpeldelaginga: vmonos a #ubuntu-es, ahi hablamos espanol06:36
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Crazytomwow i have to leave in two minutes06:36
dan_so why is fglrx detecting it as
franticbryan right click on the speaker applet icon and open preferences06:37
DanaGI'll post my .asoundrc.06:37
niteshade2Crazytom_____but it looks like it is not loading the module06:37
bryanfrantic i am confused06:37
eldelagingapero donde hago eso no cacho06:37
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bryanok frantic06:37
crimsunbryan: have you executed that alsa-info.sh script yet?06:37
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niteshade2Crazytom_____sorry about this, thanks for your help. ill figure it out sometime.06:37
Crazytomniteshade2, try modprobe ndiswrapper06:37
bryani did it frantic06:37
alvarezpeldelaginga:  intenta escribir /join #ubuntu-es06:37
balchow do i see my ignore list in irc?06:37
niteshade2Crazytom___ive done it and still no iwlist06:37
franticyou may be able to switch the sound card there06:37
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crimsunbryan: what's the URL that it generated?06:37
bryani do not know how to download anything on that page its just links to stuff06:37
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psusibalc: /ignore06:38
privetahave, that is the name of the directory that you shared on the win2k box06:38
eldelagingajoin el gato no me sale como lo haces en tu teclado06:38
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=== AmyRose [n=amyrose@user-12l2tg3.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
ahaveprivet, I have the entire drive sharred..06:38
Crazytompilibeen_, do sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper and then just do sudo ndiswrapper -i drivername.inf or use the -e flag to uninstall other drivers06:38
Madpilotubotu, es | eldelaginga06:38
ubotueldelaginga: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.06:38
crimsunbryan: wget http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.sh06:38
alvarezpeldelaginga:  Shift + 306:38
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bryani di ti, now lets see if it works... frantic06:38
privetahave, as what?06:38
alvarezp(en el chileno no s cmo sea)06:38
sykemy bcm43xx card in my laptop was working great, but we got a new base station and now it doesn't work any more. iwlist can see the AP, but I can't seem to associate. everything works fine in windows. any ideas?06:38
privetyou should be able to "//machihe/c$"06:38
Crazytomniteshade2, you did use sudo right?06:38
dan_i updated to latest fglrx version using envy but it didnt help at all06:38
DanaGthere's an index; .asoundrc is there.06:38
ahaveprivet, NTFS drive called Media06:38
bryanfrantic i changed it but it will not wrk06:38
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=== pedalwrench [n=jeremy@c-24-9-148-86.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scarterdoes bcm43xx support 54mb?06:39
sykeit's almost like the radio firmware loaded up by fwcutter is older/buggier than the one the windows drivers load up06:39
crimsunbryan: I need the output from alsa-info.sh (http://www.linux-sound.info/alsa/scripts/alsa-info.sh)06:39
bryanok crimsum i went to that last link06:39
sykescarter: I've seen it work06:39
=== josh__ [n=kantor@c-67-183-29-117.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryandownloaded it and opened with lesser(default)06:39
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ahaveprivet, wait nvm its share name is E$06:39
sykescarter: but only with certain APs, which is my current problem06:39
crimsunbryan: download that script, save it, run it, and tell me the URL.06:39
bryanhow do i run it?06:39
privetahave, aha: then try that06:39
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niteshade2Crazytom____Thanks, ive gotta run too. have a good night06:40
crimsunbryan: ./alsa-info.sh06:40
scartersyke: i'm on 7.04 amd64... can you point me to some useful docs... i'm at my wits end with google. thanks06:40
crimsunbryan: (type that in a Terminal)06:40
eldelagingasolo kiero saber como instalo amarok???????06:40
ahaveprivet, sweet. it gives me a smb prompt now!!06:40
Crazytomniteshade2, u too06:40
ahaveprivet, now what? :p06:40
eldelagingacomo instalo amarooooook?????'06:40
eldelagingacomo instalo beryl??????????????????06:40
sykescarter: there's a Wireless FAQ06:40
privetahave, congrats!06:40
bintrue|workAnyone know where I can find a workspace manager for xfce4 ? I used to have it on my xbuntu6.04 install but not on my new 7.04 install06:40
sykeit didn't help me much, though :(06:40
privetnow you know the params to connect06:40
privetyou are now in a "samba prompt"06:40
bryansays no such file or directory06:41
sykeI paid Canonical for support, I guess I'll have to go through my support rep06:41
scartersyke: i've got 2 diff APs, one linksys and one d-link... either of them promising from your experience?06:41
privetyou can do stuff like "dir"06:41
Crazytompilibeen_, you could try seeing if the livecd feisty will auto recognize it?  did you upgrade or install fresh?06:41
bryanfrantic ???06:41
crimsunbryan: where did you save it?06:41
=== Reggieee [n=Reggie@ip68-4-209-65.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryani dont know06:41
privetahave, also "cd somedir" etc.06:41
bryanwherever it gets saved06:41
Madpiloteldelaginga, /join #ubuntu-es06:41
bryani got 5 more minutes06:41
ahaveprivet, sweet. now how can i make it so that linux apps can access this drive. i guess it is called 'mount'06:41
bryanthen i got to go06:41
sykescarter: it seems to depend how old it is06:41
privetahave, "exit/quit" will take you out again06:41
crimsunbryan: where does Firefox say it was saved?06:41
crimsunbryan: (see the Downloads window)06:42
DanaGOh yay, and now Amarok crashed.06:42
privetahave, exactly06:42
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sykescarter: the one I had luck with was a netgear that's 2 years old06:42
=== tbuss [n=tbuss@c-68-47-183-124.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGIt crashes saying something about assertion failed: sample not empty.06:42
privetahave, mount -t smbfs.... with the same params you used with smbclient06:42
=== bamb1e [n=ketamine@S010600a0d1d50519.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryani closed that window06:42
violator_hey guys06:42
crimsunbryan: then redownload that script06:42
scartersyke: wrt54gs and di-624, both are probably 3 yrs06:42
sykescarter: they may work fine06:42
CrazytomPoofDaddy, did you do the part for ndiswrapper on edgy and feisty or the part for feisty with the bcm43xx?06:42
privetahave, then you can put it into /etc/fstab so that it is mounted every time during startup06:43
bamb1eeverytime i sign in my msn thru gaim and the window just dissapers?06:43
=== john_the_unique [n=john@ip68-224-21-166.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryanto the desktop06:43
tbussI'm thinking about using no-ip to assign a name for my server. should I assign the name to the 192. ip or my public ip06:43
BhessIts prob on his desktop crimsun06:43
bryannow what06:43
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DanaGI need to be able to dmix my upmix.06:43
PoofDaddyCrazytom: just the part for Feisty06:43
DanaGWow, that sounds kinda' catchy.06:43
alvarezpeldelaginga: Intenta darle copy+paste a "  /join #ubuntu-es  ". Puedes intentar seleccionar el texto y luego pegarlo con el botn de enmedio, y dale enter.06:43
scartersyke: i'll check to FAQ to see what some tweaks might be to jump out of 11mb into 54mb. thanks06:43
john_the_uniquei'm trying to get away from the ubuntu brown theme06:43
crimsunbryan: open a Terminal (Applications> Accessories> Terminal)06:43
john_the_uniquei've got it fixed mostly06:43
sykescarter: you've got it connected, which is better than me :(06:43
bryanim there'06:43
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crimsunbryan: then type: ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh06:43
sykeit's weird, iwlist scanning shows it06:43
john_the_uniquejust can't seem to get rid of this brown background that flashes on during log-ins and outs06:43
sykebut it just can't associate06:43
glgu1I just upgraded to 7.04 and my button widgets get corrupted (graphically) is this a common issue for having upgraded06:43
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jason_123i still cant get divx movies to play in browser help plz06:44
sykevery frustrating :(06:44
violator_how to install beryl on ubuntu?06:44
franticno, "bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh"06:44
joshjoshmy ipod doesn't register when i plug it in after boot...before boot is fine. How can I make this work after boot?06:44
Suzie224cplunsford, thanks for your help. I think I am going to take less points and finish tomorrow. I am worn out. :-(06:44
bryancrimsum bryan@bryan-desktop:~$ ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh06:44
bryanbash: /home/bryan/Desktop/alsa-info.sh: Permission denied06:44
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tbussviolator: ati of nvidia06:44
Suzie224its due at 2am06:44
FaenturYeah, John, I'd like to get rid of the human theme there too06:44
joshjoshviolator_, got your video drivers install?06:44
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CrazytomPoofDaddy, use the script for ndiswrapper on feisty, it's in the second part.  that script has saved a few people. it will do pretty much everything for you.  good luck cause i need to sleep06:44
franticbryan, "bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh"06:44
crimsunbryan: bash ~/Desktop/alsa-info.sh06:44
scartersyke: i had to enable b/g on the di-624 before it would connect. i do have my ssid 'off' and i'm using wpa2, which both worked fine right away...06:44
DanaGjohn_the_unique: try gdmsetup (admin -> login manager)06:44
DanaGchange the theme.06:44
joshjoshviolator_, sudo apt-get install beryl beryl-manager beryl-core emerald emerald-themes06:45
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bryanok good i think06:45
sykehm, maybe that's what I need to do as well -- turn on b/g06:45
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joshjoshviolator_, that should work. then just beryl-manager to launch it06:45
Cplunsfordsuzie224 call me so me time06:45
sykeI try to keep it at g-only06:45
MarcEricksonhi, anyone knows if feisty fawn includes the mp3 codecs, i can't play my songs on songbird06:45
john_the_uniqueDanaG, I did, but I'll try some other ones to see if it makes any difference06:45
sykein fact, that may be why you're only seeing 11mb/s06:45
bryanUploading information to www.pastebin.ca ...  Done!06:45
bryanYour ALSA information is located at http://pastebin.ca/45537906:45
bryanPlease inform the person helping you.06:45
Suzie224see ya cplunsford06:45
FaenturDanaG: I've done that: keeps the same brown screen at login06:45
joshjoshMarcErickson, you have to dl them seperately06:45
PoofDaddyCrazytom: thank you06:45
refeferhey guys, anyone have experience mounting samba shares06:45
bryancrimsum is that what you needed06:45
crimsunbryan: yes, wait, please.06:45
DanaGIt may be a Nautilus setting, too.06:45
john_the_uniquefeisty is pretty cool about alerting you when it has things available06:45
FaenturOH!  I didn't think of gconf-editor06:45
tbusswhen assigning a dns name for my server, should I use my public IP or use the the 192.x.x.x06:46
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DanaGHow can I change the gnomevfs timeout?06:46
FaenturAlthough I don't know that nautilus has any control over gdm-greeter06:46
scartersyke: the biggest issue was finding a firmware that would function properly. i have a cpq notebook but ended up using a dell v3.100.64 driver to cut the fw.06:46
crimsunbryan: are you trying to use your audigy or your onboard High Definition Audio (HDA) audio chipset?06:46
snolluxWhen does Ubuntu Lazy Lemming come out?06:46
fizzmahonanyone farmiliar with kopete?06:46
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DanaGI want to use an SSH server on desktop, but it's slow so gnome-vfs times out and Nautilus dislikes it.06:46
bryanthx frantic06:46
AaronMTUbuntu is making my laptop fan run constantly why is this? With windows it would spin down when idle06:46
violator_how to autostart beryl once it's installed?06:46
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DanaGIf you want only one sound card, there's an easy solution:06:46
DanaGblacklist the other one.06:46
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glguy_My corruption issue only occurs with the default theme, but not Mist, for example06:47
ahaveprivet, http://rafb.net/p/zEGeLp24.html not working..06:47
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bryanfrantic thx for all your help in all this, i wish i would have learned more b4 doing this to myself and you guys06:47
joshjoshviolator_, add beryl-manager to system>preferences>sessions06:47
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refeferhey guys, anyone have experience mounting samba shares?06:47
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crimsunbryan: type this:  asoundconf set-default-card Audigy206:47
bamb1eguys i'm having trouble with Gaim06:47
ahaveprivet, can you take a look?06:47
tbussviolator: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty has some good info on beryl06:47
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bamb1eit just disappers after signing in.06:47
sykescarter: hm, maybe I should try that06:47
ouroboroshello all!  :)06:47
franticbryan, you'll learn fast this way06:47
violator_how to do that? sorry i'm new to linux06:47
sykefw-cutter didn't recognize the latest Dell driver I tried06:47
scartersyke: i've got one of the bcm4306 rev3 nightmares06:47
sykeI'm not sure what I have exactly06:47
MarcEricksonjoshjosh, thank you very much06:47
sykeI was so, so happy to finally have working wireless with Feisty06:47
bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ asoundconf set-default-card audigy206:47
tbussviolator_: how to do what?06:48
joshjoshMarcErickson, no problem buddy06:48
sykeit's really upsetting that upgrading my AP unfixed it06:48
violator_add beryl manager to session06:48
joshjoshMarcErickson, I'm an infinite solutions fan06:48
crimsunbryan: please log out of gnome and back in06:48
bryanstill no sound06:48
bryanwhat is gnome the OS?06:48
DanaGdesktop environment.06:48
tbussviolator_: follow the link I put out there, has a step by step how-to06:48
crimsunbryan: it's the graphical environment. Click the red power button in the upper right corner; choose log out.06:49
bryani installed a video card driver earlier successfully im scared06:49
bryanok brb06:49
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tbussviolator_: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty06:49
task0hello all, is ok if i don't set the swap on a extended partition?06:49
platmanviolator: system/preferences/sessions/startup programs -- add new entry for beryl-manager06:49
yharrow_mobilehow do I monitor key press events?06:49
glguy_ok, any easier question, what is the default ubuntu gnome theme? Human? (7.04)06:49
yharrow_mobileanyone know?06:49
joshjoshglguy_, yep06:49
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tbussviolator_: ^ f  and type beryle when the page loads06:49
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bamb1ecan anyone help me please?06:50
yharrow_mobiletbuss: beryl*06:50
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violator_does ubuntu have a video editor?06:50
binMonkeyirssi question here.06:50
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bryanok ok ok lets see06:51
yharrow_mobileviolator yes06:51
yharrow_mobileviolator there are 2 that I know of06:51
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tbussyharrow_mobile: whatever06:51
violator_where can I get it?06:51
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platmanviolator: if you want to edit avi's try avidemux06:51
=== DanaG wishes there were a QT ubuntulooks.
task0is ok if i don't set the swap on a extended partition?06:51
DanaGOr a GTK Polyester.06:51
yharrow_mobiletbuss,  I know what you meant, but some ppl will take typos literally06:51
MarcEricksonto anyone, what html editor do you recomend for ubuntu?06:51
binMonkeywhat does +ei after my nickname mean?06:51
glguy_joshjosh: would you happene to know what the default ubuntu gnome control set uses to render itself? (gif png or something)06:51
bryanhello crimsum06:51
crimsunbryan: yes?06:52
bryanok now what do i do06:52
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tbussyharrow_mobile: I was being sarcastic, I know I can't type :)06:52
crimsunbryan: try playing some music06:52
glguy_joshjosh: I'm just trying to figure out what is causing the graphic corruption06:52
bryani logged off then it asked me for my name and pass and now i am back06:52
yharrow_mobiletbuss: hehe oh ok :D06:52
=== Tarkus [n=Tarkus@bas9-montrealak-1096749480.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
joshjoshglguy_, no idea06:52
tbussyharrow_mobile: good point though06:52
bryani tried playing family guy with VLC and nothing06:52
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bryanits a torrent06:52
yharrow_mobiletbuss: I only know that because when I was a noob I made so many mistakes because of typos06:53
violator_does ubuntu supports my Pinnacle PCTV?06:53
bryani see it b ut no happy singing06:53
crimsunbryan: open a Terminal, and in it type:  ``amixer''  . Take the output from that command and paste it onto the http://pastebin.ca web site, then tell me the URL.06:53
scartersyke: initially, i didn't realize that bcm43xx doesn't support v4.xxx.xx properly, so you've got to find v3.xxx.xx drivers to cut06:53
binMonkeyis this the right place to ask irssi questions?06:53
yharrow_mobileviolator_: Im gonna try and get the names of the vid editors, one sec06:53
tbussyharrow_mobile: I wish I could say the same, I'm not quite out of noobdom yet :D06:53
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bryanno such06:53
sykescarter: crap. ok.06:53
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squiggityHi, can anyone help me with getting laptop hotkeys working properly?06:53
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bryanbryan@bryan-desktop:~$ amixer06:54
bryanamixer: Mixer attach default error: No such devic06:54
sykescarter: how do I found out the exact rev I have?06:54
task0please colud some one help me partitioning my disk?06:54
ouroborosSo I am having a hell of a time getting tomcat working under feisty... anyone had the pleasure?06:54
ahaveprivet, any ideas?06:54
=== saviles [n=saviles@adsl-76-197-205-50.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
tbusswhen assigning a name to my server, should I assign it to the public IP or the actual IP of the server?06:54
crimsunbryan: you made a typo06:54
crimsunbryan: that capital 'A' in the Audigy2 is /extremely/ important06:54
crimsunbryan: type this:  asoundconf set-default-card Audigy206:55
scartersyke: dell and hp/cpq list the versions, so i didn't have an issue finding one of their older listings06:55
binMonkeyi tried rtfm but it's a little difficult.06:55
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dan_any ideas friends?06:55
yharrow_mobileviolator_: there is kino, which a basic video editor and there cinelerra which is more complex and powerful. There might be others but I am not familiar with them06:55
Tarkusanyone know if theres a similar open-source app for linux like apples "Final Cut Pro" or adobe's "Premiere"?06:55
bryanryan@bryan-desktop:~$ asoundconf set-default-card Audigy206:55
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savilesusing cygwin, if i ssh into a xubuntu box, how can i display that system's 'xclock'?06:56
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dan_no ideas? oh well thanks anyway06:56
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crimsunbryan: yes.  Now in that Terminal, paste this, and tell me if it's audible:  aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav06:56
bryannow log off and back in again?06:56
scartersyke: the one i pulled from dell was for a truemobile 135006:56
jason_123why isnt divx movies playing in browser06:56
yharrow_mobiledan_:  hold on a sec06:56
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diabolikmachineis there a guid to installing ubuntu on xfs?06:56
sykesaviles: you have to install cygwin/X (using cygwin's setup.exe), make sure the X server is started, and then ssh into the ubuntu machine using 'ssh -X'06:56
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sykethen you can run any X command06:56
sykeI recommend also supplying '-C' to ssh to enable compression06:57
yharrow_mobiledan_: what was your question?06:57
bryanryan@bryan-desktop:~$ aplay/usr/share/sounds/*up.wave06:57
bryanbash: aplay/usr/share/sounds/*up.wave: No such file or directory06:57
savilessyke: i do have cygwin's base X installation.06:57
digi_in ubuntu 6.10 im trying to write a bash script with command line variables without success. how can I have command line arguments?06:57
sykeif you're over a WAN link06:57
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digi_variable = arguments06:57
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sykescarter: a truemobile 1350 is what I have06:57
dan_im having problems with the fglrx driver detecting the wrong version of X06:57
crimsunbryan: you made another typo. There's a space between the aplay and the /usr/share/...06:57
yharrow_mobileHow do I monitor keypresses?06:57
dan_and therefore not initializing its dri interface06:57
crimsunbryan: and it's precisely .wav, not .wave06:57
diabolikmachinedigi_: arg1=$1, arg2=$2, etc.06:57
yharrow_mobileits fairly simple. I just cant remmember the command06:57
scartersyke: well... isn't that handy ;-)06:57
bryanyan@bryan-desktop:~$ aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wave06:57
bryan/usr/share/sounds/*up.wave: No such file or directory06:57
DanaGYay, Amarok crashed again.06:58
diabolikmachineyharrow_mobile: xev06:58
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crimsunbryan: I'm giving you precise commands to copy and paste into the terminal. Perhaps you'd better just copy and paste them instead of typing them.06:58
bryanit plays!!!!!06:58
dan_this is from my xorg.0.log:06:58
dan_(II) fglrx(0): driver needs X.org 7.1.x.y with x.y >= 0.006:58
dan_(II) fglrx(0): detected X.org
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josh__anyone having any issues with hard drives that now are sata06:58
bryani dont know how to copy in xchat06:58
yharrow_mobilediabolikmachine: thanks a ton06:58
BhessWoot Right on Bryan!06:58
DanaGI really need to get dmix working with the .asoundrc.06:58
dan_but my x.org is v7.2.006:58
savilessyke: wow! that was easy! i was thinking i had to 'export' the DISPLAY variable06:58
bryanthx bhess crimsum all my fans06:58
AyabaraI'm trying to connect to work with Cisco VPN. I have installed it (seemingly without problems), but when I try to connect to the profile it gives up for no good reason. the dump is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17350/ . Can someone please help me get this working.06:58
ahavecan someone help me with mounting a smbfs drive?06:58
sykenope, ssh -X is majikal :)06:58
savilessyke: to my current IP, or something similar.06:58
diabolikmachineso... is installing ubuntu to xfs unsupported?06:59
crdlbdan_, did you upgrade from edgy to feisty?06:59
bryanbut VLC still will not play family guy06:59
crimsunbryan: select by holding down and dragging the primary mouse button; paste by pressing the middle mouse button (or left+right together)06:59
crdlbdan_, and did you use xorg-driver-fglrx ?06:59
crimsunbryan: did you close and reopen vlc?06:59
dan_i had it uninstalled before the upgrade06:59
dan_then reinstalled it afterwards06:59
sykesaviles: Cygwin/X can be a little unstable. I can still kill it by starting nunit-gui under mono over remote X06:59
jarrod_Hi all, I just installed Feisty... but when it loads up for the first time, X wont start and gives the error: "Failed to load module "nvidia (module does not exist)", any ideas?06:59
LynoureAny other Palm users here? It seem something has changed between pre-beta feisty and released feisty to stop Treo from being synched, the visor module does not even load but the device gets noticed. Is that then hotplug problem, or kernel problem?06:59
hatterRemote Desktop Client on FEisty Fawn keeps dropping out from a second to minutes after connecting to a remote windows box, it doesnt drop out on my laptop (winXP) at all, anyone else experience this ?07:00
Jh00jarrod_, I had the same problem today at work07:00
bryanYES!!!!right the phuk on07:00
savilessyke: over my head. :) but i think i get what you mean.07:00
crimsunLynoure: it's not hotplug. That went away as of Dapper.07:00
BhessYou prob need the right codex for it bryan, fast way to get them is to seach for automatrix and install it :)07:00
Jh00jarrod_, I thought that maybe I had a defective CD and was willing to try again tomorrow.07:00
bryaneverything seems to work now07:00
franticdon't install automatix07:01
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diabolikmachinejarrod_: do a command line login, and run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx"07:01
bryannow all i need is to nkow everything07:01
franticit's for idiots07:01
platmannobody should install automatix07:01
bryanok why?07:01
franticit breaks things07:01
Jh00diabolikmachine, do you know if this was already reported in launchpad?07:01
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/07:01
DanaGuse THAT!07:01
Lynourecrimsun: kernel does all that itself now?07:01
platmanmedibuntu is like magic07:01
crimsunLynoure: with udev.07:01
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diabolikmachineJh00: he probably tried to enable desktop effects on the live cd.07:01
franticwhen they release the next version of ubuntu, all teh people who used automatix will have problems07:01
Lynourecrimsun: Well, at least it is always fun to report kernel bugs :)07:02
Geoffrey2has anyone in here ever built Busybox?07:02
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bryanso are there any special programs to help me get going like firestarter, is it the best firewall? do i relly not need any antivirus progs?07:02
Jh00diabolikmachine, hmmm... yes, in fact, I think that that happened as well at my work (I wasnt the one to install)07:02
=== Yossy [n=moo@adsl-75-41-218-220.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
BhessNext version.. Ill wipe and reinstall again.. not like its winblows07:02
Ayabarathis is not good "cisco_ipsec: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel." ?07:02
LynoureBetween this and the SD slot not working, the Palm is currently not even getting proper backups...07:02
franticbryan, you don't need a firewall or antivirus07:02
Jh00diabolikmachine, do you think it would be worthy to report it, anyway?07:02
franticespecially no antivirus07:02
jarrod_diabolikmachine: well what do ya know. it worked. not sure why it wasn't installed automatically07:03
crimsunLynoure: have you actually determined it's a kernel issue? Have you verified hal sees it?07:03
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platmanlol it's always funny when you tell windows converts they dont need antivirus stuff07:03
jarrod_diabolikmachine: thanks, now i gotta try to get dual monitors to work, but ive found some guides on it07:03
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bryanwhat about gam,es07:03
cappicardanyone successfully gotten java to run on 64-bit firefox or would i need to resort to 32-bit in the interim?07:03
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YossySo, i'm a new linux convert. I've partitioned off my HDD and i now have a Linux Swap and a Linux ext3 partition, when i'm installing i choose the ext3 and it says that i have no root file system defined, what do i do?07:03
bryanlike oblivion?07:03
diabolikmachinejarrod_: did that work?07:03
bryanor anyhting cool07:03
franticsome things work well in wine, some don't07:03
jarrod_diabolikmachine: yep. it started just fine (except only on 1 monitor, which is fine for now)07:03
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bryanoh isee07:04
platmanyossy: you actually have to label your root partiotion07:04
hatterif i use lspci to see the pci cards, how do i get info for the video card on the mobo ?07:04
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diabolikmachinejarrod_: cool.07:04
platmanwith this "/"07:04
jarrod_diabolikmachine: thanks again!07:04
franticbryan what kind of graphics card do you have07:04
=== Rebes [n=dfx@static24-72-120-240.regina.accesscomm.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ahavecan someone help me with mounting a smbfs drive?07:04
jijutmyossy: you gotta select the mount point atleast in the installation07:04
franticati or nvidia07:04
Jh00diabolikmachine, I think I will fill out a bug form about that, just so people knows the answer...07:04
jason_123i guess no help i try find the answer some where else07:04
bryankinda older like more than a year mid range model07:04
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bryanwhy whats up?07:05
=== Sir_IW [n=iw@c-24-18-194-118.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryanit says i need to reboot for that setting to take place07:05
bryanfor the ATI card07:05
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diabolikmachinei feel special that i know enough about ubuntu to help now.. altho slackware will always hold a place in my heart.07:05
franticoooooh :/07:05
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franticati's linux support is bad07:05
frantici'd give it a D-07:05
=== SemiSedated [n=scott@cpe-071-077-134-066.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
diabolikmachineJh00: yeah.. basically if you try to enable desktop effects on the live cd, it changes the xorg config to use the binary driver without installing it to the disk.07:05
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platmanfrantic: "Ati's support is bad"07:05
Bhessati has linus support? lol07:05
frantichaha yeah07:05
HattyI have an enhanced cd that I want to rip. It's Garbage's 'beautifulgarbage'. Grip doesn't see the cd at all. What can I do? (it mounted to /media/BEAUTIFUL_GARBAGE_PC which contains autorun.inf and setup.exe).07:05
=== fmodgone [n=bla@p508BB27C.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
Ayabaraanyone? do I need to configure some network stuff in feisty for vpn to work?07:05
dan_i even ran through the envy program to try and update the fglrx driver to latest version07:05
hatterstinking ati dueal head card 9200. I was unable to get screen spanning working, it would only clone the display07:05
dan_but it still has the same problem07:05
diabolikmachineso.. is there a way to use lilo at install time?07:05
=== zouzou85 [n=iman@adsl-75-32-104-254.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
bryanwell it said it had a driver update for me automatically so i did it07:06
bryanand now i have to restart the comp to get it working07:06
galo_PTi'm having suspend problems... i've been using feisty for some time when it was in beta and i wouldn't have wireless after waking up, but now X won't even wake up right , anyone got any ideas ?07:06
bryanbut if there are no good games for linux then what does it matter how good my card is07:06
Yossyplatman: what do you mean use / ?07:06
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diabolikmachinegalo_PT: are you using ndiswrapper?07:06
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anpiargh, is there any way to force the x dpi?07:07
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:07
galo_PTno, i use the ipw3945 driver07:07
bryanfrantic ?07:07
dan_(@ crdlb )07:07
fnfDoes anyone know a reliable way to put the whole Ubuntu LiveCD/server CD onto a USB stick ?. I've tried several tutorials but no luck.07:07
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diabolikmachinegalo_PT: oh.. my wireless craps out after waking up as well.. but i use ndiswrapper.07:07
bryanoh i asked what does it really matter, i mean does it?07:07
franticoh, bryan, you might have better luck with wine with nvidia07:07
platmanyossy: that is the location of your root partition, so in the partition editor you must label your desired root partition with /07:07
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franticalso there are some decent FPSes and some companies do make linux clients07:08
Bhessyou can run prob 98% of winblows games in wine07:08
bryanoh i see07:08
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underwatercowCan someone please help me with playing a DVD in ubuntu? I should be easy, and yet for some reason I cannot seem to get one to play correctly no matter what I do.07:08
=== pedalwrench [n=jeremy@c-24-9-148-86.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
YossySo, i'm a new linux convert. I've partitioned off my HDD and i now have a Linux Swap and a Linux ext3 partition, when i'm installing i choose the ext3 and it says that i have no root file system defined, i was told to use the "/" but me being new to alot of this has no idea what that means, any help?07:08
bryanbut on XP i had to mount the image to a virtual drive to get oblivion running, i dont like to pay for things07:08
=== cyphase_ [n=cyphase@c-24-7-111-117.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnfunderwatercow: plug your DVD into the drive, totem should appear and there you go.07:08
yell0wYossy, / is the linux root, kind of like C:\07:08
bryani gotta go guys thx for all your help and i will be on tomorrrow with more questions probably....07:08
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:08
jijutmyossy: thats how you define the system partition07:08
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/07:08
underwatercowfnf: if only it were that easy07:09
franticheh well, in wine you can tell it a directory is a drive07:09
fnfunderwatercow: what problems are you having ?07:09
=== DanaG uses evdev for Logitech mice.
platmanyossy: right click on the partiotion you want to set as root, then where is says "mount point" type "/"07:09
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diabolikmachineYossy: in linux and unis, you have one a root directory, everything else is a subdirectory of "/" or the root.07:09
underwatercowfnf: Totem says it cannot play the DVD (I've tried two). I have also tried playing them in mplayer, VLC, Ogle... probably another I'm forgetting07:09
task0is ok to have the wap partition on a primary partition?07:10
Ademanunderwatercow: have you installed libdvdcss2?07:10
platmanuwcow: you need libdvdcss207:10
YossyAhhh, i see. Thanks a bunch. I'm pretty eager to get this thing working :)07:10
ahavecan someone help me with mounting a smbfs drive?07:10
josh__is there a way to  have my hard drive be hda like it was in dapper and not sda, I believe that sata drivers are messing up suspend.07:10
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:10
fnfunderwatercow: can you pastebin the exact message ?. Can you play the VOB files directly with totem/mplayer ?07:10
jijutmany jabber server to suggest ? an ubuntu supported package07:10
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waldo_anyone know the right way to upgrade to feisty SERVER?07:10
underwatercowIs libdvdcss2 available from the repository?07:10
Ademanunderwatercow: no you need to add the seveas repositories07:10
Ademanno biggie though07:11
fnfunderwatercow: it should be that easy with a fresh Feisty installation.07:11
DanaGOr medibuntu!07:11
diabolikmachineweird... when you install to xfs, you get a corrupt fstab...07:11
platmanuwcow: you need to activate a medibuntu repo to download and install07:11
underwatercowAdeman: Do you have a link?07:11
Ademanfnf: hrm? i don't see it in my package list, and i've got universe and multiverse07:11
underwatercowfnf: I did a fresh feisty...07:11
Bhessgotta get some sleep.... best of luck all..07:11
waldo_anyone here know how to do a dist-upgrade from the command line (ie, from edgy server)07:11
fnfAdeman: yup, libdvdcss/2 does not exist in Feisty repo, gstreamer* does it all.07:11
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fnfunderwatercow: can you pastebin the exact message ?. Can you play the VOB files directly with totem/mplayer ?07:12
underwatercowso I shouldn't need libdvdcss2 then?07:12
underwatercowfnf, one sec07:12
first2di3|outI have a g3 iMac with 128 ram, should I get the ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.iso or will the normal one work?07:12
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qiyonguniverse gives me a feel of stars, planets, is it the same to you guys?07:12
=== jjido [n=jircii@host81-156-48-181.range81-156.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
platmangstreamer is horrible- i suggest you get libdvdcss07:12
Ademanfnf: are you sure it handles that?07:12
underwatercowfnf: what do you mean when you say pastebin?07:12
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task0is possible to have text boot instead of the gui one?07:12
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Ademanplatman: naw gstreamer is great, but i'm pretty sure it doesn't de-encrypt dvds...07:12
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unix_infidelis it possible to do a command line install with the ubuntu desktop live cd?07:13
platmangstreamer plugins are horrible07:13
platmani prefer xine07:13
=== SemiSedated [n=scott@cpe-071-077-134-066.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
platmantotem-xine works for me07:13
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Ademanplatman: oh, you're talking about totem? that's totem's fault not gstreamer lol07:13
fnfAdeman: DVD playing is incorporated into totem a long time ago, it's just that totem doesn't have the right codec. gstreamer now can play DVD rightfully.07:13
franticgstreamer is great07:13
=== akhonda97 [n=ubuntu@77-215-223-66.gci.net] has joined #ubuntu
fnf!pastebin | underwatercow07:14
ubotuunderwatercow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:14
Ademanfnf: it can play unencrypted dvds, but dvdcss is for playing encrypted ones07:14
=== synjet [n=pavan@c-68-35-77-158.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
platmantotem-gstreamer is horrible. i don't like fuzzy and skipping porn07:14
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bloodMuffinhow do i check how much space is left on my filesystem... i tried right clicking on everything says unknown07:14
Ayabarano vpn help here, so I had to solve it myself :-) -> bad idea to have a wired connection checked if you don't have connected it, since vpn may try to connect with it anyway. just thought I'd mention it in case someone else asks the same Q ;-)07:14
first2di3|outI have a g3 iMac with 128 ram, should I get the ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.iso or will the normal one work?07:14
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underwatercowfnf: I'm trying to bring up the error again... it's sort of locking up07:14
Ademanfirst2di3|out: use the alternative, 128mb is a little thin07:14
=== gangien [n=gangien@c-24-16-39-9.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bimberitask0: you can stop gdm (the login screen) from starting up at boot time with 'sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove'07:15
first2di3|outthought so07:15
underwatercowfnf: or at least taking a while07:15
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jerkworthyI'm trying to update from breezy badger to drake and when i go through the updatemanager i get 10 failed to fetch errors07:15
Ademananywho, to support my "gstreamer can't play encrypted dvds" theory, neither gxine nor mplayer work without libdvdcss2 (currently)07:15
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jerkworthy"Failed to fetch http://asher256-repository.tuxfamily.org/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found" and so on. Any advice?07:15
platmani know... i have libdvdcss2 installed07:15
mjbrooksI need information on troubleshooting a laptop screen that won't go blank on inactivity in the final Feisty release, even though it was fine in the herd & beta. Anyone know a good link?07:15
fnfunderwatercow: take your time.07:15
DanaGTotem / Gstreamer doesn't let you choose which sound device to use.07:15
platmanit works smooth as butter07:15
task0bimberi: but i still want to have X and have gnome07:15
DanaGbloodMuffin: try the utility FileLight.07:15
DanaG!info filelight07:15
ubotufilelight: show where your diskspace is being used. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.99beta6-1ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 317 kB, installed size 856 kB07:15
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bimberitask0: well you could log in in text mode and type 'startx'07:16
bloodMuffinDanaG: do i get it from synaptic?07:16
fnfAdeman: you're right, it's been a while since I last played an encrypted DVD with totem07:16
underwatercowfnf: ok... got it07:16
violator_beryl caused ubuntu undesirable operation when I installed it07:16
savilesSyke_: thanks a lot.07:16
bloodMuffinand why would filesystem--> properties give me unknown size07:16
underwatercowfnf: if I try to start totem with the DVD in, it locks up and I have to force quit07:16
task0bimberi: is ok to have the swap partition on a primary partition?07:16
Jh00diabolikmachine, check out the bug I filled: Bug #109502  I mentioned you there...07:17
bimberitask0: yes07:17
underwatercowfnf: I have to start it, then put the DVD in and it says "An error occurred. Could not read from resource."07:17
Ademani installed the proprietary nvidia driver though the proprietary driver manager, and i still don't have access to my lcd's native resolution (1920x1200) or anything close to it for that matter.  I know i can edit my xorg.conf to add them, but is there a "nicer" way?07:17
fnfunderwatercow: can totem play the VOBs files ?07:17
Jh00diabolikmachine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10950207:17
underwatercowfnf: will try that now07:17
DanaGme uses kaffeine instead of totem.07:17
task0bimberi: i was wondering why the autopartitioner uses a extended/logical partition for swap07:17
DanaGer, forgot a /07:17
Ademanew kaffeine07:17
=== DanaG uses...... aww, forget it.
Ademanactually ew totem too07:17
platmanuwcow: i'm telling you that totem-gstreamer is horrific. move to totem-xine or another player07:17
Ademanmplayer all the way07:18
underwatercowplatman, lol... I tried xine, and mplayer07:18
fnfAdeman: you can use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, that's currently the most user-friendly way.07:18
SeveredCrossVLC FTW!07:18
bimberitask0: good question, unfortunately idk why :|07:18
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underwatercowfnf: I tried the VOB directly and same error07:18
Ademanfnf: ew alright, i'll just use vim and do it by hand lol, it's how i've always done it anywho07:18
violator_i use gstreamer07:18
=== rio [n=rio@ip72-192-145-59.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
platmanyou need libdvdcss2 to play dvd's with any xine based player07:18
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violator_it even playback flv07:18
underwatercowfnf: on one of the players, it started to play the intro and crashed, but I forget which player07:18
franticdoes anyone know why i can't use xv to play videos on my ati card07:18
bimberitask0: perhaps in case you wanted to do further partitioning later07:18
riowhat package did you guys install so that you could unzip rar files?07:19
frantici don't want to install the propriety ati drivers07:19
bimberi!rar | rio07:19
uboturio: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:19
crdlbfrantic, using desktop effects?07:19
Ademani'm installing vlc right now to see if it needs libdvdcss2 to play encrypted dvds (libdvdcss2 was actually part of the vlc project so we'll see)07:19
franticno desktop effects07:19
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mjbrooks acpid won't start and puts the oddest error in /var/log/messages  "Using specific hotkey driver"  Anyone ever seen that before?07:19
crdlbfrantic, what happens?07:19
fnfunderwatercow: no further suggestion, sorry, I've got no regioned-DVD at the moment.07:19
riothanks bimberi!07:19
papatwilight i'm looking for a good launcher that will look good with 3d animated icons that will look great with beryl, and not use gdesklets07:19
lee_can anyone help me with a simple problem?07:19
franticjust a black box where video should be07:19
bimberirio: np :)07:19
platmanuwcow: http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/repository.php07:19
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abasinis feisty out yet?07:20
platmanuwcow: check out the page, add the repo, install libdvdcss207:20
joshjoshabasin, yes07:20
violator_is there any other desktop manager other than beryl?07:20
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Ademanpapatwilight: the avant window navagator is GREAT, but you hafta compile it from svn07:20
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franticif it weren't for this, i'd be positively in love with the open source radeon driver07:20
rio!info unrar-free07:20
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20060609-1 (feisty), package size 17 kB, installed size 80 kB07:20
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underwatercowplatman, is there a website or a repository address that you have?07:20
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crdlbfrantic, I know of that happening in compiz/beryl but not in metacity07:20
DanaGxorg debconf fails to offer what I need:07:20
DanaGnvidia, synaptics, evdev, and "don't specify modelines".07:20
crdlbfrantic, so I have no idea07:20
lee_thanks syn, okay, i was messing with my panels in gnome Fiesty and now on the bottom panel where normally it displays everything that you have open like firefox and all that so you can click on them to pull them into focus, nothing is shown07:20
task0where can i get beryl for fiesty?07:20
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mjbrooks!beryl > task007:21
underwatercownvm, I found the file07:21
frantici had it desktop effects on for a while yesterday, and it caused xorg to crash when i played a video07:21
lgcHi! How do I remove Sun-Java (not installed from the Ubuntu repositories)?07:21
abasinjoshjosh, do i install feisty the same way as i installed edgy:  change "edgy" to "feisty" in sources.list, then apt-get dist-upgrade?07:21
snapwhats the default filesystem for a ubuntu install?07:21
DanaGNope, use update-manager.07:21
joshjoshabasin, that worked for me07:21
Flannellgc: not fun-ly07:21
thebillywaynewhat's the significance of freenode running an "open proxy scanner"?07:21
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Flannelsnap: ext307:21
abasindanag, why?07:21
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DanaGIt's friendlier.07:22
Supaplexthebillywayne: abuse mitigation07:22
DanaGAnd supposedly does fstab upgrading better.07:22
thebillywayneSupaplex, cool.07:22
lgcFlannel, hi! I don't get it...07:22
abasindanag, how so07:22
SeveredCrossWhat's there to upgrade in fstab?07:22
mjbrooksDanaG, and it's the official way of doing it07:22
=== k1gwb [n=greg@ip68-103-226-118.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
qiyongis realplayer in the repos?07:22
apmypwhy gnomebaker send error about DMA and won`t write a disk?07:22
qiyonguniverse gives me a feel of stars, planets, is it the same to you guys?07:22
Flannellgc: you basically remove all the files it installed.  Which is reasonably straightforward... once you know all the files it installs.07:22
synjetlee_ create new panel and add window list as property to it07:22
DanaGI did dapper=>feisty via aptitude -- great pain and brokenness.07:23
=== Schlumpf [n=schumpf@dslb-084-057-128-048.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
DanaGIn fact, on that system, the terminals don't start at all!07:23
FlannelSeveredCross: UUID over device locations07:23
abasinwhat's aptitude?07:23
SeveredCrossFlannel: UUID starts from Edgy on, doesn't it?07:23
bloodMuffini have same question as qiyong, how can i get rmvb's to play in totem?07:23
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platmandanag: i dont think that would ever work07:23
abasindanag, what?07:23
FlannelSeveredCross: yep07:23
underwatercowabasin aptitude is a package manager07:23
SeveredCrossBTW, am I the only person who really hates UUID?07:23
lgcFlannel, that's as dirty as it can get! Isn't there a tiny hidden uninstaller somewhere?07:23
DanaGIt DID work, but it broke some stuff.07:23
scarterSyke_: ok... where's the wireless faq for the bcm43xx? if its on http://bcm43xx.berlios.de/ , that site seems to be down... is there a mirror?07:23
jerkworthyCan somebody please help me figure out how to upgrade from breezy to dapper when packages on updatemanager are dead dead dead?07:23
underwatercowlibdvdcss2 fixed it07:23
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DanaGI had to remove ubuntu-desktop, upgrade the core, and then reinstall ubuntu-desktop.07:23
SeveredCrossI used apt-get to go Edgy -> Feisty, only thing that broke was xorg because I didn't install the ATI driver first.07:24
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anpidoes anyone have an idea how to force x to use some exact dpi?07:24
lee_oh wow, i knew it was something simple but i couldn't figure it out. thank you very much syn :)07:24
platmandanag: i thought you had to ug to edgy then move to fesity07:24
Flannellgc: That's why we have package management ;)  Not that I know of, but I can't say I've done anything other than the deb, so I'm not sure.07:24
=== pedalwrench [n=jeremy@c-24-9-148-86.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
T0uCHto install compiz do i need a very powerfull graphic card?07:24
DanaGYou're supposed to.  I didn't.  I came to regret it.07:24
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DanaGBut the Feisty CD wouldn't boot!07:24
SeveredCrossDanaG: Ditto.07:24
DanaGs/boot/start X even with VESA/07:24
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underwatercowThe quality of the video seems off though...07:24
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SeveredCrossX doesn't start.07:24
mjbrooksT0uCH, no, just a slightly powerful one that can do 3d07:24
lgcFlannel, hmm!07:24
underwatercownot to be picky07:24
Jh00T0uCH, nope07:24
platman ndanag: the fesity cd was sensitive07:24
SeveredCrossDanaG: It's a problem with X and newer ATI cards it appears.07:24
DanaGt'was an Intel 945GM, actually.07:25
platmani had to burn it twice07:25
DanaGAnd the lack of 915resolution,07:25
SeveredCrossI have a Mobility Radeon X140007:25
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SeveredCrossX just would not start07:25
SeveredCrossNo matter what driver I threw at it.07:25
bloodMuffinDanaG: I installed filelite, where can i see the representation?07:25
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platmanuwcow: go into synaptic and install totem-xine07:25
T0uCHwich graphic card is the most easy to install in ubuntu?07:25
platmantrust me you won't regret it07:25
SeveredCrossI ended up doing some creative juggling by booting my Ubuntu partition that I had dist-upgraded from Edgy to Feisty in a VMWare on Windows XP, then using the ethernet bridge to install the ATI driver.07:25
underwatercowis there a reason that the DVD quality is below that of a regular dvd player?07:25
DanaGrun the utility.  filelight07:25
SeveredCross(I needed the ethernet bridge because I was at home and only had wireless to use, which I couldn't get working at the commandline.)07:26
DanaGalt-f2 brings up the equivalent of win-R on windows.07:26
underwatercowplatman: will that make it look better? what is the difference between them?07:26
AdemanSeveredCross: with a nvidia 8800   the fiesty liveCD would select the free "nv" driver, and X would die, but you could edit xorg.conf to use vesa, and it would work07:26
RebesMy new windows are loading behind current windows, any way to make them open with focus?07:26
platmanxine is an older more mature player07:26
SeveredCrossI still vote for VLC.07:26
platmani always get better quality in totem with xine07:26
SeveredCrossI also vote for bed.07:26
=== SeveredCross passes out.
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underwatercowVLC is nice, but not always as intuitive07:26
platmanVLC usability is horrendous07:27
underwatercowVLC looks just as bad though as totem does for the DVD07:27
platmanactually all linux video players are pretty sucky07:27
platmanthe music managers rock though07:27
=== SeveredCross has no problem with the VLC GUI.
SeveredCrossI use Banshee..What's everyone else use?07:27
bloodMuffinDanaG: and then do i need to scan something?07:27
platmani use banshee, but my favorite is amarok07:28
SeveredCrossSpeaking of Banshee, I've been meaning to write a plugin.07:28
SeveredCrossI would use Amarok but it's very finicky about responding to the multimedia keys on my lappy.07:28
SeveredCrossEvery 4th reboot it works.07:28
=== PhirePhly [n=kenneth@h-68-164-87-94.snvacaid.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveredCrossAnd I don't wanna reboot that many times.07:28
underwatercowWhy do these players not some with DVD decryption, or at least tell you what you need to get said functionality?07:28
SeveredCrossunderwatercow: Because distributing livdvdcss2 is illegal.07:28
SeveredCrossIn the United States anyway.07:28
Ademanamarok likes to stick the system tray into a random place on the screen07:29
SeveredCrossSo almost all distributions just choose not to package it.07:29
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platmani never get that problem with amarok07:29
underwatercowSeveredCross: illegal to download? or illegal to distribute? and why so?07:29
SeveredCrossBecause it's simpler than distirbuting a US version and an everywhere else version.07:29
SeveredCrossunderwatercow: It violates the DMCA.07:29
DanaGOh, scan whatever volume you want to.07:29
underwatercowstupid DMCA07:29
Ademanunderwatercow: the DVD mafia has patents and such on what libdvdcss2 does, but of course, you already paid them when you bought windows (i assume you did) so morally, i see no problem with it07:29
DanaGIt shows disk space on separate filesystems as separate.07:29
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SeveredCrossAnyway, bedtime.07:29
SeveredCrossGoodnight everyone.07:29
=== DanaG can't use anything other than Amarok,
platmanactually, windows doesn't come with a decoder either07:29
underwatercowAdeman, I got Windows for free, but it was legal... so...07:29
underwatercowAdeman, lol07:30
DanaGfor the same reason as I can't use anything other than my iAudio.07:30
=== mallio [n=mallio@c-71-201-227-153.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
viniciusgood night07:30
Ademanplatman: hrm? then the dvd software that came with your dvd hardware?07:30
DanaGAmarok media keys don't work if the keys are also used in Gnome.07:30
DanaGTry going to the script manager and doing "find new scripts" -- for the gnome mmkeys thingy.07:30
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mjbrooksI need information on troubleshooting a laptop screen that won't go blank on inactivity in the final Feisty release, even though it was fine in the herd & beta. Anyone know a good link?07:31
platmanademan: yes, but a clean install comes with nothing at all, no mp3, no dvd, no anything07:31
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platmanOEM's add everything you need07:31
T0uCHhow can i enable OpenGL ?07:31
underwatercowthe DVD still has a... kinda grainy look... can that not be fixed?07:31
refeferhey guys, anyone know how to find out what resolutions the Intel 82945G graphics card supports?07:31
Ademanplatman: yeah, well either way, when you buy your computer, the way i see it, you've paid for the right to decrypt dvds07:32
DanaGIt should show a notification when you try to PLAY encrypted DVDs:07:32
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davo`so yea I installed the windows core fonts from add/remove software, but they dont seem to be showing up in firefox07:32
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thebillywaynethere needs to be a "how to make Ubuntu look cool" page.07:32
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:32
DanaG"Thanks to the DMCA, it is illegal in the US to distribute the library that enables DVD decryption."07:32
diabolikmachineT0uCH: what video card?07:33
Jh00T0uCH, which card do you have?07:33
AdemanT0uCH: what do you need to know?07:33
platmanthebilllywayne: there is, its call gnome-look07:33
DanaGThen say "search the web for 'ubuntu libdvdcss' to find out how to install it."07:33
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underwatercowAdeman, Platman: The video quality is still iffy. Is there no way to fix it?07:33
StryphCan anyone point me to a "How To" for installing the latest Nvidia Driver... Thanks in Advance ^_^07:33
DanaGUse Xine, and set video to XV.07:33
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Ademanthebillywayne: get the murrina theme engine, and some of the related themes, they're the best looking themes on any platform i've ever seen07:33
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lgcFlannel, if there's an entry on the synaptics list does it mean that it was installed through apt* ?07:33
T0uCHi got a e-GeForce 6200 LE ... and nobodys who helps was abble to help me install this card07:33
underwatercowDanaG, I'm using xine... how do I set it to XV?07:33
platmanmplayer should be playing it perfectly with libdvdcss2 installed07:33
thebillywayneplatman, I mean like, a howto.07:33
bloodMuffinDanaG: hm i scanned '/' how do i read how much space is available on my ext3 partition?07:34
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DanaGGo to the options; I don't remember where.07:34
DanaGSet options to advanced mode.07:34
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platmanwell the theme toolbar has an install them button on it07:34
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DanaGOh yeah, to scan just the one partition, you have to select it by name -- not just '/'.07:34
thebillywayneAdeman, thx.  i'll keep that in mind.07:34
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Ademanunderwatercow: well right click on mplayer and go to preferences, you can change the video out to xv, which apparently is good07:34
diabolikmachinebloodMuffin: i always just type "df -h" in a terminal.07:34
hobojohn3can i get some help with wireless in fiesty?07:34
platmanthebillywayne: i agree that it should be a lot easier07:34
StryphSpelling > Stryph07:34
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underwatercowAdeman: I can't select xv07:35
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underwatercowAdeman: well, I can, but it won't output07:35
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Jh00T0uCH, have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ?07:35
platmanuwcow: i have mine set to GL07:35
bloodMuffindiabolikmachine: o sweet that worked simple and easy to read07:35
anpiwhy the fuck doesn't ubuntu obey my dpi settings in any config file?07:36
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DanaG/dev/sda6 is my root, for example.07:36
tonyyarusso!ohmy | anpi07:36
ubotuanpi: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.07:36
diabolikmachineT0uCH: what does "lsmod | grep nvidia" say?07:36
Ademanunderwatercow: what video card do you have?07:36
anpisry, i'm getting a bit pissed with this07:36
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underwatercowplatman: I have it on gl too, quality might be a little better, but not much07:36
violator_how to remove beryl permanently?07:36
T0uCHi had try different way and with different people.. but this card still resist07:36
platmanviolator: sudo aptitude remove beryl07:36
Ademanviolator_: sudo apt-get purge?07:36
underwatercowademan, it's a cheapie I bought to tide me over. I'm planning on getting a new one soon. Mine now is an ATI Radeon X30007:37
diabolikmachineT0uCH: run that command i told you in a terminal07:37
T0uCHit says nothing07:37
Ademanunderwatercow: do you have the drivers installed? because i think xv depends on hardware mpeg decoding or something like that07:37
platmanuwcow: ok i see the problem. just blame it on ATI like everone else does07:37
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diabolikmachineT0uCH: you said you have an nvidia card?07:37
T0uCHi got nothing install right now.. because every time i set something i need to reset the Xorg to get in ubuntu07:37
underwatercowlol Ademan: I was thinking about it.07:38
T0uCHyes i have one07:38
frantictime to go to bed07:38
underwatercowthat was directed at you07:38
violator_why there is still menu in beryl at  applications?07:38
underwatercowAdeman: I have the restricted drivers that ubuntu offers installed07:38
diabolikmachineT0uCH: when you run lspci do you see something that sounds like your card?07:38
Ademanunderwatercow: and they're working correctly?07:39
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underwatercowAdeman: yes... though I can't do things like run Beryl07:39
Ademanwell that's ati's fault :-p07:39
underwatercowAdeman: at least not easily07:39
diabolikmachineT0uCH: lspci | grep VGA07:39
Ademanbut anywho, i dunno what's up with xv then07:39
concept10who says you cant run beryl on ATI?07:39
T0uCH01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0222 (rev a1)07:39
Ademanno one07:39
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underwatercowconcept10: I just said it wasn't easy07:40
Ademanbut xgl is an ugly hack and should never be used...by anyone...07:40
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platmanuwcow: do other videos other than DVD's look bad. like you know, videos that seafaring swashbucklers like to watch?07:40
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diabolikmachineT0uCH: cool.. run "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx" in a term.07:40
concept10you dont need XGL either07:40
concept10underwatercow: what card do you use?07:40
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underwatercowplatman: I don't have any handy, but when I did, they looked fine07:40
T0uCHit will fail to lunch the X server during the reboot07:40
underwatercowconcept10: the X30007:40
violator_do i have to reboot after beryl was uninstalled?07:40
T0uCHit does that anytime07:40
Ademanconcept10: of course you do... you either need indirect GLX or you need Xgl...07:40
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diabolikmachineT0uCH: it does right now?07:41
Lam_is a GeForce 5200 compatible with nvidia-glx-new or should i just use nvidia-glx?07:41
=== concept10 pulls out ati bag of tricks
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T0uCHno not right now07:41
platmanati is a bane on linux existence.  intel has to start opensourcing more of their graphics chipsets07:41
cafuegoLam_: nvidia-glx-new should be fine07:41
T0uCHbut now i had install07:41
Lam_cafuego: ok thanks :)07:41
synjetviolator: nope, you could just restart the x server by ctrl-alt-backspace07:42
underwatercowplatman... if I got a nicer card, preferably an nvidia, do you think that I would be able to play them better?07:42
silente#join roma07:42
Geoffrey2if an application needs glibc 2.2 or later, which c compiler in Ubuntu should I be using?07:42
platmanuwcow: maybe, the drivers are MUCH better. but it's not really a guarantee07:42
hobojohn3can i get some help with wireless in fiesty?07:42
T0uCHwhat is the next command after installing nvidia?07:42
underwatercowplatman: I'm wanting a new card anyway07:42
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platmanmy card is a fx5200, it's horrible, but everything runs smooth as hell07:42
diabolikmachineT0uCH: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:42
hobojohn3i cant connect to wireless even though it says i am07:42
Ademanati will get their act together when linux starts gaining a greater market share, and i honestly think that's happening, it seems every ubuntu release is bigger and bigger07:42
Jh00T0uCH, let us know if it worked ok?07:43
hobojohn3its not working07:43
=== hivemind [n=kasdaye@S010600179a9f2971.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
violator_so that's ctrl-alt-del of ubuntu?07:43
T0uCHok sorry07:43
platmanademan: heard about dell? it's looking good....07:43
Jh00Im interested in that problem, since I think I have a similar one at work07:43
Ademanoh yeah, i'm excited07:43
diabolikmachineT0uCH: then hit "ctrl-f" and search for "nv"07:43
synjetviolator: you arent rebooting the system.. just the x server07:43
underwatercowYou know how when you remove a program in synaptic, it installs many things, but doesn't always uninstall everything it installed when you remove it?07:43
violator_instant reboot07:43
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Ademani'm buying a dell once they do that, out of principle, and necessity... my current comps are getting outdated fast...07:44
diabolikmachineT0uCH: you should see a line like: Driver  "nv"07:44
underwatercowIs there program to clean that up? I know aptitude checks and removes unused when you uninstall07:44
platmanuwcow: sudo apt-get autoremove07:44
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underwatercowplatman: awesome, thanks07:44
T0uCHit doesnt want to run a search...07:44
platmanademan: i think dell will be my choice of laptop for a while07:44
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underwatercowstupid dell07:44
grayscaleQuestion: I want to upgrade to Feisty, but I'm starting from Dapper.  Will I have to go Dapper -> Edgy -> Feisty?07:44
platmanas soon as they release that is...07:44
eternaljoyanyone recommend a good Newsreader that supports SSL?07:45
joshjoshplatman, i'll wait to see what they charge.07:45
Faenturgrayscale, yes you will.07:45
underwatercowoh, actually... I have one last question before I go. Is anyone familiar with XDMCP?07:45
abasingrayscale, no, but i think it's better if you to in order07:45
platmanwell it cant be more expensive than say system7607:45
Ademangrayman: hahaha, you will have FUN doing that upgrade...07:45
platmanwhich i think overcharges07:45
diabolikmachineT0uCH: it doesn't find nv?07:45
T0uCHdiabolikmachine: can i search manualy in the text?07:45
diabolikmachineT0uCH: sure.07:45
violator_I was wondering if its now possible to emulate MS-DOS to run old games07:45
Faenturgrayscale, I just did it on both my laptop and desktop this weekend.  It's about 3 hours per upgrade, mostly to download all the packages07:46
diabolikmachineviolator_: dosbox07:46
graymanAdeman, grayscale?07:46
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T0uCHwhen i click on the search icon .. nothing happens...07:46
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underwatercowviolator_: there is a program called DosBox07:46
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diabolikmachineT0uCH: weird....07:46
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Ademangrayman: hrm?07:46
underwatercowviolator_:it works well07:46
=== DanaG likes HP,
=== NiTro [i=Nitrolin@ti541110a080-7665.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu
violator_i got truckloads of floppy disk here07:46
T0uCHphrase not found07:46
DanaG... and now that I have a Gateway as a gift (I had no choice of brand), I have to consider them, too.07:46
diabolikmachineT0uCH: search for "vesa" then.07:46
graymanAdeman, i think that you directed that answer to the wrong person :)07:47
underwatercowXDMCP? anyone?07:47
diabolikmachineit would be really wierd if you are using the vesa driver....07:47
FaenturT0uCH, what are you trying to do again?  Just so I can catch up.07:47
T0uCHyea there is07:47
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diabolikmachineT0uCH: ok, change vesa to nvidia07:47
Jh00Faentur, he is trying to install nvidia drivers for his Geforce 620007:47
T0uCHFaentur:  install a graphic card07:47
Ademangrayman: ah, you're right lol, stupid tab complete07:47
FaenturAH ok.  And you've got the vesa installed now?07:47
=== leagris [n=leagris_@lns-bzn-22-82-249-104-46.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jh00He is trying to locate in xorg.conf which driver is installed07:48
diabolikmachineT0uCH: ok.. now save the file, and close gedit07:48
Faentursearch for Screen07:48
=== rofest [n=rick@pool-71-119-193-178.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faenturit's in the Screen section07:48
grayscaleFaentur, thanks for the info :) maybe I'll do each step while I sleep07:48
grayscaleso I'm not just sitting here antsy between upgrades07:49
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Faenturgrayscale, that's what I did.  And went to the movies. :)07:49
diabolikmachineT0uCH: ok.. now cross youre finger, and press ctr+alt+backspace. it will log you out. come back and tell us if it worked.07:49
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underwatercowAnyone? XDMCP? Going once, going twice? help?07:49
T0uCHok ill come back ...07:49
=== ceil`idlerpg [n=ceil@71-11-245-60.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoyanyone recommend a good Newsreader that supports SSL?07:49
Faenturunderwatercow, I'm afraid I don't know what XDMCP is ;(07:49
frandavid100can someone tell me how to reset my panels / menu to factory defaults?07:49
underwatercowFaentur: it's for remote login07:50
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ceil`idlerpgwho can help me with a severe nvidia driver 'issue'? and please don't !nvidia me, because i have no graphics right now07:50
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ChinaForgeHello,I Rdesktop can't run,Error Promtp:"core dumped",Why?07:50
diabolikmachinedarn... i guess it didn't work for him...07:50
Faenturfrandavid100, you'll need to remove your .gconf, .gnome, .nautilus, or .metacity files in your home dir: I forget which.07:50
ceil`idlerpgwhen i rebooted after using that devil's tool called Envy, it said i need nvidia kernel 1.0-9755, but i have 1.0-963107:51
Jh00ceil`idlerpg, perhaps it would be better if you just ask away :-)07:51
Kassahwhere would I find a good place to get Fiesty Fawn Torrent?07:51
ceil`idlerpghow do i get the kernel that i apparently need?07:51
underwatercowI would suggest the ubuntu.com site07:51
Jh00Kassah, on the mirrors page07:51
underwatercowlol, I believe they have a torrent link07:51
frandavid100Faentur: but that would screw lots of other settings right?07:51
concept10underwatercow: I cant find the page, but im sure that your card is properly supported.  But I wasnt around to see your exact problem07:51
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crdlbceil`idlerpg, are you on feisty?07:51
ceil`idlerpgcrdlb, yeah07:51
underwatercowconcept10: i haven't tried doing much to get it to work07:51
ceil`idlerpgcrdlb, currently without a GUI tho -_-07:51
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underwatercowconcept10: it doesn't work automatically though07:51
Jh00Kassah, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors07:52
Kassahsweet... thanks07:52
Faenturfrandavid100, yes.  You'd need to find the panel stuff and remove it: then log out with the vulcan death grip.  It will rebuild your files with the default settings.07:52
Faenturfrandavid100, gimme a minute, I'll see if I can find it07:52
crdlbceil`idlerpg, well uninstall with envy first of all07:52
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frandavid100thanks a lot Faentur07:52
diabolikmachinei guess t0uch's video card didn't work....07:52
ceil`idlerpgcrdlb, i don't know how :( i just used it's GUI to "automatically install" nvidia's driver07:52
underwatercowconcept10: someone said they got an nvidia and beryl worked right out of the box07:53
ceil`idlerpg(which apparently didn't work out too well)07:53
concept10underwatercow: okay.  I thought you did alot of work to get it installed instead of clicking a checkbox :)  I have'nt tried the desktop-effects but beryl works fine on my 3 year old laptop07:53
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eternaljoyI cant believe Ubuntu doesnt have at least one newsreader that supports SSL07:53
Jh00diabolikmachine, hmmm that would be unfortunate07:53
underwatercowconcept10: I don't have the desire to try too hard to get it to work, lol... I want it to just WORK!07:53
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-112-3-166.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbceil`idlerpg, try just running it: envy07:53
platmaneternaljoy: pan doesn't support ssl?07:53
crdlbceil`idlerpg, it should drop back into text mode07:53
=== T0uCH [n=j00p@bas7-montreal02-1096626796.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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concept10underwatercow: I understand.  it's really easy to install though.07:53
=== ceil`idlerpg hits ctrl+alt+F2 and tries there
KassahJh00: thanks07:53
T0uCHdiabolikmachine:  it doesnt work07:54
Faenturfrandavid100, it's in BOTH .gconf and .gnome2.  Arrgh!  Gnome is so complicated!07:54
Jh00welcome back T0uCH07:54
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underwatercowconcept: I installed it, but it wouldn't work without changes at least07:54
DanaG!info nvidia-glx-new07:54
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.9755+ (feisty), package size 4719 kB, installed size 14400 kB07:54
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ceil`idlerpgcrdlb, i suppose i should "uninstall nvidia driver"?07:54
ceil`idlerpgwtf @ nick07:54
diabolikmachineT0uCH: i take it it didn't work?07:54
underwatercowsudo apt-get autoremove is my new favorite command07:54
=== ceil`idlerpg is now known as ceil420
eternaljoyplatman, Pan doesnt support SSL.  surprinsing07:54
Faenturfrandavid100, try this: locate panel | grep <your_user_name>  from your home directory.07:54
diabolikmachineT0uCH: it took you a while to come back...07:54
eternaljoyplatman, know any that does?07:54
concept10underwatercow: that command could be dangerous to your health07:55
platmaneternaljoy: wow, it has so many features, i thought that one was a gimme07:55
commonlyUNIQU3quick Beagle question - does anyone know how to find out the progress of the beagled "indexer" (e.g. HOW LONG UNTIL IT FINISHES BUILDING THE INDEX!!) ??  Thanx07:55
FaenturT0uCH, what happened?07:55
underwatercowlol, how's that concept10?07:55
T0uCHyeah i know.. i need to reboot in safe mode07:55
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platmaneternaljoy: sorry can't think of any07:55
ceil420crdlb, or "clean the installation of nvidia driver"?07:55
ChinaForgeHello,My Rdesktop can't run after update,Error Promtp:"core dumped",Why?07:55
=== Hitman_Forhire [n=Morphin3@74-130-87-210.dhcp.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== ceil420 's leaning towards "uninstall"
diabolikmachineT0uCH: weird.. did you get an error that made any sense?07:55
=== mojo [n=mojo@c-68-52-116-85.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbceil420, uninstall sounds nice, but I'm not sure07:55
underwatercowWhat's the directory that apt-get, or aptitude, or whatever stores files? I was told to keep it clean to save disk space. Anyone know what I'm talking about?07:55
T0uCHand do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg .. and then i can come back07:56
mojocan someone tell me what these errors mean?  http://www.pastebin.ca/45290607:56
ceil420screw it, uninstall sounds bloody golden07:56
=== xander [n=janne@a91-154-13-43.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
concept10underwatercow: say for example you remove a metapackage like ubuntu-desktop, autoremove could suggest to remove other packages you dont need defined in that metapackage.. and desktop gone07:56
Faenturunderwatercow, use 'apt-get clean'07:56
T0uCHyes there is a messahe..07:56
ceil420can't get any worse anyway ;x07:56
synjetunderwatercow: /var/cache07:56
ksosezokay i have just run into the strangest bug i have ever seen...it involves 1) feisty fawn 2) radeon drivers 3) Radeon Mobility X600 4) adobe flash player 9.0 4) any flash video.....the result is the screen goes crazy..as if its over heating or being disconnected with everything going blurry etc but if i manage to stop playing the flash video it recovers...anyone see this?07:56
=== [Unix-Like] [n=[Unix-Li@BHE200139190017.res-com.wayinternet.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
ceil420that was kinda quick for a driver uninstallation07:56
[Unix-Like] hello07:56
ceil420i'm not sure it failed07:56
underwatercowconcept10: is that likely to hapepn?07:56
T0uCHimpossible to start the x server wrong configuration07:57
diabolikmachineT0uCH: thats unusual.. altho i think i remember having to use a different version of the driver for my 6200...07:57
ceil420but it sent me back to the menu without letting me see what all it did07:57
crdlbceil420, see if you can run the clean option too07:57
platmaneternaljoy: supposedly binbot handles ssl. but i think it's fecal matter07:57
ceil420(i seriously don't like envy)07:57
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crdlbceil420, lol then why did you run it?07:57
underwatercowFaentur, synjet: thanks07:57
concept10underwatercow: it could if you use is blindly and not pay attention to the packages07:57
FaenturT0uCH, what did you /etc/X11/xorg.conf file say?07:57
underwatercowconcept10: true. It tells what it is going to remove though07:57
underwatercowconcept10: so just don't be stupid about it07:57
ceil420crdlb, because opengl or whatever wasn't working, and someone on the forums suggested it, and it seemed to have worked for someone else07:57
Faenturheh.  "youR"07:57
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eternaljoyplatman, fecal?07:57
diabolikmachineFaentur: i told him to replace "vesa" with "nvidia", but its weird that it wasn't using "nv" to start off with.07:58
eternaljoyplatman, used Stunnel?07:58
ceil420i didn't know it'd install the wrong damn nvidia kernel ;x07:58
platmaneternaljoy: yeah as in a POS. plus i think it is only for binaries... which is all i use it for anyway07:58
Faenturceil420, envy killed me, I had to uninstall.07:58
=== arrenlex [n=em@S01060040052da362.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrenlexWhat else in the repositories edits odt, besides kword, abiword and oowriter?07:58
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frandavid100Faentur: /home/david/.gconf/apps/panel/applets      /home/david/.gconf/apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel07:58
crdlbceil420, that's not the probem, it's getting confused about which module to use07:58
T0uCHFaentur:  i am not able to read these files07:58
frandavid100guess that's what I'd have to remove07:58
=== Schalken [n=jesse@C-59-101-153-95.mel.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
underwatercowActually... I tried removing bittorrent, and it automatically will uninstall ubuntu-desktop... anyone else know that? lol07:58
FaenturT0uCH, not even with sudo?07:58
crdlbceil420, you have all three modules (7184,9631, and 9755)07:58
ceil420Faentur, at least i'm not the only one :(07:58
platmaneternaljoy: nope i have never used stunnel07:59
Schalkenis there a way to reset gnome's keyboard shortcuts?07:59
platmanuwcow: yup i was surprised by that also07:59
=== LaszloKv [n=dave@pool-151-197-219-9.phil.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faenturceil420, yeah.  T0uCH is going through it now.07:59
T0uCHFaentur:  sorry i mean understandin07:59
mojothese errors keep coming up on my console periodically, but i haven't been able to figure out what causes them (or what the effect is).  very strange....  http://www.pastebin.ca/45290607:59
ceil420crdlb, i don't know what that means :X07:59
crdlbceil420, what card do you have?07:59
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ChinaForgeHello,My Rdesktop can't run after update,Error Promtp:"core dumped",Why?07:59
underwatercowplatman: any idea why that is? lol07:59
platmani just redirected firefox to point to transmission instead07:59
ceil420crdlb, GeForce FX 520007:59
FaenturT0uCH, do this for me: dpkg -l | grep nv07:59
ceil420crdlb, not new, but not legacy08:00
crdlbceil420, then install the package: nvidia-glx-new08:00
platmanuwcow: no clue. luckily, the torrent application is tiny and not obstrusive08:00
FaenturT0uCH, I think there will be a lot of stuff, but at least we'll know what nvidia packages you have installed08:00
T0uCHyes there is a lot08:00
underwatercowDoes anyone have a suggestion on a good nvidia card that will play games that are coming out this year, and will work well for future games for a year or two?08:00
LaszloKvWould someone be able to help me with setting up a shared folder with samba?  Right now I'm having a problem with giving the right permissions to the drive it's on.08:00
diabolikmachineFaentur: he has nvidia-glx installed.08:00
underwatercowI need to do research, but first hand experience is better08:00
platmanuwcow: 8800GTX08:00
Faenturdiabolikmachine, ok, then.08:00
crdlblol I was going to say the same08:00
underwatercowplatman: estimated cost?08:01
T0uCHdiabolikmachine:  but i tried with all the package for nvidia...08:01
crdlbunderwatercow, arm and a leg08:01
eternaljoyplatman, how do you change 4 connections to 10 in Pan?08:01
platman2 DAMN MUCH08:01
=== CodeImp [n=dont@s55910c2b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu
ceil420crdlb, i "accidentally" (read: stupidly) did 'clean nvidia installation' after that untrustworthy removal (damn envy for not telling me what it did!), so it's currently installing something else, which i'll immediately remove when it's done08:01
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underwatercowcrdlb, platman: lol... that's encouraging... DX10?08:01
frandavid100thanks for your help Faentur, gonna kill the session, see if it worked08:01
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platmanuwcow:  yessir08:01
Faenturdiabolikmachine, T0uCH, it should look like this: Section "Screen"08:01
Faentur        Identifier      "Default Screen"08:01
Faentur        Device          "NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] "08:01
underwatercowplatman, so I'm guessing by that, 400-500?08:01
FaenturT0uCH, only with your card name08:01
crdlbceil420, it's installing someting?08:02
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eternaljoyanyone here use Pan?08:02
lgcWhat's the command to find out about the libraries some executable links to?08:02
diabolikmachineFaentur: device name is of no significance.08:02
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platmaneternaljoy: i'm not sure, this pan is brand new, they moved some stuff arounf08:02
platmanuwcow: try 60008:02
Faenturdiabolikmachine, yes, but it's pretty.  ;}08:02
ceil420crdlb, i just removed whatever it was; what was that package called again? nvidia-glx-new?08:02
underwatercowplatman... I also don't think I can get a discount on it since nvidia doesn't offer accommodations, and we don't sell it at my store so I get no employee discount08:02
crdlbceil420, yes08:02
platmani get it at discount08:02
Helmimorning guys08:02
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T0uCHFaentur:  i dont see this in my screen08:03
platmanbut i would never purchase it. i have a wii :P08:03
underwatercowplatman: how so?08:03
underwatercowplatman: lol... not much of a console game08:03
ceil420crdlb, that's set to replace nvidia-glx (which sounds like a good plan)08:03
lgcldd, thanks everyone!08:03
FaenturT0uCH, do you have a device line?08:03
platmani work for a very large online electronics retailer08:03
diabolikmachineso... i'm new to this debian/ubuntu stuff... apt-get install build-deps installs all the headers needed to build something... correct?08:03
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crdlbceil420, envy left nvidia-glx installed?08:03
=== darkkanga [n=darkkang@tok69-5-82-235-148-39.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
platmanthink of a large cat and it going DIRECTLY towards you08:03
T0uCHin  dpkg -l | grep nv08:03
Helmii just mounted a smb share via fstab/smbfs08:04
Faenturcrdlb, it did on my machine.08:04
ceil420crdlb, apparently so. i wouldn't recommend that damn program to my worst enemy ;x08:04
=== roachk71 [n=kelly@216-67-52-38-cdsl-rb1.sol.acsalaska.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbceil420, yeah remove nvidia-glx08:04
FaenturT0uCH, no, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:04
crdlband use nvidia-glx-new08:04
=== ceil420 's doing so o/
Helmiit works great so far but i have problems downloading files to it with firefox. firefox just doesn't seem to start the download. any ideas?08:04
eternaljoyanyone know how to change 4 connections to 10 connections in Pan?08:04
diabolikmachineT0uCH: have you used this card in another OS before?08:04
=== Evil_Shenanigans [n=null@220-253-129-16.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
underwatercow8800GTX is very pricey08:04
T0uCHonly in windows08:04
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ceil420crdlb, while i'm waiting for that install, you know a way to check which flavour of ubuntu you have currently installed? cos oddly enough, i saw the Edubuntu splash screen both on shut-down and re-start08:05
diabolikmachineT0uCH: thats what i meant.. i just wanted to make sure it worked.08:05
ceil420and i'm on Xubuntu o_O08:05
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ceil420(or ought to be)08:05
=== denis [n=denis@C-59-100-118-76.bri.connect.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
FaenturT0uCH, it should work.  We've got the nVidia 14K cards in our machines at work, and they're ok.  Of course that's Red Hat, but we install the driver from their website08:05
crdlbceil420, heh it doesn't really matter though, but I don't08:05
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eternaljoyI cant believe Ubuntu doesnt have at least one newsreader that supports SSL08:05
T0uCHSection "Device"08:06
T0uCH Identifier "Generic Video Card"08:06
T0uCH Driver  "vesa" ?08:06
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ceil420eh as long as i'm still doin Xfce instead of Gnome08:06
diabolikmachineceil420: you probably installed "edubuntu-desktop" package...08:06
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=== ceil420 checks on teh second... whatever alt+ctrl+F2 is called
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underwatercowdear God! $700!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!08:06
FaenturT0uCH, yeah, that "Driver" line is wrong I think - diabolikmachine, you concur?08:06
FaenturYou need to change "vesa" to "nvidia"08:06
underwatercowis there a cheaper card? lol08:07
diabolikmachineFaentur: we tried changing it and X wouldn't start.08:07
Jh00what about nv?08:07
=== cowbud [n=Jamius@pool-71-245-101-239.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ceil420last line is "setting up nvidia-glx-new (1.0.9755)", which is totally what i needed08:07
platmanuwcow: yea there are GTS versions of that crd08:07
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ceil420crdlb, is there anything else i need to do?08:07
Faenturdiabolikmachine, T0uCH, oh, I missed that.  Yeah, try "nv"08:07
diabolikmachinenv would at least give 2d accel...08:07
ceil420diabolikmachine, you're probably right, i remember installed stuff to get more themes 'n' whatnot08:07
PoofDaddyHow do I get the diagnostic message from NetworkManager indicating why I can't connect to wireless on Feisty?08:07
FaenturT0uCH, assuming you have it installed.08:07
Jh00change "vesa" to "nv"08:07
crdlbceil420, hopefully it'll work on reboot08:07
diabolikmachineor maybe nvidia-glx-new?08:07
=== bryan [n=bryan@pool-71-109-218-32.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ferronicanetwork service discovery disabled. your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. the service has been disabled.08:07
FaenturWhich is what the output of that dpkg command I gave you will tell you, T0uCH08:08
T0uCHsave and quit?08:08
arrenlexWhat else in the repositories edits odt, besides kword, abiword and oowriter?08:08
crdlbceil420, one thing that may be good is to purge and reinstall your restricted modules (command coming up)08:08
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ferronicaNetwork service discovery disabled. Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. the service has been disabled.08:08
Jh00T0uCH, yes08:08
FaenturT0uCH, yes, then run 'startx' and see what happens08:08
underwatercowI just can't justify $700 for a graphics card08:08
diabolikmachinehe is in x now08:08
=== ceil420 waits a bit
umopMy samba shareds are not mounting for some reason how can i find the error08:08
MajorApushow do I disable force checks of disks during reboot08:08
=== legind [n=legind@c-71-232-7-57.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Faenturdiabolikmachine, OH!  Man, I'm really confused!08:09
crdlbceil420, sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:09
T0uCHfaetur paste bin?08:09
crdlbceil420, then reinstall linux-generic08:09
underwatercowplatman: what is different on the GTS?08:09
Faenturdiabolikmachine, I thought T0uCH didn't have X at all.08:09
=== hanzomon4 [n=hanzomon@adsl-153-80-116.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
crdlbceil420, assuming you're using a -generic kernel08:09
diabolikmachineFaentur: he reconfigured x and rebooted.08:09
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platmanuwcow: lower performance. the 8800 GTX is the undisputed king of video cards right now08:09
billfuranyone here familiar with multilib?08:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:09
bryanis frantic still around/busy?08:09
underwatercowplatman: I just need someone that is modest, but good... I don't need the best of the best08:10
Faenturdiabolikmachine, ok.  But the wrong drivers are still installed.  Hmm.08:10
ceil420crdlb, yes, i am (ignore this, i need to look back at it so i don't need to PgUp ->)sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)08:10
platmanuwcosw: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681413319308:10
Lathiatferronica: http://www.avahi.org/wiki/AvahiAndUnicastDotLocal08:10
diabolikmachineFaentur: i think he is just having a compatability issue, the nvidia drivers are not flawless.08:10
bryani need help on installing a printer onto fiesty08:10
=== NemesisD [n=michael@c-71-227-210-155.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FaenturT0uCH, diabolikmachine, have you run Symantic and searched for vesa and nvidia to confirm what's installed and what isn't?08:10
Faenturdiabolikmachine, I think you're probably right.08:10
bryanis there anyone available to help me with this issue08:11
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NemesisDthis kis kind of a basic question but something is using up 100% of my clock cycles, how would I go about finding out what process is doing that and killing it (sys monitor is no help)08:11
ferronicaLathiat: I have just changed LAN CARD after that i got this error08:11
underwatercowplatman: thanks... that's a bit more in my price range, lol08:11
FaenturNemesisD, start with 'top'08:11
diabolikmachineT0uCH: so.. currently you have Driver set to "nv" correct?08:11
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NemesisDargh its mysqld_safe08:12
T0uCHin the text08:12
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ceil420crdlb, that's gonna remove "linux-generic*", "linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-15-generic*", and "linux-restricted-modules-generic*"; does that look right?08:12
underwatercowHow hard is it to print to a networked printer anyway?08:12
diabolikmachineT0uCH: ok.. try alt+ctrl+backspace again.. if that driver doesn't work... i don't know what to tell you.08:12
umopMy samba shareds are not mounting for some reason how can i find the error, the permission get broekn on the dir i'm mounting to, they are '?---------  ? ?      ?          ?   ?'08:12
crdlbceil420, yes, just reinstall linux-generic to put them back08:12
NemesisDFaentur, killed it, thanks!08:13
ceil420crdlb, ok *taps "Y" and hits enter*08:13
ferronicaLathiat: what i do now?08:13
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T0uCHdo i need to check or uncheck the nvidia case in the menu?08:13
FaenturYou're welcome, NemesisD08:13
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ceil420crdlb, that looks like it's going to reinstall all three :o08:13
ceil420crdlb, is that right?08:14
FaenturT0uCH, which menu are you looking at?08:14
crdlbceil420, yes linux-generic pulls them in08:14
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crdlbceil420, now reboot and pray08:14
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T0uCHsystem.. manager.. and .. in dont know in english .. looks like private driver manager..08:14
umopMy samba shares are not mounting for some reason how can i find the error, the permission get broken on the dir i'm mounting to, they are '?---------  ? ?      ?          ?   ?'08:14
ferronicaNetwork service discovery disabled. Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. the service has been disabled.08:14
T0uCHsystem administration*08:15
ceil420crdlb, now for my stupidest question yet (please go easy on me, i've never used the CLI so extensively), but how do i reboot? :x08:15
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crdlbceil420, ctrl+alt+delete08:15
diabolikmachineok.. i need to restart...08:15
umopshutdown -r now08:15
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crdlbthat doesn't work on ubuntu?08:15
FaenturT0uCH, gotcha, the restricted drivers manager.  Yeah, mine's checked on08:15
umopits not a nice way to shutdown08:15
crdlbdoesn't it just do the same thing?08:16
=== ceil420 shutdown -r's
FaenturT0uCH, is yours green and "in use"?08:16
umopespecially with the changed that were made08:16
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underwatercowdoes ctrl+alt+esc not let you force quit anymore in feisty?08:16
platmanim pretty sure sudo reboot works as well08:16
ceil420crdlb, if i don't make it back, tell yourself i said thanks, and mourn the death of my graphics card, which is likely to be roasting on a spit08:16
T0uCHfaentur... no my system is never rebooting under this condition yet08:16
=== ceil420 crosses fingers and shutdown -r's
FaenturT0uCH, well, that sucks.08:17
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T0uCHi always got a blue screen who tell me my x server.....08:17
T0uCHa bit yeah08:17
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bryancan anyone please help me figure out how to install this dell printer?08:17
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FaenturT0uCH, not configured correctly, right?  and asks you if you want to view the output.08:17
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T0uCHyeah exactly08:17
root__anyone recommend a good dark contrast theme?08:17
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FaenturT0uCH, I had that yesterday.  I'm trying to remember how I fixed it...08:18
platmanbryan: what brand of printer is it REALLY?08:18
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T0uCHFaentur:  ok08:18
FaenturT0uCH, I'm pretty sure I installed nvidia-glx - which I understand you have already.08:18
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umopT0uCH, it means your card isnt configured, propably the driver, have you been changing xorg.conf?08:18
underwatercowanyway.. .I'm taking off now... thanks to platman, Ademan, DanaG, concept10, and everyone else who helped me tonight!08:18
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Jh00hmm, time to say good night08:18
platmanlater uwcow08:19
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Ademanseeyah underwatercow08:19
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T0uCHumop:  maybe08:19
FaenturT0uCH, when you ran dpkg -l | grep nvidia: you should have like four things:08:19
T0uCHi got glx and glx-dev08:19
dark112anyone have an recommendations for a dark theme?08:20
bryani do not know08:20
bryanlet me google that, i thought i did to no avail...but...08:20
eternaljoyanyone recommend a good Newsreader that supports SSL?08:20
T0uCHFaentur:  yes08:20
FaenturT0uCH, run lsmod and tell me if you see nvidia in the list08:20
eternaljoyanyone recommend a good Newsreader that supports SSL and Multiple Connections?08:20
dark112eternaljoy pan08:20
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umopdark112, for gnome?08:20
eternaljoydark112, Pan doesnt support more than 4 connectons and doesnt support SSL08:20
dark112umop, yeah08:20
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dark112yeah, i probably shouldnt be recommending anything to anyone haha, i've been a linux user for three days now08:21
FaenturT0uCH, it might be easier to do 'lsmod | grep nvidia' :)08:21
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eternaljoydark112, LOL08:21
hohohello t08:21
dark112would be nice to find a newsreader that supported 8 connections though08:21
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sluimersI have problems with vmware, eclipse, aptitude and synaptic manager, could anyone help me with this?08:21
eternaljoydark112, ty for trying :)  but Pan is not good for me, doesnt support SSL and doesnt support 10 connectins08:21
umopdark112, have you looked at art.gnome.org08:21
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T0uCHFaentur:  no there is no nvidia08:22
Lathiatferronica:  http://www.avahi.org/wiki/AvahiAndUnicastDotLocal08:22
FaenturOK!  the kernel module isn't loading, T0uCH!! now we're getting somewhere! :)08:22
dark112eternaljoy, dont you find that no matter how many connections you can make, its still going to make out your connection?08:22
platmandark112: quite the swashbuckler you are mate-y08:22
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FaenturT0uCH, did you see nvidia-kernel in the list from the dpkg command?08:22
platmani would LOVE more connections08:23
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crdlbthat's a no?08:23
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ceil420that's a no08:23
T0uCHFaentur:  which one?08:23
ceil420different error message tho08:23
crdlbceil420, that's actually good08:23
FaenturT0uCH, dpkg -l | grep nvidia08:23
crdlbceil420, what is it?08:23
sluimersI have problems with vmware, eclipse, aptitude and synaptic manager, could anyone help me with this? First of all aptitude and SPM keep saying any program I want to instal isn't authenticated.08:23
ceil420"API mismatch: nvidia kernel module has 1.0-7184, X module has 1.0-9755. make sure they match"08:23
T0uCHFaentur:  i see kernel common08:23
Helmidownloading files to a smbfs share doesn't work in firefox - downloading in a cifs share works fine - anyone knows why?08:24
ceil420(took me so long to restart cos i was writing that down)08:24
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dark112i used to use bnr2 for windows, and whether i was using 4 or 8 connections, still maxed out08:24
FaenturT0uCH, should have nvidia-glx, nvidia-kernel-<version>, nvidia-kernel-common maybe, and maybe nvidia-kernel-source08:24
ceil420ugh? why ugh? :(08:24
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crdlbceil420, because it's not supposed to do that08:24
ceil420i don't suppose this is something easily reparable with a quick edit of xorg.conf? :(08:24
eternaljoydark112, what? LOL08:24
sluimersI have problems with vmware, eclipse, aptitude and synaptic manager, could anyone help me with this? First of all aptitude and SPM keep saying any program I want to instal isn't authenticated. Second of all, I reinstalled eclipse and now refuses to work.08:24
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eternaljoydark112, I get 10 connections and its faster than 1 or 408:24
crdlbceil420, it's using the kernel module for nvidia-glx-legacy08:24
eternaljoydark112, 10 simultanous connections08:24
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dark112eternaljoy, and we're talking for usenets here?08:25
ceil420why on earth would it be doing that? ;x08:25
oem_hey guys08:25
FaenturT0uCH, do you use apt-get or synaptic manager?08:25
=== ceil420 seriously, seriously, has a grudge against Envy
T0uCHFaentur:  synaptic08:25
fictionwhich folder is the current is the current theme im using located? (the icons, etc)08:25
FaenturT0uCH, you said the search wasn't working, though, right?  does it work now?08:25
sluimersI have problems with vmware, eclipse, aptitude and synaptic manager, could anyone help me with this? First of all aptitude and SPM keep saying any program I want to instal isn't authenticated. Second of all, I reinstalled eclipse and now refuses to work. Thirdly, vmware-player refuses to be installed correctly and refuses to be deinstallled08:25
snapwhenever i hit printscreen the darn thing not only takes one screencap it wont stop taking them08:25
T0uCHooo.. right now you mean08:25
T0uCHno i am in the terminal08:26
crdlbceil420, look in the file /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common08:26
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FaenturT0uCH, are you on feisty?08:26
crdlbceil420, and see what DISABLED_MODULES is set to08:26
T0uCHFaentur:  yes08:26
oem_i typed in sudo chmod -R u+rwx /root/.*08:26
oem_am i boned?08:26
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dark112eternaljoy, have you tried bnr2? i just dont know how to install it on linux =p08:26
oem_i can't sudo anymore08:26
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sluimersI have problems with vmware, eclipse, aptitude and synaptic manager, could anyone help me with this? First of all aptitude and SPM keep saying any program I want to instal isn't authenticated. Second of all, I reinstalled eclipse and now refuses to work. Thirdly, vmware-player refuses to be installed correctly and refuses to be deinstallled. I am using feisty.08:26
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T0uCHbut the synaptic works..08:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bnr2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:27
ceil420lol caps lock doesn't work in here08:27
ceil420crdlb, DISABLED_MODULES=""08:27
dark112its a good program08:27
dark112check it out08:27
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dark112def supports atleast 8 connections for windows atleast, and i know theres a linux release08:27
FaenturT0uCH, try searching for nvidia and tell me what's got a green box (i.e. is installed already)08:27
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mwesluimers: as for vmware refusing to deinstal, can you try sudo apt-get remove vmware-player or whatever the name is at the terminal and tell me the error?08:27
dark112binanry news reaper208:28
ferronicahow to use #demonoid channel08:28
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Parmenionhey guys08:28
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oem_hey guys, my sudo doesn't work anymore...08:29
bullgard4I downloaded the file ubuntu-multimedia-gnome_7.04-5_i386.deb from http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/feisty-seveas/seveas-meta/. In what directory should I put it?08:29
aslanhello, have anyone setup xen in feisty ?08:29
T0uCHnvidia-glx   nvidia-glx-dev    nvidia kernel common Faentur08:29
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ceil420i can't even set up nvidia in feisty -_-08:29
xSUSHixHow do I disable the window zoom effect that happens when I launch a program ?08:29
Parmeniona question, can I delete folders which ive used to install applications ?08:29
ceil420and people keep tellin' me it's the linux-friendly card08:29
mwebullgard4: you shouldn't download a .deb. you should add the mirror and install with apt-get or synaptic08:29
aslanbullgard4: I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but if you want ot install it try running sudo dpkg -i /path/to/ubuntu-multimedia-gnome_*.deb08:29
FaenturT0uCH, ok, you need the nvidia-kernel-2.6.2 as well.08:30
aslanceil420: really? nvidia was easy for me.08:30
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FaenturT0uCH, you need the kernel modules08:30
mweaslan: they're not meant to be downloaded manually, though.08:30
platmandark112: bnr2 does indeed have a linux client...08:30
crdlbceil420, clearly envy is still interfering :(08:30
bullgard4mwe, aslan: I need to think about your answers.08:30
aslanmwe: yes that's true, most of the time08:30
Parmenioneg, ive taken a driver from /home/~/Desktop?wireless for ndiswrapper . Can i delete it ?08:30
ceil420aslan, i'm currently using a CLI, because it's not easy for me ;x08:30
xSUSHixceil420 my friend runs nvidia and couldnt get the driver to work using feisty's new driver gui thingy       installing the old fashion way works great08:30
oem_@ Parmenion sudo chmod 777 /yourfolder08:30
mweaslan: it's true all of the time for the seveas repos08:30
oem_then you can delete it08:30
ceil420xSUSHix, i don't know the old fashion wayc08:31
aslanmwe: yes that's true, sorry didn't read his whole question I guess.08:31
T0uCHnvidia kernel source? nvidia new kernel source??08:31
ceil420crdlb, so what? sudo apt-get remove envy?08:31
ceil420crdlb, is there a sudo apt-get burn-in-hellfire command? -_-08:31
mwe!seveas | bullgard408:31
ubotubullgard4: Seveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages08:31
crdlbceil420, that wouldn't help, it's what envy's done, not the fact that it's installed08:31
dark112platman, yeah bnr2 is good08:31
dark112but shhhh08:32
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aslananyone here know how to setup Xen in feisty ?08:32
FaenturT0uCH, I have nvidia-kernel-2.6.20-15-386 AND the kernel-source packages installed08:32
ceil420crdlb, i don't suppose you know how to undo it's daemonic work? ;x08:32
xSUSHixceil420 : sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx08:32
T0uCHFaentur:  there is only  : kernel source.. kernel legacy source...08:32
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xSUSHixceil420 : sudo nvidia-glx-config enable08:32
platmandark112: the first rule of fight club...., right?08:32
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ceil420again with the different nvidia packages lol08:32
sluimersmwe, did you get the message?08:32
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xSUSHixceil420 and thats it08:32
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mwesluimers: no08:32
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ceil420xSUSHix, just to make sure, you sure i don't need nvidia-glx-new? because i just installed that earlier08:32
xSUSHixceil420 that one works on all my nvidia machines and my friends08:33
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crdlbceil420, you can use either08:33
ceil420for my GeForce FX 520008:33
sluimersmwe, ah, odd, I thought I opened a private dialog with you08:33
xSUSHixceil420 : well if that doesnt work then use the regular one i guess08:33
mwesluimers: only registered users can send private messages08:33
ceil420xSUSHix, i had the 'regular' one at the start of my woes :x08:33
FaenturT0uCH, huh?  there should be just nvidia-kernel right above nvidia-kernel-common.  OH!  hang on - it's probably universe, let me look08:33
=== ceil420 hits PgUp to get that second command
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sluimersah, where can I send the code then? I know there's a site for it08:33
sluimerscan't remember the name08:34
mwe!paste | sluimers08:34
ubotusluimers: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:34
ceil420oh my08:34
T0uCHFaentur:  ok08:34
xSUSHixHow do I disable the window zoom effect thingy that happens when I launch a program ?08:34
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xSUSHix!hi | oem_08:35
ubotuoem_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:35
mwexSUSHix: I haven't noticed that effect08:35
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ceil420"Error: Your X configuration has been altered. The script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe this is not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following command..."08:35
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ceil420"otherwise edit xorg.conf from "nv" to "nvidia"08:35
xSUSHixmwe : like open firefox from a launcher - notice the box that appears and expands before firefox is loaded08:35
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xSUSHixmwe : its a gnome thing08:35
sluimersvme, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17359/08:36
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sluimersmwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17359/08:36
=== ceil420 looks at xorg.conf
fictionwhich folder is the current is the current theme im using located? (the icons, etc)08:36
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mwexSUSHix: odd I don08:36
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mwexSUSHix: odd I don't get that. only if i minimize a window08:36
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xSUSHixmwe : well wherever that effect is found in configuration - the maximize one is probably there too =\08:36
sethrdWhat is a GNOME thing?08:36
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FaenturT0uCH, It looks like it's main.  Maybe because I already have it installed.  In symantic, go to Settings->Repositories and tell me if you've got them all checked on (Main, Multiverse, Universe, and Restricted)08:36
MindOfChaosyay so08:36
hanzomon4mwe: I turned it off08:37
MindOfChaosUbuntu 7.04 actually works with my computer08:37
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ceil420xSUSHix, i already have the "nvidia" driver selected in xorg.conf. should i do the md5sum update command thing?08:37
MindOfChaosFirst linux that has been able to run this computer08:37
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mwexSUSHix: yeah. I didn't change anything. did you poke about in the menus?08:37
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crdlbceil420, this is kind of a longshot but try this: sudo lrm-manager08:37
MindOfChaosNo Kernel panic or any thing :D08:37
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T0uCHFaentur:  ok08:37
=== ceil420 tries that
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denisHI Guys as a newby to Ubuntu 7.04, I have installed avg from their web site ( avg75fld-r45-a0973.i386.deb, it installed automatically, however it wont update says I havent permissiomn, and doesnt auto start, if I start it manually its in tha accessories folder it seems to run ok, any ideas how to get it to update and self start on boot up?08:38
hanzomon4I've been updating sense dapper, so I don't remember :-P08:38
ceil420crdlb, cursor went to new line for a few seconds, then i got prompt again. no output08:38
GuHHHcan anyone help me installing php5 module on apache 1.3 (ubuntu feist)08:38
platmandenis: you do not need an antivirus08:38
T0uCHFaentur:  yes they are all check08:38
crdlbceil420, that's supposed to set up the modules08:38
ceil420crdlb, am i supposed to see anything if it does so? :x08:38
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crdlbceil420, no, try rebooting now08:38
deniswhy not platman08:38
mwesluimers: yeah. it seems to be broken. it can't stop or start /etc/init.d/vmware-player. hmm08:39
xSUSHixmwe yea theres nothing about it in gconf-editor either - but im sure theres a way to disable it =\08:39
crdlbI remember seeing it work on the forums once08:39
platmandenis: you will not get any viruses. all the viruses in the wild are mostly windows viruses08:39
ceil420crdlb, heh k, brb08:39
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mwexSUSHix: you're probably right08:39
denisplatman ok as a windows long time user that makes me nervous08:40
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platmandenis: former windows users are obsessed with anti-virus08:40
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platmanjust let it go and enjoy the extra ram08:40
bullgard4mwe: How can I add the mirror http://seveas.imbrandon.com/ feisty-seveas list_of_sections  as a repository in my Synaptic?08:40
mwesluimers: can you pastebin the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/vmware*.postrm ?08:40
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sluimersmwe, errr... I can't find a vmware-player in /etc/init.d/08:40
mwebullgard4: I think the page tells you, not?08:41
T0uCHFaentur:  ?08:41
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denisplatman yes and I know why, do I not need anti spyware neither08:41
mwesluimers: install again. then remove it I guess08:41
platmandenis: nope08:41
bullgard4mwe: Probably yes, but I did not understand.08:41
tolonugaanyone using xen here on feisty? I got xen with the ubuntu xen kernel to work as xen0, but for xen-U it fails (my older self compiled xen 3.0.2 / 2.6.16 works however). anyone else seeing these problems too?08:41
denisplatman, ok I will uninstall the avg then thanks for the info08:42
sluimersmwe, I'll send you the errors I get when reinstalling ^_^08:42
platmandenis: no prob. just enjoy USING your computer, not maintaining it08:42
Flannellgc: yes08:42
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denisplatman ok thanks for that08:42
Parmenionum, but honestly, how often does malware get written for linux ?08:43
xSUSHixyou mean you can use computers for things ?08:43
lgcFlannel, sorry, yes what?08:43
Flannellgc: yes if it's in synaptic, you used package management, and removing it should remove whatever that package installed08:43
Parmenionis there actually any point of running a anti virus suite on linux ?08:43
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T0uCHFaentur:  i had install nvidia kernel source.. for the others its written nvidia new or nvidia legacy08:43
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platmanparmenion: only one. you can still send and receive viruses, they just cant run in your system08:44
platmanso you can infect all of your windows friends08:44
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FlannelParmenion: some people do it to scan their incoming email (so they don't propogate viruses), and there (can|will|whatever) be viruses on linux, just... not yet08:44
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Parmenionwhopee XD platman08:44
sluimersmwe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17361/08:44
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lgcFlannel, thanks for answering. I'd forgotten the question. I wonder if other installers can mess with the package liss08:45
ParmenionFlannel: i agree ... but not many people take advantage of holes in the many email clients08:45
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Flannellgc: yeah.  apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, adept, dpkg, etc all use the same databaes, which is really the strength of it08:45
platmanflannel: the way i figure is that considering the amount of enterprise servers running linux and no one writes viruses for the,08:46
lgcFlannel, sorry... list of APT. Because I remember I installed Java from their website.08:46
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Parmenionand the best part is Flannel, that the entire structure is modular compared to window's monolithic08:46
platmanthe,* ever wonder why?08:46
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eumenideshow do i check which ubuntu version i have?08:46
denisPlatman should I uninstall the firewall as well?08:46
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platmankeep the firewall08:46
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platmanthat's the only one you should keep08:46
denisplatman ok08:46
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voyt618Hi everyone. Does anyone here know how to use dmake? I just compiled a file into dmake and am at a complete loss... I know it's a bit off-topic but i can't find anything *anywhere*.08:47
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Flannelplatman: Plenty of people have exploited apache things in the past, because some people don't keep their machines up to date.  Servers are really a different beast from desktops though, since you don't really have users using them, just services.  So you have fewer attack vectors08:47
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denisplatman: again though I have to start it manually08:47
ceil420crdlb, sorry to keep you in suspense; went for a drink and microwaved breakfast in the process :x but same error i got last time; nvidia kernel module version doesn't match x module version08:47
vakUbuntu like Debian has unusual init/runlevel ideology. can any1 tell me how to skip booting in X (what i normally would do by setting max runlevel as 3) ?08:47
platmandenis: i dont use any firewalls personally, i only keep pr0n and music on my computer08:47
Flanneldenis: firestarter isn't your firewall.  Your firewall is built into the kernel, firestarter is juts a GUI to configure said firewall08:47
platmanif you have anything of similar importance than what does it really matter?08:48
Zues_62does anyone know y ktorrent keeps crashing?08:48
platmanubuntu's standard firewall policy is "let everything slide"08:48
Parmenionplatman: meaning ?08:48
velkovak, the default runlevel in debian and ubuntu (with x) is 208:48
crdlbceil420, sorry, envy messed up your setup, but I don't have the slightest idea how to fix it08:48
ceil420crdlb, thanks for your time :x08:49
platmanparmenion: idk which of my statements you are referencing08:49
Parmenionubuntu's standard firewall policy is "let everything slide" platman08:49
vakvelko: right, but how to disable running X in nice way then?08:49
Zues_62does anyone know?08:49
FlannelParmenion: the kernel has the firewall builtin, but there are no rules for it, so it's not doing anything by default.08:49
lgcFlannel, OK, thanks, man. That should do (for tonight, anyway...:)). But before I go let me ask you one last question: when I type 'apropos <something> I get "gdbm fatal: read error". What could I fiddle with in order to fix that bummer?08:49
platmanthere's nothing wrong with loose, that's how i like it08:49
ceil420does anyone else have any idea how to get the nvidia kernel module version number to match the x module version number?08:49
platmannot really, but yeah08:49
Parmenionlol alright08:49
velkovak, rename /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm to /etc/rc2.d/off_S13gdm and gdm wont be started08:49
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Parmenionjust installed firestarter08:49
denisFlannel, so I dont need to run the firestarter program unless I want to alter the config.?08:50
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velkovak, or define your custom run level08:50
vakvelko: sounds like hack for me08:50
Flanneldenis: Right.  Firestarter isn't your firewall, just a rule editor.08:50
velkovak, there are graphical tools which just create/remove links in this directory08:50
vakvelko: skipping gdm will not skip X as well08:50
denisFlannel :ok that makes sense thanks08:50
velkovak, if this is less hackish for you - go for it08:51
FaenturHi!  I have a question: I pulled a sound card from my machine (using on-board sound now) but I'm getting ALSA errors: device not found.08:51
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velkovak, oh yes it will08:51
FaenturI've re-installed ALSA already.  Any ideas?08:51
ParmenionFlannel: how do i get it to firewall over both eth0 and eth108:51
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vakvelko: oh, interesting08:51
crimsunFaentur: pastebin the contents of ~/.asoundrc* and/or /etc/asound.conf , then tell me the url.08:51
vakvelko: btw, do you remember the names of these tools?08:52
bloodMuffincan someone help me repartition between ntfs and ext308:52
Parmenionhow people how08:52
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ParmenionbloodMuffin: exactly what do you need to do ?08:52
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rellik_what is a good lightweight smtp server?  all I need it to do it relay everything to be sent from my Google Apps account using TLS08:52
bloodMuffinParmenion: i wanted to decrease my windows partition and allocate it to ubuntu08:52
Flannellgc: try `sudo mandb -c`08:52
velkovak, the problem is that you cannot boot in a lower runlevel (0 or 1). so you have to manipulate the links in runlevel 2 or define your own runlevel08:53
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bloodMuffinim using the live cd right now, and i decreased my windows partition already, and the extra space says unusable next to it08:53
ParmenionbloodMuffin: do you have free space on your ntfs partition ?08:53
bloodMuffinParmenion: yes08:53
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Faenturcrimsun, ok, I'll do that.  Hang on08:53
velkovak, i tried one of them once but was nervous that it will bork my custom scripts and links and stopped using it08:53
ParmenionbloodMuffin: ok, then set it to using the largest contiguous free space08:53
sluimersmwe, you still there?08:53
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velkovak, you may take a look at www.gnomefiles.org08:54
ceil420does anyone have any idea how to get the nvidia kernel module version number to match the x module version number?08:54
bloodMuffinParmenion: hm...i already chose manual and resized my ntfs partition08:54
ParmenionbloodMuffin: personally, i just wiped my windows install; less hassle08:54
vakvelko: i have had to use alternate CD instead of wished ubuntu feisty server distro08:54
ParmenionbloodMuffin: then use the manual mode to partition08:54
velkovak, is this a question that i don't understand?08:55
vakvelko: and now trying to get my box as much as possible closer to server configuration ;)08:55
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velkovak, ok08:55
ceil420or at the very least, know of a way to play music from the CLI? i'm dyin' here ;x08:55
Flannelvak: You have the alternate CD?  Why didn't you install a GUI-less option?08:55
bloodMuffinParmenion: i resized my ntfs to a smaller amount, and now i have 60000MB unusable08:55
Flannelceil420: mpd08:55
ceil420lolz that's not installed08:55
=== ceil420 installs it
vakflannel: if i could have known :)08:55
bloodMuffinParmenion: how do i add that to my ext3 partition?08:55
Faenturcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17363/08:55
imbecilei have a question about gdesklets, how do i add my area to the weather desklet?08:55
ParmenionbloodMuffin: use the manual method08:55
lgcFlannel, wonderful! Thanks! It did throw some (3-5 of the 'whatis exploration failed for...' type) errors, but who cares, it works now!08:56
Flannelceil420: There's a bunch, actually.  Im just partial to mpd + frontend08:56
velkovak, in my book a server should run as little software as possible. this means no x server. just deinstall the whole x thing08:56
platmanceil420: mpg12308:56
platmanor alternatively mpg32108:56
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sethrdAnyone care to point me to a guide about installing fonts?08:56
Faenturcrimsun, there's no /etc/asound.conf file.  Just ~/.asound*08:56
Parmenionum, you cant. unless you wiped the ext3 partition08:56
crimsunFaentur: please add the output from ``cat /proc/asound/cards'', and tell me the new URL08:56
Flannel!fonts | sethrd08:56
ubotusethrd: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:56
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Faenturcrimsun, OK08:56
ceil420can mpd and mpg123/321 play mp3's? :x08:56
crimsunceil420: yes08:56
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sethrdThanks Flannel.08:57
platmanmpg123 is specifically meant for mp308:57
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ceil420mpd is started, but how do i use it?08:57
crimsunceil420: use a frontend.08:57
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ceil420i have no GUI08:57
bloodMuffinParmenion: o...so i can only decrease the size of a partition, but not increase?08:57
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platmanmpg123 is CLI only08:57
Faenturcrimsun, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17364/08:57
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ceil420hence the inquiry regarding a CLI player08:57
ceil420thx platman08:57
Faenturcrimsun, and there's the problem.  /proc shows my real card: that CMI card is the old one08:57
FlannelbloodMuffin: you can't move the head of a partition, only the tail (only the end, not the beginning)08:57
platmanor like i said, mpg321 also works well08:57
ParmenionbloodMuffin: err ... yes08:58
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crimsunFaentur: you could just rm ~/.asoundrc*08:58
Parmenionwhat Flannel said bloodMuffin08:58
vakvelko: all right, deinstall is almost the case for me, but X is my backup emergency door -- if i'd like to shorten some configuration ways i'd like to use GUI-tools (also remotely)08:58
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpg123 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:58
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velkovak, wish you good luck08:58
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cypherdelicHow to use VMWarePlayer with DualCore and 64bit support, on a dualcore cpu with Feisty AMD64 latest kernel???08:58
crimsun!info mpg123-alsa08:58
ubotumpg123-alsa: MPEG layer 1/2/3 audio player with ALSA support. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.61-5 (feisty), package size 135 kB, installed size 340 kB08:58
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ParmenionFlannel: how do i set the damn firestarter to minimise to the tray ?08:59
crimsun!info mpg32108:59
ubotumpg321: A Free command-line mp3 player, compatible with mpg123. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 33 kB, installed size 128 kB08:59
ceil420how do i play random files from, say, /media/zen/Tool?08:59
umopMy samba shares are not mounting for some reason how can i find the error, the permission get broken on the dir i'm mounting to, they are '?---------  ? ?      ?          ?   ?'08:59
FlannelParmenion: no idea08:59
bloodMuffinParmenion: Flannel: i see...so theres no way to enlarge my ubuntu partition?08:59
=== ceil420 should prolly mount /media/zen first
cypherdelicHow to use VMWarePlayer with DualCore and 64bit support, on a dualcore cpu with Feisty AMD64 latest kernel???08:59
bloodMuffinsince im running out of space on it( i created it too small)08:59
umopbloodMuffin, Gparted08:59
FlannelbloodMuffin: Uh, well, that depends.  How big is the freespace? and how much stuff do you currently have on your ubuntu partition?08:59
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vakvelko: so, i rename script as you told me, and later can run it manually when needed. Hm, but then i have no right way to finish it, right?09:00
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acidtabscan anyone help me to install urban terror please?09:00
bloodMuffinumop: Gparted, is that an application to resize partitions?09:00
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Kubuntulatorwhere do i find the experimental Cube and wobbly windows in kubuntu-desktop feisty ?09:00
FlannelbloodMuffin: you can always create a new partition in that freespace, and mount it somewhere.  Although that's not as handy.09:00
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cypherdelicHow to use VMWarePlayer with DualCore and 64bit support, on a dualcore cpu with Feisty AMD64 latest kernel???09:00
umopbloodMuffin, yes09:00
crdlbceil420, you can get a 2d gui with the nv driver09:00
Faenturcrimsun, that did it.  Geez, I feel silly.  :)  THanks!09:00
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crimsunFaentur: np.09:00
bloodMuffinFlannel: my freespace is only 8 mb, but what i did was resize my ntfs to half of what it was before09:00
Hug1anyoen can help me with a network problem?09:00
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bloodMuffinFlannel: and now i have 60k "unusable" space sitting there...09:01
HaruHug1, ask and hope someone responds :)09:01
FlannelbloodMuffin: right.  So, how much empty space do you have there?  on that partition-less spot?  and how big is your current ubuntu partition?09:01
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FlannelbloodMuffin: 60k?09:01
chosebinehug1: your network connection is working ;)09:01
acidtabscan anyone help me to install urban terror please?09:01
bloodMuffinFlannel: current ubuntu partition has 12.5 GB09:01
platmanceil420: i use mpg321 and it's just mpg321 file.mp309:01
umopacidtabs, there is not readme?09:02
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ExpositionOfEvilanyone here use Steam?09:02
ExpositionOfEvilby valve09:02
acidtabsi don/t understand it09:02
ceil420platman, say you messed up and did "mpg123 -Z /media/zen/Tool" and are now being spammed with endless "No such file or directory"... how would you stop that? :x09:02
acidtabsi tryed a website09:02
FlannelbloodMuffin: and how big is the empty space?  since, I dont think it's 60k09:02
chosebineExpositionOfEvil, :yes, but not under linux09:02
acidtabswith a tut but that did not work09:02
Hug1I have two ethernets in the same computer, eth0 and eth1. eth1 has internet and eth0 is internal network. They have different ip's but they should be able to have the same subnet mask. But if I put the same subnet mask ( I lose internet from eth109:02
acidtabsfor some reason09:02
bloodMuffinFlannel: I resized my ntfs partition from 118GB down to 60G, and there is now ~60GB of 'unusable' space09:02
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umopacidtabs, whats the error09:02
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umopbloodMuffin, boot a live disc and use gparted09:02
crdlbceil420, ctrl+C gives the interrupt signal09:03
ceil420crdlb, you're saying i can get a GUI just by changing "nvidia" to "nv" in xorg.conf?09:03
crdlbceil420, yes09:03
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crdlbjust no 3d accel09:03
jayprois there a way to upgrade your operating system from 6.06 server to 7.04 desktop without completely reinstalling the system?09:03
ceil420yeah, i tried that, it didn't stop :x09:03
Hug1the weirdest thing is that if I put in eth0 then internet works, but when I check the network status it sais eth0 subnet mask is
ceil420same with break, ctrl+break, and esc09:03
bloodMuffinumop: hm im running off the live disc right now...09:03
Hug1and also a subnet mask should not finish in 109:03
acidtabshttp://gaming.gwos.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.68 the website that i was trying to use to installl it09:03
vakvelko: LOL, i am still sleeping. One doesn't need X on server's side for remote sessions09:03
chosebinehugl: did you try with ifconfig?09:03
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FlannelbloodMuffin: Oh.  Ok.  So, this will take a smidge of working, but it's doable.  Create a partition there (ext3)  then mount both of those partitions, and copy the contents of your 12GB one into the 60GB one09:03
acidtabsand the problem started when i was at the chmod09:03
umopbloodMuffin, then start gparted and go for it09:03
Harujaypro, use "sudo aptitude upgrade"09:03
Hug1cosebine yes09:03
ExpositionOfEviljaypro look at System: Administration: Update Manager09:04
vakvelko: even if GUI tools are wished09:04
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ceil420crdlb, you know how to "crash" the second... ctrl+alt+F2 thing (what's that called? :x)09:04
FlannelbloodMuffin: then once that's done, you delete your 12GB one, and expand your 60 to 72.09:04
Flannelceil420: tty09:04
crdlbjaypro, you have to go dapper>edgy>feisty09:04
jayproExpositionOfEvil> you cant do that from 6.06 SERVER09:04
ceil420what's tty mean?09:04
billybobthat would be apt-get dist-upgrade09:04
Flannel!upgrade | jaypro09:04
ubotujaypro: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:04
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ubotuTo get to the tty terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).09:05
chosebineHug1, you are not able to ping yor gateway?09:05
=== jughead [n=jughead@c-75-66-11-168.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExpositionOfEvilanyone use Steam on wine?09:05
ceil420wish i had a graphical login :x09:05
ceil420so how do i crash tty2?09:05
crdlbceil420, you can run top so see the process id09:05
jayproHaru> "sudo aptitude upgrade"? oh i thought those were just minor updates09:05
Flannelceil420: TeleTYpewriter09:05
ceil420sounds old school :p09:05
billybobthey are . . .09:05
=== ceil420 opens a tty3 to "top"
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platmanceil420: switch to a different terminal and type killall mpg12309:06
Harujaypro, :)09:06
crdlband if that doesn't work add a -109:06
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crdlbthen as a last resort -909:06
billybobdist-upgrade AFTER changing your list.conf09:06
billybobupgrade just upgrades packages09:06
ceil420"Terminated" mrawr09:06
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=== ceil420 edits xorg.conf a bit
W_o_r[l] d!mtab09:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mtab - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:07
Hug1chosebine wich gateway? my own computer or the router with internet acces?09:07
crdlbceil420, the nv driver doesn't even use a kernel module09:07
chosebinehugl: the router09:07
W_o_r[l] d!fstab09:07
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions09:07
Hug1I can now09:07
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Hug1let me try changing the subnet mask09:07
bloodMuffinFlannel: it wont let me format the unusable 60GB space09:07
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ceil420crdlb, groovie. hopefully next time i'm in here, it'll be from xchat :x09:08
ceil420no offense to fans of text, but irssi's ugly :(09:08
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shirishguys isn't there a desktop-effects channel?09:08
crdlbyeah I couldn't get used to it09:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about desktop-effects - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:08
crdlbshirish, #ubuntu-effects09:08
Harushirish, ubuntu-effects09:08
shirishok thanx guys09:09
=== crdlb wins
jayprohrmm.. thanks fellas!09:09
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umopMy samba shares are not mounting for some reason how can i find the error, the permission get broken on the dir i'm mounting to, they are '?---------  ? ?      ?          ?   ?'09:09
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billybob'My samba shares are not mounting for some reason' is rather a broad question09:09
bloodMuffinumop: i open gparted, and i see 4 partitions and 1 unallocated space09:10
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aldini just recompiled kernel and if i put anything like vga=791 my screen is blak till gdm... it is ok is i leave it without vga parameter09:10
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bloodMuffinumop: it wont let me create a partition in the unallocated09:10
Hug1chosebine:  either way I can ping the router09:10
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Hug1I think I know whats going on09:10
umopbloodMuffin, what does it say?09:11
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Hug1its a rout problem09:11
ambso anyone want to help with a fun and exciting kubuntu feisty alternative install problem?09:11
aldinwhat should i enable?09:11
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bloodMuffinumop: 'it is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions'09:11
Hug1Does anybody knows how I edit the iptables?09:11
=== ceil420 [n=Ceil@71-11-245-60.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
Hug1or a link to see how iptables work?09:11
chosebinehugl: with you subnet mask to on your both network adapter you are able to ping your router?09:11
aldinHug1: u firestarter it is frontend for iptables AFAIK09:11
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ceil420crdlb, if i wasn't so damned hetero, i'd e-shagg you09:11
Hug1chosebin yes09:11
billybobumop: http://www.howtoforge.com/samba_setup_ubuntu_5.10 will give you an idea what needs to be done, skip the domain controller/CUPS part . . .09:11
=== Luuna [n=luuna@LPuteaux-151-42-17-69.w193-252.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cypherdelicHow to use VMWarePlayer with DualCore and 64bit support, on a dualcore cpu with Feisty AMD64 latest kernel???09:11
ceil420the colours!09:11
ceil420the GUI!09:12
bloodMuffinumop: from left to right i have [ntfs] [ext3] [linux-swap] [ntfs] [unallocated] 09:12
ceil420the little flashy mouse splash screen!09:12
ceil420it's all beautiful!09:12
Parmenionlol ceil42009:12
umopbillybob, okay09:12
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zerothishow do i add a local directory as a package source?09:12
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=== ceil420 immediately removes envy
billybobumop: when all else fails, 'man samba' ;)09:12
umopbloodMuffin, it wont let you make it a ext3 partition?09:12
Haruzerothis, just use dpkg -i fielname.deb09:12
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platmanceil420: the only time i get THAT excited to see brown is after a stomachache09:12
ceil420(but srsly tho, there should be an apt-get burn-in-hellfire command)09:12
umopbillybob, yeah maybe09:12
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chosebineHug1:download ethereal and try to access a website on the internet, if it's not working, see what is the problem with the ethereal log09:12
ceil420platman, lmfao09:13
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Hug1chosebin I have done route -v in both cases and the problem is that when both have eth0 appears as default option for conections as well and it shouldnt because it doesnt have internet. but when eth0 has then it doesnt appear as default gateway09:13
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Hug1so its a problem with iptables09:13
Hug1with routing09:13
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mnkhi all. i am using dell mediadirect on my machine and if i install ubuntu grub will be installed into the mbr. that means that the mediadirect button won't work any more. is there anyway around that?09:13
Hug1anybody knows how to use iptables or a web page?09:13
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ssaahello. I have a little question : what's the equivalent of alsamixer but for oss?09:13
bloodMuffinumop: yea it says i cant have more than 4 primary partitions09:13
Hug1chosebine:  Ill try ethereal its a network control program isnt it?09:13
Parmeniondamn, im getting hungry09:13
=== papatwilight [n=papatwil@cpe-65-24-162-214.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mnkie during the install, can i install grub into somewhere other than the mbr to preserve my current mbr?09:13
billybobumop: in short, you NEED to make a system user, add that user to samba, then set appropriate permissions.09:13
platmanmnk: you can just NOT install grub09:13
Parmenionmax is three primary09:14
ceil420The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:09:14
ceil420  module-assistant xserver-xorg-dev dh-make09:14
mnkplatman: so how do i then boot into linux?09:14
ceil420xserver-xorg-dev sounds important :o is it safe to remove that?09:14
umopbloodMuffin, it doesnt really matter, we want to grow a partition to take up that space yeah?09:14
Parmenionyou need to make logical partitions then bloodMuffin09:14
ceil420(no idea what the other two are; they prolly came with envy or something)09:14
florghi, does anyone know where to get the Murrine Metacity theme? All the links seem to be broken, referring to http://gnomethemes.org/2006/07/22/murrine-metacity-preview/09:14
platmanyou can ghetto rig the windows bootloader to boot the linux kernel09:14
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thebillywayne!info e17 feisty09:15
ubotuPackage e17 does not exist in feisty09:15
=== ceil420 autoremoves
mnkplatman: i am using crappy vista - do u know how i can do that pls?09:15
chosebinehugl:no, a packet analyser, you can follow the communication between the equipment and see were it doesnt work09:15
platmanmnk: http://highlandsun.com/hyc/linuxboot.html09:15
bloodMuffini click on the unallocated space, i choose new partition, and it gives me that notice09:15
billybobanyhow, hottub time !09:15
=== billybob waves
platmanmnk: idk about Vista though09:15
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ParmenionVista is a bitch09:15
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Parmenionapologies for my vulgarities, but really09:15
Parmenionvista is annoying.09:16
billybobthere is a tool, for editing the Vista bootloder, but I can not remember the name09:16
ceil420Parmenion, i believe it :p09:16
platmanparmenion is using foul language: cancel or allow?09:16
salaahcan someone tell me why my wlan doesnt auto connect on startup and what i ca do about it pleasE?09:16
Parmenionlol :P platman09:16
mnkok thanks platman, what r the chances that it will be the same in vista? also, how do i tell the ubuntu installer not to install grub pls?09:16
=== ceil420 clicks Ignore
ambSo no one knows why an alternative cd install would crap out at the Select and Install Software section, and all following sections?09:16
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chosebineParmenion:nobody here will trow you the first stone for cursing windows!09:16
papatwilightIMO Ubuntu nock Vista off it chair and beets it's but in every way09:16
bloodMuffinumop: Parmenion, my gparted looks like the following :    [  ntfs ]  [ext3] [linux-swap] [     ntfs   ]  [ unallocated   ] 09:17
Parmenionamb: is the iso verified ?09:17
ceil420oh it feels so good to click again09:17
ceil420i don't even care if i never play UT, I CAN CLICK!09:17
platmanfor mnk: does anyone remember if you can choose NOT to install grub when installing? you can in EVERY other distro09:17
ambParmenion, first thing I did.. yes09:17
Parmenionamb: do a disk defect check, if it hangs, reburn09:17
imbecilei have a question about gdesklets, how do i add my city to the weather desklet?09:17
billybobtriple boot vista/XP/Ubuntu ---> http://lifehacker.com/software/ubuntu/hack-attack-how-to-tripleboot-windows-xp-vista-and-ubuntu-193474.php09:17
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billybobok, i really am gone nnow09:17
billybobHOTTUB !09:17
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KimppaHello. I'm having problems with mounting a network hard drive. I'm able to mount it, but only so that root has write access to it? Any ideas how I can mount it so that other usernames will have write access as well?09:17
umopbloodMuffin, you want to grow the ext3 to take the unnallocated space yeah?09:18
Parmenionamb: then wait a little longer? just a suggestion... unless you waited too long already09:18
chosebineimbecile:tu dois trouver le code correspondant  ta ville09:18
ParmenionbloodMuffin: are you using the second ntfs ?09:18
salaahcan someone please help me09:18
ambParmenion, it doesn't hang it reports that there was an error09:18
imbecile!fr | chosebine09:18
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ubotuchosebine: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:18
bloodMuffinParmenion: yes, id rather keep it intact if theres a way around deleting it09:18
platmansorry mnk: i install so many distro's a really don't remember09:18
Parmenionamb: O.o did you check if the md5s for the iso which you downloaded09:19
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ambParmenion. I'll go try that09:19
papatwilightamarok is awsome :)09:19
bloodMuffinumop: it wont let me grow i think since there exists an ntfs partition and a linux-swap partition between my ext3 and the unallocated09:19
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ParmenionbloodMuffin: a little out of my league then sorry . and i agree with your inference09:19
mnkok thanks anyway platman09:20
darrenohh  what a crap day today was09:20
Hug1got it working09:20
chosebineimbecile : sorry, your nick fool me09:20
platmanbloodmuffin: try the gparted livecd with clonezilla09:20
ParmenionbloodMuffin: wipe the linux swap then09:20
chosebineHug1: what did you change?09:20
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mnkdoes anyone else know if i have the choice of not installing grub on install in ubuntu?09:20
Parmenionthen mess around some more.09:20
Hug1chosebin thanks for listening09:20
platmanit lets you clone partitions so you can move them around then fixate09:20
Parmenionmnk: yes you can09:20
imbecilechosebine, no problem :)09:20
darrenanyone have dual monitor  working ?09:20
Hug1chosebine:  I was putting a gateway in my eth0 (internal network) configuration09:20
umopbloodMuffin, thats true, there is probably a way to shuffle them, buts its up to you, like unallocating swap, then resizing the nts, etc till you have space nxt to ext309:20
Hug1and I shouldnt have09:20
Hug1know its fine09:20
dirrtyyes duals here09:21
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Parmenionafter you partition and before installing, you can press the advanced button09:21
darrenhi  filthy09:21
Parmenionthen select what you wanted09:21
chosebineyou can't have to gateway09:21
chosebinesorry for my poor english...09:21
=== samitheberber [n=stb@dsl-062-241-236-78.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mnkok thanks Parmenion09:21
Parmenionbut really mnk, unless you know where exactly the kernel your going to call is, id suggest to sticking to grub09:21
=== dor [n=dor@62-90-224-94.barak.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Hug1chosebine I know now09:22
platmanparmenion: you can always find out with windows. there is an ext3 driver available for windows09:22
zerothisHaru: so I have to 1-at-a-time local packages, i can't add a whole directory?09:22
platmanit works suprisingly well09:22
mnkParmenion: the problem is dell mediadirect won't work cos grub overwrites the mbr. dell MD is a button u press that boots into dell's own 'OS' and lets u play media files etc...09:22
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Parmenionplatman: really?!? cool ...09:22
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Haruzerothis, do dpkg -i *.deb09:23
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mnkParmenion: is there a way of installing grub not on the mbr?09:23
Parmenionmnk: i see .... then you have no choice but to use the windows bootloader09:23
Haruzerothis, will do all at once09:23
chosebinehugl: the gateway is the default-route-when-I-dont-know-where-this-network-is09:23
platmanparmenion: http://www.fs-driver.org/09:23
Hug1chosebin thats why I was losing internet09:23
Parmenionmnk: i think you could install grub on a thumb drive :P its been done before09:23
Hug1I understand now09:23
Parmenionbut i cant help you with that, you would have to google it09:24
mnklol Parmenion09:24
=== aldi1 is now known as NewNickname
Parmenionthanks platman09:24
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platmanno prob09:24
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Harubtw how does open source generate revenue09:25
Haruubuntu for that matter09:25
Harudonations only?09:25
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mahmoud_support services09:25
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NewNicknameafter i compile kernel from source how do i make initrd?09:26
chosebinehugl: if you ping google ( both of your network adapter dont know these network, only their 192.168.0.x/24, the gateway is the adresse of the network where you send all the packet adressed to a network you dont know09:26
crimsunNewNickname: you likely want mkinitramfs instead.09:26
platmanharu: canonical sends out ninjas to do their bidding. they are pretty good at coercing you into giving them money.09:26
Haruplatman, lol09:26
=== NewNickname is now known as aldi1
=== rag [n=rag@58.Red-80-24-33.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Haruplatman, i was thinking if open source media would work too :)09:27
chowmeinedHaru: you think he is joking..09:27
=== kaptengu [n=kaptengu@c213-100-60-183.swipnet.se] has joined #ubuntu
aldi1crimsun: do u know command and other (mkinitrd *** ***)09:28
platmanmedia as in music and television?09:28
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Haruplatman, yea09:28
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chowmeinedthey have open source plans09:28
chowmeinedits called DRM09:28
Parmenionlol chowmeined09:28
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Delcothat little thing called YouTube will never make it. its open source09:28
Haruchowmeined, i wonder how they get the movey to hire ninjas in the first place09:28
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platmanharu: have you met linux zealots? they do it willingly09:29
GabzHaru:  Mark made acouple millon dollars then decided he wanted his own OS09:29
chosebineif it's the end of audio drm soon, do you think it will be the same for the multimedia one?09:29
Aaronfromchinai'm using Kile to write some Chinese docs, but Kile does NOT seem to support Chinese. Should I install any extra package?09:29
platmanDOWN WITH SONY09:29
HaruGabz, whos mark :S09:29
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chowmeinedDRM doesnt work09:30
umopGabz, *Distribution09:30
chowmeinedall it does is piss off regular people09:30
Parmenionmarl shuttleworth09:30
kaptenguI have a serious problem, I suddenly can't read my NTFS-parition, in partition editor it says "Unknown partition", can I rescue this disk in some way?09:30
chowmeinedand it means profession pirates make more $$$ cause its more difficult09:30
Gabzumop:  yes distrubtion sorry09:30
bloodMuffinwhat is an extended partition?09:30
Parmenion*mark shuttleworth Haru09:30
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chowmeinedbloodMuffin: Its a way to allow more than 4 partitions  with dos disk labels09:30
jijutmhi all downloaded the dvd image.. but my laptop does not have a dvd drive, nor does it boot from usb and no floppy drives too .. I have managed to boot using the kernel on the cd, by copying that and putting in the boot folder, since I am having RedHat 9 on the system with grub. Can I coax it to install from iso image on harddisk.09:31
=== Rebecca [n=Rebecca@220-245-16-246.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
chosebinejijutm:install it from a cd!09:31
Gabzjijutm: why can't use just use the cd install disk ?09:31
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jijutmI said I dont have a cd drive09:31
platmanall i want to know is when nintendo will let me play movies on my wii09:31
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platmanand give me better games09:31
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chosebinejijutm: you said (write) dvd09:32
=== Snedecor [n=snedecor@244-223-126-200.fibertel.com.ar] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Gabzjijutm: does it have a network card ?09:32
jijutmsorry.. meant so.. since I did download the dvd09:32
Parmenionerr jijutm ... its kinda not possible ...09:32
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jijutmyes it has a network card09:32
Dalziel_86Hi, I have a question about xdmcp and vnc09:32
jijutmparmenion: Redhat had that option..09:32
Harubtw is there a ubuntu install and not a ubuntu-desktop-install cd ?09:33
platmanHas anybody tried installing ubuntu from a PUD disc?09:33
bloodMuffinchowmeined: thanks09:33
jijutmgabz: so I will need to go for a network install ?09:33
Parmenionjijutm: agreed ...09:33
mrcreativityplatman: whats a PUD disk?09:33
Gabzjijutm: you maybe able to use another computer and install ubuntu using your network card09:33
ParmenionHaru: its called the server install09:33
platmanPUD is a ubuntu spinoff09:33
mrcreativityi c09:33
Parmenionor use the alternate cd Haru09:33
HaruParmenion, why server :S09:33
platmanits only 200MB or so in size09:33
ParmenionHaru: barebones .09:33
HaruParmenion, oki ... i thoguht it was a different distro09:34
kaptengujijutm: I think you can configure grub to use an iso at start-up09:34
platmanit uses the feisty repos, so you can basically use it as an install disc09:34
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Parmenionor the alternate cd09:34
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jijutmkaptengu: thanks.. Will look that now..09:34
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Gabzjijutm: google ubuntu on tap... they made a network install server09:34
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jijutmgabz: no problem.. I have plenty of machines at spare.. am currently in our office..09:35
Dalziel_86I want to remote administer a Feisty box using xdmcp or vnc. I like VNC, but its slow. XDMCP is faster, but I don't know if it can do what VNC can do. Anyone know if I can login to the current session using XDMCP?09:35
feAR`maybe somebody uses ubuntu on mac?09:35
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jijutmand mostly our developers are getting a nightmare.. due to my latest craze !ubuntu!09:36
platmanalrite everyone i'm out. i have a final tomorrow. later09:36
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chosebineI have a partition who is mounted automatically at boot, but there is nothing about this partition in my /etc/fstab, someone know a other place where you can mount a partition at boot?09:36
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jijutmsince we are migrating all developers php, java, content, web to ubuntu desktops..09:36
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Gabzjijutm: read this aswell https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot09:37
dzdzystyczesc jest tu ktos09:37
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Parmenionjijutm: what firm are you working for ?09:37
Dalziel_86Can anyone give me a hand here?09:38
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ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer09:38
ParmenionDalziel_86: describe your problem :P09:38
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dzdzystyjest tu ktos z polski09:39
bloodMuffinif i create a new partition with gparted and select the copy button to copy everything from my old ext3 to the new ext3, is it the exact same thing?09:39
Dalziel_86I want to remote administer a Feisty box using xdmcp or vnc. I like VNC, but its slow. XDMCP is faster, but I don't know if it can do what VNC can do. Anyone know if I can login to the current session using XDMCP?09:39
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about po - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about poland - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
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ParmenionDalziel_86: http://en.tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO09:40
Dalziel_86The Feisty box acts as a wireless access point/file server/p2p client. I want to be able to config wireless, move files around, and most importantly, add/remove things from p2p clients.09:40
chosebineDalziel_86: you can use ltsp09:40
Parmenion^it might not be what your looking for, but it might help09:40
Gabz!pl dzdzysty09:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pl dzdzysty - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:40
Gabz!pl | dzdzysty09:40
ubotudzdzysty: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl09:40
Dalziel_86I can do all that with VNC, but it's slow. XDMCP is faster, but I don't know if it can do what I want.09:41
dzdzystybay bay09:41
Parmenionsorry Dalziel_86, ive never used XDMCP before :\ sorry im unable to assist09:41
dark112whatever happened to go ol' hotline09:41
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ubotuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux09:42
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Dalziel_86I have both XDMCP and VNC set up fine and working, I just don't know how to get xdmcp to do what I want, and to be honest I'm not sure if it can...09:42
Dalziel_86chosebine: what is ltsp?09:42
ubotuBeryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects09:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ltsp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:42
sethrdDoes anyone have the artwiz fonts installed and working?09:43
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jijutmparmenion: sorry.. I just wandered on the net to find how I can force grub to boot from ISO.. you asked me.. and the answer is Saturn India.. http://www.saturn.in09:43
chosebineDalziel_86: it can, ltsp is a project to make a thin client server in linux for school, it is working fine09:43
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type  sudo apt-get install gparted  in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php09:43
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bloodMuffinabout how long will it take to copy a 15GB partition?09:44
chosebineDalziel_86: it use xdmcp to carry the user input/output by network and it is fast09:44
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Dalziel_86chosebine: Hrmm... okay, that sounds interesting, I'll look into it. My main requirement is that the Feisty box be able to just keep running my programs unattended, even if I disconnect from it.09:44
GabzbloodMuffin: between 30 mins and hours....09:45
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Parmenionjijutm:dont mind,but this page is a little weird http://www.saturn.in/others/introduction.html09:45
bloodMuffinGabz: ouch thanks.09:45
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Parmenionthe part "We are least interested in satisfying our clients!"09:45
GabzbloodMuffin:  depends how what your copying to how good your hdd is if you have a new machine it's not a problem if you going over the network have lunch first09:46
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jijutmparmenion: what is the problem?? any thing wrong ?09:46
Parmenionthe part "We are least interested in satisfying our clients!"09:46
chosebineDalziel_86: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP09:46
GabzParmenion:  lol09:46
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jijutmhaaa.. we are more interested in satisfying the clients of our clients.. (B2B)09:46
eNtRoPiAgoood morning ^_^09:47
Parmenion:P its a little awkwardly worded, that's all XD09:47
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Parmenionit just leaped out at me when i browsed through09:47
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Dalziel_86chosebine: will LTSP allow me to log in to a currently running session, and do something simple like start a torrent downloading in ktorrent?09:48
jijutmparmenion: thanks.. we just wanted people to notice it..09:48
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Dalziel_86chosebine: the problem I have with XDMCP is that it doesn't want to let me log in to the current session and administer programs running there. It wants me to start a new session, and run programs in that.09:49
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jacquesmerdeyo, i've installed bluez-gnome and connected my phone to my computer via hcid bluetooth. now i want to be able to send files to it via "send to..." which obex package do i want?09:50
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_Rappy_are there some way to run Internet Explorer on ubuntu? without emulators? I need to check that my webpage displays porperly in IE...09:53
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Dalziel_86_Rappy_: you could run it in WINE, or in a virtual machine running Windows.09:54
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PloneDudezhi everyone09:55
Dalziel_86_Rappy_: neither of those is an emulator, but I suspect you're conflating emulating with virtualisation09:55
jacquesmerdeWINE is an emulator. you'll have to e-mail bill and steve and ask them to port internet explorer to linux09:55
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Dalziel_86WINE is not an emulator. Says so right in the name. :D09:56
kurttino, Wine Is Not an Emulator09:56
_Rappy_no, but it's commonly refferd to one. I know what option I got with virtualizations, wine and emus I meant are ther esome kind of packs that just kan be installed?09:56
PloneDudezlets say, i wanna combine two commands into one ... like currently i always do this "cd folder/;ls" ...one of my frenz told me to configure the .bashrc but i am not aware how..anyone knoes..09:57
zaggynlDalziel_86, it's kinda hard to explain, how would you explain what wine is?09:57
ep|kdasat je mambng beryl09:57
zaggynla set of API's that...emulate windows?09:57
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Dalziel_86WINE is, essentially, something that fools applications into thinking they're running in Windows.09:57
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foughow do i exit nano?09:57
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valehruzaggynl, wine is not an emulator09:58
dabaRwhere is slashnet(URL)09:58
Dalziel_86WINE provides the APIs that applications hook into in Windows09:58
fougkurtti: thanks09:58
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:58
_Rappy_PloneDudez : in the .bashrc file (which resides in your home dir) there are exmapes of how to create your own custom commands. I.e. I use LL to do the LS -L09:58
valehru:), ggood ol' ubotu09:58
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tdmmehey all09:58
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_Rappy_ack, I'll just fire up a *shudders* windows PC. Thanks guys.09:59
bloodMuffinsome help with partitions please09:59
Dalziel_86_Rappy_: For testing a webpage, your best option is probably virtualisation.09:59
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zaggynlvalehru, yes yes, I get that all the time, but how to explain _what_ wine actually is then?09:59
tdmmeI just updated my ubuntu 6.10 machine, rebooted, and now I got many applications without text in the menu's or with missing characters.... any idea how to fix it?09:59
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valehruzaggynl, let them risk the wrath of asking on the winehq channel....09:59
Dalziel_86_Rappy_: Run something like VMware, install Windows in it, and test away.10:00
valehruzaggynl, Enverex is a stand up guy for that.10:00
PloneDudez_Rappy_: this command runs without any input parameters, but cd "input parameter";ls ...i am not aware of the input parameter part..10:00
=== zaggynl goes all kamikaze on #winehq
zaggynlon the other hand...nah10:00
valehru_Rappy_, You can run IExplorer in wine10:00
PloneDudezThe syntax part i mean..10:00
stefgtdmme: create a new user-account and test, if it's the same there. Might be a problem if you use a custom theme10:00
bloodMuffinhelp with partitions: i created a new ext3 partition and used gparted's copy button to copy my old ext3 to the new ext310:00
bloodMuffincan i delete my old one ?10:01
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tdmmestefg, I use the default ubuntu theme10:01
valehrubloodMuffin, have you tried gparted?10:01
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zaggynlI have this problem, I'm downloading from usenet, and this give problems with our telephone (it's voip), and trickle doesn't really work for bandwidth shaping10:01
valehrubloodMuffin, its a fairly easy to use partition manager in gnome10:01
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valehrubloodMuffin, sudo apt-get install gparted10:01
Dalziel_86_Rappy_: I wouldn't use WINE with IE for testing webpages, as the compatibility layer means that things might render quit differently than they would in a native Windows IE10:01
bloodMuffinvalehru: i had problems because i wanted to expand my ext3 partition but it was sandiwched between two ntfs partitions10:02
Ademananyone know how xfce gnome and kde store the "preffered applications" ?  and more importantly, the command for launching a terminal emulator10:02
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stefgtdmme: hmmm... do you use a nvidia-card and have the option "RenderAccel" "True" in xorg.conf?10:02
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bloodMuffinvalehru: so i resized the second ntfs, created a new ext3 partition there, and used copy10:02
PloneDudezAnyone Knows how to combine two commands into One command10:02
bloodMuffinvalehru: i am using gparted btw10:02
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haruPloneDudez, combine ??10:02
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Dalziel_86PloneDudez: piping maybe?10:03
MajorApuscan someone help me modify my fstab to make my mounted drives have the correct permision10:03
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stefgMajorApus: paste your fstab to pastebin10:03
Ademanzaggynl: well on windows when a windows application uses the win32 API (as they all do) it goes through win32.dll which talks to the windows kernel, which talks to the hardware.  ESSENTIALLY wine is a different version of win32.dll that talks to the linux kernel instead of the windows kernel10:04
PloneDudezLike currently, I do "cd folder/;ls" but i wanna create a new command like cdls folder/ or sumtin10:04
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zaggynlAdeman, so, it's a layer of API's, which could be described as an emulator?10:04
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haruPloneDudez, make a .sh file10:04
Dalziel_86PloneDudez: write a bash script10:04
kblinmorning folks10:04
tdmmestefg, yes I got an nvidia-card with RenderAccel True in my xorg.conf10:04
haruand put it in /usr/bin10:04
Dalziel_86PloneDudez: what haru said10:05
PloneDudezdo i modify the bashrc file10:05
MajorApusstefg: two of them (winxp and data1) are ntfs, data2 is ext3 and data3 is fat3210:05
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Ademanzaggynl: well it's a re-implementation of the win32 API (among other things) which isn't an emulator in the traditional sense, but i suppose you could call it one using a different definition10:05
stefgtdmme: comment that RenderAccell option out.... problems with newer drivers10:05
haruPloneDudez, not needed.. just make a filename.sh file.. change permissions to make it exceutable.. and put in /usr/bin10:05
tdmmestefg, oke, I'll try that. Thanks10:06
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stefgMajorApus: paste your fstab to pastebin10:06
Ademanzaggynl: it doesn't do what a SNES or sega genesis emulator does (which is interpret the program with software)10:06
Ademanwhich is why they say WINE is not an emulator10:06
Dalziel_86zaggyn: WINE doesn't emulate anything. It's more like a port.10:06
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Ademanespecially since "emulator" implies a lot of lag, they avoid the term10:07
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Ademanbut i think technically, by the dictionary definition of emulator, it is one10:07
zaggynleither way, it rocks :>10:07
Ademanindeed :-)10:07
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stefgMajorApus: HUH... there are a lot f broken lines in your fstab10:08
Dalziel_86zaggyn, Ademan: it's not really definitionally an emulator, because it doesn't simulate/emulate anything. It's not emulating the Windows API, it's replacing it.10:08
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Dalziel_86Subbing for it.10:08
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MajorApusstefg: what do you mean10:08
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jacquesmerdewhats the "ubuntu" way to send files from my computer to my phone once i've paired them with bluetooth hcid?10:10
kblinactually wine is pretty mych of an amylator :)10:10
stefgMajorApus: lines 4-6 mean nothing... no devices stated. and it would be useful to migrate the whole fstab to UUID-based mounting. YOu never know when the ubuntu devs decide to play with libata again and you devices get different names10:10
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blazemongerdid anyone ever fix the probs with the molecule screensaver10:11
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ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo10:11
kblinit just doesn't have much overhead, as opposed to emulating a machine like a full virtual machine like qemu10:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sequencer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:11
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blazemonger!music production10:11
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glickexcuse me, which version of ubuntu should i download for a core duo?10:12
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glickthe 64 bit version?10:12
Aaronfromchinahi, everyone. I've got problem of Chinese fonts support in Kile...........10:12
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kblinglick: that depends on what you want to use it for10:12
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glickkblin, desktop stuff,10:12
kblinglick: if you need to run a lot of 32bit apps, a 64bit distro is just a pain10:12
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glickkblin, just regular desktopie stuff10:13
glickthe core duo is 64 bits right?10:13
Hugoglick yes10:13
kblinfor that, I'll need to look up if the core duo is a 64bit processor... :)10:13
Hugoit is10:13
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kblinah, ok10:13
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vbanaitHI I INSTALLED LYX. But my previous files created using lyx are opened by gedit. There is nothing like @open with10:13
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stefgMajorApus: see the !fstab factoid on how to write a proper fstab10:14
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:14
glickbut i should use the 32 bit version of ubuntu?10:14
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zenroxglick: yes10:14
wehttamb_anyone know how big the upgrade from edgy to feisty is, in megabytes?10:15
MajorApusstefg: Im just using the mount tool10:15
MajorApusstefg: not writing it myself10:15
glickbut isnt 64 bits twice as cool as 32 bits?10:15
iioran770 I think10:15
kblinglick: no, not really10:15
zenroxglick: yes but any apps you want to use arnt in 64bit yet10:15
glickhmm ok10:15
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kblinglick: you get a lot of hassle in return10:15
bloodMuffinuh oh i need some help...10:15
glicki see10:16
glickso whats the 64 bit version good for?10:16
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stefgMajorApus: can you paste the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' , too. plz. I don't know what happened, but i wouldn't use a fstab which looks like that10:16
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kblinglick: do you have more that 8 gig of RAM?10:16
nraicIs any having problems downloading torrents at decent speeds in linux?10:16
bloodMuffingrub returns error 1710:16
vbanaitwhere to modify files association10:16
glickno kblin i wish10:16
stefg!grub | bloodMuffin10:17
ubotubloodMuffin: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:17
kblinglick: well, if you had, you'd want a 64bit distro10:17
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zaggynlWhat's with the repositories? I can update just fine, but there isn't a single upgrade to be done10:17
glicki have a feeling that vista purposefully makes it so firefox doesnt work as well as it should10:17
nraicI am find torrent downloading in linux very very slow, any ideas why?10:17
bloodMuffinactually can someone help me i am unable to boot my drive ( currently running off live cd)10:17
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klasrudianeeeh and why should he have 8GiB of ram to use 64-bits??10:17
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bloodMuffini copied my ubuntu partition to a new ext3 partition and deleted the old one10:18
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ParmenionbloodMuffin: what happened?10:18
bloodMuffinnow grub gives me error 1710:18
glickdoes feisty support reiser?10:18
glicki mean can i choose reiser on install?10:18
zenroxglick: yes10:18
glicki dont know why people dont like reiserfs its a kickass filesystem10:18
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ParmenionbloodMuffin: you need to edit the grub.conf or something like that10:19
kblinklasrudian: you don't have to... but if you have that much ram, you want to be able to address it without any nasty tricks that slow you down10:19
klasrudianbloodMuffin try and bot and press "e" in the brub meny and change the disk til you find the right one...10:19
stefgbloodMuffin: grub is still looking for it's config files on the old partition.... you have to update grub to tell it where it finds the /boot/grub/menu.lst10:19
kblinglick: unless it breaks10:19
kblinglick: which happens...10:19
glickhmm how much space should i five to ubuntu10:19
ep|khi all..10:19
kblinand it's not really developed anymore, I think10:19
glickkblin, ive run reiser for a long ass time and its never broken on me10:19
ep|ki want to know how to use gtk theme..10:19
glickwhat about reiserfs410:19
ep|ki'm newbie here10:19
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glicki mean i know the developer killed his wife and all and is in jail but other people are developing it10:20
kblinglick: yeah, but that's been out for how long?10:20
kblinand not really established?10:20
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bloodMuffini see...so if i press e at the grub menu i can tell it where the new grub.conf is?10:20
blazemongeri like the christian ubuntu edition10:20
MajorApusstefg: that fstab was made using the system tool! its not like I messed with it10:20
glickwell if more people started using it the more mature it would become10:20
klasrudianokay but it's only adnatige isn't hte support of adressing memory10:20
kblinto be honest, I've tried a lot of journalling file systems... and in the end I went back to ext310:20
negativecreephi folks.10:20
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vbanaitThe fonts do not look as good as on windows10:20
zerodayep|k: go to System>Preferences>Themes and drag it in10:20
glickyay i can finally run beryl10:20
blazemongerthing is the prob with Bibles is they're copyright..i dont get that10:21
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glickubuntu should fly on core duo with 2 gigs ram10:21
kblinglick: yay... I can't... ATI card... :/10:21
ep|kzeroday: i'm try10:21
negativecreepi am running edgy and upgrading to feisty..during upgrade, dmsetup fails saying udev is installed...cant go back either.10:21
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bloodMuffinstefg: how would i go about doing that10:21
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glickheh bummer kblin10:21
zerodayvbanait: did you install ms core fonts10:21
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stefgMajorApus: i believe that.... it seems somethig did not go the way it should, so we'll add a little manual love :-)10:21
glicki have the crappiest nvidia card 7 series10:21
klasrudianberyl is nice... jsut got it to work on my 64-bit installation :D10:21
zerodayep|k: what error do you getr10:21
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glickthe 7300LE10:21
kjalilwhere can I go to search whether a particular package exists in the fiesty repository without installing fiesty? is there a 'search packages' somewhere?10:21
blazemongerglick: could be worse10:21
jdavis_hello, anyone know why starting beryl just turns the screen white?10:21
kblinglick: I'm running a notebook10:21
blazemongeri have a rage 12810:21
stefgbloodMuffin: please red the grub howto10:22
blazemongerand beryl wont run at all10:22
blazemongeror will it/10:22
kblinblazemonger: that indeed is worse...10:22
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glickeventually ill upgrade, its pcie x 16 at least10:22
stefg!grub | bloodMuffin10:22
ubotubloodMuffin: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:22
glickblazemonger, eh, its just fancy eye candy10:22
MajorApusstefg: How?10:22
glickdoesnt add much10:22
bloodMuffinstefg: thanks10:22
zerodayvbanait: then in syanptic search for it and install (microsoft10:22
glicki just want to use it to impress the ladies10:22
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blazemongerglick: yah10:22
zeroday*microsoft core fonts10:22
ep|kzeroday: thanks10:22
kblinglick: he, I have a mac for that :)10:22
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glickhey baby, wanna come upstairs and check out my kick-ass linux desktop?10:22
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blazemongeri could care less about eye candy unless im on mushrooms lol10:23
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stefgMajorApus: give me your 'sudo fdisk -l' output to pastebin, then i can see how fstab should look10:23
glickworks EVERY time10:23
kblinglick: higher WAF for the hardware, too10:23
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:23
glickkblin, whats WAF?10:23
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kblinwomen acceptance factor10:23
andy_anyone knows how I can read a .msg (outlook message file) in linux?10:23
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:23
glickheh yeah but most women equate guys using macs as metrosexuals10:24
crabgrassas do most men i know10:24
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kblinwhat I came here to ask for was... is there a list of firmwares for wireless cards in feisty?10:24
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glickheh crabgrass concurrs10:24
stefgglick, crabgrass : take that to #ubuntu-offtopic, please10:24
MajorApusstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17366/10:24
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crabgrassanywho, how do i format a drive from term?10:25
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glickcrabgrass, mkfs10:25
blazemongerif the Bible is copyrighted, wouldn't that make  it against the purpose of Christianity?10:25
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glickor mkext3fs10:25
kleftisxhello how can i remove compiz 0.5 packages??10:25
crabgrassewww reiser10:25
kblincrabgrass: man mkfs10:25
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zaggynlisnt' the reiser dev in prison?10:25
glickcrabgrass, reiser rocks man, its hella fast10:25
glickzaggynl, yeah he killed his wife10:25
crabgrasskblin: durp, forgot about man10:26
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negativecreepcany anyone help me with the udev/dmsetup problem?10:26
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crabgrassglick: fast in what respects? would it be better for gaming/large files than ext3?10:26
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stefgMajorApus: ok...  so you have win on your first hd, and linux on the second?10:26
kblincrabgrass: as far as I'm aware reiser is fast for small files10:26
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glickcrabgrass, reiserfs is better for a lot of smaller to medium size files10:26
MajorApusthe mount tool is POS if you make a change to more than one drive it will do all the changes to the first drive, and never the second one, no matter how you click on it10:26
crabgrasskblin: how small?10:27
crabgrassglick: or, how medium?10:27
glickcrabgrass, to 3 megs or so10:27
crabgrassglick: oh, so mp3's?10:27
glick5 megs10:27
kblincrabgrass: I think most of the examples I've seen was to use reiser for maildirs or news server10:27
MajorApusyeah winzp and data1 are on hd1 and are ntfs, root data2 and swap are on hd2 root and data2 are ext3, datat3 is on its own fat3210:27
=== crabgrass slaps himself
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crabgrassi meant ogg's10:27
glickmp3s, media, programs, etc, etc,10:27
bloodMuffinubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df /boot10:27
bloodMuffinFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on10:27
bloodMuffin-                       777980     24656    753324   4% /10:27
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jerkworthyW: Couldn't stat source package list http://kubuntu.org dapper/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/kubuntu.org_packages_kde351_dists_dapper_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:27
glickext3 out performs it on huge files obviously 100+megs10:28
bloodMuffinwhat does this mean10:28
jerkworthywhat does that even mean?!10:28
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TuTuFFfrom a vanilkla install, with an XP partition, then Ubuntu, then swap, will grub read the NTFS partition correctly and make entries in the MBR to permit dualboot without manual tinkering?10:28
kblinbloodMuffin: you can use df -h /boot to make that readable :)10:28
crabgrassglick: familiar with WoW/HL2?10:28
glickcrabgrass, well ive heard of em10:28
stefgMajorApus: ok, so i'd need the output of 'blkid' ,too in pastebin10:28
glickif seen others play them10:28
crabgrassglick: 'cause they access one large file for texture/models... would it be better to go with ext3 then?10:28
blazemongeranyone use ubuntu-ce?10:28
glicki just do civ2 and company of heros10:28
negativecreephttp://www.pastebin.ca/455569 <-- can anyone have a look at it..upgrading from edgy to feisty.10:28
michupive question about application, is there app which ables do movies similar or better to aftereffects?10:28
vbanaitwhich ubuntu version is best10:28
glickcrabgrass, how big a file?10:29
bloodMuffinubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df /boot10:29
bloodMuffinFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on10:29
bloodMuffin-                       777980     24656    753324   4% /10:29
bloodMuffinshouldnt there be some dev/hdsomething something instead of - under filesystem....10:29
crabgrassglick: around a gig each10:29
glickcrabgrass, ex310:29
crabgrassglick: alright...10:29
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kblinbloodMuffin: in theory10:30
crabgrassglick: also, i was planning on putting my / on a seperate partition from /home/... would there be any risks/benefits in using reiser for / and ext3 for /home/?10:30
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glicki dont really have alot of gig files lying around and for those that i do, well i dont really care much if my p0rn movies load in 3 seconds vs 2 seconds10:30
crabgrassglick: lol10:30
MajorApusstefg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17367/10:30
glickcrabgrass, nah you can do that10:30
glicksplit file systems10:30
crabgrassglick: awesome10:30
glickalot of sys admins do that to get max performance off of servers10:30
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stefgMajorApus: k, hold on a sec10:31
glickext3 for larger files, reiser for smaller files10:31
crabgrasssounds like a good idea, too10:31
crabgrassthey play well together?10:31
glickcrabgrass, yeah their all the same to linux, linux uses a virtual filesystem interface, which makes them all transparent to each other10:31
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dobblegoare there many issues upgrading 6.10 to 7.04?10:32
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crabgrassmkext3fs: command not found10:32
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glickcrabgrass, mkfs10:32
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crabgrassglick: gotcha10:32
glickman i hope installing ubuntu from vista isnt gonna screwup my vista10:33
magnetronseems like things are starting too calm down since the 1500+ peak during the Feisty release10:33
stefgMajorApus: hmm... funny. your win partitions don't seem to have a UUID... but doesnt matter too much. Do you need the win partitons mounted permantly, or is it enough if they are mouted on demand?10:33
pukques, how do i figure out what package holds certain files (before having it installed)? Got vmware server installed, and it runs fine (?!?!) but it won't install mui cuz some file it depends on for output misses a lot of libraries. so I need to hunt down the packages that contain those libraries and there are quite a few10:33
TECH_1I hope it rips vista a new one.10:33
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crabgrassglick: i have no experiance with vista, but i know 2000 craps its pants when it sees any fs' it doesn't recognize, and will try to format them10:34
crabgrassi know from personal experiance10:34
MajorApusdata1 is 250gb of storage10:34
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magnetronglick: use the live cd to install ubuntu, vista will hardly notice ubuntu is installed. it will notice that it has a smaller partition than before, though10:34
MajorApusstefg: i had it working earlier10:35
TECH_1just go buy another drive and be over with it...way worth it to.10:35
jendaWhy does VLC open a new, blank (black) window titled VLC X11 output whenever I play a video?10:35
crabgrasspuk: sudo apt-get build-dep vmware10:35
crabgrasspuk: not sure, but that might do it.10:35
jenda2 of them, actually - one is very tiny.10:35
MajorApusstefg: i could make the data1 ext310:35
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pukcrabgrass: vmware isn't a package in ubuntu so i doubt that10:35
glickmagnetron, will that cause it to crap its pants?10:35
crabgrasspuk: bugger10:35
pukthere must be a way to search for files somewhere..10:36
blazemongervista=work of satan10:36
crabgrassvista = kicked out of the nest earlier than vanguard10:36
stefgMajorApus: relax... we are just going to beautify this ugly fstab. So is it ok if you only mount the win-partitions n demand, since your data are on a separate partiton anyway?10:36
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glicki wouldnt need vista if i could play my games flawlessly in linux :( but untill i cant im bound10:36
MajorApusstefg: for now10:37
crabgrassglick: what games?10:37
glickcrabgrass, civ4, company of heroes, and battlefield10:37
kblinglick: and you need vista for those games?10:37
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pukxp uses way less memory...10:37
jendaglick: You can avoid playing games - it has worked great for me so far ;)10:37
magnetronglick, i don't know that much about vista's pants, but my point is that the installation is outside of vista10:37
glickkblin, no XP would do fine but vista is what came with my computer10:37
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blazemongera friend of mine has a pair of pants that are from space10:37
|ringo|Hey, does anyone know the apt-get command to install kernel sources?10:37
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vbanaiti am planning to try linux. which will be best10:37
crabgrassglick: 1942 or the new battlefield?10:37
glickapt-get install kernel-source10:38
magnetronglick: vista has bad game support10:38
crabgrassglick: 'cause i'm pretty sure bf1942 works with wine10:38
glickmagnetron, seems ok so far10:38
pukmagnetron: no games have bad vista support :)10:38
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kblincrabgrass: sort of..10:38
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stefgMajorApus: ok, just give me aminute10:38
zackwith Ubuntu 7.04 alternate install, does it include a package of the new KDE so I don't have to download it again after my update?10:38
pukcrabgrass: found something. apt-file :)10:39
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zacki have the disk, just not looking forward to having to download a TON of stuff10:39
glickhmm gotta decide if i want ubuntu or kubuntu10:39
crabgrasspuk: ooo10:39
webmindgood day10:39
crabgrassglick: i like gnome, but don't overlook xfce10:39
pukglick: then decide whether you want gnome or kde...10:39
webmindI've upgraded to feisty10:39
crabgrassglick: just tried it today, and i like it10:39
magnetronglick, puk: almost ALL games has LESS performance in the "improved" vista compared to xp=> bad game platform10:39
webmindbut now I lost all my evolution accounts10:39
crabgrassmagnetron: that's becuase vista gorges itself on your ram10:40
glickmagnetron, yeah maybe so, give if a service pack or two10:40
webmindthey are still stored in .evolution10:40
webmindbut new accounts are in .gconf210:40
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webmindcan anyone tell me how to convert these ?10:40
sjkwizardhi...i've a problem...i can't get the lock of /var/lib/apt/lists/lock...how do i fix this problem?10:40
pukmagnetron: ... it consumes more memory, more cpu, has mainly crappy drivers and you actually expect it to perform be tter?10:40
zackpuk: i'm with you on that one10:40
magnetronglick: I doubt that. the service packs seldom removes things.10:40
crabgrassand it's 64bit... why10:40
magnetronpuk: no, that's my point too10:41
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TECH_1yea...bill got sick of being blue screened he desined the (RGP) program.10:41
zackany point to getting Ubuntu 64 bit yet? i tried once before and it was shocking, not even proper codec or flash support10:41
TheInfinityhmm ... one question ... my vpnc client has lots of problems since 7.04 ... it disconnects after secounds ... dows anybody know why?10:41
dobblegocan I upgrade using the upgrade manager without downloading 850MB if I have the ISO?10:41
crabgrasszack: unless you have an app built for a 64bit platform, no10:41
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pukzack: that's because the windows codecs are still only available in 32b. flash hasn't gotten to 64b yet either it's appearantly quite hard for them to rewrite their engine (can't just recompile it)10:42
bloodMuffingrr still not working10:42
crabgrasszack: like you said, it's a real pain getting flash, etc working.10:42
magnetronzack: actually it's Adobe that don't have 64 support10:42
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pukzack: other than that should be fine10:42
zackdobblego: you should be able to put the cd info into /etc/apt/sources.list (or similar, gotta love TAB)10:42
blazemongeronly prob i have with feisty  is the proprietary drivers10:43
zackpuk, et. al.: right10:43
dobblegozack, ok thanks10:43
crabgrasscan't wait for the day when svg replaces flash10:43
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zackdobblego: check out ubuntuguide.org10:43
webmindbtw, shouldn't this be a bug ?10:43
magnetronblazemonger, yes, if they were FOSS the community would be allowed to fix them10:43
Madpilotdobblego, you need to get the alternate installer ISO, then that'll get a bunch of the packages10:44
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ubotuvista is the new operating system by the evil overlords from Redmond. For more information, see http://www.badvista.org10:44
Madpilotdobblego, just burn it, then stick it into your CD drive while Ubuntu is running - it'll be recognized and go from there.10:44
crabgrasslol evil overlords10:44
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dobblegoMadpilot, ok thanks10:44
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zackMadpilot: i have an ubuntu alternate... would that still work for upgrading?10:44
Madpilotzack, yes - just burn it & drop it in your CD drive10:45
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=== Madpilot is currently upgrading to Feisty using exactly this method - it was faster to torrent the alt ISO than download everything.
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andy_anyone knows a plugin for gedit which converts all special chars in a document into it's correct html code? For example  into &ouml;10:46
crabgrassandy_: find and replace? =/10:46
andy_crabgrass, there are also  and  etc.10:46
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andy_and I don't wanna search the whole document for each special char that could appear ;)10:47
richbHello al.l10:47
vbanaitanybody knows any database program to manage medical clinics10:47
Madpilotandy_, some of the HTML editors might have a wizard for this - not sure. Try bluefish or screem for starters10:47
richb*all. too10:47
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crabgrassandy_: i meant ctrl+h, but you're right... that would take a while10:47
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andy_Madpilot, ok, gonna look into that.10:47
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vbanaitanybody knows any database program to manage medical clinics10:48
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vbanaitnybody knows any database program to manage medical clinics10:48
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shricif you use an appropriate charset encoding, you shouldn't need to convert things like that10:48
vbanaitanybody knows any database program to manage medical clinics10:48
richbvbanait: What sort of database do you need?10:48
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MajorApusstefg: ?10:48
richbvbanait: And don't spam.10:48
crabgrassshric: doesn't always display correctly on the other end10:48
stefgMajorApus: still cleaning the mess :-)10:49
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ivxhey i'm on feisty and the xchat icon in the notification area is cool but how can i get it to minimize to it?10:49
|what_if|can java 5 and 6 be installed at the same time ? synaptics lets me do it ...10:49
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vbanaitsomething that can keep my patients data and able to export the required reports10:49
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magnetronvbanait: there is a database program included in openoffice. there is also other famous databases, like postgresql and mysql10:49
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crabgrasswhat_if: AFAIK they're installed into seperate directories, so yes, you can.10:49
richbSQL is a requirement then?10:49
vbanaiti require something readymade10:50
what_ifcrabgrass: I see, but how do I reference one version or another since they are both called "java"10:50
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magnetronvbanait: try the database in openoffice, it is included on the ubuntu desktop cd10:50
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crabgrasswhat_if: if you can point the script/whatever to a directory directly, that would work10:50
haruhow do i disable my lower panel bar?10:51
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crabgrasswhat_if: i.e. '/path/to/java' rather than 'java'10:51
what_ifcrabgrass: I see, I did make the mistake of uninstalling java6 and installing java5... that killed it quick10:51
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vbanaiti have not worked with any dabase programs before. I needd a ready to use out of box solution10:51
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crabgrassharu: rightclick it and 'delete this panel'10:51
kblinhow do I get kubuntu to give me the kernel boot messages while booting?10:52
crabgrassharu: assuming you're using gnome10:52
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violator_help! the shortcut on my desktop cannot be deleted10:52
crabgrassAucti: hi.10:52
what_ifkblin: remove the line "quiet" from the grub boot options10:52
GuHHHis there any problem i use a package from edgy on festy?10:52
stefgMajorApus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17368/10:52
Auctihow are you ?10:52
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harucrabgrass, ok10:52
magnetronvbanait: openoffice.org is designed to be easy to use, yet powerful. try it10:52
kblinwhat_if: I can't do that while booting?10:52
crabgrassviolator_: use the rm command in term10:52
what_ifkblin: dunno, never tried10:52
kblinwhat_if: so.. like.. after I loaded the kernel?10:52
TECH_1Who knows anything about (fiaif)?10:52
GuHHHcan someone give-me the libapache-mod-php5 package?10:53
vbanaiti will. but is there any program for electronic medical records10:53
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Auctisorry,What,s it's10:53
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stefgMajorApus: so 'sudo mv /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.bak' and replace the fstab with the one from pastebin10:53
what_ifkblin: don't know if you can disable the splash while booting... never tried10:53
Auctisorry,What,s this?10:53
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crabgrassGuHHH: apt is friendly with things like that10:53
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kblinwhat_if: well, thanks anyway :)10:53
magnetronviolator_, what sort of shortcut is it?10:53
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hoppyhi, anyone know if feisty now supports broadcom bcm4138 or am I best sticking with edgy?10:53
GuHHHcrabgrass: sadly itsnt! i cant find this package anymore.10:53
MoxJe2what is the command to stop a ssh connection? (when connected to the other computer)10:54
crabgrassGuHHH: hmm... well, i don't have it here, try google?10:54
GuHHHcrabgrass: take a try :/10:54
LBM_Hello, could anyone help me with installing nVidia drivers? I`ve tried installing from repositories, and the nvidia website, but the X just won`t10:54
stefgMajorApus: take care that the line wrap in pastebin does not mess things10:54
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LBM_start with nvidia as driver10:54
GuHHHalready tried. ;)10:54
richbLBM_: Won't start?10:54
crabgrassLBM_: one sec10:54
MajorApuswhy is the ntfs read only?10:54
MoxJe2oh ok ctrl+d10:54
violator_it's an mp4 file. i've tried moving it to trash but it always stays10:54
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:54
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crabgrassLBM_: http://www.albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html10:54
GuHHHLBM_: use vesa instead, do u really need nvidia driver?10:54
MajorApusstefg: thanks for your time, let me try it out10:54
crabgrassLBM_: give that a shot10:55
stefgMajor check for typos... i think i found one on sdc110:55
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violator_the source file is on an ntfs drive10:55
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crabgrassmkfs question: what's the difference between '-t fstype' and 'filesys'?10:55
bluesman /join #ubuntu-classroom10:55
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MajorApusokay so they are all mounted, but I have no access on winxp, readonly on data1 (fine for now) rw on data2 and only r on data310:56
magnetronvbanait; there is an open medical records software in development called OpenMRS, see http://www.openmrs.org/10:56
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LBM_crabgrass, thanks. I`ve tried Envy, it does install, but anyway starts with black screen, so I had to restore xorg.conf10:56
MajorApusdata 3 needs to be rw10:56
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tarzeauhow does ubuntu feisty make that usb sticks are mounted to /media/disk ? i can't find anything in /etc/fstab10:56
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GuHHHMajorApus: you are not root there.10:56
crabgrassLBM_: same thing happens here, use nano to change the driver from 'nvidia' to 'nv'10:56
LBM_GuHHH, well I do hope to get the maximum out of my video card...10:57
crabgrassLBM_: i have no idea why that happens, and it happens every time i reboot, but that fix seems to work10:57
richbLBM_: Could you post the Xorg.log somewhere?10:57
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GuHHHLBM_: sorry but what for?10:57
crabgrassrichb: you have a fix for this? i'm interested10:57
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stefgMajorApus: wait, thers something missing in the first line10:57
GuHHHtarzeau: mount -t vfat /dev/xxx /mnt/usb10:58
LBM_crabgrass, that is not a workaround as far as I understand, it`s just using other driver10:58
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crabgrassLBM_: durp10:58
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haruhow do i get svn to work via proxy10:58
harusubversion that is10:58
richbcrabgrass: I don't know what the problem is yet, without a log file it is hard to diagnose.10:58
crabgrassLBM_: well, in that case, i have no idea10:58
GuHHHLBM_: are ur monitors refresh rate correct?10:58
stefgMajorApus: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17369/10:58
tarzeauGuHHH: no it must be automatic10:59
crabgrassrichb: well, i'd hand over my logfile, but... long story short, i don't have that install anymore10:59
orbinhoppy: are you using ndiswrapper now?10:59
Meltirhi ppl. im trying to compile php under feisty. configure tells me 'checking whether the C++ compiler (gcc   ) works... no', in fact it says 'checking for c++... no' :| i obvoiusly checked and i have gcc and libtool.... anyone run into something like this ?10:59
GuHHHtarzeau: no way.10:59
tarzeauGuHHH: it's multiuser systems, without users having mount/umount right10:59
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tarzeauGuHHH: i hate linux for this10:59
GuHHHtarzeau: no way. u are not on windows...10:59
richbMelti: g++10:59
GuHHHtarzeau: its simple, do as i told10:59
MajorApushow do I get rw on the data311:00
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tarzeauGuHHH: it's not possible, the users here don't have root permission11:00
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GuHHHtarzeau: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/xxx /mnt/usb11:00
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crabgrassone more mkfs question: what goes where for 'fs-options'?11:00
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LBM_GuHHH, Beryl, 3D and 2D performance-improvements.. Well, not sure about them really, but vesa won`t even let me use 1024*76811:00
MajorApusi have to sleep11:00
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magnetrontarzeau: you can give normal users rights to automount external drives, see system > adminsitration > useres11:01
GuHHHLBM_: okay, so its better to install nvidia drivers really :)11:01
crabgrassGuHHH: i don't see why not11:01
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GuHHHcrabgrass: depends on what u use linux for :)11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fs-options - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:02
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Meltirrichb: thanks, that worked :)11:02
crabgrassGuHHH: true, i'm not used to working with less than 2gb ram =/11:02
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tarzeaumagnetron: they don't have that menu, not all of them use gnome11:02
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orbinwhat plugin are people using for video/mp3 streaming in firefox?11:02
crabgrassorbin: gstreamer?11:03
GuHHHif i could i would let my xserver run with vesa, but i had to install fglrx driver, its was a pain in the ... until i could find it :P11:03
magnetronsorry what "them"?11:03
magnetron!codecs | orbin11:03
ubotuorbin: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:03
GuHHHtarzeau: cant u do that with sudo mount ... ?11:03
crabgrassokay, this look good?     sudo mkfs -v -c -t ext3 /dev/sda11:04
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tsubasaTaffhello !11:04
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tsubasaTaffI encounter a problem with breezy security11:04
tsubasaTaffwhen i try to apt-get update it fail with that11:05
ubotuUbuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek For logs please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts and http://www.tonyyarusso.is-a-geek.com/irclogs/openweek/11:05
crabgrasshmm... how do i count blocks on a disk?11:05
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magnetronthe Ubuntu OpenWeek is this week!11:05
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johns^crabgrass: df   ?11:06
orbincrabgrass, magnetron: well i've installed totem-xine and totem-xine-firefox-plugin + w32codecs but files won't load for me.11:06
johns^crabgrass: or df -h11:06
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sharingosI have created 3 version of this game  a pipe version, a thread one and this last that works with Shared memory and semaphores. in the first 2 version no problem with input, I have used getch and the function timeout (ncurses) so to make non blocking input, in this last case there is a problem getch doesn't works well and I must use getchar to make it non blocking. I have used a linux version of kbhit but there is a problem with buffering: if I press a11:06
sharingoskey, the buffer is effectively written only if I press another key... any solution??11:06
crabgrassjohns^: awesome, thanks11:06
magnetronorbin, what format is the files in?11:06
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vbanaitthe openemr implementation appear to be very difficult. is there simple emr program11:06
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orbinmagnetron: well the one i'm trying is an mp3.11:07
crabgrassorbin: you need gstreamer ugly, i think11:08
crabgrassor ffmpeg11:08
magnetronvbanait: if you want a simple yet powerful solution, try the openoffice.org database software. no harm in testing it.11:08
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LBM_richb, http://www.mediafire.com/?7mdwy0uheyw - My Xorg.log11:08
[swb] Feisty Fawn :D11:09
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[swb] it is my opinion that ubuntu now runs better, supports more hardware, and is easier to use than the latest windows11:09
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[swb] also its free11:09
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ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:09
crabgrass[swb] : emphasis on runs better11:09
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[swb] crabgrass, I just bought a new computer, admittedly its pretty powerful but Feisty with all beryl etc runs like a dream11:10
kahrytanswb: Not when it comes to wireless.11:10
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adonishey guys.. anyone know about the ndinswrapper problem with feisty fawn?11:10
Parmenionlol, always the worst eh11:10
Parmenionadonis, ndiswrapper problem ?11:11
=== Pello82 [n=Pejo@adsl-ull-91-65.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu
anandhamHello All I have a problem copying mp3 files from a backup DVD11:11
magnetronkahrytan: the ndiswrapper is a real hack, don't blaim ubuntu for that11:11
[swb] kahrytan, no? last time I tried to use wireless it was a pain in the bum actually, but its funny that in general, Feisty works with more hardware than Vista11:11
crabgrass[swb] : any experiance in getting beryl not to kill performance when used with 3d-accelerated apps?11:11
orbinadonis: anyone in particular?11:11
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adonisno.. don't get me wrong i love ubuntu11:11
kahrytan[swb]  Ndiswrapper does not count.  It's a cheat.11:11
Seinequestion: is it possible to debug "Enable Desktop Effects"? It has no effect for me. It tries to enable the effects for about 1 min, then reverts.11:11
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crabgrassanandham: what error are you getting?11:11
[swb] crabgrass, what graphics card do you have?11:11
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adonisi have a friend thats running a linksys wireless card in his laptop and he keeps getting that error11:11
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crabgrass[swb] : geforce 7900gtx11:12
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anandhamInput I/O error while I try copying it11:12
Emyrmorning all11:12
JediMasterhi all11:12
crabgrassanandham: sounds like a bad disc11:12
adonisIt ask to install the ndiswrapper...11:12
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[swb] and I have not yet tested with running 3d accelerated stuff in beryl11:12
anandhamI can copy other data..11:12
JediMasterI'm trying to upgrade from the previous debian stable up to fiesty and having a headache with libc611:12
[swb] I guess you could always turn off the composite extension and restart X but thats lame11:12
anandhamlike documents11:12
kahrytan[swb]  I use Wired Router anyways. I don't trust Wireless. To easy for hackers to break in.11:12
Parmenioni would manually install ndiswrapper to workaround first11:12
[swb] kahrytan, too right11:12
vadvadhi, how do i install a *.run file and *.rpm file?11:12
[swb] also the airwaves are getting crowded these days, as everyone and his dog now has a wireless AP11:13
Parmenioni prefer wireless for my laptop... all the rest of the connections are wireless11:13
crabgrass[swb] : admittedly, i haven't tried it in about two months, but framerate in WoW/HL2 dropped from ~150 with metacity to ~2 with beryl11:13
vbanaithow can i fix association of lyx files with lyx11:13
[swb] vadvad, to install a .rpm, run alien on it to make it a deb11:13
anandhamits the media files which are not getting copied from the DVD11:13
adonissweet i will tell my friend about that thx parmenion11:13
JediMasterlibc6 complained that it could not upgrade with a 2.4.x kernel, even though the dist-upgrade was going to install one, and every time I try and run any install/upgrade (such as apt-get -f install) I get: E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc611:13
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crabgrass[swb] : that just means more free internet for me =D11:13
[swb] a run is normally just a binary, so chmod a+x it then do ./filename.run11:13
vbanait2. is there any tool for batch conversion of lyx to pdf11:13
magnetronJediMaster: you can't upgrade from debian stable to ubuntu feisty. do a fresh install11:13
haruhow do i find which version of gtk do i have11:13
Parmenion[swb] : true, but it doesnt matter so much now does it? its easier and more to configure11:13
vadvadrun alien?11:13
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[swb] crabgrass, do you reembmer if when you were doing that, when you were in beryl and did glxinfo, did it say DRI was on?11:14
magnetronharu, search for gtk in synaptic11:14
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JediMastermagnetron: I beg to differ, I've done it on 3 other servers11:14
[swb] cause it enver used to for me when I was running beryl on my old system (ATI something or other) but on the new geforce it does11:14
crabgrass[swb] : i'm fairly sure it was on, yes11:14
crabgrass[swb] : or at least enabled.11:14
Parmenionlol crabgrass, i personally havent configured wireless as i just installed feisty, but i use mac filtering :P11:14
kahrytan[swb]   WPA2 is good though. I like the AES. but I just don't like the idea of someone breaking in through it. If there was fool proof way to defend against MAC spoofing  then it be safer.11:14
Parmenionso not so much of free wireless for you :P11:14
[swb] vadvad, apt-get install alien11:14
[swb] then do alien whatever.rpm11:15
crabgrassParmenion: you'd be amazed at how few people even use WEP keys11:15
[swb] and it makes a .deb11:15
JediMastermagnetron: didn't have a single package/dependancy problem before either11:15
[swb] then do dpkg -i whatever.deb11:15
anandhamcrabgrass. The files other than media formata re getting copied. I can't even run from the DVD also11:15
[swb] sorry I was using enter for punctuation again :(11:15
crabgrassParmenion: and i'm using mac filtering in my wired router, even though i doubt it's necessassry11:15
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tarzeauGuHHH: our users don't have root permission. the solution is i start gnome-volume-manager whenever a user logs in into x, as the users id11:15
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crabgrassanandham: hmm, not sure11:15
kahrytancrabgrass: I know that for a fact. When I visited Hawai'i, a neighbor didn't use ANY security. I used their wifi to access internet on laptop.11:16
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vbanaithow can i fix association of lyx files with lyx11:16
vbanaithow can i fix association of lyx files with lyx11:16
crabgrasskahrytan: did you try getting into the router itself?11:16
magnetronJediMaster: the procedure is not supported. if it happens to work, it is more of a luck11:16
vbanaithow can i fix association of lyx files with lyx11:16
[swb] I have had no problems running 64bit ubuntu even, I expected that to be a little less smooth11:16
JediMastermagnetron: that's different =)11:16
vadvadafter i click ctrl+alt+f2 how do i return to the graphic mode without restart?11:16
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adonisso did anyone read the digg article about ubuntu and the dx10 hack?11:16
vbanaithow can i fix association of lyx files with lyx11:16
Parmenioncrabgrass: ive got 5 broadband wireless networks with decent signal right open for the picking even from my home11:16
moonliteHow do i change what gcc-version is default in ubuntu? (ie sets the right symlink to /usr/bin/gcc)?11:16
crabgrassadonis: no, link please11:16
kahrytancrabgrass: I'm not a hacker.   I wonder if it still had the default password.11:17
magnetron!repeat | vbanait11:17
ubotuvbanait: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:17
adonissure one sec..11:17
moonlite(plus some extra stuff i guess?)11:17
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crabgrassParmenion: scary11:17
vadvadafter i push ctrl+alt+f2 how do i return to the graphic mode without restart?11:17
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Ngvadvad: alt+f711:17
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[swb] vadvad, ctrl-alt-f711:17
Parmenioncrabgrass: yep ....11:17
crabgrassParmenion: and to think... if they don't change the router's password, you can feed it a corrupt firmware update and brick it.11:17
JediMastermagnetron: a fresh install is not an option as we need as little as possible down time on this remote machine, done it locally (but via ssh only) on two nearly identical setups without any problems at all (was very suprised) and only 5-6 minutes downtime including reboot11:17
crabgrassParmenion: such foolishness out there11:18
PrMoriartydo you know a vpn client on ubuntu11:18
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trolls - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:18
Parmenioncrabgrass:  i never thought of such an interesting attack vector XD11:18
kahrytancrabgrass: Why brick the router: just change the router settings to make only work for you. Effectively banning them from internet11:18
NgPrMoriarty: there are plugins for network manager for both pptp and openvpn type vpns11:18
[swb] I remember using debian in 2001, and thinking one day linux on the desktop would be as awesome as ubuntu is now :)11:18
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crabgrasskahrytan: not enough lulz11:18
vbanaithow can i have @open with option for right click11:18
PrMoriartyi want to connect on a cisco vpn server11:18
NgPrMoriarty: vpnc looks like it claims to be that11:19
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PrMoriartydunno if i need a special vpn client11:19
crabgrasskahrytan: and i assume they could to a hard reset on the box and get everything back11:19
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crabgrasskahrytan: well, assuming they knew they could do that11:19
PrMoriartyi seeking it so11:19
kahrytancrabgrass: True but they would learn their lesson.11:19
crabgrassand if they don't even have a password set, they probably don't11:19
crabgrasskahrytan: i hope so11:19
adoniscrabgrass.. i will have to dig it up for you.. but it was about dx10 and gamming on ubuntu11:19
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PrMoriartyi installed openvpn?11:19
PrMoriartyit is uselfull?11:19
kahrytancrabgrass: You could download illegal stuff on open wifi too.11:19
crabgrassadonis: how much different is dx10 from v9?11:20
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crabgrasskahrytan: you sure could, you wouldn't even need tor11:20
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Parmenionkahrytan: you are making me think too much ....11:20
kahrytanadonis: that article is on Slashdot?11:20
madinfoanyone can tell me why my ubuntu doesn't turn of the computer when i tell to do it ? only get black screen11:20
Parmenioncrabgrass: a little too sick to be true.11:20
adonisprobably not to much but i know it's a " bonus" in vista and works inconjuction w/ 8800 series graphics cards11:20
adonisnot sure what the big diff is.11:20
crabgrasskahrytan: which brings me to my next question... is it possible to distribute your connection over multiple routers?11:20
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PrMoriartyNg: do you know how run vpnc?11:21
detWhat is the replacement for PLF?11:21
Parmenioncrabgrass: why not ? a single connection, but just daisy chaining it down right ?11:21
kahrytanadonis: Slashdot has article posting on DX10 hack.11:21
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crabgrasskahrytan: ex.: if two of my neighbors have open wifi, can i use each one to download half a file?11:21
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adonisThats it slashdot sry guys thx kahrytan11:21
Bokehcrabgrass: you could trunk them11:22
crabgrasskahrytan: have a link to it?11:22
kahrytancrabgrass: I wouldn't know11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bandwidth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shaping - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:22
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crabgrassBokeh: trunk? thought that was part of a phone system11:22
zaggynlAnyone knows good bandwidth shaping (at desktop) software? trickle doesn't do the job here11:22
sikor_sxehello, i just updated to feisty from edgy. now i have the problem that on logon it takes several minutes for the startup11:22
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=== magnetron_ [n=magnetro@c83-252-239-9.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
sikor_sxethe gnome startup that is11:22
Bokehtrunking is basically loadbalancing multiple network connections11:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trunk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
sikor_sxei can start apps, but there is no wm11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trunking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
Parmenioncrabgrass: i dont think its possible simultaneously11:23
Bokehso no, you can't do a single connection over 2 different lines, but you can do 2 connections over 2 lines, so basically loadbalancing the network load11:23
Bokehit's quite complex though11:23
crabgrassBokeh: do you need a router on your end for this, or just a nic?11:23
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Parmenionnot to mention, how do you specify the exact file break?11:23
magnetron_crabgrass please try out new !keywords in pm to ubotu11:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keywords - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:23
=== SkyTalker [n=michael@HSI-KBW-091-089-087-038.hsi2.kabelbw.de] has joined #ubuntu
Bokehyou'd need 2 nics at least11:23
Bokehand a dedicated router is recommended.11:24
crabgrassmagnetron_: didn't think of that, will do.11:24
Bokehi did it on my work desktop a while ago to test something, but it's not really useful on a single workstation :)11:24
crabgrassBokeh: so is this something you set up on your router, or on your machine?11:24
Bokehand it's not worth the trouble unless you're a big bucks company that loses out on customers if their network connection is down11:24
crabgrassBokeh: oh, so you can't use it to speed up downloads?11:25
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adonisThanks Kahrytan..11:25
crabgrassor at least distribute them11:25
csjhi all, when I enable desktop effect and then view GTK+ API using firefox, the title will be strange like this picture http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=471083047&size=o11:25
Bokehyou can ofcourse use it to load balance multiple connections11:25
crabgrassBokeh: bummer... i'll still look into it, though, sounds cool.11:25
kahrytanadonis: It is the wrapper link that mentions Linux. It is truely hacked. WINE dev team be interested in it.11:25
Bokehso connection 1 goes to line 1, connection 2 goes to line 2, connection 3 goes to line 1, etc. etc.11:25
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Bokehor you can use it as a backup line.... for example, you have a high-speed Gbit link at your colocation, and you have a backup DSL line going to your router11:26
Bokehso in case your provider screws up you still have a fallback connection11:26
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Bokehhttp://www.linuxhorizon.ro/bonding.html is a nice article11:26
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Bokehand http://sourceforge.net/projects/bonding/ is the sf project11:27
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magnetron_Parmenion, try PM ubotu11:27
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Bokehit's a  bitch to set up though, be prepared to pull out lots of hairs :)11:27
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vbanait i need electronic medical record system for ubuntu. simple11:27
crabgrassBokeh: thanks for the links11:27
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ParmenionPM ubotu11:27
Parmenionthat was dumb11:27
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LBM_Hm... Is there a way to uninstall Gaim without uninstalling "ubuntu-desktop"?11:27
adonishopefully it actually is not a hoax..i only keep a windows box around for the games..11:27
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kalinhi, i'm trying to run winecfg, and when i click the audio tab it closes with an error that /dev/snd/seq does not exist. anyone know what this might indicate?11:28
what_ifLBM_: no11:28
|ringo|LBM_: find gaim in synaptic and uncheck the box, then hit apply11:28
adonisbe nice to convert to another nix flavor11:28
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crabgrassBokeh: ah, so it's just for redundancy, not actual throughput11:28
what_ifLBM_: but "ubuntu-desktop" is just a meta-package11:28
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Bokehyou can use it for actual throughput as well.11:28
kahrytanPidgin, Not GAIM11:28
Bokehif you trunk 2 1Gbit connections, you'll effectively have 2 x 1Gbit11:28
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Bokehdepends on how you set it up though. round-robin, active backup, balance, etc.11:29
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magnetron_vbanait: all i can say is that the openmrs folks are working on it. did you try openoffice database?11:29
crabgrassdo they have to have the same speed or can they be asynchronous?11:29
kahrytanGAIM changed it's name to Pidgin. And it's next release will reflect it.11:29
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Bokehthey can be asynchronous11:29
crabgrasskahrytan: gin? really? that's a bad name.11:29
Bokehthough i wouldn't do that for broadcast or balance modes11:29
LBM_Thanks, I`ll try it11:29
Bokehonly for round robin and active-backup11:29
vbanaitPutting it myself on ooo database is a huge task.11:29
crabgrass... is there any way to unbind my [insert]  key? i've never in my life used it.11:30
Bokehpidgin? :D11:30
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|ringo|anyone know if compiling truecrypt kernel module should take 30+ minutes?11:30
kahrytancrabgrass: A pidgin is a simplified language that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups who do not share a common language, in situations such as trade.11:30
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kahrytancrabgrass: It is a fitting name.11:30
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crabgrasskahrytan: oh, it's a real term.11:31
crabgrasskahrytan: +10 to credibility11:31
kahrytancrabgrass: Many people on Slashdot complained too.11:31
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crabgrasskahrytan: now that i've wiki'd it, i like it.11:32
crabgrassand anomie, that's another good one11:32
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kahrytancrabgrass:  The name fits. i just wish it got into Feisty.11:32
sand_stormHi, can anyone tell me how i can open an MS access file on linux11:32
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:33
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thebillywaynesand_storm, in Open Office i think.11:33
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sand_stormit doesn't open them11:33
thebillywaynesand_storm, what's the file's extension?11:34
kahrytanWhich is better, Gnome Office, KDE Office or Open Office?11:34
crabgrasspidgin > jabber11:34
crabgrass'jabber' sound so disorganized >.>11:34
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what_ifkahrytan: openoffice11:34
belfegorwhat is the comand to see may own ip?11:34
thebillywaynesand_storm, have you tried opening it through the File Browser?11:34
Bokehkahrytan: openoffice if you want compatibility with ms office and lots and lots of features11:35
what_ifbelfegor: ifconfig11:35
sand_stormi will try that..11:35
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sand_stormi opened it from the open office11:35
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kahrytanWhat is Gnome Office and KDE Office? What is based on?11:35
=== _XeN_ [n=sablesla@h3-208-66-148.mesh.net] has joined #Ubuntu
haruhow do i configure ubuntu to expand/maximize to a part of screen.. say upto the dockbar11:35
thebillywaynesand_storm, did it open it successfully?11:35
Bokehabiworld (aka gnome office) if you just want to type and have a quick, responsive writer11:35
vadvadwhen i try to install alien i get 2 (EE) 1.cound not open lock file 2. unable to lock the admin directory.  help anyone?11:35
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sand_stormopened an unreadble file11:36
thebillywaynesand_storm, are you gettting any error messages?11:36
kahrytanOne of my favorite parts of Open Office is PDF export.11:36
what_ifvadvad: is synaptic running somewhere else ?11:36
elsei don't know11:36
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vadvadwhats synaptic?11:36
jijutmhi all .. the DVD of feisty downloaded.. does not permit a network install ..11:36
kahrytanvadvad: ubuntu software install for gnome.11:36
_XeN_vadvad are you root?11:36
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elsevadvad, a frontend for apt11:36
what_ifvadvad: the default gui package manager11:36
vadvadyas i am root..11:37
Bokehjijutm: what's the error message?11:37
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kahrytanvadvad: Log out of Root now.11:37
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vadvadmm i dont think so..11:37
what_ifvadvad: are there any other installs currently running ?11:37
_XeN_vadvad your prolly have synaptic running or something else that locks the directory11:37
vadvadnothing running..11:37
kahrytanvadvad: You don't need it. Use sudo11:37
jijutmbokeh: first of all .. the kernel from the netboot pack is probing for CD.. and just refuses anything else..11:38
sand_stormso, i want to open a ".mdb" file11:38
haruhow do i configure ubuntu to expand/maximize to a part of screen.. say upto the dockbar11:38
what_ifvadvad: something could have locked() the directory and then crashed... reboot :)11:38
vadvaduse sudo insted of alien?11:38
jijutmThen I tried that from the netboot pack of a beta alternative cd... and now it says: no kernel modules found..11:38
=== akey__ [n=akey@85.Red-213-96-116.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
_XeN_lol no11:38
jijutmsome workaround was also mentioned11:38
vadvadreboot is good?11:38
_XeN_sudo is like fakeroot11:38
PloneDudezhi..how to find the webroot in my ubuntu server ....11:39
what_ifvadvad: he's saying use sudo instead of logging in as root11:39
_XeN_like sudo apt-get install alien11:39
jijutmbut with a warning that the installation is likely to fail.11:39
_XeN_or sudo -s -H11:39
what_ifPlanarPlatypus: /var/www/11:39
_XeN_and then your command11:39
akey__Hello, I can't update my edgy dist, can anybody help me?11:39
what_ifPlanarPlatypus: if using apache11:39
akey__the message that I get when I try it is: "Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"11:39
vadvadok i'll reboot and see if it works..11:39
kahrytanvadvad: It is safer to user sudo then log in as root.11:39
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thebillywaynesand_storm, you can convert it using mysql, I think.11:39
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jijutmbokeh: first of all .. the kernel from the netboot pack is probing for CD.. and just refuses anything else..11:40
vadvadsafer how?11:40
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_XeN_its harder to be exploited11:40
kahrytanand protects system files.11:40
_XeN_plus if someone gains access to your system they dont have root access11:40
crabgrassand if you mistype something, there's far less chance of it being a catastrophe11:40
_XeN_so they cant really do as much as tehy would like :)11:40
_XeN_so its much safer11:40
PloneDudezhi, does anyone knows how to find the webroot folder in the ubuntu server...11:41
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vadvadwalla(a word in hebrew meanning - i got it!)11:41
kdittyif i want to upgrade from dapper to edgy to feisty is it ok to use the feisty dvd after the edgy 700mb install cd? and also what is the benefit of the dvd install?11:41
wimdowshi - have installed VMWare Server, but can't seem to start it...though I could initially right after install11:41
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barbarossaDear friends. I've just had an issue with xchat-gnome. It may be a a security related thing as well. I made a search to see if its worth to report a bug. Then I realized that my xchat-gnome version is 0.13. But as stated in projects main Web area, last version is 0.17. 4th version after mine. And mine (0.13) is what synaptic offers me. Neither automatically updated nor it still offers newer versions at the moment. How can it be? It's a gnome project a11:41
barbarossand Ubuntu is one of the main GNOME platforms if its not the first one. Now that I don't even want to deal with bug reporting for that problem. xchat developers produced 4 more version after that fixing many many bugs. What is the use of still dealing with that age old version anymore. I'm really upset. What can yu say?11:41
kahrytanvadvad: You can use sudo (for bash) or gksudo for gui apps that need admin access.11:41
akey__hello, I can't update my edgy dist, the message that I get when I try it is: "Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/Release Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-amd64/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)"11:41
_XeN_kditty why would you wanna do all that upgrading? why not just do a fresh install?11:41
jijutmploneduez: you should find it configured somewhere in the /etc/apache2/*.conf11:42
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haruhow do i configure ubuntu to expand/maximize to a part of screen.. say upto the dockbar11:42
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PloneDudezthanks, jijutm...will look into it..11:42
kahrytanharu: what do you mean?11:42
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jendaI'm trying to compile foo2zjs - can someone help me identify the error? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17377/11:43
jendaI can't figure it out :(11:43
harukahrytan, i just installed a dock applet like tiger OS11:43
yo2luxWhat package I need to install to use ./configure, ./make and ./make install ?11:43
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|ringo|haru: whats the doc applet called?11:43
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kanziecan someone help me with htpasswd in Apache, the apache-channel has noone that knows!11:43
_XeN_jenda automatix2 will install it for you :)11:43
kditty_XeN_, id like to keep my settings and programs, ive backed some up but im worried that ill lose data like i always do after a fresh install, something i forgot to back up like always :x11:43
JanKhi all11:43
harukahrytan, avant11:43
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jenda_XeN_: no it won't... I wouldn't touch automatix.11:43
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_XeN_so kditty then do a clean install but keep your /home :)11:44
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crabgrasswow, ext3's pretty fast in it's own right; just under an hour to move 85 gigs between disks11:44
jijutmI finished my torrent feisty DVD early today.. and to my dismay.. it does not support installing from the iso.. and now neither from network.. a big waste of 4G bandwidth..11:44
thebillywaynesand_storm, try this.  http://sourceforge.net/projects/mdbtools/11:44
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haru|ringo|, its called avant11:44
|ringo|haru: cool11:44
haru|ringo|, its called avant window navigator11:44
kdittyim really considering a fresh install, i just have a few worries like networking settings and mounted drives and such that took me a while to set up11:44
|ringo|haru: been looking for one for some time now11:44
yo2luxWhat package I need to install to use ./configure, ./make and ./make install ?11:44
bezibaerch3nhow to start network-manager-openvpn via sudo? i guess that is the problem11:44
_XeN_jenda why wouldnt you touch automatix?11:44
kahrytanharu: You want to move it to the top?11:44
JanKIs there a way to disable libata at boot time with kernel parameter? libata steals my cdrom11:44
what_ifjenda: do you have the source file with the error I can look at (pastebin)11:44
wimdowswhere can I see a diagnostics log to find out why a program didn't start?11:44
jenda!automatix | _XeN_11:44
ubotu_XeN_: Automatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe11:44
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eRazorHi all11:45
jendawhat_if: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/foo2zjs.tar.gz11:45
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harukahrytan, no i want it such that when i maximize an application.. the applicatins lower window border stays well above my dockbar11:45
voRiahi :)11:45
harulike it stays above the default panels11:45
jenda_XeN_: hmm, sorry, that's outdated - aut'x might not be proprietary any more.11:45
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kditty_XeN_, are all my settings in my home dir? bookmarks and program settings etc?11:45
jenda_XeN_: but it's still a very bad idea to use it IMO11:45
sand_stormthebillywayne thanks!!11:45
_XeN_ehh it works fine for me and when i do have a problem its usally not hard to fix11:45
crabgrassjenda: it still breaks things, though11:45
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what_ifjenda: have you tried an older version of the source ?11:46
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eRazorI formatted 2 partitions in fat32 format of 15GB each to a single partition in ext3 format without specifying the mount piint11:46
jendawhat_if: nope, should I?11:46
jendawhat_if: I'm on Feisty11:46
wimdowsis there a system-wide log file somewhere that tells me why an app didn't start?11:46
harukahrytan, any ideas?11:46
kahrytanharu: Nope. I don't use it.11:46
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eRazorCan someone help me? I want to use these partitions as Logical Volumes11:46
paceydid recently anyone manage to get graphics acceleration on an amilo li 1705 running (via chipset)11:46
orbinbarbarossa: i've probably got it wrong but i think the release gets frozen and candidate packages have to meet a certain deadline.  i can see where you're coming from.  the version of ndiswrapper packaged with feisty has a bug that stops me from using wireless.  i had to compile the latest.11:46
kahrytanharu: I don't use a compositor.11:46
harukahrytan, thanks anyways11:46
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haruhow do i configure ubuntu to expand/maximize to a part of screen.. say upto a dockbar11:47
jendacrabgrass: very much so - from what I hear.11:47
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what_ifjenda: do you have the C development libraries installed ?11:47
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jendawhat_if: muhehe... maybe I don't - it's a nearly fresh install. Is that in build-essential?11:48
eRazorCan someone help me in creating and managing Logical Volumes?11:48
crabgrassjenda: take it from my personal experience; it does11:48
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orbinwimdows: did you initiate the stat?  or was it something you set to happen at boot?11:48
what_ifjenda: I dunno, try libc6-dev11:48
jendacrabgrass: don't worry, I'm not touching it - I've been around long enough to know the evil it is ;)11:48
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orbinwimdows: try running it from a terminal if it's persistent.11:48
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yo2luxWhat package I need to install to use ./configure, ./make and ./make install ?11:49
what_ifjenda: and build-essential is for building debian packages, not compiling from source11:49
jendawhat_if: ok, will install that, then.11:49
wimdowsorbin - yes, I initiated it...ok - will try from term to see if I get an error11:50
what_ifyo2lux: make11:50
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yo2luxyes but ./configure not work11:50
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kahrytanyo2lux: does the directory has a configure script?11:50
mrcreativityhow do i autostart beryl?11:50
mc44jenda: you know foo2zjs is in the repos, right? :P11:50
crabgrasslol not like that, that was the close window button11:51
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bloodMuffinhelp with grub and partitions please11:51
_LockeeHello all.11:51
rsa_md5hey guys, instead of using 'burn an image' option in Nero, I 'added' the iso file in the CD-RW. Now the CD-RW can't be read and can't be erased also.......help please11:51
kahrytanyo2lux:  then thats why configure doesn't work.11:51
jendamc44: I also know that 1) my printer doesn't work with it and 2) the author says I shouldn't use it on his site...11:51
PloneDudezhei guys, how to find which folders are designated as webroot folders ah... i am reading the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf...am i supp to find here..if so under which seciton..thanks11:51
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bloodMuffini copied my old partition to a new one and now grub gives me error 1711:51
crabgrassrsa_md5: try closing the disc, then erasing it11:51
Parmenionrsa_md5: shred the cd and burn a proper one11:51
what_ifjenda: ok, let me know if the libs works ):11:51
=== jenda stares at Gendo's nick
crabgrasswell, goodnight all11:52
mc44jenda: bah, any excuse. You are a gentoo user at heart, really11:52
rsa_md5err......'closing' and 'shredding'......could u pls elaborate?11:52
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Parmenioncrabgrass: how to I find out what router people are using when they vary from the default essid11:52
jendamc44: :) Try /ctcp version ;)11:52
kdittywhat is the difference in an ubuntu regular cd, and an ubuntu dvd?11:52
Parmenionhow to I find out what router people are using when they vary from the default essid11:52
PloneDudezrsa_md4: he just wants to discard it..)11:52
Gendoguys Ubuntu noobie here... can someone help me with RAID0 ICH7R install?11:52
Parmenionthe ubuntu dvd has packages on disc11:53
bloodMuffinhelpppp how do i set GRUB to boot a new partition, not the old one11:53
Parmenionwhen grub is booting up, press "e"11:53
mc44jenda: it is non specific :)11:53
what_ifbloodMuffin: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:53
thebillywaynesand_storm, hope it works for you. :)11:53
rsa_md5crabgrass:what about 'closing' the disc?11:53
Parmenionor anything to that extent11:53
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kdittyParmenion, do they give an option to install packs during os install, or would i have to install from disk just like i install from the internet?11:54
jendawhat_if: it's installing libstdc++6-4.1-dev as part of build-essential... I hope std's can't be carried by c++ code ;)11:54
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what_ifjenda: lol11:54
bloodMuffinive tried editing menu.lst, and i still obtain error 17 when grub tries to load11:54
bloodMuffinpressing e has no effect11:54
Gendoanyone? :\11:54
jendamc44: really? It should say gentoo... the shell ;)11:54
Parmenionkditty: i have no idea ... but i believe that they would modify the installation to a certain extent ....11:54
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PloneDudezhei guys, how to find which folders are designated as webroot folders ah... anyone knoes...or is this really complicated stuff11:54
mc44-jenda- VERSION irssi v0.8.10 - running on Linux i68611:54
Parmenionbut most probably you would need to install it from the dvd ...11:55
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jendamc44: I see. Well it's gentoo ;)11:55
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Parmenioncould anyone point me to a kismet guide ?11:55
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eRazorcan help in creating a logical volume please????11:55
wimdowsorbin - seems like VMWare Server doesn't think it's properly configured - even though I configured it correctly before11:55
darrenhow do i reboot emu ?11:56
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fulat2keRazor: have you created a partition?11:56
kanziewhich software do you recommend "Brasero" or "GnomeBaker"11:56
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:56
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jendakanzie: I recommend trying both ;) Brasero is rather cool... gnomebaker is not bad either.11:56
wimdowswhen trying to run vmware-config.pl again - it now can't stop the Virtual Ethernet service - resulting in not being able to complete the configuration11:56
eRazorfulat2k: I have created a partition as ext311:57
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eRazorfulat2k: it is a 30GB partition11:57
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jendawhat_if: BTW, libc6-dev is also included in build-essential11:57
AnRkeyhi all11:57
Madpilotkanzie, for basic data burning, just use the CD/DVD Creator in the file manager. For music, use Serpentine.11:57
eRazorfulat2k: I did not specify any mount point11:57
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ChetwinIs this where I come for 6.06 support?11:57
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fulat2keRazor: cool.  well, get into fdisk and change the partition type to 8e (Linux LVM)11:58
what_ifjenda: nice, I only looked at the summary :)11:58
MadpilotChetwin, sure11:58
kanzieIm just gonna burn a dvd with files11:58
AnRkeydoes anyone know what the mac style bar at the bottom of this pic is called? http://static.flickr.com/112/284328104_6995c6f4b7_o.jpg11:58
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kanzieMadpilot: Im just gonna burn a dvd with files11:58
ChetwinI don't have alsa support11:58
Chetwincan I just install alsa?11:58
eRazorfulat2k: Even thats done11:58
Madpilotkanzie, then use the file manager - drop your blank DVD in, go from there.11:58
jendawhat_if: and yep, it works now :) thanks... I guess I shouldda thought of that... since it has probably happened every time I clean installed so far ;)11:58
fulat2keRazor: great.  now run pvcreate /dev/<partition>11:58
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what_ifjenda: yeah, I started looking at the errors and it was missing <stdio.h> / dead givaway11:59
eRazorfulat2k: my partition is /dev/hda811:59
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topatoI've installed a printer on a linux machine with CUPS and shared it on my LAN. I can access it via the browser on port 631, yet I cannot see it in os x printer browser.. should I share it with samba or something else?11:59
eRazorfulat2k: Should I replace that for the pvcreate command?11:59
fulat2keRazor: yes11:59
_LockeeHello all. I am having huge problems with vmware player and madwifi. When vmware services starts during install the following fails: "Bridged networking on /dev/vmnet0 failed" and  "NAT service on /dev/vmnet8 failed". I've done some reading and know there's something with the madwifi. So I have the latest madwifi (cvs:ed it today), I have also tried to commet out the USE_HEADERLEN_RESV part. No luck so far11:59
fulat2keRazor: do you have any existing volume group?12:00
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eRazorfulat2k: No12:00
eRazorfulat2k: I did pvcreate12:00
_LockeeAny help would be very much appriciated12:00
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eRazorfulat2k: This is the message I got,   "Physical volume "/dev/hda8" successfully created"12:00
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fulat2keRazor: that's great.  now you have an empty storage container to play with.  next, you create the volume group12:01
eRazorfulat2k: How to do it?12:01
fulat2keRazor: vgcreate12:01
fulat2keRazor: read the usage12:01
eRazorfulat2k: complete command please12:02
jendawhat_if: I have absolutely no idea what that means ;)12:02
jendawhat_if: but thanks anyway.12:02
kronostopato: i believe cups will be needed on os x too for this to work12:02
eRazorfulat2k: I want the entire 32GB under in one partition12:02
mc44jenda: its a standard header file12:02
topatokronos: Oh, I thought that would be included by default12:02
Parmenionguys, a question, if i compile kismet from /home/~/Desktop/kismet , can i delete safely afterwards?12:02
jendamc44: did I say I _wanted_ to understand?12:02
Parmenionas in, delete the folder safely12:03
what_ifjenda: yw :) If this were an RPG I would get [geek +1]  [programmer +1] , lol12:03
eRazorfulat2k: Can you give me the command fully please12:03
mc44jenda: shall I put it in terms of VB so you can undersand? :p12:03
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jendamc44: I can mute you here, too ;)12:03
eRazorfulat2k: I am not getting it.12:03
Parmenionguys, a question, if i compile kismet from /home/~/Desktop/kismet , can i safely delete the folder afterwards?12:03
jendawhat_if: hehe :)12:03
Bokehmmmmm racial geek bonuses12:03
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BokehParmenion: you should be able to, yeah.12:03
what_ifParmenion: only if you never want to uninstall it12:03
Bokeheven if you want to uninstall it you can download the source again :)12:04
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orbin*cough* checkinstall *cough*12:04
barbarossaorbin: Hi Orbin. xchat-gnome's 0.13 version is dated July 19th, 2006. This is the last one in our repository. Then they produced 0.14 at October 15th, 2006; 0.15 at October 29th, 2006; 0.16 at January 10th, 2007; 0.17 at April 1st, 2007.12:04
barbarossa But we still use 0.13. Are those people of xchat-gnome out of mind to relaese those versions? Its an official gnome project. Why don't we have the newer versions via synaptic. This is my question.12:04
barbarossa I can download and install the new version manually as well but why there's synaptic then?12:04
ParmenionBokeh: then do a make uninstall from there ?12:04
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fulat2keRazor: vgcreate <whatever name you want to name your volume group e.g. volgroup1> <the physical volume you created using pvcreate i.e. /dev/hda8>12:04
Parmenionafter re dling the source?12:04
Bokehinstall it from source again the same way you installed before, then do a make uninstall, yeah12:05
orbinbarbarossa: *shrug* sorry.  you'll have to find someone more knowledgable about ubuntu's packaging practices.12:05
Bokehi mean, i hardly ever save the source of anything, unless i made some major modifications12:05
Bokehbarbarossa: what version of ubuntu are you running?12:05
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eRazorfulat2k: Done12:06
Bokehbecause if you run dapper, it's not very strange you run an old version12:06
leagrisbarbarossa, no one care about IRC anymore, oh wait ;D12:06
barbarossaBokeh: 6.1012:06
eRazorfulat2k: What to do next?12:06
vattamfulat2k: i wanted to know how to divide one large volume12:06
mc44barbarossa: it is .16 in feisty12:06
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Bokehthen it's not very suprising, stable/testing trees are there for a reason.12:06
vattamof memory into smaller divisions12:06
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Steilf-spot wont run....gives dbus error....any idea?12:06
Bokehif you want to run the latest versions of software, i'd recommend installing the testing release12:07
PloneDudezhei guys, how to find which folders are designated as webroot folders12:07
SteilCant' get a connection to the dbus. Trying again...12:07
SteilStarting new FSpot server12:07
SteilCant' get a connection to the dbus. Trying again...12:07
SteilStarting new FSpot server12:07
barbarossamc44: It doesn't explain why synaptic doesn't offer it fon me for 6.10 as well. as an automatic update. It isn't produced for Feisty.12:07
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Bokehcd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled && grep -iR documentroot *12:08
mc44barbarossa: because once it is released, the packages are only updated for serious bugs12:08
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kippidoes anyone know how to chnage the font in wine?12:08
eRazorfulat2k: What to do next? After vgcreate?12:08
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mc44barbarossa: the whole point is releases are stable, i.e. packages dont change12:08
wehttamb_is there any comand i can run from the terminal to make rhythmbox open and start playing12:08
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Bokehxchat-gnome is .13 in edgy12:08
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Bokehand that's when it got frozen.12:08
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^^PiscesChineseBcan anyone teach me how to install ubuntu?12:09
fulat2keRazor: now you create your logical volumes which will be the devices you mouint.12:09
Bokehofcourse you can always use feisty-backports12:09
peter77could reinstalling fix the tearing when I move my windows (wobble enabled)?12:09
mc44Bokeh: edgy backports, rather12:09
Bokehtrue, sorry12:09
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Parmenionhey guys, how exactly do i compile ?12:09
eRazorfulat2k: How to do it? I am totally new to this, please help me12:10
wehttamb_from the terminal how can i make rhythmbox open and start playing a playlist12:10
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webmindanyone here that can help me with converting evolutions accounts to the new system ?12:10
Parmenionthere doesnt seem to be a makefile in the untarred folder12:10
eRazorTill I create a partition that is completely usable12:10
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^^PiscesChineseBcan anyone teach me how to install ubuntu?12:10
Bokehwhat do you want to know about installing ubuntu?12:10
mc44wehttamb_: rhythmbox /path/to/playlist doesnt work?12:11
Bokehhave you tried tossing in the livecd and clicking on the "install" button yet? :)12:11
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^^PiscesChineseBbokeh can pm me?12:11
barbarossamc44: Thanks.12:11
Bokehnah, i'm doing too much things at once for that :)12:11
Bokehjust ask your question here, that way there'll be more people to help you out.12:11
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^^PiscesChineseBcan i install it to a unallocated drive?12:11
Bokehyeah, if you use the livecd installer it should ask you where you want to install it12:12
dragoeRazor: try www.idevelopment.info/data/Unix/Linux/LINUX_lvm_whitepaper_SuSE.pdf12:12
JanKhow can i disable libata at boot time from install cd. is there a kernel parameter ?12:12
wehttamb_no it just opens rhythmbox and thats all12:12
^^PiscesChineseBcan i install it to a unallocated drive?12:12
wehttamb_i want it to start playing12:12
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^^PiscesChineseBso i click it then i click forward12:12
fulat2keRazor: lvcreate -L <size> -n <name e.g. opt, shared> <your volume group name>12:12
Bokehwell, i haven't used the feisty installer yet tbh12:12
dragoeRazor: just miss the parts with Suse natural staff Yast and cope with command line12:13
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^^PiscesChineseBso mount point ?12:13
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wehttamb_if i right click on the playlist and go to open with rhythmbox then it will open rhythmbox and start playing12:13
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wehttamb_but i want to do it from the terminal12:13
fulat2keRazor: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/lvm2.xml12:13
PloneDudezBokeh: is the DocumentRoot /var/www...the webroot...thanks man12:13
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fulat2keRazor: brb12:14
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Bokeh/var/www is the default webroot, yeah12:14
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Bokehpicses: you should be able to have it install on your empty drive automatically12:15
Bokehand partition automatically as well12:15
Bokehwhich is what i would recommend12:15
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wehttamb_how can i start rhythmbox and make it play a playlist from the terminal12:15
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adrigenanyone: can you recomend a  tutorial for booting fiesty from a usb drive?12:16
Bokehrhythmbox --help12:16
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PloneDudezBokeh: another qn..man, i have this directory installed under the www root...how do finds its external web address..12:16
Bokehthat gives you --playlists-file12:16
Kassahwhat package provides Disks Manager?12:17
BokehPloneDudez: your external web address is the IP adress of your computer.12:17
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wehttamb_i have looked in the help and it hasnt helped me12:17
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KassahI'm just looking to assign a mount point for one of my hard drives12:17
Bokehand if you're behind a NAT router it will be the external address of your internet connection12:17
Bokehassuming you've done port forwarding12:17
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PloneDudezBokeh: yeah..lets say it http://www.abc.com/?...how do i find ? for this particular products in the www root folder12:18
Zeddyanyone have any experience of playing Warcraft through crossover office (is this possible) ?12:18
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Bokehsorry, you want to find out what the webroot is for www.abc.com ?12:18
Bokehyou'll have to set a VirtualHost for that, but i think that subject is better suited to #apache12:18
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peter77I'm getting tearing when I move windows, beryl and Metacity12:19
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Bokehpeter77: disable desktop effects12:20
Bokehor rather: wobbly windows12:20
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peter77Bokeh, have done12:20
vattamBokeh: how do i divide a memory volume once i have created the partitions12:20
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vattamBokeh: currently i have 60GB under ext312:20
wehttamb_can anyone help me start a playlist in rhythmbox from the terminal12:20
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vattamBokeh: how do i divide it further?12:21
Bokeha memory volume?12:21
Bokehyou mean you made a partition and want to make more partitions out of it?12:21
PloneDudezBokeh: its been all set up previousely by a senior collegue..then suddenly someone "anonymous" person in my office went and restarted the server...prev i could go to the site..like www.abc.com/alpha...but now it says Site Error and resource not found...12:21
vattamBokeh: yeah12:21
vattamBokeh: am i clear?12:21
Bokehwell, you'll have to use fdisk or some graphical version to repartition12:21
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Bokehyou can't just "make" multiple partitions out of an existing partition without losing all data on the old partition though12:22
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vattamBokeh: can you guide me through the procedure12:22
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peter77Bokeh, at first I thought it was just because of beryl's wobbley windows, but that doesn't seem to be the case12:22
Bokehno, not really, sorry... searching for linux partitioning howto should help you out12:22
Bokehdid you try different drivers peter?12:22
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Bokehor searched the ubuntu forums for people with similar problems12:23
fotoflohow do i change my login shell?12:23
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vattamBokeh: ok12:23
peter77Bokeh, I have an intel GPU so the drivers are already pre installed12:23
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Bokehok, which drivers do you use? intel or vesa?12:23
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tattersEverytime I move mouse in syslog I get keyboard.c: can't emulate rawmode for keycode 240] ,,,This error sometimes stop log monitor from working  becuase it is forever filling up12:24
kronosfotoflo: search for your user in /etc/passwd , and change /bin/bash or your current shell... in whatever chel you want12:24
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Bokehok, weird... i don't have much problems with my own intel videocards, so i'd recommend searching the ubuntu forums for this problem12:24
Bokehand launchpad12:24
Bokehlaunchpad.ubuntu.net and ubuntuforums.org12:24
fotoflothanks kronos12:24
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dragofotoflo: sudo wipw ....and change the shell at the end of a row with your login name in front12:24
peter77Bokeh, did you have to install the intel drivers yourself?12:25
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PloneDudezthanks..Bokeh for all the help... :)12:25
fougI'm using beryl and I have a window that I like to overlap outside of my desktop onto a different one, but anytime I close it and open it again it moves. Is there a way to sticky a window permanatly?12:25
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BokehPloneDudez: sorry i can't be more help, but apache isn't something very  easily debugged through irc :)12:25
Bokehi'd recommend getting someone in who knows how to configure apache, he should be able to find the problem pretty easily12:25
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peter77bokeh, did you have to install the intel drivers yourself, I assumed ubuntu installed them!12:27
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Bokehubuntu installed them12:27
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Bokehwhat video card do you have?12:28
Bokehi740, i8xx or i9xx ?12:28
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peter77Mobile 945GM12:29
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Bokehok, which driver are you using currently?12:29
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PloneDudezBokeh: its awrite man...If I cud just find the guy in my office..who screwed it up..I gonna give him a gud asswhooping.. :)... bye fellars.12:29
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Bokehbecause you might want to try the drivers provided by xserver-xorg-video-i81012:30
StigHi all. I am having a weird problem with my wireless networking on Ubuntu Feisty... When my laptop is on battery power, the wireless network never seems to connect. I see the icon in the top with two circles, the bottom circle does light up green sometimes, but it never actually connects, even though I have 80%+ signal. As soon as I plug my laptop into the mains instead of using battery power, the wireless seems to connect!12:30
StigAlso, could you tell me what "keyring manager" is, because it seems to always ask for my pass. I have also noticed when I try to manually configure my wireless network, the only password choices are WEP, but I use WPA... It works OK on "roaming mode" though and seems to know it's WPA, but I can't manually configure it...12:30
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Bokehor xserver-xorg-video-intel in case you already have the i81012:31
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zerodayStig: The key ring manager is where you can store your wep and wpa passwords and such12:32
kirahi @ all! how can i activite the beryl on the 7.04? Where is the simply button to klick aktivate ? ;-)12:33
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zerodayStig: to use WPA i think you need to use 128bit option12:33
Bokehkira: system->preferences->desktop effects12:33
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StigThe only choices I have under "password type" is WEP hexadecimal and WEP ascii12:34
zerodayStig: Are you using fiesty with network manager applet and what wireless card and laptop do you have?12:35
kirano desktop effects avaible12:35
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zerodaykira: or you can just install beryl from wiki.beryl-project.org which is really easy12:36
Bokehwhat do you mean? the button isn't in the menu, or does it give you an error message, or doesn't the button work?12:36
Stigdisconnected :(12:36
tattershow can I stop an event being logged in syslog12:36
regiushi do someone know what to set class to in hcid.conf so a phone can detect the computer?12:36
kirai installed with apt-get install beryl12:36
zerodayStig: Are you using fiesty with network manager applet and what wireless card and laptop do you have?12:36
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Mikhaelis there a "wizzard" in Ubuntu to configure a firewall for ICS like in windows ?12:37
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zerodaykira: I recommend you install it from beryl-project.org12:37
zerodayMikhael: There is the firestarter firewall (in synaptic)12:37
Mikhaelthanks zeroday.. I'll look into that12:38
StigYes, I think do. Feisty automatically recognised my wireless card (ipw3945) and installed the restricted drivers. I am using a Dell inspiron 9400 with a broadcom 3945 wireless card.12:38
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jacquesmerderegius: i just connected my phone to my computer12:38
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regiusjacquesmerde: can you copy paste your line from hcif.conf? class 0x....12:38
ashishI want to dynamically invoke the constructor.& constructor is having  Dbus filter,which receives messages12:39
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zerodayStig: can you go to System>Administration>Network and manually configure and connect to a wireless network when on battery?12:39
_LockeeI have problems with vmware player and madwifi. I've done some extensive reading about this on the net and none of the solutions I found works for me... I am using the latest madwifi (cvs) and whatever version there's in the repos of Feisty12:39
eRazorbye all12:39
eRazor#ubuntu  just rocks12:40
eRazorI have never gone out of #ubuntu without solutions12:40
eRazorbye all12:40
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_LockeeBye eRazor12:40
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stef__stupid beryl12:41
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zerodaystef__: Whats wrong?12:41
stef__i'm having an ATI xpress card12:42
oxigenhi all! I have problem with brute force ssh attackers and I found interesting solution, but I dont know how to run this (as shell script maybe?) http://www.bleedingsnort.com/sec/ssh-brute.sec12:42
rambo3beryl told you to post in wrong channel ?12:42
stef__and on my ubuntu 6.04 i had no problem what soever using beryl12:42
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Bokehoxigen: http://hexten.net/pam_abl/12:42
stef__now, every tutorial is telling me i have to disable composite extension12:42
Bokehuse that.12:42
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Bokehthe thing you want to use is a snort plugin12:43
Bokehwhich would require you to install a complete snort monitoring server12:43
stef__but, beryl cannot start without that composite extension12:43
kavithey does ubuntu support parallel filesystems like GFS and PVFS? does anyone have any recommendations as to which works best?12:43
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oxigenBokeh: tahnk you!12:43
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kaviti am trying to setup a cluster application12:43
Bokehpam_abl is quite easy to install12:43
wimdowsI have exactly the same problem as described here - with VMWare Server: http://www.vmware.com/community/thread.jspa?messageID=49573512:44
oxigenBokeh: ok, i'll try12:44
itguruMorning people :)12:44
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wimdowsjust no solution ... :-(12:44
zerodayhi and its evening for me lol12:44
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Bokehwimdows: that's a vmware problem, not an ubuntu problem12:45
zerodaystef__: Whats the comosite extension and why do you have to enable it?12:45
ehey where can i see my uptime?12:45
Bokehi have the same issue on ubuntu, debian, and redhat machines.12:45
Bokehto say it mildly: vmware's init system sucks donkey balls.12:45
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stef__zeroday: i have no idea12:45
xtknightkavit, ubuntu (at least Feisty) supports GPS according to a cat of the kernel config file, but grepping PVFS doesnt seem to reveal any entries at all12:45
zerodaystef__: Which guide are you following?12:45
wimdowsBokeh - is it a know problem?12:45
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Bokehit's been there for years.12:46
wimdowsany fix?12:46
Bokehand vmware won't release any official fix for any "unsupported" os12:46
Stigzeroday: No, it only works in roaming mode. My wireless network needs WPA, but I can only see WEP in manual configuration.12:46
xtknightkavit, additionally i have no idea what either of those are but i thought i'd let you know GPS was in the Ubuntu Feisty kernel (CONFIG_GFS_FS=m, CONFIG_GFS2_FS=m, CONFIG_CONFIGFS_FS=m)12:46
gnomefreake: type uptime in terminal12:46
stef__zeroday: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2420732#post242073212:46
Stigzeroday: No, it only works in roaming mode. My wireless network needs WPA, but I can only see WEP in manual configuration.12:46
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zerodayStig: not sure sorry12:46
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StigMy network manager is playing about a bit12:46
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wimdowsBokeh - damn - and I was going to order more RAM and an extra HDD to run Windows XP within VMWare Server on Ubuntu12:47
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Bokehi've fixed it once a long while ago12:47
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Bokehbut i absolutely wouldn't know what i did back then, was on a redhat system12:47
ehmm i see my uptime, but also 2 user? root is the other user?12:47
wimdowsGuess I have to dig around on the net a bit more12:48
Bokehi'd suggest following the tips in the second post of the topic you linked12:48
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wimdowsBokeh - yeah done that, and quite a few services fail to stop...12:49
wimdowsso have to manually kill 'em12:49
thnee__so i just installed feisty 7.04, what packages do i need for my nvidia fx5600xt?12:49
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felixhummelhelp please! nautilus does not open .html in firefox although i set it as default browser in preferred applications (feisty).12:50
itguruI got a question, does every motherboard have a CMOS reset switch? I've got the oldish packahrd bell machine in here, which doesn't have one, and is really messing up my morning :(12:50
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jsgotangcothnee__: Restricted Drivers manager should be able to determine12:50
Bokehitguru: OEM machines are notorious for not having one.12:50
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zerodaystef__: had a look sounds complicated whats the error you get when starting beryl12:50
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winkillerhi, can someone tell me how I can upgrade my breezy to feisty in one step (without edgy, dapper, etc) without downloading an image?12:50
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thnee__jsgotangco: ah, cool thingy, thanks12:50
Bokehthe dell desktops here don't, for example.12:50
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Bokehwinkiller: run update-manager12:51
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Bokehit should give you a message that a new release is ready12:51
Bokehand give you the option of upgrading12:51
LjLwinkiller: that's not possible12:51
zerodayBokeh: for breezy to fiesty12:51
felixhummelitguru, what about disconnection the machine, removing the battery and waiting?12:51
zerodayBokeh: he cant12:51
Bokehoh, lokl12:51
Bokehsorry, didn't see breezy12:51
Bokehno, you're screwed then :P12:51
Bokehwell, you can update from breezy to dapper, dapper to edgy, edgy to feisty12:51
Bokehbut you'll need to do it manually12:52
winkillerand booting with a breezy cd and changing the repository paths to netinstall?12:52
Bokehand dapper to edgy is..... notorious at the very least12:52
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Bokehwinkiller: that'll go terribly wrong12:52
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LjLwinkiller: or you could just keep your home partition somewhere safe, get a list of your packages, and reinstall.12:52
LjL!cloning > winkiller    (winkiller, see the private message from Ubotu)12:52
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Bokehi'd recommend reinstalling indeed12:52
winkillerI don't mind a format, I just mind burning an image12:52
Bokehwhy's that then?12:52
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winkillergot no free cds/rws/dvds here12:53
billfurwinkiller, you could try modifying your apt config to grab feisty and hope that the world does not end12:53
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fotoflowhat does tar -xof do12:53
billfurIt *may* not12:53
Bokehbillfur: fat chance :)12:53
LjLwinkiller: you could netinstall, but that's such a hassle i'm afraid, and you need another computer12:53
winkillermeh, that was better with debian :P12:53
LjLwinkiller: or you could try "burning" to a USB key, but i don't know how that's done either12:53
LjL!install > winkiller    (winkiller, see the private message from Ubotu)12:53
Bokehmost likely you'll kill a baby seal, blow up the world's nuclear reserves and destroy your installation to an unworkable state12:53
billfurBokeh, I've never had an upgrade problem... in fact I've only had to reinstal ubuntu once, and that was randomly during feisty alpha12:53
Bokehwinkiller: tried upgrading 2.x to 3.0 for kicks?12:53
LjLwinkiller: well, try moving from one stable Debian to another stable Debian that's two releases apart ;) granted, they last more.12:54
itgurufelixhummel: Good idea :) I'd forgotten about that12:54
winkillerBokeh: don't remember, but with netinstall it normally went ok. :P12:54
oxigenBokeh: what about snort, isn't good enough or is too complicated to install?12:54
winkillerand! you had 2years  time between releases12:54
winkillernot less than 1 :P12:54
Bokehbillfur: ofcourse, it "might" work. then again, dapper to edgy is very notorious for it's resemblance to a wrecking ball12:54
thnee__i have activated the restricted driver for my nvidia card but ubuntu still doesnt provide me with the screen resolutions i want, i know i can run 1600x1200 but i only get 1024x768 as maximum12:54
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winkillerLjL: thanks, I'll go have a read then12:54
Bokehwinkiller: if you know how to work with apt-get, this is what you could do12:55
kippidoes anyone know how to chnage the font in wine?12:55
LjLwinkiller: well, there is Dapper for that sort of timespan (i can't swear that there will be a direct upgrade path from Dapper to LTS+1, but maybe)12:55
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Bokehchange your repos to dapper, run an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade12:55
billfurBokeh, whats the harm in trying, if it doesn't work he still has to get a cd =012:55
Bokehcheck if everything's update12:55
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Bokehthen, change your repos to edgy, run an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade. reboot12:55
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Bokehcheck again12:55
Bokehchange your repos to feisty, run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade; reboot; pray12:55
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itgurufelixhummel: seems the battery is GLUED into place!12:56
billfurI recommand praying at every step though12:56
Bokehbillfur: ofcourse, just so that he makes sure to backup stuff12:56
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winkillerthat's lots of downloads. then I'd better find some clean cdr :P12:56
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felixhummelomg. itguru: send it to trash ;)12:56
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winkillertoo fast release cycles! last time I booted Dapper wasn't out :P12:56
felixhummelwhy is my .xinitrc not recognized any more?12:56
Bokehupgrading from breezy to feisty has a very very small probability of succeeding. you could try, but you'd most likely have to download an install cd anyway :)12:57
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billfurtheres my method which is change your repos to edgy, sacrifice a virgin, run apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade; reboot, pray12:57
billfurThe human sacrifice is essential here12:57
winkillervirgins are hard to find these days12:57
billfurThis is freenode, I'm sure you can find one12:57
itgurufelixhummel: wish I could :) it's a client machine12:57
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Bokehi believe it works better if the virgins has his MCSE12:57
winkilleroh, male virgins allowed? that's new..12:57
billfurallowed but not recommended for maximum efficiency12:58
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himerazhow do i see the user list in xchat12:58
darrenhow do i reboot qemu  pleasE?12:58
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winkillerhimeraz: still /who? or fanxy graphical stuff? :P12:58
himerazthe fancy stuff :p12:59
zerodaywhy do java apps not work under beryl (like limewire)12:59
himerazjava apps dont work in general :P12:59
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rsa_md5isn't there a way to force erase a cd-rw01:00
himerazazureus works under beryl, what app you trying to run01:00
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himerazp2p program?01:00
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orbinhimeraz: you don't see the userlist on the right?01:01
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zerodaylinux ver of limewire01:01
himerazrsa_md5: there was something about that on ubuntuforums,org, do a search01:01
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himerazorbin: nope01:01
crowHi all, Can someone help me with wirelles setup and network menager. I setup access point that dont have any coding algoritham etc but i cant connect to my router even then.. (i enter correct ssid but notthing)01:01
rsa_md5this one? it doesn't help though01:02
fsckrhimeraz, it should be resizable i had same problem and didn't realize it was sized so i cant see it01:02
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thnee__what do i have to do to make ubuntu use a higher resolution than 1024x768?01:02
fsckryou can check in preferences to see if its check marked to be resized01:02
xorlluzeroday, I have similar problem with beryl, but in my case not work (I cant' see) any menu and after application minimise i can't it again maximise :(01:02
himerazfsckr: alright ill poke around01:02
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Bokehthnee__: buy a better monitor?01:02
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thnee__Bokeh: that is so not funny01:03
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robbbbbbwhats the difference between sudo and sudo su? :)01:03
Bokehwhy not? does your monitor support resolutions better than 1024x768?01:03
himerazthe user list was hidden :p01:03
wimdowsthnee__ - edit your xorg.conf01:03
orbin!fixres > thnee__  (see PM from ubotu)01:04
Bokehok, in that case do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:04
Bokehor edit xorg.conf manually01:04
himerazrsa_md5: there is a beta version of nero for linux, try using that for erasing01:04
felixhummel915resolution does not work any more. is it feisty-related?01:04
thnee__i did add the resolutions to each mode in xorg.conf but it still runs in 1024x768 and doenst give me any higher options01:05
himerazdid you install ati/nvidia drivers?01:05
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rsa_md5himeraz: i will try to explain the problem, instead of buring the iso image to the cd-rw I added it just like a data file.....now the disk can't be read, leave alone erasing it01:05
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thnee__himeraz: yes01:06
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himerazi don't think i ever managed to do that, theoretically you should be able to read it, i burned several cd iso's on a dvd before01:06
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rsa_md5yes, theoritically, but......01:07
himerazon the other hand you might have busted the cd-rw01:07
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himerazgive nero a shot, see if the erase option it has recognizes the cd01:07
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kirahi all again me! i have a strange sitation with nv driver i have 1600x1200 resolution but with the nvidia driver i have just 1440x1050 somebody else have the same problem?01:08
orbinthnee__: it also depends on the monitor rates.  check the link ubotu gave you and see section 3.01:08
rsa_md5himeraz: when lnux doesn't detect the cd-rw in the drive, I doubt it would help me............tho thanks for ur time01:08
himerazwell i suggest trying to erase it under windows then01:09
himerazworth a shot01:09
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himerazkira: add the resolution to your xorg.conf file01:10
himeraztheres a button to edit your xorg in the nvidia menu01:11
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valehrudoes anyone know of any alternatives to html2text?  Its kinda crap01:11
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zerodaydoes anyone know any type of mac like window navigater like avant01:12
kirai did but nothing happens i have just the 144001:12
darrendam it  my winxp keeps jamming  in qemu01:12
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himerazkira: hmm, just set it to 1600x1200 from the ubuntu resolution selector, or that doesnt work?01:14
ugaritI'm upgraded to feisty and now swap is not mounted.  How do I mount it and how do I make sure it is mounted at bootup?01:14
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valehrudoes anyone know of an alternative to html2text?  its kinda crap01:14
supportcan anybody help me with linux networking01:15
wimdowsBokeh - fixed the vmware thing01:15
kirano my maximum resolution is 1440 1050 if i choose nvidia driver01:15
wimdowsneed to apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-38601:15
wimdowsand also netkit-inetd01:15
zerodaydoes anyone know any type of mac like window navigater like avant01:15
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kirawith nv driver i have the resolution 1600 120001:15
wimdowspreviously was using inetdx I think01:16
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thnee__why is it always so fucking hard for hw manufacturers to keep the specs for their products :( http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-home.pl?mdl=GDM20SE&region_id=1  theyve got nothing on my monitor, now how am i supposed to fync out what sync and refresh it has01:17
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PriceChild!ohmy | thnee__01:17
ubotuthnee__: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.01:17
himerazkira: the nvidia drivers dont detect your graphic corectly or something, try searching the forums, never had that problem01:18
Bokehhehe ok01:18
Bokehthen it was a different problem than the one i've had every now and then01:18
orbinkira: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto (see section 9)01:18
ugaritI've upgraded to feisty and now swap is not mounted.  How do I mount it and how do I make sure it is mounted at bootup?01:18
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wimdowsBokeh - aye - well, I'm happy as a pig in sh1t...means I can now get some more memory and hdisk and run XP within Ubuntu ;-)01:19
thnee__and the link orbin gave me tells me to run ddcprobe which isnt installed or even installable from synaptic01:19
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MrMhi, i have a question regarding routing. i have virtualbox installed with the host interface tap0 bridged to br0 / eth0. the virtualbox windows has a dynamic ip on the same subnet as my linux lan (192.168.0.x). the linux machine is connected to a VPN (PPTP) network using pppd. here's my problem: i can ping machines on my lan and the internet from virtualbox fine and i can ping machines on the VPN from my linux machine. however, i cannot ping01:19
MrM machines from the VPN from the virtual box machine. i tried messing around with routing tables etc. but i don't get it. any ideas?01:19
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supportcan anybody please help me with a networking issue01:19
rommazugarit: most probably your /etc/fstab file has been changed during upgrade. you will need put reference to swap there. Check for older backup files, in most cases they should work fine01:20
zaggynlthnee__, http://www.si87.com/MonitorSolutions/sony/gdm20se20sei.html01:20
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zaggynlsupport, just 'dump' the question ;-)01:20
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MrMugarit, try "swapon /dev/whatever", then check why it does't work01:20
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Xyc0So I am totally jazzed that codecs are installed on demand, but can anyone help me fix why I have audio only when playing an AVI?01:20
orbinthnee__: did you read the line right above the command?01:21
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thnee__zaggynl: oh cool. thanks01:21
orbinugarit: check /etc/fstab01:21
thnee__orbin: what?01:21
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wimdowsXyc0 - ok so you're missing some video codecs...01:21
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ziadozare there any good guides for getting quicktime, wmp and real player content working in firefox on ubuntu?01:21
rommazxyc0. not all possible codecs are installed just like that. To have picture, you need video codecs01:21
wimdowsuse VLC player01:21
Xyc0vlc has the same result01:22
stefgXyc0: waht kind of avi in which player?01:22
zerodaydoes anyone know any type of mac like window navigater like avant01:22
Xyc0I tested with divx, xvid and MKV, though just to see if it could handle the package01:22
WarboThe Feisty upgrade is scarier than I thought. It makes my kernel panic :(01:22
orbinthnee__: "(install the 'xresprobe' package if the command is not available):"01:22
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Belutzis feisty commercial repo already up?01:23
orbinthnee__: but heck if someone's found the right freqs for you go for it.01:23
Xyc0Is there a list of codecs I can install all at once just to get decent coverage?01:23
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stefgWarbo: in case you do not use the provided boot line from grub: you need to pass the UUID of the root volume now, not the /dev no more01:23
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rommazxyc0 install all gstreamer packs: good, bad, ugly, etc01:23
thnee__yeah well now i entered the freqs from si87.com and now the only option is 800x60001:23
ubotuFor help with Beryl or Compiz desktop effects, please go to #ubuntu-effects.01:24
thnee__so this is just getting worse01:24
Warbostefg: Yeah, I already did on Edgy. It panics a short time after loading GDM01:24
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gordonjcpon my P4 3GHz, MP3 playback is taking somewhere between 20 and 40% CPU01:25
Bokehstefg: that's BS, you can always use the device node in grub01:25
gordonjcprhythmbox isn't doing anything particularly unusual that I can see01:25
gordonjcpany thoughts?01:25
Bokehin fact, i do it everywhere, because i want to see what device it boots from directly instead of having to sort out UUIDs on every system01:25
stefgWarbo: heard that song before... Feisty isn't as well tested as we all wish it had been. Any log entries which might be useful?01:25
Xyc0should I just sudo apt-get install gstreamer-*01:25
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ugaritorbin rommaz: swapon /dev/sda5 worked and fstab has UUID=d15a6803-447d-4175-b3c6-7ea74e2015a1 none swap sw 0 0 but it's not automounted01:26
himerazXyc0: use automatix to install codecs01:26
gordonjcpeven switching between windows is enough to make MP3 playback glitch01:26
Warbostefg: I tried looking about in dmesg but can't find what is going on just before the kernel panic, since it gets full of the new boot messages01:26
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WarboIt says something about bad RIP value being (000000000000) or something01:27
Xyc0Where can I find automatix, it's not in my repos01:27
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Xyc0sorry, to himeraz01:27
stefgWarbo: what kind of system is that? Do you have SATA or PATA-hd?01:27
Matt4781581is it worth upgrading from dapper to feisty?01:27
Warbostefg: SATA. Dapper didn't recognise it, but Edgy did.01:27
Xyc0Matt4781581: I like it alot01:28
himerazselect show all available applications in the add/remove manager01:28
himerazshould be in there01:28
WarboMatt4781581: Depends whether you want new features or a long-supported stable distro01:28
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himerazon the other hand its not01:28
himerazhold on01:28
supportcan anybody help me with linux networking please01:28
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:29
tony__what do you want help on?01:29
himerazXyc0: http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation01:29
Xyc0himeraz: thnx, ill check that out01:29
ubotuAutomatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe01:29
stefgWarbo: then you might be a "victim" of the libata experiments currently taking place in the so-called stable kernel... all i can tell is 'search the forums', i finally rolled my own kernel. Maybe someone else knows what's wrong01:29
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jatt(don't use automatix)01:30
himerazdont install anything besides codecs with it :p01:30
Warbostefg: OK, thanks anyway. Was just wondering if it was a known issue, and maybe whether installing from scratch would have the same problem01:30
tony__I have used automatix with no problems01:30
himerazi had the same problem Xyc0 had with sound not playing in flash in firefox but playing in avi's, reinstalling codecs with automatix fixed it01:31
rommazxyc0: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-* should be fine01:31
stefgWarbo: the kernel has it's problems, so a reinstall won't fix it, i guess01:31
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Albertopciao a tutti01:31
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Warbostefg: Well at least I won't go wiping my system for nothing now :)01:31
Albertophello to all01:32
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AlbertopCan I ask for a help?01:32
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thnee__ok seriously, i have added the modes as they should be added to the xorg.conf and they dont show in the manager and are not used when i restart X manually01:32
thnee__this is supposed to be the easy part01:33
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Xyc0Still not getting any video after sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-*01:33
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stefgXyc0: have w32codecs installed?01:34
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Xyc0stefg: That is not an available package01:35
Xyc0so much for codec retrieval01:35
stefgXyc0: not /officially/ available01:36
void^Xyc0: http://www.debian-multimedia.org/pool/main/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20061022-0.0_i386.deb01:36
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ludditehi if i were to modify ubuntu 7.04 for realtime and preemptive - how would i best go about this?01:36
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stefgXyc0: hey you can't blame the codec wizard that it won't install proprietary codecs with an IP attachment.01:37
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Xyc0stefg: IP?  lol im not blaming anything, just muttering to myself outloud online.01:38
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void^Xyc0: though, from reading up i'd say your problem isn't with codecs. vlc/mplayer and even gstreamer with automatically downloaded plugins should be able to play 99.9% of avi/mkv01:38
jribXyc0: what version of ubuntu01:38
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Xyc0feisty i38601:38
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rommazxyc0: also might be corrupted download of video file01:39
stefgXyc0: we live in a world where certain companies strive to vendor lock media content... sad fact of life. Best thing you can is simply not use, nor want that, even if it's impractical at times01:39
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Xyc0rommaz: I have watched these files many times01:39
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jribXyc0: gnome-open /etc/skel/Examples/Experience\ ubuntu.ogg      does this show video?01:39
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Xyc0jrib: no it does not01:40
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jribXyc0: what player?01:40
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rockyis there any sort of tool available to easily configure a daily syncrhonization of files between a desktop and a laptop?01:40
Xyc0jrib: totem01:40
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daviscrocky: rsync01:40
rockysomething other than rsync (or at least higher level on top of rsync) ?01:40
zerodayrocky: rsync01:40
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daviscrocky: Higher level?01:41
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zerodayhe means like a gui or easier config01:41
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AdministratorXGood Morning from Smyrna, GA01:41
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ludditehow can i modify 7.04 for realtime and preemptive?01:42
zerodaywheres GA?01:42
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jattin USA01:42
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ludditeits a store01:42
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zerodayoh in the US01:42
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stefg!info linux-image-lowlatency | luddite01:42
thnee__re these horszsync and vertrefresh supposed to be the same with any resolution?01:42
ubotuluddite: linux-image-lowlatency: Low latency Linux kernel image. In component universe, is optional. Version (feisty), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB01:42
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daviscrocky: rsync -avP source/ destination/ is pretty simple I think :-)01:42
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jribXyc0: pastebin the terminal output when you try mplayer on that file01:43
daviscrocky: Though 2 way sync could be tricky01:43
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ludditestefg: thats cool is low latency realtime and preemptive?01:43
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rockyhm, just googled and found unison and unison-gtk which seems to be more about 2-way sync than rsync01:43
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Xyc0jrib: I don't have mplayer installed, I figured if VLC cant play it, something is broken01:43
stefgluddite: i'd guess so.... but i've not looked into the details too much01:43
jribXyc0: indeed, mplayer gives pretty good debugging output though01:44
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daviscrocky: Indeed. Looks good. Must remember it01:44
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ludditestefg: thanks - i will try now01:45
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supportnetwork help please!!01:46
zerodaysupport: whats wrong?01:46
cj_help pls error in E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem01:46
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cj_how to configure that01:46
cj_please help !!!01:47
zerodaycj_: just run that command in the terminal01:47
Xyc0jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17392/01:47
cj_what command should i run??01:47
rommazxyc0: what does 'file' command say about that video?01:47
zerodaythe dpkg command you just pasted01:47
jribcj_: dpkg --configure -a01:47
cj_ahh ok thanks01:47
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Xyc0rommaz: just posted in pastebin01:48
crowHi all, Can someone help me with wirelles setup and network menager. I setup access point that dont have any coding algoritham etc but i cant connect to my router even then.. (i enter correct ssid but notthing)01:48
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ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:48
jribXyc0: run it with the ogg01:48
Xyc0crow: are you detecting any SSID with network-manager?01:48
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cj_zeroday: thanks01:48
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mwe!wifi | crow01:49
ubotucrow: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:49
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cj_support:  whats wrong with your network01:49
jribXyc0: are you running beryl or compiz btw?01:49
Xyc0jrib: I am01:49
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benofskyI'm looking for a textmate like text editor for ubuntu01:49
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jribXyc0: have you tried stopping those to see if the problem persists?01:50
Xyc0I did in the beginnig01:50
supporti can see my linux pc in windows01:50
leleobhzin what package are the proprietary hardware detection??01:50
benofskyany recomendations01:50
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Xyc0jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17393/ this is without Composit manager01:51
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jribbenofsky: what features does gedit lack that you want?01:51
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thnee__ok so i have modified xorg.conf correctly and still only get 800x600, i have dpkg-reconfigured xserver-xorg, got a blank screen, set the horizsync and vertrefresh and then i only get 800x600, whats up with ubuntu disregarding xorg.conf?01:51
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Xyc0jrib: unless I need to restart x all together01:51
ALL4Nhey, I'm having problems running amsn.. I only get 'Segmentation Fault' message. Any suggestions?01:51
Xyc0leleobhz: way to wait 30 seconds01:52
benofskyjrib, I dunno I've only started using this laptop today the thing I need most is to be able to open whole directories and have tabs01:52
benofskyas well as syntax highlighting, etc.01:52
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benofskybecause I do alot of RoR and pylons01:52
leleobhzXyc0: ok01:52
stefgthnee__: There might be confusion because the monitor is reporting wrong or no DPMS capabilities. This is a CRT, right?01:52
jribbenofsky: gedit has tabs and syntax hilighting.  By "open whole directories" you just mean open all the files in a directory right?01:52
Warbostefg: Thanks for the help, I think I've found it reported in Launchpad and using irqpoll, noapic and nolapic on GRUB's kernel line apparently worked for some people so I'll give it a shot. Cheers01:52
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thnee__stefg: this is crt yes, http://esupport.sony.com/US/perl/model-home.pl?mdl=GDM20SE&region_id=101:53
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benofskyjrib, I don't nessecarily wont them all open at the same time but a side panel or something with the directory listed01:53
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benofskyone sec I'll show you a screen shot of what I mean01:53
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benofskyjrib, http://blog.mattmecham.com/blogimages/textmate.jpg01:54
stefgthnee__: ca you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to pastebin01:54
cj_zeroday: how to configure dhcp server01:54
Xyc0leleobhz: What driver are you trying to install?01:54
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leleobhzXyc0: fglrx01:54
leleobhzbut i want the app of ubuntu to do this01:54
jribbenofsky: yep gedit can do that, just enable the "file browser pane" plugin01:54
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leleobhz(and %#$%#$ why its dont shiped with kubuntu?)01:55
cj_zeroday: i install the dhcp3-server and configure it01:55
Xyc0leleobhz: Just from my experience today, the open source driver works awsome01:55
Xyc0leleobhz: because that would be illegal01:55
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leleobhzXyc0: not with mine01:55
jribXyc0: idk, you may have to restart X01:55
leleobhzradeon xpress 200m01:55
cj_zeroday: but still i could not star01:55
thnee__stefg: pastebin.ca/45569001:55
Xyc0leleobhz: If you are trying to use Compiz/Beryl, you need the open source drivers01:56
rambo3Xyc0, yes ati works much better then fglrx01:56
leleobhzXyc0: nope01:56
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leleobhzXyc0: 200m dont work with radeon driver01:56
pr0t0typehi ! I need help with the nvidia drivers on 7.04... downloaded the driver from nvidia homepage, unistalled every nvidia driver in synaptic, and started with "sh nvidia....", setup started, but when setup is done, x-server fails .... what did i wrong ??01:56
Xyc0leleobhz: I jsut did this today01:56
leleobhzonly fglrx01:56
jribbenofsky: gedit is applications > accessories > text editor  btw01:56
stefgthnee__: k, hold on01:56
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kavitwe need a ubuntu-cluster meta package01:56
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leleobhzXyc0: direct rendering: No01:56
leleobhzdont work01:56
thnee__stefg: sure01:57
Xyc0leleobhz: Direct rednering is not important01:57
Xyc0leleobhz: try it my way and see01:57
leleobhzlets try01:57
void^pr0t0type: disable ubuntu's nvidia modules in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common01:57
Xyc0leleobhz: enable desktop effects and watch01:57
void^pr0t0type: and read /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:57
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leleobhzXyc0: where?01:57
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leleobhzhave notting on kubuntu01:57
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Xyc0brb restarting X01:58
benofskyjrib, thanks I guessed that was it01:58
WarboWoo, seems to be working so far :D01:58
pr0t0typek thx void^ checking this :)01:58
benofskyI glanced over it thinking it was a notepad clone01:58
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stefgthnee__: See in section Monitor: comment the DPMS out, and enter the correct valuses for your monitor in lines below (and uncomment them). But be careful, don't just make something up, it could damage the screen01:58
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porchohi there. I'm looking for a pdf reader which allows me to highline text and/or add notes. is there any available?01:59
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thnee__stefg: the ones that are there now are correct, i commented out the ones genereated by dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:59
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benofskyporcho, openoffice writer maybe?01:59
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WarboAlso, thank you to the developers for a) somehow making my self-compiled E16 window manager startup at the same time as GNOME, rather than waiting a few minutes, and b) for putting Kuickshow back in :D01:59
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cj_jrib: do you know how to configure dhcp server please01:59
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stefgthnee__: The CRT is bs'ing the graphics card... so to be safe you only get a fallback resolution02:00
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cj_please help po02:00
thnee__stefg: bs'ing?02:00
jribcj_: I never set that up02:00
pr0t0typevoid^ the linux-restricted-modules... is empty. should it be that way ? If yes, how do i disable it ??02:00
stefgb*llsh*itting :-)02:00
cj_ahh ok02:00
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Xyc0jrib: No change after restarting X02:00
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thnee__stefg: i commented out dpms with no change02:01
jribXyc0: try mplayer -vo x11 /etc/skel/Examples/Experience\ ubuntu.ogg02:01
thnee__i think im gonna call sony soon and ask for the correct freqs02:01
porchobenofsky: I was looking for something "lighter", like foxit reader for windows...02:01
rambo3cj_, you have example in config file for dhcp3-server02:01
leleobhzXyc0: ?02:01
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supportcan anybody help me with linux networking please!?02:02
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Xyc0jrib: worked02:02
Xyc0jrib: what does that mean?02:02
stefgthnee__: hmmm, you might need a custom modeline. Do you happen to have a working xorg.conf from another install?02:02
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benofskyporcho, I know completely what you mean02:02
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jribXyc0: try mplayer -vo xv /etc/skel/Examples/Experience\ ubuntu.ogg02:02
thnee__stefg: if i had i could have just used that one right?02:02
thnee__stefg: so no02:02
benofskybut have no idea of something like that02:02
benofskyI primarily use mac :)02:03
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Xyc0jrib: neg, it's the x1102:03
thnee__stefg: what doyou mean by custom modeline?02:03
jribXyc0: ok, what video card do you have?02:03
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rambo3!ask | support02:03
ubotusupport: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:03
Xyc0leleobhz: I am not sure what you are asking, if you are trying to get compiz working there is a special irc channel for that02:04
stefgthnee__: a special line in xorg.conf describing timings for a given reso02:04
Xyc0jrib: ATI x80002:04
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magnetronin two hours, the Ubuntu OpenWeek here at Freenode will recommence02:04
JoeBlackwhich file do i edit to define enviroment variables on Ubuntu 6.10?02:04
jribXyc0: have you installed drivers for it?02:04
leleobhzXyc0: trying root@kahlua:/home/leleobhz/PROGRAMAS/DEBS# apt-get install desktop-effects compiz-kde02:04
Xyc0jrib: ati drivers02:04
thnee__stefg: dont think so, i dont recognize that02:04
pr0t0typehmm in xorg0.log i can read my chipset and it is the right one .... (i made xorg.conf "nv" not "nvidia) ....02:04
porchobenofsky: I've googled for it and found only a pretty old version of foxit reader for linux...it didn't feature highlines and notes though...think I'll code one! :-)02:04
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jribXyc0: and you are sure those are enabled?02:05
Xyc0jrib: as in no proprietary02:05
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stefgthnee__: but as i just read the !fixres factoid leads to a pretty comprehensive howto on fixing that problem. Have you been through that?02:05
JoeBlackwhich file do i edit to define enviroment variables on Ubuntu 6.10?02:05
jribXyc0: k, you don't want to install the proprietary ones?02:05
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thnee__stefg: i have been through it02:05
Xyc0jrib: Compiz/Beryl don't work with propritary drivers02:05
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Xyc0jrib: thought that's not uber important02:06
JoeBlackis it /etc/enviroment?02:06
magnetronJoeBlack, please be more specific. what do you want to do?02:06
Xyc0jrib: if you think that's the only way to get video working, I could try that02:06
ub12pr0t0type, nv is the generic driver it is not good you need nvidia02:06
JoeBlacki.e: define MOA_DIR as /mnt/rox/02:07
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rambo3JoeBlack, what do you need to change?02:07
jribXyc0: well, you can run stuff through x11 and see if that bothers you (try to go fullscreen)02:07
JoeBlackthe enviroment variable MOA_DIR should be linked to a dir02:07
cj_rambo3: yes02:07
JoeBlackand the enviroment variable VISOR should be set to "-s"02:07
stefgthnee__: so using the nvidia driver interferes with getting proper monitor specs. i'd suggest using the nv-driver, set the reso right, then changing back to nvidia02:07
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pr0t0typeub12: how do i get this one away ??02:07
jribXyc0: press 'f' to go to full screen in mplayer02:07
cj_rambo3: i configure the sample file02:07
JoeBlackam i wrong yo?02:08
rambo3cj_, does it work?02:08
Xyc0jrib: no effect02:08
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rambo3JoeBlack,  /j #mtv-raps02:08
JoeBlackrambo3: seriously, how do i set them?02:08
dano_washereHi, i recently upgraded from ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04. After it completed my whole Grub menu.lst file was left a complete mess.02:08
cj_doesn't work it's fail02:08
jribXyc0: as in, nothing happened when you pressed 'f'? or x11 didn't affect the full screen?02:08
dano_washereIt had 3 kernels + 3 kernels recovery mode.02:09
rambo3JoeBlack, no idea , are you looking just for bash alias02:09
Xyc0jrib: sorry, full screen didn't effect video play02:09
cj_when i restart my dhcp3-server it's fail02:09
thnee__stefg: allright, ill try02:09
JoeBlackrambo3: enviroment variables02:09
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ub12pr0t0type, have you gone through the whole "dpkg-reconfigure xorg-conf"?02:09
magnetronJoeBlack, use "export" command, but you need to do it in right place02:09
leleobhzXyc0: crashed!02:09
Fathefnerhow do u make ur wep key hexadecimal02:09
JoeBlackmagnetron: how do i save everything after i export?02:09
cj_rambo3: what do you think whats wrong in my configuration??02:09
JoeBlackthe are going to be flushed after i reboot02:09
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JoeBlackwhen you type "env"02:10
KnifePointDo i just go ahead and ask a question here?02:10
JoeBlackwhere that stuff comes from?02:10
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magnetronJoeBlack, that's the point, you need to do it in right place, the same context as they will be used in02:10
leleobhzthis board dont run without fglrx02:10
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jribXyc0: ok, so use x11 I guess until the ati driver issue is sorted.  Also, I'm sure other people that use ati and want to use beryl/compiz probably have this same problem, you can see how they work around it.  If you run 'gstreamer-properties' in a terminal you should be able to change the default video output for other stuff to "no xv".  See if that fixes totem02:10
rambo3cj_, whats the error ?02:11
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JoeBlackmagnetron: when you type "env" where all that info comes from?02:11
jiminyKnifePoint: You just did. ;o) But seriously, yes. Welcome aboard.02:11
cj_* Starting DHCP server dhcpd3                                                                                        [fail] 02:11
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pr0t0typeub12:  when i do this it says it is not istalled ??02:11
JoeBlackif i export ROX_DIR=/mnt/rox it will go away after i reboot02:11
cj_that's the error02:11
KnifePointThanks just didnt want to interrupt02:11
magnetronJoeBlack, they are set in various boot scripts02:11
JoeBlackmagnetron: I would need to set some enviroment variables02:11
JoeBlackwhere would i add them?02:12
orbinKnifePoint: well you can wait for total silence, but you'd be waiting a long while :)02:12
JoeBlackin /etc/enviroment?02:12
JoeBlacki think some can be set in there.02:12
KnifePointI have a DWL-G630 PCMCIA in my laptop and im using the feisty live cd and i connect to my router fine but then i cant ping it very strange indeed ideas?02:12
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rambo3cj_, :P check syslog02:12
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magnetronJoeBlack, what program will use those variables?02:13
thnee__stefg: using nv as driver on the Device section makes X say screens found but none have a usable configuration02:13
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rambo3cj_, :P and there should be /var/logdhcp something of a log02:13
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thnee__i dont get it, this works fine in any other distro, why is this such an issue on ubuntu?02:13
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JoeBlackmagnetron: a JAVA program someone at the corp is developing02:13
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AngryElf_hey folks, all of a sudden my monitor is saying that the signal is out of range -- can I boot into a safe graphics mode (kinda like from the live CD)??02:13
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ub12pr0t0type, look on this page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UserDocumentation and use www.google.com/linux02:14
stefgthnee__: so sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ... select nv as a driver, and see if you get your reso without 3D.02:14
nalphaguys one simpel question, are rsync can synchronize data between 2 ftp server, I run rSync from linux server, if not what software can do it? thanx for the advice.02:14
pr0t0typethx ub1202:14
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JoeBlackok i got it.02:14
BokehAngryElf: if you press escape when grub starts (beginning of a reboot) you should be able to choose rescue mode02:14
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JoeBlackthe file /etc/enviroment will do t.02:14
JoeBlackerr, it.02:15
Bokehthat'll give you a terminal though, not a graphical env02:15
pr0t0typethx by :)02:15
magnetronJoeBlack: try this: VARIABLE1=/dir VARIABLE=text command-to-start02:15
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KnifePointAnyone? ive kind of hit a brick wall here i need the wireless card to use my PC02:15
samyhi I have a prob with tomcat opening connections, the tomcat55 user doesn't have the rights. What group should I include it to?02:15
ub12pr0t0type, just watch with nvidia every time you do a kernel upgrade you have to reconfigure nvidia driver!!!02:15
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dano_washere Hi, i recently upgraded from ubuntu 6.10 to 7.04. After it completed my whole Grub menu.lst file was left a complete mess.02:15
UB`what type of font do you use in terminal?02:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grun - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:16
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:16
KnifePointIt seems fine connected and all in the Network Manager but i can't ping anything02:16
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dano_washereUmmm U cant boat anything02:16
dano_washereIt fails to load the filesystem02:16
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thnee__stefg: same, the screen has no usable configuration...02:16
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jiminyKP: Hmmm . . . I don't know your brand, so I'm reluctant to comment---wireless in general is a minefield. Have you tried searching the forums?02:17
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Damianspeak polish?02:17
thnee__stefg: it has from 1600x1200 down to 640x480.. so i say lies02:17
jrib!pl | Damian02:17
ubotuDamian: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl02:17
stellarashi there i have a pc which i want to format , i have nothing that i need on it, with 200gb harddisk and 256Ram, now i want to dual boot XP and Ubuntu 7.04 i have both CDs.  Is there any tutorial/instructions about how to install both operating systems from the begin? i mean i have no operating system in the pc now02:17
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nalphawhat is the command for copying whole directory using FTP ?02:17
jrib!dualboot > stellaras (see the private message from ubotu)02:18
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Xyc0jrib: hey man, thanks alot.  I got VLC to output to X11 and that seemed to fix the problem02:18
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stefgthnee__: so you can restart X now and have higher resolutions?02:18
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thnee__stefg: no?02:18
samystellaras: first install windows and then linux. everything goes fine02:19
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Xyc0stellaras: I just did that today, install windows first, when you install windows make the partition smaller then the harddrive by the amount you want to give to ubuntu02:19
KnifePointjiminy: Its a D-Link and i have searched the forums and no one is having the same problem. In all respects it should work its connected to the router i cant understand how it connects but then cant ping the same router its connected to02:19
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JoeBlackyo a quick question02:19
AngryElf_Bokeh: i'd rather get into gnome in 800x600 and reset the resolution to what it's supposed to be -- any way to do that?02:19
Xyc0stellaras: when you install ubuntu after windows, it will make a boot entry automatically for windows02:19
thnee__stefg: i just told you, it says that the screen has no usable configuration02:19
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JoeBlackhow do i find out wether the users on a box have permissions to write in the parallell port and the serial prot through the printer?02:19
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jribXyc0: cool, the only issue will be with scaling (like if you do fullscreen).  xv takes advantage of your video card, while x11 doesn't.  If you have a fairly powerful system it won't be an issue I suppose02:19
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KnifePointjiminy: its using the ralink rt61 chip and fiesty is meant to work out of the box with it02:20
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Xyc0stellaras: when you install ubuntu, used Guided Install: Use largest free space02:20
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Xyc0stellaras: I mean, Guided Partition02:20
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Xyc0stellaras: wiki.ubuntu.com has alot of good info on dual boot02:21
magnetron!dualboot | stellaras02:21
ubotustellaras: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)02:21
stefgthnee__: that's strange... so backup your xorg.conf and delete the original. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg again. Never choose automatic anywhere, but do everything manually02:21
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Xyc0magnetron: thnx, can never remeber how to use ubotu02:22
stefgthnee__: and of course don't forget to sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart afterwards02:22
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ryeth25ANYBODY:  i'm searching over the internet to find what these symbols mean $, /, ., etc. and haven't been able to02:22
ryeth25anybody got a good idea where i can find info about these?02:22
jiminyKP: That *is* weird. I really don't have a clue what the problem could be. My sympathies.02:22
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tarzeauwhy does switzerland not have a complete ubuntu mirror?02:22
magnetronXyc0, you can test ubuto keywords by /msg ubotu02:22
tarzeauand why is the main mirror so slow?02:22
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jribryeth25: in what context?02:22
thnee__stefg: more like sudo pkill gdm && sudo pkill X && sudo gdm, but i found the problem now02:22
bimberiJoeBlack: 'ls -l /dev/ttyS*' and 'ls -l /dev/lp*' - check what groups have access and whether the users are members of those gropus02:23
humboltois there a console way to play a sound file through gstreamer?02:23
magnetron!slow | tarzeau02:23
ubotutarzeau: The Ubuntu repositories and ISO mirrors are currently under heavy load due to the release of !Feisty. Please consider using !torrents to download ISO images, and be patient with APT updates.02:23
thnee__stefg: the site where i get the refreshrate from was wrong :(02:23
stefgthnee__: and it was?02:23
ryeth25well, i'm trying to learn how to use the terminal in ubuntu.02:23
thnee__stefg: http://www.monitorworld.com/Monitors/sony/multiscan20se.html this one was right02:23
KnifePointhmmm well ill keep searching then02:23
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thnee__stefg: thanks alot for trying tho02:23
jrib!cli > ryeth25 (see the private message from ubotu)02:23
ryeth25and there's a bunch of symbols like $ and / but i don't know what they mean02:23
tarzeaumagnetron: apt updates and patience .. ouff02:23
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stefgthnee__: so have a lot of fun with hi-res ubuntu :-)02:23
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thnee__stefg: hehe i will, now im gonna try beryl02:24
jribryeth25: it really depends on the context.  '/' seperates directories in paths and '$' in your prompt denotes that you are a user in the default bash setup on ubuntu.  But you may see them elsewhere and they will mean something else...02:24
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tarzeauwill ubuntu get dpkg 1.13.25 sometime?02:24
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tarzeaudpkg 1.13.25 supports lzma compressed deb packages02:25
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benofskywhat's the best irc client, not xchat that just crashes and I don't like lostirc02:25
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tarzeaubenofsky: irssi-text (irssi) in gnu screen?02:25
FPHi all02:25
jribbenofsky: do you want to use an irc client that runs in a terminal or do you want a gui?02:25
WarboAny idea why Xorg seems to like taking up 90%+ of both of my CPUs during trivial operations like moving a window (and no, I am not in Beryl or Compiz)?02:26
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benofskyjrib, gui02:27
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benofskytarzeau, I prefer gui02:28
benofskyfor my irc02:28
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thnee__awesome, i just activated desktop effects and now i cant click with the mouse without taking a screenshot02:28
jribbenofsky: I'd say xchat is the best, other than that, maybe konsole?02:28
jribbenofsky: ugh, not konsole, I mean konversation02:29
Xyc0jrib: I just ran fullscreen with glxgears and didn't notice any slowdown02:29
benofskyjrib, you mean konversation02:29
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benofskyxchat was great02:29
benofskybut I added a server and it won't open with "segmentation fault error"02:29
Warbothnee__: Your system wants to show off that much :)02:29
leleobhzXyc0: the problem with radeon: (II) RADEON(0): Direct rendering broken on XPRESS 200 and 200M02:29
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jribbenofsky: weird, rename ~/.xchat2 and see if it happens again02:30
Xyc0leleobhz: ah02:30
MindOfChaosI only seem to get 500 FPS fullscreen02:30
leleobhzXyc0: on xpress200 radeon dont work any 3d support02:30
Piciglxgears is not a benchmark.02:30
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benofskycool thanks jrib02:31
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BlackAuronhi all! I've a little problem: after half an hour my pc is turned on, i get this error: kernel:disabling IRQ #7, and from that point on, i can't listen anything. How can i solve this? And, why I must start ubuntu with the noapic kernel directive?02:31
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first2di3|outis there an ETA on the file: ubuntu-7.04-alternate-powerpc.iso ? when I try and get it the page gives me a Not Found error02:31
thnee__what is the keyboard shortcut to open the top menus?02:31
Xyc0leleobhz: System > Administration > Restricted Drivers02:31
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jjidoctcp benofsky VERSION02:32
jribthnee__: alt-f1, you can change it in system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts02:32
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humboltohow can I play a sound file through gstreamer from the console?02:32
benofskyjjido, ?02:32
jjidomaybe there is a command to find the IRC client of other nicks02:32
jjidosorry benofsky02:33
benofskyjjido, whois02:33
zaggynl jjido /CTCP nickname VERSION02:33
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bellekewhois benofsky02:33
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benofskyall irc commands have / infront of them02:33
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benofskyI was just guessing about whois I think whois is just name and host02:34
MindOfChaosIts cool my very unlinux friendly hardware02:34
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jjidoI know I forgot :)02:34
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MindOfChaosactually runs with 7.0402:34
MindOfChaosIts never run on any linux version previous02:34
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benofsky_jrib: it worked02:35
jribbenofsky_: if you can recreate the issue by just adding a server, please file a bug :)02:35
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jjidoDoes anyone know if WG511 wireless card works in Ubuntu? (I used to use it with Prism54)02:36
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jribfirst2di3|out: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.04/release/02:37
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thnee__jrib: ok thanks02:37
kippijjido: try the live cd?02:37
Galgaheroin, even halo 3 is released02:37
Gat0rveanIs it necessary to run spyware removal software on Ubuntu? If so can anyone recomend a good program to do so?02:37
heroinGat0rvean:  no its not02:37
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zaggynl!nl | heroin02:38
ubotuheroin: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl02:38
jribGat0rvean: not necessary, I've never even heard of any spyware on linux02:38
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magnetronGat0rvean: that would not be necessary.02:38
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niruHow ubuntu manages to keep the passord of root unchanged even after the sudo passwd root02:38
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Gat0rveanWhat about cookie removal or temporary files, just standard cleanup stuff?02:38
jribniru: why are you doing that?  There is no need for a root password02:38
magnetron!sudo | niru02:38
ubotuniru: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:38
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magnetron!root | niru02:39
AngryElf_is there any way I can force xorg to boot into 800x600?02:39
tarzeauAngryElf_: sure02:39
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AngryElf_tarzeau: ^^02:39
magnetronniru: you use your own password with sudo, not the root password02:39
tarzeauAngryElf_: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?02:39
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Galgaheroin, but i m waiting eagerly for halo 2 on pc. will be a plus if available on xp or so02:39
thebillywayneGat0rvean, firefox is an intelligent cookie handler.  temporary files are deleted when you shut down.02:39
jjidoAngryElf_: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:39
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Gat0rveanthebillwayne, rgr, ty much02:40
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yellow_chickenafter upgrade to 7.04 from 6.10, sound card no work.  anyone know of a quick fix?02:40
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nirumagnetron, I want that even thoug I change sudo passwd root02:40
niruMy root password should not get effected02:40
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ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken I had the same problem, download Gnome Alsa Mixer and unmute the sound card02:41
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jribZERO_SHIFT: can't you just double click on the volume icon to do that?02:42
zaggynlCould be me, but why isn't it unmuted by default?02:42
jjidoniru: rm /usr/bin/passwd02:42
magnetronniru, what do you want to do? the administrative work is done with sudo, with your own password, no need to fiddle with root.02:42
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT: you mean synaptic gnome alsa mixer?02:42
ZERO_SHIFTno you have to go the card itself02:42
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ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken yes02:42
kane77can I manually clear swap?02:42
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jeeves__can someone give me a hand figuring out my sound system and why it dosn't work on this new laptop?02:43
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT: what about -><ZERO_SHIFT> no you have to go the card itself   , you talking to me?02:43
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nirumagnetron, actually let me explain what is happening02:44
KALLEPALLIcould someone tell me how can i change the default font on firefox? I tried some fonts and now ff does not even start02:44
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ZERO_SHIFTno, just install ALSA mixer and then unmute the card02:44
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nirumagnetron, when I do sudo passwd root and enter some password for root user it changes02:44
ZnortflHello Ubuntu people, how can I tell java to permanently use less cpu? It keeps lagging my videos which is really annoying02:44
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niruand it becomes possible for any user to change the password02:44
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jjidoniru: non-admin users too?02:45
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nirujjido, yes that is my problem02:45
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT: ok02:45
nirujjido, howe to stop that02:45
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ZERO_SHIFTgreat your welcome02:46
magnetronniru: they can change what password, the root pass or their own02:46
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blazemongershould i have pnpbios enabled in my bios?02:46
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jribniru: only people who can sudo can do that.  If someone has sudo, they can already do whatever they want02:47
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nirumagnetron, they are able to change the root password using sudo02:47
jjidoniru: if the user is part of the admin group that user can do sudo so he has maximum privileges02:47
nirumagnetron, and I want to disable that02:47
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nirujjido, oh02:47
jjidoniru: remove the user from the admin group02:47
magnetronniru, jjido is right02:48
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nirujjido, magnetron ok02:48
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mrcreativityim having serioous problems with kubuntu and my nvidia card02:48
korielI have a laptop and when booting grub freezed in grub loading, please wait...so I'm booting from a rescue cd and I got a buffer I/O on device sda logical block 1,2,3 ..etc..the hd led is always on...is my hd dead?02:48
jjidoniru see /etc/sudoers02:48
mrcreativityi need help02:48
KALLEPALLIcould someone tell me how can i change the default font on firefox? I tried some fonts and now ff does not even start02:48
nirujjido, ok02:48
bhtbhello all!02:48
nirujjido, but that file shows anly the previleges02:48
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magnetronniru, chech system> admin >users02:48
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gharzguys, is there an application for file recovery? i deleted a very impt file in my usb drive... please help.02:49
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jeeves__can someone give me a hand getting my sound set up?02:49
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magnetrongharz. is it a flash drive?02:50
nirumagnetron, how casn i check which user is in which group02:50
gharzmagnetron, yes...02:50
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ludditehave you installed alsa-gui?02:50
magnetrongharz, then you are out of luck02:50
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ExxKAgharz, depends on how you deleted it, please unmount the flash drive, and don't mount it, untill the file was been recovered02:50
|thunderI just changed fstab, how do I make the changes active without restarting?02:50
nirumagnetron, I founf that mu user is in admin group02:50
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nirumagnetron, And how can I change it to some other group now02:50
eichiubuntu on a 166 MB RAM machine with 1g hd... oder better a damn small linux?02:50
ExxKAgharz, it's possible, don't worry02:50
jrib|thunder: did you modify anything that is currently mounted?02:51
gharzmagnetron & ExxKA, thanks for the info!02:51
|thunderjrib; yes.02:51
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|thunderjrib; a ntfs drive ?02:51
jrib|thunder: unmount what you modified, then run 'sudo mount -a'02:51
chazcohi... i recently upgraded to the latest Ubuntu release (dist-upgrade via the upgrade GUI)... all seems good except that when i resume from hibernation my LAN doesnt always work... ifup/down doesnt fix it and i end up having to restart to get it back... Any ideas?02:51
|thunderjrib; thanks02:51
ZERO_SHIFTUbuntu doesn't come with the root account enabled.  To02:51
ZERO_SHIFTenable it you have to 'sudo passwd root' and set root's password.02:51
ZERO_SHIFTOtherwise, you have to sudo everything.02:51
gharzmaybe i'll try wi*dows... i had an app that recovers deleted files even on usb drive. thanks guys.02:51
magnetronniru, the properties of the use, you can choose if the user should be admin or not02:52
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ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration02:52
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nirumagnetron, in general what should be the groyup of any user02:52
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Gyro54gharz, check your hidden files on the usb stick for .trash folder02:53
nirumagnetron, is that defined by the system or the person02:53
KALLEPALLInevermind, got it02:53
jeeves__luddite:  are you any good with setting up sound cards?02:53
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nirumagnetron, which file I need to edit for changinf the group by default02:53
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ what r u looking for?02:53
gharzGyro54, ok... i'll do that.02:53
jeeves__zero_shift:  new laptop, and everything is on auto detect, but still no sound.02:54
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yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, still no sound. i clicked unmute02:54
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magnetronniru, in the "users" app, open the settings for that user, go to priviligies tab, there is a check box for administrative rights, uncheck it02:54
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albertisn't opera in the repositories?02:55
ludditejeeves: i know a bit. type envy24mixer02:55
BlackAuronre all...how should i set up the bios so that i can start my pc without the noapic directive? ( right now, if I try to launh linux without it, i've a kernel panic..)02:55
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jeeves__zero_shift:  still nothing02:55
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nirumagnetron, that is already unchecked02:56
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ did you try moving the sound tabs up and down in Gnome Alsa mixer??02:56
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ what pc r u usin?02:56
magnetronniru: apply then and you should be done with it02:56
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jeeves__zero_shift:  I'm poking around in the sound prefs.  and I'll find a URL of my lappy02:56
albertisn't opera in the repositories? i just did a server install with fluxbox and i have no webbrowser available ;)02:56
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ ok02:57
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Gyro54albert, OPera is in the repositories02:57
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magnetronGyro54, it isn't02:57
ZERO_SHIFTLLTC ----> Long Live The Community !!!02:57
nirumagnetron, but you told if it is checked that creates problem but in my PC its lready unchecked means the user is not having previliges02:57
|thunderyay, ntfs write support for me.02:57
jeeves__zero_shift: http://www.toshiba.ca/web/product.grp?lg=en&section=1&group=1&product=5617&part=6073#spectop02:57
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albertwell, epiphany then :(02:58
magnetronniru: it should not be checked. don't check it. it should be empty02:58
zaggynl|thunder, careful with that, it's certainly not 100% safe02:58
magnetron!info opera02:58
ubotuPackage opera does not exist in feisty02:58
Gyro54Albert, Ubuntu Edgy commercial repository02:58
|thunderzaggynl; not safe to write files? or not safe to modify them ?02:58
|thunderzaggynl; or both ?02:59
alberti think i got my edgy sources.list safed02:59
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ is this the first time you installed ubuntu on your laptop? Feisty?02:59
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zaggynl|thunder, afaik is write support not considered fully safe, I'm not sure what it involves, but I've kept my ntfs partitions read only02:59
jeeves__zero_shift:  it worked fine on my other Toshiba.  I think it's just becasue of the conex hardware in this one02:59
chazcobluetooth pan also ceases to work after hibernaton, but can be fixed by starting and stopping the bluetooth service02:59
nirumagnetron, it was already empty02:59
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nirumagnetron, but even though it was empty it was having admin previliges03:00
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Gyro54How can I fix a lockup on startup after a new video card install?03:00
albertcould anybody /msg the the edgy commercial repos?03:00
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gypsymaurothere is a GUI to see partitions on disk and eventually mount them? there was in edgy but I didn't found it in feisty03:00
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magnetronniru. then you have to manage the groups. it is in the same app, "users and groups"03:00
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weltallhi, i've a s trange problem with totem as a firefox plugin. before with edgy somethimes it said open error fd0:// but now with feisty it just stays stalled with waiting for on firefox statusbar and doesn't load the file (and doesn't even report errors)). if i open the file on the standalone totem it works fine03:01
darrenwho has got xp running on ubuntu ?03:01
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weltallwhat's the problem?03:01
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jeeves__zero_shift:  any ideas?03:02
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darrenxp in qemu  wont load up becuse it has a problem to see if its checking the license03:03
Gyro54albert, archive.canonical.com/ubuntu edgy-commercial main03:03
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__  you might want to try the new ALSA driver 1.14RC, that might detect the driver. ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14rc3.tar.bz2 You need to compile the driver(cd Desktop---> cd (extractedf ile name)--->./configure--->make--->sudo make install03:03
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darrenit gets to the login in for xp  and then stops03:03
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albertGyro54, thx03:03
jeeves__zero_shift:  shoulden't it auto update?03:03
benofskyis there a growl equivelant for ubuntu?03:03
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ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> no its a beta03:04
jeeves__zero_shift:  ok, one sec.  I'm trying to d-load it03:04
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ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> ok03:04
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magnetroni have got this annoying problem: when i try to listen to a OGG Vorbis internet radiostation in any gstreamer app, i can hear the current song, but when the station switches to the next song, it's just mute... even if it is downloading. i has been like this since breezy03:04
ubotuAutomatix2 is a proprietary script that tries to install some software, and often fails and breaks systems. We don't provide support for it, and we strongly discourage its use. Problems caused by Automatix are often hard to track and solve, and it might sometimes be easier to !install a fresh copy of Ubuntu. See also !WorksForMe03:05
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TelepAny idea? I've got my fine subhinted fonts displayed in all gnome apps, but not Firefox. Is there a solution?03:05
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ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> any progress?03:07
BokehTelep: i believe you need to set the font in firefox as well03:07
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jeeves__zero_shift:  yea, I keep having this problem where everything except the mouse freezes for a few minutes, then it continues along it's way03:07
Bokehfirefox isn't very compatible or friendly towards systemwide settings03:07
TelepBokeh: is it hidden in some about:config-stuff?03:07
benofskycan amarok see shared itunes libraries?03:08
olivehello, please how many languages supported in Ubuntu ?03:08
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olivegrep -v -E ^# /usr/share/language-selector/data/languagelist | wc -l03:08
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ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> how new is your laptop, cause newer hardware is not supported yet03:08
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darrenanyone ??03:08
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ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> when I bought my laptop I had the same problem03:08
jeeves__zero_shift:  not to mention that it's a Toshiba.03:09
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TelepBokeh: ok but the menu's are different too, surely that only affects web page content03:09
ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> however the sound worked properly03:09
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:09
ZERO_SHIFT<jeeves__> so did you compile the driver?03:09
Bokehthat's odd.03:09
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Bokehi don't have the problem here myself, do you use gnome/kde/xfce/somethingelse ?03:09
jeeves__zero_shift:  it's annoying most days though, and I'm still installing the sound stuff03:09
nirumagnetron, I got it03:09
AngryElf_how can I change the frequency (Hz) of my monitor to 60?03:09
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niruI changed the group of the user and it works fine03:10
AngryElf_.....change the output03:10
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ I know how you feel03:10
magnetronniru, great, did you use the "users and groups" tool?03:10
nirumagnetron, yup03:10
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TelepBokeh: gnome03:10
jeeves__I just hope that I can get the Samsung printer to work accross the network this time03:10
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ian__hello, when upgrading to feisty (and this also happened when i upgraded to edgy from dapper), i am unable to use the new kernel. it immediately panics on boot03:10
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nirumagnetron, but which file does that03:10
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Bokehdid you log out and back in again?03:10
TelepBokeh: sure, many times03:11
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rajkian__: have you check that an initrd image has been created for the new kernel?03:11
xorlluHi, why I have this error: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep "(EE)" => (EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work ?03:11
ian__ill do that now03:11
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, you here?03:11
Telepand have since restarted too multiple times03:11
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken yup03:11
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jeeves__zero_shift: any ideas on it randomly locking up?  or could it be my NVidia drivers?03:11
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yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, you have any idea how to fix my sound card?03:11
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ did you install the driver through the restricted manger?03:12
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ian__rajk: you're correct, there is no initrd image for that kernel. how can i go about creating one?03:12
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken i thought you said it worked/03:12
slanninghi, when booting, the process always temporarily hangs when the progress bar is at 1/3 - it hangs for, I dunno, like a minute, regardless of whether I'm connected to the internet03:12
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken ?03:12
jeeves__zero_shift: yes, but it dosn't show the splash screen when it boots like the old laptop did03:12
shaohuihello, what package should I install for man pages of functions like fork?03:12
allmehello, is it possible to disable shutdown when someone presses the power button? thanks03:12
AaronMTHas anyone this problem, on resume from a long standby (sleep like overnight) wireless will not work after? This is in Feisty03:12
crolle17using vi this should search a string called "grant": /grant CR03:12
Parmenionallme: preferences03:12
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, nope, i installed gnome alsa mixer and reboot, nothing03:12
TelepBokeh: indeed :)03:12
crolle17or is it no correctly?03:13
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ does it log on normally?03:13
wimdowsdarren - run VMWare Server03:13
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Bokehi didn't have any problems with it myself....03:13
jeeves__zero_shift:  yes03:13
sivajimy feisty cant handle dvd ple tell me the plugin to support dvd03:13
rajkian__: get initrdtools or something. i think the command is mkinitrd -o /boot/someinitrdhere kernelversionhere. i am just testing out irc with my mates. it is pretty great03:13
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken did you unmute the sound card from there?03:13
Parmenionallme: power management preferences03:13
Parmenionallme: general tab03:13
crolle17is there a vi-man?03:13
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orbinshaohui: manpages-dev03:13
ian__rajk: thanks and welcome to irc, lol03:13
Cravsivaji: it's easiest just to install a player that has the dvd codecs prepacked. i suggest vlx, it's got just about everything03:13
yellow_chickenALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave03:13
yellow_chickenaplay: main:550: audio open error: No such file or directory03:13
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shaohuiorbin: thanks03:13
Bokehyou might be able to find something on ubuntuforums.org or launchpad.ubuntu.net03:14
Cravsivaji: sorry, that's VLC03:14
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ maybe you should give Kubuntu a try03:14
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, tried to unmute, nothing. it was not mute to begin with.03:14
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken what pc?03:14
shaohuiorbin: it works, thank you03:14
AngryElf_I need to set my monitor to 1680x1050 @ 60hz, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't giveme that option03:14
AngryElf_how can I do that?03:14
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, toshiba satellite03:14
jeeves__Zero_shift:  ok, we're installed, but no sound.  nothing is muted either03:14
orbinshaohui: yw03:15
TuTuFFon a fresh install, if I chose the standard option install the x server fails to start .. I can however get a display with the "start in safe graphics mode" ... the standard display doesnt like my ATI mobility radeon .. is there a way to install using this safe graphic mode please?03:15
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yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, lappy03:15
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ you have to reboot and then also check ALSA mixer03:15
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BokehAngryElf: search for 915resolution03:15
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken how new is it?03:15
jeeves__zero_shift:  brb then03:15
rajkian__: right mate i really have to go but i maqy be on later if you need a hand. ive had that probn before though and i am oprettyu sure the initrd dinmage thing wil fix it03:15
AngryElf_Bokeh: i have no computer to search on03:15
wimdowsAngryElf_ - modify your xorg.conf manually and in the Display section under Modes, add "1680x1050"03:15
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ ok03:15
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, 6 montsh03:15
Bokehgimme 1 sec, i've got a few dells with widescreens03:16
AngryElf_wimdows: that doesn't set the frequency03:16
bobbob1016has anyone had success with Feisty and bcm43xx?  I've been trying for the past few days, and I get my wifi light on, and it sees my access point, but I can't connect.  I have WPA, and it worked on Edgy, any ideas?  I've used the script from ubuntuguide.org03:16
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ian__rajk: thanks. if you arent on ill just ask someone else :)03:16
AngryElf_Bokeh: text-IRC here :( -- elinks only goes so far03:16
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Bokehok, what you'll want to do is apt-get install 915resolution03:16
wimdowsAngryElf_ what frequency we talking about here?03:16
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AngryElf_Bokeh: it was working yesterday03:16
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken i beleive that it takes a while for new laptops to be supported, maybe you would want to give kubuntu a try03:16
orbinbobbob1016: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/8546803:17
jiminybobbob1016: You got Broadcom wireless working with WPA on Edgy? How?03:17
sikor_sxewhat could cause ubuntu to hang on gnome login (no window-manager loading and applets take ages to appear) after an update to feisty?03:17
sivajiCrav: vlc player is not found in adept database03:17
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, was working on 6.1003:17
orbinbobbob1016: compile the latest stable version of ndiswrapper03:17
Bokehwell, that's odd. did you upgrade anything yesterday AngryElf?03:17
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AngryElf_nope, nada03:17
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ajhaSomeone can indicate an URL with documentation about howto create a official mirror of Ubuntu03:17
Bokehwhat's the error message when you try to start X03:17
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AngryElf_no error03:17
AngryElf_X starts03:17
bobbob1016jiminy: I was asking how, not that I did03:17
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AngryElf_just in the wrong res/frequency03:18
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AngryElf_so the monitor doesn't displau it03:18
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken try installing ALSA Driver 1.0.13 from their website www.alsa-project.org03:18
bobbob1016orbin: where do I get the source from?03:18
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AngryElf_and says that it needs to be 1680x1050@60hz03:18
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orbinndiswrapper site03:18
Cravsivaji: did you try using synaptic, i know it's on there03:18
Mattyi have a macbook pro and i just installed triple boot with ubuntu 7.04 and i want to install beryl but i when i want to enable the desktop effects it says: can not enable desktop effects03:18
jiminybobbob1016: Drat. As you may have guessed, I'm in a similar boat, though I did eventually get it working on Edgy with WEP.03:18
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Bokehwell, the only way i could get 1680x1050 was to use 915resolution03:18
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Bokehwhat video card do you have?03:18
wimdowspresumably you're on an LCD - so the refresh rate is a moot point03:18
yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, okie03:18
AngryElf_firegl :(03:18
jeeves__zero_shift:  next idea?03:18
AngryElf_makes things a pita03:18
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sivajiCrav: i dont have that03:19
ZERO_SHIFT You need to compile the driver(cd Desktop---> cd (extractedf ile name)--->./configure--->make--->sudo make install03:19
AngryElf_well I installed it, run it?03:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:19
Bokehrun 915resolution -l03:19
Bokehsee if it gives you your mode.03:19
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ Kubuntu live cd?03:19
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naja_i have install TMU with wine03:19
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Cravsivaji: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html03:19
jeeves__zero_shift:  don't have time for that.  anything else I can try?03:19
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AngryElf_Bokeh: no, it flips out03:19
sivajiple help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17398/03:20
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ sec03:20
naja_how can i lunch the luncher in opengl mode?03:20
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AngryElf_doesn't support ati03:20
orbinjiminy: what card?03:20
Bokehargh, ofc03:20
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Bokehnvm me, i'm stupid03:20
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garyIs there a way to open a bash window and give it a exec command?  E.g. bash ls, so that it will open the bash window and ls when it is open?03:20
Bokehthat's only for intel cards03:20
TelepBokeh: http://www.hopeapuu.net/screenshots/firefox_fonts.png the fonts look OK, just different03:20
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Bokehok, lemme look up the web03:20
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ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ I am sorry but I am out of ideas you might find something similar at the forums03:21
jiminyorbin: Broadcom 4306, aka Apple AirPort Extreme.03:21
BokehTelep: looks like that's a non-standard firefox theme03:21
garyI'm using xterm btw03:21
Bokehsince your bars look different between ff and gaim as well.03:21
jeeves__zero_shit:  ok, thanks for your help03:21
orbinjiminy: tried ndiswrapper?03:21
Mattyi have a macbook pro ANYONE help me please ?03:21
Mattyi have a macbook pro and i just installed triple boot with ubuntu 7.04 and i want to install beryl but i when i want to enable the desktop effects it says: can not enable desktop effects03:21
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jiminyorbin: Doesn't work on PowerPC, I'm afraid.03:22
Bokehtry inserting this in your Monitor section03:22
BokehModeline"1680x1050@75" 210.42 1680 1712 2504 2536 1050 1070 1083 110303:22
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ no problem03:22
orbinjiminy: oh?  wasn't aware of that.03:22
=== ian__ watches dist-upgrade fly by
samyhello, my tomcat user can't open sockets. What group should I add it to?03:22
ZERO_SHIFTjeeves__ you may want to use a USB headset for the time being03:22
Bokehor run the following as root: aticonfig --effective=startup --resolution=1680x105003:22
TelepBokeh: well changing the theme to default makes no difference. I'm using the Tango Firefox theme03:23
disasmsamy: I wrote a unix shell called samy once ;-)03:23
chaquenboyhello all people03:23
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jiminyorbin: IIRC, anyway---it's been a while since I've messed with it. When I got WEP working, I decided not to push my luck. ;o)03:23
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sikor_sxeis there a logfile, what could tell what is gnome troubling on login?03:23
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Bokehi'd recommend to search in launchpad telep03:23
orbinjiminy: so you've got wep working now?03:23
Bokehyou might be able to find more help there, i don't think i can help you any further :/03:23
Telepok I'll look into it, thanks anyway :)03:23
samydisasm: great! waht about tomcat?03:24
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yellow_chickenZERO_SHIFT, synaptic shows that i am using 1.0.13, but you think reinstall from .bz source will help?03:24
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jiminyorbin: yep. Took me about half an hour to set up . . . after spending nearly four days on the forums before I found the instructions. ;o)03:24
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smilebootok quick question03:24
vbanait what is the difference between version 6.04 that i have and recent version of ubuntu03:24
smilebootwhat the hell does   ^p   mean in a manual?03:25
disasmsamy: never used it, just saw the name go by, and thought I'd let you know you have the same name as a primitive UNIX shell :-P03:25
bobbob1016orbin: where do I get the ndiswrapper source code from?03:25
ZERO_SHIFTyellow_chicken then you might want to try the 1.0.14 RC3 driver03:25
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smilebootie what key combination does it mean?03:25
PriceChildsmileboot, I "think" ctrl+p03:25
Cravthat's correct03:25
Parmenionbobbob1016: try sourceforge03:25
ian__smileboot: C^ = ctrl, K^ = alt03:25
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samydisasm: great! you have the name of a disassembler program!03:25
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orbinjiminy: ah, that's always the case. :D  i searched for 6 straight hours, re-read logs and re-tweaked configs before coming across my instructions.03:26
vbanaitshould i update the version that i have on my pc or reinstall 7.***03:26
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disasmsamy: yup03:26
AdyethsWhat do I need to do in order to make evolution print to letter size paper instead of a4 size paper?03:26
Parmenioncrap guys03:26
smilebootk that didnt work03:26
smilebootbloody rtorrent03:26
Parmenioni need help, i cant hear any sound :\03:26
Adyethsin feisty03:26
Cravvbanait: update will let you keep your current stuff while a new install will be completely fresh03:26
allmeParmenion, thanks03:26
orbinbobbob1016: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ndiswrapper03:26
Parmenionwhich file do i need to poke in?03:26
Parmenionallme: :P its alright X03:27
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orbinbobbob1016: install instructions here: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/Installation03:27
disasmsamy: I'll let you get back to fixing your problem ;-)03:27
jimlewhat package do i need to install top use svn?03:27
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vbanaitbut the new version is same as the updated version or there is any advantage03:27
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orbinbobbob1016: make sure you uninstall the windows driver and the ubuntu version of ndiswrapper before you compile it.03:27
vbanaiti cannot play wmv file03:27
dano_washereHi again, i have no idea of how to recover ubuntu.03:27
Parmenionvbanait: windows media something03:28
=== Stig [n=chris@host86-129-110-164.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
Cravvbanait: you can either get the codec or get a player which has it built in03:28
samydisasm: thx. maybe u know how to give a user the right to open sockets?03:28
hatterany problems with feisty fawn using older kernels ?03:28
sivajiwhat is clipboard03:28
Parmenionget the restricted codecs vbanait03:28
vbanaitwhich player03:28
bobbob1016orbin: apt-get remove ndis?03:28
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|thundersivaji; wow03:28
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Parmeniongstreamer ?03:28
vbanaitwhere from and how03:28
orbinjimle: subversion IIRC03:28
Parmenionor whatever you choose03:28
dano_washereThe kernel isnt doing something right with the filesystem03:28
orbinbobbob1016: one sec.  checking ubguide03:28
Cravvbanait: i reccommend VLC, it's got just about everything03:28
disasmsamy: if you're referring to priveleged sockets, you can't, they have to be open by root03:28
StigHi, how do I configure and use "hellanzb"? I have downloaded and installed it using the Synaptic package manager, what do I do now?!03:29
samydisasm: no standard ones on the same host03:29
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jimleorbin, lol so simple, but i couldnt find it >,< thanks03:29
wimdowsjimle - sudo apt-get install subversion-tools03:29
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disasmsamy: errr wait, sockets, not ports ;-)03:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clipboard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:30
samydisasm: ok so what about the sockets?03:30
AdyethsWhat do I need to do in order to make evolution print to letter size paper instead of a4 size paper in feisty?03:30
n3obin beryl how do you zoom out the cube when rotating?03:30
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|thundersivaji; clipborad is a place to temoparaly store things. select some text. copy and paste somewhere else. it was stored in the clipboard.03:30
disasmsamy: are you getting a specific error when you try? I thought any user could open a socket03:30
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disasmsamy: to my knowledge, from the users point of view, a socket is just a file03:31
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jiminyI'm trying to get an external DVD burner, hooked up through a USB enclosure, to work. I've run lsusb and it seems to be detecting the enclosure the burner is in but not the actual burner. I'm running 6.10 PPC, the drive is a Pioneer DVR-110D. (The really annoying bit is that I found a post in the forums from someone with the same burner, saying it worked out of the box . . . )03:31
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samydisasm: I get an error when I call a servlet opening a connection to mysql, so I suggest it's a problem with the user...03:31
Parmenionguys, how the hell do i get my sound to work ?03:31
orbinbobbob1016: bah, i can't be bothered going through the script.  i'm assuming it does the basic steps.  does 'ndiswrapper -l'show a driver installed?03:31
tolonugahi. does anyone have a fresh (k)ubuntu installation? can you type "mount" and tell me if /proc/bus/usb is mounted on your system or not?03:32
Parmenionyes orbin03:32
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bobbob1016orbin: yes03:32
Acidz0rHi, anyones knows when is fiesty for ppc gonna be available?03:32
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disasmsamy: hmmm... and mysql is configured to allow that user to connect?03:32
orbinbobbob1016: sudo ndiswrapper -e <drivername>03:32
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doomsterhello world03:32
orbinbobbob1016: that will uninstall the driver03:32
eggstaintolonuga, yes03:33
Parmenionguys, what file do i need to poke in to get my sound to work ?03:33
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samydisasm: sure, I con log throught phpmyadmin03:33
Parmenionerr orbin its ndiswrapper -r03:33
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samytolonuga: procbususb on /proc/bus/usb type usbfs (rw)03:33
smilebootok comlete nub question where the hell are programs installed as default   usually03:34
jiminyAcidz0r: I thought it already was---if you've already got edgy, try going to the update manager and seeing if there's a note about it there. Don't try installing it from there, though, the official servers are way too busy. Use a Torrent if you can.03:34
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Cravsmileboot: /usr/bin03:34
bobbob1016orbin: I did -e, now when I do ndis -l, nothing shows up, so should I apt-get remove ndis, then recompile?03:34
smilebootk thanx03:34
wimdowsParmenion - there's a decent guide on Ubuntuforums - see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544903:34
sikor_sxewhat could cause ubuntu to hang on gnome login (no window-manager loading and applets take ages to appear) after an update to feisty?03:34
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disasmdoes tomcat have a log file? maybe get a little more detail about what the problem i03:34
disasmerr is03:34
orbinbobbob1016: should probably unload the module first: sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper03:35
samyit says it's a socket permission issue...03:35
Parmenionthanks winkiller03:35
Parmenionwrong person03:35
Parmenionwimdows: thanks :P03:35
wimdows;-) np03:35
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orbinbobbob1016: then yes, remove ndiswrapper-utils-1.903:35
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Acidz0rjiminy, I've check almost all US mirrors and the iso is still missing, I don't have Edgy to check from there and I haven't find a torrent of fiesty-ppc.03:36
bobbob1016orbin: just utils, or everything ndis?03:36
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bobbob1016orbin: I also have ndis-common03:36
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orbinbobbob1016: ndiswrapper-common too.03:36
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vbanaitany out of box product for medical clinics03:37
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|thunderhow do I enable dvd playback in fiesty/gnome/movie player03:37
Bokehi doubt there are any vbanait03:37
ian__orbin, you seem knowlegable in ndiswrapper stuff. is there something im doing wrong here? i installed some wireless usb adapter's windows driver through ndiswrapper and then plugged in the usb device. yeah it made my kernel explode. any ideas?03:37
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:37
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Bokehi'd recommend asking software development companies to see if they can make you a custom-built application.03:38
vbanaitis it? nothing for the doctors03:38
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Bokehor search around sourgeforge, though i highly doubt you'd find something so specialized there.03:38
vbanaiti thought there should be medubuntu03:38
jiminyAcidz0r: Crap. I am running Edgy PPC, and I did see a note like that, but I haven't tried upgrading. Maybe try searching the Apple PPC Users forum?03:38
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Bokehwell, your problem is, it's a a very specialized niche without any hobbyist base who run it, so there won't be many opensource developers working on that.03:39
bobbob1016orbin: I need to install headers before I can compile, right?03:39
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gordonjcpvbanait: what kind of thing do you need?03:39
orbinian__: not really knowledgable ... just recently got my broadcom working after a bit of reading.  i can't troubleshoot anything much outside of that scope.03:39
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BokehOn top of that, most of the companies who run such software have it outsourced, so there's very little incentive to make such a piece of software03:39
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orbinbobbob1016: yes, follow the install instructions03:39
Acidz0rjiminy, Oh, lemme check then. You running it on a laptop?03:39
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jiminyAcidz0r: PowerBook G4.03:40
ajhaSomeone can indicate an URL with documentation about howto create a official mirror of Ubuntu03:40
vbanaitsomething to manage my clinic record and export the reports of individual patient in manner i decide03:40
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orbinian__: sorry.  not sure what would be going on.  what do you mean by kernel exploding? :)  did you check dmesg output?03:40
ajhaSomeone can indicate an URL with documentation about howto create a official mirror of Ubuntu03:40
ian__orbin: ah. well as soon as i plug in the device the syslog sends tons of messages to all my terminals and then the kernel locks up03:40
thebillywaynein gnome, the theme manager tells me the theme is installed, but I don't see it listed.  telling the themer to switch to the new theme doesn't affect anything either.  Is the theme manager possibly broken?03:40
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=== Adyeths sighs
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bobbob1016orbin: my bad, I skipped right to "install"03:40
Parmenionthanks wimdows, seems my soundcard was muted :P03:40
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Acidz0rjiminy, any troubles getting airport to work with Ubuntu? cuz I have an iBook and the LiveCD doesn't detect the airport card.03:40
wimdowsParmenion - cool - simple solution in the end then ;-)03:40
Parmenionyep XD03:40
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orbinbobbob1016: actually, i'm not sure, but i think headers may be installed by default03:41
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dano_washerecan i get the UUID from BusyBox?03:41
Parmenionthanks for the link would come in handy when i wipe my mother's system to install ubuntu03:41
ajhaI am employed on a University of Venezuela and this this university interested in create a official mirror ubuntu03:41
orbinbobbob1016: my guess is it'd prompt you to install them anyway, so no harm done i'm guessing03:41
bobbob1016orbin: yeah, I need build-essential, installing that now03:41
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ian__ajha: you're employed at a university and your english is that bad? jeez and they pay you to -work-?03:42
AdyethsWhat do I need to do in order to make evolution print to letter size paper instead of a4 size paper in feisty?03:42
thebillywaynei'm installing metacity themes from gnome-look, but they don't seem to be installing properly.03:42
zaggynlian__, be nice03:42
orbinian__: tried #ndiswrapper?03:42
jiminyAcidz0r: Hoo boy . . . getting AirPort working is NOT fun, but it can be done---not from a LiveCD, though. You'll have to install Ubuntu first.03:42
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vbanaiti think mandriva is having a product for doctor03:42
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vbanaitis it true03:42
=== dyrne kicks ian__
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=== Pelo should have gone with the clean install from the offset
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Bokehvbanait: what's it called?03:42
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natsumeyajha, : apt-mirror or debmirror03:42
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thebillywayneAdyeths, System > Administration > Printing.03:43
Acidz0rjiminy, Meh, sounds like.. fun, hehe.03:43
yellow_chickenanyone's sound card works in feisty?03:43
Bokehthere's ofcourse always to possibility to build a package yourself or have it built by someone else03:43
Adyethsalready did that. it didn't work.03:43
wimdowsian__ - not everyone's first language is English...03:43
=== amki [n=amki@p50835B04.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Bokehand if mandriva has it, you'd only need to make it compatible with ubuntu03:43
Parmenionyellow chicken:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544903:43
ian__wimdows: i was joking sheesh03:43
Cravwimdows: it should be03:43
vbanaitDebian med03:43
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obnibolongohi! i download ubuntu 7.04, checksum is right, burn 2 CDs and both CDs present errors. There is the possibility my burner is broken, since it refuses to read home burned DVDs, but so far it has worked right with CDs. I'm just checking here if there in any known issue with the image and, if not, I'll burn in other cd burner. Has anyone else had trouble with Ubuntu 7.04, checksum e296e3468358789904097fc8df29609a *ubuntu-7.04-desktop-i386.iso ?03:43
yellow_chickeni went through forums, seems like many have sound problem03:43
wimdowsian__ - without a smiley it was hard to tell ;-)03:43
claviolahi, totem won't play DVDs for me. I just get a "Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it." error. I have absolutely every gstreamer0.10* package under the sun installed and the relevant DVD libraries. The DVD will play if auto-inserted, but not through the menu. I can also just play the VOBs individually. Any tips?03:43
jiminyAcidz0r: Hang on, I'll dig up the how-to I used. I recommend installing Edgy, because I can't promise it'll work on Feisty.03:43
AdyethsI have it set to letter size everywhere I could find... in the printer settings, in /etc/papersize, but it seems to always want to print to a4.03:44
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:44
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Adyethsno matter what I do I cant make it change to a different size paper setting.03:44
Cravclaviola: there ya go03:44
claviolaCrav: as I said, I already have the relevant packages.03:44
thebillywayneclaviola, same thing happened to me.  i installed vlc and it all works great.03:44
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orbinclaviola: player?  totem-xine + libdvdcss2 works for me.03:44
claviola!thanks for the useless reply though03:44
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Adyethsand yes I've restarted cups after changing the settings in /etc/papersize03:44
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Cravclaviola: no need to be agressive we're all just trying to help03:45
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AaronMTAnyone have a problem with wifi not working after resume from standby?03:45
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Acidz0rjiminy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=411442 , they moved the mirrors of fiesty, no wonder.03:45
bloggiHow comes that I'm still unable to install "beryl-plugins-unsupported_0.2.0~0beryl_i386.deb" I get the "trying to overwrite ~/usr/lib/beryl/libtext.so error :/03:45
Adyethsso... whats the secret to changing the default paper size?03:45
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bloggishould i just remove that file and re-download?03:45
jiminyAcidz0r: Oh, and if you're booting from the LiveCD now, can you pull up a terminal, type in "lspci" without the quotes, and tell me if there are any lines with the words "Network Controller" in them, and if so, what do they say, exactly?03:45
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claviolaCrav: try reading stuff instead of scanning for keywords and having infobot spew out howtos03:45
claviolaCrav: but I do appreciate your helpfulness03:45
Acidz0rjiminy, lemme check then, gimme a sec.03:45
KromiXany1 have experience with using Ventrilo successfully on Ubuntu03:45
Nubbieclaviola: obviously you don't.03:45
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KromiX?? What windows emulator would be best for Ventrilo? free or not..03:46
Nubbieclaviola: otherwise you wouldn't be so rude.03:46
claviola!sorry nubbie03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry nubbie - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:46
PeloKromiX,  try using wine03:46
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Nubbiepelo: can wine use microphone input?03:47
PeloNubbie,  you'd have to ask in #winehq03:47
KromiXyea trying to deicde which one to use wine cedega etc...03:47
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Nubbiepelo: ventrilo is like a gaming voice server type deal.03:47
PeloNubbie,  still worth asking in #winehq03:48
Nubbiepelo: heheh i'm not concerned.03:48
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Nubbiekromix: there is a program sort of like you're looking for that does work with linux.03:48
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KromiXya i know but03:49
Trentsterhey all, I want to mount an nfs share on a nas device, how can i do this as a normal user, as the user root does not have a login on the nas device and the system tells me only root can use the mount command any dieas?03:49
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KromiXi need Vent because im trying to get on Vent servers :)03:49
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AdyethsWhat do I need to do in order to make evolution print to letter size paper instead of a4 size paper in feisty?03:49
Nubbietrentster: you must have administrative privileges to mount ndrives.03:49
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vbanaitcan i install he med-practice metapackage on ubuntu03:50
TrentsterNubbie, any way i can get the nfs command to mount the share using a specific users credentials?03:50
AdyethsIts sad that its turning into a major ordeal just to change the default paper size when printing from Evolution.03:50
mikebroKromiX: check out this thead, it may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4173703:50
bloggimy "beryl-plugins-unsupported-data" is now shown in the "broken dependencies" folder, what may I do to change that?03:50
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claviolaman, I really hate totem.03:50
Nubbietrentster: if your user has the privilege to mount, you can do it as a user. you don't >have< to be root.03:50
=== Kilroo [n=Jarentha@cpe-071-076-173-175.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
vbanaithow can i install the med-practice metapackage from debian03:50
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Nubbietrentster: but then you'd have to mount it in your home directory.03:51
bobbob1016_orbin: thanks, it's working now, after a reboot03:51
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TrentsterNubbie, i am trying to mount it in my home directory03:51
winkillerhm, booted from feisty cd - selected "start or install" and in the gui ALL characters are little boxes. cdr damaged I suppose..03:51
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KromiXThanks Mike03:51
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wimdowsany tool that can tell me the details of my individual memory dimms?03:51
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bobbob1016_orbin: I pulled the inf file from the tar file in the ubuntu guide03:51
TrentsterNubbie, how do i Give a user the privelidge to mount?03:52
orbinbobbob1016: awesome. :)03:52
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Nubbietrentster: sorry i think i'm mistaken. a user can have the privilege to mount external devices, such as a USB hard drive or something, but i'm not sure if that extends to NFS drives.03:53
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vbanaitIs there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbtoserial - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
TrentsterNubbie, in other words I am going to have to mount it as root03:53
A[D] minS!cdrecord03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdrecord - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
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Nubbie!serial > jessid03:53
A[D] minShow i can burn iso file to cd?03:53
ajhaiam__ sorry03:53
Ginja_Ninjai have installed the "spca5xx" package freom adept, how do i go about using this driver for my webcam. At the moment when i plug my camera in it load gspca_core, is this right ?03:54
vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:54
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Nubbietrentster: i believe so03:54
vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:54
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jessidNubbie: thanks a lot!!!03:54
sjoeboo /join #ubuntu-classroom03:54
vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:54
Nubbiea[d] mins: use right click it, burn to cd.03:54
naja_who could help me with wine?03:54
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vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:54
vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:54
sjoeboomy bad with that03:54
foxinesshi,is the logout act like ctrl+alt+backspace?03:54
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Nubbie!patience | vbanait03:54
ubotuvbanait: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:54
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl03:54
ajhanatsumey, Thank you03:54
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vbanaitsorry! please help03:55
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naja_i have installed TMU with wine03:55
Nubbiefoxiness: no that restarts the gdm, it doesn't actually log you out.03:55
naja_it's done03:55
natsumeyand let me know ur mirror after this03:55
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ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:55
claviolahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/41335 has more people with the same problem with me for months now03:55
naja_i want to luch it to make update before the nocd03:55
orbinbobbob1016: random question. is your SSID hidden?03:55
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jonesyok, anyone have a link to the 'beryl on feisty' doc? I can't find it.03:56
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Nubbiejonesy: check their wiki.03:56
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AdyethsWhat do I need to do in order to make evolution print to letter size paper instead of a4 size paper in feisty?03:56
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Nubbieadyeths: its in the printer dialogue03:57
Acidz0rjiminy, it's either a Broadcom 4318 (rev 02) or the UniNorth 2 GMAC (Sun GEM) (rev 80).03:57
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omkar86hi Which notebooks are recommended to use with Ubuntu?03:57
foxinessNubbie: k, and if i want to clean my mem from garbeg lib or application 'more on gui one' what is the best to do it?03:57
AdyethsI changed it in the printer dialog. evolution still prints to the wrong paper size though.03:57
jrib!laptop > omkar86 (see the private message from ubotu)03:57
vbanaits there anything like debian med for medical practice on ubuntu03:57
wimdowsxtnight6 - ok then ;-) any cmd line tool that can tell me details about my memory dimms?03:57
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jribomkar86: you can see what has worked for others on those pages03:58
wimdowsxtknigh6 rather ;-)03:58
Nubbiefoxiness: i don't understand, what are you trying to do?03:58
xtknight6wimdows yes.  sudo lshw or hwinfo03:58
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foxinessvbanait: ubuntu == debian you can use it on ubuntu03:58
wimdowscool - thanks xtknight6 (got it right 3rd time)03:58
xtknight6wimdows lol :P03:58
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vbanaitFoxiness: how03:58
Nubbieadyeths: right click your printer, properties, paper, choose your new paper.03:58
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dyrneomkar86: stay away from ati03:58
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xtknight6wimdows need i make my name more complicated?03:58
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jribomkar86: your biggest concern would probably be the wireless03:58
AdyethsI did that already. Its set correctly there. But evolution STILL prints to the wrong paper size.03:59
rellik_why is there not a torrent link on the ubuntu download page?03:59
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wimdowsxtknight6 - you also use xtknight as a nick?03:59
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xtknight6wimdows indeed.  my home nick is at home with nickserv03:59
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jribrellik_: do you want a link or do you want to request taht one be added?03:59
Nubbieadyeths: restart the program you're printing from? thats all i can suggest.03:59
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thebillywayneany sites besides gnome-look?  the metacity theme tar.gz's don't seem to want to install for me.03:59
AdyethsI did that several times already too. still not printing to the correct paper size.03:59
wimdowsxtknight6 - I see, we chatted before I think.03:59
xtknight6very likely ;)03:59
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ajhaiam__ The university does not pay me for my knowledges in English or for writing perfectly in English04:00
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xtknight6hwinfo show you that dimm stuff?04:00
omkar86dyrne: can I use beryl with intel onboard graphics?04:00
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Nubbiethebillywayne: install art-manager04:00
rellik_jrib, both..  I want to download it..  but I also think that the site would promote the torrent..  people will have faster downoads, and, more importantly, it will take completely unneeded stress off the servers04:00
DazzazGood morning everyone... Ubuntu noob here.  Just did a fresh install of 7.04 and everything went fine.  Haven't tried to install the Nvidia driver yet...04:00
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jrib!torrents > rellik_ (see the private message from ubotu)04:00
Nubbieomkar86: yes, please read their wiki.04:00
foxinessNubbie: after i run multiappication there are a lot on swap-mem on sleep mode or what ever i want to get this end and remove it from my mem space to give me more stable ,fast system 'on system still run over a week or so'04:00
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dyrneomkar86: i belive so but ive not done the 3d desktop yet04:00
rellik_jrib, thanks04:01
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cg`hi there, would an error on boot (either from hda or livecd) that says "crc error --system halted", indicate memory failure?04:01
omkar86dyrne: ok, heard AMD produces more heat than intel is it true?04:01
thebillywayne!info art-manager feisty04:01
ubotuPackage art-manager does not exist in feisty04:01
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Nubbiefoxiness: linux will fill up the swap and memory, it doesn't actively keep it clear. when something new needs memory, it will flush out the old stuff.04:01
jribrellik_: it is linked there if you click on "other options" (or something like that) but you can file a bug on launchpad.net against the ubuntu website product too if you want04:01
jiminyAcidz0r: Okay, it's probably the Broadcom. Try following the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=319402 and here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2177737&postcount=904:01
foxinessvbanait: url of this application ?04:01
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:01
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thebillywayneNubbie: thanks for your help.04:02
Nubbiethebillywayne: no problem.04:02
xtknight6wimdows also check out "sudo dmidecode" it may have more detailed info04:02
rellik_jrib, the "other download options" link has torrents for 6.06 and 6.10, but not fiesty..  I'll file a bug, thanks04:02
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doomsterhello ppl:)04:02
wimdowsxtknight6 - lshw did the job - cheers (couldn't be arsed to open up my PC case!)04:02
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jiminyAcidz0r: Oh yes---good luck . . .04:03
jribrellik_: yeah, I don't claim it's easy to find, I don't like it either.  If you choose a mirror though, then you will find torrent links for feisty04:03
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asselberghscan one download the newest ubuntu version and ubgrade without the need to burn a new cd?04:03
Parmeniongentlemen, what is a compositing manager?04:03
rellik_jrib, hmm..  I initially tried that..  the mirror I choose did not have a torrent, only an iso04:03
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Nubbie!upgrade > asselberghs04:03
Parmenionasselbergh - you can upgrade via synaptic04:04
foxinessasselberghs: yes04:04
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thebillywayneNubbie: I think theme manager is simply broken.  new themes aren't being installed properly.04:04
foxinessasselberghs: by mount it04:04
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Nubbiethebillywayne: you can just extract the contents of the .tar.gz files into ~/.themes04:04
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asselberghsi want access to beryl but iam having truble with my nvidia geforce 4 MX 440 card though it is supported i cant find a driver thats works il try if the ubuntu with beryl intigrated will work04:05
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thebillywayneNubbie, i'll try that.04:05
Acidz0rjiminy, hehe, thanks. Forgot to ask you, yours came with ATi? >_<; Cuz I already know that getting ATi cards to work is a pain, hehe.04:05
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cg`can anyone suggest anything to try regarding the error on boot "crc error --system halted" please? :)04:05
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foxinessNubbie: thanks for the great info you throw to me04:05
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Nubbiefoxiness: :D04:06
Parmeniongentlemen, what is a compositing manager?04:06
jiminyAcidz0r: nVidia, though I haven't tried anything fancy with it. Both have problems, from what I hear.04:06
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Nubbieparmenion: beryl or compiz04:06
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ParmenionNubbie: which one should i use?04:06
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rellik_jrib, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/10297404:06
Acidz0rjiminy, Oh, okay. O_o;04:06
jiminyParmenion: Fancy software for drawing windows on your screen. Allows for lots of cool graphic effects at the expense of speed.04:07
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Nubbieparmenion: i've had good luck with beryl, but feisty comes with compiz. plus it depends on your system.04:07
jribrellik_: thanks04:07
PhilKParmenion: I've had much better luck with Beryl, plus it seems more advanced04:07
anticlockwiseParmenion: If you got an ATI, use Beryl04:07
thebillywayneNubbie, for some reason, it's still not showing up in the "Theme Preferences" window.04:07
Nubbieyes definitely.04:07
Nubbiethebillywayne: thats very strange.04:07
foxinessParmenion: beryl "ya vote"04:07
Parmenionok thanks Nubbie, jiminy, PhilK and anticlockwise04:07
Parmenionsadly no ATI04:08
Parmenionits all standard intel on my laptop04:08
wimdowsjiminy - and at the expense of direct 3D rendering04:08
Nubbiesadly? hardly.04:08
thebillywayneNubbie, yeah.  i know.  it's killing me.04:08
anticlockwiseParmenion, well, use Beryl anyway, it's more advanced, hehe04:08
PhilKParmenion: depending on the Intel beryl will work04:08
Parmenionnor nvida Nubbie :P04:08
jiminyAnyway, now's the time for me to turn in. Good night, all.04:08
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me_hello everyone04:08
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ParmenionPhilK, thanks04:08
thebillywayneNubbie, isn't there a text file that I can edit that'll allow me to point my theme to the folder in .themes.  Do I *have* to use the GUI?04:09
PhilKParmenion: I'm using Beryl on a q965 board at work...it was a b*tch to set up, but it works well04:09
Dazzazwhat is best for nvidia drivers?  via unrestricted or one of the other install methods?04:09
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Parmenionanticlockwise: will it cause system meltdown?04:09
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me_any can tell how i get a ubuntu server edition?04:09
aroDazzaz, which nvidia card do you have?04:09
ParmenionPhilK: any howto to setup beryl?04:09
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anticlockwiseParmenion, well, I'm not sure for Intel, but i might :)04:09
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Nubbiethebillywayne: i'm sure there is, the thing is i've never had a problem with the frontend, i've never been bothered to learn about it. sorry, i don't know whats up with your themes issue.04:09
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aroDazzaz, I found the best luck with the proprietary nvidia drivers from www.nvidia.com on my 7600gt04:10
foxiness!server > me_04:10
Dazzazaro, 7800GT04:10
thebillywayneNubbie, thanks for your help though.  :)04:10
Nubbieat least intel releases their driver's sources don't they?04:10
anticlockwiseParmenion, it might cause you not being able to enter X04:10
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vbanaithow to update application menu04:10
PhilKParmenion: there's a few different ones for Intel, they apparently work fine except on the 965 boards, if you've got an older one you should be alright04:10
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Parmenionthats not too bad anticlockwise04:10
PhilKParmenion: check the forums, a quick search should find 'em04:10
foxinessvbanait: killall gnome-panel04:10
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Dazzazyeah, last i tried this I was not able to get back into X and being a noob I just gave up.... just installed ubuntu 7.04 again fresh install and trying again.04:11
ParmenionPhilK, im on a laptop ... some normal intel motherboard. XD im already searching on it :P04:11
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Nubbiedazzaz: you could do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:11
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PhilKNubbie: they've started to...but from what I can find no one cares, the docs are limited and there's almost no development being done (or so it appears)  I can't even get their official stuff to compile (note, this could be my fault, but it's not easy at any rate)04:11
aroDazzaz, you downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-9755-pkg1.run ?04:12
DazzazNubbie, I tried, but really didn't understand a single thing I was doing and was only able to get the default vesa driver working.04:12
aroDazzaz, the x86 would change depending on your architecture I guess, but in my case it was x8604:12
DazzazAro, I haven't downloaded anything yet... just finished install04:12
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aroDazazz, I meant when you first tried to install the drivers04:12
Nubbiedazzaz: at least with vesa you can log in again to fix your mistake ;)04:12
aroDazazz, when yous aid it wouldn't boot X04:12
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Dazzazaro, i'm running 64bit04:12
foxinessis there a way to refreash the desktop ? "i treid to open it like a folder then reload"04:12
tokyoaheadhi all... I have an intel graphics chip in my laptop, 1280x800 screen, the 915resolution is showing the resolution and the xorg.conf also since install, but the screen resolution prefs show _only_ 1024x768.... any idea what I can do?04:12
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Nubbiephilk: i'm lucky. my radeon 9550 was one of the last cards to function well.04:13
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vbanaithow to update application menu with newly installed application name04:13
Nubbiephilk: but if i ever buy another video card, it will definitely be an nvidia card.04:13
aroDazazz, and you downloaded NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-9755-pkg2.run last time you tried?04:13
aro(That's the 64bit version)04:13
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tholmeHey, I installed Anjuta, and tried to build a program I already had. It seems to have worked, but what am I to do with the 'progam.o' file? :P Anyone have any tips?04:13
Dazzazno, i didn't... i tried to use Envy last time.04:13
Nubbievbanait: did you killall gnome-panel?04:13
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PhilKNubbie: sad but true, my newer ATi's are super flaky, the Nvidia cards "just work" :\04:14
foxinessvbanait: you did not get what i told you !04:14
aroDazzaz, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_1.0-9755.html04:14
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aroThat's what I use on my 7600gt04:14
aroWorks great04:14
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cg`Can anyone suggest anything to try regarding the error on boot "crc error --system halted" please? Cheers :)04:14
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Parmenionlol PhilK, im already using "Desktop Effects" :P04:14
Dazzazaro, downloading that right now... just need to figure out how to install.04:15
wimdowsxtknight6 - is there any way I can 'preserve' an ubuntu install on one partition and completely move it to a diff physical disk?04:15
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me_is there anyone who can tell me how can i use the 3D desktop effect?04:15
heelopwimdows you may try cloning your part...04:15
PhilKParmenion: well...good to know it's only the new boards that are fubar04:15
aroDazzaz, all you have to do is logout, press ctrl+f1 to go to a non graphical command line, navigate to the folder with the driver and type "sudo sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.--9755-pkg2.run"04:15
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wimdowsheelop - is there a clone tool?04:16
aroDazzaz, it will guide you through all of it, you might have to sudo apt-get install some gcc or g++ packages to compile the drivers, if you need help with that I can guide you04:16
Nubbiecg`: i think its a memory issue.04:16
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PhilKParmenion: it's also a Dell, so that's always a possibility for problems...04:16
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tokyoaheadhi all... I have an intel graphics chip in my laptop, 1280x800 screen, the 915resolution -l is showing the resolution and the xorg.conf also since install, but the screen resolution prefs show _only_ 1024x768.... any idea what I can do?04:16
ParmenionPhilK, it seems its built into Feisty by default04:16
heelopwimdows there are many of them ex: dd04:16
Parmenioni didnt have to go configure it04:16
foxinessme_: ctrl+alt + left mouse <>04:16
Nubbiewimdows: use gnome-baker04:16
cg`Nubbie: thanks, I had a feeling it may be. It does the same via liveCD / hd boot04:16
aroDazzaz, when and if you finish the entire install, type sudo "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" in order to restart gnome and accept the new drivers04:16
vbanaitfoxiness: please repeat! i am new at linux04:16
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heelopwimdows: but im not sure that they will work with no problems04:17
foxinessvbanait: killall gnome-panel04:17
PhilKParmenion: they have done an amazing job on feisty04:17
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Nubbiecg`: i have no idea what it is or how to fix it though ;)04:17
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Nubbiecg`: sorry.04:17
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ParmenionPhilK: i got wireless broadcom card with my laptop. annoying to get it to work04:17
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Parmenionyeah PhilK, its much more polished04:17
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cg`Nubbie: hehe, np .. i'll borrow some RAM and try it out. Memtest may also be worth a shot i've been told04:17
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Nubbiecg`: yes i'd try that first, memtest04:18
foxinessvbanait: press alt+f2 then put this command on it "killall gnome-panel"04:18
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PhilKParmenion: I stopped using Edgy because of a Broadcom on my old lappy :\04:18
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DazzazAro, Thanks for the info.  I printed out your info and will give that a try now.04:18
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ParmenionPhilK: I found this pretty amazing howto detailing exactly what to do from dapper to feisty, basically compile your own ndiswrapper :P04:18
aroIf X doesn't start try using vesa drivers to come back in here and ask for help04:19
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mattycozeay everyone, i've got a problem with my system fonts for toolbars menus ect... it's just a load of boxes04:19
wil_sydHow long does an alternate install take ?04:19
Parmenionthe standard ones bundled with ubuntu dont seem to make a difference04:19
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pullerhow do i register an irc nickname?04:19
aroAlso there should be some info on that nvidia page if you need it04:19
PhilKParmenion: if I still had that laptop I'd try it out :)04:19
Nubbiedazzaz: remember the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:19
nemo_homepuller: /msg nickserv help04:19
Nubbiedazzaz: it will bring you back here in one piece if it doesn't work.04:19
DazzazNibbie, gotcha thanks.04:19
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Dazzazerr... Nubbie that is. ;)04:20
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foxinesspuller: "/ns register yournick"04:20
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aroDazzaz, correction to step one that I gave you, it's ctrl+alt+f1" not "ctrl+f1"04:20
aroDon't know why I made that typo :(04:20
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mattycozecan anyone help with a system font problem I've got?04:20
rhorunsi can't find any documentation on how to uninstall ubuntu 7.04. could anyone help?04:20
splattnikHello, tiny question, does the lates livecd come with xgl, id like to try it out.04:20
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foxinesspuller: "/ns register yournick yourpassword"04:20
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El_BurroNubbie: dazzaz: remember the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg - possibly the best bit of advice ever, its a life saver04:21
doomsterppl, when we search through apt-cache search , can we use boolean ? something like "apt-cache search teamspeak + client" ?04:21
foxinesspuller: sorry "/ns register  yourpassword"04:21
Dazzazaro, gotcha04:21
wimdowsheelop, Nubbie - so gnome-baker should work ok, right?04:21
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Nubbiewimdows: gnome-baker will do anything you need a cd burning application to do.04:22
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ionushow i can to send file to another pc04:22
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mm2000hello, anyone here that use awstats?04:22
rhorunscould anyone help me find documentation on how to uninstall ubuntu 7.0404:22
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:22
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wimdowsNubbie - I'm talking about cloning a HDD partition04:22
Parmenionlol PhilK ... now im d/ling beryl... praying it works out of the box04:22
Nubbierhoruns: do you have a problem?04:23
trappistEvery time I try to start a new connection, whether it's with firefox, ssh, or whatever, it fails the first time.  ssh says resource temporarily unavailable, firefox gives the standard error page.  It works when I try again.  Any ideas?04:23
ionushow i can to send file to another pc04:23
rhorunsyes Nubbie.04:23
heelopi had some issues with gnome baker04:23
Nubbiewimdows: ohh my bad. use gparted. its like gnome-burner for partitions XD04:23
rhorunsI dont want Ubuntu on this drive anymore04:23
PhilKParmenion: if glxinfo shows direct rendering and glxgears works then it will04:23
wimdowsionus - e-mail? ;-)04:23
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ionushow i can to send file to another pc with lan04:23
mattycozecan someone help me upgrade my ubuntu to the latest 7.04 version?04:23
heelopi prefer k3b04:23
rhorunsWhen i take out this harddrive to put it in to another PC, my Windowx XP HDD doesnt boot up.04:23
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jrib!upgrade > mattycoze (see the private message from ubotu)04:23
Nubbierhoruns: are you installing another linux distribution?04:23
LjLdoomster, just put the both keywords, for an AND04:23
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wimdowsionus - use samba smb://pcname04:23
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rhorunsno, i want to reinstall ubuntu on this drive, but after i am able to get it off this P:C04:24
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ionusbut some chat lan04:24
wimdowsNubbie - ok, cheers04:24
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:24
Nubbierhoruns: you need to make a  grub entry for the windows on your other computer.04:24
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ParmenionPhilK, thanks man, im learning alot by hanging out here :P04:24
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AndyCRtholme: thats just the intermediate file for one of the source file(s), it should have also produced a program binary04:24
rhorunsi dont have windows on my other PC04:24
rhorunsnor do i want it there.04:24
Trist_anIs the alternat CD also a live CD?04:24
doomsterLjL, thanx m8:) is there a way for NOT or OR?04:24
wimdowsionus - some chat lan? you mean you're using some IM client04:24
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rhorunsi mainly use XP on this PC04:24
Nubbierhoruns: :l04:25
PhilKParmenion: yeah, #ubuntu is most excellent, lot's of super-helpful people in here04:25
ionuslan chat04:25
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ionuschat into lan04:25
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Trist_anI want to check that my PC can handle feisty and if so upgrade maybe from the CD...04:25
LjLdoomster: no, but there is if you use aptitude instead of apt-cache. type "aptitude manual" in google, all the search options should be explained in the first page you get. they're a lot04:25
ionuslike vypress04:25
Trist_ancan I do this with the Alternate?04:25
aroTrist_an, run the LiveCD04:25
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rhorunswhy cant i simply uninstall Ubuntu?04:25
doomsterLjL,  thanx :)04:25
Nubbierhoruns: you could use gparted to repartition your drive, but grub would probably still be installed.04:25
ParmenionTrist_an: no, not with alternate04:25
arorhoruns, you can format the partition04:25
tholmeAndyCR: Okay, where do I find the program binary, should it appear where the file is located or . . .?04:25
Trist_anaro, there are Desktop CD and Alternate install CD...04:25
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Parmenionalternate basically shoves you into a vesa install04:26
aroTrist_an, unless you need something special, boot from the Desktop CD04:26
rhorunsformatting doesnt help. my MBR requires that Ubuntu be installed, in order to allow me to boot Windows04:26
aroTrist_an, it will bring you into a Live environment04:26
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Nubbierhoruns: there is a package for ubuntu that restores the windows MBR.04:26
ParmenionTrist_an: unless you have under 256 ram, get the desktop cd04:26
jribrhoruns: run 'fixmbr' on the windows install disk's recovery console04:26
Trist_anaro, can I upgrade from edgy to feisty from he CD after testing it in the live cd04:26
AndyCRtholme: i havent used anjuta in awhile, but it should be somewhere in your project folder, named after your project04:26
rhorunsohh ok04:26
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AndyCRit shouldnt have any extension04:26
Nubbierhoruns: or do what jrib said.04:26
tholmeok, thnx:)04:26
rhorunsthank you guys very much.04:26
AndyCRanjuta should run it if you click run04:26
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aroTrist_an, I'm not sure on the upgrading process since I've always just done clean installs, but you can check out the following link for advice04:27
Trist_anwoooowww downloading at 10Mo/sec the CD04:27
aro!upgrade | Trist_an04:27
ubotuTrist_an: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:27
ubotuInstant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC.04:27
vbanaithi i installed med-practice from synaptic package manager but not able to see it on application menu. Did killall gnome-panel 4 times as suggested , but not helping04:27
Nubbietrist_an: use the update-manager method.04:27
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ionus!lan chat04:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lan chat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:27
Trist_anI've seen there are trouble in feisty with ATI card... so I want to check if my card will be supported04:28
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vypress - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:28
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Trist_anor will it be because it is in Edgy04:28
aroTrist_an, it's most likely support to the extent that you can see the desktop, but you'll have trouble getting eye candy to work04:28
Nubbievbanait: edit your menu, system > preferences > main menu04:28
aroAt least in my experience with ATI04:28
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Nubbietrist_an: what card do you have?04:28
Trist_anaro, I have Beryl working perfectly on Edgy04:28
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aroTrist_an, which card do you have04:28
Trist_anATI X700 I think04:28
Nubbietrist_an: then nothing will change.04:28
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Trist_anI read there was trouble with this one04:29
aroTrist_an, I had Radeon 9800 working fine with XGL+Beryl in Edgy, and when I upgraded to Feisty I had a hell of a time getting that same setup to work :(04:29
aroTrist_an, I hope you have better luck though04:29
Nubbietrist_an: do you want to do a clean install of feisty, or to just upgrade? both methods work fine.04:29
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mattycozehey guys04:29
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mattycozecan anyone help me with a font problem in menubars and titlebars ect04:29
Trist_anI want to check that I will be able to have X working on Feisty and then upgrade if it works04:29
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Nubbietrist_an: you just need to follow the beryl wiki for feisty, its really not that hard.04:30
mattycozei can't do anyhthing!04:30
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Trist_anafter if I can't have Beryl/Compiz I will find a way04:30
bobslaedeHey, how can i do so that, lpadmin doesnt need a password, so that anybody can add a printer to a system?04:30
Nubbietrist_an: if you have beryl working in edgy, it will work in feisty.04:30
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aroNubbie, that wiki doesn't always work, especially with ATI04:30
Trist_anBUt I want to be sure that I can have a normal KDE session04:30
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Nubbiearo: it does if you use the right drivers, ie. not fglrx.04:30
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vbanaitNubbie: there is nothing like main menu04:30
Trist_anfglrx should not be used anymore in Feisty?04:31
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Trist_anNubbie, could you point me to the wiki ytou're speaking about04:31
ParmenionPhilK:woot ... it works04:32
kanzieI installed Trac with apt-get on my dapper-server but it installed trac 0.9.3 instead of 0.10.3 which is like a year apart... how could this be?04:32
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ferret_0567What are the hwdb-client* packages used for? I don'04:32
PhilKParmenion: congrats, you'll have fun with Beryl, make sure to turn on transparent cube, it's super neat to be able to see something on the back side of the cube while working on the front04:32
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mattycozecan someone please help with my font problem?04:32
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foxinesshow can i read the mail send by the system ?04:33
Parmenionok XD04:33
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Trist_anNubbie, you mean that AIGLX is supported by ATI card now?04:33
Nubbievbanait: run alacarte04:33
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ferret_0567What are the hwdb-client* packages used for? I don't currently have then installed (lightweight KDE, kde-core package, with some software that comes with Kubuntu going to be installed), and am trying to save some space and processing power.04:33
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Nubbietrist_an: i use a Radeon 9550, with the radeon drivers, and AIGLX works fine for me. if your card uses the radeon drivers, i assume you would be fine as well.04:34
DazzOk, stupid noob question... what do i need to do to stop X before installing NVIDIA drivers?04:34
LM1is  anyone else here almost ready to pull their hair out with feisty?  I cannot get networking to work even with a NIC known to work in edgy04:34
AndyCRDazz: are you running feisty?04:34
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DazzAndyCR, yes, I am... fresh install04:34
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ferret_0567Don't say, "Oh, you need to go to #kubuntu for this question", no, they have a KDE frontend to hwdb, and a GNOME one04:34
LM1anyone know how to fix the network issues with feisty04:35
AndyCRDazz: you should be able to go into System->Administration->Restricted Drivers Manager, check nVidia, and have it Just Work04:35
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:35
foxinessferret_0567: apt-get search hwdb04:35
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ferret_0567Dazz, are you using (X)ubuntu04:35
doomsterLjL,  thanx. aptitude seems to be the tool i needed:) great work04:35
LM1anyone here know what is up with feisty's networking issues?04:35
DazzAndyCR, I understand that, but from what I've read that is not the most recent driver that it loads.... or is it.04:36
mattycozeLM1 with fiesty did you get a font problem when you upgraded?04:36
ferret_0567AndyCR: hmmm...never used the restricted manager04:36
Trist_anNubbie, my lspci doesn't tells me I won a Radeon card04:36
AndyCRDazz: Not totally sure, all I know is I used that and it worked perfectly, including beryl04:36
Nubbietrist_an: i'm fairly confident that you don't want to use fglrx.04:36
ferretferret_0567: Did you consider looking at the package description, man pages, google, ...?04:36
DazzFerret_0567, yes Ubuntu 7.0404:36
ferretferret_0567: List the files that come with the package and look at those?04:36
AndyCReven set up xorg.conf correctly04:36
ferret_0567I was thinking I would get a quick answer04:36
Trist_anNubbie, it tells me ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 714504:36
Nubbietrist_an: are you using pci-e?04:36
ParmenionPhilK:How to get the cube to appear?04:36
ferret_0567ok, I'll start looking04:37
vbanaitalacarte does not help04:37
Trist_anNubbie, might be I'm on a laptop04:37
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Nubbievbanait: you need to make a new entry for the application you installed.04:37
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PhilKParmenion: you should automatically have the cube, hit CTRL+ALT+left or right04:37
mattycozecan anyone help me with my font problem? i can't see my title bars or menuy bars , they're just boxes04:37
ferret_0567Parmenion: you need to get a driver, and Beryl installed04:37
Nubbievbanait: man alacarte04:37
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Nubbierun that.04:37
faridHow does one configure Creative webcam in Kubuntu 7.0404:37
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ferret_0567Nah, no Beryl, unless you want it04:37
Parmenionferret_0567: Beryl is working XD04:37
Parmenionjust need the cube to appear04:38
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AndyCRdoes anyone know of an offsite backup service with rsync?04:38
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vbanaitdifficult to understand for men04:38
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ferret_0567Then, you go into the Beryl Settings Manager, and check two checkboxes04:38
PhilKParmenion: also try holding CTRL+ALT and click on the desktop04:38
aroType /etc/init.d/gdm stop in order to stop X04:38
AndyCRsomething like pay 5 bucks a month, get rsync access for backups?04:38
ParmenionPhilK:this is nice ....04:38
Parmenionloving the cube effect04:38
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PhilKParmenion: play around with the options in beryl manager (right click the gem)04:38
AndyCRparmenion: wait till you see the fire :)04:39
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mattycozecommon, someone?04:39
Nubbieandycr: just buy an external hard drive.04:39
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ferret_0567Well...I don't have Beryl installed anymore04:39
ParmenionAndyCR: fire?04:39
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PhilKAndyCR: personally I like the beam out effect :)04:39
Nubbiemattycoze: you're using beryl/compiz.04:39
Nubbiemattycoze: reload the window decorator.04:39
vbanaitshould the system start up help04:39
AndyCRNubbie: i would, but offsite would be better, incase the house burned down, etc04:39
_Lockeevmware player + madwifi working. Anyone? I've read quite alot about how to fix this but to no avail...04:39
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Nubbieandycr: computer data would be the last of my worries then lol.04:40
mattycozeNubbie i've turned it off because i thought it was doing something to screw it up04:40
vbanaitlinux is for genius probably04:40
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ubuntuEdgyPhilK: i like the Dream effect04:40
ferret_0567Amazing, I manage to get over 10 FPS on a 800MHz P3 with a i810e video card, with the VRAM set to 48MB (on the Intel cards, you can choose how much VRAM you want)04:40
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mattycozeNubbie but it hasn't done anything, i'm using the metacity one atm04:40
Nubbievbanait: we've told you everything you need. you need to manually add the menu item because you installed debian software on an ubuntu machine.04:40
AndyCRPhilK: yeah, I like that too, also like the Glide 2 effect04:40
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Nubbiemattycoze: use metacity --replace04:41
ferret_0567I'm going to build a new computer soon04:41
ubuntuEdgyi havent seen a glide 2 effect04:41
vbanaitso should i get debian instead if this is my requirement04:41
tokyoaheadhi all... I have an intel graphics chip in my laptop, 1280x800 screen, the 915resolution -l is showing the resolution and the xorg.conf also since install, but the screen resolution prefs show _only_ 1024x768.... any idea what I can do?04:41
wimdowsBeryl is all very cool - but I prefer having direct 3d rendering over fancy stuff anytime04:41
ferret_0567It'll be much better04:41
wimdowsbe nice to have both tho ;)04:41
AndyCRferret_0567: quite good, thats about what i used to get on my1.3ghz celeron laptop with an i81004:41
vbanaitcan i start the program from shell04:41
TheInfinityhas somebody a nice tutorial for ldap?04:41
=== mophilly [n=mophilly@wsip-68-15-18-170.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Orfeousant guides or something to get UUID work on my other harddisk?04:42
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arotokyoahead, I just got done fixing that problem of my own, hold I let me find a link for you04:42
ferret_0567If you use, say, kwin or xfwm4 with their composite managers, it'll run very well04:42
albertwhen will the wiki be up again?04:42
Nubbievbanait: or you could read the man page on alacarte to learn how to add a menu item. or you could right click the package you installed in synaptic to go into its properties dialogue and view it's installed files in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin and add them to your menu.04:42
mophillyhello. Aside from what is on the web site, what is the distinction between LTS and the other distribution?04:42
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mc44mophilly: it is supported for longer04:43
AndyCRmophilly: lts is supported longer04:43
Nubbiemophilly: dapper LTS was 2 releases ago, it's packages are older.04:43
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AndyCRand more stable04:43
tokyoaheadar othanks04:43
ferret_0567So, the amazing performance of Linux still amazes me, if it doesn't run well, just uninstall the kitchen sink and BAM, it's fast!04:43
Nubbiemophilly: but it was designed to be very stable. so if you don't mind older packages, use that.04:43
tokyoaheadaro thanks04:43
yssevbanait: Yes, you most probably can run from a shell, like Nubbie says, just find the file to start in /usr/bin04:43
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vbanaithi nubbie, you can only help me out04:43
ferret_0567The kitchen sink on my P3 would be ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop04:44
mophillyOK. So the non-LTS version is the development rendition?04:44
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Nubbievbanait: i've been trying.04:44
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LM1anyone else having major issues with networking in feisty?04:44
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arotokyoahead, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1465348#post146534804:44
ferret_0567If I just selectively install apps from either of those, it'll be good04:44
AndyCRmophilly: not development. its more like lts is ULTRA stable, current is stable, ubuntu+1 is development04:44
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Nubbievbanait: look up the installed files in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin from the package you installed, then add that installed file to a menu item in alacarte04:44
sorcereris it true that .. feisty fawn will .. have the nvicdia .. drivers already in them .. or something like compiz ?04:44
mc44mophilly: no, its just supported for 18 months instead of 3 years04:44
Shaftosorcerer, Yes04:45
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arotokyahead, also this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/451604:45
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Nubbiemophilly: of course the current release IS fairly stable, it's more cutting edge.04:45
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Shaftosorcerer, I think the nvidia drivers are in the default repos, and compiz is preinstalled04:45
AndyCRsorcerer: no, it doesnt. feisty is out, and it doesnt have nvidia drivers in it, only has an easier way to install them04:45
AndyCRbut they are in the default repos04:45
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Nubbiesorcerer: the compiz installed by default is very limited.04:45
antidrugueAndyCR: a very easy way indeed04:45
AndyCRcompiz is installed but not enabled by default04:45
AaronMTAnyone else get pixelformatfailed in steam under wine ?04:45
Armini need repos to fiesty04:45
AndyCRand for some reason lacks the scale feature, but04:45
kanziehow can I see which version of ubuntu that I have installed?04:45
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mc44AndyCR: no it has it04:46
Nubbiearmin: are you trying to upgrade?04:46
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AndyCRkanzie: about ubuntu04:46
mophillyThanks for the replies. Am I on track to view LTS as appropriate for SMB installs that need very little attention, while the other version is OK for more adept sites?04:46
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AndyCRmc44: what do you mean by "has it"?04:46
sorcererumm so i have to doanlowd teh drivers serperatly just the repos are there already .. in the source list ?04:46
mc44AndyCR: scale04:46
Woody_How can i run Windows XP inside Ubuntu 7.04?04:46
beermasterkanzie: cat /etc/issue04:46
Nubbie!upgrade | armin (use the update-manager method)04:46
ubotuarmin (use the update-manager method): For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:46
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AndyCRmc44: ah, didnt know that. how do you activate it?04:46
antidruguesorcerer: which drivers?04:46
Nubbiemophilly: you're running a webserver?04:46
ShaftoAaronMT, AaronMT04:46
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sorcererWoody_: .. just dont mate .. ubuntu kicks MS ..04:46
mc44AndyCR: click in the top right corner?04:46
AndyCRWoody_: look up a virtualization program04:46
sorcererantidrugue: nvidia ..04:47
AndyCRlike vmware04:47
Woody_lol sorcerer04:47
mc44AndyCR: otherwise you can set it up with gnome-compiz-manager04:47
mophillyNubbie: yes.04:47
aro!vmware | Woody_04:47
ubotuWoody_: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:47
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ShaftoWoody_, Hello :)04:47
AndyCRok thanks04:47
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tokyoaheadaro thanks a lot I will try that04:47
ShaftoWoody_, What do you need it for?04:47
Nubbiemophilly: if this server is more than something casual, i would definitely go with LTS, especially if your pay depends on it working.04:47
antidruguesorcerer: System->Administration->Restricted Drivers04:47
Woody_hi Shafto :)04:47
crash_hi all I have an problem for update => http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/tzdata/tzdata_2007e-0ubuntu0.7.04_all.deb04:47
crash_  404 Not Found   help me please04:47
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Woody_I have WinXP on my other partition, can i run it from VMWARE?04:47
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mophillyNubbie: Cool. That makes sense.04:47
ShaftoWoody_, Why dont you just add it to grub? So you can fully boot it?04:48
antidrugueWoody: I don't believe you can, VMWARE runs VMWARE images04:48
Woody_Shafto: i have some softwares to run04:48
Nubbiemophilly: enjoy.04:48
sorcererantidrugue: i have ... ubuntu 6.1004:48
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Shafto!Dualboot | Woody_04:48
ubotuWoody_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:48
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Woody_antidrugue: explain more please04:48
mophillyNubbie: many thanks to you and the others.04:48
AndyCRShafto: i assume he wants to not have to reboot04:48
Nubbiewoody_: you can use qemu to create images which vmware can use.04:48
kanziebeermaster: If Im running 6.06.1, why is it that apt-get install trac gives me a version more than a year old while my laptop running feisty is providing me with v.0.10.3 which is quite new04:48
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Woody_Shafto: explain more :P what do you mean by drug?04:48
Woody_i mean grub*04:48
antidruguesorcerer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:48
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Nubbiewoody_: that's linux's bootloader.04:48
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Woody_yeah, how can i boot both?04:48
KraTzZHey guys - I love Ubuntu (I'm on Win right now) - but I have a problem with the new Feisty: why isn't there any support for Mobile ATI Video cards ??04:49
ShaftoWoody_, Well its up to you whether you want to run it seperately or one inside the over04:49
antidrugueWoody: well, VMware can't run OS from other partitions, it uses special images file to boot OS04:49
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Woody_Shafto: i want to run XP inside ubuntu04:49
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crash_somebody ?04:49
Nubbiekratzz: what kind of support?04:49
ysseWoody_: VMWare emulates an entire computer, with unix files emulating the hard drive etc04:49
ikarug1hi all ... I just recently installed Edgy.... can someone give me a "killer app" ... really convincing reason why I should upgrade to Fiesty?04:49
Woody_ah antidrugue i dont want that04:49
antidrugue!windows > Woody_04:49
ShaftoWoody_, You sure WINE cant handle the programs you want?04:49
Woody_i want it to run from the other partition04:49
Woody_Shafto: yeah i tried, some wont work04:49
KraTzZI mean, no drivers or something, X fails04:49
Nubbieikarug1: banshee04:49
aroWoody_, then you can just dual boot04:49
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ShaftoWoody_, Why dont you look for the free alternatives04:50
aroGranted you have to reboot but it's the best youc an do04:50
Woody_aro: how can i do that?04:50
KraTzZbut edgy works fine with ATI04:50
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aro!dualboot | Woody_04:50
ubotuWoody_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:50
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HObbES1need help, can't install vlc due to dependencies =(04:50
Woody_thanks aro04:50
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antidrugueHobbES1: what about "sudo apt-get install vlc" ?04:50
xor11uHi, who know my problem? If xorg.conf Composite disable then fglrxinfo (show my ATI Radeon X300) => OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc. But if i enable Composite then fglrxinfo show Mesa... Why is that?04:50
Woody_Shafto: there are no good enough alternatives04:50
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itguruand compaq users in here? I need to get into the bios but it's being a bitch04:50
ShaftoWoody_, Oh okay, well dual boot then04:50
HObbES1antidrugue thats what i did04:51
refeferhey guys, I need some help configuring a widescreen monitor with an intel chipset beyond the basic 915resolution.  Anyone available?04:51
Nubbiekratzz: is this a problem trying to get beryl/compiz installed?04:51
Parmenionlol PhilK, my first Beryl crash04:51
Woody_yes sir!04:51
antidrugueHObbes1: which version of Ubuntu do you have?04:51
Shafto!Dualboot | Woody_04:51
Parmenionand ruined my 22hr uptime04:51
ubotuWoody_: Dual boot instructions:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo (x86/AMD64) - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot (Macintosh)04:51
papatwilightIwant to change my menu icon , how do I do that ?04:51
arorefefer, one second I Just gave links to someone who had that exact problem04:51
antidrugueHObbes1: is your /etc/apt/sources.list in right order?04:51
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PhilKParmenion: yeah, you'll get used to that, some modules are more stable than others...04:51
KraTzZno, I can;t even install Feisty, because of this... and I've seen a lot of people with this prob04:51
refeferaro: ok04:51
HObbES1antidrugue- ubuntu fiesty fawn desktop04:51
Woody_PhilK, philip kiwan?04:51
AndyCRpapatwilight: loook up distributor logo change ubuntu04:51
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PhilKWoody_: heh, nope04:52
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Woody_ah sorry PhilK04:52
HObbES1antidrugue- im not sure how to do that, can i pm you?04:52
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arorefefer, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4516 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1465348#post146534804:52
PhilKWoody_: np man04:52
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antidrugueHObbeS1: make sure all the repositories are enabled in System->Administration->Software Sources04:52
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LjLkanzie: uh, because 6.06 is way older than feisty. new versions of packages are *never* added to a released version of ubuntu (except sometimes via backports, which are optional)04:52
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kanzieLjL: As I figured then, but the question really is how I can change this and update it?04:53
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refeferaro: thanks a bunch, checking it out right now04:53
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LjLkanzie, there is no backport of trac for dapper, so you can't.04:54
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LjLkanzie: i suppose you might want to request one04:54
mc44kanzie: you can request a backport04:54
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aro!language | crash04:54
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ubotucrash: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:54
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antidrugue!patience | crash_04:54
ubotucrash_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:54
bjohanif i need to change a script in a .deb package, how do i do, im used to tar.gz based pkg-systems04:54
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Nubbie!patience | crash_04:54
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aroHe left anyway04:55
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Nubbiei hate ignorance.04:55
antidruguebjohan: what are you trying to do exactly ?04:55
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kanziemc44: LjL: how do I request a backport ?04:56
mc44!backports | kanzie04:56
ubotukanzie: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging04:56
bjohanantidrugue, trying to install kolab but there is a install script in one of the packages that is not up to date, found a diff for it so i want to modify the script and install it04:56
ParmenionPhilK: how do i see the 3D cube?04:57
bjohanantidrugue, it is the postinst script that is flawed04:57
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PhilKParmenion: along the top, Desktop > sidebar: Desktop Cube > tab: Transparency04:57
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wimdowsParmenion - CTRL-ALT - mouse move left - right04:58
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lee_can someone help me with a quick problem?04:58
fargerfacewhat do you need lee?04:58
antidruguebjohan: did you look at all the kolab-related packages here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/04:58
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:58
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antidruguelee_: what's the problem?04:59
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bjohanantidrugue, i installed from there04:59
CheshireVikingask > lee_04:59
lee_i'm running Feisty, i recently deleted the network monitor off of the top right of the screen and when i go to add panel and add it back, it says error04:59
bjohanantidrugue, i think, let me check04:59
Parmenionlee, uninstall the app and reinstall it ?04:59
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fargerfacewhats the error?04:59
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lee_it doesn't show my internet connection or the available wireless connections05:00
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bhtbis it time yet for class?05:00
lee_under connection is says name: eth1:avahi, and status: error05:00
Nubbielee_: you're using feisty you say?05:00
LM1can anyone help me troubleshoot a NIC (not wireless) on feisty this nic and others I have tried worked fine in edgy05:01
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Nubbielee_: network manager is being used in feisty now. try using that.05:01
lee_yes, i'm using feisty05:01
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lee_is it the one under administration that just says "network"?05:02
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Nubbielee_: no, it should run in the notification area.05:03
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Lopihmm can i install kde on ubuntu 7.04 Faisty? Better do it as apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or apt-get install kde?05:03
Nubbielee_: press alt-F2 and run network-manager05:03
IntangibleLiquidhi, my Amarok can't play mp3, when I try to play an mp3 file, it tells me to install the mp3 support and halts there!05:03
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Nubbie!restricted | intangibleliquid05:04
ubotuintangibleliquid: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:04
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lee_it says "the location or file could not be found05:04
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IntangibleLiquidI have installed all he gstream plugins!05:04
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belfegordo you know a program like dcgui 2?05:05
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LjLLopi: kubuntu-desktop, if you want the whole stuff that comes with kubuntu05:05
LjL!kde > Lopi    (Lopi, see the private message from Ubotu)05:05
Pelobelfegor,  what is dcgui ?05:05
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belfegoris a program like dc++05:05
Nubbiebelfegor: is that a P2P program?05:05
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Nubbiebelfegor: use GTK-Gnutella05:06
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belfegorok i will thank you05:06
zaggynldcpp is dc++ for linux05:06
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lee_nubbie, it says the file could not be found05:06
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bjohanantidrugue, yes it is from there, but the problem is that 6.06 (which the package was created for) uses php4 and 7.04 uses php5 so i need to change a path in the script05:07
belfegorso wich is better gtk gnutella or dcpp?05:07
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sbrathI have a question on kubuntu, in Konsole when I run screen now, I can't do a Shift-Page-Up to look at history? I used to be able to do this in the older version of KDE?05:07
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antidruguebjohan: and you are on 7.04 or 6.06?05:07
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refeferok, when setting the resolution via 915resolution to something your monitor supports(widescreen), and then the screen glitches up, does that indicate a monitor problem or a gfx problem?05:08
Parmenionhey guys, how do i install beryl themes?05:08
bjohanantidrugue, 7.0405:08
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antidruguebjohan: and there is no package for 7.04 ?05:08
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ecksbrath: that's more of a question for #kubuntu05:08
antidruguebjohan: right, i see05:08
bjohanantidrugue, not that i can see, the package is for ubuntu_all it says05:08
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LopiLiJ: thanx. You think that the faster is kde or mayby gnome?05:09
um8Looking for some tutorial for totall noobie, i wish to make my mousebuttons working in game and application this is my mouse http://top100.stack.ru/Product/34832/34832_1.jpg im using Gnome distro and i have now idea how linux works so i need the easiest way to fix this problem plz pm me (thanks)05:09
snapNE1 running a a Presario v3000 w/ wiFi?05:09
ysselee_: Check your sessions, do you have Network Manager active? (I think nm-applet is what you type in the alt-F2 box)05:09
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LjLLopi, that's just a subjective question. i use KDE.05:10
mc44Lopi: LjL is biased and will say kde. Mostly people think both are faster05:10
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antidruguebjohan: which package depends on PHP? (of all the kolab ones)05:10
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LjLmc44: LjL, knowing he's biased, will neven give a clear-cut answer on that sort of questions.05:10
bjohankolab-resource-manager it is posted as a bug for that package in the package database05:11
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sgtmattbakercan someone please help me in regard to burning data DVDs in K3B.. it isn't working.. here are the details.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2524087#post252408705:11
belfegori install gtk gnutella but it doesnt open05:11
lee_yeah, i looked at sessions and it says network manager is a start up program05:11
LM1anyone  know what eth0:avahi is05:11
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LM1and how can I get rid of it05:11
bjohanantidrugue, kolab-resource-manager it is posted as a bug for that package in the package database05:11
belfegorwhat should i do?05:11
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LM1and why is my eth0 using ipv6 on my ipv4 network05:11
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Parmenionsnap: yeah, im running a presario v300005:11
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Nubbie!ipv6 | LM105:12
ubotuLM1: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:12
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eckLM1: eth0:avahi is a virtual interface05:12
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ecki think if you shut down all the avahi services it will go away05:12
antidruguebjohan: perhaps you can "dpkg -x ..." (to extract it) and then "dpkg -b ..." (to rebuild it)05:12
Lopiat the moment im using xfce becouse gnome is slow for me... and have to big icons.... kde is preatty but i would like that it will be fast like xfce too05:12
stp2007IdleOne, Belated thanks for yestedays help. I was able to install Ubuntu withthe alternate install cd05:12
snapParmenion: Did you have troubles with the WiFi Seup on it.......when I boot it to live cd its not finding any networks05:12
bjohanantidrugue, thanks!05:13
LM1is there anyway to uninstal eth0:avahi05:13
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Nubbiebjohan: are you trying to build a .deb package?05:13
NubbieLM1: turn off avahi05:13
eckLM1: stop /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon05:13
snapdid you have to use NDiswrapper or something?05:13
Pelohow do I get rid or that annoying  network manager icon in the top gnome pannel ?05:13
eckLM1: you won't be able to use avahi of course though05:13
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belfegori install gtk-gnutella with synaptic and now it didn't start:(05:13
Parmenioncould you do a lspci -v | grep Broadcom for me snap and tell me the output?05:13
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snapahh crap i booted it back to windows05:14
bjohanNubbie, just change the postinst script05:14
eckPelo: system > preferences > sessions05:14
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snapgive me a minute ill boot it back to the live cd05:14
bjohanantidrugue, here is the flaw https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kolab-resource-handlers/+bug/10734305:14
Peloeck,  realy ?05:14
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fotoflo_how is a home directory defined?  is it only in the /etc/passwd or is it somewhere else too?05:14
Parmenionsnap, have you installed ubuntu yet?05:14
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NubbiePelo: it is useful though, some applications use network manager to detect if the computer is connected to the internet.05:14
kevindosCould someone help me, I got no sound.05:14
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eckfotoflo_: it is in /etc/passwd, but of course there is a HOME environment variable as well05:15
Nubbiekevindos: are you using a laptop?05:15
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kevindosNubbie  nope05:15
PeloNubbie,  it's only the icon I want to hide05:15
lee_oh wow, nevermind about the mission nwork connection05:15
eckfotoflo_: you can do it without passwd files if you are using something lik eNIS though05:15
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NubbiePelo: there may be a gconf2 key to hide the icon... i don't know.05:15
rajkwhere is the correct place to set environemnt variables. at the moment i just use ~/.bashrc05:15
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snapParmenion: not on that machine I have it on My Dell laptop .....live cd recognized wireless w/o an install on it05:15
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belfegorwhat is the comand so can i start a program in cmdline05:15
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PeloNubbie,  good idea, I'll play around with it later05:15
fotoflo_eck: "When delivering email to a user, sendmail checks to see if the user has a .forward file in his home directory. "  so sendmail checks the /etc/passwd for that user?05:15
GionnyBossrajk: man export05:16
eckfotoflo_: that is correct05:16
antidruguebjohan: i see05:16
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kevindosNubbie how do I fix it :( ?05:16
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teckfatthello, anyone know howto LAN network installation ubuntu? (please direct me to the howto if there is any)05:16
Parmenionsnap: yeah, same problem i used to have here05:16
LM1stop /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon will that remove it from my system05:16
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Nubbie!sound | kevindos (you could try this)05:16
ubotukevindos (you could try this): If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:16
bjohanantidrugue, i thought the scripts was in the package, but i can not find them :(05:16
antidrugueteckfatt: what do you mean ?05:16
Peloarghhh,   all my icon thems are screwed up05:16
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LM1permanently ?05:16
Pelohalf of them are human the other half is  gnome05:16
fotoflo_eck, so if i have a login shell, when i login it checks the /etc/passwd, which (right now) automaticly logs me in using sh,  if i want sh to run bash first thing, can i make a login sh script? where would i put it?05:17
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antidruguebjohan: i'll check05:17
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teckfattantidrugue: setup a server and install ubuntu to workstation at LAN05:17
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kevindosNubbie  I got no volume control, where is it?05:17
eckfotoflo_: if you want to run a different shell you can change that directly with chsh05:17
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NubbieLM1: if you're concerned about eth0:avahi, then you should have avahi off.05:17
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bjohanantidrugue, in case i forget to mention it later, i really appreciate your help!05:17
Nubbiekevindos: right click on the volume applet on the panel05:17
kevindosNubbie  I got xubuntu05:18
fotoflo_eck: unfortuatly, i cant... no permissions to run chsh05:18
Nubbiekevindos: i don't know how to help you then, sorry.05:18
eckfotoflo_: if the shell is run as a login shell it will source ~/.bash_profile right off the bat so you can edit things there too05:18
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ikarug1nubbie: banshee is available on Edgy, I believe05:18
dredhammerhello i have decided to keep using the default video drivers that came with feisty but i was wondering is there a way to increase the screen resolution to max size my monitor can support, it won't go beyond 1024x78005:18
eckyou can also use ~/.profile which is compatible with bourne shell i think05:18
snapParmenion can you join #snap......its to busy in here05:18
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antidruguebjohan: right, it is not in kolab-ressource-handlers05:19
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kevindosNubbie  fixed it nvm05:19
Nubbieikarug1: banshee 0.12.1 is not.05:19
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eckfotoflo_: if you want to change the shell in your profile, do it with exec05:19
gRaCiOsOwhat is HAL ?05:19
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rbanffyHi folks. Anyone knows what happened to the phosphor screen saver on Feisty?05:19
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Nubbieikarug1: feisty does not really have any new packages available, only updated ones.05:19
predaeuskevindos, there is a panel plugin, you can also join #xfce and #xubuntu for specific help05:20
Nubbie!hal | graci0s005:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:20
kevindospredaeus thanks I ffixed it =)05:20
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kevindospredaeus  how does one play .rm music files?05:20
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antidruguegraCIOsO: hardware abstration layer05:20
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Nubbiecraci0s0: it handles everything connected to your computer.05:20
eckfotoflo_: often though /bin/sh is a symlink to bash05:20
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dglhi, I bought a Dell Dimension e521, but I can't install proprietary driver. When I turn on restricted driver, Ubuntu simple get a black screen after the finish of next reboot05:21
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gRaCiOsOantidrugue,  me aparece que no se puede cargar HAL05:21
gRaCiOsOal inicio05:21
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ikarug1Nubbie: well thanx for trying.... Banshee is for streaming music right? Not really my cup of tea05:21
teckfatthello, anyone know howto setup a server and install ubuntu to alot of computer in LAN network? (send me the link for the howto good enough, tz)05:21
eckactually on ubuntu it points to dash05:21
gRaCiOsOerror interno05:21
Nubbiedgl: what video card do you have?05:21
antidrugue!es > gRaCIOsO05:21
Nubbieikarug1: it does everything related to listening to music.05:21
frojndhello there. I just put blue tooth adapter and kubuntu recognize it. And than I set in the phone to search for music files and the phone found my hostname but it wasn't able to connect throuhg blue tooth. What do I have to do so phone can connect to my comp???05:21
dglNubbie: ATI x130005:21
bjohanantidrugue, i found the same script in /var/lib/dpkg/info/kolab-resource-handlers.postinst but when i change it and then tried to reinstall the package it still failed and the script was changed back to the original so i kind of assumed that the script was included in the package and installed at that location05:21
Peloikarug1,  look into  songbird , it's not in the repos google for it05:21
ikarug1Nubbie: quite comfortable with Exaile....05:21
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Nubbie!ati | dgl05:22
ubotudgl: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:22
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ecki think songbird is even fatter than banshee...05:22
gRaCiOsOantidrugue,  excuse me when i start my ubuntu edgy it show me that error it cant load HAL05:22
antidruguebjohan: perhaps you can contact the package maintainer (Ubuntu MOTU Developers: ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com)05:22
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ikarug1Pelo: quite happy w/ Exaile, thanx though05:22
Nubbieikarug1: feisty is just edgy with new packages, better error reporting, network manager, compiz, and handling of restricted modules.05:22
predaeuskevindos, I think you would need to install realplayer from their website05:22
Lopiwhen im trying to instal kubuntu-desktope i get information thatn some packages for example "adept" doesn install and when im trying to install this pacagets system said that it can be install:(05:22
dglNubbie: I have tryed it05:22
fotoflo_eck, not in my case... but i just wrote a .profile with the line "bash" and now when i login it starts bash, while leaving the sh process open... but does bash run any scripts if its not bieng run as a login script?05:22
Peloeck,  just a suggestion,  rhythmbox has a streaming plugging doesn'T it ?05:23
kevindospredaeus  what about apt-get?05:23
JoeBlackwhats a good benchmark program to meassure hardware cpu ram and such between 2 computers05:23
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JoeBlackso i can compare them.05:23
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bjohanantidrugue, will do that05:23
dglNubbie: lspci just say that I have an ATI card05:23
mc44kevindos: vlc, xine etc play rm05:23
JoeBlackI have to compare 2 boxes, similar hardware, what could i use to benchmark em?05:23
ikarug1nubbie: that's all? Not impressed unfortunately... specially with Compiz05:23
Peloikarug1,  sorry I thought you were looking for an app.  nvm then05:23
bogdan_hello, in what channel is going to take place the UbuntuOpenWeek?05:23
rbanffyIs this the right channel to ask about what happened to the Phosphor screen saver on Feisty? It's, apparently not there05:23
Nubbieikarug1: then don't use it.05:23
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antidruguegRaCIOsO: perhaps you have some kind of USB device pluged in05:23
kevindosmc44 nope vlc doesdnt and xine loads and buffers to 18% then stops (but I can see the timer move but hear noi sound)05:23
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ikarug1nubbie: Is it possible to turn that off in Fesity? (Compiz---my card can't really handle it)05:23
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AaronMTwhy does flash keep locking up firefox ie; force quit :( ?05:23
fotoflo_eck: aha! .bashrc05:24
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eckfotoflo_: you want to do 'exec bash' to completely replace the old shell. If you want to make bash do the login shell thing (or not) read the INVOCATION section of the bash man page05:24
Nubbieikarug1: its not enabled by default, and i'm sure it's removable.05:24
mc44kevindos: ah, Is it a stream you are trying to play?05:24
bjohanantidrugue, thanks a whole lot anyway!05:24
dredhammerhello  is there a way to increase the screen resolution to max size my monitor can support in feisty, it won't go beyond 1024x780 using the default drivers05:24
winkillerbooted from feisty cd - selected "start or install" and in the gui all characters are little squares. (I found out that happens with upgrades) but what to so while installing?05:24
kevindosmc44 i downloaded it and play and tried streaming it, both didnt work05:24
HugoHi, have a problem with nfs network05:24
Nubbie!resolution | dredhammer05:24
ubotudredhammer: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:24
Hugoanyone can help?05:24
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antidruguebjohan: no problem, if you manage to contact the developpers, i'm sure it will benefit lots of other people with the same issue05:24
mc44kevindos: well rm wfm with xine :s Perhaps you could try helix-player05:24
lovlossOkay, so the feisty live cd does not have handling for the x700 series of radeon graphics cards... great05:24
HugoI am doing what the how to for feisty sais but cant get it working05:24
eckPelo: yeah it does, I don't really use rythmbox (or streaming music for that matter) so I'm not sure what capabilities it has05:24
mc44kevindos: it is meant to be an open version of realplayerr05:24
lovlossany ideas?05:24
kevindosmc44 rm wfm, what does that mean?05:25
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mc44kevindos: .rm, works for me05:25
kevindoshelix-player is an open version of realplayer?=05:25
Peloeck,  don'T mind me , just chatting,  i don'T stream either05:25
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antidruguekevindos: realplayer is based on helix-player05:25
mc44kevindos: right05:25
teckfattHugo: what is ur problem ?05:25
Nubbiekevindos: why not just install realplayer?05:25
tombstrying to upgrade to feisty, the system asks me to free 34Mb on /boot, but my boot partition has only 25Mb. Is there somehow to do it? please...05:25
eckfotoflo_: .bashrc is sourced for an interactive shell, .bash_profile is sourced for a login shell (you might source one from the other however)05:26
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teckfattHugo: is ur two computer using ubuntu?05:26
tbussis there a channel for evolution; the website has it listed as #evolution on irc.gimp.org. but I'm not sure how to connect05:26
Hugoteckfatt:  I do as the ubuntuguide for feisty sais but it doesnt work05:26
Nubbietombs: use the livecd's gparted application.05:26
LjLbogdan_: #ubuntu-classroom - it's going on right now. please read the topic there05:26
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Hugoteckfatt:  both with ubuntu feisty05:26
kevindosNubbie well I hate real is therent a way through apt-get?05:26
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kevindosmc44 how do u play .rm files through terminal?05:26
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Nubbie!info realplayer | kevindos05:26
ubotukevindos: Package realplayer does not exist in feisty05:26
tombsNubbie: and is possible to resize swap to ge some extra space?05:26
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antidruguetbuss: seems the channel you mentioned is the right one05:26
HugoI have installed the packages for a nfs server (wich where allredy isntalled by default)05:26
ikarug1tbuss: type "/join #evolution"05:26
bogdan_LjL: thanks05:26
teckfattHugo: ok, can u ping the two computer?05:26
ecktbuss: i'm not sure what irc client you are using, but you have to do something like /connect irc.gimp.org and then join #evolution05:27
antidruguetbuss: it doesn't connect?05:27
Nubbie!info realplay | kevindos05:27
ubotukevindos: Package realplay does not exist in feisty05:27
wimdowsNubbie - so I presume I should use the live CD as well to move my linux part to a diff physical disk?05:27
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Hugoteckfatt yes, actually one is acting as a nat firewall for the other05:27
Hugoso they can see each other05:27
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Nubbiewimdos: yeah you can't do it while running heheh.05:27
kevindoscould you please write again05:27
kevindoscould you please write again i got disconnectedf05:27
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kevindoshow do you play .rm files with xine05:27
kevindosdoesnt work for me05:27
refeferhey guys, any one have a link to the supported widescreen formats for an intel 945G graphics card?  Appreciate it in advance.05:27
wimdowsNubbie - exactly - and umounting wouldn't be a good idea - (prolly doesn't even let ya)05:27
Hugoteckfatt:  I have added the packages to act as nfs server, that where allredy installed05:28
Nubbiekevindos: realplayer does exist, check repositories.05:28
antidruguekevindos: mplayer plays them all05:28
HugoI have shared a couple of folders05:28
tbussI;m using xchat I tried to add gimp.org but was not able to connect; I also tried #evolution in Freenode but was told I don't have perms05:28
antidruguekevindos: realplayer is in the commercial repo05:28
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mc44Nubbie: no realplayer isnt in the feisty offical repos05:28
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kevindosNubbie  NO it doesnt05:28
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Hugoand when I try to mount from the other computer it does nothing just thinking all the time05:28
Nubbiekevindos: yes what mc44 said :D05:28
Hugobut nothing happens05:28
Hugono error no succes05:28
teckfattHugo: ok just to make u, u have installed these package, nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap05:28
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mc44antidrugue: the commercial repo isnt up for feisty yet05:28
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antidruguemc44: oh05:29
kevindosNubbie  I got disconnected so I cant read what he said05:29
teckfattHugo: u need to install these 3 package for the server computer05:29
Hugoteckfatt:  yes, actually they were allredy installed05:29
HugoI have followed www.ubuntuguide.com05:29
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kevindosantidrugue  could u give me the commericical repo?05:29
Nubbiekevindos: its in the commercial repository.05:29
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kevindosI dont have that05:29
teckfattHugo: so two computer oso got these three packega?05:29
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doomsterQuick Question: how can i kill a process from console, and how can i see Process/PID list from console?05:29
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Hugoteckfatt in the other one I dont know but there are for sure the packages to act as a client in the second05:30
teckfattHugo: type $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap05:30
Hugoteckfatt I did that as well05:30
kevindosmc44 hey u there05:30
antidruguekevindos: there is a package there: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/realplay/realplay_10.0.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb05:30
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Hugoand restarted portmap05:30
teckfattHugo: choose NOT05:30
dooglusI'm trying to install feisty, but when I boot the cd it tells me that X didn't start up, even if I use 'safe graphics mode'.  any ideas?05:30
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TheInfinitydoes anybody know a program for creating physical spectra? for example the spectrum of the sun with its black lines in it?05:30
eckdooglus: ps -ef to see the pid, use kill to kill by pid or pkill to kill by process name05:30
Hugoteckfatt:  im going to try05:30
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kevindosmc44 how do you play .rm files?05:30
eckhtat was to doomster05:30
kevindosthanks antidrugue05:30
dooglusthe error tells me it 'caught signal 11.  server aborting'.  that's SIGSEGV isn't it?05:31
antidruguedooglus: what kind of graphic card do you have ?05:31
teckfattHugo: server computer need to have nfs-kernel-server nfs-common portmap05:31
mc44kevindos: in amarok, which uses xine, so probably wont work for you05:31
doogluseck: which process?05:31
kevindosi got xine too05:31
fiXXXerMetCould someone point me to how to set the hostname on my 7.04 server?  I edited /etc/hostname and restarted, but hostname -f, hostname -s, etc gives Unknown host05:31
Supaplexdooglus: yes, kill -l tells you signal numbers and names.05:31
eltesehi. Im wondering wheter there are any decent drivers for the geforce 8800 GTS out yet?05:31
eckdooglus: sorry, i meant to send to doomster and tab completed your nick instead05:31
teckfattHugo: client computer need to have these two "nfs-common portmap"05:31
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SupaplexfiXXXerMet: fix /etc/hosts and if at all possible, fix DNS to.05:31
stickybit`feisty sucks05:32
teckfattHugo: then both do the $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure portmap (and choose 'NOT')05:32
kevindosmc antidrugue  thanks realplayer worked fine :)05:32
antidruguekevindos: cool05:32
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fiXXXerMetI have host.domain.tld host in /etc/hosts05:32
antidrugueeltese: sure there are05:32
vadvadhi, i dl nvidia driver for my gf6600 and i don't know how to install it....05:32
teckfattHugo: now u need to restart the portmap $ sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart05:32
Supaplexstickybit`: oh, so you're going to contribute patches for the lapse?05:32
Hugoteckfatt:  I read it wrong. Thanks for the help05:32
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fiXXXerMetSupaplex: I have host.domain.tld host in /etc/hosts05:32
stickybit`what to do with error kinit no resume image05:32
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elteseantidrugue: u dont happen to have a site for them? :)05:33
ferret_0567vadvad: all I can say is: DON'T05:33
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Hugoteckfatt:  I am doing the whole process again but choosing not05:33
SupaplexfiXXXerMet: that's not part of public dns. you need your public ips to.05:33
fiXXXerMetah ok05:33
fiXXXerMetsec :)05:33
teckfattHugo: good luck05:33
antidrugueeltese: they are present in Feisty: System->Adminisitration->Restricted Drivers05:33
vadvadwhy? it will cause problems?05:33
eckstickybit`: it is not an error, it just means that you weren't in hibernate mode when you booted up05:33
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elteseantidrugue: thank you =)05:33
ferret_0567vadvad: There is a Ubuntu version of that same driver you are trying to install05:33
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ferret_0567vadvad: yes, it will05:33
dooglusantidrugue: ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 256MB05:33
stickybit`eck : there is often system crash05:33
vadvadok 10x!05:33
mc44kevindos: how did you isntall realplayer?05:34
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feierfoxneed an open torrent tracker for feisty05:34
eckstickybit`: well the kinit message is not an error05:34
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ferret_0567!nvidia | vadvad05:34
ubotuvadvad: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:34
antidruguemc44: using this package: http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu/pool/main/r/realplay/realplay_10.0.8-0ubuntu3_i386.deb05:34
feierfoxcan someone help me?05:34
wimdowsis there any decent benchmark for 3d performance (not glxgears..)05:34
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dooglusSupaplex: so the X server is seg faulting in feisty?  6.06 (the last version I tried) works fine on this PC05:34
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vadvaddo u know where i can get small games for linux ?05:34
mc44antidrugue: that isnt a feisty package though, right?05:34
stickybit`eck: i just checked out ubuntuforums.org05:34
antidruguemc44: no, but it works05:34
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feierfoxi need a open torrent tracker to download a feisty torrent05:35
fiXXXerMetSupaplex: That did it.  Thank you.05:35
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mc44antidrugue: sure, just checking :)05:35
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Supaplexdooglus: apparently. check the X server log for a backtrace.05:35
feierfoxplease help :/05:35
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stickybit`eck : 20 pages with same problem without any solution05:35
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eckstickybit`: regarding that error messagE?05:35
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stickybit`eck : and the problem is with 7.04 only05:35
Supaplexdooglus: and file a bug report with the information of it.  Have you tested you system for memory defects just to be sure it's reliable?05:35
dooglusSupaplex: I see the backtrace05:35
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LjLwimdows: GLOBS (search on google, i don't think it's in the repos yet, but there's a package somewhere)05:35
stickybit`eck : yeah05:35
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Mike2what is with this xchat on ubuntu05:35
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Mike2wheres the normal one that was listed in 6.1005:35
dooglusSupaplex: I've not.  how do I do that?05:35
aroMike2, what do you mean05:35
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Mike2not the 'special gnome customized' one :s05:35
_Neilhmm lame, rhythmbox keeps disappearing. no error, just closes... any idea what to do?05:35
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Supaplexdooglus: I think it's reportbug05:36
MrFatJac1upgrade to 7.04 breaks broadcom wireless . . . any thoughts?05:36
doomsterQuick Question: how can i kill a process from console, and how can i see Process/PID list from console?05:36
Mike2cause the other xchat had nicklist etc over there >>05:36
antidruguemc44: the package doesn't mentioned any distribution, but it was build on january 24, 2007... works fine though05:36
dooglusSupaplex: do you know of a distro which might work?05:36
aroMike2, you using 7.04?05:36
wimdowsok - thanks LjL - I'll have a look05:36
Mike2yeah aro05:36
Supaplexdoomster: kill, killall, top, ps.05:36
LjLdoomster: "kill -9 PID", "ps aux"05:36
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mc44antidrugue: yeah its the edgy package05:36
aroMike2, me too and XChat looks identical to others05:36
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dooglusSupaplex: maybe one which tests the basics before a release?  this is a pretty mainstream graphics card after all05:36
aroMike2, edit some settings in preferences05:36
Mike2if i compiled it from source05:36
Supaplexdooglus: the latest ubuntu, or debian etch05:36
eckstickybit`: i don't think that is the problem -- the resume image refers to a hibernate image05:36
Mike2it would probably have it there >05:36
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aroMike2, shrug, I used packages05:36
boguhhi, how can i get german "umlaute" in gnome terminal?05:36
_Neilhmm lame, rhythmbox keeps disappearing. no error, just closes... any idea what to do? where would i find an error log of some sort?05:36
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larsljfeierfox: the torrent is on Ubuntus site, what else do you need?05:37
Mike2and when i installed it on 6.10 thru app manager, it would probably have nicklist there too05:37
WhitorHello, after upgrading to feisty, my xgl window manager doesn't load... the screen looks all messed up (lots of horizonatal lines and horizontal repeating of images, nothing is readable, I have to ctrl-alt-bkspc to exit)05:37
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dooglusSupaplex: this is feisty I'm using.  the X server crashes as soon as it boots from CD05:37
bipolarDoes anyone know if the version of evolution in Feisty has support for Groupdav?05:37
antidruguemc44: but it depends on very basic things like libgtk, libpango, and libstd, etc.05:37
Mike2but on this one i have to click a button, "1331 users"05:37
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stickybit`eck : do you use feisty05:37
fiXXXerMetOK, another problem.  My MB has onboard sound, which I disabled in the BIOS.  When I restart my system, I see that it is shutting down ALSA - shouldn't that have not be loaded in the first place?05:37
vadvadhow can i test my pc now to really see the diff betweem windows and linux?05:37
eckstickybit`: yes05:37
paradroidHi, is there a specialised channel for sound issues with Ubuntu?05:37
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arovadvad, boot from the LiveCD05:37
stickybit`eck: without any  problems?05:37
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Mike2vadvad: try live cd05:37
feierfoxneed a torrent link to the 386 dektop CD05:37
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eckstickybit`: no problems05:37
Supaplexdooglus: ahh. try debian etch, it's similar to ubuntu, and it's what ubuntu is built on.  debian has (argubly) long testing periods.05:37
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crdlbMike2, that's xchat-gnome05:37
vadvadi allready installed ubuntu05:37
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Mike2or if you want to continue trying, install on a virtual machine or dual boot if you know what your doing05:37
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Mike2yah crdlb05:38
Mike2normal xchat isnt in app manager05:38
Mike2but it was on 6.1005:38
arovadvad, then just use it and see the differences05:38
crdlb!xchat | Mike205:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:38
feierfoxah! i got it!05:38
dooglusSupaplex: I've run debian sid before on this machine without problems - I think that's what ubuntu is based on isn't it?05:38
crdlb!info xchat | Mike205:38
Mike2how can i get it back ? do i need to compile from source05:38
ubotumike2: xchat: IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.0-0ubuntu4 (feisty), package size 295 kB, installed size 796 kB05:38
vadvadbut i wanna push my pc to it's max..05:38
limon_Is there an special channel for nvidia card05:38
feierfoxi got it05:38
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arovadvad, by doing what exactly?05:38
crdlbMike2, it's in universe05:38
arovadvad, "pushing pc to the max" is really vague05:38
dyrnelimon_: what is your problem?05:38
antidruguelimon_: what's with your nvidia card?05:38
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WhitorAfter upgrading to feisty, my ati radeon mobility x1300 doesn't work as well as it did with edgy... can someone help me fix this ?05:39
clouder`grrHas any one here tried Transmission?05:39
vadvadloading an application that usualy is hard to load..05:39
Mike2hmm, i dont know what "universe" is. im quite new to ubuntu ;p and linux on desktops in general05:39
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mc44Whitor: what is the problem?05:39
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Mike2ill have a look05:39
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feierfoxwon't waste canoncials bandwith05:39
Whitormc44: xgl doesn't load05:39
BeckEHeeoooii, i'v been trying to install 7.04 but i can't get past the bootloader Grub part, after i partition and format the new partition on my Nvidia RAID 2xsata disks witch i have winxp on. Ubuntu starts to install but in the ending it just says fail to setup grub or something like that... the prob is that i'v tried the hd0 and sda, and nvidia_ddhprps (misspelling) What and where am i suppost to put it?05:39
Supaplexdooglus: roughly. ubuntu's 'releases' are just a few months behind sid. if you're comfy with sid/lenny/etch, I'd stick with that.05:39
dooglusSupaplex: the reason I'm trying feisty is that there's a live CD.  I don't think debian has one, does it?05:39
crdlb!universe > Mike205:39
mc44Whitor: are you using the fglrx drivers?05:39
Whitormc44: trying to get hardware accelerated window manager working05:40
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Supaplexdooglus: they do have. you can even roll your own livecd, if you want. with your own packages and whatnot on them.05:40
_Neilalso I have loads of these in my syslog: ntpd returns a permission denied error! - any ideas?05:40
Whitorfglrxinfo shows its installed ok05:40
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vadvadhow do i reg to this server?05:40
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Mike2!universe xchat05:40
antidruguedooglus: not officialy, but Knoppix does the job05:40
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about universe xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:40
mc44Whitor: what error do you get from xgl?05:40
Supaplexdooglus: I contributed patches to use grub for booting on cd, so that'll be available soon :)05:40
srikanthssni'v been trying to install 7.04 but its getting struck during partitoning stage. It says scanning for disks at 46%  forever. I however successfully installed using same CD in friends pc without anyprobs05:40
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_Neilntpd_initres : ntpd returns a permission denied error! I have one of these logged a minute.. how can i fix it?05:41
Whitormc44: No error... the screen just gets all messed up05:41
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dooglusSupaplex: got a reference I can look up for the debian live CD images?05:41
vadvad!universe xchat05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about universe xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
Supaplexantidrugue: http://live.debian.net the package offical (it might be too new to be in stable)05:41
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antidruguedooglus: http://live.debian.net/05:41
mc44Whitor: how are you starting xgl?05:41
eckstickybit`: i have the same message printed to tty1 and it doesn't hang for me05:41
Whitorfglrxinfo reports this: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:41
BobSongsGreetings; I have an odd situation. I've downloaded the Dapper repositories for i386 using 'debmirror'. So far everything works fine. Then I create 'Packages.gz' files with 'dpkg-scanpackages'. The issue is when I point apt-get to the local repositories to install something I get a complaint when I install something from a local package: 'WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!' I was wondering if anyone had experience with05:41
antidrugueSupaplex: right, but those are unofficial05:41
mc44Whitor: ah, thats your problem :)05:41
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stannerhow should i add a second hardrive to fstab to have it automount on boot with read/write options?05:41
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BeckEHeeoooii, i'v been trying to install 7.04 but i can't get past the bootloader Grub part, after i partition and format the new partition on my Nvidia RAID 2xsata disks witch i have winxp on. Ubuntu starts to install but in the ending it just says fail to setup grub or something like that... the prob is that i'v tried the hd0 and sda, and nvidia_ddhprps (misspelling) What and where am i suppost to put it?05:41
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arichow do i setup a XDMCP host ?05:41
Whitormc44: cool, thanks for helping me narrow it down05:42
Whitormc44: any ideas on how to fix ?05:42
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antidrugueBobSongs: did you download the PGP signatures of the repositories?05:42
mc44Whitor: try asking in #ubuntu-effects, they should know05:42
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dooglusantidrugue: great.  thanks.05:42
stickybit`eck: i am very dissappointed with feisty.... dapper and edgy are good05:42
Whitormc44: awesome !! thank you so much05:42
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vadvadi dl a flash plugin for the fire fox. how do i install it?05:42
aleksanterihow it was to list all ids? :P05:42
tbussI'm having trouble with evolution. My inbox indicates there are messages avail. but I can't get to them? Clicking on the inbox folder has no effect. I tried unsubscribing and resubscribing to all folders, but evolution says "this store does not support subscriptions. What is going on?05:42
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antidruguestickybit: disapointed? i'm trilled with it05:42
stannerhow should i add a second hardrive to fstab to have it auto-mount on boot with read/write options?05:42
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antidruguetbuss: did you try the evolution IRC channel?05:43
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teckfattBeckE: hey.....05:43
stannerhow should i add a second HD (riserfs) to fstab to have it auto-mount on boot with read/write options?05:43
adiHi, i think i've done a little mess with my ubuntu amd64 /boot partition there's someone that can send to me initrd and vmlinuz files?05:43
vadvadi dl a flash plugin for the fire fox. how do i install it?05:43
BobSongsantidrugue, Yes indeed. All that's been done and it's possible to install stuff. But it just adds the added pain-in-the-butt complaint that these packages are not authenticated. They're all right from the site. I've downloaded the signatures as instructed. No go.05:43
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teckfattBeckE: what which partition u installed the ubuntu?05:43
aleksanterihow to list all process ids?05:43
tbussyes, there was only one other person there at the time; blind leading the blind05:43
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eckaleksanteri: ps -ef05:44
jamisnemois there any easy way to "upgrade" from a normal ubuntu install to one for a low memory laptop?05:44
antidruguetbuss: hehe05:44
vadvadi dl a flash plugin for the fire fox. how do i install it?05:44
jamisnemognome is eating my computer05:44
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BeckEi\v put it on the #3 nvidia_ddp****05:44
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boubbinhow to see what resolution im currently using from command-line ? (kubuntu)05:44
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:44
BeckE1 and 2 is ntfs05:44
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eckjamisnemo: just install another desktop (e.g. xubuntu-desktop) and use that instead of gnome05:44
dyrnevadvad: drop it in the correct folder. either /home/username/.mozilla/plugins or something or /usr/lib/whatever for all users05:44
BeckEthe 4rth is the swap05:44
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tbussantidrugue: I'm at the evolution website and the support isnt the greatest, I'm also looking in the forums and the solution seems to be switching to thunderbird, but I like evolution05:45
teckfattBeckE: so what u mean is sda1 is ur winXP....and sda2 is ntfs, and u install ubuntu on sda2?05:45
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jamisnemoeck: what config file would I change to move it from gnome to the newly installed one?05:45
=== TTRanger downloads ubuntu and gets ready to install it for the first time...
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aleksanteriok thx :)05:45
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eckjamisnemo: at the login screen you can choose what desktop you log into. when you change it, it will prompt you if you wish to continue using that desktop05:45
antidruguetbuss: i've never used evolution though, sorry... is that a fresh installation of Feisty... evolution never wored fine on it?05:45
BobSongsantidrugue, I have added a tutorial at ubuntuforums on how to create repository DVDs. This nuisance is the only step I need to overcome for it to be a "complete" tutorial. Here's the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=352460.05:45
TTRangerablyss Fancy meeting you here!05:45
jamisnemoeck: alright that should help! thanks05:46
BeckEwell, teckfatt my setup is so that i have 2xsata disks with 300gb each, in windows i\v just partition 50gb of them for windows, rest is storage. Now i have taken 50gb more for ubuntu05:46
dyrnejamisnemo: 'sessions' button05:46
teckfattBeckE: just want to know are u 1st time install ubuntu?05:46
TTRangerablyss (it's Dane)05:46
antidrugueBobSongs: ok, i'll read it05:46
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HugoI still have a nfs problem05:46
BeckEi havent been able to eaver to install ubuntu since they dident support ntfs and raid that much05:46
BeckEhave been using Fedora core 6 instead05:46
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BobSongsantidrugue, You can always message me at the site too. We can take the conversation off this channel as I'm sure it's utterly boring to anyone else here. ;-)05:46
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Mike2is this where i was a second ago with the gnome frontend xchat? ;p05:46
eckBeckE: the nfs and raid support aren't any different than fedora...05:47
Mike2if it is, thankyou people who helped me05:47
eckntfs, rather05:47
tbussantidrugue: I'm still using edgy.......It worked fine until today, No big deal, I can always check my mail online, just a little puzzled05:47
teckfattHugo: yes05:47
Mike2i had to use "synaptic package" thingy ;p05:47
teckfattHugo: what the problem?05:47
jamisnemodyrne:  alright I'll check it out05:47
stealth_can someone help me install beryl? :(05:47
Hugoteckfatt:  I did that in both computer05:47
mc44!beryl | stealth_05:47
ubotustealth_: Beryl is a window manager that takes advantage of an OpenGL accelerated X environment. See http://forum.beryl-project.org/ - Help in #ubuntu-effects05:47
Hugodid the whole process again but this time I said no when it asked me to bind to loop05:47
teckfattBeckE: maybe is hd partition probelm05:47
BeckEAny1 have any good guide for configuring Grub?05:48
Hugoand it happens the same05:48
ham where lies the alsa config file? or how do i redefine default soundcard for ubuntu 7.04?05:48
stealth_im trying to install beryl but this is always there: bash ati-driver-installer-8.36.5-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/feisty05:48
teckfattHugo: ok05:48
BeckEnah, the hd seams to be partition perfectly05:48
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stealth_any idea how to do that?05:48
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Hugothe server sais its sharing the files05:48
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ecktbuss: what mail protocol are you using?05:48
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BeckEin XP with partmagic it can see and find everything05:48
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Hugobut when I go to the client and do a sudo mount .......... it just gets stuck there05:48
Hugonothing happens05:48
mc44stealth_: you should install the ati drivers from the repositories05:48
antidrugueBobSongs: wow, didn't noticy my laptop was at the end of the road, i'm back though05:48
tbusseck,  pop05:48
BeckEit just seams that grub dosent whanna install in the right place05:48
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ecktbuss: afaik only imap supports "subscriptions"05:49
BeckEcoz i can't boot Windows XP either, without a cd05:49
ham where lies the alsa config file? or how do i redefine default soundcard for ubuntu 7.04?05:49
stealth_ive got the package the .run but i dont know how to use it05:49
BeckEbecouse of grub05:49
BobSongsantidrugue, lol. Battery died? I know how THAT feels. ;-)05:49
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dooglusit seems that installing fglrx and creating a new xorg.conf allows me to start the X server in feisty05:49
mc44stealth_: you dont need to use it. install from the repositories05:49
mc44!ati | stealth_05:49
ubotustealth_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:49
Hugoteckfatt:  any idea?05:50
BobSongsantidrugue, It is not a huge issue. It is just one of those ARRRGH moments that my research on the net with PGP/GPG, Repositories, etc. has proven fruitless.05:50
tbusseck, thanks, I was just following the troubleshooting steps of others with the same problem.05:50
stealth_thanks ill try it out05:50
ecktbuss: i don't know much about pop, but subscribing to a folder in evoltuion refers to the IMAP subscribe command05:50
antidruguewow nice tutorial: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=352460  and what is missing you said?05:50
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BobSongsantidrugue, And I'm 100% positive it's something utterly simple and lame that I've overlooked.05:50
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teckfattBeckE: u can fix it with windows CD, boot it and choose repair, then press '1',(if i not wrong) then u will get command shell fix the masterbootdisk05:50
tbusseck, okay, I take another look at it with a focus on POP, thanks05:50
ecktbuss: there is also an evolution mailing list which is a better place to ask on the irc channel05:51
teckfattHugo: ok i check it step by step05:51
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tbusseck, I hope they don't have to mail me anything :)05:51
ecktbuss: http://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/evolution-list05:51
Hugoteckfatt:  ok05:51
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ecktbuss: haha, that could be problematic :-)05:51
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jamisnemoeck: First time using ubuntu. should I install xubuntu-desktop using apt-get or the add/remove pane?05:52
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teckfattHugo: ok did u restart the server portmap? $ sudo /etc/init.d/portmap restart05:52
tbusseck, I have the link open, thanks for your help05:52
nathanis there a command for a server list?05:52
eckjamisnemo: yeah, that is fine05:52
eckerr, either way05:52
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stannerhow should i add a second HD (riserfs) to fstab to have it auto-mount on boot with read/write options?05:52
IntangibleLiquidhow do I add UTF-8 to locale05:52
teckfattHugo: ok next u need to put the address of the folder u want to share on the server side05:52
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mc44nathan: what do you mean by server list?05:52
dooglusis there any way to get the middle speaker to work?  only the outside 2 are doing anything05:52
alberthi, what's a good, non-kde/gnome pdf-viewer? (probably lightweight)05:53
teckfattHugo: $ sudo gedit /etc/exports05:53
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stannerhow should i add a second HD (riserfs) to fstab to have it auto-mount on boot with read/write options?05:53
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BeckEaahh yeah, teckfatt. But i just whanna throw xp away and run Ubuntu instead :D but thanks for your help!05:53
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eckalbert: i think xpdf is really the only thing05:53
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alberteck, thx, i'll try it out05:53
teckfattHugo: for example /home/hugo/music,no_root_squash,async)05:53
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eckalbert: you could also try acroread, i'm not sure how lightweight that is05:53
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alberti mostly need it to look at and print pdfs05:54
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teckfattHugo: then save the /etc/exports05:54
albertmaybe export as text05:54
rooteri need help, who can i active my wireless05:54
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teckfattHugo: now need to restart the nfs server $    sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart05:55
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eckalbert: i just use evince... both evince and kpdf use poppler to do rendering, which is actually based on xpdf, so they are all extremely similar05:55
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teckfattHugo: then $ sudo exportfs -a05:55
Hugoteckfatt: ok05:55
teckfattHugo: thats it for ur server side......05:55
alberteck, thank you05:55
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HugoIve done it but thats what I did last time05:55
Hugoexcept I gave permision to one ip only not the whole range05:56
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stealth_hey, it says something was wrong with my installation so i should run mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri     but it says permission denied when creating directory :( any ideas?05:56
teckfattHugo: now is ur client side.......make sure have these two package "nfs-common portmap"05:56
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Hugoteckfatt:  feisty has them as default05:56
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teckfattHugo: no......is not05:56
mc44stealth_: did you try installing following those instructions I gave?05:56
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teckfattHugo: u need to install it ur self.....05:57
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stealth_yeh im on the site05:57
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Hugowell I installed yesterday, did apt-get today and it said they were installed05:57
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stealth_but when i try that step coz it didnt install i get permission denied05:57
mc44stealth_: use sudo infront of the command05:57
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stealth_ok thanks ill try05:57
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Hugoteckfatt:  I installed feisty yesterday and today I did sudo apt-get install nfs-common portmap and it said they were allredy installed05:58
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dooglusHugo: that means they are already installed05:58
Hugooh never mind05:58
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teckfattHugo: on the client computer type $ sudo mount 192.168.1.X:/home/hugo/music /path/folder/on/client/com05:58
HugoI installed them yesterday with gnome05:58
=== Pelo 's icons theme is all screwed up
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Hugoteckfatt:  just a seconc05:58
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asselberghswhat is the terminal command to start the simple update manager05:59
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doogluscan the feisty live CD use a flash memory stick like dapper could?05:59
alberteck, evince is exactly what i was looking for05:59
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dooglusto save changes, etc.06:00
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dooglusasselberghs: "sudo update-manager"06:00
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Hugoteckfatt:  it just gets stuck there06:01
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Hugoteckfatt:  the ip address is the server one right?06:01
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CrankymonkyHey, Im using Feisty and I can use the apostrophe key on my keyboard.  I have the keyboard layout set to US intrl. which has an apostrophe...but I cant use it.06:01
teckfattHugo: ya u need to know the ip address of that server06:01
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MikeB-morning all06:02
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teckfattHugo: tell me ur server address.... i type u the full path06:02
CrankymonkyDidnt have this problem with Dapper, though I didnt upgrade, fresh install06:02
BaktaahDoes anyone know a program to record the screen,.06:02
Hugoteckfatt: I put the ip address of the server and the path rights everything06:02
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Hugothe server is acting as a nat router for the net so I know the ip06:02
HugoI configure it yesterday06:02
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Hugoteckfatt:  the extrange thing is that it doesnt give error it just does nothing06:03
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HugoI have to do crtl+c to get the terminal back06:03
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teckfattHugo: yes i can imagine the situation .....06:03
soulfreshnerhow do I set up a mail server on my local machine to test some mail filters? ie I want to send mail to myself without needing to be on the internet06:04
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gRaCiOsOi have this problem i cant join in my ubuntu in normal mode only in secure mode when i try join in normal mode when X is starting it get something like freezed some could help me?06:04
teckfattHugo: i found another howto.....check ur step http://czarism.com/easy-peasy-ubuntu-linux-nfs-file-sharing06:04
adastra23what's the best irc channel to ask about beryl settings?06:04
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|NewUser|adastra23, offcourse #beryl is06:05
adastra23for some reason didn't see it thanks.06:05
regiuswhere do i find sdpd in ubuntu?06:05
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humehi....got a problem getting my TV usb-stick to work, there is no /dev/dvb/adapter0 created - anyone knows of what to do?06:05
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gRaCiOsOi have this problem i cant join in my ubuntu in normal mode only in secure mode when i try join in normal mode when X is starting it get something like freezed some one could help me?06:06
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fangoriousI can't seem to user synaptic through a http proxy that requires authentication06:07
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stealth_hey, im up to the step for man fglrx but nothing comes up and it says "no manual entry for fglrx"06:07
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mc44stealth_: why do you need to man fglrx?06:08
bullgard5What does it mean 'to highlight somebody'?06:08
stealth_its just part of the step06:08
stealth_If you are looking for a specific video configuration please read the driver's manual. It will tell you all about dual-head configurations for example :) .06:08
stealth_man fglrx06:08
deafboymy icons are missing in the menu of the default feisty install, anybody know how to get them back?06:08
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AyabaraI want to unrar multiple files to separate folders. "unrar x file.rar" does the job for 1 file, but how can I do it with all rarfiles in a directory?06:08
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mc44stealth_: do you need those things?06:09
mynnxunrar x *.rar06:09
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johnficcaI have a green 1" line on top of videos with I'm running in xgl/xserver, is there a way to fix that?06:09
stealth_if i restart it currently comes up for $ fglrxinfo06:09
stealth_display: :0.0  screen: 006:09
stealth_OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org06:09
stealth_OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect06:09
stealth_OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)      will it work?06:09
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mc44stealth_: no, its not installed correctly, also, please dont paste in here06:09
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stealth_ok ill be back soon06:10
gRaCiOsOi have this problem i cant join in my ubuntu in normal mode only in secure mode when i try join in normal mode when X is starting it get something like freezed some one could help me?06:10
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J-_anyone know of a good ISP that supports Linux around the Toronto area? (I live in Hamilton)06:10
Anon2302http://sorozatsite.extra.hu vagy http://sorozatsite.extra.hu/forum06:10
linuxboy_I have 2 CDroms in my PC.  What should my /etc/fstab look like for them in feisty ?06:10
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mc44!hu | Anon230206:10
ubotuAnon2302: Magyar nyelv segtsget az #ubuntu-hu csatornn tall06:10
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capiirahi, does exist something better than ffmpeg?06:11
johnficcaI have a green 1" line on top of videos with I'm running in xgl/xserver, is there a way to fix that?06:11
PMantisMy Edgy install recently started doing this every time apt-get runs: "Failed to find suitable ramdisk generation tool for kernel version \n 2.6.17-11-generic on running kernel 2.6.17-11-generic in /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs"... Help?06:11
zaggynlcapiira, mplayer+vlc do the job for me06:11
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johnficcaI have a green 1" line on top of videos with I'm running in xgl/xserver, is there a way to fix that?06:13
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mc44LjL: spamety spam ^06:13
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tilman_how can I tell an sh-script to return to shell without exiting ?06:13
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deafboydoes anyone know why the theme manager would be broken in feisty?\06:13
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johnsoni want to clear one error can any one help us06:13
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gRaCiOsOi have this problem i cant join in my ubuntu in normal mode only in secure mode when i try join in normal mode when X is starting it get something like freezed some one could help me?06:13
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PMantisHelp??  Failed to find suitable ramdisk generation tool for kernel version06:14
PMantis2.6.17-11-generic on running kernel 2.6.17-11-generic in /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs06:14
sakabatouHow can i compile SDL_mixer with OGG support ?06:15
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wil_sydAbout the cube desktop... how do I rotate it and should I have menu panels ?06:15
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stealth_hey, rebooted and tried those steps again but no luck :(06:15
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stealth_do i need to install ATI drivers again?06:15
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surviverwil_syd, u mean 3ddesk?06:16
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clouder`grrAfter I do $ make and $ sudo make install, can I delete the tar.gz and the folder I extracted it too?  Also how do I something I compiled if later I don't want it?06:16
wil_sydsurviver: yes06:16
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johnficcais there an Ubuntu channel for xgl/desktop effects stuff like that?06:16
fangoriousjohnficca: ubuntu-effects06:16
mc44stealth_: could you paste a link to the guide you are following?06:16
mc44stealth_: also, what card do you have?06:16
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surviverwil_syd, well go system --> administration --> synaptic manager there click on the 3ddesktop and install it06:17
stealth_ATI Radeon X1300 PRO06:17
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Hugook, nfs still not working... :(06:17
sakabatouHow can i compile SDL_mixer with OGG support ?06:17
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wil_sydsurviver: I have the cube and can spin it with the mouse... but I have no task bar.06:18
mc44stealth_: and fglrxinfo still says mesa?06:18
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wil_sydHugo: ntfs-config06:18
stealth_after all those steps to get the packages and stuff are done06:18
surviverwil_syd, mzz there i cant help ;D i have 3ddesk and can rotate then press enter and iam bck on screen06:18
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deafboywould anyone know why the theme manager is broken in feisty?06:20
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bluefox83the theme manager has always given me issues06:20
pulleri love ubuntu06:20
askarWhen I press the "?" button on my keyboard, ubuntuhelp comes up. When I press the key with a lock on, ubuntu logs me out. But nothing happens with the mail and search button.. Can I program these?06:20
Hugook FINALLY!06:20
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Hugodont know why but its working06:20
gasperhey!! I need a solution - have a pst file in Ubuntu 7.04, and would like to impirt into thunderbird... please :S06:20
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zanievenign all06:20
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antidrugueaskar: System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts06:21
bullgard5deafboy: At some times I also missed some icons in the Gnome menus (when I used Ubuntu 6.10 and Debian Etch). They reappeared after some updates. I have not such deficiencies using Ubuntu 7.04. Try asking in the #gnome channel but be patient there.06:21
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gasperhey!! I need a solution - have a pst file in Ubuntu 7.04, and would like to impirt into thunderbird... please :S06:21
jman_Hi does anyone what port 38542 is used for06:22
antidrugue!repeat | gasper06:22
ubotugasper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:22
askarantidrugue: nothing happens when I press those keys..0xf5 is the help button06:22
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zaniif i may or can someone point me in the right directions, i struggle with a small script to automaticly add the new default gw, when i use wvdial, i've already gotten the ip address(with a ifconfig ppp0 and some greps and cuts) but i can't seem to execute the route command with the ip in the file06:22
linuxboy_I have 2 CDroms in my PC.  What should my /etc/fstab look like for them in feisty ?06:22
stealth_any idea on how to get the fglrx thing working?06:22
deafboybullgard5: any idea on why theme manager is broken? this is a stock install = /06:22
mc44stealth_: could you paste your xorg.conf file to the pastebin?06:22
lontrastealth_: you could install envy and use that?06:22
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psycopHow do i install a network printer on Ubuntu?06:22
stealth_yep ok06:22
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antidrugueaskar: what kind of keyboard do you have ?06:22
stefglinuxboy_: depends o which adapter they are, and if they are mastr or slave06:22
Matirgasper, have you tried using thunderbird's "import" option?  (just a guess)06:22
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El_Burroif i have twu ubuntu installs and want to pass the line out of one through the second one (where the speakers and amp are) is there an easy way?06:23
linuxboy_stefg: one master, one slave. ide06:23
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askarantidrugue: laptopkeyboard.. HPnx902006:23
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dyrne!cups | psycop06:23
ubotupsycop: Printing in Ubuntu is done with CUPS. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:23
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stefglinuxboy_: so they are /dev/hdc and /dev/hdd ?06:23
zouzou85hi guys06:23
linuxboy_stefg: they were until I installed feisty06:23
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stefglinuxboy_: cdroms are still /dev -nodes .... no UUID :-)06:24
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zouzou85how do i get the icon on the panel to change the language of the keyboard?06:24
linuxboy_stefg: they are scd1 and scd006:24
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antidrugueaskar: see the keyboard section there:06:24
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antidrugueaskar: http://grafit.mchtr.pw.edu.pl/~szczedar/other_nx9020-en.php06:24
forngrenhow can I check my local IP?06:24
stefglinuxboy_: ah... yes06:24
zouzou85is there an app that i need to install?06:24
linuxboy_forngren: ip addr show06:24
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bluefox83even forngren ifconfig06:25
zaniif i may or can someone point me in the right directions, i struggle with a small script to automaticly add the new default gw, when i use wvdial, i've already gotten the ip address(with a ifconfig ppp0 and some greps and cuts) but i can't seem to execute the route command with the ip in the file06:25
bluefox83sdr;gih aefrg;iukharg;airh06:25
bluefox83yeah, uh...06:25
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antidrugueaskar: put those 5 mentioned lines in /etc/rc.local (sekeycodes...) and reboot06:25
linuxboy_zani: wvdial should be able to add teh default route06:25
zanilinux boy how do i do that ?06:25
stealth_where is the pastebin?06:25
dyrnezani: route add default gw ipaddress  doesnt work?06:25
BobSongsantidrugue, If you haven't had a chance to read the tutorial and wish to do it later, PM me at ubuntuforums.org. Again: we can chat there. It'll take it off this channel which, again, I'm sure is of no interest to anyone here.06:25
sam4563how do i beautify my grub menu and multinest my gnome menu?06:25
mc44!paste | stealth_06:25
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ubotustealth_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:25
linuxboy_zani: I don't know.  but i'm sure it can do it06:25
stefglinuxboy_: but it's still the standard options /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       006:25
zanidyrne yes it does but i need to get the dynamic ip from ppp006:25
bullgard5deafboy: My theme manager in Ubuntu 7.04 is not broken. I suppose that yours is broken due to bad Gnome programming. But this will probably not help you very much. Sorry that I cannot help more.06:26
stealth_ok thanks06:26
zanii have the ip via soem greps and cut commands06:26
linuxboy_stefg: what should cdrom1 and cdrom2 look like ?06:26
zanii  direct the ip to a file06:26
antidrugueBobSongs: your tutorial is great, but really i would have to try it to really understand the underlyings of it06:26
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zanibut i don't know how to execute route add default gw <add ip form file here>06:26
deafboybullgard5: atm edgy had few bugs, thought maybe i'd upgrade to feisty = / but dont see any benefits to feisty atm06:26
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deafboybullgard5: just bugs XD06:26
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Hugodeafboy well start using bluetooth and youll see06:26
antidrugueBobSongs: and since I'm not really a Ubuntu users, that would be hard (using Debian Etch here)06:27
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Hugoand also I get my dvb card support native06:27
sam4563how do i beautify my grub menu and multinest my gnome menu?06:27
bobstrosam4563:  there is the grub-splashimages package.06:27
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stealth_hey, the link is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17415/06:27
stefglinuxboy_: /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       0 | /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0       0  ( i think)06:27
dyrnezani: i often use xargs like: grep something | xargs -i route add default gw {}06:27
N3xtGeNhi everybody, I see there`s a lot of people, nice to see you all06:27
linuxboy_stefg: then cdrom1 can't play DVDs06:27
deafboyHugo: feisty live cd won't even boot in my computer, vesa tries my screen rez (1280x960) and fails and then crashes lol XD06:27
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bullgard5deafboy: Yes, probably just Gnome bugs. --  But Feisty has made a great progress in hardware recognition compared with Edgy!06:27
deafboybullgard5: i would agree with that06:28
sam4563bobstro: thanks06:28
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askarantidrugue:  before or after exit 0?06:28
stefglinuxboy_: hmm might be a missing link /dev/dvd to /dev/scd106:28
DazzHey guys.  Can anyone recommend a good newsgroup reader for Ubuntu 7.04?06:28
zanidyrne i'll give it a try thanx man06:28
mc44deafboy: you have an ATI x something card, right?06:28
teckfattHugo: so how is the nfs?06:28
antidrugueaskar: before, each "setkeycodes..." on its own line06:28
bobstroDazz:  pan perhaps06:28
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linuxboy_stefg: I have 2 DVD roms.   can I link both ?06:28
dyrnezani: its very handy.06:28
Hugoteckfatt:  its working finally06:28
Hugodont really know why06:28
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Hugoit just started working06:28
bobstroDazz:  do you want to read, or snarf binaries?06:28
stefglinuxboy_: lemme check for a howto06:28
Hugoteckfatt:  thanks for the help06:28
deafboymc44: yes, and i filed the bug report06:28
linuxboy_stefg: k06:28
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mc44deafboy: its a known bug :p06:28
teckfattHugo: what is the problem actually?06:29
mc44deafboy: you can install using the alternate CD06:29
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Dazzbobstro: mostly binaries... gotta keep my mame cabinet updated.06:29
Hugoteckfatt:  no problem anymore06:29
antidrugueaskar: so it looks something like that : http://antidrugue.dyndns.org/config.linux/config.killah/rc.local06:29
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mc44deafboy: ah, now I remember talking to you about this before, sorry :)06:29
Hugoits solved (dont know how but its working)06:29
deafboymc44: was hoping feisty would configure my hdaintel card out of hte box, but no such luck :P06:29
bobstroDazz:  pan is great for that. what group do you get mame roms from? i stupidly deleted mine.06:29
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deafboymc44: yep this weas like a week before feisty relese06:30
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teckfattHugo: cool....06:30
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mc44deafboy: so you got it working? :)06:30
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antidruguedeafboy: it does for me... Intel HDA sound ?06:30
deafboymc44: yeah the fglrx driver runs06:30
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mc44deafboy: the hdaintel is a known bug too, and it will be fixed in a kernel update06:30
tygerhello room... anyone have CUPS break after the last update?06:30
deafboyantidrugue: yep Intel HDA, doesnt wor out of the box but i can get it working06:30
antidruguedeafboy: oh, ok06:30
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deafboyantidrugue: does yours work out of the box?06:31
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:31
stealth_hmm so is there anything different in the xorg?06:31
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stefglinuxboy_: can't find one quick, but common sense says that you prolly either need to setup the second as a link to /dev/dvd0, or point your player to /dev/scd1 directly06:31
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antidruguedeafboy: yes, on my laptop it does (00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04))06:31
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MrBashirhow is it that after turning the ristricted ati driver on i can only get 1024x768?06:31
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duhi all, where can i found ubuntu kernel-soirce?06:32
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deafboymc44: any idea when this kernel update is coming =)06:32
deafboydu: kernel.org =)06:32
mc44deafboy: when its ready :)06:32
antidruguedu: why would you need that? you want to compile a kernel?06:32
Wagzgood morning06:32
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XanSamaanybody know how to mount a WinCE device and browse its filesystem?06:32
antidruguedu: "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6" if you really need it06:32
dudeafboy, no, i need UBUNTU kernel sources, not vanilla06:32
antidruguedu: i just answered that06:33
linuxboy_du: there is a package for it.  I just can't figure out where...06:33
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duantidrugue, i need it because a need to compile a module and overwrite06:33
antidruguedu: i repeat : "sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6"06:33
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N3xtGeNI`ve just downloaded my copy of Ubuntu 7.04 desktop version and when I tried to boot, there was a screen with options, I`d like to install Ubuntu on hard drive, but when I`ve chosen first option "Start or Install" at point of checking hardware inicialising program has given error on something from Intel, I think it`s graphic card i830M- I have HP OmniBook XE3, can anybody help me? I`d really appre06:33
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duantidrugue, ok thx :)06:33
linuxboy_du: apt-get install linux-source-2.6.2006:33
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AngryElf_7.04 wont' install on my box -- as the Ubuntu logo is displayed it cyts to an errors -- "/bash/sh can't access tty; job control turned off" -- then a bunch of errors about ata5 ... :(06:33
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antidruguedu: to compile a module, no you dont need it, kernel-headers are sufficient, and they are preinstalled06:33
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antidruguedu: you only need kernel sources to compile a kernel06:34
duantidrugue, no i need to compile a module, insert it in sources and comple all06:34
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zenfan74may i post a screenie ?06:34
zouzou85how do i get the icon on the panel to change the language of the keyboard?06:34
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antidruguedu: which module ?06:34
AngryElf_A/join #hardware06:35
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N3xtGeNI`ve just downloaded my copy of Ubuntu 7.04 desktop version and when I tried to boot, there was a screen with options, I`d like to install Ubuntu on hard drive, but when I`ve chosen first option "Start or Install" at point of checking hardware inicialising program has given error on something from Intel, I think it`s graphic card i830M- I have HP OmniBook XE3, can anybody help me? I`d really appre06:35
dumodule from a 2.6.21 nedeed o get work a chip for lm-sensors06:35
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soothsayWhere does pppoeconf configure the automatic startup (at boot) of a pppoe provider?06:35
robbbbbbhey, can anybody tell me where my garbage is06:35
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soothsayrobbbbbb: ~/.Trash06:35
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robbbbbbthanxi ^^06:36
Pelorobbbbbb,   /home/user/.Trash06:36
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robbbbbbty again (x06:36
Dazzbobstro: For MAME I use a mix of torrents from http://www.pleasuredome.org.uk and alt.bin.emu.mame06:36
dyrnerobbbbbb: ls -a to see the .hidden files06:36
stefgrobbbbbb: between your ears :-) SCNR06:36
linuxboy_robbbbbb: ~/.Trash06:36
=== Pelo 's fingers are too cold to type quickly
stealth_hey, i also found this: DISABLED_MODULES="ath_hal fc fglrx ltm nv"     should i remove the ath_hal part and stuff?06:36
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robbbbbbOK i got it now :D06:36
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dalexandreWhen i enable Desktop Effects the window borders dissapear how can i fix this?06:36
beerockxsI just started using Xgl on Ubuntu using fglrx with BigDesktop, and just have one problem. when I maximize a window, it maximizes across both screens, not just across one, like in normal X06:36
Pelorobbbbbb,  please stop hogging all the help06:36
beerockxsalso, gnome panels span across both screens, not just across one.06:36
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beerockxsanyone have an idea how to fix that?06:36
mc44stealth_: try just fglrx06:37
mc44stealth_: just removing that is06:37
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antidruguebeerocks: that's what compiz does, beryl fixes that06:37
stealth_ok ill try thanks06:37
dalexandreWhen i enable Desktop Effects the window borders dissapear how can i fix this?06:37
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elyseum /join #ubuntu-classroom06:37
Pelobeerockxs,   try asking in #ubuntu-effetcs,  I assume you are using the destop effects06:37
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Pelodalexandre,  you need to select a different theme06:38
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beerockxsPelo: well, it also happens when using Xgl without Compiz or Beryl.06:38
beerockxsantidrugue: I am using Bery.06:38
dalexandrePelo where i can change the theme?06:38
pball/leave #ubuntu06:38
Pelobeerockxs, I don'T know then06:38
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stealth_hmm i got this: "Found fglrx primary sevice section" "nothing to do, terminating"06:38
antidruguebeerockxs: which video card? i don't have this problem with an NVIDIA + Beryl06:38
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Pelodalexandre,  try right clicking the beryl  icon,  or ask in #ubuntu-effects06:39
Pelolater folks,06:39
antidruguebeerocks: but i'm not using XGL though06:39
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mc44AngryElf_: try this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/106864/comments/1306:39
beerockxsantidrugue: Ati X1900GT, I think it's a problem with XGl, though06:39
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tarzanhow to use icq06:39
aroDoes anyone know which channel in alsamixer I need to mute in order to disable my microphone input immediately playing back through my headphones?06:39
antidruguebeerocks: unortunately you have to use XGL for desktop effects with your ATI cards06:39
=== aixing loves version, and so his Laptop. OH YA BABY
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aroI still want to record, I just don't want it to playback through my headset.06:39
aixingsorry a little excited06:39
beerockxsantidrugue: yeah, I know :(06:39
antidruguebeerocks: but try #ubuntu-effects06:40
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beerockxsantidrugue: I'll do just that06:40
WagzIs there a link for use of the install disk's partitioner? I'm trying to set up a dual boot with my existing Windows XP and the link (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows) doesn't tell me all the options I need06:40
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antidruguewagz: just install windows first, and leave unpartitionned disk space at the end of the drive, for Ubuntu to install itself06:41
aixingwagz: have you tried it already?.. ya what he said06:41
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aixingunbuntu will give you the option to use remaining disk space06:41
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antidruguewagz: just use something like GParted LiveCD if you need to resize your existing partitions (http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php)06:42
stealth_is there anyone that can remotely connect to my PC and install driver stuff and beryl?06:42
Wagzi have an existing winxp machine...I tried it, and went to the manual option of partioning a drive, but when I went to set up the partition, it asked whether I wanted ext3, ntfs (and others) type of partition. any ideas?06:42
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eXtreme_anyone knows if there is a program for gnome that puts your console on desktop like this: http://static.flickr.com/44/127836732_1f2d7208f9_o.png?06:42
antidruguestealth: with SSH06:42
vakI'd need a password-free restricted account for my daughter, like she has had in windows. all accounts in ubuntu feisty seem to be with passwords :( anyone could give a hint?06:42
Wagzantidrugue: thanks, i'll go download gparted06:42
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Wagzaixing: ty as well06:43
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stealth_antidrugue: from www.ssh.com?06:43
antidruguevak: no choice but to have a password, you can enable autologin though : "gksudo gdmsetup"06:43
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antidruguestealth: ssh is preinstalled in Ubuntu06:44
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Hugovak I think all acount has pasword06:44
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antidruguestealth: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty#SSH_Server06:44
vakhugo it is like antidrugue sais06:44
davidwinterhi all.06:44
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davidwinteris vnc server installed on ubuntu by deffault?06:44
kahrytanantirugu: That's why SSH is a blocked port in Ipchains.06:44
Hugovak why is that such a problem give her the same pasword as the id. For example: login: daughter pasword: daughter06:44
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vakshe is 3 years old, she can read already, but only in russian now06:45
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dyrnevak: she's got to learn about underlying computer system infrastructure and security policies sometime. :)06:46
antidruguedavidwinter: i don't think so: install whichever you prefer "vnc4server" or "tightvncserver"06:46
marekHello all, please do you know what is the name of problem that shows the notice about full disk space on ubuntu, please?06:46
bloodMuffinhelp please grub is giving me error 17 after i copied my old partition to a new one06:46
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davidwinterantidrugue: is there one you'd recommend? I don't have a preference06:46
stealth_antidrugue: ok its installed, how do i use it?06:46
vakdyrne: she will, but maybe when she will be 4 years old :)06:46
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antidruguebloodMuffin: check /boot/grub/menu.lst : it is pointing to the wrong root partition06:47
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antidruguedavidwinter: i don't know really, personnaly i go with "tightvncserver" because it is GPL06:47
soothsayHow do I save my iptables config so that it is always loaded at boot?06:47
antidruguedavidwinter: and it has more compression options06:47
davidwinterok thanks06:48
stealth_antidrugue: i installed SSH how do i use it now?06:48
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AlexLatchfordHowdy guys, anyone know how to rename computers? ie. in the terminal the commands are prepended by 'user@computer:~$', anyone know how to change the computer bit?06:48
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antidruguestealth: something like "ssh your_username@computer_ip"06:48
sebas_vak: take a look http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=14227306:48
bloodMuffinantidrugue: what exactly needs to be changed and to what? i tried using df / but its not giving me a partition name...do i need to mount the partition as root or something?06:49
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antidruguestealth: it is explained in the link i gave you06:49
stealth_oh ok and the person connects to my PC from there?06:49
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dyrneAlexLatchford: edit your /etc/hosts file and the command sudo hostname whatever as well. might want to sudo passwd first to enable root because messing up hostname can screw up sudo06:49
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AngryElf_is the upgrade tool known to be broken right now?  it says there is an authentication problem06:49
antidruguebloodMuffin: you should have a line like "root            (hd0,1)" in /boot/grub/menu.lst06:50
AlexLatchforddyrne: ta06:50
stealth_who will be able to take control then?06:50
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AngryElf_or do I have to upgrade Edgy before I can update to Feisty?06:50
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tarzandoes anyone knows how to write another language in this os06:50
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antidrugue(hd0,1) meaning /dev/sda206:50
HugoHi, is there any problem to share a folder in capital letters like MAXTOR with nfs?06:50
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antidrugue(hd0,2) for /dev/sda3 , etc.06:50
Dazzok, so far so good... I'm really starting to enjoy Ubuntu.  Now... does anyone happen to have a good tutorial on getting WoW to run?06:50
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teckfattHugo: ya06:51
teckfattHugo: no problem with capital letter06:51
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Hugoteckfatt:  ok06:51
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ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.06:51
dyrneDazz: id do a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org world of warcraft'06:51
antidruguebloodMuffin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435106:52
Hugoteckfatt:  then I dont get it I am sharing two usb hd to the other computer. One is shared without problem the other isnt. The only diference is that one is called "disk" and the other is called "MAXTOR"06:52
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bloodMuffinantidrugue: thanks ill try this06:52
Hugoand disk works and MAXTOR refuses to be share06:52
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Hugoit sais server rejects conection06:53
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Hugobut its shared with the same options as the other06:53
antidruguebloodMuffin: perhaps google knows easier toturial, like using "grub-install ..."06:53
HugoI dont get it06:53
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main2anyone using jedit?06:53
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stealth_the binary drivers for ATI arnt working, anyone got an idea how to fix it??06:54
main2i tried to aptget it on dapper, but its all errors what i end up with............06:54
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main2stealth_, go #ati :P06:54
teckfattHugo: what is the file system of two usb hd?06:54
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Supre_MeHello, one quick question: How do I empty my trash as root?06:54
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dyrneSupre_Me: rm -f /home/username/.Trash/*  i guess06:54
tarzanwe all ask. nobody answer06:55
main2.trash / or .Trash .. dont have either here06:55
antidrugueSupre_Me: or "gksudo nautilus" will give you a root powered file manager06:55
teckfattHugo: what u mean called here??? is disk label or the /address/path?06:55
dyrneSupre_Me: use -rf instead06:55
bloodMuffinantidrugue: thanks im gonna try rebooting now, the tutorial was pretty simple06:55
Hugoteckfatt:  disk (the one working) is ext3 and MAXTOR (not working) is ntfs, but I have installed the ntfs read/write packages and they are working06:55
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Hugoteckfatt:  path and name06:56
antidruguebloodMuffin: cool06:56
stealth_i cant find the ATI irc for linux06:56
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infideltarzan, in what app?06:56
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main2stealth_, second time go > #ati06:56
main2./join #ati06:56
antidruguestealth: what do you mean, driver not working? did you try System->Administration->Restricted Drivers ?06:56
infidelhow come there isn't an easy way to change the color of desktop fonts, or is there?06:56
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teckfattHugo: i not sure about ntfs....to share over nfs....i need to check 1st06:57
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stealth_where do i do it?06:57
tarzani can not use another language  .would u help me ?06:57
main2anyone running jedit on dapper?06:57
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Supre_Medyrne, thanks, that worked06:57
antidruguetarzan: what do you mean ?06:57
Hugoteckfatt:  is it posible that only one mount is allowed? because now that I have "disk" mounted I am trying to mount a random folder that before was working and sais that server refuses06:57
elteseHi! I wonder why my dvd-image wont work... I downloaded the iso (feisty) and burned it as a dvd-image.. But it wont boot. So I cant see the install screen06:57
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Hugoteckfatt:  sais server:permision denied06:57
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elteseanyone who knows why it is like that? =/06:57
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antidrugueeltese: did you check the md5sum before burning it ?06:58
DSpairAnyone here good with Subversion?06:58
DSpairI'm having a strange problem.06:58
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tgm4883eltese, is your computer set with the first boot device as the cdrom (dvdrom in you case)06:58
teckfattHugo: u can mount as many as u want...is the permission u need to set it correctly06:58
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Schalkenisnt open week supposed to be on right now?06:58
elteseI dont know really.. it would explain alot if it isnt ^_^06:58
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eltesegoing to check it right now06:59
velkoinfidel, it's a long story. the gnome devs are trying hard to clean up the interface removing everything most people don't need. if are the control freak you may give kde a shot06:59
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diabolixwhy is it that most of the packages in synaptic can't be authenticated?06:59
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tgm4883diabolix, did you change the sources.list?07:00
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antidruguediabolix : System->Administration->Software Sources07:00
diabolixno.. i just did a fresh install07:00
Hugoteckfatt I mount one thing, then unmount it, then I mount another thing, then I try to mount the first one and it doesnt work07:00
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infidelvelko, na, i'll stick with gnome. i'll just edit it by hand. thanks for the response07:00
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diabolixso... what do i do there?07:01
Peggerris is possible to do bandwith limiting based on ip, so say I have a router doing nat for 50 diffrent clients, I want to allow each client to do a max of 200KB of traffic07:01
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diabolixi mean.. fresh install, i'd assume this should be correct already. i didn't do anything to it...07:01
bloodMuffinthanks it works now07:01
antidruguebloodMuffin: how did it go ?07:01
teckfattHugo: what is the error msg when u mount back the '1st thing'07:01
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HugoPeggerr:  sure its posible you just have to find the right program (wich I dont know07:01
antidruguebloodMuffin: great!07:01
tgm4883diabolix, im not sure what antidrugue wants you to do in there07:01
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bloodMuffinantidrugue: ive been trying for like two days to fix it and the fix was only 3 commands haha07:02
Hugoteckfatt:  failed, reason given by server:Permision denied07:02
PeggerrHugo: yaha exactly, I have found examples, but they where only for limiting by device07:02
stellarashi there is there any software for linux(i have ubuntu), that can help me do this?(recover a folder i had on windows xp desktop before a format)07:02
tgm4883diabolix, have you tried a apt-get update?07:02
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antidruguetgm4883: not sure either, but the PGP keys can be added/removed from there, so...07:02
diabolixtgm4883, i will now.07:02
pyggzhhah, just installed Operation Flashpoint on wine and it moves even goddamned faster than on wndows ... how can you explain that?07:02
teckfattHugo: did u put sudo in front the mount?07:02
tgm4883diabolix, try the update then installing whatever you want to install07:02
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ciscosurferdiabolix: all of your sources in your sources.list file are the default ones that come with a base-install?  Otherwise, check them over, and make sure none of them require that you set up gpg signing/authentication.07:03
Hugoteckfatt:  yes07:03
bloodMuffinhm although now i notice my memory used as cache is much lower than before...is that bad?07:03
tgm4883pyggzh, easy, windows sucks07:03
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AngryElf_this channel has turned into a bunch of "how do I play wow" and "how do I get root in ybuntu" --serious questions have no room in here anymore :(07:03
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diabolixtgm4883, ok.. out of curiousity.. is there a way to do that graphically? i'm mostly using ubuntu so that i will understand it when it comes time to help a relative.07:03
pyggzhtgm4883: you got a point here07:03
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antidruguebloodMuffin: you mean from Edgy to Feisty ?07:04
nibsa1242bNow that I have Fiesty, my printers no longer show up in open office. How do I fix?07:04
moonwatchercan anyone tell me if there is a chance an ATI 9600 will give me TV out with the xorg drivers?07:04
ciscosurferdiabolix: go to Synaptic and choose update07:04
antidruguenibsa1242b: System->Administration->Printers07:04
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cyberAckis there any web interface to control a gateway under ubuntu07:04
teckfattHugo: back to the NTFS with nfs.....if i not wrong there is another type read/write option for ntfs driver u need to find it out....07:04
Hugomoonwatcher it should have you tried?07:04
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tgm4883diabolix, I think* in synaptic if you hit reload it is the same thing07:04
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nibsa1242bantidrugue all my other applications have the printer list, its just open office where they don't show up07:04
stellarasAngryElf: i have a serious question.....is there any software for linux(i have ubuntu), that can help me do this?(recover a folder i had on windows xp desktop before a format)07:04
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Hugoteckfatt:  ok, but first of all I need to solve the mounting more than one thing07:05
bloodMuffinantidrugue: hm not too sure when it changed...ill look into it for awhile07:05
Hugoteckfatt:  thanks for the help07:05
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antidruguenibsa1242b: hum... not sure than07:05
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soothsayAnybody know of a tool (not Acrobat) that can convert PDF to PDF/A (PDF/Archive)?07:05
ciscosurfertgm4883, diabolix: sorry, I meant 'reload'...tgm4883, thanks for catching that :-)07:05
bloodMuffinantidrugue: o one more thing sorry, my ntfs partitions are no longer mounted07:05
nibsa1242bantidrugue I guess I'll try reinstalling open office07:05
teckfattHugo: http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/baslinux/2004-November/005616.html check this out07:05
antidruguebloodMuffin: use "preload" if you want to increase the cache use07:05
tgm4883pyggzh, also, it depends on the version of windows, the hardware in the computer, etc07:05
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tgm4883ciscosurfer, no07:06
antidruguebloodMuffin: http://technowizah.com/2006/11/debian-how-to-writing-to-ntfs.html07:06
tgm4883dang fingers are getting ahead of me07:06
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grego22hello there07:06
ciscosurferi completely07:06
moonwatcherHugo:  i am not sure about what do i need to put in the xorg.conf07:06
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grego22im trying to install xgl or aixgl or compiz or beryl but im having problems with ATI XPRESS 200M07:06
pyggzhtgm4883: well im just surprised :) now to finally get the sound working properly :D07:07
moonwatcherHugo: and looking at wikis around the web looks discouraging :(07:07
nibsa1242bAnyone else have any ideas? (this is in Feisty) My printers show up in all my applications except Open Office which just has Generic printer in its list.07:07
antidruguebloodMuffin: so just the proper line in /etc/fstab should do it, with either "ntfs" or "ntfs-3g" partition type07:07
moonwatcheri do get output on my vga secondery07:07
moonwatcherINSTEAD of the main07:07
grego22im trying to install xgl or aixgl or compiz or beryl but im having problems with ATI XPRESS 200M07:07
moonwatcherand at max 600x80007:07
nibsa1242bgrego22, its probably hopeless... because you'd most likely need to go the XGL route and I've found XGL to be unstable on that hardware, but good luck to you07:07
tgm4883pyggzh, yea there are a few things that work better in wine than windows.  I think alot of it has to do with libraries and such07:07
moonwatcherbut i am not sure how to configure xorg.conf07:07
WoozleWorkI have a noobish question concerning gaming in wine, specifically what would most of you recommend for the minimum system requirements to get a smooth look, in both graphics and response time...specifically World of warcraft07:07
shawn34anyway to prob a laptop monitor to see what its max resolution is?07:08
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ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but ping tonyyarusso to inquire about packages.  See also !html.07:08
=== Horschti is now known as Horscht
WoozleWorkthe system I am currently hoping to use is a Dell Inspiron 1501, with 1 gig of ram shared with the video card for a total 256 megs of video memory, and amd turion x207:08
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems - Help in #ubuntu-effects07:08
teckfattHugo: u try to restart the nfs-kernel-server $ sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart07:08
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teckfattHugo: then mount again07:09
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tgm4883woozlework, what video card?07:09
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Hugomoonwatcher:  I did it long ago and I dont remember who to enable that, but it wasnt that bad07:09
nevermindping tonyyarusso07:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aixgl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:09
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WoozleWorkumm I think its the ati that comes with the inspiron 1501s07:09
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WoozleWorkI'd have to go back and double check07:09
antidrugue!aiglx | Dazz07:09
ubotuDazz: AIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl07:09
TTRangeranyone have opinions about whether ubuntu or kubuntu is better?07:09
=== vicentiCO_ [n=vicente@26.red-62-101-184.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
Hugoteckfatt:  I see, so there is no way I am going to be able to share a ntfs hd through nfs07:09
HugoIll have to use samba07:09
salakcould anyone please help me with  my usb modem?07:10
=== noppe [n=Jamius@pool-71-117-235-56.ptldor.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
salakhow do i configure it07:10
tgm4883TTRanger, they are the same, just your preferences on a window manager differ07:10
=== nevermind pings tonyyaruso :P
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HugoWhat I dont get is why the server can read and write in the ntfs hd but the client wont...07:10
antidrugueTTRanger: we all have opinions... but it is a matter of personal preferences07:10
=== Crav [n=crav@ip-129-15-131-246.fescfwsm.ou.edu] has joined #ubuntu
WoozleWorkit looks to be the ati radeon xpress 115007:10
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TTRangertgm4883 What is it about kubuntu that makes it preferable to some people?07:10
vicentiCO_somebody knows a tool for test my computer?07:10
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Cravhow can i find out my MAC adress?07:10
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tgm4883TTRanger, they perfer KDE to Gnome07:10
antidrugueTTRanger: KDE vs GNOME07:10
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salakcould anyone please help me with  my usb modem?07:11
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salakhow do i configure it07:11
antidrugueCrav: "sudo ifconfig"07:11
WoozleWork(tgm4883): any suggestions?07:11
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velkostellaras, you may have a look at testdisk (and maybe gddrescue). there was another good tool but i can't remember it's name07:11
teckfattHugo: u can check the smbclient that mention on that site07:11
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tgm4883TTRanger, those are the only differences, if you install ubuntu, you can install kubuntu by "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"07:11
Whtigerhey guys07:11
dyrneCrav: also cat /etc/iftab07:11
vicentiCO_somebody knows a tool for test my computer?07:11
tgm4883TTranger, its the same the other way around kubuntu to ubuntu07:11
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Si|entHello all07:12
ciscosurfervicentiCO_: what kind of test?07:12
antidruguevicentiCO: test for what ?07:12
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Si|entthis is my first time using ubuntu07:12
vicentiCO_a stress test07:12
Si|entand im wondering how could i setup internet sharing07:12
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tgm4883WoozleWork, sorry, i dont play world of warcraft, i simply asked because if someone can help you, they will need to know that07:12
ciscosurfervicentiCO_: hit it and see if it complains07:12
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vicentiCO_like burning test in windows07:12
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tgm4883Woozlework, im not even sure if your card is fully supported under linux07:12
Cravdyrne: thanks very much, exactly what i needded07:12
Si|enti've managed to set up the static ip correctly.. and i could ping myself from host/client perfectly though theres no connection on the client (ubuntu)07:12
Hugoteckfatt:  I am guessing smbclient is samba client, so samba sharing07:12
ciscosurfervicentiCO_: like benchmark tests?07:12
tgm4883woozlework, but that is where i would start07:12
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WoozleWorkI got it working, there is a nice walkthrough07:12
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salakcould anyone please help me with  my usb modem?07:13
salakhow do i configure it07:13
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dyrneSi|ent: text way http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137007:13
ciscosurfervicentiCO_: that's a good question.  i don't know. :-(07:13
moonwatcherHugo: maybe you can pastebin your xorg and throw me a bone :)07:13
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albackerI CREATED a vmachine with WINXP in it.. i shared a folder and i cant see it from UBUNTU any one has any idea ? THANKS !07:13
vicentiCO_test for know hardware fails07:13
slashus2I was wondering if it is common for your cursor to hang and skip when your computer is under heavy load?07:13
WoozleWorkthat does a nice job of installing ubuntu on a inspiron 150107:13
Si|entdyrne thank you ill check it :)07:13
nevermindSi|ent: have you set up the DNS on the client?07:13
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WhtigerI get "dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: Read-only file system" when running `sudo dpkg --configure -a`. I was running `sudo apt-get upgrade` and it errored when trying to delete some things e.g.: "failed to delete `//usr/sbin/deluser.dpkg-tmp': Read-only file system"07:13
antidrugueok, bye everyone, i'm going to play under the sun now, ciao07:13
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trumpeter2003How to change default output sound?07:13
Hugomoonwatcher:  not using analog any more07:13
Si|entnevermind no havent set up the dns!07:13
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Hugomy xorg.conf wont help you07:13
ciscosurfervicentiCO_: i think hdparm takes care of hard *drive* failure, etc.  but best to ask around07:13
Si|entnevermind i only set the default gateway and ip07:13
yxairyggenWhen i run 'xinit -- :1' it says X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.07:14
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nevermindSi|ent: that should probably be, w/o DNS you can't resolve hostnames07:14
WoozleWork(tgm4883): and its not that I can't get it working, but the response time is slow, so I was trying to improve it07:14
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salakcould anyone please help me with  my usb modem?07:14
salakhow do i configure it07:14
teckfattHugo: ya....have a try on samba07:14
Si|entnevermind how can i know how to set up dns!07:14
nevermindSi|ent: even when the host can :)07:14
yxairyggenSo how do I change the permissions so I can strat a Xserver as normal user? It works on other distros07:14
TTRangertgm4883 How do most people "get to" the command line?  Do they assign the terminal to a hotkey or something?07:14
tgm4883Woozlework, have you gone here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft07:14
=== dark112 [n=root@c-24-60-20-52.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Si|enthost(xp) client (ubuntu)07:14
moonwatcherHugo: i am having issues with dual mode in general07:14
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moonwatcherlike how do i control the overlay07:14
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Si|entim using kerio light on xp07:14
Si|entwould tht cause a prob ?!07:14
moonwatcherand can i have both screens on at once07:14
WoozleWork(tgm4883): I can get everything I need to run to run, including office and windows xp under vm, just tweaking now for better performance07:14
tgm4883TTranger, do you use ubuntu or kubuntu?07:15
ciscosurfersalak: try here first > http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&q=ubuntu+configure+usb+modem07:15
velkoyxairyggen, you tried to type "startx" in a console?07:15
nevermindSi|ent: check /etc/resolv.conf, and use nameserver [ip for the dns server] 07:15
slashus2also when the computer is under heavy load I can be typing text into a text box and it does not display for a few seconds07:15
Dumahenhi all how can i add my hdd to grub loader which has win. OS ?07:15
TTRangertgm4883 Neither yet, I am downloading ubuntu right now for a first-time install.07:15
nevermindSi|ent: or form "System->Administration>Netowrking"07:15
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tgm4883Woozlework, that link provides tweaks to help performance07:15
Hugoteckfatt:  is very weird I have restarted the computer, and only mounting one nfs device from boot (and mounts ok) and when I try to mount another random folder07:15
Si|entnevermind ok went to system/addmin/netowkring then wht!07:15
Hugoit just doesnt work07:15
nevermindSi|ent: don't think so, but i have no clue about windows07:15
WoozleWork(tgm4883): thanks07:15
yxairyggenvelko, I want another xserver in another display becuse I want to play quake3 on one display and surf and chat on an other07:15
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tgm4883TTRanger, ah, just click on applications, then accessories, then terminal07:15
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nevermindSi|ent: check the DNS tab and add the DNS server07:15
yxairyggenBecuse you cant tab when youre in a game normally07:15
yxairyggenAnd it worked with other distros07:16
Si|entnevermind wht would the dns server be!07:16
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nevermindSi|ent: should be the same as in the host07:16
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Si|entnevermind in the host its empty07:16
TTRangertgm4883 Sure, that'd do it, though I assume people who use the command line routinely must have a quicker way to bring it up?07:16
velkoyxairyggen, you can click on the "exit" button and select "switch user"07:16
Dumahenhi all how can i add my hdd to grub loader which has win. OS ?07:16
yxairyggenvelko, Why whould I do that?07:16
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tgm4883TTRanger, that will open a terminal inside gnome, if you need to do something in the terminal outside of gnome ctrl-alt-F107:16
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nevermindSi|ent: it cannot be empty, if it's windows, do a 'ipconfig /all' from a command line to check what's the dns07:16
ciscosurferTTRanger: to bring what up, a terminal?07:16
velkoyxairyggen, will start x on display :107:16
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Si|entok i will07:17
Si|entthank you :)07:17
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:17
yxairyggenvelko, Aha07:17
nevermindSi|ent: np07:17
first2di3|outwould KDE run better on a 500mhz g3 imac w/ 128 ram, or gnome07:17
teckfattHugo: u need to put the /address/to/share/folder in the /etc/exports , then u can mount it with nfs07:17
salak<ciscosurfer> i still couldnt find where to input my username and pass and start connection with usb modem07:17
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tgm4883TTRanger, sure i could put a link on the desktop or make it a key combination, but I dont use it that much07:17
salakcould you pls help?07:17
yxairyggenvelko, thanks07:17
TTRangertgm4883 Boy do I have a lot to learn.  :-)  What does it mean to be "outside of gnome?"  Not running the desktop interface?07:17
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ubotuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build webpages. Editors in Ubuntu: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem, and Nvu. For howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com07:17
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dyrnefirst2di3|out: as a rule kde is better for memory.  just the way apps are designed for gnome07:17
ciscosurferTTRanger, yes, you can set up a hotkey if you go to System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts07:17
El_BurroDumahen: does you grub menu already have a windows munu item?07:17
slashus2has anyone reported this as a bug?07:17
ubotunvu is a WYSIWYG and code dual-function HTML editor for easily creating web pages.  The original developer is working on a full rewrite; meanwhile, another is doing bugfixes.  It is not in the Ubuntu repos for Feisty Fawn, but ping tonyyarusso to inquire about packages.  See also !html.07:18
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tgm4883TTRanger, there is also a program called tilde but I don't know much about that other than you just hit tilde and it comes down similar to quake07:18
dark112anyone know why beryl runs like crap?07:18
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TTRangerciscosurfer thanks07:18
slashus2I think it is a problem in the kernel possibly07:18
ciscosurferTTRanger: sure07:18
TTRangertgm4883 thanks07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bluefish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quanta+ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
TTRangerNice quick help...that's so good to see!07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screem - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:18
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ludditehi I cant save the envy24control profile in ubuntu 7.04. Says "No active profile found." Any ideas?07:18
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preaction!fishing | nevermind07:18
spunkHello, I've a really classic problem that is quite stressfull. A friend of mine (really :-)) managed to install 7.04 on top of 6.10 and in the process loose *very* important mail in Evolution. Are there any (good) tools for a rescue attempt?07:18
ubotunevermind: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...07:18
toferradoHow do I install my wireless card driver07:18
velkonevermind, you can experiment with ubotu like that "/msg ubotu bluefish"07:18
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tgm4883TTRanger, yea just not running gnome, sometimes when installing certain things it helps (graphics drivers sometimes) or you may need to restart just gnome with ctrl-alt-backspace07:19
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nevermindsry, didn't know :)07:19
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nevermindthanks 4 the warning07:19
smf_fslHi All - very quick question, I'm running Feisty and in Language support I can't switch off 'Enable support to enter complex characters', as soon as I switch it off - comes back on again.07:19
NekoKunI need a traffic monitor... any suggestion?07:19
smf_fslAnyone have any ideas on how to switch it off for good?07:19
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BlackDesignDoes anyone know if there is a good racing game for Ubuntu?07:20
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GrosNazfor  traffic monitor07:20
nevermindBlackDesign: TuxRace! :D07:20
NekoKunGrosNaz: does apt-get works on it?07:20
toferradoHow do I install my wireless card driver?07:20
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BlackDesignnevermind, I'll check it out...07:20
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dark112Does anyone know why, sometimes, when I load beryl, it will black out any window I try to open, ie firefox?07:20
spunkNekoKun, a simple tty-based one: iftop07:20
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DumahenEl_Burro: i added something but it said me file system unknown :S07:21
neverminddark112: it's a bug in the nvidia drivers, try using Copy as the Render Path07:21
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ludditeI cant save the envy24control profile in ubuntu 7.04. Says "No active profile found." Any ideas?07:21
dark112nevermind, thanks07:21
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DrNick1hey all.  has anyone else had problems getting encrypted dvd's to play in feisty?07:21
BlackDesignnevermind, how good is it?07:21
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nevermindBlackDesign: oh, it's a classic07:22
reydelsillonhow do i change fgrom the kubuntu desktop to the gnome one?07:22
reydelsillonis it possible?07:22
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nevermindreydelsillon: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:22
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DumahenEl_Burro: i havent register my nickname so i cant write u on private :(07:22
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BlackDesignnevermind, still haven't worked out that little logo yet... It doesn't seem to work on my icon settings07:22
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spunkQ: are there any file-rescue tools available on the 7.04 live disk? A friend has lost some important emails...07:23
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velkospunk, is testdisk on the livecd?07:23
BlackDesignI'm off to test that game :p07:23
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dark112nevermind, that seemed to work, thanks07:24
spunkvelko, dunno, I'll check it out. can testdisk find files from an "old" file system on the HDD?07:24
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velkospunk, what is an old fs?07:24
neverminddark112: welcome, but i warn you that it's quite a resource-eater, you play around with it to see if it fits you07:24
velkospunk, http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk07:24
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spunkvelko, he installed a new file system on the disk (i bellieve)07:25
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spunkvelko, thanks for the link!07:25
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nevermindBlackDesign: have you tried in ./icons/distributor-logo.png?07:25
JoeBlackFailed to open /dev/ttyUSB0: No such device07:25
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JoeBlackhowever I have a /dev/ttyUSB0 i have mknod07:25
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reydelsillonnevermind: thanks.07:26
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acidtabscan anyone help me to istall urban terror07:26
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yxairyggenI can't log in with the same user on two diferent xsessions when I click on "switch user"07:26
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ikarug1hi all, just installed apache2, mysql, and php4 ... however, phpmyadmin is not working... When I go to the admin page i get a "Failed to write session data (files" error07:26
reydelsillonnevermind: will the kde desktop be un-installed or must i manually erase it?07:26
yxairyggenDoes anyone know howto run nvidia in xnest?07:26
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nevermindreydelsillon: you need to remove it07:26
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spunkvelko, I have a problem understanding the instructions. Do you know if testdisk can find individual files that has been deleted?07:27
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://medibuntu.sos-sts.com/07:27
nevermindreydelsillon: try aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop07:27
DrNick1ikarug1: what user is phpmyadmin running as?07:27
velkospunk, this package contains the tool photorec which can recover files07:27
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ikarug1drnick1: how do i find that out?07:27
nevermindreydelsillon: or the one that i like the most: dpkg --purge kubuntu-desktop07:27
CountDownIs there an easier (or more user friendly) way to allow users to access the USB filesystem than changing /etc/fstab?07:27
reydelsillonnevermind: i willuse the konsole when i restart this thing07:27
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yxairyggenIt's easy to change /etc/fstab07:28
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tgm4883we have to change fstab to access usb?07:28
nevermindreydelsillon: why do you want to use "konsole", you have a gnome-terminal in gnome07:28
peepsalotI want to install bogomips07:28
peepsalotwhere is it07:28
acidtabscan anyone help me to install urban terror07:28
CountDownyxairyggen: Yeah, but I'm curious if there's a GUI for doing such a thing.07:28
DrNick1ikarug1: the one you specify in the config files.  if you just ran it yourself from a shell, then it'll be running as your user, and your user might not have permissions to write to the config files07:28
ludditeI cant save the envy24control profile in ubuntu 7.04. Says "No active profile found."07:28
reydelsillonnevermind: thats what i mean :P07:28
CountDowntgm4883: Only if you want to access the USB from user space.07:28
yxairyggenacidtabs, I have installed urbanterror in ubuntu, maybe I can help you07:28
velkopeepsalot, i think in sysutils07:28
BlackDesignnevermind, great game :p07:29
BlackDesignnevermind, any other great 3D games like that?07:29
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acidtabsi don't know exatly how to install it07:29
mandelumI made the panel too big, now I cannot log in anymore, because it always crashes07:29
ikarug1drnick1: huh? phpmyadmin is runs over apache2.... your question does not make sense07:29
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nevermindBlackDesign: i don't play much, but i know Quake it's available 4 linux07:29
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dark112is urban terror a standalone game now, or still dependent on q3?07:29
ikarug1ikaruga1: sorry...07:29
CountDownI guess editing /etc/fstab is it then.07:29
mandelumplease help if you know where to change to parameter07:29
yxairyggendark112, You can get it without q307:29
mandelumfor size07:29
DrNick1anyone else have problems playing encrypted dvd's in feisty? even after installing the extra restricted codecs07:29
BlackDesignnevermind, but that isn't free?07:29
mandelumin the gnome panel07:29
nevermindreydelsillon: you can go ahead then07:29
tgm4883Drnick1, no07:29
dark112i haven't played it since it was in beta07:30
peepsalotvelko, the info on sysutils says it was removed from that package, so is it not available at all?07:30
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dark112like beta 107:30
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DrNick1tgm4883: what program do you use to play them?07:30
nevermindBlackDesign: you don't have to pay for quake07:30
ludditeI cant save the envy24control profile in ubuntu 7.04. Says "No active profile found."07:30
velkopeepsalot, maybe07:30
BlackDesigngreat :)07:30
yxairyggenIs there anybody who knows how I can get rid of the "(AllTray)"-text in the window decorator in all alltrayed windows?07:30
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tgm4883drnick1 totem07:30
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charliesuI'd like to get bluetooth support on my desktop w/ fully linux support.  Does anyone know of a bluetooth device that plugs into USB so that I can access thing like my mobile phone and so on?07:30
DrNick1tgm4883: totem-gstreamer or totem-xine?07:30
spunkvelko, ok, thanks!07:31
velkopeepsalot, i'm on debian proper and now i checked - it is there07:31
xlaxisHi Folks. Would you say that Ubuntu 7.04 would work fine on a computer with 1,8ghz and 256mb RAM?07:31
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tgm4883drnick1, totem-gstreamer07:31
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acidtabsyxairyggen: how did u install it07:31
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spunkvelko, if it works, ill be so grateful that I'll buy you a beer. ;-)07:31
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tgm4883xlaxis, yes07:31
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ProN00bhow do i burn a disk on gnome ?07:31
nevermindcharliesu: do you want to access your device with blue* or with USB?07:31
=== velko likes beer, spunk :-)
DrNick1tgm4883: did you have to install the extra codecs to get it to play? if not are you sure its an encrypted dvd you're playing?07:31
temujoeAnyone have experience with IES4LINUX? or IE on Ubuntu? I get it running from the command line, but I can't put in local urls, because "http://" is always put in front. Anyone know a way around this?07:32
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spunkvelko, great :-)07:32
xlaxistgm4883: even if it was 1,3 ghz instead of 1,8? :)07:32
PrescoProN00b: use gnomebaker software07:32
dyrnexlaxis: yes but if i was limited on memory id prob install xubuntu instead07:32
xlaxisSeems like I remembered wrong07:32
yxairyggenacidtabs, I downloaded ioUrbanTerror and UrbanTerror-full and copied into /usr/games/urt07:32
xlaxismemory like in RAM or memory like in hard drive space?07:32
tgm4883xlaxis, if your worried, you could use xubuntu07:32
yxairyggenacidtabs, I followed a swedish howto, maybe I can translate it07:32
makarakihi there! I am a newbie and I want to do a scritpt to activate automaticly eth1(wireless)  if eth0 is down (lan)07:32
tgm4883Drnick1, yea im sure they are all encrypted as they are all commercial pressed07:32
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xlaxistgm4883: I'd rather use ubuntu to be honest.07:33
tgm4883xlaxis, video card?07:33
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DrNick1tgm4883: ok, can you remember which extra stuff you had to install then? as they certainly dont play out the box....07:33
xlaxisI'm using xubuntu atm on this comuter (old laptop)07:33
charliesunevermind: i don't have bluetooth on my desktop mobo so i need something that will allow me to have it..07:33
ProN00bis there any cli tool to checksum (md5, sfv, sha1) files ?07:33
yxairyggenacidtabs, Have you tried to install it?07:33
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tgm4883drnick1, no they dont play out of the box, let me check what i did07:33
nevermindcharliesu: but you said "that plugs with USB"07:33
xlaxistgm4883: GeFirex FX 520007:34
DrNick1tgm4883: thanks very much07:34
ProN00bis there any cli tool to checksum (md5, sfv, sha1) files that also reports live progress ?07:34
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velkoProN00b, md5sum07:34
tgm4883xlaxis, pretty sure your fine07:34
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nevermindcharliesu: so i wanted to know what do you mean07:34
reydelsillonnevermind: how do i activate the gome desktop?07:34
erickcasiodessde mexico07:34
AnswerWhat is the default password for user "ubuntu" in the liveCD ?07:34
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qusaiI get a md device not found in an mdadm error.. what's that?07:34
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acidtabsyxairyggen: with this tut http://gaming.gwos.org/e107_plugins/content/content.php?content.6807:34
xlaxis*thanks, tgm4883 :)07:34
DrNick1Answer: there isn't one as far as i know....07:34
nevermindreydelsillon: restart gdm and choose the session07:34
charliesunevermind: i want a bluetooth adaptor that i can plug into USB to access other bluetooth devices07:34
acidtabsbut it seems not to work07:34
AnswerDrNick1: I installed openssh-server but I can't login07:34
dave132I am getting a black screen upon logout in feisty fawn, is there any fix,or i it a known byg?07:34
nevermindAnswer: there's isn't one07:35
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ProN00bvelko, how can i have that report live progress ?07:35
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dyrnemakaraki: like ifconfig | grep eth0; if $? = 1 then ifconfig eth1 up  and whatever  ?07:35
qusaiCan someone help me please?07:35
papatwilightwhat codec and or plugin do i need for amarok to listen to radio via shoutcast07:35
tgm4883drnick1, 64bit or i38607:35
Answerwtf how do I log in to ssh server if there is no pw07:35
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nevermindcharliesu: oh, i see, i don't know then :)07:35
lunhi all, I want to use suspend2 on my laptop, but when I read the suspend2 howto, I get to a part that I don't know how to do it. Using an initrd/initramfs with Suspend2 is possible, but you will have to trigger a resume yourself in your linuxrc/init. To do this, you MUST either modify your distro's initrd/ramfs generation routines or edit your linuxrc (or init) script yourself to contain the line07:35
lun    echo > /sys/power/suspend2/do_resume07:35
lunEither way, this call must come BEFORE your initrd/ramfs mounts your filesystem. If the line is missing, your system will not resume. If the line comes after mounting file systems, you will most likely suffer from filesystem corruption. You have been warned.07:35
DrNick1tgm4883: 32bit07:35
velkoProN00b, i don't think you can07:35
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tgm4883drnick, did you install libdvdcss2 and w32codecs?07:35
qusaiMy usplash screen shows and quits quickly, how do I log in Ubuntu?!07:35
yxairyggenacidtabs, And what's the problem?07:35
tgm4883sorry, drnick1, did you install libdvdcss2 and w32codecs?07:36
lunDoes anyone have an idea about how to alter the initrd/initramfs generating routine?07:36
DrNick1tgm4883: no... i was trying to search for libdvdcss and nothing shows up, so it appears I need the 2 on the end....07:36
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yxairyggenacidtabs, It's almost as I did, but I installed it in /usr/local/games07:36
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boubbinmy xorg says /dev/input/wacom doesnt exist, how to fix this ? xorg runs fine, but it just tellms me about this error07:36
acidtabsthat tut don't work when i get to the chmod07:36
makarakihi dyrne if $?=1 if means eth0 KO, thanks I didn't know the exit codes07:36
yxairyggenboubbin, Do you have a wacom-device07:36
acidtabsand the mv *07:36
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boubbinyxairyggen: that is that ?07:36
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DrNick1tgm4883: still can't find anything... what repo's did you install this lot from?  I was hoping i wouldn't have to use EasyUbuntu in this release...07:37
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boubbini mean: what is that :P07:37
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dave132is the logout problem a known bug?07:37
qusaiWhy is it when I come here I get ignored :/.07:37
velkolun, look at the files in /etc/initramfs-tools (maybe scripts?)07:37
yxairyggenboubbin, Then you probebly don't have it, and if it says that a device you dont't have does'nt exists its all in order07:37
qusaiMy usplash screen shows and quits quickly, how do I log in Ubuntu?!07:37
tgm4883do you have the medibuntu repo?07:37
ik1please does anybody here know how apply "evolution" or thunderbird in accessing free hotmail and yahoo mail accounts07:37
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lunvelko, thanks, gonna do it07:37
lontra_qusai: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:37
yxairyggenboubbin, You can comment the wacom-lines away in xorg.conf if you want07:37
nevermindqusai: what uspalsh?07:37
Seb3DGEhello folks... I've got a problem. My primary partition's filesystem (ntfs) has been damaged somehow... I can see the partition in gparted, but it is listed as unknown... is there any way to get it back as ntfs? Perhaps with gpart, parted, testdisk, fdisk...07:37
boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, but when i log off from kde xorg wont start again07:37
ScottSatkinwhat happens when you press <ctrl><alt><F1> | quasi07:37
ScottSatkinwhat happens when you press <ctrl><alt><F1> | qusai07:38
rajkhey guys/gals. im having a problem accessing the repos, was wondering if anyone else has been experiencing the same problem.. the console says "99% [Waiting for headers] "07:38
yxairyggenboubbin, Aha, then it's something wrong ;)07:38
qusailontra_: It's not the default manager07:38
ik1please does anybody here know how apply "evolution" or "thunderbird" in accessing free hotmail and yahoo mail account07:38
DrNick1tgm4883: no not at present. I did think though that one of the different things about feisty was to make all this much easier, so just install a package and its all there?  i've installed the restricted format's package07:38
yxairyggenboubbin, I always get that the wacom does'nt exist, but X starts anyway07:38
qusaiHow to do the KDE one, lontra_?07:38
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lontra_qusai: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart07:38
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boubbinyxairyggen: ywah, but when i do ctrl+alt+backspace x wont run again untill i type "startx"07:38
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TSWoodVikl: You'll need to set either of those two email clients to POP your email down.07:39
tgm4883drnick1 you can try and get libdvdread3 from your current repos, and that is supposed to install libdvdcss2, but I haven't had luck with it07:39
reydelsillonnevermind: it worked. can you give me the command to get ridd of the kubuntu files?07:39
=== MegaQuark_ [n=gary@pool-71-111-188-88.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
qusailontra_: I get my Ubuntu loading screen then it goes back to CLI!07:39
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TSWoodVDrNick1: Had that same problem last night.  Can07:39
tgm4883drnick the medibuntu repo can't be in the ubuntu release for legal reasons07:39
nevermindreydelsillon: sudo dpkg --purge kubuntu-desktop07:39
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yxairyggenboubbin, It's probebly not the wacom device that's wrong07:39
frojndhello there has someone managed to connect logitech HS03-Vxx headset with a blue tooth adapter ?? can someone tell me how to connect those two things?07:39
TSWoodVDrNick1: Had that same problem last night.  Can't play DVDs yet, even with gstreamer ugly.07:40
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DrNick1tgm4883: ok, looks like i'll have to add some extra repo's.  not quite sure how a total newbie is supposed to figure all this out... but anyway thanks for your help :)07:40
ScottSatkinqusai: it is likely a problem in your xorg.conf file... does anyone know where the error log file is?07:40
boubbinyxairyggen: so how can i know what is causing that ?07:40
reydelsillonnevermind: thanks!07:40
nevermindreydelsillon: welcome07:40
qusai/var/log/Xorg.0.log ?07:40
yxairyggenDon't you have some other errors?07:40
Seb3DGEhey? anyone? I can't boot winsux nor ubuntu if I can't manage to rescue my primary partition somehow :/07:40
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tgm4883drnick1 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#head-e3dafb305e64ec576176ee706e287bb4d839cb1207:40
lontra_qusai: sounds like something is fishy with X ... run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to reconfigure it07:40
qusaiScottSatkin: II will check.07:40
qusailontra_: I will try.07:40
ScottSatkinqusai: lontda_ is right07:40
boubbinyxairyggen: yeah somekind of errors about fonts, three lines07:41
DrNick1tgm4883: excellent, cheers :)07:41
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yxairyggenboubbin, And what do the errors say?07:41
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DrNick1laters all07:41
mynnxwow, pastebin is down07:41
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boubbinsec, ill paste them.07:41
mynnxthat's crazy07:41
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT07:41
=== tripkipke [n=tripkipk@17.198-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu
qusailontra_: It freezes I think it's trying to access kdm.07:41
qusaiNever mind it popped up.07:42
boubbinyxairyggen: (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.07:42
=== bluekeys [n=matt@adsl-209-30-153-233.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
lontra_qusai: it freezes when running sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?07:42
isilduri'm updating to feisty and wanted to know the difference between two configuration files, how do I now switch back from the display mode of the file(I'm using aptitude)07:42
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storkhow does one install music codecs on feisty?07:42
nevermindk, does anyone knows a WYSIWYG website desinger besides Nvu?07:42
velkoisildur, q?07:42
ScottSatkin!codecs | stork07:42
ubotustork: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:42
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yxairyggenboubbin, That does'nt matter07:43
isildurvelko lol thx I tried esc etc how stupid^^07:43
yxairyggenboubbin, something else must be wrong07:43
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boubbinyxairyggen: how can i know that is the problem ?07:43
yxairyggenboubbin, Can you do a /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:43
velkoisildur, does it worked? because i'm not sure either :-)07:43
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yxairyggenboubbin, I don't know what's the problem is, you must look in the errors07:43
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nevermindisildur: press q07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftbox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
isildurvelko yeah it works I just didnt think about it07:44
boubbinyxairyggen: well, im on kubuntu so i dont have gdm right ?07:44
bluekeysAnyone know anything about swiftbox?07:44
qusailontra_: I did the reconfigure, I restart kdm and same thing happened07:44
lontra_qusai: what kind of video card?07:44
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qusaiIt went back to Ubuntu loading screen and froze then stopped.07:44
yxairyggenboubbin, Aha, then its /etc/init.d/kdm restart :P07:44
tgm4883bluekeys, is swiftbox like swiftfox?07:44
lontra_qusai: sounds like a video card issue ...imo07:44
qusaiATi Radeon 9200 SE, it worked before I upgraded to fiesty.07:44
yxairyggenboubbin, I just can't think of people who runs KDE ;)07:44
ScottSatkinqusai: what is the error in the xorg log file?07:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swiftfox - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:44
qusaiHow can it be, my video card worked well.07:45
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qusaiI'll check the log.07:45
storkanyone know how i can get my scroll wheel to work on a fresh feisty install?07:45
BlackDesignDoes anyone know why my heat sensors don't work (+ fan sensors07:45
BlackDesignthey work in Xp07:45
boubbinyxairyggen: ywah it does it, first kubuntu splash, then black screen.07:45
bluekeystgm4833, yeah, typo07:45
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boubbinyxairyggen: amarok still playing music background07:45
tgm4883bluekeys, what do you want to know about it?07:45
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mynnxHey guys - I'm having a really hard time getting my dual monitor to work....I'm on a HP dv4170us laptop with an Intel 915GM graphics controller.   This is my xorg.conf file:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17424/  and this is my lspci output:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17425/07:45
ConfucianOSsomeone want to help me?07:45
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bluekeystgm4883, is it worth getting? Is it that much better than regular firefox?07:45
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ConfucianOSI think ubuntu is trying to take over my sanity07:46
qusaiScottSatkin: lontra_: (EE) No devices detected07:46
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qusaiShould I just try ati instead of fglrx for now?07:46
nevermindqusai, what's your GPU?07:46
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phratmanWhen installing sun-java6-jdk, I have to accept a licensing agreement. Is there any way to tell apt to auto-accept it?07:46
boguhhi, how can i convert a text file to utf-8?07:46
qusaiATi Radeon 9200 SE.07:46
phratmanI tried apt-get --force-yes -y install sun-java6-jdk07:46
snap_better ubuntu steals your sanity than winblows ;P07:46
qusaiThis only started working when I upgraded to Fiesty.07:46
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tgm4883bluekeys, eh, i suppose, it does seem to be quicker07:46
main2how can i change the default java vm?07:46
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xeladosHow can I get gThumb to import my digital camera's photos again? It's a Canon PowerShot A430...07:47
bluekeysthanks, tgm488307:47
nevermindqusai: try using "ati" in the driver option of the device section in your xorg.conf07:47
velkoboguh, iconv -f INPUTENC -t utf8 fname > newname07:47
qusainevermind: okay.07:47
ConfucianOSWhat partitions do I need to create in gpart before installing?07:47
bluekeysI have another question. If I have GNOME, and not KDE, will I be able to run KDE apps?07:47
boubbinyxairyggen: when i do kdm restart, nothing happens.07:47
snap_ati not good for linux....avoid if possible07:47
ScottSatkinbluekeys: yes, but they won't look as "pretty"07:47
velkoboguh, or just use gedit and specify the encodings manually07:47
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bluekeysI'm using Automatix to get stuff, and some applications are KDE07:47
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tgm4883bluekeys, yes, but they may need kdelibs07:47
nevermindbluekeys: yes07:47
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yxairyggenboubbin, Same thing? So you can't login whith kdm, just from the console and then start X manually?07:47
bluekeysthank you everyone07:47
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storkanyone know how i can get my scroll wheel to work on a fresh feisty install?07:48
ProN00bhow would i go about checksumming a cd ?07:48
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bluekeysDo I need an antivirus program?07:48
snap_stork: should work auto magicly07:48
creadorcreativobluekeys: no07:48
yxairyggenbluekeys, No07:48
tgm4883bluekeys, only if you have a samba server07:48
velkoProN00b, mount the cd and checksum the device (/dev/hdc for example)07:48
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yxairyggenbluekeys, There have been written about 7 viruses for gnu/linux, and none of them are new07:49
ProN00bvelko, doesn't work07:49
mynnxHey guys - I'm having a really hard time getting my dual monitor to work....I'm on a HP dv4170us laptop with an Intel 915GM graphics controller.   This is my xorg.conf file:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17424/  and this is my lspci output:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17425/  does anyone have any ideas?07:49
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ConfucianOSWhat partitions do I need to make before installing ubuntu?07:49
dyrnebluekeys: most linux antivirus progs are for cleaning windows machines :)07:49
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bluekeyscreadorcreativo, yxairyggen, tgm4883, thanks for the info07:49
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storksnap_, it doesn't :\07:49
tgm4883confucianOS, what kind of install are you doing?  Dual boot?07:49
yxairyggenConfucianOS, a root partition and a swap is essential, a home-partitios are good to07:49
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bluekeysonly 7 viruses? wow, that's amazing.07:49
ConfucianOSI'm doing a clean install07:50
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ProN00bvelko, i think it tries to read beyond real data on the disk then because its a raw read and that will result result in read io error07:50
tgm4883bluekeys, we could write more, but its pointless and we prefer to spend the time coding quality apps07:50
velkoProN00b, sorry. no other ideas07:50
gilshalevwhat do i need to add to sudoers to remove password recall.....I want users to be prompted for password everytime they try to get root. In gui and terminal mode?07:50
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temujoeAny ies4linux users around?07:50
Innuendo hi... I'm trying to recover the filesystem of my pen drive... someone tried to format it using ntfs and it stops working. Can you help me?07:50
snap_both my wireless mouses work w/o install i just plug in the usb dongle07:50
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bluekeysyeah, how many people use linux?07:50
yxairyggenbluekeys, And even if you got virus in gnu/linux (which probebly won-t happend) the virus can't do anything harmeful on the system if you don't run it as root07:50
bluekeys3% of users or so?07:50
tgm4883ProN00b, let me see if i can dig up the command07:50
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bluekeysoh yeah, and to run it as root you need a password07:51
techello all07:51
yxairyggenHmm, there have been written some exploits that can create an root-privilige-user, so a potential virus could use that, but I don't think there is somekind of virus for linux who do that07:51
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dyrnebluekeys: of course linux itself is sort of a virus :)07:51
imbecilebluekeys,  just the smart ones hehe07:51
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snap_no dont set root passsword07:51
tgm4883ProN00b, why don't you just run the cd check from the installer menu?07:51
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snap_use keyring and sudo07:51
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velkostork, try to add [Option "ZAxisMapping"    "4 5"]  (without [] ) to the mouse section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf. this worked for xfree86, but i don't know if it will for xorg07:52
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gilshow do i remove password x minutes recall period?07:52
gilson sudo07:52
bluekeysdyrne, how is linux itself a virus? It's removing people's windows installations and installing itself to their hard drives?07:52
yxairyggenbluekeys, If you run an e-mail-server it can be good with an antivirus program to scan viruses for the users who runs windows, but if you don't then antivirus is kind of useless in linux07:52
tgm4883bluekeys, in a perfect world07:52
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bluekeysalright, cool07:53
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nevermindbluekeys: lately, feisty is aksing wether if you want to trasnfer your current windows config to ubuntu :P07:53
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gilsis there anyone here with sudoers knowledge?07:53
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snap_bahh screw the widows users let them ear virus07:53
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tgm4883gils, what are you trying to do?07:53
storkvelko, nope, already in there07:53
ProN00btgm4883, from what installer menu ?07:53
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snap_bahh screw the windows users let them eat virus07:54
tgm4883ProN00b, the one when the cd boots07:54
mynnxhas anyone taken a look at my dual-monitor problem?07:54
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frojndwhat do I have to set in audio settings to listen the music through logitech's bluetooth headset???07:54
Nubbiehey guys i'm having problems with dbus. i restart it, but applications still don't pick it up. i'm using feisty.07:54
boubbinyxairyggen: yeah. it wont ask my loginname or passwd07:54
ProN00btgm4883, why do you asume the cd i burned comes with a installer menu and a cd check ?07:54
bluekeysWindows vista had a pretty GUI, there was that cool SUPERKEY-TAB feature that showed your windows in a "3D" sort of way07:54
gilstgm4883: i want to remove the password remember feature....i want to 'always' be prompted for password!!07:54
yxairyggenboubbin, And it crash?07:54
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kahrytanIf you have the capability to stop something bad from happening (like virus outbreak in computers), then you have responsbility to stop it from happening07:54
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nevermindgils: sudo visudo07:54
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snap_proNoob Beryk beats vista by a mile07:55
tgm4883ProN00b my bad, i dont know why i was thinking you were burning a ubuntu cd, my bad lol07:55
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Tr0gd0rI just installed ubuntu on my laptop and i dont have 1280x800 as a resolution in the resolution changer, how can I add it?07:55
nevermindchange Defaults:user_name timestamp_timeout=10 to -107:55
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snap_dammit beryl*07:55
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boubbinyxairyggen: wait i chec k if kdm is running when i log off from kde.07:55
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SvishHow can I get the feisty compiz stuff to do more fancy stuff than wobbly windows and cube? (and how do I get the cube to work?? it is activated but how do I turn?)07:55
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Dumaheni couldnt do it :( i couldnt add my win. installed hdd to grub loader :(:(:(07:55
gilsnevermind: ok thanks.....why -1 and not 007:55
boubbinyxairyggen: its still running07:55
bluekeysTr0gd0r: edit your xorg.conf file and add the resolution to it07:55
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SaveFerrisI  get an API mismatch with a "X server failed to load", apparently my nvidia driver is higher than my X server, what do i do?07:55
jlhi everybody07:55
nevermindgils: -1 is infinite :)07:55
BFTDHi I'm upgrading to 7.04 and I got an apache2 error07:56
Tr0gd0rbluekeys the only resolution in my xorg.conf is 1280x80007:56
snap_Svish: install beryl07:56
yxairyggenboubbin, did'nt you say that the Xserver crashed and you have to login in the console and type startx?07:56
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bluekeystr0gd0r, you can add resolutions to it07:56
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto07:56
mjunxwhat version of Xorg is in edgy?07:56
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AquaFoxnevermind, it's me qusai.07:56
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DoctorOwlWhere was the ubuntu class channel again?07:56
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nevermindAquaFox: hi there07:56
Svishsnap_: what do I install for beryl? Is it those 2 or 3 packages from the package manager?07:56
boubbinyxairyggen: x is running fine, but when i logg off from kde it wont show me the login screen. and kdm restart wont help07:56
real_atehey all, i'm lookin to get into a discussion with a wireless hardware expert on a specific manor, a bug i think07:56
DoctorOwlWasnt it #ubuntu-class or something07:57
mynnxHey guys...I'm having a real hard time getting two monitors to work on an Intel 915GM integrated graphics cards...can anyone give me a hand?07:57
AquaFoxAnyway, I just wanted to say, it works and fglrx doesn't.07:57
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AquaFox2.6.20 restricted modules must have a broken fglrx or something.07:57
boubbinyxairyggen: xorg tellms me about couple errors that arent fatal for xsever, wacom and fonts07:57
Tr0gd0rbluekeys im looking at my xorg.conf the only resolution in the whole file is 1280x80007:57
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Feisty: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FeistyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - For BitTorrent downloads, see !Torrents07:57
jli have a problem with kde applications, everytime i extract a cd/dvd a message kio_file unmounting is show07:57
nevermindAquaFox: were the official ati drivers?07:57
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Horschtcan someone help me with SMB sharing? Other (windows PCs) complain that I do not have the rights to access my SMB shares on this linux machine.07:57
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AquaFoxThey did but I'm in software mode.07:57
Horschthttp://www.pastebin.ca/456142 that's my smb,conf07:57
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AquaFoxI think..07:57
yxairyggenboubbin, But you can startx and kdm? What's the problem?07:57
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jlit only occurs when i start a kde application07:58
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real_ateanyone know where i can talk about about a bug, i'm a developer07:58
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nevermindAquaFox: cause since feisty has another kernel, you need to compile the ati module again to work with that kernel07:58
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soothsayrellik: #ubuntu-dev? Launchpad?07:58
ubuntuEdgyis there any way to find out why an application logged me out, sort of like using a terminal but writes the out put to a log file.07:58
bluekeysTr0gd0r, does it look something like this?        Modes      "1280x800"07:58
mynnxcan I get someone to take a look at my xorg.conf really quick and let me know what's not working?  no one has replied on ubuntuforums...please?07:58
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boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, kdm is running all the time, x works, xinerama works, but it wont show mme the login screen when i log off from x, i have to "startx" to get in kde, and stil wont show the screen just logs me in.07:58
AquaFoxI'm talking about fglrx?07:58
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soothsayreal_ate: #ubuntu-dev? Launchpad?07:58
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tgm4883ProN00b check this, it may help http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/CdromMd5sumsAfterBurning#Checking_the_md5sum_of_a_CD_Rom07:58
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soothsaySorry rellik, that message wasn't for you07:59
jldoes somebody knows what is this kio_file service for?07:59
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nevermindAquaFox: as in apt-get install flgrx?07:59
ikarug1I'm running a LAMP server w/ php4... and i'm getting the following error when running phpmyadmin: "The session id contains invalid characters"....any ideas?07:59
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AquaFoxThey used to work in Edgy.07:59
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real_atesoothsay: thanks, i'm lookin on #ubuntu bugs now aswell07:59
nevermindAquaFox: just install the ATI official drivers, it's for the best07:59
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ProN00btgm4883, would be cool if that page loaded07:59
ikarug1aquafox: you talking to me?07:59
yxairyggenboubbin, have you tried ctrl+alt+F7?07:59
mynnxoh well.07:59
YetiChickmynnx:  What's not working?07:59
AquaFoxThey're installed I think.07:59
ProN00btgm4883, srry, does now07:59
AquaFoxxorg-drivers-ati, nevermind ?07:59
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tgm4883ProN00b, its a liittle slow08:00
AquaFoxNo ikarug1.08:00
dalecan anyone help get ubuntu to work with Riva tnt ?08:00
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boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, gives nothing.08:00
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yxairyggenboubbin, When?08:00
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Tr0gd0rbluekeys nevermind i rebooted and now its working08:00
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boubbinyxairyggen: when i have logged off from kde08:00
bluekeysalright, cool.08:00
nevermindAquaFox: i don't know which ones are, i use nvidia08:00
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nevermindAquaFox: but look for the ati driver in feisty to get 3d agin08:01
mynnxYetiChick:  I'm trying to get my dual-monitor setup working; here is my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17424/ and here is my lspci:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17425/08:01
haarpubuntu doesn't seem to allocate any main memory to use as vid mem. how do i do that?08:01
AquaFoxI miss playing Warcraft :p.08:01
boubbinyxairyggen: it sure brings kde back if i frist do ctrl+alt+f2 fro example.08:01
KozerisHello! i had nvidia linux native drivers, and games on wine doesnt work, then i read text how to install god nvidia drivers and on setting up somethink with disabling gdm [ before disabled NV in file]  my linux doesnt run , saying somethink about x server deosnt work on this card or driver08:01
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Demetriousjl: It has something to do with KDE, looking it up now.08:01
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Kozeriswhat do?08:01
AquaFoxThanks, nevermind.08:01
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daleTrying to get riva tnt to work on Ubuntu, it says it cant load the Graphic interface08:01
instabinI need to setup a web and email server. Right now we have a firewall hooked to our internet connection and we only have one ip address.08:01
nevermindAquaFox: nevermind;)08:01
Horschtcan someone help me with SMB sharing? Other (windows PCs) complain that I do not have the rights to access my SMB shares on this linux machine.08:01
Horschthttp://www.pastebin.ca/456142 that's my smb,conf08:01
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neverminddale: apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy08:01
sluimersCould someone help me with with an eclipse problem? I can't start it.08:01
YetiChickmynnx:  Looking.  What's it doing/not doing?08:01
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tecis there any drivers for ATI cards i have a ATI 9550 256 mb card.08:01
KozerisHello! i had nvidia linux native drivers, and games on wine doesnt work, then i read text how to install god nvidia drivers and on setting up somethink with disabling gdm [ before disabled NV in file]  my linux doesnt run , saying somethink about x server deosnt work on this card or driver, how to fix?08:02
yxairyggenboubbin, but when does it crash?08:02
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sluimersIt errors out08:02
jlthats right the kio_file error message appear everytime i extract a cd/dvd08:02
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boubbinyxairyggen: it wont crash. everything is running ok. but then i log off from kde, i want it to bring the logon screen to me.08:02
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mynnxYetiChick:  On my primary monitor I get a signal, like the edges of the screen are brighter, and I hear the drums that indicate I'm at the login screen, but the screen is blank08:02
daleThanks ill give that a try08:02
jland i start a kde app08:02
sluimersThis is the log I get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17426/08:02
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yxairyggenboubbin, aha, I missunderstood everything08:02
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KozerisHello! i had nvidia linux native drivers, and games on wine doesnt work, then i read text how to install god nvidia drivers and on setting up somethink with disabling gdm [ before disabled NV in file]  my linux doesnt run , saying somethink about x server deosnt work on this card or driver, how to fix?08:03
boubbinyxairyggen: sorry :/08:03
nevermindKozeris: don't flood08:03
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Kozerisneverminbd sorry i very need help :(08:03
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nevermindKozeris: firstly, do you speak spanish?08:03
daleWhen running apt-get install nvidia-glx-legacy it gives me permission denied08:03
Kozerisnevermind no i am lithuanian08:03
mynnxYetiChick:  Crap, that's not the right xorg.conf file08:03
YetiChickmynnx:  Can you pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log, too?08:04
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mynnxYetiChick:  Let me grab the right one for you08:04
neverminddale: use sudo to apt-get08:04
yxairyggenboubbin, But when you log off kde, press ctrl+alt+F2 for example, login and do a 'sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start' what happends then?08:04
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Demetriousjl: I think kio_file is part of the KDE launcher.08:04
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SaveFerrisHow can I update X server to match my nvidia driver? (API mismatch on startup)08:04
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mynnxYetiChick:  I'll be right back08:04
nevermindKozeris: ok, nevermind, let's see, you installed the nvidia drivers, right?08:04
snap_KDEc runs so buggy for me i like gnome and Xfce08:04
nevermindSaveFerris: install nvidia drivers again to build a new module for the kernel08:04
boubbinyxairyggen: nothing.08:05
dyrneKozeris: 1. alt-ctrl-f2  2. login  3. sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg  4. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart  vesa dirver is generic and will get x running again but you can try choosing nvidia or nv08:05
yxairyggenboubbin, Not even a message?08:05
snap_also KDE looks to microcrappy08:05
boubbinit just whips me to console and when i type kdm starts it gives nothing.08:05
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boubbinyxairyggen: nothing08:05
SaveFerrisnevermind: so just apt-get remove nvidia-glx and reinstall?08:05
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Kozerisi had native linux drivers, and found isnturciton how to update to new, then i downloaded on terminal packages and set some things on text filkes disabled NV or somethink and then my gnome not running anymore :(08:05
boubbinyxairyggen: and kdm is running all the time, i checked with htop08:05
nevermindSaveFerris: indeed08:05
BFTDHow do i get apt-get dist-upgrade to skip the upgrading of apache2?08:05
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Tr0gd0rif i run emerald from a terminal window it works, then when i close the terminal window emerald closes too, how can i fix that?08:05
yxairyggenboubbin, But you don't gen the login-screen?08:05
Kozerisdyrne thanks i will try08:05
jlDemetrious: thanks for the info, i don't know if this is a bug or is just me... but when i start amarok or kde and put/extarct a cd a kio_file mount problem message appear08:06
Kozerisi now in live cd do it here? ctrl alt and f2?08:06
bgrupeTr0gd0r: append a &08:06
boubbinyxairyggen: right.08:06
velkoBFTD, hold this package08:06
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nevermindKozeris: nop, you should do it from HD08:06
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velkoBFTD, in aptitude you press = on the package08:06
yxairyggenboubbin, Is the screen black?08:06
boubbinyxairyggen: it still gives the kdm theme, bouncing icons "loading window manager" etx. but no login screen.08:06
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snap_man i wish my live cd would run wireless on other box08:06
Kozerisnevermind :> ok i will try08:06
dalehi Nevermind, I did the Sudo , but when plugging in my Nvidia after that , on booting up it says failed to load graphic interface08:06
Demetriousjl: Yes, the process should die, but I know the error is bugging. I am still Googling it to see what else is there to be found.08:06
snap_im kinda stuck w/ that one08:06
SaveFerrisnevermind: same thing happened (API mismatch, it says that my nvidia driver is higher than my x driver)08:07
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boubbinyxairyggen: so no black screen :P08:07
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nevermindSaveFerris: try rmmod nvidia && modprobe nvidia08:07
yxairyggenboubbin, Sorry, then I don't know howto help you :(08:07
sgtmattbakerso feisty has been working pretty well for me08:07
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nevermind!nvidia | Kozeris08:07
ubotuKozeris: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:07
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yxairyggenboubbin, I'm running gnome and gdm, I thinks KDE sucks :P08:07
FylkCan some one help me install something, or rather, make something work?08:07
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Tr0gd0rbgrupe emerald --replace &08:07
boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, thats your opinion, i love kde :)08:07
Tr0gd0rlike thaT?08:07
neverminddale, sure it's a riva tnt, right?08:07
FylkLike this: http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine.php08:07
boubbinyxairyggen: but thanks for your time.08:07
=== ^^malajenho^^ [n=juanchi@245.Red-83-57-64.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tr0gd0rhmm still didnt work08:08
jlDemetrious: do you use feisty?08:08
humehi... I am trying to make a Freecom USB Tv card work in ubuntu. I load the modules, and plug it in, but there seemsto be no firmware loaded - anyone got advice?08:08
Tr0gd0rclosed the terminal window and its gone08:08
bgrupegotta work08:08
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SaveFerrisnevermind: ok i think i uninstalled the module, cuz modprobe says it doesn't exist08:08
dragonrider8i have a problem with my sound card , yesterday it was working like a charm , and today no sound at all ... but my micro seem to work ...08:08
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BrokenLinuxquestion: When opening windows they always open in the top right of the screen (like opening a nautilus window or creating a new email in thunderbird)...Is there a way to get windows to remember their locations?08:08
daleyea im pretty sure its the Riva tnt08:08
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FylkNeed help installed http://cimi.netsons.org/pages/murrine.php08:08
nevermindSaveFerris: k, now install it again then08:08
soothsayhume: What does /var/log/syslog say after you plug it in08:08
yxairyggenboubbin, Why? You know that KDE uses Qt that in the beginning was'nt open source, then they started the gnome-project just to make an total open source desktop enviroment, later qt became open source and the whole KDE to, but if you like GNU and open source you might like gnome better than KDE :P08:08
mynnxYetiChick:  I'm back08:09
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Nubbietr0gd0r: hit altF2 and run it there.08:09
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SaveFerrisnevermind: install nvidia-glx?08:09
dalewhen booting , it shows Riva TNT08:09
dragonrider8is there someone who can help me to fix my sound problem ?08:09
neverminddale: the nvidia-glx-legacy is intended to work with the Riva TNT, have you changed the xorg.conf to use nvidia as the driver?08:09
Nubbietr0gd0r: that way you don'ot need to worry about having the terminal window open all of the time.08:09
yxairyggendragonrider8, It depends on what problem you've got08:09
nevermindSaveFerris: what's your nvidia model?08:09
daleohh how do I do that?08:09
YetiChickmynnx:  I'm still here.  Although I'm about to switch irc clients.  I'd never tried Gaim for IRC - and I'm not liking it much.08:09
yxairyggendragonrider8, Just no sound? Which soundcard have you got?08:10
dalethink thats it then?08:10
Nubbiegaim + IRC = BAD.08:10
SaveFerrisnevermind: GeForce FX520008:10
neverminddragonrider8: wha'ts the problem?08:10
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YetiChickmynnx:  BRB.08:10
bronsonWow...  NetworkManager worked great in my Feisty of a few months ago.  I just installed the final Feisty and now it refuses to recognize any wireless networks.08:10
dragonrider8my problem is written few ligns ago08:10
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snap_NE1 have a deep fried hamburger........omg so tasty but so deadly08:10
nevermindSaveFerris: give it a try with the nvidia-glx-new package08:10
bronsonThat's frustrating.08:10
dyrnedragonrider8: first id play an mp3 file and open a terminal and type alsamixer  and adjust the volume settings until you get sound08:10
humesoothsay, [1177438206.798250]  nm_hal_device_added (): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_14aa_620_2_0_usbraw').08:10
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dragonrider8yesterday the sound was working and today nothing at all08:10
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xMorgawrhi, i need some help with this ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17427/ ) piece of code(gtk+/c) in my program.. i wanted to split my frame creation function in gtk+ so my program would've been cleaner but i get "segmentation fault(core dumped)" error when i try to execute it, what's the problem? (i'm not that good with pointers, i think that's the problem :S )08:10
boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, nice point, but gnome is too "Plain" somehow, kde has more options "out-ox-box" or atleast i think of that way, i used gnome for 2months in suse 10.1 but then i switched to kde.08:10
ralf__hello there08:10
Tr0gd0rnubbie, ubuntu recognizes f2 as the brightness key08:10
Tr0gd0rhow do i fix that08:10
snap_chicken fried stteak on a bun08:10
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soothsayhume: That doesn't look promising. No other messages?08:11
dyrneTr0gd0r: i dont know but you can do the xgamma command instead like: xgamma 4  or whatever number08:11
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SaveFerrisnevermind: ok i installed nvidia-glx-new but modprobe still says theres no module08:11
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Tr0gd0rdyrne i want to do alt-f2 but whenever i press f2 it changes brightness08:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvdisaster - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:11
yxairyggenboubbin, How do you mean? I started with Red Hat 8.0 in 2001 and used KDE for like three month, then I switched to fluxbox, and now I run gnome08:11
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humesoothsay, dmesg says: [17188279.800000]  usb 4-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice08:11
neverminddon't do any modprobe, just restart gdm after using nvidia as the driver in xorg.conf08:11
Tr0gd0rits not recognized as an f key08:11
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dyrneTr0gd0r: ah i see08:12
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xeladosHas anyone else had any problems out of gthumb? Before I upgraded to feisty, it detected and worked with my digital cam just fine.08:12
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dragonrider8dyrne the sound level is at max in the sound controller08:12
xeladosAnd I had the latest updates for edgy.08:12
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vadvadhi! how do i get and install glibc ???08:12
Nubbiexelados: i suggest you try out F-Spot, its a great application.08:12
SaveFerrisnevermind: heh, what do you know? it worked08:12
tebi'm having problems mounting my hfs+ firewire disk as rw, it only mounts as ro, /dev/sda6       /media/backup   hfsplus defaults,user   0       0 is the line in my /etc/fstab08:12
xMorgawrhi, i need some help with this ( http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17427/ ) piece of code(gtk+/c) in my program.. i wanted to split my frame creation function in gtk+ so my program would've been cleaner but i get "segmentation fault(core dumped)" error when i try to execute it, what's the problem? (i'm not that good with pointers, i think that's the problem :S )08:12
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dragonrider8could it be a problem with arts ?08:12
nevermindSaveFerris: :)08:12
boubbinyxairyggen: somehow i hate the icons (that can be chnaged though), and the look is all the way plain in gnome, too few eye-candy for me, well i dont say you cant make it look nice. but somehow i feel mmore like home with kde..08:12
=== AdministratorX [n=adminx@66-23-192-162.clients.speedfactory.net] has joined #ubuntu
yxairyggenvadvad, sudo apt-get install glibc i think08:12
velkoFylk, somebody answered you already?08:13
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FylkThey did? Sorry, i'm a little distracted at the moment. who did?08:13
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soothsayhume: Have you seen this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18329708:13
tgm4883Is there a good guide for NFS?08:13
dyrnedragonrider8: does sudo nohup cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp&  make any noise? :)08:13
tgm4883on dapper08:13
humesoothsay, according to the ubuntuwiki-howtos there should be something in /dev/dvb/* as well, but there is no /dev/dvb08:13
Nubbieteb: there is no support for writing to HFS+08:13
yxairyggenboubbin, With gdesklets, beryl, avant or whatheveryouwant gnome is nice, but I uselly don't use that kind of things08:13
velkoFylk, no. i'm asking if somebody has answered your question. but obviously nobody :-)08:13
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CommanderCoolI have a problem with my tv-card...some stations simply dont exist, although they definitely do08:14
tebNubbie: it works on my hfs+ partition on my main disk08:14
FylkVelko: no one has.08:14
tgm4883commandercool, what card?08:14
Nubbiehas gdesklets improved much recently?08:14
aldarsiorhello, is there a way I can make ctrl+alt+F8 an X environment off of another computer?08:14
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tebNubbie: or is it that it might work but no one can help me08:14
Nubbieteb: write permissions on HFS+ ???08:14
velkoFylk, according to the page this package is in the standard feisty repos. do you use feisty?08:14
yxairyggenIs there any big differences between the feisty beta-cd and the feisty stable-cd? Is it worth it to download the stable and burn if I shall install ubuntu on another computer or is the beta-cd ok?08:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hfs_ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:14
dragonrider8nothing at all dyrne08:14
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse08:14
tebNubbie: yeah, journaling is disabled08:14
Nubbiethat wouldn't help.08:14
Nubbieteb: ohhh okay.08:15
dyrnealdarsior: yeah. couple diff ways. i use xinit so i just do xinit -- :number08:15
CommanderCooltgm4883: this is what lspci says: "Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Video Capture"08:15
tld2Can anyone refresh my memory?  Right way to enable 3rd party display drivers?  (nvidia in my case)08:15
FylkVelko: Yeah, I do. And I installed the package. And nothing happened.08:15
boubbinyxairyggen: beryl is buggy, atleast i didnt like it, i use kdes default window manager. yeah i know gdesklets, but somehow kde and the applications that are made fro kde are better, atleast i think so.08:15
soothsayhume: I'm just grasping at straws, but do you have dvb-utils installed?08:15
Nubbieteb: and your main desk is running ubuntu also?08:15
nevermind!nvidia | tld208:15
ubotutld2: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:15
humesoothsay, have read that thread a few times without becmoing wiser08:15
velkoFylk, can you select it in the themes dialog?08:15
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tld2nevermind: thanks. :)08:15
Nubbieboubin: i disagree strongly :D08:15
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boubbinyxairyggen: gnome is nice. but i just prefer kde :)08:15
aldarsiordyrne: where do you specify the other computer?08:15
tgm4883commandercool, what program are you using?08:15
tebNubbie: yes, my main disk is partitioned into 3 disks, hfs+, ext3, and hfs+ (and some boot stuff around there)08:15
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nevermindk guys, leaving here, ciao08:16
humesoothsay, i am also grasping at straws...:) yes, dvb-utils is installed08:16
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tebNubbie: and it works fine on that disk, but on my firewire drive i can only read not rw08:16
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yxairyggenboubbin, Ok, beryl is really slow on my computer (2ghz, geforce6200) so I don't use it either08:16
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Nubbieteb: ohhhh okay. i think it may be HAL then.08:16
yxairyggenboubbin, But I don't use any Qt programs either, firefox, gaim, xchat, vlc, xmms are all GTK08:16
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dyrnealdarsior: oh.  is this comp on same network?08:16
velkoFylk, which files are installed by this package? you can see them if you type "dpkg -L gtk2-engines-murrine" in a terminal. post the result in pastebin08:16
yxairyggenboubbin, It's an ideological choice of mine :)08:16
tgm4883is there any NFS guide for dapper?08:16
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BrokenLinuxWhen opening windows they always open in the top right of the screen (like opening a nautilus window or creating a new email in thunderbird)...Is there a way to get windows to remember their locations?08:17
CommanderCooltgm4883, i tried xawtv, zapping, tvtime...but scantv does not find those stations neither08:17
aldarsiordyrne: yes, it's setting under my feet08:17
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Nubbieteb: you may need to add an FDI entry to enable writing on your HFS+ firewire drive, i'm not sure about the details though.08:17
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dragonrider8dyrne, i have two sound card ( a sound blaster , and an integrated sound card )08:17
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alcanehow do I vew process list?08:17
tebNubbie: FDI? can you expand the acronym so i can search for it?08:17
FylkVelko: give me a moment to pastebin08:17
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:17
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aldarsiordyrne: it doesn't have as many video cards and I'd like to use my tri-head on both machines08:18
humesoothsay, i guess i have the wrong firmware, but shouldn't there be any error msgs somewhere??08:18
CientificoLocohola a todos..08:18
alcanehow do I vew process list?08:18
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lgcCientificoLoco, hola.08:18
dyrnealdarsior: id use vncserver. im not really familiar with the alternatives08:18
tgm4883commandercool, are they weak or encrypted?08:18
Nubbieteb: its just an FDI file that HAL uses. It sets permissions for devices connected with HAL.08:18
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tgm4883commandercool, what stations08:18
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CientificoLocolgc: hola08:18
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aldarsiordyrne: :-/ I don't think vncserver supports xinerama08:18
Nubbieteb: ex. <file>.fdi08:18
velkoFylk, you can ask ubotu about stuff without disturbing the others in private message. like this "/msg ubotu pastebin"08:18
alcanehow do I view process list?08:18
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CientificoLocolgc: sabes como puedo echara andar demonios ?08:18
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FylkVelko: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17432/08:18
soothsayhume: It would seem to me that it would be difficult for the OS to tell if the firmware was operating in slightly different manner than it expects08:18
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GrosNazalcane  command is : top08:18
tebNubbie: do you know where such a file is located?08:18
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kozerishello again, finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, hwo to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:19
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boubbinyxairyggen: yeah, now i have to run. cacth ya later :)08:19
CommanderCoolits "Sat1" and "RTL" (in germany)...when i use moretv (windows-prog) there is no problem08:19
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CientificoLoco!dem | CientificoLoco08:19
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dyrnedragonrider8: i usually disable the onboard sound in bios if im not using. all it does is take up resources08:19
Nubbieteb: i don't even know if thats the solution. i would try to get in communication with the HAL people.08:19
soothsayhume: The last post in that thread claims that he got it working on Feisty (and on Edgy he need to compile some drivers)08:19
papatwilighti,m looking into crossover office how would you compare it to wine ?08:19
alcaneGrosNaz: thx man08:19
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velkoFylk, can you pastebin the content of this file /usr/share/doc/gtk2-engines-murrine/README08:19
Nubbieteb: #hal08:19
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Nubbieteb: they should be able to help you much more than i can.08:19
dragonrider8ok i go to disable it , then i come back08:19
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humesoothsay, yeah, i'll mail him. i got both feisty and edgy, none works08:20
kozerishello again, finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, hwo to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:20
Nubbieteb: i'm fairly confident that is the solution though.08:20
tgm4883commandercool, unfortunatly im unfamiliar with that card08:20
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lgcCientificoLoco, pues no muy bien, slo s que los ejecutas, como por ejemplo '/etc/init.d networking start'.08:20
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dragonrider8if my bios is not to older to permit me to do this ...08:20
yxairyggenboubbin, Bye08:20
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CommanderCoolthats bad08:20
luisgmarineWhat would be the LInux equivilent for something like Winamp?08:20
CientificoLocolgc: es q me dice q no esta habilitado el demonio q quiero correr08:20
CientificoLocoq puedo hacer?08:20
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Nubbieluismarine: check out banshee!08:20
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tgm4883commandercool, what version of ubuntu08:21
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kozerishello again, finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, hwo to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:21
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lgcCientificoLoco, te van a correr de aqu por hablar espaol. Hay un #ubuntu-es.08:21
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dyrneluisgmarine: xmms is closest imo08:21
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tebNubbie: thanks08:21
CPF_Hi to everyone08:21
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Nubbieteb: no problem, i hope you can get it to work.08:21
CPF_And after this 7.04 update, good day08:21
CommanderCooli use feisty08:21
CPF_But my font dpi is quite changed...08:21
luisgmarineI'm I allowed to ask for help here about Azereus?08:21
CPF_Now my fonts are huge!!08:22
kozerishello again, finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, hwo to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:22
CPF_So, I don't know how to change that ^^ Could you guys help me?08:22
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NubbieCPF_: so change it in the font dialogue08:22
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CPF_I'm using xfce (xubuntu-desktop)08:22
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lgcCientificoLoco, no s. Pregunta en ingls aqu...08:22
FylkVelko: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17435/08:22
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Nubbiexfce is no fun.08:22
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Kayleahwow busy in here08:22
NubbieCPF_: i have no clue how to help you then.08:22
CientificoLocohow do I run demons?08:22
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tgm4883commandercool, is it analog tv?08:23
snap_xfce rocks on my old machines08:23
kozerisHELP PLEASE!finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, how to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:23
Nubbiecientificoloco: create an init.d script08:23
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CPF_That's why I use it, but please no war...08:23
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CommanderCooltgm4883, yes, it is analog08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about email - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
Nubbie!patience | kozeris08:23
ubotukozeris: The people here are volunteers, your attitude may determine how fast you are helped.  Not everyone is available all the time, likewise not every answer is available instantly. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:23
CPF_I only kinda want to know how to change this back.08:23
instabin!email server08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about email server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
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instabin!web server08:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about web server - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:23
sebrockhow do I install new nvidia drivers? do I have to remove the old ones first? I wanna replace the ones in rep. to newer from nvidia.com08:23
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kozerissorry nubbie :(08:23
=== Ramunas [n=Ramunas@] has joined #ubuntu
velkoFylk, did you read the first line in this file? it says "This is Murrine GTK+ engine. This source code provides only the engine, get the themes @ gnomelook.org."08:23
snap_im using Konversation....any way to kill join/disco messages08:23
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CientificoLoco!demon | CientificoLoco08:24
sluimersI have problems starting eclipse, can someone help me out?08:24
snap_they clutter this up08:24
Nubbiemurrine = sexyness.08:24
=== dragonrider8 [n=dragonri@sou45-2-88-162-248-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
instabinWhat is the best way to setup an email and web server with spam filtering and anti-virus08:24
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Fylkvelko: Yeah, did that.08:24
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mynnx_!dual monitor08:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual monitor - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi08:24
dragonrider8hello again08:24
Kayleahdoes anyone know about partitioning out my drive prior to my ubuntu install?  I am doing it manually so I can multiboot between Windows adn ubuntu08:24
Nubbieinstsabin: there are guides on the ubuntu forums, search/read them.08:24
velkoFylk, did you downloaded the themes from gnomelook?08:24
CientificoLocoNubbie: what do you mena?08:24
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CientificoLocoNubbie: what do you mea?08:24
CientificoLocoNubbie: what do you mean?08:24
FylkI thought I had.08:24
=== sbk [n=sbk@AToulouse-256-1-58-3.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
kozerisHELP PLEASE!finally i came back but now my nvidia drivers looks like broken like no drivers, how to install good drivers, that aftfter i would work with wine for games?08:24
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nine__hi tHere08:24
mynnx_Hey guys; can anyone give me a hand with a dual-monitor setup on my HP dv4170us laptop with an Intel 915GM controller?08:24
Nubbiekozeris: please stop spamming.08:24
tgm4883commandercool, what are you doing to get that error message08:24
Ramunashello, I'm on feisty and I noticed that the sound is way weaker on ubuntu than on windows, on ubuntu I have to use max sound setting, while on windows ~10% is more than enough08:25
snap_join/leave messages turn this channel to hell08:25
bthorntonSo has the Ubuntu team come up with any new "tricks" to handle running 32-bit apps/installing 32-bit *.debs on 64-bit systems?  Or are we still having to create parallel, 32-bit chroot'd environments for stuff like that?08:25
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velkoFylk, you can drag and drop from this page into the gnome theme manager to install the themes08:25
dragonrider8thanks dyrne , i do not know why but in deactivating my on borad card my another sound card is now fonctionning08:25
kozerisNuubie just  here a lot of action and my question is going up too fast :( and then nobody will helpo me :(08:25
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jli want to go for beryl... but i'm a little confused between xgl and aiglx08:25
kane77how can I set default printout mode for a printer? in dapper there was one setting, but now it asks me every time.08:25
Nubbiecientificoloco: an init.d script is put in /etc/init.d/08:25
^^malajenho^^ /server libres.irc-hispano.org08:25
lgcHow can I reset the roll-down menus of my panel? Every time I install some application that generates a menu entry, when I use the menus again the "Applications" menu flickers and the "Debian" menu is missing categories.08:25
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Nubbiejl: use AIGLX08:25
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Nubbielgc: killall gnome-panel08:26
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Kayleahwhat is the best format for my ubuntu partition?08:26
CommanderCooltgm4883, there is no error message...the stations simply dont exist; scantv says "no station" and there really is no signal08:26
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Nubbiekayleah: ext308:26
snap_this channel is  nightmare08:26
kane77Kayleah, standard is ext308:26
jlNubbie: aiglx is best option for beryl?08:26
Nubbiejl: yeah.08:26
CientificoLocoNubbie: I have it in  ; but when I want to run it ... it say thaT "icecast2 daemon disabled"08:26
kane77snap_, why?08:26
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sluimersRamunas, I'm a bit a newbie, but have you tried typing alsamixer in the terminal and put the volume of PCM to the max?08:26
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Kayleahhow large do i want the partition where i will install it08:26
snap_can i kill the server messages and just see chat?08:26
Kayleahthanks nubbie08:26
jlNubbie: i have a i915 graphics card08:26
Cosmo_snap_: go to options --->behavior ---> chat window and check "hide join/part/nick events08:26
Nubbiecientificoloco: you know that icecast is a package in repositories right?08:27
bthorntonAnybody have the Nomachine/NX client running on a 64-bit install of Feisty?08:27
Nubbiejl: AIGLX <--08:27
tgm4883commandercool, but there should be a station there right?08:27
CientificoLocoNubbie: yeah...08:27
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velkosnap_, if you use xchat right click on the channel name (#ubuntu) and disable "show/join part messages"08:27
CientificoLocoNubbie: I have undestood!  thanks08:27
Nubbiecientificoloco: it should have everything you need.08:27
gilsnevermind: are you here?08:27
Ramunassluimers: awesome, that worked, thanks :)08:27
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Nubbiecientificoloco: no problem, and good luck.08:27
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CommanderCooltgm4883: yes, i checked the frequency with that windows program08:27
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tebNubbie: apparently all i had to do was join that channel and bam!  magic08:27
CommanderCooland there it works08:27
jlNubbie: thanks for the answer, but whats wrong with xgl?08:27
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lgcNubbie, thanks. Will it just reset the menus or just do away with the whole panel?08:28
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sebrockanyone using nvidias lates drivers?08:28
KassahWhat's the GUI way setting up a new HD to the mountpoint /storage?08:28
Nubbieteb: i knew they would know.08:28
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Cosmo_velko: he is using konversation08:28
Nubbieteb: why don't you do everybody else in your situation a favour and write a guide?08:28
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velkoCosmo_, oh... :-)08:28
tebNubbie: i didn't even get a response, i remounted the drive and suddenly it worked08:28
Nubbieteb: ohhh lol you were joking.08:28
tgm4883commandercool, using the frequency you still dont get a station?08:28
Nubbieteb: thats good to know.08:28
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=== xlaxis has 62% left of McFeisty Fawn...
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jlhow can i know if aiglx is enabled in feisty?08:28
CommanderCooltgm4883, exactly08:28
=== teb goes off to read man 8 mount
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CommanderCooltgm4883, it must be a tuner problem then, right?08:29
mynnx_Hey guys; can anyone help me out with a dual-monitor setup on my HP dv4170us laptop with an Intel 915GM controller?08:29
Nubbiejl: feisty's xorg has support for AIGLX, you just need to enable it in xorg.conf.08:29
Nubbiejl: read beryl's wiki guide.08:29
humboltoI need to create a device cpuid. How would I do that so it stays there permanently?08:29
CientificoLocoNubbie: do you know if there is a chat for icecast?08:29
sebrockeeeh com on please08:29
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jlNubbie: thanks for the help... i will read the wiki08:30
nabdanhi all, does anyone knows how protect a ssh server from brute force attack on feisty ?08:30
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tgm4883commandercool, well if it works in windows then it cant really be a tuner problem08:30
jeroensumhey all :-)08:30
humboltoHow can I permanently create a new device (e.g. cpuid)?08:30
mynnx_My dual-monitor setup is giving me a blank login screen and the ubuntu drums that indicate I'm actually in gdm...does anyone have any ideas?08:30
bthorntonnabdan: computer generated passwords08:30
tgm4883commandercool, but im stumped08:30
CientificoLoconubbie when I use  icecast2 -b -c /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml it say that FATAL: error parsing config file (/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml)08:30
CientificoLocoXML config parsing error08:30
Nubbiecientificoloco: #icecast08:30
bthorntonnabdan: or, even better, key-based auth08:30
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nabdanoki so i can sleep well ?08:30
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bthorntonnabdan: not if you have bad passwords :p08:31
Nubbiecientificoloco: i don't know the specifics involved with icecast, sorry.08:31
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nabdanyop that is the point08:31
KayleahThanks guys for the help, I am going to close this crazy chat08:31
CommanderCooltgm4883, i thought of those settings..."card=XX tuner=XX" but i checkt different settings08:31
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nabdanmay iask you a link or some explanation ?08:31
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bthorntonnabdan: really, key-based authentication is the best way to avoid brute-force attacks.  You use that and disable standard password auth.08:31
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nabdansounds goosd :)08:31
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velkonabdan, you may take a look at this howto too http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/34208:32
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Nubbienabdan: 11 random digits/letters makes for a good password.08:32
bthorntonnabdan: I'm in the same boat as you, though--I know I need to implement it, but haven't gotten around to it.  But you probably don't have to search far to find out how.08:32
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nabdanthanks a lot !08:32
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tgm4883commandercool, you might want to check a more specialized room (ie a room about tvcards) rather than general help.  #ubuntu-mythtv deals primarily with mythtv, but we may be able to help you there08:32
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t0lkmanhelp configure genius webcam08:32
CommanderCooltgm4883, okay, thank you then08:32
t0lkmanhow can i install it..08:33
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soothsayI see that fstab uses a UUID instead of /dev/sda1. What tool do I use to add devices to the fstab?08:33
zach382whats a good ubuntu based distobution, that has more programs and such?08:33
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tgm4883commandercool, sorry i couldn't be more help08:33
soothsayzach382: What do you mean 'more programs'?08:33
instabinween Windows adn ubuntu08:33
instabin<Nubbie> instsabin: there are guides on the ubuntu forums, search/rea08:33
sebrockcan't anybody please tell me how to update nvidia drivers to the lates from their site?08:33
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zach382more programs insalled by defalut08:33
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zach382for computers without internet access08:34
psusisoothsay: you use your favorite text editor08:34
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soothsaypsusi: Yes. However I don't quite understand this UUID business. Is it created by a front-end?08:34
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NuTTyRoBBusy in here?08:35
nrlhi, i've setup ssh to forward port 80 from a machine intranet.company.com through a machine i have access to and i can now get the intranet by pointing my browser to localhost:port where port is the port i sent it to. however is there anyway to alias intranet.company.com to localhost:port so i won't have to remember the port number?08:35
instabinHow do i fix this error. I get it when I try to use pop3 or isp config Error: Password error: Maildir: No such file or directory08:35
nabdanthanks all for help you provide :)08:35
lgcNubbie, do you have an idea why the main menu gets messed up when I install something with a menu entry?08:35
MarcC_when I put the line "username map = /etc/samba/smbusers" in the conf file, do I put my own username in there?08:35
Nubbielgc: i haven't the slightest idea.08:35
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Nubbielgc: you're using gnome's default menu though right?08:35
lgcNubbie, yes.08:36
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Nubbielgc: i dunno then.08:36
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storkmy "$)(&%($&% scroll wheel doesn't work!!!!08:36
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psusisoothsay: "created by"?08:36
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storkon firefox, when i scroll with the wheel, it changes page back and forward! how do i fix this???08:36
psusisoothsay: the uuid is created by the utility that formatted that partition... it is a randomly generated number stored in the boot sector08:36
WhitorI'm trying to get beryl working... I just came from #ubuntu-effects and was instructed to run sudo lrm-manager and then sudo modprobe fglrx ... after running both of these and then logging into my XGL session and starting beryl-manager I have to enter LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa beryl and then it works08:37
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soothsaypsusi: I see. So how do I retrieve it?08:37
NuTTyRoBlo when i go to services it comes up i have no access to the system configuration after putting in the root pass and for the users and groups08:37
mynnx_My dual-monitor setup is giving me a blank login screen and the ubuntu drums that indicate I'm actually in gdm...does anyone have any ideas?08:37
t0lkmananother question how can i change cpu frequency ?08:37
Kassahcan anyone at least tell me how to get the HD's UUID so I can add the hard drive to my /etc/fstab?08:37
psusisoothsay: by specifying the uuid instead of the device name in fstab, the disk can still be mounted even if it moves to a different device name08:37
lgcNubbie, do you have an idea why the main menu is walking towards the right on my panel and it almost reaches the right edge? How can I reset the positions of the icons on the panel?08:37
instabinHow do i fix this error. I get it when I try to use pop3 or isp config Error: Password error: Maildir: No such file or directory08:37
phoulHello everyone, Im currently a openbsd user X ubuntu user etc. The last time i used ubuntu was..... the hedgehog one i think.... has there been many improvements since?08:37
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WhitorWhy do I have to run lrm-manager each time before a modprobe fglrx ?08:37
psusisoothsay: fsck might print it08:37
emyr_hi all08:37
velkoKassah, blkid08:37
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Kassahvelko: thanks!08:38
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storkon firefox, when i scroll with the wheel, it changes page back and forward! why doesn't it scroll up and down.. ?08:38
Cravis there a keyboard command (similar to alt+tab) to switch workspaces?08:38
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velkoCrav, default is "alt+control" + arrow key (or workspace number)08:39
XappeCrav: ctrl+alt+arrow08:39
GrosNazCrav ctrl +alt+left08:39
Kassahvelko: doesn't show the new ext3 partition on the new drive I just mounted...08:39
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Kassahvelko: do I need to generate a UUID for it?08:39
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BrokenLinuxWhen opening windows they always open in the top left of the screen (like opening a nautilus window or creating a new email in thunderbird)...Is there a way to get windows to remember their locations?08:40
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psusistork: because your mouse driver is screwed up and is confusing buttons 4 and 5 with buttons 6 and 708:40
BrokenLinuxCan anyone help me with this?08:40
hooloovooCan anyone tell me how to add a user to a existing group?08:40
Cravis there a way to get more than the default 2 work spaces?08:40
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storkpsusi, so i change ZAxisMapping from "4 5" to "6 7" ?08:40
velkoKassah, no. find it out with "tune2fs -l | grep -i uuid"08:40
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velkoKassah, and the device name (of course)08:41
psusistork: in firefox?  you changed it to 4 5?08:41
Vaske_CarIs there a fix for Spamassassin not working after upgrade to 7.04?08:41
velkoKassah, tune2fs -l /dev/XYZ | grep -i uuid08:41
lgcNubbie ?08:41
NuTTyRoBlo when i go to services it comes up i have no access to the system configuration after putting in the root pass and for the users and groups aswell :(08:41
psusistork: the scroll wheel should be buttons 4 and 5, and the forward/back buttons should be 6 and 708:42
Nubbielgc: i told you i don't know why your panel is messed up.08:42
instabincould someone help me with my email server?08:42
mynnx_My dual-monitor setup is giving me a blank login screen and the ubuntu drums that indicate I'm actually in gdm...does anyone have any ideas?08:42
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Nubbielgc: try removing it and adding it again.08:42
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lgcNubbie, that was a past question. The last one was...08:42
lgcNubbie, do you have an idea why the main menu is walking towards the right on my panel and it almost reaches the right edge? How can I reset the positions of the icons on the panel?08:42
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jexd(i'm on xubuntu) i am trying to install sun java jre 6 from synaptic but it keeps hanging and refuses to move. what am i doing wrong?08:43
^jcolecan anyone recommend a linux wysiwyg html editor? i used to use nvu, but it's gone from the repos :(08:43
instabincould some one help me with postfix08:43
GrosNazhooloovoo : adduser user groupe08:43
lgcNubbie, by the way, killing gnome-panel did the trick. Thanks.08:43
emyr_hello everyone :)08:43
dyrnejexd: wireless?08:43
jexddynre, no08:43
instabinNubbie: you know anything about server?08:44
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dyrnejexd: you shouldnt have a problem installing the package.. what country are you in08:44
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jexddyrne, USA08:44
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:44
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jexdi'm going to try installing v 5 instead of 6 and see if that makes a difference08:45
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dyrnejexd: id try closing synaptic then from a terminal: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list  remove the us. prefix from all the urls save and then run sudo apt-get update.  maybe synaptic will download ok after that08:45
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jexddyrne, alright i'll give it a try08:45
jli readed the beryl wiki page but i still don't know whats the best option for an intel i915 graphics card... xgl or aiglx?08:45
Tr0gd0rwhat different about the alternate version of ubuntu?08:45
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pintoeverytime i need to install software via apt-get install i get stopped by VMware installation i never finished08:46
pintoNow configuring VMware Player.  (This may take some time...)08:46
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dyrneTr0gd0r: its the old text installer. doesnt need X08:46
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pintohow can i cancel that installation of vmware?08:46
DemetriousJomjom: Test passed.08:46
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Tr0gd0rdyrne does it allow you to install lilo isntead of grub?08:46
YetiChickmynnx:  Still here?08:46
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mynnx_YetiChick:  yep08:47
tmnHi! .. just wondering, how do I get the php4-mysql packages for ubuntu feisty?08:47
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mynnx_YetiChick:  let me give you some addresses08:47
tmnI want to use Apache 1.3 and php4 with my Ubuntu.. because my main server does the same08:47
YetiChickmynnx:  Sorry about that.  I'm at my office and had to take a call.  Might still get interrupted, but I have a minute or two...08:47
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mynnx_YetiChick:  It's okay08:47
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pintocan anyone tell me how do i Cancel an Unfinished installation on apt-get08:48
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mynnx_YetiChick:  This is my Xorg.0.log file: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17434/  and here's the xorg.conf file:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17430/ - xorg.conf_dual08:48
tjb13hey guys is there a good guide for getting beryl to work with ATI cards in feisty08:48
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tjb13feisty final08:48
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robokopi have some problems with X, sometimes it just is black for 1/2 seccond, and comes back afterwards08:49
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GrosNazpinto : crtl + c in console or try to kill the process by the pid (top)08:49
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dyrneTr0gd0r: dunno08:49
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YetiChickmynnx:  Looking.08:49
shinecan someone help me. I can't get my xubuntu to log into the internet (wired). when I try mii-tool eth0, it says SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not permitted08:49
devasurahi i am having problems (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17445/) with my usb hard drive can u suggest something, I have tried google but alas could not get a proper answer.08:50
WhitorEvery time... in order to get beryl working, after a reboot I have to type: sudo lrm-manager && sudo modprobe fglrx and then  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa beryl  .... How do I make that automatic?08:50
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robinhoodI try to create a user account from being logged in as root. I use the Users and Groups from the System menu. After creating the use account I load the program again and the user I created disappears... hy can't i create a new user?08:51
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psusirobinhood: you can't log in to the gui as root08:52
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robinhoodpsusi, yes you can08:52
robinhoodI am08:52
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robinhoodI'm using XChat to try to get help...08:52
velkodevasura, doe this drive worked with linux before the reformat?08:52
psusinot unless you modified your g-d-m configuration08:52
hivemindEven if you couldn't, couldn't you just make a user with the same privs as the superuser?08:52
Cravall the sudden, my firefox has stopped working. It loads the 'starting firefox webbrowser' in the bottom toolbar, than disappears - any ideas?08:52
shinecan someone help me. I can't get my xubuntu to log into the internet (wired). when I try mii-tool eth0, it says SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not permitted08:52
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robinhoodpsusi, it's a simple security setting08:53
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SlimeyPeteCrav: run it from a terminal and see if any errors appear08:53
psusiby default root is not allowed to login to the gui... the user admin link on the menu runs it via gksudo to get root access08:53
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WhitorCrav: does it show up in alt-tab ?08:53
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EvilDennisRwhat irc network is #wine on ?08:53
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shinecan someone help me. I can't get my xubuntu to log into the internet (wired). when I try mii-tool eth0, it says SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth0' failed: Operation not permitted08:53
CravWhitor: the window never even comes up08:53
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yxairyggenshine, what does 'ifconfig' say?08:53
robokopEvilDennisR: freenode?08:54
WhitorCrav: I'm wondering if its coming up off screen08:54
psusishine: sudo08:54
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CravWhitor: no, it's not on alt+tab08:54
EvilDennisRrobokop: its not #wine, its something else isn't it ?08:54
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dyrneEvilDennisR: /join #winehq08:54
robokopi have some problems with X, sometimes it just is black for 1/2 seccond, and comes back afterwards08:54
devasuravelco no this is the first time i am trying in linux, i bought it today08:54
EvilDennisRdyrne: Ahh yes, thats it08:54
Whitorrun it from a terminal window and see if errors show up08:54
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Toma-.j #ubuntu-classroom08:54
CravWhitor: what's the command from terminal?08:54
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Whitorfirefox ... I think08:55
robokopCrav: firefox08:55
devasuravelco the vendor showed me that its getting detected in win-xp08:55
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CravWhitor: it thinks for a second, nothing happens, that it's ready for a new command08:55
velkodevasura, it's a very strange problem for sure. it gets recognized by the kernel, but not by fdisk. i haven't seen such thing before. sorry08:55
shinewell it says a lot of things. it has eth0, eth0:avah, lo. it seems every single one has 0 for RX/TX packets, errors, dropped, overruns, and i don't have an iet address for eth0, but do for the other two08:55
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tim2kHi, i have "trouble" with the ubuntu boot-splash screen and reiserfs....as soon as the fsck runs during boot the splash image disapears and the "ugly" console tells me that everything is fine :-/08:55
YetiChickmynxx:  I'm seeing this line: Display Info: DFP2 (second digital flat panel): attached: FALSE, present: FALSE, size: (0,2059)08:55
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aska1Anyone knows a good place to find nice black&white wallpaper?08:56
devasuravelco do you know where i can find answers08:56
WhitorCrav: I'm a newbie here... I cant help beyond this08:56
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dyrneaska1: deviantart maybe08:56
velkodevasura, no. else i would have pointed you there08:56
YetiChickmynxx:  While you're configure to use that as one of your displays...  You sure it's connected?08:56
Cravaska1: 4chan.org go to the wallpapers/general board08:56
robokopCrav: try firefox -safe-mode08:56
mynnx_YetiChick:  Let me try to run it again with it connected08:56
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mynnx_it's "mynNx, btw" :^)08:57
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YetiChickmynxx:  'kay...08:57
AaronMT_aska1 interfacelift.com08:57
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WhitorEvery time.. after a reboot I have to type: sudo lrm-manager && sudo modprobe fglrx and then  LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa beryl  .... How do I make this automatic?08:57
Cravrobokop: i'm getting nothing08:57
Kaeporahello, i am having problems with using 7.04. apparently there's quite a large bug with booting up x.org. i've filed a luanchpad bug but have received no replies. i would deeply appreciate your help. here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41867308:57
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dyrneWhitor: you could just add it to the start portion of the  /etc/init.d/gdm script i guess08:58
psusidevasura: you need to run fdisk as root.. .sudo fdisk /dev/sda08:58
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nukuuuuQUESTION, How do I edit the GRUB from the liveCD when I go sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst I get nothing. I think because this is the grub of the CD?08:58
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Kaeporahello, i am having problems with using 7.04. apparently there's quite a large bug with booting up x.org. i've filed a luanchpad bug but have received no replies. i would deeply appreciate your help. here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41867308:58
devasuraya as root otherwise it wont run08:58
ekul`whats the equivilent of Ctlr+Alt+delete in ubuntu to close down a nonresponding program?08:58
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Whitordyrne: thanks I'll try that08:58
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robokopCrav: can you run other programs?08:59
Cravrobokop: everything else is running just fine08:59
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psusidevasura: in your link there you didn't sudo fdisk whic his why it said it couldn't read /dev/sda08:59
Tiger_hi, somebody could post link for downloading 7.04 dvd format08:59
dyrnenukuuuu: sudo fdisk -l  when it shows you the parition do for example sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt then sudo gedit /mnt/boot/grub/menu.list08:59
bhtbis this a class?08:59
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devasurai tried sfdisk :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17449/08:59
robokoptype which firefox08:59
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Kaeporahello, i am having problems with using 7.04. apparently there's quite a large bug with booting up x.org. i've filed a luanchpad bug but have received no replies. i would deeply appreciate your help. here is the link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41867308:59
WhitorThe person who got me to this point in #ubuntu-Effects said the mod probe thing should be automatic ...08:59
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tim2kekul=just click on the X button08:59
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robokopi have some problems with X, sometimes it just is black for 1/2 seccond, and comes back afterwards08:59
nukuuuudyrne will give it a try :)thank08:59
Cravrobokop: /usr/bin/firefox08:59
devasurano i did it from root shell08:59
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tim2kekul: if that doesn't help you have to use the console09:00
mynnxYetiChick:  Yeah, it still doesn't work09:00
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Kaeporaalright fine, don't answer me.09:00
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KaeporaDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 009:00
ekul`ah k09:00
gotag3tsumCan anybody help me with setting up Zeus with XChat?09:00
gpledhave a python script in /etc/cron.hourly.    i can run it from command line.  it makes a log entry in syslog if it runs.  any idea why it is not running every hour?09:00
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ekul`what do you type into console to close a program?09:00
devasuravelco can you comment on: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17449/09:00
CrankymonkyIs there a way to get tasks to show on the calendar in evolution?09:00
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robokopekul`: ctr c09:00
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tim2kekul: you may use the 'ps' command to show all running processes like 'ps aux'09:00
reydelsillonargh. i just F up. im getting a error 17 from grub. How do i re/install grub as it should be? i have 1 sata disk with 1 ntfs partition and 1 ext3 partition with ubuntu.09:00
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magnetronHi! in a minute there will be a talk in #ubuntu-classroom about Patching packages, help by Martin Pitt. plz use #ubuntu-classroom-chat for questions09:00
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YetiChickmynxx:  New xorg log with everything attached?  It does exactly the same thing with both attached, yes?09:00
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ubotuopenweek is Ubuntu is hosting a series of introductory sessions for people who want to join the Ubuntu community, which all takes place in a week. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek for schedules, logs, and instructions.09:01
dyrnegpled: may sound silly but.. if you ./scriptname does it run?09:01
devasurashould i go ahead and reformat it09:01
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mynnxYes, it does09:01
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gpleddyrne: yep09:01
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tim2kekul: the output is usually to large..so reduce it with the grep command e.g.: ps aux | grep programmname09:01
sherlockHi, i deleted the bottom toolbar in gnome, how do i get it back>??09:01
MrGreencan I transfer my mail settings to ubuntu?09:01
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mynnxYetiChick:  Yes, it does (and it's mynnx, please)09:01
RalithWhen using bash, feisty tells you the package of any commands you run that don't exist. How can I make this work in zsh?09:01
jeroensumMrGreen > yes you can09:01
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robokopCrav: what if you just reinstall it, that whould be my try if i had problems with ff09:01
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mynnxYetiChick:  I forgot to copy over the xorg log09:02
jeroensumThat is, if you're using outlook 9not express)09:02
MrGreenso just copy from .thunderbird to .mozilla-thunderbird09:02
velkodevasura, this gives some hope indeed. it looks like the partition table is borked. do you plan to use this drive under windows too? (and my nick is velko btw :-)09:02
gpled-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  477 2007-04-23 20:27 test.py09:02
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kritzstapfRalith, i think its a patched bash so making it in zsh might be a different thing..09:02
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Cravrobokop: like reinstall from synaptic? I've already tired that. If I completely remove than reinstal, will that work better?09:02
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reydelsillonargh. i just F up. im getting a error 17 from grub. How do i re/install grub as it should be? i have 1 sata disk with 1 ntfs partition and 1 ext3 partition with ubuntu.09:02
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gpledthats the file in /etc/cron.hourly09:02
mynnxYetiChick:  Is there any way I can retrieve it now?09:02
tim2kekul: there is also a progrmm named 'xkill' which might help you09:02
tatster_Hi.  I recently built a Feisty server running Bind for my internal domain.  DNS resolution and web browsing from a Feisty PC is fine, but DNS resolution against the same server from my Mac is very slow.  Any ideas why?09:02
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devasurasorry velko09:02
robokopCrav: shouldn't be09:02
MrGreenjeroensum: old install ... wanted to move to new ubuntu onw09:02
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devasurai want to use it on windows too09:03
cjsoftukI'm using ubuntu server edition and i'm trying to set up SNMPD to monitor the network connections.  Unfortunately I had it working on another server, but it doesn't work on my Ubuntu 7.04.  Anyone any ideas?  I get an SNMP response, just no network information09:03
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jeroensumIf you're allready a thunderbird man then you can indeed use the same files, maybe you need to import the files but prolly not09:03
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sherlocktatster: did you look at /etc/resolve.conf09:03
velkodevasura, np. but your comments are not highlighted else :-)09:03
MrGreenwill give it a go thanks09:03
Rio79if i have ubuntu 6.06 lts SERVER running and I want to upgrade to 7.04 Desktop, whats the best way of going about it?  I've seen this site (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes) already, so i guess my main question is, how do i get from the server version to the desktop version?09:03
jeroensumNP :)09:03
YetiChickmynnx:  Sorry 'bout that.  Typed it wrong the first time and just edited my history for each new line.  :)09:03
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robokopCrav: firefox -v09:03
Ultrais there a german room for ubuntu users?09:03
mynnxYetiChick:  Hah, that's okay09:03
devasurai am pretty new to IRC09:03
Ultrais there a german room for ubuntu users?09:03
Cravrobokop: Mozilla Firefox, Copyright (c) 1998 - 2007 mozilla.org09:03
ompaulRio79, a new cd would be the best route and a fresh intsall09:03
PriceChild!de | Ultra09:04
ubotuUltra: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:04
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YetiChickmynnx:  Are you on the same machine now, using that other xorg.conf?09:04
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigado.09:04
sherlockRio79: fully upgrade your 6.06 - then upgrade to edgy09:04
mynnxYetiChick:  Yes, I am09:04
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (see also !Bot). Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops...09:04
gpledanyone have any ideas?09:04
sherlockthen upgrade to feisty09:04
d0lph1nK1nganyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?09:04
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Rio79ompaul: i want to avoid that because that would entail backing up mediawiki09:04
YetiChickmynnx:  Depending on how many times you've restarted X, you might be able to send up Xorg.0.log.old09:04
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ompaulRio79, then do what sherlock said but back you your stuff09:05
Rio79sherlock: yeah, how do i do that?09:05
Ultrahow it's?  /***** #ubuntu.de09:05
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tatster_sherlock: Yes - the only difference is that the Mac doesn't have an entry for domain09:05
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CrankymonkyIs there any way to get the task list in evolution to be displayed on top of the calendar as if they were all individual events?09:05
devasuravelko: I will try reformatting then09:05
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tatster_sherlock: they both have nameserver  and search warren.local09:05
velkodevasura, give it a shot09:05
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CyberSnooPHi. Has anyone experienced  "Internal Error"s with azureus in 7.04?09:06
sherlockRio79, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy#How_to_upgrade_from_Hoary_Hedgehog_-.3E_Breezy_Badger_-.3E_Dapper_Drake09:06
mynnxYetiChick:  It appears to be the same:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17451/09:06
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cjsoftukAny ideas anyone about configuring Net-SNMP to report network connections?09:06
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sherlockthen once you reach fiesty - sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:06
jeroensumcjsoftuk, do you mean a Cacti like setup?09:06
MrGreenone other thing I need to sort with mew install is up my screen res...09:07
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YetiChickmynnx:  The primary difference I'm seeing between your working config for single-display and your non-working dual-display config is the monitor defs.  Since you're using DPMS, try commenting out the horiz sync and vertrefresh lines in the monitor sections.09:07
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sherlockTatster, sry i dont think im the person to ask09:07
MrGreenneed 1280X102409:07
alectbmi have an computer i want to install09:07
tatster_Ok - thanks anyway09:07
alectbmlinux on09:07
jeroensumMrGreen,  do you have a Nvidia or Ati card?09:07
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sherlockalectbm, do it09:07
alectbmits have an 233MHz procesor09:07
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robokopCrav: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox09:07
jeroensumdo you allready have the nvidia drivers installed?09:08
riaalhow do I disconnect from a wireless network but still keep the interface up? removing it fron /etc/network/interfaces don't seam to help09:08
cjsoftukjeroensum: I'm not sure what you mean. I want to be able to get the traffic values (as in ifconfig) through SNMP, i've done it before, just I dunno HOW!09:08
YetiChickmynnx:  You also might want to remove any modes you *don't* want from the "Display" sections.09:08
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Rio79okay thanks sherlock!09:08
tatster_sherlock: I might pop over to a Bind channel and see what response I get there.  Thanks09:08
dyrnealectbm: want a gui?09:08
sherlockalectbm, you want to good DAMN SMALL LINUX09:08
cmathesoni can't get the vmware web-access plugin to work in firefox on feisty... i just get a grey box where the plugin should be displayed (the plugin is installed)09:08
sherlockalectbm, its the best for old hardware09:08
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alectbmis it good enogh fore 7.0409:08
dyrnealectbm: vector linux is nice. damn small linux i guess as well09:08
jeroensumMrGreen, try the nvidia-xconfig tool then09:08
yxairyggenI have always wondered why the terminal sometimes say "There are jobs stoped" when i do a Ctrl+D?09:09
sherlockalectbm, def not - but how much ram u got09:09
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MrGreengot it ....09:09
gpledshould i be asking this /etc/cron.hourly question in a diffrent channel?09:09
MrGreenthanks man09:09
MrGreenits sweert09:09
jeroensumnp :)09:09
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alectbmvector linux and DSL is best to old maschines09:09
niekieGreetings, could anybody give me any hints as to what I would be doing wrong? I decided to try and enable music sharing in RhythmBox, and it works fine! Just out of curiousity I decided to try also connecting to the share from iTunes though (from another PC) and instead of music, I just got static.09:09
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mynnxYetiChick:  Alright, I'm going to try it with the refresh rates commented out09:09
riaalplease, can I disconnect from an AP from the terminal? removing it fron /etc/net./inter. don't seam to help..09:09
jeroensumcjsoftuk, cacti is an snmp-traffic management tool09:09
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alectbm2 sec09:09
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jeroensumits not wat youe looking for i'm afraid09:09
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alectbmatm 126MB09:10
cmathesonhas anyone been able to get the vmware web-access plugin working in ubuntu (feisty)?09:10
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tatster_cmatheson: Do you mean the VMware Mui?09:10
kane77can I get the compiz to be other session? eg so I choose at startup wether the normal gnome or compiz should be launched...09:10
MrGreenjeroensum: 8) a couple more days should be good to go ... thought automatix2 was loaded by default09:10
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sherlockalectbm, yes but if you r knew to linux - it can take some gettin use too09:10
cmathesontatster_: yes, i think so09:10
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devasuravelko: the remaining o/p http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17452/09:10
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cjsoftukjeroensum: Right, well what i'm trying to do is use Cricket (cricket.sf.net) to display network traffic.  For that I need SNMP, which is supported through the router-interfaces config.  I can do the cricket bit, it's just gettting SNMP to show data to start with!09:11
jeroensumcjsoftuk, ::  give gkrellm a try  (gkrellm-snmp if im correct)09:11
chris__hey all, I just installed ubuntu on an old PC and my sound card got skipped over, instead it shows up in the device manager as pcspkr-- any ideas how to get alsa to recognize it?09:11
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devasuraso i guess back to square one09:11
alectbmgetting use?09:11
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tatster_cmatheson: The web GUI on port 8333 where you can see the Vm's and power them on and off etc??09:11
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GionnyBossriaal: what would you exactly do? just disconnect? If you want to connect to a specified AP, try "man iwconfig" :P09:11
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cmathesontatster_: mine is just on port 80, but yeah, you can power the machines on, reboot, or see the console (the console is the portionn where the plugin is required)09:11
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GGwhy the wlan interface returns the message device not found and ifconfig does not shows wlan0 ?09:12
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tatster_Yep - I got that working on Feisty a couple of evening's ago09:12
Cravrobokop: i completely reinstalled and restarted, everything's fine now, thanks for the help09:12
velkodevasura, very bad09:12
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cjsoftukjeroensum: right idea, but I'm trying to log it all to RRDTool through Cricket09:12
dyrneGG: sudo ifconfig -a   shows it or no?  also maybe cat /etc/iftab.  is this a removable card or pci?09:13
leonidasthegr8hello everyone, can i get some help with openoffice?09:13
Rio79sherlock: clarification question... dont i need to go from 6.06 server to 6.06 desktop first (then go to 6.10, then 7.)?09:13
velkodevasura, you get this when you try to write with "sfdisk /dev/sda" i suppose?09:13
devasuradd seems to be working: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17453/09:13
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GGits a usb adapter and ifconfig -a shows only eth0 - lo - eth0:avahi ( something like that )09:13
leonidasthegr8is there an open office chanel?09:14
dyrneGG: what does lsusb say?09:14
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devasuraya sfdisk /dev/sda09:14
jeroensumcjsoftuk, the rrdtool needs to be local and configured, maybe you need some MIB strings if they are nog provided yet. The RRDtool does the local collection through a cronjob (if memeory serves me right) and cricket is a sort of daemon with a web interface where you can view graphs09:14
GGonly a 1385:4251 ( i think )09:14
dyrneGG: what model adaptor?09:15
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GGwg111t usb adapter from netgear09:15
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velkodevasura, it does not work with /dev/sda but it works with /dev/sda1? can you try again with "/dev/sda"?09:15
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cjsoftukjeroensum: everything is fine EXCEPT SNMP.  It works fine on another box, except when I copy the config, it doesn't work!09:15
deConi dont think i am running as efficiently as possible, because i've got a dual core and i'm noticing severe lag09:15
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tatster_leonidasthegr8: #openoffice.org09:15
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deConi'm using amarok and firefox and my CPU keeps jumping to 100 and back down09:15
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deConany tips?09:16
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jeroensumcjsoftuk, there isn't anything in the way like a iptables?09:16
aramakihi! I just got the Feisty DVD and I have a qucik question: I'd like to install it on an external usb HDD while leaving windows on the internal HDD alone (don't want grub there) so it would boot from USB only when I connect the external drive. Is there anything I should know in advance?09:16
devasuravelko, i/o error with sda09:16
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cjsoftuknot that I'm aware off09:16
jeroensumcjsoftuk, also check if the local loopback adapter is up en running09:16
dyrneGG: looks like you need to use ndiswrapper (windows driver) see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=246464309:16
dadan_1i have an intel celerom 2400 processor with nvidia 5200 videocard (128 MB RAM) with 768 MB RAM and i recently downloaded a HDTV movie. My little problem is that with vlc and even mplayer i observe a slight (but noticeable) gap while watching the movie, my question is: my configuration is poor for that kind of movies or i have to change some settings?thanx09:16
robokopi have some problems with X, sometimes it just is black for 1/2 seccond, and comes back afterwards09:16
cjsoftukjeroensum: I can get SNMP responses, just without the netowrk info09:16
AngryElf_How am Isupposed to get the proprietary ATI driver working if it only supports xorg 7.1?09:16
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devasuravelko, there was no sda1 device file before, i dont know when it got created09:17
psusiaramaki: unplug the internal disk before installing09:17
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velkodevasura, sfdisk showed it09:17
GGi have tried that ndiswrapper - madwifi etc. .. . the only error is that  interface wlan009:17
GGi will try again09:17
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aramakipsusi: no other way?09:17
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ErnzJust some info for anyone interested in NON-DELL, Ubuntu preloaded, high spec machines: UK only - www.efficientpc.co.uk >> Excellent prices and service - all systems come preloaded with Ubuntu and long term customer support09:17
jeroensumcjsoftuk, then I've got no clues left, sorry. It could be that the config is looking at a wrong adapter? (ath0 in stead of eth0 o eth1) ?09:17
fbarcenasHow do I change my default ftp back to gnome or nautilus or whatever? I told firefox to be the default browser not knowing it would take over ftp functions as well.09:17
psusiaramaki: that's the easiest way09:17
devasuravelco, but sfdisk too gave i/o error right!!!!09:17
cjsoftukjeroensum: it's not getting ANY adaptor09:18
imbecilecan someone tell me how to add my city in gdesklets weather app?09:18
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devasuravelko,  but sfdisk too gave i/o error right!!!!09:18
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aramakipsusi: it's a laptop so it's kinda annoying to remove the drive if I don't have to09:18
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velkodevasura, it looks like linux is really having problems with sector 0 on this device. this is the most important sector on a hdd. can you access the drive with windows? and repartition perhaps?09:18
dadan_1i have an intel celerom 2400 processor with nvidia 5200 videocard (128 MB RAM) with 768 MB RAM and i recently downloaded a HDTV movie. My little problem is that with vlc and even mplayer i observe a slight (but noticeable) gap while watching the movie, my question is: my configuration is poor for that kind of movies or i have to change some settings?thanx09:18
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jeroensumcjsoftuk, are you sure then that the config file is looking at the correct adapter?09:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:18
fbarcenasHow do I change my default ftp back to gnome or nautilus or whatever? I told firefox to be the default browser not knowing it would take over ftp functions as well.09:18
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nuOpus_Hello guys/gals!09:19
AngryElf_ubotu: dummy, you suck09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dummy, you suck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
dv5237_how can i check if my ssh server is running atm.09:19
AngryElf_ubotu: there's nothing on that page about feisty, go home09:19
velkodevasura, yes. but look again here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17449/ . four partitions!09:19
cjsoftukjeroensum: It's not reporting ANY network data, none at all.  I get SNMP responses with snmpwalk, but no iFace stuff09:19
aramakipsusi: FC6 gave me lot's of trouble when I tried to install it on the ext HDD09:19
Pelodadan_1,   7/10 for a question,   but 2/10 for clarity,   what do you mean by gap ?09:19
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AngryElf_ubotu: you're dumb bot09:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you're dumb bot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:19
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jldoes somebody installed oracle10g XE?09:19
Cosmo_this is wierd, since installing fiesty when I leave my computer for an extended period of time programs are still running but it stops accepting mouse or keyboard commands, I can still move the mouse pointer around the screen but when I click nothing responds. Anyone know how to fix this?09:19
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PhilKdadan_1: you mean it's glitchy or it's going out of sync?09:20
dyrnedadan_1: maybe try a diff video out like mplayer -vo x11 movie.avi  your specs seem fine.. you using nvidia driver not vesa  or nv?09:20
jeroensumcjsoftuk, check the config file of rrdtool and match that with the adapters listed in ifconfig09:20
psusiaramaki: well then, I'd say install, then manually reinstall grub to the external drive, then use a windows cd to fix the mbr on the internal disk09:20
robokopdv5237_: ssh
devasuravelko, but all three are empty right09:20
dadan_1pelo: i can watch the movie but it seems that my machin is not good for that kind of big movies09:20
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nuOpus_Does anyone know how I would go about changing the DEFAULT password of the keyring?09:20
kane77how can I set default printout mode for a printer? in dapper there was only setting inside printer preferences and all apps used this setting, now it's in all printing dialogs and now it asks me every time.09:20
dadan_1not good enought09:20
jli have a problem with the apex web interface it doesn't start09:20
aramakipsusi: :) that's what I'd like to avoid LOL09:20
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cjsoftukjeroensum: rrdtool extracts the data via SNMP, therefore SNMP needs to report the data!09:20
fbarcenasCosmo_, try the alternative install.09:20
devasuravelko, and there are no sda2 3 409:20
aramakipsusi: FC6 all over again09:20
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EricLCan someone give me an apt resposity for the ia32 lib for Edgy?09:20
fbarcenasCosmo_, try the alternative install.09:21
fbarcenasHow do I change my default ftp back to gnome or nautilus or whatever? I told firefox to be the default browser not knowing it would take over ftp functions as well.09:21
PhilKdadan_1: you're going to have to be more clear with how it's glitching, that machine should be fast enough for HD content09:21
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dv5237_robokop: thanks it works09:21
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randomc0dehey, I have 3 quick questions: 1. How do you turn off the status message "blah has entered the room" on IRC. 2. When you type in a word and the small search bar comes up (I'm assuming this is Nautilus' doing), is it possible to move to the next/previous word like in Firefox. 3. I have a mounted SSH folder through the "Connect to Server" GUI, but Gvim isn't recognizing the ssh:// URL to mean "open this remote file", is there anyway to do this usin09:21
=== peepsalot [n=peeps@cpe-70-112-25-110.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
PMantisMy Edgy install recently started doing this every time apt-get runs: "Failed to find suitable ramdisk generation tool for kernel version \n 2.6.17-11-generic on running kernel 2.6.17-11-generic in /usr/sbin/mkinitramfs"... Help?09:21
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dyrnedadan_1: i have a media box 500mhz crappy old 16mb vid card that is running xp (had to) that plays high res fine09:21
velkodevasura, yes. is it an option for you to try to erase the parition table with windows? or to replace the drive? this is all very strange09:21
=== julios [n=julios@wireless-oc20.cicese.mx] has joined #ubuntu
aramakipsusi: any more specifics on reinstalling grub later?09:21
Pelodadan_1,  descrive how it looks09:21
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psusiaramaki: or I think if you use the alternate install cd, you can have the installer either skip or customize the grub install, and manually install it to the external disk09:21
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dadan_1pelo: the sympthom is just like when u're trying to playe a movie on a weak machine09:21
dyrnedadan_1: mplayer on xp09:21
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aramakipsusi: there's an option to skip grub install...let me check09:21
PhilKdadan_1: have you tried XvMC with mplayer?09:22
TehkainAnyone know with the 1.0-9755 are the reason wine gives me "X Error of failed request:  GLXBadDrawable"?09:22
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dadan_1pelo: ubuntu09:22
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dadan_1pelo: i haven't tryed09:22
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Pelodadan_1,  I wan't the one asking09:22
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jloracle10g xe inly works for dapper or it does for edgy and feisty too?09:22
dadan_1pelo: what is XvMC?09:22
devasuraokay then i will experiment some more and report you bye and thanks09:22
PhilKdadan_1: mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc filename09:23
devasuravelko, are you a regular here!!!!09:23
PhilKdadan_1: er, if you have an Nvidia card that is, otherwise we'll have to try something else09:23
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velkodevasura, yes. i'm pretty often here09:23
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devasuravelko, cu then bye09:23
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PhilKPelo: ping ping ping >;)09:23
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=== Pelo throws jf123 a lifesaver
olimpicoHow can I get a good resolution on the consoles?09:24
psusiaramaki: you will need to edit /boot/grub/devices.map to point hd0 to the correct device for the usb drive09:24
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olimpicoAnd also how can I cahnge the resolution and frequency on the init splash screen?09:24
Pelodadan_1,   philk asked you a question09:24
olimpicoIs it possible?09:24
deConhey, is amarok bad to use, i don't know why but my computer is running fairly slow....in Feisty. Any tips/links to speed things up?09:24
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deConis InitNG good?09:24
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velkoolimpico, you have to pass additional parameter vga to the kernel on boot09:24
slackwarelifethere are meny problems with ati 8.35.6, I can help a user in launchpad, but I have many problem to instll it09:24
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aramakipsusi: thanks! I'll probably be back later when i fck it up :D09:25
PhilKdeCon: Amarok ran really slow for me (and I didn't like the interface that much), didn't really slow down the rest of the machine though (except during initial scan)09:25
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olimpicovelko: Which, how?09:25
LjL!away > lapland|AWAY    (lapland|AWAY, see the private message from Ubotu)09:25
fbarcenasHow do I change my default ftp back to gnome or nautilus or whatever? I told firefox to be the default browser not knowing it would take over ftp functions as well.09:25
olimpicovelko: Where can I find info about it?09:25
^LesBuntuhmmm, anyone using xchat?09:25
dadan_1i tryed from terminal to run mplayer -vo xvmc -vc ffmpeg12mc filename but i can't see the movie only the sound, sorry i'm a beginner09:25
velkoolimpico, i'm looking for a link to get you started09:25
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
tgm4883^LesBuntu, yea09:25
PhilKdadan_1: it's ok, that's what this room is for :)09:26
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^LesBuntuIm new to both ubuntu and Xchat09:26
dadan_1of courese with the right "filename"09:26
Dextorionhey you guys. I've just installed latest ubuntu. All works just fine, but my graphic card. its a ati x1950. 2d works, but no 3d. Anyone know a good way to install fglrx or something like it?09:26
juliosdesktop wrecked (squares instead of letters) after 7.04 upgrade please help09:26
olimpico^LesBuntu: I used to use xchat, then I discovered konversation09:26
deConPhilK, think it could be firefox? Fox is using 110MB and amarok is using 60mb, but CPU use is jumping frequently either because of beagle, amarok, or firefox, in that order09:26
fbarcenas^LesBuntu, I am.09:26
^LesBuntuwhen I try to add a server it doesnt stay in the program09:26
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lapland|AWAYLjL: ok sorry :(09:26
PhilKdadan_1: you should have gotten an error from mplayer in the output, what was it?09:26
riaalplease, can I disconnect from an AP from the terminal?09:26
olimpicovelko: THanx a lot!! I really appreciate it!09:26
riaalplease, can I disconnect from an wireless AP from the terminal?09:27
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PhilKdeCon: depends how much memory you have (god I hate Firefox, I wish it wasn't so good)09:27
nuOpus_Did I miss a solution to my question? sorry left for a min09:27
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dyrneriaal: sudo ifdown devicename or sudo ifconfig devicename down09:27
^LesBuntuwhere are programs stored? (I used to a prgram files folder)09:27
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riaaldyrne, thanka a lot09:27
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robokopi have some problems with X, sometimes it just is black for 1/2 seccond, and comes back afterwards, can sb help me with that09:27
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deConPhilK, i have a GB of the fastest available ddr, but its CPU thats lagging i think. Any ideas? is there various tips and tweaks for this crap?09:28
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riaaldyrne, ifconfig dev down will turn the interface off, can I just disconnect from the AP and still have the interface up?09:28
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dadan_1pelo: Forced video codec: ffmpeg12mc09:28
dadan_1Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x44495658.09:28
Asterix_what is a good linux alternative to winamp?09:28
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DextorionAsterix_: xmms09:28
PhilKdadan_1: stop annoying poor Pelo :)09:28
Pelodadan_1,  I am not the one helping you ,  PhilK  is09:28
Chousukexmms is not a good alternative anymore :/09:28
Chousukeit's obsolete09:29
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K3ntohey can someone help me with the boot options menu thing? can i make it so that windows is at the top? or so that the menu only loads if i hold a key and windows is the default?09:29
Chousuke(mainly because GTK is obsolete)09:29
instabincould some one help me with postfix09:29
dadan_1philk: Forced video codec: ffmpeg12mc09:29
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dadan_1Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x44495658.09:29
robokopAsterix_: xmms, Amarok, and many others09:29
DextorionChousuke: okies. I just installed ubuntu again so im kinda obsolete Oo09:29
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Asterix_and these are all in the add/remove programs I assume09:29
DextorionAnyone know how to get a x1950 ati card running?09:29
slackwarelifeI really need help with ATI driver09:29
PhilKdadan_1: ok, try just mplayer -vo xv filename09:29
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riaalcan I disconnect from an wireless AP from the terminal? but still have the interface up?09:29
mrcreativitycan anyone please tell me how to enable beryl at startup?09:30
acidtabshow come ubuntu 7.04 carry streamturner?09:30
aramakipsusi: ext drive should be HD1 in grub?   btw i booted of the DVD and chose the first option (start/install) it booted up the live cd, and from there I chose the install shortcut from the desktop, am I installing the live version or what, sorry for the dumb questions :)09:30
Cnl_Deltahi whats the recommended RAM to run ubuntu/kubuntu09:30
acidtabsdon't carry09:30
Cnl_Delta*recommended amount of RAN09:30
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K3ntowhat is the boot menu called when dual booting?09:30
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acidtabshow come ubuntu 7.04 don't carry streamturner?09:30
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aramakiCnl_Delta: 512mb-1gb should be enough i think09:30
robokopriaal: why would you want to, but you can do iwconfig dev essid=""09:31
PhilKdeCon: 1GB should be plenty, have you tried watching the processes in htop or System monitor to see which is spiking it?09:31
sgtmattbakerdoes anyone know if the special images made with ntfsclone 1.12.1 are compatible with version 1.13.1??09:31
velkoolimpico, http://www.t94xr.net.nz/?p=167 . unfortunately i can't find a page where all possible parameters for "vga=" are listed. but you can lookup some of them here: http://members.cox.net/laitcg/new/kernel.html09:31
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deConPhilK, ya, its amarok and beagle and beagle-helper09:31
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sahafeezis there a gnome version of aptitude09:31
YetiChickinstabin: What's the problem?09:31
dadan_1PhilK: the same tiny gaps between certain frames...09:31
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Cnl_DeltaI need it for multitasking aramaki, multiple firefox tabs etc..09:31
Dumahenhow can i access ntfs hdd ?09:31
PhilKdeCon: Firefox might if flash is running, Amarok might if it's doing databasey stuff, and I haven't messed with beagle much.09:31
robokopsahafeez: synaptic09:32
PhilKdadan_1: is mplayer giving you any messages about slow output?09:32
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dadan_1i tryed to assign bigger priority to the mplayer process but nothung changes09:32
DextorionAnyone know how to get a x1950 ati card running?09:32
aramakiCnl_Delta: well the more the better :)09:32
PhilKdadan_1: also, what type of file are you trying to play?  ubuntu's mplayer seems flaky with .ts files09:32
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aramakiCnl_Delta: firefox on windoze here usually eant about 700mb ram09:32
fbarcenasHow do I change my default ftp back to gnome or nautilus or whatever? I told firefox to be the default browser not knowing it would take over ftp functions as well.09:32
PhilKdadan_1: is your CPU usage maxing out while mplayer is running09:33
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K3ntohow do i make a boot option (im dual booting) the top one on the list so that after the time runs out, its automatic?09:33
deConPhilK, amarok has been refreshing my collection every so often, like constantly....09:33
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Cnl_Deltakubuntu ain't windows..09:33
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aramakiCnl_Delta: yes, but firefox is firefox09:33
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dyrneK3nto: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.list  and edit to your hearts content :)09:33
PhilKdeCon: I think there's a setting for that, but it's been awhile since I messed with Amarok :\09:33
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K3ntoawesome thanks09:34
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Pelo!torrents > pelo09:34
joeaminedi have a problem with feisty i had not with edgy09:34
deConanyone know about InitNG for Feisty?09:34
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aramakiCnl_Delta: I haven't yet installed Ubuntu, but i had FC6 running with compiz/beryl and 512mb was waaay to small09:34
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K3ntodyrne: the list was empty09:34
joeaminedwhen feisty boots it throws a message "unable to allocate memory resource ..."09:34
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=== Dane_ just installed Ubuntu, and am now presented with a login screen that refuses to take the login information I gave it when I set it up. What do I do now?
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joeaminedwhat is it about ? can i fix it ?09:35
velkodeCon, they decided for upstart. i suspect initng is not included at all09:35
whteti have an issue configuring spamd, it's giving out error ""ERROR: Insufficient privileges. Retry as root"09:35
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dyrneK3nto: menu.lst sorry09:35
PhilKDane_: check caps/num-lock?09:35
Dumahenhow can i access ntfs hdd ?09:35
Dane_It's off PhilK09:35
shirishguys my fdisk was scanning for I guess file-system integrity, but it failed as saying 1.9% non-contiginous, now what should I do to make it right?09:36
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Dane_PhilK How does a person reset or clear it and start over?  Do you have to reinstall the whole thing again from scratch?09:36
slackwarelifeDumahen: mount /dev/hdaX /mnt/yourxpdir09:36
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velkoshirish, this is not an error. it just shows the fragmentation level of the file system09:36
PhilKDane_: caps or num-lock?  I know I see users hit numbers all the time with num-lock off (not trying to insult you, just checking)09:36
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dadan_1PhilK: to max 87 %09:36
velkoshirish, nothing to worry about09:36
deConPhilk, i think i could be running a better kernal, i'm using a 386, but i've got a dual core amd09:36
Dane_PhilK No insult taken, but no, that's not the problem.09:36
Dane_PhilK It's accepting upper and lower case just fine.09:37
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PhilKDane_: hit esc during boot (right when grub shows up), there's a recovery option which should throw you straight into a root console09:37
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shirishvelko: ok cool, but why it should show as failed for fdisk ? and I have seen it happens I think every boot or every 2nd boot, is that normal?09:37
PhilKdadan_1: it really shouldn't be glitching @87%, that's strange09:37
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Dane_PhilK Then what do I type to get into the right "thing?"09:37
joeaminedi have a hp laptop with this bug with feisty09:37
joeaminedPCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:20000@d0000000 for 0000:01:00.009:37
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slackwarelifeNobody has problem with new ATI driver ???09:38
velkoshirish, failing is another story. it's not related to the fragmentation level at all09:38
orbin!ntfs > Dumahen (see pm from ubotu)09:38
PhilKDane_: you'll be sitting at a root@hostname # prompt, type "passwd user", put in new password09:38
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aramakiguys? with the Feisty DVD, I just choose the start/install, and it booted up the live cd, there's a shortcut for installing on the desktop but I'm not sure what is it going to install the live or normal Feisty?09:38
bipolarslackwarelife: what about the new ati driver?09:38
velkoshirish, and no. it's not normal09:38
prcrashslackwarelife... I just now got mine working on a Dell D810 with an ATI x60009:39
Dane_PhilK thanks...trying it!09:39
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slackwarelifebipolar: a user cannot install it on 7.0409:39
PhilKdeCon: usually different kernels aren't drastically different in performance (IME), though sometimes weird issues show up on random systems09:39
dadan_1PhilK: that fact is that all the other regular movies are played well09:39
bipolarslackwarelife: please be more specific09:39
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PhilKdadan_1: what kind of file is it?  does it play ok on another machine?09:39
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slackwarelifeI try to help him in a launchpad, but the log error file is to big for this situation09:39
Pelohow does one burn an iso to a cd in the command line ?09:40
deConPhilK, i just did "top" and i noticed that i have all my memory taken up, and 103mb of swap....thats why, now i need to figure out how the hell to drop that09:40
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PhilKdadan_1: I had a hell of a time getting full HD ts files playing without losing audio sync or stuttering :\09:40
dadan_1PhilK: i'll try it on other machine, thanx, bye09:40
aramakiwith the Feisty DVD, I just choose the start/install, and it booted up the live cd, there's a shortcut for installing on the desktop but I'm not sure what is it going to install the live or normal Feisty?09:40
viktor____i get this messege when feisty is booting MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC and the laptop is getting too hot and turns off09:40
velkoPelo, using cdrecord09:40
deConPhilK, and should it says 2 users? ....root and regular me??09:40
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bipolarslackwarelife: what video card?09:40
orbinaramaki: live = normal09:40
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vega-aramaki: the whole idea of a "live cd" is to run it from cd, so of course it installs the "normal feisty"09:40
pbal1HI - I put weather and invest applets on panel (7.04) They don't work and I cannot remove with right click09:40
MajorApuscan someone help me mount my drives with fstab, the last 2 people to do it didn't do it right09:40
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PhilKdeCon: users at the prompt?09:40
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jrjazzmanaramaki: that will install ubuntu09:41
slackwarelifebipolar: Ati 925009:41
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dyrneMajorApus: what format? ntfs, fat32, ext3?09:41
deConPhilK, it says on the top line, 2 users09:41
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MajorApusdyrne all 309:41
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bipolarslackwarelife: hmmm... that requires the 'legacy' fglrx driver.09:41
prcrashfollowing this guide http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Feisty_Installation_Guide09:41
bipolarslackwarelife: I think....09:41
PhilKdeCon: oh, in top duh, sorry.  yeah, that's fine09:41
dyrneMajorApus: so what problem are you running into?09:41
prcrashusing method 209:41
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deConPhilK, and my Cpu(s) line says 88+% id and only up to about 15% at any given moment on us09:41
crdlbslackwarelife, why are you using fglrx?09:41
bipolarslackwarelife: ATI has abandoned cards older then the 9600, iirc.09:41
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dyrneMajorApus: maybe pastebin the fstab file that way we can edit it to correct09:41
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MajorApusdyrne the system settings mount utility is so buggy I cant get it to do anything, so I need to do it by hand in fstab09:42
slackwarelifeBipolar: why restrict modules tool doesn't work with this card09:42
PhilKdeCon: sort top by mem%09:42
deConPhilK, does that mean i need to reduce background apps?09:42
shirishvelko: if fdisk failing is not normal, what should I do about that?09:42
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DextorionAnyone know how to get a x1950 ati card running?09:42
dyrneMajorApus: yeah the utility kindof sucks09:42
AmirBI decided to uninstall beagle and in synaptics I selected for it to remove 'beagle' and 'libbeagle0', but when it was removing libbeagle it said that it was also removing nautilus and a couple other substantial packages!!! I have two questions: why did it remove those and how do I find out exactly what it removed so that I can get them back?09:42
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deConPhilK, command? i'm newb09:42
bipolarslackwarelife: becouse ATI hasn't updated the module to work with the new kernel.09:42
velkoshirish, is this your root file system?09:42
crdlbslackwarelife, because ubuntu doesn't package the old driver09:42
crdlbslackwarelife, use the open source driver09:42
PhilKdeCon: F (uppercase), then I think it's n (it should bring up a list)09:42
LjLPelo: man cdrecord09:42
jexdwill gnome panel applets work on the xfce4 panel (xubuntu)?09:43
slackwarelifebipolar: ok, but he is not be able to use 3d with radeo or ati driver09:43
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PhilKdeCon: also I highly recommend htop over top (it's prettier, and supports scrolling)09:43
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PeloLjL,  yeah, thanks it was for someone else, I already passed it along09:43
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crdlbjexd, there's a special applet that makes that possible iirc09:43
bipolarslackwarelife: thank ATI for the abandonment09:43
Dane_PhilK I get a Grub: prompt    and if I type password and user, it does prompt me for a user, but then it complains that it must be authenticated09:43
PhilKdeCon: bonus fact, pressing 'h' in top brings up the help09:43
AmirBI decided to uninstall beagle and in synaptics I selected for it to remove 'beagle' and 'libbeagle0', but when it was removing libbeagle it said that it was also removing nautilus and a couple other substantial packages!!! I have two questions: why did it remove those and how do I find out exactly what it removed so that I can get them back?09:43
=== Pelo is in pm with someone who " sudo apt-get remove sudo "
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prcrashdisplay: :0.0  screen: 009:43
prcrashOpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.09:43
prcrashOpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X60009:43
prcrashOpenGL version string: 2.0.6458 (8.36.5)09:43
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slackwarelifebipolar: agree with you, but now i have a new ubuntu user to help09:44
crdlbslackwarelife, the free driver supports 3d just fine with a 925009:44
=== Pelo will not be naming names
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Cnl_DeltaI dumped ATI as a first choice for video when I realised it doesn't want to be used outside an M$ OS09:44
deConPhilK, installing htop...09:44
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PhilKDane_: Grub: prompt?  not a list of boot options?  stock edgy/feisty09:44
bushblowshtop is such a god program09:44
Dextorionprcrash: what driver do you use?09:44
PhilKdeCon: you'll like it better :)09:44
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LjLviktor____: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2233609:44
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prcrashjust follow the guide I just pasted in the channel...09:44
Dextorioni cant get my ati card to work..09:44
dacIs there any way a SATA 300/160GB HD will work in my Packard Bell box?09:44
slackwarelifebipolar: you can find us on answer n 528109:44
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bushblowsis shorewall stable on ubuntu?09:44
prcrashthe one downloaded from the ati website09:44
deConPhilK, thanks. Now how do I go about prioritizing the cut offs, I would've sworn I had enough RAM to handle any linux load, but apparently not09:45
prcrashbut recompiled09:45
LjLPelo, recovery mode or failing that, "init=/bin/sh" on the kernel command line09:45
bushblowsthe last time I used it on ubuntu it randomly seized up09:45
bipolarslackwarelife: what is that?09:45
PhilKdeCon: 1GB really should be enough, what's using so much?09:45
Dane_PhilK I got three options in a menu first...  Ubuntu Kernel Generic, Recovery Mode, and Memtest 86x   there was a "press c for command line" option, which is what I had hit.  Wrong approach, right?09:45
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askarPlease dont hate me...Anyone knows of a theme and iconset to make ubuntu look like Win XP?09:45
thneewhen i try to use the keyboard layout "Swedish" i get an error about XKB configuration with no actual error message at all.. how can i get swedish layout working?09:45
slackwarelifebipolar: the n of launchpad answers09:45
PhilKDane_: yes :) pick recovery mode and hit enter09:45
Dane_aha  ok09:45
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PeloLjL,  he did,  he's having extra problems,,  he's dling the live cd and well be reinstalling from scratch09:45
deConPhilK, all i see in system monitor is about 500mb, so i dont get it09:45
SurfnKidtrying to figure out a video resolution stretch issue09:46
deConPhilK, let me check htop09:46
stefg!themes | askar09:46
ubotuaskar: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:46
=== velko thanks PhilK for the htop suggestion. cool!
LbawinownsHello, I just realized I have soon maybe no more memory on the main partition, can i extend it by removing another partition?09:46
SurfnKidanyone have any idea where i can get information09:46
LjLPelo: that's possibly unnecessary, though... what are the extra problems?09:46
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deConPhilK, i killed off keyboard break, and all the sudden, its just fine....wierd09:46
Kozerishello i having troubles when i installed new video nvidia drivers on old and now error cant run x server, then i reconfigure xorg after restart error shows again i tried to reinstall driver nothing help , how to set default ? :(09:46
PeloLjL,   meat me in #pelo09:46
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SlimeyPeteSurfnKid: what's the problem, exactly?09:46
bipolarslackwarelife: link please09:46
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PhilKvelko: np, it's one of my favorite programs :D09:46
deConPhilK, i didn't think such a small application would have such great effect09:46
YetiChickdac: What model pACKARD BELL?09:46
AmirBhow do I find out what the latest packages I uninstalled were? I accidentaly uninstalled some important ones but don't remember which exactly so I need to check09:46
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crdlbKozeris, it's not that simple, what video card?09:46
PhilKdeCon: it's like top...but awesome :)09:47
AaronMThow can I disable this retro minimizing and maximizing effect in ubuntu with these black border lines09:47
=== Tatster [n=tatster@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
slackwarelifebipolar: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/528109:47
Kozeris<crdlb> nvidia 7600GT09:47
crdlbKozeris, you installed nvidia-glx-new and what happened?09:47
PhilKdeCon: Keyboard Break?09:47
deConPhilK, I noticed.....wow, much prettier09:47
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daci don't know, yet.09:47
deConPhilK, it automatically helps you take a break every so often so you don't die from sitting for too long lol09:47
SurfnKidSlimeyPete, I have all my icons stretched and everything on the desktop is stretched09:47
Dane_PhilK I'm there!  I tried user passwd and got "command not found"09:47
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PhilKdeCon: haha, ok, I get it09:47
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deConPhilK, load avg of .7 alright?09:47
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SurfnKidSurfnKid, trying to only have the resolution stretched but not everything else, including images or photos09:48
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PhilKDane_: other way, passwd user09:48
SlimeyPeteSurfnKid: your /etc/X11/xorg.conf is the first place to star09:48
Dane_PhilK Actually it says "command User not found"09:48
Kozeris<crdlb> i installed native linux drivers then i  tried  nvidia drivers and then gnome doesnt work anymroe, but i acctualy not finished intall i was downlaoded packages and edited txt files09:48
MajorApusdyrne: ?09:48
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SurfnKidSlimeyPete, yeah i did ive reconfigured it, i might have to look at the forums for issues on this monitor09:48
PhilKdeCon: sounds about right09:48
crdlbKozeris, you need to run the NVIDIA installer in --uninstall mode09:48
SlimeyPeteSurfnKid: yeah, good idea09:48
crdlbKozeris, to clean up the damage09:48
dacmodel 795109:48
Glos_WiFihey guys does anyone know if 7.04 will support iBooks? its just im trying to acquire one and would appreciate knowing in advance whether its a good idea09:48
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Kozeris<crdlb> how to9 run that tell me pelase09:49
AmirBhow do I find out what the latest packages I uninstalled were?09:49
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crdlbKozeris, you used the nvidia.com installer right?09:49
stefg!PPC | Glos_WiFi09:49
ubotuGlos_WiFi: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ09:49
z0manwill there be an Ubuntu release of Wine .35 soon?09:49
Nadhris there any drivers for my ATI x550, pls?09:49
vakhi all, any1 here experienced in how to set up senmail for _receiving_ mail? (sending works good for me)09:49
deConPhilK, excellent. Now, if you help me solve why the hell videos will not play within firefox? I run beryl, and i've heard there is a bug? can you change default media player to VLC in everything? (assuming VLC has plugins for fox)09:49
SurfnKidSlimeyPete, thanks09:49
Kozerisno i goes by instruction wich works on terminal, but i guess packages was downlaoded from nvidia web09:49
Glos_WiFithx stefg09:49
PhilKdeCon: oh hell no *runs away*09:49
viktor____LjL, i can't boot up the live cd also any boot command to get cooler working?09:50
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crdlbKozeris, did you run a command like: sh NVIDIA-9755.run ?09:50
PhilKdeCon: I spent like 2 days trying to get YTMND working in Firefox :(09:50
YetiChickdac: Oh, wow...  That's an old one.  Ummm...  Well, while it's possible to use an SATA/IDE adapter to make that work, I've not found that they work very well in older machines.09:50
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prcrashdeCon, I think you have to download the actual VLC plugs for firefox09:50
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Dane_success!  Thanks PhilK09:50
Kozeris<crdlb> no i 100 % sure no09:50
YetiChickdac:  I, personally, wouldn't put much effort into it.09:50
shirishvelko: sorry been also trouble-shooting some other stuff as well, yes this is my root file system09:50
crdlbKozeris, so you ran something like: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new ?09:50
PhilKdeCon: there's plugins for firefox for VLC or mplayer support, personally I like mplayer better in firefox (supports some of the quicktime trailers a bit)09:50
deConPhilK, are you running beryl? I dont know if they are related, but there is a beryl/totem bug, and i have it...but i dont know if firefox uses totem09:50
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PhilKDane_: congrats, have fun09:51
Kozeris<crdlb> absolutelly right09:51
AmirBhow do I find out what the latest packages I uninstalled were?09:51
=== anthony__ [n=anthony@80-193-5-25.cable.ubr06.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bipolarslackwarelife: maybe, just maybe, the envy script will help. http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html09:51
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deConPhilK, is there an end-all be-all package to install and configure? I'd prefer if I could use one player to rule them all09:51
PhilKdeCon: firefox uses totem by default, but there's a way to switch it to mplayer iirc09:51
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crdlbKozeris, do you know what the error message was?09:52
PhilKdeCon: hopefully I'm not leading you astray, try "mozilla-mplayer" and "mplayerplug-in"09:52
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vakhi all, any1 here experienced in how to set up sendmail for _receiving_ mail? (sending works good for me)09:52
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moonwatcheranyone know some vmware on ubuntu?09:52
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SpaceBassmoonwatcher, what about it?09:52
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anthony__moonwatcher: some!09:52
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velkoshirish, ok. so it's best to boot the life cd and check the file system from it. the default behaviour -A is not that efficient.09:52
slackwarelifebipolar: thanks, i will try :)09:52
dadan_1PhilK: on an AMD 64 there are no gaps!09:52
tsikishello there09:52
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robokopi am trying to install cisco vpnclient, but it says something is missing in the kernel headers09:53
PhilKdadan_1: Ubuntu? or windows?09:53
dacYetichick, I have another box ,I'm running, is a multi-tech09:53
deConPhilK, how do you exit htop?09:53
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PhilKdeCon: q09:53
slackwarelifedada_1: uvb09:53
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moonwatcheri am getting *horribly* slow bridging speed09:53
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Kozeris<crdlb> no error message was on install, just wenn i goed by instrucition downlaoded packages edited some files then  instruction asked to do alt ctrl and F2 then write there some commands like gnome stopping, after that my gnome never runn showing " x server cannot start becouss drivers bla bla bla09:53
dadan_1PhilK: windows09:53
=== billy420 [n=jah2@c-24-20-118-64.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
moonwatcheraround 300kbps09:53
tsikisi got two problems (1st is azureus keeps on crashing over and over (core dumped) and 2nd gaim keeps on crashing ) ubuntu 6.10 any idea?09:53
PhilKdeCon: there's also a mozilla-plugin-vlc package, not sure what it does09:53
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dacwand it only has a 6GB HD09:53
slackwarelifedada_1: ubuntu :)09:53
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moonwatcherever seen that?09:53
robokoptsikis: upgrade :P09:54
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deConPhilK, and how do I make sure totem stops being so bitchy?09:54
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tsikisupgrade what azureus?09:54
TheSilentWhello everyone, how do i enable a script to run every X secunds in console, cause i am making a python script that makes a .html file, i put firefox auto-refreshing but want the script to run every X secunds too, how do i do that?09:54
velkoshirish, i suspect that you get the error because it simply doesn't gets repaired on boot09:54
PhilKdadan_1: yeah...see I've never really had any problems with HD in windows even on relatively slow machines, but at least we know the file is ok now09:54
moonwatcherSpaceBass, anthony__ :  i am getting *horribly* slow bridging speed09:54
crdlbKozeris, try this: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx09:54
deConPhilK, should I make VLC my default media player in system?09:54
PhilKdeCon: what do you mean?09:54
dane__PhilK Coming to you live and direct from Ubuntu...thanks again!09:54
YetiChickdac:  ...and you want to try the drive in the other one, then?  My personal experience has been that if you do not have an SATA interface on your motherboard or an add on card, SATA drives do not tend to work reliably.09:54
moonwatcherSpaceBass, anthony__ :  and while we are on the subject, i can;t seem to bridge on the wireless09:54
Kozeriscrdlb it will fix everything with drivers?09:54
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crdlbKozeris, maybe09:55
PhilKdane__: heh, excellent, run into any more brick walls, you know where to find us :)09:55
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YetiChickdac:  If it's non-critical storage, you can try an adapter.09:55
bipolarslackwarelife: in fact, I think I'm going to try that script out on my radeon 9000 powered laptop, just to see if it works :)09:55
mikedep333hello, how can i create an archive (I don't even care if it is compressed or not) with all the subcontents of a folder, ignoring all unreadable files along the way?09:55
robokopi am trying to install cisco vpnclient, but it says something is missing in the kernel headers, linux/config.h is missing09:55
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dadan_1PhilK: i'll try to play it on this machin on windows09:55
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deConPhilK, well totem is default media handler, and beryl and it disagree...due to a bug that i haven't figured out how to fix because i cannot find the file to edit, will changing my default software for opening all media affect firefox as well?09:55
dane__yeppers, count on it.  I'm a freshfaced newbie on Linux...  Experience in other oses, but i'm sure I'll have questions  :-)09:55
dadan_1and see what happens09:55
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mikedep333I tried ark, I tried file roller, I tried using 7za09:55
Nadhris there any drivers for my ATI x550, pls?09:55
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PhilKdeCon: I love VLC because of the "just works" factor, but it's not great with HD (ts and mkv files).  I'm assuming upstream (0.9.0) VLC has fixed a lot of that, but it hasn't made it to Ubuntu yet, and VLC is harder to compile than mplayer (for me anyway), so I personally use mplayer.09:56
ti1i've got two problems: first: i cant speak english very well, so this chat with 1300 users is a bit too fast for me. if you've an answer for me, would be nice to write an im ...09:56
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surviveranyone know if there is a temperature sensor into ubuntu?09:56
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Kozeriscrdlb BTW  i tried to come back to gnome with  reconfiguring XORG and then restart gnome and it worked but after restart pc  X SERVER CANNOT RUN  showing again =(09:56
surviver*for case temps cpu ram ... vga09:56
dacnothing is critical, a 20GB HD would work. just got this 160GB on sale foe $39.9909:56
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mikedep333Nadhr: I believe so, using the "restricted drivers" under administration tools09:56
slackwarelifebipolar: I have learned one news09:57
crdlbKozeris, you must also run this (type it exactly): sudo rm /lib/linux-restricted-modules/.nvidia_new_installed09:57
deConPhilK, currently i have no need for HD, so i'm not worried.09:57
mikedep333anyone help me create an archive?09:57
ti1second: my real problem: i've got a maxtor hde drive with 250 gb, but it doesnt run. a programm called "device manager" from ubuntu finds it, bios too, but "parted" cant find it09:57
YetiChickdac:  Well, older machines can have a hard time accessing all of a large drive, but if you don't need all of it many can be jumpered to look smaller to those old BIOSes.09:57
velkomikedep333, i just made a quick test as user "tar cvzf test.tar.gz /root" and it worked09:57
bipolarslackwarelife: whats that?09:57
Lbawinowns!imagemagick lbawinowns09:57
PhilKdeCon: then go for VLC, other than HD I've never had a problem with it (well, aside from minor hiccups occasionally)09:57
dadan_1PhilK: i have only one question: how important is a good processor in matter of playing hi res movies? maybe the celeron is not quite good ?09:57
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TheSilentWhello everyone, how do i enable a script to run every X secunds in console, cause i am making a python script that makes a .html file, i put firefox auto-refreshing but want the script to run every X secunds too, how do i do that?09:58
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velkomikedep333, this is what do you mean by "unreadable files" i guess? or corrupt files?09:58
mikedep333weird file system objects09:58
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mikedep333like entries for devices09:58
dacso, I could try it without a SATA PCI card?09:58
rellikTheSilentW, while (true); do echo "Hello World!"; sleep 10; done;09:58
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joni3kaneis apo rodo?09:59
TheSilentWrellik, thats console programming?09:59
velkomikedep333, just tried it with /dev (as user) and it worked09:59
KulebriHello there... I'm quite new to Ubuntu, so please try to bear with me if I'm saying nonsense... Whenever I try to run a certain program under Wine, I get a "BadWindow (Invalid Window Parameter)" error. Is there any simple way to fix this?09:59
PhilKdadan_1: main thing that sticks out in my head would be the lack of SSE2 instructions (though newer celeys might be ok on that front, I've been out of the hardware loop a bit).  with a video card that supports XvMC (nvidia or via onboard) a CPU is almost totally unimportant09:59
surviveranyone know or ubuntu has a temperature program? for cpu vga ram case hdd ...09:59
rellikTheSilentW, yup09:59
mikedep333tar --ignore-failed-read, thats what I should try09:59
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bipolarKulebri: that can usulay be safely ignored.09:59
TheSilentWrellik, thx09:59
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stefgKulebri: better ask in #winehq09:59
juankyhay alguien por ah??09:59
dacyetichick,I could try it without a SATA PCI card ,do you think09:59
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Kozeris<crdlb> does it drivers work with WINE? becouse i getting error about alpha blending10:00
Kulebrioh ok10:00
dadan_1PhilK: thanx for the help, i'll try it on win10:00
YetiChickdac:  Well, something like this, for example: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=2191178&CatId=7710:00
prcrashdime juanky10:00
Kulebrithanks biplolar and stefg10:00
PhilKdadan_1: the speed should be more important than the model once you get past a certain speed (and 2.4 really seems like enough to me)10:00
crdlbKozeris, what?10:00
Nadhris mint worth trying?10:00
juankyoye como puedo instalar xgl y compiz con ati?10:00
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velko!es > juanky ( juanky see the pm from ubotu)10:00
crdlbKozeris, you mean X is working?10:00
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mneptok!es > juanky10:00
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Kozeris<crdlb> no program WINE for Windows games running10:00
YetiChickdac:  But don't expect great performance or reliability.10:01
juankyesque no consigo instalarlo10:01
mneptok!es | juanky10:01
crdlbKozeris, but have you fixed X yet?10:01
Flazetheres no ops10:01
ubotujuanky: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:01
mneptokFlaze: really?10:01
compengii have an issue, i got 3 programs running (xchat, gaim, xmms) but my memory is being eaten dunno why. i got 36.8% of Ram memory used and 3.3% of 1G swap. and my pc is 4 hours up only, while on edgy i was running same programs but my system didn't use swap until my pc was up several days. does anyone knows what's going on?10:01
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liquiddoomFlaze: The ops come on when needed10:01
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YetiChickdac:  Plus...  Buying something more kind of makes the great deal on the drive rather pointless...10:01
liquiddoomFlaze: They're here though10:01
Kozeris<crdlb> i cant run x becouse i need every time reconfigure xorg10:01
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toferradoHow do I setup my Wireless PCI cardk?10:01
Kozeris<crdlb> i will doo it soon10:01
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stefgcompengi: is that with or without buffers / cache ?10:02
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crdlbKozeris, ok doing those two commands should get you back the normal nvidia driver10:02
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jamisnemoI just finnished installing ubuntu on my old laptop but it's not detecting any sound devices.10:02
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jamisnemothe module I need is loaded10:02
vakis it so, that setting up the sendmail for receiving mail is a "no go" for usual ubuntu user?..10:02
Flazei see10:02
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surviveranyone know or ubuntu has a temperature program? for cpu vga ram case hdd ...10:02
compengistefg, Mem:    515220k total,   497840k used,    17380k free,    31876k buffers10:02
compengiSwap:  1020116k total,    33964k used,   986152k free,   285276k cached10:02
MajorApuscan someone help me with my fstab? everyhting mounts correctly, I just dont have permissions on everything10:02
jamisnemobut aplay -l doesn't show any cards10:02
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YetiChickcompengi:  Feisty seems to cache more aggressively.  I've notice more of my RAM being taken up by cache sooner in Feisty, too.10:03
jamisnemowhere is the configuration file for alsa devices?10:03
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surviverMajorApus, try this in console mount -o rw,remount /(path)10:03
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MajorApussurviver: that wasn't what I asked10:03
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SvishI have installed the ATI binary X.Org driver, but how do I use it? The restricted drivers dialog says my computer doesnt need anything..10:03
viktor____any solution for this problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/24308 ?10:03
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stefgcompengi: this says that your system is using the valuable ram for a good pupose... caching and buffering10:03
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surviverMajorApus, well just change the fstab file to rw  normally there would stand ro ...10:04
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MajorApussurviver: they are already rw10:04
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surviverMajorApus, and u cant write or do sonthin on it?10:04
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aoliaxdoes anyone know a method to encrypt files? kgpg doesnt seem to have it10:04
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`TellHi...I need to dual-boot with winxp for work related stuff...can anybody advise me on how to do this?10:04
MajorApussurviver: depends on the drive, but basically10:04
dacyou're right,thank you for all.10:05
YetiChickstefg:  I've noticed a greater use of swap here, too.  1.5G of RAM, and I'm swapping 33M by the end of a day of uptime.  Not causing problems here, but it is different than Edgy.10:05
compengistefg, yes but it's taking alot of memory than i used usually on edgy. if my pc is for 4 hours up and using this much of memory what would happen if i leave my pc for like 20 days?10:05
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Svish`Tell: Just install windows, and then install Ubuntu10:05
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dyrne!grub > `Tell10:05
surviverMajorApus, mzz sry cant help u anymore just knwo the commands to set them rw or ro ..10:05
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apoTell, if you install Win XP in one Partition and then Ubuntu, let it write grub to the MBF, it should automagically detect Win...10:05
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YetiChickcompengi:  As long as it's just cache, it won't matter how long it's up.10:06
ffmWhat is the best comand line (non GUI) IRC client?10:06
tjb13hey how do you clear the apt cache10:06
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apoffm: Irssi10:06
surviverffm, irssi10:06
dyrneffm: irssi my favorite10:06
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YetiChickcompengi:  But if the amount of swap used keeps growing, you'll probably notice a slowdown over time.  Give it a few more days.10:06
velkoaoliax, http://webber.dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto-4.html#ss4.110:06
`Tellso I'd have to remove ubuntu in order to put windows back on, and then load ubuntu onto a partition?10:06
surviverffm, u can type this in console irssi then /connect xxx(server) then /join #ubuntu10:06
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apoTell, no10:06
jeroensum<viktor____> no solution but you can easily script around the problem10:06
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stefgcompengi: try it... i wouldn't worry too much, maybe the new kernel employs another strategy for buffers and cache. Unused Ram is good for nothing, so better use it for something10:07
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surviveranyone know or ubuntu has a temperature program? for cpu vga ram case hdd ...10:07
aoliaxthanks velko10:07
apoYou can also edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst10:07
ffmdyrne: How do I set settings and such? Like default nick, server?10:07
apo!grub | `Tell10:07
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ryancranyone here running kiba-dock?10:07
ubotu`Tell: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:07
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jeroensumsurviver, try lm-sensors10:07
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MajorApusHow do I give myself permissions on a folder outside of my home directory10:07
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dyrneffm: well i normally just make a script but youll have a .irssi/config file10:08
velkoaoliax, i supposed that kgpg is just a graphical frontend to gnupg. for that reason i'm wondering that it can't encrypt files10:08
jeroensumMajorApus, use sudo chmod10:08
psycosehi, since i upgrade to feisty my dell inspiron 510m really lag & is very slow (the cpu is at about 2%) have you heard about such a problem ?10:08
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ompaulFlaze, you will see why the ops are marked as such all the time: http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml  cheers10:08
ffmMajorApus: sudo chmod, or sudo nautilus and make the changes from there.10:08
aoliaxvelko, yup, its simple a graphical fontend10:08
ffmdyrne: Thanks!10:08
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MajorApusffm 770?10:09
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akahigeubuntu noob, here... trying to install v7.04 and the graphical installer positions windows and buttons off the bottom of the screen, so I can't tell what to do to navigate. anyone got a workaround?10:09
apoMajorApus: If you're in the group, yes10:09
jeroensumMajorApus, depends on the groups you're in10:09
apoIf not, 77710:09
MajorApusapo im the only user?10:09
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ffmMajorApus: try 077710:09
jeroensumapo , I would not reccomend 777 for anything!10:09
apojeroensum: True...10:09
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velkoakahige, you can press Alt, click anywhere inside a window and move the window10:10
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ffmMajorApus: Actualy , 770 is fine10:10
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psycose hi, since i upgrade to feisty my dell inspiron 510m really lag & is very slow (the cpu is at about 2%) have you heard about such a problem ?10:10
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toferradoHow do I setup my Wireless PCI card?10:10
aoliaxvelko: there is no encryption that would come with archive managers or anything that you know of?10:10
sldkfjMy system refuses to allow me to login to a tty terminal.  My user name is all lowercase, and my password has some uppercase letters in it.  My tty terminal apparently doesn't allow uppercase letters as noticed when I tested if it did with typing letters in the user portion which is visible.  Any help to correct this would be appreciated.10:10
ubotuGutsy Gibbon is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (7.10). See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2007-April/000276.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GutsyReleaseSchedule Support in #ubuntu+110:10
YetiChickMajorApus:  Of course, there is also chown.  Depends on what you're trying to accpomplish.10:10
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MajorApusim trying to access drives i mounted and I cant10:11
velkoaoliax, nothing i know about10:11
YetiChickMajorApus:  accomplish.10:11
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jandrohello! is somebody experiencing sound a lot of problems with audio in skype? my comunication is stablish and at some moments we can hear the each other, but the most of the time a really annoying noise is cutting constantly the conversation? it happened to me on edgy, and now also in feisty, any idea?10:11
Svishhow can I choose to use the ati graphicscard driver??10:11
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jeroensumMajorApus, use the   -o uid  switch for mount (see man page)10:11
akahigevelko: thanks!10:11
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webmarenhi guys10:11
aoliaxanyone know any methods to encrypt files?10:11
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webmareni need help getting internet on a 7.04 live cd10:12
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apecatwebmaren: start by describing how you connect10:12
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Svishwebmaren: say what? you want internet on a live cd?10:12
sesamebikeHi! My sister used to do some web editing in mozilla-composer but it's gone after upgrading to Feisty. Does anyone have a tip on how to restore it into Feisty or recommend a similar wysiwyg editor?10:13
Svishwebmaren: ah.. like that :P10:13
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PenguinOfDoomHow do I enable IRQ unmasking on an IDE drive handled by libata? It seems that those guys, in their endless wisdom, removed support for that ioctl.10:13
webmareni need to show my friends family how ubuntu works10:13
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sldkfjwebmaren  ........ visit   http://www.releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/10:13
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apecatsesamebike: nvu is better i suppose10:13
webmareni'm trying to convince them to use ubuntu10:13
ompaulsesamebike, use bluefish is one thing or nvu10:13
jandrohello! is somebody experiencing sound a lot of problems with audio in skype? my comunication is stablish and at some moments we can hear the each other, but the most of the time a really annoying noise is cutting constantly the conversation? it happened to me on edgy, and now also in feisty, any idea?10:13
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sesamebikenvu is gone in feisty tooo..10:13
Nadhris mint worth trying?10:13
sinn1Does anyone know why my Ubuntu installation gets stuck on step 5 - where it checks my disks before i pick where i want to install to??10:13
apecatsesamebike: tried installing it?10:14
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webmarenand i can't get the computer to recognize the connection10:14
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mneptoksesamebike: nVu is dead as a projct. try Bluefish or Amaya10:14
apecatoh, dead10:14
sldkfjwebmaren  ........ D/L a LIVE CD for your particular system at   http://www.releases.ubuntu.com/feisty/10:14
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stefgsinn1: are you sure that your disk  and partiton table are alright?10:14
sesamebikeok. thanks. i'll tell her to try bluefish then.10:14
mneptoksesamebike: Amaya is probably what you're looking for10:14
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mneptoksesamebike: Bluefish is not WYSIWYG10:15
mneptokAmaya is.10:15
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sinn1Does anyone know why my Ubuntu installation gets stuck on step 5 - where it checks my disks before i pick where i want to install to??10:15
sesamebikethanks. guess amaya is the way to go for her.10:15
webmarensldkfj: i already have a live cd, its booted on the particular computer, but i can't use the internet10:15
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jeroensumsinn1, what does your /var/log/messages give you?10:15
mneptoksesamebike: http://www.w3.org/Amaya/10:16
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YetiChickNadhr:  Anything is worth trying - once.  :)10:16
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sinn1jeroensum, im 100% new to linux, i have no idea... how  can i check?10:16
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kajeDoes anyone know of any howto's for setting up a kiosk station where you basically have 1 system, but 4 monitors, keyboards, and mice? Basically, using multiple X sessions?10:16
BelaBartokis there a possibility to run xubuntu on an old 486?10:16
mneptoksesamebike: you'll note she can use it for free on Ubuntu, Windows, or OSX ;)10:16
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jeroensumsinn1, start a terminal from the menu , then type: cat /var/log/messages10:17
lnswassaaaaap ubuntu!!!! woooooooooooOOOOOOOOOO!10:17
sldkfjwebmaren, has the computer had internet access before you loading the Live CD?10:17
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stefgkaje: have you looked at edubuntu? it might be 50% of waht you want already10:17
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mneptokBelaBartok: any GUI on that will be rough. if you *must* have one, install Ubuntu server and something like Fluxbox/ICEwm10:17
jeroensumsinn1, DONT post everything, you will flood the channel and get kickedQ10:17
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aska1I want to run program.sh from the applications menu..the program is in /home/askar/program/program.sh10:17
anchoris it better to use the restricted drivers that ship with feisty, or to download them from the Nvidia website?10:17
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MajorApusokay so my fstab is almost done, I can read all mounts but I cant write to ntfs10:18
deConPhilK, what uses swap and can it be cleared?10:18
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BelaBartokmneptok: well its for my grandma, she needs to check mail n stuff10:18
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sinn1jeroensum, ok, im going to have to boot it up again im on windows at the moment... can i get back onto here when im on the Live CD mode ?10:18
PhilKdeCon: not really my area of expertise but...10:18
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webmarenwoah nvm guys it might be working now10:18
sldkfjwebmaren, what kind of a connection to the internet is there at that computer?10:18
jeroensumMajorApus, if you umount the drives and mount by hand with the -o uid option can you access the drive then as RW?10:18
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mneptokBelaBartok: Fluxbox.10:18
malsynedAnybody know why all of the download links to Feisty for PowerPC are coming back 404s?  Does it actually exist?10:18
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MajorApusjeroensum: how is that any different than using rw and uid in the fstab10:19
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IYYguys... small problem: I installed Feisty today and accidentally selected "Canada" as my keyboard layout (it should be US). Now many keys, like '/' don't work. I managed to change it in X by editing xorg.conf, but when I'm in the console it's still set on the wrong mode. How do I fix this?10:19
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mneptokmalsyned: PPC is no longer an officially supported arch.10:19
jeroensumsinn1, yes you can, if you have a working network connection under the live CD you can start a terminal and apt-get an IRC client like xchat10:19
BelaBartokmneptok: and is there any distro set in fluxbox by default?10:19
PhilKdeCon: swap is just extra memory, if you run out of regular memory it'll use it, otherwise it won't.  I don't think I've ever noticed the swap grow past 100mb as long as I've got the memory10:19
stefgMajorApus: you need a spaecail driver for that. I did your fstab earlier, remember?10:19
psusiaramaki: no, you want hd0 to be the usb drive10:19
mneptokmalsyned: look for builds by the community, a la Xubuntu10:19
malsynedmneptok: seriously?!  Is there any web page about why?10:19
stefg!ntfs-3g  | MajorApus10:19
ubotuMajorApus: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions10:19
deConPhilK, cuz my memory is fine now, but my swap is up at 200mb10:19
mneptokBelaBartok: Fluxbuntu ;)10:19
malsynedis that new to Feisty?10:19
MajorApusstefg: yes, and almost none of it worked stefg10:19
sinn1jeroensum, ok thank you, i will be back soon.10:19
sldkfjMy system refuses to allow me to login to a tty terminal.  My user name is all lowercase, and my password has some uppercase letters in it.  My tty terminal apparently doesn't allow uppercase letters as noticed when I tested if it did with typing letters in the user portion which is visible.  Any help to correct this would be appreciated.10:19
deConPhilK, does it clear the swap when you reboot?10:19
mneptokmalsyned: it is10:19
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MajorApusI do have the ntfs config tool10:20
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PhilKdecon: probably just sitting out there from when you were out of ram, and yes it does10:20
jeroensumMajorApus, if you mount by hand you will see errors if thingsgo wrong. When you put in in fstab sometimes the errors get lost in dmesg10:20
stefgMajorApus: sad to hear... what was wrong?10:20
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MajorApusjeroensum: ic10:20
mneptokmalsyned: it just isn't worth the development effort and expense now that no major player is shipping a PPC desktop.10:20
seele_please help with my sound card10:20
malsynedThat's unbelievable.  Ubuntu actually abandoned the platform before Apple stopped supporting it.  I'm disappointed.10:20
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MajorApusstefg: most of them didn't mount10:20
shirishguys I'm unable to find the gaim-irchelper what could be wrong?10:20
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BelaBartokmneptok: heeey, thought you were makin fun ... there really is a distro like that ... thanks pal :DDD10:21
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YetiChickmalsyned:  With limited resources, sometimes you have to pick and choose.  I have an old G3 PowerMac sitting here that I wanted to try it on, but I understand that I'm fairly rare.10:21
PhilKmalsyned: I'd have to say I'd much rather they push forward than support a dying platform, leave that to NetBSD or something like it10:21
deConPhilK, ok thanks! Now I'm trying to follow some tips and tweaks pages, you haven't any Feisty links you would point someone like me towards? I already have ubuntuguide.org open10:21
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mneptokBelaBartok: /join #fluxbuntu10:21
seele_I have a toshiba laptop ... I look all the pages about this problem but I can't find the solution10:22
velkomalsyned, you may look at debian. it supports 11 processor architectures10:22
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manitoba99I'm following these guides: http://howtoforge.com/sharp_fonts_gnome_p2 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20976 , but I cannot seem to get Xorg to change the DPI to 96...I'm changing the DisplaySize in xorg.conf, but xdpyinfo still shows it at 101x108 dots per inch....10:22
seele_this is my lspci exit10:22
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seele_00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)10:22
seele_for the sound card10:22
mneptokmalsyned: join the community port.10:22
malsynedvelko: yeah, that's exactly what I'm going to have to do.10:22
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d0lph1nK1nganyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?10:22
PhilKdeCon: Ubuntuguide's a great place to start, as for my guides bookmarked, they tend to be pretty specific to problems I've had10:22
sldkfjI guess could change my password to all lowercase letters just see if a tty terminal actually works10:22
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malsynedmneptok: Anyplace I can go to learn about how to?10:22
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jeroensumKenSentMe, LOL das uit Larry 1 of niet?  :D10:23
deConPhilK, thanks! ill just google for tips10:23
mneptokmalsyned: stand by. i'll find you resources.10:23
KenSentMejeroensum, yep :)10:23
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PhilKdeCon: when I run into a problem I usually start at google, then the forums, then here.  works about 95% of the time10:24
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antoCan somone help me, i compiled a program and when i try to run it on my server it says "Bash: ./otserv: cannot execute binary files."10:24
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MajorApusmy ext3 drive isn't moutning  I get this error "EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option "uid=1000" or missing value"10:24
malsynedmneptok: thanks.  also, there does seem to be a CD image for it on cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports.  What's the deal with that?10:24
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lieterok dumb question: why cant i add openttd to my games menu?10:25
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MajorApusfor this line "/dev/sdb3 /mount/data2 ext3    auto,nouser,  exec,rw,uid=1000 0 0"10:25
elliottcable<<| The Last Night :| by |: Skillet |>>10:25
elliottcable<<| The Last Night :| by |: Skillet |>><<| The Last Night :| by |: Skillet |>><<| The Last Night :| by |: Skillet |>><<| The Last Night :| by |: Skillet |>>10:25
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SelenolycusWhat would happen after shuttin down with 'shutdown -h -t' ? I did that with some number flags, 3 and 5, and now my computer is acting funny.10:25
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velkoanto, is it possible that your executable is on a file system which is mounted as "noexec" ?10:25
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deConPhilK, now its on to optimization...i guess the generic kernel trumps the K7 kernal that is supposed to help out for dual cores10:26
stefgMajorApus: uid is just a workaround for filesystems which don't implement user permissions, like vfat. so it's not a valid option with ext310:26
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Bales1Ever since upgrading to Feisty, my Firefox has been freezing very frequently. Any ideas?10:26
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manitoba99Bales1: I've experienced the same thing.....very odd......10:27
PhilKdeCon: I haven't found any optimizations that drastically sped things up yet, Ubuntu's pretty snappy OOB10:27
Bales1manitoba99: Yeah, and I can't pinpoint it on one site or anything, it just happens all the time10:27
velkoSelenolycus, don't know about the -t part but i shutdown this way my computer almost every time and nothing bad happens10:27
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jeroensumMajorApus, the problem is the nouser switch, this lets only root mount the device!10:27
Selenolycuswith "-h"10:28
velkoSelenolycus, yes10:28
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velkoSelenolycus, very convinient if you want the computer to shut down after a movie10:28
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deConPhilK, so i've noticed, i'm just hoping to make sure everything is at its peak :O), esp. since i only have a 80GB Hdd10:28
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PhilKSelenolycus: it doesn't look like -t is even an option...10:28
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mynnxHey - can anyone give me a hand getting a dual-monitor setup working on my Intel 915GM laptop?  I get the startup sound but a blank screen.10:28
NrbelexHow do you trick a website into thinking you're running Windows or IE?10:29
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velkoPhilK, it is. it means "Tell init(8) to wait sec seconds between sending processes the warning and the kill signal, before changing to another runlevel"10:29
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jeroensumNrbelex, usr the 'user agent switcher' plugin for firefox10:29
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PhilKdeCon: yeah, it can be a little space hungry, especially if you start compiling your own builds (I keep up with the latest svn builds of MythTV and mplayer)10:29
MoongooHello, I just got a new widescreen monitor and I want to use a different resolution. in the screen resolution, it doesn't give me all the available options for widescreen. How do I fix this?10:29
MajorApuswell I got everything working now except my ext3 drive10:29
MajorApusits not auto moutning10:29
Nrbelexjeroensum, thanks - couldn't remember the name10:29
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MajorApusand I know why :( silly me10:30
mynnxMoongoo, add the resolution to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file10:30
PhilKMoongoo: add the resolutions to xorg.conf and you should be all set10:30
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ompaul!es | mublak10:30
ubotumublak: Si busca ayuda en Espaol por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, all obtendr mas ayuda.10:30
tjb13how do i completely remove a package that I've installed so that I can change apt sources and get a lower version10:30
PhilKvelko: thanks, didn't see that in the --help10:30
deConPhilK, see and after i'm done with school in a week. i need to start that kind of stuff. I want to set up my box as MythTV, as well as a media server.10:30
jeroensumNrbelex, NP :)10:30
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velkoPhilK, i also looked it up in the man page. i wasn't aware of its existence too10:31
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lolomamaI lack space on my /usr disk to install version 7.04. How can I solve this issue ?10:31
Outriderevening all10:31
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PhilKdeCon: good luck!  MythTV is great for videos and music.  TV...maybe? (I've had a really hard time with it, but I know it's supposed to work just fine, part of it's the HD problems)10:31
cmathesonlolomama: you could use parted to resize your partitions, although it can be a bit tricky to shuffle things around right10:31
tjb13anyone have any idea10:31
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jcole_eatwindows xp theme -> http://bp0.blogger.com/_fTC3EYzUReY/Rd-5RN9fuAI/AAAAAAAAAAk/mGc7iBmxkN8/s1600-h/screenshot.JPG10:32
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dinochopinshi ...10:32
jeroensumlolomama, add an extra disk and mount it :)10:32
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lolomamawhat do U mean by tricky ?10:32
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dinochopinsis there anyone has any experience with fetchmail ?10:32
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deConPhilK, i hadn't found the link to the actual software and description for main site, could you point me there please?10:32
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dinochopinsI try to get my "catch-all" email account10:32
jamisnemocould someone tell me where the alsa configuration files are?10:32
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surviverdinochopins, bit but not much tip: hotmail doesnt work with it10:32
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seele__please help I have a nuw laptop with festy ... but my sound not works ...10:32
PhilKdeCon: http://www.mythtv.org10:32
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PhilKdeCon: more useful, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/10:33
surviverdeCon, hy :)10:33
seele__this is my lspci exit for my sound card10:33
dinochopinsand delivered that into my users's mailboxes10:33
seele__00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)10:33
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deConsurviver, hello!10:33
Bales1Is there a way to find out what kind of server my school email uses and check it using Evolution?10:33
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netsrothow do I config the forced disk check?10:33
tjb13can anyone tell me how to completely remove everything a package installed and the cached deb package10:33
dinochopinssurviver: no... i'm not using hotmail but my own domain's catch all account set up by my ISP10:33
mynnx_Hey - can anyone give me a hand getting a dual-monitor setup working on my Intel 915GM laptop?  I get the startup sound but a blank screen.10:33
tjb13should be an easy one10:33
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PhilKdeCon: the mailing list has a ton of information on it (almost too much to be useful) and there's tons of guides out there for it.  the basic setup should be pretty easy for you10:33
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imbecileok guys I want to add more hd space to ubuntu in my dual boot system.. I have gparted open.. can someone help me?10:34
PhilKdeCon: the ubuntu packages will probably be fine as long as you don't want to do anything too fancy10:34
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velkodinochopins, you need an example on what to put in .fetchmailrc or you have some specific problem?10:34
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surviverdinochopins, oke then it will be sonthin like this : fetchmail xxx10:34
luisgmarinewhat are the alternates to gaim?10:34
deConPhilK, so i've heard.... can I run myth on an old P2 350mhz...or ubuntu for that matter? Which build? Because thats my next project...a frankenstein box of old purportions10:34
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dinochopinsvelko : some specific problem10:34
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PhilKdeCon: Xubuntu's kind of designed for that, minimalist10:35
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dinochopinsvelko : so.. i have a "catch-all" account on my domain (let's say abc.com)... and have just one email account at my ISP10:35
surviverdinochopins, fetchmail xxx@xxx.xx then it works normally or u can make a script for it ... to automaticly do that10:35
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YetiChickmynnx_: I assume that nothing changed with the last try?10:35
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PhilKdeCon: you can probably get a myth-frontend playing on there, but I definately wouldn't expect much more than music and maybe web-quality video10:35
dinochopinsvelko: that is the catch-all account (catchall@abc.com)10:35
topgun553Hey can someone help me!!!! : I have a presentation to give and I want to use the open office version of powerpoint (since I only run linux on my computer) and I was wondering what I am going to need to do to have it be able to be on the projection screen... This is for my TechComm class of U of M10:36
TomatomaIs anyone know which plugin manages window pilling-up in compiz?10:36
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nenxjanyone get wifi to work on their laptops10:36
FylkI have.10:36
nenxji set it up correctly i see signals, BUT IT DOESNT actualyl connect10:36
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FylkAny kind of encription key?10:36
dyrnetopgun553: ive used twinview for that. fairly straight forward once you have an example of what to put in xorg10:36
nenxjnah none of that10:36
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dinochopinsvelko: then I can catch all the email addressses directed to abc.domain (dino@abc.com, maria@abc.com, etc)10:36
nenxji even connected to it full signal, but no actual data transmissions10:36
PhilKtopgun553: any chance you can get access to the projector ahead of time?  you'll probably want to set it up as a monitor in xorg.conf10:37
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MajorApusalright, I got eveyrthing working, if anyone would like to see my fstab (it contains vfat ext3 and ntfs-3g) so it might be a good example10:37
FylkNenxj: Card, etc10:37
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topgun553PhilK, I have an hour and I don't shit about how to edit xorg.conf10:37
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nenxjbroadcom 139010:37
topgun553dyrne,  what does twinview do?10:37
PhilKMajorApus: I'd be curious if you pastebin it10:37
dinochopinsvelko: then I need to pop all those emails and distributed it to my local Ubuntu's accounts based on that email account (dino@abc.com will be delivered to dino.. and so on)10:37
nenxjheres the tutorial i used10:37
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FylkI think the broadcom cards are having issues. Some one confirm?10:37
jeroensumTomatoma, what do you mean by 'piling up'?10:37
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PhilKtopgun553: yeah, talk to dyrne, I'm just going to be guessing, he sounds like he's got some experience at least10:38
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mynnx_YetiChick:  Yeah, nothing did10:38
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velkodinochopins, this is done by procmail and not by fetchmail :-)10:38
topgun553dyrne, could you walk me through what I would need to do???10:38
mynnx_YetiChick:  I'm sorry about leaving, btw; I forgot that I had a class at 3:1010:38
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MajorApusfstab: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/17463/10:38
deConPhilK, well ill run myth on my awesome box, but i want to fraken something just for the parents to use...so xubuntu?10:38
imbecileok guys I want to add more hd space to ubuntu in my dual boot system.. I have gparted open.. can someone help me?10:38
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seele__please help with HDA intel sound card10:38
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PhilKdeCon: that's probably going to be your best bet.  Gnome can be a little RAM hungry for older systems10:39
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rambo3deCon, e1710:39
kane77how can I set default printout mode for a printer? in dapper there was only setting inside printer preferences and all apps used this setting, now it's in all printing dialogs and now it asks me every time.10:39
topgun553dyrne, are you there man?10:39
Tomatomajeroensum, (sorry I'm french), in the cube, windows are put in relief10:40
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MajorApushow do I play mpegs?10:40
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rambo3deCon, as long as it has starter bar with Firefox/swiftfox/opera and soliter10:40
deConPhilK, what is the easiest way in terminal to end a running anything....i want to configure this locale remover, but it has a loooong string of crap, but i want to skip that and get back to term. prompt10:40
PhilKrambo3: how easy is e17 to set up in Ubuntu?  I've thought about messing around with it10:40
jcolekane77: i had to use the cups interface to make permanent settings10:40
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rambo3PhilK, add repos and : apt-get install e1710:40
dyrnetopgun553: nah sorry i dont really remember. i usually just google for an example and start working from it.  make sure you know ahead of time what resolution the projector will be10:40
YetiChickmynnx_: No problem.  :)10:40
deConrambo3, right lol. i was thinking basic10:41
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PhilKdeCon: uh, CTRL+C?  I think that's what you're looking for10:41
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kane77jcole, thx, I' ll try that10:41
PhilKrambo3: sounds easy enough, I might have to play around with it10:41
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deConPhilK, thanks10:41
jeroensumTomatoma, don't worry, I'm dutch so  ... :P  The windows are put in relief when you move the cube, that's what you mean?10:41
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dinochopinsvelko : Oh... ok, will take a look at them10:41
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MajorApushow do I get mpeg support in kubuntu10:41
dinochopinsvelko: Thank you very much10:41
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YetiChickmynnx_: The problem with remote troubleshooting of this kind of thing is the "try something and check the logs" approach is so slow with display issues.10:41
jcolekane77: username is "root"10:41
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rambo3PhilK, there is old howto on ubuntu forums so you need to change edgy to feisty in how to10:41
sldkfjWell I changed the password to all lowercase letters, and I got through. so  I guess I have to create another user with privileges with an acceptable password.  Unless someone else out there uses uppercase letters in their password.  I guess I'm kind of curious.  :\10:41
velkodinochopins, they are a lot of howtos and examples on the net. np10:41
SvishWhy cant I choose any drivers in the Restricted Drivers Manager???10:41
SurfnKidhow do i know which module is loaded for my video card?10:42
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PhilKdeCon: can you see my PM?10:42
mynnx_YetiChick:  Yeah, I agree...my "linux guy" back here is stumped10:42
SurfnKidlike i810 or r300 for ati10:42
jamisnemowhy does ubuntu have such an issue with sound support..10:42
jcolekane77: can't remember if you also have to set root passwd... if so, do a "sudo passwd" to set it10:42
SurfnKiddo i run lsmod?10:42
YetiChickmynnx_: What you know is that you have a working config.  So what I would do is start with that working config and slowly add things to it 'til I saw where it broke.10:42
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dinochopinsvelko: procmail is mailing list manager ?10:42
dinochopinsvelko: that's not what i mean :P10:42
Tomatomayes, and in Feisty, they don't, thanks to desktop-effects10:42
mynnx_YetiChick:  I'll definitely try that10:42
rambo3PhilK, deCon http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31933610:42
Tomatomajeroensum, yes, and in Feisty, they don't, thanks to desktop-effects10:43
mynnx_YetiChick:  I'll let you know when I know something...thanks for your help10:43
YetiChickmynnx_: For example, copy/past the device and monitor sections, changing *only* what you need to to refer to the other display.10:43
velkodinochopins, huh? ok, maybe i missed the joke though...10:43
YetiChickmynnx_: And make as few changes as possible in between tries.10:43
sinn637jeroensum, what was that line yuou told me to type into my terminal for the var log ?10:43
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PhilKrambo3: this is why I'm interested in e17, the fans are always so evangelical about it, there must be something ;)10:43
sldkfjI find it sort of odd that the password system into a tty program doesn't allow uppercase letters when the OS login does.10:43
dinochopinsvelko, sorry... I just read the manual and seems it can be the solution10:43
jeroensumTomatoma, in beryl-manager there is/was a 'Visual effects' tab where you can go to 3D-effects and set 'window depth'10:44
YetiChickmynnx_: And, of course, make sure it is securely backed up before you start making changes.  :)10:44
dinochopinsvelko, thank you.. will learn it thoroughly first10:44
velkodinochopins, it can be ;-)10:44
pandinaHELLO! how can i open a new X server on display :1? so i will have display :0 for karl and display :1 for tom10:44
dinochopinsvelko, really appreciate it10:44
sldkfjalso, I reckon I'm just chatting with myself.....10:44
jeroensumsinn637, cat /var/log/messages10:44
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mynnx_YetiChick:  Heh yeah, that's important10:45
Tomatomajeroensum, Is this also in the desktop-effects pack ?10:45
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jeroensumsinn637, then check for obvious errors, plz don't paste the whole thing10:45
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mynnx_YetiChick:  What sucks is that sometimes I lose my mouse when I restore my xorg to the original, until I reboot10:45
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ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto10:45
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rambo3PhilK, i dont know why , but e17 is new and not build upon old code from old ages . animated wallpapers icons , easy config panels. quick http://www4.get-e.org/Themes/E17/10:45
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skulridis there a way to password protect my simple folders?10:46
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jeroensumTomatoma, I'm not sure, haven looked at it yet10:46
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apolis it possible to use xrandr 1.2 with feisty?10:46
YetiChickmynnx_: That's strange.  Not something I've seen, although I always have gpm running.  Might make a difference.10:47
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Tomatomajeroensum, ok thanks, I'm looking gconf-editor10:47
cdavisnetpassword protect folders in appache ? skulrid10:47
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PhilKrambo3: thanks man, I'll check it out when I get home10:47
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kane77jcole, anyway I liked the old printing "interface" better.. having all set in one point has its advantages10:47
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rambo3!info xrandr feisty-backports10:47
ubotuxrandr: X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB10:47
topgun553dyrne, from what I have been reading there have been problems with twinview with feisty10:47
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kane77can I manualy clean the swap?10:48
topgun553Does anyone know an easy way I could connect to a projecter with feisty on my laptop???10:48
moonwatchercan anyone explain to me how to set up an ATI 9600 to output video overlay to the s-video port10:48
rambo3kane77, what ?10:48
moonwatcheri am not sure if its possible even10:48
skulrid<cdavisnet> whats appache?10:48
deConrambo3, what exactly is it, superlight version of ubuntu?10:48
moonwatcherwith the open source driver10:48
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velkokane77, i do swapoff and swapon10:48
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cdavisnetskulrid a webserver10:48
YetiChicktopgun553: Depends on the projector's interface.10:48
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topgun553I'm guessing it will be a vga connection10:48
topgun553YetiChick, I am guessing it will be a vga connection10:49
skulridcdavisnet well dunno ^^" I just want to protect some folders on my desktop with a password.10:49
kane77rambo3, it became a little cluttered because I didnt turn off computer for.. e.. a long time :)10:49
YetiChicktopgun553: Then you should be able to simply use the VGA output of your laptop.10:49
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cdavisnetskulrid.... no idea, sorry10:49
rambo3deCon, its window manger #elbuntu is built around it with ubuntu as base10:49
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jeroensumTomatoma,  try to install GLDesktop and Compiz-Extra plugins and then go to Gconf-editor then apps and then compiz10:49
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YetiChicktopgun553: however, X being what it is, it would be nice if you could test it before you had to do a presentation.10:49
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topgun553well shit10:50
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topgun553YetiChick, how well does openoffice transfer to powerpoint?10:50
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PriceChild!ohmy | topgun55310:50
ubotutopgun553: Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.10:50
olimpicoI'm getting log_daemon_msg: not found everywhere10:50
deConrambo3, so itll run feisty, but with a lighter-on-ram windows manager?10:50
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olimpicoOn the console, if I remove a package, on the init , everywhere10:50
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olimpicoPLEASE HELP, and some things don't work10:51
YetiChicktopgun553: In my experience, quite well, although the interface is a bit different.10:51
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rambo3deCon, yeah as long as you turn on all widgets that are built in10:51
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topgun553YetiChick, .... is it as good as powerpoint?10:51
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fougi can't save my xorg.conf, i don't have permission. Never had this happen before, I've edited it many times, why is it giving me trouble now?10:51
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moonwatcherfoug: sudo....10:51
PhilKdeCon: there's also fluxbox which is super light-weight, I'm pretty sure there's packages for it as well10:51
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ompaulolimpico, so did you remember the locak configuration files after you did "sudo apt-get remove --purge application-name"?10:52
E42help !! when i upgrade 6.10 to 7.04 my wifi card dont works !! it is a RTL8180 !! Someone help . Im on 6.10 no and if i LSMOD so there is r818x                  93708  010:52
E42 and ieee80211_rtl          82696  1 r818x10:52
E42 . But when i lsmod in 7.04 there is nothing of these two procces. HELP ME !! HOW TO FIX IT !?10:52
imbecilehey if i move some of my ntfs partition to my ext3 partition using gparted will i still be able to boot up?10:52
YetiChicktopgun553: Well, I can't give you an unbiased answer.  I don't like Powerpoint, but I kind of like Impress (OpenOffice's Powerpoint app).10:52
park13i just installed myphpadmin and it works but it is acting strange.  I will login and it will tell me to login again after i already did.  I will be using myphpadmin and then click on link and it will ask me to login. sometime if i login in with correct usrer and password it will deny access10:52
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YetiChicktopgun553: But I'm not a big fan of that kind of presentation software.10:52
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rambo3E42, you need restricted drivers10:53
topgun553YetiChick, what kind of presentation software do you use10:53
OuZo__what is the command to upgrade to Festy? thanks (sudo apt-get dist-upgrade - did not work)10:53
E42rambo3, hmm is there any .deb package with these drivers?10:53
rambo3E42, and firmware10:53
kane77deCon, or there is openbox, I installed it ran it and waited for it to load, until I realised it _is_ loaded (there was only mouse cursor on screen) :)10:53
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YetiChicktopgun553: I tend to build websites for making presentations.10:53
Mr_Giraffehey, are the servers to upgrade to feisty still slow?10:53
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E42OuZo__ , just get the feisty repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list and then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:54
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topgun553YetiChick, ... websites???10:54
jeroensumpark13, I think you might get more response here:  IRC: #phpmyadmin on irc.freenode.net10:54
Tr0gd0ranyone know how to get wireless on a macbook to work in ubuntu?10:54
kirkunitpark13: seems more a like a problem with your server setup or php configuration than a problem with Ubuntu10:54
YetiChicktopgun553: Yep.  No need to worry about compatibility - everyone has a browser.10:54
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rambo3E42, no idea10:54
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topgun553YetiChick, hahaha seems like too much work10:54
OuZo__E42: thanks, were is a example of the repositories or do i just change what ever was edgy to fest?10:55
YetiChicktopgun553: Presentation software tends to encourage people to get "fancy" and lose the important points of their presentation.10:55
deConkane77, ill check it out, thanks. got a lot of time to wait before that tiny project10:55
jeroensumpark13, it's not to diss you, but it's like kirkunit said, not really an Ubuntu-like problem10:55
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YetiChicktopgun553: Oh, there are a lot of easy website building toold, even if one isn't an old timer like me.  :)10:55
rambo3Quads, run gksudo update-manager -c10:55
topgun553YetiChick, My presentation was on a debatable topic... most people picked supreme court cases... I picked xbox 360 vs ps3 vs the wii10:55
E42oUzo__ . http://forum.ubuntu.pl/viewtopic.php?t=1591 . Just use the repos under 1. and 2.10:56
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rambo3Ouzo_ , run gksudo update-manager -c10:56
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YetiChicktopgun553: Heh.  Interesting subject, and no less emotionally biased than Supreme Court cases.  :)10:56
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rambo3or -d10:57
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EvensarHi! I have som problem with qbittorent. when i close the program and tries to open it again, it wount start again, what can be wrong?10:57
fbnhow can I export evolutions address book into a format that mac's address book can understand?10:57
OuZo__E42: thanks10:57
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topgun553hahha YetiChick yeah.... basically I am going to say Wii is gaining on 360 but 360 still has ace of spades (halo 3) and the ps3 just is good for protein folding applications10:57
jeroensumEvensar, maybe the program is daemonised?  check with ps uax | grep qbit  if the process is still running10:58
YetiChicktopgun553: You might find this site interesting:  http://www.w3.org/2006/05/Slidy-XTech/#(1)10:58
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E42OuZo__ , btw. if there will be problems with APT or GPT keys u have to fix it by your onw10:58
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magnetronfbn, can mac understand vcard?10:58
pekujais there an easy way to setup monitor spanning for two monitors in feisty?10:59
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YetiChicktopgun553:  Fair enough.  I have all three of the "last gen" consoles.  Have not yet picked up any of the new ones, although I'll probably end up with all three of them, too.10:59
LsBlendCan anybody help me with my problem? Pm me10:59
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topgun553YetiChick, all 3?10:59
fbnmagnetron: yes it does, but the vcard export from evolution seems to be strange because after the import all characters are chinese signs ...10:59
pekujaI've had enough trouble trying to do that by hand-modifying xorg.conf for Xinerama, I'm not up for that. With XRandr 1.2 it seemed to be pretty easy but that's not in Feisty yet.10:59
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LsBlendCant login fully, ubuntu freezes10:59
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jago25YetiChick, I want to see this WiiWii wand thing11:00
Evensarjeroensum: Where do I check ps uax | grep qbit?11:00
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LsBlendmore info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419979&highlight=faulty+installation11:00
LsBlendany help appreciated11:00
salahhello. how do I find out what my wlan card is?11:00
magnetronfbn: ubuntu uses UTF-8 by default, maybe Mac OS doesn't use that?11:00
jeroensumEvensar, open a terminal (in the menu under accessoiries)11:00
YetiChicktopgun553:  Gamecube, PS2, Xbox.11:00
kajeAnyone know how to make ubuntu not start X on boot? On FC6 I could set the default runlevel to 3, but Ubuntu(Debian) seem to use different runlevels...11:00
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fbnmagnetron: if i open the export on ubuntu in vim I have a lot of ^M (at the end of every line) is that normal?11:01
Evensarjeroensum: johan     5632 10.1  2.8  95892 29948 ?        Sl   22:40   2:08 qbittorrent11:01
Evensarjohan     6226  0.0  0.0   2880   748 pts/0    R+   23:01   0:00 grep qbit11:01
topgun553YetiChick, I was just  suprised you planned on getting all 3 next gen11:01
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jeroensumkaje, just remove the entry from /etc/init.d  :)11:01
dyrnekaje: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove11:01
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magnetronfbn, i don't know, does the rest of the characters look OK?11:01
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Tr0gd0ruggh i can install madwifi on feisty, gayness11:01
kirkunitsaleh: try typing lspci in a terminal11:01
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Robbsterhey all. I've been using edgy on my home pc for a few months now. I just realised that although I have an AMD X2 chip, I'm only using 1 core! how do I get the smp kernel installed? I read that the generic kernel package will do it for me?11:02
LsBlendcan anybody help me? When i try to login, it hangs and never reaches the desktop.11:02
jeroensumEvensar, seems like the thing is still running in the background, try a  killall -9 qbittorrent11:02
deConanyone know why my terminal is telling me i'm having all kinds of ALSA errors11:02
LsBlendmore info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=419979&highlight=faulty+installation11:02
LsBlendany help appreciated11:02
dooglusI click 'enable desktop effects' and it tells me 'desktop effects could not be enabled'.  where can I find more information?  I don't see any 'details' button.11:02
dyrneLsBlend: alt-ctrl-f2 and do df -h to check disk space then sudo adduser and try to login with new user11:02
kajedyrne: if I change my mind later can I do a simple command like that to add it back?11:02
shawn34looking for a good winamp/amarok-like media player. Amarok is awsome but its to much for my second laptop, not too much ram.11:02
fbnmagnetron: yes the rest is ok, but the field names are strange they have x-evolution in their names11:02
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jago25Robbster, start with apt-cache search smp11:03
dooglusshawn34: beep-media-player?11:03
kirkunitRobbster: i have a similar setup and yes, the generic kernel should be fine11:03
LsBlendk ill try that.11:03
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Evensarjeroensum: thanks it worked. any idea why it doesent shut downs completely?11:03
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shawn34dooglus, playlist/collection editor?11:03
knpshawn34 beep media player11:03
magnetronfbn: all of the fields have x-evolujtion in them?11:03
Robbsterjago25: I checked using synaptic. I don't want to break dependencies, so I want to ensure that the correct package is used.11:03
YetiChicktopgun553:  Ah...  Well, I don't *plan* to, but if I see a game I want and don't have that console, I'll usually buy the console.11:03
dyrnekaje: yeah update-rc.d is the tool for adding the symlinks back so you dont have to do it manually. if youre unsure you can just sudo chmod -x /etc/init.d/gdm  then chmod +x to make it executable instead11:03
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stefg!player | shawn3411:03
ubotushawn34: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine  -  See also !codecs11:03
dooglusshawn34: it's basically a winamp 2 work-alike11:03
imbecileAnyone, I put some of my ntfs partition to unallocated and I would like to add it to my ubuntu ext3 partition with gparted.. how do i do this?11:04
Vahtshawn34 Xmms11:04
JokillerS! all ubuntu users11:04
YetiChicktopgun553:  So I usually end up with all of them.11:04
Robbsterkirkunit: is there anyway to check for a smp kernel, aside from using the system monitor?11:04
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gansinhoplease, I'm trying to upgrate from edgy to feisty and I get the following error messege: "Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)"11:04
dooglusI click 'enable desktop effects' and it tells me 'desktop effects could not be enabled'.  where can I find more information?  I don't see any 'details' button.11:04
topgun553YetiChick, aka why i bought a Halo player...11:04
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rambo3LsBlend, you dont have to repeat . sounds like old nvidia drivers in new system .  i know 0 about nvidia , and no wifi , sounds like you didnt install restricted drivers11:04
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jeroensumEvensar, I'm not familiar with qbittorrent but it could be that it stays in de background to keep seeding, check de documentation for answers on that...  maybe there's a commandline switch or option in the program which prevents it...11:04
jago25Robbster, oh sorry generic kernel is ok; i'm out of date11:04
dyrnekaje: either update-rc.d or just remove executable flag11:04
Lbawinowns!mount lbawinowns11:04
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ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter11:04
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LsBlendhow do u?11:04
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RobbsterLinux hostname 2.6.17-10-386 #2 Tue Dec 5 22:26:18 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux11:04
jago25Robbster, so i guess it is using both11:04
fbnmagnetron: no, but the mobile phone for example11:04
=== LsBlend is a total linux noob
magnetronfbn, i suspect a character encoding problem11:04
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Evensarjeroensum: ah ty=)11:04
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:05
Robbsterjago25: system monitor disagrees :(11:05
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jeroensumEvensar, NP  :)11:05
salahany idea how to get my wireless network card to work?11:05
fbnmagnetron: TEL;TYPE=CELL;X-EVOLUTION-UI-SLOT=1:01757437011:05
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shawn34dooglus, thanks, i'll check that out11:05
jeroensumLsBlend, we all started out somewhere sometime ;-)11:05
fbnmagnetron: and I don't think that mac can read/understand this11:05
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danlock2so, i'm playing with server edition, any ideas why the install seems to be sitting @ 85% php5-mysql11:05
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YetiChicktopgun553:  So I expect to have all three within a year or two.  :)11:05
jago25Robbster, i'm lost then, never been rich enough 4 dual core11:05
kirkunitrobbster: you mean you want to find out which kernel your running?11:05
LsBlend lol, but how do u  install restricted drivers?11:05
Robbstersouthafrikanse: hoezit ;)11:05
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imbecilewell im off to ruin ubuntu/windows.. :/11:06
LsBlendand i have a nvidia geforece 7300 LE11:06
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Robbsterkirkunit: yeah. I want to see if an smp aware kernel is installed.11:06
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imbecileCAN I RESIZE A EXT3 PARITION!!!11:06
rambo3LsBlend, System -> administration -> manage restricted driver . it will tell you what you need to install11:06
=== Robbster motioned to the output of uname -a posted above...
southafrikanseRobbster: Great you? I need help once again. Being noob needs me to go right to the channel help xD11:06
danlock2so, i'm playing with server edition, any ideas why the install seems to be sitting @ 85% php5-mysql11:06
m0n1t0rHello. Someone is having problem with the open office 2,2 Press11:06
knpimbecile yes u can11:06
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magnetronfbn, that should not be any problem, the x-evolution is just redundant data. you have to transfer the vcf file in ascii mode11:06
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kirkunitRobbster: uname -r  will tell you the current kernel11:06
Tr0gd0ranyone else have a problem compiling madwifi on feisty fawn11:06
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Robbstersouthafrikanse: wasup?11:06
somattcan anyone give me the difference between ubuntu and edubuntu11:06
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.11:06
|thunderall: Whats a GUI app I can use to easily add files to an ISO ?11:06
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Robbsterkirkunit: humm, nothing about smp :(11:07
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|thunderimbecile; yes, use gparted11:07
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LsBlendi cant get to the desktop!, where do i get to that menu rambo3 ?11:07
jago25kirkunit, Robbster thought he had to install a special smp kernel as in days past but smp kernels are listed obselete so I guess it's in the generic kernel now anyway/  however, system monitor only lists one cpu. sys mon problem?11:07
dyrnesomatt: a theme and some apps11:07
mneptokTr0gd0r: why do you have to compile it?11:07
danlock2so, i'm playing with server edition, any ideas why the install seems to be sitting @ 85% php5-mysql11:07
somatt|thunder, what os? ubuntu?11:07
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dyrnesomatt: its skin deep11:07
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kane77is there any scheduler in feisty or is  it just linux native??11:07
somattthx dyne11:07
|thundersomatt; yess11:07
mweTr0gd0r: installed build-essential and linux-headers-$(uname -r) ?11:07
m0n1t0rHello. Someone is having problem with the open office 2,2 Press?11:07
somattanother question11:07
jeroensumkane77, there's allways cron  :-)11:07
somattubuntu is debian based right?11:07
fbnmagnetron: I send the vcf file per mail to the mac, how can I control if it's ascii mode?11:08
Robbsterjago25: I doubt it. My intel core2 duo chip is happily sing both cores (also edgy)11:08
somattwhich is why apt-get works right?11:08
shawn34rythmbox is nice but i think it needs some updating.. its way too BIG11:08
mwesomatt: yeah11:08
dacyetichick, are you still there?11:08
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kane77jeroensum, eh, I mean the cpu scheduler :)11:08
knplsblend Ctrl + Alt + Backspace , then Alt + F6?11:08
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YetiChickdac:  Yep.11:08
|thundersomatt; yess11:08
southafrikanseRobbster: When I start Ubuntu, a Windows appears saying: The application 'nm-applet' (/usr/bin/nm-applet) wants to access the default key, but this is locked". How can I disable this?11:08
d0lph1nK1nganyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?11:08
jeroensumkane77, ah LOL srry bout that then :D11:08
|thunderall: Whats a GUI app I can use to easily add files to an ISO ?11:08
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kirkunitRobbster: you could search for 'kernel' in synaptic, you'll see an SMP version there and it will tel lif you have it installed or not11:08
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imbecile|thunder, i have another 20 GB to give ubuntu unallocated and have gparted open.. what do i do next?11:08
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XYZZZThe best darn distro around ;)11:08
Tr0gd0rmwe thanks, installling build-essential now11:08
kane77jeroensum, np, that was bad question.. :)11:08
Robbsterkirkunit: k, lemme check11:08
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Robbstersouthafrikanse: nm-applet? is this a new install?11:08
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mwe|thunder: k3b?11:09
magnetronfbn, i don't know. maybe you could zip it first? or another compression and choose text mode explicitly11:09
sppatelhi all, i just updated the vido card on my box running ubuntu 7.04 to hook inorder to get a dvi connection into my 30" apple cienma display. ubutu starts up on the display, but X server starts to fail.  Any ideas on what do i need to do?11:09
kane77is there any cpu scheduler in feisty or does it use just linux native one??11:09
|thunderimbecile; where it says 20GB, change it to 3011:09
dacI found out that the HD wont work in my old boxes.11:09
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|thundermwe; i tried that, can open an ISO for editing11:09
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kirkunitRobbster: you might have to change your grub settings if you want it to boot the SMP kernel. I suspect the kernel version isn't the problem though, both your processors should be working with the generic kernel11:09
somattI have ati video card.  Is this supported or what?  If so, how do I use my S-Video out?11:09
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jeroensumkane77, I'm not really sure what u mean by an cpu scheduler11:09
XYZZZsppatel, PPC or 386?11:09
mwekane77: there is the powernowd11:09
progekanyone know how to setup vncviewer through terminal? I'm logged into my house remotely (ssh)11:09
Robbsterkirkunit: 'dpkg -l|grep -i smp' only return smproxy :(11:09
hydrozenWhat does the smbpasswd command do exactly? I don't have a /etc/samba/smbusers file and just did smbpasswd and everything works... i would just like to know what smbpasswd does exactly11:09
|thundermwe; id have to make a new ISO from scratch.11:09
sppatelXYZZZ: 38611:09
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Tr0gd0rmwe: works now!!!11:09
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imbecile|thunder, ok11:09
southafrikanseRobbster: When I type the default key. My Internet starts working11:09
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mweTr0gd0r: great11:10
XYZZZwhat type of card is it, sppatel?11:10
fbnmagnetron: i don't see an option to select text mode with gnome archiver ...11:10
Robbstersouthafrikanse: wireless?11:10
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dyrne|thunder: iso is a read only format so youd have to mount and copy files out and create new iso right?11:10
somattI have ati mobility video card.  Is this supported or what?  If so, how do I use my S-Video out?11:10
southafrikanseRobbster: Yes11:10
dacFry electronics suggested I bring back the HD11:10
fbnmagnetron: but i'll try zip11:10
kane77jeroensum, that is the "thing" that schedules processes for cpu time...11:10
mwe|thunder: I see11:10
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rambo3!fixres | LsBlend11:10
ubotuLsBlend: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type  sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:10
|thunderdyrne; no11:10
sppatelXYZZZ: ATI Radeon X130011:10
southafrikanseRobbster: I want it do go on the Internet automatticaly11:10
XYZZZsppatel, give me one second...11:10
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Robbstersouthafrikanse: my install does the same :). As I understand it, you store your wireless access key 'securely' in your user account. The key is used to decode the stored wireless password so that you can get access to the network.11:11
phoeni1where can i download system sounds?11:11
=== papy69 [n=papy69@cm-81-9-136-31.telecable.es] has joined #ubuntu
somatthow do i install programs from tarballs?11:11
dacso, I'm going to ask around,if anyone has old computers they don't want.11:11
dooglusI click 'enable desktop effects' and it tells me 'desktop effects could not be enabled'.  where can I find more information?  I don't see any 'details' button.11:11
progekI'm trying to setup remote desktop from terminal. I'm connect to my house through ssh. Anyone know how I can do it?11:11
mwe!compile | somatt11:11
ubotusomatt: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:11
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southafrikanseRobbster: Yes. But I want to disable it.11:11
magnetronfbn: another option would be to convert the file in Mac OS X from UTF-8 to the native macosx format (iso latin-1?)11:12
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konamis there a way to get gfxboot on feisty?11:12
Robbstersouthafrikanse: I see that you have 2 routes. 1) put up with the key request and be happy that your wireless network is more secure (cough), or leave your wireless passwords unsecured.11:12
YetiChickdac:  Did you need anything?  I'm about to run and install some software on a client's computer, but I have a minute or two.11:12
=== babo [n=babo@213-202-148-115.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sounds - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:12
somattbang compile <filename> ?11:12
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:12
Tr0gd0rhmm i installed lilo and now my startup is verbose, it didnt used to be11:12
Robbstersouthafrikanse: humm, I've never nothered to try to disable it... lemme check quickly....11:12
baboguys, in terms of getting a dvd to work. i've already installed vlc and (apparently) the gstreamer libs ....11:12
jeroensumkane77, every process can be given a 'nice' value this will set the priority for the process, if that' s what you're getting at11:12
mweTr0gd0r: grub didn't work?11:12
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lobosquehow do i clone a hd in linux?11:12
dacno, but I do appreciate all you've done TY11:12
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danlock2so, i'm playing with server edition, any ideas why the install seems to be sitting @ 85% php5-mysql11:13
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southafrikanseRobbster: Thank you. I don't need to much protection cause where I live nobody as the knowledge to take anything from me11:13
mwelobosque: dd or partimage11:13
Tr0gd0rdamnit im trying to get lilo to install to the drive instead of the mbr11:13
YetiChickdac:  Any time.11:13
=== yell0w [n=yellow@c-69-254-183-119.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tr0gd0rbut it keeps going to the mbr11:13
somattmwe: ! compile <filename> ?11:13
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anon_magikfeisty alternate cd: install but no prompt for user name only password.  What is default user name on install?11:13
babohow do I set the vlc to the default movie player ?11:13
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mwesomatt: read the link11:13
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babowhen I insert the dvd, I just see it as a directory :-(11:13
LbawinownsIs it possible to resize ext3 partition? how ??11:13
southafrikanseRobbster: And I have no download/upload limit.11:13
somattmwe: kk thx11:13
phoeni1does anyone know where i can get some system sounds like login/logoff etc :)11:13
Robbsterkirkunit: I can't see any installed smp kernels when I boot. can I check my processor settings in /proc?11:14
kevinh90i am having trouble with my ATI(mach64 chipset) graphics card on feisty11:14
LbawinownsI wanna add 3 gb to my / partition11:14
lobosquemwe if i clone a 80gb partition to a 160gb partition. will I be able to use the 80gb that left?11:14
olimpicoI'm gettinf log_xxxx: not found errors everywhere:11:14
olimpico/etc/init.d/dbus: 118: log_action_begin_msg: not found11:14
olimpicoinvoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "force-reload" failed.11:14
kevinh90i have searched the forums to find http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=720011:14
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olimpico/etc/dbus-1/event.d/22dhcdbd: 61: log_daemon_msg: not found11:14
somattbrb all11:14
olimpicodpkg: error processing dhcdbd (--configure):11:14
olimpico subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12711:14
babodoes anyone have the link to the dvd player tutorial ?11:14
olimpicoErrors were encountered while processing:11:14
dooglusI click 'enable desktop effects' and it tells me 'desktop effects could not be enabled'.  where can I find more information?  I don't see any 'details' button.11:14
olimpico dhcdbd11:14
mwelobosque: using partimage, yes11:14
olimpicoI can't install, remove, anything11:14
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kevinh90it shows a guide to get DRI working(what i am trying to do) but i cant get it to work11:14
olimpicoPlease help me11:14
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lobosquemwe the new hd will boot normally?11:14
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somatthow do i know if i already have a package installed?11:15
phoeni1olimpico: what is the error that you get?11:15
kirkunitkirkunit: so the system monitor isn't giving you percentages to 2 CPUs?11:15
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mwelobosque: you'll have to configure grub to boot it11:15
kevinh90hi Jones11:15
mwe!grub | lobosque11:15
ubotulobosque: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:15
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olimpicophoeni1: log_daemon_msg: not found11:15
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somatthow do i know if i already have a package installed, for example how can I check if I have build-essential or another c++ compiler11:15
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dyrnesomatt: dpkg -L | grep -i packagename is one way i guess11:15
JonesSince I have 64bit Ubuntu 7.04 is that the reason my wifi internet wont connect?11:15
magnetronLbawinowns, gparted is included on the desktop cd, it can resize some file systems. i heard it can resize ext3 too.11:15
mwesomatt: dpkg -l|grep build-essential11:16
JonesIm thinking of juts downloading the 84bit verson and using that11:16
konamis there a way to get gfxboot on feisty?11:16
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jeroensumsomatt, dpkg -l | grep <packagename>11:16
hydrozenWhat does the smbpasswd command do exactly? I don't have a /etc/samba/smbusers file and just did smbpasswd and everything works... i would just like to know what smbpasswd does exactly... like, where does it store the passwd i just set11:16
Tr0gd0rcan someone tell me how to install lilo to the partition instead of to the mbr?11:16
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mweJones: 84bit ?11:16
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baboI want to play a dvd ... help !11:16
somattthank you11:16
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olimpicophoeni1: I get it everywhere, in the startup, by installing, by removing packages, by starting processes11:16
magnetron!codecs > babo11:16
Jonessorry lol11:16
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mweJones: ?11:16
Robbsterkirkunit: sys mon only shows one cpu :(11:16
kevinh90babo, what version of ubuntu do you have11:16
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babokevinh90, feisty11:16
kevinh90if you have feisty it is very simple11:17
babomagnetron, thanks :-)11:17
babokevinh90,  ?11:17
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mweJones: 82bit is odd11:17
tritonxIs Q the best emulator for Feisty in OsX11:17
somattok so i got dpkg to work but not grep11:17
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progekanyone know how to set up remote desktop through a terminal?11:17
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anon_magikhave a great day11:17
mwesomatt: so now sudo apt-get install build-essential11:17
kevinh90just put it in, and when it tells you you dont have the codec, tell it to search11:17
kane77jeroensum, nah, it goes further than that, there are many schedulers (different time/memory complexity of switching tasks) and there is new one Completely fair scheduler that has O(1) complexity...11:18
Lbawinownsmagnetron, must I do it from boot ?11:18
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somattmwe: but i don't know if i have the package, dpkg just showed me a list, and I am assuming build is in the bs so I can't see upwards of L11:18
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phoeni1olimpico: you can try reconfiguring by dpkg -reconfigure -a11:18
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somattmwe: and i don't want to reinstall the package if I already have it, i am assuming that is bad11:18
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kane77jeroensum, those are kernel stuff so Ill try asking there11:18
Robbstersouthafrikanse: check out:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19228111:18
somattmwe: but I could be wrong, I am coming from windows so there are a lot of assumptions which may not apply11:18
mwesomatt: it wont reinstall if you have it11:18
somattok cool11:19
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somattmwe: ok cool thanks11:19
somattmwe: brb11:19
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Robbstersouthafrikanse: apparently this is the fix. I'm emailing it to the office so that I can finally get rid of it on my laptop :)11:19
Ravengbchows it going everyone?11:19
southafrikanseRobbster: Ok11:19
magnetronLbawinowns: don't resize a partition that is mounted. that is why you should resize it after booting from the desktop cd11:19
Robbsterlo Ravengbc: well :)11:19
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osarusanhi... im having a weird sound problem. sound works fine in Gaim, but none of the Ubuntu system sounds will play, and I can't get audio in any other kind of file (i have the codecs installed.. they were working fine last night)11:20
phoeni1olimpico: dpkg-reconfigure -a that is.. might help.. dont know for sure11:20
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AForgueWhy does Vi act differently in Feisty?11:20
Ravengbci am a completely new to ubuntu. recently installed fiesty.11:20
AlainHey can somebody please tell me what XEN is11:20
RobbsterRavengbc: welcome.11:20
Tr0gd0ranyone know how to load modprobe ath_pci on startup?11:20
mweAForgue: how so?11:20
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konamRavengbc what do you need, and welcome11:20
zaggynl!xen | Alain11:20
ubotuAlain: XEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XenOnEdgy11:20
southafrikanseRobbster: Can I do this in Ubuntu 7.04?11:20
Ravengbci've tried to get ndiswrapper to work with my linksys wpc54g v.3 card, and i can't seem to get it working properly. any suggestiongs?11:20
J-_!info zen11:20
ubotuPackage zen does not exist in feisty11:20
progekanyone know how to set up remote desktop through a terminal?11:20
J-_!info xen11:20
ubotuPackage xen does not exist in feisty11:20
AForguemwe: When I am editing /etc/hosts or various other files, i or insert does not take me into insert mode11:20
progeki'm connected via ssh and need to set it up11:20
somattmwe: now i have build-essential.  is that the best c++ compiler or are there multiples or what?  and do i need a c++ compiler for a program written in perl?11:21
Kerion_Was my question answered? I got disconnected11:21
mweTr0gd0r: sudo 'echo ath_pci > /etc/modules'11:21
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kirkunitrobbster: cat /proc/cpuinfo | less11:21
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olimpicophoeni1: I'm trying it now11:21
tomek_HELLO ALL11:21
mweTr0gd0r: sudo 'echo ath_pci >> /etc/modules'11:21
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mweTr0gd0r: not the first !!11:21
tomek_Tyrant ??11:21
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shawn34have ubuntu fiesty on mother-in-law's old laptop, 256mb ram, looking for good guide to minimize system resources, can anyone point me in the right direction?11:21
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tomek_ur playing tremulous ?11:21
Tr0gd0rthanks mwe11:21
olimpicophoeni1: I got the following:11:21
olimpico * Starting ACPI services...                                                                                         [ ok ] 11:21
olimpico/etc/init.d/anacron: 49: log_daemon_msg: not found11:22
olimpico   ...done.11:22
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lobosquemwe i get this error when i try to ./configure partimage: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables11:22
osarusancan anyone help me with my sound problem?11:22
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olimpico/etc/init.d/anacron: 49: log_daemon_msg: not found11:22
mwesomatt: you don't need gcc to run perl programs. perl is installed by default11:22
olimpico   ...done.11:22
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southafrikanseRobbster: I'm going to put my login password as the same as the keyring password.11:22
olimpico/etc/init.d/atd: 43: log_daemon_msg: not found11:22
olimpicoinvoke-rc.d: initscript atd, action "stop" failed.11:22
phoeni1shawn34: try xubuntu11:22
olimpico/etc/init.d/atd: 43: log_daemon_msg: not found11:22
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olimpicoinvoke-rc.d: initscript atd, action "start" failed.11:22
southafrikanseRobbster: Where can I do this?11:22
somattmwe: ok well i have a tarball of a program written in perl11:22
mwelobosque: sudo apt-get install build-essential11:22
somattmwe: so how do i install11:22
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phoeni1olimpico: did you just install?11:22
Oritemishi guys, i had a extrem problem. I was update to faist faw, and when packages was been installed the power blackout. now, I can't boot into default kernel.11:22
somattmwe: program is dvd::rip11:22
shawn34phoeni1, did already really doesn't make a difference.11:23
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melangeafter upgrading to feisty (i think) my /dev/h* (i.e. harddrives) disapeared. "what" should i mount now?11:23
mwesomatt: what program. usually just chmod +x it and run11:23
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kevinh90Oritemis, is there any important data you need restored?11:23
olimpicophoeni1: The system has been working for weeks11:23
phoeni1shawn34: whats the specs of your machine?11:23
somattmwe: i have a tarball on my desktop of the thing and I don't know how to get it into the os.11:23
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)11:23
tomek_can someone tell me how to compare 2 files & save the diferences to specified file ?? can i do that in ubu ??11:23
Oritemiskevinh90, I booted in a old version of kernel. But Gnome is a mess.11:23
dyrnemelange: sudo fdisk -l11:23
olimpicoI originally installed edgy and upgraded some days ago to feisty, but till today I have problems11:23
somattmwe: dvd::rip is the program.  site is http://www.exit1.org/dvdrip/doc/install.cipp#debian11:24
mwesomatt: unpack it first. usually click it11:24
Oritemiskevinh90, And yes, there a lot o data here.11:24
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olimpicophoeni1:  I originally installed edgy and upgraded some days ago to feisty, but till today I have problems11:24
Kerion_How come my wireless card, D-Link SWL 520 rev.d is not supported in Fiesty, yet was in all the other ones?11:24
Oritemisthere are*11:24
southafrikanseWhere can I change my login password?11:24
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melangedyrne: sd* - thanks :)11:24
somattmwe: right so where do i unpack it to, anywhere? or do i have to get it in the /usr/bin/?11:24
Lbawinownsmagnetron, is gpart on  a bit old cd's Ive got copy of a Dapper Drake, will that work?11:24
jribsouthafrikanse: system > preferences > about me11:24
kevinh90Oritemis, try apt-get -ing the new kernel, and ubuntu-desktop, and do a apt-get dist-upgrade11:24
mwesouthafrikanse: open a terminal and type passwd11:24
cedricshockHi. Do any of you know how to turn an LCD backlight on and off from the command line?11:24
kevinh90southafrikanse, passwd11:24
tomek_1 question please11:24
kevinh90tomek_, ask away11:24
Robbsterkirkunit: the pastebin is giving me hastles. I think that the link you want is11:24
Robbstermodel name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+11:24
southafrikanseThank you11:24
babokevinh90, I've installed the gstreamer libs, checked for the libdvd libs and ran the install-css.sh script. Totem still won't play a dvd. I think perhaps it needs a bit more work to be classified as 'simple' ;-)11:25
olimpicoA lot of things stoped working11:25
somattmwe: also what version of debian is ubuntu based on?11:25
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for several packages, including the win32 codecs: see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - See also !Codecs11:25
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Oritemiskevinh90, I am running a dpkg --configure -a now.11:25
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mwesomatt: put it in /usr/local ...11:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:25
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phoeni1olimpico: im not too knowledgeable regarding the details.. maybe someone else might be able to help..11:25
kevinh90babo i am going to try setting up dvd here11:25
SeveredCrosssomatt: I think sarge, but I'm not sure...11:25
tomek_can i compare 2 file (yes i know "cmp" command) and "automatically" save found differences to a file ???11:25
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mwesomatt: don't put your own stuff in /usr/...11:25
phoeni1olimpico: googling now11:25
SeveredCrosstomek: diff file1 file2 > diff.txt11:25
kevinh90i have a nearly fresh feisty install11:25
TJensenHas anyone managed to mount USB disks with write permissions without putting it into fstab?11:25
babokevinh90, it tells me that totem doesn't have the appropriate plugins to play the movie ...11:25
magnetronLbawinowns: i don't know. if you need a bootable cd with gparted, there is one availiable at the gparted homepage. it is a smaller download.11:25
tomek_THANKS MAN :):)11:25
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southafrikanseWhat happened to Skype on Ubuntu 7.04?11:26
Robbstersouthafrikanse: the walkthrough in getting it running should work fine for fiest (7.04). just 1st try to get the packages before trying to compile. much easier.11:26
mweTJensen: mine mounts rw by default11:26
dyrneTJensen: mount -o umask=000 /dev/blah /mnt ?11:26
Oritemiskevinh90, I hope it will make it work11:26
olimpicophoeni1: I have been goggling for hours11:26
southafrikanseRobbster: Ok11:26
Robbstersouthafrikanse: have you enabled the other repositories?11:26
olimpicophoeni1: And got nothing11:26
kirkunitTJenson: I had to reformat my external USB as ext3 before I could write to it. it was pre-formatted ntfs11:26
somattmwe: because it has apt-get sources but there are 4 sources and I don't know which is the right one to add to my source list to apt-get it11:26
southafrikanseRobbster: What do you meen?11:26
|thunderCan an ISO be mounted with write support ?11:26
Oritemiskevinh90, but i am completely unsure.11:26
kirkunitRobbster: i couldn't see the link11:27
somattmwe: the sources on the website are sarge, etch, sid, and expiramental11:27
mwesomatt: the most recant probably11:27
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somatt mwe: i don't know which is the most recent11:27
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mwesomatt: sid, probably11:27
kevinh90Oritemis, when i messed up an upgrade, i did a apt-get dist-upgrade after it failed, and it fixed just about all the problems11:27
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phoeni1olimpico: its a dependancy problem11:27
somattmwe: ok will it break everything if i do the wrong one11:27
Robbstersouthafrikanse: brb ...11:27
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TJensenDoes that work with the 'automount' in KDE?11:28
mwesomatt: just uninstall it if it does'nt work11:28
phoeni1olimpico: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-lighttpd-maintainers/2005-December/000019.html11:28
Oritemiskevinh90, oh good to know. I will try if it doesn't work. Thank you.11:28
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kevinh90sarge is old, etch is current, sid is dangerous, and experimental is experimental11:28
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mweubuntu current is based on sid11:28
ttrtHello. Cannot mount CD/DVD in Feisty - where is a good place to start looking for a solution?11:28
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olimpicophoeni1: Do you think is the same problem I have?11:29
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kevinh90babo, i am getting the same error as you11:29
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phoeni1olimpico: most probably11:29
Oritemisttrt, fstab11:29
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olimpicophoeni1: I just don't understand, what should i do?11:29
RavengbcKonam, did you get any of my pvt messages?11:29
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babokevinh90, I'm going through the gstreamer libs and installing them one by one ...11:29
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konamRavengbc no, im not logged11:29
magnetronttrt: does the user in question have permisions to mount cd:s? look in System > Admin >users and groups11:29
Oritemisttrt, check if there are a "auto" there11:29
Robbstersouthafrikanse: bookmark this link: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty11:29
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jamisnemohow does ubuntu auto config soundcards? mine is not working at all11:29
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konambut whatever you wanna say you can say it here11:29
steharg79_my panels have just disappeared - anyone know how to get them back?11:29
somattmwe: so i added the source deb http://www.debian-multimedia.org sid main to my sources list then It tried to update the catalog, and it says I have no public key11:29
Robbsterit contains all sorts of info. take some time. There's lots of good stuff in there.11:30
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dyrnejamisnemo: you have onboard and pci cards?11:30
ttrtthis is what is says: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       011:30
=== Almotasim_ [n=luigi@host29-152-static.104-80-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:30
tomek_veeeeeeeeeeery simple question : directory removing ?11:30
ttrtI'm not familiar with the scd011:30
jribsomatt: don't use debian repos.  Why do you want to use that repository?11:30
sam_kaayHow can you change the permissions of a specific directory? I would like to make it so i can drag and drop files into the www DIR11:30
Robbstertomek_: use mv (move)11:30
Ravengbchas nothing to do with not wanting to say it in here. has to do with the fact that there's a whole lot of traffic in here and no one seems to have had a chance to read my original question.11:30
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somattjrib: i don't know I just want this program dvd::rip11:30
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Galgahi, can i upgrade my distro 6.10 to 7.04 now?11:30
orbinsteharg79_: try killall gnome-panel11:30
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tomek_dont want to move - need to REMOVE :)11:31
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magnetrontomek_: right click and choose "move to trash bin"11:31
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Robbstertomek_: mv /path/to/old/dir /path/to/destination11:31
jrib!info dvdrip | somatt11:31
ubotusomatt: dvdrip: perl front end for transcode. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.4-0ubuntu1 (feisty), package size 1083 kB, installed size 2572 kB11:31
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k001any help, a need increment the brightness on my laptop vaio11:31
tomek_from terminal11:31
jribsomatt: dvdrip is in multiverse11:31
ttrtand yes, I have admin rights11:31
kevinh90Galga, replace all the "edgy"'s with "feisty"'s in /etc/apt/sources.list11:31
Robbstertomek_: rmdir dirname11:31
=== TJensen [n=Thomas@0x50a4421d.abnxx2.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
k001i'm uses feisty11:31
phoeni1phoeni1: the drastic thing to do would be to remove ubuntu-desktop and reinstall it again.. i dont know if that will solve it.. if you have the feisty cd and its respective entry in the sources.list, the process will be faster. but you should ask someone knowledgeable for a proper solution.11:31
tomek_thank You11:31
kevinh90Galga, and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:31
dyrnetomek_: for empty dir do 'rmdir' for non empty you need recursive del so rm -r dir/11:31
TJensenHow do I control the settings of /media/.hal-mtab? It is automatically written when e.g. a USB device is added11:31
tomek_bye bye all :)11:31
steharg79_orbin: it says 'no process killed11:31
jamisnemodyrne:  I have onboard sound on a laptop11:31
=== deCon [n=naoise@c-67-182-233-160.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
somattjrib: THANK YOU11:32
phoeni1olimpico:the drastic thing to do would be to remove ubuntu-desktop and reinstall it again.. i dont know if that will solve it.. if you have the feisty cd and its respective entry in the sources.list, the process will be faster. but you should ask someone knowledgeable for a proper solution.11:32
hwMoDHello all, I'd like to install Ubuntu on a 256MB ram P3 laptop - what can I do to make it light and shiny? TIA11:32
TehkainAnyone know if nvidia-glx can work on fiesty?11:32
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somattubotu: THANK YOU11:32
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:32
somattmwe: THANK YOU!11:32
k001the gentoo documentation don't help me11:32
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Robbsterkirkunit: did you get my cpu post from cat /proc/cpuinfo (model name      : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+)11:32
deConis there any reason to use one kernal over another in feisty...for a dual-core AMD?11:32
kirkunitTehkain: try nvidia-glx-new11:32
orbinsteharg79_: try just gnome-panel11:32
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Galgakevinh90, a newer version of update manager was available and after the update, an option of upgrade distro appeared and i clicked upgrade11:32
Tr0gd0rhey mew11:32
Tehkainkirkunit, well i need to use wine and the 9755 have a glx error11:32
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Tr0gd0rmwe: sudo: echo ath_pci >> /etc/modules: command not found11:32
kevinh90Galga, that works too11:32
dooglusI click 'enable desktop effects' and it tells me 'desktop effects could not be enabled'.  where can I find more information?  I don't see any 'details' button.11:33
konamRavengbc what is your question?11:33
steharg79_orbin: marvellous - its back up now - easy when you know how! cheers11:33
deConRobbset, do you use one kernel over another for your CPU, i have the 4400 and am wondering what is best for our CPUs11:33
Galgakevinh90, will i need to perform the aforementioned steps as well ?11:33
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SnDJust Installed v7.04 (Desk Top Ed) on a Dell Latitude 620. Got nVidia working. Now need help with Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card. I understand that firmware has disconnect problems. Is this correct? Any takers?11:33
deCondooglus, check if your video card is compatible with the features desktop effects gives11:33
kirkunitRobbster: i couldn't see the pastebin url - probably to do with my IRC client or something, anyway can you see 2 CPUs listed here?11:33
kevinh90Galga, no, you dont need to.  Synaptic upgrade does the same thing11:33
orbinsteharg79_: yw11:33
RavengbcKonam, has to do with getting a Linksys WPC54G v. 3 to work on Fiesty be it through ndiswrapper or something else.11:33
baboplease install the necessary plugins and restart totem in order to play the dvd ....11:33
magnetronhwMoD: the Xubuntu edition of ubuntu is especially lightweight. keep in mind that the usual ubuntu is often swifter than windows xp11:33
babowhat a joke ....11:33
dyrnejamisnemo: what does amixer command say? (dont paste it here :))11:33
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deConbabo, use something other than totem11:34
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Galgakevinh90, thanks11:34
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dooglusdeCon: it is.11:34
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addamsi screwed up my panels, when I minimize a window, i cant see it11:34
dooglusdeCon: I've used it with beryl in dapper and sid11:34
jamisnemodyrne:  no such device.... but the module I need is loaded just fine11:34
konamRavengbc go to Administration-->restricted drivers and install any driver listed there, i should go for a moment, brb11:34
deCondooglus, maybe it is a bug, it does that for me too. but i just use beryl instead11:34
kevinh90Galga, if the synaptic upgrade fails, then do the other way11:34
hwMoDmagnetron - I don't mind it being somewhat slow, as it won't be my main computer. is xubuntu overly lightweight, or is it meant for my kinda situation? (And thanks)11:34
k001any help, a need increment the brightness on my laptop vaio, the documentation from gentoo don't help me11:34
jengererAnyone know how to boot from ISO?11:34
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kipp1this is going to sound a really silly question. But I added something to my xsession config i think, and now when I log in I get a black screen, but I can't rember what file I added, how can I track it down?11:34
jamisnemodyrne:  the card worked under gentoo... ubuntu just can't figure it out11:34
southafrikanseWhat happened to Skype on Ubuntu Feisty?11:35
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kevinh90jengerer, you have to burn the ISO to a CD as a CD image first11:35
dooglusjengerer: 1) burn iso to cd; 2) boot from cd11:35
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babodeCon: I've installed vlc, but it doesn't 'see' the dvd. It just sees the directory ... How do I set vlc to be the default player ?11:35
J7r41nis there way to change the default boot setup from ubuntu to windows?11:35
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jengereryeah, I got that, but my cd drive is broken11:35
magnetronaddams: right click a panel, add the window list (or whatever it is called in english)11:35
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dooglusJ7r41n: yes11:35
deConbabo, and you can see the dvd on your desktop? is cdrom0 mounted?11:35
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babodeCon: yeah, it's mounted. I can see it on the desktop. Totem tells me it can't play it cause it doesn't have the plugins ...11:36
orbinkipp1: which file?11:36
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J7r41ndooglus: how can i do that?11:36
Tr0gd0rtr0gd0r@Macbook:~$ sudo echo ath_pci >> /etc/modules11:36
Tr0gd0r-bash: /etc/modules: Permission denied11:36
hwMoDmagnetron - If I install ubuntu, then find it too heavy, is it possible to migrate it (somehat) easily into xubuntu?11:36
deConbabo, what version of ubuntu are you running?11:36
Tr0gd0rwhy would permission be denied if im using sudo?11:36
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nixnoobis there a way to convert rpms to .debs?11:36
Galgakevinh90, ok thanks11:36
dooglusJ7r41n: are you using grub?  if so, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst11:37
addamsmagnetron: thanks, that fixed it11:37
J7r41nok, thanks11:37
kipp1can't remeber, added something like xsession or something, it wasn't there and i created it, my fault!!11:37
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kevinh90i remember back in my gentoo days, a dvd had to be unmounted before you could play it11:37
kirkunitnixnoob: i think alien does that11:37
dooglusJ7r41n: I don't know if there's a more user-friendly way to do it11:37
nixnoobkirkunit sudo apt-get install alien?11:37
magnetronhwMoD: hmm i was thinking about that... will investigate11:37
kirkunitnixnoob: yep11:37
hwMoDnice, thanks11:37
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phoeni1Tr0gd0r: try sudo su and then the command..11:37
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dyrnenixnoob: what are you installing? normally most things are in repos11:37
kevinh90nixnoob, most places that provide rpm's also provide debs11:38
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DaaEnD  mIRCArab  By  11:38
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SnDI just installed Feisty on a Dell Latitude D620. I need help with Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card. I've read that "fwcutter" has disconnect problems. Is this correct? Any takers?11:38
babodeCon: feisty11:38
southafrikanseWhere can I install Skype on Ubuntu Feisty?11:38
RobbsterWould any kernel modules force a single code kernel? I wouldn't expect it to11:38
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deConbabo, wierd, they should already be there. I would ask someone else, I'm fresh as well11:38
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dooglussouthafrikanse: anywhere you like.  I suggest /usr/local/11:38
Tr0gd0rphoeni1 that worked thanks11:38
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pidgasSnD, I can't speak specifically to your chip/driver combo11:38
somattok another question, I installed dvd rip from the synaptics package manager11:38
=== DaaEnD can i ask about ubuntustudio ?
Ravengbci've set up ndiswrapper for my Linksys card, and when i do the command ndiswrapper -l i get the following result:11:38
Ravengbclsbcmnds : driver installed11:38
Ravengbcdevice (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver :bcm43xx)11:38
Ravengbcyet, the card still won't work. any suggestions?11:38
somattnow where is it so i can run it11:38
dyrne!skype | southafrikanse consider one of the sip clients instead11:38
babodeCon: k thanks11:38
ubotusouthafrikanse consider one of the sip clients instead: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:38
magnetronhwMoD: it is possible to migrate. it is also possible to have both installed an choose at login time11:38
rodericbabo, got to preferences -> removable drives and media11:38
MindOfChaosUbuntu copyed the annoying windows start up sound that sends you deaf every time the computer starts11:39
phoeni1Tr0gd0r: np :)11:39
pidgasSnD, but I use ndiswrapper with a broadcom 4318 and it works ok11:39
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hwMoDI'll get going installing then11:39
orbinSnD: lspci | grep Wireless11:39
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somattso I installed dvd rip from the synaptics package manager, now where is the program so i can run it?11:39
southafrikanseubotu: sip clients? What's that?11:39
hwMoDI'll make sure to keep you posted if i go deep into stuff, and thanks for the help11:39
SnDpdgas, dis you have to blacklist the chipset?11:39
psycosedo you know why ubuntu feisty lag so much ?11:39
orbinRavengbc: define won't work11:39
southafrikansedyrne: sip clients?11:40
pidgasSnD, yes, I did11:40
dyrnesouthafrikanse:  skype network is proprietary there are other clients like ekiga etc that use sip protocol and all work together.11:40
MindOfChaospsycose doesn't lag on my computer11:40
baboroderic: k thanks :-) ... you don't happen to know the command line equivalent though do you ?11:40
rodericbabo, then go to the multimedia tab, and in the "video dvd discs" option, replace totem with vlc11:40
orbinRavengbc: does it light up when you modprobe ndiswrapper?11:40
magnetronhwMoD: xubuntu is very lightweight, it only needs 64MB ram (minimum)11:40
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rodericbabo, ah, not sure atm11:40
MindOfChaosThen again im basically running a full on gaming rig11:40
deConhow do i organize which kernel is at top of grub?11:40
psycoseon my dell laptop it's a noghtmare it was ok with edgy ...11:40
baboroderic: k got it thanks.11:40
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pidgasSnD, xubuntu ROCKS!11:40
kipp1orbin: can't remeber, added something like xsession or something, it wasn't there and i created it, my fault!!11:40
dyrnesouthafrikanse: if your friend is on skype and wont change then i guess youre stuck but i prefer open solution11:40
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phoeni1deCon: edit grub config fiel11:40
rodericbabo, remember to keep the  %m after vlc though11:40
SnDorbin, lspci | grep Wireless =  Broadcom Corporation Dell Wireless 1390 WLAN Mini-PCI Card (rev 01)11:40
southafrikansedyrne: If I install ekiga can I see my skype contacts? And talk to them?11:41
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somattso I installed dvd rip from the synaptics package manager, now where is the program so i can run it?11:41
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kajeI just installed ubuntu 7.04 on to a system and it didn't detect the right video card (it's a dual monitor card)... what tool do I run to choose the right video card?11:41
baboroderic: right11:41
phoeni1deCon: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Configuration.html11:41
dyrnesouthafrikanse: no.  thats why skype is evil :).  if you have friends on skype then use skype11:41
SnDpidgas: Did you follow any particular HOWTO?11:41
Ravengbcwell, when i go into the network manager, i see wlan0 and eth2 that are both supposed to be wireless, yet it won't let me configure them. If i use the network manager icon up by the clock and what not, i'm able to configure the wpa key and ssid, but not the ip information.11:41
baboroderic: what is %m there btw ?11:41
baboargument ?11:41
MindOfChaosI wanna turn off the deafing ubuntu start up sound11:41
jamisnemoHow can ubuntu NOT detect a friggin soundcard!!! errrrrrgh11:41
deliresomatt: type dvdrip in a terminal. it may not show up in the menu11:41
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Tr0gd0rfinally im done installing ubuntu, os x and xp on my mac11:41
MindOfChaosI just about lose my hearing with it11:41
dooglusdyrne: what does open client mean?11:41
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rodericbabo, gives the program the url for the movie, without it, it just would open vlc11:42
pidgasSnD, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=249505311:42
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kirkunitsomatt: it should be in you applications menu under sound and video11:42
TehkainIs there a way to get the nvidia-glx working in feisty(the glx-new do not work right with wine)11:42
jribMindOfChaos: system > preferences > sounds11:42
orbinSnD: you can use ndiswrapper it seems11:42
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dyrnedooglus: i made it up. sounds good huh?11:42
orbinSnD: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List11:42
baboroderic: ah, thanks11:42
dooglusdyrne: do you mean you just hate skype?11:42
delireTr0gd0r: eek, that'd drive me mad.11:42
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orbinSnD: that'd be something to try if fwcutter doesn't work for you11:42
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Svishhow do I exit vim??11:42
jribSvish: :q11:42
dooglusSvish: :q!11:42
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Ravengbcwhen i do a modprobe ndiswrapper it just goes right back to the cmd line. doesn't appear to do anything.11:42
=== bytecolor [n=bytecolo@adsl-210-83-19.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
PlHhey.. im trying to compile anjuta 2.1.1 on feisty but i keep getting an error that glib-2.0 >= 2.8.0 but 2.0.7 was found .. i have checked my packages and aptitude show i have 2.12.11 what am i doing wrong ?11:42
Svishthank you, lol. I was stuck in recovery mode :P11:42
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dooglusRavengbc: that's good11:43
dyrnedooglus: i just dont like closed solutions that dont allow competition11:43
nixnoobanyone use sopcast on feisty before?11:43
orbinkipp1: did you edit a file i meant?11:43
dooglusdyrne: you're allowed to compete with skype if you like11:43
baboroderic: k, got it working thanks ...11:43
somattkirkunit: not there11:43
rodericbabo, your welcome11:43
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vadvadhi! , how can i use nvidia tv out in ubuntu?11:43
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dyrnedooglus: youre right that was poorly phrased11:43
bytecolorcan I add gvim as an alternative for gnome-text-editor?11:43
pidgasSnD, sorry, bad linky...try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29709211:43
somattkirkunit: now it is there?11:43
somattkirkunit: ok i guess i am dumb11:43
tgm4883does anyone have a guide for NFS on dapper?11:43
coolgeekis any one available to help with an ssh problem11:44
kirkunitsomatt: try typing dvdrip in a terminal11:44
kipp1orbin: i am pretty sure i created a new file11:44
MindOfChaosjrib lol zi must of been completetly blind before. /me smaks his head for being stupid11:44
arnold-0953i need help deleting a partition with gparted (i am getting an error message)11:44
petrikhow can I see what HDC,CDROM,HDA,SDA are all belonging to?11:44
jrib!ask | coolgeek11:44
ubotucoolgeek: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:44
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orbinRavengbc: does lsmod | grep ndiswrapper show it's laoded?  does iwconfig show a wireless interface?11:44
babokevinh90, try vlc with the win codecs dude. There's a multimedia repo here that you should add to your sources.list ...11:44
orbinkipp1: was this terminal work?11:44
vadvadhi! , how can i use nvidia tv out in ubuntu?11:44
Ravengbciwconfig does not.11:44
barbarella_mecoolgeek:that's why you are here11:44
coolgeekim having problems getting ssh running on this machine.  Im new to Ubuntu but having been using fedora11:44
=== pr0t0type [n=midas@p5b156bd6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
coolgeeki dont seem to have ssh installed11:44
phoeni1arnold-0953: try umount -a on a terminal and then try partitioning11:44
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orbinkipp1: maybe look through ~/.bash_history to see what you did11:44
coolgeekbut the closet thing i can find to it is openssh11:44
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kipp1orbin: yeah11:44
jribcoolgeek: ssh isn't installed by default11:44
jrib!ssh > coolgeek (see the private message from ubotu)11:45
doogluscoolgeek: you can run ssh by typing 'ssh' and hitting return, but it works best when you tell it which host to connect to11:45
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phoeni1arnold-0953: on second thought.. what is the error that you get?11:45
vadvadhi! , how can i use nvidia tv out in ubuntu?11:45
jlulian387.04 has caused an #ubuntu spike o_O11:45
kirkunitcoolgeek: sudo aptitude install ssh11:45
magnetroncoolgeek: it is divided to a client package and a server package11:45
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Ravengbcwhen i try to do the ismod command it says that the command cannot be found. any particular place i need to do it at?11:45
coolgeeksorry not sure im being clear, although thanks for your help so far.11:45
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Tr0gd0rok so ath_pci is loaded at startup but i still cant connect wireless11:45
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coolgeekwow its busy in here, can we do this in a private window11:45
Svishbah! im giving up getting the graphics card to work on my laptop..11:45
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orbinRavengbc: please prepend my nick so iyour messages are highlighted for me11:45
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barbarella_mecoolgeek:client or server?11:45
jribcoolgeek: just hilight who you are speaking to11:45
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vadvadhi! , how can i use nvidia tv out in ubuntu?11:46
orbinRavengbc: does lsmod | grep ndiswrapper show it's loaded?11:46
arnold-0953phoeni1: the drive isn't mounted. I am getting: "Partition map has no partition map entry! \n Attempt to read sectors 128-128 outside of partition on /dev/sda"11:46
barbarella_mecoolgeek:apt-get install openssh-server11:46
=== PurpZee [n=me@ool-45752bd0.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!11:46
=== deCon [n=naoise@c-67-182-233-160.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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deConis there any specific reason why changing kernel from 386 to generic hiccup'd my system? I had to restart GNOME twice to get it to seem better on the CPU11:46
barbarella_mecoolgeek:it is not installed in ubuntu by default11:46
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PurpZeeWhat is the best way to set up Ubuntu to share files on a local network?11:46
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RavengbcOrbin ok. but, whenever i do the ismod | grep command it says that ismod: command not found11:46
orbinRavengbc: replace i with a small L :)11:47
colbertJust recently when I start my comp and login, my top panel is fine but my bottom panel and all desktop icons are missing, and right clicking on the desktop does nothing.. if I log out and back into gnome, though, it's fine.. any ideas ????11:47
coolgeekjrib what did u mean by highlight? that didnt seem to work11:47
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jribcoolgeek: I just meant, address the person you are speaking to by prefixing what you say with their name (exactly what you just did).  What didn't work?11:47
rodericPurpZee, you using ubuntu desktop or server?11:47
phoeni1arnold-0953: if your drive doesnt contain any valuable data, you might want to create a partiton table. i emphasis data because if you rewrite a partition table, youl lose all data.. this is also sometimes called a low level format11:47
=== MajorApus [n=tim@majorapus.student.iastate.edu] has joined #ubuntu
vadvadsomeone? : hi! , how can i use nvidia tv out in ubuntu?11:47
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magnetroncoolgeek: include the name of the person you are talking to in your message, please11:47
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MajorApuscan someone help me get my digitla output of my soundcard working?11:48
somattso dvd::rip wants me to use xine or mplayer11:48
jribvadvad: yes, try setting it up by running 'nvidia-settings'11:48
coolgeekjrib sorry now i am getting with this!! I dont really use irc.11:48
=== niekie [n=niekie@cc725705-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
jamisnemoubuntu can not find my sound card when I point it out = back to gentoo I go.11:48
somattso dvd::rip wants me to use xine or mplayer, but i don't have either I have totem11:48
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coolgeekjrib i want to get the server installed11:48
arnold-0953phoeni1: yes, i was planning on just wiping it - there isn't any data I need11:48
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vadvadjrib: how do i get to that?11:48
jamisnemonice distro! it still needs more work though11:48
RavengbcOrbin, i get this: ndiswreapper 194688 0; usbcore 134288 6 ndiswrapper, xpad, usbhid, ehc1_hcd, uhc1_hcd11:48
arnold-0953phoeni1: how can I create / learn how to create a partition table?11:48
coolgeekjrib: in fedora i would have used the rpm command11:48
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Pelosomatt,  just install one or the other, or both11:48
somattdo i have to install xine or can i use totem instead11:48
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somattpelo: do i have to install xine or can i use totem instead11:49
coolgeekjrib: but you cant seem to do that with fedora11:49
magnetroncoolgeek: use synaptic, search for openssh-server package and install it11:49
orbinRavengbc: ok, it's loaded.  have you blacklisted bcm43xx?11:49
jribcoolgeek: if you install "openssh-server" you get the server.  If you install "ssh" you'll get the server and the client.  You should have a private message from ubotu with more info.  I'll send you info on APT as well so you can know how to install things11:49
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jrib!apt > coolgeek (see the private message from ubotu)11:49
RavengbcOrbin no. i take it i need to?11:49
Pelosomatt,  I honestly donT' know , but installing them doesn'T mean you have to remove totem11:49
jribvadvad: you have installed nvidia drivers?11:49
somattpelo: also i can't seem to find xine or mplayer in the add programs, I guess I can search the synaptics11:49
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vadvadjust what is installed here by defult...11:49
Pelosomatt,   in the terminal   sudo apt-get install xine mplayer11:50
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orbinRavengbc: yes, otherwise it's likely to use that over ndiswrapper.  just to confirm, does lsmod | grep bcm43xx return anything?11:50
magnetronsomatt: totem can make use of all the gstreamer plugins11:50
vadvadi wanted to but been told that it will cause problems.11:50
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jribvadvad: if you want to use tv-out I think you need the nvidia drivers11:50
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somattmagnetron: so can i use that with dvd rip instead?11:50
barbarella_mecoolgeek:open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:50
jribvadvad: what problems?11:50
somattmagnetron: how do i point it there?11:50
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RavengbcOrbin yes, it does.11:50
deConi dont get why my computer seems to run so differently at different times11:50
deConunder the same loads11:50
RavengbcOrbin, so how do i go about blacklisting it?11:50
magnetronsomatt: dvdrip? i don't understand11:50
vadvadi don't know. if i knew somthing i wouldn't be here11:50
taigeRi installed Amarok, which also installed a bunch of dependencies. How can I now remove these dependencies and Amarok?11:51
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somattdvdrip is a program which rips dvds apparently using mplayer or xine to view them11:51
orbinRavengbc: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist11:51
jribvadvad: heh, you should be fine installing the nvidia drivers.  The only bad thing is they are not open source11:51
jrib!nvidia > vadvad (see the private message from ubotu)11:51
somattmagnetron: dvdrip is a program which rips dvds apparently using mplayer or xine to view them11:51
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kirkunittaigeR: did you install amarok using aptitude or synaptic?11:51
taigeRkirkunit, synaptic11:51
kipp1orbin: i am pretty sure i created a new file11:51
magnetronsomatt, in what format does it rip it? divx?11:51
orbinRavengbc: then add a 'blacklist bcm43xx' line11:51
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ugaritI'm trying to compile this code http://opensource.gsfc.nasa.gov/projects/GMSEC/GMSEC_OPENSOURCE_RELEASE%5B1%5D.tar.gz and I get the following error:     undefined reference to `__ctype_toupper', which package has that?11:51
somattmagnetron: xvid11:51
phoeni1arnold-0953: i dont know how its done via gparted.. but it think you can do it with fdisk.. bear with me a moment while i google11:52
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somattmagnetron: xvid because divx is proprietary (apparently)11:52
kirkunittaigeR: well just uninstall it in synaptic, and it will remove the dependencies as well.11:52
orbinkipp1: find anything useful in the history?11:52
arnold-0953phoeni1: ok thanks, I am looking too11:52
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Pelougarit,  you get this msg when you run  ./configure ?11:52
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RavengbcOrbin, after that do i need to do a restart?11:52
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coolgeekcould some one also tell me the command to view all init services running?11:52
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coolgeeknot netstat11:52
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kipp1orbin: is there a log of the history?11:52
taigeRkirkunit, does it actually remove the dependencies, because when i select it for uninstall, it only shows Amarok11:52
petrikHow do I find out what my drives are?11:52
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Pelopetrik,  gparted will let you view them easily11:53
coolgeekor or ps -aux11:53
orbinRavengbc: that will prevent it from loading at boot.  you can unload it now and try ndiswrapper again11:53
coolgeekone for the actual services11:53
aska1Can someone help me make my 3ddesktop work? My wobbly windows work..11:53
orbinRavengbc: sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx11:53
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ugaritPelo: there is no configure with this code!11:53
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MajorApuscan someone help me enable digital output on my sound card11:53
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siimohi... im a noob who's been using xfce for a while cause gnome used too much memory .. has this improved in 2.18? how much memory do i need to use it along with other programs11:53
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ugaritPelo: it's when I issue the make command11:53
Pelougarit,  have you ever compiled from source before ?11:53
kirkunittaigeR: right click on Amarok, then mark for complete removal11:54
coolgeekjrib: do you know the command to view all init services running?11:54
RavengbcOrbin, ok. thanks. i just did the -r. do i need to redo anything with ndiswrapper before i restart?11:54
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orbinkipp1: yes, in ~/.bash_history ... didn't you see my last post to you?11:54
Peloaska1,  ask in #ubuntu-effects11:54
ugaritPelo: yes11:54
jribcoolgeek: hmm, i don't know of one11:54
taigeRkirkunit, i did that, it only selects Amarok11:54
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orbinRavengbc: you might not even need to restart, just try reloading ndiswrapper11:54
kajeI just installed ubuntu 7.04 on to a system and it didn't detect the right video card (it's a dual monitor card)... what tool do I run to choose the right video card?11:54
orbinRavengbc: modprobe -r ndiswrapper, then modprobe ndiswrapper11:54
coolgeekjrib: with fedora there is a command "services telnet on/off"11:54
orbinRavengbc: sudo in front of those.11:54
coolgeekjrib: is there no similar command?11:55
Pelougarit,  ok   I can't realy tell what your problem is from here  ,  looking in the tr.gz unpacked folder for a readme or install file11:55
kipp1got it!!!11:55
magnetronsomatt: install package gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg11:55
jribcoolgeek: you can use invoke-rc.d to start and stop them, but no status11:55
kipp1thank you!!11:55
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SurfnKidanyone heard of the package xserver-xorg-video-intel?11:55
orbinkipp1: yw11:55
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deConI have some CPU questions11:55
fnord123hi all. I noticed that sunbird isn't in fawn's package list, like thunderbird and firefox are. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was impending or if there was a better alternative that I can administrate through apt-get/synaptic11:55
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SurfnKidthere's a thread with this on there, but when i try to install it, it doesnt find it11:55
MindOfChaosdeCon like what?11:55
Tr0gd0rwhat does "add non-free to your repository" mean?11:55
magnetronand this one: ubuntu-restricted-extras11:55
magnetronsomatt, and this one: ubuntu-restricted-extras11:55
jribcoolgeek: sudo invoke-rc.d ssh start  is the same as: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start11:55
ugaritPelo: thanks11:55
taigeRkirkunit, actually it only selects amarok-xine11:55
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deConMindOfChaos, like i just switched to generic kernel from the 386 in feisty, it now recognizes both of my CPUs from my amd dual-core, but it seems to run slower11:56
RavengbcOrbin, thanks. i'll play around with it some more. but i gotta go for now.11:56
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PeloTr0gd0r,  means that the package you are trying to install or the repos are for packages that are not open-source11:56
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coolgeekjrib: sorry to ask so many questions but im a little confused is synaptic the same as apt11:56
deConMindOfChaos, furthermore, things are spiking my cpu usage quite often.11:56
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dreamcastjackdoes Linux have any problems using SATA drives.11:56
phoeni1arnold-0953: see it that helps. its step by step.. unfortunately this is fdisk based.  i used to do the same thing with qt parted.. via system rescue cd all the time..11:56
deConMindOfChaos, and it seems slower.11:57
jribcoolgeek: yep, synaptic is just a gui frontend for apt11:57
Tr0gd0rwhat is a non-free repo i can add?11:57
petrikLet me rephrase.. How can I found out what my CD/DVD drives are?11:57
MindOfChaosI do not have this problem11:57
eckdreamcastjack: linuxhas full sata support11:57
Pelodreamcastjack,  I don'T have any problems and I have a sata drive11:57
coolgeekjrib: but the apt command doesnt work11:57
jribcoolgeek: what apt command did you try?11:57
phoeni1arnold-0953: http://www.ehow.com/how_1000631_hard-drive-linux.html11:57
dreamcastjackokay thanks guys, thats what I needed to know.11:57
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deConMindOfChaos, also, i restarted once and restarted GNOME, and it kind of got better, but still crap. The widgets sketched out upon second boot up, so i restarted. ..and i'm using beryl11:57
coolgeeksudo apt install ssh-server11:57
mad_goldfishgah. Remind me not to upgrade again without getting a new network device :-( The belkin usb wlan I've got is rather problematic :-( Is there any way to ensure future upgrades don't break the driver?11:57
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fsdfsdffgdhuu! anyone knows how i can see the running processes? like alt&strg&del in windows? :O11:57
dreamcastjackbuilding a New PC and want to use SATA drive instead of EIDE11:57
MindOfChaos7.04 reconises both my cores out of the box11:57
arnold-0953phoeni1: thanks11:57
coolgeekjrib: sudo apt install ssh-server11:58
dreamcastjackSATA much faster?11:58
taigeRHow to completely remove a program with it's dependencies?11:58
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barbarella_medeCon:run the 64 bits version of ubuntu.11:58
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magnetroncoolgeek: sudo apt-get install openssh-server11:58
jribcoolgeek: sudo apt-get install ssh11:58
eckfsdfsdffgd: system > administration > system monitor11:58
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deConbarbarella_me, i've heard thats all kinds of buggy and no use without the software11:58
fsdfsdffgdthanks !11:58
coolgeekjrib: its the server i want11:58
SJrXIs there a way to configure apt to download packages concurrently. It only seems to be downloading them one by one.11:58
jribcoolgeek: ssh depends on the server and the client11:58
topgun553Would anyone be interested in reading my paper comaring the xbox 360/ps3/nintendo wii and give me suggestions???11:58
jribcoolgeek: either command (mine or magnetron ) will get you what you want11:58
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coolgeekjrib: so if i have the client installed i have the server installed? no !11:59
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JD|workhow do I set the time in Ubuntu?11:59
barbarella_medeCon:not so buggy what you have now11:59
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Panzer_SJrX: is there a apt-get conf file?11:59
JD|workit's a couple minutes off11:59
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JD|workoh, nm11:59
chairmeleonhey :)11:59
JD|workgot it11:59
velkotaigeR, if you have installed this program with aptitude (instead of apt-get or synaptic) the dependencies will be removed automatically. if you have installed the program with some of these tools you have to remove them by yourself11:59
SJrXI assume so Panzer_11:59
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!11:59
jribcoolgeek: the "ssh" package just depends on both openssh-client and openssh-server so you get both11:59
konradHi, I have a problem with nvidia driver, the simply doen't work11:59
=== komik [n=tesla@pool-72-89-245-132.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== pr0t0type [n=midas@p5b156bd6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
chairmeleondoes anyone know if Intel Wireless/PRO 2200BG should work out of the box?11:59
kevinh90konrad, you may have to alter you xorg.conf12:00
eckchairmeleon: it does12:00
deConbarbarella_me, i have feisty under generic currently, but just used this hoping it is better for my dual core12:00
eckor ought to rather12:00
=== eXistenz [n=pectic@bzq-82-81-233-25.cablep.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
coolgeekjrib: can you give me the command again please12:00
orbintopgun553: #ubuntu-offtopic may get you someone12:00
variantcoolgeek: yes, out of the box12:00
jribcoolgeek: sudo apt-get install ssh12:00
chairmeleoneck: strangely enough, it won't detect my wireless12:00
aska1My 3ddesktop is much slower in defaultcompiz than it was in edgy with beryl..why?12:00
magnetron!doesn't work | konrad12:00
taigeRvelko, what's aptitude?12:00
ubotukonrad: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.12:00
deConit doesn't show any reason to be using the CPU amounts that it is....WHY?12:00
=== leonel [n=leonel@] has joined #ubuntu
=== mEck0 [n=mEck0@h63n13c1o1039.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
eckchairmeleon: check thatyou have the driver loaded (lsmod | grewp ipw)12:00
velkotaigeR, if you don't know which packages constitute the dependencies you can look them up with "apt-cache show PKGNAME | grep depends"12:00
=== Scunizi [n=Scunizi@ip72-197-238-223.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
topgun553orbin, thanks for the advice... you wouldn't happen to know why I can't see the userlist on the right of xchat would you?12:01
konradkevinh90: I know what to do, but logs says that "Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module!12:01
tbussI've setup proftpd using the following: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=429783#post429783530 When I set the user account and password with system->administration->user and groups. it doesn't seem to keep the password? If I go back to check the password, the entry s different than what I entered12:01
chairmeleoneck: right, brb12:01
konradmagnetron: be cool, I just started ;P12:01
coolgeekjrib: ok i will try and be back! thanks for your help guys! !12:01

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